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Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and General Dynamics, three of the five largest U.S. defense contractors, supported war crimes by selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and UAE-led coalition forces during the civil war in Yemen, seven Yemeni civilians alleged in a lawsuit.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Washington on March 2, also names Saudi Arabian and UAE officials for their alleged direct involvement, while including Pentagon officials, U.S. agency heads and industry CEOs for indirect participation.

The companies and their chief executives are named “because they are aiding and abetting the war crimes committed by the Saudi and UAE officials,” Terry Collingsworth, the lead lawyer for the seven plaintiffs and executive director of the International Rights Advocates policy group, told Military Times.

“We just have to really show that they knew or should have known — or recklessly disregarded — that the weapons that they were providing were causing civilian deaths,” he said.

Officials with Raytheon and the Defense Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The State Department press office and spokespersons for General Dynamics and Lockheed said they do not comment on ongoing legal cases.

The Yemeni civil war has served as a proxy war for competing interests in the Middle East since 2014, when Iranian-backed Houthi rebels took control of the government. Then, in March 2015, a coalition of Gulf states led by Saudi Arabia began a military campaign of airstrikes against the rebels with U.S. logistical and weapons support.

Nearly 15,000 civilians have been killed in direct military actions since the conflict began, according to the Campaign Against Arms Trade. Sixty percent of the deaths, the group said, have been the result of airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition.

The Government Accountability Office published a report in June 2022 that found the Pentagon administered at least $54.6 billion in military support to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi from 2015 to 2021. The State Department approved foreign military sales of equipment, including F-35 joint strike fighters, Patriot missiles and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense systems to Saudi Arabia and the UAE over the course of the same period, according to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency.

Defense Department officials told the GAO investigators that they “lacked guidance” for reporting any alleged incidents in which U.S. defense articles were used on civilian populations, the report said.

“[D]espite several reports that airstrikes and other attacks by Saudi Arabia and UAE have caused extensive civilian harm in Yemen, [DoD] has not reported and [the] State [Department] could not provide evidence that it investigated any incidents of potential unauthorized use of equipment transferred to Saudi Arabia or UAE,” the report stated.

A wedding and a funeral

The plaintiffs’ case revolve around two specific incidents in the Yemeni civil war.

On Oct. 7, 2015, a wedding was taking place in the village of Sanaban, a little more than 85 miles south of the capital city of Sana’a. At around 10 p.m., coalition aircraft reportedly launched two missiles toward the party, hitting a house and the tent where guests were gathered. The strike killed 49 people, including 13 women and 22 children, according to a report from the Legal Center for Right and Development.

The other attack in question occurred one year later — on Oct. 8, 2016 — in Yemen’s capital. Hundreds were gathered at the Great Hall of Sana’a City for the funeral of a tribal leader, when a Raytheon and Lockheed-made GBU-12 Paveway II 500-pound laser-guided bomb leveled the area, killing 140, according to a Human Rights Watch report.

Subsequent weapon identification was based on a “review of photos and footage of an intact guidance fin assembly with legible manufacturer’s markings,” the report stated.

“There’s no bringing back my family or the thousands of other lives lost to these horrors,” Ayman Mhamad Saleh Al-Sanabani, a plaintiff in the case who witnessed the wedding bombing, said in a statement. “But ensuring there are consequences for those committing and abetting war crimes is a necessary precedent.

“What we seek from this case is not just the necessary relief we need as a result of this devastating war, but also a line in the sand for international warmongers going forward that there is a price to pay if you kill innocent people.”

The incidents outlined in the complaint offer examples of the human cost of years of conflict that culminated in what the UN World Food Program called one of the “worst humanitarian crises” on the globe.

Torture Victim Protection Act

The Yemeni civilians’ lawsuit is being filed under the parameters of two U.S. laws, the Alien Tort Statute and Torture Victim Protection Act. The former allows plaintiffs to sue foreign individuals in U.S. courts who are directly responsible for war crimes and extrajudicial killings. The only issue, when using this framework, is convincing the courts that the case carries enough weight to be tried stateside.

The Torture Victim Protection Act allows anyone to be sued for extrajudicial killings or torture. However, the Supreme Court has stipulated that only individual persons can be sued under this framework, not companies. To work within those boundaries, the Yemeni lawsuit specifically named Riyadh and Abu Dhabi officials as well as the heads of the defense companies.

Collingsworth said the litigation is seeking to make a distinction in the goals of suing under each of the three statutes. Under the Administrative Procedure Act, the Yemeni civilians are seeking to obtain an order requiring the Pentagon and State Department to prevent the future use of U.S. weapons in the commission of war crimes.

Through the Alien Tort Statute and Torture Victim Protection Act, the civilians are seeking monetary damages to be paid by Saudi and Emirati officials, as well as the U.S. defense contractors.

“This is a challenging case, mainly because we are directly confronting, for lack of a better term, the military industrial complex,” Collingsworth said.

“I think most judges are going to be very afraid of issuing decisions that would somehow step into the dynamics of the … weapons supply relationships between the U.S., Saudi Arabia and UAE. But … we have to at least try.”


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Zamone “Z” Perez is a rapid response reporter and podcast producer at Defense News and Military Times. He previously worked at Foreign Policy and Ufahamu Africa. He is a graduate of Northwestern University, where he researched international ethics and atrocity prevention in his thesis. He can be found on Twitter @zamoneperez.

Featured image: Munition photo from lawsuit via Human Rights Watch (Source: Military Times)

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Thirty-five British parliamentarians have written to the US attorney general on the fourth anniversary of Julian Assange’s imprisonment to demand Washington drop its efforts to extradite him.

The MPs and lords from six parties stress that Mr Assange faces up to 175 years in a US jail “for his publishing work which was carried out in the United Kingdom and in partnership with globally leading news outlets.”

They warn that the extradition of an award-winning journalist and publisher “would have a chilling impact on journalism and set a dangerous precedent for other journalists and media organisations. It would also undermine the US’s reputation on freedom of expression and the rule of law.”

US Attorney General Merrick B Garland should end extradition proceedings and uphold the first amendment of the US constitution, which concerns the right to free speech, so that the WikiLeaks founder can return home to Australia.

Today marks the fourth anniversary of Mr Assange’s imprisonment in London’s Belmarsh prison. He was taken there after the Ecuadorean embassy, where he had been living in sanctuary since 2012 having been granted political asylum by the country, invited British police in to arrest him following the Lenin Moreno government’s reneging on the socialist principles of its predecessor.

The US authorities want to try Mr Assange under the Espionage Act for publishing classified material he was handed by whistleblowers.

Much of the material exposed war crimes, such as the massacre of Iraqi civilians by US attack helicopters or the number of Afghan civilians killed by US bombing.

Leeds East MP Richard Burgon, who organised the letter, said: “British parliamentarians are increasingly alarmed by the potential extradition of Julian Assange to the United States.

“Any extradition would, in effect, be putting press freedom on trial. It would set a dangerous precedent for journalists and publishers around the world.

“Four years on since Julian Assange was first detained in Belmarsh high-security prison, now is the right moment to draw a line under this outrageous prosecution initiated by the Trump administration [and] drop the charges.”

Signatories include former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, 14 Labour MPs, Tory MP David Davis, Green MP Caroline Lucas, Claudia Webbe, Plaid Cymru MP Liz Saville-Roberts, two SNP MPs and Kenny MacAskill from the Alba Party. It was also signed by cross-bench, Labour, Lib Dem and Tory peers.


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Featured image: Campaigners pressing for the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange take part in a demonstration during a Night Carnival in Parliament Square in London, February 11, 2023

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An Israeli-made spyware resembling the controversial Pegasus programme has been used to target journalists and opposition politicians in at least ten countries around the world, researchers have found.

The little-known Israeli vendor named QuaDream, which markets spyware under the name “Reign”, was established by a former Israeli military official and veterans of the NSO Group, the creator of Pegasus, cybersecurity researchers from Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto said on Tuesday.

According to the researchers, QuaDream prefers to keep a low profile and has largely avoided the limelight, in contrast with its competitor, Israel’s NSO Group. 

Unlike the NSO Group, which was blacklisted by the US in 2021 for its ties to illegal surveillance programmes, QuaDream has escaped scrutiny, until now. 

Reign’s “Premium Collection” capabilities included “real-time call recordings, camera activation – front and back,” and “microphone activation,” according to a company brochure uncovered by Citizen Lab.

QuaDream has sold its products to a range of government clients including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and Ghana, and has pitched its services to Indonesia and Morocco

As part of its strategy to avoid the pitfalls that the NSO Group faced, QuaDream operates with a minimal public presence, meaning no website, no media coverage, and no social media presence.

The attacks launched by QuaDream compromised phones running iOS 14, a state-of-the-art iPhone operating system, between 2020 and 2021.

The attacks were connected to calendar invitations and worked without user interaction, which is considered as a “zero click” attack. 

“The firm has common roots with NSO Group, as well as other companies in the Israeli commercial spyware industry, and the Israeli government’s own intelligence agencies,” Citizen Lab said.

Last year Reuters reported that NSO and Reign at one point both exploited the same iOS bug to hack into devices. 

Mounting legal woes

Israel has faced repeated criticism and diplomatic pressure over spyware and other cyber weapons being developed in the country.

Last month, the White House said that Pegasus has been used by governments “to facilitate repression and enable human rights abuses”.

In December 2022, ​​a prominent Bahraini activist and blogger, the UK-based dissident Yusuf al-Jamri, started legal action against the NSO Group over allegations that his phone was hacked with Pegasus.

Four other UK-based Arab dissidents have also taken legal action this year against the NSO Group, Saudi Arabia and the UAE over allegations that they were targeted with Pegasus. 

The Pegasus software has been used by governments, including Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, to illegally access the phone data of activists and journalists worldwide.

In 2021, Amnesty International obtained a leaked database of 50,000 phone numbers selected by NSO Group clients. The reporting revealed the widespread and international use of spyware to target politicians, activists and journalists.

The US Supreme Court in January allowed Meta Platforms Inc’s WhatsApp to pursue a lawsuit against NSO Group for exploiting a bug in the messaging app that installed spy software, enabling the surveillance of hundreds of people, including journalists, human rights activists, and dissidents.

WhatsApp – owned by Meta (formerly Facebook) – filed its lawsuit against the NSO Group in 2019, accusing the company of allegedly targeting its servers in California with malware to gain unauthorised access to approximately 1,400 mobile devices in violation of US state and federal law.

Last year, the Biden administration placed the NSO Group on an “Entity List” of companies considered to be engaged in activities contrary to US foreign policy and national security. The administration accused it of enabling “transnational repression” with its spyware.

NSO also faces a lawsuit from Apple, which claims the spyware maker violated US laws by breaking into the software installed on its iPhones.


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US Kicks Off Nuclear War Games

April 13th, 2023 by Kyle Anzalone

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The Pentagon will begin simulating a nuclear war, according to a Department of Defense press release. The war games come as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warns a civilization-ending war is closer than at any time in history. 

The military exercises, dubbed Global Thunder 23, will be conducted by Strategic Command (STRATCOM). American soldiers and bombers will be joined by allies in the war games. The STRATCOM press release said this year’s drills “will include an increase in bomber aircraft flights throughout the exercise.”

Global Thunder is an annual war game. The exercises are typically conducted at the end of the year. Last year, the Pentagon delayed Global Thunder until early 2023. Making this year’s iteration of Global Thunder the first since Russia invaded Ukraine. During Global Thunder 22, held in November 2021, US strategic bombers flew within 12.4 miles of the Russian border and simulated a nuclear attack. 

STRATCOM maintains the war games are “not in response to actions by any nation or other actors,” rather they are intended“to enhance nuclear readiness and ensure a safe, secure, and reliable strategic deterrence force.” 

However, an American military officer said in 2019 that training missions in Europe could be used to drop bombs. “It’s no longer just to go partner with our NATO allies, or to go over and have a visible presence of American air power,” Col. Michael Miller, 2nd Bomb Wing commander said. “That’s part of it, but we are also there to drop weapons if called to do so.”

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has warned that the proxy war between Washington and Moscow is pushing the world toward a nuclear conflict. “We are living in a time of unprecedented danger, and the Doomsday Clock time reflects that reality. 90 seconds to midnight is the closest the clock has ever been set to midnight, and it’s a decision our experts do not take lightly,” BAS president and CEO Rachel Bronson said in January. “The US government, its NATO allies and Ukraine have a multitude of channels for dialogue; we urge leaders to explore all of them to their fullest ability to turn back the clock.”


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

Featured image: B-52H Stratofortress takes off from Minot Air Force Base for Global Thunder 17 training exercise on October 30, 2016. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Once again, Haram Al Sharif, Al Aqsa Mosque, and the sublimely beautiful Dome of the Rock have become Ramadan flashpoints in the escalating conflict over possession of Palestine between Palestinians and Israelis. Brutal Israeli raids into the compound and Al Aqsa have soared tensions after more than a year of near constant Israeli military operations in occupied cities, towns and villages which killed 146 Palestinians in the West Bank in 2022 and at least 90 so far this year. As the overall figure stands at 222, the UN called last year the deadliest for Palestinians since 2005.

For Palestinians who cannot envisage an end to Israel’s occupation, repression and imposition of apartheid, resistance by any and all means seems to be their only way to respond. They face death by desperation.

The latest violent surge began in March last year when a Palestinian man killed four Israelis in a stabbing and car-ramming attack in the Israeli city of Beersheba. A week later a Palestinian shooter slew five in the ultra–Orthodox Jewish city of Bnei Brak. In early April a Palestinian gunman from the West Bank city of Jenin killed three Israelis and wounded a dozen in Tel Aviv. In May three Israelis were killed and several wounded when Palestinians wielding axes at the ultra-Orthodox city of Elad. 

Israel responded to each of these incidents with raids and crackdowns, focusing on the West Bank cities of Nablus and Jenin. In May, Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh wad shot dead while covering an Israeli army operation in Jenin. Her death was widely condemned as she held US as well as Palestinian citizenship and her death was seen internationally as an attack on the world press while covering the news.

Israel carried out more than 2,000 raids during 2022 when Israel had a mis-matched rotation coalition government headed for the first six months by right-wing ultra-nationalist Naftali Bennett and the subsequent six months by alleged “centrist” Yair Lapid. Bennett promoted Israel’s annexation of most of the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley, and rejected the emergence of a Palestinian state. Lapid favoured negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on the “two state” solution and called for annexation of large illegal Israeli colonies located on the old Green Line. To remain in power, this fragile coalition lashed out at Palestinians resisting the occupation. Despite its harsh treatment of Palestinians this coalition lost the October election.

The equally fragile, hard right, Jewish supremacist, ultra-religious coalition formed by Binyamin Netanyahu which took office in January has simply stepped up the raids, arrests, and killings prompting Palestinians to react by killing 19 Israelis and two foreign nationals. One commentator wrote that the ratio is five Palestinian deaths for each Israeli fatality.

Netanyahu’s sixth coalition rejects the creation of a Palestinian state and is determined to pursue creeping if not formal annexation of the West Bank. East Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan Heights have already been illegally annexed by Israel while Gaza is besieged and blockaded. 

However, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have not protested the new government’s Palestine policy but Netanyahu’s plan to overhaul the supreme court by ensuring that Knesset members are in the majority in the committee to appoint justices and the Knesset can overturn court rulings. Israeli opponents of this plan argue that such changes in the court would end its function as a check on the legislative and executive branches and put an end to Israeli “democracy”. 

While on trial for fraud, bribery and breach of trust, Netanyahu has jeopardised Israel’s “democracy” in order to attempt to escape prison. He has done this by recruiting hard-line ultra-nationalist and ultra-religious politicians attached to the “settler” lobby for this coalition, making it the most extreme in Israel’s 75-year history. To make matters worse, Netanyahu has made the extremists respectable and brought them into the mainstream of Israel’s rightward shift on the political spectrum. 

If he is convicted, he could be imprisoned for up to 10 years for bribery and a maximum of three years for fraud and breach of trust. He is Israel’s first sitting prime minister to be charged with a crime. He believes he enjoys impunity as long as he heads a government. For Netanyahu jail time would be the ultimate humiliation although dozens of Israeli national and local politicians have already faced criminal proceedings and imprisonment.

Likud predecessor Ehud Olmert was sentenced to 10 years for bribery and breach of trust but served only 18 months. Likud politician and ex-President Moshe Katsav was tried and sentenced to seven years in prison for abusing staff but served five. Both were out of office when incarcerated. Eleven ministers, 18 Knesset members, and two chief rabbis have been tried and served jail terms or given suspended sentences or fined. 

Netanyahu’s legal troubles mirror those of ex-US president Donald Trump. Netanyahu’s alleged crimes stem from personal greed and the desire to project a positive image of himself to Israeli voters. 

He is charged with accepting expensive presents, including jewellery, champagne and Cuban cigars from wealthy foreign friends and offering political favours to media owners in exchange for positive coverage of the Netanyahu family. He is also accused of securing legislation that gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the owner of a major telecom company in exchange for editorial control over coverage on the firm’s popular news website.

Like Trump, Netanyahu has denied the charges and has declared he is being prosecuted in a left-wing “witch hunt”. Israeli raids on Al Aqsa and the West Bank, strikes on Israel from Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria and Palestinian attacks on Israelis provide a distraction from Netanyahu’s legal perils as well as the mass demonstrations against his widely unpopular plan to overhaul the supreme court.

He counts on rallying Israelis to form a united front against foreign enemies. But this is unlikely to resolve his problems with court cases, the majority of Israelis who reject his plan for the Court and hate his coalition, Palestinians, Arab neighbours and global public opinion which has begun to recognise that Israel, particularly under Netanyahu, is a threat to regional security and global peace.


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The U.S. Senate repealing the 2002 Authorization for Military Force in Iraq was necessary and just. Still, that action should be viewed only as a first step in a national process of reckoning with and accounting for the consequences of the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Often identified as the worst foreign policy decision in United States history, the Iraq War was catastrophic for millions of Americans and Iraqis and cataclysmic for Iraqi society, regional stability and international law. The invasion and occupation are correctly acknowledged as a crime: a war commissioned on lies and a violation of the Nuremberg Principles. As men and women in military or federal government service at the time of the invasion, we’re compelled to remind others of the devastation this war has wrought to ensure that the US does not re-commit this sin.

The costs of the Iraq War are staggering. As veterans we know this all too well. Over 4,500 US servicemembers were killed and more than 30,000 wounded. At least 3,600 contractors lost their lives, all men and women who would have been wearing military uniforms in previous wars. Hundreds of thousands of veterans returned from Iraq and Afghanistan (for those who fought the war it is difficult to untie the two, as so many of us participated in both) physically and mentally destroyed. Suicide, as in all wars, looms large. Limited data by the Veterans Administration states that the suicide rates for Iraq veterans are four to 10 times higher than that of their civilian peers. This grim figure supports the age-old adage that only the dead have seen the end of war.

In the U.S., many Iraq veterans will tell you that they know more dead from suicide now than from combat.

The horrific cost to the Iraqi people is as hard to grasp as it is shameful to face. Credible estimates of the number of Iraqis killed since 2003 total one million. There is no known number of wounded; it must also total in the millions. The psychological scars run deep: More than half of the Iraqi population is believed to be living with PTSD and depression, while in 2021, nearly one in four Iraqis were refugees. For those of us who were there, these are some of the hardest memories to face.

As members of the military, our expectations of entering Iraq to help the people, or at least doing them no harm, as promised in the thankfully discredited doctrine of Counter Insurgency, were replaced with the visceral understanding that we were nothing more than agents of the war’s immoral and catastrophic provenance. While our experiences of the Iraq War vary, when taken together, the joint agreement that our willingness to serve our country was being used to conduct such unaccounted for and unjust harm to the Iraqi people defines our shared sense of betrayal.

A sentiment shared widely, as almost two-thirds of Iraq veterans believe the war was not worth fighting.

The signatories of this letter do not all share political or economic philosophies, but we are united in our astonishment at this war’s massive price tag. Invading Iraq cost the US $2 trillion directly. That’s nearly $9,000 for each taxpayer in the US. However, the Iraq War cannot be divorced from the Afghan War, the larger Global War on Terror or this century’s militarism, which has seen Pentagon spending balloon from $331 billion in 2001 to $858 billion today. Including future veterans’ care and interest payments, the long-term cost of these conflicts will total $8 trillion by 2050.

Dozens still perish every month in militant violence in Iraq in a seemingly unending war. VA hospitals in the US strain to keep up with a generation of shattered veterans. The war succeeded only in traumatizing millions; creating terror groups where there had been none; and instigating chaos and continual hostilities, while providing hundreds of billions of dollars to weapons manufacturers.

The Iraq War was based on lies that have brought unimaginable suffering to an entire nation and ongoing loss, grief and hardship to hundreds of thousands of American families. It was and is a great crime. And in our view, as men and women who participated in the war in one way or another, the greatest crime of all may be our nation’s inability to hold accountable those responsible for authorizing such atrocities and continuing to watch our government repeat its wars over and over again.

Repealing the AUMF recognizes the error of the war, but to acknowledge its true nature, we must go further. As veterans and former national security officials we call for criminal investigations of the authors of the Iraq War as the next steps in a national reckoning.

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Dennis Fritz, Director of the Eisenhower Media Network, is a former contract program manager for the Department of Defense’s Wounded Warrior Program; a Research Fellow in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; a Senior Enlisted Advisor to Commanders of Pacific Air Forces, NORAD, and the United States Space Command; and Command Chief Master Sergeant for Air Force Space Command.

Matthew Hoh is a Senior Fellow with the Center for International Policy and a member of the Eisenhower Media Network (EMN). He is a 100% disabled Marine combat veteran and, in 2009, he resigned his position with the State Department in Afghanistan in protest of the escalation of the war.

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson is distinguished adjunct professor of government and public policy at the College of William and Mary. Previously, during a 31-year career in the US army, served as chief of staff to US Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Coleen Rowley, a FBI special agent for almost 24 years, was legal counsel to the FBI Field Office in Minneapolis from 1990 to 2003. She came to national attention in June 2002, when she testified before Congress about serious lapses before 9/11 that helped account for the failure to prevent the attacks. She now writes and speaks on ethical decision-making and on balancing civil liberties with the need for effective investigation.

Ltc. (ret.) Karen U. Kwiatkowski is a retired U.S. Air Force officer whose assignments included duties as a Pentagon desk officer and various roles for the National Security Agency. She is known for her insider essays denouncing a corrupting political influence on military intelligence, especially leading up to the 2003 Iraq War. She is the author of two books Africa: African Crisis Response Initiative: Past Present and Future (2000) and Expeditionary Air Operations in Africa: Challenges and Solutions (2001) and has contributed to many others. She is a founding member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

Gregory A. Daddis is a professor in the history department at West Point. His latest book is “Westmoreland’s War: Reassessing American Strategy in Vietnam.”

Strokes Are Skyrocketing in Young People. Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Showed Safety Signals for Strokes as Early as November 2021, But These Were Ignored.

By Dr. William Makis, April 12, 2023

Joe recalled how he had to ask a teacher for help opening his locker because he physically couldn’t get this hand turn the lock. But Joe shrugged it off and went about his day. Then he started having problems walking during recess later that day. Joe said he would try to walk, but his leg wouldn’t move.

US Maternal Death Rates Up Sharply

By Dr. Peter McCullough, April 13, 2023

Modern obstetrical care in the US has had a major impact in reducing maternal death rates over several decades. Now there is reversal of these trends. From the start of the pandemic there have been reports with mixed results for mortality among pregnant women with COVID-19 infection and after COVID-19 vaccination.

History: Greater Serbia. A Western-backed Myth

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, April 12, 2023

Much space, time, and effort have been devoted to the recent history of West Balkans, and in particular in the latest political upheavals, about the alleged project of Greater Serbia especially by Western authors either academic scholars or journalists. The issue must be, however, considered together with its counterparts from Croatia (a Greater Croatia) and Albania (a Greater Albania).

Will It Never Stop? From Forever War to Eternal War

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“It is time,” President Biden announced in April 2021, “to end the forever war” that started with the invasion of Afghanistan soon after the tragic terror attacks on this country on September 11, 2001. Indeed, that August, amid chaos and disaster, the president did finally pull the last remaining U.S. forces out of that country.

U.K. Oncologist Warns Cancers Are Rapidly Developing Post-COVID Vaccination

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U.S. Intel Leak Reveals 50 Elite British Troops in Ukraine

By Phil Miller, April 12, 2023

Rishi Sunak has secretly deployed dozens of special operations forces (SOF) in Ukraine without telling parliament, leaked US intelligence files appear to show. Britain had 50 SOF personnel in the war zone last month according to a slide marked “secret” and “not releasable to foreign nationals”.

Kiev Losing Control of Its Own Intelligence Service

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The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) on Trial for War Crimes — Tony Blair’s Former Allies

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Every 11th Has Its 13th: Time to Dismantle Monroe Doctrine Politics

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Universities and the AUKUS Military-Industrial Complex

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 12, 2023

The AUKUS distraction could not have come at a better time.  The tertiary sector in Australia is becoming increasingly cadaverous, marked by cost-cutting, rampant casualisation and heavy teaching and workloads for those battling away in the pedagogical trenches.

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Efforts to Reduce Israeli Influence in Africa Continues

April 13th, 2023 by Abayomi Azikiwe

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As the Israeli government intensifies its efforts to win influence on the African continent and other geopolitical regions, several governments have responded by heightening their solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In South Africa, the National Assembly based in Cape Town voted in early March to further downgrade the diplomatic presence of Israel inside the country.

Since 2019 there has been no South African ambassador credentialed to its embassy in Tel Aviv. This measure stems directly from the failure of the Israeli government to negotiate a settlement to end the occupation of Palestine.

In fact, repressive policies against the Palestinians have worsened over the decades with massive bombing campaigns by the Israeli Air Force in Gaza killing thousands and displacing many more from their homes and refugee camps. Every year more Palestinian communities are being taken over by the Israelis through the building of settlements for Jewish households.

United States foreign policy towards Israel has not changed since the formation and recognition of the state 75 years ago. Billions of dollars in direct financial assistance along with trade, military and diplomatic support characterize the relations between Washington and Tel Aviv.  

The National Assembly in Cape Town is the highest legislative body in the Republic of South Africa which has nearly 60 million people. South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), has maintained fraternal relations with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) while endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns domestically and internationally which are geared towards the complete isolation of the racist apartheid regime in Tel Aviv.

The resolution to reduce Israeli diplomatic status in South Africa was introduced by Member of Parliament Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam of a small opposition grouping called the National Freedom Party (NFP) and was supported by the majority ANC. This parliamentary action is not binding legally although symbolically it reflects the mass sentiment throughout South Africa and the continent as whole which views the oppression of the Palestinians as a struggle against racism and colonial rule.

Emam said of the vote in favor of his resolution that:

“This is a moment Madiba [Nelson Mandela] would be proud of. He always said our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians. This resolution demands accountability from Israel. … As South Africans, we refuse to stand by while Apartheid is being perpetrated again.”

The Israeli Foreign Ministry responded rapidly to the South African parliamentary vote saying:

“The symbolic resolution taken yesterday (March 8) by the South African parliament calling for the downgrading of relations between South Africa and Israel is shameful and disgraceful. Even as a symbolic resolution, it does not contribute in the least to the promotion of any viable solution in the Middle East. At a time when many African and Muslim countries are strengthening and deepening ties with the State of Israel for the benefit of everyone’s common interests, it is unfortunate that South Africa continues to adhere to anachronism and the deterioration of relations, a move that will only harm South Africa itself and its standing.”

What the Israeli Foreign Ministry is referencing is the Abraham Accords, an initiative of Tel Aviv and Washington to undermine solidarity with the Palestinian people as well as those impacted by the military and economic policies of the Zionist regime. Several states among the Gulf monarchies, Egypt and Sudan in North Africa have normalized relations with Israel.

However, as these diplomatic maneuvers are ongoing, the repression against the Palestinians is resulting in brutality, imprisonment and death. In addition, there has been a series of aerial bombardments by Israeli fighter jets in Gaza along with neighboring Syria and Lebanon.

Israel and the African Union

During the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in February, the Israeli Foreign Ministry attempted another hostile disruption of the continental organization composed of 55 member-states representing 1.4 billion people. In 2021, the AU Commission Chair, Moussa Faki Mahamat, made a unilateral decision to grant Israel observer status within the body.

This move was roundly denounced by several African governments who are leading members of the AU. Algeria along with the South African government pointed to the illegal nature of the granting of observer status to Tel Aviv absent any discussion or debate in the AU Executive Council. At the following AU Summit, the decision was suspended and since 2021 the issue has not been debated publicly.

In 2021, South Africa described the surprising move as “unjust” and “shocking”. The Republic of Namibia, also in Southern Africa, said:

“granting observer status to an occupying power is contrary to the principles and objectives of the Constitutive Act of the African Union.” 

However, an Israeli diplomatic official entered the AU Headquarters in Ethiopia at the February summit and took a seat. The person was soon removed by the security personnel guarding the meeting.

The incident at the most recent AU Summit represents the renewed independent foreign policy orientation of the continent. Along with the attempts by Israel to gain greater diplomatic status within individual African states and the AU, the western imperialist paymasters to Tel Aviv are also canvassing the continent seeking to persuade governments and mass organizations to become sympathetic to the U.S. positions on Ukraine, Russia, China and Israel.

Several high-level officials, including Vice-President Kamala Harris, have visited African countries which are important strategic players in continental and international affairs. During these recent calls on the capitals of Zambia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Ghana, etc., spokespersons for the administration of President Joe Biden are careful not to criticize the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China directly. Comments related to the burgeoning global debt crisis occurring in a number of African states such as Egypt, Ghana and Zambia are framed to implicate Beijing and Moscow. Yet the major source of the world economic crisis is to be found in the geoeconomic policies emanating from Western Europe and North America.

Middle East Eye news website emphasized in relation to the ejection of Israeli officials from the AU Summit in Addis Ababa:

“An Israeli observer delegation was removed on Saturday (February 18) from the African Union summit being held in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. A video shared online showed Sharon Bar-Li, the deputy director of the African Division at the Israeli foreign ministry, being escorted out at the opening ceremony of the two-day convention. An AU official told AFP the individual who was ‘asked to leave’ was not invited to attend the meeting, with a non-transferable invitation only issued to Aleli Admasu, Israel’s ambassador to the African Union. Israeli newspaper Haaretz, citing unnamed diplomatic officials, said Bar-Li had the proper authorization to attend the summit and that discussions are being held to allow her to return.” 

Israel blamed South Africa and Algeria for engineering the removal of the diplomat from Tel Aviv at the AU gathering. The Israeli Foreign Ministry went as far as to say that Algeria and South Africa are controlled by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Such an absurd claim only highlights the failure of the regime to rationalize its presence in international forums within the Global South.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa dismissed the statements by Israel saying they are unsubstantiated. Such an allegation implies that African states do not have their own reasons for being opposed to colonial occupation.

South African demonstration in solidarity with Palestine

Africa has waged liberation struggles for many years for independence, unification and sovereignty. The alliance between the Palestinian national movement and the progressive forces in Africa are based upon mutual interests and concern for the emancipation of humanity from all forms of exploitation and oppression.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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US Maternal Death Rates Up Sharply

April 13th, 2023 by Dr. Peter McCullough

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Modern obstetrical care in the US has had a major impact in reducing maternal death rates over several decades. Now there is reversal of these trends. From the start of the pandemic there have been reports with mixed results for mortality among pregnant women with COVID-19 infection and after COVID-19 vaccination. Sadly, many women have had both exposures in 2021 and beyond.

The CDC reports that ~65% of women have taken a vaccine—most before conception and the remainder through the term of gestation. This occurred because the CDC advised that pregnant women take this risk with no assurances on the health of the mother or baby through pregnancy.

COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant people aged 18-49 years overall, by race and ethnicity, and date reported to CDC – Vaccine Safety Datalink,* United States, Accessed April 10, 2023

Now the CDC is reporting record maternal death rates in 2021 compared to prior decades and in the report by Hoyert et al, has shown a stepwise increase for death during or shortly after pregnancy. All groups are up but the worst is for African American women.

