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First published on February 6, 2022



“This is why I am pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement with BioNTech-Pfizer to, once again, speed up the delivery of vaccines. 50 million additional doses of BioNTech-Pfizer vaccines will be delivered in quarter 2 of this year, starting in April….I want to thank BioNTech-Pfizer. It has proven to be a reliable partner. It has delivered on its commitments, and it is responsive to our needs. This is to the immediate benefit of EU citizens.

 – Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission [1]


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In a recent report, Albert Bourla, the chairman and chief executive of the global pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc accepted the prestigious Genesis award for his work leading to the very first vaccine for COVID-19 to be authorized for distribution in the U.S. and Europe. [2]

This prize is a million dollar U.S. award granted each year to an individual for “professional achievements, contributions to humanity and commitment to Jewish values.” [3]

Cited among reasons expressed for this season’s choice was Pfizer’s decision to turn down funding from the U.S. government early on “ a decision that helped the company reduce bureaucracy and expedite development of the vaccine.” (Although this courtesy does not extend to all the booster shots many are being coerced into taking as we move forward.) [4][5]

But with all the praise this massive drug dispenser has been getting, there exists a disturbing reality at the heart of it. As researcher Dr Gary G. Kohls put it quite bluntly in a recent article, “Pfizer has faced thousands of lawsuits for fraudulent marketing and medical injuries caused by some of its most profitable, drugs.” This includes a criminal record with the U.S. Department of Justice on charges of fraudulent marketing back in 2009! Pfizer had to pay $2.3 billion in fines, penalties and settlements. [6]

In related news, according to a recent article for the Brussels Correspondent, the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen refused to disclose the texts of a discussion with Bourla after a freedom of information request. The text exchange was connected with discussions to purchase $1.8 billion COVID vaccines for the European population in April of 2021 – basically four shots for every man, woman and child in Europe – and long before Omicron! [7]

With a track record like this, one wonders how we keep this company operating as leaders let alone inheriting laurels!

Incidentally, the opposite is true of the Freedom Convoy 2022. Many thousands of Canadians and their vehicles have arrived in Ottawa to protest against the mandates to take the Pfizer and other vaccines for COVID-19. They are supported by countless Canadians who themselves are compelled and coerced into taking it.

The media and our politicians cannot express one fraction of concern for Pfizer given its record. Yet they cannot resist the impulse to shine the majority of the convoy in the spotlight of a few as yet unidentified individuals engaging in desecration of a war memorial, carrying a swastika, being rude to food banks and so forth. This in spite of the organizers themselves speaking out and condemning such acts!

What more can we find out about the pursuits of Pfizer within the COVID vaccine craze, Pfizer’s goals in the industry, the media and ultimately in health care itself? These are a few of the challenging questions we will set a course to address in this week’s Global Research News Hour.

In the first half hour, we speak with Professor Michel Chossudovsky about the document on early adverse effects of the Pfizer COVID vaccine and how this document itself acts as a “smoking gun” blasting away the safety assurances coming from Health Canada and the FDA. He also mentions the size of the company and how it uses its resources to dominate the industry as a whole.

In our second half hour, we are joined by Johnny Vedmore, who has studied extensively on Pfizer Inc and reveals the many tentacles of power it has extended into every facet of life.

Michel Chossudovsky is Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization in, Montreal, and Editor of Global Research. He is Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, and award wining author of 11 books including The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015) .

Johnny Vedmore is a completely independent investigative journalist and musician from Cardiff, Wales. His work aims to expose the powerful people who are overlooked by other journalists and bring new information to his readers. He writes for and for his own

(Global Research News Hour Episode 341)


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Transcript – Interview with Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Jan. 25, 2022

Global Research: It’s a pleasure to have you back Professor Chossudovsky! Maybe to start, you could point out the fact that Pfizer actually has a criminal record, and their account is sound…maybe you could relate to our listeners a little bit more about their whole rejection of being straightforward with their freedom of information.

Michael Chossudovsky: Let me first address the issue of this confidential Pfizer report which was released under freedom of information. It’s a MASSIVE report. I’ve reviewed part of it, and I can say essentially this data revealed – refutes the official vaccine narrative peddled by the governments and the World Health Organization. It comes from the horse’s mouth! It comes from Pfizer! And this means that in as much as what is presented in this report, which is drafted by Phizer, pertaining to the impacts of the vaccine on mortality and morbidity, that data emanates from them! It can now be used, and it should be used to confront both Pfizer and the governments and the WHO and the media! And that report in a Court of Law should be presented as evidence.

And why is it irrefutable? Because it is THEIR data! And THEIR estimates! And not those of independent observers.

So, I think what is significant in this confidential report which is now in the public domain, is the fact that YES it is the #Killer virus! And it is a Mea Culpa on the part of Pfizer!

Now, let me revert to your question on Pfizer’s criminal record. And not many people know about this because the media doesn’t report on it. And I think it is of relevance that if you’re going to be vaccinated by a company which has a criminal record, you should be informed!

And bear in mind, this is the ONLY company in the United States of America which has a criminal record with the U.S. Department of Justice! And we should distinguish between the class action lawsuits which are civilian – it’s not criminal, okay? In other words there was a class action lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson – actually it’s still ongoing.

But as far as Pfizer is concerned, they were accused in 2009 of fraudulent marketing. And they – well, there was an agreement with the company. Pfizer pays $2.3 billion for fraudulent marketing. It goes to the Department of Justice. Okay? It’s a criminal lawsuit! And it’s a settlement.

Bear in mind that when you have a criminal lawsuit, normally you can arrest people. Okay? They negotiated this with the lawyers. And what they had was a so-called “corporate integrity agreement” which essentially is equivalent to Pfizer on probation for a period of four years. In other words, it was the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States which was essentially acting as parole officer on behalf of the Department of Justice. And what was understood is that Pfizer would go back to a normal honest life, and that this entity of the U.S. government would be detecting misconduct on the part of Pfizer Inc.

Now, that is the background and very few people know about it. And it’s the only case!

And now we have a situation, which is far more serious in fraudulent marketing. We have a company marketing a killer vaccine, and I use this  term because the confidential report which is now in the public domain confirms it! And all the data confirm it!

GR: Well, what about the idea that – I mean – you’ve got regulatory agencies, the FDA, Health Canada, they are saying “NO, this is not a killer vaccine. It’s safe!” Does that imply that Pfizer is somehow manipulating them in some way to get the vaccine (approved) to get the statements that they want to get?

MC: Well you know, Health Canada doesn’t publish the data on adverse events and mortality. The United States does it, it’s theirs. The European Union does it, it’s EMA, the European Medicines Agency. We have tons of information from these three – well, European Union, United Kingdom and United States – to say unequivocally that there is an upward trend in mortality and morbidity, and I can say that worldwide. We’re receiving reports from different countries.

Now, Health Canada, the first thing that we should ask Health Canada: reveal the data!

It’s not an issue of constitutional rights here. It goes much further! We have a vaccine which is killing people, and Health Canada has the responsibility to publish the data of vaccine related adverse events and mortality as is done in the United States, Britain and many other countries around the world.

Now I should mention this one very important element which has emerged in late December. Thailand has acknowledged not only the deaths and adverse events, it has implemented a program of compensating the victims of the vaccine! The data is available!

There was something of the order of 8000 complaints which were accepted by the Royal Thai government. At an earlier stage in my life, I worked for the Royal Thai government. A contract with CIDA. But bear in mind, a country like Thailand with a very large population – much larger than the population of Canada, very structured public sector, and so on – takes the decision – and it’s a member of the United Nations and it’s a member of the WHO – takes the decision to compensate the victims. It opens up a precedent.

It opens up a legal precedent. It opens up you might say a Pandora’s box because it is now setting a precedent that the government has actually accepted the fact that this is not a vaccine but a dangerous substance which threatens the lives of people in Thailand and, of course, worldwide.

GR: Yeah, it’ll be interesting to see if any other countries jump on board soon!

MC: I don’t see other countries jumping on board, and this revelation on Thailand has been kept secret – well it’s public but at the same time – and people know about it in Thailand – but it’s not something which has been discussed worldwide. It’s important!

But there are other elements which are emerging. There is a police investigation of the United Kingdom directed against the government of Boris Johnson. It’s run by the London Metropolitan Police, okay?

GR: Yeah!

MC: And it is ongoing! And then there is also – also from the United Kingdom, there’s a registered case with International Criminal Court of Justice in The Hague, and it is presenting the fact that this vaccine is a criminal undertaking inasmuch as the governments are fully aware of the data, they have access to the data of other countries which actually – I mean – Health Canada must have the data somewhere in. And it’s a double crime there. They’re not revealing it to the public, on the one hand, and they’re ignoring the fact that adverse events are taking place. And they’re forcing people to get vaccinated so this constitutes a whole series of criminal acts.

And I say it’s not simply an issue of informed consent or the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We’re beyond that!

GR: Yeah…

MC: And it’s the first time in history that a vaccine has had that kind of impact. We could go back to the polio vaccine years back, which was actually discontinued because it was resulting in adverse events, paralysis and death and so on. But it was withdrawn!

So, what we are asking our governments to do is to withdraw this killer vaccine! To withdraw it! There’s no other avenue, and it is not negotiable because it is a criminal act!

GR: Yeah. Okay, I just want to ask you one final point, not so much about the criminal behaviour of Pfizer but also its size. It’s going to be getting into a merger soon with another company. This would make it a much more impressive in terms of – in relation to the other pharmaceutical corporations. You said that they were responsible for getting AstraZeneca (due to its adverse effects) in other countries to get in danger when in fact the same level of injuries – or in fact Pfizer had more injuries than AstraZeneca did. So how do you propose that Pfizer actually achieves that?

MC: Let me go back a little bit in history. And this is something that people don’t know about.

Back in August of 2019, the two big giants, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer entered into an agreement. It wasn’t a merger. But it was a commitment to collaborate. There you have the two big monopolies. GlaxoSithKline is not directly involved in marketing vaccines, but it of course produces various substances which are used in the vaccines, and it’s worldwide and both these companies have partners in China and various other countries. But – there is certainly a big component of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry which is involved, but much more let’s say in the production phase rather than at the level of intellectual property.

But, let me just refer to something which is absolutely fundamental. Back in April of last year, in fact it was March that Pfizer entered into negotiations with the European Union for the delivery of – and listen to that – for the delivery of 1.8 billion doses of their vaccine. And if you look at the numbers, 1.8 billion doses is four times the population – exactly four times the population – of the European Union.

And that order came after an initial delivery of – I don’t have all the figures on that – but we’re talking about the fulfillment of contracts which are in the billions. Literally in the billions! Both in North America as well as in the European Union. And this was negotiated with Ursula von der Leyen who was president of the EU Commission. And she made a statement back in April that the negotiations had been launched. And she also thanked Pfizer and it’s German partner BioNTech, and they said they were reliable partners of the European Union.

Of course, how can Pfizer be a reliable partner when just a few years earlier they were indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice for fraudulent marketing?

And incidentally, Al Capone was indicted for tax evasion!

There’s a whole level of corruption, of blackmailing, underlying the relationship between the entities of the European Union and nation states and the pharmaceutical industries. And then of course in addition to the – to all this fraudulent behaviour, there is the substance of what is inside these vaccines. And what is inside the vaccines is a killer!

We are still in the process of investigating the vaccines. There’s a whole issue of the graphene oxide or graphene hydra-oxide. There’s the issue of magnetism within the vial of the vaccine. And so on, so forth. And the evidence is overwhelming! And the evidence is overwhelming both revealed by scientists but also revealed – and that’s very important – by the official data of adverse events and mortality associated with this so-called mRNA vaccine which according to scientific opinion is not a vaccine.

GR: Well, Professor Chossudovsky, we really appreciate having you on again and elaborating a little bit on this bombshell of a report. Thank you so much for your time!

MC: Delighted to be on the program. Best wishes!

Transcript- Interview with Johnny Vedmore, Jan. 21, 2022

Part One

Global Research: Joining us to talk about some of the history of Pfizer and the way they operate we are joined by Johnny Vedmore. He’s an independent investigative journalist as well as a musician. He’s based in Cardiff Wales. He contributes to the Unlimited Hangout which is Whitney Webb’s site. Johnny Vedmore welcome to the Global Research News Hour

Johnny Vedmore: Hi, nice to be here. Nice to speak to you. Finally.

GR: So I assume you followed the recent disclosure of the Pfizer documents? I need given what you’ve learned about them, does any of it surprise you?

JV: No and at the moment what we’re going through is a time where we going to see lots of information come out constantly. And what I find incredible is that people can sift through this information so quickly and actually get to the relevant points and I think this does a service to the normal sifts and journalists out there the researchers who are really there – a load of researchers out there who are constantly doing work, and are really, really talented at this stuff. They don’t necessarily have the ability to get out there and go, but they’re the ones who released this information, go through it, sift through it after the release and I find the really important points, and you’ll see in these points echoed in loads of different things that are coming out at the moment including – I know there was a report in New Zealand that came out where they were saying that basically the mortality and the adverse reactions it’s looking to be 30 times higher than any other vaccine.

Which where they’ve seen other figures recently that’s been coming from these other deposits of information, I don’t know what to call them because you always want to refer to them as leaks of information, because they’re only being given up – like you said – only given up because people have put pressure on them.

So in a sense they are like leaks. They’re leaks they just could not stop. They could not keep up those little bits, could not seal them off, and it’s been really important to see what the problems are, and the problems range from anything from like nerve damage.

So we’ve got like myocarditis and pericarditis and all those different effects. Death of course which is the most severe that you can get, some would say, some others would say not when they’re stuck on the wheelchair unable to speak for the rest of their life, as many as loads of other things like blood clots and lots of other problems. And these problems, they’re going to leave people having to ask more questions.

What I find disappointing the most disappointing is that with all the flood of this information you’re still seeing that the majority of people who have some form of profile and then experience the side effects after having a jab and then come out and say it, say in the same breath, “I’m really happy that these vaccines have saved a lot of lives. But this is what they’ve done to me.”

And I always find that’s when the saddest thing, the normal human reaction that often comes from, I believe comes from I want a self preservation of the ego so you don’t feel like you’ve been tricked or duped or that something’s gone wrong…because you can’t have people who are fit and healthy having– including a lot of athletes and stuff– coming down with such bad side effects publicly and it does seem like a mass psychosis event. It does seem like that. It does seem like we’re living in an imaginary world, and we think that’s normal.

And a lot of this comes down to…a lot of the problem we have at the moment is that we’re about to see that flood of information increase at such a level, because they will be creating document after document after document to make it harder for these many researchers to sift through it and actually get answers to any of the questions.

So Pfizer and their people will be looking into trying to flood the zone, as was said in Event 201 by I believe it was Matthew Harrington who said basically flooding the zone looks like putting out as much information as possible and making it impossible for any other news to come to the surface, you know, that sort of thing.

The other thing about a lot of the information that comes out one of the most concerning issues, I think, through the whole covid pandemic relating to these vaccinations, which a lot of people don’t like to call them them vaccinations because they are answering the medical procedure, really. Or medical interventions, they’re not really having to be there.

One of the most interesting things is that the batch types of these Pfizer vaccines had a different level of adverse side effects and death, and so batch types were sent to certain areas that will result in worse rates than other areas, and I find that information to be extremely suspicious because we know there’s an agenda. We know, we’ve heard about the agenda to get rid of the useless eaters and all of this. We’ve heard about that. Now, we’re always dealing with on the edge of rounds of conspiracy theory because it sounds like imaginary, it sounds like a silly imaginary thing, the idea that we could be entering again after all we’ve learned and all of this, That we’d be collectively entering into a point of mass extermination or depopulation by methods that seem underhand.

But when you’re seeing batch numbers being sent to certain areas that will have a higher death rate, and you wonder how are those actually chosen, and who decides who gets who and what gets what, it reminds me of standing in one of those modern Tech Museums – I can’t remember what it’s called, but it was in Bristol, it was like an exhibition I was in. I looked up recently . And it had one of the oldest philosophical issues in front. And it’s supposed to make you think, but to be honest the whole place seemed like it was manufacturing consent for doing rather than thinking about it, because these philosophical problems are not something that you should take, you should use as part of your toolkit unless you really have to. And this is what’s being used.

But the philosophy that if you’ve got one old person and they do this – one old person on a train track and on another train track you’ve got five people and the trains approaching and what do you do? Do you allow the five people, do you change the track, so that it only kills the one person. And everybody’s always going to say, well you change the track, and then it has, and gives you the idea, oh well actually I can make a decision that can save lives, but in return I have to take a life!

And that sort of fundamental idea that has entered into, I think it’s ever prevalent, and not talked about that much, and it’s really symbolic in that one philosophical idea of do you allow one person to die or five people to die and what’s your basis on? Seeding that into the environment, I think has happened a lot. And this Pfizer jab being different, having different effects, different batch numbers is a real suspicious addition to the equation.

GR: Well yeah when Pfizer joined the race to get a covid vaccine, it intended to use the MRNA, a novice brand new thing which is not a DNA vaccine, by the way, but you do see a connection there. Could you just explain that?

JV: Yeah and it’s really hard to research. As a researcher who goes into family histories, and the elite, the powerful sort of connections of the elites in the past and present, it’s really difficult to look at a science of such complicated level, and really understand it. I did a lot of research into it.

My only think of it is that this vaccination works by, instead of, where messenger and mRNA, DNA splits into two, goes through a cell wall, because DNA can’t fit through that cell wall, and then a piece of mRNA attaches to that and then it codes for a protein to be sent. Instead of doing the vaccination, working on that process of replacing that point, it skips to down the line and just calls for that protein to be brought. But that protein is a protein that is causing a lot of the effects.

So, I mean, this spike, this S spike protein, I think people discussed it a little bit at the start, and what the scientific consensus that wasn’t from the mainstream, because the mainstream was, oh, this came from a lab, or was from bat and etc, Even though the other scientists could provide evidence why that was obviously not. 99.9 percent of it came from an animal, but the 0.1 percent of it was a 12 nucleotide insert and that 12-Nucleotide insert is made up of a little bunch of things that’s going to ask for a certain type of proteins to be made. That basically is the spike protein, the S Spike protei you hear so much about, I believe anyway. Put it into that virus, put it into an animal virus inside the laboratory they’ve inserted that – gain of function to make it no longer just in the animal but to allow it to cross over to humans.

And what that Spike protein apparently is, the S protein is from the HIV virus. So they’ve taken it out of there and they’ve placed it in there to make it so that it hooks on better. Because that’s why HIV was so terrible. So that’s what they wanted to do for some reason, that’s what you want to do. You want to create a hook onto it . So that then creates that process, the vaccination creates this rolling process of you calling more of what’s more likely to harm you. Now that’s my understanding of it..

And they’ll say, oh you’re wrong, you don’t understand anything. And it’s true I don’t understand a lot. You know there’s elements of what they say is going to be true, but if you cannot explain to me the medical intervention and how it works so that I could understand it when I’ve got a lot of experience in going through scientific journals and scientific papers and understanding quite complicated stuff, through lots of like time of trying to learn it, if I can’t understand it, then the average Joe on the street who doesn’t take any notice of science is definitely not going to understand it, and that means it’s not got factor of consent. You cannot consent to a medical intervention if you can’t understand how it works and the person who makes it can’t explain it to you in simple terms. It’s simply that.

Because every time they have to try and explain it in too much detail, they have to try and explain where this bit come from or what that bit come from, Or how that’s different or why it’s different from this. Wait a minute, why is this different from this? Why is this? Well, they have to explain it because it’s something they’re discovering themselves. It’s still an ongoing research project.

One thing you discover is as well is that in about 2014, 2015 maybe a little bit later than that, in Britain alone, there were something like a hundred different lab breaches, in, uh, whichever lab is their main Ministry of Defense lab at the moment. And so this is something that is really common all around the place. These guys are doing really dangerous research, really dangerous viruses, it’s like one of those breaches in lab security was they were testing ebola, that they’ve given dead infected into animals. They’ve managed to create ebola in some bovines, some cows I believe they were, a cow, and they were testing it on what ebola does to a cow when it kills them.

Obviously it’s like that sort of gain of function trans-species mutation of viruses in laboratories are happening in Britain, and that just should not be, we shouldn’t be bringing these viruses … I understand the idea, you have to do some research, okay, if a virus is in a country you send all your scientists to that country and you do your research while that virus is there in that country.

You don’t create the viruses. I just do not believe in this. And a lot of this research is based on this mRNA technology which was, really, like, you know, fundamentally, like, all works apart from this one little bit we can’t get a grasp on. We can’t get an understanding of, which I think basically, something that, which I think it’s called an agitator or something, something that causes a response to your immune system. And you have to bond that, bond that onto something, and they couldn’t find it, and they ended up with like those lipid nanoparticles and things like that. And all of that stuff is known for having some form of toxicity. That is a known.

Now the problem with a lot of these experiments nowadays, a lot of these companies, is that if it’s unknown, that means it’s fair game. So they do this as well with the response to the virus and how they calculate the adverse effects of a vaccine. So they say we’re not going to count, we’re not going to check, no one has to report it, its not mandatory, you don’t have to… 1 to 10 percent may report it if they want, we won’t do any research into that, but we’ll tell you, we’ll tell you for sure that it’s doing this that’s the opposite of what the research would actually tell us if we do it. So it’s like don’t look, don’t tell policy. We don’t look at the research, we don’t research it, we don’t check the numbers, so it’s not happening.


Part Two

GR: Talk a bit about this scandalous behaviour of Pfizer. I mean there’s a history of it that’s documented in the court’s record, I mean you talk about some of the more dynamic cases in their past that should raise a few flags about some of their products.

JV: Well I mean I, I’ve got to say I’m not the most knowledgeable person about everything in the world relating to Pfizer, but I did my research on them, and some of the things that you… One of the things I focused in on was the case in Nigeria.

I think it was in the nineties, where they come into test some medicine that was really potentially unnecessary, I think, on pregnant women. And then there was loads of birth defects. As soon as people started dying, I mean the birth defects weren’t discovered till later, and other things weren’t discovered till later, but the actual, as soon as people started dying, and things started going wrong, and people started noticing, and people started seeing it, the scientists just packed up the whole operation and left straight away. They had no intention

And did this would then – people would try and get justice for these people. And for the next like ten years, Pfizer would do everything in its power to put legal pressure on these people who were poor people from Nigeria community, and that’s a lot different than what it’s like living in the west, when you from… poor Nigerian town up north to be tested on by these guys and you’ve got some sort of, you’re done for life, you know, you can’t work anymore…these people have to work lots. They have to work much harder than us. They have to carry things, they have to look after people. Some of them were…obviously couldn’t have kids or couldn’t have a normal life so they’re seen as sterile and their lives would be affected forever, that’s a tragedy within itself.

But the Pfizer, Pfizer would do their best to obfuscate and to every point in court, to refuse to take any responsibility until eventually they said basically, “okay, we’ll say that it could have been but we’re not sure and we’ll pay you like something.” I don’t know, it was like a pittance, each person got maybe a thousand pound if they were lucky or something.

You know oh, they really didn’t get… And then they go on and act as though this is normal, it’s normal behaviour, this is what we do. So, a lot of the things about Pfizer, a lot of these things about these big pharmaceutical companies, they gain this, all of this behavior they do all of these different times, because that’s just one of many.

I’m sure there’s many people who can tell you every single thing that Pfizer has done, and I come across a lot of them, but I wouldn’t want to speak about things, I’m not necessarily, like I’d make mistakes on, and a lot of the stuff I read I didn’t go into in great detail because quite simply there was so much of it. These people they get – go on, sorry.

GR: Maybe you could talk a little bit about the role of Pfizer in contorting the regulation in the FDA. Because I mean, it’s not just within Pfizer but it’s going out, in fact I know, for example, a former Pfizer employee Patrizia Cavazzoni ended up as director at the FDA.

JV: Yeah, yeah well this is what they do, they swap in between. The other thing I discovered is when I did research on the Pfizer people, what you discover is that the people who were interviewing the Pfizer people back in the day, were given this manufactured version of events, and just like, you know, doing puff pieces for these people. These people would go on later to work for Pfizer and companies and vice versa when Pfizer employees caught three of them I think, in one of the cases, I think three of them got caught sending emails to each other that they were trying to play down and they got caught out.

And so those three actors step down and they all go into the media and then report doing the same thing! Going to there now the links with these pharmaceutical companies in the media then they’re just representatives, or they go into the PR into the back offices. A lot of these people don’t actually have any type of, like, punishment for their crimes this way. It’s a big circle. It’s a big circle.

And a lot of the funding, a lot of the funding in government etc, a lot of the adverts on TV and now you’ll see are sponsored by the people who can pay for them easily because their earning so much money. And that’s companies like Pfizer. Now a lot of these companies, big companies I’ve done research on, GlaxoSmithKline in the past – which was SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Welcome or whatever, all of these different things – these companies merge, change, and they rebrand every, say, thirty years I’d say, it seems, because they need to. Because they come up to a point when the scandal’s too much and they’d have to pay way too much money out, that they just have to say okay we’re going to split the company in two, sell this off to this, sell this off to this, and that’s happened multiple times throughout history and will happen again I believe.

Any of these companies, Pfizer or something, they’ll get bought out by Eli Lilly or something like this, another company will come along, and really it’ll still be the same people making the same money, owning it the same way, the same people will be on board running it the same way. Anybody who has to have their head on the chopping block of a company like Pfizer or one of the big pharmaceutical companies, we’ll just be moved up into even another department which is never for you see a lot. It’s often they say, yeah this person did bad, we’re going to send them over to this department where they’re out of the Limelight.

These people don’t really take responsibility, or these big companies, and the people working inside them don’t take responsibility for any of the actions–

GR: What’s that going to do overtime, I mean if you’re working in Pfizer, I mean, like a company that’s able to avoid accountability as you say maybe there are attempts to cut corners whatever, what does that do to them as individuals doing their work, I mean, is it–

JV: Well, I think to get into the talk of Big Pharma in the first place, you probably got to be pretty narcissistic with a massive ego.

So the people running down at the lower levels I always feel a bit sorry for a lot of the people, because you’ve seen good people work in these companies, like the people who have the same intentions as many nurses have when they go into work at a hospital, the idea that I’m going to do good, I’m going to help people, I’m going to look after people, but when they actually get into it, all they’re doing is, their basic standard operating procedure. Research they’re being funded for, the area that they focus on, and that area that those who they build up to be a bigger picture that’s designed by someone else and for completely different reasons than altruism or humanity for the goodness of humanity, you know these people know how to work the small cogs so they don’t even know their parts of the Cog in the machine.

So a lot of these people who work in Pfizer as well, I feel quite sorry for, because a lot of them would be like “I wanted to make a career out of it” and they got such a bad name, and that’s not what my experience is. My lived experience, I go into work I produce nice and we’re doing good for humanity. We’re researching cancer, we’re researching some irritable bowel syndrome or something like that. Lots of people, you know, really doing good work in all of these companies.

All of these companies use them and then there is this reckless top-level which seems completely, to be put in charge because they’re willing to take the hit. So you don’t get to be, like someone like the CEO Bourla you don’t get to be someone like him in a position like he’s in without having-knowing way that your head will be on the chopping block at some point. You are the front man. You are the front man for a company which is committing crimes.

GR: So do you see any success coming, I mean with the accountability again – basically getting away with things, what will happen to eventually come to a disclosure where the people can basically force the company to – I don’t know – to stop their negative attacks or malfeasance or whatever. What can set the record straight?

JV: I got this really like, the more I look into these, how this whole network of pharmaceutical industries, of trusts, of academia through – fund the research of all these unaccountable bodies, I find it terrifying! What I see is, like, a kind of machine bureaucracy, akin to some sort of cyber hyper communism that’s rolling out through the hole in the medical industry throughout the whole of the world. That it’s unstoppable, that these people will remain unaccountable because they have this way too much power. They’re in control now!

This is like a medical technocracy. None of them will be held to account. I say none of the people who will actually make the decision will be held to account…they’ll have the…their people who have their head of the public chopping block and will then nothing will happen to them anyway. They’ll just disappear into the scene.

I don’t think there’s any structure that can hold them to account because all these structures by what I’ve seen have been completely and utterly infiltrated for over three decades by masses and masses of government infiltration and other things that make it have that sort of, like, fascist sort of like public-private behemoth feel to it. I’m not sure there is any way to do it apart from literally really big, really big change in the way we do politics and the way we hold people to account. Because I think what really needs to happen is that all of these companies, all of these people that are supposed to work for health have to be 100 percent transparent all of the time.

They should have no option to do anything other than that. They should be no wiggle room at all for them to hide anything. If they are giving their drugs to the public, which is what a drug company does if they’re giving their medical stuff for use on the public, they need to be 100 percent open, accountable, every email scrutinized, every communication scrutinized, I think we need that throughout a lot of the top levels of society, of the people we can’t trust. Not for the lower levels of society, I think the current path they are trying to create is what we need to flip.

What they’re trying to create at the moment in the world is this idea that they will surveil everybody in the panopticonic type manner. We will all be prisoners in cells and they will sit in the centre and watch out on us. Well we need to reverse that paradigm really easily by making them the cell in the middle and us being all free on the outside and there being like a reverse Panopticon. We need to create some form of reverse panopticon.

GR: I’m afraid we’ve run out of time but I just want to add that you’re writing a major article that’s coming up soon and I think we’ll have to watch for it. Maybe we can have another conversation on that article.

JV: I would love to– I think it relates in many different ways.

GR: Johnny, thank you for joining me

JV: Ah, it’s been a pleasure! Good night!

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  2. Josef Federman (Jan. 19, 2022), ‘Pfizer boss Albert Bourla wins Genesis Prize for vaccine development’, Associated Press;
  3. ibid
  4. ibid
  7. Joe Barnes (January 28, 2022), ‘Ursula von der Leyen hauled over the coals after refusing to publish text messages to Pfizer chief’, Brussels Correspondent;

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Expensive military hardware like a new tank undergoes rigorous testing before heading to the battlefield. A startup called Istari, backed by Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google and chair of Alphabet, reckons some of that work can be done more effectively in the metaverse.

Ishtari uses machine learning to virtually assemble and test war machines from computer models of individual components, such as the chassis and engines, that are usually marooned on separate digital drawing boards. It may sound dull, but Schmidt says it can bring a dose of tech industry innovation to US military engineering. “The Istari team is bringing internet-type usability to models and simulations,” he says. “This unlocks the possibility of software-like agility for future physical systems—it is very exciting.”

The company reflects Schmidt’s unique position as a link between the tech industry and the Pentagon. Virtual replicas known as digital twins are common in manufacturing and could help the Pentagon develop hardware more quickly. And Istari is a building block in a wider project in which Schmidt is attempting to bring Silicon Valley technology and thinking to the US military.

That quest has roots in the shock Schmidt experienced in 2016 when he first glimpsed the state of Pentagon technology up close. He was still chair of Alphabet but accepted an invitation from President Obama’s defense secretary Ashton Carter to chair a new Defense Innovation Board trying to modernize the DOD. Schmidt’s new post began with an eye-opening tour of US labs and bases.

“I got to run around with Eric and look at how the department was engaging on commercial technology,” says Will Roper, who was then an assistant secretary of the Air Force focused on technology and is the founder and CEO of Istari. “It was evident that the entire Department of Defense was developing software the same way it was done in the 1970s and ’80s,” Roper says. He was one of many Pentagon leaders who were impressed by Schmidt‘s diagnosis of the department’s problems and willingness to try to solve them.

Schmidt became CEO of Google in 2001, when the search engine had a few hundred employees and was barely making money. He stepped away from Alphabet in 2017 after building a sprawling, highly profitable company with a stacked portfolio of projects, including cutting-edge artificial intelligenceself-driving cars, and quantum computers.

Schmidt now sees another opportunity for technological reinvention to lead to domination, this time for the US government in competition with other world powers. He may be uniquely well positioned to understand what the Pentagon needs to reach its technological goals and to help the agency obtain it. But his ties to industry raise questions about how the US should aim to align the government and the private sector. And while US military power has long depended on advances in technology, some fear that military AI can create new risks.

Good People, Bad System

Speaking over Zoom from his office in New York, Schmidt lays out a grand vision for a more advanced DOD that can nimbly harness technology from companies like Istari. In a cheery orange sweater that looks like it’s made of exquisite wool, he casually imagines a wholesale reboot of the US armed forces.

“Let’s imagine we’re going to build a better war-fighting system,” Schmidt says, outlining what would amount to an enormous overhaul of the most powerful military operation on earth. “We would just create a tech company.” He goes on to sketch out a vision of the internet of things with a deadly twist. “It would build a large number of inexpensive devices that were highly mobile, that were attritable, and those devices—or drones—would have sensors or weapons, and they would be networked together.”

The problem with today’s Pentagon is hardly money, talent, or determination, in Schmidt’s opinion. He describes the US military as “great human beings inside a bad system”—one that evolved to serve a previous era dominated by large, slow, expensive projects like aircraft carriers and a bureaucratic system that prevents people from moving too quickly. Independent studies and congressional hearings have found that it can take years for the DOD to select and buy software, which may be outdated by the time it is installed. Schmidt says this is a huge problem for the US, because computerization, software, and networking are poised to revolutionize warfare.

Ukraine’s response to Russia’s invasion, Schmidt believes, offers pointers for how the Pentagon might improve. The Ukrainian military has managed to resist a much larger power in part by moving quickly and adapting technology from the private sector—hacking commercial drones into weapons, repurposing defunct battlefield connectivity systems, 3D printing spare parts, and developing useful new software for tasks like military payroll management in months, not years.

Schmidt offers another thought experiment to illustrate the bind he’s trying to get the US military out of. “Imagine you and I decide to solve the Ukrainian problem, and the DOD gives us $100 million, and we have a six-month contest,” he says. “And after six months somebody actually comes up with some new device or new tool or new method that lets the Ukrainians win.” Problem solved? Not so fast. “Everything I just said is illegal,” Schmidt says, because of procurement rules that forbid the Pentagon from handing out money without going through careful but overly lengthy review processes.

A New Weapon

The Pentagon’s tech problem is most pressing, Schmidt says, when it comes to AI. “Every once in a while, a new weapon, a new technology comes along that changes things,” he says. “Einstein wrote a letter to Roosevelt in the 1930s saying that there is this new technology—nuclear weapons—that could change war, which it clearly did. I would argue that [AI-powered] autonomy and decentralized, distributed systems are that powerful.”

With Schmidt’s help, a similar view has taken root inside the DOD over the past decade, where leaders believe AI will revolutionize military hardware, intelligence gathering, and backend software. In the early 2010s the Pentagon began assessing technology that could help it maintain an edge over an ascendant Chinese military. The Defense Science Board, the agency’s top technical advisory body, concluded that AI-powered autonomy would shape the future of military competition and conflict.

But AI technology is mostly being invented in the private sector. The best tools that could prove critical to the military, such as algorithms capable of identifying enemy hardware or specific individuals in video, or that can learn superhuman strategies, are built at companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple or inside startups.

“The big challenge that the US military faces going forward is how to rapidly adapt commercial technologies for military use faster than competitors,” says Paul Scharre, a vice president at the Center for a New American Security, a think tank, and the author of Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, a forthcoming book about AI and geopolitics. Scharre notes in his book that the Pentagon’s share of global R&D spending has declined from 36 percent in 1960 to 4 percent today.

The US DOD primarily works with the private sector through large defense contractors specialized in building expensive hardware over years, not nimble software development. Pentagon contracts with large tech companies, including Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft, have become more common but have sometimes been controversial. Google’s work analyzing drone footage using AI under an initiative called Project Maven caused staff to protest, and the company let the contract lapse. Google has since increased its defense work, under rules that place certain projects—such as weapons systems—off limits.

Scharre says it is valuable to have people like Schmidt, with serious private sector clout, looking to bridge the gap. Big tech companies threatened by technological change have sometimes successfully reinvented themselves. And tech ambassadors can help the Pentagon understand how to slash bureaucracy to become a more attractive partner to startups, a crucial source of new ideas. “We’re still trying to build a 21st century military with a 20th century bureaucracy,” he says.

Pivot to China

Schmidt has come to believe that while the tech industry must help the Pentagon, the government must also help Silicon Valley. In 2019, he became chair of the US National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, created by Congress to examine the technology’s impact on US security and competitiveness. The NSCAI’s final report, released in 2021, focuses on AI rivalry between the US and China, warning that the technology could spread authoritarian values. To keep the wellspring of US AI healthy, it calls on the US government to work more with the private sector, and provide funding, data, and computing power to both public and private AI projects.

At an event last fall, Schmidt credited the NSCAI with changing his life by making him more aware of China’s threat to the US. “We’re facing a very significant challenge from a very, very focused competitor that knows what they’re doing,” he said. The commission has since disbanded, although Schmidt now serves on a similar body examining the implications of advances in biotechnology. And he funded a new, independent think tank called the Special Competitive Studies Project to see the NSCAI’s recommendations through. The project is looking at technologies beyond just AI and is modeled on an anti-Russia cold war initiative created by Nelson Rockefeller and led by Henry Kissinger.

The SCSP released a series of reports last year, calling for the government to fund areas critical to US growth and competitiveness, including nuclear fusion, quantum computing and communications, and gene editing. They came amidst a wave of political support for more government intervention in technology. The CHIPS act passed last year, with bipartisan support, and motivated by concerns over China, will provide $280 billion for research and manufacturing of semiconductor devices in the US.

Closer collaboration between government and industry is hardly straightforward, however. In 2017, while Schmidt was serving on the Defense Innovation Board, an official raised concerns, which were later dropped, over potential conflicts of interest involving him and other board members who were also Silicon Valley executives. Schmidt still owns about $5 billion of Alphabet stock, is an investor in startup military contractor Rebellion Defense, and has ties, through different investment firms, to other companies that work with the government.

“It’s difficult to point to any other CEO with the same level of influence in the national security tech sector,” says Jack Poulson, who tracks relationships between individuals, corporations, nonprofits, and governments through Tech Inquiry, a nonprofit. He says that Schmidt is involved in several companies developing technologies in areas that organizations like the SCSP say should receive more government funding.

Schmidt’s work perhaps shows not only the value of government and private collaboration but the need for greater transparency and new accountability as that collaboration grows. Melissa Stavenhagen, a spokesperson for Schmidt, says he has always made any disclosures necessary in full. “Having served across multiple Democratic and Republican administrations, he recognizes how critical these issues are,” Stavenhagen says.

Discussing his work over Zoom, Schmidt often seems frustrated by the dysfunction he sees in the US government’s approach to technology. When he entered the Pentagon back in 2016, he didn’t expect to find a new calling. “I figured I would do it for like a year to help out,” he says. Instead it has become a second career. Whatever progress the Pentagon makes toward its AI dreams—and the effect of that on the world—Schmidt will likely be at the heart of it.


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Will Knight is a senior writer for WIRED, covering artificial intelligence. He was previously a senior editor at MIT Technology Review, where he wrote about fundamental advances in AI and China’s AI boom.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Children’s Health Defense (CHD) today filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to obtain documents related to the agency’s safety monitoring of the COVID-19 vaccines through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database.

The lawsuit alleges the CDC violated provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by failing to respond to CHD’s FOIA requests to provide key analysis of reports in the vaccine safety database and intra- and inter-agency communications about those reports.

CHD submitted the FOIA requests in the summer of 2022.

The agency said the requested information would be forthcoming by December of last year, but the documents were never delivered.

CHD is asking the court to compel the release of the requested documents in compliance with the FOIA.

Mary Holland, CHD president and general counsel, explained the significance of the lawsuit to The Defender:

“The CDC continues to ask the American public to believe that COVID shots are safe, without providing the evidence. Our lawsuit demands that the CDC give us hard data to back up its claim. No one should take vaccine safety on faith.”

CDC analysis of VAERS data

The CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) jointly administer VAERS, a database that allows healthcare professionals and others to file reports about vaccine-related injuries.

While VAERS reports of adverse events don’t prove causality, the CDC considers VAERS to be a key “early warning system” for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that can signal safety problems with a vaccine.

According to the co-sponsored VAERS “Standard Operating Procedures” (SOP) for COVID-19, dated Jan. 29, 2021, the CDC and the FDA would coordinate monitoring for “potential new safety concerns for COVID-19 vaccines” by performing routine VAERS surveillance.

Each agency would use a different standard approach to data mining to screen for potential safety signals.

The CDC would run proportional reporting ratio (PRR) data mining on a weekly basis, or as needed. PRR would compare the reports of specific adverse events suffered after receiving a Moderna or Pfizer mRNA vaccine to reports made after receiving any other vaccine to see if there is an indication that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause more adverse events than vaccines generally considered by the CDC to be safe.

The SOP stipulated that the FDA would conduct a bi-weekly thorough manual review of serious adverse events and through empirical Bayesian (EB) data mining, which uses a different statistical method to compare adverse events related to the COVID-19 vaccine with those related to non-COVID-19 vaccines in order to identify safety signals.

According to the CDC, if these forms of data mining raise a safety signal, then the agencies would do further analysis to confirm whether the adverse event was caused by the vaccine and that data would be shared with the public.

Both agencies failed to make data public.

Last month CHD filed a federal lawsuit against the FDA to obtain documents related to its empirical Bayesian data mining, The Defender Reported.

In today’s case, CHD made two requests.

The first request sought the records of all PRR conducted by the CDC related to COVID-19 from Oct. 1, 2021, to the present, along with all communications within the CDC and with the FDA about the PRR results and follow-up investigations required by the SOP done in connection with those results.

The second request sought the daily email alerts from VAERS contractors hired by the CDC listing identification numbers for all adverse events of special interest, which are events requiring further investigation.

CDC’s conflicting statements about its VAERS monitoring

Since last year, the CDC has issued a series of conflicting statements to The Epoch Times and CHD regarding their ongoing monitoring of the VAERS database.

In June 2022, the CDC told CHD that “no PRRs were conducted by the CDC” and that data mining was outside of the agency’s purview.

This was despite the fact that the SOP document dated Jan. 29, 2021, stipulated the CDC and FDA would begin ongoing data mining analysis then.

Next, in July 2021, the CDC told The Epoch Times that it had in fact been performing PRRs since January 2021 and was continuing to do so.

Two months later, the CDC changed its story again. This time it told The Epoch Times that it performed PRR analysis for a four-month period, from March 25, 2022, to July 31, 2022.

March 25, 2022, was three days after CHD emailed the CDC reminding them of their pending FOIA requesting the PRR analysis.

At that time, the CDC also said that its PRR results were “generally consistent” with the empirical Bayesian mining the SOP indicated would be done by the FDA and that it had not revealed any unexpected safety signals.

“Given it is a more robust data mining technique, CDC will continue relying upon EB data mining at this time,” the CDC spokesperson told The Epoch Times.

In January 2023, The Epoch Times reported that the CDC provided it with some of the PRR analysis it conducted between March and July 2022. The CDC shared an overall PRR analysis of all events reported from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022.

But, it only shared its weekly analysis from three weeks — the weeks of July 15, 22, and 29, 2022. It is unclear whether the CDC did analysis during other weeks, or whether it never did the ongoing analysis mandated by the SOP.

That analysis revealed hundreds of safety signals, including signals for serious conditions such as blood clotting in the lungs, intermenstrual bleeding, lack of oxygen to the heart and even death.

The CDC admitted it gave false information about COVID-19 vaccine surveillance, including inaccurately saying it had conducted a certain type of analysis more than a year before it actually did.

Yet, given its conflicting statements, what surveillance analysis the CDC actually did, and when it did it, remains unclear. Access to this information would reveal when the CDC knew about safety signals related to the COVID-19 vaccine.

CHD’s FOIA request seeks all of these documents in order to clarify this timeline.

CDC anticipated spike in VAERS reports with COVID vaccine

Despite the fact that health officials and scientific journals have downplayed or dismissed the importance of VAERS during the pandemic, the CDC states in the SOP that it is a key “front-line system to monitor the safety of vaccines licensed for use in the United States.”

Information revealed through FOIA requests demonstrates that the CDC was anticipating a spike in VAERS reporting when the new vaccines were released and spent millions of dollars hiring contractors to process the data. Communication with these contractors is part of CHD’s FOIA lawsuit.

A FOIA request revealed, in late August 2020, that the CDC contracted with General Dynamics to handle VAERS reports for COVID-19 vaccines. The contract anticipated up to 1,000 reports per day, with up to 40% of them serious in nature, Josh Guetzkow reported. The value of the year-long contract was $9.45 million.

“This means that months before the EUA [emergency use authorization] of any COVID vaccines, the CDC anticipated up to a 600% increase over the average annual number of VAERS reports in recent years with 8 times the rate of serious reports,” Guetzkow said in his report.

In March 2021 the contract was amended to process backlogged reports filed through Feb. 28 for an additional $21.5 million. The CDC also contracted Eagle Health Analytics to assist with the processing for an additional $6 million.

Although other financial information about the dollar amounts associated with the contracts was redacted, Guetzkow estimated that the CDC paid contractors at least $40 million over two years to process VAERS data.

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed. Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

As of Feb. 3, 2023, a total of 1,517,779 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Feb. 3, 2023, to VAERS.

The data included a total of 34,270 reports of deaths and 279,669 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period.

There were a total of 21,954 reports of adverse events following the new COVID-19 bivalent booster as of Oct. 21, 2022. The data included a total of 173 deaths and 1,458 serious injuries. As of Feb. 8, 52.5 million people have received the updated bivalent booster dose.

Of the 31,696 reported deaths, 21,479 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 9,638 cases to Moderna’s, 2,944 cases to Johnson & Johnson’s (Janssen) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.


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Brenda Baletti Ph.D. is a reporter for The Defender. She wrote and taught about capitalism and politics for 10 years in the writing program at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s from the University of Texas at Austin.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, on February 15, called on EU member states to adopt yet another sanctions package (the 10th one) against Russia, this time also including Iranian companies. The new sanctions are expected to be officially announced on February 24, the one-year anniversary of Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine, and are estimated to be worth about 11.8 billion euros in trade flows. They will require unanimous approval of all EU state members, and, if approved, will target yet another four Russian banks, as well as imports from the Russian Federation and exports to that country, including heavy vehicles.

These sanctions also include a trade ban and a technology export control package which restricts several electronic components employed in Russian armed systems, such as helicopters, drones, and missiles. They are said to be, as a whole, the heaviest one ever imposed by Europe against Moscow.

Furthermore, according to von der Leyden, this is the first time the European bloc proposes to sanction Iranian bodies and entities such as the ones linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. In addition to that, European authorities in Brussels are discussing a fifth wave of sanctions against Iran pertaining to the issue of human rights, and they will include assets-freezing and visa-banning blacklists. Israeli diplomats have been pressuring for further sanctioning of Iran.

The stated goal of these measures is to make it more difficult for Russia to finance its military efforts and to build new arms.

The many sanctions so far enforced have failed to deter Moscow, which has in fact intensified its campaign – even Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has admitted that Kiev is losing. According to Henry Foy, Financial Times European correspondent, a year of conflict has left the armories of Europe dry.

As for Iran, its currency did fall to its lowest against the US dollar on January 21, and the country is struggling with internal problems and high inflation.

Regarding Russia, however, it is widely understood today that the sanctions thus far have backfired, and actually played a significant part in both the British and the European current energy crises. This situation has served US interests quite well, while American arms manufacturers have been profiting from perpetuating the current conflict. Europe today is facing deindustrialization (driven by high energy costs) while its own American ally threatens the continent with a subsidy war, which is wonderful to American companies, but could be fatal for European industry.

Moreover, the sanctions and their impact have also brought about a number of unintended consequences: for example, the global rise in commodity prices has been largely  perceived as a result of Western sanction policies, and this has forced the global south to look for parallel mechanisms and alternatives. Furthermore,  international trade has been reconfigured in such a manner that may actually pave the way for new political and diplomatic opportunities, as I have written before: in the post-sanctions world, Moscow has managed to redirect much of its trade to neighboring nations, and that can in fact boost Eurasian integration; in today’s world, insulating local industries from geopolitical disputes is increasingly difficult.

Right now, the geopolitical shifts caused by the new cold war and the crisis in Ukraine has brought Russia and Iran much closer. Both countries are strengthening their military ties and Tehran plans to purchase Russia’s  Sukhoi Su-35 advanced fighter jet, as announced by Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi, Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force’s commander. This is a significant development in itself: so far, China remains the only nation to have bought those from Russia. Such a purchase would have the potential to change the current regional balance of air power in the Persian Gulf.

These developments are part of an even larger process: in September 2021 I wrote on how Iran’s admission into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) as a permanent member was the realization of a greater Eurasian concept. Iran, as well as other SCO members, has an immediate and long-term concern over Afghanistan and Central Asian stability, for instance. Moreover, the North-South Transit Corridor, once again under the spotlight, can become a new promising route and even an alternative to the Suez Canal. In defiance of sanctions, the Persian nation, with Russian help, can once again become a regional transit hub, as it always was historically

Interestingly, the US State Department has signaled that the Iran nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is not necessarily dead – for instance, on February 10, Washington officially notified the US Congress that it would renew a six-month suspension of American sanctions targeting Chinese, Russian other foreign support to the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. Such was one of the main requirements of the JCPOA.

The truth is that the global landscape has now changed, both economically and politically, and Russia needs to develop new supply chains. Iran plays a large part in this and both countries have an interest in working together to counter Western endeavors to isolate them economically. Although the new European sanctions may bring some damage, especially to Iran, they could also backfire as the previous ones have and may end up boosting Eurasian integration.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

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The insight shared in this analysis shouldn’t be misinterpreted as implying that Lula is “controlled” by Soros, Biden, or Sanders-AOC, but just that he’s definitely their “fellow traveler” since the Brazilian leader indisputably shares their worldview nowadays to a large extent. Even though he still shouts socialist slogans, Lula’s priority during his third term is less about improving the living conditions of his country’s impoverished and more about geostrategically realigning Brazil with the US-led West’s Golden Billion.

Brazilian President Lula was already suspected of recalibrating his worldview a lot closer to the US’ strategic interests ever since the start of his third term in office, including after he condemned Russia in his joint statement with Biden earlier this month, but Soros’s strong support of him removes all doubt. That liberal-globalist Color Revolution mastermind praised Lula during his speech at this year’s Munich Security Conference, which completely discredits the latter’s multipolar credentials once and for all.

In Soros’ own words as shared on his official website:

“There are many other regional powers that can influence the course of history. Brazil stands out. The election of Lula at the end of last year was crucial.

On January 8th there was a coup attempt much like January 6th, 2021, in the US. Lula handled it masterfully and established his authority as president.

Brazil is on the front-line of the conflict between open and closed societies; it is also on the front-line of the fight against climate change. He must protect the rainforest, promote social justice, and reignite economic growth all at the same time.

He will need strong international support because there is no pathway to net zero emissions if he fails.”

Quite tellingly, Lula hasn’t distanced himself from this strong support and almost certainly revels in it.

After all, Soros stands in full solidarity with Biden so disrespecting one would be disrespecting the other, which Lula would never do after traveling to DC to kiss the second’s ring as thanks for fully supporting his re-election. The Brazilian leader is so heavily under his US counterpart’s influence right now that he even tweeted that he’s partnering with Biden partially in “defense of democracy” despite him having been Vice President during Ukraine’s “EuroMaidan” and Brazil’s “Operation Car Wash” regime changes.

Lula seemingly no longer cares that Biden played a role in undemocratically overthrowing him through lawfare-driven Hybrid War means so it therefore follows that he also wouldn’t care about Soros’ Color Revolution spree across the world either. In complete contradiction to everything that Russia has said thus far about the US indefinitely perpetuating its proxy war on it in order to fight until the last Ukrainian, Lula then tweeted that “I think Biden is clear that the war has to stop.”

His political love affair with Soros’ allies goes beyond Biden and extends to fellow faux leftists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), both of whom met with Lula during his trip to DC. Lula was so enamored with AOC after their meeting that he responded with a heart emoji under her retweet of their pics together, while Bernie predicted that “the United States and Brazil will build a stronger partnership” as result of the Brazilian leader’s re-election.

As can be seen from Soros’ strong support of him, his enthusiastic praise of Biden, as well as the mutual shoulder-rubbing between him and Sanders-AOC, Lula has surrounded himself with the world’s most infamous liberal-globalists. This confirms the prior assessment from last November that the US’ Democrat Party has infiltrated Brazil’s Workers’ Party through these means, though it couldn’t have been known until now that this infiltration literally reached the height of its leadership.

Considering these “politically inconvenient” factual observations about Lula’s new ideological allies in the US, there’s no doubt that his multipolar credentials are discredited once and for all. This doesn’t mean, however, that he can’t continue helping to make gradual progress in that direction amidst the ongoing global systemic transition. Rather, it simply reinforces the perception hyperlinked in this analysis’ first sentence that whatever he does might inadvertently or deliberately advance US interests.

The abovementioned insight shouldn’t be misinterpreted as implying that Lula is “controlled” by Soros, Biden, or Sanders-AOC, but just that he’s definitely their “fellow traveler” since the Brazilian leader indisputably shares their worldview nowadays to a large extent. Even though he still shouts socialist slogans, Lula’s priority during his third term is less about improving the living conditions of his country’s impoverished and more about geostrategically realigning Brazil with the US-led West’s Golden Billion.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Documents obtained under Freedom of Information (FOI) request by Dr Melissa McCann reveal that the TGA appears to have hidden numerous vaccine-induced deaths from the public view, including those of two children.

Dr McCann shared the shocking revelation in her address at the Covid Vaccine Conference, hosted by Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party over the weekend in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. The event featured leading ICU physician Dr Pierre Kory, cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr Peter McCullough, and McCullough’s collaborator, author John Leake.

Addressing sold out crowds, Dr McCann shared the extraordinary lengths she had to go to to extract causality assessment documents relating to the TGA’s investigation of reported deaths after Covid vaccination, which were obtained under FOI request in a process that took six months. Dr McCann lodged the request after seeing an unexpectedly high number of patients coming through her clinic experiencing adverse events after immunisation (AEFIs). She also noticed a high number of serious AEFI reports in the in the DAEN database, including the reported death of a 14 year old in October 2021.

In her original FOI request, Dr McCann requested causality assessments for all of the reported deaths in the DAEN database. This request was denied due to the large scope, and in negotiation with the TGA, Dr McCann agreed to revise down the request to the 11 documents that were eventually handed over, of which 10 related to DAEN death reports.

When the documents were finally provided to Dr McCann in July 2022, she was dismayed to find that there were multiple reports that the TGA had assessed as causally linked to Covid vaccination, but, with the exception of one death, had not been reported in the TGA’s regular Safety Reports.

Following is a list of deaths that the TGA’s own reports assessed as causally linked to Covid vaccination:

  • 21 year old female
    Case 729139, Document 1
    Moderna booster. Fatal AEFIs, including myocarditis, cardiac arrest, renal impairment, femoral artery embolism, spinal cord infarction.
    Assessment outcome: ‘Causal’
    * Initially determined as ‘unclassifiable’. VSIG (FOI 4049 Doc 5) updated the assessment outcome to ‘causal’.
  • 9 year old
    Case 724023, Document 2
    Pfizer vaccination. Fatal AEFI, cardiac arrest.
    Assessment outcome: ‘Causality assessment outcome’
  • 24 year old female
    Case 718277, Document 3
    Pfizer vaccination. Fatal AEFI, cardiac arrest.
    Assessment outcome: ‘Causality’
  • 7 year old male
    Case 719838, Document 5
    Pfizer vaccination. Fatal AEFI, cardiac arrest.
    Assessment outcome: ‘Causality’
  • 21 year old male
    Case 644148, Document 6
    Pfizer vaccination. Fatal AEFI.
    Assessment outcome: ‘? causality’

Of the above five listed deaths, only the first (21 year old female, case 729139) has been published in the TGA Safety Reports.1

The reported deaths are listed in DAEN, but the causality assessment is not visible to the public.

Australians have been falsely and misleadingly advised by the TGA and official health representatives, that out of 973 reported deaths, only 14 have been assessed as being causally linked to the Covid vaccines (13 following Astra Zeneca, 1 following Moderna).

The causality assessment reports released under FOI 3272 prove this statement to be a lie.

TGA Covid Vaccine Safety Report 15 December 2022

The November 2022 TGA Safety Report states that, “There have been no deaths in children or adolescents determined to be linked to COVID-19 vaccination.” But the assessment reports indicating the causal role of the Pfizer vaccine in the cases of the 7 and 9 year old children were released to Dr McCann in July 2022.

The causality assessment reports released under FOI 3272 prove this statement to also be a lie.

TGA Covid Vaccine Safety Report 3 November 2022

On reading the causality assessments provided to her under FOI 3727, Dr McCann felt both shocked and confused. “Why has this information not been provided to health professionals and the public who are making consent decisions? Children are continuing to be vaccinated and this is something that parents deserve to be able to weigh up,” Dr McCann told Dystopian Down Under.

It gets worse. Dr McCann was surprised to find that documents 1-10 out of a total 11 documents from FOI 3727 had not been uploaded to the TGA’s public disclosure log, per regular protocol. She emailed the TGA to query why documents 1-10 had been withheld from the disclosure log, and was advised, in a communication on 24 August 2022,

“The decision maker for this request decided not to publish documents 1-10 pursuant to section 11c(1)(a) of the FOI Act as they contain sensitive personal information about deceased persons. As you would appreciate, consultation with the families of the deceased was not considered appropriate, and, as such, consultation was not undertaken with those families. Further, the decision maker determined that disclosure of the documents could undermine public confidence and reduce the willingness of the public to report adverse events to the TGA.”

The TGA seems to have assumed that families of the deceased will not want to hear from them. On the contrary, Deb, mother of 21 year old Natalie (case 729139), told Jab Injuries Australia that the lack of contact from the TGA was, “disgraceful treatment of a grieving mother who could have made a meaningful contribution to their investigations.” Deb says that she has never been contacted by the TGA, and only discovered the causality assessment outcome of her daughter’s death via the TGA’s Safety Report (23 September 2022), which she accessed online.

As for the TGA’s assertion that disclosure of the documents could undermine public confidence – one could very well argue the opposite case. Perceived lack of transparency drives public distrust. The last thing the TGA needs is public suspicion that they are burying vaccine deaths. Full transparency is the only way to create and maintain trust in public health. Dr McCann made this argument in a further communication, but the TGA’s decision against uploading documents 1-10 to the public disclosure log was final.

During this time, Dr McCann, in partnership with other concerned doctors, repeatedly wrote to the Health Ministers and Adjunct Professor John Skerritt of the TGA.2

to advise them of concerns about vaccine safety, and to call for immediate suspension of the vaccine rollout until an urgent review of adverse event reports could be undertaken.

Letter from Dr Melissa McCann to Health Minister Greg Hunt, 20 March 2022

These correspondences were met alternately with silence, obfuscation, or blanket assurances that the TGA was closely monitoring safety, and that the vaccines were safe and effective.

Letter from Adj. Professor John Skerritt to Dr Melissa McCann, 22 November 2021

Is this the tip of the iceberg?

The TGA consistently reports that only 14 of the 973 reported deaths have been causally linked to vaccination. But the contents of FOI 3727 raise questions:

  • How can the TGA’s statement be true? The TGA’s own causality assessments provided in FOI 3727 indicate that there are at least four more deaths that TGA has causally linked to vaccination (two adults, two children) which remain unaccounted for in the official count of 14.
  • How many of the 959 (973-14) deaths that the TGA implies are not causally linked to vaccination have even been investigated? Are 900 reports ‘in progress’? How many have been determined as ‘not causally linked’? Dr McCann asked the TGA to state the number of causality assessment reports that had been completed, but her request was denied.

Dr McCann is concerned about the implications for public health and safety: “If everyone is working on the basis that all of these deaths have been investigated and have been determined as not causally linked, well we can’t be sure that that’s the case.”

For now, Dr McCann is turning her efforts to a Covid Vaccine Class Action, which is expected to file within the month. The Class Action has received over 350 expressions of interest, and the number is still growing.

“Hopefully this class action will force some transparency so that there will be more clarity around how adverse events are reviewed, and how many are likely to be linked to the vaccines,” says Dr McCann.

This is not the first time Dr McCann has stepped up as a national hero.

The Courier Mail reported Dr McCann’s efforts in turning her Whitsunday Family Practice into a makeshift hospital in the immediate aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Debbie, in 2017.

Dr McCann has uncovered much more than this through the FOI process, but further revelations will be saved for another day. This is enough apparent malfeasance to swallow in one sitting.

Credit to Jikky (Twitter) and Senator Gerard Rennick for their roles in partnering with Dr McCann to bring light to the TGA’s behaviour in relation to Covid safety surveillance and regulation.

Yesterday, Federal MP Russell Broadbent (Liberal Party) added further pressure to the TGA, referring to Dr McCann’s FOI 3727 in parliament, “Why has the TGA not responded to doctors who raised these issues with you six months ago, including drawing your attention to those case reports? This information is extremely alarming and demands an immediate response from the TGA.” (Statement at question time, 14 February 2023). An answer is yet to be supplied.

Sydney lawyer Tony Nikolic, of AFL Solicitors, has represented parents of children who are disputing the necessity of having their child vaccinated against Covid, and is now seeing cases related to Covid vaccine injury in children as well. Mr Nikolic told Dystopian Down Under,

”In circumstances where child deaths and serious long-term injuries are listed on the TGA DAEN database relating to new and unsatisfactorily tested vaccine technologies, there should be no other response than a complete suspension of injections until independent lawyers and medical professionals conduct a thorough investigation, which should consider any civil wrongs, crimes or other wrongdoing associated to the roll out of injections across Australia.“

Australian parents who have concerns that their child has been vaccine injured or is subject to coercion to take a Covid vaccine are invited to contact Mr Nikolic at [email protected](.)

The TGA has been contacted for comment, and this post will be updated accordingly as correspondence is received.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Honey bee declines in the United States are “primarily related” to pesticide exposure, parasitic mites, and extreme weather conditions, research published by Penn State scientists have determined. Publishing the results in Scientific Reports, the researchers aim to provide a national overview of the range of factors harming bee colonies. “Some previous studies have explored several potential stressors related to colony loss in a detailed way but are limited to narrow, regional areas,” said study co-author Luca Insolia, PhD. “The one study that we know of at the national level in the United States explored only a single potential stressor. For this study, we integrated many large datasets at different spatial and temporal resolutions and used new, sophisticated statistical methods to assess several potential stressors associated with colony collapse across the U.S.” The results reinforce calls from bee health advocates in the U.S. and around the world: eliminate toxic pesticide use, the lowest hanging fruit contributing to pollinator declines.

In order to create a more comprehensive national overview, geographers, entomologists, and statisticians all participated in the study, reviewing publicly available data on colony health, land use, weather, and other environmental factors over a five-year period from 2015-2021. “In order to analyze the data all together, we had to come up with a technique to match the resolution of the various data sources,” said Martina Calovi, PhD corresponding author of the study, and researcher at Penn State. “We could have just taken an average of all the weather measurements we had within a state, but that boils all the information we have into one number and loses a lot of information, especially about any extreme values. In addition to averaging weather data, we used an ‘upscaling’ technique to summarize the data in several different ways, which allowed us to retain more information, including about the frequency of extreme temperature and precipitation events.”

Results show spacio-temporal trends that are perhaps unsurprising to many beekeepers, but could help inform better beekeeping practices. For instance, colony losses from mites are found to be highest in the first quarter of the year, and then increase again during the third and fourth quarter in all regions of the country except the southeast. This generally follows the life cycle of Varroa destructor, which beekeepers aim to manage to low levels in the fall; failure to adequately manage fall mite populations increases risk of failure throughout the winter.

