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Planes go up. Planes go down. What planes don’t do is just vanish off the face of the Earth.” These are the words of aviation journalist Jeff Wise, who features in Netflix’s chilling new docuseries, MH370: The Plane that Disappeared. But on 8 March 2014, that’s precisely what happened. A Malaysia Airlines flight with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board departed its home capital of Kuala Lumpur and never landed at its planned destination of Beijing. What occurred after the aircraft last communicated with air traffic control 38 minutes after take-off has been the subject of innumerable theories in the years since – some plausible, some risible – many of which are explored in this three-parter. “It’s important that people still talk about MH370 and don’t just forget about it,” director Louise Malkinson tells me over Zoom. “It’s a mystery that hasn’t been solved and I think it’s really important that there’s a push for a resumed search for the plane.”

In January 2017, the three-year search for MH370 was called off, leaving the most baffling case in aviation history unsolved. Using what little satellite data there was, scientists had identified a vast search area in the Southern Indian Ocean. While various bits of debris – some alleged, some confirmed – have been recovered over the years, the main underwater wreckage and its crucial black box data recorders have remained elusive. For the next of kin of the passengers on board, this lack of evidence represents a lack of closure, which has defined their lives for the past nine years. In one piece of archival footage, Jiang Hui – a Chinese man whose mother was on the flight – is handed what is believed to be a small chunk of the plane. The pain is writ large upon his face as he recalls, “When I had the debris in my hand, I thought, ‘This was probably the thing that was closest to my mother in her last moments.’” This may be the nearest thing to a resolution that Jiang ever gets. “Ambiguous loss is a trauma like no other,” Malkinson says. “To be nine years on and having no answers… you just can’t imagine it.”

Click here to read the full article on The Independent.

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Israeli settlers have been sharing on their WhatsApp groups a song celebrating the burning of the Palestinian town of Huwwara and its anticipated erasure. 

The song was initially shared on the WhatsApp groups of the Hilltop Youth, an extremist religious-nationalist settler group active in attacks against Palestinians and the establishing of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Overlaid with the melody of Hanania by popular religious Zionist singer Hanan Ben-Ari, the song starts with “What is burning down…Huwwara/Houses and cars…Huwwara/ Evicting from [Huwwara] old women, the young and girls too.”

Huwwara, a Palestinian town in the West Bank, was at the centre of an unprecedented Israeli settler rampage on 26 February.

At least one Palestinian was killed and nearly 400 wounded in the attacks on Huwwara and other West Bank towns and villages, Palestinian health officials said.

The song also includes lyrics such as “They burn their trucks, roads and cars, ambulances and fire engines, you will no longer recognise Huwwara.”

Commenting on Hilltop Youth’s rendition of his song, Ben-Ari, called it an “unfunny and inappropriate joke“.

While there is no indication that Ben-Ari condoned the use of his song, his music, which reflects his religious worldview, resonates with some Israeli settlers.

Raised in Karnei Shomron in the occupied West Bank, Ben-Ari is the nephew of Michael Ben-Ari, who co-founded the political party Jewish Power, now led by far-right Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

‘Wipe out Huwwara’

On Monday evening, settlers once again stormed Huwwara, hurling stones at Palestinians, their cars and properties. Palestine’s Red Crescent said that 31 people, including six children, were wounded, and five of them were rushed to the emergency department of Ibn Sina hospital.

On social media, settlers threatened to “destroy” the town, much of which has been set ablaze.

Israeli soldiers were also present when settlers rampaged through Huwwara and the Palestinian village of Zatara, and during the fatal shooting of a Palestinian man on the night of 26 February.

Sameh al-Aqtash, a 37-year-old Palestinian resident of Zatara, was shot when around 40 to 50 settlers attacked his village. Video footage taken by Palestinians shows at least two Israeli army jeeps and a police car at the scene, not intervening to stop the rampage.

Israeli settlers are not the first to call for Huwwara to be demolished.

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who is also responsible for Israel’s civil administration in the occupied West Bank, on Wednesday said Israel should “wipe out” the village in the wake of the attack.

“The state needs to do it and not private citizens,” he said.

The US condemned the comments as  “repugnant, irresponsible and disgusting“, with US State Department spokesman Ned Price calling on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top officials to “publicly and clearly” disavow the minister’s comments.

Smotrich, who is due in the US at an investment conference in Washington DC next week, later claimed his remarks were “a slip of the tongue”.


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Featured image: Israeli settler song cover calling for the destruction of Huwwara (Social Media/Twitter via MEE)

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Members of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) committee at their latest meeting agreed to provide compensation of NT$3.5 million (US$114,829) to the family of a child who died of fulminant myocarditis after receiving her second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Ten of the 118 cases reviewed during the meeting were awarded compensation, including one case of adverse reaction after receiving a Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine and nine cases of adverse reactions after a COVID-19 vaccine.

One of the cases is a Taoyuan girl aged five to 11, who died of fulminant myocarditis after receiving her second shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Deputy Director-General Philip Lo (羅一鈞), the Central Epidemic Command Center’s (CECC) spokesperson, said the girl lost consciousness three days after receiving the shot, and a cardiac ultrasound scan showed preserved systolic function, suggesting fulminant myocarditis.

A forensic autopsy found lymphocytic infiltration within her myocardial fibers, of which viral infection is the most common cause, as the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is an mRNA vaccine that is non-pathogenic, he said.

Click here to read the full article on Taipei Times.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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Ahead of a Wednesday vote on his resolution to force congressional oversight on the continuation of U.S. military operations in Syria, Rep. Matt Gaetz Fla. was feeling bullish. “Hope springs eternal,” he told The Intercept when asked whether the measure would pass. The resolution was ultimately voted down on Wednesday night with 47 Republicans joining 56 Democrats in support of the bill. Despite the revolution’s defeat, it was just the beginning in a string of efforts to end U.S. military operations abroad, according to its sponsor.

“Syria is my lead-off hitter. We’re going to take a trip around the globe. We may go to Yemen, we may have stops in Niger, we may have stops in Sudan, maybe ultimately, we’ll end in Ukraine,” Gaetz said.

The Obama administration’s ambassador to Syria, a leading voice in favor of aggressively confronting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at the time, also backed the effort by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., to force U.S. withdrawal from the country within 180 days.

Robert Ford argued in a letter to Congress in support of Gaetz’s legislation that the U.S. mission has no clear objective. “After more than eight years of military operations in Syria there is no definition of what the ‘enduring’ defeat of ISIS would look like,” Ford writes in the letter, which was obtained by The Intercept and confirmed as authentic by Ford. “We owe our soldiers serving there in harm’s way a serious debate about whether their mission is, in fact, achievable.”

On Tuesday evening, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, or CPC, circulated a message to its membership urging a yes vote, producing a serious bipartisan coalition.

“This measure to remove unauthorized deployment of U.S. Armed Forces in Syria unless a specific statutory authorization is enacted within six months is largely consistent with previous bipartisan efforts led by CPC Members to terminate such unauthorized military presence within one year, for which 130 House Democrats voted yes last year,” read the message to members.

At the same time that Gaetz’s resolution was being debated on the House floor, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee took up the question of whether to end the military force authorizations that provided the legal basis for decades of war in Iraq.

“I am encouraged that the kerfuffle my Syria legislation has brought to the Republican conference may lead us to a broader discussion about the 2001 AUMF, the 2002 AUMF, and it’s obviously well past time for us to reconsider those authorizations in light of the world we live in in 2023.”

CPC member Ro Khanna, D-Calif., who voted for the resolution said that attitudes towards U.S. involvement in foreign conflict were shifting on both sides of the aisle.

“There is a new generation of thinking on two central issues. A concern about wars and entanglements over the last 20 years that have not made us safer, and a concern over the offshoring of our domestic production over bad trade deals that have left the working class and middle class poorer,” Khanna said. “I believe that this new generation of political leaders can help fix those two mistakes that the country has made and that there is an emerging consensus that we should not have our troops fighting overseas without congressional authorization.”

An original version of Gaetz’s measure offered just 15 days for troops to leave Syria, but he amended it to six months in the hope of drawing real support. The new measure, a war powers resolution that is privileged on the House floor, would allow troops to stay longer if Congress debated on and authorized the intervention.

Gaetz’s introduction of the resolution, particularly with such a short timetable that would doom it to lopsided defeat, kicked off a flurry of lobbying to try to turn it into a bipartisan coalition, involving progressive groups like Just Foreign Policy and Demand Progress and conservative ones such as FreedomWorks, Concerned Veterans for America, and Citizens for Renewing America. But the speed with which it came to the floor left little time for grassroots mobilization.

“The CPC has been leading on this front and nothing has changed. I wish Gaetz worked more closely with the coalition of groups that have been working on this and the CPC,” said Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., deputy chair of the CPC, who worked with Gaetz to get the legislation to a place where Democrats could back it. “Nonetheless, I am a yes on the resolution.”

Gaetz did not respond to a request for comment.

Ford had previously supported a 2021 legislative push by New York Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman, whose amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act would have given the U.S. one year to exit Syria. Bowman’s measure won the support of 21 Republicans and roughly half of the Democratic caucus. Despite the rise of an anti-interventionist wing of the GOP, the votes to oppose American adventures overseas continue to come largely from Democrats. In July 2022, Bowman pushed for another floor vote, this time picking up 25 Republicans and winning the Democratic caucus 130-88.

In 2019, Gaetz and a handful of other Republicans backed President Donald Trump’s push for an end to the U.S. presence there and were joined by Omar and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who bucked their party to back Trump’s proposed withdrawal. But like Trump’s Afghanistan withdrawal, he never actually did it, losing the internal power struggle to supporters of a continued occupation.

Opposition to US intervention in Syria has been bipartisan since the earliest days of the crisis. In 2013, Daily Kos and HuffPost ran whip counts ahead of a vote called for by Obama to authorize the use of force, pressuring progressives to vote no. HuffPost tallied 243 members of Congress planning to vote no or leaning no before Obama pulled the legislation from the floor.

In 2014, Ford resigned his position, frustrated that the Obama administration was not providing enough support to the opposition to, at minimum, force al-Assad to the negotiating table. The need to minimize U.S. involvement undermined the purpose of that involvement, he argued. In other words, go big or go home — and Ford is now arguing that U.S. troops ought to go home and that the Gaetz measure is a vehicle to help make that happen. “And remember that ‘go big’ offers no guarantee of success,” he said when I asked if the idiom appropriately summed up his argument. “We went big in Iraq and had mixed results.”

Ford noted in his letter that leftist Kurdish forces in Syria, with U.S. support, had claimed the last piece of ISIS territory in March 2019 and the Pentagon has assessed that ISIS now lacks the capacity to strike the U.S. at home. Militias aligned with Iran have taken the opportunity of U.S. presence in the region to launch attacks on American troops, who number roughly 900, not counting contractors.

The legal rationale for U.S. occupation is dubious at best. With ISIS suppressed, the administration has suggested the purpose of the occupation is to act as a bulwark against Iran. The Washington Post previously reported:

The balance of power in Syria’s multisided conflict depends on the American presence. Where U.S. troops retreat, American officials see an opening for the Syrian military or forces from Russia or Turkey to advance. Some U.S. officials have stressed that the American deployment precludes Iranian forces from establishing a “land bridge” that would allow them to more easily supply weapons to their Hezbollah allies in Lebanon.

“It’s about keeping a balance,” said one senior official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak with the media.

In fact, Iran already has a direct “land bridge” through eastern Syria to Lebanon; the U.S. occupation merely adds some time to the Iranian truckers’ journey. More to the point, said Ford, there is no authorization to deploy troops overseas to counter Iran. “The 2001 authorization of the use of military force was all about Al Qaeda and, to a secondary extent, the Taliban and Afghanistan,” he said. “It wasn’t about Iranian or pro-Iranian militias in eastern Syria.”

Vermont’s newly elected Democrat, Rep. Becca Balint, who also voted yes on the resolution, said it is critical to restore congressional oversight of foreign wars. But she also raised concern over the plight of Syrian Kurds who have long fought alongside U.S. forces, and could suffer increased attacks from Turkey which claims their autonomous enclave as an existential threat.

“For me, it’s important to plant a stake around tightening things up on the war power act but also  making sure there is long term support in place for the Syrian Kurds,” Balint said. “A lot of people are talking about the Kurds and it’s a concern so many of us have. I have a 15-year-old son and I was talking to him about this last night. One of the things that we talked about is that there are always people involved in conflict between two sides and we can lose sight of those people in the long term. It’s critical we make sure those people are protected.”

Ford argued that U.S. withdrawal would facilitate the kind of negotiations needed to bring a measure of stability to the region. The Kurdish separatists, while enjoying significant amounts of autonomy, would be pushed into direct talks with the Syrian government over a power-sharing agreement. The Turks have resisted talks with the U.S. over security at the Syrian border, angered at the U.S. alliance with the Kurdish separatists.

“We have enough leverage in my view with Turkey to help protect the Kurds,” Khanna said when asked whether he shared Balint’s concern. “We could provide the Kurds with aid and support like we have in Ukraine, and if the president wants to make the case for a certain presence that is required for America to protect the Kurds, then he should come to Congress and work with us to make that case.”

Trump, while urging a withdrawal, also said he’d leave behind a force to “keep the oil.” He suggested a major American firm like Exxon Mobil would come in to exploit Syria’s oil, but so far, no big American company has been involved, and the Kurds are exporting oil largely in collaboration with al-Assad’s government.

Asked about the ongoing sanctions of the al-Assad regime, Ford said it was time to take a hard look at whether they were working and at what cost. “That’s a very separate issue from our troop presence,” he said. “I would just say two things. First, the sanctions are not delivering political concessions from Bashar al-Assad. And then the second thing I would say is, it’s disingenuous for those who justify the sanctions to say that they don’t harm ordinary Syrians living in government-controlled territories. They obviously do.

“All I can say is we’re inflicting pain without getting much for it.”

Update: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

This article and headline have been updated to include the results of a House vote, as well as quotes from Gaetz, Khanna, and Balint.


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Featured image: U.S. Battalion in eastern Syria in 2019 Photo: Creative Commons / U.S. Army Reserve

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The collapse Friday night of a makeshift dam designed to hold back wastewater and new concerns by local groups and residents about the nearby incineration of contaminated soil from last month’s train derailment are the latest anxiety-producing woes to beset the community of East Palestine, Ohio.

Watchdogs on the ground reported that the dam broke after heavy rains in the area on Friday.

According to local Channel 19 News:

Residents tell 19 News heavy rain has caused Leslie Run Creek to rise, and spill over the makeshift dam, near the derailment sight. 19 News was able to obtain several photos of water from that manmade dam covering the Main Street area of town.

Residents fear the contaminated water may seep into homes or businesses—causing another level of fear for those who live in the area.

Local resident Eric Cozza told the news outlet he was scared of what the released waters could do to the community. “I fear that now the chemical is in the ground, it’s going to leech towards the water ducts, our aquifer for drinking water,” Cozza said. “I’m concerned that the park is now contaminated. Kids won’t be able to play there or walk through there on their way to school.”

Status Coup News, which has been reporting from East Palestine and speaking with residents since the disaster occurred, reported Friday night that flooding from the breached dam was going “into The Original Roadhouse restaurant parking lot where a lot of locals eat and drink.”

The outlet also reported that the pictures of the broken dam posted to social media were taken by local resident Neko Figley, who was told by contractors to leave the area because it was “super dangerous to be here right now.”

River Valley Organizing, a multi-racial, working-class group active in the Ohio River Valley region, said in a statement Friday that residents of East Palestine are still being ignored a month after 38 rail cars of a Norfolk Southern train went off the tracks on February 3.

“It’s been one month since our lives were turned upside down,” the group said, “but we still aren’t getting what we need from the government or Norfolk Southern. We heard the people of this community loud and clear: they want safe homes, and independent environmental and health testing—now.”

On Saturday, The Guardian reported on fresh fears over the incineration of contaminated soil that was taken from the crash site, not least because one of the nearby facilities where the material is being taken has a history of EPA violations. According to the Guardian:

The new plan is “horrifying,” said Kyla Bennett, a former [EPA] official now with the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility non-profit. She is one among a number of public health advocates and local residents who have slammed Norfolk Southern and state and federal officials over the decision. […]

Incinerating the soil is especially risky because some of the contaminants that residents and independent chemical experts fear is in the waste, like dioxins and PFAS, haven’t been tested for by the EPA, and they do not incinerate easily, or cannot be incinerated.

“Why on earth would you take this already dramatically overburdened community and ship this stuff a few miles away only to have it deposited right back where it came from?” Bennett asked.

She further told the Guardian that the “most important thing in my mind is the human health and health of the environment” and that burning this toxic material under such conditions flies “in the face of basic human decency and science.”

Penn Future, a watchdog for air and water quality in neighboring Pennsylvania, said the incineration plans are very worrying.

“The plan to incinerate dioxin and PFAS contaminated soil from Norfolk Southern’s toxic spill deeply troubles us and will continue to build distrust and anxiety,” the group said. “It’s not clear the plan will work and puts communities down wind at risk of contamination.”

According to an update from the office of Ohio’s Republican Gov. Mike DeWine, the Ohio EPA has reported that approximately 1,700 tons of solid waste have been removed from the disaster site in East Palestine as of Friday.

Of that waste, reportsThe Chronicle-Telegram, 660 tons has gone to Heritage Thermal Services—the company with a litany of past violations—in East Liverpool, Ohio, which is in Columbiana County not far from East Palestine. Another 190 tons was hauled to the Giles incinerator for in-state burning and 880 tons of the solid waste was shipped out of state to landfills in Michigan and Indiana.

Meanwhile, 3.2 million gallons of liquid wastewater have been collected in the area with the large majority going out of state, to facilities in Michigan and Texas, for deep-well injection.

Amanda Kiger, director of River Valley Organizing, said one of her concerns was the incineration of toxin-laden materials so close to the residents still reeling in East Palestine.

EPA and other government officials, she told the Guardian, “are just dumping more shit on Columbiana county,” Kiger said.”They say, ‘We already poisoned them so it doesn’t matter if we poison them more.'”

As for Cozza, who spoke with 19 News about the dam breach and whose family has already been diagnosed with skin irritations, he said the odor of chemicals is now back in the area.

“I have fear,” he said. “I’ve had fear and now this just put the anxiety over the top.”

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Featured image: An organizer with River Valley Organizing in East Palestine reported that “the dam constructed to hold back toxic waste has broken after [Friday’s] heavy rain” in the area. (Photo: via River Valley Organizing / Credit Neko Figley)

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In a Multipolar World, the Idea of a New World Order Dies

March 9th, 2023 by Timothy Alexander Guzman

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When former US President  George W. Bush and his neocon regime launched their anti-terrorism campaign after the September 11th attacks, he declared that “Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”  

Western threats against the Global South continue today. 

In the recent Munich Security Conference 2023, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that

“Neutrality is not an option, because then you are standing on the side of the aggressor,” she continued “and this is a plea we are also giving next week to the world again:  Please take a side, a side for peace, a side for Ukraine, a side for the humanitarian international law, and these times this means also delivering ammunition so Ukraine can defend itself.”

Most of the world does not agree with Western leaders that Russia is the aggressor in this conflict.  Ukraine’s goal is to become a member of NATO which would be a threat to Russia’s security concerns right on its borders.

As history shows, it was Ukraine who has bombed the Donbas region for more than 8 years which includes the areas of Donetsk and Luhansk killing more than 8,000 people with the help of US-NATO forces whose sole purpose is to destroy Russia.  This is the work of the Western powers who want nothing more than to contain Russia’s rise as a major player on the world stage.

Not only Russia has been a victim of Western aggression, many countries in the Global South has also witnessed endless wars, coups and regime change operations with western-backed color revolutions since the end of World War II.  Since the war started in Ukraine, it is only now that the mainstream media is starting to take notice that the Global South is starting to rebel against Western powers on many levels at least according to, ‘Ukraine war exposes splits between Global North and South’ reflects on the current situation that

a tectonic chasm appears to have split the Global North from the Global South. Confronted with the sort of aggression and territorial expansionism that the postwar world order was designed to avert, the Western alliance, also called the Global North, has overcome competition and rivalries to maintain unity.”

The West defeated their “competition and rivalries” by bombing countries back to the stone age like they did to Iraq and Libya.  It is well known that Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi wanted to change course in how their countries conducted business with the rest of the world by abandoning the use of US dollars in favor of other currencies.  In the case of Iraq, the US and its allied partners were also doing Israel a favor in destroying an adversary.  So, a shift has taken place with “more than 70 years after the end of World War II, several countries of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and South America that were “emerging” for decades have essentially emerged on the world stage” forming what is now known as the ‘Global South.’

The war in Ukraine has changed everything for the globalists insane vision for humanity, now they accuse Russia of being the aggressor for expanding its footprint in Ukraine but ignoring the 8-year bombing campaign in the Donbas region by the Ukrainian forces with NATO’s assistance.  Did the US and in most cases their NATO allies “avert” their own “aggressive” wars against Vietnam, Iraq, or Libya?  As for “territorial expansion” doesn’t the US, France, and other Western powers still have colonies around the world?  The US also illegally occupies northern Syria and Iraq with military bases, and that is a form of territorial expansion.

Newsweek published an interesting opinion piece by Michael Gfoeller and David H. Rundell, ‘Nearly 90 Percent of the World Isn’t Following Us on Ukraine | Opinion’ says that there is a growing anti-Western sentiment in the Global South:

Alliances that were created in part to counter Western economic and political influence are expanding. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey have announced their interest in joining the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). The Shanghai Cooperative Organization currently links China, Russia, India, and Pakistan, among others. Iran plans to join this month while Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar are likely to become “dialogue partners,” or candidate members.

Additionally, China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative is tying many African nations to Beijing with cords of trade and debt. Russia is also reaching out in the form of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who recently addressed his 22 Arab League counterparts in Cairo before touring a number of African countries.

If that’s not enough to give the West pause, Moscow is again on the offensive in Latin America, strengthening its military relationships with Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba. The two powerhouses of that region, Brazil, and Mexico, have pointedly refused to back Western sanctions against Russia

Gfoeller and Rundell admit on a mainstream media news magazine that dollarsare tools of economic warfare from imposing crippling sanctions to asset seizures on countries who don’t follow Washington’s orders, but it is only an opinion piece, obviously not an article that will make the front-page news:

The dollar’s reserve currency status remains a pillar of the global economic order, but trust in that order has been damaged. Economic sanctions have weaponized parts of the international banking and insurance sectors including the SWIFT fund transfer system. Assets have been seized and commodity contracts canceled. Calls for de-dollarization have become louder. When Russia demanded energy payments in rubles, yuan or UAE Dirhams, China and India complied.

These concerns are generating considerable anti-Western sentiment across much of the Global South. While a nuclear-armed Russia shows no willingness to end a war its leaders cannot afford to lose; the West is rapidly losing the rest and thus undermining the very rules-based international order it has sought to create. Our most promising solution to this dilemma is likely to be some sort of diplomatic compromise

Yes, it’s true the dynamics of the world order has changed dramatically since the day US President George H.W. Bush (whose father Prescott Bush, a founder of the Union Banking Corporation, an investment bank that had ties to a German businessman, Fritz Thyssen who supported the Nazis) gave a speech on the invasion of Iraq on January 16th, 1991.  Here is part of what he said:

This is an historic moment. We have in this past year made great progress in ending the long era of conflict and cold war. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order—a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful—and we will be—we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.’s founders

They had passed the test then, today, it’s a different story, the world is tired of Western hypocrisy, of its continuous wars and CIA-backed coups against their governments who don’t always agree with their prescriptions for democracy.  However, the idea of a new world order did not begin with Bush Sr, it began after the creation of the League of Nations after World War I when US President Woodrow Wilson called for a new world order to enhance global security and democracy.  But the idea of forming a new world order or globalist empire to impose a rules-based order should be a forgone conclusion, they don’t work, and they are destructive.  Globalist power structures or empires eventually destroy themselves from within, so, is it worth it for the regime in power?  Some people would also say that Russia and China want to rule the world.  They don’t, they know managing an empire is immoral, extremely costly, and incredibly ridicules to rule a world full of different ideas, cultures, ethnicities, and languages.  They know that diplomacy, respect, and trade is a better option for the sake of humanity.  Now, does it mean that in a multipolar world, future wars will be prevented? Not necessarily, but at least it’s worth a try given the fact that the US and its Western allies have created nothing but wars and chaos since the end of World War II and now we are at a point that this world order-based system is about to unleash a devastating war involving nuclear weapons.

Since World War II, it has been the US at the forefront who has been building a world order based on its hegemonic projections to control every nation on earth.  China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to take the gloves off and publish, ‘US Hegemony and Its Perils’ which exposes how the US has used its superpower status including its economic, financial, political, and military machine to create their ‘hegemonic playbook:

The United States has developed a hegemonic playbook to stage “color revolutions,” instigate regional disputes, and even directly launch wars under the guise of promoting democracy, freedom and human rights. Clinging to the Cold War mentality, the United States has ramped up bloc politics and stoked conflict and confrontation. It has overstretched the concept of national security, abused export controls and forced unilateral sanctions upon others. It has taken a selective approach to international law and rules, utilizing or discarding them as it sees fit, and has sought to impose rules that serve its own interests in the name of upholding a “rules-based international order.”

This report, by presenting the relevant facts, seeks to expose the U.S. abuse of hegemony in the political, military, economic, financial, technological, and cultural fields, and to draw greater international attention to the perils of the U.S. practices to world peace and stability and the well-being of all peoples

China is not seeking to become the next empire as the mainstream media is warning about especially FOX news and others.  In 2018, Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, a Malaysian political scientist and activist wrote ‘China, A New Imperial Power? asked in his introduction “Is China a new imperial power threatening some of the developing economies in Asia and Africa?”  He said that “this is a perception that is being promoted through the media by certain China watchers in universities and think-tanks mainly in the West, various politicians and by a segment of the global NGO community.”  One of the red flags for US and European media networks was that China was offering unpayable loans to poor countries in what was and still is considered a “debt trap” at least to the China war hawks in Washington.  Dr. Muzaffar explains why the West is wrong about China’s debt trap concerning one of the countries who accepted a loan and that is Pakistan:

Pakistan has taken loans from China for projects under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The US 50 billion CPEC is a network of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan that will connect China’s Xinjiang province with Gwadar port in Pakistan’s Balochistan province. A number of these projects will strengthen Pakistan’s energy sector which is vital for its economic growth. They will help to reduce its severe trade deficit. Debt servicing of CPEC loans which will only start this year amounts to less than 80 million.

Pakistan’s largest creditors are not China, but Western countries and multilateral lenders led by the IMF and international commercial banks. Its foreign debt “is expected to surpass 95 billion this year and debt servicing is projected to reach 31 billion by 2022-2023.” There is evidence to show that its creditors “have been actively meddling in Pakistan’s fiscal policies and its sovereignty through debt rescheduling programs and the conditionalities attached to IMF loans”

He also says that the majority of Africa’s long-term debt has been managed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank but says that “many African states have Chinese debt. This in itself is not a problem — provided loans are utilized for the public good. In this regard, infrastructure financing under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) — building ports, railways and fiber-optic cables — appears to be a major component of China’s involvement in Africa.”

Djibouti had excepted 1.4 billion from China that allowed China to build its first military base.  Western bureaucrats and military officials claimed that China is expanding its empire in Africa according to a report by the US Naval Institute (USNI) on what U.S. Africa Commander Army Gen. Stephen Townsend told the House Armed Services Committee back in April 2021 “that the People’s Liberation Army was expanding its existing naval installation adjacent to a Chinese-owned commercial deep-water port and also seeking other military basing options elsewhere on the continent” and that “Their first overseas military base, their only one, is in Africa, and they have just expanded that by adding a significant pier that can even support their aircraft carriers in the future. Around the continent they are looking for other basing opportunities.” Dr. Muzaffar reminds us that “It should be noted at the same time that Djibouti also hosts the largest US military base in Africa” However, he also makes the case that China’s rise is economic in nature while the West continues its neocolonial agenda:

Djibouti aside, Chinese ventures in Africa have been almost totally economic. The quid pro quo for the Chinese it is true has been access to the continent’s rich natural resources. But it is always access, never control. Control over the natural resources of the nations they colonised was the driving force behind 19th century Western colonialism. Control through pliant governments and, in extreme cases, via regime change continues to be a key factor in the West’s — especially the US’s — quest for hegemony over Africa and the rest of the contemporary world.

It is because China’s peaceful rise as a global player challenges that hegemony that the centres of power in the West are going all out to denigrate and demonise China. Labelling China as a new imperial or colonial power is part of that vicious propaganda against a nation, indeed a civilisation that has already begun to change the global power balance. It is a change — towards a more equitable distribution of power — that is in the larger interest of humanity. For that reason, the people of the world should commit themselves wholeheartedly to the change that is embracing all of us

China understands what invading empires are capable of since they were invaded themselves by Japan’s Imperial forces during World War II which was a horrible occupation that led to the countless deaths and the destruction of Chinese society.  The Soviets also lived through the horrors of Hitler’s invading forces.  Maintaining an empire is immoral and costly, so rising powers such as China, Russia or India are not interested in controlling and occupying any sovereign countries for their political or economic gain.

A Multipolar World is Inevitable as the UN Vote to Condemn Russia Invasion Fails  

Western nations and their allies including the US, European Union, Canada, Australia, UK, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and other puppet governments represent more than 1 billion people which has been held together under a rules-based unipolar world order, as for the Global South, it accounts for more than 6 billion people.  Regarding the war in Ukraine, many countries who are part of the Global South abstained from voting for a UN General Assembly on March 2nd, 2022, to condemn Russia’s invasion including 17 African countries.  The East African ‘17 African countries abstain from UN vote to condemn Russia invasion’ said that more than 35 countries had decided to abstain from voting to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “Some 35 countries abstained from the vote, including Russia and China, and African states – Burundi, Senegal, South Sudan, South Africa, Uganda, Mali and Mozambique.”  Algeria, Bolivia, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Pakistan, South Africa, and Vietnam also Abstained shows that the tide is turning against the West.  Those who voted against the resolution was Belarus, Eritrea, North Korea, and Syria.  Times are changing indeed.

The European branch of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace or published an article by Senior fellow Stefan Lehne ‘After Russia’s War Against Ukraine: What Kind of World Order?’ began his piece with the European Union’s foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell and his comments on the difference between Europe and the rest of the world or as Borrell called the “jungle” earned protests and was criticized for it.  Borrel said that “the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that humankind has been able to build” as he compared Europe to the Global South by saying that “most of the world is a jungle and the jungle could invade the garden.”

Lehne tried to justify Borrell’s comments by saying that “this was likely a reference to Robert Kagan’s 2018 book, The Jungle Grows Back: America and Our Imperiled World.” Lehne said that Kagan’s book “amounts to a stark warning about the consequences of a U.S. retreat from its global responsibilities. Kagan writes that without determined American leadership, nations would revert to traditional patterns of behavior and the world would relapse into disorder, darkness, and chaos.”

So according to the European establishment and evidently, Robert Kagan who is the husband of Victoria Nuland who supported the coup in Ukraine back in 2014, only Europe and the US can lead the global population into a just, prosperous future even though they are responsible for many of the problems the world faces today.  The fact is that Western powers support and sometimes participate in continues wars, maintain colonial possessions, impose economic and political sanctions against those who did not follow orders to offering poor nations loans from globalist institutions such as the World Bank or the IMF that can never be repaid to organizing regime change and coups against governments they don’t like.  This is not to say that there are a handful of countries in the Global South who will betray their people for political or economic gain who will join the West if the opportunity arises such as the Brazilian president, Lula Da Silva.  Overall, it is the West who has created most of the disorder, darkness, and chaos around the world in the first place.

As for Russia, Lehne says that “Russia turned into an aggressive revisionist power.”  But he fails to mention that the actions by US-NATO forces politically and militarily caused Russia to become aggressive.  “As demonstrated by Russia’s war in Georgia in 2008, its annexation of Crimea and intervention in the Donbas in 2014, and its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the leadership in Moscow is determined to reverse some of the losses of the 1990s, increase Russia’s territory, and establish robust zones of influence.”  So now Russia wants to expand its territory?  So after, Ukraine the Russians will invade Poland, Finland, perhaps Italy, maybe Spain?

I disagree with Lehne’s conclusion that “Globalization has slowed but will not be completely reversed.”  The Global South is already reversing the stranglehold of Western powers on many levels.  One good example is what is happening in the African country of Burkina Faso as the government demanded that French troops withdraw from the country during rising tensions between both governments according to an in a recent article ‘Burkina Faso confirms demanding France to withdraw troops’ reported that “The Burkina Faso government clarified on Monday that it has asked ex-colonial ruler France to pull its troops out of the insurgency-hit country within a month.”  France has more than 400 special forces troops in what is called the junta-ruled nation.  Spokesman Jean-Emmanuel Ouedraogo told Radio-Television du Burkina that“We are terminating the agreement which allows French forces to be in Burkina Faso,” government.”  He said that diplomatic relations will not end despite increasing tensions between both governments, but that is just one example.  Stepan Lehne believes that economic interdependence and international communications will need Western institutions and that is why he believes that the “the current multilateral system inherited from the postwar period will therefore survive.”  Lehne does see the reality that the world order is becoming irrelevant in the years to come “But the commitment to its rules will continue to diminish, and power politics and transactional dealmaking will often prevail.”

The US-NATO Agenda: Balkanize Russia and Then Go to War Against China

As we all know, the US-NATO alliance is waging a proxy war in Ukraine to destabilize Russia. The ultimate goal is to balkanize Russia as they did to the former Yugoslavia.  Washington’s war hawks both Democrat and Republican, long dreamed of breaking up Russia to prevent it from becoming a rising political and economic power on the world stage.  Russia hater Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former US national security advisor to President, Jimmy Carter, a professor at Columbia University and a member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Bilderberg group wrote ‘The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives’ which was published in 1998 clearly stated that “It is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America.”

As for the rise of China, the US is in the stages of planning for a war.   On January 28th, 2023, Reuters published ‘U.S. four-star general warns of war with China in 2025’ that “A four-star U.S. Air Force general said in a memo that his gut told him the United States would fight China in the next two years” General Mike Minihan, who heads the Air Mobility Command said, “I hope I am wrong,” he continued “My gut tells me will fight in 2025.”  The bottom line is that the US and European bureaucrats, international bankers, corporations, intelligence agencies and their Military-Industrial Complex known as the MIC all fear a multipolar world and that’s why the talk of war with Russia and China is a major part of their agenda.

A joint statement between Russia and China was released on February 4th, here is part of the statement:

The sides support the deepened strategic partnership within BRICS, promote the expanded cooperation in three main areas: politics and security, economy and finance, and humanitarian exchanges. In particular, Russia and China intend to encourage interaction in the fields of public health, digital economy, science, innovation and technology, including artificial intelligence technologies, as well as the increased coordination between BRICS countries on international platforms. The sides strive to further strengthen the BRICS Plus/Outreach format as an effective mechanism of dialogue with regional integration associations and organizations of developing countries and States with emerging markets

The West fears the BRICS coalition and their potential to draw in the rest of the Global South.  Speaking of the Global South, an interesting analysis by the Bennet Institute for Public Policy’ sponsored by the University of Cambridge called the ‘War in Ukraine widens global divide in public attitudes to US, China and Russia – report’ suggests that the Global South and their support for China, Russia or both has increased significantly: 

However the report also identifies a zone of illiberal and undemocratic societies, stretching from East Asia through the Middle East and out towards West Africa, characterised by the exact opposite trend: populations that have steadily increased support for China, Russia, or both, in recent years.

Among the 1.2 billion people who inhabit the world’s liberal democracies, three-quarters (75%) now hold a negative view of China, and 87% a negative view of Russia, according to the report, published today by the University’s Centre for the Future of Democracy (CFD).

Yet among the 6.3 billion who live in the world’s remaining 136 countries, the opposite is the case – with 70% of people feeling positively towards China and 66% towards Russia.  The analysis includes significant public opinion data from emerging economies and the Global South, and suggests this divide is not just economic or strategic but based in personal and political ideology

Is the Idea of a New World Order Dead?  

The Multipolar world is becoming a reality for Washington, Brussels, and the rest of their allies as their relevance is starting to diminish in the coming years, but Washington and its NATO lapdogs are willing to launch World War III against Russia and China and whoever they consider an enemy even if it means starting a nuclear war so that their world order remains relevant.  Is the West willing to risk a nuclear war for the sake of their world order even if it kills them in the process?  In the case of a nuclear war, where will the Western bureaucrats, bankers, corporate leaders, and their families run to?  Patagonia, Argentina? perhaps to one of the small islands in the pacific, maybe Fiji?  These Western leaders do not care about their citizens, they are psychopaths who are power hungry, and they will do anything they can to remain in power even if it means that their own lives will be at risk in the event of a nuclear war between the east and the west.

Hopefully, the West will come to its senses and try to make peace with the rest of the world and abandon its idea of globalism, but from what we see in the war in Ukraine and their saber-rattling with China over Taiwan, they won’t.  Globalist David Rockefeller once said that “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the Nations will accept the New World Order!”well, Rockefeller must be rolling in his grave because the world is experiencing a different kind of crisis that is challenging the economic, political, and military landscape that has been in place for centuries.

Will there be problems and conflicts in a Multipolar world? maybe, anything is possible, but it is fair to say that the world needs something different because from what has happened in the last 500 years with Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands and centuries later, the US as global rulers, they only led the world to endless wars and bloodshed, so it’s time for a change.  What the world needs a new system where diplomacy, respect, and trade is the rule of law rather than wars, regime change, economic sanctions, interfering in foreign elections, biological warfare, and political assassinations.  A Multipolar world has the chance to establish a balanced landscape where no Western power can dictate its rules-based order to its former colonies and to the rest of the planet, a new landscape where even the thought of a nuclear war becomes unthinkable, and that’s the kind of world we all want.


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from SCN

It Is Zugzwang for Biden in Ukraine

March 9th, 2023 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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There is a cardinal difference between the Washington Post report of June 18, 1972 by Alfred Lewis breaking the news of the Watergate burglary and the sensational claim by the New York Times on Tuesday — per a CNN report — that “intelligence suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group” sabotaged the Nord Stream gas pipelines. 

The WaPo reported on Watergate several months after Richard Nixon’s thumping victory for a second term as president, while the Times’ claim has been advanced even before Joe Biden has announced his candidacy for the November 2024 election. 

A common thread, though, could be that while the Lewis story was followed up a day later by two young Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, the Times report also hopes to be a developing story but with a contrarian purpose. 

If Watergate wiretapping forced Nixon to resign eventually, the big question is whether the Nord Stream sabotage will also be the undoing of the Biden presidency? 

These are early days. But the reverberations of the Times’ claim are already being felt in Europe — Ukraine and Germany — although the report was carefully worded to keep out Ukrainian leaders outside its purview.  

But the bottom line is the caveat that the Times report was not made with high confidence and is apparently not the predominant view of the US intelligence community, and that the Biden Administration has not yet identified a culprit for the attack — succinctly put, this isn’t necessarily the last word on the subject!

That’s smart thinking — with an eye on Seymour Hersh, perhaps?  Meanwhile, Ukraine has flatly denied involvement and German media reports stressed that there’s no proof that Ukrainian authorities ordered the attack or were involved in it. Evidently, Kiev and Berlin (and Washington) prioritise that the business of war must continue as before. And neither is in a position to hit back in defence. 

But Moscow is plainly derisive. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told RIA Novosti,

“Clearly, the authors of the terrorist attack want to distract attention. Obviously, this is a coordinated stuffing in the media.” 

Indeed, when asked about the Times report, the highly opinionated US National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, John Kirby referred questions to investigating European authorities and excused himself saying he was “not going to get ahead of that investigative work.” Kirby played it safe.  

So, as Lenin would have asked: ‘Who stands to gain?’ To be sure, what we have here is a high level leak planted in the Times by the US intelligence, which is non-attributable but probably serves as kite flying to see how far it will travel, especially in Europe, or, equally, it could just be, as Peskov put it, the stuff of “obvious misinformation campaign coordinated by the media.”

Either way, someone high up in the Biden Administration is playing for high stakes. This is taking place at a time when Biden himself has been implicated by Seymour Hersh for ordering the destruction of Nord Stream   — an act of international terrorism  —- and of course Biden is yet to announce his candidacy for the 2024 election. 

As things stand, candidate Biden will not want the Nord Stream scandal to be another Albatross around his neck. The point is, if he stands for election, which he likely intends to, Biden can be sure that the scandalous Ukraine stories concerning him and his son Hunter Biden, dating back to his time as vice-president, will roar back to the centrestage. 

The questioning that the US ambassador to Estonia Senator George Kent was subjected to by Senator Tom Cruz at the hearings on his appointment in Tallinn in December suggested that the Republicans have a lot of dope on Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine and are waiting for the right moment to strike.

Kent, a career diplomat and former deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs with three stints in Kiev — the second time as DCM from 2015 to 2018 and the third as Charge d’Affaires a.i, in 2021 during Biden presidency— is in Senator Cruz’s crosshairs. 

Last week, again, Sen. Cruz returned to the topic. This time around, he tore into attorney general Merrick Garland accusing the Justice Department of leaking uncontrollably in a calibrated bid to save Biden’s reputation.

Conceivably, the implication by the Times report that a “pro-Ukrainian group” may have been behind the Nord Stream attack can be seen as a veiled threat to the powers that be in Kiev to understand which side of their bread is buttered if push comes to the shove.

So far, Zelensky has played ball. Biden is bending over backward to appease Zelensky, if the manner in which the move to sack the Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, a close ally of the president, was summarily shelved is any indication.

The western media was copiously reporting on a purge under way in Kiev but when the trail came to Reznikov and Zelensky dug in, the US inspectors deputed from Washington to investigate the corruption scandal in the defence ministry simply disappeared.  

Indeed, Biden must willy-nilly remain in power beyond 2024 or else  he becomes extremely vulnerable. Therefore, Biden desperately needs a second term. He cannot be too sure even if some other Democratic candidate wins in 2024. God forbid, if the Republicans seize the presidency, Biden and his family members will be fighting with their backs against the wall. 

But there is also the flip side. Biden’s candidacy will bring Nord Stream, Hunter Biden, Ukraine war, et al, to the centre stage of the election campaign. Is it worth the risk? 

Frankly, it is a ‘zugzwang’ for Biden. It is his turn to move, but all of his moves are so bad that having to move can lose the game — and in chess, there is nothing like “pass,” either.   

The sabotage of the Nord Stream forms part of the Ukraine issue. Whoever destroyed that pipeline did it with the intention to eliminate any residual prospect left of a revival of the post-cold war Russian-German alliance in Europe built around the two countries’ energy cooperation and interdependency. 

The Biden team in sheer naïveté thought that sabotage of the Nord Stream would be a geopolitical masterstroke to humiliate Germany and make it a vassal state, destroy all bridges leading from Russia to Europe, and consolidate the US’ transatlantic leadership. They overlooked, out of sheer hubris,  that it still remained a cowardly criminal act. 

To compound matters, the war in Ukraine flowed out of Biden’s  decision to destroy the Nord Stream (which, according to Hersh, dated back to September 2021.) Today, Biden cannot easily end his war as he is also beholden to Zelensky (who knows far too much about Hunter Biden’s escapades in Kiev.)    

Will Biden Administration succeed in hushing up the Nord Stream scandal? Hersh is sure to revisit the topic. Biden cannot walk away from the crime now. But it doesn’t cease to be a crime.

Biden’s remaining option may be to announce he’s going to contest the 2024 election because Build Back Better Framework is still a work in progress.   


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U.S. Occupation of Syria Will Continue

March 9th, 2023 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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The sudden unannounced arrival of the top US military officer General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a dusty American base in Syria’s remote northeast on Friday may call to mind a famous quote by Dick Cheney, vice-president in the George W Bush presidency:

“The good Lord didn’t see fit to put oil and gas only where there are democratically elected regimes friendly to the United States. Occasionally we have to operate in places where, all considered, one would not normally choose to go. But we go where the business is.” 

According to eyewitness accounts, as recently as last week, on 27 February, US troops transported at least 34 tankers filled with stolen Syrian oil through the illegal Al-Mahmoudiya border crossing to their bases in Iraq. In the estimation of the Syrian foreign ministry, the cumulative losses incurred by the country’s oil and gas sector on account of theft and other US actions were to the tune of $107 billion as of August last year. 

Oil is a unique mineral that anaesthetises thought, blurs vision, corrupts. But according to a Reuters report, Milley’s visit was about something else than oil —  purportedly “to assess efforts to prevent a resurgence” of the Islamic State militant group and “review safeguards for American forces against attacks, including from drones flown by Iran-backed militia.” 

Now, that is a stretch for two reasons — one, there are only around 900 US troops all in all in Syria and Milley doesn’t have to undertake such routine mission; two, there is actually no history of the Islamic State [ISIS] having ever attacked the US forces in Syria. 

On the contrary, the folklore among regional states is that the US mentors the Islamic State, gives training to the cadres of the shadowy militant group at the remote American base at Al-Tanf on the Syrian-Iraqi border, and even provides logistical support to the group’s operations in Syria’s desert region. 

It is unclear whether Milley met with commanders of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces that have been the main ally of US forces in north-eastern Syria. 

One plausible explanation will be that Milley came on White House instructions against the backdrop of a legislation to end the US involvement in Syria that will be up for a vote in the US Congress this week. US Congressman Matt Gaetz (Republican from Florida) who last month introduced a  War Powers Resolution to direct President Joe Biden to remove the US Armed Forces from Syria has frontally attacked Milley’s visit. 

Gaetz said in a statement on Friday,

“If General Milley wants this war so bad, he should explain what we are fighting for and why it is worth American treasure and blood. An America First foreign policy demands realism, rational thought, and seriousness.”

He pointed out that

“Syria is a quagmire of a tinderbox. America has no discernible interest in continuing to fund a fight where alliances shift faster than the desert sands.” 

But Milley is unfazed. Asked by reporters if he believed the Syria deployment is worth it, Milley said,

”I happen to think that’s important.” Milley added, “So I think that an enduring defeat of ISIS and continuing to support our friends and allies in the region … I think those are important tasks that can be done.”

Congressman Gaetz tabled the draft legislation following a press release by the US Central Command on February 17 announcing that four service members were wounded during a helicopter raid in northeastern Syria when an explosion was triggered from the ground. 

The bottom line is that there is no rationale other than geopolitical considerations for the continued US occupation of about a third of Syrian territory. These considerations are principally: 

  • Need to keep US footprint in the strategic Eastern Mediterranean;
  • US’ troubled relations with Turkey; 
  • Israel’s security; 
  • Russian bases in Syria; 
  • the Russian-Syrian-Iranian axis; and, most important, 
  • the geo-strategy to keep Syria weak and divided for the foreseeable future. 

A commentary last year in the government-owned China Daily poignantly captured the Syrian tragedy:

“The alleged plunder of Syrian oil by the United States and its proxies will only worsen conditions in the sanctions-hit country as it struggles to rebuild after years of war… consumption of Syria’s limited resources by the hegemonic power and its proxy groups in the troubled nation will encourage militancy and undermine efforts to stabilise the wider region.”