Hoyert, CDC, Maternal Mortality Rates in the United States, 2021

While lockdowns, reduced access to prenatal care, and a variety of factors could be related to maternal outcomes, the CDC report is willfully blind to major exposures 1) acute COVID-19 which could have played a role in 2020 and 2) COVID-19 vaccination which was prevalent in 65% of mothers in 2021. The CDC must open up all data on COVID-19 cases and vaccination to researchers for urgent epidemiologic evaluation of these disturbing trends. Death among pregnant women should be a top priority for public health researchers.

Women of childbearing age and pregnant women should refrain from COVID-19 vaccination given its pregnancy category X status and the absence of any assurances on short or long-term safety.


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COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant people aged 18-49 years overall, by race and ethnicity, and date reported to CDC – Vaccine Safety Datalink,* United States, April 10, 2023

Maternal Mortality Rates in the United States, 2021 Donna L. Hoyert, Ph.D., Division of Vital Statistics, Accessed April 10 2023

McCullough PA. COVID-19 Vaccines Remain Pregnancy Category X Products Should Never Have Been Administered in Pregnant Women and Those of Childbearing Age

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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History: Greater Serbia. A Western-backed Myth

April 12th, 2023 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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The Western-backed Myth of a Greater Serbia 

Much space, time, and effort have been devoted to the recent history of West Balkans, and in particular in the latest political upheavals, about the alleged project of Greater Serbia especially by Western authors either academic scholars or journalists.[i] The issue must be, however, considered together with its counterparts from Croatia (a Greater Croatia) and Albania (a Greater Albania).

Two focal questions arose here:

  1. Were all these projects serious and what was the origin of this maximalist concept of forming national states in the otherwise ethnically mixed area?
  2. Whose exact interests were involved and to which extent the interested was ready and capable of realizing such megalomaniac territorial ambitions?

I would argue here that these projects were designed (better to say dreamt), in fact, not in Belgrade, Zagreb, or Tirana, but rather somewhere else.

Of course, neither of the latter capitals would mind if somebody offered the “Greater Entity” on a tray.

But reasonable politicians normally take into account the price for such gains, which would be high indeed.

In fact, Serbia and Croatia did achieve the desired goals, but as collateral gains. Yugoslavia (official titles: the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) after WWI gathered together all (except those in Albania, and Romania) the Serbs living in South-East Europe.

But the state was devised after the wishes of the Slovenes and the Croats, as well as by the Serbs.

Similarly, Croatia obtained all desired regions from the former Yugoslavia during WWII, under the formal name of the Independent State of Croatia (the ISC)[ii], which was, in fact, a puppet state, under the patronage of Germany and Italy.

It was acquired in 1941 East Srem from present-day Serbia and the whole of Bosnia-Herzegovina. However, after the Italian capitulation in September 1943, it was given to the ISC by the Germans the Italian part of Dalmatia, the Italian Adriatic islands, and the Istrian Peninsula.

In a sense, this state had a formal ethnic justification, since the Croats constituted very simple, but not the absolute majority there (there are claims that a simple majority had the Serbs). The Croatian majority was further consolidated by the Croat claims that Bosnian-Herzegovinian Muslims were, in fact, the ethnolinguistic Croats.[iii]

Independent State of Croatia, 1941-43

An interesting episode in this context was the appearance of the book Greater Serbia,[iv] by a Serb historian Vladimir Ćorović, (needless to say he was a Dinaric Highlander from Mostar in Herzegovina). Despite the title, there is nothing about Greater Serbia in the book, which appears a concise, historiography account of the Serbian state, from the Nemanjić dynasty to the unification of the Yugoslav lands in 1918. But why he used such a title (A Greater Serbia. Unification)?

Was the project concealed in the very title, as a hint for others, to think on the subject (in a testimonial sense)? The author lived in Serbia (in Belgrade as a Professor and later the Rector of Belgrade University) after WWI and it was possibly meant as a memorandum for future generations, but we have no clear indications in the book itself. Nevertheless, the case illustrates how hot topics may be complex and vague, and if taken for granted, ideas may become the cause of conflicts. One may imagine an Albanian or Croat author quoting the book’s title as evidence for the Serbian territorial expansionism regardless of the fact that the book itself has absolutely nothing to do with a Greater Serbia.  

The case illustrates well the general symptom of “Serbing” (србовање) and Serb nationalism expounded by the Highlander Dinaric newcomers to Serbia from the South Slavic territories across the River Drina. The rationale for such inclination has been twofold: 

  1. They come from regions with a mixed population, where the nationalistic feelings are strong and serve as a dividing line between nationalities (which reduces, in fact, to the confessional divisions).
  2. When arriving in Serbia, “Serbing” has become an entrance ticket for those newcomers and it holds for politics, history, science, literature, etc.

In fact, Serbia and its history appear as the most frequent topic of Dinaric scholars, unlike the autochthonous cultural milieu, which is oriented towards more cosmopolitan subjects and the future.

We have to keep in mind that historically, Greater Serbia as a term is created and launched in political propaganda by the Austro-Hungarian and German authorities and their propaganda machinery for the very practical purpose to cover their own imperialistic aims in South-East Europe.[v]

Another political task was to prevent the liberation of Serbian people in the Balkans. However, some West European Great Powers of a liberal democratic orientation, like France and the UK, as well as have been against the liberation of the Serbs from the purely geopolitical standpoint of preventing the increase of Russian influence in the region and maintaining the system of status quo in the Balkans.[vi]

But the crucial point was that all of those West European imperialistic Great Powers have been both neither capable nor willing to make a focal distinction, that is a crucial point, between national patriotism and nationalistic imperialism, or between the state’s sponsored policy and individual policy of political groups and personalities.[vii]

All kinds of Serbophobes across the globe either in the past or today for the very purpose intentionally refuse to make a difference between the official policy of the state and individual or party statements or the political projects of private organizations, and political movements, which in some cases may be more or less irrational or/and irresponsible. A drastic example of the abuse of the liberation of Serbian people that are labeled by Western Serbophobes is the so-called Memorandum by the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts leaked to the public sphere in 1986 by the Yugoslav intelligence service. However, in this drafted and not finished document there is no single word demanding a kind of privileged position for either Serbia or the Serbian people in the Yugoslav (con)federation or calling for their political, economic, or other domination. However, everything was on the contrary way. The only thing that the 1986 Memorandum called for was full equality of all Yugoslav republics and nations.

In de facto confederal Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (the SFRY) the Serbian nation was disintegrated, and Serbian people were discriminated against and relegated to the underprivileged status.

Naturally, under such a political atmosphere the Serbian Question was developed into a democratic question as it was put on paper in the 1986 Memorandum, and since the destruction of the SFRY into a state’s issue, involving the right of a constituent people (nor republics!) to self-determination. The Serbs have been one of those constituent peoples (nations). All relevant political documents about the Serbian Question in the SFRY clearly make evidence that a Greater Serbia has never been the final or any aim of Serbia which only supported Serbian people in other the Yugoslav republics in their struggle for democratic rights on the territory where the Serbs have always lived as a majority of the population.[viii]

The term hegemony of Greater Serbia, used by all domestic and foreign Serbophobes, is a typical example of a geopolitically constructed stereotype or better to say, a stereotypical prejudice.

However, such prejudice is based neither on historical experience nor on reliable historical facts and archival sources. This myth about Greater Serbia and its hegemony is politically fostered by the members of certain political and nationalistic groups who, in the Goebbels’ manner by repeating it constantly simply want to impose it as an internationally recognized truth. Historically, the alleged fight against Greater Serbian hegemonism was and still is a very proper justification for the extermination of the Serbs as a nation, hanging them, executing them, and sending them to the concentration camps of death (for instance, to Jasenovac in Croatia during WWII)[ix] or for the NATO’s Alliance barbarian bombing of Serbia in 1999.[x] However, when NATO occupied South Serbia’s province of Kosovo-Metochia (KosMet) in June 1999 after the Kosovo War, immediately the process of the recreation of a Greater Albania, ethnically cleansed from all non-Albanians, started. 

A Greater Albania  

As for а Greater Albania, the idea came from the town of Prizren in KosMet (the so-called First Albanian Prizren League, 1878−1881), hence outside Albania.

The town of Prizren was mentioned in the 11th century when the fortress overlooking the town was constructed. It is located in Metochia (the western portion of KosMet). The town fell to the Bulgarians in 1204 and to the Serbs in 1282. The history of Prizren in the Middle Ages is closely linked to the Serbian King and Emperor Stefan Dušan the Almighty (1331‒1355) who held court there and build up the church later in the Ottoman time destroyed by the Muslim Albanians. In 1455, Prizren was occupied by the Ottoman Turks, and in 1570, it became the capital of the Ottoman sanjak (a mid-size administrative province).

A good portion of Prizren’s old town, with its traditional Serbian homes in the oriental style, was burned down by the Albanian mob in the summer of 1999, and much more was destroyed by the Muslim Albanians during the pogrom against the Serbs on March 17‒19th, 2004 under the very eyes of German troops from the Kosovo Force (the KFOR). The Serbian Orthodox seminary school likewise the nearby Serbian Orthodox Monastery of the Holy Archangel Michael has been burned to the ground by Albanians on March 17th, 2004.

Nevertheless, for Albanians, the town of Prizren is important mostly as it gave birth to the first program of the creation of Greater Albania in 1878.

On June 10th, 1878, Muslim delegates from the Ottoman Balkan provinces, among which the Albanians were in majority, assembled in Prizren to work out a common political platform for the purpose to counter the Russian-Ottoman Treaty of San Stefano (March 3rd, 1878) and the coming resolutions of the Congress of Berlin organized by the Great European Powers (June 10‒July 10th, 1878).

The Prizren meeting was organized under the umbrella of the Ottoman authorities. The newly formed Muslim Albanian (First) League of Prizren issued several resolutions on June 13th, 1878 announcing among other requirements the creation of united “Albanian” provinces within the Ottoman Empire – nothing else but, in fact, a Greater (Islamic) Albania in the Muslim Ottoman Empire. The resolutions were signed by 47 Muslim Albanian feudal lords on June 18th, 1878. According to this project, the whole KosMet, East Montenegro, parts of Greece, and the western portions of present-day the Republic of North Macedonia would join Albania into a single “Albanian” province.[xi] The original venue of the First Albanian League of Prizren is today commemorated by a museum in Prizren.

It is worth mentioning that according to the resolution by the Second Albanian League of Prizren in November 1943, the whole KosMet had to be included in post-WWII Greater Albania which at that time already existed as it was created by B. Mussolini in April 1941 with the capital in Tirana. After the occupation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia by the Axis forces in April 1941, KosMet was partitioned among the three victors: Germany, Bulgaria, and Italy. The northern portion of KosMet, including rich Trepča mines, was put under German control. Bulgaria received a small strip of territory in the southeast while the rest of KosMet, East Montenegro, and West North Macedonia were placed under the Italian occupation zone. In accordance with a decision taken by the German and the Italian ministers of foreign affairs in Vienna on April 21st, 1941, the Italian-occupied regions of KosMet were to be unified with Albania, Subsequently, in July 1941, the biggest part of KosMet found itself under a new civilian administration as part of pro-fascist Kingdom of Albania. 

From mid-1941 to September 1943, most of KosMet was administered from Tirana by a “Minister for Liberated Areas,” with the Italian troops ensuring the public order and ethnic cleansing of non-Albanians mainly the Serbs and Montenegrins. Indeed, around 100.000 ethnic Serbs and Montenegrins were forced to emigrate from KosMet during WWII following around at least 10.000 exterminated. Many of them were deported to a forced labor camp or to work in the Trepča mines. Only by April 1942, there were circa 70.000 Serbian refugees from KosMet registered in Belgrade.[xii] The Italian portion of occupied KosMet was put under the German administration after the capitulation of Italy in September 1943. The Germans established a notorious Skanderbeg SS Division, approved by A. Hitler himself in February 1944 as a volunteer military force composed of the Albanians from KosMet. The division numbered almost 7.000 men but it was quite enough to terrorize the local Serbian and Montenegrin population. The division is as well as responsible for the rounding up of 281 Jews, who became deported and sent to their deaths in the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen. The final activity of the Skanderbeg SS Division, before it was disbanded, was to assist the German troops in their withdrawal from KosMet in November 1944. Nevertheless, that was for the first time that the project of Greater Albania by the First Albanian League of Prizren became realized in the practice. 

Who Is Behind the Projects of Greater National States in the Balkans?          

Generally, all three “projects” (Greater Serbia/Albania/Croatia) originated from the regions of ethnically and religiously mixed populations. The centers for Greater Serbia projects should be searched at Knin (present-day Croatia), Pale (near Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina), and Priština (KosMet). For good reasons.

The Serbs living in Šumadija (Central Serbia), for instance, had no compelling reasons to fight for a Greater Serbia, as those Croats living in (Slavonian) Zagorje felt no need for a larger Croatia. Similarly, the Albanians in Albania had no particular need to join KosMet’s Albanians, in particular in view they were physically disconnected from the area across the massive mountains like Prokletije (the Accursed Mountains) separating Albania from Yugoslavia.[xiii] But those living outside the main body of their nations, mixed with the people of different religions, races, or cultures, felt it would be better for them to live in a common (national) state with their kinship people. And it was them who initiated the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (the SFRY) with exception of Slovenia, but this was a particular case of running away from a country facing unpredictable turmoil and disaster.[xiv]

The situation was a phantasmagorical one since the burden of the troublemakers was transferred from those retarded regions, populated by belligerent Highlanders, to the “mother” states. And the trick has proved very successful indeed. In order to detect the troublemakers, one first looked at the capitals of the existing states, Belgrade, and Zagreb (Tirana is still hardly suspected).  In Belgrade, it was Bosnian-Herzegovinian Vojislav Šešelj who stirred the interference into Croatia’s and Bosnia-Herzegovina’s affairs, not Slobodan Milošević (the President of Serbia of Montenegrin origin). Similarly, it was a Croat General Gojko Šušak, a minister of defense of F. Tuđman’s Republic of Croatia, a notorious Croat Nazi-Ustashi from West Herzegovina, who was the principal dog of war in Croatia. We still do not know many details concerning the links Tirana-Priština, but the rationale for the connection should not be much different from those mentioned above.

As we know, the project of Bosnian-Herzegovinian Serbs, led by Radovan Karadžić, has been to integrate Serb regions of Bosnia-Herzegovina into the unified Serbian national state. In such an enlarged state they would not feel like a national minority and would even be dominating the population, considering the difference in mentalities between Serbs from Serbia and trans-Drina Serbs (Transdrinariods). In order to prepare the fusion, R. Karadžić (born in Nikšić in Montenegro) initiated in 1993 together with a Bosnian-Herzegovinian leading Serb historian Milorad Ekmečić (who was at that time an emigrant in Serbia, and employed as the Professor of national history at the Belgrade University) the law passing from the local Bosnian-Herzegovinian, Ijekavian dialect to Serbia’s Ekavian one as an official standardized language of the Serbs from Bosnia-Herzegovina. The uniforms of the Army of Republika Srpska (in Bosnia-Herzegovina) have been a copy of traditional Serbia’s one, as used in WWI and abandoned in Tito’s Yugoslavia. The army, whose commanders used to be good J. B. Tito’s officers, that are atheists, became suddenly devoted Orthodox Christians and good members of the Serbian Orthodox Church with the HQ in Belgrade.

The overall strategy of the Transdrinariods has been standing on three pillars: 1. “Serbing”, 2. “Serbing” and 3. “Serbing”. It is this term which the political (sic) tool of those former ijekavians in Serbia (V. Šešelj’s radicals) keep on repeating like parrots: ”We Serbs”, ”Our Serbia”, etc.[xv] A Herzegovinian Vuk Drašković and his followers started with the same slogans but reversed the tactics when rupturing with V. Šešelj and adopted the politics of a moderate conservative nationalism.

As for a Montenegrin Highlander Slobodan Milošević, his principal concerns were staying in power, and all other issues were subordinated to this objective. He did not support the extremist politics of the Croatian and Bosnian-Herzegovinian Serbs, and at the end of the civil wars of 1991‒1995 adopted a critical attitude towards the maximal territorial demands of the local Serbian leaders over the River of Drina. When he was in a straight conflict with Bosnian Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić, there was even a feeling among some observers, particularly from abroad, that R. Karadžić was up to replacing S. Milošević as the “leader of all Serbs”. However, neither of them was pure Serb, but, in fact, the Montenegrin, but nobody cared.[xvi]


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[i] Regarding the question of a Greater Serbia project, see in [Vasilije Đ. Krestić, Marko Nedić (eds.), The Great Serbia. Truth, Blunders, Abuses, Papers presented at the International scientific meeting held in Belgrade from 24 to 26 October 2002 in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade: Чигоја штампа, 2003].

[ii] Better to say the Genocidal State of the Croats. However, the Croats became the most privileged nation in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia when it was created for them united administrative province under the name Banovina Hrvatska (Governorate of Croatia) in August 1939 in the form of a Greater Croatia. Regarding its inner policy, the ISC was independent what resulted in the barbaric extermination of up to one million of its citizens of whom the majority have been the Serbs (circa 700.000). The ISC lasted from April 10th, 1941 to May 15th, 1945 (up to a week after the German capitulation). It had 102,725 sq. km. in 1942 with 6,663,157 citizens. The ISC was internationally recognized by Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Japan, Spain, National China, Finland, Denmark, and Manchuria [Dr. Stjepan Srkulj, Dr. Josip Lučić, Hrvatska povijest u dvadeset pet karata. Prošireno i dopunjeno izdanje, Zagreb: Croatian Information Centre (Hrvatski informativni centar), 1996, p. 105].

[iii] As a high-rank Ustashi stated, the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Muslims (today Bosniaks) were “the Croatian flowers”. About Yugoslav Muslim Bosniaks, see in [Robert J. Donia, Islam under the Double Eagle: The Muslims of Bosnia and Hercegovina, 1878−1914, Boulder−New York: Columbia University Press, 1981; Robert J. Donia, John V.A. Fine, Jr, Bosnia and Hercegovina: A Tradition Betrayed, New York: Columbia University Press, 1994; Mark Pinson (ed.), The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina: Their Historic Development from the Middle Ages to the Dissolution of Yugoslavia, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 1996; Marko Attila Hoare, The Bosnian Muslims in the Second World War: A History, Oxford−New York: Oxford University Press, 2013].

[iv] Владимир Ћоровић, Велика Србија. Уједињење, Београд: Култура, 1990. Originally, the book was published in 1924. However, the second edition several years later had only a title: Unification as a term Greater Serbia was omitted.

[v] About the relations between Austria-Hungary and Serbia just before WWI, see in [Владимир Ћоровић, Односи између Србије и Аустро-Угарске у XX веку, Београд: Библиотека града Београда, 1992].

[vi] Михаило Марковић, „Патриотизам, национализам и великосрпство“, Vasilije Đ. Krestić, Marko Nedić (eds.), The Great Serbia. Truth, Blunders, Abuses, Papers presented at the International scientific meeting held in Belgrade from 24 to 26 October 2002 in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade: Чигоја штампа, 2003, 117−122.

[vii] Here, it has to be clarified the term nationalism. In principle, and historically, there are two different understandings of the term. First, in its extreme variant, it is understood as chauvinism or even as racism as it refuses to recognize the existence of some of the people or to establish political, economic, financial, cultural, etc dominance over them. However, on the other hand, nationalism is understood as a form of struggle for the liberation, affirmation or unification of certain ethnolinguistic groups. See more in [John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith (eds.), Nationalism, Oxford−New York: Oxford University Press, 1994]. In essence, the struggle for the liberation of ethnolinguistic compatriots cannot be labeled as nationalism in the context of the first meaning described above.    

[viii] About Yugoslavia, see in [Branko Petranović, Momčilo Zečević, Agonija dve Jugoslavije, Beograd: IKP Zaslon, 1991; John B. Allcock, Explaining Yugoslavia, New York: Columbia University Press, 2000].

[ix] About a genocide against the Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia during WWII, see in [НД Хрватска држава геноцида, Београд: Двери српске, Часопис за националну културу и друштвена питања, 2011].

[x] Vladimir Jovanović et al, Crime in War – Genocide in Peace: Consequence of NATO Bombing of Serbia, Belgrade: Službeni glasnik, 2012.

[xi] Петер Бартл, Албанци од Средњег века до данас, Београд: CLIO, 2001, 94−102.

[xii] Robert Elsie, Historical Dictionary of Kosova, Lanham, Maryland‒Toronto‒Oxford, 2004, 191.

[xiii] The Accursed Mountains is a geographical region – a range of peaks extending along the Albanian border with Montenegro and Serbia (KosMet), and westward into Albania, where they are known as the Albanian Alps. The highest peak of this range is in KosMet – Mt. Đeravica (2.656 m.).

[xiv] About the destruction of ex-Yugoslavia, see more in [Jelena Guskova, Istorija jugoslovenske krize 1990−2000, 1−2, Beograd: ИГАМ, 2003].

[xv] A similar rhetoric was used by Bosnian-Herzegovinian Transdrinariod Dr. Zoran Đinđić in Serbia who with his (quasi) Democratic Party fought to transform Serbia into the colony of the West. This political project was also supported by many of the trans-Drina Dinariods who have been living in Serbia after WWII. Most probably, Dr. Zoran Đinđić was like Dr. Vojislav Šešelj a part of the conspiracy against Serbia designed by the secret intelligence service of Bosnia-Herzegovina or/and Croatia. That Dr. Zoran Đinđić was a Western political marionette was clear even for some Western mass media, like for The Guardian. Most probably, he was the CIA’s agent. Anyway, for the West, the only acceptable borders of a puppet Serbia as a member of the EU and the NATO have been the borders of Serbia according to the Berlin Congress decisions in 1878, if not the borders of the Ottoman province of the Pashalik of Belgrade in 1803. The rest of Serbia’s territories have to be given to Serbia’s neighbors.  

[xvi] Slobodan Milošević (1941‒2006) was born in East Serbia’s town of Požarevac in a Montenegrin family from Montenegro. From 1960 to 1964 he studied at the Faculty of Law of Belgrade University and joined the Yugoslav communist party, rapidly rising in party’s pyramidal hierarchy. From 1973 to 1978, he was a director of Tehnogas and, from 1978 to 1983, a director of Beobanka. He became a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of Serbia’s branch of the Yugoslav Communist party (the Union of Yugoslav Communists) in 1982 and 1986 the President of Serbia’s communist party. He was elected for the President of the Republic of Serbia in 1990. He was murdered in the prison-room of the Hague Tribunal on March 11th, 2006 [Bernd J. Fišer (priredio), Balkanski diktatori: Diktatori i autoritarni vladari Jugoistočne Evrope, Beograd: IPS−IP Prosveta, 2009, 535]. About Slobodan Milošević and Serbia’s politics under his administration, see in [Robert Thomas, The Politics of Serbia in the 1990s, New York: Columbia University Press, 1999;Leonard Dž. Koen, „Miloševićeva diktatura: Institucionalizovanje vlasti i etnopopulizma u Srbiji“, Bernd J. Fišer (priredio), Balkanski diktatori: Diktatori i autoritarni vladari Jugoistočne Evrope, Beograd: IPS−IP Prosveta, 2009, 481−534].

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Will It Never Stop? From Forever War to Eternal War

April 12th, 2023 by Karen J. Greenberg

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“It is time,” President Biden announced in April 2021, “to end the forever war” that started with the invasion of Afghanistan soon after the tragic terror attacks on this country on September 11, 2001. Indeed, that August, amid chaos and disaster, the president did finally pull the last remaining U.S. forces out of that country.

A year and a half later, it’s worth reflecting on where the United States stands when it comes to both that forever war against terrorism and war generally. As it happens, the war on terror is anything but ended, even if it’s been overshadowed by the war in Ukraine and simmering conflicts around the globe, all too often involving the United States. In fact, it now seems as if this country is moving at breakneck speed out of the era of Forever War and into what might be thought of as the era of Eternal War.

Granted, it’s hard even to keep track of the potential powder kegs that seem all too ready to explode across the globe and are likely to involve the U.S. military in some fashion. Still, at this moment, perhaps it’s worth running through the most likely spots for future conflict.

Russia and China

In Ukraine, as each week passes, the United States only seems to ramp up its commitment to war with Russia, moving the slim line of proxy warfare ever closer to a head-to-head confrontation between the planet’s two great military powers. Although the plan to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia clearly remains in effect, once taboo forms of support for Ukraine have over time become more acceptable.

As of early March, the United States, one of more than 50 countries offering some form of support, had allocated aid to Ukraine on 33 separate occasions, amounting to more than $113 billion worth of humanitarian, military, and financial assistance. In the process, the Biden administration has agreed to provide increasingly lethal weaponry, including Bradley fighting vehicles, Patriot missile batteries, and Abrams tanks, while pressure for even more powerful weaponry like Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMs) and F-16s is only growing. As a recent Council on Foreign Relations report noted, Washington’s aid to Ukraine “far exceeds” that of any other country.

In recent weeks, the theater of tension with Russia has expanded beyond Ukraine, notably to the Arctic, where some experts see potential for direct conflict between Russia and the U.S., branding that region a “future flashpoint.” Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently raised the possibility of storing tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus, perhaps more of a taunt than a meaningful gesture, but nonetheless another point of tension between the two countries. 

Leaving Ukraine aside, China’s presence looms large when it comes to predictions of future war with Washington.  On more than one occasion, Biden has stated publicly that the United States would intervene if China were to launch an invasion of the island of Taiwan. Tellingly, efforts to fortify the U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific region have ratcheted up in recent months.

In February, for example, Washington unveiled plans to strengthen its military presence in the Philippines by occupying bases in the part of that country nearest to Taiwan. All too ominously, four-star Air Force General Mike Minihan went so far as to suggest that this country might soon be at war with China. “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me [we] will fight in 2025,” he wrote in a memo to the officers he commands in anticipation of a future Chinese move on Taiwan. He also outlined a series of aggressive tactics and weapons training maneuvers in preparation for that day. And the Marines have been outfitting three regiments for a possible future island campaign in the Pacific, while war-gaming such battles in Southern California.  

North Korea, Iran, and the War on Terror

North Korea and Iran are also perceived in Washington as simmering threats.

For months now, North Korea and the U.S. have been playing a game of nuclear chicken in parallel shows of missile strength and submarine maneuvers, including the North’s mid-March launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and, at least theoretically, reaching the U.S. mainland. In its leader Kim Jong-un’s words, it was intended to “strike fear into the enemies” of his country. In the last days of March, his military even launched a reputed underwater nuclear-capable drone, taking the confrontation one step further. Meanwhile, Washington has been intensifying its security commitments to South Korea and Japan, flexing its muscles in the region, and upping the ante with the biggest joint military drills involving the South Korean armed forces in years.

As for Iran, it’s increasingly cooperating with an embattled Russia when it comes both to sending drones there and receiving cyberweapons from that country. And since Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the JCPOA nuclear treaty with Iran in May 2018, tensions between Washington and Teheran have only intensified. International monitors have recently concluded that Iran may indeed be approaching the brink of being able to produce nuclear-grade enriched uranium. At the same time, Israel has been ramping up its threats to attack Iran and draw the United States into such a crisis.

Meanwhile, smaller conflicts are sizzling around the globe, many seemingly tempting Washington to engage more actively. On President Biden’s agenda in his recent meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for instance, was the possibility of deploying a Canadian-led multinational force to Haiti to help quell the devastating gang violence ravaging that country. “We believe that the situation on the ground will not improve without armed security assistance from international partners,” a National Security Council official told NPR’s Morning Edition ahead of the summit. Trudeau, however, backed away from accepting such a role. What Washington will now do — fearing a wave of new immigrants — remains to be seen.  

And don’t forget that the forever war on terror persists, even if in a somewhat different and more muted form.  Although the U.S. has left Afghanistan, for instance, it still retains the right to conduct “over the horizon” air strikes there. And to this day, it continues to launch targeted strikes against the al-Shabaab terror group in Somalia, even if in far lower numbers than during the Trump years when drone strikes reached an all-time high of more than 200. So far, the Biden administration has launched 29 such strikes in the last two years.

Image: US Joint Chiefs Chair, General Mark Milley (L) paid an unannounced visit to a US military base in Northeast Syria, March 3, 2023 (Source: Indian Punchline)

American drone attacks persist in Syria as well. Only recently, in retaliation for a drone attack against U.S. troops there that killed an American contractor and wounded another, as well as five soldiers, the Biden administration carried out strikes against Iranian-backed militias. According to National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby, President Biden has still not ruled out further retaliatory acts there. As he told Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation at the end of March, referring to ISIS in Syria, “We have under 1,000 troops [there] that are going after that network, which is, while greatly diminished, still viable, and still critical. So we’re going to stay at that task.”

Other than Syria and Iraq (where the U.S. still has 2,500 troops), the war on terror is now particularly focused on Africa. In the Sahel region, the swath of that continent just below the Sahara Desert, including Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Mauritania, and Sudan, among other countries, the legacies of past terrorism and the war in Ukraine have reportedly converged, creating devastatingly unstable and violent conditions, exacerbating what USAID official Robert Jenkins has called “decades of undelivered promises.”

As journalist Walter Pincus put it recently, “With little public notice, the two-decades-long U.S. war on terrorism continues in the Sahel.” According to the 2023 Global Index for Terrorism, that region is now the “epicenter of terrorism.” The largest U.S. presence in West Africa is in Niger, which, as Nick Turse reports, “hosts the largest and most expensive drone bases run by the U.S. military,” intended primarily to counter terrorist groups like Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State. Weapons from the war in Ukraine have found their way to such terrorist groups, while climate-change induced weather nightmares, deepening food insecurity, and ever more dislocated populations have led to an increasingly unstable situation in the region. Complicating things further, the Wagner group, the Russian mercenary paramilitary outfit, has been offering security assistance to countries in the Sahel, intensifying the potential for violence. U.S. military forces and bases in the region have grown apace as the war on terror in Africa intensifies.

Legislative Support for Eternal Warfare

Legislative moves in Congress unabashedly reflect this country’s pivot to Eternal War. Admittedly, the push for an ever-expanding battlefield didn’t start with the great-power conflicts leading today’s headlines. The 2001 congressional Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), which paved the way for the invasion of Afghanistan, gave the president essentially unlimited authority to take offensive action in the name of countering terrorism by not naming an enemy or providing any geographical or time limits. Since the fall of 2001, just as Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) predicted while casting the only vote against it, that AUMF has served as a presidential “blank check” when it comes to authorizing the use of force more or less anywhere.

Former State Department lawyer Brian Finucane has pointed out that the perpetuation of “much of the legal, institutional, and physical infrastructure that underpin this decades-long” war on terror is now being extended to the Sahel, no matter the predictable results. As Soufan Group terrorism expert Colin Clarke told me, “A global war on terrorism has never been winnable. Terrorism is a tactic. It can’t be fully defeated, just mitigated and managed.”

Nevertheless, the 2001 AUMF remains on the books, available to be tapped in ever-expansive ways globally. Only this month, Congress once again voted against its repeal.

Admittedly, the Senate did recently repeal the 1991 and 2002 authorizations for the use of force that undergirded the Iraq War of 1991 and the 2002 invasion of that country. Notably, a new amendment proposed by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to also create an AUMF against Iran-backed militias in the region was defeated. As recent military engagements in Syria have shown, new authorizations have proven unnecessary.

Congress seems to be seconding the move from Forever War to Eternal War without significant opposition. In fact, when it comes to funding such a future, its members have been all too enthusiastic. As potential future war scenarios have expanded, so has the Pentagon budget which has grown astronomically over the past two years. In December, President Biden signed the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, which granted the Pentagon an unprecedented $816.7 billion, 8% more than the year before (with Congress upping the White House’s suggested funding by $45 billion).

And the requests for the 2024 budget are now in. As Pentagon expert William Hartung reports, at $886 billion dollars, $69 billion more than this year’s budget, Congress is on a path to enacting “the first $1 trillion package ever,” a development he labels “madness.” “An open-ended strategy,” Hartung explains, “that seeks to develop capabilities to win a war with Russia or China, fight regional wars against Iran or North Korea, and sustain a global war on terror that includes operations in at least 85 countries is a recipe for endless conflict.”

