This incident shows the lengths to which Ukraine and the EU are going to keep those two in line after they united to form an anti-war bloc in the heart of Europe.

Ukraine’s decision last month to stop the transit of Russian oil from Lukoil across its territory has hit Hungary and Slovakia, who have EU sanctions waivers to continue purchasing this resource, very hard. They’ve accordingly requested that the European Commission mediate between them and Kiev on the basis that the latter’s actions violate its 2014 Association Agreement with the bloc. The exact outcome of this dispute remains uncertain, but the following five takeaways encapsulate its essence:

1. Ukraine Is Punishing Hungary and Slovakia for Their Anti-War Positions

Kiev hates that these neighboring Central European nations have formed an anti-warbloc within the EU and are opposed to perpetuating NATO’s proxy war. The timing suggests that Kiev waited until after it became clear that Slovak Prime Minister Fico, who returned to office late last year, hadn’t changed his position since surviving an assassination attempt in mid-May. Had he been killed and replaced with a pro-war figure or had a change of heart, then it’s unlikely that Kiev would have cut off Lukoil’s exports.

2. Weaponizing Energy Is an Ironic Means to the Abovementioned End

Ukraine and some EU members fearmongered for years that Russia would weaponize its energy exports against them, yet it ironically turns out that Kiev ended up doing precisely that, and nobody in the West apart from the two affected states is saying a peep. This suggests that they tacitly approve of Kiev punishing their wayward members in the hopes that it’ll teach them a lesson, though Brussels will likely intervene before everything spirals out of control since Hungary has an ace up its sleeve.

3. Hungary Just Implied That Two Can Play That Game Though

Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto just reminded everyone that his country contributed to 42% of Ukraine’s electricity imports last month, with the innuendo being that these can be stopped until their dispute is resolved. This leverage is much more powerful than threatening to continue holding up the EU’s €6.5 partial reimbursement package of its members’ arms transfers to Ukraine since Budapest has been dragging its feet on that for around a year already.  

4. Any EU-Mediated Resolution Will be Spun to Impugn Hungary and Slovakia

The EU is unlikely to let this energy dispute spiral out of control since the consequences could be disastrous with more refugees flooding into bloc if Budapest reciprocally weaponizes electricity exports to Ukraine while Hungary and Slovakia could turn more of the public against Brussels. Whatever solution is brokered though will be spun to impugn Hungary and Slovakia by at the very least implying that they were irresponsible for not having diversified from their dependence on Russian energy long ago.

5. Some of the Damage That’s Already Been inflicted Is Irreparable

Orban’s noble attempt to improve ties with Ukraine during his visit to Kiev in early July was for naught as proven by the nasty energy dispute that followed, and there’s no regaining the incipient trust that was just lost as a result. Likewise, those among the European public who’ve already soured on Ukraine and the EU will only feel even stronger about their views after watching those two punish Hungary and Slovakia. These outcomes are manageable, but they’re still detrimental to each party’s interests.


As can be seen, Hungary and Slovakia’s Russian oil dispute with Ukraine is a form of tacitly approved EU punishment against them for their anti-war positions, though it’s unlikely to last long enough to lead to a full-blown crisis considering Budapest’s electricity leverage over Kiev. Even so, this incident shows the lengths to which Ukraine and the EU are going to keep those two in line, all with the intent of sending a signal to anyone else in the bloc who decides to break ranks with their warmongering policies.


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research 

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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America’s highly esteemed president who should be called Doodle-Head every time he opens his mouth came out with a beauty last Tuesday, claiming that if it weren’t for the existence of Israel “every Jew in the world would be at risk.”

No Joe, you got it wrong. The reality is that Israeli behavior is precisely what fuels anger directed against what might be referred to as the “International Zionist Conspiracy,” whereby the wealthy and powerful Zionist diaspora enables Israel to literally get away with war crimes and mass murder without any consequences.

Joe has also said the he has done more for the Palestinians than anyone, which means that he finds some benefit in watching them die under relentless bombardment by Israel with US provided munitions.

This ability to twist perceptions of what is going on in the Middle East and also at home based on a grossly exaggerated standard narrative of perpetual Jewish suffering means that Zionist groups benefit from a double standard that enables them to avoid condemnation for their over-the-top manipulation of government and other institutions with avoidance of any penalty for their activity.

Matt Brooks, the CEO of the Republican Jewish Coalition, spoke Tuesday at the RNC, providing the standard line about poor suffering American Jewry, saying “President Trump will bring back law and order so that American Jews can once again wear a kippah and walk the streets without fear,” while waving a kippah with Trump’s name embroidered on it. This playing the perpetual victim is true in the United States most particularly, but it also works in Britain, France, Canada and Germany where fundamental rights like freedom of speech are under attack to protect the state of Israel.

Image: Businessman Arnon Milchan (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a monster, even regarded as such in his own country due to his corruption and that of his wife. He knows that if the Gaza war were to end, he might quickly wind up impeached and in jail. Interestingly, one of his major crimes involved receiving $250,000 from Israeli film maker Arnon Milchan, who made his fortune in the United States and was also involved in espionage directed against US nuclear technology to enable the Jewish state to develop its own secret – and illegal – nuclear weapons arsenal. Milchan and Netanyahu were together involved in illegally obtaining the nuclear triggers needed to detonate the nukes.

Milchan earned his fortune, estimated to be in excess of $3 billion, in part by spying for Israel to the detriment of the United States which is the country that has provided him with the opportunities to become rich and relatively famous. The Milchan tale is just one part of the successful effort by Israel to obtain the technology and raw materials for its secret nuclear arsenal. Preventing nuclear proliferation was a major objective of the US government when in the early 1960s President John F. Kennedy learned that Tel Aviv was developing a nuclear weapon from a CIA report. He told the Israelis to terminate their program or risk losing American political and economic support but was killed before any steps were taken to end the project. Many believe that Israel may have had a hand in the killing of both Jack and Bobby Kennedy and the American public is still waiting for the US government to release all the reports detailing what was obtained in the investigation of the deaths.

Image: Zalman Shapiro (1920-2016) (Source: National Security Archive)

Zalman Shapiro

Israel accelerated its nuclear program after the death of President Kennedy. By 1965, it had obtained the raw material for a bomb consisting of US government owned highly enriched weapons grade uranium obtained from a company in Pennsylvania called NUMEC, which was founded in 1956 and owned by Zalman Mordecai Shapiro, head of the Pittsburgh chapter of the Zionist Organization of America. NUMEC was a supplier of enriched uranium for government projects but it was also from the start a front for the Israeli nuclear program, with its chief funder David Lowenthal, a leading Zionist, traveling to Israel at least once a month where he would meet with an old friend Meir Amit, who headed Israeli intelligence. NUMEC covered the shipment of enriched uranium to Israel by claiming the metal was “lost,” losses that totaled more than six hundred pounds, enough to produce dozens of weapons. Such was the importance of the operation that in 1968 NUMEC even received a private incognito visit from Israeli top spymaster Rafi Eitan. In spite of all the evidence that something extremely shady had taken place at NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro was never charged with any crime.

With the uranium in hand, the stealing of the advanced technology needed to make a nuclear weapon is where Milchan and later Netanyahu come into the story. Arnon Milchan was born in Israel but moved to the United States and eventually wound up as the founder-owner of a major movie production company, New Regency Films. In a November 25, 2013 interview on Israeli television Milchan admitted that he had spent his many years in Hollywood as an agent for Israeli intelligence, helping obtain embargoed technologies and materials that enabled Israel to develop a nuclear weapon. He worked for Israel’s Bureau of Science and Liaison acquisition division of Mossad, referred to as the LAKAM spy agency.

Milchan explained in his interview that “I did it for my country and I’m proud of it.” He also said that “other big Hollywood names were connected to [his] covert affairs.” Among other successes, he obtained through his company Heli Trading 800 krytrons, the sophisticated triggers for nuclear weapons. A krytron is a gas-filled tube used as a high-speed switch. US government munitions licenses are required to export krytrons precisely because they can be used as triggers for nuclear weapons. California-based MILCO International Inc. shipped 15 orders totaling 800 krytrons through an intermediary to the Israeli Ministry of Defense between 1979 and 1983.

MILCO obtained the krytrons from EG&G Inc. After the U.S. government rejected several requests for krytron export licenses to Israel, the devices were acquired from the California top secret defense contractor MILCO International. Milchan personally recruited MILCO’s president Richard Kelly Smyth as an agent before turning him over to another Heli Trading employee, none other than Benjamin Netanyahu, for handling. Smyth was eventually arrested in 1985 and cooperated in his interrogation by the FBI before being sentenced to prison, which means that the Federal government knew all about both Milchan and Netanyahu at that time but did not even seek to interview them and ultimately did nothing about them, a cover-up to protect Israel that persists to this day.

Assuming that the statute of limitations on the crime has not run out it should still be possible to arrest and try the perpetrators, which would include both Milchan and Netanyahu. And there should be plenty of evidence if one were to look for it. An exhaustive investigation was carried out on both the thefts given their role in “nuclear proliferation,” though the complete reports have not to this day been made public as the Jewish state’s friends in government and the media have scrambled to cover up the direct Israeli government role insofar as possible. Also, there was physical evidence relating to the diversion of the uranium. Refined uranium has a technical signature that permit identification of its source. Traces of uranium from NUMEC were identified by Department of Energy inspectors in Israel in 1978. The Central Intelligence Agency has also looked into the diversion of enriched uranium from the NUMEC plant and has concluded that it was part of a broader program to obtain the technology and raw materials for a nuclear device for Israel.

NUMEC uranium plant

NUMEC’s uranium plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania was a two-story, 50,000 square foot industrial facility that stretched for nearly two blocks along a main street in town. (Source: National Security Archive)

Milchan initially retained his US visa even though his role in the trigger thefts had been exposed in the media. The multi-year residency visa was restored to him in 2016 through the intervention of Prime Minister Netanyahu with Secretary of State John Kerry, perhaps predictably, though Milchan has not traveled to the US recently and is believed to be living in Europe and is in poor health. He is also avoiding visiting Israel due to pending charges relating to his bribery of Netanyahu. The issue of Israel’s nukes is regarded as particularly sensitive both in Washington and Jerusalem as, under the Symington Amendment, the US is forbidden from providing military aid to any government that has secret or undeclared nuclear weapons. If the law were applied as written, US arming and funding Israel in its slaughter of the Palestinians would have to stop, but the deference to Israeli interests in this case is just one more example of how the Jewish state is above the law in the reckoning of American government officials and the media.

The tragedy is that spying for Israel appears to be regarded as something like a victimless crime, but in the case of Milchan it was dead serious, involving as it did nuclear proliferation on behalf of a nation that might generously be described as aggressively paranoid. And note that Benjamin Netanyahu, the very “statesman” who received 29 standing ovations from the US Congress, was also involved in the major Mossad operation to steal critical technology from the United States. In fact, even though the Israelis and their “friends” continue to rob America blind it is extremely difficult to be punished for doing so even after being caught red handed.

Prosecutions for Israeli spying are so few because of Department of Justice unwillingness to pursue them, according to a retired FBI agent who claimed that hundreds of potential prosecutions were rejected for political reasons. The actual convictions involve crimes so egregious that they cannot be ignored or covered up, like overheard conversations over lunch, as when Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin provided intelligence on Iran to American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) staffers Keith Weissman and Steve Rosen as well as to officials in the Israeli Embassy. Franklin went briefly to jail and was subsequently reported to be waiting on tables in West Virginia. US Navy analyst Jonathan Pollard, America’s most damaging spy of all time, stole enough top secret codeword secret material to fill a room before he was arrested and convicted. He obtained Israeli citizenship while in prison and is now living in Israel and is celebrated there having been freed of his parole conditions by President Donald Trump. Apart from that, nada! Time to change all that.

Netanyahu, Milchan and the others are not friends of the United States, quite the contrary, and deserve to be treated like any other spies caught in flagrante. The American people should demand that the government begin to recognize that fact and act accordingly. Putting Arnon Milchan and his colleague Benjamin Netanyahu in jail, or even sanctioning them to strip them of their assets, as has been done to numerous Iranians and Russians by Joe “Mumbles” Biden, would be a great start. Arresting Netanyahu on his upcoming celebration trip to address the Joint Session of Congress and visit Biden in the White House would really send a message to the Israelis about proper deportment and would be even better. One can only imagine what it would look like to see Netanyahu in an American prison! Hard labor, please!


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TUR

Arrest Bibi Netanyahu, Washington DC, 24 July 2024

July 24th, 2024 by Prof. Anthony J. Hall

The battle to define what passes for reality in the world’s most ailing superpower is becoming hotter than Hades. Benjamin Netanyahu, the primary personification of the genocidal convergence currently linking the governments of Israel and the United States, is about to address the US Congress. Many forces are on the rise that are calling for the severance of the genocidal convergence into question.





What will the world make of a very large and enthusiastic contingent of US politicians avidly welcoming Netanyahu in the US Capitol? Netanyahu is at the very forefront of the infamy presently despoiling the credibility of the world’s system of international law which is now being tested as never before?

Just days ago the International Court of Justice, the UN’s World Court based at the the Hague, ruled that Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories are illegal. See this.

This ruling comes on top of the ICJ decision early in 2024 that the Israeli government must stand trial for the crime of violating the Genocide Convention in Gaza.

The original allegation in this precedent-setting case originated with an elaborate charge from the government of South Africa.

The ruling included “provisional measures” aimed at stopping the actions creating the evidence that a “plausible” case of genocide is underway. Instead of heeding the ruling, the government of Israel and its US backers accelerated the pace and widened the scope of the mass murders showing nothing but contempt for the ICJ’s court order.

A third element of the cumulative legal contentions involves the International Criminal Court, the ICC. Elements of the Netanyahu government, including the leadership of Mossad, have long engaged in a number of unseemly and illegal interventions to intimidate the ICC into holding back charges of War Crimes committed by Israeli officials.

Click here to watch the video

Much proof has been collected exposing a series of vile efforts to intimidate the former ICC Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, into inaction. The aim was to prevent her from pressing charges of War Crimes on the Israeli government. An extension of this same kind of contemptuous intervention in the core institution of international law, has been pressed by Netanyahu and his Mossad operatives against the current Chief Prosecutor, Karim Kahn. See this.

Some officials in the US government are joining with Netanyahu in trying to stigmatize the ICC for doing its job. Such politically-motivated attacks on the independence of the judiciary should by now be the subject of criminal charges against the governments of Israel and of the USA in their own right.

Chief Prosecutor Kahn has already made a public record of the charges he wants to level against, for starters, Netanyahu and his Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant.

Many trails of history-in-the-making are converging as Benjamin Netanyahu touches down amidst the many controversies taking shape in Washington DC. What will be the reactions throughout the world to the welcome that will be afforded to Netanyahu by many American politicians that work in and around Congress. Seen in the light of Israel’s relationship to the US Congress, that legislative agency at the very core of the US government is in a sad state of treasonous subordination to a foreign power.

Probably many of these elected US officials will repeat their ghoulish display of servility to Netanyahu as they did during his three prior presentations to Congress. After all, American politicians are for the most part bought-and-paid-for creatures of large lobbies. And there is no lobby in the United States that is richer or more influential that the Israel Lobby.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPEC, is one of the most visible units of the Israel Lobby especially because of the large amounts of money with which it bribes so many US politicians. In fact, according to Congressman Thomas Massie, most of his colleagues in the House of Representatives each have assigned to them his or her very own “AIPAC Baby Sitter.”

The cost of noncompliance with the baby sitters’ commands is that the Israel Lobby will organize the defeat of the wayward politicians to be replaced by a more obedient servants of Israel.

Much of the controversy has to do with government to government relations between Israel and the United States. It has to do with the antagonisms between the Republican and Democratic Parties; between Donald Trump, Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris in the run up to this November’s presidential election. It has to do with the effort on the part of the current Israeli government with a strong contingent of murderous West Bank settlers to draw the US military into a war with Hezbollah, Houtis, and Iran as well as Shia militia in Iraq and Syria.

As I see it, however, the main spectacle has to do with the justice-minded citizens as they try to peel themselves away from the deeply criminal positions adopted by Zionist governments in Israel-US and throughout the rest of the West.

The Western governments are veering very far from the rule of law as they try to use intimidation and violence to force their constituents to go along with the US-Israeli genocide. It is now overdue, however, for citizens to join together to stop the participation and complicity of governments when they pretend to speak on our behalf in greenlighting the atrocious genocide that has been pushed forward now for close to a year.

To expect these governments at this late date to adhere to the judicial rulings taking shape at the World Court and the ICC seems naive. Hasn’t the time come for actions to accompany words on the part of conscientious citizens aware of our responsibilities to safeguard the human condition?

Hasn’t the time come to attempt a citizens’ arrest of the world’s current Genocider-In-Chief given the failure of our law enforcement agencies. In most countries police and military have failed to intervene in the defence of the human right of Palestinians to life, let alone to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Here is an essay initially published in Unz Review by Philip M. Giraldi Ph.D.. Dr. Giraldi is a former CIA official who is presently Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest. This organization was founded on the contention that the Israel First approach of successive Zionist governments in the United States does not serve the interests of the American government and people.

In his essay, Dr. Giraldi outlines the larger outlines of a series of crimes that enabled the government of Israel to covertly develop nuclear weapons based in part on theft from the United States of enriched uranium as well as of bomb triggers and other elements of nuclear technology.

Dr. Giraldi’s essay explains the partnership between Netanyahu and Hollywood film director and Israeli spy, Arnon Milchan. While the two of them are involved in the domestic crimes hanging over Netanyahu’s head, in earlier times the partners also violated international laws and US laws with the full knowledge of the FBI.

In outlining the crimes that enabled the government of Israel to obtain nuclear weapons, weapons which it denies possessing until this day, Dr. Giraldi outlines a crime sufficient to justify Netanyahu’s arrest during this trip to Washington DC.

If Netanyahu was to be apprehended he could be prevented from continuing the havoc he is committing in trying to protect his own skin. Clearly Netanyahu has been preoccupied with seeking to avoid the consequences of the many war crimes he has committed in the course of his political career.


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research 

This article was originally published on Looking out at the World from Canada.

Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

All images in this article are from the author unless otherwise stated

For months before and after the special military operation (SMO) started, the mainstream media ran several propaganda narratives simultaneously. One of the first doom and gloom claims was that Russia would take Kiev in three days and most of Ukraine in a week or two. However, this didn’t happen for the simple reason that Moscow never planned to take the largest country in Europe in such a short period of time, particularly not with less than 200,000 soldiers.

Still, the mainstream propaganda machine went full afterburner with the ludicrous claims that the Kremlin was now losing, that the Neo-Nazi junta forces are unbeatable and inflicting enormous losses, that the Russian military was now in disarray, suffering from extremely low morale, while also running out of missiles, shells, fuel and so on, and so forth.

These laughable myths continue to this day, even after the failure of the Kiev regime’s much-touted counteroffensive last year. Its inability to defeat Russian forces resulted in a somewhat more realistic assessment of the situation on the battlefield. However, as this less propagandistic tone didn’t have the desired effect on the populace in Western Europe and North America, soon followed a prompt return to the most ridiculous war propaganda one could possibly imagine. Even now, the mainstream propaganda machine keeps fantasizing about some sort of grand counteroffensive that would “push back the evil Russians”, despite the fact that the Neo-Nazi junta simply doesn’t have the manpower, equipment, logistics and firepower to even defend efficiently enough, let alone launch offensive operations.

Image: Gen. Christopher Cavoli, Commander, U.S. European Command (From the Public Domain)


Officially, the United States and NATO keep insisting that the Kiev regime still has good chances of winning. They claim that the so-called “aid” is giving results and that this is keeping Moscow in check and preventing it from expanding the conflict. Worse yet, based on this false premise, many Washington DC warmongers think that escalating the conflict could result in Russia “backing down”. However, in reality, the Pentagon is not nearly as optimistic. 

Namely, speaking at the annual Aspen Security Forum on July 18, the Chief of NATO’s European Command, General Christopher G. Cavoli, warned that things are “not going to be easy” (to put it mildly), adding that the political West “can’t be under any illusions, as ultimately Russia will reconstitute its force” and that the Kremlin will be “very, very angry at the US and NATO”.

“But we can’t be under any illusions. At the end of a conflict in Ukraine, however it concludes, we are going to have a very, very big Russia problem,” Cavoli stated, adding: “We are going to have a situation where Russia is reconstituting its force, is located on the borders of NATO, is led by largely the same people as it is right now, is convinced that we’re the adversary, and is very, very angry.”

The so-called “reconstitution” of the Russian military is a common trope in NATO, as its political and military elites are desperate to find a way of justifying the blatant lie of Moscow’s mythical “massive losses”. The harsh reality is that not only is this a false premise based on ludicrous war propaganda, but the truth is quite literally the opposite, as it’s the Kiev regime that continues to suffer unprecedented losses in both manpower and equipment. Despite this, the mainstream propaganda machine keeps insisting on such fantasies. For instance, back in mid-December, the infamous CNN broke its own records in laughable claims by reporting that “Russia has lost a staggering 87% of the total number of active-duty ground troops it had prior to launching its invasion of Ukraine and two-thirds of its pre-invasion tanks”.

Hopefully, you’ve managed to catch your breath after laughing for several minutes (understandably so, given the sheer ridiculousness of such claims). This is important because the joke actually gets even better. Namely, the information came from “an anonymous source familiar with a declassified US intelligence assessment provided to Congress”. According to this “intelligence” assessment, “the war has sharply set back 15 years of Russian effort to modernize its ground force”. Then came the ludicrous numbers game, where CNN reported that “of the 360,000 troops that entered Ukraine, including contract and conscript personnel, Russia has lost 315,000 on the battlefield, 2,200 of 3,500 tanks and 4,400 of 13,600 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers have also been destroyed, a 32% loss rate”.

CNN also claimed it reached out to the Russian Embassy for comment, which apparently never responded. And who could possibly blame the staff, given the fact that their job is far too serious to include commenting on bad comedy. In addition, a very likely scenario is that His Excellency Ambassador Anatoly Antonov was still laughing uncontrollably after reading all this. And he certainly wasn’t the only one.

“The idea that Ukraine was going to throw Russia back to the 1991 borders was preposterous,” Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, commented at the time.

This statement could explain the rather tense relationship between the Neo-Nazi junta and the Trump campaign, as Vance has never been too keen on wasting resources on one of the most corrupt regimes on the planet, while America itself is going through unprecedented internal and external hardships. As a combat correspondent, Vance realizes the harsh reality of the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. This sentiment is shared by many in the top brass, including Cavoli himself, as he gave the House Armed Services Committee a reality check about virtually identical issues last year, openly questioning the war propaganda about the Russian military’s alleged “massive losses”. It’s precisely due to such false reporting that the mainstream propaganda machine is forced to lie even more to cover its tracks.

There’s simply no other way of explaining how Russia managed to “reconstitute” nearly 90% of its military after it was allegedly “destroyed” in Ukraine. It’s difficult to say what’s worse – claiming that Russia “lost so much” or the idea that it can “reconstitute” such enormous losses in mere months (despite claims that it’s perpetually running out of soldiers, missiles, tanks, ships, etc). Either way, the political West keeps getting entangled in the massive and intricate web of its own lies and narrative manipulation, while top-ranking US and NATO commanders fully realize that any sort of direct confrontation with Russia is a losing battle.


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research

This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

This excursion has been a long time in the brewing, partly because my own area of expertise is relatively narrow, and partly because it addresses a world that has always been distasteful to me, the world of politics.

Nonetheless, wherever there are people, there are politics, and the processes that emanate from a gathering of individuals in furtherance of any particular end are daunting, difficult and never quite wholesomely satisfying, however necessary.

As a member, past and present, of various societies, professional groups and institutional affiliations, I have marvelled at how individual agendas push up against a group objective, sometimes to subvert it. For example, while serving as a Trustee of a psychiatric practice group many years ago, I met with a lawyer who had sought us out. He came with a request that was wonderfully simple and clear, namely, to accept referrals and provide counselling for lawyers in need of help with addictions. During this meeting, attended by two other Trustees, this easy matter inexplicably became rather impossible, mainly because one of the other Trustees on our Board incessantly interrupted the lawyer and threw up roadblocks at every possible opportunity. In the end the plans were scuttled.  

I discovered a few years later that the querulous and obdurate Trustee had his own addictions counselling practice which he felt would somehow be threatened by referrals to the professional organization of which he was a Trustee. So much for teamwork!

In the larger arena of world politics, which none of us can have escaped thanks to Covid, I have to conclude that things are worser and worser, exponentially. Those who aspire to positions of political power have to traverse a minefield which, if survived, may well claim every good intention and shred of conscience, so that the resulting product becomes a mere mouthpiece for his or her own notoriety and gain, the public weal often – but not always – becoming a distant forgotten shadow.

Recently I was tasked with perusing several books about the late President Lyndon Baines Johnson. The ordeal was both nauseating and enriching: nauseating because of the sick, perverse, relentlessly corrupt machinations and dealings at every level of the United States’ Congress, and enriching because it demolished the last remaining traces of personal naivete about the planes which powerful politicians inhabit. Johnson was as odious as he was scheming, as venal as he was sadistic, as manipulative as he was profane, and as criminal as he was self-aggrandizing.  

I once saw the man as he passed through the streets of Philadelphia in his motorcade during the sixties and I still remember the creased face of his large disinterested head seen through the right rear window of his limousine.

I therefore fully understand the scepticism of friends towards any world leader – indeed, we should always be sceptical and critical. Yet we must not so easily dismiss any form of hope or good and plunge into a nihilistic pit that offers no way out.

JFK is often held as a beacon, a man who did good and promised better in his short tenure before the – what shall I call them? The Deep State, the Warmongering Establishment, the CIA/FBI/MIC cartel? Whatever term I may use I now have no doubt that the faction that cut JFK down is part of the even more powerful faction responsible for Covid, endless war, depopulation, total surveillance and total control over us little people. So let me call them, simply, the Globalists.

Yet JFK too was no stranger to dirty tricks on the road to his position: there was a dark side to Camelot, as there is a dark side within us all. The greater political question then becomes, given the vicious battle it takes to assume a position of power, will there be enough left for ideals, for helping us to a fair shake, to decent lives, to the exercise of liberty,  and to the impartiality of law?

My own answer to these questions has been to compile a series or assumptions or premises as a kind of guide.

1. The Awareness of the Common Person

The greatest majority of people are busy working to make a living, paying off debt, worrying about whether the next paycheck will cover their needs and wants, avoiding physical harm, and negotiating the travails of child-rearing in an age of easy crime and profligate temptations. Their political information is derived from the Major Media Outlets, which therefore define the parameters of their political awareness.

2. The Major Media

I have come to believe, as indeed Covid has amply proved, that the Major Media are nothing more or less than organs of propaganda. Hiding behind the mantle of journalism, they have cleverly and efficiently pushed out phoney stories, falsehoods of every hue, and agendas of every stripe save those faithful to truth. If and when they dangle a morsel of truthful reportage, it is only to ensnare us into believing the other tripe they have on offer. I have personally not owned a television set in decades, and I have stopped reading the newspapers and magazines so dear to me in my youth: The New York Times, The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The Atlantic, Harper’s, The London Review of Books, The Guardian. It’s protected me from a lot of garbage and from the susceptibility to influences meant to relieve me of my capacity to think and inquire critically. “Fake News” doesn’t go far enough to describe their activities.

3. Political Manipulation

I listened recently to a person whom I would describe as an operative. He spoke about his friends in business and the capacity businesses have to analyze and parse potential customers’ wishes and sales vulnerabilities on a moment-to-moment basis. It rang true. I have no doubt, with the technology now possessed, that politicians do something similar with the masses of digital data collected and stored. Their use of focus groups is well known – in fact, when Bill Clinton ran for the presidency, I understand that his ‘thumbs up’ gesture had been developed out of the focus-group workshops his team had engineered.  When I first learned this I was aghast. Now I conclude that virtually everything a politician does or says is done or said with a meaningful purpose.

4. Closed-System Nihilism

During the heyday of Covid inoculation, when the push was on to jab children, I tried to caution a friend. She exploded furiously and would not deign to hear me out. When I asked her if there was anything I could show her to support my view that the jabs were hazardous to children, or at the very least, unnecessary, offering to send a particularly good article from an established medical journal, she said ‘no’. She said that nothing I could give, submit or proffer would change her own established view.

Closed-system thinking is not thinking: it is cultishness, it is solipsistic illusion that needs no verifiability nor brooks disconfirmation. When extended into the greater political sphere of our today – and we are in a battle for our lives and liberties, the likes of which has never approached our dangerous culminating times –  this kind of gloomy nihilism only serves the opponents of decency and life.

For example, to some of the people I know, there is absolutely nothing that Trump could do to stir a glimmer of hope that he will actually change the political establishment that has itself done everything in its power, including attempting actual murder, to stop him in his tracks.

‘He didn’t start a war during his presidency,’ I say. ‘He’ll plunge the world into a devastating war if he gets in again’, they respond.

‘They maligned him before he took office, started the phoney Russiagate, went after his tax returns, levied criminal complaints and actions, raided his home and even tried to kill him in cold blood,’ I say. ‘It’s all part of the show’, they respond, ‘he’s a fascist dictator playing a role.’

There is, in short, absolutely and positively nothing I can show, describe, illustrate, report or suggest that would change their view. 

If I speak about facts or deeds or evidence, they talk ominously about personality and character traits, about which I really don’t care because what I care about are what a politician does in office to help the people he or she represents. Speaking of which, did JFK’s well-documented extra-marital sexual philandering render him unfit for office?

A view or theory or proposition that is impervious to modification by any evidence is therefore no better than a self-feeding self-serving Belief. In this case, the Belief is utter nihilism: no-one hailing from a position of wealth and power can do us any good (with, of course, the exception of JFK, whose father was a tycoon and whose family fairly rolled in money).

I reject this. While I am all for having us people on the ground do our thing to further democratic and just ends, within our highly complex and stratified societies we need help in high places. 

JFK vowed to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces but they got him before he could even scratch their skin. Trump vowed to drain the swamp but they made brushing his teeth a victory with their suffocating attacks, which included covid, by the way, and despite which he managed to keep the country out of war and to move it into the direction of self-sufficiency.

The coming American election in November – if it is not postponed – will be momentous. The playing field is clear. On the one side we have the unabashed Globalists, masquerading as virtue-touting climate-concerned humanitarians who are all for eating bugs and further purifying the land of industry. On the other you have a Constitutionalist who touts peace, American manufacturing, and breaking the back of the Deep State. 

Illogical nihilism leads to one end: darkness and despair. Measured optimism to another. We need a break, an opening, a chance.

In the political landscape of limited choice, choose we must. 

At the very least, come November, I figure that more people than ever have been wised up about how we are manipulated; more people than ever will know how to do their own fact-checking; more people than ever will have turned away from MSM to more reliable sources of news, which include ourselves. 

This gathering of populist force, this breaking apart of the propaganda stranglehold on our perceptions, will be a formidable one no matter who purports to represent us. 

I don’t expect a Nirvana from anyone, and if we are led down another hellish garden path all we can do is continue the fight. The struggle is never over.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

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At the same time as the media directed all attention to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the second revision of the UN’s Pact for the Future was released. Almost no one takes notice of the negotiations taking place. Trump also represents all the “dangers” that the proposed new UN system intends to solve. In the Pact’s introduction, a warning is delivered that we are about to cross a dangerous tipping point that risks giving rise to a more uncertain and chaotic world:

We are confronted by a growing range of catastrophic and existential risks. If we do not change course, we risk tipping irreversibly into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.

Can we assume that such a tipping point is Donald Trump being elected US President? But according to the United Nations, there are both “opportunities” and “hope”. The crises and challenges that are looming on the horizon will not be solvable by individual states alone. Instead, it opens up for a new multilateral system that “harnesses advances in science, technology and innovation” to create collective action.

According to WEF adviser and historian Yuval Harari, the election of Donald Trump will inevitably accelerate the dismantling of the old system. Trump becomes the face of the global crisis. This is as per design.

It can be argued that Trump is the elite’s “Wreck-It Ralphwith the task of ending the American empire’s “liberal world order” and plunging it into chaos before the new international economic order is introduced.

A move to replace Joe Biden with Kamela Harris won’t really change the game. Without a presidential candidate of Barack Obama’s caliber, it will be difficult to stop Trump’s road to victory. The assassination attempt has only strengthened his chances. In addition to being blessed with the “grace of God” and spared from an untimely death, Trump also has support from the highest echelons of worldly power.

Only two days after the assassination attempt, Trump introduced his running mate, J.D. Vance. He has a background as a venture capitalist in multi-billionaire Peter Thiel’s Mithril Capital and subsequently received help from Thiel in building a political career and platform. As president, Donald Trump was also supported by Thiel (who had eight of his closest men placed in Trump’s presidential administration).

The fact that the tech billionaire Thiel, an alumnus of WEF’s Young Global Leaders program, is a member of the Bilderberg Group’s steering committee together with Klaus Schwab’s left-hand man Börge Brende and WEF-trustee André Hoffmann (vice-chair of Roche) gives a clear indication of Trump’s function in the global game. Both sides are played to produce the desired outcome.

On the same day that the vice-presidential candidate was presented, Elon Musk announced that he supports Trump’s candidacy by donating 45 million dollars a month until the election.[1] Musk has stepped forward as a champion of free speech (with his purchase of Twitter, now X ) and has questioned the WEF’s status as an “unelected world government” but at the same time runs transhumanist projects such as Neuralink and believes that humans need to merge with AI in order not to mitigate the risk of being annihilated by this threat.[2]

That the controversial Musk, whose grandfather was leader of the Canadian branch of Technocracy Inc. and was also named a Young Global Leader by the WEF in 2008, would be a genuine adversary standing up against Klaus Schwab does not add up. With his grandiose hubris projects, he rather personifies everything that the fourth industrial revolution stands for.

Peter Thiel also embraces the same transhumanist worldview and has made his fortune by supplying surveillance technologies to the CIA, the Pentagon and the Israeli Defense Forces.[3] His company Palantir, which enjoyed early support from the CIA’s venture capital fund In-Q-Tel, is also a partner of the WEF’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.[4]

Musk and Thiel are both part of “the PayPal Mafia”, a group of individuals who were previously associated with the payment service PayPal (as founders or employees) to later start other influential technology companies such as Tesla, Palantir, YouTube and LinkedIn.

The actions of the two billionaires and their support for Trump can be said to be part of a larger strategic plan to reshape the world. They are tech optimists in the spirit of the futurist Herman Kahn and stand as a counterweight to the neo-Malthusian futurists in the Club of Rome. But in the end they share the same goal—a technocratic world system (read more about Kahn and the World Future Society in my book Rockefeller: Controlling the Game).

What Yuval Harari does not mention is that in the background there are preparations for the system that is supposed to take over when the old one has been demolished. The New International Order envisioned by the Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzezinski in The Grand Chessboard is woven into the Pact of the Future.

But before that system is finally in place, we will very likely experience new global crises. The old order must go. This is what Donald Trump will face if elected. I want to remind you of what Trump’s friend Henry Kissinger (1923–2023) wrote in his opinion article “The Chance for a new world order” in the New York Times in 2009:

The ultimate challenge is to shape the common concern of most countries and all major ones regarding the economic crisis, together with a common fear of jihadist terrorism, into a common strategy reinforced by the realization that the new issues like proliferation, energy and climate change permit no national or regional solution.

The question is which crises and which actions follow? In the context of C-19, the protocols were followed to the letter while the public-private partnership Operation Warp Speed ​​delivered vaccines in record time with assistance from the Department of Defense (after the project was launched by Trump in May 2020).

Crises create opportunities for those who have access to the best intelligence.

One of the most important clauses in the Pact for the Future deals with strengthening the international response to complex global shocks (where a multidimensional, multi-actor response with a whole-of-society approach is required). The UN Secretary-General is therefore requested by the Member States to:

Develop, in consultation with Member States, protocols for convening and operationalizing emergency platforms based on flexible approaches to respond to a range of different complex global shocks.

It can be assumed that the multi-stakeholder networks convened will have close interaction with the various working groups of the World Economic Forum according to the formula used during the C19 pandemic (see WEF’s 2016 system initiative Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare). The world’s governments have long been infiltrated by the WEF so as not to stand in the way.

The pact also means that partnerships must be strengthened with “relevant” stakeholders (global financial institutions, the private sector, academia and non-governmental organizations). The fight against the crisis is financially lucrative for the companies that are at the forefront, while it changes the world in the desired direction.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, as Winston Churchill once said.

Both Musk and Thiel will stand as winners in a world system that will “use technology and data to anticipate risks, seize opportunities, act early and manage uncertainty.” It is their technologies that will form the foundation. Musk’s success with Tesla is, for example, a consequence of the UN’s climate policy, while Thiel’s Palantir assists with platforms to measure companies’ carbon footprint.[5]

In the policy brief that deals with the emergency platform, seven different crises are described that could become a reality if the world chooses the “wrong path”. It’s like a built-in threat. “If you don’t go along and accept our protection, we will burn down your house”.

Any area deemed in need of change will be subjected to shock therapy. In the event of a major conflict, several of these global shocks will be triggered simultaneously (polycrisis mode) with a global state of emergency as a consequence.

Then a new United Nations with muscles can rise out of the ashes as a new world authority. The Pact of the Future provides guidelines on how the UN should be “upgraded” to meet the challenges in the concluding chapter “Transforming Global Governance”.

A transformation in global governance is essential to ensure that the positive progress we have seen across all three pillars of the United Nations’ work in recent decades does not unravel. We will not allow this to happen.

The language is cautious but negotiations are ongoing. Proposals include a clause on reforming the Security Council. There is a desire to abolish the veto power of the Security Council (comprised of the victors of World War II). According to the plan, the agreement will be fully negotiated at the beginning of August to be signed at the UN Summit of the Future in New York on September 22-23.

In the background, intensive work is also underway to create new institutions that can handle a “planetary emergency”. This includes a global environmental agency and an international environmental court.[6]

At the end of May, the Swedish Global Challenges Foundation, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research published the policy brief “Towards a Planetary Commons Approach for Environmental Governance”, where a global governance body is proposed to take over the management of all the planet’s life support systems; hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), biosphere (life), lithosphere (land) and cryosphere (ice)!

It sounds like something out of a Bond film but is a real recommendation for the Summit of the Future. The Global Challenges Foundation, with the Potsdam Institute’s co-director Johan Rockström on the board, has been given a key role and also finances the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the UN’s HLAB on Effective Multilateralism (which advises the UN’s future agenda) and The Earth Commission (part of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors project Global Commons Alliance tasked with establishing “safe boundaries” for the Earth system).

Previously, through his co-chairmanship of the Climate Governance Commission (this project is also initiated by the Global Challenges Foundation), Rockström has proposed that a state of emergency be declared during the Summit of the Future. Through the establishment of a planetary emergency platform and a “courageous top-down leadership”, urgent measures must then be implemented to avoid dangerous breaking points being exceeded.[7] It undeniably sounds like a coup.

“The recommendations have clear connections to Club of Rome member Paul Raskin’s future scenario, in the book Journey to Earthland: The Great Transition to Planetary Civilization, where the elite alliance “New Earth Order”—consisting of “the masters of the universe”—business leaders, powerful politicians, thought leaders – takes power during “the great crisis era by declaring a planet-wide state of emergency and launching a provisional world authority.”

Then follows, according to Raskin, a period of authoritarian policing where resistance is controlled with the help of big-data and sophisticated surveillance technologies before the people rise up and prepare the way for the establishment of an “enlightened international governance” where the “evil” authoritarian world government is deposed to be replaced by the “good” democratic world government.

What is clear is that the “liberation of the people” will be supported by the same actors who introduced the terror regime.

As I write about in my book The Global Coup d’État, Raskin’s project The Great Transition Initiative was initiated and financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), with the Tellus Institute and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) as organisers. SEI was founded in 1988 by the first IPCC-chairman Bert Bolin and the Swedish Minister of the Environment, Birgitta Dahl. Bolin was included as a referee for The Great Transition Initiative and in 2003 recruited Johan Rockström to the post as SEI’s executive director.[8]

It is noteworthy that Johan Rockström has contributed essays to The Great Transition Initiative at the same time that Rockström’s climate commission receives support from the Rockefeller Foundation.

It indicates that Raskin’s scenarios are used as a basis for the transformation crusade that Rockström has been appointed to lead. Last year, Rockström ended up on Time Magazine’s list of the hundred most influential people in the world (in the category “Titan” together with, among others, Elon Musk).[9]

New Paradigm

The New Paradigm: “It envisions the ascendance of new categories of consciousness—global citizenship, humanity-as-whole, the wider web of life, and the well-being of future generations—alongside democratic institutions of global governance.”

The end goal is the creation of “One World”. A global ecological model society with a stabilized climate/controlled population growth (New Paradigm). After the steel bath and the “reform era”, according to Raskin, “paradise” will appear through the establishment of the “Commonwealth of Earthland”. He puts the time for this at 2048.

Is it a coincidence that this date is the 200th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto?

The procedure is similar to what the Swedish philosopher and “former” communist Torbjörn Tännsjö argued for in Sweden’s premier newspaper Dagens Nyheter 2018:

Something has to happen quickly. The establishment of global governance must take place through a coup, a kind of existential leap, where the sovereign nation-states are forced to cease to exist. A global government in the form of a global despotism takes over. Democracy must come later, in the form of a long-term reform project, much like democracy is established within existing non-democratic nation-states.[10]

While Tännsjö has endured a lot of criticism for his advocacy of a global climate dictatorship, Rockström’s recommendations for a planetary emergency, top-down leadership and heavy-handed regulations have largely passed uncommented. Instead, he is treated as an environmental superhero who will save our world from destruction, but Johan “Fix-It Felix” Rockström, just like Donald “Wreck-It Ralph” Trump, has support from the highest places. They represent the two poles of the dialectical game. One will break down the old order and the other will “build back better”.

The outcome is then designed to accelerate a global transformation into a high-tech planetary civilization (global technocracy) where development and evolution are ultimately intended to be controlled by the “Master of the Universe”.

Now who are these? I will return to this in my next book Temple of Solomon.


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Five months old Charlie James Sears died suddenly in his sleep on Jan. 25, 2018, weeks after his 4-month childhood vaccinations.  

It was ruled SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Infant Charles James “Charlie” Sears passed away on Thursday, January 25, 2018. He was born on August 27, 2017 in Kennestone Hospital in Marietta.




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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has arrived in Washington, but he was not met at the airport by the US President, Vice President, or even the US Secretary of State in an official snub.

Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday while speaking from a position of power in the political sphere of America because of the incredible influence of AIPAC.

Netanyahu has successfully postponed the Gaza ceasefire deal he previously agreed to, kept himself in power and out of jail, and contributed to the decision of US President Joe Biden to leave the race for a second term as president. Netanyahu is betting on Trump.

A meeting between Netanyahu and Biden is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, but insiders believe the meeting will be called off, and the blame will be diplomatically placed on Biden’s case of Covid-19. Biden had been low in the polls, and faced mounting criticism.  But, very recently he and his advisors had made a firm decision to stay in the race and prevent President Donald Trump from a second term.

Biden was counting on being able to stop the war in Gaza.  Had he successfully ended a war which has taken the lives of some 38,000 Palestinians, with 60% of whom are women and children, and secured the release of Israeli hostages, he had a good chance of winning votes from Americans who see the Israeli military brutality on unarmed civilians as completely contrary to American core values of human rights and justice.

Biden’s blind support of Israel through weapons transfers, despite war crimes and atrocities committed by the Israeli Defense Forces, has angered many Americans, including the staff of the White House and US State Department. Biden pinned his re-election hopes on his ceasefire deal, which Hamas and Israel agreed to. But then, Netanyahu reneged on his agreement with Biden on the ceasefire, and this is when Biden and his advisors decided to throw in the towel.

Experts are pointing to an intelligence assessment provided to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi which concludes the ceasefire talks in Doha may not progress until November because of Netanyahu’s belief that Trump will win.  Netanyahu and his Jewish extremist administration will then likely enjoy a free hand in Gaza, which includes plans to annex Gaza and the West Bank.

On July 11, Biden proudly announced his imminent cease-fire deal, saying his proposed framework was “now agreed on by both Israel and Hamas.” Biden added,

“We’re making progress, the trend is positive, and I’m determined to get this deal done and bring an end to this war, which should end now.”

On Monday, according to the White House, Israel “affirmed its full support for the deal as outlined by President Biden and endorsed by the UN Security Council, G7, and countries around the world.”

But, in a shocking betrayal, Netanyahu turned course and decided to buy time until Trump, “the best friend that Israel has ever had in the White House” takes office.

Netanyahu has consistently delayed the Gaza cease-fire talks in Doha by preventing his negotiating team from travel, and now he has created new demands, despite Hamas agreeing to big concessions.

He must appease two far-right cabinet members, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who have threatened to dissolve his government if he signs a cease-fire deal with Hamas.

Regardless of enormous pressure from the Israeli public, who demand a deal to release the Israeli hostages after 10-months in captivity, Netanyahu has stuck to his policy of buying time at the expense of the hostages, their families, and the future of Biden.

