America’s Vulnerable Energy Security

March 26th, 2023 by Shane Quinn

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First published on March 23, 2023


In 1992 Dick Cheney, the US Secretary of Defense, issued a document which outlined that the main political and military aim of Washington is to prevent any rival power emerging in Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Asia. The ambition was to ensure America’s status as the global superpower.

The original paper, drafted in 1990 with the assistance of neo-conservatives like Paul Wolfowitz and Lewis “Scooter” Libby, stressed that the strategic goal of the US as the world’s “permanent unilateral superpower” consisted of assuming control over all of Eurasia (Europe and Asia), and to find a way “to integrate the ‘new democracies’ of the former Soviet bloc into the U.S.-led system”.

The powers-that-be in Washington believe the country holds “overwhelming conventional military superiority”, and that other states cannot directly threaten it (1). There is some truth to the latter claim. America is positioned between the world’s two biggest oceans – the Pacific and Atlantic – which over the past 200 years has given the Americans complete security from conventional armed attack by outside powers, unlike nations in mainland Europe and Asia. In addition the US has faced no threat of invasion during that time from its weaker neighbours, Mexico and Canada.

America’s vast coastlines, allowing entry to the Pacific and Atlantic, guaranteed the country access to some of the planet’s most lucrative trading areas. This assisted in American elites gaining their great wealth and power. Because of its location and large size, the US has moreover been free from the menace of naval blockades.

Germany, once a rival of the US, had no such luxury and throughout the First World War suffered a severe naval embargo enacted against her by the British Royal Navy, which contributed to the weakening of Germany and its failure to secure victory in the war. Russia’s location in the centre of Eurasia, a powerful position in itself, has at the same time made the country vulnerable to invasion by hostile, expansionist states such as Napoleon’s France and Nazi Germany, though thankfully the Russians managed to beat back and defeat the invaders.

The US had become in 1871 the world’s largest economy, surpassing Britain (2). By the 1890s America was the globe’s number 1 industrial power. From the latter end of the 19th century, Washington expanded its navy and was projecting its influence over the East and West, advancing across the seas the Royal Navy traditionally controlled.

The British empire was probably in decline since around 1870 (3). London’s difficulties, such as in maintaining her colonies, quickly began to be noticed by the other major powers, Russia and Germany, who were rightly convinced that Britain was in steep decline by the late 19th century. British regression was made worse by her unnecessary involvement in World War I, and subsequent struggles in World War II with the Axis states. By 1945 England was a virtually spent and exhausted nation, dominated thereafter by its American ally.

From the early 1990s, president Bill Clinton (1993–2001) believed America’s “national security” primarily meant economic security; and that this depended on the Americans extending their influence globally, opening up markets to neoliberal exploitation. Clinton stated that “our ‘foreign’ policies are not really foreign at all anymore”. He blurred the difference between the United States’ domestic and international actions, merging them together.

America’s energy security had since become vulnerable. The US has depended on imports for 50% or more of its oil (4), having largely burnt up the petroleum reserves on American soil. Today the US contains less oil than Libya, a country with a modest 7 million people.

The Americans have long been more dependent on oil than any other nation. Per capita, the US still produces much more carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through fossil fuel consumption than China, its biggest industrial rival. By September 2022, there were 290 million vehicles in America for a population of 334 million (5). In China by late 2022, there were 319 million vehicles in the country for a population of 1.4 billion. (6)

The number of automobiles in the US is rising each year, and out of the present day 290 million US-owned vehicles, only 1.9 million of them (less than 1%) are electric vehicles. The US military, as has been documented, is heavily reliant on oil to run its many large vehicles such as the tanks, trucks, four-wheel drives, etc.

Dwight Eisenhower, who would later be the US president (1953–61), said in 1951 that the Middle East is the “strategically most important area of the world”. The Middle East together with Central Asia contains about 64.5% of known global oil reserves (7). The conviction which Eisenhower had then strengthened in Washington following the 1980s: supremacy over the Middle East, and also Central Asia, were viewed as critical to maintaining US hegemony. According to Brazilian scholar Moniz Bandeira, “This became one of the most important guiding principles of American foreign policy after 1990”.

America’s “national security” related to control over both the natural resources and their transport routes. A well-known US diplomat, George Kennan, observed that ascendancy over the Middle East’s oil would bolster America’s influence and increase its “veto power”. The George W. Bush administration (2001–09) knew this clearly. Bush’s vice-president, Cheney, warned that if rivals captured pipelines they would use it as “tools of intimidation and blackmail” (8). The suggestion being only the Americans had the right.

After Bush’s controversial election victory in late 2000, his cabinet, dominated by neo-conservatives, proceeded to shape foreign policy through neo-con entities like the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Bush’s White House increased military spending, further expanded the US-led NATO, and challenged “regimes hostile to the interests and values” of the US, while preserving “an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles”.

Bandeira noted,

“After his inauguration in early 2001, increasing the flow of oil from abroad became President Bush’s top priority because of the reduction of American oil and natural gas stocks. This fact was made more salient by the blackouts in California arising from market manipulation, while oil imports were poised to exceed 50% of internal consumption”. (9)

Russia, Iran and Central Asia combined contain 50% of the world’s gas sources, and more than 15% of global oil reserves (10). Already in the 1990s, the US under president Clinton sought to penetrate the heart of Eurasia by advancing into Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. They had been among the least developed of the Soviet republics and are also resource-plentiful.

In the Central Asian state of Uzbekistan, there is estimated to be 1.58 trillion cubic metres of gas, and at least 594 million barrels of oil (11). Uzbekistan’s neighbour, Kazakhstan, possesses the 12th largest oil reserves in the world, and in that regard is 2nd among the states of the former USSR. Kazakhstan’s oil and gas deposits have been valued by the Kazakh government at $8.7 trillion (12). Not far from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan contains the 6th biggest gas reserves globally.

The Energy Task Force headed by vice-president Cheney calculated that the proven reserves, of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, along with sectors of the Caspian Sea, contain 20 billion barrels of oil, more than there is in the North Sea (13). The US Department of Energy, under the Clinton administration, had previously identified the Caspian Sea as holding huge potential oil reserves. Clinton’s government outlined that there are 160 billion barrels of oil in the basin of the Caspian Sea, a body of water which shares coastlines with Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

Near the end of Clinton’s presidency, the US Congress in 1999 sanctioned the Silk Road Strategy (SRS), in order to promote American interests in the Central Asian and southern Caucasus regions, and to oppose the influence of Russia, Iran and China. The Silk Road Strategy was concerned with exploring alternatives to the Middle East, a region which though indeed recognised as very important in Washington was regarded also as unstable.

Bandeira wrote, “Some calculations indicated that ‘landlocked’ Central Asia could supply more than 80% of the oil imported by the United States by around 2050, which explains the urgent need to control the oil reserves of the region and the pipelines through Afghanistan and Turkey” (14). Washington has sought to advance its “export of democracy”, that is subordination to US interests, not only with military means, but through US-government linked organisations like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), USAID, Freedom House, and the Open Society Institute of billionaire George Soros, later renamed Open Society Foundations.

These groups encourage regime change in countries outside of Washington’s influence. The method is not that different from the Western-backed coup in Iran in August 1953, when the CIA and MI6 funded the opposition in Tehran with the aim of toppling prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, who had nationalised the British oil companies in Iran.

The name of Soros appears on a frequent basis and he is quite clearly a dangerous meddler. He was inciting anti-government activities in Yugoslavia from 1991, where he spent over $100 million in following years to help in overthrowing Slobodan Milosevic, the Yugoslav president (15). The US and EU likewise spent tens of millions of dollars to oust Milosevic, who had been defying Western power. Soros has poured vast sums of cash into promoting unrest in eastern European states, under the pretext of helping them to be “open” and “democratic”. In the West, Soros also provides funding to the “LGBT movement”, transgender and gay rights, and other such activities of Western liberalism.

Elsewhere, Africa became important to Washington, as the continent has provided the US with 20% of its oil imports (16). The International Energy Agency, headquartered in Paris, estimated that by 2035 more than 20% of world oil production will come from Africa. The Western oil firms, however, expect African governments to create the right conditions to allow the exploitation of the continent’s oil.

This may explain why president Bush, on 1 October 2008, activated the US Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA), whose goal was to subordinate the energy-rich African states, while eliminating competition such as from the Chinese. Beijing has offered African governments better prices, along with infrastructure and development projects.

About 90% of Africa’s oil has been concentrated in just 6 of its countries – in Libya, Nigeria, Angola, Algeria, Sudan and Egypt. From 1989 to 2012, Africa’s proven oil sources increased by 116%, amounting to 13% of the world’s petroleum reserves (17). Significant oil discoveries were made in other African nations like Ghana, Uganda and Mozambique, with exploration having taken place in Kenya, Sierra Leone and Mali. Surely it is no coincidence that many of Africa’s resource-rich states are hindered by civil wars and other conflicts.

After the 2011 NATO-led toppling of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s wealth, most of it generated from oil production, was exploited by Wall Street and European banks who benefited from the war. The US investment bank, Goldman Sachs, had managed a Libyan sovereign wealth fund and amassed profits of $350 million. (18)


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This article was originally published on Geopolitica.RU.

Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree. He is interested in writing primarily on foreign affairs, having been inspired by authors like Noam Chomsky.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


1 Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, The Second Cold War: Geopolitics and the Strategic Dimensions of the USA (Springer; 1st edition, 23 June 2017) p. 19

2 “The United States will remain a corporate site location powerhouse in 2020”, Ohio Economic Development Association, 30 March 2020

3 Donald J. Goodspeed, The German Wars (Random House Value Publishing, 2nd edition, 3 April 1985) p. 40

4 Bandeira, The Second Cold War, p. 25

5 “How many cars are in the US?”, Zippia, 30 January 2023

6 “China’s NEV ownership hits 13.1 million by the end of 2022, but only accounts for 4.1% of total fleet”, Cnevpost, 11 January 2023

7 Bandeira, The Second Cold War, p. 25

8 Akeel Bilgrami, Jonathan R. Cole, Who’s Afraid of Academic Freedom? (Columbia University Press; Reprint edition, 27 September 2016) p. 341

9 Bandeira, The Second Cold War, p. 30

10 Ibid., p. 25

11, “Uzbekistan – energy”, 13 March 2013

12 Martha Brill Olcott, Central Asia’s Second Chance (Brookings Institution Press, 1 July 2005) p. 32

13 Bandeira, The Second Cold War, p. 28

14 Ibid., p. 29

15 Ibid., p. 24

16 Ibid., p. 93

17 “Africa: The next great energy growth story”, Investor Place, 23 February 2012

18 “Goldman Sachs sued for $1 billion by Libya wealth fund”, Yahoo finance, 31 January 2014

Featured image is from Geopolitica.RU

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First published by Global Research on October 4, 2021

This year marks a seminal turning point in human history. For the first time since human civilization began, our species is being genetically modified. Vaccine manufacturers have now made it possible for the human genome to be permanently altered—and humanity’s relationship with nature forever changed—by means of an experimental pharmaceutical injection that is being falsely referred to as a “vaccine.”

In light of this defining event, I believe we must take a sober look at the motives and acts that are revamping humanity as we know it. Simultaneously, we must examine our increasingly destructive treatment of the natural world. 

In order to investigate the many variables that are hastening the demise of humanity and sabotaging our unique role as stewards of the earth and its billions of plant and animal species, I have divided this study into four main parts, which will appear as separate articles: 

In Part I: The Microbiome and The Virome, we will discover that we are literally swimming in a vast sea of genomic information that was essential for life to begin and flourish on this precious earth and that is still trying to help all species survive. The matrix of organisms that make up the microbiome have built a viromic information stream that has allowed for adaptation and biodiversity to occur on the planet. And that very same viromic information stream is responsible for building the human species.

In Part lI: Our War Against Nature, we will explore how our own reckless behaviour is destroying the environment, thereby moving us toward the sixth mass extinction. By that I mean, I will be covering the real environmental catastrophe, not the billionaire-funded “global warming/climate change” hoax initiated by the Club of Rome and further promulgated by the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

In Part III: What Happened in 2020, we will examine how this real environmental devastation has contributed to the “pandemic” that was rolled out in 2020, that led to the mass experimental injections of unknown substances into human “subjects” in 2021, and that has no foreseeable end. (I put “pandemic” in quotes because of its fraudulent character. Indeed, it is more accurately and aptly described as a plandemic, a scamdemic, a pseudo pandemic or any other term indicating fakery.)  

In Part IV: Our Response, we will analyze the irresponsible and irrational response of most people on the planet to this so-called pandemic. 

Parts II, III and IV will be published later by Global Research.

The Microbiome  

The microbiome (derived from the Greek words micro, meaning “small,” and biotikos, meaning “pertaining to life”) is a massive ecosystem consisting of trillions of microorganisms. Incredibly, some 40,000 species of bacteria, 300,000 species of parasites, 65,000 species of protozoa, and between 3.5 million and 5 million species of fungi inhabit the environment around us and live in or on the human body. This complex world of microorganisms continually secretes a sea of viruses, which serve as a communication network for the bacteria, parasites, protozoa, and fungi. And, as we will discover shortly, these viruses have always been here to help us, not hinder us. In other words, they are life-affirming, not death-inducing.

Here’s a hint of the microbiome’s intricacy, incredible diversity, and infinitesimal size: The number of genes within the fungal kingdom is at least 125 trillion! The human genome, by comparison, consists of a mere 20,000 genes. A fruit fly has 13,000 genes, a flea 31,000. Thus, in terms of genetic complexity, the human genome has just a tiny fragment of genetic information compared to the vast world of genomic information contained within the microbiome. 

One fascinating aspect of the microbiome is its symbiotic communication network, which allows the transmission of protein information from one microorganism to one another. For example, the mycelial network (a matrix of fine white filaments) in fungi allows the fungi to communicate with each other over distances that can stretch to several kilometers. These mycelial structures are capable of transferring mineral and protein resources more than a kilometer. How? They use light energy and electrons that flow through the pathways within the soil system. In this way, the microbiome helps plants and other multicellular life forms flourish. It is no exaggeration to call the mycelial network in the fungal kingdom the literal “brain” of the planet. Incidentally, all of the tiny, intelligent organisms that make up the microbiome are powered by the biophotonic energy of the sun.

Hard as it is to fathom, at least 1.4 quadrillion bacteria and 10 quadrillion fungi live inside the human body. Within the human colon alone are 3.8 x 1013bacteria cells. Every single organ in the body, including the brain, has its own microbiome. The purpose of the bacteria and fungi in our bodies is to nourish and nurture our cells, keeping us healthy and in equilibrium with the larger microbiome surrounding us. 

The Virome

The virome is the immense world in which Mother Nature’s messengers exist. It is composed of trillions upon trillions of viruses produced by the aforementioned microbiome’s bacteria, parasites, protozoa, and fungi.

The average adult human body contains 1 x 1015 viruses. By contrast, in the air enveloping the earth there are 1 x 1031viruses; in the earth’s soil there are 2.5 x 1031 viruses; and in the earth’s oceans there are 1.2 x 1030viruses. To provide some perspective on these awe-inspiring numbers, 1 x 1031is 10 million times greater than the number of known stars in the entire universe.

Simply put, a virus is genomic information, either DNA or RNA, wrapped in a protein envelope. The small strands of protein protruding outward from the outer surface of a virus’s protein envelope are called spike proteins. Viruses are not living organisms. They do not produce their own fuel. They have no metabolism for producing energy. And they cannot reproduce. 

Viruses have been traveling globally, above the atmospheric boundary layer, for millions of years, long before machines for air travel were invented. Their genetic codes have been blanketing the earth for eons, creating biodiversity and allowing for adaptation throughout the ecosystem. By adaptation, I mean that viruses are always seeking to adapt their genetic codes for the purpose of creating resilient health in all of the planet’s life forms. It is ridiculous to suggest that, in order to travel from one region of the globe to another, a virus must hop on an aircraft, as RAND’s National Security Research Division would have us believe. 

Furthermore, viruses—including coronaviruses—do not come in waves and then disappear without a trace, only to miraculously reappear later in the same spot or a different one. Instead, viruses never leave, never expire. They inhabit every element in the environment around us. In short, they are omnipresent and ever-present.

Our relationship with particular viruses can change as a consequence of our harmful actions toward nature. Whenever humans poison and pollute the air, soil, and water, they create an imbalance between humanity and the virome—an imbalance that can cause us to come into disequilibrium with a particular virus.

Unfortunately, the allopathic medicine regime, which plutocrats John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie forced on most of the world with their 1910 Flexner Report, still has a large segment of the scientific community believing that bacteria, fungi, and viruses are our enemy.

The foundation of Rockefeller’s allopathic medicine scheme is Louis Pasteur’s flawed “germ theory,” which claims that outside microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses attack, invade, and infect the body, thereby causing disease.

Most of the Western world credits Pasteur (1822–1895) with playing a fundamental part in establishing what we call “modern medicine”—a paradigm that traces the origin of each disease to a single germ.

Without Pasteur’s theory, most modern drugs would never be produced, promoted, or prescribed—a fact that explains why today’s medical establishment and its codependent pharmaceutical industry refuse to recognise their flaws or own up to their ineffectiveness. 

By contrast, “terrain theory,” which was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813–1878) and later built upon by Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908), alleges that the terrain—that is, the internal environment of the body—and not an external germ determines our health or lack thereof. What Béchamp referred to as “terrain” is very close to what modern medicine has now termed the innate immune system. As we will see in the following paragraphs, Béchamp was definitely on the right track in discovering how the human body really interacts with the outside environment.

Unlike Pasteur, Béchamp did have an academic background in science. He believed disease to be a biological result of the changes that take place in the body when its metabolic processes become imbalanced. When the body is in a state of imbalance, Béchamp alleged, germs become symptoms that in turn stimulate more symptoms, which eventually lead to disease. 

Although Béchamp was moving in the right direction with his terrain theory, Rockefeller’s germ-dependent pharmaceutical tyranny has prevailed, due largely to substantial infusions of money, which Rockefeller and Carnegie gladly supplied in the form of grants to universities, hospitals, and medical research facilities. Their philanthropic largess, which easily exceeded $100 million, enabled them to influence the policy of the entire US medical establishment and eventually most of the Western nations, steering them toward an exclusively chemical-based allopathic regime.   

I contend in this article that, contrary to what Rockefeller medicine has been teaching us for over one hundred years, viruses are not here to attack our cells or to harm us in any other manner. On the contrary, the DNA and RNA genetic molecular information contained within the viruses are literally the building blocks of life on earth. To use a modern analogy, we can think of a virus’s information stream as a software update carrying important molecular intelligence that can be uploaded, when required, to any cell of a living multicellular organism—including any one of the 70 trillion cells contained in the human body. Our cells regulate which new genomic information is received and which information is not received. The viruses are simply seeking to adapt to the cells for the purpose of creating resilient human health.

A word here about the immune system. There are two kinds of immunity: innate and adaptive. 

The innate immune system is the initial and primary means by which our bodies interact with a virus. The innate system helps the body find a genetic balance with each new viral update that is being presented to it. The body does not need to replicate or reproduce the new viral information after more than 4 or 5 days of updates.

The innate immune system functions on healthy boundaries in the human body, such as the physical barriers between the gut and the bloodstream, or on the blood vessels that tightly regulate the movement of ions, molecules, and cells between the bloodstream and the brain (termed the blood-brain barrier), or at the genetic level in our cells (like the mutagen proteins in our cells). Also, the innate immune system operates through a variety of enzymes—like the APOBec3A/3G and CAS9. These enzymes are now considered central to innate immunity. 

The adaptive immune system is the secondary means by which our bodies interact with viruses.

The adaptive system mounts a highly specific response to a virus by utilizing the body’s white blood cells, known as lymphocytes (B cells and T cells). The B cells are responsible for releasing antibodies into the bloodstream. Antibodies are the body’s second—not first—method of interaction with a virus after it receives a new viral update or after it develops an imbalance with a particular virus. Antibodies are specific, targeted defences. They usually show up on the scene 3 to 6 weeks after the body’s initial exposure to a virus. Simply put, antibodies act like a cleanup crew, assisting the body in cleaning out viruses and bacteria that are no longer needed. Meanwhile, the T cells are responsible for stimulating the B cells into making antibodies.    

To understand how quickly the human body adapts when exposed to the virome, consider a seven-day-old infant. He has 1 x 108 virus particles in just one gram of feces. Even though that child does not have the capacity to develop any antibodies at such an early stage in life, he nonetheless instantly adapts to these virus particles, remaining perfectly healthy. Instead of developing a fever, he remains in stable equilibrium—homeostasis—with the virome, both microbially and genetically. That fact alone proves that we do not interact with the virome through our adaptive immune system but, rather, interact with it through our innate immune system.

What is the key takeaway from these facts? To me, it is that the body’s decision to take in genetic information is a highly intricate and controlled biological process. There are numerous ways our bodies stay in equilibrium with the huge sea of genetic information that we breathe in and come into contact with every moment of our lives.

Since a virus is not a living organism, our innate immune system cannot kill viruses—nor would it want to. Instead, as mentioned above, the innate immune system simply comes into genetic balance with a new virus. It does this by replicating or receiving updates from that virus—and by immediately responding to that new viral upload. Once genetic balance has been achieved, typically 4 to 5 days after initial exposure to the virus, our innate immune system refuses to receive further updates. 

From these facts, we may conclude that humans cannot stop an “epidemic” from occurring, nor can they change the trajectory of an epidemic. In other words, it is useless—actually, worse than useless: it is harmful—to try to check an always-helpful virus by deploying an unapproved experimental gene-editing device that is designed to produce an antibody response (otherwise known as an adaptive immune system response induced by the injection). That antiquated scientific model is biologically illogical and can never work. We now know that it interferes with our beautifully designed innate immune system, which is perfectly capable of handling any virus with which we may develop a temporary imbalance. (Exactly how we develop an imbalance with a particular virus, like the HIV virus or any coronavirus, will be explained later in the article).

Furthermore, contrary to the official narrative propagated by vaccine makers and governmental health agencies around the world, our immune systems do retain a memory of the viruses that our bodies have interacted with and of the genes that were inserted naturally—upon receiving a new viral update—into our cells. In the innate immune system, for instance, the Cas9 enzyme, which is responsible for cleaving excess DNA when too much of a viral upload is presented to a cell, is the natural memory data bank that will remember which DNA pattern it encountered. 

In addition, the permanent records kept by an innate immune system are passed down to succeeding generations of humans, who therefore will never have an inflammatory-inducing reaction to a particular virus. Even in the adaptive immune system, the B cells (the source of antibodies) and T cells (the B cells’ stimulus) provide lasting immunity. 

A multipronged NIH study presented by the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) in 2008 proved conclusively that antibody immunity can last for a lifetime. In that study, a group of scientists, led by Dr. Eric Altschuler, collected blood samples from 32 survivors—between the ages of 91 and 101—of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. (Actually, the correct name for that pandemic is the Kansas Flu—its place of origin.) To their amazement, the scientists discovered that, almost a century later, all of the study’s participants still carried the antibodies to the same strain of influenza. 

Based on the findings of that 21-year-old study, we can dismiss the propaganda foisted upon us by the mainstream media and medical organizations. It is not true that natural immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus may wear off six months to a year after initial exposure. And it is not true that an experimental injection is the only way one can reach immunity. Such unfounded claims are simply ruses invented to further the avaricious agenda of the pharmaceutical industry and the other technocrats operating behind the scenes. 

Bottom line: The power of natural immunity will always outperform any perceived immunity to a virus said to result from an injection, whether experimental or government-approved. 

Biologically speaking, all life on earth is built from the RNA and DNA molecular genetic sequences contained in viruses. These viruses are exquisitely designed genetic delivery systems essential to initiating and sustaining life on earth. In fact, more than 50 percent of the 20,000 genes inherited by today’s humans were inserted millions of years ago into the mammalian genome by these tiny marvels of nature. At least 8 percent of those genes were inserted by RNA retroviruses similar to the HIV retrovirus. (A retrovirus is an RNA virus which inserts a DNA copy of its genome into the host cell in order to replicate itself.) Equally intriguing is the fact that millions of years ago retroviral updates played a key role in the emergence of placental mammals. 

Interestingly, a 2017 study published by the National Institute of Health (NIH) demonstrates that many of us are carrying the HIV retrovirus without even knowing it. In this study, the researchers “explored non-human sequence data from whole-genome sequencing the blood of 8,240 adults living in the US and Europe—none of whom were ascertained to have any infectious disease. They found that a full 42 percent of the participants tested positive for the presence of 94 known viruses. These viruses included the HIV virus, the hepatitis B virus, the hepatitis C virus, and the influenza virus.                                                                      

We have been trained by the medical community and the corporate-controlled media to believe that the HIV virus should predominate in people living in Sub-Saharan Africa. After all, we are told, 95 percent of all “HIV positive” cases come from that region of the globe. If that were the case, we would expect to see in other regions very little HIV and a far higher prevalence of, say, hepatitis C or influenza. Not so: It is just the reverse! In fact, the 2017 study found a fivefold higher prevalence of the HIV virus than of hepatitis C and influenza in those 8,240 asymptomatic Americans and Europeans. Amazingly, each one was completely in balance with the HIV virus, even though none of them had ever travelled to Africa. We must conclude from this study that not only has the world completely misunderstood the prevalence of the HIV virus in all corners of the globe but that our fear of it—and of the virome in general—is entirely unjustified. 

Given that many powerful organizations, both public and private, profit from the huge grants and donations that perpetuate the endless AIDS movement, it is unsurprising that no scientific peer-reviewed study has been done to provide conclusive evidence that a virus called HIV causes a disease named AIDS. Were any such study to be undertaken, it would prove that the HIV-leads-to-AIDS hypothesis is baseless and, more to the point, fraudulent.

The question scientists should be focusing on is: What is taking place in Sub-Saharan Africa that is creating such an abnormal relationship between people living in that area and the HIV retrovirus, causing 95 percent of them to test HIV-positive? 

For an answer to that question, we need to look at the terrain where viruses reside and stay in balance with the human body. (By “terrain” I mean a geographic area with its associated ecosystem. I am not referring here to the aforementioned Bernard/Béchamp terrain theory.) When a terrain is disrupted by anything unnatural to it—for example, poisoning of the environment by irresponsible human behaviour—the viruses become overexpressed and the body’s balance with the virome is lost. 

Taking account of the terrain, we find that the number one factor common to all so-called infectious disease epidemics or pandemics is the destruction of the ecosystem. In other words, the natural terrain has been altered by irresponsible human behaviour to such an extent that our innate adaptation to all the genetic information surrounding us is undermined. 

It is not that the viruses are causing a disease. Rather, it is that they are simply presenting the body with a new genetic adaptation option. The body’s innate immune system then determines how much of that new information it will absorb. If the cells are in dire need of repair—perhaps as a result of poor dietary choices, a sedentary lifestyle, or toxicity in the environment—the virus will create an inflammation event as the body goes through its regenerative process. This is usually accompanied by a fever, loss of appetite, and an elevated white blood cell count. Such an inflammatory event is what we commonly refer to as “the flu.” 

What we derogatively call an inflammatory event—implying it is bad for the body—is actually a part of the body’s healing process. The inflammation is needed to create regeneration within the body. It is acting on behalf of the body, not against it. But if the body’s microbiome is replete instead of wanting, it will not need an update, and therefore no inflammation will take place. 

In the case of Sub-Saharan Africa, the ecosystem is dying. The collapse of nutrient-rich soil systems, poor water hygiene, a lack of basic sanitation, a chronically undernourished population, and the complete elimination of traditional organic farming—overtaken by the oxymoronic Green Revolution, foisted on developing countries by industrial agriculture—have caused a large portion of that population to develop an imbalance between their innate immune system and the environment. The syndrome known as “AIDS” is an expression of that imbalance. The HIV virus, which was first discovered by French virologist Luc Montagnier, has been falsely accused of being the primary culprit responsible for AIDS—a form of guilt by association. In actual fact, the HIV virus is benign and is not trying to take over the mechanics of any cell. 

The real root of the problem is that the innate immune system of the Sub-Saharan African people has been degraded by a lack of nutrition to such an extent that they are falling prey to a myriad of illnesses, which have been collectively grouped under the single title “AIDS.” However, instead of coming to terms with the reality of what the dire ecological disaster is causing, “scientists” are blaming the HIV virus as a cover to hide decades of government and corporate environmental and economic crimes.

From the information covered thus far, we can rightly conclude that it is impossible for viruses or pathogens to create infectious disease pandemics and epidemics—for there is no such thing as an infectious disease in the traditional sense of the term—examples being “AIDS,” “Ebola,” and other unfounded “viral” pandemics. Yes, pharmaceutical propaganda has been pushing the infectious disease paradigm on world thought for centuries. But the belief that such diseases exist is no more than an outgrowth of Pasteur’s debunked germ theory. What we commonly refer to as an epidemic or a pandemic is simply the result of a degraded innate immune system showing up in a segment of the planet’s population. The reasons for this degradation can include chemical poisoning from herbicides, pesticides, or genetically modified foods, which we will look at in more detail below. 

As we can see by the above description of the virome, it is no exaggeration to say that the virome is the language of all life on earth. We are literally swimming in a vast sea of genomic information that was essential for life to begin and flourish on this precious earth and that is still trying to help all species survive. The matrix of organisms that make up the microbiome have built a viromic information stream that has allowed for adaptation and biodiversity to occur on the planet. And that very same viromic information stream is responsible for building the human species.

Thus, humans are not separate from the virome and the microbiome but are, rather, integral to the virome and microbiome’s vast, complex ecosystem. Yet we have increasingly placed ourselves in direct opposition to the very living system of which we are an intrinsic part: nature.


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David Skripac has a Bachelor of Technology degree in aerospace engineering. During his two tours of duty as a captain in the Canadian Air Force, he flew extensively in the former Yugoslavia, Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. Using an inquisitive mind, a keen eye for detail, and problem-solving skills honed during his university years and throughout his career, David devoted over one hundred hours to researching the latest scientific findings in the fields of virology and microbiology to bring this article to fruition. 

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About 75% of non-organic vegetables and fruits grown in the United States contain toxic pesticide residue. Blueberries and green beans contain organophosphates which can damage the human nervous system.

Unless produce is grown cleanly without pesticides and herbicides and is laboratory tested, it can be risky to consume to some degree because it might be chock full of hidden chemical poisons that are unseen to the naked eye, according to a report by The Daily Mail.

The Environmental Working Group looked at 46 different produce staples. Overall, the organization found that 75 percent of freshly grown produce in the U.S. contains some degree of harmful pesticide residue, which is deeply concerning. The worst offenders are among some of the healthiest fruits and vegetables when grown cleanly. These conventionally grown produce items are risky to consume because of the hidden chemicals they contain.

Strawberries, grapes, apples, nectarines, pears, and cherries ranked at the top of the list for being the most dangerous when grown conventionally, the latest EWG findings show. The same is true for antioxidant-rich blueberries and leafy green vegetables like kale, which are heavily sprayed with chemicals when grown conventionally.

More than 90 percent of all samples of strawberries, apples, cherries, spinach, nectarines, and grapes were found to have at least two different chemicals pesticides on them, according to tests. All in all, more than 250 different pesticides were discovered on American produce – pesticides that, in many cases, are illegal to use in other countries.-Natural News

Over 50 pesticides were detected on every kind of crop on the dirty dozen list, apart from cherries. Kale, collard, and mustard greens, and hot and bell peppers had the most pesticides of any crop (103 and 101.)

“Despite the abundance of science linking exposure to pesticides with serious health issues, a potentially toxic cocktail of concerning chemicals continues to taint many of the non-organic fruits and vegetables eaten by consumers,” said EWG toxicologist Alexis Temkin.

In some cases, the pesticides identified by EWG on American produce are not even legal here in the U.S. Six percent of green beans, the group found, contain the neurotoxic organophosphate insecticide acephate, which was banned from use on green beans in 2011 for being a “possible” human carcinogen, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). –The Daily Mail

Not only is our food supply being systematically destroyed, but the foods that are available are carrying toxins in the form of pesticides. It feels like this is an outright war on humanity considering we all need food to survive.


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A state-of-the-art assessment on the scientific evidence of wireless radiation impacts on children’s health published in the journal Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care concludes that the medical community has a critical role to play to prevent harm from wireless radiation. “Wireless Technologies, Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Fields and Children: Identifying and Reducing Health Risks” is written by distinguished experts in medicine, epidemiology, toxicology, physics, biochemical engineering and public health who collectively have published more than 1,000 papers. 

The paper references numerous studies that associate wireless exposure to effects including oxidative stress, DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, sperm damage, memory damage and neurological effects. The American Academy of Pediatrics has long advocated for U.S. government regulations to be updated to address children’s vulnerability. Pregnancy, infancy and childhood are periods of critical susceptibility, especially for the brain, which is rapidly developing.

“Current government safety limits are outdated and do not reflect the latest science nor the way children use wireless technology today,” stated Linda Birnbaum Ph.D, former Director of the National Toxicology Program and National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, regarding this critical examination of experimental and epidemiological evidence.

“We highly recommend educating parents on why and how to reduce wireless radiation exposures, especially during pregnancy,” stated Hugh Taylor MD, Professor and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale University, whose research has found increased hyperactivity and damage to memory in mice prenatally exposed to cell phone radiation.

“The science indicates that wireless radiation acts like a classic endocrine disruptor,“ stated Devra Davis Ph.D, M.P.H., President of Environmental Health Trust, pointing to “substantial evidence” linking wireless exposures to impaired memory, behavior, fertility and brain development, as well as cancer and neurological illness.

Noting that human exposure limits for wireless radiation have not been updated for more than two decades, the distinguished authors recommend policies that reduce wireless exposures. The paper details how clinicians can integrate a preventive approach into their clinical practice by educating patients and families on simple measures to minimize exposure. It also offers specific measures to reduce exposure in schools and steps for professional medical and public health organizations to take to educate and motivate their members to advocate for more protective regulations.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends parents minimize their children’s cell phone use with ten tips for families which includes distancing the cell phone from the brain and body, and when watching videos on a device parents can pre-download movies and then turn the wireless antennas off before handing the device to the child, “in order to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure.”

Other U.S. public health entities’ recommendations to reduce children’s exposures include the California Department of Public Health cell phone advisory and the Maryland State Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council guidelines to reduce wireless radiation at home and school. 

Theodora Scarato, Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust, highlighted the international policiesto reduce children’s exposure, such as France and Belgium’s bans on the sale of cell phones designed for young children and the numerous countries that have restrictions on Wi-Fi exposure in classrooms. She stated that, “US government limits allow radiation emissions 10 to 100 times higher than numerous countries such as Switzerland, Italy, China, Russia and India. Many countries have more stringent laws to protect children and restrict cell towers near homes and schools.”

Scarato pointed out that Environmental Health Trust has a website dedicated to educating parents and caretakers on how to reduce children’s wireless radiation exposure at as well as a campaign to elevate the issue at the federal level.

“Decades of research on the biological effects of microwave radiofrequency radiation (RFR) provide clear evidence of a variety of risks to the health and well-being of adults and, particularly, children from everyday,low-level exposure to wireless devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other WiFi-enabled wireless electronics. My research demonstrates how the FCC and the ICNIRP placed the needs of the ICT industry above the protection of children. Parents, clinicians and policymakers have been lulled into a false sense of security about the safety of childhood RFR exposure.” stated Tom Butler PhD, Professor of Information Systems at University College Cork and former satellite and microwave telecommunications engineer.

“A false presumption that wireless radiation is only harmful when tissue is over-heated has blocked progress in health protection in many (but not all) countries for decades. One mechanism that initiates harms, including cancers, is well known by chemical engineers and commercialized as ‘microwave catalysis,’” stated Meg Sears Ph.D., Chair of Prevent Cancer Now, and Research Associate at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (Canada). Sears works in environmental health, following studies in biochemical engineering and applied chemistry.

“Non ionizing radiation can have impacts at the cellular level that include impacts on cell homeostasis,  on mitochondrial processes critical to cellular energy and metabolism. The assumption that only ionizing radiation can cause harm is outdated and incorrect,” stated Paul Ben Ishai Ph.D of the Department of Physics, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel, head of the laboratory of Terahertz Dielectric Spectroscopy.

The entire paper is open access and the PDF can be downloaded at this link. 


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From developing new weapons and hiring war criminals to denying dissidents the right to teach, universities have a history of serving US imperial interests. Last October, a cabal of staff at the Pentagon-funded Plymouth University canceled me.

Throughout history, most academics have been the witting or unwitting servants of power. Socrates was accused of failing to honor the gods of Athens and corrupting the youth with his ideas. He was canceled in the ultimate way: sentenced to die. Aristotle, by contrast, tutored the young Alexander the Great, future King of Macedonia, which at the time was occupying Athens. During the rebellion, Aristotle fled to save his skin.

Today, some academics refusing to toe the line are also threatened with death. Chicago University’s John Mearsheimer was placed on the US-funded Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation’s blacklist, where he and others, including myself, were accused of committing “informational terrorism” by expressing fact-based opinions about the war with Russia. At the same time that Ukrainian fascists were placing me on their list, a cabal of liberal staff at my military-funded institution, the University of Plymouth (UK), terminated my position without warning or right of reply.

If we look at the US imperial apparatus, we see that higher education plays a major role.

From the Beginning

The American university has been significantly influenced by the military since at least 1862, with the passing of the Morrill Land-Grant College Act. The Civil War-era legislation awarded government grants to create agricultural and engineering colleges.

Britain has the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), funded by big oil, weapons companies, and banks. The US has its Chatham House offshoot, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921 and funded by the usual suspects: banks, big oil, etc. A history of the CFR and its close ties to academics, who continue to help shape the ideologies that justify and influence capitalist imperialism, has been authored by Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter: the classic, Imperial Brain Trust.

By the Second World War, the university’s “very importance for the achievement of public priorities, most conspicuously for national defense,” writes historian Richard M. Abrams, “led the university to accept inducements and constraints that pulled it notably away from its briefly assumed mission as a protected refuge for the dispassionate and critical study of science and society.” Those “constraints” came in the form of military funding.

Historian Robin Winks wrote Cloak and Gown: a major history of the CIA’s forerunner, the Office of Strategic Services, and its successful efforts to recruit academics to work for US intelligence during the Second World War. The majority of scholars were teaching at Yale. In 1943 alone, there were 42 recruits. Most the recruits were bookworms who would aid analyses and assist in foreign languages. Other operations included using universities as covers to buy hundreds of books that were intended for OSS-CIA station chiefs.

The Wise Men, written by Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, traces the history of six members of the post-War foreign policy establishment who shaped the Marshall Plan, NATO, and other instruments of US imperialism. The men were graduates of Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.

Institutions like NATO would have still been created without intellectuals, but academics acted as ideological shepherds, rounding policy staff into pens of groupthink that enabled intellectual justifications for the insanity on which they were encouraging politicians to embark.

From WWII to the Cold War

During the War, campuses of the University of Washington (Seattle) were commandeered by the government as the University pioneered military medicine. Political enemies were not welcome. Professors at the University of Washington – Joseph Butter, Ralph Gundlach, and Herbert Phillips – were fired, postwar, for being commies, never to teach again. Their surviving colleagues were forced to sign loyalty pledges. At the time, the men were driven out by political right-wingers.

Today, the tables have turned. So-called liberals are leading cancel culture, as we shall see from my experience.

Citing Johns Hopkins as an exception, historian Lionel S. Lewis writes that, during the Cold War (1945-91), universities and colleges “typically sacrificed faculty in the face of political pressure … When faculty committees at the University of Michigan, Rutgers University, and the University of Washington concluded there was no reason to punish faculty whose politics were too far to the Left,” writes Lewis, “the campus presidents precipitously overturned the recommendations and fired them.” (I endured the same treatment by higher-ups using their executive powers at the Pentagon-funded Plymouth University.)

In 1962, Larry Gara, another alleged dirty commie (actually a Quaker) teaching at Grove City College (Pennsylvania), was fired. Grove City College donor, J. Howard Pew of Sun Oil, took a dislike to Gara and worked in secret to have him fired. Likewise, forces working in secret pushed out me of Plymouth University. Gara had previously been incarcerated for refusing the draft and, while in prison, had protested racial segregation. When historian Steven Taafee reviewed the records and discovered Pew’s involvement, Grove issued Gara an apology: 53 years later.

More Weapons, More Ideology

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, meanwhile, was enjoying an annual $100 million Pentagon subsidy – nearly $1 billion in today’s money – to develop all manner of weapons. Daniel J. Glenn described the scene: “Encased in the stairwell of Building 8 are a cluster-bomb wingshaft, a guided missile control fin, and other weapon parts.”

In the 1970s, Harvard’s Samuel P. Huntington co-authored an infamous bookon behalf of a CFR-type entity, the Trilateral Commission, which argued that there was too much democracy in the US and that media should do more to indoctrinate the youth away from participatory politics. Meanwhile, the so-called “realist” school of political philosophy saw the likes of Zbigniew Brzezinski teaching at Harvard and Columbia on the evils of communism. Brzezinski was a member of the Bilderberg Group, CFR, and Trilateral Commission. As President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor, he later helped to create the mujahideen to “draw the Soviets into the Afghan trap,” as he put it. The mujahideen were later rebranded “al-Qaeda” by US intelligence.

During this period, CIA on-campus recruitment increased markedly. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was founded as the forerunner of the CIA’s clandestine services unit. According to the Harvard Crimson, “the OPC cultivated faculty members who had been with the wartime Office of Strategic Services and used these contacts to find agents among the burgeoning numbers of foreign students.” In 1955, there were 34,323 student recruits. In 1975, there were a quarter of a million.

At the time, neoconservatism, which was neither new nor conservative, was gaining academic credibility in its denunciation of the Soviet Union. One of its leading scholars, Francis Fukuyama, studied at Harvard under Huntington and went on to join the Pentagon-funded military think-tank, the RAND Corporation. Fukuyama served in Reagan’s State Department, specializing in Middle East affairs, and went on to author the ludicrous “end of history” hypothesis: that the triumph of neoliberal capitalism (which is neither new nor liberal) would make life peaceful and rather boring. Fukuyama now advises the British intelligence cutout, Bellingcat.

Increased Funding

Military funding for universities is not just about war. The US economy, now bought out by asset managers, is a hi-tech economy. The biggest corporations are algorithmic, computing, data, and e-commerce firms. Each of them came out of the military sector, which gave us computers, the internet, and much more.

Under Reagan, the Pentagon increased its funding for universities, hoping for innovation under the cover of the Strategic Defense Initiative: Reagan’s plan to weaponize space with a missile system. By the mid-1980s, Department of Defense funding for higher education was double what it was at the start of the decade. One article from the period reported: “Researchers at universities are paid by the Pentagon to study such things as the impact of nuclear explosions on satellite communications, new biological weapons, and ways to generate electricity in outer space.”

By the close of the decade, reliance on university skill for weapons and future consumer innovation was of such importance that the outgoing Reagan and incoming Bush administrations created the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative to streamline military funding to universities.

The “War on Terror”

After the Soviet Union collapsed and before 9/11, US intellectuals sought new pretexts for war. They concocted the notion of “humanitarian intervention,” latter rebranded “responsibility to protect.” The doctrines were tested in Somalia in 1992 and Serbia in 1999. Scholars who provided intellectual justification included Sir Adam Roberts of the aforementioned Chatham House.

But “humanitarian intervention” was a damp ideological squib that lost out to the “war on terror.” In the 1990s, the aforementioned Professor Huntington wrote a widely ridiculed article for the CFR, followed by a book, on the “clash of civilizations.” I think that people who mock the book misread it: Huntington seemed to be saying that the coming post-Cold War conflicts for oil in the Middle East should be couched as a “clash of civilizations” for propaganda purposes, as a way of denying imperial motivations, not that they were actually a clash of civilizations.

The US blamed “al-Qaeda,” the group it created, for the events of 9/11. Relentless invasions of and proxy wars within the oil-rich Middle East and strategically significant Central Asia followed, as did appointments to prestigious universities of George W. Bush-era war criminals:

Robert Kagan was a member of the now-defunct Project for the New American Century, which in 2000 openly called for a “catastrophic and catalyzing event” that would enable the US to: back out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972) in order to weaponize space; invade Iraq; encircle China; and much more. Kagan is Adjunct Professor of History at Georgetown University, which is a few minutes’ drive from the Pentagon and White House. Kagan’s wife is Victoria Nuland, chief architect of the Ukraine 2013-14 coup and current US-led proxy war. Nuland is Distinguished Practitioner in Grand Strategy at Yale (yes, that title really exists!).

Deputy Assistant Attorney General, John Yoo, was the chief ideological architect of Bush’s torture program. Yoo is credited with giving the administration the fake legal justification for so-called enhanced integration techniques by drafting the “torture memos.” Yoo is currently a law professor at California-Berkeley. In 2007, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld faced student protests after Stanford’s Hoover Institution made him a Distinguished Visiting Fellow. After her stint as National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice returned to teach at Stanford, later directing part of the Hoover Institution.

Obama’s “Conspiracy Theorists”

Under Obama, the US increased its efforts to recruit spies. Typically, the National Security Agency helps to build profiles of academic targets. The CIA then recruits those targets, foreign and domestic, to act as spies at conferences through its National Resources Division. Agents also pose as businessmen offering grants to prospective assets. Regarding academic conferences, ex-Officer Ishmael Jones (alias) says: “We tend to flood events like these.” Through cutouts like Centra Technology Inc., some conferences are even run by US intelligence agencies. As part of its proxy war against Iran, the CIA reportedly ran a program literally called Operation Brain Drain: an attempt to lure Iranian scientists – the ones they and Mossad didn’t murder – to the West.

Samantha Power was Professor of Practice in Human Rights at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. She authored A Problem from Hell (2002), a book calling for more US invasions of sovereign nations under the pretense that foreign policy planners’ hearts bleed for oppressed peoples. The timing of the book was unfortunate for Power, as the US had shifted away from “humanitarian intervention” to the “war on terror.” Nevertheless, Power was picked by Obama to be Ambassador to the United Nations and then by Biden as head of the US Agency for International Development – America’s imperial privatization arm.

Power married Cass Sunstein, Obama’s Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Sunstein is currently Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard, where he espouses discredited behavioral sciences as a means of social control, or “nudge,” as he and others call it. Sunstein co-authored a paper arguing that “conspiracy theorists” were becoming a dangerous new class of people. (As we shall see, “conspiracy theorist” was a lazy and vague smear used against me by Plymouth University staff in their efforts to cancel me.)

The culture is shifting from thinking of “conspiracy theorists” – an undefined and meaningless designation – as harmless eccentrics to threats to “national security,” meaning the stability of political elites. To give a couple of examples: After questioning who might really be responsible for 9/11, Kevin Barrett of Wisconsin-Madison was “witch-hunted out” of the institution, in his words. In Canada, Lethbridge University’s Professor Anthony Hall was forced into early retirement after being accused of being an anti-Semite and a conspiracy theorist.


The story is much the same in the UK. Just as Georgetown University is a few minutes’ drive from the Pentagon and the White House, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London is close to the Ministry of Defence and Houses of Parliament. In addition to the RUSI, Chatham House continues to invite scholars to speak and publish. The top universities, Oxford and Cambridge, have long been recognized as recruiting grounds for spies.

Left-wing professors like A.J.P. Taylor and Christopher Hill were under surveillance during the Cold War by the internal spy agency, MI5. More recently, the so-called Integrity Initiative (II) developed what it called “clusters” of sympathetic journalists and scholars to promote a narrative: that Russia is an existential threat to Britain and Europe and to discredit anyone who disagrees. Professor Piers Robinson, then at Sheffield University, and Professor Tim Hayward of Edinburgh University, were both smeared by II-linked journalists in The Times, who splashed the front page with the headline: “Apologists for Assad working at British universities.”

Professor Robinson says that he chose to step down from his position, while Professor Hayward continues to fight smears and complaints, including those coming from students. Similar student-based tactics have been used in the US against Mark Crispin Miller and in the UK by David Miller. In my case, I was not a salaried employee, so, as wannabe bullies are wont to do, the cabal of staff at Plymouth University seized upon this weakness to try to cancel me.

Plymouth University

The City of Plymouth UK houses the Ministry of Defence (MoD)’s Naval Base Devonport from which the UK’s amphibious ships, surveillance vessels, and frigates sail. The Base also services Britain’s nuclear-armed and nuclear-powered submarines, as well as storing decommissioned submarines. Inevitably, the City’s University has a close relationship with the Mod

As part of its 2014 Covenant with the Mod, Plymouth University agrees that “we are an armed-forces friendly organization.” Perhaps that’s why the small University Press has 10 titles on Britannia Naval Histories of World War II and initially accepted and then rejected without explanation my book, later titled Britain’s Secret Wars?

The University’s Centre for Seapower and Strategy seeks to counter “global pandemics; climate change; mass migration; transnational organized crime; transnational terrorism; the ‘hybrid warfare’ of state actors; and cyber attacks.” In addition, the University has signed up to the Human and Social Science Research Capability framework: “University of Plymouth is part of a framework agreement supplying the Ministry of Defence (MOD) through BAE Systems” – the notorious weapons manufacturer.

In 2018, the Pentagon’s innovation arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), launched its PREventing EMerging Pathogenic Threats (PREEMPT): a project in which virologists were funded to use gain-of-function research to assess the possibility of animal pathogens jumping to humans and to develop preventative measures. But this so-called dual-use technology can also be weaponized.

Plymouth University benefits from DARPA. It helped to set up a private, for-profit biotech corporation headed by a former Pfizer scientist, Dr. Jeremy Salt. Called The Vaccine Group (TVG), the organization is listed as a private company on the UK government’s directory of businesses. It follows the model pioneered by Oxford University: use public money to create a private vaccine company. TVG was recently championed in the business press for completing a project on lassa fever. The lassa fever project was also funded by US taxpayers via DARPA.

Terminating My Contract

I was a postdoctoral researcher at Plymouth University’s Cognition Institute working on a device, funded by an external source (the Thomas Pocklington Trust), to help blind people. The University acted as a host institution for the third-party funding, so I was not a salaried member of staff. My research had nothing to do with politics. Politics is something about which I write for a number of journals in my spare time.

In September 2022, an anonymous snitch sought out my old PhD examiner, Assistant Professor Jane Grant (how did they know or think to do that?), to complain about things I’d been writing for Nexus, the internationally-distributed Australian magazine. The University continues to protect the identity of the tattler, citing data protection. This is Orwellian: people in the UK are permitted to make baseless accusations about others, yet their targets are not allowed to know who they are. Both Grant and the anonymous squealer violated the University’s Dignity and Respect Policy (DRP), which states: “academic staff have the right to explore unpopular or controversial subjects and opinions.”

Grant wrote to the Doctoral College, cc’ing one Cornel Sandvoss: “I’ve had an email regarding one of our ex PhD students [sic] who, I’ve been informed is writing some pretty odd stuff for a journal called Nexus.” The “odd stuff” is not specified and, to whatever it might pertain, is protected, in theory, by the DRP. “Can you check if he is still registered with us please? If so, it may be time to terminate his contract.”

So, the allegedly pro-trade union Grant decided to “terminate” my position without specific allegation or evidence. The neologism fauxialist comes to mind. What should have happened is that an investigation should have been launched into my conduct at which I should have been given the right to defend myself and see the evidence against me.

At this point, the situation turned Kafkaesque: Grant admitted to the Doctoral College that I had done nothing wrong: “the content of what he [Coles] is now writing is not good for the University to be associated with, just general but outlandish conspiracy theories etc. and him as a research fellow. Be good to have him not on our books so to speak.” “General but outlandish conspiracy theories”? Apparently this constitutes grounds for ruining someone’s reputation and career.

I knew nothing of any of this until one October morning when I sat at my home desk to login to my University email account and found that it had been suspended. No one at IT Support would tell me what was going on. My email account sponsor (who is a friend whom I met in peace activism circles) belatedly informed me about Grant et al. The above emails were never intended for me to read or even know about.

Having ignored my emails requesting an investigation, Dr. Cristina Rivas of the Doctoral College denied having any responsibility. Grant did not have the courage or decency to reply to my request for assistance: to undo the wrong she had done. The mysterious Dr. Sandvoss did not answer when I asked via email if he was the original complainant.

I then wrote to the Vice-chancellor, Judith Petts, who appointed an investigator who agreed that the cabal should not have terminated my account in the way it did, but the investigator ignored all of my complaints of bullying, constructive dismissal, and threats. The threat came from one Katie Angliss, head of the Business School, the employer of my original email sponsor. Angliss asked me to stop contacting staff in my efforts to get my account unlocked – who does she think she is? – and then wrote in bold and underlined text, as if shouting:

“if you are able to identify a named member of university staff that you are currently working with, and that can confirm your research association, then it is them that will need to sign off your discretionary membership.”


Universities have never been the spaces for freedom of thought and expression that some wish them to be. Their fundamental purpose is to train new generations of designers, economists, engineers, philosophers, and politicians to perpetuate the privileges of the ruling classes. This article has focused on militarism, but it could have just as easily focused on elite economists, like the so-called Chicago Boys, who were brought in to reap the rewards of Chile’s post-coup economy in the 1970s on behalf of US business interests.

Despite this, the potential for free inquiry exists as an unintended consequence – or “externality” as economists would say – of universities. As the Pentagon enters its final and most dangerous phase of what it calls “full spectrum dominance,” taking on nuclear-armed Russia and China, the grip on freedom of thought and expression tightens.


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T.J. Coles writes for CounterPunch, The Gray Zone, and co-founded

Featured image: University of Plymouth (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Why the Hell Is the US Occupying Syria?

March 26th, 2023 by Jon Reynolds

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In early March, Syria’s foreign ministry condemned a surprise visit by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley to an army base in northeast Syria, with Syrian media dubbing it “illegal” and a “flagrant violation of the sovereignty and integrity” of Syrian territory, adding that the US ought to “immediately” cease support for “separatist armed groups”. The article, published by VOA, also casually notes that the US has “about 900” troops deployed in “several bases and posts across northeastern Syria” allegedly as part of the fight against ISIS.

Nearly a decade since US forces officially entered Syria and ISIS is still America’s reason for staying? How is this possible after numerous assurances from US officials — including a US president — that ISIS has been defeated? Why has every American president from Obama to Trump to Biden launched airstrikes inside the country? Is the US mission in Syria actually about fighting terrorism, or does it go deeper? And most puzzling, why the hell is the US occupying Syria?