Whatever Happened to the Idea of Peace?

When it comes to the war in Ukraine, there is a widely shared sense that it’s going to last and last — and last some more. Certain experts see nothing short of years of fighting still on the horizon, especially since there seems to be little appetite for peace among American officials.

While French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz have reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to consider peace talks, they seem to have few illusions about how long the war is likely to go on. For his part, Zelensky has made it clear that, when it comes to Russia, “there is nothing to talk about and nobody to talk about over there.” According to Alexander Gabuev, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the mood in both Moscow and Kyiv could be summed up as “give war a chance.”

With President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping. Photo: Sergei Karpukhin, TASS

China is, it seems, an outlier when it comes to accepting a long-term war in Ukraine. Even prior to his visit to Russia in late March, President Xi Jinping offered to broker a ceasefire, while releasing a position paper on the perils of continued warfare and what a negotiated peace might aim to secure, including supply-chain stability, nuclear power plant safety, and the easing of war-caused global humanitarian crises. Reportedly, the summit between Xi and Putin made little headway on any of this.

Here in the U.S., calls for peace talks have been minimal. Admittedly, last November, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley reportedly told the Economic Club of New York, “When there’s an opportunity to negotiate, when peace can be achieved, seize it. Seize the moment.” But there has been no obvious drive for diplomatic negotiations of any sort in Washington. In fact, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesperson, responded to President Xi’s proposal this way: “We don’t support calls for a ceasefire right now.” The Russians, he claimed, would take such an opportunity “to only further entrench their positions in Ukraine… [and] rebuild, refit, and refresh their forces so that they can restart attacks on Ukraine at a time of their choosing.”

Disturbingly, American calls for peace and diplomacy have tended to further embrace the ongoing war. The New York Times editorial board, while plugging future peace diplomacy, suggested that only continued warfare could get us to such a place: “[S]erious diplomacy has a chance only if Russia accepts that it cannot bring Ukraine to its knees. And for that to happen, the United States and its allies cannot waver in their support [of Ukraine].” More war and nothing else, the argument goes, will bring peace. The pressure to provide ever more powerful weapons to Ukraine remains constant on both sides of the aisle. As Robert Wicker, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee put it, “[T]his approach of ‘more, better, faster’ would give the Ukrainians a real shot at victory.”

Whether in Ukraine, in the brewing tensions of what’s being called a “new cold war” in Asia, or in this country’s never-ending version of the war on terror, we now live in a world where war is ever more accepted as a permanent condition.  On the legal, legislative, and military fronts, it has become a mainstay for what passes as national security activity. Some of this, as many critics contend, is driven by economic incentives like lining the pockets of the giant weapons-making corporations to the tune of multibillions of dollars annually; some by what passes for ideological fervor with democracy pitched against autocracy; some by the seemingly never-ending legacy of the war on terror.

Sadly enough, all of this prioritizes killing and destruction over life and true security. In none of it do our leaders seem to be able to imagine reaching any kind of peace without yet more weapons, more violence, more conflicts, and more death.

Who even remembers when the First World War was known as “the war to end all wars”? Sadly, it seems that the era of Eternal War is now upon us. We should at least acknowledge that reality.


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Karen J. Greenberg, a TomDispatch regular, is the director of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law. Her most recent book is Subtle Tools: The Dismantling of American Democracy from the War on Terror to Donald Trump, now out in paperback. Kevin Ruane and Claudia Bennett contributed research for this article.

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Dear President Biden, 

I imagine your focus will rightly be on the 3,500 people who died during decades of violence in Northern Ireland as you visit Ireland to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that a tenth of that number, 346 people, were criminally killed by American company Boeing — not over decades, but in a short five-month period in 2018-19. My husband was one of them.

In both cases, many of the families of the dead are still looking for justice. But, whereas in the past, many politicians in the North were prevented from even talking to the media, Boeing executives walk the streets freely. Former Boeing CEO, Denis Muilenberg, even got paid a $80 million (€73m) severance package when he was fired from Boeing after the two crashes.    

I wrote to the Tánaiste Michéal Martin to request a very short meeting/call with you to discuss a matter of great importance, and one you will keenly understand due to your own personal loss in the past, the death of my spouse, Mick, at the hands of the Boeing Company.    

In fact, I was only looking for six minutes of your time. This is how long it took for a Boeing 737 Max plane to crash after take-off in Addis Ababa, Ethopia, killing all 157 passengers on board. I understand you have a packed schedule on this trip, so I thought that if you don’t have six minutes perhaps you could spare two minutes to read this.    

I would have preferred to do this in person, but I would still like you to read about my late husband, Mick Ryan, who was the Deputy Chief Engineer for the United Nations World Food Programme. He worked in some of the most dangerous countries in the world, bringing aid to those most in need. 

He worked in places such as Afghanistan and Liberia during the Ebola outbreak, but it was his work in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, during the Rohingya refugee crisis where all his abilities and skills were really put to the test. Mick had the vision to understand the risks faced by the refugees and how engineering lay at the heart of the solution. 

Mick also had the leadership skills to navigate his way through an array of impediments, uniting three of the largest UN agencies into one platform in a race against time to save lives.  He saw the good in everyone and was able to cut through the bureaucracy to bring people together for those who needed the most help. His motto was to set egos aside, see the good in each other and work together.    

President Biden, I would like you to read of our ongoing battle for justice and how a secret sweetheart deal during the final two weeks of the Trump administration inflicted further pain and suffering on victims’ families, including mine. I want to let you know that some relatives have refused to accept the “blood money” from this secret deal (Deferred Prosecution Agreement – DPA) and we are continuing our fight for justice in the courts.

In October last year, the US district court agreed that we were crime victims under the Crime Victims Rights Act (CVRA) and that the US Department of Justice should meet and confer with us.

The US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, should treat us in this case as he once treated the victims and families of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in which 168 people were killed. He worked very hard to protect their rights. In fact, as lead prosecutor in the case, his handling of the case was described as ‘flawless’. He made time and space for the families and victims, often reaching out to them personally.

So what has changed since then? And why have the tables turned in the Justice Department to work against victims’ rights, instead giving preferential treatment to the criminals?  

Even though US district court judge Reed O’Connor said Boeing had committed “the deadliest corporate crime in US history”, he said he was unable to ensure justice for the victims. Boeing pleaded not guilty last February to a charge of defrauding the US to get regulators to approve the safety of its Max 737 jet, although they earlier accepted full liability.

I, therefore, want to make a direct request to you, President Biden, to ask for your support to help us to lift a sealing order in our civil cases which prevents us from sharing critical evidence with the US Department of Justice that clearly shows the former and current CEOs of Boeing knew the planes  were unsafe prior to the two crashes.

The Deferred Prosecution Agreement prepared by the Department of Justice and agreed with Boeing gives Boeing executives immunity from prosecution. So even though the Department of Justice told us when we met with them in Washington last November that if we have any new information we should come forward and share it with them, we are prevented from doing so because of this sealing order.

Judge O’Connor’s decision not to reopen a plea deal that allows Boeing executives go free is now being appealed to the fifth circuit court. The families are unified in their commitment to pursue justice at all costs and will continue to fight to have the deal struck down, to have our rights as crime victims under US law properly recognised, and to seek justice for our loved ones.

Help us to bring transparency and accountability to this case by helping us to lift this sealing order. Help make public the quarterly reports Boeing has to file with the Department of Justice under the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.

Just like the families and victims in the North and those of the Oklahoma City bombing, we want the truth, justice and accountability. We know this is something that the US and, in particular General Garland, can deliver if the will is there. Mick and the 345 other passengers deserve this, but we need your help. The question is, are you willing to help us?    


Naoise Connolly Ryan (widow of Mick Ryan)


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Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practising in the UK, recently wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal that harmful effects of Covid injections be “aired and debated immediately” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people.

Dr. Dalgleish is a Professor of Oncology at St George’s, University of London.  His letter to Dr. Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the BMJ, was written in support of a colleague’s plea to Dr. Abbasi that the BMJ make valid informed consent for Covid vaccination a priority topic.

Read Prof. Dalgleish’s letter below:

Dear Kamran Abbasi,

Covid no longer needs a vaccine programme given the average age of death of Covid in the UK is 82 and from all other causes is 81 and falling.

The link with clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy. (We predicted these side effects in our June 2020 QRBD article Sorensen et al. 2020, as the blast analysis revealed 79% homologies to human epitopes, especially PF4 and myelin.)

However, there is now another reason to halt all vaccine programmes. As a practising oncologist I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.

Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster – one developing leukaemia, two work colleagues Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder.

I am experienced enough to know that these are not the coincidental anecdotes that many suggest, especially as the same pattern is being seen in Germany, Australia and the USA.

The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would fit, as all these patients to date have melanoma or B cell based cancers, which are very susceptible to immune control – and that is before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments.

This must be aired and debated immediately.

Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci

Further reading:

B Cell-Mediated Disease

In his letter, Prof. Dalgleish refers to B cell-based diseases and cancers.  According to the British Society for Immunology, B cells play an important role in regulating the immune response and dysregulation of B-cell function can lead to severe consequences for the host.  Such as:

  • Cancer
  • Autoimmunity
  • Non-autoimmune inflammatory disease
  • Transplantation, chronic graft-versus-host diseases
  • Spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

No More Boosters*

Treating cancer patients at the frontline, Prof. Dalgleish is shocked and dismayed by what he is seeing– and not just in his patients but in relatives and friends too. This includes rapidly growing and fulminating cancers, recurrences among people long cured or in remission from their cancers which, in some instances, had been gone 25 years or more. These cancers are occurring among vaccinated individuals, and in Prof. Dalgleish’s opinion are being triggered by booster injections.  In an interview with Dr. Tess Lawrie yesterday on Tess Talks, Prof. Dalgleish discussed this and what he is witnessing in his patients, family and friends.  He also discussed:

  • The role of cheap, established and generic medicines in treating cancer, and how these are being suppressed.
  • How people who have been in remission for years are now starting to relapse after receiving a Covid injection booster and why this is happening.
  • How Professor Dalgleish’s previous HIV research informed his understanding that the Covid injections were going to cause clotting and neurological issues.
  • That he and his colleague raised the alarm, submitting their findings to the UK Cabinet, and no appropriate action has been taken.

Below is his Tess Talks interview on Rumble.  For those who are unable to access Rumble you can watch the video on Dr. Lawrie’s Substack HERE.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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As workers prepare for a long drawn struggle, John Mullen argues now is the time to call for a general strike.


The 11th day of action to defend pensions and oppose Macron, Thursday 6 April, again saw millions on the street, and hundreds of thousands on strike, in a joyful festival atmosphere. This despite  police repression, and despite the refusal of national union leaderships either to organize an indefinite general strike or to give any real support to the more radical sections of workers, such as the oil refinery workers blockading oil depots with mass pickets (meanwhile the government  sends in riot police and requisitions some workers to force them to go to work).

Conflict at a plateau

Thursday’s day of action attracted fewer protestors, but still millions, in 370 demonstrations across France. Bosses’ representatives were complaining this week that each day of action “costs a billion and a half euros”. In Italy and in Belgium there have been some solidarity strikes. Young people are far more in evidence at the demonstrations this week, hundreds of high schools and dozens of universities are regularly blockaded, and the slogans are more radical than before. Thursday, hundreds of young people in Paris were chanting “we are young, fired up, and revolutionary” while a barricaded high school in the centre of France resounded to the chant “Down with the state, the cops, and the fascists!” In Paris last week, a bemused Norwegian pop singer, Girl in Red, cutely asked her concert audience to teach her a little French.

The hall erupted with chants of “Macron, démission!” – “ Macron, resign!”.

There are ongoing strikes in oil, air transport, docks  and energy, although refuse collectors and several key rail depots have suspended strike action, feeling isolated, after three or four weeks striking. And every day there are local demonstrations or motorways or wholesale centres blockaded. A few days ago over a thousand students at the university of Tolbiac in Paris were debating the way forward together.

The conflict with Macron is at a plateau. Neither side is prepared to give in, and the movement is neither accelerating nor collapsing. As the revolt continues, considering political strategy is essential. How are the Left organizations doing, faced with a huge and very popular revolt, and a national union leadership strategy which is unable to win ?

Left organizations put to the test

A historic social explosion is always a test for any Left organization. In this article I want to briefly evaluate the different wings of the French Left in the crisis. This is a delicate exercise. Many thousands of activists in all the Left parties (and many non-party people) have been doing excellent work organizing strikes and protests, leafleting and caucusing, encouraging creativity and rebellion. Most of them have done more than I have, so I do not want to appear as a red  professor giving them marks out of ten. But we need to win, this battle and many more, to defend ourselves and eventually to get rid of capitalism, so strategies must be understood and criticized openly.

The political landscape in France today has been formed by decades of neoliberalism and the powerful fightback against it. In 1995, in 2006 and in 2019, huge strike movements were successful in winning defensive battles against pension attacks, or against attacks on workers’ labour contract conditions. In 2003, 2010 and 2016, massive movements were defeated by the government and laws implemented to reduce pensions, and to make it much easier to sack workers.

There are two key points here. One is that all these struggles, like the one going on right now, are defensive struggles, to stop the neoliberals taking stuff away from us. They are inspiring, but nevertheless they are defensive. Secondly, they involve a high level of political class consciousness. Millions of older workers went on strike and protested in 2006, when the government threatened a worse work contract for employees under 26. Millions of workers not affected personally by the present Macron attack on pensions  are enthusiastically taking part in the movement anyway. The idea that “an injury to one is an injury to all” and the understanding that if they beat us in this battle they will be all the stronger for the next is extremely widespread.

Finally, we need to understand that even when the explosive movements lost on their immediate defensive demands, governments were generally obliged to shelve a whole series of other attacks they had been planning (as this month they have shelved a racist immigration law, and also suspended a plan to reintroduce 2 weeks of national military service for all young people).

After the Socialist Party destroyed itself

It is this energetic class struggle which has formed the political landscape today. The Socialist Party  was electorally destroyed after the Socialist government introduced new labour laws in 2016, smashing national union agreements, reducing payment for overtime etc. In the 2022 elections the party got 32 Members of Parliament  – ten times fewer than in 2012 !

But the millions of people involved in the mass movements I have mentioned, sometimes victorious, sometimes defeated, were looking for a political expression to their opposition to neoliberalism.

People were looking for a radical Left insurgent option, and that is what made the France Insoumise (France in Revolt) possible. If you imagine that, in Britain, Jeremy Corbyn had left the Labour Party and built a radical Left alternative, which then went on to get seven million votes, that is the France Insoumise.

The France Insoumise calls for “a citizens’ revolution”, which is meant to happen by sweeping away the presidentialist fifth republic and putting a sixth republic in its place, while defending a very radical programme. Retirement at 60, a turn to 100% renewable energy 100% organic farming, a big rise in the minimum wage, a billion euros for measures to fight violence against women, and so on.

The FI movement and its 74 MPs have been playing a positive role in the present revolt. When Prime Minister Borne announced that the attack on pensions would be forced through by decree, all the  FI MPs held up signs for the cameras “See you in the streets !”.  When the national union leaders called a day of action ten long days after the previous one, the FI called for rallies in front of all the regional government headquarters between the two days of action. The FI’s strike fund has raised 900 000 euros. And this week, FI leader Melenchon is being taken to court by the Paris chief of police for “insulting the police”. He had declared that one particularly violent police squad should be dissolved and the “young men should be sent off for psychological help” because “Normal folk don’t volunteer to get on a motorcycle and beat people with batons as they pass by”. These few symbolic examples show the radicalism of the FI.

It is unsurprising that Macron is launching a major campaign against the France Insoumise. He accuses it of “wanting to delegitimize our institutions”. His hardline interior minister Gérard Darmanin  is denouncing the “intellectual terrrorism” of the radical left. The entire left must be ready to  defend the FI against right-wing attacks, whatever other disagreements subsist.

There is still much missing, however, in the FI approach. In many ways a traditional reformist organization, seeing parliament at the centre of its medium-term strategy, the organization accepts a “division of labour” by means of which it is the role of union leaderships to run the strike movement, and political parties should stay out of debates about strategy. This is disastrous when the union leadership’s strategy is so woefully inadequate. In addition, many among the FI leadership are keen to win this battle so that political life gets “back to normal” and politics resumes through traditional channels. We Marxists, in contrast, are hoping that this battle will build up consciousness and organization which will make our class refuse to go “back to normal” political life, but rather start exploring how capitalism can be overthrown.

The rise of the France Insoumise and its successful occupation of the radical Left space has left the French Communist Party squeezed out. It still has 50,000 members, of which nearly a third are elected local or regional councillors, and it has twelve members of parliament. Under its leader Fabien Roussel, it is trying to occupy a space clearly to the right of the France Insoumise, to capture some of the people the Parti Socialiste lost but who were not tempted by Macronism, or even some of the far right voters. Roussel has shown this by declaring his support for nuclear power, by attending rallies organized by hard right police trade unions, and, right now, by prioritizing the campaign for a referendum on the pensions law (a process which would take months and require almost five million signatures).

The revolutionary approach

What, then, of the revolutionary left?  In France, there are three revolutionary organizations  with a couple of thousand of members each, one with about a thousand, and four with a couple of hundred each. One or two of these last operate inside France Insoumise networks, since the FI is an extremely loose organization. Some of the most radical actions, such as taking busloads of students to join mass pickets at the oil refineries, or organizing regular grassroots inter union meetings, have been initiated by revolutionaries. And some of the most important questions: how to move from a powerful defensive movement to an offensive against neoliberalism and capitalism, are put forward by Marxists.

Yet there is a crucial lack. There is no organization setting up public meetings in every town entitled “General Strike: Why and How?” There is no organization calling rallies in front of the regular meetings of the national union leaderships, pushing them to call a real general strike. Most revolutionaries are following a strategy of “pushing the movement forward as far as possible”.  This is obviously essential, but leaves the general strategy in the hands of union leaderships. A clear analysis of the role of trade union leaders as professional negotiators with specific interests (which rapidly conflict with those of workers when struggle rises) is generally absent.

The 11th day of action is on April the 13th, but the weakness of the weekly day of action as sole national strategy is ever more visible. Less combative organizations are suggesting the solution is to spend months campaigning for a referendum. But what is needed is an indefinite general strike.


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John Mullen is an anticapitalist activist living in the Paris region and a supporter of the France Insoumise. His website is at

Featured image: The protests continue across France. This in Paris on 6th April. Source: John Mullen

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Rishi Sunak has secretly deployed dozens of special operations forces (SOF) in Ukraine without telling parliament, leaked US intelligence files appear to show.

Britain had 50 SOF personnel in the war zone last month according to a slide marked “secret” and “not releasable to foreign nationals”.

The UK contingent was the largest of any NATO member by a factor of three. Latvia had 17, France 15, the US 14 and the Dutch just one.

The 14 US operators were among 29 Pentagon personnel in Ukraine, including defence attachés and embassy guards. 

Another 71 foreign affairs staff from its state department were also on the ground, bringing the total US footprint to 100 personnel.

It is not clear from the leaked documents whether the 50 British SOF personnel are drawn exclusively from the UK’s most elite tier 1 units such as the Special Air Service and Special Boat Service.

Members of the Royal Marines and Parachute Regiment could have been among them too.

The US military uses a broader definition of SOF to include its marines and army rangers, not just SEALs and Delta Force.

The British army has been moving towards the wider US concept of SOF by setting up a new Ranger Regiment which it describes as “Special Operations Capable”.

Extreme secrecy shrouds the use of UK covert forces. Parliament is not normally told of SAS or SBS deployments, although movements of marines, paratroopers and even the new rangers should in theory be more transparent.

The Ministry of Defence declined to comment on the alleged leak.

Leak probed

Although Declassified cannot independently verify the authenticity of the leaked documents, US authorities have launched a major probe into how it happened. A Pentagon official has said the leak presents a “very serious” risk to national security.

While some parts of the files appear to have been doctored to reduce Russian casualty figures, the section on NATO special forces is the same throughout all versions seen by Declassified.

The papers first appeared on an online message board earlier this year and have been widely circulated on social media channels including in Russia.

Declassified is therefore putting no one at risk by reporting on their contents. The information in the leak follows previous reports on the presence of British covert operatives in Ukraine.

The Times reported that 350 marine commandos had escorted British diplomats out of Ukraine ahead of the Russian invasion in February 2022.

Some of the marines later returned to Kyiv to guard the British embassy, according to their regimental magazine.

As early as last April, The Times alleged British special forces were training Ukrainian troops in Kyiv post-invasion.

Thousands of British citizens, including former soldiers, have volunteered to fight in Ukraine’s foreign legion – a move encouraged by Liz Truss when she was foreign secretary.

Low tank ammo

The leaked US intelligence files shed further light on Britain’s role in the war, including equipment supplies.

It emerges there is “limited Challenger 2 ammo”, in reference to the 14 tanks Britain donated to Ukraine.

Their ammunition has already caused controversy after Declassified revealed they would fire depleted uranium darts alongside high explosive shells.

Britain’s stockpile of depleted uranium rounds is decades old, a factor highlighted in the Daily Express last month.

Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Crawford, a former tank commander, warned how the British army’s depleted uranium rounds have “not been produced since 2001 and there is no facility to make more.”

He added: “One can only hope…that some logistician had done the necessary sums to ensure that the UK’s remaining vehicles wouldn’t run out of ammunition if push came to shove.” 

Air wars

Another aspect of Britain’s involvement in the war is “airborne sensitive reconnaissance operations” that the leak shows it is conducting around Ukraine.

These include three manned RC-135 Rivet Joint surveillance planes flying through Poland, Romania and one other location marked as “BLK”.

Royal Air Force Rivet Joint missions over the Black Sea are already in the public domain and can be observed on flight radar websites.

One operation on 29 September nearly went wrong when Russian jets shadowing a Rivet Joint fired a missile “beyond visual range”.

Defence secretary Ben Wallace told parliament it was a “potentially dangerous engagement” against a “routine patrol” in international airspace. 

However, the leaked material confirms such patrols are gathering intelligence for Ukrainian forces.

Journalist Duncan Campbell has investigated how the 29 September patrol was the third in a series of longer-range flights by the aircraft since Liz Truss became prime minister and went within two minutes of Russian airspace.

Campbell wrote in Computer Weekly: “Throughout the Ukraine war, and prior to Truss taking over at Downing Street, RAF flights over the Black Sea had never flown further than due south of Crimea”.

He added: “Even this has been more provocative than the actions of any other Nato country. US Air Force Rivet Joints stationed in Britain at RAF Mildenhall also monitor communications daily around Ukraine’s borders – but stay over Romanian airspace.”


Much of the media coverage of the US intelligence leak has focused on how it happened and who may be behind it, amid concern in government circles it is the largest leak of classified US material since Edward Snowden in 2013.

The specifics of Britain’s role as detailed in the documents have barely been reported in the UK.

The temptation to self-censor may be due to fears that publishers could face the same treatment as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, currently held at Belmarsh prison in London.

A key disclosure in the leak is that the US believes Russian troop deaths are between 16,000 and 43,500 – depending on which version of the documents is original.

The numbers are lower than most public estimates. In March, the same month the leaked document was written, a British defence minister said up to 60,000 Russian forces had been killed in Ukraine.

US planners privately believe the Kremlin has “moderate” combat sustainability, contrary to forecasts of an imminent Russian collapse.

Ukraine received the same sustainability rating, however there are concerns Kyiv is running low on air defence ammunition.

The Soviet-era missiles Ukraine needs for 89 per cent of its anti-aircraft rounds could run out in early May, one leaked slide shows.

A key air defence system that Britain is involved in equipping was forecast to run out of ammunition even sooner, by mid-April.

Fog of war

The leak is a significant moment in a conflict which had been characterised so far by Western intelligence gaining access to Kremlin plans and sharing them with a rigidly disciplined press pack. 

The compromise of US plans now provides a rare glimpse of the balance of power as seen by Pentagon planners and the extent of NATO boots on the ground.

Although Ukrainian officials say the leak is “fabricated” by Russia, even their troops’ own testimony to journalists is sometimes at odds with the official narrative from Kyiv.

The Times reported on Friday how Ukrainian forces had admitted to mounting a disastrous amphibious assault on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in October.

Ukraine had previously blamed Russia for shelling critical electricity supply lines to the plant, which is under the Kremlin’s control.


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Phil Miller is Declassified UK’s chief reporter. He is the author of Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes. Follow him on Twitter at @pmillerinfo

Featured image: The US is investigating whether secret military plans were leaked. (Photo: Asten / Flickr CC)

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On January 10, Fed Chairman said the Fed ‘will not be a climate policymaker’. 

Under guise that it’s just a stress test model and not a policy setting model, the Fed announced details on its Pilot Climate Scenario Risk Analysis Program on January 17.

As described in the instruction document released today, the six largest U.S. banks will analyze the impact of scenarios for both physical and transition risks related to climate change on specific assets in their portfolios. To support the exercise’s goals of deepening understanding of climate risk-management practices and building capacity to identify, measure, monitor, and manage climate-related financial risks, the Board will gather qualitative and quantitative information over the course of the pilot, including details on governance and risk management practices, measurement methodologies, risk metrics, data challenges, and lessons learned.

“The Fed has narrow, but important, responsibilities regarding climate-related financial risks – to ensure that banks understand and manage their material risks, including the financial risks from climate change,” Vice Chair for Supervision Michael S. Barr said. “The exercise we are launching today will advance the ability of supervisors and banks to analyze and manage emerging climate-related financial risks.”

Climate Results Are In

Please consider the WSJ report The Fed’s Climate Studies Are Full of Hot Air by David Barker.

This year the Fed is forcing big banks to produce complex reports on their climate vulnerability in a “pilot project” that is sure to expand and might lead to lending restrictions. A query of the Fed’s listing of recent publications returns hundreds of research papers, press releases and policy statements related to climate change.

With all this effort, one might hope the Fed would produce high-quality research on climate change. But I took a close look at two Fed studies on the subject and found shockingly poor analysis. These studies on the effect of temperature on U.S. and world economic growth are cited without a hint of skepticism and widely lavished with media attention. 

Recently I published a critique of a study from the Federal Reserve Board claiming that a year of above-normal temperatures in countries around the world makes economic contraction more likely. The original study used sophisticated statistical techniques but failed to report that its primary finding was statistically insignificant. My request to the study’s author for computer code to reproduce the paper’s results went unanswered.

I managed to write the code from scratch and exactly replicate the results, allowing me to run additional tests that the author didn’t report. The author’s primary result—that temperature has a bigger effect in bad than in good economic times—turned out to be statistically insignificant. Additional analysis showed that there is no reliable effect of temperature on growth at all.

There are two main reasons why the Fed study appeared at first to show a statistically significant effect of temperatures on economic growth. First, each country in the sample had equal weight in the analysis. China had the same weight as St. Vincent though China’s population is 13,000 times as large. Equal weighting means that some small countries with unusual histories of economic growth greatly influenced the results.

The paper’s results disappeared when countries like Rwanda and Equatorial Guinea—which had economic catastrophes and bonanzas unrelated to climate change—were omitted. Omitting similar countries representing less than 1% of world gross domestic product was enough to eliminate the paper’s result. 

The only thing to learn from the Fed’s research is that climate propaganda is spreading fast, and when it comes to climate, academic economists are no more deserving of trust than are other supposed scientists and experts. The Fed’s time would be better spent on more urgent matters, like improving its botched regulation of the banking system.

The author, David Barker, has taught economics and finance at the University of Chicago and the University of Iowa and worked as an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He has a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago.

Hoot of the Day

The Fed cannot even model US Treasuries. Its stress-free test would have failed to identify the imploded Silicon Valley Bank as a problem.

Yet, for political reasons, the Fed is now attempting to stress test the weather.

To get the desired results, the Fed study gave St. Vincent, Rwanda, and Equatorial Guinea the same weight as China and the United States. 

I suggest the Fed should throw this nonsense in the garbage and stress test commercial real estate, interest rates, accelerated QT, and things that it has clearly neglected. 

Commercial Real Estate Implosion

Commercial real estate is one area in particular that the Fed ought to be watching. 

For discussion, please see The Next Bank Crisis Is Coming Right Up, Commercial Real Estate Implosion.

There is a plausible theory that too many people are watching CRE for that to be a “black swan”. 

By plausible, I mean the theory could easily be right. However, plenty of people were watching and calling for a residential real estate implosion in 2008 and they were correct. 

And it wasn’t a true black swan anyway as it was easily predictable. I wrote about it for months on end. So did many others including Calculated Risk, Implode-O-Meter, Barry Ritholtz and many others.

It’s a mistake to try and judge what people think by looking at Twitter. In contrast to housing in 2008, very few people are watching CRE and those who are are not a fervent about it.

Nonetheless, let’s consider a best case scenario that there will be some big losses but no bank failures. In that scenario, the small and regional banks are capital impaired and stop making loans. 

That’s a credit deflation scenario, not exactly a robust environment for GDP or equities.

One of my readers accurately commented, that “Modeling the impact of bad climate policy would be more useful.”

Of course that presumes the Fed has any idea just how bad, and inflationary, our climate policy is. 


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Kiev Losing Control of Its Own Intelligence Service

April 12th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Apparently, the Ukrainian government is losing control of the actions taken by its own agents. According to a recent report, Kiev’s intelligence service is carrying out operations without previous authorization from President Vladimir Zelensky. Ukrainian spies would even be responsible for unauthorized attacks in Belarus, creating high risks of irresponsible internationalization of the conflict. However, it remains to be seen whether such data are really true or whether they are mere conjectures amid the current wave of “leaks”.

The information was provided by journalist Saagar Enjeti in a publication for a western media outlet on 10 April. The analyst mentions that in leaked documents American officials expressed their suspicion that the Ukrainian government has no control of its own intelligence. Some details about a recent terrorist attack in Belarus are provided as evidence for the claim.

What happened in Belarus was an attack using a military drone against a Russian aircraft that was stationed at the Machulishchy air base. At the time, Minsk’s authorities arrested several sabotage suspects possibly involved in the crime, some of them linked to the Ukrainian secret service. Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, in a statement on the case, also pointed out that the criminals would have carried out the attack with the support of the CIA.

As expected, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied participation in the attack. Kiev’s officials claimed that there was no Ukrainian involvement, which is hard to believe, since the neo-Nazi regime has maintained a strategy of sabotage in the neighboring country since the beginning of the Russian special military operation. Interestingly, Zelensky’s adviser Mikhail Podolyak stated that those responsible for the crime were Belarusian “local partisans” – which may even be true, but does not extinguish the suspicion of Ukrainian involvement, since the Zelensky government maintains open cooperation with saboteurs from Belarus. Many Belarusian neo-Nazis are fighting the Russians on the battlefield and there are intelligence reports showing that some of these partisans plan, with Ukrainian and Western support, to start guerrilla campaigns against the Lukashenko government.

The main problem is that for there to be Ukrainian involvement, apparently, there does not need to be a direct order from the Zelensky government. According to Saagar Enjeti, the Pentagon believes that in fact the SBU carried out the attack, but that there was not any type of prior plan authorized by the Ukrainian president. Evidence for such a claim would supposedly be in American intelligence reports recently exposed on social media. Enjeti says the papers raised a serious question about the actual level of control the Zelensky government has over its own intelligence agents.

“How much control does Zelensky actually have? (…) Perhaps this lends credence to the idea that there are a bunch of rogue elements inside the [Ukrainian] government that are basically doing whatever they want (…) Whenever Ukraine does something, who is doing it? (…) Zelensky presents himself as the leader … but obviously there are elements of the government there that don’t listen to him. Who knows what they’re going to drag us into”, the journalist said.

Although the Pentagon has not yet confirmed the veracity of the documents, it is important to remember that the case comes amid a wave of alleged “leaks”. Papers possibly associated with US intelligence have gone viral on social networks in recent days, exposing classified data on various subjects of strategic interest to Washington. The cases have been seen with many objections by specialized analysts, who find it very difficult that they really are “leaks”. According to experts, the most likely thing is that Washington is deliberately exposing documents or even forging information to meet some specific interests, since in real cases there would be censorship efforts on the part of media outlets and social network moderators.

