Introductory Note on America’s “Long War”: The Project for The New American Century  (PNAC) 

This incisive and carefully documented article by renowned historian and political scientist Dr. Jacques Pauwels was published by Global Research almost 20 years ago on April 30, 2003 in the immediate wake of the war on Iraq. Dr. Jacques Pauwels is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

The article largely pertains to the presidency of George W. Bush.

Flash Forward to 2023: A Timely Question

Why Does the Biden administration need war, including a $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program which is slated to increase to 2.0 trillion in 2030?

War against Russia and China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon.

The US has conducted numerous wars since the end of what is euphemistically called the post war era:

Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen…  

It’s what the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) describes as “A Long War”, a sequence of wars: 

“fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars”

The PNAC doctrine dispels the planning of “consecutive” military operations.

The conduct of  “Simultaneous theater Wars” is the backbone of U.S imperialism: three major regions of the World are currently targeted “simultaneously”: Russia, The Middle East, China and East Asia. 

The PNAC was published at the height of the presidential election campaign in September 2000, barely 2 months prior to the November 2001 elections. 



The PNAC “Long War” proposal entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses is a Blue Print for the sequence of theater wars initiated by US-NATO in the course of  last 21 years starting on October 7, 2001 with the bombing and invasion of Afghanistan, extending into a series of “multiple wars”.

What is described in the PNAC document reflects on what is unfolding today before our very eyes in Ukraine. It largely consists of four core missions: 

ESTABLISH FOUR CORE MISSIONS for U.S. military forces:

• defend the American homeland;

• fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars;

• perform the “constabulary” duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions;

• transform U.S. forces to exploit the “revolution in military affairs;”

Chapter II of the PNAC Document outlines these four core missions as follows:

HOMELAND DEFENSE. America must defend its homeland. During the Cold War, nuclear deterrence was the key element in homeland defense; it remains essential. But the new century has brought with it new challenges. While reconfiguring its nuclear force, the United States also must counteract the effects of the proliferation of ballistic missiles and weapons of mass destruction that may soon allow lesser states to deter U.S. military action by threatening U.S. allies and the American homeland itself. Of all the new and current missions for U.S. armed forces, this must have priority.

LARGE WARS. Second, the United States must retain sufficient forces able to rapidly deploy and win multiple simultaneous large-scale wars and also to be able to respond to unanticipated contingencies in regions where it does not maintain forward-based forces. This resembles the “two-war” standard that has been the basis of U.S. force planning over the past decade. Yet this standard needs to be updated to account for new realities and potential new conflicts.

CONSTABULARY DUTIES. Third, the Pentagon must retain forces to preserve the current peace in ways that fall short of conduction major theater campaigns. A decade’s experience and the policies of two administrations have shown that such forces must be expanded to meet the needs of the new, long-term NATO mission in the Balkans, the continuing no-fly-zone and other missions in Southwest Asia, and other presence missions in vital regions of East Asia. These duties are today’s most frequent missions, requiring forces configured for combat but capable of long-term, independent constabulary operations.

TRANSFORM U.S. ARMED FORCES. Finally, the Pentagon must begin now to exploit the socalled “revolution in military affairs,” sparked by the introduction of advanced technologies into military systems; this must be regarded as a separate and critical mission worthy of a share of force structure and defense budgets.

(emphasis added)

“To carry out these core missions, we need to provide sufficient force and budgetary allocations. In particular, the United States must:




The military agenda of the Biden Administration is consistent with the PNAC guidelines: an operation which consists in the deliberate destruction of sovereign countries resulting in millions of deaths.

Does PNAC Project Co-Chairman Donald Kagan (husband of Victoria Nuland) play a role in the formulation of U.S. foreign policy?

And why do Americans support this military agenda? Disinformation? The media has failed to inform the American public regarding the dangers of nuclear war. We are at the crossroads of the most dangerous crisis in World history. 

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 3, 2023

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Why America Needs War

by Jacques Pauwels

April 30, 2003

Wars are a terrible waste of lives and resources, and for that reason most people are in principle opposed to wars. The American President, on the other hand, seems to love war. Why? Many commentators have sought the answer in psychological factors. Some opined that George W. Bush considered it his duty to finish the job started, but for some obscure reason not completed, by his father at the time of the Gulf War; others believe that Bush Junior expected a short and triumphant war which would guarantee him a second term in the White House.

I believe that we must look elsewhere for an explanation for the attitude of the American President.

The fact that Bush is keen on war has little or nothing to do with his psyche, but a great deal with the American economic system. This system – America’s brand of capitalism – functions first and foremost to make extremely rich Americans like the Bush “money dynasty” even richer. Without warm or cold wars, however, this system can no longer produce the expected result in the form of the ever-higher profits the moneyed and powerful of America consider as their birthright.

The great strength of American capitalism is also its great weakness, namely, its extremely high productivity. In the historical development of the international economic system that we call capitalism, a number of factors have produced enormous increases in productivity, for example, the mechanization of the production process that got under way in England as early as the 18th century. In the early 20th century, then, American industrialists made a crucial contribution in the form of the automatization of work by means of new techniques such as the assembly line. The latter was an innovation introduced by Henry Ford, and those techniques have therefore become collectively known as “Fordism.” The productivity of the great American enterprises rose spectacularly.

For example, already in the 1920s, countless vehicles rolled off the assembly lines of the automobile factories of Michigan every single day. But who was supposed to buy all those cars? Most Americans at the time did not have sufficiently robust pocket books for such a purchase. Other industrial products similarly flooded the market, and the result was the emergence of a chronic disharmony between the ever-increasing economic supply and the lagging demand. Thus arose the economic crisis generally known as the Great Depression. It was essentially a crisis of overproduction. Warehouses were bursting with unsold commodities, factories laid off workers, unemployment exploded, and so the purchasing power of the American people shrunk even more, making the crisis even worse.

It cannot be denied that in America the Great Depression only ended during, and because of, the Second World War. (Even the greatest admirers of President Roosevelt admit that his much-publicized New Deal policies brought little or no relief.) Economic demand rose spectacularly when the war which had started in Europe, and in which the USA itself was not an active participant before 1942, allowed American industry to produce unlimited amounts of war equipment. Between 1940 and 1945, the American state would spend no less than 185 billion dollar on such equipment, and the military expenditures’ share of the GNP thus rose between 1939 and 1945 from an insignificant 1,5 per cent to approximately 40 per cent. In addition, American industry also supplied gargantuan amounts of equipment to the British and even the Soviets via Lend-Lease. (In Germany, meanwhile, the subsidiaries of American corporations such as Ford, GM, and ITT produced all sorts of planes and tanks and other martial toys for the Nazi’s, also after Pearl Harbor, but that is a different story.) The key problem of the Great Depression – the disequilibrium between supply and demand – was thus resolved because the state “primed the pump” of economic demand by means of huge orders of a military nature.

As far as ordinary Americans were concerned, Washington’s military spending orgy brought not only virtually full employment but also much higher wages than ever before; it was during the Second World War that the widespread misery associated with the Great Depression came to an end and that a majority of the American people achieved an unprecedented degree of prosperity. However, the greatest beneficiaries by far of the wartime economic boom were the country’s businesspeople and corporations, who realized extraordinary profits. Between 1942 and 1945, writes the historian Stuart D. Brandes, the net profits of America’s 2,000 biggest firms were more than 40 per cent higher than during the period 1936-1939. Such a “profit boom” was possible, he explains, because the state ordered billions of dollars of military equipment, failed to institute price controls, and taxed profits little if at all. This largesse benefited the American business world in general, but in particular that relatively restricted elite of big corporations known as “big business” or “corporate America.” During the war, a total of less than 60 firms obtained 75 per cent of all lucrative military and other state orders. The big corporations – Ford, IBM, etc. – revealed themselves to be the “war hogs,” writes Brandes, that gormandized at the plentiful trough of the state’s military expenditures. IBM, for example, increased its annual sales between 1940 and 1945 from 46 to 140 million dollar thanks to war-related orders, and its profits skyrocketed accordingly.

America’s big corporations exploited their Fordist expertise to the fullest in order to boost production, but even that was not sufficient to meet the wartime needs of the American state. Much more equipment was needed, and in order to produce it, America needed new factories and even more efficient technology. These new assets were duly stamped out of the ground, and on account of this the total value of all productive facilities of the nation increased between 1939 and 1945 from 40 to 66 billion dollar. However, it was not the private sector that undertook all these new investments; on account of its disagreeable experiences with overproduction during the thirties, America’s businesspeople found this task too risky. So the state did the job by investing 17 billion dollar in more than 2,000 defense-related projects. In return for a nominal fee, privately owned corporations were permitted to rent these brand-new factories in order to produce…and to make money by selling the output back to the state. Moreover, when the war was over and Washington decided to divest itself of these investments, the nation’s big corporations purchased them for half, and in many cases only one third, of the real value.

How did America finance the war, how did Washington pay the lofty bills presented by GM, ITT, and the other corporate suppliers of war equipment? The answer is: partly by means of taxation – about 45 per cent -, but much more through loans – approximately 55 per cent. On account of this, the public debt increased dramatically, namely, from 3 billion dollar in 1939 to no less than 45 billion dollar in 1945. In theory, this debt should have been reduced, or wiped out altogether, by levying taxes on the huge profits pocketed during the war by America’s big corporations, but the reality was different. As already noted, the American state failed to meaningfully tax corporate America’s windfall profits, allowed the public debt to mushroom, and paid its bills, and the interest on its loans, with its general revenues, that is, by means of the income generated by direct and indirect taxes. Particularly on account of the regressive Revenue Act introduced in October 1942, these taxes were paid increasingly by workers and other low-income Americans, rather than by the super-rich and the corporations of which the latter were the owners, major shareholders, and/or top managers. “The burden of financing the war,” observes the American historian Sean Dennis Cashman, “[was] sloughed firmly upon the shoulders of the poorer members of society.”

However, the American public, preoccupied by the war and blinded by the bright sun of full employment and high wages, failed to notice this. Affluent Americans, on the other hand, were keenly aware of the wonderful way in which the war generated money for themselves and for their corporations. Incidentally, it was also from the rich businesspeople, bankers, insurers and other big investors that Washington borrowed the money needed to finance the war; corporate America thus also profited from the war by pocketing the lion’s share of the interests generated by the purchase of the famous war bonds. In theory, at least, the rich and powerful of America are the great champions of so-called free enterprise, and they oppose any form of state intervention in the economy. During the war, however, they never raised any objections to the way in which the American state managed and financed the economy, because without this large-scale dirigist violation of the rules of free enterprise, their collective wealth could never have proliferated as it did during those years.

During the Second World War, the wealthy owners and top managers of the big corporations learned a very important lesson: during a war there is money to be made, lots of money. In other words, the arduous task of maximizing profits – the key activity within the capitalist American economy – can be absolved much more efficiently through war than through peace; however, the benevolent cooperation of the state is required. Ever since the Second World War, the rich and powerful of America have remained keenly conscious of this. So is their man in the White House today [2003, i.e. George W. Bush], the scion of a “money dynasty” who was parachuted into the White House in order to promote the interests of his wealthy family members, friends, and associates in corporate America, the interests of money, privilege, and power.

In the spring of 1945 it was obvious that the war, fountainhead of fabulous profits, would soon be over. What would happen then? Among the economists, many Cassandras conjured up scenarios that loomed extremely unpleasant for America’s political and industrial leaders. During the war, Washington’s purchases of military equipment, and nothing else, had restored the economic demand and thus made possible not only full employment but also unprecedented profits. With the return of peace, the ghost of disharmony between supply and demand threatened to return to haunt America again, and the resulting crisis might well be even more acute than the Great Depression of the “dirty thirties,” because during the war years the productive capacity of the nation had increased considerably, as we have seen. Workers would have to be laid off precisely at the moment when millions of war veterans would come home looking for a civilian job, and the resulting unemployment and decline in purchasing power would aggravate the demand deficit. Seen from the perspective of America’s rich and powerful, the coming unemployment was not a problem; what did matter was that the golden age of gargantuan profits would come to an end. Such a catastrophe had to be prevented, but how?

Military state expenditures were the source of high profits. In order to keep the profits gushing forth generously, new enemies and new war threats were urgently needed now that Germany and Japan were defeated. How fortunate that the Soviet Union existed, a country which during the war had been a particularly useful partner who had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for the Allies in Stalingrad and elsewhere, but also a partner whose communist ideas and practices allowed it to be easily transformed into the new bogeyman of the United States. Most American historians now admit that in 1945 the Soviet Union, a country that had suffered enormously during the war, did not constitute a threat at all to the economically and militarily far superior USA, and that Washington itself did not perceive the Soviets as a threat. These historians also acknowledge that Moscow was very keen to work closely together with Washington in the postwar era.

Indeed, Moscow had nothing to gain, and everything to lose, from a conflict with superpower America, which was brimming with confidence thanks to its monopoly of the atom bomb. However, America – corporate America, the America of the super-rich – urgently needed a new enemy in order to justify the titanic expenditures for “defense” which were needed to keep the wheels of the nation’s economy spinning at full speed also after the end of the war, thus keeping profit margins at the required – or rather, desired – high levels, or even to increase them. It is for this reason that the Cold War was unleashed in 1945, not by the Soviets but by the American “military-industrial” complex, as President Eisenhower would call that elite of wealthy individuals and corporations that knew how to profit from the “warfare economy.”

In this respect, the Cold War exceeded their fondest expectations. More and more martial equipment had to be cranked out, because the allies within the so-called “free world”, which actually included plenty of nasty dictatorships, had to be armed to the teeth with US equipment. In addition, America’s own armed forces never ceased demanding bigger, better, and more sophisticated tanks, planes, rockets, and, yes, chemical and bacteriological weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. For these goods, the Pentagon was always ready to pay huge sums without asking difficult questions. As had been the case during the Second World War, it was again primarily the large corporations who were allowed to fill the orders. The Cold War generated unprecedented profits, and they flowed into the coffers of those extremely wealthy individuals who happened to be the owners, top managers, and/or major shareholders of these corporations. (Does it come as a surprise that in the United States newly retired Pentagon generals are routinely offered jobs as consultants by large corporations involved in military production, and that businessmen linked with those corporations are regularly appointed as high-ranking officials of the Department of Defense, as advisors of the President, etc.?)

During the Cold War too, the American state financed its skyrocketing military expenditures by means of loans, and this caused the public debt to rise to dizzying heights. In 1945 the public debt stood at “only” 258 billion dollar, but in 1990 – when the Cold War ground to an end – it amounted to no less than 3.2 trillion dollar! This was a stupendous increase, also when one takes the inflation rate into account, and it caused the American state to become the world’s greatest debtor. (Incidentally, in July 2002 the American public debt had reached 6.1 trillion dollar.) Washington could and should have covered the cost of the Cold War by taxing the huge profits achieved by the corporations involved in the armament orgy, but there was never any question of such a thing. In 1945, when the Second World War come to an end and the Cold War picked up the slack, corporations still paid 50 per cent of all taxes, but during the course of the Cold War this share shrunk consistently, and today it only amounts to approximately 1 per cent.

This was possible because the nation’s big corporations largely determine what the government in Washington may or may not do, also in the field of fiscal policy. In addition, lowering the tax burden of corporations was made easier because after the Second World War these corporations transformed themselves into multinationals, “at home everywhere and nowhere,” as an American author has written in connection with ITT, and therefore find it easy to avoid paying meaningful taxes anywhere. Stateside, where they pocket the biggest profits, 37 per cent of all American multinationals – and more than 70 per cent of all foreign multinationals – paid not a single dollar of taxes in 1991, while the remaining multinationals remitted less than 1 per cent of their profits in taxes.

The sky-high costs of the Cold War were thus not borne by those who profited from it and who, incidentally, also continued to pocket the lion’s share of the dividends paid on government bonds, but by the American workers and the American middle class. These low- and middle-income Americans did not receive a penny from the profits yielded so profusely by the Cold War, but they did receive their share of the enormous public debt for which that conflict was largely responsible. It is they, therefore, who were really saddled with the costs of the Cold War, and it is they who continue to pay with their taxes for a disproportionate share of the burden of the public debt.

In other words, while the profits generated by the Cold War were privatized to the advantage of an extremely wealthy elite, its costs were ruthlessly socialized to the great detriment of all other Americans. During the Cold War, the American economy degenerated into a gigantic swindle, into a perverse redistribution of the nation’s wealth to the advantage of the rich and to the disadvantage not only of the poor and of the working class but also of the middle class, whose members tend to subscribe to the myth that the American capitalist system serves their interests. Indeed, while the wealthy and powerful of America accumulated ever-greater riches, the prosperity achieved by many other Americans during the Second World War was gradually eroded, and the general standard of living declined slowly but steadily.

During the Second World War America had witnessed a modest redistribution of the collective wealth of the nation to the advantage of the less privileged members of society. During the Cold War, however, the rich Americans became richer while the non-wealthy – and certainly not only the poor – became poorer. In 1989, the year the Cold War petered out, more than 13 per cent of all Americans – approximately 31 million individuals – were poor according to the official criteria of poverty, which definitely understate the problem. Conversely, today 1 per cent of all Americans own no less than 34 per cent of the nation’s aggregate wealth. In no major “Western” country is the wealth distributed more unevenly.

The minuscule percentage of super-rich Americans found this development extremely satisfactory. They loved the idea of accumulating more and more wealth, of aggrandizing their already huge assets, at the expense of the less privileged. They wanted to keep things that way or, if at all possible, make this sublime scheme even more efficient. However, all good things must come to an end, and in 1989/90 the bountiful Cold War elapsed. That presented a serious problem. Ordinary Americans, who knew that they had borne the costs of this war, expected a “peace dividend.”

They thought that the money the state had spent on military expenditures might now be used to produce benefits for themselves, for example in the form of a national health insurance and other social benefits which Americans in contrast to most Europeans have never enjoyed. In 1992, Bill Clinton would actually win the presidential election by dangling out the prospect of a national health plan, which of course never materialized. A “peace dividend” was of no interest whatsoever to the nation’s wealthy elite, because the provision of social services by the state does not yield profits for entrepreneurs and corporations, and certainly not the lofty kind of profits generated by military state expenditures. Something had to be done, and had to be done fast, to prevent the threatening implosion of the state’s military spending.

America, or rather, corporate America, was orphaned of its useful Soviet enemy, and urgently needed to conjure up new enemies and new threats in order to justify a high level of military spending. It is in this context that in 1990 Saddam Hussein appeared on the scene like a kind of deus ex machina. This tin-pot dictator had previously been perceived and treated by the Americans as a good friend, and he had been armed to the teeth so that he could wage a nasty war against Iran; it was the USA – and allies such as Germany – who originally supplied him with all sorts of weapons. However, Washington was desperately in need of a new enemy, and suddenly fingered him as a terribly dangerous “new Hitler,” against whom war needed to be waged urgently, even though it was clear that a negotiated settlement of the issue of Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait was not out of the question.

George Bush Senior was the casting agent who discovered this useful new nemesis of America, and who unleashed the Gulf War, during which Baghdad was showered with bombs and Saddam’s hapless recruits were slaughtered in the desert. The road to the Iraqi capital lay wide-open, but the Marines’ triumphant entry into Baghdad was suddenly scrapped. Saddam Hussein was left in power so that the threat he was supposed to form might be invoked again in order to justify keeping America in arms. After all, the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union had shown how inconvenient it can be when one loses a useful foe.

And so Mars could remain the patron saint of the American economy or, more accurately, the godfather of the corporate Mafia that manipulates this war-driven economy and reaps its huge profits without bearing its costs. The despised project of a peace dividend could be unceremoniously buried, and military expenditures could remain the dynamo of the economy and the wellspring of sufficiently high profits. Those expenditures increased relentlessly during the 1990s. In 1996, for example, they amounted to no less than 265 billion dollars, but when one adds the unofficial and/or indirect military expenditures, such as the interests paid on loans used to finance past wars, the 1996 total came to approximately 494 billion dollar, amounting to an outlay of 1.3 billion dollar per day! However, with only a considerably chastened Saddam as bogeyman, Washington found it expedient also to look elsewhere for new enemies and threats. Somalia temporarily looked promising, but in due course another “new Hitler” was identified in the Balkan Peninsula in the person of the Serbian leader, Milosevic. During much of the nineties, then, conflicts in the former Yugoslavia provided the required pretexts for military interventions, large-scale bombing operations, and the purchase of more and newer weapons.

The “warfare economy” could thus continue to run on all cylinders also after the Gulf War. However, in view of occasional public pressure such as the demand for a peace dividend, it is not easy to keep this system going. (The media present no problem, as newspapers, magazines, TV stations, etc. are either owned by big corporations or rely on them for advertising revenue.) As mentioned earlier, the state has to cooperate, so in Washington one needs men and women one can count upon, preferably individuals from the very own corporate ranks, individuals totally committed to use the instrument of military expenditures in order to provide the high profits that are needed to make the very rich of America even richer. In this respect, Bill Clinton had fallen short of expectations, and corporate America could never forgive his original sin, namely, that he had managed to have himself elected by promising the American people a “peace dividend” in the form of a system of health insurance.

On account of this, in 2000 it was arranged that not the Clinton-clone Al Gore moved into the White House but a team of militarist hardliners, virtually without exception representatives of wealthy, corporate America, such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice, and of course George W. Bush himself, son of the man who had shown with his Gulf War how it could be done; the Pentagon, too, was directly represented in the Bush Cabinet in the person of the allegedly peace-loving Powell, in reality yet another angel of death. Rambo moved into the White House, and it did not take long for the results to show.

After Bush Junior had been catapulted into the presidency, it looked for some time as if he was going to proclaim China as the new nemesis of America. However, a conflict with that giant loomed somewhat risky; furthermore, all too many big corporations make good money by trading with the People’s Republic. Another threat, preferably less dangerous and more credible, was required to keep the military expenditures at a sufficiently high level. For this purpose, Bush and Rumsfeld and company could have wished for nothing more convenient than the events of September 11, 2001; it is extremely likely that they were aware of the preparations for these monstrous attacks, but that they did nothing to prevent them because they knew that they would be able to benefit from them. In any event, they did take full advantage of this opportunity in order to militarize America more than ever before, to shower bombs on people who had nothing to do with 9/11, to wage war to their hearts’ content, and thus for corporations that do business with the Pentagon to ring up unprecedented sales. Bush declared war not on a country but on terrorism, an abstract concept against which one cannot really wage war and against which a definitive victory can never be achieved. However, in practice the slogan “war against terrorism” meant that Washington now reserves the right to wage war worldwide and permanently against whomever the White House defines as a terrorist.

And so the problem of the end of the Cold War was definitively resolved, as there was henceforth a justification for ever-increasing military expenditures. The statistics speak for themselves. The 1996 total of 265 billion dollar in military expenditures had already been astronomical, but thanks to Bush Junior the Pentagon was allowed to spend 350 billion in 2002, and for 2003 the President has promised approximately 390 billion; however, it is now virtually certain that the cape of 400 billion dollar will be rounded this year. (In order to finance this military spending orgy, money has to be saved elsewhere, for example by cancelling free lunches for poor children; every little bit helps.) No wonder that George W. struts around beaming with happiness and pride, for he – essentially a spoiled rich kid of very limited talent and intellect – has surpassed the boldest expectations not only of his wealthy family and friends but of corporate America as a whole, to which he owes his job.

9/11 provided Bush with carte blanche to wage war wherever and against whomever he chose, and as this essay has purported to make clear, it does not matter all that much who happens to be fingered as enemy du jour. Last year, Bush showered bombs on Afghanistan, presumably because the leaders of that country sheltered Bin Laden, but recently the latter went out of fashion and it was once again Saddam Hussein who allegedly threatened America. We cannot deal here in detail with the specific reasons why Bush’s America absolutely wanted war with the Iraq of Saddam Hussein and not with, say, North Korea. A major reason for fighting this particular war was that Iraq’s large reserves of oil are lusted after by the US oil trusts with whom the Bushes themselves – and Bushites such as Cheney and Rice, after whom an oil tanker happens to be named – are so intimately linked. The war in Iraq is also useful as a lesson to other Third World countries who fail to dance to Washington’s tune, and as an instrument for emasculating domestic opposition and ramming the extreme right-wing program of an unelected president down the throats of Americans themselves.

The America of wealth and privilege is hooked on war, without regular and ever-stronger doses of war it can no longer function properly, that is, yield the desired profits. Right now, this addiction, this craving is being satisfied by means of a conflict against Iraq, which also happens to be dear to the hearts of the oil barons. However, does anybody believe that the warmongering will stop once Saddam’ scalp will join the Taliban turbans in the trophy display case of George W. Bush? The President has already pointed his finger at those whose turn will soon come, namely, the “axis of evil” countries: Iran, Syria, Lybia, Somalia, North Korea, and of course that old thorn in the side of America, Cuba. Welcome to the 21st century, welcome to George W. Bush’s brave new era of permanent war!

Jacques R. Pauwels is a historian and political scientist, author of ‘The Myth of the Good War: America in the Second World War’ (James Lorimer, Toronto, 2002). His book is published in different languages: in English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian and French. Together with personalities like Ramsey Clark, Michael Parenti, William Blum, Robert Weil, Michel Collon, Peter Franssen and many others… he signed “The International Appeal against US-War”. He is a Research Associate of  the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

From the International Press on Saturday, March 22, 2003:

The cost to the United States of the war in Iraq and its aftermath could easily exceed $100 billion…Peace-keeping in Iraq and rebuilding the country’s infrastructure could add much more…The Bush administration has stayed tightlipped about the cost of the war and reconstruction…Both the White House and the Pentagon refused to offer any definite figures. (The International Herald Tribune, 22/03/03)

It is estimated that the war against Iraq will cost approximately 100 billion dollar. In contrast to the Gulf War of 1991, whose cost of 80 million was shared by the Allies, the United States is expected to pay the entire cost of the present war…For the American private sector, i.e. the big corporations, the coming reconstruction of Iraq’s infrastructure will represent a business of 900 million dollar; the first contracts were awarded yesterday (March 21) by the American government to two corporations. (Guido Leboni, “Un coste de 100.000 millones de dolares,” El Mundo, Madrid, 22/03/03)

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At least 30 children have died in the UK from invasive Strep A since Sep.19, 2022”, The Independent reported on Dec.30, 2022 (click here)

2 kids died in France from Strep A 

“The French Ministry of Health (MoH) has raised the alarm. Over the course of the last 2 weeks, at least eight children have been hospitalized after contracting an invasive group A streptococcal (iGAS) infection. Two of them have died.” – a Dec.28, 2023 MedScape article reports (click here)

My Take… 

What is going on? It is not normal for healthy kids to die from influenza and complications of Strep A.

In each of these cases, it is crucial to know if these children were COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated. 7 year old Dain McMurrough from Wyoming was, and I suspect that 9 year old Ayla Loseth from British Columbia was also.

In COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated children, we are probably seeing the effects of severe immune system damage which manifests as “negative vaccine efficacy” some 6-9 months after their last mRNA dose.

CDC has known about this for a while, as their own “preliminary unpublished data” from May 2022 shows negative vaccine efficacy (vaccine efficacy below 0) starting about 6 months after your last Pfizer dose, which is proof of immune damage.

Children whose innate immune systems were severely damaged by Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, will struggle with influenza and Strep A.

Children who have not been vaccinated may be affected by spike protein shedding from a house full of vaccinated family members. The impact of such shedding on the immune system of a young child is not well known or understood.

Not to worry though. Pfizer has a new Strep “vaccine” on the way already. Pfizer will never miss an opportunity to make money from the injuries and deaths they themselves caused.



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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

All images in this article are from the author unless otherwise stated

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

NATO’s Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic

April 1st, 2023 by F. William Engdahl

First published on September 22, 2008.

Of relevance to the ongoing restructuring of agriculture under the helm of  NATO, the Gates Foundation, Monsanto and the Rockefellers.


The controversial ‘Doomsday Seed Vault’, a nuclear-bomb-proof vault deep into the side of a mountain in NATO-member Norway’s Svalbard, near the Arctic Circle, has begun to collect seed samples from the entire world to freeze in the newly opened facility. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, have constructed what is called by BBC the ‘doomsday seed bank.’

Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. It sits on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group. Now scientists connected with the project are roaming the world to collect samples of every seed variety known, using the fraudulent argument of protecting against Global Warming to obtain samples of the crop diversity of the planet. The implications are potentially more dangerous than the threat of nuclear war.


As climate change is credited as one of the main drivers behind soaring food prices, the Global Crop Diversity Trust, the private organization which is responsible for maintaining the Seed Vault, is searching crop collections from Azerbaijan to Nigeria, allegedly for the traits that could defend the world agriculture against the impact of future changes. Traits, such as drought resistance in wheat, or salinity tolerance in potato, they argue, will become essential as crops around the world have to adapt to new climate conditions under forecast changes from Global Warming.

Beginning this past March, more than 200,000 crop varieties from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East—drawn from vast seed collections maintained by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)—were shipped to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV), a facility capable of preserving their vitality for thousands of years.

The seeds were from varieties of rice, wheat, beans, sorghum, sweet potatoes, lentils, chick peas and a host of other food, forage and agro-forestry plants. They are being safeguarded in the facility, which was created as a ‘repository of last resort for humanity’s agricultural heritage.’ The vault was officially built by the Norwegian government as a service to the global community, and a Rome-based international NGO, the Global Crop Diversity Trust, will fund its operation. It officially opened on February 26, 2008.

Unofficially, the Seed Vault project is one of the largest steps taken yet by the handful of GMO agribusiness giants including Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta of Basle, the Rockefeller Foundation in addition to the Gates family foundation, the world’s largest private foundation combining the wealth as well of Warren Buffett. As I described in an earlier piece posted January 3, 2008 in this space,  Der »Tresor des Jüngsten Gerichts« in der Arktis(((THOMAS Can we make a link here??))), the project appears to be far from the innocent humanitarian enterprise its promoters claim. The key organizations involved have a long, often dirty history of fraud, intimidation and dubious methods to force the spread of patented Genetically Modified plant seeds into the world agriculture food chain.

Readers seeking a more detailed background on the GMO companies, the so-called Four Horsemen of the Seeds Apokalypse—Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow Chemical and DuPont—are encouraged to look further in my book, Saat der Zerstörung: die Dunkle Seite der Gen-Manipulation ((( Here a Hyperlink as well to book))) . There I describe the decades long background of the Rockefeller Foundation, working in close concert with Monsanto and others to create the scientifically flawed technology of introducing foreign traits into the seeds of the world’s main food crops and thereby claiming grounds for exclusive patent rights to sell seeds of corn, rice, potato varieties, soybeans and countless other basic crops including cotton. GMO is a scientifically unstable technique whose long-term health impact on humans or even animals has never been independently tested by any Government.

That is a result of deliberate US policy, initiated in 1992 by then-President George H. W. Bush in consultation with top officials of Monsanto. Then Bush signed an Executive decree mandating the responsible Federal agencies such as the Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and others NOT to independently test the genetically modified seeds for possible harmful effects, but to consider them to be ‘Substantially Equivalent’ to conventional corn, soybeans, rice and such. That political fraud allowed Monsanto to submit GMO seed varieties for approval to plant commercially using only Monsanto-conducted test results as ‘proof’ that the seeds were safe. That was only the beginning of a policy of malign neglect on the side of the US Government regarding the dangers of GMO.

Toxic for human embryos

Compounding the dangers, the US Government also refused to examine, independently, the possible harmful effects to ground water and to humans and animals of the patented chemical herbicides which had to be sold alongside the Monsanto or DuPont or other GMO seeds. The seeds were patented in effect to force farmers to buy exclusively the herbicide of the seed patent owner.

As an example, Monsanto initially held patent rights to a powerful herbicide, Roundup©, which today is the world’s most used herbicide. Monsanto developed and patented a soybean seed it names Roundup Ready©. Roudup Ready soybeans are “ready” for the Roundup herbicide. The Monsanto soybean is specially developed to be resistant to Roundup herbicide, a powerful poison that kills everything it touches. That pairing of herbicide and seed gives companies promoting the GMO product a lock on both sale of patented seeds as well as their mated herbicide chemicals. All major GMO seed giants started out as chemical companies.

More alarming is the fact that, according to numerous studies worldwide, GMO crops over time need more, not less, herbicide as the weeds develop a special resistance to become ‘superweeds’.

Then a scientific study that has to date been blocked out of the public debate, suggests that the active elements in the world’s largest-selling herbicide, Monsanto’s Roundup, are toxic and get into ground water and into the human diet. The study found that Roundup had a measurable effect on human embryonic and placental cells.

The scientific study, released in the magazine, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology in November 2006 by a group of scientists headed by N. Benachour and G. E. Seralini of the University of Caen in France, following extensive tests with rats fed a diet of plants treated with Roundup, whose active ingredient is Glyphosate, that ‘we can conclude that the failure to account for the combined effects…will undoubtedly lead to the underestimation of potential hazards, especially at the endocrine disruption level, and hence to erroneous conclusions at a regulatory level regarding the risk that they provoke.’ The scientists concluded, ‘Thus the toxic or hormonal impact of chemical mixtures in formulations (of Roundup—w.e.) appears to be underestimated.’ Moreover, the Caen University scientists found that the toxic effects of Roundup were ‘thus amplified with time. Taken together, these data suggest that Roundup exposure may effect human reproduction and fetal development in case of contamination.’[1]

The last statement, translated into layman’s language is that the world’s most popular herbicide has manifest impact on human embryo cells and no Government is moving to call for a ban on its sale pending larger more thorough independent tests. The scientific article was buried and no one outside a tiny scientific community even knew the alarming results. The story should have been banner headline in the world press: ‘Scientists claim GMO Herbicide toxic to human embryo!’

NATO gets world seed samples

The fact that GMO is a product of the Rockefeller Foundation, an organization which has been the leading world organization promoting the racialist eugenics agenda since the 1920’s, and promoting population reduction programs including forced sterilization of women in Puerto Rico, Nicaragua and elsewhere in the developing world is relevant to the probable agenda of the people who placed a global seed vault on the property of a NATO country far remote from any prying of the public.

The picture gets more ominous in context of the Arctic Seed Vault of the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates, Monsanto et al. The seeds for the Doomsday Seed Vault are being gathered from select seed banks around the world established by CGIAR. This first installment from the CGIAR collections will contain duplicates from international agricultural research centers based in Benin, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines and Syria. Collectively, the CGIAR centers maintain 600,000 plant varieties in crop gene-banks, which are regarded as the foundation of global efforts to conserve agricultural biodiversity. The seed banks are supposed to be protected from attempts of Monsanto et al to try to use the seeds for their patent efforts. There have been documented cases, however, where seed samples were illegally given to Monsanto or other GMO giants to develop GMO traits. Now by collecting all possible seed varieties far away from prying eyes in the Arctic,  the seed companies such as Monsanto who are part of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault project, have at least the theoretical possibility of taking those seeds and patenting the most essential for their proliferation of GMO across the human food chain.

“We’re tempted to say that nobody in their right mind would ever use these things,” remarked Stanford University biophysicist, Professor Steven Block, a man with years of personal experience with classified Pentagon and Government biological research.“But,” Block added, “not everybody is in their right mind….” [2]

The Svalbard project deserves far more public attention and scrutiny.


[1] N. Benachour, et al, Time- and Dose-Dependent Effects of Roundup on Human Embryonic and Placental Cells, 20 November 2006, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. 53, pp.126-133.

[2] Prof. Steven Block, quoted in Mark Shwartz, “Biological Warfare Emerges as 21st-Century Threat”, Stanford Report,,, 11 January 2001.

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A 2023 study published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found wearing masks “makes little or no difference” in COVID-19 transmission

The New York Times got involved and columnist Zeynep Tufekci published an opinion piece titled, “Here’s Why the Science Is Clear That Masks Work,” in rebuttal — and reached out to Cochrane

Cochrane’s editor in chief released a statement about the study, stating the implication “masks don’t work” is an “inaccurate and misleading interpretation,” and they were calling on the authors to change the study’s summary and abstract

The study’s authors were blindsided by the statement, and the lead author reiterated, “There is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference. Full stop”

In 2006, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave a $1.15-million grant to Cochrane, which subsequently published controversial and heavily criticized research in favor of HPV vaccines, which Gates has widely supported


The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) has long been considered a gold standard in research, as its reviews take into account all available empirical evidence to reach conclusions about any given topic. A systematic review is essentially a “study of studies,” which can generate “authoritative and reliable information.”1

Their reviews are then updated every few years to ensure they reflect the latest research2 and are considered valuable decision-making tools for researchers, health care workers and policy makers alike.

Unfortunately, Cochrane’s unbiased reputation has been tarnished, and its editor in chief, Karla Soares-Weiser, appears to have sold out to the mainstream narrative, going so far as to throw her own researchers under the bus in the process. It all stems back to a study on masks — one of the most controversial topics of the pandemic.

Cochrane Review Finds Masks Are Worthless

A team of researchers led by Tom Jefferson of the University of Oxford has been studying “interventions for the interruption or reduction of the spread of respiratory viruses” since 2006. Beginning in 2010, they began focusing on “physical interventions,” — including screening at entry ports, isolation, quarantine, physical distancing, personal protection, hand hygiene, face masks, glasses and gargling — to prevent respiratory virus transmission.3

The review was updated in 2011, 2020 and again in 2023.4 The latest update added 11 new randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cluster-RCTs, six of which were conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, for a total number of 78 RCTs reviewed. In terms of medical and surgical masks, the team found “moderate-certainty evidence” that they’re useless compared to no masks:5

“Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks … Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks.”

Even in the case of N95 and P2 respirators, no clear benefit was found. In the study’s plain language summary, it’s noted:6

“Four studies were in healthcare workers, and one small study was in the community. Compared with wearing medical or surgical masks, wearing N95/P2 respirators probably makes little to no difference in how many people have confirmed flu (5 studies; 8407 people); and may make little to no difference in how many people catch a flu‐like illness (5 studies; 8407 people), or respiratory illness (3 studies; 7799 people).”

Cochrane Editor Calls Mask Study ‘Inaccurate and Misleading’

During the pandemic, you may remember, magical thinking relating to masks created one of the most polarized debates in U.S. history and led to “anti-maskers” being labeled as “grandma killers.”7So you can imagine the uproar when Cochrane released its findings.

True to form, The New York Times got involved and columnist Zeynep Tufekci published an opinion piece titled, “Here’s Why the Science Is Clear That Masks Work,”8 in rebuttal and a video rebuttal that you can view below.

“Tufekci argued that despite no high-quality data, we could conclude, based on poor evidence, that masks do work,” Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., a former medical scientist with the University of Adelaide and former reporter for ABC News in Australia, reported on Substack. “Tufekci also reached out to Cochrane for comment, and presumably, pressured Cochrane into publishing a statement on its website.”9

In the statement, Soares-Weiser, Cochrane’s editor in chief, stated the finding that “masks don’t work” is an “inaccurate and misleading interpretation,” and they were “engaging with the review authors with the aim of updating the Plain Language Summary and abstract.”10 “Cochrane’s statement was interpreted widely as an ‘apology,’ and in some cases, tweeters11 believed the review was ‘retracted,'” Demasi explained.12

Authors: We Don’t Change Reviews Based on ‘What Media Wants’

Demasi spoke with lead author Jefferson about the unexpected statement. “It was upsetting,” Jefferson said. “Cochrane has thrown its own researchers under the bus again. The apology issued by Cochrane is from Soares-Weiser, not from the authors of the review.”13

Demasi also interviewed Jefferson after the mask study was initially published, and he was clear about its findings, stating, “There is just no evidence that they make any difference. Full stop.”14

Noting that there wasn’t much change in the findings from the 2020 review to 2023, Jefferson said the study was ready to be released in early 2020, as the pandemic was starting, “but Cochrane held it up for seven months before it was finally published in November 2020. Those seven months were crucial. During that time, it was when policy about masks was being formed. Our review was important, and it should have been out there.”15

He believes that Cochrane intentionally delayed publication of the mask study until it could massage the results to fit with the narrative that masks work:16

“For some unknown reason, Cochrane decided it needed an ‘extra’ peer-review. And then they forced us to insert unnecessary text phrases in the review like ‘this review doesn’t contain any covid-19 trials,’ when it was obvious to anyone reading the study that the cut-off date was January 2020.

… During those 7 months, other researchers at Cochrane produced some unacceptable pieces of work, using unacceptable studies, that gave the ‘right answer.'”

This time around, Jefferson and colleagues don’t intend to let Cochrane bully them into changing their study results to appease the media. He told Demasi:17

“We’ve decided that we are going to write to Cochrane leadership and complain about the way this has been handled … In this instance, Soares-Weiser has gone outside the normal channels and made decisions without any consultation with the authors of the review. It is unacceptable.

… I will also contact the New York Times about the article where Tufekci used her platform to attack my credibility. She mentioned my name six times in her piece, despite there being multiple authors on the Cochrane review.

She has no track record of publishing original research on acute respiratory illnesses, and it appears that if she does not like what’s in the review, it’s open season on the scientists … We are the copyright holders of the review, so we decide what goes in or out of the review. We do not change our reviews on the basis of what the media wants.”

Cochrane Crushed Under Weight of Bill Gates’ Money

When you’re one of the richest people in the world, you can buy virtually anything you want — including control of the media and academia. In the past, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded the placement of “educational” messages in popular TV shows such as “ER,” “Law & Order: SVU,” and “Private Practice,” including topics such as HIV prevention, surgical safety and the spread of infectious diseases, i.e., vaccinations.18

In 2006, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) also gave a $1.15-million grant to Cochrane to “support the development of Cochrane’s next generation evidence system, with a specific focus on maternal and child health … a major component of Cochrane’s wider technology development program designed to address the challenge of ever-increasing health data.”19

As for why BMGF and other foundations that funded Cochrane may have been interested in this venture, Children’s Health Defense reported:20

“[T]he foundations’ targeted pots of money appear to be helping Cochrane build a ‘next-generation evidence system’ that will use technological advances and machine learning to maximize the impact of ‘Big Data.’

Vaccination is one of the policy arenas where the rollout of Big Data is being most enthusiastically embraced, with researchers acclaiming Big Data’s potential to streamline the delivery of ‘rationally designed vaccines’ and to ‘track the success of vaccination campaigns’ …

BMGF is actively promoting Big Data as a vaccination tool in the developing world, where it can ‘track pandemics’ and help vaccine workers ‘determine what percent of a region they have immunized from a disease.'”

In 2018, a Cochrane review of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine21 was heavily criticized for conflicts of interest of the authors, including Dr. Lauri Markowitz, a CDC employee involved in the HPV vaccination program.

In a BMJ rapid response, it was further noted, “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been very influential in promoting HPV vaccination. In regards to the Cochrane HPV vaccine review, Cochrane has a conflict of interest in that it is a beneficiary of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funding.”22 Children’s Health Defense added:23

“A … Cochrane review highly favorable to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine — one of the most disastrous vaccines ever rushed onto the market — suggests that the foundations are getting plenty of bang for their charitable buck.

Despite ample indications that manufacturers used phony placebos and other statistical gimmicks to hide the serious risks of HPV vaccines, and mounting evidence of other ‘deceptive practices …’ [the review] of HPV vaccines reported no increased risk of serious adverse effects and concluded that deaths reported in HPV studies ‘have been judged not to be related to the vaccine.’