Breaking numerous promises to the contrary, President Obama announced in late 2015 that the US would be deploying troops into Syria to “fight ISIS”. The number started with 50, which soon became 250. In October 2017, a US general said there are 4,000 troops in Syria, and two months later, the Pentagon put the number at 2,000. As of this article’s publication, the consensus seems to be 900 US troops, although there’s reason to suspect the number may actually be higher or lower. Regardless, US forces have occupied parts of Syria now for almost a decade. But why?

“When I took it over it was a mess,” Trump told reporters at the White House back in March 2019. “The [ISIS] caliphate is gone as of tonight.”

Just a few days later, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that ISIS had lost all of its territory in Syria, adding that Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan briefed Trump and that the Pentagon “made the call” that ISIS had been “eliminated” completely in Syria.

In October, the warmongering hell spawn from South Carolina known as as Senator Lindsey Graham released a statement on US allies in Syria who “fought so bravely” to destroy ISIS:

“By continuing to maintain control of the oil fields in Syria, we will deny [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad and Iran a monetary windfall. By increasing production of the oil fields, we will be helping our Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) allies who fought so bravely to destroy the ISIS Caliphate. We can also use some of the revenues from future oil sales to pay for our military commitment in Syria.”

He added:

“While I agree that America is not the policeman of the world, I firmly believe the American military is the most capable to protect America and should be used wisely to do so. A wise use of American military power would be to have a small but capable military partnership with SDF elements to prevent the reemergence of ISIS and maintain control of ISIS held fighters. To do this, America must also continue to control the skies over Syria.”

In other words, even if ISIS is mostly — if not entirely — defeated, the US should continue to occupy the country indefinitely to, y’know, make sure they don’t come back — aka the same argument for every US occupation from Afghanistan to Iraq: we have to stay, because if we don’t, something bad might happen. Heavy paranoia makes up the very fabric of every argument trying to justify more war: It’s not a fear of what we know so much as a fear of what we don’t know. It doesn’t matter if ISIS is defeated. It doesn’t even matter if ISIS exists at all. The point is they could come back. The point is they could exist — just like weapons of mass destruction could have existed in Iraq when US troops invaded back in 2003.


Despite promising a withdrawal of US troops, President Trump flip-flopped on the issue in late 2019 and ordered “hundreds of additional troops and armored vehicles” into Syria to guard the Deir Ezzor oil fields.

“We’re keeping the oil,” Trump said in October. “I’ve always said that — keep the oil. We want to keep the oil, $45 million a month. Keep the oil. We’ve secured the oil.”

By November, the head of US Central Command admitted there is no “end date” on the US occupation of Syria.

The following year, Tom Bowman, an NPR reporter embedded in Syria, told the publication that President Trump initially wanted all US forces out but “agreed to keep a small number, about 600 or so, to secure these oil fields not only from ISIS but also from Syrian government and Russian forces.”

But if Syria’s oil is to be kept from what remains of ISIS, from Russia, and from Syria, who actually gets to keep it?

In April 2020, Delta Crescent, a newly-formed US-based oil company with ties to the Republican Party was granted a one-year sanctions waiver in order to “advise and assist” oil production in northeast Syria. An anonymous State Department official told The Daily Beast that US officials decided oil produced in northeast Syria “did not really” belong to the Syrian government, and a former senior US military official also told the publication that the US actively trained a unit within the SDF to specifically protect oil fields where Delta Crescent would be operating.

By August, CNN reported that Delta Crescent, which was formed “for the sole purpose” of securing Syrian oil, was granted an exclusive sanctions waiver to “develop and upgrade” more than half of the country’s oil fields under SDF control.

Later that month, Pentagon spokesperson Jessica McNulty assured Politico that the Department of Defense “does not have an affiliation with any private companies in regard to the oil fields in northeast Syria” but then added that US forces in the region are “securing” critical petroleum infrastructure.

When the Biden administration took over in January 2021, it became clear that the waiver for Delta Crescent would be discontinued, and yet throughout much of the year, the company reportedly continued to receive waiver extensions from Biden as a “formality” meant to help Delta Crescent “wind down” operations.

In November 2021, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (which handles regulation and enforcement of US sanctions) issued a new general rule for Syria, granting permission for non-governmental organizations to operate “assistance-related investment activities in support of certain not-for-profit” activities in Syria.

Less than two years later, Delta Crescent’s website no longer exists, and UK-based oil company Gulfsands — which holds oil investments in Syria and founding ties to Delta Crescent — announced that they are coming up with ways to find “indigenous solution[s]” to Syria’s “humanitarian” crisis. Gulfsands labeled their “humanitarian” drilling mission “Project Hope” and claims it will sell oil through accredited traders, with revenues going towards paying for humanitarian projects.

And while western powers deliberate on which favored companies will be gifted the rights to drill in Syria, several media outlets have published reports showing long lines of US convoys transporting tankers full of oil from Syria to US bases in Iraq. The US denies it is stealing Syrian oil, yet it’s hard not to believe such accusations when everyone from US presidents to US senators have blatantly stated otherwise.


So, why the hell is the US occupying Syria?

First, the Assad government has a longstanding trade relationship with China and Russia, with a storied history of buying weapons and selling oil. The US government would much prefer opening business to US companies like Raytheon and Exxon and closing business to companies like Rosoboronexport — Russia’s state-owned weapons manufacturer. The invisible hand of the free market works in mysterious ways.

Second, confrontation with Iran is the ultimate goal for US foreign policy in the Middle East, and Syria is one more strategic stepping stone in the process. In 2010, the US proposed dropping five year-long sanctions against Syria in return for the country dropping ties with Iran. Assad rejected the offer.

And lastly, US troops remain in Syria because regime change in Syria is simply part of US foreign policy and has been for years.

In 2011, before accusations of chemical weapons attacks and even before ISIS, Obama flat-out demanded that Assad step down. He then proceeded to provide training and armaments to “rebel” groups in Syria through a covert CIA project that ultimately ended up putting weapons in the hands of actual terrorists — not counting the CIA, of course.

Years prior, President Bush levied economic sanctions against Syria. Bush also famously labeled Iraq, Iran, and North Korea as part of the “Axis of Evil” and later, perhaps less famously, then-Undersecretary of State John Bolton gave a speech in 2002 entitled “Beyond the Axis of Evil” and added Cuba, Libya, and Syria to the list.

Wesley Clark, a former commander of NATO’s forces in Europe, claimed he met a senior military officer in November 2001 who told him the US planned to attack Iraq first before taking action against Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Iran.

Additionally, months before 9/11, neoconservative David Wurmser, with the assistance of his American Enterprise Institute colleague Douglas Feith, drafted a set of war plans for the US and Israel to “strike fatally, not merely disarm, the centers of radicalism in the region — the regimes of Damascus [Syria], Baghdad [Iraq], Tripoli [Libya], Tehran [Iran], and Gaza [the Palestinians]” to establish the recognition that fighting either the United States or Israel is suicidal.

Ultimately, the more the Syrian conflict sucks up the attention and resources of Syrian allies like Iran and Russia, the greater America’s influence becomes. US intervention in the country has less to do with WMDs, ISIS, or defeating terrorism, and everything to do with weapons sales, oil, regime change, and more specifically, regional power games, global hegemony, and grand imperialist designs shat out by neocon think tanks.

And that’s why the hell the US is occupying Syria.


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ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

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First published by Global Research on January 23, 2019

As the time-honored saying goes, ‘It ain’t what you know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know that ain’t so.’ If Americans ‘know’ anything about Korea, it is that the North Koreans started the Korean War in 1950 when they invaded South Korea across the 38thParallel, and that after three years of fighting the boundary again settled on that same line. The reality of the conflict between North and South Korea is much more complex and much more interesting than that simplistic tale.

A good starting point for understanding the ongoing conflict between North and South Korea is the agreement between the United States and Japan in 1905, known as the Taft-Katsura Memorandum, which was signed as Japan was defeating Russia in the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War. In that document the U.S. agreed to the Japanese colonization of Korea in trade for the American occupation of Hawaii (which the U.S. had annexed in 1898) and the Philippines (which the U.S. had acquired as booty in 1898 at the conclusion of the Spanish-American War). Koreans were not consulted about this arrangement.

Image on the right: The 38th parallel is an imaginary line, not visible from space (Source: Public Domain)

In 1910 Japan annexed Korea, making it a subservient colony of the homeland; this had also been sanctioned by the U.S. In the Taft-Katsura Memorandum five years previously. Japanese rule was brutal: it is estimated that at least 18,000 Koreans were killed due to resisting the occupation. Koreans were forced to take Japanese names and speak only Japanese, young Korean males were impressed into the military and sent to Japan to work for slave wages, and tens of thousands of young Korean women were forced into sexually slavery for the pleasure of Japanese males.

Not surprisingly, when Japan surrendered to the U.S. and its allies on August 15, 1945, Koreans were elated at this apparent liberation from Japanese oppression. They were ready and willing to form their own government: a quickly formed Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence (CPKI) organized people’s committees throughout the country to coordinate the transition to independence. On August 28, 1945 the CPKI announced that it would function as the temporary national government of Korea. On September 6th delegates from throughout Korea, both north and south of the artificially imposed demarcation line gathered in Seoul to create the Korean People’s Republic of Korea (PRK). Coincidentally, the Koreans announcement of their unified independence came only four days after Ho Chi Minh’s declaration of a unified independence for all of Vietnam.

The United States had a different plan for Korea. At the February 1945 Yalta conference, President Roosevelt suggested to Stalin, without consulting the Koreans, that Korea should be placed under joint trusteeship following the war before being granted her independence. On August 11, two days after the second atomic bomb was dropped assuring Japan’s imminent surrender, and three days after Russian forces entered Manchuria and Korea to oust the Japanese as was agreed to avoid further U.S. casualties, Truman hurriedly ordered his War Department to choose a dividing line for Korea. Two young colonels were given 30 minutes to resolve the matter. The 38th parallel was quickly chosen. Surprisingly, Stalin agreed to this “temporary” partition. On August 15, the United States Army Military Government in Korea was formed and on September 8, 72,000 U.S. troops began arriving to enforce the formal occupation of the south.

General Douglas MacArthur, as commander of the victorious Allied powers in the Pacific, formally issued a proclamation addressed “To the People of Korea,” announcing that forces under his command “will today occupy the territory of Korea south of 38 degrees north latitude.” Ironically Korea, which was a non-aggressor during WWII and throughout history, was now divided, while Japan remained intact.

The U.S. understood that if it was to assert Western-style, capitalist control in Korea it had to defeat, then eliminate, the broad-based popular, democratic and socialist-leaning KPR. Instead of repatriating Japanese as mandated, the U.S. military government, manned by 2,000 U.S. officers, most of whom were unable to speak or understand the Korean language, quickly recruited them and their Korean collaborators to continue administrative functions. Equally egregiously, the U.S. military government revived the feared Japanese colonial police force, the Korean National Police (KNP). About 85 percent of the Koreans who had served in the Japanese colonial police force were quickly employed by the U.S. to man the KNP.

Image below: Korea is a land of almost mystical beauty (Source: Public Domain)

The U.S. hurriedly organized wealthy conservative Koreans representing the traditional land-owning elite and, on September 16, convened the Korean Democratic Party (KDP). The U.S. had quickly identified “several hundred conservatives” among the older and more educated Koreans who had served the Japanese who could serve as the nucleus for the rapidly convened KDP. These were the Koreans who had grown wealthy as a result of years of collaboration with their Japanese colonizers.

On October 12th the U.S. flew the Korean-American Syngman Rhee in from Washington D.C.–where he had lived for the past 40 years–to Seoul to head this new government. On December 12, 1945, the U.S military government outlawed the KPR and all its related local, provincial and national democratic peoples’ organizations and activities, including all labor unions. Had the KPR been able to proceed with their plan of a united Korea, it is almost certain that the communist Kim Il-sung would have been elected president over a united Korea, (just as Ho Chi Minh would have won had elections been held in divided Vietnam in 1956), as he had spent the previous 10 years leading guerrilla actions against the occupying Japanese and was widely popular.

In the newly created South Korea a large-scale resistance movement arose against the U.S. military and its appointed puppet Korean government. In September 1946 a workers strike spread throughout the country, which was then forcefully suppressed by the new Republic of Korea Army (ROKA) and the U.S. military. At least 1,000 Koreans were killed with more than 30,000 jailed. Regional and local leaders of the popular movement were now either dead, in prison, or had gone underground.

On March 1, 1948, a large nonviolent demonstration on Korea’s Jeju Island took place to celebrate the anniversary of the Korean people’s 1919 mass demonstrations against Japanese occupation. Using the occasion to protest Rhee’s planned separate elections scheduled for May 1948, the crowd was fired upon by the Korean National Police. The police arrested 2,500, a number were injured, and several Koreans were tortured, then killed. The March 1 incident provoked a larger people’s rebellion that erupted on the island on April 3. Rhee was in fact elected president on July 20, 1948 in a farsical election in which only the nation’s elite participated.

The U.S. military commander on Jeju, Colonel Rothwell Brown, ordered an indiscriminate scorched earth campaign as the Jeju uprising escalated. The U.S. Navy blockaded the island with eighteen warships, while bombarding it with 37mm cannons. U.S. planes conducted regular reconnaissance missions and dropped grenades and bombs.

Korean army units from the southern port city of Yosu were ordered to Jeju to put down the  resistance and they rebelled, refusing to go. This mutinous rebellion quickly spread to other areas in the southern part of the mainland. Within two weeks this mutiny was contained by a brutal campaign coordinated by U.S. military adviser Captain James Hausman and carried out with the aid of U.S. aircraft, firepower, and ground troops. All Koreans suspected or those thought sympathetic with the uprising were executed.

Massacre at a village on Jeju Island in 1948 (Source: Public Domain)

The Jeju insurgency was crushed by August, 1949, with repression growing in its sadistic dimensions. Suspects were often stripped naked, tortured, forced to have sex before being beheaded while loved ones were forced, first to watch while clapping with their hands, then to parade in front of their torturers carrying the severed heads of family members. Sexual perversity and military violence are common companions; just ask any soldier. An estimated 60,000 residents of the island were killed by South Korean and U.S. forces, with another 40,000 fleeing abroad.

A guerrilla movement against the US military/Syngman Rhee government spread throughout South Korea, and lasted until the end of the war in 1953. The government used its military superiority to incarcerate several hundred thousand Koreans who had—or might even conceivably have had—any socialist or communist sympathies. Massive numbers of farmers, villagers and urban residents were systematically rounded up in rural areas, villages and cities from throughout South Korea. Captives were regularly tortured to extract names of others. Thousands were imprisoned, and even more thousands forced to dig mass graves before being ordered into them and shot by fellow Koreans, often under the watch of U.S. officers. Estimates of civilians murdered under the pretext of killing “communists” during the era of legal U.S. occupation (August 15, 1945-August 15, 1948) and the succeeding extended period until June 30, 1949 when U.S. combat troops were finally withdrawn, are in the 500,000 range. Nobody knows for sure because no records were kept and facts about this slaughter was forcefully concealed for 40 years.

One of innumerable mass graves in South Korea prior to the onset of war (Source: Public Domain)

Through the postwar decades of South Korean right-wing dictatorships, victims’ fearful families kept silent about that blood-soaked summer. American military reports of the South Korean slaughter were stamped “secret” and filed away in Washington. Communist accounts were dismissed as lies. Only since the 1990s, and South Korea’s democratization, has the truth begun to seep out. In 2002, a typhoon’s fury uncovered one mass grave. Another was found by a television news team that broke into a sealed mine.

More dissidents shot by South Korean military police (Source: Public Domain)

North & South Korea increasingly clashed across the 38th parallel before the onset of war. The North Korean government claimed that in 1949 alone, the South Korean army and/or police committed over 2600 armed incursions into the North. Subsequently, documents have suggested that, at a minimum, there were a number of attacks by South Korean forces into the North, and that many, if not all, of the attacks on the South had been reprisals.  Note how Wikipedia conveys one altercation:

“Serious border clashes between South and North occurred in August 1949, when thousands of North Korean troops attacked South Korean troops occupying territory north of the 38th parallel.”

South Korean already had troops north of the border, but in this rendition it was the North that attacked.

Captain James H. Hausman wrote in a  briefing note for General Roberts in August of 1949,

“My counterpart and I are firmly convinced that all attacks on South Korea have been reprisals, and almost all incidents have been agitated by the South Korean security forces.”

Col. Min Ki Sik, Assistant Commandant of the Korean School  of Arms observed in 1949,

“One usually hears that the Army never attacks North Korea and is always getting attacked. This is not true. Mostly our Army is doing the attacking first and we attack harder.”

Syngman Rhee’s public pronouncements throughout 1949 and early 1950 consistently spoke of his desire to order his forces to attack the North. On September 30, 1949 he stated,

“I feel strongly that now is the most psychological moment when we should take an aggressive measure.”

The Washington Post quotes him saying on November 1 1949,

“My government will not much longer tolerate a divided Korea,” and “If we have to settle this thing by war, we will do all the fighting needed.”

Napalming the North into oblivion (Source: Public Domain)

According to the North Korean government, the North Korean attack on South Korea on June 25, 1950 was a response to a two-day long bombing by the South Koreans and their surprise attacks on the city of Haeju and other places. Early in the morning of  June 25th , before the dawn counterattack in the North Korean account, the South Korean Office of Public Information announced that the Southern forces had captured Haeju. The South Korean government later denied capturing the town and blamed the report on an exaggerating officer. Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union proposed that North Korea be invited to the UN Security Council to present its side of the story, but the propoal was voted down.

Whatever the cause, North Korean soldiers did cross the border on June 25th, and by June 28th they were in Seoul (which is only 35 miles away). The South Korean Army effectively fell apart; between June 25 and June 28 South Korean forces diminished from 95,000 men to 22,000, almost all of the loss due to desertions. The South would have lost the war in a week had the US not intervened.

On the day Seoul fell President Rhee ordered the killing of anyone deemed to be a political opponent anywhere in South Korea. Killings occurred everywhere that was still held by South Korean forces. Numerous massacres took place, many of them not directed against so-called but rather common citizens. For example On February 7, 1951, 705 unarmed citizens in the villages of Sancheong and Hamyang, were lined up and killed by the South Korean Army. Two days later 719 civilians from the village of Geochang were shot.

Destruction in the North was total (Source: Public Domain)

U.S. Colonel Donald Nichols, a personal friend of Rhee, reported witnessing in Suwon, south of Seoul, the massacre of 1,800 political prisoners in late June 1950. He described the work of two bulldozers, one gouging a series of trenches, the other filling in dirt over the shot bodies after they had been dumped into the fresh graves. Gregory Henderson, who served as a U.S. diplomat in Korea during the late 1940s and early 1950s, estimated that “probably over 100,000 South Korean civilians were killed without any trial whatsoever” by Rhee’s forces during the war.

The outbreak of fighting created a mass of refugees trying to flee to safety. There were so many that they blocked military movements along the roads; orders were given by U.S. military commanders to shoot the refugees. On July 26 1950 the US 8th Army, the highest level of command in Korea, issued orders to stop all Korean civilians. ‘No, repeat, no refugees will be permitted to cross battle lines at any time. Movement of all Koreans in group will cease immediately.’ After this refugees were regularly gunned down as they tried to flee the war.

On the very day that the US 8th Army delivered its stop refugee order in July 1950, up to 400 South Korean civilians gathered by bridge at No Gun Ri were killed by US forces from the 7th Cavalry Regiment. Some were shot above the bridge, on the railroad tracks. Others were strafed by US planes. More were killed under the arches in an ordeal that local survivors say lasted for three days.

“There was a lieutenant screaming like a madman, fire on everything, kill ’em all,” recalls 7th Cavalry veteran Joe Jackman. “I didn’t know if they were soldiers or what. Kids, there was kids out there, it didn’t matter what it was, eight to 80, blind, crippled or crazy, they shot ’em all.”

The highest law officer in the land, President Truman’s second Attorney General, J. Howard McGrath, referred to the Koreans as “rodents,” and thus had no regrets about the ongoing slaughter.

Meanwhile the US easily destroyed North Korea’s meager air force and air defences, and began an unimpeded bombing campaign of the north on June 29, 1950 that lasted for three years.  Over that period, U.S.  forces flew one million-forty thousand sorties and dropped 386,037 tons of bombs and 32,357 tons of napalm. If one counts all types of airborne ordnance, including rockets and machine-gun ammunition, the total tonnage comes to 698,000 tons. The U.S. destroyed every city, every village, every dam, every railroad, and every highway in the North Korea. An estimated 2.5 million North Koreans died in the bombing, most of them civilians, many of them incinerated by napalm. Flier Federic Champlin observed that,

“One thing about napalm is that when you’ve hit a village and have seen it go up in flames, you know that you’ve accomplished something. Nothing makes a pilot feel worse than to work over an area and not see that he’s accomplished anything.”

On June 25, 1951, General O’Donnell, commander of the Far Eastern Air Force Bomber Command, testified in answer to a question from Senator John C. Stennis (“North Korea has been virtually destroyed, hasn’t it?”):

“Oh, yes; … I would say that the entire, almost the entire Korean Peninsula is just a terrible mess. Everything is destroyed. There is nothing standing worthy of the name. Just before the Chinese came in we were grounded; there were no more targets in Korea.”

In 1952 General Curtis LeMay stated,

“We have bombed every city twice, now we are going back to pulverize them into stones.”

In August 1951, war correspondent Tibor Meráy stated that he had witnessed “a complete devastation between the Yalu River and the capital.” He said that there were “no more cities in North Korea.” He added,

“My impression was that I am traveling on the moon because there was only devastation—every city was only a collection of chimneys.”

The war’s highest-ranking U.S. POW, U.S. Major General William F. Dean, reported that the majority of North Korean cities and villages he saw were either rubble or snow-covered wasteland. As a final florish to this nationwide destruction, General MacArthur in December of 1950 requested 34 atomic bombs to use to create a nuclear wasteland along the Chinese border. Although this request was turned down, President Truman and others repeatedly contemplated how to best use atomic bombs in the war.

After Truman fired General MacArthur in May 1951, the former ‘supreme commander’ testified to Congress.

“The war in Korea has already almost destroyed that nation of 20 million people. I have never seen such devastation…..After I looked at that wreckage and those thouands of women and children…..I vomited.”

Three years after the beginning of the war, a cease-fire was finally signed. Everything was back to where it had been at the beginning, with almost the same borders as before the war and the same unfulfilled dream of reunification. No one had won. Everyone had lost. The war is calculated to have cost the lives of up to 5 million people, by far the majority of them civilians.

A few lessons could have been learned from the Korean War. One is, as famed journalist I.F. Stone observed,

“Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.”

Another would be the recognition, as voiced by war veteran Mike Hastie, that

“The United States is a non-stop killing machine.”

Because we live within the lies told by our government and therefore fail to learn, after Korea the U.S. went on to devastate  Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya…….causing human suffering beyond comprehension and massive destruction of human and natural systems.

Let us therefore say, as a thought experiment, that you are the only mature adult in the room, and it is therefore your responsibility to subdue the pathological personalities that inevitably pop up as leaders of the U.S. government and U.S. military—subdue them for the sake their long-suffering victims and for the sake of the health and viability of the Earth’s ecosystems and biosphere as a whole. What are you going to do, it’s up to you?

Here is one possible way forward. After the Soviet Union fell apart, Gorbachev said “It was an evil system, it had to be dismantled.” Surely this profoundly criminal U.S. system has to be dismantled as well.

“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today: my own government. For the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent.” — Martin Luther King


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Dana Visalli is an ecologist and organic farmer living in Twisp, Washington. Contact him at [email protected]. See also Afghanistan, Ecology and the End of War and US Occupation Forces in Afghanistan: Incompetent, Irreverent, and Irrelevant.


The Hidden History of the Korean War by I.F. Stone 1952- originally published in 1952 during the Korean War, It raised questions about the origin of the Korean War, made a case that the United States government manipulated the United Nations, and gave evidence that the U.S. military and South Korean oligarchy dragged out the war by sabotaging the peace talks.

Korea’s Place in the Sun: A Modern Historyby Bruce Cumings  2005

Don’t Thank Me for My Service: My Vietnam Awakening to the Long History of U.S. Lies  by Brian Willson  2018

Brian Willson’s blog page:  enter ‘Korea’ in the search box for numerous articles.

List of Massacres in South Korea before and during the war:

Sancheong and Hamyang Massacres:

Geochang Massacre:

Geochange Survivor’s Story:

This is Korea; actual war footage, 49 minutes, “ the only color documentary made during the Korean War,” full of untruths:

This video was recorded during the election campaign prior to the November 2020 presidential election


Let me tell you something.

I am an Air Force Veteran,

I just want to know why do we have to vote for somebody who voted for war, killing our brothers and sisters as well thousands of Iraqi civilians.   

You are Disqualified, Sir.

My friends are dead, 

You have Blood on Your Hands

We Fought in Your Wars”





Al Jazeera’s Abderrahim Foukara asks the former US defense secretary whether toppling Saddam Hussein was worth the many lives of those killed during and after the 2003 Iraq war.

Donald Rumsfeld, who served in the Bush administration at the time of the conflict, argues that the overthrow of a brutal dictator who massacred his own people justified the consequences of the conflict.

According to Rumsfeld, Bashar Al Assad is a brutal dictator who is killing his own people. 

More than 2 million deaths following the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Where are the war criminals??




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“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.” —Kybalion

It is no coincidence that within 48 hours, two California commercial banks failed. The not much talked-about Silvergate Capital, a central lender to the crypto industry, declared on March 8, 2023, it would wind down its operations. On March 10, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), primary lender for tech-startups, collapsed.

SVB was immediately taken over by federal regulators. It is the largest bank failure since the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008. Relatively unknown outside of the Silicon Valley, SVB was the 16th largest US commercial bank with US$ 209 billion in assets at the end of 2022.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has assured SVB insured depositors that they will have access to their full funds within the FDIC-fixed limits of US$ 250,000 per depositor.

However, the FDIC total fund covers only about 2% of the $9.6 trillion in US-insured deposits.

What happens when other banks collapse at the same time and uninformed depositors believe their deposits up to US$ 250,000 are safe? But then find out that they are not?

The failure of the SVB is the result of several converging factors. As former Deputy Treasury Secretary, Paul Craig Roberts says, one of the key reasons is the 1999 Clinton-regime repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, i.e. a large degree of banking deregulation, and because the Dodd-Frank Act (2010) allows failing banks to seize the deposits of depositors in order to have a bail-in instead of a bail-out. The legislation, especially the latter, causes depositors to withdraw their deposits on any sign of bank trouble. It is called a run on the bank.

Another reason for SVB troubles is the Fed’s rapid and substantial interest rates hikes – the largest and in the shortest period in the last at least 30 years – which also reduced the value of the SVB’s bond portfolio. Banks and businesses have difficulties to adjust to the size and pace of interest rate increases. See this.

The same may apply to other banks which are not sufficiently diversified and securely funded. Wait and see.

As if programmed and looking like a domino effect, on Sunday March 12, Signature Bank folded too. SB is a New York-based commercial bank with a big real estate lending business, as well as sizable cryptocurrency deposits. SB had a total asset base of $110.4 billion and deposits of $88.6 billion as of December 31, 2022.

It closed its doors abruptly after regulators said that keeping the bank open could threaten the stability of the entire financial system.

Are we talking about a lingering and potentially rapidly expanding domino effect?

Nothing happens by coincidence. All is connected with everything. We have to learn overriding the mainstream media narrative that points always to singular events to confuse and brainwash. When we learn connecting the dots between occurrences and events, we will realize that everything is connected with everything. See also Michel Chossudovsky’s “Ninety-nine Interrelated Concepts”.

Switching the Narrative

So far, hardly anybody has made the link of these banking failures – and potentially more to come – to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) prophesized Great Reset.

A WEF insider has been caught boasting that the Silicon Valley Bank crash was an orchestrated plot that went to plan perfectly – and the crash will have a domino effect on the banking industry, leading to a global financial meltdown.

To what extent such a scenario will play out remains to be seen.

For more on the subject of “collapse and control”, see this, watch in particular the 11:11 min. video (below), inserted in this newspunch clip. It also features the General Manager of the Bank for International Settlement (BIS), Augustin Carsten, who already in 2020 was talking about the need for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) for total control of who spends money for what and especially for control of cross-border transactions. He deliberately avoids mentioning “personal control”.

In a juxtaposition, the video also shows a clip of Tucker Carlson’s Fox News interview with South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (Rep), where she explains why she vetoes CBDC and that she is joined by at least another 20 US States, so far. She confirms what many economists have been saying since the concept of CBDCs is being pushed around the western hemisphere in the last ten years.

CBDCs would be an absolute control mechanism of every citizen on the planet. Nobody wants to be controlled, and – à la Great Reset, own nothing and be happy. People like their autonomy. See this for full interview (4 min) (video is below).

The massive planned banking collapse – already announced as a doomsday scenario in the aftermath of the 2008 / 2010 banking crisis and on several subsequent occasions — may already have begun. “They”, the “doomsday-people” who also command the WEF, are running ahead of schedule, execution of Agenda 2030, because people are gradually but increasingly waking up to the WEF-planned world disaster.

Of course, the WEF with its more than willing founder (1971) and CEO, Klaus Schwab, coming from a solid Nazi background and from a family deeply embedded into the Third Reich, is more than willingly complying.

Today the WEF is backed by Big-Finance looming in the shadows, BlackRock being WEF’s major financier. The likes of BlackRock, Vanguard and StateStreet, plus a series of smaller banks, Citi, Chase, Morgan, Bank of America – and further down the ladder, Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse – all of them are controlling an estimated US$ 25 to US$ 30 trillion of assets around the globe.

In addition, they are all deeply “over-engaged” in the Derivatives Market. While nobody knows exactly what the total of this Casino Money amounts to, estimates range from US$ 500 trillion to over a quadrillion dollar. Compare this with the world’s projected GDP of US$ 112.6 trillion (2023 estimate).

According to the Economic Times, a derivative is a contract between two parties (mostly banks and other financial institutions) which derives its value / price from an underlying asset. The most common types of derivatives are futures, options, forwards and swaps. In other words, they may include short-term speculations, helped by AI, for example on exchange rate fluctuations, often in fractions of a second.

Derivatives are not real money, but under certain circumstances, they are allowed to be part of a bank’s asset base, thereby risking blowing the total volume of assets out of proportion.

Derivatives are the loose card in a house of cards. You pull it, and the house collapses. You pull a card in two or three houses and the domino effect may wipe out the entire city of cards – the entire banking system may go down the drain. Since derivatives are interconnected worldwide, the entire international banking cartel may suffer.

If one or two heavily derivative-exposed banks claim their derivative holdings from their partner bank or banks, it becomes a “derivative-run” on the banks, and the system may collapse – possibly on a worldwide basis, or at least in the western dollar-based banking system.

Derivative speculations should long be either forbidden or at least regulated. They are not, thanks to massive lobbying of Big Finance. And thanks to almost total banking deregulation by the Clinton Administration in 1999, i.e. the repeal of the Glass Stegall Act, the abolition of the separation between investment and commercial banking, as well as basically limitless lending, without mandatary asset-liability ratios. This facilitates risk and laissez faire banking.

In times of fast and substantial interest rate hikes as we experienced over the last 12 months, over-exposed banks run higher risks of failure.

Back to derivatives – which are key in the looming banking crisis. Warren Buffet calls derivatives “Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction”. He is right.

Let’s look at the derivative exposure of big banking, also called “systemically important financial institutions” (SIFI). In a better-known term, they are called Too Big To Fail Banks, and used to be eligible for government “bail-outs” with taxpayer’s money.
In an elaborate paper by Ellen Brown, Chair of Public Banking, she describes the conundrum of derivatives. As of the third quarter of 2022, a total of 1,211 insured U.S. national and state commercial banks and savings associations held derivatives, but 88.6% of these were concentrated in only four large banks: J.P. Morgan Chase ($54.3 trillion), Goldman Sachs ($51 trillion), Citibank ($46 trillion), Bank of America ($21.6 trillion), followed by Wells Fargo ($12.2 trillion). Unlike in 2008-09, when the big derivative concerns were mortgage-backed securities and credit default swaps, today the largest and riskiest category is interest rate products.

SIFIs, as defined by the Dodd-Frank Act, ratified in July 2010, is requiring insolvent SIFIs to “bail-in” the money of their creditors to recapitalize themselves. This banking law is seriously flawed because it incites depositors to run-on-their-bank to withdraw their money as soon as there are rumors of a bank’s instability. As we know, such consumer panics may bring down a bank and possibly the banking system, or parts of it, through a domino effect.

According to Ellen, “Technically, the cutoff for SIFIs is US$ 250 billion in assets. However, the reason they are called systemically important is not their asset size but the fact that their failure could bring down the whole financial system.”

“That designation comes chiefly from their exposure to derivatives, the global casino is so highly interconnected that it is a “house of cards.” Pull out one card and the whole house collapses. SVB held US$ 27.7 billion in derivatives, no small sum, but it is only .05% of the $55,387 billion ($55.387 trillion) held by JPMorgan, the largest US derivatives bank.”

For Ellen’s comprehensive article The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami, see this.

The build-up of an up to a quadrillion dollar or more of a derivative casino does not happen overnight. And it does not happen haphazardly either. Could it possibly have been planned by a long hand – and prepared to fit the WEF’s Great Reset and Agenda 2030?

Massive growth of the derivative market started with the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act (banking deregulation) in 1999. At the end of 1999, total outstanding derivatives stood at US$ 88.2 trillion dollars. Today, 23 years later, it is estimated at perhaps one quadrillion US-dollars or more. Was this explosive and exponential growth planned?

Was the Clinton Administration 1999 banking deregulation / repeal of Glass-Steagall a deliberate precursor for what was planned to be part of the WEF’s Great Reseat which intends to reset, to destroy the global economy, to rebuild it according to WEF’s One World Order, directed from the shadows by Big Finance, that the deregulation has helped it to become monstruous and all-dominating?

The derivative market is internationally highly interconnected. The collapse of a Casino Bank in the US may trigger banking failures in Indonesia. It is like a financial “butterfly effect”.

All that serves global dominance, to create a well-controlled and regulated One World Order, run on Central Bank Digital Currency – CBDC – with any parallel currency, crypto or else, strictly forbidden.

It is the international pharma industry married to international banking. The former controlled by WHO, the latter by the BIS – Bank for International Settlement.  Both based in Switzerland. As we know there are no coincidences.

So far it is just a plan – a diabolical plan, that We, the People can and must stop.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from MarketWatch

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NATO prophesied a Second Russian Offensive (SRO) on the muddy heals of rasputitsa [Spring]. Then when queried, on February 13, about upcoming festivities, Secretary-General Stoltenberg imparted: “we are seeing the start already.” The SRO crept imperceptibly. April Fools’ came early.  

The Russo-Ukrainian War’s 800-kilometer front bisects the Donbass with a 240-kilometer incision. The SRO engages a segment of Donbass-situated line, with the Russian-held city, Donetsk, at its strategic core. The SRO’s operational theatre contiguously connects 5 small Ukrainian-held cities: (north-to-south) Bakhmut, Chavis Yar, Avdiivka, Marinka and Vuhledar

As missiles fly, Bakhmut sits 120 kilometers northeast of Vuhledar. Curves add length to lines; as do flanks of advancing Russian saliants. From the saliant northwest of Bakhmut to the southwestern environs of Vuhledar – the SRO’s battleline extends 160 kilometers; a third laying within or along urban terrain.

Source: Google Map

SRO attacks occur along this Bakhmut-Vuhledar front-segment. (Exceptions being the thermobaric-assisted Tstentr Group raids north of Kreminna.)

Digging beneath these 5 cities for years, Ukrainians built warrens impervious to light artillery. Javelins checked Russian armour. Stingers repelled ground-support airstrikes. Therefore, the SRO deigns to overrun these cities with infantry.

On February 22 Ukraine’s Defense Ministry began providing daily tallies of SRO ground assaults. By March, 10,000 Russian infantry charged fortified Ukrainian positions – daily. Hundred-strong companies, accompanied by armoured vehicles, attack freshly shelled targets along the Bakhmut-Vuhledar front. Ukraine reports up to 170 such attacks – daily.

The frontline separates Donetsk (pop 1.1 million) from 2 satellite cities, Avdiivka (prewar pop, 32,000) and Marinka (prewar pop, 10,000). Donetsk’s and Avdiivka’s downtowns were once a 10-minute spin away. Avdiivka’s abandoned. Every building’s been hit. Marinka got moonscaped. Ukrainians shell Donetsk from the Avdiivka-Marinka area, the capture of which is the SRO’s supreme mission.

Combatants near Avdiivka are never more than 200 meters apart. They’re often closer. They throw hand-grenades. Russian saliants annexed a dozen square kilometers on either side of Avdiivka. They’re now 7.5 kilometers apart. Encirclement looms. More urgently, Russians are breeching Avdiivka’s perimeter 3 to 4 times daily. Incursions penetrate hundreds of meters deep and kill hundreds of Ukrainians.

Russians have taken 3 square kilometers southeast of Marinka. They broke into west Marinka, March 8.

Source: Google Map

Twenty kilometers south and 20 west of Marinka one finds Vuhledar (pre-war pop, 14,000), [See first map above] the hub nearest the axis mundi where the frontline turns 90-degrees westward. So far, the SRO has captured 70 square kilometers south of Vuhledar. Raids on Vuhledar’s southern outskirts prep an armoured push.

Forty kilometers north of Avdiivka one arrives at Chavis Yar (prewar pop, 15,000). Chavis Yar, being 13 kilometers west-by-southwest of Bakhmut, serves as Bakhmut’s storage/supply nucleus. Bakhmut (pre-war pop, 80,000) spans 42-square-k.

Of the 5 cities targeted by the SRO, Bakhmut possesses the least strategic value. Chavis Yar is command and logistics center for the Avdiivka-Bakhmut line. If Chavis Yar falls the Russians will:

  • encircle Bakhmut;
  • disrupt 40 kilometers of critical frontline; and,
  • imperil supplies to Avdiivka, Marinka and Vuhledar.

See Live Map of Ukraine Ministry of Defense


Nevertheless, in mid-2022 Kyiv sent 8 elite brigades (32,000 troops) to Bakhmut. These soldiers endured artillery hammerings while Russians glacially pushed two saliants a few kilometers deep – north and south of Bakhmut. Fearing encirclement, NATO recommended a retreat before Russia’s offensive. AFP, DW, BBC, CBC and the US networks badgered Zelensky for clinging to this “merely symbolic” and “strategically irrelevant” town.

Zelensky, heeding other angels, eulogised Bakhmut as Ukraine’s “fortress” and fashioned “Hold Bakhmut” into a patriotic war-cry.

The SRO yarded NATO’s dreads ashore. Saliants astride Bakhmut oozed toward Chavis Yar. The southern one is 4 kilometers from city limits; 150 meters from the Chavis Yar-Bakhmut railway. An arc of the northern saliant, 2 kilometers from Chavis Yar, seeps southward 300 meters per day.

Zelensky vacillated for weeks, then flip-flopped, then on March 7 addressed the planet via CNN to pitch “Hold Bakhmut.” Simultaneously, Bakhmut’s frontline collapsed!

This tragicomedy played-out because by February, 70% of the troops Ukraine sent to Bakhmut were statistics. Untrained, ill-equipped conscripts replaced them. During February, the SRO lashed thousands more casualties upon them. Bakhmut line life expectancy became measured in days.

In early March, this line stretched along 10 kilometers of eastern Bakhmut’s eastern outskirts. (The Bakhmutka River divides Bakhmut into 25-square-k western, and 17-square-k eastern, sections.)

Standard operating procedure for full-on frontal, brigade-size infantry assaults on fixed positions dictates that a 1,000-strong commando battalion of snipers, sappers and rocket-grenadiers blitz the line… amidst 3,500 target-dummies with minimal training and equipment.

In early March, Wagner Group began flinging brigade-size assaults at Bakhmut’s frontline. While 20,000 felon-soldiers got machine-gunned, tactical teams knifed through; ensconcing themselves several blocks behind enemy lines wherefrom they wrought havoc. Ukrainians fled en masse across the Bakhmutka. Subsequent fighting has seen:

  • a third of western Bakhmut fall;
  • protracted battles in the central business district; and,
  • the entrapment of thousands of Ukrainians.

Bakhmut’s grander battleground is a 3-sided box open at the west by mercy of the winnowing gap between the Russian saliants approaching Chavis Yar. Its eastern front consists of 5 kilometers of blasted Bakhmutka beachfront. To behold this vista conscripts slog a 9-kilometer gauntlet from the burning suburbs of Chavis Yar. No mud-puddle in this box is further than 3 kilometers from Russian snipers or mortar-squads.

Drones bespeckle the sky. As Russia readies annihilating barrages, Ukraine rushes in more soldiers!

Vladimir sharpens the cleaver. Volodymyr fattens the calf.



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William Walter Kay is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Sources (Ukrainian Ministry of Defence) (Russian Ministry of Defense)

These regularly updated maps identify the locations where the main action was occurring. Russian names for these locales were searched in: RIA Novosti, RT, TASS and Sputnik News etc. Ukrainian names were used when searching: AFP, AP, BBC, CBC, DW, Reuters etc.

Featured image is from Supratim Barman

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These days it isn’t difficult to be cynical about politicians. This is especially the case given the draconian public health policies that most of them supported during the COVID-19 pandemic.

After enduring repeated lockdowns and being coerced into accepting experimental gene-based vaccines, it’s no wonder that many people have lost faith in their lawmakers.

While only rarely do we see politicians who are brave enough to speak out about the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 injections, there are a few who refuse to be silenced. Take Andrew Bridgen, for example, a Member of Parliament from the UK who, a few days ago, stood up to give a speech in a debate on mRNA COVID-19 booster vaccinations. Speaking to an almost deserted UK House of Commons (the video shows fellow parliamentarians quickly leaving the chamber as he began to speak), Bridgen openly described the deaths and serious harms caused by the shots.

Recently suspended from the UK’s ruling Conservative Party after he had tweeted an article questioning the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and labeled them “the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust,” Bridgen currently sits as an independent MP in the UK parliament. Predictably, since he began speaking out about the dangers of these vaccines, there have been crude attempts to censor him. After the video of his House of Commons speech was posted on YouTube, for example, it was rapidly taken down and only reinstated by the social media platform after a public outcry. Meantime, the speech has essentially been ignored in the mainstream media.


The risk of serious adverse events

One of the most powerful aspects of this speech is that, far from resorting to conjecture or hearsay, Bridgen specifically refers to the UK government’s own data. Citing the Yellow Card scheme, for example, the system for reporting and monitoring adverse reactions to drugs and vaccines in the UK, he describes how the reported number of adverse events for COVID-19 vaccines is now far higher than those for all conventional vaccines administered over the past 50 years.

Bridgen also outlines how, in order to examine the frequency of serious adverse events following vaccination with the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, data held by the US Government’s National Library of Medicine was used for a research study led by Dr. Joseph Fraiman. This revealed that there are 10.1 serious adverse events for every 10,000 Pfizer vaccinations administered, meaning that one in every 990 people vaccinated with the Pfizer booster will suffer a serious adverse event.

Dr. Fraiman further discovered that the risk from the Moderna mRNA vaccine was even greater than that of the Pfizer one, with an average of 15.1 serious adverse events for every 10,000 shots given. This means that one in 662 people vaccinated with the Moderna booster will suffer a serious adverse event. Combining the data for the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines or boosters gives an average of 1,250 serious adverse events for every 1 million vaccine boosters administered – in other words, a one in 800 chance of a serious adverse event occurring.

The true cost of using mRNA vaccines to prevent hospitalization

Bridgen describes how the UK government’s own data shows that, in order to prevent just one healthy adult aged between 50 and 59 from being hospitalized due to COVID-19, 43,600 people have to be given a booster shot. Based on a serious adverse event rate of one in 800, this means that in the healthy 50 to 59-year-old group, as a result of being given mRNA boosters, 55 people would die or be hospitalized simply to prevent one COVID-19 patient being hospitalized.

The same data also shows that in the healthy 40 to 49 age group, 92,500 booster jabs were required just to prevent one person being hospitalized due to COVID-19. This would have put 116 people at risk of death or having a serious adverse reaction. In the healthy 30 to 39 age group, a total of 210,400 booster jabs would be required to prevent one person being hospitalized. This suggests that 263 UK citizens in this age group will have been hospitalized or even died just to keep one single COVID-19 case out of hospital.

As Bridgen points out, however, hospitalization does not necessarily mean a serious medical intervention such as intubation or oxygen. To prevent severe hospitalization from COVID-19, the numbers needed to be boosted with the vaccines become astronomical. Here, the UK government’s own data shows that, in healthy adults aged 50 to 59, it was necessary to give 256,400 booster jabs to prevent just one severe hospitalization. This would put 321 people into hospital with a serious side-effect, including risk of death.

For healthy 40 to 49-year-olds, the number needing to be boosted to keep just one COVID-19 patient out of an intensive care unit increases to 932,500. This potentially puts 1,165 people into hospital with serious harms, disability, or death.

For the most vulnerable group – the over-70s with comorbidities – UK government data suggest it would be necessary to administer 800 vaccine boosters to prevent one hospitalization. This means that, by being boosted, all this group are essentially doing is swapping the risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19 for the risk of being hospitalized from the vaccine.

Examining the financial cost of the COVID-19 vaccination program in the UK, Bridgen says the government’s own data suggest that it cost over £1.9 million ($2.34 million) to prevent a single hospitalization among healthy 50 to 59-year-olds, and over £11 million ($13.54 million) to prevent one serious hospitalization in this group. The cost of preventing the hospitalization of one healthy 40 to 49-year-old was over £4 million ($4.93 million). For healthy 30 to 39-year-olds, preventing one hospitalization cost over £9 million ($11.08 million).

State-sponsored self-harm

Summing up, Bridgen says that the data are clear: for all healthy people and all those considered at risk under 70, the probability of being seriously harmed by COVID-19 is seriously outweighed by the risks associated with the experimental mRNA vaccines and boosters. Even for the most vulnerable group – the over-70s with health problems – he says the two risks are essentially identical. Describing the use of mRNA vaccines as “absolute madness,” he argues that if the UK were to continue employing them it would be engaging in “expensive state-sponsored self-harm on a national level.”

Nor does Bridgen shy away from identifying the biggest beneficiaries from the UK’s COVID-19 vaccine program. Pointing out that mRNA vaccines have made the pharma industry billions, he describes how the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is 86 percent funded by drug companies. He additionally alleges that members of the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI), the body that advises UK health departments on immunization, have between them declared interests of more than £1 billion ($1.23 billion) in the pharma industry. Clearly, this hardly qualifies their advice as independent.

Accusing pharma companies of putting profits before people, Bridgen says governments across the globe have been their willing marketing agents in all this. He concludes by calling on the UK government to immediately stop the mRNA vaccine booster program and initiate a full public inquiry into not only the vaccine harms, but also how every UK agency and institution set up to protect the public interest has failed so abysmally in its duties.

Bridgen’s speech should be required viewing for politicians across the globe.


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This article was originally published on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings. You can find Paul on Twitter at @paulanthtaylor

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from DRHF

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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This article was originally published in February 2018.

More than a decade and a half after the US-led NATO’s war of aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ) in violation of international law using highly toxic and radioactive uranium shells, the enormity of this war crime is becoming clear.

In Serbia, aggressive cancer among young and old has reached epidemic proportions in recent years. The suffering of the people cries out to heaven. The south of Serbia and Kosovo are particularly affected. According to the Serbian Ministry of Health, a child falls ill with cancer every day. The entire country is contaminated. Due to the damage to the genetic material (DNA), generations upon generations of deformed children will be born. Knowingly and willingly, genocide has been committed.

Until recently, the politicians, with the help of the media, withheld the truth from the unsettled citizens of Serbia under pressure from the perpetrators of the genocide. Courageous and responsible doctors, ex-military, ex-politicians and scientists have now succeeded in breaking through this wall of silence – for the benefit of the Serbian people and the many other peoples of this world who share their fate.

Uranium weapons are weapons of mass destruction

When the USA used the defoliant “Agent Orange” and napalm in Vietnam, the world was horrified. That was no longer war, that was butchery of the civilian population and lasting destruction of nature. Fifty years later, generation after generation is born severely disabled – born to die. But the weapons industry, including the nuclear weapons industry, has rapidly developed its business since Vietnam. All wars are illegal wars of aggression according to the legal standards of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and they are becoming ever more murderous, insidious, widespread, genocidal. This was also the case with the first war of the US-led NATO on European soil against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999.

Here, with the tacit acquiescence of NATO allies – including Germany – the US army used weapons of mass destruction that it had already tested in the 2nd Gulf War in 1991 and in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1994/95: highly toxic and radioactive uranium weapons. NATO itself has admitted that it has fired 30,000 shells with depleted uranium (DU), the Serbian military speaks of 50,000 shells. This is equivalent to 10 to 15 tonnes of uranium.

Since extensive scientific literature and film material (“Deadly Dust”) on this war crime are already available in German, English and Serbian, here are just a few comments:

Because of the long degradation process of radioactivity and its toxicity, waste from the uranium and nuclear industry – mainly DU of the isotope 238 – is stored in secured dumps for a very long period of time. To reduce the high costs associated with this, DU is therefore readily given away free of charge to interested parties such as the military. DU has characteristics that are particularly attractive to the defence industry.

According to Professor Siegwart-Horst Günther, DU projectiles developed according to a German technology have a high penetrating power due to the high density of metallic uranium (1.7 times greater than that of lead) and are especially suitable for breaking steel armour and underground concrete bunkers. DU is also a combustible material that self-ignites when it penetrates armour plate, burning at 3,000 degrees Celsius to form uranium oxide dust and releasing highly toxic and radioactive material (uranium oxide).

This uranium oxide aerosol with particle sizes in the nanoscale enters the human body via the air we breathe, the water and, in the long term, also via the food chain.

In the lungs, the DU dust particles are also attached to the red and white blood cells and thus enter all organs of the body, including the brain, kidneys and testicles, causing cancer in many organs and irreversible damage to the genetic material (DNA). The strong carcinogenicity of DU is due to the fact that chemotoxicity and radiotoxicity act synergistically.

DU can also reach an unborn child via the placenta and cause severe damage. Possible long-term damage includes genetic defects in infants, childhood leukaemia, cancer and kidney damage. Since the uranium oxide particles have taken on the property of ceramics due to the heat of combustion, they are insoluble in water, are fixed in this form in the body and can develop their radioactive effect (alpha radiation) for years.

War with uranium weapons is genocide brought about knowingly and willingly

For biochemist Albrecht Schott, DU is an example of interventions in creation that endanger it existentially, and thus not a weapon against states, but a weapon against the planet. The well-known German journalist and filmmaker Frieder Wagner calls uranium weapons “weapons of extermination” and the victims of these murderous weapons the “dead of silent death”. Uranium weapons are the “perfect weapon” to kill masses of people, that is, to commit genocide.

Since the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948, genocide has been a criminal offence under international criminal law that is not subject to a statute of limitations. It is characterised by the specific intention to destroy, directly or indirectly, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such, in whole or in part. This is why genocide is also called a “unique crime”, a “crime of crimes” or the “worst crime in international criminal law”.

The Australian doctor, nuclear weapons specialist and peace activist Helen Caldicott writes in her book “Nuclear Danger USA”:

“It is clear that the Pentagon knew about the health risks posed by uranium-containing munitions long before Operation Desert Storm [2nd Gulf War 1991; the author]. Numerous military reports acknowledge that uranium-238 can cause kidney damage, lung and bone cancer, (non-malignant) lung disease, skin disease, neurocognitive disorders, chromosomal damage and birth defects.”

For this reason, wars involving the use of highly toxic and radioactive uranium weapons are both war crimes and knowingly and willingly committed genocide – including the war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999. Under the UN Convention against Genocide, the Parties to the Convention undertake to punish genocide or persons committing genocide, whether they are governments, public officials or private individuals.

Aggressive cancers in Serbia reach epidemic proportions

The bombing of Serbia lasted 78 days. In the process, 1,031 soldiers were killed, 5,173 soldiers and police officers were wounded, 2,500 civilians died – including 78 children – and over 6,000 civilians were wounded. In addition to the projectiles with DU, which also contained traces of highly toxic plutonium, other explosive combinations and rocket fuels with certain chemical compounds were used, which have a very toxic effect when exploded and cause cancer. The number of these cancers grew year by year. Also, the number of newborns with deformities and those with aggressive childhood leukaemia increased.

More than a year ago, estimates by the Serbian Association for Cancer Control became known: Studies had shown that the use of uranium weapons had led to 15,000 cases of cancer and 10,000 deaths between 2001 and 2010, according to the head of the association and oncologist Prof. Slobodan Cikaric, MD. In total, there were 330,000 cancer cases in Serbia during this period. The death rate has increased by 2.5 per cent annually since 1999.

Back in 2013, Professor Cikaric said in the Serbian newspaper Blic that 14 years after the DU bombing, Serbia was expecting an explosion of cancers of all kinds. He was to be proved right. What is reported are breakdowns of the immune system with increasing cases of infectious diseases, severe functional disorders of the kidneys and liver, aggressive leukaemias and other cancers (including multiple cancers), disorders of the bone marrow, genetic defects and malformations, as well as miscarriages and premature births in pregnant women as after the Chernobyl disaster.

If you read a Serbian newspaper today or walk through a Serbian cemetery, you will notice the short lifespan of many of the deceased in the page-long obituaries or epitaphs. In each case it should read: “Died as a result of DU poisoning and radiation”.

Many citizens of Serbia are psychologically burdened because of their years of pity for sick relatives and because of the anxious waiting if and when they too might be caught up by one of the terrible and mostly fatal diseases. Even if most of them suspect the cause of the serious illnesses, there is still a great deal of uncertainty that triggers persistent feelings of stress.

Politicians in Serbia as well as in the other DU-contaminated countries in the Near and Middle East and in the NATO countries themselves have deliberately not informed the population. Among other things, they wanted to avoid recourse claims and continue their murderous trade undisturbed. Stress, anxiety and depression additionally weaken the already burdened immune system and lead to a higher susceptibility to infections. This is shown by research results from the interdisciplinary field of psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI).