However, this does not mean that all exposed information is false. It is possible that some true data is being deliberately released. In the specific case of the topic of Ukrainian intelligence, there are many points that seem consistent with reality, even if they are being distorted. The Ukrainian government may have no control over its secret service – and not even over its armed forces or neo-Nazi militias. This is because the Ukrainian government itself is controlled by foreign agents. Kiev’s officials do not obey orders from Zelensky, but from NATO. In this sense, although most of the time orders are given by the western alliance to the Ukrainian government and only then passed on to subordinates, it is absolutely possible that some operations are carried out under direct supervision of the West, without the participation of the Ukrainian government.

What seems more likely is that the Belarusian authorities are right: the SBU certainly operated the Machulishchy attacks with tactical support from the CIA and other Western intelligence services. And it is possible that the Ukrainian government was not aware of the attack, since for NATO Kiev is just a puppet state, paid to obey orders, without the right to control its own employees. And by pointing to an alleged autonomous action by the SBU in the papers, Washington seems to be trying to escape the consequences of possible Russian retaliation, claiming that the Ukrainian secret service acts on its own, out of control and without Western participation. Similar situations were seen after the assassination of Daria Dugina, when Pentagon’s officials said that Ukraine had acted alone.

Considering Ukraine’s high level of subordination to NATO, it is unthinkable that any operation would take place autonomously. There may or may not be previous awareness and authorization on the part of the Zelensky government, but there is certainly deep supervision on the part of NATO, which is the real belligerent side in this proxy war with Russia.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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Four members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) are being tried at The Hague for war crimes during the 1999 conflict over Kosovo. In that war, the KLA was seen by the UK as terrorists but was covertly and overtly supported by the Labour government.

NATO’s bombing campaign against Slobodan Milošević’s Yugoslavia in 1999 is routinely presented as an “humanitarian intervention”. Tony Blair has long been praised for coming to the defence of ethnic Albanians in the territory of Kosovo who were subject to increasingly brutal abuses by the Yugoslav army from the end of 1998. 

The Kosovo Liberation Army fought Yugoslav forces until the 78-day NATO air campaign, begun in March 1999, forced Milošević’s army from Kosovo. Before and during the war Britain collaborated with the KLA which essentially acted as NATO’s ground forces in Kosovo. 

Fourteen years on, the KLA’s former leader, Hashim Thaci, and three other senior members are now on trial charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, enforced disappearances, persecution, and torture. 

The prosecutor in The Hague alleges that the four formed part of a joint criminal enterprise to control Kosovo by “unlawfully intimidating, mistreating, committing violence against, and removing those deemed to be opponents.” 

The victims of these alleged crimes include Serbs, Roma and ethnic Albanians who were considered collaborators with Serbian forces or political opponents of the KLA.

‘Terrorist group’

The KLA comprised ethnic Albanians committed to securing independence for Kosovo from Yugoslavia and promoting a ‘Greater Albania’ in the sub-region. 

The force consisted of a mix of radicalised youths and students, professionals such as teachers and doctors, members of influential families and local rogues. It took to armed struggle and made its military debut in early 1996 by bombing camps housing Serbian refugees from the wars in Croatia and Bosnia and by attacking Yugoslav government officials and police stations. 


Weapons confiscated from the KLA, July 1999 (Licensed under the Public Domain)

By mid-1998 the KLA controlled a large segment of Kosovo and had armed and organised thousands of fighters. It was a formidable force on the ground when, amidst a growing civil war, the Yugoslav army launched a brutal full-scale offensive in Kosovo in March 1999.

From its inception, the KLA targeted Serbian and Albanian civilians, especially those considered collaborators with the authorities. Declassified British documents show the chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Michael Pakenham, writing in September 1998 that the KLA is “exploiting the plight of civilians, and itself appears to have committed atrocities against Serbs”. 

The US and Britain clearly recognised the KLA as a terrorist organisation. In February 1998, the Clinton administration’s special envoy to Kosovo, Robert Gelbard, described the KLA as “without any question a terrorist group”. 

Similarly, foreign secretary Robin Cook told parliament in March 1998: “We strongly condemn the use of violence for political objectives, including the terrorism of the self-styled Kosovo Liberation Army.” 

Indeed, in November 1998, and again in January 1999, Cook said that “most of the killings” in Kosovo recently had been carried out by the KLA, whose activities against ordinary Kosovars were only serving to “prolong their suffering”. 

Parliamentary statements by British ministers make clear that they continued to regard the KLA as a terrorist organisation right up to the beginning of the bombing campaign in March 1999. 

“We condemn their violent activities”, said an internal Foreign Office brief about the KLA in August 1998. 

Indeed, the files from 1998 clearly show that British officials were concerned that air strikes against Yugoslavia that they were then considering would empower the KLA and its claims to full independence for Kosovo, to which Whitehall was opposed. 

British planners even considered military action against the KLA at this time but ruled it out as impractical.

The KLA was also widely known to be involved in heroin trafficking into Britain while MI6 was investigating its links to organised crime. Brian Donnelly, Britain’s ambassador to Yugoslavia, wrote in June 1998: “Some, at least, in the KLA are likely to be the first cousins of the Albanians who are running organised crime and drug running throughout Europe”. 

Al-Qaida connections

The KLA had also developed connections to al-Qaida. Osama Bin Laden reportedly visited Albania and established an operation there in 1994. In the years preceding the NATO bombing campaign, more Al-Qaeda militants moved into Kosovo to support the KLA, financed by sources in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. 

By late 1998, the head of Albanian intelligence was saying that Bin Laden had sent units to fight in Kosovo. Al-Qaeda was said to be helping hundreds of foreign fighters to cross from Albania into Kosovo, including veterans of the militant group Islamic Jihad from Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan, carrying forged passports.

Numerous KLA fighters had trained in Al-Qaida camps in Afghanistan and Albania. One of the “links” between Bin Laden and the KLA said to have been identified by US intelligence was “a common staging area in Tropoje, Albania, a centre for Islamic terrorists”. 

One KLA unit was led by the brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri, then Bin Laden’s right-hand man, according to a senior Interpol official who later gave evidence to the US Congress. 

Asked in parliament in November 1998 about a media article stating that mujahideen fighters had been seen with KLA forces in Kosovo, Robin Cook stated: “I read that report with concern.”

In March 1999, his deputy, foreign minister Tony Lloyd, told the House of Commons that the government was aware of media reports of contacts between Islamic terrorist groups and the KLA but “we have no evidence of systematic involvement”. 

The use of the word “systematic” was probably carefully chosen to imply that the government had some knowledge.


At some point in 1996 British intelligence, along with the US and Swiss services, made its first known contact with a senior KLA official in Albania, likely to have been Shaban Shala, a commander who would fight in Kosovo in 1999 and also inside Serbia in 2000. 

Formal contacts between the KLA and the US took place in July 1998 when Chris Hill, the US special envoy for Kosovo, met KLA officials. The following day a British diplomat also met KLA officials in their headquarters in the central Kosovan village of Klecka.

The UK government later claimed that “an initial meeting” between an official in the British embassy in the Yugoslav capital, Belgrade, and KLA leaders was held on 30 July 1998. If so, this came two days after foreign minister Baroness Symons recognised in an answer to a parliamentary question that the KLA was a “terrorist” organisation and that “it was clear” that it had “procured significant quantities of arms in Albania”. 

By October, Robin Cook was making clear that Britain was opposed to the KLA’s political objective of forging a Greater Albania. “There is no place on the international map for a greater Albania – any more than there is for a greater Serbia or a greater Croatia,” he said. 

Yet it was around this time that Britain started to train the forces it not only recognised as terrorists, but whose political agenda it was opposed to and which had links to Al Qaida.


At some point in late 1998, the US Defence Intelligence Agency approached MI6 with the task of arming and training the KLA, the Scotsman newspaper later reported. 

A senior British military source told the paper: “MI6 then subcontracted the operation to two British security companies, who in turn approached a number of former members of the (22 SAS) regiment. Lists were then drawn up of weapons and equipment needed by the KLA.” 


Victims of massacres (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 rs)

“While these covert operations were continuing,” the paper noted, “serving members of 22 SAS regiment, mostly from the unit’s D squadron, were first deployed in Kosovo before the beginning of the bombing campaign in March.” 

A few weeks into the bombing campaign, the Sunday Telegraph reported that KLA fighters were receiving SAS training at two camps in Albania, one near the capital Tirana, and the other near the Kosovan border, most likely close to the town of Bajram Curri. 

This was the centre of the KLA’s military operations, where a series of training camps were dotted along the hills and from where arms were collected and distributed. It was also where jihadist fighters had their centre and common staging area with the KLA, as noted by the previous US intelligence reports. 

The British training reportedly involved instructing KLA officers in guerrilla tactics and weapons handling, demolition and ambush techniques, as well as conducting intelligence-gathering operations on Serbian positions. 

The covert operation was reportedly funded by the CIA while the German secret service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), provided weapons and training.

‘Arms supermarket’

The British government was made aware of arms supplies to the KLA taking place near the Albanian border with Kosovo by at least June 1998.

The declassified files show that it was then that a confidential report was sent to Blair by Paddy Ashdown, a former special forces officer who then led the Liberal Democrats, following a visit to the Balkans. 

Ashdown reported the Albanian view that arms were being transported to the KLA by the Albanian mafia. “Clandestine arms ‘supermarkets’” had been set up on the Albanian/Kosovo border “at which the KLA units and individuals on their way from abroad to join the KLA are able to purchase their needs”, he wrote

Ashdown also visited Bajram Curri and noted that Tropoje was “almost certainly the main center [sic]” for supplying arms to the KLA. Albania’s police authorities “are certainly turning a blind eye to what is happening”, he wrote.

Ashdown also wrote that the Albanian government “have evidence of Islamic attempts to infiltrate the KLA (especially from Iran) but believe this has been unsuccessful”. 


The British training was kept secret. Ministers consistently denied any knowledge of the KLA’s sources of arms or training when asked in parliament. 

On 13 April 1999, three weeks after the NATO bombing campaign began, and just days before the Telegraph reported the British training, Tony Blair told parliament, saying “our position on training and arming the KLA remains as it has been – we are not in favour of doing so … We have no plans to change that.” 

Sometimes ministers used revealing language. Baroness Symons stated on two occasions, in March and May 1999, that there was “no firm evidence” and “no reliable information” on the KLA’s sources of weapons and training. The use of the words “firm” and “reliable” is revealing, being a common method officials use to feign ignorance of issues they are aware of. 

One reason for secrecy was that such training was in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1160, which forbade arming or training forces in all Yugoslavia.

James Bissett, a former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia and Albania, later wrotethat the US training of the KLA in 1998 involved “sending them back into Kosovo to assassinate Serbian mayors, ambush Serbian policemen and intimidate hesitant Kosovo Albanians”. 

“The hope”, he added, “was that with Kosovo in flames NATO could intervene and in so doing, not only overthrow Milosevic the Serbian strongman, but, more importantly, provide the aging and increasingly irrelevant military organisation [NATO] with a reason for its continued existence”. 

KLA leader Hashim Thaci explained that “any armed action we undertook would bring retaliation against civilians [by Serbian forces]. We knew we were endangering a great number of civilian lives”. 

‘Eyes and ears’ 

The KLA certainly proved useful to Anglo–American planners. Blair stated a month into the NATO bombing campaign that “the KLA is having greater success on the ground in Kosovo and indeed has retaken certain parts of it”. 

Described in media reports as NATO’s “eyes and ears” on the ground in Kosovo, the KLA was using satellite telephones to provide NATO with details of Serbian targets, according to reports in the British media. 

Some of this communications equipment had been secretly handed over to the KLA a week before the air strikes began by US officers acting as “ceasefire monitors” with the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe. They were, in reality, CIA agents. 

They also gave the KLA US military training manuals and field advice on fighting the Yugoslav army and police. The Sunday Times reported that several KLA leaders had the mobile phone number of General Wesley Clark, the NATO commander. 

Robin Cook, meanwhile, held a joint press conference with KLA representatives at the end of March 1999 and was in direct telephone contact with its commander in Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, the British media reported.

Thaci was “rang up regularly” by Cook “to get information about what was happening in Kosovo”, Labour MP Alice Mahon told parliament later in 1999.

By May, the Independent was reporting that British and US special forces have “gone on the offensive in Kosovo” and were working behind Serb lines “with the help of KLA men hand-picked from camps in northern Albania”. 

It said that units of up of 20 to 30 Allied soldiers were working with up to 100 KLA men and quoted a senior KLA commander saying the UK and US soldiers “either wore uniforms that could not be traced to any Allied unit or were disguised in the combat fatigues of the ‘Black Hand’ Serb paramilitaries”.

Soon after the bombing had begun, in early April 1999, more than 500 Albanians living in Britain volunteered to go to fight in Kosovo, according to KLA representatives in London, though they were likely exaggerating the numbers. 

Just as during the Bosnian War a few years earlier, Britain and the US allowed, and may have facilitated, British and other Muslims to travel to Kosovo volunteering for the jihad. 

Macedonian campaign

US covert support of the KLA guerrillas did not stop when NATO’s Kosovo campaign was brought to an end in June 1999, or even with the fall of Milosevic in October 2000. 

After the Kosovo conflict, KLA forces launched new wars in southern Serbia and Macedonia to promote their aim of a Greater Albania, both of which were initially supported by the US – but, not, apparently, by Britain. 

In March 2001, KLA guerillas began to operate across Kosovo’s nearby border with Macedonia, led by several commanders previously trained by British forces for the Kosovo campaign.

Now fighting under the banner of the National Liberation Army (NLA), formed in early 2001, two of the Kosovo-based commanders of this push into Macedonia had been instructed by the SAS and the Parachute Regiment at the camps near Bajram Curri in northern Albania in 1998 and 1999. 

One was organising the flow of arms and men into Macedonia, while the other was helping to coordinate the assault on the town of Tetevo in the north of the country near the border with Kosovo.

NLA forces were being called “terrorists” by Robin Cook and “murderous thugs” by NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson, just as they had been before the March 1999 bombing campaign, when, as the KLA, the British were cooperating with them. 

Arms supplies to the NLA from the US helped the guerillas take control of nearly a third of Macedonia’s territory by August 2001. Soon, however, Washington, under pressure from its NATO allies, started to rein in its proxy force and throw its weight behind peace talks.

Thaci emerged from the diplomatic settlement to the Kosovo war as the leader of the strongest faction within the KLA and became Kosovo’s first prime minister. After elections in 2016, he became the territory’s president, resigning in 2020 after the war crimes charges were brought.

In addition to Thaci, also on trial in the Hague are Kadri Veseli, former head of the KLA’s intelligence service, Rexhep Selimi, head of the KLA’s operational directorate, and Jakup Krasniqi, a member of the KLA’s political directorate.


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This is an updated, edited extract from Mark Curtis’ book, Secret Affairs: Britain’s Collusion with Radical Islam, where full references are provided.

Mark Curtis is the editor of Declassified UK, and the author of five books and many articles on UK foreign policy.

Featured image: Former rebel leader Hashim Thaçi and Blair with the Declaration of Independence of Kosovo in 2010 (Licensed under the Public Domain)

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From rural Pennsylvania to Los Angeles, more than 17 million Americans live within a mile of at least one oil or gas well. Since 2014, most new oil and gas wells have been fracked.

Fracking, short for hydraulic fracturing, is a process in which workers inject fluids underground under high pressure. The fluids fracture coal beds and shale rock, allowing the gas and oil trapped within the rock to rise to the surface. Advances in fracking launched a huge expansion of U.S. oil and gas production starting in the early 2000s but also triggered intense debate over its health and environmental impacts.

Fracking fluids are up to 97% water, but they also contain a host of chemicals that perform functions such as dissolving minerals and killing bacteria. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency classifies a number of these chemicals as toxic or potentially toxic.

The Safe Drinking Water Act, enacted in 1974, regulates underground injection of chemicals that can threaten drinking water supplies. However, Congress has exempted fracking from most federal regulation under the law. As a result, fracking is regulated at the state level, and requirements vary from state to state. 

We study the oil and gas industry in California and Texas and are members of the Wylie Environmental Data Justice Lab, which studies fracking chemicals in aggregate. In a recent study, we worked with colleagues to provide the first systematic analysis of chemicals found in fracking fluids that would be regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act if they were injected underground for other purposes. Our findings show that excluding fracking from federal regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act is exposing the public to an array of chemicals that are widely recognized as threats to public health.

Diagram of a fracking operation.

A schematic of a hydraulic fracking operation, with wastewater temporarily stored in a surface waste pit. wetcake via Getty Images

Averting federal regulation

Fracking technologies were originally developed in the 1940s but only entered widespread use for fossil fuel extraction in the U.S. in the early 2000s. Since the process involves injecting chemicals underground and then disposing of contaminated water that flows back to the surface, it faced potential regulation under multiple U.S. environmental laws.

In 1997, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that fracking should be regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act. This would have required oil and gas producers to develop underground injection control plans, disclose the contents of their fracking fluids and monitor local water sources for contamination.

In response, the oil and gas industry lobbied Congress to exempt fracking from regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Congress did so as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

This provision is widely known as the Halliburton Loopholebecause it was championed by former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, who previously served as CEO of oil services company Halliburton. The company patented fracking technologies in the 1940s and remains one of the world’s largest suppliers of fracking fluid.

Fracking fluids and health

Over the past two decades, studies have linked exposure to chemicals in fracking fluid with a wide range of health risks. These risks include giving birth prematurely and having babies with low birth weights or congenital heart defects, as well as heart failure, asthma and other respiratory illnesses among patients of all ages.

Though researchers have produced numerous studies on the health effects of these chemicals, federal exemptions and sparse data still make it hard to monitor the impacts of their use. Further, much existing research focuses on individual compounds, not on the cumulative effects of exposure to combinations of them.

Chemical use in fracking

For our review we consulted the FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry, which is managed by the Ground Water Protection Council, an organization of state government officials. Currently, 23 states – including major producers like Pennsylvania and Texas – require oil and gas companies to report to FracFocus information such as well locations, operators and the masses of each chemical used in fracking fluids.

We used a tool called Open-FracFocus, which uses open-source coding to make FracFocus data more transparent, easily accessible and ready to analyze.

This 2020 news report examines possible leakage of fracking wastewater from an underground injection well in west Texas.

We found that from 2014 through 2021, 62% to 73% of reported fracks each year used at least one chemical that the Safe Drinking Water Act recognizes as detrimental to human health and the environment. If not for the Halliburton Loophole, these projects would have been subject to permitting and monitoring requirements, providing information for local communities about potential risks.

In total, fracking companies reported using 282 million pounds of chemicals that would otherwise regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act from 2014 through 2021. This likely is an underestimate, since this information is self-reported, covers only 23 states and doesn’t always include sufficient information to calculate mass.

Chemicals used in large quantities included ethylene glycol, an industrial compound found in substances such as antifreeze and hydraulic brake fluid; acrylamide, a widely used industrial chemical that is also present in some foods, food packaging and cigarette smoke; naphthalene, a pesticide made from crude oil or tar; and formaldehyde, a common industrial chemical used in glues, coatings and wood products and also present in tobacco smoke. Naphthalene and acrylamide are possible human carcinogens, and formaldehyde is a known human carcinogen.

The data also show a large spike in the use of benzene in Texas in 2019. Benzene is such a potent human carcinogen that the Safe Drinking Water Act limits exposure to 0.001 milligrams per liter – equivalent to half a teaspoon of liquid in an Olympic-size swimming pool.

Many states – including states that require disclosure – allow oil and gas producers to withhold information about chemicals they use in fracking that the companies declare to be proprietary information or trade secrets. This loophole greatly reduces transparency about what chemicals are in fracking fluids.

We found that the share of fracking events reporting at least one proprietary chemical increased from 77% in 2015 to 88% in 2021. Companies reported using about 7.2 billion pounds of proprietary chemicals – more than 25 times the total mass of chemicals listed under the Safe Drinking Water Act that they reported.

Closing the Halliburton loophole

Overall, our review found that fracking companies have reported using 28 chemicals that would otherwise be regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Ethylene glycol was used in the largest quantities, but acrylamide, formaldehyde and naphthalene were also common.

Given that each of these chemicals has serious health effects, and that hundreds of spills are reported annually at fracking wells, we believe action is needed to protect public and environmental health, and to enable scientists to rigorously monitor and research fracking chemical use.

Based on our findings, we believe Congress should pass a law requiring full disclosure of all chemicals used in fracking, including proprietary chemicals. We also recommend disclosing fracking data in a centralized and federally mandated database, managed by an agency such as the EPA or the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Finally, we recommend that Congress repeal the Halliburton Loophole and once again regulate fracking under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

As the U.S. ramps up liquefied natural gas exports in response to the war in Ukraine, fracking could continue for the foreseeable future. In our view, it’s urgent to ensure that it is carried out as safely as possible.


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 is a Postdoctoral Researcher in social Science and Environmental Health, Northeastern University.

 is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Environment and Sustainability, University at Buffalo.

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We’re not living the American dream.

We’re living a financial nightmare.

The U.S. government is funding its existence with a credit card.

The government—and that includes the current administration—is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are the ones being forced to foot the bill for the government’s fiscal insanity.

According to the number crunchers with the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, the government is borrowing roughly $6 billion a day.

As the Editorial Board for the Washington Post warns:

“The nation has reached a hazardous moment where what it owes, as a percentage of the total size of the economy, is the highest since World War II. If nothing changes, the United States will soon be in an uncharted scenario that weakens its national security, imperils its ability to invest in the future, unfairly burdens generations to come, and will require cuts to critical programs such as Social Security and Medicare. It is not a future anyone wants.

Let’s talk numbers, shall we?

The national debt (the amount the federal government has borrowed over the years and must pay back) is $31 trillion and will grow another $19 trillion by 2033. That translates to roughly $246,000 per taxpayer or $94,000 for every single person in the country.

The bulk of that debt has been amassed over the past two decades, thanks in large part to the fiscal shenanigans of four presidents, 10 sessions of Congress and two wars.

It’s estimated that the amount this country owes is now 130% greater than its gross domestic product (all the products and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the citizens).

In other words, the government is spending more than it brings in.

The U.S. ranks as the 12th most indebted nation in the world, with much of that debt owed to the Federal Reserve, large investment funds and foreign governments, namely, Japan and China.

Interest payments on the national debt are estimated to top $395 billion this year, which is significantly more than the government spends on veterans’ benefits and services, and according to Pew Research Center, more than it will spend on elementary and secondary education, disaster relief, agriculture, science and space programs, foreign aid, and natural resources and environmental protection combined.

According to the Committee for a Reasonable Federal Budget, the interest we’ve paid on this borrowed money is “nearly twice what the federal government will spend on transportation infrastructure, over four times as much as it will spend on K-12 education, almost four times what it will spend on housing, and over eight times what it will spend on science, space, and technology.”

In ten years, those interest payments will exceed our entire military budget.

This is financial tyranny.

We’ve been sold a bill of goods by politicians promising to pay down the national debt, jumpstart the economy, rebuild our infrastructure, secure our borders, ensure our security, and make us all healthy, wealthy and happy.

None of that has come to pass, and yet we’re still being loaded down with debt not of our own making while the government remains unrepentant, unfazed and undeterred in its wanton spending.

Indeed, the national deficit (the difference between what the government spends and the revenue it takes in) remains at more than $1.5 trillion.

If Americans managed their personal finances the way the government mismanages the nation’s finances, we’d all be in debtors’ prison by now.

Despite the government propaganda being peddled by the politicians and news media, however, the government isn’t spending our tax dollars to make our lives better.

We’re being robbed blind so the governmental elite can get richer.

In the eyes of the government, “we the people, the voters, the consumers, and the taxpayers” are little more than pocketbooks waiting to be picked.

“We the people” have become the new, permanent underclass in America.

Consider: The government can seize your home and your car (which you’ve bought and paid for) over nonpayment of taxes. Government agents can freeze and seize your bank accounts and other valuables if they merely “suspect” wrongdoing. And the IRS insists on getting the first cut of your salary to pay for government programs over which you have no say.

We have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used, but we’re being forced to pay through the nose, anyhow.

We have no real say, but that doesn’t prevent the government from fleecing us at every turn and forcing us to pay for endless wars that do more to fund the military industrial complex than protect us, pork barrel projects that produce little to nothing, and a police state that serves only to imprison us within its walls.

If you have no choice, no voice, and no real options when it comes to the government’s claims on your property and your money, you’re not free.

It wasn’t always this way, of course.

Early Americans went to war over the inalienable rights described by philosopher John Locke as the natural rights of life, liberty and property.

It didn’t take long, however—a hundred years, in fact—before the American government was laying claim to the citizenry’s property by levying taxes to pay for the Civil War. As the New York Times reports, “Widespread resistance led to its repeal in 1872.”

Determined to claim some of the citizenry’s wealth for its own uses, the government reinstituted the income tax in 1894. Charles Pollock challenged the tax as unconstitutional, and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in his favor. Pollock’s victory was relatively short-lived. Members of Congress—united in their determination to tax the American people’s income—worked together to adopt a constitutional amendment to overrule the Pollock decision.

On the eve of World War I, in 1913, Congress instituted a permanent income tax by way of the 16thAmendment to the Constitution and the Revenue Act of 1913. Under the Revenue Act, individuals with income exceeding $3,000 could be taxed starting at 1% up to 7% for incomes exceeding $500,000.

It’s all gone downhill from there.

Unsurprisingly, the government has used its tax powers to advance its own imperialistic agendas and the courts have repeatedly upheld the government’s power to penalize or jail those who refused to pay their taxes.

While we’re struggling to get by, and making tough decisions about how to spend what little money actually makes it into our pockets after the federal, state and local governments take their share (this doesn’t include the stealth taxes imposed through tolls, fines and other fiscal penalties), the government continues to do whatever it likes—levy taxes, rack up debt, spend outrageously and irresponsibly—with little thought for the plight of its citizens.

To top it all off, all of those wars the U.S. is so eager to fight abroad are being waged with borrowed funds. As The Atlantic reports, “U.S. leaders are essentially bankrolling the wars with debt, in the form of purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds by U.S.-based entities like pension funds and state and local governments, and by countries like China and Japan.”

Of course, we’re the ones who have to repay that borrowed debt.

For instance, American taxpayers have been forced to shell out more than $5.6 trillion since 9/11 for the military industrial complex’s costly, endless so-called “war on terrorism.” That translates to roughly $23,000 per taxpayer to wage wars abroad, occupy foreign countries, provide financial aid to foreign allies, and fill the pockets of defense contractors and grease the hands of corrupt foreign dignitaries.

Mind you, that’s only a portion of what the Pentagon spends on America’s military empire.

The United States also spends more on foreign aid than any other nation, with nearly $300 billion disbursed over a five-year period. More than 150 countries around the world receive U.S. taxpayer-funded assistance, with most of the funds going to the Middle East, Africa and Asia. That price tag keeps growing, too.

As Forbes reports, “U.S. foreign aid dwarfs the federal funds spent by 48 out of 50 state governments annually. Only the state governments of California and New York spent more federal funds than what the U.S. sent abroad each year to foreign countries.”

Most recently, the U.S. has allocated nearly $115 billion in emergency military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine since the start of the Russia invasion.

As Dwight D. Eisenhower warned in a 1953 speech, this is how the military industrial complex continues to get richer, while the American taxpayer is forced to pay for programs that do little to enhance our lives, ensure our happiness and well-being, or secure our freedoms.

This is no way of life.

Yet it’s not just the government’s endless wars that are bleeding us dry.

We’re also being forced to shell out money for surveillance systems to track our movements, money to further militarize our already militarized police, money to allow the government to raid our homes and bank accounts, money to fund schools where our kids learn nothing about freedom and everything about how to comply, and on and on.

There was a time in our history when our forebears said “enough is enough” and stopped paying their taxes to what they considered an illegitimate government. They stood their ground and refused to support a system that was slowly choking out any attempts at self-governance, and which refused to be held accountable for its crimes against the people. Their resistance sowed the seeds for the revolution that would follow.

Unfortunately, in the 200-plus years since we established our own government, we’ve let bankers, turncoats and number-crunching bureaucrats muddy the waters and pilfer the accounts to such an extent that we’re back where we started.

Once again, we’ve got a despotic regime with an imperial ruler doing as they please.

Once again, we’ve got a judicial system insisting we have no rights under a government which demands that the people march in lockstep with its dictates.

And once again, we’ve got to decide whether we’ll keep marching or break stride and make a turn toward freedom.

But what if we didn’t just pull out our pocketbooks and pony up to the federal government’s outrageous demands for more money?

What if we didn’t just dutifully line up to drop our hard-earned dollars into the collection bucket, no questions asked about how it will be spent?

What if, instead of quietly sending in our tax checks, hoping vainly for some meager return, we did a little calculating of our own and started deducting from our taxes those programs that we refuse to support?

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, if we don’t have the right to decide what happens to our hard-earned cash, then we don’t have any rights at all.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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Mississauga, ON – 37 year old bakery owner Steve Viola died of a stroke on Apr. 6, 2023 (click here)

Loveland, CO – 31 year old electrician and plumber Dalton Broes died from a stroke on Mar. 27, 2023

Pulaski, WI – 46 year old nurse Jennifer Jaeger died unexpectedly from a stroke on Mar. 9, 2023

Birmingham, AL – 25 year old Hairstylist David Hill had multiple strokes starting Mar.3, 2023 and died Mar. 24, 2023 (click here)

Odessa, NY – 16 year old Odessa-Montour High School soccer player Keyonna Garrison suffered a stroke on Jan. 6, 2023 (click here) 

Saint Paul, MN – 16 year old hockey player Cormick Scanlan died after suffering multiple strokes on Dec. 25, 2022 (click here)

Green River, WY – 13 year old Joseph Allred of Lincoln Middle School in Green River, had a major stroke in Nov. 2022 (click here)

Joe recalled how he had to ask a teacher for help opening his locker because he physically couldn’t get this hand turn the lock. But Joe shrugged it off and went about his day. Then he started having problems walking during recess later that day. Joe said he would try to walk, but his leg wouldn’t move. (click here)

Philadelphia, PA – 18 year old lacrosse player Sophie Borrelli suffered a stroke on July 15, 2022 (click here)

Sophie was on vacation when she began to feel ill. (click here)

Boston, MA – 17 year old High School Student D’Andre Hicks suffered a stroke in May 2022 (click here)

D’Andre Hicks with his mother. (CBS Local Video Screengrab)

Cambridge, ON – American Model Hailey Bieber suffered a stroke on March 10, 2022 (click here)

Strokes in young people are skyrocketing…

Even mainstream media are now admitting the painfully obvious elephant in the room:

Risk of stroke is growing among women under 50 and women of color” (click here)

Sharp rise in stroke cases among the young” (click here)

Why are Millennials having so many strokes?” (click here)

National Stroke Awareness Day: Why more young people are having strokes” (click here)

Doctors see rise in strokes for younger adults” (click here)

The stream of propaganda trying to explain it all away, is nauseating.

WHO VigiAccess database lists the following Adverse Events for COVID-19 vaccines: (click here)

  • Seizures: 21,275 (for comparison)
  • Cerebrovascular accident: 17,561
  • Transient ischemic attack: 5,903
  • Ischaemic stroke: 5,145
  • Cerebral infarction: 4,693
  • Cerebral haemorrhage: 3,797
  • Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: 2,516

These are not small numbers. That’s almost 40,000 reports.

My Take…

I’ve looked over the literature. Once again, I am amazed at the concerted effort to bury all safety signals regarding strokes and COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Some papers say: yes, there are strokes post COVID-19 vaccination but they’re rare, and the “benefits” of vaccination outweigh the risks of stroke. Of course, we now know that these “benefits” were nothing more than a well-crafted fraud.

Interestingly, a Canadian/US study accepted for publication in Nov.2021 found safety signals for stroke with both Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, that were completely ignored:

According to the authors (click here): “We also found signals for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) with the two mRNA vaccines, Pfzer-BioNTech and Moderna.