These conclusions likely were well received by … BMGF, which has supported the HPV vaccine’s introduction around the world.”

Cochrane Founder Thrown Out for Not Following Vax Dogma

Suffice to say, even “gold-standard” research organizations like Cochrane have been infiltrated by globalists looking to further their world domination narrative — mask-wearing included. If there were any doubt, consider the story of professor Dr. Peter Gøtzsche, a Danish physician-researcher who co-founded the Cochrane Collaboration in 1993.

Cochrane’s reputation remained remarkably unblemished all the way up until 2018, when Gøtzsche and Cochrane-affiliated researchers Lars Jørgensen and Jefferson — of the featured mask study — published a scathing critique of Cochrane’s review of the HPV vaccine, pointing out methodological flaws and conflicts of interest.24

Gøtzsche was subsequently expelled by the Cochrane governing board, with the board insisting his removal was due to “repeated misuse of official letterhead to espouse personal views” and not due to his criticism of Cochrane’s HPV review.25 Four board members (Dr. Gerald Gartlehner, David Hammerstein Mintz, Joerg Meerpohl and Nancy Santesso) resigned in protest of Gotzsche’s removal from the governing board.26

As it stands, Demasi suggests Cochrane may be a sinking ship, one that’s continuing its tradition of succumbing to pressure over controversial scientific conclusions, even if they’re sound. Jefferson, meanwhile, told Demasi that the editor’s attack on the mask study may backfire:27

“I think Soares-Weiser has made a colossal mistake. It sends the message that Cochrane can be pressured by reporters to change their reviews. People might think, if they don’t like what they read in a Cochrane review because it contradicts their dogma, then they can compel Cochrane to change the review. It has set a dangerous precedent.”


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1, 20, 23 Children’s Health Defense June 5, 2018

2 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, About

3, 5 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses, January 30, 2023

4 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of […], January 30, 2023, Version History

6 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of […], January 30, 2023, Plain language summary

7 Steve Kirsch Newsletter November 7, 2021

8 The New York Times March 10, 2023

9, 12, 13, 17, 27 Substack, Maryanne Demasi March 15, 2023

10 Cochrane, Statement on ‘Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses’ review March 10, 2023

11 Twitter, Maryanne Demasi March 15, 2023

14, 15, 16 Substack, Maryanne Demasi February 5, 2023

18 Philanthropy News Digest April 3, 2009

19 Cochrane, Cochrane announces support of new donor, September 22, 2016

21 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 May 9;5(5):CD009069. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009069.pub3

22 BMJ 2018; 362 doi:

24 BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2018;23:165-168

25 STAT News September 28, 2018

26 September 15, 2018

Featured image is from Pixabay

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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First published on October 22, 2022


Statistics provided by the US Department of Defense, in 2003, outlined that there were around 725 American military bases positioned that year overseas in 38 countries, including the presence of 100,000 American soldiers in Europe. 

A decade later, by 2012 there was an increase to 750 US military bases in existence globally, including 1.4 million American troops on active duty, figures which are reported through to today. Other estimates suggest the Americans have owned, or maintain authority over, more than 1,000 military installations abroad. The network of bases is so expansive that even the Pentagon may not be sure of the exact number.

In Europe, some of the US military facilities currently in operation date to the Cold War era. Much has changed over the past generation, as many European states have joined the Washington-dominated NATO, an increasingly aggressive military association. NATO enlargement of course continues, despite the fact that membership leads inevitably to significant erosion of sovereignty and independence, especially for the smaller countries which have chosen to join NATO.

Since 2004 NATO-operated spy planes (Airborne Warning and Control System) have been patrolling the Baltic Sea nations and NATO states such as Estonia and Latvia, at the actual borders of Russia, a nuclear superpower. Such actions by NATO as these have resulted in a clear potential for nuclear war erupting, a threat which is increasing as tensions escalate in the Ukraine crisis.

From 1940 to 1996, Washington spent about $5.5 trillion on its nuclear program. This figure does not include the $320 billion, pertaining to the annual storage and removal costs of more than 50 years worth of accumulated radioactive waste, and the $20 billion needed for the dismantling of nuclear weapons systems and removal of surplus nuclear material.

A study by the Brooking Institution in Washington calculated that, from the World War II years until 2007, US governments spent in total $7.2 trillion on nuclear weapons. Washington’s overall military expenditure in the same 6 decade period, taking into account conventional weaponry, amounted to $22.8 trillion. Since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, America has produced around 70,000 nuclear weapons. When the Cold War was said to have officially ended in 1991, Washington had an arsenal that year of 23,000 nuclear warheads.

The Americans, in the Cold War era, stationed their nuclear bombs in 27 different nations and territories including Greenland, Germany, Turkey and Japan. In spite of the major decline of communism in the early 1990s, the Pentagon in 2006 still possessed 9,962 intact nuclear warheads, including 5,736 warheads believed to be active and operational. The plan has been to maintain between 150 to 200 nuclear bombs in Europe; but one of the final initiatives, of president Bill Clinton (1993-2001), was to sign into law on 29 November 2000 the Presidential Decision Directive/NSC-74, which authorised the Department of Defense to stockpile 480 nuclear warheads in Europe, a substantial amount of them in US-run bases in Germany.

Brazilian historian Moniz Bandeira asked,

“What could be the purpose of keeping 480 nuclear warheads in Europe after the end of the Cold War? Fighting terrorism? President George W. Bush didn’t reduce this level of armament, and all President Barack Obama did was replace antiquated and obsolete nuclear bombs of the free fall variety by other, more sophisticated precision guided systems that could be transported by modern planes at a cost of US$ 6 billion”.

Washington planned to construct infrastructure for the Ballistic Missile Defense System, in NATO countries Poland and the Czech Republic, relating to nuclear weapons, moves which were opposed by the bulk of populations in both states.

According to the US Department of Defense’s 2010 Base Structure Report, the Pentagon altogether maintained 4,999 military installations within America itself, in 7 of the country’s territorial possessions, and in 38 foreign countries. The facilities comprise of bases relating to its army, navy, air force, Marine Corps and Washington Headquarters Services. The US military installations are most densely located in Germany (218), Japan (115) and South Korea (86). Germany has harboured a particularly large number of American troops stationed abroad at any one time at 53,766, with Japan accommodating 39,222 American troops, and South Korea next with 28,500.

As we see, Germany and Japan have lacked true independence, and continue paying a price for their defeats in the Second World War. Though the Americans with British assistance undoubtedly defeated the Japanese, Westerners are rarely informed that the Germans were in fact beaten by the Russians, not by the Western allies; as the war in Europe had effectively been won by Soviet Russia beside Moscow and then confirmed at Stalingrad, many months before the D-Day landings of June 1944 in northern France.

Part of the reason for NATO’s establishment in 1949, and ongoing existence and expansion, is to ensure that Europe, and especially Germany, remains dependent upon America and also obedient. One can witness top level German backing for America’s conflicts on the other side of the world, with future chancellor Angela Merkel publicly supporting the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, even ignoring opposition from within her own party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Merkel said before the offensive had begun that military action against Iraq had “become unavoidable. Not acting would have caused more damage”.

No American government since the Dwight D. Eisenhower administration (1953-61) has managed to reduce the nation’s arms budget. Regardless of president Eisenhower’s warnings, the military-industrial complex has long since embedded itself in the American economy. Cuts in US weapons spending would, it is true, negatively affect the economies of various American states, particularly those like Texas, California, New York and Florida. After 1980, California became more reliant than any other US state on Pentagon military expenditure. By 1986, the Pentagon contractors in California were receiving 20% of the US Department of Defense’s budget, while New York, Texas and Massachusetts were granted another 21% of the budget.

Much of the US military outlay has gone towards producing highly advanced military hardware, like the B-1 heavy bomber (introduced in 1986) and B-2 heavy bomber (introduced in 1997), along with the Trident I and II missiles, the MX missiles, the Strategic Defense Initiative Program, and the Milstar (Military Strategic and Tactical Relay Satellites). The B-1 and B-2 heavy bombers, to provide examples, remain in service in the US military today.

In the same period, as neoliberal policies were introduced from the early 1980s under president Ronald Reagan (1981-89), inequality was spreading across America. In 1982 the highest earning 1% of Americans received 10.8% of national income, while the bottom 90% received 64.7% of national income. Three decades later, in 2012 the highest earning 1% of Americans received 22.5% of national income, having more than doubled their share, while the remaining 90%’s total had dropped to 49.6%.

At this stage, it would take a very considerable effort for the American public to address the unequal nature of their country’s society; where billionaires, of which America now has 735 of them and more than any other country, can influence politicians with little restraint.

A similar scenario unfolded in Britain under Reagan’s close ally, prime minister Margaret Thatcher (1979-90), another strong advocate of neoliberalism, which equates to rampant capitalism. Thatcher’s most telling legacy was the prodigious increase in social and economic inequality, which occurred in Britain under her leadership, particularly from 1985.

US governments have relied on their armed forces, and in waging successive military offensives, so as to maintain its economy, to avoid the collapse of its war industry and production chain; to prevent the bankruptcy of American states, including some of its largest like Texas and California which, as mentioned, depend on weapons production for their revenues.

The US military budget currently accounts for at least 40% of the world’s total expenditure on arms. This shows Washington’s unabated ambition for global hegemony, despite the fact that American power has continued to gradually decline from its peak in the mid-1940s – with US regression beginning in 1949 with the “loss of China” to communism that year, the failure to obtain its maximum goals in the Korean War, resulting in the northern half of Korea forever exiting Washington’s control, failure to obtain its maximum goals in the Vietnam War, Russia’s return this century as a powerful country, China’s continuing rise, along with military defeats suffered in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The US weapons industry wants to try out its military technology in warfare; so that the Pentagon can promote its armaments, sell them to other countries, and then place new orders to replenish the depleted arsenals and generate commissions. The cash accrued from the arms deals has influenced the electoral campaigns of America’s two political organisations, the Democrats and Republicans. The military-industrial complex also holds sway over the US Congress and Western mainstream media.

Washington’s military arm has been facing economic limits, as a result of fiscal mismanagement, high budget deficits and high foreign debt, a permanent trade balance deficit and unrestrained public spending. America’s national public debt had reached $10 trillion in 2008 and, were it not for foreign loans which could not be paid back, Washington would have been unable to continue its military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, let alone its other expensive foreign and domestic policies.

One of the factors behind the decline of America’s great ally, England, was London’s policy of assuming debts to sustain its colonial empire and wars. British regression can probably be traced to around 1870, as America overtook Britain as the world’s largest economy in the early 1870s; but the British Empire was clearly in trouble by 1895.

England’s unnecessary involvement in the First World War (1914-18), through which she squandered vast quantities of money and men, sped up her decline. By 1933 Britain had dropped to become the planet’s 6th wealthiest nation, and during the Second World War (1939-45) London used up what was left of its reserves in gold and cash.

In 1945 Britain, which similar to Japan had always been a resource-poor island, was on the verge of bankruptcy. Prime minister Winston Churchill, rather than seeking closer ties to the Soviet Union, pledged most of his country’s remaining sovereignty to America in a junior partnership role, which has remained the case to the present.

In return the British received from Washington food, raw materials, industrial equipment and arms, the sorts of commodities which Britain could easily have received from resource-rich Russia without giving up its independence. Moniz Bandeira wrote that Churchill “didn’t realize that the main threat to British interests came not from Russia, but from the United States”.

By this century, America was facing problems which had similarly hindered Britain before. The US has become an indebted superpower, especially in its relationship to China, and America consumes more than it produces. Washington can only sustain its growth pattern through debt, issuing treasury bonds without guarantees, and so in the space of a few decades has gone from being the main creditor nation to the main debtor nation.


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree and he writes primarily on foreign affairs and historical subjects. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


U.S. Nuclear Weapon Enduring Stockpile, last changed 31 August 2007

Markus Becker, “US Nuclear Weapons Upgrades Experts Report Massive Cost Increase”, Der Spiegel, 16 May 2012

Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, The Second Cold War: Geopolitics and the Strategic Dimensions of the USA (Springer; 1st ed., 23 June 2017)

The Economist, “Doubly divided”, 3 April 2003

Hans M. Kristensen, “U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe—A Review of Post-Cold War Policy, Force Levels, and War Planning”, Natural Resources Defence Council, February 2005, p. 9

Federica Romaniello, “US Accounts For 40% Of World’s Defence Spending”,, 25 February 2021

Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, The World Disorder: US Hegemony, Proxy Wars, Terrorism and Humanitarian Catastrophes (Springer; 1st ed., 4 Feb. 2019)

Nayan Chanda, Susan Froetschel, A World Connected: Globalization in the 21st Century (Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, 3 Dec. 2012)

Donald J. Goodspeed, The German Wars (Random House Value Publishing, 2nd edition, 3 April 1985)

Featured image: The USS John Warner, a nuclear-powered submarine of the type Australia will soon be developing. Source: US Navy

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The U.S. is the only country in the world that has been scientifically proven to be a dictatorship instead of a democracy, and on March 28th it will be heading a ‘Democracy’ Summit of other nations that are likewise pretending to be democratic but all of whose attendees will be nations whose regimes likewise are merely pretending to represent their public — or, otherwise, why would they be attending such a summit for ‘democracy’ that is being led by the world’s only nation that has been scientifically proven to be a dictatorship?

There have now been at least three scientific examinations into whether or not the U.S. Government represents the majority of the American people.

The first one found that it does not and that instead it represents only the tiny minority of America’s very wealthiest individuals.

The second one found that this was even more the case than the first such study had demonstrated.

And the third one found that the U.S. Government is 57.16% controlled by the richest one ten-thousandth — the top 1% of the top 1% — of the American population. If any nation was ever an aristocracy instead of a democracy, then post-1945 America is it.

In addition to those scientific studies, there have been international polls which have scientifically been taken simultaneously within dozens of countries in order to be able to rank countries on various commonly used indicators of whether or not a given country is actually a democracy; and in each of those, the U.S. scores as appearing to be less democratic than almost all developed countries are, but as being more democratic than most undeveloped countries are.

In addition, the percentage of a country’s population that is in prison is commonly taken to reflect the extent to which a given nation is a “police state” or otherwise a dictatorship, and on that measure the United States is more of a dictatorship than is any other country in the world: it has a higher percentage of its people being in prison than any other country does. (Furthermore, the percentage of the very rich who are in prison in America is near 0%, and this is what the scientific studies of whether or not the U.S. is a dictatorship would predict, since those studies have shown America to be a dictatorship by only its super-rich. America’s billionaires are above and beyond the law.)

Another common measure of the extent to which a given nation is a dictatorship is the extent to which its Government is effectively controlled by and in service to its military-industrial complex and is dictating to and threatening other Governments around the world. The most extreme model of a dictatorial country is the imperialistic one, because that is an international dictatorship over the vassal-nations (its colonies, or, as a modern empire calls it, ‘allies’) and is therefore a dictatorship that is cancerously spreading internationally. It is on this measure that the U.S. Government has no peer.

Any country that attends a ‘Democracy’ Summit that is led and called by a Government such as this, is thereby displaying itself to be inferior even to that, and is groveling to it, and publicly embarrassing itself. The entire dictatorship, nationally and internationally, is based upon hypocritical lies. In fact, the U.S. dictatorship has trained “around 50,000 at least” of military men from African nations and taught them the U.S. regime’s hypocritical ‘democratic values’ (as “core values”) only in order for those generals to perpetrate coups overthrowing their nation’s Government (sometimes authentically democratic ones) in order to turn their countries into new ‘allies’ of ‘the democratic West’ and purchasers of weapons from Lockheed Martin etc., and so to pocket for themselves enormous private wealth.

Two nations were disinvited by the U.S. regime to attend the U.S. regime’s ‘Democracy’ Summit: Hungary and Turkiye. Here is why. Since both of them are NATO members, each of them now holds veto-power over what the U.S. dictatorship’s NATO military alliance against Russia does. The dream by the U.S. dictatorship ever since 25 July 1945 has been to conquer the entire world; and, now, for the first time, two of America’s ‘allies’ are giving serious indications that they might resist and possibly even block that from happening.

There is increasing resistance to the only remaining empire, which is scattered about the world: the U.S. empire. The U.S. regime’s response thus far, to this resistance, has been to increase yet further its campaigns demonizing and to capture ultimately both Russia and China. It is driving the world into an enormous economic crash if a nuclear World War III won’t break out before that happens. Things appear to be reaching a breaking-point, either way.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. today called on U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg to investigate the spike in near-misses and narrowly averted airline accidents — since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines in 2021 — resulting from pilots incapacitated by health emergencies.

In a letter to Buttigieg, Kennedy wrote:

“Secretary Buttigieg, the safety of pilots, cabin crew, airline passengers, and the general public is not and never has been a partisan issue. Everything contained within this letter pertains to fundamental issues of public health and safety, which you, the DOT [U.S. Department of Transportation], the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration], and the Biden Administration profess to uphold and to protect.

“The recent changes to FAA guidelines and the lack of publicly available evidence on which these changes rest, along with the increasing number of incidents involving the incapacitation or vaccine-related injury of pilots, are highly concerning.”

A CHD analysis of raw data obtained from the FAA determined there was a marked increase, on a per-flight basis, in medical emergency-related flight diversions in both 2021 and 2022, compared to 2019 and prior years, Kennedy said.

Similarly, there was a marked increase in medical emergency diversions on a per-passenger basis in 2021 compared to 2019 and prior years, while the 2022 figure is higher than those for 2018 and 2019, indicating an increase in medical emergencies occurring in the air, when adjusted for the reduced number of flights and passengers in the 2021 and 2022 calendar years compared to the pre-2020 period.

Kennedy said the FAA violated its own guidelines by recommending pilots get the unlicensed COVID-19 vaccines, contrary to the agency’s policy of prohibiting pilots from taking any medical product that has been on the market for less than 12 months.

Kennedy’s 13-page letter, citing 61 sources, detailed evidence the FAA loosened medical restrictions for conditions such as myocarditis and Guillain-Barré syndrome, both documented adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccines.

Kennedy ended the letter with these 12 questions:

  1. Will recent incidents involving the incapacitation of pilots in flight be fully and thoroughly investigated, including whether the medical issues the pilots experienced were vaccine-related?
  2. On what basis have you and the acting FAA Administrator come to the conclusion that “a kind of rust” and a recent wave of retirements are to blame for an “uptick” in near-collisions and near-misses in our nation’s airports? Have the FAA and DOT examined and investigated the health and fitness of all individuals involved in such incidents, including air traffic controllers (who were previously subject to the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for federal employees)?
  3. Will the FAA thoroughly investigate the growing number of cases of pilots who reported severe adverse events following their COVID-19 vaccinations, and use the findings of this investigation as the basis to update and revise its COVID-19 vaccine-related guidance for pilots, cabin crew, and all aviation industry employees?
  4. Will you, the DOT, and the FAA respond to the question of why the FAA, up until now, has not publicly released complete details about the incidents involving incapacitated pilots and/or vaccine-injured pilots?
  5. Will the DOT and FAA continue to recommend that pilots and aviation industry workers get the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters despite the FAA’s recognition, in at least one instance involving a pilot, of “possible” vaccine-induced myocarditis?
  6. Will the FAA provide all evidence used as the basis for its recent (October 2022 and January 2023) updates to the agency’s Guide for Medical Examiners, in particular pertaining to changes made to the guidelines regarding Guillain-Barré Syndrome (item 46) and first-degree AV block and the acceptable PR interval (items 36 and 58) and retract its statement that this change was made in 2017 when documentation from the FAA all the way up to 2022 indicates otherwise? And will the agency explain why the changes to the guidelines pertaining to AV block and PR interval deviated from those recognized, up until today, by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and established medical experts? Were these changes (to items 36, 46, and 58) made in response to COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries?
  7. Will the FAA provide a satisfactory explanation as to why it contravened its own established guidelines by strongly recommending pilots, aviation industry employees, and their employers receive COVID-19 vaccines issued under EUA and on the market for less than 12 months?
  8. Will the FAA explain why it continues to recommend EUA vaccines when there are (supposedly) fully FDA-licensed alternatives now available, such as Pfizer’s Comirnaty, and why the agency still recommends vaccines, such as the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine, which were found to be connected to increased incidences of thrombosis and Guillain-Barré Syndrome? On what basis and upon which evidence did the agency make these policy decisions?
  9. Will the DOT and FAA pledge to maintain two pilots in the cockpit of passenger, commercial and cargo flights in the United States as part of the FAA’s forthcoming reauthorization? The history of aviation — even beyond the recent incidents of pilot incapacitation — demonstrates the dangers of having only one healthy pilot in the cockpit, and worse yet, cases where a passenger flight was left pilotless following the incapacitation of both pilots — a risk that will increase with only one pilot in the cockpit to begin with. Take, for instance, the deliberate March 2015 crash of Germanwings Flight 4U 9525, where the first officer locked the captain out of the cockpit after the latter presumably took a bathroom break, then proceeded to change the flight controls to intentionally run the flight into the ground, vividly illustrates the dangers of one-pilot cockpits. All passengers and crew were killed.
  10. Is the FAA prioritizing “keeping pilots in the air” at the expense of pilot, passenger and public safety? Here, I am referring to remarks made in an August 2021 interview with Courtney Scott, DO, MPH, published in the Federal Air Surgeon’s Medical Bulletin. In this interview, Scott said:

“There has been a shift in the goal of aerospace medicine standards from preventing airmen with certain medical conditions from flying, to allowing some airmen with certain medical conditions to fly after mitigating the risks. This mitigation, which we can call aeromedical disease management, is what makes the role of AMEs [aviation medical examiners] so important, helping to identify and assess risk.

“AMEs are essential to getting and keeping pilots in the air. Occasionally, pilots can see the AMEs as an adversary because sometimes in the mind of a pilot, the goal of an AME is to stop them from flying. This attitude goes with the old aeromedical focus of not allowing anyone to fly if they have certain medical conditions. Now the goal is to get the pilot flying if they can do so safely.”

These statements strongly suggest the FAA’s priority is to “keep pilots flying” if they “can do so safely” — ignoring, however, that many heart conditions, such as myocarditis, often do not display any symptoms until disaster strikes.

  1. Why are the FAA and DOT, in conjunction with the DOJ [U.S. Department of Justice], still prioritizing appealing the decision to void the federal transportation mask mandate at the expense of issues pertaining to incapacitated pilots and vaccine-injured pilots? Moreover, why are the FAA and DOT continuing to pursue a mask mandate when an increasing number of studies and meta-studies, including one published in January by the highly reputable and respected Cochrane Review, found that mask mandates “made little to no difference” in slowing the spread of COVID-19? — and also in light of the example of Sweden, a country that eschewed strict COVID-19 countermeasures such as lockdowns and mask mandates, and which recorded among the lowest levels of excess deaths globally and far fewer COVID-19 deaths per million people than the U.S. and other countries with severe measures (including France, Belgium, Italy, Argentina, Russia, Portugal, Spain)?
  2. Will the FAA respond to CHD’s FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] requests, free of delay and unnecessary redactions outside the boundaries of what the law foresees?

Read the letter here.


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Featured image is from CHD

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April 1st, 2023 by Živadin Jovanović

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Живадин Јовановић

Даме и господо,

Протекло је готово четврт века од агресије НАТО на Србију и Црну Гору (СРЈ). Током агресије погинуло је око 4.000 а рањено двоструко више наших суграђана. Три четвртине страдалих су цивили међу којима је и велики број деце, од мале Милице Ракић, из Батајнице до средњошколке Сање Миленковић, из Варварина, српске шампионке у математици. Колико је жртава закаснелих последица коришћења оружја са осиромашеним уранијумом, хемијских токсичких средстава и нексплодираних касетних бомби, тешко да ћемо икада прецизно утврдити. Због свих њих смо се окупили и окупљамо, како данас и овде, тако сваке године и широм земље, широм Европе и других континената, гдегод нас има. Њима, палим херојима одбране, свим недужним жртвама, данас се клањамо, њима данас упућујемо наше мисли и молитве.

Србија се још увек није опоравила – ни духовно од бола и неправде, ни материјално. У самом језгру Београда и даље пролазимо поред разорених здања чије нас зјапеће руине подсећају на дела наших партнера. Хвалимо њихове донације, још увек не постављамо најављиване па заборављене захтеве за ратну штету. Колико је то израз тежње да будемо конструктивни, реални и поштовани, тешко је рећи. Можда би било добро да се рушевине здања Генералштаба и МУП-а Србије прогласе и заштите као споменици културе, не само зато што то захтева мање средстава, него зато што би то вероватно имало више смисла него реконструкција или изградња нових здања.

Био је то злочин против мира и човечности, против земље која није представљала никакву опасност ни за кога, најмање за НАТО, или њене чланице. Није пуко понављање истине када и данас кажемо да је агресија НАТО извршена кршењем основних принципа међународних односа, Повеље УН, Завршног документа ОЕБС из Хелсинкија и Париске Повеље; када кажемо, да је НАТО, пет ипо деценија после краја Другог светског рата, вратио рат на европско тле; да су бомбе и крстареће ракете убијале грађане Србије али да су биле намењене и другима; да су истовремено разарале европску и светску архитектуру безбедности и сарадње; да је то, у суштини, био рат против Европе у коме је и сасма Европа учествовала; да је то био преседан за освајачке ратове и преврате у оквиру прокламоване стратегије ширења на Исток и тзв. демократизације; да је НАТО агресијом на Србију и Црну Гору (СРЈ) своју јубиларну 50. годишњицу обележио преласком из одбрамбеног и регионалног у освајачки савез глобалних хегемонистичких циљева.

Када све то понављамо 24 године после, то је најмање због навике, ритуала или робовања прошлости, то је искључиво због садашњости и будућности. Због мира, безбедности и напретка као једнаких и недељивих вредности свих народа и земаља.

Чинимо то и зато што нас управо данас ставови из Брисла, Охрида, Вашингтона и других дестинација, опомињу да се агресија на Србију наставља другим средствима али са истим циљем – да се цео српски српски народ на Балкану обесправи и понизи, да се трајно удаљи од традиционалних пријатеља и њихове подршке и да се одрекне свог државног права на покрајину Косово и Метохију. Протекло време и савремена дешавања недвосмислено потврђују да је прави циљ агресије био – отимање Косова и Метохије од Србије, збацивање председника Слободана Милошевића и претварање Балкана, у одскочну базу за поход на Исток.

Уверен сам да је, с обзиром на сва досадашња искуства и трендове дубоких промена у глобалним односима, најбољи пут за Србију је реафирмисање независне, неутралне и уравнотежене спољне политике, чување и учвршћивање односа са традиционалним пријатељима и савезницима и отвореност за равноправне односе и сарадњу са свим земљама и интеграцијама које прихватају Србију као равноправног партнера. Праведно, и одрживо решење статуса за покрајину Косово и Метохију могуће је само уз доследну примену Устава Србије, основних принципа међународног права и Резолуције СБ УН 1244 која је трајна и неотклоњива правна обавеза. Једино такво решење може бити у интересу трајног мира, безбедности и сарадње. Сваки други силом, претњама и уценама наметнути статус, без обзира на форму, не може се се претворити у право или компромис, нити може постати прилог миру. Напротив.

Дозволите ми да предложим да са овог скупа упутимо три молбе:

Прва, да се обнови рад Скупштинске комисије за утврђивање последица употребе оружја са осиромашеним уранијумом током агресије НАТО и Владиног интерресорног тела;

Друга, да се до обележавања 25. годишњице агресије НАТО марта идуће године, оконча рад на утврђивању списка свих цивилних жртава агресије;

И треће, да се изврши анализа обраде наставне јединице о агресији НАТО у свим уџбеницима свих нивоа образовања и обезбеди очување истине.

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Живадин Йованович является президентом Белградского форума “За мир равных”. Он является постоянным автором Global Research.

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In the recent family law case J.N. v. C.G., the divorced parents sought a court decision regarding which parent should have deciding authority for COVID-19 vaccination of their two youngest children, aged 10 and 12.

Justice A. Pazaratz gave the self-represented mother (J.N.) sole decision-making authority with respect to the vaccinations,[1] and awarded her costs in the motion;[2] on the basis that her concerns were the result of conscientious enquiry, were not unfounded or arbitrary, that the children had not been manipulated and held a consistent desire not to be vaccinated, and that psychological harm could be caused if they were forced to be vaccinated by their father (C.G.).[3]

Basically, Justice Pazaratz found that the mother was the more rational, closest and concerned adult to make the decision of vaccination for the two youngest children (which every adult is free to make for themselves), which also respects the children’s constant and independently expressed wishes; on the considered basis that this is the best outcome for the welfare of the children.

Justice Pazaratz found the father to be mean-spirited, unreasonable, offensive and misguided in his representations before the court, preferring to attack the mother’s credibility rather than address the issue. For example:

[79] With respect to the positions advanced by each parent.

  1. I respect the father’s decision to be guided by government and health protocols.
  2. I think the father did himself a disservice by focussing so much of his case on dismissive personal attacks on the mother. Those attacks are not only misguided and mean-spirited.  They raise doubts about his insight with respect to the vaccine issue – and they also raise doubts about his appreciation of the nature and quality of the important relationship between the mother (as primary resident parent) and the children.
  3. I equally respect the mother’s decision to make exhaustive efforts to inform herself about the vaccination issue.


[emphasis added]

In his reasoned 27-page analysis, Justice Pazaratz expressly refused to take judicial notice (i.e., simply accept without tested proof) that the vaccines are safe and effective — on the mere basis that the government approved the vaccines, recommends the vaccines, and states that the vaccines are safe and effective. As such, there was no evidence before him that the vaccines are safe and effective.

Justice Pazaratz received the affidavit submissions of both parents solely as evidence of what the parents were considering in making their parenting decisions, not as evidence, one way or the other, regarding whether the vaccines are safe and effective:

[15] In this case the evidence provided more questions than answers.

  1. The father filed two affidavits.
  2. The mother filed one.
  3. They both relied extensively on unsworn “exhibits”, which were basically internet downloads.
  4. In addition, the father relied on numerous downloads from the mother’s social media accounts.
  5. They both consented to my receiving these materials, to demonstrate the sources of information which each of them is relying on in formulating their respective parenting position.

[emphasis added]

Justice Pazaratz expressly did not consider that his mandate included resolving the scientific and policy question of COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy:

[71] In a complex, important, and emotional case like this, it is important to remember the court’s mandate:

  1. I am not being asked to make a scientific determination. I am being asked to make a parenting determination.
  2. I am not being asked to decide whether vaccines are good or bad.
  3. I am not being asked to decide if either parent is good or bad.
  4. My task is to determine which parent is to have decision-making authority over L.E.G. and M.D.G. with respect to the very specific and narrow issue of COVID vaccinations. Each parent has clearly identified how they would exercise such decision-making authority.

[emphasis added]

The Court of Appeal for Ontario nullified the ruling of Justice Pazaratz, and substituted its own ruling giving sole decision-making authority with respect to the COVID-19 vaccinations to the father.[4]

The appellate court’s 23-page decision is dismissive, even overtly sarcastic at one point (paragraph 30), and, most importantly, denies the mother’s natural justice rights, in a matter of forced bodily injections no less, by misrepresenting the family court decision and disregarding the established law of evidence regarding judicial notice, while imposing its own order that the father have sole decision-making authority “with respect to the children’s vaccination against COVID-19”.

Leaving aside the central issue (circumvented by the appellate court) of whether the scientific question of the vaccine safety and efficacy needed to be answered for the family court judge to make his decision about parenting (the family court judge says not), let me explain the egregious appellate-court error about judicial notice this way:

  1. no court or reasonable person can have any doubt that the question of whether the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and the degrees to which they are safe and effective for children, is a matter that requires expert evidence, whereas
  2. a different formation of the same appellate court in 2021 determined the obvious — that matters that are the proper subject of expert evidence are, by definition, not compatible with judicial notice.[5]

The said different formation’s position is entirely aligned with the authoritative 2001 Supreme Court of Canada directive on the question:[6]

48 In this case, the appellant relies heavily on proof by judicial notice.  Judicial notice dispenses with the need for proof of facts that are clearly uncontroversial or beyond reasonable dispute.  Facts judicially noticed are not proved by evidence under oath.  Nor are they tested by cross-examination.  Therefore, the  threshold for judicial notice is strict: a court may properly take judicial notice of facts that are either: (1) so notorious or generally accepted as not to be the subject of debate among reasonable persons; or (2) capable of immediate and accurate demonstration by resort to readily accessible sources of indisputable accuracyR. v. Potts (1982), 1982 CanLII 1751 (ON CA), 66 C.C.C. (2d) 219 (Ont. C.A.); J. Sopinka, S. N. Lederman and A. W. Bryant, The Law of Evidence in Canada (2nd ed. 1999), at p. 1055.

49 The scientific and statistical nature of much of the information relied upon by the appellant further complicates this case.  Expert evidence is by definition neither notorious nor capable of immediate and accurate demonstration.  This is why it must be proved through an expert whose qualifications are accepted by the court and who is available for cross-examination.  As Doherty J.A. stated in R. v. Alli (1996), 1996 CanLII 4010 (ON CA), 110 C.C.C. (3d) 283 (Ont. C.A.), at p. 285: “[a]ppellate analysis of untested social science data should not be regarded as the accepted means by which the scope of challenges for cause based on generic prejudice will be settled”.

[emphasis added]

Impervious to the establish law of evidence regarding judicial notice, the Court of Appeal in this case decided:

[45] Stated otherwise, judicial notice should be taken of regulatory approval, and regulatory approval is a strong indicator of safety and effectiveness. That being the case, where one party seeks to have a child treated by a Health Canada-approved medication, the onus is on the objecting party to show why the child should not receive that medication. The motion judge erred by reversing that onus.

[46] The respondent, as the parent seeking not to have the children vaccinated, had the onus to establish that, despite Health Canada’s opinion as to the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness, they should not be. That onus was not satisfied.

In the context, this means: “If the government states on its websites that a medical intervention is safe and effective, then trial-court judges in Ontario should take this government statement to be a proven fact, and administer the case accordingly.”

Basically, on my study of the decision, if I may paraphrase, the appellate court’s reasoning for circumventing the established law of judicial notice (and principles of natural justice) in this case about forcibly injecting children is: “well, it’s the government, and there’s a declared pandemic”.

The appellate court’s decision is contrary to law, and is both absolute and absurd.

Many unanswered follow up questions immediately arise, such as:

  • How could a mother know or reasonably expect that a court will take untested evidence of government positions expressed on the internet as proven facts, and that she has an onus to disprove those facts?
  • How could a mother know that the complex parenting conflict will, in the court, be reduced to a purely scientific question and that the government’s slogan-style answer to that question is taken to be a proven fact?
  • Beyond the qualitative (and meaningless) “safe” and “effective” qualifiers, what degrees and types of risks versus predicted benefits are sufficient to override the parent and child decisions against injection?
  • What amount and type of “overall benefit” or “best interest” is sufficient to override the child’s Charter rights and the caretaking parent’s authentic concerns?
  • What about the myriad of follow up boosters?
  • What about the palpable possibility that government agencies are partly or largely captured by influential entities having motives other than pure concern for public health?
  • What about the money and politics, which are in play?
  • How does the court preserve its constitutional role if it thus makes a blanket decision to defer to whatever position the government decides to have?

In addition, the appellate court makes several incorrect statements; for example, as follows.

(at paragraphs 19 and 31, respectively): “The information relied upon by the respondent [mother] was nothing but something someone wrote and published on the Internet, without any independent indicia of reliability or expertise” […] “The motion judge erred in failing to conduct any meaningful review of the appellant’s authorities, or the laws of evidence, in favour of the respondent’s [mother’s] questionable and unreliable internet printouts with no independent indicia of reliability or expertise.”

Actually, the mother’s affidavit contains a fact sheet from Pfizer, giving a long and detailed description of side effects, and the appellate court does not dispute the authenticity of the fact sheet.

Actually, the mother’s affidavit contains an article dated 26 August 2021 from the scientific journal Science, entitled “Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—but vaccination remains vital – Israelis who had an infection were more protected against the Delta coronavirus variant than those who had an already highly effective COVID-19 vaccine”.[7] By independent estimates, Science is consistently ranked as the world’s third leading scientific journal.[8] The 26 August 2021 article’s sources are public and fully verifiable.

Actually, the mother’s affidavit contains a 2012 article published in PLoS ONE, entitled “Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS virus”.[9] PLoS ONE is a highly ranked peer-reviewed scientific journal. This article in PLoS ONE has been cited in the scientific literature more than 650 times, which is a very high number, including by many recent leading scientific-journal articles about COVID-19 vaccines.[10] All of this is readily verifiable using Google Scholar (which is a “CanLII” for globally published scientific articles).

(at paragraph 15): “The motion judge’s description of Dr. Malone, Dr. Lawrie and the other authors cited by the respondent – as leaders in their fields – seems to be based on nothing more than their ability to either create a website or be quoted in one. There is no apparent or verifiable expertise.”

Actually, Dr. Robert W. Malone’s record as a scientist is a matter of public knowledge, which is immediately verifiable in both the scientific literature and the U.S. Patent records. His Google Scholar profile is not difficult to find.[11] His 5 most cited scientific articles and US patents, all immediately verifiable, make it clear that he is eminently qualified, far beyond virtually every government public health officer, to make expert criticisms of the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines:[12]

Everything the family court judge wrote about Dr. Malone is correct and verifiable although imprecise in one instance:

[60] For example, the article submitted by the mother “Are People Getting Full Facts on COVID Vaccine Risks?” quotes Dr. Robert W. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine.  Whether he is right or wrong about the current use of COVID vaccines is a matter for discussion and determination.  But with his credentials, he can hardly be dismissed as a crackpot or fringe author.  The mother referred to the following excerpt from the article:

The original inventor of the mRNA vaccine (and DNA vaccine) core platform technology currently used to create the vaccines is Dr Robert W Malone. Dr Malone has been expressing serious concerns […]

[emphasis added]

Should the judge be fatally faulted for loosely assimilating co-inventing and demonstrating the underlying technology that is the crux of the new mRNA vaccines to “inventing the vaccine”? Do the industry modifications in manufacturing the actual vaccine constitute “inventing the vaccine”? Who, if anyone, “invented the lipid-particle mRNA COVID-19 vaccine”?

(at paragraph 30): “Further, the materials from the Canadian Paediatric Society – attached to the appellant’s affidavit, and which state that the vaccine is safe and effective for children (and that its benefits outweigh its rare side effects) – clearly meet the criteria set out in the case law cited by the motion judge. That is to say, pursuant to ITV and Sutton, this is a well-known organization (whose objectivity and sources can be readily and easily assessed), and the information contained in its documents is capable of verification. Moreover, as the Canadian Paediatric Society is not a government agency, the motion judge should have been comforted knowing that its opinion is not formulated by a government official, or reliant only on government procured information.”

Actually, if the appellate court had spent any time applying its recommendation that “whose objectivity and sources can be readily and easily assessed”, it would have found a few relevant items on the website of the Canadian Paediatric Society:

Under “Sponsorship”, the organization has:[13]

The Canadian Paediatric Society’s activities and programs are funded through a wide variety of sources, including membership dues, revenue from continuing medical education events and annual conferences, publications, unrestricted grants from individuals, foundations and corporations, as well as government grants. Over the years, the CPS has developed mutually beneficial relationships with private sector companies. The resources offered by the private sector enhance our ability to fulfill our mission. For instance, sponsorships can help us expand our distribution network, allowing our resources on child and youth health to reach a wider audience than would otherwise be possible. The CPS welcomes corporations as supporters of our programs and activities and seeks corporate sponsors that operate in the best interests of children and youth.

[emphasis added]

Under “Competing Interests”, the organization has several declared conflicts of interest among its board members, executives, and members, such as, for example:[14]

Why would the appellate court want judges to presume reliability and accuracy of statements from such internet sources, rather than have the judges apply the strict threshold for judicial notice prescribed by the Supreme Court?

Several provincial appellate courts have denied their jurisdictions to fairly determine scientific questions related to government COVID-19 measures, by taking government experts to be correct on the apparent basis that the government must be right,[15] but this appellate court has gone further. This appellate court holds the view (expressly not shared by the family-court judge) that the scientific question is determinative in this case and that the government position expressed in generic terms on the internet should be accepted as proven fact without any government expert being required or cross-examined.

This appellate court in-effect wants to “simplify” all similar cases in this way: the government position should be taken as absolute, and the parent’s only option is to prove that their particular child would be at too high a risk compared to an unquantified benefit — “the parent seeking not to have the children vaccinated, had the onus to establish that, despite Health Canada’s opinion [taken as proven fact] as to the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness, they should not be” (at para. 46).

How did this happen?

Is the father’s legal team of three lawyers to be followed because the mother is self-represented?

Is it so unpalatable that a family-court judge in-effect took judicial notice that there was a live scientific debate about the risks and benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines?[16]

In fact, there can be little doubt that there is a live and unresolved scientific debate about the vaccines.

Death is not listed in the Pfizer list of side effects that was before Justice Pazaratz, however, it is well established that the COVID-19 vaccines can cause death, as seen from:[17]

  • an increasing number of detailed autopsy studies (Choi et al., 2021; Schneider et al., 2021; Sessa et al., 2021; Gill et al., 2022; Mörz, 2022; Schwab et al., 2022; Suzuki et al., 2022; Tan et al., 2022; Yoshimura et al., 2022; Onishi et al., 2023),
  • adverse effect monitoring (e.g., Hickey and Rancourt, 2022),
  • a recent survey study (Skidmore, 2023),
  • studies of vaccine-induced pathologies (e.g., Goldman et al., 2021; Kuvandik et al., 2021; Turni and Lefringhausen, 2022; Edmonds et al., 2023; Wong et al., 2023), and
  • more than 1,250 peer-reviewed publications about COVID-19 vaccine adverse effects (React 19, 2022).
  • There is also the known vaccine injury compensation programmes of states worldwide, which include death resulting from the COVID-19 vaccines (Mungwira et al. 2020; Wood et al., 2020; Crum et al., 2021; Kamin-Friedman and Davidovitch, 2021). Japan, Canada and the UK have granted compensation for COVID‑19 vaccine induced deaths (The Japan Times, 26 July 2022; Corbett, 6 September 2022; Wise, 2022).

To this we should add the incisive criticisms against the pharmaceutical-industry-funded vaccine clinical trials themselves (the supposed scientific basis for “safe and effective”), such as are published in the leading British Medical Journal, in which the raw data was hidden from independent researchers, and the trial designs were fatally flawed:

Why is it so difficult for an appellate court to admit the possibility that, when billion-dollar secret contracts are in play, and when the government structurally applies a self-reporting framework with manufacturers, government public health positions are not entirely and objectively based on actual and verifiable science, and that, therefore, the government should not be taken at its (website) word in establishing facts arising from complex and technical manipulations controlled by an industry that does not have a stellar reputation for safety?

In the present case, the family-court judge acted wisely, applying the principles of family law, whereas the appellate court was flippant, to the extent that a court can be flippant, and brings the province’s appellate judiciary into disrepute.

Finally, it is comforting to note that the appellate court’s decision in J.N. v. C.G. has already engendered bold and significant pushback from a judge of the family court in Ontario, in a similar case of parents having opposite positions regarding COVID-19 vaccination of their children, in which government pronouncements about “safe and effective” are at issue.[18] Although couched in terms of distinguished circumstances, the said pushback is as close to a “rebellion” as one can observe in a common law court system.