The people have the right to the truth

In order to be able to organise one’s own life and that of one’s family satisfactorily, to make provisions for the future or, as a married couple, to decide whether or not to have children, every citizen must be able to realistically assess the economic, social and political conditions in his or her country. But they cannot do this if they are deprived of the truth about incidents that can severely affect their lives. Therefore, it is a moral obligation of all those who have dealt with the problem of contamination in the country – doctors, scientists, journalists, military personnel and civilians affected by contamination – to educate and assist their fellow citizens.

In addition, the identity of a nation is based on the citizens’ right to truth and knowledge of their history. Historians and representatives of other sciences have an important contribution to make. However, the debate must not be left to them alone. The search for truth and the enlightenment of the people is also a political task that must be solved by political leaders and must not be prevented by them under any circumstances. Government and parliament have to take a stand. How can citizens trust a government or people’s representation that withholds the truth from them about a problem that affects them existentially?


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a school rector, educational scientist and graduate psychologist. After his university studies, he became an academic teacher in adult education. As a retiree he worked as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and professional articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral education in values as well as an education for public spirit and peace. In 2021, he was awarded the Republic Prize “Captain Misa Anastasijevic” by the Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad for services to Serbia.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Asia-Pacific is the US “priority theatre of operations” and lies at the heart of America’s grand strategy to assert global hegemony. The US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin last year outlined the region as “center of strategic gravity” to gang up regional states against China, while trying to claim Washington wasn’t splitting the region into hostile blocs.

The Biden administration still contends it doesn’t want competition with China to veer into a conflict; the US officials continue to accuse China of taking aggressive actions and tempting Asia-Pacific countries with a delusive “gravitational pull of freedom.” Within this grand strategy, the US intelligence community alleges China of dominating the region, driving wedges between America and its partners and extending Chinese influence, particularly in East Asia and the western Pacific while itself conducting military exercises around the sensitive regional waterways.

An explicit intent is to rally allies under the pretense of deterrence and protection against China, contain Beijing’s rise and reinstate the US role as the world’s sole superpower. Japan’s major shift from a pacifist nation to a menacing force, signaling the biggest military posture since World War II, is welcomed and praised because the unprecedented defense budget increase will boost arms production and profit the US military-industrial complex.

Contrarily, China’s defense spending at $224 billion is dwarfed by the US Department of Defense budget of more than $1.7 trillion for the fiscal year 2023, which focuses on executing aggressive military plans and operations. In addition, America is a consistent threat to the region’s peace and stability as it has the largest aviation force in Asia-Pacific with more than half of its fighter planes comprising fourth or fifth generation models.

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last year suggested America must make “three lighthouses of liberty” (Israel, China’s Taiwan region and Ukraine) the hubs of new security architecture in the Middle East, East Asia and Europe and link these bastions with NATO and the new and expanded security framework of Asia-Pacific to form a “global alliance for freedom.”

His concept may hasn’t officially been endorsed by the Biden administration; it has increased Europe’s security dependence on the US, pitted Mideast countries against each other and is trying to take advantage of the Ukraine crisis to mend its frayed relations with its partners in Asia-Pacific. Washington is doing so by stoking tensions and increasing arms sales to regional states as well as reinvigorating the four-nation Quad and the trilateral AUKUS alliances not just to encircle China but to impose its leadership on the region.

Yet the strategy is backfiring. China’s emergence as a peace-broker between Saudi Arabia and Iran is shattering America’s great plan; the US efforts to use the Ukraine conflict as a conduit to restore its global hegemony is challenged by some wealthy, powerful and democratic US allies that have maintained their autonomy.

Given regional organizations such as Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the African Union are focused on regional development rather than catching “fever” of the US fixation with China, other Asia-Pacific states will be cautious of aligning too closely with Washington and may pursue an independent foreign policy.

The framing of competition with China by Republican Mike Gallagher, chairman of the House China Task Force, as an “existential struggle” is both misguided and risky. The committee “forged out of paranoia (and) hysteria” which tends to get locked into groupthink and xenophobic mindset as the US “actively” seeks to contain China and derail its technological progress. This approach will inevitably escalate tensions between China and the US and make engagement even more difficult.

Communication channels between the two militaries froze after China-US relations ebbed over America’s hyperboles on the balloon saga. The US defense officials dubbed the lack of communication as “destabilizing and dangerous” yet by calling off the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to China, shooting down a Chinese object with a missile, planting NATO clones such as the Quad and the AUKUS in Asia-Pacific, the US has exposed its petty-minded approach to circumscribe China and its inclination to shutter communication channels.

The Biden administration has clearly set out its ambition, which is to implement the 2022 National Defense Strategy to tackle the “pacing challenge” from China. As part of this strategy, a US-led systematic campaign is underway to attribute false threats to China with claims of Southeast Asian states likely to become “wearier participants” in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

But there’s a catch: the US Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, the means to advance the US Indo-Pacific Strategy, is more of a showpiece for it actually delivers very little to the region, especially to ASEAN. In contrast, Chinese infrastructure and development projects such as the BRI and the Global Development Initiative are lionized by regional states, indicating Asia-Pacific doesn’t want to become an avenue of a great power competition.

At the first anniversary of the Indo-Pacific Strategy, the Biden administration’s primary focus remains the Quad and the AUKUS, both of which take frequent mentions in the latest State Department’s report. But in Southeast Asia, nations have never greeted the military alliances with skepticism. They have criticized AUKUS for its propensity to trigger arms races in the region and remained concerned about these anti-peace and provocative security partnerships. As a result, the US grand strategy is condemned to failure.


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Azhar Azam works in a private organization as “Market & Business Analyst” and writes on geopolitical issues and regional conflicts.

Featured image: A Harpoon missile is launched from the USS Shiloh, September 15, 2014. Image: US Navy/Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kevin V. Cunningham

Narendra Modi’s Cricket Coup

March 25th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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What a coup.  Nakedly amoral but utterly self-serving in its saccharine minted glory.  India’s showman Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who otherwise appears to have clerkish, desk-bound qualities, had what he wanted: an accommodating, possibly clueless guest in the form of the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese; a common interest in India’s national sport cricket, and a show illuminating him as supreme Hindu leader presiding over a new age of politics.  For Albanese, this was ill-fitting and disturbing but all in keeping with the occasion.

This month, Albanese, who has been held to the bosom of great powers of late, found himself at the mercy of cricket diplomacy at the Narendra Modi stadium in Ahmedabad.  He had been placed upon an improvised golf car with Modi prior to the start of the fourth cricket test between Australia and India.  But Albanese was not merely Modi’s guest; he was also appearing in a stadium named after the prime minister he was keeping company with.  Modesty had been exorcised; pomp and narcissism had taken its place.

The cricketers of the national sides were not spared florid manipulation and flowery exploitation.  In India, cricket makes the god fearing, beer swilling followers of soccer look like mild agnostics of some reserve and domestic sensibility.  In the Indian cricket canon, players are sanctified from across the globe, added to a sanctuary of permanent adoration in something reminiscent of ancient tradition.  Much like the deities of the Roman Empire, all great cricket players, from Antigua to Sydney, find their spiritual holy ground on Indian soil, forever assimilated.

For Modi, this all meant opportunity and glory.  He is the classically dangerous politician for those of the broadly described West who think they understand him.  Supple, gentle, oleaginous, Modi is both unscrupulous and prone to wooing.  And Albanese was there to keep him company.  The teams of two great cricket nations were effectively shoehorned into the show, with Modi and Albanese giving the captains of their respective countries their caps before the game’s commencement.

The nexus of power in world cricket – and its link Modi – was also affirmed by the presence of officials from the enormously powerful Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).  They were on hand to give Modi that most vulgar of gifts: a gaudily framed photo of himself.

The scenes should have made Albanese feel uncomfortable.  While Australian officials, business types and opportunists dream of market opportunities in India, it is also worth appreciating what Modi is.  This is only relevant given the mighty, moral bent Canberra takes on such matters: the Chinese and Russians are seen as barbarians hammering away at the rules-based order and shredding human rights – or some such – and there lies India, promising, vast and nominally democratic.

Things, however, are not well in the world’s largest democracy.  Only in February, the BBC offices in Delhi and Mumbai were paid a less than friendly visit from tax officials intent on conducting a “survey”.  This came just weeks after the organisation’s release of a documentary that shone a light less than rosy upon the dear leader.

For all this, Australian governments can hardly complain: the Australian Federal Police engaged in similar acts against the national broadcaster in June 2019, and even went so far as to suggest that two journalists from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation might be prosecuted for national security violations.

Modi also had a superb distraction to be used against the Australian PM.  He could chide his guest and prod him about what was happening regarding recent acts of vandalism against Hindu temples in Melbourne.  “It is a matter of regret that attacks on temples have been regularly reported in Australia over the last few weeks.”

These have primarily featured slogans of support for the pro-Khalistan Sikh separatist movement.  The wall of the ISKCON temple located in the suburb of Albert Park, for instance, featured the words “Khalistan Zindabad (Long Live the Sikh Homeland)”, “Hindustan Murdabad (Down with India)”, and “Sant Bhindranwale is martyred”.  Another incident at Carrum Downs featured, according to Victorian Police, damage that “included graffiti slogans of what appear to be [of] a political nature.”

Albanese, caught up in the role of being the good guest, could only say that such acts had “no place in Australia.  And we will take every action through our police and also our security agencies to make sure that anyone responsible for this faces the full force of the law.  We’re a tolerant multicultural nation, and there is no place in Australia for this activity.”

In India, on the other hand, there is more than enough space for intolerance when PM Modi and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) authorities egg it on.  The rights of Muslims, for instance, have been  curtailed by the Citizenship Amendment Act, an instrument that enables non-Muslim communities originally from Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan to apply for Indian citizenship if they had arrived in India prior to December 31, 2014.

Violence against Muslims and Islamophobic statements from officials has also become more common, with India’s Supreme Court warning that mob attacks risked being normalised in the current environment.

None of this came up in the Modi-Albanese discussions. Nor did the conduct of India’s premier port-to-power conglomerate, the Adani Group, which has extensive mining, rail and port interests in Australia.  To add to its inglorious environmental report card, Adani was found by the activist short-seller Hindenburg Research earlier this year to be allegedly responsible for accountancy fraud and stock manipulation.  To keep that off the agenda was yet another mighty coup for the Indian leader.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from PTI

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It was snowing and the roads were empty on an early Saturday. The dread was, is it really him? Will he agree to speak?

We arrived at his apartment and were greeted by a friend who took us up. He introduces himself in smart attire. Meet Ali Shallal al-Qaysi, the man under the hood of the torture photos from the infamous Abu Ghraib prison.

He takes me to the kitchen and whispers as we set up for the TV interview in the other room – some details are too gruesome and painful to recount. I assure him, it is his story and I will listen to what he has to tell us. What ensues in the next couple of hours is not for the faint-hearted. His stories paint a horrific picture of inhumane abuse, humiliation, torture and sadistic behaviour.

Al Jazeera TV Interview of Ali Shallal 

“I was standing on the box. It is so strong, not breakable. They tied wires and started electrical shocks. I remember biting my tongue, my eyes felt they were about to pop out. I started bleeding from under the mask and I fell down,” says Ali.

Despite his hand losing complete function because of the torture, Ali likes to paint in his spare time. His apartment is full of canvases. One stands out – a hood, orange jumpsuit, and handcuffs with 151716 painted on it, Ali’s prisoner number. He says they wrote “Big Fish” with a marker on his forehead, a common practice of “marking” high-profile prisoners.

‘A top secret place’

Without prison records, we cannot verify he is the man under the hood. But with testimony from two decades ago, his deformed hand that earned him the nickname “the claw”, his photos, court cases, and interviews with former prison officials and lawyers, it is clear Ali was among the victims at Abu Ghraib.

Ali was kept for months, between 2003 and 2004, at the prison. At one point after his torture, he says, he lost track of time for weeks as he was left in the tents where prisoners were held.

Abu Ghraib was feared from the time of Saddam Hussein, who built torture chambers there. After the 2003 US-led invasion, US contractors built more cells equipped with deadbolts.

Now-demoted, General Janis Karpinski was commander of Abu Ghraib prison when the abuse scandal erupted. She told Al Jazeera she was unaware of the torture between May and September 2003 when she was in charge of the prison.

“There was a central wing which served as the cafeteria. On the left were cell blocks 1A and B, 2A and B … and on the right, the last building which was not damaged in the [air] strikes. This became a top-secret place. The last cell block was where Pappas [Colonel Thomas Pappas, who was in charge of Abu Ghraib prison’s intelligence unit] had his satellites and his men were stationed. They had a direct line to [Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld there. They did interrogations there. Females were kept over at the airport facility. There may have been a few in Abu Ghraib,” says Karpinski.

Female ‘hostages’

Ali wells up when he describes the screams of women kept on the other side of his cell block. “Women were put on the sector to our left on the second floor. We heard their cries. The guards used to get a male detainee to serve them food but on one condition, he should serve them food while he is fully naked. We were all kept naked by the way. We used to hear their screams, there was a guy called Fredrik who used to harm them.”

Ali broke down at this point, sobbing. “We could not help them, we could not do anything for them. Some of us were banging heads against the wall, we do not want this to happen again and again. Occupation is the worst shape of terrorism, crushes the dignity of people and destroys countries. It was not easy to hear these women cry. They did nothing, they were brought as hostages. When [the Americans] carry out a raid against a former regime official or a nuclear scientist and fail to detain the wanted man, they brought women as hostages.

“We heard them crying and screaming what they have been going through. I have witnessed a horrible scene – a man had his wife raped before his eyes.”

Human rights groups have documented beatings, prolonged sleep and sensory depravation, and detainees being held naked and tortured.

Al AlQaysi

Ali Shallal al-Qaysi at his apartment in Berlin, Germany [Osama Bin Javaid/Al Jazeera]

‘They were sadists’

The images – taken and released by an American soldier – shocked the world with their sheer brutality. The most explicit photographs depict nudity, degradation, simulated sex acts, and American guards posing with decaying corpses. After an international outcry, 11 US soldiers were convicted, but others were reprimanded without any charges.

“Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca and other torture sites lowered the bar for adherence to the Geneva Conventions and other international obligations to treat prisoners humanely,” says Letta Tayler from Human Rights Watch.

“Ironically, one of the many flimsy justifications made by President George W Bush to invade Iraq was that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein would aid terrorists. Yet it was the US-led invasion that created a security vacuum and fueled grievances that enabled the rise of al-Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS [ISIL], prompting yet more cycles of violence.

“All US presidents since George W Bush, who started the Iraq war, have refused to prosecute any of the architects of the war crimes committed during the Iraq war. For example, no ranking official has been prosecuted for the horrors inflicted on detainees at Abu Ghraib, only lower-level military personnel who in most cases received negligible sentences. Most civilians never received any funding or other amends for deaths, injuries, or property damage by US forces, much less apologies.”

Ali says the pictures only reflect a fraction of the abuse that took place after the invasion.

“Abu Ghraib prison was one out of 75 other sites used as detention centres with these violations. What kind of human being can do such things? To force people to be naked, sexually humiliated, inserting broken wood sticks in sensitive parts until they bleed, electric shock to genitals. I remember one man … he died before our eyes while he was tortured. They were sadists.”

When we asked about the infamous dog photos, Ali replies, “I was humiliated, I was mauled by a dog right here”, pointing to a bite scar on his neck. “I was naked in the cell. You know there was no bed. They meant to harm us by bringing the dog into the cell.”

Ali says he has dedicated his life to seeking justice from the architects of the abuse. His lawyer Andreas Schüller works for the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR).

“It’s a very clear-cut case of torture in prison under the military occupation by the US, but on the other hand you can also show the chain of command in setting up the prison system, the mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq by the US military. And this goes all up to Donald Rumsfeld,” Schüller says.

Ali’s lawyers say German authorities should have done much more since the case was filed in 2015. ECCHR requested the prosecutor to secure evidence and take testimonies of survivors and experts. Schüller says German federal prosecutors have not pursued Ali’s case as they did previous ones.

“There are political reasons not to do that, to go against an ally against the United States. Even 20 years after the invasion of Iraq, it’s a constant topic. You saw it in 2003 with the US-UK-led invasion of Iraq and now see it with Russia in Ukraine. And as long as it’s not punished, the risk is that we see it again in different constellations,” says Schüller.

Back in Ali’s apartment, I asked, “Why did they call you the claw at Abu Ghraib?”

“This happened when they hanged me on the wall. Because of the weight of my body, the handcuff was piercing my hand. The wound was almost rotten,” he says.

So were the hangings and electrocutions the worst of the torture?

“Another way of torture was music. It is worse than physical torture. They force you [to] lie on your stomach on the ground, all tied up. And they bring big speakers thumping with an unbearably loud noise placed on either side of your head. I remember the song they played called Babylon, Babylon, even when they turned off the speakers, it kept ringing in my ears.”

Ali’s ordeal ended when he was taken in a truck and released on a highway away from Abu Ghraib with dozens of other prisoners. He was never charged with a crime.

As he waits for justice, Ali refuses to let the world forget his story. He says his worst nightmare is if people do not remember and it happens again to others in another war.

Although his lawyer is not hopeful that Ali will see justice in his lifetime, he is adamant to carry on.

“I think even after 1,000 years, our great grandsons will receive our rights. The world is changing and people who were tortured in Vietnam and other places, they are getting their rights … Even for those who were tortured by the Nazis or by Stalin, Hitler and others, now they are getting their rights,” says Ali.


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Featured image: This handout photo from SBS TV received 15 February, 2006 shows a hooded prisoner allegedly being tortured at Iraq’s notorious Abu Ghraib jail supposely during interrogation by US soldiers in Baghdad in 2004. Australian public broadcaster SBS 15 February released a handful of what it said were previously unpublished photographs of the abuse of prisoners in Iraq’s notorious Abu Ghraib jail by US soldiers. RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE AFP PHOTO/HO/SBS DATELINE

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The 20th anniversary of the US attack on Iraq for regime change coincides with the 12th anniversary of the US attack on Syria for regime change. March 2003 and March 2011 have a great deal in common, but that is not where the story begins.

The destruction of two nations, sitting side by side in the Middle East, began in 1996 with the strategy paper called “A Clean Break”, written by the man known as “The Architect of the Iraq War”.

“A Clean Break” was authored in part by Richard T. Perle in 1996. Perle later became Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs in the George W. Bush Administration.

Perle delivered the paper to Benjamin Netanyahu, who had just been elected as Prime Minister of Israel.

The paper presented the reasons for the US to attack and destroy Iraq and Syria. After President Bill Clinton took office, the paper was presented to him for action, but he declined. But, by the time of the 9/11 bombing of the WTC in NYC in 2001, the time was ripe to dust off the paper and Perle and his associates found President George W. Bush a willing partner.

Perle was also the chairman of the Defense Policy Board, which was responsible for developing reasons for the US to attack other countries. The Pentagon does not develop policy, they simply are asked to report if a planned attack can be carried out successfully, or not. There is an old saying, “A soldier’s job is not to question why, a soldier’s job is to do or die”. Wars and attacks by the US cannot be blamed on the Pentagon, that blame must rest on the Oval Office, the State Department, the CIA, and the Defense Policy Board.

The 9/11 attack was [allegedly according to media reports] carried out on the orders of Osama bin Laden, a Saudi national living in Afghanistan, and a leader of Al Qaeda.

The trick was how could the Bush administration connect Al Qaeda to Saddam Hussein, the leader of Iraq?  The director of the CIA, George Tenet, repeatedly told Bush that there was no connection.

The second strategy of the Bush administration, was to build the case for invading Iraq based on Saddam Hussein having “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (WMD). The CIA was able to support that premise, not based on any facts, but based on the idea that Hussein might have WMD.  When Tenet was asked about the WMD, he replied

“We will find it when we get there.”

That proved to be wishful thinking, as no WMDs were ever found by thousands of armed and highly skilled US soldiers who combed every nook and cranny in Iraq, for years.

So how did the US public and Congress come to believe the Bush administration’s lies?

That was accomplished by the US mainstream media.  The Bush administration spoon-fed false information to key journalists in the most reputable media outlets.  The journalists were unable to personally verify the information on WMD, and they refused to reveal their sources who were the highest-ranking officials in the US government. Without the complicity of the media, the case for going to war in Iraq could never have been believed.

The events leading up to the first day of the bombing in Baghdad were unfolding so rapidly, that the ‘red flags’ of doubt were overlooked. Hans Blix was returning to his hotel in Baghdad when Bush announced to the world on TV that he would order the beginning of the bombing in 24 hours.  Blix was blindsided when confronted by a microphone thrust in his face at the entrance of the hotel. At first, he didn’t believe the Bush order, and reiterated the results of his visits to numerous sites in Iraq, that Hussein had no WMD, they had been destroyed previously.

Image: UN SG Ban Ki-Moon

But, that never stopped the bombing from commencing on time. While the bombs were falling across Baghdad, Blix was back in NYC delivering his detailed report to Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary-General, which made the case that the Bush attack was based on a lie. All of this was covered in the media, but it was too late to stop the war machine.

The US was not alone. The UK and many of the NATO allies signed up for the Bush war on Iraq. All of them bear responsibility for their participation in an unjustified war that cost millions of lives. The US coalition partners blame their decision to participate on the fact they believed in US intelligence, and they believed in the lies. Another factor in their decision to follow the US lead was the fact that the US had been the sole ‘Super Power’. Those days are over, as the international community recognizes the new multi-polar world.

When Perle penned “A Clean Break” in 1996 for the leader of Israel, the attack on Syria was included, sort of a ‘2 for 1’ idea.  Take out both Iraq and Syria at the same time, and Israel will be a safer place.  Once Donald Rumsfeld became involved in planning the 2003 attack on Iraq, he counseled against including Syria. His decision was based on knowing two countries’ destruction is too big of a goal to be accomplished. He decided to focus on destroying Iraq only.

Syria was not attacked, and the war next door did not spill over the border. Syria accepted 2 million Iraqi refugees, and Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt came to Damascus in 2009 and met President Assad because of his open-door Iraqi refugee policy.

The plans to destroy Syria began in the 1996 paper by Perle, and by March 2011 the Obama administration had already started on their plans to create a ‘new Middle East’ and Obama utilized NATO to assist in the attack, invasion, and occupation of Libya. The US-NATO attack on Libya was the precursor to the attack on Syria which used Syrian followers of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood and later were replaced by international terrorists following Radical Islam, such as Al Qaeda and finally ISIS.

Today, Iraq lies destroyed. It has never been reconstructed.  Large areas still have no water, electricity, or medical care. The infrastructure of Iraq is broken.  The Iraqi constitution was drafted by the invaders and has set the parliament up as a sectarian and ethnic quota system. In the US, it would be unthinkable to base elected offices on religion or ethnicity, but it was the US invaders who developed the Iraqi constitution which has locked the country into an unworkable system of corruption based on who your parents were, and where did they live. The US also insisted the Iraqi form of government be a Parliamentary system, which has kept the country locked into chaos as there is no central leader who can get things done, unlike the US Presidential system.

Syria resisted the US-NATO attack and the people fought back. Now, after 12 years there exists a possibility that brighter days are ahead for the Syrian people and the hope of reconstruction. In Iraq, there is also hope that the suffering they endured at the hands of brutal invaders, who committed atrocities against civilians, can be relegated to the pages of history, and a new chapter in security and prosperity can begin.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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Writing this, I must admit that my rage and pain build up inside, still twenty years later. Below, see what TFF and I wrote back then and why we were, simply put, making better predictions on a shoestring budget than the US and other NATO decision-makers on multi-billion-dollar budgets.

Like other wars and interventions, this was no “mistake”. It was an unavoidable consequence of Western MIRE – Militarism, Imperialism, Racism and Exceptionalism.

The West has learned nothing. Militarism is now its main cohesive force into its manifest destiny: Decline and fall.

President George W. Bush announcing that he has just started the war on Iraq. Listen carefully! All the arguments and aims he presents were either false, mistaken or outright lies. And sanctimonious.

Permit me start out with a quotation from the British Stop The War Coalition’s newsletter:

“A report released this week by the Costs of War Project estimates that between 550,000-580,000 people have been killed since March 2003 in Iraq and Syria and “several times as many may have died due to indirect causes such as preventable diseases.”

It goes on to say that “more than 7 million people from Iraq and Syria are currently refugees, and nearly 8 million people are internally displaced in the two countries.” These devastating statistics tell us more of what we already know: the Iraq War was an utter disaster, and the perpetrators should be brought to justice.

This coming week marks 20 years since the invasion led by George Bush and Tony Blair.”

You should be aware also that the US is still on the ground (the US Embassy in Baghdad is the largest anywhere in the world) – it has a series of military bases in Syria and steals its oil on a daily basis.

More people died in Iraq because of 13 years of sanctions than because of the military death and destruction.

And the costs of this war alone have been close to US$ 2 trillion. And here the estimated costs up to 2050.

And – I predict – the Western mainstream media will do very little about these crimes, the mass killing, this utterly failed war – morally, in terms of international law and in terms of winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people.

And they will keep on focusing on the European war in Ukraine and the suffering of those who are white, Christian and victims of Russia’s comparatively small – but yes, inexcusable – war there.

Why? Because it suits NATO, the EU and the declining West in general. And because, by focusing on Ukraine, NATO countries’ war crimes fall into the darkness. Harold Pinter would probably say about it – it didn’t happen; nothing ever happened there.

Is anybody in the political, military and media wars of the West having second thoughts today? Does anybody have the civil moral courage to apologise?

No – those same Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex (MIMAC) elites continue to destroy our world, incapable of learning any lessons. And there should be plenty to learn.


I did fact-finding in Iraq twice, the second time shortly before the US-misled coalition of the willing did its ‘shock and awe.’ My dear colleague, friend and former UN peacekeeper, retired lieutenant colonel Christian Hårleman – who at the time was also the chairman of the TFF Board – and I did 160 interviews with people at all levels, from the #3 man in the system, Tariq Aziz, Baath party member, military, UN staff – over scholars, diplomats, NGO/women’s organisations to the proverbial taxi driver and people in tea houses – in Baghdad, Babylon, Basra and the UN mission at the border with Kuwait. We gave a lecture for high-level militaries and diplomats at the House of Wisdom, Bayt al-Ḥikmah, also known as the Grand Library of Baghdad.

Although everyone we met felt misunderstood, demonised and tense at the prospect of Bush’s and Blair’s bombs soon falling, we – Westerners – were treated everywhere with respect and kindness. For instance, a lady in the reception of our hotel had found that both our birthdays were in January, so we found a beautiful bouquet of flowers in our room that day.

In the spring of 2004, I published my book (in Danish) “Predictable Fiasco. The Conflict With Iraq and Denmark As An Occupation Power” (Tiderne Skifter, Copenhagen, 296 pages). Being in Baghdad for just 24 hours, any fool – such as I – would predict that the US/West would never win the hearts and minds of the Iraqis. No way!

This is not the place to go through all that again.

At writing this, my rage and pain build up inside still twenty years later.

I wonder where this boy is today. If he is. I took these photos of him in the old town’s book bazaar – he would be about 25-16 today. If he is, what is his and his family’s life like today? How did this criminal war shape his childhood? What has it done to his well-being – innocent as he was?

And there were these two extraordinarily decent, competent and kind people with whom we spent hours – Saddam’s weapons expert and liaison with the West on the issue of weapons of mass destruction, Amir al-Saadi and Aquila al-Hashimi who was shortly after killed – as was the legendary CARE worker, Margaret Hassan, who was abducted and murdered, and whom we also interviewed.

Diagnosis – Prognosis – Solutions

So much about TFF’s Diagnoses and Prognoses. We did not continue the work in Iraq and have not visited Iraq since 2003.

But we did bring forward a series of peace proposals – Treatment/Solution – before the war. It was a 14-point program developed by Hans von Sponeck – who had resigned from the UN after more than 30 years of service, including as UN Assistant Secretary-General and UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq because, as he said, he would not preside over a genocide on the Iraqi people – and myself.

We sent it to what was considered one of the finest and most trustworthy media in the world, International Herald Tribune. That was in December 2002, and it was accepted. Then it was delayed and then rejected. Read it here with an introduction to this bizarre and disgraceful example of the mainstream media manipulations then – and even worse now:

A Road to Peace With Iraq – Europe’s Choice.

In summary, the US/NATO/EU world has learned no lessons from Yugoslavia, Kuwait, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. NATO’s provocative expansion over 30 years right up to the border of Russia indicates the same – while not meant as an endorsement of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

They’ve all been examples of the MIRE mentioned above – Militarism + Imperialism + Racism + Exceptionalism.

And the media play the same role now as back then – just more uniform, more ignorant of the basic criteria of quality media work – knowledge-based, diversity in perspectives, solid check of sources, independent investigation, aiming at objectivity to the extent humanly possible, serving public education and being critical of power as well as revealing its abuse.

In the field of global affairs, this type of journalism is no longer to be found in the Western mainstream, influential media – something I have dealt with at length in a 50-year perspective here. These media have, compared with 2003, become even more tightly integrated into the MIMAC – the Military-Industrial Media Academic Complex – the elites networking in a murky, criminal society far away from democracy with its checks and balances.

“It is enough that a lie is believed for three days – it has then served its purpose.“ — Marie de Medici, 1573-1642, queen consort and queen regent of France


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AUKUS, the Australian Labor Party, and Growing Dissent

March 25th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It was a sight to behold and took the wind out of the bellicose sails of the AUKUS cheer squad.  Here, at the National Press Club in the Australian capital, was a Labor luminary, former Prime Minister of Australia and statesman, keen to weigh in with characteristic sharpness and dripping venom.  Paul Keating’s target: the militaristic lunacy that has characterised Australia’s participation in the US-led security pact that promises hellish returns and pangs of insecurity.

In his March 15 address to a Canberra press gallery bewitched by the magic of nuclear-propelled submarines and the China bogeyman, Keating was unsparing about those “seriously unwise ministers in government” – notably Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Defence Minister Richard Marles, unimpressed by their foolish, uncritical embrace of the US war machine.  “The Albanese Government’s complicity in joining with Britain and the United States in a tripartite build of a nuclear submarine for Australia under the AUKUS arrangements represents the worst international decision by an Australian Labor government since the former Labor leader, Billy Hughes, sought to introduce conscription to augment Australian forces in World War One.”

In terms of history, this was chilling to Keating.  The AUKUS security pact represented a longing gaze back at the Mother Country, Britain, “shunning security in Asia for security in and within the Anglosphere.”  It also meant a locking alliance with the United States for the next half-century as a subordinate in a containment strategy of Beijing. This was a bi-partisan approach to foreign policy that saw the US dominating East Asia as “the primary strategic power” rather than a balancing one.

For Keating, the impetus for such madness came from a defence establishment that dazzled the previous Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.  That effort, he argues, was spearheaded by the likes of the US-funded Australian Strategic Policy Institute and Andrew Shearer of the Office of National Intelligence.  They even, he argues, managed to convince PM Albanese, Marles and Wong to abandon the 20-month review period on the scope of what they were seeking.

The steamrolling Keating was also unsparing in attacking a number of journalists for their ditzy, adolescent belligerence.  The sword, once produced, was never sheathed.  Peter Hartcher, most notably, received a generous pasting as a war infatuated lunatic whose anti-China campaign at the Fairfax presses had been allowed for years.

In terms of the submarines themselves, Keating also expressed the view that the Royal Australian Navy would be far better off acquiring between 40 to 50 of the Collins Class submarines to police the coastline rather than having nuclear powered submarines lying in wait off the Chinese shoreline.

As we all should know, submarine policy is where imagination goes to expire, often in frightful, costly ways.  For all Keating’s admiration for the Collins Class, it was a nightmarish project marred by fiascos, poor planning and organisational dysfunction within the defence establishment.  At stages, two-thirds of the Australian fleet of six submarines was unable to operate at full capacity.  The lesson here is that submarines and the Australian naval complex simply do not mix.

The reaction from the Establishment was one of predictable dismissal, denial and distortion, typical of what Gore Vidal would have called deranged machismo.  Instead of being critical of the powers that are, they have turned their guns and wallets on spectres, ghosts and devilish images.  The tragedy looms, and it will be, like many tragedies, the result of colossal, unforgivable stupidity.

At the very least, the intervention by Keating, notably in the Labor Party, has not gone unnoticed.  Within the Labor caucus, tremors of dissatisfaction are being recorded, breaches growing.  West Australian Labor backbencher Josh Wilson defied his own party’s dictates by telling colleagues in the House of Representatives how he was “not yet convinced that we can adequately deal with the non-proliferation risks involved in what is a novel arrangement, by which a non-nuclear weapons state under the NPT (Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty) comes to acquire weapons-grade material.”

Wilson’s views are not outlandish to the man. He is keen to challenge the notion of unaccountable executive war powers, a problem that looms large in the Westminster system.  “To assume that such decision-making is already perfect, immutable, and beyond scrutiny,” he wrote in December last year, “puts Australia at risk of making the most dangerous judgments without the best institutional framework for doing so.”

A gaggle of former senior Labor ministers have also emerged, even if they initially proved sluggish.  Peter Garrett, former environment minister and front man of Midnight Oil, while proving a bit squeamish about Keating’s invective, found himself in general agreement.  “The deal stinks with massive cost, loss of independence, weaking nuke safeguards & more.”

Kim Carr, who had previously held ministerial positions in industry and defence materiel, revealed that the matter of AUKUS had never been formally approved in the Federal Labor caucus, merely noted.  Various “key” Labor figures – again Marles and Wong – agreed to endorse the proposition put forth to them on September 15, 2021 by the then Coalition government.

He also expressed deep concern “about a revival of a forward defence policy, given our performance in Vietnam”.  For Carr, the shadow cast by the Iraq War was long.  “Given it’s 20 years since Iraq, you can hardly say our security agencies should not be questioned when they provide their assessments.”

For former foreign minister, Gareth Evans, there were three questions: whether the submarines are actually fit for purpose; whether Australia retained genuine sovereignty over them in their use; and, were that not the case, “whether that loss of agency is a price worth paying for the US security insurance we think we might be buying.”

Will these voices make a difference?  They just might – but if so, Australia will have to thank that political pugilist and Labor veteran who, for all his faults, spoke in terms that will be considered, in a matter of years, treasonous by the Empire and its sycophants.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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On CNN March 14, Roger Altman, a former deputy Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, said that American banks were on the verge of being nationalized:

What the authorities did over the weekend was absolutely profound. They guaranteed the deposits, all of them, at Silicon Valley Bank. What that really means … is that they have guaranteed the entire deposit base of the U.S. financial system. The entire deposit base. Why? Because you can’t guarantee all the deposits in Silicon Valley Bank and then the next day say to the depositors, say, at First Republic, sorry, yours aren’t guaranteed. Of course they are.

… So this is a breathtaking step which effectively nationalizes or federalizes the deposit base of the U.S. financial system.

The deposit base of the financial system has not actually been nationalized, but Congress is considering modifications to the FDIC insurance limit. Meanwhile, one state that does not face those problems is North Dakota, where its state-owned bank acts as a “mini-Fed” for the state. But first, a closer look at the issues.

Bail In, Bail Out, or “Socialism for the Rich”?

On Friday, March 10, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was put into receivership by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The FDIC announced that deposits over the $250,000 insurance limit would get an advance dividend within the next week, and would receive a receivership certificate for the rest of the funds. Most of the depositors were venture-backed startups that needed to keep large deposits in the bank to meet payroll and pay suppliers, and over 95% of the deposits were uninsured and at risk of being lost. It was basically a “bail in” of the uninsured deposits, which would be recoverable only if funds were available after the bank’s assets had been sold.

But that arrangement lasted only two days. On March 12, Signature Bank was put into receivership; and the FDIC, Treasury and Federal Reserve jointly announced that all of the deposits at the two banks, not just those under the insurance limit, would be available for withdrawal on demand.

At a Senate Finance Committee hearing on March 16, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the guarantee would not apply to all deposits at all banks. Rather, the determination would be made on a case-by-case basis.

In a Bloomberg News interview on March 16, former FDIC Chair Sheila Bair criticized that decision. She observed that the two banks getting special treatment were not “systemically important,” and that the cost of the expanded guarantee was to be covered by a special assessment against all insured banks, including the small community banks that provide essential credit to local businesses. She argued that if guarantees were going to be given over the $250,000 limit, they should apply to deposits everywhere.

Meanwhile, on March 12, the Federal Reserve announced that it had set up a special purpose vehicle of the sort arranged for COVID relief in March 2020, called the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP). Like the COVID special purpose vehicles, it would be backstopped with $25 billion from the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF), a fund set up in 1934 to stabilize the exchange value of the dollar. The BTFP was to be available to any bank needing it, and many banks obviously did. Over $300 billion in short-term loans were withdrawn from the Fed’s various facilities just in the week after SVB’s collapse.

This money is not, however, the sort of “free lunch” provided to troubled banks in the last financial crisis. The money is to be advanced as a loan for up to a year, at a hefty interest rate as of March 22 of 4.88%. According to a Federal Reserve press release, advances will be made to “eligible depository institutions pledging U.S. Treasuries, agency debt and mortgage-backed securities, and other qualifying assets as collateral. These assets will be valued at par. The BTFP will be an additional source of liquidity against high-quality securities, eliminating an institution’s need to quickly sell those securities in times of stress.”

“Valued at par” means that banks can hold their long-term federal securities to maturity while acquiring ready cash against them to meet withdrawals, without having to “mark to market” and sell at a loss.

The Systemic Flaw

So what caused this crisis, and what can be done to remedy it?

In the midst of the 2008 economic crisis, former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan conceded that there was a flaw in his perception of the financial operating system. For 40 years, he had believed that banks could “self regulate” responsibly, a presumption that had proven to be flawed.

In the case of SVB, however, the bank was not engaged in the sort of risky lending seen in the subprime crisis, and increased “stress testing” wouldn’t have saved it. It had put its deposits largely in federal securities, purported to be the safest assets available – so safe that they carry a “zero risk weighting” requiring no extra capital buffer. What went wrong was that they were long-term bonds at low interest. When rates shot up, the market value of the bonds dropped, since buyers prefer newer bonds paying higher interest. Bonds that could be sold were sold at a loss, and some marked “hold to maturity” could not be sold at all. As a result, SVB lacked the liquidity to meet the sudden unexpected demand for withdrawals.

The flaw to which SVB and many other “troubled” banks have fallen victim is the age-old systemic problem of “borrowing short to lend long.” For centuries, banks have borrowed the money of depositors who expect to have it available on demand, and have invested it in long-term assets that cannot be immediately liquidated. The system works well so long as the depositors don’t panic and rush to pull their money out all at once. But when they do, if the problem is systemic, not just single banks but the whole banking system can collapse.

We used to see this flaw dramatized every December, when TV networks ran the 1946 Christmas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life.” When the Bailey Brothers Building and Loan suffered a bank run, George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) had to explain to the panicked depositors that their money had been lent to their neighbors. He was on the verge of suicide, when a guardian angel showed him how critical he and his bank had been to the community; and the neighbors pitched in and rescued the bank.

Even closer to the situation today was the crisis of the savings and loan associations (S&Ls) of the 1980s, after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates dramatically to kill inflation. Most of the assets of the S&Ls were long-term fixed-rate mortgages. As rates rose, they had to pay more to attract deposits; but the amount they earned on their fixed-rate mortgages didn’t change. Losses mounted, but the S&L insurance fund, the FSLIC, lacked sufficient money to reimburse all the depositors at failed S&Ls; so the regulators turned a blind eye and allowed them to keep operating as “zombies.” The matter was finally resolved with legislation in 1989 that placed S&L insurance under the FDIC and established the Resolution Trust Corporation to resolve the remaining troubled S&Ls. The ultimate cost to the taxpayers was estimated to be as high as $124 billion.

As with George Bailey’s savings and loan, the flaw was not “fractional reserve” lending. The S&Ls pooled the money of their customers and lent only what they had. The systemic flaw was and still is that to make long-term loans, banks must borrow “other people’s money,” which is expected to be available on demand. Today the banks’ liquidity options include not just their own depositors but other banks’ depositors in the fed funds market, and pension funds and other institutional creditors lending in the repo market. But they all expect their money to be available on demand; and if the bank has lent it out in long-term loans, the bank can be caught short shuffling reserves around trying to meet that demand.

The Failed Banks Were Not Nationalized, But Maybe They Should Have Been

One option that was debated in the 2008-09 crisis was actual nationalization.  As Prof. Michael Hudson wrote in February 2009:

Real nationalization occurs when governments act in the public interest to take over private property. … Nationalizing the banks along these lines would mean that the government would supply the nation’s credit needs. The Treasury would become the source of new money, replacing commercial bank credit. Presumably this credit would be lent out for economically and socially productive purposes, not merely to inflate asset prices while loading down households and business with debt as has occurred under today’s commercial bank lending policies.

Gar Alperovitz, professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, also weighed in on the issue. In a 2012 New York Times article titled “Wall Street Is Too Big to Regulate,” he noted that the five biggest banks—JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs—had amassed assets amounting to more than half the nation’s GDP. He wrote:

With high-paid lobbyists contesting every proposed regulation, it is increasingly clear that big banks can never be effectively controlled as private businesses. If an enterprise (or five of them) is so large and so concentrated that competition and regulation are impossible, the most market-friendly step is to nationalize its functions …

Nationalization isn’t as difficult as it sounds. We tend to forget that we … essentially nationalized the American International Group, one of the largest insurance companies in the world, and the government still owns roughly 60 percent of its stock.

Another example was Continental Illinois, the largest bank bankruptcy and the seventh-largest bank in the country when it failed in 1984. The FDIC wiped out existing shareholders, infused capital, took over bad assets, replaced senior management, and owned the bank for about a decade, running it as a commercial enterprise, selling it in 1994.

What constituted a radical departure from capitalist principles in the last financial crisis was not “nationalization” but an unprecedented wave of bank bailouts, sometimes called “welfare for the rich.” The taxpayers bore the losses while the culpable management not only escaped civil and criminal penalties but made off with record bonuses. Banks backed by an army of lobbyists succeeded in getting laws changed so that what was formerly criminal behavior became legal. Instead of nationalization, we got TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, in which toxic assets were purchased from financial institutions by the Treasury.  Faced with the inequity of that solution, many economists recommended nationalization instead. Willem Buiter, chief economist of Citigroup and formerly a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, wrote in The Financial Times in September 2009:

Is the reality of the modern, transactions-oriented model of financial capitalism indeed that large private firms make enormous private profits when the going is good and get bailed out and taken into temporary public ownership when the going gets bad, with the taxpayer taking the risk and the losses?

If so, then why not keep these activities in permanent public ownership? There is a long-standing argument that there is no real case for private ownership of deposit-taking banking institutions, because these cannot exist safely without a deposit guarantee and/or lender of last resort facilities that are ultimately underwritten by the taxpayer.

. . . Once the state underwrites the deposits or makes alternative funding available as lender of last resort, deposit-based banking is a license to print money. [Emphasis added.]

Those are all good arguments, but Congress is not likely to nationalize the whole banking system any time soon.

What About Nationalizing the Liquidity Pool?

Without going to those lengths, what could be made a public utility is the banks’ liquidity pool. Banks could borrow directly from the deep pocket of the central bank, the “lender of last resort” (or from the Treasury if it were reengineered so that it could issue money as credit without taxing or going into debt). Banks would still need to make “prudent” loans – loans to borrowers who had demonstrated an ability to pay the money back – since if they suffered substantial defaults, they would not be able to balance their books and could be put into bankruptcy. They would still charge interest to cover their costs, and they would still compete for borrowers by keeping their interest rates low, maintaining the principles of “market capitalism” operating now. Customer deposits could be sequestered separately from loans, e.g. at government-backed postal banks. In fact, sequestering customer funds is what brokerages (such as Schwab and Fidelity) do now. Rather than the bank gambling with your money, you gamble with it yourself. But that, of course, can be risky too!

In any case sequestering deposits is not likely to happen either. What is being sought is what Roger Altman predicted – FDIC insurance coverage of the entire deposit base. In a March 17 letter first reported by Bloomberg News, the Midsize Bank Coalition of America called on regulators “immediately … to reinstate full deposit insurance coverage for depositors,” for two years. That was done in 2008, the letter noted, “and was one of the most effective tools used in the great financial crisis and it needs to be brought back immediately. Importantly, as happened previously, this increase in insurance should be paid for directly by the banks themselves by simply increasing the deposit insurance assessment on banks who choose to participate in this increased insurance coverage.”

The concern for midsize banks is that depositors have been fleeing to giant “too big to fail” banks, perceiving them to be safer. But as Cornell Prof. Robert Hockett observes, midsize banks lend to the midsize businesses that are the backbone of the productive economy. He has drafted legislation to provide for universal deposit insurance, discussed in Forbes. However, it’s an uphill battle. Even Sheila Bair, who is clearly sympathetic to the plight of local banks, has reservations on full coverage. As reported on

FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair said Tuesday that Congress should consider temporarily providing guarantees for deposits in transaction accounts used by employers to pay their workers — a move that some Democrats are considering.

But Bair said it would be an “overreaction” to insure all bank deposits.

“Unlimited insurance would be very expensive to do. It would be assessed on the banking system, backstopped by taxpayers, and would primarily help very, very wealthy people,” Bair said on Washington Post Live.

Small community banks — defined as banks with $10 billion or less in assets — have spoken out against paying more to cover the failure of larger banks such as SVB.

The Public Bank Option

Meanwhile, one midsize bank that has escaped this furor is the Bank of North Dakota. With assets in 2021 of $10.3 billion and a return on investment of 15%, the BND is owned by the state, which self-insures it. There is no fear of bank runs, because the state’s revenues compose the vast majority of its deposits, and they must be deposited in the BND by law.

The state’s local banks are also protected by the BND, which is forbidden to compete with them. Instead, it partners with them, helping with liquidity and capitalization. The BND has been called a “mini-Fed” for the state and its banks. That helps explain why North Dakota has more local banks per capita than any other state, at a time when other states have been losing banks to big bank mergers, causing the number of U.S. banks to shrink radically.

UK Prof. Richard Werner recently published a briefing memo supporting the case for a public bank. It was prepared for the state of Tennessee, which is considering a sovereign state bank on the North Dakota model, but the arguments apply to all states. Benefits discussed include dividends, higher state-level tax revenues, greater job creation, greater local autonomy and resilience to shocks, more options for funding public sector borrowing and state pension funds, and protection of financial transaction freedom and privacy.

Small and local is good, but even small regional banks need to pool their resources for maximum efficiency and security. A state-owned bank on the model of the Bank of North Dakota can provide low interest loans, liquidity, and financial sovereignty, keeping financial resources in the state directed to public purposes, all while turning a profit for the state.


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This article was first posted on ScheerPost.

Ellen Brown is an attorney, chair of the Public Banking Institute, and author of thirteen books including Web of DebtThe Public Bank Solution, and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age. She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM called “It’s Our Money.” Her 400+ blog articles are posted at She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: The monument sign in front of the parking lot of the Silicon Valley Bank headquarters at 3003 West Tasman Drive, Santa Clara, California. Minh Nguyen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Bellies of the Rich Swell Further on the Back of Hunger

March 25th, 2023 by Colin Todhunter

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It’s a zero-sum situation. The rich are robbing the poor to swell their coffers – and their bellies. 

In April 2022, Oxfam reported a terrifying prospect of more than a quarter of a billion people falling into extreme levels of poverty in 2022 alone.       

In its January 2021 report ‘The Inequality Virus’, it also stated that the wealth of the world’s billionaires increased by $3.9tn between 18 March and 31 December 2020. Their total wealth then stood at $11.95tn, a 50 per cent increase in just 9.5 months.

According to Oxfam’s analysis, 13 out of the 15 IMF loan programmes negotiated during the second year of COVID required new austerity measures such as taxes on food and fuel or spending cuts that could put vital public services at risk.

Oxfam and Development Finance International (DFI) also revealed that 43 out of 55 African Union member states face public expenditure cuts totalling $183 billion over the next five years.

The world’s poorest countries were due to pay $43 billion in debt repayments in 2022, which could otherwise cover the costs of their food imports. Governments across the world are now largely under the control of international creditors after COVID policies resulted in (deliberately) triggering a multi-trillion-dollar global debt crisis.

Meanwhile, oil and gas giants report record-breaking profits.

It’s similar for the world’s biggest agribusiness corporations. They have made more in profits since 2020 than the amount that the UN estimates could cover the basic needs of the world’s most vulnerable.

A February 2023 report by Greenpeace International – Food Injustice 2020-2022 – exposes rampant profiteering at a time when war and lockdowns have contributed to food insecurity across the world.

Twenty corporations in the grain, fertiliser, meat and dairy sectors delivered $53.5 billion to shareholders in the financial years 2020 and 2021. At the same time, the UN estimates that $51.5 billion would be enough to provide food, shelter and lifesaving support for the world’s 230 million most vulnerable people.

Davi Martins, campaigner at Greenpeace International, says that we are witnessing an enormous transfer of wealth to a few rich families that own the global food system. This at a time when the majority of the world population is struggling to make ends meet.

Martins says:

“These 20 companies could literally save the world’s 230 million most vulnerable people and have billions of profit left over in spare change. Paying more to shareholders of a few food corporations is just outrageous and immoral.”

Covering the period 2020-2022 when COVID policies were in force and the war in Ukraine had begun, the report looked at the profits of 20 of the biggest agribusiness corporations and how many people have been affected by food insecurity as well as the extreme rise of food prices across the globe.

These ‘hunger profiteers’ exploited crises to gain grotesque profits. They plunged millions into hunger while tightening their grip on the global food system. One of the firms mentioned is Cargill – owned by 14 billionaires.

Together with Archer-Daniels Midland, Bunge and Dreyfus – Cargill controls more than 70% of the world’s grain trade. None of these firms are under no obligation to disclose what they know about global markets, including their own grain stocks.

Table below from the Greenpeace International report listing the 20 firms included in its study. 

Greenpeace found that a lack of transparency around the true amounts of grain in storage following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was a key factor fuelling speculation on food markets and inflated prices.

Aside from manipulating markets and prices, these corporations also fuel food insecurity by pushing small-scale farmers and local producers out of the system. Smallholder farmers actually feed most of the world, unlike the type of industrial agri-enterprises global agribusiness serves (and sometimes owns).

Global agribusiness corporations never tire of telling policy makers that what they do is essential for feeding the world and ensuring food security. But the opposite is true.

They create or contribute to hunger, illness and malnutrition, displace rural communities, destroy smallholder agriculture, place farmers on seed and chemical treadmills and wreck and pollute ecosystems.

Aside from hollowing out or capturing key institutions to forward their agenda, they misleadingly conflate strengthening and expanding their global supply chains (destroying indigenous systems of production in doing so) with serving the food needs of the world (for insight into these issues, see ‘Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Resisting the New World Order’ on the website of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)).

To prevent profiteering on such a grand scale and lessen the vulnerability of food supply and production to shocks (war, energy shortages, etc), a decentralised food system based on short supply chains is required. This would be based on the principles of localisation and strengthening smallholder agriculture. What this means is food sovereign communities in which local people take ownership of seeds, land and water (commonwealth) and manage what is produced and how it is produced.

Governments and policy makers need to act now to protect people from the abuses wrought by giant agribusiness corporations. Greenpeace argues that without regulating and loosening the grip of corporate control on the global food system, current inequities will only deepen further. It adds that we need to change the food system – failure to do so will cost millions of more lives.

The Greenpeace report adds further weight to calls for governments at international, national and local level to put an end to corporate control and monopoly in the food system while instituting an international trade order based on cooperation and human rights instead of competition and coercion.


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Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal.

Featured image is from Harvard Gazette

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order 

by Michel Chossudovsky

originalIn this new and expanded edition of Chossudovsky’s international best-seller, the author outlines the contours of a New World Order which feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generates social apartheid, encourages racism and ethnic strife and undermines the rights of women. The result as his detailed examples from all parts of the world show so convincingly, is a globalization of poverty.

This book is a skilful combination of lucid explanation and cogently argued critique of the fundamental directions in which our world is moving financially and economically.

In this new enlarged edition –which includes ten new chapters and a new introduction– the author reviews the causes and consequences of famine in Sub-Saharan Africa, the dramatic meltdown of financial markets, the demise of State social programs and the devastation resulting from corporate downsizing and trade liberalisation.

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.

Published in 11 languages. More than 100,000 copies sold Worldwide.


Note: At present, the print version is not available. The pdf version can be ordered online.

Why Would China be an Enemy?

March 25th, 2023 by Craig Murray

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I am completely at a loss as to why the UK should seek to join in with the US in considering China an enemy, and in looking to build up military forces in the Pacific to oppose China.

In what sense are Chinese interests opposed to British interests? I am not sure when I last bought something which wasn’t maufactured in China. To my astonishment that even applies to our second hand Volvo, and it also applies to this laptop.

I have stated this before but it is worth restating:

I cannot readily think of any example in history, of a state which achieved the level of economic dominance China has now achieved, that did not seek to use its economic muscle to finance military acquisition of territory to increase its economic resources.

In that respect China is vastly more pacific than the United States, United Kingdom, France, Spain or any other formerly prominent power.

Ask yourself this simple question. How many overseas military bases does the USA have? And how many overseas military bases does China have?

Depending on what you count, the United States has between 750 and 1100 overseas military bases. China has between 6 and 9.

The last military aggression by China was its takeover of Tibet in 1951 and 1959. Since that date, we have seen the United States invade with massive destruction Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.

The United States has also been involved in sponsoring numerous military coups, including military support to the overthrow of literally dozens of governments, many of them democratically elected. It has destroyed numerous countries by proxy, Libya being the most recent example.

China has simply no record, for over 60 years, of attacking and invading other countries.

The anti-Chinese military posture adopted by the leaders of US, UK and Australia as they pour astonishing amounts of public money into the corrupt military industrial complex to build pointless nuclear submarines, appears a deliberate attempt to create military tension with China.

Sunak recited the tired neoliberal roll call of enemies, condemning: “Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, China’s growing assertiveness, and destabilising behaviour of Iran and North Korea”.

What precisely are Iran and China doing, that makes them our enemy?

This article is not about Iran, but plainly western sanctions have held back the economic and societal development of that highly talented nation and have simply entrenched its theological regime.

Their purpose is not to improve Iran but to maintain a situation where Israel has nuclear weapons and Iran does not. If accompanied by an effort to disarm the rogue state of Israel, they might make more sense.