The commentary cited the Syrian Foreign Ministry to the effect that the presence of US forces in the country’s northeast and the plundering of Syrian oil is an attempt to obstruct a political solution and undermines stability and security. It said

“the way Washington is acting and its unlimited support of terrorist groups show the hypocrisy of the US in the region, a situation that is no longer acceptable morally or politically.” 

The Assad government’s normalisation process with the regional states in the Gulf — especially, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar — as well as Egypt and Turkey has put the US in a predicament. It is particularly galling for the US that Russia is mediating the Turkish-Syrian rapprochement. 

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov announced on Monday that his country, Turkey, Iran, and Syria are discussing organising a meeting of their respective foreign ministers —

“We are working on it. I can say that we agreed not to disclose details for the time being; not everything is so simple; we must work discretely on the principles of quiet diplomacy,” he added in an oblique reference to devious attempts to derail the process. 

Suffice it to say that Washington is increasingly left with no option but to stir up the Syrian pot again and create turmoil with a view to create an alibi for the continued occupation of Syria. The Syrian government has drawn attention to this in a statement condemning Milley’s “illegal visit to an illegal US military base.” 

The statement alleged that

“the international community knows very well that Daesh [ISIS] is an illegitimate offspring of US intelligence… [and] the support provided by the US forces to terrorist and separatist militias in the areas of its occupation is a declared American stance aimed at prolonging the terrorist war against Syria for goals that are no longer hidden from anyone.” 

Milley himself has been candid that the US military occupation must continue. Given Milley’s professional reputation as a ‘yes’ man, who is acutely conscious of the ‘wind factor’ (as the Chinese would say) in the corridors of power in DC at any given time, it is entirely conceivable that President Biden will now get exactly the feedback and recommendation he needs to block the momentum in the US Congress for withdrawal of American troops from Syria. 

The Moscow daily Vedmosti reported today, citing an informed diplomatic source, that Assad plans to pay an official visit to Russia in mid-March. Assad last visited Russia in September 2021. 

The Russian daily estimated that humanitarian issues relating to the recent earthquake and Russian assistance would be the focus of the talks, but it is also “important for the parties to compare each other’s positions and develop common approaches” on a range of political issues. Russia, Turkey, Iran and Syria have a common position calling for an end to the 7-year old US occupation of Syria.


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Featured image: US Joint Chiefs Chair, General Mark Milley (L) paid an unannounced visit to a US military base in Northeast Syria, March 3, 2023 (Source: Indian Punchline)

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**Voices from Syria**

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Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

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Colonel Douglas McGregor doesn’t need a lot of introduction to people aware of the current geopolitical situation, as his actions, integrity and wisdom speak for themselves. Unfortunately, such cadres are now almost entirely absent from Washington DC, particularly the Pentagon. They have been replaced by a plethora of post-Cold War neoconservatives and neoliberals intended on not just maintaining the so-called Pax Americana, but also extending it to essentially every corner of the planet. In his latest interview with “Real America’s” Dan Ball, Colonel McGregor gave an assessment of the current state of the Kiev regime forces, as well as their prospects in the coming weeks and months.

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After the anchor gave a brief breakdown of the disastrous state of the United States under the troubled Biden administration, he touched on the subject of ever-escalating military “aid” the Washington DC has been sending to the embattled Neo-Nazi junta in hopes of stopping Russia from finally inflicting a crushing defeat on them. He pointed out that the US Congress just approved its latest “aid” package worth $400 million, pushing the publicly revealed amount to $32 billion of US taxpayer dollars for Washington DC’s favorite puppet regime, out of the $113 billion approved thus far, “with no end in sight”, as he correctly noted.

Dan Ball then assessed the meeting between Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, signaling the symbolic end of the very last remnants of Berlin’s sovereignty as Germany pledged to send more weapons and funds for the Neo-Nazi junta, despite the tremendous problems this is causing on the home front. Ball also pointed out the glaring hypocrisy of the political West, as NATO is publicly bragging about its involvement with the Kiev regime, including the massive weapons shipments and ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets, while openly threatening China in case it sends armaments to Russia.

Aside from the fact that Beijing never made such statements, nor is there any indicator that Moscow is desperate to get help from China, it’s quite obvious the US has completely lost touch with what actual diplomacy is. The anchor also questioned the impact of the “aid” the Neo-Nazi junta is getting, but warned that it’s certainly “drawing down our existing weapons stock, which puts America in a bad spot, kind of like Biden draining our emergency oil reserves”. The last line refers to Joe Biden’s unrelenting squandering of America’s SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve), which has been actively (ab)used for nearly a year now, despite the fact it was founded for emergencies such as nationwide natural disasters or major wars.

After touching on the topic of sending F-16 fighter jets, the question even the Pentagon is “stingy and unsure” about, Dan Ball introduced Colonel Douglas McGregor, who immediately pointed out the staggering losses of the Kiev regime forces, “now approaching 200,000”. According to McGregor, this was largely due to the Neo-Nazi junta’s disastrous decision to defend Bakhmut (Artyomovsk), with the Russian military using the opportunity to “apply all of their rockets, missiles, artillery fire against concentrations of Ukrainian infantry, inflicting enormous casualties”. He also stated the city is going to fall anyway, making the deaths of thousands of forcibly conscripted Ukrainians all the more pointless.

McGregor also touched upon the increasingly strained relationship between the Kiev regime frontman Volodymyr Zelensky and his General Staff which is rightfully furious at him for not listening to their assessment it would’ve been better to leave the city and set up a new defense line further to the west. The colonel warned that the junta has expended most of its reserves, both in terms of equipment and manpower, while its “best soldiers are dead, so it’s now shoving boys, old men, women into the breach”. He further added that Zelensky is essentially admitting defeat and taunting the political West, specifically the US, to “come here and win the war for us,” otherwise, “it’s over”.

Once again, the anchor Dan Ball mentioned the fighter jets and how the US has essentially lied it wouldn’t provide specific weapons systems, such as advanced missiles or tanks, all of which have been delivered in the meantime (or are about to). Ball warned that the same is true for F-16s, adding that “there’s now a bipartisan push in the Congress to send the jets”, but also stated that it would take at least a year to train pilots, “prolonging the killing in Ukraine”.

Colonel McGregor responded that the US doesn’t have a military strategy, but only a media one to convince everyone that the Neo-Nazi junta is supposedly winning. As the number of those who believe this narrative has dwindled to almost nothing and as the losses are piling up, the Kiev regime is forced to use contractors, the vast majority of whom are NATO personnel, meaning that if F-16s were to be sent, they would require American/NATO pilots to fly them. McGregor warned that “this is now a slow slide into [global] war that many people have really worried about for a long time” and that the US is faced with either admitting failure or pushing for a direct confrontation with Russia.

Ball and McGregor then discussed the issue of an escalating disinformation campaign in the US media, with the colonel pointing out that Washington DC has been doing this for decades, particularly in cases when any given administration was trying to not only justify, but also praise the US aggression against the world, specifically mentioning Bosnia, Iraq and the NATO-occupied Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohia. However, McGregor stated that the media are now forced to admit that “the weight of Russian manpower, as well as their military power in general, is crushing Ukrainians”.

He added that the message to the viewers is that “no amount of Ukrainian valor is going to stand up to [Russian] firepower” and people need to read between the lines and that “the message is – Ukraine can’t win”. The colonel further pointed out the Biden administration is certainly aware of this, with the recent Blinken-Lavrov meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in India perfectly illustrating it. McGregor thinks that “our threats don’t ring with much credibility” and that this behavior “puts everything at risk, including the United States“. However, the Biden administration is worried about its political future, so it’s refusing to admit the reality and finally come to an agreement that would take Russia’s security concerns into account.

Watch below the interview of Col. McGregor.


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How Pfizer’s Trials Were Fraudulent

March 9th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, during Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot trials were removed from the trial data

A person known as “Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327” died three days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID shot, reportedly due to stroke and arteriosclerosis; it was deemed unrelated to the shots

The CDC has since warned that people ages 65 and older who received Pfizer’s updated (bivalent) COVID-19 booster shot may be at increased risk of stroke

Die Welt also revealed contradictions in Pfizer documents, adverse events from the shot downplayed and mass unblinding of study subjects, which wasn’t revealed in a later approval study

In November 2020, Pfizer claimed their COVID-19 shot was 95% effective against COVID-19, but this was highly misleading and based on flawed methodology, including excluding people who got COVID-19 within 14 days after their first shot

Pfizer has profited immensely despite the concerns, earning a record $100 billion in 2022, including $37.8 billion for its COVID-19 shots and $18.9 billion for its antiviral drug Paxlovid


Details continue to emerge about coverups and fraud that took place during Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot trials. Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, were removed from the trial data.1,2

Meanwhile, trial data were manipulated “to create the illusion” the shot is 90% effective, for instance by excluding participants who got injected and developed COVID-19 within the next 14 days.3 Taken together, it leaves little doubt that COVID-19 shots cannot be trusted.

Deaths Occurred Within Days of Shots

The Die Welt report described several deaths that occurred shortly after the injections, but were excluded from the trial data. Among them was a person known as “Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327.” The person, a 60-year-old man, died three days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID shot, reportedly due to stroke4 and arteriosclerosis.

Independent journalist Igor Chudov detailed the case on Substack, noting that the man was discovered via a welfare check, and may have died within two days of the shot. Chudov reported:5

“According to the medical examiner, the probable cause of death was progression of atherosclerotic disease. Relevant tests were unknown. Autopsy results were not available at the time of this report.

In the opinion of the investigator, there was no reasonable possibility that the arteriosclerosis was related to the study intervention, concomitant medications, or clinical trial procedures, but rather it was related to suspected underlying disease. Pfizer concurred with the investigator’s causality assessment.”

However, it appears the medical examiner may have been unaware the man had received an experimental COVID-19 shot shortly before his death, and didn’t give the examination a closer look. Pfizer also neglected to request the medical examiner’s report to assess a potential link. Chudov continued:6

“They just took the police report’s word that he died of ‘arteriosclerosis,’ stated that Covid Vax cannot cause ‘arteriosclerosis,’ and ruled it ‘unrelated.’ The patient was buried and forgotten. If I may guess, the examiner’s diagnosis was not even accurate. The medications that the deceased took, indicate no ongoing, severe sclerotic disease.”

Pfizer Falsely Ruled Deaths Were Unrelated to Shots

Another subject in Pfizer’s trial also died 20 days after the shots. The death was ruled as due to a cardiac arrest. But pharmaceutical specialist Susanne Wagner told Die Welt:7

“According to the current state of science, these two cases would be assigned to the vaccination, especially since the U.S. health authority CDC is currently investigating strokes in vaccinated people and it is known. [Pfizer’s investigators] falsely ruled these deaths unrelated.”

Indeed, an announcement made by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration warned that people ages 65 and older who received Pfizer’s updated (bivalent) COVID-19 booster shot may be at increased risk of stroke.8

The CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), which uses near real-time surveillance to track vaccine safety, flagged the potential safety issue, revealing that those 65 and over were more likely to have an ischemic stroke 21 days after receiving Pfizer’s bivalent COVID-19 shot compared to 22 to 44 days later.9

The FDA and CDC released the statement on a Friday night before a three-day weekend, “which is proof they wanted to bury it,” Dr. Meryl Nass, a board-certified internal medicine physician with special expertise in vaccine safety and vaccine mandates, said.10 Even Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo tweeted about the odd timing:11,12

“What better time than a Friday afternoon for @CDCgov and @US_FDA to let Americans know that the mRNA shots they’ve been pushing may be causing strokes? Don’t worry, we’ll make sure the word gets out — just like we’ve been doing for months.”

Die Welt also revealed contradictions in Pfizer documents and mass unblinding of study subjects, which wasn’t revealed in a later approval study:13

“In one fell swoop, the test management said goodbye to 53 subjects on August 31, 2020. The test candidates were ‘unblinded,’ which means they were informed about their vaccination status, a process that the Pfizer study protocol expressly only provides for ‘in emergencies.’

But there is nothing about it in the approval study. In protocol documents that are available to WELT, and which are actually not intended for the public, those responsible get caught up in contradictions.”

Severe Adverse Reaction to Shots Brushed Off

Another example revealed by Die Welt involves trial participant Augusto Roux, a lawyer in Argentina. After receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot, he experienced shortness of breath and chest pain, and passed out. Within days, he visited a hospital for his symptoms, where he tested negative for COVID-19 but a CT scan showed fluid, or pericardial effusion, in Roux’s heart.

A physician noted in his chart, “Adverse reaction to the coronavirus vaccine (high probability).” Despite this connection and ongoing health problems, this adverse reaction was downplayed by Pfizer and listed as unrelated to the shots. According to Die Welt:14

“Over the next few months, Roux lost 14 kilos [30.8 pounds], he had liver problems, and his heart sometimes beat irregularly … The diagnosis for the symptoms after the second vaccination is very likely to be ‘pericarditis,’ inflammation of the heart. All of this fits exactly with a clinical picture that the Paul Ehrlich Institute also has in its list of ‘rare side effects’ for mRNA vaccines.

… His story, one might think, should appear in Pfizer’s pivotal study papers, but it doesn’t. The pharmaceutical company’s papers say Roux informed the research team that he was hospitalized with pneumonia on both sides, following the initial report, which was classified as an ‘adverse event of toxicity level 1.’

That could have nothing to do with the vaccine, the file goes on to say, it is probably a Covid infection. Not a word that Roux had tested negative for Corona in several PCR tests.”

Pfizer Created an ‘Illusion’ of Effectiveness

In November 2020, Pfizer claimed its COVID-19 shot was 95% effective against COVID-19, but this was highly misleading and based on flawed methodology.15 One trick used to get this misleadingly high efficacy figure is to ignore people who got COVID-19 within 14 days after their first shot.

In Pfizer’s trial, 37.2% of those who were tested for COVID-19 within 13 days of their first shot were positive — but not counted as such. How can this skew results? As explained on Substack’s “Where are the numbers,” a newsletter about the abuse of science and statistics:16

“Imagine the most extreme case in which every vaccinated person gets covid within the first two weeks of their first dose. Then, assuming (as is likely) that none get infected a second time within the 19 weeks, according to the study definition no vaccinated people ever got covid over the whole period of the study.

If only one person in the the unvaccinated comparative cohort had got covid, over the same period, the vaccine efficacy (defined as one minus the proportion of vaccinated infected divided by the proportion of unvaccinated infected times 100) will be reported as 100%.”

The study found that during any two-week period from December 28, 2020, to May 19, 2021, the COVID-19 infection rate was about 0.8%, compared to 37.2% among those tested within two weeks of their first shot.

“If people were tested every two weeks then we could reasonably conclude the vaccinated were getting infected — within two weeks of their first jab — at a rate that was almost 50 times greater than the general rate for this population,” but “if you don’t look for covid, by not testing for it, or by ignoring the test results you won’t find it.”17

They also pointed out that no deaths occurred among the participants who tested positive for COVID-19 and had at least one COVID-19-like symptom, including among the 812 (out of 1,482) who were unvaccinated. But since this clearly makes the shots look unnecessary and ineffective, it was conveniently ignored:18

“[T]here was a grand total of zero deaths: an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0%. And 812 of those were unvaccinated. Bear in mind that this when covid was supposed to have been rampaging globally and causing widespread death.

And of course that nugget somehow never got mentioned in the abstract, mains results, conclusions, or discussion. It only appeared in the detailed results section (along with the fact that only 2% were hospitalized).”

More Deaths in the Shot Group Than the Placebo Group

Former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd also warned about problems with Pfizer’s trial. A friend from the biotech industry told him that the all-cause mortality endpoint had been missed by Pfizer in the original clinical trial, meaning that in the jab group there were more deaths than in the placebo group. Normally, during the drug approval process, if you fail that endpoint, you do not get approved.

Dowd said. “When that came out in November, the biotech executives who saw that decided they weren’t going to get boosters, and the people who weren’t vaxxed were not going to get vaxxed.”19

Whistleblower Brooke Jackson, a regional director formerly employed by Pfizer subcontractor Ventavia Research Group, which was testing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, also witnessed falsified data, unblinded patients, inadequately trained vaccinators and lack of proper follow-up on adverse events that were reported.

“I was working on Pfizer’s trial,” she said in the film “Anecdotals.”20 “What I saw was like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” She explained:21

“The speed in which they were enrolling in the study — four to five coordinators pushing through 40, 50, 60 patients a day. We were not storing the vaccine at its appropriate temperature, the failures in reporting serious adverse events. We had so many reports of adverse events … we just could not keep up. The study doctor signed a physical exam when he wasn’t even in clinic.

Then Ventavia had unblinded every patient that was randomized in the trial. When we brought it to their attention, that’s what we were instructed to do — remove the evidence and destroy it. Emails about mislabeled blood specimens per Pfizer’s protocol, we should have immediately stopped enrolling, but they never told Pfizer.

I would bring the concerns to my managers and it was, ‘We’re understaffed.’ The FDA — they only see what Pfizer gives them. So I was documenting all of this. And on the 25th of September, I went directly to the FDA, and about six and a half hours later, I lost my job. I was fired.”

The FDA and Pfizer attempted to hide the COVID-19 shot clinical trial data for 75 years, but the FDA was ordered by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas to release redacted versions of trial documents on a much faster schedule. As part of the court order, 80,000 pages of documents related to the FDA’s approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots were released June 1, 2022.22

Among those documents were case report forms revealing that deaths and severe adverse events took place during Phase 3 trials, but, as reported by Children’s Health Defense, Pfizer had “a trend of classifying almost all adverse events — and in particular severe adverse events — as being ‘not related’ to the vaccine.”23

Pfizer has profited immensely nonetheless, earning a record $100 billion in 2022, including $37.8 billion for its COVID-19 shots and $18.9 billion for its antiviral drug Paxlovid.24


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1, 4, 7, 13, 14 World Tribune February 20, 2023

2 Archive.Today Die Welt

3, 16, 17, 18 Substack, Where are the numbers? February 3, 2023

5, 6 Substack, Igor’s Newsletter July 1, 2022

8 U.S. FDA January 13, 2023

9 Reuters January 13, 2023

10 Substack, Meryl’s COVID Newsletter January 13, 2023

11 Substack, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter, January 13, 2023

12 Twitter, Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD January 13, 2023

15 Rumble, Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion September 28, 2022, 15:11

19 KLIM News February 15, 2022, 6:45

20, 21 YouTube, Anecdotals Movie December 11, 2022, 12:01

22 Children’s Health Defense, The Defender, February 7, 2022

23 Children’s Health Defense, The Defender, June 21, 2022

24 CNBC January 31, 2023

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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February 27 through May 8 marks the 50th anniversary of the occupation by the American Indian Movement (AIM) of Wounded Knee on the Oglala Lakota Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, the site of the last great massacre of the Indian Wars in December 1890.

In a 2019 documentary that aired on PBS, From Wounded Knee to Standing Rock: A Reporter’s Journey, filmmaker Kevin McKiernan interviewed Tom Parker, an FBI agent working for the FBI’s counter-intelligence operation (COINTELPRO), who admitted that the FBI had helped to fracture and disrupt AIM during its 1973 Wounded Knee occupation.

“[W]e wanted them to kill each other, as we were in a war against AIM,” Parker said.

According to Parker, a main goal of COINTELPRO was to infiltrate informers into AIM and to publicly identify AIM activists with the FBI so that others in AIM would turn against them.

In this way, Parker said, dissension would grow among AIM, and AIM members would become paranoid about FBI infiltration and turn against one another, and there would be violence.

The Case of Annie Mae Aquash

One of the tragic victims of the FBI’s COINTELPRO operation was Annie Mae Aquash, a Micmaq from Nova Scotia and teacher who participated in the 1973 Wounded Knee occupation. She was murdered by two members of AIM in December 1975 at the age of 30 after the FBI and CIA had disseminated rumors that she was an AIM informant.

In March 2003, Arlo Looking Cloud and John Graham (also known as John Boy Patton) were indicted for Aquash’s murder and both were convicted and given long prison sentences.

Aquash’s family, including her two daughters, believe that higher-level AIM officials ordered her murder, fearing she was an FBI informant.

Some even suspected that AIM leader Dennis Banks (1937-2017) was involved, though the South Dakota district attorney’s office exonerated him.

FBI Agent David Price had made it a practice of befriending Aquash in public to give off the impression that she had become an informant.

This was part of the campaign to sow the seeds of distrust within AIM and have people in the group turn on one another. According to Parker, it was “in the realm of possibility that Annie Mae Aquash was killed in that way; and if she was, we [the FBI] weren’t concerned about it; like in a criminal situation, we wanted them to kill each other.”

AIM Founding and Goals

From Standing Rock to Wounded Knee includes original footage from the 1973 AIM occupation of Wounded Knee, which was triggered by the terrible living conditions on the Pine Ridge reservation and mistreatment of the Indian population.

A group of men posing for a photo Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Filmmaker Kevin McKiernan during the occupation at Wounded Knee in 1973, with Lakota elders Oscar Bear Runner and Tom Bad Cob. [Source:]

AIM had been founded in Minneapolis by Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, Eddie Benton Banai, and George Mitchell. Its original goal was to help Indians in urban ghettos who had been displaced by government programs that had the effect of forcing them from the reservations.

AIM subsequently expanded to promote economic independence, the revitalization of traditional culture, protection of legal rights and, most especially, autonomy over tribal areas and the restoration of lands that they believed had been illegally seized.


War on AIM

After AIM occupied Wounded Knee, Richard Wilson, the head of the Oglala Sioux tribal council, declared a state of emergency and called in U.S. marshals to back him up.

A plumber by trade, Wilson had been a target of AIM, which accused him of the misappropriation of tribal funds and saw him as being too close to the whites.

He deployed his own private militia against AIM, called Guardians of the Oglala Nation (GOONs), which worked with the FBI and killed dozens of AIM activists and their supporters.

Most of the killings went unpunished as the homicide rate on the Pine Ridge reservation became among the highest in the U.S.

GOON leader Duane Brewer said that he “got along very well with the FBI,” which gave him ammunition to “do the job against AIM,” with whom the GOON’s were at war.

Among those killed was Brian DeSersa, a young Oglala AIM supporter who was shot at the wheel of his car in broad daylight.

One of AIM’s primary demands in leading the occupation of Wounded Knee was to overturn the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty, which had forced the Sioux to give up thousands of acres of land and to move to the Great Sioux reservation in the western half of South Dakota.

Fort Laramie Treaty, 1868

The signing of the treaty—between the United States, represented by General William T. Sherman, and the Sioux—in a tent at Fort Laramie, Wyoming, 1868. [Source:]

The Fort Laramie Treaty was violated when General George A. Custer, commander of the U.S. Army’s 7th Cavalry regiment, led an expedition into the Black Hills, accompanied by miners, seeking gold, and began attacking bands of Sioux hunting in accordance with their treaty rights.[1]

In April 1973 after several months of occupation, the Nixon administration said that it would revisit the Fort Laramie Treaty and adhere to AIM’s demands to keep old treaty rights alive.

Kent Frizzell, Nixon’s lead negotiator who was then U.S. Assistant Attorney General, even attended a pipe-smoking ceremony with Russell Means and other AIM leaders as a sign of peace.

Russell Means and Kent Frizzell shaking hands. [Source:]

The agreement fell apart, however, as the Nixon administration claimed that it would not negotiate while AIM had guns pointed at federal officials.

The FBI and other federal agencies at this point laid siege to the Pine Ridge reservation, cutting off electricity and water. Gunfights ensued and the U.S. Army secretly began running military operations against AIM.

When anti-war protesters parachuted food to the residents of Pine Ridge, Army helicopters shot at the food and killed a member of AIM. AIM supporters fired back in kind. Phil Bautista, an Ojibwa Vietnam veteran, said that he loved shooting at government helicopters as it was a way of fighting back against the injustices done to his people over hundreds of years.

The Ordeal of Leonard Peltier

On May 8, 1973, AIM surrendered to federal authorities, ending the three-month occupation.

Many of the AIM leaders were subsequently killed by Wilson’s paramilitary GOON squad or prosecuted by the federal government, which aimed to tie up AIM in court cases while waging an effective counterinsurgency operation against it.

When two FBI agents were killed on the Pine Ridge reservation on June 26, 1975, the FBI fingered AIM leader Leonard Peltier, who was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

However, one of the key witnesses at the trial, Myrtle Poor Bear, said that she had been coerced into signing a false affidavit implicating Peltier and that her life had been threatened. “They had the law in their hands, and could do anything,” she said of the FBI.

U.S. Lost, Indian People Won

Though AIM had been forced to end its occupation and its ranks were decimated, University of Colorado law professor Charles Wilkinson suggests that it was the U.S. that lost the second battle of Wounded Knee, and that it was Indian people who won.

This was because the AIM occupation of Wounded Knee raised public awareness about the injustices experienced by Native Americans and emboldened them to stand up for themselves and take pride in their culture.

Afterwards, a flurry of legislation supporting Indian rights was passed by Congress.

Key new laws included: a) the 1975 Indian Self-Determination and Educational Assistance Act, which committed greater federal funds to provide education and services to help Native American children to succeed; b) the 1978 American Indian Religious Freedom Act, which returned basic civil liberties to Native Americans by protecting their freedom to engage in traditional religious practices (which had been restricted in the past); and c) the 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act, which recognized the authiority of tribal courts to hear the adoption and guardian cases of Indian children.

In the early 21st century, many AIM veterans could be found working to revitalize their communities and helping to revive its cultural practices, with the threat of government violence receding.

From Wounded Knee to Standing Rock

From Wounded Knee to Standing Rock ends with footage from 2016 when the Standing Rock Sioux led large-scale protests against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAP), which threatened the local water supply and was in violation of the Fort Laramie Treaty guaranteeing the undisturbed use of reservation lands.


Viewed positively by a significant percentage of the U.S. public, the DAP protests marked an important victory for the heirs of AIM.

The Biden administration, nevertheless, showed it was not so different from its predecessors when it failed to shut the DAP down while an environmental review demanded by the protesters and ordered by the Supreme Court was being conducted.

Biden was also carrying out brazenly imperialistic policies including the theft of land and resources around the world that are all too familiar to Native Americans.


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. In 1876, Custer, leading an Army detachment, encountered an encampment of Sioux and Cheyenne at the Little Bighorn River, and Custer’s detachment was annihilated. The Wounded Knee massacre was carried out in revenge by Custer’s old 7th Cavalry regiment. 

Dubai Superlatives: The Power of Excessive Wealth

March 9th, 2023 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin

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Who built Thebes of the 7 gates?
In the books you will read the names of kings.
Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock?
And Babylon, many times demolished,
Who raised it up so many times?
In what houses of gold glittering Lima did its builders live?

Questions From a Worker Who Reads. Bertolt Brecht 1935

Dubai Superlatives

Maybe the closest we can get to Elon Musk’s vision of Mars is a visit to Dubai. Imagine an alien planet where you can only live in the base settlement with a breathable atmosphere: a comfortable place and a comfortable temperature.

In the hottest months of the year in Dubai, temperatures rise to 50 degrees so people move from air-conditioned apartments to air-conditioned cars to air-conditioned offices to air-conditioned shopping malls.

Of course, they are very nice cars, apartments, offices and shopping malls. Dubai deals in expensive property and large scales: the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa (829.8m, 2,722ft), the tallest hotel in the world under construction (Ciel), and the foundations laid for the tallest construction in the world – the Dubai Creek observation tower which will be 1.3km (1,300m, 4,300ft) high.

Workers gardening near Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE (Photo: Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin)

This should keep Dubai on the superlative lists into the next decade. Here the hierarchies of height determine your wealth.

For example, the entrance to the Burj Khalifa is a luxurious shopping mall which also contains a massive food hall for the workers, servers and shop workers. The more money you have to spend, the higher up the Burj Khalifa you can go. The extremes of wealth mean that it is likely that most of the people who work in the mall have never been up the lifts into the stratospheric heights of the tallest building in the world. While many eat in the cheap food mall at the base, only a few have tea and coffee in the lounge and outdoor observation deck on the 148th floor (named At the Top) which is so high that it is more like looking down on Dubai from a plane than from a building. This contrast is certainly symbolic of the incredible extremes of wealth that exist in Dubai.

Where, the evening that the Great Wall of China was finished, did the masons go?
Great Rome is full of triumphal arches.
Who erected them?
Over whom did the Caesars triumph ?


I read a comment somewhere that if Dubai were described as a book then the front cover would be Cosmopolitan Magazine and the inside would be The Big Issue (homeless magazine). Starting life as a poor village in the desert beside the sea, Dubai has come on in leaps and bounds ever since. For example,”in 1822, a British naval surveyor noted that Dubai was at that time populated with a thousand people living in an oval-shaped town surrounded by a mud wall, scattered with goats and camels.”

By the 1930s Dubai was known for its pearl exports but “the pearl trade was damaged irreparably by the 1929 Great Depression and the innovation of cultured pearls. With the collapse of the pearling industry, Dubai fell into a deep depression and many residents lived in poverty or migrated to other parts of the Persian Gulf.” However, oil was struck in 1966 and this all changed. While Dubai had already started a period of infrastructural development and expansion in the 1950s based on revenue from trading activities (such as the trade in gold), the discovery of oil offshore set the tone for a new rapid growth in building projects during the 1970s.

This growth was fueled by revenues from oil and gold but depended mainly on cheap labour from developing countries. The treatment of the many thousands of workers in Dubai has been the subject of many reports and documentaries, such as Human Rights Watch (living conditions  described as being “less than humane”) and the documentary, Slaves of Dubai (2009).

In an article titled  “What is Modern Slavery in Dubai and How Does it Affect You?” it is stated:

“More than 88.5% of UAE residents are foreign workers, with South Asian migrants constituting 42.5% of the UAE’s workforce. […] These migrants, usually illiterate and from impoverished, rural communities in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh […] Eager to move to Dubai and begin earning money that they can send home to their families, they take out loans of up to $3000 from unscrupulous recruitment agencies to pay the exorbitant ‘visa fees’ (which is actually illegal – the recruitment agencies are supposed to cover these fees) and board flights to Dubai, excited for a new life in the glitzy Emirate. When they touch down in Dubai, however, it’s a different story. Driven to squalid shanty towns on the outskirts of Dubai, where 45 men share one outdoor bathroom and 10 or more people sleep in a room, their passports are confiscated and they are told that they will actually be working 14 hour days, 6 or 7 days a week, in the desert sun.”

The cramped living conditions and low wages has led to high suicide rates too.

City Centre Deira, mall worker, Dubai, UAE (Photo: Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin)

The International Institute for Global Strategic Analysis has reported that the kafala sponsorship system has played an important part in the exploitation of workers:

“Kafala is a system popular in Gulf countries that gives private citizens and companies responsibility and oversight over workers. The kafala sponsorship system is used to monitor migrant labourers, working primarily in the construction and domestic sectors in Gulf Cooperation Council member states. The kafala system involves withholding labourers’ passports to regulate their residency and employment, which gives employers near-total control over migrant workers’ salary, living conditions, nutrition, ability to work elsewhere, and even their ability to return home.”

The treatment of citizens is very different to the situation for expatriate workers:

“It is estimated that in 2018, there were seven million workers in the UAE alone. Over 90 per cent of the private-sector labour force is comprised of expatriates while UAE nationals continue to be employed in stable and relatively well-paying jobs in the country’s vast public sector. Although citizens face restrictions on their human rights, the state offers them a wide range of social benefits, including generous housing benefits, access to free education and medical services, preferential treatment in the workforce and higher salaries.”

It was also reported that “domestic workers are exposed to multiple forms of exploitation and violence, including sexual, physical and psychological abuse”.

Had Byzantium, much praised in song, only palaces for its inhabitants?
Even in fabled Atlantis, the night that the ocean engulfed it,
The drowning still cried out for their slaves.
The young Alexander conquered India.
Was he alone?
Caesar defeated the Gauls.
Did he not even have a cook with him?

Questions From a Worker Who Reads. Bertolt Brecht 1935


The conditions for workers and the rapid building growth and expansion of Dubai is tied in with tourism as many projects are dependent on sales to foreign tourists and investors. However, many apartments are also sold off the plans, and then resold upon completion without the investor even visiting Dubai. Every shopping mall has selling points with sophisticated screens using 3D maps of Dubai and the properties for sale. The sales assistants are usually from Eastern Europe. There is no shortage of potential customers as Dubai has become one of the “world’s leading tourism destinations” and tourism is now one of Dubai’s main sources of revenue. The city “hosted 14.9 million overnight visitors in 2016” and “in 2018, Dubai was the fourth most-visited city in the world based on the number of international visitors.”

Philip of Spain wept when his armada went down.
Was he the only one to weep?
Frederick the 2nd won the 7 Years War.
Who else won it?
Every page a victory.
Who cooked the feast for the victors?
Every 10 years a great man.
Who paid the bill?

Questions From a Worker Who Reads. Bertolt Brecht 1935

Workers districts

By far the most interesting areas of Dubai are the areas where the workers themselves live, work, and shop. Deira, for example, is a historic district where the population consists mainly of Pakistan and India natives.

Deira has many markets: Murshid Souk, Spice Souk, Deira Covered Souk, and Gold Souk. There are leather shops, shoe shops, supermarkets, barbers, butchers, cafes and family restaurants with dining areas on the city pavements. Compared to the soulless atmosphere of the wealthier districts, Deira is full of life with friendly shop assistants and large groups of African, Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi workers and their families enjoying the convivial atmosphere of the restaurants indoors and outdoors.

Deira, Creek, Dubai, UAE (Photo: Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin)

So many reports.
So many questions.

The Future of Dubai

There is no doubt that Dubai is the creation of a particular set of circumstances economically, geographically and geopolitically. It has made good use of its central position in relation to Europe, Africa and Asia as a cosmopolitan meeting point for international trade and travel. Dubai has benefitted from the UAE’s diplomatic moves to play down differences regionally:

“The UAE is revisiting its foreign policy goals with the aim of boosting its global trade partnerships and ensuring its security and political stability, by replacing robust military intervention and proxy politics with dialogue and diplomacy.[…] Differences between the UAE on the one hand and Iran, Turkey, and Qatar on the other remain strong. However, the UAE is beginning to realize that the lack of a healthy bilateral dialogue with regional powers will make progress towards de-escalation much harder. The country acknowledges, after a decade of regional conflict and proxy politics, that the divergent policies of regional players should not prevent diplomatic cooperation.”

However in an era of rising temperatures and rising seas, it must be asked how much hotter can Dubai get, and how will this coastal city deal with erosion and flooding? The continued existence of Dubai is dependent on heavy power consumption to maintain air conditioning, trains and services for very large buildings, many more of which are being planned at the moment for future development.

Deira, Creek, Dubai, UAE (Photo: Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin)

Even the locals have always had an uncomfortable feeling about the future of Dubai. Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum (ruler from 1958 till 1990) is believed to have said: “My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel”.

One cannot help but feel that a major collapse of oil prices and/or the economies of the West will have a profound effect on the future of Dubai as the quote (with as obscure an origin as Dubai itself) which states that ‘the Stone Age didn’t end for lack of stones’ has noted, due to ever changing technologies demonstrating that the reliance on fossil fuels would decrease substantially in the future. All these potential changes do not augur well for the future of Dubai’s dependence on trade in tourism, oil and gold. If Dubai is ultimately an unsustainable vanity project instigated by a tiny minority of the super rich, as some believe, then the city could be deserted (in more ways than one), and Dubai itself could become the largest open-air museum in the world.


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Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin is an Irish artist, lecturer and writer. His artwork consists of paintings based on contemporary geopolitical themes as well as Irish history and cityscapes of Dublin. His blog of critical writing based on cinema, art and politics along with research on a database of Realist and Social Realist art from around the world can be viewed country by country here. Caoimhghin has just published his new book – Against Romanticism: From Enlightenment to Enfrightenment and the Culture of Slavery, which looks at philosophy, politics and the history of 10 different art forms arguing that Romanticism is dominating modern culture to the detriment of Enlightenment ideals. It is available on Amazon ( and the info page is here.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE (Photo: Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin)

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Things to Learn from Daniel Ellsberg

March 9th, 2023 by David Swanson

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I don’t want any new monuments to individuals to replace any ripped down for racism or other offenses. Individuals are deeply flawed — every single one of them, and morality changes with the times. Whistleblowers are by definition less than divinely perfect, as their service is revealing the horrors of some institution they’ve been part of. But when you look around for individuals you’d like people to be learning from, there are some that soar to the top, and one of those is Dan Ellsberg. When I first met him, around 20 years ago, he was, and he has been ever since a fulltime advocate for peace and justice, no longer a new whistleblower and no longer in quite the spotlight he’d been in for releasing the Pentagon Papers. He has continued to be a whistleblower, releasing new information, and recounting endless quantities of facts and incidents. He and others have continued to reveal more about his earlier days, every scrap of which has only made him look wiser. But I met Daniel Ellsberg as a peace activist, one of the best there has ever been.


Dan Ellsberg risked life in prison. And then he went on risking punishments again and again. He took part in countless — I think he may actually have a count, but the word is appropriate — nonviolent protest actions that involved his arrest. He knew that information was not enough, that nonviolent action was needed as well, and that it could succeed. He inspired and encouraged and volunteered to take risks with new whistleblowers and new activists and new journalists.


Ellsberg clearly devoted himself to anything that could be done, but not without constantly asking what would work best, what would have the greatest chance of success.


Not only did Ellsberg never retire. He also, to my knowledge, never showed the slightest negative impact of fame, never arrogance or contempt. When I hardly knew him, he would call me up seeking insights and information on strategizing to influence Congress. This was when I lived in or near Washington, D.C., and did some work with some Congress Members, and I think that was largely the value sought in asking me questions. The point is that I know I was one of a great many people Dan was phoning and asking questions. The guy who knew more about the military industrial complex than anyone else, or at least anyone else willing to talk about it, mostly wanted to learn anything he didn’t know.


A model of careful and diligent researching, reporting, and book authoring, Ellsberg can teach the importance of finding the truth in a complex web of half-truths and lies. Perhaps the impressiveness of his scholarship, combined with the passage of time, has contributed to various comments suggesting that some new whistleblower who has offended the establishment is “No Daniel Ellsberg” — an error that Dan himself has been quick to correct, siding with the truth tellers of the current moment, rather than with the disneyfictation of his own memory.


What makes the information provided on war history, peace activism history, politics, and nuclear weapons in Ellsberg’s writing and speaking so interesting is the questions he asked in order to find it. They are mostly not the questions that were being asked by major media outlets.

Independent Thinking

If you deal with a single topic area long enough, it becomes hard to run into a new opinion. Where you do run into new opinions, most often it’s with someone who thinks for himself. Ellsberg’s views on the gravest dangers we face, the gravest crimes of the past, and what we must do now are not those of anyone else I know, except for the great numbers of people who have listened to him.

Agreeable Disagreement

Most people, probably myself included, are hard to always get along with amicably even when jointly working toward the same end. With Ellsberg, he and I have literally done public debates on things we disagreed on (including elections) completely amicably. Why can’t that be the norm? Why can’t we disagree without harsh feelings? Why can’t we seek to educate and learn from each other without striving to defeat or cancel one another?


Daniel Ellsberg is a moral thinker. He looks for the greatest evil and what can be done to alleviate it. His reluctance to speak, with me, of rejecting WWII, I think, comes out of his understanding of the extent of the Nazis’ plans for mass murder in Eastern Europe. His opposition to U.S. nuclear policy comes from his knowledge of U.S. plans for mass murder in Europe and Asia far beyond the Nazis’. His focus on ICBMs comes, I think, from his having thought through what existing system creates the greatest risk of nuclear apocalypse. This is what we all need, whether or not we all focus on the same extreme evil. We need to prioritize and act.


Only kidding! As everyone knows, you can neither stop Daniel Ellsberg when he has a microphone nor regret a single moment you failed to stop him. Perhaps death alone will silence him, but not as long as we have his books, his videos, and those he’s influenced for the better.


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This article was originally published on WorldBeyondWar.Org.

David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is executive director of and campaign coordinator for Swanson’s books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk World Radio. He is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and U.S. Peace Prize recipient. Longer bio and photos and videos here. Follow him on Twitter: @davidcnswanson and FaceBook, and sign up for: Activist alerts. Articles. David Swanson news. World Beyond War news. Charlottesville news.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from WBW

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The New York Times is so pathetic.

US President Biden is in deep sh*t because of Seymour Hersh’s detailed revelation of how Joe Biden ordered the bombing of the Nord Stream, how it was done, and who did it.

In order to save face for the boss Joe Biden who runs the party behind the New York Times, the NYT suddenly brings up a big lie that “Ukraine” bombed the Nord Stream.

And the New York Times wants the public to believe that the US “just found out” about this today.

WASHINGTON — New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines last year, a step toward determining responsibility for an act of sabotage that has confounded investigators on both sides of the Atlantic for months.

U.S. officials said that they had no evidence President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine or his top lieutenants were involved in the operation, or that the perpetrators were acting at the direction of any Ukrainian government officials.

The brazen attack on the natural gas pipelines, which link Russia to Western Europe, fueled public speculation about who was to blame, from Moscow to Kyiv and London to Washington, and it has remained one of the most consequential unsolved mysteries of Russia’s year-old war in Ukraine.

The New York Times’ fake story has not even a sketchy content, no details, no description how Ukraine should have managed this, and got away with it. Or who participated. No nothing.

Oops, The story was picked up by Reuters (Where are the Reuters Fact-checkers?)

WASHINGTON, March 7 (Reuters) – (This March 7 story has been corrected to clarify that German media reported that the alleged perpetrators of the attacks used a yacht hired by a Poland-based company, in paragraph 16)

New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukraine group – likely comprised of Ukrainians or Russians – attacked the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September, but there are no firm conclusions, the New York Times reported on Tuesday.

It was picked up by major TV News Channels.

This is so gross – only stupid people will believe the New York Times and its twisted fairy tale story about “Ukraine done it”.

With help from the US deep-state including its organs like CIA and the FBI, the New York Times has managed to conjure a reputation for “accuracy” – and the New York Times is now callously abusing that false reputation in its Democrat political project for power.

Western “media freedom” is a US lie made to create a global “truth” monopoly.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from FAIR

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Italy 2020: Inside COVID’s ‘Ground Zero’ in Europe

By Michael Bryant, March 08, 2023

Three years ago the Western World came to a standstill. The official Covid-19 narrative depicted a strange suddenly-super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu virus hailing from China that landed in Northern Italy.

Lula Is Meddling in Nicaragua at Biden’s Behest

By Andrew Korybko, March 09, 2023

As “politically inconvenient” as it may be for some to admit, whether they’re multipolar supporters outside of Brazil or members of the PT, it’s arguably the case that Lula is meddling in Nicaragua nowadays at Biden’s behest shortly after jointly condemning Russia alongside his US counterpart in DC.

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Lula Is Meddling in Nicaragua at Biden’s Behest

March 9th, 2023 by Andrew Korybko

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As “politically inconvenient” as it may be for some to admit, whether they’re multipolar supporters outside of Brazil or members of the PT, it’s arguably the case that Lula is meddling in Nicaragua nowadays at Biden’s behest shortly after jointly condemning Russia alongside his US counterpart in DC. These two unfriendly developments literally concern countries on opposite sides of the planet, but they’re inextricably connected in the sense that they confirm Lula’s recalibrated worldview.

The US’ Hybrid War On Nicaragua

The US’ Hybrid War on Nicaragua that began in 2018 as punishment for President Daniel Ortega’s efforts to strengthen his Central American state’s sovereignty is entering a new phase after Brazilian President Lula da Silva just decided to participate in this regime change campaign. That newly re-elected and now three-time leader authorized his Ambassador to the UN Tovar da Silva Nunes to condemn Nicaragua before that global body and offer to host those of its people who’ve been stripped of their citizenship.

Anadolu Agency reported that the Brazilian envoy told the international community the following:

“The Brazilian government follows events in Nicaragua with utmost attention and is concerned with the reports of serious human rights violations and restrictions on democratic space in that country, in particular summary executions, arbitrary detentions and torture of political dissidents.

Brazil stands ready to explore ways in which this situation can be constructively addressed in dialogue with the government of Nicaragua and all relevant actors.

The Brazilian government also receives with extreme concern the decision of Nicaraguan authorities to determine the loss of nationality of more than 300 Nicaraguan citizens.

By reaffirming its humanitarian commitment to the protection of stateless persons and the reduction of statelessness, the Brazilian government makes itself available to welcome the people affected by this decision under the special statute provided for in the Brazilian migration law.”

This disturbing declaration will now be analyzed so that they reader can understand its full significance.

Ortega blamed the US for conspiring to overthrow his democratically elected government all the way back at the beginning of this off-and-on unrest over the past four and a half years. According to him, drug traffickers, foreign agents, and “NGO” intelligence fronts were operationalized to that end in an effort to violently oust him from office. After that part of their plot failed, the conspirators then tried to manipulate voters against him ahead of the November 2021 elections, yet that ultimately failed as well.

The Russian-Nicaraguan Strategic Partnership

Since the start of this Hybrid War up until the present, Nicaragua has comprehensively expanded its relations with Russia, even opening up an honorary consulate in Crimea in November 2020 in what represented the first foreign diplomatic mission in that region since its reunification with Russia. This was to be expected in hindsight since Ortega already recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia around one month after Russia secured their independence in the US-provoked Georgian War in August 2008.

Upon Russia being forced into commencing its special operation, Nicaragua abstained from the first UN Resolution against it but then vetoed the following two in October and last month as well as the one last April calling to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council. Ortega was also one of the first leaders to support his Russian counterpart’s recognition of the Donbass Republics’ independence prior to the start of that aforementioned ongoing operation.

There’s much more to their ties than just the diplomatic dimension, however, since the military one is even more important. Russia and Nicaragua very closely cooperate in this sphere, and that Central American state also participated in last year’s Vostok 2022 drills in its partner’s Far Eastern region. The US’ Senior Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council said last September that Russia’s military ties with Nicaragua worry him more than its ones with Cuba or even Venezuela.

On the humanitarian front, Russia operates a land-based satellite station in Nicaragua to assist with disaster responses and shipped over 400 tons of flour to it in order to alleviate the consequences of the Western-provoked global food crisis. As for the economic aspect of their ties, that Central American state is considering participating in its partner’s Mir payment system and launching a maritime trade corridor to its Far Eastern region. All told, these two are true and trusted strategic partners.

Brazilian Meddling In Nicaragua’s Domestic Affairs

Having explained the Hybrid War context of the latest Nicaraguan Crisis and the role that this Central American state’s strategic partnership with Russia has played in ensuring its stability during these tough times, the reader can now better understand the seriousness of Brazil’s meddling in its affairs. Lula’s UN envoy offered for his country to host those over 300 Nicaraguans who were stripped of their citizenship and deported to the US after being found guilty of betraying their homeland.

Under the false pretext of “humanitarian commitments”, Brazil is volunteering to host these US-backed regime change traitors, who will in all likelihood continue trying to overthrow their democratically elected government with a wink and a nod from Lula himself. His policy can therefore objectively be described as “humanitarian imperialism” since it’s the exploitation of manipulated “humanitarian” optics for imperialistic ends, in this case helping the US illegally remove Ortega from office.

Observers should remember that Lula just met with Biden a month ago in DC, during which time they issued a joint statement that included a sharp condemnation of Russia. This was followed by the Brazilian leader being endorsed by Color Revolution mastermind George Soros and then ordering his diplomats to vote against Russia during the latest UN Resolution that Nicaragua vetoed, after which he spoke to Zelensky and discussed the latter’s “peace formula”, which includes prosecuting Russia.