To better determine the primary factors resulting in colony declines, researchers consider a range of features, including weather related information, land use, climatic regions, years and quarters, as well as several stressors, such as mites, other pests and parasites, diseases, and pesticides. These factors are then weighted for their impact on colony loss to determine the primary contributing factors.

Factors like the year or time of year played a smaller role than researchers expected. “Our results highlight the role of parasitic mites, pesticide exposure, extreme weather events, and overwintering in bee colony collapse. We hope that they will help inform improved beekeeping practices and direct future data collection efforts that allow us to understand the problem at finer and finer resolutions,” said Francesca Chiaromonte, PhD, coauthor and professor of statistics at Penn State.

This is the latest study to begin to separate out the contributing factors to colony collapse at larger spatial levels. Research published by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists earlier this month found somewhat similar results when reviewing the factors owing to the decline of the western bumblebee, finding climate change and pesticides to be the primary culprit.

While the Varroa destructor is a serious, ongoing honey bee pest, it is important to emphasize that varroa levels themselves, and a colony’s fitness against their attack is a function not only of mite management but pesticide use in a surrounding region. Research published in Scientific Reports finds that realistic exposure to systemic neonicotinoid pesticides that bees are likely to encounter in the wild impairs the ability of honey bees to groom mites off their bodies, likewise increasing risk of viral infection.

A broad transformation of the food system is necessary to change the course of pollinator health. This includes not only eliminating the use of pesticides to prevent their direct and indirect harm to pollinator populations, but also the elimination of fossil fuels that contribute to extreme weather and the further spread of pests and diseases. These considerations should be part and parcel of every pesticide registered in the U.S., yet the federal government continues to ignore these positive policy proposals. Help bring greater attention to the need to take climate change seriously in the context of pesticide registrations sending a letter to EPA, USDA, and Congress today.


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Featured image is from Beyond Pesticides

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We in the United States are on the brink of war with a major nuclear power, Russia. If that is not a dire emergency, an acute existential threat, what is? This situation has persisted for a year now without a national protest to stop the slide to Armageddon.

Given the proximity of nuclear Armageddon, the reaction that sanity dictates has now materialized for the first time. On February 19 in Washington DC, a demonstration against the war, RageAgainstWar, will take place, with sister rallies occurring in cities distant from DC, like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Minneapolis, Ann Arbor, and others.

But its organization and composition represent a radical departure from the peace movements of the last 40 years. The organizational framework for Feb. 19 has leapt the bounds of conventional political discourse. The effort is being led by a broad coalition of forces from “left” to “right.” The Peoples Party, a new progressive Party growing out of dissatisfaction with the Bernie Sanders campaigns and forfeited promises, and the Libertarian Party have taken the lead, represented by Nick Brana and Angela McCardle, respectively.

Here is a brief interview with McCardle and Brana conducted by David Swanson of World Beyond War, himself one of the featured speakers at the rally. It reveals two competent and inspiring leaders who provide an eloquent and clear exposition of the event. A full list of the speakers at the rally with their bios is found here and includes Jill Stein, Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, Dan McKnight, Garland Nixon, Daniel McAdams, Chris Hedges and many others.

The lead demand of the demonstration is simple, straightforward and unequivocal: “Not one more penny for war in Ukraine.” It summarizes the point of unity among the politically diverse forces that are brought together for this event. And it directs the attention of this American protest to our own government, the only one which we can hope to influence in the real world.

Furthermore, the lead demand of the event recognizes that the US is not simply a bystander in this event. The war in Ukraine is our war, a war ginned up by the neocon-dominated foreign policy Establishment. It is a proxy war waged by the US, cruelly and cynically using Ukrainians as cannon fodder. Its purpose, as the clueless Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin acknowledged, is to “weaken” Russia. In the words of the second demand of the rally, “Negotiate Peace,”

“The US instigated the war with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March, 2022. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war.”

A brief and complete history of the genesis of this war can be found in pamphlet sized books here and here, beginning with the expansion of NATO and the US-backed 2014 coup. In fact the beginning of the US assault on Russia antedates those events going all the way back to the 1990s with the US-engineered Russian Great Depression, worse than our own in the 1930s.

There is also material reason for the public to oppose the war. The war itself and blowback from US sanctions are hurting the US population and threaten to worsen inflation, trigger recession or even both, the dread stagflation. The third demand of the protest, “Stop the War Inflation” makes this clear and it reads:

“This war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas and energy prices. (Anyone who fills a gas tank or shopped at a supermarket recently knows that full well. Jw) The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.”

All ten demands can be found here.

Given all these facts it is not surprising that the US public is growing increasingly skeptical of the war. The ground is fertile for a movement to get us out from under this threat. Polling here and here now shows that support for arms and aid to Ukraine, while still a majority opinion, is falling. Interestingly and worthy of more exploration, Democrats rather than Republicans or Independents hold the most hawkish opinions in these polls and this is coincident with the policies and actions of the Democratic Party.

So it comes as no surprise that recent legislation to end the funding for the Ukraine Proxy War comes from the Republican side of the aisle in the form of “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution introduced in the House by Republican Matt Gaetz with all ten co-sponsors GOP members. In part here is what Responsible Statecraft has to say about this bill:

“The resolution states that ‘the United States must end its military and financial aid to Ukraine, and urges all combatants to reach a peace agreement.’

“’President Joe Biden must have forgotten his prediction from March 2022, suggesting that arming Ukraine with military equipment will escalate the conflict to ‘World War III.’ America is in a state of managed decline, and it will exacerbate if we continue to hemorrhage taxpayer dollars toward a foreign war. We must suspend all foreign aid for the War in Ukraine and demand that all combatants in this conflict reach a peace agreement immediately,’ Gaetz said in a statement.”

As the resolution notes, the United States has been “top contributor of military aid to Ukraine compared to its counterparts,” having appropriated more than $110 billion in humanitarian, financial, and military aid.

“Earlier this week, Gaetz criticized President Joe Biden and a “bipartisan coalition” in Congress for dragging the U.S. into a war that was costing taxpayers and not advancing American interests.”

Perhaps the time is ripe for the two major parties to engage in an all-out tussle for the peace vote. Wouldn’t that be nice. A relatively small and determined minority can decide elections.

It is clear that the US government has responsibility for ginning up this war. US support and weapons and those of its NATO dependencies make the proxy war possible. Without that support the slaughter of Ukrainians and Russians will not continue. The US government can stop this potentially omnicidal war, and Americans can move the US government. It is our right and responsibility to do so.


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John V. Walsh, until recently a Professor of Physiology and Neuroscience at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, has written on issues of peace and health care for the San Francisco Chronicle, EastBayTimes/San Jose Mercury News, Asia Times, LA Progressive,, CounterPunch, Consortium News, Scheerpost and others.

Featured image is from CODEPINK

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Pompeo Claims Israel Has Biblical Right to Palestine

February 17th, 2023 by Middle East Eye

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Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has claimed that Israel has a biblical right to Palestinian land and that President Mahmoud Abbas is a “known terrorist”. 

The comments were made during an episode of the One Decision podcast released early on Thursday.

“[Israel] is not an occupying nation. This land, as an evangelical Christian, I am convinced from my reading of the Bible that 3,000 years onto now, in spite of the denial of so many, is the rightful homeland of the Jewish people,” Pompeo said.

He referred to the West Bank as “Judea and Samaria” during the episode, using the biblical names of the region often used by Israelis to refer to the illegally occupied territory.

Many have speculated whether the former secretary of state, who served during Donald Trump’s administration, will enter the 2024 presidential race.

Pompeo criticised the administration of former president Barack Obama for negotiating with Abbas, who he referred to by his nickname Abu Mazen.

“Our theory of the case was this – what is in America’s best interest? Is it to sit and wait for Abu Mazen, a known terrorist who’s killed lots and lots of people, including Americans, and given those martyrs money, for having done so?” he said, without further elaborations.

“We said that’s just not in America’s best interest.”

Pompeo dismisses Israel judicial concerns 

Pompeo declined to support a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stating instead: “I’m for an outcome that guarantees Israeli security and makes life better for everyone in the region.”

He also dismissed concerns about controversial judicial reforms pushed forward by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right coalition.

“The Israelis are one of the most democratic nations in the world and they’ll continue at it, and this to and fro, these protests you’re seeing, we’ve had protests at our Supreme Court too. People are entitled to their own views,” he said.

In 2019, Pompeo threw out a 1978 State Department legal opinion by declaring that the US did not deem Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank as “inconsistent with international law”.

The following year, Trump announced his Middle East peace plan for Israelis and Palestinians, dubbed the “Deal of the Century”.

The plan – which was condemned across the board by Palestinians – recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, declared the annexation of illegal settlements across the occupied West Bank and the Jordan Valley, and barred Palestinians from the right to resettle in their ancestral homes in Israel.

Last month, Pompeo released a memoir in which he discussed the 2020 US killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, who he compared to a Rembrandt painting, and the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, which he claimed was an overblown crisis.

He also spoke of how he tried to “break through” a locked door in Ankara’s presidential complex to reach then-Vice President Mike Pence, who was having a longer than expected tete-a-tete with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


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Is the Egg Shortage Another Conspiracy?

February 17th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Egg prices have more than doubled compared to what they were a year ago, with a median cost of $4.25 for a dozen

As of January 2023, more than 58 million birds in 47 states have been killed due to avian flu outbreaks

The egg shortage began amidst a series of mysterious fires and other disasters at U.S. food processors

Some farmers have stated chicken feed made by Purina may have been altered to contain lower amounts of protein and minerals, leaving chickens unable to lay eggs. [which has triggered bankruptcies of  producers]

A report from the Rockefeller Foundation, released in July 2020 and predicting a coming food crisis, calls for the creation of a centralized “nutrition security system”


If the price of eggs has you seriously considering starting your own backyard flock, you’re not alone. Egg prices have more than doubled compared to what they were a year ago, with a median cost of $4.25 for a dozen.1

Many assume rising inflation is to blame, but the official narrative states avian flu, affecting up to 58 million birds, is the more likely cause.2 Another theory has surfaced from chicken farmers who have linked problems with egg laying to a certain brand of chicken feed.3 It’s also curious timing, as the egg shortage began amidst a series of mysterious fires and other disasters at U.S. food processors.

US Pledged to ‘Increase and Disseminate Food Shortages’

It’s relevant to note that in March 2022, President Biden openly stated food shortages are “going to be real.”4 He also said he spoke with European allies about “how we could increase, and disseminate more rapidly, food shortages.”5 Although it’s now been largely scrubbed from the internet, the statement wasn’t corrected by the White House. It circulated on social media, prompting Facebook to immediately flag it as fake news.

Whether the statement was the result of jumbling words or the revelation of something much more sinister is up for debate — as is the series of strange accidents at U.S. food processors that occurred in its wake. Here’s just a sampling:

Official Narrative Blames ‘Record’ Levels of Avian Flu

If you’re curious about why egg prices are rising — and egg shortages are occurring in some areas — you need look no further than the record number of chickens killed due to avian flu, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.15

Previously, the largest avian flu outbreak recorded occurred in 2015, when 50.5 million birds in 21 states were affected. However, 2022 marked a new record for dead birds in one year, when the number hit 52.7 million.16 By January 2023, more than 58 million birds in 47 states had been impacted in this outbreak.17

“I’m hopeful that this is not the new normal for us,” Richard Webby, director of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals, told NPR.18

While some of the chickens died from the disease, most were culled to prevent further spread of the virus. Webby blamed the outbreak on wild birds, not those raised on concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs):19

“We don’t know exactly what it is about it, but it does seem just to be able to grow and transmit better in wild birds. Wild birds are the perfect mechanism to spread a virus because they, of course, fly everywhere.”

It does seem strange to describe wild birds as the “perfect mechanism to spread a virus,” without also pointing out that quick viral spread is virtually guaranteed on every CAFO, where birds are literally on top of each other. Still, it’s plausible that widespread avian flu could have led to chicken shortages and, therefore, egg shortages, which led to increased prices.

Anecdotal reports vary, however, about how severe egg shortages are in different areas. While some have experienced eggs disappearing from grocery store shelves, others haven’t noticed a decrease in supply at their local stores. The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that culling of chickens due to avian flu has led to a 7.5% drop in domestic egg supply each month since the outbreak began in 2022.20

Is Altered Chicken Feed to Blame?

Another theory is also circulating online — and it’s quickly been “fact-checked” and dubbed a conspiracy by the powers that be.21 It comes straight from the farmers’ mouths, however, with many noticing their hens producing significantly fewer eggs than normal.

It was suggested that chicken feed made by Purina may have been altered to contain lower amounts of protein and minerals, leaving chickens unable to lay eggs. Some farmers even stated that their hens began laying again after they switched from commercial feed to locally produced feed.

A spokesperson for Land O’Lakes, parent company of Purina Animal Nutrition, stated there have been no formulation changes to Purina chicken feed products,22 while others have called for an investigation into what could represent a potential public health and national security crisis.

Rockefeller Foundation Predicted Food Crisis

If you gain control of the food supply, you gain control of the people. This is why any threat to food freedom and security should prompt immediate alarm and calls for the protection of localized, regenerative agriculture.

It’s curious that a report from the Rockefeller Foundation, released in July 2020 and predicting a coming food crisis, hasn’t received more attention, however — especially since its solution centered on the creation of a centralized “nutrition security system.”23

A centralized food system benefits no one but those who control it, and puts consumers at risk. Will Harris, a regenerative farming pioneer who runs White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Georgia, explained:24

“The centralization of food production impoverishes our rural communities as it creates an oligopoly. This centralization of food production is also bad for consumers. This system lacks resilience.

When mega-production facilities that are focused on efficiency break down, consumers’ access to food can become limited, which causes panic. This state of panic allows multinational companies to increase their profits exponentially. When the driving goal of our food production system is efficiency, as opposed to resiliency, consumers suffer.”

Their report, “Reset the Table,”25 was published just one month after the World Economic Forum (WEF) officially announced its plans for a “Great Reset,” and many of the contributors to the Foundation’s paper are WEF members.26 They intend for the current food system to fall apart, so they can then “solve” the problem by introducing a new system based on patented lab-grown synthetic and genetically engineered foods, along with massive insect farms.

‘Resetting the Table’ Puts Food Security at Risk

The Rockefeller Foundation states, “America faces a hunger and nutrition crisis unlike any this country has seen in generations.”27 The Foundation’s “Reset the Table” report calls for “meeting the moment to transform the U.S. food system”28 in order to solve the food crisis. But as The Corbett Report put it:29

“And their proposed solution to this crisis? Subsidies for small farmers? Development of community gardens? A new food sovereignty campaign encouraging people to get their hands dirty and start growing more food themselves?

Of course not. On the contrary, the Rockefeller Foundation wants a further centralization of control over the food supply, including ‘a new, integrated nutrition security system.’ Yes, you read that right, folks: feeding the hungry is now a ‘nutrition security’ problem that can only be solved by massive federal intervention in the food sector.”

If the Rockefeller Foundation having its hands in your ability to purchase the food you need to feed your family doesn’t sit well with you, you’re in good company. A look back at the Rockefeller Foundation’s forays into agriculture reveal why we don’t want history to repeat itself. As Corbett reported:30

“They created the Mexican Agricultural Program, which was criticized from its very inception for trying to standardize and commercialize traditional Mexican farming practices in order to benefit of the Rockefellers and their corporate cronies.

They created the International Basic Economy Corporation in Brazil to industrialize that nation’s agricultural sector, with the explicit aim of hooking its farmers on expensive machinery and Rockefeller petroleum products and finding a sustainable business model in the process.

It was John D. Rockefeller III who, when sitting on the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation, convinced his fellow oligarchs to join the ‘Green Revolution’ by founding the Intensive Agriculture District Programme in India, which exacerbated the disparity between rich feudal landowners and poor farming peasants.

And then of course there’s the Rockefeller’s work in Africa, which today takes the form of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. AGRA’s stated goal is to “elevate the single African voice” on the world stage.

It all sounds nice and fuzzy until you learn that 200 organizations have come together to denounce the alliance and its activities. They claim that the group has not only ‘unequivocally failed in its mission’ but has actually ‘harmed broader efforts to support African farmers.'”

Who and What Else Are Angling to Control Food?

Egg prices reaching unprecedented highs presents a hardship for many working households — but is irrelevant to the likes of Bill Gates — another major player in the quest to control the food supply.

Gates owns more farmland than anyone else in the U.S.31 and was an early backer of fake foods like the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat.32 The acreage seems earmarked for GE corn and soy crops — the base foods for what will become an increasingly synthetic, ultraprocessed food supply make up of imitation meat and dairy.

The strong recommendation to replace beef with fake meat is also made in Gates’ book,33 a recommendation that stems from an overreaching theme of arrogance and the desire for recolonization and a global empire.

The EAT Forum, co-founded by the Wellcome Trust, also developed a Planetary Health Diet that’s designed to be applied to the global population and entails cutting meat and dairy intake by up to 90%, replacing it largely with foods made in laboratories, along with cereals and plant oils.34

In the U.S., the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD), an advisory board to USAID, is also on board, calling for a global transformation of agriculture and the food supply to include, among other things, “the promotion of insects as sustainable sources of proteins.” Referring to a BIFAD working paper, Corbett explains:35

“USAID’s ‘leverage’ over developing countries — specifically referenced no less than 125 times — gives an insight into the Kissingerian food-as-a-weapon mentality that is the very basis of USAID and its mission. The entire enterprise reeks of a neocolonial landgrab masquerading as ‘philanthropy’ — the kind of territorial taking that people in Africa and elsewhere have been warning about for decades.”

Get Prepared for Survival

At some point in time, the globalist cabal will start using food to control people’s behavior. So, it’s always best to have the resources on hand to survive, including becoming more self-sufficient in the short-term. By creating alternative parallel food systems locally, outside of the globalists’ control, it builds long-term independence. Basic suggestions to build your own food security safety net include:


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1, 2 Forbes January 12, 2023

3 February 6, 2023

4 Des Moines Register August 13, 2022

5 YouTube, Fox News February 1, 2023, 0:45

6 Meat + Poultry March 22, 2022

7 IndyStar April 25, 2022

8 Arizona Republic March 30, 2022

9 Vegetable Growers News April 1, 2022

10 The Conway Daily Sun April 12, 2022

11 Magic Valley April 13, 2022

12 King City Rustler April 21, 2022

13 The Goldendale Sentinel April 27, 2022

14 January 31, 2023

15 U.S. CDC November 3, 2022

16, 18, 19 NPR December 2, 2022

17, 20 Newsweek January 30, 2023

21, 22 AOL February 6, 2023

23, 29, 30, 32, 35 Substack, The Corbett Report January 23, 2023

24 White Oak Pastures August 8, 2022

25 Rockefeller Foundation Reset the Table

26 ThreadsIrish June 18, 2022

27 Rockefeller Foundation, Report

28 Rockefeller Foundation, Reset the Table, Executive Summary July 28, 2020

31 New York Post February 27, 2021

33 Market Watch February 16, 2021

34 The Planetary Health Diet

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According to a new law passed in the Knesset, Israeli citizens and residents of occupied East Jerusalem convicted of acts of “terrorism” will be stripped of their citizenship and deported. The law applies to only those receiving support from the Palestinian Authority implying that only Arab citizens of Israel come under its ambit

The Israeli parliament approved an amendment to the country’s 1952 citizenship law on Wednesday, February 15, according to which Israeli citizens and residents of occupied East Jerusalem convicted of acts of “terrorism” will be stripped of their citizenship and deported.

The new law will apply to all Israeli citizens or residents who receive any financial support from the Palestinian Authority or its affiliated organizations, implying that only the Arab citizens of Israel will be subjected to the law, and not the Jewish population.

Israel terms most acts of resistance to its occupation of Palestinian territories “terrorism.”

Since its illegal annexation of East Jerusalem in 1980, Israel has provided resident rights to the Palestinians there.

The bill proposed by Likud MP Ofti Katz was approved by an overwhelming majority of the Israeli parliament, with MPs voting in favor across party lines. Out of a total of 120 MPs, 94 voted in favor, and only the 10 Arab MPs voted against it.

The new law allows Israel’s Interior Ministry, after a hearing, to revoke the citizenship or residency rights of a person and deport them to the occupied West Bank or Gaza. That person will not be allowed to enter Israel again.

Reacting to the law, Arab MPs called it “racist.” Hadash Ta’al MP Ahmed Tibi called it a “populist draconian law” carefully designed to be applied to Palestinians. He accused the Knesset of voting with the “feeling of Jewish supremacy,” Times of Israel reported.

Palestinians and other activists have called the law another example of the Israeli apartheid regime and institutional racism.

A related bill—concerning the revocation of the citizenship of family members of “terrorists” and their deportation—also received the approval of a majority of the Knesset on Wednesday during its first hearing, Jerusalem Post reported.


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President Biden on Thursday acknowledged that the three unidentified objects he ordered the US military to shoot down were likely harmless weather balloons.

“The intelligence community’s current assessment is that these three objects were most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation, or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific research,” Biden said.

Following the panic caused by the Chinese balloon that floated over the United States, US fighter jets shot down unidentified objects on February 10, 11, and 12 using heat-seeking AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles, which are worth over $400,000 apiece.

Biden said the military was still working to collect the debris. “Our military and the Canadian military are seeking to recover the debris so we can learn more about these three objects,” he said.

According to a report from Aviation Week, at least one of the objects may have been a hobby balloon reported missing by a club in Illinois that launches small balloons with tracking devices that are capable of traveling the globe at high altitudes.

The club, the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade (NIBBB), said its balloon was last reported off the coast of Alaska on February 10, and tracking data projected that it would be floating over Canada’s Yukon Territory on February 11, the same day a US F-22 shot down an object in the area.

The balloon they launched is known as a “pico balloon,” a small silver-coated party-style balloon that carries a transmitter. A Pentagon memo described the object that was shot down over Canada as a “small, metallic balloon with a tethered payload below it.”

Canadian authorities said the object that was shot down was traveling at “approximately 40,000 feet.” When the NIBBB’s balloon was last reported, it was floating at 38,910 feet.

The NIBBB isn’t blaming the US government for shooting down its balloon yet and sometimes the transmitters turn off for a few days, but they think it’s a real possibility. Ron Meadows, the founder of Scientific Balloon Solutions (SBS), a company that makes pico balloons, told Aviation Week that he tried to contact the government to tell them they were likely shooting these balloons down.

“I tried contacting our military and the FBI—and just got the runaround—to try to enlighten them on what a lot of these things probably are. And they’re going to look not too intelligent to be shooting them down,” Meadows said. According to Aviation Week, the pico balloons can usually be purchased for between $12-180 each, depending on the type.

Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, another group that launches hobby balloons, describes the pico balloons as “a 3-foot mylar foil party balloon, filled partially with ultra-pure helium, and carrying a 13-gram solar-powered APRS transmitter. The balloon is intended to travel for long distances (not to achieve heights) and is not intended to be recovered. These balloons have literally circumnavigated the globe — even multiple times — before finally descending.”


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image is from Kurt Nimmo

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With a new Great Wall between Russia and the West, Graham E. Fuller wonders what kind of role lies ahead for either the U.S. or Europe on the international scene.


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It’s a slow-motion fall into the Final War.

Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO chieftain, has told Europe it must prepare for the “long haul” because “this [war] may last for many, many, many, many years.”

In other words, Forever War, this time in Europe.

Of course, at any time, the Forever War can easily morph into nuclear extinction, but this prospect does not seem important to Stoltenberg.

Like Biden and his war boss, Lloyd Austin, the idea here is to take out the Russian “regime,” as Jens calls the elected government in Russia. If we are going to use that term, then the USG is also a regime.

In America, only vetted candidates are allowed to “run” in uniparty elections. Trump was an aberration. The uniparty came together to destroy his presidency, his reputation, and his life.

BTW, I am not a Trump groupie. He is a malignant narcissist guilty of bombing Syria, stealing its oil, and also imposing sanctions on Russia (despite the media calling him a Putin dupe).

Hubris, narcissism, and manifest stupidity are all the rage in DC and Brussels.

In America, corporate oligarchs have poisoned thousands of people in an effort to squeeze every last penny out of unmaintained trains illegally transporting deadly chemicals through East Palestine, Ohio.

I say “illegally” because Norfolk Southern didn’t bother to tell the EPA it was moving hazardous material through the small town of around 5,000 people. In fact, Norfolk Southern lied.

Most of the train’s 150 rail cars were carrying cargo that was not hazardous, officials say, such as cement, steel and frozen vegetables, according a manifest of the derailed cars provided to the Environmental Protection Agency.

You’d think deadly toxins in the Ohio River might prompt the corporate media to cover the story more closely. Instead, the Associated Press tells Ohio Basin residents to chill. Groundwater toxins may be the next conspiracy theory.

Contaminants including butyl acrylate have been detected in the Ohio River, but the amounts so far don’t pose a risk for cities that rely on the river for its drinking water, according to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and outside experts.

For some reason, the Associated Press failed to mention the presence of vinyl chloride. According to the EPA, it is a serious health hazard at 2 ppb (that’s part per billion).

According to WXIX in Cincinnati, however, zero “contaminants were found in the Ohio River after Greater Cincinnati Water Works tested it for multiple hazardous chemicals.” On Monday, a water quality manager in Louisville said, “right now, any affected water is still in West Virginia.”

Biden and his neocons are not concerned about the mess in East Palestine.  They are busy poking Russia, trying to get WWIII rolling, and also backtracking on Chinese spy balloons.

Now the click-obsessed corporate media is talking about aliens—anything to draw your eyes to web pages burgeoning with obnoxious ads and pop-up videos selling cars few can afford to buy.

Biden’s Commerce Department has enlarged the sanctions war against China in response to… virtually nothing, radar blips of objects in the “sky trash” zone. Spy balloons are, along with illusory weapons of mass destruction, a twist on neocon lies designed to rile up an easily frightened public routinely fed end-to-end lies.

Erin Brockovich, remember her? She was the whistleblower who exposed Pacific Gas & Electric’s contamination of groundwater in Hinkley, California. Brockovich’s successful lawsuit was the subject of an Oscar-awarded film.

On Thursday, she “told residents living near the site of a toxic train derailment in Ohio to ignore government claims that the water is safe to drink and leave if they fear for their health,” reported The Times (paywall requires scaling).

Short version: the government is lying—as usual.

Toxins threatening the lives of millions of people in the Ohio Basin are apparently of so little importance the government didn’t bother to send “officials” to a town hall meeting in East Palestine. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was nowhere to be seen.

From his office in DC, Buttigieg blamed Trump for the Biden administration’s decision to let the people of East Palestine twist in the wind while the administration and Congress send billions of dollars and expensive weapons to neo-nazi thugs in Ukraine.

It is business as usual in regard to killing people in foreign lands.

In America, the middle class is sliding into poverty. You and I come in a distant second to neo-nazis fond of burning people alive for daring to resist ending up victims of genocide.

As noted above, the Biden neocons and neolib “hawks” are plotting to escalate the war in Ukraine, thus violating red lines (no NATO on Russia’s border), and careening toward all-out thermonuclear war.

A handful of uniparty “republicans” are said to oppose an escalation that will ultimately lead to species extinction (although, if Trump were still in office and tempting war with Russia, I imagine some of these “representatives” would cheer for thermonuclear war. It’s a uniparty thing).

The Hill reports:

Continued U.S. support of Ukraine is not certain. Some Republican lawmakers oppose it. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) said he doesn’t much care what happens to Ukraine. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) voted against another $40 billion in aid, saying, “we have no business getting involved in another war.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) insisted, “not another penny will go to Ukraine.” Other Republicans question the amount of proposed aid.

Government war propaganda and balloon diversions are so effective, millions of Americans ignorantly welcome their own horrible deaths, either the fast way (immediate vaporization) or the slow way (radiation sickness, starvation, disease).


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

The Bayer/Monsanto Tie-up: Is the Marriage Over?

February 17th, 2023 by Paul Anthony Taylor

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Rumors are growing that the corporate marriage between German drug firm Bayer and American agrochemicals goliath Monsanto may be heading for divorce. Under increasing shareholder pressure following a dramatic slump in Bayer’s stock price over the past 8 years, the German company’s notorious CEO Werner Baumann is set to be replaced with the former head of Swiss drugmaker Roche, Bill Anderson. Werner had played a leading role in pushing through Bayer’s disastrous $63 billion takeover of Monsanto in 2018. Pharma industry observers suggest his departure signals that a corporate breakup could now be imminent.

Through acquiring Monsanto, Bayer inherited over 100,000 lawsuits filed by people who say they were harmed as a result of exposure to the agrochemical company’s glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup. The filing of these suits followed an announcement in 2015 by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that glyphosate was “probably carcinogenic to humans”. Studies have since provided “compelling evidence” that the chemical increases the risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system.

Settling the Roundup lawsuits has already cost Bayer almost $11 billion. Legal costs have added still further to this figure. Thus far around 80 percent of the cases filed have been settled. But with American lawyers still actively seeking new plaintiffs, the class action is ongoing. In this situation, with Bayer’s stock price having nosedived by more than 50 percent since 2015, it is easy to see why the firm’s investors are pushing for Monsanto to be cut off and sold. Even if this happens, however, Bayer’s dark history suggests that in the long term its business philosophy won’t change.

Bayer’s dark history

Bayer has a dark history of putting its profits before human health and life. In 2001, after it was discovered that Baycol (Lipobay), its cholesterol-lowering statin medication, was linked to the deaths of 31 patients in the United States, it was forced to withdraw the drug from sale. Papers discovered later indicated that, long before it was pulled from the market, senior executives at Bayer knew the drug had serious problems. As reported by the New York Times in 2003, emails, memos, and sworn depositions suggest Bayer had promoted the drug while knowing patients were falling ill or dying from it. In all, around 100 deaths worldwide are believed to be linked to Baycol/Lipobay.

In September 2006, further demonstrating a pattern of Bayer suppressing drug data, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the company had failed to reveal the results of a large study suggesting that Trasylol, a heart surgery drug it produced, might increase the risk of serious kidney damage, congestive heart failure, stroke, and death. Bayer subsequently admitted suppressing the study, claiming it had been done “mistakenly”. It is estimated that had Trasylol been withdrawn from the market earlier, 22,000 lives could have been saved.

But these deaths are dwarfed by those resulting from Bayer’s roles in IG Farben, Auschwitz, and the two world wars.

War crimes

During WWI Bayer was involved in the development and manufacture of a range of explosives and poisonous gases, including mustard gas. Its chemical warfare agents were used to devastating effect and became the planet’s first weapons of mass destruction.

In WWII, as a member of IG Farben, Bayer was part of the largest chemical cartel in the history of Germany. Its patented drugs were tested on inmates of Auschwitz and other concentration camps, who were used as human guinea pigs. These tests were conducted by the likes of Dr. Helmuth Vetter – a Bayer employee and Nazi Party SS doctor.

Following WWII, Fritz ter Meer, a director of IG Farben, was sentenced at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials to 7 years in prison for crimes against humanity including slavery, mass murder, plunder, and spoliation. Released after serving only 2 years he went on to become chairman of Bayer’s supervisory board, a post he then held for 8 years.

Maximizing ‘shareholder value’

With internal papers calculating the potential value of a corporate breakup having reportedly been leaked to mainstream media outlets, there seems little doubt that Bayer is actively considering ridding itself of Monsanto. While this may or may not lead to a recovery in Bayer’s stock price, it is ultimately beside the point.

In buying Monsanto, Bayer knew of the agrochemical firm’s background and crimes. It would also be fully aware of Monsanto’s reputation as the most hated company in the world. Nevertheless, if it wasn’t for the dramatic negative effect the purchase has had on Bayer’s stock price, it would not now be considering selling the company.

The bottom line is therefore that if it happens, the Monsanto sale will be about maximizing shareholder value. At best, so far as Bayer’s largest investors are concerned, improving human health is a purely secondary matter. More likely, however, it is essentially considered an irrelevancy.


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This article was originally published on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings. You can find Paul on Twitter at @paulanthtaylor

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from DRHF

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Americans’ Soaring Distrust of News-Media

February 17th, 2023 by Eric Zuesse

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On Wednesday, February 15th, CNN headlined “Alarming new study finds half of Americans believe news organizations intend to mislead and misinform with their reporting”, and reported that

On Wednesday, Gallup and the Knight Foundation released their annual report surveying Americans for insights into how they view the press — and the results were grim.

Only 26% of Americans hold a favorable opinion of the news media, Gallup and the Knight Foundation found — the lowest level recorded by the organizations over the last five years.

Perhaps more startling: the report found that 72% of Americans believe national newsrooms are capable of serving the public [the survey question on that was instead:

“In general, most national news organizations have the resources and opportunity to report the news accurately and fairly to the public,” and 72% of respondents agreed with that], but that they do not believe they’re well intentioned [and the survey question on that was actually not one but instead two sdeparate questions: “

In general, most national news organizations do not intend to mislead, misinform, or persuade the public”, to which 50% disagreed and 25% agreed; and, “In general, most national news organizations care about the best interests of their readers, viewers, and listeners”, to which 52% disagreed and 23% agreed]. Only 23% said that they believe national newsrooms care about the best interests of their audiences.

The actual Knight Foundation Gallup survey showed that Americans trusted commercial network news (ABC, CBS, NBC) the most, and only 17% distrusted them; trust was the second-highest in U.S. national newspapers (NYT, WashPo, WSJ), and only 30% distrusted them; third-highest trusted was public broadcast news (NPR, BBC, PBS), distrusted by only 33%; fourth-most was local newsmedia, distrusted by only 41%; and fifth-most-trusted was Cable news (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC) distrusted by 45%. All other news (the seventh-most-trusted category) was “Other” (presumably online) which was distrusted by 70%.

Consequently: whereas Americans distrust “most national news organizations,” the distrust is mainly of online news; i.e., news that can be verified or disconfirmed by searching online. Americans trust the most the types of news-media that cannot embed links to sources, etc. (Perhaps Americans confuse those media with “social media” such as Instagram and Facebook— which likewise are available only online.)

The Knight/Gallup survey found that “Sixty-one percent say the increase in information today makes it harder to be well-informed.” Furthermore: “Fifty percent say there is so much bias in the news media that it is often difficult to sort out the facts.” Of course, if the public distrusts the most the news they receive online in a form that can be checked via online searches etc., and if those news-repiorts predominate among “the incease in information today,” then the public will the most be gtrusting the old news forms: ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, WashPo, and WSJ. So, the mega-corporate-supplied ’news’-reports will be the most-trusted.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Strategic Culture Foundation

US Uses UFO Psyop to Hide Crimes and Advance Military Agenda

February 17th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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The strategies used by the US to distract public opinion seem increasingly stupid. Now, Washington is resorting to science fiction mechanisms, promoting the narrative of “UFO attacks”. The reasons seem quite simple: to prevent the media from paying attention to the recent chemical disasters in the country and at the same time generate concern among citizens about alleged “unknown threats”, which may enable the advancement of military agendas.

A few days after shooting down a Chinese weather balloon claiming “risks to national security”, Washington decided to deepen its conspiracy theories. Now, the US government claims to be monitoring the activities of alleged UFOs in its territory. According to American and Canadian authorities, some of these UFOs would have been shot down in the border region between both countries – however, very suspiciously, the debris of the unknown objects have not been found yet.

The American government has refrained from accusing any country of launching the alleged UFOs, although some propagandists have suggested Chinese involvement, linking the episode to the case of the weather balloon. More than that, the Americans even resorted to bizarre and unrealistic speculations about a possible “alien visit”. For example, when asked about the “possibility” that the incidents were an actual contact with extraterrestrial beings, General Glen Van Herck, commander of U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), stated that he does “not rule out anything”.

“I’ll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out (…) I haven’t ruled out anything (…) At this point, we continue to assess every threat or potential threat unknown that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it”, he said during a press conference.

Obviously, the matter took the attention of the media and public opinion. On social networks, words like “UFO” and “alien invasion” reached the trending topics, with both humorous comments making fun of the situation and texts expressing concern, fear and terror. Although the topic seems extremely hilarious to many people, the idea of the “threat from the skies” is very strong in American culture. Since September 11, 2001, there has been an atmosphere of fear among many American citizens regarding aerial objects, since the biggest episode of attack on the country, which took place in the financial center of the West, came precisely “from the skies”.

The most curious thing about this whole situation, however, is to analyze that, in parallel with the “UFO invasion”, one of the greatest environmental disasters in American history was taking place, with the derailment and explosion of a train carrying chemical compounds between the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania. The tragedy generated a terrible chemical leak, forming a toxic cloud with phosgene and hydrogen chloride, gases that are extremely harmful to human health. The city’s river was also affected, severely affecting the lives of more than 5,000 local inhabitants. Some experts have called the case “Chernobyl 2.0”.

The “UFOs” curiously prevented the criticisms of the negligence of the American authorities in containing the effects of the accident from becoming known. While netizens were distracted by discussing aliens, the population of Ohio was intoxicated by the smoke from the explosion, with an uncertain number of victims. In this sense, the “UFOs” strongly contributed to prevent journalists from being able to expose the hypocrisy of the US – a country that enforces environmental standards abroad and is incapable of containing environmental problems domestically.

However, the strategic meaning of “UFOs” for the interests of American elites cannot be reduced to a mere attempt to hide environmental crimes. There is also a strong military sense evident in the dissemination of the UFO narrative, considering the aforementioned factors. By increasing the sensation of fear among citizens and creating an atmosphere of “unknown threat”, it becomes easier for the US government to garner popular support to approve measures to encourage militarization. In the face of growing popular dissatisfaction with NATO’s war machine, the ‘’unknown threat’’ appears as an opportunity to revitalize support for the US government.

There is still one factor that needs to be mentioned. A few days before the American-Canadian border UFO incident, the US government had been formally accused by Seymour Hersh, an award-winning investigative journalist, of being responsible for the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream pipelines. The repercussion of the scandal was significantly minimized by the UFO incidents, which increases the suspicion surrounding the case.

Indeed, these “coincidences” can be seen as evidence that UFOs are a psyop operated by the US government to hide its crimes and advance its military agendas. With a distracted and terrified population, it is easier to ignore the relevance of episodes like Nord Stream and Ohio, as well as generate incentives for the NATO’s war machine. Indeed, if they really exist, the “aliens” do not seem to be the actual threat to the world today: once again, it is the US that promotes destabilization and panic to defend its egoistic interests.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Ignore this girl’s potty mouth and listen to what she says about East Palestine.

Meanwhile, in a repeat of EPA boss Christine Todd Whitman’s declaration that Manhattan’s air was safe to breathe following 9/11 (400,000 people were exposed to toxic dust and debris),

health, safety and environmental officials said the air quality in and around East Palestine is what it was before authorities conducted a controlled burn of vinyl chloride from an tanker involved in a 150-car train derailment. That burn on February 7 produced a black cloud that could be seen for miles.

According to the “Compendium of environmental standards,” exposure to “flammable, toxic and narcotic” vinyl chloride “damages the liver, kidneys and spleen; malignant tumors may occur. Toxic concentrations in air may occur without producing an alarming odor. VC is definitely carcinogenic and teratogenic (deformities and skeletal changes on inhalation) as revealed both by animal experiments and human exposure.”

In 2005, the EPA, in a “review of VC toxicology, which was drafted with substantial input from the chemical industry… weakened safeguards,” and its assessment downplayed cancer risks, according to the Network of the National Library of Medicine. (Emphasis added.)

The trend toward increasing industry participation allows corporate interests with products under regulation to more effectively recommend acceptable limits of public exposure to their own products and wastes, while placing an unrealistic burden on the U.S. EPA scientists and the public to provide adequate peer review and oversight. Public confidence is undermined when commercial interests, instead of scientific evaluations, shape public health policy.

Norfolk Southern railroad didn’t bother to inform the local government it was moving extremely hazardous material through East Palestine. It also neglected maintenance on its trains. A video of the derailment shows “what appears to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure moments before the derailment,” according to the National Transportation Safety Board.

The “top holders” of Norfolk Southern stock include The Vanguard Group (the world’s largest mutual fund company), BlackRock (the $10 trillion “Evil Empire”), JP Morgan (a long rap sheet of crimes), Wells Fargo (fined billions for misconduct), and other “investment” firms.

“In its operations, BlackRock pursues a sustainability strategy that seeks to decouple company growth from the firm’s impact on the environment, while increasing the efficiency and resiliency of BlackRock’s operations,” declares a BlackRock “environmental sustainability” webpage.

Meanwhile, in a perfect example of doublethink, the mega “financial services” corporation has invested billions in the destruction of the Amazon rainforest.

“Even though BlackRock says that it will focus on environmental sustainability, it continues to invest in companies that slash and burn the planet’s lungs,” explains Code Pink.

BlackRock is cashing in on the destruction of the Amazon by investing millions in oil, mining, and agribusinesses that not only destroy the rainforests but displace indigenous communities. Additionally, BlackRock decided to invest its money in the Brazilian meatpacking company JBS, another company that contributes to deforestation.

BlackRock and Vanguard are heavily invested in the business of organized murder for profit. The “investment” corporations own over 39 million shares of Lockheed Martin. Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and General Dynamics are also “significantly owned by BlackRock and Vanguard.”

Never mind the Bizarro World aspect of BlackRock’s deceptive “environmental sustainability” PR lies. Investments in the death merchant complex are associated with the Pentagon’s dismal record on environmental protection.

“Widespread conflict in populated rural areas jeopardizes vital public health campaigns,” writes H. Patricia Hynes, a former professor of environmental health at the Boston University School of Public Health, and director of the Traprock Center for Peace and Justice.

Likewise, modern war and militarism have a staggering impact on nature and our lived environment — by the kinds of weapons used (long-lived concealed explosives, toxic chemicals, and radiation); the “shock and awe” intensity of industrial warfare; and the massive exploitation of natural resources and fossil fuels to support militarism. By 1990, researchers estimated that the world’s military accounted for 5-10 percent of global air pollution, including carbon dioxide, ozone-depletion, smog and acid-forming chemicals. The Research Institute for Peace Policy in Starnberg, Germany calculated that 20 percent of all global environmental degradation was due to military and related activities.

Vanguard also claims it is dedicated to “sustainability goals,” and declares it will reach “carbon neutrality throughout our global operations in 2025,” according to its website. Meanwhile, the corporation holds at least $86 billion in coal, making it the world’s top investor in the industry. Other bankster operations, including Citigroup, Barclays, and 381 commercial banks, are also invested in coal.

The American taxpayer will be obliged to pay for the criminal behavior of Norfolk Southern, BlackRock, and Vanguard. On Tuesday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine demanded Congress respond to the expanding crisis, including the pollution of the Ohio River (the Ohio River Basin covers 204,000 square miles, encompassing areas in 15 states, including over 25 million people, totaling 10% of the US population).

“If a water supply is contaminated, vinyl chloride can enter household air when the water is used for showering, cooking, or laundry,” notes the National Cancer Institute.

East Palestine is experiencing a major environmental crisis and a serious threat to the health of millions of Americans. Norfolk Southern is responsible for allowing the disaster to happen, and its BlackRock investor will not be held responsible. “In a press release, Norfolk Southern said it [has] distributed more than $1 million to more than 700 families in the area to reimburse expenses incurred due to the evacuation,” reports WVXU in Cincinnati.

They also said they have donated air purifiers to residents, completed more than 300 in-home air tests with more than 100 additional tests scheduled and are currently testing well water in the area. A Potable Water Working Group has been created to monitor drinking water. Private wells are being prioritized.

Air purifiers and well monitoring will not address future liver, spleen, kidney, and lung cancers of East Palestine residents, in addition to the health of millions of other people in Ohio and surrounding states.

The response will likely follow a well-tread pattern: Norfolk Southern will be fined and awareness of its criminal behavior will be allowed to fade into the background, as the Flint water crisis has.

In Flint, Michigan residents have suffered nearly a decade of drinking water contaminated by pathological bacteria and lead poisoning.

“I’m frustrated by the water issue in Flint,” then Gov. Rick Snyder’s chief of staff, Dennis Muchmore, wrote in an email. “I really don’t think people are getting the benefit of the doubt. These folks are scared and worried about the health impacts and they are basically getting blown off by us (as a state we’re just not sympathizing with their plight).”

Norfolk Southern and BlackRock will not face serious consequences for the East Palestine disaster.

Moreover, the crisis does not seem to be on the radar of climate warriors Al Gore and Greta Thunberg. While the crisis has resulted in passing news coverage, it has not received the media attention it deserves. In fact, a reporter demanding answers was thrown to the floor during a news conference, handcuffed, and arrested.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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The U.S. is blaming Zimbabwe’s government (which it is conveniently trying to overthrow) for the tragic humanitarian crises afflicting its suffering people. But the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism has now placed responsibility directly on the harsh economic sanctions that the U.S. has been imposing on Zimbabwe for the last 22 years.

Just two years after the U.S. had imposed sanctions in 2001, Zimbabwe’s economy contracted 23% and inflation skyrocketed by more than 560%.

On February 4, expert witnesses testified at an International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism about the adverse impact of sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Organized by an assortment of peace and social justice organizations, the hearings were the first in a series that aims to spotlight the pernicious impact of U.S. sanctions on 16 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia, arguing that such sanctions function as a “key tool of U.S. imperialism.”

The first speaker, Rotendo Benson Matinyarare, chairman of the Zimbabweans Against Sanctions movement, noted that, between 2001 and 2008, Zimbabwe’s economy contracted by 17% as a result of the sanctions, then contracted even more, to 23%. Inflation skyrocketed by more than 560% in just two years after the sanctions were imposed—and some 280 million percent by 2008.

On the eve of the Africa leaders summit in Washington, D.C., in December, the Biden administration slapped yet another round of sanctions on Zimbabwe that will further worsen living conditions for Zimbabwe’s population.

One of the targets was Emmerson Mnangagwa, Jr., the son of the previously sanctioned President Emmerson Mnangagwa (2017-present), along with three other people and two companies that were accused of “undermining democracy and facilitating high level graft.”

The sanctions were designed to freeze any assets the targets may have had within U.S. jurisdiction and bar Americans from doing business with them. (Mnangagwa Jr. is in charge of his father’s business interests related to a prominent businessman, Kudakwashe Tagwirei, and his Sakunda Holdings company, both of which are already subjects of U.S. sanctions).

The U.S. Treasury Department announced in December 2022:

“We urge the Zimbabwean government to take meaningful steps towards creating a peaceful, prosperous, and politically vibrant Zimbabwe, and to address the root causes of many of Zimbabwe’s ills: corrupt elites and their abuse of the country’s institutions for their personal benefit. The goal of sanctions is behavior change. Today’s actions demonstrate our support for a transparent and prosperous Zimbabwe.”

The reference to “behavior change” seems very close to “regime change,” which is clearly an underlying goal of the U.S. sanctions.

By weakening Zimbabwe’s economy and creating hardship among its people, the aim is for Zimbabweans to turn against their government, which has resisted efforts to keep its economy subordinate to Western interests as a supplier of raw materials, source of cheap labor and consumer of manufactured goods produced elsewhere.

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“A Program to Maintain White-Skin Privilege”

U.S. sanctions on Zimbabwe were first applied by the Bush administration in December 2001 after the U.S. Congress passed the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZDERA), which restricted Zimbabwe’s access to credit and loans provided by international lending institutions including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank.

ZDERA was introduced in the Senate by Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Bill First (R-TN) and sponsored by Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Joe Biden (D-DE), and Jesse Helms (R-NC). 97% of the House of Representatives voted for it.

Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) referred to ZDERA as “nothing more than a formal declaration of United States complicity in a program to maintain white-skin privilege;” “under the hypocritical guise of providing a ‘transition to democracy.’”

The passage of ZDERA followed Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s initiation of a historic land redistribution program, which returned land that had been taken over by Europeans when Zimbabwe (then Southern Rhodesia) was colonized by white settlers at the turn of the 20th century.

A bibliophile who studied at Fort Hare, the only Black South African university, where he was exposed to revolutionary Marxist and pan-Africanist ideals, Mugabe had been imprisoned by the white supremacist Ian Smith regime from 1964 to 1974. He became Zimbabwe’s first president in 1980 as head of the Zimbabwe African National Union—Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), ruling until his death in 2019 when he was succeeded by Mnangagwa.[1]

Vilified in Western media, Mugabe displayed tyrannical qualities but cultivated a strong base of support in Zimbabwe’s rural areas and among traditional tribal chiefs.[2] He was disliked in the West primarily because his government a) embraced pan-Africanist and socialist principles; b) aimed to advance Zimbabwe’s industrialization; c) supported the anti-apartheid struggle; and d) supported the historic land reform initiatives that aimed to overturn Zimbabwe’s colonial legacy.[3]

In 2003, Mugabe adopted a “Look East” policy, declaring: “We have turned East, where the sun rises, and given our backs to the West, where the sun sets.”[4] Mnangagwa—who received military training in China in the 1960s—has further deepened Zimbabwe’s relations with China.

For the last 20 years, the U.S. government has covertly supported the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), an opposition party launched in 1999 that has received generous funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)—a CIA offshoot that supports propaganda and pro-U.S. political parties.

ZDERA was first passed, conveniently, right after MDC had lost parliamentary elections. Its major aim was to boost MDC’s political fortunes when Mugabe’s ZANU-PF Party had just instituted his land reform initiative.

The MDC’s leader until his death in 2018, Morgan Tsvangirai, adopted a neo-liberal economic program that strove to open Zimbabwe to foreign exploitation and was accused of trying to assassinate Mugabe.

In 2011, when Mugabe pushed for the nationalization of foreign-owned companies and reaffirmed a bill forcing foreign-owned companies worth more than $500,000 to have at least 51% Black ownership, Tsvangirai denounced the plan “as looting and plunder by a greedy elite.”

Morgan Tsvangirai speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in 2009. [Source:]

Sanctions of Mass Destruction

In his talk at the People’s Tribunal, Rotendo Benson Matinyarare provided a shocking set of statistics that underscored the horrifying effects of U.S. as well as EU sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Between 2000 and 2014, according to Rotendo, Zimbabwe lost more than $42 billion in revenue and its GDP fell 35%.

Access to health care in that time declined considerably, and thousands of Zimbabweans lost their jobs as the government could no longer afford to subsidize state-run industries like ZSCO steel, which laid off 5,000 workers, and SABO Chemicals, which manufactured chemicals to purify water. Access to clean water in Zimbabwe’s cities, consequently, plummeted from 29% to 22% in cities and from 50% to below 50% in rural areas—as the country was gripped by cholera and typhoid epidemics.

Zimbabwean kids living in abject poverty. [Source:]

Many people also died in road accidents because the government could no longer fund first responders, while Zimbabwe’s rail infrastructure became dilapidated as it had been dependent on General Electric (GE) for the furnishing of locomotives.

Infant mortality rates and the number of women dying during childbirth at the same time skyrocketed, and Zimbabwe suffered from a major brain drain, with millions of people displaced artificially.

The U.S. and European media, political elite and intellectual classes blamed Zimbabwean government mismanagement under Mugabe and corruption for the catastrophe that befell the country in the early 21st century.

However, under Mugabe’s leadership in the late 1990s, Zimbabwe had had one of the best health care and education systems in Africa, the second biggest stock exchange, and was a key breadbasket for the entire Sardic [South Africa] region.

The drastic change could only be accounted for by the sanctions, which deprived the Zimbabwean government of needed credit and loans and destroyed its tax base as the economy contracted.

Illegality and Wall Street Windfall

While ordinary Zimbabweans suffer, Rotendo pointed out that powerful Wall Street investment firms such as BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity continue to invest in Zimbabwe’s stock exchange. Somehow they are immune from the sanctions.

The illegality of the sanctions appears to have been recognized even by the U.S. government.

When Zimbabwe’s CBZ Bank refused to pay a $385 million fine for violating sanctions and sued the U.S. government, the U.S. government quietly backed off and a secret settlement was reached that was likely very favorable toward CBZ.

A Warning to Zimbabwe’s Sardic Neighbors

Milton Allimadi, the other main expert witness at the tribunal, who is the publisher of Black Star News, emphasized that a main goal of the Zimbabwean sanctions is to send a signal to South Africa and Namibia that they should not redistribute their land—or they will face similar consequences as Zimbabwe.

Allimadi said that Europeans in South Africa constitute 8% of the population but control 72% of the land, despite the end of Apartheid. In Namibia—where President Sam Nujoma (1990-2005) supported Mugabe’s land reform—Europeans constitute 6% of the population but also control 70% of the land.

Allimadi noted that the media began vilifying Mugabe in the West once he instituted his land reform and was moving forward with industrialization plans.

The scurrilous stories lent support not only to the U.S. sanctions but also to a U.S. plot to back a South African invasion of Zimbabwe.

When Allimadi traveled to Zimbabwe in the early 2000s, he saw directly how the media lied: He had read about white Europeans being attacked in the streets of Harare and other Zimbabwean cities but witnessed nothing like that on his trip.

Colonial Legacy

According to Rotendo, Zimbabwe is stil bearing the burden of sanctions imposed on it by Great Britain in 1966 when it refused to follow Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) on its path to independence, and instead formed a renegade regime of white settlers under Ian Smith.

Rotendo specified that the intention of the sanctions at that time was to punish Blacks down the road when they would gain independence, and that Ian Smith was able to enrich himself and extend his regime by obtaining illegal loans that were in violation of the sanctions.

When Zimbabwe became independent under Mugabe’s leadership, the country was forced to assume the debts of Smith’s government, which had failed to provide basic health care, education, housing or energy for the majority Black population like its colonial predecessor.

The U.S. and UK at this time partnered with South Africa’s Apartheid government to destabilize Zimbabwe, which played a key role in the anti-Apartheid struggle as a base of operation for African National Congress (ANC) anti-Apartheid activists.[5]

South Africa’s Apartheid state worked to sabotage Zimbabwe’s infrastructure and promoted terrorist acts, primarily in neighboring Mozambique, affecting the entire regional economy, and plunging the new Zimbabwean state into greater debt.

The CIA supported right-wing Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO) terrorists who were allied with Apartheid South Africa and a vital aspect of regional destabilization efforts.

When Zimbabwe was promised money for its reconstruction following the demise of South African Apartheid, the aid failed to materialize—though the country for a time flourished until the ZDERA was passed.

Crime Against Humanity and Instrument of Regime Change

Rotendo suggests that the U.S. sanctions policy is a crime against humanity that discriminates against Zimbabweans, a form of collective punishment for Zimbabwe’s political defiance of the U.S.-dominated world order, and political instrument to affect regime change.

The U.S. government claims that it wants to advance democracy in Zimbabwe, though it rigs elections through the sanctions and supports a political party, MDC, that Rotendo considers to be a terrorist organization because it uses coercion and supports the persecution of Zimbabweans and killing of them through hunger in an attempt to gain political power.

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Rotendo said that Americans would not tolerate a political party that was there for the explicit purpose of destabilizing the United States—which is true of the MDC.

Rotendo also noted the U.S. hypocrisy of crying wolf about Russian interference in its past elections, when he says the U.S. has been manipulating elections in Zimbabwe for 22 years through its support for the sanctions and MDC.


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. On Mugabe’s background, see Sue Onslow and Martin Plaut, Robert Mugabe (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2018). This book provides good information and acknowledges the need for land reform and that Mugabe has a strong base of support in Zimbabwe, but is typical of Western scholarship in its anti-Mugabe bias and denial of the endurance of Western imperialism in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s and attempts to affect regime change. The authors blame Mugabe for Zimbabwe’s problems while failing, in a glaring omission, to even discuss the U.S. and EU sanctions. A similar bias is evident in William J. Mpofu’s book, Robert Mugabe and the Will to Power in an African Postcolony (New York: Palgrave McMillan, 2021), which supports Samantha Power’s characterization of Mugabe’s rule as “the art of how to kill a country.” Mpofu further claims that “Mugabe participated in the defeat of white settler colonialism in order to replace it with his own nativist colonization of Zimbabwe.” A search through the index reveals that the term sanctions or ZDERA appears nowhere in the scholarly text. 

  2. Onslow and Plaut, Robert Mugabe, 128. Mugabe also had the support of Zimbabwe’s dominant Shona tribe and delivered many of his speeches in Shona. A low point of Mugabe’s rule was the Gukurahundi in the early 1980s when North Korean-trained army regiments in western Zimbabwe massacred supporters of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), a rival of ZANU-PF, which had its base among the Ndebele and Katanga people. Mugabe himself described the early 1980s as a “moment of madness.” Stuart Doran, “New Documents Claim to Prove Mugabe Ordered Gukurahundi Killings,” The Guardian, May 19, 2015, 
  3. Onslow and Plaut, Robert Mugabe. Mugabe was a leader of the Non-Aligned Movement in the 1980s. Another reason Western powers hated him was because, in the 1990s, he sent Zimbabwean troops into the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the invitation of the DRC government to protect it from outside imperialist invasion led by U.S. proxies Rwanda and Uganda, which were intent on plundering the DRC’s mineral wealth and opening it to exploitation by U.S. corporations.
  4. Onslow and Plaut, Robert Mugabe, 115. 
  5. Zambia, ruled at the time by socialist Kenneth Kaunda (1964-1991), was another important base of operation for the ANC. The CIA in 1981 backed a coup against Kaunda. 

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Arch globalist Klaus Schwab has called for elites to come together globally in order to “master” advanced technologies, warning them that if they don’t act swiftly the world could “escape our power”.

Chemical Desolation in Appalachia

By Jarod Facundo, February 16, 2023

In the village of East Palestine, on a late Friday evening, a Norfolk Southern freight train derailed on the Ohio side of the Pennsylvania border, causing tanker cars to rupture and catch fire, releasing thousands of tons of hazardous chemical compounds into the surrounding land and atmosphere.

Biden to Syrian Earthquake Victims: Drop Dead

By Jeremy Kuzmarov, February 16, 2023

Team Biden was much more muted with regards to Syria, stating that “U.S.-supported humanitarian partners are also responding to the destruction in Syria.” These comments made clear the Biden administration’s refusal to work with the Syrian government, which has been the target of a U.S. regime-change policy since the early 2000s.

We Need a Huge Rage Against the War Machine. Mass Antiwar Movement

By Rick Sterling, February 16, 2023

We urgently need to spark a mass mobilization antiwar movement in North America. There have been good antiwar demonstrations in recent months, but they have been very limited.  We need to rapidly expand tenfold. The Rage Against the War Machine initiative, which is organized by a diverse group of anti-war forces,  could do just that. The demands and overall speaker list are very good.

Musk Says He Restricted Ukraine’s Use of Starlink to Avoid World War III

By Ahmed Adel, February 16, 2023

Eccentric billionaire Elon Musk promised to prevent Ukraine’s use of the Starlink network from escalating the conflict. The SpaceX, Twitter and Tesla owner initially supported Ukraine with the satellite internet constellation system, however, he finally limited support despite receiving a lot of criticism in the West.

Is the U.S. Biden Administration Behind the Blowing Up of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 Pipelines Between Russia and Western Europe?

By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 16, 2023

On Monday, September 26, 2022, the day of Rosh Hashanah (which literally means “beginning of the year” in Hebrew*), U.S. President Joe Biden is alleged to have ordered the destruction of the undersea gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2, linking Russia and Germany. (N.B. The pipeline Nord Stream 1 went into operation in 2012, whereas Nord Stream 2 was completed in 2021, but has never gone into operation.)

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According to several left-leaning critics of the 9/11 Truth Movement, some of its central claims, especially about the destruction of the World Trade Center, show its members to be scientifically challenged. In the opinion of some of these critics, moreover, claims made by members of this movement are sometimes unscientific in the strongest possible sense, implying an acceptance of magic and miracles.

After documenting this charge in Part I of this essay, I show in Part II that the exact opposite is the case: that the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center implies miracles (I give nine examples), and that the 9/11 Truth Movement, in developing an alternative hypothesis, has done so in line with the assumption that the laws of nature did not take a holiday on 9/11. In Part III, I ask these left-leaning critics some questions evoked by the fact that it is they, not members of the 9/11 Truth Movement, who have endorsed a conspiracy theory replete with miracle stories as well as other absurdities.

I  The Charge that 9/11 Truth Theories Rest on Unscientific, Even Magical, Beliefs

Several left-leaning critics of the 9/11 Truth Movement, besides showing contempt for its members, charge them with relying on claims that are contradicted by good science and, in some cases, reflect a belief in magic. By “magic,” they mean miracles, understood as violations of basic principles of the physical sciences.

For example, Alexander Cockburn, who has referred to members of the 9/11 Truth Movement as “9/11 conspiracy nuts,”3 quoted with approval a philosopher who, speaking of “the 9-11 conspiracy cult,” said that its “main engine . . . is . . . the death of any conception of evidence,” resulting in “the ascendancy of magic over common sense, let alone reason.”4 Also, Cockburn assured his readers: “The conspiracy theory that the World Trade Centre towers were demolished by explosive charges previously placed within them is probably impossible.”5 With regard to Building 7 of the World Trade Center, Cockburn claimed (in 2006) that the (2002) report by FEMA was “more than adequate.”6

Likewise, George Monbiot, referring to members of the 9/11 Truth Movement as “fantasists,” “conspiracy idiots,” and “morons,” charged that they “believe that [the Bush regime] is capable of magic.”7

Matt Taibbi, saying that the “9/11 conspiracy theory is so shamefully stupid” and referring to its members as “idiots,” wrote with contempt about the “alleged scientific impossibilities” in the official account of 9/11; about the claim that “the towers couldn’t have fallen the way they did [without the aid of explosives]”; of the view (held by “9/11 Truthers”) that “it isn’t the plane crashes that topple the buildings, but bombs planted in the Towers that do the trick”; and of “the supposed anomalies of physics involved with the collapse of WTC-7.” He had been assured by “scientist friends,” he added, that “[a]ll of the 9/11 science claims” are “rank steaming bullshit.”8

Chris Hayes, writing in The Nation in 2006, did not stoop to the kind of name-calling employed by Cockburn, Monbiot, and Taibbi. Also, he knew, he admitted, of “eyewitness accounts of [people] who heard explosions in the World Trade Center.” And he was aware that “jet fuel burns at 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit [whereas] steel melts at 2,500.” He asserted, nevertheless, that “the evidence shows [a 9/11 conspiracy] to be virtually impossible,” so that the 9/11 Truth Movement’s conspiracy theory is “wrongheaded and a terrible waste of time.”9

Noam Chomsky has also declared that the available facts, when approached scientifically, refute the 9/11 Truth Movement. Speaking of evidence provided by this movement to show that 9/11 “was planned by the Bush Administration,” Chomsky declared: “If you look at the evidence, anybody who knows anything about the sciences would instantly discount that evidence.”10 In spite of his dismissive attitude, however, Chomsky in 2006 gave some helpful advice to people who believe they have physical evidence refuting the official account:

“There are ways to assess that: submit it to specialists . . . who have the requisite background in civil-mechanical engineering, materials science, building construction, etc., for review and analysis. . . . Or, . . . submit it to a serious journal for peer review and publication. To my knowledge, there isn’t a single submission.”11

In These Times writer Terry Allen, in a 2006 essay entitled “The 9/11 Faith Movement,” assured her readers that “the facts [do not] support the conspiracists’ key charge that World Trade Center buildings were destroyed by pre-positioned explosives.”12

In an essay posted at AlterNet a few months after 9/11, David Corn used a purely a priori argument to demonstrate – at least to his own satisfaction – that 9/11 could not have been an inside job: “U.S. officials would [not have been] . . . good [capable] enough, evil enough, or gutsy enough.”13 In 2009, after having been silent about 9/11 for the intervening years, he addressed the issue again. Referring to “9/11 conspiracy silliness,” “9/11 conspiracy poison,” and “9/11 fabulists,” Corn declared:

“The 9/11 conspiracy . . . was always a load of bunk. You don’t have to be an expert on skyscraper engineering . . . to know that [this theory] make[s] no sense.”14

Corn thereby implied that, whereas anyone can know that the 9/11 Truth Movement’s conspiracy theory is false, those people who are “expert[s] on skyscraper engineering” would have even more certain knowledge of this fact.