On China, in what does its “assertiveness” consist that makes it necessary to view it as a military enemy? China has constructed some military bases by artificially extending small islands. That is perfectly legal behaviour. The territory is Chinese.

As the United States has numerous bases in the region on other people’s territory, I truly struggle to see where the objection lies to Chinese bases on Chinese territory.

China has made claims which are controversial for maritime jurisdiction around these artificial islands – and I would argue wrong under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. But they are no more controversial than a great many other UNCLOS claims, for example the UK’s behaviour over Rockall.

China has made, for example, no attempt to militarily enforce a 200 mile exclusive economic zone arising from its artificial islands, whatever it has said. Its claim to a 12 mile territorial sea is I think valid.

Similarly, the United States has objected to pronouncements from China that appear contrary to UNCLOS on passage through straits, but again this is no different from a variety of such disputes worldwide. The United States and others have repeatedly asserted, and practised, their right of free passage, and met no military resistance from China.

So is that it? Is that what Chinese “aggression” amounts to, some UNCLOS disputes?

Aah, we are told, but what about Taiwan?

To which the only reply is, what about Taiwan? Taiwan is a part of China which separated off under the nationalist government after the Civil War. Taiwan does not claim not to be Chinese territory.

In fact – and this is far too little understood in the West because our media does not tell you – the government of Taiwan still claims to be the legitimate government of all of China.

The government of Taiwan supports reunification just as much as the government of China, the only difference being who would be in charge.

The dispute with Taiwan is therefore an unresolved Chinese civil war, not an independent state menaced by China. As a civil war the entire world away from us, it is very hard to understand why we have an interest in supporting one side rather than the other.

Peaceful resolution is of course preferable. But it is not our conflict.

There is no evidence whatsoever that China has any intention of invading anywhere else in the China Seas or the Pacific. Not Singapore, not Japan and least of all Australia. That is almost as fantastic as the ludicrous idea that the UK must be defended from Russian invasion.

If China wanted, it could simply buy 100% of every public listed company in Australia, without even noticing a dent in China’s dollar reserves.

Which of course brings us to the real dispute, which is economic and about soft power. China has massively increased its influence abroad, by trade, investment, loans and manufacture. China is now the dominant economic power, and it can only be a matter of time before the dollar ceases to be the world’s reserve currency.

China has chosen this method of economic expansion and prosperity over territorial acquisition or military control of resources.

That may be to do with Confucian versus Western thought. Or it may just be the government in Beijing is smarter than Western governments. But growing Chinese economic dominance does not appear to me a reversible process in the coming century.

To react to China’s growing economic power by increasing western military power is hopeless. It is harder to think of a more stupid example of lashing out in blind anger. It is a it like peeing on your carpet because the neighbours are too noisy.

Aah, but you ask. What about human rights? What about the Uighurs?

I have a large amount of sympathy. China was an Imperial power in the great age of formal imperialism, and the Uighurs were colonised by China. Unfortunately the Chinese have followed the West’s “War on Terror” playbook in exploiting Islamophobia to clamp down on Uighur culture and autonomy.

I very much hope that this reduces, and that freedom of speech improves in general across China.

But let nobody claim that human rights genuinely has any part to play in who the Western military industrial complex treats as an enemy and who it treats as an ally. I know it does not, because that is the precise issue on which I was sacked as an Ambassador.

The abominable suffering of the children of Yemen and Palestine also cries out against any pretence that Western policy, and above all choice of ally, is human rights based.

China is treated as an enemy because the United States has been forced to contemplate the mortality of its economic dominance.

China is treated as an enemy because that is a chance for the political and capitalist classes to make yet more super profits from the military industrial complex.

But China is not our enemy. Only atavism and xenophobia make it so.


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Featured image: AUKUS nuclear submarine deal is already making ripples across the Indo-Pacific. Image: US Embassy in China

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BP has pumped oil worth £15.4bn in Iraq since 2011 when it began production in the country for the first time in nearly four decades, new analysis shows.

The new information comes on the 20-year anniversary of the beginning of the invasion of Iraq, which was judged to be illegal by the UN. However, neither US president George W Bush nor British prime minister Tony Blair, the leaders who prosecuted the war, have been subjects of a criminal investigation.

The invasion began in March 2003 and unleashed a catastrophic humanitarian disaster with an estimated 655,000 Iraqis killed in the first three years of conflict, or 2.5% of the population.

It was widely denounced as a war for oil on the part of the US and UK: Iraq holds the world’s fifth largest proven oil reserves. Iraq had no connection to the September 11th terrorist attacks which had taken place 18 months before and initiated the so-called “War on Terror”.

The data on BP’s post-invasion production in Iraq comes from the company’s annual reports and was calculated using the average annual price for a barrel of oil for each year of production.

From 2011-22, BP pumped 262m barrels of Iraqi oil.

Blair Petroleum

The company started producing 31,000 barrels of Iraqi oil a day in 2011, but that number had increased rapidly to 123,000 barrels a day by 2015.

By 2020, BP produced more oil from Iraq than its whole European operation, including Britain’s North Sea.

In the months preceding the 2003 invasion, BP had been dubbed “Blair Petroleum” due to the British prime minister’s intensive lobbying on behalf of the company.

Both BP and Shell have histories in Iraq going back a century, and the country’s oil industry was to a significant extent dominated by the two British companies throughout much of the 20th century.

The Iraq Petroleum Company, which had a virtual monopoly on the country’s oil production in the four decades up to the 1960s, was headquartered in Oxford Street in London. BP and Shell together owned 48%, before it was nationalised in 1972 and its concessions expropriated.

‘Accessing resources’

But BP returned to Iraq for the first time since the 1970s six years after the British invasion. “We continually seek to access resources and in 2009 this included Iraq,” the company stated at the time.

The new opportunity was a contract won from a state-owned company to expand production from the Rumaila field near Basra, one of the largest oil fields in the world. The British Army was at the time occupying Basra and surrounding areas in southern Iraq.

The Rumaila field, which extends 50 miles from end to end, had originally been “discovered” by BP in 1953 and is the largest in Iraq.

The initial Bush administration plan was for the Iraqi government to sign a new oil law which would have indirectly privatised Iraq’s oil through an unconventional type of contracting called “production sharing agreements” (PSA).

These would have allowed foreign oil companies to sign contracts with the government to develop specific areas of Iraq’s petroleum sector in exchange for a share of the oil profits.

But the Iraqi constitution requires the parliament to ratify laws, and because of the internal dynamics in the country at the time the parliament ended up being controlled by nationalist parties with anti-occupation politics.

The Iraqi government had to revert to an older law that only allows for “technical service contracts” (TSC) which kept the oil under Iraqi ownership while giving foreign oil companies a flat rate in exchange for services.

BP’s investment in Rumaila took the form of a TSC, which became effective in December 2009. In the deal BP would recover costs, irrespective of oil price, and get a fee per barrel of production above a defined threshold.

However, the company reported “the technical service contract (TSC) under which we operate in Iraq functions as a PSA [production sharing agreement]”.

‘Lead contractor’

BP was the lead contractor on the Rumaila development, with a 38% working interest. The China National Petroleum Company (CNPC) held 37% with the remaining 25% held by the Iraqi government.

BP said, alongside CNPC, it intended to invest $15bn over the next 20 years to increase production in Rumaila to nearly 3m barrels per day, or 3% of global oil production.

At the time, Rumaila already produced half of Iraq’s oil exports and comprised five producing reservoirs. BP together with its partners would refurbish the wells and facilities.

In its first year of operation, BP increased production from the Rumaila field by 10% above the rate initially agreed with the Iraqi oil ministry, meaning the company became eligible for a share of the oil produced. Over the following decade, BP would extract an average of 65,000 barrels of oil a day from Rumaila.

In 2014, BP increased its working interest in the Rumaila TSC to 48% and the contract was extended by five years to 2034.

“Despite instability and sectarian violence in the north and west of the country, BP operations are continuing in the south,” the company reported.

In 2015, it reported that “we continue to build relationships in BP’s historic heartlands of the Middle East, with growing opportunities” including in Iraq, where BP production hit a high of 123,000 barrels a day. Iraq was now designated one of BP’s “principal areas of production”.

Special representative to Iraq

One figure who has done well out of BP is Sir John Sawers, the UK’s first special representative to Iraq in 2003, who joined the company’s board in 2015.

Over the following seven years, Sawers has earnt £1.1m in fees from the company. His BP shareholding was also worth £135,000 last year, up 181% from when he joined the company.

Sawers joined BP as a non-executive director in May 2015 having apparently been “identified” the previous year as he stepped down as head of MI6, Britain’s external intelligence agency.

“John brings long experience of international politics and security that are so important to our business,” the company reported. Sawers spent the bulk of his career in diplomacy “representing the British government around the world”, BP added. Owing to this experience, BP made Sawers chair of its Geopolitical Committee.

Sawers was close to prime minister Tony Blair in the period around the invasion of Iraq, serving as his foreign policy adviser from 1999-2001. In May 2003, Blair appointed Sawers Britain’s first special representative to post-invasion Iraq.

The role of the special representative was “to work with Iraqis, with Coalition partners and with other representatives of the international community to help and guide the political processes leading to the establishment of an interim administration.”

Sawers then became political director and main board member of the Foreign Office from 2003-07. His influence in Iraq continued as he returned to the country representing the British government in October 2005 in the aftermath of the successful constitutional referendum.

Close to MI6

It appears Sawers had been an MI6 officer earlier in his career. In 2009, when he was appointed head of MI6, the BBC commented: “As Downing Street coyly noted, Sir John is ‘rejoining’ the SIS [Secret Intelligence Service] – no details were given about his previous career in MI6.”

BP has long been close to MI6. In a 2007 Mail on Sunday article, which was subsequently taken down, a company whistleblower claimed “BP was working closely with MI6 at the highest levels to help it to win business…and influence the political complexion of governments.”

Renegade former MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson wrote in his 2001 memoir that BP has “MI6 liaison officers who receive relevant CX [intelligence]”.

Sawers’ predecessor as head of MI6, Sir John Scarlett, was the senior intelligence official responsible for Tony Blair’s notorious dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction produced in the run-up to the invasion. Scarlett “proposed using the document to mislead the public about the significance of Iraq’s banned weapons”.

Under his relevant skills section, BP reported Sawers’ “management of reform at MI6 also complements BP’s focus on value and simplification.”

Shell’s super giant oil field

The other UK “supermajor” oil company, Shell, also re-entered Iraq in 2009 when it “secured an important position” in the country with a government contract for developing the Majnoon field, again close to Basra in British-occupied southern Iraq.

The company described it as “one of the world’s super-giant oil fields” with an estimated 38bn barrels of oil.

Shell was awarded a 20-year TSC as lead operator with a 45% interest in developing Majnoon. Malaysian oil company Petronas would hold 30% with the Iraqi state holding the remaining 25%.

Production was expected to reach 1.8m barrels of oil a day, Shell said, up from the 45,000 it was producing at the time. Shell also said the field had “additional exploration potential”.

Also in 2009, Shell was awarded a 15% share in a contract for the development of the West Qurna 1 field – again near Basra – as part of an ExxonMobil-led consortium.

This contract was renegotiated in 2014 and the government share was reduced from 25% to 5% and dispersed to other shareholders, including Shell.

However, in 2018, Shell sold out its now 20% interest in the West Qurna 1 field, and its 45% interest in Majnoon field, to the Iraqi government.

BP and Sir John Sawers did not respond to requests for comment.


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Matt Kennard is chief investigator at Declassified UK. He was a fellow and then director at the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London. Follow him on Twitter @kennardmatt

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We have been discussing a comprehensive effort by the Biden Administration to blacklist or censor citizens accused of “disinformation” or “misinformation.” This effort includes dozens of FBI agents and other agency employees who worked with social media companies to bar or suspend accounts.  It also included grants to academic and third party organizations to create blacklists or pressure advertisers to withdrew support for conservative sites. Now, another such grant through the National Science Foundation has been identified, which gave millions to professors to develop a misinformation fact-checking tool called “Course Correct.” The tool will help fight “skepticism” and reinforce “trust” in what the government and the programmers define as true or reliable viewpoints.

The National Science Foundation reportedly awarded grants in 2021 and 2022 for more than $5.7 million for the development of Course Correct to allow media and government officials to target misinformation on topics such as U.S. elections and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. In addition, a Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act-funded NSF grant supported the application of Course Correct to mental health issues.

The system would use machine learning and other means to identify social media posts pertaining to electoral skepticism and vaccine hesitancy, including flagging at-risk online communities for intervention. Sound familiar?

This is very similar to the effort on the other grants through offices like the State Department’s Global Engagement Center and the National Endowment for Democracy.

Democrats have opposed efforts to investigate the full scope of censorship and blacklisting efforts by the federal government. However, it appears that there are a wide array of such grants targeting free speech under the guise of combating what researchers view as “disinformation” or “misinformation.” Those words are usually ill-defined and have repeatedly been found to shield bias on the part of the researchers.

In the case of the the British-based Global Disinformation Index (GDI), the results were the targeting of ten conservative and libertarian sites as the most dangerous sources of disinformation. It then sought to persuade advertisers to withdraw support for those sites, while listing their most liberal counterparts as among the most trustworthy.

The latest grant is being conducted by Michael Wagner of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Sijia Yang of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Porismita Borah of Washington State University’s Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, Srijan Kumar of Georgia Tech’s College of Computing, and Munmun De Choudhury of Georgia Tech’s School of Interactive Computing.

The grant abstract echoes the earlier work in warning that social media serves “as a major source of delegitimizing information about elections and vaccines, with networks of users actively sowing doubts about election integrity and vaccine efficacy, fueling the spread of misinformation.”

Of course, many of the scientists and groups who were previously suspended for disinformation in these areas were ultimately vindicated. The mask mandate and other pandemic measures like the closing of schools are now cited as fueling emotional and developmental problems in children. The closing of schools and businesses was challenged by some critics as unnecessary. Many of those critics were also censored. It now appears that they may have been right. Many countries did not close schools and did not experience increases in Covid. However, we are now facing alarming drops in testing scores and alarming rises in medical illness among the young.

The point is only that there were countervailing indicators on mask efficacy and a basis to question the mandates. Yet, there was no real debate because of the censorship supported by many Democratic leaders in social media. To question such mandates was declared a public health threat. The head of the World Health Organization even supported censorship to combat what he called an “infodemic.”

A lawsuit was filed by Missouri and Louisiana and joined by leading experts, including Drs. Jayanta Bhattacharya (Stanford University) and Martin Kulldorff (Harvard University). Bhattacharya previously objected to the suspension of Dr. Clare Craig after she raised concerns about Pfizer trial documents. Those doctors were the co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, which advocated for a more focused Covid response that targeted the most vulnerable population rather than widespread lockdowns and mandates. Many are now questioning the efficacy and cost of the massive lockdown as well as the real value of masks or the rejection of natural immunities as an alternative to vaccination.  Yet, these experts and others were attacked for such views just a year ago. Some found themselves censored on social media for challenging claims of Dr. Fauci and others.

The media has quietly acknowledged the science questioning mask efficacy and school closures without addressing its own role in attacking those who raised these objections. Even raising the lab theory on the origin of Covid 19 (a theory now treated as plausible) was denounced as a conspiracy theory. The science and health reporter for the New York Times, Apoorva Mandavilli, even denounced the theory as “racist.” In the meantime, California has moved to potentially strip doctors of their licenses for spreading dissenting views on Covid.

Censorship is now embraced even when the underlying information is true. In another recently disclosed disinformation project at Stanford University, experts insisted that even true stories could still be dangerous forms of disinformation if they contributed to “hesitancy” on vaccines or other issues.

As in these prior grants, it is not clear what Course Correct specifically defines “verifiably accurate information.” When pressed by the conservative site The College Fix, researchers reportedly failed to supply an answer. What constitutes “misinformation” depends on the views of the programmers. Yet, these systems are sold as somehow transcending bias and using science to protect us from our own bad ideas or biases.

Recently, we discussed the call of Bill Gates to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to protect us from harmful thoughts or idea. In an interview on a German program, “Handelsblatt Disrupt,” Gates called for unleashing AI to stop certain views from being “magnified by digital channels.” The problem is that we allow “various conspiracy theories like QAnon or whatever to be blasted out by people who wanted to believe those things.”

Gates added that AI can combat “political polarization” by checking “confirmation bias.”

Confirmation bias is a term long used to describe the tendency of people to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms their own beliefs. It is now being used to dismiss those with opposing views as ignorant slobs dragging their knuckles across the internet — people endangering us all by failing to accept the logic behind policies on COVID, climate change or a host of other political issues.

This is not the first call for AI overlords to protect us from ourselves. Last September, Gates gave the keynote address at the Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy. He told his fellow billionaires that “polarization and lack of trust is a problem.”

The problem is again … well … people: “People seek simple solutions [and] the truth is kind of boring sometimes.”

Not AI, of course. That would supply the solutions. Otherwise, Gates suggested, we could all die: “Political polarization may bring it all to an end, we’re going to have a hung election and a civil war.”

Others have suggested a Brave New World where citizens will be carefully guided in what they read and see. Democratic leaders have called for enlightened algorithms to frame what citizens access on the internet. In 2021, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) objected that people were not listening to the informed views of herself and leading experts. Instead, they were reading views of skeptics by searching Amazon and finding books by “prominent spreaders of misinformation.”

Warren blamed Amazon for failing to limit searches or choices: “This pattern and practice of misbehavior suggests that Amazon is either unwilling or unable to modify its business practices to prevent the spread of falsehoods or the sale of inappropriate products.” In her letter, Warren gave the company 14 days to change its algorithms to throttle and obstruct efforts to read opposing views.

The priority for the House should be to establish the full range of these grants by the Administration in the development of blacklisting or censorship tools. That should be in addition to the effort to gauge the direct work of federal employees in censorship efforts at companies like Twitter. We can debate the wisdom or risks of such work, but we should first have transparency on the full scope of censorship efforts by the federal government, including the use of academic and third-party organizations.


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I wrote the following column ten years ago. Note the absence of any accountability or regret by Bush, Cheney and their co-war criminals.Ten years ago [now 20 years ago, on March 19, 2003] George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, as war criminals, launched the sociocide of the people of Iraq – replete with embedded television and newspaper reporters chronicling the invasion through the Bush lens. That illegal war of aggression was, of course, based on recognized lies, propaganda and cover-ups that duped or co-opted leading news institutions such as the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Wars of aggression – this one blowing apart a country of 25 million people ruled by a weakened despot surrounded by far more powerful adversaries – Israel, Turkey and Iran – are major crimes under international law and the UN Charter. The Bush/Cheney war was also unconstitutional, never declared by Congress, as Senator Robert Byrd eloquently pointed out at the time. Moreover, many of the acts of torture and brutality perpetrated against the Iraqi people are illegal under various federal statutes.

Over one million Iraqis died due to the invasion, the occupation and the denial of health and safety necessities for infants, children and adults. Far more Iraqis were injured and sickened. Birth defects and cancers continue to set lethal records. Five million Iraqis became refugees, many fleeing into Jordan, Syria and other countries.

Nearly five thousand U.S. soldiers died. Many other soldiers committed suicide. Well over 150,000 Americans were injured or sickened, far more than the official Pentagon under-estimate which restricts nonfatal casualty counts only to those incurred directly in the line of fire.

So far, the Iraq War has monetarily cost taxpayers about $2 trillion. Tens of billions more will be spent for veteran’s disabilities in addition to continuing expenses in Iraq. Taxpayers are paying over $600 million a year to guard the giant U.S. Embassy and its personnel in Baghdad, more than what our government spends for OSHA, whose task is to reduce the number of American workers who die annually from workplace disease and trauma – currently about 58,000.

All for what results? Before the invasion, there was no al-Qaeda in Saddam Hussein’s secular dictatorship. Now a growing al-Qaeda in Iraq is terrorizing the country with ever bolder car bombings, and suicide attacks taking dozens of lives at a time and spilling forcefully over into Syria.

Iraq is a police state with sectarian struggles between the dominant Shiites and the insurgent Sunnis who lived together peacefully and intermarried for centuries. There were no sectarian slaughters of this kind before the invasion, except for Saddam Hussein’s bloodbath against rebellious Shiites. The Shiites were egged on by President George H.W. Bush, who promptly abandoned them to the deadly strafing by Saddam’s helicopter gunships at the end of the preventable first Gulf War in 1991.

Iraq is a country in ruins with a political and wealthy upper class raking off profits from the oil industry. The U.S. is now widely hated in that part of Asia. Bush/Cheney ordered the use of cluster bombs, comprised of white phosphorous and depleted uranium, against the people of Fallujah where infant birth deformities have skyrocketed.

As Raed Jarrar, an Iraqi-American analyst observed, “Complete destruction of the Iraqi national identity.” Moreover, the sectarian system introduced by the U.S. invaders in 2003, resulting in Iraqis being favored or excluded based on their sectarian and ethnic affiliations, laid the basis for the current cruel chaos and violence – a nasty, brutish form of divide and rule.

The results back home in our country are soldiers and their extended families suffering in many ways from broken lives. Phil Donahue’s gripping documentary Body of War follows the pain-wracked life of one soldier returning in 2004 from Iraq as a paraplegic. That soldier, Tomas Young, nearing the end of his devastated life, has just written a penetrating letter to George W. Bush, which every American should read. [See this].

The lessons from this unnecessary quagmire should be: first, how to stop any more wars of aggression by the Washington warmongers – the same neocon draft dodgers are at it again regarding Iran and Syria. And second, the necessity to hold accountable the leading perpetrators of this brutal carnage and financial wreckage who are presently at large – fugitives from justice earning fat lecture and consulting fees.

In the nine months running up to the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, at least three hundred prominent, retired military officers, diplomats and national security officials publicly spoke out against the Bush/Cheney drumbeats to war. Their warnings were prophetically accurate. They included retired Generals Anthony Zinni and William Odom, and Admiral Shanahan. Even Brent Scowcroft and James Baker, two of President George H.W. Bush’s closest advisors, strongly opposed the invasion.

These outspoken truthsayers, notwithstanding their prestige and experience, were overwhelmed by a runaway White House, a disgraceful patsy mainstream media and an abdicatory Congress. Multi-billionaire George Soros was also courageously outspoken. Unfortunately, prior to the invasion, he did not provide a budget and secretariat for these men and women to provide continuity and to multiply their numbers around the country, through the mass media and on Capitol Hill. By the time he came around to organizing and publicizing such an organized effort, it was after the invasion, in July 2003.

Nine months earlier, I believe George Soros could have provided the necessary resources to stop Bush/Cheney and their lies from stampeding our government and our country into war.

Mr. Soros can still build the grassroots pressure for the exercise of the rule of law under our Constitution and move Congress toward public hearings in the Senate designed to establish an investigative arm of the Justice Department to pursue the proper enforcement against Bush/Cheney and their accomplices.

After all, the Justice Department had such a special prosecutors’ office during the Watergate scandal and was moving to indict a resigned Richard Nixon before President Ford pardoned him.

Compare the Watergate break-in and obstruction of justice by Nixon, with the horrendous crimes coming out of the Bush and Cheney war against Iraq – a nation that never threatened the U.S. but whose destruction takes a continuing toll on our country.

[Additional note: As Senators, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden voted for the Iraq war in 2003. Will President Biden, Congress and other Americans recognize the massive war crimes committed against the Iraqi people with appropriate declarations and actions on March 19, 2023?].


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Ralph Nader is a US political activist, author, lecturer, and attorney noted for his involvement in consumer protection, environmentalism, and government reform causes. The son of Lebanese immigrants to the United States, Nader attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School.

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Stop the War, Stop Sending Arms to Ukraine. An Appeal from Brussels

March 25th, 2023 by Defend Democracy Press

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The participants of the conference Confidence Building Measures in the Face of Sharp Polarization in Europe, which was held at the European Parliament on March 20, 2023, have adopted the following appeal:

The war in Ukraine continues unabated, causing vast destruction to Ukraine’s people and its infrastructure, as well as enormous damage to the global economy. If the fighting continues, Ukraine will soon be a depopulated, devastated country.

Many people throughout Europe fear an escalation of the war. They fear for their future and that of their children.

The prolongation of the Ukrainian conflict is increasing the risk of nuclear, ecological, and socio-economic global disaster, and potentially risking the annihilation of humanity.

This is why we consider of utmost urgency to call for an immediate ceasefire and for a start of negotiations accompanied by the lifting of sanctions and a halt to the arming of Ukraine. Negotiating does not mean capitulating. Negotiating means making compromises. With the aim of preventing hundreds of thousands more deaths, or worse.

We call on all governments to stop the escalation of arms deliveries. Now! Every day this war continues costs up to 1,000 more lives – and brings us closer to World War 3.

There is no more important task for humanity today than to stop our descent towards disaster!

We call on the citizens of the world, on all social movements, intellectuals, trade unions, religious communities, and governments to act firmly in this direction and to coordinate their efforts to achieve lasting peace.

  • Pino Cabras (Italy), former Member of Parliament, editor of online portal Megachip
  • Aleksandar Ciric (Serbia), Board Member, Association of Lawyers of Black see – Caspian see regions
  • Michel Collon (Belgium), journalist, Director of Investig’ Action
  • Clare Daly (Ireland), Member of the European Parliament
  • Gilbert Doctorow (Belgium), political analyst, writer
  • Franceska Donato (Italy), Member of the European Parliament
  • Leo Gabriel (Austria), Member of the International Council of the World Social Forum
  • Marcel de Graaff (Netherlands), Member of the European Parliament
  • Inaki Irazabalbeitia (Basque country), former Member of the European Parliament
  • Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (Greece), journalist, member of the editorial board of online portal Defend Democracy Press
  • Josifs Korens (Latvia), President, International Mouvement Pour un Futur Sans Fascisme
  • Tamas Krausz (Hungary), Editorial board of quarterly journal Eszmélet/Consciousness
  • Vladimirs Lindermans (Latvia), journalist, publicist
  • Miroslav Radacovsky (Slovakia), Member of the European Parliament
  • Ivan Vilibor Sincic (Croatia), Member of the European Parliament
  • Mick Wallace (Ireland), Member of the European Parliament
  • Zahari Zahariev (Bulgaria), President, Slavyani Foundation
  • Tatjana Zdanoka (Latvia), Member of the European Parliament


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On March 18, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited Tokyo and promised Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida that their countries would strengthen military cooperation, even by sending German ships and planes to the Pacific region. Then, only three days later – and a day after Chinese leader Xi Jinping met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow – Kishida made a surprise trip to Kiev and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Kishida even visited the town of Bucha, the site of an infamous fake news campaign of alleged Russian war crimes.

The visit of the Japanese prime minister to the Ukrainian capital was undoubtedly timed to be immediately after the visit of Scholz to Tokyo and to nearly coincide with the Xi-Putin meeting, a clear expression that Japan is now fully behind the Western bloc in opposing Russia and China.

In a joint statement, Germany and Japan said that they will work on establishing “a legal framework for bilateral defence and security cooperation activities,” including on ways to protect critical infrastructures, trade routes and to secure future supply of sustainable energy.

For his part, Kishida said that the agreement with Germany was to “counter economic coercion, state-led attempts to illegally acquire technology and non-market practices,” an obvious reference to China.

With Japan embroiled in several disputes with China, and Germany pursuing a policy of aggression against Russia, it is rather surprising that they are teaming up to expand their hostile efforts considering their limited capabilities for global power projection, especially when compared to Russia and China.

None-the-less, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Emine Dzheppa, said the country was “happy to welcome” the Japanese premier in a way as if his visit was a gamechanger.

“This historic visit is a sign of solidarity and strong cooperation between Ukraine and Japan,” she tweeted. “We are grateful to Japan for its strong support and contribution to our future victory.”

This is obviously just another opportunity for a photoshoot. Japan has increasingly become hostile against Russia and China, and by Kishida visiting Kiev to take his photo alongside Zelensky, he is signalling to the West that Japan is prepared to do its part for Ukraine if they will do their part against China.

Tokyo’s decision will please the US, however, it is Germany’s reaction that is most telling. Although Kishida’s visit to Kiev was certainly a surprise to the unsuspecting public, undoubtedly Scholz would have been notified about the impending trip, perhaps from even before he arrived in Tokyo.

None-the-less, despite Germany and Japan having seemingly revived their World War II era alliance, it will do very little to deter China from defending its interests in the East and South China Seas or Russia from its military operation in Ukraine. This is for the simple fact that they, even in alliance, do not have the capability to challenge either country, let alone if Russia and China were in military alliance.

Although Japan is rapidly militarising, it is incalculably behind the Russian and Chinese militaries. The German military is in an even more pathetic state. Germany once had a very powerful military that was capable of instigating two world wars, but today the Bundeswehr only has 264,400 personnel, including 183,200 soldiers and 81,200 civil servants.

For comparison, even in 1989 the Bundeswehr numbered 486,000 personnel. After the reunification of the country in 1990, the great disarmament began.

Today, the German military has been exposed for having a severe lack of combat readiness, in terms of personnel numbers and the condition of military equipment. Germany not only faces serious problems in ensuring the combat effectiveness of its army, but also in the production of new military equipment and weapons. Although additional funds have been allocated for this, German experts still doubt that this will help.

Following the Russian intervention in the Ukraine conflict, the Bundeswehr made serious efforts to support the Ukrainian military. From January 2022 to March 13, 2023, arms, ammunition, and military equipment worth 2.7 billion euros were delivered to Ukraine. In addition, the Bundeswehr was forced to reinforce weaker NATO allies directly bordering Russia. About 1,000 German soldiers were sent to Lithuania and formed a fighting group with Lithuanian and Polish troops.

Yet, despite the pathetic condition of the German military, Scholz has promised to send forces to help Japan confront China. Although the statement is bold, it does raise the question on how many ships, soldiers, tanks and planes the Bundeswehr can send to the Pacific several thousands of kilometres away when a war is waging just a little more than a thousand kilometres away in Eastern Europe.

Sending such a force could signify a German presence in the region. But to say that a thousand or so German soldiers could possibly make a difference against the People’s Liberation Army of China is ludicrous, even if alongside Japan and the US. In this way, although the German-Japanese alliance is not a credible threat to Russia and China, it is an expression of intention that they will collectively pressure and provoke the two countries.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. 

US to Relocate Its Warplanes to Intimidate Moscow and Beijing

March 25th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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US weapons abroad are being relocated in line with Washington’s new strategic priorities. According to recent reports, the US will send old and outdated attack aircraft to the Middle East, replacing the modern and advanced aircraft that are currently stationed in the region. The goal is to transfer the most efficient military equipment to Europe and the Pacific, where it can eventually be used against Russian and Chinese forces – which are currently the main concerns for the US government.

The data was shared in an article published by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on March 21. According to information obtained by the authors, there is a plan to redistribute the planes in April. It is planned that aircraft of the type A-10, an older and less efficient model, will be sent to American bases in the Middle East. WSJ sources inform that the Pentagon considers such planes to be strong enough to protect US interests in the Middle East, therefore there is no need for more modern and equipped jets.

“The imperative is to get the most suitable aircraft to the Pacific for the higher threat challenges (…) The A-10 is still relevant to the mission CENTCOM (United States Central Command) flies over the Middle East”, Larry Stutzriem, a retired Air Force major general, told WSJ.

There is still a lack of official and more concrete information on the subject, but, in fact, this move was already expected. The Middle East is no longer part of the focus of attention in American foreign policy today. In the midst of a proxy war with Russia and the imminent emergence of a conflict with China in Taiwan, it is expected that more and more modern war equipment will be transported to regions close to Russian and Chinese territories.

According to the most recent issue of the National Defense Review, published by the Pentagon last year, China would be a kind of “pacing threat.” This means that the US sees China as a danger, but at the same time considers the threat “under control” – suggesting that Beijing is being closely “monitored”. Also, in recent speeches, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin repeatedly corroborated this thesis, emphasizing the “Chinese threat”.

Regarding Russia, a country that is already the victim of American aggression – through the Ukrainian neo-Nazi proxies -, the same document states that Moscow would be an “acute threat”. This means that the rivalry between the countries would be something far beyond the mere collision of strategic interests, being also related to an antagonism of values. This would “justify” exceptional measures in search of increasing American military capacity against Russia.

For these reasons, it is likely that the next few months will see a wide redeployment of forces by the Pentagon. All sorts of modern, sophisticated, and efficient weapons may be located as close as possible to Russian and Chinese borders. Some sources claim that F-35 fighters are about to be sent on a large scale to Europe and the Pacific. This happens, of course, in addition to the official and regular arms supply that already takes place with the enemy states of Russia and China. So, a new wave of militarization is starting, and certainly will not end anytime soon.

Obviously, this wave will not end US military campaigns in the Middle East – nor in other regions where Washington maintains troops. There is a concern on the part of the US to avoid the loss of territories that are already under its military domain. After victory of the Taliban in Kabul, the image of the American Army among global public opinion was strongly shaken. And given the imminent defeat of pro-NATO forces in Ukraine, there is concern on the part of the Pentagon that anti-US rebellions will arise around the world, demanding an end to territorial occupation or the handover of military bases to local governments. For this reason, certainly these moves are calculated in a very careful way. It means that, in the face of the emergence of possible new conflict situations, more redistributions of weapons may be made, always in accordance with the updates of American strategic interests.

On the other hand, with these mobilizations becoming clear, the tendency is for Russia and China to prepare themselves for an eventual situation of open conflict. More than that, the greater the American pressure, the more the two countries tend to deepen their bilateral cooperation, which may adopt clearer military contours soon. And given the many reports of problems with the US defense industry and cases of corruption and financial speculation in the military-industrial complex, there are many doubts about the US capacity to face the integrated Russian-Chinese alliance.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image is from Strategic Culture Foundation

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“The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law. The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public; an act intended to consolidate American military and economic control of the Middle East masquerading as a last resort all other justifications having failed to justify themselves as liberation. A formidable assertion of military force responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands and thousands of innocent people.

We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it ‘bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East’. How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice”

Harold Pinter, from Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech [1]


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Last Sunday March 19, marks the 20th anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq, a scene of mass slaughter, inhumanity, and suffering waged by a U.S. President and his coalition of hit-men. [2]

Many mainstream media outlets have commemorated the actions of two decades ago and its aftermath, noting that the war was, in fact, a disaster both for the millions of people in Iraq, and for the thousands of U.S. soldiers laid to rest. There has been plenty of talk about the difficulties facing Iraqis despite the execution of Saddam Hussein and the presence of elections. The war effort led to the decline in popularity of the hawkish leaders with the reigning whips in their hands. [3][4][5][6]

But from a casual glance at many major publication broadcasts and print articles, there has been relatively little attention to the fact that the war was based not on faulty intelligence of weapons of mass destruction that could be used against America or one of its allies. It was based on LIES! [7]

People in the peace movement, armed with the truth thanks to sites like Global Research, strove to prevent the bloodshed that would follow. It alarms these individuals that many years later, people are forgetting the extreme actions taken by the rulers acting in their name. Hence, the follow up conflicts in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and now Ukraine.

On this pivotal anniversary, the Global Research News Hour hopes to spark the flames of domestic resistance to finally burn down the U.S. war machine serving the lust of Neo-cons and the greed of defense contractors, and not the righteousness of humanity suffering drowned out by the amnesiac mainstream media din. We will look back twenty years at how the war started, how it was executed, and how the country is situated today as a so-called model of the free.

We will talk in this episode about the illegality of this war with the complicity of the United Nations Security Council, the truth that was known about WMDs, and the heartache and misery dispensed on the people we were supposedly there to fight for. The viewpoints we will hear come from former UN humanitarian coordinator Denis Halliday, former weapons inspector in Iraq Scott Ritter, Law professor Marjorie Cohn, and veteran turned war resister Joshua Key. We will also get a brief expression of outrage from another veteran turned journalist Mike Prysner.

Denis Halliday is the former UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq ( September 1, 1997 until 1998.) He resigned from a 34 year career at the United nations in protest to what he saw as the ‘genocidal’ economic sanctions carried out against the Iraqi people through the UN Security Council.

Scott Ritter is a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD. His most recent book is Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika, published by Clarity Press.

Joshua Key  is an Iraq War veteran. He fled the war for reasons of conscience at the end of 2003, and with his then wife and children in tow, made his way across the border to Canada in early 2005. Joshua Key is the author, along with Lawrence (Book of Negroes) Hill of The Deserter’s Tale: The Story of an Ordinary Soldier who Walked Away from the War in Iraq.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and a member of the national advisory boards of Assange Defense and Veterans For Peace, and the bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. Her books include Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues. She is co-host of “Law and Disorder” radio.

Mike Prysner is an Iraq War veteran turned anti-war activist. He has co-produced the Empire Files with noted journalist Abby Martin. He also produces the Eyes Left podcast.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 385)


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Who Funds the Fight Against Climate Change?

March 24th, 2023 by Natalie Burg

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This article was originally published in October 2021.

This article provides data on the multibillion costs of the Climate Change Agenda, which is predicated on the reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions including C02. Amply documented, the Climate Change agenda is in large part based on scientific falsehoods. 

There are data from NASA, which is the North American Space Agency, and they show that in the last 18 years there was no general global warming.  What exists indeed – because we are not deniers of the problem – are  changes in different dimensions in the weather, in the climate and more so in the atmosphere, etc.  We are going to explain this more in this interview. 

The second is the CO2-question which is now very prominent as all these young people are now on the street, because they believe in this story and this dogma of the CO2.

And this is very strange because a lot of scientists, real scientists, are denying the influence of CO2 as a reason for climate change or as an influence at all.” (Prof. Claudia von Werlhof)


As a global society, we must increase spending to at least $4.13 trillion every year by 20301 to fund an energy transition sufficient to keep the planet below a temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius, according to a 2021 report by environmental think tank Climate Policy Initiative. That’s a lot. Especially compared to current spending. The annual global climate investment averaged $632 billion per year over 2019 and 2020—15 percent of the $4.13 trillion target.

That $632 billion accounts for direct investment in things like infrastructure, energy efficiency, and other big-ticket initiatives around systemic change to mitigate or adapt to climate change. (The numbers don’t include donations or the funding of things like research and development or public information campaigns.)

Due to rounding, subtotals don’t quite add up to Climate Policy Initiative’s total of $632 billion.

Here’s another critical number: $3.5 trillion. That’s the gap. That’s how much more money the world needs to spend every year, on top of what’s happening now to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement. So who’s gonna fill it?

Source: Climate Policy Initiative, “Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2021.

Despite the shortfall in current climate finance, there is growing optimism that nations, organizations, and individuals will rally to meet the challenge—with their checkbooks at the ready.

“Finance is a huge lever, and possibly the most important lever, for the low-carbon economic transition,” Cooper Wetherbee, an analyst with the think tank Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), told me in an interview in March 2021, “if we use it correctly.”

To understand what that means, here’s the Means & Matters guide to the myriad groups, sectors, and industries pouring billions into climate action, whether it’s through sustainable infrastructure, innovation, carbon offsetting activities, and individual actions to minimize emissions.

What They’re Doing with the Money — And What They’re Not

1. Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations Big spenders that must think bigger (and smarter)2019/2020 Climate investment: $321 BILLION1Governments and intergovernmental organizations—such as the UN—are among the most significant funders of climate change action. The $321 billion in climate finance from public sources account for 51 percent of total global commitments.1

Even so, public investment needs to grow. The 2019/2020 spending only increased 10 percent over 2017/2018 after two successive growth periods of 24 percent. The aim should be more like 450 percent.

But the European Union gives us some hope, leading the public-spending pack. The EU committed to making at least 20 percent of its spending climate-related between 2014 and 2020.2 As of 2020, the EU reached these goals, with annual expenditures of more than €34 billion (equal to $40 billion) on climate change mitigation. The EU isn’t stopping there. Between 2021 and 2027, the EU plans to increase its climate spending to 25 percent of its total expenditure.The United States had fallen behind its European peers3 in climate change financing per capita after years of not even including the word “climate” in budgets4. But the Biden Administration is racing to catch back up. Between the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and 2022’s CHIPS and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, US climate spending is set to triple over the next decade.5The $1 trillion infrastructure bill, for example, included more than $62 billion to support clean energy initiatives through the US Department of Energy, from manufacturing and workforce investments to expanding residential and commercial access to energy efficiency and renewable energy.6 This year’s Inflation Reduction Act includes $369 billion for cutting emissions, manufacturing clean energy products, and advancing environmental justice programs—investments the Biden Administration says will reduce US carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2030 and save $1.9 trillion in climate damages by 2050.7At the same time, some states have retained or stepped up climate investment. California, the fifth-largest economy in the world, announced $54 billion planned in climate spending in September of 2022.8, 9Meanwhile, China, the world’s largest source of CO2 emissions, announced its allocation of $57 billion for ecology and environment protection in 2020 and pledged to become carbon neutral by 2060.10, 11 The fund will focus on air pollution prevention and control, as well as water and soil protection.While increasing the amount of public climate investment is critical, so is increasing the strategic approach of these investments.

“A massive transformation is needed to unlock the trillions required to help the world shift to a low-carbon future and build resilience to climate change,” wrote Sophie Yeo for Nature in 2019.12 

Financiers will have to step away from approaching climate change on a project-by-project basis—a wind farm here, a solar plant there—and start thinking about the carbon impact of every dollar spent . . . it’s really up to policymakers to incentivize this shift by financially discouraging the wrong kinds of projects.”

2. Corporations

Bulls in the China shop of climate action

2019/2020 Climate investment: $124 BILLION1

Industry is responsible for more than 20 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions.13 That makes one thing very clear: Private sector climate investment shouldn’t be viewed as philanthropy, but a necessary and just response to the environmental damage corporations have caused.

“The historically and current biggest emitters are the ones that both can and should be increasing their climate finance,” Climate Policy Initiative analyst Matthew Solomon said to me during our March call. “They’ve caused this crisis, so they should be paying to fix it. But also, if you’re emitting hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 every year, you’re best positioned to reduce that.”

Globally, corporations may have invested an average of $124 billion into climate action in 2019 and 2020, but that’s actually a decrease from their 2018/2018 average of $183 billion.1,14 And they’re investing in plenty of harm, too. Anti-climate politicians get nearly twice the corporate donations as those who vote in favor of climate action.15

Source: Climate Policy Initiative, “Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2021.

There are signs of hope. Market pressure is creating an incentive for companies to act, and some companies are responding. Tech giants like Apple, Google, Facebook, and others vowed to power their data centers with 100 percent renewable energy.16 Companies known for their long commitment to climate action, such as Patagonia and REI, are demonstrating the market advantage of environmental investment. And the growing number of certified B corporations demonstrates a global shift toward building sustainability into companies’ business models. As many as 1,200 companies around the world have science-based targets in line with becoming net-zero by 2050.17

3. Funds and Institutional Investors

Private investors placing big-time bets on climate action

2019/2020 Climate investment: $8 BILLION1

What’s this category? “Funds” include things like venture capital and private equity, and institutional investors are big stock market movers, like pension funds. For most folks, the spending in this category can seem a little confusing, but it basically all falls into big-time private sector investing. Fortunately, the rising popularity of ESG investing is helping motivate these forces to channel money toward the good of the planet.

Here’s a venture capital investment example that many people will recognize: Beyond Meat is a plant-based burger company with a tasty enough product to inspire consumers to grapple with the environmental impact of industrial farming—which is huge. One study found18 that if everyone in the US swapped a quarter of the meat they now eat with plant-based proteins, it would eliminate 82 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually.

Investments in sustainable food innovation may be helping us get there: growth in plant-based protein shipments to restaurants grew 20 percent in 2020, while meat shipments grew by two percent.19Beyond Meat serves as a case study for the potential impact of climate-focused venture capital. As of October 2021, the VC-backed Beyond Meat reached market capitalization of around $6.7 billion.20

While massive investment is a key ingredient in the needed climate finance paradigm shift, so is strategic investment in potentially game-changing innovation. For instance, not long ago, it might have been unimaginable to give up on personal car ownership for many. However, thanks to the billions of dollars venture capitalists put into micro-mobility solutions such as e-scooters, a car-free life is now a possibility for millions.21

According to a PwC report, climate tech VC funding grew a whopping 3750% between 2013 and 2019.22 Led by the efforts of VC firms such as Khosla Ventures, Sequoia Capital, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, and others, more than 1,200 climate tech startups received a total investment of $60 billion.

4. Banks

Moderate climate investors with the capacity to change the game

2019/2020 Climate investment: $122 BILLION1

The connection between banks and climate change can seem fuzzy at best. But it’s more direct than it seems: Most of the money people deposit in the bank goes back out into the world in the form of loans. Those loans can fund things like mortgages or small businesses, as well as climate startups and solar farms.

“Banks are playing a more prominent role as an intermediary of sustainable and green debt instruments as well as a broader trend of setting climate-related targets,” states the Climate Policy Initiative in their 2021 report.1 There is no doubt that the banking industry has woefully underinvested in the climate in the past—but if there’s a silver lining to CPI’s new analysis it’s that commercial finance institutions increased their spending by 154 percent since the organization’s 2019 report.

Banks appear to be continuing on the right track. Based on financing data from the first few months of 2021, banks are on pace to lend more this year to renewable energy projects than to fossil fuel projects, according to an analysis by Bloomberg.23 And 117 global banks representing $70 trillion in assets have joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), committing their investment and lending portfolios to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.24

Overall annual climate spending must grow 454 percent by 2030 to hold global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, so it’s not as if banks’ 150 percent increase is anything close to a silver bullet. But given the size and influence of the industry, it’s encouraging to see banking moving in the right direction.

5. Individuals

Small-scale investors with big-time influence

2019/2020 Climate investment: $55 BILLION1

“From the food we eat to clothes we wear or the buildings we live in, carbon is in everything we do. Consumers are increasingly more aware of this,” said Duncan Grierson, CEO and Founder of Clim8, a green investment app. “But a Swedish schoolgirl showed the world that no individual is too small to make a difference.”

The 2022 IPCC report on climate mitigation quantified that potential difference. For the first time, the IPCC working group measured the impact of “socio-cultural changes“—aka, shifts to public transit, reduced meat consumption and appliance use, shorter showers, and more.25 The report said these behavior changes “can offer Gigaton-scale CO2 savings potential at the global level, and therefore represent a substantial overlooked strategy in traditional mitigation scenarios.”

Of course, behavior change includes people’s choices as consumers. Households’ average annual climate-related spending over both 2017/2018 and 2019/2020 was $55 billion, holding steady after rising 50 percent between 2013 and 2018.1,15

Consumers are primarily investing in electric vehicles and installing solar panels on their homes. Some people are even finding ways to offset their own carbon footprint. Others are investing their wealth more sustainably. Today, one in three investment dollars that are professionally managed in the US use sustainable investing strategies, and 80 percent of investors believe companies with leading sustainability practices make better long-term investments.26, 27

The downside is that when it comes to the kind of direct capital flows needed to reach global climate targets, the financial influence of individuals is simply much smaller than other actors, like governments, banks, and corporations. While $55 billion isn’t nothing, it is less than 10 percent of the 2019/2020 climate financing totals, and individuals simply aren’t in control of the kind of large-scale infrastructure decisions required to slow climate change. A single household can’t, for example, wake up in the morning and decide to fund a light rail system in their region.

However, they can—and increasingly do—use their power as consumers to influence the entities that do. That is, they can elect leaders who will invest in light rail, and then they can pay to ride it. In 2019, nearly half of consumers said they’d pay more for sustainable products—and Gen Z, the consumer of the future, was willing to pay 50-100 percent more. In the 2020 election, climate voters donated tens of millions of dollars to pro-climate action candidates.28

“It’s important to know that consumers are not solely responsible for solving the climate crisis,” Solomon said. “But they do have power in numbers to influence the people who are making the problem worse.”

More Money and Beyond

The numbers on global climate finance tell a simple story: Everyone needs to do more—much more. Banks, corporations, and governments, in particular, have the capacity to ramp up their efforts. The Climate Policy Initiative’s report urges that “coordination across silos of public and private financial actors is needed to ensure coherence and impact on net-zero and sustainability.” 1

Is that goal possible on a global scale—in a complex world? The experts are taking an optimistic view.

“A movement is underway to take renewables from being a niche sector to being an important part of the whole picture,” Wetherbee said. “We have to green the whole picture, not just have a little place on the shelf for renewables, alongside all the harmful things we’re doing.”

The task may seem enormous, but all around the world we know what is needed and the roadmap is clearly laid out. The momentous shift is already underway.

“We have the solutions,” Solomon said. “We know what we need to do. It’s just a matter now of doing it.”


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Natalie Burg is a freelance writer and editor in Ann Arbor, where she spends much of her time getting out from under a pile of tiny people and large dogs, keeping her 1938 Cape Cod from falling over, and writing about sustainability, business, and public policy.


1. Climate Policy Initiative, “Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2021.”

2. European Union, “Supporting climate action through the EU budget.”

3. Joe Thwaites, World Resources Institute, “2020 Budget Shows Progress on Climate Finance, But US Continues to Fall Behind Peers.”

4. Jean Chemnick, Thomas Frank, Scientific American, “Climate Change Once Again Left Out of Trump’s Federal Budget.”

5. Victoria Masterson, World Economic Forum “Three laws will triple US climate change spending over the next decade.”

6. US Department of Energy, “DOE Fact Sheet: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Will Deliver For American Workers, Families and Usher in the Clean Energy Future.”

7. Emma Newburger, CNBC, “CLIMATE POLICYInflation Reduction Act could curb climate damages by up to $1.9 trillion, White House says.”

8. CBS News, “California now has the world’s 5th largest economy.”

9. Office of Governor Gavin Newsom, “Governor Newsom Signs Sweeping Climate Measures, Ushering in New Era of World-Leading Climate Action,”

10. Reuters, “China to allocate $57 billion to environment protection.”

11. European External Action Service, “China carbon neutrality in 2060: a possible game changer for climate.”

12. Sophie Yeo, “Where climate cash is flowing and why it’s not enough.”

13. EPA, “Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data.”

14. Climate Policy Initiative, “Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019.”

15. Bre Bradham, Andre Tartar and Hayley Warren, Bloomberg, “American Politicians Who Vote Against Climate Get More Corporate Cash.”

16. Greenpeace, “Clicking Clean:Who Is Winning the Race to Build a Green Internet?”

17. United Nations Climate Action, “Net Zero Coalition.”

18. Gidon Eshel, Paul Stainier, Alon Shepon & Akshay Swaminathan, Scientific Reports, “Environmentally Optimal, Nutritionally Sound, Protein and Energy Conserving Plant Based Alternatives to U.S. Meat.”

19. Mihai Andrei, ZME Science, “The meat industry is freaking out over plant-based meat. They should.”

20. Bloomberg, “BYND:US, NASDAQ GS”

21. Pitchbook, “Emerging Tech Research: Mobility Tech.”

22. Dr. Celine Herweijer and Azeem Azhar, PwC, “The State of Climate Tech 2020.”

23. Tim Quinson and Mathieu Benhamou, Bloomberg, “Banks Always Backed Fossil Fuel Over Green Projects—Until This Year.”

24. Net-Zero Banking Alliance,

25. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change.

26. US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment, “The US SIF Foundation’s Biennial “Trends Report” Finds That Sustainable Investing Assets Reach $17.1 Trillion.”

27. Morgan Stanley, Sustainable Signals: Individual Investors and the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

28. Lisa Friedman, New York Times, “‘Climate Donors’ Flock to Biden to Counter Trump’s Fossil Fuel Money.”

Featured image is from Means and Matters

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American ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) capabilities are undeniable. The United States has been using the aforementioned capabilities to enhance its underhanded tactics, particularly in regard to stoking tensions between global powers such as China and India.

With the Asian giants being the pillars of both Greater Eurasia and the multipolar world led by BRICS nations, it’s adamant for America to ensure Beijing and New Delhi remain locked in perpetual border disputes that help neither China nor India in any way imaginable. On the other hand, prospects for deepening their cooperation in virtually all spheres are effectively endless and in the best interest of both.

It could even be argued that the areas Beijing and New Delhi are both claiming are of negligible economic and (geo)political value for either, especially given the fact they’re among the least developed regions in both countries, with little to no prospects for otherwise, as both global powers’ core cities and provinces are hundreds of kilometers away, at best.

Several American news sources recently reported that the US allegedly “provided India with unprecedented intelligence-sharing during a clash between Indian and Chinese troops in December 2022 along the disputed border high in the Himalayas, known as the Line of Actual Control [LAC]”.

The US News report cited several former and current Washington DC officials who claim that the intelligence shared with New Delhi was part of the 2020 agreement between the US and India known as BECA (Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement).

According to US News, the Pentagon

“provided India with real-time details of China’s positions and its force strength ahead of the [border] clashes, which the sources say were sparked by a Chinese military incursion, and Indian troops maneuvered to intercept the Chinese forces”. The information provided by the US apparently included satellite imagery and was “more detailed and delivered faster than anything provided by the US before”.

The sudden change of pace in American intelligence sharing with New Delhi can only be explained by the recent strides India and China have made toward full reconciliation and finding the final solution to the decades-old territorial disputes, the vast majority of which are the vestige of British colonial and imperialist policies.

Luckily, Chinese and Indian troops in the disputed areas are only armed with melee weapons, a part of mutually agreed measures to prevent escalation.

Washington DC (ab)used the 2020-early 2021 escalation of Sino-Indian border scuffles to further drive a wedge between them, all under the guise it supposedly “cares about India’s security”. In the last several decades, the US (particularly the Pentagon) has been trying to build closer ties with New Delhi in an attempt to enlarge the zone of strategic containment of China. One of the ways of achieving this has been the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, colloquially known as the Quad, a largely informal security forum whose members are Australia, India, Japan and the US. It was initiated by Tokyo in 2007, with the obvious goal of strategically countering China’s rise. However, while New Delhi sees it as just another part of its multi-vectored foreign policy framework, the Quad is heavily (ab)used by the US and its satellites to derail China’s and India’s efforts to improve relations.

As a result, the ties between the US and India are slowly rupturing, particularly as New Delhi is coming under increased pressure due to its strategic partnership with Russia. Washington DC’s attempts to turn the Quad into a sort of quasi-NATO that would encompass most of the Indo-Pacific failed multiple times, as India repeatedly prevented joint Quad statements condemning Russia’s counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe. This has forced the US to turn to the much more tightly knit AUKUS which includes the US, UK and Australia, and is aimed at maintaining the political West’s power in the Asia-Pacific by targeting China, although in recent times this has also included North Korea’s and Russia’s Far Eastern interests. India simply wants to stay out of these disputes while maintaining its own independent geopolitical course.