Even before Biden’s current political troubles Netanyahu was engaged in regular slow-walking of the cease-fire talks

Israel agreed to the Biden cease-fire proposal on May 27.  The came the bombshell, which even shocked Netanyahu’s chief negotiator, Mossad head David Barnea.  Netanyahu insisted on keeping an Israeli military presence in two corridors: along the border with Egypt, the so-called Philadelphi corridor; as well as along the Netzarim corridor that cuts through the center of Gaza. Both sides had thought that issue was not an obstacle.

“The hostages are suffering but they are not dying,” Netanyahu said.  Barnea, has warned that the female hostages in particular may not survive much longer.

The Israeli public is outraged that Netanyahu has left Israel without completing the cease-fire deal which would ensure the release of Israeli captives.

Ben-Gvir said in a cabinet meeting recently,

“Making a reckless deal now would not only endanger Israel, but would be a slap in the face of Trump, and a win for Biden.”

Netanyahu angered Trump when he congratulated Biden for winning in 2020 at a time when Trump was trying to overturn the election.  Later, Trump would say in an interview referring to Netanyahu, “F**k him”.

In 2018, Netanyahu hit the jack-pot when Trump pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. In his last speech to Congress in 2015, Netanyahu infuriated Obama by urging that the nuclear deal be scuttled. Israel’s longest-serving premier has virtually made his career in Israeli politics by billing himself as the only one who can manipulate the US.

Biden had insisted that opening up negotiations toward a two-state solution is necessary.  Netanyahu and his administration refuse to consider a peace plan, and voted overwhelmingly on July 18 to oppose a Palestinian state.

Netanyahu and his coalition allies who are Jewish extremists have a powerful allied segment of the American society: the Republican Evangelical Christians.  When Netanyahu came to office, one of his two main goals was to increase Jewish settlements in the West Bank, and finally to annex the whole Occupied Palestinian territory. Both Smotrich and Ben-Gvir are settlers.

Many of the Jewish settlers in the illegal settlements in the Occupied West Bank are American citizens who migrated to Israel.  The have many organizations promoting solidarity between Evangelical Christians in the US, who are overwhelmingly Republicans and Trump supporters, and the settlers.  These groups host Republican politicians on trips to the West Bank settlements, including US House Speaker Mike Johnson, who visited prior to becoming Speaker.

On Friday, the top UN court ruled the settlements were illegal, and it has been US policy to regard them as illegal, and an obstacle to a two-state solution.

Israeli Jews and American Evangelical Christians, who both hold extreme right-wing political views, have formed grassroots alliances while working to convince Trump and the Republican Party to drop longstanding US support for a Palestinian state, arguing it rewarded the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

A May poll in Israel revealed that just 33% of Israelis support a two-state solution and 32% of Israelis favor Israel annexing the Occupied West Bank.

The settlers are betting on Trump and his right-wing Evangelical Christian supporters to annex their homes into Israel, thus displacing permanently the 3 million Palestinians who live there, and permanently depriving the Palestinians their freedom and human rights. Netanyahu is betting on Trump to keep him out of jail.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Another Day in the Empire

Bombshells in the 2024 Elections – Past and Future

By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 23, 2024

The 2024 election may be like no other. In less than a month—from June 27 to July 21—three bombshells have gone off. Anyone thinking that’s the end of it is politically naïve.

China Brings Peace to the Middle East While Washington Bombs and Terrorizes

By Mike Whitney, July 24, 2024

China firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights, supports all Palestinian factions in achieving reconciliation through dialogue and consultation, and supports Palestine in realizing solidarity, unity and independent statehood at the earliest possible date.

The Trump Drama Eclipses the Rest of the World – While This Very World Falls Apart

By Peter Koenig, July 24, 2024

The plots abound and become deeply confusing. They are also obfuscating what else is going on in the world – crimes of biblical proportions. Is blending the world’s vision out from these and other secretly prepared events part of the Trump Drama?

The Secret Service’s Failure-to-Protect Is Being Blamed on “an Operational Failure”

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 23, 2024

The issue for the Republicans is Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s resignation and not whether there was an attempt on Trump’s life. For example, Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, defined the issue as the Secret Service “lacks the proper management.”

Ethnics’ Votes Helped Pezeshkian to Win the Presidency in Iran

By Prof. Akbar E. Torbat, July 23, 2024

Pezeshkian wants to pursue the same theocratic rules as before and comply with the religious orders. The same theocratic dictatorship will be imposed on Iranians. After his victory, Pezeshkian thanked Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, and said, “If he was not there, our names would not easily come out of the boxes,” and insisted on his loyalty to the Leader.

The Truth About Detoxification — Supporting Your Body’s Natural Processes

By Dr. Ashley Armstrong, July 23, 2024

In recent years, the concept of “detoxing” has gained immense popularity, with countless products, diets, and programs promising to cleanse your body of harmful toxins. However, the reality of detoxification is far more complex and nuanced than many of these quick-fix solutions would have you believe.

COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Failure 2x as Deadly for “Vaccinated”

By Dr. Mark Trozzi, July 23, 2024

Researchers in Ohio studied 152 severely ill adult patients who were admitted to Ohio State University Hospital with Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) between May 2020 and November 2022. Of these patients, 112 tested positive for COVID-19, while 40 did not.

Long before the Russian retaliation of February 2022 against the shelling of the predominantly ethnic Russian Donbas, before the British arming and training of Ukraine forces (including openly Nazi militia) and before the fanatical tub thumping of Boris Johnson, the British public had made their opposition to war in Ukraine very clear:



Although they were never allowed to know the truth about the 20 year expansion of NATO and the EU to the East, (moving in Ukraine to the heart of Historic Russian land) the British people’s instincts were sound. There is no doubt that they were also well aware of the disastrous state of their country’s armed forces with navy, army and airforce dramatically reduced in size and effectiveness compared to the height of the cold war – or even the Falklands war.

As a letter from Chris Cope in the Daily Telegraph summarised the state of naval forces:

Of our two carriers, HMS Queen Elizabeth is in refit until next month. Four of the six Type-45 destroyers are in refit, as are four of the Navy’s nine Type-23 frigates. Of the eight remaining vessels, three will shortly commence sea trials. 

Three of the four Trident ballistic submarines are operational. The Ministry of Defence never discloses the state of the rest of the Navy’s submarine fleet (SSNs), but last November, Admiral Sir Ben Key, the First Sea Lord, told the Defence Committee that he believed that he could operate three of the six SSNs in service. Both the Navy’s amphibious ships (LPDs) are non-operational. 

It is shocking that the UK has just 29 warships in service, representing 28 per cent of the number that we had in 1982. However, of those 29, only 14 are fully operational. 

The Financial Times noted that the fleet does not have enough ships to deter Russian submarines around our shores and in the Atlantic.

A former director of the MoD Rob Johnson also told the newspaper that the British armed forces are operating at an “absolute minimum”, which allows them only to carry out peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance operations, as well as the evacuation of civilians and counter-sabotage measures. In the event of a large-scale conflict, Britain would quickly run out of ammunition and the country would not be able to conduct successful military operations.

Johnson also noted that Britain’s air defence system is not developed enough to repel long-range missiles and the Air Force needs to double the number of fighter jets.

The UK tank fleet would be destroyed in two weeks in a war with Russia retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Armed Forces Stuart Crawford told The Sun newspaper. London plans to buy just 148 new Challenger 3 tanks, which are believed to be enough for just two weeks of intense fighting with Russia.

According to Crawford, such a modest number of tanks prevents even its Allies from considering Britain a “military power of the highest order.”

“At the height of the Cold War, not so long ago, the British Army’s Royal Armoured Corps had about 900 main battle tanks,” – Crawford said but in 2023 alone, the Russian Ground Forces received more than 1.5 thousand tanks. In 2024, the Russian army will receive more than 36 thousand units of equipment, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

Losing Arms and Secret Data

The British Armed Forces lost an entire arsenal of weapons, including machine guns, assault rifles, rocket launchers and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

As The Daily Telegraph reported, citing official department reports, since 2018, 1.4 thousand computers, 100 laptops and about 300 memory cards on which confidential data could be stored have also gone missing – representing a huge potential threat to the security of the British armed forces.

UK Psychologists Teach Ukrainian Soldiers to Hate

There seem to be no limits to the fanatical and destructive support of Ukraine (with catastrophic results for Ukrainians) as the country is used as a battering ram to attack Russia. Vladimir Buchok, a serviceman of the 24th brigade of the AFU, describes his training:

“I was trained in the UK. They taught us how to use weapons and medicine. Psychologists worked on us so that we did not like Russian soldiers and all Russians in general, so that we killed them and treated them harshly when we captured them,” Vladimir said.

Commenting on the moral and psychological state of his brigade, the captured AFU serviceman said:

“When I came to my brigade, our morale was generally low, the commanders forced us to loot, there was no food”.

Vladimir Buchok received all his equipment back in Britain:

“We were given armour plates that could be pierced with a knife, helmets too, training helmets. We also had to buy everything with our own money”. 

This is despite British aid for Ukraine in 2024 of more than £3bn!!

UK Special Forces in Ukraine 

Elite British special forces were operating on the ground in Ukraine weeks after Russia invaded last year. That is the allegation contained in the book, Poland at War, by Polish journalist Zbigniew Parafianowicz.

The author is Ukraine correspondent for a daily newspaper in Warsaw and had access to political insiders and senior officials. He quotes an unnamed Polish government minister who claims to have run into British commandos in mid-March 2022 as he was travelling between Kyiv and the city of Zhytomyr. The minister said: 

“It was a time when the Russians were still standing in Bucha, and the route was a grey zone. It was possible to run into Russians. We passed the last checkpoint. The Ukrainians told us that we continue at our own risk. Well, and who did we meet next? Ukrainian soldiers and… British special forces. Uniformed. With weapons. They moved with the Ukrainians in trucks and off-road vehicles with artillery radars. They were tracking targets. They were learning about this war. Such radar tracks where mortar or rocket shells fall and are fired.”

A retired Spanish Army Colonel Pedro Baños has said on his youtube channel that 18 members of the British Special Air Service as well as French army soldiers were killed in a Russian strike on Odessa, although neither the British government nor the press have reported British soldiers killed in Ukraine since they are officially not there!

According to him, another 25 members of the British Special Air Service were injured.

“And they tell me that the French soldiers died… these are not mercenaries who are French, no, these are soldiers of the French army,” he added.

The British Political Class Risks Russian Attack

And yet, as we see from the new Labour Prime Minister Starmer the British political class is second to none in its hysterical and uncritical promotion of Kiev’s war, welcoming members of the Nazi Azov battalion to the Houses of Parliament and providing long range Storm Shadow missiles and almost certainly British advisers/operators targeting Russian forces.

Indeed the then conservative MP Andrew Bridgen met the Russian ambassador who said the Russians knew of the UK operators of Storm Shadows in Ukraine. See this.

In May this year the UK’s Ambassador in Moscow “was warned that the response to Ukrainian strikes on Russia using British weapons could be on any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine or beyond” – the Official Russian Statement

Russian Presidential special envoy Sergei Ivanov has said that Britain is the most hostile state for Russia:

“Great Britain has been doing the same thing for 300-400 years – trying to limit Russia: its influence, economic power. Do everything so that Russia sits on the outskirts of Europe. It doesn’t matter whether this policy concerns the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation – it’s all the same” Ivanov said.[1]

It is, to put it mildly, foolish of British politicians to “shout loudly and carry a small stick”! Especially since there has been no parliamentary approval of any war against Russia. We live in dangerous times.


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[1] See Freenations post 

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“I’m not a big fan of that presidential candidate’s pro-genocide policies, but I like her positions on women’s reproductive healthcare” is not the sort of thing that would be said in a sane and normal country.


The single defining feature of this political moment in the United States is that all major presidential candidates favor continuing the perpetration of an active genocide — and that everyone’s trying to tap dance around this issue.

That’s it. That’s the main story here. It’s not “American democracy is on the line in this election.” It’s not “Making America great again” or “Taking back our country” or “Fighting the woke agenda” or any of that braindead nonsense. The main story is that an actual genocide is scheduled to continue no matter whom Americans elect, and everyone’s meant to just ignore that point as though it’s some small insignificant quibble and focus on the candidates’ positions on other issues like immigration reform and student loan debt forgiveness.

The main story is this mind-warpingly insane situation in which progressive-minded Americans now find themselves saying plainly ridiculous things like “Gosh I’m not crazy about this candidate’s pro-genocide policies, but I really like what she’s saying about tax credits for low and middle income families!” It’s that right wingers are now forced to adopt the position “Yeehaw, Trump’s gonna end the wars and bring our troops home and Make America Great Again, right after he helps Israel defeat Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Shia militias in Iraq and Syria, and oh yeah, also Iran.” It’s that independents are saying “RFK Jr is going to dismantle the war machine while simultaneously backing a genocide and pledging ‘unconditional support’ for the front-line aggressor in today’s major conflicts throughout the middle east.”

That’s what all the headlines should be about. Not how Trump’s 2024 campaign strategy differs from his other presidential runs. Not the ways Kamala should go after him in their first debate. The main story in US politics is the fact that there’s a genocide happening which all viable candidates support, and that an entire country is trying to find ways to psychologically compartmentalize around this horrifying fact.

You can’t “lesser evil” a genocide. That’s not a thing. Past a certain line a candidate is just plain evil, and if genocide is not on the other side of that line for you, then it no longer makes sense for you to talk about “evil” — or any other moral distinction for that matter. By framing the single worst thing a leader can do as a forgivable infraction, you have made all moral distinctions nonsensical. You live your life with your head in a moral universe where good and bad have no meaning apart from your feelings and how things make you feel. 

You can say you’re voting for your preferred genocidal monster because you feel a preference for that genocidal monster’s positions on healthcare or gun control or whatever, but what you can’t do is fool anyone who has their eyes open into believing you are siding with any kind of “lesser evil”. Once you’ve crossed into the same kind of moral landscape that would argue for supporting Six-Headed Hitler to stop Seven-Headed Hitler, you’re no longer standing in a landscape where it makes sense to talk about good and evil.

The closer we get to the November election the clearer it will become which American lefties have been using the word “genocide” sincerely and which have been using it solely to gain acceptance and approval in leftist circles.


What makes watching the Gaza genocide so much more awful is remembering how nobody suffered any consequences for the invasion of Iraq. Everything just went back to the same dystopian “normal”, despite our just having watched them lie the world into an unforgivable mass atrocity with the full complicity of our news media. It was like a family watching a father casually behead his daughter over Thursday night dinner, and then everyone just returning to their meal and going on as though nothing had happened.

And realistically that’s what we can expect to see after this horror as well. Israel will keep all the material gains it made from its crimes in Gaza, just as the US did in Iraq. Biden will die peacefully in his bed surrounded by loved ones, as will Netanyahu, when neither of these monsters have any business dying anywhere outside a prison cell in The Hague. All the war crimes, all the lies, all the mass media propaganda and distortions, will all likely go completely unpunished, and then the empire will go on to its next unfathomable evil.

This will be the case until the people get fed up enough to use the power of their numbers to force drastic changes to the systems which organize this civilization. Until then, none of the world’s worst people will be in prison. The law will exist not to protect us from the worst of our society, but to protect the worst of our society from us.


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Ongoing processor vaccine related eye disorders first reported two year ago in May 2021

First published on May 6, 2021


In just a few months, the World Health Organization received approximately 20,000 reports of new eye disorders that occurred post covid-19 vaccination. These reports include 303 cases of blindness and 1,625 cases of visual impairment! The European drug monitoring agency had never recorded such a severe spike in eye injuries until after the experimental vaccines were launched. These reports were collected by VigiBase and analyzed by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre in Uppsala, Sweden.

About half of the new eye disorders were additionally reported to the U.K.’s Yellow Card adverse event reporting system, which was set up to monitor the influx of adverse events that were anticipated during this live, experimental vaccine study. Back in 2020, the vaccine makers had already entered into liability-free contracts with governments around the world. This has enabled mass vaccine injury with no recourse or accountability and set up the framework for a historic, worldwide holocaust.

Ophthalmologists need more training to properly recognize and report vaccine injury

These experimental vaccines are designed to cause inflammation throughout the body, by reprogramming human cells to produce inflammatory spike proteins that are derived from the bio-weapon itself. Eye damage is merely a symptom of this inflammation, a sign of more serious problems to come with capillaries and autoimmune issues. The inflammatory conditions caused by the vaccines provide a new revenue stream for various industries within the medical system, including ophthalmology.

With mounting evidence of eye injury post-vaccination, ophthalmologists are ethically obligated to denounce these covid-19 vaccines. The vaccines are causing acute eye injuries at scale and are an underlying cause of inflammation for future eye disorders and other health problems. However, ophthalmologists are not properly trained to recognize, diagnose and report vaccine injury.

When the U.S. FDA issued Emergency Use Authorization for these experimental ‘vaccines’, they did not mention eye disorders specifically. In their fact sheet, they warn, “additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.”

In the UK’s Yellow Card System, vaccine-induced eye damage includes 4,616 cases of severe eye pain, 3,839 cases of blurred vision, 1,808 cases of light intolerance, and 559 cases of double vision. These issues were not prevalent until the vaccine was used. Some of the eye issues are mild but could be a sign of more serious issues within the cardiovascular or nervous systems. There were 768 cases of eye irritation, 731 cases of itchy eyes, 788 cases of ocular hyperemia, 459 cases of eye strain, 400 cases of dry eye, and 653 cases of increased lacrimation.

The covid vaccine holocaust is destroying people’s hearing and vision

More serious issues of swelling were documented as well, including swelling around the eye (366 incidences), swelling of the eyelid (360 incidences) eyelid oedema (298) conjunctival haemorrhage or breakage of a small eye vessel (236), periorbital oedema (171), and eye haemorrhage (169). The swelling can be indicative of more serious cerebral, spinal, and/or cardiovascular issues. Blood clots and nervous system disorders are a commonly reported adverse event. The eye disorders provide a window of opportunity to understand just how severe the inflammation is. Ophthalmologists are able to identify early signs of vaccine-induced brain swelling, cardiovascular issues and stroke to help patients seek emergency care before the patient becomes another casualty to these horrid vaccines.

One 33-year-old pilot had severe migraines and sudden vision problems following the Pfizer vaccine. The pain migrated down the back of his neck toward the bottom of his skull. The pain lasted for several days and was accompanied by dizziness, nausea, disorientation, confusion, uncontrollable shaking, and tingling in his toes and fingers. He was ultimately evaluated by doctors. The Pfizer COVID vaccine had increased the pressure in his spinal cord and brain stem, rupturing his left inner ear, and damaging his eyesight.


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Yes, it is of utmost importance that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, now Republican-nominated Presidential Candidate, be thoroughly investigated. Human Justice and ethics demand it. But will those in power allow it?

Maybe Donald Trump himself, when he is President, will launch a serious investigation – and divulge the truth, from within the myriads of speculations circulating the mainstream as well as non-mainstream media?

In the meantime, we are being fed dozens of rumors, hearsay, theories ranging from a conspiracy plot to a Hollywood-type bloody earshot, to Secret Service attempted murder, to the official story that this 20-year-old kid, Thomas Matthew Crooks, a registered Republican who has never voted, a stellar student, just graduated in 2022, was the shooter who just missed by literally a hair – see the boy’s picture (CNN website).

Mike Adams’s analysis has distinguished three different shooters. Paul Craig Roberts comes to a similar conclusion. See this.

The WSJ reports that Trump’s shooter used a drone to scout the rally site in advance (RT – 20 July 2024). How believable is this? Unless, of course, it is an inside job, for which circumstantial evidence becomes ever more convincing.

Nobody seriously questioned how Thomas Matthew Crooks, with no background whatsoever of hating former President Trump, got to the place of the rally, let alone with a rifle and intent of shooting the Presidential candidate? Might anybody suspect that Thomas could have been the victim of the DARPA-CIA type MK-Ultra mind manipulation project?

The plots abound and become deeply confusing. They are also obfuscating what else is going on in the world – crimes of biblical proportions. Is blending the world’s vision out from these and other secretly prepared events part of the Trump Drama?


Endless wars – Zionists Gaza massacres, a genocide expanding to the West Bank, with new illegal settlements, Palestinian resisters are being shot dead. The Zionist-US war expanding to Lebanon, Jordan – eventually intent to include Iran — all for a greater, energy-strong Israel, tolerated by the West; or rather, encouraged and financed by the west. With Zionist controlled western funding, naturally.

The planning of the Ben Gurion Canal, cutting from Gaza through Israel to the Black Sea. Eventually envisaged replacing the Suez Canal, so that all or most European international sea traffic will be under Zionist control – financially and otherwise, of course.

War in Ukraine – proxy US war against Russia, targeting the largest country in the world for domination. Next target, China, already today the strongest economic power in PPP-terms (Purchasing Power Parity), and soon in absolute terms. The US hegemon, and self-styled head of the One World Order, also wants to control China, the economic powerhouse not only of Asia and the West, but also of the Global South.

Do people realize that Ukraine is already being “privatized” by the West? Leading privatizing power is BlackRock, owning already, it is said, up to 50% or more, of Ukraine’s agricultural land and more of Ukraine’s riches. Ukraine with all its war debts – debts from loans, by far not all the money that was and is still flowing to Ukraine is grant-money – privatization of the country’s equity is a logical step. BlackRock-Vanguard and StateStreet are champions in this domain.

Guess, who owns BlackRock-Vanguard and StateStreet?

Monetary manipulations – who controls the Western monetary system, and much of the Global South’s monetary systems? Brief answer: Zionists. The debt of so-called developing countries through international lending institutions – World Bank, IMF, Regional Development Banks, followed by the private banking system run by Zionist-controlled Wall Street, one day must be paid back.

The debt monster is increasing by wanton, endless war games, Western NATO aggression, sold as defense wars – causing a multiple billion arms (and debt) race and business. Guess cui bono from the endless killing apparatus? You guessed right. Almost always the same villains.

The killing left and right – real and “fake” terrorism, “false flag” type operation — are all part of the plan, a multiple-objectives plan: Generating billions if not trillions of profits for a small elite from systematic killing, reducing, demoralizing, and dehumanizing the world population – with an added goal of total submission.

The recent Trump “assassination” Drama catches all the attention and deviates from these other, but deep-rooted realities.

There are more “eclipsed” fronts from which humanity is steadily attacked, but blurred by the Donald Trump event:

The climate hoax – climate manipulation, geoengineering, chemtrails, Direct Energy Weapons (DEW), the kind that most likely destroyed Lahaina, Hawaii; and more recently parts of northern Chile. DEW has many means of application, from drones to helicopters, to airplanes to outright satellites. From the latter they can cause devastating earthquakes by sending high-powered electromagnet bursts deep into the earth.

The climate hoax is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, destruction; on the other, the make-believe effect that we humans by producing CO2 are the culprits for the devastating climate change causing diseases, destroying agriculture, causing famine, creating poverty around the globe and killing the less fortunate everywhere, and foremost in the Global South. This is, of course, a flagrant lie and must be dismantled. See below, under WEF.

The WHO tyranny though the Pandemic Treaty rejected for now, the game is not over.

Wait for the UN General Assembly (GA) in September 2024 when new humanity-cheating “tricks” can be expected, based on the last-minute approval of the revised International Health Regulation (IHR) during the May 2024 World Health Assembly (WHA). To be approved, they were significantly watered down, but can be revived.

Also, not to forget, the WHO tyranny is also in charge of “Climate Change Control.” Who controls the WHO?

Imagine WHO receives more than 80% of its budget from private sources. One of the largest junks comes from the chief eugenist, the Bill Gates Foundation, and GAVI (also Gates-created), the Vaxx association of some 20-plus pharma conglomerates. What a betrayal of humanity – the World Health Organization is hiding the eugenists death agenda.

The WEF’s absolute mandate of population reduction – by any means and attacks on humanity on multiple fronts:

  • The CO2 hoax – when do people realize that CO2 is as important as oxygen for all lives survival on Mother Earth? Without CO2, trees would die and could no longer produce our life-supporting oxygen. Nature is in perfect equilibrium. Excess CO2 is absorbed by the world’s seas; and if missing to feed the plants, trees, rainforests, the seas release the needed quantities of CO2. Humanity is insignificant in this balanced CO2 interchange.

Destruction of agriculture — the CO2 hoax indoctrinated again. Cows’ gas emits dangerous “greenhouse gases”; therefore, they must be eliminated. Do you know who invented the CO2 / Global Warming / Climate Change lie?

The Club of Rome, more than 50 years ago, issued in 1972 the report “Limits to Growth”, prescribing instruments to limit growth and reduce human population. Invented excesses of CO2 are a purported instrument to indoctrinate the populace at large with guilt.

This has first led to the Global Warming agenda of the 1990s, early 2000s. Later, with a more generic name-change it became today’s “Climate Change Agenda”.

A world thoroughly indoctrinated with the help of the UK-based Tavistock Institute for Social Engineering, created the so-called annual Environmental Conference of the Parties (COP), up to the 28th COP in Dubai October 2023. The next COP – 29th — is scheduled to take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 11 to 22 November 2024. Close to 100,000 people are expected to attend the COP in Azerbaijan.

By now, COPs have little to do with “environmental protection”, but serve rather for networking and signing billions worth of business deals – many of which are harmful for the environment.

You may ask, what does this have to do with the Trump Drama? Well, it deviates from the upcoming disastrous 29th COP – in which Washington will be a key player as they have been throughout the COP propaganda agenda. Will this change with Mr. Trump in the White House?

The COPs key message was always the same: reduce CO2, or you, humanity, will eventually extinguish yourself.

It is hardly known that the 15th COP in 2015 in Paris, quietly and discretely established norms, excluding the largest CO2 emitters from the CO2-banning narrative: Wars (by far the largest CO2 emitter), war industries, sea transports, including colossal container vessels and the floating hotel cruise ships; and air transport – civil and military.

Do people at large, who busily and obediently cover their roofs with billions of dollars-worth of solar panels, creating a billion of dollars-worth up-and-coming solar-panel industry, know about these by far largest CO2 “culprits”? Probably not.

This is relentlessly going on, while the world at large is kept breathless by the Trump drama.

Humanity is of course attacked on many other fronts. Here are some of them:

  • Destruction of agriculture, confiscation of farm land by the super rich, leading to famine, misery and eventually death. Reason: Agriculture produces environmentally damaging CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
  • Artificially created economic crises by manipulation of the Zionist-controlled western monetary system, economic breakdowns, bankruptcies, unemployment, poverty, death.
  • Endless fear-after-fear campaigns, lowering human resistance in all dimensions, health, mental, creating submissiveness.
  • New viruses — several yet unknown viruses “Xs” are on the horizon, for new deadly vaxxes, depopulating the still largely ignorant world.
  • Rapid and shamelessly planned social services decay throughout the Western world.
  • Weapon trafficking: Ukraine – 70% of Western weapons never make it to the front (BBC, CNN and other mainstream media), but end up straight on the black market – creating the biggest “war and terrorist” weapons market in the world, to arm Western-created current and future “terror groups” helping the West perpetuating wars.
  • The West defending Ukraine – the world’s hub for crime, abuse, and corruption of all kinds and the only officially tolerated Nazi regime — and Nazi military forces, the Banderas Azov battalions, still alive and killing in Donbas and wherever Russians can be found, encouraged and funded by the West. The same Bandera Azov units which participated during WWII in Hitler’s war against the Soviet Union, helping killing millions of Russians.

The West overlooks one of the worst, if not the worst, crimes humanity can commit: Human trafficking, especially children. Children are being raped – in prisons, in underground tunnels and shelters, under starving conditions. They are killed under torture so that the rich and powerful, the cream of the elite’s political and business crop, can enjoy consuming alleged life-prolonging adrenochrome from suffering-to-death children.

Remember Epstein’s Island which to this day serves as a “blackmail” instrument for politicians, and other Big Shots, who went there in their glory – no names mentioned, many are known – so they will not talk. See this.

The West also closes its eyes, ignores – but knows – the aborted and new-born children cut open alive for organs – for vaccine production. See this 2-minute video clip:

A WHO – tolerated, maybe a Gates initiative?

And this a Ukraine run-down, from the Laboratories of Secrets:

“It’s a hub for human trafficking.

It’s a hub specifically for child trafficking.

It’s a hub for narcotics trafficking.

It’s a hub for weapons trafficking.

It’s one of the biggest money laundering operations in the world.

We know about our [US] bio labs.

For the record, 80,000 children from Ukraine have disappeared and vanished since the war began. Women have been kidnapped and thrown into prostitution. This war is a catastrophe, the people bathing in blood are in Kiev and Washington.

Where are the 80,000 missing children in Ukraine?

Zelensky / Biden WAR in Ukraine operates the largest child sex trafficking / organ / adrenochrome harvesting operation all through Europe.

Where are the 1000 missing Maui children?

Biden openly traffics children at US Borders.

The sad truth is that our Congress that YOU PAY [you, the US people] cares more about laundering money through Ukraine, than about our own border [the US border] that is falling apart at the seem.”

An observation about the missing children during the infamous Swiss-sponsored so-called Peace Conference in the luxury resort of the Burgenstock by the Lake of Lucerne on 14/15 June 2024, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau had the gall to say in a Press Conference that Russian troops (he emphasized Putin troops) have stolen 20,000 Ukrainian children – and nobody knows where they are.

What a flagrant lie and defamation, well-known by Trudeau, of President Putin, who indeed, rescued tens of thousands of abducted, trafficked, and enslaved children from Ukraine. This, and the elimination of US bio labs, is one of President Putin’s stated missions for intervening in Ukraine. Plus, of course, rescuing Donbass and other Russian regions from the Kiev Azov killings.

All these atrocities are overshadowed by the dramatic Trump event. Dramatic it is and must be investigated thoroughly which does not appear to be in the interest of the elite, Deep State – or those who profit from it.

But as dramatic as it is, the attempted killing of a potential future US President cannot be allowed to blend out the rapid decay of the rest of the world.

The attempted assassination may not be resolved for a long time and an official version is little by little crystallizing, not the truth of course. But the “true narrative” will gradually be adapted to people’s belief-manipulated minds. The killing of the Kennedy Brothers, Martin Luther King, 9/11 et al, may be vivid examples how the media – plus Tavistock – control the population’s thinking.

And this official version will be drummed into the heads of people for decades to come, as is the case with other official versions.

Unless we the People scream from the bottom of our lungs NO! No MORE.

The truth must out.

And that independently of whether Donald Trump is the next president of a sovereign USA, not hegemonic USA, but a sovereign national US of A.

We the people, 8.1 billion, are and MUST be in control – not the 15 or 20 million Zionists pretending being God’s Chosen people and controlling the world’s monetary system, by coercing and blackmailing politicians throughout the Western world, and gradually also in the Global South.

We the People MUST peacefully resist this affront, currently executed by the WEF, the UN system, WHO – and all the mostly financial giants behind these institutions, all controlled by Zionist interests.

We, the People, not the Zionists, are the world’s masters – leaders of an anti-globalist multipolar world, of sovereign countries and nations, and of sovereign national monetary systems, devoid of a US dollar dominance and dependence.

Can we do it?



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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Zelensky knows that he won’t reconquer his country’s lost territory no matter what he says for the purpose of keeping morale high, hence the need to informally explore a compromise for ending the conflict in the most politically “face-saving” way possible.

Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko, who’s emerged as one of Zelensky’s top rivals over the past year, speculated in an interview with Italy’s Corriere Della Serra over the weekend that the Ukrainian leader might agree to territorial compromises with Russia. In his words,

“Will he…consider a territorial compromise with Putin?…Zelensky will probably have to resort to a referendum. I don’t think he can reach such painful and important agreements on his own without popular legitimacy.”

Klitschko also echoed Atlantic Council senior fellow Adrian Karatnycky’s demand from mid-December for Zelensky to create a “government of national unity” by suggesting that this could help disperse responsibility for unpopular decisions like mobilization and thus ease their implementation. His interview couldn’t have been more perfectly timed since it coincided with the signals that Ukraine sent over the past week about its newfound semi-seriousness in reviving peace talks with Russia as explained here.

To summarize for the reader’s convenience, the US’ political uncertainty, the Ukrainian Conflict’s military-strategic dynamics continuing to favor Russia, and the growing attractiveness of China as a mediator combined to influence Zelensky to send his top diplomat to Beijing. This will be Kuleba’s first trip there since 2022, which followed the first such trip to Kiev by the Vatican’s top diplomat during this same period, thus advancing the scenario of China and the EU (via the Vatican) jointly hosting peace talks.

This is precisely what Orban proposed in his peace mission report for the EU, but since he’s considered by the Eurocrats to be too toxic to associate with, they’d prefer relying on the Vatican as their backchannel for exploring Kiev’s interest in this possibility instead. Zelensky knows that China doesn’t support his maximalist objectives in this conflict, but it’s also not in favor of Russia’s either, so his decision to dispatch Kuleba to Beijing hints at an emerging interest to have it broker a compromise.

Accordingly, this could take the form of freezing the conflict along the Line of Contact (LOC), but without rescinding Kiev’s claims to Russian-controlled territory within Ukraine’s pre-2014 borders. He couldn’t realistically agree to this though without a referendum after the enormous costs that his country already paid. Klitschko sensed that something of the sort might soon be afoot even before Kuleba’s trip to Beijing was announced (his interview’s publication narrowly preceded it) and that’s why he shared what he did.

Nobody should have any false expectations about this happening anytime soon, let alone assuming that Russia would agree to it after President Putin said last month that no cessation of hostilities is possible without Ukraine first withdrawing from all the territory that Moscow now claims as its own. Even in the event that Kiev voluntarily complied, which is unlikely, then the Kremlin would likely also want other aspects of its national security interests to be ensured as well such as demilitarization and the like.

In any case, it could form a starting point for resuming dialogue with Russia, even if it’s only initially conducted via mediators like China and/or the EU (albeit via the Vatican instead of Orban). Zelensky knows that he won’t reconquer his country’s lost territory no matter what he says for the purpose of keeping morale high, hence the need to informally explore a compromise for ending the conflict in the most politically “face-saving” way possible, thus explaining Klitschko’s referendum speculation.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

China firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights, supports all Palestinian factions in achieving reconciliation through dialogue and consultation, and supports Palestine in realizing solidarity, unity and independent statehood at the earliest possible date. China has been and will continue to make relentless effort to this end.Mao Ning, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman

China has brought together 14 disparate Palestinian groups and helped them form a unity government that will rule Gaza when the Israeli onslaught ends.

On Tuesday, leaders of the main Palestinian factions—including Hamas and Fatah—signed the Beijing Declaration which establishes an “interim national reconciliation government” to rule post-war Gaza.

The groundbreaking agreement represents the first step towards rapprochement between traditional rivals who have put their differences behind them in the interests of the beleaguered Palestinian people.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (C), also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, poses for a group picture with members of the Palestinian factions during the signing of the Beijing Declaration in Beijing, China, July 23, 2024. Credit: Chinese Foreign Ministry

In order to capitalize on the progress they’ve made in Beijing, Palestinian leaders need to call a broad and fully authorized international conference under the auspices of the UN, with regional and international participation.”

By doing this, they will draw more attention to their decades-long struggle for self-determination, which is already gaining momentum due to Israel’s genocidal rampage in Gaza. With the establishment of a de facto national unity government, the Palestinians will also be in a position to request international peacekeepers to protect their legal (1967) borders, which Israel fails to recognize, and which are the source of the ongoing dispute. In order for international law to have any meaning, UN resolutions must be enforceable. Thus, the legitimacy of the United Nations depends largely on its ability to establish and defend a Palestinian state against Zionist aggression. This is from an article at the Global Times:

China has made another significant contribution to the peace and stability of a world in turbulence as 14 factions from Palestine, including Fatah and Hamas, with key support from China, reached a historic declaration for nationwide reconciliation in Beijing on Tuesday. Experts said it will be a key step for Palestinian people to achieve their goal of establishing a state and the realization of long-standing peace between Palestine and Israel….

The latest…. events on the Palestine issue and the Ukraine crisis prove that China, which always upholds its stance for peace… is taking concrete actions to contribute to political settlements, despite the US and US-led military alliances like NATO continuing to add uncertainties and obstacles. China will continue with its efforts to ensure that peace processes in different regions of the world can be delivered…

Historic declaration for Palestine…

The core outcome of the reconciliation dialogue among Palestinian factions held in Beijing is to specify that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is the sole legitimate representative of all the Palestinian people, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday….

Ma Xiaolin, dean of the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean Rim at Zhejiang International Studies University, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the declaration is absolutely historic, significant and unprecedented…. (it) is not just a document, but a feasible roadmap with international support and supervision from not only major regional countries but permanent members of the UN Security Council.”… Global Times

Chinese diplomats expect the path to peace to be implemented in three phases:

  • Phase 1—“To achieve a comprehensive, lasting and sustainable cease-fire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensure access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground.”
  • Phase 2—“To make joint efforts toward post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestine.” Gaza is an inseparable, integral part of Palestine.
  • Phase 3—“To help Palestine become a full member state of the UN and get down to implementing the two-state solution.”

China should be applauded for bringing the rival factions together and making such a courageous effort to bring the 10 month-long bloodbath in Gaza to an end. They should also be commended for understanding that the broader crisis cannot be resolved without internal reconciliation, which is why China’s foreign ministry arranged to bring all the factions together at one time. Fortunately, the three-day confab helped the leaders to iron-out their differences on key issues including the creation of a provisional “national reconciliation government that will be formed according to the consensus of Palestinian factions and the current Basic Law of the Palestine.”

This is a remarkable achievement for China which has already distinguished itself as the world leader in promoting policies of peace and non-intervention. Keep in mind, that China recently helped to reestablish diplomatic ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia and, also, has made numerous efforts to mediate an end to the war in Ukraine. Wherever hotspots emerge and fighting breaks out, China can be found dousing the flames and trying to bring the opposing-sides to the negotiating table. And while their actions may be ignored by the western media, they are having an impact all the same.

The world needs an actively engaged China to offset the destabilizing effects of Washington’s endless coups, interventions and wars. The Beijing Declaration shows what progress can be made when right-minded leaders act in the interests of peace and conflict resolution.

Bravo, China.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

Janine Jackson interviewed the Institute for Policy Studies’ Phyllis Bennis about Israel’s war on Palestinians for the July 19, 2024, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.




Janine Jackson (JJ):We must not lose sight of what is happening in Gaza, where an unprecedented humanitarian crisis continues to get even worse.” That recent statement from Sen. Bernie Sanders can be explored almost word by word. With zero cynicism at all, I wonder, who is “we,” exactly? What repercussions or responses accrue to a “humanitarian crisis” that differ from, for example, war crimes? And then, if “losing sight” is wrong, what has maintaining sight delivered?

Reports from just recent days are in of Israeli forces killing more than a hundred people in a southern Gaza designated safe zone, attacking schools where people were sheltered.

The Lancet reminds us that the roughly 40,000 people who have been reported killed in Gaza since last October should not be the number we hold in our heads, given not just the difficulty of data collection, but that armed conflicts have indirect health implications beyond the direct harm from violence. People dying from infectious disease and a lack of clean water are no less dead.

A numerical accounting of the toll of the current Israeli war on Palestinians may take years, but why should we wait? The effort to end it is now. So how and where does that happen? What needs to happen to get there?

We’re joined now by Phyllis Bennis, director of the New Internationalism project at the Institute for Policy Studies, and author of numerous books, including the constantly updated Understanding the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict. She joins us now by phone. Welcome back to CounterSpin, Phyllis Bennis.

Phyllis Bennis (PB): Good to be with you, Janine.

JJ: Last October, you wrote that

while it’s necessary, condemning attacks on civilians isn’t enough. If we are serious about ending this spiraling violence, we need to look at root causes, and that means, hard as it may be for some to acknowledge it, we must look at the context.

Well, it’s now July 2024. We’re at where we’re at. Is there anything that you would add or change from that call to understanding, from last year?

PB: I think the only thing I would change is that we are now looking at almost 10 months of genocide. When I wrote that, back in October, it had just started, and we had no idea we would be still at work, still having been unable to gain even a ceasefire. Even a ceasefire remains out of reach.

What has changed is the language of the White House, the language of some in Congress. We hear President Biden now saying, “We need a ceasefire. We want a ceasefire.” But he keeps on transferring weapons, including the 500-pound bombs, these massive bombs that were temporarily paused a few weeks ago, along with the giant 2,000-pound bombs, one of which alone can wipe out an entire city block, destroy every building on the block, and kill every person in those buildings.


MK-84 bomb (From the Public Domain)

For the moment, those bombs are still being “temporarily paused,” maybe because in a recent Reuters report, we learned that the US had, since October, already transferred at least 14,000 of those MK-84 bombs, those 2,000-pound giant weapons of mass destruction, and the smaller, less dangerous 500-pound bombs, that maybe could only destroy half a block at one time, and maybe only half the people that were living in those houses. So, OK, that should be right, right?

The hypocrisy of it. Saying, “I want a ceasefire,” President Biden says, while he continues to transfer the weapons. And then he goes on to say, while he continues to enable this genocide by providing the weapons–which is all that Israel wants from him, they don’t care whether he says he wants a ceasefire or not; they want him to send the weapons, and he is sending the weapons. And then he says, “I’m the guy that did more for the Palestinian community than anybody.” What kind of hypocrisy are we hearing here?

JJ: Right. Well, Ramzy Baroud just wrote recently about the importance of separating humanitarian efforts from political and military objectives, essentially using the survival of people as a bargaining chip. I feel that media—not media alone—but they’ve fuzzed up this understanding that when elephants fight, it’s the grass that gets trampled, that we’re supposed to think about civilians being harmed, and they should be protected whenever.

But just to say, the international bodies that even just witness and record this carnage are themselves undermined.

PB: Absolutely.

JJ: And the idea is: It’s just every country against every other country—which, side note, would be demoralizing enough, even if it weren’t such an obvious lie, given that we know that commerce is global; we accept meta-national rules when it comes to corporate behavior. But here the international bodies that would say this is wrong, where are they?

PBWell, you’re absolutely right. The international community, as it likes to be called—meaning the United Nations, the international courts, all of those institutions—have failed. In the main, they haven’t failed primarily for lack of trying. They certainly have not tried hard enough. But they have tried.

The problem is they have been undermined every step of the way by their most powerful member, which happens to be the government of the United States. We should not forget what Dr. King taught us, that the greatest purveyor of violence in the world is our own government. He said that in 1967 at Riverside Church. I will say it again, today, so many years later. That has not changed.

Image: Delegates from South Africa at the ICJ

We do see, in the International Court of Justice, in the Hague, the extraordinary impact of South Africa’s initiative to challenge Israel directly, state to state, to say that Israel is violating the international convention against genocide. And after several weeks, on an expedited basis, the court came out and said, yes, this is plausibly genocide. And while it will take some time, usually months or years to make a complete and final determination, we are hereby ordering a set of things, that they ordered Israel to do, to make sure that the potential for genocide—or the actual genocide, they were leaving themselves that little wiggle room—but to make sure that that stopped, and they gave explicit orders, which Israel, again, simply ignored.

And what’s different this time, Janine, what you said is so important about other countries, as well as the international institutions, standing by and watching: One of the things that’s different here is that the international covenant against genocide, unlike most parts of international law that are very complicated, very hard to understand and really only apply very narrowly, the Genocide Convention specifically holds accountable every country that is a signatory, a party, to that convention. That includes the United States, ironically enough, includes Israel. But it says that every country who has signed on to that treaty has the obligation to make sure that it doesn’t get violated.

That was the basis for South Africa charging Israel with violating the covenant. But it also goes to every other country, including our own. So the Biden administration, aside from its active enabling of the genocide, is doubly responsible here, because it has an explicit, affirmative obligation to do everything in its power to stop the possibility of these attacks turning into genocide, or to stop them if they are indeed already genocide.

And the US answer to that requirement is to keep sending the weapons: 14,000 of these giant 2,000-pound bombs, 6,500 of the smaller 500-pound bombs, 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, a thousand bunker-buster bombs, 2,600 airdropped, small-diameter bombs, and more and more and more.

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Janine Jackson is FAIR’s program director and producer/host of FAIR’s syndicated weekly radio show CounterSpin. She contributes frequently to FAIR’s newsletter Extra!, and co-edited The FAIR Reader: An Extra! Review of Press and Politics in the ’90s (Westview Press). She has appeared on ABC‘s Nightline and CNN Headline News, among other outlets, and has testified to the Senate Communications Subcommittee on budget reauthorization for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Her articles have appeared in various publications, including In These Times and the UAW’s Solidarity, and in books including Civil Rights Since 1787 (New York University Press) and Stop the Next War Now: Effective Responses to Violence and Terrorism (New World Library). Jackson is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and has an M.A. in sociology from the New School for Social Research.

Video: Tucker Carlson Reacts to Joe Biden Dropping Out

July 24th, 2024 by Tucker Carlson

America’s presidential election has been turned on its head, and many questions remain about where this race is heading.

Now that Joe Biden is out, who will take his place? Will Democrat voters be allowed to pick, or will party elites keep the decision to themselves? And what about the Trump assassination attempt? Would Biden still be in the race if the former president had been killed?

