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The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) urges the American, British, Australian, Canadian, Swiss and some  European Union and Arab League governments to lift the unjust, immoral sanctions against Syria in order to lessen the immense sufferings of the people caused by the massive earthquake of 6th February 2023.

A number of local groups including the Syrian Red Crescent Society have already made this call. Among individuals and groups at the international level who also want sanctions lifted is Helga Zepp LaRouche of the Schiller Institute. It is reported that the US and EU have suspended temporarily their sanctions. But this is not enough because it means that they can be re-imposed at any time. If sanctions have to be terminated once and for all, it is because there were no justifications for them in the first instance.

The US began targeting Syria in 1979 by placing it on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. This was largely because of the support that then Syrian president Hafez Azad gave Palestinian, Syrian and other Arab freedom fighters seeking to liberate Palestine, Syria’s Golan Heights and other Arab territories from Israeli occupation. It is an indication of the degree of influence that Israel and Zionism exercise over US foreign policy in West Asia and North Africa (WANA). Between March and August 2004, sanctions were intensified as a result of new allegations of Syrian interference in Iraq and Lebanon which impacted upon Israel. By this time, the Syrian government’s relationship with Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon and its close fraternal ties with Iran were at the core of US animosity towards the resolutely independent minded nation. Needless to say, Israeli interests were prominent in all these US stances.

However, it was only after 2011, camouflaged by the so-called Arab Spring, that organised, aggressive US led attempts to overthrow the Syrian government of Bashar Azad, supported by some of its European allies and WANA friends, gave birth to a whole range of new sanctions from travel bans and asset freezes to prohibitions on exports and restrictions upon the oil sector. The EU also joined the US in embargoing the oil sector. 20% of Syria’s GDP came from oil. It has been estimated that the country has lost 107 billion US dollars from its oil and gas earnings since 2011.

Some Arab League states also froze Syrian government assets as did Turkiye in 2011. But none of these actions had as severe an impact upon the Syrian economy and State as the capture of territories containing oil and producing wheat and cotton by rebel groups linked to governments, ethnic movements or terrorist outfits in the region. These groups collectively known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are led by Kurds with longstanding grievances against both the Syrian and Turkish governments and are supported by the US. They occupy parts of North West Syria badly affected by the earthquake.

It is this fractured and fragmented country that Bashar Azad presides over. It is a country in which 15.3 million people out of a population of 21.3 million are in need of humanitarian aid. Bashar’s power and authority have been further weakened as we have seen by loss of control over vital resources and by crippling sanctions.  It is understandable why his government was not able to respond quickly and effectively to the earthquake catastrophe which as of 11th February has killed at least 3,500 people. It is of course much smaller than the more than 22,300 children, women and men who have perished in neighbouring Turkiye.

Nonetheless, the Syrian tragedy demands a response that goes beyond rescue and recovery operations. It is a colossal tragedy complicated by sanctions which impede not only on-going operations such as the flow of basic necessities and the arrival of much needed personnel but also hinder medium and long-term relief and rehabilitation work. This is why sanctions have to be lifted immediately. This is why both peoples and governments everywhere should make this their priority plea.

The conflicts between competing groups the majority of which are armed should also be brought to an end as soon as possible. It is not going to be easy. One hopes that this mammoth catastrophe will persuade some of the principal actors in these conflicts to reflect deeply on what has happened — the unfathomable suffering of millions of human beings on both sides of the Turkiye-Syria border. If their suffering is to have any meaning at all, let it herald the end of conflicts and killings along the border and in other parts of Syria. In this regard, it is encouraging that the United Nations has appealed to all warring parties to observe a ceasefire with immediate effect to enable humanitarian assistance to be channelled to the victims of the earthquake.

There is another glimmer of hope. Even before the earthquake, on the 5thof January 2023, the president of Turkiye, Recep Erdogan indicated that he wants to meet up with the Syrian president, Bashar Azad, to discuss and resolve their differences. Let us hope and pray that both men will work towards such a meeting — a meeting which will result in a mutually acceptable solution to their problems. If the two leaders who enjoyed a close friendship some time ago make peace with one another, there is a strong possibility that Turkiye and Syria will be able to come together on a firm footing and most of the other protagonists will also be able to bury the hatchet.

If that happens, the deaths of thousands — especially little children — in one of the greatest tragedies in recent times would not have been in vain.


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Dr Chandra Muzaffar is the president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST). He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: The earthquake destroyed buildings in the town of Jandaris, near Afrin, Syria.Credit: Rami al-Sayed/AFP/Getty

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On Saturday, President Biden sent a USG fighter aircraft to shoot down… something over the Yukon in Canada.

This is the third such alleged shootdown. The second one is said to have occurred on Friday over Alaska, according to the stenographic media. It “reports” what the government wants you to know—and in the case of the attack of the weather balloons, they want you to know virtually nothing—except it is the sinister behavior of those darn spy-obsessed commies in China.

The “object” over the Yukon was “cylindrical” and “smaller than the suspected Chinese balloon shot down last weekend, Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand said on Saturday evening,” CNN relayed from the government.

The object shot down Saturday marks the third time in one week that US aircraft have shot down an object in North American airspace. Saturday’s incident follows the downing of another unidentified object on Friday over Alaska, and the shoot-down of a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon on February 4 by a US F-22 fighter jet.

Forget the adjective “suspected” prior to “Chinese surveillance balloon.” The state demands you to believe “communist” China is spying on America, and now Canada. The government has produced zero evidence the original balloon was indeed a surveillance thingamajig.

Of course, you’re expected to take whatever the state tells you at face value. Questions are not allowed, as the corporate media on occasion needs to be reminded. Even NPR makes a mistake on occasion.

Aboard Air Force One, NPR White House Correspondent Ayesha Rascoe asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki for evidence of the US’s claim that Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, an ISIS leader killed along with numerous civilians (including children) during a US raid, had detonated a suicide bomb. Far from providing evidence, Psaki expressed surprise that anyone could doubt the US military’s claims when it came to civilian casualties. She went a step further and accused such people of believing ISIS over the US military. (Emphasis added.)

Ned Price, the official storyteller for the State Department, did likewise, essentially accusing Matt Lee of the AP of being a Russian dupe-bot.

“If you doubt the credibility of the U.S. government, of the British government, of other governments and want to, you know, find solace in information that the Russians are putting out, that is for you to do,” Price berated the out of line stenographer.

Prior to dodging rare questions of substance, Price worked as a CIA “analyst.” He was taught by the best at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

It’s odd, the amnesia of Americans. It is possible, however, a few Americans remember the particularly deadly lie told by Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Gulf of Tonkin “incident” slash fairy tale of treacherous N. Vietnam commies attacking the “reconnaissance” destroyer Maddox, thus initiating a war in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia). More than three million people were killed.

Or, more recently, the lies of George W. Bush and his perfidious neocons. It was said repeatedly Saddam Hussein (former CIA operative) had WMDs ready to attack innocent American children while they slept. Later, when the lies were exposed, Bush turned it into a comedy routine. No WMDs here… just a million and a half dead people.

Maybe a couple of people remember when Bush triumphantly announced the USG death machine had wiped out the Taliban (formerly on the CIA payroll). It was another bald-faced lie told by a pathological liar.

P.S., the Taliban won. The war will cost us—or, rather, our descendants—$2.261 trillion. Forbes put the cost at $300 million a day for 20 years.

Now they’re telling big whoppers about Ukraine, a democracy with neo-nazis. It’s a textbook example of Orwellian Doublethink.

Anyway, back to the invasion of commie balloons. I’m not sure the state will ever provide evidence demonstrating the origin and purpose of these balloons and the “cylindrical” unidentified object supposedly shot down over the Yukon, the last with the blessing of the liberal authoritarian leader of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

Americans will be on the hook, as usual. The USG F-22 Raptor’s AIM 9X Sidewinder missile supposedly shot at the “object,” which we are told was the size of a “small car,” cost $472,000.

The stockholders at Raytheon benefit greatly from these psychological ops.

Meanwhile, as intended, we are kept in the dark, and given zero evidence proving this “surveillance” thing even existed. Americans, who are forced to pay for this nonsense, are commie Chinese bots, dupes, and disinfo zombies if they dare ask for more details.

It’s a CCP surveillance thing. How dare you ask questions.

Maybe we’ll get additional UFO reports this week, more half-million dollar shoot downs (minus the cost of operating F-22s), and additional heaps of engineered paranoia as the state builds its case to confront its major competitors, China and Russia.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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US Congress Opposed Nord Stream 2, in Favor of LNG

February 13th, 2023 by Renee Parsons

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There is little doubt that the war in Ukraine has always been about decimation of Russia’s energy, financial and military resources; especially as the September 26, 2022 attack on Nord Stream 2 (NS) pipeline confirmed any lingering doubt. Just as there is no serious refutation of the validity of Sy Hersh’s How America took out the Nord Stream Pipeline identifying the US  role in what amounted to a military attack on another country’s infrastructure with termination of the NS 2. Hersh’s reputation is as sterling as they come.  

Even beyond the unassailable original qui bono, the US has been easily viewed as culpable and Hersh has provided the necessary details although the Russians are inclined to refer to the “Anglo-Saxon” world. The Administration’s denial  of “false and complete fiction” focuses on four of its least trusted Administration figures as major accomplices: the senile, imposter President Joe Biden, incompetent Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the depraved Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland with a long history of loathing Russia and Biden’s political adolescent Foreign Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan. They are all consistent in their excessive hostility to Russia and its Nord Stream pipelines as a perceived threat to ‘national security.’

Keeping in mind that ‘sanctions’ are used to punish Russia for daring to have abundant natural energy resources and to construct the NS pipelines which provide reliable and relatively cheap energy to its customers, the ‘national security’ in question requires the substitution of US produced LNG.

Here is the ‘rest of the story” which may provide essential background that fits with Hersh’s narrative.

Buried within Title LXXV of the National Defense Authorization Act (fy 2020) was HR 3206 Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act of 2019 (PEESA).  The $738 Billion appropriation was signed by President Donald Trump on December 20, 2019; thereby enacting the NDAA’s contents as authorizing appropriations and establishing federal policy.

Specifically, a summary of the NDAA identifies LNG as a rationale to extinguish the $11 Billion, 760 mile Nord Stream 2 pipeline:

“European businesses involved in Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia to European Union have been sanctioned by the United States, which has been seeking to sell more of its own liquefied natural gas (LNG) to European states,[3] with the enactment of the NDAA 2020.  German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz called the sanctions “a severe intervention in German and European internal affairs.. and an EU spokesman criticized “the imposition of sanctions against EU companies conducting legitimate business.”

On December 11, 2019, the NDAA was adopted in the House on a 377-48 vote with six Republican House Members voting Nay (Reps. Buck (Colo), Gohmert (Texas), Griffith (Va.), Massie (Ky.), McClintock (Calif)  and Rice (SC).   On December 20, 2019 on an 86 – 8 vote in the Senate, four Republican Senators voted Nay (Sens. Paul (SC), Lee (Utah), Braun (ND) and Enzi (Wyo.).

After adoption of the NDAA,  the EU formally opposed targeting sanctions against the pipeline citing EU’s energy sovereignty to conduct its own legitimate business as well as a violation of international law.  It is  noteworthy that the US Treasury Department has the most sanctions (38)  applied in the world which accounts for the level of honor, prestige and respect in which the US is held.

As described in the State Department’s December 27, 2019  “Fact Sheet on US Opposition to Nord Stream 2”:

“Related parties must ensure that vessels involved in Nord Stream 2 “immediately cease construction-related activity” in a “good-faith wind-down,” as indicated by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).  That includes “involved parties that have knowingly sold, leased, or provided vessels that are engaged in pipe laying at depths of 100 feet or more below sea level for the construction of Nord Stream 2.”  Parties that do not comply will face sanctions as described in PEESA.”

As if that were not specific enough, the Fact Sheet adds that

“Nord Stream 2 is a tool Russia is using to support its continued aggression against Ukraine” that would “bypass Ukraine for gas transit to Europe, which would deprive Ukraine of substantial transit revenues” providing the flawed justification that “ the availability of U.S. LNG saved European consumers $8 billion by enabling them to negotiate lower prices with existing suppliers.” The piece de resistance includes  “The United States’ intention is to stop construction of Nord Stream 2.”

In addition, the PEESA (Section 7503, as amended) provides the US with

“authority to advance U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives, …to address Russian pipeline projects that create risks to U.S. national security, threaten Europe’s energy security, and consequently, endanger Europe’s political and economic welfare” as it  “calls on Russia to cease using its energy resources for coercive purposes.  Russia uses its energy export pipelines to create national and regional dependencies on Russian energy supplies .. and undermine U.S. national security and foreign policy interests.”

The fact that the US disinformation campaign could be so far removed from the real world, touting that NS 2 would  ‘threaten Europe’s’ energy security” and ‘endanger Europe’s political and economic welfare” as a precursor of current circumstances rather than provide a reasonably cheap and reliable source of fuel is less an error in judgement than it was Administration’s misplaced  bombast.

PEESA then directs the Secretary of State to work with the Treasury Department to establish necessary sanctions  “imposed on those foreign persons..” as well as “consultation with the  governments of Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and member countries of the EU before imposing any sanctions.”  It might be noted that Germany was not specifically identified.

Meanwhile, soon after assuming the Presidency and in a surprise move, Biden waived sanctions against Nord Stream that “would negatively impact U.S. relations with Germany, the EU and other European allies and partners” while Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated that he was  “determined to do whatever we can to prevent NS 2 completion.”   By January, 2021, Angela Merkel continued to support the NS 2 despite US opposition.

In response to Biden’s waiver, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was chief sponsor of S.3897, Protecting Europe Energy Clarification Act which would expand sanctions on the NS 2 project and those engaged in its construction.  In commenting with Nuland at a Foreign Relations Committee meeting:

“My understanding is the State Department recommended that sanctions be imposed to try to stop the pipeline, and that the Biden White House overrode that recommendation” and in an grotesque expression of Russian antipathy, Cruz continued

“…in my view a complete and total capitulation by President Biden to Putin. He has given Putin everything he wants. He has surrendered on the pipeline – the pipeline that we had stopped. That we had successfully stopped, until Biden surrendered. I believe this is a generational, geopolitical mistake, that will be reaping billions of dollars of benefits annually from Joe Biden’s mistake and will be using that pipeline to exert economic blackmail on Europe decades from now.”

Commenting on Senate Foreign Affairs Committee’s unanimous approval of sanctions in April, 2021, Sen. Cruz suggested

“Today, a unified, bipartisan, unmistakable message to all companies involved in Nord Stream 2: the United States knows who you are, and if you don’t get out immediately you will be sanctioned. After the Committee’s actions today, no one should be under any illusions what will happen next to any entity that fails to heed this warning” and that

“Ambassador Nuland has committed publicly and privately in conversations with me to using every tool available, including Congressionally-mandated sanctions, to stop Nord Stream 2.”

On January 13, 2022, with the Biden White House still in opposition to sanctions, the Senate approved Cruz’s bill 55-44to apply immediate sanctions on the NS 2 pipeline.  The only Republican voting Nay was Sen. Rand Paul (SC) with Democratic opposition explained as supportive of Biden’s engagement with Russia over the Ukraine conflict rather than outright support for sanctions.

By September, 26, 2022, NS 2 was effectively bombed by unknown entity who had the technical skill and operational know-how to commit such a complex deconstruction maneuver.  At the same time, it would be foolish to believe that Russia has been in the dark since September with no skilled expert or technical capability of its own to identify the who did what and when.  Despite German and other European opposition to the sanctions in favor of NS 2, Euro vassals folded like a tent and acquiesced when Russia conducted its Special Military Operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 as their worst economic and energy fears have come to fruition.

In other words, the US Congress (with few exceptions of integrity) has been known for its irrational and mindless antagonism against Russia witness their multiple standing ovations in its hallowed halls on behalf of the despotic porn king of Ukraine.  While it is rumored that negotiations are currently occurring, it remains unclear whether  Russia’s response will be comparable to what is internationally recognized as an Act of War  which raises the question whether there is any recollection of Russia’s repeated promises to retaliate directly against any foreign power providing Ukraine with weapons of mass destruction?


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Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC.

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Nord Stream: What Hersh Got Wrong

February 13th, 2023 by Mike Whitney

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There’s something not-quite-right about Sy Hersh’s report on the destruction of Nord Stream 2. There is a number of inconsistencies in the piece that lead me to believe that Hersh was less interested in presenting ‘the unvarnished truth’ than relaying a version of events that advance a particular agenda.

That is not to say that I don’t appreciate what the author has done. I do. In fact, I think it would be impossible to overstate the significance of a report that positively identifies the perpetrators of what-appears-to-be the biggest act of industrial terrorism in history. Hersh’s article has the potential to greatly undermine the credibility of the people in power and, by doing so, bring the war to a swift end. It is an incredible achievement that we should all applaud. Here’s a brief recap by political analyst Andre Damon:

On Wednesday, journalist Seymour Hersh revealed that the United States Navy, at the direction of President Joe Biden, was responsible for the September 26, 2022 attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas between Russia and Germany.

This article, which has been met with total silence in the major US publications, has blown apart the entire narrative of US involvement in the war as a response to “unprovoked Russian aggression.” It lifts the lid on far-reaching plans to use the escalating conflict with Russia to solidify US economic and military domination over Europe.

Hersh revealed that: The operation was ordered by US President Joe Biden and planned by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.” (“Seymour Hersh’s exposure of the Nord Stream bombing: A lesson and a warning”, Andre Damon, World Socialist Web Site)

This short excerpt summarizes the primary claim that is the focal point of the entire article and—in my opinion—the claim is well researched, impartially presented and extremely persuasive. But there are other parts of the article that are not nearly as convincing and will undoubtedly leave alot of fairly well-informed readers scratching their heads. For example, here’s Hersh discussing the timeline for the Nord Stream operation:

“Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to best achieve that goal. For much of that time, the issue was not whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible.” (“How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline”, Seymour Hersh, Substack)

“Nine months”?

The war broke out on February 24. The pipeline was blown up on September 26. That’s seven months. So, if there were “more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to” “sabotage the pipelines” then we must assume the scheming preceeded the war. This is a crucial point, and yet Hersh skims over it like it’s ‘no big deal’. But it is a big deal because—as Andre Damon points out—it “blows apart the entire narrative of US involvement in the war as a response to “unprovoked Russian aggression.” In other words, it proves that the United States was planning to engage in acts of war against Russia regardless of developments in Ukraine. It also suggests that the Russian invasion was merely a cover for Washington to execute a plan that it had mapped out years earlier.

Later in the article, Hersh makes the same claim again without emphasizing its underlying significance. He says: “The Biden Administration was doing everything possible to avoid leaks as the planning took place late in 2021 and into the first months of 2022.”

The truth—as journalist John Helmer states in a recent article—is far different than Hersh describes. Here’s Helmer to explain:

From the full text of the Hersh report, it appears that neither the source nor Hersh has “direct knowledge” of the history of US-led operations to sabotage and destroy the pipelines which became public more than a year before; they directly involved the Polish government and the Danish government. In fact, by error of omission Hersh and his man are ignorant of those operations and of that history.” (“WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE HERSH REPORT ON THE NORD STREAM ATTACKS“, John Helmer, Dances With Bears)

US opposition to Nord Stream is not a recent development; it has a long history dating back to the very beginning of the project in 2011. Even back then, an article appeared in the German magazine Spiegel claiming that ” The project is aimed at ensuring the long-term security of Europe’s energy supplies, but it remains controversial”


Why was Nord Stream considered controversial? What is controversial about sovereign nations strengthening economic ties with other countries in order to ensure they have enough cheap energy to fuel their factories and heat their homes?

This question really cuts to the heart of the matter, and yet, Hersh eschews it altogether. Why? Here’s more from Hersh:

President Biden and his foreign policy team—National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Tony Blinken, and Victoria Nuland, the Undersecretary of State for Policy—had been vocal and consistent in their hostility to the two pipelines… From its earliest days, Nord Stream 1 was seen by Washington and its anti-Russian NATO partners as a threat to western dominance...

America’s political fears were real: Putin would now have an additional and much-needed major source of income, and Germany and the rest of Western Europe would become addicted to low-cost natural gas supplied by Russia—while diminishing European reliance on America.” (“How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline”, Seymour Hersh, Substack)

Why is Hersh defending the imperial mindset that economic transactions between foreign nations must somehow benefit the United States or be regarded as a national security threat? That is not the role of an impartial journalist gathering information for his readers? That is the role of a propagandist.

Yes, it is true, that Putin would have “an additional and much-needed major source of income”, because that is how the free market works: You sell your gas and you get paid. End of story. There is nothing criminal or sinister about this, and it certainly does not provide a justification for acts of terrorism.

And following this shocking statement, Hersh follows with his other concern that “Germany and the rest of Western Europe would become addicted to low-cost natural gas supplied by Russia.”

Why does Hersh invoke this tedious “addiction” meme that is repeated ad nauseam by the political activists in the mainstream media? And what does it actually mean?

The simple fact is, that Germany was getting cheap gas from Russia which increased its competitiveness, profitability and economic prosperity. How is that a bad thing? How can access to cheap fuel be characterized as an “addiction”? If you were able to fill your gas-tank for 1 dollar per gallon, would you refuse on the basis that you might become addicted?

Of course, not. You’d be grateful that you could buy it that cheap. So, why is Hersh pushing this nonsense and why does he double-down shortly afterwards when he says:

“Nord Stream 1 was dangerous enough, in the view of NATO and Washington, but Nord Stream 2, (would) double the amount of cheap gas that would be available to Germany and Western Europe.”

Horrors! Imagine the free market actually working as it was designed to work; lifting people from poverty and spreading prosperity across national borders. Can you see how narrowly imperialistic this is?

Germany needs Russia’s cheap gas. It’s good for its industry, good for working people, and good for economic growth. And, yes, it is good for Russia, too. The only one it’s not good for is United States whose power is undermined by the German-Russian partnership. Can you see that?

And, by the way, there has never been an incident in which Putin has used Russian gas or oil for the purpose of blackmail, coercion or extortion. Never. That is a myth concocted by Washington spinmeisters who want to throw a wrench in German-Russo relations. But there’s not a word of truth to any of it. Here’s more from Hersh:

Opposition to Nord Stream 2 flared on the eve of the Biden inauguration in January 2021, when Senate Republicans… repeatedly raised the political threat of cheap Russian natural gas during the confirmation hearing of Blinken as Secretary of State….

Would Biden stand up to the Germans? Blinken said yes…. “I know his strong conviction that this is a bad idea, the Nord Stream 2,” he said. “I know that he would have us use every persuasive tool that we have to convince our friends and partners, including Germany, not to move forward with it.”

A few months later, as the construction of the second pipeline neared completion, Biden blinked. That May, in a stunning turnaround, the administration waived sanctions against Nord Stream AG, with a State Department official conceding that trying to stop the pipeline through sanctions and diplomacy had “always been a long shot.” Behind the scenes, administration officials reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, by then facing a threat of Russian invasion, not to criticize the move.

There were immediate consequences. Senate Republicans, led by Cruz, announced an immediate blockade of all of Biden’s foreign policy nominees and delayed passage of the annual defense bill for months, deep into the fall. Politico later depicted Biden’s turnabout on the second Russian pipeline as “the one decision, arguably more than the chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan, that has imperiled Biden’s agenda.” (“How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline”, Seymour Hersh, Substack)

This is interesting. We already know that Biden and his lieutenants were resolutely committed to terminating Nord Stream regardless of the risks. So, why did Biden decide to do an about-face and lift sanctions, even while his team was putting the final touches on the plan to blow up the pipeline?


Are we supposed to believe that Joe Biden suddenly changed his mind and decided to pursue a less dangerous and felonious strategy?

No, as Hersh points out, the decision to blow up the pipeline had already been made, which means the administration was merely looking for a way to hide their tracks. In other words, they were already working on a legal defense of “plausible deniability” which was reinforced by the lifting of sanctions. That was the real objective, to create as much distance between themselves and the terrorist act they had already approved and were about to launch. Here’s more from Hersh:

The administration was floundering, despite getting a reprieve on the crisis in mid-November, when Germany’s energy regulators suspended approval of the second Nord Stream pipeline. Natural gas prices surged 8% within days, amid growing fears in Germany and Europe that the pipeline suspension and the growing possibility of a war between Russia and Ukraine would lead to a very much unwanted cold winter. It was not clear to Washington just where Olaf Scholz, Germany’s newly appointed chancellor, stood. Months earlier, after the fall of Afghanistan, Scholtz had publicly endorsed French President Emmanuel Macron’s call for a more autonomous European foreign policy in a speech in Prague—clearly suggesting less reliance on Washington and its mercurial actions.” (“How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline”, Seymour Hersh, Substack)

This is pure fiction. Of course, Scholz paid lip service to a more “autonomous European foreign policy”. What would you expect him to say to a domestic audience? And, does Hersh honestly believe that Scholz has not been in Washington’s back-pocket from the very beginning? Does he think that Scholz based his decision on Putin’s invasion and not on agreements he had made with Washington before the war had even begun?

Keep in mind, the United States has been arming, training and providing logistical support for Ukrainian forces in the east for the last 8 years, the purpose of which was to prepare for a war with Russia.

Does anyone deny that?

No, no one denies that.

Was Scholz aware of this?

Of course, he was aware of it. Every leader in Europe knew what was going on. There were even articles in the mainstream news that explained in minute detail what the United States was up-to. It was not a secret.

And this is just one inconsistency, after all, didn’t former Chancellor Angela Merkel openly admit (in an interview with a German magazine) that Germany deliberately shrugged off its obligations under the Minsk treaty in order to buy time so the Ukrainian army could get stronger so they’d be better prepared to fight the Russian invasion.

Yes, she did! So, we can be 100% certain that Scholz knew what the overall game-plan was. The plan was to lure Russia into a war in Ukraine and then claim “Unprovked aggression”. Scholz knew it, Hollande knew it, Zelensky knew it, Boris Johnson knew it, Petro Poroshenko knew it and Biden knew it. They all knew it.

Even so, Hersh wants us to believe that Scholz knew nothing about these elaborate and costly plans, but simply made his decisions as developments took place in real time. That is not true. That is not what happened and, I would argue, that Hersh knows that is not what happened.

But the biggest failing of the Hersh piece is the complete omission of the geopolitical context in which this act of terrorism took place. The US doesn’t go around the world blowing up critical energy infrastructure for nothing. No. The reason Washington embarked on this risky gambit was because it is facing an existential crisis that can only be resolved by crushing those emerging centers of power that threaten America’s dominant position in the global order. That’s what’s going on below the surface; the US is trying to roll back the clock to the glorious 1990’s after the Soviet empire had collapsed and the world was Washington’s oyster. But those days are gone forever and US power is irreversibly eroding due to its basic lack of competitiveness. If the US was still the industrial powerhouse it was following WW2—when the rest of the world was in ruins—then there would be no need to blow up pipelines to prevent European-Russian economic integration and the emergence of a massive free trade zone spanning the area from Lisbon to Vladivostok . But the fact is, the US is not as essential to global growth as it once was and, besides, other nations want to be free to pursue their own growth model. They want to implement the changes that best fit their own culture, their own religion and their own traditions. They don’t want to be told what to do. But Washington doesn’t want change. Washington wants to preserve the system bestows the greatest amount of power and wealth on itself. Hersh does not simply ignore the geopolitical factors that led to the sabotage, he proactively creates a smokescreen with his misleading explanations. Check it out:

“As long as Europe remained dependent on the pipelines for cheap natural gas, Washington was afraid that countries like Germany would be reluctant to supply Ukraine with the money and weapons it needed to defeat Russia. It was at this unsettled moment that Biden authorized Jake Sullivan to bring together an interagency group to come up with a plan.”

More baloney. Washington doesn’t care about Germany’s pathetic contribution to the war effort. What Washington cares about is power; pure, unalloyed power. And Washington’s global power was being directly challenged by European-Russian economic integration and the creation of a giant economic commons beyond its control. And the Nord Stream pipeline was at the very heart of this new bustling phenom. It was the main artery connecting the raw materials and labor of the east with the technology and industry of the west. It was a marriage of mutual interests that Washington had to destroy to maintain its grip on regional power.

Think about it: This new economic commons, (“Greater Europe”) would eventually ease trade and travel restrictions, allow the free flow of capital and labor between countries, and harmonize regulations in a way that would build trust and strengthen diplomatic ties. Here’s more from an earlier piece that sums it up:

In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for US military bases, no need for expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, and no need for NATO. There’s also no need to transact energy deals in US Dollars or to stockpile US Treasuries to balance accounts. Transactions between business partners can be conducted in their own currencies which is bound to precipitate a sharp decline in the value of the dollar and a dramatic shift in economic power. This is why the Biden administration opposes Nord Stream. It’s not just a pipeline, it’s a window into the future; a future in which Europe and Asia are drawn closer together into a massive free trade zone that increases their mutual power and prosperity while leaving the US on the outside looking in.” (“The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany“, Unz Review)

It is the responsibility of a journalist to provide the context that is needed for the reader to understand the topic of discussion. Hersh doesn’t do that, which leads me to believe that John Helmer is right when he says:

This is an indictment of the Biden pipeline plot, not of the US war plan.” (“What’s Wrong with the Hersh Report”, John Helmer, Dances With Bears)


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

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In this episode, we report on the hearings that took place all day today in the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, as three former senior Twitter executives and one low-level pro-censorship “whistleblower” answered questions for more than 8 hours on how that company decided what to censor, whether parts of the government attempted to influence those decisions and whether they succeeded, and why Twitter specifically decided to brute-censor reporting from the New York Post on Joe Biden’s business activities in Ukraine and China – and then proceeded to lock the nation’s oldest newspaper out of its Twitter account for more than two weeks right as the 2020 presidential election was approaching.

We’ve covered that censorship decision multiple times on this show because, in our view, that specific act constitutes one of the gravest attempts yet to weaponize censorship to interfere in our presidential elections in decades, if not ever. We’ll show you some of the key exchanges from today’s hearing, what we learned and what it all means moving forward.

Also: the nation’s most popular podcast host, the comedian Joe Rogan, is the target of widespread denunciations this week from many on the right and the left due to a joke he told on this program that his critics believe expressed vicious antisemitism, notably very notably, the anti-Rogan denunciations are being led by many people who have built their careers on opposing cancel culture and woke mobs and who, they say, –and we agree – often have hair-trigger sensitivities to lurking bigotry. We’ll examine this illuminating controversy and ask whether consistent standards are being applied in general and to Rogan specifically.

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update starting right now.


The House Committee on Oversight and Reform spent the day today grilling four former Twitter employees about the company’s censorship policies and especially how those policies were applied in the weeks leading up to the 2020 presidential election. For more than 8 hours today, both Republican and Democratic members of that committee posed questions to former chief legal counsel of Twitter Vijaya Godi; former Twitter deputy counsel James Baker, who before that notably worked as the FBI’s chief lawyer; Twitter’s former head of Trust and Safety, Yoel Roth, a cultural leftist caricature very familiar to viewers of this program, primarily for his starring role in the Twitter Files reporting, and former Twitter employee Anika Collier Navaroli, whom Democrats were quite amusingly trying to herald as some sort of courageous whistleblower for criticisms of Twitter that perfectly aligned with the standard left-liberal desire for greater Big Tech censorship. In other words, she was there, this brave whistleblower, to keep telling committee Democrats that the problem with Twitter is not that it censors too much, but that it doesn’t censor conservatives aggressively or frequently enough.

The context for this hearing, which we’re so happy has finally arrived, is vital to understand. Like I said a couple of minutes ago, I regard the decision – and it wasn’t only by Twitter, but also by Facebook – to manipulate the ability of Americans to access critical reporting – not about Hunter Biden, but about Joe Biden right before the 2020 election – as probably the single gravest example of weaponizing censorship in order to manipulate the outcome of democratic elections, in at least the last several decades, if not ever.

And there are all sorts of reasons why this ended up being such a serious matter. In part, because it’s illustrative of broader trends to attempt to changet the Internet, the promise of which early on was that it would liberate all of us from centralized state and corporate control and would enable us to communicate freely with one another without the need to have this arbiter or this mediator being centralized in corporate and state power in between us. Instead, it has become probably the most potent weapon yet for propagandizing a population, because instead of allowing this free and open inquiry that the Internet was supposed to empower, it’s now being used to censor any kind of views that are designed to challenge the establishment of orthodoxies. This one-way battering ram of messaging perfectly aligns virtually always with the U.S. government, generally, the U.S. Security State specifically.

And the fact that this is the case of two of the most important social media platforms doing exactly that – censoring reporting right before the presidential election, days before, weeks before a very hotly contested election. Joe Biden was certified as the winner of that election because he won three or four states by a very narrow margin, 70,000 or 80,000 votes going a different way and that election would have been certified differently. We will never know whether or not this impediment was put in place to prevent Americans from learning about what turned out everyone now acknowledges – except for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – everyone now acknowledges was true and authentic documents and true and authentic reporting. Whether that would have made the difference, but whether it would have made the difference or not, the obvious attempt on the part of the intelligence community, then corporate media outlets, and then Big Tech to unite and keep this information away from American citizens, or at the very least lead them to believe that it should be seen as discrediting, based on the CIA lie that it was Russian disinformation, was undeniably and a major escalation in the use of censorship in this country, and it deserves, at the very least, a few days of House hearings.

Even though Democrats spent much of the day whining today that this is kind of some kind of a distraction from the things that really matter – free speech really matters, and a free press really matters. The role that Big Tech is playing in our lives and in our democracy – and it’s not just its increasing ability, but its increasing willingness to use that power to manipulate what we’re hearing and what we’re thinking, on behalf of the political factions that it serves most loyally – cannot be minimized or dismissed, as Democrats spent the day doing, for obvious reasons, namely, that this censorship regime is constructed and is supplied to benefit them. So, of course, they’re happy with it.

And one of the things that were real today, if you listen to any part of this hearing, let alone all of it, as we did today, was that these four people who were before the committee to answer questions, three of them senior executives at Twitter, the other a low-level employee who is deemed to be a whistleblower, if you just listen to them at all, they’re immediately recognizable. James Baker, who was the second in command to Vijaya Godi, as deputy general counsel of Twitter, who came from the FBI, where he was their chief lawyer, now, suddenly at Twitter, making decisions about our elections. He is very readily identifiable as someone who is from the U.S. Security State and he hated Donald Trump for the reasons they all did, that he brought instability to their orthodoxies; and then Vijaya Godi and Yoel Roth and this fourth person, who was brought in as the whistleblower. They are very standard left-liberals.

We’ve shown you Yoel Roth at length before, the way he speaks, the things he says, and how he thinks; he comes right out of left-wing academia. Vijaya Godi is a little bit more sophisticated in her presentation, but there’s no doubting the fact that she’s just an establishment devotee to the Democratic Party. And then this fourth person was kind of a caricature, even more so than Yoel Roth, a pro-censorship block that’s looking at free speech as violence, believing that free speech constantly has to be weighed against safety – all of these new liberal doctrines have been invented in order to justify increasing control over the Internet.

Now, I think a timeline to remember what happened here is absolutely vital because what has been done, and this is often the case, is an attempt to tell you this is a really complex series of events that are filled with all kinds of detailed complexities that can’t really be discerned and trying to get you basically to look away – they’ve decided this is past history, there’s no point in looking into this, none of it can ever really be resolved. And the truth is exactly the opposite: there’s great clarity and simplicity to the timeline of what took place.

So, let’s review that. First of all, the context for all the 2020 election – and this isn’t me saying this, there was a very lengthy article in Time Magazine that was remarkably candid in acknowledging that – virtually the entire American establishment was united to ensure Donald Trump’s defeat in the 2020 election. They engaged in all kinds of maneuvers and all kinds of tactics that previously would have been unthinkable, the way in which they aligned across political ideologies and political parties to make sure that Donald Trump didn’t get a second term was also highly unusual, essentially, all of American power and institutions of power were on the same side in this election, something that normally doesn’t happen in American elections.

The Time Magazine article was essentially describing what has now become the Sam Harris mentality. As you recall, Sam Harris, in a now notorious podcast, said that he believes that the censorship of this story of the New York Post reporting and anything that was just done to ensure Donald Trump’s defeat was justified: censorship, lying, manipulation. He was honest enough to acknowledge what he thinks, which is that in his mind, Donald Trump is such a unique threat to the American way of life, such a singular evil that, by definition, anything done for the noble cause of ensuring his defeat was morally justifiable. The classic ends justify the means argument, even if the means in question are things like censorship, CIA interference in our elections, all things that are not supposed to happen in a healthy, normal democracy, to Sam Harris – he was expressing the view quite overtly – all of it was justified as long as it was done to stop Trump. And that was clearly the view of the establishment generally. They’ve spent all year laying the groundwork for this, and in this specific case was an extension of that rotted mentality.

On October 14, right before the 2020 election, The New York Post published an article that at least was relevant and interesting in assessing Joe Biden’s integrity. It described actions that his son, Hunter Biden, attempted to get him to take, and at least some of which Joe Biden did in fact take, to benefit the Burisma, an energy company in Ukraine which was paying Hunter Biden $50,000 a month to sit on the board of something they were doing quite clearly for only one reason. It was not to tap into Hunter Biden’s impressive expertise in the energy industry of Eastern Europe. He had no such expertise. It was because the person running Ukraine since at least 2014 was his father, Joe Biden. He was acting as an imperial overseer or consul of Ukraine.

So, if you were an energy company in Ukraine, like Burisma, facing the possibility of criminal charges and investigations, the person with whom he would want to wield influence most is not a Ukrainian politician, but the one who is actually running Ukraine, which is Joe Biden, when he was the vice president of United States. And then in order to do that, you don’t go and hire or pay the son of an Ukrainian politician, you go and hire the son of the U.S. politician, which is what Burisma did. And Joe Biden was heavily involved in decision-making about whether to fire certain Ukrainian prosecutors. The micromanaging of Ukraine by the United States, right on the other side of the Russian border was so extensive that it went down to the level of which particular prosecutor they wanted to replace, and which ones they wanted remaining, something that obviously had a direct effect on Burisma.

The Biden defense is that the demand that this one particular prosecutor be fired or removed, that Biden demanded and threatened Ukraine to withhold $1 billion in aid unless they did, was the position not just of the U.S. government, but also of the EU. But whatever else is true, when you have an American politician running a country and then an energy company in that country is paying his son $50,000 a month blatantly for influence peddling, that deserves a lot of investigative scrutiny, especially when Joe Biden becomes the presidential frontrunner, which is what he was on October 14, when the New York Post published emails that they said came from Hunter Biden’s laptop – which happens to be true – shedding light on what Joe Biden was doing in Ukraine.

On October 15th, the following day, the New York Post published a second story based on the same set of documents from Hunter Biden’s laptop describing what Joe Biden and the Biden family were doing in pursuing profitable business ventures in China, trading on Joe Biden’s name as somebody who wielded a great deal of influence as vice president, who may one day be the American president, and whether or not there were elements in China seeking to funnel money to Joe Biden and his son and his family to garner influence. We can go through all the details about the deal memo that was part of that laptop that described how 10% of the profits was reserved for the big guy, which Hunter Biden’s business partner, Tony Bobulinski, said referred to Joe Biden.

But leaving that aside for now, there’s no question but that these two stories, what Joe Biden was doing in Ukraine, and what Joe Biden was doing in China, were the utmost for journalistic relevance, that’s exactly what you want the media doing. And because those stories were incriminating of the Biden family and of Joe Biden, because they raised doubts about Joe Biden’s integrity and they played into a storyline that had already been emerging, which was that Joe Biden was trying to enrich his son by using his influence to benefit his family, it was an alarming story to people who are desperate to ensure Donald Trump’s defeat, which is basically most of the political establishment. They were petrified by these stories for obvious reasons. It’s very high stakes. Two weeks out from a presidential election, anything and everything is taken very seriously, let alone an explosive archive that comes from Joe Biden’s son shedding all new light on what this family was doing.

Clearly, this posed a danger to the number one priority goal of the American establishment and the U.S. Security State, which was Donald Trump’s defeat, and so when these two articles were published, the establishment immediately sprang into action. There were instant claims that this is a repeat of the 2016 election in which Russia was trying to interfere in the outcome of the election to help Donald Trump get elected. But remember what happened in 2016, regardless of what you think of Russia’s role, was that similarly relevant and authentic documents were released about Hillary Clinton and the Clinton campaign, something that undoubtedly was a public interest.

This was the frontrunner of the 2016 presidential election. All of these documents that were published by WikiLeaks that came from the email inbox of the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, the Clinton campaign chairman, shed obvious light on what Hillary Clinton was thinking and doing, which is something you’d want to know as a journalist and as a citizen. And the publication of that, those authentic documents by WikiLeaks obviously played a role in the outcome of the election. That’s what journalism is for: to reveal to the American public secrets about the candidates. And oftentimes that’s how it’s done, through huge archives.

So, the establishment was petrified they were going to do that again. And when they saw this reporting, they instantly blamed Russia, even though they had no evidence to do so. Immediately, on October 14 and then 15, the day the stories emerged, first Twitter announced that they were banning any attempt to link to The New York Post stories. If you tried on Twitter to link to the New York Post stories, you got a message from Twitter before the tweet was posted saying this is an unhealthy or prohibited link. If you even tried to post it in your direct messages and your private conversation on Twitter, the same thing happened. The link was just banned. You could not use any link to The New York Post reporting for either of those first two stories on the Twitter site.

People have forgotten that it wasn’t just Twitter, but also Facebook who censored that story. They announced that decision through their director of communications, who coincidentally happened to be somebody who had spent his entire life working for the Democratic Party on Capitol Hill – Andy Stone. He worked for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the House Majority PAC, these entities that are designed to ensure that the Democratic Party remains in power. He worked for Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer. He worked for a member of the House who was a Democrat. He was a Democrat through and through.

That was what his whole life was before he got to Facebook. And that’s why Facebook had announced to the public that they were going to tinker with their algorithms to block the spread of that New York Post story to ensure that many people, millions of Americans, would not get exposed to it on Facebook until he said they could conduct a third-party fact check to determine whether the materials were not authentic. And to this day, that fact check has never been provided and the reason is obvious, Facebook, It turns out, banned or algorithmically suppressed a story that turned out to be totally true. So, either that fact check didn’t happen and Facebook lied that it would or it did happen and it concluded that the documents were real and Facebook ended up suppressing the story anyway. But that is a major interference in our American elections.

And then on October 19, just five days after The New York Post began its reporting, 51 former members of the intelligence community, the CIA, Homeland Security, all the same people who are constantly interfering – James Clapper and John Brennan, that whole gang – issued a letter that asserted that the publication of these documents in The New York Post had “all of the trade hallmarks of Russian disinformation”. These 51 intelligence agents admitted they had no evidence to support that claim. They said that explicitly in that letter. And yet the very first reporter to trumpet it was Natasha Bertrand, then at Politico – she’s since been promoted to CNN for her role in spreading disinformation. That’s how you get hired in CNN – was the first to publish the screaming headline that the Hunter Biden laptop and the documents used by the New York Post to do that reporting were “Russian disinformation” and from there, virtually every major media outlet in the country, not all but most, ratified that lie over and over and over and over again.

And then that was what Big Tech used as well to justify the censorship decisions that Twitter executives said at the time that they were justifying this because it violated Twitter’s policy against citing hacked materials. They had no idea that these materials whether they were hacked. The Twitter Files reporting that Elon Musk enabled that, Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss and other people, reporters that we’ve had on our show, Lee Fang and Michael Shellenberger and others, demonstrated that even at the time that James Baker, the former FBI general counsel, was urging that Twitter blocked this story, based on – they had to invent some rule, they couldn’t just censor it because they wanted Joe Biden to win they had to pretend they had some rule that was violated by this story – they pointed to the ban on pointing to linking to hacked materials, even though inside Twitter, they were admitting they had no evidence to make that conclusion that these materials were hacked. And as it turned out, that was a falsehood. That was a lie. These stories, these materials, we’re not hacked.

So, Twitter had no basis for censoring. Facebook to this day has never acknowledged it made a mistake in what it did. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg did go on Joe Rogan’s program, and when asked about that by Joe Rogan, said the reason Facebook did that was because the FBI spent months warning them that something like this was probably going to happen. It was going to come from Russia, which is why they ended up believing the claim that this was a “Russian disinformation campaign” because the FBI was telling them for months, were priming them for months to get ready to censor any information that could have helped Donald Trump win the election by shedding a negative light on Joe Biden.

Twitter, though, has acknowledged it through Jack Dorsey, the CEO and founder, who apologized. And even today at these hearings, these senior Twitter executives repeatedly acknowledged that they made a mistake not only in banning the link to The New York Post stories but also locking The New York Post out of their Twitter account for two weeks. So, all that reporting in The New York Post is based on this archive. The New York Post was not able to post on Twitter and get maximum circulation for it because Twitter was demanding that they delete their original tweet that promoted their first story in the New York Post, justifiably was refusing to do so, saying, Why should we delete our authentic reporting in order to get back onto Twitter? We’re not going to do that.

So, Twitter’s position, though, is that they made a mistake. It’s a pretty huge mistake given that they ended up censoring genuine, authentic reporting about the person who would, just two weeks later, go on to become the president of the United States.

So that’s why the House Republicans – the Democrats, obviously had zero interest in finding out what happened here and investigating any of it –  convened today their first Oversight hearing where they subpoenaed the three senior executives who were responsible for that decision and many other censorship decisions, suppressing anti-establishment voices, particularly on the right, though also on the left. And then, the Democrats called this whistleblower who was just there to voice her critique of Twitter that aligns perfectly with the left wing of the Democratic Party: that Twitter should be censoring more, not less. Especially, it should have been censoring Trump more, should have been protecting AOC better. That’s what she was there for.

The big question that we didn’t know for sure before this hearing was how much information we were we going to learn about the role that the U.S. government played in those decisions to censor. We have a lot of information that the FBI was trying to censor to influence Twitter’s decision-making when it came to censorship and Big Tech in multiple ways.

Before the Twitter Files, The Intercept, at the end of October, in a story by Ken Bernstein and Lee Fang, obtained secret documents from Homeland Security that revealed the very extensive plan Homeland Security has to ensure they can play a vital role in telling these companies what they should and shouldn’t censor or allow. That was what that whole disinformation czar was supposed to do inside Homeland Security, to formalize the government’s pronouncements about what is true and what is false, with the expectation that Big Tech would almost be obligated to censor anything the government labels false. There was a lot of evidence of Big Tech’s involvement. Mark Zuckerberg’s admission on Joe Rogan was also serious evidence, as was the fact that the Twitter Files revealed all new evidence showing how deeply involved the FBI was with Twitter. There is one example, from Michael Shellenberger, on December 19, 2022, that came from his installment of the Twitter Files. And what he shows here is that pressure had been growing inside the intelligence community for Twitter to censor in anticipation of the election:

We have seen a sustained (if uncoordinated) effort by the intelligence community to push us to share more information and change our API policies. They are probing and pushing everywhere they can (including by whispering to convey to congressional staff).

This was Twitter internally lamenting the fact that there was so much pressure coming from the FBI and the CIA and Homeland Security, trying to get them to censor in a way that would favor the Democratic Party. And we can’t reveal all the Twitter file revelations.  We devoted many shows to those revelations. We interviewed many of the reporters. Go back and look at those, what they established. Above all, the most important thing was that these were not autonomous decisions by Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden story, to ban Donald Trump from Twitter, even though he was the sitting president of the  United States, to ban Marjorie Taylor Greene, despite being an elected representative. Instead, this is constantly a tidal wave of attempted coercion and influence from obviously very powerful forces inside the government, that if you’re Big Tech and you have big contracts opportunities with the Pentagon, as Amazon does, or the CIA as Amazon does and Microsoft does and Google does, you’re going to take seriously their insistence on what you should censor. And if they tell you that they need you to censor it in the name of national security, you’re going to listen even more closely. So, we know there were all kinds of ties between Facebook and Twitter, and that’s what these executives set out, most of all, to deny today.

So, let’s begin with a statement by Vijaya Godi, the general counsel of Twitter, who has become identified as one of the key players in causing Twitter to censor right-wing voices. And here’s a taste of the kinds of things she had to say today.

(Video 34:52)

Vijaya Gadde: At no point did Twitter otherwise prevent tweeting, reporting, discussing or describing the contents of Mr. Biden’s laptop. People could and did talk about the contents of the laptop on Twitter or anywhere else, including other much larger platforms. But they were prevented from sharing the primary documents on Twitter. Still, over the course of that day, it became clear that Twitter had not fully appreciated the impact of that policy on Free Press and others. As Mr. Dorsey testified before Congress on multiple occasions, Twitter changed its policy within 24 hours and admitted its initial action was wrong. This policy revision immediately allowed people to tweet the original articles with the embedded source materials. Relying on its longstanding practice not to retroactively apply new policies, Twitter informed the New York Post that it could immediately begin tweeting when it deleted the original tweets, which would have freed them to retweet the same content again. The New York Post chose not to delete its original tweets, so Twitter made an exception after two weeks to retroactively apply the new policy to the Post’s tweets. In hindsight, Twitter should have reinstated The Post account immediately.

So, they had to own up to those mistakes, Jack Dorsey did. They can’t sit there and justify what they did. It’s impossible, particularly because the claim that they invoked to justify the censorship turned out to be completely false. It was a CIA lie. But just note how significant that admission is. First of all, even though it’s true that Twitter’s ban on those links lasted only 24 hours, it completely maligned the story in the eyes of the American voter since Twitter found it to be so fraudulent and that it came from Russia. This is Twitter putting its institutional support behind these lies, and it shaped how the American public views these stories. Joe Biden himself, every time he was asked about it by reporters or it was raised in the presidential debate with President Trump, immediately accused whoever asked him of spreading Russian disinformation.

These lies were weaponized over and over and Twitter’s support for it institutionally played a vital role in that. Secondly, none of these accounts for the role Facebook played, a much, much larger platform, and we don’t know to this day how long Facebook’s algorithmic suppression lasted, what effect that had, how many people ended up being manipulated as a result of Facebook’s doing that. But also, again, Facebook joining Twitter for however long and endorsing this outright lie, that this is Russian disinformation, also manipulated the American public and how they thought about it. Beyond that, this is what gave the media the opening that they took eagerly to ratify this lie over and over. We showed you many times before on every news network from NBC and CBS to CNN. They were bringing one member of the U.S. Security State on after the next to repeat the lie that this was Russian disinformation, which not only minimized the importance of the story but played into the Democrat’s narrative, the number one narrative of the Democrats in the media for four years that somehow Trump was a tool of the Kremlin. That’s what this was really designed to do as well. Twitter jumping on board with that just demonstrated how these people who were called before Congress today, who ran Twitter for all those years, were clearly operatives of the Democratic Party and were using censorship, brute censorship in order to do it.

And then that game playing that she noted at the end where it was kind of a game of chicken. Twitter was saying to The New York Post, “Well, you can come back on to the platform as long as you delete your tweet that we’ve decreed to be in violation of a rule” and the New York Post said, “We’re not going to accept that condition.” I respect the New York Post for doing that. I would do that, too, if I were a journalist, and I knew I had reported the story accurately, and the only way I could use a platform is if I deleted my own reporting, an acknowledgment that I had done something wrong as a condition to being able to get back online.

It took Twitter two weeks to relent and tell The New York Post you can come back to our platform even without deleting that tweet. And of course, that was two weeks of reporting The New York Post is doing at the critical moment with exclusive access to this laptop to report on the Biden family and Joe Biden that Twitter users and therefore millions of people, especially journalists who use Twitter all the time, could not see and were not impacted by. These were mistakes that they made and it’s nice they’re acknowledging that. But what’s critical to remember is how inconsequential this was. And anyone who tells you that it had no effect on the election is not telling the truth. They have no way of knowing that, especially with such a close election.