In an extensive analysis of the said appellate court’s decision, Justice R.T. Bennett explains point-by-point why the appellate ruling should not apply to the case before their court,[19] and concludes their analysis with:

666. The Charter of Rights ensures that accused persons have the right to a fair trial. This court finds that innocent children should and do have that same right.

There is hope, even during a declared and highly mediatized and politicized pandemic.



[1] J.N. v. C.G., 2022 ONSC 1198 (CanLII),

[2] J.N. v. C.G., 2022 ONSC 2225 (CanLII),

[3] See Pazaratz J.’s decision,, paras. 37, 75-78.

[4] J.N. v. C.G., 2023 ONCA 77 (CanLII),

[5] R. v. J.M., 2021 ONCA 150 (CanLII),, at para. 35

[6] R. v. Find, 2001 SCC 32 (CanLII), [2001] 1 SCR 863,

[7] Meredith Wadman, “Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—but vaccination remains vital – Israelis who had an infection were more protected against the Delta coronavirus variant than those who had an already highly effective COVID-19 vaccine”, Science, 26 August 2021, doi: 10.1126/science.abm1207,, archived at:

[8] For example, Google Scholar has:, accessed on 28 March 2023, archived history at:

[9] Tseng C-T, Sbrana E, Iwata-Yoshikawa N, Newman PC, Garron T, et al. (2012) “Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus”. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35421. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035421.

[10] For example:,5&cites=10595293153265702610&scipsc, accessed on 28 March 2023.

[11], accessed on 28 March 2023.

[12] Ibid.

[13], accessed on 28 March 2023.

[14], accessed on 28 March 2023.

[15] Rancourt, Denis G. (2022) “Canadian court decisions on the constitutionality of Covid measures are invalid due to jurisdictional errors of law”, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, OCLA Report 2022-2 | 23 September 2022.

[16] See Pazaratz J.’s decision,, paras. 63, 68-70, 79(d), 79(g), 79(j), 80-83, esp. para. 81.

[17] Citation details and links of the references use in the bullet points are given here: D.G. Rancourt, M. Baudin, J. Hickey & J. Mercier. “Age-stratified COVID-19 vaccine-dose fatality rate for Israel and Australia”, Correlation Research in the Public Interest, Correlation Brief Report, 9 February 2023 (40 pages),

[18] J.W.T. v. S.E.T., 2023 ONSC 977 (CanLII),, paras. 602-666.

[19] Ibid.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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Selected Excerpts from Rosalie Bertell’s book:

Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War


The problems we face at the beginning of the twenty-first century involve interconnected issues of militarism, economics, social policy and the environment. Global consumption of resources is exceeding Earth’s restorative capacity by at least 33 per cent. War and the preparation for war drastically reduce the store of these resources still further, leading to a self-perpetuating cycle in which competition for raw materials leads to further conflict. This means that global survival requires a zero tolerance policy for the destructive power of war.

However, I recognize that exposing the extremes of today’s military and outlining the crisis in resources will only bring about change if we also tackle the question of security. Popular support for the military comes from fear, and that fear is based on hundreds of years of recorded history.

We feel that we must have weapons to protect ourselves from the weapons of the enemy.  This fear legitimizes the development and stockpiling of new weapons and results in the election of public officials who will not hesitate to use violence. This in turn attracts the warrior to public office and reinforces his or her belief that military might is the best assurance of security. If the public were convinced that there were real, viable alternatives to war, such figures would lose their mandate.

Therefore, it is vital that a new concept of security is devised, which puts Earth and its inhabitants first. The old paradigm of security protects wealth, financial investment and privilege through the threat and use of violence. The new concept embraces a more egalitarian vision, prioritizing people, human rights, and the health of the environment. Security is not being abandoned; it is just being achieved through the protection and responsible stewardship of the Earth. I would call this emerging new vision ‘ecological security’. Such a shift in focus requires a complex, multi-faceted approach to resource protection and distribution, to conflict resolution and the policing of the natural world. In Chapter 7, I will outline some of the directions we might take towards achieving these goals. But in order to do this, we must first challenge the belief that military force is a necessary evil.

Working for Change

Altering the Core Belief

…The core belief being challenged today is that military power provides security. There exists more than enough evidence to show this belief to be untrue….

Lobbying for Change

The first step in change is the conviction that change is needed…. Those working for peace, economic justice, social equity and environmental integrity must all stay connected. ‘Staying connected’ in such a grandiose project will never mean total agreement in everything, rather a constant cycle of communication, action, feedback and evaluation. Honest dialogue about successes and failures is a protection against major mistakes during alternative policy development….

Phasing Out the Military

So how would we actually go about bringing an end to the military? The first and most important requirement is that the military come under civilian control; then we must look at effective disarmament and the redirection of military resources, including human resources, towards more humanitarian aims; finally we must seek alternative means of resolving conflict. We also need to bring the research community into this question so that disarmament becomes a long-term reality.

Control of the Military

Many people were shocked when NATO decided to bomb Kosovo on its own authority. If NATO or some other coalition outside of the United Nations can dictate military policy then the chances of promoting a peaceful solution to any crisis are seriously damaged. There is more security for the public when international actions are based on decisions made by a civilian authority and are backed by the rule of law….

When power is dispersed, it is less likely to be abused.

However, it is clear that the goal of change is not just civilian supervision of the military but the dismantling of the military altogether. This change will not be easy. No country is going to terminate its military forces unless it can be absolutely sure that other countries are doing the same—the fear of being vulnerable to attack would be much too strong.

Disbanding the Military

…Enough data is now available to successfully monitor a freeze in military spending….

An alternative suggestion is to redefine the military’s job description. After all, they are supposed to work for us and in our name. Proposals include using military personnel for civilian assistance in ecological crises such as floods or volcanic eruptions. They could also carry out genuine peacekeeping, with new nonviolent training programmes and the development of conflict resolution skills. Imagine unarmed peacekeepers trained in the art of diplomacy. When the option of war is not available, people are forced to think about the many possible but untried responses….

War itself needs to be banned. There are no disputes between nations that cannot now be skills, we should be heading towards an exciting new era of real diplomacy. Indeed even after a war negotiations are necessary before ‘peace’ is established. The main accomplishment of the violence is to force concessions at the negotiating table, but because a war influences the ‘freedom’ of the loser, post-war negotiations are notoriously unjust. Often this sets the stage for the next war—one reason perhaps why the Second World War followed on so swiftly from the First. With the Chemical Weapons Convention, banning chemical warfare, which came into force on 29 April 2000, and review of nuclear weapons reduction on the United Nations agenda for the same year, it seems to be the opportune moment to push this nonviolent agenda.


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Rosalie Bertell, born in 1929 in the USA, has passed in 2012 in her convent “Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart” in Pennsylvania. She has PhD in Biometrics from the Catholic Univ., Washington DC in 1966. She has nine PhD honoris causae, several awards, f.i. the Right Livelihood Award in 1986 for “No Immediate Danger? Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth”, 1985.

Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War

By Dr. Rosalie Bertell

As weaponry and warfare have become more complex and sophisticated, so the long-term effects have become more deadly. In Planet Earth Rosalie Bertell proposes that the key to understanding the impact of future wars lies in a close analysis of the past. She shows how the quest for military power has destabilized the delicate natural balance of the earth’s ecosystem, causing widespread devastation in environmental, economic and social terms and calls for a new approach to security, which rises above national agendas to seek global solutions to a global problem.

Publisher: ‎ Black Rose Books (March 21, 2001)

Paperback: ‎ 267 pages

ISBN-10: ‎ 1551641828

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1551641829

Click here to purchase.

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Read Part I:

Women’s Rights in Modern Iran. A Study in Contrasts

By J. Michael Springmann, March 28, 2023

What? In Backward Iran?  Iran is behind the times only if you read or listen to American and Israeli propaganda.  It is au courant if you visit the country and get a first-hand glimpse of reality.

Trade Fair.  During my recent visit to Tehran, I attended a fascinating trade fair and cultural exhibition.  Jampacked with visitors, you felt like part of a pinball game, bouncing off the throngs of people crowding the walkways between exhibits.  In fact, it was one of the few areas of my visit where it was next to impossible to take pictures, unless you wanted to show the huge crowds fascinated with the variety of items on exhibit. There was almost no place to park and the visitors were so many that shuttle carts transported guests to and from the exhibits hall.

There were booths showing metallurgy and minerals exploration, medical tourism, designer clothing, handicrafts, and visitor farms.

Surprisingly, I was overwhelmed by the designer clothing and visitor farms.  The woman with the clothing booth told me that she combined traditional Iranian women’s fashion patterns with foreign motifs, particularly from Latin America.  She was also a musician, wearing one of her creations. Fascinated with her story, I regretted not being able to spend more time chatting with her.  But then, she was there to sell her wares and be recognized for being a talented designer, not to satisfy my curiosity.

Here are some other, trendy Iranian fashion designs taken from the internet.

Farms.  Visitor or tourist farms were another interesting attraction.  Combining eco-friendly and water saving processes, the farm exhibiting there provided comfortable accommodations and delicious food.  Not only were there greenhouses spraying water mists on the trees and plants, there were outdoor orchards using underground drip irrigation, preventing evaporation in the dry climate. This is not the only one in the country.  A quick perusal of the Internet produces a list of what is becoming a part of Iranian tourism, celebrating nature and not just historical sites.

Technology.  I also traveled to Iran’s very own Silicon Valley, about 25 kilometers (ca. 15 miles) northeast of Tehran.

This was a truly astonishing visit to a facility with ultra-modern buildings housing high-technology sites.  Pardis takes its name from Islamic heaven, Paradise.  Its goal is to support new ideas and technologies, joining them to industry.  Another objective is the commercialization of practical scientific achievements. The idea is to create a suitable platform for technology growth and market development.

Established in 2005, Pardis is the largest technology park in the country.  To date, roughly 250 high-tech and knowledge-based companies, ranging Read the rest of this entry »

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Uranium Dossier. ”Yugoslav Scenario”

April 1st, 2023 by Dragan Vujicic

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A long way has come since September 1995, when the first grains of depleted uranium ammunition from the bombed Repair Facility in Hadžići, at that time under the control of the Bosnian Serb Army, were brought from Sarajevo to the Military Technical Institute in Belgrade for possible toxicity analysis, until March 2023, when the quiet and silent dying of people in Serbia got a new name in world politics: “Yugoslav scenario”.

Maria Zakharova, spokesperson of the MFA of Russia, invented the phrase Yugoslav scenario with the purpose to comment on the intention of the British to supply the Ukrainian army with ammunition made of depleted uranium.

And we should not be angry with the Russian official, even though it is a cynical name for dying. Wesley Clark and his gang poisoned the house.

Until the “Merciful Angel”, in Serbia, 1,700 to one million inhabitants were suffering from cancer. According to data not updated, that number is around 5.500 today and significantly higher after the Covid torture.

While the Institute for Public Health in Belgrade was still “sharing” the nation’s biomedical statistics with citizens, it was possible to find out (say in 2007) that the incidence of prostate cancer in men increased by 60 percent from 1999 to 2005, bladder by 37 percent, intestines 29 percent.

In the same year 2007, the medical monitoring of the children of our soldiers from Kosovo and Metohija, who were born between 2000 and 2004, was terminated by the will of the then state leadership of Serbia.

In a study conducted at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade after the aggression, genetic samples were taken from the children of the descendants of soldiers who defended the country, 1,752 of them. The Control Group for comparing the results consisted of 1,204 children born before the bombing, from 1995 to 1999. The results in Occupational Medicine at the VMA testified to obvious anomalies, and to the genotoxicity of Depleted Uranium ammunition, but someone “in the medical community” concluded that the sample of children with VMA is too small for the Study to be taken “seriously”, and the country’s acceptance into the so-called European Union is promised soon.

And that’s where we are – tragic European champions in morbidity and mortality from oncological diseases.

Third Army Dying From Cancer

COLONEL Veljko Lovre, military policeman and companion of General Nebojsa Pavković in Kosmet, is believed to be the first war victim of depleted uranium in Serbia.

He died on Christmas Day 2001 and was buried two days later, on St. Stephen’s Day. Exactly on January 13th of that year, the Belgrade weekly “Telegraf” published exclusively that 13 former soldiers from Kosmet were being treated for cancer at the VMA and that it was suspected that their cancer was a consequence of being in a toxic war environment.

And when four years ago in Niš, in 2019, on the occasion of two decades since the aggression, the Extended Collegium of the former commanders of the two corps of the Third Army of the VJ was held, after “reading and remembering” who is no longer there” – the cry of the old warriors followed.

At least half of them were “missing” from the most serious diseases.

”It was on April 3, 1999, near the village of Reljan in the south of Serbia, when I went to see for myself the consequences of the A 10 aircraft with uranium grains on targets on the ground”, General Nebojsa Pavković wrote in his book. In a prison in Finland, he told on a “dictaphone” how he was operated on for bladder cancer at the VMA in 2002, and the following year his thyroid gland was removed… Now he is being treated by “Finnish health care”.

„And my colleague General Negoslav Nikolić, who led the Niš Corps right after me, fell ill and died of aggressive cancer”, said Pavković at the time.

A wonderful man and great commander from Kosmet, General Vladimir Lazarevic, fell ill at the same time. He had as many as four operations, two in Belgrade and two in the Netherlands.

”My father’s cancer first appeared on the skin of his leg and he had to undergo surgery twice”, Milan Lazarević, a specialist doctor at the Niš Call Center, told this journalist. ”My father and I are convinced that he fell ill as a result of the bombing. He was operated on twice in The Hague, on his face and then on his spine. The important thing is that now he is at home and I am managing his therapies” … General Božidar Delić, who was in command of Metohija for 12 years, died after a battle with cancer in 2022.

”Today I can say that every A-10 plane that targeted us with depleted uranium hit!- I was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2010, and when the doctors “opened me up” they realized that the disease had metastasized. I was operated on 12 times”. …

Colonel Vlatko Vuković, commander of the battalion near Djakovica, who was often targeted by bombers from May 1999 until June of that year, dropped from 72 kilograms to 50 kilograms. However, he did not leave the unit until 2002.

”All my doctors were aware that I fell ill as a result of the war, but since I was not “hit by a grain” they explained to me that they have no legal options to award me compensation. What’s scarier than this is that I then met my seniors from the trenches in Kosmet in front of the VMA offices as if we were at a morning military briefing in a military garrison. Now they are “gone” too. – I’m still fighting”. …

And Radojko Pavlović, a physicist from Vinča who led a team for extracting ammunition from depleted uranium in the Republika Srpska and in the south of Serbia, suddenly fell ill and died of lung cancer in 2003. Just in 2003, he finished cleaning nine locations in the south of Serbia filled with these bullets. His wife Dr. Snežana Pavlović, also a physicist from Vinča, said that she believes that Radojko is a victim of his job.

There is allegedly no evidence – or there is…

World Health Organization More Toxic Than Uranium

Based on the analysis of seven and half depleted uranium bullets found by English “experts” in 11 places on Kosovo, the World Health Organization concluded that the radiation on the territory of the polluted places is not dangerous and that there are no consequences for human health. Based on the findings of the English “expedition” who was in Kosovo and Metohija in November 2000, Dr. Michael Ripacelli wrote a monograph on the impact of uranium ammunition in the Balkans, which was published in January 2001 (“Depleted Uranium in Kosovo Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment”).

The World Health Organization accepted the findings of the English (and who wouldn’t believe the name?)

Ripacelli’s conclusions briefly read:

  • There is no widespread contamination in Kosovo, in the OU use zone. Contamination was confirmed only 10-15 m from the place of direct hit,
  • No water contamination.
  • There is no danger or risk to human health anywhere, except for those who keep projectile parts close to the body for a very long time.

As Serbian general Slobodan Petković, the head of the Atomic Biological Defense in the Serbian Army during the aggression, concluded in connection with the “English work” in 1999, the British document was created for the needs of the Hague Tribunal.

However, this “WHO episode” is preceded by a two-year game of cruel and cynical cover-up of the crimes of the so-called International Community.

The arrogant English-aristocratic expedition of Dr. Michael Ripacelli (composed of 14 members) arrived in Kosmet in November 2000 to “refute” the unsettled Preliminary Report of the UN team of the former Finnish Minister of Ecology, Pek Havist, dated October 11, 1999.

A Finn, (today the president of his country) previously wrote the “first” Basic UN document on the consequences of NATO’s destruction of Yugoslavia.

He came to the data while visiting the destroyed cities of Serbia. This is one of the conclusions that “accuses” NATO the most:

“Pančevo, Kragujevac, Novi Sad and Bor are places where pollution was found due to bombing. In polluted areas, it is necessary to take measures to protect the environment and clean up in order to avoid harmful consequences for human health. It is necessary to prevent access to contaminated places.” Already in the next paragraph, the Finn writes: “contaminated places could not be identified”!?.

Havist Wouldn’t Live in Serbia 

In the great fraud and crime against local peoples, which is now called the “Yugoslavian scenario”, the role of Pek Havist is “immeasurable”. During the measurements of radioactivity and the cleaning of the Bratoselce, Pljačkovica, Reljan, Borovac and Čerenovac sites, our experts on the ground asked Finca if he would build a house for himself and his family in Southern Serbia.

He kept silent, said Dr. Srežana (in other words, the wife of the deceased Radojko, who took this ammunition out of the ground). Everything here, in our (bombed) Serbia, is beautiful and God-given, testified this woman from the Nuclear Institute in Vinca.

Snežana Pavlović was one of those who participated in filling those 40 to 50 barrels of 200 kilograms each of contaminated soil and ammunition from OU that were dug up in the south of Serbia and “stored safely”.

And in itself, the Yugoslav Basic Report of the United Nations on the consequences of the use of depleted uranium ammunition in the territories of Serbia and Montenegro by Pek Havista was prepared with the intention of refuting the official document of the UNEP (UN Environmental Protection Program based in Nairobi), the only report that created in real time in 1999. This document was written and signed in 1999 by the Senegalese Bakari Kante and his men who came to the territory of the FRY when the bombing began. The UNEP report from the field “screamed” accusations of ecocide against the nature and people of the FRY.

The team of UNEP experts headed by the Senegalese Bakari Kante remained in the FRY until May, General Slobodan Petković wrote. NATO to have dire consequences for people and nature not only in the FRY, but also in the region.

However, the original report by Bacary Kante and his team never became an official UN document – thanks first to Havista and then to Rippocelli.

It was published in the Geneva daily “The Courier” (Le Courrier) on June 17, 1999, thanks to Robert Parsons, the American independent reporter from the UN headquarters in Geneva, who presented the report at the press conference organized a little later in the UN building on the shores of Lake Geneva.

In Kante’s report from “Kurijer” in May 1999, UNEP experts stated that the atmosphere and soil in the former FR Yugoslavia are permanently polluted with toxic substances due to the bombing of industrial-chemical complexes and the use of weapons with depleted uranium… It was concluded that the next generations who live on bombed ground will suffer from cancerous diseases, leukemia, that the number of spontaneous abortions and deformities of newborns will increase…

“Nature in FR Yugoslavia was polluted by toxic substances, among which the most dangerous are polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), highly carcinogenic and responsible for immunological diseases. The report emphasizes that one liter of polychlorinated biphenyls is enough to pollute a billion liters of water. PCBs are found in electrical transformer stations and in numerous oil refineries that were targeted by NATO” …

Chapter eight of the censored report talks about the pollution caused by the use of depleted uranium weapons…

Klaus Topfer (Director General of UNEP from 1988 to 2006) is the main architect of lies about the consequences of the NATO attack in the Balkans, Parsons said in June 1999. The UN comes and asks for Kante’s findings.

Late Recognition of the Nobel Laureate

The British physicist, Nobel winner expert on the effects of radioactive radiation on the human environment, Kay Beverstock, who participated in the English expedition to KiM in November 2000 and the creation of the Ripocelli report, spoke in 2011. It took him more than a decade to verbally withdraw his signature from of the WHO “scientific” document on the basis of which it was concluded that the “Yugoslavian scenario” is, as it would be said today: a conspiracy theory, disinformation or misinformation….

– I was in the editorial office of that monograph. It was prepared in Geneva, under the direction of Dr. Michael Ripaccioli, who is not an expert on the health issue when it comes to the consequences of radiation. I was very dissatisfied with the way that report was done. In my estimation, the material they wanted to present in that report had very little to do with health effects. The title reads: “Impact of depleted uranium on human health”, but the report does not mention genotoxicity. Beverstock confirmed in 2011 that they removed his findings from Ripocelli’s report confirming that weapons with depleted uranium are carcinogenic and genotoxic, i.e. that it damages the genetic material, which leads to deformities in newborn children.

Serbian politicians should not be amnestied here either:

When the analyzes of the dangers of American grains with depleted uranium from the Republic of Srpska, made in Vinča and the Military Technical Institute, arrived at the table of the Serbian leadership at the time in January 1996, the question was raised: What if after this all the people from the Republic of Srpska cross the Drina – testified Dr. Slobodan Orlić, who signed the first spectrometry and analysis of the use of uranium ammunition in our country. Dr. Orlić says that the Report from the Serbian Nuclear Institute in Vinča never became an Official Report and was not made public.

The Report of the Killed General

While he was a member of parliament in the Serbian Parliament in 2020, General Božidar Delic completed and presented his detailed analysis of the bombing of Serbia:

They delivered not 31,000, but 750,000 shells from depleted weapons from the cannons of the A 10 aircraft. That’s about 300 tons of carcinogenic material. Our officers recorded every strike from the sky according to the seconds of the action from the air – he wrote in his report. That name was a military assignment. it is not clear how we could believe in them. We still don’t have an independent check to this day – asserted the general and deputy, offering for consideration by the House of Representatives whether they were bombarded with these shells from the sky.

NATO data states that the Alliance employed 44 A-10 aircraft for operations in Serbia in 1999. Each plane that flew had two operations per day. General Delic claimed that it is unlikely that all of them flew non-stop and he took 35 as the number of planes that bombed daily and instead of 78 days of war, he shortened the period of action to 60. It is this “calculation” that says that Serbia was fired upon about 300 tons of ammunition with depleted uranium.

According to the general’s findings, in the first second the cannon from the A 10 aircraft that operated in Kosmet throws out 50 shells, and in each subsequent one 65. The minimum effect of the cannon is three seconds (it cannot fire below that), which means 180 shells. If they were to take the NATO report that they fired 31,000 shells, it would turn out that their cannon was firing 11 missiles per second, and that is impossible, he concluded.

When it is known that the cannons of those planes can carry 1,300 shells, and according to the number of raids and the seconds of action that we have recorded in the soldiers’ diaries, I got the number of 750,000 shells with depleted uranium that fell on our land – Delic wrote.

What Has NATO Given Us?

There are three reports on the use of depleted uranium in 1999 that were made available to our military after the aggression. The first report is the one compiled by NATO, it lists 31,000 missiles with a map of their effect. Our army officially came out with a figure of 50,000.

General Slobodan Petković, when speaking about the consequences of using ammunition from the UO in the Balkans, points to the research of a professor from the Japanese University, Dr. K. Yagasaki. The Japanese compared the effects of the bomb of 13 kg of enriched uranium that exploded over Hiroshima with the 2,000 tons of depleted uranium used by the Americans in their “awe and shock” in Iraq, that came to the proportion that the OU was dropped on Iraq is equivalent to 200,000 atomic bombs like the one dropped on Hiroshima. According to his calculation, the 15 tons of munitions that fell on Serbia is equal to 1.5 atomic bombs over Hiroshima.


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U.S. “Not Ready for War” Against Both Russia and China

April 1st, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Apparently, the most realistic wing of the American armed forces is beginning to distrust its own combat capacity in the face of the bellicose plans of their government. In a recent speech, a US top general warned that it would be “very difficult” for Washington to face Russia and China at the same time. The officer believes that major changes would be needed in US military doctrine to face this scenario. It remains to be seen whether pro-war politicians are really interested in this kind of realistic analysis.

On March 29, General Mark Milley, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army, stated that, despite the high combat capability of the US military, the country would have serious problems if it really had to deal with a serious conflict against Beijing and Moscow. His words were spoken during a hearing of the House Committee on Armed Services.

“Our military, capability-wise, can fight in a lot of places with different types of contingencies, but if you’re talking about a serious conflict with a major great power war, realistically, putting both China and Russia together is a very, very difficult thing”, he said.

Milley explained that changes would have to be made in the US military doctrine itself. According to him, Washington maintained for a long time a war plan focused on the possibility of two simultaneous major conflicts, but that changed during the administration of former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis.

Currently, the Pentagon keeps enough resources and troops to act intensively in a single war scenario, while maintaining forces only in a supporting way on other fronts. Therefore, in a possible situation of confrontation against Russia and China at the same time, changes in the guidelines of the National Defense Strategy would be necessary.

Milley also commented that he personally has doubts about the stability of the Russian-Chinese partnership, saying he would not call it an “alliance” in the “real meaning of that word”. However, he emphasizes that in practical and direct terms both countries are undeniably becoming closer, and this cannot be ignored from a strategic and military point of view. Milley also recalls that Iran is going in the same direction, which is why the situation could become even more difficult – and the crisis last for many years.

“I’m concerned… about… any coherence and cohesion between Russia and China… I wouldn’t call it a true full alliance in the real meaning of that word, but we are seeing them moving closer together and that’s troublesome (…) And then if you add in Iran as the third. So those three countries together are going to be problematic for many years to come, I think, especially Russia and China because of their capability”, he added.

Indeed, the American official seems to be obsolete as far as Russian-Chinese relations are concerned. It is a fact that in the past Moscow and Beijing had many problems at the diplomatic and political level, with even armed confrontations occurring during the Cold War over territorial issues. However, this is definitely no longer part of bilateral relations. Both countries were successful in overcoming disagreements and opening a policy of rapprochement focused on broad cooperation, achieving not only the best status of bilateral relations in all times, but also truly forming a joint international agenda – which is why Milley is wrong when thinking that Moscow and Beijing cannot be called allies in the “real” meaning of the word.

The big reason why Russia and China decided to achieve this high degree of integration was surely the common understanding that both countries do not have a proper place in a unipolar order controlled by the US. Both Moscow and Beijing tried to cooperate with the West during the 1990s and 2000s, but they saw that for the US and NATO what really interests is to promote regime change and territorial disintegration in these countries, to “neutralize” them and prevent them from contesting the world order. This common understanding is also shared by other states with less military and economic power, leading them to approach Russia and China in an unlimited way – as is precisely the case of Iran.

Milley, however, emphasizes that, despite the military difficulties in a scenario of direct confrontation, he relies on American nuclear power to neutralize a large part of US opponents – mainly China, which despite the extraordinary recent military development still has a smaller nuclear deterrent power compared to US and Russia: “From a nuclear deterrent posture – we are very secure because we have an exceptional nuclear system (…) We can guarantee it without question”, he said.

He stresses, however, that he is concerned about the nuclear impacts of Russian-Chinese cooperation. Milley believes that with Russian help China could become a nuclear power similar to the US in the next few years. And he does not believe it will be possible to stop this process: “We are probably not going to be able to do anything to stop, slow down, disrupt, interdict or destroy the Chinese nuclear development program that they have projected out over the next 10 to 20 years”, he told parliamentarians.

Indeed, this realistic assessment of the world scenario should be reason enough for American politicians to change their attitudes and adopt a pro-peace foreign policy. But the US government has made it clear several times that it does not care about the consequences of a large-scale conflict. To resolve the impasse of having two simultaneous wars, the bet is to face Russia through proxy wars, while the regular forces prepare for an open conflict with China, in which they believe to have a greater chance of victory. This war is prepared for the near future, preventing Beijing from acquiring military power equivalent to that of Washington with Russian help.

So, the debate between realists and warmongers will not end anytime soon. And the most likely scenario is that the US military, despite not believing in the possibility of victory, will obey the pro-war guidelines of their leaders and continue to lead the world to the brink of nuclear catastrophe.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center Russia for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

First published on March 24, 2023


US-NATO confrontation directed against the People’s Republic of China consists in the militarization of the South China Sea as well as the reinforcement of U.S. military presence in East and South East Asia. 

Washington is also intent upon undermining Beijing’s strategic alliance with Russia which unfolded in the wake of  the death of Deng Xiaoping in 1997.

In many regards, Deng was acting on behalf of U.S. strategic interests. In the course of his government, the People’s Liberation Army entered into a military cooperation agreement with The Pentagon. Washington’s intent was to create and sustain divisions between Russia and China. 

US weapons sales to China were initiated in the mid 1980s under the Reagan administration:

Congressional sources described the sale as a landmark in what has been a slowly developing military relationship between the United States and China, and predicted that it would facilitate other, far more important military sales to Peking long under discussion.(WP, September 19, 1985

The post Deng Xiaoping C.C.P. leadership coincided with political changes in the Russian Federation, with Vladimir Putin taking over from Boris Yeltsin in 1999. Yeltsin was a U.S. sponsored puppet who was not opposed (according to declassified documents) to the extension of NATO to the Russian border.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was established in 2001.

Geopolitical relations shifted towards a firm strategic alliance between Russia and China  as well as fundamental changes in China’s economic reforms. 

The Taiwan Issue

What the media fails to mention is that Taiwan has extensive trade and investment relations with the PRC. Beijing has no intent or interest to invade Taiwan. 

Since the 1980s, Taiwan has played a key role in the development of China’s buoyant export economy.

Washington unspoken objective is not to protect Taiwan, but t0 obstruct China’s business partnership with Taiwan investors, as well as destabilize China’s unfolding high tech. economy. 

“Made in China”

Confrontation with China could lead to the demise of the Made in China export economy which has sustained household consumption Worldwide in virtually all major commodity categories. 

Importing from China has become a lucrative multi-trillion dollar operation. It remains the source of tremendous profit and wealth in the US. Consumer goods imported from China’s low wage economy are often sold at the retail level at more than ten times their factory price.

Under Import-led development, G.D.P increases without the need for productive activity. Delocation-Relocation of manufacturing to cheap labor havens in low wage countries has resulted in the closing down of industrial production across America. 

Geopolitical confrontation including U.S. militarization could potentially lead to the destabilization of the “Made in China” commodity trade, with devastating consequences including World-wide scarcities of essential consumer goods coupled with inflationary pressures.

These issues are discussed in the interview with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky.

Video: China and The Geopolitical Chessboard

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Significantly higher concentrations of microplastics than previously recorded on a national survey around Great Britain’s coastline have been reported by scientists at the University of Portsmouth.  

In some areas it amounts to almost 100 times more than data published six years ago.  Research also showed the presence of a species of shrimp not normally found this far north, which could be an indicator of climate change and warming seas.

The data was collected last summer by teams competing in the GB Row Challenge, a 2,000-mile event that circumnavigates Great Britain. The aim of the research project was to build a picture of the many challenges facing British coastal waters. Using specialist equipment, the rowers gathered data on microplastics, temperature, noise pollution, and biodiversity.  Samples were brought back to researchers at the University of Portsmouth for analysis. Three rowing teams gathered comprehensive and crucial data that will help preserve precious marine environments and wildlife.

Image: One of the ocean rowing boats used in the GB Row Challenge last year

A picture of one of the GB Row Challenge boats

In 2017, Cefas (Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science) published microplastic data from many of their offshore trawls.  It found just 0 – 1.5 microplastic particles per m3 (MP/m3 that were bigger than 0.3 mm in size.  The samples collected during the Challenge event show much higher concentrations, with almost 100 times more microplastics in some areas. Scientists say the main reason for the big difference is the smaller sizes of particles that were captured in special steel filters.  Nearly all of the microplastics collected by the GB Row teams were smaller than 0.3 mm.

Dr Fay Couceiro, School of Civil Engineering and Surveying and researcher from Revolution Plastics at the University of Portsmouth, said: “Ocean pollution is one of the biggest challenges of our generation. The data collected by GB Row Challenge will greatly enhance our understanding of conditions in the seas around the UK.  The equipment used to collect data during the event has enabled us to capture much smaller particles – so we have been able to get a more accurate picture of where and how concentrated microplastics are.  Over time it will significantly improve our understanding of the challenging problem of microplastics in our water.”

As well as higher concentrations in coastal waters, the initial research data also showed up to four times more microplastics in the Thames than was collected in October 2017. A previous study found a maximum of 36.7 MP/m3 in Putney.  Microplastics samples from the Thames Estuary analysed by Dr Couceiro gave 121 MP/m3. Although this variance in data may be due to the different sampling locations, methods and time of year, it is thought likely that the concentration of microplastics are increasing.

Microplastics are pieces of plastics smaller than 5mm. They may be plastics made that size on purpose (e.g. nurdles) or small pieces of plastic that have broken off from larger pieces (e.g. fragments). Scientists began to notice microplastics in the oceans almost 20 years ago. Since then methods for detecting them have improved and studies have been conducted to determine if they are harmful. However, most of these studies have taken place in sea animals and unfortunately the results are troubling.

Lead researcher, Dr Couceiro said: “There is currently no complete map for the UK concentrations of microplastics in our coastal waters. These comparisons really show the need for a comprehensive map of these smaller sized microplastics and an annual monitoring method, which we have begun with this University of Portsmouth and GB Row Challenge collaboration. The long-term aim is to collect these datasets for each GB Row Challenge between 2022 and 2025, which will give a great baseline for the entire UK and also show any changes happening over that time.”

From the 2022 samples, a map has been produced which estimates summer microplastics concentration in the seas around the UK. This is currently taken from a small dataset but as the four-year project continues and more samples are taken, the distance between sample sites will decrease and the accuracy of this map will increase. Comparisons between years will also be possible, determining if the problem is getting worse or better.

University scientists have also been analysing samples of underwater marine sounds.  Some 376 were examined in more detail – of those, 97 instances were identified as boats, 27 as Cetacea (whales, dolphins and porpoises) and 48 as snapping shrimp. Researchers highlighted the presence of snapping shrimp in Scotland as unusual and concerning.  Dr Fay Couceiro explained: “Hearing the snapping shrimp so far north up in the East of Scotland is of particular interest. They are normally found in more southern areas and their movement may be an indicator of climate change and warming seas.”

Environmental DNA (eDNA) samples were also collected by the crews to survey marine biodiversity. This involved filtering 1L of water twice a day to capture the tiny traces of DNA that animals leave behind like fingerprints in the water. From just 77 litres of water, about a quarter of a bathtub, 82 marine vertebrate species were identified.  These ranged from critically endangered European eels and endangered undulated rays to commercial fish such as herring, salmon and cod, as well as many other beautiful fish such as wrasse, gobies and garfish. Mammals were also detected (seals, porpoises and dolphins) and even some seabirds such as the vulnerable Atlantic Puffin.

Samples were analysed by eDNA specialist company NatureMetrics. Their founder Dr Kat Bruce – also a member of one of the rowing crews – said: “Making this incredible journey around the coast of Great Britain, you can’t help but be awed by the beauty and diversity of this island we live on. We had many incredible encounters with wildlife, including dolphins, porpoises, seals and seabird colonies, but most of the biodiversity is under the water and we had no idea what species were there until we got home and analysed the DNA we’d filtered out of the water. Even after all these years it amazes me how much biodiversity we can detect in these small volumes of water, and the way it lets us see how different species are distributed in the environment, from tiny gobies up to dolphins and seals. I can’t wait to see how this data develops over the next few years.”

While the observation of southern species moving north is more evidence of warming seas, it also highlights the dangers of losing some of the northern species from UK waters.  Scientists believe it is not just climate change that can cause disruptions to species – pollution events and fishing can also negatively impact biodiversity.  In contrast, conservation projects can improve biodiversity in an area. Dr Couceiro said: “Mapping the biodiversity of UK seas annually is a great way to monitor these impacts on the species diversity.”

GB Row Founder William De Laszlo said “Scientific research, adventure, collaboration and endurance are at the heart of this ground-breaking project.  At the core, however, is understanding the human impact on our most precious resource – our oceans.  With data comes evidence, evidence becomes action and, we hope, behavioural change.  We need to keep striving and protect our seas.”

Dr Couceiro added: “In many species, eating large numbers of microplastics has negative impacts ranging from reduced growth, to aberrant development, to cell toxicity. Considering the possible negative impacts, it is essential that we have a better understanding of how many microplastics are in our waters and that we have a way to monitor them.”

The results of the three data sets collected (microplastics, sound and eDNA) during last year’s race each give an important contribution to the knowledge of UK seas.  But the scientists believe the real strength of the project is how these data sets are combined going forward. They believe the results seen so far are just the tip of the iceberg.

Ben Green Sustainability officer at Harwin. “We are delighted to be part of this project as Chief Technology Partner. The understanding of our natural environment and how humans impact it, is key to the survival of our planet. Engineering and technology are a vital element in understanding our impact and also coming up with solutions to rectify the problems”.

The next data collection will take place in this year’s GB Row Challenge event starting on 4th June 2023 at Tower Bridge, London.


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Featured image is from University of Portsmouth

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Report: Most UK Schools Now Pushing Gender Ideology

March 31st, 2023 by Debbie Hayton

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A new paper from Policy Exchange, published today, should be a wake-up call to schools that have until now blithely endorsed an activist-led ideology on sex and gender. The paper exposes not only the extent of the ideological capture, but the deleterious impact on safeguarding and the rights of parents. The headline findings are stark. Only 28% of secondary schools surveyed are “reliably informing” parents as soon as a child discloses feelings of gender distress.

Let’s just stop there for a moment. Most schools I know wouldn’t let a child change a GCSE option without the agreement of parents. But when children set out on the path to possibly changing gender, many schools might not even inform those parents. A key principle underpinning safeguarding — that we don’t keep secrets from those who need to know — is abandoned at a stroke.

Meanwhile we learn that four in ten secondary schools have adopted policies of gender self-identification. Such wanton disregard of biological reality has led to experimental — and possibly illegal — practices developing. For example, despite very clear direction from the School Premises England Regulations (2012) — “Separate toilet facilities for boys and girls aged 8 years or over must be provided” — Policy Exchange found that at least 28% of secondary schools were not maintaining single sex toilets. Astonishingly, 19% did not maintain single-sex changing rooms for their pupils.

The distressing findings continue. Last week, World Athletics defended the integrity of elite women’s sports. Transgender athletes who have been through male puberty are now excluded from female World Rankings competition. Sadly, schoolgirls are not getting the same protections. Policy Exchange discovered that 60% of secondary schools allow children to participate in sports of the opposite sex.

Worrying issues were identified in the curriculum. Most schools now teach that people have a gender identity that may be different from their biological sex, and some tell their pupils that people, including children, can be “born in the wrong body”. Meanwhile, 30% deliver the message that a man who self-identifies as a woman should be treated as a woman in all circumstances.

These pseudoscientific beliefs are not only nonsense, they are unnecessary. I have no need for a gender identity, and I am transsexual. As parents we worry what our children might read on social media, but this is happening in their schools.

Reading the report as a teacher, the findings are shocking but maybe not surprising. Schools have indeed been “asleep at the wheel” — as the title of the paper suggests. They may have felt that they were on the back foot, but many went to the wrong people for advice. Third party organisations such as Stonewall and Gendered Intelligence (notorious for its trans youth guidance that insisted “a woman is still a woman, even if she enjoys getting blow jobs”) were never going to offer impartial information. Instead, they pushed ideology into classrooms.

Even Ofsted has been compromised.  The paper pointed out that the inspectorate joined the Stonewall Diversity Champions programme and entered the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. In 2019, Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman spoke at Stonewall’s first Children and Young People Conference.

Children suffer. Some may now believe that they have been born in the wrong body and yearn for cross-sex hormones and sex-change surgeries. At the same time, other children are expected to play along. More than two thirds of secondary schools require other children to ignore the evidence of their own eyes and affirm a gender-distressed child’s new identity.

The message is simple but, clearly, far too many need to be reminded. Sex matters, and safeguarding must never be compromised.


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The above image from Fed Policy Tools.

“This action eliminated reserve requirements for all depository institutions.”

The Fed Passes the Buck on Bank Failures

On March 28, Michael Barr, Federal Reserve Board Vice Chair for Supervision, testified at a Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee hearing regarding three bank failures.

The Fed refused to accept any blame for the recent events.

The Wall Street Journal accurately comments The Fed Passes the Buck on Bank Failures:

One certainty in politics is that the Federal Reserve will never accept responsibility for any financial problem. Fed Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr played that self-exoneration game on Tuesday before the Senate as he blamed bankers and Congress for Silicon Valley Bank’s failure. This act is simply unbelievable.

No one disputes that bankers failed to hedge the risk posed by rising interest rates to asset prices and deposits. What Mr. Barr didn’t say is that the Fed’s historic monetary mistake created the incentives for the bank blunders.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Martin Gruenberg noted in his testimony Tuesday that SVB’s balance sheet more than tripled in size between the end of 2019 and 2022, “coinciding with rapid growth in the innovation economy and a significant increase in the valuation placed on public and private companies.” That’s a cagey way of saying the Fed inflated tech valuations.

When near-zero interest rates persist for nearly 13 years with hardly a blip upward, some bankers will bet this will last forever as they hunt for yield. The Fed had also assured the world until very late in 2021 that it had no plans to change its policies because inflation was transitory.

Mr. Barr also passes the buck on the failures of bank supervision. He claims Fed supervisors flagged deficiencies in SVB’s liquidity risk management, stress testing and contingency funding in late 2021 and with its board oversight, risk management and internal audits in May 2022. In October 2022, he says, supervisors raised concerns with senior management over its interest rate risk profile.

He blames bank managers for failing to heed those warnings. But are these supervisors helpless bystanders?

In any case, the Fed’s “severely adverse scenario” stress test in February 2022 forecast a hypothetical world in which the three-month Treasury rate stayed near zero while the 10-year Treasury yield declined to 0.75%. This suggests the Fed staff in Washington were oblivious to risks from rising interest rates.

Stress Free Stress Test

Elizabeth Warren blames removal of Dodd-Frank legislation.

But the Bank Policy Institute says Silicon Valley Bank had higher capital than some bigger banks and likely would have met Dodd-Frank’s liquidity coverage ratio requirement.

And the stress-free stress tests, even if applied would have shown the same thing.

In Fed Q&A Jerome Powell Wonders “How Did Bank Failures Happen?”

I noted 12 mistakes by the Fed in In Fed Q&A Jerome Powell Wonders “How Did Bank Failures Happen?”

How Did This Happen?

  1. The Fed held interest rates too low too long, once again.
  2. The Fed even wanted to make up for lack of prior inflation, initially welcoming the pickup of inflation.
  3. The Fed failed to understand how $9 trillion in QE would fan asset bubbles.
  4. The Fed failed to understand how three rounds of fiscal stimulus, the largest in history, would fan inflation.
  5. The Fed presidents believe in economic models such as inflation expectations that its own studies prove do not work.
  6. When inflation did pick up, the Fed kept inisting that inflation was transitory.
  7. Even when the Fed finally realized inflation was not transitory, it kept QE going until the bitter end, not wanting to disturb prior forward guidance.
  8. The San Francisco Fed, whose job it was to monitor Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was asleep at the wheel.
  9. The Fed considers treasuries a risk-free asset, ignoring duration risk.
  10. The Fed ignored a record concentration of long-term treasury and mortgage assets at SVB despite understanding the interest rate risk of those assets.
  11. The Fed’s forward guidance has been a disaster. It openly encouraged speculation.
  12. The Fed reduced reserve requirements on deposits to ZERO.