Lula’s Recalibrated Multipolar Vision Makes Him Amenable To The US’ Grand Strategic Interests”, especially since he shares the ruling US Democrats’ liberalglobalist worldview to a large extent nowadays, in particular its domestic dimension. Despite politically aligning with the US against Russia in the most geostrategically significant conflict since World War II, most of his Workers’ Party (PT) base has been brainwashed by a literal disinformation operation into thinking that he’s “playing 5D chess”.

Analyzing Lula’s Ideological Motivations For Doing Biden’s Bidding

Whether it’s against Russia or now against Nicaragua too, Lula is clearly doing Biden’s bidding in the New Cold War, though he’s admittedly holding back a bit by not going as all-out as the US wants. This explains why he’s not arming Kiev, sanctioning Russia, and why he didn’t order his diplomats to sign a recent joint declaration condemning Nicaragua. None of this is being done under pressure or as part of a so-called “master plan”, but is simply due to Lula’s recalibrated worldview since his imprisonment.

The way he seems to see everything is that the world is truly divided between democracies and dictatorships exactly as the US has claimed in its information warfare campaign throughout the course of the New Cold War. With that in mind, it’s consistent with this assessment – irrespective of whether or not anyone agrees with it since it’s Lula’s sovereign right as the head of state to conclude and subsequently act upon – to condemn both Russia and Nicaragua while also claiming to want to mediate.

He either isn’t sincere with the second-mentioned goal or is so ideologically divorced from objective reality as to think that his respective condemnations don’t disqualify him from mediating either crisis, not to mention volunteering to host US-backed regime change traitors who were deported by Managua. In any case, continuing to cling to this superficially “noble” goal despite the policies that he promulgated disqualifying him from this can be spun to defend himself from accusations of colluding with the US.

Amidst the impending trifurcation of International Relations between the US-led West’s Golden Billion, the Sino-Russo Entente, and the Global South, Lula is actively positioning Brazil to align itself much closer with the US’ bloc than the other two, including the third one of which it’s a part. Instead of remaining neutral towards NATO’s proxy war on Russia like his fellow BRICs members have and not meddling in Nicaragua, he condemned those two multipolar partners and thus sent a clear signal.

Concluding Thoughts

As “politically inconvenient” as it may be for some to admit, whether they’re multipolar supporters outside of Brazil or members of the PT, it’s arguably the case that Lula is meddling in Nicaragua nowadays at Biden’s behest shortly after jointly condemning Russia alongside his US counterpart in DC. These two unfriendly developments literally concern countries on opposite sides of the planet, but they’re inextricably connected in the sense that they confirm Lula’s recalibrated worldview.

His notion of multipolarity isn’t anywhere near the same as Russia’s or Nicaragua’s. Just like his buddy Biden, Lula is convinced that the New Cold War is between democracies and dictatorships instead of being about whether International Relations will return to unipolarity or become multipolar. At the same time, he’s not going as all-out against Russia as the US wants by still declining to arm Kiev or sanction Moscow, but his hosting of anti-Nicaraguan regime change agents represents an escalation.

The difference in his approaches against Russia and Nicaragua is that his perception managers would have difficulty spinning his arming of Kiev and/or sanctioning of Moscow in any way that speciously upholds his allegedly “independent” foreign policy while no such concerns exist with Managua. The first set of policies would immediately generate global attention and thus completely discredit him in the Global South, while the second is barely discussed since fellow faux leftists in the region support it.

On that last point and wrapping up the present analysis, it’s now clear that the latest so-called “Pink Tide” isn’t what it seems. These “New Leftists” who recently swept to power, which includes Lula during his third term, are really liberal-globalist in their outlook and not multipolar like former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was or Ortega still is. Lula is now leading the pack and showing that even self-declared “leftists” in modern-day Latin America can end up being the US’ regional Hybrid War proxies.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Fiji’s Pacific Ways: Troubles in Paradise

March 9th, 2023 by Greg Guma

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COVID-19 vaccines can significantly impact mental health. Family members have reported brain fog, mood changes, personality changes, hostility and anger, erratic driving, confusion and more. Sometimes, the impact on mental health is catastrophic.

Here are 13 cases that will give you a new perspective on what COVID-19 vaccines can do to the mental health of a person with no prior psychiatric history.

Case 1: 31 yo Hispanic man has psychosis after Moderna

A 31-year-old, single Hispanic man without past medical or psychiatric history, was brought to emergency by police because of erratic and bizarre behavior (Reinfeld et al.)

He was found to be anxious, guarded, superficial and grandiose. He reported becoming ‘clairvoyant’, being able to talk with dead people, hearing ‘people drumming outside his house’ and the constant voice of a co-worker whom he believed to be a paramour, but was not.

All these symptoms began one month ago, after receiving the first dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, and markedly worsened three weeks later after receiving the second dose. Previously, he was working full-time as an office manager.

Case 2: 45 yo Asian-American married woman, has psychosis after Moderna

45 yo woman with no psychiatric history, presented to psychiatry after having psychosis for 3 months. (Alphonso et al.)

Her new-onset paranoia and auditory hallucinations began 1 month after receiving her second Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. She abruptly quit her job of 18 years and stopped eatinglosing 56 lb in 4 months.

The patient would only get dressed in the dark, believing people could see her in her closet or bathroom behind a closed door. She would pace all day and stopped doing the household chores she had done for years.

She would wake her husband in the middle of the night trying to convince him that the neighbors were going to hurt her and were breaking into their home. She became angry when he tried to convince her these things were not real. Due to this irrational fear, she would sleep only 2 to 3 hours per night and no longer slept in the bedroom, preferring to lock herself in the bathroom to sleep.

She heard whispers of people talking about her and would carry on full conversations with them. She would only do this in a room alone with the door closed. Family would ask her who she was talking to, and she would become angry.

Case 3: 37 yo Japanese man has psychosis after Moderna

A 37 yo Japanese man with no psychiatric history had Moderna booster shot and complained of headache, a floating sensation and difficulty concentrating. (Kita et al)

He presented 4 days later with talkativeness, and grandiose delusions, saying that he had won 2 billion yen in horse racing. He also presented with emotional instability, such as crying, sleeplessness, excitement, hyperactivity and sexual deviance.

He was discharged. Nine days after Moderna booster he jumped from the 2nd floor of his house, and was brought back to hospital by ambulance. He exhibited flight of ideas, hyperactivity, distraction, hyperthymia and religious delusions, such as saying “my child is God”. He displayed lack of insight and became enraged when his actions were restricted.

He was diagnosed with acute mania with psychotic features and stayed 66 days in the hospital.

Case 4: 42 yo Turkish man has psychosis & mania after Pfizer

42 yo man with no psychiatric history was admitted to psychiatric emergency 5 days after 1st dose of Pfizer with complaints of irritability and sleeplessness. (Yesilkaya)

The patient had delusions that his family was being followed by the deep state and that they were in danger.

At clinical examination, his speech output, speed as well as psychomotor activity were increased. The patient’s affect was anxious and mood was dysphoric. He exhibited a loosening of associations, described persecutory and reference delusions and displayed a lack of insight. The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) score was 45.

At the routine psychiatric evaluation 15 days after discharge, the patient declared that he was unable to remember the initiation of psychiatric symptoms.

Case 5: 45 yo Latvian man has psychosis & suicide attempt after mRNA

45 yo Latvian man with no psychiatric history presented 1 month after 2nd dose of mRNA vaccine, accompanied by his parents because of bizarre behavior and an attempted suicide by hanging in the early morning. (Renemane et al.)

Immediately after his 2nd mRNA dose, he developed insomnia, unreasonable anxiety and tremor.

After 2 weeks, he realized that he has been jinxed as he found some white powder under the carpet in his apartment. From that moment, he became cautious, did not leave the apartment, and reported persecution.

On the last day before his visit to the psychiatric clinic, the patient saw a man walking past the windows of his apartment and watching him. The patient described the thoughts in his head as not his own, giving him commands to observe the person on the street. He did not sleep that night and had a strong belief that he should commit suicide. He attached a rope, tried to hang himself, but his father stopped him.

In psychiatric department, he was found to be emotionally withdrawn, immersed in his experiences, hypomimic (he sat in one position, spoke very quietly, did not actively participate in the conversation, answered questions in monosyllables or in short sentences after a long pause). He was disoriented to time and reported he was full of fear. He was hospitalized for 4 weeks.

Case 6: 20 yo woman has psychosis & seizure after Pfizer

20 yo woman presented to ER with urinary frequency, anxiety, insomnia and a fixation that she suffered from irritable bowel and kidney disease 1 week after 1st dose of Pfizer (Flannery et al.)

She displayed waxing and waning hypochondriacal delusions that she had contracted COVID-19 and that “her body was shutting down.” The patient was also noted to have some motor dysfunction and a transient bout of aphasia.

She also had accusatory auditory hallucinations but denied suicidal or homicidal ideation. She was kept overnight. The following morning the patient removed her clothing and had a bowel movement on the floor. She was admitted and put on medication, but became increasingly psychotic, then had a grand mal seizure and was admitted to ICU.

She also exhibited symptoms of ongoing catatonia, answered questions in short sentences in a monotonous tone with low phonation. She could ambulate, but slowly and with a one-person assist mainly to aid with initiation of movement.

She was diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis and spent 45 days in the hospital.

Case 7: 38 yo Brazilian woman has refractory psychosis after Pfizer

38 yo Brazilian woman with no psychiatric history, developed fever, shivering and myalgia 24hr after 1st Pfizer dose. Within a week she became agitated and did not recognize relatives. (Neves et al.)

She became aggressive, and presented disheveled with poor hygiene, unfriendly face, lacking self-orientation and refusing to talk to staff and uncooperative with doctors. Her thought was delusional. She believed staff were persecuting her, that several city mayors were her parents. Her mood was dysphoric and enraged.

She was put on psychiatric medications but didn’t improve. After 6 months of hospitalization, she remained hostile, persecutory and refusing to talk to staff and her psychosis was defined as refractory. She never recovered.

Case 8: 15 yo Taiwanese boy has psychosis after Pfizer

15 yo Taiwanese boy with no psychiatric history presented to ER with agitation, involuntary limb stretching and screaming 2 days after 2nd dose of Pfizer (Yen-Li Lien et al.)

After admission, he was observed to demonstrate bizarre behaviors, including sitting up and lying down frequently and taking up the mannerism of praying in bed.

We also noted auditory hallucinations and delusions. After discharge, his hallucinations and bizarre behavior persisted for > 1 month, requiring additional treatment with steroids.

Case 9: 51 yo Caucasian man, married with kids, has psychosis after AstraZeneca

The patient had his first dose of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in mid March 2021. (Roberts et al.)

Ten days later, his wife observed that he was becoming confused, with a significant change in his behavior. He was taken to the emergency department of the local general hospital by ambulance after he stopped eating, drinking and communicating.

He was confused and disoriented in time and place. His communication ranged from speaking in short sentences, sometimes whispering or mumbling to being completely mute. He was thought disordered. When he was given some paper to write down his thoughts, he was unable to write anything meaningful and was drawing lines only.

He stated that he was hearing voices, both male and female, saying the word ‘Covid’ to him, but he could not elaborate any further. His mood was labile and informed his behavior, which was bizarre and at times very disinhibited.

On one occasion he was incontinent of urine.

Case 10: 18 yo student has psychosis after AstraZeneca

18 female student with no psychiatric history was brought to emergency by family members for irrelevant talk and bizarre behavior. (Grover et al.)

She received her first dose of the vaccine, and within 2–3 h she developed high grade fever with chills, and multiple episodes of loose stools. These symptoms were followed by dizziness and one episode of fall.

As per family members fever subsided the next day, but patient reportedly started to remain anxious. She was not able sleep at night, frequently woke-up, appeared fearful and would appear to be staring in between. She would keep on pacing around and would appear distressed. Over the next 3 to 4 days, she started to remain irritable, talk irrelevantly, try to run away from home, voiced delusions of persecution and reference, and reported visual hallucinations of seeing Gods and demons.

In view of the continued symptoms and emergence of catatonia in the form of mutism, staring, rigidity and negativism, she was started on lorazepam.

Case 11: 22 yo woman has psychosis after AstraZeneca

22 yo woman of Middle Eastern origin presented to hospital with 3 week history of frontal headache and fatigue a few days after 2nd dose of AstraZeneca. (Takata et al.)

Symptoms did not respond to tylenol and progressed to a two-day history of confusion and hallucinations (visual and tactile). She reported seeing “disco balls” and experiencing someone touching her skin.

She was alert but disorientated to time, person and place, and agitated with a labile affect; she complained of auditory and visual hallucinations – for example, that the room was on fire – and delusions that were often hyper-religious in nature. She was also seen to be gesturing to the air as if responding to unseen stimuli.

After discharge from hospital, her family report that she has not recovered back to her pre-morbid state. She is quieter and more withdrawn now, and still has residual psychotic symptoms of occasionally seeing green lights and praying more than before.

Case 12: 45 yo Croatian man has psychosis & suicide attempt after AstraZeneca

45 yo Croatian man developed unusual behavior 5 days after AstraZeneca. He became anxious, suspicious, paranoid, disorganized and complained of headaches. (Borovina)

Two weeks after COVID-19 vaccination, persecutory delusions and delusions of reference led him to suicide attempt by stabbing himself in the abdomen.

He had surgery and spent 23 days in the hospital.

Case 13: 46 yo Indian teacher has psychosis after Covishield (AstraZeneca)

46 yo single mother and teacher was brought to ER by her daughter with complaints of muttering to herself, decreased sleep and appetite, hearing the voice of her husband who died 15 years back and fearful that something might happen to her and her daughter (Krishna et al.)

On repeated asking why this may happen, she explained that her husband’s voice is telling her that they would die of an accident and this would happen in the near future. Her family members noticed that she started to mutter to herself, her personal care was reduced, she stopped going to her work, and mostly preferred to stay at home for the past 20 days.

These symptoms started after 3 days of receiving the second dose of the Covishield (AstraZeneca) vaccine.

During clinical examination her affect was restricted to dull, her psychomotor activity slow, she frequently got distracted, muttering to herself as she could hear her husband’s voice talking to her during the interview and also could not pay attention to the questions asked.

My Take…

These cases paint a picture that doesn’t require further comment.

It is important to note, however, that COVID-19 vaccine spike protein does localize to the brain, where it can cause severe inflammation that may be autoimmune in nature (click here).

Such a tragic case of autoimmune encephalitis after Pfizer vaccine was reported in a 35 year old Swiss woman who developed fever, rash, behavioral changes and severe recurrent seizures 8 days after her 2nd Pfizer dose (Werner et al).

She was in and out of hospital of two months and never recovered, as she now has a seizure disorder requiring medication for life.

These episodes of psychosis have occurred after Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. In many cases, the vaccinated person was completely fine after 1st or 2nd dose but had a psychosis after 2nd dose or booster shot.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from the author

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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A discussão de uma petição para a suspensão das vacinas contra a covid-19 em crianças serviu sobretudo para revelar a confrangedora iliteracia científica e a nula curiosidade dos deputados em analisar os mais recentes estudos sobre efeitos adversos em idade pediátrica. Nem um deputado aparentou alguma vez na vida ter olhado para a base de dados da Agência Europeia do Medicamento. Chavões e mais chavões foi o que mais se ouviu esta sexta-feira no Palácio de São Bento. Parecia estar-se em 2021. Ou na Idade das Trevas, onde se permite nada mais do que uma linha ortodoxa feita dogma.

 Cavalgar a onda e acabar por debater bugalhos quando estava em causa alhos. Foi isto que sucedeu ontem em plenário da Assembleia da República com um debate que deveria analisar uma petição criada há 18 meses – e que andou a marinar infindável tempo sob o desinteresse geral dos deputados da Comissão da Saúde – que pedia a suspensão da vacinação contra a covid-19 em crianças porque os benefícios potenciais (numa doença que, para este grupo etário é irrelevante) não justificam os potenciais e reais efeitos adversos.

Em vez de questionar os factos científicos, que se têm vindo a acumular, e as evidências já recolhidas pela Agência Europeia do Medicamento sobre os efeitos adversos em idade pediátrica, os deputados da Nação optaram por acoplar à discussão uma proposta de recomendação ao Governo para “a avaliação do impacto psicológico da pandemia a crianças e jovens em idade escolar”, uma iniciativa do partido Chega. A petição original, com 9.046 assinaturas validadas, não incidia sobre os efeitos psicológicos da pandemia; mas sim sobre aspectos clínicos das vacinas sobre as crianças.

Assembleia da República, ontem durante o debate sobre a petição.

À boleia do assunto suscitado pelo Chega, a petição acabou por perder protagonismo, não tendo havido qualquer menção à necessidade de uma análise benefício-risco da administração de vacinas em jovens saudáveis, que até já nem é recomendada pela Direcção-Geral da Saúde (DGS). Neste momento, a DGS apenas recomenda a vacinação de menores com determindas comorbilidades, e já nem sequer aconselha boosters para menores de 50 anos.

A incerteza criada em redor da eficácia das vacinas e a falta de confiança nas autoridades, que continuam a esconder dados, tem sido responsável pela forte redução na procura de boosters nesta época sazonal. Desde 13 de Janeiro deste ano, segundo os últimos três relatórios semanais da resposta sazonal em saúde, apenas cerca de 10 mil pessoas entre os 18 e os 50 anos procuraram a dose de reforço sazonal. Isto num grupo etário superior a quatro milhões de pessoas.

O debate foi, também por isso, anacrónico, parecendo estar-se ainda no ano de 2021, quando dogmaticamente se faziam profissões de fé sobre os miraculosos fármacos que livravam da morte certa vulneráveis e saudáveis de qualquer idade e condição.

Os chavões ainda lá estiveram. Houve, e ouviram-se, deputados a evocar os famosos epítetos de “chalupas” e de “extrema-direita” para se referirem aos que levantaram dúvidas e perguntas sobre a gestão da pandemia e as vacinas contra a covid-19 administradas de forma maciça e com recurso à coerção. Foi o caso paradigmático de Pedro Filipe Soares, deputado do Bloco de Esquerda, que inusitadamente até insinuou que há quem acredite que a vacinação teve como efeito adverso a deterioração da saúde mental juvenil. A bizarra extrapolação dirigia-se sobretudo ao partido Chega – e aí tinha algum sentido, embora enviesado: o evidente impacto da pandemia ao nível psicológico nos jovens, já bastante estudado, advém das restrições (muitas, absurdas), e não à vacina propriamente dita, pelo que o debate parlamentar esteve a misturar alhos com bugalhos (mesmo se ambos são de produção vegetal).

Rita Matias, deputada do Chega.

E isso mesmo disse Pedro Filipe Soares: “Não é consequência das vacinas o problema de saúde mental nas escolas”, mas como se, entre as 10 razões elencadas pelos peticionários para suspender a vacinação nos mais jovens, ali figurasse aquela.

Esta intervenção do bloquista foi posterior à da deputada Rita Matias, do Chega, que apresentou a proposta do partido liderado por André Ventura, e com quem acabou por protagonizar uma acesa troca de palavras. E vieram mais chavões, com Pedro Filipe Soares a acusar o Chega de querer “agradar aos chalupas da sociedade”. A colagem ideológica à extrema-direita foi, aliás, um dos mais estafados truques da narrativa ortodoxa que, ao longo da pandemia, negou qualquer tipo de debate racional, tachando de extremistas e anti-ciência qualquer pessoa que se atrevesse a discordar da maioria.

Em todo o caso, o Chega acabou por ser o único partido a destacar-se de uma confrangedora homogeneidade de argumentos a favor da vacinação dos mais jovens. Com efeito, Rita Matias acabou por ser a única deputada a defender que na petição constam “verdades que não podem ser negadas”, tais como a falta de “dados de segurança das vacinas e noção dos seus efeitos nocivos a médio e longo prazo”, bem como sobre o excesso de reações adversas registadas em comparação com outras vacinas.

E criticou ainda Pedro Filipe Soares por chamar chalupas aos 9.046 peticionários, acusando-o de “fazer uma salada-russa de ideias”. Sobre uma das questões em debate – o alegado carácter voluntário da toma da vacina contra a covid-19 –, a deputada do Chega também relembrou que, apesar de ser opcional, muitos portugueses foram impedidos de “aceder a restaurantes, espaços de lazer, hotéis e grupos desportivos com base no estado vacinal ou no certificado digital”.

Pedro Filipe Soares, deputado do Bloco de Esquerda.

A par do Bloco de Esquerda – que teve Pedro Filipe Soares como protagonista a defender que “não são os decisores políticos que se devem substituir aos decisores técnicos no que toca à matéria de saúde” –, as intervenções do PCP, do Livre e do PAN tiveram em comum um lavar de mãos sobre a matéria, atribuindo a responsabilidade das decisões às autoridades sanitárias.

“Não existe nenhum medicamento nem nenhuma vacina que seja completamente inócuo, há sempre riscos associados”, frisou o deputado João Dias, do PCP, afirmando ainda que “devemos respeitar as decisões das autoridades de saúde pública”.

A deputada do PAN Inês Sousa Real, por seu turno, seguiu o mesmo diapasão, mas realçou ainda que “sempre defende[mos] a “não-discriminação” com base no estatuto vacinal, mas sim apenas com base num certificado de teste negativo. Algo que tem pouca base científica: um teste negativo não garante que a pessoa não esteja, nesse preciso momento, sem infecção.

Na sua maioria, as intervenções dos deputados foram meras réplicas dos argumentos já repetidos até à exaustão, sobretudo ao longo de 2021, para se justificar a administração das vacinas nas camadas mais jovens. Note-se que a própria Comissão Técnica de Vacinação contra a Covid-19 (CTVC) já não se pronuncia sobre a administração em crianças desde 10 de Dezembro de 2021, sabendo-se que ao longo do ano passado o conhecimento científico sobre os efeitos adversos neste grupo etário se aprofundou bastante.

Inês Sousa Real, deputada do PAN.

Quanto aos dois principais partidos, o Partido Socialista (PS) e o Partido Social Democrata (PSD) assumiram posições quase indiscerníveis sobre o tema. Convergindo com o PS, a deputada social-democrata Cláudia Bento – uma médica nefrologista que foi nomeada relatora desta petição em Junho de 2022 – , reafirmou a importância da vacinação, mas sem dados: limitou-se a reiterar que são “seguras e eficazes”, apelando a que se confie “na Ciência e nas directrizes da autoridades de saúde”. Mas a Ciência esteve ausente porque nenhum deputado citou um estudo sequer ou um número válido e correcto sobre os efeitos adversos em crianças.

A “evidência científica” andou sempre de boca em boca como o Credo. Como na da deputada socialista Anabela Rodrigues que ainda afirmou que “as crianças são susceptíveis de infecção”, mas sem qualquer referência à taxa de letalidade, e invocando o aval das várias entidades de saúde, nacionais e internacionais, como a Agência Europeia do Medicamento e a Organização Mundial da Saúde.

Já Bernardo Blanco, deputado do Iniciativa Liberal, reconheceu ser “muito raro [jovens e crianças] desenvolverem problemas decorridos da covid-19”, e que há casos relatados de miocardites e pericardites após a vacinação. Contudo, ressalvou que estes efeitos adversos são também “muito raros”, e salientou que “o importante é que as famílias portuguesas possam escolher e o façam com cada vez mais informação”.

Clara Bento, deputada do Partido Social Democrata.

Na verdade, o deputado liberal foi o único que lá se muniu de um número: 1.007 miocardites em cerca de 50 milhões de vacinas administradas em jovens europeus, referindo-se a dados recentemente revelados pela Agência Europeia do Medicamento.

Esqueceu-se o deputado, em todo o caso, de referir que, dessas 1.007, houve 13 que resultaram em desfechos fatais, e que já foram notificadas à Agência Europeia do Medicamento um total de 125 mortes de crianças e adolescentes por forte suspeita de associação com as vacinas contra a covid-19, como o PÁGINA UM já relatou com base nos dados da EudraVigilance. E que as mortes e outras afecções, muitas com graves sequelas, não foram apenas cardíacas, mas também pulmonares e neurológicas.

Rui Tavares, do Livre, foi quem mais defendeu a vacinação de crianças como estratégia eticamente aceitável, porque terá, segundo ele, contribuído para diminuir a mortalidade geral, como se já não tivesse sido descartada há muito, mesmo pelas farmacêuticas, a possibilidade de se conseguir imunidade de grupo. Ou seja, já se sabe cientificamente que vacinar crianças saudáveis não concede qualquer protecção a idosos; aquilo que os pode proteger, na melhor das hipóteses, é eles se vacinarem. Sendo assim, mostra-se imprudente, e até contra as regras médicas, colocar em risco um grupo (idade pediátrica) de baixo risco. Saliente-se que a letalidade (sem vacina) para os menores de 20 anos é de 0,0003%, segundo um estudo este mês publicado numa reputada revista científica, e que tem como co-autor John Ioannidis, o mais citado epidemiologista mundial.

Rui Tavares, deputado do Livre.

Mas o deputado do Livre ainda foi mais longe: “Sem vacinação contra a covid-19 teríamos tido 10 vezes, provavelmente, mais mortalidade do que tivemos”, garantiu, fazendo até um paralelismo com a penumónica de 1918, que atingiu o Mundo numa época em que os avanços médicos e tecnológicos eram muito mais fragéis, e a condição de saúde mais débil. Saliente-se que a esperança média de vida há um século rondava os 40 anos em Portugal – e também que a pneumónica (ou gripe espanhola) se tornou menos virulenta (com o surgimento de variantes) antes de se encontrar qualquer vacina eficaz.

Sobre as potencialidades das vacinas para se evitar uma catástrofe humana durante a pandemia, recorde-se também que em Portugal tinham morrido cerca de sete mil pessoas por covid-19 até finais de 2020, antes do programa de vacinação. O número subiria para os 17 mil em Maio de 2021, quando já a esmagadora maioria da população mais vulnerável estava vacinada. Neste momento, ronda os 26 mil óbitos. Rui Tavares defendeu assim ser plausível que, sem vacinas, tivessem morrido 260 mil pessoas apenas de covid-19.

Obviamente, tudo isto disse o deputado do Livre sem citar qualquer artigo científico validado e sem sequer referir que os estudos científicos mostram que a Ómicron fez, por si só, baixar significativamente a letalidade do SARS-CoV-2, e que os ganhos da vacinação com as novas variantes (que tornaram a covid-19 mais transmissível e rapidamente endémica) são desprezíveis ou mesmo nulos abaixo dos 40 anos de idade. E isto sem se conhecer os efeitos a longo prazo.

Augusto Santos Silva, deputado do Partido Socialista e presidente da Assembleia da República.

Na verdade, embora muitos deputados tivessem assumido a existência de efeitos secundários como “normais” em todos os fármacos, foram evidentes as dificuldades em lidar com argumentação científica sustentada mesmo quando a Ciência foi evocada e invocada – tanto ao nível dos efeitos adversos com sequelas como ao nível de mortes –, sabendo-se ser com números (e não com profissões de fé) que se decide se o benefício compensa o risco. Nesse aspecto, e é quase tudo, nenhum deputado mostrou estar habilitado.

Em suma, muita palra para tão pouco sumo. Se vantagens houve no debate da petição e da recomendação proposta pelo Chega – que seria chumbada – foi o de se saber que os deputados portugueses continuam apenas com chavões na boca e a necessitarem urgentemente de uma rápida reciclagem científica à cabeça. O Google Scholar ajudaria, embora depois dê trabalho ler o que a Ciência tem revelado nos últimos tempos sobre estas matérias – não convém muito ir ao ChatGPT, diga-se, porque (ainda) repete chavões, e ainda não está ligado a artigos científicos.

Pedro Almeida Vieira

Maria Afonso Peixoto


À medida que surgem dados oficiais dos governos na Europa e nos EUA acerca do número alarmante de mortes e com paralisias permanentes, bem como outros efeitos colaterais graves das vacinas experimentais de mRNA, está a ficar claro que nos pedem para sermos cobaias humanas num experimento que poderia alterar a estrutura do gene humano e até muito pior. Enquanto os media convencionais ignoram dados alarmantes, incluindo a morte de incontáveis jovens vítimas saudáveis, a política da vacina corona está a ser promovida por Washington e Bruxelas junto com a OMS e o Cartel de Vacinas com toda a compaixão de uma “oferta da máfia que você não pode recusar”.

O alarmante relatório da EMA

Em 8 de Maio, a Agência Europeia de Medicamentos (EMA), uma agência da União Europeia (UE) responsável pela avaliação e supervisão de produtos médicos, usando o banco de dados EudraVigilance que colecta notificações de suspeitas de efeitos colaterais de medicamentos, incluindo vacinas, publicou um relatório que mal foi mencionado nos grandes media.

Até 8 de Maio de 2021, eles haviam registado 10.570 mortes e 405.259 lesionados após injecções de quatro vacinas experimentais do COVID-19 : COVID-19 mRNA VACINA da MODERNA (CX-024414); VACINA DE ARNm COVID-19 da PFIZER-BIONTECH; COVID-19 VACCINE da ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19); e Janssen COVID-19 VACCINE da Johnson & Johnson (AD26.COV2.S).

Uma análise pormenorizada de cada vacina apresenta os seguintes resultados:

A vacina com edição do gene do mRNA da Pfizer-BioNTech resultou nas maiores fatalidades – 5.368 mortes e 170.528 feridos ou quase 50% do total para todos os quatro.

A vacina de mRNA da Moderna foi a segunda com 2.865 mortes e 22.985 feridos. Ou seja, as duas únicas vacinas experimentais de mRNA com manipulação genética, Pfizer-BioNTech e Moderna, foram responsáveis por 8.233 mortes do total de 10.570 mortes registadas. Isso representa 78% de todas as mortes causadas pelas quatro vacinas actualmente em uso na UE.

E entre os efeitos colaterais graves ou lesões registadas pela EMA, para as duas vacinas de mRNA que focamos neste artigo, para a vacina “experimental” da Pfizer, a maioria das lesões relatadas incluiu doenças do sangue e do sistema linfático, incluindo mortes; distúrbios cardíacos, incluindo mortes; distúrbios músculo-esqueléticos e dos tecidos conjuntivos; distúrbios respiratórios, torácicos e mediastinais e distúrbios vasculares.

Para a vacina de mRNA da Moderna, as lesões mais graves ou as causas de morte incluíram doenças do sangue e do sistema linfático; distúrbios cardíacos; distúrbios músculo-esqueléticos e dos tecidos conjuntivos; distúrbios do sistema nervoso central . Observe que essas são apenas as lesões mais graves relacionadas a essas duas vacinas de mRNA geneticamente manipuladas. A EMA também observa acreditar-se que apenas uma pequena percentagem das mortes reais por vacinas ou efeitos colaterais graves, talvez apenas 1% a 10%, são relatados por várias razões. Oficialmente, mais de 10.000 pessoas morreram após receber as vacinas contra o coronavírus desde Janeiro de 2021 na UE. Esse é um número assustador de mortes relacionadas à vacina, mesmo que os números verdadeiros sejam muito maiores.

CDC também

Até mesmo os Centros de Controle de Doenças dos EUA (CDC), uma agência notoriamente política e corrupta com laços lucrativos com fabricantes de vacinas, no seu Sistema de Notificação de Eventos Adversos de Vacinas (VAERS), mostra um total de 193.000 “eventos adversos”, incluindo 4.057 mortes, 2.475 deficiências permanentes, 25.603 visitas ao pronto-socorro e 11.572 hospitalizações após injecções [contra o] COVID-19 entre 14 de Dezembro de 2020 e 14 de Maio de 2021. Isso incluiu as duas vacinas de mRNA, Pfizer e Moderna, e a vacina J&J Janssen, muito menos predominante. Das mortes relatadas, 38% ocorreram em pessoas que adoeceram dentro de 48 horas após serem vacinadas. O número oficial de mortes relacionadas à vacina nos EUA é maior em apenas 5 meses do que todas as mortes relacionadas à vacina nos últimos 20 anos combinados. Mesmo assim, os grandes media mundiais e o governo dos Estados Unidos praticamente enterram os factos alarmantes .

Cerca de 96% dos resultados fatais foram das vacinas Pfizer e Moderna, as duas variantes financiadas e promovidas pela Fundação Gates e o NIAID de Tony Fauci com a tecnologia genética experimental de mRNA.

Além disso, o Dr. Tony Fauci, o secretário de vacinas da Administração Biden dos EUA e seu Centro de Pesquisa de Vacinas NIAID co-projectaram a vacina da mRNA Moderna e deram à Moderna e à Pfizer US$6 mil milhões para produzi-la. Isso também é um conflito de interesses flagrante, já que Fauci e seu NIAID têm permissão para se beneficiar financeiramente de seus ganhos com patentes na vacina sob uma curiosa lei dos EUA . O NIAID desenvolveu as proteínas de pico (spike) do coronavírus para o desenvolvimento de vacinas de mRNA da SARS-CoV-2 usando o dinheiro do contribuinte. Eles licenciaram-na para a Moderna e a Pfizer.

“Nunca visto na natureza…”

Num sentido trágico, a experiência com reacções às duas sem precedentes vacinas experimentais de mRNA desde o seu lançamento a uma também sem precedentes “velocidade relâmpago” quando o governo dos Estados Unidos a pediu, só agora começa a ser vista, em testes reais com cobaias humanas. Poucos percebem que as duas vacinas de mRNA usam manipulações genéticas que nunca antes foram utilizadas em humanos. E sob a cobertura da urgência, autoridades de saúde dos EUA e da UE dispensaram os testes normais em animais e nem mesmo aprovaram a sua segurança, mas deram uma “autorização de uso de emergência”. Além disso, os fabricantes de vacinas ficaram isentos de danos de litigação a 100%.

O público em geral foi tranquilizado sobre a segurança das vacinas quando a Pfizer e a Moderna publicaram relatórios de 94% e 95% de “eficácia” das mesmas. Fauci do NIAID foi rápido a classificar isto como “extraordinário” em Novembro de 2020, e muitíssimo rápido a aproveitar-se do preço das acções da Pfizer e Moderna.

Peter Doshi, Editor Associado do British Medical Journal apontou uma enorme falha nos relatórios dos mais de 90% de eficácia para as vacinas da Moderna e da Pfizer. Ele observou que as percentagens são relativas, em relação ao pequeno grupo seleccionado de teste de jovens saudáveis, e não absolutas como na vida real. Na vida real, queremos saber a eficácia da vacina entre a grande generalidade da população.

Doshi aponta o facto de que a Pfizer excluiu mais de 3400 “casos suspeitos de COVID-19” que não foram incluídos na análise provisória. Além disso, os indivíduos “em ambos os testes da Moderna e da Pfizer foram considerados positivos para o SARS-CoV-1 – (o vírus asiático de 2003 da SARS), apesar da infecção anterior ser motivo de exclusão”, observa Doshi. Ambas as empresas se recusaram a divulgar seus dados primários.

Os cientistas empregados pela Pfizer fizeram seus testes. Em suma, 95% é o que a Pfizer ou a Moderna afirmam. Disseram-nos: “Confiem em nós”. Uma estimativa mais realista da verdadeira eficácia das duas vacinas para o público em geral, usando dados fornecidos pelos fabricantes de vacinas ao FDA, mostra que a vacina Moderna no momento da análise provisória demonstrou uma redução de risco absoluto de 1,1%, ao passo que na da Pfizer a redução do risco absoluto da vacina foi de 0,7%. Isso é muito pouco.

Peter Hotez, reitor da Escola Nacional de Medicina Tropical do Baylor College of Medicine, em Houston, diz: “O ideal é que uma vacina antiviral faça duas coisas … Primeiro, reduza a probabilidade de você ficar gravemente doente e ir para o hospital e, segundo, previna a infecção e, portanto, interrompa a transmissão da doença”. Como observa Doshi, nenhum dos estudos foi “concebido para detectar uma redução em qualquer resultado grave, como internamentos hospitalares, uso de terapia intensiva ou mortes. Nem as vacinas estão a ser estudadas para determinar se podem interromper a transmissão do vírus”. O responsável médico chefe da Moderna até admitiu que “O nosso ensaio não demonstrará a prevenção da transmissão”.

Possíveis efeitos das vacinas de mRNA

Num importante novo estudo recém-publicado no International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research,a Dra. Stephanie Seneff, cientista sénior do Laboratório de Ciência da Computação e Inteligência Artificial do MIT, e o Dr. Greg Nigh, especialista em oncologia naturopática, analisam em pormenor as possíveis vias pelas quais as vacinas experimentais de mRNA da Pfizer e Moderna poderiam estar a causar tais efeitos adversos nos vacinados. Primeiro, eles apontam que as vacinas editadas por genes da Pfizer e da Moderna são altamente instáveis: “Ambas são administradas por meio de injecção muscular e ambas requerem armazenamento ultracongelado para evitar que o RNA se parta. Isso se verifica porque, ao contrário do DNA de fita dupla, que é muito estável, os produtos de RNA de fita simples podem ser danificados ou ficarem impotentes em temperaturas elevadas e devem ser mantidos extremamente frios a fim de reter a sua eficácia potencial . ” A Pfizer recomenda 70° Celsius negativos.

Os autores apontam que, a fim de evitar que o mRNA se decomponha antes que possa produzir proteína, os dois fabricantes de vacinas substituem a metil-pseudouridina para estabilizar o RNA contra a degradação, permitindo que sobreviva o tempo suficiente para produzir quantidades adequadas de antígeno protéico. O problema que eles apontam é que, “Esta forma de mRNA entregue na vacina nunca é vista na natureza e, portanto, tem potencial para consequências desconhecidas… a manipulação do código da vida pode levar a efeitos negativos completamente imprevistos, potencialmente a longo prazo ou mesmo permanente “.

Adjuvantes PEG e choque anafilático

Por várias razões para evitar o uso de adjuvantes de alumínio para aumentar a resposta anticorpo, ambas as vacinas mRNA usam polietileno glicol, ou PEG, como adjuvante. Isto tem consequências. Os autores destacam: “…ambas as vacinas mRNA actualmente implantadas contra COVID-19 utilizam nanopartículas à base de lipídios como veículos de entrega. A carga de mRNA é colocada dentro de um invólucro composto de lipídios sintéticos e colesterol, junto com PEG a fim de estabilizar a molécula de mRNA contra a degradação “.

O PEG demonstrou produzir choque anafilático ou reacções alérgicas graves. Em estudos de vacinas anteriores sem mRNA, as reacções de choque anafilático ocorreram em 2 casos por milhão de vacinações. Com as vacinas mRNA, o monitoramento inicial revelou que “a anafilaxia ocorreu a uma taxa de 247 por milhão de vacinações. Isto é mais de 21 vezes maior do que o relatado inicialmente pelo CDC. A segunda exposição à injecção pode causar um número ainda maior de reacções anafiláticas”. Um estudo observou: “PEG é um alergenio ‘oculto’ de alto risco, geralmente insuspeito, e pode causar reacções alérgicas frequentes devido à re-exposição inadvertida“. Entre tais reacções estão incluídos o colapso cardiovascular com risco de vida.

Isso está longe de constituir a totalidade dos riscos não declarados das vacinas experimentais mRNA contra o coronavírus.

Aumento dependente de anticorpos

O aumento dependente de anticorpos (ADE) é um fenómeno imunológico. Seneff e Nigh observam que “o ADE é um caso especial do que pode acontecer quando níveis baixos e não neutralizantes de … anticorpos contra um vírus estão presentes no momento da infecção. Esses anticorpos podem estar presentes devido a … vacinação anterior contra o vírus…” Os autores sugerem que, no caso das vacinas mRNA da Pfizer e da Moderna, “os anticorpos não neutralizantes formam complexos imunes com antígenos virais para provocar secreção excessiva de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, e, em casos extremos, uma tempestade de citocinas causando dano generalizado ao tecido local “.

Para ser claro, normalmente as citocinas fazem parte da resposta imunológica do corpo à infecção. Mas sua liberação súbita em grandes quantidades, uma tempestade de citocinas, pode causar falência de órgãos de vários sistemas e morte. Nosso sistema imunológico inato sofre uma liberação descontrolada e excessiva das moléculas sinalizadoras pró-inflamatórias chamadas citocinas.

Os autores acrescentam que “anticorpos pré-existentes, induzidos por vacinação prévia, contribuem para danos pulmonares graves por SARS-CoV em macacos…” Outro estudo citado mostra que a gama muito mais diversificada de exposições anteriores a coronavírus, como a gripe sazonal experimentada pelos idosos, pode predispô-los a ADE após a exposição ao SARS-CoV-2″. Isto é uma possível explicação para a alta incidência de mortes pós-vacinação de mRNA entre idosos.

Os fabricantes de vacinas têm uma maneira inteligente de negar a toxicidade de suas vacinas mRNA. Como afirmam Seneff e Nigh, “não é possível distinguir uma manifestação de doença ADE de uma verdadeira infecção viral não ADE”. Mas fazem o destaque revelador: “A esta luz, é importante reconhecer que, quando doenças e mortes ocorrem logo após a vacinação com uma vacina mRNA, nunca se pode determinar definitivamente, mesmo com uma investigação completa, que a reacção da vacina não foi uma causa próxima “.

Os autores apontam vários outros pontos alarmantes, incluindo o surgimento de doenças auto-imunes, como a doença celíaca, uma doença do sistema digestivo que danifica o intestino delgado e interfere na absorção de nutrientes dos alimentos. Também a síndrome de Guillain-Barré (GBS) que causa fraqueza muscular progressiva e paralisia. Além disso, a trombocitopenia imune (ITP) em que uma pessoa tem níveis anormalmente baixos de plaquetas – as células que ajudam o sangue a coagular – pode ocorrer após a vacinação “por meio da migração de células imunes que transportam uma carga de nanopartículas mRNA através do sistema linfático para o baço… ITP aparece inicialmente como petéquias ou púrpura na pele e / ou sangramento das superfícies mucosas. Tem um alto risco de morte por hemorragia e derrame “.

Estes exemplos são indicativos do facto de estarmos literalmente a expor a raça humana – por meio de vacinas mRNA editadas por genes experimentais não testados – a perigos incalculáveis que no fim podem exceder em muito qualquer risco potencial de dano a partir de algo que tem sido chamado de SARS-Cov-2. Longe da tão apregoada substância milagrosa proclamada pela OMS, Gates, Fauci e outros, as vacinas da Pfizer, da Moderna e outras mRNA possíveis claramente possuem consequências imprevistas potencialmente trágicas e até catastróficas. Não é de admirar que alguns críticos acreditem que seja um veículo disfarçado para a eugenia humana.

F. William Engdalh


Texto original em inglés : “We are Human Guinea Pigs”: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action, Global Research, 27 de Maio de 2021.


F. William Engdalh : Consultor de risco estratégico. Muitas das suas obras estão aqui .

Ver também:

The Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) defines and promotes Women’s Rights in a broader anti-war context which confronts the tenets of US imperialism. 

From the outset in 1979 of what was designated as the Soviet-Afghan War, the CIA provided covert support to both Al Qaeda and the Taliban, with the unspoken mandate to undermine women’s rights as well as destroy the very foundations of Afghanistan as a progressive secular nation state. 

The US-NATO invasion on October 7, 2001 was based an an outright lie, namely that Afghanistan had attacked America on September 11, 2001. 

The derogation of women’s rights in Afghanistan was the direct result of  Washington’s diabolical military and intelligence agenda, the intent of which was to  transform Afghanistan into an Islamic proxy state. 

This was instrumented by closing down public schools and replacing them with koranic schools. 

Education in Afghanistan in the years preceding the Soviet-Afghan war was largely secular.  The number of  CIA sponsored religious schools (madrasahs) increased from 2,500 in 1980 to over 39,000.

USAID generously financed the process of religious indoctrination, largely to secure the demise of secular institutions.  Confirmed by the Washington Post: …The United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, …  

… Published in the dominant Afghan languages of Dari and Pashtun, the textbooks were developed in the early 1980s under an AID grant to the University of Nebraska -Omaha and its Center for Afghanistan Studies. The agency spent $ 51 million on the university’s education programs in Afghanistan from 1984 to 1994.” (Washington Post, 23 March 2002, emphasis added)

The war against Afghanistan has extended over a period of more than forty years. 

March 8, 2023, Women’s Day.

Our thoughts are with RAWA and the people of Afghanistan in their long-standing battle against US imperialism.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, March 8, 2023



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As a disclaimer I want to make clear I am not here attempting to exonerate Putin, simply to shine a light on western hypocrisies and double standards, rendered invisible by MSM reporting.

The so-called “civilisation” of the West lingers in the degenerate mentality of the Cold War, the world mere inches and one bad decision away from nuclear apocalypse.

On Thursday 24th February 2022, the Russian army invaded Ukraine, leading to rapid internal destabilization and massive loss of life. Reflections on the war by Western commentators, on the advancing power of the Russian army, is, unfortunately, rapt in thrall of NATO, who have a history of waging illegal wars with illegal tactics, to serve the protection and advancement of US geopolitical interests. Reported primarily on TV broadcasts and in news media, the war is couched as a sin of the Russian government and the deliberate provocations of NATO within Russia’s sphere of influence leading up to the invasion are not accounted for.

The main casualty in war is truth. For though reporting feigns neutrality and objectivity, a facade carefully crafted by the politico-media class, a vast bias consists in their work: they are loyal to the imperial west and united against the powers of the east, which pose an existential threat to US hegemony in their pursuit of a multipolar world order. According to their reporting, when the west makes wars it is legitimate, just and couched in glory, but when the conflict comes from US geopolitical rivals, it is degenerate and obscene. How does an ostensibly educated, civilised public react to such institutional duplicity?

For in war the state at once conjures an image of itself as an arbiter of moral action and still, behind the facade, entirely lacks in decency. The recoil of some citizens from the supposed allure of western intervention the world around is denounced in a media arbitrated, public struggle session, in which conscientious objectors are categorised as having sympathy with the enemy, not passing the test of loyalty to the empire. Thus, we can describe the televising of war and the media modulation of the master narrative as malicious media. Through accidents of the broadcasters some images and footages from the war are verifiably false, such as a viral clip showing a news report in which a man moves around inside a body bag, amongst a sea of body bags on display for the telly.

The quickest and easiest way to create a manageable consensus of support for war in the western homelands is to create orderly narratives out of the confusion and commotion of conflict and repeat them (repetition being a technique for hypnosis.) Noting that one can call Putin as culpable as NATO for use of propaganda, it is nonetheless the case that he learned these tactics from the west, who pioneered them.

We have leaders who are exactly the same, who pursue the same selfish agendas to get more power at the expense of democracy and who manipulate us to make us hate and fear other human beings with whom we have common cause, while creating the illusion of separateness, “othering.” We are speeding to the precipice of nuclear war, echoing the reactionary jingoism of the cold war. We are inches away from the realization of a nuclear apocalypse, bought upon us by, at best, irresponsible, at worst, lethal, sabre-rattling. Condemning war seems to be a task too far for ostensibly progressive politicians, who have voted to increase funds to spend on militarization of Ukraine. In such circumstances, genuine, authentic progressivism appears a distant fantasy.

Many decades of western interventionism has offered the world nothing but forced assimilation into a gray, neurotic, totalitarian neoliberal world order.