Now, here is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and she said several things during this hearing. One of the things she did was try to commandeer the hearing to make it about herself. She, out of nowhere – really, out of nowhere – began complaining and screaming and whining about how Twitter didn’t censor enough tweets about her. I know you’ll be shocked to learn that she tried to turn it into a hearing about herself and her own victimhood, claiming that Donald Trump’s tweets inspired hatred against her and demanding to know why Twitter didn’t do more to delete them. In other words, she wanted more censorship from Twitter, that was her anger, which was that they allowed the sitting president of the United States to speak too freely and they should have protected AOC more from the president’s comments.

She was also the only one on either side of the aisle in this committee hearing who kept asserting that the authenticity of these materials remains in doubt. Nobody thinks that. The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and CBS have all acknowledged, now that the election is safely over, that they could fully authenticate these materials. It takes a level of audacity, or maybe it’s just ignorance to think that. She has no idea what she’s talking about. She shows up for these hearings looking for dramatic moments that will go viral on social media. I don’t think she knows that every major media outlet has authenticated these materials. The reality is, I authenticated them. Many media outlets authenticated them before the election. But the one she trusts has now come out and said there’s no question not only are they authentic, but the story about how they made their way first to the FBI and then to Rudy Giuliani and The New York Post was entirely true, which is that Hunter Biden took the laptop in to have it repaired and never came back to pick it up and after 90 days, under his store policy, it becomes his. He gave it to the FBI  and then Rudy Giuliani once he realized it was Hunter Biden’s. That’s actually what happened. Russia had no involvement in it. And she spent the day either out of ignorance or malice, continuously insinuating that the whole thing is still in doubt. And that’s why Twitter did the right thing. But what she’s really angry about is any of this is even being looked into at all. Watch what she said.

(Video 41:51)

AOC:  For The Washington Post article now warning about Hunter Biden laptop disinformation. The guy who leaked it. Here’s the deal. Before you even get into my questions, I think that the story here with The Washington Post reporting is that they’re saying right here, when New York Post first reported in October 2020 that it had obtained contents of a laptop computer allegedly owned by Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, there was an immediate roadblock faced by other news outlets that hope to corroborate reporting as many did. The newspaper wasn’t sharing what it obtained.

Okay. Let me just stop there and say she’s trying to act like this is something that justifies suspicion about the authenticity of this archive. This is how journalism works all the time. When we got the Snowden reporting and we began reporting on its contents, we didn’t run around handing it to any media outlet that asked. That would be a violation of our source obligations to keep the materials under the framework that we had agreed upon with our sources, and how it would be reported. You don’t just give away the exclusive material that a source entrusted to you, just because they ask. Do you think the New York Times, when they get an exclusive story, will give it away to Fox News?

Just because Fox News asked and said, “We want to verify that what you’re saying is actually true.” The New York Times is going to say, “This is our story.” There was nothing suspicious about that. That’s how newspapers generally behave. Beyond that, there were all kinds of additions to know right away that the material was authentic. There were all kinds of ways to authenticate it. And I’ve talked about those before, about how I was able to and that’s why I was willing to put my name on the story and let The Intercept over their refusal to do so. And Fox News and the New York Post and The Daily Caller, many of them produce concrete evidence verifying and authenticating the material. It’s just that they didn’t want to hear that. So, this argument that she’s making, that because The New York Post wasn’t willing to make it available to Ben Collins of NBC News justifies the suspicion of their authenticity, is moronic. That’s what she’s doing though and the whole day was spent trying to justify Twitter censorship. What’s the rest?

(Video 44:04)

AOC: The New York Post had this alleged information and was trying to publish it without any corroboration, without any back up information. They were trying to publish it to Twitter. And now they were upset. I believe that political operatives who sought to inject explosive disinformation with The Washington Post couldn’t get away with it. And now they’re livid.

Do you see? She continues to call this authentic archive disinformation. I mean, she’s just a blatant liar. I’m really asking that. Even a lot of the Democrats on the Committee were willing to acknowledge that the materials are authentic. And they’ll say, well, at the time it was unclear and Twitter was grappling with – no one to this day calls that disinformation anymore except her. She’s essentially lying and saying that these materials that we all know are truewere disinformation.

(Video 45:01)

AOC: Not the ability to do it again, they want the ability to inject this again. So, they’ve dragged a social media platform here in Congress. They’re weaponizing the use of this committee so that they can do it again. A whole hearing. 

Hearing to do what? Again? What are they trying to do? Get accurate information about the most powerful politicians in the country and then inform the American people about what they revealed. I hope they’re trying to do that again. That’s what journalists are supposed to be doing. But instead, the journalists, most of them in the United States, had a different mission in mind before the election. They weren’t interested in reporting on Joe Biden, just like in 2016, so many of them remain angry that a few of us reported on those WikiLeaks documents and what they reflected. They don’t want accurate information about Democratic Party leaders being disclosed to the American people. They want them hidden. That’s exactly what she’s saying. She’s angry. She considers to this day what The New York Post did to be immoral, even though it was accurate reporting, because the only moral metric they recognize, as Sam Harris said, is whether or not it helps defeat Donald Trump.

(Video 46:09)

AOC: About a 24 hour hiccup in a right-wing political operation. That is why we are here right now. And it is just an abuse of public resources and abuse of public time. We could be talking about health care. We could be talking about bringing down the cost of prescription drugs. We could be talking about abortion rights, civil rights, voting rights. But instead, we’re talking about Hunter Biden’s half fake laptop story. I mean, this is an embarrassment, but I’ll go into it.

What does that mean? Half fake. How is it half fake? What does that even mean? The whole thing is real. There are other committees that are talking about prescription drug costs and inflation and abortion and whatever else she thinks is more important. But again, there’s it’s hard to think of things more important than whether Americans have the ability to speak freely on the Internet or whether a union of Security State agencies is an intel or the intelligence community will unite with the largest media corporations and Big Tech to manipulate what Americans can and can’t hear based on lies, outright lies, that came from the CIA in order to manipulate an election. If that isn’t relevant for Congress to do, I don’t know what is.

Now, many of the Democrats on the Committee actually did spend the day justifying their pro-censorship views. There were at least three new members of the Democratic Party who were on this committee, and all three of them rose in defense of censorship, arguing that censorship of political views is justifiable. I keep saying this. I feel like sometimes people think I’m being hyperbolic deliberately when I do, but I’m not. I’m just being literal. A major plank of the Democratic Party is to increase the amount of censorship Big Tech does in order to prevent voices the Democratic Party dislikes or viewpoints the Democratic Party dislikes from being heard. That is a major tactic of theirs. It should be surprising to hear members of Congress explicitly defend censorship. But it’s not anymore. They really don’t believe in the First Amendment. They don’t believe in the value of free speech. They’re not bothered to hear that the government is trying to intervene with Big Tech’s censorship decision. And again, this is based on total ignorance. This is what you heard over and over as they did it, which is this: the only thing that censorship advocates know you win them up and they say it. They’ll say, you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater. Listen to watch them say that. Here is this whistleblower at Twitter. This is how she said it to defend censorship.

(Video 48:46)

Anika Navaroli: It was sent to my team’s desk every day. We had to decide whether a particular piece of content equated to yelling fire in a crowded theater. My work at Twitter and subsequently at Twitch put me in the middle of key events in history.

Would put her in the middle of key events in history, like whether to censor or not by determining whether or not someone was yelling fire in a crowded movie theater!

Here is one of the new members of the Democratic Party, Summer Lee. She’s a little bit Squadish. I don’t think she’s joining this Squad officially, but she’s expressed support for them. She was supported by that same kind of Democratic Party liberal-left infrastructure like DSA and Justice Democrats as this new, exciting progressive. Here’s what she had to say in defense of censorship.

(Video 49:38)

Rep. Summer Lee: I’m not the only lawyer in the room, so you all know that while the Constitution does provide us the right to free speech, there are, of course, limitations. As Ms. Navaroli pointed out, we cannot yell fire in a crowded theater compromising freedom of speech.

This is 102 years old now, the yelling fire in a crowded movie theater thing. And it’s how the people who are least informed about constitutional law and the First Amendment and free speech try to justify censorship and it’s all over the world. I’m constantly involved in debates and controversies in Brazil about free speech. I’ve done reporting on this show about the escalating regime of censorship in Brazil through the Judiciary, and you hear this over here as well, to justify censorship, yell fire in a crowded movie theater. So let me just take a minute to explain why this is such a worthless and ignorant invocation. And it’s very ironic as well. This “you can’t yell fire in a crowded movie theater” justification for censorship came from a 1919 Supreme Court case by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, and it was part of a trilogy of cases where people in the United States, American citizens, were being prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917, one of the most repressive laws in the history of United States – the law that they used to prosecute Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden and whoever else decides to blow the whistle on the government.

The purpose of the Espionage Act of 1917 – 1917 was an important year in U.S. history because that was when Woodrow Wilson was trying to involve the country in World War I and there were many people, especially on the left, opposed to that involvement – and it was really designed to criminalize left-wing dissent to America’s involvement in World War I. There are people on the right also on isolationist grounds, opposed to involvement in that war. And they used that Espionage Act to prosecute several leftist leaders, including Eugene Debs – And that’s what this case is, the Schenck case.  Mr. Schenck was an American citizen who had published a petition arguing for the repeal of the draft of conscription. And the state charged him with felonies just for advocating that the draft should be reversed. And their theory was in this case that by arguing against conscription, he was, in fact, obstructing it, that his words weren’t just words, but actions. Does that sound familiar?

That’s the standard left-wing attempt to criminalize speech. Ironically, it was first used to criminalize and prosecute leftists who were opposed to the U.S. war role in World War I. And the opinion by Justice Holmes, in which he said, well, you can’t scream fire in a crowded movie theater to justify this prosecution that the court upheld, was in that context. Ultimately, Holmes himself recanted it throughout the rest of his life. He was writing the dissent, saying free speech is too valuable to sacrifice it at the altar of an emergency. Even that Schenck case said that the only reason we’re allowing the speech to be criminalized is because the war makes it justified and necessary to do so, in peacetime this would be perfectly acceptable speech but just because of the war, we think the government needs more powers to censor.

And then ultimately, it was effectively overruled by the Ohio v Brandenburg decision, in 1967, which said that all speech, all political opinions are constitutionally protected, even advocating violence explicitly, as long as you’re not doing something to imminently create violence (direct incitement of imminent lawless action). And so, the entire context of this case, the fact that it was recanted by the person who wrote it, the fact that it’s not even good law anymore, and the fact that no one is talking about people yelling fire in a crowded theater, they’re talking about people who are expressing political opinions. That’s the nature of the First Amendment. There’s no political content to yelling fire in a crowded theater.

That’s why it was such a good example to justify censorship with. What we’re talking about here is political opinions – Joe Biden being corrupt because he is attempting to benefit and profit with his son in Ukraine or in China. That has nothing to do with screaming fire in a crowded movie theater. It’s the simple minded way that they’ve given people like we just showed you to justify censorship. So, whenever you hear anyone using that example, that is a hallmark of somebody who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. The entire hearing today revealed not just that the Security State attempted to influence Twitter’s decisions, that Twitter had a systematic regime of censoring conservative voices because the people running Twitter under Jack Dorsey were all left-liberal caricatures. But it also revealed, most importantly, I think, that this version of the Democratic Party believes in censorship, wants more of it, and intends on an ongoing basis to use their union with the corporate media and with the U.S. Security State to demand greater and greater levels of Internet censorship. That’s what they want, they’re saying all day: we don’t think Twitter’s problem was that it centered too much. Twitter’s problem is that it didn’t censor enough.


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Germany Prepares for Conscription and the Final War

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Video: Never Again Is Now Global. Anyone Who Wants to Start a War Has to Lie

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“Never Again Is Now Global,” a five-part docuseries highlighting the parallels between Nazi Germany and global pandemic policies. Each one-hour episode focuses on recent testimonies by Holocaust survivors and their descendants who discuss comparisons between the early repressive stages under the Nazi regime that culminated in the Holocaust and global COVID-19 policies.

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State of the Union Address: How Does America Perform on Biden’s Test?

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Age-stratified COVID-19 Vaccine-dose Fatality Rate. Israel and Australia

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Australia Must Quit AUKUS & War Links with US & UK

February 13th, 2023 by Gideon Polya

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Australia became a fervent ally of the US after the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in 1942. Australia was involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities  associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and imposed deprivation. Presently, as a  US lackey Australia absurdly and dangerously beats the drums of war against a peaceful and non-expansionist China, it is time for urgent re-assessment. Australia should quit the Asian-killing and indeed Australian-killing US Alliance.

Through stupidity, fear, racism,  greed and ignorance (the mendacious Australian Mainstream media are substantially owned by the US Murdoch empire), Australians via the Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Opposition and Labor Government (aka the Lib-Labs and collectively with 68.0% of the vote) back the serial war criminal US Alliance. However the Greens (12.3% of the vote) want Australia to “renegotiate the US alliance” and to stop Australia  wasting hundreds of billions of dollars on US weaponry and US wars.

Summarized below are cogent arguments why Australia should quit its AUKUS (Australia, UK and US) alliance with nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist and serial war criminal America and the UK.

(1) War typically violates International law, and is the penultimate in repugnant racism, with genocide being the ultimate in racism. The UN Charter forbids a party from invading another country except when invited, invaded, or sanctioned by the UN Security Council. The Fourth Geneva Convention demands life-sustaining care for the Occupied  by an Occupier “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” (this being grossly violated by the US Alliance).

(2) The US is a horrendous serial invader of other countries. Apart from inevitable border spats, most countries in the world have not invaded other countries. Costa Rica does not even have an army. In stark contrast, the US has invaded 72 countries (52 since WW2), has committed 469 invasions from 1798 onwards, committed 251 invasions since 1991,  and has 800 military bases in over 70 countries. The US actively spies on and subverts all countries, including  its craven ally Australia.

(3) This century the US has  committed $8 trillion to genocidal wars, killing 32 million Muslims abroad through violence and deprivation rather than trying to save the lives of 36 million Americans at home who have died from “life-style choice” and “political choice” reasons. The US (4.3% of the world’s population) presently uses about 25% of the world’s resources. Continuing inaction and worsening climate genocide will kill 10 billion en route to a sustainable population of only 1 billion in 2100.

(4) America has an entrenched culture of lying which occurs in 2 repugnant forms, lying by omission and lying by commission. Lying by omission is far, far worse than lying by commission because the latter at least admits the possibility of  public refutation and public debate,  subject, of course, in the US and the West  to massive censorship  by US Government-beholden Mainstream media (see “Manufacturing  Consent” by Professors Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky).

(5) Militarist and nuclear terrorist America violates, subverts, dirties and acutely threatens Australia.

(i) Australia was in all post-1950 US Asian wars. As a craven US lackey Australia participated in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation. Australian politicians have grossly violated the Fourth Geneva Convention in these wars by resolutely refusing to meet their life-preserving obligations to the Occupied Subjects.

(ii) AUKUS and Australian violation of all Indo-Pacific countries. In the last 80 years as a UK or US lackey  Australia has violated every Indo-Pacific country, variously through  war, military occupation, overt or covert regime change and as being among world leaders in 16  areas of climate criminality.  Thus, for example, Australia with 0.3% of the world’s population has  an annual Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution that is 5.4% of the world’s total.

(iii) Australian involvement in US-effected coups. Variously as US or UK lackeys Australians have been involved in the  covert removal of 8 governments, namely in Laos (1960), Indonesia (1965), Cambodia (1970), Chile (1973), Australia (1975), Australia (2010), and Fiji (1987, 2000) (the latter 3 coups also involving Apartheid Israel).

(iv) US lackey Australia’s deadly covert operations in neighbouring Indonesia. The most deadly Australia-complicit US engineered coup was that in Australia’s huge neighbour Indonesia in 1965 (1 million deaths), with prior backing of anti-Sukarno Islamist rebels. Avoidable deaths of Indonesians from deprivation under the violent, corrupt and US- and Australia-backed Suharto dictatorship (1965-1999) totalled 33 million. Australia and the US approved the Indonesian takeover of  Timor L’Este that resulted in 200,000 deaths, one third of the population.

(v) The US Murdoch media empire dominates Australia. About 70% of Australia’s daily newspaper readership has been captured by the pro-war, anti-science, mendacious and racist  US Murdoch media empire which dominates the Australian Mainstream media, including the ABC (Australia’s taxpayer-funded and US-beholden equivalent  of the UK BBC). Western democracies have become Corporatocracies and Murdochracies (Big Money buys public perception of reality and votes).

(vi) America spies on, subverts, deceives and betrays Australia. The joint US-Australia electronic  spying facility at Pine Gap in Central Asia is crucial for US nuclear war strategy and for targeting deadly and war criminal drone attacks from Africa to Central Asia. It is also able spy on Australians. The Australian Government legislated collection of metadata on all Australians (i.e. who they talk to but not what they say). The US shares raw intelligence on Australians with Apartheid Israel.

(vii) Variously UK-, US-, and Zionist-backed coups and other subversive interventions in Australia: UK-beholden governor removed the NSW Lang Labor Government (1932); UK-, US- and Royal Family-complicit coup removed reformed Whitlam Labor Government (1975); PM Bob Hawke and others as US “assets”; US ambassador attacked Labor leader Mark Latham in elections (2004);  US-approved, mining corporation-backed, and pro-Zionist-led coup removed Labor PM Kevin Rudd (2010).

(viii) Submission to American militarism makes Australia complicit in nuclear terrorism and makes Australia a prime early nuclear target in escalating conflict. The AUKUS Alliance arrangement for Australia to buy 6 nuclear-powered submarines for $200 billion for delivery in the 2040s locks Australia long term into US warmongering and nuclear terrorism, and condemns hundreds of thousands of Australians (notably Indigenous Australians) to premature death from imposed poverty due to government fiscal perversion.

(ix) Australia is second only to the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel and hence the crime of Apartheid. Australia is one of 35 members of the all-European  International Holocaust Remembrance  Alliance (IHRA). The IHRA Definition  of antisemitism is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and anti-Arab anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jews, Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims opposed to Israeli Apartheid and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide), holocaust denying (by ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust, and indeed 70 other genocide and holocaust atrocities) and has been condemned by over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations.

(x) Locked-in support for US militarism and militarist fiscal perversion contributes to 100,000 preventable Australian deaths annually. About 100,000 Australians die preventably each year  from “lifestyle choice” and “political choice” reasons (from “obesity” (24,000)  to “homicide” (200)), deaths in this carnage totalling 2.1 million since 9/11. Huge expenditure on US wars and US weapons (e.g. $200 billion for 6 nuclear submarines) contributes to this carnage.

(xi) Australia is complicit in horrendous UK and US war crimes, notably in Iraq and Afghanistan. Alleged  Australian killing of 39 unarmed Afghan civilians is dwarfed 154,000-fold by 6 million Occupied Afghan deaths from deprivation due to gross violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention by Australian  politicians who should be indicted for war crimes before any Australian soldiers. Variously as a UK or US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries with 30 of these violations being genocidal .

(xii) Blind support for the US has created a contemptible, reality-ignoring, “look-the-other-way” Australian national culture. The US domination of Australia’s Mainstream media and the major parties (the Liberal Party-National Party Coalition and the Labor Party) means that there is a conservative, US-beholden and Zionist-beholden public narrative. Any deviation from the US line (e.g. its present fervent Sinophobia) raises public suspicion of “treason” and “disloyalty”. Any deviation from the Zionist narrative is furiously attacked as “antisemitism” – indeed anti-racist Jews critical of Apartheid Israel are defamed as anti-Semites and as “self-hating Jews”.

(xiii) US lies and  terror hysteria impact Australian civil liberties. The 9/11 atrocity (3,000 killed) led to the genocidal US War on Terror associated with 32 million Muslim deaths in 20 US Alliance-invaded countries from violence (5 million) and imposed deprivation (27 million). However the accompanying  terror hysteria led to a massive erosion of civil liberties in Western countries, including  Australia (zero Islamist terrorism victims in Australia before 2014 and 4 since) e.g. the secret trials of whistle-blowers Witness J and  Witness K , the raiding of major news organizations, and the horrendous, US- and Australia-complicit, UK  persecution of the world’s most famous journalist, Julian Assange.

(xiv) Zionist- and US-perverted Australia urgently needs de-Nazification by (a) war crimes trials of US lackey politicians who grossly violated the Fourth Geneva Convention in Iraq and Afghanistan (and before trials of any Australian soldiers sent there), (b) massive demilitarization with the army for self-defence and national and regional deployment for “natural” emergencies, (c) cessation of violation of its neighbours, (d) rejection of war and establishment of popular and parliamentary oversight over potential armed conflict, (e) ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), and (f) consequent  dissociation from the nuclear-armed AUKUS and Quad (Japan, Australia and nuclear-armed India and the US).

(6) Leading Australian foreign policy experts have called for an end to Australia’s dangerous subservience to America, notably the Greens, former Coalition PM Malcolm Fraser, former Labor PM Paul Keating, and Professor Stuart Rees (founder of the Sydney Peace Prize, author of “Cruelty or Humanity”).


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Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds”. He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2022) and “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008). He has recently published “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), and “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see:

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Lula’s self-interested publicity stunt in insincerely presenting himself as a neutral mediator in the Ukrainian Conflict should be acknowledged for what it is, which is a means for boosting his clout in parallel with improving ties with the US. Despite being at Russia’s rhetorical expense, the substance of their strategic ties remains solid and is poised to further strengthen, which should be the focus of observers going forward unless he refuses to stop condemning Moscow.  

Brazilian President Lula’s efforts to present himself as a so-called neutral mediator in the Ukrainian Conflict went up in smoke after he condemned Russia in his joint statement with Biden last week. He’d already straddled the line of neutrality by earlier comparing its special operation in Ukraine to the US’ Hybrid War on Venezuela, but he clearly crossed the political Rubicon by unambiguously condemning it alongside his US counterpart after their latest meeting in DC.

Here’s some background reading for those who haven’t followed this dimension of the New Cold War:

Basically, Lula’s clumsy “balancing act” inadvertently exposes his mediation proposal as a publicity stunt.

Observers should remember that no BRICS leader nor any of their representatives up until this point had condemned Russia like Lula just did, not even former President Bolsonaro after his meeting with Biden last summer. While Turkish President Erdogan has said much worse than his Brazilian counterpart did, his country still managed to facilitate the peace process early last year due to its convenient location for hosting such talks between both sides, which is the extent to which any third party can play this role.

Brazil is literally half a world away from where the Ukrainian Conflict is unfolding so it can’t realistically replace Turkiye as the place where the primary participants’ representatives meet to discuss everything. Perhaps aware of this geographic inconvenience, Lula thought “outside the box” by presenting his G20-like peace proposal for assembling a larger group of countries that would discuss this conflict instead. That’s doomed to fail though for the reasons explained in the third cited analyses above.

Had he not unambiguously condemned Russia in his joint statement with Biden, however, then Lula might have been able to secure at least the rhetorical support of his BRICS counterparts for his proposal. They’re likely now uncomfortable with it after what he just committed to paper alongside the US leader, which in turn reduces the chances that it’ll ever get off the ground, not to mention Russia’s lack of support for it too. After all, he’s now tainted after crossing the political Rubicon just to please the US.

Neither the Chinese, Indian, nor South African leaders thought it wise to agree to anything of the sort after their calls and meetings with Biden, which thus places Lula in a league of his own when it comes to his BRICS counterparts. If they associate with his G20-like peace proposal that Russia’s already very clearly ignored after indirectly conveying its belief that it’s an insincere publicity stunt that also goes against its interests, then they risk eroding the goodwill that they’ve thus far generated with Moscow.

To be absolutely clear, it’s Brazil’s sovereign right and that of Lula as its commander-in-chief to promulgate whatever policy is regarded by its leadership as being in that country’s interests, but there are also consequences to its choice as well. Constructive critiques of the aforesaid are to be expected whenever the decision that’s ultimately made is disadvantageous to one of its partner’s interests, in this case Russia’s, especially considering these two’s officially strategic relations.

That said, the Russian-Brazilian Strategic Partnership shows no risk of weakening in spite of Lula disqualifying himself as a mediator in the Ukrainian Conflict due to his tacit preference for pleasing the US in this instance at Russia’s rhetorical expense. Its Ambassador to Moscow’s recent suggestion that this Eurasian Great Power establish a serious presence in his country’s energy industry proves that Lula does indeed intend to balance between both protagonists in the New Cold War’s top proxy war.

This being the case, his self-interested publicity stunt in insincerely presenting himself as a neutral mediator in the Ukrainian Conflict should be acknowledged for what it is, which is a means for boosting his clout in parallel with improving ties with the US. Despite being at Russia’s rhetorical expense, the substance of their strategic ties remains solid and is poised to further strengthen, which should be the focus of observers going forward unless he refuses to stop condemning Moscow.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Germany Prepares for Conscription and the Final War

February 13th, 2023 by Kurt Nimmo

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Imagine Vladimir Putin, sitting behind his desk in the Kremlin, learning the news Germany plans to reintroduce conscription (involuntary servitude). The Russians are outraged at the prospect of Leopard 2 tanks bearing the Balkenkreuz, the Iron Cross, killing its soldiers and destroying its tanks in Ukraine.

Germany’s parliamentary commissioner, Eva Högl of Olaf Scholz’s “center-left” SPD, believes the Bundeswehr, the German army, is woefully unprepared for military conflict and must force the nation’s youth into military “service.”

Prior to Högl’s remark on conscription, published in the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper, Jan Christian Kaack, the chief of the German navy, said involuntary servitude and the possibility of citizens becoming bullet stoppers for the state, should be based on the Norwegian model, “whereby men and women are called in for an examination upon turning 19, but only a small, motivated percentage of each year group is drafted into the army,” The Guardian reports.

Considering the russophobic rhetoric emanating from Germany, France, Britain, and NATO countries (add Switzerland’s astounding decision to do away with its centuries-long neutrality), Putin and the Russians are rightfully angry about the growing military hysteria (and psychopathic disorders) of the “collective West.”

The idiots in Brussels, DC, Berlin, and other European capitals either do not understand what Nazi Germany did in Eastern Europe and Russia during WWII, or they simply don’t care.

Nazi Germany’s Operation Barbarossa, the largest invasion in history, razed approximately 1,710 Soviet towns and 70,000 villages. 27 million Russians, the vast majority civilians, were killed during the war. The costly Russian victory over Germany is remembered every May 9 as the Great Patriot War (Velikaya Otechestvennaya voyna in Russian).

None of this is the least bit significant to USG war chief Lloyd J. Austin III, Secretary of State Atony Blinken, the scurrilous Victoria Nuland, wife of top neocon Robert Kagan, and Biden’s “liberal hawks” (sic), including National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan (formerly of Macro Advisory Partners, along with CIA boss William Burns), Wendy Sherman (former Vice Chair of Albright Stonebridge Group, founded by mass murder facilitator and apologist Madeleine Albright, role model for the aforementioned Blinken) Brett McGurk (a Bush admin. appointee), and others.

In the “indispensable nation,” there is yet little talk of reinstating the draft, which ended in 1973 as the disastrous Vietnam War ground to a halt. However, the state has kept its “selective service” active, obligating millions of young men to register.

The so-called “Generation Z” is not so hot on involuntary servitude and the prospect of a horrible death for the sake of Biden and his neocons. The Pentagon derisively calls Gen Zers the “Nintendo Generation” due to sedentary lifestyles, obesity, drug and alcohol abuse, and the fact they are not as physically fit as previous generations.

In 2017, a Gallup poll revealed 49% of Americans favor involuntary servitude for young adults. However, those likely to be conscripted were opposed. “A majority (57%) of those younger than 30 are against the idea,” Gallup reported.

The idea of mandatory national service has been floated numerous times by think tanks and opinion writers over the past decade and a half, but it has never become a major issue in national politics. U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel unsuccessfully pushed a version of the idea in every legislative session from 2003 to 2015; at one point, it even reached the House floor, where it was defeated by a vote of 402-2.

Of course, that was before Ukraine, the incessant, intrusive pounding of war drums by propaganda media, an idiotic desire to feed war machines into the conflict by the West, and the very real prospect of a third world war.

According to author Shadia Drury, the guru of neocon-ism, Leo Strauss, and his devotees,

understood politics as a conflict between mutually hostile groups willing to fight each other to the death. In short, they all thought that man’’s humanity depended on his willingness to rush naked into battle and headlong to his death. Only perpetual war can overturn the modern project, with its emphasis on self-preservation and “creature comforts.

In the current context, the “conflict between mutually hostile groups” will result in the termination of life on the planet.

It is an arrogant and psychopathic disregard for the lives of ordinary people that is in part driving the world toward a final thermonuclear conflict.

It is unfortunate far too many Americans are incapable of realizing they are nothing more than pawns in a geopolitical suicide pact. History demonstrates, over and over, this realization usually arrives when it is far too late.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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So the cat is finally out of the bag, coming to you straight from the horse’s mouth.

Yet our ‘principled democrats’ in ‘civil society’ will want all of us to continue to be as delusional as them in their inability to see this for what it was: a Pakistani military establishment/American national security state classic regime change operation against Khan last year – a fact their Westoxicated Islamophobic and Imranophobic racist souls (cheerleading normalization with Israel) would never be able to swallow.

“Pakistan’s powerful army chief Bajwa (who has stolen billions of dollars through corruption) publicly admitted that he conspired against elected Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was overthrown in a US-backed coup in 2022

Soon after, Bajwa visited Washington”

“Bajwa reassured top US officials that Pakistan will oppose Russia, not get too close to China, and consider recognizing apartheid Israel”


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Junaid S. Ahmad teaches Religion and World Politics and is the Director of the Center for the Study of Islam and Decoloniality, Islamabad, Pakistan. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Cradle

US, French Troops Lead NATO Live-Fire War Games in Romania

February 13th, 2023 by Kyle Anzalone

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is once again carrying out military exercises on its Eastern flank. Earlier this week, journalist Seymour Hersh reported that Washington used war games as a cover to plant explosives on the Nord Stream pipelines last year.

Dubbed Eagle Royal 23, the combat drills kicked off in Romania and areas of the Black Sea last week, with American and French soldiers leading some 350 troops participating in the war games.

During the military exercises, NATO forces fired munitions from the HIMARS launcher, dozens of which Washington has transferred to Kiev over the last year. On New Year’s Eve, Ukrainian forces attacked a Russian barracks in the town of Makiyivka with a missile fired from a HIMARS, killing at least 89 Russian soldiers.

Intended to test the alliance’s ability to defend its Eastern flank, the war games opened on February 2 and will conclude on Friday.

NATO is conducting Eagle Royal 23 as Hersh – a veteran investigative journalist known for breaking a long list of major stories, such as the massacre by US forces in the Vietnamese village of My Lai in 1968 – reported that Washington used the BALTOPS 22 war games as a cover to plant mines on pipelines carrying gas from Russia to Europe.

According to Hersh, the US detonated the explosives months later, then claimed the attack was carried out by Russia.

Prior to Russia’s invasion last year, the Kremlin accused NATO of smuggling weapons to Kiev under the guise of the Sea Breeze military drills hosted in Ukraine, claiming that foreign weapons would be ”delivered to the Ukrainian troops and nationalist formations stationed close to areas in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions uncontrolled by Kiev.”


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Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of and news editor of the Libertarian Institute.

Will Porter is the assistant news editor of the Libertarian Institute and a staff writer and editor at RT.

Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter host Conflicts of Interest along with Connor Freeman.

Featured image is from TLI

O CEO da Pfizer, Albert Bourla, Ph.D., fez comentários “enganosos” e “não qualificados” promovendo o uso de vacinas de mRNA COVID-19 para crianças pequenas durante uma entrevista na BBC, descobriu uma agência reguladora do Reino Unido.

A Autoridade do Código de Prática de Medicamentos de Prescrição (PMCPA), um órgão auto-regulador independente estabelecido pela Associação da Indústria Farmacêutica Britânica (ABPI), descobriu que Bourla violou várias regras em seu Código de Prática para publicidade.

O regulador da indústria farmacêutica do Reino Unido, UsForThem, apresentou a queixa à PMCPA. Em uma postagem da Substack após a decisão, UsForThem acusou o editor médico da BBC, Fergus Walsh, de conduzir a entrevista “como um bate-papo amigável ao lado da lareira”, dando a Bourla “uma oportunidade promocional de passe livre que o dinheiro não pode comprar”, permitindo-lhe promover a aceitação da vacina, principalmente entre crianças pequenas para as quais a vacina ainda não havia sido autorizada.

Como emissora de serviço público nacional do Reino Unido, a BBC deve seguir diretrizes rígidas em relação à publicidade comercial ou à colocação de produtos, que UsForThem disse que a entrevista de Bourla não seguiu.

A BBC publicou a entrevista com Bourla em dezembro de 2021 em seu site, seu aplicativo de notícias e no programa “BBC News at One”, como uma entrevista em vídeo e um artigo que a acompanha, “Pfizer boss : Annual Covid jabs for years to come.”

A entrevista foi ao ar dois dias depois que o governo do Reino Unido anunciou que concordou em comprar mais 54 milhões de doses das vacinas de mRNA da Pfizer-BioNTech e mais 60 milhões da Moderna.

O PMCPA pode multar Bourla apenas por custos administrativos. Não tem autoridade para impor outras penalidades.

A BBC é o membro fundador da Trusted News Initiative (TNI). No mês passado, a Children’s Health Defense processou a BBC e três outros membros do TNI, alegando que eles fizeram parceria com várias grandes empresas de tecnologia para “censurar coletivamente as notícias online”, incluindo histórias sobre o COVID-19 que não estavam alinhadas com as narrativas oficiais sobre essas questões.

Bourla: imunizar crianças pequenas ‘seria uma ótima ideia’

Na entrevista à BBC, Bourla disse que cabia às agências reguladoras determinar se aprovavam e distribuíam vacinas para crianças menores de 11 anos, mas ele achava que “imunizar essa faixa etária no Reino Unido e na Europa seria uma ideia muito boa”, segundo ao relatório de caso PMCPA publicado na semana passada.

Na época, nenhuma vacina COVID-19 havia sido aprovada pela Agência Reguladora de Medicamentos e Produtos de Saúde (MHRA) do Reino Unido para crianças menores de 12 anos, então o painel considerou que os comentários de Bourla violavam o código.

Citando possíveis interrupções na escolaridade e o potencial para COVID longo, Bourla também disse: “Portanto, não havia dúvida de que os benefícios eram totalmente a favor de fazê-lo [vacinar crianças contra o COVID-19]”.

Ele acrescentou: “Acho que é uma boa ideia”.

O painel descobriu que essas fortes declarações de opinião podem levar o público a inferir que não há necessidade de se preocupar com possíveis efeitos colaterais ou que os benefícios da vacinação superam os riscos, que não foram determinados pelas autoridades de saúde.

Em 11 de dezembro de 2021, a UsForThem apresentou sua reclamação ao PMCPA citando a natureza promocional dos relatórios da BBC e a falha de Bourla em cumprir as regras do Reino Unido que regem a promoção de medicamentos.

Depois que a PMCPA decidiu que as declarações de Bourla violavam uma série de regras do código de prática da ABPI, a Pfizer apelou, incluindo que suas declarações eram de “natureza forte e não qualificada”.

O regulador também disse que as declarações implicavam que “não havia necessidade de se preocupar com os possíveis efeitos colaterais da vacinação em crianças saudáveis ​​de 5 a 11 anos” e que a implicação era “enganosa e incapaz de comprovação”.

O conselho de apelação manteve cinco acusações de violação de três códigos da ABPI que exigem informações e alegações “para serem precisas, equilibradas, capazes de comprovação, não gerando esperanças infundadas de tratamento bem-sucedido e não serem enganosas com relação à segurança do produto”, O Epoch Times informou.

O PMCPA publicou sua decisão final em 27 de janeiro, mais de um ano após a apresentação da queixa inicial.

Durante esse período – em fevereiro de 2022 – o Comitê Conjunto de Vacinação e Imunização do Reino Unido determinou que crianças de 5 a 11 anos poderiam receber a vacina, mas o comitê disse que a recomendação era “não urgente”.

UsForThem comemorou no Twitter:

Nem a Pfizer nem a Bourla comentaram publicamente a decisão.

O Epoch Times informou que em uma declaração de novembro de 2022 sobre o caso, um porta-voz da Pfizer disse que a empresa estava “comprometida com os mais altos níveis de integridade em qualquer interação com o público”.

A partir de 12 de fevereiro, o Reino Unido não recomendará mais reforços de COVID-19 para pessoas saudáveis ​​com menos de 50 anos e interromperá a distribuição gratuita da série primária de duas doses, informou o The Defender.

Brenda Baletti

Um novo estudo revisado por pares encontrou uma correlação estatística positiva entre as taxas de mortalidade infantil (IMRs) e o número de doses de vacina recebidas por bebês – confirmando as descobertas feitas pelos mesmos pesquisadores há uma década.

Em “Reafirmando uma correlação positiva entre o número de doses de vacina e as taxas de mortalidade infantil: uma resposta aos críticos”, publicado em 2 de fevereiro na Cureus, os autores Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D., um cientista da computação independente, e Neil Z. Miller, um pesquisador médico, examinou essa correlação potencial.

Suas descobertas indicam que “uma correlação positiva entre o número de doses de vacina e as IMRs é detectável nas nações mais desenvolvidas” – que, em média, administram a maioria das doses de vacina a bebês.

Os autores replicaram os resultados de uma análise estatística de 2011 que realizaram e refutaram os resultados de um artigo recente que questionou essas descobertas.

Miller falou com o The Defender sobre o estudo e suas implicações para os calendários de vacinação infantil e neonatal.

Quanto mais doses, maior a taxa de mortalidade infantil

Em 2011, Miller e Goldman publicaram um estudo revisado por pares em Human and Experimental Toxicology, que identificou pela primeira vez uma correlação estatística positiva entre IMRs e o número de doses de vacina.

Os pesquisadores escreveram:

“A taxa de mortalidade infantil (TMI) é um dos indicadores mais importantes do bem-estar socioeconômico e das condições de saúde pública de um país. O calendário de imunização infantil dos EUA especifica 26 doses de vacina para bebês com menos de 1 ano – a maior do mundo -, mas 33 nações têm IMRs mais baixas.”

“Usando regressão linear, os calendários de imunização dessas 34 nações foram examinados e um coeficiente de correlação de r = 0,70 (p <0,0001) foi encontrado entre as IMRs e o número de doses de vacinas rotineiramente administradas a bebês”.

Nas figuras acima, “r” refere-se ao coeficiente de correlação, número que varia de -1 a 1. Qualquer valor acima de zero é entendido como uma correlação positiva, sendo que valores entre 0,6 e 0,79 são considerados uma correlação positiva “forte”, e 0,8 e acima, uma correlação positiva “muito forte”.

O “p-value” indica até que ponto o valor do preditor, em uma análise de regressão linear, está relacionado a mudanças na variável de resposta.

Um valor p de 0,05 ou inferior é considerado estatisticamente significativo e indicativo de que o preditor e a variável de resposta estão relacionados entre si e se movem na mesma direção.

No mesmo estudo de 2011, que usou dados de 2009, os pesquisadores encontraram a maior correlação positiva nos países que administraram a maior quantidade de doses de vacina em bebês (entre 21 e 26 meses de idade).

“A análise de regressão linear de IMRs médias não ponderadas mostrou uma alta correlação estatisticamente significativa entre o aumento do número de doses de vacina e o aumento das taxas de mortalidade infantil, com r = 0,992 (p = 0,0009)”, escreveram os pesquisadores.

Miller disse ao The Defender:

“Em 2011, publicamos um estudo que encontrou uma correlação positiva contraintuitiva, r = 0,70 (p < 0,0001), demonstrando que entre as nações mais desenvolvidas (n = 30), aquelas que exigem mais vacinas para seus bebês tendem a ter taxas de mortalidade infantil (TMIs) mais altas.”

No entanto, “os críticos do artigo alegaram recentemente que essa descoberta se deve à ‘exclusão inadequada de dados’, ou seja, a falha em analisar o ‘conjunto de dados completo’ de todas as 185 nações”.

De acordo com Miller:

“Uma equipe de pesquisadores recentemente leu nosso estudo e achou ‘problemático’ estar entre os 5% principais de todos os resultados de pesquisa. Eles escreveram uma refutação ao nosso artigo para ‘corrigir informações erradas do passado’ e reduzir o impacto da hesitação em vacinar.”

“O artigo deles não foi publicado, mas foi postado em um servidor de pré-impressão.”

Miller disse que ele e Goldman “escrevemos nosso artigo atual para examinar as várias reivindicações feitas por esses críticos, para avaliar a validade de seus métodos científicos e para realizar novas investigações para avaliar a confiabilidade de nossas descobertas originais”.

O artigo original estudou os EUA e 29 outros países com melhores IMRs “para explorar uma possível associação entre o número de doses de vacina … e seus IMRs”, encontrando uma forte correlação positiva.

Os 10 pesquisadores — Elizabeth G. Bailey, Ph.D., professora assistente de biologia na Brigham Young University, e vários alunos associados ao seu curso Bioinformatics Capstone, que escreveu a refutação à análise de Goldman e Miller de 2011 – combinou “185 nações desenvolvidas e do Terceiro Mundo que têm taxas variadas de vacinação e disparidades socioeconômicas” em seus análise.

“Uma justificativa declarada por trás da reanálise de Bailey (e novas investigações adicionais) é reduzir o impacto da hesitação da vacina, que ‘se intensificou devido ao rápido desenvolvimento e distribuição da vacina COVID-19‘”, disseram Goldman e Miller. “Eles também parecem estar direcionando nosso estudo para uma retratação potencial”.

Miller explicou a metodologia que a equipe de Bailey usou:

“Os críticos selecionaram 185 nações e usaram a regressão linear para relatar uma correlação entre o número de doses de vacina e as IMRs.”

“Eles também realizam análises de regressão linear múltipla do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) versus IMR com preditores adicionais e investigam IMR versus taxas percentuais de vacinação para oito vacinas diferentes”.

De acordo com Miller, “Apesar da presença de variáveis ​​de confusão inerentes em seu artigo, uma pequena correlação positiva estatisticamente significativa (r = 0,16, p < 0,03) é relatada que corrobora a tendência positiva em nosso estudo (r = 0,70, p < .0001).”

Ou seja, ainda existe uma correlação positiva entre a TMI e o número de doses da vacina, embora mais fraca, entre os 185 países estudados pelos críticos de Miller.

No entanto, essa correlação positiva é “atenuada no ruído de fundo de nações com variáveis ​​socioeconômicas heterogêneas que contribuem para altas taxas de mortalidade infantil, como desnutrição, pobreza e assistência médica precária” – o que significa que existem fatores de confusão em nações mais pobres que afetam significativamente e contribuem para seus IMRs mais elevados.

Miller explicou a diferença nas metodologias:

“Nós dois usamos regressão linear para analisar uma correlação potencial entre o número de doses de vacina e as IMRs. No entanto, analisamos as 30 nações mais desenvolvidas com altas taxas de vacinação (consistentemente acima de 90%) e uniformidade de fatores socioeconômicos.”

“Em contraste, nossos críticos analisaram 185 nações com taxas variáveis ​​de vacinação (variando de menos de 40% a mais de 90%) e fatores socioeconômicos heterogêneos.”

“Ao misturar nações altamente desenvolvidas e do Terceiro Mundo em suas análises, nossos críticos inadvertidamente introduziram vários fatores de confusão. Por exemplo, desnutrição, pobreza e assistência médica precária contribuem para a mortalidade infantil, confundindo os dados e tornando os resultados não confiáveis”.

Miller e Goldman também conduziram três outros tipos de análise estatística: análises de probabilidades de rádio, sensibilidade e replicação. Esses testes confirmaram suas descobertas, como escreveram em seu novo artigo:

“Nossa análise de razão de chances conduzida no conjunto de dados original controlou várias variáveis. Nenhuma dessas variáveis ​​reduziu a correlação abaixo de 0,62, confirmando assim nossos achados de forma robusta.

“Nossa análise de sensibilidade relatou correlações positivas estatisticamente significativas entre o número de doses de vacina e o IMR quando expandimos nossa análise original dos 30 principais para os 46 países com os melhores IMRs.

“Além disso, uma replicação de nosso estudo original usando dados atualizados de 2019 corroborou a tendência que encontramos em nosso primeiro artigo (r = 0,45, p = 0,002).”

Em outras palavras, o novo estudo, que usou dados de 2019, encontrou uma correlação positiva um pouco mais fraca de 0,045, mas, no entanto, confirmou uma conexão entre o número de doses de vacina infantil e as IMRs.

Miller explicou que, ao contrário do conjunto de dados dos críticos de 185 países, nenhum ajuste nas taxas de vacinação foi necessário para seu conjunto de dados, pois “as taxas de vacinação nos países que analisamos geralmente variaram de 90 a 99%”.

Ele acrescentou que a análise da razão de chances considerou 11 variáveis, incluindo a pobreza infantil, e “nenhuma dessas variáveis ​​reduziu a correlação abaixo de 0,62”.

Da mesma forma, disse Miller, “em nossa análise de sensibilidade, onde analisamos sucessivamente nações com IMRs piores do que os Estados Unidos, 16 nações adicionais poderiam ter sido incluídas na regressão linear de IMRs versus o número de doses de vacina, e os resultados ainda produziram um coeficiente de correlação positiva estatisticamente significativo.”

Miller disse ao The Defender que a correlação positiva que ele e o Goldman identificaram ficou mais forte quando os dados foram limitados a países altamente desenvolvidos, que tendem a exigir um número maior de doses:

“Quando replicamos nosso estudo de 2009 usando dados de 2019, mais uma vez encontramos uma correlação positiva estatisticamente significativa entre o número de doses de vacina e as IMRs. Embora a correlação fosse menos robusta (r = 0,45, p = 0,002) do que nosso achado original, ela corroborou a direção da tendência inicialmente relatada.”

“Quando nossa análise de regressão linear de 2019 foi limitada às 20 principais nações, o coeficiente de correlação aumentou (r = 0,73, p < 0,0003), revelando uma forte relação direta entre o número de doses de vacina e as IMRs.”

Miller observou que o artigo de seus críticos baseou suas conclusões nos resultados encontrados para “nações altamente desenvolvidas” e “muito altas” conforme categorizadas pelo IDH.

O artigo deles declarou: “Uma reanálise apenas de países altamente ou muito altamente desenvolvidos mostra de maneira semelhante que o índice de desenvolvimento humano (IDH) explica a variabilidade na IMR, e doses de vacina mais recomendadas não preveem mais mortes infantis”.

No entanto, Goldman e Miller, em seu novo artigo, desafiaram o uso do IDH como preditor da saúde geral de um país, observando que o IDH analisa apenas “níveis educacionais, renda per capita e expectativa de vida” e que vários estudiosos identificaram “grave erro de classificação na categorização de países de desenvolvimento humano baixo, médio, alto ou muito alto.”

“Conforme discutimos em nosso artigo, até 34% das nações classificadas no IDH são classificadas erroneamente devido a três fontes de erro, por isso não é confiável”, disse Miller ao The Defender. “Embora nossos críticos tenham relatado uma forte correlação entre IDH e IMR, isso não revela medidas específicas de saúde que possam influenciar positiva ou negativamente o IMR”.

Miller também observou: “Um índice alternativo, o Indicador de Vida Humana (HLI) foi criado para abordar as deficiências do IDH. Enquanto a Dinamarca foi recentemente classificada em quinto lugar no mundo pelo IDH, caiu para o 27º lugar com o HLI; os EUA foram recentemente classificados em décimo pelo IDH, enquanto o HLI o classificou em 32º.”

Ao resumir as deficiências do estudo de seus críticos, Miller disse:

“Foi inapropriado para nossos críticos combinar dados de nações com taxas de vacinação altamente variáveis ​​e fatores socioeconômicos heterogêneos.”

“Nas nações do Terceiro Mundo, vários fatores contribuem para uma alta taxa de mortalidade infantil, portanto, quando todas as 185 nações são analisadas (em vez de limitar a análise às nações homogêneas mais desenvolvidas), uma correlação positiva entre o número de doses de vacina e as IMRs é atenuada ou perdida no ruído de fundo desses outros fatores”.

Mortes infantis aumentam nos dias após a vacinação, mostram dados

Miller estudou anteriormente a associação entre vacinas pediátricas e morte súbita infantil, em um artigo de 2021 intitulado “Vacinas e morte súbita infantil: uma análise do banco de dados VAERS 1990–2019 e revisão da literatura médica”.

Comentando as descobertas dessa pesquisa, Miller disse:

“Das 2.605 mortes infantis relatadas ao Sistema de Notificação de Eventos Adversos de Vacinas (VAERS) de 1990 a 2019, 58% ocorreram três dias após a vacinação e 78% ocorreram sete dias após a vacinação, confirmando que as mortes infantis tendem a ocorrer em proximidade temporal com a administração da vacina.”

“O excesso de mortes durante esses primeiros períodos pós-vacinação foi estatisticamente significativo (p < 0,00001).”

Combinado com as descobertas de seu artigo mais recente, Miller argumentou que “as vacinas nem sempre são seguras e eficazes. A morbidade e a mortalidade relacionadas à vacina são mais extensas do que publicamente reconhecidas”.

Ele adicionou:

“Em todas as nações, uma relação causal entre vacinas e mortes súbitas de bebês raramente é reconhecida. No entanto, estudos fisiológicos mostraram que as vacinas infantis podem produzir febre e inibir a atividade dos neurônios 5-HT [serotonina] na medula, causando apneias prolongadas e interferindo na auto-ressuscitação”.

Miller também destacou a sequência na qual as vacinas são administradas como um fator potencial que contribui para as IMRs. Ele disse ao The Defender:

“As autoridades globais de saúde não testam a sequência de vacinas recomendadas nem seus efeitos inespecíficos para confirmar que fornecem os efeitos pretendidos na sobrevivência infantil. Mais estudos sobre este tópico são necessários para determinar o impacto total das vacinações na mortalidade por todas as causas.”

“Em países do Terceiro Mundo, numerosos estudos indicam que as vacinas DTP e poliomielite inativada (IPV) têm um perfil de segurança inverso, especialmente quando administradas fora da sequência. Múltiplas vacinas administradas simultaneamente também demonstraram aumentar a mortalidade”.

Miller disse que, com base em seu último estudo, “não sabemos se são os bebês vacinados ou não vacinados que estão morrendo em taxas mais altas”. No entanto, ele observou que a maioria das nações em sua amostra “tinha taxas de cobertura nacional de vacinação de 90-99%.”

“Em nosso artigo, fornecemos evidências biológicas plausíveis de que a correlação observada entre IMRs e o número de doses de vacina administradas rotineiramente a bebês pode ser causal”, disse Miller.

Como resultado, argumentou Miller, “mais investigações sobre os resultados de saúde de populações vacinadas versus não vacinadas … seriam benéficas”, acrescentando que “as autoridades de saúde em todas as nações têm a obrigação de determinar se seus esquemas de vacinação estão atingindo os objetivos desejados”.

“Muito mais pesquisas precisam ser feitas neste campo, mas mais estudos só alcançarão mudanças positivas limitadas até que mais indivíduos e famílias comecem a fazer a conexão entre vacinas e eventos adversos”, disse Miller.

“Além disso, legisladores e autoridades de saúde devem permitir que as pessoas aceitem ou rejeitem vacinas sem intimidação ou consequências negativas.”

Michael Nevradakis

5G Dangers, 5th Generation Wireless Technology. Health and Environmental Impacts

February 12th, 2023 by Electromagnetic Sense Ireland

5G is the next generation of mobile and wireless communication.

This timely article published in December 2018 documents with foresight the health impacts of 5G Wireless Technology which is now being applied Worldwide.


This first  EU 5G Appeal was initially submitted in September 2017 to the European Commission  demanding a moratorium on the increase of cell antennas for planned 5G expansion. Concerns over health effects from higher radiation exposure include potential neurological impacts, infertility, and cancer.

“We the undersigned scientists and doctors  recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.  5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment…”   READ EU APPEAL HERE

5G is the next generation of mobile and wireless communication.

It will provide faster speeds (up to 100 times) and higher capacity transmissions to carry the massive amount of data that will be generated from the Internet of Things (IoT), driverless cars, smart cities and towns, drones, and for faster video streaming. There are even plans to provide 5G from space, meaning thousands of satellites to cover every square inch of the earth with wireless radiation.