Dear Jerome Powell

Dear chairman Powell, instead of wasting taxpayer money on a study that will undoubtedly attempt to whitewash the Fed’s responsibility, please address each of the above twelve points.

ZERO Reserve Banking

The Fed openly encouraged and sought both inflation and speculation. It got what it wanted and then some.

Now the Fed has no idea how to fix the mess it created.

I still have not seen anyone major media outlet comment on zero-reserve banking.

I sent an article to the Wall Street Journal, ignored in favor of fluff pieces by people who have more name recognition.


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Public health agencies should be held to a high standard, yet they are getting away with spreading false information and accusing others who have posted factual information, of doing the same.

Academics from the University of California, San Francisco have published a new paper titled “Statistical and Numerical Errors Made by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

The paper outlines 25 instances when the CDC reported statistical or numerical errors. Twenty (80%) of these instances, according to the researchers, “exaggerated the severity of the COVID-19 situation.”

They also explain how the CDC was notified about the errors in 16 (64%) instances and later corrected the errors, at least partially, in 13 (52%) instances.

As the paper points out, it’s quite ironic that “inaccurate and misleading information” labels were put on various scientific papers, posts made by experts in the field, and more throughout the pandemic yet the CDC themselves have been outed multiple times for spreading misinformation.

In fact, the Biden administration collaborated with Big Tech to actively censor and put labels on content they knew, admittedly, was “true content” with an army of federal censors.

The researchers explain,

“Many entities rely on the CDC for trusted information, as does the lay public. For instance, YouTube links to the CDC website on all videos discussing COVID-19, supporting CDC policy positions. Spotify links select podcast episodes to the CDC website as well. Many universities, healthcare facilities, daycares, churches, businesses, schools, sports programs, and camps defer to CDC guidance for COVID-19 precautions. For this reason, it is imperative the CDC avoids errors in their statements, or, if errors are made, that they are rapidly corrected. We set out to identify numerical errors or objectively false statements made by the CDC.”

As you can imagine, this was a daunting task. US federal agencies put out a plethora of information on their websites, social media accounts, scientific publications, press releases, emails, and more. The authors sought to compile errors they previously identified, or errors brought to their attention by other observers.

All errors were presented at a meeting with all authors present. The errors were discussed, reviewed and accepted only if three authors all felt the errors were clearly false. A fourth author, not involved in the collection, made the final determination whether the included errors were false.

Several mistakes are related to the completely inaccurate Data Tracker demographics; some are related to the misuse of a flawed pre-print to claim COVID as a “top 5 cause of death in children,” and others are issues with paediatric hospitalization data, variant percentages, and other issues.

“These errors have been made repeatedly and were likely to have affected discussion of pandemic policies. During the years the errors occurred, CDC’s guidance repeatedly called for restrictions being placed on children, including school closures, mask mandates, and strong recommendations for vaccinations and multiple boosters even among children who have recovered from the virus.”

Though the tendency to exaggerate risks was worse with kids, 80% of the total errors overestimated risks to the population at large. Expecting the CDC to report both accurately and without a propensity to induce fear is something we should all want and is not a right-wing conspiracy theory.

Throughout the pandemic there have been conflicting numbers when it comes to children. Now that this analysis has come out, it all makes sense to me, as my research showed completely opposite narratives from various countries regarding children. In many countries at the height of the pandemic, zero children died.

For example, early on in the pandemic Jonas F. Ludvigsson, a pediatrician at Örebro University Hospital and professor of clinical epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute, published research showing that out of nearly 2 million school children, zero died from COVID despite no lockdowns, school closings or mask mandates during the first wave of the pandemic.

According to a March 2022 report released by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Finland showed there were zero COVID deaths in young people throughout the entire pandemic. Only 26 percent of children ages 5-11 and 80 percent of children ages 12-17 at that point received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine. Children under 12 were never masked, and only 9 percent of children ages 5-11 were fully vaccinated.

I thought to myself, how can this be true if COVID was claimed to be extremely dangerous for children here in North America?

These types of errors and misleading messages from federal health regulatory agencies were in fact pointed out throughout the pandemic by hundreds of academics. There are many examples to choose from.

For example, in February 2022, several researchers from various academic institutions in the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada published a papertitled “The Unintended Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccine Policy: Why Mandates, Passports, and Segregated Lockdowns may cause more Harm than Good.”

The authors point out the misleading messages surrounding COVID vaccines from health authorities and legacy media. They go through vaccine efficacy, the risk of COVID-19, mask mandates, lockdowns, the ability of the vaccines to stop transmission via viral load studies and much more.

“Political rhetoric has descended into moralizing, scapegoating, blaming and condescending language using pejorative terms and actively promoting stigma and discrimination as tools to increase vaccination.”

One of the authors from the new analysis, Tracey Beth Hoeg, MD, PhD, along with Marty Makary, M.D., M.P.H., a Johns Hopkins professor, surgeon and public policy researcher, published a piece in The Free Press in July 2022 explaining how some CDC, FDA & NIH Scientists are embarrassed by lack of science guiding COVID vaccine policy.

“Another CDC scientist told us: “I used to be proud to tell people I work at the CDC. Now I’m embarrassed.” Why are they embarrassed? In short, bad science. The longer answer: that the heads of their agencies are using weak or flawed data to make critically important public health decisions. That such decisions are being driven by what’s politically palatable to people in Washington or to the Biden administration. And that they have a myopic focus on one virus instead of overall health.”

They expressed that doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA and CDC are “frustrated, exasperated and alarmed about the direction of the agencies to which they have devoted their careers.”

“It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes,” one senior FDA official told them. “People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”

As you can see, the new analysis recently published is not a big surprise, and there are more instances to choose from throughout pandemic that have been pointed out by other academics.

The next question becomes, were these errors intentional or unintentional? We may never know the answer to that question, but we do know that scientists from within these agencies have been raising concerns for years. Only during the pandemic did more experts in the field and more lay people become aware of this.

An example I’ve often used to illustrate this point involves a group of senior scientists from within the CDC calling itself, CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research, or CDC SPIDER.

They published a list of ethical complaints in a letter to the CDC Chief of Staff regarding the CDC’s behavior in 2016. They provided a copy of the letter to the public watchdog organization U.S. Right to Know (USRTK). The members of the group elected to file the complaint anonymously for fear of retribution.

“It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests… and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders. What concerns us most, is that it is becoming the norm and not the rare exception. Some senior management officials at CDC are clearly aware and even condone these behaviors. Others see it and turn the other way. Some staff are intimidated and pressed to do things they know are not right. We have representatives from across the agency that witness this unacceptable behaviour. It occurs at all levels and in all of our respective units. These questionable and unethical practices threaten to undermine our credibility and reputation as a trusted leader in public health.”

It’s a shame that the agencies tasked with protecting us may be doing the exact opposite. It’s nearly impossible to rely on them for accurate information, guidance and data when it comes to all things health.

If physicians and public health officials in the US remain silent and fail to admit past mistakes, harmful policies will persist or resurface in the next pandemic. Why wouldn’t they? Without us defining what went wrong or creating an ethical framework to prevent the same mistakes, why would they stop?


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Coronavirus: Toxic Drugs, No Liability for Pharma

March 31st, 2023 by Jon Rappoport

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Continuing my “greatest COVID hits” articles. To read my introduction to this ongoing series, go here.  To support my work and get value for value, order My Matrix Collections here and subscribe to my substack here.

March 22, 2020 [America in ‘lockdown’: Day 10.]

First, we have this, from the World Health Organization (WHO): “There is no specific medicine to prevent or treat coronavirus disease (COVID-19).”

Nevertheless, doctors around the world, often with the approval of their national governments, are treating many patients with experimental or “off-label” antiviral drugs.

Here are some names of the medicines: Chloroquine, Remdesivir, Ribavirin, favipiravir, lopinavir; ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine, Sofosbuvir, corticosteroids, oseltamivir, zanamivir.

They all have adverse effects.

What to do?

Answer: decide that no one who is injured by the drugs can file a suit.

In America: Done.

From, March 18, 2020, “We Finally Have Something To Say About COVID-19”:

“On March 17, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) published in the Federal Register a ‘notice of declaration’ conferring broad-based immunity from tort (including product liability) litigation for those engaging in ‘activities related to medical countermeasures against COVID-19.’ This declaration is now published at 85 Fed. Reg. 15198 (HHS March 17, 2020).”

“HHS is conferring tort immunity…The immunity extends to ‘any claim of loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the manufacture, distribution, administration, or use of medical countermeasures’…The immunity extends not only to COVID-19-fighting drugs, but also to ‘products or technologies intended to enhance the use or effect of a drug, biological product [vaccine], or device used against the pandemic’…The only exception is for ‘willful misconduct’.”

“The immunity being conferred shoves other federal laws aside as well as preempting state law.”

And that takes care of that.

A patient is given an antiviral drug and dies? No law suit can be filed. Anyone associated with the drug, from manufacturer down to prescribing doctor, is exempt from liability.

Take one example of a drug, Chloroquine. It’s approved for the treatment of malaria, and now some doctors are using it on their COVID patients. From, here is the “side effects” section (note: once the page loads, then click on the “Side Effects” tab at the top of the page):

  • “Blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache, and diarrhea may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.”
  • “Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.”
  • “Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: bleaching of hair color, hair loss, mental/mood changes (such as confusion, personality changes, unusual thoughts/behavior, depression), hearing changes (such as ringing in the ears, hearing loss), darkening of skin/tissue inside the mouth, worsening of skin conditions (such as dermatitis, psoriasis), signs of serious infection (such as high fever, severe chills, persistent sore throat), unusual tiredness, swelling legs/ankles, shortness of breath, pale lips/nails/skin, signs of liver disease (such as severe stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine), easy bruising/bleeding, muscle weakness, unwanted/uncontrolled movements (including tongue and face twitching).”
  • “This medication may rarely cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Tell your doctor right away if you develop symptoms of low blood sugar, such as sudden sweating, shaking, hunger, blurred vision, dizziness, or tingling hands/feet. If you have diabetes, be sure to check your blood sugars regularly. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication.”
  • “Get medical help right away if you have any very serious side effects, including: severe dizziness, fainting, fast/slow/irregular heartbeat, seizures.”
  • “This medication may cause serious eye/vision problems. The risk for these side effects is increased with long-term use of this medication (over weeks to years) and with taking this medication in high doses. Get medical help right away if you have any symptoms of serious eye problems, including: severe vision changes (such as light flashes/streaks, difficulty reading, complete blindness).”
  • “A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.”
  • “This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.”

No liability. No law suits. No problem.

Except for the patient.


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The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The European Union is in danger of “criminalising” the use of physical cash with its new anti-money laundering laws, an MEP has warned.

Dr Gunnar Beck, a representative for the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, has warned that the EU appears to be pushing for the “criminalisation” of the use of physical cash with its new anti-money laundering (AML) laws.

Politicians in Brussels have long been pondering an upper legal limit on the value of cash transactions within the bloc, with lawmakers detailing plans to ban Europeans from spending over €10,000 in physical tender as part of a single transaction.

The European Parliament however has now voted for such a proposed limit to be dropped down to as little as €7,000 as part of efforts to clamp down on money laundering and tax dodging within the bloc, with officials also voting to see cryptocurrency transactions paying for goods and services that are valued over €1,000 to be banned.

Many within the parliament appear to be justifying the decisions as being an important step in curtailing criminality within Europe, though Dr Beck warns that the limits on cash payments now appear to have gone too far.

In a statement to Breitbart Europe, Beck emphasised that while the AfD welcomed additional efforts to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing, it rejected the parliament’s call for cash transactions to be curtailed.

“While we should focus on money laundering by organized crime and Islamist terrorists, the EU chooses to tighten its surveillance of German savers and pensioners transactions,” Dr Beck remarked. “This is a mistake.”

He went on to claim that the AfD were now the “only party defending cash freedom” in Germany, with the members of other supposedly right-leaning parties from the country allegedly voting in favour of the cash restrictions, despite criticising the implementation of similar measures at home.

The populist representative also expressed concern about the nature of the measures Brussels is looking to pass, with the fact that Eurocrats have reportedly decided to opt “for a regulation instead of a directive” meaning that individual nation-states will not be able to avoid having to implement the anti-cash reforms, even if they want to protect the use of physical legal tender within their own countries.

Dr Beck went on to note however that things could be way worse though, with the EU parliamentarians being said to have rejected an even lower limit to cash transactions before arriving at the €7,000 figure.

“Fortunately, the rapporteurs’ original proposal of €3,000 was increased significantly, also thanks to pressure from the AfD in the negotiation process,” the German representative said, though added that he and his party would have preferred to see the suggested limit remain at €10,000.

The move to restrict cash transactions within the bloc appears to be part of a larger trend in Europe and the West more broadly, with Australia being one of the first nations to declare it was implementing a ban on cash transactions of 10,000 AUD (~$6,600) or more.

Though the southern hemisphere nation later lost interest in actually implementing the policy, nations in Europe have appeared far keener to curtail cash, with German politicians currently brawling over whether or not a legal limit on such transactions is a good idea.

Other European nations already have such measures in place, with the Netherlands banning cash transactions of over €3,000.

Things are even more strict in France, where residents of the country are legally prohibited from paying for goods or services with cash where the transaction would amount to over €1,000, a figure that even prices out many modern electronic devices, such as laptops and smartphones.


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U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg last week announced $94 million in grant awards to fund 59 smart city technology projects across the country.

Despite widespread and mounting pushback against biometric surveillance and control systems associated with smart city technologies and the failure of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) previous attempt to grant-fund smart city transformation in Columbus, Ohio, Buttigieg told The Verge he thinks “smart city technologies matter more than ever.”

Cities just need to take a different approach — experimenting with and testing out different technologies first, rather than implementing a “grand unified system” all at once, Buttigieg said.

The new grants, part of the Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program, are the first round of $500 million in funding that will be awarded for smaller smart mobility projects over the next five years, authorized under the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

In this funding round, DOT awarded smart grants for a range of projects, including drone surveillance or delivery, smart traffic signals, connected vehicles, autonomous vehicles, smart grid development, intelligent sensors and other Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure. Some cities, including Los Angeles (LA), received multiple grants.

Smart city development typically focuses on the implementation of technologies like the IoT, 5G, cloud and edge computing, and biometric surveillance to track, manage, control and extract profit from an array of urban processes.

Whitney Webb, an investigative journalist and smart cities critic, said the smart city infrastructureis meant to facilitate the development of cities “micromanaged by technocrats via an all-encompassing system of mass surveillance and a vast array of ‘internet of things’ devices that provide a constant and massive stream of data that is analyzed by artificial intelligence (AI).”

‘Concept of a sensor in every home doesn’t look as shiny as it once did’

Smart city projects began gaining traction in the U.S. in 2015, boosted by a program launched by then-DOT Secretary Anthony Foxx. Foxx, who went on to become the chief policy officer for Lyft, now works at Tulco, a data science venture capital firm. Foxx created the “Smart City Challenge,” which offered a $50 million grant to the mid-sized city with the best proposal to remake their city as a “smart city.”

Vulcan LLC, an investment and philanthropic organization dedicated to materializing the vision of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and whose profit-making services focus on real estate development, partly funded the federal grant.

Columbus, Ohio, beat out 77 other cities with its “revolutionary” proposal, but the project was by most accounts a failure — expensive trip-planning kiosks erected downtown were never used, autonomous shuttles had accidents, the public transportation platform was rarely downloaded and sensor-connected trucks failed to materialize.

Then, in May 2020, another paradigmatic smart city model project failed when Google smart city subsidiary Sidewalk Labs scrapped plans to build a smart city prototype in Toronto amid public outcry about surveillance and profiteering.

According to The Globe and Mail, Eric Schmidt, former head of Google parent company Alphabet, described the project in these terms:

“The genesis of the thinking for Sidewalk Labs came from Google’s founders getting excited thinking of ‘all the things you could do if someone would just give us a city and put us in charge.’”

Visions like these raised a lot of flags among both experts and the general public.

Even one of the smart city concept’s biggest promoters, Wired Magazine, admitted that skepticism about smart cities had grown:

“Today, as citizens think more carefully about tech-enabled surveillance, the concept of a sensor in every home doesn’t look as shiny as it once did.”

San Francisco banned government use of facial recognition software. And Amazon is facing a class action lawsuit in New York City for failing to comply with the city’s law that businesses must inform customers if they are harvesting their biometric data.

New York is one of several cities that have passed biometric laws. Several states, including Texas, Washington and Illinois also passed similar laws, Nick Corbishly reported in Naked Capitalism.

Global market for smart cities projected to reach $696 billion by 2028

But pushback hasn’t stopped tech visionaries and states from moving forward with smart development projects. The global Smart Cities Market is projected to grow to $696 billion by 2028, growing from $467 billion in 2022, according to a market research report published Monday.

Webb reported that soon after Schmidt commented on the vision behind the Toronto smart city, then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo tapped him to lead an effort to reimagine post-pandemic life in the state, building smart city infrastructure through partnerships with the Israeli government.

In fact, the COVID-19 lockdowns led to a series of positive PR pieces promoting the implementation of smart cities and several conferences “re-imagining” them.

It also led to a series of academic and technical papers promoting the potential of smart cities to be beneficial during a pandemic by tracking travel patterns using cellphone data, facilitating delivery start-ups, using the IoT to create the “antivirus-built environment,” using AI and big data to control and predict virus outbreaks and generally “seizing the moment to ‘build back better’ and re-imagine cities that are more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable,” according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Smart city pilot projects continue to proliferate. In Japan, Toyota is building Woven City, a 175-acre prototype, where people and things are completely connected through data and sensors. The project will test new technologies, such as automated driving, robotics and AI in a “real-world environment.”

Researchers are studying residents of neighborhoods in Helsinki and Amsterdam who added smart technology to their homes and using the information to help with the development of “experimental innovation platforms.”

Even small towns like Cary, North Carolina, have turned themselves into smart cities by deploying IoT sensors that “collect data and enable analytics to provide actionable insights” across the entire city.

In Busan, South Korea, The New York Times reported Tuesday, 54 families are subjecting every aspect of their lives to data collection so developers can use their behavior as a basis to build a smart city “from the ground up.”

Big Tech turning LA into a ‘data farm’

The DOT awarded several Smart grants to LA — $2 million for curb management, $2 million for event-integrated transportation ticketing, and Orange County got $1.6 million for a cloud-based transit signal system.

The seemingly banal concept of “curb management,” Bloomberg reported, “has become a focus of serious attention from some of the world’s leading technology companies.”

It is a hot development site for smart city startups like Coord, a spinoff of Sidewalk Labs, as cities seek to digitize, track and regulate curb space sought after by the private transportation network of the smart city — scooters, bikes, delivery drivers, Uber drivers, etc.

The other projects are directly tied to LA’s plan to host the 2028 summer Olympics. In fact, these projects fit into LA’s SmartLA 2028 city plan, developed by the city’s Information Technology Agency and first released by former Mayor Eric Garcetti, LA’s first “high tech mayor’” in December 2020 as a plan to “leverage technology to meet urban challenges.”

The plan to “turn L.A. from reliance on fossil fuels and cars and into a data-driven connected city,” felt like a far-off scenario when first released, according to Zillow founder and smart city promoter Spencer Rascoff.

But, he wrote on his website, “It took that pandemic to throw everyone into a digital-ready future earlier than (everyone) expected. But here we are.”

The 54-page strategy document, released in 2020, was revisited this month at the Smart Cities for a Better Future conference in LA this month.

Attorney Ray Flores, who attended the conference, said the plan was unrealistic, to say the least:

“This smart city is being billed as a panacea for all that ails, or should I say plagues, Los Angeles, with the flip of a switch. That will never happen.”

Worse, Flores said, the city is using the Olympics to justify the implementation of draconian technologies:

“As host to the 2028 Olympic Games, LA28 is positioning itself for further tyranny by moving the compliance ball forward on an even grander, citywide scale for the world to see.”

SmartLA 2028 outlines in broad strokes a vision for the city that Olympics consumers will visit — a smart city for LA to compete in a digital economy.

Attorney Greg Glaser, who studied the plan, told The Defender:

“They suggest in this document that smart city technology is needed because LA residents are victims, victims of COVID and victims of racial injustice. The idea is that they need to push this smart city to compete in a digital economy and because LA residents are victims.

“The practical result is redirecting LA residents’ dollars to fund Big Tech, and Big Tech will monitor LA residents 24/7 in increasingly dystopian ways, and the strategy document specifies that on a timeline.

“Each year, the technology becomes more advanced, more integrated, and LA is collecting more data on these residents, effectively turning LA into a data farm.”

According to the plan, SmartLA will be built on a citywide 5G infrastructure — the first in the U.S. — with ubiquitous ultra-high-speed 5G connectivity across the city.

The city will use the 5G infrastructure to make an “L.A. City Data Lake” for departments and machines to talk to one another and to bring together all of the IoT sensor data from across the city.

That infrastructure will make it possible, among other things, for residents to use “a single, digital payment platform” for public and “micro” transit options.

The city will use “ethical, proactive technology” that will identify crises like fire, violence, “or other risks to the health and safety of L.A. residents,” which it will do “even before” they need to call 9-1-1.

Homes will be equipped with proprietary software, such as Amazon Echo, Google Home or Apple Siri, that they will use to access public city services, including library content. People also will be able to use those tools to talk to multi-lingual chatbots, who will use AI to answer all of their questions.

There will be automatic traffic control, GPS-enabled street sweepers and smart street lamps, which in San Diego are equipped with cameras that feed data to police departments, cameras and IoT sensors across the city to detect and make decisions about “traffic, crime, pollution, potholes and graffiti.”

The city will use Robotic Process Automation to process city documents and blockchain technology for “smart contracting.”

And the city will be the economic epicenter of a new startup ecosystem, according to the plan.

COVID-19, according to the SmartLA 2028 city plan, showed that “digital tools have emerged as a critical lifeline for our society — enabling contact-free essential services, accelerated medical solutions, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-assisted policymaking, protest coordination through social media, real-time community engagement and a scale and pace of innovation previously unthinkable.”

To address privacy and other concerns, LA will adopt a digital code of ethics to ensure there is no unethical use of digital technology, such as facial recognition, and to make sure there is equitable access to all of these services.

The strategy document will guide “this digital transformation for the City of Los Angeles to accelerate our recovery in the near term, improve quality of life for all Angelenos in the long term, and establish the Smart City infrastructure necessary to effectively host the Summer 2028 Olympics and Paralympics.”

‘A dragnet of surveillance infrastructure’

French President Emmanuel Macron similarly pushed for the introduction of AI-powered surveillance systems for the 2024 Paris Olympics. Earlier this year, when the French Senate approved new mass surveillance powers in advance of the Olympics, the Senate’s law committee rejected a proposed amendment that would have allowed for facial recognition.

But Amnesty International warns that any AI-powered digital surveillance will violate privacy rights and expand police powers by “broadening the government’s arsenal of surveillance equipment, permanently.”

“Re-stocking security apparatus with AI-driven mass surveillance is a dangerous political project which could lead to broad violations of human rights,” said Agnes Callamard, Amnesty International’s secretary general.

“Every action in a public space will get sucked into a dragnet of surveillance infrastructure, undermining fundamental civic freedoms,” she added.

Amnesty International reported that under the new AI-powered, mass surveillance measures, such as Closed Caption Television, cameras and drones at the games, will capture data from everyone on public transport or in stadiums. It will allow officials to identify “abnormal” or “suspicious” activity.

Callamard said:

“These overly broad definitions set by officials to categorize ‘suspicious’ and ‘abnormal’ activities in crowds are highly concerning. We must ask ourselves some urgent questions: Who sets the norm for what is ‘normal’?

“Officials who control the designations of ‘abnormal or suspicious’ activities in societies also have the power to exacerbate a chilling effect on dissent and protest, and to supercharge discrimination against communities already targeted.”


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Brenda Baletti Ph.D. is a reporter for The Defender. She wrote and taught about capitalism and politics for 10 years in the writing program at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s from the University of Texas at Austin.

Featured image is from CHD

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During a visit by the Chinese president to Russia, both countries deepened their “no limits” partnership. The visit comes at a time when the West and Russia are involved in a proxy war in Ukraine and when Washington has launched a Cold War against China. How dangerous is this ’friendship’ between Putin and Xi?

No-limits partnership

Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded a three-day visit to Russia on March 22. Both countries signed several agreements for economic, technological and cultural cooperation. They want to deepen their ’no limits’ partnership.

Russia and China have also stated their desire to strengthen their strategic relationship. They call for more mutual cooperation on international platforms with the aim of challenging hegemonic practices and creating a multipolar world.

Xi has also invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit China in the coming months.

Last year, a few weeks before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Putin and Xi had already met and issued a similar joint statement on international relations and cooperation between the two countries.

This visit comes at a time when the West, led by the United States, is waging a proxy war against Russia and when Washington has launched a Cold War against China. In that context, it is no coincidence that both countries are calling for a new world order in which the US and its allies no longer hold sway, but strive for a multipolar world.

U.S. supremacy

Looking back in recent history is helpful in understanding the scope and stakes of this ‘friendship’ between Putin and Xi.

After the Second World War, the US emerged as the great victor. In Washington they dreamed of a new world order in which only they were in charge. Unfortunately, those plans were thwarted by the rapid rebuilding of the Soviet Union and the breaking of the nuclear monopoly.

Half a century later, the American dream came true indeed with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the dismantling of the SU two years later. The US finally became the undisputed leader of world politics and wanted to keep it that way.

Washington no longer held back. The invasion of Panama at the end of 1989 was a test for what would follow. Shortly afterwards it was Iraq, Yugoslavia and Somalia’s turn. Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya and Syria would follow later.

Besides overt military interventions, the US also increasingly waged ‘hybrid wars’ or ‘color revolutions’ to implement regime changes, which did not succeed everywhere. They tried this in Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon and Belarus. In addition, more than twenty countries were subjected to economic sanctions.

NATO, was created as a force to contain communism in Europe. Today, it entrenches the military supremacy of the US. After the dismantling of the SU, the organization also steadily expanded. Since the 1990s, 14 states on the European continent have joined the treaty organization. Other countries such as Colombia became ‘partners‘ of NATO.

Shifting world order

So, after the Cold War, the US seemed to have the world to itself. But that was counted without China. For the first time in recent history, a poor, underdeveloped country rose to become an economic superpower in no time.

Since joining the WTO in 2001, China’s economy has grown more than four times. A few years ago, China’s economy has surpassed that of the US to become the largest in the world when based on purchasing power parity. The leap forward is not only economic, but also technological.

China has also developed a new dynamic in which alliances are forged with emerging countries and countries from the South. First there is the BRICS. This is a partnership between five major emerging countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. There is now talk of expanding this group further, with countries that have traditional been allies of the West such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Beijing is also the pacesetter of the Shanghai Organization for Cooperation (SCO), a Eurasian political, economic and security alliance. In addition to Russia and China, India and Pakistan are also members.

China also recently joined the world’s largest economic partnership, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). This Southeast Asian partnership reaches 30 per cent of the world’s population.

And then of course there is the Belt and Road Initiative, the new Silk Road. It accounts for hundreds of investments, loans, trade agreements and dozens of Special Economic Zones, worth $900 billion. They are spread over 72 countries, representing a population of about 5 billion people or 65 percent of the world’s population.

Russia too is forging alliances. The country is a member of several regional and multinational alliances. One of them, a military alliance, is the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which is currently involved in ‘peacekeeping’ operations in Kazakhstan. Another is the Shanghai Organization for Cooperation, which we have mentioned above.

Moscow also maintains friendly relations on the African continent and with some Latin American countries.

The war in Ukraine has shown that the countries of the South, where the vast majority of the world’s population lives, are not marching along with the war-mongering of the West. According to former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad, ’the present war between Ukraine and Russia is caused by the Europeans’ love of war, of hegemony, of dominance’.


A very important but misunderstood aspect of the shifting world order is de-dollarization. Indeed, the dominant position of the United States is largely based on the dollar as the world currency.

On the one hand, this gives the US unlimited possibilities to pay its government deficits by printing money and, on the other hand, the US can freeze or confiscate assets of other countries in political disputes, as happened with Iran, Venezuela, Afghanistan and now Russia.

This outrageous advantage and this financial power stand and fall with paying the trade in dollars. And that is exactly what is being questioned more and more.

Russia and China already pay part of their trade no longer in dollars but in their own currency. Russia is already asking to no longer pay for gas in dollars but in rubles. China has so-called ‘currency swaps‘ with various other countries, which ensure that trade no longer has to be done in dollars.

Countries such as Venezuela and Iran have long wanted to trade their oil in currencies other than the dollar. Other major oil exporting countries such as Iraq and Libya have already considered this in the past. If countries like Saudi Arabia join this, then the reign of the dollar will be over, which means that the US will lose a lot of power and influence.

The war in Ukraine and heavy economic and financial sanctions against Russia will only accelerate this process of de-dollarization. If that process continues, the dollar will lose its status as a key currency. Or, as a director of the Institute for Analysis of Global Security told The Wall Street Journal, ’If that block is taken out of the wall, the wall will begin to collapse.’

With their trade outside the dollar, Russia and China are setting a trend that could have far-reaching consequences for the financial architecture that has been dominated by the US since WWII.

Dangerous to whom or what?

Is this ’friendship‘ or ’partnership‘ between Putin and Xi dangerous? That depends to whom or what.

In any case, the alliance between the two countries forms an important counterweight to the supremacy of the US. According to The Guardian, ’The birth of this Sino-Russian axis, conceived in opposition to the US-led western democracies, is the most globally significant strategic development since the Soviet Union collapsed 30 years ago. It will define the coming age’.

In other words, for the hegemony of the US and of the West, this ‘friendship’ is dangerous.

For countries in the South that want to steer their own course, free from the stifling straitjacket imposed by the West, this ‘friendship’ is a step forward.

In any case, a recent study has made it clear that a large majority of the population in the South has a positive attitude towards both China (70 percent) and Russia (66 percent).

China recently succeeded in reconciling the two arch-rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia. I brokered an agreement that offers peace prospects for the entire Middle East. That is in stark contrast to the war-making efforts of the US and the West in this region. In the last 15 years, the US or its allies have besieged or bombed eight countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Mali, Iraq and Syria.

While the US and UK are preventing peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, China has now also formulated a peace proposal to stop this war. This proposal was brushed aside by the West, but it was well received by Russia, and at least Ukraine has not rejected it.

The alliance between Russia and China certainly offers better opportunities for the conflict in Ukraine and for world peace in general than the current attitude of the West.

If the newly formed alliance between Russia and China consolidates and other countries join, we may be entering a new era. An era where power in the world is more decentralized and more balanced. It remains to be seen whether the West will tolerate that.

As I wrote earlier, these times promise to be exciting, but also dangerous. We need a strong peace movement more than ever.


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The Sound of the New War Drum Goes Tik-Tok

March 31st, 2023 by Wei Yu

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Last Thursday, a Congressional hearing took place where the TikTok CEO was grilled for five hours on the grounds of “security concerns.” This was days after the FBI and DOJ launched an investigation on the Chinese-owned American company. Isn’t it ironic that while the US government is putting TikTok under the magnifying glass, it’s turning a blind eye to its own surveillance programs on the American people?

Ten years ago, Edward Snowden told the whole world the truth about the US global surveillance programs. If Congress cares about our digital privacy, it should first begin by investigating the surveillance policies of its own US agencies. The campaign against TikTok is a fear-mongering tactic to wage war on China.

In 2020, the FBI used social media to monitor racial justice protesters who were targeted for arrests. For example, activist Mike Avery was arrested after posting about protests on Facebook, and his charges were dropped without explanation a few weeks later. An FBI official was so frustrated with the extensive social media surveillance that he told the Intercept, “Man, I don’t even know what’s legal anymore.”

The dissonance between accusing TikTok of security concerns and working with other companies to invade people’s privacy rings loudly in our ears.

Social media has long been a tool used by federal agencies to target individuals and communities designated as “threat.” The Department of Homeland Security and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement have monitored the social media activities of immigrant rights activists. The State Department used social media screening to discriminate against the Muslim, Arab, Middle Eastern, and South Asian communities under the Trump administration’s “Muslim ban.”

Only last year that the post-9/11 NSA phone surveillance program was reported to have shut down. Major telecom companies like Verizon gave the government access to hundreds of millions of calls and texts. Dataminr, a startup Twitter partner, provided police with data about BLM protests. One focus on ‘potential gang members’ targeted Black and Latinx people, including school-aged children.

Meta’s subsidiary WhatsApp was reportedly used by the Saudi government to hack journalist Jamal Khashoggi‘s phone. Meanwhile, Meta itself used a VPN to spy on users’ smartphones for market research in exchange for bribes. Yet WhatsApp is not banned on government devices.

If our lawmakers are concerned about protecting digital privacy, then Congress should start with investigating American federal agencies. Unlike China as well as other Western countries, such as the EU, the US does not have any digital privacy laws on the federal level. The US could cooperate with China to better ensure people’s privacy is protected, instead of driving fear to target one single social media platform.

The ongoing effort to investigate and ban TikTok is not about our privacy, but about fueling more aggression against China. Fear-mongering about China has also caused the rise of anti-Asian racism in the US. In banning TikTok, the US is projecting its invasive policies onto another government. Warmongers are using the issue to create paranoia and justify even more aggression towards China.

It is not a coincidence that these recent bans have come about shortly after a Chinese weather balloon was shot down over the US. Privacy concerns are being used to wage war on China. The US should focus on passing federal data privacy laws instead of targeting one app. Double standards and warmongering against China need to stop. China is not our enemy.


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Wei Yu is CODEPINK’S China is Not Our Enemy coordinator.

Nuvpreet Kalra is CODEPINK’s social media intern, and

Melissa Garriga is CODEPINK’s media relations manager.

Human Rights Experts Call for Withdrawal of Biased UN Report on Nicaragua

March 31st, 2023 by Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

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Alfred de Zayas, former UN Independent Expert on International Order, has joined other human rights specialists in condemning an “expert” report on Nicaragua published on March 2nd as being unprofessional, biased, incomplete and concocted to justify further coercive sanctions that will damage Nicaragua’s economy. Such unilateral coercive measures have been condemned by the General Assembly year after year, most recently in Resolution 77/214 of December 2022 and by the Human Rights Council in Resolution 49/6. 

The report, by a “group of experts” selected by the UN Human Rights Council, claims that Nicaragua’s government has committed “crimes against humanity.” The “experts” even go beyond their mandate and recommend further economic sanctions. Most of their unsubstantiated allegations date to 2018, but the report also falsely contends that the abuses have continued since that period. It is due to be considered by the Council in its session on April 3rd and 4th. 

A petition organized by the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition (in English and Spanish) demands that the UN withdraw the group’s “spurious, unprofessional report.” It has so far been signed by 54 different organizations and by 307 individuals across the world. Signatories include these prominent individuals: 

  • Professor Alfred de Zayas, Geneva, former UN Independent Expert on International Order, author of Building a Just World Order, Clarity Press 2021 
  • Richard Falk, Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University 
  • Daniel Kovalik, Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh, and author of numerous books, including Nicaragua: A History of US Intervention and Resistance. 
  • Sara Flounders, International Action Center, editor of Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy, by the SanctionsKill Campaign 
  • Camilo Mejía, former Amnesty International “prisoner of conscience,” Miami, Florida 
  • S. Brian Willson, Viet Nam veteran, author/activist and lawyer, Nicaragua 
  • Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace human rights activist 
  • Ann Wright, US Army Colonel (Ret) and former US Diplomat 

The petition says that the report: 

  • is based on material from only one side in what was a serious and prolonged conflict in 2018, despite the UN’s requirement to examine “all alleged human rights violations and abuses committed in Nicaragua.” 
  • ignores very substantial documentation submitted to both the UN and the OAS by the Nicaraguan government since 2018.
  • despite claiming to be “victim-centered”, completely fails to address the enormous abuses against the human rights of thousands of Nicaraguans perpetrated by the opposition during the violent attempted coup.
  • makes allegations that are demonstrably wrong and do not withstand a simple checking of the facts. 
  • was presented in a sensational and unprofessional manner, making unfounded and damaging slurs against the Nicaraguan people and their government. 

Endorsing the call for the report to be withdrawn, Alfred de Zayas said: 

“The UN Human Rights Council has a sacred obligation to the Nicaraguan people and the world to be rigorously objective, avoid politicization and hyperbole. This is not the first time that a flawed report has been submitted to the HR Council. It should be withdrawn. The vocation of the HR Council is to make constructive proposals for the overall improvement of all human rights in Nicaragua, e.g. in the context of OHCHR advisory services and technical assistance. The HR Council should abide by its own Resolution 49/6 of 31 March 2022 and demand the immediate lifting of the illegal unilateral coercive measures that have already victimized the most vulnerable.” 

Professor Daniel Kovalik of the University of Pittsburgh said: 

“It is disturbing to me as a human rights practitioner that ‘human rights’ is being used as a pretext to justify imperial intervention and the economic strangulation of a nation attempting to go its own independent and sovereign path. This runs counter to every basic tenet of international law.” 

In addition to the petition, the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition has sent a detailed critique of the report to the UN Human Rights Council and to the “group of experts.” It plans to continue sending evidence which contests the report’s findings. 


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US Occupation Forces in Syria are not “Fighting Terrorism”

March 31st, 2023 by Timothy Alexander Guzman

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Despite the massive earthquake that devasted parts of Syria and Turkey, the US and its allies continue their war against the Syrian government.  US troops still illegally occupy northeastern Syria since the war began on March 2011 to remove its President, Bashar al-Assad and destabilize the country to effectively balkanize the secular state on behalf of Israel’s expansionist agenda.  It all began in 2010 during the Arab Spring when anti-government protests had spread across most of the Arab world which led to protests in Syria and that’s when Washington’s war planners decided to add fuel to the fire and arm terrorists to further destabilize and ultimately destroy the Syrian government. 

At the start of the civil war, one of the very few media organizations that reported on pro-Assad demonstrations was Al-Jazeera who could not deny that Assad had popular support, the report ‘Thousands rally in support of Syria’s Assad’ said that

“tens of thousands of Syrians have rallied in central Damascus in show of support for President Bashar al-Assad, who is battling a six-month uprising against his rule in which the UN says about 2,900 people have been killed.”  

Al Jazeera’s report said that the Syrian people do support Assad “America, out, out, Syria will stay free” chanted the crowd on Wednesday, many of them carrying pictures of Assad and Syrian flags.”

Nir Rosen, a journalist and author told Al Jazeera that “We might not like to think that but authoritarian regimes sometimes have popular support.” Syria has the most popular support than most governments in the Middle East “In the whole of the Arab countries, certainly the Syrian regime has the largest base of popular support and much of the country still supports him [Assad], he continued “Not only Alawite and the Christian community, but even Sunni Bourgeoisie in Damascus and Aleppo support President Assad.”There is an important fact that the mainstream media barely mentions, and that is Syria is an independent secular state that has diverse ethnic groups including Syrian Arabs, Kurds, Armenians, Turkmens, and religious groups that includes Christians, Muslims, Alawites (Asma al-Assad, wife of Bashar al-Assad is a Syrian Alawite from Latakia), Druze and Yazidis.  On the international stage, Syria has the full support of Russia, China, Iran, and many countries from the Global South.

However, Syria is not a perfect society, there are human rights issues and since 2006, Syria has developed extreme social problems due to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) recommendations for privatization, austerity measures, the deregulation of the financial system and a freeze in wages which has angered the population, but Assad still has popular support regardless of the situation.       

The US Is Not Interested in Fighting Terrorists, They Are Stealing Syria’s Natural Resources

As the war continued, the governments of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey along with their European partners took advantage of the situation and decided to arm and fund various terrorists groups including ISIS and Al Nusra (the Syrian equivalent of Al-Qaeda) from war torn countries such as Iraq, Libya and elsewhere, they even recruited a number of British and Canadian citizens who were radicalized thus began their assault on the Syrian government and its civilians.  In fact, Wikileaks exposed the national security advisor, Jake Sullivan who sent an email to Hillary Clinton who was the Secretary of State under Obama at the time wrote “AQ is on our side in Syria”, AQ obviously meant Al Qaeda.  These developments began with the Obama regime and continued under former US presidents, Donald Trump (who authorized the plunder of Syrian oil in 2019) and Joe Biden which is basically Obama’s third term.

The CIA-backed propaganda organization, the Voice of America (VOA) recently published ‘US Says It Will Not Back Off Syria Mission Despite Deadly Attacks’ reported that “The United States will not back away from its nearly eight-year deployment to Syria, where it is battling the remnants of Islamic State, despite attacks on U.S. forces there last week by an Iran-backed militia, the White House said on Monday.”  They claimed that “A one-way attack drone struck a U.S. base in Syria on March 23, killing an American contractor, injuring another and wounding five U.S. troops.”  The US occupation forces retaliated with air strikes, followed up by an exchange between US forces and pro-Assad forces that reportedly “killed three Syrian troops, 11 Syrian fighters in pro-government militias and five non-Syrian fighters who were aligned with the government.”  VOA pointed out what White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby had said “There’s been no change in the U.S. footprint in Syria as a result of what happened the last few days” and that “the mission against Islamic State would continue.”  All this happened after 171 House Republicans and 150 Democrats defeated a resolution by US Representative from Florida, Matt Gaetz to withdraw all remaining U.S. occupational forces from Syria.

The reality is that there is no mission against ISIS, Al-Nusra or Al-Qaeda.  The real mission is to continue to steal Syria’s natural resources.  According to a Fars News article, ‘Iran Denounces US Occupation of Syria, Bombing of Residential Areas’ an Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana’ani declared that “the US’ claim to be present in Syria to fight Daesh, in whose creation [Washington] itself played a substantive role, is a mere excuse for continuation of [the country’s] occupation and plunder of Syria’s national riches, including energy and grain,” he continued “Continuation of illegal military presence of the US in addition to occupation of swathes of the Syrian soil and attacking various targets in that country amount to violation of international laws as well as the country’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported last year that during a meeting with the Ministry of Oil and Mineral Recourses that “The amount of oil production during the first half of 2022 amounted to some 14.5 million barrels, with an average daily production of 80.3 thousand barrels, of which 14.2 thousand are delivered daily to refineries, while the US occupation forces and their mercenaries steal up to 66,000 barrels every single day from the fields occupied in the eastern region.” In early January, Tasnim News Agency published ‘US Army Transports Stolen Oil, Wheat from Syria to Iraq in 60 Trucks (+Video)’ reported that “The US Army continues to transfer Syrian people’s natural resources in a systematic and frequent manner from its sources in the country’s east, while strengthening its unlawful military presence in the region rich in fossil and agricultural resources.”  Not only is the US stealing oil, but they have also been stealing wheat:

The sources who accompanied the crossing of the two stolen wheat and oil shipments in the countryside of the town of (Al-Yarubiyah) adjacent to the Syrian-Iraqi border, the easternmost countryside of Al-Hasakah province, confirmed that “a convoy consisting of 36 tanks loaded with stolen Syrian oil, was taken out by the American forces to their bases in northern Iraq, through the crossing.” (Al-Walid) unlawful border crossing with Iraq.