The Tucker Carlson Show brings you all the latest analysis, and today’s episode features Tucker and former United States Navy intelligence officer Jack Posobiec’s immediate insights on America’s new contest for the White House as well as a deep dive into an in-depth timeline of the bizarre events surrounding the Trump shooting.


Jack Posobiec tells Tucker:

“Joe Biden is not being pulled from the presidency because he has dementia. They don’t care about that. He’s being pulled because the American people found out about it.”

Click here to read the transcript.


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Ethnics’ Votes Helped Pezeshkian to Win the Presidency in Iran

July 23rd, 2024 by Prof. Akbar E. Torbat

The low turnout in the past presidential and parliamentary elections warned the clerics in Tehran that their political base has substantially shrunk.

To deal with this problem, they passed Masoud Pezeshkian through the screening process of the Guardian Council to run for the presidency. They hoped to increase participation from the reformists and the ethnic population. Pezeshkian speaks Azari and Kurdish languages, in addition to Persian, which would increase participation. However, secular and nationalist groups have contended that screening of the candidates by the Guardian Council to preserve theocracy makes the elections irrelevant and have continuously boycotted the election. They wish to topple the clerical regime instead.

While Pezeshkian’s candidacy did not bring more voters to the polls in the first round, yet in the second round, a large portion of the ethnic population votes in the northwest and some in the southeast helped him to win the presidency.

Participation in the first round was 39.9%, and in the second stage, 49.8%.

That meant, in both stages, most of the eligible voters did not vote. During his campaigns, Pezeshkian provoked ethnic feelings of the Iranians in the northwest provinces by giving speeches in Azari and Kordish, which are the mother tongues in those provinces, and said why the country’s key positions were not given to them.

Image: An image of Saeed Jalili in an interview with the website in 2021 (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)


About 10.5 million voted for Pezeshkian in the first round, which led him to go to the second round to compete with Saeed Jalili. In the second round, on July 5, 2024, Pezeshkian won 16,384,403 or 54.76% of the popular votes versus Jalili’s 13.5 million (44.3%).

Pezeshkian and Jalili won the provinces almost equally. In 16 provinces, Pezeshkian got the highest votes, and Jalili in 15 provinces, but because of higher ethnic votes in four provinces, Ardabil, East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, and Kurdistan, Pezeshkian won more votes. The total difference between Pezeshkian votes and Jalili in all 31 provinces was about 2,850,000 votes.  

Pezeshkian became the ninth president of Iran and the third non-cleric.

Pezeshkian will become the oldest President of Iran at the age of 69 years and will be inaugurated on July 30, 2024. He is a physician by education. Pezeshkian used religion to advance his political career. During his university years, he joined Islamist student groups and established classes for teaching the Quran and the Nahjul al-balaghe, the primary books for Muslims. His political career includes being Minister of Health from 2001 to 2005, being elected to parliament five times, and serving as the First Deputy Head of the Majles from 2016 to 2020.

The winning of Pezeshkian does not necessarily benefit the Iranians, specifically the poor and working class. Some see him as a charlatan who takes advantage of Iranians’ religious beliefs and ethnic roots to deceive them. They see his presidency as a threat from the Pan-Turkism and Zionists to Iran’s territorial integrity. Pezeshkian’s ethnic roots may stir ethnic population radicalism feelings and open the door to Pan-Turkism and their imperialist supporters who covet to partition Iran.

Image: Ali Khamenei

Pezeshkian wants to pursue the same theocratic rules as before and comply with the religious orders.

The same theocratic dictatorship will be imposed on Iranians. After his victory, Pezeshkian thanked Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, and said, “If he was not there, our names would not easily come out of the boxes,” and insisted on his loyalty to the Leader. Pezeshkian respects the Leader and implies that he must be the administrator of his orders. Assuming he is honest, not many changes are expected in the regime’s policies. The Leader has emphasized self-sufficiency policies and has said there will be no compromises with the US. Khamenei has indicated the same route as the prior President, Ebrahim Raisi: revolutionary Islam must continue. The Leader has emphasized that the new president must pursue the aims of the Islamic revolution. Furthermore, Saeed Jalili, who is head of the shadow government of the regime, informed Pezeshkian that the regime’s policies must continue. Jalili warned Pezeshkian that if he acted in a way that was not aligned with the policies of the regime, he would intervene to correct them.

Image: Javad Zarif

Conflicts have arisen over the criteria for choosing the upcoming cabinet.

Pezeshkian has said that instead of nepotism in the past, the criteria for the selection of his government members should be based on individual expertise. Pezeshkian has appointed the former foreign minister, Javad Zarif, to head the “Steering Council” of his cabinet. Zarif was educated in the US. While serving as an Iranian diplomat in the UN, he established friendly relations with some well-known leaders of the US Democratic Party, including John Kerry and George Soros. Zarif has come under criticism by some conservatives for his connection with the Americans. Mahmoud Nabaviyan, a member of the parliament, has said Zarif grew up in the land of infidels and is at the service of the American masters and behaves like a Jew for them. Also, Hossein Shariatmadari, the editor of the daily Kayhan, criticized Zarif for his criteria for choosing the cabinet members, which he considered to be in contradiction with the constitution and explicit Islamic principles. He implied that Zarif follows the ideas that is propagated by the Zionists.

Pezeshkian lacks knowledge of social sciences and wants to rely on his advisers to make decisions on those matters. He wants to restart negotiations with the United States over Iran’s nuclear program, promising to revive the 2015 agreement in exchange for lifting the West’s sanctions against Iran.

However, despite the concessions made previously, the sanctions were not removed. Zarif has continued the same demagogy that the sanctions can be lifted. However, that is not realistic, considering the upcoming presidential election in the US, as Joe Biden left the presidential race and endorsed the nomination of Kamala Harris for president. Most likely, Donald Trump will win the presidency; in that case, he will not easily settle the nuclear issue with Iran. Pezeshkian has stated to support the Islamic resistance movements against Israel, which the US opposes.

Moreover, the national defense industry could be compromised if concessions are made on Iran’s nuclear and missile programs. Such concessions will weaken Iran’s national security. Furthermore, lifting sanctions will help the wealthy merchant class to profit from trade at the expense of the shutdown of domestic industries. Opening the country’s borders to luxury cars and other big-ticket items will only please the luxurious lifestyle in North Tehran.

Pezeshkian has no viable plan to solve the country’s economic problems, specifically Inflation, which is very high. He wants to pursue neoliberal economic policies, which lead to cuts in social welfare programs for the poor strata.

The West does not want to see the clerical regime fall because the alternative would be a secular government more professional and nationalistic, which will maintain a more robust front against foreign influence in Iran. Even though a non-cleric has replaced the prior cleric president, it will not make that much difference in the theocratic regime. Theocratic rigidity and enforcement of clerical rules will go on.


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Akbar E. Torbat is the author of “Politics of Oil and Nuclear Technology in Iran,” Palgrave Macmillan (2020). Farsi translation of the book is available hereHe is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Dez candidatos, apoiados por 38 partidos, participam das eleições presidenciais deste ano na Venezuela. É consenso, no entanto, que a disputa se centra em apenas dois: o presidente Nicolás Maduro e o principal bloco opositor, a Plataforma de Unidade Democrática (PUD), cujo candidato é Edmundo González Urrutia.

Todas as pesquisas de intenção de voto colocam esses dois candidatos na ponta da disputa. Mas a oposição radical, agrupada na PUD, e a imprensa internacional, só levam em consideração as pesquisas que indicam a vitória de González Urrutia.

Alguns exemplos são o instituto Delphos, que afirma que o opositor tem 59,1% das intenções de voto, contra 24,6% de Maduro; Consultores 21, que dá entre 55% e 60% de preferência para Urrutia e de 25% a 28% para Maduro; Hercon Consultores, que sugere que 68,4% votarão em Urrutia e somente 27,3% votarão em Maduro; e ORC Consultores, que indica um apoio de 59,6% dos eleitores para Urrutia e apenas de 12,5% para Maduro.

Embora se diga que esses são os institutos mais confiáveis, “esquece-se” que são dirigidos por pessoas com posições políticas acentuadamente antichavistas, como Saúl Cabrera, da Consultores 21, Oswaldo Ramírez, da ORC Consultores, Luis Vicente León, da Datanálisis, além de Benigno Alarcón, diretor do Centro de Estudos Políticos da UCAB. Eles vêm dando declarações públicas endossando o resultado questionável de suas pesquisas, ou seja, que González Urrutia é franco favorito contra Nicolás Maduro, e que só maquinações políticas com o uso do aparato do Estado podem dar uma vitória ao atual presidente.

“As pesquisas estão sendo sistematicamente usadas como arma de propaganda eleitoral para gerar um clima de opinião sobre o possível resultado da eleição”, disse à agência americana Voz da América (fundada pela CIA) o sociólogo Juan Manuel Trak. Ele tem toda a razão.

Os resultados das pesquisas acima diferem em muito dos publicados por outros institutos, que não são noticiados pelos meios de comunicação internacionais. O instituto Hinterlaces, que é tachado de chavista pela oposição e pelos jornais, mas que vem acertando praticamente todas as suas previsões nos últimos anos, aponta que Maduro tem 54,2% das intenções de voto, contra 24,1% de Urrutia. Ele é seguido por outros institutos: o Data Viva prevê 55,2% dos votos para Maduro e 20,9% para Urrutia; a Paramétrica indica 51,74% para Maduro e 29,06% para Urrutia; e a International Consulting Services colheu 71,6% de intenções de votos para o atual presidente e 23,9% para seu principal desafiador.

É claro que Trak também considera que as pesquisas que indicam uma vitória de Maduro também são enviesadas. Isso é bem provável. Mas elas estão muito mais próximas da realidade do que as duvidosas pesquisas que favorecem a oposição. Se todos votarem, só os 4,2 milhões de membros do Partido Socialista Unido da Venezuela (PSUV) que ratificaram a candidatura de Maduro em março já representariam 19,6% dos 21,4 milhões de venezuelanos aptos a votar nestas eleições.

Após os anos de intensa crise política, econômica e social causada pela morte de Hugo Chávez, a queda nos preços do petróleo e a guerra econômica patrocinada pelos Estados Unidos, a economia da Venezuela começou a se recuperar. O estudo do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD) publicado em abril informou de um crescimento de 2,6% do PIB da Venezuela em 2023 e estimou que em 2024 o crescimento será de 4,2%. A inflação no primeiro semestredeste ano foi de 8,9% e em junho ela caiu para 1% segundo o Banco Central da Venezuela – o menor índice mensal em 12 anos e o melhor da era Maduro. Segundo o Observatório Venezuelano de Finanças, desvinculado do governo, a inflação em junho foi de 2,4%. No mês anterior – maio –, a inflação de 1,5% foi a menor desde 2004.

Os próprios empresários deram uma trégua ao governo, que fez acordos com o setor privado para resgatar a economia, diversificar a produção e investir nas exportações. A Fedecámaras, famosa por liderar as sucessivas tentativas golpistas entre 2002 e 2004, não embarcou publicamente no discurso terrorista da PUD e os empresários não estão coagindo (ao menos de maneira enfática) seus funcionários a votarem na oposição, como fizeram anteriormente. O governo dos Estados Unidos voltou a dialogar com Caracas, o que sugere um relaxamento na pressão externa – o que pode mudar, caso Donald Trump seja eleito.

China e Rússia estão muito envolvidas com o governo venezuelano e isso é um importante pilar de sustentação de Maduro, cujo governo vem colhendo bons frutos dessa aliança – e dos acordos com outros países, como Índia, Turquia e Irã. Ao contrário da última crise, em 2019, os dois principais vizinhos (Brasil e Colômbia) hoje são governados por presidentes aliados de Maduro, o que dificulta a desestabilização do país nas fronteiras e o suporte a grupos radicais da oposição autoexilada.

Um indício da recuperação e estabilização na Venezuela é o fato de que o país saiu das manchetes do noticiário internacional nos últimos anos. Os grandes veículos de comunicação internacionais são nitidamente antichavistas e aproveitam qualquer evento minimamente negativo para realizar uma ampla campanha de propaganda contra o governo. Isso não tem sido possível nos anos mais recentes.

Motivo importante é que a oposição não se recuperou da derrota de 2019 com o fracasso de Juan Guaidó e não conseguiu se reunificar de maneira efetiva. Não há mais grandes manifestações antigovernamentais, até porque a direita não encontrou mais nenhuma oportunidade de sair às ruas e colocar o governo sob pressão. A ala radical da oposição, entretanto, continua com o mesmo discurso irrealista de 20 anos atrás (acusando o governo de ser uma ditadura, de reprimir e censurar e de cometer fraude eleitoral). As propostas de González Urrutia para privatizar as terras, indústrias, saúde e educação são altamente impopulares, o que o afasta das grandes massas da população. O próprio Urrutia era um político totalmente desconhecido três meses atrás e não passa de um boneco manipulado por María Corina Machado, histórica líder opositora fabricada nos laboratórios da CIA e escandalosamente financiada pelo governo dos EUA.

Por sua vez, o chavismo continua forte e organizado, apesar de suas contradições e dissidências, como a do Partido Comunista. Além da presidência da República, governa 19 dos 23 estados, 213 das 335 prefeituras, tem 222 de 277 deputados na Assembleia Nacional, a maioria em 20 das 23 assembleias legislativas estaduais e em 224 dos 335 conselhos municipais. O poder judiciário e demais instituições públicas nacionais, bem como o alto escalão da Força Armada Nacional Bolivariana e das polícias são, em geral, legalistas.

Contudo, apesar de um cenário real favorável para a 31ª vitória eleitoral em 25 anos de chavismo no próximo domingo (28), ela provavelmente não será tão fácil como indicam as pesquisas que o beneficiam. A situação econômica não está tão ruim como antes e o país está relativamente pacificado, mas o povo continua vivendo em uma situação social instável. Embora provavelmente vença as eleições, o seu resultado deverá indicar que as tentativas de conciliar com a oposição, com a burguesia venezuelana e com o imperialismo americano não estão trazendo grandes ganhos políticos para o chavismo diante de sua base social, especialmente a juventude.

Por outro lado, a oposição radical dá a vitória como favas contadas, utilizando as pesquisas que lhe favorecem e negando a realidade. A imprensa internacional compra esse discurso. Essa é uma campanha que vende uma ilusão de forma proposital e certamente a direita utilizará essas pesquisas e a cobertura enviesada da imprensa como “prova” de que houve fraude, caso o resultado das urnas seja contrário a essas previsões, e, aproveitando esse clima, volte ao seu repertório tradicional de não reconhecer a vitória do chavismo.

O governo dos EUA, diferentemente de todas as eleições anteriores, decidiu ser mais cauteloso e não emitir declarações em apoio à oposição. Porém, uma vitória de Maduro que seja rotulada como fraudulenta pela oposição e pela imprensa internacional pode levar a uma mudança de postura dos EUA em relação ao apoio público à desestabilização. Afinal, um governo moribundo e em transição, como é o de Joe Biden, é imprevisível.

Eduardo Vasco


Eduardo Vasco é jornalista especializado em política internacional, correspondente de guerra e autor dos livros-reportagem “O povo esquecido: uma história de genocídio e resistência no Donbass” e “Bloqueio: a guerra silenciosa contra Cuba”.

Detoxification is an ongoing process performed by multiple organs, including your liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and digestive tract, rather than a sporadic event triggered by special diets or cleanses

Extreme detox plans can be counterproductive, potentially harming liver health and slowing metabolism. Your body doesn’t need restrictive diets to detoxify; it requires sufficient energy and nutrients

Your liver, as the primary detoxification organ, requires adequate protein, energy, and nutrients to function optimally. Chronic under-eating can impair liver function and overall detoxification processes

Supporting detoxification involves holistic approaches: eating enough, regular movement, quality sleep, ensuring daily bowel movements, and managing stress, rather than relying on quick-fix solutions or detox products

Your lymphatic system plays a crucial role in detoxification by transporting waste and maintaining fluid balance. Supporting lymph flow through exercise, massage, and maintaining good gut health is important


In recent years, the concept of “detoxing” has gained immense popularity, with countless products, diets, and programs promising to cleanse your body of harmful toxins. However, the reality of detoxification is far more complex and nuanced than many of these quick-fix solutions would have you believe.

In this comprehensive guide, let’s explore the truth about detoxification, how your body naturally performs this vital function, and the best ways to support your body’s innate detoxification processes.

Understanding Detoxification

Detoxification is a crucial bodily process that involves removing toxic substances from the body. It’s a vital function, as the accumulation of toxins from various sources such as pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, and air pollutants can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction.1

Contrary to popular belief, detoxification is not a sporadic event that needs to be triggered by special diets or cleanses. Instead, it’s an ongoing process that your body performs continuously to maintain health and survival. This complex system involves multiple organs working in harmony, including the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, digestive tract, skin, and lungs.

The marketing surrounding detox fads often preys on people’s vulnerabilities, especially when they’re desperate for a health change. Many approach detoxification with a “quick-fix mindset,” hoping that a detox or cleanse will provide rapid results. Unfortunately, this approach often backfires, leading to yo-yo dieting or restriction-binge cycles. While you might lose weight rapidly during a detox, it’s common to regain it once the detox ends.2

The Pitfalls of Extreme Detox Plans

Many popular detox plans require drastic lifestyle changes that can be detrimental to your body. These plans are often highly restrictive, significantly reducing calorie intake. However, chronically under-eating can have negative consequences on liver health, including exacerbating liver fat accumulation and potentially altering liver function.

Extreme diets can also be counterproductive to the goal of improved detoxification. A lower metabolic rate, often a result of severe calorie restriction, may reduce the body’s ability to efficiently perform detoxification processes due to decreased energy availability. This could potentially slow down the rate at which toxins are processed and eliminated from the body.

It’s crucial to understand that your body doesn’t need a special restrictive diet to detoxify itself. The best way to keep detoxification functioning properly is to produce sufficient metabolic energy, meaning, give your organs enough fuel to do their jobs effectively.

The Key Players in Detoxification

Several organs play significant roles in the body’s detoxification processes:

1. The liver: the detoxification powerhouse — The liver is often considered the body’s primary detoxification organ, and for good reason. This remarkable organ performs over 500 tasks, with detoxification being just one of its many crucial functions. Here’s a closer look at some of the liver’s key roles:

The liver processes toxins by breaking them down into less harmful substances that can be excreted through bile or urine. This process occurs through Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways, which require energy to convert toxins into water-soluble forms that can be eliminated from the body.

To perform all these tasks optimally, the liver requires protein, energy, and nutrients. Let’s break this down further:

  • Protein — The detoxification process relies on the availability of certain enzymes, which are made from amino acids. Eating high-quality animal protein is important since these are complete protein sources, providing all the essential amino acids the body (and liver) needs. Plant-based proteins often don’t provide the complete amino acid profile necessary for optimal liver function.

Toxins must be conjugated with amino acids to be carried out of the body. Without adequate and complete protein sources, detoxification can be hindered, and toxins can build up. As Dr. Ray Peat noted:

“In the 1940s, Biskind’s experiments showed that protein deficiency leads to the accumulation of estrogen, because the liver normally inactivates all the estrogen in the blood as it passes through the liver. This applies to phytoestrogens and industrial estrogens as well as to the natural estrogens of the body.”

  • Energy and nutrients — The liver is made up of cells, and every cell requires energy and nutrients to function properly. The second phase of liver detoxification is heavily nutrient-dependent, requiring energy, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. The liver specifically needs glucose (energy) to perform proper detoxification. Low levels of stored glucose (glycogen) will encourage a sluggish liver.

When the liver doesn’t detox well, estrogen can accumulate, leading to “estrogen dominance.” The liver also requires glucose to convert inactive thyroid hormone (T4) to active thyroid hormone (T3). All cells in the body require T3 to produce energy. Without adequate T3, you will have decreased cellular function, resulting in a slower metabolism.

Eating enough food for your needs is crucial for liver health. When an individual is consistently underfed and not consuming enough energy from their diet, the liver can shrink in size and thus, not function properly. This was dramatically illustrated in the Minnesota Starvation Experiment, where subjects consuming 1500 to 1600 calories for 5 to 6 months experienced a reduction in liver size of up to 50%.

If you are chronically under-eating, you will enter a catabolic state where the body breaks down muscle tissue. This includes organs since they are built from smooth muscle fibers. A liver that has shrunk by 50% cannot detox properly.

While short periods of calorie deficits for fat loss are okay, chronically under-eating (consuming under 1800 to 1900 calories per day), which is common in many detox diets, will not help improve liver health in the long run.

2. The kidneys: filtering out waste — The kidneys play a crucial role in detoxification by filtering blood to remove waste products and excess substances, including toxins and metabolic by-products. They produce urine to excrete these wastes from the body.

Like the liver, the kidneys also require energy to function properly. However, one dietary factor to consider for optimal kidney health is the calcium to phosphorous ratio. An imbalanced calcium to phosphorous ratio can negatively impact kidney health by increasing rates of calcification.3,4

The modern food supply and packaged foods make it very easy to overconsume phosphorous. In fact, 44% of the best-selling grocery store items contain phosphorous-containing food additives.5 Other foods high in phosphorous include meat and grains. While this doesn’t make these foods inherently bad, it’s important to balance your phosphorous intake with calcium sources.

Eating a lot of processed food (combined with a lot of meat and grains) is a very easy way to overdo your phosphorous intake. The estimated daily intake of phosphate-containing food additives has more than doubled since the 1990s!6

To support kidney health, it’s crucial to ensure adequate dietary calcium intake. Good sources include dairy products, well-cooked leafy greens like collard greens, and sparkling spring water. This helps you maintain a balanced calcium to phosphorous ratio for optimal kidney function.

3. The lungs: breathing out toxins — The lungs play a vital role in detoxification by helping eliminate volatile toxins and gases from the bloodstream through exhalation. They are particularly important in detoxifying carbon dioxide and other airborne pollutants.

To support lung health and enhance their detoxification capabilities, remaining active and ensuring we are primarily breathing through our nose (instead of mouth breathing) are excellent strategies.

4. The skin: sweating it out — The skin, often overlooked in discussions about detoxification, plays a significant role by eliminating toxins through sweat. This process is particularly effective for certain heavy metals and other fat-soluble toxins that can be difficult for the body to eliminate through other means.

To support the skin’s detoxification function, performing occasional sauna sessions and spending time outside in the sun are very beneficial.

5. The digestive tract: the gateway to detoxification — Your gut plays a crucial role in detoxification by processing and eliminating waste products from food and other substances. It also acts as a barrier, preventing toxins from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

When operating properly, the liver filters toxins from the blood and, once processed, deposits these toxins into your bile. The bile then travels through your bile duct and is eliminated through bowel movements. This is one of the many reasons why being regular and having daily bowel movements is so important, especially for detoxification.

The normalization of infrequent bowel movements (every 2 or 3 days) is not ideal for optimal health. When constipation occurs, toxins and waste products may remain in the digestive system for longer periods, increasing the risk of their reabsorption into the bloodstream. This can burden the liver, as anything reabsorbed will be sent back to the liver for processing.

For optimal detoxification, aim for at least one bowel movement daily. This ensures that waste products and toxins are being regularly eliminated from your body.

6. The lymphatic system: the unsung hero of detoxification — The lymphatic system, consisting of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and lymphatic organs, plays a crucial role in detoxification by transporting and draining excess fluid and proteins, overall clearance of metabolic waste and toxins.

While the liver is primarily responsible for detoxification through metabolic processes, the lymphatic system supports detoxification indirectly by maintaining fluid balance, transporting immune cells and waste, and aiding in the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Their integrated functions help maintain the body’s internal environment and eliminate harmful substances that could otherwise accumulate and cause damage.

Lymphatic circulation involves both intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms to ensure the movement of lymph throughout the body. “They can act primarily like pumps when actively transporting lymph against a pressure gradient. They also can act as conduit vessels when passively transporting lymph down a pressure gradient.”7

  • Intrinsic mechanisms (inside the lymphatic vessels):
    • Muscle squeezing — Lymphatic vessels have muscles in their walls that contract and relax, pushing lymph forward — similar to how our intestines move food through our system.
    • Valves — One-way valves inside lymphatic vessels ensure that once lymph moves in one direction, it can’t flow back, keeping it on track.
    • Endothelial cells — These cells can shrink or expand, helping to push lymph along when tissues swell or become inflamed.
  • Extrinsic mechanisms (outside the lymphatic vessels):
    • Muscle pump — When we move our muscles during exercise or even just walking, it squeezes nearby lymphatic vessels, helping to push lymph along.
    • Breathing pump — Breathing in and out affects pressure in our chest, which also helps move lymph towards the heart.
    • External pressure — Techniques like lymph massages, dry brushing, or gua sha can improve lymph flow.

To support better lymph flow, consider the following strategies:

7. The brain: the surprising detox organ — While often overlooked in discussions about detoxification, the brain plays a crucial role in this process. The brain clears cellular waste and fluids through the glymphatic system, which is drastically upregulated during sleep.8

This underscores the critical importance of prioritizing good sleep habits, regardless of what stage of our healing journey we’re in. Quality sleep is not just about rest and recuperation; it’s an active time for the brain to perform essential detoxification processes.

The Holistic Approach to Detoxification

Given the complex and interconnected nature of the body’s detoxification systems, it’s clear that there are no shortcuts or quick fixes when it comes to detoxing. Instead, the best way to support your body’s natural detoxification processes is to focus on overall health and well-being. Here are the key areas to prioritize:

1. Eat enough — As we’ve discussed, many organs involved in detoxification require adequate energy to function optimally. Chronic under-eating can impair liver function, slow metabolism, and hinder overall detoxification processes. Ensure you’re consuming enough calories to support your body’s needs, with a focus on nutrient-dense whole foods.

Include a variety of protein sources, particularly complete proteins from animal sources, to provide the necessary amino acids for detoxification enzymes. Don’t shy away from carbohydrates, as glucose is essential for many detoxification processes, particularly in the liver.

2. Movement and sweat — Regular physical activity supports detoxification in multiple ways. It enhances circulation, which aids in the transport of toxins to detoxification organs. Ensuring a minimum of 8000 steps per day is a must, as general movement supports lymphatic circulation.

Exercising a few times per week with planned workouts also promotes sweating, which can help eliminate certain toxins through the skin.

3. Prioritize sleep — Given the brain’s crucial role in detoxification during sleep, ensuring adequate, quality sleep should be a top priority. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night in a cool, dark room. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to support good sleep hygiene.

4. Ensure regular bowel movements — As discussed earlier, daily bowel movements are crucial for eliminating toxins processed by the liver. If you’re not having at least one bowel movement per day, focus on improving metabolic rate (as the digestive system requires a lot of energy), and eating fiber types and an amount that works for you to maintain regularity.

5. Support lymphatic health — Incorporate activities that support lymph flow, such as dry brushing, massage, or specific exercises like rebounding.

6. Reduce toxin exposure — While our bodies are equipped to handle a certain level of toxins, reducing unnecessary exposure can lighten the load on our detoxification systems. This might include choosing organic produce when possible, using natural cleaning products, minimizing use of personal care products that contain a lot of endocrine-disrupting compounds, and reducing the use of plastic.

7. Manage stress — Chronic stress can impair various bodily functions, including detoxification processes, since being in the fight or flight state will lower metabolic rate and energy production. Incorporate stress-management techniques and hobbies that you enjoy (such as watching the sunset, singing, grounding, drawing, or journaling).

By focusing on these fundamentals, we create an environment in which our body’s natural detoxification processes can function optimally. This approach is not only more effective but also more sustainable in the long term. It allows us to support our health without the yo-yo effect often associated with extreme detox regimens.

Conclusion — The Sustainable Approach to Detoxification

In the age of quick fixes and miracle cures, it’s tempting to believe that a week-long juice cleanse or a detox tea can purge our bodies of all toxins and reset our health. However, as we’ve explored in this article, the reality of detoxification is far more complex and ongoing than these quick-fix solutions suggest.

The truth is, our bodies are constantly engaged in detoxification processes, with multiple organs working in harmony to eliminate toxins and maintain our health. The liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, digestive tract, lymphatic system, and even our brain all play crucial roles in this intricate system.

Remember, detoxification is not a sporadic event but a continuous process. Our bodies are remarkably capable of maintaining balance and eliminating toxins when given the right support. By adopting a holistic, lifestyle-based approach to detoxification, we can enhance our overall health, boost our energy levels, and improve our resilience against environmental toxins and stressors.

Rather than relying on extreme detox diets or cleanses, which can often do more harm than good, the most effective way to support detoxification is to focus on overall health and well-being (which is optimized with a strong metabolic rate).

In the end, the best “detox” is not a product or a short-term diet, but a commitment to consistent, health-promoting habits. By nourishing our bodies, staying active, managing stress, and getting adequate rest, we provide the foundation for optimal detoxification and overall well-being. This sustainable approach not only supports our body’s natural detoxification processes but also contributes to better health outcomes in the long run.

The most powerful tools for supporting your body’s detoxification processes are already within your reach. By focusing on these fundamental aspects of health, you can support your body’s incredible ability to detoxify itself, promoting better health and vitality for years to come.

Transform Your Health — One Step at a Time

Ashley and her sister Sarah have put together a truly groundbreaking step-by-step course called “Rooted in Resilience.” They have compiled what clearly is the best application of Dr. Ray Peat’s work on Bioenergetic Medicine that I have ever seen.

It is so good that I am using the core of their program to teach the many Health Coaches that I am in the process of training for the new Mercola Health Clinics I am opening this fall. It took these women working nearly full-time on this project for a year to create it.

This has to be one of the absolute best values for health education I have ever seen. If you want to understand why you struggle with health problems and then have a clear program on how to reverse those challenges, then this is the course for you.

It is precisely the type of program I wish I would have had access to when I got out of medical school. I fumbled around for decades before I reached the conclusion they discuss in the course and share with you so you can restore your cellular energy production and recover your health.


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Ashley Armstrong is the cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs that are shipped to all 50 states (join waitlist here), and Nourish Cooperative, which ships low-PUFA pork, beef, cheese, A2 dairy and traditional sourdough to all 50 states. Waitlists will reopen shortly.


1 Toxicology. 2017 Nov 1:391:90-99. doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2017.07.009

2 Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics Volume 28, Issue 6, December 2015, Pages 675-686, doi: 10.1111/jhn.12286

3 Annu Rev Nutr. 2017 Aug 21; 37: 321–346

4 Ray Peat, Phosphate, activation, and aging

5 J Ren Nutr. 2013 Jul; 23(4): 265–270.e2

6 Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Mar;5(3):519-30. doi: 10.2215/CJN.06080809

7 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007 Apr;292(4):R1510-8. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00258.2006

8 Brain Sci. 2020 Nov; 10(11): 868, doi: 10.3390/brainsci10110868 

Featured image is from Mercola

Here is Rep. Jim Jordan (Republican) giving Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle hell.

As you can see, the Republicans are not even in the ball park.

The issue as framed by Republicans and media is: did the Secret Service provide enough resources to protect Trump.

This is not the issue. The media will treat Jordan as a Republican male picking on a woman.



Rep. Jordan should be asking the following questions:

“Did the Secret Service collect the fired bullets?”

“All of them?”

“Are they all from the same rifle?”

“What is the explanation for the acoustic evidence showing shots from different distances?”

“How can the same rifle be in different locations?”

“This implies more than one shooter.”

“Did the Secret Service overlook other disturbed ‘lone gunmen’ in addition to Crooks, or does the acoustic evidence indicate a plot to kill Trump?”

“Is the Secret Service making any effort to discover if there was a plot?”

These are the questions that need to be out there.

These are the questions and answers that matter.

The Republicans are not up to the job, and the deep state is being given a pass.

Secret Service Director admits “significant operational failure.”  Just an operational failure. See this.

The official narrative has taken the form I said it would.

The issue for the Republicans is Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s resignation and not whether there was an attempt on Trump’s life. For example, Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, defined the issue as the Secret Service “lacks the proper management.”

The fight over whether Cheatle’s “significant operational failure” is consistent with her remaining in command will exhaust the subject of the assassination.

The acoustic evidence showing more than one shooter will not be reported and carefully investigated. The issue of a plot will not be raised.

Cheatle is correct that the Secret Service failed. 

As the Secret Service now operates in the failure-to-protect mode, will there be another try?  An established excuse is in place. Prior to the next attempt, watch for media articles about how difficult it is to protect presidents and presidential candidates. “An almost impossible job,” we will be told, the proof being success for most attempts.

Trump survived not due to the Secret Service but to turning his head at precisely the right moment to escape death. Liberals will say the Second Amendment enables mass shootings and attempts on presidents and turn the issue into one of gun control.

Or perhaps Trump has finally got the message and will pull in his horns. Maybe he already has. Unifying America is taking the place of fight, fight, fight. Unifying America means giving in. See this.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the Public Domain

The former Soviet Union placed a significant emphasis on air defenses as part of its military doctrine. Moscow’s top brass never counted on fighting a war with absolute air superiority, as is the case in the political West, particularly the United States. Thus, the USSR and later Russia designed and produced the best air defense systems in history. They are one of the key modern military capabilities that provide adequate protection for both ground units and stationary strategic assets. In recent decades, air defenses have become increasingly networked and multilayered, giving the defenders a plethora of options to shoot down hostile jets, missiles, drones, space-based assets, etc.

In our age, modern militaries have started relying on swarms of well-coordinated drones designed to saturate an area and overwhelm existing air defenses. Only a handful of countries have developed and battle-tested systems against these new offensive weapons. For well over half a century, Russia has been at the forefront of the development of various SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems and other types of air defenses. What started out as an effort to nullify Western long-range bomber advantage in the aftermath of the Second World War soon turned into a key area of defense strategy, to the point that it’s effectively impossible to imagine modern warfare without advanced SAM systems.

By the 1970s, air defenses were no longer only focused on enemy fighter jets or bombers, but also on ballistic missiles and even space assets, both civilian and military (although this divide seems to be blurring by the day, especially when taking into account projects such as the SpaceX’s “Starlink”).

Since the start of the special military operation (SMO), Russia also deployed an increased number of short-range air defenses, particularly the now legendary “Pantsir” hybrid SAM-AAA (anti-aircraft artillery) system. These have the task of protecting crucial areas in major cities and industrial regions, particularly the capital city of Moscow, which is the very heartland of Russia and its statehood.

Russia’s capital is protected by one of the most extensive air defense networks in the world and it also includes systems capable of shooting down ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles), incoming MIRV (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) warheads, satellites and other space-based assets used by its adversaries. However, these are strategic air and missile defense systems that don’t make Moscow immune to sabotage attacks involving drones and drone swarms. This is precisely why short-range systems are crucial, as they provide affordable and easily deployable air defense assets that can cover the most important sections of any airspace.

A great example of this is the “Pantsir” SAM-AAA system, which has proven itself against a plethora of targets, shooting down thousands of drones, missiles, rockets and other weapons in the Middle East and Ukraine, where it was able to neutralize entire barrages of rockets and missiles fired by the overhyped HIMARS and M270/MARS systems, including the infamous ATACMS. By protecting and supporting longer-range assets, such as the “Buk” (particularly the latest M3 “Viking” variant with autonomous capabilities) and S-300/S-400 series of SAM systems, the “Pantsir” effectively saved hundreds of people during a recent NATO-orchestrated terrorist attack on Sevastopol.

Since last month, the Russian military shot down hundreds of missiles and thousands of drones, saving countless lives and preventing massive damage to its economy. Just over the weekend (July 20 and 21), at least eight kamikaze drones were intercepted, three of which over the Belgorod oblast (region), and five over the Black Sea. In addition, at least two US-made ATACMS were intercepted over Kherson. A week before (July 10 and 11), at least five drones were shot down over the Bryansk, Moscow, Tambov and Tula oblasts. In the last two days of June, Russian air defenses intercepted a large-scale drone attack that targeted six oblasts, neutralizing 36 drones in the process.

Approximately 10 days earlier, the Russian military intercepted over a dozen kamikaze drones that were flying toward several regions in western and southern Russia. However, less than a week before that, a massive drone strike involving at least 87 kamikaze drones was intercepted. Earlier that month, another large-scale drone attack was repelled after nearly 30 drones were shot down. This is only including the drones that are targeting civilian infrastructure, as the Russian military is intercepting many times closer to the frontline, as well as numerous NATO-sourced rockets and missiles that the Kiev regime forces are firing at Russian troops and assets.

All the while, the mainstream propaganda machine is claiming that around 60% of Russian missiles allegedly “fail”.

However, the Pentagon is giving starkly different assessments. Namely, the US military privately gives completely opposite numbers, stressing that the Russian military’s air defenses have a staggering success rate of 97%. 

Pentagon Leaks: what do they tell us about the air war in Ukraine?

Combined with Moscow’s unrivaled electronic warfare (EW) capabilities, its SAM systems provide unprecedented protection for the Russian military and civilian infrastructure, particularly when taking into account the massive scale of NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta’s drone and missile attacks on Russian cities and regions.

These world-class air defenses are enabling the Kremlin to cover its troops, which then use advanced long-range strike systems to hunt for various NATO-sourced rocket and missile launch platforms. And unlike the Kiev regime, which regularly lies about its air defense “successes”, including against hypersonic weapons, the Russian military regularly publishes verifiable data (including video footage) of the interceptions of various types of hostile precision-guided munitions (PGMs). This is precisely why even some NATO countries refuse to let go of their Russian-made SAM systems, including both Greece and Turkey, with the latter even sacrificing the troubled F-35 acquisition.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Bombshells in the 2024 Elections – Past and Future

July 23rd, 2024 by Dr. Jack Rasmus

The 2024 election may be like no other. In less than a month—from June 27 to July 21—three bombshells have gone off. Anyone thinking that’s the end of it is politically naïve.

The first political explosion was Joe Biden’s June 27 presidential debate performance. His subsequent public addresses to the NAACP convention and other venues fared no better. Overnight the key issue in the 2024 election became Biden’s mental competency.

Image is from Evan Vucci / Licensed under Fair Use

The second bombshell was the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and the fallout from the event raising the question why the US secret service performed so pathetically providing protection.

The third event occurred this weekend when President Biden threw in the towel and exited the campaign.

But as the saying goes: “The past is prologue”. Similar bombshell events are therefore likely ahead.

The next event may be the Democrat party convention in Chicago a month from now, notwithstanding the current appearance that the Democrat party has closed ranks and is now behind Kamala Harris.

Then there’s the 2nd presidential debate coming in September, followed by the conduct of the November election itself.

Either event may provide yet another ‘bombshell’. Any semblance of vote manipulation—or even the perception thereof—in November could erupt into widespread civil disobedience with unknown consequences for the electoral college processes that take place from November to January 2025.

In between Biden’s exit this past weekend and the November election, any number of crises on the foreign policy front are also possible now that Biden is lame a duck and the issue of his competency has simply moved from his ability to campaign to can he still govern the country. It’s quite possible that the neocons running US foreign policy and US wars the past two years may now run amuck. They will want to ‘lock in’ support for continuing US war policies for any next administration—specifically Ukraine, Israel, Yemen, and possibly escalate confrontation with China in the south China sea as well.

The official story behind Biden’s exit is that his poll numbers were bad and moving in the wrong direction. The well respected Emerson College poll showed Biden behind in key swing states like Arizona, North Caroline, Georgia, and Pennsylvania by margins of 5%-10% but behind by margins of only 3% in Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Hardly a un-closeable gap.

National polls of voters margins are totally irrelevant here; the archaic US electoral college system determines presidential elections and that means the swing states will determine who wins. Nevertheless, national polls showed Biden and Trump within 1-2 points of each other. Other presidents going into elections have had similar poor numbers and weren’t dumped by their party.
So what’s changed? What’s changed is the extreme role and influence of money and wealthy donors within the two political parties and in high stakes US national elections.

Has Money Corrupted Democracy Beyond Repair?

It’s an easily documented fact that the movement to get Biden to leave originated with the big money donors of the Democrat party. They quickly suspended at least $90 million in donations to the Biden campaign after the June 27 presidential debate. That’s what the media reported. It was probably more. 

Second Tier Democrat party leaders thereafter, one by one, came out publicly suggesting Biden should leave the campaign. Meanwhile, Tier 1 leaders of the party (Obama, Pelosi, and soon after Schumer, Jeffries and others) worked behind the scenes. Notoriously absent from their ranks, however, were the Clintons, both Bill and Hillary, who remained in support of Biden. So did the Democrats’ black caucus kingmaker, James Clyburn, Representative from South Carolina who played a key role in manipulating Biden’s nomination in 2020 and who has wielded inordinate power within the party the last decade. 

But it was the donors who set the Biden exit train in motion and kept it going.

This all raises the question how deeply American electoral democracy has been corrupted by money. And suggests strongly the system has shifted significantly along the Democracy-Oligarchy spectrum toward the latter. History will no doubt show that this shift has been occurring for at least the last quarter century.

The Supreme Court has played a central role in promoting the shift, starting with its selection in 2000 of George Bush as president by suspending ballot counting in Florida. The next milestone was the Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010 that ruled not only corporations are people but as people enjoy the same rights as actual people under the US Constitution and that campaign contributions are the equivalent of free speech. The Court further chipped away at electoral democracy thereafter by gutting the Voting Rights Act of the 1960s and approving State legislatures’ gerrymandering districts for their members of the House of Representatives. As a result to this day, despite 450 seats in the US House of Representatives up for re-election every two years, no more than 50 or so seats are ever competitive.

We see the same decline in democracy within the political parties. Democrat party donors on July 21 de-selected their candidate, Biden, after having selected him in phony primaries held by the party earlier this year. Both selecting and de-selecting were conducted by party leaders in consultation with wealthy donors who are now allowed to manipulate American elections as never before. Republican party primaries were no less perfunctory.

Mainstream parties have become obstacles to Democracy not its enablers. As the Supreme Court recently ruled, the parties don’t have to be ‘democratic’ in their functioning. They are just ‘clubs’ according to the Court.

We hear a lot about the US Constitution nowadays. When I do I can’t help but think of James Madison, its greatest architect, and 3rd president of the United States, who warned in his contribution to the Federalist papers—which were public arguments published by Madison and others while the US Constitution was being voted on in 1787 by the 13 states—that the young country should beware of political parties and their potential to corrupt democracy. His warning is right up there with George Washington’s beware of entanglements in European wars. And Thomas Jefferson’s that every couple generations or so a revolution is necessary to give rebirth to Democracy.

Image: RFK Jr. (Source)

The efforts by Republicans and Trump to short circuit democracy are also well-known. Republican red state legislatures are champions of voter suppression. Less known are the Democrat party’s own efforts in recent years: Since 2016 that party has launched a nation wide campaign to deny independent 3rd parties from ballot status. It has blocked campaign funds for them. It has manipulated primaries to ‘select’ rather than elect nominees through open competition. It has engaged in ‘lawfare’ against opposing candidates, not just Trump. Prevented free and open debates in its own ranks. Like their Republican counterparts, it has engaged in gerrymandering at the state level. And has blocked secret service protection for challengers like RFK Jr. and green party presidential candidate, Jill Stein.

The leadership of both political parties have become more un-democratic, arrogantly believing it is best to ‘manage’ their constituencies rather than listen to and represent them. And that arrogance and manipulation has deepened in parallel to the deepening influence of money and donors.

Image: Jill Stein speaking at the 2024 FreedomFest in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)


Wealthy donors are—like their corporations—undemocratic by nature. Their corporations are not bastions of democracy. They are run top down. No one votes in corporations. Decisions are made in secret, closed door committees. That cultural practice has been transferred to political party leaders as party leaders have become increasingly dependent on money from their wealthy donors. The two cultures—corporate and political party—have been converging fused ever so tightly by their mutual addiction to money.

Politicos like to say ‘Money is the mother’s milk of politics’. That’s the wrong metaphor. What they should say is money is the street drug destroying democracy: Wealthy donors, corporate and individual, are the pushers and political party leaders have become the addicts.

A Return to Key Issues?

Now that Biden has left the campaign, the matter of his mental competency is off the table as the key issue in the election. Now it’s back to the real issues.

According to Pew Research, in its earlier 2024 poll the top issue is the economy for 73% of the respondents polled. That means inflation, jobs, high interest rates, housing affordability, healthcare costs, and a host of related economic issues. All other issues were secondary to varying degree, including immigration (58%), crime (57%), illegal drugs (55%), protecting the environment (45%).

However, since the start of summer 2024, Gallup polls show that immigration and related issues have risen sharply in voters concern. It is now the second most important issue.

Immigration has serves as an umbrella issue: Republicans have been cleverly manipulating it as such. It’s not immigration per se but its negative consequences that voters are concerned with—like crime, jobs, housing, social security, etc.

Trump has been emphasizing anecdotal stories of former criminals allowed in the country, released by Biden administration at the border and subsequently performing crimes, especially against women. He’s also tied immigration to the homeless vets issue by saying immigrants get to stay in hotels at government-taxpayer expense while homeless vets languish on street corners and under highway underpasses. There’s also a tie in to social security, which is allegedly in trouble since immigrants get disability checks and credit cards with $1000 balances causing pressure on social security Trust funds.