It is obvious the US is questing for world domination, but it’s a fact considered inapposite to state due to sensitivities about the crimes of the third Reich. Nonetheless the US caliphate has globalised the social structure of feudalism – defined by social conditions of vassalage – and the rule of America and the belief in freedom have come to be irreconcilable.

People of goodwill who object to the US “forever war” project are ostracised as dangerous extremists, while neoconservative fundamentalists and megalomaniacs who endorse droning weddings and killing journalists are portrayed as rational and sensible, such is the lens of distortion.

The fundamental dilemma is this: who are the villains at whom criticism and legal retribution should be aimed?

Surely, all states who use lethal military force on innocent civilians. The moral international community surely does not include America, as much as it wouldn’t include Putin. The constituency collectively striving for peace and humanitarianism through multilateral cooperation consists mainly of conscientious states in the global south who have long suffered for colonialism and imperialism.

Television reporting of war, often repeating bellicose rhetoric, creates between news consumers a shared understanding of a given conflict, an understanding, however, rooted in illusion and deception.

Invoking this problematic consensus of understanding, politicians claim to have a mandate for and support for military action. As spectators upon wars our perceptions are necessarily filtered through a master narrative prism, the mainstream media – that filters out the brutal truth, deliberately constructing our awareness in such a way as to lead us to be biased towards one side.

Ever since the first, globalised wars of modern imperialism, news reporting on war has kept company with falsity.

To observe war through the medium of mainstream media is to yield to wilful deception, seeing as media elites, as class allies of the warmongering elites, shape the master narratives through which human beings perceive the world.

The facts of the strategic realities and equal culpability in wars are obscured or manipulated to serve an agenda. The media elects itself as the superior arbiter of what is right and real, and, being one of the only sources of and authority on information for issues that extend beyond one’s self and experience, they have a monopoly over perception. Corporate ownership and governance of news by way of conglomerates emancipated media from its mission to serve and inform the public and so was hewn its role of servitude to the agendas of the ruling class.

The main profile of western masses – both individually and collectively – during wartime is that of spectators, consumers of spectacle. There is a rapidly increasing flow of information about war and its agonies, information that hasn’t been audited to eliminate bias.

Being  a  spectator of calamities taking place in another country is a quintessential modern experience, the cumulative offering by more  than a century and a half’s worth of those professional, specialized atrocity  tourists  known as journalists. Wars are now also living room sights and sounds. Information  about what is happening elsewhere, called “news,” features conflict and violence— “If it bleeds, it leads” runs the venerable guideline  of  tabloids and  twentyfour-hour  headline  news  shows, to which the response is compassion, or indignation, or titilation, or approval, as  each misery heaves into view. How to respond to the steadily  increasing flow  of  information about the agonies of war was  already  an issue in the late nineteenth century.

The main mass delusion propagated to prepare the west for a proxy conflict with Russia was Russiagate, a confabulation of the US establishment which prepped us to become reliable engines of Russophobia. The same dynamic of putrid racist ideological hegemony observed by Edward Said in Orientalism is the same in the triangulation of the Russian “threat.” An illusory hierarchy of civilizational integrity, supposedly distinguishing the superior “free” world from the seemingly inferior “barbaric,” is invoked by politicians and media. It is nothing short of the alienation of humanity from itself.

At one time there was a dynamic, unified international movement to abolish war, which connected civil rights, pacifist movements in the imperial core with third world liberation movements. The flame of hope of this mass rebellion was crushed by the assassination of its leaders in the west and in the development of CIA backed coups in rebellious third world countries, turned into loyal client states. Contemporary war is mostly the result of the existence of global markets, because the internal logic of markets – the profit motive – necessitates expansion into new territories, mostly with force, whilst also being a project of shadowy, powerful intelligence agencies established to illegally safeguard capitalism at a time a unified American left was toppling monopolies and was threatening to do so to banks.

Ultimately, war is a killing machine, massacre scaled up, the industrialisation of murder, actively lobbied for by a lucrative weapons industry, and so it would be wise to pause, hesitate and take a critical, dispassionate consideration of the facts before pledging our loyalty to a side on the basis of self-evidently doctored reporting.


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Megan Sherman is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Kurt Nimmo

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In case you missed it. Every health authority in the world should be warning the public about this. The paper was published Sept 21, 2022.


COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian Review was published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature on Sept 21, 2022.

Here’s the two sentences from the paper that everyone should read:

A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43].

An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.

Other key insights from the paper

Figure 1. “Not safe or effective”

If you don’t have time to read the entire paper, here are some of the highlights.

Here are some other direct quotes from the paper:

  1. COVID-19 vaccines cause more side effects than any other vaccine
  2. Not only does spike protein produce unwanted side effects, but mRNA and nanoparticles do as well.
  3. Never in vaccine history have we seen 1011 case studies showing side effects of a vaccine (See this).
  4. Again, it is inconceivable why it would be impossible to go through the study data in a few months, when it took the CDC less than 4 weeks to give the injections emergency use authorization – unless you want to entertain the idea that the study data were never actually read and scrutinised, a frightening perspective.
  5. The official public message is that the mRNA vaccines are safe. However, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the medicine and therapeutic regulatory agency of the Australian Government, states quite clearly on their website that the large-scale trials are still progressing and no full data package has been received from any company.
  6. The mRNA vaccines were supposed to remain at the injection site and be taken up by the lymphatic system. This assumption proved to be wrong. During an autopsy of a vaccinated person that had died after mRNA vaccination it was found that the vaccine disperses rapidly from the injection site and can be found in nearly all parts of the body [1]. … Research has shown that such nanoparticles can cross the blood-brain barrier and the blood-placenta barrier.
  7. Despite not being able to prove a causal link with vaccines, as no autopsies were performed, they still believed that a link with vaccination is possible and further analysis is warranted.
  8. In summary, it is unknown where exactly the vaccine travels once it is injected, and how much spike protein is produced in which (and how many) cells.
  9. The S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein when injected into transgenic mice overexpressing human ACE-2 caused a COVID-19 like response. It was further shown that the spike protein S1 subunit, when added to red blood cells in vitro, could induce clotting.
  10. The authors found consistent alteration of gene expression following vaccinationin many different immune cell types.
  11. Seneff et al (2022) describe another mechanism by which the mRNA vaccines could interfere with DNA repair.
  12. It is an amazing fact that natural immunity is completely disregarded by health authorities around the world. We know from SARSCoV-1 that natural immunity is durable and persists for at least 12-17 years [17]. Immunologists have suggested that immunity to SARS-Cov-2 is no different
  13. Immunity induced by COVID infection is robust and long lasting.
  14. mRNA vaccines seem to suppress interferon responses. A literature review by Cardozo and Veazev [26] concluded that COVID-19 vaccines could potentially worsen COVID-19 disease.
  15. Natural immunity is still not accepted as proof of immunity in Australia.
  16. A study at the University of California followed up on infections in the workforce after 76% had been fully vaccinated with mRNA vaccines by March 2021 and 86.7% by July 2021. In July 2021 75.2% of the fully vaccinated workforce had symptomatic COVID.
  17. Acharya et al. (2021) and Riemersma et al. (2021) both showed that the vaccinated have very high viral loads similar to the unvaccinated and are therefore as infectious.
  18. Brown et al. (2021) and Servelitta et al (2021) suggested that vaccinated people with symptomatic infection by variants, such as Delta, are as infectious as symptomatic unvaccinated cases and will contribute to the spread of COVID even in highly vaccinated communities.
  19. Countries with higher vaccination rates have also higher caseloads. It was shown that the median of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people was largely similar to the percent of the fully vaccinated population.
  20. Multiple recent studies have indicated that the vaccinated are more likely to be infected with Omicron than the unvaccinated. A study by Kirsch (2021) from Denmark suggests that people who received the mRNA vaccines are up to eight times more likely to develop Omicron than those who did not [40]. This and a later study by Kirsch (2022a) conclude that the more one vaccinates, the more one becomes susceptible to COVID-19 infection [41].
  21. This has to be seen in context with the small risk of dying from COVID-19… The chances of someone under 18 years old dying from COVID is near 0%. Those that die usually have severe underlying medical conditions. It is estimated that children are seven times more at risk to die from influenza than from COVID-19. [Editor’s note: so why do colleges mandate the COVID vaccine instead of the influenza vaccine?]

OK, the paper is 18 pages long and those were just excerpts from the first 3 pages. Get the picture?

Excerpts from the conclusion 

  1. Never in Vaccine history have 57 leading scientists and policy experts released a report questioning the safety and efficacy of a vaccine. They not only questioned the safety of the current Covid-19 injections, but were calling for an immediate end to all vaccination. Many doctors and scientists around the world have voiced similar misgivings and warned of consequences due to long-term side effects. Yet there is no discussion or even mention of studies that do not follow the narrativeon safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccination.
  2. Medical experts that have questioned the safety of these vaccines have been attacked and demonized, called conspiracy theorists and have been threatened to be de-registered if they go against the narrative. Alternative treatments were prohibited and people who never practised medicine are telling experienced doctors how to do their job. AHPRA is doing the same here in Australia to the detriment and in ignorance of science.

The final paragraph sums it up

As scientists we put up hypotheses and test them using experiments. If a hypothesis is proven to be true according to current knowledge it might still change over time when new evidence comes to light. Hence, sharing and accumulating knowledge is the most important part of science. The question arises when and why this process of science has been changed. No discussion of new knowledge disputing the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines is allowed. Who gave bureaucrats the means to destroy the fundaments of science and tell scientists not to argue the science?

Is this paper right?

I was very impressed with this paper. The authors were very thorough.

The paper has been in public view since September 21, 2022 which is more than enough time for scientists to question it.

As far as I am aware, there have not been any mistakes that have been called out that would change the statements or the conclusions of the paper.

How do you resolve conflicts in scientific papers?

Of course, there have been many papers saying the COVID vaccines are life-saving.

Published papers are often completely wrong.

One of my all-time favorites is the Barda paper published in the NEJM because it was used at an ACIP meeting where they showed Figure 3. When I saw that it showed that the vaccine dramatically cut your risk of pulmonary embolism, I couldn’t believe that anyone took this paper seriously.

Let’s be clear: there is no possible mechanism of action that can reduce your risk of pulmonary embolism.

In the X-factor analysis I published long ago, the reporting rate of pulmonary embolism was 954 times higher than baseline. There is no way that can happen if the vaccines reduce the rates of pulmonary embolism.

The CDC itself knows that “pulmonary embolism” has triggered a “safety signal” in VAERS, but they never investigated it. The rates of pulmonary embolism with the COVID vaccines are off-the-charts compared with any other vaccine.

Pulmonary embolism was just one of over 700 safety signals in VAERS reported by the CDC in a FOIA request. They never bothered to warn the public about any of these safety signals (including “death”) because they didn’t want to create vaccine hesitancy.

Generally, review articles are considered the most definitive papers. So when papers disagree, we can often turn to the review articles for guidance since these papers look to resolve conflicting evidence.

The current paper was a review paper!

So we have to ask: is there a more comprehensive paper that reviewed the same body of literature which came to the opposite conclusion?

There was a Cochrane review that appeared after this paper (in Dec 2022) entitled Efficacy and safety of COVID‐19 vaccines. But it was simply a review of the randomized trials and, unlike the current paper, it did not review any of the adverse event data outside of the main trials. Nor did it question the quality of the trials.

If you restrict your view to just the trial data and ignore all the evidence of tampering, the vaccines look good. It is absolutely stunning how the Cochrane review completely missed all the anomalies with the trials, isn’t it? See these two articles: Adverse events in Pfizer trial may have been underreported by 8X or more and Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial fraud allegations that should be immediately investigated by the FDA. They didn’t even mention that in the limitations sections that they basically assumed that the drug companies were honest and that they decided to ignore all the obvious data that the trials were gamed. Evidence of gaming has been in full public view for a long time. Cochrane ignored it.

However, the Cochrane review noted that “There is insufficient evidence regarding deaths between vaccines and placebo (mainly because the number of deaths was low).”

In short, even in the view of the most supportive paper, there is no evidence that the vaccines did anything to reduce mortality.

Furthermore, there were more deaths in the vaccine group than the placebo group in the Pfizer trial. There were 4X as many cardiac deaths in the treatment group. How do we know for sure that none of those deaths were caused by the vaccine? Has any health official anywhere in the world asked Pfizer to show us the histopathology that was done on the people who died in their trial that proves that the vaccine didn’t kill anyone in the treatment group? Of course not. When I asked Pfizer for that data, they ghosted me.

Since there is not a more recent, comprehensive review paper, then the precautionary principle of medicine suggests that this paper should be controlling until such time as it is shown to be incorrect.

That’s how science is supposed to work.

Every health authority in the world should inform the public about this study NOW 

Unless they can cite a newer, more comprehensive review paper which reached the opposite conclusion, every health authority (including the CDC) should let everyone know about this paper.

I’m sure they will all do this immediately, right? Just like they let the public know about the benefits of maintaining normal levels of Vitamin D.

If you have inadequate levels of vitamin D, you can reduce your risk of getting COVID substantially by fixing the deficiency.

As well as in supplements, vitamin D is also available through foods, including oily fish, red meat and eggs (right). A Singaporean study earlier in the year of nearly 800 people found almost 99% of Covid-19 patients who died had vitamin D deficiency (left)

The public health authorities did a stellar job of getting the word out on that one, didn’t they? I didn’t see a single public announcement. Did you?

Dr. Joe Mercola has been talking about Vitamin D for COVID for years. This is why he’s listed as the #1 misinformation spreader on the White House’s Disinformation Dozen list.

I know a top scientist at the CDC (who is also an MD and MPH) who wanted the CDC to study vitamin D. She sent over 750 emails on the subject. She was ignored every time by her superiors. After 10 years at the agency, she is fed up; she is leaving the CDC next month.

My tweet about the paper 

Here’s my tweet about it.

The mainstream media has no responsibility to report this 

Unlike public health officials, the mainstream media has no public duty to report this.

In fact, the mainstream media will make sure NOBODY finds out about this review paper.

They will keep promoting the false narratives from the government no matter how many people are killed and no matter what the peer-reviewed science says. Nobody wants to lose their job over this!

About the journal 

Clinical & Experimental Immunology is a peer-reviewed medical journal covering clinical and translational immunology. The editor-in-chief is Leonie Taams. It is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Immunology, of which it is the official journal.

Other reviews of this paper 

See Peter’s tweet:

Will anyone apologize?

There will be no apologies because science just doesn’t matter anymore.

What do you think?


It’s now in the peer-reviewed scientific literature:

The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.

All of us misinformation spreaders were right after all.

What a surprise.

Don’t expect any apologies though. They will continue to defend the vaccines because otherwise they’ll look bad for recommending them in the first place.

So the public health officials, the mainstream medical community, and the mainstream media will all ignore this paper.


COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian Review

By Conny Turni and Astrid Lefringhausen


After millions of people have been vaccinated as often as four times within a year, the effects of these vaccinations are slowly becoming apparent. This review has been written from an Australian perspective with the main focus on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. We will look at the promises/predictions originally made and the actual facts. We will evaluate the safety and efficacy by looking at the literature and the data from government agencies. The literature review will be summed up in a table listing the so far reported side effects of which many are very serious including death, with this data coming from 1011 case reports. Long term side effects will also be covered and the risk benefit ratio will be explored. The review is ending with some very critical question that need further discussion.

Click here to read the full study.


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Featured image:  A hand holding an mRNA vaccine vial. (Spencer Davis / Unsplash)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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When President Biden nominated Victoria Nuland as Undersecretary of State, CODEPINK feminists objected to her nomination out of concern she would bring pain and heartache to mothers and daughters as she fomented war in their midst. Instead of promoting diplomacy, Nuland lights matches wherever she meddles, agitating for war in Afghanistan, and now Ukraine.

If feminists remain silent or support this Bush-era neocon simply because she is a woman, Victoria Nuland might just burn down the world in a nuclear fire.

With drones already attacking the Crimean peninsula and long range US rockets on the way, Nuland’s push to cross another one of Putin’s red lines only ensures more death, destruction and ecocide in Ukraine.

For the women of Ukraine, the illegal Russian invasion-which Nuland provoked over the years with NATO expansion — has led to heightened sex trafficking and increased gender violence. According to the United Nations and relief organizations, this includes not only rape as a weapon of war, but “intimate partner violence and sexual harassment. “ With Ukraine under martial law and men aged 18–60 forced to the front lines, young women refugees-often unaccompanied-are vulnerable to abuse at border crossings.

The fact that Nuland was given a diplomatic job in the Biden administration in the first place never ceases to amaze because her record reads like a war criminal’s rap sheet.

Nuland served as Vice President Dick Cheney’s deputy national security adviser from 2003–2005, during the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq, a painful chapter in US history that left over a million Iraqis dead and thousands of US soldiers in body bags.

In 2005, Nuland became ambassador to NATO, where she lobbied Europe to participate in the disastrous U.S. occupation of Afghanistan. In persuading other governments the US could win that war, she sold a lie across Europe to prolong a near 20-year occupation that left Afghanistan broke, with six million children and adults at risk of starvation.

In May 2013, Nuland was nominated to act as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, where she was supposed to employ diplomacy in relations with Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet states.

Instead, Nuland and the White House hurled $5 billion taxpayer dollars at Ukraine to overthrow its democratically elected President and engineer a transition government to privatize Ukraine and prepare for war with Russia. After Nuland passed out pastries during the Maidan coup, before President Viktor Yanukovych fled under a hail of bullets, Nuland was caught in a scandal involving a leaked phone call.

On the phone with US ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, Nuland was secretly recorded saying “F .. the EU” if the European Union did not approve of her choices to run Ukraine’s transition government. The West gasped at her use of profanity. The more egregious profanity, however, was her insistence on manipulating the political affairs of another country to provoke Russia.

Nuland has repeatedly stated that she wants to destabilize other regions in Russia’s nuclear neighborhood: Belarus and Kazakhstan, because they are too friendly with Russia. What critics say she really wants is regime change in Russia, a country of 193 million people, 150 different ethnic minorities and 6,000 nuclear weapons.

What could go wrong?

Nuland’s mission to sacrifice Ukrainian lives to take back Crimea-annexed by Russia after the 2014 coup-could drag other European nations onto the battlefield to start World War III.

On this International Women’s Day, President Biden would be well-advised to fire Victoria Nuland and hire a diplomat who embraces a feminist foreign policy centered around peace.

Sign our petition urging President Biden to fire Victoria Nuland and hire a diplomat with a people-centered approach to security and peace.


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace , and the author of several books, including War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict , available from OR Books.

Marcy Winograd is the co-chair of Peace In Ukraine Coalition and the coordinator of CODEPINK CONGRESS. Marcy spearheads Capitol Hill calling parties to mobilize co-sponsors and votes for peace and foreign policy legislation.

Melissa Garriga is the media relations manager for CODEPINK. She writes about the intersection of militarism and the human cost of war.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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The G20 meeting in Bali became a failure, because the US insisted on bringing in discussions about war, guilt, pointing fingers into the G20 final communiqué. At the recent G20 Finance and Foreign Ministers meetings in India, the meetings were not only a failure, but a complete catastrophe. Not even a joint statement of any kind could be agreed upon among the G20 ministers. Dark for G20. Dark for India.

The USA is trying to hijack the G20 for hegemonic purposes – and the negative efforts of the US have sadly led to a catastrophe for the G20 in India. During an interview with Global Strategic & Defense News, the Indian scholar Dr. Preeti Sharma demonstrates how India is actually doing a very good job to solidify the work of the G20. And India is actively broadening the scope of institutions participating in this beyond the ministers. India is also doing a good work of seeking to involve the broader developing World (which must include Africa).  

So India is doing a good job at preparing G20 – but India has not prevented the US from ramming and splitting the G20 which the US is determined to do. India tries to keep everybody together, which is commendable. But Indian politeness can also be a hindrance for India to speak up openly against what the US is doing against the G20.

The USA is steering the G20 directly towards an enormous train-accident at the G20 heads of states meeting 9-10 September 2023 in Delhi. Any international train-wreck in Delhi in September will have negative effect not only on the G20, but also on India’s image. Sad, but true. India therefore needs to think very hard already now in advance about HOW to deal with and preempt the US efforts to split G20 before the big meeting of G20 heads of states 9-10 September 2023.

Dr. Preeti Sharma in her exposition also does a good job to show that G20 was never about military or global power politics. This is an important reminder today, where the US is trying to do exactly that.

Maybe India should use her authority as chairman of G20 to make it clear to all members of G20 (incl. the USA), that the G20 is NOT and never was about geopolitical issues. G20 is about cooperation – not an arena to strive for hegemony. India is a powerful country, and India has a chance now to demonstrate her international power and standing. Perhaps India should try to get the majority of G20 on board to that before the heads of state meeting in September 2023. If India succeeds in doing so, the majority of G20 will signal to the US that they beforehand reject any US attempts to hijack the G20 before the next heads of state meeting. There simply must be some basic agreements about what can and cannot be discussed before the G20 in September – or else no meeting.

What I propose will do a double favor. It will save the G20 – and India will clearly manifest herself as a global leader speaking on basis of basic values with the aim of keeping international discussions on a constructive path. 

Doing what I propose here will of course mean that India will create a row – especially with the USA. But budging now will only make things worse with an almost certain international humiliation for India at G20 in September 2023. Better for India to do the big talk now, take the unavoidable tough talk with the USA here and now. Doing so now instead of putting the head into the bush will give the waves time to calm, and any scratches happening today will be preferable to a damaging train-wreck for India and the G20 at the heads of state meeting in Sept. 2023. And if the US continues to insist on blowing up the G20 completely, then better it happens bit-by-bit over the next months, and not when the cameras transmit it live from Delhi to all the World in September.


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First published by Global Research in March 2015. We repost this for 2023 International Women’s Day.

Some years ago, I had an engaging discussion with one of my very insightful students of Philosophy in my university.  She asked me whether Islam has provisions for women’s rights and gender equity and if it has, why is it that Muslim countries are apparently anti-women in their cultural expressions as proven in the way mainstream mass media portray the customs and traditions of these Muslim countries. This perceptive question of my student deserved a candid and thorough response.

The question is actually two pronged; first, it asked whether Islam has anything to offer for gender fairness specifically to the womenry. My categorical answer to this query is a resounding “Yes!”  In this article, I will extensively demonstrate why I responded affirmatively to the first part of the query by quoting pertinent provisions provided by the Qur-an for the emancipation of women.  Likewise, I will endeavor to effectively respond to the second part of my student’s question: assuming that there are Islamic provisions for women’s rights, why are Islamic countries apparently perceived by Western mainstream media and by non-Muslims as anti-women?

Western Mainstream Media Must Not Equate the Cultural Patterns Prevalent in So-Called Muslim Countries as Necessarily Islamic

Firstly, it should be made clear to us that the so-called “Islamic culture” prevalent in many “Islamic countries” may not be truly and authentically Islamic. This may sound ironic, but this assertion is assuredly true!  Upon their conversion to Islam, these countries may still have carried with them unnecessary baggage of pre-Islamic customs and traditions that are not only un-Islamic but may even be outright anti-Islamic. Hermeneutically speaking, these pre-Islamic cultural expressions and idiosyncrasies persisting in so-called Islamic countries may even inform or misinform, dictate and influence the aforesaid societies’ understanding of Islam. For instance, although the Maranaws of southern Philippines are nominally referred to as Muslims, it does not follow that their customary laws on revenge-killing (i.e., rido) are Islamic; and although the Bangladeshi population is predominantly Muslim, it does not mean that their traditions or customs regarding dowry is Islamic.  My point is this: there must be clear delineation in identifying what is a culture-bound custom and what is truly an Islamic provision as found in the Qur-an. This is the crux of the problem of the Western media’s bias against Islam; when it judges Islam, it tends to haphazardly label the cultural patterns of Muslim countries as Islamic cultural patterns without investigating whether or not these patterns have any warrant in the Qur-anic revelation.

At this stage of my discussion, let me say that the canons of the Qur-an are the normative and regulative authority by which one should base one’s judgment on whether a particular custom is Islamic since the Qur-an is the pristine source of the Muslim Shariah (Divine Law) from which a given conduct is determined as either “Islamic” or “un-Islamic”.  It is imperative that we stop judging Islam as “anti-women” by simply basing this judgment on our observations of the cultures of these so-called Muslim countries.  Only by going back to the authoritative standard of Islam, which is the Qur-an, can we see that far from being anti-women, genuine Islam contains sufficient provisions for gender fairness and equity.

Western Mainstream Media’s Portrayal of Islam May Not Necessarily Be the Accurate Picture of Reality and May Unduly Condition Our Prejudices Against Islam

Some people may say; “But pictures do not lie!  Muslim women crouching behind thick veils are powerless to assert their rights in an Islamic country.” Let me say that pictures seemingly cannot lie but they can be outright selective and partial in their portrayal of things and events because they are shot at angles based on slanted or sometimes twisted frames of focus chosen by the person taking the pictures; for whatever purpose the pictures may serve him or her. Likewise, news reports can be selective, slanted, twisted, skewed and downright unfair.

How can one judge Islam and the Muslim World when one has only a limited angle or a twisted spectacle from which one bases one’s judgment? Islam is both a universal and cosmopolitan way of life since Islam embraces plurality and diversity of cultures. The geographical, cultural and racial terrains of Islam’s domains are very diverse indeed! Islam’s realm stretches from the archipelagic Southeast Asia to the Indian Subcontinent; from the Afghanistan highlands to the Iranian steppes; from the well-watered lands of Tigris and Euphrates to the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula; from the heart of the Nile to the wastelands of African Sahara and from thence to Turkey, Albania, Bosnia in Eastern Europe and up to the various Central Asian Turkic republics.

Presently, Islam is the fastest growing religion in Great Britain, Continental Europe and the United States.  It is indeed stupefying to take into account all these cultural diversities found in the world of Islam; for instance, an Indian Muslim is culturally different from a Bulgarian Muslim as a Malaysian Muslim is culturally different from an Algerian adherent of Islam.

I am not minimizing the fact that there are so-called Muslim countries that discriminate and oppress women. I think we should denounce these countries which in their patriarchalism, oppress and marginalize women. However, what is important is take into account the cosmopolitan, pluralistic and diverse world of Islam when making generalized adverse judgments on Islam as a Weltanschauung (worldview).

By showing this great diversity, I venture to say that it is indeed unfair for the Western media to hastily judge Islam without taking into consideration this overall picture of Islam’s cosmopolitan pluralism. It is the media’s solemn duty in the name of fairness to exhaust all angles of representation in as far as Islamic diversity is concerned before the media ventures to ascribe undesirable judgments on Islam and Muslims.

Western Mainstream Media must be Aware that Present Interpretations of Islamic Precepts or Principles Implemented in “Islamic Countries” May Be Misinterpretations or Misunderstanding of the Original Qur-anic Intents and Purposes

The third point that I would like to raise in response to the first part of my student’s query is this: there are interpretations of Islamic principles that are accepted as normative in a particular “Islamic” country that may well be a misinterpretation of the Qur-anic intents and purposes as envisioned by the Prophet of Islam.  What I mean by this is that there are Qur-anic verses that are interpreted in terms of rigid anti-women cultural patterns prevalent among Islamic countries which upon closer scrutiny are in fact misrepresentations of the egalitarian intents of the Prophet Muhammad.  Let us take the issue of hijab as an example. Hijab/hijb is an Arabic word which means to cover, to conceal, to put things in privacy. When used in relation to Islamic adab (ethics), hijab means modesty, propriety and prudence in one’s dealings with the opposite sex (Cf. Al-Qamus al Arabiyyah al Misriyyah [Cairo Concise Arab Dictionary]. Cairo: al Maktabah Dar’ul Ilmiyyah, in the entry, Hijab.). Presently, in Islamic countries, hijab is unanimously taken to mean the literal veiling of women as in actual veiling from head to foot. However, in the original contextuality of the Qur-anic pronouncement, hijab essentially refers to the virtue of modesty in ones’ dealings with the opposite sex; a command which according to Maulana Muhammad Ali, an eminent Qur-anic exegete and translator, is not only limited to women but to men as well. (Maulana Muhammad Ali, Commentary on the Holy Qur’an., pp. 132-133.).

Maulana Muhammad Ali points out that the mandate for hijab does not primarily refer to the rigidified custom of veiling or seclusion (purdah) nor is its implementation limited to female believers only; hijab is a moral call to sexual modesty, prudence, and moderation aimed at all Muslims, men and women alike. The egalitarian basis of hijab, a gender-neutral mandate is found in the Qur-an; however, it is the interpretation or implementation of the “hijab principle” among Muslim countries that is misleading faulty and anti-women.

Now, let us look at the Qur-anic text exhorting for hijab and let us pay attention to the intent and purpose of this specific Qur-anic text:

Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for them. Allah is aware of what they do. Say to the believing women that they cast down their looks, and guard their private parts and not display their ornaments as what appears thereof; and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms (Surah Nur:30, 31).

Notice that in these verses, the command for hijab is given to both Muslim men and women.  The verses exhort “believing men” as well as “believing women” the virtues of modesty and sexual propriety in their dealings with each other. In the course of time however, the exhortation to modesty mutates itself into a set of rigid commandments pertaining to inflexible dress codes governing women alone, i.e., wearing of thick chador (veil) that covers a woman’s face down to her ankles. What is very disturbing in this interpretation is that the dress-code implementation is not applied to nor enforced on the “believing men” who are likewise required to observe hijab as stated in the above-mentioned verse. In so-called Islamic societies, the interpretation of the Qur-anic verse is skewedly and arbitrarily implemented with extreme rigidity solely on the “believing women.” This situation is a sorry example of misinterpreting the spirit and the egalitarian intention of the Qur-an and of the Prophet of Islam.

It is in the spirit of Islamic modesty for women to dress modestly and to wear a simple head-veil that adequately covers her body, in the same way that males are to wear prudent clothing for modesty’s sake. Both are required by the Qur-an to manifest reserve and modesty in their conduct with each other. But to discomfort women by unnecessarily insisting that they cover their whole faces, thereby impeding their movements, is altogether a strange matter which is against the very purpose of the egalitarian exhortation of the Qur-an for hijab. A simple veil on the head for the woman and a simple fez for the man, together with modest clothing for both, adequately fulfill the Qur-anic exhortation for hijab; but to go beyond this simplified and uncomplicated exhortation is already an excessive and unwarranted burden which the Prophet did not impose upon Muslim women!

Maulana Muhammad Ali strongly emphasized that the ethical imperative for hijab does not in any way mean hampering the movement nor does it mean inconveniencing the life of the womenry. To forcefully bring home this historical fact, a direct quote from Maulana Muhammad Ali is appropriate. The Maulana says:

As regards the seclusion of women, the Qur-an never prohibited women from going out of their houses for their needs. In the time of the Prophet, women went regularly to mosques, and said their prayers along with men, standing on separate row. They also joined their husbands in the labour of the field; they even went with the army to the field of battle, and looked after the wounded, removing them from the field if necessary, and helped fighting-men in many other ways. They could even fight the enemy in an emergency. No occupation was prohibited to them, and they could do any work they chose. (Maulana Muhammad Ali, Introduction to the Study of the Holy Qur-an, op.cit., p. 132.).

Therefore the directive for hijab does not mean seclusion of women from public affairs (purdah) as practiced in some so-called Muslim countries. Women during the time when the Prophet of Islam was still alive and even during the periods of the Rightly Guided Caliphs of Sunni Islam were very active in the public life of the Muslim Ummah (faith-community).

A concrete example to prove this point is the fact that the wife of the Prophet, Hazrat Aishah Siddiqah was a teacher of Islamic sciences to both male and female Companions. Hazrat Aishah Siddiqah was considered to be the very first mufti (legal luminary) of Islam from whose legal, ethical and spiritual directives the Holy Companions derive rulings for the Ummah after the Holy Prophet’s demise. Fatima Mernissi, The Forgotten Queens of Islam, Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1993; pp. 66-69.). It must be plainly pointed-out that the Holy Companions, in consulting a women jurisprudent par excellence, namely Hazrat Aishah, concerning legal rulings and theological opinions in the affairs of the Islamic community simply followed the Prophet’s command found in the hadith sharif (Prophetic tradition):

“Learn your religion from Aishah, my Humeyra (the fair-one). Listen to her words like a bee attending to his beehive.” (See: Abdelhalim Abu Shaka, The Emancipation of Woman at the Time of the Prophet, Los Angeles: Muslim Women’s League, 1990; pp. 150-152; quoting from thehadith sharif, Fazail-e-Sayyidatina Aishah Siddiqah [Exemplary Virtues of our Lady Aishah Siddiqah].).

Understanding Islam According to the Qur-an and the Intention of the Prophet:  the Basis for Genuine Gender Equity and the Remedy against the Islamophobia of Western Mainstream Media

As of this juncture, let it be said that the essential ethical intention of the Holy Qur-an is to provide social equity and equal rights for both men and women. The Qur’an clearly showed the Prophet Muhammad’s unmistakable intention of treating women as equal with men by mentioning both men and women in many verses in the Qur-an. For instance, the Qur-an says:

And the believers, men and women are friends of one another. They enjoin good and forbid evil and keep up prayer and pay the poor rate, and obey Allah and His Messenger. As for these, Allah will have mercy on them. Surely Allah is Mighty, Wise (Surah Bara’at:19).

The abovementioned verse clearly articulates equity between the male and female gender in that the Qur’an considers women and men as protectors (waliy-yun) to each other; both men and women are required to do pious acts as proofs of their essential equity and their intrinsic value as human persons.

Another proof of the intrinsic equity between male and female gender is the fact that men and women have their innate autonomy as persons of free volition to follow or not to follow divine commands. In the discourse of the Qur-an, both males and females are tasked with ethical and spiritual responsibilities and in the Hereafter, both will be given just requital of their deeds without taking into consideration their gender differences. The Qur-an explicitly declares the following verses:

Whoever does evil, he is requited only with the like of it; and whoever does good, whether male or female, and he is a believer, these shall enter the Garden, to be given therein sustenance without measure (Surah Mu’min: 40).

Whoever does good, whether male or female, and he is a believer, We will certainly make him live a happy life, and We will certainly give them their reward for the best of what they did (Surah Nahl:97).

Men shall have the benefit of what they earn and women shall have the benefit of what they earn (Surah Nisa:32).

The eminent commentator of the Holy Qur-an, Maulana Muhammad Ali, noted that the Qur-anpractically manifests ontological equity between males and females in its pages. The Holy Qur-an declares that there is no difference between men and women and both can reach the highest divine station if they practice righteous deeds. (See the Maulana’s commentary of Ahl Imran:195, Nisa:124, Nahl:97).

A Call for Societal Advocacy and Engendered Activism: Towards a Genuine Islamic Understanding of Gender Equity according to the Gender Egalitarian Intention of the Prophet Muhammad

Given the unequivocal commitment of the Holy Qur-an for the intrinsic equity between men and women, why is the Islamic Ummah (faith-community) lagging behind in acknowledging gender equity? Why is it that all we see around are the pitiful conditions of the womenry happening in so-called Muslim countries? Let me begin answering this question by quoting a prophetic saying or hadith sharif of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Holy Prophet was reported to have said that;

 …the guilt of the oppressor is not lesser than the guilt of the oppressed.  The oppressor is certain to be punished severely due to his injustice and cruelties committed towards the oppressed (sic). But the oppressed is likewise accountable for not exerting his utmost to fight against oppression… Similarly, ignorance is a great sin and an appeal to be excused from the law on account of ignorance is unacceptable (sic). (Amjad Soharwardi, Hazrat Baba Jilani our Master: A Humble Servant of the Blessed Prophet. Chittagong, Bangladesh: Panja Pir Pustak, n.d., p. 78.).

Based on the abovementioned Prophetic Tradition (hadith sharif), ignorance can be a cause of oppression. Ignorance of the real teachings of Islam, specifically ignorance of the Qur-an in its textual and historical contexts can lead to oppression and those who are ignorant of their rights as given in the Qur-an are the ones likely to be oppressed. This important point strongly calls for Muslims to know intimately their religion and likewise exhorts non-Muslims to sympathetically understand and seriously research the historical contextualities of Islamic practices as found in the Qur-an.

It is outright unfair for Western mainstream media to blame Islam for the misconduct of its adherents in the same manner that it is wrong to blame the whole of Christianity for the cruelty and bloody excesses of medieval papism or for the barbarism of the Catholic Counter-Reformation that produced the blood-thirsty Spanish Inquisition. On the other hand, while it is justified to claim that Western media, cultural patterns among Muslim countries, and faulty interpretations of the Qur-an wrongly shape our views on Islam and women, this claim should not be used as a flimsy excuse for both Muslims and non-Muslims to absolve themselves from their responsibilities and culpabilities. It is indeed high-time now for all of us to break these chains of ignorance and oppression by empowering ourselves to seriously study, research and ascertain what the pristine normative source of Islam, i.e., the Qur-an itself has to say about women. We, likewise, have a duty to inform others who are ignorant of these liberative provisions on the equal rights of women as found in the Qur-an.

Furthermore, Muslims in particular need to zealously endeavor to implement the egalitarian teachings of the Prophet, right were they are, i.e., in their own immediate cultural milieu. They need to be reminded that the social teachings of Islam are clear on this matter: viz, oppression and ignorance go hand in hand, hence in order to fight oppression, it is incumbent to first empower oneself with knowledge. Therefore, our advocacy for women’s emancipation and gender equity should be global, all-inclusive and educative, since it is not Muslim women alone but women in general who are enslaved by sexist prejudices, patriarchal oppressions, and chauvinist discriminations.

It is already a cliché to say that knowledge is power, but I feel that we need to be reminded of this fact, time and again.

We also need to be reminded that evading our responsibility to correct erroneous notions made by Western mainstream media about Islam and women is a manifestation of weakness and cowardice. My student’s perceptive query that prompted me to write this article was indeed a preliminary but vital step in the right direction—religious dialogue towards gender sensitivity. Yes, Muslims and Christians, or any persons of goodwill for that matter, can respect, cherish and celebrate their creedal differences while cooperating in the lofty goal to free women from the bondage of chauvinism, sexism, machismo and gender inequity.

The issue of gender fairness can indeed be a cooperative venture towards human understanding, international amity and global solidarity among peoples of the world whatever their religions and beliefs may be. Let us cooperate with each other to make this advocacy for women’s empowerment a living reality in our midst.

Professor Henry Francis B. Espiritu is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Asian Studies at the University of the Philippines (UP), Cebu City. His research interests include Islamic Studies particularly Sunni (Hanafi) jurisprudence, Islamic feminist discourses, the writings of Imam Al-Ghazali and Turkish Sufism. You may freely contact him at his email address: [email protected].

Professor Henry Espiritu is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

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Pandemic Treaty Will Usher in Unelected One World Government

March 8th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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February 6, 2023, the World Health Organization released a report by the director-general on the WHO’s review of amendments to the international health regulations (IHR). The IHR is what empowers the WHO to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)

The proposed IHR amendments establish a global biosecurity architecture involving health surveillance, reporting and management — and we the public have no say in the matter

The amendments will be ready for adoption at the World Health Assembly in May 2024. A simple majority is required for the amendments to be adopted, after which they’ll come into force in 12 months

The second attempt to seize global control is through an international pandemic treaty with the WHO. The treaty would grant the WHO the sole power to make decisions relating to global biosecurity, including but not limited to the implementation of a global vaccine passport/digital identity, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions and standardized medical care

The treaty will supersede the laws of member states, including the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Republican senators have introduced a bill that would require a Senate supermajority to approve the WHO treaty, but even this may not be enough. We need Congress to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO altogether and stop funding of the WHO


In the Children’s Health Defense video above, aired February 11, 2023, host Dr. Meryl Nass interviews investigative journalist James Corbett about the global biosecurity agenda, the World Health Organization’s mishandling of global pandemics, and the two parallel processes currently underway that will effectively create a One World Government of unelected bureaucrats under the guise of global biosecurity. In a nutshell, the WHO is being installed as a de facto governing body for the global Deep State.

Attack No. 1 — International Health Regulation Amendments

As reported by Nass, February 6, 2023, the WHO released a report by the director-general on the WHO’s review of amendments to the international health regulations (IHR). The IHR, adopted in 2005, is what empowers the WHO to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).1

This is a special legal category that allows the WHO to initiate certain contracts and procedures, including drug and vaccine contracts. While the IHR already grants the WHO exceptional power over global health policy, under the current rules, member states must voluntarily consent to the WHO’s recommendations.

Under the new amendments, however, the WHO would be able to declare a PHEIC in a member state over the objection of that state, and failure to adhere to the WHO’s dictates in such a situation could have severe economic consequences.

As a whole, the proposed IHR amendments establish a global biosecurity architecture involving health surveillance, reporting and management — and we the public have no say in the matter.

We have no official avenue for providing feedback to the World Health Assembly, even though the amendments will give the WHO unprecedented power to restrict our rights and freedoms in the name of biosecurity. There’s not even a publicly available list of who the delegates are or who will vote on the amendments.

All we currently know is that the amendments will be ready for adoption at the World Health Assembly in May 2024.2 A simple majority is required for the amendments to be adopted, after which they’ll come into force in 12 months. Member nations that disagree with the amendments have only 10 months to file a rejection or reservation.

Important IHR Amendments

While more than 300 amendments to the IHR have been proposed,3 and there’s no telling which will stay and which will be tossed out, certain ones that are currently up for review are more crucial than others. Here are a few of the most egregious:

Permissiveness of conflicts of interest and bias are baked in — Under Article 9, the WHO can declare a public health emergency based on information from undisclosed sources.

Those sources could include Big Pharma, WHO funders such as the Gates Foundation and the Gates-founded-and-funded GAVI Alliance, or any number of other players with conflicts of interest. The WHO’s risk assessments will also be based on the same type of flawed modeling and prognostication that so grossly exaggerated the risk of COVID-19.4

Elimination of national sovereignty — Under Article 12, the director-general has unilateral power to declare a public health emergency and is not required to consult with the WHO Emergency Committee and/or the member state before doing so. So, the director-general replaces any and all national sovereign authority. The director-general can also impose sanctions on nations that refuse to follow its dictates.5

Expansion of situations that constitute a PHEIC — A PHEIC is currently defined as an “extraordinary event” in one country that constitutes “a public health risk to other states through the international spread of disease and to potentially require a coordinated international response.”

Amendments seek to expand and broaden this definition to include things like clusters of infection with potential but unverified human-to-human transmission. The actual risks of such clusters need not even be evaluated. What’s more, the proposed definition of a PHEIC does not specify that it must involve “severe” or “life-threatening” disease, so it could be invoked for just about anything.

One of the amendments also suggests giving the director-general the ability to declare an “intermediate public health alert” when the situation doesn’t fully meet the PHEIC criteria. In such an event, the director-general and/or a regional WHO director would be able to declare a public health emergency of regional concern (PHERC).6

Expansion of the WHO’s executive emergency powers to include:7

  • Permanent biosurveillance capacities
  • The authority to allocate health products worldwide
  • The authority to develop regulatory guidelines for the fast-tracking of health products
  • The capacity to “counter the dissemination of false and unreliable information” about public health events, preventive strategies and pandemic countermeasures
  • The authority to develop “an interoperability mechanism for secure global digital exchange of health information,” i.e., a global health database to enable the implementation of vaccine passports

Once the amendments are adopted by the World Health Assembly, nations will have only a limited time — six months — to reject them. Any nation which hasn’t officially rejected the amendments will then be legally bound by them, and any attempt to reject them after the six-month grace period will be null and void.

Attack No. 2 — The WHO Pandemic Treaty

The IHR amendments are just one part of the globalist cabal’s two-pronged attempt to create the foundation for a One World Government of unelected globalists. The second attempt to seize global control is through an international pandemic treaty with the WHO.

Right now, it looks like the WHO Pandemic Treaty may also be ratified at the World Health Assembly in May 2024, if it gets the two-thirds majority it needs to pass.8,9 The WHO is seeking permanent and unilateral power to make pandemic decisions for the world, and the proposed treaty is the vehicle that would allow this.

It will grant the WHO the sole power to make decisions relating to global biosecurity, including but not limited to the implementation of a global vaccine passport/digital identity, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions and standardized medical care. Importantly, the treaty will supersede the laws of member states, including the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The WHO Is Corrupt and Inept

Even if centralizing biosecurity were a good idea, which it’s not, the WHO would not be at the top of the list of organizations to be charged with this task, seeing how its “curriculum vitae” is a long list of failures and scandalous conflicts of interest.

For example, the WHO didn’t publicly admit SARS-CoV-2 was airborne until the end of December 2021, yet scientists knew the virus was airborne within weeks of the pandemic being declared. The WHO also ignored early advice about airborne transmission.

The fact that the WHO has installed Dr. Jeremy Farrar, former head of the Wellcome Trust, as its chief scientist is yet another sign that the WHO’s health recommendations will be far from trustworthy. As previously reported, Farrar was one of the key figures in the coordinated cover-up of the origin of SARS-CoV-2,10 along with Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Overall, the WHO is woefully unqualified to make health decisions for the whole world. But with this treaty in place, member nations will be subject to the WHO’s dictates even if citizens have rejected such plans using local democratic processes. In short, every country that signs onto the WHO’s pandemic treaty will voluntarily give up its sovereignty and the bodily autonomy of all its citizens to one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet.

As noted by Francis Boyle, a bioweapons expert and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law:11

“Both [the IHR amendments and the treaty] are fatally dangerous. Either one or both would set up a worldwide medical police state under the control of the WHO, and in particular WHO Director-General Tedros.

If either one or both of these go through, Tedros or his successor will be able to issue orders that will go all the way down the pipe to your primary care physicians.”

The Pandemic Treaty Is Based on a Flawed Premise

Aside from the fact that this treaty will eradicate the national sovereignty of member states, a core problem is that it simply cannot work. The whole premise behind this pandemic treaty is that “shared threat requires shared response,” but a given threat is almost never equally shared across regions.

Take COVID-19 for example. Not only is the risk of COVID not the same for people in New York City and the outback of Australia, it’s not even the same for all the people in those areas, as COVID is highly dependent on age and underlying health conditions.

The WHO insists that the remedy is the same for everyone everywhere, yet the risks vary widely from nation to nation, region to region, person to person. They intend to eliminate individualized medicine and provide blanket rulings for how a given threat is to be addressed, and this can only result in needless suffering — not to mention the loss of individual freedom.

The Long-Term Plan: One-Size-Fits-All Health Care

Eventually, the WHO will probably implement a universal or “authoritarian” health care system worldwide, as part of The Great Reset. While a WHO-based universal health care system is not currently being discussed, there’s every reason to suspect that this is part of the plan.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has previously stated that his “central priority” as director-general is to push the world toward universal health coverage.12

And, considering the WHO changed its definition of “pandemic” to “a worldwide epidemic of a disease,”13 without the original specificity of severe illness that causes high morbidity,14,15 just about anything could be made to fit the pandemic criterion. As mentioned above, some of the IHR amendments also further broaden the scope of the situations in which a public health emergency might be applied.

Sustainable Goals Will Fall Under the WHO’s Purview

The WHO’s “One Health surveillance” initiative, which is part of the pandemic treaty, also signals where this is really headed. As explained by The Epoch Times:16

“One Health is a concept that has been embraced by the United Nations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Bank, and other global organizations.