5G will include the higher millimeter wave frequencies never before used for internet and communications technology. The 5G deployment proposes to add frequencies in the microwave spectrum in the low- (0.6 GHz – 3.7 GHz), mid- (3.7GHz – 24 GHz), and high-band frequencies (24 GHz and higher) for faster communications.  As these higher frequencies do not travel far and are blocked by buildings, this system will have to use a dense network of fixed antennae outdoors every 300 meters as well as indoor systems. This radiation, like the 2G, 3G, 4G telecommunications systems, has not had pre market testing for long term health effects despite the fact that people will be exposed continuously to this microwave radiation.

It is argued that the addition of this added high frequency 5G radiation to an already complex mix of lower frequencies, will contribute to a negative public health outcome both from both physical and mental health perspectives.

Environmental effects of existing RF radiation have also been ignored. 5G will massively increase the microwave and millimeter wave radiation in our environment, and will have a detrimental effect on wildlife and trees.    5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields RF-EMF, that has already been proven to be harmful for humans, animals and the environment.

Risks from 5G include:

  • Damage to the eyes – cataracts, retinal damage
  • Severe sweating
  • Skin damage
  • Immune system disruption
  • Metabolic disruption
  • Neurological disturbance
  • Leakage of blood brain barrier
  • Damage to sperm
  • Increased risk of cancers
  • Collapse of insect populations, the base of food for birds and bats
  • Rise in bacterial resistance and bacterial shifts
  • Damage to plants and trees

Millimeter wavelengths (at high intensity) have  been used in military applications in active denial systems (non-lethal crowd control weapons). (See this)

Some research on non-thermal effects has shown that millimeter wavelengths target cell membranes and have adverse biological effects as well as clinical effects such as cataracts, immune system alterations and physiological effects on the heart and blood pressure.  Betzalal et al (2018)  have demonstrated that the sweat glands  which are coiled structures in the upper layers of the skin can act as antenna receiver for 5G sub-THz band wavelengths. If not stopped, there may be a serious illness explosion.

Dr. Martin Pall To The NIH: “The 5G Rollout Is Absolutely Insane.”:

Here is what some experts are saying about 5G:

“The new 5G wireless technology involves millimeter waves (extremely high frequencies) producing photons of much greater energy than even 4G and WiFi. Allowing this technology to be used without proving its safety is reckless in the extreme, as the millimeter waves are known to have a profound effect on all parts of the human body.”
-Prof. Trevor Marshall, Director Autoimmunity Research Foundation, California

“The plans to beam highly penetrative 5G milliwave radiation at us from space must surely be one of the greatest follies ever conceived of by mankind. There will be nowhere safe to live.”
-Olga Sheean former WHO employee and author of ‘No Safe Place’

“It would irradiate everyone, including the most vulnerable to harm from radiofrequency radiation: pregnant women, unborn children, young children, teenagers, men of reproductive age, the elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill.”
—Ronald Powell, PhD, Letter to FCC on 5G expansion

“Along with the 5G there is another thing coming – Internet of Things. If you look at it combined the radiation level is going to increase tremendously and yet the industry is very excited about it…. they project 5G/IoT business to be a $7 trillion business.”
-Prof. Girish Kumar, Professor at Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Bombay

“However, no matter what the future research will show, the 5G technology will be by then fully deployed and without any possibility of reverse because the whole future life of the humanity will be based and dependent on the functioning of the 5G radiation-emitting devices. This is a unique situation in the history of the human kind when the whole human population will be exposed to man-made devices emitting non-ionizing radiation that was insufficiently tested before deployment. What is and what will be the responsibility of the scientists, decision-makers and industry leaders who permit deployment of insufficiently tested technology that will affect us all? The answer is simple – no responsibility… because if any health problems will show up in the future, these will most likely take tens of years of time to manifest and, by then the persons that currently enable deployment of insufficiently tested radiation-emitting 5G technology will be retired or the proverbial “six feet under”. Dariusz Leszczynski, PhD, DSc

“The risks to health from non-ionizing electromagnetic fields are controversial.

However, the scientific evidence that indicates grave dangers continues to grow: increase in the risk of cancer, infertility, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, electrohypersensitivity…

In recent years we have seen accusations by citizens groups and by scientists, researchers and experts (independent of industry) about conflicts of interest of the committees that decide on the permitted levels to which the entire population is exposed.

According to many experts more and more research points to the necessity to upgrade the classification of radio frequency radiation as a carcinogen to 2A or even to 1.

(Mobile telephony, WiFi, cordless telephones…) This together with evidence of important non-thermal biological effects reinforces the need to apply the precautionary principle in relation to lowering the levels of exposure, with special attention to the most vulnerable groups such as children.

In contrast, the march toward 5G technology involves a radical increase of levels of electromagnetic pollution. Therefore 180 doctors and scientists from 36 countries have written a letter to the European Union demanding a moratorium on its implementation.

Meanwhile the industry tries to make its message about lack of harm prevail through large investments in the media and in ill-concealed lobbying.

We think this at least merits a profound public debate.”  Arthur Firstenburg  cellphonetaskforce

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Timely article first published on June 7, 2022


Credit union and banking trade groups have released a joint letter to the chair and ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, warning of “devastating consequences” if the Federal Reserve moves forward with a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The letter was sent on May 25, one day before the Committee convened a hearing on “Digital Assets and the Future of Finance: Examining the Benefits and Risks of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency.” That hearing took testimony from only one witness, Lael Brainard, the Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve.

The fact that credit unions, which frequently serve unionized labor, joined with banking trade groups to sign off on the letter, lends credibility to the “devastating consequences” the letter enumerates of a Central Bank Digital Currency.

A CBDC would allow the Federal Reserve to compete for deposits with credit unions and banks. The letter correctly assesses the downside of such a move as follows:

“Private money is created through financial intermediation by banks and credit unions– the process in which financial institutions take deposits and lend out and invest those deposits. Private money is used by financial institutions to provide funding for businesses and consumers and thus supports economic growth. Introducing a CBDC would be a deliberate decision to shift some volume of private money to public money, with potentially devastating consequences for the cost and availability of credit for consumers and businesses. In sum, the savings of businesses and consumers would no longer fund the assets of banks – primarily, loans – but instead would fund the assets of the Federal Reserve – primarily securities issued by the Treasury Department, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.”

In a similar vein, the letter warns:

“In effect, a CBDC will serve as an advantaged competitor to retail bank deposits that will move money away from banks and into accounts at the Federal Reserve where the funds cannot be lent back into the economy. These deposit accounts represent 71% of bank funding today. Losing this critical funding source would undermine the economics of the banking business model, severely restricting credit availability, increasing the cost of credit, and causing a slowdown of the economy. ABA estimates that even a CBDC where accounts were capped at $5,000 per ‘end user’ could result in $720 billion in deposits leaving the banking system.”

The joint letter also calls out the absurdity that the dollar is not already digitized. (Anyone who uses a “pay by phone” method to pay a monthly bill in seconds from their checking account or a debit card to pay for purchases fully appreciates how rapid and streamlined the digital dollar already is.) The credit unions and banking groups write as follows:

“Contrary to the assertions of some CBDC proponents, a U.S. CBDC is not necessary to ‘digitize the dollar,’ as the dollar functions primarily in digital form today. Commercial bank money is a digital dollar, and is currently accepted without question by businesses and consumers as a means of payment.”

In July 2019, NYU Professor and economist Nouriel Roubini also touched on the existing speed of the Visa credit card system versus digital currency in a Bloomberg News interview. Roubini stated:

“…nobody, not even this blockchain conference, accepts Bitcoin for paying for conference fees cause you can do only five transactions per second with Bitcoin. With the Visa system you can do 25,000 transactions per second…Crypto’s nonsense. It’s a failure. Nobody’s using it for any transactions.”

One of the key concerns in Congress and at the Fed appears to be that another country, such as China, might get ahead of the U.S. in the development of their own Central Bank Digital Currency and endanger the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. At the House Financial Services Committee hearing on May 26, Fed Vice Chair Brainard testified as follows:

“The future evolution of international payments and capital flows will also influence considerations surrounding a potential U.S. CBDC. The dollar is the most widely used currency in international payments and investments, which benefits the United States by reducing transaction and borrowing costs for U.S. households, businesses, and government. In future states where other major foreign currencies are issued in CBDC form, it is prudent to consider how the potential absence or presence of a U.S. central bank digital dollar could affect the use of the dollar in global payments. For example, the People’s Bank of China has been piloting the digital yuan, and several other foreign central banks are issuing or considering issuing their own digital currencies. A U.S. CBDC may be one potential way to ensure that people around the world who use the dollar can continue to rely on the strength and safety of the U.S. currency to transact and conduct business in the digital financial system. More broadly, it is important for the United States to play a lead role in the development of standards governing international digital finance transactions involving CBDCs consistent with the norms of privacy, accessibility, interoperability, and security.”

The credit unions and banking groups’ joint letter addressed that issue as follows:

“…a CBDC does not appear to be necessary to support the role of the U.S. dollar internationally. While many countries have experimented with a CBDC, many have focused on a wholesale model, something not contemplated by the Federal Reserve’s discussion paper. In addition, many have pulled these experiments back as the costs of implementation have become apparent. The Federal Reserve notes that the dollar’s status as the global reserve currency is driven by 1) the strength and openness of our economy, 2) the depth of our financial markets, and 3) the trust in our institutions and rule of law.”

Wall Street On Parade has been skeptical of the invisible hand(s) behind this push for a Central Bank Digital Currency at the Fed – (the Fed being the perpetual provider of bailouts to Wall Street’s casino banks) – ever since a similar invisible hand pushed Saule Omarova forward as President Biden’s nominee to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the regulator of national banks (those that operate across state lines).

In October of last year, the Vanderbilt Law Review published a 69-page paper by Omarova in which she proposed not just a Central Bank Digital Currency but a hair-raising, radical restructuring of the Fed that would include the following:

(1) Move all commercial bank deposits from commercial banks to so-called FedAccounts at the Federal Reserve;

(2) Allow the Fed, in “extreme and rare circumstances, when the Fed is unable to control inflation by raising interest rates,” to confiscate deposits from these FedAccounts in order to tighten monetary policy;

(3) Allow the most Wall Street-conflicted regional Fed bank in the country, the New York Fed, when there are “rises in market value at rates suggestive of a bubble trend,” such as with technology stocks today, to “short these securities, thereby putting downward pressure on their prices”;

(4) Eliminate the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that insures bank deposits in the U.S. and that prevents panic runs on banks;

(5) Consolidate all bank regulatory functions at the OCC – which Omarova was nominated to head.

By early November, Omarova was facing even more controversy when it was revealed that she had called the very industry that she had been nominated to supervise the “quintessential a**hole industry” in a 2019 Canadian feature documentary. Omarova eventually withdrew her nomination after it became clear she did not have the votes to be confirmed.

You can read the joint letter from the credit union and banking groups here; Brainard’s testimony is available here.


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Ms. Martens is a former Wall Street veteran with a background in journalism. Mr. Martens’ career spanned four decades in printing and publishing management.

Featured image is from WSP

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Introductory Note and Update

On December 15, 2022 about three weeks after her third Pfizer booster shot, Princess Bajrakitiyabha Narendira Debyavati collapsed with heart issues and went into a coma. “The 44-year old eldest daughter of the King in Thailand, and likely heir to the throne, had reported to be in excellent health prior to the vaccination.

“Top Thai officials  are pulling off their gloves against Pfizer Bio N Tech [yet to be confirmed] and could become the first country in the world to Nullify the contracts between the government and Pfizer.

Which would mean Pfizer would have to pay back billions of dollars because of their jabs to the Thai people.”


See Global Research’s Coverage in the following article

Video: Pfizer Criminality Exposed: Thailand’s Royal Princess In Coma after Covid Pfizer Vaccine Booster

By Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Redacted, February 09, 2023


Flashback to Our January 28, 2022 report

What is of significance (confirmed by the Bangkok Post) is that more than a Year Ago the Royal Thai Government firmly acknowledged the deaths and adverse events affecting Thais who had taken the vaccine jab. 

A compensation program was announced and implemented in December 2021:

“Out of the 11,707 people who filed a claim with the authorities, 8,470 people, or 72.3% of all claimants, have been compensated”. 

1,962 individuals, namely 23% of those compensated “were left permanently paralysed or died after receiving their Covid-19 shot”. 

This decision has a bearing on recent developments pertaining to Princess Bajrakitiyabha. 

My observations in January 2022 were the following:

People in Thailand and around the World will be informed of the decision of the Royal Thai Government and will refuse to take the jab.

And this decision regarding compensation to the Covid Vaxx victims establishes a legal precedent. It sets the stage for compensation Worldwide on behalf of the victims of the vaccine and their families. 

Class action law suits as well criminal charges against Big Pharma and corrupt governments are forthcoming.  

National governments will no longer be able to deny the devastating impacts of what is widely recognized by scientists and medical doctors  as a killer vaccine

Nor will they be able to impose a vaccine passport. 

Also, if you have any doubts consult the “Confidential Report” by Pfizer released under Freedom of Information which confirms unequivocally the criminal nature of the mRNA vaccine which has resulted in a Worldwide wave of deaths and injuries:

“What is contained in  Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity. This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.”


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, January 25, 2022, Updated, February 12, 2023

Our thanks to the Bangkok Post for bringing this important article to our attention. See below. (minor edit to Title)



Side Effects Cost Royal Thai Government One Billion Baht  

Bangkok Post,

December 28, 2021

Almost one billion baht in compensation has been paid out to Thais who suffered adverse side effects from the Covid-19 vaccine over the past eight months, says the National Health Security Office (NHSO).

About 927 million baht [28 million dollars] in compensation was approved between April 5 and Dec 26 [2021], it said.

Out of the 11,707 people who filed a claim with authorities, 8,470 people, or 72.3% of all claimants, have been compensated, said Atthaporn Limpanyalert, spokesman and deputy secretary-general of the NHSO.

The claims were grouped into three categories, the first being claims filed by vaccine recipients who reported mild to moderate side effects after receiving their Covid-19 jab.

In total, there are 6,298 people in this category, Dr Atthaporn said, noting they are eligible to receive no more than 100,000 baht in compensation from the government.

The second category, Dr Atthaporn said, comprises claims filed by those who experienced temporary paralysis and/or loss of other bodily functions after they were vaccinated, noting the 210 people in this category will receive up to 240,000 baht in compensation.

The final category is made up of individuals who were left permanently paralysed or died after receiving their Covid-19 shot. The 1,962 people in this category are eligible to claim up to 400,000 baht in compensation.

Out of the 11,707 claims filed, 1,752 were rejected because the claimants failed to meet the criteria set out — 615 of whom have lodged an appeal.

Claimants are entitled to seek the compensation for themselves and/or relatives without having to prove without doubt that their health condition was indeed caused by receiving the Covid vaccine.

Dr Atthaporn said the NHSO has set up 13 committees throughout the country to process the compensation claims, adding compensation will be paid within five days of the petition being approved.

Meanwhile, the NHSO transferred an additional 31.3 billion baht to 1,942 medical facilities and hospitals nationwide in October and November to help the fight against Covid-19, said NHSO secretary-general Jadet Thammathat-aree.


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How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline

February 12th, 2023 by Seymour M. Hersh

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The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II structure that has the look of a vocational high school on the west side of Chicago. A coin-operated laundromat and a dance school are across what is now a four-lane road.

The center has been training highly skilled deep-water divers for decades who, once assigned to American military units worldwide, are capable of technical diving to do the good—using C4 explosives to clear harbors and beaches of debris and unexploded ordinance—as well as the bad, like blowing up foreign oil rigs, fouling intake valves for undersea power plants, destroying locks on crucial shipping canals. The Panama City center, which boasts the second largest indoor pool in America, was the perfect place to recruit the best, and most taciturn, graduates of the diving school who successfully did last summer what they had been authorized to do 260 feet under the surface of the Baltic Sea.

Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.

Two of the pipelines, which were known collectively as Nord Stream 1, had been providing Germany and much of Western Europe with cheap Russian natural gas for more than a decade. A second pair of pipelines, called Nord Stream 2, had been built but were not yet operational. Now, with Russian troops massing on the Ukrainian border and the bloodiest war in Europe since 1945 looming, President Joseph Biden saw the pipelines as a vehicle for Vladimir Putin to weaponize natural gas for his political and territorial ambitions.

Asked for comment, Adrienne Watson, a White House spokesperson, said in an email, “This is false and complete fiction.” Tammy Thorp, a spokesperson for the Central Intelligence Agency, similarly wrote: “This claim is completely and utterly false.”

Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to best achieve that goal. For much of that time, the issue was not whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible.

There was a vital bureaucratic reason for relying on the graduates of the center’s hardcore diving school in Panama City. The divers were Navy only, and not members of America’s Special Operations Command, whose covert operations must be reported to Congress and briefed in advance to the Senate and House leadership—the so-called Gang of Eight. The Biden Administration was doing everything possible to avoid leaks as the planning took place late in 2021 and into the first months of 2022.

President Biden and his foreign policy team—National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Tony Blinken, and Victoria Nuland, the Undersecretary of State for Policy—had been vocal and consistent in their hostility to the two pipelines, which ran side by side for 750 miles under the Baltic Sea from two different ports in northeastern Russia near the Estonian border, passing close to the Danish island of Bornholm before ending in northern Germany.

The direct route, which bypassed any need to transit Ukraine, had been a boon for the German economy, which enjoyed an abundance of cheap Russian natural gas—enough to run its factories and heat its homes while enabling German distributors to sell excess gas, at a profit, throughout Western Europe. Action that could be traced to the administration would violate US promises to minimize direct conflict with Russia. Secrecy was essential.

From its earliest days, Nord Stream 1 was seen by Washington and its anti-Russian NATO partners as a threat to western dominance. The holding company behind it, Nord Stream AG, was incorporated in Switzerland in 2005 in partnership with Gazprom, a publicly traded Russian company producing enormous profits for shareholders which is dominated by oligarchs known to be in the thrall of Putin. Gazprom controlled 51 percent of the company, with four European energy firms—one in France, one in the Netherlands and two in Germany—sharing the remaining 49 percent of stock, and having the right to control downstream sales of the inexpensive natural gas to local distributors in Germany and Western Europe. Gazprom’s profits were shared with the Russian government, and state gas and oil revenues were estimated in some years to amount to as much as 45 percent of Russia’s annual budget.

America’s political fears were real: Putin would now have an additional and much-needed major source of income, and Germany and the rest of Western Europe would become addicted to low-cost natural gas supplied by Russia—while diminishing European reliance on America. In fact, that’s exactly what happened. Many Germans saw Nord Stream 1 as part of the deliverance of former Chancellor Willy Brandt’s famed Ostpolitik theory, which would enable postwar Germany to rehabilitate itself and other European nations destroyed in World War II by, among other initiatives, utilizing cheap Russian gas to fuel a prosperous Western European market and trading economy.

Nord Stream 1 was dangerous enough, in the view of NATO and Washington, but Nord Stream 2, whose construction was completed in September of 2021, would, if approved by German regulators, double the amount of cheap gas that would be available to Germany and Western Europe. The second pipeline also would provide enough gas for more than 50 percent of Germany’s annual consumption. Tensions were constantly escalating between Russia and NATO, backed by the aggressive foreign policy of the Biden Administration.

Opposition to Nord Stream 2 flared on the eve of the Biden inauguration in January 2021, when Senate Republicans, led by Ted Cruz of Texas, repeatedly raised the political threat of cheap Russian natural gas during the confirmation hearing of Blinken as Secretary of State. By then a unified Senate had successfully passed a law that, as Cruz told Blinken, “halted [the pipeline] in its tracks.” There would be enormous political and economic pressure from the German government, then headed by Angela Merkel, to get the second pipeline online.

Would Biden stand up to the Germans? Blinken said yes, but added that he had not discussed the specifics of the incoming President’s views.

“I know his strong conviction that this is a bad idea, the Nord Stream 2,” he said. “I know that he would have us use every persuasive tool that we have to convince our friends and partners, including Germany, not to move forward with it.”

A few months later, as the construction of the second pipeline neared completion, Biden blinked. That May, in a stunning turnaround, the administration waived sanctions against Nord Stream AG, with a State Department official conceding that trying to stop the pipeline through sanctions and diplomacy had “always been a long shot.” Behind the scenes, administration officials reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, by then facing a threat of Russian invasion, not to criticize the move.

There were immediate consequences. Senate Republicans, led by Cruz, announced an immediate blockade of all of Biden’s foreign policy nominees and delayed passage of the annual defense bill for months, deep into the fall. Politico later depicted Biden’s turnabout on the second Russian pipeline as “the one decision, arguably more than the chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan, that has imperiled Biden’s agenda.”

The administration was floundering, despite getting a reprieve on the crisis in mid-November, when Germany’s energy regulators suspended approval of the second Nord Stream pipeline. Natural gas prices surged 8% within days, amid growing fears in Germany and Europe that the pipeline suspension and the growing possibility of a war between Russia and Ukraine would lead to a very much unwanted cold winter. It was not clear to Washington just where Olaf Scholz, Germany’s newly appointed chancellor, stood. Months earlier, after the fall of Afghanistan, Scholtz had publicly endorsed French President Emmanuel Macron’s call for a more autonomous European foreign policy in a speech in Prague—clearly suggesting less reliance on Washington and its mercurial actions.

Throughout all of this, Russian troops had been steadily and ominously building up on the borders of Ukraine, and by the end of December more than 100,000 soldiers were in position to strike from Belarus and Crimea. Alarm was growing in Washington, including an assessment from Blinken that those troop numbers could be “doubled in short order.”

The administration’s attention once again was focused on Nord Stream. As long as Europe remained dependent on the pipelines for cheap natural gas, Washington was afraid that countries like Germany would be reluctant to supply Ukraine with the money and weapons it needed to defeat Russia.

It was at this unsettled moment that Biden authorized Jake Sullivan to bring together an interagency group to come up with a plan.

All options were to be on the table. But only one would emerge.


In December of 2021, two months before the first Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, Jake Sullivan convened a meeting of a newly formed task force—men and women from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the State and Treasury Departments—and asked for recommendations about how to respond to Putin’s impending invasion.

It would be the first of a series of top-secret meetings, in a secure room on a top floor of the Old Executive Office Building, adjacent to the White House, that was also the home of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). There was the usual back and forth chatter that eventually led to a crucial preliminary question: Would the recommendation forwarded by the group to the President be reversible—such as another layer of sanctions and currency restrictions—or irreversible—that is, kinetic actions, which could not be undone?

What became clear to participants, according to the source with direct knowledge of the process, is that Sullivan intended for the group to come up with a plan for the destruction of the two Nord Stream pipelines—and that he was delivering on the desires of the President.

Over the next several meetings, the participants debated options for an attack. The Navy proposed using a newly commissioned submarine to assault the pipeline directly. The Air Force discussed dropping bombs with delayed fuses that could be set off remotely. The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be covert. Everyone involved understood the stakes. “This is not kiddie stuff,” the source said. If the attack were traceable to the United States, “It’s an act of war.”

At the time, the CIA was directed by William Burns, a mild-mannered former ambassador to Russia who had served as deputy secretary of state in the Obama Administration. Burns quickly authorized an Agency working group whose ad hoc members included—by chance—someone who was familiar with the capabilities of the Navy’s deep-sea divers in Panama City. Over the next few weeks, members of the CIA’s working group began to craft a plan for a covert operation that would use deep-sea divers to trigger an explosion along the pipeline.

Something like this had been done before. In 1971, the American intelligence community learned from still undisclosed sources that two important units of the Russian Navy were communicating via an undersea cable buried in the Sea of Okhotsk, on Russia’s Far East Coast. The cable linked a regional Navy command to the mainland headquarters at Vladivostok.

A hand-picked team of Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency operatives was assembled somewhere in the Washington area, under deep cover, and worked out a plan, using Navy divers, modified submarines and a deep-submarine rescue vehicle, that succeeded, after much trial and error, in locating the Russian cable. The divers planted a sophisticated listening device on the cable that successfully intercepted the Russian traffic and recorded it on a taping system.

The NSA learned that senior Russian navy officers, convinced of the security of their communication link, chatted away with their peers without encryption. The recording device and its tape had to be replaced monthly and the project rolled on merrily for a decade until it was compromised by a forty-four-year-old civilian NSA technician named Ronald Pelton who was fluent in Russian. Pelton was betrayed by a Russian defector in 1985 and sentenced to prison. He was paid just $5,000 by the Russians for his revelations about the operation, along with $35,000 for other Russian operational data he provided that was never made public.

That underwater success, codenamed Ivy Bells, was innovative and risky, and produced invaluable intelligence about the Russian Navy’s intentions and planning.

Still, the interagency group was initially skeptical of the CIA’s enthusiasm for a covert deep-sea attack. There were too many unanswered questions. The waters of the Baltic Sea were heavily patrolled by the Russian navy, and there were no oil rigs that could be used as cover for a diving operation. Would the divers have to go to Estonia, right across the border from Russia’s natural gas loading docks, to train for the mission? “It would be a goat fuck,” the Agency was told.

Throughout “all of this scheming,” the source said, “some working guys in the CIA and the State Department were saying, ‘Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.’”

Nevertheless, in early 2022, the CIA working group reported back to Sullivan’s interagency group: “We have a way to blow up the pipelines.”

What came next was stunning. On February 7, less than three weeks before the seemingly inevitable Russian invasion of Ukraine, Biden met in his White House office with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who, after some wobbling, was now firmly on the American team. At the press briefing that followed, Biden defiantly said,

If Russia invades . . . there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

Twenty days earlier, Undersecretary Nuland had delivered essentially the same message at a State Department briefing, with little press coverage.

“I want to be very clear to you today,” she said in response to a question. “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

Several of those involved in planning the pipeline mission were dismayed by what they viewed as indirect references to the attack.

“It was like putting an atomic bomb on the ground in Tokyo and telling the Japanese that we are going to detonate it,” the source said. “The plan was for the options to be executed post invasion and not advertised publicly. Biden simply didn’t get it or ignored it.”

Biden’s and Nuland’s indiscretion, if that is what it was, might have frustrated some of the planners. But it also created an opportunity. According to the source, some of the senior officials of the CIA determined that blowing up the pipeline “no longer could be considered a covert option because the President just announced that we knew how to do it.”

The plan to blow up Nord Stream 1 and 2 was suddenly downgraded from a covert operation requiring that Congress be informed to one that was deemed as a highly classified intelligence operation with U.S. military support. Under the law, the source explained, “There was no longer a legal requirement to report the operation to Congress. All they had to do now is just do it—but it still had to be secret. The Russians have superlative surveillance of the Baltic Sea.”

The Agency working group members had no direct contact with the White House, and were eager to find out if the President meant what he’d said—that is, if the mission was now a go. The source recalled, “Bill Burns comes back and says, ‘Do it.’”

“The Norwegian navy was quick to find the right spot, in the shallow water a few miles off Denmark’s Bornholm Island . . .”

The Operation

Norway was the perfect place to base the mission.

In the past few years of East-West crisis, the U.S. military has vastly expanded its presence inside Norway, whose western border runs 1,400 miles along the north Atlantic Ocean and merges above the Arctic Circle with Russia. The Pentagon has created high paying jobs and contracts, amid some local controversy, by investing hundreds of millions of dollars to upgrade and expand American Navy and Air Force facilities in Norway. The new works included, most importantly, an advanced synthetic aperture radar far up north that was capable of penetrating deep into Russia and came online just as the American intelligence community lost access to a series of long-range listening sites inside China.

A newly refurbished American submarine base, which had been under construction for years, had become operational and more American submarines were now able to work closely with their Norwegian colleagues to monitor and spy on a major Russian nuclear redoubt 250 miles to the east, on the Kola Peninsula. America also has vastly expanded a Norwegian air base in the north and delivered to the Norwegian air force a fleet of Boeing-built P8 Poseidon patrol planes to bolster its long-range spying on all things Russia.

In return, the Norwegian government angered liberals and some moderates in its parliament last November by passing the Supplementary Defense Cooperation Agreement (SDCA). Under the new deal, the U.S. legal system would have jurisdiction in certain “agreed areas” in the North over American soldiers accused of crimes off base, as well as over those Norwegian citizens accused or suspected of interfering with the work at the base.

Norway was one of the original signatories of the NATO Treaty in 1949, in the early days of the Cold War. Today, the supreme commander of NATO is Jens Stoltenberg, a committed anti-communist, who served as Norway’s prime minister for eight years before moving to his high NATO post, with American backing, in 2014. He was a hardliner on all things Putin and Russia who had cooperated with the American intelligence community since the Vietnam War. He has been trusted completely since. “He is the glove that fits the American hand,” the source said.

Back in Washington, planners knew they had to go to Norway. “They hated the Russians, and the Norwegian navy was full of superb sailors and divers who had generations of experience in highly profitable deep-sea oil and gas exploration,” the source said. They also could be trusted to keep the mission secret. (The Norwegians may have had other interests as well. The destruction of Nord Stream—if the Americans could pull it off—would allow Norway to sell vastly more of its own natural gas to Europe.)

Sometime in March, a few members of the team flew to Norway to meet with the Norwegian Secret Service and Navy. One of the key questions was where exactly in the Baltic Sea was the best place to plant the explosives. Nord Stream 1 and 2, each with two sets of pipelines, were separated much of the way by little more than a mile as they made their run to the port of Greifswald in the far northeast of Germany.

The Norwegian navy was quick to find the right spot, in the shallow waters of the Baltic sea a few miles off Denmark’s Bornholm Island. The pipelines ran more than a mile apart along a seafloor that was only 260 feet deep. That would be well within the range of the divers, who, operating from a Norwegian Alta class mine hunter, would dive with a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and helium streaming from their tanks, and plant shaped C4 charges on the four pipelines with concrete protective covers. It would be tedious, time consuming and dangerous work, but the waters off Bornholm had another advantage: there were no major tidal currents, which would have made the task of diving much more difficult.

After a bit of research, the Americans were all in.

At this point, the Navy’s obscure deep-diving group in Panama City once again came into play. The deep-sea schools at Panama City, whose trainees participated in Ivy Bells, are seen as an unwanted backwater by the elite graduates of the Naval Academy in Annapolis, who typically seek the glory of being assigned as a Seal, fighter pilot, or submariner. If one must become a “Black Shoe”—that is, a member of the less desirable surface ship command—there is always at least duty on a destroyer, cruiser or amphibious ship. The least glamorous of all is mine warfare. Its divers never appear in Hollywood movies, or on the cover of popular magazines.

“The best divers with deep diving qualifications are a tight community, and only the very best are recruited for the operation and told to be prepared to be summoned to the CIA in Washington,” the source said.

The Norwegians and Americans had a location and the operatives, but there was another concern: any unusual underwater activity in the waters off Bornholm might draw the attention of the Swedish or Danish navies, which could report it.

Denmark had also been one of the original NATO signatories and was known in the intelligence community for its special ties to the United Kingdom. Sweden had applied for membership into NATO, and had demonstrated its great skill in managing its underwater sound and magnetic sensor systems that successfully tracked Russian submarines that would occasionally show up in remote waters of the Swedish archipelago and be forced to the surface.

The Norwegians joined the Americans in insisting that some senior officials in Denmark and Sweden had to be briefed in general terms about possible diving activity in the area. In that way, someone higher up could intervene and keep a report out of the chain of command, thus insulating the pipeline operation. “What they were told and what they knew were purposely different,” the source told me. (The Norwegian embassy, asked to comment on this story, did not respond.)

The Norwegians were key to solving other hurdles. The Russian navy was known to possess surveillance technology capable of spotting, and triggering, underwater mines. The American explosive devices needed to be camouflaged in a way that would make them appear to the Russian system as part of the natural background—something that required adapting to the specific salinity of the water. The Norwegians had a fix.

The Norwegians also had a solution to the crucial question of when the operation should take place. Every June, for the past 21 years, the American Sixth Fleet, whose flagship is based in Gaeta, Italy, south of Rome, has sponsored a major NATO exercise in the Baltic Sea involving scores of allied ships throughout the region. The current exercise, held in June, would be known as Baltic Operations 22, or BALTOPS 22. The Norwegians proposed this would be the ideal cover to plant the mines.

The Americans provided one vital element: they convinced the Sixth Fleet planners to add a research and development exercise to the program. The exercise, as made public by the Navy, involved the Sixth Fleet in collaboration with the Navy’s “research and warfare centers.” The at-sea event would be held off the coast of Bornholm Island and involve NATO teams of divers planting mines, with competing teams using the latest underwater technology to find and destroy them.

It was both a useful exercise and ingenious cover. The Panama City boys would do their thing and the C4 explosives would be in place by the end of BALTOPS22, with a 48-hour timer attached. All of the Americans and Norwegians would be long gone by the first explosion.

The days were counting down. “The clock was ticking, and we were nearing mission accomplished,” the source said.

And then: Washington had second thoughts. The bombs would still be planted during BALTOPS, but the White House worried that a two-day window for their detonation would be too close to the end of the exercise, and it would be obvious that America had been involved.

Instead, the White House had a new request: “Can the guys in the field come up with some way to blow the pipelines later on command?”

Some members of the planning team were angered and frustrated by the President’s seeming indecision. The Panama City divers had repeatedly practiced planting the C4 on pipelines, as they would during BALTOPS, but now the team in Norway had to come up with a way to give Biden what he wanted—the ability to issue a successful execution order at a time of his choosing.

Being tasked with an arbitrary, last-minute change was something the CIA was accustomed to managing. But it also renewed the concerns some shared over the necessity, and legality, of the entire operation.

The President’s secret orders also evoked the CIA’s dilemma in the Vietnam War days, when President Johnson, confronted by growing anti-Vietnam War sentiment, ordered the Agency to violate its charter—which specifically barred it from operating inside America—by spying on antiwar leaders to determine whether they were being controlled by Communist Russia.

The agency ultimately acquiesced, and throughout the 1970s it became clear just how far it had been willing to go. There were subsequent newspaper revelations in the aftermath of the Watergate scandals about the Agency’s spying on American citizens, its involvement in the assassination of foreign leaders and its undermining of the socialist government of Salvador Allende.

Those revelations led to a dramatic series of hearings in the mid-1970s in the Senate, led by Frank Church of Idaho, that made it clear that Richard Helms, the Agency director at the time, accepted that he had an obligation to do what the President wanted, even if it meant violating the law.

In unpublished, closed-door testimony, Helms ruefully explained that “you almost have an Immaculate Conception when you do something” under secret orders from a President. “Whether it’s right that you should have it, or wrong that you shall have it, [the CIA] works under different rules and ground rules than any other part of the government.” He was essentially telling the Senators that he, as head of the CIA, understood that he had been working for the Crown, and not the Constitution.

The Americans at work in Norway operated under the same dynamic, and dutifully began working on the new problem—how to remotely detonate the C4 explosives on Biden’s order. It was a much more demanding assignment than those in Washington understood. There was no way for the team in Norway to know when the President might push the button. Would it be in a few weeks, in many months or in half a year or longer?

The C4 attached to the pipelines would be triggered by a sonar buoy dropped by a plane on short notice, but the procedure involved the most advanced signal processing technology. Once in place, the delayed timing devices attached to any of the four pipelines could be accidentally triggered by the complex mix of ocean background noises throughout the heavily trafficked Baltic Sea—from near and distant ships, underwater drilling, seismic events, waves and even sea creatures. To avoid this, the sonar buoy, once in place, would emit a sequence of unique low frequency tonal sounds—much like those emitted by a flute or a piano—that would be recognized by the timing device and, after a pre-set hours of delay, trigger the explosives. (“You want a signal that is robust enough so that no other signal could accidentally send a pulse that detonated the explosives,” I was told by Dr. Theodore Postol, professor emeritus of science, technology and national security policy at MIT. Postol, who has served as the science adviser to the Pentagon’s Chief of Naval Operations, said the issue facing the group in Norway because of Biden’s delay was one of chance: “The longer the explosives are in the water the greater risk there would be of a random signal that would launch the bombs.”)

On September 26, 2022, a Norwegian Navy P8 surveillance plane made a seemingly routine flight and dropped a sonar buoy. The signal spread underwater, initially to Nord Stream 2 and then on to Nord Stream 1. A few hours later, the high-powered C4 explosives were triggered and three of the four pipelines were put out of commission. Within a few minutes, pools of methane gas that remained in the shuttered pipelines could be seen spreading on the water’s surface and the world learned that something irreversible had taken place.


In the immediate aftermath of the pipeline bombing, the American media treated it like an unsolved mystery. Russia was repeatedly cited as a likely culprit, spurred on by calculated leaks from the White House—but without ever establishing a clear motive for such an act of self-sabotage, beyond simple retribution. A few months later, when it emerged that Russian authorities had been quietly getting estimates for the cost to repair the pipelines, the New York Times described the news as “complicating theories about who was behind” the attack. No major American newspaper dug into the earlier threats to the pipelines made by Biden and Undersecretary of State Nuland.

While it was never clear why Russia would seek to destroy its own lucrative pipeline, a more telling rationale for the President’s action came from Secretary of State Blinken.

Asked at a press conference last September about the consequences of the worsening energy crisis in Western Europe, Blinken described the moment as a potentially good one:

“It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs. That’s very significant and that offers tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come, but meanwhile we’re determined to do everything we possibly can to make sure the consequences of all of this are not borne by citizens in our countries or, for that matter, around the world.”

More recently, Victoria Nuland expressed satisfaction at the demise of the newest of the pipelines. Testifying at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in late January she told Senator Ted Cruz, “​Like you, I am, and I think the Administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.”

The source had a much more streetwise view of Biden’s decision to sabotage more than 1500 miles of Gazprom pipeline as winter approached. “Well,” he said, speaking of the President, “I gotta admit the guy has a pair of balls.  He said he was going to do it, and he did.”

Asked why he thought the Russians failed to respond, he said cynically, “Maybe they want the capability to do the same things the U.S. did.

“It was a beautiful cover story,” he went on. “Behind it was a covert operation that placed experts in the field and equipment that operated on a covert signal.

“The only flaw was the decision to do it.”


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Ucraina: La Recita e la Realtà

February 11th, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

Il Festival di Sanremo sarà ricordato come il “Festival dei due Presidenti”: il presidente della Repubblica Mattarella all’apertura e il presidente ucraino Zelenski alla chiusura. Quest’ultimo non appare in immagine, in seguito alle proteste levatesi in Italia. Resta però la sostanza: Zelenski invia al Festival di Sanremo un intervento che – annuncia il conduttore Amadeus incaricato di leggerlo – “viene tradotto addirittura dall’Ambasciata ucraina per poter essere proprio fedelissimi alla scrittura del presidente Zelenski”.

La recita che Zelenski fa al Festival viene messa, in questa puntata di Grandangolo, a confronto con la realtà di ciò che sta avvenendo in Ucraina, ricostruita attraverso drammatiche documentazioni visive.

Quale sia il reale ruolo di Zelensky lo rivela una inchiesta giornalistica pubblicata da The Guardian. Nelle elezioni presidenziali del 2019 l’attore Zelenski, divenuto famoso per la sua sitcom televisiva sulla corruzione dei vertici politici ucraini, si impegna a far finire la guerra in Donbass e a ripulire il sistema di governo dominato dagli oligarchi. Accusa il ricco Petro Poroshenko, presidente in carica, di nascondere i suoi beni in paradisi fiscali all’estero.

Riguardo al suo primo impegno, una volta alla presidenza, il ruolo di Zelenski non è quello di porre fine alla guerra nel Donbass, scatenata nel 2014 contro le popolazioni russe di questa regione, ma di alimentare la guerra di fatto diretta dalla NATO per colpire la Russia.

Riguardo al secondo impegno di eliminare la corruzione, in particolare l’esportazione di capitali nei paradisi fiscali, parlano i fatti dell’inchiesta pubblicata da The Guardian. Zelenski è comproprietario di tre società con sede e capitali in Belize e Isole Vergini Britanniche (Centro America) e a Cipro. Al momento di assumere la carica di presidente, Zelenski “cede” a due suoi soci le sue quote in tali società. E, una volta in carica, nomina il primo socio suo assistente speciale e il secondo capo dei servizi segreti ucraini.

Manlio Dinucci


Important and timely article first published by Global Research on July 24, 2012


On 28 November 1953, at 2 am, a man crashed through a closed window and fell to his death from the 10th floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City. He was identified as Frank Olson, a bacteriologist with the US Army Research Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. He had fallen from a room he shared with another scientist, Robert Lashbrook. It was ruled a suicide.

Twenty-two years later, in 1975, William Colby, then CIA director, declassified documents that changed the complexion of the case. It was revealed that Olson had actually been an undercover CIA operative at Fort Detrick, and that one week prior to his death, he had been drinking Cointreau at a high-level meeting with scientists at Deep Creek Lodge in rural Maryland. The Cointreau was laced with a large dose of LSD administered by his CIA boss, Sidney Gottlieb. He was then sent to New York with Lashbrook, also with the CIA, to see a psychiatrist because the LSD had induced a psychosis.

It was also revealed that Olson had been part of the top secret CIA program that was known as Project MK-ULTRA, exploring the use of chemicals and drugs for purposes of mind control, and bacteriological agents for covert assassination. Olson had been working on ways to deliver anthrax in aerosol form, for use as a weapon. New evidence that came to light, through the persistent efforts of Olson’s son Eric, made the suicide ruling highly suspect.

It turned out that Olson had been labelled a security risk by British intelligence after getting upset witnessing human experimentation on a trip to Frankfurt, Germany the previous summer. Eric Olson now believes that his father was drugged and then murdered to make sure that he didn’t reveal the secrets of the MK-ULTRA project. Following the 1975 revelations, the government must have felt more than a little guilt about the affair because Olson’s family was given a 17 minute audience with US President Ford, who apologised to them, and they were awarded damages in the amount of $750,000.

Controlling Human Behaviour

The MK-ULTRA program was instituted on 13 April 1953 by CIA Director Allen Dulles, ostensibly to counter the brainwashing techniques of American prisoners being held by the North Koreans during the Korean War, and to duplicate those techniques on enemy prisoners, i.e. the creation of “Manchurian Candidates.” This was the claim used to obtain funding for the project.

However, the Prisoner of War brainwashing program was just the tip of the iceberg, and the CIA-sponsored experiments ventured far and wide into areas of Mind Control under the aegis of MK-ULTRA that had little or nothing to do with methods of interrogation.

The Colby revelations were part of a sweeping investigation of the CIA in January 1975 by the “Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States,” chaired by Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller. The subsequent June 1975 Report to the President said: “The drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means for controlling human behaviour. Other studies explored the effects of radiation, electric-shock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology and harassment substances.”

Even though the program got off to a rocky start with the Olson affair, it recovered quickly and became an umbrella project with 149 sub-projects. The overall guiding principal was succinctly stated in an internal CIA memo dated January 1952: “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation?” 

The drug program came under the aegis of the Chemical Division of the Technical Services Staff headed up by Sidney Gottlieb from 1951 to 1956. Gottlieb was a highly intelligent eccentric who drank goat’s milk, enjoyed folk-dancing, and raised Christmas trees on his farm outside Washington.

The Agency funded LSD research programs at major medical centres and universities including Boston Psychopathic, Mt. Sinai Hospital at Columbia University, University of Illinois Medical School, University of Oklahoma and others. The funding was carried out secretly through the Josiah Macy Foundation, and the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research in Washington, D.C. The CIA claimed the secrecy was necessary to keep it from the Russians, but we have already seen that it was part of much larger project to learn how to control human behaviour in general, so this is not credible.

Gottlieb told Dr. Harold Abramson at Mt. Sinai (who just happened to be the psychiatrist that Olson was supposed to see!) that he wanted “operationally pertinent materials [about]: a. Disturbance of Memory; b. Discrediting by Aberrant Behaviour; c. Alteration of Sex Patterns; d. Eliciting of Information; e. Suggestibility; f. Creation of Dependence.” That sounds like pretty deep stuff for the spy game. They were really afraid of public reaction and congressional condemnation, especially since the CIA charter did not allow domestic operations, and certainly prohibited experimentation on US citizens.

The callousness of the research is best exemplified by the CIA-funded work of Dr. Harris Isbell, the Director of the Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky. The drug addict hospital inmates, who were mostly black, were encouraged to volunteer for LSD research in return for hard drugs of their choice or time off their sentences. In most cases, they were given pure morphine or heroin. At one point Isbell kept seven men on LSD for 77 straight days. Many others were on it for up to 42 days.

Concerning extended LSD usage, John Marks in his landmark book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control says about writer Hunter S. Thompson (recently deceased) that he “frightened his readers with accounts of drug (LSD) binges lasting a few days, during which Thompson felt his brain boiling away in the sun, his nerves wrapping around enormous barbed wire forts, and his remaining faculties reduced to their reptilian antecedents.” The recent movie The Rum Diary, starring Johnny Depp, based on the autobiographical book by Hunter S. Thompson, presents an imaginative re-enactment of his LSD adventures.

The CIA Turns On the Counter-Culture

Not satisfied with university research, Gottlieb recruited New York narcotics agent George White to distribute LSD surreptitiously to the “borderline underworld.” Operating through safe houses in Greenwich Village, Haight-Ashbury and Marin County, White gave doses to prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts and other “marginal people” and then observed the results and reported to Gottlieb.

John Marks says they were people “who would be powerless to seek any sort of revenge if they ever found out what the CIA had done to them. In addition to their being unlikely whistle-blowers, such people lived in a world where an unwitting dose of some drug… was an occupational hazard anyway.”

Eventually, White started using it randomly all over New York and San Francisco. Regarding the results, Marks says, “The MKULTRA scientists reaped little but disaster, mischief, and disappointment from their efforts to use LSD as a miracle weapon against the minds of their opponents.” Yet, they continued this program for 10 years until 1963.

Ironically, since the CIA had pretty much cornered the market on LSD internationally, buying up all the product of Sandoz and Eli Lilly, the spread of the drug to the counter-culture was through the Agency. Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Allen Ginsburg and Tom Wolfe were first “turned on” thanks to the CIA, and that’s how the “flower children” became psychedelic.

But, the LSD experiments may have been more successful than Marks realised. They were carefully noting the precise effects on brain chemistry, and in the six areas that Gottlieb was concerned with: memory disturbance, aberrant behaviour, altered sexual patterns, eliciting information, suggestibility and creation of dependence. This became evident when they started using LSD as an adjunct in hypnotic and electronic experiments.

Re-Patterning the Brain

Perhaps the most notorious and nefarious MK-ULTRA sub-project was carried out at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Canada under the directorship of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, an American from Albany, New York. Cameron had trained at the Royal Mental Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, under eugenicist Sir David Henderson, and founded the Canadian branch of the World Federation for Mental Health. At various times, he was elected president of the Canadian, American, and World psychiatric associations. In other words, Cameron was no renegade but had the full faith and endorsement of the world psychiatric establishment.

The CIA wanted Cameron to “depattern” the contents of the brain to make it receptive to new patterning. David Remnick in a Washington Post article on 28 July 1985 said, “The…. heart of the laboratory was the Grid Room…. The subject was strapped into a chair involuntarily, by force, his head bristling with electrodes and transducers. Any resistance was met with a paralysing dose of curare. The subject’s brainwaves were beamed to a nearby reception room crammed with voice analysers, a wire recorder and radio receivers cobbled together… The systematic annihilation or ‘depatterning’ of a subject’s mind and memory was accomplished with overdoses of LSD, barbiturate sleep for 65 days at a stretch and ECT shocks at 75 times the recommended dosage. Psychic driving, the repetition of a recorded message for 16 hours a day, programmed the empty mind. Fragile patients referred to Allan Memorial for help were thus turned into carbuncular jellyfish.”

Anton Chaitkin in his essay, ‘British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination’, says: “Patients lost all or part of their memories, and some lost the ability to control their bodily functions and to speak. At least one patient was reduced almost to a vegetable; then Cameron had the cognitive centres of her brain surgically cut apart, while keeping her alive. Some subjects were deposited permanently in institutions for the hopelessly insane.”

The CIA funded these horrors through a front called “The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.” Other supporters of the Allan Institute were the Rockefeller Foundation, the Geschickter Foundation, and the Canadian government.

About Cameron’s work, Wikipedia says:

“Naomi Klein states, in her book The Shock Doctrine, that Cameron’s research and his contribution to the MKUltra project was actually not about mind control and brainwashing, but ‘to design a scientifically based system for extracting information from “resistant sources.”  In other words, torture’.

And citing a book from Alfred W. McCoy it further says that ‘Stripped of its bizarre excesses, Cameron’s experiments, building upon Donald O. Hebb’s earlier breakthrough, laid the scientific foundation for the CIA’s two-stage psychological torture method’.” This method was codified in the infamous “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual” published by the CIA in July 1963, and in the Human Resources Exploitation Training Manual – 1983 that was used in CIA training courses in Latin American countries up until 1987. These manuals describe methods of psychological torture, far more potent than physical torture, to elicit information from “resistant sources.”

An Orwellian Nightmare

As one would expect, the technologies now available to the mind-controllers have zoomed off the chart to the point where George Orwell’s world of omni-surveillance now seems almost quaint. Of course, it is true that 1984 was 28 years ago. But even as far back as 1970, US congressman James Scheur was able to say, “As a result of spinoffs from medical, military aerospace and industrial research, we are now in the process of developing devices and products capable of controlling violent mobs without injury. We can tranquillise, impede, immobilise, harass, shock, upset, stupefy, nauseate, chill, temporarily blind, deafen or just plain scare the wits out of anyone the police have a proper need to control and restrain.”

A brief survey of some of the scariest products known to be in the arsenal of the secretive alphabet agencies arrayed against John Q. Public are such devices as the Neurophone, patented by Dr. Patrick Flanagan in 1968. It converts sound to electrical impulses which can be delivered from satellites. When aimed at individuals, the impulses travel directly to the brain where the sounds are re-assembled and appear to be voices inside the head, which can be perceived as coming from God, or telepathic aliens, or whatever. Or the sounds can come out of a turned-off TV or radio. Through software, the device can mimic anyone’s voice and translate into any language.

It is believed that the CIA, DIA, NSA et al use the Neurophone to deliver threats and propaganda to selected targets, or just to torment someone they don’t like. One can imagine the possibilities. Could this explain some of the killings by “psychopaths” who say they were instructed by God, such as Mark David Chapman, David Berkowitz, or Sirhan Sirhan? If they had been previously evaluated through sophisticated personality assessments and groomed by LSD or hypnosis, such voices could easily tip the balance and convince them to kill.

We’ve all heard about the “Thought Police” and laughed because it seemed so implausible. Well, the joke is on us. Brain scanning technology is now well-advanced. In 1974, Lawrence Pinneo, a neurophysiologist and electronic engineer with the Stanford Research Institute succeeded in correlating brain wave patterns from EEGs with specific words. In 1994, the brain wave patterns of 40 subjects were officially correlated with both spoken words and silent thought at the University of Missouri. It is believed that US intelligence agencies now have a brain wave vocabulary of over 60,000 words in most common languages.

Brain waves constitute a magnetic field around the head (the aura), each person having a unique, identifiable electromagnetic signature which becomes visible through Kirlian photography, and these fields can be monitored by satellites. The translated results are then fed back to ground-side super computers at speeds of up to 20 gigabytes/second. Neurophone messages can then be beamed to selected individuals based on their thoughts. It is believed that about one million people around the globe are now monitored on a regular basis. As these numbers increase, as they certainly will, to include most educated and important people in the world, the New World Order will definitely have arrived.

As Australian writer Paul Baird has observed, “no-one will ever be able to even think about expressing an opinion contrary to those forced on us by the New World Order. There will literally be no intellectual property that cannot be stolen, no writing that cannot be censored, no thought that cannot be suppressed (by the most oppressive/invasive means).” Baird also claims that ex-military/intelligence whistle-blowers have reported that experiments in controlling voters with these techniques have been tried in several foreign countries. So much for democracy.