As to how people (such as himself) who are not experts on such matters could know this movement’s conspiracy theory to be “a load of bunk,” Corn again employed his three-point a priori argument, as re-worded in a later essay, according to which the Bush administration was “not that evil,” “not that ballsy,” and “not that competent.”15 Corn even referred to his three-point argument as “a tutorial that should persuade anyone that the 9/11 theory makes no sense.” Although this “tutorial” does not, of course, convince members of the 9/11 Truth Movement, Corn explained this fact by saying: “I have learned from experience that people who believe this stuff are not open to persuasion.”16

In any case, although his argument against the inside-job theory was almost entirely a priori, he did make the above-mentioned suggestion that one’s a priori certitude would be reinforced by people, such as “expert[s] on skyscraper engineering,” who have relevant types of expertise to evaluate the empirical evidence.

A fuller statement of the general claim made by these authors – that the 9/11 Truth Movement is based on unscientific claims – was formulated by Matthew Rothschild, the editor of The Progressive. In an essay entitled “Enough of the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Already,” Rothschild wrote:

“Here’s what the conspiracists believe: 9/11 was an inside job. . . . [T]he Twin Towers fell not because of the impact of the airplanes and the ensuing fires but because [of] explosives. Building 7, another high-rise at the World Trade Center that fell on 9/11, also came down by planted explosives. . . . I’m amazed at how many people give credence to these theories. . . . [S]ome of the best engineers in the country have studied these questions and come up with perfectly logical, scientific explanations for what happened. . . . At bottom, the 9/11 conspiracy theories are profoundly irrational and unscientific. It is more than passing strange that progressives, who so revere science on such issues as tobacco, stem cells, evolution, and global warming, are so willing to abandon science and give in to fantasy on the subject of 9/11.”17

However, in spite of the confidence with which these critics have made their charges, the truth is the complete opposite: It is the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center, which has been endorsed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), that is profoundly unscientific (partly because it ignores a massive amount of evidence pointing to use of explosives18), and it is precisely for this reason that the 9/11 Truth Movement has come up with an alternative explanation – namely, that the WTC buildings were brought down in the procedure known as “controlled demolition.”

II  Miracles Implied by NIST’s Explanation of the WTC’s Destruction

The main reason why NIST’s theory of the destruction of the World Trade Center is profoundly unscientific is that it cannot be accepted without endorsing miracles, in the sense of violations of fundamental principles of physics and chemistry. I will demonstrate this point in terms of nine miracles implied by NIST’s accounts of the destruction of Building 7 of the World Trade Center (WTC 7) and the Twin Towers (WTC 1 and 2).

1. The Fire-Induced Collapse of WTC 7: An Apparent Miracle

WTC 7 was a 47-story building that, although it was not hit by a plane, came down at 5:21 PM that day. Unlike the collapse of the Twin Towers, the collapse of this building was not publicized. The 9/11 Commission Report, for example, did not even mention it.19 Many people have, accordingly, never heard of this building’s collapse. A Zogby poll in 2006, for example, found that 43 percent of the American people were still unaware that a third WTC building had collapsed, and even though NIST’s report on its collapse appeared in 2008, many people today still do not know that this building also came down.20 For the purposes of the present essay, in any case, the main point is that, insofar as people profess belief in the official account of this building’s collapse as articulated by NIST, they imply an acceptance of several miracles.

I begin with a fact about WTC 7’s collapse that at least appears to entail a miracle: that it was (according to the official account) the first steel-frame high-rise building in the known universe to be brought down solely by fire. The Twin Towers were hit by airliners, so the official account could attribute their collapses to the airplane impacts as well as to the ensuing fires. But WTC 7 was not hit by a plane, so its collapse apparently had to be attributed to fire alone.

The unprecedented nature of a fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise building was expressed a couple of months after 9/11 by New York Times reporter James Glanz. Calling the collapse of WTC 7 “a mystery,” Glanz reported that “experts said no building like it, a modern, steel-reinforced high-rise, had ever collapsed because of an uncontrolled fire.” Glanz also quoted a structural engineer as saying: “[W]ithin the structural engineering community, [WTC 7] is considered to be much more important to understand [than the Twin Towers],” because engineers had no answer to the question, “why did 7 come down?”21

The mystery was not lessened in 2002 when FEMA issued the first official report on this building’s collapse. Saying that its “best hypothesis” was that flaming debris from the collapse of the North Tower had ignited diesel fuel stored in the building, resulting in large, steel-weakening fires that made the building collapse, FEMA admitted that this hypothesis had “only a low probability of occurrence”22 (although Alexander Cockburn years later, as we saw above, would declare this report to be “more than adequate”).

This cautionary statement by FEMA did not, however, prevent defenders of the official account from claiming that WTC 7’s collapse was not really very mysterious after all. In a 2006 book, Popular Mechanics told its readers what they could probably expect to find in the report on this building to be put out by NIST – which had taken over from FEMA the responsibility for issuing the official reports on the Twin Towers and WTC 7. Citing NIST’s “current working hypothesis,” Popular Mechanics said that WTC 7’s diesel fuel had probably fed the fires “for up to seven hours.”23

Also, using NIST’s then-current thinking in order to claim that “WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris than the FEMA report indicated,” Popular Mechanics argued that critics could not reject the official account on the grounds that it would make WTC 7 the first steel-frame high-rise to have failed “because of fire alone,” because, Popular Mechanics claimed, the causes of WTC 7’s collapse were analogous to the causes of the collapses of WTC 1 and WTC 2: “A combination of physical damage from falling debris [analogous to the damage caused in the Twin Towers by the airplane impacts] and prolonged exposure to the resulting [diesel-fuel-fed] fires [analogous to the jet-fuel-fed fires in the Twin Towers].”24

Popular Mechanics called this twofold explanation a “conclusion” that had been reached by “hundreds of experts from academia and private industry, as well as the government.” This claim evidently impressed many people, including Chris Hayes and Matthew Rothschild, both of whom said that Popular Mechanics had disproved the claims of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Rothschild, repeating Popular Mechanics’ twofold explanation, wrote:

“Building 7 . . . is a favorite of the conspiracy theorists, since the planes did not strike this structure. But the building did sustain damage from the debris of the Twin Towers. ‘On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom – approximately ten stories – about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out,’ Shyam Sunder, the lead investigator for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, told Popular Mechanics. What’s more, the fire in the building lasted for about eight hours, in part because there were fuel tanks in the basement and on some of the floors.”25

Hayes, saying that “Popular Mechanics assembled a team of engineers, physicists, flight experts and the like to critically examine some of the Truth Movement’s most common claims,” reported that these experts “found them almost entirely without merit.” This counter-claim by Popular Mechanics evidently settled the matter for Hayes.26

Also, although Terry Allen did not mention Popular Mechanics, her article was apparently dependent on it. Assuring her readers that she had found it “relatively easy” to undermine the “facts” employed by the 9/11 Truth Movement, she wrote:

“Many conspiracists offer the collapse of WTC Building 7 as the strongest evidence for the kind of controlled demolition that would prove a plot. Although not hit by planes, it was damaged by debris, and suffered fires eventually fueled by up to 42,000 gallons of diesel fuel stored near ground level.”27

Like Rothschild, therefore, she gave the same twofold explanation for WTC 7’s collapse that had been provided by Popular Mechanics.28

However, when NIST finally issued its WTC 7 report in 2008, it did not affirm either element in the twofold explanation that had been proffered by Popular Mechanics. With regard to the first element, NIST said: “[F]uel oil fires did not play a role in the collapse of WTC 7.”29 With regard to the second element, NIST said: “Other than initiating the fires in WTC 7, the damage from the debris from WTC 1 [the North Tower] had little effect on initiating the collapse of WTC 7.”30

This second point means that, contrary to what Popular Mechanics had claimed it would say, NIST actually asserted that WTC 7 was brought down by fire, at least primarily. In NIST’s words, the collapse of WTC 7 was “the first known instance of the total collapse of a [steel-frame] tall building primarily due to fires.”31

One ambiguity needs clearing up: Although in these just-quoted statements, NIST seemed to indicate that the debris damage had a “little effect” on initiating the collapse, so that this collapse was only primarily (rather than entirely) due to fire, NIST generally treated fire as the sole cause: Besides repeatedly speaking of a “fire-induced” collapse,32 Also, in a press release announcing its Draft for Public Comment in August 2008, NIST called the collapse of WTC 7 “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building.” This press release, moreover, quoted lead investigator Shyam Sunder as saying: “Our study found that the fires in WTC 7 . . . caused an extraordinary event.”33 The brief version of NIST’s final report said: “Even without the structural damage, WTC 7 would have collapsed from fires having the same characteristics as those experienced on September 11, 2001.”34 The long version said: “WTC 7 sustained damage to its exterior as a result of falling debris from the collapse of WTC 1, but this damage was found to have no effect on the collapse initiating event.”35

It is not wrong, therefore, to say that NIST portrayed WTC 7 as the first (and thus far only) steel-frame high-rise building to have come down because of fire alone. NIST said, in other words, precisely what Popular Mechanics, knowing that claims about unprecedented physical events are deeply suspect, had assured people it would not say.

In doing so, moreover, NIST contradicted both parts of Popular Mechanics’ explanation for WTC 7’s collapse, which, according to Rothschild and Allen, had provided the basis for discounting the 9/11 Truth Movement’s claims about this collapse. To review: Rothschild said that the official account was credible, contrary to the Truth Movement’s claims, because “the building did sustain damage from the debris of the Twin Towers” and the “fire in the building lasted for about eight hours,” due to the “fuel tanks in the basement and on some of the floors.” Allen likewise said the official account was believable because, although WTC 7 was not hit by a plane, “it was damaged by debris, and suffered fires eventually fueled by up to 42,000 gallons of diesel fuel stored near ground level.”36

But then, when NIST later denied that either the debris-damage or the diesel fuel played a role in the collapse of WTC 7, Rothschild and Allen did not retract their prior assurances. It seems that they, in effect, simply said – like Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Live in the 1970s – “Never mind.” Their attitude seemed to be, in other words, that whatever the government says, that is what they will believe. Whatever kind of journalism this is, it is certainly not truth-seeking journalism.

In any case, NIST’s claim that WTC 7 suffered an unprecedented, fire-induced collapse is made even more problematic by the fact that the fires in this building were relatively unimpressive, compared with fires in some other steel-frame high-rises. In 1991, a huge fire in Philadelphia’s One Meridian Plaza lasted for 18 hours and gutted eight of the building’s 38 floors. In Caracas in 2004, a fire in a 50-story building raged for 17 hours, completely gutting the building’s top 20 floors. In neither case, however, did the building, or even a single floor, collapse.37

In WTC 7, by contrast, there were long-lasting fires on only six of the building’s 47 floors, according to NIST, and by “long-lasting,” NIST meant only that they lasted up to seven hours.38 It would be exceedingly strange, therefore, if fire had produced a total collapse of this building. The claim becomes even stranger when one discovers that NIST had no evidence that the fires on any of the floors lasted for much over three hours.39

Accordingly, besides undermining the confident explanations of WTC 7’s collapse offered by Popular Mechanics, NIST’s conclusion about this building – that it was the first steel-frame high-rise building ever to be brought down by fire – appears to constitute a rather remarkable miracle-claim.

2. WTC 7’s Collapse: A Perfect Imitation of an Implosion  

More clearly miraculous, given the official account, was the precise way in which WTC 7 collapsed: symmetrically (straight down, with an almost perfectly horizontal roofline), into its own footprint. In order for this symmetrical collapse to occur, all the (vertical) steel columns supporting the building had to fail simultaneously. There were 82 of these columns, so the fire theory of WTC 7’s collapse entails that the fires in this building caused all 82 of these columns to fail at the same instant.

Even if otherwise possible, such a symmetrical failure would have been essentially impossible even if the building had been entirely engulfed by fire, so that all the floors would have been evenly covered with fire. As it was, however, there were fires on only a few floors, and these fires never covered an entire floor at the same time. The official account implies, therefore, that a very asymmetrical pattern of fires produced an entirely symmetrical collapse. If that is not a genuine miracle, it will do until one comes along.

Another problem is the fact that, even if a symmetrical, total collapse could be caused by an asymmetrical pattern of fires, a fire theory could not explain the sudden onset of WTC 7’s collapse. Popular Mechanics, which is unreliable on every aspect of 9/11 (as I showed in my 2007 book, Debunking 9/11 Debunking40), apparently misled Chris Hayes on this point by suggesting otherwise. Attempting to illustrate his claim that Popular Mechanics had shown the core ideas of the 9/11 Truth Movement to be “almost entirely without merit,” Hayes wrote:

“To pick just one example, steel might not melt at 1,500 degrees [Fahrenheit], the temperature at which jet fuel burns, but it does begin to lose a lot of its strength, enough to cause the support beams to fail.”41

However, even if the fire could have heated the steel up to this temperature in the time available (which would have been impossible42), the fire would have weakened the steel gradually, causing it to start sagging. Videos would, therefore, show deformations in the building before it came down. But they do not. One moment the building was perfectly immobile, and the next moment, as videos show,43 it was accelerating downward in free fall (the significance of free fall will be discussed below). As Australian chemist Frank Legge has observed: “There is no sign of the slow start that would be expected if collapse was caused by the gradual softening of the steel.”44

Because of these two features of the collapse, anyone knowing anything about such things can tell, simply by seeing a video of WTC 7’s collapse, that it was brought down in the procedure known as “controlled demolition.” For example, Daniel Hofnung, an engineer in Paris, has written:

“In the years after [the] 9/11 events, I thought that all I read in professional reviews and French newspapers was true. The first time I understood that it was impossible was when I saw a film about the collapse of WTC 7.”45

Kansas City civil engineer Chester Gearhart wrote:

“I have watched the construction of many large buildings and also have personally witnessed 5 controlled demolitions in Kansas City. When I saw the towers fall on 9/11, I knew something was wrong and my first instinct was that it was impossible. When I saw building 7 fall, I knew it was a controlled demolition.”46

Jack Keller, emeritus professor of engineering at Utah State University (who had been named by Scientific American as one of the world’s leaders in using science and technology to benefit society), wrote simply of WTC 7’s collapse: “Obviously it was the result of controlled demolition.”47

In revealing the collapse of WTC 7 to be an example of controlled demolition, moreover, the videos show it to be the type of controlled demolition known as “implosion,” in which explosives and/or incendiaries are used to slice the building’s steel support columns so as to cause the building to collapse into its own footprint.

In 2006, for example, a Dutch filmmaker asked Danny Jowenko, the owner of a controlled demolition company in the Netherlands, to comment on a video of the collapse of WTC 7, without telling him what it was. (Jowenko had been unaware that a third building had collapsed in New York on 9/11.) After viewing the video, Jowenko said: “They simply blew up columns, and the rest caved in afterwards. . . . This is controlled demolition.” When asked if he was certain, he replied: “Absolutely, it’s been imploded. This was a hired job. A team of experts did this.”48

Moreover, the reason to implode a building, rather than simply causing it to fall over sideways, is to avoid damaging nearby buildings, and engineering an implosion is no mean feat. An implosion, in the words of a controlled demolition website, is “by far the trickiest type of explosive project,” which “only a handful of blasting companies in the world . . . possess enough experience . . . to perform.”49 Mark Loizeaux, the president of the afore-mentioned demolition firm, Controlled Demolition, Inc., has explained why: “[T]o bring [a building] down . . . so . . . no other structure is harmed,” the demolition must be “completely planned,” using “the right explosive [and] the right pattern of laying the charges.”50

Would it not be a miracle if a fire-induced collapse, based on scattered fires on a few of WTC 7’s floors, had produced a collapse that perfectly imitated the kind of planned, controlled demolition that can be carried out by only a few companies in the world?

Chris Hayes suggested that the 9/11 Truth Movement, by doubting the government’s account of 9/11, exemplifies a resurgence of the “paranoid style” in American politics. But in accepting the government’s account, as defended by the pseudo-scientific Popular Mechanics, he illustrated the other target of his article, the “credulous style,” which, he pointed out, is generally exemplified by the American media.51 Surely, however, his credulity does not extend to the acceptance of miracles.

3. WTC 7’s Descent in Absolute Free Fall

Even if some readers question whether the two previously discussed features of the collapse of WTC 7, when understood within the framework of NIST’s fire theory, imply miracles, there can be no doubt about a third feature: the now-accepted (albeit generally unpublicized) fact that WTC 7 came down in absolute free fall for over two seconds.

Although members of the 9/11 Truth Movement had long been pointing out that this building descended at the same rate as a free-falling object, or at least virtually so, NIST had long denied this. As late as August 2008, when NIST issued its report on WTC 7 in the form of a Draft for Public Comment, it claimed that the time it took for the upper floors – the only floors that are visible on the videos – to come down “was approximately 40 percent longer than the computed free fall time and was consistent with physical principles.”52

As this statement implied, any assertion that the building did come down in free fall, assuming a non-engineered collapse, would not be consistent with physical principles – meaning basic laws of Newtonian physics. Explaining why not during a “WTC 7 Technical Briefing” on August 26, 2008, NIST’s Shyam Sunder said:

“[A] free fall time would be [the fall time of] an object that has no structural components below it. . . . [T]he . . . time that it took . . . for those 17 floors to disappear [was roughly 40 percent longer than free fall]. And that is not at all unusual, because there was structural resistance that was provided in this particular case. And you had a sequence of structural failures that had to take place. Everything was not instantaneous.”53

In saying this, Sunder was presupposing NIST’s theory that the building was brought down by fire, which, if it could have produced a collapse of any type, could have produced only a progressive collapse.

In response, high-school physics teacher David Chandler, who was allowed to submit a question at this briefing, challenged Sunder’s denial of free fall, stating that Sunder’s “40 percent longer” claim contradicted “a publicly visible, easily measurable quantity.”54 Chandler then placed a video on the Internet showing that, by measuring this publicly visible quantity, anyone understanding elementary physics could see that “for about two and a half seconds. . . , the acceleration of the building is indistinguishable from freefall.”55 (This is, of course, free fall through the air, not through a vacuum.)

In its final report on WTC 7, which came out in November 2008, NIST – rather amazingly – admitted free fall. Dividing the building’s descent into three stages, NIST described the second phase as “a freefall descent over approximately eight stories at gravitational acceleration for approximately 2.25 s[econds].”56 NIST thereby accepted Chandler’s case – except for maintaining that the building was in absolute free fall for only 2.25, not 2.5, seconds (a trivial difference). NIST thereby affirmed a miracle, meaning a violation of one or more laws of physics.

Why this would be a miracle was explained by Chandler, who said: “Free fall can only be achieved if there is zero resistance to the motion.”57 In other words, the upper portion of Building 7 could have come down in free fall only if something had suddenly removed all the steel and concrete in the lower part of the building, which would have otherwise provided resistance (to make a considerable understatement). If everything had not been removed and the upper floors had come down in free fall anyway, even if for only a fraction of a second, this would have been a miracle – meaning a violation of physical principles. Explaining one of the physical principles involved, Chandler said:

“Anything at an elevated height has gravitational potential energy. If it falls, and none of the energy is used for other things along the way, all of that energy is converted into kinetic energy – the energy of motion, and we call it ‘free fall.’ If any of the energy is used for other purposes, there will be less kinetic energy, so the fall will be slower. In the case of a falling building, the only way it can go into free fall is if an external force removes the supporting structure. None of the gravitational potential energy of the building is available for this purpose, or it would slow the fall of the building.”58

That was what Sunder himself had explained, on NIST’s behalf, the previous August, saying that a free-falling object would be one “that has no structural components below it” to offer resistance. But NIST then in November, while still under Sunder’s leadership and still defending its fire theory of WTC 7’s collapse, agreed that, as an empirical fact, free fall happened. For a period of 2.25 seconds, NIST admitted, the descent of WTC 7 was characterized by “gravitational acceleration (free fall).”59

Besides pointing out that the free fall descent of WTC 7 implied that the building had been professionally demolished, Chandler observed that this conclusion is reinforced by two features of the collapse mentioned above:

“[P]articularly striking is the suddenness of onset of free fall. Acceleration doesn’t build up gradually. . . . The building went from full support to zero support, instantly. . . . One moment, the building is holding; the next moment it lets go and is in complete free fall. . . . The onset of free fall was not only sudden; it extended across the whole width of the building. . . . The fact that the roof stayed level shows the building was in free fall across the entire width. The collapse we see cannot be due to a column failure, or a few column failures, or a sequence of column failures. All 24 interior columns and 58 perimeter columns had to have been removed . . . simultaneously, within a small fraction of a second.”60

For its part, NIST, knowing that it had affirmed a miracle by agreeing that WTC 7 had entered into free fall, no longer claimed that its analysis was consistent with the laws of physics. Back in its August draft, in which it was still claiming that the collapse occurred 40 percent slower than free fall, NIST had said – in a claim made three times – that its analysis was “consistent with physical principles.”61 In the final report, however, every instance of this phrase was removed. NIST thereby almost explicitly admitted that its report on WTC 7, by affirming absolute free fall while continuing to deny that either incendiaries or explosives had been employed, is not consistent with basic principles of physics.

Accordingly, now that it is established that WTC 7 came down in absolute free fall for over two seconds, one cannot accept the official theory, according to which this building was not professionally demolished, without implying that at least one miracle happened on 9/11.

George Monbiot, as we saw, described members of this movement as “morons” who “believe that [the Bush regime] is capable of magic.” Unless Monbiot, upon becoming aware of NIST’s admission of free fall, changes his stance, he will imply that al-Qaeda is capable of magic.

Matthew Rothschild said he was “amazed” at how many people hold the “profoundly irrational and unscientific” belief that “Building 7 . . . came down by planted explosives.” Given the fact that progressive members of the 9/11 Truth Movement “so revere science on such issues as tobacco, stem cells, evolution, and global warming,” Rothschild continued, it is “more than passing strange that [they] are so willing to abandon science and give in to fantasy on the subject of 9/11.”

NIST’s report on WTC 7, however, provided the final proof that the 9/11 Truth Movement had been right all along – that those progressives who credulously accept the Bush-Cheney administration’s explanation for WTC 7’s collapse are the ones who “abandon science and give in to fantasy on the subject of 9/11.”

4. The Twin Towers: Descending in Virtual Free Fall

Miracles are implied not only by the official account of WTC 7’s collapse but also by the official account of the destruction of the Twin Towers. According to this account, the North Tower (WTC 1) and the South Tower (WTC 2) came down because of three and only three causes: (i) the airplane impacts, which caused structural damage; (ii) the ensuing fires, which were initially fed and spread by jet fuel from the planes; and (iii) gravity. NIST’s negative claim here is that neither explosives nor incendiaries helped bring the buildings down.

One of the miracles implicit in this account is that, although each building had 287 steel support columns – 240 perimeter columns and 47 massive core columns – and although neither explosives nor incendiaries were used to destroy these columns, each building came down, as NIST itself put it, “essentially in free fall.”62 How would that have been possible?

According to NIST, each airliner took out several perimeter and core columns at its area of impact and also created huge fires, which began weakening the steel. After a period of time (56 minutes for the South Tower, 102 minutes for the North Tower), “the massive top section of [each] building at and above the fire and impact floors” fell down on the lower section, which “could not resist the tremendous energy released by [the top section’s] downward movement.”63 Accordingly, NIST’s report said:

“Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos.”64

Trying to describe more fully its theory of how this happened, NIST wrote:

“The potential energy released by the downward movement of the large building mass far exceeded the capacity of the intact structure below to absorb that energy through energy of deformation. . . . As the stories below sequentially failed, the falling mass increased, further increasing the demand on the floors below, which were unable to arrest the moving mass. In other words, the momentum [of the top stories] falling on the supporting structure below . . . so greatly exceeded the strength capacity of the structure below that [the latter] was unable to stop or even to slow the falling mass.”65

Even before we think about any specific law of physics violated by this account (assuming that no explosives or incendiaries were used to remove the steel columns), we can see intuitively that this explanation implies a miracle: As NIST critic Jim Hoffman has pointed out, it “requires us to believe that the massive steel frames of the [lower structure of the] towers provided no more resistance to falling rubble than [would] air.”66

As to why physics rules out NIST’s account, William Rice, who has both practiced and taught structural engineering, pointed out that NIST’s account “violates Newton’s Law of Conservation of Momentum,” which requires that, “as the stationary inertia of each floor is overcome by being hit,” the speed of descent must decrease.67 A paper by physicists and engineers published in an engineering journal agreed, stating:

“NIST evidently neglects a fundamental law of physics in glibly treating the remarkable ‘free fall’ collapse of each Tower, namely, the Law of Conservation of Momentum. This law of physics means that the hundreds of thousands of tons of material in the way must slow the upper part of the building because of its mass.”68

A letter to NIST signed by physicist Steven Jones, chemist Kevin Ryan, and architect Richard Gage, among others, made a similar point, saying:

“Basic principles of engineering (for example, the conservation of momentum principle) would dictate that the undamaged steel structure below the collapse initiation zone would, at the very least, resist and slow the downward movement of the stories above. There is, indeed, a good chance that the structural strength of the steelwork below would arrest the downward movement of the stories above.”69

NIST, as we saw above, claimed that the lower portion would not retard – let alone arrest – the downward movement of the upper part, because the “tremendous energy” of the upper part’s downward momentum would be irresistible. Let us examine this claim with regard to the North Tower. It was struck at the 95th floor, so the upper portion consisted of only 16 floors. Also, the structure at this height had relatively little weight to bear, compared with the structure lower down, so the steel columns in the upper part, above the area of impact, were much thinner than those in the lower part. This means that the upper 16 floors probably constituted less than 15 percent of the building’s total weight. Also, the top portion would have fallen only a story or two before hitting the lower portion, so it would not have acquired much velocity before striking the lower portion. For these reasons, the top portion would have not had much momentum, so its energy would not have been so “tremendous,” it would seem, as to be irresistible by the lower part, with its millions of pounds of interconnected steel.

This conclusion, based on a purely commonsense analysis, was confirmed by a technical analysis of the North Tower collapse by mechanical engineer Gordon Ross. Far from failing to retard the downward movement of the building’s upper portion, his analysis showed, the lower portion would have quickly and completely stopped the top portion’s descent. Having made the necessary calculations (which NIST failed to do), Ross concluded that the “vertical movement of the falling section would [have been] arrested . . . within 0.02 seconds after impact. A collapse driven only by gravity would not continue to progress beyond that point.”70

If Ross’s calculations are even close to accurate, then NIST’s account – according to which the Twin Towers came down “essentially in free fall,” even though they were not professionally demolished – implied two enormous miracles (one for each building).

Another element in NIST’s account, to be sure, is the claim that the fires in the buildings weakened the steel, so that it provided less resistance than normal. “[W]hen bare steel reaches temperatures of 1,000 degrees Celsius,” NIST wrote, “it softens and its strength reduces to roughly 10 percent of its room temperature value.”71 NIST thereby, without actually saying it, implied that the steel columns had been heated up to the point where they lost 90 percent of their strength.

NIST was in this way able to mislead some nonscientific journalists into thinking that fire could have caused the Twin Towers to collapse. Alexander Cockburn, stating that the collapses did not require preplaced explosives, said: “High grade steel can bend disastrously under extreme heat.”72 Chris Hayes, stating that the 9/11 Truth Movement’s claims about the Twin Towers are without merit, wrote (in a passage quoted earlier): “[S]teel might not melt at 1,500 degrees (Fahrenheit], the temperature at which jet fuel burns, but it does begin to lose a lot of its strength, enough to cause the support beams to fail.”73

However, the idea that steel heated up by fire could account for the collapses of the Twin Towers is wrong for at least two reasons. In the first place, even if the steel had indeed lost 90 percent of its strength, it would still have offered some resistance, because the law of conservation of momentum would not have taken a holiday. So a collapse “essentially in free fall” would have been impossible.

In the second place, there is no empirical basis for claiming that either tower’s steel had lost any strength, let alone 90 percent of it. On the one hand, as MIT engineering professor Thomas Eagar has pointed out, structural steel only “begins to soften around 425°C [797°F].”74 On the other hand, scientific studies on 16 perimeter columns carried out by NIST scientists found that “only three [of these perimeter] columns had evidence that the steel reached temperatures above 250˚C [482˚F].” These NIST scientists also found no evidence that even this temperature (250˚C [482˚F]) had been reached by any of the core columns.75

Accordingly, far from having evidence that any of the steel in the columns reached the temperature (1,000°C [1,832°F]) at which it would have lost 90 percent of its strength, NIST had no evidence that any of the columns would have lost even one percent of their strength. If neither explosives nor incendiaries were used to remove the 287 steel support columns, therefore, the top portion of the building came down through the lower portion as if it were not there, even though the steel in that portion was at full strength.

In claiming, therefore, that both of the Twin Towers came down essentially in free fall without the aid of either incendiaries or explosives, NIST implied enormous violations of the physical principle known as the conservation of momentum. Although Rothschild accused the 9/11 Truth Movement of being “irrational and unscientific,” this characterization applies instead to NIST’s report on the Twin Towers and anyone who accepts it.

5. The South Tower’s Mid-Air Miracles

Having illustrated the previous miracle primarily in terms of the North Tower, I turn now to a miracle unique to the South Tower. It was struck at the 80th floor, so that its upper portion consisted of a 30-floor block. As videos of the beginning of this building’s collapse show, this block began tipping toward the corner that had been most damaged by the airplane’s impact. According to the law of the conservation of angular momentum, this section should have fallen to the ground far outside the building’s footprint. “However,” Jim Hoffman and fellow 9/11 researcher Don Hoffman have observed,

“as the top then began to fall, the rotation decelerated. Then it reversed direction [even though the] law of conservation of angular momentum states that a solid object in rotation will continue to rotate at the same speed unless acted on by a torque.”76

And then, as if this were not miraculous enough:

“We observe [wrote physicist Steven Jones] that approximately 30 upper floors begin to rotate as a block, to the south and east. They begin to topple over, not fall straight down. The torque due to gravity on this block is enormous, as is its angular momentum. But then – and this I’m still puzzling over – this block turned mostly to powder in mid-air! How can we understand this strange behavior, without explosives?”77

If someone were to ask how even explosives could explain this behavior, we could turn to a statement by Mark Loizeaux, the president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. In response to an interviewer’s question as to how he made “doomed structures dance or walk,” Loizeaux said:

“[B]y differentially controlling the velocity of failure in different parts of the structure, you can make it walk, you can make it spin, you can make it dance. We’ve taken it and moved it, then dropped it or moved it, twisted it and moved it down further – and then stopped it and moved it again. We’ve dropped structures 15 storeys, stopped them and then laid them sideways. We’ll have structures start facing north and end up going to the north-west.”78

If we suppose that explosives were used, therefore, we can understand the mid-air dance performed by the upper portion of the South Tower.

If we refuse to posit explosives, however, we are stuck with a major miracle: Although the upper block was rotating and tipping in such a way that its angular momentum should have caused it to fall down to the side, it somehow righted itself by disintegrating.

This disintegration, incidentally, further undermines the official theory, according to which the “tremendous energy” of this block’s downward momentum caused the lower part of the South Tower to collapse. This theory requires that the upper part smashed down, as a solid block, on the lower part. Videos show, however, that it did not. As Gage, Jones, Ryan, and other colleagues pointed out to NIST

“[T]he upper portion of WTC 2 did not fall as a block upon the lower undamaged portion, but instead disintegrated as it fell. Thus, there would be no single large impact from a falling block . . . [but only] a series of small impacts as the fragments of the disintegrating upper portion arrived.”79

6. Horizontal Ejections from the Twin Towers

Dwain Deets, former director of the research engineering division at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, has written that the “massive structural members being hurled horizontally” from the Twin Towers “leave no doubt” in his mind that “explosives were involved.”80 oh my God

Deets was referring to the fact that the collapse of each of the Twin Towers began with a massive explosion near the top, during which huge sections of perimeter columns were ejected out horizontally so powerfully that some of them traveled 500 to 600 feet. Although this feature of the collapses was not mentioned in NIST’s (2005) report on the Twin Towers, there could be no doubt about it, because some of these sections of steel implanted themselves in neighboring buildings, as can be seen in videos and photographs.81

These ejections are now, in any case, part of the official account, because NIST, apparently finding them necessary to explain how fires got started in WTC 7, mentioned them in its report on this building. In Shyam Sunder’s opening statement at the August 2008 press briefing to announce the release of NIST’s final report on WTC 7, he said: “The debris from Tower 1 . . . started fires on at least 10 floors of the building.”82 NIST’s WTC 7 report said: “The fires in WTC 7 were ignited as a result of the impact of debris from the collapse of WTC 1, which was approximately 110 m[eters] (350 ft) to the south.”83

NIST thereby admitted that debris had been thrown out horizontally from the North Tower at least 350 feet.84 NIST’s report also stated: please

“When WTC 1 collapsed at 10:28:22 AM, . . . some fragments [of debris] were forcibly ejected and traveled distances up to hundreds of meters. Pieces of WTC 1 hit WTC 7, severing six columns on Floors 7 through 17 on the south face and one column on the west face near the southwest corner. The debris also caused structural damage between Floor 44 and the roof.”85

Debris that caused such extensive damage, including the severing of seven steel columns, had to be quite heavy. NIST seemed to be granting, therefore, that sections of steel columns had been hurled at least 650 feet (because “hundreds of meters” would mean at least 200 meters, which would be about 650 feet). Enormous force would be needed to eject large sections of steel that far out.

What could have produced this force? According to NIST, as we saw earlier, there were only three causal factors in the collapse of the Twin Towers: the airplane impacts, the fires, and gravitational attraction. The airplane impacts had occurred 56 minutes (South Tower) and 102 minutes (North Tower) earlier, and gravitational attraction pulls things straight downward. Fire could, to be sure, produce horizontal ejections by causing jet fuel to explode, but the jet fuel had, NIST pointed out, burned up within “a few minutes.”86 Therefore, although NIST admitted that these horizontal ejections occurred, it suggested no energy source to explain them.

High explosives, such as RDX or nanothermite, could explain these horizontal ejections. According to NIST, however, explosives did not contribute to the destruction of the Twin Towers. Those who accept NIST’s account must, therefore, regard these horizontal ejections as constituting yet another miracle.

7. Metal-Melting Fires

In light of the above-discussed unprecedented effects produced by the fires in the WTC buildings (according to the official account), it would seem that these fires must have had miraculous powers. This conclusion is reinforced by an examination of still more extraordinary effects.

Swiss-Cheese Steel: Within a few months of 9/11, three professors from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) had issued a brief report about a piece of steel recovered from the WTC 7 debris, stating that it had undergone “microstructural changes,” including “intergranular melting.”87 A greatly expanded version of this report, which contained a description of a similarly eroded piece of steel from one of the Twin Towers, was included as an appendix to the first official report on the destruction of the World Trade Center, which was issued by FEMA in 2002.88

A New York Times story, noting that parts of these pieces of steel had “melted away,” even though “no fire in any of the buildings was believed to be hot enough to melt steel outright,” said that these discoveries constituted “[p]erhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation.”89 Describing these mysterious pieces of steel more fully, an article in WPI’s magazine, entitled “The ‘Deep Mystery’ of Melted Steel,” said:

“[S]teel – which has a melting point of 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit – may weaken and bend, but does not melt during an ordinary office fire. Yet . . . [a] one-inch column has been reduced to half-inch thickness. Its edges – which are curled like a paper scroll – have been thinned to almost razor sharpness. Gaping holes – some larger than a silver dollar – let light shine through a formerly solid steel flange. This Swiss cheese appearance shocked all of the fire-wise professors, who expected to see distortion and bending – but not holes.”90

One of the three WPI professors, Jonathan Barnett, was quoted by the Times as saying that the steel “appear[ed] to have been partly evaporated in extraordinarily high temperatures.”91

That the steel had actually evaporated – not merely melted – was also reported in another New York Times story. Professor Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl of the University of California at Berkeley, speaking of a horizontal I-beam from WTC 7, reportedly said: “Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized.”92

Why do these phenomena involve miracles? Because the fires could not possibly, even under the most ideal conditions (which did not obtain), have been hotter than 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (the maximum possible temperature for hydrocarbon-based building fires, which these fires were said to be), whereas the melting and boiling points of steel are only slightly lower than those of iron, which are 2,800°F and 5,182°F, respectively.93 So if one accepts the official account, according to which all the heat was produced by the building fires, then one must believe that these fires had miraculous powers.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which took over from FEMA the task of writing the official reports on the WTC, avoided this issue by simply not mentioning any of these pieces of steel, even though two of them had been discussed in a FEMA report appendix. NIST even claimed that no recovered steel from WTC 7 could be identified, because the steel used in this building, unlike that used in the Twin Towers, “did not contain . . . identifying characteristics.”94

In making this claim, however, NIST was clearly not being truthful. For one thing, it had previously published a document in which it had referred to steel recovered from WTC 7 – including the piece discussed by the WPI professors.95 Also, NIST’s claim about not identifying any WTC 7 steel was made in August 2008, shortly after the airing in July 2008 of a BBC program on WTC 7, in which one of those WPI professors, Jonathan Barnett, had discussed an “eroded and deformed” piece of steel from WTC 7, which he and his colleagues had studied in 2001. These professors knew “its pedigree,” Barnett explained, because “this particular kind of steel” had been used only in WTC 7, not in the Twin Towers.96

So, although it called the collapse of WTC 7 “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building,”97 NIST had demonstrated its awareness of a recovered piece of steel from this building that only a very miraculous fire could have produced. NIST was surely also aware of the similarly eroded piece of steel from one of the Twin Towers, which had likewise been reported by the WPI professors in their paper included as an appendix to the 2002 FEMA report.

If the fires in WTC 7 and the Twin Towers had miraculous powers, we would expect still more miraculous effects to have been discovered, and this was indeed the case.

Melted Iron: The RJ Lee Group, a scientific research organization, was hired by Deutsche Bank, which had a building close to the World Trade Center, to prove that the dust contaminating its building after 9/11 was not ordinary building dust, as its insurance company claimed, but had resulted from the destruction of the World Trade Center. The RJ Lee Group’s reports showed that the dust in the bank’s building shared the unique chemical signature of the WTC dust, part of which was “[s]pherical iron . . . particles.”98 There were, moreover, an enormous number of these particles: Whereas iron particles constitute only 0.04 percent of normal building dust, they constituted (a whopping) 5.87 percent of the WTC dust.99 The existence of these particles, the RJ Lee Group said, proved that iron had “melted during the WTC Event.”100 The scientists conducting the EPA’s WTC dust signature study, incidentally, had at one time considered including “iron spheres” among the components to be mentioned; it would be interesting to learn why this idea was dropped.101

In any case, the identification of iron spheres by both the EPA and the RJ Lee Group was another miraculous discovery, for the reason given above: The melting point of iron is 2,800°F, whereas the WTC fires could not possibly have gotten above 1,800°F.102

Melted Molybdenum: Scientists at the US Geological Survey, in a study intended to aid the “identification of WTC dust components,” discovered an even more miraculous effect of the fires. Besides finding the spherical iron-rich particles, these scientists found that molybdenum, the melting point of which is 4,753°F (2,623°C), had also melted. Although these USGS scientists failed to mention this discovery in their published report,103 another group of scientists, having obtained the USGS team’s data through a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, reported evidence showing that the USGS scientists had devoted serious study to “a molybdenum-rich spherule.”103

8. Inextinguishable Fires

Besides having the power to produce the miraculous effects already reported, the World Trade Center fires were also miraculously inextinguishable. The fact that fires continued burning in the Ground Zero rubble for many months, in spite of every attempt to put them out, was widely reported. The title of a New York Times story in the middle of November, two months after the attacks, referred to the “Most Stubborn Fire.” A New Scientist article in December was entitled “Ground Zero’s Fires Still Burning.” Very hot fires continued to burn in the Ground Zero debris piles, these stories reported, even though heavy rains came down, millions of additional gallons of water were sprayed onto the piles, and a chemical suppressant was pumped into them.105

According to Greg Fuchek, vice president of a company that supplied computer equipment to identify human remains at the site, the working conditions at Ground Zero remained “hellish” for six months, because the ground temperature ranged from 600 to 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit.106

These inextinguishable fires were a mystery. Assuming the truth of the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center, there would have been nothing in the debris pile other than ordinary building materials, and these can burn only in the presence of oxygen. There would have been little oxygen available in the densely packed debris piles, and wherever it was available, the fires should have been easily suppressed by the enormous amounts of water and chemical suppressants pumped into the piles. The fires’ seemingly miraculous power to keep burning could not be explained by the airplanes’ jet fuel (which some people seem to think of as having miraculous powers, even though it is essentially kerosene), because it would have all burned out, as mentioned above, within a few minutes.

A non-miraculous explanation is suggested by the discovery of a large amount of nanothermite residue in the WTC dust, which was reported in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in 2009.107 Being both an incendiary and a high explosive, nanothermite is one among several types of “energetic nanocomposites” – described by an article in The Environmentalist as “chemical energetic materials, which provide their own fuel and oxidant and are not deterred by water, dust or chemical suppressants.”108 The discovery of nanothermite residue in the dust provided, therefore, an empirical basis for a non-miraculous explanation of the long-lasting fires at Ground Zero.

According to the official account, however, the buildings were all brought down without the aid of any incendiaries or explosives. WTC 7 was said by NIST, as we saw above, to have been brought down by fire alone, and this fire, NIST added, was “an ordinary building contents fire.”109 As for the Twin Towers, they were brought down through the combined effects of the airplane impacts and the ensuing fires: NIST explicitly rejected “alternative hypotheses suggesting that the WTC towers were brought down by controlled demolition using explosives.”110

For anyone who accepts the official account, therefore, the inextinguishable underground fires at Ground Zero provide still another demonstration of miraculous powers that must have been possessed by the World Trade Center fires.

9. Supernatural Sulfur

In the seventh section, I discussed the two Swiss-cheese-appearing pieces of steel that had been recovered from the World Trade Center rubble – one from WTC 7, the other from one of the Twin Towers. In that discussion, however, I ignored one of the central features of these pieces of steel, which was central to the reason they were said by the New York Times to constitute “the deepest mystery.”

This was the fact that the thinning of the steel had resulted, according to the three WPI professors’ report, from sulfidation, but there was no explanation for the source of the sulfur or the mechanism through which it entered into the steel. According to a preliminary analysis reported by the professors, said the NYT article, “sulfur released during the fires – no one knows from where – may have combined with atoms in the steel to form compounds that melt at lower temperatures.”111

This phenomenon was discussed more fully in the article, “The ‘Deep Mystery’ of Melted Steel,” in WPI’s magazine, which attributed the holes and the thinning to “a eutectic reaction” that “occurred at the surface, causing intergranular melting capable of turning a solid steel girder into Swiss cheese.”112

In summarizing their findings in the paper included in the FEMA report, the three professors wrote:

“1. The thinning of the steel occurred by a high-temperature corrosion due to a combination of oxidation and sulfidation.

“2. Heating of the steel into a hot corrosive environment approaching 1,000°C (1,832°F) results in the formation of a eutectic mixture of iron, oxygen, and sulfur that liquefied the steel.

“3. The sulfidation attack of steel grain boundaries accelerated the corrosion and erosion of the steel.”113

Then, having mentioned sulfidation in each of these three points, the professors added: “The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified. . . . A detailed study into the mechanisms of this phenomenon is needed.”114

However, although Arden Bement, who was the director of NIST when it took over the WTC project from FEMA, said that NIST’s report would address “all major recommendations contained in the [FEMA] report,”115 NIST ignored this recommendation. Indeed, as we saw earlier, it did not even mention these Swiss-cheese pieces of steel.

Also, when NIST was later asked about the sulfidation, it tried to maintain that the source of the sulfur was not actually a mystery, saying that “sulfur is present in the gypsum wallboard that was prevalent in the interior partitions.”116

But there are three problems with this explanation. First, gypsum is calcium sulfate, so if all the sulfur discovered had been from gypsum wallboard, it would have been matched by about the same percentage of calcium. That, however, was not the case.117

Second, the WPI professors reported not merely that there was sulfur in the debris, but that the steel had been sulfidized. This means that sulfur had entered into the intergranular structure of the steel (which the New York Times article had indicated by saying that sulfur had “combined with atoms in the steel”). As chemist Kevin Ryan has said, the question NIST would need to answer is: “[H]ow did sulfates, from wallboard, tunnel into the intergranular microstructure of the steel and then form sulfides within?”118 Physicist Steven Jones added:

“[I]f NIST claims that sulfur is present in the steel from gypsum, they should do an (easy) experiment to heat steel to about 1000°C in the presence of gypsum and then test whether sulfur has entered the steel. . . . [T]hey will find that sulfur does not enter steel under such circumstances.”119

Chemistry professor Niels Harrit has explained why it would not: Although gypsum contains sulfur, this is not elemental sulfur, which can react with iron, but sulfur in the form of calcium sulfate, which cannot.120

The official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center, therefore, implies that the sulfidized steel had been produced by a twofold miracle: Besides the fact that the fires, as we saw earlier, could have melted steel only if they had possessed miraculous powers, the sulfur in the wallboard could have entered into this melted steel only by virtue of supernatural powers.

Once again, a non-miraculous explanation is available: We need only suppose that thermate, a well-known incendiary, had been employed. As Steven Jones has written:

“The thermate reaction proceeds rapidly and is in general faster than basic thermite in cutting through steel due to the presence of sulfur. (Elemental sulfur forms a low-melting-temperature eutectic with iron.)”121

Besides providing an explanation for the eutectic reaction, thermate could also, Jones pointed out, explain the melting, oxidation, and sulfidation of the steel:

“When you put sulfur into thermite it makes the steel melt at a much lower temperature, so instead of melting at about 1,538°C [2,800°F] it melts at approximately 988°C [1,820°F], and you get sulfidation and oxidation in the attacked steel.”122

NIST, however, insists that no incendiaries were employed: WTC 7 was brought down by fire alone; the Twin Towers by the fires combined with damage from the airplane impacts. Those who endorse the official account, therefore, are stuck with yet another miracle.

III  Which 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Is Truly Discrediting and Distracting?  

In light of the above facts, I ask Terry Allen, David Corn, Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn, Chris Hayes, George Monbiot, Matthew Rothschild, and Matt Taibbi: Are you still comfortable with endorsing the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center?

A symposium on “State Crimes Against Democracy” in one of our major social science journals, American Behavioral Scientist,123 has recently addressed this issue. Likening Orwell’s “secret doctrine” that 2 + 2 = 4, which intellectuals must safeguard in dark times, to unquestioned laws of physics, one of the symposium’s authors criticized “the awesome intellectual silence making permissible the blithe dismissal of more than one law of thermodynamics in the World Trade Center Towers’ collapse.”124 Part of this silence has involved the failure of the academy to protest when “Professor Steven Jones found himself forced out of [a] tenured position for merely reminding the world that physical laws, about which there is no dissent whatsoever, contradict the official theory of the World Trade Center Towers’ collapse.”125

I wonder if you are still comfortable with giving your own consent to NIST’s “blithe dismissal” of otherwise unquestioned physical principles – as did Cockburn, when he ridiculed the 9/11 Truth Movement for its “delirious litanies about . . . the collapse of the WTC buildings,” and Taibbi, when he wrote contemptuously of people who have tried to educate him “on the supposed anomalies of physics involved with the collapse of WTC-7.”126 I would think that, if there are good reasons to suspect that these physical principles have been dismissed in the interests of covering up a major state crime against democracy, you would be especially uncomfortable with giving your consent to it.

Some of you have expressed fear, to be sure, that the left will be discredited insofar as it is seen as endorsing a 9/11 conspiracy theory. Having asked in 2007, “Why do I bother with these morons?” George Monbiot replied: “Because they are destroying the movements some of us have spent a long time trying to build.”127 In 2009, David Corn wrote: “[W]hen the 9/11 conspiracy theories were first emerging on the left, I wrote several pieces decrying them [for] fear . . . that this unsound idea would infect the left and other quarters – discrediting anyone who got close to it.”128

Some of you, moreover, have objected to the 9/11 Truth Movement on the grounds that it has served as a distraction from truly important issues. The 9/11 conspiracy theories, Corn wrote in 2002, serve to “distract people from the real wrongdoing.”129 Cockburn, writing in 2006, agreed, saying: “The Conspiracy Nuts have combined to produce a huge distraction.”130 That same year, Chomsky said: “One of the major consequences of the 9/11 movement has been to draw enormous amounts of energy and effort away from activism directed to real and ongoing crimes of state.”131 And Monbiot, naming in 2007 some truly important issues from which, in his view, the 9/11 conspiracy theory has distracted us, mentioned “climate change, the Iraq war, nuclear proliferation, inequality, . . . [the fact] that corporate power stands too heavily on democracy, [and] that war criminals, cheats and liars are not being held to account.”132

I will address these two fears – of being discredited and of being distracted – in order.

1. The Fear of Being Discredited

You are certainly right to fear that the left would be discredited by being aligned with a conspiracy theory that is scientifically unsupportable and even absurd. It is hard to imagine, however, what could discredit the left more than having many of its recognized leaders endorsing the Bush-Cheney administration’s 9/11 conspiracy theory, especially at a time when more and more scientists and people in relevant professions are pointing out its absurdities.

Conspiracy Theories and the Official Account of 9/11: I realize, of course, that most of you do not like to acknowledge that the official account of 9/11 is itself a conspiracy theory, given the one-sided, propagandistic meaning with which this term is now commonly employed. As New Zealand philosopher Charles Pigden has pointed out in a superb essay entitled “Conspiracy Theories and the Conventional Wisdom”:

“[T]o call someone ‘a conspiracy theorist’ is to suggest that he is irrational, paranoid or perverse. Often the suggestion seems to be that conspiracy theories are not just suspect, but utterly unbelievable, too silly to deserve the effort of a serious refutation.”133

However, Pigden continues, using the term in this way is intellectually dishonest, because “a conspiracy theory is simply a theory that posits a conspiracy – a secret plan on the part of some group to influence events by partly secret means.”134 And, given this neutral, dictionary meaning of the term:

“[E]very politically and historically literate person is a big-time conspiracy theorist, since every such person subscribes to a vast range of conspiracy theories. . . . [T]here are many facts that admit of no non-conspiratorial explanation and many conspiracy theories that are sufficiently well-established to qualify as knowledge. It is difficult . . . to mount a coup [or an assassination] without conspiring. . . . Thus anyone who knows anything about the Ides of March or the assassinations of Archduke Franz Ferdinand or the Tsar Alexander II is bound to subscribe to a conspiracy theory, and hence to be a conspiracy theorist.”135

In light of the neutral meaning of the term provided by Pigden, everyone is a conspiracy theorist about 9/11, not only people who believe that the US government was complicit. According to the government’s theory, the 9/11 attacks resulted from a conspiracy between Osama bin Laden, other al-Qaeda leaders (such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed), and 19 young members of al-Qaeda who agreed to hijack airliners.136

Failure to recognize this point can lead to absurd consequences. For example, after an article about 9/11 by former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, which had been posted at the Huffington Post, was quickly taken down, the HP editor gave this explanation: “The Huffington Post’s editorial policy . . . prohibits the promotion and promulgation of conspiracy theories — including those about 9/11. As such, we have removed this post.”137 In response, I pointed out that this policy entails that the HP “cannot accept any posts that state, or imply, that al-Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, for that is a conspiracy theory.” This fact has been acknowledged, I added, by former Harvard law professor and current Obama administration member Cass Sunstein – who referred to the above-quoted article by Charles Pigden. One implication of this fact combined with HP’s policy, I concluded, is that HP “cannot allow President Obama to say that we are in Afghanistan to ‘get the people who attacked us on 9/11,’ because he’s thereby endorsing the Bush-Cheney conspiracy theory about 9/11.”138 But HP, evidently not bothered by logical inconsistency, has not changed its policy.

In any case, once it is acknowledged that both of the major theories about 9/11 are conspiracy theories, the 9/11 Truth’s Movement’s theory cannot rationally be rejected on the grounds that it is a conspiracy theory. Making a rational judgment requires comparing the two conspiracy theories to see which one is more plausible. And when the issue is posed in this way, the official theory does not fare well, whether viewed from a scientific or a merely prima facie perspective.

The Prima Facie Absurdity of the Official Conspiracy Theory: Even when viewed only superficially (prima facie), the central elements in the official story, if evaluated in abstraction from the fact that it is the official story, is certainly implausible – it probably would have been even too implausible to pass muster as the plot for a bad Hollywood movie. Matt Taibbi has made such a statement about the story implicit in the various claims made by the 9/11 Truth Movement, saying that if you combine those claims into a coherent script, “you get the dumbest story since Roman Polanski’s Pirates.”139 However, aside from the fact that Taibbi failed to support this claim, he simply ignored the absurdity of the official story, which, boiled down to a one-sentence summary, says:

Inexperienced Muslim hijackers, armed only with knives and box-cutters, took control of four airliners, then outfoxed the world’s most sophisticated air defense system, then used two of these airliners to bring three skyscrapers down (indeed, straight down, in virtual free fall),140 and then, almost an hour later – when the US air defense system would have been on highest alert – flew a third one, undetected, from the mid-west back to Washington DC, where – thanks to heroic piloting by a man who had never before flown an airliner and who was, according to the New York Times, known as a “terrible pilot,” incapable of safely flying even a tiny plane – this third airliner went through an extremely difficult trajectory (even too difficult for them, said some experienced airline pilots) in order to strike the first floor of the Pentagon – surely the most well-protected building on the planet – without scraping the Pentagon lawn.

What could discredit “the left” more than the fact that you, some of its leading spokespersons, have endorsed such nonsense?

The Scientific Status of the Two Conspiracy Theories. Actually, there is one thing that would be even more discrediting: If, after having it pointed out to you that at least nine miracles are implied by this story, you fail to renounce your former acceptance of it.

Also, it is not only the miracles implicit in the official account that undermine your apparent assumption that good science supports the official account rather than that of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Although that assumption was less obviously unreasonable a few years ago, at least by people who either could not or would not look at the evidence for themselves, that assumption is now completely and obviously unreasonable, due to developments that have occurred in the past few years.

In 2006, as we saw above, Chomsky suggested that there would be two decisive tests for the physical evidence touted by the 9/11 Truth Movement: (i) “submit it to specialists [with] the requisite background in civil-mechanical engineering, materials science, [and] building construction.” (ii) “submit it to a serious journal for peer review and publication.”

To begin with the second test: A few months before December 2006, when Chomsky made this suggestion, physicist Steven Jones, at that time a professor at Brigham Young University, and some other scientists started a new online outlet, the Journal of 9/11 Studies. By now, it has published dozens of peer-reviewed papers, five of which were cited earlier: “Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?” (by Jones himself); “9/11: Acceleration Study Proves Explosive Demolition” (by Frank Legge); “Revisiting 9/11/2001: Applying the Scientific Method” (by Jones); “Momentum Transfer Analysis of the Collapse of the Upper Storeys of WTC 1” (by Gordon Ross); and “Extremely High Temperatures during the World Trade Center Destruction” (by Jones and seven other scientists).

Of course, people who are skeptical of the 9/11 Truth Movement’s claims may assume – albeit wrongly, from what I have learned – that this journal, being favorable to such claims, may have a less than rigorous peer-review process. And what Chomsky had suggested, in any case, was that 9/11 Truth Movement scientists should submit articles to mainstream science journals, to see if they could pass their peer-review processes.

Jones and other scientists, deciding to take up Chomsky’s challenge, started working on papers to submit, and since 2008, at least six papers disputing the official account of the WTC have been published in mainstream journals:

  • “Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction,” by Steven E. Jones, Frank M. Legge, Kevin R. Ryan, Anthony F. Szamboti, and James R. Gourley, published in 2008 in the Open Civil Engineering Journal.141
  • “Environmental Anomalies at the World Trade Center: Evidence for Energetic Materials,” by Kevin R. Ryan, James R. Gourley, and Steven E. Jones, published in 2009 in The Environmentalist.142
  • “Active Thermitic Material Observed in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” by University of Copenhagen chemistry professor Niels Harrit and eight colleagues (including Jones, Ryan, Legge, and Gourley), published in 2009 in The Open Chemical Physics Journal.143
  • “Discussion of ‘Progressive Collapse of the World Trade Center: A Simple Analysis’ by K.A. Seffen,” by physicist Crockett Grabbe, published in 2010 in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, which is published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).144
  • “Discussion of ’Mechanics of Progressive Collapse: Learning from World Trade Center and Building Demolitions’ by Zdenek P. Bazant and Mathieu Verdure,” by chemical engineer James R. Gourley, published in 2010 in the ASCE’s Journal of Engineering Mechanics.145
  • “Discussion of ‘What Did and Did Not Cause Collapse of World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York?’ by Zdenek P. Bazant, Jia-Liang Le, Frank R. Greening, and David B. Benson,” by Anders Björkman, published in 2010 in the ASCE’s Journal of Engineering Mechanics.146

Given the time it takes to write scientific papers and get them through the peer-review process, combined with the relatively small number of scientists writing about these issues, this is an impressive achievement. It would seem that this part of Chomsky’s test has been met.

These publications demonstrate, moreover, that many of the same scientists who had been publishing in the Journal of 9/11 Studies have now written papers that have gotten through the peer-review process of mainstream science journals. There is no empirical basis, accordingly, for the assumption that the Journal of 9/11 Studies’ peer-review process is any less critical. We can, therefore, add the 25 scientific papers about the WTC collapses in the Journal of 9/11 Studies to the six recent papers in mainstream journals, giving us a total of over 30 peer-reviewed scientific articles challenging the official theory about the destruction of the WTC that have appeared since 2006.

I turn now to Chomsky’s other suggested way for members of the Truth Movement to test physical evidence that they see as disproving the official story: “submit it to specialists [with] the requisite background in civil-mechanical engineering, materials science, [and] building construction.” This has now been done and, as a result, the movement has large and continually growing numbers of physical scientists, engineers, and architects.

The physical scientists (beyond those already mentioned) include;

  • Dr. A. K. Dewdney, professor emeritus of mathematics and physics, University of Western Ontario.
  • Dr. Timothy E. Eastman, Consultant, Plasmas International, Silver Spring, Maryland.
  • Dr. Mark F. Fitzsimmons, senior lecturer in organic chemistry, University of Plymouth.
  • Dr. David L. Griscom, former research physicist at the Naval Research Laboratory; principal author of 100 papers in scientific journals; fellow of the American Physical Society and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • Dr. Jan Kjellman, research scientist in nuclear physics and nanotechnology, École Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne.
  • Dr. Herbert G. Lebherz, professor emeritus, Department of Chemistry, San Diego State University.
  • Dr. Eric Leichtnam, professor of mathematics and physics, University of Paris.
  • Dr. Terry Morrone, professor emeritus, Department of Physics, Adelphi University.
  • Dr. John D. Wyndham, former research fellow, California Institute of Technology.147

With regard to architects and engineers: In December 2006, when Chomsky issued his suggestion, there were few if any architects and engineers who had publicly questioned the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center. But in January, 2007, architect Richard Gage, a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), began Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and by now its membership includes over 1,200 professional architects and engineers.

Here are a few of the architects:

  • Daniel B. Barnum, AIA fellow; founder of the Houston AIA Residential Architecture Committee.
  • Bertie McKinney Bonner, M. Arch; AIA member; licensed architect in Pennsylvania.
  • David Paul Helpern, AIA fellow; founder of Helpern Architects.
  • Cynthia Howard, M. Arch; licensed architect in Maine and Massachusetts; past president, AIA’s New England Chapter.
  • David A. Johnson, PhD, internationally known architect and city planner; chaired the planning departments at Syracuse and Ball State universities; former president of the Fulbright Association of the United States.
  • Kevin A. Kelly, AIA fellow; author of Problem Seeking: An Architectural Programming Primer, which has become a standard textbook.
  • Anne Lee, M. Arch, AIA member; licensed architect in Massachusetts.
  • Dr. David Leifer, coordinator of the Graduate Program in Facilities Management, University of Sydney; former professor at Mackintosh School of Architecture.
  • Paul Stevenson Oles, fellow of the AIA, which in 1989 called him “the dean of architectural illustrators in America”; co-founder of the American Society of Architectural Perspectivists.
  • David A. Techau, B. Arch., MS; AIA member; licensed architect in Hawaii.148

Here are a few of the engineers:

  • John Edward Anderson, PhD; professor emeritus, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota; licensed Professional Engineer (PE).
  • Robert Bowman, PhD; former head, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, US Air Force Institute of Technology; director of Advanced Space Programs Development (“Star Wars”) under Presidents Ford and Carter.
  • Ronald H. Brookman, MS Eng; licensed Professional Civil and Structural Engineer in California
  • Dwain Deets, former Director for Research Engineering and Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, which awarded him the NASA Exceptional Service Award.
  • Joel Hirschhorn, PhD; former professor, Metallurgical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison; former staff member, Congressional Office of Technology Assessment.
  • Richard F. Humenn, licensed PE (retired); senior Project Design Engineer, World Trade Center electrical systems.
  • Fadhil Al-Kazily, PhD; licensed Professional Civil Engineer.
  • Jack Keller, PhD; professor emeritus, Civil Engineering, Utah State University; member, National Academy of Engineering; named one of the world’s 50 leading contributors to science and technology benefiting society by Scientific American.
  • Heikki Kurttila, PhD; Safety Engineer and Accident Analyst for Finland’s National Safety Technology Authority.
  • Ali Mojahid, PhD, Civil and Architectural Engineering; licensed PE.
  • Edward Munyak, Mechanical and Fire Protection Engineer; former Fire Protection Engineer for California and the US Departments of Energy and Defense.
  • Kamal S. Obeid, MS, licensed Professional Structural and Civil Engineer.149

In addition to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, many other 9/11 organizations of professionals with relevant types of expertise have been formed, including Firefighters for 9/11 Truth,150 Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth,151 Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth,152 Pilots for 9/11 Truth,153 S.P.I.N.E.: The Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven,154 and Veterans for 9/11 Truth.155

Less obviously relevant, but surely not entirely irrelevant, are some other professional organizations, including Journalists and Other Media Professionals for 9/11 Truth,156 Lawyers for 9/11 Truth,157 Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth,158 Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth,159 and Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice.160 If we combine the membership of these organizations with those in the previous paragraph, we can see that several thousand professional people have publicly announced their alignment with the 9/11 Truth Movement.

In light of the above-mentioned developments, could any fair-minded person deny that the 9/11 Truth Movement’s evidence has passed Chomsky’s twofold test with flying colors?