For its part, Russia wholeheartedly supports this, as precisely such policies form the basis of the new multipolar world, where each individual country is encouraged to exercise the sovereign right to choose its own path while concurrently respecting the principles of indivisible security. The US-led political West finds each of these policies completely unacceptable and wants absolute subservience, which they are extremely unlikely to ever get from India.

However, Washington DC still needs New Delhi on good terms, as this is the only way to prevent the formation of a giant Eurasian monolith, which the US could never hope to circumvent or ignore, let alone defeat. In contrast, Moscow has been mediating and working on bringing China and India closer, an effort that only a world-class diplomacy such as Russia’s can achieve, something Washington DC can only dream of considering the fact that its foreign policy has long since degenerated into arm-twisting, blackmail and aggression.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Einführung in Thematik

Es wird zunehmend schwieriger, sich im Schungel von Lügen und Halbwahrheiten zurechtzufinden. Immer mehr Zeitgenossen wollen deshalb nichts mehr hören von Politikern.

Mich persönlich halten die alternativen Medien „über Wasser“, weil sie wegen ihrer Regierungs-Unabhängigkeit der Wahrheit noch „die Ehre erweisen“.

Da wir aber nicht davon ausgehen können, dass „freie Geister“ uns jeweils lehren, was Wahrheit und was Lüge ist, sollten wir selbst in die Lage kommen, sie voneinander zu unterscheiden. Wir müssen lernen, selbst zu denken (Kant). Deshalb der Versuch einer psychologischen Annäherung an die Thematik. Erwähnenswert ist auch der Artikel von Dr. Garcia „Lügen, verdammte Lügen und Elefanten“ (1).

Der 20. Jahrestag des Beginns des völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieges der USA, Großbritanniens und einer „Koalition der Willigen“ gegen den Irak ist sicherlich ein geeigneter Anlass, um über die zerstörerischen Auswirkungen von politischen Lügen und Manipulation aufzuklären.

Doch im Folgenden wird es nicht nur um die Gewalt als ultima ratio der Politik gehen, sondern ganz generell um die zerstörerischen Auswirkungen von Lüge und Manipulation auf die menschliche Seele und die menschlichen Beziehungen sowie um die Wahrheit als „Gegenmittel“.

Für den Aufbau von Vertrauen zum Mitmenschen sind die Informationen und kulturellen Werte, die Eltern und Erzieher täglich an das Kind herantragen, von großer Bedeutung 

Das Menschenbild der christlich-abendländischen Kultur besagt, dass der Mensch – auch schon das kleine Kind – schlechte Eigenschaften in sich trägt. Mit dieser Information – sei sie bewusst oder unbewusst – treten die Erzieher an das Kind heran. Immer vermuten sie einen bösen Willen beim Kind und sind deshalb oft unaufrichtig, streng und gewalttätig. Dadurch bekommt das Kind Angst vor dem anderen Menschen.

Wenn das Kind lernt, Angst zu haben, durchzieht dies sein ganzes Tun und Handeln, wie es sich in der Gemeinschaft bewegt und gibt. Die Gefühlsreaktion der Angst wird dann ein Bestandteil seines Charakters, den es bis ins Erwachsenenalter mehr oder weniger bewusst in jede zwischenmenschliche Beziehung hineinträgt.

Auch das Vertrauen zum Mitmenschen – das Fundament einer Persönlichkeit – entsteht in der Beziehung zu den Personen der Kindheit. Da der Mensch das Produkt der Erlebnisse, Erfahrungen und Eindrücke ist, die ihm Eltern, Lehrer und Erzieher von frühester Kindheit an vermitteln, ist entscheidend, welche Art von Informationen und welche kulturell vorherrschenden Werte sie an das Kind herantragen.

Wird das Kind durch unwahre Informationen und/oder verwirrende Lügen verunsichert und getäuscht, wird es sich von den Mitmenschen distanzieren. Das Vertrauen in den anderen kann nur entstehen, wenn es sich auf dessen Redlichkeit verlassen kann.

Liebe Leser, gestatten Sie mir, in diesem Zusammenhang auf ungünstige Auswirkungen der religiösen Erziehung auf die Kinder-Seele aufmerksam zu machen: es geht um nicht existente Geister, Teufel und Engel.

Kaum zeigen sich beim Kind die ersten seelischen Regungen und es lernt zu sprechen, wird es von den Eltern und der Kirche „in Obhut genommen“. Bildet sich einige Jahre später das Bewusstsein des „Ichs“, so schalten sich bereits Gott und Teufel der betreffenden Religion ein. Seinen Kristallisationspunkt findet der dem Kind beigebrachte Dämonenglaube in den Vorstellungen von Teufel und Hölle. Angstneurosen und schwere seelische Störungen sind nach Auffassung von Psychiatern bisweilen die Folge.

„Psychologische Operationen“ im gesamtgesellschaftlichen Raum 

Die Lüge ist eine Aussage, von der der Lügner weiß oder vermutet, dass sie unwahr ist. Er äußert sie mit der Absicht, dass der Empfänger sie glaubt. Auch die Manipulation eines anderen Menschen ist ein Betrug. Sie dient dazu, einen Vorteil zu erlangen und bedeutet die gezielte und verdeckte Einflussnahme oder Steuerung des Erlebens und Verhaltens von Einzelnen oder Gruppen, die diesen verborgen bleiben soll.

Bereits vor 500 Jahren verfasste Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) mit der Schrift „Der Fürst“ („Il Principe“) eines der ersten Werke der modernen politischen Philosophie. Hierzu schreibt die Schweizer Psychologin Dr. Barben:

„Für Machiavelli bedeuteten Macht und Ruhm alles, Güte und Menschlichkeit nichts. Er lobte diejenigen Despoten als mächtig und erfolgreich, ‚die es mit der Treue nicht genau nahmen und es verstanden, durch List die Menschen zu umgarnen‘. Ein Herrscher müsse, so schrieb er, ‚Milde, Treue, Menschlichkeit, Redlichkeit und Frömmigkeit zur Schau tragen‘, diese Eigenschaften aber wenn nötig brutal ‚in ihr Gegenteil verkehren‘. Auch dürfe er ‚vor dem Schlechten nicht zurückschrecken‘ und müsse fähig sein, ‚sich zu drehen und zu wenden nach dem Winde‘“ (2).

Doch diese uralten und groben Methoden des politischen Manipulators Machiavelli sollten mit der Zeit verschwinden. Deshalb setzten amerikanische „Spin-Doktors“

nach dem deutschen Mauerfall auf sanfte Gewalt („Soft Power“). Ein „Spin-Doktor“ ist ein Kommunikationsexperte, der dafür arbeitet, dass zum Beispiel die Öffentlichkeit eine Aussage oder einen Beschluss so verstehen, wie es für den Auftraggeber oder Politiker vorteilhaft ist (3).

Diese Form der Propaganda war im Vergleich zu den kommunistischen Methoden diskreter, subtiler und „gefälliger“. Joseph S. Ney, US-amerikanischer Regierungsberater und Harvard-Professor bezeichnete sie als „ein ausgezeichnetes Instrument, um die Welt dazu zu bringen, ‚freiwillig‘ das zu tun, was Amerika wolle“ (4). Mit “Soft Power“ war es möglich, die öffentliche Meinung in einer Weise zu formen, wie das bloße Propaganda nie konnte. Doch damit nicht genug!

Um die „Kommunikation“ zu verbessern, das heißt, die Meinung der Weltöffentlichkeit speziell in Kriegszeiten zu „optimieren“, wurde die „Psy-Op“-Gruppe der US-Armee um Zehntausende von Mitarbeitern verstärkt und die Zusammenarbeit mit Hollywood-Studios intensiviert. „Psy-Op“ soll „psychologische Operation“ heißen anstelle des ehemals hässlichen Begriffs „psychologische Kriegsführung“. Larry Dietz, ein hochrangiger, auf psychologische Kriegsführung spezialisierter US-Militär, definierte „PsyOp“ jedoch so:

„Psychologische Operationen sind ein zusätzliches Waffensystem, um eine Mission zu erfüllen, die ein militärischer Kommandant befiehlt. (…). Das Ziel von PsyOp besteht darin, das Verhalten (von Zielpersonen) im Sinne des militärischen Kommandos zu beeinflussen.“ (5) Siehe hierzu auch den Artikel von Alan Lash: „Psyops sind nicht neu, nur gefährlicher“ (6).

Zieht man noch einmal das berühmte Zitat von Leo Tolstoi (1828-1910) über den Charakter von Regierenden heran und erfährt, dass die Politiker „die verlogensten Menschen“ sind, dann fragt man sich, wieso wir Bürger ihnen so leichtfertig die Macht übergeben:

„Man könnte die Unterordnung eines ganzen Volkes unter wenige Leute noch rechtfertigen, wenn die Regierenden die besten Menschen wären; aber das ist nicht der Fall, war niemals der Fall und kann es nie sein. Es herrschen häufig die schlechtesten, unbedeutendsten, grausamsten, sittenlosesten und besonders die verlogensten Menschen. Und daß dem so ist, ist kein Zufall.“ (7)

Auch ist die Frage des Krieges eine allgemeine Kulturfrage, die daran erinnert, dass unsere gesamte Kultur vom Prinzip der Gewalttätigkeit durchdrungen ist und deshalb immer wieder auch auf den Irrtum verfällt, völkische Probleme durch die Methode der Gewalt, das heißt, den Krieg lösen zu können. Überall wird die Macht über die menschliche Solidarität und das Gemeinschaftsgefühl gestellt. 

Psychologische Operation „Killerspiele“: harmlose „Unterhaltungsgewalt“? 

Eine weitere Zielgruppe von ‚PsyOp‘ sind Kinder und Jugendliche – ein besonders finsteres Kapitel. Hierzu schreibt Dr. Barben:

„Um die Tötungsraten bei militärischen Einsätzen zu erhöhen, setzt das Pentagon Simulatoren ein, an denen das routinemäßige Töten geübt wird. Mit diesen wird den Soldaten die natürliche Tötungshemmung abtrainiert. Sie üben das schnelle und automatische Töten möglichst vieler Menschen. Vor einigen Jahren schloss das Pentagon Verträge mit Hollywood ab. Die Film- und Unterhaltungsindustrie versah die militärischen Mordsimulatoren mit einem ‚attraktiven‘ Design und vermarktete sie als ‚Kinderspiele‘“. (8)

In Wirklichkeit bewirken diese „Spiele“ bei Kindern und Jugendlichen genau das gleiche wie bei den Soldaten. Nach Auffassung des US-amerikanischen Militärpsychologen Dave Grossman gewöhnen sie ans Töten und verrohen das Gefühl (9).  

Zur Thematik „Killerspiele“ verfasste der Autor zusammen mit anerkannten Universitätsprofessoren, Militärwissenschaftlern, Jugendpsychiatern, Heimleitern und betroffenen Gymnasiasten zwei Handreichungen für Eltern und Lehrer: „Da spiel ich nicht mit!“ (10) und „Game over!“ (11). Beide befassen sich mit den Auswirkungen dieser sogenannten „Unterhaltungsgewalt“ in Fernsehen, Video- und Computerspielen – und was man dagegen unternehmen kann. 

Wann wird sich das Menschheitsgewissen endgültig Gehör verschaffen?

Das wirksamste Gegenmittel gegen Lüge und Manipulation ist die Wahrheit beziehungsweise ihre Verbreitung. Doch noch können wir nicht sagen, wann sich das Menschheitsgewissen, dessen Mahnruf durch die Jahrhunderte gellt, endgültig Gehör verschaffen wird, um den schrecklichen Irrtum der Herrschsucht aufzuzeigen.

Auch wissen wir nicht, wann das Menschheitsgewissen die sogenannte „absolute Wahrheit“ verkünden wird, wonach die Menschen zusammengehören und unter dem Gesetz stehen, zusammenzuwirken und einander die Hände zu reichen. Es besteht jedoch kein Zweifel, dass der Bestand des Menschengeschlechts davon abhängen wird, dass sich die Menschen in weit höherem Maße als bisher zur allmenschlichen Solidarität bekennen.

Bis zum heutigen Tag wird unter denen, die darauf angewiesen wären, sich gemeinsam gegen die Naturgewalten zu wenden und allen Menschen auf dieser Erde ein erträgliches Dasein zu sichern, Zwietracht gesät und auch werden sie nach „Strich und Faden belogen“.

Somit ermöglicht das Vorrecht der Regierenden und die Verblendung der Regierten immer wieder Rückfälle in die kriegerische Gesinnung, die im Leben des Einzelnen wie der Völker unsägliches Leiden verursacht. Gleichzeitig wird in schamloser Weise vom „Ethos des Krieges“ gesprochen, in dem sich die edelsten Tugenden des Menschen wie Mut und Entsagung, Pflichttreue und Opferwilligkeit entfalten würden.

Aufklärung und Erziehung als wichtigste Maßnahmen gegen Lüge, Manipulation und Krieg  

Die Geschichte ist ein Werk des Menschen. Wenn man diese Welt ändern will, muss man den Menschen ändern. Demgemäß sind Aufklärung und Erziehung die erfolgversprechendsten Maßnahmen, die gegen den Krieg, die Manipulation und die Lüge ergriffen werden können.

Natürlich sollten Eltern und Erzieher die Kinder dazu anhalten, stets bei der Wahrheit zu bleiben. Und wenn man sie noch nicht kennt, sollte man den anderen dazu einladen, sie gemeinsam zu ergründen. Auch ist es von zentraler Bedeutung, dass die Erwachsenen den Kindern stets Vorbild an Redlichkeit und Wahrhaftigkeit sind.

Lüge und Manipulation achten weder die Würde noch die Gleichwertigkeit der Menschen. Sie verstoßen gegen das Gewissen und das Gebot der Brüderlichkeit. Indem sie den Mitmenschen zum Manipulationsobjekt herabwürdigen, respektieren sie ihn nicht als gleichwertigen Partner.

Wer die ehrliche Absicht hat zu informieren, kann sich zwar irren, aber er fühlt sich der Wahrheit verpflichtet. Er will dem anderen etwas Wahres mitteilen. Dabei verfolgt er keinen heimlichen Zweck, den er vor dem anderen verbirgt.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Schul-Rektor, Erziehungswissenschaftler (Dr. paed.) und Psychologe (Dipl.-Psych.). Nach seinen Universitätsstudien wurde er wissenschaftlicher Lehrer (Professor) in der Erwachsenenbildung: unter anderem Leiter eines freien Schul-Modell-Versuchs und Fortbildner bayerischer Beratungslehrkräfte und Schulpsychologen. Als Pensionär arbeitete er als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. Bei einer Öffentlichen Anhörung zur Jugendkriminalität im Europa-Parlament war er Berichterstatter für Deutschland. In seinen Büchern und Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Für seine Verdienste um Serbien bekam er 2021 von den Universitäten Belgrad und Novi Sad den Republik-Preis „Kapitän Misa Anastasijevic“ verliehen.

Er schreibt regelmäßig für Global Research.


2 Barben, Judith (2009). Spin doctors im Bundeshaus. CH-5401 Baden

4 Barben, Judith (2009). Spin doctors im Bundeshaus. CH-5401 Baden, S. 37

5 a. O., S. 40

7 Tolstoi, Leo N. (1968). Rede gegen den Krieg. Frankfurt a. M., S. 74

8 Barben, Judith (2009). Spin doctors im Bundeshaus. CH-5401 Baden, S. 41f.

9 a. O., S. 42

10 Hänsel, Rudolf und Renate (Hrsg) (2005). Da spiel ich nicht mit! Auswirkungen von „Unterhaltungsgewalt“ in Fernsehen, Video- und Computerspielen – und was man dagegen tun kann. Donauwörth

11 Hänsel, Rudolf (2011). GAME OVER! Wie Killerspiele unsere Jugend manipulieren. Berlin


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Are These the 19 Most Important Dietary Supplements to Take?

March 24th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Molecular hydrogen is a selective antioxidant, meaning it doesn’t indiscriminately suppress free radicals but, rather, helps your body make the antioxidants it needs

Glycine and NAC are glutathione precursors; your body uses glutathione to increase the effectiveness of antioxidants such as vitamin C, which is why it’s known as the “master antioxidant”

Magnesium is involved in the functioning of more than 300 enzymes, and many people are deficient

The best supplements for you depend on your age, health status, diet and health goals

I mention a bonus supplement at the end of the article


While dietary supplements cannot take the place of a healthy lifestyle, they can be used strategically to boost your health, especially in cases of deficiency. In the U.S., 57.6% of adults aged 20 and over use supplements, with multivitamins, vitamin D and omega-3 fats representing the top three.1 Another survey put the percentage of Americans using supplements at 86%.2

So, it’s safe to say that many people are interested in taking control of their health with the support of supplemental vitamins, minerals and other compounds. But, when it comes to supplements, more isn’t always better.

To ensure you’re using only supplements you need — avoiding wasting your money while maintaining your body’s balance — I recommend using dietary interventions first. Next, work with a holistic health care practitioner who can guide you on which supplements your body truly needs.

19 Supplements I Consider Essential

The best supplements for you depend on your age, health status and health goals. If having a practitioner guide you isn’t possible, essential supplements may be next on your list — and I’ve compiled the list in rank order of what I believe to be the most important ones.

Some of the most important individual variables you need to consider would be if you are plant-based or choose to eat animal products. While many plant-based diets are fundamentally healthy, they do lack some vital nutrients, like vitamin B12, retinol, vitamin K2, carnosine, carnitine, collagen and choline. If you are plant-based, you will certainly want to consider adding these to your regimen.

1. Molecular Hydrogen (H2)

Molecular hydrogen acts as a selective antioxidant, meaning it doesn’t indiscriminately suppress free radicals. Rather, it’s unique in that it helps your body make its own endogenous antioxidants. This is important because excessive use of antioxidants can be counterproductive, while molecular hydrogen serves as a redox regulator.

The H2 molecule is the smallest in the universe, which allows it to diffuse through all cell membranes, including the blood-brain barrier and subcellular compartments, and into the mitochondria. According to Tyler LeBaron, Ph.D., it’s been shown to have therapeutic benefits in more than 170 different animal disease models.3 While there’s no risk of overdosing on molecular hydrogen, intermittent exposure produces the best results.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D has multiple actions on the immune system, including enhancing the production of antimicrobial peptides by immune cells, reducing damaging pro-inflammatory cytokines, and promoting the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines.4

A recent study found giving vitamin D to people with COVID-19 cut risk of death from SARS-CoV-2 by 51% and reduced risk of admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) by 72%.5,6 Vitamin D also plays a role in heart disease, as it improves circulation and may be beneficial for high blood pressure. In addition, due to its effects on endothelial function, vitamin D may also help improve or prevent heart failure, heart attack, vasculopathy, stroke and diabetes.7

Ideally, optimize your vitamin D levels via sensible sun exposure, as there are many benefits to sun exposure even aside from vitamin D, such as increasing mitochondrial melatonin by near infrared (IR) exposure.

My vitamin D level is typically between 80 and 100 and I haven’t taken any vitamin D supplements so you can get your levels high if you are disciplined about your sun exposure. Just be sure to make sure you are eating a very low linoleic acid (LA) diet as it is excessive omega-6 fats that virtually everyone consumes, that cause sun-induced skin cancers.

However, if getting healthy sun exposure simply isn’t an option for you due to your location or lifestyle, daily vitamin D3 supplementation of 8,000 to 10,000 units is likely needed to reach a vitamin D level of 60 to 80 ng/mL.

Data from GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action studies suggest the optimal level for health and disease prevention is between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL, while the cutoff for sufficiency appears to be around 40 ng/mL. In Europe, the measurements you’re looking for are 150 to 200 nmol/L and 100 nmol/L respectively.

The only way to gauge whether you might need to supplement, and how much to take, however, is to get your level tested, ideally twice a year — in the early spring and early fall — when your level is at its low point and peak, respectively. Make sure that your supplemental vitamin D intake is balanced with other nutrients, including vitamin K2 (to avoid complications associated with excessive calcification in your arteries) and magnesium.

3. Niacinamide

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is one of the most important biomolecules in your body. It’s involved in the conversion of food to energy, maintaining DNA integrity and ensuring proper cell function. Together, these functions help protect against or delay aging and virtually all chronic disease.

NAD+ also acts as fuel for longevity proteins called sirtuins. Sadly, NAD levels dramatically decline with age, contributing to aging and chronic disease states. NAD is also used up by DNA repair enzymes and enzymes involved in inflammation and immunity, such that chronic inflammation, or acute illness in old age, can rapidly result in depletion.

To restore NAD_, you need to fix the root cause for NAD+ depletion, which primarily involves addressing the decline in the NAD salvage pathway. By increasing enzymes in that pathway, which decline with age, your body can recycle NAD_ like it did naturally when it was younger. For more information, please review my fantastic interview with molecular biologist Nichola Conlon, Ph.D.

In addition to optimizing NAD+ levels, it also blocks lipolysis which is important if you are the more than 99% of the population that have elevated linoleic acid (LA) levels. Reducing the release of LA from your tissues will lower the amount of oxidative stress in in your body.

Niacinamide, like progesterone, inhibits the production of nitric oxide, and also like progesterone, it improves recovery from brain injury and also:

Niacinamide can also lower your triglycerides, which are a potent cardiovascular disease risk factor. It also has a direct anti-adrenaline effect and increases the oxidation of glucose which is your primary metabolic fuel.

The best way to supplement niacinamide is by taking a very low dose of 50 mg three times a day. This is an order of magnitude less expensive than taking NAD precursors like nicotinamide riboside or nicotinamide mononucleotide to increase NAD+ levels.

Please do NOT take high doses like 500 mg or even 1,000 mg, because taking more is not better and will be highly counterproductive as higher doses will impair your sirtuin longevity proteins.

You can purchase a niacinamide powder and take one-sixty-fourth of a teaspoon three times a day or take a 50 mg niacinamide tablet three times a day. Because a 50 mg niacinamide tablet currently is not being made commercially, we will be launching one very soon.

4. B Complex

Vitamin B complex is important for your health because it’s involved in a wide range of bodily functions and processes including cell health and the growth of red blood cells, energy levels, eyesight, brain function, digestion and appetite, proper nerve function, hormones and cholesterol production, and cardiovascular health.

B vitamins have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function and cell metabolism. Vitamin B complex help support or promote cell health, growth of red blood cells, energy levels, eyesight, brain function, digestion, appetite, proper nerve function, and cardiovascular health and may help prevent infections.

Vitamin B complex is also important for pregnant women as it helps to form the neural tube, which is the precursor to the baby’s brain and spinal cord. It also helps to prevent birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine. It is important to note that vitamin B complex is water-soluble, which means it is not stored in the body and needs to be taken more than once a day.

5. Magnesium

Magnesium is necessary for the healthy functioning of most cells, especially your heart, kidneys and muscles. It’s involved in the functioning of more than 300 enzymes,8 and low levels of magnesium impede cellular metabolic function and deteriorate mitochondrial function.

Magnesium is also required for the activation of vitamin D, and deficiency may hamper your ability to convert vitamin D from sun exposure and/or oral supplementation. Unfortunately, deficiency is common and rarely diagnosed.9

When it comes to oral supplementation, my personal preference is magnesium threonate, as it appears to be the most efficient at penetrating cell membranes, including your mitochondria and blood-brain barrier. Magnesium is also absorbed through your skin, so you can use a topical solution or take Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) baths to increase your levels.

6. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that I believe is important for nearly everyone to take. Why? Because it limits the production of very dangerous free radicals from the metabolism of the omega-6 fat, linoleic acid (LA), which virtually everyone reading this has too much of. It does this by inhibiting lipolysis, or the release of the stored LA in your tissues.

While exercise and fasting are wonderful tools to improve your health, the downside is that virtually everyone has too much LA in their tissues and both of these strategies will increase lipolysis of LA stored in your tissue and produce loads of free radicals and oxidative stress.

Vitamin E not only can prevent oxidative stress from too much LA, but it may also help your body convert this dangerous fat to a non-dangerous saturated fat. Bacteria in your intestine can use vitamin E to saturate the LA. So, vitamin E can actually transform the polyunsaturated fat rather than just protect against it after effects.

Vitamin E is an aromatase inhibitor, which means it blocks the enzyme that converts androgens like testosterone to estrogen, which is useful in reducing the risk for many cancers, especially breast and prostate cancers. Not only does it prevent the production of estrogen, but it also detoxifies xenoestrogens from synthetic chemicals.

Vitamin E is an iron chelator and can also remove age spots or liver spots and scars on your skin if applied topically. It does this because it is an iron chelator. Another term for liver spots is lipofuscin, which is an accumulation of oxidized fats like LA and iron.

While cosmetically unattractive, removing lipofuscin spots is key because what you see on your skin is the tip of the iceberg. They are also in your tissues and organs and will contribute to premature aging. Thankfully, taking vitamin E orally seems to help lower lipofuscin levels. Vitamin E also lowers prolactin, which helps counteract high estrogen levels which tends to increase fertility. Finally, it also blocks adrenaline and reduces cortisol and inflammation.

All of these are major reasons why I am huge fan of vitamin E and believe most people would benefit by taking it. However, you just need to be very careful in selecting your vitamin E supplements as most on the market are counterproductive. Natural vitamin E is a family of eight different compounds: four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. If you eat certain wholesome foods, all eight of the different vitamin E compounds are naturally available.

So, please be careful and make sure to avoid all synthetic vitamin E supplements. You also want to make sure that it has no soy oil in it as soy is typically a GMO, loaded with glyphosate and high in LA.

Your vitamin supplement should have all tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) with the majority of tocopherol as alpha. Similarly, it should have balance tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta). The most common vitamin E supplement on the market is made from GMO soy, is synthetic and only has alpha tocopherol with no other isomers and has no tocotrienols. You definitely don’t want to use supplements like that.

7. Vitamin C (Not Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen your body’s natural defenses. It may reduce your risk of chronic disease, including protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease and even skin wrinkling.

Vitamin C plays an essential role in your body, particularly for skin and immune health. It also boosts collagen production and helps protect your skin from UV damage. Some research has found that supplementing with vitamin C can shorten the duration of a cold and may help prevent and treat other infections, such as tetanus and pneumonia.

There are basically two types of vitamin C: that derived from whole foods with all the vital and important micronutrients and synthetic ascorbic acid. They both are important and serve crucial biological roles.

The best of the synthetic ascorbic acid would by liposomal forms as they can more easily penetrate cell membranes, especially when needed in large doses as when treating an acute infection, sepsis or cancer. However, it is best to avoid taking synthetic ascorbic acid daily as this can impair copper utilization by your mitochondria.

It is better to take whole food vitamin C daily as this will support the integration of copper into the electron transport chain in your mitochondria and allow you to generate cellular energy more efficiently. Ideally this can be in the form of fruits that are high in vitamin C, like oranges, tangerines, amla (also known as gooseberry) and, my favorite, acerola cherries. It is best to take it a few times a day as vitamin C is water soluble.

8. Probiotics

If you don’t eat fermented foods on a regular basis, a probiotic supplement can be useful for maintaining your gut health and microbial diversity. Your gut microbiome affects nearly all your physiological systems, but gut microbial diversity decreases with age.10

For each gram-per-day increase in the average national consumption of fermented vegetables, the mortality risk for COVID-19 decreased by 35.4% in one study.11 Beneficial bacteria found in fermented foods may even be effective for suppressing colon cancer,12 while your mental health is also affected.

One randomized controlled trial demonstrated that high-dose probiotic supplementation is beneficial for people with depression,13 while Lactobacillus has been found to produce gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that inhibits excessive neuronal firing, helping to induce a natural state of calm,14 in animal studies.15

9. Omega-3 Fat as DHA and EPA

Omega-3 fats are important for brain health, warding off autoimmune disease16 and decreasing mortality from cardiovascular disease, while also reducing heart attacks and coronary heart disease events.17 An omega-3 index test is one of the most important annual health screens that everyone needs, and it’s a more important predictor of your heart disease risk than your cholesterol levels.

Even research supported by the National Institutes of Health suggests an omega-3 test is a good predictor of overall health and all-cause mortality.18,19 The ideal sources for EPA and DHA omega-3s include cold-water fatty fish, like wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, herring and anchovies. If you do not eat these fish on a regular basis, consider taking a krill oil supplement.

Fish oil is among the most popular supplements in the U.S. Globally, the fish oil market was valued at $1.9 million in 2019, with estimates suggesting this will rise to $2.8 million by 2027.20 Many of these dollars may be wasted, however, due to a chemical process that leaves many fish oil supplements lacking in actual EPA and DHA.

The issue with most fish oil supplements is the chemical process used — trans-esterification — which transforms the oil into a synthetic product that’s far removed from the oil you’d get when eating fish or a high-quality cod liver oil.

When you eat fish or a high-quality cod liver oil, the omega-3 is in a triglyceride form. However, the omega-3s in most all fish oil supplements are in an ethyl ester which is essentially a synthetic substrate, created through the micro distillation process of crude fish oil, in which ethanol and/or industrial alcohol is added. This mix is heat distilled in a vacuum chamber, resulting in a concentrated omega-3 ethyl ester condensate.

The problem with ethyl esters is they’re the least bioavailable form of omega-3. Manufacturers could convert them back into the triglyceride form by detaching the ethyl alcohol molecule and reattaching a glycerol molecule in a process known as re-esterification,21 but most don’t because it’s so costly.

Additionally, not only does this molecular distillation process remove vital resolvins and protectins that are important in reducing inflammation, but it also concentrates the EPA and DHA. You can tell the concentration of these two fats in any given supplement by looking at the label. In fish, the oil consists of 20% to 30% EPA and DHA, whereas purified fish oil concentrate typically contains between 60% and 85% EPA and DHA.22

In my view it is best to avoid most omega-3 supplements as there are many dangers with them. Krill or a high-quality cod liver oil are some of the best choices I know of, but you must be careful here also, as most are very low quality and add synthetic vitamin A and D into the oil.

Krill oil stands out in this regard, however. It’s more bioavailable because the EPA and DHA are bound in a phospholipid form, allowing you to take lower doses while still reaping similar results. Research also suggests krill oil alleviates oxidative stress and iron accumulation, such that it could be used as a treatment for toxicity caused by iron overload.23

10. L-Glycine

I personally take teaspoon (about 5 grams) of glycine twice a day, in the morning and before bed. Glycine is an amino acid and is an important methyl-group donor. Methyl groups are found in DNA, where they play a role in cellular reactions. Glycine helps protect against intracellular calcium overload and hypoxia and has anti-inflammatory effects.

In addition to supporting brain function,24 supplemental glycine may be useful for the “prevention and control of atherosclerosis, heart failure, angiogenesis associated with cancer or retinal disorders and a range of inflammation-driven syndromes, including metabolic syndrome.”25 Importantly, glycine is also a glutathione precursor, discussed below. Ray Peat has shown that glycine is:

11. N-acetylcysteine (NAC)

NAC, a form of the amino acid cysteine. It’s most well-known to help increase glutathione and reduce the acetaldehyde toxicity26 that causes many hangover symptoms. Anyone who overdoses on acetaminophen (Tylenol) also receives large doses of NAC in the emergency room, as it helps prevent liver damage by increasing glutathione.

NAC can be combined with glycine (known as GlyNAC) for even more benefits. In a pilot trial of older adults, GlyNAC supplementation for 24 weeks corrected glutathione deficiency and improved multiple measures of health, including:27

12. Quercetin

Quercetin, an antioxidant flavonol found in foods such as onions, apples, plums and green tea, is a natural antiviral28which helps drive zinc into the cells to stop viral replications. It also combats inflammation and works as a natural antihistamine. A number of studies have also shown quercetin, when used early, also lowers your risk of hospitalization and death from COVID-19,29 and improves clinical outcomes.

Quercetin is one of the supplements I recommend keeping in your medicine chest for times when you feel you’re “coming down” with something, be it the common cold or influenza. This is because it helps drive zinc ions into your cells, which then serves to halt replication of the virus that you are infected with.

Like vitamin E, quercetin also chelates iron. Like niacinamide, it also increases NAD+ levels but through a different mechanism. Rather than serving as a substrate to make NAD+, it helps to activate the rate limiting enzyme in the NAD+ salvage pathway, NAMPT, thus increasing NAD+ levels. Finally, it can also help with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Plant-Based Diets Essential Supplements

If you are eating a plant-based diet or you do eat animal foods but are avoiding any organ meats, which are some of the most nutrient dense foods that we know of, then please seriously consider adding these supplements to your regimen.

13. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is likely the most important nutrient that is missing from a plant-based diet and it is absolutely essential that you take it if you choose not to eat animal foods. Left undetected and unaddressed, a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, intestinal issues, limited nerve development, mood disturbances and much more.

But it is not only vegetarians that can be deficient in this important B vitamin. There are three factors are involved in the widespread B12 deficiency we’re seeing today:

  • Many people don’t have enough stomach acidity due to lower levels of pepsin secretion to release the vitamin B12 from dietary proteins.
  • Factory-farmed meat and poultry (the most common types consumed today) contain lower levels of vitamin B12.
  • Insufficient production of intrinsic factor, a special protein, required for B12 to be absorbed in your small intestine may be the result of aging or an autoimmune condition.

Your body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells, maintain nerves, produce DNA and to carry out essential functions for your heart, arteries and veins, nervous system, brain and cognitive function. There’s no way you can enjoy optimal health without adequate B12 levels.

When you supplement with vitamin B12 be sure to choose the more biologically active, methylcobalamin, or “methyl B12,” is the most bioavailable and most absorbable form of vitamin B12. Avoid using the most common form of B12, cyanocobalamin.

14. Retinol (Vitamin A)

Retinol, also known as Vitamin A, is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for many bodily functions, including vision, growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity. It is not to be confused with beta-carotene. Even though many nutritional labels conflate the two, they are completely different. Since many are unable to easily convert beta-carotene to vitamin A, it is important to make sure you are getting retinol not beta-carotene.

Vitamin A is necessary for producing hemoglobin, the protein in your red blood cells that transports oxygen. It is necessary to properly recycle and make copper available in your mitochondrial electron transport chain for energy production. It is also necessary for your body to produce two vitally important hormones, progesterone and pregnenoloneand has ant-estrogenic properties. It is also helpful for male fertility.

One of the most important benefits of retinol would be to help your body’s immune system and natural defense against illness and infection to work optimally. It also works synergistically with vitamin D with many similar benefits. Also, like vitamin E, retinol has anti-estrogenic properties.

Retinol is responsible for making the pigments in your eye’s retina, improves your vision and promotes good night vision. It also can help protect against cancer. It likely also improves skin health and helps keep your skin moist, and may help reduce the risk of skin and other cancers. Doses are typically from 5,000 to 10,000 I.U.s.

15. Copper

Copper is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in many bodily functions, including the production of red blood cells, the absorption of iron and the maintenance of nerve cells. Most importantly, it is vital to the proper functioning of your mitochondria so you can generate enough ATP.

Copper and its master protein, ceruloplasmin, are instrumental for mitochondrial function. Ceruloplasmin is what drives the copper into the mitochondria, and each mitochondrion needs about 50,000 atoms of copper to do its work.

There are five cytochrome complexes embedded in your inner mitochondrial membranes. Their purpose is to shuttle electrons created from the food you eat that is ultimately converted to acetyl-CoA to produce ATP. If these complexes are deficient in copper, you will not be able to generate enough cellular energy.

Despite its bad rap, most people are deficient in copper. To raise your copper level, you could use a copper bisglycinate supplement (about 4 to 8 mg), or foods like grass fed beef liver, and whole food vitamin C that has the enzyme tyrosinase which is loaded with copper. For additional information please review my podcast with Morley Robbins.

16. Zinc

Zinc plays many roles in your body. It is required for the healthy functioning of all your cells, tissues, organs and bones. Zinc is the second most abundant trace mineral in your body, coming in just after iron. It’s found in foods like beef, poultry, shellfish and mushrooms.

Zinc deficiency is not just an issue with vegetarians, but for those with GI and digestive disorders who can experience decreased zinc absorption. Those who eat seeds, grains, nuts and legumes that are loaded with phytates which can bind zinc and also prevent absorption, may also be deficient. Pregnant and nursing women require higher levels of zinc and those with excessive alcohol consumption also need extra zinc to metabolize the alcohol.

Researchers have discovered hundreds of ways zinc supports health in your body, and every year, they continue to discover more. In the last decade alone, there have been tens of thousands of studies investigating the roles zinc plays in promoting good health.

Zinc provides support for immune function, healthy cell growth, respiratory health and healthy metabolism. It also helps support brain health and healthy function of your taste, smell and vision.

One of the biggest challenges with zinc for people of any age is that zinc isn’t stored in your body, so you must consume the amount your body needs each and every day which is about 15 mg. If you are eating sufficient animal protein or organs, you should not need to supplement unless you are sick, as supplemental zinc can be quite useful to limit viral replication especially if taken with quercetin.

17. Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is needed to activate the protein osteocalcin, which is found in your bones. Without vitamin K2, this and other vitamin K2-dependent proteins remain inactivated, and cannot perform their biological functions.30 Vitamin K2 also facilitates the transfer process of calcium from your arteries to your bone. Without it, your risk of arterial calcification increases. It does this by increasing the production of an important hormone for bone health, osteocalcin.

In one study, those who consumed foods with the highest amount of vitamin K2 were less likely to experience severe calcification in their arteries or less likely to die from heart disease over a seven- to 10-year period.31 Vitamin K2 also works in tandem with vitamin D and magnesium. As a rule, if you have osteoporosis, heart disease or diabetes, you’re likely deficient in vitamin K2.

If you are eating fermented foods such as natto, or vegetables fermented using a starter culture of vitamin K2-producing bacteria, then you may not need to take a supplement. Certain cheeses such as Brie, Munster and gouda, are also particularly high in K2, as are grass fed organic animal products such as egg yolks, liver, butter and dairy.

18. Collagen

Collagen, in addition to being rich in glycine, is well-known for its role in skin health, including helping mitigate age-related wrinkles.32 It may also reduce joint pain and stiffness33 while improving glucose tolerance34 and high blood pressure.35

My personal preference is to use a less denatured (unhydrolyzed) organic collagen supplement, as it has a more balanced amino acid profile or, better yet, simply boost your collagen intake by making homemade bone broth using bones and connective tissue from grass fed, organically raised animals.

19. L-Carnosine

Carnosine is a dipeptide composed of two amino acids: beta-alanine and histidine. It’s a potent antioxidant as it binds to advanced lipoxidation endproducts (ALEs) that are the result of oxidized seed oils in your diet. The highest concentrations of carnosine are found in your muscles and brain.

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you will have lower levels of carnosine in your muscles. This is one reason why many strict vegans who do not properly compensate for this and other nutritional deficiencies tend to have trouble building muscle. Eating beef is known to efficiently raise carnosine levels in your muscle,36 which is why if you’re a vegetarian or vegan this supplement may be particularly important.

Bonus Methylene Blue

While methylene blue is clearly not a vitamin or mineral and is, in fact, the oldest known modern drug, I consider it an important and, in many cases, essential supplement for most because it is the best product out there to increase mitochondrial electron transport efficiency and your production of cellular energy currency or ATP. In simpler terms, most anyone who is fatigued or tired will benefit from using methylene blue.

Additionally, it is very inexpensive if you avoid buying it in foolish ways. If you purchase 1 ounce (25 grams) of the bulk powder it will last you over three years if you take 20 mg/day, which is a solid maintenance dose, but if you are tired you can easily double or triple that.

Twenty mg is a very small amount and is about half of one-sixty-fourth teaspoon. That would be a one-one hundred twenty-eighth teaspoon, but those are not available. Just be really careful, though, as methylene blue is a dye and will stain your countertop. It’s best to measure over a stainless-steel sink. A dose of 50 mg is best taken by putting one-sixty-fourth teaspoon into an empty gel cap, as it can irritate your mouth at higher concentrations.

The best time to take it is prior to near infrared (IR) exposure from a near IR sauna, a photobiomodulation panel or sun exposure. For more details about methylene blue be sure to view my interview with the leading researcher in the field, Francisco Lima-Gonzalez, Ph.D.

The Timing of Your Supplements Matters

When and how you take supplements — such as with or without food and in the morning or evening — can make a difference in their safety and effectiveness. For instance, fat-soluble vitamin K2 is best taken with your largest meal that contains fat, while magnesium, which helps your body relax, is best taken in the evening. In the infographic above, you can see a simple breakdown of some of the most common supplements and when it’s best to take them.


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1 U.S. CDC, NCHS Data Brief No. 399, February 2021

2 American Osteopathic Association January 16, 2019

3 Bitchute, Interview With Tyler Lebaron March 1, 2023

4 Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 10641 (2021)

5 YouTube, Dr. John Campbell February 1, 2023, 14:07

6 Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2023 Jan; 16(1): 130., Abstract

7 International Journal of Nanomedicine January 19. 2018; 2018(13): 455-466

8, 9 BMJ Open Heart 2018

10 Aging (Albany NY). 2019 Jan 31; 11(2): 289–290

11 medRxiv July 7, 2020; DOI: 10.1101/2020.07.06.20147025

12 Factors Determining the Apoptotic Response of Colorectal Carcinoma Cells to Butyrate, a Fermentation Product Derived from Dietary Fiber (2009)

13 Translational Psychiatry June 3, 2022

14 The Journal of Neuroscience May 1, 2013; 33(18):7770-7

15 Translational Psychiatry June 3, 2022, Discussion

16 BMJ 2022;376:e066452

17 Journal of the American College of Cardiology December 13, 2022, Volume 80, Issue 24, Pages 2269-2285, Results

18 Journal of Clinical Lipidology, 2018;12(3):718

19 EurekAlert! March 15, 2018

20 Business Wire September 9, 2020

21, 22 A Comparison of Synthetic Ethyl Ester Form Fish Oil vs. Natural Triglyceride Form (PDF), What Are Triglycerides and Ethyl Esters?

23 Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2020 Feb;27(4):3950-3961. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-06983-1. Epub 2019 Dec 10

24 Clinical and Translational Medicine March 27, 2021, Section 4.13

25 Medical Hypotheses January 15, 2019

26 Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 1994, 9 (2)

27 Clinical and Translational Medicine March 27, 2021, Abstract, Results

28 Journal of Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine May 24, 2014; 2: 111

29 International Journal of General Medicine June 8, 2021; 14: 2359-2366

30 Integrative Medicine (Encinitas) February 2015

31 The Journal of Nutrition November 1, 2004: 134(11); 3100-3105 (The Rotterdam Study)

32 Journal of Medical Nutrition & Nutraceuticals 2015; 4(1): 47-53

33 Curr Med Res Opin. 2008 May;24(5):1485-96

34 J Med Food. 2016 Sep;19(9):836-43

35 J Med Food. 2010 Apr;13(2):399-405

36 Science Direct, Carnosine

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A March 7, 2023 CBC article headline reads: “Nova Scotia tight-lipped about spike in deaths – Unexpectedly high numbers of people are dying in an untimely fashion,’ expert says” (click here)

All highly COVID-19 vaccinated countries and jurisdictions are seeing record excess deaths on the order of 1 per 1000 population in 2022.

Now we can add the small Canadian province of Nova Scotia to the list.

From CBC article: “For the first 10 months of 2022, there were 848 more deaths than expected in Nova Scotia. The province said 546 of those were due to COVID-19. That means almost 36 per cent of the deaths are attributable to other causes.”

CBC News asked the Nova Scotia government what is causing the excess mortality in this province, but did not receive a specific answer. A spokeswoman noted excess mortality “represents all deaths — cancer, suicide, heart disease, natural causes, etc. — not just COVID-19.”

But it’s unclear what those other causes are. The province declined interview requests with Health Department officials and the chief medical examiner.

The population of Nova Scotia is 971, 395.

The annualized 2022 excess deaths is 848/(10/12) = 1018.

1018 deaths in 2022 for a population of 971, 395, is around 1 death per 1000 population.

Excess deaths in Canada

According to Statistics Canada, there were 53,741 excess deaths in Canada from March 2020 until end of August 2022 (click here)

Then we subtract “COVID-19 deaths” of 14,642 in 2020 (click here)

We are left with 39,099 deaths since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, until end of August 2022. Extrapolate that to end of 2022 and it’s about 47,000 deaths with more of those deaths occurring in 2022.

I believe when the numbers are in, we will see somewhere between 30,000 to 35,000 excess deaths in Canada in 2022, or about 1 in 1000 population.

My take

Over 80% of COVID-19 deaths in 2020 were in Long Term Care home settings where vulnerable elderly were euthanized with drugs like Midazolam + Morphine or abandoned and left to die. (click here) Most deaths were “with COVID” not “from COVID”.

Once COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out in late December 2020, all deaths in the first 14 days post vaccination were counted as unvaccinated COVID-19 deaths – this was done to fraudulently create a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” which didn’t exist.

This “pandemic of the unvaccinated” fraud was pushed by US President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and their Public Health henchmen Anthony Fauci and Teresa Tam. In Alberta, it was pushed by Deena Hinshaw.

I believe there were very few true COVID-19 deaths in 2021 and 2022. Many of the deaths were in the COVID-19 vaccinated whose immune systems were severely damaged by the jabs, or they were post vaccine deaths in the first 14 days.

Therefore the vast majority of excess deaths in 2021 and 2022 were most likely due to COVID-19 vaccines.

These post COVID-19 vaccine deaths are accelerating. 2022 was worse than 2021 and we are seeing deaths on the order of 1 per 1000 population in 2022.

2023 is shaping up to be even worse than 2022.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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Declassified files show how Russia’s president, during the 1990s, repeatedly told Western counterparts he was “not against” expansion of the military alliance, Matt Kennard reports. He even devised an agreement to bring the Russian people onside. 

Boris Yeltsin privately stated he was not against NATO expansion in the 1990s while publicly opposing the military alliance, declassified files show.

This posture went back as far as 1993, two years into his presidency, which would last until 2000 when he appointed Vladimir Putin his successor.

Declassified notes from a meeting of the British cabinet in September 1993 include a statement from defence secretary Malcolm Rifkind on the “Russian attitude to the Enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation”.

Rifkind said that on a visit to Poland the previous month, President Yeltsin had told his Polish counterpart Lech Wałęsa “that the Russian Government had no objection to Poland and the Czech Republic joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation”.

Rifkind added that this statement “had not been agreed beforehand in Moscow” and “had surprised his Polish hosts and had disconcerted the rest of the Russian delegation”.

Rifkind concluded that “it was not to be assumed that the Russian authorities as a whole would be so relaxed about the extension eastwards of a Western, albeit defensive, military alliance.”

Yeltsin’s acquiescence in NATO’s expansion was not something shared by his prime minister, Viktor Chernomyrdin. In a private conversation with prime minister John Major in 1996, Chernomyrdin said NATO expansion “could explode” across Europe, declassified files also show.

The proposed NATO expansion after the collapse of the Soviet Union was a hugely controversial policy in Russia. The Western military alliance had originally been set up in 1949 ostensibly as a “defensive” bloc against the “threat” posed by the Soviet Union.

Declassified notes from a meeting of the British cabinet on 16 September 1993. (UK National Archives)

‘Not against the process of enlargement’

But as NATO’s first post-Soviet expansion was being negotiated through the 1990s, Yeltsin’s private support continued.

In December 1994, John Major and President Yeltsin had a bilateral meeting in Budapest. “This record should be handled discreetly, and is not suitable for passing on to the Americans,” the summary of the meeting read.

“Yeltsin said he had felt that he and the Prime Minister had come to an agreement…over NATO enlargement,” it added.

Yeltsin “was not against the process of enlargement, so long as it was well balanced and gradual”, it continued.

“It would be all right if, after a time, one country joined NATO, and then perhaps a year later another. But he could not agree to enlargement if it was a matter of taking in the whole of Central and Eastern Europe (comment: by implication as a block). This would affect all of Russia’s interests.”

Major said “he understood Yeltsin’s concerns”, adding, “we believe that enlargement had to be handled cautiously and without deadlines…After the division of Europe for so many years into two blocs, everyone needed to approach this subject with great caution.”

Yeltsin “said he understood the Prime Minister’s position and was satisfied with it”.

In December 1996, Major and Yeltsin talked on the phone as plans for the announcement of the first NATO expansion got closer. “On NATO enlargement, the message was…all sorts of voiced opposition, but in the end tacit acceptance that it would happen,” a summary of Yeltsin’s position read.

Madrid Declaration

These sentiments continued after Tony Blair’s Labour won the general election in May 1997. “The noises made by Yeltsin [on NATO expansion] were all positive,” read the summary of a call between new prime minister Blair and Yeltsin.

A British telegram from Washington, also from May 1997, recounted that a meeting between President Clinton and Yeltsin had “excellent atmospherics”. It added: “Yeltsin [is] in good shape. Clinton encourages him to come to Madrid, sketching out possible arrangements to ease the Russia domestic angle.”

The NATO Summit in 1997 was when the organisation put forward the “Madrid Declaration” which formally invited the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland to join the alliance. They became members in 1999.

“Yeltsin asked Clinton’s advice on whether he should come [to Madrid],” the telegram noted. “He was worried about the domestic downside (ie being accused of blessing NATO expansion). His advisors…were cautioning against attendance.”

Clinton said it would be good if Yeltsin could come. “He recognised the Russian arguments for and against. But there was scope for Yeltsin to make this another personal and political success. Madrid would not focus only on NATO expansion. The Alliance would also be adapting itself, which should be congenial to Russia.”

Yelstin listened carefully and said “he would reflect”. The UK National Security Council concluded: “Yeltsin is personally keen to go to Madrid, provided he can devise the right presentational strategy.”

Founding Act

Also in 1997, the NATO/Russia Founding Act was signed, ostensibly to build up trust and habits of consultation and cooperation.

But the declassified files show that the Act, which NATO refused to make legally binding, was a public relations exercise requested by Yeltsin to help him dampen domestic opposition to NATO expansion.

One UK document noted that NATO expansion was “the catalyst for the NATO/Russia agreement, although we have been careful not to link the two issues.”

UK foreign secretary Robin Cook commented that Yeltsin continued to publicly oppose NATO expansion. However, the Russian leader was privately focusing efforts “on negotiating a joint document with NATO that would enable him to claim that NATO had taken Russian security concerns fully into account before proceeding with enlargement.”

Cook revealed that the Russians had wanted the document to be legally binding and allow for Russia to “enjoy wide-ranging joint decision-making with NATO”. The Russians also requested that the agreement state that the Baltic states and Ukraine should be ruled off-limits for future NATO expansion.

NATO refused all these requests, but the Russians signed anyway.

Cook concluded: “I judge that the NATO/Russia agreement has considerable net political benefits to UK and NATO interests. Russian opposition to NATO’s decision, at its Madrid Summit, to invite some countries to begin accession negotiations, is likely to be considerably more muted than it might otherwise have been.”

He added: “Russia’s leaders will have a vested interest in presenting the NATO/Russia deal in a positive light, and in portraying NATO not as a threat or adversary, but as a partner, sensitive to Russian security concerns.”

‘Develop his domestic defence’

The declassified documents also show the US was concerned with helping Yeltsin defend himself against domestic Russian attacks on NATO expansion.

A January 1997 message from Washington to London noted that the US government “would like to help Yeltsin develop his domestic defence of NATO enlargement”.

It added: “The underlying American objective was to reinforce Russian leaders (and particularly the younger generation) whose aim was to ‘normalise’ Russia.”

The US was focused on “finding ways to help Yeltsin minimise the domestic damage which NATO enlargement would cause by letting him claim victory on the basis of what could be negotiated with NATO in 1997”.

It added: “Yeltsin would want to be able to tell the Russian people that Russian interests had been secured”. The newly appointed US ambassador to Russia, James F. Collins “believed the West should help Yeltsin find the right formula to use domestically.”

Collins thought this “was one reason why Yeltsin liked the idea of a Five Power meeting”, which would include France, Germany, Russia, the US and the UK. “It could”, he said, “provide a good platform for Yeltsin to explain the NATO/Russia deal to his domestic constituency.”

Warnings of NATO expansion

But Yeltsin’s position was not official Russian policy. Dire warnings about the dangers of NATO expansion were being communicated to the British at the time by other senior figures in the Russian government.

A private 1996 conversation between the Major and Russian prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin gives a window into the risks NATO knew they were taking to move forward with post-Soviet expansion.

Russia’s prime minister told his British counterpart that NATO expansion “could explode” across Europe in a passionate diatribe against the policy.

The Cassandra-like warning offers a remarkable account of the dangers and risk for European security and domestic reform in Russia if NATO expansion was pursued.

Russian president Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated that NATO’s eastward expansion is one of the reasons for his invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which has been condemned as illegal and has involved extensive war crimes.

Chernomyrdin was Russian prime minister from 1992-98, and was seen as a force for moving Moscow closer to the West and forging a friendship with the US. The Yeltsin administration was highly regarded by the British.

The conversation with Major took place in the margins of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) summit on 2 December 1996. At the time Yeltsin was recovering from illness, but Chernomyrdin said he had been talking to him “almost every day”.

When Major asked Chernomyrdin what he thought of the OSCE summit, the Russian prime minister said the organisation’s “importance should be increased” as it could “lay the foundations for the new architecture of European security”.

He added: “It should be the pivotal organisation, rather than NATO, which had too obvious a military component to it.”

Nuclear ramp up

On NATO expansion Chernomyrdin conceded that Russia could not stop it but made clear “this would create a fragile situation which could explode”.

He added that “even those countries which wanted to join NATO could not explain why, and where the danger to them came from. Russia might have been seen as a danger in the past. This was no longer appropriate.”

But it was clear that NATO expansion was perceived as a significant threat to Russian security even by those in the Yeltsin administration prepared to acquiesce in that expansion. This meant that the scale down of nuclear weapons at the end of the Cold War would also be adversely affected by expanding NATO, Chernomyrdin said.

“If Russia had to face a unified Europe alone, she would need full nuclear protection, and nuclear reductions would no longer be appropriate,” he told Major.

Chernomyrdin warned that the proposed expansion would damage European security, which had been improving in the post-Soviet period.

“What would Europe and the new members gain in practice from NATO enlargement?” he asked Major. “Russia did not have a veto, but Russia was in danger of being vetoed by the rest of Europe. This would recreate volatility in Europe, just when peace and stability had been reestablished. Russia was not an enemy now but could become one.”