Other technologies, such as microwave bombardment to confuse and disorient field personnel, microchip implantation, silently delivered acoustical subliminal messages, widespread population control through psychiatric drugs, and extreme close-up satellite-based viewing able to read documents indoors, are all well-developed and in use by military and intelligence agencies. This doesn’t even address the monitoring of overt spoken and written material. Under Project ECHELON, the NSA monitors every call, fax, e-mail and computer data message in and out of the US, Canada and several other countries. Their computers then search for key words and phrases. Anything or anyone of interest draws the attention of agency operatives, who can then commence surveillance operations by the NSA or other intelligence agencies.

Novel Capabilities

We conclude with a chilling vision of the future from the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. It is from New World Vistas of Air and Space Power for the 21st Century.

“Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. This will open the door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training…”

And based on the past clandestine abuses of MK-ULTRA reviewed above, one can predict with relative certainty that these capabilities will be used on civilians, with or without their knowledge or acquiescence.
The above article appears in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 6 No 3

 First published by Global Research on January 28, 2022
This is an important article.
UK Law Enforcement procedures have been initiated against the architects of the Covid-19 crisis.
This initiative sets a precedent Worldwide.
Should a Criminal Investigation be contemplated in regards to Canada’s Trudeau Government Covid-19 Mandates?

Metropolitan Police Crime Number: 6029679/21

International Criminal Court (The Hague) case number: OTP‐CR‐473/21

The world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is now under‐way, involving Hammersmith Police, The Metropolitan Police, and The International Criminal Court. The UK police accepted the supporting information and agreed there is enough evidence to proceed under the above crime number.

The case was lodged on 20th December 2021 by Sam White MD, Philip Hyland (PJH Law), Lois Bayliss (Broad Yorkshire Law) and retired policeman Mark Sexton.

Requests for further assistance have been made to international lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr (nephew of J F Kennedy), Dr Reiner Fuellmich (German corporate lawyer who won the emissions scandal case against Volkswagen Audi), Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer Vice President), plus countless other doctors, professors, virologists, biologists, data experts and lawyers nationally and internationally; some of whom have already made direct contact with the police and have been acknowledged by Superintendent Simpson (Assistant to Cressida Dick, Head of The Metropolitan Police).

The complaints allege numerous serious crimes including misfeasance and misconduct in public office; gross negligence manslaughter; corporate manslaughter, murder, conspiracy to murder, genocide and crimes against humanity.

The evidence submitted by Philip Hyland and Dr Sam White against the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is damning and shows they did not carry out due diligence surrounding the vaccine data, trials and studies; and that they continued to ignore the death, harm and injury the vaccines cause.

Mark Sexton says:

“This is now a live criminal investigation. We were forced to act due to the complacency of the UK Government, despite them being fully aware of the catastrophic death and injury figures to adults and children alike. This is nothing short of genocide; once again it seems that profit over people is the overriding motive. There is a deliberate blanket campaign of misinformation underway. Many don’t even realise that the covid Vaccine is still an experimental product. This is the most far-reaching criminal inquiry ever undertaken. A national scandal that threatens the lives and the livelihoods of every person in the UK. If people want unassailable current evidence, I’d suggest in the interim they look at: ”


“In years to come this will be the equivalent of another Thalidomide scandal, but for now we have to act on a united front to get the truth out to the public and stop the unsafe covid vaccine rollout. We have several thousand pieces of evidence to discredit the safety and efficacy of this vaccine, but we are still encouraging members of the public to contact us to further support our claim. We therefore appeal to anyone who has suffered the death of a loved one following a Covid vaccine and anyone who has been injured by it, e.g. blindness, heart issues, blood clots, stroke, myocarditis etc”.

“We’d also like to hear from those illegally threatened with ‘No jab, no job’”.

We must act now. If you have information to assist the police inquiry, please contact Lois Bayliss of Broad Yorkshire Law: [email protected]

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“Never Again Is Now Global,” a five-part docuseries highlighting the parallels between Nazi Germany and global pandemic policies.

Each one-hour episode focuses on recent testimonies by Holocaust survivors and their descendants who discuss comparisons between the early repressive stages under the Nazi regime that culminated in the Holocaust and global COVID-19 policies.

Watch the trailer of part 2 below. And click here to watch the full episode.


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Serbian History and Western Kosovo Mythology

February 11th, 2023 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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A National trauma

A national trauma which the Serbs after the fall of the Serbian national state and the Ottoman occupation experienced after June 20th, 1459[i] can be compared with that felt by Judea’s Jews after the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.[ii] Since Serbia soon found herself well within the Ottoman Sultanate and the European Christian states were on defense from the victorious Muslim Ottoman Turks, no light at the end of the historical tunnel was seen and the whole nation sank into deep despair for the next four centuries. In a sense, the nation may be regarded as an extended individual, with similar suffering from wounds and defeats.[iii] And as an individual compensates for its personal defeats by pushing his/her traumatic memories into the subconscious, so a nation builds up a fictitious history, trying to justify his/her failures and construct a fictitious world without unpleasant reality. Subjugated Serbs were no exception, as the Jews, Germans, Albanians, Lithuanians,[iv] etc. were neither. This is evidenced mostly from folk epic poetry.[v]

The latter was resting, as far as the 1389 Kosovo Battle was concerned, on two principal pillars, one ideological, the other quasi-historical. The essence of the Kosovo cycle epic poems centers on the so-called “Prince (Lazar)’s Supper”. This is composed, in its turn, mainly on the New Testament myth of the “(Christ’s) Last Supper”, with an admixture of the Homeric plot from the Iliad.

On the ideological side, the 1389 Kosovo Battle against the Muslim Ottoman Turks is presented in Serbian epic poems as a collective crucifixion. Being aware of the superiority of the Ottoman army, Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović of Serbia was put before two alternatives:

1) To surrender and to enjoy the “Earthly Kingdom” or

2) To fighting and to deserve the “Heavenly Kingdom”, with the obvious allusion to the choice of Jesus Christ. Of course, the Christian Prince chose the second alternative.[vi]

Hence, it was just God’s will, an inevitable outcome of the choice, which resulted in the bloody defeat during the battle. As for the very plot, the scenario at the epic poem “Prince’s Supper” had Jesus in the image of Lazar, while the role of Judah was allotted to Kosovo’s nobleman Vuk Branković.[vii] The latter accused Miloš Obilić of treacherous intentions, and it was for that reason that the latter decided to kill Sultan Murad I (1360−1389) as proof of his loyalty.[viii] The parallel with Achilles before the Troy is conspicuous.

Nevertheless, even ignoring the ideological religious background mentioned, it was this treacherous behaviour of Vuk Branković, who allegedly passed during the very battle on the Ottoman side, which turned out fatal for the Christian and Serbian cause. However, this betrayal has never been proven by historical sources and it was in all probability invented later on, for a number of political and other reasons. But as a result, a Kosovo nobleman and feudal lord Vuk Branković remained in the popular Serb memory as an epitome of a traitor.

Apart from the folk epic cycle mentioned above, many Serb poets used to make use of the 1389 Kosovo Battle as poetic inspiration. A cycle by poet Dragoljub Filipović about Serb Kosovo heroes can move anybody except the Serbophobs. A renown Serb poet from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, Milan Rakić, wrote a poem entitled On Gazimestan.[ix] When in October 1912 Serbian army reached Kosovo Field during the 1912‒1913 First Balkan War, a commander lined up his unit at the spot on Gazimestan and asked if somebody could recite the poem before the line. A soldier stepped ahead and did it, in a solemn silence of moved comrades. Then another soldier stepped ahead and asked the commander if he is aware that the author of the poem is present in the line. The surprised commander then asked Milan Rakić to step ahead, but the latter was so timid that he did not obey the order. The commander then ordered the unit to salute their comrade, what they did proudly.

A historic place of Gazimestan means to the Serbs the same as Golgotha to the Christians, and the West Wall to the Jews. There is no Serb kid who has not read some parts from the collection of the Kosovo cycle poetry, folk or otherwise. Kosovo-Metochia (KosMet)[x] may be torn out from Serbia (and the Serbs), just as the Temple has been destroyed and the Jews left Judea. But just as after every feast meal Jews hit glasses after a toast onto the floor and cry: “Jerusalem, let my right arm dry up if I forget you!”, so Serbs will yearn for the lost homeland. The Jews have returned to Judea (today Israel) and recover Jerusalem and the West Wall (with fundamental support by the US’ administration and the Zionist lobby in the USA).[xi]

The 1389 Kosovo Battle

The battle which took place north of KosMet’s administrative center Priština on the early morning of June 28th on the Kosovo Field[xii] is of focal ideological and patriotic importance to the Serbs during the last 600 years. A ruler of Serbia Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović (1373‒1389), allied with his compatriot from Bosnia King Tvrtko I Kotromanić (1353‒1391), made the last attempt to preserve his independence from rapidly expanding Ottoman Empire.[xiii] In 1388 they succeeded to defeat an Ottoman army in three successive battles of which the Bileća Battle (August 27th, 1388) was of the crucial significance.[xiv] The Ottoman Sultan Murad I, who had been occupied by pacifying Anatolia (Asia Minor), returned to the Balkans and brought together a huge coalition of forces among his vassals, many of whom were Christians including and ethnic Albanians, Bulgarians, and Serbs. The opposing army under Prince Lazar and King Tvrtko I was composed by the coalition of Central Serbia’s forces, Bosnian troops under Vlatko Vuković, the Vlach (Romanian) contingent of Voyvode Mircea, the troops of Lazar’s son-in-law Vuk Branković (feudal lord of KosMet) and some other detachments.

More numerous Ottoman army won the battle but both leaders, Prince Lazar and Sultan Murad I, lost their lives. According to very popular Serbian legend, Sultan Murad I was assassinated by Serbian knight Miloš Obilić or Kobilić who was before the battle taunted and insulted by Kosovo’s landlord Vuk Branković. The assassinator slipped bravely into Sultan’s tent and stabbed the Sultan Murad I by a long knife to death, before being killed by Sultan’s guards. Prince Lazar was at the last stage of the battle taken as the prisoner with his knights and was decapitated by the Ottomans.[xv]

Nevertheless, the 1389 Kosovo Battle became very soon a focal element of Serb patriotism and national mythology over the centuries. For sure, no other single historical event has had more psychological influence and mental impact on the Serbs as a nation up today. The crucial element in his mythology is a tradition that before the battle, Prince Lazar was offered by Sultan Murad I the choice between the Earthly Kingdom and a Heavenly Empire, and he chose the latter what meant in practice the battle and national tragedy followed by the Ottoman yoke for centuries. As a matter of fact, because of such kind of covenant with God, the Serbs are understanding themselves as a collective identity as a Heavenly People for the very reason they chose in 1389 freedom in a Heavenly Empire over serfdom and humiliation in a temporal world (the Earthly Kingdom). The same happened in 1999 when NATO’s gangsters gave the ultimatum to the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) to handle over KosMet’s province to them but the ultimatum was rejected followed by NATO’s aggression on Serbia and Montenegro for 78 days (March‒June 1999).[xvi]

Historically, the 1389 Kosovo Battle accelerated the disintegration of the medieval Serbian state and opened the way to five centuries of the Ottoman yoke in KosMet and South Balkans.

The Western Kosovo meta-mythology

In political practice, Kosovo-Battle memory, both historical and poetic, has been used by those Serbian politicians who referred to national sentiments, as an easy means to achieve Serbian collective support for their running politics. However, in fact, this refers mainly to Serbian quasi-intellectuals, who were educated in traditional manners. Nevertheless, this instance has been vastly and successfully exploited by those who found their interests in tearing KosMet from Serbia.[xvii] It concerns both Albanians (from Albania and KosMet) and their (Western) patrons. Since this instance appears of great importance for the propaganda war going on about KosMet, it deserves particular attention here.

It is known that one of the main strategies in winning a case has always been to attack an adversary at the point one feels to be the weakest with him/herself. It is obvious, for instance, how the mythology about the quasi Illyrian origin of the Albanians has been developed by Albanian historians and politicians, what should lend support for their claims on almost any West Balkan territory, including that of a present-day Austria. Therefore, the principal target of the same circles has been to convince the world public opinion that Serbs’ claims on KosMet are a product of pure phantasy, an irrational construction of Serb history regarding their presence on KosMet. If they prove that a part of this construction is a false one, a pure myth, then it should be much easier to convince people that the rest is false as well. Their strategy is simple and it goes like this: Serbian claims regarding KosMet’s history are as realistic as their poetry is historically supported.[xviii]

In order to illustrate the point, let us turn for the moment to Israel, his ancient and recent history.  We know from the Old Testament that the Jewish clergy has claimed the historicity of the ancient fables including Exodus, pastes sent on Egypt by Jehovah, parting the Red Sea, slaughter by Joshua of Canaanites, etc.[xix] Since we are aware these are but irrational fancies, it follows that nothing in the Bible has historical support. Hence, the claims of the Jews that they used to live in present-day Israel, including Palestine, are mere fictions, not worthy serious considerations. And, as the logical consequence, the existence of the state of Israel is the result of European colonization of the Arabic national territory, a pure act of aggression and violence.[xx]

Likewise, due to Zeus’s interventions at Troy, the Trojan War never took place, since we know that the Olympian Gods were Greek inventions.[xxi]

The Kosovo meta-mythology has been, therefore, contrived like this: Serbs claim that their poetic memory is history, and since it is untrue, any further claims from their side appear likewise false. Nevertheless, the trouble with this construct is that Albanian Western patrons, like the USA, have accepted this meta-mythology and do not hesitate to express this in public. It is the background of their frequently repeated demands that Serbs should be realistic, to accept the reality (that KosMet is gone), etc. It never occurred to them that it is exactly one may have expected from them to give the advice to the Albanians, Albanian and non-Albanian likewise, to accept the reality that not all Albanians live in the same state, as not all Kurds, Serbs, Roma, Armenians, Jews or Basques do.  However, of course, it is no matter of logic or morality, but rather of geopolitical interest and military power.[xxii]

If one may forgive those involved who are trying to secure their geopolitical and other interests, national or otherwise, by referring to the irrationality of their adversaries, as ethnic-Albanians do, the behaviour of some others self-appointed advisers and/or referees can provoke dismay only. Indeed, those who go around and talk about somebody’s obsessions at microphones or in front of TV cameras, and then go to church and listen to Judeo-Christian myths, (not to mention those of the Islamic provenience) deserve nothing but compassion. To call historical facts myths and kneel at the same time before religious effigies deserve the attention of a particular branch of human professions, indeed.[xxiii]

Here it is interesting to note that the Vidovdan cult (the cult of the 1389 Kosovo Battle) was introduced much later from the time of the battle. Even more interesting is the fact that it came from the West, albeit in an indirect way. Namely, the original cult was that of the Roman Catholic saint St. Vit (Vitus), who was executed on June 28th, 303 AD. His day was celebrated on that date, together with the seer Amos. Vit’s name entered the Serbian Orthodox ecclesiastic books via Roman Catholic and Russian sources and he was never considered as a Serb saint. On the other hand, the Old-Slavic god Vid (Svevid)[xxiv] was venerated by ancient Slavs as the God of light and welfare, but a God of war as well.[xxv]Sacrifices to Vid were carried out at the end of the yearly harvest, in shrines dedicated to him, all over the Slavic world. Only after the famous Kumanovo battle in October 1912, when the Serbian army decidedly defeated the Ottoman one, at the very beginning of the First Balkan War,[xxvi] the slogan was launched “For Kosovo Kumanovo”, and Vidovdan (The Day of Vid) came into prominence and entered the Serbian Orthodox Church’s calendar by red letters, as one of nine most important state’s official festivities.[xxvii]

The irony of history is that the visit of the Habsburg Prince Ferdinand to Sarajevo was deliberately scheduled for Vidovdan on June 28th, 1914 and was experienced by the Serb part of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian secret patriotic and anti-Habsburg organization Mlada Bosna (Young Bosnia) as a direct provocation to the Serbs, their national feelings and ethnohistory (as it was in fact) but above all the provocation to their Kosovo cult.[xxviii] Whether the conspirators were aware that it could have been interpreted in another way, as linked with the Roman Catholic St. Vit, is not known. Whether the occurrence of the Great War depended on the (wrong) interpretation of the significance of June 28th could be a matter of speculation, but the historical reality remains the only certain fact at present.[xxix]

The collective memory on the 1389 Kosovo Battle has produced some other side effects, which will play a remarkable role in the subsequent Balkan history. Two points are to be made here, as two sides of the same coin:

  1. The frustrating feeling of the (national) defeat of the Serbs.
  2. The heroic assassination of Sultan Murad I by the Serbian knight Miloš Obilić.

The first element of the memory has resulted in the impulse for retaliation, as already mentioned in connection to the above-mentioned slogan. The second aspect is an almost archetypal link of the Vidovdan day to the “heroic assassination” within the patriotic impulse in the Serbian nation. The assassination in Sarajevo was but one instance of the “Vidovdan mythology”. When on June 28th, 1921 the Regent Alexandar Karađorđević (practically the absolute ruler of Yugoslavia at the time, born in Montenegrin capital Cetinje on December 17th, 1888[xxx] and Montenegrin by his own determination[xxxi]) declared the so-called “Vidovdan Constitution” of the interwar Yugoslav state, on the Vidovdan day, the same day an attempt was made to assassinate him and the Prime Minister Nikola Pašić (who was accompanying the Regent in a coach). Nikola Pašić was the target of another attempt of assassination in 1923 (on the Vidovdan day as well).[xxxii]


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[i] Јованка Калић, Срби у позном Средњем веку, Друго издање, Београд: ЈП Службени лист СРЈ, 2001, 221; Чедомир Антић, Српска историја, Четврто издање, Београд: Vukotić Media, 2019, 96−105. About the last years of the 14th-century Serbian Empire, see in [Раде Михаљчић, Крај српског царства, Београд: БИГЗ, 1989].

[ii] Михаил Ростовцев, Историја Старог света: Грчка и Рим, Нови Сад: Матица српска, 1990, 403; Џон Бордман, Џаспер Грифин, Озвин Мари (приредили), Оксфордска историја Грчке и хеленистичког света, Београд: CLIO, 1999, 541; Дејвид Џ. Голдберг, Џон Д. Рејнер, Јевреји: Историја и религија, Београд: CLIO, 2003, 94−101.

[iii] About the national identity, see in [John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith, eds., Nationalism, Oxford−New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, 17−131]. In essence, the nation is a large number of people of mainly common descent or believed to be, language, culture, and history. The nation is in majority of cases associated with some specified territory [Susan Mayhew, A Dictionary of Geography, Third Edition, Oxford‒New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, 344]. In the case of Serbs, it is undoubtedly Kosovo-Metochia (KosMet). About the importance of KosMet in Serbian history, see in [Радован Самарџић и други, Косово и Метохија у српској историји, Београд: СКЗ, 1989].

[iv] In the case of Lithuanians, see, for instance [Zigmas Zinkevičius, Lietuviai: Praeities didybė ir sunykimas, Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos centras, 2013].

[v] Folk is a term used in ethnology and anthropology to refer loosely to traditional rural peasant societies in which an oral tradition predominates. The oral tradition is that part of a folk society’s cultural knowledge or traditional culture which is passed on orally rather than in written form, and, therefore, it is in the opposition to the literate tradition. In principle, oral tradition is a source of information not only about contemporary cultural and social systems but as well as about the history of the group (ethnohistory) [Charlotte Seymour-Smith, Dictionary of Anthropology, New York: Palgrave, 1986, 120, 212].

[vi] About Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović, see in [Раде Михаљчић, Лазар Хребељановић, Београд: БИГЗ, 1989].

[vii] As a matter of fact, the very battle was fought on his feudal land at the Kosovo Field.

[viii] See more in [Раде Михаљчић, Јунаци косовске легенде, Београд: БИГЗ, 1989].

[ix] Gazimestan is a place where the decisive Ottoman cavalry charge took place during the battle.

[x] KosMet is an abbreviation for South Serbia’s autonomous province of Kosovo-Metochia. The term was in official usage in the early years after WWII. It was replaced in December 1968 by the term Kosovo in order to more please ethnic Albanians. Today, terms KosMet and Kosovo-Metochia are widely used by the Serbs while the Albanians are using the term Kosova for the same province. The place-name Kosovo is of the Slavonic-Serb origin but not of Albanian.

[xi] About the creation of the Zionist Israel, see in [Giedrius Drukteinis (sudarytojas), Izraelis, žydų valstybė, Vilnius: Sofoklis, 2017, 247‒350]. About the Jewish history, see in [Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews, London: Orion Books Limited, 1993]. About the Jewish-Zionist lobby in the USA, see in [Alfonsas Eidintas, Donatas Eidintas, Žydai, Izraelis ir palestiniečiai, Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas, 2007, 247‒298].

[xii] Kosovo Field is a geographical region in East Kosovo. This is a plateau running from Kosovska Mitrovica southward past Priština and Uroševac almost to Kačanik on the border with North Macedonia. It has an elevation of up to 600 meters. In the middle of the field there is a town of the same name, today, in fact, a suburb of Priština [Robert Elsie, Historical Dictionary of Kosova, Lanham, Maryland‒Toronto‒Oxford, 2004, 96].

[xiii] See more in [Joseph von Hammer, Historija Turskog/Osmanskog Carstva, knjiga 1, Zagreb: Nerkez Smailagić, 1979; Фјодор И. Успенски, Источно питање, Београд−Подгорица: Службени лист СЦГ−ЦИД, 2003].

[xiv] Владимир Ћоровић, Историја Срба, Београд: БИГЗ, 1993, 257.

[xv] See [Ратко Пековић, избор текстова, Косовска битка: Мит, легенда и стварност, Београд: Литера, 1987, 43−55; Чедомир Антић, Српска историја, Четврто издање, Београд: Vukotić Media, 76−79].

[xvi] See [Пјер Пеан, Косово: „Праведни“ рат за стварање мафијашке државе, Београд: Службени гласник, 2013].

[xvii] One of them, for example, is Noel Malcolm (b. 1956) – a British scholar and historian. He is the author of one of the first and most influential in the West book of KosMet’s history: Kosovo: A Short History, London, 1998, which is a classic example of falsified propaganda material for the very political purpose to separate this province from the motherland of Serbia. He is a President of the Anglo-Albanian Association in London. His wife is Albanian.

[xviii] See [Tim Judah, The Serbs: History, Myth & Destruction of Yugoslavia, New Haven−London: Yale University Press, 1997].

[xix] About the Biblical legends, see in [Zenon Kosidovski, Biblijske legende, Podgorica: Narodna knjiga‒Miba books, 2013].

[xx] About the history of Israel, see in [Ahron Bregman, A History of Israel, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003].

[xxi] See [Gustav Schwab, Gražiausios antikos sakmės, Vilnius: Tyto alba, 2004].

[xxii] About contemporary geopolitics, see in [Klaus Dodds, Global Geopolitics: A Critical Introduction, Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited, 2005].

[xxiii] Psychological anthropology is the field that includes the study of the individual’s relationship to culture and society as well as the broader area of the interrelationship between psychology and anthropology. Psychoanalysis includes theories of the functioning and nature of the human personality, methods for the investigation of the personality, and therapeutic techniques relating to abnormal personalities or mental illness. Anthropology of religion is as well as a separate field of research. See more in [Arthur S. Reber, The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology, London: Penguin Books, 1985].

[xxiv] One who sees everything.

[xxv] See [Драгољуб Драгојловић, Паганизам и хришћанство у Срба, Београд: Политика−Службени гласник, 2008].

[xxvi] See [Борислав Ратковић, Митар Ђуришић, Саво Скоко, Србија и Црна Гора у Балканским ратовима 1912−1913, Београд: БИГЗ, 1972].

[xxvii] It has to be noted that there is very confusion in the literature with the Slavic God Vid and the Roman Catholic saint Vit/Vitus.

[xxviii] See [Mira Radojević, Ljubodrag Dimić, Serbia in the Great War 1914−1918, Belgrade: SKZ, 2014; Миле Бјелајац, 1914−1918. Зашто ревизија: Старе и нове контроверзе о узроцима Првог светског рата, Београд: Одбрана, 2014].

[xxix] The Western historiography is calling young Gavrilo Princip who assassinated the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne in Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914 as “a young Bosnian fanatic” [Marcel Dunan (General Editor), Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern History from 1500 to the Present Day, New York: Crown Publishers, Inc, 1964, 347].

[xxx] Бранислав Глигоријевић, Краљ Александар Карађорђевић, I, Уједињење српских земаља, Београд: БИГЗ, 1996, 24.

[xxxi] Клод Елан, Живот и смрт краља Александра I краља Југославије, Београд: Ново дело, 1988, 15.

[xxxii] About Nikola Pašić, see in [Ђорђе Ђ. Станковић, Никола Пашић и Хрвати 1918−1923, Београд: БИГЗ, 1995].

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In precisely two weeks, the world will mark the first day of Russia’s aggressive move into Ukraine.[1]

According to BBC News Russian, more than 13.000 identified soldiers on the Russian side died in the war. The Norwegian Chief of Defence puts the number of Ukrainian military casualties at 100,000 and civilians dead at 30,000. More than 8,000,000 Ukrainian refugees have left the country and another 8,000,000 are displaced within the country.

The Ukrainian forces fought back armed with various weapons provided by NATO forces. The Ukrainian people have been crippled recently due to loss of power and loss of heat brought on by the Russian attacks.

Today, the Ukrainians have been watching the conflict increasePresident Volodymyr Zelenskiy has reached out for help from the U.S. and UK from the very beginning. He has  recently gotten more well equipped tanks. Now he is even calling for more fighter jets.

What all this points to is a development for the one year anniversary that could be summed up in a single word – escalation. And as we are midway up this crescendo, how is it likely to climax?

Prominent figures like former general and CIA director David Petraeus do not exclude the prospect of sending U.S. forces into action on the ground alongside Ukraine. If Russia faces the threat of getting struck from within Ukraine by U.S. and NATO weaponry, what card do they have to play?

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists just reset the time on their doomsday clock to a minute and a half before midnight. NEVER has the doomsday clock been this close! [2]

That is why we must continue to devote time and attention to a game of nuclear fisticuffs that would have terminal consequences for us all. That’s why I chose the company of a geopolitical analyst and good friend Mahdi Nazemroaya to speak to us on this critical edition of the Global Research News Hour.

Mahdi Nazemroaya has a long time association with the Centre for Research on Globalization writing numerous articles and doing plenty of research. He joins us to share his honest appraisal of the Ukraine situation, the support of allies, and the overall trends in the direction this war is headed.

On the subject of Ukraine he wrote The Road to Moscow Goes Through Kiev: A Coup d’Etat That Threatens Russia back in 2015.

He also put together the May 2014 documentary Welcome to Nulandistan: Propaganda and the Crisis in Ukraine for GRTV. (see below.)

Full Length Documentary Produced by Mahdi Nazemroaya

Censored by Youtube:, to view click: Watch on Youtube

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is an interdisciplinary sociologist and an award-winning author and geopolitical analyst, and author of The Globalization of NATO (Clarity Press) and a forthcoming book The War on Libya and the Re-Colonization of Africa. He is a Sociologist and Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), a contributor to the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) and a member of the Scientific Committee of Geopolitica, Italy. 

(Global Research News Hour Episode 379)


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Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

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  1. Jonathan Yerushalmy (February 2, 2023), ‘Russia planning major offensive to mark first anniversary of war: Ukraine defence minister’, The Guardian;

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First published in October 2020 prior to the launching of the mRNA Covid Vaccine

The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020.

Scroll down for the Video and Full Transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich‘s  presentation.

Their conclusions are the following: 

  • The corona crisis must be renamed the “Corona Scandal”
  • It is:
    • The biggest tort case ever
    • The greatest crime against humanity ever committed
  • Those responsible must be:
    • Criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity
    • Sued for civil damages
  • Deaths
    • There is no excess mortality in any country
    • Corona virus mortality equals seasonal flu
    • 94% of deaths in Bergamo were caused by transferring sick patients to nursing homes where they infected old people with weak immune systems
    • Doctors and hospitals worldwide were paid to declare deceased victims of Covid-19
    • Autopsies showed:
      • Fatalities almost all caused by serious pre-existing conditions
      • Almost all deaths were very old people
      • Sweden (no lockdown) and Britain (strict lockdown) have comparable disease and mortality statistics
    • US states with and without lockdowns have comparable disease and mortality statistics
  • Health
    • Hospitals remain empty and some face bankruptcy
    • Populations have T-cell immunity from previous influenza waves
    • Herd immunity needs only 15-25% population infection and is already achieved
    • Only when a person has symptoms can an infection be contagious
  • Tests:
    • Many scientists call this a PCR-test pandemic, not a corona pandemic
    • Very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive
    • Likelihood of false-positives is 89-94% or near certainty
    • Prof. Drosten developed his PCR test from an old SARS virus without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China
    • The PCR test is not based on scientific facts with respect to infections
    • PCR tests are useless for the detection of infections
    • A positive PCR test does not mean an infection is present or that an intact virus has been found
    • Amplification of samples over 35 cycles is unreliable but WHO recommended 45 cycles
  • Illegality:
    • The German government locked down, imposed social-distancing/ mask-wearing on the basis of a single opinion
    • The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating
    • The lockdowns were based on non-existent infections
    • Former president of the German federal constitutional court doubted the constitutionality of the corona measures
    • Former UK supreme court judge Lord Sumption concluded there was no factual basis for panic and no legal basis for corona measures
    • German RKI (CDC equivalent) recommended no autopsies be performed
    • Corona measures have no sufficient factual or legal basis, are unconstitutional and must be repealed immediately
    • No serious scientist gives any validity to the infamous Neil Ferguson’s false computer models warning of millions of deaths
    • Mainstream media completely failed to report the true facts of the so-called pandemic
    • Democracy is in danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models
    • Drosten (of PCR test), Tedros of WHO, and others have committed crimes against humanity as defined in the International Criminal Code
    • Politicians can avoid going down with the charlatans and criminals by starting the long overdue public scientific discussion
  • Conspiracy:
    • Politicians and mainstream media deliberately drove populations to panic
    • Children were calculatedly made to feel responsible “for the painful tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow Corona rules”
    • The hopeless PCR test is used to create fear and not to diagnose
    • There can be no talk of a second wave
  • Injury and damage:
    • Evidence of gigantic health and economic damage to populations
    • Anti-corona measures have:
      • Killed innumerable people
      • Destroyed countless companies and individuals worldwide
    • Children are being taken away from their parents
    • Children are traumatized en masse
    • Bankruptcies are expected in small- and medium-sized businesses
  • Redress:
    • A class action lawsuit must be filed in the USA or Canada, with all affected parties worldwide having the opportunity to join
    • Companies and self-employed people must be compensated for damages

Full Transcript 

Hello. I am Reiner Fuellmich and I have been admitted to the Bar in Germany and in California for 26 years. I have been practicing law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the world’s largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world; VW, one of the world’s largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud; and Kuehne and Nagel, the world’s largest shipping company. We’re suing them in a multi-million-dollar bribery case. 

I’m also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Since July 10, 2020, this Committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists’ and experts’ testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking. All the above-mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause. 

This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a “Corona Scandal” and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas. And for this reason I will now explain to you how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever, the corona fraud scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. 

Crimes against humanity were first defined in connection with the Nuremberg trials after World War II, that is, when they dealt with the main war criminals of the Third Reich. Crimes against humanity are today regulated in section 7 of the International Criminal Code. The three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the corona scandal are: 

  1. Is there a corona pandemic or is there only a PCR-test pandemic? Specifically, does a positive PCR-test result mean that the person tested is infected with Covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the Covid-19 infection?
  2. Do the so-called anti-corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing, and quarantine regulations, serve to protect the world’s population from corona, or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe – without asking any questions – that their lives are in danger, so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?
  3. Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied, more so than any other country, by the chief protagonists of this so-called corona pandemic, Mr. Drosten, virologist at charity hospital in Berlin; Mr. Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI; and Mr. Tedros, Head of the World Health Organization or WHO; because Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and, of course, successful adherence to the corona measures?

Answers to these three questions are urgently needed because the allegedly new and highly dangerous coronavirus has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world, and certainly not here in Germany. But the anti-corona measures, whose only basis are the PCR-test results, which are in turn all based on the German Drosten test, have, in the meantime, caused the loss of innumerable human lives and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide. In Australia, for example, people are thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, as deemed by the authorities. In the Philippines, people who do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, in this sense, are getting shot in the head. 

Let me first give you a summary of the facts as they present themselves today. The most important thing in a lawsuit is to establish the facts – that is, to find out what actually happened. That is because the application of the law always depends on the facts at issue. If I want to prosecute someone for fraud, I cannot do that by presenting the facts of a car accident. So what happened here regarding the alleged corona pandemic? 

The facts laid out below are, to a large extent, the result of the work of the Corona Investigative Committee. This Committee was founded on July 10, 2020 by four lawyers in order to determine, through hearing expert testimony of international scientists and other experts: 

  1. How dangerous is the virus really?
  2. What is the significance of a positive PCR test?
  3. What collateral damage has been caused by the corona measures, both with respect to the world population’s health, and with respect to the world’s economy?

Let me start with a little bit of background information. What happened in May 2019 and then in early 2020? And what happened 12 years earlier with the swine flu, which many of you may have forgotten about? In May 2019, the stronger of the two parties which govern Germany in a grand coalition, the CDU, held a Congress on Global Health, apparently at the instigation of important players from the pharmaceutical industry and the tech industry. At this Congress, the usual suspects, you might say, gave their speeches. Angela Merkel was there, and the German Secretary of Health, Jens Spahn. But, some other people, whom one would not necessarily expect to be present at such a gathering, were also there: Professor Drosten, virologist from the Charite hospital in Berlin; Professor Wieler, veterinarian and Head of the RKI, the German equivalent of the CDC; as well as Mr. Tedros, philosopher and Head of the World Health Organization (WHO). They all gave speeches there. Also present and giving speeches were the chief lobbyists of the world’s two largest health funds, namely the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. Less than a year later, these very people called the shots in the proclamation of the worldwide corona pandemic, made sure that mass PCR tests were used to prove mass infections with Covid-19 all over the world, and are now pushing for vaccines to be invented and sold worldwide. 

These infections, or rather the positive test results that the PCR tests delivered, in turn became the justification for worldwide lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory face masks. It is important to note at this point that the definition of a pandemic was changed 12 years earlier. Until then, a pandemic was considered to be a disease that spread worldwide and which led to many serious illnesses and deaths. Suddenly, and for reasons never explained, it was supposed to be a worldwide disease only. Many serious illnesses and many deaths were not required any more to announce a pandemic. Due to this change, the WHO, which is closely intertwined with the global pharmaceutical industry, was able to declare the swine flu pandemic in 2009, with the result that vaccines were produced and sold worldwide on the basis of contracts that have been kept secret until today. 

These vaccines proved to be completely unnecessary because the swine flu eventually turned out to be a mild flu, and never became the horrific plague that the pharmaceutical industry and its affiliated universities kept announcing it would turn into, with millions of deaths certain to happen if people didn’t get vaccinated. These vaccines also led to serious health problems. About 700 children in Europe fell incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now forever severely disabled. The vaccines bought with millions of taxpayers’ money had to be destroyed with even more taxpayers’ money. Already then, during the swine flu, the German virologist Drosten was one of those who stirred up panic in the population, repeating over and over again that the swine flu would claim many hundreds of thousands, even millions of deaths all over the world. In the end, it was mainly thanks to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and his efforts as a member of the German Bundestag, and also a member of the Council of Europe, that this hoax was brought to an end before it would lead to even more serious consequences. 

Fast forward to March of 2020, when the German Bundestag announced an Epidemic Situation of National Importance, which is the German equivalent of a pandemic in March of 2020 and, based on this, the lockdown with the suspension of all essential constitutional rights for an unforeseeable time, there was only one single opinion on which the Federal Government in Germany based its decision. In an outrageous violation of the universally accepted principle “audiatur et altera pars”, which means that one must also hear the other side, the only person they listened to was Mr. Drosten. 

That is the very person whose horrific, panic-inducing prognoses had proved to be catastrophically false 12 years earlier. We know this because a whistleblower named David Sieber, a member of the Green Party, told us about it. He did so first on August 29, 2020 in Berlin, in the context of an event at which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. also took part, and at which both men gave speeches. And he did so afterwards in one of the sessions of our Corona Committee. 

The reason he did this is that he had become increasingly sceptical about the official narrative propagated by politicians and the mainstream media. He had therefore undertaken an effort to find out about other scientists’ opinions and had found them on the Internet. There, he realized that there were a number of highly renowned scientists who held a completely different opinion, which contradicted the horrific prognoses of Mr. Drosten. They assumed – and still do assume – that there was no disease that went beyond the gravity of the seasonal flu, that the population had already acquired cross- or T-cell immunity against this allegedly new virus, and that there was therefore no reason for any special measures, and certainly not for vaccinations. 

These scientists include Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University in California, a specialist in statistics and epidemiology, as well as public health, and at the same time the most quoted scientist in the world; Professor Michael Levitt, Nobel prize-winner for chemistry and also a biophysicist at Stanford University; the German professors Kary Mölling, Sucharit Bhakti, Klud Wittkowski, as well as Stefan Homburg; and now many, many more scientists and doctors worldwide, including Dr. Mike Yeadon. Dr. Mike Yeadon is the former Vice-President and Scientific Director of Pfizer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. I will talk some more about him a little later. 

At the end of March, beginning of April of 2020, Mr. Sieber turned to the leadership of his Green Party with the knowledge he had accumulated, and suggested that they present these other scientific opinions to the public and explain that, contrary to Mr. Drosten’s doomsday prophecies, there was no reason for the public to panic. Incidentally, Lord Sumption, who served as a judge at the British supreme court from 2012 to 2018, had done the very same thing at the very same time and had come to the very same conclusion: that there was no factual basis for panic and no legal basis for the corona measures. Likewise, the former President of the German federal constitutional court expressed –  albeit more cautiously – serious doubts that the corona measures were constitutional. But instead of taking note of these other opinions and discussing them with David Sieber, the Green Party leadership declared that Mr. Drosten’s panic messages were good enough for the Green Party. Remember, they’re not a member of the ruling coalition; they’re the opposition. Still, that was enough for them, just as it had been good enough for the Federal Government as a basis for its lockdown decision, they said. They subsequently, the Green Party leadership called David Sieber a conspiracy theorist, without ever having considered the content of his information, and then stripped him of his mandates. 

Now let’s take a look at the current actual situation regarding the virus’s danger, the complete uselessness of PCR tests for the detection of infections, and the lockdowns based on non-existent infections. In the meantime, we know that the health care systems were never in danger of becoming overwhelmed by Covid-19. On the contrary, many hospitals remain empty to this day and some are now facing bankruptcy. The hospital ship Comfort, which anchored in New York at the time, and could have accommodated a thousand patients, never accommodated more than some 20 patients. Nowhere was there any excess mortality. Studies carried out by Professor Ioannidis and others have shown that the mortality of corona is equivalent to that of the seasonal flu. Even the pictures from Bergamo and New York that were used to demonstrate to the world that panic was in order proved to be deliberately misleading. 

Then, the so-called “Panic Paper” was leaked, which was written by the German Department of the Interior. Its classified content shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that, in fact, the population was deliberately driven to panic by politicians and mainstream media. The accompanying irresponsible statements of the Head of the RKI – remember the [German] CDC – Mr. Wieler, who repeatedly and excitedly announced that the corona measures must be followed unconditionally by the population without them asking any question, shows that that he followed the script verbatim. In his public statements, he kept announcing that the situation was very grave and threatening, although the figures compiled by his own Institute proved the exact opposite. 

Among other things, the “Panic Paper” calls for children to be made to feel responsible – and I quote – “for the painful tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow the corona rules”, that is, if they do not wash their hands constantly and don’t stay away from their grandparents. A word of clarification: in Bergamo, the vast majority of deaths, 94% to be exact, turned out to be the result not of Covid-19, but rather the consequence of the government deciding to transfer sick patients, sick with probably the cold or seasonal flu, from hospitals to nursing homes in order to make room at the hospitals for all the Covid patients, who ultimately never arrived. There, at the nursing homes, they then infected old people with a severely weakened immune system, usually as a result of pre-existing medical conditions. In addition, a flu vaccination, which had previously been administered, had further weakened the immune systems of the people in the nursing homes. In New York, only some, but by far not all hospitals were overwhelmed. Many people, most of whom were again elderly and had serious pre-existing medical conditions, and most of whom, had it not been for the panic-mongering, would have just stayed at home to recover, raced to the hospitals. There, many of them fell victim to healthcare-associated infections (or nosocomial infections) on the one hand, and incidents of malpractice on the other hand, for example, by being put on a respirator rather than receiving oxygen through an oxygen mask. Again, to clarify: Covid-19, this is the current state of affairs, is a dangerous disease, just like the seasonal flu is a dangerous disease. And of course, Covid-19, just like the seasonal flu, may sometimes take take a severe clinical course and will sometimes kill patients. 

However, as autopsies have shown, which were carried out in Germany in particular, by the forensic scientist Professor Klaus Püschel in Hamburg, the fatalities he examined had almost all been caused by serious pre-existing conditions, and almost all of the people who had died had died at the very at a very old age, just like in Italy, meaning they had lived beyond their average life expectancy. 

In this context, the following should also be mentioned: the German RKI – that is, again the equivalent of the CDC – had initially, strangely enough, recommended that no autopsies be performed. And there are numerous credible reports that doctors and hospitals worldwide had been paid money for declaring a deceased person a victim of Covid-19 rather than writing down the true cause of death on the death certificate, for example a heart attack or a gunshot wound. Without the autopsies, we would never know that the overwhelming majority of the alleged Covid-19 victims had died of completely different diseases, but not of Covid-19. The assertion that the lockdown was necessary because there were so many different infections with SARS-COV-2, and because the healthcare systems would be overwhelmed is wrong for three reasons, as we have learned from the hearings we conducted with the Corona Committee, and from other data that has become available in the meantime: 

A. The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating. By the time the lockdown was imposed, the alleged infection rates were already dropping again.

B. There’s already protection from the virus because of cross- or T-cell immunity. Apart from the above mentioned lockdown being imposed when the infection rates were already dropping, there is also cross- or T-cell immunity in the general population against the corona viruses contained in every flu or influenza wave. This is true, even if this time around, a slightly different strain of the coronavirus was at work. And that is because the body’s own immune system remembers every virus it has ever battled in the past, and from this experience, it also recognizes a supposedly new, but still similar, strain of the virus from the corona family. Incidentally, that’s how the PCR test for the detection of an infection was invented by now infamous Professor Drosten. 

At the beginning of January of 2020, based on this very basic knowledge, Mr. Drosten developed his PCR test, which supposedly detects an infection with SARS-COV-2, without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China, only having learned from social media reports that there was something going on in Wuhan, he started tinkering on his computer with what would become his corona PCR test. For this, he used an old SARS virus, hoping it would be sufficiently similar to the allegedly new strain of the coronavirus found in Wuhan. Then, he sent the result of his computer tinkering to China to determine whether the victims of the alleged new coronavirus tested positive. They did. 

And that was enough for the World Health Organization to sound the pandemic alarm and to recommend the worldwide use of the Drosten PCR test for the detection of infections with the virus now called SARS-COV-2. Drosten’s opinion and advice was – this must be emphasized once again – the only source for the German government when it announced the lockdown as well as the rules for social distancing and the mandatory wearing of masks. And – this must also be emphasized once again – Germany apparently became the center of especially massive lobbying by the pharmaceutical and tech industry because the world, with reference to the allegedly disciplined Germans, should do as the Germans do in order to survive the pandemic. 

C. And this is the most important part of our fact-finding: the PCR test is being used on the basis of false statements, NOT based on scientific facts with respect to infections. In the meantime, we have learned that these PCR tests, contrary to the assertions of Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, do NOT give any indication of an infection with any virus, let alone an infection with SARS-COV-2. Not only are PCR tests expressly not approved for diagnostic purposes, as is correctly noted on leaflets coming with these tests, and as the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, has repeatedly emphasized. Instead, they’re simply incapable of diagnosing any disease. That is: contrary to the assertions of Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, which they have been making since the proclamation of the pandemic, a positive PCR-test result does not mean that an infection is present. If someone tests positive, it does NOT mean that they’re infected with anything, let alone with the contagious SARS-COV-2 virus. 

Even the United States CDC, even this institution agrees with this, and I quote directly from page 38 of one of its publications on the coronavirus and the PCR tests, dated July 13, 2020. First bullet point says:

Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019 nCOV [novel coronavirus] is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.”

Second bullet point says:

The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019 nCOV infection.” Third bullet point says: “This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.” 

It is still not clear whether there has ever been a scientifically correct isolation of the Wuhan virus, so that nobody knows exactly what we’re looking for when we test, especially since this virus, just like the flu viruses, mutates quickly. The PCR swabs take one or two sequences of a molecule that are invisible to the human eye and therefore need to be amplified in many cycles to make it visible. Everything over 35 cycles is – as reported by the New York Times and others – considered completely unreliable and scientifically unjustifiable. However, the Drosten test, as well as the WHO-recommended tests that followed his example, are set to 45 cycles. Can that be because of the desire to produce as many positive results as possible and thereby provide the basis for the false assumption that a large number of infections have been detected? 

The test cannot distinguish inactive and reproductive matter. That means that a positive result may happen because the test detects, for example, a piece of debris, a fragment of a molecule, which may signal nothing else than that the immune system of the person tested won a battle with a common cold in the past. Even Drosten himself declared in an interview with a German business magazine in 2014, at that time concerning the alleged detection of an infection with the MERS virus, allegedly with the help of the PCR test, that these PCR tests are so highly sensitive that even very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive. At that time, he also became very much aware of the powerful role of a panic and fear-mongering media, as you’ll see at the end of the following quote. He said then, in this interview: “If, for example, such a pathogen scurries over the nasal mucosa of a nurse for a day or so without her getting sick or noticing anything, then she’s suddenly a MERS case. This could also explain the explosion of case numbers in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the media there have made this into an incredible sensation.” 

Has he forgotten this? Or is he deliberately concealing this in the corona context because corona is a very lucrative business opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry as a whole? And for Mr. Alford Lund, his co-author in many studies and also a PCR-test producer. In my view, it is completely implausible that he forgot in 2020 what he knew about the PCR tests and told the business magazine in 2014. 

In short, this test cannot detect any infection, contrary to all false claims stating that it can. An infection, a so-called “hot” infection, requires that the virus, or rather a fragment of a molecule which may be a virus, is not just found somewhere, for example, in the throat of a person without causing any damage – that would be a “cold” infection. Rather, a “hot” infection requires that the virus penetrates into the cells, replicates there and causes symptoms such as headaches or a sore throat. Only then is a person really infected in the sense of a “hot” infection, because only then is a person contagious, that is, able to infect others. Until then, it is completely harmless for both the host and all other people that the host comes into contact with. 

Once again, this means that positive test results, contrary to all other claims by Drosten, Wieler, or the WHO, mean nothing with respect to infections, as even the CDC knows, as quoted above. 

Meanwhile, a number of highly respected scientists worldwide assume that there has never been a corona pandemic, but only a PCR-test pandemic. This is the conclusion reached by many German scientists, such as professors Bhakti, Reiss, Mölling, Hockertz, Walach and many others, including the above-mentioned Professor John Ioannidis, and the Nobel laureate, Professor Michael Levitt from Stanford University. 

The most recent such opinion is that of the aforementioned Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Vice-President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, who held this position for 16 years. He and his co-authors, all well-known scientists, published a scientific paper in September of 2020 and he wrote a corresponding magazine article on September 20, 2020. Among other things, he and they state – and I quote: 

We’re basing our government policy, our economic policy, and the policy of restricting fundamental rights, presumably on completely wrong data and assumptions about the coronavirus. If it weren’t for the test results that are constantly reported in the media, the pandemic would be over because nothing really happened. Of course, there are some serious individual cases of illness, but there are also some in every flu epidemic. There was a real wave of disease in March and April, but since then, everything has gone back to normal. Only the positive results rise and sink wildly again and again, depending on how many tests are carried out. But the real cases of illnesses are over. There can be no talk of a second wave. The allegedly new strain of the coronavirus is …” 

– Dr. Yeadon continues – 

“… only new in that it is a new type of the long-known corona virus. There are at least four coronaviruses that are endemic and cause some of the common colds we experience, especially in winter. They all have a striking sequence similarity to the coronavirus, and because the human immune system recognizes the similarity to the virus that has now allegedly been newly discovered, a T-cell immunity has long existed in this respect. 30 per cent of the population had this before the allegedly new virus even appeared. Therefore, it is sufficient for the so-called herd immunity that 15 to 25 per cent of the population are infected with the allegedly new coronavirus to stop the further spread of the virus. And this has long been the case.” 

Regarding the all-important PCR tests, Yeadon writes, in a piece called “Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives”, dated September 20, 2020, and I quote

The likelihood of an apparently positive case being a false positive is between 89 to 94 per cent, or near certainty.”

Dr. Yeadon, in agreement with the professors of immunology Kamera from Germany, Kappel from the Netherlands, and Cahill from Ireland, as well as the microbiologist Dr. Arve from Austria, all of whom testified before the German Corona Committee, explicitly points out that a positive test does not mean that an intact virus has been found. 

The authors explain that what the PCR test actually measures is – and I quote:

Simply the presence of partial RNA sequences present in the intact virus, which could be a piece of dead virus, which cannot make the subject sick, and cannot be transmitted, and cannot make anyone else sick.”

Because of the complete unsuitability of the test for the detection of infectious diseases – tested positive in goats, sheep, papayas and even chicken wings – Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, writes that the Covid virus would never disappear if this test practice were to be continued, but would always be falsely detected in much of what is tested. Lockdowns, as Yeadon and his colleagues found out, do not work. Sweden, with its laissez-faire approach, and Great Britain, with its strict lockdown, for example, have completely comparable disease and mortality statistics. The same was found by US scientists concerning the different US states. It makes no difference to the incidence of disease whether a state implements a lockdown or not. 

With regard to the now infamous Imperial College of London’s Professor Neil Ferguson and his completely false computer models warning of millions of deaths, he says that – and I quote: “No serious scientist gives any validity to Ferguson’s model.” He points out with thinly veiled contempt – again I quote:

It’s important that you know, most scientists don’t accept that it …” – that is, Ferguson’s model – “was even faintly right. But the government is still wedded to the model.” Ferguson predicted 40 thousand corona deaths in Sweden by May and 100 thousand by June, but it remained at 5,800 which, according to the Swedish authorities, is equivalent to a mild flu. If the PCR tests had not been used as a diagnostic tool for corona infections, there would not be a pandemic and there would be no lockdowns, but everything would have been perceived as just a medium or light wave of influenza, these scientists conclude. Dr. Yeadon in his piece, “Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives, writes: “This test is fatally flawed and must immediately be withdrawn and never used again in this setting, unless shown to be fixed.” And, towards the end of that article, “I have explained how a hopelessly performing diagnostic test has been, and continues to be used, not for diagnosis of disease, but it seems solely to create fear”. 

Now let’s take a look at the current actual situation regarding the severe damage caused by the lockdowns and other measures. Another detailed paper, written by a German official in the Department of the Interior, who is responsible for risk assessment and the protection of the population against risks, was leaked recently. It is now called the “False Alarm” paper. This paper comes to the conclusion that there was that there was and is no sufficient evidence for serious health risks for the population as claimed by Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, but – the author says –  there’s very much evidence of the corona measures causing gigantic health and economic damage to the population, which he then describes in detail in this paper. This, he concludes, will lead to very high claims for damages, which the government will be held responsible for. This has now become reality, but the paper’s author was suspended. 