Given the make-up of the 9/11 Truth Movement, could any such person agree with the claims about this movement quoted in Part I of this essay, according to which its members are “conspiracy nuts,” “idiots,” and “morons,” who, being devoid of “any conception of evidence,” are “willing to abandon science” in favor of “magic”? In one of his 2009 essays, David Corn expressed concern about “9/11 conspiracy silliness.”161 But it is hard to imagine anything sillier, and hence more self-discrediting, than making such claims about the scientists, architects, engineers, intelligence officers, lawyers, medical professionals, political leaders, and other professionals who have publicly aligned themselves with the 9/11 Truth Movement.

As I stated on a lecture tour in early 2009:

“Among scientists and professionals in the relevant fields who have studied the evidence, the weight of scientific and professional opinion is now overwhelmingly on the side of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Whereas well over 1,000 such people have publicly supported the stance of this movement, there are virtually no scientists or professionals in the relevant fields who have gone on record in defense of the official story—except for people whose livelihood would be threatened if they refused to support it. This caveat is important, because, as Upton Sinclair famously observed: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”162 Except for such people, virtually everyone who has expertise in a relevant field, and who has seriously studied the evidence, rejects the official conspiracy theory. It is time, therefore, for journalists and everyone else to take a second look.”163

A More General Problem with the Official Conspiracy Theory: In addition the twofold fact that the official conspiracy theory’s account of the WTC destruction implies miracles and has been increasingly rejected by informed and independent people in relevant professions, this theory is rendered unworthy of belief by a more general problem: when its various details are subjected to critical scrutiny, the entire story falls apart – as I showed in my 2008 book, The New Pearl Harbor Revisited164 (which, incidentally, was a Publishers Weekly “Pick of the Week” in November 2008,165 an honor not normally bestowed on books written by morons and idiots).

One of the things that falls apart is the idea that there were al-Qaeda hijackers on the airliners. Having in my book examined the various types of evidence for this idea, I will here focus on the type of evidence usually considered the strongest: the alleged phone calls from the planes, during which the presence of hijackers was reported. All of you have evidently accepted these calls as genuine.

For example, Matthew Rothschild, defending the government’s account of what happened on United Flight 93, wrote: “we know from cell phone conversations that passengers on board that plane planned on confronting the hijackers.”166 However, about ten of the reported calls from this flight were said to have been made on cell phones, most of them when the plane was at 35,000 feet or higher, and the technology at that time did not allow cell phone calls to be made from airliners at such altitudes, as pointed out by members of the 9/11 Truth Movement – most definitively by A. K. Dewdney and Michel Chossudovsky in 2003 and 2004.167

Chris Hayes faulted the Truth Movement for focusing on what he called “physical minutiae,” such as “the altitude in Pennsylvania at which cellphones on Flight 93 should have stopped working.”168 It would appear, however, that the FBI took such “minutiae” seriously: When it issued a report in 2006 on the (alleged) phone calls from the 9/11 airliners, the FBI designated only two of them as having been made on cell phones, and both of those, the FBI said, had been made from Flight 93 when it, about to crash, was at a low altitude. All the other reported calls from this flight (as well as all the reported calls from the other flights) were said to have been made from onboard phones, including three to five calls that Deena Burnett reported having received from her husband, Tom Burnett.169

This change of story got rid of the problem of technologically impossible (miraculous) phone calls, but it created another problem: How to explain the reports of approximately ten calls from this flight that, according to the recipients, had been made on cell phones? In some cases, we might assume, the recipients had misunderstood, or misremembered, what they had been told. But Deena Burnett said – and she reported this to the FBI on 9/11 itself – that she knew her husband had used his cell phone, because she recognized his cell phone number on her own phone’s Caller ID. If Tom Burnett had really called his wife using an onboard phone, as the FBI now claims, the fact that his cell phone number repeatedly showed up on her Caller ID would have to count as a miracle.

I would think people generally skeptical of the claims made by the government, especially claims from which the military-industrial complex is benefiting, would consider this problem – which is documented at length in The New Pearl Harbor Revisited170 – worthy of investigation.

I have also raised questions about the alleged phone calls from CNN correspondent Barbara Olson, which had been reported that day by her husband, US Solicitor General Ted Olson. She had phoned him twice, he claimed, from American Flight 77 (which allegedly crashed into the Pentagon shortly thereafter).

In a list of my views treated derisively by Rothschild, he said: “Griffin casts doubt on whether the phone calls actually happened.”171 Perhaps Rothschild will be more impressed by the fact that, in its 2006 report on phone calls from the 9/11 airliners, the FBI did not support the claim that the calls from Barbara Olson “actually happened.” Although Ted Olson said he had received two calls from his wife, with the first call lasting “about one (1) minute”172 and the second one lasting “two or three or four minutes,”173 the FBI report on calls from American Flight 77 says that Barbara Olson attempted one call, which was “unconnected,” so that it (of course) lasted “0 seconds.”174

The reported calls from Barbara Olson were very important: They provided the first evidence given to the public that the planes had been hijacked; they were instrumental in getting the American public ready to strike back at Muslims in a “war on terror”; and they were also the only source for a piece of information that everyone “knows” – that the hijackers had box-cutters. One would think, therefore, that it would be of more than passing interest to people concerned about the direction of US foreign policy since 9/11 that an FBI report in 2006 indicates that these calls never happened.

This is the same FBI that – in spite of Rothschild’s confident claim that there is no doubt of Osama bin Laden’s responsibility for the attacks, because he (allegedly) claimed responsibility for them in a video (allegedly) found in Afghanistan by the US military – does not list him as wanted for 9/11. Why? Because, an FBI spokesman explained, “the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”175 The FBI must be less certain than Rothschild about the evidentiary value of that so-called confessional video – and for good reason, as I have shown elsewhere.176

Accordingly, insofar as you left-leaning despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement have been concerned not to discredit yourselves by endorsing an unsupported, implausible, irrational, and even scientifically impossible conspiracy theory, that is precisely what you are doing so long as you stand by your endorsements of the Bush administration’s – and now the Obama administration’s – 9/11 conspiracy theory.

2. The Fear of Being Distracted oh fuck it how long is this bloody

The second fear – that the focus on a false conspiracy theory has been distracting many people from more important matters – is equally valid. But this fear has been directed toward the wrong conspiracy theory. Nothing has distracted the United States and its allies from issues such as global apartheid, the ecological crisis, nuclear proliferation, and corporate power more than the “war on terror” – with its huge operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, its incessant terror alerts and stories of attacks prevented, and its depletion of our national treasuries. Lying at the root of this so-called war on terror, both historically and as present justification, is the official account of 9/11. So it is, as I wrote in response to Cockburn in Le Monde Diplomatique three years go, “The Truly Distracting 9/11 Conspiracy Theory.”177

Had the falsity of this account been exposed within weeks – as it certainly could and should have been – the war in Afghanistan, which has now been using up our time, talent, and treasury for almost a decade, could have been avoided altogether. If the falsity of the Bush-Cheney 9/11 conspiracy theory had at least been exposed within a year, the fiasco in Iraq could have been avoided. If the truth had been exposed within three years, those wars could have been closed down long ago and the Bush-Cheney administration dismissed before it had a second term. If so, the next administration, not distracted by two major wars and exaggerated fears about terrorist attacks on the “homeland,” might have focused on the fact that many environmental regulations needed to be tightened up. One consequence might have been that the Gulf oil blowout (not “spill”), which could turn out to be extremely destructive to our planet’s ecosystem, might never have occurred. The fact that the official conspiracy theory about 9/11 has distracted the United States and its allies from the ecological crisis is, therefore, no trivial matter – and this is merely one of many illustrations that could be given.

That the 9/11 Truth Movement, by contrast, cannot be rationally considered a distraction from more important matters was persuasively expressed in August 2006 by former CIA official Bill Christison, who by the end of his 28-year career had risen to the position of Director of the CIA’s Office of Regional and Political Analysis (and who, sadly, died while this essay was being written178). In an article entitled “Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11,” Christison wrote:

“After spending the better part of the last five years treating these theories with utmost skepticism, I have devoted serious time to actually studying them [and] have come to believe that significant parts of the 9/11 theories are true, and that therefore significant parts of the ‘official story’ put out by the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission are false.”179

Then, after listing nine judgments that had led him to this conclusion – one of which was that the “North and South Towers of the World Trade Center almost certainly did not collapse and fall to earth because hijacked aircraft hit them” – he added:

“If [these] judgments . . . are correct, they . . . strongly suggest that some unnamed persons or groups either inside or with ties to the government were actively creating a ‘Pearl Harbor’ event, most likely to gain public support for the aggressive foreign policies that followed – policies that would, first, ‘transform’ the entire Middle East, and second, expand U.S. global domination.”

Then, explaining why the evidence for this conclusion cannot reasonably be dismissed as a distraction from more important matters, he wrote:

“A manageable volume of carefully collected and analyzed evidence is already at hand . . . that elements within the Bush administration, as well as possibly other groups foreign or domestic, were involved in a massive fraud against the American people, a fraud that has led to many thousands of deaths. This charge of fraud, if proven, involves a much greater crime against the American people and people of the world than any other charges of fraud connected to the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. It is a charge that we should not sweep under the rug because what is happening in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, Syria, and Iran seems more pressing and overwhelming. It is a charge that is more important because it is related to all of the areas just mentioned – after all, the events of 9/11 have been used by the administration to justify every single aspect of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East since September 11. It is a charge that is more important also because it affects the very core of our entire political system. If proven, it is a conspiracy, so far successful, not only against the people of the United States, but against the entire world.”

In this passage, Christison expressed this charge of fraud conditionally, saying “if proven.” He later made clear, however, that he had personally found the evidence convincing, referring to the 9/11 attacks as “an inside job.”180

In any case, besides saying that 9/11 is more important than America’s crimes in the Middle East because “the events of 9/11 have been used by the administration to justify every single aspect of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East since September 11,” he also, in saying that the 9/11 fraud “affects the very core of our entire political system,” anticipated the above-cited symposium in the American Behavioral Scientist, which treated 9/11 as a probable instance of its topic: State Crimes against Democracy. Christison’s implicit message to Chomsky, therefore, was: Given your concern with “real and ongoing crimes of state,” I would respectfully suggest that you do what I finally did: Actually examine the evidence that 9/11 was one of these crimes.

As for the concern to prosecute war criminals, what bigger war criminals could there be than people within our own government who engineered these attacks, then used them as a pretext for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which have killed millions?181

As for the hope of stopping these horribly deadly and terribly expensive wars, what better means could be had than proof – which scientists, architects, engineers, firefighters, and pilots in the 9/11 Truth Movement have provided – that the official account of 9/11 is a lie and that the attacks had to be, at least in part, an inside job?

Concluding Statement

I recently completed a 15-city tour, presenting a lecture entitled “Is the War in Afghanistan Justified by 9/11?” My hope was that, by providing clear evidence that it is not – because the official account of 9/11 is false from beginning to end – “the 9/11 Truth Movement and more traditional Peace and Anti-War groups [would] be able to combine forces to oppose this illegal and immoral war.”182 I have written the present essay with the same hope. But if this hope is to be fulfilled, erstwhile left-leaning despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement will need to prove that Cockburn’s charge about this movement’s members – “They’re immune to any reality check” – and Corn’s charge – they “are not open to persuasion”183 – are not instead true of themselves.


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This article was first published by the late David Ray Griffin as

An Open Letter to Terry Allen, Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn, David Corn, Chris Hayes, George Monbiot, Matthew Rothschild, and Matt Taibbi.1

The late David Ray Griffin is the author of 36 books dealing with various subjects: philosophy, theology, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and 9/11 and US imperialism. In September 2009, The New Statesman ranked him #41 among “The 50 People Who Matter Today.” His most recent book is The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False (2009). His next book will be Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (September 2010). He wishes to thank four scientists – Jim Hoffman, Frank Legge, Kevin Ryan, and John Wyndham – and three other superb critics – Matthew Everett, Tod Fletcher, and Elizabeth Woodworth – for help with this essay.


1 As those who know the history of modern theology are aware, one of its seminal writings was Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Speeches on Religion to Its Cultured Despisers (1799). These “cultured despisers” of religion were people whom Schleiermacher admired and with whom he agreed on most issues. He believed, however, that they had a blind spot with regard to religion, mainly because they did not understand its true nature and the experience on which it is based. I address those I call “left-leaning despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement” in the same spirit.

2 David Ray Griffin is the author of 36 books dealing with various subjects: philosophy, theology, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and 9/11 and US imperialism. In September 2009, The New Statesman ranked him #41 among “The 50 People Who Matter Today.” His most recent book is The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False (2009). His next book will be Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (September 2010). He wishes to thank four scientists – Jim Hoffman, Frank Legge, Kevin Ryan, and John Wyndham – and three other superb critics – Matthew Everett, Tod Fletcher, and Elizabeth Woodworth – for help with this essay. 

3 Alexander Cockburn, “The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts,” ZNet, September 20, 2006 ( A shorter version appeared in the September 24, 2010, issue of The Nation.

4 Alexander Cockburn, “The Conspiracists, Continued – Are They Getting Crazier?” The Free Press, September 16, 2006 (

5 Alexander Cockburn, “Conspiracy Disproved: Distractions from Awful Reality,” Le Monde Diplomatique, December 2006 (

6 Ibid.

7 George Monbiot, “9/11 Fantasists Pose a Mortal Danger to Popular Oppositional Campaigns,” The Guardian, February 20, 2007 (

8 Matt Taibbi, “The Idiocy Behind the ‘9/11 Truth’ Movement,” AlterNet, September 26, 2006 ( This date, incidentally, refers to the original posting of the article at It was not posted on AlterNet until May 7, 2008. In another article, posted on a couple of weeks earlier (September 14, 2006), Taibbi had offered a different diagnosis, saying that people who thought that the towers had been wired with explosives were “clinically insane” (Matt Taibbi, “Americans in Denial about 9/11,” AlterNet June 6, 2008

9 Christopher Hayes, “9/11: The Roots of Paranoia,” The Nation, December 8, 2006 (

10 “Chomsky: 9/11 Truth Movement Pushes Non-Scientific Evidence,” YouTube (

11 “Chomsky Dismisses 9/11 Conspiracy Theories As ‘Dubious’”, December 13, 2006 (

12 Terry Allen, “The 9/11 Faith Movement,” In These Times, July 11, 2006 (

13 David Corn, “When 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Go Bad,” AlterNet, March 1, 2002 (

14 David Corn, “How 9/11 Conspiracy Poison Did in Van Jones,” Politics Daily, September 7, 2009 (

15 Ibid.

16 David Corn, “Van Jones and the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Poison,” Mother Jones, September 7, 2009 (

17 Matthew Rothschild, “Enough of the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, Already,” The Progressive, September 18, 2006 (

18 David Ray Griffin, The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 Is Unscientific and False (Northampton: Olive Branch [Interlink Books], 2009), Chs. 4 and 5.

19 See David Ray Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (Northampton, Mass.: Olive Branch Press [Interlink Books], 2005), 29.

20 See David Ray Griffin, “Building What? How SCADs Can Be Hidden in Plain Sight,”, May 27, 2010 (

21 James Glanz, “Engineers Suspect Diesel Fuel in Collapse of 7 World Trade Center,” New York Times, November 29, 2001 (

22 See FEMA, World Trade Center Building Performance Study, ed. Therese McAllister, ed. (Washington D.C., and New York: Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2002), Chapter 5, by Ramon Gilsanz, Edward M. Depaola, Christopher Marrion, and Harold “Bud” Nelson (, 31. As the title of Glanz’s article in the previous note indicates, he had already suggested that the diesel fuel might provide an explanation.

23 Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can’t Stand Up to the Facts: An In-Depth Investigation by Popular Mechanics, ed. David Dunbar and Brad Reagan (New York: Hearst Books, 2006), 53, 56.

24 Ibid., 53-54, 29.

25 Rothschild, “Enough of the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, Already.”

26 Hayes, “9/11: The Roots of Paranoia.”

27 Allen, “The 9/11 Faith Movement.”

28 As this example shows, Allen’s rejection of the 9/11 Truth Movement’s empirical claims seems to be based entirely on her taking on faith the claims of the Bush-Cheney administration as mediated through Popular Mechanics. It is quite ironic, therefore, that she caricatures the 9/11 Truth Movement as the “9/11 Faith Movement.” But she seems to have a special knack for getting things backwards: With regard to an In These Times editor’s question about me, “What could have transformed this sober, reflective scholar into a conspiracy theorist?” (which was his way of asking why I had rejected the government’s conspiracy theory in favor an alternative conspiracy theory), she replied: “I think part of it is that he’s a theologian who operates on faith” (quoted in Salim Muwakkil, “What’s the 411 on 9/11?” In These Times, December 21, 2005 Given the fact that the primary issue at hand was my belief “that the towers were toppled by a controlled demolition,” for which there is (as we have seen) an overwhelming amount of empirical evidence, it is especially strange that she would say that the reason I believe this must be that I am “a theologian who operates on faith.” Besides the fact that she was obviously the one who was operating on faith with regard to 9/11, she was also assuming that, because I am “a theologian,” I must operate in the way she assumes all theologians operate. Since the 18th-century Enlightenment, however, there has been a great methodological divide within theology. Many theologians still do operate on the traditional basis, in which questions of truth are settled by appeals to authority, the pronouncements of which are taken on faith. But I have always practiced the Enlightenment-based type of theology, which, as I explained in a book subtitled A New Synthesis of Scientific Naturalism and Christian Faith, rejects the “method of authority” in favor of the method of “settling questions of truth and falsity on the basis of common experience and reason – that is, by reasoning on the basis of experience that is at least potentially common to all people” (David Ray Griffin, Two Great Truths: A New Synthesis of Scientific Naturalism and Christian Faith [Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004], 62). Also central to this type of theology is the rejection of “miracles,” in the sense of “supernatural interruptions of the world’s most fundamental causal processes” (ibid., 98). The centrality of this element in my theology is illustrated by the titles of two of my other books, Religion and Scientific Naturalism: Overcoming the Conflicts (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000), and Reenchantment without Supernaturalism: A Process Philosophy of Religion (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2001). My explicit rejection of miraculous interruptions of the world’s normal causal processes may make me more sensitive to this issue than are some left-wing critics of the 9/11 Truth Movement, who to me seem puzzlingly unconcerned about the official account’s cavalier violations of principles that have long been considered inviolable laws of nature.

29 NIST NCSTAR 1A, Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (brief version), National Institute of Standards and Technology, November 2008, xxxvi ( This document is henceforth cited simply as NIST NCSTAR 1A, which will always refer to the final (November 2008) version (as distinct from the Draft for Public Comment, which was issued in August 2008).

30 Ibid., xxxvii.

31 Ibid., xxxv.

32 See, for example, Shyam Sunder, “Opening Statement,” NIST Press Briefing, August 21, 2008 (; NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center Building 7, November 2008, Volume 2: 493, 617, 618 (

33 “NIST WTC 7 Investigation Finds Building Fires Caused Collapse,” NIST, August 21, 2008 (

34 NIST NCSTAR 1A, xxxvii.

35 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center Building 7, November 2008, Vol. 1 ( 341.

36 Rothschild, “Enough of the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, Already”; Allen, “The 9/11 Faith Movement.”

37 J. Gordon Routley, Charles Jennings, and Mark Chubb, “High-Rise Office Building Fire, One Meridian Plaza, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,” FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), 1991 (; Robin Nieto, “Fire Practically Destroys Venezuela’s Tallest Building,” Venezuela News, Views, and Analysis, October 18, 2004 (

38 Sunder, “Opening Statement.”

39 Griffin, The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: 170-77.

40 David Ray Griffin, Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (Northampton, Mass.: Olive Branch [Interlink Books], 2007), Chap. 4.

41 Hayes, “9/11: The Roots of Paranoia.”

42 Griffin, Debunking 9/11 Debunking, 152-63.

43 See “WTC7 Demolition on 9/11 – Video Compilation,” YouTube ( For video and analysis, see “WTC7: This Is an Orange,” YouTube (, and David Chandler, “WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part III)” ( , at 2:25-4:00.

44 See Frank Legge, “9/11: Acceleration Study Proves Explosive Demolition,” Journal of 9/11 Studies, Vol. 5, November 2006 (

45 Daniel Hofnung, Patriots Question 9/11 (

46 Chester W. Gearhart, Patriots Question 9/11 (

47 Jack Keller, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (

48 See “Danny Jowenko on WTC 7 Controlled Demolition,” YouTube ( For more of the interview, “Jowenko WTC 7 Demolition Interviews,” in three parts (

49 “The Myth of Implosion” (

50 Liz Else, “Baltimore Blasters,” New Scientist 183/2457 (July 24, 2004), 48 (

51 Hayes, “9/11: The Roots of Paranoia.”

52 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment, Vol. 2 (, 596.

53 “WTC 7 Technical Briefing,” NIST, August 26, 2008. Although NIST originally had a video and a transcript of this briefing at its Internet website, it recently removed both of them. However, Nate Flach has made the video available at Vimeo (, and the transcript, under the title “NIST Technical Briefing on Its Final Draft Report on WTC 7 for Public Comment,” is available at David Chandler’s website (

54 Ibid.

55 David Chandler, “WTC7 in Freefall – No Longer Controversial,” September 4, 2008 ( , at 2:45.

56 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 2: 607.

57 Chandler, “WTC7 in Freefall – No Longer Controversial,” at 3:27.

58 Chandler, “WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part III),” January 2, 2009 ( , at 1:19.

59 “Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation,” NIST, August 21, 2008, updated April 21, 2009. Whereas the original version of this document denied free fall, the updated version affirms it. Although both versions have been removed from NIST’s website, Jim Hoffman’s website has both the 2008 version ( ) and the 2009 version (

60 Chandler, “WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part III),” at 2:20, 3:15.

61 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment, Vol. 2: 595-96, 596, 610.

62 NIST, Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, September 2005 ( , 146.

63 NIST, “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions,” August 30, 2006 (, Question 2.

64 NIST NCSTAR 1, Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, 146.

65 NIST, “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions,” Question 6. In the italicized portion of this statement, NIST was quoting NIST NCSTAR 1, Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, Section 6.14.4 (page 146).

66 Jim Hoffman, “A Reply to the National Institute for Standards and Technology’s Answers to Frequently Asked Questions” (

67 William Rice’s statement is quoted at Patriots Question 9/11 (

68 Steven E. Jones, Frank M. Legge, Kevin R. Ryan, Anthony F. Szamboti, and James R. Gourley, “Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction,” Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2/1 (2008): 35-40 (

69 “Request for Correction Submitted to NIST,” Journal of 9/11 Studies, Vol. 12: June 2007 ( This letter, dated April 12, 2007, was also signed by Bob McIlvaine, Bill Doyle, and Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice.

70 Gordon Ross, “Momentum Transfer Analysis of the Collapse of the Upper Storeys of WTC 1,” Journal of 9/11 Studies, Vol. 1: June 2006 ( : 32-39, at 37.

71 NIST, “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions,” Question 7.

72 Alexander Cockburn, “The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts: How They Let the Guilty Parties of 9/11 Slip Off the Hook,” Counterpunch, September 9/10, 2006 (

73 Hayes, “9/11: The Roots of Paranoia.”

74 Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, “Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation,” JOM, 53 (12), 2001 (

75 NIST NCSTAR 1, Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, 90.

76 Don Paul and Jim Hoffman, Waking Up from Our Nightmare: The 9/11/01 Crimes in New York City (San Francisco: Irresistible/Revolutionary, 2004), 34.

77 Steven Jones, “Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?” Journal of 9/11 Studies, Vol. 3 (September 2006), 1-47, at 28 (

78 Quoted in Liz Else, “Baltimore Blasters” (see note 50, above).

79 “Request for Correction Submitted to NIST.”

80 The statement by Deets is at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (

81 See “911 Eyewitness: Huge Steel Sections Ejected More than 600 Feet” (, or “9/11 Mysteries: Demolition” (

82 Sunder, “Opening Statement.”

83 NIST NCSTAR 1A: xxxvi.

84 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 1: 125.

85 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 16.

86 NIST NCSTAR 1, Final Report on the Twin Towers, 183, 184.

87 Jonathan Barnett, Ronald R. Biederman, and Richard D. Sisson, Jr., “An Initial Microstructural Analysis of A36 Steel from WTC Building 7,” JOM 53/12 (2001), 18 (

88 Jonathan Barnett, Ronald R. Biederman, and R. D. Sisson, Jr., “Limited Metallurgical Examination,” Appendix C of World Trade Center Building Performance Study, FEMA, 2002 (

89 James Glanz and Eric Lipton, “A Search for Clues in Towers’ Collapse,” New York Times, February 2, 2002 (

90 Joan Killough-Miller, “The ‘Deep Mystery’ of Melted Steel,” WPI Transformations, Spring 2002  (

91 James Glanz, “Engineers Suspect Diesel Fuel in Collapse of 7 World Trade Center,” New York Times, November 29, 2001 ( I have here quoted Glanz’s paraphrase of Barnett’s statement.

92 See Kenneth Change, “Scarred Steel Holds Clues, And Remedies,” New York Times, October 2, 2001 (

93 WebElements: The Periodic Table on the Web: Iron (

94 “Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation,” August 21, 2008 ( This statement was repeated in a version of this document that was updated April 21, 2009 ( Thanks to Jim Hoffman for preserving these documents at his website, after NIST had removed them from its own website.

95 See NIST NCSTAR 1-3C, Damage and Failure Modes of Structural Steel Components, September 2005 (, in which the authors, Stephen W. Banovic and Timothy Foecke, referred to “the analysis of the steel from WTC 7 (Sample #1 from Appendix C, BPAT/FEMA study) where corrosion phases and morphologies were able to determine a possible temperature region” (233).

96 The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 – The Third Tower, BBC, July 6, 2008 (available at and; the statement by Barnett is at 48:00. I am indebted to Chris Sarns for this discovery as well as the one in the previous note. Barnett during this interview, incidentally, speculated that the steel had “cooked” in the underground fire. This explanation was, however, deceptive at best, for three reasons: First, the effects being discussed by Barnett could have been caused only by something producing much higher temperatures than ordinary hydrocarbon fires could have produced – fires fueled, for example, by nanothermite or some other energetic nanocomposites, as explained below in Section 8. The second and third reasons also involve facts discussed in that section: Ordinary hydrocarbon fires would not have been able to keep burning underground without oxygen; and they would, in any case, have been extinguished by the water and chemical suppressant that were pumped into the rubble.

97 “NIST WTC 7 Investigation Finds Building Fires Caused Collapse.”

98 RJ Lee Group, “WTC Dust Signature,” Expert Report, May 2004 ( : 11.

99 RJ Lee Group, “WTC Dust Signature Study: Composition and Morphology,” December 2003 ( 24.

100 Ibid., 17.

101 See “Comments on WTC Signature Study and Peer Review from Greg Meeker, Paul Lioy and Mort Lippmann, November 3, 2005” ( I am indebted to Kevin Ryan for this information.

102 WebElements: The Periodic Table on the Web: Iron (

103 Heather A. Lowers and Gregory P. Meeker, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, “Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust,” 2005 (

104 Steven E. Jones et al., “Extremely High Temperatures during the World Trade Center Destruction,” Journal of 9/11 Studies, January 2008 ( 4.

105 Eric Lipton and Andrew C. Revkin, “The Firefighters: With Water and Sweat, Fighting the Most Stubborn Fire,” New York Times, November 19, 2001 (; Jonathan Beard, “Ground Zero’s Fires Still Burning,” New Scientist, December 3, 2001 (

106 Trudy Walsh, “Handheld APP Eased Recovery Tasks,” Government Computer News, 21/27a: September 11, 2002 (

107 Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, et al., “Active Thermitic Material Observed in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2: 7-31 (

108 Kevin R. Ryan, James R. Gourley, and Steven E. Jones, “Environmental Anomalies at the World Trade Center: Evidence for Energetic Materials,” The Environmentalist, 29 (2009): 56-63, at 58, 56.

109 NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 1: 330.

110 NIST, “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions,” Question 2.

111 Glanz and Lipton, “A Search for Clues in Towers’ Collapse.”

112 Killough-Miller, “The ‘Deep Mystery’ of Melted Steel.”

113 Barnett, Biederman, and Sisson, “Limited Metallurgical Examination.”

114 Ibid., C-13.

115 Dr. Arden L. Bement, Jr., Testimony before the House Science Committee Hearing on “The Investigation of the World Trade Center Collapse,” May 1, 2002 ( In the quoted statement, the name “FEMA” replaces “BPAT,” which is the abbreviation for “Building Performance Assessment Team,” the name of the ASCE team that prepared this report for FEMA.

116 “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions,” NIST, Question 12.

117 Jones et al., “Extremely High Temperatures during the World Trade Center Destruction,” 3.

118 Email letter from Kevin Ryan, October 16, 2008.

119 Email letter from Steven Jones, October 17, 2008.

120 Personal communications from Niels Harrit, May 8, 2009, and June 25, 2010.

121 Steven E. Jones, “Revisiting 9/11/2001: Applying the Scientific Method,” Journal of 9/11 Studies, Vol. 11: May 2007 (, 81.

122 Ibid., 75.

123 Symposium on State Crimes Against Democracy, American Behavioral Scientist 53 (February 2010): 783-939 (

124 Matthew T. Witt, “Pretending Not to See or Hear, Refusing to Signify: The Farce and Tragedy of Geocentric Public Affairs Scholarship,” American Behavioral Scientist 53 (February 2010): 921-39 (, at 934.

125 Ibid., 932 (emphasis in original).

126 Cockburn, “The Decline of the Left,” The Free Press, September 30, 2006 (; Taibbi, “The Idiocy Behind the ‘9/11 Truth’ Movement.”

127 “9/11 Fantasists Pose a Mortal Danger to Popular Oppositional Campaigns.”

128 Corn, “How 9/11 Conspiracy Poison Did in Van Jones.”

129 Corn, “When 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Go Bad.”

130 Cockburn, “The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts: How They Let the Guilty Parties of 9/11 Slip Off the Hook.”

131 “Chomsky Dismisses 9/11 Conspiracy Theories As ‘Dubious.’”

132 Monbiot, “9/11 Fantasists Pose a Mortal Danger to Popular Oppositional Campaigns.”

133 Charles Pigden, “Conspiracy Theories and the Conventional Wisdom,” Episteme, 4 (2007), 219–32, at 219.

134 Ibid., 222.

135 Ibid., 223.

136 Although political leaders, the mainstream press, and even much of the left-leaning press have been reluctant to admit that the official account of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory (often because they like to use this label to discredit people without examining their evidence), former Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, who was appointed to a senior post in the Obama administration, acknowledged this fact in a co-authored essay: Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule, “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures,” Journal of Political Philosophy, 17/2 (June 2009), 202-27, at 208. Sunstein also helpfully referred to Charles Pigden’s above-quoted article, which criticizes the widespread use of the “conspiracy theory” label to avoid substantive issues. I deal with the Sunstein-Vermeule essay in Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (Northampton: Olive Branch [Interlink Books], September 2010).

137 Quoted in “Jesse Ventura’s Piece on 9/11 – KILLED BY HUFFPOST!” News from the Underground, March 9, 2010 (

138 “HuffPost’s Absurd Stand on ‘Conspiracy Theories’ (David Ray Griffin),” News from the Underground, March 11, 2010 (

139 Taibbi, “The Idiocy Behind the ‘9/11 Truth’ Movement.”

140 See “Two Hit, Three Down – The Biggest Lie,” by National Medal of Science-winner Lynn Margulis, Rock Creek Free Press, January 24, 2010 (

141 Jones et al., “Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction.”

142 Kevin R. Ryan, James R. Gourley, and Steven E. Jones, “Environmental Anomalies at the World Trade Center: Evidence for Energetic Materials,” The Environmentalist, 29 (2009): 56-63 (published online, August 4, 2008 (

143 Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, and Bradley R. Larsen, “Active Thermitic Material Observed in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2: 7-31 (

144 Crockett Grabbe, “Discussion of ‘Progressive Collapse of the World Trade Center: A Simple Analysis’ by K.A. Seffen,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics 136/4 (April 2010): 538-39 (

145 James R. Gourley, “Discussion of ’Mechanics of Progressive Collapse: Learning from World Trade Center and Building Demolitions’ by Zdenek P. Bazant and Mathieu Verdure,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics 134/10 (October 2008): 915-16 (

146 Anders Björkman, “Discussion of ‘What Did and Did Not Cause Collapse of World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York?’ by Zdenek P. Bazant, Jia-Liang Le, Frank R. Greening, and David B. Benson,” ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 136/7 (July 2010): 933-34 (

147 Some of these scientists belong to Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice (; others belong to S.P.I.N.E.: The Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven (; and still others have been quoted on Patriots Question 9/11 ( The remainder will be announcing their affiliation with the 9/11 Truth Movement in the near future.

148 Information about these and other architects who question the official story can be found at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( or under “Engineers and Architects” at Patriots Question 9/11 (

149 Information about these and other engineers who question the official story can be found under “Engineers and Architects” at Patriots Question 9/11 (

150 Firefighters for 9/11 Truth (

151 Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth (

152 Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth (

153 Pilots for 9/11 Truth (

154 Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven: Physics 911 (

155 Veterans for 9/11 Truth (

156 Journalists and Other Media Professionals for 9/11 Truth (

157 Lawyers for 9/11 Truth (

158 Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth (

159 Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth (

160 Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice (

161 Corn, “How 9/11 Conspiracy Poison Did in Van Jones.”

162 Upton Sinclair, “I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked (1935; University of California Press, 1994), 109.

163 “9/11: Time for a Second Look.” For the text, see, April 18, 2009 ( For the lecture as delivered in Boston, see the YouTube video at ( ). For the lecture as delivered in Hamburg, see the YouTube video at (

164 David Ray Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé (Northampton: Olive Branch, 2008); henceforth NPHR.

165 Publishers Weekly, November 24, 2008 (

166 Rothschild, “Enough of the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, Already.”

167 A. K. Dewdney, “The Cellphone and Airfone Calls from Flight UA93,” Physics 911, June 9, 2003 (; Michel Chossudovsky, “More Holes in the Official Story: The 9/11 Cell Phone Calls,” Global Research, August 10, 2004 ( For discussion of this issue, see Griffin The New Pearl Harbor Revisited, 112-14.

168 Hayes, “9/11: The Roots of Paranoia.”

169 The FBI’s report on the phone calls from the four flights is at United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui, Exhibit Number P200054 (  But these documents can be more easily viewed in Jim Hoffman’s “Detailed Account of Phone Calls from September 11th Flights” (

170 Griffin, NPHR 115-18.

171 Rothschild, “Enough of the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, Already.”

172 FBI, “Interview with Theodore Olsen [sic],” 9/11 Commission, FBI Source Documents, Chronological, September 11,, March 14, 2008, (

173 “America’s New War: Recovering from Tragedy,” Larry King Live, CNN, September 14, 2001 (

174 See the graphic at Jim Hoffman’s website ( and my discussion in NPHR 60-62.

175 Griffin, NPHR 206-07.

176 See David Ray Griffin, Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? (Northampton: Olive Branch, 2009), 22-36.

177 Dr. David Ray Griffin, “The Truly Distracting 9/11 Conspiracy Theory: A Reply to Alexander Cockburn,” Le Monde Diplomatique, Nordic Edition, March 2007 (; a response to Alexander Cockburn, “US: The Conspiracy That Wasn’t,” Le Monde Diplomatique, December 2006 (, which was headlined: “Distractions from Awful Reality.”

178 See the obituary I wrote, “William A. (‘Bill’) Christison (1928-2010),”, June 20, 2010 (

179 Bill Christison, “Stop Belittling the Theories about September 11,” Dissident Voice, August 14, 2006 (

180 Paul Joseph Watson, “28-Year Career CIA Official Says 9/11 An Inside Job,” Prison Planet, September 7, 2006 (

181 Mainstream sources estimate the total number of deaths due to the invasions and occupations at about one million for each country. But Dr. Gideon Polya, author of Body Count: Global Avoidable Mortality Since 1950, has put the numbers much higher. See his “Iraqi Holocaust: 2.3 Million Iraqi Excess Deaths,” March 21, 2009 (; and “January 2010 – 4.5 Million Dead in Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide,” Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide, January 2, 2010 (

182 Both this statement and the Chicago version of my lecture can be seen at Ed’s Links: Is the War in Afghanistan Justified by 9/11? ( A slightly revised version has been posted as David Ray Griffin, “Did 9/11 Justify the War in Afghanistan? Using the McChrystal Moment to Raise a Forbidden Question,” Global Research, June 24, 2010 (

183 Cockburn, “The Decline of the Left”; Corn, “Van Jones and the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Poison.”

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This article was first published by Cuba Debate in Spanish in September 2010. (Translation by Cuba Debate).


On Thursday, Michel Chossudovsky, professor emeritus at the University of Ottawa, was invited to appear on the Mesa Redonda television program. He participated along with Osvaldo Martinez, director of the Research Center on World Economics.

Of course, I listened to their debate with particular interest. Chossudovsky spoke in Spanish and showed a complete command of the issues at hand. He is scrupulous about the meaning of words, including phrases coined in English to precisely express a certain idea when they do not have equivalent terms in Spanish.

Chossudovsky said that in the United States an inescapable systemic crisis has been created, which they are trying to resolve by employing the same measures that caused it. 

He explained that there has been an impoverishment of all social groups, which affects the workers and middle class much more than the rich. 

The U.S. government is calling for austerity measures at a global level, and applying “remedies” and “prescriptions” that are the cause of the crisis, also faced with the necessity of financing military spending and bailing out banks.

He confirmed that they have been preparing for war against Iran since 2003, and are also threatening Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Lebanon and other countries in this vast region.

He energetically criticized the justification for the introduction of the so-called mini-nuke into the arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons, and of the doctrine that was widely promoted prior to their introduction, in an attempt to argue that the mini-nuke is safe for civilians (safe for the surrounding civilian population, because the explosion is underground) in English he explained. He noted the irony of how the mini-nukes included bombs with an explosive capacity between one-third and six times that of the bomb which destroyed Hiroshima.

Let us press on immediately with the synthesis of Chossudovsky’s academic address to the students and teachers at the Faculty of Economics, University of Havana:

“… I want to mention one thing that is very important […] this war is not a war that creates jobs […] It is true that the Second World War did create jobs, in Germany under the Nazi regime […]. That is simply a factual observation. […]

The same in the United States at the beginning of the Second World War, which started for them in 1941; there was job creation and that was the way out of the Great Depression under President Roosevelt. But this war (referring to a Third World War) is not of the same type; it is a high-tech war, not a war whereby military equipment is assembled or manufactured . The war in Viet Nam created jobs, as did the Korean War. This war is a war characterized by a very sophisticated weapons system, employing highly advanced scientific manpower, engineers and the like … “

“… any first year student knows that if you impose austerity measures at a national and global level —as proposed at the G-20 meetings and also under the auspices of the International Settlements Bank, which represents the central banks—, there is a sort of consensus that to solve the crisis we have to implement austerity measures, that austerity measures are not a solution, but a cause of the crisis. Cutting the budget, cutting spending, cutting credit to small and medium enterprises at the same time increases unemployment levels and reduces salaries. This is the case in most European countries.”

“Spain and Portugal have unemployment rates above 20 percent, officially; the key issue here is that the proposed solution, not only nationally, but in all countries, pronounced by the neoliberal consensus, is that we have to implement austerity measures … “

“… but the stagnation of the civilian economy caused, in a first instance, because of the transfer of wealth, not just in recent years but let’s say from the beginning of the 1980s, when the so-called era of neoliberal policies began which also led to stagnation in the civilian economy […] if we talk about the United States, these measures were implemented at the end of the Bill Clinton administration […] the Financial Services Modernization Act, but they have created a financial system that is not regulated, and that is involved, shall we say, in semi-illegal activities. In some ways it is the criminalization of the financial apparatus, and that is not just a word I’m just using, many analysts, including The Wall Street Journal are talking about the criminalization, because there was financial fraud in recent years, and those who have committed this fraud are not being punished.”

“… an economic crisis, in my opinion the worst in history, without precedent, not even the 1930s, which was a very localized crisis, not a global crisis as such, it had a dynamic in certain countries and regions of the world. “

“… the financial war is closely linked to the war in the military sector, there are even links between the World Bank and the Pentagon. […] former United States Defense ministers became presidents of the World Bank […] the new world order is run by financial manipulation mechanisms […] regime changes, destabilization of governments and military operations of various kinds […] capitalism has institutions, both civilian and military, that work together, this is a very important concept. Behind these institutions are the intellectuals, the think tanks in Washington, there are secret clubs for the elites [… ] the process of war, which now threatens humanity, is important at all levels of society.”

“… war is classified as a criminal act, the Nuremberg Convention states this […] It is the ultimate criminal act. War is a crime against peace. […] we have indications that this economic crisis led to a concentration of wealth, in a few years, and a centralization of economic power that is unprecedented in history […] this crisis is not spontaneous, as presented in the neoliberal economy, it is the result of manipulation, of planning, and, at the same time, there is a military component.

With these words, Chossudovsky concluded his address and expressed his willingness to answer questions: “…I will leave the issue of resistance and how to reverse this process for you to debate,” he said.

The students’ questions were intelligent and serious. From them I have only repeated the essential ideas.

Moderator: I believe I convey the sentiments of all present, in thanking Dr. Michel Chossudovsky for the excellent address he has given us, which has provided us with even more awareness about the causes and consequences of the real dangers that threaten humanity … ”

“… we will proceed with the questions that the audience deems pertinent for our guest.”

A student: … we would like to know […] your view on the optimism that has been presented in the media over the current crisis situation in Latin America, what is your opinion about the possibilities of addressing this crisis in the region … ”

“Thank you”

“Michel Chossudovsky:  The Caribbean region is identified as a region extremely rich in both oil and gas, and not just Venezuela and Colombia, the truth is that there are known reserves because the oil companies have information that is not public; but what is public is that this region is extremely rich.

“The situation in Haiti is also linked to a project of resource appropriation […] the humanitarian situation […] allows capital to gain access to mineral resources and potential oil resources in the region. […] I’m not saying that’s the only reason for the militarization of the region. The other is drug trafficking.”

“… there are geographic, geopolitical and resource objectives […] but also drug trafficking, because it is a very important source of profits for capital.”

“… there are two axes of the global drug trade, one is Afghanistan and Pakistan, which represents the heroin trade, and the other is Colombia, Peru, Bolivia. The transfer goes through Haiti and other Caribbean countries to the U.S. market. […] Afghanistan is an enormously rich country, it annually produces about $200 billion in revenues from the export of heroin, at least according to my estimates. Since the U.S. forces entered into Afghanistan, heroin production has increased 30 fold. Well, I digress.”

“The militarization of the region and operations in Ecuador, an oil power, Venezuela, an oil power, Mexico is also an oil power. These are all countries that have a strategic role in the geopolitics of the U.S. economy. ”

A student: I am a student at the Faculty of Economics …”

“My question is: Is globalization, as it has been sold, as presented by the so-called developed countries, currently viable or are there other alternatives, such as integration models?


“Michel Chossudovsky: It is certainly not viable.

Globalization, as defined by the centers of power is not viable. Perhaps it is viable for one sector, a social minority that becomes richer, but it leads to impoverishment, and that is now very well documented. It is part of a process that has affected developing countries over the past 30 years. You can see the consequences in neighboring countries, the impoverishment that exists in Brazil, Mexico, Peru, a product of that destructive model. […] There are many countries that have presented different development models, as in the case of Yugoslavia.”

“… Yugoslavia had a socialist system, a market economy, a mixed economy with a high standard of living, social services, education, and what did they do? Since the beginning of the 1980s it was completely destroyed and fragmented into many countries, half a dozen countries. Why? Because Yugoslavia represented a model, an alternative that did not suit them.”

“… we can also look at the experiences of Latin America: Chile created an alternative, but then was subjected to a military coup and a process of destabilization that was carried out by the United States intelligence services, by sabotage, by embargoes and such, because I experienced that coup.
“There are many examples: Tanzania, in Africa, Algeria, there are many countries that have tried. Indonesia for example, in the 1960s there was also a very important process […] In 1965 a military coup, once again supported by the CIA, killed more than 500,000 people in planned kilings and a military regime was imposed, which ceded to U.S. interests. ”

“… We must produce an economic model of society as alternative to global capitalism. We can do it. But all the alternatives, including the Cuban model, are the subject of sabotage, embargoes, measures of destabilization, assassinations. That is the truth. ”

“… Iraq is not a socialist country, but a country that has a certain autonomy. It is a state that does not want to be manipulated, and they do not even want to accept capitalism, is not theirs. That’s the world today, there are countries that are capitalist but are enemies of the United States, China is capitalist in a way, Russia too, but Russia’s style of capitalism does not suit their interests, and they want to militarily destabilize or destroy any attempt against the economic and geopolitical hegemony of the United States and its allies. ”

“A Professor:  Your presentation, your lecture was excellent.  I used to be scared of war, after listening to you, I´m terrified, but I´d like to ask you something.

“At present, there are still Americans who never heard about the Viet Nam War. So my question is the following: What do you think must be done to raise awareness in the U.S. in order to prevent an event that, if it occurs, will have unpredictable economic, political and social consequences?

“Michel Chossudovsky: That is our main concern. More than half of those who visit our Website are readers from the United States, and I would say that most authors are also from the U.S. The point is that we have to expose the lies of the media; we have to fight the sources of the lies, because if the American people know the truth, the power and the legitimacy of their leaders will fade overnight. What happens in the United States is that the media, television, print and the Internet are spreading a view which is largely biased.”

“…As they listen to these inquisitorial discourses, they accept what is false, they accept the lies; and once the lie becomes the truth, you cannot have any real reflection and the debate terminates. This is all part of a war propaganda that reaches all levels of society, that tries to hide the real face of war. The number of civilians killed in Iraq is 2 million, according to estimates by well-known sources, such as the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. There have been 2 million civilian deaths since they arrived in 2003. Add that to the 4 million deaths in the Congo and to one fourth of the Korean population that was killed from bombardments during the Korean War. These facts are known, but not by the public.

[…] there is censorship, but more than censorship is the manipulation of information. […] we have to fight the media, this is crucial. We have to set up anti-war networks in all municipalities across the United States, in Canada, and the whole world. We need to hold debates, gain knowledge, because we have an intelligent population, but one that is subjected to the constant pressures of conformism and from an authority that tells them the truth, which is in fact a lie.”

“…I will make an effort to give brief responses, though your questions are very forceful, so I cannot be that brief sometimes.”

“A student: I’d like to know if it is possible to achieve a technological change in favor of clean technologies to stop the current ecological crisis.”

“Michel Chossudovsky:  Yes, that is a fundamental issue for our societies, but there exists a distortion of environmental realities that yield to economic interests, which are the main actors in the destruction of the environment.”

“…the British Petroleum disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. There is complicity by the U.S. government, that is to say Washington, in their actions to hide what really occurred. Wildlife, all the marine species along the entire coastal region of the U.S. and beyond, is threatened. This fact has been concealed.”

“It is also important to connect this event, this environmental crisis and the war. British Petroleum is involved in the Middle East and in the military project, which is contradictory on the one hand, while also being responsible for the worst environmental crisis in the history of this continent.”

“A professor:  You made a brief analysis of the U.S. economy. […] that economy continues to define the dynamics of the world economy. […] I’d like to know if you think that this economy will continue to define the dynamics of world economy […] or if countries like China or the so-called emerging states may take over the role currently played by the United States?”

“Michel Chossudovsky: Look, about this so-called dynamics of economy, the leadership of the United States, from an economic perspective, is not based on its productive capacity […] the industrial economy has been shutting down over the past 30 years, there are no more assembly lines, production has fallen, there is a service economy, there is the issue of intellectual property control, there is an investment economy, there is an economy where most of consumer goods come from China.”

“…The U.S. economy is bigger than China’s, but even though it is bigger than China’s economy it does not produce anything, and the GDP —as we all are well aware— is the sum of added value. The fact is that a large part of U.S. GDP is the result of imports from China.

“The technique is simple. If you are going to import a shirt —and I will use more or less real prices—, a dozen high quality shirts cost $36. These figures correspond to the 1990s, since these prices are even lower nowadays. […] a nice shirt costs $3 at the factory; it is taken to the United States and it costs $30, $40 or $50. What is the resulting increase in U.S. GDP? While, $30 minus $3 equals $27 which is added to the GDP without having any kind of production […] This growth may take place without any existing production; this is how a nation state with an imperial economy works, production takes place in the colonies or semi-colonies.”

“…The fiction of this first world economy is based on military power […] this is the most important fact. The productive forces in the United States are very weak; we can witness this in the companies going bankrupt, in unemployment levels, etc.”

“A student: …I’d like to acknowledge your stance since it is unusual for us to see someone from your origins strongly criticize the capitalist system as you have done. It deserves acknowledgement.”

“According to Marxism, this is a systemic crisis, not a temporary one.”

“In your opinion, what is the real capacity of world public opinion and of the possible growing awareness among the U.S. population to avoid a nuclear conflict, if we bear in mind the strong pressure exercised by small circles of power so frequently referred to in recent times?”

“Michel Chossudovsky:  …This is a systemic crisis, although it cannot be measured using the  guidelines set out in The Capital. The Marxist methodology is useful for our understanding, since it is based on class conflicts, but today’s structure is quite different than that of the mid 19th century […] as economists, we cannot make it fit one model, we have to consider its institutional nature, the relationship among financial activities on the one hand, covert operations.”

“…The CIA is an entity in Wall Street, a major one […] it has joint ventures with a large number of financial entities. […] since the CIA can foresee events, it can operate in market speculation…”

“… Describing this systemic crisis is very important, but we have to establish the way capitalism operates, its institutional structure, its secret agencies, covert operations, both in financial markets and in the geopolitical context, the function of the military, the decisions of think tanks in Washington, the state entities, and we have to identify who the actors are as well.”

“I think that your second question shares a common element with the previous ones; the need to change public opinion. But my answer is that we need to shatter the consensus that holds up this system, which is a lie […] There are different codes of conduct in capitalist countries. There are the politically active people who usually say, ‘We are making a petition, please President Obama, stop the war in Afghanistan.” They spread that message around the Internet, ‘Please, sign our petition, we are writing a letter to Obama, etc.’ But all of this is futile because it is based on the acceptance of the consensus, on the acceptance of the president who is one of the factors, and we have to break this inquisition.”

“…People talk about the Spanish inquisition, insane from an historic point of view, but this is even more insane, statements like, ‘We are fighting against Bin Laden and you have to join us, if not, you are a terrorist.”

“A couple of weeks ago, the FBI raided and arrested anti-war activists and accused them of working with Bin Laden. This was reported in US newspapers, and it is part of this dynamic to change public opinion, it is dialectical, we need to revert and dismantle this discourse that supports and legitimizes war and this economic project, along with the lies such as, ‘The crisis is over.’”

“You read the Wall Street Journal, you read the newspaper and it says, ‘The crisis will come to an end in January 2011,’ nobody questions this statement, not even the economists. This ritual of acceptance, is based not on a lack of information but rather because everyone accepts it. We have to break this ritual of accepting the consensus that stems from political power and the financial markets.”

A student: Sustainable development, which for me is totally incompatible with war because there has never been anything more destructive than the recent wars, not only the future one that could take place, but all the recent wars instigated by the United States.”

“…They insist on the importance of human development, of boosting the roles of local regions and territories. I’d like your opinion on this issue, how realistic is this objective for our countries?

Michel Chossudovsky:  I agree with the real objective of sustainable development, but we have to look at the word play behind this objective. This objective has been formulated by several environmental organizations, such as Greenpeace, WWF, […] I am not criticizing these organizations, but if you consider the summits held on the environment like the World Social Forum, the G-7 summits for instance, the G-20, they hardly ever talk about the impact of war on the environment. They make their presentations on city pollution, global warming, but western NGOs do not talk about war, they do not talk about the impact of war on the environment, which is significant.”

“I took part in the social summits up until 1999. As soon as I mentioned the war in Yugoslavia, they did not invite me to participate anymore. War might be discussed in a workshop or some other type of meeting, but it is not an issue addressed at debates on ‘Another world is possible,’ not at all. This sort of idea of global governance that has characterized the social movements, and I am not criticizing them because I think there are some very good people in these groups, but they have a certain dynamic and there is something about the leadership of these organizations that doesn’t fit. […] We cannot have an anti-globalization movement that only focuses on certain aspects, without taking into account the geopolitical context […] The United States and its allies…at war during a large part of this era, which we call the post-war period, that is to say, the last 50 years, are characterized by military operations, wars, interventions by the United States and its allies and all this, in my experience, has not been the subject of debate or discussions at the different world forums where they present sustainable development as a code of conduct.”

With these words, Michel Chossudovsky concluded his presentation at the University of Havana, which was warmly applauded by the students from the Faculty of Economics, their professors and other people who filled the Manuel Sanguily Hall that day.

Before I [Fidel] met with professor Chossudovsky, a coincidence occurred spontaneously. A coincidence related to both the risks of a conflict, which inevitably would lead to global nuclear war, and the need to mobilize world opinion in the face of such a dramatic danger.

Along with nuclear weapons are cyber weapons. Another product of technology which, once transferred to the military sector, threatens to become another serious problem for the world.

The U.S. Armed Forces possesses some 15,000 communication networks and 7 million computers, as reported by journalist Rosa Miriam Elizalde on the Cubadebate Website.

Rosa Miriam Elizalde also wrote:

“Four-Star General Keith Alexander, who has compared cyber attacks to weapons of mass destruction, affirmed that the United States has plans to use this new war tactic in an attack without taking into account the opinion of their allies. They could even attack allied networks without any previous warning if they consider that an attack was or could be generated from any of them.”

I ask the readers to please excuse the length of the two parts of this reflection. There was no way to make it shorter without sacrificing content.

Allow me also to express —I did not forget— that today marks the 43rd anniversary of the death of Che, and that two days ago we commemorated the 34th anniversary of brutal Yankee killings of our Cuban compatriots and other passengers aboard our civilian plane over Barbados.

Eternal glory to them all!

Fidel Castro Ruz


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The US Department of Education has an Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Catherine Lhamon, who is busy at work making sure parents don’t have any rights and are unable to get in the way of her personal agenda of transgendering children.  She is pushing new Title IX rules that facilitate school boards to encourage gender transitions without awareness or consent from parents. 

In other words, Lhamon is using the US Government to impose her personal agenda.  What do you think about that?

Have you ever wondered about the transgender craze that suddenly was upon us?  I went through K-12, 4 years of undergraduate university, and 4 years of graduate school and never heard the issue mentioned.  I never knew or heard of anyone who thought they were the opposite sex, or knew a man who wanted to be a woman or a woman who wanted to be a man.  As a kid I knew a couple of girls, known as “Tom Boys,” who liked to climb trees and would go off the high dive, but that was the extent of it.

It seems that the transgender movement is the result of indoctrination in school.  Teacher advocates give the kids the idea that there is nothing unusual about being born the wrong sex in the wrong body and that so many are that gender transition is a worthy topic.  

It seems to have become a big medical business overnight.  Psychiatrists and psychologists are involved.  Pharmaceutical companies sell hormone blockers. Clinics perform sex change operations.  Transgender advocates brand parents “abusive” for not supporting some 12-year old’s implanted idea that a sex change is needed.  As the indoctrination is clearly a form of abuse, where is Child Protective Services?

I read recently that Britain’s Tavistock Centre for transgendering had been ordered closed and that other European countries had reigned in aggressive sex change practices.  Parents are beginning to bring lawsuits about the damage done their children behind their backs.  But transgender advocates argue that kids have a right to “gender privacy” from parents who would’t be supportive of their kids’ transgendering.  What this means is that “kids’ rights” are really the school’s rights, the transgender advocate’s rights, the transgender specialist’s rights, everyone’s rights but the parents.

I wonder how much longer Americans are going to have children. Those at work deconstructing marriage, family, and society are taking all the pleasure out of parenthood and all of the responsibility for children from parents.  How can you be a parent when you can’t raise your own child?

Imagine the horror of going through a sex change and then realizing that you are indeed in the wrong body.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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African American Resistance in the Rural South

February 16th, 2023 by Abayomi Azikiwe

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“The new industry had a vision not of work but of wealth, not of planned accomplishment, but of power. It became the most conscienceless, unmoral system of industry which the world has experienced. It went with ruthless indifference towards waste, death, ugliness and disaster, and yet reared the most stupendous machine for the efficient organization of work which the world has ever seen.” Quote taken from “Black Reconstruction in America” by Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois in the chapter entitled “Looking Forward”. (See this)

During the most disastrous post-Civil War period of African American historical development in the rural South and other regions of the United States, there were heroic efforts to reverse the process of re-enslavement which utilized brute force, super-exploitation and the passage of reactionary legislation often referred to as the Black Codes.

These Black Code laws were designed to suppress the political and economic aspirations of the formerly enslaved Africans who by their efforts during the Civil War and Reconstruction, sought to build an independent social existence in the U.S.

However, this notion of equality and self-determination clashed with the desire on the part of the planters and their allies among the white population to restore the absolute dominance of the slavocracy. African American suffrage and land ownership were viewed by the white southerners as a threat to their ruling class status.

White militias founded by former slave owners and Confederates such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) inflicted terror on the African American people. Between the 1880s and the Great Depression of the 1930s, thousands of Black people were lynched in the U.S. These acts of terrorism were justified through false claims of insolence, robbery, rape and murder against the whites.

In recent years, official tabulations of the actual number of lynchings in the U.S. remain inconclusive. Many acts of racial terror were covered-up as justifiable homicide by law-enforcement agents, white posses and the decisions of racist courts which imposed capital punishment.

The so-called “race riots” of the early 20th century in urban areas such as New Orleans (1900), Atlanta (1906), Springfield (1908), among others, were in actuality organized acts of systematic repression often incited and inflamed by white ruling class interests committed to the maintenance of their supremacy over Black labor. In the rural areas of the South such as in Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee and other post-Confederate and slave states, there were numerous massacres and forced removals of African Americans which were prompted by the desire to crush all forms of resistance and self-organization.

Populism and the African American National Question

During the 1890s, the People’s Party, or Populist Movement, was formed ostensibly to organize in the rural areas of the South to challenge the largely uncontested power of landowners in alliance with industrialists. The movement would become a viable force up until the first decade of the 20th century when it succumbed to the racism so prevalent in the U.S., particularly in the southern states.

The origins of the white farmers’ movement can be traced back to the late 1870s as the South emerged from the years of Federal Reconstruction. A Southern Farmers Alliance dominated by whites from various stratums within the agricultural industry refused to allow African Americans to join their organization.

Consequently, African American farmers, both sharecroppers and small landowners, formed their own organizations. One of the most prominent was The Colored Farmers National Alliance and Cooperative Union (CFNACU) founded in December 1886 in Houston County, Texas. Initially, the CFNACU had the support of R.M. Humphrey, a white Farmers Alliance member and Baptist missionary. Humphrey even served as a spokesman for the CFNA in an effort to temper the inevitable racist backlash against the organization of African American farmers. (See this)

The CFNACU would merge with two other farmers organizations in the African American community. These groups were the National Colored Alliance and the Colored Agricultural Wheels which operated in Arkansas, West Tennessee and Alabama. By 1890, these Black farmers organizations claimed a membership of 1.2 million people.

In September 1891, sections of the African American farmers organizations called a “cotton pickers strike” in Lee County, Arkansas. This action was met with extreme repression leading to an armed confrontation and the arrests and murders of at least 11 African Americans and a white plantation manager killed ostensibly by the strikers.

Nonetheless, differences between white and Black farmers organizations would hamper the capacity of any serious coalition. The Populist Party began by claiming their desires to organize both African American and white farmers. The grouping organized chapters in the Southern and Western regions of the U.S.

However, despite their emergence as a viable Third Party during the 1890s which challenged electorally the Democrats and Republicans, eventually leading figures in the People’s Party such as Tom Watson, abandoned any suggestion of an alliance with African Americans and became advocates of white supremacy.

The Populist Party would soon oppose efforts to guarantee the franchise to African Americans since this harkened back to the years of Federal Reconstruction. In North Carolina, there was a viable coalition of white populists and Black farmers allied with the Republican Party during the mid-1890s resulting in the ascendancy to local offices by African American politicians.

Nevertheless, this alliance was overthrown by force in the Wilmington coup of 1898, instituting Jim Crow laws which had become the norm throughout the South in the decades following the Civil War and Reconstruction. Hundreds of African Americans were massacred in the areas around Wilmington by white segregationist officials and vigilantes. These events remained largely hidden until recent years when the acknowledgement of these atrocities came to light on an official level.

Racial Terror in Elaine, Arkansas in 1919

After the conclusion of World War I, there was a rash of attacks against the African American communities across the U.S. in both rural and urban areas. Designated as “Red Summer”, African American neighborhoods were violently attacked in cities such as Chicago, Washington, D.C., Knoxville, Tennessee, etc. Dozens of people were killed and injured while others were driven out of these municipalities and given long term prison sentences.

Elaine Arkansas Black defendants during 1919

However, in the rural areas of the South, these incidents of racial terror took on even more murderous proportions. In Phillips County, Arkansas, African American tenant farmers, sawmill employees and domestic workers sought to form an organization aimed at enhancing their standard of living in the immediate aftermath of WWI.

The Progressive Farmers and Household Union (PFHU) was formed in 1918 and grew rapidly among African American men and women. The organization was committed to gaining greater returns on their cotton crops where prices were increasing after the War. African American tenant farmers and domestic workers were being severely exploited through the agricultural production system.

Despite the large volumes of cotton being cultivated, these farmers and domestic workers were forced to sell their crops and labor to the white-owned firms which refused to provide any accounting for their products and purported debts owed. Every year these farmers and domestic workers would be assessed as being in serious debt and therefore obligated to pay high interest rates to the landowners and merchants.

In 1918-19, an African American named Robert Hill led an effort to withhold the labor of domestic workers and the cotton produced by the farmers. On September 30, 1919, they announced a mass meeting at a lodge in Elaine, Arkansas to explain their plans. The PFHU had hired a law firm in Little Rock to provide legal support to achieve their demands for higher wages and the acquisition of farmland.

At a location in Elaine called Hoop Spur where the meeting was convened, a white mob attacked the gathering which was guarded by armed African Americans. An ensuing gunbattle resulted in the deaths of at least one white man. In retaliation, law-enforcement agents and federal authorities led by the Arkansas Governor Charles Hillman Brough, indiscriminately killed and arrested hundreds of African American farmers and workers. Estimates from the time period suggest that anywhere between 100-300 African Americans were killed along with five whites.

Hill was able to flee to neighboring Kansas where the then Governor Henry Justin Allen refused to extradite him back to Arkansas, declaring that it would not be possible for him to receive a fair trial in the state. 12 African American farmers designated by the Arkansas authorities as ringleaders of the effort were placed on trial by an all-white jury and sentenced to long prison terms and death by execution.

These injustices received widespread coverage in the African American and mainstream press. Several organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Equal Rights League and the People’s Movement of Chicago passed resolutions and pledged support to save the men’s lives and win their freedom.

African American journalist, organizer and anti-lynching crusader, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, left her Chicago residence to travel to Phillips County, Arkansas. Wells-Barnett interviewed the wives of the defendants then being held in jail. She then went to the jail and interviewed the inmates exposing the actual story behind the so-called “Arkansas Riot”. The Union and its supporters were accused of insurrection through a plot to kill all the white residents of Phillips County and seize the land.