Noteworthy is that reproductive rights does not poll high among voters concerns in legitimate polls like Pew and Gallup. Thus Republicans appear to be focusing more closely on the sentiment of voters than Democrats, who seem to think that reproductive rights will prove the issue that will put them over the top in the election in swing states which is highly doubtful.

The state of the economy is the second primary issue among voters. Democrats focus on the recent reduction in inflation, citing the Consumer Price Index over the past year rising at only 3.2%. However, the public does not seem to agree, which has resulted in editorials in the mainstream media by perplexed authors who can’t understand why the public and voters just don’t get it that the economy is doing great. Democrats like also to emphasize the US economy is performing so much better than foreign economies.

The problem with this Democrat messaging is that voters, as consumers, don’t care as much that prices for goods may have leveled off in recent months. What they remember is the past four years and that prices today remain at high levels, even if not rising as fast as before.

When compared to the start of the Biden administration, gasoline prices per gallon are still 38% higher, the most often purchased groceries are up 35%, bread 52%, chicken 37%, eggs 114%, milk 24%, and even big Mac meal 27%. Food and gasoline are considered Goods in the government inflation indexes and have been bringing down the rate of increase in the inflation indexes over the past year. But Services in the indexes have continued rising even over the past year and remain stuck at around 5% and probably much higher. Goods are given greater weighting in the government inflation indexes which explains why the indexes have abated over the short term. But important categories of Services like rents, auto insurance and repairs, medical insurance, utility services, etc. have continued rising 5%-20% over the past year and over the past four years even more.

Moreover, the CPI and PCE inflation indexes are misleading and under-estimate inflation for various reasons. As just one example: neither of the inflation indexes include the category of credit costs’ impact on family budgets, i.e. interest rates that consumers pay. Mortgage interest payments have risen 114% as rates have risen since early 2022. Democrats forget that people don’t make house payments to the builder; they make mortgage payments to the banker. The problem of higher interest rates extends beyond mortgages. Households are paying more for credit cards, student loans, auto loans and installment loans in general. These higher payments significantly impact household budgets and convince voters that the cost of living is out of control.

Perhaps a more telling statistic that almost never gets mentioned by media, mainstream economists or politicians is that household debt as a percent of family income is now 54%. Much of family disposable income now consequently goes to bankers and millions of households have to do with less of the necessities in order to make those interest payments monthly. Or else they just don’t make them, like the 19 million student loan debtors who have simply refused to resume payments on their loans after the Covid era student loan moratorium expired.

The Democrat and pundits claim that the ‘economy is doing great’ just doesn’t ring true for millions of households who vote. And their ancillary claim the US economy is doing better than other countries is viewed with disdain. Voters could care less.

In short, immigration and the economy are the dominant issues for voters as election 2024 kicks into high gear. And Republicans appear to have their finger on that pulse more accurately than do the Democrats.

Some Important Unanswered Questions

The first obvious question is ‘why did the Democrat party leadership schedule a first election presidential debate in June’, many months before the election? This writer does not recall any debate held so early. What was the purpose? Did party leaders know Biden could not perform in a campaign and put him out there early to verify? And once he failed, donors and party leaders moved swiftly to remove him.

The story in mainstream media is that Biden advisers were keeping it secret how far his mental acuity had deteriorated. But that’s hard to believe. There were many public events at which he spoke before June that made it obvious. And to argue that no one leaked any of Biden’s performance at cabinet meetings to other party leaders like Obama and Pelosi is not convincing. More likely the planning to remove Biden was set in motion at high levels of the party well before the first presidential debate. Perhaps even before it was decided not to have primary debates last February.

A second question has to do with the Trump assassination attempt. It is becoming clear that secret service protection of Trump was more than lax.

Given the official Democrat vitriol about Trump as destroyer of democracy, and the country itself, that was intensifying over the summer, one would have thought more, not less, secret service protection for Trump would have been justified and provided. The counter argument that the service was short of funds doesn’t calculate either, in that the service is still sitting on a fund of $3.1 billion for the election. In the past year the lack of protection was in fact obvious to the Trump campaign, as it repeatedly requested more agents be assigned to Trump speaking events—only to be turned down by the secret service according to both the New York Times and Washington Post in recent months.

Then there’s the related question, why hasn’t the Biden administration approved any service protection at all for RFKjr? He continues to poll 18-12% voters and could easily upend any Democrat candidate in the election.

But Democrat leaders have consistently scuttled all efforts by the RFKjr campaign to get secret service protection.

Finally, why is it that the Biden administration provides to this day protection for former Ukraine president Zelensky—but not for RFKjr and inadequately for Trump? Zelensky isn’t even president of Ukraine any longer since his term ran out back in May 2024 and no new elections have been held or scheduled.

A third question is what happens next in the weeks up to the late August Democrat Party convention in Chicago? While it appears that the party leaders are rallying behind vice president Kamala Harris, it is not assured she will prevail at the convention. The delegates are free to vote for whomever they want, although the party’s at large 1500 super-delegates are always positioned to determine the outcome at conventions according to the wishes of party leadership should a decision they don’t like by delegates appears imminent.

Whether Harris prevails and is the party nominee in the end will be determined by how many donors return to the party fold under her in the next few weeks. Reportedly about half the $90 million have done so but it remains to be seen if the rest follow. Democrat party leaders have shown the money is priority #1. If she falters, another will surely be chosen come convention time.

Image: Senator Vance official portrait. 118th Congress (From the Public Domain)

Vance poses for a professional portrait in a suit and red tie. Behind him the flag of the US is partly visible on his left and the flag of Ohio on the right.

The Democrat party fundraising remains in deep trouble. It appears its once firm hold on big tech money is fragmenting.

Trump’s choice of JD Vance may prove to have been a master stroke in this regard. Vance is the darling protégé of big tech billionaire, Peter Thiel. Thiel put up $15 million of his own money to ensure Vance got elected to the Ohio Senate. Far from the ‘working class’ spin Vance is made out to be, he’s actually bankrolled by big tech and finance money.

Vance’s rise is reminiscent of Obama’s, who was similarly pulled out of nowhere by the billionaire Chicago Pritzger family and spent just a few years in the Illinois state Senate minor league before Pritzger money called him to the majors and funded his US Senate seat and then push for the presidency. This is how big capital selects its representatives to highest levels of US government.

Thiel is also now a major player in the venture capitalist and private equity big money community. Many are throwing their wealth behind Trump now for the first time. The highly visible announcement by Tech billionaire Elon Musk to contribute $45 million a month to Trump’s campaign is only the tip of the Tech money machine iceberg. Scores more of big Tech and private equity (finance) have been announcing the same. The big Tech spigot may be shutting down for the Democrats, leaving them even more dependent on Hollywood, sports celebrities, and AIPAC the Israeli lobby.

It is likely the Democrats will now become even more dependent on AIPAC money in the campaign. Already pledging $100 million, AIPAC in return will insist on even more pro-Israel support from Harris and the Democrats between now and November. That will become apparent after Israel PM Netanyahu speaks to Congress soon. The timing of his appearance is not coincidental, any more than is his increasingly aggressive policies in the middle east.

Another development that may become more apparent in coming weeks is whether there is a split within the Democrat party. It is clear thus far that Obama and Nancy Pelosi have played a key role in the background in engineering Biden’s exit. It’s similarly clear that the Clintons and kingmaker James Clyburn did not join them, but were content to keep riding the Biden horse into the sunset. Obama and Pelosi statements this past week also suggest indirectly—or at least imply—they’d prefer to see an open convention; whereas Clyburn in particular wants to retain the ‘black’ candidate Kamala Harris. If fundraising lags between now and Chicago, more evidence of a split within the party may emerge.

Perhaps in the weeks ahead until the Democrats’ party convention in late August in Chicago, some of these questions may be answered. Meanwhile, Harris appears as the nominee heir apparent for the party. But much can, and likely will, happen in the interim. As the saying goes ‘it ain’t over until the fat lady sings’ and she’s waiting off stage, still in the wings, waiting for her cue.


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This article was originally published on the author’s website, Jack Rasmus.

Dr. Rasmus is author of the books, ‘Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes’, Clarity Press, 2017 and ‘Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed’, Lexington Books, 2020. Follow his commentary on the emerging banking crisis on his blog,; on twitter daily @drjackrasmus; and his weekly radio show, Alternative Visions on the Progressive Radio Network every Friday at 2pm eastern and at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed

By Jack Rasmus

Publisher:‎ Lexington Books (February 28, 2019)

Hardcover: ‎146 pages

ISBN-10:‎ 1498582842

ISBN-13:‎ 978-1498582841

Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed describes how US federal governments, often in cooperation with the largest US private banks, introduced and expanded central banking functions from 1781 through the creation of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Based on an analysis of the evolution of the US banking system – from pre-1781, through the 1787 US Constitutional Convention, Congressional debates on Hamilton’s reports to Congress, the rise and fall of the 1st and 2nd Banks of the United States, and through the long period of the National Banking System form 1862-1913, the book shows how central banking in the US evolved out of the private banking system, and how following the financial crash of 1907 big New York banks pushed through Congress the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, creating a central bank which they then managed for their interests.

Click here to purchase.

Researchers in Ohio studied 152 severely ill adult patients who were admitted to Ohio State University Hospital with Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) between May 2020 and November 2022. Of these patients, 112 tested positive for COVID-19, while 40 did not. Among the 112 COVID-positive ARF patients, 20 had received COVID-19 “vaccines” and 89 had not. The death rate during hospitalization was 37% in the unvaccinated group, while it was 70% in the vaccinated group. The vaccine almost doubled the risk of dying from COVID-19 respiratory disease. The death rate was lower among all age groups if they were not vaccinated.

The vaccinated group had higher rates of comorbidities (other health problems); however, even when the data was adjusted for this using the Charlson Comorbidity Score, the results still showed that being COVID-19 vaccinated carried a higher risk of death from COVID-19 respiratory disease.

The researchers also compared antibody levels among the patients. The vaccinated group had higher levels of IgG4 antibodies, which are known to promote immune tolerance or antibody-dependent enhancement of the disease.

In summary, this study showed that among people hospitalized with severe COVID-19 respiratory disease, COVID-19 vaccinated individuals have higher levels of IgG4 disease-enhancing antibodies and are more likely to die than unvaccinated individuals.

Thanks to researchers Adhikari, Bednash, Horowitz, Rubinstein, and Vlasova for this research published on February 7th, 2024, in the journal Frontiers in Immunology

Click here to read the full report


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Puppet Realisations: Biden Stands Aside

July 23rd, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Having been endorsed as the only viable candidate to battle Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential elections, Joe Biden was subsequently browbeaten and harried into leaving the way open for another candidate.  It involved some movement of political furniture, but nothing more.

The process resulting in Biden’s decision had increasingly bulked over the last two months.  With each day, another Democratic figure would come out to suggest he pass the torch to another appropriate appointee of the establishment.  Whispers became roars.  Former President Barack Obama, whose deputy Biden had been, also joined the camp of dissent.  Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi likewise.

With the announcement made, tedious commentary claimed it was a “shock”.  What was shocking was the lengthy pondering from Democratic Party hacks and plotters that Biden had the reserves to carry off a campaign that would lead to another electoral victory. In doing so, the president was understandably gulled by the false assumption that he had the support that mattered.  For a moment, the puppet had forgotten his various masters, the strings loosened, the fantasy in reach.

Confidence in his own indomitability was seemingly shattered by the June 27 presidential debate with Trump.  But even then, he remained obstinate, his sense of delusion brimming.  On July 7, Biden declared that the only force that would convince him to stand aside was the “Lord Almighty”.  Subsequent interviews revised such a celestial standard by suggesting that matters of health or a sharp decline in the polls could also play a part.

A letter to Democrat lawmakers sent on July 8 had one purpose in mind: snuffing a movement that had begun gaining momentum. 

“I can respond to all of this by saying clearly and unequivocally: I wouldn’t be running again if I did not absolutely believe I was the best person to beat Donald Trump.”  In a heavily coloured account, he suggested that his position as a presumptive nominee had never been in doubt.  “Only three people chose to challenge me.  One fared so badly that he left the primaries to run as an independent.  Another attacked me for being too old and was soundly defeated.”

To challenge his standing, imputed Biden, was to effectively ignore the rank-and-file of the party, suggesting a crude disenfranchisement.  This was a gloriously rich assertion, given that presidential nominations have far more to do with corporate, unelected donor interests and stratagems conducted out of public view than they do with the average voting citizen.

The view was also patently deceptive, given that rival contenders were not allowed onto the ballot in certain states (take Wisconsin and North Carolina as examples) or permitted to face a proper primary process.  Ironically enough, attitudes among the average voter Biden waxes lyrical over were already hardening in favour of an alternative candidate in polls conducted last year.  In April 2023, an Associated Press/NORC poll found from a sampling of 1,230 US adults that 73% would prefer he not run again, with age being a critical factor.

It has been left to the Democratic establishment to maintain the illusion of presumptive nomination right to the point the decision was made to scupper the whole effort.  Indeed, much of the Biden presidency has been stage managed, heavily padded and often choreographed to repel journalistic scrutiny of conduct and policy.  The New York Times even went so far as to find this hermetic capsuling “troubling”, given that the president had “so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term.”  By the end of June this year, the paper’s editorial board had openly endorsed the Joe Must Go viewpoint.

In a call-in to MSNBC’s Morning Joe after sending his letter of defiance, the president made no secret of his disdain for various party operatives who had begun to doubt his mettle.  The measure was theatrical, given that those same operatives have been his prop and stay.  Resorting to a tactic he has previously deployed, he scorned the unnamed elites who knew little about the true inclinations of the Democratic voter. Amidst his rambling answers to program hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, his agitation was clear enough: “I’m getting so frustrated by the elites – now I’m not talking about you guys – the elites in the party, ‘Oh they know so much more.’  Any of these guys that don’t think I should run, run against me.  Announce for president, challenge me at the convention.”

A few days later, Biden’s performance at the NATO Washington summit produced sharp intakes of breath when introducing the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky as Russia’s Vladimir Putin.  He also managed to mangle his Vice President, confusing Kamala Harris with Trump.  The elites proved increasingly disgruntled.  With the donor based now in open revolt, the decision was a foregone one.   Pity they are not willing to step aside as well.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Spatiotemporal Variation of Excess All-cause Mortality in the World (125 countries) During the COVID Period 2020-2023 Regarding Socio-Economic Factors and Public Health and Medical Interventions

By Prof Denis Rancourt, Dr. Joseph Hickey, and Prof. Christian Linard, July 23, 2024

Large differences in excess all-cause mortality rate (by population) and in age-and-health-status-adjusted (P-score) mortality are incompatible with a viral pandemic spread hypothesis and are strongly associated with the combination (product) of share of population that is elderly (60+ years) and share of population living in poverty.

Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response, Not Virus

By Dr. Brenda Baletti, July 22, 2024

A study released today of excess mortality in 125 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines.

Russia and India Agree on De-dollarisation Trade and Investment

By Ahmed Adel, July 23, 2024

On July 9, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, during a question-and-answer session before the House Finance Committee, stated that her “biggest fear” was de-dollarisation due to the harshness of sanctions imposed against Washington’s adversaries who are seeking alternatives other than the dollar.

As the State “Withers Away”, Multinationals Go on a Rampage. Lithium Mining

By Stephen Karganovic, July 23, 2024

The validity of Engels’ notion that the natural development of productive forces would result in the extinction, more precisely the obsolescence and irrelevance of the state as an institution, is receiving confirmation from the most unexpected quarters.

The Media’s Fabricated Cognitive Dissonance and Palestine Genocide Denial

By Mark Taliano, July 22, 2024

Genocide-denying legacy-media frames discussions about Gaza from supremacist perches. It puts truth and context into the Memory Hole of obliteration much as Winston from Orwell’s 1984 did. History itself becomes malleable to suit current diktats.

Other Than Nuclear War, the Digital Revolution Is Mankind’s Greatest Disaster

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 22, 2024

The digital revolution is a catastrophe across the board. It not only gives government ability to impose tyranny beyond George Orwells’ imagination, it subjects all accumulated knowledge to wipe out by an electromagnetic pulse, and it causes shutdown of worldwide economic activity because of a bug in cybersecurity software.

The Importance of Exercise and Biological Youth for Longevity

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 22, 2024

Maintaining “biological youth” is crucial for longevity. Exercise, particularly moderate activity and 150 to 180 minutes of weekly resistance training, is the most powerful intervention for slowing biological aging.

During their recent meeting in Moscow, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed in a Joint Declaration to conduct trade and investment in their respective national currencies (the rupee and the ruble), which amounts, without using the term, to a de facto de-dollarisation of India – a country projected to be the world’s second-largest economy in the coming years – and Russia, which has already displaced Japan from fourth spot in the global ranking measuring purchasing power, according to the World Bank. In fact, it is expected that de-dollarisation will pick up even more pace at the upcoming BRICS+ summit in Kazan in October, which Russia will chair.

On July 9, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, during a question-and-answer session before the House Finance Committee, stated that her “biggest fear” was de-dollarisation due to the harshness of sanctions imposed against Washington’s adversaries who are seeking alternatives other than the dollar.

Hong Kong-based analyst William Pesek of Asia Times affirms and confirms Janet Yellen’s “extraordinary admission: De-dollarization is now her biggest fear.” Pesek contrasted Yellen’s optimism from more than two years ago when she boasted, “I don’t think the dollar has any serious competition and it’s not likely to for a long time.”

In March 2022, Russia’s demilitarisation of Ukraine had barely been underway for a month when the pugnacious Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, now ousted for failing in her position, was counting on the fact that the sanctions against Moscow would bring it to its knees and plummet Russia’s economic ranking. Instead, earlier this month, The World Bank announced that Russia was classified as a high-income country, affirming the West’s failed sanctions regime.

According to Pesek, two dynamics are accelerating de-dollarisation in Washington: the US national debt has increased exponentially and is now close to $35 trillion, and the US election cycle. And that was before the failed assassination attempt on candidate Donald Trump and after Biden finally announced that he was stepping down as a candidate in November’s US presidential election.

De-dollarisation seems like a paradox when, so far this year, the dollar has increased by 13% against the Japanese yen, not to mention more than 10% against the euro. However, the de-dollarisation process concerns the dollar’s status as a reserve currency.

Analysts calculate that the dollar’s strength comes from its hegemonic bond, which 11 years ago was 9.36% of global GDP. According to the International Monetary Fund, global GDP is estimated to reach nearly $110 trillion this year. Nonetheless, despite the enormous global economy, Western absolutist sycophants continue to praise the dollar and dismiss other forms of currency, such as the GeoEconomics Center of the Atlantic Council, which celebrates the buoyant US economy but hides the fact that US growth is due to the “war economy” of the military-industrial complex, whose contribution to the domestic GDP are wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

Still, despite Washington’s attempts to preserve the dollar’s dominance in global trade, India and Russia agreed to continue working together to promote a bilateral settlement system using national currencies when Modi visited Moscow on July 8-9.

Since 2023, India and Russia have doubled their payments in their national currencies despite US-led sanctions, said Russia’s largest bank, Sberbank, handles most payments for Indian exports to Russia. Naturally, this rise is expected to be even more accentuated following Modi’s visit to Moscow, especially after Indian economists and businessmen working in Russia expressed hope of benefiting from the vacuum created by the exit of Western companies.

India’s exports to Russia grew by 59% between the Financial Years 2021 and 2024, while imports surged by about 8300% due to India’s procurement of crude oil at a vastly cheap price. Although the trade deficit has risen to $57.2 billion from $2.8 billion before the war, the Indian think tank Global Trade Research Initiative notes that this surge is due to favourable trade terms, such as discounted energy, and Moscow’s need to find new markets amidst Western sanctions.

“Aiming to further accelerate and sustain the growth of bilateral trade, the leaders agreed to set the bilateral trade target to 100 billion USD by 2030,” said the 12th point of the total 81-point joint statement following the conclusion of the 22nd India-Russia annual summit.

Although New Delhi is not actively attempting to antagonise Washington by boosting trade relations with Russia and trading in national currencies, Indian decision-makers will not hold off on serving their country’s best interests, such as attaining cheap Russian energy, for the sake of US interests in Ukraine. By cutting Russia off the SWIFT system and imposing sanctions, the US, as every serious analyst warned for years, has instead accelerated de-dollarisation rather than preserving their hegemonic system.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

The validity of Engels’ notion that the natural development of productive forces would result in the extinction, more precisely the obsolescence and irrelevance of the state as an institution, is receiving confirmation from the most unexpected quarters. Strangely, what Engels called the “withering away” of the state is not occurring in the few remaining countries that still profess verbal adherence to the ideological system within which Engels’ notions might make some philosophical sense. Paradoxically, the institution of the state is melting away in what was thought to be the opposite camp.

The Marxist position on this question, which Engels articulated, postulates the indicated outcome not as an overt political act, but as a natural process:

“The interference of the state power in social relations becomes superfluous in one sphere after another, and then ceases of itself. The government of persons is replaced by the administration of things and the direction of the processes of production. The state is not ‘abolished’, it withers away.”

The coercive apparatus of the state will then be smoothly replaced by a “free and equal association of the producers” where (as helpfully clarified by Lenin) milkmaids will competently perform duties previously assigned to ministers and the superfluous state machinery will be relegated to the museum of antiquities, alongside such quaint artefacts as the spinning wheel and the bronze axe.

Amazingly, these projections, which once were thought fanciful, are now materialising in front of our eyes, albeit not in the ideological context where such developments might have been expected to occur. In what we loosely call the collective West and its satellites, the state in its former power and majesty is indeed gradually ceasing to exist, though its outward forms largely, and deceptively, remain intact. It may be a cause of disappointment, however, that the state is not being substituted by talented milkmaids, fully capable to handle the few tasks that still lie beyond the mastery of the associated producers. It is being replaced by something else, an entity genuinely dark and sinister.

In the part of the world that presumably had stood for all that was contrary to what Engels and his friend Marx espoused, the obviously moribund state is being replaced, only not by milkmaids but by multinational corporations. These are gigantic and interlocking agglomerations of anonymous capital not just “too big to fail” but more alarmingly also too huge to control and, most concerning of all, not accountable to anyone.

Functionaries of what once was known as the state, formally at least, were obliged to simulate that they were paying attention to the wishes of the populace. The anonymous CEOs and stockholders of multinational capital are exempted from that annoying obligation. They have no need to because they carry in their pockets state officials who are but their front-men, visible actors that serve at their pleasure. These puppet officials have no real authority but merely manage the human and material assets temporarily entrusted to their administration, and they do it exclusively for the benefit and profit of their largely invisible masters.

The multinational mining corporation known as Rio Tinto is an instructive case study in this regard. During the hundred and fifty years of its existence it has had a fluid ownership structure in which, as of this writing, Blackrock and Rothschild financial interests play the most prominent part. Consequently, its offers of “partnership” to the local authorities in territories whose underground wealth it covets, based invariably on terms preponderantly favourable to Rio Tinto’s bottom line, are virtually impossible to refuse. The corporation is tightly interwoven with the key structures of the global invisible government. Its mining operations, focusing on the extraction of high profit minerals and ores, have left no continent unaffected and hardly a nook or cranny of the Earth where exaggerated profit can be made, untouched.

Image: Senior Traditional Owner Yvonne Margarula was “deeply saddened” that uranium from Rio Tinto’s Ranger mine on Mirarr country in the Northern Territory was exported to Japanese nuclear companies including TEPCO. Source: Photo by Dominic O’Brien

Rio Tinto has a very specific methodology for dealing with the political authorities of the places where it operates. It buys them. Its destructive ventures in Papua New Guinea, Australia, Indonesia, and Madagascar are tragic illustrations of this trademark approach to the fire sale acquisition of valuable raw materials, to be snapped up cheap and sold dear in the global market. Nothing particularly objectionable about that, one is tempted to say, it is just a hardnosed business strategy followed by many enterprises. Perhaps, but the raw materials that Rio Tinto exploits happen to be located mainly in weak and vulnerable countries whose corrupt political elites tend to be as ruthless and avaricious as Rio Tinto itself. The resulting confluence of moral disengagement and pecuniary interest is devastating for the unfortunates who are compelled by economic necessity to work as Rio Tinto’s wage slaves. It is also seriously disruptive for the fragile societies whose infrastructure and environment are being laid waste by Rio Tinto’s predatory practices.

Rio Tinto is now adding lithium to its portfolio. In the Balkans it is positioning itself to become a major player in the global lithium trade. Some context might be illuminating.

Less than a century ago, Anton Zischka lucidly suggested that a drop of  oil is worth more than a drop of human blood.” That notion could be expanded nowadays to refer to a gram of copper, gold, cobalt, titanium, uranium, or lithium, among other commodities.  

Ignoring lithium is a dangerous idea for a shrewd investor,” industry analysts advise. Goldman Sachs, which undoubtedly is well-qualified to judge in these matters, “has called lithium ‘the new gasoline’ which is surely a term not thrown about loosely by one of the world’s largest investment banks. After all, oil has been the most important commodity in the world for over a century.  Could lithium be next,” market analysts are asking rhetorically.

As far as lithium specifically is concerned, the financial magazine Fortune, also reasonably well informed on the subject, recently asserted that “there is no dearth of companies that will claim a share of the expected lithium profits.”  

Why all the frenzy? What are the industrial uses of lithium that are generating such extraordinary excitement? Lithium and its compounds have several industrial applications, including heat-resistant glass and ceramics, lithium grease lubricants, flux additives for iron, steel and aluminium production, lithium metal batteries, and lithium-ion batteries. To this should be added rechargeable batteries for mobile phones, laptops, digital cameras and electric vehicles. These uses consume more than three-quarters of lithium production.

In other words, lithium is not an ordinary commodity but a strategic asset since it is an indispensable component in products of enormous economic significance.

A major problem are the unavoidably catastrophic environmental and human health repercussions of lithium mining using currently available extraction technologies. That is not a problem that affects the life or health of Rio Tinto executives or stockholders, but it does impinge, and severely, on those directly involved in the mining process and the sustainability of the environment in which they live.

That is because the lithium extraction process is dirty, literally and in the highest degree. We are told that

“the extraction process, mainly through brine mining, poses significant risks, including water pollution and depletion, biodiversity loss, and carbon emissions. Every tonne of mined lithium results in 15 tonnes of CO2 emissions in the environment. In addition, it is estimated that about 500,000 litres of water are needed to mine approximately 2.2 million litres per tonne of lithium. This substantially impacts the environment, leading to water scarcity in already arid regions … soil degradation, and air contamination, raising concerns about the sustainability of this critical resource.”

The preceding comments are but a general and rather understated overview of the environmental consequences of lithium mining. For the grievous human health impact of the release into the ground, the water table, and the air of immense amounts of poisonous substances, which necessarily accompanies lithium mining, it might be helpful to consult some of Rio Tinto’s victims in the far corners of the world, such as villagers in Papua New Guinea and Madagascar, and the aborigines of Western Australia.

These victims will soon be joined by more unfortunates in Serbia, whose government is dead set on signing a Faustian bargain with Mephisto, in this case represented by Rio Tinto. The classical definition of Faustian bargain is “a pact whereby a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches”. That fits events unfolding in Serbia to perfection.

If Serbia’s paltry earnings on account of the rent it collects from foreign mining companies for the exploitation of copper deposits in the Bor Basin, which is all of 1% of the total value of the extraction, or a whopping 13,6 million euros, is any indication, the lithium “partnership” with Rio Tinto in Western Serbia is bound to be an even more outrageous scam. But we can only conjecture because the terms of the extraction agreement are kept by both sides under a seal of secrecy.

But whatever the actual figures, the putative gain (and as in Ukraine we can easily surmise in whose bank accounts the bulk of the money will end up) will be cancelled by the grievous harm to the health of millions as a result of the poisoning of their land, food, and air. A true Faustian bargain, and of a malignancy that even Goethe could have hardly fathomed.

On Friday, July 19, the pact was signed in Belgrade between the spectre of the withered away Serbian state and German chancellor Olaf Scholz to resume lithium mining activities on Serbian territory. Germany, which has considerable lithium deposits on its territory but does not allow them to be mined because of the inherent hazards described above, is passing the hot potato to Serbian peasants and Rio Tinto hits the jackpot. These activities were briefly interrupted in 2022, amidst serious social upheavals and demands for Rio Tinto’s expulsion from the country.

Screenshot from Politico

Public opinion surveys do show that over 55% of Serbia’s population are aware of the danger to their health and environment and oppose lithium mining, whilst barely 25% support it. But what does it matter? As Klaus Schwab has authoritatively stated “you do not have to have elections any more because you can already predict” the outcome, and one supposes that by extension opinion surveys have become irrelevant as well.

With a bit of cognitive engineering helped along by lies about the tonnes of cash that will brighten the lives of Serbia’s deluded citizens, they are convinced that public attitudes can be fixed. The lithium project which is enormously beneficial for European manufacturers and Rio Tinto, but disastrous for Serbia, will proceed, barring the unlikely scenario of an uprising by the comatose populace.   

The important thing is to have the authorities of the withered away state on board, to sign binding deals that, if called upon, NATO can enforce, and to keep the unruly elements of the populace in line.

Serbia, after all, is a Balkan country where baksheesh (mainly to government officials, not just to waiters) reigns supreme.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Rethinking Srebrenica eBook : Karganovic, Stephen, Simic, Ljubisa: BooksRethinking Srebrenica

By Stephen Karganovic

Rethinking Srebrenica examines the forensic evidence of the alleged Srebrenica “massacre” possessed by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. Even though the ICTY created more than 3,500 autopsy reports, many of these autopsy reports were based on bone fragments, which do not represent complete bodies. An examination of the matching femur bones found reveals that there were only about 1,900 complete bodies that were exhumed. Of these, some 1,500 autopsy reports indicated a cause of death consistent with battlefield casualties. Only about 400 autopsy reports indicated execution as a cause of death, as revealed by ligatures and blindfolds. This forensic evidence does not warrant the conclusion of a genocide having taken place.

Karganovic examines the events that took place in Srebrenica in July 1995 in a wholistic manner instead of restricting it to a three-day event. The ten chapters cover:

1) Srebrenica: A Critical Overview;

2) Demilitarization of the UN Safe Zone of Srebrenica;

3) Genocide or Blowback?;

4) General Presentation and Interpretation of Srebrenica Forensic Data (Pattern of Injury Breakdown);

5) An Analysis of the Srebrenica Forensic Reports Prepared by the ICTY Prosecution Experts;

6) An Analysis of Muslim Column Losses Attributable to Minefields, Combat Activity, and Other Causes;

7) The Genocide Issue: Was there a Demonstrable Intent to Exterminate All Muslims?;

8) ICTY Radio Intercept Evidence;

9) The Balance Sheet; and

10) Srebrenica: Uses of the Narrative.

  • ASIN:‎ B0992RRJRK
  • Publisher: ‎Unwritten History, Inc.; 2 edition (July 8 2021)
  • Language: ‎English

Click here to purchase.

“The two ‘sides’ of mainstream politics are not fighting against one another, they’re only fighting against you. Their only job is to keep you clapping along with the two-handed puppet show as they rob you blind and tighten your chains while your gaze is fixed on the performance.”—Caitlin Johnstone

A failed assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. An incumbent president withdrawing his re-election bid at the 11th hour. A politicized judiciary that fails to hold the powers-that-be accountable to the rule of law. A world at war. A nation in turmoil.

This is what controlled chaos looks like.

This year’s election-year referendum on which corporate puppet should occupy the White House has quickly become a lesson in how the Deep State engineers a crisis to keep itself in power.

Don’t get so caught up in the performance that you lose sight of what’s real.

This endless series of diversions, distractions and political drama is the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.

It’s the Reichstag Fire all over again.

It was February 1933, a month before national elections in Germany, and the Nazis weren’t expected to win. So they engineered a way to win: they began by infiltrating the police and granting police powers to their allies; then Hitler brought in stormtroopers to act as auxiliary police; by the time an arsonist (who claimed to be working for the Communists in the hopes of starting an armed revolt) set fire to the Reichstag, the German parliamentary building, the people were eager for a return to law and order.

That was all it took: Hitler used the attempted “coup” as an excuse to declare martial law and seize absolute power in Germany, establishing himself as a dictator with the support of the German people.

Fast forward to the present day, and what do we have? A discontented citizenry, a disconnected government, and a Deep State that wants to stay in power at all costs.

So what happens? Trump has a near miss, Biden bows out, and politics becomes exciting to the masses again.

It works the same in every age.

This is how the police state will win, no matter which candidate gets elected to the White House.

You know who will lose? Every last one of us.

After all, politics today is not about Republicans and Democrats.

Nor is it about abortion, healthcare, higher taxes, immigration, or any of the other buzzwords that have become campaign slogans for individuals who have mastered the art of telling Americans exactly what they want to hear.

Politics today is about one thing and one thing only: maintaining the status quo between the Controllers (the politicians, the bureaucrats, and the corporate elite) and the Controlled (the taxpayers).

Indeed, it really doesn’t matter what you call them—the 1%, the elite, the controllers, the masterminds, the shadow government, the police state, the surveillance state, the military industrial complex—so long as you understand that no matter which party occupies the White House in 2025, the unelected bureaucracy that actually calls the shots will continue to do so.

In other words, no matter who wins this next presidential election, you can rest assured that the new boss will be the same as the old boss, and we—the permanent underclass in America—will continue to be forced to march in lockstep with the police state in all matters, public and private.

Consider the following a much-needed reality check, an antidote if you will, against an overdose of overhyped campaign announcements, lofty electoral promises and meaningless patriotic sentiments that land us right back in the same prison cell.

FACT: According to a scientific study by Princeton researchers, the United States of America is not the democracy that it purports to be, but rather an oligarchy, in which “economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy.”

FACT: Despite the fact that the number of violent crimes in the country is down substantially, the lowest rate in sixty years, the number of Americans being jailed for nonviolent crimes such as driving with a suspended license continues to skyrocket.

FACT: Thanks to an overabundance of 4,500-plus federal crimes and 400,000-plus rules and regulations, it is estimated that the average American actually commits three felonies a day without knowing it. In fact, according to law professor John Baker, “There is no one in the United States over the age of 18 who cannot be indicted for some federal crime. That is not an exaggeration.”

FACT: Despite the fact that we have 38 million Americans living at or below the poverty line, 13 million children living in households without adequate access to food, and 1.2 million veterans relying on food stamps, enormous sums of taxpayer money continue to be doled out on wasteful programs that do little to improve the plight of those in need.

FACT: Since 2001 Americans have spent $93 million every hour for the total cost of the nation’s so-called war on terror.

FACT: It is estimated that 5 million children in the United States have had at least one parent in prison, whether it be a local jail or a state or federal penitentiary, due to a wide range of factors ranging from overcriminalization and surprise raids at family homes to roadside traffic stops.

FACT: According to a Gallup poll, Americans place greater faith in the military and the police than in any of the three branches of government.

FACT: At least 400 to 500 innocent people are killed by police officers every year. Indeed, Americans are now eight times more likely to die in a police confrontation than they are to be killed by a terrorist. Americans are 110 times more likely to die of foodborne illness than in a terrorist attack. Police officers are more likely to be struck by lightning than be made financially liable for their wrongdoing.

FACT: On an average day in America, over 100 Americans have their homes raided by SWAT teams. Most of those SWAT team raids are for a mere warrant service. There has been a notable buildup in recent years of heavily armed SWAT teams within non-security-related federal agencies such as the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Education Department.

FACT: For all intents and purposes, we now have a fourth branch of government: the surveillance state. This fourth branch came into being without any electoral mandate or constitutional referendum, and yet it possesses superpowers, above and beyond those of any other government agency save the military. It is all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful. It operates beyond the reach of the president, Congress and the courts, and it marches in lockstep with the corporate elite who really call the shots in Washington, DC. The government’s “technotyranny” surveillance apparatus has become so entrenched and entangled with its police state apparatus that it’s hard to know anymore where law enforcement ends and surveillance begins. They have become one and the same entity. The police state has passed the baton to the surveillance state.

FACT: Everything we do will eventually be connected to the Internet. By 2030 it is estimated there will be 100 trillion sensor devices connecting human electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, etc.) to the Internet. Much, if not all, of our electronic devices will be connected to Google, which openly works with government intelligence agencies. Virtually everything we do now—no matter how innocent—is being collected by the spying American police state.

FACT: Americans know virtually nothing about their history or how their government works. In fact, according to a study by the National Constitution Center, 41 percent of Americans “are not aware that there are three branches of government, and 62 percent couldn’t name them; 33 percent couldn’t even name one.”

FACT: Only six out of every one hundred Americans know that they actually have a constitutional right to hold the government accountable for wrongdoing, as guaranteed by the right to petition clause of the First Amendment.

Perhaps the most troubling fact of all is this: we have handed over control of our government and our lives to faceless bureaucrats who view us as little more than cattle to be bred, branded, butchered and sold for profit.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, if there is to be any hope of restoring our freedoms and reclaiming control over our government, it will rest not with the politicians but with the people themselves.

One thing is for sure: the reassurance ritual of voting is not going to advance freedom one iota.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

A case study from Japan has documented the first known biopsy-proven instance of inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy (iDCM) — a condition where the heart becomes enlarged and weakened due to inflammation — following COVID-19 vaccination.

Doctors at Narita-Tomisato Tokushukai Hospital in Chiba, Japan, used an endomyocardial biopsy to diagnose iDCM in a 78-year-old woman who developed heart problems after receiving her third COVID-19 vaccine dose.

The patient had previously received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, followed by a Moderna mRNA-1273 booster.

The case, reported on July 1 in a peer-reviewed open-access article in the journal ESC Heart Failure, marks a significant advancement in understanding potential cardiac complications related to COVID-19 vaccines.

By using tissue analysis, doctors were able to more definitively link the heart condition to the vaccination, distinguishing it from other possible causes.

“While such severe reactions remain extremely rare, this case demonstrates the value of advanced diagnostic techniques in identifying and understanding vaccine-related side effects,” the doctors wrote.

The patient was successfully treated with a corticosteroid, which improved her condition significantly but not completely.

This outcome underscores the importance of prompt medical attention and accurate diagnosis for any unusual symptoms following vaccination.

“Severe cases can be fatal if left untreated,” the doctors wrote.

Dr. Peter McCullough agreed, telling The Defender that his January paper with Jessica Rose, Ph.D., and Nicolas Hulscher showed that in thousands of vaccine-associated myocarditis cases, the mortality rate is 2.9%.

McCullough said the Japanese paper is important because it applies to heart failure occurring months to years after COVID-19 vaccination. For patients with similar symptoms, doctors should seriously consider the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine might have caused the damage, he said.

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer at Children’s Health Defense, told The Defender the case study was “very robust.”

“They rule out cardiac infection as well as chronic myocarditis via autoimmunity in order to deduce a diagnosis of vaccine-associated myocarditis,” Hooker said.

Patient Was ‘in Acute Heart Failure’

The patient, with no prior history of heart disease, experienced palpitations and shortness of breath on the fourth day after receiving her third COVID-19 vaccine dose. Her symptoms gradually worsened and she was admitted to the hospital 11 days post-vaccination.

“By the time she was admitted to our hospital, she was in acute heart failure,” the doctors explained.

Upon examination, they noted several concerning signs:

  • Rapid heartbeat of 120 beats per minute.
  • Swollen neck veins and leg edema.
  • Abnormal heart sounds, including a gallop rhythm and heart murmur.
  • Low blood oxygen levels.

Diagnostic tests indicated cardiac dysfunction. An electrocardiogram (EKG) showed an abnormally rapid heart rate with disrupted electrical conduction patterns in both the right and left sides of the heart.

Blood tests revealed elevated levels of cardiac troponin I and brain natriuretic peptide, both markers of myocardial stress and damage. An EKG demonstrated severely reduced left ventricular function, with an ejection fraction of only 20%.

To rule out coronary artery disease, the medical team performed an X-ray test called coronary angiography, which showed no significant obstructions.

The constellation of symptoms and test results led the physicians to diagnose iDCM, potentially associated with the recent COVID-19 vaccination. To establish a definitive diagnosis, they proceeded with an endomyocardial biopsy.

Responding to a tweet about the Japanese study, Lori Petersen, injured by the Pfizer vaccine, posted this on X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday:

Key Findings

The endomyocardial biopsy provided crucial insights into the patient’s condition. Under the microscope, doctors observed signs of inflammation in the heart tissue, confirming the diagnosis of iDCM. These signs included:

  • Enlarged heart muscle cells.
  • Scarring between the cells.
  • Clusters of inflammatory cells, primarily macrophages and T-lymphocytes, or T-cells.

The biopsy also revealed increased levels of tenascin-C, a protein that is typically elevated during active heart inflammation. This suggested the patient’s condition was in an active stage and potentially treatable.

A cardiac MRI, another advanced imaging technique, showed additional signs of heart damage. It revealed an enlarged left ventricle and a pattern of scarring in the heart muscle wall that’s often seen in non-infectious causes of heart inflammation.

“The biopsy allowed us to directly observe the inflammatory process in the heart tissue, providing a level of certainty we haven’t had in previous cases of suspected vaccine-related heart issues,” the doctors wrote.

They emphasized how this case differs from previously reported vaccine-related heart issues.

“Most reported cases of heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination have been myocarditis in young males. This case of iDCM in an older female patient expands our understanding of potential cardiac complications.”

The detailed findings allowed doctors to distinguish this case from other types of heart problems and strongly suggested a link to the recent COVID-19 vaccination.

Follow-up Examinations at Six Months Showed ‘Significant Improvements’

After confirming the diagnosis of iDCM through biopsy, doctors initiated a targeted treatment plan involving the oral corticosteroid prednisolone to reduce inflammation in the heart.

The medical team also administered standard heart failure medications, including:

  • Enalapril, to help relax blood vessels.
  • Spironolactone, a diuretic that also has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Dapagliflozin, a newer medication shown to be beneficial in heart failure.

The patient’s condition improved steadily following treatment. After 16 days in the hospital, she was discharged with a reduced dose of prednisolone.

Follow-up examinations at six months showed significant improvements in the patient’s heart function. “The echocardiogram revealed a dramatic recovery in the heart’s pumping ability,” the doctors wrote. “The left ventricular ejection fraction improved from 20% to 56%, which is within the normal range.”

The follow-up cardiac MRI confirmed the reversal of the earlier abnormalities, showing a reduction in heart size and improved function. Additionally, a repeat biopsy demonstrated a marked decrease in inflammation within the heart tissue.

The patient remained stable without any recurrence of symptoms during the one-year follow-up period.

Hooker’s assessment of the patient’s recovery was more restrained. “This sounds more like chronic myocarditis (scarring and enlarged heart) rather than acute myocarditis where the chance of a full recovery is about 66% within 2-3 months.”

Hooker pointed out that scarring of the heart is permanent and in this case, the heart’s ejection fraction had not completely recovered by the six-month follow-up appointment.

Vigilance and Investigation of Potential Vaccine-related Adverse Events Needed

The case study provides new insights into the spectrum of cardiac complications potentially linked to COVID-19 vaccines. The researchers emphasized several key points in their discussion.

Current understanding of COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis primarily involves cases in young males, often occurring after the second vaccine dose.

Hooker noted that the young males have the highest risk of heart damage from the mRNA vaccines.

These myocarditis cases typically show an abundance of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, infiltrating the heart tissue.. But this case diverges from the typical vaccine-associated myocarditis profile in several ways:

  • The patient was an older female.
  • The complication occurred after a third dose of a different COVID-19 vaccine.
  • The diagnosis was specifically iDCM.

The biopsy findings revealed a mix of macrophages and T-lymphocytes in the heart tissue — immune system cells designed to rid the body of infection and disease — along with cardiac microthrombi (tiny blood clots).

This pattern differs from previously reported vaccine-associated myocarditis cases and other types of vaccine-related heart inflammation. This underscores the complexity of immune responses to vaccines, the doctors wrote.

The researchers stressed the importance of considering iDCM in patients who present with heart failure symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination, particularly when the clinical picture doesn’t match typical myocarditis.

“Clinicians should not hesitate to perform EMB [endomyocardial biopsy] on patients presenting with the DCM [dilated cardiomyopathy] phenotype following SARS-CoV-2 immunization,” the doctors emphasized.

McCullough said that he considers all vaccine recipients to have potentially suffered cardiac damage. “In my clinical practice … I take a tiered approach with history, exam, ECG, laboratories and in selected cases, echocardiography/cardiac MRI.”

The Japanese team acknowledged that while such severe reactions remain extremely rare, this case highlights the need for continued vigilance and thorough investigation of potential vaccine-related adverse events.


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John-Michael Dumais is a news editor for The Defender. He has been a writer and community organizer on a variety of issues, including the death penalty, war, health freedom and all things related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

While it is good for the US and the world that Joe “having-supported-all-wars-there were-to-support“ Biden has dropped out, the mainstream media attention to the US presidential elections is mind-bogglingly out of proportion. There are 200 other countries, and among them, a few that will influence the world’s future much more than the US – but how many could even mention their leaders’ names?

Secondly, while the president’s personality, experience and style are of some importance, we must be aware that s/he first represents the declining, militaristic empire’s MIMAC – Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex, what some call the deep state. And that MIMAC is getting desperate.