Damage to Russian reform

Major told Chernomyrdin: “We did not wish to do anything to unsettle Russia. The Russian leadership’s achievements of recent years were huge.”

But the Russian prime minister outlined the risks to the stability of the Yeltsin administration if new NATO members were invited in.

“The situation in Russia in those circumstances would not be controllable,” he said. “There would be a very negative reaction, as the public hostility – unifying Communists and fascists (Zhirinovksky) – to the latest decree on withdrawal from Chechnya had shown.”

Yeltsin had the previous month ordered the withdrawal of virtually all Russian forces in Chechnya. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was a Russian ultra-nationalist politician and the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

The withdrawal from Chechnya “had produced calls for the impeachment of Yeltsin, so the reaction to NATO enlargement could easily be imagined,” Chernomyrdin added. “Russian patience should not be tested again.”

He concluded: “An extreme reaction to NATO enlargement would also damage democracy and economic reform in Russia.”

New cooperation

NATO was at the time trying to create a new cooperation framework to soften the impact of its expansion on Russian opinion. But Chernomyrdin said Russia “was not clear about the path of cooperation, unless the functional core of NATO was changed. Russia could not rush into a partnership with NATO unless the ways of working together had been properly defined.”

At the time, NATO was pushing a new Charter with Russia.

“Russia could not be bought by a Charter – that would not convince the Russian people that NATO enlargement was not dangerous,” Chernomyrdin said.

For his part, John Major “repeated that sincere Russian fears were well understood” and conceded that “enlargement was obviously a sensitive issue, on which discussions would need to continue. Russian fears were well understood. He certainly did not brush them aside.”

But, he added, “enlargement would be an evolutionary and transparent process, moving in parallel with a better and broader security relationship with Russia.”

The final note in the document notes that “Chernomyrdin’s comments on NATO enlargement were both longer and more emotional than the above account would suggest. He was beginning to work himself up into quite a lather when lunch finally intervened.”


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Matt Kennard is chief investigator at Declassified UK. He was a fellow and then director at the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London. Follow him on Twitter @kennardmatt

Featured image is from Wikimedia Commons

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The Credit Suisse (CS) takeover by UBS, the largest Swiss bank, has taken place over the weekend, 18/19 March, when people are distracted and don’t focus on actions behind dark curtains. The merger was untransparent like in a dark room. See this on the build-up to the fusion to the UBS – CS fusion.

The Swiss bank, Credit Suisse (CS), Switzerland’s second largest bank, apparently one of the 30 most important players in international banking, which makes it a Too Big To Fail (TBTF) bank, has been in trouble for a while. Risky operations and several financial scandals around the world have eaten away on people’s trust in the bank. Billions of funds were withdrawn, and the share value plummeted from week to week, then from day to day.

International banking interlinkage and connectivity may only be challenged by international pharma. The duos dominance and control of worldwide business and people have never been stronger than it is today.

It’s frightening, when unbeknownst by most people, our very survival is exposed to the goodwill – or not – of these two economic monsters. Humanity needs food, water, and shelter to subsist. They control these too.

Given the global banking behemoth becoming more powerful by the day, is it wise to salvage a cog in the wheel of this financial predatory apparatus?

This is a fundamental question humanity must ask itself, when confronted with the collapse or saving of a TBTF bank. In the west such questions are not asked. They don’t even occur to the politicians. Private banking for the benefit of the shareholders, is widely overarching the need of the people, the needs of the real economy, as may be provided by public banking.

Private banking über alles!

Converting the failing CS, with a solid network of infrastructure, branch offices, sophisticated internal and external communication networks throughout Switzerland and abroad, into a public bank, belonging to the Cantonal (States) authorities, was never an option on the table for serious consideration.

The hundreds of billions that might have been saved, plus the infinitely more appropriate role for a potentially projected precarious economy ahead, was no consideration.

A Swiss sovereign, people-oriented solution was not even looked at. Instead, the Swiss Finance Minister consulted Washington on how to proceed.

Back to the UBS – CS merger

The Swiss banking “regulator”, FINMA – which is made up mostly of former bank and insurance execs – assured customers just a week before the alleged CS collapse that everything was fine. FINMA (Financial Market Supervisory Authority), is considered biased and lax towards the banking sector, when it comes to enforcing rules.

Over the past weekend – 18 / 19 March 2923 – the CS takeover by UBS, was brokered at ridiculous conditions, 3 billion Swiss francs (about US$ 3.2 billion). CS’s infrastructure throughout Switzerland alone is a worth a multiple of the take-over price.

Only about two weeks ago CS was assessed to be worth between 7 and 10 billion Swiss francs.

At the end of 2022, CS’s total assets were US$ 556.8 billion (CHF 531.4 billion 2022 end-year exchange rate); a decline of 32.7% from 2021. The bank’s liabilities were US$ 509.3 billion, a decline of 34.6% from 2021. Hence, CS’s net worth by end 2022 was US$ 47.5 billion (CHF 45.2 billion).

By the end of 2022, Credit Suisse had approximately CHF 1.3 trillion in assets under management.

It is true, with rumors of CS in crisis, combined with the memories of CS’s past 15 years of controversies and scandals in international banking, trust in the bank was fading. Here are some of the most talked about CS scandals:

  • 2007 mismarketing (over-valuing) of security positions;
  • 2009 assisting residents of sanctioned countries transferring money, an infraction against US and New York State laws;
  • 2013 illegal Forex (foreign exchange) manipulations
  • 2014 US tax fraud conspiracy;
  • 2015 Malaysia Development Berhad scandal (Berhad is a public limited-liability company – PLC);
  • 2017 Mozambique secret loan scandal;
  • 2018 US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violation;
  • 2018 Climate Controversy;
  • 2019 Espionage scandal;
  • 2021 Greensill Capital – a supply chain investment fund liquidation causing a US$ 3 billion loss to investors;
  • 2022 Drug money laundering scandal;
  • 2022 Swiss secrets leak; and
  • 2022 Russian oligarch loan-documents destruction after invasion of Ukraine – delinking them from their yacht properties.

For more details of CS scandals and controversies see this.

Until its acquisition by UBS this past weekend, CS was on Wall Street’s list as one of the largest and most profitable banks. It was considered one of the world’s most important banks, upon which international financial stability depends. The bank was also one of Fortune Magazine’s most admired companies.

Nevertheless, these larger and minor scandals have helped gradually nibble away on the public trust in the bank.

Finally, when in 2022 social media rumors projected the demise of the bank, stocks prices plunged. However, according to analysts, CS has a strong capital base and no liquidity problems.

Once a rumor takes hold about financial instability of an institution, the imagined “risk” factors explode exponentially. It has caused steady and ever-larger sums of fund withdrawals from the bank.

Yet, there was never a liquidity security risk, that the bank may collapse, cause a domino effect, and pull large segments of the worldwide international banking sector with it into the gutters.

On Friday March 17, the Swiss National Bank granted CS a “bail-out” line of credit of CHF 50 billion – which according to many analysts would have been enough to restructure and streamline the bank within a year or so into a new trustworthy financial institution.

Then suddenly, during the weekend 18 / 19 March, “the decision was taken” to force a marriage between UBS and CS. No transparent reason was given so far for this “fire sale” of a liquid bank with over a trillion dollars of asset management.

Strangely, there are no official figures available of CS net worth by 17 March 2022, when the heavily discounted price of CHF 3 billion was decided by the Swiss Government, led by Minister of Finance, imposed by decree, without any consultation with shareholders.

On Monday morning, 20 March, tumbling out of the black box, this and more aberrant decisions taken over the weekend were revealed. Minister of Finance, Ms. Karin Keller-Sutter, found an obscure law, “permitting” the government under certain emergency circumstances deciding on a take-over or merger by decree.

It was also revealed that before the UBS – CS take-over conditions were finalized, Ms. Keller-Sutter consulted with her US counterpart, Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury.

Again, blowing Swiss sovereignty out of the window.

Here are some other facts that emerged since the coerced deal during the weekend:

  • The UBS – CS merger should be finalized by end 2023;
  • The Swiss Government (Swiss tax-payer) provides the UBS a loss guarantee of up to CHF 9 billion;
  • The Swiss National Bank (SNB) grants UBS and CS a liquidity line of credit – called by its true name, a “bail-out” – of CHF 200 billion, of which the Swiss Government (tax-payer) is guaranteeing any uncovered amount.
  • Compare the CHF 200 billion with the CHF 50 billion the SNB offered CS to restructure and sanitize itself – which a day earlier was assessed as being sufficient;
  • In the context of the huge “bail-out”, it may be worth mentioning that on 5 March, two weeks ago, the SNB announced one of its biggest losses in recent history, of CHF 132.5 billion;
  • The leadership of the merged banks will remain with UBS;
  • The volume of the combined UBS/CS-managed assets will be about US$ 5 trillion.
  • This banking giant is expected to gradually control 30% to 50% of the Swiss market and will become an important player in the international arena, next to BlackRock (US$ 10 trillion) and Vanguard (US$ 7.2 trillion).

The Bottom Line

Already on Day One, Monday 20 March, after the coerced shotgun-marriage of UBS and CS, Lawyers are preparing a Class Action Suit in favor of the non-consulted CS shareholders against the Swiss Government.

As reported by the Swiss Tages-Anzeiger, allegedly the world’s largest US-based business attorney’s office, Quinn Emanuel, is putting together a team to challenge the legality of the UBS take-over of CS. Similar steps were announced by the London-based attorneys, Pallas Partners.

It looks like this shady deal has not yet seen the end of the day.

In such cases, where shareholders rights are at stake, there is usually a delay of several weeks between the decision and the finalization of the action, for opponents to intervene.

Is there still time to change course and convert the wobbling Credit Swiss conundrum into a public banking institution, at a much lower cost, providing the current CS shareholders with a just compensation?

In the future the “new public CS” would be serving the people, rather than private shareholders – becoming especially useful for the economy, if the predicted rocky times are to play out. See Forbes about the highly successful public Bank of North Dakota (BND).


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Anti-War Views Criminalized in Germany. Diana Johnstone

March 24th, 2023 by Diana Johnstone

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Divide and rule is the eternal law of Empire.

Above all, don’t let other big guys get together. Keep them at each other’s throats.  Half a century ago, stuck in the unwinnable Vietnam war, President Richard M. Nixon heeded Henry Kissinger’s advice to open relations with Beijing in order to deepen the split between the Soviet Union and China.

But which big guys, and when? Priorities have evidently shifted. Eight years ago, America’s most influential, private geostrategic analyst, George Friedman, defined the current dominant U.S. divide et impera priority, at work in Ukraine.

“The primordial interest of the United States is the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united, they’re the only force that could threaten us,” Friedman explained.

Russia’s main interest has always been to have a neutral buffer zone in Eastern Europe. But the U.S. purpose is to build a hostile cordon sanitaire from the Baltic to the Black Sea, as a definitive barrier separating Russia from Germany.

“Russia knows it. Russia believes the United States intends to break the Russian Federation,” said Friedman, jokingly adding that he thought the intention was not to kill Russia but only to make it suffer.

Speaking to an elite group in Chicago on April 13, 2015, Friedman noted that the U.S. Army commander in Europe, General Ben Hodges, had just visited Ukraine, decorating Ukrainian soldiers and promising them trainers.  He was doing this outside NATO, said Friedman, because NATO membership required 100 percent approval and Ukraine risked being vetoed, so the U.S. was going ahead on its own.

What the U.S. has long dreaded, said Friedman, is the combination of German capital and technology with Russian resources and labor.  The Nord Stream pipeline was leading in that direction, toward mutual trade and security arrangements that would no long require either the dollar or NATO.

“For Russia,” said Friedman, “the status of Ukraine is an existential threat. And the Russians cannot afford to let it go.”  For the United States, however, it is a means to an end: separating Russia from Germany.

Friedman concluded that the big question was, how will the Germans react?

So far, German leaders have been reacting like the loyal managers of a country under U.S. occupation – which it is.

The German Peace Movement Threat

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock during a virtual press conference with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington, D.C., Jan. 5, 2022. (State Department/Ron Przysucha)

Any sign of sympathy with Russia has been so demonized, repressed, even criminalized since the Russian invasion began on Feb. 24, 2022, that most German protests initially avoided taking any position on the war and focused on the economic hardships caused by sanctions.

But on Jan. 25 of this year, Chancellor Olaf Scholz gave in to U.S. pressure to send German Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, about the same time that German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, of the Green Party, casually told an international meeting that “we are fighting a war against Russia.”

This jolted people into action.

Spontaneous demonstrations broke out in large and small cities all over Germany with slogans such as “Ami (Americans) Go Home!”, “Greens to the Front!”, “Make Peace Without German Weapons.” Speakers condemned the tank deliveries for “crossing a red line,” accused the United States of forcing Germany into war with Russia, and called for Baerbock’s resignation.

The wave of demonstrations peaked one month later on Feb. 25 when up to 50,000 people rallied to the “Uprising for Peace” (Aufstand für Frieden) in Berlin, called on the initiative of two women, left politician Sahra Wagenknecht and veteran feminist writer and editor Alice Schwartzer.

Over half a million people signed their “Manifesto for Peace” calling on Chancellor Scholz to “stop the escalation of arms deliveries” and work for a ceasefire and negotiations.  Organizers called for reconstruction of a massive German peace movement, on the model of the anti-nuclear missile movement of the 1980s that led up to Russian acceptance of German reunification.

However, building a peace movement in Germany today faces many obstacles. Under U.S. military occupation since the end of World War II, German institutions and media are permeated with American influence, as is the legal order. Paradoxically, the trans-Atlantic American grip seems only to have tightened since German reunification.

Monitoring ‘Extremes’

Germany monitors political “extremism” through a domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, BfV (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz). Although strictly speaking Germany does not have a constitution, it has a strong Constitutional Court designed specifically to prevent any reversion to Nazi power practices.

Instead of a constitution, a transitional Basic Law approved by the Western occupying powers (the U.S., Britain and France) in 1949 enabled the Federal Republic to assume the government of West Germany. Upon reunification, the Basic Law was extended to all of Germany.

In the spirit of liberal “antitotalitarianism,” the BfV monitors both “left-wing extremism” and “right-wing extremism” as potential threats. “Islamic extremism” has more recently come under supervision. The underlying political implication is that “right-wing extremism” designates Nazi tendencies, while “left-wing extremism” leans toward Soviet-style communism.

This 20th century political topography implicitly establishes “the center” as an innocent middle-ground where citizens can feel at ease.  Even the most radical militarism is not “extreme” in this scheme of things.

Article 5 of the Basic Law grants individuals the right to express opinions, but there are numerous limitations in the Criminal Code, with punishment for “inciting hatred,” racism, anti-Semitism and prison terms for Holocaust denial.  Also prohibited are propaganda or symbols of “unconstitutional” organizations, disparagement of the State and its symbols, blasphemy against established religions and especially failure to respect “human dignity.”

Of course, what matters in all these laws is how they are interpreted.  The ban on “rewarding and approving crimes” (Section 140), that was originally intended to apply to convictions for violent civil crimes, has now been extended to the geopolitical sphere, namely, outlawing “approval or support” of what it terms “aggressive war.”

Antiwar activist Heinrich Bücker’s speech in Berlin last June 22 calling for good relations with Russia on the anniversary of the 1941 Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union was condemned by a Berlin court for “approving Russia’s crime of invasion.” In practice, any effort to clarify the Russian position by referring to NATO expansion and Kiev regime attacks on Donbass since 2014 can be interpreted as such “approval or support.”

Needless to say, Germans were never threatened with criminal prosecution for approving the U.S. invasions of Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan, much less the totally aggressive and illegal 1999 bombing of Serbia, in which they enthusiastically took part.  Widely celebrated as a laudable act of humanitarianism, that bombing campaign, killing civilians and destroying infrastructure, forced Serbia to allow NATO to occupy its province of Kosovo, where the Americans built themselves a huge military base. Ethnic Albanian rebels declared independence and thousands of non-Albanians were driven out.

German Police Enforce Centrist Conformity

As demonstrators gathered for the “Uprising for Peace” demonstration in Berlin, an organizer appeared on the speakers’ platform to read out a long list of things banned by police.  The list included numerous symbols or signs related to the Soviet Union, Russia, Belarus or Donbass; Russian military songs; “endorsement of the war of aggression currently being waged by Russia against Ukraine,” etc.

The day before, Berlin police had delivered to the organizers a detailed explanation justifying these prohibitions, specifying that “public safety was in imminent danger.” Police said that according to their information, “the participants of your meeting will mainly consist of people with an old-left, pro-Russian basic attitude, who are against the arms deliveries of the German government to Ukraine, the geopolitics of the ‘West/the USA’ and against NATO in general.”

The police had reason to believe that the Feb. 25 meeting would attract “very heterogeneous” participants “with their own views (state delegitimizers, conspiracy believers, supporters of the Putin regime, etc.)” and therefore, precautions must be taken.

The Cross-Front Threat

Weimar-era Communist Party of Germany, or KPD, leader Ernst Thälmann, in center front, with raised clenched fist, and members of the Alliance of Red Front-Fighters or RFB, marching through Berlin, 1927. (Bundesarchiv, CC-BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

Police referred to a comparable meeting a month earlier, on Jan. 27, whose organizers were accused by leftwing and antifascist groups of having “tolerated cross-thinkers (Querdenker)and people of the right scene at their meeting.” A cross-thinker is one who crosses the enemy front lines between left and right, an offense called “cross-front,” also referred to as “red-brown”.

What is remarkable is that in Germany, the establishment, the media, the BfV and notably the police have taken up the term “cross-front” (Querfront) with the same opprobrium as the Antifa movement where it is used ostensibly to enforce the ideological purity of the left. Initially it meant a rightwing appropriation of leftwing themes intended to seduce and mislead leftists into fascist combinations. The historical basis of the term lies in unsuccessful coalition attempts of rightwingers in the late Weimar Republic in a context of intense rivalry between strong Nazi and Communist movements vying for working class support, totally unlike the political atmosphere of today.

In the absence of either a strong Nazi or Communist movement, the term is currently used to denounce any cooperation, or even contact, between leftists and movements or individuals described as “extreme right.”  This label is frequently based on not much more than opposition to unlimited immigration, denounced as racism.

By this standard, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) opposition party (with 78 out of 736 seats in the current Bundestag) is “extreme right.” Since most Bundestag members critical of arming Ukraine come either from Die Linke (Left) party or the AfD, the anti-crossfront vigilance condemns in advance a broad, open antiwar opposition.

Subjective Evaluations by Police

German riot police during 2017 protests in Hamburg against the G20 meeting. (t–h–s -, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

According to the Feb. 24 Berlin police warning, “The approval of the war of aggression against international law, which the Russian Federation is currently waging against Ukraine, is punishable under Section 140 …”  Such approval can be expressed not only by words but by a number of signs and symbols.  In particular, the display of the letter “Z” (supposedly standing for the Russian expression za pobyedu – for victory) would constitute a criminal offense.

Even more far-fetched, the flag of the defunct U.S.S.R. is also criminalized, because, according to police: “the U.S.S.R. flag symbolizes a Russia within the borders of the former Soviet Union.” This, according to Berlin police, “is seen by experts as the actual desired goal of Russian President Vladimir Putin” and explains his attack on Ukraine.

“The present restrictions are expressly not directed against the content of expressions of opinion, which may not be prevented within the framework of Article 5 of the Basic Law, but are intended, from a contextual point of view, to prevent your assembly, in the manner in which it is conducted, from being suitable or intended for conveying a readiness to use violence and thereby having an intimidating effect, or from violating the moral sensibilities of citizens and fundamental social or ethical views in a significant manner.”

A Cautious Demonstration

The “Uprising for Peace” in the end provided no opportunities for police interventions or arrests.  Like the “Manifesto for Peace,” the German speeches largely avoided references to U.S. and NATO provocations leading to the war.

Only Jeffrey Sachs, whose opening speech in English was broadcast to the crowd on a screen, dared speak of the background to the Russian invasion: the 2014 Kiev coup, the U.S. arming of Ukraine, the U.S. opposition to peace negotiations, the likelihood that the U.S. was responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines and other facts susceptible of offending certain sensibilities.  But there was no chance that Berlin police would arrest Sachs, who was not in Germany.

The other speakers largely ignored the origins of the war, concentrating instead on fears of where it might lead: constant escalation of arms deliveries, even nuclear war. The huge crowd was bundled up against the icy cold and light snow.  Flags mostly portrayed peace doves and slogans called for diplomacy, for peace negotiations instead of arms deliveries, for avoidance of nuclear war.  Neo-Nazis and extreme rightists were declared unwelcome and must have come in disguise as they were scarcely visible.  The whole event could hardly have been more well-behaved and respectable.

Attacking Wagenknecht

Despite all this niceness, the demonstration and its organizers were fiercely attacked by politicians and media.  Sahra Wagenknecht is a popular figure, being pushed out of her dwindling Left Party (Die Linke) by leaders who tend to follow the increasingly bellicose Greens in the hope of being included in leftwing coalition governments.

Wagenknecht, married to Oskar Lafontaine, who as a leading Social Democrat was prominent in the antimissile movement of the 1980s, is rumored to be preparing to found a party of her own. This would fill a yawning gap in the current German political scene: an antiwar party firmly on the left. She must therefore be seen as the main political threat to the reigning coalition.

Thus Wagenknecht has been vehemently attacked for the fact that her antiwar speeches have been applauded in parliament by members of the AfD. And despite having repeatedly condemned the Russian invasion for breaking international law, other things she has said have been described as “close to the narrative” of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Despite her caution, she is blamed for “understanding” the Russian viewpoint, which is unacceptable.

In a major hit piece,  journalist Markus Decker called Wagenknecht the most influential enemy of democracy in Germany. Wagenknecht, he wrote, “is the personified embodiment of what intelligence officers have been warning about for years: the blurring of the boundaries between the political fringes and the extremes.”

[Translation of Sahra Wagenknecht’s tweet: “Rally at the BRB gate was a huge success & biggest #peace rally in years. Attempts to belittle or defame them will not work. Thanks to everyone who came! My speech at the rally:”]

In other words, she should be monitored by the BfV as a sponsor of the dreaded cross-front. “Wagenknecht, who has been systematically blurring the lines between dictatorship and democracy since the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine, is not about peace. It’s about destroying democracy. Wagenknecht is probably its most influential enemy in Germany,” Decker wrote.

In the past few years, as hostility toward Russia has been building in the West, the Antifa exclusionary dogma has strengthened within the left. The result is that the left is less interested in winning over conservatives than in excluding them.  This is a sort of essentialist identity politics: anyone “on the right” must be inherently an irreconcilable enemy.

There is no thought that perhaps some people may vote for the Alternative for Germany because they feel let down by other parties, for instance by the Left Party.   This could be especially true in East Germany, where both parties have roots.

Freedom of Opinion Under Threat

On March 15, a group of leftist artists and intellectuals released a petition calling for the defense of free expression. It reads:

 “Germany is in a deep crisis. … Disinformation and manipulation of the population largely determine the current media culture. Anyone who does not share the prescribed official opinion on the Ukraine war, criticizes it and makes this known publicly, is defamed, threatened and sanctioned or ostracized. … In such an atmosphere, open debates, the exchange and presentation of differing views in the media, science, art, culture and other areas are hardly possible anymore. A truly free formation of opinion by weighing different arguments is impossible. Bias and ignorance, but also intimidation, fear, self-censorship and hypocrisy are the consequences. This is incompatible with human dignity and personal freedom.”

Last month, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) introduced a new law making it possible to dismiss “enemies of the constitution” from the civil service by a simple administrative act.  “We will not allow our democratic constitutional state to be sabotaged from within by extremists,” Faeser said.  But in the view of the German Civil Servants’ Association, the bill “sends a message of mistrust to both employees and citizens.”

A war atmosphere is supposed to unite a nation. But imposed artificially, it exposes and creates deep divisions.


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Diana Johnstone is the author of Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO, and Western Delusions. Her latest book is Circle in the Darkness: Memoirs of a World Watcher (Clarity Press). The memoirs of Diana Johnstone’s father Paul H. Johnstone, From MAD to Madness, was published by Clarity Press, with her commentary. She can be reached at [email protected].

Diana Johnstone is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

Featured image: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Berlin, December 2022. (NATO)

Changing Society: Nature, Life, and Resistance in Culture Today

March 24th, 2023 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin

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“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” ― Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Elective Affinities


What kind of culture do we want? What kind of culture do we need? Our culture reflects our fundamental ideologies and these ideologies are rooted in patriarchal religion and neoliberal politics in the main.

It’s a culture that depicts the class system, war, and in general, people dealing with the system in its many different facets, through drama, adventure, comedy, terror, horror, etc.

The origins of our culture are thought to go back thousands of years when, for example, (in the ideas of James DeMeo) “climatic changes caused drought, desertification and famine in North Africa, the Near East, and Central Asia (collectively Saharasia) and this trauma caused the development of patriarchal, authoritarian and violent characteristics” about six thousand years ago.

The coming of the Kurgan peoples across Europe from c. 4000 to 1000 BC is believed to have been a tumultuous and disastrous time for the peoples of Old Europe. The Old European culture is believed to have centred around nature-based pagan ideologies.

Some believe the rise of patriarchy was due to the sexual division of labour about 2 million years ago, while others believe it was due to the later development of agriculture and private property.

Christ as Martyr and Master
Jan van Eyck (before c. 1390 – 9 July 1441)
Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych, c. 1430–1440.

However, these changes led to the growth of patriarchal religions that underpinned the ambitions of warring rulers, for example:

“In Christianity the rulers had a religion that assured their objectives. The warring adventurism of the new rulers needed soldiers for their campaigns and slaves to produce their food and mine their metals for their armaments and wealth. Thus, Christ was portrayed as Martyr and Master. In his own crucifixion as Martyr he provided a brave example to the soldiers, and as Master he would reward or punish the slaves according to how well they had behaved.”

The privatisation of property, extractivism, the necessity for food-producing slaves and a warrior class sustained and further extended the aims of elites throughout feudalism and capitalism up to the wars of today, and who are now competing for power and resources on a global scale. The terminology has changed but the fundamentals have not.

The exploitation of nature continues unabated with the ongoing destruction of the Amazon and wildlife, the global and mass use and abuse of animals, transnational polluting industries, chemical-driven industrial crop land, and factory ship over-fishing emptying our seas. The wars have also gotten greater with two world wars in the twentieth century and a third one hanging over our heads constantly threatening our very existence. The elites are a smaller group of people now but control ever-growing global monopolies.

Thus, looking at culture in general from this perspective, there are two important aspects of modern culture: the destruction of nature combined with death (war) and a culture of slavery (escapism, diversion, etc.).

The antithesis of these two aspects are respect for nature and life, and resistance to slavery in all of its forms. While we are surrounded by the culture of war and escapism, it is not easy to find an oppositional culture.

Yet it does exist, and two good recent examples are the Korean TV series Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022) (pro-nature), and White Tiger (2021) (anti-slavery), a film based on an adaptation of Aravind Adiga’s 2008 novel of the same name. These two fine dramas show us that alternatives to the current system and ideology can be produced.

“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.” ― George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron)

Nature and life – Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022)

Image: Promotional poster for Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022) By Naver, Fair use.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo is the story of Woo Young-woo, an autistic lawyer who is raised by her single father. She finds it difficult to get a job despite graduating with the highest distinction. However, she eventually gets a job in a top Seoul law firm, Hanbada, using her father’s connections.

Over time she learns to become an excellent lawyer and her colleagues grow to respect her. The series becomes a platform for progressive social, political, environmental and ethical issues fought out through the courts. Furthermore, the environmental theme is highlighted by her love of whales and dolphins especially when she “analogizes situations she faces in her professional and private life with the lives and characteristics of whales and dolphins [that] often surprises and confounds the people who surround her.”

These situations are often combined with beautiful, if surreal, photography of whales swimming past windows or combined with court scenes. Woo is also seen demonstrating with a colleague against the treatment of dolphins in a local aquarium.

However, Attorney Woo’s fellow rookie colleague, Kwon Min-woo, approaches their supervising lawyer Jung Myung-seok, angry at her sometimes unorthodox behaviour which he feels she is getting away with because of her disability. Jung Myung-seok reacts in a slightly annoyed tone:

“Attorney Kwon, you must really like penalties. […] When you experience a difference of opinion or a conflict at work, you need to talk with your colleagues and solve it.  Giving rewards or punishment over who is right or wrong for every single thing, that’s not like how I like to work.”

Here Myung-seok advises that conflict in life must be resolved through discussion, not by ‘giving rewards or penalties’, moving away from the authoritarian methods of the master.

Attorney Woo naturally reacts to selfishness, corruption and discrimination but she gradually learns that the pursuit of truth is a difficult path to carve out. Apart from Woo being a symbol of logic and reasoning in the service of truth, her connection with nature is direct and not mediated by a negative, consumer-orientated culture.

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.” ― Henry David Thoreau

Resistance to slavery – White Tiger (2021)

Image: Promotional poster for White Tiger (2021)

White Tiger tells the story of Balram Halwai who relates the ups and downs of his life in a letter to Chinese premier Wen Jiabao.

Balram was an intelligent young boy in an isolated village who aspires to work as a chauffeur for the son of the rich village landowner, Ashok, who has just returned from America with his American-Indian wife, Pinky. Ashok and Pinky go to Delhi to bribe politicians to reduce his family’s taxes and Balram joins them as their driver. Although they have liberal ideas about their servants, as soon as things turn bad they treat him like any other wealthy, entitled masters.

Balram is asked to drive Ashok with a huge sum of money for a bribe and then decides to escape his servitude by murdering Ashok and stealing the money to make a better life for himself. He then sets up a taxi company in a different city where he treats his drivers well and helps them when they get into the kind of troubles he experienced himself as a servant.

Balram believes “that the Indian underclass is trapped in a perpetual state of servitude, like chickens in a chicken coop.”

He states that “The greatest thing to come out of this country in its ten thousand year history: The Rooster Coop. They can see and smell the blood. They know they’re next. Yet they don’t rebel, they don’t try and get out of the coop.” He asks why the workers are so honest in their relations with their masters. “Why? Because Indians are the world’s most honest and spiritual people? No. It’s because 99.9 percent of us are caught in the Rooster Coop. The trustworthiness of servants is so strong that you can put the key of emancipation in a man’s hand and he will throw it back at you with a curse.” He describes the main problem of Indian society: “In the old days, when India was the richest nation on earth, there were one thousand castes and destinies. These days, there are just two castes: Men with Big Bellies and Men with Small Bellies.”

The writer of the original novel (The White Tiger, p254, 2008) Aravind Adiga, noted in the novel that:

“I won’t be saying anything new if I say that the history of the world is the history of a ten-thousand-year war of brains between the rich and the poor. Each side is eternally trying to hoodwink the other side: and it has been this way since the start of time. The poor win a few battles (the peeing in the potted plants, the kicking of the pet dogs, etc.) but of course the rich have won the war for ten thousand years.”

Balram’s escape from slavery, his resistance to the master, comes with tragedy as his extended family is murdered by the village landlord. He believes that he is a White Tiger, a symbol of freedom, because he escaped slavery and ultimately encourages his own employees to do the same:

(monologue and description from the screenplay)

“Balram speaks directly to his Drivers as he gathers them and brings them outside to the front of his business.

BALRAM – Now, what happens in your typical Hindi film about murder? A poor man kills a rich man and then gets nightmares of the dead man pursuing him screaming: “Murderer! Shame!” It doesn’t happen like that. The real nightmare is the other kind – where you didn’t do it, that you didn’t kill your master, that you lost your nerve, and that you’re still a servant to another man. But then you wake up, the sweating stops, your heartbeat slows. The nightmare is over. You did do it. You killed your master.
Balram steps away from them and speaks directly into the camera:

BALRAM (TO CAMERA) – I have switched sides. I’ve made it. I’ve broken out of the coop.

He exits frame, leaving a wall of drivers, servants, perhaps new White Tigers, ready to strike, confronting the camera, confronting the audience…”

Balram takes chances and resists slavery. He may be wealthy now but he does not feel part of the wealthy class. He has broken out of the coop and ‘switched sides’, and he has no problem enlightening and even encouraging his drivers to do the same. In a way he plays the rich at their own game: using their tactics of murder and disloyalty to escape from their binds.

“Happy slaves are the bitterest enemies of freedom.” ― Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Of diets and glaciers

Given the current state of the political and financial crises of late capitalism. i.e., the possibility of an all-out global war and the worsening destruction of the environment (upon which our sustenance is based), the constant re-examination of our culture is of utmost importance. For many people the movement for change seems glacial and leads them to live out their lives on the cultural diet created mainly by producers whose primary motive is profit, not social and political change.

However, the illusion of peace and freedom created by this timeless culture is situated in real historical conditions that are constantly changing.

Over time and with different forces underneath, even the slowest of glaciers can suddenly break apart and form cracks. The greatest aspiration of cultural producers today would be to show that happiness does not consist in diversion from worry but in confronting the sources of our current ills instead, and to remember what Leonard Cohen wrote, “Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”


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Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin is an Irish artist, lecturer and writer. His artwork consists of paintings based on contemporary geopolitical themes as well as Irish history and cityscapes of Dublin. His blog of critical writing based on cinema, art and politics along with research on a database of Realist and Social Realist art from around the world can be viewed country by country here. Caoimhghin has just published his new book – Against Romanticism: From Enlightenment to Enfrightenment and the Culture of Slavery, which looks at philosophy, politics and the history of 10 different art forms arguing that Romanticism is dominating modern culture to the detriment of Enlightenment ideals. It is available on Amazon ( and the info page is here.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Book cover of The White Tiger (2008)

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Bill Gates, writing in the NY Times, is worried that we’ll make the same mistakes again. What mistakes are those you ask? Lockdowns? Unnecessarily testing absolutely everybody? Quarantining the healthy? Of course not! Old Bill wants all of those things but more quickly and with a lot more money definitely not going through his pockets.

He likens the situation to a city with firefighters. With well trained and funded firefighters, if a fire breaks out, they respond quickly and they stop the fire from spreading. That all sounds reasonable but what happens if a fire only happens every hundred years or so? The firefighters will get restless and perhaps they might even start a fire or two to see some action. They signed up to be heroes, not to just sit around waiting for something that most likely will never happen in their working life times.

Even if the bored firefighters didn’t actually start a fire, they would certainly exaggerate the risks of one. And you can understand it from their point of view. They are constantly training to save people’s lives, they don’t want to have wasted their time pencil pushing.

The World Health Organisation (WHO), probably together with Mr Micro Soft, is trying to set up a ‘Global Health Emergency Corps’. This military sounding network will consist of the world’s top health emergency leaders, conducting drills to practice for pandemic outbreaks. And as with the bored firefighters, how long before new pathogens are exaggerated out of all proportions or worse?

Mr Gates wants all countries to have large-scale testing capabilities to check human waste for the latest virus. But the more we test and the more we look for new viruses, the more we will find and the more new pandemics there will be. Blamed on climate change of course, not the increased testing.

He says it’s important we look for lots of different types of pathogens too. However, over the last 20-30 years we have seen how many new viral scares there have been. Fortunately, none of them killed many people and there wasn’t much panic due to lack of social media and unrefined propaganda. Now, however, they have all the tools in place. They have seen what works and what doesn’t. What causes fear and what encourages others to prolong the panic. We will have a new global pandemic every five years if the same modellers and doomsters are in charge.

If a positive sample is found, Bill wants the Emergency Corps to deploy a rapid response team “to find people who might be infected”. You’ve been writing on Substack and you just sneezed, you might be infected, into quarantine prison for you.

Bill says we need professional corps from every country and region. They can’t be volunteers, they must be compensated for responding to transnational threats. It sounds more and more like an army the more he writes.

The Emergency Corps must be led by people like the heads of national public health agencies, he says. Because public health agencies have done such a great job this time round.

Emergency Corps will make sure countries and health systems are coordinated in advance of an emergency, so that everything runs smoothly during times of crisis. What he means here is that what he says goes and countries will no longer have sovereignty. You might have elected an anti-lockdown politician but Bill says we need a lockdown and the Emergency Corps will enforce that decision.

And obviously money is a key driver in all of this as well.

Bill says this is a trillion-dollar problem and we must invest in the Global Health Emergency Corps. Furthermore, wealthier countries need to step up and provide the funding. You will be paying for your own demise through further lockdowns and business closures. You won’t be able to afford your groceries but you’ve paid the wages of the Emergency Corps who are dragging you into quarantine after your neighbour ratted on you for coughing one too many times.


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As reported by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President Xi’s special plane arrived at the Moscow Vnukovo Airport around 13:00 local time. As he stepped out of the plane, President Xi was warmly greeted by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko and other senior Russian officials by the ramp.

The Russian side held a grand welcome ceremony at the airport. The military band played the national anthems of China and Russia. President Xi Jinping inspected the honor guard of the three services and watched the march-past.

President Xi Jinping delivered an arrival statement, extending warm greetings and best wishes to the Russian government and people on behalf of the Chinese government and people. He stressed that China and Russia are friendly neighbors connected by shared mountains and rivers. Our two countries have consolidated and grown the bilateral relationship on the basis of no-alliance, no-confrontation and not targeting any third party, and set a fine example for developing a new model of major-country relations.

The growth of China-Russia relations has not only brought tangible benefits to the people of our two countries, but also made important contributions to the development and progress of the world.

President Xi noted that both being major countries in the world and permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and Russia play important roles in international affairs.

In a world of volatility and transformation, China will continue to work with Russia to safeguard the international system with the UN at its core, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. China will work with Russia to uphold true multilateralism, promote a multi-polar world and greater democracy in international relations, and help make global governance more just and equitable. He is confident that the visit will produce fruitful results, and inject fresh impetus into the sound and steady growth of China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era.

These are the PressTV questions.

PressTV: How important is this visit and what message is it sending?

Peter Koenig: It is important these days for the world to know that there is a close association between the two countries and close friendship by the two leaders.

It again signals that China and Russia are moving towards a multi-polar world and that China is cooperating with Russia in finding a solution of PEACE for Ukraine.

President Xi’s trip to Moscow is of further significance, because the global situation calls for an intensified understanding of the wider context of what is going on in the world. Sino-Russian relations are key for addressing the external challenges that both countries face.

In February 2022, Moscow launched military operation in Ukraine, seeking to eliminate the Nazi-regime, and the Nazi remnants in the country, widely called the Azov Battalions, who were fighting for Hitler’s Third Reich; as well as to defend and protect the self-declared independent Donbass Region which was under constant assault from Ukraine military and terror groups since the 2014 Maidan coup (more than 14,000 people were killed during this period, at least half of whom women and children); and finally, to show the world that President Putin was – and is – serious when he drew a red line with regards to NATO moving ever closer to Moscow.

In the course of the year this has turned out to become a proxy war between the US / NATO and Russia. The west, especially NATO countries is heavily involved by supplying Ukraine with by now close to 130 billion dollars-worth of weaponry and cash, supposedly to run the overly indebted and corrupt Ukraine Administration.

Never mind, that only about a third of the weapons supplied by the west are used at the front. The vast majority ends up on the black market. These weapons might eventually hunt the west in the form of “terrorist attacks”.

This is well-known by the west, since Ukraine has hardly any trained military personnel to handle these weapons, and simply because the country is so corrupt that the money generated on the black market with this weaponry will flow into the pockets of politicians and military cadre.

Nevertheless, the two leaders are also expected to talk about how to achieve a lasting peace in the region. China had proposed a comprehensive and valid 12-point Peace-Plan ready for negotiations, but Washington – yes Washington and NATO, not Ukraine leadership, have rejected the plan before it was even discussed.

The west does not want peace. They want to weaken Russia as much as possible, before possibly launching an all-out attack on Moscow. This is what the ten-year long “hidden war” (1991-2000) by father Bush did to Iraq. It weakened the country to pave the way for the 2003 criminal “shock and awe” attack.

Destroying Russia has been the plan for over a century, to take over and control Russia, an extremely resources-rich country.

WWI and WWII were made for it. Hitler was funded by Washington to invade and conquer Russia. Hélas, he failed, but the tragic result were 25 to 30 million Russian deaths.

PressTV: Before the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping met in the Chinese capital. The two pledged ‘no limits’ to the Russian-Chinese partnership. This partnership has grown over time but recently it has become even closer and stronger. How important of a moment is this for the two countries relations?

PK: Well – as stated above, this meeting between the two presidents is of utmost significance.

It sends a clear message to Washington but also to Europe that there is no limit to the cooperation between the two countries.

And it shows that there is an independent Powerhouse, without that powerhouse wanting to have supreme power over the world, as Washington pretends to have for itself.

Russia and China are not seeking hegemony, but are rather aiming at a multi-polar world. The nefarious neocon plan of a One World Order, propagated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) is the opposite of what China and Russia are aiming to promote: Peaceful cooperation among sovereign countries, aiming at using their own political, financial, and human resources to forge associations in trade, manufacturing, research, infrastructure development and more.

Many western countries are drifting eastwards, as we speak, with the idea of abandoning the western dominated, sanction-prone hegemonic, coercive, and war-mongering world.

Existing eastern organizations, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), are attractive and sought after for integration; case in point is Iran – and others.

BRICS-plus are strongly seeking integration into the eastern politico-economic fold. The “plus” stands first for Iran who is a prime candidate to join the BRICS alliance, as well as SCO. But it refers also to at least a dozen more western candidates.

These nations not only are intending to free themselves form Washington’s political hegemony, but also from the US-dollar dominance and dependence.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – a President Xi idea, launched in 2013 in Kazakhstan and Indonesia – will be an excellent tool for eastern integration. China for the past year or so has reoriented BRI towards the BRICS countries.

It is likely that Presidents Putin and Xi Jinping will also talk about the process and development of BRI, in order to further Eurasia’s development and integration in a peaceful manner. In fact, it is likely that Eurasia – the largest contiguous landmass of 55 million square kilometers – an old / new market – may have a special place in the two leaders discussions.

It would fit their overall strategy – away from Globalization and towards a multi-polar world. How Europe, floating between west and east, will react, remains to be seen. If Europeans are interested in their survival, there is no other way than opening up and reestablishing strong relations with Russia and China – and becoming part of a new Eurasia market and socioeconomic development area.

PressTV: While western countries led by the United States have been pressuring and provoking Beijing and Moscow at increasing levels, it seems the two are moving closer together. Analysts believe that the US itself has invigorated this alliance, and the closer ties between Russia and China is a response to the Washington’s antagonizing behavior and is in competition with the US and its own alliances. Do you see in that light as well?

PK: Yes, I do believe that the western antagonism against Russia and China played an important role in bringing the two countries closer together. By now, however, their friendly and strategic relationship has generated its own dynamics, independent of western aggressions.

The ramifications of this strategic alliance and the personal friendship of the two leaders, generates motivation and trust of western countries to detach from the western warrior economy and join the east.

This trend becoming increasingly visible is a sort of competition between east and west. It is, however, not one based on aggression, but rather one that is evolving by its own.

PressTV: The meeting is focusing on bi-lateral ties, but much has been projected on China’s proposal for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. How much sway do you think Beijing has right now to effect negotiations regarding Ukraine?

PK: This is difficult to say. Russia has always expressed their willingness to negotiate.

On the other hand, NATO and Washington have just said within the last 48 hours that there should be no negotiations. It clearly shows who calls the shots on Ukraine. It is certainly not Zelenskyy. Ukraine has long ceased being a sovereign country. Since the Maidan Coup, in February 2014, instigated by Washington, NATO and the EU, Ukraine is no longer an independent nation.

Under these circumstances it is not easy to achieve peace.

To any thinking person, it is clear that Ukraine will never win this war, no matter how many arms they get from the west. In all this mega anti-Russia propaganda, the people of Ukraine are suffering. Especially those who do not have the means to leave the country. At the end of 2021, before the war began, Ukraine had a population of 43.8 million.

Today, there are barely more than 30 million left in the county. And it’s those left in the war-torn country, who are suffering from the conflict, and this not so much from Russia’s aggression, as President Putin has given clear instructions to Russia’s military, to avoid to the extent possible civilian targets, including people and infrastructure.

By independent journalists’ account, often Ukrainian troops destroy their own neighborhoods, including with Ukrainian casualties, to blame destruction and victims on Russia. Western media pick up the lie and propagate it in the west as truth about Russian aggression.

It would indeed be a miracle, if the two Presidents were to find a solution on how to embark on Peace negotiations. But sometimes miracles do happen.

PressTV: On the issue of Taiwan, under Joe Biden the US has been more vocal of military support in favor of Taiwan. What is Washington pursuing here? Is it trying to prod China into giving a dramatic response? What does China and Russia’s growing alliance mean for the US and its policies in South-East Asia?

PK: It is unlikely that Washington will begin supplying Taiwan with weapons. This would bring about a live confrontation. As retired U.S. Army Colonel, Douglas Macgregor has said on many occasions, the US cannot afford another war, not financially, not by military personnel, nor by war technology. So, whatever the US is saying and boasting about is probably nothing more than propaganda bluff.

Besides, what the western media never report on, is the close relationship the two parts of China already have, in terms of tens of thousands of Taiwanese regularly working in mainland China and vice-versa. Also, there is a massive exchange of investments on both sides which further links the two entities of the same nation together, so that Taiwan will eventually peacefully integrate into mainland China.

That’s what President Xi has often predicted, there will be a peaceful integration of Taiwan into the PRC –  the People’s Republic of China.

Joe Biden’s talk about an independent Taiwan, and his sending Congressional and business “missionaries” to Taiwan for holding “strategic talks” with Taiwan’s leadership, is nothing but provocation. Beijing is well-aware of it – taking such US “advances” with calm.

More worrisome may be the hundreds of US military bases surrounding Russia and China, especially in the South China Sea. Nevertheless, the South China Sea is still controlled by China, no matter how many US war vessels circulate on a regular basis through the South China waters.

PressTV: Having in mind the recent rapprochement between Iran and Saud Arabia that was mediated by China, will Beijing’s links with nations in the region begin to enhance?

PK: China’s diplomatic overture, bringing the two feuding nations, Saudi Arabia and Iran again together, is President Xi’s extraordinary diplomatic gain. We just hope it will last and that it will also bring lasting Peace to Yemen.

This success is also a sign that China is indeed well-seen in the Middle East, and, yes, it is well foreseeable that China will in the future have more impact in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world – also in Latin America – with her diplomatic approach – more so than the west.

China has clearly stepped on the world stage as a power that is trusted. Many countries, in the west, as well as in the east – trust China and are happy to be able to abandon their western allies to join the peaceful and cooperative east. Again, the Belt and Road is an excellent tool to bringing the world closer together, to bring about international cooperation, while maintaining each country’s sovereignty.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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What if there was a new approach to global affairs where wars and regime change were a thing of the past and was replaced with diplomacy and respect?  Let’s face it, the last five centuries or so, European and American hegemonic ambitions have basically made the world a dangerous place.  From European colonialism in Latin America and Africa to the genocide of indigenous tribes in the Americas set the foundation of Western dominance for centuries to come.  Since the Spanish-American War of 1898, the US and in many cases, its NATO allies has started wars and even supported dictators and terrorists all over the world including Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Syria, Yugoslavia, Yemen, Lebanon, Vietnam, Chile, Nicaragua and elsewhere.  They even imposed devastating economic sanctions, regime change against sovereign governments on a worldwide scale, in other words, Western dominance has been a global disaster.   

You can say what you want about China, it is true that the one-party system has many problems internally like many other countries, but when it comes to establishing peace among nations, China so far has been successful.  The normalization of ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia is a big deal, but anti-China hawks from both sides of the aisle in Washington and the Mainstream Media especially Fox News has downplayed the developments. In fact, skepticism has flooded the US mainstream media,

Fox news headlined with ‘China-brokered talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran a ‘troubling’ development, former DNI warns’ and ‘China denies hidden motives after brokering talks between Saudi Arabia, Iran’while CNN led with ‘Isolated Iran finds ally China reluctant to extend it a lifeline’ and MSNBC ‘The China-brokered Saudi-Iran deal has big repercussions for the Middle East — and the U.S.’  and of course, The New York Times with‘China-Brokered Deal Upends Mideast Diplomacy and Challenges U.S.’ in other words, the US establishment is in panic mode.  It’s hard for me to say this but the Associated Press (AP) had a more realistic view in an article with a headline that seems more rational, Iran, Saudi Arabia agree to resume ties, with China’s help’:

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed Friday to reestablish diplomatic relations and reopen embassies after seven years of tensions. The major diplomatic breakthrough negotiated with China lowers the chance of armed conflict between the Mideast rivals — both directly and in proxy conflicts around the region

The developments do have implications on Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen:

The deal, struck in Beijing this week amid its ceremonial National People’s Congress, represents a major diplomatic victory for the Chinese as Gulf Arab states perceive the United States slowly withdrawing from the wider Middle East. It also comes as diplomats have been trying to end a long war in Yemen, a conflict in which both Iran and Saudi Arabia are deeply entrenched

This new development can lead to another peace deal that can end that horrific war which has claimed the lives of more than 130,000 Yemenis according to the United Nations estimates.  Yemen is also experiencing a hunger crisis with more than 23 million people who need food and medical supplies.  The US-backed Saudi war has destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure including hospitals, schools, factories, roads, and bridges.  It is fair to say that China’s peace initiative between Iran and Saudi Arabia is a positive development.

Regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, China has taken an important step in trying to establish a peaceful outcome with a 12-point plan published by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis’ which pinpoints key elements that includes respecting the sovereignty of all countries, abandoning the Cold War mentality, resolving the humanitarian crisis to stopping unilateral sanctions are the necessary steps needed to resolve the ongoing conflict.   

One other important element in the 12-point plan is to reduce the threat of a nuclear conflict between Russia and the US-NATO alliance, “nuclear weapons must not be used, and nuclear wars must not be fought. The threat or use of nuclear weapons should be opposed. Nuclear proliferation must be prevented, and nuclear crisis avoided. China opposes the research, development, and use of chemical and biological weapons by any country under any circumstances.”

These developments are important first steps in achieving peace and prosperity around the world.  A multipolar world order is taking place where new powers are trying to bring peace to a world where death and destruction has been the norm for the last five hundred years of European and American dominance.  Any new developments that can lead to peace should be welcomed with open arms, but Western powers, especially the US are committed to their endless wars, economic sanctions and their regime change agenda so that they can continue their drive to create a world order consistent with the absurd idea of the World Economic Forum’s plan to establish a Great Reset that will only benefit the globalist cabal.


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from SCN

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Pilot Josh Yoder reports: “I’m being notified by passengers on a Southwest flight departing Las Vegas that the captain became incapacitated soon after takeoff this morning. He was removed from the flight deck and replaced by a non Southwest pilot who was commuting on that flight. This is now the fifth pilot incapacitation that I’m aware of in the past two weeks. I will post more details as they become available.” (click here)

Fifth pilot incident this month…

March 13, 2023 – Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off (click here)

March 11, 2023 – United Airlines Flight 2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains (click here)

March ?, 2023 – British Airways pilot collapsed in Cairo hotel and died, was scheduled to fly Airbus A321 from Cairo to London (click here)

March, 3, 2023 – Virgin Australia VA-717 flight Adelaide to Perth was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure. (click here)


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from TOMAS DEL CORO/Flickr

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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“We are speaking now with thousands of those in the 9/11 truth movement who are waiting for somebody to stand up and run for president on this platform because we feel that it is the single most important issue of our time.” (Richard Gage)


Richard Gage: We have an incredible opportunity for you today, Emanuel Pastreich, who is running for president, and is a brilliant scholar. We are speaking with him today because he’s a 9/11 aware candidate – [with some very specific demands!].

Why does he claim that this is the time to push the ugly truth about 9/11 from the margins into the mainstream of American politics?

Who exactly was behind the 9/11 attacks?

We will ask what is his “Fear No Evil” campaign.

There are indeed some fearless leaders in the 9/11 truth movement. This one is running for president, the only candidate who made 9/11 truth a plank on his platform.

He got our attention right away and he’s earned my respect.

He’s president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Korea, Tokyo and Hanoi, and has been a university professor for two decades.

Pastreich declared his candidacy for President of the United States as an independent in February 2020.

Originally, a scholar of Asian studies, he writes on both East Asian classical literature and current issues in international relations and technology.

Emanuel suggests that COVID-19 will be replaced. This is not good news by the way, because he says it is already being replaced by artificial food shortages, planned inflation, the end of money, the promotion of mass surveillance, implementation of social credit and other totalitarian economics, and other strategies for control.

We’re very fortunate to have a deep thinker like Pastreich as our guest today, and we hope he lights away forward through the dark path that the deep state has paved with 9/11.

Emanuel Pastreich: Hello Richard and Gail, it’s an honor to be here.

Gail Gage: Thank you. The honor is ours.

Richard Gage: We want to hear from the mind that produced those statements. But first let us ask you a simple question.

Emanuel Pastreich: There are no simple questions.

Richard Gage: How did you become aware of the truth about 9/11, and when did that happen?

Emanuel Pastreich: Oh, well, I took two semesters of physics in high school.

Richard Gage: Oh, dear.

You never should have done that.

Emanuel Pastreich: That was my mistake, I guess. The very moment that I saw the crash on TV it clear to me that the mainstream narrative made no sense. But I was also aware of the struggles going on within the federal government at the time, that might have led to this act—so it wasn’t a total surprise.

Richard Gage: Let’s talk about your education and your profession.Take us a little deeper.

Emanuel Pastreich: So I was born in Nashville, grew up in Saint Louis. And I was a professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, for about eight years.

I decided as an undergraduate at Yale that the future was going to be Asia and that we needed Americans who understood Asia well. So, I was trained in Chinese as an undergraduate; then I studied in Japan for six years, and then I studied it in Korea for many years as well. I wanted to understand Asia well, as a professor in the United States.

Bring on more 9/11-Aware Guests!

So that effort shaped me. I think it was good to be out of the corrupt stream of American culture for a few years in my life as well. That gave me a bit of distance from the collapse of American society. It’s often invisible to many people—unless you’re able to pull away from it for a while.

I had a very strong sense when professor at the University of Illinois that I had been so lucky to get such a good education. I come from, not a rich family, but a privileged family. I was able to attend Yale and Harvard. My father and my mother are intellectually oriented. So I felt a profound obligation to my society.

These things we get like education are not just entitlements, they’re privileges. It’s our responsibility, as intellectuals, to stand up, to take risks when we called upon to do so.