More and more scientists, but also lawyers, recognize that, as a result of the deliberate panic-mongering, and the corona measures enabled by this panic, democracy is in great danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models. As I already mentioned above, in Australia, people who do not wear the masks, which more and more studies show, are hazardous to health, or who allegedly do not wear them correctly, are arrested, handcuffed and thrown into jail. In the Philippines, they run the risk of getting shot, but even in Germany and in other previously civilized countries, children are taken away from their parents if they do not comply with quarantine regulations, distance regulations, and mask-wearing regulations. According to psychologists and psychotherapists who testified before the Corona Committee, children are traumatized en masse, with the worst psychological consequences yet to be expected in the medium- and long-term. In Germany alone, to bankruptcies are expected in the fall to strike small- and medium-sized businesses, which form the backbone of the economy. This will result in incalculable tax losses and incalculably high and long-term social security money transfers for – among other things – unemployment benefits. 

Since, in the meantime, pretty much everybody is beginning to understand the full devastating impact of the completely unfounded corona measures, I will refrain from detailing this any further. 

Let me now give you a summary of the legal consequences. The most difficult part of a lawyer’s work is always to establish the true facts, not the application of the legal rules to these facts. Unfortunately, a German lawyer does not learn this at law school but his Anglo-American counterparts do get the necessary training for this at their law schools. And probably for this reason, but also because of the much more pronounced independence of the Anglo-American judiciary, the Anglo-American law of evidence is much more effective in practice than the German one. A court of law can only decide a legal dispute correctly if it has previously determined the facts correctly, which is not possible without looking at all the evidence. And that’s why the law of evidence is so important. On the basis of the facts summarized above, in particular those established with the help of the work of the German Corona Committee, the legal evaluation is actually simple. It is simple for all civilized legal systems, regardless of whether these legal systems are based on civil law, which follows the Roman law more closely, or whether they are based on Anglo-American common law, which is only loosely connected to Roman law. 

Let’s first take a look at the unconstitutionality of the measures. A number of German law professors, including professors Kingreen, Morswig, Jungbluth and Vosgerau have stated, either in written expert opinions or in interviews, in line with the serious doubts expressed by the former president of the federal constitutional court with respect to the constitutionality of the corona measures, that these measures – the corona measures – are without a sufficient factual basis, and also without a sufficient legal basis, and are therefore unconstitutional and must be repealed immediately. Very recently, a judge, Thorsten Schleif is his name, declared publicly that the German judiciary, just like the general public, has been so panic-stricken that it was no longer able to administer justice properly. He says that the courts of law – and I quote – “have all too quickly waved through coercive measures which, for millions of people all over Germany, represent massive suspensions of their constitutional rights. He points out that German citizens – again I quote – “are currently experiencing the most serious encroachment on their constitutional rights since the founding of the federal republic of Germany in 1949”. In order to contain the corona pandemic, federal and state governments have intervened, he says, massively, and in part threatening the very existence of the country as it is guaranteed by the constitutional rights of the people. 

What about fraud, intentional infliction of damage and crimes against humanity?

Based on the rules of criminal law, asserting false facts concerning the PCR tests or intentional misrepresentation, as it was committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and WHO, as well as the WHO, can only be assessed as fraud. Based on the rules of civil tort law, this translates into intentional infliction of damage. The German professor of civil law, Martin Schwab, supports this finding in public interviews. In a comprehensive legal opinion of around 180 pages, he has familiarized himself with the subject matter like no other legal scholar has done thus far and, in particular, has provided a detailed account of the complete failure of the mainstream media to report on the true facts of this so-called pandemic. Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and Tedros of the WHO all knew, based on their own expertise or the expertise of their institutions, that the PCR tests cannot provide any information about infections, but asserted over and over again to the general public that they can, with their counterparts all over the world repeating this. And they all knew and accepted that, on the basis of their recommendations, the governments of the world would decide on lockdowns, the rules for social distancing, and mandatory wearing of masks, the latter representing a very serious health hazard, as more and more independent studies and expert statements show. Under the rules of civil tort law, all those who have been harmed by these PCR-test-induced lockdowns are entitled to receive full compensation for their losses. In particular, there is a duty to compensate – that is, a duty to pay damages for the loss of profits suffered by companies and self-employed employed persons as a result of the lockdown and other measures. 

In the meantime, however, the anti-corona measures have caused, and continue to cause, such devastating damage to the world population’s health and economy that the crimes committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity, as defined in section 7 of the International Criminal Code. 

How can we do something? What can we do? Well, the class action is the best route to compensatory damages and to political consequences. The so-called class action lawsuit is based on English law and exists today in the USA and in Canada. It enables a court of law to allow a complaint for damages to be tried as a class action lawsuit at the request of a plaintiff if: 

  1. As a result of a damage-inducing event …
  2. A large number of people suffer the same type of damage.

Phrased differently, a judge can allow a class-action lawsuit to go forward if common questions of law and fact make up the vital component of the lawsuit. Here, the common questions of law and fact revolve around the worldwide PCR-test-based lockdowns and its consequences. Just like the VW diesel passenger cars were functioning products, but they were defective due to a so-called defeat device because they didn’t comply with the emissions standards, so too the PCR tests – which are perfectly good products in other settings – are defective products when it comes to the diagnosis of infections. Now, if an American or Canadian company or an American or Canadian individual decides to sue these persons in the United States or Canada for damages, then the court called upon to resolve this dispute may, upon request, allow this complaint to be tried as a class action lawsuit.

If this happens, all affected parties worldwide will be informed about this through publications in the mainstream media and will thus have the opportunity to join this class action within a certain period of time, to be determined by the court. It should be emphasized that nobody mustjoin the class action, but every injured party can join the class.

The advantage of the class action is that only one trial is needed, namely to try the complaint of a representative plaintiff who is affected in a manner typical of everyone else in the class. This is, firstly, cheaper, and secondly, faster than hundreds of thousands or more individual lawsuits. And thirdly, it imposes less of a burden on the courts. Fourthly, as a rule it allows a much more precise examination of the accusations than would be possible in the context of hundreds of thousands, or more likely in this corona setting, even millions of individual lawsuits. 

In particular, the well-established and proven Anglo-American law of evidence, with its pre-trial discovery, is applicable. This requires that all evidence relevant for the determination of the lawsuit is put on the table. In contrast to the typical situation in German lawsuits with structural imbalance, that is, lawsuits involving on the one hand a consumer, and on the other hand a powerful corporation, the withholding or even destruction of evidence is not without consequence; rather the party withholding or even destroying evidence loses the case under these evidence rules. 

Here in Germany, a group of tort lawyers have banded together to help their clients with recovery of damages. They have provided all relevant information and forms for German plaintiffs to both estimate how much damage they have suffered and join the group or class of plaintiffs who will later join the class action when it goes forward either in Canada or the US. Initially, this group of lawyers had considered to also collect and manage the claims for damages of other, non-German plaintiffs, but this proved to be unmanageable. 

However, through an international lawyers’ network, which is growing larger by the day, the German group of attorneys provides to all of their colleagues in all other countries, free of charge, all relevant information, including expert opinions and testimonies of experts showing that the PCR tests cannot detect infections. And they also provide them with all relevant information as to how they can prepare and bundle the claims for damages of their clients so that, they too, can assert their clients’ claims for damages, either in their home country’s courts of law, or within the framework of the class action, as explained above. 

These scandalous corona facts, gathered mostly by the Corona Committee and summarized above, are the very same facts that will soon be proven to be true either in one court of law, or in many courts of law all over the world.

These are the facts that will pull the masks off the faces of all those responsible for these crimes. To the politicians who believe those corrupt people, these facts are hereby offered as a lifeline that can help you readjust your course of action, and start the long overdue public scientific discussion, and not go down with those charlatans and criminals. 

Thank you.


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First published by Global Research on December 19, 2022

Henry Kissinger, advisor to presidents, and a notorious war criminal (Chile, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia), realizes the current USG insanity in regard to Ukraine may very well get all of us killed.

“Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has again called for urgently finding a path of negotiated settlement to the war in Ukraine, warning that the entire world is in danger as nuclear-armed superpowers inch closer toward disastrous direct confrontation,” writes Zero Hedge.

Kissinger believes the objective declared by Biden’s neocons and “humanitarian interventionists” to dissolve Russia will create far larger and more ominous problems.

“A peace process should link Ukraine to NATO, however expressed. The alternative of neutrality is no longer meaningful,” he emphasized. He warned that continued attempts to render Russia “impotent” could result in an uncontrollable and unpredictable spiral. He laid out that along with the sought after “dissolution” of Russia would come a massive power vacuum out of which new threats to the whole world would emerge as bigger powers rush in.

Despite Kissinger’s call for a negotiated peace settlement, the USG—under Biden, his Secretary of State, and Secretary of “Defense”—has decided there will be no negotiated peace deal until Zelensky and Ukraine decide to do so.

Zelensky will not negotiate unless Russia removes its troops and relinquishes Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk, in addition to compensation for war damages. During internationally monitored referenda in these territories, the respective populations voted to separate from Ukraine. Although Ukraine is described as a democracy in the west, the government does not respect the wishes of the people. It is a cardinal rule for the state: any move toward secession of territory must be violently opposed. In response to separatist demands, following the US-orchestrated coup of 2014, the new Nazi-tinged government began bombarding Donbas.

The Russians are frustrated by Zelensky’s obstinate and absolutist demands, thus making a negotiated settlement impossible. Not even the USG, if it decides to do so, can get Zelensky to the negotiating table. In November, Vladimir Dzhabarov of Russia’s Federation Council remarked on the trustworthiness of Zelensky.

“Even if they [the Americans] order Zelensky to begin talks, how can we hold talks with him, with Mr. Zelensky, who says one thing in the morning and quite a different thing in the evening, sending contradictory messages,” Vladimir Dzhabarov, first deputy chairman of the international committee of Russia’s Federation Council (upper parliament house), told a news conference.

Zelensky demands a return to Ukraine’s 1991 borders when the Soviet Union collapsed.

In short, the problem is not Russia. It is Zelensky, the Biden administration, and its state department. They have created a situation where a negotiated settlement is impossible, thus leaving Russia little choice short of turning Ukraine into an uninhabitable wasteland, a dystopian landscape devoid of water, food, heated shelter, electricity, and the other necessities of civilized life.

So long as the west refuses to consider Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine and the encroachment of NATO, the war will continue, thus increasing the possibility of nuclear brinkmanship.

The idea has long been to initiate ethnic and religious conflict on the periphery of the Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation. An example of this was the use of the Afghan Mujahideen in the Tajikistani Civil War. It is well-known the Mujahideen, an austere Sunni Wahhabi sect, received assistance, weapons, and training from the CIA and Pakistani intelligence.

The long-running effort to destabilize, neutralize, and dismember Russia from its southern periphery is a cause célèbre for the neocons. The American Committee for Peace in Chechnya, founded in 1999, is a who’s who of notorious and criminal neocons, including Richard Perle, Elliot Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Midge Decter, Frank Gaffney, Michal Leeden, and former CIA boss James Woolsey.

Following 9/11 and the Bush invasions, a few people became suspicious. John Laughland wrote in 2004, two years after the invasion of Iraq:

Allegations are even being made in Russia that the west itself is somehow behind the Chechen rebellion, and that the purpose of such support is to weaken Russia, and to drive her out of the Caucasus. The fact that the Chechens are believed to use as a base the Pankisi gorge in neighbouring Georgia—a country which aspires to join Nato, has an extremely pro-American government, and where the US already has a significant military presence—only encourages such speculation. Putin himself even seemed to lend credence to the idea in his interview with foreign journalists on Monday.

And now there is a national-tribal crisis brewing in the Balkans, an aftershock of the USG’s direct involvement in Serbia, then Yugoslavia, most pointedly its 78-day bombing of that country in 1998, many aspects of which constitute unpunished war crimes (including but not limited to the use of internationally outlawed cluster munitions).

It is important to remember the first president of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci—a former Kosovo Liberation Army commander, organized crime boss, indicted war criminal, and protégé of Madeleine Albright—was warmly received by the Clinton Administration.

“US-NATO covert support the KLA goes back to the mid-1990s. In the year preceding the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia, the KLA was quite openly supported by the Clinton administration,” writes Prof Michel Chossudovsky.

The “elder statesman” Kissinger understands what is at risk in the current standoff in Ukraine. In 1970, aware Vietnam had become a quagmire dividing America, Kissinger entered into secret negotiations (without Nixon’s knowledge) with Vietnam’s Le Duc Tho, a high-ranking member of the Hanoi Politburo. And while these negotiations did not result in a peace deal, it can be said they were held, never mind the true intentions of the parties involved.

The USG act of diplomatic stonewalling—and instructing Kyiv to do likewise—is making the Ukraine conflict in Europe more dangerous by the day. It is devolving into a humanitarian disaster for the Ukrainian people and soldiers alike, the latter killed in droves every week as the Kyiv government forces them into the shredding machine of Russian artillery. The Big Lie is that Ukraine can win this war.

The war criminal Kissinger is one year shy of 100. It is possible he may not make it as the war in Ukraine grinds onward, consuming precious human life, inflicting untold misery, and threatening a thermonuclear planetary extinction before Kissinger’s next birthday.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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First published on February 18, 2022


Dr. Charles Hoffe is a family physician in British Columbia. 

“I have been horrified to see what the COVID shots have done to my own patients. I have a small country practice with about 2,000 patients and amongst those people, I now have 12 in my own practice who are disabled since their COVID shots.”

Watch the video below.


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First published on September 30, 2022

This is an earlier report on Nord Stream, which confirms unequivocally that it was an act of US-NATO sabotage


Increasingly, there is little doubt who is behind the Nordstream pipeline leaks, now numbering four. The corporate media is lamely attempting to blame Russia for blowing up its own multi-billion dollar pipeline and its expensive cargo, but as usual, the corporate propaganda media provides no evidence to back this up.

From that oh-so-reliable news source, the Express:

The massive leak in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which many suspected to be an act of sabotage, could be Russia’s way of sending a horrifying threat to Europe, experts have warned. They say he has the prowess and firepower needed to damage other pipelines. Over the past few days, four leaks have been discovered along the 1,234km-long Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany. The pipelines, which bypassed Ukraine and Poland by transitting gas via the Baltic Sea, started leaking on Monday, which experts from Denmark and Sweden have confirmed occurred after strong explosions.

Indeed, I am certain Russia does possess such technology. However, so do the US and NATO, both with more incentive to blow up the pipelines than Russia. It doesn’t need to do this. Russia can simply turn off the tap on its end, as it has partially accomplished in response to Germany and Europe sending munitions to kill Russian soldiers.

As for the required technology:

BALTOPS is an annual military exercise held in the Baltic Sea. From Naval News:

Participating nations include Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries will exercise a myriad of capabilities demonstrating the inherent flexibility of maritime forces. Exercise scenarios include amphibious operations, gunnery, anti-submarine, air defense, mine clearance operations, explosive ordnance disposal, unmanned underwater vehicles, and medical response. (Emphasis added.)

Moreover, not mentioned by the corporate propaganda media, is the fact BALTOPS was held near the coast of Bornholm, an island off the east coast of Denmark, precisely where the explosions and gas leaks occurred.

Coincidence, right? Here’s another one, quite naturally not reported:

It wasn’t disclosed because this explosive-laden device belongs to the US military or NATO (or possibly Sweden, a country begging, along with Finland, to join NATO). If it had been identified as Russian, the morning headlines would be taller than Mount Everest.

Only trade publications reported the strange discovery. Obviously, not many Americans read pipeline technology journals.

The vehicle was discovered during a routine survey operation as part of the annual integrity assessment of the Nord Stream pipeline. Since it was within the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) approximately 120 km away from the island of Gotland, the Swedes called on their armed forces to remove and ultimately disarm the object.

As social media de-platformed analyst Pepe Escobar notes, the development and production of this sort of submersible drone have been on NATO’s to-do list for some time. “NATO for its part has been very active on the underwater drones department. The Americans have access to long distance Norwegian underwater drones which can be modified with other designs,” he writes.

Meanwhile, the corporate propaganda media is ramping up the “Russia did it” story.

I’d link to The Washington Post story, but they want money to read their propaganda.


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Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Kurt Nimmo 

First published by Global Research on May 24, 2014.

This full length GRTV documentary produced by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya examines the fictitious land of “Nulandistan” (named after Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland)  that has been constructed out of Ukraine.

It depicts how the realities of crimes against humanity and political oppression involving terrorist mobs are casually replaced by a World of fiction, in which real “Western style democracy” prevails.

It deconstructs the rhetoric and propaganda of the Obama Administration and its European allies regarding the crisis in Ukraine and takes a look at their growing frustration towards the Russian media, particularly RT, for challenging their account of events on the ground in what they have declared is an intensifying “information war”.

The documentary starts with an examination of the EuroMaidan protests that both Washington and the Western media have used to justify the instatement of an unelected self-proclaimed regime in Kiev.

The May 2 Odessa Massacre and the political protest movement leading up to the referendums in Donesk and Luhansk in East Ukraine are reviewed.

The underlying focus is to show how the reality of events in Ukraine has been been misappropriated and propagandized to support US foreign policy and to justify tensions against Russia.

VIDEO.  (The contents of this video production has been the object of censorship, It is tagged as “offensive” by YouTube. Click Watch on YouTube)

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First published by Global Research in May 2017

From political and social chaos to economic instability and global warfare, the crises created by the privatization of politics are increasingly spinning out of control.

This video interview of Michel Chossudovsky produced by James Corbett, summarizes in many regards what is now unfolding. 

“How The Lie becomes the Truth.

“And then the Lie becomes the Consensus”.

“And then there is no Moving Backwards”

Politics is fully privatized. War becomes a multibillion dollar endeavour. 

In this interview Michel Chossudovsky examines how all of these crises are converging on one point:

the systematic destruction of the “Reproduction of Real Life”.

Politics is privatized.

When the State is privatized, the societal project is undermined and eventually destroyed.

Civilization is collapsing and the Reproduction of Real life is impaired. 


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Currently available only in PF format

The Globalization of War, America’s “Long War” against Humanity

By Michel Chossudovsky

America’s hegemonic project in the post 9/11 era is the “Globalization of War” whereby the U.S.-NATO military machine —coupled with covert intelligence operations, economic sanctions and the thrust of “regime change”— is deployed in all major regions of the world. The threat of pre-emptive nuclear war is also used to black-mail countries into submission.

This “Long War against Humanity” is carried out at the height of the most serious economic crisis in modern history.

It is intimately related to a process of global financial restructuring, which has resulted in the collapse of national economies and the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.

The ultimate objective is World conquest under the cloak of “human rights” and “Western democracy”.


“Professor Michel Chossudovsky is the most realistic of all foreign policy commentators. He is a model of integrity in analysis, his book provides an honest appraisal of the extreme danger that U.S. hegemonic neoconservatism poses to life on earth.”

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury

““The Globalization of War” comprises war on two fronts: those countries that can either be “bought” or destabilized. In other cases, insurrection, riots and wars are used to solicit U.S. military intervention. Michel Chossudovsky’s book is a must read for anyone who prefers peace and hope to perpetual war, death, dislocation and despair.”

Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence

“Michel Chossudovsky describes globalization as a hegemonic weapon that empowers the financial elites and enslaves 99 percent of the world’s population.

“The Globalization of War” is diplomatic dynamite – and the fuse is burning rapidly.”

Michael Carmichael, President, the Planetary Movement

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Below is the translation into Dutch of an important article by Yuri Rubtsov

See the English version of the article:

History: Hitler was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

By Yuri Rubtsov, December 03, 2022


Elke oorlog kent een simpel narratief met een vast schema: er zijn ‘de goeden’ en ‘de kwaden’. Maar bij nadere studie blijken beide zijden, de ‘agressor’ en het ‘slachtoffer’ meer met elkaar van doen te hebben dan in de geschiedenisboeken wordt vermeld. In een artikel van GlobalResearch laat auteur Yuri Rubtsov zien dat Hitler niet zomaar uit de lucht kwam vallen en machtige westerse financiers achter zich had. Daarmee lijken de Tweede Wereldoorlog en de huidige oorlog in Oekraïne meer op elkaar dan je op het eerste gezicht zou denken.

De Tweede Wereldoorlog: meer dan 80 jaar geleden was het begin van de grootste slachting in de geschiedenis

Als we het probleem van “verantwoordelijkheid voor de oorlog” willen aanpakken, moeten we eerst de volgende belangrijke vragen beantwoorden:

  • Wie hielp de nazi’s aan de macht te komen?
  • Wie stuurde hen op weg naar de catastrofe van de wereld?

De hele vooroorlogse geschiedenis van Duitsland toont aan dat de levering van het “noodzakelijke” beleid werd bevorderd door de financiële onrust, waarin de wereld werd ondergedompeld in de nasleep van de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

De belangrijkste structuren die de naoorlogse ontwikkelingsstrategie van het Westen definieerden, waren de centrale financiële instellingen van Groot-Brittannië en de Verenigde Staten, de Bank of England en het Federal Reserve System (FRS) – en de bijbehorende financiële en industriële organisaties die werden opgezet als een middel om absolute controle te vestigen over het financiële systeem van Duitsland en zijn vermogen om politieke processen in Centraal-Europa te beheersen.

Om deze strategie uit te voeren, werden de volgende fasen bedacht:

  • Van 1919 tot 1924: de weg voorbereiden voor massale Amerikaanse financiële investeringen in de Duitse economie;
  • Van 1924 tot 1929: de oprichting van de controle over het financiële systeem van Duitsland en financiële steun voor het Nazisme (“nationaal-socialisme”);
  • Van 1929 tot 1933: het uitlokken en ontketenen van een diepe financiële en economische crisis en ervoor zorgen dat de Nazi’s aan de macht komen;
  • Van 1933 tot 1939: financiële samenwerking met de Nazi-regering en steun voor haar expansionistische buitenlands beleid, gericht op het voorbereiden en ontketenen van een nieuwe Wereldoorlog.

Herstelbetalingen Eerste Wereldoorlog

In de eerste fase zorgden de belangrijkste hefbomen voor de instroom van Amerikaans kapitaal in Europa, te beginnen met de oorlogsschulden van de Eerste Wereldoorlog en het nauw verwante probleem van Duitse herstelbetalingen. Na de formele toetreding van de VS tot de Eerste Wereldoorlog, gaven zij (bovengenoemde financiële instellingen) de geallieerden (voornamelijk Engeland en Frankrijk) leningen voor een bedrag van $8,8 miljard. De totale som van oorlogsschulden, inclusief leningen aan de Verenigde Staten in 1919-1921, bedroeg meer dan $11 miljard.

Om dit schuldenprobleem op te lossen, probeerden de crediteurenlanden extreem moeilijke voorwaarden op te leggen ten aanzien van de herstelbetalingen van de oorlog, ten koste van Duitsland. De vlucht van het Duitse kapitaal naar het buitenland en de weigering van veel Duitsers om belastingen te betalen, leidde tot een begrotingstekort dat alleen kon worden gedekt door het bijdrukken van ongedekte Duitse Marken. Het resultaat was de ineenstorting van de Duitse munt, de ‘grote inflatie’ van 1923; de dollar was toen 4,2 biljoen Mark waard. Duitse industriëlen begonnen openlijk de betaling van reparatieverplichtingen te saboteren, wat uiteindelijk de beroemde ‘Ruhrcrisis’ veroorzaakte, de Frans-Belgische bezetting van het Ruhrgebied in januari 1923. De Anglo-Amerikaanse heersende elites, om het initiatief in eigen handen te nemen, wachtten tot Frankrijk verstrikt raakte in dit avontuur en om te bewijzen dat het niet in staat was om het probleem zelf op te lossen. De Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hughes wees erop dat “het noodzakelijk is om te wachten tot Europa volwassen is om het Amerikaanse voorstel te accepteren.”

“Het is noodzakelijk om te wachten tot Europa volwassen is om het Amerikaanse voorstel te accepteren.” — Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hughes

Een nieuwe project werd in het geheim ontwikkeld door de Amerikaanse bank JP Morgan & Co., onder leiding van het hoofd van de Bank of England, Montagu Norman. Centraal bij zijn ideeën stond de vertegenwoordiger van de Dresdner Bank, Hjalmar Schacht. Schacht formuleerde het project in maart 1922 op voorstel van John Foster Dulles, toekomstige staatssecretaris in het kabinet van President Eisenhower. Hij deed dit samen met de juridisch adviseur van President W. Wilson op de Vredesconferentie van Parijs. Dulles gaf deze nota aan de chief trustee van JP Morgan & Co., die vervolgens in overleg met Montagu Norman, gouverneur van de Bank of England, Hjalmar Schacht aanbeval. In december 1923 werd Schacht manager van de Reichsbank en zorgde daarmee voor het samenbrengen van de Anglo-Amerikaanse en Duitse financiële elites.

In de zomer van 1924 werd het project bekend als het ‘Dawes plan’, aangenomen op de conferentie van Londen. Het plan was genoemd naar de voorzitter van de commissie van deskundigen die het creëerde, de Amerikaanse bankier en directeur van een van de banken van de Morgan group. Dawes riep op tot het halveren van de herstelbetalingen en loste het probleem op van de dekking van de betalingen. De belangrijkste taak was om gunstige voorwaarden voor Amerikaanse investeringen te waarborgen, wat alleen mogelijk was met de stabilisatie van de Duitse Mark. Daartoe werd Duitsland volgens het plan een grote lening van $ 200 miljoen gegeven, waarvan de helft voor rekening kwam van JP Morgan.
De Anglo-Amerikaanse banken kregen niet alleen controle over de overdracht van Duitse betalingen, maar ook over de haar begroting, het systeem van monetaire circulatie en voor een groot deel het kredietsysteem van het land.

Weimar Republiek

In augustus 1924 werd de oude Duitse Mark vervangen door een nieuwe, waardoor financiële situatie in Duitsland stabiliseerde en, zoals onderzoeker G. D. Preparta schreef, de Weimar Republiek voorbereid was op: “de meest vriendelijke economische hulp in de geschiedenis, gevolgd door de meest bittere oogst in de wereldgeschiedenis“. Een onstuitbare stroom van Amerikaans bloed stroomde in de financiële aderen van Duitsland.

De gevolgen hiervan lieten niet lang op zich wachten. Dit was vooral te wijten aan het feit dat de jaarlijkse herstelbetalingen het bedrag moesten dekken dat door de geallieerden als schuld was betaald, veroorzaakt door de zogenaamde “absurde Weimarcirkel“.

Het goud dat Duitsland betaalde als herstelbetalingen werd verkocht, verpand en verdween in de VS waar het werd teruggegeven werd aan Duitsland in de vorm van een ‘hulp’-plan. Duitsland gaf het vervolgens door aan Engeland en Frankrijk, die hiermee op hun beurt de oorlogsschuld aan de Verenigde Staten moesten betalen. De gelden van het plan werden vervolgens met rente verzwaard en opnieuw naar Duitsland gestuurd. Uiteindelijk leefde iedereen in Duitsland in de schulden en was het duidelijk dat als Wall Street haar leningen zou intrekken, het land volledig failliet zou gaan.

Hoewel formeel krediet werd uitgegeven om de herstelbetalingen veilig te stellen, werd het eigenlijk gebruikt voor het herstel van het militair-industriële potentieel van het land. De Duitsers betaalden de leningen met aandelen van bedrijven, zodat het Amerikaanse kapitaal actief begon te integreren in de Duitse economie.

Het totale bedrag van de buitenlandse investeringen in de Duitse industrie tussen 1924-1929 bedroeg bijna 63 miljard goudmark (30 miljard ervan waren leningen) en 10 miljard marken bestemd voor de herstelbetalingen. Maar liefst 70% van de inkomsten (leningen) werd geleverd door bankiers uit de Verenigde Staten, en de meeste banken waren van JP Morgan. Als gevolg hiervan stond de Duitse industrie in 1929 op de tweede plaats in de wereld, maar het was grotendeels in handen van Amerika’s toonaangevende financieel industriële groepen.

Amerikaanse investeringen in Nazi-Duitsland. Rockefeller financierde de verkiezingscampagne van Adolf Hitler

‘Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie’, de belangrijkste leverancier van de Duitse oorlogsmachine, financierde 45% van de verkiezingscampagne van Hitler in 1930. Deze Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie stond onder de controle van Rockefellers’ Standard oil. JP Morgan had met General Electric zeggenschap over de Duitse radio en over de elektrische industrie via AEG en Siemens. Tot 1933 was 30% van de aandelen van AEG eigendom van General Electric en via het telecombedrijf ITT bezat zij 40% van het telefoonnetwerk in Duitsland. Bovendien hadden ze een belang van 30% in het vliegtuigproductiebedrijf ‘Focke-Wulf’. General Motors, behorend tot de familie DuPont, vestigde de zeggenschap over autofabrikant Opel. Henry Ford bezat op zijn beurt 100% van de aandelen van Volkswagen.

In 1926 ontstond, met de deelname van de Rockefeller Bank ‘Dillon, Reed & Co.’, het op een na grootste industriële monopolie in Duitsland na I.G. Farben, het metallurgisch concern Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Staaltrust) Thyssen, Flick, Wolff, Feglera enz.

De Amerikaanse samenwerking met het Duitse militair-industriële complex was zo intens en invloedrijk dat in 1933 de belangrijkste sectoren van de Duitse industrie en grote banken zoals Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Danat-Bank (Darmstädter und Nationalbank), enz. onder controle stonden van het Amerikaanse financiële kapitaal.
De politieke kracht die bedoeld was om een cruciale rol te spelen in de Anglo-Amerikaanse plannen werd tegelijkertijd voorbereid. We hebben het over de financiering van de NAZI-partij en van Adolf Hitler persoonlijk.

Zoals de voormalige Duitse bondskanselier Brüning in zijn memoires schreef, ontving Hitler sinds 1923 grote bedragen uit het buitenland. Waar ze naartoe gingen is onbekend, maar ze werden ontvangen via Zwitserse en Zweedse banken.

Het is ook bekend dat in 1922 in München een ontmoeting plaatsvond tussen Hitler en de militaire attaché van de VS in Duitsland, kapitein Truman Smith Smith. Smith stelde in het Office of Military Intelligence voor zijn superieuren in Washington een gedetailleerd rapport op en sprak lovend over Hitler. Het was door de kennissenkring van Smith dat Hitler voor het eerst werd voorgesteld aan de Duits-Amerikaanse zakenman Ernst Franz Sedgwick Hanfstaengl, een afgestudeerde van Harvard University. Deze Hanfstaengl zou een belangrijke rol spelen in de vorming van Hitler als politicus, geholpen door aanzienlijke financiële steun. Verder zorgde hij voor het tot stand brengen van banden en communicatie met prominente persoonlijkheden van het Britse establishment.

Hitler was voorbereid op zijn rol in de politiek, maar tijdens de Weimar Republiek bleef zijn partij toch marginaal. De situatie veranderde drastisch met het begin van de financiële crisis van 1929. Sinds de herfst van 1929, na de ineenstorting van de Amerikaanse beurs, veroorzaakt door de Federal Reserve, begon de derde fase van de strategie van het Anglo-Amerikaanse financiële establishment.

De Federal Reserve en JP Morgan besloten te stoppen met leningen aan Duitsland, aangezet door de bankencrisis en economische depressie in Centraal-Europa. In september 1931 verliet Engeland de goudstandaard, vernietigde opzettelijk het internationale betalingssysteem en sneed de stroom van ‘financiële zuurstof’ naar de Weimar Republiek volledig af.

In september 1930 deed zich een financieel wonder voor bij de NAZI-partij. Als gevolg van grote donaties voor de verkiezingen van Thyssen, I. G. Farben en industrieel Emil Kirdorf (een vervend aanhanger van Hitler), kreeg de partij bij de verkiezingen 6,4 miljoen stemmen en werd tweede partij in de Reichstag, waarna genereuze investeringen uit het buitenland op gang kwamen.

De belangrijkste schakel tussen de grote Duitse industriëlen en buitenlandse financiers werd de eerdergenoemde Hjalmar Schacht.

1932 geheime overeenkomst: Wall Street financiert Hitlers NAZI-partij

Op 4 januari 1932 vond een ontmoeting plaats tussen de Britse financier Montagu Norman, gouverneur van de Bank of England, Adolf Hitler en Franz Von Papen, die enkele maanden later in mei 1932 kanselier werd. In deze bijeenkomst werd een akkoord bereikt over de financiering van de Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP). Deze bijeenkomst werd ook bijgewoond door Amerikaanse beleidsmakers en de gebroeders Dulles, iets wat hun biografen niet graag vermelden.

Een jaar later, op 14 januari 1933, vond een andere ontmoeting plaats tussen Adolf Hitler, de Duitse Financier Baron Kurt von Schröder, kanselier Franz von Papen en Hitler’s economisch adviseur Wilhelm Keppler, waarbij Hitler’s programma volledig werd goedgekeurd. Het was hier dat ze uiteindelijk de kwestie van de overdracht van de macht aan de NAZI’s regelden; op 30 januari 1933 werd Hitler kanselier. De uitvoering van de vierde fase van de strategie was daarmee begonnen.

De houding van de Anglo-Amerikaanse heersende elites ten opzichte van de nieuwe NAZI-regering was zeer sympathiek. Toen Hitler weigerde herstelbetalingen te betalen, waarmee hij liet zien dat hij de betaling van oorlogsschulden in twijfel trok, toonden noch Groot-Brittannië noch Frankrijk hem de claims van de betalingen. Bovendien werd Schacht na zijn bezoek aan de Verenigde Staten in mei 1933 opnieuw hoofd van de Reichsbank, en na zijn ontmoeting met de Amerikaanse president en de grote bankiers op Wall Street, gaf Amerika Duitsland nieuwe leningen van in totaal $1 miljard.
In juni van dat jaar, tijdens een reis naar Londen en een ontmoeting met Montagu Norman, zocht Schacht ook een Britse lening van $2 miljard, en een vermindering en stopzetting van betalingen op oude leningen. De NAZI’s kregen dus wat de vorige regering niet hadden kunnen bereiken.

In de zomer van 1934 ondertekende Groot-Brittannië het Anglo-Duitse ‘transfer agreement,’ dat een van de fundamenten van het Britse beleid ten aanzien van het Derde Rijk werd. Aan het einde van de jaren 1930 werd Duitsland de belangrijkste handelspartner van Engeland.

De Schröder Bank werd de belangrijkste agent van Duitsland in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en in 1936 werkte zijn kantoor in New York samen met de Rockefellers om de Schröder, Rockefeller & Co. Investment Bank, die Times Magazine de “economische propagandistische as van Berlijn-Rome” noemde.

Zoals Hitler zelf toegaf, bedacht hij zijn vierjarenplan op basis van buitenlandse financiële leningen; hij had hierover nooit de geringste twijfel.

In augustus 1934 verwierf Amerika ‘s Standard Oil in Duitsland 730.000 hectare land en bouwde grote olieraffinaderijen die de NAZI’ s van olie voorzagen. Tegelijkertijd nam Duitsland in het geheim de meest moderne apparatuur voor vliegtuigfabrieken uit de Verenigde Staten in ontvangst, die de productie van Duitse vliegtuigen zou beginnen.

Duitsland ontving een groot aantal militaire patenten van de Amerikaanse bedrijven Pratt and Whitney, Douglas, Curtis Wright en de Amerikaanse technologie voor de bouw van de ‘Junkers-87’. In 1941, toen de Tweede Wereldoorlog al een jaar woedde, bedroegen de Amerikaanse investeringen in de Duitse economie $475 miljoen. Standard oil investeerde 120 miljoen, General Motors 35 miljoen, ITT 30 miljoen en Ford 17,5 miljoen.

De nauwe financiële en economische samenwerking van Anglo-Amerikaanse en zakelijke kringen van de NAZI’s was de achtergrond waartegen, in de jaren 1930, een beleid van appeasement (ogenschijnlijke verzoening, red.) leidde tot de Tweede Wereldoorlog.

Vandaag de dag hebben de financiële elites van de wereld de ‘Grote Depressie 2.0’ geïmplementeerd, die startte in 2008, met een vervolgtransitie naar een ‘nieuwe wereldorde’.


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Dit artikel is uit het Engels vertaald door

Yuri Rubtsov is doctor in de historische wetenschappen, academicus van de Russische Academie van militaire wetenschappen en lid van de International Association of historians of World War II.

Vertaald uit het Russisch door Ollie Richardson voor Fort Russ. (referenties niet beschikbaar in deze versie van het artikel) ru-polit.livejournal (oorspronkelijk uit 2009).

De afbeelding komt van The Canadian Patriot

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By Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky having to vehemently deny that Oleksii Reznikov has been replaced as Ukraine Minister of Defence in the wake of a corruption scandal, it demonstrates that national unity is eroding and distrust in the government is growing. This is a nightmare situation for Ukraine since Zelensky initially came to power on the back of an anti-corruption platform and the latest scandal comes as Russia is reportedly preparing for a major offensive.

In the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament), Zelensky called for an end to “rumours or any other pseudo-information” relating to Reznikov being dismissed. Although the Ukrainian president evidently hoped that this would alleviate the corruption allegations, the first major scandal of his administration since the war began in February 2022, speculation ran rife.

He pointed out that only the president can dismiss a minister, stressing in a Telegram post that: “We are taking personnel and institutional steps at various levels in the defence and security sector that can strengthen Ukraine’s position.”

David Arakhamia, an ally of Zelensky and a senior member of parliament, was quoted on February 5 as saying that Reznikov would be reshuffled from the defence ministry and given another portfolio. This was allegedly in response to a corruption scandal at the defence ministry. A day later he said that there would be no cabinet changes “this week.”

For most of 2022, in the lead up to the US Congress election, the Republican candidates highlighted the corruption in the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence and questioned the misuse of funds that Washington continuously sends to Kiev.

As it appears though, Reznikov has not been reshuffled. It is recalled that he has gained a lot of influence lately, visiting the American-controlled Ramstein Airbase in Germany and being described as a “good friend” by Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin. So long as Reznikov continues to serve US interests, it is unlikely that Washington will order Kiev to remove him. However, the moment Reznikov is no longer of use, the US will not hesitate to get rid of him.

It cannot be overlooked that the first article about corruption in the Ukraine Ministry of Defence appeared in the weekly newspaper Zerkalo Nedeli, which has connections with the American Embassy and receives grants from abroad to survive. The dire situation that the Ukrainian Armed Forces find themselves in could be a motivating factor for, what Zelensky says, are “rumours” and “pseudo-information” about the reshuffling of Reznikov as the US might want a stronger figure leading the defence ministry.

Reznikov is not a good defence minister. He is a lawyer and has little understanding of his position, meaning that he is effectively the civilian face of the ruling junta. In fact, Reznikov admitted to making a “pact” with Ukrainian Chief of Command Valeriy Zaluzhny.

“We agreed that I wouldn’t lecture him on how to fight. I’m not an artillery man. I’m an attorney, a lawyer working as defense minister,” he said.

A corruption scandal began on January 21 when Zerkalo Nedeli exposed in an article a procurement scheme in which the Defense Ministry paid double and triple the market prices for certain army provisions. Rather than acknowledge the obvious corruption, Reznikov instead accused the journalists of “manipulating” the facts just before the Ramstein meeting. In fact, it was Reznikov being manipulative as he attempted to shift focus away from the corruption scandal and onto the Ramstein meeting. The defence minister admitted that this was a “communicative failure”, but the damage was already done.

It is recalled that on January 24, Deputy Defence Minister for Supply, Vyacheslav Shapovalov, resigned from his post. This was followed by the USB arresting two people involved in the corrupt procurement scheme. Bohdan Khmelnytsky, who was also responsible for procurement, is suspected of embezzling nearly $3 million through the purchase of substandard bulletproof vests for soldiers. Volodymyr Tereshchenko, the deputy foreign trade coordinator, is accused of misappropriating $1.3 million in budgetary funds in a similar manner to Khmelnytsky.

Reznikov has not been accused of direct involvement, but he accepts responsibility for his subordinates and says he will stepdown immediately if Zelensky orders it. Corruption scandals in the Defense Ministry cost Petro Poroshenko his presidency and allowed Zelensky to come to power on the back of an anti-corruption platform. For this reason, even though Zelensky denies it for now, we could see the removal of Reznikov in the near future or the Ukrainian president could face major political and civilian backlash and risk upsetting the already fragile unity of the nation.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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A slice of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address that calls for closer analysis:

Putin’s invasion has been a test for the ages. A test for America. A test for the world.

Would we stand for the most basic of principles?

Would we stand for sovereignty?

Would we stand for the right of people to live free from tyranny?

Would we stand for the defense of democracy?

“Would we stand for the most basic of principles?”

It is important to parse what Biden said. Notice how this is spoken as a series of questions. Biden is not saying that the US stands for the most basic of principles. Neither is he saying that the US (“we”) stands for all principles. He speaks to just the most basic principles. What are those “most basic of principles”?

Is sabotage not a violation of a most basic principle? Veteran journalist Seymour Hersch investigated the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines and the evidence shows that the US did it.

How about America’s much ballyhooed fidelity to so-called free trade?

Take the case of China in which the US has recently begun seizing aluminum products imported from China, accusing China of using forced labor in Xinjiang for these products. The US, under Donald Trump’s tenure, had Canada arrest Huawei’s chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver International Airport and place her under house arrest for three years. (What is it they say about justice delayed? Meng was released with all charges against her dismissed by the judge.) The US has applied strong-arm tactics worldwide to have countries reject purchase of Huawei’s 5G network. It tried to force China to give America the social media sensation Tik Tok. It is coercing countries to prevent China from buying chip technology. Is this principled economic competition?

Adhering to signed treaties would seem to qualify as a most basic principle? Yet the string of broken treaties that the US had entered into with Indigenous nations speaks not to standing for principle.

Certainly not committing or partaking in genocide should be at, or very near, the top of a most basic principle list. But the US is founded through genocide and dispossession.

“Would we stand for sovereignty?”

This question is better posed as “Have we stood for sovereignty?”

Does the US respect the sovereignty of Venezuela in trying to impose an unelected Juan Guaido as the Venezuelan president or by abducting Venezuelan diplomats? Does the US respect the sovereignty of Syria by invading the country, stealing the oil and wheat, and attempting regime change? Has the US ever respected the sovereignty of Haiti where it has overthrown elected leaders and occupied the country, exploiting it as a low-wage workforce? In recent times, there is much speculation of an imminent invasion of Haiti by the US. There is also the US’s absence of respect for sovereignty in the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Honduras, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala, Iraq, Iran, Chagos archipelago, Cuba, etc.

And most egregiously, the US has destroyed the sovereignty of the Indigenous nations on Turtle Island.

“Would we stand for the right of people to live free from tyranny?”

How about Palestinians who suffer under Jewish Israeli tyranny? When has Biden stood for Palestinians to live free from tyranny? In fact, Biden proudly claims to be a Zionist.

What is the US but a tyranny of the 1%-ers over the masses? Universal health care, a most basic principle in many countries, is thwarted at each foray by the 1%-ers against the will of the majority of Americans. The US is a country with over half-a-million people enduring the indignity of homelessness. Isn’t that a basic principle? The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 25:1) says it is. And the US is a signatory. No matter. It is a non-binding declaration and not a treaty. But then treaties don’t seem to matter either to the US.

Emphatically, the Indigenous people in the undeniably stolen landmass called the US live under tyranny.

“Would we stand for the defense of democracy?”

Is democracy what the US stands for in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, etc?

What is democratic about mandating experimental so-called vaccines on the population? Writer Ben Bartee considers this to reveal an anarcho-tyranny. As time passes, the establishment’s fraudulent COVID-19 narrative crumbles more and more.

In the case of the US, there are two business parties that control what is fallaciously called democracy. However, if the people would choose social democracy and the pliable Bernie Sanders is their candidate of choice, then the big-money wheels will step in to undo any democratic expression that they consider unacceptable. Thus, the US winds up with a worn-out, intellectually diminishing Biden and his reviled vice president Kamala Harris — a woman whose integrity was destroyed in the presidential debates by Tulsi Gabbard.

The US can claim to stand for democracy when its claim to be such is a sham because the media is part of the controlling apparatus. As Michael Parenti explains in his book Democracy for the Few, democracy in the US is controlled by the moneyed class.

So what the hell was Biden going on about in the speech? And why were all these politicians clapping?

And how does America fare on Biden’s test?


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Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He can be emailed at: kimohp at He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Kremlin said on Thursday the world should know the truth about who sabotaged the Nord Stream gas pipelines and that those responsible should be punished after an investigative journalist said U.S. divers blew them up at the behest of the White House.

A sharp drop in pressure on both pipelines was registered on September 26 and seismologists detected explosions, triggering a wave of speculation about sabotage to one of Russia’s most important energy corridors.

In a blog post, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh cited an unidentified source as saying that U.S. navy divers had destroyed the pipelines with explosives on the orders of President Joe Biden.

Reuters was unable to corroborate the allegations. The White House dismissed them as ‘utterly false and complete fiction’. Norway’s foreign ministry said the allegations were ‘nonsense’.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Hersh’s blog post deserved more attention and that he was surprised it had not been covered more fully by Western media.

‘The world must find out the truth about who carried out this act of sabotage,’ Peskov told reporters. ‘This is a very dangerous precedent: if someone did it once, they can do it again anywhere in the world.’

He called for ‘an open international investigation of this unprecedented attack on international critical infrastructure’, adding: ‘It is impossible to leave this without uncovering those responsible and punishing them.’

Click here to read the full article on Daily Mail Online.


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It is now well established from autopsy studies and adverse effect monitoring that the COVID-19 vaccines can cause death. The vaccine-dose fatality rate (vDFR), which is the ratio of vaccine-induced deaths to vaccine doses delivered in a population, has recently been measured by us to be as large as 1 % in India and when “vaccine equity” campaigns were applied in high-poverty states of the USA, and to be 0.05 % in Australia, with data that is not discriminated by age group. Here, we provide the first empirical evaluations of age‑stratified vDFRs, using national all-cause mortality and vaccine rollout data, for Israel and Australia. We find that the vDFR increases dramatically with age for older adults, being exponential with a doubling time of approximately 5.2 ± 0.4 years. As a result the vDFR is an order of magnitude greater in the most elderly population than the all-population value, reaching 0.6 % for the 80+ years age group in Israel and 1 % for the 85+ years age group in Australia, compared to < 0.01 % for young adults (< 45 year olds). Our results imply that it was reckless to prioritise vaccinating those deemed to be in greatest need of protection.


It is well established that the COVID-19 vaccines can cause death, as seen from:

  • detailed autopsy studies (Choi et al., 2021; Schneider et al., 2021; Sessa et al., 2021; Gill et al., 2022; Mörz, 2022; Schwab et al., 2022; Suzuki et al., 2022; Tan et al., 2022; Yoshimura et al., 2022; Onishi et al., 2023),
  • adverse effect monitoring (Hickey and Rancourt, 2022),
  • a recent survey study (Skidmore, 2023),
  • studies of vaccine-induced pathologies (e.g., Goldman et al., 2021; Kuvandik et al., 2021; Turni and Lefringhausen, 2022; Edmonds et al., 2023; Wong et al., 2023), and
  • more than 1,250 peer-reviewed publications about COVID-19 vaccine adverse effects (React 19, 2022).

In particular, a study of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data for the USA showed that the COVID-19 injections can be understood as individual challenges to the body, and that “toxicity by dose” is a good first-order model of the phenomenon for the adverse effect of death (Hickey and Rancourt, 2022). An exponential increase of lethality with median age of those dying following injection was observed (Hickey and Rancourt, 2022).

There is also the known vaccine injury compensation programmes of states worldwide, which include death resulting from the COVID-19 vaccines (Mungwira et al. 2020; Wood et al., 2020; Crum et al., 2021; Kamin-Friedman and Davidovitch, 2021). Japan, Canada and the UK have granted compensation for COVID‑19 vaccine induced deaths (The Japan Times, 26 July 2022; Corbett, 6 September 2022; Wise, 2022).

We are pursuing a research program to quantify the vaccine-dose fatality rate (vDFR), which is the ratio of vaccine-induced deaths to vaccine doses delivered in a population. We do this at the population level of states, using epidemiological methods applied to all-cause mortality (ACM) and vaccine rollout data, by time (day, week, month), by jurisdiction and by age group (Rancourt et al., 2022a; Rancourt et al., 2022b; Rancourt, 2022).

Here we report our first age-stratification results.

We recently demonstrated that the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts caused significant increases in mortality in India, the USA, Australia, and Canada (see Rancourt et al., 2022a; and references therein).

Rancourt showed that the vaccine rollout in India (350 million doses) synchronously caused 3.7 million excess deaths, corresponding to a vDFR of 1 %; and provided comprehensive reasons for concluding a causal relation to the vaccine rollout rather than coincidence involving other causes (Rancourt, 2022).

Our work on the Australian data established a non-age-stratified (all-population) mean vDFR of 0.05 %, in a phenomenon of step-wise increase in mortality synchronous with the vaccine rollout, which was also present in each of the eight states of Australia and in each of the age groups of the most elderly residents (Rancourt et al., 2022a).

Such determinations of vDFR are possible — despite the inherent difficulty in assigning cause to excess mortality, especially despite the difficulty in discerning excess mortality caused by the imposed pandemic-response conditions (or “COVID-19 conditions”) — in two kinds of circumstances:

  1. Jurisdictions in which there is essentially no measurable excess integrated ACM in the pre-vaccination period of the declared pandemic (typically 11 March 2020 to 1 January 2021),[1] followed by a large and sudden step-wise increase in ACM by time, synchronous with the vaccine rollout in the jurisdiction, and sustained through multiple-dose cycles of vaccination (e.g., Australia, India, Israel).
  2. Cases in which a specific vaccine rollout (e.g., first booster in Australia, “vaccine equity” campaign in the USA, first-dose in Ontario) is synchronous with an anomalous peak in ACM, which is not confounded by occurring at a seasonal peak position inferred from the historic trend.

In all these cases, which we have studied, the vaccine rollouts occur at significantly different times, for different jurisdictions and age groups, yet are always synchronous with the step-wise increases and anomalous peaks in ACM. In this regard, the graphs in our most recent paper and its appendices are compelling (Rancourt et al., 2022a; their figures 1A through 1D, 2, 4, 6A through 6D, 7, 8 and 9; their appendix figures A1-F1 (9 panels) and A2-F1), as are the graphs for India (Rancourt, 2022).

In addition, the all‑population vDFRs, for individual states and for individual anomalous peaks in ACM, are all comparable in magnitude, in the range of approximately 0.03 % − 1 % (Rancourt et al., 2022a ; Rancourt et al., 2022b ; Rancourt, 2022).

The robust criteria described by Ioannidis (2016) for proving causality are amply satisfied:

  • Experiment: The same phenomenon is independently observed in distinct jurisdictions, for distinct age groups, and at different times, which constitutes ample verification in independent real-world large-scale experiments.
  • Temporality: The many step-wise increases and anomalous peaks in ACM are synchronous with vaccine rollouts, and the peaks in ACM have the same shapes and widths as the synchronous peaks in vaccine dose delivery by time; including in jurisdictions in which excess integrated mortality did not occur until vaccination was implemented after approximately one year of the declared pandemic.
  • Consistency: The phenomenon is qualitatively the same and of comparable magnitude in each occasion in which it is observed.

Here, we perform the age-stratification analysis for Australia, and we add Israel.

Our method for quantification of vDFR by age group (or all-population) is as follows (Rancourt et al., 2022a):

  1. Plot the ACM by time (day, week, month) for the age group (or all-population) over a large time scale, including the years prior to the declared pandemic.
  2. Identify the date (day, week, month) of the start of the vaccine rollout (first dose rollout) for the age group (or all-population).
  3. Note, for consistency, that the ACM undergoes a step-wise increase to larger values at the date of the start of the vaccine rollout.
  4. Integrate (add) ACM from the start of the vaccine rollout to the end of available data or end of vaccinations (all doses), whichever comes first. This is the basic integration time window used in the calculation, start to end dates.
  5. Apply this window and this integration over successive and non-overlapping equal-duration periods, moving as far back as the data permits.
  6. Plot the resulting integration values versus time, and note, for consistency, that the value has an upward jog, well discerned from the historic trend or values, for the vaccination period.
  7. Extrapolate the historic trend of integrated values into the vaccination period. The difference between the measured and extrapolated (historic trend predicted) integrated values of ACM in the vaccination period is the excess mortality associated with the vaccination period.
  8. The extrapolation, in practice, is achieved by fitting a straight line to chosen pre-vaccination-period integration points.
  9. If too few points are available for the extrapolation, giving too large an uncertainty in the fitted slope, then impose a slope of zero, which amounts to using an average of recent values. In some cases, even a single point (usually the point for the immediately preceding integration window) can be used.
  10. The error in the extrapolated value is overwhelmingly the dominant source of error in the calculated excess mortality. Estimate the “accuracy error” in the extrapolated value as the mean deviation of the absolute value difference with the fitted line (mean of the absolute values of the residuals) for the chosen points of the fit. This error is a measure of the integration-period variations from all causes over a near region having an assumed linear trend.
  11. Apply the same integration window (start to end dates during vaccination) to count all vaccine doses administered in that time.
  12. Define vDFR = (vaccination-period excess mortality) / (vaccine doses administered in the same vaccination period). Calculate the uncertainty in vDFR using the estimated error in vaccination-period excess mortality.