Wells-Barnett in her study of the incident published as “The Arkansas Race Riot” in 1920, noted that:

“The terrible crime these men had committed was to organize their members into a union for the purpose of getting the market price for their cotton, to buy land of their own and to employ a lawyer to get settlements of their accounts with their white landlords. Cotton was selling for more than ever before in their lives. These Negroes believed their chance had come to make some money for themselves and get out from under the white landlord’s thumb.”

Eventually, through a massive legal campaign and political pressures exerted on the Arkansas state courts and the U.S. Supreme Court, the 12 African American inmates were released. Hill, the principal organizer, remained in Kansas where he would work until retirement for the railroad industry.

Legacy of Resistance Must Be Upheld

These examples of African American self-organization and resistance to racial terror, national oppression and economic exploitation illustrate the continuity of struggle in the U.S. African Americans were never totally suppressed and a century later these questions of independent organization and alliances with white farmers and workers remain unresolved.

In future articles, we will examine other efforts aimed at organizing African Americans in rural and small town areas and their impact on the further urbanization of population groups in the U.S. During the period of the Great Depression leading into World War II and the advent of the mass Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, the plight of African Americans and their resistance to oppression continued to be an important aspect of the political culture of the U.S.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author; featured image: African American Farmers Alliance of the late 19th century

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Irresponsible Politics: Australia’s B-52 Nuclear Weapons Problem

February 16th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It is not farfetched to make the point that delivery systems capable of deploying nuclear weapons will lead to them carrying those very same weapons.  Whatever the promises made by governments that such delivery systems will not carry such loads, stifling secrecy over such arrangements can only stir doubt.

That is the problem facing the AUKUS alliance which makes Australia a central point of reference for Washington and its broader ambitions in curbing China.  The alliance is increasingly being characterised by a nuclear tone.  First came the promise to furnish Australia with nuclear powered submarines, absent nuclear weapons.  Then came the announcement to deploy six B-52 bombers to the Northern Territory’s Tindal airbase, south of Darwin.

Australia, in being turned into a US garrison state, is very likely going to be a site where nuclear weapons are hosted, though pedants and legal quibblers will dispute what, exactly, constitutes such hosting.  Whether this is done so transiently, or whether this will be an ongoing understanding, is impossible to say.  Any such arrangement is bound to make a nonsense of the South Pacific Nuclear-free Zone Treaty, otherwise known as the Treaty of Rarotonga, to which Australia is a party.

The Albanese government is doing little to clarify the matter, and, in so doing, drawing even more attention to itself.  In Senate estimates hearings held on February 15, the Greens pressed for clarification on the issue of nuclear weapons on Australian soil. Senator David Shoebridge asked whether Canberra was complying with the Treaty of Rarotonga, and whether visiting B-52s could carry nuclear weapons.

The latter question was almost a moot point, given that all B-52Hs are nuclear capable.  The only issue is the type of nuclear enabled weapon they might carry.  The nuclear gravity bomb days of the aircraft are over, but they are more than capable of being armed with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles.

In his response, Department of Defence Secretary Greg Moriarty manufactured a state of compliance with international obligations.  The circle could thereby be squared.  “I think more generally, it is clear stationing of nuclear weapons in Australia is prohibited by the South pacific nuclear free zone treaty, to which Australia is fully committed.”

The same, however, could not be said about visiting “foreign aircraft to Australian airfields or transit of Australia’s airspace, including in the context of our training and exercise programs, and the Australia and the Australian force posture cooperation with the United States.”

Disconcertingly, Moriarty went on to acknowledge that the practice of carrying nuclear weapons on US aircraft, if it had been going on, was entirely consistent with Australia’s own commitments to both the Treaty of Rarotonga and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.  “US bomber aircraft have been visiting Australia since the early 1980s and have conducted training in Australia since 2005.  Successive Australian governments have understood and respected the longstanding US policy of neither confirming nor denying the presence of nuclear weapons on particular platforms.”

Moriarty went on to acknowledge that,

“Australia will continue to fully comply with our international obligations, and the United States understands and fully respects Australia’s international obligations with respect to nuclear weapons.”

Shoebridge, less than content with the secretary’s response, shot back with another question: “So, Mr. Moriarty, do I understand from that answer that defence does not believe that there is a restraint under Australia’s current treaty obligations [permitting] nuclear armed B-52 bombers to be present in Australia, provided it’s not a permanent presence?”

Moriarty never got a chance to respond.  Left with an opportunity to correct the outlandishly servile, not to mention opaque nature of US-Australian security relations, Foreign Minister Penny Wong became stroppy.  The tradition of Master Washington and Servant Canberra would not be bucked.  “I’m the minister, and I’m responding.”

In responding, thereby channelling the self-interested voice of the US imperium, an irritated Wong deferred the issue in its entirety to Washington’s judgment, accepting the principle of “warhead ambiguity”.  “It is part of ensuring we maintain that interoperability that goes to us making Australia safe.  We have tried to be helpful in indicating our commitment to the South Pacific nuclear free zone treaty.  We are fully committed to that.  And we’ve given you the answer that the secretary has given you.”

It was, the Senator continued to elaborate, beneath the minister to “engage in any more hypotheticals” – what Shoebridge was wishing to do, she accused, was “drum up concern, and I don’t think it’s responsible.”  What, then, was the appropriate response in the world according to Wong?  “The responsible way of handling this is to recognise that the US has a ‘neither confirm nor deny position’ which we understand and respect.”

This stubbornly irresponsible approach by the Australian government and its public servants means that the Australian public, at no point, can know whether US aircraft or delivery systems will have nuclear weapons, even if they transit through airspace or are based, for however long, on Australian soil.  As Australian Greens Senator and Foreign Affairs spokesperson Jordon Steele John described it, “Australians have resisted the nuclearization of our military for decades and now the Albanese government is letting the Americans do it for us.”

This ingloriously subservient status to Washington has been laid bare yet again, and along with that, the increasingly likely prospect of being targeted in any future conflict that involves the United States.  Hardly a responsible state of affairs, and one on the verge of being treasonous.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: A B-52 Stratofortress assigned to the 307th Bomb Wing, Barksdale Air Force Base, La., approaches the refueling boom of a KC-135 Stratotanker from the 931st Air Refueling Group, McConnell Air Force Base (Licensed under the Public Domain)

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The Lockheed Martin USN Freedom Class ships, “plug and play” multi-use vessels costing half a billion each – first launched in 2006 – are all being decommissioned.  The weird thing is that one was just delivered less than six months ago, and as of August 2022, Lockheed was sending out the propulsion fixes for the rest of them, presumably to get them to the scrapyards.

This microdot of news flew under my radar, and it confirms what we already know about the US MICIMATT – it’s not just what we do and how we do it, it’s what’s allowed to be talked about.  These ships were all named after major US cities; a couple of mayors reacted with sadness.  Not disgusted at the insanity and waste, or dumfounded by the government process, just sad that a brand new $500 million ship with their town’s name on it is being junked.

“Plug and play,” as transmogrified by the crony capitalists and government bureaucrats, not only doesn’t work – it is a real danger to every American, and by extension the rest of the world.  In the marketplace, plug and play is efficient, flexible, and smart.  Upgrading, fixing, and modifying mission capability of products via open architecture software and hardware makes sense. The market likes the sim card model – rapid recognition and correction of problems, responding to consumer demand for performance, efficiency and cost – these are key to business success.  Plug and play has raised the bar of market performance, along with customer expectations.

Enter the US government, whose direct spending equates to 35% of the GDP – not counting moneys flowing from government to social security, poverty assistance, medicare, and government retirement programs that are also “spent” in our consumer oriented economy.

Government takes working business concepts like plug and play, and then eliminates every factor – manufacturer liability, market discipline, rapid customer feedback, and business risk – that made the concept effective. The government/political acquisition system then adds in guaranteed profit.  It ensures no one – in Congress, in the government, or in the country – has the slightest idea of the actual “price” of anything.

The way the government does ships and airplanes and bombs is also how it does modern “vaccines.” It indemnifies the contractors for accident, error and malfeasance, lawsuits, pays far above market for development and production, and then mandates “its citizens” utilize the product. The US government kindly includes – for defense, big pharma, big agriculture, big finance, etc – a vast array of propaganda to convince politicians, critics and taxpayers of many things that are simply not true.  State propaganda, delivered directly by government agencies and through state-connected companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google, and all US media corporations, is not just predictable, it is a dedicated part of the acquisition cycle.

Whether in the “this changes everything” B-21 bomber or for the failed Freedom Class ships, plug and play is problematic, for reasons mentioned above. The concept extends to US foreign policy as well. The apparent NATO “defense” program for Ukraine, consisting of all kinds of various equipment and weaponry from dozens of countries being scooped up and shipped to a muddy medieval battlefield hoping for the best, is a Vickie Nuland-style plug and play.  Her personal involvement in picking and choosing the “right” leaders in Kiev over the past decade is another example.  And that was only one of dozens of color revolutions and coups the US has fomented, as official US foreign policy. If we just plug in and remotely control another country’s government, that’ll work, right?

Designer RNA delivered into a human or animal system via patented lipid nanoparticles, by Pfizer’s own admission, is medical plug and play. There has been a long marriage between defense and pharmaceutical industries, and just like in a human marriage, these institutions are starting to look alike.

Bill Gates and Tony Fauci both seem to have become skeptics now, too late to save trillions in lost global productivity due to government lockdowns and mandates, countless families and communities and churches permanently damaged and divided, and too late to prevent the actual loss of life from the mandated practices, injections and policies.  The same system that produces lousy ships and useless airplanes also kills entire sectors of the economy, and human beings by the millions, with zero accountability, and not a single public hanging – as we now see three years post COVID.  Every risk and negative consequence socialized, every deep state criminal lauded and rewarded.

Our money is next, because a Federal Reserve CBDC is plug and play at its finest.  If the price of money – or how it is used – needs to be changed, this can be managed centrally and rapidly, with a software update.

And our cars. The State extremely interested in centrally and remotely managing our locations and our movements, whether via GPS tracking we can’t turn off one phones and in our vehicles, or insane federal pressure and subsidy for all-electric vehicles.

Unacceptable Jessica’s has been writing about how both state and federal governments are sharing data to criminalize the COVID unvaccinated. How?

… [T]hey can’t just change the definition, can they? Well, the definition for ‘vaccine’ has been officially re-defined 3 times for the sake up upholding the COVID mandates so why not the word criminal, as well?

Remember, this is being done because people chose natural immunity (or religious exemptions, or what have you) over being injected with experimental injectable products that:

  • have lamentable safety profiles
  • are ineffective at preventing transmission
  • are associated with higher rates of COVID and immune compromisation
  • are based on not one, but two entirely novel (to humans at mass scale in context of viral pathogen) technologies that utilize the introduction of the coding template of foreign genetic material from a pathogen by lipid nanoparticle carriers with known toxicity profiles.

Jessica Rose explains how government systems and agencies redefine what is and is not criminal – as needed – and use their data systems to destroy livelihoods, as well as individual agency and liberty. Authoritarian plug and play – be plugged in or you will not play – extends to any area where the state is concerned about citizen opposition and disobedience to unconstitutional overreach.

It is us against them, make no mistake. The DoT is now investigating Elon Musk for violating viral and bacteria import procedures that could, in theory, endanger a lab worker – while remaining silent, reliable, stand-up guys for the entire array of FDA, CDC, and HHS lies, risk, danger and death associated with government “gain of function” research, funded by their bureaucrats secretly and in direct opposition to the wishes of a sitting US president.

Here’s another example of deep state plug and play:  A handful of neocons and Joe Biden walk into a bar – no wait, that’s a different story.  A handful of neocons and Joe Biden decide to attack the energy supply of a fellow NATO member, secretly, and commit an act of war against Russia, all without sharing a whisper of it with Congress. They knew it was not only unconstitutional but an act of war when they thought it up, and when they did it – but this is the plug and play mentality that guides our late stage US imperial decision-makers.

It will be easy, they said.  It will be efficient, completely controllable, a remote “update” to our foreign policy, they said.

The US government is not in trouble because Joe Biden suffers Stage 6 dementia.  It is in trouble because – instead of the best and brightest, or even the worst and stupidest – the deep state is completely populated with human mynah birds – incessantly repeating things they hear – mimicking the real world of soldiers, engineers, designers, thinkers, builders and creators, and citizens – without the slightest bit of understanding or context.

Why would anyone consider themselves the subject of, or subject to, such a government?


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Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D. [send her mail], a retired USAF lieutenant colonel, farmer and aspiring anarcho-capitalist. She ran for Congress in Virginia’s 6th district in 2012.

Featured image:  Credit: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics

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In this long-ranging and insightful interview conducted by our media executive Kester Kenn Klomegah with Dr Mohamed Chtatou, a senior professor of Middle Eastern politics at the International University of Rabat (IUR) and Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco, focuses largely on accelerating, advancing and sustaining decades-old dream of Africa’s unity.

Dr Chtatou discusses at length the significant development processes and obstacles, the participation of foreign players and the emerging new world order, as well as the implications for Africa. Here are the interview excerpts.

Kester Kenn Klomegah: At the United Nations in March, African representatives were sharply divided over resolutions against Russia for invading its neighbouring republic, Ukraine. Some experts say this seemingly threatens Africa’s unity. What are your views, as a political scientist, about Africa’s “unity” today, and secondly especially Russia’s confrontation with United States and Europe in Africa?

Dr Mohamed Chtatou: Strengthening African unity has long been a sought-after goal that has never been achieved. As the need for regional integration and the reasons for past failures become better understood, new efforts are being made to strengthen economic and political ties among the continent’s many countries.

The main challenges to achieving integration are to expand trade among African countries, build more roads and other infrastructure, reform regional institutions, increase transparency and public participation, and coordinate private and public sector initiatives more closely.

Integration has many benefits. Expanding regional markets gives African producers and consumers more opportunities, well beyond the sometimes small markets of their own countries. There are two virtues of regional economic integration: 

It can reduce the costs of building essential infrastructure, such as transportation, communications, energy, water supply systems, and scientific and technological research, which one country often cannot finance alone; and

At the same time, integration facilitates large-scale investment by making African economies more attractive and reducing risks.

The desire for integration does not come only from the top. At many levels of society, Africans are striving to forge more ties with each other. For some, these relationships already exist. For others, they have yet to be forged. 

Regional integration of the continent has been a dream of many African leaders and led to the creation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1963. Over the years, many other institutions have been created in different parts of Africa. But on the whole they have done little to increase trade or other exchanges between African countries. In many cases, many countries continue to have the most extensive relationships with their former colonial powers.

The record of regional integration in Africa is so far poor, and many regional alliances are characterized by uncoordinated initiatives, political conflicts, and little intra-regional trade. However, analysts note that some of the external and internal factors that have hindered Africa’s integration in the past have abated somewhat in recent years, and there is therefore reason for cautious optimism.

Africans have also learned from the failure of their previous initiatives. Many integration advocates are now taking a less ambitious and more practical approach. In their view, Africa needs to unite not only to strengthen its presence on the world stage but also to address the practical needs of its people.

Faced with the obstacles to regional integration efforts in Africa, proponents of greater unity identified several conditions to be met:

  • More active involvement of civil society associations, professional groups, managers, and other sectors in any integration program;
  • Achieving a balance between public and private sector economic initiatives;
  • Reconciling the sometimes conflicting interests of countries of different sizes, natural resources, and economic performance;
  • Proceeding with integration at a pace that is both ambitious and realistic; and
  • Streamlining Africa’s many regional institutions to reduce duplication of effort and inefficiency.

The economic crises that hit much of Africa in the late 1970s and early 1980s further undermined integration efforts. They also provided an opportunity for donor countries and international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to call for major economic policy reform. The structural adjustment programs that African countries then adopted under pressure led to the privatization of hundreds of public enterprises, widespread liberalization of domestic and international trade, and a significant contraction of Africa’s public sectors.

As in other regions of the world, regional integration is primarily constrained by the great diversity of African countries, which differ in size, natural resources, level of development, and linkages to global markets.

In 1880, the Berlin Conference authorized and legitimized the ‘’assault on Africa,’’ not to say its rape, known as the Scramble for Africa under the excuse of bringing ‘’the light of civilization to the savages of Africa (sic)’’, which was, in fact, nothing but giving permission to European powers to steal everything and in the process destroying traditional homespun cultures and replace them by the European alien civilization. Today, both the Western world: the USA and Europe, and its Eastern counterpart: China and Russia have an eager eye on Africa under the excuse of helping develop the economy of this part of the world, but, in reality, it is just another manifestation of the Scramble for Africa. These powers are interested in minerals and rare earths that are in Africa.

Yes, Africa is rich in rare earths and minerals that are highly desirable for many industries, including electronics, renewable energy, and defence. As a result, many great powers, including China, the United States and Russia, are interested in securing access to these resources.

However, it is important to note that while the presence of valuable resources can be a source of economic opportunity, it can also lead to exploitation, corruption, and political instability. It is essential that African nations have the ability to manage their resources in a sustainable and equitable way, to ensure that the benefits of these resources are shared by all citizens and that their extraction does not come at the expense of the environment or human rights.

How can Africa develop itself away from the greed of some developed nations? There is no easy answer to this question, as it is a complex issue that involves many different factors. However, there are some steps that Africa can take to promote sustainable development and reduce the influence of developed nations:

Promote good governance: African nations should work to establish transparent and accountable systems of governance that promote the rule of law, protect human rights, and combat corruption.

Invest in education and human capital: Developing the skills and knowledge of the African people is crucial to building a sustainable and prosperous future for the continent. Investing in education, health care, and other social services can help to build a strong and healthy workforce.

Support local industries: African nations can promote economic development by investing in local industries, rather than relying solely on exports of raw materials. This can create jobs, generate income, and promote sustainable growth.

Foster regional integration: African nations can work together to promote regional integration and reduce dependency on external actors. This can involve developing common trade policies, investing in regional infrastructure, and promoting cooperation on issues of mutual interest.

Encourage foreign investment on African terms: African nations should strive to attract foreign investment on their own terms, by negotiating fair and equitable deals that benefit both the investor and the host country. This can help to promote economic development and reduce dependency on aid.

In view of its abundant resources, its ambitious youth, its vibrant society, and its geostrategic potential, Africa needs to achieve unity and full integration, at once, to face the immense greed of the developed world and to defend its interest in the best possible ways.

KKK: With the current geopolitical changes and from several perspectives, French-speaking African countries are noticeably against France and a few English-speaking countries are working against neo-colonial tendencies in the continent. To what extent these could affect the future continental unity?

DMC: For the past twenty years, France has seen its economic importance with Africa shrink sharply; this is particularly true for French-speaking Africa, despite the fact that it is a historical partner of French capitalism.

In twenty years, France has lost nearly half of its market share in Africa compared to its competitors, going from 12% to 7%. “French exports have doubled in a market that has quadrupled, hence a division by two of our market share,” says former minister Hervé Gaymard in a report delivered in 2019. 

Today, one is far from the image of the reserved domain, the French decline being even more pronounced in Francophone Africa. Not only is France losing market share to India and especially China, but in 2017 it also lost its status as the leading European supplier to the African continent, overtaken by Germany. France’s market share in Africa represents 7.35% far behind China (27.75%), which is waging a hidden informational war against France. Indeed, one of the causes of this French decline is an irrational factor that continues to present France, the former colonial power, as “plundering” the continent’s wealth (even if the economic facts partly contradict this reality).

From Rabat to Djibouti, via Niamey, Ouagadougou, Dakar, Bamako, N’Djamena, Yamoussoukro, Yaoundé, Libreville, Bangui, Antananarivo, Tripoli, and adding, in spite of all the window-dressing, Algiers and Tunis, Paris is losing its grip on a large part of Africa. 

The year 2022 is the culmination of this divorce, now consummated, between several African countries, once friends and partners of France, which has shown great feverishness in the management of its bilateral, and continental relations with Africa. The truth of the matter is that Africa has changed its face, has evolved, and has decided for at least a good decade, now, to take its destiny into its own hands and reject any form of guardianship whatever its origin is.  

A paradigm shift so profound that it has escaped the declining acuity of old-fashioned and receding French diplomacy. This has given substance to ruptures without return, as is the case with Mali, and Burkina Faso which sent the French ambassador home. Everywhere, from the Red Sea to the Atlantic through the western side of the Mediterranean, the multiplication of signs all display a clear and unambiguous message: “France get out! /France degage!’’

At issue, and without ambiguity, the aggressive and unacceptable policy of President Emmanuel Macron, who blows hot and cold, with regard to a part of this Africa that today has other ambitions, and which sees the future of its populations outside the French sights, by concluding partnerships with other powers, notably China, Russia and Morocco, which, for 23 years, has made Africa a political, social, cultural and human national priority.

This translates into a simple rejection of the modus operandi of the French policy with its African “partners”, even to the point of irritating to the utmost loyal and allied as Senegal, which aligns itself with Mali, with Burkina Faso, with the Central African Republic, with Cameroon, with the Ivory Coast, with Niger, with Chad, with Libya and even with a country such as Djibouti, a favourite of Paris, which is also demanding its independence. In the wake of the protest and rejection movements that are spreading from one region to another like a contagious trail, likened to an awakening, that many consider to be late, since France has been unfair in its relations with its former colonies for age, and still intends to dictate their policies. 

All of this is mixed with outdated lessons that Africans no longer want to receive from anyone, especially from a France bogged down in endless political and social crises, not to mention the deep and serious economic stagnation that pushes it to want to tap into the African reservoir that has served as an emergency valve and milking cow for over a century and a half.

This rejection on the part of African political leaders today also reflects the opinion of the African populations who categorically refuse the interference of Paris in their internal affairs, serving itself as it pleases, giving lessons at every turn, intervening militarily wherever it decides, and plunging entire countries into chaos. This raises the specter of a Libyan-style bankruptcy over countries such as Mali, Niger, Burkina, Chad, and the Central African Republic, among other states weakened by decades of exploitation by large French companies that are making huge profits while the populations of these countries are becoming poorer every day.  

Overexploited raw materials, coveted rare earths, natural resources plundered for very long years, not to mention the millions of Africans subjected, mistreated, made into slaves by a France that gives lessons on the rights of humans to be equal, brothers, and free! Not to mention the fate reserved for all the deportees, for all those who fought by force to liberate France, and for all the victims of atomic testing in the Sahel desert. A very long list of injustices committed by France and inflicted on Africans who have endured enough and who, today, are saying: “Enough!’’

A whole African youth today says “No” to France. No to visa blackmail, as if it were an entry ticket to paradise! No to arm wrestling on local markets and on the lion’s share reserved for French companies. No to cultural guardianship with this so outdated Francophonie that looks more and more false and misleading. No to the politics of the twisted hand to bend all those who want to decide for themselves their future and their development. No to double game. No to duplicity. No to profits of any kind. No to privileges. No to exploitation. No to discrimination. No to racism and xenophobia, two scourges that are today taking on a very worrying dimension in a French society that is both divided and weakened.

Even more remarkable is the fact that France’s decline can be observed first in French-speaking countries. France’s main African trading partners are now Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, followed by Nigeria and South Africa. The former West African countries now account for only 1% of France’s market share.

It must be said that anti-French sentiment has never been so strong. Starting in Mali, it has spread to the Central African Republic and Burkina Faso, where opinion leaders accuse the former colonial power of wanting to profit from their resources. 

KKK: Is it appropriate when we use the term “neo-colonialism” referring to a number of foreign players in Africa? What countries are the neo-colonizers, in your view? Do you think Russia is a virtual investor as some experts describe it… as it has marginal investment and economic footprints in the continent?

DMC: The use of the term neo-colonialism first became widespread, particularly in reference to Africa, shortly after the decolonization process following the end of World War II, which came after the struggle of several national independence movements in the colonies.

Colonialism is a policy of occupation and economic, political or social exploitation of a territory by a foreign state. Neo-colonialism refers to a situation of dependence of one state on another. This dependence is not official, as is the case between a colony and a metropolis.

The brutal exploitation of the populations as well as the appropriation of the resources of the continent by the countries of the North are at issue. This is what justifies that today, France and other Western countries are implementing actions, notably by helping the development that colonization had slowed down.

Neo-colonialism in Africa refers to the indirect and continued domination of African countries by former colonial powers, or by other external powers, through economic, political, and cultural means. Some aspects of neo-colonialism in Africa include:

Economic exploitation: African countries are often forced to rely on exports of raw materials, while importing manufactured goods at higher prices, leading to a one-sided economic relationship.

Political interference: External powers often interfere in the political affairs of African countries, supporting leaders who are favorable to their interests, and opposing those who are not.

Cultural domination: The cultural influence of former colonial powers can still be felt in Africa, as Western cultural values and norms are often seen as superior to traditional African values.

Debt dependency: Many African countries are burdened by debt, which often originated from loans given by external powers. These debts can lead to dependency and compromise their sovereignty.

Land and resource grabbing: External powers or corporations often acquire large amounts of land or resources in African countries, often displacing local populations and leading to environmental degradation.

The “new” Russian presence in Africa, after a disengagement of nearly 30 years, is evolving rapidly and can confuse several cards as long as it asserts itself as a counterweight to Chinese ambitions and Western neo-colonialism.

Somewhat like a cat out of the bag, the Russia-Africa summit in October 2019, where Putin gathered some 30 African heads of state in Sochi, struck the media opinion, overlooking the Soviet roots of this interest. Despite the absence of an overarching ideological rationale as in the days of the USSR, Putin’s Russia can take advantage of this legacy and bring a pragmatic approach to it.

KKK: What are the historical roots and what is the nature of this legacy? What logic drives Russian interests and which African actors are its privileged partners? Finally, what are the consequences for Russia, for its African partners, and for the world order?

DMC: Russia’s re-engagement in Africa began with President Putin’s visits to South Africa and Morocco in 2006, followed by his interim successor Medvedev’s visits to Egypt, Angola, Namibia, and Nigeria in 2008, in both cases accompanied by delegations of businessmen to finalize private deals. This did not go unnoticed by Western analysts of Russian politics, who quickly detected a desire to score economic and symbolic points. Putin set the tone: “Russia notes without jealousy that other countries have established ties in Africa, but it intends to defend its interests on the continent“. However, at the same time, another strategy was at work at the state level.

In 2006, President Putin canceled the Algerian state’s debt (of about $4.5 billion) in exchange for lucrative arms deals. A similar strategy was implemented in Colonel Gaddafi’s Libya: railway and gas contracts to Gazprom in exchange for the cancellation of Libyan debts. The fall of the dictator thwarted the plans somewhat, but Russia tried to remain influential, especially with Commander Haftar and contracts obtained by the Russian security firm Wagner. In Egypt, the former darling of Soviet cooperation during the Nasser era, there will be arms sales contracts (in excess of 3.5 billion dollars) with President Al-Sissi’s regime, coupled with an agreement between the Russian nuclear energy agency Rosatom and the Egyptian government for the construction of a power plant in the Dabaa region, as well as the opening up of a market for Russian grain in the context of an embargo. 

This give-and-take approach seems to have little ideological content but is certainly not without strategic vision in that the links with the Al-Sissi regime help to maintain a presence with Haftar in eastern Libya and to reaffirm Russian interests that were scorned when Gaddafi fell. It should be remembered that the cancellation of African debt was a policy put forward by the G8, of which Russia was a member at the time, but which Putin’s regime applied to specific partners in exchange for concrete benefits.

During the period 2009-2018, Russian exports to Africa totalled nearly $100 billion. However, 80% of this trade was concentrated in 7 countries: Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Nigeria, Sudan, and South Africa. As most of these are long-standing partners, two-thirds of this trade was directed to two countries in particular: Algeria ($25.8 billion) and Egypt ($37.5 billion). In 2019, the majority of all products exported by Russia to African countries could be grouped into five categories: arms, grain, oil products, ferrous metals, and shipbuilding. 

The preponderance of Soviet interests in North Africa is more than evident. In contrast, with countries on the economic upswing such as Ethiopia, the DRC, and Angola, trade amounts to only tens of millions of dollars annually. Russia is also targeting bauxite mining in Guinea, platinum mining in Zimbabwe, and diamond mining in Angola. The creation of a Russian industrial zone in Egypt could not only ensure the preponderance of Russian firms in the Egyptian market but would also allow them to carve out a place of choice in the Sub-Saharan economic space. 

From a comparative perspective, trade between the Russian Federation and African countries remains modest, with Russia being the 6th largest trading partner of Africa, after Turkey, and far behind China. But Moscow is progressing rapidly: 17.2% increase between 2018 and 2017. Also growing rapidly, Russian investments rose to 5 billion in 2018, but represent very little compared to Chinese investments estimated at 130 billion per year.

As a symbol of the new age of Russian capitalism, economic activities in Africa are carried out by a combination of private actors and large state-owned companies. The giant Gazprom signs most of the cooperation contracts in the oil and gas sector and wants, for example, to connect Nigeria’s gas resources to Europe, while Rosneft is mainly active in North Africa and Lukoil in Nigeria and Ghana. The state agency Rosatom has nuclear cooperation projects with Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria and Zambia.

Although Russia has benefited from some of the ties forged during the Soviet era, the delay created by its disengagement, the aggressiveness of the Chinese offensive, and the context of international sanctions mean that the Eurasian giant has few means to develop its African strategy, and is taking an approach that combines military cooperation and media influence. To its credit, it has no colonial past and relies on anti-French sentiments, for example in Mali or the Central African Republic, in public relations campaigns in which it presents itself as the guarantor of the sovereignty of its African partners, with whom it exchanges services without any political or moral interference with regard to democratic norms. 

Moreover, an important aspect of Russian soft power in Africa comes from its experience in Syria. It presents this as proof that it can guarantee the sovereignty and economic independence by freeing itself from the effects of Western sanctions and being less hegemonic than Beijing in its appetite for resources. For African leaders wishing to diversify their economic partners, these assets should not be overlooked. 

Thus, the Sochi summit in October 2019 brought together representatives from each of the 54 African countries, including 43 heads of state. China, India, Turkey and Brazil are also already holding their African summits, as are the United States, the EU and Japan. We must therefore see in this exercise not a sign of the hegemonic designs of Putin’s geopolitics, but rather the fact that Russia must do like all the major economic partners of Africa itself. The media impact was somehow more important than the economic and diplomatic impact. Some bilateral and multilateral treaties were signed, but no aid programs. The summit should be held every three years and if Russian forecasts come true, there should be a doubling of Russian-African trade by then, aiming to reach the French level.

Because the list of African countries with security agreements with Russia is rather long, because these cooperation projects are multiplying quite rapidly, especially in recent years, and because the foreign observer has somewhat forgotten that the USSR has had sustained interests and contacts with Africa for several decades, it is easy to be suspicious of Russian ambitions in contemporary Africa. Some of the implications are in line with the logic of the Soviet presence in Africa (North Africa, Portuguese-speaking Africa, South Africa and Ethiopia), others are born of new circumstances (Central African Republic). However, in economic terms, Russia does not carry much weight compared to players such as China, the United States or France.

KKK: South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), in its latest reports warned African leaders about Africa being used as pawns by external players for achieving their geopolitical interests. What should be the Africa’s collective position and their approach towards external players? What should be the role of the African Union?

DMC: The relationship between Africa and the West has always been strained, especially because of colonialism, slavery, the Cold War, and now immigration and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Africa (as a continent) has taken an ambivalent stance on the war.

The “conquest” of Africa, a continent rich in raw materials (oil, gold, cobalt, coltan, diamonds, wood, uranium), is a major issue at the beginning of the 21st century. It is, moreover, at the heart of an increasingly aggressive game of influence, often to the detriment of the African countries themselves.

From the Baltic to Africa via the Mediterranean. Vladimir Putin’s Russia is back in the world. In Africa, it wants to re-establish the situation it had during the time of the Soviet Union, but also to increase its relations, in mutual respect.

After having been largely absent from Africa since the implosion of the USSR, Russia is still only taking timid steps to intervene in what is the new great game of the 21st century between great powers. Even if it is very far from China, India, the United States, and even the former European colonial powers, which are trying to maintain their position. But, to succeed in its comeback, Moscow wants to play its trump card: to put forward its past relations with African countries.

During the Cold War, the USSR appeared in the midst of decolonization as an alternative to Europe and had become one of the main suppliers of arms to African countries. The other strong point of Soviet influence was the university cooperation, which allowed many young Africans to study in Moscow.

At the time, this influence worried Western countries, which even wondered if the Soviet Union was not “taking control of what was called the Third World,” according to specialist journalist Christophe Boisbouvier (“Jeune Afrique,” October 20, 2017).

The Russia of the 21st century is far from playing this role on the continent today. Nevertheless, to give a signal of its re-engagement, the president, Vladimir Putin, decided last year to cancel some 20 billion dollars of debts of African countries contracted during the time of the USSR. In addition, Moscow has proposed to African countries still in debt a system of exchange “shares for debt”, in particular to invest in energy and natural resources. In industry, particularly in Guinea in bauxite, or in railroads in Ghana, Russian companies are now competing with the Chinese and the French.

Sixty years after independence, the continent remains the object of covetousness among the great powers. Africa represents about 8% of the world’s oil reserves, 7% of the world’s gold, 53% of the world’s diamonds, 75% of the world’s platinum and at least 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land. If cultivated, it could feed a large part of the world’s population, which by the end of this century could reach 11 billion people.

What has changed profoundly, however, are the players and the geography. The “Great Game” is no longer between Russia and the United Kingdom in Asia, as it was in the 19th century, but between the new emerging countries, America and Europe in Africa. And the spur of the rivalry is China.

The fact remains that, faced with Russian, Indian, European or American ambitions, China has an advantage. It is ready to largely finance public and private operations in Africa. The difference between China and a country like France is that China provides long-term financing. Even if the risk for African countries is to see their debt explode.

The AU, the new institution, has the ambition to renovate and strengthen the economic and political integration projects that were the basis for the creation of the OAU. It must, among other things, promote cooperation and strengthen social, economic, and political relations between member states to avoid warlike relations. Moreover, it wishes to put in place a stable institutional framework to enable African states to participate effectively in the global market and in international negotiations on trade, finance, and other international issues (AU Constitutive Act, Articles 3 and 4). By replacing the OAU with the AU, the heads of state wanted to modernize the old institution and initiate a new page in the integration of African states following the example of the European Union.

However, several years after its creation, and despite the efforts made, the African Union, the largest regional organization on the African continent, has not produced the expected results. Armed conflicts, including numerous civil wars, prevent the establishment of a climate of peace and security among the member states. At the political level, the continent is marred by numerous coups d’états. The social situation is just as chaotic and the continent is facing repeated health crises. In addition, famine and poverty are part of the daily life of the citizens and the economic situation of the continent is not more glorious. Indeed, the African continent is the one that contributes the least to world trade. It is heavily dependent on imports and continues to trade raw materials for finished goods at the expense of local processing industries.

In other words, the African Union is far from its objectives and, contrary to its reference model, is not prospering. This sad fact raises several questions, both about African integration and about the legitimacy and usefulness of the African Union.

The topic seems all the more relevant as African nations see regional integration as an important opportunity to introduce political stability and increase trade. In this regard, Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana and one of the founding fathers of African unity said:

“There can be no real independence and economic independence and true economic, social, political and cultural development of Africa without the unification of the continent”.

But how should this unification take place? Is the African Union, based on the European Union model the only solution for Africa? Is it capable of curing Africa of all its ills? What if regional integration under the European model is not adapted to Africa?


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS), is now a regular contributor to Global Research. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

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Many points are made when discussing the green energy agenda’s infeasibility. It has been noted that wind and solar can’t provide our energy needs, that powering the United States with wind would require an area three times California’s size. It has further been asserted that electric-car production and use actually cause more pollution than the gasoline status quo. It’s not just that electric vehicles’ manufacture creates massive releases of CO2 (not a pollutant, mind you), either; it’s also that the mining of the metals and minerals required for their production causes environmental damage. Yet there’s a kicker here, too, a point seldom made:

Even if we could more cleanly and efficiently mine the materials in question, there simply aren’t enough of them to make green energy a reality.

That’s the conclusion of a geological study that, not surprisingly, hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves. CounterPunch has reported on it, however, writing that the research

puts a damper on the prospects of phasing out fossil fuels in favor of renewables. More to the point, a phase out of fossil fuels by mid century looks to be a nearly impossible Sisyphean task. It’s all about quantities of minerals/metals contained in Mother Earth. There aren’t enough.

Simon Michaux, PhD, Geological Survey Finland[,] has done a detailed study of what’s required to phase out fossil fuels in favor of renewables, to wit:

“The quantity of metal required to make just one generation of renewable tech units to replace fossil fuels is much larger than first thought. Current mining production of these metals is not even close to meeting demand. Current reported mineral reserves are also not enough in size. Most concerning is copper as one of the flagged shortfalls. Exploration for more at required volumes will be difficult, with this seminar addressing these issues.” (Source: Simon P. Michaux, Associate Research Professor of Geometallurgy Unit Minerals Processing and Materials Research, Geological Survey of Finland, August 18, 2022 — Seminar: What Would It Take To Replace The Existing Fossil Fuel System?)

Michaux’s “comprehensive study found that the current estimated metal reserves are woefully deficient in almost every category,” American Thinker’s Robert A. Bishop added on Saturday. “The table below lists base and rare earth metals requirements to build the new grid and E.V.s. Deficits are yellow-highlighted. For example, copper is an integral part of a high-voltage grid system, coming up short by a shocking 3.7 billion tons. Can we dig enough open mile-deep ore pits to meet that shortfall? Improbable.”

Bishop continues, writing that below “is the study’s table estimating the years to produce the required metals at the current production rates. For example, lithium would take almost 10 millennia to achieve. In addition, these scarce minerals must be mined, transported, and processed, relying exclusively on fossil fuels, which would create more carbon emissions and deplete hydrocarbon reserves.”

“Petrochemicals from oil and natural gas make over 6,000 everyday products indispensable to modern society,” Bishop also points out. “There are no known alternative substitutes for hydrocarbons. Yet the climate change fanboys catastrophically ignore petrochemicals that provide many indispensible [sic] goods.”

Reality has a way of intervening, however (it’s just a matter of how much pain is required to penetrate deaf ears). As to this, the Ukraine war has had at least one positive byproduct. That is, “Europe’s embargo of Russian oil and natural gas, along with the terroristic sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, is exposing the myth of green energy,” Bishop further states. “As a result, Germany, the poster child for green energy, has resorted to heresy by reactivating its mothballed coal-fired power plants.”

“The math doesn’t support the net zero activist movement’s rhetoric,” Bishop concludes. “Eliminating indispensable fossil fuels, as Germany is experiencing at an accelerating rate, without replacing it with the equivalent of alternative energy, would quickly collapse modern society. Think of it as the ‘Jonestown Massacre’ on a global scale.”

Far from an exaggeration, this alarm has been sounded before. For example, former Greenpeace figure Patrick Moore warned in 2019 that if the Green New Deal were instituted globally, it could “result in the death of nearly all humans on Earth.” But before they met their miserable end, he pointed out, they’d cut down every tree for fuel and kill every animal for food.

That trying to artificially transform a worldwide economy with a big-government cudgel would have a devastating effect is not surprising: It has happened before. For example, in the 20th century, communist dictators such as the Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin, China’s Mao Zedong, and Cambodia’s Pol Pot instituted agricultural collectivization schemes that caused the deaths of more than 60 million people.

The lesson is simple, too: If the market doesn’t justify a program or course of action, be more than hesitant to pursue it. This isn’t because the market is perfect (hey, it gives us the Kardashians!), but because it’s democracy as applied to economics; that is, every time hundreds of millions of people make purchases, they’re casting “votes” on what goods and services will prevail.

Echoing what Winston Churchill famously said about political democracy, the market is the worst system in the world, too — except for all the rest. It certainly was a better guide than Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and their brain trusts. And what of today’s would-be economy-steering oligarchs, climate kid Greta Thunberg, extraterrestrial John Kerry, software-glitch-man Bill Gates, et al.? Do you want to bet they’ll be history’s first economic puppeteers whose collective wisdom will surpass that of the market’s invisible hand?


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Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio.

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Evidence continues to mount of serious health and environmental impacts from the derailment and explosion of a train carrying toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier this month, raising concerns for local residents.

Despite releasing more details about air and water contamination resulting from the crash, regulatory agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have continued to affirm that it is safe for residents to return to their homes after they were initially evacuated. But they have been cautioned not to drink the water.

The EPA said Monday night that it “has not yet detected any concerning levels of toxins in the air quality that can be attributed to the crash,” ABC News reported. The agency continues to screen individual homes in close proximity to the site.

“I think it’s beggar’s belief when you look at those astonishing pictures from that burn-off that happened earlier last week that there could be a safe environment for people to return to their homes,” NewsNation Washington Bureau Chief Mike Viqueira told Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave on a recent episode of The Hill’s “Rising.”

While lawmakers in Washington and the mainstream media were slow to respond to the disaster, environmental groups, rail workers and local residents have been calling out the corporate interests profiting from disasters like these.

Ross Grooters, a member of Railroad Workers United and city council member for Pleasant Hill in Iowa, tweeted, “It’s time to take back our rail system from greedy profiteers”:

What happened?

On the night of Feb. 3, 50 cars of a freight train derailed and burst into 100-foot flames in East Palestine, Ohio, a small town of approximately 4,700 people about 50 miles northwest of Pittsburgh.

Investigators said a broken axle caused the cars to go off the track.

Twenty of the cars, operated by Norfolk Southern, were carrying toxic chemicals and combustible materials, including carcinogenic vinyl chloride, that triggered a fireball and cloud of thick black smoke over the town when the train crashed.

Residents on both sides of the Ohio-Pennsylvania border were ordered to evacuate, as Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio raised alarms about a possible explosion. Officials carried out a “controlled release” of toxic chemicals to neutralize burning cargo inside some of the train cars.

State and local officials told residents they could return to their homes on Feb. 8, given that, “Air quality samples in the area of the wreckage and in nearby residential neighborhoods have consistently shown readings at points below safety screening levels for contaminants of concern,” according to a press release by Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro.

Hazardous chemicals killing animals and making residents sick

Since returning to their homes, some residents have complained of feeling ill. Others reported the death of wildlife and pets. Residents living as far as 10 miles away have found dead chickens in their yards. Residents also reported a strong lingering chemical smell in the area. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources reported at least 3,500 fish have died within a 7.5-mile radius of the crash site.

Then, on Friday, the EPA sent a letter to Norfolk Southern Railway Co. citing additional hazardous chemicals that “either are known to have been and continue to be released to the air, surface soils and surface waters.”

The chemicals were found through water sampling in the Ohio River — which provides drinking water for more than five million people — in storm drains and in soil.

Chemicals include ethylhexyl acrylate, an eye, skin and respiratory irritant that’s toxic to aquatic life; ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, a carcinogen that can be absorbed through the skin and cause liver and kidney damage; butyl acrylate, an extremely flammable chemical that can burn skin and eyes and cause permanent lung damage; and isobutylene, a highly flammable compound that can irritate eyes, nose and throat, and cause coma or death at high levels of exposure, Environmental Health News reported.

On Tuesday, 11 days after the crash, officials told residents to use bottled water until testing could confirm whether the local water supply was safe to drink because the Ohio EPA confirmed the presence of chemicals, including butyl acrylate, in the Ohio River Basin, potentially affecting up to 25 million people.

Ohio EPA Chief Tiffani Kavalec reported Tuesday that a chemical plume is moving down the Ohio River toward West Virginia.

Some residents concerned about the health effects filed a lawsuit against Norfolk Southern, NPR reported.

An eco-horror caused by corporate abuse

“The fiery train crash in East Palestine is just the latest in a series of preventable tragedies,” Food & Water Watch Pennsylvania Director Megan McDonough said in a statement.

Food & Water Watch Pennsylvania is one of several organizations and analysts pointing to the power the chemical and transportation industries hold over government policies as the root cause of the crash and calling for policy change.

Rail Workers United, an inter-union alliance of rail workers, argued last week that the crash “was a predictable consequence of Wall Street-backed policy decisions that have hollowed out the industry’s workforce, pushed remaining employees to chronic exhaustion, and sacrificed safety for profits,” Common Dreams reported.

When current transportation safety rules were first created, the federal government sided with industry lobbyists limited regulations governing the transportation of hazardous compounds, allowing trains like the one in Ohio to haul dangerous materials without being subject to stringent safety requirements, according to The Lever.

Norfolk Southern paid top executives millions, spent billions on stock buybacks and decreased the size of its workforce, which increases safety risks. It also blocked a shareholder initiative that would have required it to mitigate the risks of transporting hazardous materials.

Industry-friendly policies over the last decade led to a major uptick in derailments, forcing the Obama administration to propose improved safety regulations. But the Obama measures were watered down after industry pressure.

The Trump administration, which received more than $6 million from the rail industry, then rescinded some of those watered-down rules, including one that would have required a better braking system on the Ohio train.

The Biden administration, with Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary, made no move to reinstate the rules.

“Norfolk Southern’s environmental disaster is the latest in a long string of corporate malfeasance committed right under the secretary’s nose,” according to Revolving Door Project Executive Director Jeff Hauser.

But it wasn’t just the failure to regulate the rail industry that created this crisis. McDonough also placed responsibility for the disaster on the growing petrochemical industry in the region. She said:

“Community groups, grassroots organizations and public health experts have been warning for years that the fracking and petrochemical polluters in our area pose serious health dangers to our communities. Yet lawmakers from both parties have encouraged the growth of pipelines, petrochemical plants, and new fracking wells dangerously close to our homes and schools. Expanding these dirty energy networks means transporting hazardous and even potentially deadly chemicals by pipeline, truck and train — putting millions of us at risk every single day.”

Other experts allege the decision to sacrifice human and environmental health to corporate interests also continued after the crash.

Environmental lawyer Steven Donziger, who represented more than 30,000 indigenous people in their case against Chevron for polluting their land, alleged that the dangerous decision to do a “controlled release” of hazardous chemicals was made in order to open the railways.

Two Wall Street analysts — Bank of America and Cowen — published reports Tuesday indicating that Norfolk Southern won’t see a major hit to its bottom line following the train disaster, FreightWaves reported.

Bank of America’s Ken Hoexter said the company will likely have to pay a $40 to $50 million “casualty charge.”

But, “as rail service is restored, rail shares have historically not seen a material impact from accidents on a 3-month horizon,” Hoexter wrote.

In 2022, Norfolk Southern generated $12.7 billion in revenue and $3 billion in profits.

Media and politicians more concerned with Chinese balloons than East Palestine

Viqueira, who has been covering the story closely, told hosts Gray and Soave on a recent episode of “Rising” that he thought the political fallout from the lack of response by Washington was going to be significant.

Gray agreed. “The news seems to be very transfixed on the Chinese balloons and not at all seem to be wanting to dedicate much time to this ongoing environmental crisis,” she said.

Viqueira said that part of the reason the story hadn’t been covered was political. He said that there are people asserting there is “apathy because these folks are a working-class community in eastern Ohio. That’s [what people are saying] on the left.”

“On the right people are blaming the administration for not caring just on the basis of electoral politics because that area in that particular county — Columbiana County — in eastern Ohio voted I think 45 in favor of Donald Trump,” he added.

Buttigieg has come under significant fire for ignoring the train derailment.

Former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner tweeted this:

Buttigieg made his first comments about the derailment ten days after the event and only after he had been slammed in the media.

Viqueira continued, “What I think is a serious concern is a relative lack of attention to what is most obviously an environmental catastrophe… [and] an economic catastrophe for the people of Eastern Ohio.”

“Locally they’re putting the cart before the horse and sending people back before they’re even sure themselves are authorities whether or not it is a safe environment,” he said.

Gray said this was just one of many times where people have been told there is nothing to be concerned about, when in fact there is. She gave the example of the first responders during 9/11 who later got cancer at alarming rates, of the water in Flint Michigan and of soldiers exposed to hazardous chemicals in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“People have been taught by history not to believe these kinds of claims,” she said.

Gray also commented on the long history of corporations evading responsibility for environmental and human disasters they cause:

“So often unfortunately what happens when these corporations deal with hazardous materials and there are accidents like these they’re either judgment proof [where] the cost of actually making people whole, the value of all of those lives, the harms of the environment is so big that it would bankrupt the company and courts tend to be protective of companies and keeping them in business. …

“Or they’re able to shield themselves from liability or actually having to pay the judgments, the way that Chevron has been able to do with that historically large … $9 billion lawsuit that was won for their polluting in the Amazon.”

Watch a discussion of the Ohio disaster on “Good Morning CHD” here.


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Brenda Baletti Ph.D. is a reporter for The Defender. She wrote and taught about capitalism and politics for 10 years in the writing program at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s from the University of Texas at Austin.

Featured image: @blckndgldfn/Twitter (left); @StrictlyChristo/Twitter (right)

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Chemical Desolation in Appalachia

February 16th, 2023 by Jarod Facundo

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In the village of East Palestine, on a late Friday evening, a Norfolk Southern freight train derailed on the Ohio side of the Pennsylvania border, causing tanker cars to rupture and catch fire, releasing thousands of tons of hazardous chemical compounds into the surrounding land and atmosphere. At the time of the crash, the known chemicals aboard included the highly toxic vinyl chloride and hydrogen chloride. An EPA document dump on February 12 revealed additional carcinogenic chemicals were aboard too, as well as some highly flammable solvents and gases. Public documents reveal that four tank cars containing vinyl chloride were stacked together.

Responding before the reveal of the cargo’s manifest, Jason Trosky, a resident of East Palestine, told the Prospect:

“A $56 billion corporation knows where every one of its assets is at any given time … The reason [Norfolk Southern] didn’t show us the manifest is because the train was overloaded.”

Twenty miles earlier, grainy security footage from an equipment plant in Salem, Ohio, showed flashes of white rising from the train tracks, sparks and flames—a possible indication of fire or malfunction. Before the derailment, Michael Graham, a spokesperson for the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), said the crew on board was notified of mechanical failure, prompting them to activate the emergency brakes, which caused the derailment. At time of writing, it was not known whether the hotbox detector, a device used to assess the parts of a rail car, in Salem or the one in East Palestine alerted the crew on board.

In the following days, reporting from The Lever detailed how Norfolk Southern lobbied against transportation safety rules designed to prevent the exact sort of disaster that happened in East Palestine. They spent big to block new rules requiring rail companies to replace conventional air brakes with electronically controlled pneumatic brakes on cars carrying volatile or dangerous material. The new technology is far more effective at braking—unsurprising given that air brakes were designed in the 19th century—but the upgrades would have cost money.

Ben Ratner, a resident of East Palestine, recalled the immediate moments after the freight train derailed to the Prospect. He and his family arrived home from his daughter’s basketball game. The phones buzzed and sirens rang overhead. From the Ratner home, the train tracks are visible from the backyard. He looked outside and saw flames. “I wasn’t fully sure what was going on for our family and friends who live over there.” So he stepped outside and walked toward the smoke and flames until he was stopped by firefighters. “I tried getting over to my friend’s house and they weren’t letting me cross the intersection,” he said, solemnly, “I was very close to their house, but they were actually getting ready to leave as well.” He then returned home.

By midnight, Ratner and his family decided they’d shelter in place. “Some people were leaving town, but our kids were getting ready for bed. We didn’t know how serious it was.” The following morning, Ratner relocated his family to his mother-in-law’s house, just over two miles away from the crash site, as he went to work for the day. His wife called him, telling Ratner that evacuation for children was mandatory, citing alleged potential charges for child endangerment. Ratner described frantically running around town, being stopped from entering East Palestine, and eventually picking up the family’s dog. By Sunday, his family had rented an Airbnb next to the family-owned coffee shop in Salem. At the time of the interview, he said his house was on a wait list for air quality testing and he was unsure of returning. He said: “Our kids are supposed to return to school on Monday.”

An ominous FAQ document, with no company or government letterhead, appeared on the exterior doors of the residents of East Palestine. The document tells residents not to worry about their air quality or drinking water, and compared the inhalation of the chemicals in the air to breathing in smoke from a wood fire. Under the “Is my drinking water safe?” section, the document states: “It is improbable that substances from the derailment will impact the groundwater or drinking water wells in the area.” Meanwhile, according to the EPA, trace amounts of the chemicals aboard the Norfolk Southern train have been identified in the Ohio River and along the creeks sprouting off the river.

Additionally, the document states that children, the elderly, and other immunocompromised people are not at risk from exposure to the substances released from the derailed train. The document states: “While smoke from any type of fire can exacerbate asthma or other breathing difficulties, no long-term effect is expected from short-term exposure.”

Trosky described the derailment as “It felt like our house blew up … We got a little bit of smoke inside.” He recalled a haze inside his house, and a sweet, metallic taste in his mouth. “We knew it was nothing good.” On Saturday morning, the highway state patrol arrived at Trosky’s home, urging him to evacuate him and his family. “The urgency wasn’t there. It was like he was going through the motions,” Trosky said. He immediately evacuated his 14-year-old twins, while he and his wife stayed behind. “You can’t just go running from your home,” Trosky said. He then described how his daughter had suffered from an upper respiratory episode. “I would assume it’s some kind of chemical irritation in her lungs.”

A resident outside of the one-mile evacuation zone recalled the experience from five miles away. Emily Wright, a spokesperson for River Valley Organizing, said, “I feel guilty for not evacuating my family.” On Sunday, she was experiencing asthma symptoms. Her father, who already suffers from bilateral asbestosis, called her saying that his breath had been short all day. “We were told on the news,” Wright said, “the train derailed, it was on fire, but it was controlled.” It was not until Sunday night that authorities reported that some of the boxcars were filled with vinyl chloride. “All of a sudden I’m getting these emergency alerts on my phone, evacuating more people,” Wright said.

A controlled burn was scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Monday, supposedly to prevent further explosions of the cars, but it released hydrogen chloride and toxic phosgene gas into the air. Wright told the Prospect that upon learning about the scheduled burn, she decided to pick her daughter up from school early. “I didn’t want her to be on the bus because she would have been on the bus route when it happened.” But the burn was delayed. Initially, the 3:30 p.m. time slot was chosen to avoid weather forecasts of 45 mph winds.

Around six o’clock, everybody in the Wright home began feeling nauseous. Her 84-year-old grandmother felt strange. Wright’s teeth were hurting, along with others in the house. And her father’s shortness of breath worsened. Similar symptoms were reported across five counties, even in some places in Western Pennsylvania. Later, Wright received pictures from 25 miles south of her, showing towns covered in darkness. “It didn’t even look like they had streetlights,” Wright said.

Wright’s account tracks with others further from the initial site. Jim Kosior, a resident of Darlington Township, Pennsylvania, approximately eight to ten miles away, described similar circumstances. Kosior posted footage on Twitter. Across a landscape of near total darkness, Kosior says, “These aren’t storm clouds. This is the fucking shit they’re burning off in East Palestine.” When Kosior spoke to the Prospect, he said, “I’ve still got a burning in my lungs,” going on to describe ongoing symptoms of diarrhea and severe headaches.

From Monday to Wednesday, residents witnessed a string of press conferences that only left them more confused than they were from the start. In one of these press conferences, a local reporter was handcuffed and arrested for trespassing while covering a news conference about the toxic chemicals aboard. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, who led the conference in question, after the matter said that he was unaware the arrest took place.

“Less than 24 hours ago,” Ratner said, “they shut down a press conference after a few questions. And all of sudden we can go back home? You would have thought they had all that information [at the press conference].” He continued: “It’s hard … People have to go back to their normal lives. And it’s gonna be sad if in a few years people start seeing negative health effects, [which] we’re already seeing.”

By Wednesday, residents were notified that the evacuation area was safe to return to based upon air quality samples “below safety screening levels for contaminants of concern.”

The Ohio governor’s announcement urges residents with private wells to use bottled water until water testing is completed. In the announcement, DeWine states that Norfolk Southern would be providing free bottled water and free water testing through an independent contractor. He additionally notes that Norfolk Southern would be providing reimbursements for families displaced.

But many residents still have doubts. River Valley Organizing has collected photos documenting the sustained damage across the region. These include pictures of discolored eggs laid by chickens after the crash.

In a private Facebook group, East Palestine residents have shared anecdotes of continued lung irritation, headaches, and more. Over the weekend, several residents posted images of their children suffering from rashes spread along their arms and faces. Others have described their homes as covered in residue, even after cleaning services were hired, suggesting that despite the notice that it was safe to return, residue from the accident remains in the air. Inside the group, they are urging each other to keep meticulous documentation for any future action against Norfolk Southern.

Those reimbursements touted by DeWine have drawn scrutiny. After the initial reimbursement announcement, Norfolk Southern expanded the program to include a $1,000 “inconvenience fee” for each person inside a household. At the Abundant Life Fellowship in New Waterford, Ohio, Norfolk Southern has set up shop. The Prospect confirmed with John Fletcher, an employee for Norfolk Southern, that the company was providing inconvenience checks and reimbursements onsite.

East Palestine resident Zsuzsa Gyenes told the Prospect that on the first day she visited the Abundant Life Fellowship to claim reimbursements, there were only five people in attendance. But by the next day, there were hundreds. Gyenes said she waited for five hours and when she asked a representative from the company to review the paperwork ahead of time for the inconvenience check, her request was denied.

In order to claim the reimbursement, residents within one mile of the evacuation zone are required to show paperwork proving their residency and identification. For the $1,000 “inconvenience fee,” residents are required to provide Norfolk Southern with a W-9 form, in addition to a Social Security number. Rumors have spread in the Facebook group that claiming one or both could waive a resident’s right to any future class action lawsuit.

Attempting to quash those rumors, Norfolk Southern spokesperson Connor Spielmaker told a Cleveland news outlet that accepting reimbursements or money would not bar them from filing future legal action. Some residents in the Facebook group have described speaking with attorneys who have provided similar advice.

However, Michael O’Shea of the Lipson O’Shea legal group says otherwise. In an interview with the Prospect, he said: “I would tell my clients not to give [Norfolk Southern] any W-9 information and not to sign any forms and not to cash any checks until we have a clear understanding from Norfolk Southern.”

In a similar 2005 incident in Graniteville, South Carolina, 5,400 residents were evacuated from their homes following a Norfolk Southern train crash that resulted in a chlorine spill. Residents who accepted compensation from the company forfeited their rights to any further damages. O’Shea brought up this instance to Norfolk Southern, but Norfolk Southern has not responded.

Against this backdrop, a blighted landscape remains. Advocacy groups have urged residents to call upon Gov. DeWine to request an emergency declaration from President Biden. At time of publication, an emergency has not been declared, leaving residents alone to attempt piecing their lives back together.

Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), Norfolk Southern could be responsible for all cleanup costs at the site. So far, the EPA has warned the company that it’s investigating the company under CERCLA. Trosky further damned Norfolk Southern. “People in East Palestine live day to day, not paycheck to paycheck.” He derided the $25,000 donation, inconvenience checks, and reimbursements as chump change. Photos shared with the Prospect by Trosky showed workers on the site working without respiratory protection.

“They’re not even cleaning the trucks coming off that job site,” Trosky said, talking to me on the phone while speaking from the disaster site. “There’s zero containment of what’s on their trucks.” Trosky is concerned about the air quality, but what scares him most is the management of the cleanup site and contaminants that have seeped into the earth. Trosky continued: “In all the creeks, the fish are dead … [Local authorities] kept giving [Norfolk Southern] the power. So now you’re telling me that in less than five days,” he paused, “they completely cleaned it up and it’s safe to return?”


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Jarod Facundo is a writing fellow at The American Prospect. He has previously interned for The Nation, Dissent, the Prospect, and the Institute for Policy Studies. He is a graduate of Michigan State University’s James Madison College.

Featured image: A large plume of smoke rises over East Palestine, Ohio, after a controlled detonation of a portion of a derailed Norfolk Southern freight train carrying toxic chemicals, February 6, 2023. (AP Photo)

Biden to Syrian Earthquake Victims: Drop Dead

February 16th, 2023 by Jeremy Kuzmarov

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At 4:17 a.m. on February 6, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and northern Syria, killing more than 21,000 people in what was the deadliest earthquake seen worldwide in more than a decade.

The Biden administration announced on Monday, soon after the quake struck, that it was coordinating any and all needed assistance with Turkish officials, deploying quickly to support Turkish rescue efforts, and sending a USAID disaster response team into Turkey.

Team Biden was much more muted with regards to Syria, stating that “U.S.-supported humanitarian partners are also responding to the destruction in Syria.”

These comments made clear the Biden administration’s refusal to work with the Syrian government, which has been the target of a U.S. regime-change policy since the early 2000s.

The humanitarian groups to which Biden is referring are NGOs operating in areas outside the control of the Syrian state, which may yet exclude the rest of the country from any such aid, including the badly hit city of Aleppo, which is under Assad government control.[1]

State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters:

“I will make the point that it would be quite ironic, if not even counterproductive, for us to reach out to a government that has brutalized its people over the course of a dozen years now—gassing them, slaughtering them, being responsible for much of the suffering that they have endured.”

These statements are callous, misleading and hypocritical.

Callous because of the desperate need for aid to reach Syria to save lives regardless of politics.

Misleading because Price suggests that the Assad government gassed its own people using chemical weapons when strong scientific evidence suggests that these alleged chemical gas attacks, if they actually took place, were carried out by Syrian rebel forces backed by the U.S. and Turkey.

And hypocritical because Washington supports many governments that brutalize their people—including Turkey, which a) has a ghastly record of terrorizing the Kurds; b) supported ISIS in Syria; c) supports Azerbaijan in its assault on Nagorno Karabakh; and d) has adopted increasingly autocratic measures toward dissidents at home under Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

But Turkey has been a U.S. ally for decades and a NATO member, and hosts the large Incirlik Air Base.

The Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad, by contrast, humiliated the U.S. by defeating a U.S.-backed uprising over the last decade with Russian assistance. Assad’s government has also allied with Iran and stood up to Israel, while resisting U.S. designs to build an oil pipeline that would have undercut supply routes from Russia.[2]

The Biden administration appears to see the earthquake as an opportunity to advance its regime-change agenda by exacerbating the suffering of the Syrian people and eroding the legitimacy of the government that cannot properly save them.

Erdogan’s government by contrast will gain in legitimacy from a strong response to the quake.


Flight tracker shows the absence of any aircraft in Syrian air space after dealing with the devastating earthquake while almost all aid and rescue teams are heading to Turkey. [Source:]

EU Countries and NATO Follow U.S. Lead

Mimicking the Biden administration, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg voiced “full solidarity” with ally Turkey, saying he was in touch with Turkey’s top leadership and “NATO allies are mobilizing support now,” completely leaving out Syria.

British Foreign Minister James Cleverly said the UK was sending Turkey a team of 76 search and rescue specialists, equipment, and rescue dogs as well as emergency medical teams.

Cleverly left out Syria, similar to other Western allies like Germany, Poland and even Greece, Turkey’s historic enemy, which pledged “immediate assistance” to President Erdogan, though not Syria’s Assad—even though Assad issued an international appeal for humanitarian aid.

Of the aid that is getting through, the majority is coming from the Global South. Transport planes from the U.A.E., Iran, Oman, Egypt, Iraq, Armenia, China, India, Pakistan, and Russia have landed in Syria loaded with aid; Lebanon has made its sea and airports available for aid shipments Syria, and even Palestine has sent a rescue team.