Influential people who work against MIMAC risk their lives – the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, Jr. in the US, Olof Palme in Sweden, and Dag Hammarskjöld at the UN – and lots of unsung anti-war and peace heroes too. A short clip from 1967 when the US was greater but – already then – too arrogant:

Post-1945 US has been by far the most war-fighting and most killing nation, the most militaristic with 600+ military bases in 130+ countries and special operating forces and the CIA all over the place. It’s been the most regime-changing ‘leader’.

It’s been exceptionalist and seen itself as God’s own country and as standing over and above everybody else, lately with its rules-based international order enabling it to violate every UN Charter norm and Geneva Convention.

Please do not believe that Kamala Harris will change any of that.

Biden was Obama’s Vice President when that administration carried out yet another regime change, this time in Kiev in 2014, which marks the true beginning of the NATO-Russia conflict playing out so tragically in Ukraine.

When you listened to Biden’s rhetoric about the US being the “essential nation of the world” – and his own “I’m running the world,” it should be pretty clear that the problem is not Biden’s dementia but the US’ hubris, immodesty, megalomania – arrogance.

And it only got worse after 1967. Perhaps God, the infinitely patient, has finally intervened?


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Featured image is from Dandelion Salad/flickr/cc

Pentagon nije briga za vidljivi ekonomski pad saveznika, sami su taj sunovrat omogućili kroz prekide tokova jeftinih energenata za privrede “saveznika” i kroz sankcije kojih se SAD naravno ne pridržavaju, kaže profesor ekonomije (emeritus) na Univerzitetu u Otavi, osnivač i direktor Centra za istraživanje globalizacije u Montrealu i urednik portala “Global riserč”

Ako bih morao da uporedim sadržaje “svečanih” Samita NATO povodom 50 godina od nastanka Alijanse i poslednjeg samita povodom 75 godina, a oba su bila u Vašingtonu, primetio bih prvo da su pokazali da je NATO lažna odbrambena struktura lažnog savezništva. Oba samita dokazuju tezu da je NATO samo specifičan aranžman Vašingtona kroz koji se koordiniraju ratovi koje vode saveznici, dok se SAD drže podalje od sukoba. “Saveznici” Vašingtonu sada otvoreno služe da urade prljave poslove za Ameriku, baš kao što je to definisao Dik Čejni, uticajni jastreb svih američkih ratova unazad nekoliko decenija – ovako, ukratko, glasi analiza profesora Mišela Čosudovskog nakon trodnevnog samita u Vašingtonu povodom 75 godina od osnivanja Alijanse.

Profesor ekonomije (emeritus) na Univerzitetu u Otavi, osnivač i direktor Centra za istraživanje globalizacije u Montrealu i urednik portala “Global riserč“, predano analizira rad vojnog Behemota iz Brisela od balkanskih ratova 90-tih.

Na početku intervjua lucidno primećuje da je posle završenih reči zvaničnika u Vašingtonu očigledno da su pravi cilj Amerikanaca u ratu u Ukrajini njeni “saveznici u NATO”, odnosno kompletna Evropska unija, zemlje koje Pentagon “upisao” za napad na Rusiju, tvrdi Čusodovski. On podseća i da je NATO ratovao protiv Jugoslavije uz pomoć cele alijanse, a da je danas samo on “vlasnik” bogatstava Kosova i Metohije. 

Kristina Lalić Spirković (KLS): Navodite da NATO nije alijansa nego aranžman Vašingtona?

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky (PMC): Tako je. Kroz NATO mehanizam Amerika kontroliše finansije saveznika i usmerava ih u svoj vojno-industrijski kompleks. U slučaju Ukrajine, na duži vremenski period.

KLS: Prema vašoj tezi, Pentagonu su saveznici potrebni osim kad im nisu potrebni?

PMC: Uvek je bilo tako. Nedavno, 1. jula povodom državnog praznika Kanade objavio sam dokumente nad kojima su se u mojoj zemlji mnogi zamislili.

Većina Kanađana nije bila svesna činjenice da su Sjedinjene Američke Države 1924. (pre sto godina) formulisale pažljivo osmišljen plan za invaziju na Kanadu i bombardovanje Montreala, Kvebeka, Halifaksa i Vankuvera.

To što je namerno izostavljeno iz naših istorijskih knjiga u školama i univerzitetima jeste da je naš američki komšija napravio detaljan plan za invaziju na Kanadu. Upotreba “otrovnog gasa” bila je deo tog projekta.

Ratni plan “Red” je zvanično odobren od strane američkog vojnog ministarstva u maju 1930. U nacrtu iz 1928. stajalo je da “Kanadi treba sasvim jasno staviti do znanja da će u ratu teško stradati”. I pogodite ko je bio zadužen za planiranje bombardovanja kanadskih gradova: general Daglas Makartur koji je tokom Drugog svetskog rata bio zadužen za vođenje rata na Pacifiku i koordinaciju opsežnog bombardovanja japanskih gradova (1941-1945).

KLS: Nakon ovog, 75. Samita NATO-a, šta je još jasno?

PMC: Objektivno, pritisak Vašingtona se trenutno fokusira na Nemačku i Francusku jer su privrede ovih zemalja najsnažnije u bloku saveznika. Francuskoj i Nemačkoj se naizmenično nudi da budu “lideri “u nastavku pohoda na Rusiju (odbrani demokratije i pravila vašingtonskog poretka) a izgleda kao da tu utakmicu “liderstva” vode predstavnici tih naroda izabrani od građana. 

KLS: Član 5 Povelje NATO daje američke bezbednosne garancije EU dok je “guraju” rat u Ukrajini?

PMC: NATO je, ponoviću, prevarantski entitet. Član 5 aktiviran je samo jednom, 11. septembra 2001. kada je na sajtu NATO u Briselu osvanulo da su SAD napadnute. U to vreme, dokazano je, Osama Bin Laden bio je u bolnici u Pakistanu pod paskom američkih bezbednosnih službi. A pošto je bilo smešno aktivirati Član 5 protiv nečega što se zove Al Kaida, naknadno je dodato Avganistan – zemlja koja je bila navodni sponzor organizacije napada. Ispostavilo se naknadno i da je Avganistan par dana ranije u obraćanju Generalnoj skupštini UN naveo da je iskrčmio polja maka i da je tako “ubio” 90 odsto trgovine opijumom i heroinom iza koje je stajao, naravno, Pentagon. Tako su se talibani našli prvi na udaru neokonzervativaca, a i svi dalji ratovi na Bliskom istoku i Sredozemlju vođeni su iz ekonomskog interesa.

KLS: Dakle, Evropljani da ne računaju na Član 5 u eventualnom sukobu sa RF?

Udruživanje snaga: Međunarodna legija teritorijalne odbrane Ukrajine omogućila je hiljadama stranih dobrovoljaca da se pridruže borbi protiv ruskih osvajača. Slika: / Vikimedia Commons

PMC: Ponavljam, na samitu u Vašingtonu Pentagon je objavio rat “saveznicima”.

Izbori u Evropi su pokazali političke promene u svim zemljama gde su održani…

Dinamika događaja na političkoj sceni Evrope je zaista interesantna ali je i već viđena, konkretno na slučaju NATO agresije na Srbiju.

Videli smo kako je koalicija levice u Francuskoj odnela pobedu u drugom krugu izbora i ako se ta koalicija sagleda, videćete da mnogi u njoj podržavaju neonacistički režim u Kijevu. Na primeru agresije iz 1999, takođe se dogodilo da su je vodili političari sa levice i zeleni.

Konkretno, to su bili “kupljeni” levičari i “uzgojeni” zeleni kakvi utiču na politiku EU u sukobu u Ukrajini.

KLS: Tokom celog života i vi ste bili na levoj strani?

PMC: Iz tog levog “stroja” izašao sam 1999. baš povodom događaja sa Jugoslavijom. Naime, kada sam prvi put obrazlagao tezu da je NATO kriminalni entitet koji u svojom kriminalnim poslovima koristi teroriste i kriminalce, prvo su me “prokazali” levičari. Konkretno, pošto sam napisao da je Hašim Tači, pre nego je postao “revolucionar”, bio ličnost sa Interpolove poternice, napravivši tada analogiju sa ratnim zločincem, britanskim generalom Majkom Džeksonom (ubicom iz Derija 1972) koji je okupirao srpsku pokrajinu KiM, za mnom su zauvek zatvorila vrata. Na primer u “levičarskom” “Mond diplomatiku” gde sam sarađivao objasnili su mi i zašto.

Naravno, nije mi žao što nisam “levičar” po meri Vašingtona. 

KLS: Šta se događa između “levice”i “desnice” u Evropi?

PMC: Da bi protumačili histeriju nazovilevičara na “desne” stranke i pokrete morate znati da je kod levičara putem medija stvoren refleksni stav da je desnica jednaka nacizmu. Tako imamo da se Nacionalno okupljanje Marin Lepen koje se zalaže za kraj ratova i prestanak finansiranja kijevskog nacističkog režima označava kao nacistička, dok se svi oni koji su za rat i nastavak ubijanja “posvećenje demokrate i nosioci evropskih vrednosti”. Isto je u Nemačkoj, Holandiji, Švedskoj, Finskoj… 

KLS: Dogodila se inverzija istorije?

PMC: Inverzija istorije ili inverzija narativa, sasvim je svejedno. Kao Jevrejin, postavljam pitanje ko su danas antisemiti?

Odgovor je očigledan. Naše zapadne vlade (uključujući većinu država članica NATO-a) koje izdašno finansiraju neonacistički režim u Kijevu. Sa pravne tačke gledišta, ovo je krivično delo naših vlada, kome treba da se suprotstavi veliki društveni pokret u svim državama članicama NATO.

Slika: Andrii Parubii

Opširno je dokumentovano da je državni udar 2014. izvršen pod pokroviteljstvom SAD uz podršku dve snažne nacističke frakcije: Svobode i Desnog sektora na čelu sa Dmitrom Jarošem, koje su počinile bezbroj zločina usmerenih protiv jevrejske zajednice u Ukrajini. Osnivač te ukrajinske nacističke Svobode Andrij Parubij imenovan je bio za predsednika ukrajinskog parlamenta (Vrhovne rade) a prema njemu Adolf Hitler je bio “Prometej demokratije”. 

KLS: Čudno je da su Ukrajinci koji su masovno ginuli u Drugom ratu protiv Hitlera to zaboravili?

PMC: Čudnije je da su to Jevreji zaboravili. Ukrajinski nacistički pokret sarađivao je sa nacističkom Nemačkom od početka 1940. Organizacija ukrajinskih nacionalista učestvovala je u ubistvima ukrajinskog jevrejskog stanovništva.

Prema Muzeju holokausta Drugog svetskog rata: “Broj Jevreja u Ukrajinskoj Sovjetskoj Republici (UkrSSR) bio je 2,45 miliona ljudi [od 1939-1941]” Nacionalna pobunjenička armija Ukrajine (UPA) bila je aktivno uključena u masakre Jevreja, Poljaka, komunista i Roma u velikim gradovima, uključujući Odesu i Kijev. Recimo u Lavovu u konclogoru Janovska oformljenom septembra 1941. istrebljeno je 99 odsto Jevreja iz ovog kraja do dolaska Crvene armije 21. jula 1944. Pa Simon Vizental je bio zatočenik ovog logora!

KLS: Antisemitizam se pretvorio u nešto slično nacizmu i na Bliskom istoku?

PMC: Isti ljudi, isti su protagonisti oba rata i ista je manipulacija u pitanju. Sramno je gledati kako se u Zapadnoj Evropi i Vašingtonu odnose prema nacistima iz Kijeva i kako tretiraju “opravdani strah” od antisemitizma na Bliskom istoku.

KLS: Može li se antisemitizam vratiti korenu značenja?

PMC: Jedini način je ukazivati na zločine nacista tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Srbija i Srbi su bili žrtve genocida a ironično su bili na tapetu Generalne skupštine UN kao genocidan narod. Mora se ukazivati ko je bio antisemita i rasista kroz istoriju i tako gledam i na najave Moskve da će opsadu Lenjingrada i druge zločine nacista staviti na dnevni red GS UN, upravo zbog jasnoće slika iz istorije Holokausta koje su počinili nacisti i njihove sluge u Ukrajini, Hrvatskoj… I Srbija mora tome da se pridruži.

KLS: Kako je Ukrajina okupirana nacizmom?

PMC: Najkraće rečeno, kroz kulturu i jezik. Zabrana govorenja maternjim jezikom i jeste bio jedan od povoda za SVO 2022.u čijoj suštini i stoji odgovor na vaše pitanje.

Kao ukrajinski emigrant koji je boravio u ovoj zemlji nakon pada Berlinskog zida, razumeo sam prvo da se “promenio jezik”. Ukrajina, na čijoj se teritoriji od preko 90 odsto govorio ruski kao domicilni, počela je u zvaničnoj verziji da “govori i piše” na dijalektu Galičnika, jezikom kojim je mali broj ljudi zborio samo na granici sa Poljskom.

Taj jezički fundamentalizam objašnjava i svaki drugi koji se pojavio u Ukrajini, osmišljen na Zapadu i negovan u masmedijima, a beskompromisno ga je sprovodila vlast 24 sata dnevno najmanje 30 godina.  

Ucranianos rejeitam cada vez mais uma identidade europeia.

July 22nd, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Um dos principais mitos da Ucrânia pós-2014 é a crença de que o país faz parte da Europa Ocidental. Kiev alterou a sua constituição após o golpe de Maidan para estabelecer a busca da integração com a UE como um objetivo permanente do Estado. O regime neonazista vê claramente o país como um membro da chamada “civilização europeia”, com os ucranianos supostamente tendo laços de identidade com todos os outros “europeus”.

Contudo, esta não parece ser a mentalidade da maioria dos ucranianos comuns. De acordo com um inquérito recente realizado conjuntamente pela Fundação Iniciativas Democráticas e pelo Centro Razumkov de Estudos Políticos e Econômicos, apenas 40% dos ucranianos se identificam com a Europa Ocidental. Além disso, 53% dos cidadãos nem sequer se consideram europeus – o que refuta toda a ideia de uma “identidade europeu-ucraniana” em oposição aos laços históricos russo-ucranianos.

Como esperado, a maioria dos candidatos que se identificam com a Europa vive nas partes ocidentais da Ucrânia e fala a língua ucraniana. Isso dá a entender que o sentimento de pertencimento a uma “identidade europeia” não atingiu as regiões com maioria russa ou simplesmente com maior diversidade étnica, estando totalmente concentrados nas áreas sob o controle absoluto de Kiev.

Outro fato interessante revelado pelo inquérito é que a maioria dos ucranianos está cética quanto à capacidade da Europa para melhorar a situação política e militar no país. 50% dos entrevistados afirmaram não estar interessados ​​em ver os europeus participando na política do seu país. Além disso, apenas 47% dos ucranianos afirmaram confiar no Parlamento Europeu – enquanto um número ainda menor de entrevistados (40%) afirmou confiar na Comissão Europeia e no Conselho Europeu.

Os dados são interessantes porque desmascaram a narrativa difundida pela junta de Maidan sobre a suposta “identidade europeia” da Ucrânia. O nacionalismo ucraniano tem sido, desde o seu início, fundado na ideia de que a Ucrânia é um país “europeu” separado da civilização russa. Os nacionalistas ucranianos acreditam que o seu país foi “ocupado”, “colonizado” e “oprimido” pela Rússia, com a “identidade europeia ucraniana” supostamente suprimida por medidas ditatoriais de assimilação forçada.

Desde 2014, estas narrativas historicamente imprecisas foram oficializadas pelo golpe de Maidan. Até a constituição ucraniana foi alterada para incluir abertamente a “integração europeia” como um dos objetivos de Estado. A juventude ucraniana foi ensinada que a sua história comum com a Rússia foi apenas um período de “ocupação”, sendo a Ucrânia um país “europeu” que alcançou a sua verdadeira “independência” depois de 2014. Esta lavagem cerebral tem sido eficaz na fanatização de vários grupos nacionalistas e no aprofundamento do neonazismo no país, mas parece que entre as pessoas comuns este mito fascista ainda não é tão popular.

Outro ponto interessante é que a pesquisa realizada pelos institutos também mostrou dados sobre a confiança do povo ucraniano nos EUA. De acordo com os resultados, apenas 37% dos entrevistados confiam nas autoridades americanas. Há claramente um sentimento crescente de desconfiança entre os ucranianos comuns sobre a verdadeira natureza da “parceria” entre Kiev e Washington. À medida que o conflito aumenta, as pessoas começam a ver que o seu país está a ser lançado numa situação de caos, miséria e catástrofe humanitária precisamente por causa do intervencionismo americano – razão pela qual cada vez menos pessoas confiam em Washington.

Os números contradizem completamente a propaganda ocidental. Apesar de todas as formas de lavagem cerebral, do fanatismo ideológico e da propagação da russofobia pelas instituições estatais, a maioria do povo ucraniano continua consciente das suas origens e compreende que a Europa Ocidental sempre foi uma civilização diferente da sua. A história comum entre a Rússia e a Ucrânia não é algo como uma “ocupação”, “colonização” ou “imposição”, pois ambos os povos surgiram da mesma origem comum e foram divididos apenas devido a acontecimentos políticos recentes.

Esta história partilhada entre ambos os povos não será apagada tão facilmente. Ainda existem milhões de ucranianos que viveram o passado soviético, onde era comum e permitido falar russo e circular livremente entre as repúblicas. Estes ucranianos contam aos seus filhos e netos sobre o passado, equilibrando a verdade com a lavagem cerebral que os jovens sofrem nas escolas e universidades. Por mais que se tente “cancelar” o passado, as memórias permanecem mais fortes que a propaganda.

O conflito torna ainda mais difícil acreditar nas mentiras dos neonazistas. O povo ucraniano está a constatar que o sentimento de pertencimento à Europa Ocidental não é apenas errado, mas também prejudicial, e levou a nação à ruína absoluta. A confiança na UE, na OTAN, nos EUA e mesmo nas instituições estatais ucranianas deverá diminuir ainda mais num futuro próximo, tornando impossível ao regime de Kiev permanecer no poder a longo prazo.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : Ukrainians increasingly rejecting European identity, InfoBrics, 19 de Julho de 2024

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Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

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A vacina Moderna contra a COVID-19 foi associada a taxas de mortalidade significativamente mais altas do que as vacinas da Pfizer, com base em uma análise preliminar de dados de saúde individuais da República Tcheca.

Steve Kirsch, diretor executivo da Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, com o apoio da patologista Clare Craig, conduziu uma comparação de marcas de vacinas analisando dados de nível recorde , ou individualizados, de mais de 10 milhões de pessoas na República Tcheca.

Kirsch obteve os dados por meio de uma solicitação da Lei de Liberdade de Informação feita por um cidadão tcheco.

Os dados sobre pessoas vacinadas incluíam o fabricante da vacina, a data da vacinação e o número e código do lote de cada pessoa.

Kirsch conseguiu analisar os registros médicos das pessoas ao longo do tempo, rastreando quais pessoas receberam uma, duas ou três doses de uma vacina de um determinado fabricante e se elas morreram no ano seguinte.

Ele calculou e comparou a taxa geral de mortalidade no grupo da Moderna com o grupo da Pfizer e descobriu que, em todas as idades, houve mais mortes no grupo da Moderna.

Ele também descobriu que a diferença nas taxas de mortalidade era estatisticamente significativa em todas as faixas etárias estudadas. No entanto, o aumento percentual no risco aumentou conforme as pessoas ficavam mais jovens. Sua análise cobriu pessoas na faixa dos 40 e poucos até o final dos 90, de acordo com seus gráficos.

Kirsch relatou, por exemplo, que pessoas com idades entre 46 e 69 anos que receberam duas doses da vacina da Moderna tiveram um risco 50% maior de morte em um ano em comparação com aquelas que receberam duas doses da Pfizer.

Ele também escreveu que os dados mostram que a vacina da Pfizer “também é completamente inadequada para uso público”, mas não havia dados suficientes para determinar sua ligação com a mortalidade por todas as causas.

“A menos que os fabricantes de medicamentos possam explicar ao mundo como esses novos dados da República Tcheca realmente provam que todas as suas vacinas são igualmente seguras, as vacinas PfizerModernaJannsen e AstraZeneca devem ser imediatamente interrompidas por serem muito inseguras para uso”, escreveu Kirsch.

Críticos: mais pesquisas são necessárias, mas a análise preliminar é “valiosa”

A análise de Kirsch não foi formalmente escrita ou revisada por pares. No entanto, ele incluiu uma crítica do bioestatístico da Universidade da Pensilvânia Jeffrey Morris, Ph.D., a quem Kirsch pediu para comentar.

Morris disse que a análise não levou em consideração possíveis variáveis ​​de confusão.

Kirsch respondeu que não havia nenhum fator de confusão que pudesse explicar a diferença e desafiou pesquisadores ou governos a explicar.

Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., pesquisador de mortalidade por todas as causas e ex-professor de física na Universidade de Ottawa, no Canadá, que fez extensas análises país por país sobre a ligação entre a distribuição de vacinas e a mortalidade por todas as causas, também disse ao The Defender que havia limitações sistemáticas na análise de Kirsch.

Por exemplo, ele disse que a República Tcheca teve grandes picos de mortalidade excessiva ao longo do tempo durante o período da COVID-19, muitos dos quais não estavam relacionados às vacinas porque ocorreram de maneiras complexas antes das campanhas de vacinação.

Isso sugere que há outros mecanismos de mortalidade — como protocolos de tratamento da COVID-19bloqueios ou outros problemas, disse Rancourt.

Também há variabilidade em como as vacinas de diferentes fabricantes foram lançadas. Por exemplo, a vacina de um fabricante pode ter sido lançada mais cedo do que mais tarde durante um pico em uma onda de mortalidade por todas as causas relacionada a vários fatores diferentes. Na análise de Kirsch, essa morte seria atribuída a uma vacina, mesmo que possa ter sido causada por fatores não relacionados à vacina.

De acordo com Rancourt, há um elemento temporal significativo que a análise de Kirsch não levou em conta. Em que ponto durante uma onda de mortalidade por todas as causas as pessoas são vacinadas e quando morrem, e quando e quão rapidamente as vacinas de um fabricante específico são lançadas, tudo isso deve ser levado em conta em uma análise adequada.

“É preciso fazer uma análise temporal completa para controlar esse erro sistemático”, disse Rancourt. “Isso não foi feito.”

No entanto, ele também disse que a análise de Kirsch é “dados muito úteis e importantes”. Apesar de suas críticas metodológicas, Rancourt disse. “Acho que é altamente válido o que [Kirsch] está fazendo. Ele fez uma primeira análise que mostra um resultado que vale a pena analisar.”

Kirsch chamou os dados do governo tcheco de “a fonte principal”. “Nunca tivemos dados como esses antes”, disse ele e compartilhou comentários de outros pesquisadores que também comentaram sobre o valor dos dados.

“Os dados do nível de pacientes da República Tcheca são surpreendentes e muito perturbadores”, disse o Dr. Paul Marik.

“Estou surpreso que as autoridades levaram quatro anos para liberar dados de nível individual”, disse o cientista de dados Tomas Fürst, Ph.D., da República Tcheca, a Kirsch. “Se tivéssemos esse tipo de dado antes, teríamos conseguido evitar os maiores erros da resposta à pandemia. Todos os governos deveriam liberar esses dados imediatamente.”

Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D., cientista pesquisador da Children’s Health Defense, disse ao The Defender: “Uma das conclusões mais importantes desta pesquisa é que estamos vendo sinais importantes nos dados sobre um problema de segurança muito sério e precisamos de mais dados para investigá-lo mais a fundo”.

“Mas não temos esses dados — os governos têm e deveriam liberá-los para análise”, disse ele.

Debatendo potenciais vieses e explicações alternativas

Kirsch fez sua análise com base na suposição de que a Pfizer era inofensiva e, portanto, poderia atuar como um grupo placebo, explicou Craig em seu Substack.

“É um excelente grupo placebo porque fatores de confusão em torno de variáveis ​​socioeconômicas e de saúde são contabilizados porque as marcas foram distribuídas aleatoriamente”, disse ela.

Kirsch abordou vários contra-argumentos, ou o que ele chamou de “vetores de ataque” através dos quais os críticos poderiam atacar suas descobertas.

A contraexplicação mais plausível, disse ele, seria que houve um viés na distribuição da vacina, já que a Moderna e outras vacinas foram administradas exclusivamente a pessoas com altas comorbidades.

No entanto, ele disse que não havia evidências de que a Moderna foi dada a pessoas com maior risco de morte ou que havia qualquer critério para vacinar pessoas com uma vacina ou outra. Portanto, ele disse, pode-se presumir que as vacinas foram atribuídas por conveniência, “removendo a maioria dos vieses”.

Craig concordou: “A menos que alguém possa fornecer evidências convincentes de que a Moderna foi administrada àqueles com maior probabilidade de morrer em todas as faixas etárias e ao longo do período, então esta é uma evidência convincente de que ela foi mais mortal”, escreveu ela.

No entanto, Rancourt observou que as vacinas não são lançadas aleatoriamente. “Diferentes fabricantes são lançados em momentos diferentes e são até mesmo usados ​​para diferentes grupos de pessoas”, disse ele. “Portanto, não há razão para supor que os dois fabricantes foram lançados proporcionalmente de forma sincronizada.”

Em vez disso, as diferenças nas implementações devem ser consideradas na análise.

Kirsch também disse que as diferenças não poderiam ser explicadas pela eficácia da vacina, porque as taxas de mortalidade por COVID-19 eram muito baixas.

As descobertas também demonstram “plausibilidade biológica”, escreveu Kirsch, porque ambas as vacinas têm o mesmo ingrediente ativo de mRNA , as doses são significativamente diferentes. A vacina da Pfizer contra a COVID-19 contém 30 microgramas por dose e a da Moderna contém 100 microgramas por dose.

Outras pesquisas mostraram descobertas semelhantes

Kirsch observou que suas descobertas concordam com outras pesquisas sobre o assunto.

artigo de Fraiman, que reanalisou os ensaios de Fase 3 da Pfizer e da Moderna, descobriu que a vacina da Moderna também teve uma taxa 50% maior de eventos adversos graves de interesse especial do que a da Pfizer.

Kirsch também indicou aos leitores uma análise diferente que ele fez do Sistema de Notificação de Eventos Adversos de Vacinas (VAERS), que descobriu que a Moderna causou 30% mais mortes por dose do que a Pfizer.

Rancourt disse que as descobertas de Kirsch relatadas hoje também mostraram concordância com uma análise que Rancourt fez com Joseph Hickey, Ph.D. , do banco de dados do VAERS.

Nesse artigo, eles também descobriram que a toxicidade fatal da vacina variava de acordo com o fabricante, com a injeção da Janssen sendo a mais fatal, seguida pela da Moderna e depois pela da Pfizer. O artigo incluía detalhes sobre toxicidade, número de doses e fabricante.

Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

Genocide-denying legacy-media frames discussions about Gaza from supremacist perches.

It puts truth and context into the Memory Hole of obliteration much as Winston from Orwell’s 1984 did. History itself becomes malleable to suit current diktats.

Novelist and activist Susan Abulhawa notes that when Piers Morgan, or Christiane Amanpour, or any other legacy media operatives discuss the current genocide against everything and everybody in Gaza, they frame the discussion in terms of October 7, and as an Israeli reaction to a specific incident, even as Israeli sources admit that IDF forces killed many innocent Israelis on that fateful day and the entire operation was very likely the fruit of collaboration between the Israeli military and elements of or within Hamas.

Keeping the focus on elements of October 7 obliterates Apartheid Israel’s longstanding policies of criminality and brutality against Palestinian civilians, many of whom have been subjected to administrative detention, torture, and massacres, outgrowths of the 1948 Nakba, and longstanding state policies of persecution, dispossession, and genocide.

Mainstream media erases the context as provided by Eva Bartlett and others, of Israel’s longstanding criminality, its starvation policies, its destruction of wells and cisterns, its crop-burning and sniping of civilians, as well as its oppressive and long-standing de-development agenda(1).

When presented with these on-the-ground realites in Gaza, Western audiences seek comfort from consistent TV and newspaper mainstream messaging which serve to jusify that which can not be justified — genocide. This strategy of “confirmation bias” is consistent with what Susan Abulhawa calls “cognitive dissonance”.

Recall former CIA director William J. Casey’s statement that,

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. ”

The West, Abulhawa reminds us, has a long and sordid history of destroying target countries, one and after another, but also concurrently. The list is long and includes Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, each country far worse off than before the invasions.

And yet high up on their colonial perches, far-removed from the bombs and the genocide, mainstream media interrogators would have us forget all of that, they would have us believe that Western foreign policy is about humanitarianism or freedom or democracy, as the Truth becomes the Lie and the Lie becomes the Truth.


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This article was originally published on the author’s website, Mark Taliano.

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(1) Eva Bartlett, “Canadian journalist & author, Yves Engler, on Canada’s complity in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.” In Gaza (wordpress). (Canadian journalist & author, Yves Engler, on Canada’s complity in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza – In Gaza ( ) Accessed 20 July, 2024.

(2) Philip Giraldi and Prof. M. Chossudovsky, “Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting ‘A False Flag’? They Let It Happen? Their Objective Is ‘to Wipe Gaza Off the Map’ ?” (Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let It Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”? – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 20 July, 2024.

Featured image is from the author

It has been clear to me from the beginning that the digital revolution was a massive catastrophe in the making.

The digital revolution is a catastrophe across the board. It not only gives government ability to impose tyranny beyond George Orwells’ imagination, it subjects all accumulated knowledge to wipe out by an electromagnetic pulse, and it causes shutdown of worldwide economic activity because of a bug in cybersecurity software.

We got a taste of this last Friday. All over the world flights stopped. People could not access their bank accounts. Stores could not process transactions. People could not purchase food or clothing. Emergency police, health, fire services could not be contacted. All of this and more happened because a Crowdstrike cybersecurity update contained an error that closed down services relying on the Microsoft operating system.

Ask yourselves why humans, if they are actually intelligent, which I often doubt, would construct and impose such a fragile and easily disrupted system of communication. In my opinion the digital revolution is the work of people with insufficient vision and ability to comprehend the obvious fragilities of the unreliable and easily compromised digital system on which we find ourselves dependent.

There is no such thing as cybersecurity. A person has to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to know this. The information that this is the fact is dumped on us every day. AT&T announces a total breakdown in its security and that all of its customers’ information has been stolen. We hear the same from many corporations. Cities and utilities are held to ransom by cyber crooks who take over their systems. And so on.

The once proud American people have been forced to subject ourselves to being spied on by a tyrannical government, to have zero privacy, to be susceptible to theft of our identity, our bank accounts, our investment accounts, to be susceptible to the FBI implanting child porn on our computers or whatever evidence against us that they want to implant.

If the accumulated information stored in the cloud is not protected by a Faraday Cage, it can be wiped out by one electromagnetic force.

The Sun itself, if it goes on a rampage, can emit electromagnetic forces sufficient to wipe out digital information. A nuclear war would eliminate all information stored in the cloud. Survivors, if any, would know nothing. They would be back in caveman days.

The digital revolution has allowed every conceivable imaginable evil. In exchange dumbshits get to scroll their cell phones looking for entertainment.

We are worried about “global warming.” We are worried about Bill Gates’ promise of a decade of pandemics. We are worried about Trump selling us out to Russia. We should be worried about the digital revolution terminating a functioning existence for mankind.

Cyber Outage Disrupts Globe

19 July 2024

“A major global cyber outage appears to be disrupting businesses, airports, and government services around the world. All flights from several major US airlines were grounded due to a communication issue, the Federal Aviation Administration says. Microsoft says it is investigating an issue preventing users from accessing its apps and services.”

The Worldwide Loss of Ability to Function

An error from a cybersecurity firm caused a breakdown in the functioning of the world communication system.

“It was a stunning example of the fragile dependence the global economy has on certain software and the cascading effect it can have when things go wrong.

The outage was attributed to CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm whose software is used by scores of industries around the world to protect against hackers and outside breaches. A software update issued by CrowdStrike appeared to be at the root of the problem, resulting in crashes of machines running the Microsoft Windows operating system.”


Source: @TaymWasHere / X

Here’s how the spillover effects are being felt all over the world:

“Flights disrupted: U.S. airlines reported major disruptions across the country overnight, with many passengers stranded, though some carriers seemed to be recovering on Friday morning. At least five U.S. airlines — Allegiant Air, American, Delta, Spirit and United — had grounded all flights for a time, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

“Airport chaos: The issues were also being felt at airports around the world, including in Hong Kong, Sydney, Berlin and Amsterdam. At the Manchester Airport in Britain, there were long lines in the departures area as many machines at check-in counters were not working. Ryanair, one of the largest airlines in Europe, said it was experiencing disruption because of a third party IT outage that is “entirely out of our control.”

“911 outages: In the U.S., the outage appeared to be affecting emergency 911 lines in multiple states, the U.S. Emergency Alert System said on social media. It said people experiencing emergencies should call the number for their local police or fire department. Most if not all of the problems appeared to be resolving themselves by mid-morning.

“Broadcast issues: Many international television broadcasters also reported problems. In France, TF1 and Canal+, among the most watched, said in posts on X that they couldn’t go on air. “We’re all onstage, but there’s a gigantic breakdown in the control room” making it impossible to go live, Christophe Beaugrand-Guerrin, a TF1 presenter, wrote on X.”

The people who brought us the digital revolution and are now bringing us artificial intelligence are the most stupid people who have ever lived. They are stupid because they are unable to comprehend the unintentional consequences of what they are doing.

Trump, Russia, China, Iran are not our enemies. Our enemies are the nerds who are working their hearts out to give artificial intelligence power over humans. The accumulation of total evil, known as transhumanism, is working to create an AI robot in replacement for a human being.

The value to a police state of an AI robot compared to a human is that the robot has no morality, no comprehension of the difference between fact and reality. The AI robot responds only to its programing. Truth is not recognized by a robot whose reality is a programed reality and can be vastly different from real truth.

Crowdstrike enabled the Russiagate plot against Trump.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Last Saturday, in Butler, Pennsylvania, President Trump was shot in the ear and narrowly saved from a fatal head wound from an assassin’s bullet. Retired firefighter Corey Comperatore was fatally struck by a bullet, and two other pro-Trump rally-goers were seriously injured.

Over the last week, much of the federal narrative has broken down trying to explain the events. As the sniper’s body was recovered on the roof of the American Glass Research company’s warehouse in Butler, Pennsylvania, within a few days it emerged that snipers were in the second floor overlooking the sniper’s body in an adjoining building.

One often-repeated part of the official story is that a Butler County Sheriff’s Deputy climbed on top of the roof moments prior to the shooting to confront alleged shooter Thomas Crooks, and Crooks responded by pointing a weapon at the Deputy, who then fell off of an eight-foot ladder.

Later reports claim that the deputy hurt his ankle and is now walking with a medical boot. Here’s the New York Post repeating that story nationally.

Here is the relevant excerpt from the CBS Story about the rooftop fight between the Sheriff’s Deputy and Crooks:.

Here is the transcript:

Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe confirmed to KDKA-TV that an armed municipal officer with Butler Township encountered shooter Thomas Crooks before he fired shots from a rooftop building outside the perimeter of former President Trump’s rally.

The sheriff said he was not made aware of any potential threats, but confirmed an officer encountered the shooter on the roof, and didn’t fire his weapon.

“All I know is the officer had both hands on the roof to get up on the roof, never made it because the shooter had turned towards the officer, and rightfully and smartly, the officer let go,” Sheriff Slupe said.

Sheriff Slupe says before the shooting, the officer and others were previously alerted to a suspicious person and began searching for him right away.

Sheriff Slupe said this officer was hoisted by another officer to the roof of a building where the shooter had taken a position.

The shooter, Crooks, focused his rifle on the officer who let go and fell off the roof. Then, the 20-year-old began firing into the crowd.

And here is the text from the report.

Witnesses on the ground who saw the rooftop sniper say that local police did not confront the sniper moments before the shooting, and no one saw any confrontation by Crooks before shots rang out.

Key witness Greg Smith exclusively told the Gateway Pundit:

“I saw him [the sniper] right before he shots happened, and I didn’t see him turn around and confront anyone. I never saw that and it didn’t happen. We asked all the people around us and in our group and we didn’t see that. I heard the story about the officer falling and hurting his foot, no one saw that. I’ve heard the stories, but I have no idea what they’re talking about.”

Explosively, he also relates that the snipers in the 2nd floor section of the AGR building were watching the rooftop shooter as the shots rang out – and did nothing!

“I was looking all around to get law enforcement’s attention before the shots, and I could tell it was coming, because as I was standing there for several minutes I kept thinking ‘why is Trump still talking?’ You expect someone to be on the radio or whatever the protocol is, to get Trump off the stage. I knew this isn’t good. I expected the shots to start, and then they did. It was mass chaos. I was looking at the guys on the second story, my eyes were jumping three or four different places, I could see that they saw him and were looking at him and watching what he was doing, but they didn’t do anything.

Butler County Sheriffs Deputies have said that their body cameras were turned off and there is no footage available from the incident.

Federal authorities have blamed Butler County for failing to secure the AGR Building, claiming it is outside of their “security perimeter.” Butler County has responded by saying they were only asked to take care of traffic control.

Local witnesses say that there was zero police presence on the ground the entire day around the AGR Building north of the Butler Farm Field where the Trump rally was held, and they saw no law enforcement whatsoever.

Image: Greg Smith, American Patriot

Key assassin witness Greg Smith tells the Gateway Pundit:

We didn’t see a single law enforcement officer the entire time until they were running around the building looking for the guy. We didn’t see a single bit of law enforcement.

Witness Smith describes seeing snipers out of the second floor warehouse building as part of the AGR complex. Some online have speculated that these individuals were Butler County Emergency Services snipers or SWAT responders, but so far that has not been made clear and officials are not providing any answers. But the witnesses described seeing the snipers in the windows of the AGR building.

“They were watching us. I would look up from time to time, and we would always see them there. I gave this same testimony and descriptions about the snipers in the second floor to the State Police Detectives in my driveway,” said Smith.

Smith also says that it is unrealistic to get on top of the AGR building with a five foot ladder. He said that it would require “at least a 12 foot ladder” or better to get on top of the building. Federal officials continue to maintain Crooks used a five foot ladder to get on the roof.

Few details have emerged from the shooting that appear to be reliable and backed by third-parties. Federal authorities have spoken primarily through ‘off the record’ statements to friendly media outlets.

Many of the details and narratives offered by the anonymous law enforcement quotes to friendly media have proven later to be false. As one example, the ‘five foot ladder’ narrative from federal authorities collapsed this week.

Posted images online show police vehicles underneath the nearby water tower. But whomever these law enforcement officers were, they were not seen by the collected witnesses who observed the rooftop sniper and were screaming for law enforcement to help.

A video posted on TikTok claims to see Crooks walking around the side of the AGR Complex that faced the rally.

Watch the tweet on X

The Gateway Pundit has produced this map to help better explain where Thomas Matthew Crooks has been observed at the American Glass Research building in Butler, Pennsylvania, and points in the warehouse complex where different claims are being made.

Mainstream media has repeated the “Officer climbed to roof and confronted Crooks” story.

The Butler County Sheriff’s Deputy who alleges to have confronted Crooks, fallen, and injured his ankle, has not been named. Calls to the Sheriff’s Office were not returned for this story, however the department had previously said it was referring all media inquiries to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The New York Post declared the as-yet-unnamed falling-ladder Deputy as a hero.

The FBI’s Public Affairs Officer coordinating the media response to this incident, Bradford Arick of the Pittsburgh FBI Field Office, who responded, “The FBI continues to investigate the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump and as potential domestic terrorism. We encourage the public to continue sending their tips and information. The FBI continues to determine the sequence of events and the shooters’ movements prior to the shooting. I can neither confirm nor deny the information.”

President Trump’s next rally is Saturday night in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the first since the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. Trump concludes a week-long Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


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Benjamin Wetmore is a former writer for Human Events, Morris NorthStar, and The Federalist. 2023 ISI George Washington Statesman Fellow. Featured in the Washington City Paper, Washington Post, New York Times, and Playboy.

All images in this article are from TGP

A study released today of excess mortality in 125 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines.

“We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon,” the authors of the study wrote.

Researchers from the Canadian nonprofit Correlation Research in the Public Interest and the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières analyzed excess all-cause mortality data prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning with the March 11, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic declaration and ending on May 5, 2023, when the WHO declared the pandemic over.


The results, presented in a detailed 521-page analysis, establish baseline all-cause mortality rates across 125 countries and use those to determine the variations in excess deaths during the pandemic.

The researchers also used the baseline rates to investigate how the individual country variations in excess death rates correlated to different pandemic-related interventions, including vaccination and booster campaigns.

Not all of the results on a country-by-country basis were the same. For example, in some countries, mortality spikes occurred before the vaccines were rolled out, while in other places, the mortality spikes tracked closely with vaccine or booster campaigns.

In some places, excess mortality rates returned to baseline or close to baseline in 2022, while in others, the rates persisted well into 2023. Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., lead author of the study, told The Defender the disparities result from the complex nature of pandemic measures — and the data — in different areas.

Once Rancourt’s team was able to establish the baseline and excess mortality data for each place, they clustered and examined the data through different filters to interpret it, and drew several conclusions.

Data ‘Incompatible with a Pandemic Viral Respiratory Disease as a Primary Cause of Death’

The researchers established that there was significant excess mortality worldwide between March 11, 2020, and May 5, 2023.

Overall excess mortality during the three years in the 93 countries with sufficient data to make an estimate is approximately 0.392% of the 2021 population — or approximately 30.9 million excess deaths from all causes.

The conventional explanation for the excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic, Rancourt said, is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused virtually all deaths — and there would have been even more deaths if there hadn’t been a vaccine.

The variations in excess all-cause mortality rates across space and time, the authors wrote, “allow us to conclude that the Covid-period (2020-2023) excess all-cause mortality in the world is incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease as a primary cause of death.”

They said the theory that the virus caused the deaths is propped up by mass virus-testing campaigns that should be abandoned.

‘Idea that Vaccines Saved Lives Is Ridiculous’

Rancourt and his team cited several factors they believe disprove the theory that the virus caused a spike in all-cause mortality.

For example, they wrote that excess mortality surged almost simultaneously across several continents when a pandemic was declared, while there were no comparable surges in areas that had not yet declared a pandemic.

This suggests that pandemic interventions like lockdowns, which were implemented synchronously across many countries, likely caused the surges.

The researchers also pointed out the significant variation in mortality rates during the pandemic in all time periods, even across different political jurisdictions directly adjacent to each other. If the virus caused the deaths, it would follow that the infection fatality rate would be the same, or at least similar across political boundaries.

The researchers also found a lot of variability in death rates within countries over time, which also would not be an expected outcome if those deaths were caused by a pathogen.

Rancourt said they found “the idea that the vaccine saved lives is ridiculous,” and based on flawed modeling as he and colleagues also showed in a previous paper.

Here again, they found no systematic or statistically significant trends showing that vaccination campaigns in 2020 and 2021 reduced all-cause mortality.

Instead, they found that in many places, there was no excess mortality until the vaccines were rolled out, and most countries showed temporal associations between vaccine rollouts and increases in all-cause mortality.

Medical Interventions — Including Denial of Treatment — Caused Premature Deaths

Rancourt said the excess deaths his team identified are strongly associated with the combination of two major factors — the proportion of elderly in a country’s population and the number of people living in poverty. Both factors increased peoples’ vulnerability to “sudden and profound structural societal changes” and “medical assaults.”

While the proximal cause of death may be classified on death certificates as a respiratory condition or infection, the researchers noted, they argue the true primary causes of death are actually biological stress, non-COVID-19-vaccine medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccination rollouts.

The study provides an overview of plausible mechanisms for this hypothesis, including research showing that some people experienced severe biological stress from measures like mandates and lockdowns.

“If you structurally change the society by preventing people from moving, breathing, working, having their lives, having to stay at home, lock them in. If you do all these incredibly huge changes, structural changes in society, that is going to induce biological stress,” Rancourt told The Defender.

“There’s very compelling scientific evidence that biological stress is a massive killer,” he added.

Rancourt also pointed out that the stress of lockdowns affected poor people quite differently than it did people who could easily work from home, have food delivered and live relatively comfortably.

The authors also pointed to extensive evidence showing that medical interventions — including denial of treatment — caused premature deaths.

Such interventions included but were not limited to the denial of antibiotics and ivermectin against bacterial pneumonia, the systematic use of mechanical ventilators, experimental treatment protocols, new palliative medications and overdoses, isolation of vulnerable people and encouraged voluntary or involuntary suicide.

The March-April 2020 COVID-19 peak they identified in several countries is difficult to explain without such medical interventions, they wrote.

17 Million Excess Deaths Tied to COVID Vaccines

Finally, the researchers projected that 17 million of the excess deaths they identified were associated with the COVID-19 vaccines, confirming the findings of their previous research on a smaller sample of countries.

Those vaccine-related estimations were based on analyses of places that had large spikes immediately following vaccination or booster campaigns and also by examining the numbers of vaccine doses and their relation to deaths over time.