The same method can be adapted to any region of interest of sub-annual duration, by translating the window of integration (of the region of interest) backwards by increments of one year.

The above-described method is robust and ideally adapted to the nature of ACM data. Integrated ACM has a small statistical error. The large time-wise integration window removes difficulties arising from intrinsic seasonal variations. The historic trend is analysed without introducing any model assumptions or uncertainties beyond assuming that the near trend can be modelled by a straight line, where justified by the data itself. Such an analysis, for example, takes into account year to year changes in age-group cohort size arising from the age structure of the population. The only presumption is that a locally linear near trend for the unperturbed (ACM-wise unperturbed) population is realistic.

The calculation of the excess ACM by age group and for all-population for Australia is illustrated in Figure 1 (age groups as indicated in the figure), as follows. We used the three points sequentially preceding the vaccination period and imposed a horizontal line (zero slope of the fitted straight line), throughout (Figure 1).

The details such as sources of official data, start and end points of integration, and methods for matching ACM and vaccine rollout data by age group, are provided in Appendix 1.

The integration period for Australia was fine-tuned and updated ACM data was implemented (see Appendix 1), compared to our previous analysis (Rancourt et al., 2022a), and the results are essentially identical.

Figure 1:  Australia, 2015-2022, by age group as indicated. ACM by week (light blue); integrated ACM by 80-week vaccination-period integration window (dark blue, points), the last point being for the actual vaccination period itself; extrapolation line used to calculate the excess ACM in the vaccination period (orange). See the text for a description of the method, and Appendix 1 for details.

The youngest age group for Australia (0-44 years, Figure 1) shows our chosen extrapolation method not to be optimally suited to the ACM trend, however, in this age group the ACM is small, so this makes little difference. Furthermore, our method here automatically ensures that this difficulty is reflected in a larger estimated error, which is propagated to the calculated excess ACM.

We do the same for Israel. The calculation of the excess ACM by age group and for all‑population for Israel is illustrated in Figure 2 (age groups as indicated in the figure), as follows. Here we chose to use different sets of points to use in the extrapolation, as described in Appendix 1, and as can be surmised from Figure 2 itself.

In this way, we account for the different historical trends in ACM that occur in the different age groups for Israel, and we avoid the point immediately preceding the vaccination period where it appears to include a significant excess mortality in the pre‑vaccination period of the declared pandemic.

The details such as sources of official data, start and end points of integration, and methods for matching ACM and vaccine rollout data by age group, are provided in Appendix 1.

In terms of specific features in ACM by time, examples of synchronicity between ACM peaks and vaccine dose rollouts for Israel are shown in Appendix 2.

Figure 2:  Israel, 2000-2022, by age group as indicated; and on expanded time axis 2015-2022 for all-population, as indicated. ACM by week (light blue); integrated ACM by 97-week vaccination-period integration window (dark blue, points), the last point being for the actual vaccination period itself; extrapolation line used to calculate the excess ACM in the vaccination period (orange). See the text for a description of the method, and Appendix 1 for details.

For Israel (Figure 2), although there is necessarily a degree of arbitrariness in the choice of the points to include in the linear regression, this does not significantly affect the results since:

  1. The effect (age-stratified excess ACM in the vaccination period) is large enough not to be sensitive to the said arbitrariness.
  2. The integrated ACM for the vaccination period is generally significantly and anomalously greater than its value for the immediately preceding integration period.
  3. Essentially the same result (age-stratified excess ACM in the vaccination period) occurs if we use the simplest possible method of taking the extrapolated vaccination-period ACM to be equal to the value for the immediately preceding point, which amounts to removing mortality occurring pre-vaccination in the pandemic period while assuming a locally constant trend in integrated ACM.

Tables 1 and 2 give the resulting age-stratified (and all-population) vDFR values for Australia and Israel, respectively. See Appendix 1 for details.

The results from Tables 1 and 2 are plotted in Figure 3, with exponential fits, both on linear and logarithmic scales for vDFR.

Figure 3: vDFR, which is the ratio of vaccine-induced deaths to vaccine doses delivered in the population of the specified age group, versus age for Israel (orange) and Australia (blue), on full (top) and expanded (middle) linear scales, and with semi-log scale (bottom). Horizontal bands are for the all‑population values of vDFR. The age (X-axis value, years) assigned to a given age group is the starting age of the window of ages for the age group.

In Figure 3, the age (X-axis value, in years) assigned to a given age group is the starting age of the window of ages for the age group. This particular choice makes little difference because translating the x values by any constant number, for example, does not affect the doubling time obtained by fitting an exponential function, and only slightly affects the y intercept at x = 0 (the prefactor in the exponential).

The fitted exponentials (Figure 3) are of the form:

y  =  A exp( x / k ) or

vDFR  =  A exp( Age / k )

where A is the prefactor.

The doubling time (T2) is related to k as:

T2  =  k ln(2).

The fitted values of k (and T2) are:

This doubling time by age of approximately 5 years for risk of dying per injection of the COVID-19 vaccines is approximately half of the doubling time by age of 10 years for risk of dying per year of all causes in a modern human population, and of the main old-age diseases cancer, pneumonia and heart disease (Strekler and Mildvan, 1960). This implies a toxicity effect rather than simply inducing death by old age.

Furthermore, there is a non-exponential constant vDFR for young adults (vDFR ≈ 0.005 %, 20-40 years, Figure 3, Table 2). This suggests an accidental mechanism of death with a constant probability for these ages. One might postulate, for example, that vDFR is a product of a constant (age-independent) probability of accidental intra-vascular injection and a constant probability of death given intra-vascular injection. One might further postulate that one or both of these probabilities is larger in athletes with highly developed vascular systems and rapid circulatory rates (Cadegiani, 2022; Klein et al., 2022).

Our all-population value of vDFR of approximately 0.05 % (Figure 3, Tables 1 and 2) implies that in the USA, following the administration of approximately 670 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to date (669.60 million doses, up to 31 January 2023, Our World in Data),[2] approximately 330,000 USA residents would have died from the COVID-19 vaccines (1 in 1,000 on a population basis), assuming that elderly and vulnerable individuals are not more abundant or more aggressively targeted than in Australia or Israel. This number is comparable to the 278,000 fatalities found by Skidmore (2023) in his survey study for the USA. Our number of 330,000 is probably an underestimate, in light of the exponential dependence of vDFR with age that we have demonstrated and the known exceptionally large pools of highly vulnerable residents in the USA (Rancourt et al., 2022b).

Most importantly and concretely, our results establish a large vDFR in elderly people, as large as the 1 % measured for India when frail elderly people and patients with comorbidities were targeted (Rancourt, 2022), and when the same was presumably done in the high-poverty states of the USA, under the banner of vaccine equity programmes (Rancourt et al., 2022b).

The public health notion that elderly and vulnerable individuals must be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination assumes:

  1. a constant age-independent vDFR
  2. a small value of the vDFR optimistically estimated from managed trials, funded by the pharmaceutical industry

Our research shows that both assumptions (i and ii) are false, and far from reality in the field, on the scale of nations.

The said public health notion has always been baseless since it was not anchored in any sufficient evaluation of age-stratified risk of fatality from the injection (e.g., Veronese et al., 2021; Abbatecola et al., 2022; Gao et al., 2022), and is now proven to be contrary to reality. Prioritizing elderly people for vaccination, in the absence of relevant data, was reckless. Norway may be the only jurisdiction that immediately and publicly recognized a problem and changed its policy regarding vaccinating the most elderly and frail (Reuters, 18 January 2021; Fortune, 15 January 2021).

Some readers will be tempted to compare our results (Figure 3) with published age‑stratified COVID-19 infection fatality rates (IFR) (e.g., COVID-19 Forecasting Team, 2022; Pezzullo et al., 2023). While in principle this is a correct approach of risk-benefit analysis, we believe that the IFR studies are not reliable, for the following reasons:

  1. The deaths in the numerator of IFR are “COVID-19 deaths”, and this cause of death assignation is susceptible to bias and is highly uncertain (e.g., Rancourt et al., 2022c; Rancourt et al., 2021).
  2. The number of infections, in the denominator of IFR, is reliant on molecular antibody tests, which are not specific and have not been sufficiently validated (e.g., Rancourt, 2021).
  3. If the IFR evaluations were valid, then it would be virtually impossible for jurisdictions like India and Australia to have no detectable excess ACM in the pre‑vaccination period of the declared pandemic.
  4. We do not detect any excess ACM that can be attributed to COVID-19 in the jurisdictions that we have studied in detail (USA and all its states; Canada and its provinces; France and its departments and regions; Australia and its states).

The COVID-19 vaccines did not only not save lives but they are highly toxic.

On the global scale, given the 3.7 million fatalities in India alone, having vDFR = 1 % (Rancourt, 2022), and given the age-stratified vDFR results presented in this work, it is not unreasonable to assume an all-population global value of vDFR = 0.1 %. Based on the global number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered to date (13.25 billion doses, up to 24 January 2023, Our World in Data),[3] this would correspond to 13 million deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. By comparison, the official World Health Organization (WHO) number of COVID-19 deaths to date is 6.8 million (6,817,478 deaths, reported to WHO, as 3 February 2023),[4] which are not detected as COVID-19 assignable deaths in ACM studies.

We are continuing our research on ACM, extending it to many national and sub-national jurisdictions. We hope that the present report will help put an end to the misguided and baseless public health policy that elderly people should be prioritized for vaccination.


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Suzuki et al. (2022): Hideto Suzuki, Ayako Ro, Aya Takada, Kazuyuki Saito, Kino Hayashi. /// Autopsy findings of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths in Tokyo Metropolis, Japan, 2021. /// Legal Medicine, Volume 59, 2022, 102134, ISSN 1344-6223,

Tan et al. (2022): Lii Jye Tan, Cai Ping Koh, Shau Kong Lai, Woon Cheng Poh, Mohammad Shafie Othman, Huzlinda Hussin. /// A systemic review and recommendation for an autopsy approach to death followed the COVID 19 vaccination. /// Forensic Science International, Volume 340, 2022, 111469, ISSN 0379-0738,

The Japan Times (26 July 2022): Japan grants first payment for death related to COVID vaccination. /// – archived here:

Turni and Lefringhausen (2022): Conny Turni and Astrid Lefringhausen /// COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian Review. /// Journal of Clinical & Experimental Immunology. 7(3):491-508.

Veronese et al. (2021): Nicola Veronese, Mirko Petrovic, Athanase Benetos, Michael Denkinger, Adalsteinn Gudmundsson, Wilma Knol, Christine Marking, George Soulis, Stefania Maggi, Antonio Cherubini. /// Underrepresentation of older adults in clinical trials on COVID-19 vaccines: A systematic review. /// Ageing Research Reviews, Volume 71, 2021, 101455, ISSN 1568-1637,

Wise (2022): Wise J. /// Covid-19: UK makes first payments to compensate injury or death from vaccines. /// BMJ2022; 377 :o1565 doi:10.1136/bmj.o1565.

Wong et al. (2023): Hui-Lee Wong, Ellen Tworkoski, Cindy Ke Zhou, Mao Hu, Deborah Thompson, Bradley Lufkin, Rose Do, Laurie Feinberg, Yoganand Chillarige, Rositsa Dimova, Patricia C. Lloyd, Thomas MaCurdy, Richard A. Forshee, Jeffrey A. Kelman, Azadeh Shoaibi, Steven A. Anderson. /// Surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine safety among elderly persons aged 65 years and older. /// Vaccine, Volume 41, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 532-539, ISSN 0264-410X,

Wood et al. (2020): Nicholas Wood, Kristine Macartney, Julie Leask, Peter McIntyre. /// Australia needs a vaccine injury compensation scheme: Upcoming COVID-19 vaccines make its introduction urgent. /// Australian Journal of General Practice (AGJP), doi: 10.31128/AJGP-COVID-36.

Yoshimura et al. (2022): Yukihiro Yoshimura, Hiroaki Sasaki, Nobuyuki Miyata, Kazuhito Miyazaki, Koji Okudela, Yoko Tateishi, Hiroyuki Hayashi, Ai Kawana-Tachikawa, Hiromichi Iwashita, Kazuho Maeda, Yoko Ihama, Yasuyoshi Hatayama, Akihide Ryo, Natsuo Tachikawa  /// An autopsy case of COVID-19-like acute respiratory distress syndrome after mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccination  /// International Journal of Infectious Diseases 121 (2022) 98–101,


[1] The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic on 11 March 2020 (the “declared pandemic”). Vaccine rollouts typically did not start until late December 2020 and early January 2021, although several national jurisdictions had significantly later starts.

[2], consulted on 6 February 2023.

[3], as archived on 30 January 2023 here:

[4], as archived on 6 February 2023 here:

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Appendix 1: Data and Methods


Table A1 describes the data used in this work and the sources of the data.

Table A1. Data retrieved. All-cause mortality (ACM), vaccine rollouts, population.

* At the date of access, data were available from week-1of 2015 (week finishing on January 4, 2015) to week-38 of 2022 (week finishing on September 25, 2022).

** At the date of access, data were available from week-1 of 2000 (week starting on January 3, 2000) to week-50 of 2022 (week starting on December 12, 2022).

+ The reports of September 16, 2022 have been used in this work, reporting data as at September 14, 2022.

++ At the date of access, data were available from Sunday December 20, 2020 to Tuesday October 25, 2022.

1 5 age groups: 0-44, 45-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85+

2 8 age groups: 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+

3 19 age groups for vaccine doses 1 and 2: 5-11, 12-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95+ (Excel file report, AG 2022a) and 14 age groups for vaccine doses 3 and 4: 5-11, 12-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+ (PDF file report, AG 2022b)

4 9 age groups: 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90+

5 18 age groups: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85+

In addition to the data retrieved as per Table A1, we also examined cumulative vaccine dose by time data for Australia, as per our previous paper about Australia (Rancourt et al., 2022), from

In all the calculations and illustrations, both all-cause mortality (ACM, mortality from all causes of death) and numbers of vaccine doses administered are for the specific jurisdiction and age group.

Vaccine data for Australia are given as cumulative data (AG, 2022a and AG, 2022b). Vaccine data for Israel are given as incremental data (Data Gov, 2022).

In the vaccines data of Israel, when the number of doses administered in a day is between 1 and 15, inclusively, the data shows “<15” (Data Gov, 2022). In order to have a figure to work with, we replaced “<15” by 15, choosing the upper bound of this unknown value. The net effect of this approximation is negligible.

For the vaccine data in Australia, doses 1 and doses 2 are given for 19 age groups (AG, 2022a), which cover the age groups of the ACM by age data (ABS, 2022). However, for doses 3 and 4, 14 age groups are given (AG, 2022b), which do not match the same age groups as for the ACM by age data (ABS, 2022). For this reason, we proceeded as follows.

Figure A1 is the figure from the Australian Government, on page 7 of their report (AG, 2022b):

Figure A1. Vaccinations by age from the Australian Government, report of September 16, 2022, page 7 (AG, 2022b).

First, we estimate the number of doses 3+4 administered by age group from this figure (Figure A1). This is done in Table A2.

Table A2. Estimation of the number of doses 3+4 by age group from AG, 2022b.  Scale used = 1,000,000 people for 2.9 cm.

Next, we estimate the number of doses 3+4 for the missing age groups: the 70‑74, 75‑84 and 85+ age groups. We assume and use a simple proportion of the population of those age groups (ABS, 2021). This is done in Table A3.

Table A3. Estimation of the number of doses 3+4 for the 70-74, 75-84 and 85+ age groups.

Finally, we sum the estimations from Table A2 and Table A3 into relevant age groups to get the final number of doses 3+4 by ACM age group for Australia. This is done in Table A4.

Table A4. Estimation of the number of doses 3+4 by age group in Australia.

These age groups (Table A4) match those of the mortality data for Australia. Note that for the age group 0-44, doses 3 and 4 are for ages 16-44 years. There is no data for doses 3 and 4 for ages 0-15 years in Figure A1 (AG, 2022b).

Vaccination periods

For Israel, we use the same start date (week) of the vaccination period for all age groups. The integration of number of vaccine doses over the vaccine period is inclusive of the first and last weeks defining the said period. The same holds for integrated ACM periods.

For Australia, we use the vaccine-period end-date cumulative value of number of administered vaccine doses.

Table A5 defines the vaccination periods used in this work.

Table A5. Vaccination periods for Australia and Israel used in this work.

“The week number is based on the ISO (International Organization for Standardisation) week date system. In this system, weeks are defined as seven-day periods which start on a Monday. Week 1 of any given year is the week which starts on the Monday closest to 1 January, and for which the majority of its days fall in January (i.e. four days or more). Week 1 therefore always contains the 4th of January and always contains the first Thursday of the year. Using the ISO structure, some years (e.g. 2015 and 2020) contain 53 weeks.” (definition from ABS, 2022).


Table A6 describes the method used to calculate the trendlines fitted to ACM integrated over the periods of equal duration as the duration of the vaccination period. The said trendlines are used to calculate the baseline integrated mortality in the vaccination period, in order to obtain the excess ACM of the vaccination period.

Table A6. Method to estimate the trendlines. For Australia, we use the integrated ACM of the 3 periods prior to the vaccination period, each period being of duration equal to that of the vaccination period (80 weeks) and consecutive to each other, and we calculate the average. For Israel, we use the integrated ACM of the number of periods indicated in the table, prior to the first period directly preceding the vaccination period, each period being of duration equal to the duration of the vaccination period (97 weeks) and consecutive to each other, and we fit a linear trend.

* This is the number of integrated ACM points (periods) used to calculate the trendlines.

The error in the calculated baseline value of integrated ACM over the vaccination period is estimated as the average of the absolute values of the residuals (fit to data) for the points (periods) used in the fit.

References for Appendix 1

ABS (2021): Australian Bureau of Statistics /// Population: Census – Information on sex and age /// accessed 30 January 2023 — Note: The census that we used is for 2021, which was released in 2022.

ABS (2022): Australian Bureau of Statistics /// Provisional Mortality Statistics /// files “Provisional Mortality Statistics, Weekly Dashboard, Jan – Sep 2022” and “Deaths by week of occurrence, 2015-21” /// accessed 23 January 2023

AG (2022a): Australian Government /// COVID-19 vaccination – vaccination data – 16 September 2022 /// accessed 23 January 2023

AG (2022b): Australian Government /// COVID-19 vaccine rollout update – 16 September 2022 /// accessed 30 January 2023

CBS (2022): Central Bureau of Statistics /// לוחות ותרשימים /// file “Death of Israeli residents, by week, gender, population group and age, 2000-2022” /// accessed 16 January 2023

Data Gov (2022): Government databases /// גילאי המתחסנים /// accessed 29 December 2022

Rancourt et al. (2022): Rancourt, D.G., Baudin, M. and Mercier, J. /// Probable causal association between Australia’s new regime of high all-cause mortality and its COVID-19 vaccine rollout. /// Correlation Research in the Public Interest, 20 December 2022 ///

Appendix 2: ACM and Vaccine Rollout Coincidences, for Israel, by Age Group

We have previously illustrated synchronicity between anomalous all-cause mortality (ACM) peaks and vaccine rollouts for:

  • Australia (and each of its states New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland),
  • the USA (and its high-poverty states),
  • the USA state of Michigan, and
  • the Canadian province of Ontario

(See: Rancourt, D.G., Baudin, M. and Mercier, J. /// Probable causal association between Australia’s new regime of high all-cause mortality and its COVID-19 vaccine rollout. /// Correlation Research in the Public Interest, 20 December 2022 ///

Here, we examine this question for Israel and some of its age groups (as indicated), in the following Figure A2‑F1:

Figure A2 F1:  Israel, 2019-2022, for (top to bottom, and as indicated) all ages, 80+ years, 70-79 years, 60-69 years, and 50-59 years. All-cause mortality (ACM) by week (pink, left y-scale); successive vaccine dose rollouts for doses 1, 2, 3 and 4, as numbers of doses administered by week (black and overlapping greys, right y-scale). The sources of all data are given in Appendix 1.

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Zelensky Tours Europe While His People Suffer on the Battlefield

February 10th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky continues his search for international support in the West. Now, the Ukrainian leader has left his people on the battlefield and started a tour in Europe. In addition to his “begging” speeches, constantly demanding money and weapons, Zelensky has also made it clear that he has never respected and does not plan to start respecting the Minsk Accords admitting that his policy is focused on the extermination of the people of Donbass.

Zelensky’s journey began in London, where he met British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and King Charles III. Then, the neo-Nazi leader went to Paris, where he was received with honors by President Emmanuel Macron, and was even awarded a medal of an important French military order. Zelensky also met with German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz, who was then in Paris.

In Paris, Zelensky made a controversial statement, admitting that he has never tried to implement the Minsk Accords. According to him, the commitments of the accords are “impossible” to be fulfilled. He said he had warned both Macron and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the past that there was no possibility of Kiev fulfilling the terms of the deal. Zelensky also commented that there are no plans to resume the terms of the protocols. Emphatically, he stated that he “will not be able to implement it” – which, in other words, means that Kiev will continue to try to exterminate the people of Donbass.

The President then traveled to Brussels, where he spoke at EU headquarters. At the European Parliament, Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russia intends to abolish the “European way of life”, but Ukrainian forces “will not allow that”. According to him, Ukrainians are on the battlefield fighting for all Europeans. Zelensky further argued that Kiev is fighting and resisting for the values of the EU and the freedom of the entire continent. In practice, he thus “justifies” his requests for military aid since he gives a “reason” for the European bloc to show interest in supporting him.

“We are defending against the most anti-European force of the modern world — we are defending ourselves, we Ukrainians on the battlefield, along with you (…) Europe will always be, and remain Europe as long as we (…) take care of the European way of life”, he said.

The neo-Nazi president was vastly applauded by European officials. In her address, European Parliament’s leader Roberta Metsola thanked the Western powers for their policy of support for Kiev and said some “inspiring” words to Zelensky, declaring that he “must” win. Indeed, she endorsed the argument that Ukraine would be fighting for the entire European continent in the current conflict. Metsola also promised the sending of new military packages, thus attending the “beggar”.

“You need to win and now (EU) member states must consider quickly as the next step providing long-range systems and the jets that you need to protect your liberty”, she said.

This was not Zelensky’s only diplomatic victory. On January 9, the UK promised to start a new military training program for Ukrainian troops and also said it was looking into the possibility of sending F-16 planes to Kiev’s forces. New similar agreements are expected to be announced in the coming days. In fact, this shows that the Ukrainian president’s “begging” campaign has been successful and that there is still interest on the part of the West in keeping Kiev as a proxy in a war against Russia.

However, these new aid packages are insufficient to reverse the military scenario of the conflict, as several analysts have made clear recently. The imminence of the Russian victory is admitted even by the authorities and media outlets of some NATO countries, with the Kiev army currently being in its moments of coming defeat since the beginning of the conflict. Therefore, even though there is a diplomatic victory on the part of Zelensky, since he manages to raise European support, the effects of this “victory” on the battlefield are close to null.

In addition, his visit to Europe could have an adverse effect among Ukrainians, as the president has left the country at a moment of intense difficulty, when Russia is starting a new offensive. With heavy bombings in strategic areas, the first hours of February 10 were marked in Ukraine by fear about how the conflict will escalate in the coming days. Obviously, the absence of the country’s national leader at a time as delicate as the current one is not something that pleases Ukrainians – and this will certainly bring some internal problems that will aggravate the government’s crisis.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Analysis by Attorney Todd Callender

Our thanks to Truth Justice and Vince Clements for this tweet.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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In a rare win, the World Health Organisation has backed down on proposed International Health Regulation amendments for compulsory vaccination and lockdowns. It is a win yet the pandemic treaty, that would do the same thing again, is still waiting in the wings.


This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty.

A victory for common sense, decency and humanity.

And a victory against the sprawling monster of unelected, unaccountable foreign bureaucrats at the World Health Organisation.

You will recall the WHO proposed to change their health regulations that guide member states in the event of a disease outbreak, like COVID, from guiding member states to being mandatory on member states, including Australia.

This would have represented a complete destruction of Australian sovereignty, and a fundamental re-imagining of the powers of the World Health Organisation.

Last December the Liberal/National Morrison Government voted in favour of these changes, yet many sensible countries voted against, and the proposal was lost.

Undaunted the World Health Organisation tried again this year.

After months of heavy criticism, One Nation and those opposing these measures have had a big win.

The Final Report from the International Health Regulations Review Committee released this week has dropped the proposed changes.

The World Health Organisation will remain an advisory body.

Dystopian demands, such as allowing the World Health Organisation to make binding health orders overriding state and federal control, have been thrown out.

This includes the proposed powers that would have allowed the WHO to control:

  • systems for proof-of-vaccination or vaccination status,
  • quarantine procedures,
  • citizen travel & mobility,
  • forced vaccination,
  • lockouts,
  • lockdowns,
  • mandatory detention and,
  • other unacceptable infringements on people.

Gone is the universal ‘health passport’ – or vaccine passport – that was going to control the ability of citizens to travel between countries in a permanent capacity.

It was decided that this would raise ‘ethical’ and ‘discriminatory’ concerns. A global digital vaccine passport will no longer be developed under the committee’s powers.

For now.

The committee will remain confined to actual public health emergencies rather than ‘potential health risks’ – removing the widely held fear that their scope could be extended to ‘climate lockdowns’ and other human rights abuses.

Which would have been possible because WHO had proposed to remove human rights from the regulations.

After a backlash the committee now strongly recommends the retention of the existing text, which is quote “full respect for the dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms of persons as an overarching principle”.

This is a critical back down.

The WHO committee working on these changes has just recommitted to its fundamental human rights pledge in defiance of the proposed amendments.

The findings of the committee agreed with the concerns that One Nation raised regarding threat to sovereignty.

In their final report, the committee said that it was, quote: “concerned that the proposals may unduly impinge on the sovereignty of state parties” and make recommendations “binding” instead of voluntary.

In the end, the committee validated the fears raised on the international stage and within the free press.

Fears I raised and for which I was called a conspiracy theorist.

I was correct.

Their decision to throw out this attempt to grab power from sovereign governments  is a crucial first step in stopping unelected global bureaucracies from overstepping their purpose.

Pauline Hanson first raised the UN’s treasonous work in parliament in 1996. In my first senate speech in 2016 I called for Australia to exit the UN – AusEXIT.

We’ve been so strongly outspoken against ceding Australian sovereignty to the unhinged UN-WEF alliance that the WEF recently specifically called us out.

We’re getting under their skin.

This fight is not over.

All of the terrifying proposed powers that have been summarily rejected this week, are duplicated in the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty.

The Pandemic Treaty is a second attempt to turn WHO into the world health police.

The Pandemic Treaty is alive and well, sitting in the system waiting for our “leaders” to signed.

If the Pandemic Treaty were to be approved, it would enforce all of the binding health powers that others in WHO have just rejected. What a mess.

The World Health Organisation is too big, too bureaucratic, too removed from the people it is supposed to help, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest and above all else, too close to the Pharmaceutical industry.

The next step to protect Australia’s health sovereignty is to make sure that the Pandemic Treaty is rejected and that the Prime Minister does not sign it.

For concerned Australians who have written to their members of parliament and who received a stock reply saying the treaty has to go through Parliament first – that is actually not true.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty includes a provision that it becomes binding on Australia the moment our WHO representative signs it.

No Parliamentary oversight required.

Screw that.

One Nation’s work continues.


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European Parliament Embraces War Criminal Zelenskyy

February 10th, 2023 by Kurt Nimmo

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On Thursday, Reuters reported Zelenskyy and his entourage in Europe “heard from several European Union leaders at a summit that they were ready to provide Kyiv with aircraft to help fight against Russia’s invasion.”

“The question of long-range weaponry and fighter jets for Ukraine has been resolved,” declared Andriy Yermak, Zelenskyy’s chief of staff. “Details still to follow.”

The “taboo” of sending weapons capable of reaching hundreds of kilometers inside Russia is about to be broken, according to Reuters, the “news” agency that collaborated with the CIA.

“Mr. Zelensky received standing ovations before, during and after his speech to European lawmakers,” reported The Hindu. “He held up an EU flag after his address and the entire legislature stood in somber silence as the Ukrainian national anthem and then European anthem ‘Ode to Joy’ were played.”

More like an ode to mass murder.

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola said the “next step” is to provide “long range systems” and fighter jets to the ultranationalists. Metsola said the “response” to the Russian effort to denazify and disarm the regime in Kyiv “must be proportional to the threat, and the threat is existential.”

Metsola, elevated to the presidency of the European Parliament by a secret vote cast by MEPs (not European citizens), is taking the war to the next level.

The EU is encouraging the ultranationalist regime in Kyiv to resume its ethnic cleansing, torture, rape, and other war crimes committed in the Donbas and anywhere else Ukrainians dare to speak Russian, attend an Orthodox Church, celebrate Russian traditions, or speak out against atrocities committed by neo-nazi thugs.

Metsola and her fellow collaborationists should be required to read “War crimes of the armed forces and security forces of Ukraine: torture and inhumane treatment,” a second report on neo-nazi war crimes in Ukraine issued by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

The PDF document reveals in gruesome detail the war crimes committed by the Ukrainian state following the USG-orchestrated coup in Kyiv that brought avowed neo-nazis to power.

The data that has been accumulated since the first report by the Foundation for Democracy Studies provides ground to conclude that torture and inhumane treatment inflicted by the Security Forces of Ukraine (SBU), by the Ukrainian armed forces, the National Guard and other formations within the Interior Ministry of Ukraine, as well as by illegal armed groups, such as Right Sector, have not only continued but are gaining in scale and are becoming systematic.

According to the report,

The prisoners were electrocuted, beaten cruelly and for multiple days in a row with different objects (iron bars, baseball bats, sticks, rifle butts, bayonet knives, rubber batons).

Techniques widely used by the Ukrainian armed forces and security forces include waterboarding, strangling with a ‘Banderist garrotte’ and other types of strangling.

In some cases prisoners, for the purposes of intimidation, were sent to minefields and run over with military vehicles, which led to their death.

Other torture methods used by the Ukrainian armed forces and security forces include bone-crashing, stabbing and cutting with a knife, branding with red-hot objects, shooting different body parts with small arms.

The prisoners taken captive by the Ukrainian armed forces and security forces are kept for days at freezing temperatures, with no access to food or medical assistance, and are often forced to take psychotropic substances that cause agony.

An absolute majority of prisoners are put through mock firing squads and suffer death and rape threats to their families.

Many of those tortured are not members of the self-defense forces of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR).

The Convention on Human Rights “prohibits in absolute terms torture, irrespective of other circumstances,” and the state committing these violations “is responsible for the actions of all of its agencies, such as the police, security forces, other law enforcement officials, and any other State bodies who hold an individual under their control, whether they act under orders, or on their own accord,” the authors write.

In other words, there is more than enough evidence to convict the Man in Green and his ultranat associates of serious war crimes. In addition, the USG and the EU are guilty of supporting and facilitating the above-listed crimes. Add to this the owners and management of the corporate war propaganda media.

The EU-USG war crimes collaborationists are busy attempting to prevent Russia from protecting civilians in Donetsk, Luhansk, Mariupol, Melitopol, Kherson, and Crimea. It is fair to say they are war criminals and apologists of neo-nazi terror.

Finally, the following video is supremely disgusting—a war criminal and his collaborator in mass murder, torture, and rape play kissy face for the camera.

In a more sane and less cruel world, both these nauseating creatures would be in a tribunal docket similar to the one that sentenced to death Martin Bormann, Hermann Goering, Wilhelm Keitel, Julius Streicher, and other unrepentant Nazis.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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This interview took place on January 25, 2023, one day after the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced the hands of the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds before midnight—in large part due to developments in Ukraine. Dr. Helen Caldicott, an Australian peace activist and environmentalist, discussed the extreme and imminent threat of a nuclear holocaust due to a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia in Ukraine. She also addressed the announcement by the U.S. Department of Energy of a controlled nuclear reaction and outlines the relationship between the nuclear power industry and nuclear weapons.

Caldicott is the author of numerous books and is a recipient of at least 12 honorary doctorates. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize by physicist Linus Pauling and named by the Smithsonian as one of the most influential women of the 20th century. Her public talks describing the horrors of nuclear war from a medical perspective raised the consciousness of a generation.

Caldicott believes that the reality of destroying all of life on the planet has receded from public consciousness, making doomsday more likely. As the title of her recent book states, we are “sleepwalking to Armageddon.”

Steve Taylor: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently set the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds to midnight. What is the Doomsday Clock, and why is it now set to 90 seconds to midnight?

Helen Caldicott: For the last year, it’s been at 100 seconds to midnight, which is the closest it’s ever been. Each year they reset the clock according to international problems, nuclear problems. Ninety seconds to midnight—I don’t think that is close enough; it’s closer than that. I would put it at 20 seconds to midnight. I think we’re in an extremely invidious position where nuclear war could occur tonight, by accident or by design. It’s very clear to me, actually, that the United States is going to war with Russia. And that means, almost certainly, nuclear war—and that means the end of almost all life on Earth.

ST: Do you see similarities with the 1962 Cuban missile crisis?

HC: Yes. I got to know John F. Kennedy’s Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, later in his life. He was in the Oval Office at the time of the Cuban missile crisis. He once told me, “Helen, we came so close to nuclear war—three minutes.” Three minutes. We’re in a similar situation now.

ST: So back then, though, famously, the world held its breath during the missile crisis.

HC: Oh, we were terrified. Terrified, absolutely terrified.

ST: That doesn’t seem to be the case today.

HC: Today, the public and policymakers are not being informed adequately about what this really means—that the consequences would be so bizarre and so horrifying. It’s very funny; New York City put out a video as a hypothetical PSA in July 2022 showing a woman in the street, and it says the bombs are coming, and it’s going to be a nuclear war. It says that what you do is go inside, you don’t stand by the windows, you stand in the center of the room, and you’ll be alright. I mean, it’s absolutely absurd.

ST: That is what you were fighting against back in the ’70s and ’80s—this notion that a nuclear war is survivable.

HC: Yes. There was a U.S. defense official called T.K. Jones who reportedly said, don’t worry; “if there are enough shovels to go around,” we’ll make it. And his plan was if the bombs are coming and they take half an hour to come, you get out the trusty shovel. You dig a hole. You get in the hole. Someone puts two doors on top and then piles on dirt. I mean, they had plans. But the thing about it is that evolution will be destroyed. We may be the only life in the universe. And if you’ve ever looked at the structure of a single cell, or the beauty of the birds or a rose, I mean, what responsibility do we have?

ST: During the Cuban missile crisis, the U.S. did not want missiles pointed at it from Cuba, and the Soviet Union did not want missiles pointed at it from Turkey. Do you see any similarities with the conflict in Ukraine?

HC: Oh, sure. The United States has nuclear weapons in European countries, all ready to go and land on Russia. How do you think Russia feels—a little bit paranoid? Imagine if the Warsaw Pact moved into Canada, all along the northern border of the U.S., and put missiles all along the northern border. What would the U.S. do? She’d probably blow up the planet as she nearly did with the Cuban missile crisis. I mean, it’s so extraordinarily unilateral in the thinking, not putting ourselves in the minds of the Russian people.

ST: Do you feel we’re more at risk of nuclear war now than we were during the Cold War?

HC: Yes. We’re closer to nuclear war than we’ve ever been. And that’s what the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists indicated by moving the clock to 90 seconds to midnight.

ST: Does it seem like political leaders are more cavalier about nuclear exchange now?

HC: Yes, because they haven’t taken in what nuclear war would really mean. And the Pentagon is run by these cavalier folks who are making millions out of selling weapons. Almost the whole of the U.S. budget goes to killing and murder, rather than to health care and education and the children in Yemen, who are millions of them starving. I mean, we’ve got the money to fix everything on Earth, and also to power the world with renewable energy. The money is there. It’s going into killing and murder instead of life.

ST: You mentioned energy. The Department of Energy has announced a so-called fusion breakthrough. What do you think about the claims that fusion may be our energy future?

HC: The technology wasn’t part of an energy experiment. It was part of a nuclear weapons experiment called the Stockpile Stewardship Program. It is inappropriate; it produced an enormous amount of radioactive waste and very little energy. It will never be used to fuel global energy needs for humankind.

ST: Could you tell us a little bit about the history of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, where scientists developed this fusion technology?

HC: The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory was where the first hydrogen bombs were developed. It was set up in 1952, by Edward Teller, a wicked man.

ST: There is this promotion of nuclear energy as a green alternative. Is the nuclear energy industry tied to nuclear weapons?

HC: Of course. In the ’60s, when people were scared stiff of nuclear weapons, there was a Pentagon psychologist who said, look, if we have peaceful nuclear energy, that will alleviate the people’s fear.

ST: At the end of your 1992 book If You Love This Planet, you wrote, “Hope for the Earth lies not with leaders, but in your own heart and soul. If you decide to save the Earth, it will be saved. Each person can be as powerful as the most powerful person who ever lived—and that is you, if you love this planet.” Do you stand by that?

HC: If we acknowledge the horrifying reality that there is an extreme and imminent threat of nuclear war, it’s like being told that as a planet, we have a terminal disease. If we’re scared enough, every one of us can save the planet. But we have to be very powerful and determined.


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Dr. Helen Caldicott is an author, physician and one of the world’s leading anti-nuclear campaigners. She helped re-invigorate the group Physicians for Social Responsibility, acting as President from 1978-1983. Since its founding in 2001, she has served as President of the U.S. based Nuclear Policy Research Institute, later called Beyond Nuclear, which initiates symposia and educational projects aimed at informing the public about the dangers of nuclear power, nuclear weapons, and nuclear war. She was the subject of the 1982 Academy Award-winning documentary short ‘If You Love This Planet.‘ Her latest book: ‘Sleep-Walking to Armageddon: The Threat of Nuclear Annihiliation‘ featuring some of the world’s leading nuclear scientists and thought leaders addressing the political and scientific dimensions of today’s nuclear war threat. She is a long standing contributor to Global Research. 

Steve Taylor is the press secretary for Global Justice Ecology Project and the host of the podcast Breaking Green. Beginning his environmental work in the 1990s opposing clearcutting in Shawnee National Forest, Taylor was awarded the Leo and Kay Drey Award for Leadership from the Missouri Coalition for the Environment for his work as co-founder of the Times Beach Action Group.

This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Featured image is licensed under Creative Commons

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


Towards a World War III Scenario, The Dangers of Nuclear War is one of the most important books currently available. The information is heart rending, scary and absolutely  accurate” Dr Helen Caldicott, Co-Founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility and Award Winning Author.

“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute  

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This is an absolute stunner of a video, from the House Oversight Committee.

“”I have effects from the vaccine…it was the 2nd shot that I now developed asthma that has never gone away…I have tremors in my left hand….I have occasional heart pain that no doctor can explain.” – Rep. Nancy Mace.

“We received legal demands to remove content from the platform from the US government and governments all around the world” – Vijaya Gadde, Head of legal, policy and trust at Twitter.

I am willing to bet the Trudeau Liberal government has its hands dirty in the silencing of Canadian doctors on Twitter and other social media platforms.

I don’t have my Twitter account back yet, so maybe there is a Trudeau loyalist still hiding on Twitter staff, keeping Canadian physician voices silent.

Meanwhile, censorship in Canada is ramping up with the soon-to-be passed Bill C-11 which will effectively kill free speech for 38 million Canadians.

There’s a great article on Bill C-11 by a retired Manitoba Judge, Brian Giesbrecht (click here).

Click here to view the video.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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5G Radiation: Court Case Against UK Government

February 10th, 2023 by B.N. Frank

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Opposition to 5G has been and continues to be worldwide due to numerous issues associated with the controversial technology.  This has limited, slowed, and/or stopped deployment, including near airports in the U.S. (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and India (see 1, 2) due to dangerous interference issues with aviation equipment.  Additionally, since 2017, doctors and scientists have been asking for moratoriums on Earth and in space due to biological and environmental health risks (see 1, 2, 3, 4) and the majority of scientists oppose deployment.  Since 2018 there have been reports of people and animals experiencing symptoms and illnesses after it was activated (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).  In 2019, telecom executives gave U.S. congressional testimony that they had NO independent scientific evidence that 5G is safe.  Some researchers have also warned that activation may be contributing to COVID-19 infections as well as hundreds of thousands if not millions of bird deaths.  After 3 years, UK activists who filed a lawsuit against the government in re 5G deployment have finally had their days in court.

From RF Info:

Action against 5G hearing February 2023

Official report from AA5G: link TBC

The Judicial Review was finally heard this week, after 3 years of hard work. The courtroom had to be changed due to the high number of public in attendance. It was an amazing turnout of maybe 60-70 public on both days. There was not one spare seat in Court 73. Notwithstanding any result, huge thanks must go to the claimants Karen and Vicky for 3 years of stirling work, courage and fortitude, and to the legal team for staying the course and rising to the difficult challenge.

The original grounds presented for Judicial Review were initially rejected, but on appeal last year two grounds were permitted to proceed to hearing. The legal case background can be seen here.

There are differing opinions, lay and expert, about how the case was constructed and the particular points of focus, but setting these aside we can report as follows:

The two grounds permitted to proceed are:

1. The failure to provide adequate or effective information to the public about the risks and how, if it be possible, it might be possible for individuals to avoid or minimise the risks;

2. (a) The failure to provide adequate and sufficient reasons for not establishing a process to investigate and establish the adverse health effects and risks of adverse health effects from 5G technology and/or for discounting the risks presented by the evidence available; and/or (b) failure to meet the requirements of transparency and openness required of a public body.

These grounds advance a breach of the Human Rights Act 1998 by omissions and failings in violation of the positive obligations to protect human life, health and dignity, required to be met by Articles 2, 3 and/or 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Monday 6th February 2023

Michael Mansfield (MM) carefully laid out the Claimants position over a 5 hour briefing to the presiding Judge Mary Stacey.

The public should be informed with transparency about risks that they encounter or are forced to encounter. Where there is a hazard it must be articulated and signposted so that we are equipped to make choices regarding our relationship to it. Of course this ideal scenario is increasingly moot since environmental exposure is being forced upon us with ‘no place to hide’.

The government have aligned themselves with guidelines from the ICNIRP, which espouse only a thermal model of risk, which is contested by many. This case was not to concern this debate, the science underpinning policy cannot be challenged in an administrative court.

MM points out that the government have nonetheless taken ICNIRP guidelines as their chosen standard, but have inferred and transposed unwarranted and misleading claims on top of them – claims that ‘5G is safe’.

No definition of the spectrum of risk has been offered to the public, and no reference made to the guidance and evidence from other bodies that was discounted by the government, but which shows that the issue is very real.

Where there is a credible quality and quantity of contradictory evidence about a hazard, a fact which in itself demands serious debate, then this must also imply a level of risk, which is not being presented. Instead, we see vague phrases such as ‘unlikely to cause harm’, and ‘exposure shouldnt increase’ peppering the government advertising for 5G.

This attitude also stands in contrast to PHE advice that “adults should be able to make their own informed choices”. We should be able to choose a precautionary or preventive approach to our RF exposure, but we cannot without information, and increasingly cannot as public space is filled with RFR.

When the Government chose to positively advertise and advance the cause of 5G they also assumed the responsibility to transparently inform the Public about the known hazards to health (even if this doesnt guide their policy), ways to mitigate these, and to have procedures for monitoring and reporting cases of injury or harm.

Further, the elected ICNIRP guidelines are not protective of existing vulnerable groups who ought to be considered and who deserve to be given information to assist them (but have not been).

Harm arising from exposure to non-ionising radiofrequency radiation is notably a recorded disease or illness recognised by the WHO, since 2005, in the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10.

Tuesday 7th February 2023

The defence had failed to submit minor applications with the required N244 Forms. They were rebuked by the Judge for a lack of procedural rigour.

“You are the Government and you cannot even comply with the most basic rules and procedures of the court. You have had two months to get this right.”

After an embarrassing start the Defence drew their line in the sand and doubled down with their claims that 1. ‘5G is THE SAME as the others Gs, a mere branding exercise’ and 2. that ‘there is No Risk from RFR as long as exposure is below the ICNIRP guideline levels’.

The Defence further claimed that because there was no risk there was no positive obligation triggered under their treaty obligations (EEC Charter) to qualify their policy, or under the ECHR to opine on safety or monitor said risk.

The Defence even went so far as to suggest that there should perhaps be a voluntary effort made by the government to combat the perception that 5G ‘does carry risk’, by controlling narratives that suggest otherwise.

This did not go down well with the audience.

Claim 1, Judge Stacey clarified that the court cannot resolve a dispute of facts around ‘5G is / is not novel’. MM however was able to point out that the fact was established already in the Defence bundle where the novel nature of 5G systems (phased array/adaptive antennas) is acknowledged by the ICNIRP themselves as adding a new dimension to public exposure, that exposure is increasing, and the characteristics of that exposure is changing.

Claim 2, was summarily dismissed by MM in his right to reply as a fundamentally over-extended and false inference that the ICNIRP say that ‘5G is safe’. They simply do not. They cannot. It is not their place. They do refer to some studies that show ‘no substantive’ risk, but there are very few studies, and so the absence of studies does not prove safety! (there are of course many other studies, and also logical extrapolation from 4G hazards, that show that there is certainly a spectrum of risk – but these cannot be debated here)

This a very abbreviated version of the two days of course. Tuesday morning felt rather gloomy after the Defence dug in with its rigid position that 5G is safe and therefore the grounds requiring the Government to properly inform the Public were moot, but MM soundly rebutted this position as untenable and grossly misleading, even by the standards of the body whose guidelines they defended their position with.

The Judge recognises the importance and urgency of the case. She was not able to give a decision immediately of course, but would give it the further consideration and the attention it deserves as soon as possible. This process can take weeks to months, but she assures us that her target was days or weeks.

What sort of result can we expect? One possibility is that the Judge dismisses both grounds, the other is that she rules in favour of the grounds and draws up some recommendations.


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The US on Thursday hit Iran with fresh sanctions that targeted companies accused of facilitating the sale of Iranian petroleum and petrochemicals to Asia.

The US Treasury Department said that the sanctions targeted “six Iran-based petrochemical manufacturers or their subsidiaries, and three firms in Malaysia and Singapore involved in facilitating the sale and shipment of petroleum and petrochemicals.”

The US has been increasing sanctions on Iran throughout the Biden administration, but more so since indirect talks to revive the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, have been stalled. In November, President Biden was caught on camera saying the JCPOA is “dead” but that he couldn’t announce it.

Besides the sanctions, the US has also expressed support for protesters inside Iran and is stepping up military cooperation with Israel. Last month, the US and Israel held their largest-ever joint military exercises that involved massive live-fire drills meant to send a message to Iran.

The joint exercises also sent a message to the region that the US backs the controversial new Israeli government under Benjamin Netanyahu, which has vowed to expand settlements in the West Bank and eventually annex the territory.

Following the exercises, Israel launched a drone attack against a military facility in the Iranian city of Isfahan. US officials told The Wall Street Journal that Israel was responsible for the attack and said it came at a time when the US and Israel were discussing ways to contain Tehran’s military capabilities.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Since Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine almost a year ago, one of the key features of the collective West’s response, alongside sanctions and the expulsion of Russian diplomats, has been the accommodation of refugees fleeing the conflict, with millions of Ukrainians being housed across Europe since last February, including 70,000+ in the 26-County Irish State.

The first question that springs to mind regarding this approach however, is that if it is being done out of genuine concern for those fleeing conflict in Ukraine, then why was it not implemented in 2014 when that war first began?

In April of that year, following five months of Western-instigated violence in response to then-President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to suspend an EU-trade deal in order to pursue closer ties with neighbouring Russia, the ethnic Russian Donbass region in the east of the country would break away to form the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, their residents having little choice lest they face genocide and ethnic cleansing at the hands of the anti-Russian neo-Nazi elements which composed the new Western-backed Kiev government.

A war on both Republics would follow, involving neo-Nazi paramilitaries such as Azov Battalion and Right Sector, which despite efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully via the federalisation solution offered by the Minsk Accords, would ultimately result in 14,000 deaths over the space of 8 years.

Despite this slaughter, no mainstream campaign existed in Ireland during the same period intended to expel Ukrainian diplomats or to welcome those fleeing conflict in the Donbass.

Likewise, no similar campaign has existed for those fleeing other conflicts such as that in Yemen, classed as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis by the United Nations, with a paltry 70 Yemenis being granted access to social services in the 26 Counties in the past year, in comparison to 72,609 Ukrainians in the same period following Russia’s intervention.

It must also me asked that if Leinster House genuinely cared about the plight of refugees fleeing conflict, then why contribute to the conflicts that created those refugees in the first place by allowing US warplanes to land in Shannon Airport over the past 20 years?

Since the Russian operation began in Ukraine last February, talks of the 26 County State joining an EU army have increased amongst establishment voices also, with the stated aim of such an alliance being to ‘act in complementarity’ with NATO, the coalition having been a key contributor to the refugee crisis over the past two decades by laying waste to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

With these facts established, it can safely be concluded that Leinster House’s ‘concern’ for refugees has little to do with helping those fleeing war, and much like the wider West’s support of Ukrainian ‘freedom fighters’ being a cover to use Ukraine as a proxy to tie Russia down in an Afghan-style military quagmire, the Fine Gael-Fianna Fáil coalition is using emotive media coverage of the Ukrainian conflict as a means to swell the labour market and to keep wages stagnant on behalf of the corporate class.

Indeed, protests related to the effects of such a move would arise in late November, when upwards of 300 migrants were suddenly moved into a disused office block in East Wall, a working-class area of inner-city Dublin. Residents would begin what would go on to become weekly demonstrations over the move, citing the lack of consultation with community officials beforehand, the suitability of the office block for accommodation, and the lack of transparency on whether those who had been moved into the office block had been vetted.

Despite these protests receiving support from residents of the office block themselves, the Irish mainstream media would, in lockstep, decry them as being ‘anti-refugee protests’ and ‘organised by the far-right’, a label that would also be applied to similar protests that emerged around Dublin and other locations in response to other wildly unsuitable locations chosen by Leinster House to accommodate adult migrants, including a school in Drimnagh, like East Wall, another working-class area of Dublin.

This dismissal of ordinary working class people’s concerns as ‘far-right’ bears a stark similarity to mainstream media descriptions of last year’s Freedom Convoy in Canada, when in response to a government mandate requiring all truck drivers re-entering from the US having to be vaccinated, a nationwide protest would begin in the second-largest country in the world.

The government of Justin Trudeau – like Leo Varadkar, another ‘Young Global leader’ of the World Economic Forum – would respond in an authoritarian fashion, freezing the bank accounts of protest organisers and attacking demonstrators with mounted Horses and teargas. An approach, that with the head of the 26-County police force condemning the current protests and secretive police units monitoring organisers, may soon become a reality on the other side of the Atlantic.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Support him on Patreon.

Featured image: Leo Varadkar (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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‘Resistance Is Continual in Nicaragua’

February 10th, 2023 by Daniel Kovalik

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Dan Kovalik first became aware of a place called Nicaragua in the autumn of 1979.

Two new students joined the school he attended as an 11-year-old at Milford, Ohio, in the United States. The students, Juan and Carlos, were both from Nicaragua and, it turns out, they were the sons of the former dictator of the country, Anastasio Somoza who had just been ousted by the popular Sandinista revolution.