The signal for ischemic stroke was also increased for all COVID-19 vaccines but not with the influenza vaccine, with the highest risk being with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Of course, these safety signals were ignored by our Public Health Officials and politicians. There was simply too much money to be made.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

All images in this article are from the author unless otherwise stated; featured image is from Zero Hedge

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The political West is always “shocked” by how deeply unpopular it is in the Global South and cannot comprehend why it “dares” to refuse to side with them against Russia and/or China. This lesson is something the political elites of the United States and its numerous satellite states need to be reminded of from time to time. On the other hand, the political West never stopped treating the Global South as a fief that just so happens to be populated by several billion people, all of whom are seen as “fair game”. Needless to say, this has left disastrous consequences for the vast majority of those living in the targeted countries.

While some were attacked directly, such as Iraq (twice), Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, former Yugoslavia/Serbia, etc. others were being exploited “peacefully”. Luckily for the world, the power of the globe’s most imperialist bloc is gradually fading away. This is certainly not to say that it has already collapsed, but the process is well underway. The political West is also perfectly aware of this, so it now needs to prioritize which areas of the Global South it can target. Its days of waging war on the millions of unfortunate people of the Middle East will soon be over, very likely forever.

However, as the US power projection capabilities dwindle, it’s once again turning its sword toward the immediate neighborhood. And it’s not even trying to be at least somewhat subtle about it, as the people of Mexico are being threatened to find out because many in Washington DC believe it is the Mexicans’ “fault” that America is getting flooded with drugs smuggled in by the cartels. Ironically (or should we say hypocritically) enough, it was precisely the US intelligence services that essentially created these hideously violent organizations and also made sure the connection is kept under the rug.

Last month, after two US citizens were killed, presumably by members of the CDC (otherwise known as the Golf Cartel), Washington DC warhawks threatened to bomb Mexico, a country whose law enforcement works closely with the US to fight the cartels. Earlier, in January, Republicans Mike Waltz and Dan Crenshaw called for an Authorization for Use of Military Force against Mexican cartels for drug trafficking “that has caused destabilization in the Western Hemisphere.” Infamous Lindsey Graham, along with 16 Republican cosponsors, supported the bill and criticized the Biden administration for the deteriorating situation at the southern border, claiming that “up to 100,000 people have died from fentanyl poisoning coming from Mexico and China, and this administration has done nothing about it.”

While it could be argued that fighting cartels is certainly not a bad cause, we should not forget that somewhat similar “altruistic” motives were cited as the reason for virtually any war the US started. Blaming Mexico and China for the drug abuse “pandemic” in America will certainly not resolve this issue or any of the resulting violence across the country. If the establishment in Washington DC had the interests of regular Americans in mind, they would introduce bills allocating at least 10% of their massive $858 billion military budget to the improvement of healthcare, for instance.

Unfortunately, as Abraham Maslow famously wrote in 1966, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail.” The case of Mexico is quite telling that no country (unless heavily armed) can hope to feel safe, no matter how closely it worked with the US authorities. For decades, Mexico has been ravaged by drug cartels deeply connected to the infamous CIA and other US intelligence agencies. And despite even allowing American law enforcement to operate in the country, thus undermining its own sovereignty, it’s still faced with the prospect of being attacked.

And Mexico is far from being the only target, as Washington DC is increasingly turning to Nicaragua, a small country in Central America that has already been virtually destroyed by Washington DC during the (First) Cold War when it funded the infamous Contras. Just like then, this time the US is once again “worried about human rights” in Nicaragua. As if that wasn’t laughable enough, Washington DC also officially designated the small country “a strategic threat”. Apparently, the “sole superpower” is endangered by a country roughly the size of New York State, but with the population of Maryland. And the US is also using so-called “international institutions” to target Nicaragua.

The Organization of American States (OAS) and the UN, both largely financed by Washington DC, are being used for this purpose, according to former UN rapporteur for human rights Richard Falk. If one is to believe the “human rights reports” about Nicaragua are true, President Daniel Ortega supposedly ordered 40 people to be “executed”, while conveniently leaving out the part about violent opposition attacks using firearms. The reports also claimed that Ortega ordered hospitals not to treat wounded demonstrators, although the then-health minister had made clear that anyone injured would receive treatment. US-backed “experts” also compared Nicaragua to Nazi Germany.

The glaring hypocrisy in this regard indicates that there is no “international law” for Washington DC. If a country is part of the “rules-based world order“, it can openly embrace Nazism, and it will still be considered “a beacon of freedom and democracy”, while the “Nazi analogies” are reserved for everyone else. Nicaragua should certainly be worried, as should the rest of Latin America. With the US’s ability to project power globally going down faster than most people could’ve imagined just ten years ago, the belligerent thalassocracy might try to revive the infamous Monroe Doctrine, leaving well over 600 million people in Latin America exposed to “freedom and democracy”.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. 

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Universities and the AUKUS Military-Industrial Complex

April 12th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Here they go. Vice-chancellors, university managers, and creatures with titles unmentionable and meaningless (deputies, semi-deputies, sub-deputies), a whole cavalcade of parasitic creatures in need of neutering, keen to pursue another daft idea.  Australian universities do not want to miss out on the military-industrial-education complex, whatever its imperilling dangers.  With the war inspired AUKUS security pact, which promises the stripping of the Australian budget to the tune of $AUD 368 billion over the course of three decades, a corrupt establishment promises to get worse.

The AUKUS distraction could not have come at a better time.  The tertiary sector in Australia is becoming increasingly cadaverous, marked by cost-cutting, rampant casualisation and heavy teaching and workloads for those battling away in the pedagogical trenches.

In a recent piece by Guardian Australia’s higher education reporter, an academic, who preferred to remain anonymous fearing institutional retribution, likened the modern Australian university to a supermarket.  Students were the customers filing through the self-checkout counters; the staff, increasingly rendered irrelevant, were readily disposable.

The stories have been familiar for years, even as the offending by university management continues unabated: tutors being paid insufficiently to read and grade work adequately; virtually non-existent job security; the suppression of academic freedom and criticism of ghastly management practices.  Given the pathological secrecy under which universities work under, essential data shedding light on class sizes, staff-student ratios, and contracts with private business interests, is virtually impossible to attain.

But despite the Australian university sector proving unsustainable, unprincipled, and ungainly, individuals such as Catriona Jackson, the CEO of Universities Australia, is on the hunt for new frontiers.  Last year, the submission of Universities Australia to the Defence Strategic Review was almost begging to link universities with the defence needs of the country.  All the Defence Department and Australian Defence Forces needed to do was ask.

As the Australian Financial Review reported at the time, “The universities need to be prepared to respond in an adaptable and efficient manner to a clear demand signal from defence in terms of workforce needs – both skills and numbers – as well as technology and hardware needs.”

How fortunate, then, that AUKUS came bumbling along.  For Jackson, principles in education are less important than inflated commercial opportunities or, to use her lingo, commercialisation.  Distant from the process of learning itself, unaware of the delivery of courses and the classroom, she sees this war making security pact as packed with promise.  “It’s workforce, workforce, workforce,” she sloganeered to her Sky News host Kieran Gilbert.  “It’s not just nuclear physicists we need, although we do need some of those and it’s a very specialist profession.  Almost every area of human endeavour we need a capacity uplift, so engineers, doctors, nurses, psychologists, pretty much everyone.”

Evidently hearing the war jingles around the corner, Jackson is journeying to Washington for meetings with national security officials from the US State Department and National Science Foundation.  It is her hope that the number of Australian university partnerships will be expanded, “with more than 10,000 formal partnerships already in place with fellow institutions around the world.”  The message she takes to the US capital will, however, be focused on “developing the capability [of Australian universities] to deliver the project, including through the provision of skilled workers and world-class research and development.”

Certain publications have also exuded jingoistic cheer on the new role of Australia’s tertiary sector.  The Australian, one of Rupert Murdoch’s premier rags of froth and bile, is ever reliable in this respect.  The paper’s higher education editor, Tim Dodd, in a March contribution, posed two questions to those in the university sector: Had Australian universities ever played such a vital role in national defence as they would be likely to do over the next two decades in building nuclear-powered submarines?  Would they even want to be involved?

Throughout his piece, Dodd seems to think that a university system untethered to the defence establishment is a morally questionable thing. In doing so, he betrays his ignorance of those wise words from US Democratic Senator J. William Fulbright, who warned that “in lending itself too much to the purposes of government, a university fails its higher purposes”.

Dodd can merely observe that, “In the post-war period universities were still not critical to defence programs.”  AUKUS and the nuclear submarine program had changed matters.  “Australia is now embarking on an enormous program to build, operate and maintain nuclear-powered submarines and a clear goal is sovereign capability.”  All in all, it was “a critical national priority that universities are right to give their full support to. Their backing is critical.”

Leaving aside such platitudinous nonsense as “sovereign capability” – the technology, expertise, control and guidance over this new promised machinery will always be directed from Washington – the sentiments are clear.  The military-industrial-university complex is a matter to be celebrated.  There are, for instance, “other parts of AUKUS” that will involve “our top universities” in such areas as “advanced research cyber security, artificial intelligence and quantum technologies.”

Bizarrely, Dodd gets the question about academic freedom the wrong way around: that expressing a choice in favour of the blatant war drumming of AUKUS is something that should be one for academics.  If he had any idea about despotic university environments, he would be aware that academics, whatever they agree with, will have little say in the matter.  Distant, estranged managements, unaccountably enthroned in administrative towers, will be making such decisions for them; the only real free expression will be exercised by those opposing the measure.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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On April 11, 2002, there was an attempted coup against President Hugo Chavez‘s democratically elected government in Venezuela. Chavez had prioritized programs to improve living conditions for those who were previously unrepresented, and established an independent foreign policy in favor of the nation’s interests.

Chavez’s stance conflicted with the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, which laid the groundwork for the use of U.S. military force and other forms of intervention to oppose any government, be it foreign or regional, that jeopardized U.S. interests. The Monroe Doctrine became the ideological basis for US hegemony in the region, justifying the violation of the rights of nations of self-determination, as was the case for Venezuela in 2002 and since then.

With Washington’s backing, Venezuela’s pro-Washington elite, high-ranking military officials, leaders of the traditional labor organizations, the Catholic Church hierarchy, and the nation’s chamber of commerce had embarked on ousting a popular government. The Chávez administration had redefined the rules of democracy by drafting a new Constitution, one that was voted on by the people, and that allowed for greater popular participation. The Chavez government was also reasserting its sovereignty over its vast oil wealth by ending the process of privatization of PDVSA, the state oil company. In September 2000, It organized a summit meeting in Caracas of OPEC oil-producing countries to stabilize prices at higher levels to increase the country’s main source of income.  

Washington’s main opposition to Chávez’s foreign policy came when he met with OPEC leaders considered to be U.S. adversaries, including the governments of Libya, Iraq and Iran in preparation for the 2000 OPEC summit. He met again with Saddam Hussein and Muhammar Ghaddafi the following year, and spoke out against the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan as a reaction to 9/11, saying “You can’t combat terror with more terror”.

An intelligence brief dated April 6, 2002 — a mere five days before the coup plot would be carried out — explicitly states that a coup was set to take place.

Under previous Venezuelan governments, neoliberal reforms had increased poverty and the police and military had used violent repression, but the U.S. still perceived Venezuela as a flourishing democracy.  Nevertheless, upon Chavez’s ascension, the fundamental premise of respecting an elected leader’s mandate was swiftly ignored by the United States. A State Department cable leaked right before the coup revealed the dissident military factions’ intentions to detain and overthrow Chavez, exhibiting advanced knowledge and direct involvement with the conspiracy.

On April 10, a day before the coup, U.S. Ambassador Charles Shapiro spoke to the press after meeting the Mayor of Caracas and when asked if the U.S. supported President Chavez, his reply was: “We support democracy and the constitutional framework” and he advised U.S. citizens in Venezuela to “be careful”. The Caracas Mayor, by his side, said: “If he doesn’t rule like a democrat, Chavez will leave office sooner than later.”

What came after was a wave of violence and repression that led to the arrest of Chavez, the killing of 19 people and injuring of over hundred, and a business leader swearing himself in as President,  followed by a visit from Ambassador Shapiro. All according to regular Monroe Doctrine protocol, thus far. 

Yet the one factor not taken into consideration: the will of the Venezuelan people. 

On April 13th, the people of Venezuela made history and made a dent on the Monroe Doctrine’s record.  Community leaders and organizers, despite facing police repression and a corporate media blackout, took the streets to demand that Chavez was brought back to office.  Military officers and troops, loyal to the Venezuelan Constitution that the people had given themselves, rose up against commanding officers and demanded that Chavez be reinstated as the legitimate President. This joint civilian and military popular rebellion to save Venezuelan democracy made history and overturned the Monroe Doctrine formula that had successfully overthrown other independent Latin American leaders in the past, such as  Jacobo Arbenz, Salvador Allende, Joao Goulart, Juan Bosch and Jean-Bertrand Aristide. 

Hugo Chavez being returned to power on 13 April 2002 after a right-wing coup briefly overthrew him (AVN / archive)

The question we must ask on an anniversary like this is why the United States continues to insist on a 200-year-old doctrine that has its back turned to the aspirations of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean? Why does the U.S. government continue to promote violence, human rights violations, and undemocratic governance that we would not tolerate on our own soil?  Why do we continue to make people suffer in places like Venezuela by sanctioning the entire country for standing up for their self-determination? Wouldn’t we, as a people, expect solidarity and respect for standing up for our own democratic ideals?  

In the end, the Monroe Doctrine is condemned to failure because people’s determination to be free will always prevail.  Why not turn, instead, to a policy of mutual cooperation, of respect for Latin American and Caribbean internal affairs? Why not convince rather than coerce, collaborate rather than take advantage? Why do we still not understand that the instability, violence and exploitation we promote in our region backfires and leads to the migration challenges we face today in our own country?

In Venezuela now, there’s a popular saying that refers to the day of the 2002 coup and the day–two days later–that Chavez was reinstated: Every 11th has its 13th.  It is a significant sign of the new Latin America and Caribbean that has emerged in the 21st Century, a region that wants to bury 200-year-old interventionism.  For every Monroe Doctrine intervention, there will be an April 13th rebellion for sovereignty and dignity.


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Michelle Ellner is a Latin America campaign coordinator of CODEPINK. She was born in Venezuela and holds a bachelor’s degree in languages and international affairs from the University La Sorbonne Paris IV, in Paris. After graduating, she worked for an international scholarship program out of offices in Caracas and Paris and was sent to Haiti, Cuba, The Gambia, and other countries for the purpose of evaluating and selecting applicants. Subsequently, she worked with community based programs designed to promote productive endeavors in Venezuela and then served as an analyst of U.S.-Venezuela relations.

Featured image is from CADTM

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Executive summary 

The official government numbers show COVID deaths are up in Ontario by nearly 40% since the vaccines rolled out and hospitalizations due to COVID are up by 31%!

Both hospitalization and deaths from COVID were up dramatically.

You can see it yourself (see the red box below):

Deaths went from 5,485 in 2021 to 7,625 in 2022.

Could that be statistical noise? Not likely. Sigma is 74 so it’s a 29-sigma increase. In other words, this increase in death didn’t happen by chance; something caused it.

The data from the Ontario website 

We know the vax makes you more likely to get COVID. If you had 3 shots, the Cleveland Clinic study showed you are about 2.5X more likely to get COVID. So that big spike in cases in 2022 is totally expected: it was our own doing. The more people who got COVID, the more people who died from COVID.

You’re less likely to die from a COVID case in 2022 than in 2021 because the variant is less deadly, not because the vaccine worked.



Possible explanations 

Was this because the virus was more deadly in 2022? I don’t think so.

Let’s look the world’s least vaccinated countries: Yemen, Haiti, and PNG. As you can see, deaths are way down in 2022 because the variants are less lethal:

These numbers show that the “it would have been worse if people weren’t vaccinated” excuse won’t hold any water.

Furthermore, we know the vaccines are super deadly. Consider the following recent post which is based on CDC data:

If it wasn’t the vaccine that caused this dramatic rise, what caused it?

Also, even the US data shows a decrease in 2022 vs. 2021, so it’s hard for Ontario to argue that the virus was more deadly in 2022:

This visualization was done on the CDC website on the Weekly Provisional Counts of Deaths page.

So there is no rock they can hide under.

Of course, this is embarrassing for the narrative which is why nobody is talking about it.

Even Professor David Fisman is silent about the report. I reached out to him for an explanation and he ignored it, exactly as expected.

This is why there is no press coverage of this: because the numbers are inexplicable if the vaccine worked.

I just thought you’d like to know.


It’s unfortunate that the mainstream press isn’t covering this.

I can’t figure out why. The press is supposed to report this and get comments from both sides. Instead, they ignore the story.

A nearly 40% increase in COVID deaths and the mainstream press ignores the story!?! WTF is going on here?

But I thought people would want to know the truth.


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Featured image is from Mercola

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Hello “Project Icebreaker”, Goodbye Financial Freedom. The Dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

By Brandon Smith, April 11, 2023

In a cashless society people would be dependent on digital products for exchanging goods and labor, and this would of course mean the end of all privacy in trade. Basically, everything you buy or sell or work for in your life would be recorded, and this lack of anonymity could easily be used to stifle your freedoms.

Finland’s NATO Move Leaves Others to Carry On the “Helsinki Spirit”

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 11, 2023

Only 20 to 30% of Finns have historically supported joining NATO, while the majority have consistently and proudly supported its policy of neutrality. In late 2021, a Finnish opinion poll measured popular support for NATO membership at 26%. But after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, that jumped to 60% within weeks and, by November 2022, 78% of Finns said they supported joining NATO.

Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets ‘From Ukraine to Middle East to China’

By Zero Hedge, April 11, 2023

A more expanded document dump and leak of highly classified materials is being reported in the wake of the initial disclosure that memos related to US strategy in the Ukraine war appeared online, including material marked “Top Secret”.

GOP Embraces a New Foreign Policy: Bomb Mexico to Stop Fentanyl

By Alexander Ward, April 11, 2023

In recent weeks, Donald Trump has discussed sending “special forces” and using “cyber warfare” to target cartel leaders if he’s reelected president and, per Rolling Stone, asked for “battle plans” to strike Mexico. Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) and Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) introduced a bill seeking authorization for the use of military force to “put us at war with the cartels.”

The Wages of Fear. “The Lethal Powers of the Inimitable COVID Pathogen”

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, April 11, 2023

In early 2020 I was struck most not by the powers of the inimitable covid pathogen – powers that were ostensibly uniquely lethal according to the authorities who bombarded us with death counts and images of extreme containment measures and, also, measures to remove the mounting corpses – but by the ease with which the noxious intimation of mortality could so paralyze even the most highly educated.

Peace Is Breaking Out in the Middle East… And Washington Is Not Happy!

By Rep. Ron Paul, April 11, 2023

While we were being distracted by the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war – and Washington’s increasing involvement in the war – tremendous developments in the Middle East have all but ended decades of US meddling in the region. Peace is breaking out in the Middle East and Washington is not at all happy about it!

Displacement or Migration to Poland: Ukrainian Population Movements. Destabilization in Central Europe?

By Konrad Rękas, April 11, 2023

On 24th February 2022 Poles have run to our South-Eastern border. The human, often Christian-motivated, compassion impulse pushed thousands of my compatriots to spontaneous gestures of help towards people whom they considered to be refugees from the war and immediate threats to their lives.

The Russia-Ukraine War: Russia Unleashes Its TOS-1A Rocket System

By William Walter Kay, April 11, 2023

Fourteen months into the Russo-Ukrainian War, Russia remains intriguingly parsimonious in deploying its world-class heavy artillery. This might change. On April 3 Russian media made much ado of a ceremony celebrating the transfer of TOS-1As to Airborne Forces. Hitherto TOS-1As were exclusively in the Radiological-Biological-Chemical Forces’ toolkit. Days later a TOS-1A struck Bakhmut.

“US Side-Channel” to China-Saudi-Iran Talks on Nuclear

By Karsten Riise, April 11, 2023

The nuclear issue and thus the JCPOA must have been part of the Saudi-Iran-China peace discussions. The reopening of US interest in the JCPOA hints that a US side-channel may have been opened prior to the China-Saudi-Iran agreement. Because prior to the reopening of diplomatic and trade relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Saudi Arabia will have insisted on a path to solve the issue of Iran’s nuclear program.

There Is No Peace in Sight. “I am Afraid That More Difficult Times Are Coming”. A Russian Viewpoint

By Yevgeny Primakov and Dragan Vujicic, April 11, 2023

I cannot guess the dates when the “old peace” will return and when the colonial leadership of the golden billion will end. I am not even sure that we will live to see that new world. I am afraid that even more difficult times are coming because the so-called golden billion will fight to the end and by all means to maintain his hegemony.

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On April 4, 2023, Finland officially became the 31st member of the NATO military alliance. The 830-mile border between Finland and Russia is now by far the longest border between any NATO country and Russia, which otherwise borders only Norway, Latvia, Estonia, and short stretches of the Polish and Lithuanian borders where they encircle Kaliningrad.

In the context of the not-so-cold war between the United States, NATO and Russia, any of these borders is a potentially dangerous flashpoint that could trigger a new crisis, or even a world war. But a key difference with the Finnish border is that it comes within about 100 miles of Severomorsk, where Russia’s Northern Fleet and 13 of its 23 nuclear-armed submarines are based. This could well be where World War III will begin, if it has not already started in Ukraine.

In Europe today, only Switzerland, Austria, Ireland and a handful of other small countries remain outside NATO. For 75 years, Finland was a model of successful neutrality, but it is far from demilitarized. Like Switzerland, it has a large military, and young Finns are required to perform at least six months of military training after they turn 18. Its active and reserve military forces make up over 4% of the population – compared with only 0.6% in the U.S. – and 83% of Finns say they would take part in armed resistance if Finland were invaded.

Only 20 to 30% of Finns have historically supported joining NATO, while the majority have consistently and proudly supported its policy of neutrality. In late 2021, a Finnish opinion poll measured popular support for NATO membership at 26%. But after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, that jumped to 60% within weeks and, by November 2022, 78% of Finns said they supported joining NATO. 

As in the United States and other NATO countries, Finland’s political leaders have been more pro-NATO than the general public. Despite long-standing public support for neutrality, Finland joined NATO’s Partnership for Peace program in 1997. Its government sent 200 troops to Afghanistan as part of the UN-authorized International Security Assistance Force after the 2001 U.S. invasion, and they remained there after NATO took command of this force in 2003. Finnish troops did not leave Afghanistan until all Western forces withdrew in 2021, after a total of 2,500 Finnish troops and 140 civilian officials had been deployed there, and two Finns had been killed.

A December 2022 review of Finland’s role in Afghanistan by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs found that the Finnish troops “repeatedly engaged in combat as part of the military operation that was now led by NATO and had become a party in the conflict,” and that Finland’s proclaimed objective, which was “to stabilize and support Afghanistan to enhance international peace and security” was outweighed by “its desire to maintain and strengthen its foreign and security policy relations with the U.S. and other international partners, as well as its effort to deepen its collaboration with NATO.” 

In other words, like other small NATO-allied countries, Finland was unable, in the midst of an escalating war, to uphold its own priorities and values, and instead allowed its desire “to deepen its collaboration” with the United States and NATO to take precedence over its original aim of trying to help the people of Afghanistan to recover peace and stability. As a result of these confused and conflicting priorities, Finnish forces were drawn into the pattern of reflexive escalation and use of overwhelming destructive force that have characterized U.S. military operations in all its recent wars.

As a small new NATO member, Finland will be just as impotent as it was in Afghanistan to affect the momentum of the NATO war machine’s rising conflict with Russia. Finland will find that its tragic choice to abandon a policy of neutrality that brought it 75 years of peace and look to NATO for protection will leave it, like Ukraine, dangerously exposed on the front lines of a war directed from Moscow, Washington and Brussels that it can neither win, nor independently resolve, nor prevent from escalating into World War III.

Finland’s success as a neutral and liberal democratic country during and since the Cold War has created a popular culture in which the public are more trusting of their leaders and representatives than people in most Western countries, and less likely to question the wisdom of their decisions. So the near unanimity of the political class to join NATO in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine faced little public opposition. In May 2022, Finland’s parliament approved joining NATO by an overwhelming 188 votes to eight.

But why have Finland’s political leaders been so keen to “strengthen its foreign and security policy relations with the U.S. and other international partners,” as the Finland in Afghanistan report said? As an independent, neutral, but strongly armed military nation, Finland already meets the NATO goal of spending 2% of its GDP on the military. It also has a substantial arms industry, which builds its own modern warships, artillery, assault rifles and other weapons.  

NATO membership will integrate Finland’s arms industry into NATO’s lucrative arms market, boosting sales of Finnish weapons, while also providing a context to buy more of the latest U.S. and allied weaponry for its own military and to collaborate on joint weapons projects with firms in larger NATO countries. With NATO military budgets increasing, and likely to keep increasing, Finland’s government clearly faces pressures from the arms industry and other interests. In effect, its own small military-industrial complex doesn’t want to be left out. 

Since it began its NATO accession, Finland has already committed $10 billion to buy American F-35 fighters to replace its three squadrons of F-18s. It has also been taking bids for new missile defense systems, and is reportedly trying to choose between the Indian-Israeli Barak 8 surface-to-air missile system and the U.S.-Israeli David’s Sling system, built by Israel’s Raphael and the U.S.’s Raytheon.

Finnish law prohibits the country from possessing nuclear weapons or allowing them in the country, unlike the five NATO countries that store stockpiles of U.S. nuclear weapons on their soil – Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Turkey. But Finland submitted its NATO accession documents without the exceptions that Denmark and Norway have insisted on to allow them to prohibit nuclear weapons. This leaves Finland’s nuclear posture uniquely ambiguous, despite President Sauli Niinistö’s promise that “Finland has no intention of bringing nuclear weapons onto our soil.”

The lack of discussion about the implications of Finland joining an explicitly nuclear military alliance is troubling, and has been attributed to an overly hasty accession process in the context of the war in Ukraine, as well as to Finland’s tradition of unquestioning popular trust in its national government. 

Perhaps most regrettable is that Finland’s membership in NATO marks the end of the nation’s admirable tradition as a global peacemaker. Former Finnish President Urho Kekkonen, an architect of the policy of cooperation with the neighboring Soviet Union and a champion of world peace, helped craft the Helsinki Accords, a historic agreement signed in 1975 by the United States, the Soviet Union, Canada and every European nation (except Albania) to improve detente between the Soviet Union and the West. 

Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari continued the peacemaking tradition and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008 for his critical efforts to resolve international conflicts from Namibia to Aceh in Indonesia to Kosovo (which was bombed by NATO). 

Speaking at the UN in September 2021, Finnish President Sauli Niinistö seemed anxious to follow this legacy.

“A willingness of adversaries and competitors to engage in dialogue, to build trust, and to seek common denominators – that was the essence of the Helsinki Spirit. It is precisely that kind of a spirit that the entire world, and the United Nations, urgently needs,” he said. “I am convinced that the more we speak about the Helsinki Spirit, the closer we get to rekindling it – and to making it come true.“ 

Of course, it was Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine that drove Finland to abandon the “Helsinki Spirit” in favor of joining NATO. But if Finland had resisted the pressures on it to rush into NATO membership, it could instead now be joining the “Peace Club” being formed by Brazilian President Lula to revive negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. Sadly for Finland and the world, it looks like the Helsinki Spirit will have to move forward–without Helsinki.


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher with CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.  

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies are the authors of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, published by OR Books in November 2022. They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Welche Ukraine unterstützen wir?

April 11th, 2023 by Patrick Pasin

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Der Slogan “Unterstützung für die Ukraine” entwickelt sich momentan prächtig. Wissen diejenigen, die ihn propagieren, dass die Ukrainer VOR dem Krieg das am meisten gemarterte Volk in Europa waren? Und das ausgerechnet wegen des Mannes, den der Westen so liebt: Präsident Zelensky.

Das, was uns die Medien vorenthalten, sollte uns daher dazu bringen die aufrichtige und freundschaftliche Unterstützung des ukrainischen Volkes kritisch zu hinterfragen.

Das Land ohne Babys

Im Jahr 2021 überstieg die Zahl der Todesfälle die Zahl der Geburten um 442 279[1], eine verblüffende Zahl für rund 41 Millionen Einwohner: Sie bedeutet, dass mehr als 1% der Bevölkerung in diesem Jahr buchstäblich verschwunden ist. Dabei sind die Effekte aufgrund von Auswanderungen noch nicht einmal mit einbezogen.

Im Januar 2022, dem letzten Monat vor der Spezialoperation, verschlechterte sich die Situation noch weiter: Es gab rund 57.000 Todesfälle, aber nur 18.000 Geburten, was also einem Verhältnis größer drei entspricht.

Auch wenn die Differenz in den Vorjahren geringer war, lag sie seit der Maidan-Revolution 2014 und davor immer bei einem sechsstelligen negativen Überschuss. Bei diesem Tempo wird das ukrainische Volk in ein bis zwei Generationen ausgestorben sein, zumal ein Großteil der Flüchtlinge und Emigranten nicht zurückkehren wird, egal wie die Ukraine nach dem Ende des Krieges aussehen wird.

Jetzt kommt noch die laufende Katastrophe hinzu, in der über 200.000 Männer, die in ihren besten Jahren sind, abgeschlachtet werden und daher keine Kinder mehr bekommen können.

Und das Gemetzel geht weiter: Es sind nunmehr Teenager, die an die Front geschickt werden. Wer kann sich die daraus resultierenden mittel- und langfristigen Folgen für die Existenz des ukrainischen Volkes vorstellen?

Das Land der US-Kriegslabore

Nach Angaben der WHO und lokaler Behörden, darunter der ukrainischen Ärztekammer, gehören die Infektionsraten für HIV/AIDS, Tuberkulose sowie Hepatitis B und C in der Ukraine weiterhin zu den höchsten in Europa und der Welt. Die Tuberkulose hat sich dort sogar in einer speziellen Form ausgebreitet, die sehr resistent gegen Medikamente ist.[2]

Das Land wird außerdem trotz hoher Impfquote von heftigen Masernepidemien heimgesucht, aber auch von Schweinegrippe, Botulismus, Leptospirose, Diphtherie usw.,[3] die es nirgendwo sonst in diesem Ausmaß gibt.

Die von den Russen durchgeführten medizinischen Tests an Tausenden ukrainischen Kriegsgefangenen ergaben, dass ein Drittel von ihnen mit Hepatitis A infiziert war, über 4% ein renales Syndrom aufwiesen und 20% das West-Nil-Fieber hatten.[4] Die Schlussfolgerung lautete daher, dass sie jahrelang von den Amerikanern biologischen Experimenten unterzogen worden sind. Russische Propaganda?

Nein, denn das US-Verteidigungsministerium gab am 9. Juni 2022 zu, “Kooperationen” mit 46 ukrainischen Laboren eingegangen zu sein, die – natürlich – ausschließlich friedlichen Zwecken dienten.[5] Tatsächlich jedoch “kooperierte” das Pentagon nicht, sondern betrieb seit 2014 Labore für biologische Kriegsführung in der Ukraine, was gegen die Biowaffenkonvention von 1972 verstößt.

Dies ist seit dem Euromaidan 2014 ausführlich dokumentiert. Beispielsweise geht aus einem Bericht eines ehemaligen Agenten des ukrainischen Geheimdienstes SBU hervor, dass „der Tod der Versuchsobjekte im Rahmen der Durchführung des Versuchs genehmigt wurde“.[6]

Bei ebendiesen “Versuchsobjekten” handelte es sich jedoch um Ukrainer und nicht etwa um Laborratten.