Thirty percent of the countries they analyzed had no excess deaths until either the vaccine rollouts or the booster campaigns. And there were significant correlations between COVID-19 vaccine rollouts and peaks or increases in excess all-cause mortality. Ninety-seven percent of countries showed a late-2021 or early-2022 peak in excess all-cause mortality temporally associated with booster rollouts.

It is highly unlikely, the researchers wrote, that the vaccine-mortality associations are coincidental.

Rancourt noticed that people critical of this idea point to the fact that in some places, there are sometimes campaigns or booster campaigns that aren’t associated with spikes in excess mortality.

However, he said vaccination campaigns don’t always lead to such spikes because vaccination was not related to death in the same way in every situation. Vulnerability factors like the age of those vaccinated, the health of the population and other sociological factors related to stressors on the immune system change how they are affected by vaccine toxicity or the vaccines’ effects on the immune system.

Based on their analysis and interpretations, they concluded,

“We are compelled to state that the public health establishment and its agents fundamentally caused all the excess mortality in the Covid period.”


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Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., is a senior reporter for The Defender. She wrote and taught about capitalism and politics for 10 years in the writing program at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s from the University of Texas at Austin.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Maintaining “biological youth” is crucial for longevity. Exercise, particularly moderate activity and 150 to 180 minutes of weekly resistance training, is the most powerful intervention for slowing biological aging

Optimal protein intake is about 0.8 grams per pound of ideal body weight. Protein quality matters, with collagen and glycine being especially important but often overlooked nutrients

Moderate carbohydrate intake (40% to 55% of calories) is associated with lowest mortality risk. Long-term low-carb diets may impair metabolic flexibility and mitochondrial function

Up to 99% of the U.S. population may have some degree of insulin resistance. The HOMA-IR test is a simple way to assess metabolic health

Regular sun exposure is critical for health and longevity. Other key factors include adequate sleep, stress management, minimizing environmental toxins, and maintaining gut health


I recently spoke with Siim Land, author of the new book “The Longevity Leap,” discussing key factors for optimizing health and lifespan. Maintaining “biological youth” is the single most important factor for longevity, but the question is how to achieve this as you get older.

Land’s book is 500 pages, with 8,000 references, so it’s a good resource to take a deep dive into the strategies that will help keep you biologically young. He’s a leader in the longevity field and walks the walk — he implements the programs he talks about and is a stellar example of taking good care of your biology. Chronologically, Land, who lives in Estonia, is 29, but he claims the biological ages of his organs are much lower — 17 years overall, with a 9-year-old liver.

These estimates are based on relatively new epigenetic and biological age tests, which are intriguing, but we don’t yet know if the results translate to longer lifespans. I personally do not put much trust in them and believe they are flawed. Land explains:[1]

“What does it mean if you have a liver of a 9-year-old? Does it mean that you’re going to live exponentially longer than someone else? We don’t have that data yet … I wouldn’t put a lot of emphasis on the tests themselves, much rather I would look at the traditional biomarkers, like glucose, inflammation … and those other things.”

Historically, many mistakes have been made in longevity research, particularly the focus on extreme calorie, carbohydrate and protein restriction:[2]

“The practical outcome would be that you’re eating very small amounts of food and you are becoming very frail and skinny. But in the actual world, we’re starting to see right now that frailty is a huge risk factor for early death and mortality. And malnutrition itself also increases the risk of a lot of different diseases, all-cause mortality and neurodegeneration and heart disease events.

Right now, I think the field has started to appreciate a lot more of these tangible, practical, functional outcomes, like muscle strength and body composition … other biomarkers that move more from the theoretical side of biological aging.”

Optimal Protein and Carbohydrate Intake for Longevity

Land and I agree that most adults need about 0.8 grams of protein per pound of ideal body weight (the weight you would ideally be, not necessarily the weight you are now), or for Europeans, approximately 1.76 grams of protein per kilogram, for appropriate muscle maintenance and growth.

“If you eat too much, then that could be problematic from the perspective of kidney health and homocysteine levels. If you’re eating too little, then that’s the risk of the sarcopenia and frailty,” Land notes. Regarding carbohydrates, we’re also in agreement that low-carb diets are not typically optimal for longevity.

Land cites research showing that moderate carbohydrate intake is associated with the lowest mortality risk.

“With carbohydrates as well, it’s very commonly thought that eating too many carbs is going to be bad for your health. At least in observational studies, it’s the opposite — 40% to 55% of calories as carbohydrates is linked to the lowest risk, usually,” he says.[3]

Land argues that while low-carb diets can be beneficial in the short-term for certain individuals, long-term carbohydrate restriction may impair metabolic flexibility:[4]

“In the short-term, someone might have pre-diabetes or insulin resistance, then in the short-term, it makes sense for them to maybe control the carbohydrate intake slightly to regain some of that insulin sensitivity. But chronic ketosis, chronic low-carb does impair long-term insulin sensitivity as well.”

Indeed, adequate carbohydrate intake is crucial for optimal mitochondrial function and overall health. It’s the optimal fuel for your mitochondria, but most people don’t consume enough healthy carbohydrates. If you’re metabolically healthy, most adults need 200 to 250 grams of carbohydrates daily as a minimum, while active individuals need closer to 400 grams. Chronically restricting carbohydrates can lead to increased stress hormone production and muscle breakdown.

Many people experience initial health improvements on low-carb diets, but these benefits are typically not sustainable long-term. The short-term benefits occur because you’re no longer feeding harmful bacteria in your gut, which decreases the production of endotoxins that can damage your overall health. In the long term, however, if you don’t consume enough healthy carbohydrates, your mitochondrial health will suffer.

While low-carb diets temporarily alleviate symptoms by starving harmful bacteria, they don’t resolve the underlying mitochondrial and gut health issues. A more sustainable approach involves addressing the root causes: improving mitochondrial function, reducing exposure to environmental toxins, including seed oils, endocrine-disrupting chemicals in plastics and electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and supporting a healthy gut microbiome balance.

The Most Powerful Intervention to Maintain Biological Youth

When asked how to maintain biological youth, Land states that exercise is likely the most powerful intervention:[5]

“Probably the single most powerful thing for biological aging is moderate exercise. Just maintaining physical activity, it just targets all the hallmarks of aging in a positive way. It improves all the organ function and it also improves the risk of all these chronic diseases as well. It targets everything that you need to do when it comes to slowing down biological aging.”

As highlighted in Dr. James O’Keefe’s landmark study.[6] too much vigorous exercise can be detrimental, so finding the right balance is key. Land suggests that for vigorous exercise like resistance training, the sweet spot appears to be around 140 to 200 minutes per week.

Land has adjusted his own routine based on this data.

“I’m doing about 180, maybe 150 to 180 minutes, of resistance training, and I’m training three times a week … cycling between upper body, lower body or push-pull leg split,” he says.[7]

I’ve also reduced my resistance training to three days per week based on potential risks of excessive training, but most people need to exercise more, not less. Moderate-intensity exercise like walking is an ideal form of physical activity, as it’s very hard to overdo it.

The Importance of Protein Quality and Collagen

It’s not only protein quantity that’s important but also its quality and amino acid balance. Glycine and collagen, which are often overlooked, are among the most important. Land explains:[8]

“Glycine is conditionally essential, not essential, but that’s because your body makes 3 grams of glycine per day. But those 3 grams would be used for things, like creatine synthesis. But then you have 12 grams of glycine for collagen turnover, like optimal collagen turnover.”

Most people are deficient, as they’re likely only consuming 0 to 1 gram of collagen protein daily. About one-third of total body protein is collagen, so it’s crucial to consume adequate collagen, from foods like bone broth or grass fed ground beef, which contains connective tissue, or glycine to support connective tissue health.

The Prevalence of Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Dysfunction

The homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) is a test discovered in 1985, which is the gold standard for measuring insulin resistance. If you use HOMA-IR data, up to 99% of the U.S. population may have some degree of insulin resistance. Using this test is a simple way to assess your metabolic health.

You can figure out your HOMA-IR using two simple tests — your fasting blood glucose, which you can do at home, and then a fasting insulin level, which is an inexpensive test. Multiply those two numbers, and if you’re in the U.S., you divide by 405, and if you’re in Europe you have different units than the US and need to divide by 22. If the result is below one, you’re not insulin resistant. The lucky less than 1% of the population does not have insulin resistance.

Land agrees this is a useful marker, while also emphasizing the importance of looking at multiple biomarkers to assess metabolic health.

The Importance of Sunlight and Vitamin D

We also discussed the critical importance of sunlight exposure and maintaining optimal vitamin D levels. Land, who lives in Estonia at a high latitude, maintains his vitamin D levels through a combination of sun exposure when possible, diet and supplementation when needed.

Sun is one of the most important factors for longevity, probably comparable to exercise. I think it’s almost biologically impossible to be healthy if you don’t have enough sun exposure. One way to help compensate, if you live in an area where year-round sunlight exposure isn’t practical, is using topical lanolin.

If you put lanolin on your skin before going in the sun, it will enhance vitamin D production from sunlight and helps reduce skin drying, cracks, wrinkles and fissures, so it’s especially useful if you’re concerned about photoaging.

Practical Recommendations for Longevity

By focusing on foundational aspects of health — from mitochondrial function and gut health to exercise and nutrient balance — you may be able to significantly improve your long-term health outcomes. Several key strategies to optimize your health and longevity covered in the interview include:

You can find more details in Land’s book, “The Longevity Leap,” which provides a comprehensive overview of these topics and more, backed by extensive scientific references. As he describes:[9]

“I covered a lot of specific chronic diseases. I have a full chapter on kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, three chapters on heart disease, actually, neurodegeneration and inflammation. I’m going into a lot of deep dives with a lot of these conditions.”

As research in longevity science continues to evolve, it’s clear that a proactive, comprehensive approach to health is crucial. Rather than seeking a single magic bullet, the path to longevity appears to lie in the consistent application of evidence-based health practices, regular self-monitoring and a willingness to adapt as new information emerges.


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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Youtube, Dr. Mercola Interviews Siim Land

6 Missouri Medicine March-April 2023; 120(2): 155–162

Mother of 10 Year Old Girl Who Developed Fatal Disease After Gardasil Sues Merck

The parents of a North Carolina girl have filed a wrongful death lawsuit after their daughter, Isabella Zuggi, aged 10, developed a fatal autoimmune disease and died 10 weeks after the first dose of Merck’s Gardasil vaccine….

The child’s health declined rapidly after the shot, developing MOG (Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein) antibodies and encephalitis (brain inflammation) where her body attacked the protective myelin coating of her nerves.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Biden Refuses to Resign, “A Dangerous President” If He Remains in Office Until January 20, 2025. Plenty of Time to Create Chaos and Disaster?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 20, 2024

The good news is that Joe Biden has confirmed that he is ending his campaign for president. The bad news is that he has refused to resign. He will not be standing down from the White House until the instatement of a new president on January 20, 2025.

Finally, the Search Engine Better Than Google

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 21, 2024

One of the pitfalls of current AI technologies like ChatGPT is the tendency to hallucinate or fabricate information on occasion. To minimize this risk, you can ask it to provide source links and verify the accuracy of the information given. However, Perplexity addresses this issue from the start, and while it can still hallucinate, it has a factual grounding.

NATO: 75 and Still Threatening. “NATO Needed to be Globalized”

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 21, 2024

NATO is a crusted visage of a problem long dead.  In the Cold War theatre, it featured in the third act of every play involving the United States and the USSR, a performance that always took place under the threat of a nuclear cloud.  Any confrontation in Europe’s centre could have resulted in the pulverization of an entire continent.  For its part, Moscow had the Warsaw Pact countries.

Amazon Gets Fresh, Bayer Loves Basmati: Toxic Influences in Indian Agriculture

By CST Research, July 21, 2024

The citizens of India have a problem. In what the media like to call ‘the world’s biggest democracy’, there is a serious, proven conflict of interest among officials in the areas of science, agriculture and agricultural research that results in privileging the needs of powerful private interests ahead of farmers and ordinary people.

Poland’s Anti-Russian Witch Hunt Is About to Ensnare Its Former Defense Minister

By Andrew Korybko, July 22, 2024

Former Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak might soon face charges over his sharing last September of Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s contingency plan in the event of a Russian invasion. It allegedly called for the armed forces to retreat west of the Vistula River in order to buy time for NATO’s reinforcements to arrive.

Acoustic Evidence Proves Beyond All Doubt More Than One Shooter

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 22, 2024

I and others have pointed out astonishing voids in the Secret Service’s protection of Trump. The voids are so egregious that they cannot be blamed on incompetence. Scott Ritter says that intent is the only explanation.

What Exactly Is the LGBT Issue?

By Emanuel Pastreich, July 22, 2024

One of the most divisive issues in American politics is the legal and cultural status of citizens identifying as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender).


The good news is that Joe Biden has confirmed that he is ending his campaign for president.

The bad news is that he has refused to resign. He will not be standing down from the White House until the instatement of a new president on January 20, 2025.

The World is in Chaos. Biden Refuses to Resign

Look forward to six full months of erroneous and irresponsible decisions including the repeal of diplomacy and peace initiatives, the deployment of advanced weapons systems against Russia, China and Iran, not to mention Israel’s genocide against Palestine.

Moreover: No leadership within NATO will be exerted to prevent NATO member states including France and Germany from attacking Russia unilaterally.

A World War III scenario is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon.

A new generation of gravity nuclear bombs, namely the B-61-13 has recently been launched. the B61-13 has a maximum yield of 360 kilotons, or 24 times more devastating than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. They are to be deployed in Western Europe. 

Biden shrugs his shoulders. He believes that climate rather than nuclear war constitutes the “existential threat”.

“We have a crazy SOB like that guy [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and others, and we always have to worry about nuclear conflict, but the existential threat to humanity is climate.”  (quoted in the WP)

The threat is Climate according to Biden:

What this means is that under “Dangerous President” Biden: Nuclear War is on the Table. 

“The global temperature rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next two decades is scarier than a nuclear war, said President Joe Biden on Sunday in Vietnam.

“The only existential threat humanity faces even more frightening than a nuclear war is global warming going above 1.5 degrees in the next 20 — 10 years,” Biden said at a press conference at the JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi on Sunday.

“That’d be real trouble. There’s no way back from that,” Biden said, according to a White House transcript of the press conference.” 

Moreover, the 1.3 trillion budget allocated to nuclear weapons (which nobody talks about) is slated to increase to 2 trillion by 2030. Imagine that is 2,000 billion dollars. That is Biden’s Legacy: a massive amount of money which could be allocated to economic and social development, including hospitals, schools, urban infrastructure, social programs, employment creation and poverty alleviation. 

“If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said in a statement shortly after Biden revealed his decision.”

Democrats do not seem to acknowledge that Biden –if he fails to step down–, will continue creating chaos and disaster in the course of the next six months.

While they welcome his resignation:

“….[none of the Democrats] have pushed for him to quit the presidency early. The skeptical Democrats have not taken issue with Biden’s ability to do the job, but rather with his declining communication skills and ability to wage a vigorous campaign leading into November after his poor debate performance.”

In other words they have casually dismissed the fact that if he stays in office until January 2025, he will in all likelihood create havoc. It’s not just him, it’s his entire administration.

He is also there to oversee the Dems manipulation of the November election.

He will ensure sabotage of the peace initiative of Donald Trump and incite the unthinkable with regard to the use of nuclear weapons. Also the Biden White House will no doubt also be involved in regard to the investigation of the failed assassination of former President Donald Trump. 

While Biden has refused to resign, he has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic presidential nominee. Just a couple of weeks ago (July 11), at a press conference, Biden with assurance and acuity stated that:

Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I didn’t think she was not qualified to be vice president.

While Biden’s decision to withdraw comes amid concerns over his statements, his disastrous debate performance in June against former President Donald Trump is on record: 

click screen to Access the Biden-Trump Debate 

Below this update,  we have documented Biden’s recent failures. We have also reviewed his fraudulent behavior going back to his early career as Senator.  

To get a broader (historical) understanding of Joe Biden regarding “political plagiarism” and “I Tried To Prostitute Myself to Big Donors”, see videos 2 and 3. 

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, July 22, 2024


At NATO Summit, Biden Introduces Zelensky as Putin.

Gets “His Countries Mixed Up”, “Political Plagiarism” and More…


Michel Chossudovsky

July 13, 2024

Concluding his opening remarks, Biden handed over to Zelenskiy with the words:

Now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination.”

 “Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin!”

Video 1. Biden Accidentally Introduces Zelensky as “President Putin”


To get a broader (historical) understanding of Joe Biden on “political plagiarism” and “I Tried To Prostitute Myself to Big Donors”, see videos 2 and 3.


“When Zelensky took the microphone, he said, “I’m better” than Putin.

Biden responded, “You’re a hell of a lot better.”  

Biden has repeatedly voiced his disdain for the war in Ukraine and called for a united approach to supporting Ukrainians. He has called Putin a bully and warned that if he is not stopped and if he wins Ukraine, the war will only continue. (Daily Beast)

Biden also referred to Putin as a  murderous madman”

At thePress Conference, Biden called his own Vice President Kamala Harris, “Vice President Donald Trump,” (see below) at a time when he had to prove to the world that he was fit to serve another four years in office.

Moscow Reacts

“We continue to consider it absolutely unacceptable and impermissible behavior for a head of state to make such disrespectful remarks about other heads of state,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, referring to remarks Biden made on Putin…

“This is unacceptable to us, and we don’t think it in any way makes an American head of state look good. This is something that we pay direct attention to and something that is absolutely unacceptable to us,” he added.

According to the Guardian: 

Joe Biden has accidentally introduced the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, as “President Putin” in a gaffe that will fuel further concerns about his mental acuity that have threatened to scuttle his presidential campaign.

Biden made the mistake while flanked by Nato leaders during a signing ceremony alongside Zelenskiy on the final day of the Nato summit in Washington. It came just an hour before a rare press conference by Biden that has been called “make-or-break” for his campaign, as a growing number of political allies and donors have been calling for him to drop out of the race.

A number of European leaders began clapping hesitantly. German chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni turned their heads in surprise as Biden mentioned the Russian leader, while other European leaders broke into an awkward smattering of applause.

… The remark elicited gasps in a press centre, where hundreds of journalists were watching the remarks live on an internal television feed. A number of people in the room shouted out “Zelenskiy” to correct Biden’s mistake, after which he returned to the podium. (emphasis added)

“Mixing Things Up”

What would happen if Biden were to get his targeted  countries or his weapons systems mixed up.

“America’s new “B61-13  nuclear gravity bomb. I thought it was a kalachnikov”. (paraphrase)

“When you are talking about war, you are talking about peace” (the quote is from GWB, it was plagiarized by Joe Biden. Or has it become a U.S foreign policy consensus?

Biden’s mental acuity cannot be categorized as “fraudulent”. What is deceitful and fraudulent is the outright conduct of “political plagiarism” (1988). (see video below) not to mention his candid admission:

Video 2: RFK, JFK and Sir Neil Kinnock (Former Leader of UK Labour Party)

Unskilfully Plagiarized by Joe Biden 

Flash back to  his election campaign in 1988 



Video 3. Joe Biden: “I Tried To Prostitute Myself to Big Donors”

1974 discussion on campaign financing

Source: Washington Free Beacon 

The above statement is not plagiarism: it’s from the Horse’s Mouth, namely Biden himself.

It reveals the criminal behavior and personality of Joe Biden from the outset of his political career.

And he is certainly not the only one!

And there is much more…

including  a “positive quotation” by the outgoing President of the United States (which we can tentatively endorse):



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Please forward this article to sidetrack the censorship of independent media. 

Our thanks to Ben Bartee for having brought the two videos above to our attention.

The reality is that it’s Germany which yields powerful behind-the-scenes influence over Poland, not Russia, though PiS was always too scared to seriously investigate this while Tusk is in cahoots with them.

Former Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak might soon face charges over his sharing last September of Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s contingency plan in the event of a Russian invasion. It allegedly called for the armed forces to retreat west of the Vistula River in order to buy time for NATO’s reinforcements to arrive. Blaszczak, who’s also the Vice-President of the Law & Justice (PiS) party, presented this as alleged proof that Tusk’s former government was in cahoots with Russia.

Poland’s Military Counterintelligence Service (SKW) just completed their investigation into that incident, however, and “established irregularities in the scope of improper handling of classified information, acting to the detriment of the interest of protecting classified information”. They accordingly just passed the information to prosecutors, who might soon charge him with related crimes under the penal code. This came shortly after the Sejm lifted his immunity due to an unrelated public slander case.

About that, Blaszczak claimed in May 2023 that the former Armed Forces Operational Commander failed to inform him of a Russian missile that violated their country’s airspace in December 2022, the account of which was rejected by the accused individual who then pressed charges. The larger context is that conservative-nationalist PiS and the now-ruling liberalglobalist Civic Coalition (KO) have tried to frame one another as Russian puppets. Readers can learn more about this from the following five briefings:

Each party’s “Russian influence commission” is a politicized witch hunt aimed at reshaping voters’ perceptions of their opponent and neither can objectively be described as “pro-Russian”. Tusk’s contingency plan actually made perfect military sense at the time as explained in the first analysis above, while the third reminds everyone of everything that PiS did against Russia while in power. Describing either of them as “pro-Russian” is self-discrediting and shows how vicious partisan politics has become.

Casual observers might naively assume that the SKW’s investigation in Blaszczak’s incident last September is above partisan concerns and an issue of national security, but that’s arguably a false impression considering Tusk’s persecution of other now-opposition members earlier this year. PiS believes that they’re being targeted for ideological reasons related to imposing a German-backed liberal-globalist dictatorship on Poland since they present themselves as the only party that can stop this plot.

Their claim is convincing since it’s more ludicrous for KO to smear them as “pro-Russian” than it is for PiS to smear Tusk’s former government as the same considering that the latter’s contingency plan could more easily be seen by some as proof of “Russian collusion” than the former’s more benign scandals. The reality is that it’s Germany which yields powerful behind-the-scenes influence over Poland, not Russia, though PiS was always too scared to seriously investigate this while Tusk is in cahoots with them.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus was suspended for investigating 9 babies who died after their mothers received COVID-19 Vaccinations.

Click the link below the video to watch.




Click here to watch the video


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Conventional Wisdom: The ICJ Ruling on Israeli Settlements

July 22nd, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

The International Court of Justice has again deliberated over the thorn-bloodied subject of Israeli-Palestinian relations.  Its latest advisory opinion, sought by the UN General Assembly early last year, was unremarkably conventional though nonetheless affirming: a finding that Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, along with “the regime associated with them, have been established and are being maintained in violation of international law.”

Given the avalanche of international opinions, deliberation and understanding on the status of the settlements that arose after 1967, the ICJ was merely revising homework and reiterating home truths of international law.  As Eitay Mack, an Israeli attorney working for Palestinian rights in the West Bank told The Intercept,

“The court just said the obvious.”

Various acts and practices are accordingly examined, amounting to what the Court considered annexation of territory Israel had no sovereignty over.  Israel, for instance, treated the Palestinians in East Jerusalem as “foreigners” requiring a valid residence permit and had imposed a strict building permit scheme, violation of which could result in structural demolition and steep fines.  In the West Bank, the Basic Law of 2018 had explicitly stated that Israel “views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value, and shall act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation”.  Various areas prohibited Palestinian construction, while the expansion of Israeli settlements had burgeoned.

Israeli control of the occupied territory had been accordingly maintained by such things as the extension of its domestic law to the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the maintenance and expansion of the settlements, the construction of relevant infrastructure connected with that aim, the ongoing exploitation of natural resources, and proclaiming Jerusalem capital of Israel.  Such practices were “designed to remain in place indefinitely and to create irreversible effects on the ground.”

The Court also found that Israeli authorities had failed to “prevent or to punish” the violence of settlers directed against Palestinians, thereby contributing “to the creation and maintenance of a coercive environment”.

The opinion further notes that Israeli policies and practices in the West Bank and East Jerusalem impose a separation between the Palestinian populace and Israeli settlers “transferred” into the territories.  Such a separation was physical and juridical, thereby breaching Article 3 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination (CERD).  As State parties to the CERD expressly condemn both racial segregation and apartheid, undertaking to prevent, prohibit and eradicate such practices in territories under their control, the finding is particularly damning.

Gaza’s imperilled status also drew the Court’s attention.  While Israel officially withdrew its forces from the strip in 2005 pursuant to its “Disengagement Plan” announced the previous year, Israel maintained effective control over the territory. 

“Where a State has placed territory under its effective control, it might be in a position to maintain that control and to continue exercising its authority despite the absence of a physical military presence on the ground.”

In this case, Israel continued to exercise authority over land, sea and air borders, restricted movement of people and goods, controlled the collection of import and export taxes, and exerted military control over the buffer zone.

It also followed that international bodies such as the UN Security Council, the General Assembly and the international community were under an obligation not to recognise the status of such an occupation, nor supply aid or support in maintaining them.  Israel was also “under an obligation to end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible.”  All further settlement activities were to cease, and all current settlers in the OPT areas evacuated.

As a result of its policies regarding the occupied territories, Israel had also incurred obligations “to make reparation for the damage caused to all the natural or legal persons concerned in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

For countries professing to follow the “rules-based order”, the opinion should have made perfect sense.  But in power politics, rules bend.  Take, for instance, these words from the US State Department to Reuters: 

“We are concerned that the breadth of the court’s opinion will complicate efforts to resolve the conflict and bring about an urgently needed just and lasting peace with two states living side by side in peace and security.”

As for observing international law, the Israeli government continued to prove not only selective but historically parochial. 

“The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land – not in our eternal capital Jerusalem, nor in our ancestral heritage of Judea and Samaria,” claimed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a statement. 

This was, the PM went on to say, a “historical truth” that could not be contested.

Some Israeli politicians did acknowledge certain merit in the Court’s decision.  Labor MK Gilad Kariv warned that the policy of “de facto annexation” being pursued in the West Bank, the broader “theft of land” and the refusal to negotiate with the Palestinians threatened “Israel’s status as an accepted democratic country.”

What the decision amounts to is an excoriation of the occupation, those consequential to it (the settlements), and the bolstering system of segregation that has drawn accusations of apartheid from activists to tribunals. As an advisory opinion, it is non-binding though freighted with persuasive reasoning.  In doing so, the decision further pushes arguments for Palestinian self-determination and eventual statehood.  For Israel, the judgment will be a hard one to ignore.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

Featured image: An aerial view of the Israeli settlement of Tekoa in the occupied West Bank. Photo from Shutterstock.

Video: Detailed Analysis of Trump Assassination Attempt

July 22nd, 2024 by Dr. Peter McCullough

We bring to the attention of our readers the outstanding production of the McCullough Foundation, featuring Peter McCullough and John Leake.

Global Research remains indebted to the McCullough Foundation

First published on Global Research on July 16, 2024


The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is the first time a would-be assassin has shot at a U.S. president or presidential candidate since John Hinckley shot President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. As such, it is the first assassination attempt in our era in which most citizens are carrying cell phones equipped with video cameras.

Instead of one “Zapruder film,” we now have hundreds of videos of the incident, shot from multiple locations and angles.


Click Link to access the video

The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is the first time a would-be assassin has shot at a U.S. president or presidential candidate since John Hinckley shot President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. As such, it is the first assassination attempt in our era in which most citizens are carrying cell phones equipped with video cameras.

Instead of one “Zapruder film,” we now have hundreds of videos of the incident, shot from multiple locations and angles.


Instead of depending on the mainstream media for reporting, we now have hundreds of citizen documentarians who can capture footage and rapidly upload it to the internet.

In this video production of the McCullough Foundation, we analyze multiple video recordings and witness testimonies of the Trump assassination attempt. Please check out our critical presentation and evaluation of this historically significant incident and share it with your friends.

Endeavoring to learn the truth of this incident lies at the heart of the McCullough Foundation’s mission.

To learn more about our work, please visit the McCullough Foundation website by clicking on the icon below and consider making a donation to support our ongoing efforts to protect our Constitutional republic from tyrants.


Multiple commentators have proposed that the counter-snipers on the barn did not have a clear line of sight on the assailant.

This is contradicted by the fact that at least one of the counter-snipers did—AFTER the assailant fired multiple shots—succeed in shooting the assailant in the head.

See also

Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump. Secret Service Has Some ‘Splainin to Do

By John Leake, July 15, 2024


Acoustic Evidence Proves Beyond All Doubt More Than One Shooter

July 22nd, 2024 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

I and others have pointed out astonishing voids in the Secret Service’s protection of Trump. The voids are so egregious that they cannot be blamed on incompetence. Scott Ritter says that intent is the only explanation.

Now these conclusions are backed by acoustic evidence. The fact that bullets travel faster than sound means that the time between hearing the bullet pass the microphone and then the sound allows the calculation of the distance from which the bullet was fired. The time differences reveal different distances. Therefore the conclusion is unavoidable that there was more than one shooter.

Mike Adams walks us through one approximately 30 minute analysis, and Chris Martenson walks us through another 30 minute analysis.

Mike Adams concludes that there were 7 shots fired, 5 from the distance of Crooks’ location, and 2 from two different longer distances.

Martenson makes the point that the shot at Trump that hit a man in the upper row was traveling on an upward trajectory, which implies it did not come from the top of the building where Crooks was positioned.

The first shots are easy to identify. Some of the following shots are polluted with echos and require careful attention.

Both Adams and Martenson provide competent reports. Both say that the analysis requires credentialed independent forensic experts and that the accuracy of the results can be tightened once the calibers of the weapons are known. As I said, let’s hope the bullets were collected by honest and trustworthy authorities.

Keep in mind that expert acoustic analysis of Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination definitely showed two different caliber of weapons fired. There is no doubt about this, but the official story remains “lone gunman.”

The American whore media will brand the factual analysis a “conspiracy theory” and will endorse the official narrative as the truth.

However, at this point the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, NSA and presstitute media have zero credibility. No one should believe a word they say.

Here are the videos:



In addition to the security failures and acoustic evidence, there is the absence of a Secret Service camera drone. The only reason not to have camera coverage is that it would have made Crooks obvious and other shooters obvious.

The only way the Democrats or the Deep State operating through the Democrats can get away with their attempted assassination of Donald Trump is for the Republicans to do nothing on the grounds that it would be divisive or too embarrassing to the US to admit a government plot against Trump. The Rinos will argue that the plot has to be covered up in order to save America’s reputation. Trump will be told he has to unify the country, not divide it by holding his would be murderers accountable. No one will explain how good can be united with evil.


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research 

Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Tragedy and Irony in America’s Presidential Politics

July 22nd, 2024 by Barbara Nimri Aziz

Weekends are often points for transitions. Last weekend (13-14 July) proved to be one of these. One man, close to being eased out of the White House, hasn’t appeared this presidential – sort of – in months. Grasping a windfall chance to reunite the nation, his words are replete with authority and resolve, with only a few blunders. With unlimited powers, he launches an investigation. In his guileless style, he personally phones the victim. His nemesis meanwhile – our image of him, visibly bloodied in an assassination attempt, and fist raised – looks likely to stride more firmly across the finish line.

Doddery Joe Biden suddenly looks stronger – sort of; so does wounded Donald Trump. Both men will doubtless invoke the pregnant emotions released by Saturday’s shooting to rally his base. Joe calls for caution. Trump cries ‘fight’ to his audience. His increased popularity is likely, reviewing others leaders who sustained physical attacks.

By Monday morning, both the whispers and open calls for Biden to retire have vanished. If there are murmurs from the left, it is that Trump may well benefit from the murderous threat to his seemingly inviolable mission.

I couldn’t suppress an ironic smirk as I listened to how one avowedly left-liberal, assertively-Trump-hating morning talk show participants (WAMC Roundtable in New York) pulled every thread of liberalism from the folds of their stunned brains to assert the greatness of our political system, the need to denounce political violence, the prudence of our incumbent president. (Their daily flood of political rhetoric evaporates; they join in condemning violence.)  Surfing from one station to another, I think I also detected more than one misidentification—the assassination was on a ‘president Trump’ – not candidate Trump or former president Trump. Woops.

Surely I am not the only one imagining a really scary scenario if, if, Trump had been killed. Namely, civil war: millions of Republicans, with or without arms, descending on every DNC campaign center, on the offices of NYT and other media outlets, on agents of the security services, on any target they associate with those who railed against Donald Trump. Any press assembled for the RNC rally in Milwaukee would have checked out. Elected Democratic representatives at any level of government would need extra security.

Even without this awful scenario, especially fearful ‘liberals’, clutching their ‘seditious’ books and their rainbow flags while citing rising sales of firearms, had already been imagining a civil war in the streets of their shaky comfort zones. I had always felt those fears exaggerated. Not now. And not because they were prescient. Because they themselves are, in my experience, a major source of divisiveness, regularly spewing ugly, hateful words – intolerant, ignorant, politically ill-informed rantings against Republicans. Democrats dwell in a self-congratulatory ‘intellectual’ bubble unable to talk with anyone who might disagree with them. You must support Democrats, I’m told – however many wars they fund, however many homeless we have, however unchecked our capitalistic greed, however greater our budget for wars, police, and prisons, however many embargoes we level against Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Russia and others.

Did a 20-year-old killer with a gun really set a new agenda?

While there will be more funds allocated for more policing and greater surveillance everywhere, Joe Biden has a reprieve – sort of.


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Barbara Nimri Aziz whose anthropological research has focused on the peoples of the Himalayas is the author of the newly published “Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”, available on Amazon

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Regime de Kiev ameaça os seus próprios políticos.

July 21st, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Apesar de todas as críticas, o regime de Kiev continua a manter uma lista pública de mortes através do infame website “Myrotvorets” (“Pacificador”). Milhares de “inimigos” da Ucrânia continuam tendo seus dados vazados na lista, esperando que algum mercenário os elimine. Agora, até os políticos ucranianos estão a ser alvo das autoridades neonazistas.

Recentemente, Mariana Bezuglaya, deputada  e membro do partido “Servo do Povo” (o mesmo do presidente ucraniano Vladimir Zelensky) fez sérias críticas aos altos oficiais ucranianos. Segundo ela, o comandante das Forças Armadas, Aleksandr Syrsky, assim como seu antecessor, Valery Zaluzhny, pertencem a uma espécie de “máfia dos generais”. Ela acredita que estes oficiais militares estão expondo desnecessariamente milhares de soldados ucranianos aos perigos no campo de batalha, bem como se preparando para uma rendição coletiva, encorajando os soldados a deporem as armas.

As acusações de Bezuglaya são sem dúvida graves. Ela não forneceu qualquer prova da existência de tal “conspiração” para causar a derrota da Ucrânia. Na prática, as suas palavras soam como uma simples tentativa de criar “bodes expiatórios” para o inevitável fracasso ucraniano. No entanto, o regime de Kiev está a reagir de forma desproporcional aos erros do parlamentar. Ela foi adicionada à lista de alvos de Myrotvorets sob acusações de tentar “desmoralizar” e “desacreditar” as forças armadas ucranianas. Mais do que isso, Bezuglaya foi acusada de tentar provocar uma “cisão” na sociedade ucraniana com as suas ações supostamente antimilitares. Os administradores dos Myrotvorets acreditam que as ações de Bezuglaya poderiam de alguma forma “beneficiar” as forças russas no conflito, dando uma vantagem aos inimigos da Ucrânia.

Um detalhe interessante sobre o Myrotvorets é que o site divulga a fonte dos dados de cada pessoa. Na página de cada vítima é possível ver o órgão que vazou as informações pessoais. No caso do parlamentar ucraniano, os dados foram repassados ​​à Myrotvorets pelo MI5 – uma agência de inteligência britânica.

É comum que as redes de inteligência ocidentais participem no vazamento ilegal de dados de “inimigos da Ucrânia” para Myrotvorets. No entanto, as vítimas do site são quase sempre cidadãos russos ou estrangeiros. É curioso que uma agência britânica esteja envolvida na exposição de informações sobre um cidadão ucraniano às próprias autoridades ucranianas. Na prática, isto revela o quanto a inteligência ocidental controla a informação sobre o povo ucraniano – mais do que o próprio Estado ucraniano.

Bezuglaya é mais uma vítima da ditadura neonazista ucraniana. Mais do que isso, ela está a ser traída pelas autoridades do seu próprio país. Apesar de ser deputada ao parlamento e pertencer ao mesmo partido do presidente, Bezuglaya não está imune às ações autoritárias da junta de Kiev, tendo rapidamente se tornado alvo após criticar a forma como os generais estão a conduzir a guerra.

É possível criticar Bezuglaya e discordar da sua avaliação dos generais ucranianos, mas é inaceitável que um político seja perseguido pelas autoridades do seu próprio país apenas por expressar as suas opiniões pessoais sobre a guerra. Este caso é apenas mais uma prova de como a Ucrânia de hoje se tornou um país antidemocrático, onde nenhum cidadão está livre de ações totalitárias e violentas por parte do governo.

A notícia também deixa clara a situação de polarização e de caos institucional na Ucrânia. Não há unidade ou integração nas atitudes das autoridades ucranianas, com diferentes alas e grupos competindo pelo controle do governo e das estruturas militares. Bezuglaya está a ser alvo de uma ala ainda mais extremista da Junta de Kiev, que nem sequer respeita os membros do próprio partido de Zelensky. O crescimento destes setores mais radicais e críticos de Zelensky e dos membros do seu partido é uma consequência direta do lobby pela substituição de Zelensky, que tem vindo a expandir-se no país com forte apoio ocidental.

Nestes casos, a condenação internacional da Ucrânia deve ser clara. É inaceitável que um regime político mantenha uma lista pública de mortes no mundo de hoje. A Ucrânia está a agir em clara violação das normas internacionais mais básicas, razão pela qual deve ser tratada como um verdadeiro Estado pária – sob sanções e sob constante pressão global.

O que está a acontecer com Bezuglaya é a prova de que a tirania neonazista afeta a todos, não apenas os russos. Tal como os cidadãos russos são perseguidos e assassinados por Kiev, os ucranianos cujo comportamento é considerado “inadequado” pelas autoridades também podem ser ameaçados pelos agentes da junta fascista.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês : Kiev regime threatens its own politicians, InfoBrics, 17 de julho de 2024.

Imagem : Mariana Bezuglaya, deputada, membro do partido Servo do povo. InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

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A imposição forçada da língua ucraniana em regiões com maioria étnica não ucraniana parece estar a falhar. Houve um declínio no uso da língua ucraniana nas escolas do país, de acordo com um relatório publicado recentemente pela mídia de Kiev. O caso mostra claramente como, apesar do uso da força e da violência, o regime neonazista terá grande dificuldade em impor a sua agenda cultural nas regiões remotas do país.

Desde 2014, o uso oficial do russo e de outras línguas não ucranianas foi drasticamente reduzido. As medidas de desrussificação intensificaram-se ainda mais após o início da operação militar especial, quando o regime de Kiev recebeu “carta branca” dos patrocinadores ocidentais para cometer todo o tipo de crimes, incluindo genocídio étnico e cultural, tendo ocorrido uma proibição quase total de a língua e a literatura russas desde então.

No entanto, apesar dos esforços para erradicar a identidade cultural e linguística dos russos étnicos, a rejeição da língua ucraniana tem aumentado em todo o país. Um inquérito recente do Serviço de Estado para a Qualidade da Educação mostrou que no ano letivo de 2023/2024, apenas 74% dos alunos afirmaram que o ucraniano era a sua língua materna. No ano anterior, o valor era de 91%, o que mostra que houve uma queda significativa no número de crianças que se identificam como falantes nativos de ucraniano.

Além disso, a queda não se limita às crianças. Dados semelhantes também foram revelados em pesquisas com pais (93% a 82%) e professores (94% a 86%). Na prática, é possível dizer que há um declínio massivo no uso da língua ucraniana, tendo falhado todos os esforços do governo neonazista para assimilar outros grupos étnicos.

Novas estatísticas indicam que atualmente menos de 40% das crianças no país usam o ucraniano exclusivamente nas suas atividades informais. Os números variam naturalmente de acordo com a geografia da Ucrânia, com mais falantes de ucraniano nas regiões ocidentais, onde há menos russos étnicos. Cerca de 17% das crianças falam ucraniano no leste do país, enquanto cerca de 74% falam esta língua no oeste.

É importante lembrar que, além do russo, outras línguas não ucranianas são utilizadas no país por minorias étnicas, que também sofrem os impactos das políticas de genocídio cultural. É o caso da língua húngara, por exemplo, que é utilizada na região Transcarpátia, onde os húngaros vivem actualmente numa situação semelhante à dos russos no Donbass, sendo vítimas de medidas semelhantes às do apartheid. Contudo, apesar de toda a perseguição, estas minorias étnicas recusam abandonar a sua identidade cultural e continuam a falar as suas línguas.

Este cenário na Ucrânia já era esperado por alguns especialistas. A implementação de medidas de limpeza étnica e cultural não é fácil. As pessoas afetadas pelas medidas tendem a reagir usando a sua língua de forma ainda mais intensa, como um ato de ativismo político para preservar o seu património cultural. No meio da atual situação de conflito, algumas famílias russas na Ucrânia vêem o uso da sua língua nativa como a última oportunidade para preservar a sua identidade no meio da loucura russofóbica que as autoridades querem impor a todos os cidadãos.

Além disso, existem questões sociológicas básicas que explicam o uso continuado da língua russa. As autoridades não têm forma de monitorizar qual a língua que está a ser utilizada em atividades informais e familiares. Os cidadãos étnicos russos usam a sua língua nativa para se envolverem em sociabilidade não oficial, rejeitando a língua ucraniana durante conversas casuais em centros comerciais, igrejas e outros locais.

Com os dados da pesquisa revelados, é possível que Kiev aumente ainda mais as suas medidas repressivas contra os falantes de russo a partir de agora. A proibição total desta língua em todo o país continua a ser um dos principais objetivos do regime neonazista. Conhecendo o fracasso dos esforços até agora, é muito provável que a violência se intensifique num ato de desespero para tornar o genocídio cultural um sucesso.

Contudo, qualquer ação nesse sentido provavelmente fracassará. Kiev apenas irá expandir ainda mais as tensões sociais e étnicas, polarizando russos e ucranianos dentro do país e gerando uma crise de instabilidade que poderá afetar seriamente os planos de mobilização do regime durante esta guerra. Destruir uma identidade étnica e cultural não é fácil e Kiev certamente não terá sucesso, dada a incapacidade do atual Estado ucraniano de manter o controle sobre o que acontece no país.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês : Ukrainian language rejected by children in Russian-majority regions, InfoBrics, 18 de Julho de 2024.

Imagem InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

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Finally, the Search Engine Better Than Google

July 21st, 2024 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Perplexity is an AI-powered “answer engine” that provides direct answers to queries with source citations, combining search capabilities with large language models to reduce hallucinations and increase reliability

Unlike traditional search engines, Perplexity aims to feed curiosity by offering related questions and encouraging users to dig deeper into topics, viewing itself as a discovery engine

Perplexity utilizes advanced AI techniques like retrieval augmented generation and chain of thought reasoning to improve accuracy and performance in natural language processing tasks

The future of AI may involve developing systems capable of higher-level reasoning and natural curiosity, potentially leading to breakthroughs in creating new knowledge and understanding complex truths

While AI tools like Perplexity enhance human capabilities, they should be viewed as aids to critical thinking and creativity rather than replacements for uniquely human attributes


In the video above, computer scientist and AI researcher Lex Fridman interviews Aravind Srinivas, CEO of Perplexity, an AI-powered “answer engine.” Unlike typical search engines, which require you to sort through pages of results to find the information you need, Perplexity provides a real-time answer to your query.

One of the pitfalls of current AI technologies like ChatGPT is the tendency to hallucinate or fabricate information on occasion. To minimize this risk, you can ask it to provide source links and verify the accuracy of the information given. However, Perplexity addresses this issue from the start, and while it can still hallucinate, it has a factual grounding.

“[Perplexity] aims to revolutionize how we humans get answers to questions on the internet. It combines search and large language models, LLMs, in a way that produces answers where every part of the answer has a citation to human-created sources on the web,” Fridman says.

“This significantly reduces LLM hallucinations, and makes it much easier and more reliable to use for research, and general curiosity-driven late night rabbit hole explorations that I often engage in.”1

Part Search Engine, Part Question-Answering Platform

Fridman describes Perplexity as part search engine — a software system designed to search for information on the internet — and part LLM. LLM is a type of artificial intelligence system trained on vast amounts of text data to understand and generate human-like text. LLMs can perform various language-related tasks such as answering questions, generating content, translating languages and more. 

Unlike standard search engines that provide links, Perplexity attempts to directly answer queries. Srinivas explains:2

“Perplexity is best described as an answer engine. You ask it a question, you get an answer. Except the difference is, all the answers are backed by sources. This is like how an academic writes a paper. Now, that referencing part, the sourcing part is where the search engine part comes in. You combine traditional search, extract results relevant to the query the user asked. You read those links, extract the relevant paragraphs, feed it into an LLM …

That LLM takes the relevant paragraphs, looks at the query, and comes up with a well-formatted answer with appropriate footnotes to every sentence it says, because it’s been instructed to do so, it’s been instructed with that one particular instruction, given a bunch of links and paragraphs, write a concise answer for the user, with the appropriate citation.