‘The term originally meant a way of seeing human and animal health as linked — they sometimes are — so that you could improve human health by acting more broadly,’ [public health physician and former WHO epidemic policy staffer David] Bell said.

‘It has become hijacked and now is used to claim that all human activities, and all issues within the biosphere, affect health, and are therefore within Public Health’s remit.

So public health can be deemed to include climate, or racism, or fisheries management, and this is being used to claim that addressing carbon emissions is a health issue and therefore a health ’emergency.'”

Redefining Human Rights

The pandemic treaty is also redefining human rights into a set of collective rights that are centered on public health. The Epoch Times continues:17

“The accord presents human rights as ‘health equity, through resolute action on social, environmental, cultural, political and economic determinants of health.’

In line with that concept, countries such as Austria went so far as to criminalize the refusal to take the COVID vaccine. Within the United States, places that included New York City mandated vaccine passports for access to public spaces, dividing its residents into a privileged vaccinated class and a second-tier unvaccinated class.

However, others see human rights not in terms of collective health but rather as individual rights, including such things as personal sovereignty, the ability of individuals to make their own choices, the right of people to have a voice in medical decisions that affect them, free speech, and freedom of movement and assembly.

Following World War II and the state-control ideologies of fascism, national socialism, and communism, ‘it was realized that there has to be a fundamental understanding that individuals are sovereign,’ Bell said.

Human rights declarations after the war emphasized that, even during times of crisis, ‘we are born with rights, we’re all equal, and those rights are inviolable. That is being very much watered down or wiped away in order to do this [treaty].'”

The Gateway to Global Totalitarianism

It’s important to realize that the WHO’s pandemic treaty will radically alter the global power structure and strip you of some of your most basic rights and freedoms. It’s a direct attack on the sovereignty of its member states, as well as a direct attack on your bodily autonomy.

The treaty is basically the gateway to a global, top-down totalitarian regime where human rights as we understand them will no longer exist. Biosecurity will be the justification for an international vaccine passport, which the G20 just signed on to, and that passport will also be your digital identification.

That digital ID, in turn, will be tied to your social credit score, personal carbon footprint tracker, medical records, educational records, work records, social media presence, purchase records, your bank accounts and a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Once all these pieces are fully connected, you’ll be in a digital prison, and the ruling cabal — whether officially a one world government by then or not — will have total control over your life from cradle to grave.

The WHO’s pandemic treaty is what sets off this chain of events, as it will have the power to implement vaccine passports globally once the treaty is signed. The WHO will also have the power to mandate vaccines, standardize medical care and issue travel restrictions.

Can US Constitution Be Circumvented?

As reported by The Epoch Times,18 there’s great confusion about whether or not the U.S. government can bind the country to treaties and agreements without the consent of the Senate (as required under the Constitution), and whether international accords can circumvent or supersede the Constitution.

As currently written, there’s no doubt both the IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty are intended to nullify the U.S. Constitution, as the U.S. would have to comply with the WHO’s recommendations, even if such recommendations violate Constitutional rights. The Epoch Times reports:19

“The zero draft concedes that, per international law, treaties between countries must be ratified by national legislatures, thus respecting the right of their citizens to consent.

However, the draft also includes a clause that the accord will go into effect on a ‘provisional’ basis as soon as it’s signed by delegates to the WHO and would, therefore, be legally binding on members without being ratified by legislatures.

‘Whoever drafted this clause knew as much about U.S. constitutional law and international law as I did, and deliberately drafted it to circumvent the power of the Senate to give its advice and consent to treaties, to provisionally bring it into force immediately upon signature,’ Boyle said.

In addition, ‘the Biden administration will take the position that this is an international executive agreement that the president can conclude of his own accord without approval by Congress and is binding on the United States of America, including all state and local democratically elected officials, governors, attorney generals, and health officials’ …

Increasingly, the Biden administration is looking toward international agreements to do what it can’t achieve through Congress.

Most recently, having failed to increase corporate taxes in Congress, the Biden administration entered into an international agreement with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)20 to set minimum tax levels on all corporations within signatory countries.

While Republican lawmakers said the agreement has ‘no path forward’ toward approval as a treaty, provisions written into the agreement allow foreign countries to tax U.S.-based corporate profits as a punitive measure if senators don’t approve it.”

Senators Introduce Bill to Require Senate Approval

Fortunately, the U.S. Senate is not entirely clueless about the ramifications of this treaty, and 17 Republican senators, led by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., have introduced a bill to thwart the WHO’s power grab.21

The “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,”22 introduced February 15, 2023, would require a Senate supermajority (two-thirds or 67 senators) to pass the pandemic treaty.

Additional sponsors of the bill include Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa; Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn.; John Barrasso, R-Wyo.; Mike Lee, R-Utah; Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.; Rick Scott, R-Fla.; John Hoeven, R-N.D.; Marco Rubio, R-Fla.; Ted Cruz, R-Texas; Steve Daines, R-Mont.; Thom Tillis, R-N.C.; Tom Cotton, R-Ark.; Mike Braun, R-Ind.; Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala.; Roger Marshall, R-Kan.; and Katie Britt, R-Ala.

Congress Must Withdraw US From the WHO

However, according to Boyle,23 an expert on international laws and treaties, even this bill might not be enough to protect us were President Biden to sign the treaty. The reason for this, Boyle explains, is because the treaty is written “specifically to circumvent the Senate-approval process.”

A far more effective strategy, he says, would be for Congress to withhold its annual contributions to the WHO — and then withdraw the U.S. from the WHO altogether. I believe it may be worth supporting all of these strategies. So, please, contact your representatives and urge them to support the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,” to withhold funding for the WHO and, ultimately, support U.S. withdrawal from the WHO.


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1 CDC International Health Regulations

2, 3, 6, 7, 8 Opinion Juris February 27, 2023

4, 5 RW Malone Substack May 17, 2022

9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19 Epoch Times February 27, 2023

10 Husseini Substack February 21, 2023

12 National Review June 14, 2017

13 Wayback Machine, WHO Pandemic Preparedness captured September 2, 2009 (PDF)

14 The BMJ 2010;340:c2912

15 Wayback Machine, WHO Pandemic Preparedness captured May 1, 2009 (PDF)

20 Epoch Times February 4, 2023

21, 23 Epoch Times February 21, 2023

22 No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

Featured image is from Reclaim the Net

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“Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent.”—Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis

There was a time when the census was just a head count.

That is no longer the case.

The American Community Survey (ACS), sent to about 3.5 million homes every year, is the byproduct of a government that believes it has the right to know all of your personal business.

If you haven’t already received an ACS, it’s just a matter of time.

A far cry from the traditional census, which is limited to ascertaining the number of persons living in each dwelling, their ages and ethnicities, the ownership of the dwelling and telephone numbers, the ACS contains some of the most detailed and intrusive questions ever put forth in a census questionnaire.

At 28 pages (with an additional 16-page instruction packet), these questions concern matters that the government simply has no business knowing, including questions relating to respondents’ bathing habits, home utility costs, fertility, marital history, work commute, mortgage, and health insurance, among other highly personal and private matters.

For instance, the ACS asks how many persons live in your home, along with their names and detailed information about them such as their relationship to you, marital status, race and their physical, mental and emotional problems, etc. The survey also asks how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have in your house, along with the fuel used to heat your home, the cost of electricity, what type of mortgage you have and monthly mortgage payments, property taxes and so on.

And then the survey drills down even deeper.

The survey demands to know how many days you were sick last year, how many automobiles you own and the number of miles driven, whether you have trouble getting up the stairs, and what time you leave for work every morning, along with highly detailed inquiries about your financial affairs. And the survey demands that you violate the privacy of others by supplying the names and addresses of your friends, relatives and employer.

The questionnaire also demands that you give other information on the people in your home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed, what languages they speak and when they last worked at a job, among other things.

Individuals who receive the ACS must complete it or be subject to monetary penalties.

Although no reports have surfaced of individuals actually being penalized for refusing to answer the survey, the potential fines that can be levied for refusing to participate in the ACS are staggering. For every question not answered, there is a $100 fine. And for every intentionally false response to a question, the fine is $500. Therefore, if a person representing a two-person household refused to fill out any questions or simply answered nonsensically, the total fines could range from upwards of $10,000 and $50,000 for noncompliance.

While some of the ACS’ questions may seem fairly routine, the real danger is in not knowing why the information is needed, how it will be used by the government or with whom it will be shared.

In an age when the government has significant technological resources at its disposal to not only carry out warrantless surveillance on American citizens but also to harvest and mine that data for its own dubious purposes, whether it be crime-mapping or profiling based on whatever criteria the government wants to use to target and segregate the populace, the potential for abuse is grave.

As such, the ACS qualifies as a government program whose purpose, while sold to the public as routine and benign, raises significant constitutional concerns.

The Rutherford Institute has received hundreds of inquiries from individuals who have received the ACS and are not comfortable sharing such private, intimate details with the government or are unsettled by the aggressive tactics utilized by Census Bureau agents seeking to compel responses to ACS questions.

The following Q&A is provided as a resource to those who want to better understand their rights in respect to the ACS.

Q:  What kind of questions are contained in the ACS?

A:  The ACS contains questions that go far beyond typical census questions about the number of individuals within the household and their age, race, and sex. The survey combines intrusive questions with highly detailed inquiries about your financial affairs. Furthermore, the questionnaire also demands that recipients provide information about their family and other  people in their home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed, what languages they speak, when they last worked at a job, and when occupants of your home are away from the house.

Q:  How will this information be used?

A:  The Census Bureau states that information from this survey is used to assist a wide variety of entities, from federal, state and local governments to private corporations, nonprofit organizations, researchers and public advocacy groups. The Bureau lists 35 different categories of questions on its website and offers an explanation on how the information is to be used.  For 12 of those categories, the information is used to assist private corporations.  For another 22, the information is used to aid advocacy groups, and in nine of those cases, the Census Bureau states that the responses will be used by advocacy groups to “advocate for policies that benefit their groups,” including advocacy based on age, race, sex, and marital status. Thus, information obtained through the ACS is not simply used to inform government policy in a neutral manner, but is also being provided to private actors for the purpose of promoting corporate and/or political agendas.

One concern raised by the Brookings Institute is the use of ACS information by law enforcement for  “crime mapping,” a surveillance tool used to predict crime and preemptively target certain neighborhoods for policing. It is “most effective” when “analysts can see the relationship between various types of criminal incidents (e.g., homicides, drug dealing) and neighborhood characteristics (risk factors such as poverty, population density, and vacant housing), pinpoint where crimes are most likely to occur (hot spots), and focus police resources accordingly.” The Brookings Institute notes that because the ACS provides data every year, rather than every ten years, crime mapping is more effective and cheaper.

Q:  Are my responses kept confidential?

A:  While the Census Bureau claims that an individual’s information will be kept strictly confidential, it does require a recipient to put their name on the survey, ostensibly for the purpose of asking follow-up questions in the event of missing or incomplete answers. This means your answers could be linked to you even if it is forbidden by law to share your individual responses.

Q:  Am I required by law to fully complete the American Community Survey?

A:  Federal law makes it mandatory to answer all questions on the ACS. A refusal to answer any question on the ACS or giving an intentionally false answer is a federal offense. The Census Bureau also maintains that responding to the ACS is mandatory and that recipients are legally obligated to answer all questions.

Q:  Is there a penalty for refusing to answer American Community Survey questions?

A:  The law requiring answers to the ACS also provides that a person who fails to answer “shall be fined not more than $100.” The actual fine for a refusal to complete the ACS could be much greater because a failure to respond to certain ACS questions could be considered a separate offense subject to the $100 fine.

Q:  Has the government prosecuted persons for refusing to answer the American Community Survey?

A:  While The Rutherford Institute has been made aware of Census Bureau agents engaging in harassing tactics and threatening behavior, to date, we are unaware of the Census Bureau having levied any financial penalties for non-compliance with the ACS. However, a refusal to answer the survey violates the letter of the law and a prosecution might be brought if the government decides to adopt a policy to do so.

Q:  How does the Census Bureau typically ensure that people complete the survey?

A:  Those who do not answer the ACS risk repeated overtures—by mail, by phone and in person—from Census Bureau employees seeking to compel a response. Typically, the Census Bureau will telephone those who do not respond to the survey and may visit their homes to coerce the targets to respond.

The Census Bureau boasts a 97% response rate to the survey via these methods, but critics argue this constitutes harassment. One recipient who did complete the survey but whose answers were misplaced by the Census Bureau wrote about his experience. First, a Census Bureau employee left a note at his apartment asking him to contact her. When he did, the employee asked him to allow her into his home. When he refused, the employee “turned up twice unannounced at my apartment, demanding entry, and warning me of the fines I would face if I didn’t cooperate.” Only after he filed a complaint with the Census Bureau did the agency realize he had actually completed the survey, thus ending its attempts to enter his home.

Q:  Is this an unconstitutional invasion of privacy?

A:  There are significant and legitimate questions concerning the authority of the government to require, under threat of prosecution and penalty, that persons answer questions posed by the ACS. The ACS is not part of the enumeration required by Article I of the Constitution, and that constitutional provision only applies to a census for purposes of counting the number of people in each state. As noted, the ACS seeks much more information than the number of persons in a household.

In other contexts, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that citizens have no obligation to answer questions posed by the government and are free to refuse to do so. This same principle could apply to questions posed by ACS agents.  However, because the government has not brought a prosecution for a refusal to respond to the ACS, the question of a person’s right to refuse has not yet been decided by a court.

Q:  What are my options for objecting to the ACS survey as an intrusion on my Fourth Amendment rights?

A:  If you receive notice that you have been targeted to respond to the ACS and you desire to assert your right of privacy, you can voice those objections and your intent not to respond to the ACS by writing a letter to the Census Bureau. The Rutherford Institute has developed a form letter that you may use in standing up against the government’s attempt to force you to disclose personal information.

If you are contacted by Census Bureau employees, either by telephone or in person, demanding your response, you can assert your rights by politely, but firmly, informing the employee that you believe the ACS is an improper invasion of your privacy, that you do not intend to respond and that they should not attempt to contact you again. Be sure to document any interactions you have with Bureau representatives for your own files.

If you believe you are being unduly harassed by a Census Bureau employee, either by telephone or in person, it is in your best interest to carefully document the time, place and manner of the incidents and file a complaint with the U.S. Census Bureau.

Remember, nothing is ever as simple or as straightforward as the government claims.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, any attempt by the government to encroach upon the citizenry’s privacy rights or establish a system by which the populace can be targeted, tracked and singled out must be met with extreme caution.

While government agents can approach, speak to and even question citizens without violating the Fourth Amendment, Americans should jealously guard what Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis referred to as the constitutional “right to be let alone.”


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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On International Women’s Day 2021: Palestinian Women on the Front Lines of the Liberation Struggle

March 8th, 2023 by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

March 8, 2023, International Women’s Day

This article was first published two years ago on the 8th of March 2021.

Today on international Women’s Day 2023, we express our solidarity.Our thoughts are with the people of Palestine and the women of Palestine who are in the forefront of the struggle against the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands. 


“To our colleagues, to Palestinian students and those around the world, from the heart of the Zionist prisons. On the occasion of 8th of March, we long for freedom, justice and equality for all women of the world, including students, inside and outside the prison cells. Our battle is united, as we are all fighting oppression on the basis of gender, fighting class exploitation and fascist colonialism and foremost among which is the occupation on our land.

To our female university colleagues, who are at the front lines of the battle for change, our confidence is in your struggle and resistance that illuminates the sky of our homeland and lights the road for freedom. For all Palestinian women, we believe that our social struggle is an inherent part of the struggle of our people, and for the liberation of land and people, we sacrifice, struggle and bring forth strugglers.” – Bir Zeit University student prisoners, Layan Kayed, Elia Abu Hijleh, Ruba Assi, Shatha Tawil, Damon prison, Mount Carmel, 8 March 2021

“On this 8 March, humanity exposed to the devastation of the Corona pandemic on the one hand, and the regime of tyranny, racism and colonialism on the other hand. A thousand greetings to every voice that resists injustice and oppression. May women remain at the forefront of this resistance, and 8 March stand as a symbol of liberation!” – Khalida Jarrar, imprisoned Palestinian leader, feminist and rights advocate, Damon prison, Mount Carmel 7 March 2021


As we commemorate International Working Women’s Day around the world this 8 March, there are 35 Palestinian women in Israeli jails, representing all facets of Palestinian society: students, activists, organizers, parliamentarians, journalists, health workers, mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, strugglers, freedom fighters. Palestinian women have always been at the center of the liberation movement through all aspects of struggle and have led within the prisoners’ movement, organizing hunger strikes and standing on the front lines of struggle even behind bars.

On International Working Women’s Day, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the leading role of Palestinian women in struggle and urges the immediate release of all Palestinian women prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons.

International Women’s Day 2021 in Toulouse. Photo: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

Palestinian women prisoners include 11 mothers, six injured women and three jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. They include Khalida Jarrar, Palestinian parliamentarian, feminist, leftist and advocate for Palestinian political prisoners, sentenced to two years in Israeli prison for her public political activities just days prior to International Women’s Day; Khitam Saafin, President of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, jailed without charge or trial, her administrative detention renewed for another four months; Bushra al-Tawil, Palestinian journalist and activist whose detention without charge or trial was also renewed for another four months on 7 March 2021.

They include Palestinian students, like Layan Kayed, Elia Abu Hijleh, Ruba Assi and Shata Tawil of Bir Zeit University. Hundreds of Palestinian students are routinely detained by the Israeli occupation, especially those who are part of student organizations involved with campus political life. At Bir Zeit University alone, approximately 74 students were detained by occupation soldiers during the 2019-2020 academic year.

International Women’s Day 2021 in Paris. Photo: CAPJPO- EuroPalestine

Palestinian women prisoners are among 5,000 total political prisoners, but Palestinian women are broadly affected by the mass incarceration of Palestinian men as well. Palestinian women are the mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, lovers and friends of Palestinian male prisoners. They make homes for themselves and their children, denied access to their husbands and fathers. They lead the movement outside prison to highlight the names, faces, voices and stories of all Palestinian prisoners struggling for liberation.

Since 1948 and before, from the earliest days of the Palestinian national liberation movement, Palestinian women have been expelled from their homes and targeted for repression on multiple levels, their very capacity to reproduce and raise their children labeled as an unacceptable threat to the racist settler-colonial project of Zionism. Since 1967 alone, around 10,000 Palestinian women have been jailed by the Israeli occupation for their political activity and involvement in the Palestinian resistance, including Palestinian women in Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian women holding Israeli citizenship in occupied Palestine ’48. Palestinian women in exile and diaspora have been denied their right to return to Palestine for over 72 years yet continue to struggle, facing political repression, criminalization, deportation and imprisonment.

Samidoun Espana in Madrid at a feminist protest to close migrant detention centres, 6 March 2021

Palestinian women prisoners are routinely subjected to torture and ill-treatment by Israeli occupation forces, from the moment they are detained — often in violent night raids — and throughout the interrogation process, including beatings, insults, threats, aggressive body searches and sexually explicit harassment. Within Israeli prisons, the official state policy of “worsening the conditions” of Palestinian prisoners has particularly targeted Palestinian women, denied family visits or even phone calls, subjected to intense surveillance that violates their privacy, denied education and held in dangerous and unhealthy conditions. They are transported in the “bosta,” a metal vehicle where women are shackled on a long, circituous trip that takes hours longer than a direct route and often denied access to sanitary facilities.

Damon prison, itself formerly a stable for animals, is located in occupied Palestine ’48 — in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and making it even more difficult for Palestinian women’s family members to visit them. All visits are subjected to an arbitrary permit regime which is often obstructed by the Israeli occupation regime.

International Women’s Day 2021 in Toulouse. Photo: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

However, Palestinian women behind bars continue to resist and to lead. In April 1970, Palestinian women prisoners at Neve Tirza prison launched one of the first collective hunger strikes of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement when they refused food for nine days. They demanded access to women’s sanitary supplies as well as an end to beatings and solitary confinement. Palestinian women have been consistently involved in general hunger strikes and protest actions, including strikes led by women prisoners in 1985, 2004 and 2019 that inspired global women’s solidarity. Despite the denial of formal education by the Israeli colonial regime, Palestinian women prisoners have developed revolutionary education for all prisoners, expanding their knowledge and commitment to struggle.

Palestinian women prisoners are not alone; they struggle alongside fellow women political prisoners in the Philippines, Turkey, India, Egypt and around the world. And their imprisonment is also international: it is funded, backed and supported by the diplomatic, military, economic and political backing given to Israel by the imperialist powers, including the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and the European Union states. Palestinian women also confront the role of the Palestinian Authority’s “security cooperation” regime under Oslo and the normalization politics and repressive attacks of reactionary Arab regimes.

Samidoun Espana in Madrid at a feminist protest to close migrant detention centres, 6 March 2021

Despite all attempts of the Zionist regime to isolate them from the global movement for the liberation of women and humanity through imprisonment and repression, Palestinian women continue to organize and struggle from behind bars, in the streets and fields of occupied Palestine, and everywhere in exile in diaspora, seeking return and liberation. On International Women’s Day 2021, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the movement of Palestinian women and their leadership in the ongoing and daily struggle for national and social liberation.

We urge women’s organizations, student organizations and people of conscience everywhere to raise their voices and act in solidarity with Palestinian women, and Palestinian women prisoners, targeted by the Israeli occupation – including by building the movement for the boycott of Israel, its institutions and complicit corporations like HP, Puma, Teva Pharmaceuticals and G4S. The Israeli occupation wants to continue its colonization of Palestine unchecked by isolating and detaining the leaders of the Palestinian people’s movement. Now is the time to act and urge their immediate release and the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners, and of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Naples, Italy, International Women’s Day 8 March 2021

Take Action!

1. Join the Campaign to Free Palestinian Students! Over 325 organizations have already signed on to the campaign to take action to free imprisoned Palestinian students. Get involved at

2. Organize protests, demonstrations creative actions. Ad hacks, postering and other outdoor actions – especially near an Israeli embassy or consulate – can draw a significant amount of attention to the Palestinian women prisoners and the Palestinian cause at this critical time.

3. Build the boycott of Israel! Join the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. Highlight the complicity of corporations like Hewlett-Packard and the continuing involvement of G4S in Israeli policing and prisons. Build a campaign to boycott Israeli goods, impose a military embargo on Israel, or organize around the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

Resources on Palestinian women prisoners

We recommend the following resources for more information on Palestinian women prisoners:

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Why the Body Attacks Itself After COVID-19 Vaccination

March 8th, 2023 by Dr. Peter McCullough

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The human immune system is designed to recognize foreign invaders (microbes, other substances) attack, kill, and then clear the debris away. For that reason, we must be sure that our bodies recognize our own cells as “protected” and the foreign ones as targets. For the first time, mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) and adenoviral DNA (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccines install the genetic code for our bodies to make a deadly foreign protein with the aspiration that our immune system would not only respond and protect us, but also form live saving immunity from SARS-CoV-2. We have come to learn this was the drug development miscalculation of all time. Production of a foreign protein in the human body has turned out to be a disaster as illustrated by Polykretis et al in a recent paper. Here are some of the reasons why: 1) each cell that takes up the vaccine expresses the protein in the cell surface initiating autoimmune attack, 2) the tissue distribution appears to be wide involving organs where this attack could be lethal (heart, brain, bone marrow, etc.), 3) both the genetic material and the Spike protein are long lasting (months to years) which is long enough to cause an autoimmune syndrome which may be permanent.

Polykretis, P.; Donzelli, A.; Lindsay, J.C.; Wiseman, D.; Kyriakopoulos, A.M.; Mörz, M.; Bellavite, P.; Fukushima, M.; Seneff, S.; McCullough, P.A. Autoimmune Inflammatory Reactions Triggered by the COVID-19 Genetic Vaccines in Terminally Differentiated Tissues. Preprints 2023, 2023030140.

Polykretis elaborates: “ Strong histological evidence from biopsies and autopsies have demonstrated that the vaccine-derived spike protein was synthesized in terminally differentiated tissues (Baumeier et al., 2022; Schwab et al., 2022; Mörz, 2022). Baumeier et al. detected the vaccine-derived spike protein on the cardiomyocytes of 9 out of 15 patients with clinical suspicion of myocarditis (which were negatively tested for SARS-CoV-2), proving that the viral protein has been synthesized in the heart tissue and suggesting an autoimmune response due to vaccination (Baumeier et al., 2022). Schwab et al. describe the histopathological findings from standardized autopsies performed on 25 people who had passed away unexpectedly and within 20 days from vaccination (none of the deceased persons had SARS-CoV-2 infection prior to vaccination) (Schwab et al., 2022). Both the aforementioned studies support the idea that vaccine-induced myocardial inflammation was a consequence of excessive T-lymphocytic infiltration, predominantly CD4+ T-cells, which are the main drivers of autoimmunological myocardial injury. Mörz described the expression of the vaccine-derived spike protein in the brain and the heart of a patient who developed multifocal necrotizing encephalitis upon vaccination with BNT162b2 (Mörz, 2022). Immunohistochemistry also revealed the expression of the vaccine-encoded spike protein in the vesicular keratinocytes and the endothelial cells in the dermis (Yamamoto et al., 2022).”

Despite having a long development pathway driven by the US Military DARPA in the ADEPT P3 Program announced in 2012, genetic vaccines have been poorly conceived by contractors without careful consideration of the biological ramifications of autoimmunity. To make matters worse, they were rushed through human clinical development by Operation Warp Speed and were too widely deployed, with 92% of the US population injected at least once according to the CDC. As a result, we have nearly the entire US population at risk for or with some subclinical manifestation of autoimmunity.

See this

At this point, the best course is to remove the COVID-19 vaccines from human use as I have testified in the US Senate on December 7, 2022. The medical community needs to pick up the pieces with a giant research effort on vaccine injury pathophysiology with a major focus on autoimmunity.

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Polykretis, P.; Donzelli, A.; Lindsay, J.C.; Wiseman, D.; Kyriakopoulos, A.M.; Mörz, M.; Bellavite, P.; Fukushima, M.; Seneff, S.; McCullough, P.A. Autoimmune Inflammatory Reactions Triggered by the COVID-19 Genetic Vaccines in Terminally Differentiated Tissues. Preprints 2023, 2023030140.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Women’s rights in the Middle East and Central Asia are intimately related to U.S. led “humanitarian wars”. 

The derogation of women’s rights in Afghanistan was the direct result of  Washington’s diabolical military and intelligence agenda, the intent of which was to  transform Afghanistan into an Islamic proxy state. 

What the images presented below suggest is that US interventionism was largely geared towards destroying the secular state and at the same token undermining the rights of women.

This was instrumented by closing down public schools and replacing them with koranic schools. 

Education in Afghanistan in the years preceding the Soviet-Afghan war was largely secular.  The number of  CIA sponsored religious schools (madrasahs) increased from 2,500 in 1980 to over 39,000.

USAID generously financed the process of religious indoctrination, largely to secure the demise of secular institutions. Confirmed by the Washington Post:

…The United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.

… AID officials said in interviews that they left the Islamic materials intact because they feared Afghan educators would reject books lacking a strong dose of Muslim thought. The agency removed its logo and any mention of the U.S. government from the religious texts, AID spokeswoman Kathryn Stratos said.

“It’s not AID’s policy to support religious instruction,” Stratos said. “But we went ahead with this project because the primary purpose . . . is to educate children, which is predominantly a secular activity.”

… Published in the dominant Afghan languages of Dari and Pashtun, the textbooks were developed in the early 1980s under an AID grant to the University of Nebraska -Omaha and its Center for Afghanistan Studies. The agency spent $ 51 million on the university’s education programs in Afghanistan from 1984 to 1994.” (Washington Post, 23 March 2002, emphasis added) 




Michel Chossudovsky, GR Editor, March 8, 2023

*      *     *

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria have been attacked by the US Empire and its allies. 

These countries had something very important in common: They all had secular nationalist sovereign governments with long established ties with the former Soviet Union, which is one of the reasons why the US has long planned to destroy them and turn them into client states.

They had an all inclusive society that respected and protected religious and ethnic minorities and women’s rights. Their economies were necessarily state controlled in order to protect against predatory western corporations that have destroyed and still are destroying national economies around the world in the name of the so-called free trade and open market policies.

After nearly four decades of war, death and destruction, it is now difficult to imagine Afghanistan before its tragic recent history. Up until the so-called “Soviet-Afghan war” which commenced in 1979,  the country was indeed a secular country with a nationalist government and long proud history, where people lived their normal lives in peace. Contrary to current perception, women then had access to university education and pursued varied professional careers like their counterparts in any other twentieth century modern country.

Women in Afghanistan were not always under house arrest and forbidden by law to leave their homes unchaperoned by a male relative. Once upon a time in pre-Taliban days Afghan women had access to professional careers, university-level education, shops selling non-traditional clothing, public transportation, and public spaces, all of which they happily navigated freely and without supervision.

According to a US State Department report from the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor from 2001:

Prior to the rise of the Taliban, women in Afghanistan were protected under law and increasingly afforded rights in Afghan society. Women received the right to vote in the 1920s; and as early as the 1960s, the Afghan constitution provided for equality for women. There was a mood of tolerance and openness as the country began moving toward democracy.

Women were making important contributions to national development. In 1977, women comprised over 15% of Afghanistan’s highest legislative body. It is estimated that by the early 1990s, 70% of schoolteachers, 50% of government workers and university students, and 40% of doctors in Kabul were women.

Afghan women had been active in humanitarian relief organizations until the Taliban imposed severe restrictions on their ability to work. These professional women provide a pool of talent and expertise that will be needed in the reconstruction of post-Taliban Afghanistan.

Even under Hamid Karzai’s government, with the recently approved Code of Conduct for women, all of the women shown in these photographs, taken in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and early ‘70s, could not be faulted with improper behavior, according to clerics and government officials.


A record store in Kabul

A co-ed biology class at Kabul University 

Afghan university students, 1967. Photo credit: Dr. Bill Podlich, Retronaut 

Public transporation in Kabul 

University students, early 1970s

Women working in one of the labs at the Vaccine Research Center

Mothers and children playing at a city park—without male chaperones

Queen Soraya reigned in Afghanistan with her husband King Amanullah Khan from 1919 to 1929. She would be slut-shamed or worse for wearing this dress in modern Afghanistan.



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Young People Who Suffered Blood Clots and Amputations After COVID-19 Vaccination Are Being Lied to, and Media Uses Them to Lie to Us

By Dr. William Makis, March 07, 2023

There is a heartbreaking, tragic story that is promoted by mainstream media every few months, and that is the story of 20 year old Florida model Claire Bridges who lost both legs due to what they tell us was “COVID-19”.

US Foreign Policy Goes “Woke”?

By Philip Giraldi, March 07, 2023

It is generally observed that imperial powers like the United States frequently interfere in foreign governments in support of economic or hard political reasons. To be sure, Washington has refined the process so it can plausibly deny that it is interfering at all, that the change is spontaneous and comes from the people and institutions in the country that is being targeted for change.

Standing Together – Resisting the New Normal

By Colin Todhunter, March 07, 2023

The US wanted Russia to attack Ukraine. So says Robert H Wade, professor of Global Political Economy at the London School of Economics. And then it brought in its wide-ranging sanctions regime in response. According to renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, the US subsequently blew up the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

Russian Aerospace Forces Failing in Ukraine? Moscow’s “State of the Art” Su-57 Aircraft

By Drago Bosnic, March 07, 2023

Even before the start of Moscow’s counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe, Russia and its military were often denigrated and underestimated by the mainstream propaganda machine. This decades-old (or should we say centuries) practice has escalated dramatically since February 24 last year.

The Heinous Instrumentalization of Human Rights Against Nicaragua

By Stephen Sefton, March 07, 2023

Last week saw the advance release of a summary of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s still-pending detailed report on Nicaragua. The report supposedly results from an investigation by a group of experts of “all alleged human rights violations and abuses committed in Nicaragua since April 2018.”

In a Compromised Media Environment, Western Intelligence Agencies Escalate NATO’s Proxy War in Ukraine Unchallenged

By Stavroula Pabst, March 07, 2023

As winter bites, the current NATO proxy war that has raged for almost a year shows no signs of stopping, with November 2022 reports quietly admitting that roughly 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed or wounded in action. Millions of Ukrainians have fled their homes, and those who remain face conscription, power outages, and a lack of other basic resources.

Why Republicans Blew Their Big Opportunity to Win in 2024

By Eric Zuesse, March 07, 2023

The Republicans could have called Ukraine “Biden’s war,” or “the Democrats’ war,” but instead voted for it themselves, and so turned it into America’s war — the war by the billionaires of both of this one-party-state’s nominal two political Parties (the Parties of both Democratic billionaires and Republican billionaires).

Dr. Bassma Kodmani Died in Paris, and Syria Left in Ruins

By Steven Sahiounie, March 07, 2023

Dr. Bassma Kodmani died March 2, 2023, in Paris, where she had lived most of her life. She was a Franco-Syrian activist who played a large role in the destruction of Syria beginning in 2011.

COVID Propaganda Roundup: The Lies, Distortions and Abuses

By Ben Bartee, March 07, 2023

COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class. Things have been getting hot and heavy on the COVID front recently. Without further ado, let’s get into it.

Wanting War Over Taiwan: Australia’s Gang of Five

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 08, 2023

Diligently, obediently and with a degree of dangerous imbecility, a number of Australian media outlets are manufacturing a consensus for war with a country that has never been a natural, historical enemy, nor sought to be.

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Two days ago I wrote about pilots and fight attendants suffering cardiac arrests in-flight and then dying suddenly (click here).

One of my readers kindly wrote in the comments section about a very recent incident on a Virgin Australia flight. This is that incident and now we have more information.

“Virgin Australia flight from Adelaide to Perth was forced to make an emergency landing after the First Officer reportedly suffered a heart attack just 30 minutes after departure. (click here)

The incident occurred on March 3, 2023, and resulted in the Airbus A320 being forced to return to Adelaide, where emergency responders were waiting to transport the sick pilot to the hospital.

The First Officer became incapacitated after suffering a heart attack. The Captain of the flight declared an emergency and successfully landed the aircraft around 70 minutes later.”

Aero Inside reports:

“A VARA Virgin Australia Regional Airlines Airbus A320-200, registration VH-VNB performing flight VA-717 from Adelaide, SA to Perth, WA (Australia), was enroute at FL320 about 240nm westnorthwest of Adelaide about 30 minutes into the flight when the first officer suffered a heart attack and became incapacitated. The captain declared PAN PAN and returned the aircraft to Adelaide for a safe landing on runway 23 about 70 minutes later.” (click here)

Here is additional information (thank you to @AirBo55):

Mainstream media pushing for one pilot in cockpit…

I have not seen any mainstream media reporting of this frightening incident. However, I have seen many articles from the media pushing for one pilot in the cockpit instead of two.

Why airplanes might soon have just one pilot (CNN) (click here)

Airlines want you to get comfortable with flying without a co-pilot. Pilots—and fliers—are not convinced (Fortune) (click here)

Airlines are lobbying for a change to federal regulations that could put one pilot in the cockpit (CBS News) (click here)

Airlines Move To Have One Pilot, Not Two, In Cost-Cutting Solution (Forbes) (click here)

“In a move to save costs and ease staff shortages, many countries are asking the UN body that controls global aviation safety rules, to move to a one-pilot model in commercial flights, instead of two.”

My Take…

As I’ve written before, I fear that we are getting closer and closer to a major airline crash due to pilot and or co-pilot incapacitation, as a result of COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

In the meantime, the mainstream media are aggressively pushing the concept of only one fully COVID-19 vaccinated pilot in the cockpit. Almost as if they want a major airline crash to take place. Would such an incident bring about a crackdown on flying in general? To fight climate change? And for our safety, of course?

I am currently working on a substack about small plane crashes and helicopter crashes in the past year where there was no obvious evidence of mechanical problems. As you can imagine, there are many of them.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

All images in this article are from the author; featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Wanting War over Taiwan: Australia’s Gang of Five

March 8th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Diligently, obediently and with a degree of dangerous imbecility, a number of Australian media outlets are manufacturing a consensus for war with a country that has never been a natural, historical enemy, nor sought to be.  But as Australia remains the satellite of a Sino-suspicious US imperium, its officials and their dutiful advocates in the press seem obligated to pave the way for conflict.

The latest example of this came in articles run in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age of Melbourne.  The premise is already clear from the columnists, Peter Hartcher and Matthew Knott.  Australia faces a “Red Alert”, and, to that end, needs a warring fan club.  Not since the domino theory bewitched strategists and confused military planners have Australians witnessed this: a series of articles featuring a gang of five with one purpose: to render the Australian public so witless as to reject any peaceful accommodation.

First, the provocative colouring for the article, “How a conflict over Taiwan could swiftly reach our shores.”  The Australian continent is shown bathed in a sea of red. Various military bases and facilities are outlined.  For good measure, there is a picture of Australian soldiers firing an artillery piece in “military exercises in 2018 at Shoalwater Bay, Queensland.”

Then, the blistering opening lines of terror.  “Within 72 hours of a conflict breaking out over Taiwan, Chinese missile bombardments and devastating cyberattacks on Australia would begin. For the first time since World War II, the mainland would be under attack.”  The authors already anticipate a good complement of US troops to occupy the Australian north, some 150,000 “seeking refuge from the immediate conflict zone.”

The Red Alert panellists, anointed as “defence experts”, brim with such scenarios.  All, as they state in a joint communique, agree on one thing: “Australia has many vulnerabilities.  It has long and exposed connections to the rest of the world – sea, air and undersea – yet is incapable of protecting them.”

Leading the gang of five is Peter Jennings, who has had an unshakeable red-under-the-bed fantasy for years.  A former deputy secretary for strategy in the Australian Defence Department, and steering the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) for a decade (that’s Canberra’s revolving door for you), Jennings is adamant and steely.  “As I think of a conflict over Taiwan, what I’m thinking about is something that very quickly grows in scale and location.”

There is no reason at all why such a growth in scale or location should happen, but this is not the purpose of the exercise.  The point of the Red Alert fantasy is to neutralise the significance of Australia’s natural boundaries – some of the most formidable on the planet – and dismiss them in any conflict with Beijing.  “Distance is no longer equivalent to safety from our strategic perspective,” ponders Jennings.

Jennings inadvertently reveals the case against war, which can only be an encouragement to activists and officials keen to reverse the trend of turning Australia into a US imperial outpost of naval and military bases that would be used in any Taiwan conflict.  “If China wants to seriously go after Taiwan in any military sense, the only way they can really contemplate quick success is to pre-emptively attack those assets that might be a threat to them.  That means Pine Gap goes.”  Pine Gap remains that misnamed joint US-Australian signals facility that has facilitated illegal drone strikes in foreign territories most Australian politicians would fail to find on a map.

Oddly enough, the columnists then suggest that Jennings is breaking the “powerful unwritten rule in Australia” which involves not mentioning war.  This is fabulous nonsense, given the trumpeting and screeching for conflict that has come from ASPI for some years now.

Lavina Lee, another Red Alert panellist, is also into the business of softening the Australian public for war, or at least “the possibility that we might go to war, and what would happen either way.  We should talk about what we would look like if we win and what it would look like if we lose.”  And what about peace, a word finding its way into Canberra’s garbage tip of taboo words?

Australia’s former chief scientist, Alan Finkel, dolls out his own catastrophic scenario.  “Airlines in particular can be taken down very, very easily.”  He goes on to suggest that the challenges to electricity will be more resistant, as “most of our generators are not that sophisticated in terms of cyber.  They will be [more sophisticated] five to 10 years from now.  Things like the telephone network and airlines are very obvious targets.”

Retired army major-general Mick Ryan makes his contribution by wishing Australia to be readied for war.  In a message common to most military officers, the civilians should really do more about giving his brethren more cash.  “Like most other Western militaries, we believe in the cult of the offensive, so we have underinvested in defensive capabilities.”  He also fears that any war over Taiwan would “involve strikes on US bases, on fuel and munition holdings, ships across the region, including our own country potentially”.

Lesley Seebeck, former head of the Australian National University’s Cyber Institute, completes the crew of five, and laments the “state of our critical infrastructure” that has just been left to lie.  “There is no sense of investing for the future.”  Perversely enough, Seebeck’s view reads amusingly when considered alongside Finkel, who points out that more sophisticated cyber-infrastructure in the future, rather than clunkier systems with greater redundancies, would actually make Australia more vulnerable.  Sometimes, it pays to keep the old.

A few things are worth noting in this frothy mix of fantabulation and establishment fire breathing.  In the quest to gather such a panel, no effort has been made to consult the expertise of a China hand.  That lobby, able to provide a more nuanced, less heavy-footed approach, is being shunned, their advice exorcised in any effort to encourage war.

Bizarrely, the panellists offer an increasingly popular non-sequitur that has creeped into the warmonger’s manual: Would Australia’s leaders, in war, pass the Zelensky test?  This somehow implies that the Ukraine conflict offers salient lessons over a war over Taiwan, an absurd comparison that muddled strategists are fond of making.

Most of all, Beijing’s own actual intentions over Taiwan are to be avoided.  The presumption in ASPI-land is that a war is imminent, and that Beijing would want to go to war over the island as a matter of course.  China’s President Xi Jinping’s main advisor on the subject, veteran ideologue Wang Huning, suggests an approach at odds with such thinking.

The Red Alert exercise has drawn necessary and important criticism.  Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating did not mince his words in a fuming column for Pearls and Irritations.  “Today’s Sydney Morning Herald and The Age front page stories on Australia’s supposed war risk with China represents the most egregious and provocative news presentation of any newspaper I have witnessed in over fifty years of active public life.”  One might even go further back than that.  The war times are coming, and as are those gangs seeking to encourage them.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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A few days ago, on March 2, 2023, Kyedae Shymko, a 21 year old Japanese-Canadian Twitch streamer with 2.2 million followers (and 1 million on Twitter), announced that she was diagnosed with cancer – Acute Myeloid Leukemia (click here)

Shockingly, cases like this are skyrocketing recently among children and young adults, and even more shocking is the rapid progression of disease in some of these cases.

Kavieriona White, 11 year old girl died two days after leukemia diagnosis (Feb.16, 2023)

Also, a few days ago, 11 year old Kavieriona died suddenly after being diagnosed with Leukemia just a few days prior (click here)

It started when she was sent home from school with a fever. A few days later she was found unresponsive, rushed to hospital where she was diagnosed with leukemia and she died two days later.

“The blood disease was leukemia. The doctor informed me it was treatable and curable but the main problem was the brain bleeds”

Julia Chavez, 13 year old girl died hours after leukemia diagnosis (Feb.13, 2023)

“A 13-year-old girl from Georgia died hours after she was diagnosed with leukemia when she went to the ER with a headache and ear infection.” (click here)

“she had bleeding in her brain, lungs, stomach’ and throughout her body.”

‘We never knew she had it,’ Jenna told the news outlet. ‘She never had more than a sniffle and she’s never been hospitalized for anything since she was born.’

Evan Fishel, age 21, died 4 days after leukemia diagnosis (Feb.10, 2023)

A young artist diagnosed with Leukemia (Feb.24, 2023)

A young artist who goes by the name “Justin Tine” on Twitter announced on Feb.24, 2023 he has aggressive leukemia and may not proceed with chemo (click here)

High School football player Emmett Brooks

Why the rapid progression?

Leukemia tends to be aggressive, however, it’s extremely unusual to have sudden death occur days or hours after diagnosis and initial presentation. Why are these highly aggressive cases happening with such frequency now?

The elephant in the room is this question: are these leukemias being caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines?

21 year old Kyedae was COVID-19 vaccinated (travel, events requiring proof of vaccination, her fiancee TenZ was fully vaccinated). (click here)(click here)

21 year old Evan Fishel was COVID-19 vaccinated due to mandate by his University.

High School footballer Emmett Brooks was presumed COVID-19 vaccinated.

For the others, COVID-19 vaccine status is unknown.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines deliver LNPs with mRNA to the bone marrow

It is no secret that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines deliver a substantial amount of LNPs to the bone marrow.

And yes, Moderna has boasted about their ability to deliver mRNA to the bone marrow, causing “long term modulation of all hematopoietic lineages” (click here):

Leukemia is a broad term for cancers of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. Leukemia usually involves the white blood cells. In people with leukemia, the bone marrow produces an excessive amount of abnormal white blood cells, which don’t function properly (click here).

The fact that Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines deliver a large payload of LNPs filled with mRNA to the bone marrow, is a very serious concern.

How many doctors informed their patients that their COVID-19 mRNA vaccines will be getting into their bone marrow where they will be producing the SARS-CoV2 spike protein with unpredictable consequences? That would be part of informed consent, which no COVID-19 vaccinated person received.

Leukemia and COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

A woman in her 60s was diagnosed with a rare Leukemia 6 days after 1st dose of Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (click here).

Authors found that the Moderna mRNA activated her immune system TLR-3 receptors, which then activated IL-6/STAT3 pathway which then caused her leukemia.

“novel mRNA vaccines were modified to dampen RNA-mediated TLR-3 activation”

“However, even modified mRNA vaccines activate innate immunity via TLR-3. We confirmed TLR-3 activation…our data suggest that the mRNA-1273 activates (innate) immune cells via TLR to secrete IL-6”

In this case, the Moderna mRNA did the opposite of what it was designed to do (dampen TLRs to bypass the innate immune system so the mRNA doesn’t get immediately destroyed), instead it unpredictably activated immune receptors that caused a leukemia in this unfortunate patient.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines destroy the bone marrow

There are numerous reports of bone marrow suppression (click here) or severe immune aplastic anemia after mRNA vaccination (click here).

Aplastic anemia is a rare form of bone marrow failure, when your bone marrow stops producing new blood cells. The condition leaves you fatigued and more prone to infections and uncontrolled bleeding.

Severe aplastic anemia caused by Pfizer mRNA vaccine can require stem cell transplantation (click here).

Interestingly Pfizer mRNA vaccine can not only cause relapse in patients who previously had aplastic anemia, but Pfizer mRNA can cause “de novo” cases of aplastic anemia, or “acquired aplastic anemia” (click here)

“our observation demonstrates for the first time in literature in a substantial number of patients in stable hematologic remission a risk for relapse of AA in timed context to COVID-19 vaccination”

all relapsed patients were vaccinated with the mRNA-based vaccine Comirnaty®

out data highlight the risk for contracting aplastic anemia as a potential complication following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 (vaccine-related adverse event).”

My Take…

These cases of sudden onset aggressive leukemia are frightening. Some of these tragic cases show extremely rapid progression where the time from initial presentation and diagnosis to sudden death is a matter of a few days or even hours, as in the case of Julia Chavez.

I am deeply concerned about the ability of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines to accumulate in the bone marrow in significant amounts.

This is not being disclosed by doctors to patients who are being COVID-19 vaccinated and thus there is no discussion of the serious risks of bone marrow damage, bone marrow suppression, aplastic anemia or leukemia, that is posed by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Where there is no discussion of well known and potentially life-threatening risks, there is no possibility for proper informed consent.