Es wird auch bekannt, dass diese äußerst gefährliche Forschung darauf abzielte, die pathogenen Eigenschaften von Pest, Milzbrand, Tularämie, Cholera und anderen tödlichen Krankheiten zu verbessern.[7] Zu den Hauptzielen gehörte auch die Erforschung bakterieller und viraler Krankheitserreger, die von Fledermäusen auf den Menschen übertragen werden können, wie die Erreger von Pest, Leptospirose, Brucellose sowie Coronaviren… Coronaviren von Fledermäusen? Kommt uns das nicht bekannt vor? Hinzu kommt, dass ein Militärprogramm mit dem Titel “Covid-19” im November 2019 finanziert wurde, also drei Monate bevor die WHO einer globalen Pandemie diesen Namen gab, die immer noch nicht aus der Welt geschafft ist. [8] Einfacher Zufall?

Wie dem auch sei, es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass die ukrainische Zivilbevölkerung und die ukrainischen Soldaten seit Jahren als Versuchskaninchen für das US-Militär dienen, mit der Komplizenschaft Kiews. Darüber hinaus bedrohen uns diese biologischen Waffen ebenfalls, denn warum sollten die tödlichen Viren an unseren Grenzen Halt machen? Was tun die Europäische Kommission und unsere Regierungen, um uns vor dieser Bedrohung zu schützen?

Das Land der Neonazis

Die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters schätzt die Zahl derer, die man als “Nationalisten” bezeichnen würde, auf über 100.000, egal ob sie den Azov, Aidar, C14 oder anderen Gruppierungen angehören. Nicht nur machen sie seit 2014 den russischsprachigen, magyarischen, jüdischen, Roma- und LGBT-Minderheiten das Leben schwer, sondern auch vielen anderen Ukrainern.[9] Sie waren insbesondere am Donbass-Konflikt beteiligt, bei dem über 14.000 Menschen getötet wurden und der daher nach der „Konvention über die Verhütung und Bestrafung des Völkermordes“ vom 9. Dezember 1948 als Völkermord bezeichnet werden kann. Zeugenaussagen zufolge erhielten die Todesbataillone bis zu 10.000 US-Dollar für die Tötung oder Gefangennahme von Separatisten.[10] Ein gutes Geschäft in einem Land, dessen demokratische und fortschrittliche Werte uns immer wieder verkauft werden.

Sie zögern nicht einmal, bewaffnet in Gerichte einzudringen, um Richter zu bedrohen, und in Behörden, um Bürgermeister und Gouverneure zu erpressen. Sie zwingen sogar einige Gemeinden dazu, sie als Milizen zu bezahlen, um die „Sicherheit“ der Bürger zu gewährleisten. Da die Ukraine auch das Land ohne Justiz ist, wie wir später noch sehen werden, haben sie in ihren Handlungen alle Freiheit, darunter sogar Mord, Vergewaltigung, Folter, Raubüberfälle, Schutzgelderpressung und so weiter. Natürlich mit der Komplizenschaft der Polizei.

Und als das Aidar-Bataillon 2016 von den Behörden aufgelöst wurde, blockierten seine Mitglieder eine Verkehrsader in Kiew und versuchten, das Innenministerium zu stürmen.[11] Nach einer solchen Tat könnte man meinen, dass die Gefängnisstrafen dementsprechend hart waren. Aber nein! Der Auflösungsbefehl wurde aufgehoben und sie wurden wie die anderen Neonazi-Bataillone nach dem Minsker Abkommen in die ukrainischen Streitkräfte integriert und dann in den Donbass geschickt, um dort ihre Verbrechen zu begehen.

Dadurch werden sie nun zu unseren „Verbündeten“, da sich der Westen auf Leben und Tod (zunächst einmal vor allem dem der Ukrainer…) mit der Ukraine verbrüdert hat.

Das Land der Korruption

Dieser Punkt würde ein ganzes Kapitel füllen, da die Korruption in der Ukraine schier endlos ist. So berichtet CNN bereits 2015, dass diese den Staatshaushalt um die 10 Milliarden US-Dollar kostet.[12] Keine internationale Institution lässt sich von dieser Realität täuschen. Der europäische Rechnungshof stellte beispielsweise in einem Bericht von 2016 fest, dass er keine Kenntnis über die Verwendung der letzten 11 Milliarden Euro hat, die an die Ukraine überwiesen wurden.[13] Stattdessen heißt es dort, dass “die Risiken, die von ehemaligen und neuen Oligarchen ausgehen, weiterhin hoch sind”. Wie könnte man Korruption besser zugeben, ohne das Wort zu benutzen?

Nichtsdestotrotz fließen weiterhin Milliarden, sei es von der EU, den USA, dem IWF und so weiter. Seltsam, nicht wahr?

Um den Strom dieser enorm großzügigen Gelder nicht versiegen zu lassen, wird die Frage der Korruption vom Verfassungsgericht der Ukraine mit seiner spektakulären Entscheidung vom 27. Oktober 2020 endgültig geklärt: Es entlastet die Regierung, hohe Beamte und Richter von jeglicher Verantwortung für falsche Vermögenserklärungen.[14]

Demnach ist ein Richter, der lediglich den Besitz einer bescheidenen Wohnung in Kiew angegeben hätte, nun gesetzlich geschützt, wenn sich herausstellt, dass er auch eine prächtige Villa an der Côte d’Azur besitzt. Wenigstens werden nun Gerichtsurteile schneller gefällt: Deren Ergebnis hängt ab sofort nämlich nur noch davon ab, wie groß die gezahlten Schecks sind. Dasselbe gilt für Politiker und Beamte. Das Land der Korruption ist auch zum Land ohne Gerechtigkeit geworden.

Seitdem fließen natürlich weiterhin Milliarden in die Ukraine. Die ukrainischen Anführer sollen also die einzigen sein, die von diesem großen „Kuchen“ ein Stück abbekommen? Geht wirklich nichts von diesen enormen Summen heimlich an den Westen, sodass dieser im Gegenzug dafür dieses Fass ohne Boden namens Zelenskyland unterstützt?

Wie dem auch sei, fest steht, dass diese etlichen Milliarden, zu denen unter anderem wir beitragen, bislang weder dem ukrainischen Volk noch dem Frieden zugutegekommen sind.

Das Land ohne Arbeitsrecht

Als der Krieg ausbricht, werden sehr schnell Oppositionsparteien und nicht staatstreue Medien verboten. Zweifellos eine Demonstration demokratischer Werte, um der Europäischen Kommission zu gefallen… Ebenso beunruhigend ist, dass die Behörden mit dem Gesetz 5371, das am 17. August 2022 von Präsident Zelensky ratifiziert wurde, beschließen, das Arbeitsgesetzbuch in Unternehmen mit weniger als 250 Mitarbeitern, d. h. für mehr als zwei Drittel der Bevölkerung, abzuschaffen.[15] Von nun an gibt es nur noch “frei” ausgehandelte Verträge mit dem Arbeitgeber, der z. B. 50- oder 60-Stunden-Wochen und darüber hinaus vorschreiben kann. Die Arbeitnehmer genießen keinen gesetzlichen Schutz mehr und die Gewerkschaften haben keine Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Die Ukraine ist auf ganz legale Weise zu einem Paradies für Schurkenbosse geworden.

Natürlich kann ein Arbeitnehmer einen solchen Vertrag ablehnen, aber ist er sicher, dass er eine andere Stelle findet, die ihm nicht die gleichen Einschränkungen auferlegt, da alle Unternehmen, außer den multinationalen Konzernen, von dieser Ausnahmeregelung profitieren?

In letzter Minute wurde noch hinzugefügt, dass das Gesetz so lange in Kraft bleibt, wie das Kriegsrecht gilt. Wer kann denn wirklich garantieren, dass es danach nicht mehr gilt, und sei es nur, um den Arbeitsmarkt “liquider” zu machen? Wer kann garantieren, dass angesichts der sich abzeichnenden Krise in der Europäischen Union nicht die gleiche Art von Gesetz durchgesetzt wird, natürlich alles zum Wohle der Arbeitnehmer?

Das Land des Menschenhandels

Das zuvor Genannte war im Vergleich, zu dem was nun folgt verhältnismäßig harmlos: Zahlreiche Berichte belegen, dass die Ukraine ein Land ist, in dem Kinder verkauft werden, aber nicht nur das: Beispielsweise berichtet der Trafficking in Persons Report von 2021, der vom US-Außenministerium herausgegeben wird und daher nicht im Verdacht steht, gegenüber der Ukraine voreingenommen zu sein, Folgendes:


Wie in den letzten fünf Jahren berichtet wurde, beuten Menschenhändler in- und ausländische Opfer in der Ukraine aus, und Menschenhändler beuten Opfer aus der Ukraine im Ausland aus. Ukrainische Opfer werden in der Ukraine, aber auch in Russland, Polen, Deutschland und anderen Teilen Europas, China, Kasachstan und dem Nahen Osten durch Sexhandel und Zwangsarbeit ausgebeutet. Ukrainische Opfer werden zunehmend in EU-Mitgliedstaaten ausgebeutet.[17]

Man fragt sich, was die Europäische Kommission, die sich so gerne mit ihren menschenrechtlichen Werten brüstet, gegen dieses Unheil unternimmt… Der Bericht wird wie folgt fortgesetzt:

Die rund 104.000 Kinder, die in staatlichen Waisenhäusern untergebracht sind, sind besonders gefährdet, Opfer des Menschenhandels zu werden. Beamte mehrerer staatlicher Heime und Waisenhäuser haben sich angeblich mitschuldig gemacht oder vorsätzlich fahrlässig gehandelt, wenn Mädchen und Jungen, die in ihrer Obhut waren, mit Sex und Arbeit gehandelt wurden.

Auch wenn das Wort selbst nicht ausgeschrieben wird, handelt es sich hierbei um Pädokriminalität. “Eines von zehn Kindern, die weltweit Opfer von Menschenhandel werden, kommt aus der Ukraine.” In einem auf ARTE ausgestrahlten Film[18] erfahren wir auch, dass “etwa 40 Jugendliche zu sexuellen Zwecken an lokale Politiker verkauft wurden. Die Presse und die breite Öffentlichkeit werden von dem Prozess ferngehalten”. Natürlich kam nichts dabei heraus, aber wieso sollte man glauben, dass die Eliten der Ukraine seitdem zur Vernunft gekommen sind?

Doch hat irgendjemand Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel, Josep Borrell, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Boris Johnson etc. gehört, wie sie diese unfassbaren Menschenrechtsverletzungen öffentlich kritisieren?

Wer also will immer noch das Traumland von Präsident Zelensky und der NATO unterstützen, das uns Tag und Nacht von den Medien des Westens angepriesen wird? Verdient diese Ukraine unsere Unterstützung, ja sogar unsere Opfer?

Um dem ukrainischen Volk zu helfen und die Katastrophe abzuwenden, die bereits Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesellschaft hat, gibt es nur eine Option: Frieden. Daher müssen wir dringend aufhören, Waffen und Geld für den Krieg zu schicken: Er muss aus Mangel an Waffen und nicht aus Mangel an Kämpfern beendet werden. Außerdem laufen wir Gefahr, selbst in den Krieg hineingezogen zu werden, wenn wir den Wahnsinn unserer Anführer nicht stoppen.

Nächster Artikel: Krieg in der Ukraine: Das internationale Recht ist auf der Seite Russlands.


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Nächster Artikel: Krieg in der Ukraine: Das internationale Recht ist auf der Seite Russlands.

Patrick Pasin, Verleger und Autor von Guerre en Ukraine – La Responsabilité criminelle de l’Occident (auf Französisch)


[1] Das sind 714.263 Tode gegenüber 271.964 Geburten. Quelle: Nationales Amt für Statistik der Ukraine.

[2]. Hacker group says US biological labs active in Ukraine, Tass, 25. August 2017.

[3]. EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From Obama’s Defense Department, Natalie Winters et Raheem J. Kassam, The National Pulse, 24. März 2022.

[4]. Bioterrorisme américain : Le Pentagone n’a pas eu le temps de détruire les preuves à Severodonetsk, Alexandre Rostovtsev, Polit Navigator, Réseau International, 20. Juli 2022.

[5]. Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries, U.S. Department of Defense, 9. Juni 2022.

[6]. Arme dans un tube à essai – Comment les États-Unis ont fait de l’Ukraine un terrain d’expérimentation biologique, Christelle Néant, Donbass Insider, 8. Dezember 2020.

[7]. Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on biological laboratories in Ukraine, 11. März 2022.

[8]. U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist, The Exposé, 13. April 2022.

[9]. Joint Letter to Ukraine’s Minister of Interior Affairs and Prosecutor General Concerning Radical Groups, Human Rights Watch, 14. Juni 2018.

[10]. und Le massacre d’Odessa organisé au sommet de l’État ukrainien, Réseau Voltaire, 16. Mai 2014.

[11]. La Gestapo ukrainienne… Le bataillon Aïdar fait peur même aux autorités ukrainiennes, Histoire et Société, 11. Mai 2022.

[12]. George Soros: I may invest $1 billion in Ukraine, CNN Business, 30. März 2015.

[13]. L’UE se demande où sont passées les aides à l’Ukraine, Georgi Gotev,, 7. Dezember 2016 / Rapport spécial n° 32/2016 : L´aide de l´UE en faveur de l´Ukraine, Europäischer Rechnungshof.

[14]. Constitutional Court of Ukraine has struck a blow to anti-corruption reform – NABU statement, National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (Nabu), 29. Oktober 2020.

[15]. Ukraine’s anti-worker law comes into effect, Open Democracy, 25. August 2022.


[17]. Von mir hervorgehoben.

[18] Trafic d’enfants au cœur de l’Europe (Kinderhandel mitten in Europa), ein Dokumentarfilm von Sylvia Nagel und Sonja Winterberg, 2019.

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Godine 2022, Srđan Aleksić, advokat iz Niša, započeo je pravni proces protiv NATO-a. Od 2017. godine (kada je počelo prikupljanje dokaza) do danas, preko četiri hiljade građana Srbije (uključujući Kosovo i Metohiju) pokazalo je interesovanje da tuži NATO zbog sopstvene dijagnoze raka i dijagnoze članova njihovih porodica za koje veruju da imaju direktnu vezu sa bombardovanjem Jugoslavije 1999 godine, gde je korišćen uranijum. NATO je već priznao da su bacili preko 15 tona uranijuma iznad Kosova i Metohije i južnih delova Srbije kao što su opštine Preševo, Bujanovac i Vranje. Kao rezultat ovih bombardovanja, preko trideset hiljada ljudi svake godine u Srbiji dobije dijagnozu raka, to u zemlji koja pre bombardovanja 1999 nije imala više od sedam hiljade građana sa diagnozom raka. Srbija je danas zemlja u Evropi koja ima najveći broj dijagnoza raka i druga u svetu.

Anđelo Fiore Tartalja advokat iz Italije je deo pravnog tima Srđana Aleksića i savetuje ga u vezi sa tužbama podnetim protiv NATO-a u ime građana Srbije. Tartalja je dobio preko 350 slučajeva u Italiji gde je dokazao da su italijanski vojnici i oficiri u mirovnim snagama koji su bili stacionirani na Kosovu i Metohiji (posle bombardovanja), gde je bačena najveća količina uranijumske bombe, dijagnostikovan rak i od kojih su mnogi umrli kao direktna posledica uranijuma u NATO bombama. U njihovoj analizi krvi pronađeno je 500 puta više metala nego što je normalno. Preko sedam hiljada italijanskih vojnika i oficira obolelo je od raka posle službe na Kosovu i Metohiji, a 400 je preminulo. Takođe je važno naglasiti činjenicu da je ne samo u Srbiji došlo do velikog porasta dijagnoze raka, nego i u susednim zemljama kao što su Bugarska, Rumunija, Severna Makedonija i Bosna i Hercegovina.

Veruje se da se čestice od uranijumskih bombi šire opsežno nakon što pogode svoju metu (u zavisnosti od više faktora) i da je potrebno preko 4,5 milijardi godina da se uranijum raspadne i da ostane u zemljištu hiljadama godina, a možda i duže. Dakle, ne samo da je NATO odgovoran za “zločine protiv čovečnosti” kada je koristio te bombe i ostavljao za sobom zaostavne mine, već su počinili i zločin Ekocide, gde su oštetili ekosistem i biodiverzitet Srbije. Iako to još uvek nije priznato kao krivično delo po međunarodnom pravu, razmatra se kako bi i ljudi, korporacije i vojske mogli da odgovaraju za krivična dela štetnog zagađenja.

Srđan Aleksić i njegov advokatski tim do sada su prikupili medicinsku dokumentaciju i dokumentaciju o punomoćju 1.500 građana, a u Višem sudu u Beogradu je podneto 35 tužbi. Svakog meseca oni podnesu 10 novih slučajeva i nastaviće to da rade. U slučajevima kada je tužiteljka preminula, članovi porodice su prosledili medicinsku dokumentaciju i nastaviće proceduru u njihovo ime, pa će se čak i ovi predmeti predati Višem sudu u Beogradu.

Srđan Aleksić i njegov tim advokata nisu zainteresovani za ekonomsku dobit i ne naplaćuju svojim klijentima pravni posao s obzirom na to da je većina tužitelja iz južnih krajeva Srbije koji su izuzetno siromašni i već su prodali gotovo sve što poseduju samo da bi se lečili od raka. Veruje se da bi veći broj tužitelja tužio NATO, ali takse samo da bi se započeo pravni proces u Srbiji iznose 350 evra a nažalost većina ljudi u južnim delovima Srbije nema sredstava da plati te takse. Srđan Aleksić takođe ima ličnu agendu, s obzirom da su njegova majka i mnogi članovi njegove porodice iz njegovog sela kod Bujanovca preminuli od raka posle NATO bombardovanja.

Zbog povećanja dijagnoze raka u Bosni i Hercegovini posle NATO bombardovanja 1995, puno građana želi da tuži NATO verovajući da su i njihove diagnoze kancera direktna posledica uranijuma koji je takođe koriščen u njihovoj zemlji 1995. Oni trenutno čekaju da vide ishod suđenja u Srbiji pre nego što počnu sa zakonskim procedurama.

NATO je odgovorio, navodeći da imaju imunitet i da ne moraju da odgovaraju Višem sudu u Beogradu zbog Sporazuma o Tranzitu potpisanog 2005 i Partnerstvo za Mir 2006. Sporazum o tranzitu i Partnerstvo za Mir nemaju veze sa pravnim slučajevima pomenutim u ovom tekstu, Sporazum o Tranzitu je jednostavno sporazum koji omogućava savezničkim snagama u sastavu KFOR-a da prođu kroz teritoriju Srbije. Partnerstvo Mira je saradnja Srbije sa NATO-om i Tribunalom u Hagu. Srđan Aleksić kaže da se imunitet ne može sprovesti retroaktivno, Jugoslavija je bombardovana 1999 godine a sporazumi su potpisani šest godina kasnije. Suđenja su odložena zbog smrti Pukovnika Dragana Stojčića (odslužio 280 dana na granici između Kosova i Srbije i na Kosovu) koji je preminuo usled raka. On je bio prvi tužilac koji je tužio NATO. Njegova supruga će nastaviti njegovu slučaj na sudu. Očekuje se da će suđenja početi krajem 2023.


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Danas. 23 March 2022: “NATO`s Relation with Serbia”:

RTRS. 12 June 2022:

Vesti Online. 8 November 2022:

Telegraf. 13 June 2022:

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A more expanded document dump and leak of highly classified materials is being reported in the wake of the initial disclosure that memos related to US strategy in the Ukraine war appeared online, including material marked “Top Secret”

This time the leak appears more expansive: “A new batch of classified documents that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday, alarming the Pentagon and adding turmoil to a situation that seemed to have caught the Biden administration off guard,” The New York Times reported Friday evening.

“The scale of the leak — analysts say more than 100 documents may have been obtained — along with the sensitivity of the documents themselves, could be hugely damaging, U.S. officials said,” the report continues.

One senior intelligence official was quoted in the report as saying the leak is “a nightmare for the Five Eyes” – in reference to the intelligence-sharing nations of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Like the Ukraine war plans earlier reported on by the Times, some of these latest documents appeared on Twitter and other social media platforms, and they include reports labeled with one of the highest classification ratings of “Secret/NoForn” – which means they are sensitive enough to not be shared with even foreign allies. 

Interestingly, the NY Times notes that one intelligence slide which is circulating features “an alarming assessment of Ukraine’s faltering air defense capabilities.” But these leaks, some of which actually appeared on a Discord server devoted to discussing Minecraft and other unusual places, include more than the initial content on Ukraine war planning

But the leaked documents appear to go well beyond highly classified material on Ukraine war plans. Security analysts who have reviewed the documents tumbling onto social media sites say the increasing trove also includes sensitive briefing slides on China, the Indo-Pacific military theater, the Middle East and terrorism.

The report quotes one analyst who warns this is likely “the tip of the iceberg” and that more major leaks are coming, or possibly have already happened, in something which could begin to rival the ‘Pentagon Papers’ of the Vietnam war era.

A former senior Pentagon official, Mick Mulroy, was also quoted as saying this could possibly hinder Ukrainian military planning given that “many of these were pictures of documents” and thus “it appears that it was a deliberate leak done by someone that wished to damage the Ukraine, U.S., and NATO efforts.”

This assessment suggests a leak from inside allied forces, and not from a foreign adversary, even though US officials are accusing Russian-linked entities online of being the chief spreaders of the leaked documents. 

US officials are also warning that some of the documents may have been digitally altered to fit a more pro-Kremlin narrative, as we detailed earlier. Twitter has acknowledged that US officials are requesting that it act to scrub classified materials from the platform.

There’s growing concern that the leaks could be coming from within the Ukrainian military

Pentagon and US intelligence officials are also scrambling to discover the source of the leak in an ongoing investigation. Likely this is to result in greater scrutiny on Kiev and how its chain-of-command handles sensitive data shared from the Pentagon.


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There has been extensive discussion in the past couple of years within alternative media circles about the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs); a currency framework very similar to blockchain based products like bitcoin but directly controlled by central bankers.

CDBCs are a threat that some analysts including myself have been writing about for more than a decade, so it’s good to finally see the issue being addressed more in the mainstream.

The economics of enslavement

The Orwellian nature of CBDCs cannot be overstated.

In a cashless society people would be dependent on digital products for exchanging goods and labor, and this would of course mean the end of all privacy in trade. Basically, everything you buy or sell or work for in your life would be recorded, and this lack of anonymity could easily be used to stifle your freedoms.

For example, say you like to eat steak regularly, but the “green” government decides to list red meat as a health risk and a “climate change risk,” due to carbon emissions from cows. They determine by your purchase history (which they now have full access to) that you have contributed more carbon pollution than most people by eating red meat often. They declare that you must pay a retroactive carbon tax on your past purchases of red meat. Not only that, but your insurance company sends you a letter indicating that you are now a risk and they cut off your health coverage.

Other products you might consume and services you use can be tracked to create a psychological profile on you, which could then become a factor in determining your social credit score as they do often in China.

Maybe you refuse or forgot to purchase your annual mRNA booster shot, and the tracking algorithm makes a note of this. Now you are under suspicion for being “anti-vax” and your social credit score plummets, cutting you off from various public venues. Maybe you are even fired from your job.

In the worst case scenario, though, economic access is the greatest oppressive tool.

With CBDCs in place and no physical cash in existence, your savings will never truly be yours and you never be able to hold your purchasing power in your hands.

The means of exchange would be firewalled by the banks. Any (or all) government agencies would be able to freeze your ability to transact.

If one day you get angry about a particular government policy or a stupid thing a politician says, and openly call the system “corrupt” in public? The Bureau of Tolerance in Public Discourse could simply suspend your access to your digital money… Temporarily, of course. Only until you submit and change your tune – if it’s your first offense.

Repeat offenders might be required to attend a Sensitivity Training Boot Camp – at your own expense, of course! With CDBCs, any government bureaucrat could not only prevent you from making any purchases, they could also allow you to only make specific purchases, like a train ticket to Sensitivity Training Boot Camp where you’d spend eight to twelve weeks being “reeducated” in order to regain your rights to buy food.

This is every authoritarian’s dream come true.

Imagine this power even in the hands of a benevolent leader! It would be so easy to nudge citizens to live healthier, more productive lives… (In fact, in China, one of the documented uses of their combination “social credit score” and cashless transactions is denying individuals the ability to buy junk food because they’re considered to be overweight.)

In the hands of a callous, ruthless government? Much, much worse.

CBDCs give government bureaucrats the ability to starve their political opponents with algorithmic precision. It would be a new world of technocratic oppression – allowing раскулачивание or “dekulakization” of individuals or entire regions at the push of a button. At any time, for any reason.

Imagine living under the threat of possible “liquidation” every single day for the rest of your life.

This power that Stalin or Hitler or Chairman Mao could only dream of has only become possible relatively recently. Over the past few years, the combination of powerful computing, unimaginably advanced data analysis and extraction techniques and universal spying devices (also known as “smartphones”) have created the opportunity for autocrats to create the ultimate tool of control and oppression.

That “opportunity” is rapidly becoming a reality.

Project Icebreaker

It’s important to understand that central bankers are moving at breakneck speed to develop and introduce digital currencies. It’s not a matter of experimentation, they already have these systems ready to implement. In my investigations of various CBDC programs and how quickly they are progressing I came across an interesting program called Project Icebreaker managed and developed by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

Source: BIS

For those not aware, the BIS is a globalist institution with a clandestine past known as the “central bank of central banks.” It is the policy-making hub for most of the central banks in the world. If you ever wondered how it was possible for so many national central banks to operate in tandem with each other instead of in the interests of their home countries, the BIS is the answer. In other words, organizations like the Federal Reserve are not necessarily loyal to Americans or to American officials, they are loyal to the dictates of the BIS.

The BIS is at the forefront of the CDBC movement. They’ve funded a vast array of projects to test and refine CBDC technologies for some time. Right now, the BIS estimate that at least 81 central banks around the world are in the process of introducing their very own CDBC.

Now, there are only 195 countries in the whole world, and more than 2/3 of them are pursuing this freedom-destroying, autocrat’s-dream-come-true.

Project Icebreaker in particular grabbed my interest for a number of reasons. The BIS describes the project as a foreign exchange clearing house for Retail CBDCs (retail CBDCs are digital currencies used by the regular public and businesses), enabling the currencies to be traded from country to country quickly and efficiently. This is accomplished using the “Icebreaker Hub”, a BIS controlled mechanism which facilitates data transfers for an array of transactions and connects banks to other banks.

Investigating further I realized that the Icebreaker Hub in theory functions almost exactly like the SWIFT payment system used currently by governments and international banks. More than 10,000 financial institutions in 212 different countries use the SWIFT network to transfer funds overseas for their clients; it is an incredible centralized hinge or fulcrum that gives its controllers considerable power.

As a point of reference, after the start of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the expulsion of Russia from the SWIFT network was used as a weapon in an attempt to crash the Russian economy. Russia has found ways around using SWIFT, but some damage has indeed been done to their financial structures. Consider this, however – What if all monetary transactions were centralized through CBDCs and the BIS controlled the hub in which all retail CBDCs are exchanged globally? That’s exactly what Icebreaker is.

Now imagine that you operate a business that relies on international transactions. Say you need to pay manufacturers in Vietnam to produce your products. With CBDCs in place your entire business would be completely dependent on a system like Icebreaker to move than digital money to Vietnamese banks,  into your manufacturer’s account.

Say the BIS, for whatever reason, decides that all Vietnamese manufacturing illegally use child labor. Or the Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam (State Bank of Vietnam) doesn’t toe the BIS policy line, and BIS technocrats decide to “teach them a lesson.” Or maybe the BIS doesn’t approve of your products – or maybe they just don’t like you

With Icebreaker, any BIS factotum can implement Russian-style sanctions. Your access to international commerce? Denied. Your business is now functionally dead – at the push of a button.

But Icebreaker isn’t just a reactive system – it can be a proactive system, too…

What if you had to meet certain standards in order to be allowed use of the hub, and the BIS dictates the standards?

What if the BIS decides that your company needs to meet woke ESG requirements before you can get permission for Icebreaker transactions? Insufficiently diverse board of directors? Denied. Using commodities that aren’t ethically, sustainably sourced by war refugees? Denied. Offering a product or service insufficiently aligned with globalist goals? Denied.

The BIS itself can actively manipulate social, cultural and economic decisions –  using millions of businesses as their missionaries.

The entire global economy would, essentially, be held hostage.

For the average American who does most of their shopping locally, this might not seem like a big deal.

For the business world, an economic firewall could easily be used to control all international trade.

Any larger organization or business would require slavishly obeying the whims of the BIS.

It gets worse, though.

Part of the process of the “spoke and wheel” exchange method used by Icebreaker includes the exploitation of a “bridge currency” to fill gaps in exchange rates and liquidity. On the surface this seems like a clever way to speed up transactions by avoiding cross-currency shortages at banks.

That said, I want readers to think about the long-term path that this kind of “bridging” sets in motion in the realm of CBDCs.

Let’s say there is a global scale economic crisis which causes many currencies to fluctuate wildly. We’ve already seen three events that meet this definition in the last 20 years – so they really aren’t that uncommon.

Let’s say, for example, that the U.S. dollar loses its global reserve role (as it’s already lost its petrodollar exclusivity). Or, say, a debt ceiling standoff calls into question the market value of those $7.5 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds owned by global central banks…

This would send the $7.5 trillion/day foreign exchange market into a historic panic.

Price inflation becomes rampant and banking institutions falter under liquidity pressures.

Central bankers, who have a “solution” in search of a crisis to address, push CBDCs as the antidote. The BIS Icebreaker becomes the middleman for every single international transaction.

The populace, terrified by the economic crash, immediately embrace the digital framework. But the BIS claims they can’t find a currency they consider stable enough to act as an intermediary…

Well, “luckily” for all of us the BIS and IMF have been working on their own global CBDC. In the case of the IMF, this one-world currency would be based around the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket in use for decades to broker currency transfers between governments.

The BIS now uses this one unified, centrally controlled currency as the linchpin for world trade.

Eventually the BIS, IMF and various central banks will ask the public the inevitable question: “Why are we bothering with these national currencies when we have a perfectly good bridge currency in the form of this one-world CBDC? Why don’t we just get rid of all these superfluous separate CBDCs and have one currency for everyone?”

Thus, total global financial centralization would be achieved. And once you have a one-world currency, a completely centralized and micro-managed global economy and the most vital trade systems in the world controlled by a tiny handful of faceless unelected bureaucracies, why then have nations at all? Global government would be the next and final step.

I can see the nightmare play out when I look at projects like Icebreaker. They are seemingly innocuous, but they act as the DNA for economic tyranny that would make even the worst historic genocides pale in comparison.

What’s the solution? The last bastion of financial privacy, barter. Physical precious metals (gold as a store of value, silver for transacting and trade) would very likely become increasingly the preferred form of money for all truly free individuals for as long as the corrupt globalist regime has its tentacles in everyone’s digital wallets.


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Brandon Smith has been an alternative economic and geopolitical analyst since 2006 and is the founder of

Featured image: Composite of original photos by Alwi Alaydrus and Annie Spratt

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The United States ruling class is “concerned” about what China is doing near the country, Taiwan. The rulers in the U.S. are concerned over Beijing’s large-scale military drills in the Taiwan Strait, a White House National Security Council official told Associated Press on Monday.

Taiwan said China sent 71 military aircraft near the island days after President Biden bolstered U.S. support for Taiwan according to a report by The New York Times. China also threatened a war as the U.S. continues its financial support of Taiwan. China has warned the US there is an increased risk of “military confrontation” after introducing a new defense authorization law which will see significant financial backing for Taiwan’s military.

Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, a spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defence, said Beijing “firmly opposes” the move and branded the U.S. a “direct threat” in the region.

China’s military activity near the self-governed island is “destabilizing, risks miscalculations, and undermines regional peace and stability,” the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the agency. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) launched a massive maritime exercise in the area last week, after calling for a response to “provocation” by Taipei and Washington, according to a report by RT.

The National Security Council official maintained on Monday that the US “has an abiding interest in peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,” adding, however, that it “will continue to assist Taiwan in maintaining a sufficient self-defense capability in line with our long-standing commitments and consistent with our one-China policy.” –RT

The U.S. seems intent on causing a major conflagration, whether it’s with Russia or China.

Following ruling class member, Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, relations between the U.S. and China cratered.