The magic is all of this working together in one single orchestrated product, and that’s what we built Perplexity for.”

Srinivas, who previously was an AI researcher at DeepMind, Google and OpenAI, says he views Perplexity as a discovery engine that feeds curiosity:3

“The journey doesn’t end once you get an answer. In my opinion, the journey begins after you get an answer. You see related questions at the bottom, suggested questions to ask. Why? Because maybe the answer was not good enough, or the answer was good enough, but you probably want to dig deeper and ask more. That’s why in the search bar, we say where knowledge begins, because there’s no end to knowledge. You can only expand and grow.”

Breakthroughs in AI

Please understand that while Perplexity is not perfect and still exhibits some bias, particularly regarding COVID-19 information, it significantly outperforms Google in almost every other search query. The AI-driven technology behind Perplexity provides more accurate, comprehensive, and nuanced results, making it a superior choice for general searches. Its advanced algorithms ensure that users receive the most relevant and insightful information, setting it apart from traditional search engines.

Srinivas describes several ways Perplexity embraces state-of-the-art advances in machine learning, along with general innovation. This includes retrieval augmented generation (RAG), an advanced technique in natural language processing (NLP) that combines the capabilities of LLMs with information retrieval systems to produce more accurate and contextually relevant responses.

This approach is particularly useful for tasks that require precise and up-to-date information, such as question answering, summarization and dialogue systems. In short, RAG involves the search aspect of the query, but Perplexity goes beyond this. Srinivas says:4

“The principle in Perplexity is you’re not supposed to say anything that you don’t retrieve, which is even more powerful than RAG because RAG just says, ‘OK, use this additional context and write an answer.’ But we say, ‘Don’t use anything more than that too.’ That way we ensure a factual grounding. And if you don’t have enough information from documents you retrieve, just say, ‘We don’t have enough search resource to give you a good answer.’”

They’re also using chain of thought reasoning, which takes NLP tasks up a notch in terms of performance. Chain of thought reasoning in AI refers to the ability of a language model to generate logical, step-by-step explanations or sequences of thoughts that lead to a conclusion or answer. This approach enhances the model’s performance on complex reasoning tasks by encouraging it to articulate the intermediate steps in its reasoning process. Srinivas explains:5

“Chain of thought is this very simple idea where, instead of just training on prompt and completion, what if you could force the model to go through a reasoning step where it comes up with an explanation, and then arrives at an answer?

Almost like the intermediate steps before arriving at the final answer. And by forcing models to go through that reasoning pathway, you’re ensuring that they don’t overfit on extraneous patterns, and can answer new questions they’ve not seen before.”

The Beginning of Real Reasoning Breakthroughs

Whether or not AI is fundamentally capable of higher-level reasoning, akin to human cognitive processes, remains to be seen. Reaching that point, however, relies in part on applying more inference compute, which in AI refers to the computational resources and processes involved in running an AI model to make predictions or decisions based on new data.

This stage is distinct from the training phase, which involves building and optimizing the model. Broken down, inference is the process by which an AI model applies learned patterns to new data to generate predictions, classifications or other outputs. For example, using AI to classify images or predict stock prices.

The compute aspect, meanwhile, refers to the computational power required to perform inference. It involves hardware, software frameworks and algorithms optimized for efficient computation. Srinivas says:6

“Can you have a conversation with an AI where it feels like you talked to Einstein or Feynman? Where you ask them a hard question, they’re like, I don’t know. And then after a week they did a lot of research … and come back and just blow your mind.

I think if we can achieve that amount of inference compute, where it leads to a dramatically better answer as you apply more inference compute, I think that will be the beginning of real reasoning breakthroughs … It’s possible. We haven’t cracked it, but nothing says we cannot ever crack it.”

Curiosity Is a Key Part of What Separates Humans From AI

Part of cracking this code involves teaching AI how to mimic natural human curiosity. “What makes humans special though, is our curiosity,” Srinivas explains. “Even if AIs cracked this, it’s us still asking them to go explore something. And one thing that I feel like AIs haven’t cracked yet is being naturally curious and coming up with interesting questions to understand the world and going and digging deeper about them.”7

Beyond this, there’s a lot of controversy and fear around artificial general intelligence (AGI), which refers to a type of AI that possesses the ability to understand, learn and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level comparable to human intelligence.

Srinivas says he doesn’t think we need to worry about “AIs going rogue and taking over the world,” but there is an issue of who controls the compute on which AGI runs. “It’s less about access to a model’s weights. It’s more access to compute that is putting the world in more concentration of power and few individuals. Because not everyone’s going to be able to afford this much amount of compute to answer the hardest questions.”

A sign of higher intelligence in AI, Srinivas says, is becoming capable of creating new knowledge and providing truth to questions we don’t know the answers to — and helping us understand why it’s the truth.

“Can you build an AI that’s like Galileo or Copernicus where it questions our current understanding and comes up with a new position, which will be contrarian and misunderstood, but might end up being true? … And the answer should be so mind-blowing that you never even expected it.”8

What’s the Future of Search and AI?

We’re already seeing AI tools like Perplexity, which are exponentially superior to existing search engines. In the future, however, Srinivas says the goal isn’t about building a better search tool but building a platform for knowledge:9

“If you zoom out, before even the internet, it’s always been about transmission of knowledge. That’s a bigger thing than search … So, we imagine a future where the entry point for a question doesn’t need to just be from the search bar. The entry point for a question can be you listening or reading a page, listening to a page being read out to you, and you got curious about one element of it and you just asked a follow-up question to it.

That’s why I’m saying it’s very important to understand your mission is not about changing the search. Your mission is about making people smarter and delivering knowledge. And the way to do that can start from anywhere. It can start from you reading a page. It can start from you listening to an article … It’s just a journey. There’s no end to it.”

Keep in mind that Perplexity and other AI tools are not a replacement for your own critical thinking; rather, they serve as an aid to enhance your creativity. It’s vital to keep this in mind and remember that AI is an adjunct to, not a substitute for, your intellectual and creative capacities.

While precautions need to be taken, including not sharing personal or confidential information, this is not about replacing human action but enhancing it, allowing individuals to focus on aspects of their work that require uniquely human attributes like empathy, strategic thinking, creativity and curiosity. Srinivas explains:10

“So, I think curiosity makes humans special and we want to cater to that. That’s the mission of the company, and we harness the power of AI and all these frontier models to serve that. And I believe in a world where even if we have even more capable cutting-edge AIs, human curiosity is not going anywhere and it’s going to make humans even more special.

With all the additional power, they’re going to feel even more empowered, even more curious, even more knowledgeable in truth-seeking and it’s going to lead to the beginning of infinity.”


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1, Transcript for Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet, 0:28

2, Transcript for Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet, 2:05

3, Transcript for Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet, 7:14

4, Transcript for Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet, 1:56:44

5, Transcript for Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet, 1:16:04

6, 7, Transcript for Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet, 1:23:53

8, Transcript for Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet, 1:34

9, Transcript for Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet, 2:34

10, Transcript for Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet, 2:50

The International Court of Justice said Friday that Israel’s decades-long occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is unlawful and must end “as rapidly as possible.”

The court’s non-binding advisory opinion was read aloud by ICJ President Nawaf Salam, a Lebanese judge and academic. Salam said the court determined based on “extensive evidence” that Israel is guilty of confiscating “large areas” of Palestinian land for use by Israeli settlers, exploiting natural resources, and undermining the local population’s right to self-determination under international law.

The court pointed to “Israel’s systematic failure to prevent or punish” settler violence and “demolition of Palestinian property” in the West Bank as part of its case that the Israeli government’s actions in the occupied territories are indicative of an attempt to permanently annex land and forcibly transfer Palestinians from their homes.

“Israel is not entitled to sovereignty in any part of the occupied Palestinian territory on account of its occupation, nor can security concerns override the prohibition on acquisition of territory by force,” said Salam.

The ICJ vote against Israel’s occupation was 11-4. The court also voted to call on Israel to evacuate all settlers from the West Bank.

In a 12-3 vote, the ICJ said that all nations

“are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of the state of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by the continued presence of the state of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory.”

The United States was among the countries that warned the ICJ against advising that Israel must swiftly end its occupation.

The ICJ handed down its opinion as the court is also considering a genocide case brought against Israel over its ongoing assault on the Gaza Strip—a devastating war that the court did not weigh as part of its new advisory opinion.

Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, applauded the ICJ’s call for the dismantling of Israeli settlements and reparations for Palestinians harmed by Israel’s occupation.

“The ICJ ruling in essence confirmed what the majority of people (except the West) already knew and have recognized: that Israel’s occupation is illegal, that it is still occupying Gaza, it is annexing the West Bank, and Israel is an apartheid state,” Parsi wrote on social media. “If there is any respect for international law, Western media must now include this in all its Israel coverage. Most don’t even describe settlements as illegal!”

Nancy Okail, president and CEO of the Center for International Policy, said in a statement that

“while the ICJ’s action is nonbinding, countries that seek to uphold international law should respect the court’s determination and take all appropriate steps to counter the injustices of the occupation and bring it to a peaceful end.”

“At a minimum, countries should not engage in actions which help to perpetuate the occupation and its discriminatory, annexationist goals,” said Okail. “In particular, the United States must end the unconditional supply of arms that Israel uses in connection with the dispossession and settlement of Palestinian land and other violations of Palestinian rights.”

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Jake Johnson is a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams.

Featured image: Illegal Israeli settlements

Bring out the bon bons, the bubbles, and the praise filled memoranda for that old alliance.  At the three-quarter century mark of its existence, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is showing itself to be a greater nuisance than ever, gossiping, meddling, and dreaming of greater acts of mischief under the umbrella of manufactured insecurity. 

It is also being coquettish to certain countries (Ukraine, figures prominently in the wooing stakes) making promises it can never make good.

Its defenders, as is to be expected, see something very different before the mirror.   They call the alliance a call for freedom, its enduring importance a reassuring presence.  The more appropriate response would be convenience, the assurance of an alliance with collective obligations that would, given the circumstances, compel all parties to wage war against the aggressor.  In terms of alliances, this is one programmed for conflict.

NATO is a crusted visage of a problem long dead.  In the Cold War theatre, it featured in the third act of every play involving the United States and the USSR, a performance that always took place under the threat of a nuclear cloud.  Any confrontation in Europe’s centre could have resulted in the pulverization of an entire continent.  For its part, Moscow had the Warsaw Pact countries.

At the end of the Cold War, NATO had effectively ceased to be relevant as a deterrent force on the European continent.  A new cut of clothing was sought for the members.  Rather than passing into retirement, it became, in essence, a broader auxiliary force of US power.  In the absence of a countering Soviet Union, the organisation adopted a gonzo approach to international security.

In 1999, the alliance became a killing machine for evangelical humanitarianism, ostensibly seeking to protect one ethnic group against the predations of another in Kosovo. 

In 2011, it involved itself in military operations against a country posing no threat to any members of the alliance.  NATO, along with a steady air attacks and missile barrages, enforced the no-fly zone over Libya as the country was ushered to imminent, post-Qaddafi collapse.  When the International Security Force (ISAF) completed its ill-fated mission in Afghanistan in 2015, NATO was again on the scene.

NATO’s Strategic Concept document released at the end of June 2022 took much sustenance from the Ukraine conflict while warning about China’s ambitions, a fairly crude admission that it wished to move beyond its territorial limits.  “The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values.”  Why such an alliance should worry about such eastward ambitions illustrates the wayward dysfunction of the association.

On April 27, 2022 the then UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and ultimately doomed prime minister pushed the view that NATO needed to be globalised.  Her Mansion House speech at the Lord Mayor’s Easter Banquet was one of those cat-out-of-the-bag disclosures that abandons pretence revealing, in its place, a disturbing reality.

After making it clear that NATO’s “open door policy” was “sacrosanct”, Truss also saw security in global terms, another way of promoting a broader commitment to international mischief.  She rejected “the false choice between Euro-Atlantic security and Indo-Pacific security.  In the modern world we need both.”  A “global NATO” was needed.  “By that I don’t mean extending the membership to those from other regions.  I mean that NATO must have a global outlook, ready to tackle global threats.”

Praise for the alliance tends to resemble an actuarial assessment about risk and security. Consider this from former US ambassador to NATO, Douglas Lute.  NATO, in his mind, is “the single most important geostrategic advantage over any potential adversary or competitor”.  With pride, he notes that “Russia and China have nothing comparable.  The 32 allies in NATO train together, operate together, live together under a standing unified command structure, making them far more capable militarily than any ad-hoc arrangement.”

There is nothing to suggest in these remarks that NATO was one of the single most provocative security arrangements that helped precipitate a war that torments and convulses eastern Europe.  Many a Washington mandarin has been of such a view: moving closer to Russia’s borders was not merely an act of diplomatic condescension but open military provocation.

One should, with tireless consistency, refer to the State Department’s doyen of Soviet studies, George F. Kennan, on this very point. In 1997, he issued the appropriate warning about the decision to expand NATO towards the Russian border:

“Such a decision may be expected to inflame nationalistic, anti-Western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion; to have an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy; to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.”

This speared provocation is repeated in the 2024 NATO Declaration made in Washington this month. It is effaced of history and context, Ukraine being a tabula rasa in the international system with no role other than that of glorified victimhood, a charity case abused in the international system.  “We stand in unity and solidarity in the face of a brutal war of aggression on the European continent and a critical time for our security,” states the declaration.

Kyiv is promised aid under the NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine program, though such provision is, in the manner of an all-promising eunuch, crowned by a caveat: “NSATU will not, under international law, make NATO a party to the conflict.”  The prospects for future conflict are guaranteed by the promise, however empty, that, “Ukraine’s future is in NATO.”

The declaration goes on to speak on the “interoperable” and “integrated” nature of Kyiv’s operations with the alliance.  “As Ukraine continues this vital work, we will continue to support it on its irreversible path to full Euro-Atlantic integration, including NATO membership.”

NATO’s warring streak was further affirmed at the Washington summit by injudicious remarks about trying to make it “Trump proof” – a testament to the sleepless nights the strategists must be having at the prospect of a presidency that may change the order of things.  He is bound to have gotten wind of that fact.  Aggravated, the Republican contender may well withdraw the US imperium from the alliance’s clutches.  In Washington’s absence, the NATO family might retreat into fractious insignificance.  The ensuing anarchy, rather than stimulating war, may well do the opposite.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

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On Friday, Hezbollah fired a heavy barrage of missiles at an Israeli military base in the Upper Galilee region near the southern Lebanese border, causing fire and destroying some of it.

The northern Israeli settlement of Mitzpe Abirim was also hit by the Lebanese resistance group, which said the attack was in response to the Israeli attacks on civilians in southern Lebanon’s towns of Safad al-Batikh, Majdal Salam, and Shaqra.

The Lebanese National News Agency reported that two shells fired by the Israeli occupation army fell near a police station at the Marj Junction in the town of Hula, southern Lebanon.

The Israeli occupation forces began a war on Gaza which has killed more than 38,000 Palestinians since October 2023.  Hezbollah, and other resistance groups have responded to the onslaught in solidarity and support of the Palestinian people who have been denied all human rights and live under a brutal Israeli military occupation.

In an effort to understand the situation, Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Lebanese journalist Ibrahim Darwish.

Steven Sahiounie (SS):  The whole world is focused on a possible new Israeli war on Lebanon. In your opinion, what are the factors that would prevent this war?

Ibrahim Darwish (ID):  If the Israeli occupation had the necessary tools, and the ability to change the situation in the north, it could have destroyed Lebanon, and occupy it from the south to the north. However, the reality in Lebanon has changed considerably, with the accumulation of resistance capabilities, expertise and capabilities, through continuous operations on its positions in southern Lebanon, leading to liberation in 2000, to exposing the weakness of its army and tanks, and the destruction of its machinery in July 2006, with the very persistence of Hezbollah in the southern front. 

The residents and landowners in the south of Lebanon, who support the resistance movement Hezbollah, are standing in the face of Israeli aggression, which prevents the Israelis from crimes and massacres of Lebanese people farther north, who may not support Hezbollah.

The south of Lebanon, and its’ people, are in effect protecting the Lebanese areas such as Beirut, Jbeil, and Tripoli.

On October 8, the second day of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, Hezbollah prevented the Israeli occupation from crossing the ‘red-lines’ on the battlefield, despite the Israeli occupation targeting Lebanese civilians, and their properties in the south.

Hezbollah determined the times of attack and calm, while the Israeli army had the disadvantage of a loss of tanks and ammunitions, as they admitted, due to the Israeli war on Gaza and the attacks on Lebanon.

All that is stated above is a threat and message to the Israelis from Mr. Nasrallah, concerning the abilities and readiness of the resistance in targeting new settlements if Israel continues attacking innocent civilians of the south of Lebanon.

SS:  The Lebanese army has been kept weak by the US.  In your point of view, can the Lebanese army play a role in a possible war?

ID: The ideology of the Lebanese army is firm, and the Lebanese are firm in their hostility to the Israeli occupation, as the sole enemy of Lebanon.

Always, the blood of the army, the blood of the resistance has been united in the defense of Lebanon.

This is reinforced by the clause of the Defense ministerial statement, which affirms “the right of Lebanon and its people and its army and the resistance to free and defend their territory.”

SS: Lebanon has been without a president for over two years. In your opinion, do you see any international movement on this issue?

ID: On the subject of the presidency of the Republic, it is clear that the Lebanese domestic issue has been placed on ice, while awaiting changes in the region, which is undergoing major transformations. It is entering into a larger cycle of transformation at the global level, even though the long-term results have not yet been made clear.

Unfortunately, the problem is not only linked to choosing a President of the Republic, but also to the stability of the country.

There are foreign plans which are trying to prevent the orderly functioning of the institutions in Lebanon. But, we must recognize that the Lebanese political system has long-standing problems and imbalances.

There is a great need to amend some laws, and to separate the judicial system from political life, and to rely on the rule of law in the management of the country.

There is a need to hold to account the corrupt, and to close the door in the face of those seeking to sabotage the country.

SS: The US envoy Amos Hochstein was sent to Lebanon in an effort to decrease tension between Israel and Hezbollah. In your view, did he make any progress?

ID: Since the beginning of this conflict, the role of Hochstein has not been to ease the tension. Since the beginning, he has tried to try to intimidate and force Lebanon to follow American orders.

What is needed today is clear in terms of stopping the inhumane aggression against the Gaza Strip. Today, the oppressed people of Palestine are trying to lift a decades-old injustice and resistance, based on their history, morality and humanity.

The Lebanese resistance, Hezbollah, from the standpoint of national security, rushed to the support of the Israel war on Gaza, beginning on October 8.  The Al-Aqsa Flood operation of October 7 was a result of a heinous blockade, starvation, oppression and slow killing, which is being committed against an entire people, under the banner of the support of the international community.

SS: Lebanon has been going through a massive financial crisis. The IMF presented a recovery proposal. In your opinion, has any progress been made?

ID: The World Bank has never been a life-saver of people. The only way any country can save its financial system, is for national unity among the people, and to reject the handing over of national decisions to foreign entities.

Lebanon cannot be isolated and separated from its region, national unity and allies. 

If this financial crisis were to strike another country, it would not be able to continue.

Today, it is part of a destructive project that is trying to destroy Lebanon at a time when it can chart the course of this conflict.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The citizens of India have a problem. In what the media like to call ‘the world’s biggest democracy’, there is a serious, proven conflict of interest among officials in the areas of science, agriculture and agricultural research that results in privileging the needs of powerful private interests ahead of farmers and ordinary people.

This has been a longstanding concern. In 2013, for instance, prominent campaigner and environmentalist Aruna Rodrigues said:

“The Ministry of Agriculture has handed Monsanto and the industry access to our agri-research public institutions, placing them in a position to seriously influence agri-policy in India. You cannot have a conflict of interest larger or more alarming than this one.”

In 2020, Kavitha Kuruganti (Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture) stated that the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee had acted more like a servant for Monsanto — there is an ongoing revolving door between crop developers (even patent holders) and regulators, with developers-cum-lobbyists sitting on regulatory bodies.

However, the capture of public policymaking space by the private sector is set to accelerate due to a recent spate of memorandums of understanding between state institutions and influential private corporations involved in agriculture and agricultural services, including Bayer and Amazon.

Corporate Capture  

As part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Amazon (June 2023), farmers will produce for Amazon Fresh stores in India as part of a ‘farm to fork’ supply chain. It will see “critical inputs” in agriculture and “season-based crop plans” in collaboration with Amazon based on “technologies, capacity building and transfer of new knowledge.”



This corporate jargon ties in with the much-publicised notion of ‘data-driven agriculture’ centred on cloud-based data information services (which Amazon also offers). In this model, data is to be accessed and controlled by corporates and the farmer will be told how much production is expected, how much rain is anticipated, what type of soil quality there is, what must be produced and what type of genetically engineered seeds and inputs they must purchase and from whom.

This has been described as the recolonisation of Indian agriculture, which will eventually involve a handful of data owners (Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet etc.), input suppliers (Bayer, Corteva, Syngenta, Cargill etc.) and retail concerns (Amazon and Walmart-Flipkart — both firms already control 60% of India’s e-commerce market) at the commanding heights of the agrifood economy, determining the nature of agriculture and peddling industrial food. Farmers who remain in this AI-driven system (a stated aim is farmerless farms) will be reduced to exploitable labour at the mercy of global conglomerates.

This is part of a broader strategy to shift hundreds of millions out of agriculture, ensure India’s food dependence on global finance and foreign corporations and eradicate any semblance of food democracy (or national sovereignty).[1]

In addition to the MoU with Amazon, an MoU was signed between the ICAR and Bayer in September 2023. Bayer (it bought Monsanto in 2018), which profits from various environmentally harmful and disease-causing chemicals like glyphosate, signed the MoU to help “develop resource-efficient, climate-resilient solutions for crops, varieties, crop protection, weed and mechanization”, according to the ICAR website.

The ICAR is responsible for co-ordinating agricultural education and research in India, and Bayer seems likely to exploit the ICAR’s vast infrastructure and networks to pursue its own commercial plans, including boosting sales of toxic proprietary products.

But that’s not all. According to the non-profit GRAIN in its article ‘The corporate agenda behind carbon farming’, Bayer is gaining increasing control over farmers in various countries, dictating exactly how they farm and what inputs they use through its ‘Carbon Program’.

GRAIN says:

“You can see in the evolution of Bayer’s programmes that, for corporations, carbon farming is all about increasing their control within the food system. It’s certainly not about sequestering carbon.”

Given the seriousness of what is laid out by GRAIN in its article, India’s citizens and farmers should take heed, especially as the ICAR website states that a focus of the MoU with Bayer will be on developing carbon credit markets.

In a letter (14 July 2024) to Rabindra Padaria, principal scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), and Himanshu Pathak, director-general of the ICAR, Aruna Rodrigues says:[2]

“Inking in ICAR’s formal partnership with Bayer (Monsanto) quite simply confirms straightforwardly that the ICAR protects its interest, which is the same as those of Bayer-Monsanto, large chemical/herbicide corporates… the ICAR has ditched its mandate to Indian farmers and farming, which is to promote farmer interests as a priority in an unbiased and objective assessment of what is right and good for Indian farming and food… “

A separate ‘citizen letter’ (20 July 2024) has also been sent to Pathak on the various MoUs that the Indian government has signed with influential private corporations.[3] Hundreds of scientists, farmer leaders, farmers and ordinary citizens have signed the letter.

It states:

“Bayer is a company notorious for its anti-people, anti-nature business products and operations in itself and, furthermore, after its takeover of Monsanto. Its deadly poisons have violated basic human rights of peoples across the world, and it is a company that has always prioritised profits over people and planet.”

It goes on to say that it is not clear what the ICAR will learn from Bayer that the well-paid public sector scientists of the institution cannot develop themselves. The letter says entities that have been responsible for causing an economic and environmental crisis in Indian agriculture are being partnered by ICAR for so-called solutions when these entities are only interested in their profits and not sustainability (or any other nomenclature they use).

The letter poses some key questions such as: Where was the democratic debate on carbon credit markets? How is the ICAR ensuring that the farmers get the best rather than biased advice that boosts the further rollout of proprietary products? Is there a system in place for the ICAR to develop research and education agendas from the farmers it is supposed to serve as opposed to being led by the whims and business ideas of corporations?

These are fundamental questions given that agriculture is a state subject as per India’s constitution. It is all the more concerning given that the authors of the citizen letter note that copies of the MoUs are not being shared proactively in the public domain by the ICAR.

The letter asks that the ICAR suspends the signed MoUs, shares all details in the public domain and desists from signing any more such MoUs without necessary public debate.

However, on 19 July, there were reports that the ICAR had signed another MoU, this time with Syngenta for promoting climate resilient agriculture and training programmes. In response, the authors of the letter state that the ICAR has (again) partnered with a corporation that has a track record of anti-nature and anti-people activities, selling toxic products like paraquat, class action suits against its corn seeds and anti-competitive behaviour.

Mutagenic HT Rice  

It is becoming clear who the ICAR actually serves. Let us return to Aruna Rodrigues and her letter to Rabindra Padaria (IARI) and Himanshu Pathak (ICAR) for additional insight.

Rodrigues’ letter focuses on the commercial cultivation of basmati rice varieties tolerant to imazethapyr-based, non-selective herbicides. These chemicals can be liberally sprayed on herbicide tolerant (HT) crops because the crops have been manipulated to withstand the toxic impacts of spraying.

The HT varieties of rice have undergone some form of mutagenesis rather than genetic engineering. Mutagenesis has traditionally involved subjecting plant cells to chemical or physical agents (e.g. radiation) that cause mutations to the DNA in the hope that a resulting mutation may produce a desirable effect in the plant. This kind of mutation breeding has been used for decades but only affects a minority of the plants on the market. Industry watchdog GMWatch says this risky technology (mutagenesis breeding) in the past managed to escape regulation.

So, this HT crop by the mutagenesis route is not defined as ‘genetic engineering’ (the method usually used to create HT crops) and therefore falls outside the purview of current GM regulations.

Although, the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC) bars HT crops (a) for being an HT crop and (b) on account of contamination of crops in a centre of genetic diversity, it has been a long-standing aim of biotech companies like Bayer (Monsanto) to get HT crops cultivated in India.

Rodrigues asks:

“Is it a deliberate decision of the ICAR to use the mutagenesis route to produce HT rice varieties (tolerant to imazethapyr) with the explicit objective to bypass the formal regulation of GE crops/GMOs?”

Rodrigues accuses the ICAR of effectively ditching its mandate to Indian farmers, many of whom regard organic farming as their competitive advantage. This step is also a potential threat to India’s export markets, which are based on organic standards, along with the necessary co-surety that India’s foods and farms are not contaminated by herbicides, a consequence of using HT crops.

By adding a trait for herbicide tolerance, the ICAR is informed:

“ICAR’s action directly impacts this vital issue of contaminating our germ plasm in rice and contravenes a Supreme Court Order of “No Contamination”. Furthermore, our export markets for basmati are in excess of US $5 billion in 2023-24. Your action will also directly impact India’s exports and thereby, impact farmer export potential, incomes and income opportunities that premium prices provide.”

Moreover, Rodrigues asserts that the entire mutagenesis process for HT rice must be elaborated, especially when the mutant variety is for the purpose of human consumption. The ICAR is duty-bound to provide, for example, whether a physical or a chemical mutagen was used, the range of doses used and the toxicity for the said material, the herbicide(s) used to test the HT of the basmati rice being used, the concentrations of the herbicides used and the genetic mechanism by which HT rice through mutagenesis has a resistant gene to imazethapyr.

While the issue of intellectual property rights for the HT rice varieties using mutagenesis is unclear, the ICAR and IARI have executed a technology transfer agreement of the HT trait for commercial cultivation.

A Failed Technology  

In her letter, Rodrigues states that, based on empirical evidence of 35 years of HT crops in the US and Argentina, HT crops are a failed technology: it spawns super weeds, increased herbicide use and no added performance yield. Moreover, for India, HT crops are a perverse use of technology, whether genetic engineering or through mutagenesis, that risks small and marginal farmers’ crops and herbs and plants used in many Ayurvedic medicines because of herbicide drift. It will also uniquely impact the employment of women in weeding.

She goes on to state that in the US overall herbicide use has increased more than tenfold since the introduction of HT Crops (1992-2012 figure). In addition, HT crops are designed for monocultures and completely unsuited to Indian small-holder, multi-crop farming: anything not HT will be destroyed, the resistant crop stands, but everything else dies, including non-target organisms.

The herbicides used with HT crops are also a major human health issue. There is a strong link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In relation to this, there are more than 100,000 lawsuits winding their way through US Courts. Glyphosate (used in Bayer’s Roundup herbicide) is also an endocrine disruptor and is linked to birth defects. Rodrigues notes that Monsanto and the US Environmental Protection Agency had both known for over 40 years that glyphosate and its formulations cause cancer.

Other herbicides used by Bayer include glufosinate (used in its Liberty herbicide), which is acknowledged as more toxic than glyphosate and, like it, is a systemic, broad spectrum, non-selective herbicide. It is a neurotoxin that can cause nerve damage and birth defects and is damaging to most plants that come into contact with it.

Glufinosate is banned in Europe and not permitted in India. It has been implicated in brain developmental abnormalities in animal studies and is very persistent in the environment, so it will certainly contaminate water supplies in addition to food where it will be absorbed.

Imazethapyr (contained in Bayer’s Adue herbicide) is also a systemic broad-spectrum herbicide and is banned in some countries and not approved for use in the EU.

Prof. Jack Heinemann (University of Canterbury in New Zealand) adds that the likes of imazethapyr must be tested for their ability to cause bacterial antibiotic resistance. An important concern given that India’s population has some of the highest levels of antibiotic resistance in the world. Any spread of HT crops would put people at severe risk of resistance and disease.

Despite these environmental and health concerns, the herbicide market in India is projected to grow by around 54% in the next five years, from USD 361.85 million in 2024 to USD 558.17 million by 2029.

In her letter, Rodrigues concludes:

“In view of the above evidence of serious irreversible harm to health, food and agriculture across several dimensions and contravention of the PP (Precautionary Principle), it is a required scientific response for the ICAR to immediately withdraw HT rice varieties and desist from introducing any HT crop through mutagenesis.”


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1. For further insight into this, see Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Resisting the New World Order by C Todhunter on or

2. ICAR Introduces HT Rice Varieties by the Mutagenesis Process Tolerant to Imazethapyr, letter to the Indian Council for Agricultural Research and the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, A Rodrigues, 14 July 2024.

3. Citizens’ letter (incl. farmer leaders and agri scientists) to ICAR against multiple recent MoUs with agri-corporations – ASHA Kisan Swaraj, 20 July 2024.

Featured image is by Sebastian Rittau via Wikimedia Commons

Ireland – Mass Immigration and the Great Reset

July 21st, 2024 by Gavin OReilly

On Monday morning, Ireland would awake to reports of unrest in the Dublin suburb of Coolock, when after months of peaceful protest by local residents over plans to move upwards of 500 male migrants into a disused paint factory in the working-class neighborhood, tensions would come to a head when Irish riot police cleared the on-site protest camp in a heavy-handed early morning raid. In response, work vehicles intended to convert the site would be set ablaze, leading to scenes reminiscent of the north of Ireland in the late 60s or early 70s.

As the day progressed, the parallels between Coolock and the Ireland of half a century ago would grow. Heavily-militarised police, under the direction of Garda commissioner and former RUC Deputy Constable Drew Harris, would soon arrive in the North Dublin suburb, resulting in scenes akin to Belfast or Derry in 1969. Local residents, including women, children, and the elderly, would be brutalised, a popular video streamer and citizen journalist would be arrested, and a number of elected representatives, who had arrived on the scene in a bid to calm tensions, would be pepper sprayed by police. By the end of the day, 15 people would be arrested and charged, with their names and addresses highly-publicised by the Irish media, an effective warning to others to not protest against the current immigration policies being imposed by Leinster House, which has seen large numbers of male migrants being placed into wildly unsuitable locations such as an inner city office block and children’s primary school, with no prior consultation being held with local communities beforehand.

Watch the video on X

Watch the video on X

Indeed, similar scenes would erupt in the small rural village of Newtownmountkennedy in late April, when again, after weeks of peaceful protest by local residents in opposition to plans to house male migrants in a disused hospital in the locality, police would once again carry out a heavy-handed early-morning raid on an on-site protest camp. In the ensuing hours, local residents would again be brutalised, a female journalist would be pepper sprayed, and martial law would effectively be imposed on the sleepy town.

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In a grim irony, less than a week later, the southern Irish state would issue a statement condemning the response of the Georgian government to protests against its Transparency of Foreign Influence law, the previous week’s scenes in Newtownmountkennedy being wilfully ignored by Leinster House.

The current tensions surrounding immigration in Ireland began in November 2022, when, using the Russian intervention in Ukraine as a pretext, upwards of 300 migrants were moved into a disused office block in East Wall, a working-class neighbourhood in inner city Dublin. Protests would begin immediately amongst local residents, citing the unsuitability of the location and the lack of consultation with community representatives beforehand. Similar protests would take place at other sites in Dublin and throughout Ireland.

One year later, the tensions regarding immigration policy in Ireland would explode in their most notable manner so far. On the 23rd of November 2023, three children and their teacher were stabbed outside their Gaelscoil (Irish-language school) in central Dublin. With it soon emerging that the attacker was an immigrant previously subject to a deportation order, matters would come to a head. Calls for a protest in Dublin later that night would quickly spread throughout social media, seemingly attracting an opportunistic element who would engage in looting and the burning of vehicles. The Dublin riots would gain worldwide attention, with the focus seemingly more on the damage done to outlets such as McDonald’s and Footlocker, than the attack on the children and their teacher.

Image: Helen McEntee (Source: Houses of the Oireachtas/Shawn Pogatchnik / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)


In the days following the riots, Security Minister for the southern Irish state, Helen McEntee, announced that facial recognition technology laws would be introduced in response, thus revealing the true intent behind current immigration policy in Ireland.

In addition to the devaluing of labour and the lowering of wages on behalf of industrialists, the mixing of vast amounts of people from different cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds that mass-immigration entails, ultimately leads to tensions. Tensions that, in tight-knit areas such as working-class neighbourhoods and small rural villages, will inevitably spill over.

As a result, the government-corporate alliance is presented with a ready-made pretext to implement solutions that align with their agenda. In this case, the same facial recognition technologies that are outlined in the Great Reset, the initiative launched by the World Economic Forum in 2020, using ‘Covid’ as a pretext, intended to create even further integration between the public and private sector worldwide.

With the issue of migrants arriving into Ireland without proper identification also receiving mainstream media attention, it is likely this is is being done with the intention of directing the narrative towards the introduction of mandatory digital ID; which, combined with facial recognition technology, will lay the groundwork for the dystopian digital surveillance state that the Great Reset envisages.

Indeed, upon the recent election of WEF aficionado Keir Starmer as British Prime Minister, Taoiseach Simon Harris announced that it marked a ‘great reset’ in relations between both countries. A deliberate choice of words, indicating that like his predecessor Leo Varadkar, he is also a World Economic Forum ‘Young Global Leader’, fully intending to continue the Davos agenda in Ireland.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Support him on Patreon. 

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First published on October 5, 2023

If an experimental vaccine were to damage the heart and immune system in a significant number of individuals who received it, it is possible that it could lead to a decline in the overall population size.

This could occur for several reasons.

  • First, damage to the heart could lead to an increase in cardiovascular diseases, which are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. This could result in a higher number of deaths among individuals who received the vaccine.
  • Second, damage to the immune system could leave individuals more susceptible to other infections and diseases, which could also contribute to an increase in mortality.
  • Last, but by no means least, the negative impacts of the vaccine on fertility and reproductive health could lead to a decline in the number of births, further contributing to a decline in the overall population size.

If such a vaccine were to be developed and distributed, it could potentially lead to depopulation due to increased mortality and decreased fertility.

Unfortunately, the world has found itself in a situation where powerful institutions and Governments have coerced millions of people into getting an experimental Covid-19 vaccine that causes all of the ill-fated effects mentioned above.

Official Government reports and confidential Pfizer documents prove it.

Therefore, you are witnessing mass depopulation unfold before your very eyes.

The push for mass Covid-19 vaccination was never about combating a virus. It was about reducing the global population.

This goal aligns with the interests of certain powerful corporations and individuals who stand to benefit from a smaller, more manageable population now that AI is advanced enough to replace hundreds of millions of workers.

Regardless of the specific cause, the implications of what is currently occurring in the real world are significant.

Millions Have ‘Died Suddenly’

Did you know that data on excess deaths in 15% of the world’s countries can be found on the website of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)?

This includes major countries like the USA, Canada, and the UK.

Additionally, we were able to extract even more up-to-date data on 28 European countries from EuroMOMO.

All of this information has been provided to the OECD and EuroMOMO by each country’s Government organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control in the USA and the Office for National Statistics in the UK.

The following chart illustrates the disturbing trend of excess deaths in the “Five Eyes” countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US) as well as 27 other European countries –

Are you aware of the staggering number of excess deaths that have occurred in the US and Europe in recent years?

In 2021, the US saw almost 700,000 excess deaths, with another 360,000 excess deaths by November 11th, 2022.

Europe had a similarly alarming 382,000 excess deaths in 2021, with 309,000 excess deaths by November 2022.

And these figures don’t even include Ukraine!

Shockingly, even countries like New Zealand, Australia, and Canada have seen excess deaths that have not decreased since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The following chart illustrates the disturbing trend of overall excess deaths in Australia in 2020, 2021, and up to week 30 of 2022 –

Did you know that the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine in Australia led to a shocking 747% increase in excess deaths, from 1,303 in 2020 to 11,042 in 2021?

And the situation has only gotten worse since then.

By the end of July 2022, there were a staggering 18,973 excess deaths in Australia – a 1,356% increase from 2020.

That’s more excess deaths in 7 months than in the previous two years combined.

And the situation in the US is similarly alarming –

Are you aware of the disturbing trend of excess deaths in the US following the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine?

By week 38 of 2022, 1,700 more people had died compared to the same time in 2020, and by week 38 of 2021, a shocking 109,000 more people had died compared to the same time in 2020.

These numbers indicate that rather than decreasing, deaths have actually increased following the vaccine rollout.

The following two charts illustrate the total excess deaths in the “Five Eyes” and Europe since the beginning of 2021 when the Covid-19 vaccine was introduced –

Did you know that over 1.8 million excess deaths have occurred in the “Five Eyes” and most of Europe since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine?

This shocking figure includes over 1 million excess deaths in the US and over 690,000 excess deaths in Europe according to the Centers for Disease Control and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, as well as significant numbers of excess deaths in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

The official narrative that the vaccine is safe and effective and would reduce the number of deaths is completely contradicted by these figures, which suggest that the Covid-19 vaccines may be the main cause of the excess deaths.

Children / Teens & Young Adults Have ‘Died Suddenly’

Did you know that excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 in Europe skyrocketed by a staggering 755% between January and September 2022, according to official data?

This alarming increase, which has prompted the European Union to launch an investigation, occurred despite efforts by EuroMOMO to downplay the figures.

It’s worth noting that the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine was approved for use in children by the European Medicines Agency on 28th May 2021. Which was week 21 of 2021.

Then excess deaths “only “coincidentally” began to be recorded from week 22 once this emergency use authorisation was granted.

Overall, excess deaths rose 630% since the vaccine’s approval for use in children by September of 2022.

It’s a sad reality that despite the mounting evidence pointing to the clear danger of Covid-19 vaccinations for children, it is highly unlikely that authorities will acknowledge this risk.

Tragically, the significant increase in excess deaths among children in Europe since the European Medicines Agency emergency approved the vaccine for use in this population is likely to be dismissed as just another “coincidence” in the long list of such occurrences since the start of the pandemic.

It’s vital that we continue to examine and scrutinize the data to ensure that the health and well-being of our children are protected.

Did you also know that according to official figures quietly published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), nearly half a million children and young adults died by October 9th 2022 in the USA since the Food & Drug Administration first granted emergency use authorization for a Covid-19 vaccine?

This heartbreaking development has resulted in nearly 118,000 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 average.

The figures also reveal that there have been 7,680 more excess deaths among children and young adults in 2022 so far compared to the same time frame in 2020, at the height of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the worst year for deaths among 0 to 44-year-olds was 2021, with 291,461 excess deaths in total, nearly 60,000 more than occurred in 2020.

According to the official CDC figures, this increase was mainly due to a mysterious sudden rise in deaths among children and young adults starting around week 31 of 2021.

It’s a heartbreaking reality that nearly half a million people aged 0 to 44 have died since week 51 of 2020, resulting in a staggering 117,719 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 five-year average.

According to official data, the average life expectancy in the USA was 77.28 years as of 2020.

If we are to believe the official narrative that Covid-19 is a deadly disease, then it’s perhaps understandable that 231,987 children and young adults up to the age of 44 died in 2020, resulting in 40,365 excess deaths as an unfortunate consequence of this alleged disease.

However, if we are to accept the official narrative that Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective, how do we explain the further increase in deaths among children and young adults in both 2021 and 2022?

It’s worth noting that millions of Americans were pressured into getting the vaccines, and millions of parents were similarly coerced into forcing their children to receive the injections.

The answer is clear: the official narrative is a blatant lie. The Covid-19 vaccines are neither safe nor effective.

The hard-to-find data provided by the CDC only hints at this disturbing trend of young American deaths, but further data published by the UK Government confirms it.

For example, a report published on July 6th, 2022 by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, a government agency, provides further evidence of the danger of these vaccines.

The report is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022‘, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here.

Have you seen Table 2 of the report by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, which contains the monthly age-standardized mortality rates by vaccination status by age group for deaths per 100,000 person-years in England up to May 2022?

If not, you should take a look, because the figures it contains are truly disturbing.

We’ve taken the data provided by the ONS for January to May 2022 and created the following chart, which illustrates the devastating consequences of the mass Covid-19 vaccination campaign.

The chart shows the monthly age-standardized mortality rates by vaccination status among 18 to 39-year-olds for Non-Covid-19 deaths in England between January and May 2022.

It’s clear from this data that the risks associated with these vaccines cannot be ignored.

It’s a disturbing trend: in every single month since the start of 2022, partly vaccinated and double vaccinated 18-39 year-olds have been more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds.

The situation has been particularly dire for triple-vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds, whose mortality rate has worsened month by month since the mass Booster campaign that took place in the UK in December 2021.

In January, triple-vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were slightly less likely to die than unvaccinated individuals in this age group, with a mortality rate of 29.8 per 100,000 among the unvaccinated and 28.1 per 100,000 among the triple-vaccinated.

However, from February onwards, triple-vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were 27% more likely to die than unvaccinated individuals, with a mortality rate of 26.7 per 100k among the triple-vaccinated and 21 per 100k among the unvaccinated.

The situation worsened even further by May 2022, with triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds 52% more likely to die than unvaccinated individuals in this age group, with a mortality rate of 21.4 per 100k among the triple vaccinated and 14.1 among the unvaccinated.

The partly vaccinated also fared poorly, with May seeing partly vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds 202% more likely to die than unvaccinated individuals in this age group.

The report by the UK’s Office for National Statistics also includes mortality rates for children, although the UK government attempted to conceal this data.

The following chart shows the mortality rates by vaccination status per 100,000 person-years among children aged 10 to 14 in England for the period 1st January 2021 to 31st May 2022 –

According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, the mortality rate for Covid-19 deaths among unvaccinated children aged 10 to 14 is 0.31 per 100,000 person-years.

However, for one-dose vaccinated children, the mortality rate is 3.24 per 100,000 person-years, and for triple-vaccinated children, the mortality rate is an alarming 41.29 per 100,000 person-years.

The situation is no better when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths. The all-cause death mortality rate is 6.39 per 100,000 person-years among unvaccinated children and slightly higher at 6.48 among partly vaccinated children.

However, the rate worsens with each additional injection: the all-cause death mortality rate is 97.28 among double-vaccinated children and an alarming 289.02 per 100,000 person-years among triple-vaccinated children.

This means, according to the UK government’s own official data, double-vaccinated children are 1422% or 15.22 times more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children, while triple-vaccinated children are 4423% or 45.23 times more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children.

The data provided by the Office for National Statistics, which is age-standardized and rates per 100,000 population, is definitive proof that Covid-19 vaccines increase a person’s risk of death.

It’s no surprise, then, to learn that a secret CDC report confirms that nearly half a million American children and young adults have died following the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, resulting in nearly 118,000 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 five-year average.

You Only Have One Heart & It Will Not Regenerate

The potential consequences of a COVID-19 vaccine that harms the heart are dire. If such a vaccine were widely distributed and administered to a significant portion of the population, it could lead to millions of sudden deaths.

The heart is a vital organ that plays a critical role in maintaining the body’s proper functioning, so any adverse effects on it could have disastrous consequences.

Unfortunately, at least two Covid-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna do exactly this, and they have now been administered to millions of people multiple times, and it is likely that these vaccines are responsible for the millions of excess deaths recorded worldwide since their rollout.

The risk of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle that can lead to sudden death if not treated, is a serious concern when it comes to the Covid-19 vaccine. This is especially true for young and healthy adults and children, who may not experience any symptoms of myocarditis until the condition has progressed to a severe stage.