“Another convoy of 24 trucks, followed by US military vehicles, carrying wheat seized from grain centers and silos in Hasakah, was also moved by the US army through the illegal (Al-Walid) border,” the sources continued

In 2021, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby made claims that the 900 US troops and contractors “are not authorized to provide assistance to any other private company, including its employees or agents, seeking to develop oil resources in Syria.”  Yes, that may be true, but the reason that the US occupation forces are still in Syria is to load up the trucks and transport oil, wheat, and any other natural resources they can get their hands on, not to fight the same terrorists they supported since the conflict began.


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from SCN

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The venue of SXSW EDU 2023 was gargantuan, and the scheduled list of subjects and speakers was overwhelming.  Undoubtedly, the great attraction of this years’ conference were the “Superstar Siblings,” Doreen Nelson and her brother, the world renowned architect, Frank Gehry, the Keynote Speakers on March 7, introducing Doreen Nelson’s ”Design-based Learning Unwrapped: Build Our Future.”

Doreen is the recipient of multiple honors awarding her innovative approach to education, “based on learning by doing in the spatial domain, allowing students to create physical artifacts and design solutions to content-related problems, fostering higher level thinking skills, agile decision-making, and the ability to apply concepts across the curriculum through self-expression.”  

Doreen and her brother Frank dazzled the huge audience with their fearless repudiation of dogmatic approaches, and their courageous “defiance of authority.”

Although initially Doreen’s pathbreaking approach to education appalled the status-quo “education” authorities, whom Doreen courageously denounced for their stultifying methods of teaching, (they retaliated with personal attacks on Doreen, herself), she was indefatigable, and her new approach to pedagogy was eventually adopted, and, indeed, internationally honored.

Frank Gehry had a similar career trajectory, with his earliest architectural works breaking traditional rules, and eliciting much controversy, but he remained undaunted,  and achieved world renown for his creation of a new style of architecture, breaking decrepit traditional molds, and freeing the entire profession from crushing dogmatic confinement. Both Doreen and Frank were totally unpretentious, and boldly fearless in their inspiring defiance of authority, enabling them both to create new and crucially needed approaches to education and architecture.

By contrast, another of the most important and provocative meetings on March 6th was a panel discussion entitled: “Are Smartphones the Next Teen Addiction Crisis?,” featuring Dr. Jim Winston, Dr. Kelley Brill, and Dr. Rosa Li.

Dr. Winston has treated multiple forms of addiction, including alcoholism, drug addiction, etc., and he described the current obsession with “smartphones” as an addiction which actually damages brain development  in very young children and adolescents. Most alarming is the process by which the “smartphone” addiction destroys the young brain’s capacity for critical thinking and judgement, preventing the development of prefrontal cortex brain function, the part of the brain which  determines the capacity for judgement and critical thinking. Significantly, Dr. Winston stated that he does not permit his young children to use these “smartphones.”

The inevitable consequence of this destruction of crucial areas of brain development in very young children and adolescents guarantees a docile, submissive and obedient personality in the adult, which results in an adult population alarmingly vulnerable to control by the designers of these “smartphone” programs, which are also designed to convey the messages which the designers want accepted by the larger population, in reality subtly enforcing conformity upon an unwitting population.

Dr. Winston also emphasized that there is great financial profit reaped by the designers of these programs, while the consumers are virtually victims of a form of control about which they remain essentially unaware.  Though many oligarchs and so-called “philanthropists” have spoken ecstatically about the opportunities the worldwide distribution of these phones will made available to people in the most destitute areas of the world, especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America, hidden in this enthusiastic  “philanthropic” welcome for smartphones  are the opportunities for controlling these destitute populations by rendering them actually psychologically and physically addicted to these phones, and to any and all “messages” (or propaganda) spread by the designers of the programs of the smartphones.  These designs are intended to promote the interests of the oligarchy which commissions them, not the interest of the otherwise destitute users of these addictive devices.  This addiction to smartphones ultimately makes possible – indeed inevitable, the control of the actual thought processes and behavior of the addicted user.

The implications of this covert method of population control, through inducing addiction to these smartphone devices, from childhood through adulthood, are terrifying.


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Carla Stea is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and Global Research’s Correspondent at UN headquarters, New York. 

Featured image is from SXSW

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“Imagine visiting your doctor for a routine checkup, and on top of the usual shots — the annual flu or COVID vaccine — your doctor asks if you’d like to be vaccinated for cancer. All cancer — lung, skin, colon, you name it — with just one mildly uncomfortable jab in the arm.”

This is how a March 25, 2023 New York Post article starts. (click here)

“That scenario, which sounds like something out of science fiction, might be closer than you think. And it’s mostly thanks to the COVID vaccine – which in a few short years has become the highest-profile of the increasingly influential family known as mRNA vaccines.”

“Anna Blakney, an RNA researcher at the University of British Columbia, says we are currently in the midst of an “mRNA renaissance.

These medicines “will be game changers in the years to come” she says.

No one wants failed mRNA vaccines anymore… 

People may be done with COVID-19 and the failed Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, but the elites are not done with us.

Only 22.4% of Canadians are still taking these failed toxic products religiously, having taken a booster shot in the past 6 months despite growing evidence that these failed pharmaceutical products have injured millions of people.

That means 8.7 million Canadians are still fully brainwashed. But this is not a large enough group to sustain mRNA as a viable pharmaceutical platform, in Canada or any other country.

1 billion doses of mRNA coming

When Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel was in Davos, Switzerland in January 2023, he held interviews claiming he wanted to produce over a billion doses of mRNA (click here).

They have no intention of stopping.

How to roll out new mRNA vaccines nobody wants…

Billions of dollars have been invested into a completely failed and toxic pharmaceutical platform. When they talk about the “success” of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, they are talking about successfully fooling most of the population into taking a harmful, toxic product.

Before they can roll out new mRNA vaccines for influenza, RSV or CMV, which I believe they desperately want to roll out in 2023, they will need to either scare the population or rehabilitate the mRNA platform.

I believe they will try and scare the population with a H5N1 influenza pandemic that has a mortality rate of about 50%. (click here)

They will then try to quickly roll out an mRNA H5N1 Influenza vaccine. This is already being suggested by GAVI, which received $1.55 billion from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (click here)

From a February 15, 2023 article by GAVI, titled: “Why bird flu vaccines need urgent R&D” (click here)

We haven’t yet tried mRNA vaccines with these viruses; we know they work to some degree, but how well they’d work and what level of protection they’d induce is still an open question.”

“The two-dose vaccine uses the same mRNA technology used to make COVID-19 vaccines, except this time it delivered small particles containing the instructions for making the haemagglutinin proteins found on the surface of the influenza virus into cells. The cells start manufacturing these proteins, triggering an immune response.”

“The real question now is how quickly such vaccines could be scaled up in the event of a pandemic.”

My Take…

An H5N1 Influenza pandemic with a claimed fatality rate of up to 50% would be the ideal new pandemic to scare people into accepting a new H5N1 mRNA vaccine that will be described as “safe and effective” and will be an attempt to rehabilitate the mRNA platform.

Moderna CEO has already claimed he can produce any new mRNA vaccine in less than 6 months.

If they fool enough people, they can then quickly release other mRNA vaccines: RSV, CMV, HIV and so on.

They have invested far too much money into mRNA to even consider stopping now.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Acting at the behest of its political controllers and paymasters, the racist International Criminal Court [ICC], whose principal activity since its founding in 2003 has been the malicious persecution of black African leaders, now, for a change, targets for judicial abuse a distinguished Eurasian figure.

Observers with an attention span of more than fifteen minutes (which would exclude the vast majority in the bamboozled Western countries) should have noticed immediately several glaring anomalies in ICC’s “arrest warrant.”

The warrant purports to be based on humanitarian concern for the welfare of children allegedly transferred illegally from the Donbas. The court officers’ public rationale, however, omits widely known facts regarding the systematic bombardment of civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk since 2014. It ignores the demonstrated death toll of that crime amounting to at least 14,000 victims, including several thousand children. Neither this manifest offence against humanity nor the desire to call to account its obvious perpetrators, the military and political structures of the Kiev Nazi regime, seem to have played any role in the court’s deliberations.

Why not? How can meticulous adherence to the provisions of the Geneva Convention which requires the evacuation of civilians from areas affected by armed conflict (Article 49) be deemed grounds for the issuance of a criminal warrant, while widespread, systematic, and indiscriminate lethal shelling of civilians is passed over in silence, without triggering any prosecutorial reaction?

For that matter, a further question can also be raised with regard to another anomaly, just as glaring. Why have the alleged atrocities in Bucha and Kramatorsk last year apparently been memory holed, to be replaced now by another that has been obviously contrived? If criminal charges were to be pressed, why have the Bucha and Kramatorsk incidents, which at the time of their alleged occurrence were the subject of extraordinary propaganda campaigns, suddenly disappeared from the radar screen? And precisely when they could have served as the most credible foundation for an arrest warrant, assuming there ever was any evidence to support those allegations? Might the fact that both false flag operations were efficiently exposed in the early stages have anything to do with this strange reticence?

How incompetent – or politically corrupt – must a prosecutor be to forego a supposedly open and shut case in favor of a case, and that is putting it very charitably, that is at best legally ambiguous and highly dubious? This question is addressed to the ICC Prosecutor, colonial lackey and consummate opportunist Karim Khan, of course.

Two additional considerations must also be submitted to the judgment of that part of the public whose brains have not yet been fried by propaganda. If the welfare of children is foremost on the minds of ICC staff, what have they got to say about the tsunami of reports that the Kiev junta, desperate to replenish its supply of cannon fodder, is now detaining and kidnapping underage children and with virtually no military training sending them to war, where they have an estimated life expectancy of about four hours?

Rule 136 0f the Convention on the Rights of the Child holds plainly that “Children must not be recruited into armed forces or armed groups.”

Additional Protocols I and II, the Statute of the International Criminal Court itself [Art. 8 (b) (xxvi)] and of the Special Court for Sierra Leone put the minimum age for recruitment in armed forces or armed groups at 15, as does the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Are ICC prosecutors capable of reading their own court’s regulations, or do they even care?

Should credible reports of such odious practices, unquestionably in contravention of international conventions which govern the use of child soldiers, not merit at least a full scale ICC investigation?

An equally grave question should be raised concerning the imminent dispatch of hazardous and banned depleted uranium munitions by Great Britain to the armed forces of the Ukrainian junta.

Contrary to the rationalisations of the British Government, depleted uranium munitions are provably detrimental to the environment, as well as to human beings and all forms of animate life in the proximity of their impact. That includes children, of course, who are particularly vulnerable and subject to genetic deformations and painful and lethal illnesses. The catastrophic impact of the use of such munitions in Yugoslavia and Iraq has been extensively studied and well documented over the past several decades. Former UN arms control inspector Scott Ritter has exposed the evils of this practice professionally and competently. It is prohibited by international humanitarian law and if allowed it will constitute a grave threat to life and health both of children and adults in the Ukraine. Would not the warning of arrest warrants for the relevant authorities in the United Kingdom be a suitable response by the ICC in the face of a potential disaster of such magnitude?

It is important to note that the International Criminal Court is a linear extension of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [ICTY] and that its conduct cannot be fully understood without reference to the pattern of lawless behaviour previously exhibited by its model. Indeed, the word “conduct” is in this case a more appropriate terms than “jurisprudence” because neither court has bothered to develop a body of law and legal interpretation in the conventional sense. It is of no significance that ICTY is a manifestly illegal outfit, set up in contravention of the UN Charter, while ICC arguably was properly constituted by international treaty. In their practical operation they have both served as tools of the arrogance of power of global hegemons. Their joint task has been not to uphold the principles of international law, but to demolish them in order to provide a legalistic veneer for the execution of the hegemons’ criminal undertakings.

It is therefore scarcely surprising that the preposterous grounds cited by the ICC for issuing warrants against Russian officials for an alleged act of gross turpitude consisting of the safe evacuation of children from the war zone in the Donbas had an exact analogue in the past behaviour of ICC’s infamous model, the ICTY.

In a nutshell, Serbian defendants in the ICTY Srebrenica trials were routinely charged with a grave breach of international humanitarian law, forced deportation of the civilian population. In mid-July of 1995, three meetings were held between the commander of the UN Protection Force in Srebrenica, Col. Thom Karremans, and the Serbian Commander Gen. Ratko Mladic to consider the issue of civilian refugees assembled in a nearby village. The Serbian side made complete video recordings of those meetings which leave no doubt as to what had in fact transpired. Although the video evidence unambiguously shows that Col. Karremans came to Mladic to convey the request of the UN Command that the refugees be evacuated to safety onto territory where military operations were not taking place, ICTY Prosecution charged Mladic with ordering the expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the refugees. What actually happened is that Gen. Mladic acceded to UN Command’s request, as he had the duty to do under international law since fighting around Srebrenica was still in progress, and as a result the refugees were properly evacuated, as agreed.

For acting in good faith to protect civilians in a zone of conflict, Gen. Mladic was indicted, among other things, for genocide and crime against humanity, deportation.

The exculpatory video evidence was never presented in court in its totality. Snippets taken out of context and appearing to favor the prosecution case were the only parts allowed to be introduced into the evidence. Live testimony by Col. Karremans, who obviously would have been a key witness, was obstructed at every turn by the prosecution with the connivance of the Chamber. Technically, the judges could not be faulted for not taking into account evidence that had not been put before them. In the end, they washed their hands and calmly drew conclusions that were contrary to the facts, but with grave consequences for the defendant.

 The Russian targets of ICC’s warrants will never, of course, be in the position of General Mladic. However, the cowboy style of ICTY´s corrupt proceedings, fully assimilated by its subsequent clone, ICC, gives a foretaste of what awaits anyone unlucky enough to fall in its clutches.

ICC, like its precursor ICTY, is a disgrace to law in all its civilised forms. State parties should be encouraged to withdraw from it while it is still possible for them to avoid embarrassment by association.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from Wikipedia

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Rep. Jamaal Bowman and Senator Bernie Sanders are leading an effort to urge President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to investigate whether Israel is using US weapons to commit human rights abuses against Palestinians, in violation of United States law, according to a letter and e-mail sent to other members of Congress obtained by Jewish Currents.

The letter was written by Bowman, while Sanders is spearheading efforts to garner support from other senators, according to Bowman’s office. The letter has so far been signed by eight additional lawmakers: Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Summer Lee, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, Betty McCollum, André Carson, and Ayanna Pressley.

“At this inflection point, we ask your administration to undertake a shift in US policy in recognition of the worsening violence, further annexation of land, and denial of Palestinian rights,” the lawmakers wrote. The lawmakers end the letter by calling on the Biden administration to “ensure US taxpayer funds do not support projects in illegal settlements” and to “determine whether US-origin defense articles have been used in violation of existing US laws.” The letter criticizes the new Israeli government’s “alarming actions” and its cabinet of “far-right, anti-Palestinian individuals and parties,” asserting that the Israeli coalition in power is “pushing repressive, anti-democratic policies and escalating violence towards the Palestinian population.”

Read the full letter here.

The laws mentioned in the Bowman-Sanders letter—the Arms Export Control Act and the Foreign Assistance Act—stipulate that US weapons can only be used for purposes of self-defense and cannot be used to commit human rights abuses such as torture, extrajudicial killings, and any other “flagrant denial” of “the right to life.” The letter demands that the Biden administration “ensure that all future foreign assistance to Israel, including weapons and equipment, is not used in support of gross violations of human rights,” and that the administration respond to the lawmakers with a “detailed plan” on how the US will make sure Israel does not illegally misuse future aid.

The wide-ranging letter expresses concern over the government’s now-delayed plans to gut the power of the Israeli judiciary. The lawmakers say these changes could enable corruption and “open the path” to further annexation of Palestinian territory, which they acknowledge is already occurring. “Despite massive street protests and a general strike, the Israeli government has merely delayed its judicial overhaul for a short time, and none of the agreements reached this week will lessen the systemic violence against Palestinians, including annexation of Palestinian land,” the letter states. It also addresses what the lawmakers call “shocking and terrifying violence” in the occupied West Bank, such as the Israeli army incursion into Nablus on February 22nd that killed 11 Palestinians, the settler rampage through the town of Huwara on February 26th, and the killing of an Israeli American by a Palestinian gunman on February 27th.

The letter is the most forceful response yet by Democratic members of Congress aimed at Israel’s new far-right government, and reflects a desire to push the Biden administration to enforce their oft-stated policy that Israelis and Palestinians deserve “equal measures of freedom” and that Israel should refrain from actions that undermine peace, such as the building of settlements on Palestinian land. Its criticism of the Israeli government’s judiciary overhaul and concern over the recent escalation of violence in the West Bank hits similar notes to a March 8th letter signed by 92 members of Congress—including Rep. Rosa DeLauro, the highest-ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, and Rep. Jim McGovern, the most powerful Democrat on the House Rules Committee—in which the lawmakers urged Biden to “use all diplomatic tools available” to stop Israel’s government from damaging the judicial system and undermining the potential for a two-state solution. But Zaha Hassan, a human rights lawyer and a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said that this earlier letter “invites the traditional response from the administration, because the asks aren’t very clear. The framing allows the State Department to do what it’s always done, which is issue statements but not take specific action.” Unlike the March 8th letter, the Bowman-Sanders letter calls on the Biden administration to investigate whether Israeli actions have violated US laws that govern how US weapons can be used.

“The Biden administration’s approach has been to issue statements of concern,” said Beth Miller, the political director for Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) Action, the political and advocacy arm of Jewish Voice for Peace. “But not only does that not match the dire reality on the ground in Palestine, it also doesn’t align with existing US law that should ensure that the US isn’t complicit in human rights abuses against Palestinians.”

The new letter comes on the heels of growing Democratic alarm at the new Israeli government, including a call from Democratic Senator Chris Murphy for the Biden administration to consider conditioning aid to Israel in response to the new government’s deepening entrenchment of Israel’s military occupation. “We’re in a different moment in terms of what is happening on the ground in Israel/Palestine. Some members of congress are recognizing that,” said Hadar Susskind, president and CEO of Americans for Peace Now, a “progressive Zionist” anti-occupation group backing the Bowman letter. “Things like calling for potentially conditioning aid—that’s not something a lot of members of congress did before. People are understanding that a different situation on the ground requires different responses.”

The Bowman-Sanders letter represents a rare instance of members of Congress publicly asking the State Department whether Israel is violating laws governing how US weapons may be used. When members of Congress do send such inquiries to the State Department, they typically do so privately to avoid blowback from Israel advocacy groups, or because they believe a private letter will have more influence, said Brad Parker, senior adviser on policy and advocacy for Defense for Children International-Palestine. Parker said the letter was also unique in its assertion that “illegal de facto and de jure annexation of the occupied West Bank is well underway,” as the lawmakers write. “Some of the other letters have been limited to home demolitions or other single issues,” said Parker. “This Bowman letter is more about structural or systemic issues like annexation, and specifically recognizes that annexation is happening, rather than [discussing] a perceived threat of annexation, as other letters have.”

Over 20 civil society groups are supporting the letter, including Dream Defenders, IfNotNow, Justice Democrats, and the Working Families Party, according to JVP Action. J Street, the most prominent liberal Zionist group operating in Washington, was not among the public supporters of the letter at the time of publication, even as the letter’s demand for an investigation into whether Israel is complying with the Arms Export Control Act echoes some of J Street’s positions. The organization has requested that the Biden administration investigate whether an Israeli home demolition operation in the West Bank used US weapons in violation of that law; at its policy conference in December, J Street president Jeremy Ben Ami called for “oversight and accountability for how our aid to Israel is actually being used.” J Street spokesperson Logan Bayroff declined to comment on the letter.

The letter builds on Sanders’s long-standing calls for the US to impose restrictions on military aid to Israel to ensure that such funds aren’t used to violate Palestinian human rights. It also underscores Rep. Bowman’s willingness to wade into a politically risky foreign policy issue, becoming one of the most outspoken members of Congress on Israeli human rights violations. Elected in 2020 after running a primary campaign against pro-Israel hawk Eliot Engel, Bowman has had to balance his alliance with the progressive movement with the concerns of his Jewish constituents, some of whom treat the US–Israel relationship as sacrosanct. In September 2021, Bowman voted to send Israel an extra $1 billion in military aid to fund theanti-rocket Iron Dome system. Then, last year, he withdrew his support of a bill that backed Israel’s normalization agreements with Arab governments.

Hassan said that the letter highlights some Democrats’ desire for “action” as Israel’s extremist government enacts more “uncontrolled violence mainly visited upon Palestinians.” But Hassan was pessimistic that the letter would lead to a shift in policy from the Biden administration. “I don’t hold out much hope that the administration is going to respond to a letter by the most progressive members of Congress,” she said. “There needs to be a broader group of signers for there to be a sense of urgency and action from the State Department.”

James Zogby, the president of the Arab American Institute, echoed Hassan’s skepticism. “The letter honestly addresses Israel’s behavior and the need to draw a line that, if crossed, brings consequences,” he said. “Will the administration do it? They won’t. But the letter moves the needle in the right direction.”


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Alex Kane is a senior reporter for Jewish Currents.

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Does America Have a Future?

March 31st, 2023 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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In this article I explain why I think nuclear war is in the cards.  I know that most do not want to hear this. But if no one knows, there is even less chance of preventing  it.

The headline yesterday (March 29) is “US To Withhold Nuclear Weapons Data From Russia As Last Treaty Collapses.”  

Washington’s propagandists, of course, blame Russia.  This succeeds with patriots who wrap themselves in the flag, but it doesn’t succeed with the Kremlin.  The Kremlin sees Washington taking another step toward war to obliterate the Russian obstacle to Washington’s world hegemony.

Looking at Russia’s puzzling conduct of its conflict with Ukraine, and now with NATO and the US, I have been seeking an explanation that makes sense.  Why, as readers know I have been asking, does the Kremlin refuse to use the force to quickly end the conflict before Washington and its NATO puppets become too involved to let go?  It made no sense until I realized that the Kremlin has been convinced by Washington’s neoconservatives that war with the US is inevitable, which, of course, means nuclear war.

The Kremlin is likely concerned that if Russia uses the conventional force at her disposal to knock out Ukraine, the result could be a US/NATO direct intervention prior to Russia having in place larger numbers of its hypersonic nuclear missiles and its S-500 and S-550 air defense systems which have the ability to intercept and destroy Washington’s nuclear missiles. Unlike Russia’s hypersonic missiles that randomly change course and cannot be intercepted, Washington’s technically inferior missiles can be downed.

My conclusion is that the Kremlin, convinced by Washington’s neoconservatives and their domination of every US government in the 21st century that the US intends the destruction of Russia, is preparing for nuclear war. Several times Putin has made the public statement that it is clear that the West intends Russia’s destruction.  It is incomprehensible that Washington is so reckless, so irresponsible, so utterly stupid as to have convinced the Kremlin that Washington intends Russia’s destruction.  It is extraordinary that Putin’s statements produced no reassurances from the White House.

When Russia is prepared, the US and the capitals of its NATO puppets face annihilation.

Try to comprehend the enormous failure of US foreign policy to have led Russia to such a desperate conclusion.  Here you can see the consequence of the hubris and arrogance, of which I have written at length, of the totally unrealistic neoconservatives who have control of US policy.

I don’t see any way out of this.  The neoconservatives have control of all the principal agencies of government–the National Security Council, the Pentagon, the Department of State.  They control the US media, the think tanks, and the foundations.  Not even the Republicans oppose them.  Republican Senator Jim Risch, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, declared on March 29 that “I’m all in for escalation” of the conflict in Ukraine.  If the US doesn’t escalate, Risch says, we will lose.  It is about winning or losing, not about surviving.  Clearly Risch indicates that Congress has no concept of the real risk in the situation. See this.

The Kremlin has sized it up and is preparing to eliminate the enemy that intends the destruction of Russia.  

What can be done?  The Kremlin no longer believes or trusts Washington, so no assurances that this is all a mistake, even if forthcoming, would be believed by the Russians. 

Perhaps if every neoconservative was fired from the government, Russophobic think tanks closed, and the military/security complex permitted a president to be elected who immediately went to Moscow, agreed to the restoration of all the broken agreements and pulled NATO off of Russian borders, nuclear war could be prevented.

But can you imagine Washington doing such a thing?  It would require leadership that Americans have not seen for a very long time.  It would require comprehension in Congress and in the public, and there is no media or experts to instill comprehension.

Enjoy your life.  Quit worrying about the future. The neoconservatives have assured that you don’t have one.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

The Beginning of the End of Israel

March 31st, 2023 by Steven Sahiounie

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Israel’s far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich gave a hate speech in Paris that may have begun the destruction of Israel. “There are no Palestinians because there isn’t a Palestinian people,” he said on March 19. He also displayed a map of “Greater Israel” which included Syria and Jordan.

Smotrich was born in 1980 in the Golan Heights in Syria but holds Israeli citizenship.  His grandfather Yaakov Smotrich immigrated from Ukraine to Palestine before WW2, and Yaakov’s wife Bruria came to Palestine from Europe. Smotrich is a European Jew. The country he lives in today is called Israel since 1948, but it was never called Israel before, except during the 100 years of a Jewish kingdom that began with King David more than 2,000 years ago.

Golda Meir was the first Israeli leader to make a similar statement. In an interview in 1969 with Frank Giles, Meir said,

“There was no such thing as Palestinians.”

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan condemned Smotrich’s statement as racist, and Amman summoned the Israeli ambassador for a rebuke.

Jordan is populated by a majority of people who are Palestinians, and that includes Queen Rania, the wife of King Abdullah.  Before, and since the 1948 establishment of Jordan, many Palestinians had been forcefully deported to the desert in Jordan by the Israeli forces, and others left for Jordan because of having lost their homes, businesses, and farms and arrived in Jordan as refugees.

The Israel–Jordan peace treaty was signed in 1994, which followed the earlier Israel-Egypt peace accord signed at Camp David, in the US. Both of these historic and long-lasting treaties were brokered by American presidents. However, the treaty with Jordan is now seeing a fraying around the edges, as the Israeli official has directly stated most of the people of Jordan don’t exist, and the map Smotrich displays calls for the annexation of Jordan.

Ariel Sharon, Israeli Prime minister from 2001-2006, said he did not fear the destruction of Israel at the hands of the Arabs, but he feared a time when the US would turn against Israel, and that would mark its downfall.  For decades, the US foreign policy in the Middle East has been written in Tel Aviv, and many have complained that Israel dictates policy to the US.

Now, with the first ultra-extremist government in Israel, the US public and governmental opinion may turn against the genocidal and Apartheid regime in Israel. That was the fear Sharon: that Israel will destroy itself through its actions, by cutting off the support of the Americans, which reaches farther than the $4 billion in yearly aid, and props up the Israeli regime’s existence.

Farhan Haq, a deputy spokesman for United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said Smotrich’s remarks were “completely unhelpful”, stressing the Palestinian people “obviously” exist.  “We continue to support their rights and to push for a two-state solution,” Haq said.

FamilySearch.Org is a free website that has international records of birth, marriages, deaths, and residence.

In the US census dated 1900, there is Joseph Yabour who was born in March 1874 in Palestine. He stated he immigrated to the US in 1886, and both his parents were also born in Palestine.  He was serving in the US Army in 1900.  From his name I can confirm he was a Palestinian Christian.

In the US census dated 1920, there is Mohamed Mustafa who was born in 1894 in Palestine. He stated he immigrated to the US in 1913 and was then living in Michigan. Both his parents were born in Palestine and from his name, he is a Muslim. In the 1930 census, he is shown living in Nebraska along with five other men all born in Palestine.

In a New York Times article dated July 18, 1922. Section S, and page 20, an article appears concerning a man who owns hotels in Palestine, coming to Columbia University to visit his son, and his immigration “visitor visa” states “admit hotel man from Palestine”. From the name of the hotel owner, he is Jewish.

Combing historical records, we can see that the United States of America recognized there was a place called Palestine, and the people were Palestinians, who were Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Smotrich is trying to rewrite history to fit his genocidal mindset. He does not support the UN resolution to create a two-state solution for both Jews and Palestinians. He also does not support a one-state solution that would see all people regardless of ethnicity or religion living together in freedom and with human rights, similar to America.

Smotrich wants it all. He wants all of Palestine, Israel and Jordan, and parts of Syria just for the exclusive home of the Jews.  He favors increased settlements so that the Palestinians will eventually be homeless and landless.  His vision of Israel is based on a religious ideology cloaked in politics: Zionism.

ISIS followed Radical Islam, which is the other side of the Zionism coin.  Both started with religion and perverted it into a political ideology of hate, death, and destruction.

In March 2022, Michael Lynk, the UN Special Rapporteur for the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, stated that Israel is an apartheid state. Israel, he said, conforms to the definition as a “political regime which so intentionally and prioritizes fundamental political, legal and social rights to one group over another, within the same geographic unit based on one’s racial-national-ethnic identity”.

The American public and the Israeli public both need to decide if officials like Smotrich deserve support.  With Israel labeled as an apartheid state, and promoting the annexation of Jordan, the American public and elected officials must decide when to stop funding Israel, and let them face the consequences of their actions and policies.

Israeli voters live in a democracy and must accept the responsibility of placing their government in the hands of extremists who advocate policies that can destroy Israel.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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I have served on or chaired two dozen data safety monitoring boards for randomized trials of novel experimental drugs or devices. I can tell you first hand that for COVID-19 vaccines, a 30 day regulatory window after injection is fair game for attribution of health events to the product when the adverse events of interest are known to be caused by the mRNA induced Wuhan Spike protein.

History: 50 Years of the 1973 Yom Kippur War

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, March 31, 2023

In October 2023 it will be fifty years since the Yom Kippur war occurred. This war is known as the Fourth Arab-Israeli War or by Arabs as the October War. It was the last great direct clash between Arab nations and Israel. The results of the war, as well, influenced the process of radicalization of the PLO.

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The Farmer-Citizen Movement, founded in 2019, is a coalition of farmers and working-class Dutch united in opposition to the insane climate-change agenda that would destroy their industry.

They oppose onerous and unethical restrictions of the variety that crashed Sri Lanka’s economy last year, emissions limits, and other top-down pressures on independent farmers exerted by the multinational corporate state.

Sri Lanka today, the West tomorrow?” I asked rhetorically back then.

On paper, being a brand new party and lacking any institutional support from the power structure, one would assume BBB’s electoral prospects would be dim.

Not so fast, black-pilled fatalist doomer!

Skepticism of “democracy” is warranted due to the lack of influence over elite decision-making and elite domination of the political process. But the recent victory of the Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement is evidence that electioneering can still produce positive results.

Via ABC News:

“A new powerhouse of Dutch right-wing populism took political center stage Thursday after winning its first provincial elections, a victory that was seen as a resounding rebuke to Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s ruling four-party coalition.

The Farmer-Citizen Movement parties (acronymized as “BBB” in Dutch) won 15 out of 75 seats in the upper house of the parliament, equaling the elected bloc of the climate change agenda-pushing Green and Labor parties.

ABC News, in the third paragraph of its write-up on the historic election, launches immediately into a dishonest framing of the win, claiming that the ascendance of the Farmer-Citizen Movement will “compound problems for Rutte in his attempts to drastically slash pollution from the country’s agriculture, industry and transport sectors to protect vulnerable natural habitats.”

What they mean is that the Farmer-Citizen Movement’s representatives in parliament will theoretically have some leverage to block the disastrous mandated reductions in fertilizer use for the sake of fighting “climate change” – of the same sort that destroyed Sri Lanka’s economy a year ago, which I have previously chronicled elsewhere.

Sri Lanka’s heavily agrarian economy imploded virtually overnight under the weight of draconian fertilizer bans while the president was driven from office and replaced with Ranil Wickremesinghea sitting WEF member.

QR codes distributed by the government were immediately instituted to purchase fuel.

A strikingly similar social control agenda targeting independent farmers has been afoot in the Netherlands for several years now, as it has across the world.

Party leader Caroline van der Plas, in her victory speech, drew the battle lines:

“‘We are all normal people and all the people who voted for us are normal citizens,’ Van der Plas said in a victory speech.

‘Normally, if people no longer trust the government, they stay home. Today they showed they don’t want to stay at home — they want their voices to be heard.’”

By no means, for all the optimism it might lend to the anti-WEF movement worldwide, is this single, isolated, modest victory by a populist party in one country a lasting win. While also working outside of electoral politics, these results will need to be duplicated across the globe to truly defeat the coordinated agenda of the technocrats.

What befalls Sri Lanka and the Netherlands has global implications, as the anti-farmer, anti-freedom social control agenda is multinational. The goal is to slowly erode national sovereignty until the concept of the nation-state can be altogether abandoned in favor of a new, multinational corporate state.

Accordingly, hopefully, the Farmer-Citizen Movement can be exported and replicated with unique local flavors until it blooms into a decentralized yet cooperative global brotherhood united in opposition to the World Economic Forum and its various other manifestations in the World Bank, UN, etc.

Cheers to the Farmer-Citizen Movement for at least one step to turning idealism into reality.


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This article was originally published on The Daily Bell.

Ben Bartee is a Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. Follow his stuff via Armageddon ProseSubstack, Patreon, Gab, and Twitter. Please support his independent operations however you can. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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History: 50 Years of the 1973 Yom Kippur War

March 31st, 2023 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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Who is guilty of the war?

In October 2023 it will be fifty years since the Yom Kippur war occurred. This war is known as the Fourth Arab-Israeli War or by Arabs as the October War.

It was the last great direct clash between Arab nations and Israel.[i] The results of the war, as well, influenced the process of radicalization of the PLO.

This conflict is usually known as the Yom Kippur War and less known as the Ramadan War. It was according to chronological order, the fourth major military conflict between the Arab nations and Zionist Israel since the establishment of Israel in May 1948. The 1973 Yom Kippur War was between Israel (with US weapons and material assistance) and the combined forces of Syria and Egypt (armed by Soviet weapons). The war started without a formal declaration and Syria and Egypt have been fighting to recover their territories lost to Israel in the previous 1967 Israeli-Arab War.

The Egyptian President Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat indicated to the UNO envoy in 1971 Gunnar Jarring that he would like to sign a peace treaty with Israel in exchange for the return of the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula lost in the 1967 Six-Day War.

However, only when this proposal was ignored by both the Israeli Government and Washington, Egypt and Syria decided to start military actions for the sake to break the post-1967 political stalemate with Israel and try to re-occupied their territories lost in 1967.

The war operations

The war started on October 6th, 1973 on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) – the most important and holiest day of prayer and fasting during the whole Jewish year. The issue of the conflict was the failure to solve territorial problems that arose after the 1967 Israeli-Arab War including most importantly the return of the Sinai Peninsula[ii] to Egypt and the Golan Heights to Syria.

M. Anwar al-Sadat, a President of Egypt (1970−1981),[iii] offered a peace initiative in the form of his proposal to sign an agreement with Israel according to which, Israel would return to Egypt all occupied territories in the war in 1967. However, Israel, backed by the US, refused to withdraw to the pre-1967 armistice lines. Al-Sadat being frustrated and anxious to retain his credibility in both Egypt and the Arab world, decided to solve the problematic issue through military conflict with limited and defined political objectives.


An Israeli M60 Patton tank destroyed in the Sinai (Licensed under the Public Domain)

However, it was another cause of the Yom Kippur War – the overconfidence of the General Staff of the Israeli army. In other words, the top military commanders of the Israeli Army convinced the Israeli Government that Israel was safe and protected from potential Arab attack and, therefore, no pressing reason to exist for trading (occupied) territories for a guarantee of peace. In fact, such confidence became the military and the political chief doctrine of the Israeli Government which resulted in the fact that Israel was badly prepared for the war with Egypt and Syria who attacked Israel. Israeli military commanders even misinterpreted the process and task of the concentration of the Egyptian army alongside the Suez Canal[iv] as an only ordinary military exercise.[v]                                           

On October 6th, 1973 (Yom Kippur) two Arab states launched a surprise attack on Israel from two fronts. Both Arab armies won some initial military success as the Egyptian army fast crossed the Suez Canal and overrun the Israeli Bar-Lev defensive line while at the same time, the Syrian army advanced into the Golan Heights and very nearly reached the 1967 border with Israel. Israel was caught unaware and the initial situation was looking very desperate for the Zionists. The Israeli army was, for instance, on the northern front outnumbered 12 vs. 1, and as a result, on this front Israeli forces during the first five days of the war were counterattacking in vain and at a high cost but especially in aircraft when Israel lost 150 military planes. This turn of events on the battlefield prompted American political intervention followed by sharply increased military supply to Israel.

Nevertheless, the military situation on the northern front started to be changed on October 10th when Israeli forces began to make an important counter-offensive against the Syrian army resulting in its pushing back. Moreover, the Israeli troops continued their actions and even entered the territory of Syria with tanks advancing to within 40 km close to the Syrian capital Damascus. As the situation dramatically became changed in the Israeli-US favor, the Soviet Union airlifted war material to Syria and Egypt but in order to counter this Soviet action, the US airlifted war material to Israel on October 12thand 13th. On the southern front, supplied by Americans since 1948, the Israeli army organized an offensive and re-crossed the Suez Canal on October 8th further west, entering the territory of post-1967 Egypt, advancing Cairo[vi], and surrounding the Egyptian Third Army.[vii]

Alarmed by dramatic Israeli successes on both fronts, oil-rich Saudi Arabia put strong pressure on its focal customer, the USA, to persuade Israel to stop its further military advances and accept the peace mediation by the UNO. In the meantime, the unsatisfied part of the Egyptian Third Army brought an appeal from President al-Sadat to the USSR. Moscow responded quickly with an open threat to send troops to Egypt against the Israeli invasion. As the international situation already became critical, for the sake to halt a serious international crisis, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger arrived in Moscow to negotiate a cease-fire which was arranged on October 24th, based on UNO Resolution 338 which was adopted on October 22nd. This resolution established an immediate cease-fire on both fronts and re-instated UNO Resolution 242 which had the final aim to establish a just and durable peace in the Middle East. It was followed by the creation of a free zone along the Suez Canal and sending of the UNO peace-keeping forces to the Golan Heights.


The 1973 War in the Sinai, October 15–24 (Licensed under the Public Domain)

When, however, Israel violated the cease-fire according to the UNO Resolution 338, Kremlin once again threatened to send the Soviet troops to Egypt, but the White House did successive diplomatic pressure on the Zionist authorities in Israel.

Consequently, Israel became forced to agree to a second cease-fire on October 25th, 1973. Interestingly, both Israel and Egypt claimed victory. From a very political-diplomatic viewpoint, Israel lost the 1973 Yom Kippur War for the reason, at least, that the UNO peace-keepers have been deployed on the territory of the occupied part of Syria in 1967.

However, technically it can be said that Israel won the war, even though the first several days of it had shown that the Israeli forces with the US weapons and war materials were not invincible. This initial victory of Egypt and Syria in 1973 restored Arab pride after their shameful defeat during the 1967 Six-Days War. It has to be noticed that Israel was able to revive its military initiative on both fronts only by overwhelming collective mobilization of the civilians and at the expense of heavy casualties in both manpower and technique.[viii]

The very formal peace treaty between the two Arab states of Syria and Egypt and Israel was concluded in 1974.

According to the peace agreement, the UNO peacekeepers got a mandate to control the buffer zone between Syria and Israel.

Nevertheless, the Arab allies failed to regain the territories they lost in 1967. During the 1973 war, Israel mobilized up to around 300.000 soldiers compared to the combined Arab forces of 539.000. At the end of the war, there were 8.500 killed Arab soldiers and 6.000 killed and wounded Israeli forces.

The economic loss to Syria, Israel, and Egypt was the equivalent of a year’s gross national product (GNP). Politically, the war of 1973 clearly showed the Arab dependence on the USSR and the Zionist dependence on the USA. But probably, the most terrible consequence for the Zionists of the 1973 Yom Kippur War was that the international image of Israeli military invincibility was shattered, and, consequently, Israel became even more dependent on Washington’s military, diplomatic, financial, and economic aid after the war.

Some consequences of the last major Israeli-Arab war in 1973 hit the US, as well as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which doubled its petrol export prices during the war as a sign of pan-Arab solidarity against the Zionist imperialism from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Such petroleum policy created a harsh gasoline shortage in the US and took a contribution to US and Western stagflation – a combination of financial inflation and economic recession in 1974 and 1975.[ix]

The Middle East after the 1973 Yom Kippur War

After the 1973 Yom Kippur War, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger adopted a diplomatic strategy of limited bilateral agreements for the sake to secure partial Israeli withdrawals from both the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) and the Golan Heights (Syria). But his prime aim was to avoid the negotiations on more difficult problems like the destiny of the West Bank (Jordan) and Gaza (Egypt). In addition, a such diplomatic strategy put the USA as the only mediator between the Israeli Zionists and the Arabs as well as the most significant external actor in the Middle East conflict.

The political consequences of 1973 Israeli-Arab (fourth major) war opened a new phase of negotiations. It gradually became obvious that Egyptian President al-Sadat had little desire to continue the confrontation with Israel (in fact, with the USA). Al-Sadat’s visit to Jerusalem on November 19th, 1977, followed by the Egyptian-Israeli 1978 Camp David Accords confirmed the Egyptian desire to find a compromise with Israel. However, M. Begin’s Likud Government in Israel started now to take a much harder line concerning the West Bank question which all Zionists claimed to be an integral part of biblical Israel. Consequently, the Israeli Government has been constantly increasing the number of Jewish settlements in the West Bank started by its predecessors from the Labor party.

The focus of the Arab-Israeli conflict shifted, however, when, in 1978, Israel invaded South Lebanon for the sake to pacify the Palestinian PLO guerrilla formations and succeeded to advance as far as Lebanon’s capital Beirut in the summer of 1982. Therefore, the Zionists opened a new front of confrontations with the Arab world. Meanwhile, Israel fulfilled part of its commitment to the 1978 Camp David Accords by withdrawing from Sinai in 1981.

The 1978 Camp David Accords

In September 1978, US President Jimmy Carter invited al-Sadat and M. Begin to the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland. There were two peace resolutions between Egypt and Israel in September 1978, negotiated during a 13-day conference at Camp David. The Israeli side was represented by Menachem Begin, PM of Israel from 1977 to 1983, and Egypt was represented by its President M. Anwar al-Sadat while the host was the US President Jimmy Carter.

The Egyptian President after the 1973 Yom Kippur War restored Egyptian self-confidence and emerged with his popularity enough strong to enter peace negotiations with Israel. It has to be noticed that his desire for peace was derived from his pragmatism as he realized quite well that Egypt cannot regain the Sinai Peninsula by any force and a new war, and was too poor to afford the current extremely high military expenditure. In fact, what he finally realized is the truth that Egypt cannot fight against not Israel but the USA. His sudden visit to Jerusalem to address the Knesset (the Parliament of Israel) in 1977 inaugurated a series of US-sponsored talks which finally culminated in the peace agreement signed in Camp David in 1978. But the crucial issue was that al-Sadat continued with a pro-American policy which he adopted even before the 1973 Yom Kippur War when in an effort to improve relations with the USA, he expelled from Egypt around 20.000 Soviet advisers turning the country from socialism to capitalism by gradually introducing market-oriented economy and encouraging foreign investors.

The first resolution/accord brought significant consequences for the region. More precisely, the first resolution provided a framework for the conclusion of a bilateral peace treaty between the leader of the Arab world – Egypt, and Zionist Israel. In other words, Egypt had to recognize Israel as an independent (Zionist) state and refrain from military attacks on the state territory of Israel. In turn, Israel agreed to a gradual return of the occupied Egyptian Sinai Peninsula (in 1967). The first accord served as a prelude to a final peace treaty that was signed in 1979 by Egypt and Israel.