Kovalik doesn’t pretend that this sparked any real awareness or sudden interest in revolutionary politics but it did ignite a curiosity about Nicaragua and the region as well as the role of the US.

But in his introduction to his excellent new book, Nicaragua: A History of US Intervention and Resistance, Kovalik says how shocking he found the murder of Archbishop Oscar Romero in El Salvador in 1980 while he was saying Mass in a hospital chapel.

The killing of the archbishop by US-backed paramilitaries forced Kovalik for the first time to really “question the nature of my country and government.”

He also tells of a very right-wing teacher who invited a leader of the terrorist group the Nicaraguan Contras to speak at his school.

Kovalik was told that the US-backed Contras were fighting a battle for freedom against the Sandinistas. It wasn’t until he became more politically engaged at college that the truth of the situation began to be revealed and, over time, he became more involved in supporting the revolution.

Over 40 years later as a now renowned human rights lawyer who has written widely on Venezuela, Russia, the CIA, Iran, Bernie Sanders and lots more, why this book now about Nicaragua?

“One of the sparks was the 2018 coup attempt in the country. It just drew me even closer to the revolution.

“But I also realised that a lot of people had abandoned Nicaragua and had been taken in by the Western propaganda about the country being a dictatorship.”

Kovalik calls out those activists on the left who felt able to support other left governments but not Nicaragua.

“Nicaragua is somehow seen as different by people who support Cuba and Venezuela.”

While some accuse the country of being a dictatorship the fact is “Nicaragua has a multiple party democracy and introduced the first democratic elections in 1984.

“That the Sandinistas were voted out of power in 1990 — at virtual gunpoint by the US — and were out of power for 17 years is basically ignored,” he adds.

I ask Kovalik why he chose to foreground resistance in the title of the book when most writers would be content to provide a historical narrative.

“Resistance is continual in Nicaragua,” he says.

The Sandinista revolution was a real David and Goliath story that really does go under the radar.

“The country is very small and poor but when called on, time after time, the Nicaraguan people have risen to the challenge.

“It really is a story of resistance which must be told and retold as often as possible.”

Nicaragua, alongside Cuba, he says, are really the only remaining remnants of armed revolutionary defeats of US-backed forces in Latin America.

“Both countries have faced sanctions but have continued not just to accept solidarity but even with all the pressures they face to provide support to others in the face of US hostility and economic sanctions and military threats.”

The story of Nicaragua is not a tale of resistance without success. Kovalik points to the success of the country in promoting women’s equality.

“Nicaragua is something like seventh in the whole world for women’s equality, which is a major achievement when you consider the resources they have at their disposal.

“It’s an absolute cornerstone of the revolution that, again, goes largely unseen,” he says.

But, Kovalik says, this is no time for self-congratulation. The continuing efforts of the US to overthrow governments in the region and their recent support for the coup in Peru must ring alarm bells for everyone.

He says: “There are still plenty of dangers out there which should tell everyone that we can’t take anything for granted. Nothing is permanent.

“Progress can easily be thwarted so it’s really important that we do all that we can to help consolidate the revolution and not allow others — inside or outside the country — to undermine it.

“Measures to defend and consolidate the Sandinista revolution will be portrayed as dictatorship so we have to vigorously refute this argument.

“The first duty of any revolution is to defend the revolution from attacks.”

Kovalik called on progressives in Britain to step up support for the right of the people of Nicaragua to determine their own future.

“On the whole I’m hopeful for the future as long as we all come together to stop the interference of the US in Latin America and pressure is applied to governments across the world to end sanctions.”

Kovalik adds: “The people of Nicaragua really appreciate the solidarity that is given to them. They especially love visits to their country and the desire to help — so why not visit?

“Material support is of course also really important if you can’t visit yourself.

“The world is better off with the revolution of the Sandinistas so we all have to do what we can to defend them,” he says.


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Dan Kovalik is speaking at the Latin American Adelante! conference in London today, Saturday January 28. His book, Nicaragua: A History of US Intervention and Resistance, is published by Clarity Press in paperback and costs £24.15.

Featured image: A mural commemorating the third anniversary of the Nicaraguan revolution Photo: Susan Ruggles (Source: Internationalist 360)

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The Arsenal of Democracy Isn’t

February 10th, 2023 by imetatronink

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As I originally wrote in my July 10, 2022 article Wunderwaffe Du Jour:

“The US military is not built nor equipped for protracted high-intensity conflict. Nor can it supply a depleted proxy army with the means to prosecute a protracted high-intensity conflict.”

The incontrovertible reality is that the US and its NATO allies are presently incapable of supplying the massive material demands of modern industrial warfare, as Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Alex Vershinin articulated so well in this essential June 2022 analysis: The Return of Industrial Warfare.

And yet the public discussion of potential war always includes convinced voices proclaiming that, just like in the Second World War, US industry could very rapidly ramp up to produce armaments of surpassing quality, and in overwhelming quantities.

This titillates the biases of American exceptionalists in general, and is a particularly seductive fantasy of the #EmpireAtAllCosts cult drones propagandizing for filthy lucre at the countless armaments-industry-funded “think tanks” in Washington and London.

But the notion that the rapidly declining empire can resurrect the Arsenal of Democracy band for one final farewell tour is a singularly delusional vanity.

You see, for all its massive plunder of the public purse, the US armaments industry is effectively a modestly scaled high-end boutique.

And there is simply no way this domestic US industry can expeditiously expand its production. It would literally take years – probably a full decade – for the US to expand its military production to a seriously potent industrial scale.

For one, the labor pool for these industries is extremely finite and highly specialized. In the overwhelmingly financialized and service-oriented US economy, there is a shocking dearth of technical expertise of ALL kinds.

It’s not simply a boomer cliché that “kids these days are innocent of almost any mechanical know-how”.

If the US wants to staff new armaments factories any time soon, it will have to import the skilled labor from Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.

Beyond that, the permitting of new factories, with the attendant bureaucratic delays, public hearings, environmental impact studies, and various special interest road-blocking … well, everyone knows how these things work now in America.

It took five years to build the Hoover Dam in the early 20th century. It would take FIFTY here in the early 21st century – if it could be built at all.

Those clamoring for the US to intervene in the Ukraine war in order to “teach those filthy Russians a lesson they’ll never forget” simply have no conception of the catastrophe that would ensue were their dreams to be fulfilled.

If the Pentagon consented to such an undertaking, it could probably amass no more than 250,000 combat-capable troops in the theater, and to do so would entail the evacuation of virtually every major US military base on the planet (and most of the minor ones).

It could probably assemble an additional quarter million troops from the active reserves and National Guard units in the United States. That said, it is empirically impossible that 500,000 combat troops could be satisfactorily equipped for high-intensity conflict such as would be the scenario in a war between the US and Russia in eastern Europe. And even if they could be assembled and equipped, it would be an insufficient force to face over a million Russian troops, close to a third of which are already “battle-hardened” from almost a year of high-intensity combat in Ukraine.

In anticipation of the casualties attendant to great power warfare, it would become necessary for the United States to reinstitute conscription almost immediately. If a strong anti-war movement had not already been incited by its previous actions, conscription in America would almost certainly induce a widespread political upheaval, with large and aggressive public protests cropping up in all the major cities of the nation.

And, of course, it should go without saying that Russia would not simply remain passive (as did Iraq in 1991 and 2003) while the United States concentrated a huge force on its borders preparatory to an invasion. A shooting war would ensue even before the US was able to position in eastern Europe the men and equipment required to launch an assault against Russian forces in Ukraine.

Most meaningfully, even if the US/NATO could magically materialize a million and a half soldiers on the Polish, Romanian, and Lithuanian borders, it would not be able to sustain such a massive force for more than just a few weeks; likely less than a month. It would turn into the most humiliating military debacle in American and European history, and the Russians would sing songs about it for centuries to come.


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Elon Musk’s SpaceX has blocked the Ukrainian government and its military from using Starlink technology to fly and control drones, after earlier in the war SpaceX gifted thousands of Starlink dishes to Ukraine to help the population stay connected to the internet.

SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell in a statement asserted that Starlink technology was “never meant to be weaponized”. According to BBC, “She made reference to Ukraine’s alleged use of Starlink to control drones, and stressed that the equipment had been provided for humanitarian use.”

Shotwell confirmed that the ‘surprise decision’ was taken due to it never being the company’s intent to allow Starlink to be used “for offensive purposes” in remarks given before a conference in Washington DC. Shotwell further said Ukraine had utilized the technology

“in ways that were unintentional and not part of any agreement,” according to Reuters.

After Musk provided the Starlink systems, the Ukrainian military quickly became dependent on them given the extreme battlefield conditions, including damage to existent communications infrastructure and frequent power outages. Additionally the Russians would often jam signals, thus Starlink allowed Ukrainian troops to circumvent these factors.

The Wednesday announcement from SpaceX was met with anger in Kiev, after already there’s been an avalanche of Ukrainian government criticism aimed at Musk personally over his ‘Russia-Ukraine peace poll’ offered in October. As Bloomberg observed during that prior spat and tensions, Musk’s tweets were “drawing the wrath of Ukrainians” merely for his proposing a negotiated solution which involved territorial concessions for the sake of lasting peace.

Zelensky’s office issued a denunciation on Thursday, complaining that Musk’s company has failed to understand or acknowledge Ukraine’s right of self-defense in making the decision.

Presidential spokesman Mykhailo Podolyak suggested Musk is playing into Putin’s hands, stating SpaceX must decide whether it’s “on the side of the right to freedom” or “on the Russian Federation’s side and its ‘right’ to kill and seize territories”.

It must be remembered that soon after last year’s Russian invasion, Ukrainian officials essentially begged Musk to come to the rescue. A direct plea by Ukraine’s minister of digital transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, at the time resulted in confirmation from Musk himself: “Starlink service is now active in Ukraine,” Musk affirmed in reply.

But when tensions arose after Musk expressed ‘unpopular’ opinions regarding the war, including a plea for both sides to reach compromise rather than see the world spiral into WW3, the US-based billionaire asserted that he is ‘obviously’ pro-Ukraine given SpaceX had spent $80 million on Starlink in the country, or essentially a massive wartime donation.

Musk recently pointed out he’s “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” when it comes to SpaceX policy in Ukraine…

From there, a debate ensued over whether the Pentagon would foot the bill for further Starlink development and maintenance in the country. The systems were increasingly seen as essential to the Ukrainian military’s effective operations if it hoped to push back Russia. However, Musk acknowledged that his company couldn’t just keep picking up the tab ‘indefinitely’.

But after all of this, Ukrainian officials alongside pundits in the West echoed tired old Russiagate-style smears of Musk somehow being “Putin’s puppet”. Some mainstream publications went so far as to claim Musk was receiving orders from the Kremlin, at a moment the controversy reached the height of absurdity.

A low point was reached in the October saga when Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany told Musk to “fuck off” in a reply on Twitter. And yet, awkwardly despite these intense public attacks the Ukrainian government has of necessity remained heavily reliant on the services Musk provides.

It goes without saying that Ukraine’s government might want to be careful about biting the hand that feeds it. Without doubt, SpaceX has the capability to further reduce Kiev’s military reliance on the technology, which again the company has stressed was only meant for humanitarian purposes.

After all, Starlink + armed drones?…


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Two months after the election of the new government of Israel, the blurred picture is becoming more transparent, and it seems one can offer some more informed insights about its composition, personalities, and possible future policies and reaction to them.

It would not be an exaggeration to define Benjamin Netanyahu as the least extreme member of this government, which tells you about the personalities and policies of all the others.

There are three major groups in the government, and I am not referring here to various political parties, but rather to socio-political formations. In the first group are the ultra-orthodox Jews, both the European and Arab Jews orthodoxies. What characterizes them is the process of Zionization they underwent since 1948.

Zionization of Ultra-Orthodox Jews

From a marginal role in politics, only for the sake of their communities, they belong now to the captains of this new state. From being moderate and adhering to sacred Jewish precepts that do not allow Jewish sovereignty in the Holy Land, they now emulate the Israeli secular right: supporting colonization in the West Bank, the siege on the Gaza Strip, employing racist discourse toward the Palestinians where they are, advocating harsh and aggressive policies and, at the same time, trying to take over the public space and Judaize it, according to their own strict version of Judaism.

The only exception is Neturei Karata, loyal to their long-term anti-Zionism and solidarity with the Palestinians.

National Religious Jews

In the second group are the national religious Jews, mostly living in colonies, on expropriated Palestinian land in the West Bank, and recently creating “learning centers” of settlers in the midst of mixed Arab-Jews towns in Israel.

They support both the criminal policies of the Israeli army and the actions by settler vigilantes that harass Palestinians, uprooting their orchards, shooting at them, and disputing their way of life.

Their aim is to give both the army and these vigilantes a freer hand in oppressing the occupied West Bank, with the hope of pressuring more Palestinians to leave. This group is also the backbone of the Israeli secret service command and dominates the cadre of senior officers in the army.

The two groups mentioned so far share the wish to impose stricter apartheid inside Israel against the 48 Arabs and, at the same time, begin a crusade against the LGBT community while demanding a more strict marginalization of women in the public space.

They also share a messianic vision and they believe they are now in a position to implement it. At the center of this vision is the Judaization of sacred sites that are now “still” Islamic or Christian. The most coveted site is Haram al-Sharif.

The first precursor was the provocative visit by the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir to the Haram. The next step will come on Passover, with an attempt to fully invade the Haram with Jewish prayers and ministers. Similar actions will be taken in Nablus, Hebron, and Bethlehem. How far they will go is difficult to predict.

Marginalization of Likud’s Secular Jews

The second group also has representatives in the major party of the government, the Likud. But most of the Likud members are part of a third socio-political group: the secular Jews who are also adhering to traditional Jewish practices.

They try to distinguish themselves by claiming that economic and political liberalism is still an important pillar in the Likud’s political platform. Netanyahu used to be one of them but now seems to desert them when it comes to dividing the spoils, namely marginalizing them in the government. He needs the others more than his own party, to avoid trial and remain in power.

The Zionist Project

The prominent members of all these groups arrived with pre-prepared legislation initiatives and policies: all of them, without any exception, are meant to allow an extreme right-wing government to dispense of whatever has remained of the charade called the Israeli democracy.

The first initiative already began, sterilizing the judicial system in such a way that it could not, if it ever wished to, defend the rights of minorities in general or that of the Palestinians more specifically.

To be honest, all the previous Israeli governments were informed by this overall disregard for the civil and human rights of Palestinians. This is just a phase of making it more constitutional, more mainstream, and more apparent, without any attempt to hide the aim behind it: to have as much historical Palestine as possible with as few Palestinians in it as possible.

However, if this materializes in the future, it will take Israel further into its neo-Zionist destiny; namely, the truthful fulfillment and maturation of the Zionist project: a ruthless settler colonial project, built on apartheid, ethnic cleansing, occupation, colonization and genocidal policies.

A project that, so far, escaped any significant rebuke from the Western world and one which is tolerated by the rest of the world, even if it is censured and rejected by many in the global civil society. So far, it is only due to Palestinian resistance and resilience that it failed to be triumphant.

End of ‘Fantasy Israel’

This new reality brings to the fore a series of questions, that one has to ask, even if at the moment we cannot answer them.

  • Will the Arab and Muslim governments, which only recently joined the immunization of this travesty, realize that it is not too late to change course?
  • Will new governments of the Left, such as the one elected in Brazil, be able to lead the way for a change of attitude from above that would reflect democratically the one that is demanded from below?
  • And will Jewish communities be shocked enough to wake up from the “fantasy Israel” dream and realize the danger of present-day Israel, not only to Palestinians but to Jews and Judaism as well?

These are questions that are not easy to answer. What we can stress is, once more, a call for Palestinian unity so as to enhance the struggle against this government and the ideology it represents. Such unity would become a compass for a powerful global front that is already there, thanks to the BDS movement, and is willing to continue its work of solidarity and enhance it further and wider: galvanizing governments, as well as societies, and bringing back Palestine to the center of global attention.

The three components of the new Israeli government did not always coexist easily; so there is also a possibility of an earlier political collapse since all in all we are talking about a group of incompetent politicians when it comes to running such an intricate economy as the Israeli one. Probably, they will not be able to arrest the high inflation, rise in prices, and swelling unemployment.

However, even if this is going to happen, there isn’t an alternative fourth socio-political group that can lead Israel. So, a new government would be formed by another combination of the same forces, with the same intent and policies.

We should treat this as a structural challenge, not a one-off, and prepare for a long struggle, based on even more enhanced international solidarity and tighter Palestinian unity.

This rogue government, and what it represents, will not be there forever; we should do all we can to shorten the wait for its replacement with a much better alternative not only for the Palestinians but also for the Jews, and everyone else that resides in historical Palestine.


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This article first published on the Palestine Chronicle website.

Ilan Pappé is a historian, socialist activist, professor at the University of Exeter, and supporter of the Campaign for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS).

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Alberta’s COVID-19 double vaccinated population developed severely damaged immune systems after their jabs, and by January 2022 Omicron (BA.1) wave #5, they were the sickest group of Albertans, leading the province in infection rates, hospitalizations and deaths (see part 1).

Instead of halting the COVID-19 vaccine rollout as science and medical ethics required, Jason Kenney’s Alberta government deleted this data from their website and pressed on with booster shots, which failed after only 2 months, requiring even more data to be censored, and deleted by our government (see Part 2).

On March 19, 2022, Alberta entered into COVID-19 (BA.2) wave #6, led by the triple vaccinated who made up 33% of the “currently hospitalized”, 48% of “new cases” and 50% of “active cases” (click here).

See link to Interview to Stew Peters 


By June 24, 2022, COVID-19 Wave #6 was over, and throughout the wave, the triple vaccinated continued to get sicker and sicker. As of June 24, 2022, the triple vaccinated made up 52% of hospitalizations and 58% of all deaths (click here).

By June 24, 2022, the triple vaccinated were showing significantly more immune system damage than the double vaccinated. How do we know this? It’s in the numbers (click here).

38% of Albertans were 3x-jabbed => 52% of hospitalizations, 58% of deaths.

39% of Albertans were 2x-jabbed => 27% of hospitalizations, 20% of deaths.

We can compare the 2x and 3x vaccinated to each other (the government would treat them the same); but we can’t compare them to the unvaccinated who were treated and tested very differently in the hospitals, in order to make the vaccines look better.

By June 24, 2022, the Alberta government had administered 1.7 million 1st booster shots and 191,000 2nd booster shots (click here).

Since the latest COVID-19 wave seemed to be over, the Alberta government simply ignored the fact that the triple vaccinated population was now showing even more immune system damage than the double vaccinated population.

From June 25, 2022 onward, Canada has been in a permanently sustained Omicron wave (some have called these mini-waves #7, #8, #9).

This ongoing wave has been once again driven by the triple vaccinated. But notice something important – the hospitalizations have never come down. We now have an elevated background level of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations of over 4000 patients in Canada. The vaccinated are now being infected and re-infected…over and over.

Alberta’s “top killer” announced…

On July 6, 2022, CTV news reported the following story (click here):

The number one cause of death in Alberta in 2021 was “unknown causes”, killing 3362 Albertans, up from 522 in 2019 (an increase of 544%). This caused quite an outrage among Albertans, who began asking serious questions: why were these “unknown causes” not being investigated? Why were autopsies not being done?

Mark Steyn covered this on his show “The Steyn Line” on GBN UK at 5:38 minute mark (click here)

Let’s look at the situation in Alberta hospitals just one week later on July 11, 2022 (click here).

81% of hospitalizations were vaccinated (50% were triple vaccinated).

83% of deaths were vaccinated (63% were triple vaccinated).

With triple vaccinated at only 38.4% of the population, they were disproportionately filling the hospitals and morgues. Sadly, this is the last data set we would ever see.

With the international community watching the disaster unfolding in Alberta with #1 cause of death being “unknown causes”, the Alberta government decided to delete and permanently terminate the “vaccine outcomes” section on their website, on July 21, 2022 (click here).

Once again, instead of terminating the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, as science and medical ethics required, Jason Kenney’s Alberta government chose instead to deprive Albertans of the crucial data they needed to make informed medical decisions.

This was a crime. And I have just walked you through the crime scene.

British Columbia data and cover-up were even worse…

Many of us used to access and look at hospitalization data in British Columbia, especially as the BC Centre for disease control would put out nice donut charts that were easy to read:

The July 16, 2022 BC COVID-19 health outcomes by vaccination status charts showed:

87% of hospitalizations were vaccinated (67% were triple vaccinated)

89% of deaths were vaccinated (77% were triple vaccinated)

Admittedly, this data was even worse than Alberta’s. But here is the crucial point. BC’s population was more boosted: 52% vs 38.4% in Alberta. And they were doing worse. To put it very plainly: more COVID-19 jabs meant worse health outcomes.

To give credit where credit is due, BC Public Health Authorities actually announced their cover-up on July 28, 2022 (click here):

The B.C. Centre for Disease Control has stopped reporting case outcomes by vaccination status on its COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard because the data had become “hard to interpret,” according to the Ministry of Health.”

At least they had the courage to stand behind their crime against the population of British Columbia. Alberta’s Public Health authorities simply deleted the data from their website on July 21, 2022 and didn’t inform the Alberta public at all.

In Part 4, I will wrap up this series by a look at how all this data on severe damage to the immune systems of the double and triple COVID-19 vaccinated, which Jason Kenney’s Alberta government repeatedly covered up, ties into the excess mortality and sudden deaths we are seeing now.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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It is just over three years since the then Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, and the then British prime minister, Boris Johnson, went head to head in one of the most important general elections in British history.

Last weekend, Johnson and Corbyn found themselves in confrontation once again.

Johnson, now out of office, but still able to rely on his powerful following in the mainstream media, has emerged as the loudest and most exuberant British voice pressing for an escalation of the war in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the former Labour leader makes the case for caution. Corbyn told Global’s Lewis Goodall:

“The priority has to be an intervention to bring about a ceasefire. Listen, if Ukraine and Russia can talk about a grain deal then it’s obviously possible they can talk. And what happens if there is no ceasefire? Many, many thousands more are going to be killed.”

Corbyn’s latest intervention has, so far as I can tell, been entirely ignored by the British mainstream media and political establishment.

No wonder. They are without exception gung-ho for an escalation of British (and western) involvement on the Ukraine battlefield.

This became clear when British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace announced last month what he called the “most significant package of combat power to date, to accelerate Ukrainian success”.

The announcement of a squadron of Challenger 2 tanks was welcomed by almost everyone, including current Labour leader, Keir Starmer, the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish National Party.

In so far as Wallace was criticised, it was for not doing more.

An unofficial envoy

I have never seen such unanimity on the floor of the House of Commons – not even when just 13 MPs (including Jeremy Corbyn) out of 650 opposed Britain’s role in the calamitous Libyan intervention of March 2011.

Today, support for Britain’s involvement is universal – with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak allowing former prime minister Johnson to play the role of unofficial envoy. Last month Johnson met international finance chiefs at Davos, where he pressed the case for sending tanks to Ukraine.

He then travelled to Kyiv to meet President Volodymyr Zelensky and argued for a major escalation of the war. “This is the moment to double down,” he declared, “and to give the Ukrainians all the tools they need to finish the job.”

On returning to Britain, he went further and demanded that Ukraine should be invited to join Nato. Such a move would automatically mean the West would be at war with Russia. Not just that, Johnson urged that fighter jets should be sent to Ukraine.

From Kyiv, he went to the US, where he amplified the case for war and at one point seemed to be arguing that Ukraine should join the European Union.

Everywhere he went, Johnson was met with huge and largely favourable publicity. Sunak arranged for the trip to Kyiv to be paid for by the British taxpayer in a sign that Johnson is playing the role of unofficial envoy.

Foreign wars

The omerta surrounding Corbyn’s recent warnings against escalation can partly be explained by the fact he is not, like Johnson, a former prime minister. Furthermore, Corbyn has been turned into a non-person in Keir Starmer’s Labour Party.

But he has an annoying habit of being right about foreign wars.

This is not the first time that the former Labour leader has been the voice of caution when the British political class have rushed towards conflict. He took a brave and principled stand when Tony Blair blindly followed George W Bush into the Iraq disaster. He has been vindicated by his prescient warnings over Afghanistan and Libya.

Moreover, Corbyn was right at the time, and not just in retrospect.

By contrast, Johnson is a mess. When he was UK foreign secretary, Britain defended the Myanmar government while it was raping, burning and exterminating the Rohingya Muslims. In a display of double standards, it stood with Saudi Arabia while it waged war in Yemen.

As PM, Johnson told MPs that the Taliban could not win, just a month before the fall of Kabul. Three months before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he told MPs that failure to invest in tanks made sense when the “old concepts of fighting big tank battles on European landmass are over”.

Actions without consequences

I am a long-term student of Johnson’s lies, falsehoods and misrepresentations. Given his long record of confident statements that later turn out to be false, there’s a case for treating what he has to say with caution.

Take for example this statement in Davos on fears that a threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin might use nuclear weapons: “Nonsense. He’s not going to use nuclear weapons, OK? He’s like the fat boy in Dickens, he wants to make our flesh creep. He wants us to think about it. He’s never going to do it.”

Casual, jokey comments like this about the threat of nuclear war should not be made, especially when the other side is warning of the horrible possibility that they might indeed be used.

Western politicians such as Johnson are manifestations of a long period of peace and prosperity when actions did not have consequences, and rhetoric was just words.

It’s always worrying when all political leaders agree on any subject. If Britain and the West are to engage more deeply in Ukraine, we need a serious, informed debate about war objectives and the hazards ahead.

That means hearing less from Boris Johnson – and rather more from Jeremy Corbyn.


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Peter Oborne won best commentary/blogging in both 2022 and 2017, and was also named freelancer of the year in 2016 at the Drum Online Media Awards for articles he wrote for Middle East Eye. He was also named as British Press Awards Columnist of the Year in 2013. He resigned as chief political columnist of the Daily Telegraph in 2015. His latest book is The Fate of Abraham: Why the West is Wrong about Islam, published in May by Simon & Schuster. His previous books include The Triumph of the Political Class, The Rise of Political Lying, Why the West is Wrong about Nuclear Iran and The Assault on Truth: Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and the Emergence of a New Moral Barbarism.

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The earthquake that hit Syria is a major catastrophe, and what exacerbated the issue is the status quo in Syria due to its war on terrorism and its backers, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad told Al Mayadeen on Tuesday.

“The sanctions on Syria made the disaster all the worse,” Mekdad said. “The state is following up on the mobilization of aid domestically and abroad, and President Bashar Al-Assad requested that all the state’s capabilities be employed in search and rescue operations.”

“All of the hospitals in Syria have been asked to treat earthquake victims,” Mekdad said, noting that Syria had asked through its ambassadors for international aid to confront the disaster it has been struck with.

“Many countries have sent aid to Syria, and we thank all the leaders who contacted us, sending their condolences and expressing their will to give us aid,” the Syrian top diplomat told Al Mayadeen. “The situation is very hard, and regardless of the amount of aid sent to Syria, it needs much more.”

“Aid from Europe does not need a request and bureaucracy, as humanitarian aid is not subject to sanctions,” Mekdad explained. “Humanitarian aid is not subject to sanctions in accordance with international laws, so this is not an excuse.”

Some Arab states were quick to provide aid while others pledged to send assistance, he said. “Syria has suffered from double standards despite there being numerous countries in contact with Damascus through back channels.”

“Western countries provided millions of dollars to terrorism and failed, and now they dream of rapprochement with Syria,” the foreign minister stressed, underlining that “Syria is steadfast in the face of terrorism, and it is suffering as a result of the earthquake, as thousands need relief.”

US sanctions standing in Syria’s way

Commenting on the harsh situation in Syria due to the war and blockade, Mekdad told Al Mayadeen that terrorist groups destroyed all of Syria’s capabilities, from vehicles to cranes and bulldozers, among other equipment, at a time when the competent authorities need them because people are trapped under the rubble.

“The US sanctions are prohibiting Syria from accessing anything, including medicine,” the top diplomat said.

The Syrian official directed a message to US President Joe Biden, asking:

“Didn’t the Syrian state open border crossings to allow humanitarian aid to make it to armed-groups-held areas.”

“The aid making it to areas held by armed groups were being sold to the people,” he said. “They planned that aid only makes it through to armed groups and terrorists, and Syria is ready to let aid make it to all regions on the condition that it does not make it into the hands of terrorists.”

Syria received no communication from Turkey

Mekdad told Al Mayadeen that Syria received no communication from Turkey as he was touching on coordination with Ankara under these circumstances. “There was no coordination between Syria and Turkey, even on the humanitarian level – though it is needed.”

“There are efforts being made by the Iranian and Russian allies to help,” Mekdad revealed. “Iran desires to join the joint efforts.”

He also commented on the claims of Syria having asked for aid from the Israeli occupation, stressing that his country did not consider “Israel” to be a state, calling it the Zionist entity. “Many assassinations are carried out through Jabhat Al-Nusra and other groups with direct Israeli support.”

The Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth website claimed that the Israeli occupation received an aid request from Russia to help Syria based on Damacus’ request following the devastating earthquake that hit Syria and Turkey. Syria completely denied this claim.

A Syrian official source completely denied the claims of Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of having received a request for aid from a Syrian official.

If Netanyahu ever received such a request, it is definitely from his allies and friends in ISIS and Jabhat Al-Nusra, among other terrorist organizations, the Syrian source said.

Israeli public broadcaster KAN revealed earlier in the day that Russia did not ask “Israel” to send aid to Syria.

Israeli KAN political affairs correspondent Amichai Stein said a source in the Kremlin denied that Moscow had asked “Tel Aviv” to send aid to Syria. “We do not need to ask Israel to help Syria because we will be doing that ourselves.”

A Syrian source previously denied to Al Mayadeen the Israeli claims of “Tel Aviv” having received a request for aid from any Syrian party.

A Syrian source previously denied to Al Mayadeen the Israeli claims of “Tel Aviv” having received a request for aid from any Syrian party.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Monday that he had agreed to a request from Damascus to send aid to Syria after the devastating earthquake that struck it.

On Monday, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine, killing thousands, mainly in Turkey and Syria, and leveling houses and other facilities, including public infrastructure.

Syrian sources also denied to Al-Watan Syrian newspaper the allegations of Israeli officials regarding a request submitted by Syria to the Israeli entity for relief aid.

Furthermore, the sources confirmed to the newspaper that everything published in the Israeli media “is not more than a propaganda campaign for its Prime Minister.”

“How can Syria ask for help from an entity that killed and participated in killing Syrians over the past decades?” the sources asked.

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad held earlier a meeting with UN representatives and various NGOs in a bid to explain the impact of the unilateral sanctions that are drastically affecting the situation in the country and the humanitarian response to it.


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Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War

February 9th, 2023 by Antony C. Black

First published by Global Research on July 19, 2017


Of the many myths that befog the modern political mind, none is so corrupting of the understanding or so incongruent with historical fact as the notion that the wealthy and the powerful do not conspire.

They do.

They conspire continually, habitually, effectively, diabolically and on a scale that beggars the imagination. To deny this conspiracy fact is to deny both overwhelming empirical evidence and elementary reason.

Nevertheless, for the astute observer of the ‘Great Game’ of politics, it is an unending source of wonderment to stumble across ever more astounding examples of the monstrous machinations of which wealthy and powerful elites are capable. Indeed, it is precisely here that authors Docherty and Macgregor enter the fray and threaten to take our breath away entirely.

Thus, the official, canonized history of the origins of the First World War, so they tell us, is one long, unmitigated lie from start to finish. Even more to the conspiratorial point is the authors’ thesis that – and to paraphrase a later Churchill who figures prominently in this earlier story – never were so many murdered, so needlessly, for the ambitions and profit of so few.

In demolishing the many shibboleths surrounding the origins of the ‘Great War’ (including ‘German responsibility’, ‘British peace efforts‘, ‘Belgian neutrality’ and the ‘inevitability’ of the war), Docherty and Macgregor point the finger at what they argue is the real source of the conflict: a more or less secret cabal of British imperialists whose entire political existence for a decade and a half was dedicated to the fashioning of a European war in aid of destroying the British Empire’s newly emerging commercial, industrial and military competitor, Germany.

In short, far from “sleepwalking into a global tragedy, the unsuspecting world”, Docherty and Macgregor contend, “was ambushed by a secret cabal of warmongers” originating not in Berlin, but “in London”.

I must confess at this juncture to a certain bias in granting credence to such a striking thesis, this if only on general principle alone. After all, one straight look at present day political reality is to look square into the maw of Orwell’s nightmare. Moreover, three decades of independent journalism have led me to conclude not only that virtually nothing of what is presented as ‘news’ is remotely true, but that the conventional writing and presentation of history itself is as phoney as a three dollar bill. Still, one does demand a credible argument or two. Let’s look at a few of those contained in ‘Hidden History’.

The Players

Before launching pell-mell into the argumentative labyrinth it is apropos that we first sketch the central cast of characters of this grim story.

Cecil Rhodes (Source: Wikipedia)

In the beginning there was Cecil Rhodes, the prime minister of Cape Colony but who, the authors remind us, was “in reality a land-grabbing opportunist” whose fortune had been underwritten in equal parts “by brutal native suppression and the global mining interests of the House of Rothschild”. Rhodes had, apparently, long talked of setting up a secret ‘Jesuit-like society’ in aid of furthering the global ambitions of the British Empire. In February of 1891 he did just that enlisting the services of his close associates, William Stead, a prominent journalist, and Lord Esher, a close advisor to the British Monarchy.

Two others were soon drawn into the inner circle of the clandestine group: Lord Nathaniel (Natty) Rothschild of the famous British and European banking dynasty, and Alfred Milner, a brilliant academic and colonial administrator who would quickly become the organizing genius and iron-willed master of ceremonies of the group.

These central four would later be joined by: Lord Northcliffe, the owner of ‘The Times’, who would complement Stead in propagandizing and softening up the British public for war with Germany; Arthur Balfour and Herbert Asquith, two future British Prime Ministers who would provide the needed parliamentary influence; Lords Salisbury and Rosebery who brought an additional wealth of political connections to the table; and Lord Edward Grey, he to whom, in the final analysis as British Foreign Secretary in 1914, it would fall to hammer the final nail in the coffin of European peace.

Of particular importance was the addition of Prince Edward (soon to be King Edward VII) who, despite his playboy image, was, in fact, an astute political operative whose frequent international social forays provided the perfect cover for helping to forge the, often secret, military and political alliances between Russia, France, Britain, and Belgium.

This core Praetorian Guard then extended its tentacles to all reaches of the British (and eventually, international) power hierarchy by vigorously recruiting its ‘Association of Helpers’, the myriad of lower down bureaucrats, bankers, military officers, academics, journalists, and senior civil servants, many, as it turns out, hailing from Balliol and All Souls Colleges, Oxford.

And, too, the legendary Churchill, liberally inflated with his own bombast and well lubricated with Rothschild money, would rise to take his anointed place amongst the war-hungry secret elect.

Early Adventures

The first foray of this elite cabal played out in South Africa with the deliberate fomentation of the (2nd) Boer War (1899 – 1902). Gold had been discovered in the Transvaal region in 1886 and British imperialists were determined to grab it. After a number of failed machinations by Rhodes himself to topple the Boers, the secret elite was dealt an ace when Alfred Milner was appointed high commissioner for South Africa. Seizing the moment, Milner, without passing Go, proceeded straight to war and, in his infamous scorched earth policies and adamant demands for unconditional surrender, demonstrated the general martial philosophy that would later be deployed against Germany.

A map of the British Empire as it was in 1898, prior to the Second Boer War (1899-1902). (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Following the defeat of the Boers, Milner & Co. (Rhodes had died during the ‘peace negotiations’) quickly penetrated the main organs of British imperial governance including the Foreign, Colonial, and War Offices. Arthur Balfour went one better by establishing, in 1902, the Committee for Imperial Defence (CID). The latter proved especially significant in helping to almost completely bypass the British Cabinet in the years, months and days leading up to August, 1914. Indeed, Balfour would prove to be one of only two permanent members of this all-important imperial institution; the other being Lord Fredrick Roberts, commander-in-chief of the armed forces and close friend of Milner. It was Roberts who would later appoint two tragically incompetent hangers-on, Sir John French and Douglas Haig, to their First World War posts overseeing the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Allied soldiers.

The year 1902 also saw the establishment of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty. Britain had long feared for its Far East empire at the hands of Russia and sought to bolster Japan as a counterweight. The alliance bore fruit in the 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese conflict in which Russia was dealt a decisive defeat. Always with the long-term goal in mind, however, i.e. war with Germany, Milner et al adroitly switched bait and immediately began wooing Czar Nicholas II resulting in the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907. In the same period (1904) Britain – with the crucial assistance of Edward VII –  broke its near thousand-year enmity towards France and signed the Entente Cordial with its former rival.

During this same time frame (1905) a more or less secret agreement was made with King Leopold II allowing Belgium to annex the Congo Free State. This was, for all intents and purposes, an alliance between Britain and Belgium; one which was, over the next decade, to be continually deepened with numerous (mostly secret, meaning withheld from the British Parliament) bilateral military agreements and ‘memorandums of understanding’, and which unequivocally put paid to any notion of Belgium being some sort of ‘neutral’ party in the upcoming conflict with Germany.

The core alliance was now complete, i.e. Britain, Russia, France and Belgium, and all that was needed was to secure the fealty and obeisance of the British colonies. In aid of the latter Milner convoked The Imperial Press Conference of 1909 which brought together some 60 newspaper owners, journalists and writers from across the Empire who hobnobbed with another 600 or so British journalists, politicians and military figures in a grand orgy of war-mongering propaganda. The martial message was then duly delivered to the unwitting colonial multitudes. The success of the Conference could be seen most visibly in Canada where, despite the extreme divisiveness of the issue, the nation would eventually send more than 640,000 of its soldiers to the killing fields of Europe, this all on behalf of a tiny handful of British imperialists.

The Moroccan ‘Crisis’

Docherty and Macgregor duly remind us that renowned historian Barbara Tuchman, in her Pulitzer-Prize winning book, ‘The Guns of August’, “made it very clear that Britain was committed to war by 1911 at the latest.” Indeed, preparations for war had proceeded apace since at least 1906.

Still, 1911 marked a turning point when the secret elite first made bold in attempting to ignite war with Germany. The pretext was Morocco. Now, truth to tell, Britain had no direct colonial interests in Morocco, but France and Germany did. By this time the cabal in London – with Edward Grey as Foreign Minister – had inducted a key French minister, Theophile Declasse, into their confidences and were able to engineer what was essentially a false flag operation in Fez. France then followed this up with an army of occupation. Germany posted a minimalist response by sending a small gunboat to Agadir whence the entire British press – reflecting Britain’s ‘deep state’ interests – went into high hysteria condemning German ‘threats to British sea-lanes’ etc. The fuse to war was only snuffed out in the final hour when France’s (recently elected) socialist Premier, Joseph Caillaux, initiated peace talks with the Kaiser. War with Germany would have to wait.

In the meantime, Britain, under the direction of its secret mandarins – i.e. almost entirely beyond Parliamentary review or approval – continued their preparations for war. To this end, for example, Churchill, who by 1911 had been appointed First Lord of the Admiralty, redeployed the British Atlantic fleet from Gibraltar to the North Sea and the Mediterranean fleet to Gibraltar. Simultaneously, the French fleet was moved from the Atlantic to cover Britain’s absence in the Mediterranean. These maneuvers were all strategically aimed at Germany’ North Sea navy. The pieces on the global chessboard were being positioned.

In France the leftist peacenik Caillaux was, in 1913, replaced as Premier with one of the British elites very own ‘helpers’ in the person of Raymond Poincare, a right-wing, rabid Germanophobe. Poincare quickly acted to remove his anti-war ambassador to Russia, George Louis, and substitute him with the revanchist Declasse. Meanwhile in America the secret cabal, acting largely through the Pilgrims Society and through the Houses of Morgan and Rockefeller, machinated to have an unknown but pliable democrat, Woodrow Wilson, elected over the publicly-controlled central bank advocate, President Taft. It was from this lofty perch that the Anglo-American ‘deep state’ launched the US Federal Reserve System, a private central bank dedicated from the get-go to funding the war against Germany.

The Balkan Sting

The simple tale repeated ad nauseam regarding the circumstances surrounding the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, so Docherty and Macgregor tell us, contains as little veracity as, say, the official version of the assassination of JFK two generations later. Indeed, the structural similarities between the two – from the virtual total stand-down of security through to the clear evidence of state complicity (in this case, starting in Serbia, but leading straight to London) – are remarkable. Suffice to say that there was a domino-like chain of events that then ensued – it’s just that the events weren’t driven by base human instincts and ineluctable forces beyond all human control as is commonly proffered, but rather by calculating minds and conspiratorial design.

Thus, immediately following the assassination, there was widespread international support for Austria-Hungary which was widely perceived as the aggrieved party. Nevertheless, the usual suspects, having helped stage the murder in the first place, were able to deftly turn the propaganda tables against both Austria and Germany by means of an ingenious ruse. Having secretly obtained the contents of the ‘Note’, which contained Austria’s (reasonable under the circumstances) demands for Serbian contrition, the secret cabal were able to gain direct input into the crafting of the ‘Serbian Reply’. The ‘reply’, of course, was designed to be unacceptable to Austria. Simultaneously, France’s President, Poincare, decamped to Moscow to assure the Czar and his generals that, should Germany act to uphold its alliance responsibilities towards Austria, France would back Russia in launching a full scale European war. France, naturally, knew that England – or rather its elite imperial clique – was similarly committed to war. It was during this opportune moment, in fact, when Grey and Churchill connived to purchase the Anglo-Persian Oil Company so securing the necessary oil supplies for the British navy.

All the while Kaiser Wilhelm and Chancellor Bethmann were conspicuous in being the only statesmen genuinely seeking peace. Their subsequent vilification by hordes of appropriately housebroken historians thus rings with the same Orwellian tone as the present-day establishment demonization of nations and individuals resisting the American Imperium.

Grey Hits It Home

Having contrived to fan the flames of a local Balkan fire into a general European inferno, British Foreign Minister Grey and Prime Minister Asquith subsequently deployed every dirty trick in the diplomatic playbook to vitiate any possibility of peace and, instead, to guarantee war.

On July 9th, for instance, the German ambassador to London, Prince Lichnowsky, was repeatedly reassured by Grey that Britain had entered no secret negotiations that would play into war. This, of course, was an outright lie. On July 10, Grey then deceived Parliament into believing that Britain had not the slightest concern that events in Sarajevo might lead to a continental war. Meanwhile, the Austrian Prime Minister, Berchtold, was similarly deceived by all three Entente governments that their reaction to the ‘Note’ would not go beyond a diplomatic protest. However, by the 3rd week of July all of these self-same governments did an about-face and declared a complete rejection of Austria’s response.

On July 20, as already noted, the French Prime Minister, Poincare, went to St. Petersburg to reaffirm their two nations’ respective martial agreements. On July 25, Lichnowsky arrived unannounced at the British Foreign office with a desperate plea from the German government imploring Grey to use his influence to halt Russian mobilization. Incredibly, no one was available to receive him. Russia had, in any case, secretly begun mobilization of its armed forces on July 23, while, on July 26, Churchill quietly mobilized the British fleet at Spithead.

None of the foregoing, of course, was subject to democratic oversight. As Docherty and Macgregor put it,

“As far as the [British] public was concerned, nothing untoward was happening. It was just another summer weekend.”

On July 28th, Austria, despite not being in a position to invade for another fortnight, declared war on Serbia. Meanwhile, the British Foreign Office began to circulate rumours that German preparations for war were more advanced than those of France and Russia even though the exact opposite was, in fact, the case. Matters were quickly racing beyond Wilhelm’s control.

On the 29th, Lichnowsky again begged Grey to prevent a Russian mobilization on Germany’s borders. Grey’s response was to write four dispatches to Berlin which post-war analysis proved were, in truth, never sent. The dispatches turned out to be merely part-and-parcel of the elaborate charade to make it look as if Britain (and, specifically, he, Grey) was doing all it could in the effort to avert war. Also on the evening of the 29th did Grey, Asquith, Churchill, and Richard Haldane meet to discuss what Asquith called the ‘coming war’. Docherty & Macgregor once again here emphasize that these four men were virtually the only people in Britain privy to the impending calamity, i.e. not the other Cabinet members, not the members of Parliament, and certainly not the British citizenry. But then, they were its architects.

On the 30th, the Kaiser wired Czar Nicholas a heartfelt appeal to negotiate the prevention of hostilities. Indeed, Nicholas was so moved by Wilhelm’s plea that he decided to send his personal emissary, General Tatishchev, to Berlin to broker a peace. Unfortunately, Tatishchev never made it to Berlin, having been arrested and detained that very night by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sazonov, who, as ‘Hidden History’ cogently evinces, had long been an asset of the secret cabal in London. Under sustained pressure from senior members of his military Nicholas finally relented and on the afternoon of the 30th ordered general mobilization.

The official announcement of Russian mobilization effectively closed all doors to peace. The Germans, realizing that they had been set up, and also realizing that they were about to be attacked on two fronts – from the west by France, and from the east by Russia – finally, on Aug. 1, ordered their own mobilization; tellingly, the last of the continental powers to do so. Here, however, Germany made a crucial tactical error: it elected to follow up its mobilization with a formal, honour-bound declaration of war on France. By doing so it fell deeper into the trap laid by Grey & Co. who had, all along, machinated to do everything possible to guarantee war without, however, being seen to have officially caused the war.

Still, Grey had one last card to play in order to convince both a war-leery Cabinet and House of Commons to abandon their common sense and plunge headlong into a full-scale pan-European war. For just as the myth of ‘weapons of mass destruction’ would, in a later era, serve to advance American imperial aggression, so here did the myth of poor, benighted little ‘neutral Belgium’ carry the banner for British imperialism.

The Speech That Sealed The Fate of Millions

On the 2nd of August, 1914 Prime Minister Asquith convened a special Cabinet meeting to discuss the (manufactured) crisis. Though the Cabinet was in no mood to countenance British involvement in a continental war, they soon found themselves pressured and hedged about by revelations of a ‘web of [military and political] obligations, which they had been assured were not obligations, [and] had been spun around them as they slept’. Moreover, Grey crucially kept from them the fact that the German ambassador, Lichnowsky, had, only the day before (Aug. 1), specifically offered to guarantee Belgian neutrality. Indeed, Grey’s deception might never have come to light but for the fact that Chancellor Bethmann exposed the offer in the Reichstag on Aug. 4th.

With the Cabinet sufficiently brow-beaten, confounded – and deceived, i.e. Asquith, without Cabinet approval or knowledge, had already issued orders for the mobilization of the Army and Navy –  it now only remained to hoodwink Parliament. And so, on Aug. 3rd, Sir Edward Grey took to the pulpit and began what was to be an epic panegyric to the follies of peace and the virtues of war. Here too the audience was not particularly receptive, but the sermon soon gathered force.

Having first set the tone by announcing that peace in Europe ‘cannot be preserved’, Grey then moved on to a stunning series of lies and misrepresentations concerning the intricate and long-formulated military agreements between England, France, Russia and Belgium. According to Grey, they didn’t exist. But what of the dense skein of diplomatic agreements? There were no such agreements, there were no such entanglements. Parliament was ‘free’ to vote its conscience, to exercise its democratic mandate. Just as long, of course, as it didn’t vote for peace.

All of the foregoing was, in any case, mere preamble to the centerpiece ploy of Grey’s speech: Belgian neutrality. That the latter was an out-and-out sham was only surpassed in duplicity by Grey’s concealment, not only from Cabinet but now from Parliament, of Germany’s offer to guarantee exactly the point under contention, i.e. Belgian neutrality. Instead, Grey produced, for dramatic affect, an emotional telegram from the King of Belgium to King George pleading for assistance. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect if it had it been deliberately designed for the occasion. Which, of course, it was. Also pre-planned were the post-sermon affirmations in favour of war by the various opposition party leaders. They had all been vetted and brought onside by Churchill prior to the day’s session. Only Ramsay MacDonald, head of the Labour Party, swam against the well-orchestrated tide of ‘inevitability’ that was the constant and unerring motif of Grey’s martial peroration.

The day’s session ended without debate; Asquith had not allowed any to occur, though he had been pressured by the Speaker of the House to reconvene later that evening. In between Grey sealed the deal, i.e. war, by firing off an ultimatum to Germany demanding that it not invade Belgium even though he, Grey, knew that such an invasion had already begun. As Docherty and MacGregor phrase it, this was a “masterstroke”. War could not now be avoided. And though the night session witnessed a vigorous and substantive debate which largely demolished Grey’s stance, it was all for nought. At the appointed moment Arthur Balfour, “former Conservative Prime Minister and a member of the Secret Elite’s inner circle, rose menacingly. He had had enough.” Using the full weight of his magisterial authority he condemned, ridiculed and dismissed the naysayers’ anti-war arguments as, the ‘very dregs and lees of the debate’. With the Commons thus emotionally bullied into silence, so ended the last chance for peace in Europe.

Plus Ca Change

What strikes one again and again whilst reading ‘Hidden History’ is the ring of truth that resonates from every page, from every revelation. That such a tiny, elite group of individuals, completely beyond democratic control, could determine the fate – and deaths – of millions should shock us. It should, but it doesn’t really. It doesn’t because we see the same phenomenon occurring now, repeatedly, before our very eyes. Indeed, the current state of ‘permanent war’ is, more or less, the unconscious condition of modernity itself.

Docherty & Macgregor have made a fine contribution here. They have gone beyond what David Irving so aptly labelled as the ‘court historians’, i.e. those historians essentially prostituted to elite / establishment consensus, and given us a glimpse of what it really means to write history. And if there is any lesson – or rather counter lesson – we can take from it, it is that we are doomed to repeat history only so long as we listen to those dedicated to obscuring and inverting it. In short, to those who lie to us.

Title: Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War

Authors: Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor

Publisher: Mainstream Publishing; Reprint edition (September 1, 2014)

ISBN-10: 1780576307

ISBN-13: 978-1780576305

Click here to order.

Featured image from Amazon

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First published on Global Research on February 4, 2023

“On December 15, about three weeks after her third Pfizer booster shot, Princess Bajrakitiyabha Narendira Debyavati collapsed with heart issues and went into a coma.

“The 44-year old eldest daughter of the King in Thailand, and likely heir to the throne, had reported to be in excellent health prior to the vaccination and collapse while training her dogs.

The media seemed to generally lose interest after a January 9 update in which it was reported the princess remained in a coma and, according to the palace, has now been diagnosed with “severe heart arrhythmia resulting from inflammation following a mycoplasma infection.

One authority recently suggested that Thailand was preparing to declare its contracts for Pfizer vaccine “null and void” and go after the vaccine maker for damages.

Propagandists in the media have launched into overdrive to try to discredit such news, and to claim “no evidence” of a vaccine tie to the sudden illness of the princess (without mentioning that there is no evidence exonerating the vaccine, either). 

Google and other Big Tech companies, as well as their “fact-checkers” have repeatedly disseminated disinformation and censored accurate information on Covid and vaccines on behalf of vaccine industry interests.” (Sheryl Attikson)

“One daughter of the present king Rama X collapsed and is in a coma… within 23 days after the third shot, 44 years old, never been seriously ill, collapsed and is now in a coma.

The diagnosis that was given by the authorities and by the university is so ridiculous – she’s supposed to have a bacterial infection that will never do what she suffered from.

And so we are determined, and the activists in Thailand who have been on this many many months now – great guys, also a professor from the University of Bangkok, he’s gotten in touch with the Royal Family, and we are sending information to the Royal Family to alert them to the fact that in all probability the princess is suffering as a victim of this jab, as so many people around the world have been suffering.

Sucharit Bhakdi, fmr. professor of microbiology at University of Mainz, Germany


Top Thai officials are pulling off their gloves against Pfizer Bio N Tech and could become the first country in the world to Nullify the contracts between the government and Pfizer.