Great Difficulties

A surgeon from Aleppo, Mohamed Zitoun, who spent years treating casualties from the Syrian war, said that he has never experienced anything like the number of injured and the scale of their injuries from the earthquake, and that the hospital’s emergency teams where he worked at Bab al-Hawa near the Turkish border were running out of antibiotics, sedatives, surgical supplies, blood bags, bandages and drips.[3]

Syria is facing special difficulties responding to the earthquake because a) the only crossing between Syria and Turkey that is approved by the United Nations for transporting international aid into Syria is not functioning, according to UN officials, because of earthquake damage to roads around it; b) Damascus International Airport is still undergoing repairs and maintenance following an Israeli air strike on the facility on January 2, which hinders the landing of humanitarian aid; and c) because of the ravages bred by Syria’s 12-year war and the brutal economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and EU, which are not being lifted.

Al Mayadeen, a pan-Arabist Lebanese journal, reported on February 6 that, “due to the war that weakened the infrastructure in Syria, the draconian Western sanctions imposed on the country, the U.S. occupation of some Syrian land, as well as the looting of billions of dollars of its resources, Syria is unable to fully respond to the tragic catastrophe. As a result, the number of victims of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake is rising.”

U.S. Sanctions and the Caesar Act—an Instrument of Regime Change

The Carter administration first imposed sanctions on Syria in 1979 when it designated Syria as a “state sponsor of terrorism.”

New rounds were imposed in 2004 and 2011 when the U.S.-backed uprising against Assad began and he was accused of human rights abuses.

In December 2019, President Donald Trump signed the Caesar Act, under which anyone doing business with the Syrian authorities potentially became exposed to travel restrictions and financial sanctions while vital medicines and foodstuffs were blocked from entering the country.

The Caesar Act was named after a government defector, Caesar, who leaked thousands of photographs alleging torture of civilians by Assad’s security forces.

Nearly half the photos actually showed government soldiers who had been killed and victims of car bombs and other war-related violence, and many others showed soldiers who had died in combat—not government torture centers.

Caesar’s identity was also unclear and he was suspected of being in the employ of the CIA.

The Caesar Photo Fraud that Undermined Syrian Negotiations. « A Pattern of  Sensational but Untrue Reports that Lead to Public Acceptance of Western  Military Intervention » |

CNN show discussing Caesar’s “torture” report that was a basis for expanded sanctions. [Source:]

Lift Your God Damned Sanctions

Independent journalist Vanessa Beeley posted a report from a northern Syrian resident, Bashar Murtada, on her Telegram channel:

“International cargo planes are unable to land at Syrian airports as a result of the U.S. blockade, and countries require Syrian airlines to transport aid on board their civil planes!!! As is well known, the so-called Caesar Act comes in the context of practicing economic terrorism and it is considered one of the most dangerous types of crimes against humanity.”

Beeley posted another statement from Aleppo businessman and former MP Fares Shehabi:

“Lift your God damned sanctions so we can open our airports to receive international aid! In Aleppo alone more than 50 buildings have been destroyed resulting in more than 160 deaths so far and thousands of injuries. Thousands of families are now without shelter! What kind of evil governments pose economic & travel sanctions on earthquake devastated nations?!”

So Sanctions May Not Turn into a Crime Against Humanity

Shehabi’s response was echoed by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), which called for the immediate lifting of sanctions imposed on Syria, charging that the current blockade has prevented their organization from carrying out relief operations for the earthquake throughout the country.

“We urge the immediate lifting of sanctions on Syria and allowing access to all materials, so sanctions may not turn into a crime against humanity,” said the attendees of the Council in a statement.

Three prominent Christian leaders in Syria released a statement to similar effect, as did the UN Resident Coordinator in Syria, Mostafa Benjamilh, and the President of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Khaled Hboubati, who said during a press conference in Damascus that

“the evacuation process and rescue operations are restricted due to obstacles resulting from the severe sanctions. We have shortage in heavy machines and equipment needed to lift the rubble. I don’t mean trucks or bulldozers, I mean specific machines that lift rubble without injuring people trapped under the rubble…. Now, with this natural disaster, it’s time to lift the sanctions.”

John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church, and Youssef Al-Absi, Patriarch of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem, make plea to end the sanctions and embargo imposed by the U.S. and other countries on Syria because they are hindering earthquake relief efforts and costing Syrian lives. [Source:]

A Most Barbaric Response to Human Tragedy

Colonel (Ret.) Richard Black, who flew 299 combat missions in Vietnam and served in the Virginia State Senate as a Republican from 2012 to 2020, has been one of the few former high-ranking military officers or government officials to speak out against U.S. military intervention in places like Syria and Ukraine.

A day after the earthquake, Col. Black characterized the Biden administration’s response as “an act of vengeance against Syria’s rejection to submit to the U.S. regime-change war and sanctions imposed on their country for the past 12 years.”

Col. Black continued:

“I have got to tell you, I have never seen such a barbaric response to a tragedy where you literally have people in Aleppo city, Syria who are looking up at piles of concrete, their lives are coming to an end, they’re freezing in the cold. They’re there without food, without water, and they’re dying. Meanwhile, the State Department takes that opportunity to re-emphasize the fact that we are bitter because we could not impose our will on the Syrian people.

“It was in 2020 that the United States imposed the Syria sanctions out of anger at the fact that Syria had driven back the ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists that the United States had supported, and was trying to overwhelm the government with. So, now the State Department looks at this as an opportunity to simply ratchet up the regime of starvation and freezing that we have imposed on Syria through the cruel Caesar sanctions.

“I’m quite disgusted by the actions of the United States State Department. It is really unbecoming of any civilized nation that they would choose this moment to take out their vengeance on the poor suffering people of Syria.”


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. Some of these organizations were infamous for staging false attacks to implicate the Syrian government in crimes it had not committed. Special advisor to Syrian President al-Assad, Bouthaina Shaaban charged that the West provides assistance to support terrorists in areas outside the control of the Syrian state, primarily concerned with protecting Daesh “ISIS,” “Jabhat al-Nusra” and the “White Helmets,” and isn’t interested in areas where most Syrians live.

  2. Bashar’s father Hafez had allied with Nasserist Egypt and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. 
  3. According to U.S. News & World Report, the hospital where Zitoun works is in an opposition-held enclave in northwest Syria, an area which bore the brunt of Russian and Syrian bombing during the country’s conflict, which killed hundreds of thousands, and where the towns are heavily populated with those who fled other areas of Syria. “The first massive wave of patients surpassed the ability of any medical team,” said the surgeon. The outpatient clinic was turned into a ward and mattresses were laid on the floor as the rooms filled with victims and despairing family members. “This is a huge calamity. I lived through shelling and survived massacres. This is totally different, terrifying and horrific.” 

Featured image: Rescuers carry a victim on the rubble as the search for survivors continues in the aftermath of an earthquake, in rebel-held town of Jindires, Syria, February 7, 2023. [Source:]

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We urgently need to spark a mass mobilization antiwar movement in North America. There have been good antiwar demonstrations in recent months, but they have been very limited.  We need to rapidly expand tenfold.

The Rage Against the War Machine initiative, which is organized by a diverse group of anti-war forces,  could do just that. The demands and overall speaker list are very good.

For example Demand 1 is “Not one more penny for War in Ukraine”. They explain

“The Democrats and Republicans have armed Ukraine with  tens of billions of dollars in weapons and military aid. The war has killed tens of thousands, displaced millions, and is pushing us toward nuclear WW3. Stop funding the war.”

Demand 2 is “Negotiate Peace.” They explain,

“The US instigated the war in Ukraine with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war.”

The speakers list contains many eloquent voices for peace and against a militarist foreign policy. There are former members of Congress including Cynthia McKinney, Tulsi Gabbard, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. There are peace activists such as Anne Wright and David Swanson. There are journalists such as Chris Hedges, Garland Nixon, Scott Horton, Max Blumenthal, and Kim Iversen. Former Green Party candidate Dr Jill Stein will be there. So will Dan McKnight from the veterans group “Bring our troops home.”  And there are many more speakers.

Most of those who support the Rally believe it is crucial to broaden the movement and that means allying with others who may have different views on other issues.

The Rage rally focus is on ending the Ukraine war, disbanding NATO and stopping the slide toward nuclear Armageddon. Should they have included other issues such as abortion, trans rights, gay rights, immigrant rights?  I have helped organize rallies where those issues were included, but believe it is a mistake to insist on this. The antiwar movement needs to quickly reach way beyond the Left.  That means vastly broadening our reach and uniting with some people who think differently about other issues.

The capitalist system is flexible. Having women, people of color and nonconforming gender individuals in key positions does not threaten the system. The war machine continues, as does the grotesque income inequality, severe poverty and institutional racism.

To challenge the war machine, we need a mass movement that is broad and inclusive. Agreeing on all issues should not be required.  To make this a demand, and to de-platform anyone who does not agree, is counterproductive. It weakens the antiwar movement and keeps us isolated.

We need to advance our common cause by working together with people who think differently on some issues. We can probably learn from them as they learn from us.

The ruling elite is content when the mass of working people are divided and fighting over racial, cultural and social issues.  What threatens the ruling elite is the possibility of a mass movement demanding a change in US foreign policy of aggression, sanctions and wars. What threatens the ruling class are demands for improvement in the lives of all working people.

The Occupy Movement demand to support the 99% against the 1% was clear, accurate and uniting. Similarly, the demand to change US foreign policy and dramatically reduce the military budget has the potential to appeal to a broad majority of Americans.

The current slide toward a catastrophic war between the US and Russia makes it urgent to build a broad movement to oppose  militarism and the war machine.

There needs to be  a resurgence of energy and activism across the country.  Let’s make this weekend’s Rage Against the War Machine as big and successful as possible and do more in the coming months.


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Rick Sterling is a journalist and activist based in the SF Bay Area. He can be contacted at [email protected]. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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At a time the entire world community should unite to provide aid to all victims of the massive February 6th earthquakes which devastated south-eastern Turkey and north-western Syria, politics is dividing East from West — once again. Scores of rescue teams, tonnes of material aid and millions of dollars have poured into NATO member Turkey, the epicentre of the first 7.8 magnitude quake, the strongest in the region for four decades.

There has been wide publicity about the terrible conditions faced by civilians in Syria’s northwest Idlib province, where local “White Helmets” civil defence teams have been solely responsible for rescuing people buried under the rubble of collapsed buildings. Heavy digging equipment, tents, medical supplies and food were not initially delivered through Turkey’s Bab Al Hawa crossing due to quake damage on access roads.  This state of affairs has made Idlib a constant focus of global media which report the area is under the control of “rebels”. The “rebels” are rarely identified as Al Qaeda offshoot Hay’at Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) which was branded a “foreign terrorist” organisation by the UN and US.

Instead, the US and European Union continue to sanction Syrians who live in the 70 per cent of their country held by the government of President Bashar Assad. While Western powers claim sanctions do not impede food, medical supplies and humanitarian assistance, this is a lie. Since fighting in the civil conflict and proxy war in 2016-17, Syria has been prohibited by sanctions from accessing funds and material to reconstruct infrastructure, public buildings, schools and hospitals destroyed or damaged by warfare. In the last three years, sanctions have deprived the majority of Syrians of fuel, essential foodstuffs and life-saving medications as foreign firms are afraid to deal with the Syrian government because of the US Caesar Act of 2019 which punishes individuals and entities dealing with the government.  Ahead of the quake, deprivation had driven 90 per cent of Syrians below the poverty line.

The quake drove Assad to apply to the European Union for assistance under the bloc’s Civil Protection Mechanism and $3.7 million was allocated “shelter, water and sanitation, and various health items” as well as support of search-and-rescue operations. Germany then announced aid valued at $28 million. There has even been a positive response from the bitterly anti-Assad Biden administration which has waived sanctions for 180 days on Syrian imports of medicine, food, tents and other supplies for quake victims.

Assad has agreed to the delivery of aid to Idlib via government-held territory.  If politics did not intervene this could be a simple matter as the airports at Latakia and Aleppo are close to Idlib. He also ordered the opening of two crossings into Syria from Turkey. However, HTS — which is also sanctioned by the US-barred deliveries to Idlib from government-controlled areas. An HTS source told Reuters last weekend, “We won’t allow the regime to take advantage of the situation to show they are helping.” It is not clear whether HTS chief Abu Mohammed al-Julani upholds this ban.  Perhaps he does not need to since two other channels from Turkey are set to open.

While the world has focused on quake devastation in southern Turkey and Idlib, some information is trickling out about deaths and destruction inflicted on Aleppo, Latakia, Tartous and Hama. An estimated 200,000 people have been rendered homeless. Al Mayadeen’s correspondents have reported that more than 50 buildings — in addition to those which collapsed — will have to be demolished in Aleppo where the local search and rescue mission has ended and the authorities are shifting to finding shelter, food, clothing and schooling for survivors. At least 4,000 homes have been damaged in Hama. Urgent aid for Syrian victims has been largely provided by Arab rather than Western governments which have rushed search and rescue teams, equipment and material aid to Turkey. As in every situation there are double standards and double talk.

Turkey has said the cost of post-quake reconstruction at $50 billion; a Turkish business group put that figure at $84 billion. Having secured some notice for the plight of Syrians, Assad has urged the US and Europe to lift sanctions on reconstruction of war devastation and quake damage.  The UN has estimated the cost of rebuilding war damage alone at $250 billion, a small proportion of this huge sum is to be covered by a reconstruction tax levied for years on Syrians living in government-held areas. Syria’s Western sanctioned allies, Russia and Iran, cannot contribute massively and the US and Europe have not only maintained but also tightened sanctions despite calls from humanitarian agencies and UN officials to revoke sanctions.

Following a visit to Syria last November, UN special human rights rapporteur Alena Douhan stated, “I am struck by the pervasiveness of the human rights and humanitarian impact of the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria and the total economic and financial isolation of a country whose people are struggling to rebuild a life with dignity, following the decade-long war.” She urged, “The immediate lifting of all unilateral sanctions that severely harm human rights and prevent any efforts for early recovery, rebuilding and reconstruction.”


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Featured image: A person walks through rubble and toppled buildings in the Afrin district of Aleppo, Syria. Photograph by Omer Alven / Anadolu Agency / Getty 

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There has been a flood of anecdotal reports on social media of thyroid dysfunction and new thyroid diseases following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, for both Pfizer and Moderna.

A new Japanese study by Morita et al., of 70 healthcare workers showed increased thyroid auto-antibodies following 2 Pfizer jabs as well as booster shot (click here).

These effects were long-lasting (> 32 weeks). The increase of thyroid auto-antibodies (TRAb) after 2 jabs and after booster jab can be seen in the graph below:

The authors conclude:

SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 (Pfizer) vaccine not only disrupted the steady state of Graves’ Disease, but also newly induced the disruption of thyroid autoimmunity. These findings support previous cases and series that showed the relapse or even new onset of Graves’ Disease potentially associated with the SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine.

Types of thyroid dysfunction post mRNA vaccination:

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can significantly worsen thyroid function (increase or decrease it). These effects are usually permanent, resulting in a need for medication for life. Symptoms usually appear in 10-15 days following mRNA vaccination.

Subacute thyroiditis – thyroid inflammation, mostly in women (click here). Seems to be the most common thyroid disease reported after mRNA vaccination, with symptoms developing on average 10 days after 1st or 2nd dose. Treated with NSAIDs or steroids (click here).

Graves Disease is the most commonly reported autoimmune thyroid disease post mRNA vaccination which can cause new onset Graves’ disease or a relapse of Graves’ Disease hyperthyroidism (click here), also about 10 to 15 days after 1st or 2nd jab.

Hashimoto’s Disease (decreased function) is also starting to show up (click here)

Thyroid storm – a severe case of thyroid inflammation requiring hospitalization has been reported in the literature (click here).

Thyroid cancer – these are most concerning stories of all. People develop strange lumps in the neck following mRNA vaccination and sometimes these turn out to be malignant.

My Take…

This is yet more evidence of immune system damage and dysfunction following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.

This new Japanese study of 70 healthcare workers shows an increase of thyroid auto-antibodies after every Pfizer mRNA dose. The authors suggest it may be due to “molecular mimicry of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines encoding proteins that may cross-react with thyroid antigens”, which results in auto-antibodies being produced against your thyroid gland.

Thyroid problems following mRNA vaccination seem to be increasing in frequency and anyone experiencing unusual symptoms in the first few weeks after mRNA vaccination, should have their thyroid function checked by their doctor.


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Featured image is from FiercePharma

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Eccentric billionaire Elon Musk promised to prevent Ukraine’s use of the Starlink network from escalating the conflict. The SpaceX, Twitter and Tesla owner initially supported Ukraine with the satellite internet constellation system, however, he finally limited support despite receiving a lot of criticism in the West.

“Starlink is the communication backbone of Ukraine, especially at the front lines, where almost all other Internet connectivity has been destroyed. But we will not enable escalation of conflict that may lead to WW3,” Musk wrote on Twitter on February 13.

Earlier, SpaceX announced that it had restricted Ukraine’s access to Starlink’s satellite communications to control drones as the network was “never intended to be weaponised.”

Musk likely believed that he would boost his and SpaceX’s image and reputation by providing services to Ukraine. In the West, it undoubtably did. However, the moment Musk realised that the Ukrainian military were using his technology to increase their combat capabilities, it was inevitable that Kiev would be cut off as it would negatively affect the company’s long-term business prospects, particularly when trying to expand into non-Western markets.

Now, the Twitter boss is facing an avalanche of criticism for limiting the use of Starlink in Ukraine, but from the point of view of his commercial interests, it is a pragmatic decision. In fact, it was the tweets by former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly that prompted Musk to comment once again on Starlink’s use in Ukraine.

Kelly on February 11 called on Musk to “restore the full functionality of your Starlink satellites.”

“Defense from a genocidal invasion is not an offensive capability. It’s survival,” tweeted Kelly, whose twin brother, Mark Kelly, is unsurprisingly a Democratic US senator from Arizona. A day later, Musk tweeted that “Starlink is the communication backbone of Ukraine,” before saying that SpaceX “will not enable escalation of conflict that may lead to WW3.”

“We have not exercised our right to turn them off,” Musk stressed in a separate tweet.

The Twitter exchange came after SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell said that the company has been “really pleased to be able to provide Ukraine connectivity and help them in their fight for freedom” but that Starlink “was never intended to be weaponized.”

“Ukrainians have leveraged it in ways that were unintentional and not part of any agreement, so we have to work on that at Starlink,” Shotwell said, speaking at a space conference in Washington on February 8.

Shotwell stressed that using Starlink as a communications system “for the military is fine, but our intent was never to have them use it for offensive purposes.” She made reference to reports about Ukraine using Starlink “on drones.”

“I’m not going to go into the details; there are things that we can do to limit their ability to do that … there are things that we can do and have done,” she added.

It was Elon Musk who put himself between a rock and a hard place by becoming involved in the Ukraine conflict. As said, it was likely an impulsive decision in the belief that it would boost SpaceX’s image, but then cold hard economic factors have forced a humiliating partial withdrawal from Ukraine.

Musk first responded to the appeal for aid made by Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov in early 2022 by dispatching 20,000 SpaceX Starlink terminals to the country. Due to Russia’s effectiveness in knocking out Ukraine’s telecommunications infrastructure with missile strikes, the country relied on SpaceX’s technology for uninterrupted and secure internet access.

“Over 100 cruise missiles attacked energy and communications infrastructure. But with Starlink we quickly restored the connection in critical areas. Starlink continues to be an essential part of critical infrastructure,” Fedorov tweeted on October 12.

Despite the endless praise, Musk expressed his reservation on January 31 about the Ukrainian military using Starlink to fly drones carrying anti-tank grenades over Russian positions. He emphasised that he would “not allow” the practice to continue.

“SpaceX Starlink has become the connectivity backbone of Ukraine all the way up to the front lines. However, we are not allowing Starlink to be used for long-range drone strikes. This is the damned if you don’t part,” he tweeted.

Mykailo Podolyak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, attempted to pressure Starlink in Kiev’s usual arrogant manner by issuing an ultimatum:

“Either they are on the side of Ukraine & the right to freedom, and don’t seek ways to do harm. Or they are on RF’s side & its ‘right’ to kill & seize territories. SpaceX (Starlink) and Mrs Shotwell should choose a specific option.”

However, Musk has made his position clear, tweeting on September 16: “Starlink is meant for peaceful use only.” This is also aligned with Starlink’s terms of service, which states: “Starlink is not designed or intended for use with or in offensive or defensive weaponry or other comparable end-uses.”

It is recalled that in October, Musk sparked controversy in the Western world when he tweeted his proposal to bring peace, which included territorial concessions to Russia and for Ukraine to be neutral.

“Redo elections of annexed regions under UN supervision. Russia leaves if that is will of the people,” Mr Musk said. “Crimea formally part of Russia, as it has been since 1783 (until Khrushchev’s mistake). Water supply to Crimea assured. Ukraine remains neutral. This is highly likely to be the outcome in the end – just a question of how many die before then. Also worth noting that a possible, albeit unlikely, outcome from this conflict is nuclear war.”

It is here that we first see Musk try to back out of the mistake he committed by involving his company in the war. By deciding to unnecessarily involve himself in a major geopolitical and military issue, he is now receiving criticism and condemnation from all across the Western World for restricting support to Ukraine, whilst having set in stone mistrust for any potential future clients from the non-Western world.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

In Syria, the West’s Humanitarian Claims Crumble to Dust

February 16th, 2023 by Jonathan Cook

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US President Joe Biden‘s administration relented last Thursday and finally lifted sanctions on Syria. The change of policy came after four days of relentless and shocking footage from the disaster zone in southern Turkey and northern Syria caused by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake.

It seems as if Washington felt it could no longer sustain its embargo when tens of thousands of bodies were being exhumed from the rubble and millions more were struggling with cold, hunger and injuries.

The US could not afford to look like the odd man out faced with a global wave of concern for the devastated populations of Syria and Turkey.

Under the new exemption, the Syrian government will be able to receive earthquake relief for six months before the embargo locks back in.

But no one should be fooled by this apparent change of heart.

In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, the State Department’s first reaction was to double down on its policy. Spokesman Ned Price dismissed the possibility of lifting sanctions, arguing it would be “counterproductive … to reach out to a government that has brutalised its people over the course of a dozen years now”.

The truth is that the sanctions regime imposed by the US and its allies in Europe, Canada and Australia was a criminal policy long before the earthquake struck. The brief and belated exemption – under international pressure – does not fundamentally alter that picture.

Western claims of humanitarian intervention in the oil-rich Middle East were always a lie. It just took an earthquake to make that crystal clear.

Collective punishment

Sanctions are a form of collective punishment on the wider population. The West has been punishing Syrians for living under a government they did not elect but one the US is determined to bring down at all costs.

The West’s embargo was imposed in parallel to a civil war, which rapidly transformed into a western proxy war, that ravaged most of the country. The US and its allies fuelled and inflamed the war, sponsoring rebel groups, including jihadists, that ultimately failed to oust the government of Bashar al-Assad.

Many of those extremist groups flooded in from neighbouring countries, where they had been sucked into the vacuum left in the wake of the West’s earlier “humanitarian” regime-overthrow operations.

To avoid the fighting, many millions of Syrians were forced to flee their homes, resulting in endemic poverty and malnutrition. Even as the fighting abated, Syria’s economy continued to sink – not only because of western sanctions, but because the US and others had seized Syria’s oil fields and its best agricultural lands.

This entirely man-made catastrophe preceded and compounded last week’s earthquake. Already destitute, hungry and isolated, Syrians now have to cope with further calamity.

Ghoulish policy

The supposed logic of the West’s decade-long policy to immiserate Syria, fashioned to a template Washington regularly rolls out against official enemies, was simple. Desperate Syrians would be incentivised to rise up against their leaders in the hope of better things.

But the project visibly failed – just as it has done so often before in official enemy states such as Cuba and Iran. Nonetheless, the programme of suffering continued to be enforced in the name of humanitarianism.

When Syria was hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake last week, Washington’s insistence that the sanctions remain in place shifted the policy from the simply inhumane to the positively ghoulish.

But rather than assume US benevolence for temporarily lifting sanctions, the focus should be on why they are there in the first place.

The logic of the West’s position was this: lifting sanctions requires recognising the Assad government, which in turn would be an admission of defeat in the battle to unseat him. Protecting the collective ego of Washington officials has taken precedence over the protracted torment of millions of Syrians.

That in itself gives the lie to any pretence that, in their fight to topple the Assad government, the US and Europe ever really cared about the Syrian people.

It also offers a revealing counterpoint to Ukraine’s treatment. Apparently, no price is to be spared to save the “European-looking” Ukrainians from Russia’s invasion, even if it risks a nuclear confrontation. But darker-skinned Syrians will be abandoned to their fate as soon as crumbling masonry is no longer on our TV screens.

When did this kind of racist discrimination qualify as humanitarianism?

No, it isn’t compassion motivating the West in arming Ukraine – any more than, earlier, it was compassion motivating the West in sponsoring a Syrian opposition that quickly came to be dominated by the very groups the West labelled as terrorists elsewhere.

Battle for supremacy

The West’s supposed humanitarian instincts can only really be understood by digging deeper. Much deeper.

Helping Ukrainians by arming them with tanks and jets, while depriving Syrians of bare essentials, aren’t positions quite as opposed as they first appear. The inconsistency doesn’t even qualify as a double standard, viewed from western capitals.

Both policies advance the same goal, and one that has nothing to do with the welfare of ordinary Ukrainians or Syrians. That goal is western supremacy. And more or less visible in the background in both cases is the very same official enemy the West wants to see decisively “weakened”: Russia.

The Syrian government has been one of the last in the Middle East to stand by Russia, including by giving the Russian navy access to the Mediterranean via the Syrian port at Tartus. That was one of the chief reasons why the West was so keen to see Assad’s government smashed, and why Moscow propped up Damascus militarily against western-backed rebels, frustrating those efforts.

Ukraine, meanwhile, was gradually being transformed into an unofficial forward base for Nato on Russia’s doorstep – a reason why Russia wished to see Kyiv cowed and why the US is so keen to prop it up militarily.

Punishing Syria isn’t an ethical foreign policy. It is rationalised by viewing the world and its peoples through one lens only: how they can serve the naked interests of western and, primarily, US power.

As ever, the West is playing its colonial Great Game – power intrigues to line up its geostrategic chess pieces in the most advantageous arrangement possible. And those interests include global military dominance and control over key financial resources like oil.

Supreme crime

As Syria struggles to deal with the earthquake, the first instinct of the US and its allies was not how to relieve the suffering of its people. It was to play a game of switch and bait. Damascus was blamed for failing to allow aid to reach some of the northern regions hardest hit by the earthquake. These include areas still in rebel hands.

Mark Lowcock, the former head of UN humanitarian affairs, complained: “It is going to require Turkish acquiescence to get aid into those areas. It is unlikely the Syrian government will do much to help.”

The first shipments arrived through a crossing from Turkey last Thursday. The Syrian government also approved the delivery of humanitarian aid to areas not under its control in the earthquake-hit northwest of the country. In response, a spokesman for the HTS militant group, which controls much of Idlib, told Reuters it wouldn’t allow aid in from government-held parts of Syria because “we won’t allow the regime to take advantage of the situation to show they are helping”.

But whatever the western narrative, the blame game over getting aid to northern Syria isn’t simply the result of bloody-mindedness from Damascus.

Today, the Assad government may have secured a majority of Syrian territory, but it is far from in control of the Syrian nation. The US has helped carve out a large, autonomous north-east corner for the Kurdish population, and other chunks of the north are in the hands of an alliance of extremist groups, dominated by al-Qaeda off-shoots, as well as the remnants of the Islamic State (IS) group and Turkish-backed fighters.

This fragmentation is proving a massive obstacle to the relief effort. By their nature, governments wish to assert sovereignty over their entire territory.

But the Assad government has additional cause for concern. There are severe dangers for it in letting the local al-Qaeda franchise and other rebel groups take any credit for dealing with the emergency. This isn’t just a public relations battle. If al-Qaeda is seen to bring succour to desperate communities in northern Syria, they stand to win hearts and minds among ordinary Syrians – and Arabs further afield.

Allowing al-Qaeda to be in charge of the relief operations is a recipe for Damascus to lose authority with large sections of the local population. That could serve as a prelude to reviving Syria’s civil war and plunge Syrians back into fighting and bloodshed.

‘Evil of the whole’

The point is not that no blame can be attached to Assad and his government. It is that, whatever western orthodoxy proclaims, meddling by outside powers to topple governments is never likely to lead to humanitarian outcomes. That is true even if a regime-overthrow operation can be achieved quickly – in contrast to the protracted impasse in Syria.

It was largely for that reason that the Nuremberg trials of Nazi leaders after the Second World War declared aggression against another nation’s sovereign territory as the “supreme international crime” and one that “contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole”.

Attacks on sovereign states lead to a loss of the glue that binds a populace together, however imperfectly, and produces its own, usually unpredictable, consequences.

The West’s 20-year occupation of Afghanistan created a crony state, where corrupt local officials siphoned off US funds meant for state-building and served as puppets for regional warlords. The violent chaos unleashed by Washington paved the way for the Taliban’s return.

The US and UK’s 2003 invasion of Iraq, and then the disbanding of the Iraqi police and army, did not realise any of Washington’s promises of “freedom and democracy”. Instead, it created a vacuum of authority that tore the country apart and led to Iran and extremist groups vying for power.

The West’s 2011 toppling of Muammar Gaddafi’s government resulted in Libya becoming a country of slave markets, as well as a sanctuary for extremists and a conduit for arms trafficking to other conflict zones, such as Syria.

Now we see in Syria the legacy once again of the West’s humanitarianism. Debilitated by years of a proxy war and a western sanctions regime, Damascus is far too fragile and fearful to risk ceding any of its residual powers to opponents.

Those who will suffer once again – this time from the earthquake – are not governments in Washington, Europe’s capitals or Damascus. It will be ordinary Syrians – the very people the West claims it wants to save.


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Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at

Featured image is from Islamic Relief Canada

Washington’s Incitement of Unrest in Xinjiang

February 16th, 2023 by Shane Quinn

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The region of Xinjiang, located in north-western China, has in recent decades assumed ever greater significance for China, a country whose influence continues expanding internationally. Xinjiang contains about 25% of China’s oil and natural gas, along with 38% of the nation’s coal reserves; while Xinjiang serves as an entry point to neighbouring Central Asia, a mineral-rich region itself where natural resources, from states like Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, are sent along pipelines through Xinjiang across the remainder of China. 

Xinjiang holds geological and climatic extremes. Summer and winter temperatures can entail differences of more than 100 degrees Celsius, from soaring heat to bitter cold. In late November 2022, a temperature of minus 48 degrees Celsius was recorded in northern Xinjiang, resulting in several deaths among workers. (1)

Due to Xinjiang’s mountain ranges, deserts and arid climate, in which most of its land receives a mere 6 inches of annual rainfall, the human population of Xinjiang has not exploded. Xinjiang is presently home to nearly 26 million inhabitants, out of a total population in China of 1.4 billion.

China’s principal rival on the global scene, the United States, has for years attempted to capitalise on separatist tendencies in Xinjiang, so as to suit its own ends. Washington has believed, by encouraging secessionism in regions like Xinjiang, that it could serve to dislodge the territory from Beijing’s control.

Were Xinjiang to become detached from China, it would be a severe blow to Chinese power. On top of its mineral wealth, there is also Xinjiang’s vastness at over 1.6 million square kilometres in size, making it slightly bigger than Iran. The strategic importance of Xinjiang has increased this century, as it is a fundamental part of China’s international-scale Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a series of infrastructural projects.

The possibility of Xinjiang’s separation from China remains a very slim one; but Washington has not given up on such efforts, disguised under the old pretexts of concern over “human rights and the rule of law in China, including in the ethnic minority regions of Tibet and Xinjiang” (2). Scarcely pointed out is that Xinjiang, like Tibet further south, has a generations-long attachment to China. In modern history, Xinjiang was incorporated to China in the mid-18th century, when the Qing dynasty of China defeated by military force the Mongol Dzungars.

A professor of Chinese history, Gardner Bovingdon wrote, “The Qing dynasty Emperor Qianlong conquered the region now known as Xinjiang in 1759, at great expense and after a long, bloody campaign. He did so not principally out of territorial ambition, but in order to rid the Qing empire of threatening Mongol neighbors”. (3)

Physical map of the Mongol states from the 14th to the 17th centuries

Mongol states from the 14th to the 17th centuries: the Northern Yuan dynasty, Four Oirat, Moghulistan and Kara Del (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Chinese had a deeply embedded fear of attack from Mongol armies. In the decades from 1759, Beijing’s control of Xinjiang was not fully secure, and there were competing claims to the region between the Qing dynasty and the Russian empire. Not until 1884 was the area officially bestowed with the title “Xinjiang”, which translates to “New Frontier”, as intended by the Qing government. It was also, in the 1880s, that easily the largest indigenous Muslim group in Xinjiang were first widely referred to as Uyghurs.

After a long period of internal instability, the Qing dynasty in 1912 utterly collapsed, an empire which had lasted for nearly 3 centuries. The Qing dynasty’s fall was mainly as a result of the predatory actions of the Western imperialist nations in China, during the 19th and early 20th centuries. From 1912, until the 1949 communist revolution led by Mao Zedong, Xinjiang went through a phase of de facto independence from China. (4)

Mao Zedong, who believed it was vital to regain control over the country’s historical territories, sought to properly reintegrate Xinjiang to China. Mao had not forgotten the policies of states such as America and England relating to China – when the Western powers exploited the Chinese nation financially, in effect breaking the country into pieces, maintaining China’s weakened condition for American and western European benefit.

By 1940 the Muslim population of Xinjiang had risen to around 3 million, whereas there were 190,000 Han Chinese living in the region that year (5). In order to “fill out the borders” of Xinjiang and help to secure it to China, Mao’s government promoted the migration to Xinjiang of Han Chinese, who currently consist of 1.3 billion out of China’s 1.4 billion population.

A 1953 census by the Chinese authorities in Xinjiang revealed there were 4.87 million people living there, 75% of whom were Uyghurs, with Han Chinese making up 6% of Xinjiang’s populace. Another census in 1964 showed that the Han Chinese population in Xinjiang had increased sharply to nearly 2.5 million, making up a third of the region’s 7.4 million inhabitants in 1964, as opposed to 4 million Uyghurs. (6)

By 1982, 40% of Xinjiang’s residents were Han Chinese with Muslim groups, chiefly the Uyghurs, making up almost all of the remaining 60% of the region’s populace. These later percentages have been stable through to today.

Image: Close to Karakoram Highway in Xinjiang. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 se)

Beijing has sought to develop Xinjiang, economically and industrially, while there have been notable improvements in the inhabitants’ living standards. In 1949, the average lifespan of a Xinjiang resident was 31 years; by 2008 life expectancy had more than doubled to 72 years. This development is not so surprising when considering that, by 2008, there were 93,600 hospital beds in Xinjiang for a population then of just over 20 million.

To break it down, in 2008 there were 36 hospital beds in Xinjiang for every 10,000 people (7). Whereas in the United Kingdom (UK), a much wealthier place than Xinjiang, there were 24 hospital beds for every 10,000 people in 2020. The impressive healthcare results in Xinjiang would not have been possible, without the extensive funding that Beijing has poured into the area through the decades. None of this receives a mention, when Beijing is accused by Western politicians of committing human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

Before the revolution over 70 years ago, there were a meagre 54 medical centres across Xinjiang; in 2001 there were more than 7,300 healthcare centres in the province, including 1,357 hospitals. By 2008, the number of hospitals in Xinjiang rose further to 1,629. (8)

Following the Chinese governments’ construction of large numbers of schools in Xinjiang, the literacy rate has grown rapidly to over 96% by 2021 (9). A study published with Global Media Journal in England outlined that “by the 2000’s the situation in the autonomous region [of Xinjiang] has changed. So the number of primary schools has increased to 6,220… the number of universities increased to 21, and the number of students was 110 thousand people… Also for the national minorities, special courses were opened. According to official data, the number of illiterates among the young and middle-aged people dropped to 2%”. (10)

Shortly after the revolution, in 1951 a group of Uyghur leaders in Xinjiang proposed the founding of a “Republic of Uyghurstan”, and which would be led by the Uyghurs outside of Beijing’s influence (11). The Chinese government, alarmed by this, convened a meeting to rebuke the notion, and to state that Xinjiang’s independence from China would not be tolerated.

If diplomatic efforts or persuasion failed, and if Mao Zedong felt there was a genuine threat to China and its territorial integrity, he was prepared to use military means to safeguard his goals. This was evident in the autumn of 1950, when Beijing sent tens of thousands of troops into Tibet in south-western China, in order to dismantle the Tibetan independent forces, and to hammer home the point that Tibet would be returned to China. Mao further chose military action to overcome the March 1959 Tibetan uprising, which had been encouraged by the US and India.

In the meantime Mao, the leader of China until 1976, continued with the reforms in Xinjiang. Bovingdon wrote, “The economic priorities of the Mao era brought considerable benefits to Xinjiang. Boons to the region included significant growth in gross domestic product (GDP), nascent industrialization, and infrastructural improvements… Moreover, the party placed an emphasis on hiring large numbers of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other non-Hans. To integrate Xinjiang more tightly with China proper, the government expanded the network of roads, rail, and airports. Economic growth also brought general, if modest, improvement in living standards”. (12)

Over the past 3 decades US governments, and the CIA, have been active in stoking unrest in Xinjiang (13). Prior to the 1990s, Xinjiang was quite simply out of reach for the CIA, because of the region’s direct proximity to the rest of China and the USSR. The latter’s fall in 1991 enabled the Americans to penetrate ex-Soviet republics like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, each of which has frontiers with Xinjiang; though US influence in the Central Asian states has decreased in recent years, as Russia steadily recovers its power this century. The CIA had been able to conduct covert operations in Tibet from the early 1950s; because Tibet shares borders with India and Nepal, US allies at the time.

Among Washington’s aims in Xinjiang is to open up the area’s fossil fuels for exploitation by Western energy corporations (14).

Image: Statue of Mao Zedong in Kashgar (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

The CIA, with the assistance of foreign insurgents, attempted to destabilise Xinjiang, promote separatism among the Uyghurs and create armed rebel groups to fight against the Chinese forces. This was all within the CIA’s remit of severing Xinjiang from China.

The East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), an Uyghur extremist organisation, was founded in the late 1980s and sponsored by the CIA (15). The ETIM has also had ties to Al Qaeda and received training and funding from its ally. Between 1990 and 2001, the ETIM committed over 200 terrorist attacks, which included the assassination of Chinese government officials, bomb attacks against market places and vehicles such as buses. In 2007 Chinese troops destroyed the ETIM training camps in Xinjiang.

Beijing’s Ministry of Security linked the ETIM to the World Uyghur Congress, which is based in Munich and previously presided over by Rebiya Kadeer. Of Uyghur ethnicity from northern Xinjiang, Kadeer is also a former president of the Uyghur American Association, created in 1998 and headquartered in Washington. Both the World Uyghur Congress and the Uyghur American Association have received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which is bankrolled primarily by the US Congress. The Chinese are well aware they are among the primary targets of those formulating policies in Washington. (16)

The World Uyghur Congress was established in April 2004 by Xinjiang-born Erkin Alptekin, a former adviser to the CIA. Alptekin, who resides in Munich, has worked closely with Kadeer. The latter lives in the state of Virginia in the US, and she has visited the White House where she spoke to then president George W. Bush in July 2008. Kadeer had already met Bush during a visit to the Czech Republic the year before. The meetings between Kadeer and Bush were condemned by the Chinese government. Kadeer may have had influence over the bloody uprising that occurred in July 2009 in Urumqi, the capital city of Xinjiang. (17)

The revolt in Urumqi was looked upon favourably by Uyghur independence groups in the US and Europe. According to Brazilian author Moniz Bandeira “there was no doubt that the riots were prepared outside of China by separatist Uyghurs, who wanted to stir animosity against the Han Chinese in the hopes of advancing a conspiracy for the secession of Xinjiang” (18). During this rebellion, up to 200 people were killed and many hundreds injured. The majority of those who lost their lives were Han Chinese. The revolt was a dismal failure with the Chinese authorities subduing it with ease.


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This article was originally published on Geopolitica.RU.

Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree. He is interested in writing primarily on foreign affairs, having been inspired by authors like Noam Chomsky.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


1 News directory 3, “Cold Wave of –48 degrees Celsius in Xinjiang, China… 7 workers frozen to death”, 2 December 2022

2 Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, The Second Cold War: Geopolitics and the Strategic Dimensions of the USA (Springer 1st edition, 23 June 2017) p. 72 

3 William A. Joseph, Politics in China (Oxford University Press; 2nd edition, 11 April 2014) p. 430 

4 Ibid., p. 433 

5 Ibid. 

6 Stanley Toops, “Demographics and Development in Xinjiang after 1949”, East-West Center, May 2004, p. 5 of 45 

7 D.V. Buyarov, A.A. Kireev, A.V. Druzyaka, “Demographic Situation in Xinjiang-Uigur Autonomous Area in the Last Quarter of the Twentieth Century”, Global Media Journal, 24 June 2016

8 Ibid. 

Statista, “Illiteracy rate in China in 2021, by region” 

10 Buyarov, Kireev, Druzyaka, Global Media Journal 

11 Politics in China, 2nd edition, p. 434 

12 Ibid., p. 437 

13 “An old enemy: The regressive tendencies of American foreign policy”, Georgetown Environmental Law Review, 4 January 2022

14 Ibid. 

15 Bandeira, The Second Cold War, p. 68 

16 Noam Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance (Penguin, 1 January 2004) p. 227 

17 Bandeira, The Second Cold War. p. 70 

18 Ibid., p. 71

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Last week, renowned investigative reporter Seymour Hersh published an article claiming that the US was responsible for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline transporting natural gas to Germany from Russia. He spoke to Jacobin about the allegations.

On September 26, 2022, the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany was largely destroyed by several explosions in the Baltic Sea. Last week, the award-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh published an article, based on information from a single anonymous source, arguing that the Biden administration and the CIA were responsible.

Hersh won the Pulitzer Prize in 1970 for the role he played in breaking the story of the Mỹ Lai massacre, an incident in which US soldiers killed between three and five hundred unarmed civilians. He spoke to Fabian Scheidler for Jacobin about the allegations he made in his most recent article and the influence that the CIA and the national security state has on American foreign policy.

FABIAN SCHEIDLERPlease start to lay out your findings in detail. What happened precisely according to your source, who was involved, and what were the motives behind it?

SEYMOUR HERSH: What I’ve done is simply explain the obvious. It was just a story that was begging to be told. In late September of 2022, eight bombs were supposed to go off; six went off under the water near the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea, in the area where it is rather shallow. They destroyed three of the four major pipelines in the Nord Stream 1 and 2.

Nord Stream 1 has been feeding gas fuel [to Germany] for many years at very low prices. And then both pipelines were blown up, and the question was why, and who did it. On February 7, 2022, in the buildup to the war in Ukraine, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, at a press conference at the White House with German chancellor Olaf Scholz, said that we can stop Nord Stream.

FABIAN SCHEIDLERThe exact wording from Joe Biden was “If Russia invades, there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2, we will bring an end to it.” And when a reporter asked how exactly he intended to do it, given that the project was within the control of Germany, Biden just said, “I promise we will be able to do it.”

SEYMOUR HERSHHis under secretary of state, Victoria Nuland, who was deeply involved in what they call the Maidan Revolution in 2014, used similar language a couple of weeks earlier.
FABIAN SCHEIDLER: You say that the decision to take out the pipeline was taken even earlier by President Biden. You lay out the story from the beginning, chronologically from December 2021, when the national security advisor Jake Sullivan convened, according to your piece, a meeting of the newly formed task force from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, the State and the Treasury departments. You write, “Sullivan intended for the group to come up with a plan for the destruction of the two Nord Stream pipelines.”

SEYMOUR HERSHThis group initially was convened in December to study the problem. They brought in the CIA and so on; they were meeting in a very secret office. Right next door to the White House, there’s an office building that’s called the Executive Office Building. It is connected underground through a tunnel. And at the top of it is a meeting place for a secret group, an outside group of advisors called the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board. I only reported that to let the people in the White House know that I do know something.The meeting was convened to study the problem: What are we going to do if Russia is going to war? This is three months before the war, before Christmas of 2022. It was a high-level group; it probably had a different name, I just called it the “interagency group” — I don’t know the formal name, if there was one. It was the CIA and the National Security Agency, which monitors and intercepts communications; the State Department and the Treasury Department, which supplies money; and probably a few other groups that were involved. The Joint Chiefs of Staff had representation as well.

The big task they had was to give recommendations about what to do about stopping Russia, measures that are either reversible, like more sanctions and economic pressure, or irreversible, kinetic things — exploding things, for example. I don’t want to talk specifically about any particular meeting because I have to protect my source. I don’t know how many people were at the meeting, do you understand what I mean?
FABIAN SCHEIDLERIn the article, you wrote that, in early 2022, the CIA working group reported back to Sullivan’s interagency group and they said, “We have a way to blow up the pipelines.”
SEYMOUR HERSHThey did have a way. There were people there who understood what we call in America “mine warfare.” In the United States Navy, there are groups that go into submarines — there’s also one command about nuclear engineering — and there is a mining command. Underground mining is very important, and we have skilled miners. Probably the most important place for training miners is in this little resort town called Panama City in the middle of nowhere in Florida.We train very good people there and we use them. Miners are very important. You get clogged entries into ports; they can blow up things in the way. If we don’t like a certain country’s underwater pipelines for oil, we can blow them up too. It’s not always good things they do but they’re very secretive. For the group at the White House, it was clear they could blow up the pipelines. There’s an explosive called C-4, which is incredibly powerful, devastating particularly with the amount they use. You can control and operate it remotely with underwater sonar devices. They send very low-frequency signals.
So it was possible, and they told the White House that, by early January, because two or three weeks later, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said we can do it. I think this was January 20. And then the president as well, with Olaf Scholz, said on February 7 that we could do it. Scholz said nothing specific; he was vague. But a question that I would ask Scholz, if I had a parliamentary hearing, is this: Did President Biden tell you about this? Did he tell you at that time why he was so confident he could blow it up? We didn’t have a plan yet, but we knew we had the capability to do it.
FABIAN SCHEIDLERWhat role did Norway play in the operation?
SEYMOUR HERSHWell, Norway is a great seaman nation, and they have underground energy. They’re also very anxious to increase the amount of natural gas they can sell to Western Europe and Germany. And they have done that, they’ve increased their export. So, for economic reasons, why not join with the United States? They also have a residual dislike of Russia.

FABIAN SCHEIDLERIn your article, you write that the Secret Service and the navy of Norway were involved, and you say that Sweden and Denmark were sort of briefed but not told everything.

SEYMOUR HERSHThe way it was put to me is: if you didn’t tell them, you didn’t need to tell them. In other words, you were doing what you were doing, and they knew what you were doing and they understood what was going on, but maybe nobody ever said yes. I worked on that issue very much with the people I was talking to. The bottom line is, to do this mission, the Norwegians had to find the right place. The divers that were being trained in Panama City could go to three hundred feet underwater without a heavy diving tank, only a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen and helium.The Norwegians found us a place off Bornholm island in the Baltic that was only 260-feet deep so they could operate. They would have to return slowly. There was a decompression chamber, and we used the Norwegian submarine hunter.
Only two divers were used for the four pipelines.One problem was how to deal with those people who monitor the Baltic Sea. It is very thoroughly monitored, and there’s a great deal of openly available information, so we took care of this; there were three or four different people for that. And what we then did is really simple.
Every summer for twenty-one years, our navy Sixth Fleet, which has control of the Mediterranean and also the Baltic Sea, has an exercise for NATO navies in the Baltic (BALTOPS). And we’d bring a navy carrier or large ships around. It was a very open thing. The Russians certainly knew about it. We did publicity. And in this one, for the first time in history, the Baltic Sea NATO operation had a new program. It was going to have an exercise in dropping mines and finding mines for ten or twelve days.
Several nations sent out mining teams, and one group would drop the mine and another mining group from their country would go hunt and blow it up. So you had a period where there are things blowing up, and in that time the Norwegians could recover deep-sea divers. The two pipelines run about a mile apart; they’re under the dirt a little but they’re not hard to get to, and they had practiced this. It didn’t take more than a few hours to plant the bombs.
FABIAN SCHEIDLERSo this was in June 2022?

SEYMOUR HERSHYes, they did it around ten days into June, at the end of the exercise, but at the last minute the White House got nervous. The president said he’s afraid of doing it. He changed his mind and gave them the order that he wanted the right to bomb anytime, to set the bombs off anytime remotely by us. You do it with just a regular sonar, actually a Raytheon build.

You fly over and drop a cylinder down. It sends a low-frequency signal — you can describe it as a flute sound tone, you can make different frequencies. But the worry was that one of the bombs, if left in the water too long, would not work, and two did not — they only got three of the four pipelines. So there was a panic inside the group to find the right means, and we actually had to go to other intelligence agencies that I didn’t write about.

FABIAN SCHEIDLERAnd so what happened then? They placed it, they found a way to control it remotely . . .
SEYMOUR HERSHJoe Biden decided not to blow them up. It was in early June, five months into the war, but then, in September, he decided to do it. I’ll tell you something. The operational people, the people who do kinetic things for the United States, they do what the president says, and they initially thought this was a useful weapon that he could use in negotiations. But at some point, once the Russians went in, and then when the operation was done, this became increasingly odious to the people who did it. These are well-trained people; they are in the highest level of secret intelligence agencies. They turned on the project. They thought this was an insane thing to do. And within a week, or three or four days after the bombing, after they did what they were ordered to, there was a lot of anger and hostility. This is obviously reflected in the fact that I’m learning so much about it.And I’ll tell you something else. The people in America and Europe who build pipelines know what happened. I’m telling you something important. The people who own companies that build pipelines know the story. I didn’t get the story from them but I learned quickly they know.
FABIAN SCHEIDLERLet’s go back to this situation in June last year. President Joe Biden decided not to do it directly and postponed it. So why did they do it then in September?
SEYMOUR HERSHThe secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, said a few days after the pipeline was blown up, at a news conference, that a major economic and almost military force was taken away from Vladimir Putin. He said this was a tremendous opportunity, as Russia could no longer weaponize the pipelines — meaning that it was not able to force Western Europe not to support the United States in the war. The fear was that Western Europe would not go along any longer in the war. I think that the reason they decided to do it then was that the war wasn’t going well for the West, and they were afraid with winter coming. The Nord Stream 2 has been sanctioned by Germany, and the United States was afraid that Germany would lift the sanctions because of a bad winter.
FABIAN SCHEIDLERAccording to you, what were the motives when you look behind the scenes? The US government was opposed to the pipeline for many reasons. Some say they were opposed to it because they wanted to weaken Russia, to weaken the ties between Russia and Western Europe, Germany especially. But maybe also to weaken the German economy, which, after all, is a competitor to the US economy. With the high gas prices, enterprises have started to move to the United States. So what’s your sense of the motives of the US government, if they blew up the pipeline?
SEYMOUR HERSHI don’t think they thought it through. I know this sounds strange. I don’t think that Blinken and some others in the administration are deep thinkers. There certainly are people in the American economy who like the idea of us being more competitive. We’re selling LNG, liquefied gas, at extremely big profits; we’re making a lot of money on it. I’m sure there were some people thinking, boy, this is going to be a long-time boost for the American economy.But in that White House, I think the obsession was always reelection, and they wanted to win the war, they wanted to get a victory, they want Ukraine to somehow magically win.There could be some people who think maybe it’ll be better for our economy if the German economy is weak, but that’s crazy thinking. I think, basically, that we’ve bitten deep into something that’s not going to work. The war is not going to turn out well for this government.

FABIAN SCHEIDLERHow do you think this war could end?

SEYMOUR HERSH: It doesn’t matter what I think. What I know is there’s no way this war is going to turn out the way we want, and I don’t know what we’re going to do as we go further down the line. It scares me if the president was willing to do this.And the people who did this mission believed that the president did realize what he was doing to the people of Germany, that he was punishing them for a war that wasn’t going well. And in the long run, this is going to be very detrimental not only to his reputation as the president but politically too. It’s going to be a stigma for America.So what you have is a White House that thought it may have a losing card: Germany and Western Europe may stop giving the arms we want and the German chancellor could turn the pipeline on — that was always a fear. I would be asking a lot of questions to Chancellor Scholz. I would ask him what he learned in February when he was with the president. The operation was a big secret, and the president wasn’t supposed to tell anybody about this capability. But he does talk. He says things that he doesn’t want to.Your story was reported in Western media with some restraint and criticism. Some attacked your reputation or said that you have only one anonymous source, and that’s not reliable.

SEYMOUR HERSHHow could I possibly talk about a source? I’ve written many stories based on unnamed sources. If I named somebody, they’d be fired, or, worse, jailed. The law is so strict. I’ve never had anybody exposed, and of course when I write I say, as I did in this article, it’s a source, period. And over the years, the stories I’ve written have always been accepted. I have used for this story the same caliber of skilled fact-checkers as had worked with me at the New Yorker magazine. Of course, there are many ways to verify obscure information told to me.And, you know, a personal attack on me doesn’t get to the point. The point is that Biden chose to keep Germany cold this winter. The president of the United States would rather see Germany cold [because of energy shortages] than Germany possibly not supportive in the Ukraine war, and that, to me, is going to be a devastating thing for this White House. For me, and I think also for the people on the mission, it was appalling.
FABIAN SCHEIDLERThe point is also that it can be perceived as an act of war not only against Russia but against Western allies, especially Germany.
SEYMOUR HERSHLet’s keep it simple. I can tell you that the people involved in the operation saw the president as choosing to keep Germany cold for his short-range political goals, and that horrified them. I’m talking about American people that are intensely loyal to the United States. In the CIA, it’s understood that, as I put it in my article, they work for the Crown, they don’t work for the Constitution.The one virtue of the CIA is that a president, who can’t get his agenda through Congress and nobody listens to him, can take a walk in the backyard of the Rose Garden of the White House with the CIA director and somebody can get hurt eight thousand miles away. That’s always been the selling point of the CIA, which I have problems with. But even that community is appalled that he chose to keep Europe cold in support of a war that he’s not going to win. And that, to me, is heinous.
FABIAN SCHEIDLERYou said in your article that the planning of the attack was not reported to Congress, as is necessary with other covert operations.
SEYMOUR HERSHIt also wasn’t reported to many places inside the military. There were other people in other institutions that should have known but were not informed. The operation was very secret.
FABIAN SCHEIDLERThere was some critique of your article by people who are engaged in evaluating open-source intelligence (OSINT) on ships and airplanes in the Baltic Sea region, saying that no Norwegian plane was detected directly at the spot of the explosions on September 26 or the days before.
SEYMOUR HERSHAny serious covert operation takes OSINT into account and works around it. As I said, there were people on the mission who took care of this issue.
FABIAN SCHEIDLERWhat role does courage play for you in your profession?

SEYMOUR HERSHWhat’s courageous about telling the truth? Our job isn’t to be afraid. And sometimes it gets ugly. There have been times in my life, when — you know, I don’t talk about it. Threats aren’t made to people like me; they’re made to children of people like me. There’s been awful stuff. But you don’t worry about it — you can’t. You have to just do what you do.


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Seymour Hersh is a Pulitzer Prize–winning American investigative journalist.

Fabian Scheidler is a Berlin-based journalist and the author of The End of the Megamachine: A Brief History of a Failing Civilization

Featured image is from The Cradle

Nord Stream Terror Attack: The Plot Thickens

February 16th, 2023 by Pepe Escobar

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Seymour Hersh’s bombshell report on how the United States government blew up the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea last September continues to generate rippling geopolitical waves all across the spectrum.

Except, of course, in the parallel bubble of U.S. mainstream media, which has totally ignored it, or in a few select cases, decided to shoot the messenger, dismissing Hersh as a “discredited” journalist, a “blogger”, and a “conspiracy theorist”.

I have offered an initial approach, focused on the plentiful merits of a seemingly thorough report, but also noting some serious inconsistencies.

Old school Moscow-based foreign correspondent John Helmer has gone even further; and what he uncovered may be as incandescent as Sy Hersh’s own narrative.

The heart of the matter in Hersh’s report concerns attribution of responsibility for a de facto industrial terror attack. Surprisingly, no CIA; that falls straight on the toxic planning trio of Sullivan, Blinken and Nuland – neoliberal-cons part of the “Biden” combo. And the final green light comes from the Ultimate Decider: the senile, teleprompt-reading President himself. The Norwegians feature as minor helpers.

That poses the first serious problem: nowhere in his narrative Hersh refers to MI6, the Poles (government, Navy), the Danes, and even the German government.

There’s a mention that on January 2022, “after some wobbling”, Chancellor Scholz “was now firmly on the American team”. Well, by now the plan had been under discussion, according to Hersh’s source, for at least a few months. That also means that Scholz remained “on the American team” all the way to the terror attack, on September 2022.

As for the Brits, the Poles and all NATO games being played off Bornhom Island more than a year before the attack, that had been extensively reported by Russian media – from Kommersant to RIA Novosti.

The Special Military Operation (SMO) was launched on February 24, almost a year ago. The Nord Stream 1 and 2 blow up happened on September 26. Hersh assures there were “more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to ‘sabotage the pipelines’”.

So that confirms that the terror attack planning preceded, by months, not only the SMO but, crucially, the letters sent by Moscow to Washington on December 2022, requesting a serious discussion on “indivisibility of security” involving NATO, Russia and the post-Soviet space. The request was met by a dismissive American non-response response.

While he was writing the story of a terror response to a serious geopolitical issue, it does raise eyebrows that a first-rate pro like Hersh does not even bother to examine the complex geopolitical background.

In a nutshell: the ultimate Mackinderian anathema for the U.S. ruling classes – and that’s bipartisan – is a Germany-Russia alliance, extended to China: that would mean the U.S. expelled from Eurasia, and that conditions everything any American government thinks and does in terms of NATO and Russia.

Hersh should also have noticed that the timing of the preparation to “sabotage the pipelines” completely blows apart the official United States government narrative, according to which this a collective West effort to help Ukraine against “unprovoked Russian aggression”.

That elusive source

The narrative leaves no doubt that Hersh’s source – if not the journalist himself – supports what is considered a lawful U.S. policy: to fight Russia’s “threat to Western dominance [in Europe].”

So what seems a U.S. Navy covert op, according to the narrative, may have been misguided not because of serious geopolitical reasons; but because the attack planning intentionally evaded U.S. law “requiring Congress to be informed”. That’s an extremely parochial interpretation of international relations. Or, to be blunt: that’s an apology of Exceptionalism.

And that brings us to what may be the Rosebud in this Orson Welles-worthy saga. Hersh refers to a “secure room on the top floor of the Old Executive Office Building …that was also the home of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board”.

This was supposedly the place where the terror attack planning was being discussed.

So welcome to PIAB: the President Intelligence Advisory Board. All members are appointed by the current POTUS, in this case Joe Biden. If we examine the list of current members of PIAB, we should, in theory, find Hersh’s source (see, for instance, “President Biden Announces Appointments to the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board and the National Science Board”; “President Biden Announces Key Appointments”; “President Biden Announces Key Appointments to Boards and Commissions”; “President Biden Announces Key Appointments to Boards and Commissions”; and “President Biden Announces Key Appointments to Boards and Commissions”.

Here are the members of PIAB appointed by Biden: Sandy Winnefeld; Gilman Louie; Janet Napolitano; Richard VermaEvan Bayh; Anne Finucane; Mark Angelson; Margaret HamburgKim Cobb; and Kneeland Youngblood.

Hersh’s source, according to his narrative, asserts, without a shadow of a doubt, that “Russian troops had been steadily and ominously building up on the borders of Ukraine” and that “alarm was growing in Washington”. It’s beggars belief that this supposedly well informed lot didn’t know about the massing of NATO-led Ukrainian troops across the line of contact, getting ready to launch a blitzkrieg against Donbass.

What everyone already knew by then – as the record shows even on YouTube – is that the combo behind “Biden” were dead set on terminating the Nord Streams by whatever means necessary. After the start of the SMO, the only thing missing was to find a mechanism for plausible deniability.

For all its meticulous reporting, the inescapable feeling remains that what Hersh’s narrative indicts is the Biden combo terror gambit, and never the overall U.S. plan to provoke Russia into a proxy war with NATO using Ukraine as cannon fodder.

Moreover, Hersh’s source may be eminently flawed. He – or she – said, according to Hersh, that Russia “failed to respond” to the pipeline terror attack because “maybe they want the capability to do the same things the U.S. did”.

In itself, this may prove that the source was not even a member of PIAB, and did not receive the classified PIAB report assessing Putin’s crucial speech of September 30, which identifies the “responsible” party. If that’s the case, the source is just connected (italics mine) to some PIAB member; was not invited to the months-long situation-room planning; and certainly is not aware of the finer details of this administration’s war in Ukraine.

Considering Sy Hersh’s stellar track record in investigative journalism, it would be quite refreshing for him to elucidate these inconsistencies. That would get rid of the fog of rumors depicting the report as a mere limited hangout.

Considering there are several “silos” of intel within the U.S. oligarchy, with their corresponding apparatuses, and Hersh has cultivated his contacts among nearly all of them for decades, there’s no question the allegedly privileged information on the Nord Stream saga came from a very precise address – with a very precise agenda.

So we should see who the story really indicts: certainly the Straussian neo-con/neoliberal-con combo behind “Biden”, and the wobbly President himself. As I pointed out in my initial analysis, the CIA gets away with flying colors.

And we should not forget that the Big Narrative is changing fast: the RAND report, the looming NATO humiliation in Ukraine, Balloon Hysteria, UFO psy op. The real “threat” is – who else – China. What’s left for all of us is to swim in a swamp crammed with derelict patsies, dodgy cover stories and intel debris. Knowing that those who really run the show never show their hand.


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Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok. 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Indian Punchline

Selected Articles: Crimea and the Final War

February 16th, 2023 by Global Research News

Crimea and the Final War

By Kurt Nimmo, February 15, 2023

In January, Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the Council on Foreign Relations, posted “The Case for Taking Crimea: Why Ukraine Can—and Should—Liberate the Province.” The article was re-posted by the “Center for Defense Strategies in Ukraine,” a post-coup government bureaucracy where former USG general Wesley Clark and Phil Jones, of the British Ministry of Defense, are board members.

Post COVID mRNA Vaccination: Immune System Dysfunction, Neuropathic Symptoms

By Dr. William Makis, February 15, 2023

Why does Eric Clapton’s story matter? He may have been injured by two doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, but this is not just an “AstraZeneca issue”.

New Israeli Regime Moves Toward “Cleansing” All Palestinians From Palestine

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 15, 2023

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s religious Zionist coalition, which was sworn in on December 29, 2022, declared in its manifesto that Jews have the “exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel.”

Celebrity Privilege and Modern Decadence

By Dr. Gary Null, February 15, 2023

Today’s award ceremonies are clearly representative of the decay in American consumer culture.  And over the years award ceremonies’ visuals have become more inane and grotesque. Therefore when award-winning journalist Celia Farber recently wrote that singer Sam Smith’s 2023 Grammy awards looked like a “satanic ritual,” I was compelled to watch the clip.

Man Is Good, But Irritated

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 15, 2023

When we look around in the world, we see that people are good, but psychologically irritated. No human being can solve his problems in marriage, with the children or in social life. We beat the children and wage murderous wars.