The second resolution of Camp David provided a general framework for the relations in the region of the Middle East, and, most important, it specified ways in which reductions in Israeli military presence in the occupied areas of the West Bank (from Jordan) and the Gaza Strip (from Egypt) would finally lead to a general and successive peace agreement. In essence, the second accord dealt with the Palestinian Question proposing the granting autonomy to the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip for a five-year interim period, after which the final status of the territories is going to be negotiated. However, the second (Palestinian) resolution or accord became strongly opposed by the Arab states followed by the PLO as well and, therefore, it became of little importance.

Only the Egyptian-Israeli accord was implemented and this (the first) resolution founded the basis of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty signed in 1979. The autonomy concept for Palestinians was rejected because it did not give guarantees for the complete Israeli withdrawal from the lands occupied in 1967 or the creation of an independent national Palestinian state. For the Camp David Accords, M. Begin and M. A. al-Sadat received the Nobel Peace Prize.[x] Nevertheless, Israel sabotaged further negotiations by continuing to confiscate Palestinian land and build new Jewish settlements in a direct violation of the commitments M. Begin made to J. Carter at Camp David.

After 1978, for Israel and the USA, the Camp David Accords became a powerful symbol of recognition that the Zionists have been expecting other Arab states to do the same as al-Sadat did. One of the focal consequences of the 1978 Camp David Accords is that Egypt became “pacified” by Washington and Israeli Zionists and started gradually to become one more of their satellites in the Middle East (following Saudi Arabia) leaving the Palestinians on the Zionist mercy. Such policy attracted sharp hostility from the other Arab states and the PLO, who withdrew diplomatic relations and financial support. Finally, for his treachery, M. A. al-Sadat was shot in Cairo by four assassins while reviewing a military parade on October 6th, 1981 – on the same day when he started the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

The Arab states have been for decades looking at Egypt as their leader who was expected to provide the focal opposition to the creation and existence of the state of Zionist Israel. From the time when al-Sadat signed and put into effect a peace treaty with Israel on March 25th, 1979, Egypt was for many years both the target of Arab economic reprisals and the recipient of significant aid from the USA. Later, Jordan and the PLO also signed agreements with Israel, and Syria and Lebanon consider the prospects. Obviously, after the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Egypt of M. A. al-Sadat opened the door of treachery followed later up today gradually by other Arab nations. The Zionists became the only winners in the Middle East.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[i] About first two Israeli-Arab wars, see in [Benny Morris, Israeli’s Border Wars 1949−1956, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997].

[ii]  The northeastern Sinai Peninsula is a desert area that abuts Israel and Gulf of Aqaba.

[iii] Egypt became a republic in 1952 when because of dire economic and social conditions, the army officers staged a coup d’état on July 23rd, 1952 under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Gamel Abdel Nasser. That day is now celebrated in Egypt as National Day. On June 18th, 1953, this junta declared Egypt a republic. This became a turning point for modern Egyptians, who after that felt more independent, spearheading a resurgence of Arab nationalism across the region of the Middle East. A new Constitution was adopted in 1971 for the Arab Republic of Egypt that guarantees the individual rights of the citizens. The first two Presidents after G. A. Nasser were former General A. al-Sadat who was assassinated during the military parade in Cairo and former General Hosni Mubarak up to the Arab Spring. There is a National Assembly with limited number of political parties.

[iv] The Suez Canal is linking the Mediterranean Sea on the north with the Gulf of Suez and Red Sea on the southeast. It divides the Arabian Desert on the east from the Libyan Desert on the west (the Great Sand Sea). Today, with the assistance of UN and US aid, there is a master plan to reconstruct the Suez Canal area within the inner/outer regions that is under way of its realization.

[v] See more in [Trevor Nevitt Dupuy, Land of Darkness, Shadow of Death: A Military History of the Arab-Israeli Wars, 1947−1973, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1976].

[vi] The Egyptian capital Cairo is Africa’s and the Middle East’s most populous urban settlement. It is blending the cultures of both ancient and modern, East and West, Islam and Christianity. Its origins can be traced to nearby El Fustai, founded by Arabs in 641.

[vii] See more in [Trevor Nevitt Dupuy, Elusive Victory: The Arab-Israeli Wars, 1947−1974, New York: Harper-Collins, 1978].

[viii] Further reading: Abraham Rabinovich, The Yom Kippur War: The Epic Encounter that Transformed the Middle-East, New York: Schocken Books, 2017.

[ix] Further reading [Insight Team of the London “Sunday Times”, The Yom Kippur War, New York: iBooks, 2002].

[x] Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel, The Camp David Accords: A Testimony by Sadat’s Foreign Minister, London−New York: Routledge, 2013.

Featured image: Egyptian forces crossing the Suez Canal (Licensed under Public Domain)

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Israel edged closer to civil war over the weekend than at any point in its history. By Monday night, in a bid to avert chaos, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to put a temporary halt to his plans to neuter the Israeli courts.

By then, city centres had been brought to a standstill by angry mass protests. The attorney general had declared Netanyahu to be acting illegally. Crowds had besieged the parliament building in Jerusalem. Public institutions were shuttered, including Israel’s international airport and its embassies abroad, in a general strike. That was on top of a near-mutiny in recent weeks from elite military groups, such as combat pilots and reservists.

The crisis culminated with Netanyahu sacking his defence minister on Sunday evening after Yoav Gallant warned that the legislation was tearing apart the military and threatening Israel’s combat readiness. Gallant’s dismissal only intensified the fury.

The turmoil had been building for weeks as Netanyahu’s so-called “judicial overhaul” moved closer to the statute books.

At the end of last week, he managed to pass a first measure, which shields him from being declared unfit for office – a critical matter given that the prime minister is in the midst of a corruption trial.

But the rest of his package has been put on pause. That includes provisions giving his government absolute control over the appointment of senior judges and the power to override Supreme Court rulings.

It is hard to see a simple way out of the impasse. Even as Netanyahu bowed before the weight of the backlash on Monday, the pressure began mounting on his own side.

Far-right groups launched a wave of angry counter-demonstrations, threatening violence against Netanyahu’s opponents. Itamar Ben-Gvir, the police minister and leader of the fascist Jewish Power party, initially vowed to bring down the government if Netanyahu did not press ahead with the legislation.

But in the end, his acquiescence to a delay was bought at a typically steep price: a National Guard will be established under Ben-Gvir’s authority. In practice, the settler leader will get to run his own fascist, anti-Palestinian militias, paid for by the Israeli taxpayer.

Lack of democracy

Fancifully, coverage of the protests continues to frame them simplistically as a battle to save “Israeli democracy” and “the rule of law”. `

“The brutality of what’s happening is overwhelming,” one protester told the BBC. But if the protests were chiefly about democracy in Israel, the large minority of Palestinians living there, a fifth of the population, would have been the first on the streets.

They have a highly degraded form of citizenship, giving them inferior rights to Jews. They overwhelmingly stayed home because the protests weren’t advancing any conception of democracy that embraces equality for them.

Over the years, international human rights groups have slowly come to acknowledge this fundamental lack of democracy, too. They now describe Israel as what it always was: an apartheid state.

In fact, it is only because Israel lacks in-built democratic controls and human rights safeguards that Netanyahu was in any kind of position to bulldoze plans through for the judiciary’s emasculation.

Israel’s political system permits – by design – tyrannical rule by government, without decisive checks or balances. Israel has no bill of rights, or second chamber, or provision for equality, and the government can invariably call on a parliamentary majority.

The lack of oversight and democratic accountability is a feature, not a bug. The intent was to free Israeli officials to persecute Palestinians and steal their land without needing to justify decisions beyond a claim of “national security”.

Netanyahu has not been trying to destroy “Israeli democracy”. He has been richly exploiting the lack of it.

The only flimsy counterweight to government tyranny has been the Supreme Court – and even it has been relatively supine, fearful of weakening its legitimacy through interference and attracting a full-frontal political assault. Now that moment may be just around the corner.

Culture war

A superficial reading of events is that the growing protests are a response to Netanyahu’s weaponising of the law for his own personal benefit: to stop his corruption trial and keep himself in power.

But though that may be his primary motivation, it is not the main reason his far-right coalition partners are so keen to help him get the legislation passed. They want the judicial overhaul as badly as he does.

This is really the culmination of a long-festering culture war that is in danger of tipping into a civil war on two related but separate fronts. One concerns who has ultimate authority to manage the occupation and control the terms of the Palestinians’ dispossession. The second relates to who or what a Jewish society should answer to: infallible divine laws, or all-too-human laws.

There is a reason the streets are awash with Israeli flags, wielded equally fervently whether by Netanayhu’s opponents or his supporters. Each side is fighting over who represents Israel.

It is about which set of Jews get to play tyrant: law by the generals, or law by religious street thugs.

For decades, Israel’s military-security establishment, backed by a deferential secular judiciary, has set the brutal agenda in the occupied territories. This old guard is only too well-versed in how to sell its crimes as “national security” to the international community.

Now, however, a young pretender is vying for the crown. A burgeoning theocratic, settler community believes it finally has enough muscle to displace the institutionalised power of the military-security elite. But it needs the Supreme Court out of the way to achieve its goal.

First, it views the security-judicial establishment as too weak, too decadent and too dependent on western favour to finish the job of ethnic cleansing the Palestinians – both in the occupied territories and inside Israel – begun by an earlier generation.

Second, the Supreme Court is certain to block the right’s efforts to ban a handful of “Arab parties” that run for the Knesset. It is only their participation in general elections that prevents a combination of the far-right and religious right from holding permanent power.

Unfinished business

Israel’s political tectonic plates have been grinding noisily together for decades. This is why the latest turmoil has echoes of events in the mid-1990s. That was when a minority government, led by a veteran military commander of the 1948 war, Yitzhak Rabin, was trying to drive through legislation supporting the Oslo accords.

The sales pitch was that the accords were a “peace process”. There was an implication – though no more – that the Palestinians might one day, if they behaved, get a tiny, demilitarised, divided state whose borders, airspace and electromagnetic spectrum were controlled by Israel. Not even that materialised in the end.

The current upheaval in Israel can be understood as unfinished business from that era.

The Oslo crisis was not about peace, any more than this week’s protests are about democracy. On each occasion, these moral posturings served to obscure the real power play.

The violent culture war unleashed by the Oslo accords ultimately led to Rabin’s murder. Notably, Netanyahu was the principal player then, as he is now – though 30 years ago he was on the other side of the barricades, as opposition leader.

He and the right were the ones claiming to be victims of an authoritarian Rabin. Placards at the right’s demonstrations even showed the prime minister in a Nazi SS uniform.

The political tailwind blew strongly enough in the religious right’s favour even then that Rabin’s murder weakened not the opponents of Oslo but its supporters. Netanyahu soon came to power and eviscerated the accords of their already limited ambitions.

But if the secular security establishment got a bloodied nose during the Oslo skirmish, the upstart religious right could not quite deliver a knockout blow either. A decade later, in 2005, they would be forced by Ariel Sharon, a general they viewed as an ally, to withdraw from Gaza.

They have been mounting a fightback ever since.

Biding time

During the Palestinian uprising through much of the 2000s, following Oslo’s failure, the military-security establishment once again asserted its primacy. So long as Palestinians were a “security threat”, and so long as the Israeli military was saving the day, the rule of the generals could not be seriously challenged. The religious right had to bide its time.

But today’s circumstances are different. In power for most of the past 14 years, Netanyahu had an incentive to avoid inflaming the culture war too much: its suppression served his personal interests.

His governments were an uncomfortable mix: representatives from the secular establishment – such as ex-generals Ehud Barak and Moshe Yaalon – sat alongside the zealots of the settler right. Netanyahu was the glue that held the mess together.

But too long in power, and now too tainted by corruption, Netanyahu has come unstuck.

With no one in the security establishment willing to serve with him in government – now not even Gallant, it seems – Netanyahu can count only on the theocratic settler right as reliable allies, figures such as Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich.

Netanyahu has already given both unprecedented leeway to challenge the security establishment’s traditional management of the occupation.

As police minister, Ben-Gvir runs the Border Police, a paramilitary unit deployed in the occupied territories. This week he can start building his “National Guard” militias against the large Palestinian minority living inside Israel – as well as the “pro-democracy” demonstrators. No doubt he will make sure to recruit the most violent settler thugs to both.

Meanwhile, Smotrich has hands-on control of the so-called Civil Administration, the military government that enforces apartheid privileges for Jewish settlers over native Palestinians. He also funds the settlements through his role as finance minister.

Both want settlement expansion pursued more aggressively and unapologetically. And they regard the military establishment as too craven, too deferential towards diplomatic concerns to be capable of acting with enough zeal.

Neither Ben-Gvir nor Smotrich will be satisfied till they have cleared the only significant obstacle to a new era of unrestrained tyranny from the religious settlers: the Supreme Court.

Theocratic rule

Were Palestinians – even Palestinian citizens of Israel – likely to be the only victims of the “judicial overhaul”, there would barely be a protest movement. Demonstrators currently enraged at Netanyahu’s “brutality” and his assault on democracy would have mostly stayed home.

The difficulty was that to advance his personal interests – staying in power – Netanyahu also had to advance the religious right’s wider agenda against the Supreme Court. That relates not just to the occupied territories, or even to the banning of Arab parties in Israel, but to Israel’s most fraught internal Jewish social questions too.

The Supreme Court may not be much of a bulwark against the abuse of Palestinians, but it has been an effective limit on a religious tyranny taking over Israeli life as varieties of religious dogmatism grow ever more mainstream.

Netanyahu’s mistake in seeking to weaken the court was to drive too many powerful Jewish actors at once into open defiance: the military, the hi-tech community, the business sector, academia and the middle classes.

But the power of Jewish religious extremism is not going away – and neither is the battle over the Supreme Court. The religious right will now regroup waiting for a more favourable moment to strike.

Netanyahu’s fate is another matter. He must find a way to revive the judicial overhaul promptly if his young government is not to collapse.

If he cannot succeed, his only other recourse is to seek an accommodation with the generals once again, appealing to their sense of national responsibility and the need for unity to avert civil war.

Either way, democracy will not be the victor.


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Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at

Featured image: Protesters block Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv, 26 March 2023 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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On Monday morning, The Washington Post published a series of 3D animations to show “how bullets from an AR-15 blow the body apart.”

A few hours later, a 28-year-old shooter armed with two assault rifles and a handgun killed six people at a private Christian school in Nashville.

In the wake of that massacre—the 129th mass shooting in the United States in 2023—the Post‘s exposé has received sustained attention, with one person calling it “the most powerful article you will read this week” and another characterizing it as “one of the most important pieces of journalism ever produced.”

Noting that the lethal wounds caused by AR-15s “are rarely seen” by the public, the newspaper demonstrated “the trajectory of two different hypothetical gunshots to the chest—one from an AR-15 and another from a typical handgun—to explain the greater severity of the damage caused by the AR-15.”

Then, after obtaining permission from the parents of two school shooting victims, a team of visual reporters created 3D models to depict how bullets fired from “many mass killers’ weapon of choice” obliterated their children’s bodies.

Noah Ponzer was one of the 26 people who were killed by an AR-15-wielding gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. The 6-year-old was shot three times.

“Noah’s wounds were not survivable,” the Post reported, citing 2019 court testimony from Wayne Carver, who was the state’s chief medical examiner at the time.

Peter Wang was one of 17 people murdered when an attacker armed with an AR-15 opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018. The 15-year-old was shot 13 times.

As the Post reported: “The combined energy of those bullets created exit wounds so ‘gaping’ that the autopsy described his head as ‘deformed.’ Blood and brain splatter were found on his upper body and the walls. That degree of destruction, according to medical experts, is possible only with a high-velocity weapon.”

“This is the trauma witnessed by first responders—but rarely, if ever, seen by the public or the policymakers who write gun laws,” the newspaper noted.

Instead, many GOP lawmakers glorify assault rifles, including U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.), whose congressional district is home to the Nashville school where Monday’s deadly shooting took place.

Another right-wing member of Tennessee’s congressional delegation—Republican Rep. Tim Burchett—baldly stated that “we’re not gonna fix it” just hours after the shooting.

There are more guns than people in the United States. Due to National Rifle Association-bankrolled Republicans’ opposition to meaningful gun safety laws—bolstered by a 2022 ruling handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court’s reactionary majority—it is relatively easy for people to purchase firearms in many states.

Two years ago, Tennessee became one of several states that allow most adults to carry handguns without a permit.

There have been thousands of mass shootings since Noah and more than two dozen other individuals suffered gruesome deaths at Sandy Hook, including last year’s slaughter at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, among hundreds of others. Research shows that U.S. states with weaker gun control laws and higher rates of gun ownership have higher rates of mass shootings.

Research also shows that gun regulations with high levels of public support, including bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, help reduce the number and severity of fatal mass shootings.

Guns recently became the leading cause of death among children and teens in the United States. A study published last year found that roughly 26,000 kids could still be alive today if the U.S. had the same gun mortality rate as Canada.

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Kenny Stancil is a staff writer for Common Dreams.

Featured image: American Tactical OMNI AR-15 style rifle (lower in polymer), 5.56×45mm NATO caliber, with Millett DMS-1 scope and FAB Defense stock and grips (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Deep-sea Mining Damage ‘Irreversible’

March 31st, 2023 by Yasmin Dahnoun

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Growing evidence of the risks associated with deep-seabed mining has been reported by the international wildlife conservation charity, Fauna & Flora. The expert findings have shown that the negative impacts are likely to be “extensive and irreversible”.

Deep-seabed mining is the proposed process of retrieving mineral deposits from the deep seabed. Industry is hoping to begin deep-seabed mining despite widespread concern that it could severely damage marine biodiversity and ecosystems.

Mining of this kind could meet increasing demand for metals – such as lithium, copper and nickel – and other depleted terrestrial resources.


In early 2020, Fauna & Flora published ‘An assessment of the risks and impacts of seabed mining on marine ecosystems’ and raised its concerns about the threat deep-seabed mining posed to biodiversity, ecosystem function and dependent planetary systems.

Since then, scientific attention on the issue has increased rapidly, with many new studies published on deep-sea environments, the functions and services they provide for humanity and the potential implications of deep-seabed mining for marine life.

Fauna & Flora has now reviewed the new evidence to publish an update to its initial assessment. The analysis covers the many areas impacting the deep-seabed mining debate, including the sensitivity of deep-sea species and ecosystems to disturbance the ability of the ocean floor to recover from mining impacts.

The role of the ocean in regulating the climate, the societal implications of deep-sea mining risks and impacts, and the extent to which the anticipated impacts can be prevented, mitigated and managed was also included in the anaylsis.


The analysis demonstrates that deep-seabed mining will inevitably result in the loss of deep-sea biodiversity – with implications for associated ecosystem functions and services – and that, once lost, biodiversity will be impossible to restore.

It also showcases compelling evidence that deep-seabed mining, through disturbance of marine sediment carbon stores and disruption of carbon cycling and storage processes, could contribute to the climate crisis.

Crucially, the report emphasises how little is still known about the diversity and complexity that exists in the deep sea, and the many new species that are yet to be discovered.

In the report summary, Fauna & Flora concludes that it remains premature for deep-seabed mining to proceed and, in the absence of any suitable, proven impact-avoidance or mitigation techniques, it should be avoided entirely.


Sophie Benbow, director of marine, Fauna & Flora, said: “We know less about the deep sea than any other place on the planet; over 75 per cent of the seafloor still remains unmapped and less than 1% of the deep ocean has been explored.

“What we do know, however, is that the ocean plays a critical role in the basic functioning of our planet and protecting its delicate ecosystem is, therefore, not just critical for marine biodiversity, but for all life of earth.

“The predicted consequences and huge uncertainties associated with deep-seabed mining must not be ignored. Bold decisions are now required to put ocean health and the benefits of the deep sea for all humankind front and centre. Once initiated, deep-seabed mining and its effects may be impossible to stop.”


Since 2020, the timeline for deep-seabed mining to transition from exploration to commercial exploitation has been accelerated.

In June 2021, the Republic of Nauru notified the International Seabed Authority (ISA) – responsible for regulating mining in areas beyond national jurisdiction – of its intention to sponsor an exploitation application for polymetallic nodule mining in the Pacific.

In doing so, Nauru triggered a ‘two-year rule’ – a legal provision which creates a countdown for the ISA to adopt its first set of exploitation regulations for deep-seabed mining and could result in the green light for deep-seabed mining in 2023.

However, a growing number of ISA member states are pushing against the pressure to be rushed into regulation and approval of mining contracts, and are calling for more time to develop a robust and science-based approach.


Catherine Weller, global policy director, Fauna & Flora, said: “This is a critical year for the future of our ocean. The newly agreed UN High Seas Treaty signifies a clear global recognition of the importance of ocean conservation, but collaborative efforts are still needed to keep the brakes on deep-seabed mining.

“In September 2021, members of the IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, voted to support a moratorium on deep-seabed mining unless and until a number of requirements are met. This included the stipulation that the risks of mining are comprehensively understood andeffective protection can be ensured.

“The research analysed in Fauna & Flora’s update report unequivocally proves that this is still far from reality, and therefore we – alongside many other organisations working to protect the future of our planet – urge the ISA to avoid granting mining contracts prematurely and adopt a moratorium on deep-sea mining.”


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Yasmin Dahnoun is assistant editor at The Ecologist.

Featured image: Many species in the deep sea are expected to be highly sensitive to environmental change. Image: NOAA

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One of the biggest concerns that prospective electric-car buyers have is if they’ll ever have to make a costly battery replacement. And while they haven’t been very common among early EVs, some models have needed them more than others. 

Excluding major recalls for the Chevrolet Bolt EV and EUV and Hyundai Kona Electric, of the EVs studied by battery health reporting firm Recurrent, only 1.5% have received battery replacements. About 15,000 EV drivers in the US use Recurrent, so that’s only 225 vehicles.

Including the two well-known EV battery pack recalls raises that percentage of battery replacements to 6.5%, according to Recurrent, or 975 of the 15,000.

Behind the recalled vehicles, unsurprisingly, Recurrent found the Nissan Leaf and the Tesla Model S have the highest percentage of battery replacements — with the Leaf at 4.92% and the Model S at 3.75% — as they are among the oldest EVs.

The 2011 and 2012 Nissan Leaf saw 8.3% and 3.5%, respectively, rates of replacement. The 2013, 2014, and 2015 Model S saw 8.5%, 7.3%, and 3.5%, respectively, rates of replacement.

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Featured image: Recurrent found the Nissan Leaf has one of the highest percentage of battery replacements. (Source: Nissan)

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The White House has confirmed what we can call the effective (and expected) collapse of the New START nuclear treaty between the US and Russia, announcing Tuesday it will no longer provide data on its nuclear arsenal under the treaty’s stipulated terms.

Moscow had already suspended its participation on March 1st, but still said it will remain in compliance with nuclear weapons caps under the agreement. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the decision was made due to Russia being in violation, but still held out hope that the US punitive measure could push Moscow to return.

“We obviously would like to see Russia back in New START in full compliance … Russia refused to share data, which we agreed in New START to share biannually … since they have refused to be in compliance with that particular modality of New START, we have decided to, likewise, not share that data,” Kirby said. “We would prefer to be able to do that, but it requires them to be willing as well.”

“As a lawful countermeasure intended to encourage Russia to return to compliance with the treaty, the United States will likewise not provide its biannual data update to Russia,” Kirby said. “The United States informed Russia in advance of this step. In the interest of strategic stability, the United States will continue to promote public transparency on our nuclear force levels and posture.”

However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected Kirby’s assertion of ongoing contact between the two sides on New START. But he did emphasize that “our readiness to adhere to the caps on strategic nuclear arms in the treaty is nothing more than a goodwill gesture” – suggesting all is not quite yet completely lost regarding the last nuclear arms reduction agreement between the nuclear-armed superpowers.

On Monday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated that she has not seen “any indications that Russia is preparing to use a nuclear weapon” – despite the big news this week that Putin ordered tactical nukes to be stationed in neighboring Belarus.

Starting in August last year the US accused Russia of violating the treaty in disallowing US on-site inspections under its stipulations. In response, Washington halted Russian inspectors’ ability to do the same on American soil. Russia had at the time complained that it was actually the US side which “deprive the Russian Federation of the right to conduct inspections on American territory.”

And then last month, Putin declared, “No one should be under the illusion that global strategic parity can be violated,” in reference to New START.

In March 2021 the two sides renewed New START for a period of five years, and it will expire in February 2026 if it’s not continued – now looking more likely given US-Russia relations have deteriorated so fast over the Ukraine war and are at a complete breaking point.


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Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, asked Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley on Wednesday if the United States of America is “adequately resourced and prepared” to deter and defeat a China-Russia alliance.

Milley responded that the National Defense Strategy currently is structured to deal with a “pacing threat from China and an acute threat from Russia.”

“What that really means, and this changed under the former SecDef Mattis, we changed essentially from a two-war strategy to a regional contingency strategy, which (was) in existence from, I guess, the end of World War II all the way up through a few years ago.”

But then, Milley said,

“We switched to a one-war strategy. So we planned it to resource, train, man, equip and force-structure our force to be able to fight one major contingency against one power and to hold in the other theaters.”

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I have served on or chaired two dozen data safety monitoring boards for randomized trials of novel experimental drugs or devices. I can tell you first hand that for COVID-19 vaccines, a 30 day regulatory window after injection is fair game for attribution of health events to the product when the adverse events of interest are known to be caused by the mRNA induced Wuhan Spike protein.

Jabagi et al, NEJM, reported from the French National Health Data System linked to the national COVID-19 vaccination database disclosing cardiovascular events after mRNA BA4/BA5 bivalent boosters. All persons who were 50 years of age or older and who had received a booster dose between October 6 and November 9, 2022, were included in the study. The composite of ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke, myocardial infarction, or pulmonary occurred in 335 unfortunate individuals. The authors make the mistake of dividing by the cases by the entire number vaccinated and comparing rates to monovalent boosters. Neither of these operations are valid since there is incomplete capture of events and comparison was not made to a placebo or control group.

Jabagi MJ, Bertrand M, Botton J, Le Vu S, Weill A, Dray-Spira R, Zureik M. Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, and Pulmonary Embolism after Bivalent Booster. N Engl J Med. 2023 Mar 29. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2302134. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36988584.

These data suggest that large numbers of well-characterized, serious, and potentially fatal safety events are occurring within 21 days after bivalent mRNA boosters.

All of these events should be considered to be serious and directly attributable to COVID-19 vaccination, and conversely, if the injections were not received, these individuals in all probability would be alive and free of these complications today.


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Jabagi MJ, Bertrand M, Botton J, Le Vu S, Weill A, Dray-Spira R, Zureik M. Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, and Pulmonary Embolism after Bivalent Booster. N Engl J Med. 2023 Mar 29. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2302134. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36988584.

Featured image:  A hand holding an mRNA vaccine vial. (Spencer Davis / Unsplash)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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(Originally published March 31, 2023)

“We and several other medical colleagues (and lawyers) attempted in a series of six letters published in The Guardian and one in the New Statesman to inform the public, and the mainstream press, that all doctors learn at medical school that, in order to return a “verdict” of “suicide”, a coroner must prove suicide beyond reasonable doubt (a very high level of proof), including  “intent” to commit suicide, also beyond reasonable doubt. If the Coroner cannot achieve the necessary level of proof, he is required by law to return an “open verdict”, assuming that “foul play” has at the outset been excluded in the proper manner.  Unfortunately, there is some doubt as to whether “foul play” was properly excluded in the case of Dr Kelly.”

 – Drs. Stephen Frost, Christopher Burns-Cox and David Halpin, in a letter of response to Lord Brian Hutton (Nov 2006)


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In the significant, historic great assassinations of the 1960s, we saw three historic figures die at the hands of lone gunmen. [1]

All of these stories have strange behavior and occurrences in the background as well as anomalies in the official accounts of each man’s death. How could Lee Harvey Oswald fire enough bullets to hit President Kennedy to make the various trajectories making a bullet path, and having Kennedy’s head move backward rather than forward given the shooter was behind him?

How did Sirhan Sirhan murder Robert F Kennedy firing a reported 13 gunshots from a gun only capable of firing 8! And how could James Earl Ray have shot Martin Luther King from the elevate window of the communal bathroom for an entire floor of a board house, especially when multiple witnesses claimed the shot came from below King on the balcony? (For more details visit the assassination series of the Global Research News Hour from the summer of 2021.)

The speculation is that they all follow a pattern involving making a “patsy” take the blame for each death of a high profile figure that leaves the real murderer, or murderer no doubt with protection of government agency, like the CIA to get away with it.

The death in July of 2003 of the well known bio-warfare expert and weapons inspector Dr David Kelly, seemed to have similar characteristics to the three men already mentioned. [2]

The only difference, of course, is that this time he himself is both the victim and the patsy! The Lord Hutton inquiry called a month later concluded in January of 2004 that it had been a suicide.[3]

The claim that he was responsible for quotations to BBC journalist Andrew Gilligan that led the media to believe the September dossier on Iraq and Weapons of mass destruction was “sexed up.” And Dr. Kelly faced a grilling by members of the parliamentary Intelligence and Security and Foreign Affairs select committees. [4][5]

Much of the public, including a group of physicians weren’t buying it! They proceeded to compile structured arguments and point out flaws in the inquiry which, rather in the fashion of the Warren Commission report had a handy answer which let the government off the hook. Case closed.

Dr Kelly’s headed the Defence Microbiology Division at Porton DownWiltshire, a prominent science and technology laboratory, one of the most secretive and controversial military facilities in all of the UK. He also had the highest possible clearance. Also a weapons inspector working in Iraq and an authority on biological warfare, and given the faulty aspects of the death and follow-up inquiry, the British public can be forgiven if they smell a rat in this situation.

This week, on the Global Research News Hour, we take a special look at the Dr. Kelly situation, with an individual partially responsible for bringing aspects of the suicide and the faulty behaviour of the Lord Hutton inquiry to light in major media. His name if Dr. David Halpin who, together with a team of other physicians, are demanding a coroner’s inquest into Dr. Kelly’s death which he claims was not a suicide and was more likely a murder with the fingerprints of British government individuals all over it. In an extensive interview taking up the majority of the hour, Dr. Halpin explains the specifics of his doubts about the official story, and the reasons he thinks Kelly may have been murdered.

Dr David Halpin is a specialist in trauma and orthopedic surgery. Together with two other doctors he brought doubts about David Kelly’s death to the attention of the media. He is today pushing for a coroner’s inquest into Kelly’s death.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 386)


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“It is interesting to note that (Justice Roper’s) judgement took 19 pages and he had it prepared already before Hearing which lasted about 4-5 hours with quite a large lunch break / lunch adjournment. So, quite extra-ordinarily he prepared his judgment from the papers and not from the Hearing. That’s the first thing to observe. I was asked if I wanted to appeal – expensive exercise – and I wasn’t even sure whether that was possible over the Christmas period. We let it lie. But I haven’t given up! I have continued thinking about Dr. Kelly, because I think that lies should be challenged, and the whole damned thing is a lie!”

. . .

“He had written 82 emails, and one of them was to his daughter Rachel who he was very fond of – he had three daughters – and he talked about going down the next day in his village of Southmore to show Rachel where a mayor had had a new foe. And this was a message of joy, really. And he was addressing his daughter who lived just a few miles away in Oxfordshire. HE also said in the email that he’d been booked on a flight back to Iraq nine days later and he was looking forward to that. So this was NOT the picture of a man who had been so distressed by the Hearing of the Foreign Affairs Committee on the Tuesday, two days before that he had felt that life wasn’t worth living. There was no indication that he was suicidal.”

. . .

“Dr. Hunt produced a report on the 19th of July – a post-mortem report – he analyzed his findings. He reported them no doubt into a recorder at the end of the autopsy. It took him about four hours finishing after midnight. We have never seen that report! Mr. Gardiner – Nicholas Gardiner the Oxford Coroner said at the time that Dr. Hunt would have to revise his post-mortem report in a later statement then in is recorded. We’ve never seen that. I’ve asked for it. But it is unlawful. Any pathologist must always record and present the sequence of his thoughts and recording and what is recorded in regard to his thought and findings. That has not happened. And that is one of the major deficiencies in the so-called Hutton Inquiry.”

. . .

“(Lord Hutton) was charged into the inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr. David Kelly. The circumstances surrounding. It turned out in fact that the Hutton Inquiry focused a great deal on the BBC and Gilligan and in fact rounded on the BBC and exonerated one of the worst governments we’ve had in this country, in fact in our history. And intent on a genocidal war based on lies. That’s the fact of it. So Lord Falconer chose Lord Hutton, no doubt with some egging on by Blair, who by that time had arrived in Tokyo having received the congressional Gold Medal with vast adulation in Washington.”

. . .

“Kelly was phoned by Peter Beaumont of the Observer newspaper, and Peter Beaumont asked him what his view of this was…In essence, he said, “the machines are what the Iraqis say they are. They are machines for producing hydrogen for the balloons laying about artillery guns.”…He discounted that there was any malign purpose in these two machines, which in fact ironically had been sold to the Iraqis for a high price by British Aerospace. So you can imagine – I can easily imagine – that the sofa Cabinet, Blair, Mandelson, Powell, Campbell, and all the other psychopaths sitting there sipping their wine, would have in fact had brown trousers when they had that teletape or email of what Kelly had said. Kelly was going off message, and in fact he’d been off message for some time. I think when he went to Kuwait in May, I am fairly certain he was being scrutinized very carefully, and being kept, shall we say, on a leash. And I think when the time came when probably America said, “it’s time for Kelly to be silenced.”

. . .

“That old dream, what I call a nightmare, of a larger Israel, from the brook of the Nile to the Euphrates was still in the mind. And it was there in fact it was put in a clear picture by Oded Yinon in 1982. And what was in that? The destruction first of Iraq…Syria next I think it was, then of Libya, and of all other Arab entities or nations. No mention was made of any loss of blood. But it was quite clearly in the dream – in the nightmare – that this should happen. And it’s been happening. The game has in fact been was one of the more recent targets. But we have to see it wasn’t a war for oil that was a factor. It was a war for Eretz, Israel.”

. . .

“If you look at the images, the burning of his trunk tails off from the flanks, as it would do if he was irradiated. And I am certain, absolutely certain, that Ali … he was made armless and scarred terribly in his trunk by an enhanced radiation weapon as designed by Cohen at Livermore Laboratories, a man who regarded the weapon as humane! Now the enhanced radiation weapon or the neutron bomb is, I think, owned by the Chinese, by the Russians, probably by the Israelis, and certainly by the Americans, and was owned I think by the British and is said to be disowned. It is a remarkable weapon. It produces a vast flux of neutrons which destroyed tissues, but do not destroy material. So concrete and metal survive, but tissues are frazzled terribly.”

. . .

“We’re talking about a force of about 30,000 men, so called elite troops. And the question remains whether a neutron weapon was not exploded beneath ground and caused the death – the mass death – of the Republican Guard. This is an hypothesis, but this blogger raised the issue, where did the Republican Guard go to, what happened to them when they were fighting the invaders themselves beneath the surface of the Baghdad Airport in the most elaborate catacomb probably constructed by an American or a British contractor.”

. . .

“It was quite likely that Kelly might have known that a neutron weapon had been used. Now, if he knew that, and if was learned about a war which was constructed on the lie that Saddam still had weapons of mass destruction, and it was discovered that the coalition of the willing led by U.S. and its poodle the UK, and on behalf, I believe, in large part Israel, if it was widely known that weapons of mass destruction had been used by the coalition of the willing, you can imagine that the world would have been turned on the Bushes and the Blairs and their collaborators with fierce vehemence. I’m sure of that. So I think this was a second reason why Kelly might have had to be eliminated.”

. . .

“But what was happening day by day following the March 22, 2003, was of utmost importance to the public psyche. People they respond to immediacy. They get into a flurry when things are happening. The media then drop it and soon people forget about it. But I’m quite certain that if it came out that they’d used a WMD in Iraq that would have blown up Blair’s government. I think they would have been made to resign within days, I think, even with the damnable Tories opposing them.”

The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

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WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  3. ibid
  4. ibid
  5. Baker, Norman (2007). The Strange Death of David Kelly. London: Methuen. 

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Despite the recent unannounced visit of Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a US base in northeast Syria, here is UN Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq suggesting that there is no evidence of US military in Syria.

Increasingly the United Nations is embedded into both the World Economic Forum (WEF) and NATO. 



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The Great Food Reset Has Begun

March 30th, 2023 by Thomas Fazi

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France is in flames. Israel is erupting. America is facing a second January 6. In the Netherlands, however, the political establishment is reeling from an entirely different type of protest — one that, perhaps more than any other raging today, threatens to destabilise the global order. The victory of the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) in the recent provincial elections represents an extraordinary result for an anti-establishment party that was formed just over three years ago. But then again, these are not ordinary times.

The BBB grew out of the mass demonstrations against the Dutch government’s proposal to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% in the country’s farming sector by 2030 — a target designed to comply with the European Union’s emission-reduction rules. While large farming companies have the means to meet these goals — by using less nitrogen fertiliser and reducing the number of their livestock — smaller, often family-owned farms would be forced to sell or shutter. Indeed, according to a heavily redacted European Commission document, this is precisely the strategy’s goal: “extensifying agriculture, notably through buying out or terminating farms, with the aim of reducing livestock”; this would “first be on a voluntary basis, but mandatory buyout is not excluded if necessary”.

It is no surprise, then, that the plans sparked massive protests by farmers, who see it as a direct attack on their livelihoods, or that the BBB’s slogan — “No Farms, No Food” — clearly resonated with voters. But aside from concerns about the impact of the measure on the country’s food security, and on a centuries-old rural way of life integral to Dutch national identity, the rationale behind this drastic measure is also questionable. Agriculture currently accounts for almost half of the country’s output of carbon dioxide, yet the Netherlands is responsible for less than 0.4% of the world’s emissions. No wonder many Dutch fail to see how such negligible returns justify the complete overhaul of the country’s farming sector, which is already considered one of the most sustainable in the world: over the past two decades, water dependence for key crops has been reduced by as much as 90%, and the use of chemical pesticides in greenhouses has been almost completely eliminated.

Farmers also point out that the consequences of the nitrogen cut would extend well beyond the Netherlands. The country, after all, is Europe’s largest exporter of meat and the second-largest agricultural exporter in the world, just behind the United States — in other words, the plan would cause food exports to collapse at a time when the world is already facing a food and resource shortage. We already know what this might look like. A similar ban on nitrogen fertiliser was conducted in Sri Lanka last year, with disastrous consequences: it caused an artificial food shortage that plunged nearly two million Sri Lankans into poverty, leading to an uprising that toppled the government.

Given the irrational nature of the policy, many protesting farmers believe it can’t simply be blamed on the urbanite “green elites” currently running the Dutch government. They suggest one of the underlying reasons for the move is to squeeze small farmers from the market, allowing them to be bought out by multinational agribusiness giants who recognise the immense value of the country’s land — not only is it highly fertile, but it is also strategically located with easy access to the north Atlantic coast (Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe). They also point out that prime minister Rutte is an Agenda Contributor of the World Economic Forum, which is well known for being corporate-driven, while his finance minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Employment are also tied to the body.

The struggle playing out in the Netherlands would seem to be part of a much bigger game that seeks to “reset” the international food system. Similar measures are currently being introduced or considered in several other European countries, including Belgium, Germany, Ireland and Britain (where the Government is encouraging traditional farmers to leave the industry to free up land for new “sustainable” farmers). As the second-largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, after the energy sector, agriculture has naturally ended up in the crosshairs of Net Zero advocates — that is, virtually all major international and global organisations. The solution, we are told, is “sustainable agriculture” — one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which form their “Agenda 2030”.

This issue has now been pushed to the top of the global agenda. Last November’s G20 meeting in Bali called for “an accelerated transformation towards sustainable and resilient agriculture and food systems and supply chains” to “ensure that food systems better contribute to adaptation and mitigation to climate change”. Just a few days later, in Egypt, the COP27 annual Green Agenda Climate Summit launched its initiative aimed at promoting “a shift towards sustainable, climate-resilient, healthy diets”. Within a year, its Food and Agriculture Organization aims to launch a “roadmap” for reducing greenhouse emissions in the agricultural sector.

The endgame is hinted at in several other UN documents: reducing nitrogen use and global livestock production, lowering meat consumption, and promoting more “sustainable” sources of protein, such as plant-based or lab-grown products, and even insects. The United Nations Environment Programme, for example, has stated that global meat and dairy consumption must be reduced by 50% by 2050. Other international and multilateral organisation have presented their own plans for transforming the global food system. The EU’s Farm to Fork strategy “aims to accelerate our transition to a sustainable food system”. Meanwhile, the World Bank, in its climate change action plan for 2021-2025, says that 35% of the bank’s total funding during this period will be devoted to transforming agriculture and other key systems to deal with climate change.

Alongside these intergovernmental and multilateral bodies, a vast network of “stakeholders” is now devoted to the “greening” of agriculture and food production — private foundations, public-private partnerships, NGOs and corporations. Reset the Table, a 2020 Rockefeller Foundation report, called for moving away from a “focus on maximising shareholder returns” to “a more equitable system focused on fair returns and benefits to all stakeholders”. This may sound like a good idea, until one considers that “stakeholder capitalism” is a concept heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum, which represents the interests of the largest and most powerful corporations on the planet.

The Rockefeller Foundation has very close ties to the WEF, which is itself encouraging farmers to embrace “climate-smart” methods in order to make the “transition to net-zero, nature-positive food systems by 2030”. The WEF is also a big believer in the need to drastically reduce cattle farming and meat consumption and switch to “alternative proteins”.

Arguably the most influential public-private organisation specifically “dedicated to transforming our global food system” is the EAT-Lancet Commission, which is largely modelled around the Davos “multistakeholderist” approach. This is based on the premise that global policymaking should be shaped by a wide range of unelected “stakeholders”, such as academic institutions and multinational corporations, working hand-in-glove with governments. This network, cofounded by the Wellcome Trust, consists of UN agencies, world-leading universities, and corporations such as Google and Nestlé. EAT’s founder and president, Gunhild Stordalen, a Norwegian philanthropist who is married to one of the country’s richest men, has described her intention to organise a “Davos for food”.

EAT’s work was initially supported by the World Health Organization, but in 2019 the WHO withdrew its endorsement after Gian Lorenzo Cornado, Italy’s ambassador and permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, questioned the scientific basis for the dietary regime being pushed by EAT — which is focused on promoting plant-based foods and excluding meat and other animal-based foods. Cornado argued that “a standard diet for the whole planet” that ignores age, sex, health and eating habits “has no scientific justification at all” and “would mean the destruction of millenary healthy traditional diets which are a full part of the cultural heritage and social harmony in many nations”.

Perhaps more important, said Cornado, is the fact that the dietary regime advised by the commission “is also nutritionally deficient and therefore dangerous to human health” and “would certainly lead to economic depression, especially in developing countries”. He also raised concerns that “the total or nearly total elimination of foods of animal origin” would destroy cattle farming and many other activities related to the production of meat and dairy products. Despite these concerns, raised by a leading member of the world’s top public health body and shared by a network representing 200 million small-scale farmers in 81 countries, EAT continues to play a central role in the global push for the radical transformation of food systems. At the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit, which originated from a partnership between the WEF and the UN Secretary-General, Stordalen was given a leading role.