Symptoms of myocarditis can include chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and abnormal heart rhythms, and if left untreated, it can result in heart failure, cardiac arrest, and sudden cardiac death.

This is likely why an investigation of official figures published by Public Health Scotland in April 2022 found that there has been a 67% increase compared to the historical average in the number of people aged 15 to 44 experiencing heart attacks, cardiac arrest, myocarditis, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases since this age group was offered the Covid-19 vaccine.

Unfortunately, a study conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population.

This means Covid vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis, an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the heart, by 13,200%.

It is clear from the data presented that the Covid-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna have had a significant impact on the health of millions of people worldwide.

The potential adverse effects on the heart, including myocarditis and an increased risk of heart attacks, cardiac arrest, and other cardiovascular diseases, could lead to a significant number of sudden deaths if these vaccines are widely distributed and administered to a significant portion of the population.

Additionally, the high number of excess deaths that have occurred since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines suggests that these vaccines may be contributing to a larger trend of depopulation.

Excess deaths refer to the number of deaths above what would normally be expected in a given population, and the fact that there have been millions of excess deaths in the “Five Eyes” countries and Europe since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine is a cause for concern.

The potential consequences of depopulation are far-reaching and could have significant impacts on society, including economic disruption and a decrease in the overall population size. It is imperative that further research is conducted to understand the true extent of the impact of the Covid-19 vaccines on population health and to ensure that any future vaccines are thoroughly tested and deemed safe before being distributed.

Obviously, it stands to reason that more people need to be dying than are being born for depopulation to take place. And unfortunately, confidential Pfizer documents confirm this is now our reality.

The Confidential Pfizer Documents

The data contained in this document is alarming and raises serious concerns about the safety of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine during pregnancy and lactation. According to the data, there have been numerous cases of pregnant women experiencing adverse reactions to the vaccine, including miscarriages, stillbirths, and other serious complications.

Furthermore, the data suggests that the vaccine may also pose risks to breastfeeding infants. There have been numerous reports of infants experiencing adverse reactions to the vaccine when it is passed to them through their mother’s milk.

These findings are extremely concerning and highlight the need for further research into the safety of Covid-19 vaccines during pregnancy and lactation. If the risks associated with these vaccines are not properly addressed, it could have significant implications for fertility rates and overall population numbers.

It is imperative that authorities take these concerns seriously and conduct thorough investigations into the safety of Covid-19 vaccines during pregnancy and lactation. The health and well-being of both mothers and their children must be a top priority.

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has been linked to a high number of adverse reactions in pregnant women. According to the company’s own data, of the 270 known cases of exposure to the vaccine during pregnancy, 46% of the mothers (124) experienced an adverse reaction.

Of these, 75 were considered serious, including uterine contractions and fetal death.

This means that 58% of the mothers who reported adverse reactions suffered a serious event. These troubling findings raise concerns about the safety of the vaccine for pregnant women and highlight the need for further research.

It is alarming that Pfizer’s own data shows that 124 out of 270 pregnant women who were exposed to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine experienced an adverse reaction. Of those, 75 were considered serious, including fetal death.

It is also concerning that Pfizer has no information on the outcomes of 238 out of 270 pregnancies. These figures raise serious questions about the safety of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant women and their fetuses.

The findings of another Pfizer study on Wistar Han rats show that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine accumulates in the ovaries over time.

The ovaries are a pair of female glands that produce eggs and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone.

The study, which can be found in the list of confidential Pfizer documents published by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under a court order, administered a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine to 21 female and 21 male rats.

The researchers measured the concentration of total radioactivity in the blood, plasma, and tissues of the rats at various points after the injection was administered. The accumulation of the vaccine in the ovaries raises concerns about its potential impact on fertility and reproductive health.

One of the most concerning findings from the study on the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine is the fact that it accumulates in the ovaries over time.

In the first 15 minutes following injection, the total lipid concentration in the ovaries measured 0.104ml, but this increased to 1.34ml after just one hour, 2.34ml after four hours, and 12.3ml after 48 hours.

While the scientists conducting the study did not continue their research beyond 48 hours, it’s unclear whether this concerning accumulation continued.

These findings raise serious questions about the potential long-term effects of the Pfizer vaccine on fertility and reproductive health.

But according to data published by Public Health Scotland, the number of people suffering from ovarian cancer has significantly increased in 2021 compared to the previous year and the 2017-2019 average.

This could potentially be linked to the accumulation of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in the ovaries, as found in a study on rats.

Ovarian Cancer – Source

Newborn baby deaths in Scotland have also reached a critical level for the second time in just seven months, according to official figures.

The rate of neonatal deaths in March 2022 was 4.6 per 1,000 live births, a 119% increase from the expected rate of deaths.

This means the neonatal mortality rate exceeded an upper warning threshold known as the “control limit” for the second time following the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines to women / pregnant women.

The last time it exceeded this limit was in September 2021, when neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births reached 5.1. These levels are on par with those typically seen in the late 1980s.

At the time, PHS said the fact that the upper control limit has been exceeded “indicates there is a higher likelihood that there are factors beyond random variation that have contributed to the number of deaths that occurred”.

This news is shocking and raises serious concerns about the safety of Covid-19 vaccines.

Increased Mortality

It’s alarming to see in figures found in a report published by the UK Government titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022‘, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here, that in every single month between January and May of 2022, individuals aged 18 to 39 who were either partly or fully vaccinated were more likely to die from non-Covid causes compared to their unvaccinated counterparts.

The situation is particularly dire for triple-vaccinated individuals, whose mortality rates have only worsened month after month since the widespread booster campaign in December 2021.

These shocking figures, provided by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, confirm that the Covid-19 vaccines significantly increase a person’s risk of death.

It’s clear that the vaccines are not only failing to protect individuals, but they are actively causing harm. It’s crucial that action is taken to halt their distribution and investigate the true dangers they pose.

But this situation isn’t isolated to 18 to 39-year-olds. It’s common among every single age group.

The following two charts show the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for non-Covid-19 deaths in England between January and May 2022 for all age groups –

You can read a full investigation of the above figures broken down by age group here.

Depopulation by COVID-19 Vaccination

The potential consequences of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign are alarming and could lead to depopulation on a global scale.

The heart is a vital organ and any adverse effects on it could have devastating consequences. This is especially true for young and healthy adults and children, as myocarditis may not cause any symptoms until the condition has progressed to a severe stage.

Data from Pfizer reveals that 46% of pregnant women who received the vaccine suffered adverse reactions, with 58% experiencing serious adverse events ranging from uterine contraction to fetal death.

Moreover, studies have shown that the vaccine accumulates in the ovaries over time, raising concerns about its potential impact on fertility.

Official figures also reveal that mortality rates are highest among the vaccinated and lowest among the unvaccinated population in every age group.

With all of this evidence, it is clear that the Covid-19 vaccination campaign could have serious consequences for the future of humanity.

But Why?

There are various reasons that some people may want to depopulate the planet.

One reason could be overpopulation, as some people believe that the earth’s resources are being depleted at an unsustainable rate due to the increasing population.

Other people may argue that depopulation is necessary due to the negative impact that humans have had on the environment, and reducing the population could help mitigate some of these problems.

Some people may also advocate for depopulation due to concerns about the impact of climate change, as a smaller population would likely lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Finally, some people may simply believe that a smaller population would be more manageable and easier to control, and may advocate for depopulation for this reason.

Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are two powerful figures who have expressed support for the idea of depopulation through various means, including vaccination.

Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, has argued that reducing the global population would be beneficial for the environment and the economy, and has suggested that advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence could play a role in achieving this goal.

Similarly, Bill Gates has stated that vaccination campaigns can be used to reduce the population, and has funded numerous initiatives that promote vaccination as a means of controlling population growth.

So it should now begin to make sense as to why powerful figures like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab have been advocating for widespread vaccination campaigns.

The push for mass Covid-19 vaccination isn’t about combating a virus, but about reducing the global population.

This goal aligns with the interests of certain corporations and individuals who stand to benefit from a smaller, more manageable population.


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Featured image is from The Expose

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

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They just keep coming. On the weekend, Israel launched another devastating air strike on Gaza, killing at least 90 Palestinians and wounding hundreds more, including women, children and rescue workers.

Once again, Israel targeted refugees displaced by its earlier bombs, turning an area it had formally declared a “safe zone” into a killing field.

And once more, western powers shrugged their shoulders. They were too busy accusing Russia of war crimes to have time to worry about the far worse war crimes being inflicted on Gaza by their Israeli ally – with weapons they supplied.

The atrocity committed at al-Mawasi camp, packed with 80,000 civilians, had the usual Israeli cover story – one rolled out to reassure western publics that their leaders are not the utter hypocrites they appear to be for supporting what the World Court has described as a “plausible genocide”.

Israel said it was trying to hit two Hamas leaders – one of them Mohammed Deif, head of the group’s military wing – although Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seemed uncertain as to whether the strike was successful.

No one in the western media appeared to wonder why the pair preferred to make themselves a target in an overcrowded, makeshift refugee camp, where they were at huge risk of being betrayed by an Israeli informant, rather than sheltering in Hamas’s extensive tunnel network.

Or why Israel deemed it necessary to fire a multitude of massive bombs and missiles to take out two individuals. Is that Israel’s new, expansive redefinition of a “targeted assassination”?

Or why its pilots and drone operators continued the strikes to hit emergency rescue crews dealing with the initial destruction. Was there intelligence that Deif was not just hiding in the camp, but had hung around to dig out survivors, too?

Or how killing and maiming hundreds of civilians in an attempt to hit two Hamas fighters could ever possibly satisfy the most basic principles of international law. “Proportion” and “distinction” require armies to weigh the military advantage of an attack against the expected toll on civilian life.

Biblical Vengeance

But Israel has torn up the rulebook on war. According to sources within the Israeli military, it now considers it acceptable to kill more than 100 Palestinian civilians in the pursuit of a single Hamas commander – a commander, let us note, who will simply be replaced the moment he is dead.

Even if the two Hamas leaders were assassinated, Israel could not have been in any doubt that it was perpetrating a war crime. But it has learned that, the more routine its war crimes become, the less coverage they receive – and the less outrage they provoke.

In recent days, Israel has struck several United Nations schools serving as shelters, killing dozens more Palestinians. On Tuesday, another strike in the “safe zone” of al-Mawasi killed 17.

According to the UN refugee agency, UNRWA, more than 70 percent of its schools – almost all of them serving as refugee shelters – have been bombed.

Last week, western doctors who had volunteered in Gaza said Israel was packing its weapons with shrapnel to maximise injuries to those caught in the blast radius. Children, because of their smaller bodies, were being left with much more severe wounds.

Aid agencies cannot properly treat the wounded, because Israel has been blocking the entry of medical supplies into Gaza. Committing war crimes, if western publics have not worked it out by now, is the very point of the “military operation” Israel launched in Gaza in the wake of Hamas’s one-day attack on 7 October.

A Red Crescent worker carries a child to the hospital after a bombing in Deir al-Balah, December.Credit: Palestine Red Crescent Society

That is why there are more than 38,800 known deaths from Israel’s 10-month assault – and likely at least four times that number unrecorded, according to leading researchers writing in the Lancet medical journal this month.

That is why it will take at least 15 years to clear the rubble strewn across Gaza by Israeli bombs, according to the UN, and as much as 80 years– and $50bn – to rebuild homes for the remnants of the enclave’s 2.3 million people still alive at the end.

Israel’s twin goals have been biblical vengeance and the elimination of Gaza – a genocidal rampage to drive the terrified population out, ideally into neighbouring Egypt.

Shoot-everyone Policy

If that was not clear enough already, six Israeli soldiers recently stepped forward to speak out about what they had witnessed while serving in Gaza – a story the western media has entirely failed to report.

Their testimonies, published by the Israel-based publication 972 last week, confirm what Palestinians have been saying for months.

Commanders have authorised them to open fire on Palestinians at will. Anyone entering an area the Israeli military is treating as a “no-go zone” is shot on sight, whether man, woman or child.

Back in March, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz warned that the Israeli military had created just such “kill zones”, where anyone entering was executed without warning.

After months of an Israeli aid blockade that has created a man-made famine, Israel’s military has turned the people of Gaza’s ever-more frantic search for food into a game of Russian roulette.

This perhaps explains, in part, why so many Palestinians are unaccounted for – Save the Children estimates some 21,000 children are missing. The soldiers quoted in 972 say the victims of their shoot-everyone policy are bulldozed out of view along routes where international aid convoys pass.

A reserve soldier, identified only as S, said a Caterpillar bulldozer “clears the area of corpses, buries them under the rubble, and flips [them] aside so that the convoys don’t see it – [so that] images of people in advanced stages of decay don’t come out”. The soldier also noted:

“The whole area [of Gaza where the army operates] was full of bodies… There is a horrific smell of death.”

Several of the soldiers reported that stray cats and dogs, denied food and water for months just like Gaza’s population, feed on the dead bodies.

The Israeli military has repeatedly refused to publish its open-fire regulations since it was first challenged to do so in the Israeli courts in the 1980s.

A soldier named B told 972 that the Israeli army enjoyed “total freedom of action”, with soldiers expected to shoot directly at any Palestinian approaching their positions, rather than a warning shot in the air: “It’s permissible to shoot everyone, a young girl, an old woman.”

When civilians were ordered to evacuate from a school serving as a shelter in Gaza City, B added, some mistakenly exited right towards the soldiers, rather than to the left. That included children.

“Everyone who went to the right was killed – 15 to 20 people. There was a pile of bodies.”

According to B, any Palestinian in Gaza can inadvertently find themselves a target:

“It is forbidden to walk around, and everyone who is outside is suspicious. If we see someone in a window looking at us, he is a suspect. You shoot.”

‘Like a Computer Game’

Drawing on military practices familiar in the occupied West Bank too, the Israeli army encourages its soldiers to shoot even when no one is engaging them. These random, indiscriminate eruptions of fire are known as “demonstrating presence” – or more accurately, terrorising and endangering the civilian population.

In other instances, soldiers open fire just to let off steam, have fun, or, as one soldier put it, “experience the event” of being in Gaza.

Yuval Green, a 26-year-old reservist from Jerusalem, the only soldier prepared to be named, observed:

“People were shooting just to relieve the boredom.”

Another soldier, M, similarly noted that “the shooting is very unrestricted, like crazy” – and not just from small arms. Troops use machine guns, tanks and mortar rounds in a similar, unwarranted frenzy.

A, an officer in the army’s operations directorate, pointed out that this mood of utter recklessness extended all the way up the chain of command.

Although the destruction of hospitals, schools, mosques, churches and international aid organisations requires authorisation from a senior officer, in practice, such operations are almost always approved, A said:

 “I can count on one hand the cases where we were told not to shoot. Even with sensitive things like schools, [approval] feels like only a formality … No one will shed a tear if we flatten a house when there was no need, or if we shoot someone who we didn’t have to.”

Commenting on the mood in the operations room, A said destroying buildings often “felt like a computer game”. In addition, A cast doubt on Israel’s claim that Hamas fighters comprised a high proportion of Gaza’s death toll. Anyone caught in Israel’s “kill zones” or targeted by a bored soldier was counted as a “terrorist”.

Burning Homes

The soldiers also reported that their commanders destroyed homes not because they were suspected of serving as bases for Hamas fighters, but purely out of an urge for revenge against the entire population.

Their testimonies confirm an earlier Haaretz report that the army was implementing a policy of torching Palestinian homes after they served their purpose as temporary locations for soldiers. Green said the principle was:

“If you move [on], you have to burn down the house.” According to B, his company “burned hundreds of houses”.

A policy of wanton, vengeful destruction is similarly implemented – on a far larger scale – by Israel’s fighter pilots and drone operators, explaining why at least two-thirds of Gaza’s housing stock has been left in ruins.

There are other deceptions too. One of the stated reasons for Israel being in Gaza is to “bring back the hostages” – many dozens of Israelis who who were dragged into Gaza on 7 October. That message, however, has apparently not reached the Israeli military.

Green noted that, despite a blunderbuss operation last month that killed more than 270 Palestinians to rescue four Israeli hostages, the army is actually deeply indifferent to their fate.

He said he heard other soldiers stating:

“The hostages are dead, they don’t stand a chance, they have to be abandoned.”

Back in December, Israeli troops shot dead three hostages waving white flags. Reckless shooting into buildings poses the same threat to the lives of hostages as it does to Palestinian fighters and civilians.

Such indifference might also explain why the Israeli political and military leadership has been willing to conduct such a comprehensive bombing of buildings and tunnels in Gaza, risking the lives of the hostages as much as Palestinian civilians.

Culture of Violence

The story told by these soldiers in 972 should not surprise anyone – apart from those still desperately clinging to fairytales about Israel’s “most moral army in the world”.

In fact, an investigation by CNN on the weekend found that Israeli commanders identified by US officials as committing particularly heinous war crimes in the occupied West Bank over the past decade have been promoted to senior positions in the Israeli military. Their job includes training ground troops in Gaza and overseeing operations there.

A whistleblower from the Netzah Yehuda battalion who spoke to CNN said the commanders, drawn from Israel’s religious extremist ultra-Orthodox sector, stoked a culture of violence towards Palestinians, including vigilante-style attacks.

As the CNN investigation indicates, the wanton death and destruction in Gaza is very much a feature, not a bug.

For decades, the Israeli military has been implementing its inhumane policies towards Palestinians not just in the tiny enclave, but across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem too.

Israel has been suffocating Gaza with a siege for 17 years. And since 1967, it has been suffocating the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem with illegal settlements – many of them home to violent Jewish militias – to drive out the Palestinian population.

What is new is the intensity and scale of the death and destruction Israel has been allowed to inflict since 7 October. The gloves have come off, with the West’s approval.

Israel’s agenda – of leaving historic Palestine empty of Palestinians – has been advanced from an ultimate, distant goal to an urgent, immediate one.

Snake-like Politicians

Nonetheless, Israel’s much longer history of violence and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is about to come sharply into focus, despite the best efforts of Israel to keep our attention fixed on a Hamas “terrorism” threat.

The International Court of Justice in the Hague, often referred to as the World Court, is considering two cases against Israel. Best known is the one launched in January, putting Israel on trial for genocide.

But on Friday, the World Court is due to issue a ruling on an older case – one that predates 7 October. It will pronounce on whether Israel has broken international law by making the occupation of Palestine permanent.

While stopping the genocide in Gaza is more pressing, a ruling from the court recognising the illegal nature of Israel’s rule over Palestinians is equally important. It would give legal backing to what should be obvious: that a supposedly temporary military occupation long ago mutated into a permanent process of violent ethnic cleansing. 

Such a ruling would provide the context for understanding what Palestinians have been truly up against, while western capitals and western media have gaslit their publics year after year, decade after decade.

This week, Oxfam accused the new British government under Keir Starmer of “aiding and abetting” Israel’s war crimes by calling for a ceasefire from one side of its mouth while actively supplying Israel with weapons to continue the slaughter. The Labour government is also dragging its feet on restoring funding to UNRWA, best placed to address the famine in Gaza. 


Screenshot from The National

At Washington’s behest, Labour is seeking to block efforts by the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor to issue arrest warrants against Netanyahu and his defence minister, Yoav Gallant, for war crimes. And there are still no signs that Starmer has any plans to recognise Palestine as a state, thus putting a UK marker down against Israel’s ethnic cleansing programme.

Sadly, Starmer is typical of the West’s snake-like politicians: flaunting his outrage at Russia’s “depraved” attacks on children in Ukraine, while keeping silent on the even more depraved bombing and starvation of Gaza’s children.

He vows that his support for Ukrainians “won’t falter”. But his support for Palestinians in Gaza facing a genocide never even started.

The Palestinians of Gaza – and the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem – are not just up against a law-breaking, savage Israeli military. They are being betrayed each day afresh by a West that gives such barbarity its blessing.


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Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at

Featured image is from UNRWA


The Criminalization of International Law. Part I

“Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 04, 2024


The following text was first published February 9, 2024


Part II


The Criminalization of International Law


A “False Flag” Operation to Justify


The Israel-U.S. Genocide against the People of Palestine



Michel Chossudovsky


From the outset on October 7, 2023, “A Tissue of Lies” has served to justify the killings in the Gaza Strip of more than 30,000 civilians, of which 70% are women and children. The atrocities committed against the People of Palestine are beyond description. At the time of writing, at least 13,000 children have been killed:

That is one Palestinian child killed every 15 minutes… Thousands more are missing under the rubble, most of them are presumed dead.”


Military operations are invariably planned well in advance.

Had  Hamas’ “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” been a “surprise attack” as parroted by the media, Netanyahu’s “State of Readiness For War” could not have been spontaneously carried out (at short notice) on that same day, namely October 7, 2023. The “State of Readiness” etiquette (revealed on October 7) points to a carefully prepared plan. 

It is now well established that Israel’s Operation “State of Readiness for War” which consisted in “Wiping Gaza Off the Map” was carefully coordinated with U.S. military and intelligence. It is part of a broader joint Israel-U.S. military agenda.

Washington not only supports the Genocide, it oversees the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Although South Africa’s legal initiative was directed against the State of Israel, the conduct of the genocide is a joint Israel-U.S. project, with U.S. military and intelligence operatives collaborating directly with their Israeli counterparts. 

This collaboration is also supported by an extensive flow of military aid. 

The Criminalization of International Law 

What is at stake is the criminalization of the international judicial process. The ICJ not only refused to propose a “Cease Fire”, which was part of South Africa’s demand, its January 26, 2024 Judgment failed to question the role of the Netanyahu coalition government, which was largely responsible for the planning prior to October 7 of a comprehensive military agenda directed against Palestine, with the support of Washington.

Although the Republic of South Africa’s ICJ accusation was directed against the State of Israel, it is now confirmed, amply documented that the Genocide against the People of Palestine was a joint Israel-U.S. operation.

In this regard, the ICJ President Joan Donoghue — former Legal Advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the Obama administration– is in conflict of interest. The latter indelibly raises the issue of her Recusal.  (See:  Recusals of Arbitrators and Judges in International Courts and Tribunals, Chiara Giorgetti).

While Article 2 of the ICJ Statute (p.212) “provides that the court should be comprised of independent judges”, the practice of recusal of a judge, specifically with regard to the President of the ICJ is almost impossible. Nonetheless, the issue of “conflict of interest” must be raised. Judge Joan Donoghue takes her instructions from Washington.

“Escalate the Genocide”

The ICJ has granted Israel –with the full endorsement of the Biden Administration– with a de facto “green light” (carte blanche) to continue and “escalate the genocide”.

The ICJ’s January 26, 2024 Judgment has set in motion a new wave of atrocities directed against the People of Palestine. 

On that same day (January 26), Netanyahu confirmed that the genocide was ongoing and would continue.

“We will not compromise on anything less than total victory. That means eliminating Hamas, …” 

While rhetorical condemnations against Israel prevail, what the peace movement fails to acknowledge is that no legal obstruction or hindrance  was formulated  by the World Court in its January 26, 2024 Judgment.

The Occupied West Bank, Jewish Settlements in Gaza

Criminal acts are now being committed in the occupied West Bank, coupled with an increase in the deployment of IDF forces. 

In Gaza, IDF commanders have ordered soldiers to “Setting fire to homes belonging to non-combatant civilians, for the mere purpose of punishment”. 

Moreover, barely a few days after the January 26, ICJ Judgment, plans were announced to establish a cohesive network of Jewish settlements in Gaza.

Israel’s Plan: Mass Starvation

The Biden administration responding to Netanyahu has ordered to cut  funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is indelibly slated to result in famine and the total collapse of social services:

UNRWA provides food, shelter, health care, education … for the 5.7 million UNRWA-registered Palestinian refugees in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.  

The curtailment of UNRWA funding is an integral part of the Netanyahu government’s carefully designed project to trigger mass starvation throughout the Gaza Strip. 

“Gaza is experiencing mass starvation like no other in recent history. Before the outbreak of fighting in October, food security in Gaza was precarious, but very few children – less than 1% – suffered severe acute malnutrition, the most dangerous kind. Today, almost all Gazans, of any age, anywhere in the territory, are at risk.

There is no instance since the second world war in which an entire population has been reduced to extreme hunger and destitution with such speed. And there’s no case in which the international obligation to stop it has been so clear.” 

These facts underpinned South Africa’s recent case against Israel at the international court of justice. The international genocide convention, article 2c, prohibits “deliberately inflicting [on a group] conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. (Guardian)

Documentation of the Atrocities Committed against the People of Palestine

The atrocities are carefully documented in Sarah Abushaar’s courageous video production entitled 



“How much persecution and human cruelty Palestinians have suffered for generations — for the inalienable right to life.

Since israel’s establishment through the ethnic cleansing and massacre of Palestinians from Palestine — persisting in its massacre, mass expulsion, abduction, torture and terror of indigenous Palestinians.

The theft of land, life and human rights.

Israel’s unconscionable slaughter of 13,000 children, extermination of 30,000 civilians, destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system as it wounds 60,000 and mass starvation of 2.3 million, part of what it’s been committing on Palestinian life for decades – continuing its ongoing genocide now on hyperdrive.

Palestinians massacred and held hostage in the hundreds of thousands, terrorized in the millions under illegal siege, violent occupation and vicious apartheid. A person’s stance on Palestine says everything about their moral compass.

You are either for or against genocide. For or against ethnic cleansing. For or against violent illegal occupation and vicious apartheid.

For or against systems of supremacy – the persecution of human life.. the denial of millions of people their life, freedom, and fundamental human rights.

There is no middle ground. It’s not complicated. In the same way the Holocaust is not complicated. Slavery or Apartheid are not complicated.

But they persisted because of those who didn’t see.

There’s a horrific persecution and oppression that has lasted for 8 decades.

An oppressor and an oppressed. It’s impossible for human beings of conscience or morals to know the truth on Palestine and to uphold this for human life.

It goes against all law, morality and our very humanity.

What we condemn in history and in every other context, what’s been committed on Palestinian life for decades…

As with all systems built on human persecution and oppression, this will not survive. All the inhumanity in the world in this, Palestine is fighting for all of our humanity and for all the world’s justice.” (Sarah Abushaar)

“Secret Memorandum” to Commit Genocide

While earlier documents –which might reveal the detailed planning of Israel’s genocidal attack on the Gaza Strip, including those negotiated with the U.S.– remain classified, An official “secret” memorandum authored by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence was made public on October 13, 2023.

The authenticity and purpose of this report remain to be confirmed. It was released a week after October 7, 2023. It nonetheless confirms the military actions which are currently being implemented against the People of Palestine. Was it intended to be in the public domain? 

What the intelligence document recommends is:

“The forcible and permanent transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.2 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula”,

The 10-page document, dated Oct. 13, 2023 assesses three options regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip …

“It recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. …”

The document has been translated into English in full here.

The Israel’s Intelligence Memorandum

“… assesses three options regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip … It recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. …”

Click here to access complete document (10 pages).

Was It A False Flag Operation? 

“As a former intelligence officer, I find it impossible to believe that Israel did not have multiple informants inside Gaza as well as electronic listening devices all along the border wall which would have picked up movements of groups and vehicles.

In other words, the whole thing might be a tissue of lies as is often the case. (Philip Giraldi, October 2023)

U.S. intelligence say they weren’t aware of an impending Hamas attack.

“One would have to be almost hopelessly naïve to buy the corporate state media line that the Hamas invasion was an Israeli “intelligence failure”. Mossad is one of, if not the, most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet.”

Israel’s plan to wage an all out war against Palestine had been envisaged prior to the launching by Hamas of  “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”. 

This was not a failure of Israeli Intelligence, as conveyed by the media. Quite the opposite. 

Did Netanyahu and his vast military and intelligence apparatus (Mossad et al) have foreknowledge of the Al Aqsa Hamas attack. 

Revealed by the New York Times: 

“Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews  …  The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people. (emphasis added)

Screen Shot: New York Times

See also the analysis of Manlio Dinucci

According to the NYT, “Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings”. Nonsense. Israel’s intelligence apparatus was fully cognizant of what was going on, well in advance. It was part of their “False Flag” Agenda. 

Let us be under no illusions, Israel’s “false flag” operation is a complex military-intelligence undertaking, carefully planned, in liaison and  coordination with US intelligence and the Pentagon. Israel is a de facto member of NATO (with a special status) since 2004, involving active military and intelligence coordination as well as consultations pertaining to the occupied territories.

In this section we will provide evidence pertaining to the False Flag Operation waged by the Netanyahu government.

We will focus on the following topics: 

  1. The History of Israeli False Flags
  2. Corroborating Mea Culpa Statements by Netanyahu
  3. Testimonies by Members of Israel’s IDF 

1. The History of Israeli False Flags

Numerous Israeli False Flags have been carried out in the course of the last 25 years. They are on record: carefully documented. While they are of a criminal nature, resulting in the deaths of innocent Israelis, they have barely  been acknowledged by Western governments and the media. The historical record confirms that the intent of these false flags is to trigger Israeli deaths as a means to justify attacks against Palestinians. See below: 

“Green Light to Terror”

The late  Prof Tanya Reinhart confirmed the formulation in 1997 of a False Flag Agenda entitled “The Green Light to Terror” which consisted in promoting (engineering) suicide attacks against Israeli civilians, citing “the Bloodshed as a Justification” to wage war on Palestine: 

“…This is the “green light to terror” theme which the Military Intelligence (Ama”n) has been promoting since 1997, when its anti-Oslo line was consolidated. This theme was since repeated again and again by military circles, and eventually became the mantra of Israeli propaganda”

The 2001 “Justified Vengeance” Operation

Predicated on the implementation of A False Flag. 

The blueprint, titled “The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”, was presented to the Israeli government by chief of staff Shaul Mofaz, on July 8 [2001].

The assault would be launched, at the government’s discretion, after a big suicide bomb attack in Israel, causing widespread deaths and injuries, citing the bloodshed as justification.” (Tanya Reinhart, December 22, 2001)

It is worth noting that “Operation Justified Vengeance”: a Secret Plan to Destroy the Palestinian Authority was confirmed by Janes Foreign Report:

“…Israel’s invasion plan — reportedly dubbed Justified Vengeance — would be launched immediately following the next high-casualty suicide bombing, would last about a month and is expected to result in the death of hundreds of Israelis and thousands of Palestinians. (emphasis added)

Israeli False Flags, which consist in deliberately triggering Israeli casualties as a means to justify a broader attack against Palestine are DÉJÀ VU

I should mention that the October 7, 2023 “False Flag” is more sophisticated than those outlined above.

Israeli Casualties

Israel’s False Flag Operation is a criminal endeavor engineered by the Netanyahu government (with the support of its intelligence apparatus) against innocent Israeli men, women and children. 

Official Israeli IDF sources confirm 1,200 Israeli deaths of combatants and civilians (including “friendly fire” by the IDF). Approximately  50% of the casualties are Israeli civilians. 

In contrast, the number of deaths of Palestinians (at the time of writing) is of the order of 30,000 of which at least 10,000 are children. 

For further details and a Historical Review See:

Video: “Justified Vengeance” and The History of Israeli “False Flags”(2001-2024): Palestine Portrayed as “The Aggressor”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 07, 2024

2. Corroborating Statements by Netanyahu: “Money to a Faction within Hamas” As Part of an Intelligence Op?

It is worth noting that Netanyahu has acknowledged that Money had been Transferred to a pro-Israeli Intelligence Faction within Hamas:

“Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.” (Times of Israel, October 8, 2023 emphasis added)

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he [Netanyahu] told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”[Netanyahu] (Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

3. Testimonies by Members of Israel’s IDF

3.1  Efrat Fenigson, former IDF intelligence

“I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming.

A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this??

What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?

How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system.

To me this suprise attack seems like a planned operation. On all fronts. 

If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that this feels like the work of the Deep State.

It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold, once again, to the higher powers that be. 

(Statement by Efrat Fenigson, former IDF intelligence,  October 7, 2023, emphasis added)

3.2 Commander of the Kerem Shalom Battalion

“Something here doesn’t add up to me!!! This is a mystery that I can’t find an answer to.

I happen to know how things work in Gaza and on the border.

I was the commander of the Kerem Shalom sector (Rafih), I was in charge of the Kissuf sector, I know the perimeter fence very well, I know how the army works there. I was in the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza, I was in charge of the Jibaliya refugee camp, I would make ambushes on the fence and deep in the area. I met Gazans, ate and breathed Gaza.

The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it:

Set alerts according to 3 levels of pressure. She must alert when she is cut. There are 24/7 forces that are responsible for arriving within a few minutes, if not seconds, to the point where there is an alert in the fence.

Every day do at least one penetration practice. Each subdivision has a standby squad whose role is to increase the force in an emergency situation. Observations scattered along the border cover every inch of it. The female observers are champions in identification. They don’t miss. They detect movement even before it even approaches the obstacle – day and night.

At problematic points (dead areas) they place a tank with observation and detection capabilities, and a terrifying firepower. In some cases snipers are deployed in the field.

Every day before dawn there is a “dawn alert” procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night. Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.

So how the hell does a Palestinian tractor move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?

How did the tractor manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?

How did all this happen under our noses? Where did an entire division go? Where did 3 brigades go? 

Who swallowed 9 battalions? What happened to 36 companies? Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?

Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army? Where did thousands of soldiers go???

Someone here needs to provide explanations!!”

emphasis added

Statement of General Herzl Halevi, October 2023

Is Egypt Involved? Secret Bilateral Talks

The declared objective is to Wipe Gaza off the Map through mass killings and total destruction thereby creating conditions for the exclusion of Palestinians from their homeland: A ‘Second Nakba”.

The implementation of Netanyahu’s “War of Readiness” requires the support of Egypt with a view to triggering the exodus of Palestinians from Gaza to the Sinai, where the installation of extensive refugee camps is contemplated.

There is evidence of bilateral meetings between Cairo and Tel Aviv to that effect. The C Option Plan drafted by Israeli Intelligence (see above) states that “Egypt has an obligation under international law to allow the passage of the [Palestinian] population”. 

What is contemplated by the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence (Option C above) is: 

“the forced and permanent relocation of the entire Palestinian population of Gaza to Egypt’s Sinai desert peninsula” with tent refugee camps.” (See Manlio Dinucci)

The Plan includes a list of countries “which agree to absorb [The Palestinians ] as refugees”. 

Bilateral Israel-Egypt Intelligence Agreement?

In 2021-22, Egypt and Israel were involved in “secret bilateral talks” regarding “the extraction of natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip”.

The media reports point to “Egyptian Mediation”.

Were these negotiations  contingent upon Egypt playing a key role in establishing refugee camps in the Sinai, which would facilitate the mass deportation of Palestinians from Gaza.

It is worth noting that the Palestine Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas was also involved.

“Egypt succeeded in persuading Israel to start extracting natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip, after several months of secret bilateral talks.

This development … comes after years of Israeli objections to extract natural gas off the coast of Gaza on [alleged] security grounds, … 

British Gas (BG Group) has also been dealing with the Tel Aviv government.

What is significant is that the civilian arm of the Hamas Gaza government had been bypassed in regards to exploration and development rights over the gas fields:

The field, which lies about 30 kilometers (19 miles) west of the Gaza coast, was discovered in 2000 by British Gas (currently BG Group) and is estimated to contain more than 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

The official in the Egyptian intelligence service told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “An Egyptian economic and security delegation discussed with the Israeli side for several months the issue of allowing the extraction of natural gas off the coast of Gaza. …Al-Monitor, October 22, 2022

Was the issue of refugee camps in the Sinai Desert discussed behind closed doors?

It is worth noting that the agreement  with Egypt was reached one year prior to the onslaught of Israel’s Genocidal Attack against Gaza.

Look at the proposed Timeline: “Beginning of 2024”

Following the completion of the Israel-Egypt consultations pertaining to economic and security issues, A Memorandum of Understanding was signed, which had the rubber-stamp of the Palestinian National Authority (PA):

“The Egyptian [intelligence] official explained that Israel required the start of practical measures to extract gas from the Gaza fields at the beginning of 2024, to ensure its own security. (Al-Monitor, October 22, 2022


May the Truth Prevail in Reversing the Course of History.

Those Western Politicians Who Unequivocally Endorse The Atrocities Directed against the People of Palestine are Complicit in the Conduct of Crimes against Humanit

In Solidarity with the People of Palestine.

Based on the Nuremberg Charter, what is required is a grass-roots campaign encouraging: 

Israeli, American and NATO Combatants to “Disobey Unlawful Orders” and “Abandon the Battlefield” both in Israel as well as in ALL U.S.-NATO War Theaters. 

Abandoning the Battlefield as a Means to Criminalizing War is based on Principle IV of the Nuremberg Charter  which defines the responsibility of combatants “to refuse the orders of Government or a superior … “

For detail see: 

“Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 04, 2024

Michel Chossudovsky, February 7, 2024

Did the Dulles Brothers Seal Our Fate?

July 21st, 2024 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


Important article first published on May 22, 2024


The “Soviet Threat” which became Washington’s foreign policy mindset was a self-serving creation of Allen and John Foster Dulles. The consequences of their creation and its recreation by the US neoconservatives await us unaddressed.


Some years ago I reviewed Stephen Kinzer’s book, The Brothers, an extraordinary account of two men long serving at the top of the US government, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and CIA Director Allen Dulles.

Both were appointed to office by President Eisenhower. Allen Dulles was the Director of the CIA, and John Foster Dulles was the Secretary of State. The interests of the two men’s law firm became in effect the agenda of the government of the United States.

Both men used their power in service of their powerful law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell. Both are examples of the privatization of government to serve private interests. Foreign government that got in the way of their firm’s clients’ interests, they plotted to overthrow.

To justify their use of the US government in service to the clients of their law firm, the brothers invented the “communist threat of world subversion” and inaugurated the Cold War. The brothers came up with six monsters to destroy.

Image: Mohammad Mosaddegh in court, 8 November 1953 (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The first was the first democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammad Mossadegh, certainly no communist. Mossadegh’s offense was that he nationalized Iranian oil, thus angering the British government. He also angered the brothers. Sullivan & Cromwell’s client, the J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp, was the financial agent for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company on whose board Allen sat. The nationalization of Iranian oil also disrupted Foster’s activities in behalf of Chase Manhatten Bank.

Allen Dulles had negotiated for Sullivan & Cromwell’s client, Overseas Consultants Inc, an Iranian development plan from which the law firm and its client expected to earn massive profits together with an ideal base for John Foster Dulles to project American influence throughout Iran and the Middle East. But the Iranian legislature supported Mossadegh and vetoed the project.

Thus Mossadegh’s fate was sealed.

A narrative was created and opinion manipulated. Allen Dulles formed an overthrow team that paid US tax dollars to street thugs to attack the government, as the US did in the “Maidan revolution” in Ukraine. Foster Dulles created a propaganda campaign against Mossadegh presenting him as a weak leader about to be overthrown by Soviet agents. The story fed to President Eisenhower, Congress, and media was that Iran was in danger of being lost to expansionist communism.

It worked. This success of the brothers’ ability to easily manipulate the US government, parts of the Iranian population, and the insouciant American public gave us Iran’s enmity and the Cold War, which in its resurrected state after Reagan buried it threatens to bury us.

The brothers’ next target was Guatemala’s first democratically elected government. Guatemala, long ruled by Sullivan & Cromwell’s client, United Fruit Company, decided with its free election to take Guatemala’s rule out of the United Fruit Company’s hands. The new president, Jacobo Arbenz, nationalized fallow land held by United Fruit in order to put the resources in service to the country.

Image: Jacobo Arbenz (From the Public Domain)

This sealed Arbenz’s doom.

Arbenz said he was concerned with Guatemala, not with international ideological rivalries. His statement gave Foster Dulles the opportunity to create a new threat to America–“creeping neutralism”–later defined by George W. Bush as “you are with us or against us.”

Being against us, Arbenz was quickly turned into a communist by the brothers and the American media that the brothers easily controlled. Arbenz, a nationalist leader, was turned into a communist whose beachhead into the Americas would seal our doom. Eisenhower, Congress and the media bought the official narrative hook, line, and sinker.

Allen created a fake “liberation army” and a fake radio station to report non-existent advances in Guatemala’s liberation against the alleged communist regime of Arbenz. Allen used US planes to bomb Guatemala military bases to make the armed rebellion look real.

But it wasn’t working. Poor illiterate Guatemalans were not as insouciant as Americans. So the brothers got American Cardinal Francis Spellman, the most prominent Catholic prelate in the US, to issue a pastoral letter designed to portray a Guatemalan nationalist leader as a communist. Priests read Spellman’s letter to their congregations, and the newspapers carried it throughout the country. As Kinzer says, it is “a masterpiece of propaganda, steeped in the vocabulary of faith, fear, and patriotism.” Here is an opening paragraph:

“At this moment, we once again raise our voice to alert Catholics that the worst atheistic doctrine of all time–anti-Christian Communism–is continuing its brazen advance in our country, masquerading as a movement of social reform for the needy classes.”

The brothers having successfully destroyed Guatemalans belief in their protector against foreign interests, replaced the elected president they had successfully demonized with their man.

What Kinzer shows is that the long, expensive Cold War, both in terms of US money and US civil liberties, was the creation of two holders of powerful US government offices used in defense of their law firm’s clients.

The brothers set the pattern for the future. It has been eons since any US government policy served any public interest. What public interest is served by open borders, creating enemies out of Russia and China, demonizing white people, teaching white school children that they are racist, weaponizing law, offshoring high productivity jobs, creating endless money and financial bubbles? You can add to the list.

President Reagan succeeded in ending the Cold War despite the opposition of the CIA and the powerful military/security complex and the senators and representatives dependent on the military/security’s complex’s campaign donations. But the neoconservative dominated Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, and Biden regimes resurrected the Cold War which is warming into a hot stage in the Ukraine conflict.

Putin and Xi have been slow to understand the situation that they face. In their deluded thinking they believe they can negotiate a solution with the West or simply out wait the West. They do not understand that just as their national existence is an existential issue, for Washington its hegemony is an existential issue. Without hegemony Washington cannot pay its bills and control its Western empire.

As both the Russian and Chinese leaders are incapable of comprehending the reality that confronts them, the chance of avoiding a Third World War with nuclear weapons is not high.

Kinzer’s account of a Secretary of State, who used the fear of communism that he implanted as a cover for serving the interest of his law firm’s clients, and a CIA director, who not only used his office in defense of his law firm’s interests but to live an exciting James Bond life complete with endless women, demonstrates a US government captured by private interests. There is no “public sector.”

These two men using government to serve their interests created the Cold War that almost brought our end in the Cuban Missile Crisis and turned government into the service of private interests. Lincoln had turned domestic policy to the service of private interests, and the Dulles brothers turned foreign policy to the service of private interests.

President John F. Kennedy fired Allen Dulles for trying to sandbag him into supporting the CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion. It was probably Allen Dulles who plotted the assassination of President Kennedy, and it was Allen Dulles who was appointed to the Warren Commission to cover up Kennedy’s assassination.

Image: Hồ Chí Minh (From the Public Domain)

The Vietnamese nationalist Ho Chi Minh was the next on the list to be turned into a communist threat. Brandishing the “domino theory,” the brothers led us into the Vietnam war. The brothers extraordinary manipulative powers were again demonstrated, but they failed to dislodge Ho, and the brothers experienced the bitterness of defeat.

Their next plot was against President Sukarno of Indonesia, and it also ended in a mess.

The next was the prime minister of Congo, Patrice Lumumba. Again it was the Soviet threat narrative and a Soviet bridgehead in Africa. The CIA had Lumumba murdered in Katanga. Next was the long plot against Castro, elements of which were exposed by the Church Committee hearings in the 1970s.

The brothers were behind much more mischief. Allen created a 14,000 Tibetan army that was crushed by China. Tens of thousands of Tibetans were killed, and the Delai Lama had to flee Tibet. Allen declared his operation a success. It had baited the Chinese into repression and produced propagand value. Just as in Ukraine today, Washington paid thousands of other people’s lives for its propaganda posters.

The CIA had a hand in the Hungarian Revolution crushed by the Soviets. Frank Wisner, the CIA’s man who instigated the Hungarian uprising, never recovered from his realization that Washington never intended any help for the Hungarians. The intent was not Hungary’s freedom but anti-Soviet propaganda at the expense of Hungarian lives.

What began as the removal of obstacles to their law firm’s clients ended in an anti-communist crusade in which the brothers became believers of their own propaganda. Today the revival of this propaganda again positions Washington at sword’s point with Russia and China. Anti-Russian propaganda is so much a part of Washington’s consciousness that it appears to be embedded, continuing to cause foreign policy mistakes and overthrows of countries. Washington’s overthrow of Ukraine has led to an ever-widening war, the consequences of which remain to be seen. The legacy of the brothers might well be nuclear Armageddon.

The official narrative is that the brothers protected us from the Soviet threat. Others see it differently. Diego Rivera’s mural has John Foster Dulles in the center wearing a flak jacket and cruelly grinning. Allen Dulles is sneering with a satchel of dollars hanging from his waist. Eisenhower’s face decorates a bomb. Dead Guatemalan children lie at their feet.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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