“Palestinians are being attacked by Israeli settlers, and weapons are replacing stones.” Interview with Dr. Stephen Sizer

By Dr. Stephen Sizer and Steven Sahiounie, February 15, 2023

The West Bank of Palestine is under military occupation of Israel, and there is no international ‘road map for peace’ being pursued. The Occupied Territories of Palestine are demanding their freedom, democracy, and human rights. Groups of resistance fighters are growing in momentum in the West Bank, especially Jenin.

Don’t Bow Down to a Dictatorial Government. America Is a Prison Disguised as Paradise

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, February 15, 2023

The government wants us to bow down to its dictates. It wants us to buy into the fantasy that we are living the dream, when in fact, we are trapped in an endless nightmare of servitude and oppression. Indeed, with every passing day, life in the American Police State increasingly resembles life in the dystopian television series The Prisoner.

EU Wants to Use Frozen Russian Funds to Pay for Ukraine’s Reconstruction

By Dave DeCamp, February 15, 2023

Sweden’s prime minister on Tuesday said the European Union is creating a group to look into using frozen Russian funds to pay for Ukraine’s reconstruction, a potential move with no precedent.

The Largest Environmental Disaster in US History? The Entire Ohio River Basin Is Affected, 30 Million People

By Alexandra Bruce, February 15, 2023

With all of the Chyna balloons and UFOs going around, unless you live in East Palestine, Ohio or if you consume a lot of independent news, you probably don’t know that the US is currently experiencing what may be the largest ecological disaster in its history.

Ukrainian Purges Deepen. State Structure Breaks Down. Ministries of Defense, Interior, Governors of Key Regions

By Karsten Riise, February 15, 2023

After the purge of Defense Minister Oleksii Rezhnikov, two Deputy Defense Ministers Ivan Rusnak and Oleh Hayduk will now be purged. Earlier, another Defense Deputy Vyacheslav Shapovalov was fired on 24 January 2023 and arrested on 2 February 2023. And a “helicopter crash” on 18 January 2023 removed Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky, Deputy Interior Minister Yevhen Yenin, State Secretary Yurii Lubkovych and 6 others in the helicopter including the pilot.

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Canada Must Act Against Israeli Settlement Expansion

February 16th, 2023 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is urging the Canadian government to take immediate action against Israel’s decision to authorize nine new illegal settlements and construct ten thousand new settler units in the occupied West Bank. On February 14, Canada’s foreign affairs minister Mélanie Joly issued a statement saying that Canada is “concerned” by Israel’s decision and that it “strongly opposes the expansion of settlements.” This followed similar statements from the United States and several European countries. However, CJPME believes that concrete action is necessary to stop Israel’s settlement plans, including sanctions against the Israeli officials who are responsible.

“As Israel openly plans to commit war crimes, Canada’s words of ‘concern’ are simply not enough,” said Michael Bueckert, Vice President of CJPME. “To stop Israel’s settlement expansion, Canada must ban all trade with Israel’s illegal settlements and sanction the war criminals in Israel’s far-right government,” added Bueckert.

CJPME notes that Israel’s far-right government has vowed not to listen to criticism over its settlement plans. In response to statements of concern from Canada, the US, and European countries, Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, leader of the extremist Jewish Power party, said that “nine settlements are nice but it’s still not enough, we want much more,” and asserted that “this is our mission, this is our doctrine.” At the end of last year, Israel’s governing coalition published a statement of principles which expressed blatantly supremacist views, claiming that “the Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel,” including the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT). The coalition has also promised to expand Jewish settlements in all areas under its control and is committed to advancing the “application of sovereignty” – a euphemism for annexation – over the occupied West Bank.

Since 1967, Israel has established at least 132 settlements on stolen Palestinian land according to the Israeli NGO Peace Now. Every settlement is illegal under international law, as the Fourth Geneva Convention strictly prohibits Israel as an occupying power from transferring its civilian population into occupied territory. These settlements are in direct violation of the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, therefore constituting a war crime. Meanwhile, Canada extends preferential benefits to illegal settler businesses under the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA), providing an economic incentive for ongoing illegal settlement activity. CJPME urges Canada to end its complicity by banning trade with Israel’s settlements and to impose targeted sanctions on Israeli officials responsible for settlement policy. CJPME has also been calling on the Canadian government to respond to the rise of Israel’s far-right government by boycotting diplomatic relations and expelling Israel’s ambassador.


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Featured image: A graffiti of Naji al-Ali’s Handala on the West Bank separation wall

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Why does Eric Clapton’s story matter? He may have been injured by two doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, but this is not just an “AstraZeneca issue”.

Click here to view the video

This is a spike protein issue – regardless of the platform that delivers the spike protein into your body (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, Novavax, Sputnik, Covishield).

Internationally renowned DJ, composer, songwriter Tyson Illingworth suffers Moderna vaccine injuries (click here).

“In October that same year (2021) I received my first vaccination (Moderna). Within days I started to feel severe and unbearable shooting pain and paralysis in my hands and feet

“Over time my condition worsened; I asked the doctors at the hospital if I would ever walk ‘properly’ again, and they would not give me an answer”

“Shortly after the second shot my injuries were further exacerbated and I was unable to move, my hands felt like they were on fire…I was rushed to hospital once again, and I thought my life was over”

I continue to suffer severe ongoing pain due to Neuropathy and neurological nerve damage due to the Moderna Spike Vax….neuropathy was not listed on any of my consent forms”

“In Australia doctors are investigated and disciplined if they confirm in writing that a COVID vaccine has caused a patient injury. I had 5 different doctors confirm that my condition was caused by the vaccine, and they all said they cannot go on record.

NIH Study (Safavi et al): Neuropathic symptoms with SARS-CoV-2 vaccination

23 patients were studied with new neuropathic symptoms within 1 month post vaccination (12 Pfizer, 9 Moderna, 1 J&J, 1 AstraZeneca). 21 were women (click here).

“All participants reported moderate to severe, distal predominant paresthesias and/or burning sensations in both their upper and lower limbs; 9 also had involvement of the face, mouth, and scalp.”

52% (12/23) of patients had objective evidence of small-fiber peripheral neuropathy”


2023: Pfizer mRNA vaccine causes small fiber neuropathy with auto-antibodies (click here):

Yet another case of immune system dysfunction and damage post Pfizer mRNA vaccination. This patient ended up with an autoimmune condition.

I am willing to bet that no one had these discussions as part of their “informed consent” before receiving COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.


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Featured image is a screenshot from the video

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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This article was translated from German, to consult the original version published by Junge Welt,

click Junge Welt.

The “Manifesto for Peace” presented on Friday by left-wing MP Sahra Wagenknecht and feminist Alice Schwarzer is meeting with steadily growing support. Around 400,000 people had signed the online petition by Tuesday. The petition calls on Chancellor Olaf Scholz to “stop the escalation of arms deliveries” in light of the threatening expansion of the Ukraine war into a possible nuclear or world war.

He said the chancellor should “take the lead at both the German and European level in a strong alliance for a cease-fire and peace negotiations.”

For Feb. 25 – one day after the anniversary of Russia’s attack on Ukraine – Wagenknecht and Schwarzer, along with retired Brigadier General Erich Vad, are calling for a large rally in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The right-wing conservative general, who was military advisor to former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, is also among the 79 initial signatories of the manifesto, some of whom are prominent. They include such diverse personalities as theologian Margot Käßmann, singer-songwriter Reinhard Mey, MEP and chairman of the satirical party Die PARTEI Martin Sonneborn, CSU politician Peter Gauweiler and former EU Commissioner Günter Verheugen.

The co-chairman of the AfD, Tino Chrupalla, who last week had presented a “peace initiative” of his parliamentary group, which was nationalistic in its core but similar in its demands, professed on Friday on Twitter to have also signed the petition. For Wagenknecht’s NATO-friendly opponents, both inside and outside her party, this was a welcome opportunity to smell a “cross-front”.

Motions to support the manifesto and the peace rally came from various currents and branches of the Left Party. In two motions to the Berlin state executive committee and the executive committee in Saxony, which have not yet been dealt with, extra-parliamentary activities of the peace movement have recently taken place “mostly without the support of our party”. The rally on February 25 offers

“the perhaps unique opportunity to achieve an important success for the peace movement in our country with a nationwide mobilization and a very high number of participants.”

According to Junge Welt, corresponding motions are to be introduced in other state associations.

At the meeting of the federal party executive committee on the weekend in Berlin, there were six motions on the agenda item “Stop the war in Ukraine”.

For example, the Federal Spokespersons’ Council of the Socialist Left had called for support for the initiative of Wagenknecht and Schwarzer. The federal speaker’s council of the Communist Platform (KPF) tabled a motion – without reference to the manifesto – according to which the party must reject sanctions against Russia as well as arms deliveries “in any direction”.

The Left Party should call on the German government to “take diplomatic steps that will help bring about renewed negotiations between the warring parties and, first of all, a cease-fire.” Ellen Brombacher, a member of the KPF national spokesperson council, justified the motion, saying that it was necessary to end the situation in which right-wing demagogues can make people believe that the AfD is the German peace party. “It can’t be that a Mr. Chrupalla dictates to us with a stroke of his pen how we relate to peace policy initiatives.”

The discussion of the motions took place in closed session on Sunday, Junge Weltlearned from the KPF. The three proposers who were not members of the party executive, including Brombacher, were therefore unable to participate. Since a motion of the party executive board, which had been voted on first, had found a majority, the other five motions – including two on the peace rally on February 25 – had not even been dealt with. The executive committee motion had not yet been published at the time of jW’s editorial deadline.


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Der Mensch ist gut, aber irritiert

February 15th, 2023 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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Verehrte Leser! Als Bürgerinnen und Bürger haben Sie ein Anrecht darauf, richtig aufgeklärt zu werden, psychologische Menschenkenntnis zu erwerben und die Wahrheit zu erfahren, auch wenn vieles zunächst unverständlich erscheint.

Der therapeutische Nachlass meines geschätzten Lehrers Friedrich Liebling veranlasst mich immer wieder, meine Stimme zu erheben und der Wahrheit die Ehre zu erweisen. Aufgrund seiner lebenslangen Suche nach Frieden und Humanismus ist dieser große Psychologe und Psychotherapeut auch unter die allseits bekannten Friedenskämpfer einzureihen (1).

Gemäß seiner Schülerin, der Schweizer Psychotherapeutin Gerda Fellay, wies Friedrich Liebling alle seine Mitarbeiter an, „den Humanismus zu erproben und den Beweis zu erbringen, dass die Menschheit sozial sei, gut und fähig, ohne Waffen und Kriege zusammenzuleben. (2) Dann fügte er hinzu: „Wenn ihr euch einig bleibt in der Forschung, werdet ihr ein Loch in die Welt schlagen.“ (3)

Sein psychologisches und psychotherapeutisches Vorgehen nannte Liebling „Denken lernen“, im Gegensatz zum Glauben. Hierzu schreibt Fellay in ihrem Buch über sein Leben und Werk:

„Glauben an Gott, glauben an die Wissenschaft, glauben an die Autoritäten, glauben an die Eltern usw. verhindere das Denken. Dieses Vorgehen Friedrich Lieblings, seine Schüler und Patienten „Denken zu lehren“, wurde innerhalb der „Lehre von der vernunftgemässen Denkweise“ in der therapeutischen Beziehung in den kleinen und großen Gruppen unterrichtet. Dieses Vorgehen basiert auf der grundlegenden Erkenntnis: ‚Der Mensch ist nicht krank, er ist nicht richtig aufgeklärt.‘

  • Die Menschen sind nicht ‚krank‘, man braucht sie nicht zu heilen, man soll sie aufklären.
  • Wenn der Mensch die Methode der vernunftgemäßen Denkweise kennt, ist er befähigt, mit anderen in Verbindung zu treten, sich mit ihnen verbunden zu fühlen, und damit wird er fähig, sein Leben in Freiheit zu gestalten.
  • Er wird sich seines irrigen Verhaltens bewusst werden, seiner Neurosen und ihrer Verwurzelung in den mystischen Vorstellungen seiner Erziehung. Damit wird er zu Veränderungen fähig.
  • Haltungen verändern sich nicht von einem Tag auf den andern.“ (4)


Wenn wir uns in der Welt umsehen, stellen wir fest, dass die Menschen zwar gut sind, jedoch psychisch irritiert. Kein Mensch kann seine Probleme in der Ehe, mit den Kindern oder im gesellschaftlichen Leben lösen. Wir schlagen die Kinder und führen mörderische Kriege.

Da die Menschen von allen Institutionen programmiert werden – angefangen von der Erziehung zuhause und in der Schule bis hinauf zur Rekrutenschule und das „Feld der Ehre“ – hat man es schwer, sie auf ihre Probleme aufmerksam zu machen und ihnen zu helfen.

Die Menschen werden so programmiert, dass sie dann alles machen, was die Machthaber von ihnen verlangen. So hat das deutsche Volk von ungefähr 100 Millionen Menschen – ein Volk der Dichter und Denker – Adolf Hitler zugejubelt und zugestimmt. Alle sind mit ihm mitgegangen – angefangen vom Papst, von der katholischen Kirche und den anderen Kirchen bis hin zu allen Gelehrten, den Philosophen und Psychologen und allen Arbeitern und Sozialisten. Sie wurden so gut programmiert, dass sie sich in den Tod führen ließen.

Deshalb ist es unsere Aufgabe, allen Menschen das psychologische Wissen über sich selbst und die Mitmenschen zu vermitteln, damit sie ihre persönlichen Probleme lösen können und beginnen, die Welt in eine friedliche Bahn zu lenken. Eine friedliche Welt kann nur durch die Änderung der Menschen und eine Änderung der gegenwärtigen sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse entstehen.

In diesem Sinne weise ich weiterhin auf die große Bedeutung der Aufklärung hin und versuche zu erklären, was unter der Psychologie zu verstehen ist. Da der Standpunkt der humanistischen Psychologie relativ neu und noch nicht gründlich erarbeitet ist, ist sie schwer vermittelbar und nicht im Interesse der Herrschenden.

Doch ohne Psychologie wird die Welt nicht weiterkommen!

Zur Bedeutung der Aufklärung

Da die Politik in den Köpfen und Herzen der Menschen vorbereitet wird, handeln die Menschen morgen so, wie sie heute denken. Deshalb kann die Bedeutung der Aufklärung nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden.

Der Sinn der aufklärerischen Bemühungen ist die Reinigung des menschlichen Bewusstseins von individuellen und kollektiven Vorurteilen. Die Beseitigung von Vorurteilen bedeutet mehr als ein bloßes intellektuelles Unterfangen. Der „aufgeklärte Verstand“ ist fähig, gesunde Lebensziele ins Auge zu fassen.

Die Zukunft unserer Kultur wird wesentlich davon abhängen, ob es genug „Aufklärer“ geben wird, die imstande sein werden, der Bevölkerung jene Vorurteile zu nehmen, die der ideologische Hintergrund der Menschheitskatastrophen sind. Intellektuelle haben dabei eine große Verantwortung, denn ihre Pflicht wäre es, für andere Menschen zu denken (Romain Rolland) und mit der Freiheit des Denkens die Freiheit überhaupt zu proklamieren.

In einer Zeit, in der die Bedrohung durch die Atombombe die Selbstvernichtung der Menschheit als möglich erscheinen lässt, bedürfen wir mehr denn je der „freien Geister“, die uns lehren, was Wahrheit und was Lüge ist.

Paul-Henri Thiry d‘Holbach schrieb bereits in seinem 1878 erschienenen Buch „Der gesunde Menschenverstand des Pfarrers Meslier. Kritische Gedanken über die Religion und ihre Auswirkung auf die kulturelle Entwicklung“ über den Ursprung der Vorurteile:

(Orthographie, Interpunktion und Satzstellung wie im Original)

„Das menschliche Gehirn ist besonders in der Kindheit wie weiches Wachs, das jede beliebige Eindrücke bereitwillig aufnimmt. Die Erziehung überliefert dem Menschen fast alle seine Meinungen, zu einer Zeit, in welcher er selbst noch keines Urtheils fähig ist. Man glaubt wahre und falsche Ideen von der Natur oder bei der Geburt eingefangen zu haben, welche doch in einem zarten Alter unseren Köpfen eingeprägt worden sind; und diese „Reservation“ ist eine der Hauptquellen unserer Irrthümer.

Das Vorurtheil bestärkt in uns die Meinungen Jener, die sich mit unserer Belehrung beschäftigt haben. Wir glauben, dass sie uns überlegen sind und halten sie von dem überzeugt, was sie uns lehren. Wir setzen das grösste Vertrauen in sie. In Folge der Sorge, die sie für uns hatten, als wir noch nicht im Stande waren, für uns selbst zu sorgen, halten wir sie für unfähig, uns betrügen zu wollen. Heute finden wir die Beweggründe, welche uns tausend gewichtige Irrthümer aufbürden, ohne einen andern Grund als den des schändlichen Wortes Jener, die uns erzogen haben; selbst das Verbot, über das nicht nachzudenken, was sie uns gesagt, vermindert unser Vertrauen nicht und trägt vielmehr oft noch bei unsere Achtung für sie zu erhöhen.

Die Lehrer des menschlichen Geschlechts sind so klug, ihre religiösen Prinzipien den Menschen einzupflanzen, ehe sie noch im Stande sind, das Wahre vom Falschen zu unterscheiden, oder die rechte Hand von der linken. Es würde eine ebenso schwere Aufgabe sein, dem Verstande eines Menschen von vierzig Jahren die verkehrten Begriffe, welche man uns über die Gottheit gibt, einzuprägen, als diese Begriffe einem Menschen zu entziehen, welche er in der Kindheit eingesogen hat.“ (5) 

Die Wissenschaft der Psychologie

Die Psychologie ist eine Wissenschaft über den Menschen, über die menschliche Natur: wie er wird, wie er heranwächst, wie er sich im Leben zurechtfindet. Seine Erfahrungen werden ihm vor allem von den Eltern und den Lehrern vermitteln. Es ist dann das Produkt seiner Erlebnisse und Eindrücke in der Kindheit.

Bereits in den ersten Lebensjahren – mit fünf bis sechs Jahren – hat das Kind einen Kompass. Wenn es in den Kindergarten kommt, weiß es bereits, wie es sich zu verhalten hat. Auch hat es eine Meinung über das andere Kind, den Vater, die Mutter und die Geschwister. Es hat bereits seine Charaktereigenschaften und kennt seine Stellung in der Welt.

Die wissenschaftliche Psychologie will dieses geistige und seelische Leben des Menschen erforschen: seine Gedanken, seine Gefühle und seine Erlebnisse. Wenn man die Gefühle und Reaktionsweisen des Menschen einmal erkannt und verstanden hat, wie er heranwächst, dann versteht man sich selbst, den anderen, die Gesellschaft und die ganze Welt.

Auch die Medizin ist erst vorangekommen, nachdem sie die Funktionen des Körpers untersucht und erkannt hatte. Zunächst durfte der Mensch den Menschen – seine Organe und sein ganzes Inneres – nicht kennen lernen, nicht studieren. Die Kirche war aus bestimmten Gründen dagegen, dass man den Menschen erforscht. Erst als man die Notwendigkeit erkannt hatte, sind Leichen gestohlen worden und die Mediziner sind darangegangen, den Menschen zu erforschen.

Wenn wir den Menschen verstehen lernen, dann verstehen wir auch das Problem des Krieges, weil wir die Handlungsweisen und Taten des Menschen einschätzen können und verstehen, was in ihm vorgeht. Wir finden dann eine Antwort auf die Frage: Sind es Menschen wie wir, die die Kriege auslösen oder sind es ganz andere Menschen?

Alle Fragen unseres Lebens, unserer Gedanken, unserer Gefühle, unserer Erlebnisse sind zu erklären, wenn wir den Menschen verstehen, seine Rektionsweisen und Gefühle kennen und wissen, wie er heranwächst, wie er die Welt sieht und was in ihm vorgeht. Wir besitzen dann eine andere Art des Denkens und Fühlens.

Lassen wir uns also darauf ein und gehen den Weg, psychologische Menschenkenntnis zu erwerben.

Teil II:

Kein Mensch ist. Er wird…!

Gesunder Menschenverstand versus magische Weltanschauung.

Krieg ist ein gutes Geschäft und die Glorifizierung der Gewalt.

Lesen Sie Teil II und III:

Eine friedliche Welt entsteht einzig und allein durch menschliche Entschlüsse

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 25, 2023

Der Mensch ist nur darum unglücklich, weil er die Natur verkennt

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 26, 2023

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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Schul-Rektor, Erziehungswissenschaftler (Dr. paed.) und Psychologe (Dipl.-Psych.). Nach seinen Universitätsstudien wurde er wissenschaftlicher Lehrer (Professor) in der Erwachsenenbildung: unter anderem Leiter eines freien Schul-Modell-Versuchs und Fortbildner bayerischer Beratungslehrkräfte und Schulpsychologen. Als Pensionär arbeitete er als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. Bei einer Öffentlichen Anhörung zur Jugendkriminalität im Europa-Parlament war er Berichterstatter für Deutschland. In seinen Büchern und Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Für seine Verdienste um Serbien bekam er 2021 von den Universitäten Belgrad und Novi Sad den Republik-Preis „Kapitän Misa Anastasijevic“ verliehen.


1. Fellay, Gerda (1977). Friedrich Liebling. Leben und Werk – eine Einführung. New York, Paris, Bern, S. 187

2. a. O., S. 55

3. a. O.

4. a. O., S. 51

5. D’Holbach, Paul-Henri Thiry (1976). Der gesunde Menschenverstand des Pfarrers Meslier. Kritische Gedanken über die Religion und ihre Auswirkung auf die kulturelle Entwicklung. Zürich, S. 19. Original 1878.

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Celebrity Privilege and Modern Decadence

February 15th, 2023 by Dr. Gary Null

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I usually try to avoid watching television award ceremonies and their regalia of visual spectacles sanctifying celebrities in the film and music industries.

Today’s award ceremonies are clearly representative of the decay in American consumer culture.  And over the years award ceremonies’ visuals have become more inane and grotesque. Therefore when award-winning journalist Celia Farber recently wrote that singer Sam Smith’s 2023 Grammy awards looked like a “satanic ritual,” I was compelled to watch the clip. Indeed, the hell-themed performance should have been deeply offensive to most Americans, certainly for the majority of Americans who continue to have religious sensibilities.

The only reason for watching award ceremonies is to be better educated about hypocrisy.

Last year’s Academy Awards had the highlight of Will Smith jumping on stage to slap Chris Rock, only later to receive a standing applause after receiving the Oscar for Best Actor. Yet there was no audience boos for his earlier non-acting performance to humiliate Rock. There was no policing or effort to escort Smith out of the theater for unprovoked physical assault.

Similarly, celebrity narcissism was exhibited at the 2009 MTV video awards when Kanye West jumped on stage to disrupt Taylor Swift‘s acceptance speech for the Best Female Video Award. Again, there were only crickets in the theater audience, no boos, no notable reaction. West would go on to become a multi-billionaire, and in the eyes of his fans and corporate partners he had no limits to inappropriate behavior.

It would seem there are no limits to some creative and artistic personalities’ freedom to act out as they please and comatose fans that fail to recognize they are simply human beings with all the same foibles as themselves.

What we are witnessing in the larger community is a behavioral cancer metastasizing through society. It now permeates sports, Wall Street, the business community and our body politic. Its mantra is that owning more is always better.

Whatever a person achieves in life is never enough. Those who reach the apex of personal achievement rarely use the freedom their success bestows to continue to develop themselves in areas of their lives where they are deficient — to become a more grounded, compassionate and humble human being. True authentic humility is rarely found in highly successful people. Instead living an extreme lifestyle of competing to be at the center of the spotlight is the acceptable norm.

Admittedly, there are the few who are not similarly afflicted. There are notable exceptions in the celebrity class who use their successes to help others but this is not newsworthy for the paparazzi’s headlines.

Yet there is nothing particularly new except for the fashion of the day in this cyclic trend. It was pervasive in Weimar Germany when Berlin was the capital of European decadence. Celebrity exceptionalism has been part of Hollywood’s DNA since the beginning. The entertainment world, which thrives on the creation of illusions, and often deranged hallucinations, perceive themselves as exceptional, wealthy and powerful, while their paying audiences are not.

The psychology of hedonic impulses and addictions are based upon how we engage with pleasure in our lives. At one end of the spectrum are the simple pleasures that bring satisfaction to our lives: a nice meal, a roof over our heads, friends and family. Some hedonic pleasures can be awe inspiring such as experiencing a vibrant sunset and appreciating its momentary beauty which overwhelms our senses.

But the all-pervading hedonic pleasures of postmodern America are the need to prove our relevance in the eyes of others, even after we have achieved a high degree of success. Competition among the rich and famous is more intense than the average social media addicted person who devotes an extraordinary amount of wasted time to increase their “likes” and emojis on TikTok and Facebook.

On the other hand, for the high achievers it is a crass Darwinian struggle for the preservation of fame as to whether a person will walk the red carpet or appear on the cover of Vogue and other imbecilic magazines. In the perverted Darwinian scheme of superficial plastic Western culture, once a person is possessed with the illusion they are uniquely different, gifted and talented beyond measure, the simple pleasures in life are no longer satisfying and sufficient.

Rather personal indulgence, often at the expense of others’ well-being is a permissive goal to pursue.

Decadent hedonic pleasures, boorish sexual appetites, drugs and the objectification of people as props to be exploited are part of the inner sanctum in every profession’s culture of a “deep elite”.

These smaller communities within the larger professions are the basilicas built with the bricks of greed and egoic ignorance upon which the Will Smiths, Kanye Wests and Jeffrey Epsteins of society believe they have earned the divine right to act and say as they please. They view their behavior as wholly acceptable by the clique of deep elite.

Will Smith would never attend a Carnegie Hall performance and rush to the stage to smack a ballerina or the lead violinist. He would not be in his zone; he would be outside Hollywood’s inner sanctum where his admirers would turn a blind eye. For Kanye West, his sense of being exalted to freely attack Jews led to his losing $2 billion in commercial endorsements and business deals. Despite stepping out of his comfort zone, he remained unapologetic. We witnessed this indecent behavior staged at the Grammy’s followed by the ecstatic cheers of support by an audience who hold membership to Hollywood’s inner sanctum. It was not simply decadent but repulsive and demeaning.

In a recent Bill Maher commentary he suggested that the reason why as a collective we do not care for the preservation of the environment and efforts to reduce our carbon footprint is because everyone would fly in a private jet if they could afford it. His conclusion is that we are fundamentally not good people and therefore nothing fundamental will change. We will continue en masse towards our own self-destruction because we are incapable of surrendering our egoic cravings that fuel bad habits. Yes, many people, especially those who regard themselves exceptional, are grossly selfish and deep down insecure because they live superficial lives that feed off of others admiration. However, there are far more people who do not need to find personal fulfillment and satisfaction in what they simply have or earned. They don’t engage in extreme exhibitionism in order to project themselves as relevant to the world. They simply live normal lives and find deep satisfaction and meaning by doing so.

For this reason, I don’t watch award shows, whether it is the Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globe or Grammys. They don’t represent the ideals of our civilization nor the original values it was owned upon.


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Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Grammy Awards trophy (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Man Is Good, But Irritated

February 15th, 2023 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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Dear readers! As citizens you have a right to be properly enlightened, to acquire psychological knowledge of human nature and to learn the truth, even if many things seem incomprehensible at first.

The therapeutic legacy of my esteemed teacher Friedrich Liebling always prompts me to raise my voice and pay homage to the truth. Because of his lifelong search for peace and humanism, this great psychologist and psychotherapist is also to be ranked among the universally known peace fighters (1).

According to his student, the Swiss psychotherapist Gerda Fellay, Friedrich Liebling instructed all his co-workers to “try out humanism and prove that humanity is social, good and able to live together without weapons and wars.” (2) Then he added: “If you remain united in research, you will punch a hole in the world.” (3)

Liebling called his psychological and psychotherapeutic approach “learning to think”, as opposed to believing. On this Fellay writes in her book on his life and work:

“Believing in God, believing in science, believing in authorities, believing in parents, etc., prevent thinking”. This approach of Friedrich Liebling to “teach his students and patients to think” was taught within the “teaching of reasoned thinking” in the therapeutic relationship in the small and large groups. This approach is based on the fundamental realisation: ‘People are not sick, they are not properly enlightened.’

– People are not ‘sick’, they do not need to be cured, they should be enlightened.

– When man knows the method of rational thinking, he is enabled to relate to others, to feel connected with them, and thus he becomes capable of shaping his life in freedom.

– He will become aware of his erroneous behaviour, his neuroses and their rootedness in the mystical ideas of his upbringing. With this he becomes capable of change.

– Attitudes do not change from one day to the next.” (4)


When we look around in the world, we see that people are good, but psychologically irritated. No human being can solve his problems in marriage, with the children or in social life. We beat the children and wage murderous wars.

Since people are programmed by all institutions – starting from education at home and school up to the recruit school and the “field of honour” – it is difficult to make them aware of their problems and help them.

People are programmed in such a way that they then do whatever those in power ask them to do. This is how the German people of about 100 million people – a people of poets and thinkers – cheered and agreed with Adolf Hitler. Everyone went along with him – starting with the Pope, the Catholic Church and the other churches, to all the scholars, the philosophers and psychologists and all the workers and socialists. They were so well programmed that they allowed themselves to be led to their deaths.

Therefore, it is our task to give all people the psychological knowledge about themselves and their fellow human beings so that they can solve their personal problems and begin to lead the world into a peaceful path. A peaceful world can only come about by changing people and changing the present social and economic conditions.

In this sense, I continue to point out the great importance of enlightenment and try to explain what is meant by psychology. Since the standpoint of humanistic psychology is relatively new and not yet thoroughly elaborated, it is difficult to communicate and not in the interest of the ruling class.

But without psychology, the world will not progress!

On the importance of enlightenment

Since politics is prepared in people’s minds and hearts, people will act tomorrow as they think today. Therefore, the importance of the Enlightenment cannot be overestimated.

The purpose of Enlightenment efforts is to purify human consciousness of individual and collective prejudices. The elimination of prejudice means more than a mere intellectual endeavour. The “enlightened mind” is capable of envisaging healthy life goals.

The future of our culture will largely depend on whether there will be enough “enlightened minds” capable of removing from the population those prejudices that are the ideological background of humanity’s catastrophes. Intellectuals have a great responsibility in this, because it would be their duty to think for other people (Romain Rolland) and to proclaim freedom in general with the freedom of thought.

At a time when the threat of the atomic bomb makes the self-destruction of humanity seem possible, we need more than ever the “free spirits” who teach us what is truth and what is a lie.

Paul-Henri Thiry d’Holbach already wrote in his 1878 book “The Common Sense of Father Meslier. Critical Thoughts on Religion and its Effect on Cultural Development” about the origin of prejudice (spelling, punctuation and sentence order as in the original):

“The human brain, especially in childhood, is like soft wax, readily absorbing any impression. Education hands down to man almost all his opinions, at a time when he himself is not yet capable of any judgement. We believe that we have caught true and false ideas from nature or at birth, which have been imprinted on our minds at a tender age; and this “reservation” is one of the main sources of our errors.

The prejudice reinforces in us the opinions of those who have occupied themselves with our instruction. We believe that they are superior to us and hold them convinced of what they teach us. We place the greatest confidence in them. As a result of the care they had for us when we were not yet able to care for ourselves, we consider them incapable of wanting to deceive us. Today we find the motives which burden us with a thousand weighty errors without any other reason than that of the shameful word of those who educated us; even the prohibition not to think about what they told us does not diminish our confidence, and rather often contributes to increasing our respect for them.

The teachers of the human race are so wise as to implant their religious principles in men before they are yet able to distinguish the true from the false, or the right hand from the left. It would be as difficult a task to impress upon the mind of a man of forty the perverse notions which are given us about the Deity, as to withdraw these notions from a man which he imbibed in childhood.” (5)

The science of psychology

Psychology is a science about man, about human nature: how he becomes, how he grows up, how he finds his way in life. His experiences are imparted to him above all by his parents and teachers. It is then the product of his experiences and impressions in childhood.

Already in the first years of life – at the age of five to six – the child has a compass. When it comes to kindergarten, it already knows how to behave. It also has an opinion about the other child, the father, the mother and the siblings. It already has its character traits and knows its position in the world.

Scientific psychology wants to explore this mental and spiritual life of the human being: his thoughts, his feelings and his experiences. Once you have recognised the human being’s feelings and ways of reacting and understood how he grows up, then you understand yourself, the other person, society and the whole world.

Medicine, too, only progressed after it had studied and recognised the functions of the body. At first, man was not allowed to get to know the human being – his organs and his whole interior – not to study him. The Church was against studying the human being for certain reasons. It was only when the necessity was recognised that corpses were stolen and doctors began to study the human being.

If we learn to understand man, then we also understand the problem of war, because we can assess man’s actions and deeds and understand what is going on inside him. We then find an answer to the question: Is it people like us who cause the wars or is it completely different people?

All the questions of our life, our thoughts, our feelings, our experiences can be explained if we understand the human being, know his ways of reaction and feelings and know how he grows up, how he sees the world and what is going on in him. We then have a different way of thinking and feeling.

So let’s get involved and go the way of acquiring psychological knowledge of human beings.

Part II:

No man is. He will be…!

Common sense versus magical worldview.

War is good business and the glorification of violence.

Read Part II and III:

A Peaceful World Is Created Solely Through Human Decisions

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 25, 2023

“System of Nature”: Man Is Only Unhappy Because He Misjudges Nature

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 26, 2023

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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a school rector, educationalist (Dr. paed.) and psychologist (Dipl.-Psych.). After his university studies, he became an academic teacher (professor) in adult education: among other things, he was the head of an independent school model experiment and a trainer of Bavarian counselling teachers and school psychologists. As a retiree, he worked as a psychotherapist in private practice. He was rapporteur for Germany at a public hearing on juvenile delinquency in the European Parliament. In his books and articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral education and an education for public spirit and peace. For his services to Serbia, he was awarded the Republic Prize “Captain Misa Anastasijevic” by the Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad in 2021.


(1) Fellay, Gerda (1977). Friedrich Liebling. Life and work – an introduction. New York, Paris, Bern, p. 187.

(2) op. cit., p. 55

(3) op. cit.

(4) op. cit., p. 51

(5) D’Holbach, Paul-Henri Thiry (1976). The common sense of the priest Meslier. Critical thoughts on religion and its impact on cultural development. Zurich, p. 19. Original 1878.

Featured image is from Public Discourse


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The current government of Israel is the most right-wing and extremist in the last 70 years.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, elected for a sixth term, had previous scoffed at the Jewish fanatical parties, but now finds himself allied with them to hold on to power, and stay out of jail for corruption.

The West Bank of Palestine is under military occupation of Israel, and there is no international ‘road map for peace’ being pursued. The Occupied Territories of Palestine are demanding their freedom, democracy, and human rights. Groups of resistance fighters are growing in momentum in the West Bank, especially Jenin.

Because of the American veto in the UN Security Council, Israel is never held accountable for their crimes against the Palestinian people who have been deprived of all human rights and civil rights, for 70 years.

In an effort to understand some of the issues today in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Dr. Stephen Sizer.

Dr. Stephen Sizer is the founder and director of Peacemaker Trust, a registered charity dedicated to peacemaking, especially where minorities are persecuted, where justice is denied, human rights are suppressed or reconciliation is needed.

Sizer is chair of the Convivencia Alliance, a cross-faith, international initiative for a just peace in the Middle East, and in particular, a just coexistence in Palestine/Israel based on equal rights in One Democratic State (ODS).


Steven Sahiounie (SS):  Recently, the Mayor of Barcelona, Spain suspended relations with Israel. The Spanish city had a twin-city pact with Tel Aviv, but the Mayor has called Israel an apartheid state, recalling the UN report. Do you think more cities, groups, or countries may follow this lead?

Stephen Sizer (SSizer):  I am sure other cities will follow as Israel becomes more and more explicitly an apartheid regime and as the momentum for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) grows. The challenge is to counter attempts by Israel to deflect criticism by associating BDS with antisemitism through the discredited IHRA working definition of antisemitism.

SS:  Jake Tapper of CNN interviewed Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and asked about whether Israel had any peace plans for the Palestinians. Netanyahu responded that he saw no reason to make any peace deal. In your opinion, when western citizens hear that response, do they care? And, should they care?

SSizer:  Israel has not made a single concession since 1967 because you cannot concede what is not yours. If I stole your property and then offered to give you back 80%; is that a concession? The Zionist agenda is to annex all the land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan. That has always been the plan.  Netanyahu does not need to negotiate with Palestinians. The Israeli government are given every incentive by the US administration and other sympathetic countries. Trade with Israel is more important that international law. Most people are still largely convinced that Israel is a democracy and therefore its security interests trump any negotiation of land for peace. Nine out of ten Zionists are Christians especially in the USA – Somewhere between 20 and 509 million at least. That is a powerful support base that ensures the US administration continues to back Israel unconditionally.

SS:  Netanyahu has said his two most important goals for his new administration are to build more settlements and to sign more Arab normalization agreements, referring specially to Saudi Arabia. In your opinion, do you think Arab countries should be doing business with Israel in light of the fact they have no plans for Palestinian rights?

SSizer:  No, Arab states should not, but then neither should Western governments. We have to lead by example. Most Arab states do not care about Palestinian rights any more than they do for their own citizens. They all want to trade with Israel. Saudi Arabia and Israel have a lot in common. Ethno-religious nationalism gives both a measure of security – as a Jewish State and a Muslim State. That is why Trump was so popular in Israel but not with American Jews because as a racist he believed the USA is a Christian nation and if Jewish people in America didn’t like that they should go and live in their state.

SS:  The Geneva Convention assures the right of resistance to military occupation, and even armed resistance, as long as civilians are protected. In your opinion, do you see the resistance movement in the West Bank gaining supporters from western citizens?

SSizer:  Very unlikely. In the West, we suffer from cognitive dissonance and Manichean dualism – there are good guys and bad guys. The Ukraine are Europeans seeking freedom from the Russian Bear – our long standing Communist enemy so we support them. Israelis are seen in a similar vein – especially since so many trace their roots to Europe and the USA. The Arabs on the other hand are not. So we tend to pick one side against the other in any conflict and colour, expediency, self-interest and economic incentive are much more significant factors than justice or human rights.

SS:  The second Intifada (uprising) ended in 2005, but the burning issue of lack of human rights, and property rights for 6.8 million Palestinians has been smoldering, and seems to be gaining momentum.  In your opinion, could we see the Third Intifada erupting?

SSizer:  Yes – like living on an earthquake fault line –  it’s just a question of when. Many would argue the third intifada has begun. It is escalating in the Palestinian ghettos as violent attacks by Israeli settlers are increasing and in response, weapons are replacing stones.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TruePublica

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Originally published on Global Asia in 2016.

This article presents the most detailed description of a constitution of information. I published it in the mainstream Global Asia in 2016 in an effort to go beyond complaining about the misuse of information and propose some real solutions. Since that time, I have increasingly come to feel we must simply pull back from the use of the internet and computers overall in order to save energy and preserve a healthy culture.


The world has been rocked in recent weeks by reports of rampant fake news stories circulating through social media that have the potential to completely disrupt the political process and undermine the international standards for transparency and accountability that we have come to take for granted. So serious has the problem become that Face – book has proposed a new system to identify doubt ful news reports and tag them for readers, as well as to limit the circulation of such stories. However, in the case of Facebook, the third party assigned to confirm the accuracy of reports is a fact-checking network established by Poynter, a nonprofit school for journalism in St. Petersburg, Florida, in collaboration with ABC News, Politifact, Fact Check, Snopes and the Associated Press.

But is Poynter’s “fact checking network” the best place for Facebook, or anyone else, to turn for a determination of what is accurate? After all, many of those media organizations have themselves been caught passing questionable stories in the build up to the Iraq War and other recent incidents. All this comes on top of the divisive dispute concerning the massive hacking of the emails of the Democratic National Committee in the United States by Wikileaks, an act which has been attributed to Russian intelligence as part of explicit Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Assuring that information in the media is accurate, or that email is secure, is no longer a personal issue.

False information, in increasingly realistic formats, can be profoundly disruptive to the international order. Moreover, the exponential evolution of technology suggests that these current crises are but part of a far more serious transformation of our society that we have yet to address directly. We will face devastating existential questions in the years ahead as human civilization enters a potentially catastrophic transformation driven not by the foibles of man, but rather by the exponential increase in our capability to gather, store, share, alter and fabricate information of every form, coupled with a sharp drop in the cost of doing so. Such basic issues as how we determine what is true and what is real, who controls institutions and organizations, and what has intellectual and spiritual significance for us will become increasingly problematic.

In the case of the US, the emerging challenge cannot be solved simply by updating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 to meet the demands of the present day;1 it will require a rethinking of our society and culture and new, unprecedented, institutions.

A change in human life itself

The International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that there were at least 4.4 zettabytes (4.4 trillion gigabytes) of digital data in 2013 and that the total will rise to an astounding 44 zettabytes by 2020.2 The explosion in the amount of information circulating in the world, and the increase in the ease with which that information can be obtained or altered, will change every aspect of our lives, from education and governance to friendship and kinship, to the very nature of human experience. We need a comprehensive response to the information revolution that not only proposes innovative ways to employ new technologies in a positive manner, but also addresses the serious, unprecedented challenges that they present for us. The ease with which information of every form can now be reproduced and altered is an epistemological, ontological and governmental challenge for us.

Let us concentrate on the issue of governance here. The manipulability of information is increasing in all aspects of life, but the constitutions — whether in the US or elsewhere — on which we base our laws and our government has little to say about information, and nothing to say about the transformative wave sweeping through society as a result. Moreover, we have trouble grasping the seriousness of the information crisis because it alters the very lens through which we perceive the world.

If we rely on the Internet to tell us how the world changes, for example, we are blind to how the Internet itself is evolving and how that evolution impacts human relations. For that matter, given that our very thought patterns are molded over time by the manner in which we receive information, we may come to see information that is presented online as more reliable than our direct perceptions of the physical world. The information revolution has the potential to dramatically change human awareness of the world and inhibit our ability to make decisions if we are surrounded with convincing data whose reliability we cannot confirm. These challenges call out for a direct and systematic response.

There are a range of piecemeal solutions to the crisis being undertaken around the world. The changes, however, are so fundamental that they call out for a systematic response. We need to hold an international constitutional convention through which we can draft a legally binding global “constitution of information” that will address the fundamental problems created by the information revolution and set down clear guidelines for how we can control the terrible cultural and institutional fluidity created by this information revolution.

The process of identifying the problems born of the massive shift in the nature of information, and suggesting workable solutions will be complex, but the issue calls out for an entirely new universe of administration and jurisprudence regarding the control, use and abuse of information. As the American writer and novelist James Baldwin once wrote, “Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

An information constitution

The changes cannot be dealt with through mere extensions of the US Constitution or the existing legal code, nor can it be left to intelligence agencies, communications companies, congressional committees or international organizations that were not designed to handle the convergence of issues related to increased computational power, but end up formulating information policy by default.

We must bravely set out to build a consensus in the US, and around the world, about the basic definition of information, how information should be controlled and maintained, and what the long-term implications of the shifting nature of information will be for humanity. We should then launch a constitutional convention and draft a document that sets forth a new set of laws and responsible agencies for assessing the accuracy of information and addressing its misuse.

Those who may object to such a constitution of information as a dangerous form of centralized authority likely to encourage further abuse are not fully aware of the difficulty of the problems we face. The abuse of information has already reached epic proportions, and we are just at the beginning of an exponential increase. There should be no misunderstanding: I am not suggesting a totalitarian Ministry of Truth that undermines a world of free exchange between individuals. Rather, I am proposing a system that will bring accountability, institutional order and transparency to the institutions and companies that already engage in the control, collection, and alteration of information.

Failure to establish a constitution of information will not assure preservation of an Arcadian utopia, but rather encourage the emergence of even greater fields of information collection and manipulation entirely beyond the purview of any institution. The result will be increasing manipulation of human society by dark and invisible forces for which no set of regulations has been established — that is already largely the case.

The constitution of information, in whatever form it may take, is the only way to start addressing the hidden forces in our society that tug at our institutional chains. Drafting a constitution is not merely a matter of putting pen to paper. The process requires the animation of that document in the form of living institutions with budgets and mandates. It is not my intention to spell out the full parameters of such a constitution of information and the institutions that it would support, because a constitution of information can only be successful if it engages living institutions and corporations in a complex and painful process of deal-making and compromises that, like the American Constitutional Convention of 1787, is guided at a higher level by certain idealistic principles.

The ultimate form of such a constitution cannot be predicted or determined in advance, and to present a version in advance here would be counterproductive. We can, however, identify some of the key challenges and the issues that would be involved in drafting such a constitution of information.

Threats posed by the Information Revolution

The ineluctable increase of computational power in recent years has simplified the transmission, modification, creation and destruction of massive amounts of information, rendering all information fluid, mutable and potentially unreliable. The rate at which information can be rapidly and effectively manipulated is enhanced by an exponential rise in the capacity of computers.

Following Moore’s Law, which suggests that the number of microprocessors that can be placed on a chip will double every 18 months, the capacity of computers continues to increase dramatically, whereas human institutions change only very slowly.3 That gap between technological change and the evolution of human civilization has reached an extreme, all the more dangerous because so many people have trouble grasping the nature of the challenge and blame the abuse of information on the dishonesty of individuals or groups rather than on the technological change itself.

The cost for surveillance of electronic communications, for keeping track of the whereabouts of people and for documenting every aspect of human and non-human interaction, is dropping so rapidly that what was the exclusive domain of supercomputers at the National Security Agency a decade ago is now entirely possible for developing countries, and will soon be in the hands of individuals.

In 10 years, when vastly increased computational power will mean that a modified laptop computer can track billions of people with considerable resolution, and that capability is combined with autonomous drones, we will need a new legal framework to respond in a systematic manner to the use and abuse of information at all levels of society.

If we start to plan the institutions that we will need, we can avoid the greatest threat: the invisible manipulation of information without accountability. As the cost of collecting information becomes inexpensive, it is becoming easier to collect and sort massive amounts of data about individuals and groups and to extract from that information relevant detail about their lives and activities.

Seemingly insignificant data taken from garbage, e-mails and photographs can now be easily combined and systematically analyzed to essentially give as much information about individuals as a government might obtain from wiretapping — although emerging technology makes the process easier to implement and harder to detect. Increasingly smaller devices can take photographs of people and places over time with great ease, and that data can be combined and sorted so as to obtain extremely accurate descriptions of the daily lives of individuals — who they are and what they do.

Such information can be combined with other information to provide complete profiles of people that go beyond what the individuals know about themselves. As cameras are combined with mini-drones in the years to come, the range of possible surveillance will increase dramatically. Global regulations will be an absolute must for the simple reason that it will be impossible to stop the gathering of this form of big data. In the not-too-distant future, it will be possible to fabricate cheaply not only texts and data, but all forms of photographs, recordings and videos with such a level of verisimilitude that fictional artifacts indistinguishable from their historically accurate counterparts will compete for our attention. Currently, existing processing power can be combined with intermediate user-level computer skills to effectively alter information, whether still-frame images using programs like Photoshop or videos using Final Cut Pro.

Digital information platforms for photographs and videos are extremely susceptible to alteration and the problem will get far worse. It will be possible for individuals to create convincing documentation, photos or videos, in which any event involving any individual is vividly portrayed in an authentic manner. It will be increasingly easy for any number of factions and interest groups to make up materials that document their perspectives, creating political and systemic chaos. Rules stipulating what is true, and what is not, will no longer be an option when we reach that point. Of course, the authority of an organization to make a call as to what information is true brings with it incredible risks of abuse. Nevertheless, although there will be great risk in enabling a group to make binding determinations concerning what is authentic (and there will clearly be a political element to truth as long as humans rule society), the danger posed by inaction is far worse.

What is reality?

When fabricated images and movies can no longer be distinguished from reality by the observer and computers can easily create new content, it will be possible to continue these fabrications over time, thereby creating convincing alternative realities with considerable mimetic depth. At that point, the ability to create convincing images and videos will merge with the next generation of virtual reality technologies to further confuse the issue of what is real. We will see the emergence of virtual worlds that appear at least as real as the one that we inhabit.

If some event becomes a consistent reality in those virtual worlds, it may be difficult, if not impossible, for people to comprehend that the event never actually “happened,” thereby opening the door for massive manipulation of politics and ultimately of history. Once we have complex virtual realities that present a physical landscape with almost as much depth as the real world, and the characters have elaborate histories and memories of events over decades and form populations of millions of anatomically distinct virtual people, the potential for confusion will be tremendous. It will no longer be clear what reality has authority, and many political and legal issues will be unsolvable.

But that is only half of the problem. These virtual worlds are already extending into social networks. An increasing number of people on Facebook are not actual people at all, but characters and avatars created by third parties. As computers grow more powerful, it will be possible to create thousands, then hundreds of thousands, of individuals on social networks who have complex personal histories and personalities.

These virtual people will be able to engage human partners in compelling conversations that pass the Turing Test — the inability of humans to distinguish answers to the same question given to them by machines and people. And, because these virtual people can write messages and Skype 24 hours a day, and customize their messages to what the individual finds interesting, they can be more attractive than human “friends” and have the potential to seriously distort our very concept of society and reality. There will be a concrete and practical need for a set of codes and laws to regulate such an environment.

The rise of fake truth

Over time, virtual reality may end up seeming much more real and convincing to people who are accustomed to it than actual reality. That issue is particularly relevant when it comes to the next generation, who will be exposed to virtual reality from infancy.

Yet, virtual reality is fundamentally different from the real world. For example, virtual reality is not subject to the same laws of causality. The relations between events can be altered with ease in virtual reality, and epistemological assumptions from the concrete world do not hold. Virtual reality can muddle such basic concepts as responsibility and guilt, or the relationship of self and society. It will be possible in the not-too-distant future to convince people of something using faulty or irrational logic whose only basis is in virtual reality. This fact has profound implications for every aspect of law and institutional functionality. And if falsehoods are continued in virtual reality — which seems to represent reality accurately — over time in a systematic way, interpretations of even common-sense assumptions about life and society will diverge, bringing everything into question.

As virtual reality expands its influence, we will have to make sure that certain principles are upheld even in virtual space, to assure that it does not create chaos in our very conception of the public sphere. That process, I hold, cannot be governed in the legal system that we have at present.

New institutions will have to be developed. The dangers of increasingly unverifiable information are perhaps a greater threat than even terrorism. While the idea of individuals or groups setting off “dirty bombs” is certainly frightening, imagine a world in which the polity can never be sure whether anything they see/read/hear is true or not. This threat is at least as significant as surveillance operations, but has received far less attention. The time has come for us to formulate the institutional foundation that will define and maintain firm parameters for the use, alteration and retention of information on a global scale.

You are being watched

We live in a money-based economy, but the information revolution is altering the nature of money itself right before our eyes. Money has gone from an analog system that was once restricted to the amount of gold a government possessed to a digital system in which the only limitation on the amount of money represented in computers is the tolerance for risk on the part of the players involved and the ability of national and international institutions to monitor the system.

In any case, the mechanisms are now in place to alter the amount of currency, or for that matter many other items such as commodities or stocks, without any effective global oversight. The value of money and the quantity in circulation can be altered with increasing ease, and current safeguards are clearly insufficient. The problem willgrow worse as computational power, and the number of players who can engage in complex manipulations of money, increases.

Then there is the explosion in the field of drones and robots, devices of increasingly small size that can conduct detailed surveillance and that increasingly are capable of military action and other forms of interference in human society. The US had no armed drones and no robots when it entered Afghanistan, but it has now more than 8,000 drones in the air and more than 12,000 robots on the ground.

The number of drones and robots will continue to increase rapidly and they are increasingly being used in the US and around the world without regard for borders. As the technology becomes cheaper, we will see more tiny drones and robots that can operate outside of any legal framework. They will be used to collect information, but they can also be hacked and serve as portals for the distortion and manipulation of information at every level.

Moreover, drones and robots have the potential to carry out acts of destruction and other criminal activities whose source can be hidden because of ambiguities over control and agency. For this reason, the rapidly emerging world of drones and robots deserves to be treated at great length within the constitution of information.

Drafting the Constitution of Information

The constitution of information could become an internationally recognized, legally binding document that lays down rules for maintaining the accuracy of information and protecting it from abuse. It could also set down the parameters for institutions charged with maintaining long-term records of accurate information against which other data can be checked, thereby serving as the equivalent of an atomic clock for exact reference in an age of considerable confusion.

The ability to certify the integrity of information is an issue that is of an order of magnitude more serious than the intellectual property issues on which most international lawyers focus today, and deserves to be identified as a field entirely in itself — with a constitution of its own that serves as the basis for all future debate and argument.

This challenge of drafting a constitution of information requires a new approach and a bottom-up design in order to sufficiently address the gamut of complex, interconnected issues found in transnational spaces like that in which digital information exists. The governance systems for information are simply not sufficient, and overhauling them to meet the standards necessary would be much more work and much less effective than designing and implementing an entirely new, functional system, which the constitution of information represents. Moreover, the rate of technological change will require a system that can be updated and made relevant while at the same time safeguarding against it being captured by vested interests or made irrelevant. A possible model for the constitution of information can be found in the “Freedom of Information” section of the new Icelandic constitution drafted in 2011.

The Constitutional Council engaged in a broad debate with citizens and organizations throughout the country about the content of the new constitution, which described in detail mechanisms required for government transparency and public accessibility that are far more aligned with the demands of today than other similar documents.5 It would be meaningless, however, to merely put forth a model, international constitution of information without the process of drafting it because without the buy-in of institutions and individuals in its formulation, the constitution would not have the authority necessary for it to be accepted and to function. The process of debate and compromise that would determine the contours of that constitution would endow it with social and political significance, and, like the US Constitution of 1787, it would become the core for governance.

For that matter, the degree to which the content of the constitution of information would be legally enforceable would have to be part of the discussion held at the convention.

Constitutional convention

To respond to this global challenge, we should call a constitutional convention in which a series of basic principles and enforceable regulations would be put forward that are agreed upon by major institutions responsible for policy — including national governments and supranational organizations and multinational corporations, research institutions, intelligence agencies, NGOs, and a variety of representatives from other organizations.

Deciding who to invite and how will be difficult, but it should not be a stumbling block. The US Constitution has proven quite effective over the last few centuries even though it was drafted by a group that was not representative of the population of North America at the time.

Although democratic process is essential to good government, there are moments in history in which we confront deeper ontological and epistemological questions that cannot be addressed by elections or referendums and require a select group of individuals like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. At the same time, the constitutional convention cannot be merely a gathering of wise individuals, but will have to involve those directly engaged in the information economy and information policy.

That process of drafting a constitution will involve the definition of key concepts, the establishment of the legal and social limits of the constitution’s authority, the formulation of a system for evaluating the use and misuse of information and policy suggestions that respond to abuses of information on a global scale. The text of this constitution of information should be carefully drafted with a literary sense of language so that it will outlive the specifics of the moment and with a clear historic vision and unmistakable idealism that will inspire future generations, just as the US Constitution continues to inspire Americans.

This constitution cannot be a flat bureaucratic rehashing of existing policies on privacy and security. We must be aware of the dangers involved in trying to determine what is and is not reliable information as we draft the constitution of information. It is essential to set up a workable system for assuring the integrity of information, but multiple safeguards, and checks and balances will be necessary. There should be no assumptions as to what the constitution of information would ultimately be, but only the requirement that it should be binding and that the process of drafting it should be cautious but honest.

Private versus public

Following David Brin’s argument in his book The Transparent Society, 6 one essential assumption should be that privacy will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to protect in the current environment. We must accept, paradoxically, that much information must be made “public” in some sense in order to preserve its integrity and its privacy. That is to say that the process of rigorously protecting privacy is not sufficient, granted the overwhelming changes that will take place in the years to come.

Brin draws heavily on Steve Mann’s concept of sousveillance, a process through which ordinary people could observe the actions of the rich and powerful so as to counter the power of the state or the corporation to observe the individual.The basic assumption behind sousveillance is that there is no means of arresting the development of technologies for surveillance and that those with wealth and power will be able to deploy such technologies more effectively than ordinary citizens. Therefore, the only possible response to increased surveillance is to create a system of mutual monitoring to assure symmetry, if not privacy.

Although the constitution of information does not assume that a system that allows the ordinary citizen to monitor the actions of those in power is necessary, the importance of creating information systems that monitor all information in a 360-degree manner should be seriously considered as part of a constitution of information. The one motive for a constitution of information is to undo the destructive process of designating information as classified and blocking off reciprocity and accountability on a massive scale.

We must assure that multiple parties are involved in that process of controlling information so as to assure its accuracy and limit its abuse. In order to achieve the goal of assuring accuracy, transparency and accountability on a global scale, but avoiding massive institutional abuse of the power over information that is granted, we must create a system for monitoring information with a balance of powers at the center. Brin suggests a rather primitive system in which the ruled balance out the power of rulers through an equivalent system for observing and monitoring that works from below. I am skeptical that such a system will work unless we create large and powerful institutions within government (or the private sector) itself that have a functional need to check the power of other institutions.

Perhaps it is possible to establish a complex balance of powers wherein information is monitored and abuses can be controlled, or punished, according to a meticulous, painfully negotiated agreement between stakeholders. It could be that ultimately information would be governed by three branches of government, something like the legislative, executive and judicial systems that has served well for many constitution-based governments.

Accuracy assurance

The need to assure accuracy may ultimately be more essential than the need to protect privacy. The general acceptance of inaccurate descriptions of a state of affairs, or of individuals, is profoundly damaging and cannot be easily rectified. For this reason, I suggest as part of the three branches of government, that a “three keys” system for the management of information be adopted. That is to say that sensitive information will be accessible — otherwise we cannot assure that information will be accurate — but that information can only be accessed when three keys representing the three branches of government are presented.

That process would assure that accountability can be maintained, because three institutions whose interests are not necessarily aligned must be present to access that information. Systems for the gathering, analysis and control of information on a massive scale have already reached a high level of sophistication. What is sadly lacking is a larger vision of how information should be treated for the sake of our society.

Most responses to the information revolution have been extremely myopic, dwelling on the abuse of information by corporations or intelligence agencies without considering the structural and technological background of those abuses. To merely attribute the misuse of information to a lack of human virtue is to miss the profound shifts sweeping through society today.

The constitution of information will be fundamentally different than most constitutions in that it must contain both rigidity, in terms of holding all parties to the same standards, and also considerable flexibility, in that it can readily adapt to new situations resulting from rapid technological change. The rate at which information can be stored and manipulated will continue to increase and new horizons and issues will emerge, perhaps more quickly than expected. For this reason, the constitution of information cannot be overly static and must derive much of its power from its vision.

The representative system

We can imagine a legislative body to represent all the elements of the information community engaged in the regulation of the traffic and the quality of information as well as individuals and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It would be a mistake to assume that the organizations represented in that “legislature” would necessarily be nation states according to the United Nations formulation of global governance.

The limits of the nation state concept with regards to information policy are increasingly obvious, and this constitutional convention could serve as an opportunity to address the massive institutional changes that have taken place over the past 50 years. It would be more meaningful, in my opinion, to make the members companies, organizations, networks, local governments — a broad range of organizations that make the actual decisions concerning the creation, distribution and reception of information.

That part of the information security system would only be “legislative” in a conceptual sense. It would not necessarily have meetings or be composed of elected or appointed representatives. In fact, if we consider the fact that the actual physical meetings of government legislatures around the world are mostly rituals, we can sense that the whole concept of the legislative process requires much modification. The executive branch of the new information accuracy system would be charged with administering the policies based on the legislative branch’s policies. It would implement rules concerning information to preserve its integrity and prevent its misuse.

The details of how information policy is carried out would be determined at the constitutional convention. The executive would be checked not only by the legislative branch but also by a judicial branch. The judicial branch would be responsible for formulating interpretations of the constitution with regards to an ever-changing environment for information, and for assessing the appropriateness of actions taken by the executive and legislative branches.

The terms “executive,” “legislative” and “judicial” are meant more as placeholders in this initial discussion, not actual concrete descriptions of the institutions to be established. The functioning of these units would be profoundly different from branches of current local and national governments, or even international organizations like the United Nations. If anything, the constitution of information will be a step forward towards a new approach to governance in general.

Vision needed

It would be irresponsible and rash to draft an “off the shelf” constitution of information that could be readily applied around the world to respond to the complex situation of information today. Although I accept that initial proposals for a constitution of information may be dismissed as irrelevant and wrong-headed, I assert that as we enter an unprecedented age of information and most of the assumptions that undergirded our previous governance systems based on physical geography and discrete domestic economies will be overturned, there will be a critical demand for new systems to address this crisis.

This initial foray can help to formulate the problems to be addressed and the format in which to do so in advance.

In order to effectively govern a new space that exists outside of our current governance systems (or in the interstices between systems), we must make new rules that can effectively govern that space and work to defend transparency and accuracy in the perfect storm born of the circulation and alteration of information. If information exists in a transnational or global space and affects people at that scale, then the governing institutions responsible for its regulation need to be transnational or global. If unprecedented changes are required, then so be it.

If all records for hundreds of years exist online, then it will be entirely possible, as suggested in Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel The Handmaid’s Tale, to alter all information in a single moment if there is not a constitution of information. But the solution must involve designing the institutions that will be used to govern information, thus bringing an inspiring vision to what we are doing. We must give a philosophical foundation for the regulation of information and open up new horizons for human society while appealing to our better angels.

Oddly, many assume that the world of policy must consist of turgid and mind-numbing documents in the specialized terminology of economists. But history also has moments such as the drafting of the US Constitution during which a small group of visionary individuals managed create an inspiring new vision of what is possible. That is what we need today with regard to information. To propose such an approach is not a misguided modern version of Neo-Platonism, but a chance to seize the initiative and put forth a vision in the face of ineluctable change, rather than just a response.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics

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Crimea and the Final War

February 15th, 2023 by Kurt Nimmo

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In January, Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the Council on Foreign Relations, posted “The Case for Taking Crimea: Why Ukraine Can—and Should—Liberate the Province.”

The article was re-posted by the “Center for Defense Strategies in Ukraine,” a post-coup government bureaucracy where former USG general Wesley Clark and Phil Jones, of the British Ministry of Defense, are board members.

The gist of the post centers on revisionist history and the claim Crimea is and always has been part of Ukraine. Thus, according to CFR globalists, it will be entirely legitimate for post-Maidan coup neo-nazis and demented worshippers of the ethnic cleanser Stepan Bandera to kill Crimeans, the majority being ethnic Russian.

The CFR didn’t put it that way, of course.

“Western states are united in their belief that the 2014 annexation of Crimea was, and is, unacceptable. But the United States and its partners have been squeamish about endorsing any plans that would return Crimea to Ukraine,” writes Andriy Zagorodnyuk, Chairman of the Center for Defense Strategies.

For the global elite, preventing the torture, rape, and murder of ethnic Russian is “unacceptable.” However, the wish of Crimeans to secede from book- and people burning neo-nazis, on the other hand, is not acceptable.

Zagorodnyuk, a former minister of “defense,” is a “distinguished fellow” at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center.

The Atlantic Council is a NATO influence-peddling “think tank” on the USG State Department payroll.

It also receives money from the US Mission to NATO, “Her [now His] Majesty’s Government,” the Pentagon, the Open Society Foundation, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Palantir, death merchants (Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman), banksters (JP Morgan, Bank of America, BlackRock), and the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Atlantic Council and its supporters promote a return to Cold War brinkmanship and manufactured hostility toward competitors.