Which would mean Pfizer would have to pay back billions of dollars because of their jabs to the Thai people. 


Comment by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Our thoughts are with Thailand’s Princess Bajrakitiyabha

A decision by Thailand to repeal its contractual relationship with Pfizer has to be carefully thought out. What we are dealing with on the part of Pfizer is a criminal endeavor applied Worldwide. 

The Royal Thai Government should “nullify” its contracts with Pfizer, while contemplating a formal criminal legal procedure against Pfizer, (which incidentally already has a criminal record for fraudulent marketing with the US Department of Justice)  (2009). 

We are no longer in the realm of “fraudulent marketing”. 

The vaccine was launched in mid-December 2020. A Confidential Report by Pfizer released under Freedom of Information in October 2021, confirms unequivocally based on data recorded from mid-December 2020 to the end of February 2021 that the vaccine is a toxic substance resulting in mortality and morbidity. 

The Report which is now in the public domaine. It should be consulted by the Royal Thai Government:

Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.”

The evidence is overwhelming. The data compiled from mid-December 2020 to the end of February 2021 unequivocally confirms “Manslaughter”. Based on that evidence, Pfizer had the responsibility to immediately cancel and withdraw the “vaccine”. 

Pfizer’s Worldwide marketing of the Covid-19 Vaccine beyond February 28th, 2021, is no longer an “Act of Manslaughter”.

Murder as opposed to Manslaughter implies “Criminal Intent”.

Pfizer’s Covid 19 Vaccine constitutes a Criminal Act. From a legal standpoint it is an “Act of Murder” applied Worldwide to a target population of 8 billion people. It’s a multibillion dollar project.

What is contained in  Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity.

This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can be used to confront as well as formulate criminal legal procedures against Pfizer.

See detailed article below

Video: Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 31, 2023

See also


Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 29, 2022 

Among all major Big Pharma actors, Pfizer has a criminal record in the U.S.    (2009 DoD Judgment)


Video: Pfizer Has a Criminal Record. Is It Relevant?

By US Department of Justice

The Pfizer Confidential Document

Click here to Access the Pfizer 5.3.6 Document 

Seymour Hersh: The CIA Is Filled with Criminals

February 9th, 2023 by Seymour M. Hersh

Important article by Seymour Hersh, first published by Global Research on June 7, 2018


When a reporter has covered 50 years of American foreign policy disasters, the last great untold story may be his own.

That, more or less, is the premise behind a new memoir by Seymour Hersh, the investigative journalist who has been revealing secrets and atrocities—and often secret atrocities—to great acclaim since he exposed the My Lai Massacre in 1969.

Hersh’s book, economically titled Reporter, is focused on the work.

“I don’t want anybody reporting about my private life,” he once said, and Hersh abides by his own request.

In lieu of the personal, we’re treated to the professional: Hersh’s rise from the City News Bureau of Chicago to the United Press International to the Associated Press.

His breakthrough, however, was as a freelancer: Hersh, famously, received a tip about William Calley, a court-martialed Army lieutenant accused of killing 109 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in a village nicknamed “Pinkville.”

Calley was elusive. Hersh drove into Fort Benning and found him under house arrest. For the resulting dispatches, Hersh was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting in 1970.

Hersh continued to report—most notably, perhaps, for The New Yorker—on post-9/11 activities; the Iraq War; Iran; and, contentiously, the killing of Osama bin Laden.

He is now at work on a book about former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Hersh and I recently met at his office in Washington, DC, where I found his desk covered in stacks of files. We talked, and kept talking over lunch, about myriad topics, including protecting sources, self-care, Gina Haspel, and revealing secrets.


Elon Green: Let’s talk about why you wrote the memoir in the first place: The book about Dick Cheney you were contracted to write was put on hold because you believed, with good reason, that you couldn’t protect your sources.

Seymour Hersh: I couldn’t do it. I was giving my sources chapters—which I do, not all the time, but stuff that’s relevant, sensitive—and they thought Cheney would figure out who was talking. They were worried.

So I had to go see Sonny Mehta [at Knopf], who paid me a lot of money for that Cheney book. Don’t forget, when I got through with The New Yorker, by the time Obama’s elected, I had a record of a lot of good work, so I signed a contract for a lot of money. I signed a contract in about ’11 and I started working full-time—scads of interviews—and I was told within two months not to put anything in the computer by somebody who was still inside working for Cheney. And I said, “Oh, god.” I said, “Don’t worry about it. I’m not going to connect it to the internet.” He says, “You’re not listening to me.” I said, “No. Fucking. Kidding.” The guy said I couldn’t protect him.

So I went to see Sonny Mehta. It was a lot of money. And they said, “Do this memoir and we’ll see if we can get you off the schneid.” That’s the only reason I ever did one.

Anyway, keep on going. Let’s get a bunch done before we go eat.

Elon Green: You’ve got a photo of Henry Kissinger above your computer. He wasn’t a nemesis, necessarily, but…

Seymour Hersh: You know, Kissinger used to insist when [The Price of Power] was coming out that he didn’t know me. And one of the things I would always do, even with an archenemy, I would always call. And he would take the calls. The day after the book came out, I was supposed to go on Nightline. Was a very big show back in the ’80s. Huge audience. But the night before I was on, [Ted Koppel] brought up my book. Kissinger was on; the papers that night were all full of my book. Kissinger said, “This is outrageous. I’ve never met him. I don’t know him.”

And so, here… [Hersh produces a transcript of a taped phone call with Kissinger] I would call up and ask him about the secret bombing in Cambodia. He said, “We’re retroactively off the record.” I said, “We’re talking off the record?” He said, “Okay, all right.” I said, “On background.” But that means I can write it. He knows the difference between off the record and on background.

And so it turns out he was getting a transcript an hour after I called. He was getting a transcript after saying it was on background. The motherfucker! But that’s just the way it was. Anyway, keep on going.

Elon Green: Bob Woodward once said his worst source was Kissinger because he never told the truth. Who was your worst source?

Seymour Hersh: Oh, I wouldn’t tell you.

Elon Green: You write that you chased the incredibly vague My Lai tip because you were convinced your colleagues in the Pentagon press room wouldn’t. Why wouldn’t they?

Seymour Hersh: I was worried about The New York Times, if you notice, but I knew the guys in the Pentagon press room wouldn’t do it. It was so hard to report there. Don’t forget, anytime you saw a senior officer, they had to log [your name] in. If you had a good story, you had to see five or six different people with bullshit to mask the one guy that told you something important.

Elon Green: So it wasn’t a matter of not wanting to tell the story?

Seymour Hersh: I don’t know. [Press room colleagues] treated me like some sort of rare, exotic animal.

I knew from my own experiences that the war was bad and shit. And by the way, I never thought for one minute that the fact that I learned OJT that the war sucked made me a lefty. I mean, I was. I am a liberal. But I was just somebody who knew the war sucked. I learned by just going to lunch with these guys. They were saying how we have to kill everybody because there are six lieutenant colonels and only one of you is gonna make colonel, and it’s the one that kills the most. So in the last six months of your rotation as a battalion commander, you just fucking….You got 2,000 deaths, man. That’s how bad it was.

I was dead set against the war. It was the right thing to be. Anybody with any fucking brains was. Half the guys in the military were thinking of quitting.

We should go. We can get into a restaurant across the street. I can get my little salad. I don’t eat much. I’m reading this book [gestures to James Comey’s A Higher Loyalty]. This guy is nuts. He’s definitely strange.


Elon Green: How do you document your interviews? Do you use shorthand? Tape record?

Seymour Hersh: I take notes and I go over them. I have a good memory and use a lot of shorthand. All those little adjectives and adverbs, I’ve got a little dash for or something. I just write the keywords. My handwriting is bad, which is good. I understand it and nobody else does. Then I immediately annotate. I sit down, sometimes in the car if I’m on the road. I never tape anything.

Look, if I’m seeing a foreign president—they’d want to tape and I’d want to tape. But I have it transcribed by somebody else. Too boring.

Elon Green: But taping is good for capturing speech patterns and stuff like that.

Image on the right: Seymour Hersh

Seymour Hersh: When I talk about something secret and I show up with a tape recorder, I’m dead.

Elon Green: The New York Times’s reliance on Kissinger wasn’t shocking, but it was grotesque. Max Frankel calling him “Henry.” How do you think their friendliness with Kissinger affected coverage?

Seymour Hersh: Horrible. They missed Watergate! He convinced them there was nothing there.

Elon Green: Kissinger was beloved by reporters because he was accessible. Not much has changed; folks like Paul Ryan and John McCain still get glowing coverage just because they talk to reporters.

Seymour Hersh: Of course. That’s what it’s all about. Trump does, too. The secret to Trump, I think, is he wants to be loved by The New York Times as much as by Fox News. He talks to them a lot, more than they tell you. He waits outside—apparently there’s a corridor from the press room to the bathroom, and he’s hanging around that corridor. He likes to yap.

Elon Green: Do you think the Times’s desire to keep Trump talking makes them pull their punches?

Seymour Hersh: No, I don’t think they’re pulling punches. I think they’re overpunching. I mean, what are they going to do if they don’t indict him? What are they going to do?

Elon Green: Given the amount of really horrible things you’ve covered over the years, you seem very stable emotionally.

Seymour Hersh: I don’t socialize with nobody—not with people in government, even my good sources. I have old friends. Most of them are not in government. I like tennis and sports. I had rotator cuff surgery recently, so I’m about a month away from getting back. I’ll go the gym maybe today or tomorrow.

Elon Green: So it’s really about having a boundary between work and the rest of your life…

Seymour Hersh: Yeah, there’s a big boundary. Do I get depressed? Yes. But everybody should be, now.

Here, you have to have one of these. See what you’re missing. [Hersh puts some tuna tartare on my plate.]

Elon Green: Thank you. You mentioned three instances of Richard Nixon beating his wife.

Seymour Hersh: Oh, god.

Elon Green: You decided not to report on them or even tell an editor. If you got that same information today, what would you do?

Seymour Hersh: I was talking to the Nieman fellows [about the beating incidents], after Nixon was gone. I thought it was off the record. The thing I misjudged is the anger of the women when I didn’t realize [the abuse] was a crime. You will see, in the book you have, the readers’ copy, that I changed it.

You know, my wife likes opera, and I’ve learned to like a lot of it—Verdi, other stuff. And SiriusXM, which has an opera channel that we listen to in the car, announced that it’s no longer going to play any operas conducted by [James] Levine. And that stuff seems crazy to me. But I assume that, for a lot of women, it would be right. I don’t know. I’m still at a strange place on all this stuff. But at least you’ll see the change I made—that was a heartfelt change. I’d thought about it.

But I wouldn’t start an investigation, even now. I got it from inside the hospital. I had a problem from the beginning about reporting it, because the initial source came from—it was the doctor.

Elon Green: So it was mostly about protecting the source? I misunderstood that in the book.

Seymour Hersh: What I did do, I asked John Ehrlichman about it, and I was curious. Before he died, he was talking a lot to me. And he knew of other times Nixon did it. Everybody knew he did it, he said. Oy vey iz mir, as my father would say. I mean, what the fuck?

But I didn’t even want to say that it was a source issue, because that would get back to the hospital. I should’ve kept my mouth shut. I never, never thought they were taping [the Nieman remarks].

On the other hand, as Jack Kennedy used to say, “Nothing is off the record. Nothing.” The Kennedys were tough.

Elon Green: How did you become acquainted with the chief of CIA Counterintelligence, James Angleton?

Seymour Hersh: In ’72, I got invited to one of those old-fashioned dinners by a senior Times guy, a very elegant man. After dinner, the women were excused. My wife said, “Never again.” Right? And we smoked cigars—it was the first time I ever met James Angleton. Come on.

Elon Green: Angleton was fascinating. Are there still people like him in the intelligence agencies?

Seymour Hersh: No. He was smart—really, really smart. I think this Gina [Haspel] is very smart. I watched her testify. She’s very bright. I know some things about her. Yeah, she did torture, but everybody knew about that the torture, including Congress. What I do know, from my friends, is the stuff she files is really good. Since she’s been Acting Director for about three months, she’s done great reporting.

Elon Green: In a memo to Abe Rosenthal in March of ’75, while you were reporting on a Russian submarine, you wrote: “I’m not going around shooting off my mouth about ongoing [reconnaissance] operations, but when one of the programs seems risky and over-priced, and there’s a legitimate news peg, it doesn’t make sense not to tell the American people about it.”

Then you noted, “I was such a purist.” Do you feel like you’re now less or more of a purist?

Seymour Hersh: If there’s something they were doing that was right, I didn’t touch it. But some of the operations that have been described to me as good turn out to be crazy, or stuff that seemed right turned out to be shit.

I saw an old senator yesterday, had to go to some fancy party in Georgetown. Full of spies and Brits. This town doesn’t change. It was at a very fancy club, and there was British spy, a guy from MI6. All sorts of people from the Agency were there. I can’t stand that stuff. I got outta there in an hour.

The whole source business—I know a bunch of people who are “out” that could get anything they wanted if I ask them.

Elon Green: So a source not being “in” is not necessarily an impediment to good information?

Seymour Hersh: You have to be careful, but you have to deal with guys that are known to be good guys on the inside and trusted. It’s very ideological, but you can get information. There’s [an Agency] guy; I was screaming at him once about fucking up the FBI after 9/11. And he said to me, “Sy, you don’t get it. The FBI catches bank robbers and we rob banks.” I thought to myself, Fuck! That’s just exactly right. They’re criminals, what the CIA does. It’s all criminal activity. If you’ve ever watch The Americans, it’s an exaggeration, but….I tell my wife, “They don’t shoot people like that.” Take out the killing and that’s what people do. They do this kind of shit—stupid stuff.

Let’s do a few more and get out of here. I need to go back to my office.

Elon Green: Again and again, your stories expose the deceit of politicians, but they also expose the reporters who defended them. Ted Koppel, who was critical about your reporting on Kissinger, later acknowledged that he’d been offered the job of State Department spokesman and “struggled with it for about three or four weeks” before turning it down.

Seymour Hersh: Here’s what got me about Ted…

[Waitress: Any coffees or cappuccinos, gentlemen?]

No, I think just the check and we’ll share it. We’ll share it. That’s what we should do. I always do that. You don’t want to buy me and I don’t want to buy you.

So anyway, here’s what happened: It’s very strange about Ted. I like him. I was in Jerusalem with my wife. I have a friend in Mossad, and he writes me. He was here undercover and I got to know him.

Israel is strange, man. Anyway, so I’m here for a wedding. He called up, this guy, his name is Dudu. I met him in the early ’80s. He came up to me at a party and said, “We ought to talk.” He said he was a businessman, lived in Bethesda. And the thing about him, his oldest son—I coach soccer for kids. I had two kids early, and God knows, after dinner my wife would say, “You take the 3-year-old, I’ll take the 1-year-old.” I’d say, “No, no, no, I’ve got to go to my office because I’m saving America.” You know what I mean? But I figured out, by the last kid, I’d go to his games and coach soccer for about 10 years. I coached soccer to the point where the boys were about 12. And after a practice I’d say, “Let’s go. We’re going to run three miles now. Get in shape.” And if I walked away and turned around quickly there’d be five of these: [gestures] Fuck you signs. That’s when I gave up.

But anyway, what I learned later is that you can’t save the world. So this guy from Mossad, we became friends. I liked him. There wasn’t much I could do with him. One day I took him, there’s a wonderful little German restaurant here called the Mozart Café. And this was ’86, ’87…

Elon Green: You had started to say something about Ted Koppel, if you want to finish that thought…

Seymour Hersh: I was in Jerusalem and we were at that wonderful hotel in East Jerusalem. Hard to get into. And he was there, and so we had a great time, this was about 10 years ago. And then before that, before I knew what he said in 2005, I didn’t know about that till I was working on the book. I knew a little bit about it, I knew he’d been close to Kissinger because Kissinger was on his show all the time.

I was at an off-the-record thing after 9/11, on the First Amendment before the New York Bar. It was an off-the-record deal. And [Koppel] was on the platform. And off the record he was awesome about how fucked up things were—he got it. On the air he wasn’t. I know he’s bright. He’s a refugee, you know what I mean? He’s a landsman, in a way. But there’s something muting about the business. I can’t stand cable television. It’s just so dumb.

Elon Green: In your memoir, you say, “I can write now what I could not [in 1990], which was that the CIA had impeccable intelligence, conversation on nuclear issues in real-time, from deep inside the Pakistan nuclear establishment.” Why couldn’t you report that?

Seymour Hersh: Because the person who told me was still in. [Now] he’s long gone.

Elon Green: Did you run that by him while you were working on the book to make sure it was okay to disclose?

Seymour Hersh: He’s gone completely crazy. It’s been 30 years.


Elon Green: In a footnote, you mentioned that George Soros asked to meet with you after one of your 9/11 stories in The New Yorker, and you initially declined. Why?

Seymour Hersh: Because it was a story about intercepts of the Saudis. I knew he would guess correctly that there was a lot of talk about oil, so I thought his purpose was not necessarily marginal. I had never met George and I didn’t wanna go. But he then went to Morton Abramowitz, who’s a friend of mine, who had been ambassador to Thailand among other things. And Mort called up and said he’s going to give me $50,000 [for Abramowitz]. Ten people are going to come to that dinner and [Soros] is gonna to pay $5,000 each to me if you come. So how could I say no? So I said yes and fuck if they didn’t have it; they’re all brokers.

Elon Green: Stock brokers?

Seymour Hersh: Oil brokers! George is a master, man. I avoid those guys like the plague.

Elon Green: You write that you knew about atrocities during the Iraq War, including Americans destroying with acid the bodies of detainees who had died during torture. But you didn’t report it because Cheney would have destroyed your sources. How did you protect your sources during the Bush years?

Seymour Hersh: It was hard—by not writing stuff I knew.

Elon Green: It wasn’t so much about how you wrote about them, it’s that you didn’t write about them?

Seymour Hersh: Here, don’t speak. [Hersh produces a memo] You’re just going to watch right there. I just happened to pull this out today. The classification on this is above the world. It’s something about a brief on Gray Fox. I’ve never heard of Gray Fox and you’ve never heard of Gray Fox, ok? The date of this paper is [redacted].

That’s a report to the Secretary of Defense about what’s going on with Afghan detainee issues. That’s some low-intensity work there, special ops. Specific issues about prisoners. What the fuck? I have never been able to find out what happened to [the prisoners]. I have some bad thoughts, because we thought everybody that was a tough little kid was Al Qaeda. I’ve asked everybody. It’s scary. The capacity to do stupid fucking things in America is just fucking scary.

I don’t publish that stuff. A lot of guys would just go with it. I want to know why. First of all, I don’t know anything about what happened. The suggestion, obviously, is somehow some people were hurt or put away, but I don’t know that, either. And I was worried about getting the source of all that exposed. I don’t know if that was a memo written to five people or four or six or seven. And I can’t be sure if there’s some designator in it. You know, they’re very sophisticated now in tracing papers.

Elon Green: You describe Mary McGrory as “a fearless and moral voice.” Who do you see as such a person today?

Seymour Hersh: You’re talking to somebody who grew up with a New York Times that had Tony Lewis, Tom Wicker, and Russell Baker writing columns. Now, there’s some good stuff. But there’s too many screeds about Trump from the columnists. Tom Friedman still runs around the world, but I don’t see enough reporting being done by the columnists. Yes, we talk about immigration and shrieking about the president, but there’s nobody writing about what to do and how to solve it.

Elon Green: If we could return to the Cheney book for a moment: You didn’t want to publish the book because of threats to your sources, and the risk to their careers?

Seymour Hersh: Prosecution! Obama’s prosecuting. Remember the guy that went to jail? Risen’s source? I don’t know the inside story, but what the hell? He’s prosecuting people left, right, and center.

Elon Green: I think there’s a disproportionate amount of resources focused on the White House as opposed to Congress. Do you agree with that?

Seymour Hersh: It’s catnip, man; the White House is catnip. And Obama was catnip. I gave Obama a lot of slack. I know he lied about bin Laden; I just know it, I don’t care if it’s never proven, I don’t care if anybody cares. I know he made a deal with the Pakistanis. I know that he made a deal not to tell and he told about it. The bottom line is he did order a hit; he did kill him; he worked closely with the Pakistanis. How could you not?

Elon Green: Were you reluctant to publish the bin Laden story?

Seymour Hersh: I was eager to run it.

Just this week, there was a story in The New York Times about a book by a former head of the Pakistani intelligence service. He said the same thing. In the book, he said money was paid, which is also what I understand.

Elon Green: Did you suspect there would be backlash to your story?

Seymour Hersh: Did I suspect there’d be backlash? My experience has been, when you have a major story like that—if you go back and look, the White House controlled the story for two weeks. Reporters were begging for something different and exclusive. At one point, one of the big stories was about a dog that was brought by the SEALs on the trip. The dog was apparently barking in Urdu [laughs].

I’m just saying, when you have a story like that, in which everyone gets involved in briefings—McDonough, Brennan—this is obviously about reelection.

Elon Green: Did the backlash and disbelief from non-experts tell us anything about the importance of the official bin Laden narrative as put forth by the government and other reporting?

Seymour Hersh: Well, it’s not a new phenomenon that when there’s a crisis, the White House controls the story. What I find pernicious now about cable television is that, at any given moment on any given day, the White House can give the networks the leak and they get right to it. No one verifies it. They just put out “breaking story,” “breaking news.” But I remember there was a lot of rage at my story, a lot of anger, and a lot of very good reporters said “this can’t be true.” And I remember thinking to myself, Don’t they have mothers? Hasn’t anyone told them that, a year or two later, there might be a different story coming out?

But I’m used to this.

Elon Green: “I will return to the Cheney book when those who helped me learn what I did after 9/11 will not be in peril,” you write. When would that be?

Seymour Hersh: Now. One of the problems is, one of those who helped me is now working for this—working still inside.

There’s still a deep core—it’s not paranoia, it’s not something like a deep state. But I have to think of a way to incorporate what I have.

[Phone rings, Hersh answers and chats for several minutes.]

Elon Green: Even though he’s not in office, Dick Cheney remains a threat to your sources?

Seymour Hersh: Yeah. Directly.

Elon Green: And yet you’re still doing the book.

Seymour Hersh: Oh, my God. It’s my meal ticket, man. I mean, we live hand to mouth. I think it’s gonna be the next book.

Elon Green: Do younger CIA agents treat you differently than the older generation?

Seymour Hersh: No, I hardly know them. There’s no contact. There used to be a time, believe it or not, when I would go every year to meet the rising GS-12s of the National Security Agency. We would talk about the press. These are linguists and cryptographers. I used to always joke that I’m gonna leave self-addressed stamped envelopes here and stuff like that. But there’s no contact anymore. They’re too uptight. And maybe they’re right to be. Maybe the press has changed.

I always thought my business as a reporter was to take a dispute and resolve it. I mentioned in the introduction about treating things as the tip. The first story the Times wrote on [Hillary Clinton’s] email—that was off-the-top, flimsy, one or two days after they had it. They had no idea what a good story it was.

In the book I’m writing, I can segue into this stuff; I’m writing a lot about what was going on in the FBI. There was a lot going on that was counter-Trump, I will tell you that. I’m telling you, it’s the missed story of all time.

OK, couple more. We gotta go.

Elon Green: Why did a presidential commission investigating the CIA believe you were working for foreign intelligence?

Seymour Hersh: How’d you find that story?

Elon Green: I, um, just happened to be reading the Miami Herald.

Seymour Hersh: Yeah! ’Cause Angleton was crazy. I had to be working for foreign intelligence. He’s nuts. That’s why I went to Colby. But nobody’s asked me about that. Of course they were looking at me. There was a fascination with me in the CIA. There’s a study called “William Colby as Director of Central Intelligence 1973-1976” by Harold Ford, a historian. It was written in ’93, declassified in 2011. And chapter seven is “Hersh’s Charges Against the CIA.” There’s 12 pages on me.

Two years before I published [the story on CIA operations against the anti-war movement], in December of ’74, they were tracking me that long. All sorts of intercepts of me. They’re taping me every time I call Colby at home! Colby knew all about this criminal activity, and they never told Justice. So I went to see Larry Silberman, who was the number two man in Justice. So I go to Silberman, call him up and say, “I better tell you something. The CIA’s got this shit going on.” So then, the day I’m writing the story, Silberman calls Colby, and he’s taped. Taped even Silberman! Ford wrote that “On 21 December, Silberman told Colby that Hersh had phoned to tell him in advance of Colby’s meeting with Silberman on the 19th.”

The whole thing is amazing.

Elon Green: So Angleton really thought that you were—

Seymour Hersh: Oh, what else could he think? He was such a nut. They were so crazy. He used to talk to me, and tried to bribe me.

Elon Green: What?

Seymour Hersh: [Angleton] tried to bribe me not to do the domestic spying story. He gave me a story that I feared was true about something going on in Russia. And I thought, what the fuck is this? So I called Colby, not knowing they taped everything. I had his home number. I said, “I got a problem, what the fuck is this?”

Colby told me later that was the final straw, and that’s why he said he had to fire [Angleton]—because it was an ongoing operation.

Which I didn’t write about. I have no idea if it’s true or not because it’s a whole hall of mirrors.

Corrupt and Fraudulent: Laying Bare the Adani Group

February 9th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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There is nothing Gautam Adani will not do for money.  In this sense, he is admirably dedicated to greed, so much so he has become its foremost caricature worthy of permanent enthronement.  Mark this man’s name in the scriptures of eternity.

For the unfamiliar reader, the $218 billion Adani imperium, one specialising in transport, infrastructure, and mining, is vast, with far reaching feelers, prongs and tentacles that have made their mark in a number of countries.  Along the way, Adani’s companies have made quite a name for themselves.  Employment laws have been breached and treated with disdain.  Broader human rights abuses have featured.  Governments and regulators have been lied to.  No environment is ecologically safe from the company’s activities, despite their assertions to the contrary.

The gallivanting, amoral CEO has also made quite a habit of cultivating politicians across the globe.  These representatives, weaklings as they are, have shown themselves amenable to changing their minds in the face of Adani’s overtures.

Despite all their efforts, GA and key members of the group, of which 8 hail from his family, have not been immune from criticism.  A number of reports abound from non-government organisations and activists noting a most predatory record.  But the evaluation from the short seller Hindenburg Research, whose findings were published last month, approached the conduct of the conglomerate Adani Group a bit differently.

The central claim of the US investment firm is that the group has “engaged in a brazen stock manipulation and accounting fraud scheme over the course of decades.”  Having spoken to dozens of individuals, including former senior executives, and conducting a review of thousands of documents and visiting a number of sites across a half-dozen countries, the picture that emerges is even uglier than first thought.

For one, the image of financial security and reliable solvency comes across as a fiction.  In addition to grossly inflated valuations, the Adani companies have taken on substantial debt.  Shares of inflated stock have been pledged in order to secure loans.

A sense of the false accounting picture given by Adani’s accounts can be gathered from the practices of Gautam Adani’s younger brother, Rajesh, who was accused by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) for being a key figure in a diamond import/export trading scheme in 2004-2005.  Rajesh had used a number of offshore shell companies to generate artificial turnover.  Gautam’s brother-in-law, Samir Vota, was also in on the scheme, making a number of false statements to the regulators.

The saga of corrupt behaviour continues through the activities of Vinod Adani, Gautam’s older brother.  This most shady of figures plays a key role in managing dozens of shell entities that serve the functions of stock manipulation and money laundering.  The latter part is achieved through using money from Adani’s private companies to bloat the balance sheets of the listed companies.

Adani’s response to the claims, one running into 413 mostly irrelevant pages, was to accuse the US firm of being in “flagrant breach of applicable securities and foreign exchange laws”, conduct becoming the “Madoffs of Manhattan”.  A nationalist narrative was also injected into the rebuttal: to attack the Adani Group was nothing less than attacking Indian success itself.

Hindenburg Research’s counter to such bluster was chastening.  India, “a vibrant democracy and an emerging superpower with an exciting future”, was being “held back by the Adani Group, which has draped itself in the Indian flag while systematically looting the nation.”

Since January 24, the date chosen by Hindenburg Research to release its findings, Gautam Adani’s unnaturally inflated personal wealth has been pared back.  From being the third richest man, he is now out of the top 20.  Within days, the conglomerate’s market value was wiped to the striking sum of $113.6 billion.  The company has promised to prepay loans with $1.1 billion and call off its secondary share sale.  The collateral used by the companies to secure funds has also suffered a fall in value.

Despite the rich number of allegations directed at Gautam, the family and his associates, another country and its government have fallen under the group’s spell.  On January 31, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Adani shook hands to formally confirm the $1.18 billion sale of the port of Haifa that had been agreed upon earlier in the month.  The Indian billionaire was wistfully nostalgic on the occasion, noting that Indian troops had “led, in 1918, one of the greatest cavalry charges in military history” in Haifa.

Netanyahu hopes to leverage investments made in the Haifa project to create a trade route linking the Mediterranean and the Gulf, thereby bypassing the Suez Canal.  In the words of the overly confident Israeli Prime Minister, Haifa would “become the entry point and exit point for a vast number of goods that will reach the Mediterranean and Europe directly, without having to go around the Arabian peninsula.”

To do so, the Abraham Accords are being touted as the economic centrepiece, enabling rail links to be established in Saudi Arabia, through Jordan and ultimately to Haifa port itself.  But Netanyahu, himself no creature to accusations of corruption, is facing a figure and business partner in freefall.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Greenpeace

Latest mRNA Vaccine for RSV Wins Expedited Review

February 9th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Moderna just moved one step closer to bringing mRNA-1345, an RSV shot, to market

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted the experimental shot fast-track designation in August 2021

Now, Moderna’s mRNA RSV shot has been given Breakthrough Therapy Designation, which allows for faster development and an expedited review period

RSV is usually not serious; most people experience only mild, cold-like symptoms and recover on their own in a week or two

Moderna plans to file for FDA approval of mRNA-1345 in the first half of 2023

Along with Moderna’s mRNA RSV shot, Pfizer and GSK have also developed RSV vaccines that are awaiting regulatory approval


Get ready. A new mRNA shot is barreling down the runway and may be available as soon as fall 2023. This time, it’s not to target SARS-CoV-2 but, rather, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a pathogen that typically causes mild cold-like symptoms.

Pfizer and Moderna are racing to bring their RSV shots to market, and Moderna just moved one step closer with its mRNA-1345. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted the experimental shot fast-track designation in August 2021. Now, Moderna’s mRNA RSV shot has been given Breakthrough Therapy Designation, which allows for faster development and an expedited review period.1

WEF Warns of RSV ‘Tripledemic’

You may have seen RSV making headlines more often than usual this winter — in lock-step with the mRNA shots soon to be released to save us all from it. In November 2022, the World Economic Forum (WEF) warned RSV could cause a “tripledemic” along with COVID-19 and flu.2

It reported case numbers of RSV rising in the U.S. and Canada, because children weren’t exposed to this and other common infections during COVID-19 lockdowns.3 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also warned:4

“CDC surveillance has shown an increase in RSV detections and RSV-associated emergency department visits and hospitalizations in multiple U.S. regions, with some regions nearing seasonal peak levels. Clinicians and public health professionals should be aware of increases in respiratory viruses, including RSV.”

Still, RSV is usually not serious; most people recover on their own in a week or two. While it can lead to severe illness, including bronchiolitis and pneumonia, in infants younger than 1 year and older adults, almost all children have had an RSV infection by their second birthday5 — and most recover from it just fine.

We saw from Operation Warp Speed how pharmaceutical companies and governments have bragged about the speed with which they can approve new shots, however. And the RSV shot is no different. At this point, the obligatory RSV propaganda seems perfectly timed to ramp up with the coming release of a new RSV jab.

Moderna’s mRNA RSV Shot Is on the Way

The FDA granted Moderna’s mRNA-1345 Breakthrough Therapy Designation based on a Phase 3 trial involving 37,000 adults aged 60 years and older.6 The mRNA RSV shot had a reported efficacy of 83.7% against RSV-associated lower respiratory tract disease. Moderna plans to file for FDA approval of mRNA-1345 in the first half of 2023.7

The shot initially would be intended for adults aged 60 and over, but Moderna is also testing its mRNA RSV shot in children via an ongoing Phase 1 trial.8 “With this designation, we look forward to productive conversations with the FDA in the hopes of bringing our RSV vaccine candidate for older adults to the market safely and quickly,” Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said.9

Moderna’s RSV shot uses the same lipid nanoparticle as its COVID-19 injection. The primary difference between the two shots is the coding of the mRNA. In the RSV shot, the mRNA encodes for a prefusion F glycoprotein. Prefusion F protein is a protein that mediates the RSV virus’ entry into your cells and is known to elicit a neutralizing antibody response.10

Under normal circumstances, it’s hard to imagine an RSV vaccine built on a novel mRNA platform getting fast-tracked, but we’re no longer in normal times. The rollout of mRNA COVID-19 shots has, as predicted, paved the way for any number of new mRNA-based injections going straight to human trials. RSV is just the beginning.

Moderna Has 48 mRNA Shot Programs Underway

At the WEF’s Davos Agenda 2022, at a session titled “COVID-19: What’s Next?”11 Bancel was open about Moderna’s plans to combine multiple shots, such as a COVID-19 shot, a flu shot and RSV shot, into one injection — coming in 2023 — to avoid “compliance issues.” He said:12

“The other piece we’re working on is for 2023, is how do we make it possible from a societal standpoint that people want to be vaccinated?

And we’re going to do this by preparing combinations, we’re working on the flu vaccine, we’re working on an RSV vaccine, and our goal is to be able to have a single annual booster, so that we don’t have compliance issues, where people don’t want to get two to three shots a winter, but they get one dose, where they get a booster for corona, and a booster for flu and RSV, to make sure that people get their vaccine.”

When asked how soon this would occur, he continued:13,14

“So the RSV program is now in Phase 3, the flu program is in Phase 2 and soon in Phase 3, I hope as soon as second quarter of this year. So the best case scenario would be the fall of 2023, as a best case scenario …”

At the 2023 WEF meeting in Davos, Bancel again spoke about mRNA shots, this time stating he’d “like to have mRNA capacity on every continent.”15 It seems they’re well on their way.

As of January 2023, Moderna has 48 programs in development, including “36 programs in clinical trials encompassing investigational mRNA infectious disease vaccine candidates and mRNA therapeutic candidates spanning seven different modalities.”16 In a news release, Bancel reported:17

“Applying our experience and using our mRNA platform, we are developing vaccine candidates that we believe could one day help prevent hospitalizations and deaths from some of the most prevalent respiratory viruses.

We are also progressing several respiratory vaccine candidates, including combination vaccines against multiple respiratory viruses, and are committed to building our respiratory franchise.

By pursuing combination products to protect against a range of diseases, we believe that we can potentially help decrease morbidity and mortality from respiratory disease, lower healthcare costs and increase health security globally.”

Moderna Made mRNA ‘Breakthrough’ Right Before Pandemic

The Pentagon’s secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been working for years to develop an antibody to any virus within 60 days of collecting blood from a survivor.18

Its Pandemic Prevention Platform program, known as P3, “aims specifically to develop a scalable, adaptable, rapid response platform capable of producing relevant numbers of doses against any known or previously unknown infectious threat within 60 days of identification of such a threat in order to keep the outbreak from escalating and decrease disruptions to the military and homeland.”19

DARPA also lunched ADEPT:PROTECT (Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics: Prophylactic Options to Environmental and Contagious Threats) to develop technologies — like mRNA — that can be rapidly deployed against emerging infectious diseases and biological weapons.20

It was September 2019 when Moderna announced it had developed mRNA-1944 — the first systemic mRNA therapeutic to show production of a secreted protein in humans — courtesy of financial support from DARPA’s ADEPT:PROTECT program.21 Months later, the COVID-19 pandemic would result in the development of the first experimental mRNA gene therapy, which has been distributed among the masses. The Highwire reported:22

“With uncanny foresight, Moderna’s expeditious mRNA endeavor … had immediate manufacturing support from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to ensure the pandemic’s gene-editing jabs traversed the globe. Significantly, CEPI was founded in 2017 by the WEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the governments of Norway and India.

Aligned with the same goals as DARPA, CEPI is a global syndicate of public-private organizations whose mission is to highlight pandemic threats, continuously prepare for the next “Disease X,” and advance vaccines.

Presently, over 13 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered worldwide. With vaccine manufacturers protected from liability, evidence increasingly indicates that mRNA injections are not just failing but, more significantly, are causing many serious adverse events, including myocarditis, increased risk of cancer and stroke, and death.”

Will mRNA RSV Shots Trigger a Public Health Disaster?

Past attempts to develop RSV vaccines have ended in tragedy, particularly in the 1960s. In a trial on infants, two babies died after first appearing to tolerate the shot. The problem occurred during the following cold and flu season, when 80% of those vaccinated caught RSV and had to be hospitalized. Only 5% of those who received the placebo shot were hospitalized for RSV.23

The issue is antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), a problem that’s also occurred in the development of coronavirus shots. In 2020, Timothy Cardozo of NYU Langone Health and Ronald Veazey with the Tulane University School of Medicine set out to determine if enough research existed to require clinicians to disclose the specific risk that COVID-19 shots could worsen disease if the recipient is exposed to circulating virus — similar to what occurred in the RSV trial.

They reviewed preclinical and clinical evidence, which revealed that ADE is a significant concern, noting:24

“COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern:

… that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralizing antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID‐19 disease via antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE).”

They concluded that, in order to meet medical ethics standards of informed consent, people who receive COVID-19 shots should be clearly warned of the “specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE.”25 This didn’t happen, and it likely won’t for RSV shots, either.

More RSV Shots in the Pipeline

Along with Moderna’s mRNA RSV shot, Pfizer and GSK have also developed RSV vaccines that are awaiting regulatory approval. Pfizer is even targeting its RSV shot to pregnant women, claiming it can help prevent RSV in newborns. While Moderna is also planning trials in pregnant women, GSK stopped its pregnancy trial in 2022 due to safety concerns.26

But no matter which pharmaceutical company ends up being first to bring it to market, the RSV vaccine is clearly on the way. It could potentially be available by fall 2023, and the way RSV was hyped over the winter, it likely won’t be long before this shot moves beyond the older people target and expands to infants and children, becoming another requirement on the official vaccine schedule.

But considering the multitude of problems associated with the mRNA COVID-19 shots, I’m not optimistic about the development of a fast-tracked mRNA shot against RSV. The risks of these experimental, fast-tracked shots are serious, while, in most cases, RSV is not.


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1, 9 Investor’s Business Daily January 30, 2023

2, 3 World Economic Forum November 16, 2022

4 U.S. CDC, Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV)

5 U.S. CDC, Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV), Symptoms and Care

6, 8, 16, 17 Moderna January 17, 2023

7 Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News January 20, 2023

10 Nature Communications May 8, 2019; 10: 2105

11 World Economic Forum, COVID-19: What’s Next? January 17, 2022

12, 13 World Economic Forum, COVID-19: What’s Next? January 17, 2022, 7:20

14 Substack, Eugyppius January 19, 2022

15, 18, 22 The Highwire January 25, 2023

19 DARPA, Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3)

20, 21 Moderna September 12, 2019

23 Nature December 15, 2022

24, 25 Int J Clin Pract. 2020 Oct 28: e13795

26 Nature January 27, 2023

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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William Burns’ surprisingly accurate assessment of Russian-Chinese ties coincides with Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s upcoming trip to Beijing, which is aimed at advancing the incipient Sino-American New Détente. The CIA chief is thus tempering expectations about how far their discussions over far-reaching mutual compromises will go so that nobody gets the false expectation that China will dump Russia as a quid pro quo for comparatively “normalizing” ties with the US.

An Unexpected Narrative Development

The US is simultaneously waging information warfare campaigns against Russia and China, including those which are aimed at manipulating perceptions about their partnership by falsely suggesting an impending split between them, which is why CIA Director William Burns’ latest assessment was so surprising. Despite all the lies that he and his institution have pushed in the past, he deserves credit for finally setting the record straight about those two’s relations.

The Truth About Russian-Chinese Ties

According to Reuters, he told the participants at a Georgetown University event on Thursday that “I think it’s a mistake to underestimate the mutual commitment to that partnership, but it’s not a friendship totally without limits.” In a single sentence, he rubbished the false narrative about a supposedly impending Sino-Russian split as well as the equally false one claiming that those two have allegedly formed an “alliance” against the US-led West’s Golden Billion in the New Cold War.

Detailed insight into their relations can be obtained by reviewing the following seven analyses:

They’ll now be summarized for the convenience of those who don’t have the time to read them.

In brief, Russia and China closely cooperate on their shared goal of gradually reforming International Relations in order to end unipolarity, but there are limits to how far they’ll go. Beijing balked at supporting Moscow’s special operation since it fears Washington’s secondary sanctions, and it’s presently exploring the parameters of far-reaching mutual compromises with the US. Nevertheless, it’s unrealistic to predict an impending Sino-Russian split since their ties remain mutually beneficial.

Assessing American Sincerity Towards The New Detente

Burns’ surprisingly accurate assessment of their ties coincides with Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s upcoming trip to Beijing, which is aimed at advancing the incipient New Détente. The CIA chief is thus tempering expectations about how far their discussions over far-reaching mutual compromises will go so that nobody gets the false expectation that China will dump Russia. What both parties really want is to explore whether it’s possible to comparatively “normalize” their bilateral relations for the time being.

The Military-Strategic Imperatives For Temporarily “Normalizing” Chinese-American Relations

The immediate motivation in doing so is to preemptively avert a conventional conflict between them by miscalculation, which neither can afford to have happen. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published a study last month of what it claimed were the most extensive war-game simulations ever conducted over a potential Taiwan Conflict, which concluded that this scenario would be mutually disadvantageous for the American and Chinese militaries.

Adding a sense of urgency to all of this, a memo from four-star Air Force General Mike Minihan leaked at the end of January where he warned his officers that they should be ready to fight a conventional war against China by 2025. The Pentagon subsequently distanced itself from his prediction, but the resultant impression was that at least one faction within the US’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) is actively pining for war with China, which raises serious concerns.

That scandal broke out around the same time that the influential RAND Corporation published a study advising against an indefinite perpetuation of NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine on the partial basis that this scenario would degrade the US’ military-strategic capabilities against China. These three events over the past month confirm that threat perceptions of China are once again on the minds of American decisionmakers after they’ve spent the last year obsessing over Russia.

The US’ Strategic Recalibration In The New Cold War

Coupled with the ongoing discussions over a New Détente, the CIA chief’s surprisingly accurate assessment of Russian-Chinese relations, and Blinken’s upcoming trip to Beijing, it’s possible to intuit the ways in which the US is recalibrating its strategic calculations in the New Cold War. The first observation is that the US is beginning to realize that the Ukrainian Conflict is sapping its military capabilities that could otherwise have been invested in more effectively “containing” China.

The New York Times reported in late November that the US’ military-industrial complex can’t indefinitely sustain the pace, scale, and scope of armed assistance to Kiev. This was seconded last month by Naval Secretary Carlos Del Toro, who said that his country might soon have to choose whether to meet its minimum national security needs or Ukraine’s. The emerging dilemma is that the US must either find a “save-facing” retreat from that proxy war or further delay its “Pivot to Asia” against China.

The second observation is that the seemingly inevitable transition from prioritizing Russia’s “containment” to China’s will take some time to achieve since the US cannot refocus the bulk of its military efforts from Europe to the Asia-Pacific right away. This process has already started as evidenced by NATO’s de facto expansion to that part of the hemisphere via AUKUS+, which refers to this US-centric network’s informal inclusion of Japan, the Philippines, and likely also the Republic of Korea.

Building upon this, the third observation is that the US’ interests are best served by achieving the comparative “normalization” of ties with China during his interim period instead of risking a conventional conflict by miscalculation before its aforementioned military posturing is complete. Even though the preceding worst-case scenario would be mutually disadvantageous like the CSIS predicted, China might still feel compelled to initiate it as a last-resort out of desperation to safeguard its interests.

With this in mind, the fourth observation is that the US must manage China’s threat perceptions of it during this sensitive military-strategic transition in order to prevent that from happening, ergo why it’s reciprocating President Xi Jinping’s interest in a New Détente that he initiated last November. His calculations are also to buy time for his country too, albeit in the hopes that China’s military capabilities will make such a “great leap forward” in the next few years that they’ll successfully deter the US.

And finally, regardless of whatever series of mutual compromises that China and the US might agree to in pursuit of this mutually beneficial end of comparatively “normalizing” their ties for the time being, both acknowledge that it’s unrealistic to expect it to include the scenario of China dumping Russia. This last observation about the US’ recalibrated grand strategic calculations in the New Cold War places Burns’ surprisingly accurate assessment of Russian-Chinese relations in their proper context.

Strategic Dynamics Of The Seemingly Intractable Sino-American Security Dilemma

The CIA chief doesn’t want anyone on his side to get false expectations about the outcome of the ongoing discussions over a Sino-American New Détente lest some “deep state” factions seek to sabotage this process out of spite that it doesn’t include an anti-Russian dimension. This doesn’t mean that he’ll succeed, but just that he’s doing his utmost to clarify the limits to the far-reaching mutual compromises that they might agree to so as to buy time for their military posturing against one another.

Basically, the US is finally realizing that it failed to “contain” Russia and is thus depleting valuable military resources by indefinitely perpetuating this unsuccessful campaign that could otherwise be more effectively invested in attempting to “contain” China, which is America’s only systemic rival. The real battle of the 21st century isn’t going to be between the US and Russia over Ukraine, but between the US and China over which of those two will become the predominant power in the emerging world order.

Even so, neither of them wants a conventional conflict to break out since it would be mutually disadvantageous, hence why they’d rather militarily posture against one another in the hopes of gaining an edge vis-à-vis their rival and thus deterring them from initiating that worst-case scenario. Therein lies the crux of their security dilemma though since each might still in theory feel compelled to proactively avert the other’s selfsame posturing that they consider to be an unacceptable threat to their interests.

To explain, China might initiate regional military hostilities in the near future out of fear that the window of opportunity for preventing its comprehensive “containment” by the US via AUKUS+ is rapidly closing. Similarly, the US might initiate the same – whether indirectly by ordering Taiwan to cross Beijing’s red lines via a “declaration of independence” or even directly through a “first strike” – out of fear that failing to do so sometime soon would lead to China making strong enough military strides that fully deter it.

In other words, the Sino-American security dilemma is defined by both fearing that the other’s evolving military postures in the Asia-Pacific will give them an edge that could then be leveraged to blackmail their rival into some sort of unacceptable strategic concessions. What’s so dangerous about these dynamics is at that both the lead-up to that scenario as well as this scenario itself are fraught with tremendous risk that one or the other will proactively initiate military hostilities to avert that outcome.

This insight shows how unprecedentedly high the global strategic stakes are when it comes to their ongoing discussions over a New Détente. China and the US each want to at least temporarily delay the seemingly inevitable exacerbation of their military rivalry, yet they’re also unsure whether doing so will truly give them an edge over the other or if it’ll inadvertently compel their counterpart to proactively initiate hostilities out of perceived desperation if they think the window of opportunity is closing.

As it presently stands, however, there seems to be a shaky consensus between them that it’s better to go forward with temporarily delaying everything than risk their tensions quickly spiraling out of control if they refuse to do so. This observation is evidenced by the progress that’s been achieved thus far as proven by Blinken’s upcoming trip to Beijing aimed at taking their talks even further, as well as the CIA chief’s timely clarification that the US shouldn’t expect China to dump Russia as an implied quid pro quo.

Concluding Thoughts

If the US wasn’t serious about temporarily putting off the seemingly inevitable exacerbation of military tensions with China, then Burns wouldn’t have unexpectedly told the truth about Russian-Chinese ties at this particular point in time in order to temper expectations about the New Détente. From this, it can be concluded that the US is seriously considering a “face-saving” exit strategy from the Ukrainian Conflict later this year in order to gradually refocus on prioritizing China’s “containment” over Russia’s.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Bennett, who was prime minister and then alternate prime minister in Israel during a confusing period of coalition politics prior to the return of Benjamin Netanyahu as head of government in December, said that “there was a good chance of reaching a ceasefire” before the Western powers “curbed” negotiations in a wide-ranging interview uploaded to YouTube.

Israel is one of a number of states traditionally seen as being aligned with the West, along with the likes of India and Turkey, which have played little or no part in efforts to support Ukraine militarily or engage in the sanctions war with Russia, with Bennett explaining that while “the Americans expect… that we all rally for Ukraine” this would not necessarily have been in Israel’s interests.

By way of example, Bennett cited Israeli interests in Syria, where “once or twice a week we attack the Iranian presence… Russia, the superpower, has the S-300 there, and if they press the button Israeli pilots will fall.”

“Who will save them? Biden? Zelensky? It [would have been] my problem,” he said, having earlier suggested that he had “made sure that Israel would have free rein in Syria” during his first in-person meeting with President Vladimir Putin — an ally of the Syrian and Iranian governments — prior the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“[M]y focus is on Israel’s interests… My people,” Bennett said, explaining why he chose to position himself as a more non-aligned mediator between Putin and Zelensky after the outbreak of hostilities — and claiming that, without Western interference, his efforts might have succeeded.

Perhaps one of the more embarrassing claims made by Bennett with respect to the early period of the war is that he personally secured a guarantee from Putin that he would not kill President Volodymyr Zelensky, with the Ukrainian leader allegedly “in a secret bunker” before this promise was made.

Only after Bennett informed Zelensky of this gentleman’s agreement “by WhatsApp or Telegram”, the Israeli claimed, did the Ukrainian “[go] to his office and [film] himself there on his phone” saying “I’m not afraid.”

Of greater geopolitical consequence, however, is Bennett’s account of his efforts to mediate a ceasefire between the two sides, which saw him fly into Russia and then Germany — despite having previously “made a point of never setting foot in Germany because of the Holocaust” — in search of a compromise agreement.

Bennett said that he had approached U.S. President Joe Biden, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan before becoming “a pipeline” for negotiations between Putin and Zelensky, and that everything was “fully coordinated” with Biden, President Emmanuel Macron of France, then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany — who was said to be “very distressed” by the impact of the war on his country’s supply of Russian gas.

Click here to read the full article on Breitbart.


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The United Kingdom will train Ukrainian fighter pilots and provide long-range weapons to Kiev forces, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said in a statement on February 8, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in London on a visit.

“I am proud that today we will expand that training from soldiers to marines and fighter jet pilots,” Sunak said.

According to a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office, Ukrainian pilots will develop skills that will allow them to be able to “fly sophisticated NATO-standard fighter jets in the future.”

The office didn’t clarify on which fighter jets Ukrainian pilots will be trained. The Royal Air Force is currently mainly made of Eurofighter Typhoon jets.

London intends to coordinate efforts in this area with its allies in order to “meet Ukraine’s defense needs.” Earlier, the Prime Minister’s Office noted that the shortest jet pilot training course lasts 36 months.

“[Sunak] will also offer to begin an immediate training programme for marines. That training will be in addition to the recruit training programme already running in the UK, which has seen 10,000 Ukrainian troops brought to battle readiness in the last six months, and which will upskill a further 20,000 Ukrainian soldiers this year,” the Prime Minister’s Office said, adding that the program will be additionally expanded this year.

“The Prime Minister will also offer to provide Ukraine with longer range capabilities,” the statement reads. The main goal of this step is to “disrupt Russia’s ability” to target Ukrainian facilities, as well as to “help relieve pressure on Ukraine’s frontlines.”

The exact type of the long-range weapons in question was not revealed. One of the UK’s main long-range systems is the Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missile, which can hit ground targets as far as 560 kilometers away from its launch point.

The UK was one of few countries that began shipping weapons to Kiev forces even before the start of the Russian special military operation last year.

Under the leadership of Sunak, the UK continues to push for more armament for Ukraine. Last month, London pledged to supply 14 Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Kiev forces, which opened the way for other Western countries to provide similar modern tanks. Now, it is apparently trying to promote the rehabilitation of the Ukrainian Air Force.


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Featured image: A Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 flies past the audience during the 2019 Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford, England, July 20, 2019. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jennifer Zima)