That sense of obligation is where all the trouble started. I was at University of Illinois during 9/11, and the other events, before and after (most of which people still are afraid to speak of).

Richard Gage: And you’re thinking that way. I mean, tell us when did your thinking diverge? When did you realize that your fellow schoolmates and graduates from these Ivy League colleges were not fulfilling the responsibilities that they had to society, as you write in your essay, “The Treason of the Intellectuals?”

Emanuel Pastreich: I think it’s an extremely serious issue because we cannot expect the working man, the working woman, to be able to understand complex issues of physics, or international relations, or economics. They depend upon educated people to play that role of interpreter, and so the decision of the intellectual elites, whether lawyers, diplomats, journalists, or professors, to side with the “powers that be,” the super-rich and against the working man, the working woman, in the United States, was a profoundly disturbing shift.

I’m not sure exactly when it happened.

9/11 was a critical historical moment in that process, but we can trace it back to Oklahoma.

There was a series of planned events from Oklahoma, through the December 2000 Supreme Court Ruling on the Bush-Gore election, that set the stage for 9.11.

And I felt, as a professor, I had to talk about this profound crisis. Needless to say, there was a price to be paid for that decision.

Richard Gage: Let us go back to the 2000 Supreme Court ruling.

Emanuel Pastreich: The Supreme Court ruling on the election of George W. Bush was a landmark in American institutional decay. The Supreme Court had no authority to make a ruling on the election in the first place.

It was an operation to seize control by appointing George W. Bush as President. Now, George W. Bush did not make all the decisions.

Hidden powers started to make day-to-day decisions behind the scenes as never before after that ruling.

Richard Gage: How was the United States run then?

Emanuel Pastreich: We are talking about, at the most fundamental level, a cultural decadence and indulgence, a decline in our civilization, that made it possible to push the envelope for criminal governance in the United States.

Now, humans are depraved creatures to start with, as we know from the Bible, but it got much, much worse, after that Supreme Court ruling–setting the stage for 9.11.

Richard Gage: We are speaking now with thousands of those in the 9/11 truth movement who are waiting for somebody to stand up and run for president on this platform because we feel that it is the single most important issue of our time.

Emanuel Pastreich: Absolutely.

Richard Gage: What result of 9/11 has caused you the greatest concern?

Emanuel Pastreich: I think the rise of invisible governance was the most serious result of it. We have a small group of private equity funds, the strategy teams and intelligence teams for various multi-billionaires, and those representing major multinational corporations who are behind everything. They have confused us profoundly by planting half true, half untrue, narratives about 9/11 to confuse us.

They knew from the beginning that they’re not going to be able to keep this secret. They had to create a whole series of conspiracy theories, all of which are partially true, but none of which really explains the bottom line.

Some say, “The CIA did it.” Well, I have no problem with that assumption. But what we want to know is which unit in the directorate of operations, which working group, which team, following which chain of command, was responsible. Who gave the orders to whom? If we don’t have the names, if it is still classified, then what possible configurations were there? It can only have been done in a very limited number of ways.

Those documents are still there. They haven’t disappeared. But most of the people in the discussion are not asking the right questions: who was it , in DoD and in CIA, who got which internal directive from which supervisors, and how were those directives linked to the lobbying efforts, the bribery, of multinational corporations, private equity funds, and a handful of multi-billionaires who hatched this scheme?

I am concerned about the vagueness with which people approach the question of 9/11.

Richard Gage: Well, let’s ask some sharper questions then.

Emanuel Pastreich: I don’t have all the answers, but we can put them together between us.

Richard Gage: What are you going to ask? Yeah, in a real investigation that you would run, I presume, as president.

Emanuel Pastreich: 9.11 truth is in my platform and I’ve given several speeches on the topic. It’s a gangrene that has infected our whole society. There are two issues. 9.11 was like a stiletto stab. It barely leaves a trace on the surface, and the skin heals up immediately so you cannot see the point of penetration. But beneath the surface, horrific, deadly infections are brewing.

Making the chain of command visible will require us to declassify a large number of documents, perhaps overnight. We do not have time to file hundreds of freedom information act requests over 20 years.

Our lawyers must take the strong position that because everything that was done was criminal, therefore everything must be declassified immediately.

The second part of the project is healing the American psyche, the American mind, the sick American culture.

That is the more important part because so many people know that there was something wrong about 9/11. The story doesn’t make sense; and yet they’re unable to address it.

When I bring up the topic in conversation, their response is silence. They don’t say I’m wrong; they’re just silent.

It is the intellectual or cultural equivalent of rape, child abuse, or incest in that we were violated. The government, the universities, the media, and the authority figures all around us like doctors, in the case of COVID-19, engineers, in the case of 9/11, all lied to us and they seduced us.

The resulting trauma, just like incest or rape, is so great that the individual is unable to come to grips with what has taken place. Therefore treating this trauma is the other key. We need to grasp the facts, reveal the chain of command, the specific chain of command through which the actions were taken. And then we must address the deep psychological trauma for Americans.

Richard Gage: Let’s jump into what you can actually accomplish as President. We have those who are calling you a vanity candidate. What is your response to them?

Get a Real 9/11 Investigation

Emanuel Pastreich: Right. Well, so I started this campaign back in 2020 when it became clear that in the Biden- Trump election there was not going to be a legitimate result, that it was going to be a “selection.”

I wanted to give Americans an alternative, a real one. So I addressed COVID-19 and 9/11, and other issues like money, that politicians will not touch.

I made my declaration on February 13, 2020, and then I was marooned in Korea, far from the United States, by February 23rd. So my real campaign in the United States didn’t last very long. There was a tremendous price to be paid for this act by me and my family.

I was basically unemployed for two out of the last three years, that made running for president more difficult–and people were afraid to support me directly–even if they secretly sympathized.

That is the price you must pay. I accept that.

The first six months in Korea I was completely unemployed. I lived in this temple in the mountains. And then I got a job working for a think tank focused on city planning. They tried to help me out but I was unemployed again after a year. So I moved to the countryside, got a tiny room, cut my expenses to nearly zero, and spent all my time writing speeches, reading, and thinking about what we need to do.

That was the best strategy for running for president possible. I never begged billionaires for anything.

Even though I was blocked out of the mainstream, even though I was not referenced anywhere by the newspapers, I believed then that if I continued to write speeches that were powerful, drawing on the tradition of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Frederick Douglass, if I made my point in a succinct, logical, and rational manner, that there would be an audience and that I could get traction over time.

After 14 months, Global Research started publishing my speeches for a general audience and I got the attention that I needed to be a serious candidate.

My platform is not just about 9/11. But 9/11 cannot be separated from the attempt to dumb down people, to destroy our ability to think independently, to make us indulgent, to addict us to social media and to pornography, to create a stupid political discourse of fat cats and slices of chocolate cake.

Richard Gage: Well, let’s go to what you said in the article to those who accuse you of running a vanity campaign.

You said,

“To those who accuse me of running a vanity campaign I ask, I demand, of any of those politicians who think that they’re qualified to run for president,

“One, have you condemned the criminal operation that planned a false flag attack on the United States, known as the 9/11 event, as a means of dragging the United States into foreign wars and demolishing the republic? Have you asked for an international investigation?

(Of course the answer is no)

“Two, have you demanded the return to the Federal Reserve of the $10 to $15 trillion stolen between January and September of 2020? (And of course that number is even much, much higher now, of course, with COVID scam) by multinational investment banks and other global players. Have you demanded that the criminals behind the theft be jailed?”

(And of course they haven’t)

So you’re on top of them, you’re calling them out.

Emanuel Pastreich: All those interested can visit my website ( which presents my platform, positions and links to most articles and speeches.

I am in the process of rewriting the platform because we’ve gotten into so much trouble on this question of the term “climate change,” which I used back then. Because the real destruction of the environment has been co-opted and corrupted by the effort to control of human life by multinational investment banks and the super-rich, we need to rephrase the entire problem.


I’m sorry, that was my mother trying to call me. I’ll call her later.

Richard Gage: Presidential candidates have mothers, too?

Emanuel Pastreich: My mother’s 93. I’m very, very blessed to still have her and her wisdom, but I also feel sad because I lost my wife a year ago, and my children lost their mother. My daughter was in her third year of high school. It feels so unfair that I have my mother to the age of 93.

Richard Gage: So how do we fix Washington?

Emanuel Pastreich: Obviously change starts with us. We have to first recognize that the gangrene is so deep that it’s going to require a revolutionary shift. Obviously I’m not going to become president by the Democratic or the Republican Party nominating me. Both of these organizations have degenerated into criminal syndicates that are pay-to-play.

So we have to go back to the Declaration of Independence, the first time we tried to break away from a corrupt global empire.

The Declaration of Independence makes it quite clear where we stand relative to the empire, and the Declaration of Independence is the primary law of the United States of America:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is the citizens’ right, it is their duty, to throw off such a government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

We must recognize the reality that things are so out of control that some difficult choices are going to have to be made, that we must “provide new guards for the future security.”

I said to a friend who wanted to end militarism and war, “Yeah, you and what army?”

It was a joke, but also serious.

I’m anti-war, anti-militarism. I feel that this inflated military buildup in the United States has done tremendous damage to our society and to our economy.

But if someone tells me we must stop these guys, the answer is “You and what army?”

I mean, these guys are mean and they are organized. They’re ready to kill. They’ve already killed large numbers of people, not just the truth tellers about 9/11, but lots of others who were interested in real politics not shows for entertainment.

We have a tiny handful of “whistle blowers” who show up on TV, but, they are just the surface. There are numerous people in DoD, in CIA, in State and throughout the federal government who took a stand against this corruption.

I know personally what happens. You are fired; you will never get a decent job again. You will live in the margins, and those “whistle blowers” on TV will never mention your name or lift a finger to help you.

A critical next step for 9/11 truth is recognizing that there was an organized effort to resist the takeover of the United States, February, 2001, by the globalists–after the Bush administration came to power.

There was organized resistance against the globalists in 2001 before 9.11. Most of it came from within the military and intelligence starting in earnest in April, 2001, because the professors, the politicians, and the media and NGO people ran away scared once a few people got killed.

We can interpret 9/11 in several ways. We can say that it was an effort to create these foreign wars, to make money off of wars, to transform the United States and to create this military dictatorship within the federal government.

Clearly this interpretation is accurate.

But you can also see 9.11 as a response to the growing opposition within the federal government, within the United States, to the globalist dictatorship that seized power in February, 2001. There was real push-back and as a result the globalists no longer controlled parts of the Federal government.

And that’s why 9/11 had to happen, to make sure that the domestic resistance was crushed.

The resistance was not crushed, it showed its power in the last-minute resistance to the invasion of Iraq from within DoD, and we see efforts at resistance today.

Richard Gage: Well, one of the things you call for, which might gather some attention, is an international 9/11 investigation because we don’t have much hope left inside the country for an impartial investigation. Tell us what you hope we can achieve through an international investigation?

Emanuel Pastreich: Right. I don’t rule out the role of Americans in that international investigation. We know from the 9/11 Commission report that Americans are incapable of basic logic. The report was so disgusting that I could not read it to the end.  I felt sick.

But obviously there are people like yourselves in the United States who are working hard, but for us to go to the next level we need to have to have support from around the world.

However, we should not be so naive as to think that China, or Russia, can help us out just by themselves. These big countries do some good things, and lots of bad things. The fact that the United States is a basket case does not mean that we should glorify them.

We must face the reality that, like COVID 19, most governments were corrupt and involved.

We have to be globally organized. And that’s the challenge for us: in order to respond to the globalists we have to become global ourselves. But we cannot become like them. Our movement has to be based on people, based on the rule of law and, above all, based on science.

Richard Gage: Well, how do we keep the powers that have all the money from taking over the science as they’ve done currently in the previous investigation? I mean, how do keep the international investigation from becoming co-opted?

Emanuel Pastreich: That is the million dollar question for us.

I’m not the first person to talk about an international investigation.

It hasn’t been done seriously in the way that we would like.

We have three people today here who are committed. That is enough. I have people I know in Asia, for example, who think 9.11 truth is critical. There are obviously people in the Middle East who are profoundly aware of the damage done by this.

But Americans are damaged by, to use Joost Meerloo’s term, “the rape of the mind.” I think that sums it up.

Our minds been violated, raped, so that we’re unable to respond anymore to the abuse. We have become passive like victims of sexual violence.

It is difficult to overcome that state of mind, but it’s not impossible.

I think it starts with a handful of people. Enough time has passed that we’re getting over that initial trauma and to the point where people are willing to talk more and more.

My writing on 9/11 doesn’t get taken down and more. I’m sure you remember the good old days, Richard. They used to shut us down immediately. Now, a lot of 9/11 stuff is out there. It is no longer completely under wraps.

I’m a serious candidate for president. I give serious speeches. I have the background for the job. I don’t want to boast about the privileges I’ve received, but I can be taken seriously.

9.11 is serious. 9/11, just like Oklahoma, or the Kennedy assassination, it’s not just for historians and conspiracy buffs. These actions profoundly corrupted the nature of governance.

They destroy the relationship between the citizens and the government and that allows the government to become a facade for the super-rich.

I used the term “Murder on the Orient Express” in my speech. Perhaps you’re familiar with that Agatha Christie novel.

Richard Gage: I saw the movie.

Emanuel Pastreich: Inspector Poirot is unable to crack the murder initially because everybody had a stab. If there had been just one person who’d done it, then it would be easy to figure it out. But the group anesthetized the victim and then each person came in and had one stab.

So my guess is that when we get to the next stage of the unraveling, that we’re going to find out that a lot of people were involved in 9.11, including some who don’t want us to know they were involved, including people who are promoting semi-conspiracy theories meant to mislead us.

Much of the conspiracy chatter leads us away from the question of who benefits, and who would have the capacity to do it.

The questions for the investigation are basic. In DoD, in the CIA, or in Mossad, which directorates, which units, would have the capacity to carry something out like this–it is not a whole lot.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what the chain of command would be, where the orders would’ve come from.

So I think we need to get very technical about administrative procedure.

Institutions tied to Israel and the United States played a major role in 9.11–although others were involved too.

We need to understand the relationship between Israel and the United States, and I say that as someone whose father is Jewish, so I guess I am a self-hating anti-Semite.

The United States and Israel have become military allies without a formal alliance treaty–that is not good.

The result?

There has emerged this netherworld stretching from the Beltway, from Reston and Herndon, to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, an uncharted space wherein the two countries have merged together. That space is inhabited by a cancerous clump of private intelligence companies, political consulting firms, and weapons manufacturers.

We have to dig in there and to uncover what exactly happened: who did what.

I think it’s a mistake to launch a broad claim, that “It was the Zionists” or “It was Vatican,” or “It was the Masons.”

I’m not denying the possibility that these groups may be involved, but my guess is that actual operation was small and focused, but at the same time, behind the scenes it involved a far larger range of interest groups.

Richard Gage: I note your disappointment with your colleagues in Ivy League and in Washington DC then and again with the start of COVID-19. You write, “Then there I was again in January 2020, right there in Washington DC, watching in amazement as the utterly contrived and unconvincing COVID-19 pandemic was rolled out for mass consumption. I knew that my colleagues were smart enough to see through that circus from the start, but almost without exception they bought into the farce with enthusiasm, with pride and glee.” That was rather disappointing for you.

Emanuel Pastreich: Well, as I’m sure you know, Richard, the search for truth becomes personal. It involves family members. I’m very envious of you. You have your wife right there with you, but my wife, although she certainly was not naive about how the world works, was not interested in my getting involved. And I respected her position, but I felt I had no choice but to act.

Richard Gage: Yeah, it’s a mission. It comes to us.

You note that you were abandoned by those who, as you say, come from privilege, were are highly educated and then therefore had a duty to respond to society’s needs as they’re leading intellectuals. And yet they were bought and paid off, or their positions were threatened, such as your own, if they didn’t play along.

Emanuel Pastreich: Well, I’m a living proof of how that works. I’m very aware of how it works and there were people who suffered worse fates.

Richard Gage: You say bring the US military home and upgrade the United Nations. Why do we need the United Nations to be upgraded?

Emanuel Pastreich: I have revised my phrasing because the United Nations has become such a corrupt criminal syndicate that it cannot be reformed. Having a “United Nations” that can in a scientific and accountable manner deal with international issues is critical. I do carry on some of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s tradition. So, I’m a card carrying member when it comes to the need for some form of global governance to control multinational corporations and globalists.

But I do not accept what we have now. And I think the United Nations has to be, I don’t want to say, “subject to a controlled demolition,” but it has to be rebuilt from the bottom up.

Reinventing the United Nations cannot be separated from getting the US military out of the world. Now, there are certain parts of the military presence around the world that are necessary, but 90% of what we see now is leading us along the path of imperial decline.

There’s no way to recover except to take that brave step and say the United States is a republic, not an empire.

That’s what our constitution says. The tragedy started at the end of the Second World War; we were supposed to go back to a peacetime economy. And unfortunately, we didn’t do that.

At this point the United States military has to be pulled out of the world for a while.

We have to be engaged with people, not banks, around the world. And that effort in security must be focused on taking on terrorist groups like multi-billionaires and private equity funds, but also include coordinating with other countries and other institutions to promote peace, to save our oceans, to stop the spread of deserts, to end the dumping of plastic and chemicals in our water, and stop the deadly culture of consumption.

Richard Gage: You demand that trade must be ecological and truly free. What does that mean?

Emanuel Pastreich: Sadly, trade has become part of the scam carried on by the multinational banks. Increasingly, things are shipped to us from around the world in a polluting, costly, manner.

So you go to the store and buy stuff made in China, or Thailand, that could have been made in your neighborhood. This “trade” is not “free.”

If you or I want to open a trading company there are these tariffs that will crush you from day one. But if you’re a multinational corporation, not only do you pay minimal tariffs, but governments will give you billions of dollars in the form of low-interest or free loans.

Trade has been taken over, in terms of logistics, the supply chain nexus, distribution and retail sales, by these invisible masters of reporting to the bankers.

When you buy something, you have to pay 20%, 30% to these distributors. In addition, Walmart or Amazon take their pound of flesh.

And, of course, the plastic they put on it, the wrapping they put on it, the marketing for it– you have no choice but to pay for things because of these hidden forces within this corrupt trade system.

If products were produced locally, the money would stay in your community instead of being siphoned off by the banks.

You can say I’m a isolationist. You’re not going to hurt my feelings. I think trade should be what’s in the interest of the American people, and that we have no responsibility to help multinational corporations, much of whose stock is owned by people outside the US, to play any role in determining what we buy.

Richard Gage: Let us turn to COVID 19, the mask and vaccine regime. Where do you stand?

Emanuel Pastreich: COVID-19 was the inevitable next step after 9.11. I called it “Covid-911” in one of my early speeches.

9.11 induced this profound psychological trauma that made it difficult for Americans to comprehend what was going on and to address this attack scientifically and effectively–with some rare exceptions like the two of you, and our honored audience today.

COVID-19 was an obvious fraud from the start. There is a high probability that in the first six months various bio weapons were used in Germany, in China and elsewhere in order to kill people and make it look like it was a pandemic, but that the actual deaths from so-called COVID-19 were near zero.

You can debate whether COVID19 even exists, or it’s a common cold. I could not care less about that argument.

And the vaccine regime that forced people to take this bio-cocktail involuntarily, in violation of the Nuremberg Code, these injections of substances that they didn’t understand, that included dangerous substances, that was a massive criminal action.

I’m not interested, we are not interested in, declaring, “Oh, COVID-19 is over. Let’s go back to life as it was before.”

COVID-19 is not going to be over until the assets of all the individuals who backed this crime are seized, until the responsible people are in jail, and if it has to be the president or the entire Congress, that is fine with me–locking them all up will not hurt my feelings at all.

If we want a congressman to step down because he had an affair with his secretary, or he made some racist comment about African Americans, then yes, we should demand that every single member of congress step down for backing the 9.11 and COVID-19 scams. No question about it.

We’re not going to get to the bottom or end COVID-19 until we declassify all the records, release the information from DARPA and from the Gates Foundation, all these classified records.

We must seize the assets of these multi-billionaires. Which would be a nice move because if we seize their assets, they can no longer manipulate us in the way that they’re doing now.

Richard Gage: Do they go to jail?

Emanuel Pastreich: Oh, Richard, you’re a very forgiving man.

Richard Gage: So they will be held to the fullest account of the law, which for mass murder and treason accounts to, what do you call that, the death penalty?

Emanuel Pastreich: Well, there are two aspects to what I said.

First we have to recognize that we’re going to have to fight these people. They’re not going to just roll over belly up because we tell the truth.

We’re going to have to organize ourselves, and if necessary… You’re in Idaho, right? Go to their farms in Montana and Idaho, to their underground bunkers, wherever they are and get them.

They are well prepared. I see that taking them down will be a serious challenge–but not impossible.

And that’s why I’m not anti-military by any means. We need as many brave people who are willing to help us. We just have to get our enemies straight.

We have to sit down and talk about war, in a sense The nature of war never changes. But the means by which you fight wars keeps changing, and we have to keep up with it.

If you start swinging your sword, but you don’t know who your enemy is, then you’re going to get in serious trouble.

Richard Gage: Well, let’s see if our audience can help us out. Our viewers at RichardGage911:UNLEASHED! are here with us via Gail.

Gail Gage: We received some great questions.

This is the first one. “Some believe Trump is hated so vehemently by the establishment because he has questioned the official story of 911. Do you agree?”

Emanuel Pastreich: I wrote an article for Global Research in defense of Donald Trump on the occasion of his second impeachment in January, 2021, in which I listed seven major contributions he made.

I think he needs to be given credit. I included his willingness to engage with people committed to 9.11 truth. I don’t think he was a particularly good president, but certainly he was better than Obama.

Gail Gage: Next question. “Mr. Pastreich, do you have any plan or strategy on how to repel the media attacks who label us as conspiracy theorists where the MSM, mainstream media, unites to falsely claim our stance and has been completely debunked?”

Emanuel Pastreich: Well, I certainly have felt your pain over the last 22 years of this. I’m afraid that the whole system in which global finance is fused with media, like how the Washington Post is run by Jeff Bezos, like the New York Times is basically a propaganda piece for putting out corporate opinions, is deeply damaging.

So I think the solution is what you see right here, what we’re doing now. The real answer is this sort of engagement, this sort of broadcast.

This alternative media must become more convincing, more effective, so that people can just stop reading the other garbage.

We need alternative media that covers everything. Not just alternative media focused on 9.11 or COVID-19, or Ukraine. We need alternative media that also covers your local community and gives you the information you need.

I say, do not waste your time trying to engage with the mainstream media owned by multinational corporations. I think the best we can do is to wish them a peaceful death.

Gail Gage: Next question. Whether or not people like Trump, you have to admit he got the media coverage and probably has the corporate backing to become president. Do you have any chances of being in the TV debates?

Emanuel Pastreich: Well, obviously, I’m not Donald Trump. I’m not a billionaire. I ended up having almost no assets. So my strategy is to do the opposite.

I do not want to show how low I can bow before the false idols while getting to speak the truth on weekends. I would rather be one who starts out as the prophet in the wilderness, using “the Jeremiah strategy.”

Let us make up policy in response to the truth. I do not have to become president. I do not even have to stay alive.

I have always felt if someone else comes along and embraces this campaign, then I would be delighted to endorse that person. I’m not very good at kissing babies or drinking beer.

But I felt that it was critical to have somebody out there addressing real issues.

Richard Gage: Well, when you stepped forward to run for president, do you get any support?

Emanuel Pastreich: Oh, sure. I’ve had multiple Americans endorse me; some set up web pages describing me, and then they disappeared. After an initial flurry in March, 2020, I was not reported about for a long time in alternative media. When Global Research started to feature my speeches about a year and a half ago, I regained my traction.

And now thanks to you, I have a chance to go to the next level.

Gail Gage: Moving on to the next question. “Presidential Candidate Pastreich, what is your position on the release of classified documents related to 9/11, and what steps would you take to ensure that the public has access to this information?”

Emanuel Pastreich: I’ve written about this topic at length. First, we need a discussion about how to do this, and I welcome that debate.

I think that the only way to pull ourselves back from the edge is to set up the equivalent of a constitution-based provisional government to get us through the move from a deeply corrupted system to a law-based government that actually reflects the Constitution.

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There is danger in that move. It is not going to be easy.

There’s going to be heavy lifting required, and there will be risks if you empower some part of the population to serve as a provisional government so as to restore the Constitution.

We run the real risk that those people will seize that opportunity to carry on the same fun and games already taking place, maybe to make the situation worse.

But I think that the risk of doing nothing is even greater. We have to assume that we need a constitutional convention that will restore the Constitution.

But we have to act at that level of seriousness, to have real historical vision, to say, we’re going to set up a government–and we are not going to just make a few corrections to this current system.

Richard Gage: Is it safe to suggest that you do support the release of classified documents related to 9/11?

Emanuel Pastreich: I was explaining how we are going to do it.

First we are not going to waste a century filing “freedom of information act” requests for little scraps that bureaucrats might or might not give us.

The way we will get the documents released is this: we hold our own constitutional convention, and we declare that we have established a provisional government to restore the Constitution. Our group then issues orders to DoD, CIA and other organizations saying, “Release all these classified documents immediately.”

They respond, “Well, you have no authority to order us.”

And we say,

“Of course we have authority. We’re following the Constitution. These people in the White House or the top in DoD or at General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin, they have no authority.

“Our constitutional convention has empowered us in that it reflects the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the two documents that define what the Republic is, and what it is not.

“We are empowered by the constitution, and those who are telling you what to do, they do not have the authority to tell you what to do.”

We should take a strong position like that. This approach has been been employed out of sight for some time–so it’s not a totally new concept.

At some point we will have a breakthrough. The dam would burst and they will start to recognize our legitimacy and to release these documents. And once they’re released, it will be a game changer.

We won’t get to that point, however, until there is a fundamental shift in the chain of command.

We  who are –I hate to call them puppets– doing the bidding of globalist investors. They’re democratic in that they represent various multinational interests, and they have to pay attention to the House of Saud, to the Koch family, the Walton family, and to the DuPonts.

have a chain of command now in which you have President Biden, and the Speaker of the House McCarthy, and other members of the government

They have to tend to the needs of BlackRock, Vanguard, and Goldman Sachs. But the chain of command does not include the American people anywhere.

Gail Gage: Next question. “Given your emphasis on international diplomacy and security issues, how do you see the events of 9/11 as having impacted US foreign policy and relations with other nations and how would you work to address any ongoing repercussions from these events?”

Emanuel Pastreich: Thank you for the excellent question. So I would first say that I’m not a magician. I don’t pretend that if you support me, or even if I were elected, that I’m going to be able to transform a broken, rotten system.

The impact of 9/11 has been profound.

The first being the death of science and the destruction of governance, which means the death of rationality in government. The death of governance extends to international diplomacy and security. Decisions are made based on who gives you the most money. Basically it is “pay to play” in the worst sense.

That means we face a high level conspiracy. The heads of state of all the major countries in the world have bought into this fake narrative. That means that the multinational banks and other global financial players have unbelievable reach around the world.

So that is a profound transformation of the international community.

It’s not entirely because of 9/11 that this change took place. It is also a result of technology, of a decadence in our culture that allows the unlimited influence of consumption culture on us. We have ceased being citizens and became consumers.

Gail Gage: Another question: “As an independent, the public would want to know if you’re left, right, neutral or something else?”

Richard Gage: Yeah. How do you identify?

Gail Gage: Which party?

Emanuel Pastreich: Well, I’ve been more successful with conservatives overall, but my family were all Democrats. I was a Democrat in 1998–a long time ago. I am from what you would call a liberal establishment family. My father went to Yale and he was part of the system, and to a degree so was I then.

When I started to talk about independence, the need to follow the Constitution, the need to produce our own food, and to form independent communities, obviously I was walking away from a big government liberal perspective–and away from the money economy.

My stand on money also appeals to conservatives. Money today is not money at all. It’s a liquid ideology that’s being floated around. And now they want to force us into digital currencies and to centralize all the banks around the world; the Silicon Valley Bank bankruptcy, and other banks that will collapse, is part of a scheme to make money disappear, and then, lo and behold, the government is going to save you with a digital currency.

Clearly, we’re not really talking about money anymore. That position gave me appeal with real conservatives, not the fake conservatives of the Republican Party.

So I am not a Bernie Sanders, let us throw money at the problem, sort of guy.

Richard Gage: Back to the left, right issue. You have the same issue as Robert F. Kennedy. He is coming forward as a presidential candidate, and he’s a Democrat, and from a long line of Democrats But he is completely bucking the establishment, the Democratic establishment in calling for truth about Covid-19 and the vaccines. So I am all for him.

Emanuel. How do you feel about his candidacy?

Emanuel Pastreich: I have read many of his materials. His writings were very helpful to me, and many statements in my speeches were based on information that he was so good as to provide.

I guess my position is a practical one. I would say that we’re past that stage of getting out information now. And we are past the stage in which the Democratic Party can play any meaningful role in governance. The Democratic Party is a criminal syndicate. It’s largely owned by investors from around the world. It’s being used against the American people. And the Republican Party is similar.

20 years ago, we had a few good people in the Democratic Party like Dennis Kucinich, even though it was corrupt. Now, I’d say the Republican Party at least has a few good people, even though it’s corrupt.

I have great respect for Robert Kennedy Jr. and we should support him to the degree that we can. But I do not think that we can embrace   as our candidate, somebody who’s not willing to take on 9/11 or for that matter, to take on Covid-19, as a criminal action.

Covid-19 is not about treatment. It’s not about the technical aspects of vaccines. It’s about a massive criminal conspiracy to use bio-weapons to kill off tens of millions, hundreds of millions, of people around the world.

We cannot get away with a “mistakes were made” criticism.

I would just ask Mr. Kennedy to please extend his excellent work to openly address what was really was behind Covid-19.

I hope that he would be willing to support a  real investigation of 9/11. If he does so I would be happy to support him.

Gail Gage: New question, “What is your stance on patents, antitrust laws and the state of monopoly law? Also, how can we reverse the growing class inequality domestically?”

Emanuel Pastreich: Right. Well, let me first say that unlike many politicians, I did not start out as a lawyer. And there are many things I don’t know about the law.

I’m not going to pretend to know things that I don’t know.

What I do know about patents is that increasingly we have multinational firms buying up patents en masse and then using them to try and stop individuals from using their own know-how.

If you invent something, then some multinational is going to come along and say, “Oh, we owned some patent that we bought that covers what you are doing and we will throw a pile of lawyers at you.”

They buy thousands of patents so that they can claim that if you fry a burger or brush your teeth, that is an infringement on their patent. Patents are not used to protect the rights of the individual citizen to develop his own or her own ideas, but rather as a way to suppress innovation and make us dependent on multinational corporations.

Antitrust obviously originally had a positive meaning, going back to Theodore Roosevelt. A lot of positive reforms were carried out in the name of antitrust. Today antitrust is used in a extremely selective way to batter down the groups that the monopolies do not like.

If you’re Google, or Facebook, or Microsoft, blatant antitrust violations don’t exist for you. In fact, the blatant monopolies carried out by these corporations are whitewashed as being convenient for the public.

Google is one of the most offensive in that respect. Google’s takeover of Wikipedia, Youtube, and of much of American intelligence through privatization and outsourcing makes it the invisible empire controlling our minds.

Richard Gage: Give us the names.

Emanuel Pastreich: I want to recommend Peter Phillip’s book “Giants: The Global Power Elite” which lists the heads of major investment funds around the world.

The book does not list all of the super-rich investors behind the scenes, but it identifies the people who are making the calls on long-term investments for their clients.

Those asset managers are the ones who hired the consulting firms who cooked up, and then directed, operation 9.11 and operation COVID-19.

Let us face facts. The second generation of billionaires and multi-billionaires, the scions of super rich families, are often not that smart. They don’t do the thinking and the dirty work  themselves. They have teams for intelligence and strategy. We are talking about families like the Sauds, the Waltons, the Rockefellers, the DuPonts, etc.

The responsibility should be traced back to the deep pockets in the end, but at this point we have to focus on those who are making up the strategy.

And I also want to stress, and this point is important, that we cannot say that the government is going to pay for the damages from 9/11 or from Covid-19–even if government officials did the dirty work for the rich and powerful.

Why? Because if the government paying, that means that you are paying. Your tax dollars are going to pay for the mess the rich made, or deficit spending to pay will create massive inflation that will eat up your savings.

Under my administration, the government is not going to pay a penny for 9.11 or COVID-19. The assets of the powerful who set these criminal operations in motion are going to be seized and used to pay.

The people ultimately responsible, when we get to the bottom of it, will not be those in the directorate of operations at the CIA or at Mossad. It’s going to be these multi-billionaires who hide behind the investment funds, who hide behind intelligence.

I say, if we want to be serious about 9/11, then we must go for the money.

Richard Gage: Well, it’s been an incredible honor to have you with us, Emanuel. Final thoughts from you, sir. And leave us with some hope here as we face this incredible set of problems we’ve inherited.

Emanuel Pastreich: I’m honored to have had this opportunity to talk to you. And the campaign over the last three years has not been about me. It shouldn’t be about me. It should be the future of our country and the future of our world.

We have to start by looking ourselves in the mirror.

As I note in “The Treason of the Intellectuals,” I first had to recognize my own mistakes, what I did wrong, before I could go forward and admit to myself that I had let myself be duped, that I had bought into these fairy tales. It took 9/11 to shake me out of my sleep, but it should have been Oklahoma that woke me up.

I should have woken up then because I knew there was something fishy about Oklahoma. But I was still in a fog back then in 1995. So, we must be forgiving of those who are still in a fog today, but we will be uncompromising in our demand that they must wake up.

See original posting at: Richard 911 Substack

Original interview at Emanuel on 9.11 Truth 


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Greanville Post

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UK to Send Nuclear Weapon to Zelenskyy Regime

March 24th, 2023 by Kurt Nimmo

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On March 20, Annabel Goldie, a “Baroness-in-Waiting in the Royal Household,” currently “serving” as the minister of state at the UK Ministry of Defense, told House of Lords member Raymond Hervey Jolliffe, aka “Lord Hylton,” that indeed the UK will send a nuclear weapon to Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s post-coup regime.

“Alongside our granting of a squadron of Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine, we will be providing ammunition including armour piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium,” said Goldie. “Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armoured vehicles.”

Depleted uranium (DU) is a radiological warfare agent, thus it is fair to categorize it as a nuclear weapon. The National Nuclear Security Administration notes “the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile… needs a supply of depleted uranium metal… to manufacture nuclear weapon components.”

The use of DU in munitions endangers the normal functioning of the kidney, brain, liver, heart, and numerous other systems, according to the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. DU was used extensively during the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

“Iraq is suffering from depleted uranium (DU) pollution in many regions and the effects of this may harm public health through poisoning and increased incidence of various cancers and birth defects,” reports the National Library of Medicine.

DU is a known carcinogenic agent. About 1200 tonnes of ammunition were dropped on Iraq during the Gulf Wars of 1991 and 2003. As a result, contamination occurred in more than 350 sites in Iraq. Currently, Iraqis are facing about 140,000 cases of cancer, with 7000 to 8000 new ones registered each year. In Baghdad cancer incidences per 100,000 population have increased, just as they have also increased in Basra. The overall incidence of breast and lung cancer, Leukaemia and Lymphoma, has doubled even tripled.

Grotesque birth defects resulted from the use of DU in Iraq, including anencephaly, lower limb anomalies, spina bifida, and a variety of other abnormalities. Photos posted on the Foreign Policy Journal website reveal the severity of these deformities (warning: the photos are extremely graphic and disturbing).

General Lord George Robertson, the secretary of NATO in 2000, admitted DU was used against the people of Serbia, then Yugoslavia, in 1999. Julie Hyland writes,

NATO pursued a strategy of “carpet-bombing” towns and cities across Yugoslavia during its offensive. Some 700 planes flew almost 35,000 sorties, destroying large parts of the country’s industrial and social infrastructure. During the latter stages of the air campaign, NATO moved to 24-hour bombing, targeting industrial plants, airports, electricity and telecommunications facilities, railways, bridges and fuel depots, schools, health clinics, day care centres, government buildings, churches, museums and monasteries… A comprehensive list of those areas targeted with DU ammunition would probably mean declaring much of Serbia and Kosovo contaminated, as well as raising serious concerns over the environmental and health dangers for surrounding countries.

In January, I quoted Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation to the Vienna Negotiations on Military Security and Arms Control. Gavrilov said if the regime in Kyiv “were to be supplied with such munitions for the use in western heavy military hardware, we would regard it as the use of ‘dirty nuclear bombs’ against Russia, with all the consequences that entails.”

Also in January, the Biden administration refused to say if Bradley Fighting vehicles scheduled to be sent to Ukraine will be equipped with DU munitions.

The psychopathy of peerage entitled “conservatives” in the UK, and their criminally insane neocon counterparts in America, represents a growing threat to humanity. The Russians realize the use of DU in eastern Ukraine, much of it now part of the Russian Federation (as the ethnic Russians there voted for unification in referenda), is a form of radiological, chemical (heavy metals), and biological warfare.

As Gavrilov warned, using DU against the people of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, and Donetsk will be considered a “dirty bomb” attack on Russia. He said Russia would respond accordingly, although he did not provide specific details.

However, last March, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned that Russia, if faced with an existential threat, would respond with nuclear weapons.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

From 2005 to 2016, under the helm of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad former Prime Minister of Malaysia, I served as member of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) which coordinated the prosecution and led the indictments against: Bush, Cheney, Blair et al (May 2012). 

See excerpts of the KLWCT 2012 judgment below, which were barely acknowledged by the Western media.


The following Presentation, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015 focusses on the criminalization of war and US-NATO’s self proclaimed “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT).

I should mention that during his tenure as Vice President, Joe Biden was firmly supportive of the carpet bombing of Iraq ordered by President Obama starting in August 2014 under a “Fake” anti-terrorist operation against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL-ISIS-Daesh).

On August 7, 2014: “President Obama authorises the first air strikes to protect US diplomats and aid Iraqi government forces”.

What shear nonsense. Why is this anti-terrorist operation “Fake”? 

The Islamic State (ISIL-ISIS-Daesh) is an al Qaeda affiliate, a creation of US intelligence, financed and supported covertly by US-NATO. 

The operation was directed against Iraqi and Syrian civilians. It resulted in extensive destruction of the civilian infrastructure of both countries. ISIS was the pretext which was heralded by the media.

And in September 2014, Obama announced the formation of “an anti-ISIS coalition” with the participation of NATO member states as well as US allies in the Middle East (including Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc).

The incursion of the Islamic State (IS) brigades from Syria into Iraq starting in June 2014 was part of a carefully planned military-intelligence operation supported covertly by the US, NATO and Israel.

The counter-terrorism mandate was a fiction.

The Islamic State was protected by the US and its allies. If they had wanted to eliminate the Islamic State brigades, they could have “carpet” bombed their convoys of Toyota pickup trucks when they crossed the desert from Syria into Iraq in June 2014. 


The  Syro-Arabian Desert is open territory (see map below).

With state of the art jet fighter aircraft (F15, F22 Raptor, CF-18) it would have been  -from a military standpoint-  a rapid and expedient surgical operation

The Obama administration’s carpet bombing operation against Iraq and Syria entitled Operation Resolve was carried out over several years.

Michel Chossudovsky on the Criminalization of War and America’s Fake “Global War on Terrorism”

In the Mobile version, the presentation commences: at 8’30” (terminates at 19′.01″)



In May 2012, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal passed a historic judgment against George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, et al: 

“After hours of deliberation, the tribunal, in the verdict that was read out by the president of the tribunal Tan Sri Dato Lamin bin Haji Mohd Yunus Lamin, found that the prosecution had established beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused persons, former President George Bush and his co-conspirators engaged in a web of instructions, memos, directives, legal advice and action that established a common plan and purpose, joint enterprise and/or conspiracy to commit the crimes of Torture and War Crimes, including and not limited to a common plan and purpose to commit the following crimes in relation to the “War on Terror” and the wars launched by the U.S. and others in Afghanistan and Iraq: 

(a) Torture;

(b) Creating, authorizing and implementing a regime of Cruel, Inhumane, and Degrading Treatment;

(c) Violating Customary International Law;

(d) Violating the Convention Against Torture 1984;

(e) Violating the Geneva Convention III and IV 1949;

(f) Violating the Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention of 1949.

(g) Violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Charter. 

The Tribunal finds that the prosecution has established beyond a reasonable doubt that the Accused persons are individually and jointly liable for all crimes committed in pursuit of their common plan and purpose under principles established by Article 6 of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (the Nuremberg Charter), which states, inter alia, “Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit war crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any person in execution of such plan.” 

Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? ‘When will they ever learn?’

By Robert J. Burrowes, March 23, 2023

In his iconic 1950s anti-war hit song ‘Where Have All the Flowers Gone?’, Pete Seeger posed the eternal question about war: ‘when will they ever learn?’ Of course, Seeger’s question was primarily directed at those individuals who choose to participate in the fighting. But it might equally have been directed at those in the ‘anti-war’ movement.

The U.S. Attempts to Mislead the World Into Thinking That India Is Its Ally Against China

By Andrew Korybko, March 23, 2023

The US’ soft power and strategic interests are served by manipulating the public’s perceptions about India’s emerging role in the global systemic transition, while that country’s own soft power and strategic interests are challenged by its partner’s latest information warfare campaign.

The World’s Largest CBDC Trial: A Preview of the Elite’s Cashless Vision for You

By Nick Giambruno, March 23, 2023

The eNaira is Africa’s first central bank digital currency (CBDC). Central bankers, academics, politicians, and an assortment of elites from over 100 countries hoping to launch their own CBDCs have closely followed the eNaira.

‘Mexico is not a US colony!’: AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization of Oil, Lithium

By Ben Norton, March 23, 2023

Mexico’s leftist President AMLO condemned “hypocritical” Republicans who want the US military to invade, declaring “Mexico is an independent and free country, not a US colony or protectorate!” In a massive rally, López Obrador also celebrated the expropriation of oil and lithium, condemning exploitative foreign corporations.

NATO Pressuring Serbia “to Renounce Kosovo”. No to Capitulation! “Self-liberation” in NATO Occupied Belgrade

By Stephen Karganovic, March 23, 2023

The late Gene Sharp, ideological godfather of countless colour revolutions, probably would not be pleased to see his teachings posthumously hijacked by a most unconventional activist. Father Anthony is an  unyielding, pesky Serbian Orthodox cleric who gets high on driving his country’s authorities crazy, but has he heard of Gene Sharp?

Russia’s Economy Recovers While Dozens of US Banks Face Collapse

By Ahmed Adel, March 23, 2023

Although Western media were boasting about Sberbank’s 78% plunge in profit in 2022 due to US-led sanctions, with CEO German Gref acknowledging a “most difficult year”, it appears that the US economic system is the one actually on the brink as four banks have already collapsed, with dozens more expected to follow.

South Africa, Russia, China and the Shifting World Situation

By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 23, 2023

National Assembly Speaker of the Republic of South Africa, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, said publicly in a recent statement before the supreme legislative body in Cape Town that the African National Congress (ANC) led government would continue to support the people of the Russian Federation.

Imagine a Life Like This: The Relentless Persecution of Hassan Diab

By Hassan Diab Support Committee, March 23, 2023

Hassan Diab goes on trial in France (in absentia) on April 3, 2023. This is for a 1980 bombing in Paris, although Hassan was not even in France at the time! His ordeal has disrupted his life for nearly 15 years, including more than three years in a maximum-security prison in France. Imagine the terrible price paid, and is still being paid, by him and his family.

How to Reduce Military Spending

By David Swanson, March 23, 2023

With Afghanistan and Iraq it took a year-and-a-half each to get good U.S. majorities in polls saying the wars never should have been started. The war in Ukraine appears to be on the same trajectory. Of course, those who believed the wars shouldn’t have been started did not, for the most part, believe they should be ended.

America’s Vulnerable Energy Security

By Shane Quinn, March 23, 2023

In 1992 Dick Cheney, the US Secretary of Defense, issued a document which outlined that the main political and military aim of Washington is to prevent any rival power emerging in Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Asia. The ambition was to ensure America’s status as the global superpower.

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The US’ soft power and strategic interests are served by manipulating the public’s perceptions about India’s emerging role in the global systemic transition, while that country’s own soft power and strategic interests are challenged by its partner’s latest information warfare campaign. Presenting the aforesaid transition’s latest phase as a bipolar one between “democracies” and “dictatorships” instead of the tripolar phase that it truly is undercuts India’s claims to neutrality in the New Cold War.

The US commenced an information warfare campaign in the run-up to President Xi’s historic visit to Moscow aimed at misportraying India as its ally against China. The intention is to make the targeted audience think that International Relations aren’t about to trifurcate into the US-led West’s Golden Billion, the Sino-Russo Entente, and the informally Indianled Global South, but bifurcate into “democracies” and “dictatorships”, with the US and India against China and Russia in the New Cold War.

The first move in this direction occurred on 14 March when Republican Senator Bill Hagerty published a press release about the bipartisan resolution that he co-sponsored in mid-February reaffirming the US’ recognition of Arunachal Pradesh as Indian territory and not Chinese. One day later on 15 March, former Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was confirmed by the Senate to become the next US Ambassador to India, which finally filled this highly important diplomatic post after a two-year absence.

Then on 20 March, which was the same day that President Xi arrived in Moscow, US News & World Report cited an inside source who claimed that the US supplied intelligence to India prior to a border incident with China late last year, which enabled Delhi to thwart Beijing’s alleged incursion at the time. This sequence of events was arguably set into motion by the initial report on 7 March that President Xi planned to visit Russia on 21 March, which Beijing confirmed ten days later on 17 March.

Early February’s balloon incident ended prior hopes for a “New Détente” between China and the US, which in turn hardened their positions towards one another and thus made the intensification of their worldwide competition inevitable. Accordingly, China decided to solidify its nascent Entente with Russia by having President Xi travel to Moscow for that purpose, while the US sought to mislead the world into thinking that India had allied with it against the People’s Republic.

That second-mentioned response to the newfound military-strategic dynamics brought about by the balloon incident deserves to be analyzed more at length since everything isn’t at it seems. Upon learning in early March that President Xi was planning to visit Russia, the US decided to send three sequential signals for the purpose of manipulating public perceptions about the Indian-US Strategic Partnership, ergo the spree of developments that was described above.

The timing of Senator Hagerty’s press release about the bipartisan resolution that he co-sponsored the month prior wasn’t coincidental but the first salvo in this information warfare campaign. It was then followed by the Senate finally confirming Garcetti’s appointment as the next US Ambassador to India, which was a long time coming but was given an urgent impetus by reports about President Xi’s upcoming visit to Moscow.

The third and most recent step of this campaign, but certainly not the last one, was when the US decided to leak the report about their country’s intelligence assistance to India late last year on the exact day that President Xi arrived in Russia. This was meant to artificially manufacture the earlier described narrative relating to the false bifurcation of International Relations into “democratic” and “dictatorial” blocs instead of their trifurcation into the Golden Billion, the Entente, and Global South.

About that last-mentioned step, this report doesn’t in and of itself prove that India is the US’ military ally against China since that South Asian Great Power proudly practices a policy of multi-alignment between the world’s top players, which maximizes its hard-earned strategic autonomy in the New Cold War. India rightly eschews formal alliances since they’d impose limits on its foreign policy and burden it with uncomfortable obligations, thus reducing its sovereignty.

Moreover, observers should be informed that the US still dispatched senior diplomats to Beijing for talks with their Chinese counterparts in pursuit of their now-defunct “New Détente” immediately after the same Sino-Indo clash that their intelligence services helped Delhi prepare for ahead of time. Reports about that incident indicate that it took place on 9 December, while China’s Foreign Ministry disclosed on 12 December that their diplomats and the US’ held talks in Beijing over the past two days.

This proves that the US was double-dealing at the time. On the one hand, it reportedly shared intelligence with India to help it prepare for an impending incursion by China, while at the same time still dispatching its diplomats to Beijing in spite of the Sino-Indo clash that took place immediately prior. The signal sent to India was that the US tacitly had its back against China, while the one sent to China was that the US didn’t care enough about its reported incursion against India to call off their talks.

There’s no way to describe this approach other than emblematic of the US’ typical divide-and-rule agenda against Eurasia. If it and India had truly allied against China, then the US would have abruptly canceled its planned talks with China in protest after those two neighboring Asian Great Powers clashed. Instead, it went through with them anyhow since its strategists calculated that their country’s interests were best served by discussing a possible deal with China than standing in solidarity with India.

The above insight adds crucial context to the US’ newly commenced information warfare campaign aimed at misportraying India as its ally against China and compellingly discredits that false narrative. Quite clearly, while Delhi won’t ever decline Washington’s actionable intelligence that’s shared with it about Beijing’s military plans along their disputed border, this doesn’t mean that India will do the US’ bidding against China as proven by its continued restraint despite the incident late last year.

The US’ soft power and strategic interests are served by manipulating the public’s perceptions about India’s emerging role in the global systemic transition, while that country’s own soft power and strategic interests are challenged by its partner’s latest information warfare campaign. Presenting the aforesaid transition’s latest phase as a bipolar one between “democracies” and “dictatorships” instead of the tripolar phase that it truly is undercuts India’s claims to neutrality in the New Cold War.

It also implies that this South Asian Great Power has voluntarily surrendered its hard-earned strategic autonomy in that worldwide competition over the direction of the global systemic transition in order to voluntarily submit itself to becoming the unipolar-driven Golden Billion’s largest-ever vassal state. Neither of these narratives implied by the US’ latest information warfare campaign are true, but they’re being propagated in order to advance that declining unipolar hegemon’s interests at India’s expense.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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The eNaira is Africa’s first central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Central bankers, academics, politicians, and an assortment of elites from over 100 countries hoping to launch their own CBDCs have closely followed the eNaira.

They used Nigeria—Africa’s largest country by population and size of its economy—as a trial balloon to test their nefarious plans to eliminate cash in North America, Europe, and beyond.

Are you concerned about CBDCs?

Then you should be paying attention to what is happening in Nigeria.

That’s because there’s an excellent chance your government will reach for the same playbook when they decide to impose CBDCs in your area—which could be soon.

CBDCs enable all sorts of horrible, totalitarian things.

They allow governments to track and control every penny you earn, save, and spend. They are a powerful tool for politicians to confiscate and redistribute wealth as they see fit.

CBDCs will also enable devious social engineering by allowing governments to punish and reward people in ways they previously couldn’t.

CBDCs are, without a doubt, an instrument of enslavement. They represent a quantum leap backward in human freedom.

Unfortunately, they’re coming soon…

Governments will probably mandate CBDCs as the “solution” when the next real or contrived crisis hits—which is likely not far off.

That’s why you must pay attention to what is happening in Nigeria. That way, you can know what to expect and take preventative action.

Here are the top five insights from the eNaira.

Insight #1: Don’t Take the Bait… Reject CBDC Incentives

In Nigeria, the government implemented discounts and other incentives to increase the adoption of eNaira.

In North America and Europe, expect the government to require CBDCs to receive welfare payments, a potential universal basic income, so-called “inflation relief checks,” or whatever the next cockamamie scheme is.

Think of these incentives like the cheese in a mousetrap.

Insight #2: Simultaneous Moves To Eliminate Cash

To help boost eNaira adoption, the Nigerian government announced a plan to remove the legal tender status of various high denomination bills, rendering them worthless.

According to the World Bank, over 55% of the adult population in Nigeria does not have a bank account and is dependent on physical cash.

The Nigerian government must have known phasing out cash would be a disaster for a majority of the population, but they plowed ahead anyways—so much for democracy.

When your government imposes a CBDC, expect simultaneous measures to force people out of cash, regardless of the costs.

Those measures could come in many flavors, but I would bet they would first look to phase out large denomination bills by removing their legal tender status.

We’re already seeing this happen…

For example, the EU has already phased out the 500 euro note.

The $100 bill is the largest in circulation in the US, but that wasn’t always the case. At one point, the US had $500, $1,000, $5,000, and even $10,000 bills.

The government eliminated these large bills in 1969 under the pretext of fighting the War on (Some) Drugs.

The $100 bill has been the largest ever since. But it has far less purchasing power than it did in 1969. Decades of rampant money printing have debased the dollar. Today, a $100 note buys less than $12 in 1969.

Even though the Federal Reserve has devalued the dollar by over 88% since 1969, it still refuses to issue notes larger than $100.

With CBDCs on the horizon, I think the US government will not only never issue another bill higher than $100 but will probably look to phase out the $100 bill under various pretexts.

Insight #3: Bank Restrictions

Most people think of the money they deposit into the bank as a personal asset they own.

But that’s not true.

Once you deposit money at the bank, it’s no longer your property. Instead, it’s the bank’s, and they can pretty much do whatever they want with it.

What you really own is the bank’s promise to pay you back. It’s an unsecured liability, which makes you technically and legally a creditor of the bank.

And since the banking system is intertwined with the government everywhere, it’s only prudent to expect governments to place more restrictions on bank accounts as CBDCs debut.

This is exactly what happened in Nigeria.

Cash withdrawal limits and debit card transaction restrictions were imposed, among other measures. In addition, capital controls made it challenging to send money out of the country.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see the forced conversion of bank deposits into the eNaira—at an unfavorable rate.

Here’s the bottom line. Expect all sorts of restrictions—and possible confiscations—to be imposed on bank accounts when a CBDC is released.

Insight #4: Rising Inflation

Amid the eNaira rollout, Nigeria is experiencing some of the highest inflation levels in its history.

This is not surprising. CBDCs make it even easier for the government to debase the currency.

So, it’s reasonable to expect more inflation when CBDCs come to town.

Insight #5: Social Unrest

In another predictable development, frustrated Nigerians took to the streets over the government’s actions to restrict cash and bank accounts. There was a violent scramble to exchange old notes before the government deemed them worthless. Riots broke out in several locations.

There’s an excellent chance the destructive restrictions imposed alongside CBDCs could create social unrest anywhere.


To summarize, here are the top five insights from Nigeria’s CBDC experience.

Insight #1: Don’t Take the Bait… Reject CBDC Incentives

Insight #2: Simultaneous Moves To Eliminate Cash

Insight #3: Bank Restrictions

Insight #4: Rising Inflation

Insight #5: Social Unrest

As CBDCs come to your neighborhood, you now know what to expect.