“Washington and its allies should develop a defense strategy capable of deterring and, if necessary, defeating Russia and China at the same time,” is one of the more irrational and eminently dangerous quotes coming out of this billionaire’s war council, according to a February 2022 Foreign Policy article.

The CFR article is replete with lies. For instance, Crimea is not Russia. This omits the fact more than 60 percent of Crimeans are ethnic Russians.

The CFR war propagandists insist Crimea has always been part of Ukraine. In fact, Crimea has experienced over its long history invading nomads, including the Tauri, Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Crimean Goths, Alans, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Kipchaks, and Mongols. The Kievan Rus’, the cultural ancestor of ethnic Russians, exercised control over Crimea beginning in the tenth century.

An honest evaluation of history makes clear that Crimea should be part of Ukraine, not Russia. It is legally recognized and accepted as Ukrainian territory by the entire world — including, until 2014, by Russia. Crimea has been governed by Kyiv for 60 of the past 70 years, and so most of its residents know it first and foremost as a Ukrainian peninsula.

The above appraisal is predictable. The CFR and the Atlantic Council are all about the primacy of a world-order state and the maintenance of rule by installed client regimes. The desire of the Crimeans is not important. Weakening Russia is the paramount objective, no matter how many innocents must suffer horrible deaths.

Left out of the equation is the indisputable fact ethnic Russians, the majority in Crimea, fear Banderist nazis installed by the USG in 2014. The ultranationalists have demonstrated both in word and deed their hatred for everything Russian. There is ample evidence the ultranationalists in Kyiv are determined to ethnically cleanse ethnic Russians, and short of that, kill every Russian in Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Zaporizhzhia.

Biden, his neocons, and “humanitarian interventionists,” at the behest of the CFR, WEF, and “supranational institutions,” such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, are not concerned about the fate of a few million Russians, formerly victims of a nazified Ukraine. Banderist worshippers will have a free hand to torture, rape, humiliate, and kill ethnic Russians if the plan to retake Crimea, Donbas, etc., is realized.

Following Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s panhandling European tour last week, the British state announced it plans to send Harpoon and Storm Shadow missiles to the ethnic cleansers and Banderist worshippers in Kyiv.

Scaling a Financial Times paywall with a 12-foot ladder, I encountered “Crimea could be Putin’s tipping point in a game of nuclear chicken,” a reckless article tempting nuclear war in response to Russia’s threat to go nuclear if it faces an existential threat. The same logic applies to the USG’s national security.

Putin’s spurious nuclear threats of recent months have begun to lose their potency. In order to be credible, Russia would have to make explicit that an invasion of Crimea constituted a red line. Faced with losing Crimea, Putin might consider this a worthwhile gamble, believing Ukraine (with western encouragement) would blink first. This would be a moment of extreme peril.

How idiotic—and conspicuously propagandistic.

The Financial Times is, at least ostensibly, a British publication (a state-controlled Japanese media company, Nikkei, owns FT). The periodical’s editorial slant is described as “conservative liberalism,” that is to say neocon liberalism. It is yet another subscription-based, paywall-enclosed official propaganda conduit.

Only the USG, under the founder of the national security state (NSC, CIA, Pentagon), President Harry Truman, dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing thousands of innocent Japanese civilians.

Truman, basically a nuclear terrorist, wanted to send a message to Stalin and the Soviet Union. As would be the case in the years that followed, the lives of non-combatant men, women, and children would be sacrificed for USG neoliberal foreign policy objectives. The total of the dead thus far is in the millions.

Winston Churchill, previously a fan of using poisonous gas on restless Kurds in Mesopotamia, urged Truman to nuke Moscow.

The ruling bankster, corporate, and hereditary aristocratic elite, and associated paywall propaganda conduits—FT, the CFR’s Foreign Affairs, The New York Times, the CIA’s Washington Post, et al—are aggressively pushing a final war against the New Hitler, Vladimir Putin.

The oligarchic elite are deluded by their own lies, propaganda, and self-serving myths, most prominently the arrogant assertion the USG is a lone “exceptional nation,” a lighthouse of democracy, the latter an illusion that holds sway over a relentlessly propagandized public.

This tweet is not difficult to translate: according to the logic of psychopaths, killing innocents in Crimea with ground-launched small-diameter bombs (part of the latest USG $2.17 billion “aid” package) will force Moscow to defend its sovereignty and national security. If Russia concludes it faces an existential threat, it will resort to nuclear weapons, as would the USG in a similar situation.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Adam Rowland had a promising career, working with professional athletes on the PGA Tour and Premiership Rugby, splitting his time between the U.S. and the U.K.

He also was the fittest he’d ever been, Rowland told The Defender — until early 2021, when he received the two-dose primary series of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

Today, Rowland, 48, cannot work, cannot lie down, and experiences several conditions affecting everything from his heart health to his vision, including pericarditis, pulmonary embolisms, severe thrombotic vasculitis and vascular neuropathy.

He is now separated from his wife, misses most family events and was repeatedly told by doctors that his severe injuries were “all in his head” — bringing him to the brink of suicide.

He said his discovery of online support groups for the vaccine-injured afforded him a new lease on life.

Rowland, who provided extensive documentation supporting his claims, shared his story with The Defender in an exclusive interview.

‘I was the fittest I’d ever been in my life’

Rowland had worked as a medical sports physiotherapist and stroke consultant for professional golfers for the previous 16-17 years.

“I was absolutely at the top of my career in professional sport,” he said, having worked on the PGA Tour with Jason Day and other high-profile golfers.

“I was working in America when COVID kicked off,” said Rowland, “and living quite a luxury lifestyle. And then, I decided to come back to the U.K. because obviously, I didn’t know when I’d be able to get back to the U.K. if I didn’t go then.”

The U.S. government gave Rowland special permission to return to the country and resume his employment. However, “Once the vaccination program kicked in, you had to be double vaccinated.”

It was during this time — before he got the vaccine — that Rowland said he was “even fitter than when I was 18,” because “any workout program I gave an athlete, I would try it myself” to determine firsthand how physically strenuous it was.

He said:

“So, because of that, I exercised six or seven days a week … I was just so fit, I could row on the rowing machine 18 minutes, something around five kilometers. I could ride a bike 20K in under 30 minutes. At one stage I was running 5K in 21 minutes.”

Multiple injuries and conditions brushed off as ‘anxiety’

Rowland received two doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in February and May 2021. That’s when everything changed.

“Very quickly after being vaccinated, I started to get quite ill,” said Rowland. “I never got back to the U.S.” He continued working for six months after his first dose, but had to take a lot of time off from work because he was in the hospital.

“I’ve never worked since,” he said. “I’ve lost my job and I’m disabled as we speak.”

Rowland’s symptoms began with a “fever like I’d never had before in my life,” he said. “I was in bed for four days.” The fever eventually subsided, he said, “but I felt very virally ill for a number of weeks. I started to notice horrendous pains down my left arm and my left leg. And my wife noticed I started to have fits in bed … they were basically non-epileptic fits.”

The symptoms appeared within a week of his first dose.

Rowland couldn’t get a face-to-face appointment with his doctor because of the pandemic, so he had to settle for a phone appointment. The doctor diagnosed him with “anxiety” and “said it was a panic attack” — not unlike what happened to other vaccine-injury victims, whose conditions also were chalked up to “anxiety.”

Rowland’s condition continued to worsen. “I couldn’t sleep for five days because [the fits] were happening 15 or 20 times a night,” he said. “It got horrendous. I just couldn’t lie down.”

Rowland took six weeks off from work. However, when he spoke to his doctor again, “He said it’s anxiety and depression and put me on antidepressant medication. So, I tried this medication, and it made me even worse.”

Rowland’s doctor then prescribed “three or four” additional antidepressants, but none of them helped. Ultimately, his doctor said, “I don’t know what to do for you, I’m going to send you to a psychiatrist because I believe this is like a mental health [issue].”

“He didn’t think it was anything physical,” said Rowland, “and neither of us … I didn’t think it was a vaccine, because I had vaccines all my life. I didn’t figure it was the vaccine … no one put it down to the vaccine.”

Rowland eventually returned to work.

‘I just got sicker and sicker’

Whatever sense of normalcy Rowland reattained was short-lived. After receiving the second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, “That’s when all hell broke loose in my life.”

Rowland told The Defender:

“Immediately after having the second vaccine … I passed out once at work. I passed out at home … I developed chest pain immediately after the vaccine. I developed such chest pain and dizziness, and I was sweating. The pain was horrendous. I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was having a heart attack.”

Rowland was taken to the hospital, where he was told, “We can’t find anything wrong with you. We think it’s just a panic attack,” and he was sent home.

Not satisfied with the diagnosis, Rowland spoke to a cardiologist at his workplace and asked for an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG). “So, he did a 24-hour ECG … and it basically showed my heart was going into ventricular tachycardia (VT), when I was getting all dizzy. It’s very dangerous and could cause sudden death.”

The cardiologist instructed Rowland to show the results of this exam to the hospital in the event he was to go back.

“Another week went by,” said Rowland, “I was getting tremendous pain and dizziness and I had another episode where I nearly collapsed again.” He showed paramedics the results of his ECG and was taken to the hospital.

But Rowland’s difficulties with doctors didn’t end there.

“I had a high D-dimer, so they started to look for blood clots on my lungs and kept me in hospital, wouldn’t let me move out of the bed.”

He added:

“They still didn’t think it was the vaccine when they couldn’t find blood clots … they sent my ECG to a specialist heart hospital … and got them to look at the ECG. Nobody thought it was the vaccine.”

As a result, Rowland was discharged and told he would be administered an MRI “in a couple of weeks,” with the expectation of finding cardiomyopathy. But the MRI didn’t find anything.

“Doctors were very, very confused about what was causing this VT,” he said. “They thought it was an adrenal problem and then referred me to an endocrinologist, and that’s when my horrible gaslighting and traumatic story really started. Because, again, they couldn’t find the cause of it, so they kept blaming things on anxiety.”

Rowland described what happened next:

“And then … I just got sicker and sicker. I developed blurred vision, face rashes, jaundice and tinnitus in my head. I started to develop neuropathy in my hands … some of my fingers don’t straighten anymore.

“I developed horrendous pain below both my knees … I can’t feel temperature in my lower legs. My toenails have died … I have no pulse in my feet.”

He was discharged from the hospital but returned monthly. Each time, doctors told him, “We can’t find what’s wrong with you.”

In June 2022, Rowland “collapsed with three pulmonary embolisms” in his lungs — but when he went to the hospital, they again told him it was just anxiety.

“So I said, ‘look at my eyes. I’ve lost two stone [one stone = 6.35 kilograms] in weight … I’m not leaving this hospital until you do some more scans and tests. This is definitely not anxiety.’”

So they scanned his lungs, and that’s when they found the three pulmonary embolisms and “a hundred tiny embolisms on my lungs.”

Rowland ended up in the hospital for a month, where he was diagnosed with pericarditis and told he would have died if they hadn’t found the embolisms.

Since then, Rowland said, “I’ve spent four more months in hospital on separate occasions. And I’ve been diagnosed now with severe thrombolytic vasculitis of my blood vessels.”

But that’s not all that’s wrong with his health. Rowland told The Defender:

“My diaphragm doesn’t work properly. Some of my eye muscles and my facial muscles aren’t working properly, and my leg muscles aren’t working properly … They did something called a CPET [cardiopulmonary exercise] test and … found that my cells in my muscles aren’t getting enough oxygen and nutrients.

“I’m waiting to see a vascular surgeon for the blood — it’s not getting to my legs and my muscles. I’m also waiting to see an immunologist and another hematologist because I’m on three blood-thinning medications and they don’t think it’s stopping my blood clotting properly.

“They think my blood is still clotting. They want me to have a special test where they take my blood out, spin it and take the platelets out and then look how my blood is responding to the three blood thinners I’m on, because for some reason it’s not doing its job.”

Rowland hasn’t been able to get that test because under the U.K. healthcare system, “the government won’t pay for it.”

He’s been trying to get the text through private healthcare. Meanwhile, his doctors tell him they can see that he’s really ill, “but we don’t know how to make it better” because they don’t know what’s in the vaccines. They suggested he travel to Germany to receive specialist treatment.

‘You’re the 239th person we have seen with similar symptoms from the vaccines’

Rowland described how he finally got a diagnosis that definitively linked the vaccine to his injuries:

“After I collapsed with the blood clots and they tried to send me home and I said ‘no, I’m not going anywhere, you scammed me, there’s something wrong,’ they finally admitted it was probably the vaccine.

“I was needing a wheelchair and they just discharged me and said, ‘Take this morphine, we’ll see you in four or five months’ time.’ And I was like, ‘I can’t even walk, you know?’ And they were like, ‘well, we can’t help you.’”

Rowland did his own research, locating a specialist hospital and private lung consultant, whom he visited in London, bringing with him the scans from the exams administered at his local hospital.

He said:

“I just said to him, ‘I feel like I’m dying, can you look at my scans and tell me, am I going to die, you know, imminently? I want you to be honest with me so I can tell my children.’ He looked at my scans and he said, ‘I don’t think you’re going to die imminently from your lungs’ … but he said to me, ‘it is 100% vaccine injury.’

“He said ‘you’re the 239th person we have seen with similar symptoms from the vaccines.’ And that was at one hospital in London … He said, ‘I’m more worried that you’re going to die with your heart and I need you to see one of my colleagues urgently.”

So Rowland saw a cardiologist who told him, it’s “completely vaccine injury. You don’t get VT like you developed for no reason. It’s definitely the vaccine with everything that’s happened to you since.’”

The doctor urged him to go to London immediately for treatment. “So they took me down to London for a month and then they diagnosed me … they realized it was in all my organs. So it’s in my heart, my lungs … so they diagnosed me with multisystem inflammatory syndrome.”

“So, at this moment in time, I’m on steroids for the pericarditis in my heart,” he said. “I’m on two different heart medications, another one for pericarditis [and] one for microvascular angina … and I’m on three blood thinners from my clotting, and various painkillers and things like that.”

‘It’s like living in hell’

As for what his life is like today, Rowland said:

“I don’t say these words slightly, but it’s like living in hell. It’s like torture, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.”

He said he’s pretty much housebound and struggles to walk because of his breathing issues and chest pain.

Rowland added:

“Because I have fits trying to lie down, I can’t sleep in a regular bed … my bed’s adapted, so it’s at 45 degrees, so it’s like sitting up in a chair because the fits get triggered when I lie down.

“I don’t sleep. I just get these fits. So, every single day, I dread going to bed because the fits are so scary. And my heart sometimes misses a few beats and stops for a split second. And when I get that, it feels like I’m going to die.”

Rowland’s waking hours are not much better. He told The Defender:

“Because of my pain and my vulnerability, I can’t stand up for very long on some days. I struggle to make food. I can make breakfast and maybe lunch if I’m lucky, but I can’t cook myself an evening meal. When I go to the hospital, I never know whether I’m going to be able to walk from the car park to the hospital …

“Some days I can walk very short distances, 50 meters, maybe 100 meters. I’m really, really breathless … the chest pain is so bad that I can’t walk any further. And it does crazy things in my heart, it gives me the heart arrhythmia.”

Rowland also experiences blurred vision and struggles to type and write because of the neuropathy in his hands and because he can’t straighten some of his fingers.

Most days, he has to “live within the four walls of the house,” he said. “And then occasionally, when I’m on a good day, a friend might come and pick me up and take me for a drive to a nearby coffee shop and have a coffee. That’s about the most pleasure I’m getting in my life. I can’t walk my dog anymore. I can’t take my grandson to the park to push him on the swing.”

Rowland said he lost his wife and family because of the strain. “They couldn’t look after me,” he said. “I’ve not had a Christmas dinner with the family in two years because I’ve been too ill.”

As for his prognosis, Rowland said his doctors “don’t know how much I’ll heal or whether I’m just going to slowly die, because since I got injured, I’ve just gotten worse gradually on a linear projection.”

“I haven’t gotten any better,” he said, “so we don’t know what the future’s going to hold.”

‘I got to a point where I was suicidal’

The gaslighting Rowland experienced from multiple doctors, the lack of definitive answers, and the questioning of his mental health, drove him to the brink of suicide.

“Because they didn’t believe me … I felt like I was going crazy,” he said. “And I got to a point where I was suicidal.”

Rowland said many of the doctors he saw wanted him to be “on lots of pain medications: morphine, oxycontin, pregabalin.” He said his local hospital is “quite happy to give me morphine and all these other medications and leave me like that for the rest of my life.”

He doesn’t want to go back to taking lots of medications, he said, noting that morphine “doesn’t work … it takes a bit of the edge off the pain, but it doesn’t get rid of it.”

Rowland told The Defender he “wasn’t someone who watched TV or used social media.” But taking to social media ultimately helped provide Rowland with a new lease on life.

He said:

“I went on Twitter one evening. I don’t know what drew me to do that. This was when I was suicidal. I found a guy called Alex Mitchell in the U.K. who lost a leg [due to vaccine injury]. I started chatting to him and he was like, ‘it sounds like you might have a vaccine injury.’

“He pointed me to a support group, UK COVID Vaccine Family. I couldn’t believe it, that there was — I think at the time in the U.K. there were 600-odd people in this group — and I was like, ‘there’s all these people [with] all the same symptoms as me’ … It just completely opened my eyes.”

“From that moment,” said Rowland, while “it was nice to get the support, I still realized that the doctors didn’t have a clue what they were doing. I think what it did was, it took me from a place of being suicidal [to] where I wanted to fight for my life now.”

Rowland said he started to seek out specialists who were seeing patients with vaccine injuries and “knew it wasn’t all in their heads and knew what sort of tests to do.”

He also “went on Twitter and decided that I needed to speak out, because I thought, ‘well, if I’m going to die’ — and I didn’t realize how bad my story was — I thought, ‘well, I didn’t want anyone else to go through what I’m going through.’”

“I just wanted to warn people that if they do inject you and it goes wrong,” he said, “they tell you it’s safe and effective but there’s nobody there for you to help you.”

He said he’s met some wonderful people “who’ve reached out to me and offered me support.”

“I just take pleasure from speaking to those people and the people who are trying to help me,” said Rowland.

At the same time, Rowland told The Defender he is also “going down a legal route.”

“I want to know … what’s keeping my blood clotting and giving me vasculitis. [Doctors] don’t seem prepared to do that. So that’s the battle I’m on … I want to prove it’s negligence because then the [U.K.] government will have to pay for private treatment for me, even if it’s abroad. So, it’s about keeping me alive,” he said.

He had some words of advice for other vaccine-injured individuals:

“I think the first thing they need to do is, don’t suffer in silence alone … trust your own body and your intuition. So, if people are saying that to you, don’t just accept that if your intuition says otherwise.

“Try a two-pronged approach. Find a support group and question people in that support group. Even reach out and contact me online. That’s what I’m there for. And then also, if your doctor is gaslighting you … print off a lot of evidence. If your doctor is not helping you, you need to find another doctor, which I know is not as easy as that, but do not accept a doctor that’s telling you it’s in your head.”

Rowland encouraged vaccine injury victims to “come out publicly if you’ve got the strength to do that because there’s hundreds of thousands and probably millions of us around the world.”

“We were part of the worst experiment that I believe has probably ever taken place,” said Rowland. “And I think it’s going to be like a dam that’s going to burst by the back end of 2023 … I don’t think they can keep it covered up much longer.”


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., based in Athens, Greece, is a senior reporter for The Defender and part of the rotation of hosts for CHD.TV’s “Good Morning CHD.”

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The War on Cash Is Here

February 15th, 2023 by Blake Lovewell

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“Our Alliance does not want to abolish physical cash,” cries the opening gambit on the website ‘’. It is a UN body, ostensibly pursuing the UN Sustainable Development Goal of ‘financial inclusion’. But it dovetails with a wider phenomenon, the disappearance of physical cash from the economy.

They are an alliance of nation states, corporations and NGOs. They meet under the aegis of the United Nations Capital for Development program (UNCFD). They number about 80 members, of varying influence, ranging from the small states of Equatorial Guinea and the Solomon Islands, up to heavyweight global corporates like Unilever and Coca-Cola. They also receive significant funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID and Visa inc.

Their moniker, “Better Than Cash,” will ring alarm bells for some, who retreat from the digitisation of money. But for many it exemplifies a trend of the last decade. There has been a move away from using cash for day to day transactions in wealthy countries. As payment rails have become slicker, electronic transactions have become commonplace. Since the advent of electronic banking in the 1980s, there have been developments in technology which allow the quick communication in banking necessary to fulfil over-the-counter transactions.

When one pays for a bag of flour in the UK for example, using “contactless”, what they really are doing is: scanning their RFID chipped card onto the shop’s card reader. The reader decodes the bank account details and submits them to the payment provider, usually a middle man like Visa or Mastercard. That provider than runs a check with the customer’s bank, to see if they have adequate funds to cover the transaction. The provider will then pay the bill, and make a demand or reservation from the customer’s bank. The shop owner will have received the payment, and the provider, Visa or Mastercard will submit a demand for payment from the customer’s bank. This can take up to three full days to finalise. Yet, the transaction at the till can take mere seconds because of this complex layering of institutions and technology.

Now I have laid out this summary of a “contactless” transaction for two reasons. Firstly it is to illuminate what to many people is a murky situation. Many millions of people in the UK will use such methods in their day to day lives without looking at the nuts and bolts under the hood of the transaction. I believe that it is something of a duty to educate people on the ins and outs of banking, to better protect people from the more nefarious activities carried out in the financial world. But secondly, and more pertinently to this article, I used this summary to highlight the complexity of the modern retail banking system. Further to this point, it is very difficult to achieve this system in many of the countries that are in the “Better Than Cash” alliance. Where there is little technological infrastructure, it can be hard to provide a stable system of payment technology. Where there is less prevalence of bank account usage, there is less incentive for a shop-owner to invest in said technology. For example: Papa New Guinea, a member of the Better Than Cash Alliance, has about 85% of its population in rural areas with no access to formal financial services, and an estimated 15% of the population have access in some way to the internet. Here, as in many of the less affluent countries of the world, Cash is King.

The Case Against Cash

Now let us examine the case against cash. If the UN, Coca-Cola and Bill Gates all agree that there needs to be a system Better Than Cash, there must be some problems with cash. Well let us take the sentence from the aforementioned website:

“It also means that governments, companies and international organizations can make and receive payments in a cheaper, safer and more transparent way”

This implies 3 weaknesses of cash: That it is more expensive to use, that it is unsafe or dangerous, and that it is opaque and un-transparent.

The first of these is its expense. It seems to be the weakest of the arguments, as a cash transaction, hand to hand does not cost anything. Likewise it is one of the cheaper ways to interact with a bank, who will often not charge to make a cash deposit. There is a cost associated with the handling of cash, counting and transporting cash securely. Counter to this though is the cost of digital transactions. I can cite numerous small businesses in my local area with signs up saying ‘Cash Preferred’ due to the extortionate charges put in place by middlemen like Visa or Mastercard. They will often lose a percentage cut of every transaction. The local butcher for example had a bumper Christmas, but was then met by a bumper bill from their payment provider. As it is an old-school business, they had factored in all of the costs of running the shop, paying for goods etc. but had not factored in such a huge fee, having only recently adopted a new card-reader. Another store, like many others has a minimum card spend. For a similar reason, that a charge for £1 of goods may cost £1.50 to process with the digitised banking system. Thus the UN backed body’s argument about cheapness must be based on some unclear factor which they do not disclose.

The second argument has more validity. The use of cash can carry some inherent risk. As cash is a physical asset it must be held, carried and transacted in person. This could put the spender or receiver under threat, particularly in areas with less security, policing and higher crime. If one is carrying some sum of cash, or a shopkeeper has a till full of earnings, they are a target for crime. Here one could build some case for the safety argument of digital monetary systems.

The final argument posited is about transparency, or the lack of it. It is probably one of the most common critiques of cash from institutions, that it can facilitate crime, or even worse, terrorism, by din of it being untraceable. A criminal could transact for illicit goods and services outside of the purview of regulators by using cash, as opposed to surveilled systems of digital money. Now there have been studies into this topic, but by its nature it is hard to pin down for certain statistics – as a crime that goes on without being caught in the act does not make it into statistics. However, Europol, the unified institution for crime and policing in the EU puts a conservative estimate that 1.5billion Euros are detected or confiscated by authorities in the EU each year: Which is a phenomenally small sum for a continent the size of Europe – notwithstanding the huge discrepancy of how much crime is successful in evading official seizure or detection. Furthermore we can take the received opinion of Professor Friedrich Schneider that a full ban on cash would not significantly dent levels of crime.

“Professor Friedrich Schneider, one of the most renowned experts in the areas of the shadow economy and tax evasion in Europe, concluded that a cash ban would reduce crime by a mere 10% and organized crime by less than 5%.”

An interesting case study to note here is the case of Sweden. They have, through instituting many anti-cash policies, reduced their cash usage from the EU average of 11-12% in 2009 to about 2% or less today. This is perhaps in response to a series of high-profile cash thefts in the country, culminating in the infamous Västberga helicopter robbery. There was a concerted campaign after this, particularly from trade unions to sideline the use of cash in favour of digital methods. Even though the policy has been successful in reducing crime of cash-theft, it has, admits the Swedish Central Bank, lead to an increase in digital money crime, such as fraud. Although they show that it is not excessively high, and remains at the European average.

I myself have some critiques of cash to add, but they are more heterodox, that is outside of the mainstream school of economic thought. Firstly, I would point to the fact that cash is the paper and metal form of fiat currency. That is to say central banks can mint some amount of currency each year. Currencies used to be tied to real-world assets like gold. But since the de-pegging of currencies in the 1970s, there is technically no limit to the amount that a central bank can print and therefore dilute the supply of money. The more they print, the less it’s worth. Whilst we still rely on the issuance of currency from the nation state and their concurrent central bank, we are at the mercy of their whims in terms of finance.

Secondly as issuance is centrally controlled, it can be the victim of failed policy. I take for example the case of the Central African Franc, which is used by an estimated 160 million people across 14 Central African states, many of whom are in the ‘Better Than Cash’ program. The CFA franc is a colonial hangover instituted by France in 1945 and retained after the broader independence movement in 1960s Africa. It is still controlled by France, its disbursement is decided by the French treasury and there is parity with the Euro. This means at any point the CFA Franc can be exchanged into Euros and out again at 1:1. However this causes many problems and much friction. Why should African states, which are on paper independent of their colonial overlords, still have their financial policy dictated from the former imperial power? It is an unresolved issue that still rears up, in 2019 the 5 star movement in Italy accused France of neo-colonialism through their use of the CFA Franc and argue that the economic instability caused by French policy causes significant migration flows into Italy. The most relevant factor for our debate about cash though comes from the day to day use of the CFA Franc in West Africa. As the notes can be traded 1:1 for Euros, France has to be very tight-fisted when it comes to minting new notes as that could affect the value of the Euro as a whole. Yet, as the African states are clearly viewed as inferior in priority, it is they who have to suffer. So few notes are minted in countries like the Central African Republic that it is common practice to get your change as an IOU signed by the business owner. You would pay for your cup of tea with a 50 CFA Franc note, and receive a piece of paper saying 45 CFA francs with a date and signature. It is then up to the citizen to either redeem, or try and pass on these IOUs at a later date. In this instance, cash has failed due to the post-colonial policy of France, but illustrates one of the pitfalls of centrally controlled currencies – particularly in volatile monetary environments such as those found in the ‘developing world.’

The Case For Cash

I will make no bones about the fact that I see a plethora of policies emerging from international financial institutions seeking to diminish the use of cash. I believe that there is a concerted effort to do this to a certain end, that being control. We can and will continue making arguments for and against cash but the general narrative that cash is bad and digital money is good serves primarily the economic powers that already exist. A digital system of currency is much more easy to surveil. It is much easier for a central authority to control. As currency is one of the main cogs that allows the functioning of the modern industrial economy, it makes sense it is a target for institutional regulation. When an institution seeks to control something, it is out of self-interest. Thus I give short thrift to the arguments that are presented as humanitarian when they involve financial control of the victim, sorry recipient of aid or assistance.

That being said, let us examine a couple of arguments for cash. Firstly, as I alluded to above, it allows some measure of independence from institutional control. As of now, no institution has a chip in the banknote, although the technology does exist and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has put money into promoting the concept of “smart banknotes”. Yet cash is still free to be transacted, which is a massive freedom for the people. One can trade a good or service for cash, thus retaining some value and then transact that cash for another good or service later without being constrained, censored or unjustly restricted as a result. I caveat this with the argument made above that cash, as fiat currency is vulnerable to the whims of central bank policy. However, day to day cash suffices as a good means of exchange outside of institutional control. Here I mention again, institutions as it is not just the nation state that seeks to control the population.

Other groups may seek to exert control for other reasons. One nascent trend is for banks to limit and control their account holders funds for various reasons, Canadian banks froze the assets of hundreds of accounts who were associated with widespread anti-government Canandian Truckers’ protests in 2020 and 2021. Aside from using the congrol of payment gateways to enforcing a political agenda, nother emergent trend is for banks to lead the charge on environmentalism with their championing of ESG, Environmental Social Governance – a broad framework of pro-business, anti-carbon policies. We can extrapolate forward a point in the not too distant future where banks will be policing the Carbon ‘cost’ of a customers purchases and potentially limiting or blocking transactions if the user is too ‘carbon intensive’. In this schema of tighter control and regulation, cash is a pressure valve to carry out the activities which may be suddenly deemed illegal or unpalatable yet are necessary for society to continue.

Let us hear directly from the horse’s mouth. The central bank of the EU, the ECB launched a report in response to the declining use of cash during the coronavirus hysteria. They noted a decline in cash usage where people were paranoid about transmission on currency, yet the WHO maintains ‘There is currently no evidence to confirm or disprove that COVID-19 virus can be transmitted through coins or banknotes’. It was one of the most impactful events on cash usage in recent memory; in the EU cash preference dropped a number of percentage points. The second most impactful event, we note, was an increase in cash usage following the disastrous 2008/9 global financial crisis (often referred to in banking literature by the handy acronym GFC). People had lost faith in banks and decided that holding their own cash was a good idea if retail banks were likely to go insolvent. This is reflected in the passage buried in the ECB report:

“Cash is still the only form of public money that is directly accessible to all citizens, ensuring autonomy, privacy and social inclusion. As a strategic response to various developments having an impact on the availability and acceptance of cash, the ECB adopted a 2030 strategy with the vision to preserve euro cash as a generally available, attractive, reliable and competitive payment instrument and a store of value of choice.”

They acknowledge the power of cash as a transactional medium and store of value. I guess we can rest safe in the knowledge that they have a “strategy with the vision to preserve euro cash” until at least 2030. So we have maybe 7 more years of cash being available from European banks to look forward to.

As a sidenote see this directive from the European Comission in 2016 saying that “Payments in cash are widely used in the financing of terrorist activities… In this context, the relevance of potential upper limits to cash payments could also be explored”. Here we have the old threat of terrorism being used to limit cash transactions, without much evidence by way of demonstrating the utility of cash for ‘terrorism’. Yet the anti-cash legislation rolls on unabated, passing into the EU acquis.

Another facet of this increasing regulation is the movement for CBDCs: Central Bank Digital Currencies. These take all of the bad parts of centrally controlled systems – bad actors having too much power, central policy being dictated by the few vested interests and a pursuit of power for power’s sake – and apply those to a currency. As is would be distributed by a central bank there is no retail bank to do the control of loans, there is no private intermediary to interact with. One would have an account with the State, who would distribute or restrict the currency as they see fit. I often tie this idea in with the nefarious social credit system that is blossoming in China and eyed enviously by power hungry elites the world over. Hereby any activity that the state deems as wrongful can be actively policed by restricting the citizen. If there is only a CBDC system for finance, then your money could be turned off, your financial interactions can all be monitored, you can be controlled to a huge degree and that is a dictator’s wet dream, total control over the mind and body of it’s population. That is an impulse we must in my view resist. It leads to the decline of the human condition and eventually leads to catastrophes and great harm. The policy is sold with such meagre pittances as ‘making day to day transactions easier’ but the road is being paved towards a city of panopticon surveillance and total control that is in essence subjugation. In these terms, cash is one outlet for freedom to be asserted, and hence why I believe it is under the crosshairs of central controllers the world over.

Thus let us return to this alliance, the ‘Better Than Cash’ group. Note that they are by no means the prime mover in the anti-cash movement. At best they are a talking shop or useful pawns for the real power brokers. Yet they present us an in-road into the often nebulous and unclear high-policies of international institutions and offer us a leaping-off point into the discussion.

I mention real power brokers and perhaps something can be gleaned from the CV of the leader and progenitor of the ‘Better Than Cash’ Alliance, Dr Goodwin-Groen:

“Dr. Goodwin-Groen also advised leading organizations in the field of financial inclusion including the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, World Bank Group, Soros Foundation, UK Department for International Development…”

So the person who created the alliance and is the name and face of the movement also worked for: 1) The World Bank, who control the debt obligations of nation states, keeping poor states mired in debt whilst their resources are plundered and play a part, alongside the Bank of International settlements in dicatating global financial policy. 2) The Soros Foundation, widely seen as a politically destructive force dressed in philanthropic garb. Linked to colour revolutions across Eastern Europe, fomenting civil unrest in the USA and exerting political control over European elections. 3) DFID, the UK’s Department for International Development; which opens up international aid to private interests and acts as the business arm for the UK’s military and intelligence industries after the recent merger with the Foreign Office. In sum she has the resume of someone who works with big power institutions to broker deals which usually turn out badly for the everyday citizen of countries. So I, myself, have reservations that her initiative is to do with inclusivity and helping out the poor, and more to do with the usual neo-colonial exertion of power and exploitation for material gain. But that’s only my opinion.

We’ve also mentioned the involvement of Coca-Cola, who repackage water, sugar and aspartame to great profit, and Unilever who like to monopolise food and health products the world over. But we shouldn’t ignore in our critique of the ‘Better Cash Alliance’ the UNCFD. As with any UN body there is some corruption, usually stemming from the large swathes of funding being sent from Brussels or New York down to bureaucrats in nation state management positions. As the money is garnered in a sidelong way from the populations through their governments, there is sometimes a failure of oversight. In the UNCFD there is documented widespread fraudulent use of funds in Somalia and Somaliland. This independent research article found that the UN exerts significant political control in Somalia and Somaliland, and that UNCFD funds are routinely used to curry political favour, rather than as the aid for which it was originally intended. They report that their investigation was even hampered by UNICEF and that their reportage of fraud fell on deaf ears.

Now this is one case of many but it represents a trend that I think most will understand as existing inside the UN framework. This is not to say that institutions within the UN are rotten to the core, I assume that many people who work for UN bodies have the best of intentions, and that many achieve good things in global and local politics. But it goes to show that the more we investigate the badges of approval that the ‘Better Than Cash’ Alliance proudly show us on their website, are not so clear cut. We could go through each of their claims too, one by one and dispute them but that would fill another long-form article and to no great avail. I charge you yourself to look at the claims and sources on and see for yourself how easily they can spuriously present a claim about digital money systems based on a piece of research that has little to do with the actual claim at all. In fact the Alliance don’t propose anything new in their promotion of digital payments. They simply re-vivify the commonplace methods of RFID cards and QR codes and jazz it up with the inclusion of dystopian biometric IDs: which “include fingerprints, hand geometry, earlobe geometry, retina and iris patterns, voice waves, DNA, and signatures.” Nothing creepy about that.

As I have mentioned, the ‘Better Than Cash’ alliance is a mere minnow in the seas of political influence, but as one researches these topics the same conclusions emerge. That being; flashy projects that look good on a website, are presented by well funded international institutions to provide cover for their real agendas. Happy looking Africans using a smart phone are pushed to the fore of a campaign and a nice looking statistic about how many women are empowered by a project make up the headline. But when we dig into the membership, the foundations and origins of these schemes, they often have the same few groups, corporations and financial institutions backing it. It is something of a humanitarian shield for vested interest to carry out their malicious activities behind.

Here we have presented a debate on the fundamental case for and against cash. But it is couched in the international narratives and historical trends which we should not ignore. “As we rush to reap the benefits of digital payments” as the sister organisation to ‘Better Than Cash’ says, we should not let real political debate fall by the wayside. In my opinion, to do so allows the laying of permanent payment rails of control. And that once the railway is laid, it will be hard for the world’s poorest to change track. It is not only through cash that we and they can assert their freedom. But the War on Cash is something that we should dig into and bear in our minds when we are assessing economic affairs.

To end, I will balance the opening quote with one in 2017 from the CEO of Visa, another foundational partner of the ‘Better Than Cash’ Initiative:

“We’re focused on putting cash out of business.”

The war on cash is on.


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This is a rare interview with Moderna CEO Stephan Bancel that took place at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2023.

Click here to view the video

Big pharma is doubling down on failed mRNA technology. There have been significant efforts lately, to bring other mRNA products to market as soon as possible, before the public at large turns against the entire mRNA platform.

“We are working on a lot of vaccines, around 30+ vaccines today” – Stephane Bancel

There are currently three Moderna mRNA vaccines that are in Phase 3 trials: Influenza, RSV, CMV.

There are also several in Phase 2 trials: Zika virus, cardiac ischemia, and cancer.

mRNA RSV adult vaccine

This is the one the media are pushing heavily and may be the next one to hit the market in 2023:

Moderna intends to submit for regulatory approval in the first half of 2023” (click here)

Several news reports have circulated in the last few weeks about a “3-in-1 Supershot” to combat “vaccine fatigue” which includes COVID-19, Influenza and RSV (click here). This is coming from Australian media.

In another WEF interview in Davos, Stephane Bancel claims that the RSV protein in Moderna’s mRNA RSV vaccine “doesn’t mutate as much as flu or COVID”.

He also claims that all Moderna products “use the same manufacturing process” as the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, including “the same raw material…same lipid”, meaning lipid nanoparticle (LNP).

This is very important information, as the adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination have been linked not just to the SARS-CoV2 spike protein but the LNP delivery mechanism itself, which is highly inflammatory:

The same dose of LNP delivered intranasally led to similar inflammatory responses in the lung and resulted in a high mortality rate, with mechanism unresolved.” (click here)

In January 2023, Moderna reported Phase 3 trial results in older adults with “83.7% efficacy”. Much more concerning is that “trials of the vaccine in pregnant women and infants are now underway” (click here).

mRNA CMV vaccine

This vaccine against cytomegalovirus is aimed at young healthy men and women of reproductive age (click here). I have seen no media push on this one yet.

mRNA cancer vaccines (melanoma)

This has been described as an extremely expensive personalized treatment for melanoma cancer patients:

Moderna melanoma vaccine is tailor-made for each patient. Each tumor is unique, and so the vaccine needs to be unique as well. To customize vaccines, researchers first biopsy the patient’s tumor to determine what neoantigens are present. The vaccine manufacturer then designs specific mRNA molecules that encode those neoantigens. When this custom mRNA vaccine is administered, the body translates the genetic material into proteins specific to the patient’s tumor, resulting in an immune response against the tumor.” (click here)

Personalized cancer treatments are another money-making area that the Trudeau Liberal government has been investing heavily into (click here). This was the field of cancer treatments that I specialized in, before my Cancer program in Alberta was shut down and restarted in British Columbia.

This will be a multi-billion dollar industry in the future (click here):

“According to Precedence Research, the global nuclear medicine market size is expected to hit around USD 25.7 billion by 2030”.

mRNA cystic fibrosis in kids

This mRNA vaccine to treat cystic fibrosis in kids is inhaled:

“VX-522 is delivered to the lung through inhalation of a CFTR mRNA encapsulated by a lipid nanoparticle. It is the result of a 6-year-old research collaboration with Moderna.” (click here).

Building a “global manufacturing network”

We are building a plant as we speak in Canada, one in the UK, one in Australia, one in Kenya…so that in every continent we have plants and we have more capacity” – Stephane Bancel

In 6 months to develop a vaccine which I think we can do next time…we can make a billion doses” – Stephane Bancel

This builds on my article about the mRNA mega-factory that is being built in a smart city in South Korea (click here).

The groundbreaking ceremony for the Canadian mRNA factory was held in November 2022 (click here):

My Take…

Billions of dollars are being invested into building mRNA factories all over the world. It will be interesting to monitor where these are being built.

I expect the media to continue pushing mRNA vaccines for RSV and influenza for the general population including pregnant women, while CMV will be pushed mainly for women of reproductive age, pregnant or not. The media will try to promote these vaccines as “safer” than the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

mRNA vaccines for cancers will be prohibitively expensive and will be reserved only for those who can afford them. All cancer treatments will be shifted towards “personalized cancer treatments”, as this is where the big money will be in the future.

Those who can afford these cancer treatments will live for a while, those who cannot, will be offered MAID (medical assistance in dying).

It is interesting to note that the highly inflammatory and toxic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) platform will be used for ALL of these mRNA vaccines, and as we saw with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, these LNPs will be delivered all over the body: the heart, the brain, liver, kidneys, testes, ovaries; they will continue to cause tremendous inflammation and internal damage.

Moderna has no intention to fix, or abandon the LNP delivery platform.


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“If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They’ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government.”— President Dwight D. Eisenhower

The government wants us to bow down to its dictates.

It wants us to buy into the fantasy that we are living the dream, when in fact, we are trapped in an endless nightmare of servitude and oppression.

Indeed, with every passing day, life in the American Police State increasingly resembles life in the dystopian television series The Prisoner.

First broadcast 55 years ago in the U.S., The Prisonerdescribed as “James Bond meets George Orwell filtered through Franz Kafka”—confronted societal themes that are still relevant today: the rise of a police state, the loss of freedom, round-the-clock surveillance, the corruption of government, totalitarianism, weaponization, group think, mass marketing, and the tendency of human beings to meekly accept their lot in life as prisoners in a prison of their own making.

Perhaps the best visual debate ever on individuality and freedom, The Prisoner centers around a British secret agent who abruptly resigns only to find himself imprisoned in a virtual prison disguised as a seaside paradise with parks and green fields, recreational activities and even a butler.

While luxurious, the Village’s inhabitants have no true freedom, they cannot leave the Village, they are under constant surveillance, all of their movements tracked by militarized drones, and stripped of their individuality so that they are identified only by numbers.

“I am not a number. I am a free man,” is the mantra chanted in each episode of The Prisoner, which was largely written and directed by Patrick McGoohan, who also played the title role of Number Six, the imprisoned government agent.

Throughout the series, Number Six is subjected to interrogation tactics, torture, hallucinogenic drugs, identity theft, mind control, dream manipulation, and various forms of social indoctrination and physical coercion in order to “persuade” him to comply, give up, give in and subjugate himself to the will of the powers-that-be.

Number Six refuses to comply.

In every episode, Number Six resists the Village’s indoctrination methods, struggles to maintain his own identity, and attempts to escape his captors. “I will not make any deals with you,” he pointedly remarks to Number Two, the Village administrator a.k.a. prison warden. “I’ve resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.”

Yet no matter how far Number Six manages to get in his efforts to escape, it’s never far enough.

Watched by surveillance cameras and other devices, Number Six’s attempts to escape are continuously thwarted by ominous white balloon-like spheres known as “rovers.”

Still, he refuses to give up.

“Unlike me,” he says to his fellow prisoners, “many of you have accepted the situation of your imprisonment, and will die here like rotten cabbages.”

Number Six’s escapes become a surreal exercise in futility, each episode an unfunny, unsettling Groundhog’s Day that builds to the same frustrating denouement: there is no escape.

As journalist Scott Thill concludes for Wired, “Rebellion always comes at a price. During the acclaimed run of The Prisoner, Number Six is tortured, battered and even body-snatched: In the episode ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,’ his mind is transplanted to another man’s body. Number Six repeatedly escapes The Village only to be returned to it in the end, trapped like an animal, overcome by a restless energy he cannot expend, and betrayed by nearly everyone around him.”

The series is a chilling lesson about how difficult it is to gain one’s freedom in a society in which prison walls are disguised within the seemingly benevolent trappings of technological and scientific progress, national security and the need to guard against terrorists, pandemics, civil unrest, etc.

As Thill noted, “The Prisoner was an allegory of the individual, aiming to find peace and freedom in a dystopia masquerading as a utopia.”

The Prisoner’s Village is also an apt allegory for the American Police State, which is rapidly transitioning into a full-fledged Surveillance State: it gives the illusion of freedom while functioning all the while like a prison: controlled, watchful, inflexible, punitive, deadly and inescapable.

The American Surveillance State, much like The Prisoner’s Village, is a metaphorical panopticon, a circular prison in which the inmates are monitored by a single watchman situated in a central tower. Because the inmates cannot see the watchman, they are unable to tell whether or not they are being watched at any given time and must proceed under the assumption that they are always being watched.

Eighteenth century social theorist Jeremy Bentham envisioned the panopticon prison to be a cheaper and more effective means of “obtaining power of mind over mind, in a quantity hitherto without example.”

Bentham’s panopticon, in which the prisoners are used as a source of cheap, menial labor, has become a model for the modern surveillance state in which the populace is constantly being watched, controlled and managed by the powers-that-be while funding its existence.

Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide: this is the mantra of the architects of the Surveillance State and their corporate collaborators.

Government eyes are watching you.

They see your every move: what you read, how much you spend, where you go, with whom you interact, when you wake up in the morning, what you’re watching on television and reading on the internet.

Every move you make is being monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in order to amass a profile of who you are, what makes you tick, and how best to control you when and if it becomes necessary to bring you in line.

When the government sees all and knows all and has an abundance of laws to render even the most seemingly upstanding citizen a criminal and lawbreaker, then the old adage that you’ve got nothing to worry about if you’ve got nothing to hide no longer applies.

Apart from the obvious dangers posed by a government that feels justified and empowered to spy on its people and use its ever-expanding arsenal of weapons and technology to monitor and control them, we’re approaching a time in which we will be forced to choose between bowing down in obedience to the dictates of the government—i.e., the law, or whatever a government official deems the law to be—and maintaining our individuality, integrity and independence.

When people talk about privacy, they mistakenly assume it protects only that which is hidden behind a wall or under one’s clothing. The courts have fostered this misunderstanding with their constantly shifting delineation of what constitutes an “expectation of privacy.” And technology has furthered muddied the waters.

However, privacy is so much more than what you do or say behind locked doors. It is a way of living one’s life firm in the belief that you are the master of your life, and barring any immediate danger to another person (which is far different from the carefully crafted threats to national security the government uses to justify its actions), it’s no one’s business what you read, what you say, where you go, whom you spend your time with, and how you spend your money.

Unfortunately, George Orwell’s 1984—where “you had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized”—has now become our reality.

We now find ourselves in the unenviable position of being monitored, managed, corralled and controlled by technologies that answer to government and corporate rulers.

Consider that on any given day, the average American going about his daily business will be monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways, by both government and corporate eyes and ears.

A byproduct of this new age in which we live, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency is listening in and tracking your behavior.

This doesn’t even begin to touch on the corporate trackers that monitor your purchases, web browsing, Facebook posts and other activities taking place in the cyber sphere.

Stingray devices mounted on police cars to warrantlessly track cell phones, Doppler radar devices that can detect human breathing and movement within in a home, license plate readers that can record up to 1800 license plates per minute, sidewalk and “public space” cameras coupled with facial recognition and behavior-sensing technology that lay the groundwork for police “pre-crime” programs, police body cameras that turn police officers into roving surveillance cameras, the internet of things: all of these technologies (and more) add up to a society in which there’s little room for indiscretions, imperfections, or acts of independence—especially not when the government can listen in on your phone calls, read your emails, monitor your driving habits, track your movements, scrutinize your purchases and peer through the walls of your home.

As French philosopher Michel Foucault concluded in his 1975 book Discipline and Punish, “Visibility is a trap.”

This is the electronic concentration camp—the panopticon prison—the Village—in which we are now caged.

It is a prison from which there will be no escape. Certainly not if the government and its corporate allies have anything to say about it.

As Glenn Greenwald notes:

“The way things are supposed to work is that we’re supposed to know virtually everything about what [government officials] do: that’s why they’re called public servants. They’re supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that’s why we’re called private individuals. This dynamic – the hallmark of a healthy and free society – has been radically reversed. Now, they know everything about what we do, and are constantly building systems to know more. Meanwhile, we know less and less about what they do, as they build walls of secrecy behind which they function. That’s the imbalance that needs to come to an end. No democracy can be healthy and functional if the most consequential acts of those who wield political power are completely unknown to those to whom they are supposed to be accountable.”

None of this will change, no matter which party controls Congress or the White House, because despite all of the work being done to help us buy into the fantasy that things will change if we just elect the right candidate, we’ll still be prisoners of the Village.

So how do you escape? For starters, resist the urge to conform to a group mind and the tyranny of mob-think as controlled by the Deep State.

Think for yourself. Be an individual.

As McGoohan commented in 1968, “At this moment individuals are being drained of their personalities and being brainwashed into slaves… As long as people feel something, that’s the great thing. It’s when they are walking around not thinking and not feeling, that’s tough. When you get a mob like that, you can turn them into the sort of gang that Hitler had.”

You want to be free? Remove the blindfold that blinds you to the Deep State’s con game, stop doping yourself with government propaganda, and break free of the political chokehold that has got you marching in lockstep with tyrants and dictators.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, until you come to terms with the fact that the government is the problem (no matter which party dominates), you’ll never stop being prisoners.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image: This image is being used to illustrate the article The Prisoner and is used for informational or educational purposes only.

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All of a sudden, UFO mania is sweeping America after the shootdown of some unknown object in Alaska. NORAD says it doesn’t rule out aliens. Washington creates a UFO Task Force to investigate if it was aliens. A top 4-star general in charge of US airspace says he isn’t ruling out aliens. Well, this was unexpected, wasn’t it? Not really.

This writer was watching closely when Trilateral Commission member John Podesta left the Obama Administration in 2015 where he served as Counselor to the President. He is currently Senior Advisor to President Joe Biden for clean energy innovation and implementation; that is, he is in charge of doling out all Green New Deal spending in the United States. Actually, Podesta is credited as being the chief architect of the entire US climate policy starting way back when he served as President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff.

When Podesta exited his stint with Obama in early 2015, Washington Post carried a story, Obama aide John Podesta says ‘biggest failure’ was not securing the disclosure of UFO files. I listened to the interview and heard him say this with his own mouth.

What? The architect of all climate policy and the creator of the Green New Deal policies is worried about UFOs and aliens and having not released the UFO files from places like Area 51 in New Mexico?

This struck me as being completely out of context, out of nowhere. I have scratched my head ever since… until now: The UFO/Alien card is finally being played.

This UFO/alien nonsense has been brewing for a long time and Podesta’s name keeps coming up. In a 2022 article by TMZ, Yep, I Sent Officials To Area 51 In Search Of Aliens, Bill Clinton flatly admitted his search for evidence of aliens:

Former President Bill Clinton made a pretty stunning and important revelation … he said during his time in office he sent federal agents to Area 51 in Nevada to find if aliens were among us.

Clinton told James Corden on ‘Late Late Show’ … he and Chief of Staff John Podesta “sent people to Area 51 to make sure there were no aliens.” He also said he wanted a full briefing on Roswell.

In 2016, Podesta’s email account was hacked. NBC News reported this on October 31, 2o16,

When hackers broke into Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s private email account, little did they know they were entering the Twilight Zone.

There, amid the grist and gossip about the inner workings of the campaign — and some pedestrian tidbits about Podesta’s personal life — was irrefutable proof that UFOs were on the radar of one of Washington’s best known power brokers.

Today, this Trilateral Commission operative is in the center of the Biden Administration, rubbing shoulders with fellow Commission member Susan “Benghazi Sue” Rice, who is Biden’s Director of the Domestic Policy Council.

It isn’t too much of a leap to figure that the current outbreak of UFO mania has something to do with John Podesta and Trilateral Commission strategy to conquer the world for Technocracy. Podesta pushed both Clinton and Obama to open up the UFO files, and now he is likely working on the Biden Administration.

The question remains, Why now?

First, it’s a huge slight-of-hand that masks other events taking place; think staging of WWIII, global financial collapse, another WHO-orchestrated pandemic, Great Reset, etc. Second, it conditions the world for a unified, global response to a new, unseen enemy that can only be spearheaded by the United Nations.

The key here is the “unseen” enemy: global warming is unseen; Covid virus is unseen; aliens are unseen.

However, Trilateral Commissioner John Podesta is not unseen, and I would suggest that Technocracy’s war on the world is about to get a lot more intense in 2023.


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Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.

Featured image: John Podesta (Source: Technocracy)

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On Saturday, February 11, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel arrived in Campeche, Mexico, and was received by his Mexican counterpart Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO). Under the leadership of Díaz-Canel and López Obrador, friendship and cooperation between Cuba and Mexico have deepened and reached unprecedented levels in recent years. This was Díaz-Canel’s third official visit to Mexico, including his attendance at the inauguration of President AMLO. The main objective of Saturday’s visit was to continue strengthening bilateral relations.

President AMLO recalled that Mexico and Cuba have always had relations of political brotherhood and called Díaz-Canel a “distinguished and admired guest.” “For more than 60 years, Cuba has defined with the will and support of an indomitable people that the frontiers should always exist between sovereignty and the desire for hegemonic domination. That is why you, President Díaz-Canel, are a distinguished and admired guest for the Mexican government,” said AMLO in his welcome speech for Díaz-Canel.

For his part, President Díaz-Canel thanked AMLO for its solidarity with the Cuban people.

“I once again thank our sister nation for its solidarity with the Cuban people, who have faced tremendously difficult challenges in the last few years and months, due to a combination of the impacts of nature and the effects of the intensified blockade,” said Díaz-Canel.

The Mexican president also thanked his Cuban counterpart for sending doctors to Mexico, some of whom serve in dangerous or remote areas. Over 600 Cuban doctors and specialists are working in 12 Mexican states. López Obrador announced that, during 2023, more Cuban professionals could join this health program.

Meanwhile, the Cuban president explained that in May 2022, during President AMLO’s visit to Cuba,

“we agreed that both countries could send specialists to provide public health services in health units or institutions of our respective nations. In less than a year, we are complying with what was agreed on and there are already results to show.” Díaz-Canel added that the two countries “will analyze new goals in areas of common interest.”

In this regard, he indicated that the export of crushed stone ballast from Cuba’s Cienfuegos province to Mexico for the Mayan Train project, a tourist train that will run around the Yucatan peninsula, could be identified as a new area of ​​the bilateral relationship. “These are beneficial projects for our peoples and are examples of the potential that exists for the development of bilateral ties.”

Mexico demands lifting of the US embargo against Cuba

Later on Saturday, President Díaz-Canel and his wife Lis Cuesta Peraza visited the Edzná archaeological zone and observed the progress of the Mayan Train. Following a visit to one of the stations under construction of the Mayan train, President AMLO awarded President Díaz-Canel with the “Order of the Aztec Eagle,” Mexico’s highest medal of honor for foreigners, for his work in strengthening relations between the two countries.

At the same time, AMLO demanded that the United States government lift the economic, commercial and financial blockade that has been imposed on Cuba for more than six decades. “As a sign of goodwill and that all the countries of the Americas are willing to join forces, I consider and express with respect that the US government should lift, as soon as possible, the unjust and inhumane blockade of the Cuban people,” he stated.

“The US model of relations imposed in the region is completely worn out, anachronistic, it has no future or point, and it no longer benefits anyone. It is time for a new coexistence among all the countries of Latin America. It is time to express and explore another option, to dialogue with the rulers of all countries, especially with the US rulers, to convince them that a new relationship is possible,” AMLO added, opposing the US sanctions against Cuba.

In the light of the same, President AMLO expressed his willingness to lead an international campaign demanding lifting of the embargo.

“Mexico is going to lead a more active movement to unite all countries and defend the independence and sovereignty of Cuba. Nothing to treat them as a terrorist country or put them on the black list of alleged terrorist countries. Cuba is a deeply humane people and government. Long live the dignified people of Cuba!” he announced.

President Díaz-Canel expressed his “deep appreciation for the people of Mexico and their admiration and interest in deepening bilateral ties with our country in the different visits and the broad transformative proposal that they defend.”

“It is a great honor to receive the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle, a medal that symbolizes the origin, identity and strength of this beloved nation. I receive it with humility and infinite gratitude, being aware of the fact that the true deserving recipients are the heroic Cuban people,” Díaz-Canel later tweeted.


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Featured image: On February 11, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador awarded Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Mexico’s highest medal of honor for foreigners, the “Order of the Aztec Eagle,” for his work in strengthening relations between the two countries. Photo: AMLO/Twitter

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Sweden’s prime minister on Tuesday said the European Union is creating a group to look into using frozen Russian funds to pay for Ukraine’s reconstruction, a potential move with no precedent.

“The mandate is to contribute to mapping which funds have been frozen in the European Union … and secondly how to legally proceed to access those funds,” Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said, according to Reuters.

Some of Russia’s central bank funds have been frozen by the EU, which amounts to tens of billions of dollars. Using the money to pay for projects in Ukraine would amount to stealing from the Russian government and would ensure EU-Russia relations won’t be repaired anytime soon.

Kristersson said that it’s “Russian taxpayers, not all other taxpayers, who must bear the cost of the necessary reconstruction work.” Leading the group is Anders Ahnlid, the head of Sweden’s National Board of Trade, a government agency that deals with foreign trade.

“The EU has never before used frozen funds for the reconstruction of a war-torn country, so we are in a sense chartering new territory,” Ahnild said.

The US is exploring similar options but is currently targeting Russian billionaires’ funds, not the central bank. Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered the release of $5.4 million to be given to Ukraine that was seized from Konstantin Malofeyev, a Russian businessman who owns Tsargrad, a Russian Orthodox Christian TV channel.

“Today, I am announcing that I have authorized the first-ever transfer of forfeited Russian assets for use in Ukraine,” Garland said on February 4.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image: Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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Bankers from JP Morgan Chase visited Ukraine last week and signed a memorandum of understanding with President Volodymyr Zelensky and plan to help raise private capital for a new fund for Ukraine’s reconstruction.

According to Fox Business, JP Morgan, America’s largest bank, discussed with Zelensky the creation of a fund that would start with $20 – $30 billion in private capital to go towards investment in Ukraine. Another idea would be to establish a new bank administered by Wall Street firms that would invest in Ukrainian infrastructure that has been destroyed in the war.

Zelensky’s office said that the Ukrainian leader met with senior members of JP Morgan on Friday. “I understand very well that doing business and investing cannot be beneficial to only one party. We want you to invest in Ukraine and earn money,” Zelensky said.

Besides helping raise private investment for Ukraine, JP Morgan will advise on  financial stabilization, sovereign credit ratings, and economic ties to Europe. The bank’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, said the “full resources” of JP Morgan are available to Ukraine as it “charts its post-conflict path to growth.”

Ukraine’s reconstruction will have a huge price tag, with the World Bank estimating in December that it could cost between 500 and 600 billion euros ($525 billion-$630 billion). Last July, Ukrainian officials estimated the “recovery plan” will cost about $750 billion. As the war goes on and more of Ukraine is destroyed, the price tag will increase.

Zelensky has also agreed to coordinate Ukraine’s reconstruction with the investment management company BlackRock after meeting with the company’s CEO, Larry Fink. Last month, Zelensky said American corporations would find “big business” in Ukraine.

“It is already clear that this will be the largest economic project of our time in Europe,” Zelensky said in a video address to a meeting of the National Association of State Chambers “We have already managed to attract attention and have cooperation with such giants of the international financial and investment world as BlackRock, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.”

Zelensky cited US military aid as an example of the business opportunities found in Ukraine. “And everyone can become a big business by working with Ukraine. In all sectors — from weapons and defense to construction, from communications to agriculture, from transport to IT, from banks to medicine,” he said.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image is from Kurt Nimmo

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With all of the Chyna balloons and UFOs going around, unless you live in East Palestine, Ohio or if you consume a lot of independent news, you probably don’t know that the US is currently experiencing what may be the largest ecological disaster in its history.

And I’m not talking about the fake Climate Change catastrophism promoted by the World Economic Forum, I’m talking about the ~100,000 gallons or 1,000,000 pounds of vinyl chloride leaked, spilled and burned, due  to a train derailment in this rural town of 5,000 people, where acid rain and phosgene is expected to decimate a wide swathe of the region’s ecology. The devastation will likely force migrations of people, many of whom will get cancer later on. This is an American Chernobyl.

Dioxins result whenever chlorinated organics like vinyl chloride are burned. Dioxins are degraded slowly in the environment, with a half-life of 25-100 years in the soil. They cause cancers, reproductive harm, damage the immune system and they disrupt hormones.

The toxic plume of airborne hydrochloric acid and dioxin from the East Palestine “controlled burn” has a radius of over 200 miles encompassing Pittsburgh, Detroit, Cleveland and Toronto. For the past week, it’s been raining down over some of the most fertile farmland in the United States, killing farm animals and aquatic life.

The entire Ohio River Basin is affected, where over 30 million people or 10% of the US population lives, including the metropolitan areas of Louisville KY, Cincinnati OH, Indianapolis, IN and Nashville, TN. The Ohio River, alone provides drinking water to over 5 million people. And it drains into the Mississippi, affecting all those downstream.

It’s not known what caused the derailment but security camera footage taken 20 miles away from the scene of the accident in Salem, OH shows sparks and flames shooting beneath one of the cars. Hot box detectors should have triggered the emergency brake but that doesn’t appear to have happened. The NTSB is investigating the trains data and audio recordings and the hot box detectors along the route.

The national news is not covering this event and there is a major cover-up in progress. Last week, Evan Lambert, an independent news reporter was arrested for simply and unobtrusively reporting on the derailment.

Considering the fact that there have been two other massive railroad accidents this week, involving derailed trains carrying toxic chemicals in Splendora, TX and Enoree, SC, on top of the 96 food facilities burnt to the ground since Joe Biden took office, are we ready for the public conversation that United States citizens are under attack?

Not the EPA. They’re saying that it’s safe for the people of East Palestine to go home, despite the fact that people who own chickens there are all reporting that ALL of their chickens have died suddenly. Not Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who made an appearance on Monday and blamed the country’s infrastructure problems on COVID and didn’t say a word about the derailments. He preferred to complain that there were too many white men in the construction business.

The Biden Regime’s $65 billion “Bipartisan” Infrastructure Deal is focused on “Environmental Justice” and on building charging stations for environmentally ruinous electric cars and other woke pork. They’ve said nothing about this catastrophe.

My friends over at American Intelligence Media say something stinks about the derailment. They think this event may be a harbinger of the dread internet shutdown we’ve been warned about for years, noting that internet fiber trunk lines, wherever possible, are embedded under railroad rights of way and that, “Rail derailments are a sneaky way to selectively shut down digital communications,” in this case, AT&T service throughout the State of Ohio. They also ask whether the derailment is a simulation for bankers who are working to shut down businesses by fabricating disasters to install ESG.

Speaking of simulations and smoking guns, the Netflix movie, ‘White Noise’ appears to have been one of those Event 201-type tabletop exercises, training for the events in East Palestine. It’s quite stunning, how the images of the derailment and the plume that we’re seeing from this event are almost exactly the same as the images foreshadowed in the film. And guess where they shot the film in 2022? In East Palestine! Many of the chemically-bombed residents appeared as extras in the film.

Here are the CDC’s Medical Management Guidelines for Vinyl Chloride.


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