I fear that we are only starting to see some of the consequences of Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines with LNPs filled with mRNA being delivered to the bone marrow.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

All images in this article are from the author

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Amid incessant NATO aggression and escalation of hostilities within Russia, now also including US-backed Kiev regime terrorists targeting schoolchildren, Moscow has started revamping the doctrinal approach to the use of its strategic arsenal. Rather curiously, the new document, published by the “Military Thought” magazine run by the Russian Ministry of Defense, attracted little attention in Western media. It should be noted that such changes are made only once in several decades or even longer. The strategic posturing of countries, particularly superpowers, is usually “set in stone”, meaning that changes are prompted only by major events of historical proportions.

It was only a week ago that Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Russia is suspending its participation in the New START arms control treaty. Putin cited continuous, blatant US and NATO violations of the agreement as the primary reason for the decision. With the treaty becoming a mere formality, Russia is not bound to honor it anymore, as this would undermine its own strategic security. With that in mind, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) started implementing new ways to deter any possible direct US/NATO attacks on Russia, particularly as the belligerent thalassocracy has repeatedly floated the idea of “decapitation strikes” on Moscow in the last several months.

The authors of the document are Deputy Commander of the RVSN Igor Fazletdinov and retired Colonel Vladimir Lumpov. They argue that the US is on a collision course with Russia, as Washington DC and its vassals are becoming increasingly aggressive due to their political elites’ frustration with the loss of the “sole superpower” status.

With America seeing Moscow as the main culprit for this, it plans on defeating Russia in a “single blow”, thus eliminating the main obstacle to total US global dominance. Fazletdinov and Lumpov argue that Washington DC plans to defeat Russia in a “strategic (global) multi-sphere operation”, the primary goal of which will be the elimination of its strategic arsenal.

“[The US believes] this goal is only achievable in the event of an instantaneous nuclear strike against the RVSN or at least with the deployment of ABM [anti-ballistic missile] systems around Russia. The US plan is to destroy at least 65-70% of Russian strategic nuclear forces as part of its Prompt Global Strike concept, with the rest eliminated by American ABM systems. The US would then launch an all-out nuclear attack on the Russian Federation in order to destroy it,” authors warn, further adding: “We aim to repel a potential [US] nuclear strike, preserve our own nuclear capabilities, suppress the deployed US missile defense systems and cause unacceptable damage in case of [US/NATO] aggression.”

Russia certainly has the capability to almost instantly change its strategic doctrine.

Unlike its NATO rivals (including the US itself), Moscow leads the world in several key military technologies, which also include at least a dozen operational hypersonic weapons deployed over the last 5-10 years.

And indeed, in early December President Putin stated Russia could adopt a US-style concept of preemptive strikes. The program mentioned by Russian military experts, called PGS (Prompt Global Strike), is a US attempt to develop a capability that enables it to attack enemy strategic targets with precision-guided weapons anywhere in the world within just one hour. Still, the US is yet to deploy a weapon that can achieve that.

On the other hand, with the Mach 12-capable “Kinzhal” air-launched hypersonic missile carried by modified MiG-31K/I interceptors and Tu-22M3 long-range bombers, the Mach 28-capable “Avangard” HGV (hypersonic glide vehicle) deployed on various ICBMs and the Mach 9-capable scramjet-powered “Zircon” hypersonic cruise missile deployed on naval (both submarines and surface ships) and (soon) on land platforms, Russia is the only country on the planet with the capability to immediately implement such a program. And yet, Moscow still refrains from going ahead with such plans, although its justification for this would hold much better than that of the US.

The authors further emphasize “the need to make sure the US was perfectly aware of the impossibility of the complete destruction of our strategic capabilities and the inevitability of a crushing retaliatory nuclear strike”.

However, the problem with this is that the establishment in Washington DC has become so detached from reality that they believe the Kiev regime has the capacity to not only “push Russia back from Donbass”, but also “retake Crimea”, despite relevant reports on the Neo-Nazi junta’s staggering losses. It can hardly be expected from them to be aware of Russia’s wholly undeniable capability to obliterate the continental US in minutes.

American policymakers take advice from former high-ranking generals and officers who somehow managed to lose a war against outnumbered and outgunned AK-wielding insurgents in sandals while wasting trillions of dollars and deploying hundreds of thousands of troops during the two decades of continuous NATO aggression in Afghanistan. This is without taking into account the technological disparity which was so overwhelmingly on the side of the aggressors that it can quite literally be measured in centuries rather than decades. Still, delusions and living in parallel reality seem to be a given for the warmongers at the Pentagon.

In addition, considering the fact that Afghanistan became more peaceful and safer after the US and NATO have been soundly defeated and driven out of the country devastated by decades of incessant conflict, this clearly implies that being able to militarily beat the political West is of utmost importance for the safety of any given country.



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COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.

Things have been getting hot and heavy on the COVID front recently. Without further ado, let’s get into it.

The Science™ concludes immunity from natural infection ‘at least as high, if not higher’ than mRNA shots

Via NBC News:

“Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine.

Infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization and death from a Covid reinfection by 88% for at least 10 months, the study found.”

It’s about two years too late.

Where are the social media bans for all the mainstream media outlets that pushed COVID misinformation to the contrary? For instance, Medical News Today, one among many, claimed on February 5, 2021 that “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are around five times more effective at preventing hospitalization than a previous infection.”

I got my Facebook and Medium accounts permanently suspended for telling the truth about COVID mRNA gene therapies’ efficacy or lack thereof. When will Medical News Today get theirs for lying?

And what about the lying government agencies that are totally bought by Big Pharma? The CDC still at this late date – recommends COVID vaxxes for everyone regardless of prior infection:

“COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older in the United States for the prevention of COVID-19. There is currently no FDA-approved or FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine for children younger than age 6 months.”

Judge: ‘Public Safety Outweighs Personal Vaccination Choice’

Via PBS:

“A person’s choice to decline vaccinations does not outweigh public health and safety requirements in medical settings, a federal judge ruled in a Montana case.

U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy last week permanently blocked a section of law the state said was meant to prevent employers — including many health care facilities — from discriminating against workers by requiring them to be vaccinated against communicable diseases, including COVID-19.”

Donald Molloy needs to be disbarred.

There is no justification for COVID vaxx mandates in the name of “public safety” because they do not stop transmission — as a Pfizer executive herself admitted recently.

Donald Molloy’s morally bankrupt ruling – like all morally bankrupt corporate media – is brought to you by Big Pharma.

This is your brain on Pfizer:

COVID Warlord Fauci makes $100K per speech

COVID Warlord Fauci — who should consider himself fortunate if he were to wind down his golden years rotting in a prison cell — is instead getting rich. He is currently making $50-100K per speech sharing all the wisdom he accrued over decades of presiding over the biomedical-industrial complex.

Allowing this demonic goblin not only to roam free but to add to his ill-gotten fortune is an affront to decency.

US Department of Energy concludes COVID lab leak theory ‘likely’

Just a short year ago, one got his social media accounts suspended for speculating that COVID emerged from the biolab called Wuhan Institute of Virology that specifically studied bat coronaviruses.

Now that the US Department of Energy finally got around to weighing in, one wonders if the tide has shifted.

Via Wall Street Journal:

“The Energy Department’s conclusion is the result of new intelligence and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research.

The Energy Department made its judgment with “low confidence,” according to people who have read the classified report.

The FBI previously came to the conclusion that the pandemic was likely the result of a lab leak in 2021 with “moderate confidence” and still holds to this view.”

Woody Harrelson drops truth bomb on SNL, immediately smeared as ‘anti-vaxxer’

Woody went off-script for his SNL monologue, to the horror of the twelve libs who still watch SNL.

“The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes, and people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs — and keep taking them — over and over.” -Woody Harrelson

The smear machine jumpstarted immediately. Via Rolling Stone, “Woody Harrelson Spreads Anti-Vax Conspiracies During ‘SNL’ Monologue”:

“The Oscar-nominated actor, who first won over audiences on Cheers, is a 9/11 truther who’s shared a number of conspiracy theories during the Covid pandemic…

And so, during his rambling SNL monologue Saturday night, an apparently under the influence Harrelson continued along these lines. After a winding story about smoking weed — shouting-out his pot shop in West Hollywood, The Woods, and claiming his manager, Jeremy, transported weed from the LA shop to New York for him — Harrelson went into a spiel about the pandemic.”

The media’s reaction proves that Harrelson’s comments weren’t a joke.

Study: Ugly people likelier to mask than attractive peers

Via Frontiers in Psychology:

“Self-perceived attractiveness has significant effects on mask-wearing intention via mask attractiveness belief in the post-pandemic of COVID-19. Our findings suggest that mask-wearing can shift from being a self-protection measure during the COVID-19 pandemic to a self-presentation tactic in the post-pandemic era.”

If you’ve seen the libbed-out freaks who still mask in Trader Joe’s or whatever, this checks out.

WHO investigates bird flu outbreak in Cambodia

Via NBC:

“The World Health Organization said Friday that it is investigating two human cases of bird flu in Cambodia, after an 11-year-old girl died this week and her father also tested positive for the H5N1 strain.

An outbreak of bird flu first observed in 2021 has been circulating around the world, including in the United States, where nearly 58.5 million birds from commercial and backyard flocks have been wiped out since last February, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.”

I’ve speculated elsewhere that the US government might be conducting gain-of-function research on avian flu in any of its numerous biolabs scattered around the world to serve as the next engineered bioweapon terror.


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This article was originally published on The Daily Bell.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. Follow his stuff via Armageddon Prose and/or Substack, Locals, Gab, and Twitter. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TDB

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The author makes certain statements which are not explicitly corroborated by David Ignatius. (see article below).  Ignatius acknowledges that Blinken  “has begun planning for an eventual postwar military balance”.

He also refers to “A demilitarized status”.

The article also mentions a News Interview at the State Department.

The statements attributed by the author to Blinken remain to be confirmed.

(M.Ch, GR)


David Ignatius (lead image, left) has been a career-long mouthpiece for the US State Department. He has just been called in by the current Secretary of State Antony Blinken (right) to convey an urgent new message to President Vladimir Putin, the Security Council,  and the General Staff in Moscow.

For the first time since the special military operation began last year, the war party in Washington is offering terms of concession to Russia’s security objectives explicitly and directly, without the Ukrainians in the way.

The terms Blinken has told Ignatius to print appeared in the January 25 edition of the Washington Post.

The territorial concessions Blinken is tabling include Crimea, the Donbass, and the Zaporozhye,  Kherson “land bridge that connects Crimea and Russia”. West of the Dnieper River, north around Kharkov, and south around Odessa and Nikolaev, Blinken has tabled for the first time US acceptance of “a demilitarized status” for the Ukraine.  [This is not explicitly addressed in the Ignatius’ article]

Also, US agreement to  restrict the deployment of HIMARS, US and NATO infantry fighting vehicles, and the Abrams and Leopard tanks  to a point in western Ukraine from which they can “manoeuvre…as a deterrent against future Russian attacks.”

This is an offer for a tradeoff –  partition through a demilitarized zone (DMZ) in the east of the Ukraine in exchange for a halt to the planned Russian offensive destroying the fortifications, rail hubs, troop cantonments,  and airfields in the west, between the Polish and Romanian borders, Kiev and Lvov, and an outcome Blinken proposes for both sides to call “a just and durable peace that upholds Ukraine’s territorial integrity”.

Also in the proposed Blinken deal there is the offer of a direct US-Russian agreement on “an eventual postwar military balance”; “no World War III”; and no Ukrainian membership of NATO with “security guarantees similar to NATO’s Article 5.”

Blinken has also told the Washington Post to announce the US will respect “Putin’s tripwire for nuclear escalation”, and accept the Russian “reserve force includ[ing] strategic bombers, certain precision-guided weapons and, of course, tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”

President Putin has offered a hint of the Russian reply he discussed with the Stavka and the Security Council last week.

Putin told a meeting with university students on Wednesday, hours after Blinken’s publication.

“I think that people like you,” the president said, “most clearly and most accurately understand the need for what Russia is now doing to support our citizens in these territories, including Lugansk, Donetsk, the Donbass area as a whole, and Kherson and Zaporozhye. The goal, as I have explained many times, is primarily to protect the people and Russia from the threats that they are trying to create for us in our own historical territories that are adjacent to us. We cannot allow this. So, it is extremely important when young people like you defend the interests of their small and large Motherland with arms in their hands and do so consciously.”

Read on, very carefully, understanding that nothing a US official says, least of all through the mouths of Blinken, Ignatius, and the Washington Post is trusted by the Russians; and understanding that what Putin and the Stavka say they mean by Russia’s “adjacent historical territories” and the “small and large Motherland” has been quite clear.

Follow what Blinken told Ignatius to print, before Putin issued his reply. The propaganda terms have been highlighted in bold to mean the opposite — the public positions from which Blinken is trying to retreat and keep face.


Blinken ponders the post-Ukraine-war order

By David Ignatius, January 25, 2023

The Biden administration, convinced that Vladimir Putin has failed in his attempt to erase Ukraine, has begun planning for an eventual postwar military balance that will help Kyiv deter any repetition of Russia’s brutal invasion.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken outlined his strategy for the Ukrainian endgame and postwar deterrence during an interview on Monday at the State Department. The conversation offered an unusual exploration of some of the trickiest issues surrounding resolution of a Ukraine conflict that has threatened the global order.

Blinken explicitly commended Germany’s military backing for Ukraine at a time when Berlin is getting hammered by some other NATO allies for not providing Leopard tanks quickly to Kyiv. “Nobody would have predicted the extent of Germany’s military support” when the war began, Blinken said. “This is a sea change we should recognize.”

He also underlined President Biden’s determination to avoid direct military conflict with Russia, even as U.S. weapons help pulverize Putin’s invasion force. “Biden has always been emphatic that one of his requirements in Ukraine is that there be no World War III,” Blinken said.

Russia’s colossal failure to achieve its military goals, Blinken believes, should now spur the United States and its allies to begin thinking about the shape of postwar Ukraine — and how to create a just and durable peace that upholds Ukraine’s territorial integrity and allows it to deter and, if necessary, defend against any future aggression. In other words, Russia should not be able to rest, regroup and reattack.

Blinken’s deterrence framework is somewhat different from last year’s discussions with Kyiv about security guarantees similar to NATO’s Article 5. Rather than such a formal treaty pledge, some U.S. officials increasingly believe the key is to give Ukraine the tools it needs to defend itself. Security will be ensured by potent weapons systems — especially armor and air defense — along with a strong, noncorrupt economy and membership in the European Union.

The Pentagon’s current stress on providing Kyiv with weapons and training for maneuver warfare reflects this long-term goal of deterrence. “The importance of maneuver weapons isn’t just to give Ukraine strength now to regain territory but as a deterrent against future Russian attacks,” explained a State Department official familiar with Blinken’s thinking. “Maneuver is the future.”

The conversation with Blinken offered some hints about the intense discussions that have gone on for months within the administration about how the war in Ukraine can be ended and future peace maintained. The administration’s standard formula is that all decisions must ultimately be made by Ukraine, and Blinken reiterated that line. He also backs Ukraine’s desire for significant battlefield gains this year. But the State Department, Pentagon and National Security Council are also thinking ahead.

Crimea is a particular point of discussion. There is a widespread view in Washington and Kyiv that regaining Crimea by military force may be impossible. Any Ukrainian military advances this year in Zaporizhzhia oblast, the land bridge that connects Crimea and Russia, could threaten Russian control. But an all-out Ukrainian campaign to seize the Crimean Peninsula is unrealistic, many U.S. and Ukrainian officials believe. That’s partly because Putin has indicated that an assault on Crimea would be a tripwire for nuclear escalation.

The administration shares Ukraine’s insistence that Crimea, which was seized by Russia in 2014, must eventually be returned. But in the short run, what’s crucial for Kyiv is that Crimea no longer serve as a base for attacks against Ukraine. One formula that interests me would be a demilitarized status, with questions of final political control deferred. Ukrainian officials told me last year that they had discussed such possibilities with the administration.

As Blinken weighs options in Ukraine, he has been less worried about escalation risks than some observers. That’s partly because he believes Russia is checked by NATO’s overwhelming power. “Putin continues to hold some things in reserve because of his misplaced fear that NATO might attack Russia,” explained the official familiar with Blinken’s thinking. This Russian reserve force includes strategic bombers, certain precision-guided weapons and, of course, tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.

Blinken’s refusal to criticize Germany on the issue of releasing Leopard tanks illustrates what has been more than a year of alliance management to keep the pro-Ukraine coalition from fracturing. Blinken has logged hundreds of hours — on the phone, in video meetings and in trips abroad — to keep this coalition intact.

This cohesiveness will become even more important as the Ukraine war moves toward an endgame. This year, Ukraine and its allies will keep fighting to expel Russian invaders. But as in the final years of World War II, planning has already begun for the postwar order — and construction of a system of military and political alliances that can restore and maintain the peace that Russia shattered.


Click to follow Putin’s remarks in the official Kremlin translation.

Highlighted in bold type in Blinken’s text is the phrase, “a strong, noncorrupt economy and membership in the European Union”. This is Blinken’s message to the Kremlin that the  US wants to preserve Ukraine’s agricultural economy, its grain export ports, and the trade terms agreed with the European Union before the war. It is also Blinken’s acknowledgement that  Vladimir Zelensky’s  move early this week to force the resignations and dismissals of senior officials means the US is calling the shots in Kiev and Lvov.

Nothing is revealed in Blinken’s offer “for the Ukrainian endgame and postwar deterrence” of how, and who on the US and Russian sides, to negotiate directly on the particulars. Instead,  there is the hint that if the Russians agree to trust the Americans and delay the planned offensive, and if they allow the rail lines to remain open between Poland and Lvov, the Americans will reciprocate by keeping the Abrams and Leopard tank deliveries in verifiable laagers west of Kiev.

As Russian officials have been making clear for months, no US terms of agreement can be trusted on paper, and nothing at all which Blinken says.  A well-informed independent military analyst comments on the Russian options:

“The best response is continue the special military operation, destroy the Ukrainian military in their present pockets,  complete de-electrification and destruction of the logistics, then either take everything east of the Dnieper or establish a de facto DMZ,  including Kharkov. Blinken and the others cannot be trusted to follow through if they think they have a chance to stall for time. The Ukrainian Nazis are conspicuously absent from this proposal – and they remain to be dealt with. We know there will be no end to trouble if the Russian de-nazification objective against them stops now.”


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All images in this article are from Dances with Bears

Dr. Bassma Kodmani Died in Paris, and Syria Left in Ruins

March 7th, 2023 by Steven Sahiounie

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Dr. Bassma Kodmani died March 2, 2023, in Paris, where she had lived most of her life. She was a Franco-Syrian activist who played a large role in the destruction of Syria beginning in 2011.

Kodmani was born in Damascus in 1958, but at age 10 her family left Syria.  Her memories of Syria would have been limited to recollections of relatives, birthday parties, and holidays with friends and family in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Her adult world was Paris, France, and there she was a much respected and successful academic and intellectual. Kodmani held a Ph.D. in Political Science from Sciences-Po in Paris and was awarded the Légion d’Honneur of France as Chevalier in 2012.

In 2011, she became Head of Foreign Relations and spokesperson with the Syrian National Council, which she had co-founded, but resigned from in 2012 after the Muslim Brotherhood targeted her for ouster from the opposition group. Kodmani, Burhan Ghalioun, and others resigned in 2012 citing that the Muslim Brotherhood had usurped power in the group.

When several members of the council resigned they cited the overwhelming influence of the Muslim Brotherhood as a reason for their decision. “The Brotherhood took the whole council,” departing council member Walid al-Bunni told the New York Times. “We became like extras.”

The Muslim Brotherhood is a Radical Islamic terrorist group that is banned in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Syria. They hold the same political platform as ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups. They are not banned in the US and were a tool used by US President Obama in his US-NATO attack on Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

Burhan Ghalioun is a French-Syrian professor of sociology at the Université de Paris III Sorbonne University in Paris and the first chairman of the Syrian opposition Transitional National Council. He was named chairman on 29 August 2011.

In June 2012, while Kodmani was still with the Syrian National Council, they held a meeting in Istanbul which was attended by US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. She was well aware that the majority of Syrians living in Syria were not supportive of the opposition movement abroad.

“There are still many inside Syria who are not convinced that there can be a transition that would not make the situation worse for them – their families, their group, their location,” said Clinton. She was right.  The average Syrian was not in favor of chopping off the heads of their neighbors just because they were from a different religion or sect. Syria was a secular country and most wanted to remain so.  The rejection of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood is what defeated the Syrian opposition which was funded by the US, EU, NATO, Qatar, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.

Syrian women in Damascus today would have almost nothing in common with Kodmani other than some shared DNA. When a child’s candy bar had cost 50 Syrian Lira in 2011, but now costs 4,000, could Kodmani have been able to share what Syrian women lived in her experiment to bring democracy to Syria at the end of the barrel of a gun?

Kodmani was a French woman of Syrian ancestry.  She understood the history of Syria from textbooks, not from life.  She lived the Syrian experience secondhandedly by long distance. She longed to bring her western political culture to her ancestral home, but never considered if the Syrians living in Syria wanted her version of life, or if they could afford the destruction of an armed revolution.  She insisted on imposing her personal view of utopia on a population far removed from her culture.

One of the many organizations Kodmani was a co-founder of, was the NGO in Paris, ‘Initiative for a New Syria”. If her goal was to create a ‘new’ Syria, she did succeed.  The new Syria of today is poorer, sitting in ruins in many areas, and unable to begin any repairs other than sweeping up.  In her new Syria, the middle class is the new poor, and the former poor are destitute and starving. Kodmani’s new Syria has 30 minutes of electricity at three intervals per day. The new Syria has medical equipment sitting idle for repair in hospitals due to the US-EU sanctions which prevent western companies from selling products to Syria.  The humanitarian exemption is timely and costly and prevents most companies from taking the chance to fill a Syrian order.

Kodmani claimed that Syrian propaganda was created to blame inhuman conditions in Syria on US and EU sanctions.  She claimed the sanctions were only hurting the Syrian government, and never the Syrian people.

Richard N. Haass is an American political writer, but perhaps Kodmani never read his work. In 1998 he wrote “Economic sanctions: too much of a bad thing.”  Haass explained that US sanctions are not effective at big goals like a ‘regime change’.  He wrote that the sanctions end up hurting innocent civilians and are immoral and unethical.

After the fighting ended in Homs, Aleppo, and Damascus countryside, buildings and factories were left in ruins.  It wouldn’t be the Syrian government who would rebuild all of that.  Syrians who are private citizens, and who have the financial resources to be able to rebuild, are prevented from ordering supplies from abroad.  When you need wood, that needs to be ordered from Sweden or Norway, as Syria does not have domestic lumber resources.  US-EU lumber companies will not sell to any private person in Syria. Even if you could find one company abroad willing to sell you rebuilding supplies, how will the Syrian buyer send them the payment? The US-EU sanctions prevent any Syrian bank from wiring money abroad. Maybe the Syrian customer could travel to the company abroad and hand them the money? No, that is impossible because western countries have closed their embassies in Syria and even after traveling to Lebanon to a European embassy it will result in the denial of a visa to travel abroad.

In March 2021, Kodmani wrote an article concerning humanitarian aid in Syria.  She bemoaned the fact that there had been no credible negotiations to end the Syrian crisis for 10 years. The US and its allies were content to allow the Syrian people to continue to suffer with no plan to bring their suffering to an end. This was the goal of the Idlib occupation by terrorists, who would have been arrested in Washington or Paris, but in Syria were being fed and clothed by the UN and other western humanitarian agencies. The US and EU have a Syrian policy called ‘status quo’.  The policy was to keep humanitarian aid trucks delivering supplies to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly called Jibhat al-Nusra, the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria. The aid has been hijacked and sold by the leader of the terrorists, Muhammed al-Julani.

Kodmani wrote, “Humanitarian aid serves as a substitute for diplomacy and as moral compensation but, if mismanaged, it may well turn into a self-defeating strategy.” In the article, she explains that the aid going to Idlib is received by a small community.

However, the vast majority of Syrians live where no western humanitarian aid will ever be delivered because of sanctions. This unfairness is a form of collective punishment on the Syrian people imposed by the US and EU.

When I asked a Syrian woman if she knew Bassma Kodmani, she replied, “You mean the French lady?”  I answered yes, and told her she had died in Paris.  The Syrian woman replied, “May God have mercy on her soul.”


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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High-ranking Biden foreign policy officials including USAID Administrator Samantha Power and Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried observed the first anniversary of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. There, on February 25, 2023, they rallied alongside a band of Beltway-based Ukrainian activists dedicated to honoring and fundraising for ultra-nationalists and war criminals. The demonstrators demanded that the US send F-16 fighter jets to Kiev and “punish Russia” by any means necessary.

Power’s USAID promoted the event with a media advisory that redirected visitors to the rally’s principal organizer, an NGO called US Ukrainian Activists. This was one of two Ukrainian diaspora groups that organized the rally which have openly supported far-right elements in Ukraine since the US-backed Maidan coup in 2014.

US Ukrainian Activists was founded by Nadiya Shaporynska, an avowed supporter of neo-Nazi and ultra-nationalist militias like the Azov Battalion, whom she has branded “heroic defenders of Ukraine.” Shaporynska’s fundraising efforts on behalf of extremists groups which were at one point blacklisted by the US Department of Defense have been prolific and very public.

In a video tweeted by Power the day before the rally, Ukraine’s ambassador to the US, Oksana Markarova, is seen giving the USAID Administrator a tour of a local Ukrainian institution. Markarova points to a portrait of a woman on a wall and informs Power she is “Nadiya [Shaporynska], a tireless activist here in DC.”

Power and Sahporynska would become officially acquainted the following day, as pro-proxy war demonstrators descended on Washington DC’s National Mall.

Top Biden foreign policy officials join defenders of Nazis at Lincoln Memorial

The rally would have been unremarkable if it were not for it being the anniversary of the invasion and for the big names on the speaker roster.

Power was joined by Karen Donfried, the Biden Administration’s Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Donfried spent close to 20 years working at the American and German government-funded German Marshall Fund think tank, departing as its president to work at the White House in 2021. Other notable speakers included Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markarova; District of Columbia Secretary of State Kimberly Bassett; Mark Ordan, chair of the Board of Directors at the US Chamber of Commerce, and the European Union’s Ambassador to the United States, Stavros Lambrinidis.

Appearing on stage alongside these officials was Paul Grod, president of the Ukrainian World Congress. Grod has made a career out of defending the legacy of Nazi collaborators, having once petitioned the Canadian government to officially recognize the genocidal Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, or OUN, as ‘designated resistance fighters.” This designation would have funneled Canadian tax dollars directly into the pension accounts of Nazi collaborators.

In 2010, Grod honored the legacy of the Waffen SS Galicia, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists as heroes who fought “for the freedom of their ancestral Ukrainian homeland.” These groups were driving forces behind the genocide in Eastern Europe during World War Two.

Grod’s Ukrainian World Congress hosted the February 25 pro-proxy war rally through its affiliate the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. His group has declared Stepan Bandera, the Nazi collaborator whose forces slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Jews, Poles, and Soviet prisoners of war, as “the undisputed symbol of Ukraine’s lengthy and tragic struggle for independence.”

Following a series of speeches denouncing Russia and demanding more arms shipments from Washington, demonstrators embarked from the Lincoln Memorial, chanting “Russia is a terrorist state” as they made their way to the White House. Next, the marchers swarmed the Russian Ambassador’s residence in Washington DC to bark indignant condemnations at its facade.

Shaporynska mutters “Thank you USA for supporting Ukraine” into a megaphone as she leads the crowd to the White House.

Leading the march after emceeing the rally was Nadiya Shaporynska, the founder of the US Ukrainian Activists NGO and one of America’s leading fundraisers for neo-Nazi and ultra-nationalist militias back in her native Ukraine.

DC pro-proxy war rally led by enthusiastic promoter of Nazi battalions

In 2014, after the US helped install a nationalist pro-NATO government in Kiev, Shaporynska helped found a pressure group called United Help for Ukraine. Among the organization’s first moves was a protest outside the offices of the now-shuttered RT America newsroom. The following year, Shaporynska founded US Ukrainian Activists, which hosted the February 25 pro-proxy war rally in DC alongside United Help for Ukraine.

Shaporynska’s Facebook posts over the years reveal her enthusiastic support and fundraising for avowedly fascist Ukrainian militias including Right Sektor and its leader Dymtro Yarosh; the Azov Battalion, the Aidar Battalion, and former Donbas Battalion commander Semen Semenchenko.

In September 2022, Shaporynska held a protest outside of the White House with the wives of Azov fighters that had been captured by Russia. Around the same time, Shaporynska and her US Ukrainian Activists NGO were openly fundraising for the fascist militia, whom they called “heroic defenders of Ukraine.”

Shaporynska and her activist colleagues were raising money for the Azov Battalion when it was under the leadership of Andriy Biletsky, who outlined the group’s mission as follows: “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans].”

Under the auspices of United Help for Ukraine, Shaporynska helped organize a charity concert for the Azov and Aidar Battalions. That same year, Shaporynska and her colleagues posted photographs while clad in the colors of the neo-Nazi Ukrainian Right Sektor movement. They wrote that they were the “Washington DC Right Sector Branch” and that they “support” its leader Dmytro Yarosh.

Yarosh led Right Sector from 2013 to 2015, vowing to lead the “de-Russification” of Ukraine through an armed struggle. He is an avowed follower of the Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera.

Right Sektor’s red and black motif is a direct reference to the color guard of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B).

Yet Azov and Right Sektor aren’t the only groups of fascists and war criminals with Shaporynska and company’s full support.

Months after the pro-Azov event, Shaporynska threw yet another “charity concert” with the Georgian warlord Mamuka Mamulashvili, who now commands the Georgian National Legion foreign mercenary group. Mamulashvili was listed as US Ukraine Activists’ guest of honor.

In April 2022, Mamulashvili vowed to execute Russian prisoners of war, a war crime which his militia has committed on video in Ukraine. The warlord would meet with Shaporynska again in 2017 during one of his many junkets to Washington’s Capitol Hill.

Nadiya Shaporynska and Mamuka Mamulashvili in 2017.

The activists behind US Ukrainian Activists and United Help for Ukraine have made no apparent effort to conceal their full-fledged support for Ukraine’s most extremist factions. United Help for Ukraine has even described its co-founder, Tanya Aldave, as a “true banderite,” – in other words, an admirer of the Ukrainian Nazi collaborator Bandera. Today, Aldave’s Linkedin bio lists her as an attorney for the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

These avowedly nationalist activists appear constantly in photos posted to social media alongside Ukraine’s ambassador to the US, Oksana Markarova, indicating a close working relationship. And as the February 25 pro-proxy war rally revealed, they have also forged an alliance with top level Biden administration foreign policy hands like Samantha Power.


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Alex Rubinstein is an independent reporter on Substack. You can subscribe to get free articles from him delivered to your inbox here. 

All images in this article are from Internationalist 360

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There are so many ways that the Republican Party could have turned America’s political contests into a crushing defeat of Democrats in 2022 and especially in the upcoming 2024 races, but they chose instead to do what their mega-donors want them to do, which is to extend into the future the permanent-warfare U.S. economy that has poured trillions of U.S. taxpayer dollars into destroying Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and now especially into destroying Ukraine, and thereby making the investors in corporations such as Lockheed Martin and ExxonMobil even richer than they were before, while the broad masses of the American people become even more indebted than they were before — and this increased debt is without even including into the actual total debt, from these wars, their Government’s consequently swelling debt-burden, the soaring federal deficits, which their children will need to pay, all of this debt having been created in order to transfer those trillions of dollars, from the public, into the rapidly rising wealth of the one-in-ten-thousand super-rich net beneficiaries of America’s permanent-warfare U.S. economy.

The Republicans could have called Ukraine “Biden’s war,” or “the Democrats’ war,” but instead voted for it themselves, and so turned it into America’s war — the war by the billionaires of both of this one-party-state’s nominal two political Parties (the Parties of both Democratic billionaires and Republican billionaires).

Ukraine, like Syria, and like Yemen, was Obama’s war (he started it in 2011-2014), and because Hillary Clinton was even more of a neoconservative than Obama was, Trump became our President who would get us out of those U.S.-created wars; and, because Trump instead installed people such as John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, who were even more neoconservative than Obama’s team had been, we got Biden as President in 2020, who continues the worst policies of both Obama and Trump.

Trump kept waffling about what his policies would be on Ukraine, but Biden is no different than the super-neocon Hillary Clinton would have been; and, so, Americans who refused to vote for either Hillary or Trump in 2016, ended up getting in 2020 Hillary’s policies under the name of Joe Biden — and, yet, still, the Republicans in Congress continued to vote for the permanent-war policies, and they failed to call Ukraine, and Syria, and the other U.S.-fed wars, “the Democratic Party’s wars.” No, their billionaires wouldn’t allow them to disengage from these sanctions, and coups, and invasions: America was to continue to be ‘fighting for democracy and human rights’ around the world while spending on ‘national defense’ (against nations that posed no danger to us — such as Ukraine, and Iraq, and Syria, and Iran) as much money each and every year as all of the 200 other nations in the world collectively spend on the their militaries.

Do America’s 900 military bases in foreign countries add anything to the safety of the American people? Where does all that money actually go?

Someone posted online his brief spoken summary of the past few decades of what America’s ‘fight for freedom and democracy’ around the world has actually been doing. It opens with his describing his response on 24 February 2022 when he first heard about Russia’s invading Ukraine that day, and felt — and still feels — that this invasion was “long overdue”:

His historical account there is entirely truthful, though it is spoken much too fast, as-if he were instructed to keep it under six minutes.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Поводом притисака ЕУ/САД  да Србија, убрзано, корак по корак, призна једнострано илегално отцепљење Косова и Метохије Београдски форум за свет равноправних подсећа на следеће:

Једнострано отцепљење Приштине резултат је агресије НАТО извршене пре 24 године. Циљ оружане агресије је био доминација на Балкану, као део стратегије ширења НATO на Исток и припрема конфронтације са Русијом. Циљ продужене агресије чији је израз ултиматум да Србија призна тзв. Косово је исти – формализовање отимања Покрајине силом, супротстављање Србије Русији и Кини и припрема глобалног обрачуна.

Оружана агресија је окончана преговорима, а преговори усвајањем Резолуције СБ УН 1244 којом се, поред осталог, гарантује суверенитет и територијални интегритет Србије (СРЈ) а за Покрајину Косово и Метохија предвиђа широка аутономија у оквиру Србије (СРЈ).

Резолуција 1244 СБ УН је документ највеће правне снаге у светском правном поретку који обавезује сваку од 193 чланице УН, без изузетка и временског ограничења. Та одлука је даље на снази и нико, осим СБ УН, нема права да је укине, измени или прекрши наметањем другачијег решења. Србија има животни интерес да се ова Резолуција испоштује и до краја спроведе.

„Предлог Споразума о путу нормализације између Косова и Србије“, објављен на сајту Европске уније 27. фебруара 2023. од увода до последњег, 11. члана, представља грубо кршење Резолуције СБ УН 1244, принципа међународног права и Устава Србије. Настојања ЕУ према Србији као старој, европској држави, чланици УН и других међународних организација, да је претњама и уценама, принуде да прихвати изједначавање у правима и обавезама са њеном Аутономном Покрајином под привременим мандатом УН, представља јединствен пример у новијој историји бахатог и волунтаристичког понашања, нарушавања суверенитета и територијалног интегритета, злоупотребе мандата Генералне скупштине УН и преседан са тешко предвидивим последицама по мир и безбедност на Балкану и у Европи.

Од Србије се захтева да сама смањи своју Уставом утврђену, међународно признату државну територију са којом је постала чланица ОУН, ОЕБС и свих других међународних организација и да је пренесе криминално наметнутој творевини (чланови 2. и 4).

«Предлог Споразума» је пун контрадикторних одредаба и формалне симетрије од којих је свака на штету виталних интереса Србије. Творци су «Странама» оставили простор да свака на свој начин уверава јавност да је победила. Ако би се «Предлог Споразума» прихватио, потпуно је јасно да би у сваком спору пресуђивали ЕУ/САД, као што је јасно да би то, као и досад, увек било на штету Србије.

Речено је да “Предлог Споразума” није потписан, али је остало нејасно да ли је усмено прихваћен или није, о чему круже различите информације и тумачења која уносе пометњу у јавности. У таквој ситуацији је чудна сагласност свих учесника да преговарају о примени “Предлог Споразума” који није потписан, за који није потврђено да је прихваћен, који није објављен ни у једној институцији или службеном гласилу у Србији. Такав однос је неспојив са судбоносним значајем питања.

Србија и српски народ су суочени са покушајем историјске подвале ЕУ/САД. Излаз није у прихватању подвале под изговором да се морају сачувати мир и перспективе напретка и бољег живота. Неправедно, преваром и претњама наметнуто  решење у функцији глобалне конфронтације, може бити све друго осим допринос миру, развоју и бољем животу. Нужан је отклон од свих планова и прогноза који су и даље засновани на тезама о крају историје, и настојање да се Србија трајно одрекне трајних животних интереса зарад малих примамљивих понуда и користи.

ЕУ је показала своје право лице и 2013. принудивши Србију да повуче своје државне институције, укључујући полицију и судство, са севера Покрајине у замену за обећање успостављања ЗСО. Шта се дешава на северу Покрајине након тога, посебно шта је остало од обећања НАТО да тамо неће дозволити улазак ничијих дугих цеви, познато је: на делу су не само дуге цеви већ војне базе, отимање земље и пуна милитаризација! Десет година касније ЕУ/САД поново обећавају ЗСО, али у пакету – “и примена `Предлога Споразума ЕУ` и ЗСО по уставу тзв. Косова”. Толико о поштовању потписаног. На крају, може се поново десити – само примена “Предлога споразума ЕУ”! Али, добићемо гаранције! Чије?! Оних који су их увек давали и никада испоштовали?!

Обећавање инвестиција и донација уколико се Србија одрекне својих државних права на делу своје државне територије, свог достојанства и идентитета, пример је агресивности оживљеног неоколонијалног, неорасистичког менталитета и лицемерја за које смо веровали да су давно предати историји.

Ово време има историјски значај. Оно захтева да се Србија инспирише својим највећим дометима у најтежим историјским прекретницама, да се врати самопоштовању, општеприхваћеним принципима, Уставу и Резолуцији СБ УН 1244 као јединим поузданим ослонцима. Да се не мири са менталитетом подређености, зависности и немоћи који јој се потура. Да више поштује сопствене људске, научне, културне, духовне, привредне, геополитичке и природне потенцијале. И да не преговара о питањима која ограничавају њен суверенитет и територијални интегритет у пакету са страним бенефицијама, поготову не у страху од губитка нечијег милосрђа. Колико год било, оно се никад неће ни приближити износу штете од злочиначког «Милосрдног анђела».

И у односима са ЕУ треба сви да се руководимо начелом да су Србији други потребни онолико колико је Србија њима потребна, а не да у име «реализма» добровољно прихватамо заразу синдромом мање вредности. Време је да више и одговорније водимо рачуна о ономе шта су Србија и српски народ преживели кроз историју, од кога и да је неколонијални менталитет незајажљив. У наш однос према ЕУ и Западу уопште, морамо заувек уградити осећај – шта је Србија дала Европи подносећи милионске људске жртве за које се још нико није извинио. Ако нас потцењују, ако нас уцењују, као што чине, то је добрим делом због тога што ми сами себе потцењујемо.

Не смемо се ослонити на обећања и гаранције оних који су нас најчешће изневеравали.


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As winter bites, the current NATO proxy war that has raged for almost a year shows no signs of stopping, with November 2022 reports quietly admitting that roughly 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed or wounded in action. Millions of Ukrainians have fled their homes, and those who remain face conscription, power outages, and a lack of other basic resources. Meanwhile, the conflict has strained supply chains and energy access internationally, leading to sky-high inflation of basic items and slashed living standards, especially in Europe.

But perhaps “proxy war” is now a misnomer: officials are planning for long-term, hot conflict, and US leaders have even said they’re ready to “fight to the last person” in Ukraine. On 25 January, German Foreign Defense Minister Annalena Baerbock openly stated “We are fighting a war against Russia.” And a US official quoted by the Washington Post explained M1 Abrams tanks set aside for Ukraine are “probably not for the near fight,” and “are not likely to arrive for many months, if not years.” Recent statements from US officials, further, indicate that the US may help Ukraine strike Crimea, which would effectively constitute an attack on Russian soil, likely triggering significant retaliation.

But a major force carrying the world on a runaway train to war — the western intelligence community — remains little discussed, despite evidence it has sparked much of the ongoing war escalations.

From the Kerch Bridge explosion to the Nord Stream pipelines’ sabotage, a growing body of evidence reveals Western intelligence organizations, especially US and British intelligence communities, are playing key roles in sparking and escalating NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.

A corporatized media sphere, including significant intelligence and elite ties to mainstream media institutions, however, mean intelligence actions, and the war’s true gravity, are kept out of public scrutiny at a time when anti-war movements are critically weak. As a result, the intelligence community can continue operations uninhibited, perhaps even sparking a hot war.

Western Meddling and Intelligence Operations in Ukraine Before and During the Current Conflict

Image: Half a million tons of methane rise from the sabotaged Nord Stream pipeline. Photo: Swedish Coast Guard

Recent events indicate western intelligence is behind significant conflict escalations before and during the war in Ukraine, with incidents including, but not limited to, the Kerch Bridge attack, likely the Nord Stream pipeline explosions, and, as recent reporting from journalist and former US special operations officer Jack Murphy reveals, the CIA’s collaborations with a European NATO ally’s intelligence forces to conduct ongoing sabotages within Russia’s borders.

Even the New York Times has acknowledged major intelligence operations throughout the war, reporting in June 2022 that a “secretive operation involving U.S. Special Operations forces hints at the scale of the effort to assist Ukraine’s still outgunned military.”

But the West has meddled in Ukrainian affairs long before 2022. In fact, CIA documents declassified in 2016 reveal proof of intelligence involvement in Ukraine dating back to at least 1953. The CIA’s Codename: AERODYNAMIC, for example, was established “to provide for the exploitation and expansion of the anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance for cold war and hot war purposes.” And CAPACHO, an AERODYNAMIC affiliate project, is described by author Amit Bagaria as a psychological warfare operation, where CIA operatives organized and participated in Ukrainian study groups and publications, then distributed materials en masse to Ukrainian civilians, libraries, newspapers and cultural institutions to encourage nationalism and strengthen anti-Soviet sentiment and resistance. The intelligence operations, which TeleSUR English reported had been executed to destabilize and “nazify” Ukraine, continued into the 1970s.

Decades later, the United States played a major role in Ukraine’s 2014 western-backed coup, which replaced democratically elected Viktor Yanukovich with Petro Poroshenko, whose Washington-influenced government set Russia and Ukraine on a path for collision as Ukraine subsequently sought out NATO membership, one of Russia’s diplomatic “red lines.”

Mainstream western media portrayed the Maidan uprisings as a spontaneous mass movement towards alignment with Europe. While some protests arose organically, they posed an opportune time for Washington to facilitate Yanukovich’s ousting from power and form a government of their choosing through various covert efforts.

The late Robert Parry observed in late February 2014, for example, that the US intelligence proxy National Endowment of Democracy’s (NED) whopping 65 projects in Ukraine could serve as a “shadow structure” for Americans to influence the country’s decisions, or even whip up unrest. And former US Agent Scott Rickard told Russia Today in 2014 that US foreign aid agencies flooded about 5 billion USD into groups protesting the Ukrainian government during the Maidan protests.

United States Senators Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) and John McCain (R-Arizona) even went to Ukraine to attend the Maidan protests, with McCain telling CNN that “What we’re trying to do is try to bring about a peaceful transition…This is a grassroots revolution here.” Infamously, US Official Victoria Nuland’s call revealing plans for a “transition” in Ukraine, and who would be part of a possible new Ukrainian government, was also leaked.

Setting the stage for today’s war, the 2014 coup and its aftermath gave the US ample opportunities to expand influence in Ukraine while boosting the Eastern European country’s military capacities. As TJ Coles reported for The Grayzone, the Ukraine component of the US State Department and Pentagon Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF), founded in the coup’s wake, provided “tens of millions of dollars-worth” towards the Ukraine Ministry of Defense, National Guard, and especially the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces “in developing tactical and institutional capabilities that are compatible with Western models,” according to the US State Department.

Paving the way for greater conflict, President Barack Obama also authorized covert measures to plant “cyber weapons” in Russia that could be “detonated” in case of conflict escalation. While the Obama Administration could only authorize the measures, which were up to the Trump Administration to subsequently execute, ongoing sabotages as per Jack Murphy’s reporting suggest their likely success.

Since the war’s beginning, moreover, major intelligence operations are ongoing. As The Grayzone reported in October 2022, documents obtained showed British intelligence plans to blow up the Kerch Bridge, the bridge connecting Russia and Crimea, about six months before Ukraine did so in a suicide bombing apparently overseen by Ukraine’s SBU intelligence services. Kit Klarenberg later reported in The Grayzone that, according to documents obtained in 2022, UK intelligence is training Ukrainian soldiers to form a “partisan” army with plans to attack premeditated targets in Crimea.

And now, veteran journalist Seymour Hersh’s bombshell scoop claims US Navy divers, in a covert operation carried out by the US in collaboration with Norway’s Secret Service and Navy, planted remotely triggered explosives at the Nord Stream pipelines under the cover of NATO BALTOPS 22 exercises.

Hersh’s reports came out after months of media radio silence on Nord Stream. But even before his scoop dropped, it was clear the US had incentives to carry out the pipeline attacks. United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Nord Stream’s end was “a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy, and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs,” which “offers tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come.” And President Biden even suggested in early 2022 that “If Russia invades … then there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2 ….We will bring an end to it.”

Further, Jack Murphy’s reporting on intelligence-backed sabotage networks in Russia elucidates the depth of pre-planning against Russia. According to Murphy, the intelligence-established sabotage framework in Russia is “years in the making” and inhibits the country’s supply lines. A former CIA officer he interviewed, moreover, said the sabotages are especially damaging because they create a perceived Russian inability to control the country’s basic matters. As Murphy reports, the sabotages apparently explain or otherwise contribute to recent and mysterious incidents in Russia, such as damages to fuel depots, bridges and power plants, all ongoing since Russia’s Special Operation began early last year.

Finally, the AP missile story in November 2022, which incorrectly reported a Russian missile hit Poland, was based on incorrect information from anonymous US intelligence. The moment that led Zelensky to call for further conflict escalation forces skepticism about whether intelligence was looking to stir the pot.

While certainly incomplete, the breadth of known intelligence participation in Ukrainian affairs before and during the current war paints a picture of significant involvement able to drive both public opinion and the course of the war.

The Revolving Door Between Media, Intelligence, and the Elite

Western intelligence communities have carried out significant operations in and around Ukraine for years. Due to the lack of mainstream reporting on the subject, however, few are aware of the phenomenon even as dangerous conflict escalates, meaning the organizations can work without scrutiny.

While striking, the lack of media interest in western intelligence operations, in Ukraine and in general, is unsurprising considering the relationship media and intelligence communities enjoy. The relationship’s full extent remains unknown to the public, but hints at deep ties between the two entities frequently emerge.