While formally following the One-China policy and recognizing Beijing’s sovereignty over the island, Washington has actively supported Taipei, including by selling it arms. Both Washington and Beijing have repeatedly accused each other of destabilizing the situation in the Taiwan Strait. Last Friday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi accused the US of “stabbing China in the back,” in a phone call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. –RT

The war mongers are doing everything they can to see that another world war is ignited. It’s up to us to say “no” and stop adding fuel to their fires by agreeing to be cannon fodder in their sociopathic games of control, domination, and enslavement.

The path to freedom involves waking up at all levels. Those who start wars, are not the ones who fight the wars.


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According to a 6 March investigation by Haaretz, Israeli weapons were being transported to the Azerbaijani military during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war, which left thousands of civilians dead, wounded, and displaced.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the conflict, rooted in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region between Azerbaijan and Armenia, transformed into an open and bloody war, during which both sides faced sanctions and severe export restrictions from the US and Europe.

The revelation of Israeli arms exports to Azerbaijan has sparked controversy and criticism from Humans Rights Watch (HRW) because of the Azerbaijani military’s alleged human rights abuses, which include the use of banned cluster munitions and the targeting of civilian areas.

These revelations have also escalated tensions between Israel and Armenia. In the wake of the crisis, Yerevan recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv in 2020, and demanded that Israel cease all arms exports to Azerbaijan and adopt a neutral position in the conflict.

Flying in Israeli arms to Azerbaijan

According to the newly obtained documents, Azerbaijani cargo airline Silk Way Airlines has been landing at Israel’s Ovda airbase to transport explosives for around a decade. Israeli aviation law prohibits the routine transport of explosives from its more densely populated Ben-Gurion Airport, so in 2016, Silk Way was granted an exemption to continue landing at Ovda – with some of these flights reportedly using the official call sign of Azerbaijan’s defense ministry.

The revelation has also raised domestic concerns about potential dangers posed by the airline’s cargo, prompting Israeli authorities to launch an investigation into the airline’s regulatory compliance to safeguard the general public.

This comes after a report by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) disclosed that Silk Way allegedly made 350 secret flights between 2014 and 2017, illegally transporting hundreds of tons of weapons from Bulgaria to ISIS, Syria, and other regional states. The disclosure came to light after a reporter filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the US government in 2016.

The report also noted that Silk Way, which is owned by a company with past ties to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his family, has gained several lucrative contracts from the US military. Interestingly, the airline received $419.5 million in loans from the US Export-Import Bank to expand its fleet, purchasing three 747-8 cargo planes from Boeing to continue its operations, which have been described as “sinister.”

The Ex-Im Bank is a federal agency with the primary policy of supporting the acquisition of US-made products such as Boeing aircraft. However, the Azerbaijani airline has strongly denied the allegations that it operated hundreds of secret flights transporting weapons and has claimed that the report was the “result of an organized campaign of misinformation penned by geopolitically motivated authors.”

Despite the allegations, Silk Way has contractual relationships with several of the world’s biggest institutions, among them, the US military, Boeing and Boeing Global Services, the Canadian Department of National Defense, the German Armed Forces, the French Army, and the United Nations.

The Israel-Azerbaijan alliance

Tel Aviv and Baku have developed a pragmatic and discreet relationship, with Azerbaijan serving as a crucial market worth billions of dollars for Israel’s defense industry. Since 2005, and although under an arms embargo, Haaretz reports that almost 70 percent of Azerbaijan’s weapons arsenal has been supplied by Israel, while Israeli tech firms have supplied Baku with advanced spy technology, including the controversial Pegasus spyware from the notorious Israeli cyber arms NSO Group.

For its part, Azerbaijan supplies Israel with oil, and crucially, access to Iran’s borders. In 2011, the alliance between the two countries further strengthened with a $1.6 billion deal that included a battery of Barak missiles, Searcher and Heron drones from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), and a partnership between Aeronautics Defence Systems and the local arms industry in Azerbaijan.

Cooperation between Israel and Azerbaijan is not restricted to the military sector but extends further to economic ventures. The Baku government has recently promoted tenders for the reconstruction of “liberated areas” in Karabakh and is inviting foreign entrepreneurs to invest in green energy zones. Israeli companies have already taken part in these projects, with the investment platform OurCrowd being one of them.

OurCrowd signed a memorandum of understanding with the Public Investment Company of Azerbaijan (AIC) for strategic cooperation in investments. The AIC is set to invest in 10-15 start-ups from the OurCrowd portfolio that can help Azerbaijan’s economy, focusing on areas such as energy, health, agritech, food-tech, and education.

Mossad’s presence in Azerbaijan

Recent news reports claim that Baku has allowed Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, to set up a forward operating branch, allowing it to install listening and tracking devices in Azerbaijan to monitor Iran’s activities in exchange for weapons from Israel. In addition, Baku has reportedly prepared an airfield to assist Israel in the event it decides to attack Iranian nuclear sites.

Israel’s access to airfields in Azerbaijan would be a game-changer in its ability to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, as it would allow Israeli fighter-bombers to continue flying north and land in Azerbaijan instead of relying on air refueling.

Israeli refueling exercises have previously been criticized by a senior US military intelligence officer who once described these as “pretty minimal” and “not very good at it.” In 2010, during a joint exercise with Romania, the US expressed discomfort with bombing exercises against Iran from a NATO-member state, and the Israelis had to eventually reduce their military activities there. While the use of Azeri airfields does not guarantee an Israeli attack on Iran, it certainly increases the feasibility of such aggression.

During an interview with The Times in 2012, Mossad agent “Shimon” revealed that Azerbaijan is a country where Mossad agents operate covertly and is regarded as “ground zero for intelligence work.”

According to Shimon, the Mossad’s presence in the South Caucasus republic is significant, yet unobtrusive, with operations in recent years increasing their proximity to Iran. The border region between Azerbaijan and Iran, situated just a few hours from the capital city of Baku, is allegedly a vital area for Israeli operations conducted within Iran.

Undermining Iran’s security

It has been reported that the Mossad transferred confidential documents pertaining to Iran’s nuclear program in 2018 via Azerbaijan. Iranian authorities arrested ten individuals with suspected ties to the spy agency, who stood accused of targeting Iranian intelligence personnel in the West Azerbaijan province.

The spy network was accused of attempting to extract information from Iranian intelligence personnel through violent means such as kidnapping, threats, and beatings. They were also charged with setting fire to homes and cars associated with Iran’s security services and attempting to physically assassinate intelligence personnel. The group was said to have operated under the guidance of Mossad officers in West Azerbaijan, Tehran, and Hormozgan.

After 30 years of diplomatic relations between the two states, on 29 March, Azerbaijan inaugurated the opening of its embassy in Tel Aviv.

During the ceremonies, which were attended in person by Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen dropped a bombshell, saying: “Bayramov and I agreed to form a united front against Iran.”

The Iranian response was swift, and ended up being aired on Twitter by Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani, where he revealed that Baku had not only refused to explain Cohen’s incendiary claim to officials in Tehran, but had even lobbed “new accusations against Iran”:

In a follow up tweet, Kanaani warned that Tel Aviv’s aim is to sow discord among Muslims, and advised “Muslim brothers and sisters in [Shia majority] Azerbaijan to be aware of the real intentions of the Zionist enemy.”

Both the Mossad and Silk Way Airlines have proven to be vital components in the strategic intel and military partnership between Israel and Azerbaijan against Iran, and as tensions increase, that collaboration is likely to further expand. As long as Tel Aviv is prepared to bypass embargo and sanctions to provide Baku with its military needs, the latter will grow ever more dependent on the former.

What remains to be seen is how far Baku is prepared to antagonize its southern neighbor. Israel’s use of Azerbaijani territory as a launching pad for aggressions against Iran will never be tolerated, as Erbil and Baku have learned in recent years.

But will Azerbaijan be able to control and contain Tel Aviv’s operations inside its borders when push comes to shove? The stability and security of the region may depend on this, especially as the geopolitical landscape of West Asia continues to rapidly evolve.


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A growing number of prominent Republicans are rallying around the idea that to solve the fentanyl crisis, America must bomb it away.

In recent weeks, Donald Trump has discussed sending “special forces” and using “cyber warfare” to target cartel leaders if he’s reelected president and, per Rolling Stone, asked for “battle plans” to strike Mexico. Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) and Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) introduced a bill seeking authorization for the use of military force to “put us at war with the cartels.” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said he is open to sending U.S. troops into Mexico to target drug lords even without that nation’s permission. And lawmakers in both chambers have filed legislation to label some cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, a move supported by GOP presidential aspirants.

“We need to start thinking about these groups more like ISIS than we do the mafia,” Waltz, a former Green Beret, said in a short interview.

Not all Republican leaders are behind this approach. John Bolton, Trump’s third national security adviser who’s weighing his own presidential run, said unilateral military operations “are not going to solve the problem.” And House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mike McCaul (R-Texas), for example, is “still evaluating” the AUMF proposal “but has concerns about the immigration implications and the bilateral relationship with Mexico,” per a Republican staff member on the panel.

But the eagerness of some Republicans to openly legislate or embrace the use of the military in Mexico suggests that the idea is taking firmer root inside the party. And it illustrates the ways in which frustration with immigration, drug overdose deaths and antipathy towards China are defining the GOP’s larger foreign policy.

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Israel attacked Syria on Sunday, saying it was responding to rockets fired towards it from its neighbour.

Israel has attacked Syria by air along their shared border before, hitting targets it says belong to the Iranian military. Israeli forces have carried out hundreds of such attacks, but rarely acknowledge or discuss them.

In the past year alone, Israeli attacks on Syria have killed at least 44 people and injured more than 50.

Sunday’s attack with artillery and drones comes as Israel ramps up aggression on multiple fronts, including Gaza, Lebanon, occupied East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, as tensions soar due to Israeli police raids at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Below is a timeline of Israeli attacks on Syria in the past year:

map of israeli attacks on syria in the past year

Source: Al Jazeera

April 9, 2023

Israel attacks Syria following rocket fire from Syria and on the heels of escalating violence in the region, including in Gaza, Lebanon, East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, triggered by Israeli police raids at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

April 8, 2023

Israel launches attacks on Syria, with blasts heard from Masyaf city in Syria’s western Hama province. The attack ostensibly targeted an Iranian presence.

April 4, 2023

An Israeli air raid kills two civilians in the capital, Damascus, with reported damages in the area. The attack is the fourth that week, with previous attacks also hitting Damascus and the central province of Homs.

April 2, 2023

Israel launches air raids that wound five soldiers in Homs, and Syrian air defences intercept some of the missiles.

March 31, 2023

An attack kills two military advisers with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Iran’s foreign ministry said the two died fighting “terrorism” supported by Israel.

March 30, 2023

Two soldiers are wounded in Israeli air attacks on targets in the Damascus area that also cause material damage. Some of the missiles, launched from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, were shot down by Syrian air defences.

March 22, 2023

An Israeli attack hits Syria’s Aleppo airport, causing some material damage. The airport is important in channelling humanitarian aid into the country after a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit Syria and Turkey on February 6 – Israel hit it twice in March.

March 12, 2023

Three Syrian soldiers are wounded in Israeli attacks in central and west Syria. War monitor Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said pro-Iran forces and a “scientific research centre” have a presence in the area.

February 19, 2023

Five people are killed and 15 others wounded in Israeli air raids on Syria’s capital that also severely damaged residential buildings. The raids hit a building in central Damascus’s Kafr Sousa neighbourhood, which is near a security complex with Iranian installations.

November 19, 2022

Four Syrian soldiers are killed and one wounded in Israeli attacks. SOHR said the raids targeted weapons and ammunition sites belonging to pro-Iranian groups in Homs and Hama and that Israeli forces targeted a Syrian air defence battery in Latakia. Syria’s air defences counter-attacked.

November 13, 2022

Two Syrian soldiers are killed and three wounded in Israeli air raids on the Shayrat Airbase in Homs. Syrian air defences intercepted several missiles. Israeli warplanes were seen over neighbouring Lebanon, whose airspace Israel sometimes crosses to attack Syria.

October 27, 2022

Israel attacks Damascus. Syrian forces shot down most of the missiles and no casualties were reported. The attack followed a similar attack that week.

September 17, 2022

Five soldiers are killed in an Israeli attack on Damascus International Airport – material damage is reported and Syrian air defences managed to down most of the missiles. This was the third Israeli attack on Syrian airports that month, with Aleppo airport the target of two earlier ones.

This satellite photo shows the damage after an Israeli strike targeted the Aleppo airport.

This satellite photo shows the damage after an Israeli attack on Aleppo International Airport [File: Planet Labs PBC via AP]

September 6, 2022

Three people are killed in an Israeli air attack on Aleppo airport. The runway is damaged and put out of service. Israel said it targeted a warehouse used by an Iran-backed militia. The attack was launched from the Mediterranean.

August  31, 2022

Israel attacks Syria’s Aleppo airport. Four missiles hit the runway and depots Israel said contain missiles supplied by Iran. No casualties were reported but the raids triggered explosions and fires. The same day, Syrian anti-aircraft defences intercepted missiles above Damascus – Syrian state television says the missiles are Israeli.

August 14, 2022

Three Syrian soldiers are killed and three others wounded in Israeli missile attacks near Damascus. Syrian air defences down missiles coming from southeast of the Lebanese capital, Beirut. Two missiles also hit a Syrian military site in al-Qutayfah, Damascus countryside.

July 22, 2022

Three Syrian soldiers and three foreign nationals are killed in an Israeli attack that injures 10 others in Damascus. The missiles were launched from the Golan Heights and hit an air force intelligence facility, a high-ranking officer’s office, a car near the Mezzeh military airport, and an Iranian weapons depot in the area of Sayyida Zeinab.

July 2, 2022

Two civilians are wounded in an Israeli attack on Syria’s coast south of Tartous targeting weapons depots for Iran and Hezbollah. The attack was launched west of Tripoli in north Lebanon. Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian condemns the attack on a visit to Damascus.

June 10, 2022

Major damage to Damascus International Airport in an Israeli missile attack that puts the runway out of service. The missiles were fired from the Golan Heights. Syria’s ally, Russia, condemns the attack.

May 20, 2022

Three military officers are killed and four members of an air defence crew are injured by an Israeli missile attack near Damascus. Syrian forces intercepted some of the missiles launched from the Golan Heights.

April 27, 2022

Five Syrian soldiers and four others are killed in Israeli air raids near Damascus targeting an ammunition depot and Iranian positions in the country. Eight other people are wounded in the attack.

April 14, 2022

Israel fires multiple missiles towards Syrian military positions near Damascus. The attack causes damage in the suburb of Qatana, southwest of the capital. Some of the missiles are shot down by Syrian air defences.


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In early 2020 I was struck most not by the powers of the inimitable covid pathogen – powers that were ostensibly uniquely lethal according to the authorities who bombarded us with death counts and images of extreme containment measures and, also, measures to remove the mounting corpses – but by the ease with which the noxious intimation of mortality could so paralyze even the most highly educated.

Fear, palpable fear, trumped up and garnished by a relentless propaganda campaign with salivating talking heads who represented trusted media sources of truth, won the day. The overwhelming vast majority were so convinced, that neither home detention, nor restriction of mobility, nor the prevention of obsequies that marked our humanity – visiting our beloved in nursing homes, attending the funerals of our deceased, paying our personal respects – could shake their trust in governments and institutions who demanded the curtailment of our unalienable rights for the sake of preserving suddenly precious lives.

Most of us went along with it all, the sacrifices, the restrictions, the insults to our autonomy, because we were, frankly, afraid. Most, but not all.

And of what were we afraid? Certain death? Suffering?

I, for one, saw no evidence of anything out of the normal cycle of life and death. The covid pathogen, even by highly dubious PCR standards, was no worse than a bad seasonal flu. There is a time to be born and a time to die.

I waited for the flatbed trucks to make their rounds and cart the corpses of the homeless off – isn’t this what would happen in a truly devastating pandemic? They never appeared.

Instead arrived dramatic warnings and images purporting to show the depth of the calamity in China, in Italy, and in New York … all, in retrospect, a sham, a work of perverse theatre whose goal was to convince the world that we were so beset that there was no more choice but to contain ourselves, to work from home, to find a common goal in common sacrifice to rank macabre absurdities: useless masks, despicably useless distancing. They told us that the healthy could be dangerous.

So we, the most of us, complied. Two weeks to squelch the curve became more months.  They told us the hospitals would overflow and, perhaps, in some locales they did. But here, where I reside, the hospitals were empty of the people who really needed them.

They, curiously, never once encouraged treatment or prevention of the deadly virus that had spread worldwide and had brought the thriving marketplace of human commerce to a halt.

Fear, however, was our common coin. It justified abuse, and, eventually, apartheid: segregation of the  jabbed from those who chose to cherish common sense and physical autonomy.

Now as facts emerge about this theatrical spectacle, about the consequences of deception, about a ‘vaccine’ that maims and kills and was never ever justified, those who went along will look the other way. The bodies mount, the strokes, the sudden deaths among the young, the faulty trials that would never have proceeded in a just and honest system … all of these are culminating to a truth.

Our governments were never interested in health, our doctors never strong enough to faithfully uphold the tenets of their precious duty – barring those few who paid the price of losing livelihoods and licences for daring to be faithful to their principles.

The wages of fear have been munificent for those who, contrary to their common sense, complied – all those emoluments, all those incentives for following the party line, for lining up the hordes to jab and jab again!

But, nonetheless, a relatively few were unafraid of worldly loss and unafraid enough of death to live with freedom, dignity, integrity.

The famous Russian novel ‘Oblomov’ describes a character who rarely ventures forth beyond his bed, a man who really doesn’t live, though he is ‘safe’ at home. Oblomov was, in 1859 when Goncharov’s work appeared, an anomaly. Yet now it seems he has become our age’s new ideal: the ever-fearful good for nothing work at home submissive. The perfect citizen for a State aspiring towards complete control.

God save us – or, better yet, let’s save ourselves from such a fate.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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While we were being distracted by the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war – and Washington’s increasing involvement in the war – tremendous developments in the Middle East have all but ended decades of US meddling in the region. Peace is breaking out in the Middle East and Washington is not at all happy about it!

Take, for example, the recent mending of relations between Saudi Arabia and formerly bitter adversaries Iran and Syria. A China-brokered deal between the Saudis and Iran has them re-establishing full diplomatic relations, with the foreign ministers of both countries meeting in Beijing last week. It is the highest level meeting between the two countries in seven years.

Additionally, Riyadh is expected to invite Syria back into the Arab League and Syrian president Assad may attend the next Arab League summit. Syria was suspended from the Arab League 12 years ago when then-US allies in the Middle East signed on to Washington’s “Assad must go” policy that wreaked havoc across the region.

And the nearly decade-long war in Yemen, which has devastated that population, appears to finally be ending, as Saudi Arabia is expected to announce an end to its US-backed war on that country. Troops from the United Arab Emirates are leaving Yemen and a Saudi delegation is arriving to negotiate a peace deal.

To normal people the idea of peace breaking out in the Middle East is a wonderful thing. But Washington is anything but normal. President Biden dispatched his CIA Director, William Burns, to Saudi Arabia in a surprise visit last week. According to press reports, Burns was sent to express Washington’s surprise and frustration over the peace deals going through. Biden’s foreign policy team “has felt blindsided” by Saudi Arabia’s sudden move to get along with its neighbors.

Washington is angry that Saudi Arabia will start trading with Syria and Iran because those two countries are still under “crippling” US sanctions. One by one, as these countries begin ignoring US-demanded sanctions, the entirety of US foreign policy is being exposed as a paper tiger – just bluster and threats.

Middle East developments have revealed a dirty secret about US foreign policy. Washington has for a long time used a “divide and conquer” strategy to keep countries in the Middle East – and elsewhere – at each other’s throats. Sanctions, covert operations, and color revolutions have all been used to make sure that these countries do not get along with each other and that DC controls who runs the show.

As unlikely as it may seem to some, China has moved into the region with a different policy. China seeks business partners, not to manipulate the internal politics of the Middle East. They may be ruthless in their own way, but it is suddenly clear that the countries of this region are tired of US meddling and are looking for new partners.

We non-interventionists are often attacked as “isolationists,” but as I have always said, it is the neocons and interventionists in Washington who are really isolating us from the rest of the world. Nowhere is that more evident these days in the Middle East. It didn’t have to be this way, but if this is the end of US meddling in Middle East affairs then ultimately it is a good thing for the American people…and for peace.


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Kiev to Run Out of Its Anti-air Missiles

April 11th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Apparently, it is increasingly difficult to hide the catastrophic situation of the Kiev’s war arsenal. According to a major Western media outlet, the neo-Nazi regime will run out of most of its anti-air missiles by the next month. The source of the newspaper would be an alleged leaked Pentagon’s document. The case shows once again how unfavorable the military scenario of the conflict is for the Ukrainian forces.

The subject was discussed in a recent article published by the Wall Street Journal. According to the outlet, documents leaked on the Pentagon’s official social networks would have exposed an extremely pessimistic forecast about the future of the Ukrainian armed forces, pointing to the nearly total exhaustion of Kiev’s anti-aircraft defense capacity. Anti-air missiles are expected to run out in May, which will further complicate the Ukrainian situation and boost demand for new NATO weapons packages in order to prolong the alliance’s proxy war.

The forecast is based on a calculation taking into account the recent numbers of the Ukrainian army. Currently, Kiev is expending about 69 Buk missiles and 200 S-300 missiles a month to maintain its defense positions against the Russian air attacks. With these numbers, it is most likely that the Buk missiles will run out in early April and that the stock of S-300s will expire by May 3rd, according to Pentagon’s officials in the leaked document.

Indeed, some measures to mitigate the effects of Ukrainian anti-aircraft weakness have already been taken by Western forces. Kiev received three Iris-T anti-aircraft systems from Germany, in addition to eight American NASAMS systems. However, these devices allow a limited number of launches, which do not cover as much territory as the S-300 missiles. This limited aid has made it difficult to efficiently supply new Western missiles to Ukraine, making Kiev still heavily dependent on Soviet-era launch systems.

In this sense, a new wave of broad military support would be needed to overcome the Ukrainian deficit. The US military, according to what is exposed in the revealed paper, estimate that the necessary number will reach 16 Irist-T or NASAMS batteries and up to 12 Patriot or SAMP-T batteries. It is necessary to remember that recently the American president Joe Biden had already authorized the sending of a Patriot battery, at the same time that Germany, France and Italy promised to supply a SAMP-T system to the neo-Nazi regime. However, this equipment has not yet reached Ukraine, which is why the situation of Kiev’s defense has not yet improved.

Since late 2022, requests for military aid focused on anti-aircraft defense have been constant in Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky‘s speeches. He considers this type of equipment a “number one priority”, and his advisors have also requested, in addition to anti-missile systems, the well-known US F-16 fighter jets, which have been repeatedly banned by the US government. Some pro-Ukrainian analysts believe that these aid packages would be a kind of “game changer”, but renowned experts rule out any possibility of reversing the military scenario of the conflict, regardless of whether NATO weapon reaches the battlefield.

It is important to note that the US government has not yet commented on the case, with the Pentagon being silent on the authenticity of the supposed leak. The matter comes amid a recent wave of releases of classified Pentagon’s documents. Other reports from the department were exposed on social networks, including information on sensitive topics such as China, the Middle East and terrorism. There has been strong distrust on the part of analysts about the veracity of these alleged leaks. Some commentators argue that if the releases were true there would be no room for the Western media to report their existence, with a strong censorship initiative trying to hide the incident.

Although there is not enough information to point out the veracity of these leakages, it is possible to say that at least with regard to the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles, there is a great possibility that the numbers are real, considering the evident defeat of the Kiev’s forces in the battlefield. In a more realistic perspective, it is possible to suspect that in fact there are no “leaks”, but that the Pentagon would be deliberately publishing the numbers to increase the fear of a Ukrainian defeat in public opinion, boosting support for the shipment of new weapons.

What we have seen recently is the absolute failure of the “Ukrainian victory” narrative, as Russian advances have made it clear which side militarily controls the combats. Due to this, there seems to be currently an attempt at “damage control”, with officials and mainstream media partially admitting Ukraine’s defeat. If before the justification for sending weapons was that Kiev would be winning, now it is said that Kiev is losing, but “must win”. The aim is to spread anti-Russian fear in public opinion and to convince ordinary citizens that the shipment of weapons is an urgent measure in order to save the West.

In a rational and strategic analysis, it is possible to see that at no time did Moscow show interest in expanding the limits of its military operation, therefore there is no reason for any kind of fear on the part of Western citizens. On the other hand, the exhaustion of Ukrainian forces seems to be good news, since, faced with the inability to continue fighting, the Kiev regime would be forced to surrender, which would end hostilities. This would be the best-case scenario for all sides except for NATO’s pro-war elites.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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On 24th February 2022 Poles have run to our South-Eastern border. The human, often Christian-motivated, compassion impulse pushed thousands of my compatriots to spontaneous gestures of help towards people whom they considered to be refugees from the war and immediate threats to their lives.

Leading by hearts, not minds we have remained blind not only to demography, but also to geography. We have travelled hundreds of kilometres to pick up ‘refugees’ who has just advertised themselves on the Internet as awaiting ones. Almost no one paid attention to the fact that most of the newcomers came from areas that had not been affected by warfare at any time and to this day. No one remembered that Ukraine, being a country larger than Poland within its current borders, has huge territorial reserves, allowing for free internal migrations of the population. Only a slight propaganda stimulus was enough, intensified by the very fact of war in a country directly bordering Poland and hearts opened along with borders. Repentance came over time, to a very limited extent, and of course, when it was already too late, and the Polish-Ukrainian border was crossed by 10 million 400 thousand Ukrainians within 13 months.

Population shock

Of course, a large part of the newcomers goes further to the West, to European Union countries with systems of social benefits more extensive than Polish one. Some of them just register in Poland for basic benefits, receive financial and material assistance and return to Ukraine. However, even taking this into account and adding a more or less constant number of Ukrainian guest workers before February 2022, it turns out that at least 4.8 million Ukrainians have resettled to Poland, what constitutes nearly 14% of the pre-war Polish population. For a country which has become almost ethnically homogeneous, as a result of border demographic changes after World War II (both voluntary and forced), this is a shock without precedent in our modern history. Let us repeat, in just one year, Poland received eight times more immigrants than all European countries during the memorable year 2015, hailed as the year of the great European migration crisis.

Invitation for mafia and terrorism

For Poles, assured for years that migration problems do not affect us, this is certainly a shock and a fundamental, existential change, ultimately questioning the exclusiveness of one nation to decide on matters of its own nation state. In fact, however, as a journalist and war correspondent for many years, I am easily able to point a similar example of a provoked migration wave, justified by a fundamentally false and artificially created ‘war and humanitarian threat’. Such a moment was the war in Kosovo and the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999. I perfectly remember these moral blackmails, open borders (especially of Austria, Germany, Italy) and the run, the run of Kosovo Albanians. Not an escape, but a run to a better life, because while they had been invited and encouraged, then only a fool would not take advantage. No one who remembers the following years needs to be reminded of the origins of the Kosovo mafia operating under the protection of American and British secret services, which almost monopolised drug & human trafficking channels, additionally enhanced by car theft and minor crimes. These have also been sources of funding of international terrorism, known centres of which are the training camps run by the People’s Mujahideen and organised by NATO in Albania. So, for the last thirteen months on the borders of Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova with Ukraine, we have observed the beginnings of nearly the same dealings,  only on an even larger scale. Under cover of the ‘humanitarian aid’, we have allowed over a dozen million newcomers to enter the Schengen Area, practically without any control, and among them, without the slightest doubt, also thousands of gangsters, criminals, terrorists, including those who have direct contacts with Islamic State cells in the Caucasus. This is an act hostile to Europe. This is another invasion organised and managed by Anglo-Saxon occupiers.

What about those fleeing to Russia?

Anyway, listening and reading about the so-called Ukrainian migration crisis, we can see only part of the truth. What we are prevented to observe is that Russia remains one of the countries permanently accepting the largest number of immigrants from Ukraine. Nearly 2.5 million refugees from the eastern, Russian-speaking areas of Ukraine found their way to Russia in the last year alone, and this number does not include the thousands of families evacuated from the Donbas mercilessly bombed by the Kyivans. This number increased significantly as the war dragged on, and especially in effect of the last year Ukrainian counter-offensives and repressions against the local population in areas reoccupied by the Kiev junta troops. These refugees are not covered by international aid, just as ordinary Russians are forced to endure the burdens of economic warfare and sanctions that the West applies against the peoples of the Russian Federation. And yet Russia bears that cost of the imposed war without complaining or whining for clemency.

Ukrainian immigration as a cost

Poland, like other Central European countries, also has no one to complain to, but this is due to our submissive attitude towards Washington, and recently especially towards London. The demographic change in our territory is clearly planned and deliberate. It is worth to compare data from the labour market with the scale of resettlement. Only about 900,000 newcomers have been employed or started their own business activity in Poland, what equals only to about 19% Ukrainian population in Poland. Meanwhile, as a whole, this crowd  is allowed to the Polish system of benefits, free health care, and pensions that the Polish state pays to Ukrainian retired ones on behalf of the Ukrainian Government, but from the Polish budget.  Therefore, the typical pro-immigration propaganda about the alleged rescuing the pension systems thanks to the influx of new workforce is simply not true. On the contrary, most immigrants place themselves on the side of budget costs, and no economy can handle that, even some stronger than the Polish one, which is struggling with recession and already 18% inflation.  I can assure you as a certified accountant, it is financially impossible. Reviving the economy through immigration is a lie, a practice that may serve to maintain capitalist accumulation in the short term, but in the long period it is destructive to the national economy by spoiling the domestic labour market.

21st Century Nazism

We should also consider cultural and civilisational issues. With a great sadness, recognising Ukrainians as our Slavic brothers, we can observe the effects of many years of Nazi indoctrination among the newcomers. The state cult of Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych and other Nazi collaborators and mass murderers has left a lasting mark on subsequent generations of Ukrainians.

A terrible harm has been done to these people by raising them to hate their neighbours, ethnic and religious minorities and all non-worshiping the criminals. Ukraine is an area where de-Nazification is absolutely necessary, and while it is regrettable that it is currently taking place in the form of a fratricidal war, this should not blind us to the openly neo-Nazi character of the current Ukrainian state and its Government.

When we talk about the crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis, we do not mean only the Volhynian Massacre, when during the summer months of 1943 the Banderites murdered almost 200,000 of their Polish, Jewish, Czech and Armenian neighbours.

Unfortunately we can point many more Nazi genocide crimes, including

  • burning of the innocents in the Odessa House of Unions, 2nd May 2014;
  • the attack of Ukrainian troops on defenceless demonstrators demanding language rights in Donetsk, 26th May 2014;
  • the muss murders perpetrated by the Azov and other Ukrainian Nazi special battalions in the Donbas, 2014-2022, and finally,
  • the executions of prisoners and civilians carried out by the Kiev junta troops during the current war.

There are Nazi criminals, and their recruitment camps are masses of Ukrainian immigrants to Europe. No one from the outside controls what content Ukrainian youth is indoctrinated with, just like in Poland, where all mentions of the Ukrainian Nazis’ crimes were removed from school curricula ‘because we shouldn’t annoy guests’.

So, 78 years after the end of World War II, we have a Nazi state in the middle of Europe and we ourselves pay for the upbringing and training of its militarised reserves, while the governments of our countries persecute own citizens for even the slightest sign of patriotism, self-defence or a sense of national dignity.

Invasion against Europe

As the Europeans, as patriots of our countries and nations, we face an existential threat. The Ukrainian mass migration to the European Union have to be seen as a destabilising factor for our economies at least on a macro-regional scale, as well as a disorganisation of the ethnic order in our countries. The conclusion is striking in its simplicity and obviousness: we are to confront with an enemy wrongly considered defeated: Nazism. And it is Nazism additionally accumulated through its alliance with Anglo-Saxon imperialism and the interests of international financière. The question is: can we defend ourselves against this threat?


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Konrad Rękas is a renowned geopolitical analyst and a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The term Kafkaesque, connoting an unfathomable maze of surreal injustice, is often overused. But if there is a case in which it aptly applies, it is that of Dr. Hassan Diab.