This complete blurring of the boundaries between the public and the private-corporate spheres in the agricultural and food sectors is also happening in other areas — with Bill Gates standing somewhere in the middle. Alongside healthcare, agriculture is the main focus of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which finances several initiatives whose stated aim is to increase food security and promote sustainable farming, such as Gates Ag One, CGIAR and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. Civil society organisations, however, have accused the Foundation of using its influence to promote multinational corporate interests in the Global South and to push for ineffective (but very profitable) high-tech solutions which have largely failed to increase global food production. Nor are Gates’s “sustainable” agricultural activities limited to developing countries. As well as investing in plant-based protein companies, such as Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, Gates has been buying huge amounts of farmland in the US, to the point of becoming the biggest private owner of farmland in the country.

The problem with the globalist trend he embodies is obvious: ultimately, small and medium-scale farming is more sustainable than large-scale industrial farming, as it is typically associated with greater biodiversity and the protection of landscape features. Small farms also provide a whole range of other public goods: they help to maintain lively rural and remote areas, preserve regional identities, and offer employment in regions with fewer job opportunities. But most importantly, small farms feed the world. A 2017 study found that the “peasant food web” — the diverse network of small-scale producers disconnected from Big Agriculture — feeds more than half of the world’s population using only 25% of the world’s agricultural resources.

Traditional farming, though, is suffering an unprecedented attack. Small and medium-scale farmers are being subjected to social and economic conditions in which they simply cannot survive. Peasant farms are disappearing at an alarming rate across Europe and other regions, to the benefit of the world’s food oligarchs — and all this is being done in the name of sustainability. At a time when almost a billion people around the world are still affected by hunger, the lesson of the Dutch farmers could not be more urgent, or inspiring. For now, at least, there is still time to resist the Great Food Reset.


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Thomas Fazi is an UnHerd columnist and translator. His latest book is The Covid Consensus, co-authored with Toby Green.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Faced with increasingly strident mass protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s plan to overhaul the country’s supreme courts, he has agreed to a “delay” in adoption while discussions among the proponents and opponents proceed. Fearing civil strife, Netanyahu falsely blamed minority “extremists” for 12 weeks of turmoil which have threatened to turn Israeli secularists against his ultra-religious and ultra-nationalist coalition partners and their constituencies. If he fails to reach a compromise both his Cabinet colleagues and opponents can accept, Netanyahu faces two possibilities: His government could fall or mass protests could be ramped up by nation-wide strikes.

The protests by Israelis condemning their right-wing government’s drive to politicise the country’s supreme court have captured the attention of the world media and public. Protesters contend correctly that Netanyahu and his coalition partners seek to overthrow Israeli democracy by eliminating checks on the Knesset and prime minister, provided by the court – and only the court.

Israel has no constitution to provide checks-and-balances which are essential for democratic governance. At the time of Israel’s establishment, Israel’s diverse leadership issued a Declaration of Independence but could not agree on a constitution. Its leaders resorted to the adoption of Basic Laws to take the place of a constitution.

The proposed judicial overhaul would give the government a majority of seats on the nine-member committee which chooses judges and grant the Knesset the right to decide what cases would be submitted to the court and the power to override supreme court rulings.

Another element of the package makes it difficult to declare a sitting prime minister unfit for office and limits reasons to mental or physical disability. Only a prime minister facing disqualification or two-thirds of the Cabinet can decide on disqualification.

As the bill on the disqualification issue has already been adopted, it could save Netanyahu from removal if he is convicted during his protracted trial for fraud, bribery and breach of trust. Before assuming the premiership in the current coalition, Netanyahu signed a conflict-of-interest deal banning his involvement in the supreme court overhaul. The Court is considering a petition declaring Netanyahu unfit for office because he has violated the deal.

Right-wing nationalist and religious colonists, who dominate Netanyahu’s coalition, are eager to curb Supreme Court rulings ordering the evacuation of West Bank outposts which are considered illegal under Israeli law. They also seek to limit court decisions in favour of Palestinian citizens of Israel or Palestinians living in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank where they face home demolitions and deportation. Israeli women fear religious conservatives could roll-back freedoms they enjoy.

February polls conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute reveal that only 24 per cent backs the overhaul as it stands, 72 per cent favours compromise, 63 per cent thinks the method of appointing judges should remain, and 66 per cent believes the court should have the power to abrogate laws. Sixty-two per cent prefers leaders to halt or postpone the reforms, including 42 per cent of Netanyahu voters. Nevertheless, he continues to push for adoption. This poll exposes as a lie his claim that the overhaul is supported by a the majority of Israelis who voted for parties belonging to his coalition.

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have demonstrated against the overhaul since January 14th. On Monday banks, shops, local councils began a nation-wide strike although schools remained open. While ultra-Orthodox, colonist, and ultra-nationalist parties continued to back Netanyahu, there were defectors in his own Likud, notably Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, risking the unity of the bloc and fall of his government. Netanyahu fired Gallant but may have to reappoint him.

Israelis are now fighting for their democracy as they have never fought against their wars and the occupation regime and apartheid system imposed on the Palestinians. For them, the Jewish diaspora, and allied governments, democracy is a central feature of the Israeli state. Without democracy Israel would not be able to tout its presence in the Eastern Arab World as an outlier. Without democracy, Liberal Jews living elsewhere could turn against Israel and friendly governments would not do their utmost to defend Israel and protect Israel from criticism for its suppression of the Palestinians, imposition of apartheid, and colonisation of the land.

Airforce and army reservists were quick to realise the implications for Israel’s security of the overhaul. They include ex-combat pilots, members of elite units and special forces, figures from military intelligence. This is the largest involvement of military personnel since demobilised reservists took to the streets to demonstrate against the lack of Israel’s preparedness for the October 1973 war mounted by Egypt and Syria. These demonstrations projected protests into the mainstream and legitimised active opposition to government policies. Until then protests had been mainly carried out by marginal leftist groups.

The ongoing demonstrations on the existential issue of democracy are very different from mass protests which followed Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon. These were also staged by active and reservist soldiers and led to the creation of Peace Now and other movements dedicated to reaching a peace settlement with the Palestinians as well as Israel’s Arab neighbours Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The drive for peace continued until 1993 when Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation signed the Oslo Accord on the White House lawn. Jordan concluded a peace treaty with Israel in 1994 in the belief that Arab-Israeli peace was coming.

If Israel had entered the Oslo Accord in good faith, ended colonisation in occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, and withdrawn its forces from the occupied Palestinian territories, the Oslo process might have borne fruit. However, driven by the Zionist ideology to conquer all Palestine, Israel continued colonisation and expanded and deepened military control until the establishment of a mini-Palestinian state has become impossible.

Israel’s democracy protesters are not interested in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli/Arab-Israeli conflict. They are fixated on themselves and Israel’s flawed democracy which has relegated Israel’s Palestinian citizens to a lower class than its Jewish citizens and allowed Israel to establish total control over Palestinians living in the 1967 occupied territories and depriving them of a democratic say in governance.


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Featured image: Demonstration against the judicial reforms in Kfar Saba, 16 March 2023 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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The 20th anniversary of the illegal US/UK-led invasion of Iraq has demonstrated once again the subservience of state and corporate media to Western power. Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s international editor, veered as close to the truth as BBC News allows in an online piece as well as a segment of its flagship News at Ten on BBC1.

‘The invasion of March 2003 was’, wrote Bowen, ‘a catastrophe for Iraq and its people.’ He noted that:

‘George Bush and Tony Blair embarked on a war of choice that killed hundreds of thousands of people. The justifications for the invasion were soon shown to be untrue. The weapons of mass destruction that Tony Blair insisted, eloquently, made Saddam a clear and present danger, turned out not to exist. It was a failure not just of intelligence but of leadership.’

Bowen added a further observation on the death toll:

‘No-one knows exactly how many Iraqis have died as a result of the 2003 invasion. Estimates are all in the hundreds of thousands.’

But this was false. A reliable estimate is that at least one million Iraqis died as a result of the invasion.

On BBC News at Ten, Bowen did not even mention Blair or Bush; far less label them as ‘war criminals’ in the eyes of many viewers and expert commentators. Indeed, BBC ‘balance’ meant that salient facts were not mentioned; the usual insidious phenomenon of state-corporate ‘propaganda by omission’:

Bowen is, of course, not alone in the state-corporate media for never stating these essential facts about the Iraq war, and the awful impact of criminal UN sanctions that preceded it. As Noam Chomsky said in an MSNBC interview with Mehdi Hasan:

‘It’s a very striking fact that in twenty years you cannot find – at least, I have not found – a single statement, one sentence, anywhere near the mainstream that says the most elementary truth: it [the invasion of Iraq] was the supreme international crime of aggression.’

Chomsky added:

‘In fact, war has been refashioned in liberal commentary as a kind of mercy mission to rescue suffering Iraqis from an evil dictator.’

When Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s statue in Baghdad’s Firdos Square was brought down by US Marines using an M88 armoured recovery vehicle on 9 April 2003, Andrew Marr, then BBC political editor, delivered a career-defining speech to the nation from outside 10 Downing Street:

‘Frankly, the main mood [in Downing Street] is of unbridled relief. I’ve been watching ministers wander around with smiles like split watermelons.’ (BBC News At Ten, 9 April, 2003)

So, what was the significance of this moment for Prime Minister Tony Blair? Marr explained:

‘It gives him a new freedom and a new self-confidence. He confronted many critics. I don’t think anybody after this is going to be able to say of Tony Blair that he’s somebody who is driven by the drift of public opinion, or focus groups, or opinion polls. He took all of those on. He said that they would be able to take Baghdad without a bloodbath, and that in the end the Iraqis would be celebrating. And on both of those points he has been proved conclusively right. And it would be entirely ungracious, even for his critics, not to acknowledge that tonight he stands as a larger man and a stronger prime minister as a result.’

This piece of political ‘analysis’ was no blip. It is, in fact, typical of the Washington-Downing Street narrative that is the very cornerstone of BBC ‘impartiality’.

Now, twenty years later, Andrew Marr says his 2003 broadcast was ‘terribly badly misjudged’. It was the most pathetic of mea culpas. There was no acknowledgement of his or the BBC’s role in selling a war that has had such appalling repercussions for millions of people in Iraq, elsewhere in the Middle East and the wider world.

Marr said:

‘In my diary, I find I went to bed perplexed, unsure and exhausted.’

It certainly didn’t look that way on the day. In reality, we suspect Marr was exhausted from beaming his own ‘smiles like split watermelons’.

Roger Mosey, who was in charge of BBC television news when the 2003 invasion of Iraq took place, recently said on Twitter:

‘I spent 33 years in the BBC and could not comment on government policy. But that’s because if you want to hold the powerful to account, it is better for the organisation and individuals within it to be seen as impartial.’

He gave a supposed example of this by linking to a BBC Newsnight special from 2003:

‘Blair on Iraq with a 100% critical audience and Paxman. That would have been much harder if any of us in the BBC team had been known as Labour or Conservative supporters.’

In fact, as we detailed at the time in a media alert, far from holding Blair to account, Paxman’s ‘challenge wilted at the first sign of resistance’ from the Prime Minister. It was a desperate failure by Paxman. He ignored essentially all of the key points that we and many other members of the public emailed to him directly, urging him to raise them with Blair.

The historical record shows that there is, of course, a long-standing, institutionalised media aversion to seriously challenging establishment power of even the most ruthless and cynical kind. The BBC is very much part of that same system of power.

War Pushers And Apologists

What about the ‘liberal’ Guardian? Consider its star columnist Jonathan Freedland who claimed in a cleverly self-serving retrospective on the Iraq war that:

‘I was writing on these pages back then, arguing that the case George W Bush and Tony Blair were making for war did not add up.’

This was remarkable chutzpah.

Freedland was actually one of the first journalists to sell the case for attacking Iraq. His November 2001 article titled, ‘Turning Towards Iraq’, was essentially one long uncritical list of US war hawks’ reasons for targeting Iraq after Afghanistan.

We devoted a media alert at the time to this terrible piece:

‘The article appears neutral – Freedland is merely communicating the Hawks’ views. But by communicating only their views, the net result is that the Hawks are made to seem almost reasonable. In the absence of critical comment or balancing argument (unless we consider a brief reference to Colin Powell’ s “cautious” approach balance), the reader is left nodding.’

In his recent Guardian article, Freedland quotes the BBC’s security correspondent, Gordon Corera:

‘In my mind, the original sin lay with the spies – who got it wrong.’

The ‘original sin’, in fact, lay with politicians and journalists who fraudulently claimed that possession of chemical or biological weapons justified the invasion of a country that had not attacked or even threatened the West.

Freedland affected to show how deeply he cared about the suffering of Iraqis. And yet, as far back as 2011, in discussing Tony Blair’s appearance at the Chilcot Inquiry, Freedland wrote:

‘It was an electric close to what had seemed set to be a rather dry session, one of interest to few beyond the families in mourning and the dwindling band of Iraq obsessives.’

Journalist and filmmaker John Pilger observed of Freedland’s abysmal article:

‘Jonathan Freedland, voice of the Guardian, blames “spooks and politicians” for the destruction of Iraq – not journalists who sold it. Freedland made the criminal Blair seem reasonable, allowing his hero to say, unchallenged, he brought “a ripple of change” to the Middle East.’

Freedland is one of many journalists and commentators whose uncritical acceptance, sometimes enthusiastic championing, of pro-war rhetoric has not hindered their media careers; quite the contrary.

Infamously, David Aaronovitch, a high-ranking officer of the corporate media’s 101st Chairborne Division, once devoted a Guardian column with the key message that:

‘If nothing is eventually found, I – as a supporter of the war – will never believe another thing that I am told by our government, or that of the US ever again. And, more to the point, neither will anyone else. Those weapons had better be there somewhere.’

Presumably aware this would become his journalistic epitaph, one year later – with no Iraqi WMD to be found – he published a lame, exculpatory piece, pleading ‘Was I wrong about Iraq?’

Aaronovitch has since enjoyed long employment with Rupert Murdoch’s Times and has backed every US-UK ‘humanitarian intervention’ to ‘bomb the world better’ ever since. Aaronovitch has continued to ‘believe’ US-UK government war propaganda more fervently than ever. Not that we actually believe he ‘believes’ any of it – he’s not a fool.

On the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, Double Down News published a short clip, clearly inspired and informed by the work of Media Lens, titled:

‘Never Forget how the Media Sold, Enabled & Whitewashed the War’

The pattern of successful careers for politicians, journalists and commentators – who should all have been utterly discredited, if not held accountable for war crimes – has been repeated on both sides of the Atlantic. Here, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Alastair Campbell are still feted as respected elder statesmen and knowledgeable ‘experts’ on domestic and world affairs.

Having survived accusations that he had tainted the BBC’s otherwise spotless record of ‘impartiality’, football commentator Gary Lineker repeatedly tweeted praise for Alastair Campbell’s discussions about the Iraq war on Campbell’s podcast, ‘The Rest Is Politics’. Lineker opined sagely:

‘The long awaited addressing of the elephant in the room, and it’s every bit as fascinating and illuminating as you would expect.’

We commented:

‘This ought to provoke deep outrage – Campbell authentically shares responsibility for an illegal war of aggression that took one million human lives. But hailing him as an Iraq war illuminator is fine, nobody notices – certainly no impartiality concern here.’

To be fair, the Spectator did notice a problem with Lineker’s support for Campbell (and Campbell’s earlier support for Lineker):

‘Campbell stars on the Rest Is Politics podcast, which is produced by Goalhanger Productions, owned by one G Lineker.’

But, of course, Campbell’s responsibility for mass death in Iraq went unmentioned, being of interest only to ‘the dwindling band of Iraq obsessives’.

The Blairite virus is running rampant once again in the Tory-lite Labour party under its Blairbot leader Sir Keir Starmer. His Shadow ‘Defence’ Secretary, John Healey, tweeted this on the anniversary of the illegal invasion that led to over one million Iraqi deaths:

‘Twenty years after the beginning of Operation Telic in Iraq, we thank all who served and remember the 179 personnel who lost their lives. The war has had an enduring impact for many, and we renew our commitment today to support all those who have served in our Armed Forces.’

As Mark Curtis, director and co-founder of Declassified UK, said:

‘This was the sum total of what Labour’s defence spokesperson said on Iraq while its foreign affairs spokesperson – the laughable David Lammy – tweeted nothing at all. Labour is cool with a few hundred thousand dead. They’re the junior imperialist party.’

The replies to Healey’s tweet from members of the public were heartening to read; people with souls and insight. Such as:

‘Illegal wars of aggression are so cool when we do them.’


‘No comment on the hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths, the destabilisation of the region, leading to the rise of ISIS? This really is a disgusting tweet’


‘Twenty years after an illegal invasion you voted for, you can’t even bring yourself to apologise to the people of Iraq’

War! Good For Profit And Careers

Across the pond, US media’s Iraq war pushers are doing very well twenty years later, as media critic Adam Johnson observed:

‘It’s not just that media figures who sold the most devastating war crime of the 21st century never faced any professional consequences—they’re more powerful and influential now than ever.’

David Frum was a head writer for the Bush White House and coined the term ‘Axis of Evil.’ He later became a well-paid and prestigious columnist for The Atlantic, an influential US magazine, and a regular contributor to cable TV.

Another example is Jeffrey Goldberg. He was a reporter at The New Yorker who promoted conspiracy theories linking Saddam to the 9/11 attacks. Goldberg is now  editor-in-chief of The Atlantic. Johnson pointed out that:

‘Like everyone else on this list, he [Goldberg] has used recent Russian meddling in US elections and aggression against Ukraine to launder his image and promote himself as a champion of Western Liberal Democracy and the Liberal Rules Based Order™.’

Johnson summed up:

‘The almost uniform success of all the Iraq War cheerleaders provides the greatest lesson about what really helps one get ahead in public life: It’s not being right, doing the right thing, or challenging power, but going with prevailing winds and mocking anyone who dares to do the opposite.’

Even today, the ‘free press’ is burying awkward truths about Iraq. Declassified UK has just revealed that the British oil company BP has ‘reaped a bonanza upon its return to Iraq after the 2003 invasion’. In 2009, BP was awarded a significant interest in the country’s largest oil field, Ramaila, near Basra, which had been occupied by British troops. Since 2011, BP has pumped 262m barrels of Iraqi oil worth £15.4 billion. You will search in vain for significant, if any, coverage of this in the UK state-corporate media, not least to make the glaring contrast between the sordid reality and Blair’s boast in 2003 to make a ‘brighter and better Iraq’ in which:

‘any money from Iraqi oil will go in a trust fund, UN-administered, for the benefit of the Iraqi people.’

It turns out, however, that Britain’s first special representative to post-invasion Iraq, appointed by Blair, has done well: Sir John Sawers, who later joined BP’s board in 2015.

In 2001, Kevin Maguire, then chief Guardian reporter, noted that BP was ‘nicknamed Blair Petroleum for its close links with the government’. When Sawers joined BP as a non-executive director in May 2015, he had just stepped down as head of MI6, Britain’s external intelligence agency, which he had led since 2009. He has since ‘earned’ £1.1m in fees from the company. His BP shareholding was also worth £135,000 last year, up 181% from when he joined the company. ‘War! What is it good for?’ Profit – both corporate and personal.

Declassified UK reported:

‘Sawers’ predecessor as head of MI6, Sir John Scarlett, joined Statoil after MI6. Scarlett was the senior intelligence official responsible for Tony Blair’s notorious dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction produced in the run-up to the invasion. Scarlett “proposed using the document to mislead the public about the significance of Iraq’s banned weapons”.’

Scarlett’s predecessor, Sir Richard Dearlove, joined Kosmos Energy after MI6.

It really is not hard to join the dots, and the big picture is ugly indeed.

The Anti-Democratic War Consensus

Contrary to the limited, face-saving, post-Iraq war promises by editors and journalists to ‘do better’, ‘to scrutinise more’, and so on, the reality is that the media consensus in support of government war aims is stronger than ever. We have pointed out this phenomenon in our media alerts on Ukraine over the past year.

In an excellent recent article, Tara McCormack, a lecturer in international relations at the University of Leicester, expanded on this theme. The media, she noted, is giving huge prominence to political leaders and commentators who have asserted again and again that Western policy to achieve ‘victory’ for Ukraine is to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes.

Thus, for example, British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has declared that British support to Ukraine is ‘not time-limited’ and that Britain would: ‘Keep the promises that we made to the UN Charter and to the Ukrainian people’. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has even stated recently that now is ‘not the time for peace’.

As McCormack observed:

‘This adds to the evidence that Britain is playing a key role in prolonging the war. Last year it was reported by Ukrainian media that Boris Johnson went to Kiev in April and told Zelensky that even if he (Zelensky) was ready to negotiate, the West was not. Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has also recently argued that in the spring of last year, Russia and Ukraine were both keen to negotiate but that Johnson was not and that ultimately the Western powers put a halt to the negotiations.’

The reality is that the UK, along with the rest of Europe and the US, is now part of a proxy war against Russia, a nuclear-armed state. We are also shoulder to shoulder with the US and Australia in aggressive behaviour towards China as part of the so-called ‘Aukus pact’. This is ‘a historic security pact’, the BBC tells us, to ‘counter China’. The Orwellian language of ‘security’ and ‘countering’ foreign ‘threats’ is standard for the state-affiliated BBC News.

As McCormack says, the British people are being subjected to an ‘anti-democratic war consensus’ created by the government and the media. There is no proper debate or accountability. Questions are not permitted. Whatever it takes? However long it takes? And why should Britain even be a part of this?

McCormack warned that the Ukraine war could well be the first case since the end of the Cold War where any dissent has been almost entirely excluded by the political-media class. She rightly concluded:

‘The war consensus is a deliberate construction of the British state in order to avoid democratic scrutiny and exclude the public from what are existential policy choices. The decision by the political and media class that there should be total exclusion of any kind of discussion about our foreign policy should be a cause for great alarm, whatever one believes British policy towards Ukraine should be.’

A good starting point for public debate and discussion would be to increase one’s awareness of the inherent bias in current media reporting. For example, Tim Holmes noted recently via Twitter that:

‘The Guardian have used the phrase “Putin apologist” 5,790 times.

‘They have used the phrase “NATO apologist” a grand total of … zero times.’

It is also worth noting exactly when media use the word ‘controversial’. It is common practice to apply the word to the actions and intentions of Official Enemies; less so for those of our own government and allies. Thus, a recent Guardian headline:

‘Putin welcomes China’s controversial proposals for peace in Ukraine’

As US political commentator Aaron Maté astutely noted:

‘In NATO state media, there’s nothing more “controversial” than a peace proposal’

The Bloomberg news agency even reported that:

‘US Fears a War-Weary World May Embrace China’s Ukraine Peace Bid’

Imagine that! The world is war-weary and wants to see peace: what a terrible outcome for US power.


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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on Friday filed a class action lawsuit against President Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top administration officials and federal agencies, alleging they “waged a systematic, concerted campaign” to compel the nation’s three largest social media companies to censor constitutionally protected speech.

Kennedy, CHD and Connie Sampognaro filed the complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, Monroe Division, on behalf of all the more than 80% of Americans who access news from online news aggregators and social media companies, principally Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

The plaintiffs allege top-ranking government officials, along with an “ever-growing army of federal officers, at every level of the government” from the White House to the FBI, the CIA and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to lesser-well-known federal agencies induced those companies:

“to stifle viewpoints that the government disfavors, to suppress facts that the government does not want the public to hear, and to silence specific speakers — in every case critics of federal policy — whom the government has targeted by name.”

Kennedy, chairman and chief litigation counsel of CHD, said American Democracy itself is at stake in this case:

“U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said, ‘Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime.’ It also violates the Constitution.

“The collaboration between the White House and health and intelligence agency bureaucrats to silence criticism of presidential policies is an assault on the most fundamental foundation stone of American Democracy.”

The lawsuit’s argument rests on the Norwood Principle, an “axiomatic,” or self-evident, principle of constitutional law that says the government “may not induce, encourage, or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish.”

According to the plaintiffs, the U.S. government used the social media companies as a proxy to illegally censor free speech.

The complaint cites the now-weekly, ongoing disclosures of secret communications between social media companies and federal officials — in the “Twitter files,” other lawsuits and news reports — which revealed threats by Biden and other top officials against social media companies if they failed to aggressively censor.

The suit points to examples where the censorship campaign allegedly trampled First Amendment freedoms, such as the Hunter Biden laptop story, the COVID-19 Wuhan lab-leak theory and the suppression of facts and opinions about the COVID-19 vaccines.

The plaintiffs do not seek financial damages. Instead, they seek a declaration that these practices by federal agents violate the First Amendment and a nationwide injunction against the federal government’s effort to censor constitutionally protected online speech.

The complaint points to a Supreme Court decision that said social media platforms are “the modern public square” and argues that all Americans who access news online have a First Amendment right against censorship of protected speech in that public square.

Jed Rubenfeld, one of the attorneys arguing the case filed Friday, explained why the lawsuit was filed as a class action:

“Social media platforms are the modern public square. For years, the government has been pressuring, promoting, and inducing the companies that control that square to impose the same kind of censorship that the First Amendment prohibits.

“This lawsuit challenges that censorship campaign, and we hope to bring it to an end. The real victim is the public, which is why we’ve brought this suit as a class action on behalf of everyone who accesses news from social media.”

According to the complaint, when the administration violates the First Amendment of an entire class of people, the judiciary must step in to protect Americans’ constitutional rights:

“Apart from the Judiciary, no branch of our Government, and no other institution, can stop the current Administration’s systematic efforts to suppress speech through the conduit of social-media companies.

“Congress can’t, the Executive won’t, and States lack the power to do so. The fate of American free speech, as it has so often before, lies once again in the hands of the courts.”

The lawsuit also names Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Department of Commerce, DHS, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and other individuals and agencies — 106 defendants in total.

‘The largest federally sanctioned censorship operation’ ever seen

According to the lawsuit, efforts by federal officials to induce social media platforms to censor speech began in 2020 with the suppression of the COVID-19 lab leak theory and reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Once President Biden took office in January 2021, senior White House officials reported the Biden team began “direct engagement” with social media companies to “clamp down” on speech the White House disfavored, which officials called “misinformation.”

Revelations would later prove the administration was asking social media companies to suppress not only putatively false speech but also speech it knew to be “wholly accurate” along with expressions of opinion.

This practice, it alleges, spread from the administration and through the entire government, becoming “a government-wide campaign to achieve through the intermediation of social media companies exactly the kind of content-based and viewpoint-based censorship of dissident political speech that the First Amendment prohibits.”

Similar allegations about this massive federal censorship campaign also so were alleged by the plaintiffs in the Missouri. v. Biden case, but this case introduces many new allegations.

Some, but not all, examples of government-coordinated suppression of free speech on social media cited in the complaint include the following:

  • Substantial evidence of coordinated efforts by Fauci and others to suppress the lab-leak theory, which remains plausible and supported by evidence.
  • Extensive email communication between Fauci and Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, demonstrating Facebook and other social media companies adopted policies that identified any claims about the lab-leak hypothesis to be “false” and “debunked.”
  • Facebook’s admission that its censorship of COVID-19-related speech, on supposed grounds of falsity, is based on what “public health experts have advised us.”
  • Public statements by Zuckerberg on Joe Rogan’s podcast that Facebook suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story as a result of communications from the FBI.
  • Extensive public commentary by FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan about his work with social media companies and CISA to discuss suppression of election-related speech on social media.
  • “Twitter files” documents on Twitter’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story.
  • “Twitter files” documents demonstrating weekly meetings between agents from the FBI’s 80-agent social media task force and Twitter to discuss content suppression along with direct payments from the FBI to Twitter for compliance with requests.
  • CISA’s work with the Center for Internet Security, a third-party group, to flag content, including particular individuals, for censorship on social media.
  • “Twitter files” evidence about the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), a vast network of high-level interactions with the federal government and social media platforms — which included proposals, ultimately adopted, for the U.S. government to establish its own “disinformation” board. One free-speech advocate described the EIP as “the largest federally-sanctioned censorship operation” he had ever seen.
  • Documents demonstrating after the election, the EIP was transformed into the “Virality Project,” which was dedicated to “take action even against ‘stories of true vaccine side effects’ and ‘true posts which could fuel hesitancy.’”
  • Threats by congressional representatives, senators and Biden to break up Big Tech if they did not improve censorship practices.
  • Census Bureau documents describing work by its “Trust & Safety” team with social media platforms to “counter false information.”
  • “Twitter files” documents, news reports, and documents received through Freedom of Information Act requests that demonstrated myriad, consistent communications with Facebook, Twitter and Google (YouTube) and numerous Biden administration officials named as defendants in the lawsuit including Murthy, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, officials from the CDC, DHS, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, CISA, the U.S. State Department, the White House — including White House Counsel — and other agencies about how to take action against “misinformation” related to COVID-19.

This last set of communications included action against the so-called “Disinformation Dozen,” which includes Kennedy. According to the complaint, “Facebook itself has stated that the infamous ‘disinformation dozen’ claim has no factual support.”

Kennedy tweeted some of the evidence that the White House directly censored him:

The complaint alleges that the collusion between the administration, federal agencies and social media companies to suppress constitutionally protected free speech now also extends beyond the election and COVID-19-related commentary to include suppression of speech on topics such as climate change, “clean energy,” “gendered disinformation,” pro-life pregnancy resource centers and other topics.

It also alleges, based on research from the Media Research Center that identified hundreds of instances of censored critiques of Biden, that social media companies “have achieved astonishing success in muzzling public criticism of Joe Biden.”

It argues that the defendants’ power over social media gives them a “historically unprecedented power over public discourse in America — a power to control what hundreds of millions of people in this county can say, see, and hear.”

CHD President Mary Holland, who also serves as CHD general counsel, told The Defender:

“If Government can censor its critics, there is no atrocity it cannot commit. The public has been deprived of truthful, life-and-death information over the last three years. This lawsuit aims to have government censorship end, as it must, because it is unlawful under our constitution.”

The lawsuit asks the court to permanently enjoin them from, “taking any steps to demand, urge, pressure, or otherwise induce any social-media platform to censor, suppress, de-platform, suspend, shadow-ban, de-boost, restrict access to constitutionally protected speech, or take any other adverse action against any speaker, protected content or viewpoint expressed on social media.”


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Brenda Baletti Ph.D. is a reporter for The Defender. She wrote and taught about capitalism and politics for 10 years in the writing program at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s from the University of Texas at Austin.

Featured image is from CHD

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Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter

March 30th, 2023 by Future of Life Institute

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AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity, as shown by extensive research[1] and acknowledged by top AI labs.[2] As stated in the widely-endorsed Asilomar AI Principles, Advanced AI could represent a profound change in the history of life on Earth, and should be planned for and managed with commensurate care and resources. Unfortunately, this level of planning and management is not happening, even though recent months have seen AI labs locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one – not even their creators – can understand, predict, or reliably control.

Contemporary AI systems are now becoming human-competitive at general tasks,[3] and we must ask ourselves: Should we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and untruth? Should we automate away all the jobs, including the fulfilling ones? Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, obsolete and replace us? Should we risk loss of control of our civilization? Such decisions must not be delegated to unelected tech leaders. Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable. This confidence must be well justified and increase with the magnitude of a system’s potential effects. OpenAI’s recent statement regarding artificial general intelligence, states that “At some point, it may be important to get independent review before starting to train future systems, and for the most advanced efforts to agree to limit the rate of growth of compute used for creating new models.” We agree. That point is now.

Therefore, we call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4. This pause should be public and verifiable, and include all key actors. If such a pause cannot be enacted quickly, governments should step in and institute a moratorium.

AI labs and independent experts should use this pause to jointly develop and implement a set of shared safety protocols for advanced AI design and development that are rigorously audited and overseen by independent outside experts. These protocols should ensure that systems adhering to them are safe beyond a reasonable doubt.[4] This does not mean a pause on AI development in general, merely a stepping back from the dangerous race to ever-larger unpredictable black-box models with emergent capabilities.

AI research and development should be refocused on making today’s powerful, state-of-the-art systems more accurate, safe, interpretable, transparent, robust, aligned, trustworthy, and loyal.

In parallel, AI developers must work with policymakers to dramatically accelerate development of robust AI governance systems. These should at a minimum include: new and capable regulatory authorities dedicated to AI; oversight and tracking of highly capable AI systems and large pools of computational capability; provenance and watermarking systems to help distinguish real from synthetic and to track model leaks; a robust auditing and certification ecosystem; liability for AI-caused harm; robust public funding for technical AI safety research; and well-resourced institutions for coping with the dramatic economic and political disruptions (especially to democracy) that AI will cause.

Humanity can enjoy a flourishing future with AI. Having succeeded in creating powerful AI systems, we can now enjoy an “AI summer” in which we reap the rewards, engineer these systems for the clear benefit of all, and give society a chance to adapt. Society has hit pause on other technologies with potentially catastrophic effects on society.[5]  We can do so here. Let’s enjoy a long AI summer, not rush unprepared into a fall.

Click here to view the list of signatories.


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[1] Bender, E. M., Gebru, T., McMillan-Major, A., & Shmitchell, S. (2021, March). On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM conference on fairness, accountability, and transparency (pp. 610-623).

Bostrom, N. (2016). Superintelligence. Oxford University Press.

Bucknall, B. S., & Dori-Hacohen, S. (2022, July). Current and near-term AI as a potential existential risk factor. In Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (pp. 119-129).

Carlsmith, J. (2022). Is Power-Seeking AI an Existential Risk?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.13353.

Christian, B. (2020). The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and human values. Norton & Company.

Cohen, M. et al. (2022). Advanced Artificial Agents Intervene in the Provision of Reward. AI Magazine43(3) (pp. 282-293).

Eloundou, T., et al. (2023). GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models.

Hendrycks, D., & Mazeika, M. (2022). X-risk Analysis for AI Research. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.05862.

Ngo, R. (2022). The alignment problem from a deep learning perspective. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.00626.

Russell, S. (2019). Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control. Viking.

Tegmark, M. (2017). Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Knopf.

Weidinger, L. et al (2021). Ethical and social risks of harm from language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.04359.

[3] Bubeck, S. et al. (2023). Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4. arXiv:2303.12712.

OpenAI (2023). GPT-4 Technical Report. arXiv:2303.08774.

[4] Ample legal precedent exists – for example, the widely adopted OECD AI Principles require that AI systems “function appropriately and do not pose unreasonable safety risk”.

[5] Examples include human cloning, human germline modification, gain-of-function research, and eugenics.

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Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) is planning to host a family event featuring a drag story hour and a talk given by the director of a pediatric gender clinic who has previously claimed that children as young as three years old are able to “identify” as “transgender.” 

A “gender resource fair” is scheduled for Thursday, April 13, at Loring Elementary School. The Minneapolis school district advertises the event as “a gathering for families and their gender creative young ones.” 

Dr. Angela Kade Goepferd, director of the “gender health program” at Children’s Minnesota hospital, will be featured as a guest speaker pushing gender ideology and“transition” procedures for gender confusion on the parents in attendance. Meanwhile, their children will be exposed to a drag queen story hour. 

The Saint Paul Public School Office of Equity is also promoting the event, asking people to “please spread the word” about the pro-LGBT gathering. The school district describes Goepferd as “an advocate and physician” who “will be speaking about supporting young transgender [sic] children.” 

“There will be a bounce house for kids, snacks, and many local resources centering transgender and non-binary [sic] children,” the advertisement continues. 

Goepferd has previously declared that “some transgender kids [sic] are claiming their identities as young as three or four years old” and informing their parents of this “truth.” During a viral segment of a 2020 TED talk, she said “the way that they see themselves doesn’t line up with other people’s expectations.”

The activist for “affirming” gender confusion with child mutilation is described by Children’s Minnesota as “a leader in the LGBT community, is driving equitable care for LGBT youth, particularly transgender and gender diverse youth and she is a sought-after speaker and trainer on these topics.” 

The “exclusively pediatric” center “provides compassionate and comprehensive care [sic] for transgender and gender-diverse youth [sic]” and is said to be “dedicated to serving as an essential medical partner and resource” for gender-confused kids, as stated on the hospital’s website. 

Puberty blockers, menstrual suppression, and cross-sex hormones are all listed as “treatments” inflicted on gender-confused minors. A “letter of readiness and support from a mental health professional” who “has experience with gender identity” is required for distribution of cross-sex hormones. The hospital also adds that “as [patients] get older,” it will provide referrals for “adult gender care [sic]” and surgical procedures. 

Hormonal intervention for gender-confused youth has been proven to cause serious adverse reactions. A recent study found that those who receive cross-sex hormones face a “substantially increased risk” of cardiac issues, including heart attack and stroke. Promotion of such irreversible actions also tends to ignore or downplay the increased suicidality frequently experienced by individuals who pursue hormonal intervention. 

Unfortunately, Children’s Minnesota hospital is not the only leading pediatric institution promoting transgender ideology. 

Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) gained national attention and backlash for pushing so-called transgender surgeries, including hysterectomies for young females. The institution has also stated that some babies know they are “transgender” while still in their mothers’ wombs. 

In October, LifeSiteNews reported that the American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) called on U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to prosecute journalists reporting on the scandalous procedures conducted on gender-confused minors. 

As more medical practices and organizations have been found to participate in the chemical and surgical mutilation of gender confused children, conservative leaders have responded by enacting legislation to ban such practices in many states.  

Several states, including Mississippi, South Dakota, Utah, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Iowa, have all enacted laws that either restrict or totally ban hormonal and surgical intervention for gender-confused minors. 

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The controversy over Britain sending depleted uranium tank shells to Ukraine has deepened today after a minister admitted Russia might not have fired the same ammunition.

Armed forces minister James Heappey told parliament: “The Ministry of Defence is unaware of any credible open-source reports of Russia using depleted uranium in Ukraine.”

He made the statement in response to a question from Kenny MacAskill, an Alba MP for East Lothian.

Supporters of Rishi Sunak’s decision to give Ukraine depleted uranium (DU) ammunition have repeatedly pointed out that Russia also has the weapon in its arsenal.

The Kremlin upgraded some of its tanks so they were capable of firing DU shells, according to a report by Russia’s TASS news agency in 2018.

Some commentators claim Russia is therefore likely to be firing DU in Ukraine. Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a retired British army colonel and regular commentator on Kremlin forces, told Newsweek: “Of course, the Russians use it [DU] extensively as well”.

He said it “would be incongruous if they’re not using it” in Ukraine as the weapons were a “key part of their armoury”.

However, Heappey’s statement contradicts speculation that Russia has fired such ammunition in Ukraine.

It suggests Britain is introducing a type of weapon into the devastating conflict that has not been used by either side to date.

Vladimir Putin told Russian media on Saturday: “Without exaggeration, we have hundreds of thousands, namely hundreds of thousands of such shells. We are not using them now.”

The Pentagon has denied supplying any of its own DU to Ukraine, although a US army instructor was present at a briefing Britain gave Ukrainian tank crews on the ammunition.

Controversial weapon

Depleted uranium is a chemically toxic and radioactive heavy metal produced as waste from nuclear power plants. The British military uses it for tank-piercing shells because it is extremely dense.

Sunak has supplied the weapon to Ukraine – as Declassified revealed last week – for use with 14 tanks donated by the British army.

Scientific debate continues about DU’s long-term risks to human health and the environment in post-conflict zones. In Iraq it has been blamed for birth defects and a spike in cancer cases.

The Kremlin reacted furiously to Sunak’s decision, saying it escalated nuclear tensions with the West – despite the fact DU rounds are not atomic weapons. Putin has used Britain’s move to justify deploying ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons to Belarus.

Heappey countered concerns about DU today, telling parliament: “The environmental and long-term health effects of the use of depleted uranium munitions have been thoroughly investigated by the World Health Organization, the United Nations Environmental Program, the International Atomic Energy Agency, NATO, the Centres for Disease Control, the European Commission, and others, none of which has documented long-term environmental or health effects attributable to use of these munitions.”

The minister noticeably did not mention research by the Royal Society, the sole scientific body which the military cited last week when the news broke. Declassifiedhas since highlighted how the Royal Society team behind that research were critical of DU being used in Iraq.

Doug Weir, research director at the Conflict and Environment Observatory, told Declassified: “None of the entities cited by the MoD has undertaken long-term environmental or health studies in conflict areas where DU weapons have been used.”

Weir added that the UN Environment Program “called for a precautionary approach to the weapons because of uncertainties over their environmental behaviour, and WHO, IAEA and UNEP have all called for contaminated areas to be identified, marked and access to them to be restricted; furthermore risk awareness campaigns are recommended for local communities.”


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Phil Miller is Declassified UK’s chief reporter. He is the author of Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes. Follow him on Twitter at @pmillerinfo

Featured image: Russian tanks on parade. (Photo: Kremlin)

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The shifting sands of the Arab Gulf may turn rock-solid in an alliance across the region with Iran. This new alliance is in defiance of the old divide and conquer policy used by the US State Department.

The rapprochement between The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia could transform the region, after being brokered by China on March 10, ending seven years of tensions. The nations are aware that there is safety in numbers, and strength in unity instead of standing alone.

Iran had decided to improve relations with its Arab neighbors instead of waiting for the US to decide to renew the nuclear agreement. Saudi Arabia had made its own strategic decision to not depend on the US for security. These two strategies brought Iran and Saudi Arabia together, with China demonstrating its ability to circumvent the US, when it is the US standing in the way of stability in the Middle East.

“The recent successful dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran in Beijing helped improve bilateral relations between the two countries, which will strengthen regional solidarity and ease the tensions in the region. China will further support the process,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) by phone on March 28.

The deal involves Saudi Arabia supporting the return of Iran to the nuclear deal with the west, plans to end the war in Yemen, cooperation to stabilize Syria, and strengthening their joint ties in OPEC.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian announced on March 26 that the two countries had agreed to hold a meeting between their top diplomats, with the location to be announced, during the month of Ramadan, the Holy month of fasting, which ends the third week of April.

Both countries share the same religion, which is a common thread in their relationship but had been a point of division used by the US to divide the two.  Iran is Shite, and Saudi Arabia is Sunni. When the US invaded and destroyed Iraq beginning in 2003, they used the Sunni-Shite divide to create chaos which served the US interests to conquer and subjugate the Iraqi people in the US project of regime change, which affected the whole region and created sectarian divisions.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi received an invitation from Saudi Arabia’s King Salman to visit the kingdom by letter, announced on March 19, which invited him to Riyadh.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are expected to open embassies in each other’s capitals from now to May 10.  They will both resume security and economic agreements signed more than 20 years ago.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Kuwait recently restored ties with Iran. Amir-Abdollahian said Iran also hoped steps would be made to normalize its ties with Bahrain as well.

Iran’s top security official Ali Shamkhani held talks with UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi on March 23, in yet another sign of the networking in the region.

In June 2006, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called for a “New Middle East”. In true American hubris, she and President George W. Bush thought Israel attacking Lebanon, bombing from the north to the south, and killing hundreds of civilians, was necessary to remove the resistance to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Rice and Bush lost their war, both in Iraq and in Lebanon. The resistance to occupation is as strong as ever, and now we have the UN recognizing that Israel is an apartheid state.

President Obama, supported by former Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Bandar, and aligned with former Crown Prince Nayaf, also tried their hand at wiping out the resistance in Syria through regime change, but they all failed.

The New Middle East has emerged, finally, but it is not exactly what Rice and Bush were asking for. Iran and Saudi Arabia are together, and both asking for the liberation of Palestine.

When Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took office, for the sixth time, he pledged he had two main goals: to make a deal with Saudi Arabia under the Abraham Accords format and to increase illegal settlements on Palestinian land. With the new relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu’s position is dismal.

On March 24, Israel announced plans to build over 1,000 new units on illegally occupied Palestinian land, just days after agreeing in a meeting in Egypt to suspend settlement construction.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry condemned the Israeli plans, and called on the international community “to assume its responsibilities to end the Israeli occupation and to stop its provocative practices, which would obstruct the paths of political solutions based on the Arab Peace Initiative, and undermine international peace efforts.”

The Arab Peace Initiative was a Saudi proposal in 2002 that called for normalizing relations with Israel in return for withdrawal from Palestinian territories occupied in 1967.

The March surprise deal was a shock to the Biden administration, but the earlier October 2022 surprise was even harder to take in the Oval Office. Biden had gone to MBS personally to ask for an increase in the oil output to bring down the price of gasoline in the US. MBS flatly turned him down.

The Aramco attack in 2019 occurred when drones hit the Abqaiq oil facility while protected by US-made air defense batteries; however, none were effective or took down even one drone.  19 individual strikes occurred, with 14 that punctured storage tanks, and three that disabled oil processing trains.

The facilities were knocked out of commission and the world’s largest petroleum producer was cut by half, representing about five percent of global oil production.

This was the beginning of Saudi Arabia formulating a strategy for security that does not depend on the US but rather looks to neighborly alliances independently.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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As if in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the dastardly deed in March, 2003, the US.  – except for those Senators who opposed its repeal.  Twenty years ago, in response to the 911 attack, the US illegally invaded Iraq in a ‘shock and awe’ campaign that devastated the people of Iraq and was initiated under the false weapons of mass destruction pretense.

That original Resolution to “authorize the use of US Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the US” was specific to 911 and approved within days of the September 11th attack. With the intent to threaten US military action, the Senate approved that Resolution  98 – 0 which has remained in effect for the last twenty years. The AUMF was also liberally utilized over the years to justify other questionable foreign interventions.

It was however HJ Res. 114The AUMF Against Iraq Resolution of 2002” that a willing Senate voted to approve an intentionally fabricated war  which never discovered weapons of mass destruction as were alleged to exist by the US Secretary of State in front of the UN’s world community. On a 77 – 23 vote, the US went to war for a total cost of $3 trillion with 4,500 American deaths and 32,000 wounded. By December, 2011, 39,000 Americans troops were withdrawn leaving a custodial force in place.

During his “Beyond Vietnam” speech in 1967 from the pulpit at Riverside Church, New York City, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. described it concisely: “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: My own Government.

Twenty years later,  “S 316, A Bill to Repeal Authorizations for Use of Military Force Against Iraq” was introduced and debated in the Senate with a series of Republican amendments, all of which were defeated with most in opposition to repeal.

Sen. Rand Paul’s (SC) amendment to repeal AUMF failed on a spectacular vote of 89 – 6 and was followed by Sen. Mike Lee’s (Utah) amendment to terminate AUMF after two years unless Congress voted to continue also failed 76 – 19. In addition, Sen. Josh Hawley’s (Mo.) amendment to appoint an Inspector General to investigate $113 Billion sent to Ukraine failed 68 – 26 with no Democrats in support. Sen. Rick Scott (Fl.) offered an amendment to conduct a full investigation of the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan which also failed 62 – 33 also with no Democrats in favor. Sen. Tim Kaine, Democratic floor manager for S 316, determined that the Hawley Scott amendments were not germane and called on Democrats to vote No.

After almost two weeks of casual debate which began on March 16th, final passage was adopted on a 66 – 30 vote which surpassed the necessary sixty vote filibuster requirement.  The Aye votes included eighteen Republican Senators while the thirty Nay votes were all Republicans. Those Republican Ayes were Sens. Braun (Ind.), Budd (NC), Cassidy (La.), Collins (Me.), Cramer (ND), Daines (Mt.), Grassley (Iowa), Hawley (Mo.), Hoeven (ND), Lee (Utah), Lummis (Wyo.), Marshall (Ks.), Moran (Ks.), Murkowski (Alas.), Paul (Ky.), Schmitt (Mo.), Vance (Ohio), Young (Ind.)

The question remains why thirty Republican Senators cast Nay votes against the repeal of the AUMF. There were suggestions that an existing AUMF would protect American troops still located in Iraq or Syria.  If that is a legitimate concern the simple answer is to bring all American troops home. Why exactly are there still Americans in Syria or Iraq and who benefits from an AUMF in place – the military industrial complex or perhaps Israel; certainly not American enlisted sons and daughters.

There was also the suggestion that a new AUMF be adopted to replace that being repealed which leads to speculation that there is some future miliary engagement lurking in the background.

In any case, it is fair to speculate a direct correlation between the AUMF, as the invasion of Iraq in 2003 set the stage for decades of unconstitutional armed interventions spreading death and destruction, chaos and loathing amongst countries unable to defend themselves yet rich in natural resources.  Syrian oil, Libyan gold, and Afghan Bank funds among other appropriated commodities were all irresistible targets.

As the US magnified its simulation as a decadent Roman Empire into an international bully in pursuit of political power, geographic territory and valuable resources that belonged to others, including its own fiscal malfeasance, the American Empire has been on an irreversible path of self-destruction as a Constitutional exemplar for the world – all of which comes as a direct result of US meddling and instigation of economic and military pathological disasters never heeding the implications of their narcissistic imperialist agenda on the rest of the planet.

It is not surprising that the White House or the State Department response to the announcement of the Russia-China alliance comes as the US political establishment and its European allies continue to fan the flames of dissension; assuming a golden opportunity to take Putin down, destroy Russia and carve up its riches.  The exact opposite has occurred. The US foreign policy establishment which prefers to function within its own narrow framework of reality, like any group of sociopaths, with no understanding of how US behavior is interpreted by those who dare question its motives, remains in a stupor, oblivious to the long term repercussions of their deeds – and those chickens are coming home to roost.

What they call the multi-party alliance has grown since September 2006 into BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) as a global geopolitical force encompassing over 3 billion people, 41% of the world’s population and 25% GDP.  It is expected to add Saudi Arabia, Iran, Argentina, Algeria, Turkey and others to its membership at their next meeting.

The Xi-Putin Agreement included strengthening the multipolar economic order by reducing dependence on the petro-dollar while embracing the yuan as currency in Asia, Africa and Latin America.  While the dollar as world reserve currency provides the US with its superior status, it is a role they themselves have damaged as decline of the Dollar  will nullify US sanctions (aka agents of regime change) routinely applied to some of the planet’s most vulnerable nations.  Xi also suggested a peace plan for de-escalation followed by a ceasefire leading to negotiations as well as resistance to NATO’s initiatives into the Asia-Pacific region.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told an interviewer that Moscow was “working actively” to move away from the U.S. dollar and encouraged others like Iran which  raises a logical question:

With US antagonism towards Iran, why should that country continue to trade in the Dollar?  That same question may be asked  to those thirty countries which are now living under US sanctions.  The answer is clear.

President Joe Biden claimed the alliance was ‘vastly exaggerated’  with assurance that western countries have ‘expanded their alliances.’  However,  exhibiting a failure to grasp the meaning of inclusivity, the US uninvited two NATO partners to its upcoming Summit for Democracy based on unrelated  policy disagreements.  Proving that hypocrisy is no stranger to US foreign policy, Secretary of State Antony Blinken cavalierly refused a ceasefire and cited ‘sovereignty’ as a number one goal suggesting ‘this war could end tomorrow’ with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan lecturing about “respecting the sovereignty of all nations.”

Immediately after their rendezvous, Xi was hosting Brazilian President Lula, Putin was touring African nations while Biden was traveling to Canada to convince Trudeau about the wisdom of a Haiti invasion.

It is worth noting that the aggressive language of the AUMF granted the US President  authority to use all “necessary and appropriate force” against those whom he determined “planned, authorized, committed or aided” the September 11 attacks.  It has been some months since the Russians announced that they would hold the ‘decision maker nations’ responsible; those nations who were in the background supplying weapons to Ukraine and fomenting the war would be considered answerable for their behavior.


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Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC.

Featured image is from Dandelion Salad/flickr/cc

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Our thanks to the National Post which brought this article to our attention. Selected excerpts below


Canada’s auditor general says a “minimum” of $27.4 billion in suspicious COVID-19 benefit payments need to be investigated because the government did not manage the aid programs efficiently, and it will likely fail to recover “significant” amounts in overpayments.

That’s in addition to $4.6 billion in confirmed government overpayments solely in double-dipping applications for the various COVID-19 aid programs launched within the first months of the pandemic, according to a new report by Auditor General Karen Hogan published Tuesday.

The 92-page report highlights the government’s success in setting up six aid programs that doled out a total of $210 billion to individuals and companies quickly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdowns.

But it’s extremely critical of the government’s management of the programs and ensuing efforts to find and claw back overpayments.

“The Canada Revenue Agency and Employment and Social Development Canada did not manage the selected COVID‑19 programs efficiently given the significant amount paid to ineligible recipients, the limited adjustments as programs were extended, and the slow progress on post‑payment verifications,” the report concludes.

But National Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier argued Tuesday that some of Hogan’s numbers are “exaggerated”, namely regarding Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) payments that should be investigated further.

“The agency does not agree with the auditor general’s calculation regarding ineligible recipients of the wage subsidy. The agency’s real verifications indicate that compliance with the subsidy was high, and that the auditor general’s figures were exaggerated,” she said in response to opposition questions Tuesday.

Click here to read the full article.


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Featured image: COVID-19 benefit cheques. Scotiabank says the generous benefits likely fuelled excess demand in the economy. PHOTO BY PETER J. THOMPSON/NATIONAL POST

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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Fires in the Streets of France Illustrates Anger Over Pension Reforms

By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 30, 2023

Discontent with President Emmanuel Macron is mounting in the aftermath of his executive enactment of a controversial pension reform bill that would make substantial changes to the retirement system for millions of workers.

Video: Dr. McCullough US Senate: To Save Lives Pull the COVID-19 Vaccines Off the Market

By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 30, 2023

To prevent more harm, the COVID-19 vaccines must be pulled off the market. U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) led a roundtable discussion Dec 7, 2022, COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries, to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and the path forward.

Europe Abandons All-Electric Car Mandate. Stupidity of the CO2 Transition

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Why the Main Players Behind the Israeli Protest Movement Are Bringing the Confrontation to a Head

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Klaus Schwab: “…Who masters those technologies, in some way, will be the master of the world.”

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German Health Minister Admits COVID Jabs Can Cause ‘Permanent Disabilities,’ Contradicting Past Statements

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Global Governance by Artificial Intelligence: The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny

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Congress Has Been Captured by the Arms Industry

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China: Democracy and Development

By Peter Koenig, March 29, 2023

There is no sustainable development without what we call “democracy”- or without people’s, beneficiaries’ active participation. This applies to large political systems intending evolving, seeking the betterment of their populations – as well as for “smaller-scale” development projects, seeking to eradicate poverty and improve the wellbeing of the people.

A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Fomenting Mass Hysteria

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, March 29, 2023

We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry. This is mind-control in its most sinister form.

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Discontent with President Emmanuel Macron is mounting in the aftermath of his executive enactment of a controversial pension reform bill that would make substantial changes to the retirement system for millions of workers.

On March 22, Macron sat down for an interview with a French television station where he attempted to justify his actions which by-passed a vote within the National Assembly.

Macron maintained that it was necessary to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 while requiring 43 years of service to qualify for full pension benefits. He continued the same argument that without these reforms the retirement system would become insolvent in a matter of a few years.

Such statements by the president further enflamed the public prompting even larger and more militant demonstrations between March 23-26. Hundreds of people were reportedly arrested and complaints of police brutality against demonstrators have gained international attention.

Various human rights organizations have accused the police of utilizing preemptive arrests of activists as well as excessive physical force against demonstrators.

The newly crowned King Charles III of the United Kingdom had been invited to make a state visit to France beginning on March 26. However, the general strike and subsequent rebellions in several cities including the capital of Paris made it impossible for the monarch to enter the country.

It was announced by the French government that Charles III would postpone his visit until the summer months. The inability to host a head-of-state was a further blow to the stature of Macron among other imperialist states. Several political parties commented that this diplomatic embarrassment highlighted the political weakness of Macron. Recent opinion polls show the president as having less than a 30 percent approval rating among the electorate. 70 percent of respondents indicated that the government was responsible for the strikes and violent unrest and that the situation could worsen in the coming days and weeks. (See this)

Police clash with protesters during a demonstration in Lyon, central France, on March 23, 2023.

Police clash with protesters during a demonstration in Lyon, central France, on March 23, 2023. © Laurent Cipriani, AP

In an effort to appear unphased by the unrest in France, Macron attended a European Union (EU) Summit in Brussels, Belgium on March 24 where he reiterated his position on the pension reforms. Before the legislation is fully implemented, it must be reviewed by the Constitutional Council, the highest legal authority in France.

On March 25, unions estimated that 3.5 million workers and youth took to the streets demanding the withdrawal of the legislation by Macron. As police attempted to control the crowds in Paris and other cities, clashes erupted resulting in broken windows and arson attacks.

A firefighter and a local resident try to extinguish a fire during unrest in Paris on March 23, 2023.

A firefighter and a local resident try to extinguish a fire during unrest in Paris on March 23, 2023. © Anna Kurth, AFP

In an article published by France24 discussing the previous week, it said of the developing situation that:

“First an epic tussle with the unions, then a bitter standoff in parliament, and now a full-blown crisis in the streets. France’s festering pension dispute took a turn for the worse this week, with protests against Macron’s deeply unpopular plans hardening and escalating amid scenes of chaos in Paris and other cities. The unrest – which began last Thursday after Macron used special executive powers to ram his pension reform through parliament – has seen security forces fight running battles with protesters late into the night even as firefighters race to extinguish hundreds of blazes.”

In addition to the escalating tensions between the government and the unions, yet another conflict erupted over environmental and economic concerns stemming from the construction of a reservoir in the western rural district of Sainte-Soline. Opponents to the plan say that it is designed to benefit large-scale agricultural corporations while disempowering smaller farmers.

A scheduled demonstration in Sainte-Soline on March 25 attracted thousands of activists. In response to the large protests which are prohibited in the area, police initiated violent attacks against those opposing the reservoir.

A Guardian news report emphasized:

“Several people have been injured after clashes between French police and protesters opposed to a large water reservoir for farm irrigation, despite a ban on gatherings in the area. Police fired teargas to repel some protesters who threw fireworks and other projectiles as they crossed fields to approach the construction area in the western rural district of Sainte-Soline. At least three police vehicles were set alight, television footage showed. Two protesters were seriously hurt, including one who is in a critical condition after suffering a head injury, as well as 16 police officers, the local prefecture said. One officer was evacuated by helicopter. Thousands of protesters had converged on the site of the planned reservoir, where a similar protest last October also turned violent.”

10th Day of Mass Action Held

Macron's use of article 49.3 of the French constitution to force his pension reform through parliament has incensed his opponents.

Macron’s use of article 49.3 of the French constitution to force his pension reform through parliament has incensed his opponents. © Benjamin Dodman, FRANCE 24

Another day of strikes and protests occurred on March 28 as the unions estimated participation at over 2 million. People continued their demonstrations against the Macron pension reforms and what they perceived as the dictatorial posture of the government. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne offered on the same day to hold talks during the first full week of April with the eight major unions behind the mass demonstrations and strikes. Pledging to maintain their strike actions, there was an announcement of an 11th day of protest on April 6.

Reuters News Agency described the day as follows:

“Black-clad groups set fire to garbage cans and threw projectiles at police in Paris, who charged at them and threw teargas in confrontations on the fringes of a march against President Emmanuel Macron and his deeply unpopular pension bill. Clashes also erupted on Tuesday (March 28) at similar rallies in other cities including Rennes, Bordeaux and Toulouse, with a bank branch and cars set ablaze in Nantes. However, while public frustration has evolved into broader anti-Macron sentiment, there was less violence than last week, and rallies were otherwise largely peaceful.”

One major announcement came on March 29 when the sanitation union suspended their work stoppage. Thousands of tons of garbage remained piled up in the streets of Paris prompting an infestation of rats.

An Associated Press report on the sanitation workers said:

“In a decision that sent waves of relief among many Paris residents, the powerful CGT union representing sanitation workers announced that the three-week-long strike would be ‘suspended’ as of Wednesday (March 29). Crews will join others who were legally requisitioned over the last week to help with the daunting clean-up process. A statement by the CGT claimed that requisitions of trucks, incinerators and personnel, ordered by the Paris police prefect, had bled the movement, leading to its suspension. But added that ‘the combat isn’t over.’ ‘It’s good that the trash is collected. It’s very unsanitary, and some residents already have trouble with rats and mice. It can be dangerous if it’s left too long,’ said artist Gil Franco, 73.”

Struggles Involving Workers Not Confined to France

The outcome of these industrial actions will ultimately depend upon the consistency and strength of the unions and their allies among the youth. These attacks on pensions are part and parcel of the austerity measures being enacted by capitalist governments in Europe and North America.

In Germany on March 27, transport unions staged a one-day strike which shutdown most rail lines, buses and airplanes. A payment dispute involving two unions and their employers has resulted in the most widespread industrial action in the country in recent years.

The EVG union reported to the media that in excess of 30,000 railway workers participated in the strike. Transport of cargo on the rail networks and at the German ports were also impacted as dock workers joined those on strike.

Meanwhile in Britain, unions continued their battles against austerity and the failure of the Conservative government to address the declining standards of living due to inflation. Workers in the education, healthcare, transport, passport and railway sectors have participated in strikes for months.

In the education sector, the National Union of Head Teachers (NUHT), among other unions, have held periodic strikes over the last several months demanding higher pay and improved conditions of employment. Recently the government has made an offer to the education, healthcare and other unions aimed at ending the strikes, yet no decisions have been made.

According to the National Education Union (NEU), real wages for experienced teachers have declined by 20 percent since 2010. Many within the profession are leaving to seek higher pay in other sectors. The unions are demanding salary increases commensurate with the rate of inflation.

Unions have announced that on April 28, 133,00 workers will strike in various public sectors in Britain. The Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has pursued a draconian policy of wage cuts despite the inability of the government to curb inflation.

These developments portend much for the future of the capitalist states amid a rash of bank failures in the United States and Switzerland. Central banks in the U.S. and Europe are continuing to raise interest rates while the cost of living increases for working families.

Silvergate, Silicon Valley, Signature and Credit Suisse financial institutions have been the focus of multi-billion dollar bailouts by central banks and larger firms which agreed to provide the necessary liquidity to prevent further economic instability.  However, these rescue operations will become more difficult if there are additional bank failures reminiscent of the Great Recession of 2007-2008.

Trade unions, Left parties and mass organizations within capitalist countries must begin to think beyond the acquisition of wage increases and improved working conditions. A different system of ownership and wealth distribution could very well be the only real solution to the overall malaise plaguing the working class and oppressed around the globe.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Euronews

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To prevent more harm, the COVID-19 vaccines must be pulled off the market. U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) led a roundtable discussion Dec 7, 2022, COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries, to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and the path forward. Medical experts and doctors who specialize in COVID-19 vaccine research and treatment joined Sen. Johnson at the roundtable.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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US War Crimes

In this video interview, Michel Chossudovsky reviews the war crimes committed by US-NATO against numerous countries in the wake of World War II, as well as the “fake intelligence” and media propaganda used to justify the invasion of sovereign countries. 

It is worth noting that “U.S. military forces were directly responsible for about 10 to 15 million deaths during the Korean and Vietnam Wars and the two Iraq Wars”

“The American public probably is not aware of these numbers and knows even less about the proxy wars for which the United States is also responsible. In the latter wars there were between 9 and 14 million deaths in Afghanistan, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, East Timor, Guatemala, Indonesia, Pakistan and Sudan”

According to James A. Lucas’ carefully documented study, the “U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People Since World War II”

“Fake Intelligence” Used to Justify the March 2003 Invasion of Iraq

Colin Powell’s “intelligence report” presented to the UN Security Council in early February 2003 was FABRICATED. It was copied and pasted from the internet by members of Tony Blair’s staff.

“Fake intelligence”  was presented to the UN Security Council by Secretary of State Colin Powell on February 5, 2003.  

Damning evidence refuting Colin Powell’s official intelligence report was revealed by Dr. Glen Rangwala, Newham College, Cambridge  (image right) on  Britain’s Channel 4 TV on February 6, 2003, on the day following Secretary of State Colin Powell’s historic Iraq WMD presentation to the UN Security Council:

“I would call my colleagues’ attention to the fine paper that the United Kingdom distributed . . . which describes in exquisite detail Iraqi deception activities.” (Colin Powell, UN Security Council, February 5, 2003)

Powell was referring to “Iraq Its Infrastructure Of Concealment, Deception And Intimidation”, published on January 30, 2003.

According to Rangwala, the  British intelligence document was fake. It had not been prepared by British intelligence. It was copied and pasted from the internet by members of Tony Blair’s staff

Video: Interview with Michel Chossudovsky

Caroline Mailloux of Lux Media, Montreal Interviews Michel Chossudovsky

Below is the text presented by Dr. Rangwala to the House of Commons Select Committee on Foreign Affairs 

It was presented in June 2003, in the wake of the invasion and occupation of Iraq




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First published on March 4, 2022


A cargo ship called the Felicity Ace, carrying 4,000 luxury cars collectively worth around $438million, caught fire last month. Thankfully, the crew members were not harmed and managed to quickly abandon ship. The fire, however, burned for a week. This was because the lithium-ion batteries inside the electric vehicles (EVs) in the consignment kept the fire alive. The fire only died once the supply of combustible material on board was exhausted.

Something similar happened in July last year. In Victoria, Australia, a 13-tonne Tesla ‘Megapack’ facility – which uses a vast array of lithium-ion batteries to store energy generated by intermittent renewables – caught fire. This fire eventually burned itself out after three days. In that time, it created numerous ecological hazards, including toxic smoke, which engulfed local residents. But firefighters could do little more than monitor the environmental damage – they had to wait for the fire to put itself out.

‘The most significant danger of a lithium-ion battery is that [fires] are almost impossible to put out once they are ignited’, notes engineer Robin Mitchell. ‘No matter how many safety systems are put in place’, he says, ‘a fire started by a lithium-ion battery is far too challenging to manage’. Such technology, Mitchell concludes, ‘may only be suitable for small-scale systems such as smartphones and EVs’. Even so, the fire risks posed by EV batteries are not insignificant.

Most of us carry a lithium-ion battery in our smartphone without thinking about it, and these are relatively safe. The danger of using larger lithium-ion batteries in larger configurations has been recognised by authorities since their commercial introduction in 1991. For instance, US airlines do not permit laptops with integrated batteries larger than 100 watt hours on board. The likelihood of the battery catching fire is relatively low. But in the event of a fire, to extinguish it, you can’t use water. The fire risks are even greater for an EV, which is a bit like a tightly packed sandwich of hundreds of laptop batteries.

So, what are our environmental campaigners doing to draw our attention to this great new hazard? You may have noticed a curious absence of petitions, hashtags or alarming reports from the likes of BBC News.

This is even more surprising when you consider the ecological damage and exploitation that goes into producing the batteries. Lithium extraction is filthy and it uses huge amounts of groundwater. In Chile, mining activities in the Salar de Atacama region consume 65 per cent of the area’s water. Toxic chemicals from the mining process have been known to leak into water supplies. Researchers in Nevada found that fish as far as 150 miles downstream were being impacted by mining operations.

Lithium-ion batteries also need a lot of cobalt – typically around 14kg per car battery. Extracting this is dirty and dangerous. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the world’s largest supplier, children as young as seven wash and sort ores as ‘artisanal miners’, according to an Amnesty report from 2016.

This, then, is an environmental story that has failed to make the usual species leap from academic researcher to NGO media campaigner to TV news producer. This is odd, given that the precautionary principle has been a staple of environmentalist campaigning for five decades now. For instance, shale-gas exploration cannot proceed, green activists argue, because fracking risks causing ‘earthquakes’, even though these tend to be largely imperceptible. Yet when it comes to EVs and lithium-ion batteries, the precautionary principle seems to have been laid to rest for a while.

The dangers of lithium-ion batteries are evident in the number of high-profile product recalls. Dell recalled four million batteries in 2006. HP recalled more than 100,000 laptops in 2019 because of battery-fire risks. After causing fires on flights, Samsung’s Note 7 smartphone was recalled – twice – and then sidelined completely.

The costs and risks only increase with larger products. Fires originating in the battery in Chevrolet Bolt vehicles are estimated to have cost General Motors around $2 billion. Audi had to recall its E-Tron SUV for the same reason. Parked Teslas keep bursting into flames – and the company has been castigated for not recalling the vehicles.

Instead of exposing this great environmental danger, the BBC can be found promoting the batteries. ‘There’s no doubt that batteries are central to a low-carbon future’, a recent film in its ‘Ideas’ series explained. ‘Lithium-ion batteries can store clean energy for when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing, sending it out on grey days with the strength and reliability that rivals fossil fuels.’ Hurray!

Even more curious is that the green priesthood has blessed lithium-powered EVs as an ‘environmentally friendly’ successor to vehicles powered by the internal combustion engine (ICE). The argument is that since EVs do not use an ICE, which is powered by an oil derivative (petrol or diesel), driving them results in lower CO2 emissions.

Yet last week, Britain’s most popular car YouTuber, Tim Burton (more widely known as Shmee), announced that he was replacing his electric Porsche with a petrol-powered Ferrari V12 – because it’s greener and cleaner. His reason may surprise many who believe that EVs are either ‘low’ or ‘zero’ CO2-emission vehicles.

Burton cited a study that Volvo released during the COP26 climate summit. This study, led by Andrea Egeskog of the Sustainability Center at Volvo, received remarkably little attention at the time. Volvo is unusual in being able to make direct comparisons between two versions of the same car model, the XC40 SUV. One is electric, the other has an ICE. Volvo calculated the CO2 emissions over the full lifecycle of the two products: from mining the minerals, like lithium and cobalt, to the end of their lives, including disposal.

Out of the factory gate, the electric car begins its life on the wrong side of the tracks – having generated far more CO2 than the petrol-guzzling version. That’s because of lithium and the other rare-earth minerals required to manufacture the ‘planet-saving’ EV. The emissions from the materials and the production of the ICE version of Volvo’s XC40 are roughly 40 per cent lower than for the EV.

Of course, the ICE model continues to consume fossil fuels for as long as it’s in use. But for the electric version to ‘break even’, so to speak, it has to do a lot of miles on the clock. Its eco-friendliness also depends enormously on how the electricity used to charge the batteries is generated. Volvo advises that, based on a typical global energy mix, if you drive under 93,000 miles you will cause greater emissions by choosing an electric vehicle over the petrol version. In the EU, which uses a higher proportion of renewables, the break-even point is still 52,000 miles. Hence Burton’s decision to return his EV. A high-performance Ferrari or Porsche car will never achieve such mileage. Nor will a normal car like mine. If I replace my 19-year-old car tomorrow, and take the ‘green option’ instead of the petrol option, I will be poorer, because the EV equivalent is so much more expensive, and it will only finally start to achieve CO2-emissions savings over the petrol rival some time in the late 2040s. But it won’t ever reach that point, as the battery will be depleted long before then.

Despite all this, the major car manufacturers have ploughed billions into the development of EVs. EVs have also been heavily subsidised by governments as a means to achieve their climate goals. ‘What if those billions of dollars had been put into the internal combustion engine, how much better would they have got?’, Burton muses.

Many of the EVs sold today are ‘urban runabouts’ – that is, vehicles that will never reach the CO2 ‘break even’ point, and will therefore emit more CO2 than a petrol equivalent. Since the practical value of an EV today in reducing CO2 emissions is zero, its value is merely to signal moral superiority, showing others that you care and they don’t. It is a status good. It makes the owner feel better.

The curious moral of the story is that, even by their own standards, environmentalists aren’t terribly good at practising what they preach. If, as climate change campaigners insist, our cars are ‘killing the planet’, then it’s the virtuous among us who are killing the planet faster. That such hypocrisy from the green elites has gone unchallenged for so long is remarkable. It surely can’t last.


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Andrew Orlowski is founder of the research network Think of X and a columnist at the Telegraph.

Featured image is from Spiked


Quale Ucraina sosteniamo?  

March 30th, 2023 by Patrick Pasin

Lo slogan “Sostegno all’Ucraina” continua a prosperare. Coloro che lo promuovono sanno che gli ucraini sono stati il popolo più martirizzato in Europa PRIMA della guerra? Proprio a causa di colui che l’Occidente ama… il presidente Zelensky. In sintesi, ecco ciò che i nostri media ci nascondono e che dovrebbe farci riflettere sul nostro sincero e amichevole sostegno al popolo ucraino.   

Il paese senza bambini 

Nel 2021, il numero di decessi supera il numero di nascite di 442.279 unità,[1] una cifra sconcertante per circa 41 milioni di persone: significa che più dell’1% della popolazione è letteralmente scomparsa in quell’anno, senza contare gli effetti dell’emigrazione.

Nel gennaio 2022, l’ultimo mese prima dell’Operazione Speciale, la situazione peggiora ulteriormente: ci sono circa 57.000 morti, ma solo 18.000 nascite, un multiplo di oltre tre.

Sebbene il divario sia stato minore negli anni precedenti, era ancora in un surplus negativo a sei cifre dalla rivoluzione Maya del 2014 e prima. Di questo passo, il popolo ucraino sparirà nel giro di una o due generazioni, soprattutto perché gran parte dei rifugiati e degli emigranti non tornerà, qualunque sia la forma che l’Ucraina assumerà alla fine della guerra.

A questo si aggiunge il disastro in corso, in cui più di 200.000 uomini falciati nel fiore degli anni non avranno più figli. E il massacro continua: ora sono gli adolescenti a essere mandati al fronte. Chi può immaginare le conseguenze a medio e lungo termine per l’esistenza stessa del popolo ucraino? 

Il paese dei laboratori bellici statunitensi 

Secondo i dati dell’OMS e delle autorità locali, tra cui l’Ordine dei Medici, i tassi di infezione per HIV/AIDS, tubercolosi, epatite B e C rimangono tra i più alti d’Europa e del mondo. La tubercolosi si è addirittura diffusa in una forma unica, altamente resistente ai farmaci.[2]

Il paese è inoltre colpito da violente epidemie di morbillo, nonostante l’alto tasso di vaccinazione, ma anche di influenza suina, botulismo, leptospirosi, difterite, ecc.[3]

Le analisi mediche effettuate dai russi su migliaia di prigionieri di guerra ucraini mostrano che un terzo di loro è stato infettato dall’epatite A, più del 4% ha una sindrome renale e il 20% ha la febbre del Nilo occidentale [4]. La conclusione è che sono stati sottoposti ad anni di esperimenti biologici da parte degli americani. Propaganda russa? 

No, poiché il 9 giugno 2022 il Dipartimento della Difesa statunitense ha riconosciuto di aver stabilito “collaborazioni” con 46 laboratori ucraini, ovviamente per scopi pacifici.[5] In realtà, il Pentagono non “collaborava”, ma gestiva direttamente laboratori di guerra biologica in Ucraina dal 2014, in violazione della Convenzione sulle armi biologiche del 1972. Questo è stato documentato fin dal Maidan del 2014, compreso, ad esempio, un rapporto di un ex agente dell’SBU, il servizio di sicurezza ucraino che rivela che “la morte dei soggetti della sperimentazione è stata autorizzata come parte del processo di sperimentazione”.[6] In questo caso, i “soggetti della sperimentazione” sono ucraini, non cavie da laboratorio. 

Si scopre inoltre che questa ricerca estremamente pericolosa era finalizzata a migliorare le proprietà patogene di peste, antrace, tularemia, colera e altre malattie mortali.[7] Le priorità individuate comprendono anche lo studio degli agenti patogeni batterici e virali che possono essere trasmessi dai pipistrelli all’uomo, come la peste, la leptospirosi, la brucellosi ed i coronavirus… Coronavirus dei pipistrelli? Vi suona familiare? Inoltre, un programma militare chiamato “Covid-19” è stato finanziato nel novembre 2019, cioè tre mesi prima che l’OMS desse questo nome a una pandemia globale che non ha finito di fare notizia.[8] È solo una coincidenza? 

In ogni caso, non c’è dubbio che la popolazione civile e i soldati ucraini siano stati usati come cavie per anni dall’esercito statunitense, con la complicità di Kiev. Inoltre, queste armi biologiche rappresentano una minaccia diretta per noi, perché chi può garantire che questi virus mortali si fermino ai nostri confini? Cosa stanno facendo la Commissione europea e i nostri governi per proteggerci da questa minaccia? 

Il paese dei neonazisti 

La stampa Reuters stima che ci siano più di 100.000 di quelli che alcuni chiamano “nazionalisti tradizionali” o neonazisti. Che si chiamino Azov, Aidar, C14, ecc. dal 2014 stanno avvelenando la vita degli ucraini e non solo delle minoranze russofone, magiare, ebraiche, rom, LGBT …[9] In particolare, hanno partecipato all’uccisione di migliaia di persone nel Donbass, una situazione che ha le caratteristiche del genocidio ai sensi della Convenzione sulla prevenzione e la repressione del crimine di genocidio del 9 dicembre 1948. Alcune testimonianze rivelano inoltre che questi battaglioni della morte venivano pagati fino a 10.000 dollari per l’uccisione o la cattura di qualsiasi separatista.[10] Un buon affare in un Paese i cui valori democratici e progressisti ci vengono costantemente venduti. 

Non esitano nemmeno a entrare nei tribunali con le armi per minacciare i giudici e le amministrazioni per costringere sindaci e governatori. Obbligano persino alcuni comuni a pagarli come soldati per garantire la… sicurezza dei cittadini. Poiché l’Ucraina è anche il Paese senza giustizia, come vedremo più avanti, hanno tutti i diritti, compresi omicidio, stupro, tortura, rapina, racket, ecc. Naturalmente, con la complicità della polizia.

E quando il battaglione Aidar è stato sciolto dalle autorità nel 2016, i suoi membri hanno bloccato un’arteria di Kiev e hanno tentato di assaltare il Ministero dell’Interno.[11] Dopo un atto del genere, si immagina che le pene detentive siano state severe… Non è così! L’ordine di scioglimento è stato annullato e sono stati integrati nelle forze armate ucraine, come gli altri battaglioni neonazisti dopo gli accordi di Minsk e inviati a commettere i loro crimini nel Donbass. 

Di conseguenza, sono diventati nostri… alleati, dato che l’Occidente si è alleato con l’Ucraina per la vita e la morte (soprattutto quella degli ucraini, almeno all’inizio…).  

Il paese della corruzione 

Questo punto richiederebbe un intero capitolo, dato che la corruzione è così diffusa in Ucraina. Nel 2015, la CNN ha riferito che è costata al bilancio statale circa 10 miliardi di dollari.[12] Nessuna istituzione internazionale si lascia ingannare da questa realtà. Ad esempio, la Corte dei conti europea ha rilevato in un rapporto del 2016 di non essere a conoscenza dell’utilizzo degli ultimi 11 miliardi di euro inviati all’Ucraina.[13] D’altra parte, afferma che “i rischi posti dai vecchi e nuovi oligarchi rimangono elevati”. Come ammettere meglio la corruzione senza usare la parola? Ciononostante, i miliardi continuano ad affluire, dall’UE, dagli USA, dal FMI, ecc. Strano, vero? 

Per non interrompere il flusso di questi fondi smisuratamente generosi, la questione della corruzione è stata definitivamente risolta dalla Corte Costituzionale dell’Ucraina (CCU) con la sua spettacolare decisione del 27 ottobre 2020: ha assolto il governo, gli alti funzionari e i giudici da qualsiasi responsabilità per false dichiarazioni patrimoniali.[14] 

Di conseguenza, un giudice che avrebbe dichiarato di possedere solo una modesta casa a Kiev è ora protetto dalla legge se si scopre che possiede anche una sontuosa villa in Costa Azzurra. Almeno le decisioni dei tribunali saranno prese più rapidamente: dipenderanno solo dallo spessore delle buste paga. Lo stesso vale per i politici e i funzionari pubblici. Il Paese della corruzione è diventato anche il Paese senza giustizia.

Da allora, ovviamente, i miliardi continuano ad affluire in Ucraina. In realtà, siamo sicuri che i leader ucraini siano gli unici a “incassare”? Nessuna di queste enormi quantità di denaro viene condivisa alla luce del sole con l’Occidente, che le invia nel barile delle Danaidi che è diventato il paese di Zelensky? 

Comunque sia, è certo che queste decine di miliardi, a cui noi contribuiamo, non hanno portato alcun beneficio al popolo ucraino o alla pace. 

Il paese senza diritto del lavoro  

Allo scoppio della guerra, i partiti di opposizione e i media che non seguivano la linea ufficiale furono rapidamente banditi. Senza dubbio una dimostrazione di valori democratici per compiacere la Commissione europea… Altrettanto preoccupante è la decisione delle autorità, con la legge 5371, ratificata il 17 agosto 2022 dal presidente Zelensky, di abolire il codice del lavoro nelle aziende con meno di 250 dipendenti, ossia per più di due terzi della popolazione.[15] D’ora in poi ci saranno solo contratti “liberamente” negoziati con il datore di lavoro, che potrà imporre, ad esempio, settimane di 50 o 60 ore e oltre. I lavoratori non hanno più alcuna tutela legale e i sindacati non hanno alcuno strumento di azione. L’Ucraina è diventata legalmente un paradiso per i padroni disonesti.

Certo, un lavoratore può rifiutare un contratto del genere, ma è sicuro di trovare un altro lavoro che non imponga gli stessi vincoli, visto che tutte le aziende, a parte le multinazionali, beneficiano di questo regime eccezionale?

Vale la pena notare che è stato aggiunto all’ultimo minuto che questa legge rimarrà in vigore finché durerà la legge marziale. Chi può garantire che non sarà in vigore anche dopo, se non altro per “fluidificare” il mercato del lavoro? Chi può garantire che, con l’imminente crisi dell’Unione Europea, non venga imposto lo stesso tipo di legge, ovviamente per il bene dei lavoratori? 

Il paese della tratta di esseri umani  

Quanto detto sopra conduce tranquillamente a questo, ma c’è di peggio: numerosi rapporti dimostrano che l’Ucraina è il Paese dei bambini in vendita, ma non solo. Ad esempio, il Rapporto 2021 sulla tratta di persone pubblicato dal Dipartimento di Stato americano, quindi difficilmente sospettabile di essere di parte contro l’Ucraina, riporta quanto segue:


Come è stato riferito negli ultimi cinque anni, i trafficanti di esseri umani sfruttano le vittime nazionali e straniere in Ucraina e i trafficanti sfruttano le vittime ucraine all’estero. Le vittime ucraine sono sfruttate nella tratta sessuale e nel lavoro forzato in Ucraina, così come in Russia, Polonia, Germania e altre parti d’Europa, in Cina, Kazakistan e Medio Oriente. Le vittime ucraine sono sempre più sfruttate negli Stati membri dell’UE.[17]

Ci si chiede cosa stia facendo la Commissione europea, così rapida nel vantarsi dei suoi valori in materia di diritti umani, per combattere questo flagello… Il rapporto prosegue dicendo: 

I circa 104.000 bambini negli orfanotrofi statali sono particolarmente a rischio di tratta. I funzionari di diversi istituti di assistenza e orfanotrofi statali sarebbero complici o deliberatamente negligenti nel traffico sessuale e nel lavoro delle ragazze e dei ragazzi affidati alle loro cure.

Anche se la parola non è scritta, si tratta di pedocriminalità. “Un bambino su dieci tra le vittime della tratta nel mondo proviene dall’Ucraina”. In questo filmato trasmesso su Arte,[18] apprendiamo anche che “una quarantina di adolescenti sono stati venduti a politici locali per scopi sessuali”. La stampa e il pubblico in generale sono stati tenuti lontani dal processo. Naturalmente non se ne fece nulla e chi può credere che da allora la virtù sia calata sulle élite ucraine? 

Eppure, chi ha mai ascoltato Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel, Josep Borrell, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Boris Johnson… denunciare queste inaccettabili violazioni dei diritti umani? 

Allora, chi vuole ancora sostenere il Paese dei sogni del presidente Zelensky e della Nato che i media occidentali propagandano giorno e notte? La loro Ucraina merita il nostro sostegno e persino i nostri sacrifici? 

Per aiutare il popolo ucraino ed evitare la catastrofe che sta già avendo effetti sulla nostra società, c’è solo un’opzione: la pace. È quindi urgente smettere di inviare armi e denaro alla guerra: essa deve cessare per mancanza di armi, non per mancanza di combattenti. Inoltre, corriamo il rischio di finirci anche noi se non fermiamo la follia dei nostri leader. 

 Patrick Pasin

Articolo successivo: Guerra in Ucraina: il diritto internazionale è dalla parte della Russia 


Notas :

1 Si tratta di 714.263 morti contro 271.964 nascite. Fonte: Servizio statistico nazionale dell’Ucraina.

2. Hacker group says US biological labs active in Ukraine, Tass, 25 agosto 2017.

3. EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From Obama’s Defense Department, Natalie Winters et Raheem J. Kassam, The National Pulse, 24 marzo 2022.

4. Bioterrorisme américain : Le Pentagone n’a pas eu le temps de détruire les preuves à Severodonetsk, Alexandre Rostovtsev, Polit Navigator, traduction Réseau International, 20 luglio 2022.

5. Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries, U.S. Department of Defense, 9 giugno 2022.

6. Arme dans un tube à essai – Comment les États-Unis ont fait de l’Ukraine un terrain d’expérimentation biologique, Christelle Néant, Donbass Insider, 8 dicembre 2020.

7. Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on biological laboratories in Ukraine, 11 marzo 2022.

8. U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist, The Exposé, 13 aprile 2022.

9. Joint Letter to Ukraine’s Minister of Interior Affairs and Prosecutor General Concerning Radical Groups, Human Rights Watch, 14 giugno 2018.

10. Fuentes: e Le massacre d’Odessa organisé au sommet de l’État ukrainien, Réseau Voltaire, 16 maggio 2014.

11. La Gestapo ukrainienne… Le bataillon Aïdar fait peur même aux autorités ukrainiennes, Histoire et Société, 11 maggio 2022.

12. George Soros: I may invest $1 billion in Ukraine, CNN Business, 30 marzo 2015.

13. L’UE se demande où sont passées les aides à l’Ukraine, Georgi Gotev,, 7 dicembre 2016 / Rapport spécial n° 32/2016 : L´aide de l´UE en faveur de l´Ukraine, Corte dei Conti Europea.

14. Constitutional Court of Ukraine has struck a blow to anti-corruption reform – NABU statement, National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (Nabu), 29 ottobre 2020.

15 Ukraine’s anti-worker law comes into effect, Open Democracy, 25 agosto 2022.


17 . Sottolineato da me. 

18 . Traffico di bambini nel cuore dell’Europa, documentario di Sylvia Nagel e Sonya Winterberg, 2019.


Patrick Pasin :  Editore e autore di Guerra in UcrainaLa Responsabilità penale dell’Occidente – Le nostre opzioni per fermare la crisi (in francese)