Of course, the revolving door between the US media, elite and government is a visible phenomenon, with Jen Psaki, Kayleigh McEnany, and now Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders all receiving high-tier cable news positions after stints as White House Press Secretary. The same goes for prominent US intelligence community members, where former CIA director John Brennan is now an NBC senior national security and intelligence analyst, and Former Director of National Intelligence of the United States James Clapper is a CNN national security analyst.

On an international level, as journalist Jordan Schachtel revealed early this year, heads and higher-ups of major publications and media corporations, including the New York Times, NBC Universal and TIME Magazine were slated to attend the elite, invite-only Davos forum that took place earlier this winter. They did not attend to cover the event, but rather as participants.

Further, the recently-released Twitter files show how US government and intelligence have extensively curated the public’s understanding of major current events, such as the coronavirus crisis, Russiagate, and the current conflict in Ukraine, through social media content. In the case of Russiagate, for example, the files reveal US government officials fabricated and pressured Twitter to accept phony Russiagate narratives, including the lie that Russian bots propagated the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag in 2018. Twitter’s public silence on the matter allowed Russiagate narratives to circulate throughout mainstream media, priming the public for the anti-Russian hysteria that now dominates coverage of the current war.

While the Twitter files come with significant limitations due to the opaque, limited purview of their release and the corporate nature of and defense contractor ties twitter and its current CEO, Elon Musk, embody and enjoy, the released materials elucidate significant government and intelligence interference with the news feeds that millions scroll through every-day.

The United States government- and intelligence-adjacent organizations, further, have played significant roles in funding and shaping media institutions in the US and internationally. As Alan MacLeod notes in Mintpress News, the United States Embassy and CIA front group National Endowment for Democracy (NED) have funded a multitude of media organizations in the United States and elsewhere, including fact-checking organizations like VoxCheck, the Poynter Institute, and StopFake. Billionaire oligarch and Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar, furthermore, is known for funding a number of media publications and organizations, such as The Intercept until early 2023, as well as, as Alex Rubinstein and Max Blumenthal report for Mintpress News, funding a number of pro-regime change networks and fostering partnerships with CIA front-groups.

As Kit Klarenberg reports in his 2022 Substack piece “Anatomy of a Coup: How CIA Front Laid Foundations for Ukraine War,” similar phenomena are ongoing in Ukraine’s media sphere. For example, Omidyar, the NED, the US Embassy in Ukraine, in addition to USAID, have all funded Ukrainian media network Hromadske, which Klarenberg emphasizes played a key role in the coup’s success due to its fast growth and adept ability to disingenuously depict the Maidan protests as organic and representative of the larger populations’ political sentiments. The network was founded in late 2013 as the Maidan demonstrations began.

And attempts to report on intelligence operations only reveal more about the intelligence community-media relationship. In his article outlining intelligence-executed sabotages in Russia, for example, Jack Murphy admits he had to self-publish his work, explaining that other publication attempts entailed unethical work practices and even intelligence sabotage, where a senior CIA official “leaked a story to the New York Times to undermine his piece.”

At the end of his article, Murphy opines that the current state of journalist-intelligence relationships has hampered critical reporting, leaving the public completely unaware of ongoing intelligence activities contributing to escalating hostilities. Here, he criticizes the media industry for prioritizing its intelligence community relationships over the public’s need to know:

“….Journalists can lack the circumspection to examine how their organizations come to mimic the institutions of power that they claim to speak truth to. At some point the equities they build with the intelligence community and military commands become more important than informing the public.

Indeed, the Russian government knows perfectly well who is sponsoring these sabotage strikes. Moreover, the intelligence community wants them to know. The only party left in the dark is the public at large, left unaware of the shadow war taking place behind the scenes.”

The Impact

Unfortunately, intelligence ties to our media and major institutions leave major aspects of the current conflict opaque, just as they have obstructed the public’s understanding of previous conflicts they’ve contributed to. As a result, the anti-war movement remains critically weak despite today’s acute crisis.

Even as the world teeters towards possible nuclear war, the mass demonstrations and resistance present against the Iraq war two decades ago, which brought out the largest coordinated protests in history, are now almost nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, European anti-war and anti-NATO protests, when they do take place, occur with little media coverage.

No prominent US politician in office currently supports an anti-war position, and Congress almost unilaterally voted in favor of sending 40 billion USD in assistance to Ukraine in May 2022, with those opposing it largely doing so in order to investigate whether it was a reasonable use of taxpayer funds. And Democrats quickly withdrew a lackluster letter calling to prioritize diplomatic efforts in the Ukraine conflict in late 2022 after significant establishment blowback.

The moment is ripe for abuse from American officials, who openly admit to meddling in other countries’ affairs. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States Victoria Nuland, for example, even boasted recently that “we are working closely with the Belarusian opposition.” Recent Financial Times pieces, moreover, highlighted the United States’ efforts to prepare for war with China, including a leaked memo where General Mike Minihan, head of US Air Mobility Command, admitted, “My gut tells me we will fight in 2025.”

Without change, the current conflict could easily escalate into a hot war amongst the superpowers — some, including French historian Emmanuel Todd, argue we’ve already entered World War III. In the meantime, millions of Ukrainians, who have been reduced to cannon fodder in the West’s deadly war against Russia, are suffering with little recourse or chance at diplomacy.

Although poor media coverage of the war and mass censorship has hindered an anti-war movement thus far, previous roadblocks cannot get in the way of calls for diplomacy before it’s too late. The West’s hunger for conflict is insatiable: without mass public resistance, it seems little short of inevitable that the world could be submerged in a large-scale and deadly war.

The time for an anti-war movement, and an anti-war movement that recognizes and condemns the reckless actions of western intelligence agencies, is now.


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Imagine a World Without Smartphones

March 7th, 2023 by Emanuel Pastreich

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When people think of the great attack on humanity, they often refer to 9.11, the start of the Iraq war, the COVID-19 operation, or the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But perhaps the deadliest attack on humanity is that of the “silent weapon” for a “quiet war” the smart phone. This weapon is aimed at the intellectual classes as a means of destroying their minds from within.

I have watched how the smart phone, combined with social media, has degraded the capacity of citizens to think for themselves over the last decade. This attack by the multinational corporations on our minds is far more dangerous than any bombing or shooting for it renders us passive, like GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid) (the date- rape drug) prone to exploitation and destruction.

The smart phone was launched in full force around 2009. I do not doubt that it had its positive aspects, and I was eventually forced to use one myself. Now you cannot travel without one in many parts of the world, and increasingly governments require them in order to be recognized as a citizen. There is a sinister plan behind all of this, the great dumbing down, we call it.

The passivity and openness to suggestion that exposure to the smart phone induces is best described as a “procedure of conditioning,” to use the term of the German philosopher Günther Anders.

Anders wrote about a previous bid for totalitarian rule that was remarkably successfully, and never completely ended,

“Massenregie im Stile Hitlers erübrigt sich: Will man den Menschen zu einem Niemand machen (sogar stolz darauf, ein Niemand zu sein), dann braucht man ihn nicht mehr in Massenfluten zu ertränken; nicht mehr in einen, aus Masse massiv hergestellten, Bau einzubetonieren. Keine Entprägung, keine Entmachtung des Menschen als Menschen ist erfolgreicher als diejenige, die die Freiheit der Persönlichkeit und das Recht der Individualität scheinbar wahrt. Findet die Prozedur des „conditioning” bei jedermann gesondert statt: im Gehäuse des Einzelnen, in der Einsamkeit, in den Millionen Einsamkeiten, dann gelingt sie noch einmal so gut. Da die Behandlung sich als „fun” gibt; da sie dem Opfer nicht verrät, daß sie ihm Opfer abfordert; da sie ihm den Wahn seiner Privatheit, mindestens seines Privatraums, beläßt, bleibt sie vollkommen diskret.”

(Günther Anders, Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen, Beck, München 1961, p. 104)

Here’s the English translation:

“The stage-managing of masses that Hitler specialized in has become superfluous: if one wants to transform a man into a nobody (and even make him proud to be a nobody), it is no longer necessary to drown him in a mass, or to bury him in a cement construction mass-produced by masses. No depersonalization, no loss of the ability to be a man is more effective than the one that apparently preserves the freedom of the personality and the rights of the individual. If the procedure of conditioning takes place in a special way in the home of every person—in the individual home, in isolation, in millions of isolated units—the result will be perfect. The treatment is absolutely discreet, since it is presented as fun, the victim is not told that he must make any sacrifices and he is left with the illusion of his privacy or, at least, of his private space.”

Below is my article on the smart phone from the Korea Times published in 2018. I softened up my criticism at the time to reach a broader audience.


“Imagine Korea without smartphones”

By Emanuel Pastreich, Korea Times, December 2, 2018

When I make this suggestion, the response I receive from Koreans is one of intense fascination. But the assumption they make is that I am going to describe a futuristic “smart city” in which we no longer will use smart phones because information will be projected on to our eyeglasses, or our retinas, or perhaps relayed directly to our brain via an implanted chip.

But I mean exactly what I say. The unrelenting takeover of our brains and of our society by the smartphone is taking an ominous turn.

Each day I watch almost every person on the subway lost in their smartphones, and increasingly lacking empathy for those around them as a result. They are mesmerized by video games; they flip quickly past photographs of chocolate cakes and cafe lattes, or fashionable dresses and shoes, or watch humorous short videos.

Few are reading careful investigative reporting, let alone books, that address the serious issues of our time. Nor are they debating with each other about how Korea will respond to the crisis of climate change, the risk of a nuclear arms race (or nuclear war) between the United States, Russia and China. Most media reporting is being dumbed down, treated as a form of entertainment, not a duty to inform the public.

Few people are sufficiently focused these days even to comprehend the complex geopolitical issues of the day, let alone the content of the bills pending in the National Assembly.

We are watching a precipitous decline in political awareness and of commitment to common goals in South Korea. And I fear that the smartphone, along with the spread of a social media that encourages impulsive and unfocused responses, is playing a significant role in this tragedy.

What do those smartphones do? We are told that smartphones make our lives more convenient and give us access to infinite amounts of information. IT experts are programming smartphones to be even more responsive to our needs and to offer even more features to make our lives more comfortable.

But Nicholas Carr’s book “The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains” presents extensive scientific evidence that the internet as a whole, and smartphones in particular, are in fact reprogramming our brains, encouraging the neurons to develop lasting patterns for firing that encourage quick responses but that make contemplation and deep thought difficult.

Over time, we are creating a citizenship through that technology that is incapable of grasping an impending crisis and unable or unwilling to propose and implement solutions.

If smartphones are reprogramming our brains so that we are drawn to immediate gratification, but lose our capacity for deeper contemplation, for achieving an integrated understanding of the complexity of human society, and of nature, what will become of us?

But consumption, not understanding, let alone wisdom, is the name of the game for smartphones.

In the case of the worsening quality of the air in Korea, I observe a disturbing passivity, and also a painful failure of citizens to identity the complex factors involved. Even highly educated people seem not to have thought carefully about the exact factors behind the emissions of fine dust in Korea, and in China, and how that pollution is linked to the deregulation of industry, or to their behavior as consumers.

That is to say those phenomena in society have been broken down into discrete elements, like postings on Facebook, and that no overarching vision of complex trends is ever formed in the mind.

We float from one stimulating story to the next, like a butterfly flitting from one nectar-laden flower to another. We come away from our online readings with a vague sense that something is wrong, but with no deep understanding of what exactly the problem is, how it relates to our actions, and no game plan for how to solve it.

There is a powerful argument to be made that certain technologies that can alter how we perceive the world should be limited in their use if there is reason to believe they affect the core of the democratic process. Democracy is not about voting so much as the ability to understand complex changes in society, in the economy and in politics over time.

Without such an ability to think for ourselves, we will slip into an increasingly nightmare world, although we may never notice what happened.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

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Last week saw the advance release of a summary of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s still-pending detailed report on Nicaragua. The report supposedly results from an investigation by a group of experts of “all alleged human rights violations and abuses committed in Nicaragua since April 2018.” This procedure and the document so far presented confirm in the most categorical way possible that the United Nations human rights system is complicit in the terrorism of the countries of the West against nations and peoples who resist their will, in this case Nicaragua.

The increasingly blatant development of this reality has been clear since the war against Yugoslavia in 1999 to the wars against the legitimate governments of Libya, Ivory Coast and Syria in 2011. Also in this same period there has been an intensification of the genocidal blockade against Cuba and numerous genocidal attacks by Israel against the Palestinian people. These wars and blockades have been accompanied by the extension of sanctions against North Korea and intense illegal coercive measures against Iran and other countries. In Latin America, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has managed to overcome a ruthless offensive of infrastructure sabotage, outright theft of its national patrimony and sadistic trade and financial warfare waged by the United States and its allied countries.

In all these aggressions and campaigns of terrorism, the Western human rights industry has been complicit in one way or another. The height of their complicity in the terrorism of the Western ruling classes against the majority world has been their blatant collaboration in the offensive of the NATO countries, using the fascist government of Ukraine, against Russia and the Russian-speaking population of Donbass. This reality now includes the infamous instrumentalization of human rights as a tool to slander and attack the government of Nicaragua and to cover up the terrorism organized in 2018 by the governments of the United States and its allies in the European Union against the Nicaraguan people.

The United Nations system itself, in this case its Office on Drugs and Organized Crime, defines terrorism as:

  • the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
  • the conduct of premeditated violent acts or the threat of violence perpetrated by members of an organized group, designed to create fear in an adversary or specific segment of society

  • the deliberate creation and exploitation of fear through violence or the threat of violence in the pursuit of political change

  • the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion or intimidation.

  • illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective by targeting innocent people

All these criteria fully apply to the failed coup attempt of 2018. It is notorious in Nicaragua that Paolo Abrao of the IACHR affirmed to our authorities in 2018 that its mandate did not cover criminal acts. However, when the Nicaraguan State did apply its national laws against Western supported terrorist criminals, the IACHR, the UN and their NGO cronies demanded freedom for those convicted, claiming they were “political prisoners”. The same irrational and contorted logic is applied in this latest UN report, in clear violation of its obligation to respect Nicaragua’s national sovereignty.

In fact, the terrorist criminals were prosecuted according to numerous laws of the Republic of Nicaragua, Law 147, General Law on Non Profit Legal Entities ; Law 919, Law on Sovereign Security ; Law 977, Law against the Laundering of Assets, Funding of Terrorism, and Funding of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction; Law 996, Amnesty Law; Law 1040, Law Regulating Foreign Agents; and Law 1055, Law in Defence of the People’s Right to Independence, Sovereignty and Self-Determination for Peace.

Furthermore as well as these crimes, other offenses of which the people concerned were convicted involved crimes set out in Nicaragua’s Criminal Code, such as financial crimes and fraud including: misappropriation and improper retention (Codigo Penal article 238), laundering of money, goods and assets (Codigo Penal article 282), abusive management (Codigo Penal article 278) and ideological falsehood (Codigo Penal article 285) or else treasonous criminal conduct (Codigo Penal Articles 410 and 412).

However, as well as violating one way or another this body of national laws, the 2018 coup promoters also violated numerous norms of international law, for eample, the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism,and International Convention against the Taking of Hostages. But the report of the Human Rights Council’s group of experts on Nicaragua completely ignores this body of international law which is directly relevant to the actions of the failed coup instigators from April 2018 onwards, criminally financed by the United States and its European allied governments.

So the Human Rights Council report not only violates Nicaragua’s national sovereignty. It also tramples on international law promoted by the United Nations system itself and ignores the criteria of that same system regarding terrorism. It even ignores its own terms of reference to investigate “all alleged human rights violations and abuses committed in Nicaragua since April 2018.” It failed to take into account repeated past submissions on the part of the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua since April 2018 to the OAS and UN human rights system. But they complain in their report with astonishing chutzpah that the Nicaraguan government did not respond to their requests for information.

The report also fails to take into account the countless reports in Nicaragua’s local media at the time of the violent events provoked by the coup promoting opposition in Nicaragua from April 18, 2018 onwards. Aside from the massive amount of material available in Spanish that disproves its false conclusions, the UN panel of experts has also ignored a substantial body of material both documental and audiovisual in English that demonstrates the complete lack of impartiality of the expert group’s report. None of this is new.

As many people have commented, the UN has long served as an obedient tool for the political objectives of the United States and its allies. And it is not just that Western governments with impunity fail to comply with international norms promoted by the UN, in fact they act deliberately to violate them. As the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation has commented in relation to Ukraine, “Not once in the last eight years since the reunification of Crimea with Russia have the West or the UN human rights mechanisms condemned the illegal and inhumane actions of the Ukrainian authorities, who have imposed a water, energy, transport, food and humanitarian blockade on the peninsula.”

And Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, adds “International and European human rights organizations pay no attention to this, and turn a blind eye to any violation of human rights when it comes to ethnic Russians. This is how the Russophobia we have been talking about for some time now manifests itself.”

Since the defeat of the violent phase of their coup attempt in Nicaragua on July 2018, the U.S. ruling classes and their allied countries in the European Union have continued seeking to advance their regime change agenda in Nicaragua. This latest spurious UN report signals a new phase in imperialist harassment against Nicaragua and its people. As might be expected, Nicaragua has made a dignified response in defense of its national sovereignty by declaring to the UN Human Rights Council on March 3rd this year:

We demand that this organization reassume the principles for which it was created, which is to encourage real, equal and effective protection of Human Rights for all, without distinction or discrimination, within the framework of respect for our identity, our dignity, our idiosyncrasy and moreover, our sovereignty. It is necessary that this forum empowers itself with its responsibilities, recognizing and respecting the right of the peoples of the world to make their own decisions and to live in Peace, with Sovereignty and Humane Consideration.


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This article was originally published on Tortilla con Sal, translated from Spanish.

Stephen Sefton, renowned author and political analyst based in northern Nicaragua, is actively involved in community development work focussing on education and health care. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Students protest in the Nicaraguan capital, Managua. (July 2018 via UN News)

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The Chief Executive of the twelfth largest oil producer – Sultan Al Jaber of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) – has been appointed as president of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) COP28, the biggest climate change conference that will take place in November, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

In brief, the leadership of a Climate Conference that should deliver on ways to create a fossil-free future is in the hands of the representative of one of the top 15 corporations most responsible for carbon emissions globally. Like any other oil company, ADNOC’s very reason for existence is to profit off of the very product that has sent global greenhouse gas emissions soaring and spurred a global climate emergency.

In fact, ADNOC Drilling under ADNOC Groups reported a rise of 33 percent in 2022 net profit with a projection of record net profit in 2023 fueled by further oil and gas expansion plans. And now at least 12 employees of ADNOC have been given organizing roles for COP28. That means this year the global climate negotiations will literally be run by the fossil fuel industry.

Fierce criticism has arisen from all over the world and in particular from climate activists that have been long fighting for a fossil fuel free climate COP. In reaction to this appointment, more than 450 climate and human rights organizations wrote a letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres and Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC condemning the appointment of Al Jaber as COP28 President.

The thin argument presented for the appointment of Al Jaber is his involvement in renewables as chairman of Masdar, a “clean-energy innovator” investing in renewables. But that alone does not compare to the evidence on the negative role and powerful influence of the fossil fuel industry in the climate talks.

The fossil fuel industry has completely co-opted climate policy from the inside out. The most offensive illustration of this co-option and corporate capture of climate talks is the current reality that someone like Al Jaber will preside over a crucial session of climate negotiations at such a time when complete and equitable phase out of fossil fuels is a critical and immediate action needed to protect the planet.

And this is not happening for the first time!

More than 630 fossil fuel industry lobbyists participated in COP27 last year at Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt and 18 out of 20 COP27 sponsors were either directly partnered with or are linked to the fossil fuel industry.

This ongoing 30-year experiment of allowing the largest polluters, their financiers, and polluter governments to undermine a meaningful global response to climate change has delivered predictably poor and unacceptable results.

Several reports last year including this report by the UN Environmental Programme showed that the world will miss the target set in the Paris Agreement by world leaders to limit global warming below 1.5℃.

So, what’s the solution?

It’s time for international climate policy to finally be protected from polluting interests, and this is the reason many are proposing a concrete drawing from other UN precedents to systematically weed out this undue interference.

The UN Secretary General has recently equated the fossil fuel industry’s modus operandi as “inconsistent with human survival,” also agreeing that “those responsible [for climate deceit] must be held to account.’

A concrete Accountability Framework should be implemented by the UNFCCC drawing from other UN precedents to systematically weed out this undue interference.

Parties to the UNFCCC have to change the course of how climate talks are moving and provide immediate and clear signs of deep structural changes that can lead to just transition. Governments across the world should be actively protecting climate action from being written, bankrolled, and weakened by polluting interests.

Rather, it’s (past) time to implement real, proven, and people-centered solutions and hold polluting corporations liable for their decades-long deception and deceit. These are not new ideas. These are not even radical ideas. They are necessary ones.

The indigenous peoples, peasants, women and frontline communities who face and suffer the serious consequences of the impacts of climate change, together with the social groups of the world that have a real interest in curbing the emissions of greenhouse gasses, demand that the decision makers implement the necessary changes in order to ensure that appropriate measures are adopted by the world and governments at COP28 to prevent the collapse of the planet.

If these necessary measures are not rectified and implemented immediately, it is world leaders and the decision makers who would be mainly responsible for the collapse of our planet. For us it is clear, Sultan Al Jaber does not have the moral or ethical rectitude to lead and deliver on a COP28 that is for the peoples.


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Pablo Fajardo Mendoza is with the Union of People Affected by Chevron-Texaco (UDAPT); and Gadir Lavadenz is Global Coordinator, Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice

Featured image is from IPS

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Even before the start of Moscow’s counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe, Russia and its military were often denigrated and underestimated by the mainstream propaganda machine. This decades-old (or should we say centuries) practice has escalated dramatically since February 24 last year. The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) are particularly targeted, being presented as a supposed “failure” despite obliterating most of the Kiev regime’s air force in mere weeks. This is also illustrated by the Neo-Nazi junta’s desperate pleas and so-called “begmanding” to get fighter jets from NATO, including the US-made F-16, despite even the Ukrainian pilots themselves knowing they are vastly inferior to their own Soviet-era Su-27s.

Russian VKS dominates the skies over Ukraine with its state-of-the-art Su-35S and superfast, high-flying MiG-31. However, what caught the attention of NATO is the usage of Moscow’s next-generation Su-57, a platform that has essentially transcended the notion of so-called “fifth generation” aircraft. Being at the forefront of Russia’s investment in aviation technology, the jet is one of the world’s most advanced aircraft. Bristling with sensors, new advanced technologies and using the latest missiles and bombs, Su-57 can truly be defined as an “overkill” against the vastly outmatched Kiev regime’s air force. Its most important mission so far has been SEAD (suppression of enemy air defenses), most likely using Kh-59MK2 and Kh-31 cruise missiles, in addition to using its advanced electronic warfare capabilities.

However, it should be noted that aircraft such as the Su-25 attack/CAS (close air support), Su-30 multirole and Su-34 strike jets are the “bread and butter” of Russian VKS operations in Ukraine, conducting the vast majority of missions. These have been at the center of a targeted mainstream propaganda machine campaign, aiming to underestimate their performance and capabilities. And yet, the UK Ministry of Defense is rather unconvinced, as it has “expressed concern” with Moscow’s capabilities. Back in early January, the UK MoD confirmed the reports that Russian jets have managed to shoot down Kiev regime aircraft from ranges exceeding 200 kilometers, including with platforms such as the Su-57.

The “Felon’s” (NATO reporting name for Su-57) sensor suite of six AESA (active electronically scanned array) radars and advanced IRST (infrared search and track) systems allow it to simultaneously track more targets over extreme ranges than any other fighter jet in the world. And while the VKS operates only a dozen serial Su-57s, these have been a major force multiplier. The UK military is rather worried that “Felon’s” numbers have more than tripled since 2021 and are further expected to swell to 24 aircraft this year. Combined with the Su-35S and MiG-31, the Su-57 is a deadly challenge for NATO, according to the aforementioned January 2023 assessment by UK MoD that reported the fighters were “launching long-range air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles into Ukraine since at least June 2022”.

The range of the missiles used by the aforementioned Russian fighter jets is considered a dangerous challenge for their NATO rivals. This is particularly true when it comes to the unrivaled R-37M hypersonic air-to-air missile with its staggering maximum engagement range of 400km. It is precisely this missile that was most likely used in the record-breaking 217 km shoot-down, fired by either Su-35S or Su-57. Other UK outlets, such as The Conversation, have also reported that the UK military confirmed this in mid-February, stating that “the Russian MiG-31 and Su-57 operating the R-37M long-range hypersonic missile have engaged Ukrainian aircraft at a range of over 200 km from the safety of Russian airspace”, reluctantly admitting just how hopelessly outclassed the Kiev regime forces are.

The performance of the Su-57 is of particular concern for NATO. Its usage in Ukraine already made it the first and only next-generation fighter jet to engage in high-intensity operations. Of course, unless we count the decisive victory of the US Air Force F-22 “Raptor” over a Chinese weather balloon. However, in all seriousness, the USAF has operated fifth-generation aircraft for nearly 18 years, but it has never used them against advanced adversaries, as its aggression against the world is nearly always conducted against mostly helpless opponents. Although the Su-57 was also delayed for several years before it entered service, the Russian military used this time to ensure that the jet was as close to full readiness as it could possibly be, which is further reinforced by its combat use in Syria years before it was officially inducted.

Engaging and easily neutralizing formidable targets such as the Su-27, which, as previously mentioned, far exceeds the capabilities of US-made F-16 fighters, is a clear indicator of just how dangerous Russian jets are. In the case of Su-57, it also shows that the jet is not limited to an initial operating capability (IOC), despite its small numbers and having been inducted into service only 2 years ago. This stands in stark contrast to the best US/NATO jets, such as the F-22, which took years to reach IOC. This lasted for nearly five years before “Raptor” reached FOC (full operational capability). The case of the F-35 is even worse, as the troubled jet is yet to reach even IOC despite being in service for almost eight years now and nearly a quarter of a century since it made its first flight.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Standing Together – Resisting the New Normal

March 7th, 2023 by Colin Todhunter

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The US wanted Russia to attack Ukraine. So says Robert H Wade, professor of Global Political Economy at the London School of Economics. And then it brought in its wide-ranging sanctions regime in response. According to renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, the US subsequently blew up the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

The result is that Europeans are experiencing an energy crisis, and Germany in particular faces deindustrialisation. The Ukraine situation is not just a NATO proxy war with Russia. It is also a trade and energy war inflicted by the US on Europe.

Although the impact of the war is acutely felt by Europe, inflation continues to increase across the Western countries, including the US, and their economies are in crisis.

While the sanctions and war are having an inflationary impact, they serve as convenient cover for the effects of a massive increase in ‘quantitative easing’ that occurred in late 2019 and in 2020. The US Federal Reserve created almost a fifth of all US dollars ever created in 2020. According to economist Professor Richard Werner, central banks around the world also pumped more money into their economies during this period. He concludes that central banks are largely responsible for the inflation we now see.

Financial markets were collapsing in October 2019, and the crisis reached a head in February 2020 with a massive crash. Prior to COVID and then under cover of this bogus public health crisis, trillions of dollars were pumped into the economy and lockdowns were imposed to prevent an immediate hyperinflation shock. The global economy was shut down.

Much of the inflation currently being experienced is a result of this. COVID lockdowns were not a cause of economic collapse. They were a symptom of it. A temporary band aid for an imploding neoliberalism that now requires a radical restructuring of economies and societies.

And that restructuring is brutal. Neoliberalism has been on life support for some time and has resorted to various strategies (expansion consumer credit, speculative finance, debt, etc) to keep it alive. But these strategies have to a large extent run their course.

In response, we are witnessing a controlled demolition of large parts of the economy and a shift towards authoritarian governance to deal with the growing resentment and dissent that governments fully expect. While lockdowns can be regarded as extraordinary monetary policy measures for addressing short-term inflation risk, they also did much to accelerate the restructuring of economies, not least by closing down small independent businesses.

The effects of the current sanctions regime on Russia may be regarded as an extension of this restructuring. We must not assume that the people implementing the sanction policies were too ignorant to see what the outcome would be for the Western economies.

So, for ordinary people, what’s the end game?

Soaring inflation means your money will lose value. Your savings could evaporate. And rising interest rates will intensify hardship – both for ordinary people and for businesses. Increased interest rates in a debt-ridden economy could well precipitate economic collapse.

Enter central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). It seems likely that these will eventually be brought in as part of a new monetary system. When people have lost almost everything (the WEF mantra – own nothing and be happy), many might well be desperate enough to want a (programmable) digital universal basic income from the government.

But this – in the longer term – would lead to a digital prison: your carbon credit score and social credit score linked to your ability to use your digital currency, your freedom of movement and so on.

The fiat currency system is dying. De-dollarisation is now underway and the US’s longstanding partner – Saudi Arabia – is turning to China and accepting non-dollar payment for oil.

The world is increasingly trading in currencies other than the US dollar. Global US hegemony rests on the dollar being the world reserve currency. This is coming to an end.

What CBDCs will base their value on remains to be seen. A return to a gold standard perhaps. But the strategy appears to involve a process of economic restructuring (or demolition) leading to the impoverishment of populations then the rollout of CBDCs.

COVID was an accelerator that saw entire populations cajoled into submission thanks to a crisis narrative. Integral to the plan is the eventual imposition of digital IDs.

Whether it is immigration, war, food shortages, fear of pandemics, potential cyberattacks, climate emergency or some other crisis narrative, one way or another, circumstances will be manipulated to engineer the introduction of digital IDs – precursors to CBDC servitude. A servitude linked to ‘smart’ city surveillance technology, net zero ideology and 15-minute de facto lockdown cities.

Can this be prevented? What can ordinary people do?

We can, for instance, grow our own food (if we have access to land), use farmer markets, boycott the retail giants and cashless stores, use cash whenever possible, create our own credit unions and so on. But to act in unison, it is essential that we come together and do not feel isolated in a world in which division is encouraged.

Many instinctively knew from the start that there was something seriously amiss with the COVID narrative and the lockdowns. But the vast majority of people – at least at the beginning of the COVID exercise – went along with the narrative. Dissenters tended to feel isolated and came together online. As the weeks passed, they began to attend protests in person.

At these gatherings – the speeches aside – it felt uplifting simply to be in the company of like-minded people. But after the protests, many returned home and were again surrounded by friends, family and colleagues who still kept faith in the narrative and the relentless media propaganda.

COVID might have receded into the background at this point, but the end goal is clear. That’s why it remains important to continue to stand together – in person, in solidarity. From small acorns, movements grow.

With this in mind, Fifi Rose, who helped initiate the A Stand In The Park movement in the UK, describes as a non-hierarchal people’s collective of autonomous groups, tells an inspiring story on a recent edition of the Locked & Loaded podcast with Rick Munn on TNT radio.

The podcast shows how one man’s resistance – which involved standing alone in a Sydney park for weeks on end – helped create a growing global movement based on face-to-face interaction.


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Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal.

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

East Palestine’s “Containment Dam” Overflows

By Mac Slavo, March 06, 2023

The makeshift dam designed to prevent toxic water contamination in East Palestine, Ohio following the toxic train derailment, has failed and overflowed. Mainstream media reports that “heavy rain” caused the water to overflow near East Palestine’s city park, causing more concern among residents.

Young People Who Suffered Blood Clots and Amputations After COVID-19 Vaccination Are Being Lied to, and Media Uses Them to Lie to Us

By Dr. William Makis, March 07, 2023

There is a heartbreaking, tragic story that is promoted by mainstream media every few months, and that is the story of 20 year old Florida model Claire Bridges who lost both legs due to what they tell us was “COVID-19”.

Biden Administration Targets Senate Judiciary for Constitutional Demise

By Renee Parsons, March 06, 2023

If there is one committee within the hallowed, marbled halls of the United States Senate, one historic committee that has maintained its devotion to the rule of law, that Committee struggles today for its survival as an exemplar of judicial excellence.

Peru and the People’s Defenses

By J. B. Gerald, March 06, 2023

Following the January mobilization to protest the removal from office of Peru’s Indigenous President Pedro Castillo, unofficial reports indicate continuing resistance to the Dina Boluarte assumed Presidency. The Boluarte government is backed by an extreme right Parliament and the country’s military.

Switzerland: Insanity – Leopards to Germany

By Peter Koenig, March 06, 2023

Switzerland, a neutral country, is considering committing not only a crime against her own “legendary” Constitutional neutrality but also against humanity, by possibly delivering weapons, tanks, indirectly to a country at war.

Our World and How We Behave in It.

By Dave McGowan, March 06, 2023

When it comes to population control, 95% of the world’s population is concentrated on just 10% of the world’s land.  This is not a problem. When it comes to climate change, well the climate is changing all the time.  It is we humans that are the biggest threat to the climate.

Was the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria Man-made?

By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof and Zeitpunkt, March 06, 2023

The earthquake in Turkey and Syria has once again hit enemies of the US. It is now being debated whether the earthquake was triggered technically – light phenomena observed by officials and the previous closure of some authorities are possible indications of this. But the fact-checkers deny it. Who are you supposed to believe – if you’re not a physicist?

Syria Condemns Illegal Visit of Top US General. Biden Wants to Keep Troops in Country

By The Cradle, March 06, 2023

The Syrian Foreign Ministry on 5 March strongly condemned the illegal visit of US Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to an undisclosed base in Syria’s northeast a day earlier. The foreign ministry stressed that the visit is a flagrant violation of Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and unity.

Documentary: Embarrassing Truth Behind the Global Food War

By South Front, March 06, 2023

For months, MSM and Western diplomatic talking heads are howling about how the military operation of ‘big bad Russia’ against the ‘peaceful and democratic’ Kiev regime is undermining the global food security.

Africa’s Food Crisis Caused by the West. 278 Million Africans— One in Five —Are Facing Hunger

By Asad Ismi, March 06, 2023

While the COP 27 environmental summit ended without significant achievements, Africa is in the grip of its worst food crisis ever, driven by a perfect storm of climate crisis conditions— drought and floods—along with raging armed conflicts and spiraling grain import prices.

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Sorry to Bother You But People Are Dying!

March 7th, 2023 by Olivia DiNucci

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Dear President Biden,

My name is Olivia DiNucci and I am the anti-war activist who interrupted your dinner in DC the other night. You, the most powerful man in the world, were sitting right in front of me. Normal people like me don’t often have access to people like you and I couldn’t resist addressing you knowing we are in such a pivotal moment in history, one year after the horrific Russian invasion of Ukraine. I know that it was President Putin’s decision to illegally and inhumanely invade Ukraine but I believe you have the power to initiate peace talks between him and President Zelensky to end this war and to stop the bloodshed. The continued escalation of this war has real consequences.

Knowing that people are dying and will continue to die because of endless wars, I asked you to push for negotiations over further escalation in Ukraine. The continuation of this war only means more death and destruction for the people and communities of Ukraine, those in the Global South, and the world at large. The war has plunged the country into chaos and instability and the threat of nuclear war is terrifying to young people like me.

Since my disruption, China’s president Xi has offered up a peace plan. President Lula de Silva of Brazil and other countries’ leaders are intensifying their push for diplomacy and negotiations as well. The U.S. must also push for peace instead of endlessly supplying weapons to prolong the devastating conflict. Human beings do not “win” in war, instead the weapons manufacturers and military contractors do. In fact, they profit from war and have monetary incentive to make politicians like you believe they’re “necessary” to national security. Those companies, like Lockheed Martin, also happened to donate to your presidential campaign and receive over half of the nearly one trillion dollar Pentagon budget you just signed a few months ago.

As the devastating war enters its second year, the escalation of weapons and propaganda is turning the conflict into a forever war. War and conflict ends with some sort of negotiated settlement. The question is: how many more deaths does it take before you use your power to initiate peace talks? The more weapons you send or fund will only create less stabilization in Ukraine and its neighbors. US escalations have real consequences. And now, more than a fourth of Ukrainaians are displaced (largely women and children), homes have crumbled, farmlands which feed communities have been poisoned, families have been torn apart. We need peace now.

The war in Ukraine has had a devastating effect on the entire world, especially the Global South.  Don’t take my word for it. Listen to the populations who face famine and extreme hunger the longer the war lasts. If you didn’t like me disrupting your dinner, imagine what it’s like for the millions of people of the global south whose dinners are constantly disrupted by war.

I also asked that you remove Cuba from the State sponsor of terrorists list. The current economic blockade we impose on Cubans is another form of war. Another costly form of war that you could end now. The whole world agrees: sanctions only hurt poor and working class families in Cuba.

I was kicked out of the restaurant before I could demand you stop funding and arming Israel’s occupation of Palestine, urged you to stop supporting Saudi Arabia’s slaughter in Yemen, reminded you of the devastation happening in Ohio, demanded you address the needs of the unhoused who were outside the door of the restaurant, take serious action towards the world’s common enemy, the climate crisis in which the Pentagon is the largest institutional polluter. The list could go on and on.

The world is at a crossroads. At this moment in history, we have the ability to choose between peace and war – between stability and chaos and addressing the needs of true national security: healthcare, housing, education and climate justice. We must pursue what is right, not what is easy; we must pursue what benefits people, not war-profiteers. I don’t feel ashamed for disrupting your dinner and wish the people had more access to you. People are dying and you hold the power to end much of the death and destruction of people and the planet.

I encourage every person who may be reading this: if you find yourselves in the same room as members of the ruling class, ask them the hard questions. To the warmongers: why do you think young people do not deserve a future free from war? To the corporations from the weapons manufacturers to the fossil fuel industry: why do you continue to make a killing off of killing? We demand answers to these questions even if it does briefly disrupt someone’s fancy dinner.


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Olivia DiNucci currently based in Washington DC on Piscataway Land as an anti-militarism and climate justice organizer for CODEPINK.

Featured image is from Indian Punchline

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There is a heartbreaking, tragic story that is promoted by mainstream media every few months, and that is the story of 20 year old Florida model Claire Bridges who lost both legs due to what they tell us was “COVID-19”.

Published on Mar.5, 2023, CNN’s article reads: “She flatlined three times, lost both legs and had a failing heart. Yet she told doctors she’s ‘the luckiest person on this planet’.” (click here)

“In January 2022, Bridges was a 20-year-old model with her own apartment and a part-time job as a bartender in St. Petersburg, Florida. She was a vegan and “exceptionally healthy,” according to her mother.”

“When she caught Covid-19 that month, no one expected her to be hospitalized. She was fully vaccinated and boosted.”

But Bridges had been born with a common genetic heart defect…whether due to her heart or another unknown reason, COVID-19 hit Bridges hard.

“Extreme fatigue, cold sweats — progressively every single day it would get harder to try to eat or drink anything,” she recalled. “Then one day my mom found me unresponsive and rushed me to the hospital. I flatlined three times that night.”

“Diagnosed with myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, mild pneumonia, cyanosis and acidosis – Claire was placed on dialysis to help her failing kidneys. The damage to her body, however, resulted in poor circulation to her lower limbs, leading to amputation.” (click here)

Beyond the CNN propaganda…

It’s important to cut through the thick CNN propaganda and BS.

We have a perfectly healthy 20 year old young woman who took 3 COVID-19 vaccines she didn’t need, which probably severely damaged her immune system, caused myocarditis, blood clots and other internal organ damage, and when she fell ill with a flu or other respiratory illness, her already vaccine-injured body fell apart, her post-vaccine myocarditis put her into three cardiac arrests, she developed blood clots and her ordeal resulted in both of her legs requiring amputation.

In other words, this is a story of COVID-19 vaccine injury, from beginning to end.

How many unvaccinated 20 year olds had their legs amputated after catching COVID-19? If COVID-19 jabs were protective against hospitalization and 3 jabs failed to protect Claire, there should be thousands of unvaccinated 20 year olds with amputations due to COVID-19, who had no “protection” from COVID-19 vaccines.

THERE ARE NONE. If there were, the media would have eagerly told us. COVID-19 doesn’t do this to healthy 20-year olds, but COVID-19 vaccines do. CNN doesn’t tell us which 3 COVID-19 jabs she had. AstraZeneca and J&J were pulled off the market due to blood clots. Both Pfizer and Moderna have caused 1000s of cases of blood clots. These cases are in VAERS, Eudravigilance, and everywhere you look on social media:

All COVID-19 vaccines cause blood clots

Shortly after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, 1000s of blood clot related injuries were being reported in VAERS, Eudravigilance, and UK Yellow Card. This was a report of blood clot related events as of May 14, 2021 by Josh Guetzkow:

Denials by Pharmaceutical representatives…

Fraudulent Reuters “Fact Checks”…

The fact that Claire Bridges case has a Reuters “Fact Check” is a big red flag. I have extensive experience with Reuters, I spoke with several of their reporters and they deliberately released several completely fraudulent fact checks about my work exposing the dangers of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

My Take…

Claire has gone through an absolute nightmare. It is very probable that she is a victim of COVID-19 vaccine injuries, and not COVID-19. There are thousands of victims just like her. AstraZeneca and J&J were pulled off the market due to blood clots but Pfizer & Moderna also cause blood clots and to a very similar degree.

To this day, Pfizer and Moderna deny that their COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause blood clots, and their victims are being ignored by doctors.

Any mainstream media story that blames blood clots on COVID-19 instead of COVID-19 vaccines is abusing vaccine injury victims and blatantly lying to the rest of us. Considering this is CNN, this is not surprising in the least.

When it comes to mainstream media and COVID-19 topics, the truth is almost always the exact opposite of what they report. The fact that they give so much exposure to Claire’s story, shows how desperately they are trying to deflect our attention from the ugly truth.

Re-watch the video above, this time in the context of a COVID-19 vaccine injured victim. It feels completely different, because the pharmaceutical companies knew from the very beginning, that their products were causing these injuries. They just didn’t care and neither did any doctor or politician who pushed the vaccines.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

All images in this article are from the author

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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RAWA communiqué on Universal Human Rights Day, Dec.10, 2007.

The US and her allies tried to legitimize their military occupation of Afghanistan under the banner of “bringing freedom and democracy for Afghan people”. But as we have experienced in the past three decades, in regard to the fate of our people, the US government first of all considers her own political and economic interests and has empowered and equipped the most traitorous, anti-democratic, misogynist and corrupt fundamentalist gangs in Afghanistan.

In the past few years, for a thousand times the lies of US claims in the so-called “War on terror” were uncovered. By relying on the criminal bands of the Northern Alliance, the US made a game of values like democracy, human rights, women’s rights etc. thus disgracing our mournful nation. The US created a government from those people responsible for massacres in Pul-e-Charkhi, Dasht-e-Chamtala, Kapisa, Karala, Dasht-e-Lieli, 65,000 Kabulis and tens of mass graves across the country. Now the US tries to include infamous killers like Mullah Omer and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar into the government, which will be another big hypocrisy in the “war against terror”.

The reinstatement of the Northern Alliance to power crushed the hopes of our people for freedom and prosperity into desperation and proved that for the Bush administration, defeating terrorism so that our people can be happy, have no significance at all. The US administration plays a funny anti-Taliban game and pretends that a super power is unable to defeat a small, marginalized and medieval-minded gang which is actually her own product. But our people found by experience in the past few years that the US doesn’t want to defeat the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, because then they will have no excuse to stay in Afghanistan and work towards the realization of its economical, political and strategic interests in the region.

After about seven years, there is no peace, human rights, democracy and reconstruction in Afghanistan. On the contrary, the destitution and suffering of our people has doubled everyday. Our people, and even our unfortunate children, fall victim to the Jehadis’ infighting (Baghlan incident), the Taliban’s untargeted blasts and the US/NATO’s non-stop bombardments. The Northern Alliance blood-suckers, who are part of Karzai’s team and have key government posts, continue to be the main and the most serious obstacle towards the establishment of peace and democracy in Afghanistan. The existence of tens of illegal private security companies run by these mafia bands are enough to realize their sinister intentions and the danger they pose.

Human rights violations, crime, and corruption have reached their peak, so much so that Mr. Karzai is forced to make friendly pleas to the ministers and members of the parliament, asking them to “keep some limits”! Accusations about women being raped in prisons were so numerous that even a pro-warlord woman in the parliament had no choice but to acknowledge them.

Rabbani, Khalili, Massoud, Sayyaf, Fahim, Ismael and other criminals for the sake of being “ISI” and “VEVAK” agents could become “leaders” in the early 90’s, invited their god-father General Hamid Gul of ISI to become their army chief. But today they raise anti-Pakistan slogans to hide their corruption and wrong-doings. In this act they even go further and abuse Pakistani people. But they never talk about the dirty act of Pakistan in creating fundamentalist bands and imposing them on our people. More importantly, they keep silent about the wider, more devastating and more active meddling of the brutal Iranian regime in Afghanistan through its cultural and media agents. Pro-Iranian regime politicians and intellectuals are as much traitorous to democracy and human rights as the intellectuals and politicians who, from an ethnocentric and reactionary point of view, call the barbarism and terror of Taliban a “national armed resistance,” and shamelessly defend them.

The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) has announced a number of times that when the legislative, administrative and judicial bodies are ruled by drug-lords and warlords or their Talibi, Gulbudini, Parchami and Khalqi accomplices, they will never do anything positive for our deprived people. Rather these bodies will act as a mechanism to continue the ongoing crime, drug-trade and looting by these mafia bands to become richer.

If the US government replaces Karzai with a new puppet, even if he is not from among the Jehadi criminals, it will be just a deception of our people and an attempt to put the responsibilities of today’s tragedies on the shoulders of a single person. Such a move will have no positive outcome for our nation. Only a president who rely on people and come to power through a fair election, free from any kind of dependence or dealings with the fundamentalists, would be ideal for Afghan people.

Instead of defeating Al-Qaeda, Taliban and Gulbuddini terrorists and disarming the Northern Alliance, the foreign troops are creating confusion among the people of the world. We believe that if these troops leave Afghanistan, our people will not feel any kind of vacuum but rather will become more free and come out of their current puzzlement and doubts. In such a situation, they will face the Taliban and Northern Alliance without their “national” mask, and rise to fight with these terrorist enemies. Neither the US nor any other power wants to release Afghan people from the fetters of the fundamentalists. Afghanistan’s freedom can be achieved by Afghan people themselves. Relying on one enemy to defeat another is a wrong policy which has just tightened the grip of the Northern Alliance and their masters on the neck of our nation.

By publishing the book “Some Documents of the Bloody and Traitorous Jehadi Years”, RAWA has taken another small step in unmasking and prosecuting the war criminals of the past three decades. But we will not stop here. In the face of continuous threats by the terrorists sitting in the parliament and the government, we will not be intimidated and despite the passivity and compromises of intellectuals in this regard, we are determined that with the help of justice-loving people and organizations of Afghanistan and around the world, will work to push the war criminals into a court of justice and reclaim billions of dollars worth of national assets from them. Only then the eyes of our grief-stricken people may no longer burn endlessly for justice and democracy.


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Featured image is from RAWA

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First published on May 10, 2022


77 years ago Germany surrendered to allied forces finally ending the ravages of the Second World War.

Today, as the world celebrates the 77th anniversary of this victory, why not think very seriously about finally winning that war once and for all?

If you’re confused by this statement, then you might want to sit down and take a deep breath before reading on. Within the next 12 minutes, you will likely discover a disturbing fact which may frighten you a little bit: The allies never actually won World War II…

Now please don’t get me wrong. I am eternally thankful for the immortal souls who gave their lives to put down the fascist machine during those bleak years… but the fact is that a certain something wasn’t resolved on the 9th of May, 1945 which has a lot to do with the slow re-emergence of a new form of fascism during the second half of the 20th century and the renewed danger of a global dictatorship which the world faces again today.