Governments will probably mandate CBDCs as the “solution” when the next real or contrived crisis hits—which is likely not far off.

There’s an excellent chance more inflation and financial chaos is coming soon.

Are you ready for it?

That’s why I just released an urgent PDF guide, “Survive and Thrive During the Most Dangerous Economic Crisis in 100 Years.” Download this free report to discover the top 3 strategies you need to implement today to protect yourself and potentially come out ahead.

With the global economy in turmoil and the threat of a “Great Reset” looming, this guide is a must-read. Click here to download it now.


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Featured image is from DCIM

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In the immediate aftermath of Norfolk Southern’s train derailment in East Palestine in early February, reporters, first responders and officials seemed confused about exactly what chemicals were even in the train’s burning cars. Yet, right on cue, despite not knowing what effects the various chemicals could have within an explosive situation, the EPA reported that the surrounding air and water was safe to breathe and drink. 

As more reports trickled out, we learned the train cars were carrying at least five toxic chemicals: vinyl chloride, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate, and isobutylene.

According to government and scientific data, exposure to these chemicals can cause multiple forms of cancer and other serious health issues. But Norfolk Southern failed to initially disclose those chemicals as highly hazardous, and first responders — not to mention the public — had little idea what they were dealing with.

Three days after the derailment, on Feb. 6, we watched as Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, in consultation with Norfolk Southern representatives, greenlighted a plan to blow holes in five of the cars containing toxic chemicals, which would lead to a ​controlled release,” and residents in nearby communities were ordered to evacuate. This decision to release and burn off the chemicals was defended by public officials and Norfolk Southern as the ​safest way” to handle the situation. The resulting fire’s black plume of smoke, ash and debris, created a toxic pall that hung over the communities for days. EPA tests found the air contaminated with phosgene, hydrogen chloride, VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and particulate matter.

We can’t turn back time, but we can change this disastrous system so no company can harm communities in this way ever again.

By Feb. 7, according to a Norfolk Southern service alert, trains were running through East Palestine again. As thousands of dead fish floated in local waterways, as nearby residents were reporting sickness and dying pets, as untold long-term health and environmental problems lurked in the hazy future, the railroad chugged back to business as usual.

We basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open,” said hazardous materials expert and retired Youngstown, Ohio Fire Chief Sil Caggiano.

Norfolk Southern did not respond to a request for comment.

Every environmental disaster impacts us all, but this one struck closer to home for both of us: Chad lives an hour southeast of East Palestine and Tish an hour northwest. There’s a temptation to dismiss this tragedy as a one-off, unparalleled accident — but it’s not.

Rolling catastrophes like this derailment are all too familiar to us at the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), which has been fighting for the rights of communities to protect themselves from this sort of corporate abuse for over 25 years.

As it unfolded, we felt like we were trapped in the movie Groundhog Day, watching in East Palestine the latest cycle in a never-ending replay of similar events we have observed year after year in hundreds of other communities across the nation.

Disasters like these keep happening because the system — the train — keeps rolling, exactly as it was designed to, foisting the consequences onto communities and their environments and hoarding the spoils for the economic elites, while government regulatory agencies issue permits and legalize it all.

Since this country’s founding, our system of government has placed profits and property interests over people and planet. The derailment in East Palestine illustrates this clearly. For over 150 years, railroad workers have been telling employers like Norfolk Southern and the government that their working conditions are deplorable and dangerous.

With deregulation of the industry in the 1980s, which included Wall Street mergers and ​short term profit imperatives,” trains have been getting longer and longer while the number of train workers gets smaller and smaller. Cost cutting by Norfolk Southern and other carriers has, according to Railroad Workers United, ​eliminated many of the critical mechanical positions and locations necessary to guarantee protection against these kinds of failures.” Railroad corporations, meanwhile, continue to rake in piles of cash: In 2022, Norfolk Southern reported a record $4.8 billion in income. Compare that to the $3.4 million the company has offered to residents of East Palestine.

Governmental fines are laughable when compared to the corporation’s profits. In industries like these, it’s easier, and more profitable, to first act recklessly and ask for forgiveness later. For example, regulators fined oil and gas company Seneca Resources Corporation $377,000 in 2013 for 59 violations at its Pennsylvania oil wells. That year, the company reported revenues of $428 million.

And whatever the fines assessed or community payouts offered, the fallout from such corporate-made disasters is rarely contained. Both residents and nature continue to suffer the consequences for years and sometimes generations.

At his Feb. 6 press conference in East Palestine to inform the community and the media about the controlled burn, Gov. DeWine showed a map of the area with two circles, one red and one orange. If you were in the red circle, you were told it was a matter of life and death that you leave. If you were in the orange circle, it was recommended that you leave. Most humans heard the message, but did anyone notify the birds, the fish, the animals and all other life in those areas?

The consequences for humans and nature of Norfolk Southern’s disaster continue to sprawl far beyond those circles on the map. Over 2,980 tons of contaminated soil and 4.85 million gallons of contaminated water have already been removed from the site and sent to dumping grounds that will affect other communities somewhere else. Recently, the EPA ordered Norfolk Southern to stop removing contaminated soil due to increasing concerns from communities located near sites where the toxic waste was being dumped. Then, a few days later, EPA announced that the contaminated water and soil will be sent to four locations in Indiana, Ohio, Texas and Michigan, instructing us to trust their years of experience in handling toxic waste.

On Feb. 17, Gov. DeWine spoke about a plume of butyl acrylate—a chemical known to cause skin rashes and lung damage — that the derailment released into the Ohio River (already the most polluted river in the United States, according to the EPA). The plume has ​completely dissipated,” DeWine said. ​We do believe that there’s no reason to be concerned about water from the Ohio River and there’s never really been a reason to be concerned.” Even so, he noted, some municipal water systems will close off their intakes. The fish, birds, plants and other wildlife, however, have no valves to close.

There is, of course, still a lot we don’t know, and we doubt we’ll learn much more from the final government reports on the derailment.

As people develop illnesses and maybe even die, will anyone notice? Maybe in a decade or so courageous community activists will start to put the pieces together and fight for the government agencies to do studies to connect the dots. Maybe the area will be declared a ​cancer cluster” or maybe a ​superfund site,” of which we already have so many.

The railroad corporation is currently saying all the right things to try and diffuse the bad publicity. The corporate executives promise to ​make this right,” and provide whatever it takes to make the community safe again, including monetary support. Lawyers and NGOs are also swooping into the community, picking at the debris with promises of class action lawsuits and big settlements. Lawsuits have already been filed, so there may be other information we receive, though likely years down the line. Many of those lawsuits, though, will also likely be settled, which means that evidence, depositions, and other information that comes out through court proceedings will likely be sealed.

These lawsuits and monetary reparations are essential, but no matter how much money is distributed in the end, Norfolk Southern has already done tremendous harm and the long-term consequences are difficult to assess. We can’t turn back time, but we can change this disastrous system so that neither Norfolk Southern nor any other company can harm communities in this way ever again.

Maybe East Palestine will be just another story added to the long list of other government-permitted corporate homicides, which includes (among many, many others): Love Canal in Niagara Falls, New York; Times Beach, Missouri; Middlefield, Ohio; Flint, Michigan; and the Gulf Coast of Louisiana.

As community rights and rights of nature activists and organizers, we hope not. We hope that instead the East Palestine derailment is remembered as the last straw — the moment we decided to collectively abandon this track and come together to lay a new one that makes people, communities, and nature its highest priority.


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Tish O’Dell is a Senior Staff member at the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. She has assisted communities throughout the United States organize and pass laws for community rights and rights of nature for over 12 years. Tish began organizing in her hometown of Broadview Heights, Ohio, which successfully campaigned to adopt the first Home Rule Charter amendment in Ohio, creating a Community Bill of Rights banning new gas drilling, fracking and injection wells in 2012. Tish has also been featured in the documentary We the People 2.0, appeared on the Thom Hartmann Show and The Daily Show and is one of the editors of the 2021 book Death by Democracy: Protecting Water and Life — Frontline stories from Ohioans fighting corporate and state power. She has written articles published in the Ecologist, TruthOut, Common Dreams, the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Columbus Free Press and appeared on many podcasts and webinars, including Damages, The Julie Rose Show (NPR), Living on Earth, and a four-part European Parliament webinar ​Towards a European Recognition of the Rights of Nature.”

Chad Nicholson is a Senior Staff member for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) and is based in Pennsylvania. Chad’s work with Grant Township, Penn. has included assisting with drafting the first-in-the-nation rights-based local constitution, and the first law legalizing nonviolent direct action to protect rights. Chad has also appeared in a Rolling Stone article on Grant Township, as well as a recent documentary, Invisible Hand. In the last legislative session, Chad worked with members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to introduce an amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution that would guarantee the right of local community self-government. With colleague Ben Price, Chad has co-authored the Pennsylvania Community Rights Cookbook, a 700-page volume on the history of people’s movements, and the tragic rise of corporate power, in Pennsylvania. Chad began rights-based organizing in Spokane, Wash. in 2009.

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Mexico’s leftist President AMLO condemned “hypocritical” Republicans who want the US military to invade, declaring “Mexico is an independent and free country, not a US colony or protectorate!” In a massive rally, López Obrador also celebrated the expropriation of oil and lithium, condemning exploitative foreign corporations.

Mexico’s leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) organized a massive rally in the heart of the capital, honoring the anniversary of the country’s nationalization of its oil reserves and expropriation of foreign corporations.

AMLO also used the demonstration as an opportunity to publicly condemn US politicians who have proposed militarily invading Mexico to combat drug trafficking.

“We remind those hypocritical and irresponsible politicians that Mexico is an independent and free country, not a colony or a protectorate of the United States!” López Obrador declared.

“They can threaten us with committing some kind of abuse, but we will never, ever allow them to violate our sovereignty and trample on the dignity of our homeland!” he asserted.

AMLO added,

 “I want to make it clear that this is no longer the time of [Felipe] Calderón or [Genaro] García Luna, that it is no longer the time of the shady links between the government of Mexico and the agencies of the US government”.

The Mexican leader then led a chant: “Cooperation? Yes. Submission? No! Interventionism? No!”

AMLO delivered this fiery speech on March 18 in the Zócalo, the plaza in the heart of Mexico City.

His government officially convened the event to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the 1938 oil nationalization by revolutionary former President Lázaro Cárdenas.

López Obrador dedicated half of his hour-long speech to discussing the history of the Cardenista revolution, and the lessons it provides for today.

AMLO praised Cárdenas for challenging foreign corporations and defending national sovereignty, while redistributing land to the poor, protecting labor rights, encouraging unions, and forming an alliance with workers and peasants against the “conservative oligarchy” that had ruled Mexico during the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz, before the 1910 revolution.

The speech was one of the most passionate examples of López Obrador’s left-wing nationalist ideology.

AMLO made clear parallels between the government of Cárdenas and his own government today, between Cárdenas’ oil nationalization and López Obrador’s nationalization of Mexico’s lithium reserves.

Far-right Republicans call for the US military to invade Mexico

This March, a series of far-right US politicians from the Republican Party have called for the military to invade Mexico, in the name of supposedly fighting drug cartels.

Extreme-right Congressmember Marjorie Taylor Greene falsely claimed in a March 15 tweet that Mexican cartels “are planting bombs on our land in our country”. (She posted a photo which did not show a bomb, according to US Border Patrol, but rather “a duct-taped ball filled with sand that wasn’t deemed a threat to agents/public”.)

“Our US military needs to take action against the Mexican Cartels”, she insisted. “End this Cartel led war against America!”

Greene is a Donald Trump loyalist and supporter of the neo-fascist QAnon cult. She ran for office inciting violence against the left, shooting and blowing up the word “socialism” in her campaign ads.

But Greene is far from alone.

Republican Congressmember Dan Crenshaw has introduced multiple bills to authorize the US military to attack cartels in Mexico.

Legislation that Crenshaw introduced in January cites the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), which was passed a week after the 9/11 attacks, in order to justify the US military to invade Mexico.

In an op-ed, Crenshaw compared Mexican drug cartels to ISIS, al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein.

The Republican lawmaker also called for the US to impose sanctions on Mexico – one of its top three trading partners.

Greene wrote that she is “proud to co-sponsor Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s legislation to declare WAR on the Mexican cartels”.

“We must authorize the use of military force to eliminate the thugs who are smuggling drugs and illegal aliens across our southern border”, Greene insisted.

The far-right Republican also suggested that Washington should impose sanctions on Mexico.

“There is a war going on that affects every single American, but it’s not in Ukraine or the Middle East, it’s on our Southern border”, Greene declared.

In the US Senate, another Trump ally, Lindsey Graham, wants the US military to intervene in Mexico.

“We are going to unleash the fury and might of the U.S. against these cartels”, Graham proclaimed in a March 8 press conference.

Graham compared Mexican drug cartels to ISIS and al-Qaeda, referring to them as “narcoterrorists” and calling to “give the military the authority to go after these organizations wherever they exist”.

Trump’s former CIA director and secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, published an article declaring, “It Is Time for America To Declare War on the Drug Cartels“.

“As Secretary of State, I suggested we use drones to strike the cartels”, he boasted.

With blatantly neocolonial rhetoric, Pompeo claimed that Mexico has a “total lack of sovereignty”. (In his memoir, Pompeo admitted that the Trump administration tried to overthrow Venezuela’s government because it supposedly put “out the welcome mat for Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, and the cartels in a twenty-first-century violation of the Monroe Doctrine“, referencing the 200-year-old colonial doctrine.)

Borrowing George W. Bush-era “war on terror” rhetoric, Pompeo referred to the cartels as “narco-terrorist entities”, and insisted that “the U.S. government should designate the major drug cartels – the Gulf Cartel (responsible for the recent kidnapping and murders), the Cartel Del Noreste, the Cartel de Sinaloa, and the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion to name a few – as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO)”.

Pompeo also tried to link China to Mexican drug cartels as well, without any evidence. He asserted that the US war on cartels “will require going after the Chinese Communist Party-backed entities that are funneling precursor compounds to cartels”.

AMLO condemns US threats: “Mexico is not a colony!”

In his March 18 speech, López Obrador declared:

Friend, I cannot forget to mention that, in recent days, some legislators from the United States, who are accustomed to hypocritically throwing stones while forgetting that they live in glass houses, have a propagandistic plan. As we say here, in popular language, they are scheming. And for electoral purposes, political operatives are saying that, if we don’t stop the traffic of fentanyl to the northern border, they are going to propose in Congress that North American soldiers occupy our territory, to fight organized crime.

First, I want to make it clear that this is no longer the time of [Felipe] Calderón or [Genaro] García Luna, that it is no longer the time of the shady links between the government of Mexico and the agencies of the US government.

The most important thing is that, from here, from this Zócalo, the political and cultural heart of Mexico, we remind those hypocritical and irresponsible politicians that Mexico is an independent and free country, not a colony or a protectorate of the United States, and that they can threaten us with committing some kind of abuse, but we will never, ever allow them to violate our sovereignty and trample on the dignity of our homeland!

Cooperation? Yes. Submission? No! Interventionism? No!

AMLO then shouted out the following words, and the audience replied: “Oligarchy? No! Corruption? No! Classism? No! Racism? No! Freedom? Yes! Democracy? Yes! Honesty? Yes! Social justice? Yes! Equality? Yes! Sovereignty? Yes!”

The president concluded his speech chanting: “Long live the oil expropriation! Long live the workers and technicians, of before and today, in the national oil industry! Long live General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río! Long live Mexico! Long live Mexico! Long live Mexico!”

Cardenas Mexico nationalization railroads 1937

Mexican President Lázaro Cárdenas declaring the nationalization of the railroads in 1937

AMLO honors Lázaro Cárdenas’ revolutionary legacy

AMLO spent the first half of his speech discussing the legacy of leftist former President Lázaro Cárdenas.

He explained:

General Lázaro Cárdenas did not hesitate to rely on those below to carry out his transformation. The general’s strategy can be summarized in three important, consecutive actions. First, he gave land to the peasants and helped the workers. Then, he motivated them to organize. And finally, with that social base, he was able to carry out the expropriation of the oil and other national resources, which Porfirio Díaz had given away to individuals, fundamentally to foreigners.

In the Cardenista strategy, the most important thing was meeting the economic and social demands of the peasants and workers.

It is undoubtable that the peasants saw in Cárdenas a faithful representative of the revolutionary cause. The agrarian reform ensured that many people were loyal to the Cardenista government, and from then on, there was an alliance between the peasants and the state.

Moreover, during Cardenismo, the workers felt that their labor rights were guaranteed, with strict adherence to the law. Cárdenas respected the economic struggle of workers for better salaries and better labor conditions.

The organization and political mobilization of the masses advanced the goal of valuing the economic independence of our country.

Thereby, with the expropriation of the oil corporations, national goods and resources were returned to the nation, which since the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz had been in the hands of foreigners.

There has not existed in Mexico a president as close to humble people as General Cárdenas, nor a president as dedicated to the cause of social justice.

For example, already as president, in power in 1935, he wrote in his notes the following: “Ending the miseries that the people suffer from is above all other interests”.

I quote General Cárdenas; he says: “We made considerations of the circumstances that could arise if governments like those of England and the United States, in the interest of supporting the oil companies, pressured the government of Mexico with violent measures. But we also took into account that there is already the threat of a new world war with the growing provocations of Nazi-fascist imperialism, and that this would stop them from attacking Mexico in the case of the expropriation, among other reasons”.

And taking advantage of this circumstance, on March 18, 1938, the oil expropriation was carried out.

He then made known, by radio, to all of the nation, the step taken by the government, in defense of its sovereignty, reintegrating into its domain the oil wealth that, as the same general said, “Imperialist capital has been taking advantage of to keep the country in a humiliating situation”.

In response to Cárdenas’ expropriation of Mexico’s oil wealth, AMLO explained, “The millionaires requested a US [military] intervention. They complained to the United States”.

He then added with a sarcastic tone, “That sounds familiar, that sounds familiar, that sounds familiar”.

The millionaires “went and complained so that [the United States] would come here to protect their companies”, AMLO added.

But the threat of Nazi Germany and the clear signs that World War Two was coming prevented the US from militarily intervening to stop the nationalization, López Obrador argued.

He also noted that the US leader at the time was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whom AMLO referred to as “one of the best presidents that that country has had in all of its history”.

“But the corporations were not as conscious and respectful” as FDR, López Obrador continued.

Foreign corporations thought that “Mexicans were born to enrich foreigners”, he said, “and that God put important natural resources below Mexico’s soil to increase the fortunes in the treasure chests of the exploiters and concessionaires”.

AMLO recalled that Cárdenas’ government was forced to “confront a boycott, pressures, and acts of sabotage promoted and funded by the foreign oil companies in our country”.

The Mexican president continued:

The oil expropriation caused deep discomfort among a minority, above all among the wealthy at the time, in sectors of the middle class, and in the majority of the media.

It is interesting, and this is a lesson, to highlight that, historically, the right wing always regroups when a democratic change is trying to be carried out, and it becomes plainly intolerant, and even violent when it comes to social demands in favor of the people and the control of the nation.

López Obrador discussed the example of Francisco Madero, a leader of the Mexican Revolution who governed as president from 1911 to 1913, but who was toppled and murdered in a coup d’etat sponsored by the United States and carried out by the right wing.

AMLO emphasized:

Let us remember that the overthrow of President Madero, our apostle of democracy, relied on the intervention of the US ambassador, but that overthrow was carried out by internal right-wing groups that had previously promoted a campaign of hatred and smears, consisting of ridiculing the leader, President Madero, in their newspapers, to the point of treating him as crazy and spiritualist.

As an example of the long history of Mexico’s right-wing elites betraying their country’s national interests in collaboration with foreign corporations, AMLO pointed out that the country’s right-wing party PAN, which governed from 2000 to 2012, had been created in 1939 as a representation of the wealthy oligarchic forces that opposed Cárdenas’ oil expropriation.

The Mexican president finally summarized his discussion of Cárdenas: “In this brief history, there are greater lessons. The main one is that only with the people, only with the support of the majority, is it possible to carry out a popular transformation to guarantee justice and confront the reactionaries who don’t want to lose their privileges”.

AMLO boasts of unprecedented government spending on social programs to help working-class Mexicans

Later in the March 18 speech, AMLO boasted of the unprecedented social spending his government has carried out:

All of the [government’s] savings are used to finance social programs, such as pensions for the elderly, support for people with disabilities, single mothers, peasants and fishermen; with scholarships for students from poor families; internet for everyone; programs to build and improve housing; favorable loans; fertilizers and guaranteed prices for small producers in the country; the Wellness Bank; the drive for public education and health care, universal and free.

This year, more than 25 million people will receive direct support totaling 600 billion pesos. In other words, out of the 35 million homes that there are in the country, 71% are already benefiting from at least one of the social programs.

With this policy of attention to the neediest, the most vulnerable, and especially the youth, we have also been able to reduce crime

]These policies] have allowed us to avoid more debt. We have not requested additional debt since we are in government.

The price of gasoline, diesel, gas, and electricity has not increased.

Also, public investment has increased, which did not happen for many years. This year, more than 1 trillion pesos will be spent on public works. That is to say, we are going to keep building roads, bridges, trains, airports, hospitals, universities, markets, sports facilities, piers, and natural, recreational, and ecological parks.

In the time that we have been in government, the minimum wage has increased by 90% in real terms, and more than double at the border.

Do you remember what the lying technocrats said about raising the salary, that there was going to be inflation? Pure nonsense! That is not true.

Of course we have to increase wages in a responsible way, to strengthen the internal market, as we are doing, and thereby to achieve well-being for our people.

“We have also directed our resources and efforts toward achieving food self-sufficiency and energy self-sufficiency.

We can ensure that we are guaranteed to have oil sovereignty. Next year, we are not going to buy gasoline, diesel, or other oil products abroad. We are going to process all of our raw materials.

And recently, the lithium was nationalized, strategic minerals used in making batteries, for electric cars and the storage system for clean energy. It fills me with pride to remember that.

While listing the accomplishments of his government, López Obrador also referenced the negotiations in 2018 and 2019 that led to replacing NAFTA with the new United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA).

AMLO said with pride:

We were able to remove from the free trade agreement a broad chapter that compromised our oil in that agreement and put in its place a small paragraph that I am going to read to you.

It says that the United States and Canada recognize that “Mexico reserves its sovereign right to reform its Constitution and its domestic legislation; and Mexico has the direct, inalienable, and imprescriptible ownership of all hydrocarbons in the subsoil of the national territory”.

The Mexican president added:

We are going to continue with that collective conscience. We are going to continue pushing back against the dirty war, the smear campaigns, and the manipulation attempts that they will continue to carry out because they have no other choice, our adversaries and their media outlets, sold out, bought up, in the hands of members of the corrupt conservative bloc.

But at the same time, we must have faith in the wisdom and loyalty of the people.

I maintain that, whatever they do, the oligarchs will not return to power. An authentic and true democracy will continue to prevail in our beloved Mexico.


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Dr. William Makis and Dr. Paul Alexander discuss mature minors given COVID shots in Canada with no parental consent, pilots collapsing in flight due to possible vaccine induced myocarditis, one pilot disaster and many high school students having heart attacks post COVID gene shot and needing defibrillators.

My content is available for free. I have lost extensive income due to my advocacy for early treatment and my stance against the COVID vaccines, especially for children. Your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated in my sharing of research and the fight against scientific censorship where several good and brilliant doctors and scientists are silenced and cancelled, including myself.

To support William Makis, click here

It is absolutely imperative that people/populations are given accurate information about the benefits and harms of societal restrictions or medical interventions such as vaccines. Only then can people make informed decisions about what is best for them.



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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The publicity for the Ukraine war has been handled far more successfully by the US, NATO and allies than the campaign to justify the 2003 US war on Iraq. The Ukraine news is pervasive. It comes from the front, from anchors in Kyiv, from interviews with victims, medical staff and politicians. Moscow-based Western correspondents who dominate the airwaves, television and print media provide unenlightening input from Russia. The war is being won for hearts and minds while bloody battles rage in eastern Ukraine. Blanket efforts to influence global public opinion in favour of the war will go on long after the war ends.

This is true of this week’s 20th anniversary coverage of George W. Bush’s deadly and destructive war on Iraq which afflicted chaos, anarchy and sectarianism on the core country of the Eastern Arab World (Mashreq) and shook the region. By repeating the three false pretexts for launching the war, the media gives them currency and some credibility. Few commentators state the fact that the US “lied” by saying Iraqi president Saddam Hussein retained banned weapons of mass destruction (WMD), had ties to Al Qaeda which attacked the US in 2001, and, the most farfetched of all, posed a threat to the US. “Lied” is a leaded word which conveys the accusation that the US intended to mislead the global public even this was true.

On the issue of WMD, on the website of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, ex-UN nuclear inspector Robert Kelley wrote, “The UN Special Commission on Iraq [UNSCOM] and the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] Action Team carried out hundreds of person-days of inspections in Iraq [in 1992-1993]. We discovered nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programmes and methodically destroyed them, even to the extent of blowing up entire factories and laboratories and bringing special nuclear materials out of the country.” A US expert, Kelley also wrote the report to the IAEA on inspections carried out ahead of the war found no evidence of nuclear material or equipment. His report was ignored in Washington and London.

The Saddam Hussein-Al Qaeda connection was invented by US officials with the aim of providing Bush with justification for his war but was dismissed by the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2006. Al Qaeda made its appearance in Iraq after the US occupation when Abu Musab Al Zarqawi was tasked by Usama Bin Laden to establish cells in Iraq. Saddam Hussein had neither the aspiration nor possibility to mount strikes on the US which is more than 11,000 kilometres distant from Baghdad.

On April 9, 2007, former director of Central Intelligence George Tenet said on a 60 Minutes television interview, “We could never verify that there was any Iraqi authority, direction and control, complicity with Al Qaeda for 9/11 or any operational act against America, period.”

Twenty years on lies and misrepresentations continue to be adopted by today’s politicians and commentators. The most common is that Saddam Hussein established “a minority Sunni regime”. This, somehow, justified its removal.

Although Saddam Hussein, a Sunni, appointed relatives to senior posts, the government was secular and included Christian, Kurdish and Shiite ministers in key roles. Deputy prime minister and foreign minister Tareq Aziz was a Christian. Defence industry and industry minister Amr Al Sadi — who built weapons used by Iraq during the Iran war and liaised with UN weapons inspectors — is a Shiite. He was not a member of the ruling Baath Party. His brother was a high ranking official in the oil ministry. An early Baathist who reached the top ranks of the party, Saadoun Hammadi, another Shiita, was oil minister, prime minister, and foreign minister. Mohammed Saeed Al Sahhaf, a Shiita born in Karbala like Hammadi, served as information and foreign minister. Iraq’s health minister in the 1990s was a Kurd whom I met in Baghdad in 1992 or 1993 during a conference convened by a Jordanian doctors’ association. The majority of members in the Baath and Communist parties were Shiitas who made up about 55 per cent of the population.

Two examples of Monday’s 20th anniversary coverage are revealing.

Commenting in The Washington Post about US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s pre-war statement on WMD to the UN Security Council, Ishaan Tharoor said that he “would lament the defects in the US intelligence process” which gave Bush the pretext to wage war. There were no “defects” just lies which were recognised as lies at the time by opponents and critics of the war.

Beating around the bush, Tharoor admitted that “Saddam’s regime” was “nominally secular” although it was, in fact, “secular” and inclusive. Tharoor also wrote that the “regime ..presided over a united sense of Iraqi identity that was, to a certain extent, broken up by the US invasion and its aftermath”. There was an Iraqi identity before the war and, there was no “certain extent” about the US effort, launched in May 2003, to destroy the Iraqi identity. The US imposed a divide-and-rule system of governance based on ethnic — Arab-Kurd — and sectarian — Shiite and Sunni — identity. Instead of democracy, this system has produced sectarian and ethnic cleansing and rule by expatriate pro-Iranain Shiita militia leaders turned politicians.

In her 50-minute BBC documentary, “A Choice of Horrors”, Caroline Wyatt interviewed a number of academics, journalists and ex-officials on the whys and wherefores of the war. The programme was divided between interviews with proponents and opponents of the war. Pro-ponents relied on non-existent WMD and Saddam Husein’s repression. Wyatt argued correctly that the end of the Cold War left the US as the global hyperpower which, after 2000, had the muscle to conduct “humanitarian interventions” although the Iraq war was a straightforward war of conquest and not a “humanitarian intervention”. While opponents spoke of US hubris and argued Iraq emerged from the US war broken, violent and impoverished, they were overshadowed by proponents who spoke first. This weakened the conclusion that the US intervention was worse than non-intervention. The war of words over the US war on Iraq continues unabated.


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The British Empire: Culture War and Actual War

March 23rd, 2023 by Andrew Murray

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The flurry of criticism and counter-outrage over the classical colonial era is no mere academic matter, warns ANDREW MURRAY: what is being debated is whether fresh imperial slaughter can be sold to the public

The British empire is one of the front lines in the culture war. Few things make Establishment academics and pundits angrier than the critical scrutiny British imperialism is increasingly subjected to, particularly by scholars that aren’t white, male and privileged, the characteristics hitherto regarded as essential for holding an opinion on the subject.

Historians like Niall Ferguson and Robert Tombs argue that the empire wasn’t such a bad thing overall, a few undeniable excesses notwithstanding, or, as a fallback, too complex to pass judgement on. They are keener on emphasising Britain’s role in abolishing slavery than its prior record of promoting and profiting from it, and its foundational part in the development of capitalism.

They also disdain the intrusion of new scholars onto their terrain. In one especially unpleasant article, Tombs singled out three for the sin of exploiting “the fashionable theme of ‘anti-colonialism’,” as if hostility to colonialism was a priori a historical disability.

The impertinent trio were Afua Hirsch, David Olusoga and Kehinde Andrews, all of whom are black writers of distinction. Not particularly subtle, I would say.

Most recently, the imperial case has been set out by Nigel Biggar, a moral philosopher no less, who finds the record of the empire broadly congenial in a new book. He regards a reappraisal of the empire as threatening to the present social order since any critique has to foreground issues like racism, exploitation and state violence, essential components of Britain best left unexamined lest they undermine the bromides of liberal capitalist democracy.

This is the critical point. History isn’t over and, in particular, the history of British imperialism is a story without an ending so far.

When Ferguson wrote his pro-imperial history of the British empire 20 years ago, he wasn’t shy about proclaiming his purpose. It was to encourage a revival of imperial methods for governing the world, on the part of the US above all, since Britain was no longer equipped to go it alone.

The “bring back the empire” brigade had its way with Afghanistan and Iraq. Twenty years on from the start of the Afghan occupation it ended in utter ignominy.

And 20 years after the Iraq invasion, a bleak anniversary marked this week, no-one can be found to excuse the aggression.

Not even the Times. Like every other newspaper worldwide in the Murdoch empire, it cheered on the Bush-Blair invasion. Yet this week it editorialised that the war was “an unmitigated disaster” and “a hubristic act of overreach, a reckless product of the American ‘unipolar moment’ that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“For those responsible, including in Britain, the verdict of history grows only more damning with the passage of time… We all now live with its legacy: a less stable, more dangerous world than at any time since the second world war.”

The article could have been a Stop the War Coalition leaflet, in fact. Although there was no acknowledgement that the war was a disaster fully endorsed by the Times and its proprietor at the time. Anyway, imperial misadventures now turn sour even faster than they did in Queen Victoria’s days.

Yet still today, the preservation of a benign understanding of the British empire seems essential to the present system: the idea that it is, and always has been, pretty much the best people could aspire to.

Its propagandists realise that when the Colston statue was pulled down, for example, this was not just a matter of an image of a notorious slave trader being removed, it was the desecration of a central prop of contemporary politics.

The whole British bourgeoisie has at least one foot on the Colston pedestal. The sanctity of our past, in the Ferguson-Tombs historical telling, is the blank cheque written to today’s imperialists, cashable in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine in this century alone.

The legacy of the empire also legitimises authoritarianism, racism, and sundry other maladies, including the supremacy of the City of London in economic counsels and the overweening influence of the arms and energy monopolies.

To deride “anti-colonial” history is to sustain 21st-century neo-colonialism and the brutalisation of Iraq with its million dead, torture, sectarian strife and despoliation.

If we take one lesson from this anniversary week, let it be the importance of anti-imperialism to any serious socialist politics, from Iraq to Ukraine to Britain itself.

Obstructed: we are now as free as South Africa, Poland and Hungary

The latest figures show that real living standards for working people in Britain have now stagnated for 15 years. This is a slump entirely unprecedented in its duration.

At the same time, Britain has been downgraded in a global ranking of freedom, on account of “increasingly authoritarian” legislation, according to Civicus Monitor. New powers that restrict the right to protest have led to us being downgraded from “narrowed” to “obstructed.” We are now only one level above “repressed.”

“Narrowed,” the next level up, is a description which fits the democracy which allowed Tony Blair to take us into a war of choice ignoring public opinion. The rot runs deep.

The laws include those clamping down on the right to protest and giving police sweeping new powers — just what the Met doesn’t need this week — as well as the government’s drive to undermine civil organisations, like charities, critical of its policies.

To that could be added the fresh attack on the right to strike and legislation aimed at driving down electoral participation by the poor and the young.

It is impossible to see these developments as unrelated. As bleak economic circumstances undermine the consent of the people to capitalist class rule, coercion is intensified. Witness President Emmanuel Macron — a darling of all centrists — imposing the degradation of French pensions by decree rather than a parliamentary vote.

And Britain is in a worse state than France.

Can democracy survive capitalism in more-or-less unending crisis and the risk of a war of the great powers? This is being debated in Establishment circles, which would rather squeeze civil rights than profit margins.

The left must join the discussion and mobilise for the defence of democracy. At the moment, we are as frogs in water gradually coming to the boil.


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The late Gene Sharp, ideological godfather of countless colour revolutions, probably would not be pleased to see his teachings posthumously hijacked by a most unconventional activist. Father Anthony is an  unyielding, pesky Serbian Orthodox cleric who gets high on driving his country’s authorities crazy, but has he heard of Gene Sharp? Or ever read Sharp’s classical color revolution manual, “Self-liberation,” even more suggestively subtitled

“A guide to Strategic Planning for Action to End a Dictatorship or Other Oppression”?

Perhaps he and Sharp simply arrived at similar conclusions independently.

Be that as it may, internal tensions in Serbia are rising, fuelled by popular suspicion that NATO is strong-arming the vacillating government to renounce Kosovo.

Concomitantly, the charismatic monk’s visibility and credibility have also been rising steadily.

Hardly a day goes by that he is not harassed by the police or arrested on some imputation of “disorderly conduct.” He is held in jail until he scrapes together roughly 1000 euros to pay the brutal fine meted out for such “misconduct.” A pattern is emerging. It seems that the authorities typically stage incidents for the principal purpose of keeping Father Anthony off the streets of Belgrade as much as possible.

With a small band of devout supporters, he has been at it since 2016, when local oligarchs in the provincial town of Valjevo, possessed by a sense of impious impunity, decided to inundate the 13thcentury monastery of Saint Archangel Michael nearby. The medieval shrine stood in the way of their artificial lake project, conceived brazenly so they could enjoy sail boating. That is when Father Anthony’s righteous indignation boiled over, and a modern Savonarola was born. He has been relentlessly haunting the powers that be ever since.

Following that initial protest, the good father’s public rhetoric expanded noticeably beyond theological matters and futile appeals in neo-liberal Serbia for the preservation of religious and cultural monuments. Every Saturday in Belgrade he leads a religious procession, a litany, making the rounds of what he regards as the nodal points of the occupation system that holds Serbia in subjection: the Patriarchal headquarters of the silenced Church, the national television broadcasting facility, and the parliament building, with the Presidential office close by, situated on the other side of the park. At each of these locations, Saturday after Saturday Anthony delivers scorching homilies on a wide range of sensitive topics that are certainly on everyone’s mind but are rarely whispered by his fellow-citizens, and even then by only a few audacious lips. Today in Serbia, that sort of preaching is offensively annoying. Clearly it does not have the effect of winning friends or influencing people, especially not in the dark corridors of power.

The fact that Anthony has no friends in the aforementioned quarters has been particularly evident over the past several weeks. He has been continuously caught in a revolving door, as he is sprung in and out of jail for his impassioned street denunciations of what he sees as betrayal to NATO and its regional vassals of Serbia’s spiritual and cultural heartland, Kosovo. As of this writing, he is still incarcerated on the other side of the revolving door, where he was safely tucked away to prevent him from adding his unique imprint to the “No to capitulation” mass rally in Belgrade in opposition to EU’s harsh ultimatum to Serbia to supinely accept NATO orchestrated secession of Kosovo.

Image: Anthony preaching with NATO bombed building in the background (Source: Stephen Karganovic)

Over the past week, Father Anthony demonstrated once more his brilliant capacity to mock and annoy, as should be expected from a student of Gene Sharp. On the day of his latest arrest on March 16th, he   further unnerved the jittery authorities by nonchalantly taking a provocative, although perfectly legal, stroll in the park between the   National Assembly building and the President’s office [at 16:36 minutes]. He knew that the police would frown on his unpredictable presence in that public space, but decided with a handful of supporters to test the effectiveness of his civil rights anyway. Permission for a public gathering, defined by law as nineteen or more persons, was not received and pointedly not solicited. The authorities’ already rattled nerves were tried additionally when his followers separated into small groups of two and three, each clearly under the legal threshold, while disingenuously pretending that they congregated by pure chance and were not even acquainted with each other.

Whether intentionally designed or not, it turned into a classical Gene Sharp performance. The freaked out police, who had orders to disperse them, technically were in a legally untenable position [at 21:31 minutes]. Eventually, exactly as Sharp’s manual predicts they would, they solved the “rule of law” problem by crudely brushing all formalities away. They settled the matter Balkan style, the only method they know. An officer approached the monk, no court order or any such nonsense in hand of course, and peremptorily ordered Anthony to vacate the public area where he was legally entitled to be. Refusing to budge, Father Anthony preached and argued with the stone faced praetorians and finally he was rewarded with his Gene Sharp (or, if one prefers, Ghandi) moment. As the conversation was getting nowhere, he deliberately collapsed to the ground [at 33:02 minutes] forcing police officers to physically carry him off to a waiting vehicle [at 34:01 to 36:40 minutes]. In plain sight and for the obvious edification of the citizenry, Father Anthony was carted off to an undisclosed location. On best available information, he still remains there, incommunicado.

At last report, for this playful caper he was sentenced to five days in jail; there is no official word whether or not he offered to pay the fine, or the offer was refused.

Regrettably, neither Amnesty International nor the International Criminal Court, which lately purports to have been busy investigating human rights violations, have expressed the slightest interest in Father Anthony, the treatment he habitually receives, or his whereabouts. Nor have inquiries been made by international dignitaries who have been flocking to Belgrade to finalise with their local lackeys the handover of Kosovo to NATO occupiers and their Albanian minions. It seems to suit everybody perfectly that the monk has vanished.

For all we know, Father Anthony may be somewhere sharing a jail cell with incarcerated journalist Dejan Zlatanovic, comforting another forlorn prisoner of conscience in this dark night of the soul for the entire Serbian nation.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image: Serbian Monk Anthony defying the police (Source: Stephen Karganovic)

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Twenty years ago on this coming weekend, I was in Mongolia as the Deputy US Ambassador. After writing a Dissent Cable in early March 2003 on the pending US war on Iraq to my boss Secretary of State Colin Powell, I made the decision to resign from the US government as it was poised to invade, occupy and destroy the sovereign state of Iraq. I was one of three US diplomats who resigned – Brady Kiesling and John Brown resigned before me.

For months, the Bush administration attempted to get the US public to believe that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction and therefore was a threat to the United States and the international community. Colin Powell’s February 5, 2003 briefing on weapons of mass destruction to the U.N. Security Council was a bust and the Bush administration was unable to get the necessary votes for the UN to authorize military operations in its name. Nor did millions of ordinary citizens around the world believe Bush and Powell’s justification for war and they were marching against the war in numbers never seen in the recorded history of our planet.

As a reminder of the events leading up to the war on Iraq and the complicity of the media in providing the Bush administration all the coverage it wanted, The Dissenter is publishing the daily history of the Bush administration’s lies and the media cover-up. On March 16, 2023, The Dissenter posted the twenty-year old March 16, 2003 Washington Post article by Walter Pincus on his investigation of Secretary of State Colin Powell’s claims of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction in his infamous February 5, 2003 speech at the UN Security Council. Pincus’ investigation revealed that “US intelligence agencies have been unable to give Congress or the Pentagon specific information about the amounts of banned weapons or where they are hidden.” Pincus highlighted how US officials “repeatedly have failed to mention the considerable amount of documented weapons destruction that took place in Iraq between 1991 and 1998.” The Post buried this small article on page A17, instead of on the front page where it belonged. Pincus wrote, “The front pages of The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times are very important in shaping what other people think. They’re like writing a memo to the White House,” and that’s why the Post buried his critical article.

Tragically and criminally, the Bush administration went ahead and attacked Iraq and in the next decade created massive instability in the Middle East and the conditions for the rise of violent militia groups that are still terrorizing the region and the world. In the next two decades, the US continued its war mongering in Europe, Africa and North East Asia.

Today, twenty years after the beginning of the disastrous war on Iraq, the world is faced with the US war mongering in two major areas and several smaller ones. In Ukraine, the US is providing weapons for the US proxy war to “weaken” the terrible expense of the lives of tens of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians and the destruction of a large amount of housing and national infrastructure in Ukraine.

In the Pacific and Asia, the US has encouraged NATO, the NORTH ATLANTIC treaty organization to expand its area of concern/influence halfway around the world with NATO country ships and ground personnel in military war maneuvers to threaten China’s remarkable economic rise and modest military increase – in China’s own front yard. The US and South Korea are having the largest war maneuvers in decades on the border with North Korea.

In these dangerous actions with Russia, China and North Korea, the US and European media have been cheerleaders for military confrontation, just as they were for the US war on Iraq. Only this time, the US is challenging large, nuclear weapons countries, not a small country that the US knew had already destroyed its weaponry.

We are facing the same desire in the US and European media to bow to the wishes of the governments rather than the media being investigative journalists to give the public the honest truth about what is happening in a current brutal war in Ukraine and the lead-up to military actions in the Western Pacific and Northeast Asia.

Having served 29 years in the US Army/Army Reserves and retiring as a Colonel and 16 years as a US diplomat in US embassies in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Micronesia, Afghanistan and Mongolia, all I can say is “Don’t believe everything the US government says or the US media writes.”

No one wins when diplomacy is shot dead by military actions. Keep talking instead of shooting.

The future of our planet will depend on it!!


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Ann Wright is a retired US Army Colonel and a former US diplomat who resigned from the US government in March 2003 in opposition to the US war on Iraq. She had served in US embassies in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Micronesia, Afghanistan and Mongolia. Since her resignation 20 years ago this weekend, she has worked for peace with CODEPINK: Women For Peace, Veterans For Peace and many other peace organizations. She has travelled to Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba and other countries under U.S. sanctions to write about U.S. imperialism. She is the co-author of Dissent: Voices of Conscience.

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In a follow-up to his explosive story accusing U.S. President Joe Biden of ordering the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, veteran U.S. journalist Seymour Hersh charged Wednesday that the White House—in collaboration with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz—is attempting a “cover-up of its operation” by “feeding” false alternative narratives to the press, most prominently The New York Times.

Hersh’s initial reporting, which was based on anonymous sourcing, was quickly dismissed by the Biden administration, with State Department Spokesperson Ned Price calling the detailed February account “false” and suggesting that those who believe its version of events are “naive” and “gullible.”

Hersh, who famously exposed U.S. forces’ massacre of Vietnamese civilians in My Lai and the torture of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, forcefully hit back at the Biden administration on Wednesday and criticized the American press for failing to push the White House on the September attack, which has major geopolitical implications.

“Press aides for the White House and Central Intelligence Agency have consistently denied that America was responsible for exploding the pipelines, and those pro forma denials were more than enough for the White House press corps,” Hersh wrote on his Substack.

“There is no evidence that any reporter assigned there has yet to ask the White House press secretary whether Biden had done what any serious leader would do: formally ‘task’ the American intelligence community to conduct a deep investigation, with all of its assets, and find out just who had done the deed in the Baltic Sea,” the journalist continued. “According to a source within the intelligence community, the president has not done so, nor will he. Why not? Because he knows the answer.”

Officials from Norway, Germany, and Sweden told the United Nations last month that they are still investigating the explosions that severely damaged the Nord Stream pipelines, setting off an environmental nightmare and immediate speculation as to who was responsible. Such speculation is ongoing, with both official and unofficial probes attempting to determine the perpetrator.

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline—which Biden vocally opposed—never became operational, as the German government put it on hold just ahead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

During a press briefing late last month, Price said the U.S. “is not a party to this investigation because there are countries on whose sovereign territory this attack occurred, and we’re deferring it to them to conduct this investigation.”

On March 7, nearly a month after Hersh published his report, The New York Times ran a story—also based on anonymous sourcing—alleging that “new intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials” indicates “a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines last year.”

The Ukrainian government has denied any involvement in the attack.

“U.S. officials said there was much they did not know about the perpetrators and their affiliations,” notes the Times report, which makes brief mention of Hersh’s story and quotes unnamed U.S. officials denying any Biden administration involvement.

The same day as the Times published its story, the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit ran a report alleging that German investigators “succeeded in identifying the boat that was allegedly used for the secret operation” to sabotage the Nord Stream pipelines.

“It is said to be a yacht rented from a company based in Poland, apparently owned by two Ukrainians,” Die Zeit reported. “According to the investigation, the secret operation at sea was carried out by a team of six people. It is said to have been five men and one woman.”

In his Wednesday piece, Hersh contended that the message of the Times and Die Zeit stories—both of which emphasized that much of the sabotage operation remains shrouded in mystery—”was that the press and the public should stop asking questions and let the investigators unravel the truth.”

“Holger Stark, the author of the report in Die Zeit, went a step further and noted that there were some ‘in international security services’ who had not excluded the possibility that the yacht story ‘was a false flag operation.’ Indeed, it was,” Hersh alleged, citing an anonymous source inside the U.S. intelligence community.

That source told Hersh that the yacht narrative reported by Die Zeit “was a total fabrication by American intelligence that was passed along to the Germans, and aimed at discrediting your story.”

Hersh went on to add that

“the disinformation professionals inside the CIA understand that a propaganda gambit can only work if those on receiving are desperate for a story that can diminish or displace an unwanted truth.”

“And the truth in question is that President Joe Biden authorized the destruction of the pipelines and will have a difficult time explaining away his action as Germany and its Western European neighbors suffer as businesses are shuttered amid high day-to-day energy costs,” wrote Hersh, citing an energy expert who argued that the damage to the Nord Stream pipelines “led to a further surge of natural gas prices.”

According to Hersh, the “most telling evidence” of the “weakness” of the Times reporting can be found in a podcast interview featuring Julian Barnes, one of three reporters whose bylines appeared on the March 7 story.

Barnes told podcast host Michael Barbaro that “we know really very little” about the pro-Ukrainian group that the Times reporting alleges may have been behind the Nord Stream attack.

“This group remains mysterious,” Barnes said. “And it remains mysterious not just to us, but also to the U.S. government officials that we have spoken to. They know that the people involved were either Ukrainian, or Russian, or a mix. They know that they are not affiliated with the Ukrainian government. But they know they’re also anti-Putin and pro-Ukraine.”

In response, Hersh wrote that “the Times reporters in Washington were at the mercy of White House officials ‘who had access to intelligence.'”

“But the information they received,” he added, “originated with a group of CIA experts in deception and propaganda whose mission was to feed the newspaper a cover story—and to protect a president who made an unwise decision and is now lying about it.”

Hersh also alleged that while it remains an “open question” whether Scholz was aware of the planned pipeline sabotage in advance, the German leader has “clearly been complicit since last fall in support of the Biden Administration’s cover-up of its operation in the Baltic Sea.”

Hersh wrote:

In early March, President Biden hosted German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Washington. The trip included only two public events—a brief pro forma exchange of compliments between Biden and Scholz before the White House press corps, with no questions allowed; and a CNN interview with Scholz by Fareed Zakaria, who did not touch on the pipeline allegations. The chancellor had flown to Washington with no members of the German press on board, no formal dinner scheduled, and the two world leaders were not slated to conduct a press conference, as routinely happens at such high-profile meetings. Instead, it was later reported that Biden and Scholz had an 80-minute meeting, with no aides present for much of the time.

Citing an anonymous official with “access to diplomatic intelligence,” Hersh wrote that “certain elements in the Central Intelligence Agency were asked to prepare a cover story in collaboration with German intelligence that would provide the American and German press with an alternative version for the destruction of Nord Stream 2.”

“In the words of the intelligence community,” Hersh continued, “the agency was ‘to pulse the system’ in an effort to discount the claim that Biden had ordered the pipelines’ destruction.”

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Jake Johnson is a staff writer for Common Dreams.

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Although Western media were boasting about Sberbank’s 78% plunge in profit in 2022 due to US-led sanctions, with CEO German Gref acknowledging a “most difficult year”, it appears that the US economic system is the one actually on the brink as four banks have already collapsed, with dozens more expected to follow.

CNN described the Russian bank’s drop in profit as a “collapse” in its headline, but then had to admit in the article that “Sberbank’s resilience in the face of sanctions helped Russia’s banking sector recover from a loss-making first half in 2022.”

This is in line with Gref’s belief that this year’s profits should be close to the record 1.25 trillion rubles ($16.5 billion) earned in the “pre-crisis year.” “Our business model passed another strength test,” he added.

It is recalled that Russian Presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on March 14 that there is “practically” no risk of Russia facing a fallout from the SVB collapse, adding that: “Our banking system has certain connections with some segments of the international financial system, but it is mostly under illegal restrictions.”

Despite alarmist headlines from US media and experts, Peskov was proven correct as no Russian bank has collapsed despite Western sanctions. Meanwhile, the full repercussions of SVB’s downfall are yet to be felt, with former Lehman Brothers executive Lawrence McDonald believing that up to another 50 American banks could collapse if structural problems are not fixed.

“So Lehman failed and then it forced this too-big-to-fail system, and then, now this interest rate shock to the regional banks is moving hundreds of billions of dollars out of regional banks into the big banks… So you could have another 50 bank failures… unless they fix the structural problem,” said McDonald on March 22.

“There’s going to be further damage. They have to cut rates and then they have to have a deposit guarantee, a larger one, that’s what they’re going to come up with… That’s a bailout. That’s basically the federal government taking on bank deposit risk,” he added.

By being cut-off from the Western banking system, Russia is effectively protected from the series of bank collapses that are expected to follow. Russia faced a credit crunch due to the fallout from the US subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, which ultimately led to the Global Financial Crisis, a demonstration of how it too was exposed to weaknesses in the US economy.

Although Russia was cut-off from SWIFT only two-days after the special military operation began, in addition to many other Western restrictions, including a $60 per barrel oil price cap, President Vladimir Putin boasted about the resilience of the Russian economy.

The IMF reported that Russia’s economy contracted by 2.2% in 2022 and will start growing again in 2023, expanding by 0.3%, and then 2.1% in 2024. This is impressive when considering that fellow European countries, which are not sanctioned, will be struggling immensely. The UK is expected to contract by 0.6% and Germany will have a growth of only 0.1%.

At the same time, the OECD forecasts that US economic growth would slow from 1.5% this year to 0.9% next year. This is due to higher interest rates slowing down demand. Bloomberg on March 21, citing sources, reported that the US Treasury Department is studying the possibility of guaranteeing all bank deposits in the event of a recession in the banking sector.

The current banking crises has forced economists, including from the esteemed JPMorgan Chase, to make new recession forecasts after any hopes of recovery were snuffed away.

“The Fed is facing a difficult task on Wednesday, but it is likely already past the point of no return,” JPMorgan strategists wrote in a note to clients on March 22. “A soft landing now looks unlikely, with the airplane in a tailspin (lack of market confidence) and engines about to turn off (bank lending).”

Goldman Sachs also echoed JPMorgan and said in mid-March that the banking crisis could deliver a severe blow to economic growth.

For his part, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers has warned multiple times, including as recently as March 9 but even from before the banking crisis, that the economy could be heading for a “Wile E. Coyote moment,” referencing a Looney Tunes character who was always blissfully unaware that he was about to hit the ground after running off the edge of a cliff.

However, the expected collapse of many banks in the US and the impending economic crisis has not deterred the determination of the Biden administration to fanatically arm, fund and train the Ukrainian military and regime. With millions of Americans on the verge of dropping out of the Middle Class, Washington continues to send tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine, and all the while Western sanctions are now beginning to have a minimum effect on the Russian economy, thus effectively rendering them nearly useless.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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Weather Man Who Makes It Rain in Australia

March 23rd, 2023 by Cairns News

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Meet the People controlling your weather sitting in their Command and Control Centers in Jordan, Switzerland and Germany.

Dr Helmut Fluhrer claims he has produced tons of rain under Government contract for Australia, Switzerland, UAE and Jordan.

His company WeatherTec works for governments only.

Ionization Technology is based on charging aerosols in the atmosphere and WeatherTec Emitter Stations are based on the ground.

WeatherTec’s description is

“Charge humidity and clouds with ions; Reduce required humidity to generate rainfalls”

Its strengths are reputed as “Rainfalls cover large areas (>1000 km2); Most environmentally friendly technology”. See this.

Its key limitation is stated as “Requires areas with > 40% humidity”.

So now we know why it’s been raining since April in Melbourne and MSM tells everyone that it will be a wet Spring and someone cited, a wet Summer!


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Russia slammed the UK on Wednesday for its plan to supply Ukraine with shells containing depleted uranium. 

In a statement on its website, the Russian Foreign Ministry said the initiative was “further proof of London’s intention to aggravate the confrontation” and contradicted the UK’s claim of being “committed to the post-conflict rebuilding of that country.”

“London has apparently forgotten about the well-known serious consequences of the use of toxic and radioactive munitions by the West during the conflicts in Yugoslavia and Iraq. A desire to increase the suffering of civilians and to do irreparable environmental damage shows that the British have no regard whatsoever for the Ukrainian people,” it stressed.

The ministry called the British policy “openly cynical,” showing “who the real aggressor and warmonger in Ukraine is.”

“London must know that it will bear full responsibility for violating the fundamental norms of international law…We will respond to such actions accordingly,” it said.

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