It is my contention that it is only when we find the courage to really look at this problem with sober eyes, that we will be able to truly honor our courageous forebears who devoted their lives to winning a peace for their children, grandchildren and humanity more broadly.

The Ugly Truth of WWII

I’ll stop beating around the bush now and just say it: Adolph Hitler or Benito Mussolini were never “their own men”.

The machines they led were never fully under their sovereign control and the financing they used as fuel in their effort to dominate the world did not come from the Banks of Italy or Germany. The technologies they used in petrochemicals, rubber, and computing didn’t come from Germany or Italy, and the governing scientific ideology of eugenics that drove so many of the horrors of Germany’s racial purification practices never originated in the minds of German thinkers or from German institutions.

Were it not for a powerful network of financiers and industrialists of the 1920s-1940s with names such as Rockefeller, Warburg, Montague Norman, Osborn, Morgan, Harriman or Dulles, then it can safely be said that fascism would never have been possible as a “solution” to the economic woes of the post-WWI order. To prove this point, let us take the strange case of Prescott Bush as a useful entry point.

The patriarch of the same Bush dynasty that gave the world two disastrous American presidents made a name for himself funding Nazism alongside his business partners Averell Harrimen and Averell’s younger brother E. Roland Harriman (the latter who was to recruit Prescott to Skull and Bones while both were studying at Yale).

Not only did Prescott, acting as director of Brown Brothers Harriman, provide valuable loans to keep the bankrupt Nazi party afloat during Hitler’s loss of support in 1932 when the German population voted into office the anti-Fascist General Kurt von Schleicher as Chancellor, but was even found guilty for “trading with the enemy” as director of Union Banking Corporation in 1942!

That’s right! Eleven months after America entered WWII, the Federal Government naturally conducted an investigation of all Nazi banking operations in the USA and wondered why Prescott continued to direct a bank which was so deeply enmeshed with Fritz Thyssen’s Bank voor Handel en Scheepvart of the Netherlands. Thyssen for those who are unaware is the German industrial magnate famous for writing the book “I Paid Hitler”. The bank itself was tied to a German combine called Steel Works of the German Steel Trust which controlled 50.8% of Nazi Germany’s pig iron, 41.4% of its universal plate, 38.5% of its galvanized steel, 45.5% of its pipes and 35% of its explosives. Under Vesting Order 248, the U.S. federal government seized all of Prescott’s properties on October 22, 1942.

The U.S.-German Steel combine was only one small part of a broader operation as Rockefeller’s Standard Oil had created a new international cartel alongside IG Farben (the fourth largest company in the world) in 1929 under the Young Plan.

Owen Young was a JP Morgan asset who headed General Electric and instituted a German debt repayment plan in 1928 that gave rise to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and consolidated an international cartel of industrialists and financiers on behalf of the City of London and Wall Street.

The largest of these cartels saw Henry Ford’s German operations merging with IG Farben, Dupont industries, Britain’s Shell and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. The 1928 cartel agreement also made it possible for Standard Oil to pass off all patents and technologies for the creation of synthetic gasoline from coal to IG Farben thus allowing Germany to rise from producing merely 300 000 tons of natural petroleum in 1934 to an incredible 6.5 million tons (85% of its total) during WWII! Had this patent/technology transfer not taken place, it is a fact that the modern mechanized warfare that characterized WWII could never have occurred.

Two years before the Young Plan began, JP Morgan had already given a $100 million loan to Mussolini’s newly established fascist regime in Italy- with Democratic Party kingmaker Thomas Lamont playing the role of Prescott Bush in Wall Street’s Italian operation. It wasn’t only JP Morgan who loved Mussolini’s brand of corporate fascism, but Time Magazine’s Henry Luce unapologetically gushed over Il Duce putting Mussolini on the cover of Time eight times between 1923 and 1943 while relentlessly promoting fascism as the “economic miracle solution for America” (which he also did in his other two magazines Fortune and Life).

Many desperate Americans, still traumatized from the long and painful depression begun in 1929, had increasingly embraced the poisonous idea that an American fascism would put food on the table and finally help them find work.

A few words should be said of Brown Brothers Harriman.

Bush’s Nazi bank itself was the product of an earlier 1931 merger which took place between Montagu Norman’s family bank (Brown Brothers) and Harriman, Bush and Co. Montague Norman was the Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944, leader of the Anglo-German Fellowship Trust and controller of Germany’s Hjalmar Schacht (Reichsbank president from 1923-1930 and Minister of Economy from 1934-1937). Norman was also the primary controller of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) from its creation in 1930 throughout the entirety of WWII.

The Central Bank of Central Banks

Although the BIS was established under the Young Plan and nominally steered by Schacht as a mechanism for debt repayments from WWI, the Swiss-based “Central Bank of Central Banks” was the key mechanism for international financiers to fund the Nazi machine.

The fact that the BIS was under the total control of Montagu Norman was revealed by Dutch Central Banker Johan Beyen who said “Norman’s prestige was overwhelming. As the apostle of central bank cooperation, he made the central banker into a kind of arch-priest of monetary religion. The BIS was, in fact, his creation.”

The founding members of the Board included the private central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Belgium as well as a coterie of 3 private American banks (JP Morgan, First National of Chicago, and First National of New York). The three American banks merged after the war and are today known as Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase.

In its founding constitution, the BIS, its directors and staff were given immunity from all sovereign national laws and not even authorities in Switzerland were permitted to enter its premises.

This story was conveyed powerfully in the 2013 book Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World.

A Word on Eugenics

Nazi support in the build up to, and during WWII didn’t end with finance and industrial might, but extended to the governing scientific ideology of the Third Reich: Eugenics (aka: the science of Social Darwinism as developed by Thomas Huxley’s X Club associate Herbert Spencer and Darwin’s cousin sir Francis Galton decades earlier). In 1932, New York hosted the Third Eugenics Conference co-sponsored by William Draper Jr (JP Morgan banker, head of General Motors and leading figure of Dillon Read and co) and the Harriman family. This conference brought together leading eugenicists from around the world who came to study America’s successful application of eugenics laws which had begun in 1907 under the enthusiastic patronage of Theodore Roosevelt. Hiding behind the respectable veneer of “science” these high priests of science discussed the new age of “directed evolution of man” which would soon be made possible under a global scientific dictatorship.

Speaking at the conference, leading British Fascist Fairfield Osborn said that eugenics:

“aids and encourages the survival and multiplication of the fittest; indirectly, it would check and discourage the multiplication of the unfitted. As to the latter, in the United States alone, it is widely recognized that there are millions of people who are acting as dragnets or sheet anchors on the progress of the ship of state…While some highly competent people are unemployed, the mass of unemployment is among the less competent, who are first selected for suspension, while the few highly competent people are retained because they are still indispensable. In nature, these less-fitted individuals would gradually disappear, but in civilization, we are keeping them in the community in the hopes that in brighter days, they may all find employment. This is only another instance of humane civilization going directly against the order of nature and encouraging the survival of the un-fittest”.

The dark days of the great depression were good years for bigotry and ignorance as eugenics laws were applied to two Canadian provinces, and widely spread across Europe and America with 30 U.S. states applying eugenics laws to sterilize the unfit. The Rockefeller Foundation went on to fund German eugenics and most specifically the rising star of human improvement Joseph Mengele.

The Nazi Frankenstein Monster is Aborted

Describing his January 29, 1935 meeting with Hitler, Round Table controller Lord Lothian quoted the Fuhrer’s vision for Aryan co-direction of the New World Order saying:

“Germany, England, France, Italy, America and Scandinavia … should arrive at some agreement whereby they would prevent their nationals from assisting in the industrializing of countries such as China, and India. It is suicidal to promote the establishment in the agricultural countries of Asia of manufacturing industries”

While it is obvious that much more can be said on the topic, the Fascist machine didn’t fully behave the way the Dr. Frankensteins in London wished, as Hitler began to realize that his powerful military machine gave Germany the power to lead the New World Order rather than play second fiddle as mere enforcers on behalf of their Anglo masters in Britain. While many London and Wall Street oligarchs were willing to adapt to this new reality, a decision was made to abort the plan, and try to fight another day.

To accomplish this, a scandal was concocted to justify the abdication of pro-Nazi King Edward VIII in 1936 and an appeasing Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was replaced with Winston Churchill in 1940. While Sir Winston was a life long racist, eugenicist and even Mussolini-admirer, he was first and foremost a devout British Imperialist and as such would fight tooth and nail to save the prestige of the Empire if it were threatened. Which he did.

The Fascists vs Franklin Roosevelt

Within America itself, the pro-fascist Wall Street establishment had been loosing a war that began the day anti-fascist President Franklin Roosevelt was elected in 1932. Not only had their attempted February 1933 assassination failed, their 1934 coup d’etat plans were also thwarted by a patriotic General named Smedley Butler.

To make matters worse, their efforts to keep America out of the war in the hopes of co-leading the New World Order alongside Germany, France and Italy was also falling apart. As I outlined in my recent article How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship, between 1933-1939, FDR had imposed sweeping reforms on the banking sector, thwarted a major attempt to create a global Bankers’ dictatorship under the Bank of International Settlements, and mobilized a broad recovery under the New Deal.

By 1941, Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor polarized the American psyche so deeply that resisting America’s entry into WWII as Wall Street’s American Liberty League had been doing up until then, became political suicide. Wall Street’s corporatist organizations were called out by FDR during a powerful 1938 speech as the president reminded the Congress of the true nature of fascism:

“The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism – ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power… Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing. This concentration is seriously impairing the economic effectiveness of private enterprise as a way of providing employment for labor and capital and as a way of assuring a more equitable distribution of income and earnings among the people of the nation as a whole.”

While America’s entry into WWII proved a decisive factor in the destruction of the fascist machine, the dream shared by Franklin Roosevelt, Henry Wallace and many of FDR’s closest allies across America, Canada, Europe, China and Russia for a world governed by large-scale development, and win-win cooperation did not come to pass.

Even though FDR’s ally Harry Dexter White led in the fight to shut down the Bank of International Settlements during the July 1944 Bretton Woods conference, the passage of White’s resolutions to dissolve BIS and audit its books were never put into action.

While White, who was to become the first head of the IMF, defended FDR’s program to create a new anti-imperial system of finance, Fabian Society leader, and devout eugenicist John Maynard Keynes defended the Bank and pushed instead to redefine the post-war system around a one world currency called the Bancor, controlled by the Bank of England and BIS.

The Fascist Resurgence in the Post-War World

By the end of 1945, the Truman Doctrine and Anglo-American “special relationship” replaced  FDR’s anti-colonial vision, while an anti-communist witch hunt turned America into a fascist police state under FBI surveillance. Everyone friendly to Russia was targeted for destruction and the first to feel that targeting were FDR’s close allies Henry Wallace and Harry Dexter White, whose untimely 1948 death while campaigning for Wallace’s presidential bid put an end to anti-colonialists running the IMF.

In the decades after WWII, those same financiers who brought the world fascism went straight back to work infiltrating FDR’s Bretton Woods Institutions such as the IMF and World Bank, turning them from tools of development, into tools of enslavement. This process was fully exposed in the 2004 book Confessions of an Economic Hit man by John Perkins.

The European banking houses representing the old nobility of the empire continued through this reconquering of the west without punishment. By 1971, the man whom Perkins exposed as the chief economic hit man George Schultz, orchestrated the removal of the U.S. dollar from the Gold-reserve, fixed exchange rate system director of the Office of Management of Budget and in the same year, the Rothschild Inter-Alpha Group of banks was created to usher in a new age of globalization. This 1971 floating of the dollar ushered in a new paradigm of consumerism, post-industrialism, and de-regulation which transformed the once productive western nations into speculative “post-truth” basket cases convinced that casino principles, bubbles and windmills were substitutes for agro-industrial economic practices.

So here we are in 2022 celebrating victory over fascism.

The children and grandchildren of those heroes of 1945 now find themselves attached to the biggest financial collapse in history with $1.5 quadrillion of fictitious capital ripe to explode under a new global hyperinflation akin to that which destroyed Weimar in 1923, but this time global. The Bank of International Settlements that should have been dissolved in 1945 today controls the Financial Stability Board and thus regulates the world derivatives trade which has become the weapon of mass destruction that has been triggered to unleash more chaos upon the world than Hitler could have ever dreamed.

Is the anti-fascist spirit of Franklin Roosevelt alive in the form of modern anti-imperialism including Russia and China and a growing array of nations united under the umbrella of the New Deal of the 21st Century which has come to be called the “Belt and Road Initiative”.

And thus a chance still exists today to take the types of emergency actions needed at this moment of existential crisis and finally accomplish what FDR had always intended: to win World War II.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, The Canadian Patriot.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.

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The Clash of the Two Americas

Vol. 1 & 2

by Matthew Ehret

In his new two volume series The Clash of the Two Americas, Matthew Ehret introduces a new analysis of American history from the vantage point that the globally-extended supranational shadow government that managed the British Empire was never fully defeated and has acted within the USA itself since 1776 as a continuous multi-generational fifth column managing every significant event and assassination of American presidents for the next 250 years.

Click here to order.

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Einführung in Thematik

Fürst Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921), russischer Politikwissenschaftler, Humangeograph und Philosoph, beobachtete sowohl die Natur als auch die Naturwesen und bezog seine Erkenntnisse auf den Menschen. In seinem wissenschaftlichen Werk “Gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt“ schreibt er, dass im Tierreich nicht nur der“Kampf ums Überleben“, sondern auch das Prinzip der „Gegenseitigen Hilfe“ wirksam ist und dass diejenigen Lebewesen, die dieses Prinzip umsetzen, länger überleben (1).

Die naturwissenschaftliche Tiefen-Psychologie basiert auf diesen Erkenntnissen. Demnach ist der Mensch ein naturgegeben soziales Wesen, das auf die Gemeinschaft seiner Mitmenschen ausgerichtetet ist und eine Neigung zum Guten besitzt. Vor diesem Menschen muss man keine Angst haben.

Geschätzte Mitbürger, in den letzten Tagen machte ich Erlebnisse, die ein Umdenken zur Folge hatten. Im persönlichen Kontakt mit alten Freunden wurde mir stärker vor Augen geführt als bisher, dass die Politiker im Namen der Gesellschaft mit ihren „dringend notwendigen“ politischen Entscheidungen und ihren medial-politischen Manipulationen sowie der permanenten Dauerberieselung der Bevölkerung mit Mahnungen und Warnungen die Bürger nicht nur stark verunsichern und irritieren, sondern sie krank machen.

Eine liebe Nachbarin, die meine Frau und ich längere Zeit nicht gesehen hatten, ist so stark abgemagert, dass wir erschrocken sind. Erst nach einer Weile erzählte sie beschämt, dass Mitte des Monats von der kleinen Alters-Rente kein Geld mehr übrig sei für ein nahrhaftes Essen.

Ein alter Freund, der eine ordentliche Professur im entfernten Ausland angeboten bekam, antwortete auf die Frage, ob er seine alten Freunde in der Heimat vergessen hätte, daß dem nicht so sei, dass er aber nicht mehr wisse, „wo ihm der Kopf stünde“, weil seine Ehefrau, die er zusammen mit den Kindern in der Heimat zurücklassen musste, schwer erkrankt sei. Des weiteren fand eine gute Freundin, die nach einigen Jahrzehnten plötzlich ihr Modegeschäft räumen musste, in ihrem Auto ganz verwirrt den Rückwärtsgang nicht mehr.

Zu guter Letzt stieß ich auf die Veröffentlichung einer wissenschaftlich-medizinischen Fachgesellschaft, der „Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde e. V. (DGPPN). Unter der Überschrift „Basisdaten zu psychischen Erkrankungen in Deutschland“, heißt es aufgrund einer Momentaufnahme vom Januar 2023:

„In Deutschland sind jedes Jahr etwa 27,9 Prozent der erwachsenen Bevölkerung von einer psychischen Erkrankung betroffen. Das entspricht rund 17,8 Millionen betroffene Personen, (…). Zu den häufigsten Erkrankungen zählen Angststörungen (15,4 Prozent), gefolgt von affektiven Störungen (9,8 Prozent, unipolare Depression allein 8,2 Prozent) und Störungen  durch Alkohol- oder Medikamentenkonsum (5,7 Prozent).“ (2)

Leider versuchen viele Kollegen, verunsicherte Ratsuchende mit der jeweils bestehenden Gesellschaft auszusöhnen, anstatt auch das soziale und kulturelle Problem in den therapeutischen Prozess mit einzubeziehen. Diese würden dann erfahren, dass ihre individuellen Probleme nicht nur in der persönlichen Geschichte wurzeln, sondern vielmehr in einer inhumanen Gesellschaft und Kultur.

Doch die „gegenseitige Hilfe“ erweist sich als „Einladung“ und „Angebot“ als ein Weg, den Mitmenschen „unter die Arme zu greifen“ – und durch die Hilfleleistung auch selbst zu gesunden. Die Menschen, denen die Unterstützung angeboten wird, erfahren in dieser Situation, dass auch die Helfenden Probleme haben, die von den eigenen nicht gänzlich verschieden sind.

Überall kommt es auf den Gemeinsinn an, auf das Gefühl der Zusammengehörigkeit, des Miteinanderseins. Das Geschenk der Evolution besteht im sittlichen Bewußtsein des Einzelnen, in der Einsicht in die Verantwortung aller gegenüber allen.

Zur Bedeutung der Aufklärung

Die Zukunft unserer Kultur hängt nach wie vor davon ab, ob es genügend Aufklärer geben wird, die imstande sind, den breiten Volksmassen jene Voruteile zu nehmen, die der ideologische Hintergrund der Menschheitskatastrophen sind. Mehr denn je sind wir darauf angewiesen, dass „freie Geister“ uns lehren, was Wahrheit und was Lüge ist.

Dabei hat der Intellektuelle eine große Verantwortung, denn seine Pflicht wäre es, für die anderen Menschen zu denken. Einige unter ihnen befürchten jedoch, dass sie als Intellektuelle unter sich bleiben würden, nur zueinander sprächen und die Masse der Bevölkerung gar nicht erreichten.

Deshalb wäre es für alle „Aufklärer“ wichtig, sich zusätzlich zur Aufklärung mit den Mitmenschen zusammenzusetzten, sie in aller Ruhe anzuhören und zu versuchen, sich in ihre Probleme einzufühlen.

Oder wie es Alfred Adler, der Begründer der Individualpsychologie, ausdrückte:

„Mit den Augen eines anderen sehen, mit den Ohren eines anderen hören, mit dem Herzen eines anderen fühlen.“ (3)

Gemeinsam findet man in der Regel einen menschlichen (psychologischen) Weg heraus aus dem Labyrinth der Zukunftsängste. Und das vor allem dann, wenn das Hilfsangebot eine freundliche Einladung und ein zwangloses Angebot ist, wie man die gegenwärtige Situation zufriedenstellend bewältigen kann und dadurch besser lebt.

Bereits vor meinem „Umdenken“ hatte ich mit einem Zitat von Bertolt Brecht den Aufruf verfaßt: „Wenn Unrecht zu Recht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht“. Aus Gewissensgründen dem Staat den Gehorsam verweigern. Politiker sind nur die sichtbaren Schachfiguren der wirklichen Herrscher der Welt.“

Begonnen hatte ich den Artikel mit den Worten: „Die Zeit ist aus den Fugen (Shakespeare). Doch diejenigen, die sich der Gefahr des Neo-Faschismis‘, der Gefahr des „pharmazeutischen Verbrechens des Jahrhunderts“ (CHD) und des drohenden Weltkriegs bewusst sind, werden der Aufforderung Bertolt Brechts und derjenigen des deutschen Regime-Kritikers Wolfgang Borchert in seinem 1947 verfassten Manifest „Dann gibt es nur eines: Sag NEIN!“ bereitwillig zustimmen.

Aber die Bewunderung großer Vorbilder, die dem Staat aus Gewissensgründen den Gehorsam verweigerten und mit ihrem selbstlosen Handeln nicht nur das Recht und die Freiheit in den eigenen Ländern schützten, reicht nicht aus, um die sehr beunruhigende Situation in der Welt zu verändern: Jeder von uns muss selbst aktiv werden.“

Da es sich bei dem geplanten Artikel wieder um eine Aufforderung an die bereits problembeladenen Mitmenschen handelte, nahm ich nach meinem „Umdenken“ Abstand von dieser Idee.

Peter Kropotkin

Abschließend eine psychologische Stellungnahme des humanistisch gesinnten russischen Anarchisten und Revolutionärs Fürst Peter Kropotkin:

„Ein Mensch, dem die Fähigkeit, sich mit seiner Umgebung zu identifizieren anerzogen ist, ein Mensch, der sich selbst seines Herzens, seines Willens bewusst ist, stellt seine Fähigkeiten frei in den Dienst der Anderen, ohne in dieser oder einer anderen Welt dafür eine Belohnung zu erwarten. Vor allem besitzt er die Fähigkeit, die Gefühle anderer zu begreifen, sie mitzuerleben. Dies genügt. Er teilt mit den Anderen Freud und Leid. Er hilft ihnen, die schweren Zeiten ihres Lebens zu ertragen. Er fühlt seine Kräfte und verbraucht großmütig seine Fähigkeiten, andere zu lieben, andere zu begeistern, in ihnen den Glauben an eine bessere Zukunft zu wecken und sie zum Kampf für diese Zukunft hinzureißen. Welches Schiksal ihn auch erreicht, er nimmt es nicht als Leid, sondern als Erfüllung seines Lebens, das er nicht gegen ein pflichtloses Vegetieren eintauschen möchte, er zieht eventuell Gefahren einem kampf- und inhaltslosen Leben vor.“ (4)


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Schul-Rektor, Erziehungswissenschaftler (Dr. paed.) und Psychologe (Dipl.-Psych.). Nach seinen Universitätsstudien wurde er wissenschaftlicher Lehrer (Professor) in der Erwachsenenbildung: unter anderem Leiter eines freien Schul-Modell-Versuchs und Fortbildner bayerischer Beratungslehrkräfte und Schulpsychologen. Als Pensionär arbeitete er als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. Bei einer Öffentlichen Anhörung zur Jugendkriminalität im Europa-Parlament war er Berichterstatter für Deutschland. In seinen Büchern und Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Für seine Verdienste um Serbien bekam er 2021 von den Universitäten Belgrad und Novi Sad den Republik-Preis „Kapitän Misa Anastasijevic“ verliehen.

Er schreibt regelmäßig für Global Research.


(1) Kropotkin, Peter (1908). Gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt. Leipzig


(3) Adler, Alfred (1928). Kurze Bemerkungen über Vernunft, Intelligenz und Schwachsinn. In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Insividualpsychologie Nr. 6. S. 267-273, S. 267

(4) Zitiert nach: Grasenack, Moritz (Hrsg.). (2005). Die liberetäre Psychotherapie von Friedrich Liebling. Eine Einführung in seine Großgruppentherapie anhand wortgetreuer Abschriften von Therapiesitzungen. Lich / Hessen, S. 45

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Introduction to the topic

Prince Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921), Russian political scientist, human geographer and philosopher, observed both nature and natural beings and related his findings to human beings. In his scientific work “Mutual Aid in the Animal and Human World”, he writes that in the animal kingdom not only the “struggle for survival” but also the principle of “mutual aid” is effective and that those living beings who implement this principle survive longer (1).

Scientific depth psychology is based on these findings. According to this, man is a naturally social being who is oriented towards the community of his fellow human beings and has a tendency towards good. There is no need to be afraid of this human being.

Dear fellow citizens, in the last few days I have had experiences that have led to a change in thinking. In personal contact with old friends, it became more apparent to me than before that politicians, in the name of society, with their “urgently necessary” political decisions and their media-political manipulations, as well as the permanent constant sprinkling of the population with admonitions and warnings, not only greatly unsettle and irritate the citizens, but also make them ill.

A dear neighbour, whom my wife and I had not seen for a long time, became so emaciated that we were shocked. Only after a while did she tell us, ashamed, that in the middle of the month there was no money left from her small old-age pension for a nutritious meal.

An old friend who had been offered a full professorship in a distant foreign country replied to the question whether he had forgotten his old friends back home that this was not the case, but that he no longer knew “where his head would be” because his wife, whom he had to leave behind in the homeland together with the children, was seriously ill. Furthermore, a good friend, who suddenly had to vacate her fashion shop after several decades, could no longer find the reverse gear in her car, completely confused.

Last but not least, I came across the publication of a scientific medical society, the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde e. V. (DGPPN). Under the heading “Basic data on mental illnesses in Germany”, it says, based on a snapshot from January 2023:

“In Germany, about 27.9 percent of the adult population is affected by a mental illness every year. This corresponds to around 17.8 million affected persons, (…). The most common disorders include anxiety disorders (15.4 per cent), followed by affective disorders (9.8 per cent, unipolar depression alone 8.2 per cent) and disorders caused by alcohol or drug use (5.7 per cent).” (2)

Unfortunately, many colleagues try to reconcile insecure counselling seekers with the respective existing society instead of also including the social and cultural problem in the therapeutic process. They would then learn that their individual problems are not only rooted in their personal history, but rather in an inhumane society and culture.

But “mutual aid” turns out to be an “invitation” and an “offer” as a way to “help” one’s fellow human beings – and, by helping them, to become healthy oneself. In this situation, the people who are offered support learn that those who help them also have problems that are not entirely different from their own.

Everywhere it comes down to a sense of community, a feeling of belonging, of being together. The gift of evolution consists in the moral awareness of the individual, in the insight into the responsibility of all towards all.

On the importance of enlightenment

The future of our culture still depends on whether there will be enough enlightened people who are capable of removing from the broad masses of people those prejudices which are the ideological background of the catastrophes of humanity. More than ever, we are dependent on “free spirits” to teach us what is truth and what is a lie.

In this, intellectuals have a great responsibility, because their duty would be to think for other people. However, some among them fear that as intellectuals they would remain among themselves, speaking only to each other and not reaching the mass of the population at all.

Therefore, it would be important for all “enlighteners”, in addition to enlightenment, to sit down with fellow human beings, to listen to them calmly and to try to empathise with their problems.

Or as Alfred Adler, the founder of individual psychology, put it:

“See with another’s eyes, hear with another’s ears, feel with another’s heart.” (3)

Together, one usually finds a human (psychological) way out of the labyrinth of fears about the future. And this is especially true when the offer of help is a friendly invitation and an informal offer of how to manage the present situation satisfactorily and thereby live better.

Even before my “rethinking”, I had made the appeal with a quote from Bertolt Brecht: “When injustice becomes right, resistance becomes a duty”. For reasons of conscience, refuse to obey the state. Politicians are only the visible pawns of the real rulers of the world.”

I had started the article by saying, “Time is out of joint (Shakespeare). But those who are aware of the danger of neo-fascism, the danger of the “pharmaceutical crime of the century” (CHD) and the threat of world war will readily agree with Bertolt Brecht’s injunction and that of the German regime critic Wolfgang Borchert in his 1947 manifesto “Then there is only one thing: Say NO!”.

But the admiration of great role models who refused to obey the state for reasons of conscience and with their selfless actions not only protected law and freedom in their own countries is not enough to change the very worrying situation in the world: Each of us must take action ourselves.”

Since the planned article was again a call to action to fellow human beings who were already burdened with problems, I refrained from this idea after my “rethinking”.

Peter Kropotkin

Finally, a psychological statement by the humanist-minded Russian anarchist and revolutionary Prince Peter Kropotkin:

“A man to whom the ability to identify with his surroundings is inbred, a man who is himself conscious of his heart, of his will, places his faculties freely at the service of others, without expecting any reward for them in this or any other world. Above all, he possesses the ability to understand the feelings of others, to experience them. This is enough. He shares joys and sorrows with others. He helps them to bear the difficult times of their lives. He feels his strength and generously uses up his abilities to love others, to inspire others, to awaken in them the belief in a better future and to inspire them to fight for this future. Whatever misfortune reaches him, he takes it not as suffering but as the fulfilment of his life, which he does not wish to exchange for a dutiful vegetation; he may prefer dangers to a life devoid of struggle and content.” (4)


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a school headmaster, educationalist (Dr. paed.) and psychologist (Dipl.-Psych.). After his university studies, he became an academic teacher (professor) in adult education: among other things, he was head of an independent school model trial and in-service trainer of Bavarian counselling teachers and school psychologists. As a retiree, he worked as a psychotherapist in private practice. He was rapporteur for Germany at a public hearing on juvenile delinquency in the European Parliament. In his books and articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral education and an education for public spirit and peace. For his services to Serbia, he was awarded the Republic Prize “Captain Misa Anastasijevic” by the Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad in 2021. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


(1) Kropotkin, Peter (1908). Mutual aid in the animal and human world. Leipzig


(3) Adler, Alfred (1928). Brief Remarks on Reason, Intelligence and Feeblemindedness. In: International Journal of Individual Psychology No. 6. pp. 267-273, p. 267.

(4) Quoted from: Grasenack, Moritz (ed.). (2005). The Liberetarian Psychotherapy of Friedrich Liebling. An introduction to his large group therapy based on verbatim transcripts of therapy sessions. Lich / Hesse, p. 45

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If there is one committee within the hallowed, marbled halls of the United States Senate, one historic committee that has maintained its devotion to the rule of law, that Committee struggles today for its survival as an exemplar of judicial excellence.  That one source of democratic principles and values consistent with a principled legal standard and the US Constitution would be the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Upon ratification of the US Constitution in 1789,  Article III established the judicial power of the US vested in one Supreme Court and such “inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”   The Judiciary Act of 1789 signed into law by President George Washington organized the Federal Court system into a three tiered structure with Appellate Circuit Courts and District Courts and one Supreme Court defining each jurisdiction to include lifetime appointments.

As validation, it is useful to note that our most famed and esteemed anti-Federalist Founders Thomas Jefferson and James Madison opposed establishment of a proposed Federal judiciary as potentially leading to tyranny by investing too much power in mere mortal Judges to define what was constitutional or not.

One of Senate’s oldest, most influential and prestigious, the Judiciary Committee was established in 1816 with one of its major tasks to process Presidential judicial nominees through the committee hearing and approval process to final floor approval by a simple one-vote majority.  Lifetime compensation for Federal District Courts appointments earn  $232,000/year while Appellate Circuit Court Judges, one step away from the Supreme Court, earn $246,000/year with an Associate S.Ct Judge at $285,000 as of 2023.

Once it became clear that Republicans failed to take control of the Senate, the Biden Administration’s assault on the Senate Judiciary Committee achieved a new threshold of frenzy in its attempt to fill the Federal bench with unqualified applicants as they destroy the United States Constitution.  While Committee website quote from its Chair Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill): ‘The confirmation of highly qualified judges is one of the great shared successes of President’s Biden and Senate Democrats” is little more than a cruel hoax, the self serving maxim is no longer relevant or accurate in its portrayal of the Committee since the 2022 election.  In fact, quite the opposite is true.

Anyone believing that partisan gibberish has not yet experienced the embarrassing spectacle of transmogrification as Democratic zealots rubber stamp every incompetent, mediocre nominee – no matter its gross lack of judicial philosophy or moral guidelines on their way to the most significant judicial appointments in the country.  Since 2022 election, the Administration’s quality of nominees has reached a new bottom-of-the-barrel with White House favoring diversity-hire applicants who meet the cultural Marxist test rather than an elevated legal standard of knowledge and experience.

Since the Biden Presidency, 152 Article III applicants have been nominated with 107 approved as of February 23, 2023 thereby achieving almost a 75% approval rating.  There are currently twenty two nominees awaiting Senate approval, most of whom were narrowly approved by the Judiciary Committee with some quisling Republican Members voting with the Democrats.

In what should be required viewing for every American citizen, an “Epic Rant”  aka Ode to Nominating a Ham Sandwich by Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) brilliantly acknowledges the depth of how thoroughly the Democrats have embraced the destruction and destabilization of a 230 year old Federal judiciary system committed to preservation of our Constitutional Republic:

“…what I cannot understand over the last two years is that every Democratic member of this Committee has voted for every single Biden judicial nominee one hundred percent without failing and I will say on the Senate floor that every Democrat Senator has voted for every Biden nominee.  Not a single Democrat in the US Senate has mustered the courage to vote No on a single nominee…when we recently had a Republican President and majority in this body, and there were many of us said, on a particular nominee, that this is not a good nominee; we are not going to support this nominee, the White House withdrew the nomination.” 2/09/2023

On February 2, Sen. Lindsay Graham (SC) assumed the role of ‘ranking member’ on Judiciary due to term limit rules set by the Senate Republican Conference.  As Graham votes more often with the Democrats in both the Judiciary Committee and on the Senate floor, it may be difficult to understand how the ranking Committee Republican who votes against his own party in favor  of  the ‘woke’ Marxist-leaning Democrats is able to function as a true representative  of the committee which he is supposed to lead.

On February 9th, twenty four Federal District and Circuit Judge nominees, leftover from the 117th Session of Congress, were awaiting approval by the full Judiciary Committee.   While the full Committee is split 11 Democrats and 10 Republicans, thirteen applicants were approved on a strict party-line vote 11 – 10 while the remaining nominees were approved with Sen. Lindsay Graham (SC) and other defectors voting with the Democrats.

The nomination of Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, Katanji Brown Jackson, is worth noting as it set the tone for how inferior and defiled candidates are routinely hustled through the Judiciary Committee process.

Approved by the Committee on a 11 – 11 vote in April 2022, it was the first time in modern history when a S.Ct. nominee failed to receive a plurality in the committee; thus requiring a discharge petition to allow her nomination to go to the Senate floor.  Once on the Senate floor, Jackson was approved by the full Senate 53 – 47 with three Republicans (Senators Collins (Maine), Murkowski (Alaska) and Romney (Utah) voting with the Democrats.  If the Republican trio, which routinely vote as Democrats, had voted with the Republican caucus, Jackson would have received another tie vote 50 – 50 as Vice President Kamala Harris was needed to break the tie in order to approve Jackson’s nomination to the highest Court in the country.

This example of how Republicans undermine their own party and its partisan principles is replete throughout the Committee process while Biden has not yet recommended one Federal judge candidate that has earned a solid recommendation with full Committee support.

Jackson’s appointment was not the elevated experience one expects of a lifetime Supreme Court seat or any Federal judicial appointment but rather significantly lowered the bar for judicial requirements so that the remainder of Biden’s nominees are living up to the dumbed-down quality necessary for Democrats to successfully complete their shameful legislative assignment.  As deficient candidates are allowed to dominate the Federal Court system, the quality of Court decisions will fail to meet the highest Constitutional threshold.

In addition, the Democratic majority has proposed to eliminate the ‘blue slip’ option which has been part of the Committee process for a century.  By submitting the Blue Slip on any specific home-grown judicial nominee, that Senator is indicating support for that nominee; or by withholding the Blue Slip, that nominee does not have the support of its home town Senator.  Democrats oppose the use of the Blue Slips because it inhibits their ability to nominate substandard candidates who are devoted to upheaval of the Federal judicial system so that each and every mediocre candidate can be approved without serious challenge by Republican members of the Committee.

Due to space limitations, here is a partial list of recent Judiciary Committee hearings with Biden nominees that Republican Senators have interrogated, many of whom were unqualified to be sent to the Senate floor.  It may be noted that many of these nominees exhibit little – no preparation and have been coached with frequent dodging of their answers:  “I have not had the opportunity,,,,” or ‘I was acting as an advocate” or “thank you Senator for asking that question.”  Of all twenty one Judiciary Committee Senators, only Senators Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Josh Hawley (Mo..) and Ted Cruz ( Texas) are looking at 2024 re-election.  Their loss would be a devastating setback for what remains of our Constitutional Republic.


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This article was originally published on Business Game Changers.

Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC. She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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Peru and the People’s Defenses

March 6th, 2023 by J. B. Gerald

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Following the January mobilization to protest the removal from office of Peru’s Indigenous President Pedro Castillo, unofficial reports indicate continuing resistance to the Dina Boluarte assumed Presidency.

The Boluarte government is backed by an extreme right Parliament and the country’s military.

As well as the U.S. and Canada alone among countries of the Americas. It represents the multinational corporate resource stripping interests (in Peru this includes China’s copper mining and U.S. gold mining) – of an elite.

The Boluarte government has murdered over sixty protesters, placed roadblocks throughout the country and regions under emergency law.

Castillo is in prison without habeas corpus or trial.

Large protests fueled by Indigenous groups from the countryside have gathered repeatedly in Lima and other cities. Demands of the people are largely ignored. The basic problem is that Parliament has consistently fought elected President Pedro Castillo’s attempts to nationalize portions of the country’s resources and protect the environment itself from destruction by corporate resource interests.

Boluarte’s attempts to increase government control of the press and her willingness to use the military and martial law against nonviolent protest, are normalized by the authorities and international press.

Trade unions have backed the protests. 80% percent of the people are now said to be against the Boluarte government. While the protest movement has remained clearly nonviolent, its protesters are labeled “terrorists;” resistance is increasingly cast as moving toward a civil war. As financial news assures us roads to the mines are opening again, a genocide warning continues.

Meanwhile Democracy Now ! reports that in Guatemala the Indigenous movement’s candidates for Presidency, Thelma Cabrera and running mate Jordán  Rojas, have been barred from running. The likely winner of the election will be Zury Ríos, daughter of Ríos Montt, former dictator convicted of genocide against Indigenous villagers. His conviction was overturned by a court of the privileged.

One remembers as well the illegal removal from office of Indigenous President Evo Morales in Bolivia. Is it that democratically elected Indigenous leaders will not be allowed by the elites ? Or is this a problem for the North American corporate boardrooms? Or the U.S. State Department?

Pedro Castillo is an Indigenous leader who won a very narrow election victory over Keiko Fujimori.

He now sits in prison under threat of a 31 year sentence for corruption, which gives her right wing political machinery (often charged with corruption) an immense victory, quite outside the parameters of any democracy.

Her father, Alberto Fujimori, the convicted war criminal, was considered groomed for political office and supported by the U.S.. Now with U.S. and Canadian approval, Dina Boluarte and the right wing Parliament are proceeding without popular mandate. They represent the foreign interests which sustain Peru’s elite. Under Fujimori the war criminal, authorities remained in power through military atrocities.

The mechanism of a genocide could be considered inherent in Alberto Fujimori’s militarization of the country to contain Shining Path. The army and police were largely Indigenous or mestizo, often trained out of a brutal poverty to survival.

The Shining Path which continued a generational struggle for the peoples of Peru, was largely Indigenous, mestizo, trade unionist, socialist, and Maoist.

The smaller allied movement of Tupac Amaru was Marxist-Leninist. The U.S. still lists Shining Path as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization,” while Canada lists it in Spanish, Sendero Luminoso, as a terrorist entity.

At least 70,000 conflict deaths occurred under Alberto Fujimori; these were accompanied by government programs of birth control which included the sterilization often without informed consent of as many as 300,000 Indigenous women and over 20,000 Indigenous men. The programs were applications of birth prevention programs initiated by the U.N. and groups within the U.S..

The instigation of a civil war by government oppression of a victim group until it’s forced to fight to survive, becomes a tactic of genocide. There is some risk that this is the purpose of Boluarte and the Parliament’s takeover of the democracy. The people’s protests were met with military force when there were no reports of Peru’s protest movement defending itself with arms.

What defenses do the people have against international financial interests supported by countries of origin such as Canada and the U.S. ? The peoples of North America have no desire to see the Indigenous peoples of the Americas enslaved or wiped out. Unless we aspire to join the elite, what happens to the Indigenous peoples simply precedes what happens to the rest of us.

The colonial controls once applied by overt military actions are now covert. In the Guatemala genocide trial of Ríos Montt responsibility for atrocities by U.S. trained and advised troops was limited to Guatemalans. In El Salvador responsibility for the murder of five Jesuits and their house keeper was limited to El Salvador’s army despite training and support by the U.S.. Tracing the training of atrocity units throughout the Americas has often led to the U.S. misnamed School of the Americas (now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation). Occasionally there is a slip in the blood trail, as in Honduras where a U.S. West Point graduate was in 2021 convicted in the death squad murder of the environmental activist Berta Isabel Cáceras. What defenses do the people have?

The viability of the U.N. Convention on Genocide is in question due to the long lasting, intensifying evidence of genocide by the government of Israel against Palestinians and Gazans: faced with ongoing atrocities the powerful nations have done nothing. Under the alchemy of corporate perception management, Russia’s stated attempt to protect its minorities in several regions of the Ukraine, and to counter the neo-Nazi ideology which threatened their survival, became “Putin’s war of aggression.” Despite global condemnation of Myanmar the Rohingya remain alive mostly in refugee camps while the issue of genocide is argued by paid attorneys in court. And to mention again Guatemala’s army which provably inflicted a genocide on a portion of Guatemala’s Indigenous population under Ríos Montt, Ríos Montt avoided punishment. With impunity the elite would offer the world his daughter as the country’s next president.

Despite several attempts Peru has not yet been able to call former President Fujimori to account for genocide. This weakens the people’s defenses against genocide. Internationally the covenants and conventions of international law are politicized and undermined by corporate agendas which advance their own interests. The U.N. has avoided forming an international peace keeping force to assure peoples of the world some protection against atrocities.

The best remaining protection against genocide may be the uncompromised outrage of people in all countries, and the commitment of “never again” made as real as possible by each.

In this instance the most helpful protector for the Peruvian people may be President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico who stands by Pedro Castillo, finds Dina Boluarte spurious, and lambastes the stripping of Peru’s resources by Peru’s elite and foreign interests. He publicly recognizes the mechanism of resource stripping as an agenda of liberal governments.

Mexico holds relatively approachable laws against genocide. State signatories to the Genocide Convention might gather and record each crime against the victim people. Genocide has no statute of limitations. Because resource stripping destroys the land’s ability to sustain its people, and results ultimately in displacement and death of the people, those profiting from resource stripping should be registered by the U.N., tracked, and eventually prosecuted. Under an objective application of the law governments and individual politicians allowing profits from the attempted genocide of a people would be complicit and should be sanctioned and eventually prosecuted.


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Featured image is from Julie Maas

Switzerland: Insanity – Leopards to Germany

March 6th, 2023 by Peter Koenig

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Switzerland, a neutral country, is considering committing not only a crime against her own „legendary“ Constitutional neutrality but also against humanity, by possibly delivering weapons, tanks, indirectly to a country at war.

The German Defense Minister, Boris Pistorious, as well as Economy Minister, Robert Habeck, asked the Swiss Federal Councilor in charge of Defense, Ms. Viola Amherd, to find an elegant way without hurting Swiss neutrality, to sell part of the 96 Swiss Army’s older model Leopard II tanks, currently in reserve, to sell them back to Germany, possibly to the builder, Rheinmetall.

It’s good for business and if we disguise it well enough, we can do it, was the going Swiss argument.

And yes, the Swiss Defense Minister found a way. It’s easy, she says. Parliament simply has to declare the „old“ tanks as being out of order, ready for being  scrapped – meaning declared unusable – and bingo, the Swiss saved their Constitution. Sure. But not their moral, or ethics.

Now we just have to “lobby” the Parliament to do the right voting, the Minister implies.

Who cares. It’s good for business. Business and maximizing profits are always number one for most of the Swiss, for politicians, as well as corporate giants – and of course, including the Swiss banking system. It’s almost enshrined in the Swiss Constitution.

Apropos – the Swiss Constitution has been suspended. As of 2014 Switzerland is no longer a republic, a so-called “democracy” with a valid Constitution, the umbrella for law-making in the country – Switzerland has been registered in Brussels with the EU (of all places) as a corporation.

Yes, you read right, a corporation. No longer a nation with a constitutional justice system. Swiss justice is based on “rules-based-order” – the all-and-nothing meaning term of the neocon countries-turned-corporate tyrannies. This is true also for France, Germany South Africa, the United States – and many more, almost all, if not all the so-called western world, or Global North.

Most citizens have no clue. This has been done in highest secrecy.

See below by Dr. Astrid Stueckelberger. At about min. 8 into the video, she talks about the “corporatization” of Switzerland and other countries.


Back to Ukraine – In addition to totally fake and false reporting on the Ukraine war, if a Swiss online paper dares to quote Ukraine, „There are many more Russians than we have ammunition… “– and this rather in a positive sense, without any moral contra, then there is something fundamentally wrong, Not just with the media, but with the Swiss moral standards and value system. Such statements are openly promoting killing.

The example is given by the Swiss Federal Council. In the same vein as the media invite to kill, the Swiss Federal Council in general, and in particular, the Swiss Defense Minister doesn’t seem to understand or to care that every delivery of arms, in this case Leopard tanks, to replace those of a third party which has “given” them to Ukraine to kill Russians, is as if Switzerland would send their outranked Leopard II’s – still killing machines – directly to Ukraine. Everything else is a smoke screen, a fraud and betrayal of the people.

It is hard to understand that the Swiss could even consider this request from Germany. The straightforward, honest, and morally ethical reply would have been – NO, NEIN,  No way.

It’s a madhouse, where we live and how we live. And Switzerland is not alone. By far. The saddest part is that most people don’t even realize to what extent their minds have been twisted and brainwashed by high-tech sophisticated media-manipulation. See this.

In our “new” perverted reality, good is bad and bad is good.

Or to quote George Orwell’s “1984”, “War is Peace and Peace is War”.

The Swiss Defense Minister, as well as so many others in the Global West have adopted this doctrine.

They are all delivering arms no end to Ukraine to kill Russians. That’s the goal. To defeat Russia, to fracture Russia, to get a hold of Russia’s enormous resources. They all know very well, they will never defeat Russia. But they kill people, mostly Ukrainians and Russians in this endless, horrendous war, plus, making profit from the arms sales.

Why does Switzerland in the name of the European Union, and the United States, betray her neutrality, her people?

A recent US Department of Defense (DOD) study revealed what most every educated western politician already suspected, no more than about 30% of all the weaponry sent to Ukraine is actually used at the front. The rest goes straight to the black-market – and will end up in what the west calls “terrorists”. – The West is knowingly arming terrorists that are eventually terrorize their people? – So, it seems.

Looks like what is important – keep appearances. Keep “make-believe” – it’s good to kill, the evil-evil Russians. No truth, no background, no history – nothing. That’s the West, and Switzerland joins them wholeheartedly. Because if they would give you the background the truth of what really has been going on – maybe people’s brains would break loose from the indoctrination principles.

What in the case of Germany – Switzerland is especially worrying, is Germany’s unrestricted boldness and disrespect: In January / February this year, the Security Commission of the Swiss Parliament has rejected a similar demand to return 30 of the 96 Swiss “reserve” Leopard II tanks to Germany. Now Germany comes again? – Did they sense that the Swiss moral standards may have shifted?

There is still hope that the Swiss Parliament this time too may safe Switzerland’s integrity by rejecting the German demand, or the demand of anybody to deliver arms – directly or indirectly into the Ukraine, or any war zone in the world.

By keeping their moral standards high, Switzerland could maybe retake their role as mediator, or at least honor her erstwhile neutrality – and maybe become an example for other countries to follow their own sovereign decisions, and not those of a coercing transatlantic wannabe empire and its Brussels-based vassal.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from South Front

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