Dr. Diab’s case has become emblematic of being trapped in a nightmarish labyrinth of injustice which seems to have no end. Two governments have the ability — and responsibility — to do something about that: France, most directly, but also Canada. It is unconscionable that they have yet to do so.

It begins with a brazen terrorist bombing outside a synagogue in Paris in 1980. Four people were killed and 46 wounded. The city’s Jewish community was devastated and traumatized. More than 42 years later there absolutely should have been justice. Justice is not served, however, on the back of an innocent man.

In 2008, 28 years after the bombing, Dr. Diab, a Canadian citizen and sociology professor living in Ottawa, was arrested on a French extradition warrant, accused of carrying out the horrific attack. Thus began six years of protracted legal proceedings, which showcased the glaring deficiencies of Canada’s extradition laws — laws that are massively weighted in favour of states seeking extradition and offer few safeguards for the rights of those facing extradition.

Central to the case against him are five words in block letters on a hotel registration card for a guest using the alias Alexander Panadriyu, who French authorities have concluded was the bomber. At every turn, during extradition proceedings in Canada and continuing in France, the reliability of the French government’s expert reports, asserting that the handwriting is Dr. Diab’s, has not only been put into question but, in fact, has been decimated.

Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Maranger could not have been more reluctant when he ruled in 2011 that the extradition was lawful (France v. Diab [2011] O.J. No. 2551). He noted that the evidence was “convoluted, very confusing, with conclusions that are suspect,” the handwriting analysis “highly susceptible to criticism and impeachment” and “the case presented by the Republic of France against Mr. Diab is a weak case; the prospects of conviction in the context of a fair trial, seem unlikely.” Nonetheless, he concluded that the bar is set so low in Canadian law that he had no other choice but to let the extradition proceed.

After an unsuccessful appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeal and denial of leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, Dr. Diab was extradited in November 2014. It then became clear that French authorities were not ready to go to trial, which is the express purpose of extradition. Instead, he was held in a maximum-security prison for more than three years, most of that time in solitary confinement, while the case was investigated.

The one bright spot in this dystopian affair was the two tenacious investigatory judges assigned to the case. The handwriting evidence continued to collapse, and the judges corroborated Dr. Diab’s claim that he had been in Beirut writing his university exams at the time of the bombing. In January 2018, they ruled that there was insufficient evidence to proceed and ordered Dr. Diab’s release. He returned to Canada and reunited with his wife and two young children.

It should have ended there.  It did not.

French prosecutors appealed. In 2021, the Court of Appeal and the Cour de Cassation sided, unbelievably, with the prosecution and ordered that a trial go ahead. This despite the fact that two handwriting ex perts who provided a new report ordered by the Court of Appeal, agreed with the defence, and the Cour de Cassation’s independent Advocat General took the exceptional step of urging that the appeal be rejected.

On April 3, the trial will open. France has not sought Dr. Diab’s extradition and he has chosen not to travel to France. That means the trial is going ahead on an in absentia basis, one more layer of injustice.

It defies belief that this is going ahead, in a country that most Canadians would rightly assume has an effective justice system. That, sadly, is where politics enters the equation. After decades of utter failure to deliver justice to the survivors and families whose lives were torn apart by this bombing, the pressure to do so is immense. Seemingly that means a willingness to offer up a scapegoat and sacrifice human rights standards in the process. That, of course, does nothing to provide justice. It only compounds injustice.

Amnesty International has taken the extraordinary step of calling on French authorities to drop the case. The Canadian government, sadly, has remained silent. When Hassan Diab returned to Canada in 2018 Prime Minister Trudeau stated that what had happened to him should never happen again. But neither he nor other members of his government have backed that up with a forceful intervention with French counterparts, insisting that this end.

Meanwhile, Hassan Diab’s case has spotlighted many problems with Canada’s extradition laws. We both appeared recently before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, which is looking into extradition reform. We recommended that reforms outlined in the Halifax Proposals, the outcome of expert roundtables at Dalhousie University and the University of Ottawa, provide the blueprint that is needed.

Most immediately though we will watch with trepidation as yet another Kafkaesque chapter unfolds. French authorities have not been prepared to stand for justice in the Diab case. Canadian authorities have not been prepared to stand for justice in the Diab case. It is not too late to turn that around. 


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Alex Neve is a senior fellow in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa.

Robert J. Currie is distinguished research professor at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University.

Featured image is from Ottawa Citizen

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Fourteen months into the Russo-Ukrainian War, Russia remains intriguingly parsimonious in deploying its world-class heavy artillery. This might change. On April 3 Russian media made much ado of a ceremony celebrating the transfer of TOS-1As to Airborne Forces. Hitherto TOS-1As were exclusively in the Radiological-Biological-Chemical Forces’ toolkit. Days later a TOS-1A struck Bakhmut.

Toss-One-Alpha” to NATO, “Sunshine” to Russians, the TOS-1A is an armoured, self-propelled, ground-assault, multiple-launch-rocket-system firing unusually heavy, unusually short-range, unguided rockets with thermobaric warheads.

Thermobaric explosions have two stages. The first disperses a volatile cloud. The second ignites this cloud. Thermobarics go by misnomers like “flamethrowers” and “vacuum bombs.” Some are called “boiling liquid expanding vapour explosives” (BLEVE). Most are best described as “fuel-air explosives” (FAE) with “metal augmented charges” (MAC), as in the USAF’s MAC-Hellfire missile. Russians prefer: “metallized volumetric explosives.”

Thermobaric warheads contain a mix of fuel and powdered aluminum (or manganese). In the milliseconds between the cloud’s emission and ignition, metal particles capture oxygen. More O2, bigger bang. Much of the mass in thermobaric combustion comes from ambient oxygen grabbed by the metal-laced fuel-cloud. Oxidizers no longer need be added to bomb-fuel. (Gunpowder is 75% oxidizer.) Pound-for-pound, thermobarics are several times more energetic than TNT. Other compounds are equally explosive, however the voluminous, slow-motion thermobaric blast is itself weaponized.

Americans and Soviets originally envisioned thermobarics as blast-wave weapons. The USAF’s 340 kg CBU-55 bomb was designed to use overpressure to detonate landmines. The CBU-55 did not trip landmines as hoped, however a 1975 test yielded a 16,000 square meter kill-zone. (NFL football fields, endzones included, cover 5,300 sq. m.) The USAF stockpiles 910 kg BLU-96-FAEs.

A frontline weapon much like a tank, the original TOS attacked line-of-sight targets under 1,000 meters away. Rockets flew thermobaric warheads directly over enemy fox-holes or trenches. Explosions hammered dug-in infantry with 700 meter-per-second blast-waves.

Modern shoulder-fired anti-armour missiles keep TOS-1As away from frontlines. Now, they lob rockets like conventional artillery launchers, albeit to a max of 10 k. For modern artillery, that’s short-range.

TOS-1A rockets are 22 centimeters in diameter, 3.7 meters long, and weigh 217 kg. As with all heavy artillery TOS-1As require support vehicles, notably a reloading rig with a custom crane.

TOS-1As are 24-barrel tube-launchers atop T-72A tank chasses. TOS-1As zip along at 60 kph for 550 k without refueling. They climb 60% gradients and caterpillar over 1.1 meter vertical obstacles. They aim and fire within 90 seconds of stopping, and launch all 24 rockets in 12 seconds. With proper dispersal a full barrage’s kill-zone spans a dozen football fields.

Accompanying the blast-wave is a lethal 3,000-Celsius fireball. As well, soldiers in bunkers and armoured vehicles have survived explosions only to suffocate in oxygen-deficient air pockets left by thermobaric combustion – hence “vacuum bomb.” The blast-waves don’t merely perforate eardrums; they blow inner ear organs out of soldiers’ heads.    

Ukraine’s frontline is defenseless against TOS-1As. Timelapses between launch and detonation are under 30 seconds. Rockets are not interceptable. Biting the dirt in a well-dug trench offers protection from conventional artillery strikes, but not from TOS-1A barrages.

TOS-1A’s forerunner debuted in Afghanistan in 1988 and saw further service in Chechnya and Nagumo-Karabakh. TOS-1As put on a distinguished performance in Syria, 2015. As per the present conflict, prior to the Second Russian Offensive (February 2023), TOS-1As made cameo appearances, notably in the August 2022 scramble for the Metro Donetsk village-suburb of Pesky.

During the Second Russian Offensive, but pre-April 3, Russian Defense Ministry daily reports mentioned “heavy flamethrower” assaults 9 times; always conducted by the obscure “Tsentr Group” and always well north of the Offensive’s main (Donetsk) theatre. They grew from one-off strikes to 6 assaults a day.

NATO propagandists wedge “war crime” or “weapon of mass destruction” into reportage about TOS-1As; but TOS-1A warheads are not qualitatively distinct from regular high explosive or incendiary ordnance.

Like all heavy artillery, TOS-1As are weapons of mass production. Russia advertises their success in destroying fortified targets and armoured vehicles. They’ve sold TOS-1As, or its forerunner, to 8 countries. Their main production facility is the legendary Omsktransmash plant (a Rostec subsidiary). How many operational TOS-1As Russia possesses is classified, but the fleet probably approaches 100 units with more rolling off the Omsk line. NATO produces no counterpart.    

Russia manufactures other state-of-the-art heavy artillery systems like the 2S7-Malka and Uragan-1M. These too, mostly wait in the wings. Why? While there are, no doubt, basic production/servicing issues; the Russians appear to be: training crews, working out the bugs, adapting to this battlefield, ramping-up munitions output; and, …keeping their powder dry for climactic conflagrations yet to come.

Second Russian Offensive exertions to capture cities and towns around Metro Donetsk are prelims. The main card includes a heavy artillery cataclysm over Kramatorsk.

They say generals plan to fight their last war again thus the next war dumbfounds them. NATO poohpoohed heavy artillery. Lugging such behemoths around the globe presents additional challenges. As well, US anti-artillery rockets have ranges allowing Ukrainians to hit Moscow, and NATO fears the Ukrainians will do just that. NATO’s naked unpreparedness shows what a long walk off a short pier Biden’s War is shaping up to be.


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William Walter Kay is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Heavy flamethrower system “Solntsepyok” during the “Armiya 2020” exhibition. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Fox News reports that Biden still pursues the JCPOA with Iran. See this.

For quite some time, the JCPOA talks seem to have been dead. The possible reopening of the JCPOA talks at exactly this point in time is therefore both surprising and very interesting.

The nuclear issue and thus the JCPOA must have been part of the Saudi-Iran-China peace discussions. The reopening of US interest in the JCPOA hints that a US side-channel may have been opened prior to the China-Saudi-Iran agreement. Because prior to the reopening of diplomatic and trade relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Saudi Arabia will have insisted on a path to solve the issue of Iran’s nuclear program.

Either Saudi Arabia and Iran have agreed that both can pursue a nuclear program which potentially can lead to a nuclear device for both of them… OR… they agree on measures that they can both pursue a civilian nuclear program and make sure that it stays purely civilian. In the latter case of safeguarding purely civilian nuclear programs in both countries, the USA and not China can hold the keys. The USA with Iran, if they can agree on restarting the JCPOA agreement. And the USA with Saudi Arabia for guaranteeing the start of a purely civilian Saudi nuclear program.

Facts hint at the latter may be the case. First of all, right after the announcement of the Saudi-Iran agreement, it became known that the US had been held informed by Saudi Arabia during the whole process of talks. This points that the US may be a “silent partner” of the whole China-Saudi-Iran deal. It was also immediately made clear, that Saudi Arabia and the USA had been discussing the possibility of Saudi Arabia joining the “Abraham Peace Accords” with Israel in exchange for US acceptance (or even support) of a Saudi civilian nuclear program. And now we have the revelation in through Fox News that the US is still involved in talks to restart the JCPOA agreement with Iran. And for the JCPOA to restart, the EU, France, Germany, and the UK must have been kept on the side-lines by the US as well.

The possible existence of a US side-channel to the China-Saudi-Iran talks has potentially far reaching consequences. First of all, it would be a sign that some communication and even understanding can still be possible between the US and China at a time where US-China relations are moving closer to war.

Furthermore, it would hint that other agreements may have been made between Saudi-Arabia, Iran, China, Russia and the US and Israel in areas like Yemen, or perhaps even Lebanon and Syria. In the case of Syria, this would then hint at a regular circle of talks including Türkiye, Egypt, Jordan as well as the US with Qatar, Oman, and others. And in the case of Lebanon, France may have been informed as well, though not much, as it may be mostly a Saudi-Iran discussion facilitated by China. Indeed a major puzzle being put together.

With China in the center of talks with a dozen of countries in various configurations of circles. Some talking with some, but not with others. Some involved in some issues, but not in others. But China at the center.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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I cannot guess the dates when the “old peace” will return and when the colonial leadership of the golden billion will end. I am not even sure that we will live to see that new world.

I am afraid that even more difficult times are coming because the so-called golden billion will fight to the end and by all means to maintain his hegemony. This is how Yevgeny Primakov, one of the youngest and most forward-looking Russian politicians of today, answered the question of “Novosti” about the time when he expects the return of “the world to the old way”.

Primakov “the younger” is today the head of Rosotrudnichestvo, the Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, compatriots abroad and international humanitarian cooperation. He came to Belgrade with the occasion of marking the anniversary of the Russian House in the Serbian metropolis. As before, he was happy to speak for Večernje Novosti.


Dragan Vujicic (DV): How do you see the chances of peace in Moscow today?

Yevgeni Primakov (YP): First of all, I would like to see the peace coming into effect immediately, and I don’t know anyone in the leadership of Russia who is in favor of war. At the beginning of the Special Military Operation, our president stated its goals: among others, the denazification of Ukraine for the sake of peace. And that is why our troops are fighting for peace today. Unfortunately, the chances of peace reigning soon are not too high. Our victory on the battlefield will increase the chances. 

DV: Has the world fundamentally changed in these over 400 days of war?

YP: First, I wouldn’t say that these 400 days changed the world. That change happened earlier. We warned the West for at least 16 years about what was happening and about the change in the entire logic of international relations. We told “the West” and the USA to read and understand the words of our president. Vladmir Vladmirovich clearly pointed out that the constant expansion of NATO is a danger to Russia’s national security, and in Munich he described Russia’s interests in the field of security to everyone.

DV: And what happened then?

YP: The Americans simply declared that speech to be the most aggressive and dangerous rhetoric up to that point. Years later, in December 2021, Russia proposed a set of conditions for our coexistence in relations with the Western powers. Among other things, they talked about legally binding guarantees between the two sides and the withdrawal of NATO weapons from our borders. The West told us No – on all counts!

DV: The war started in February 2022.

YP: Even after December 2021, Russia continued to behave in accordance with fundamental Christian and so-called European values and up to this day Russia adheres to the most valuable ones. Unfortunately, there is no more Europe in Europe today. Until Europe recovers, we have nothing to discuss with them because it is a matter of value system and irreconcilable differences.

DV: What is the difference between the “Western” rules-based International Order and the International Law order that Moscow is in favor of?

YP: As for the “order of rules”, it essentially means that there is a group of countries that decides on all key matters in international relations, and when they need it, they change the same rules. To say more than a theory, Great Britain, USA and Germany now claim to support the territorial integrity of all countries, but not for Serbia, Libya or Iraq. For example, the head of UNESCO, an organization whose international obligation is the preservation of cultural heritage and language, came to Ukraine. But this organization shows no interest in Russian language and in Russian cultural heritage in Ukraine.

DV: President Putin and SI spoke about the reform of the UN and its bodies in February 2002, right before the conflict?

YP: I am not an expert in international law, but from a civilizational point of view, in the context of an international conflict, we need to emphasize the need for UN reform. So far, there are no real conditions. Finally, Russia also wants new members to be admitted to the SC, but not those of the West, but we think it is necessary to include large countries from Asia, Africa, Latin America, which Washington does not want at all. To be clear, the UN is a bad and dysfunctional institution, but for now we have no replacement.

DV: French President Macron has just presented himself again in Beijing as a peacemaker. How credible is he for Moscow?

YP: I remember Macron’s performance at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum when he quoted Dostoyevsky to us and when we all got excited thinking that he knows and loves Russian culture and the Russian soul. In St. Petersburg, he said that we should build new relationships and new friendships. And when he returned to Paris, he explained how it is necessary to “suppress” Russia and how he is the one to lead the matter!

DV: So, he is not a man for a peace mediator?

YP: I will be careful here. In Moscow, Macron as a politician is not considered by many managers to be a reliable partner. They see him as some kind of pop politician or pop figure.

DV: Russia is once again the target of terrorists and it seems that it is not doing so well. The murder of Daria Dugin and journalist Vladlen Tatarski?

YP: Russia protects its citizens and a huge effort is being made in that direction, one that is not public. Our intelligence services have prevented numerous tentative of terrorist attacks. A year ago, for example, the FSB prevented attempts to attack journalists Vladimir Soloviev and Margarita Simonyan. But we cannot have 100 percent guarantees that the terrorists will not be successful somewhere. Those who are attacking the Russian people today are the same as us, they share or have shared language and culture with us. What is worst is that part of the political opposition and part of their followers have gone into extremism. We really do not have 100 percent security guarantees for everyone, but still our services quickly locate and arrest those responsible.

DV: We harbored illusions that Nazism is dead?

YP: The events in Ukraine show that it is not without reason that we in Russia take care and preserve the memory of the Second World War. It is not only our historical memory, but this “memory” refers to the Russian identity and the present time. The nazis are at war in Ukraine – they must all be destroyed!

DV: Kiev Pechar monastery?

YP: We should not reduce this to the Russian people, but we must talk about the entire Orthodox world. To forgive or not, that is a question of Christianity. But I am afraid of things that have an eschatological dimension. These are huge efforts to start a religious war in Ukraine, as if this has not happened so far. We recently watched in Kiev a terrible scene when a girl from the church choir is praying to God on her knees, and around her are supposedly demons playing some kind of demonic game. That frolicking sounded like witches’ dances from Middle Age Europe.

DV: About de-dollarization of the world?

YP: There are more and more countries that realize the real role of the dollar as a world currency, and they insist now on trading with each other in their currencies. This is the strongest medicine and tool against the dominance of the golden billion.

DV: Russian and Ukrainian offensives are coming. What’s next?

YP: I know about that as much as you people from Novosti, I only know about it what I see on the news or in the newspaper.

DV: The British brag that they are training “Ukrainian partisans” or rather terrorists, while at the same time pretending to have Churchill’s “wisdom”?

YP: I would not go into the innermost diplomatic spheres. But Russia has many centuries of experience with the British and their political elites – we still remember the great tensions with them in the 19th century in Asia. And when it comes to Churchill, we did not forget that as soon as the Second World War ended, even while we were alleged allies, this Englishman asked the Americans for atomic strikes in the cities and facilities of Russia. It was called the “Antitankbl” operation (unimaginable, unthinkable). No one in Russia has any illusions about the Englishman.


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Littleton, CO – 17 year old Baseball player, Brady Hoos died from seizure on March 31, 2023

Dakota Ridge High School baseball player Brady Hoos died unexpectedly on March 31, 2023, after suffering a seizure (click here) (click here)

Pana, IL – 13 year old Samuel Hackler collapsed at track practice from seizure and died on March 31, 2023


He had suffered a seizure at track practice with Pana Junior High School’s track team and died at the Pana Community Hospital (click here)

Sacramento, CA – 22 year old Thomas Wentworth Berkey died from a seizure on March 5, 2023

Thomas suffered a seizure on Dec.19, 2022 which stopped his heart for 10-15 minutes. He never recovered & died on Mar. 5, 2023. His family was pro COVID-19 vaccination.

Lafayette, LA – 24 year old Mackenzie Gallagher died from a seizure on Feb. 26, 2023

Bismarck, ND – 37 year old Cody Allen Bruner died of a seizure on Feb. 7, 2023

Cody Bruner was found face down in the snow from a seizure. He was in an induced coma and put on a ventilator. He died four days later.

Providence, RI – 25 year old nursing student Shirley Seri had a seizure on January 15, 2023 and was placed in a medically induced coma.

Image credit: Vance Murphy

She has been a nursing student at NEIT since 2019, and in 2021, NEIT required COVID-19 vaccinations for students for the Fall 2021 term (click here)

Grand Rapids, MI – 24 year old professional surfer Kalani David died after having a seizure while surfing in Costa Rica on Sep. 17, 2022 (click here)

Concord, NC – 20 year old baseball player Caitlyn Victoria Gable died in her sleep on Aug. 9, 2022 

Image credit: Vance Murphy

Her death was called “Sudden unexpected death among epileptic persons” or “SUDEP”, even though she was “extremely healthy, strong physically and had epilepsy controlled with medication”.

She was also “up to date with all her shots”.

43 year old Dr.Bret Stetka, editor of Medscape, died unexpectedly of a seizure at home on Aug. 6, 2022

Dr. Bret Stetka was a believer in mRNA technology. Not only was he fully COVID-19 vaccinated, but his last Twitter post before he died was of him getting his 1 year old daughter mRNA vaccinated (click here)

What the studies say… 

A German study reported in Sep.2021 looked at 54 patients with epilepsy who had COVID-19 vaccines (click here)

Shockingly, 33% reported negative effects after COVID-19 vaccination (headache, fatigue, fever), 1 reported increased seizure frequency and 1 reported a new seizure type.

A Mexican study reported in Aug.2022 documented 53 cases of seizures post COVID-19 vaccination, 60% of which were new onset seizures. (click here) They put the incidence rate of seizures highest for Moderna with 2.7 per million, and Pfizer with 1.0 per million.

An analysis of VAERS reported in May 2022 put the incidence rate of seizures at 32 per million per year and 35x higher compared to influenza vaccines! (click here)

My Take…

The fact that COVID-19 vaccines have a 35x higher rate of causing seizures than flu vaccines, tells you there is a serious safety problem here.

We now know that the spike protein accumulates in the brain and causes inflammation and brain damage. The question is, how much of the COVID-19 vaccinated population is affected by spike protein brain damage?

I suspect COVID-19 vaccine induced neurological injuries will follow a similar pattern we saw with myocarditis, where health officials significantly downplayed the risk, which we now know is several orders of magnitude higher than initially claimed.

I believe COVID-19 vaccine induced seizures will be one of these under-estimated problems. Along with aneurysms, brain bleeds, hemorrhagic strokes, ischemic strokes, aggressive brain cancers and much more.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

All images in this article are from the author unless otherwise stated

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The COVID Plandemic: Fear Is the Name of the Game – The Legal Approach

By Reiner Fuellmich, April 11, 2023

We know now, of course that up until the start of the “vaccination” campaign there were no excess deaths anywhere. The spikes in New York and Bergamo were the result of the panic and gross medical malpractise: 94% of the people who allegedly died of Covid in both cities, died of completely different causes.

Calculated Misrepresentations: The US Withdrawal from Afghanistan

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 11, 2023

Succeeding administrations have a chronic habit of blaming their predecessors.  The Biden administration has been most particular on the issue, taking every chance to attack former President Donald Trump for the ills of his tenure.  But the effort to almost exclusively lay blame at Trump’s door for the US fiasco in Afghanistan was a rich one indeed, given the failings of the George W. Bush and Obama administrations in that historically doomed theatre of conflict.

Spike Protein Accumulates in the Brain and Causes Infarcts, Bleeds, Inflammation – Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Cause Severe Neurological Injuries

By Dr. William Makis, April 11, 2023

A new paper from Germany posted on April 5, 2023 proves that the spike protein accumulates in the brain and causes death of brain cells (which would certainly explain a great deal of what we see around us).

How Long Have You Been Consuming Gene Therapied Pork?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 11, 2023

For the last couple of years, I’ve recommended not eating pork due to its high linoleic acid (LA) content, but there’s an even bigger reason to avoid it now. Since 2018, pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds, and this has slipped completely under the radar.

No Hope for Ukraine: Losing Artillery = Losing the War

By Karsten Riise, April 10, 2023

Ukraine is running out of artillery shells and NATO cannot deliver. The Washington Post admits that Ukraine faces a critical ammunition shortage which has no solution. In desperation, Ukrainians silence their guns, collect dangerous unexploded ordinance, and try to make improvised artillery shells. This is ultimately an artillery war. See this.

China-India Relations: Beijing Harshly Condemned Indian Home Minister’s Visit to Disputed Himalayan Territory

By Andrew Korybko, April 10, 2023

This latest development escalates the rhetoric between them because it’s no small matter that China just accused India of violating its territorial sovereignty. Indian Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to the Delhi-controlled disputed Himalayan territory of Arunachal Pradesh, which China calls South Tibet, prompted a harsh condemnation from Beijing.

Nazi Skeletons in Finland and Sweden’s Closets

By Matthew Ehret-Kump, April 10, 2023

While Finland likes to celebrate the fact that their 1941-1944 war with Russia had nothing to do with WWII, but was simply a defensive alliance with Germany against the evil Soviet Union, and while Sweden likes to celebrate the fact that it remained neutral during WWII, the facts tell a very different story.

Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of the Deep State

By Edward Curtin and Regis Tremblay, April 10, 2023

A totally riveting conversation with Ed Curtin about how Allen Dulles, his brother John Foster Dulles aided Hitler and Nazi Germany in WWII and master mined Operation Paper Clip which brought hundreds of Nazis to the US, Canada, Argentina and elsewhere and put them in high ranking position like Verner Von Braun, a Nazi, as the head of NASA.

The Bombing of Nord Stream — This Act of War Against Europe Requires Congressional Investigation: Dennis Kucinich

By Dennis Kucinich, April 10, 2023

President Biden’s own statements predicting the end of Nord Stream, preliminary to  the devastating attack on its infrastructure, point to the necessity of determining whether or not the president was speaking from his singularly informed position of the Chief Executive, as Hersh indicated.

Remarkable German Peace Initiative Calls for Rapid Peace Negotiations

By Marc Vandepitte, April 10, 2023

In an open letter, prominent Social Democrats, trade union leaders and well-known representatives from the peace movement are calling on Chancellor Scholz to step up efforts to mediate a cease-fire in the war in Ukraine. Peace, they say, can only be achieved “on the basis of international law and also only with Russia.” What are we waiting for in other Western countries to launch a similar initiative?

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Succeeding administrations have a chronic habit of blaming their predecessors.  The Biden administration has been most particular on the issue, taking every chance to attack former President Donald Trump for the ills of his tenure.  But the effort to almost exclusively lay blame at Trump’s door for the US fiasco in Afghanistan was a rich one indeed, given the failings of the George W. Bush and Obama administrations in that historically doomed theatre of conflict.

Revolutions, Leon Trotsky remarked, are always verbose.  But so are failed wars, military campaigns and invasions.  The greater the failure, the weightier the verbosity from the apologists.  National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, as befitting his title, is just the man for the task. 

In announcing the findings of the Biden administration into the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan in August 2021, Kirby proved infuriatingly bureaucratic, his address addled by management speak.

“As you all know,” he told a White House press conference, “over these many months, departments and agencies key to the withdrawal conducted thorough, internal after-action reviews, each of them examining their decision-making processes, as well as how those decisions were executed.”

The briefing began as all praise for his own administration’s virtues (naturally).  The President had made the right decision to leave Afghanistan (no mention that the paving had already been laid by Trump).  “The United States had long ago accomplished its mission to remove from the battlefield the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and to degrade the terrorist threat to the United States from Afghanistan.”

Leaving Afghanistan placed the US “on a stronger strategic footing, more capable to support Ukraine and to meet our security commitments around the world, as well as the competition with China, because it is not fighting a ground war in Afghanistan.”  We can all be assured that this half-sighted colossus, unshackled in Afghanistan, can pursue its mischief making elsewhere.

The finger-pointing duly follows.  First, Trump is blamed for not having more troops in Afghanistan that needed to be withdrawn in the first place.  There should have been more than the official number of 2,500 present, “the lowest since 2001.”  Biden also “inherited a Special Immigrant Visa program that had been starved of resources.”  The Trump administration-Taliban deal calling for the complete removal of troops by May 2021, lest the Taliban would resume its attacks on US soldiers, also comes in for a serve.

Then comes the issue of transitions, because they “matter”.  Trump and his officials had asked about what plans for a security transition in Afghanistan would look like, or those to increase numbers in the Special Immigrant Visa program.  “None were forthcoming.”

Kirby spends much time explaining how the events that unfolded in the dying days of the US garrison were unforeseeable.  “No agency predicted a Taliban takeover in nine days.”  Nor did they predict the fleeing of President Ashraf Ghani, that greatly reliable figure of US interests, “who had indicated to us his intent to remain in Afghanistan up until he departed on the 15th of August.  And no agency predicted that more than – that the more than 300,000 trained and equipped Afghan National Security and Defense Forces would fail to fight for their country, especially after 20 years of American support.”

All these points are staggering from a historical viewpoint.  They betray, not merely the delusion of Empire, but the stupidity and myopic nature of its emissaries.  The lessons of Vietnam, and the Vietnamisation program pursued by the US towards its South Vietnamese allies in the latter stages of the Indochina War, were clearly of no consequence.  All that mattered was belief and faith, terrible substitutes for solid evidence and field work. 

The report, with the simple title U.S Withdrawal from Afghanistan, is an exercise in bleating and blame.  “When President Trump took office in 2017, there were more than 10,000 troops in Afghanistan.  Eighteen months later, after introducing more than 3,000 additional troops just to maintain the stalemate, President Trump ordered direct talks with the Taliban without consulting our allies and partners or allowing the Afghan government at the negotiating table.” 

Involving the puppet Afghan government in any meaningful power-sharing arrangement with the Taliban was doomed from the start, a point that Trump, whether through insight or accident, stumbled upon.  The Biden administration, on the other hand, persists with the chimerical notion that those the strained Pax Americana blesses are supposedly able and capable of maintaining peace in the face of a determined guerrilla fighting force.

As a corollary of that delusion, the report reiterates the fallacy of assuming that training, equipment and numerical superiority somehow overcome a lack of will, sound morale and determination.  “The ANDSF had significant advantages.  Compared to the Taliban, they had vastly superior numbers and equipment: 300,000 troops compared to 80,000 Taliban fighters.”

Trump was also to be blamed for “four years of neglect” that left “crucial systems” in a perilous state of “disrepair.”  Refugee support services and the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program choked with 18,000 applications.

Biden emerges from the report a sage misled.  “From the beginning, President Biden directed that preparations for a potential US withdrawal include planning for all contingencies – including a rapid deterioration of the security situation – even though intelligence at the time deemed this situation unlikely.”  Instructions were given to all close advisers to draw up plans for the withdrawal; the National Security Council “hosted dozens of high-level planning meetings, formal rehearsals of the withdrawal, and table top exercises” examining various scenarios.

These evidently did not help.  The collapse of the government in Kabul “unfolded,” as Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence stated on August 18, 2021 “more quickly than [the Intelligence Community] anticipated.”  But wait, there is more: “the collapse was more rapid than either the Taliban or the Afghan government expected.”

The evacuation effort itself was plagued with problems, though the report attempts to minimise Biden’s hand.  He, after all, had been advised that “risks”, including keeping such access routes as the Abbey Gate open at Kabul Airport, were “manageable”.  In the chaos that ensued, a suicide bomber killed 13 US personnel and 170 Afghans.  A pre-emptive drone strike by the US military launched a few days later intended to neutralise another potential attack ended up killing 10 civilians.

The entire calamity was an example of an imperial, ruinous escapade left in a shambles.  And the inability on the part of US departments and agencies to understand the durability of the Taliban and the conspicuous weakness of the regime in Kabul, showed yet again a monumental inability to identify the obvious.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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A new paper from Germany posted on April 5, 2023 proves that the spike protein accumulates in the brain and causes death of brain cells (which would certainly explain a great deal of what we see around us). (click here)

Key findings: 

Our results revealed the accumulation of the spike protein in the skull marrow, brain meninges, and brain parenchyma.

The injection of the spike protein alone caused cell death in the brain, highlighting a direct effect on brain tissue.

“we observed the presence of spike protein in the skull of deceased long after their COVID-19 infection, suggesting that the spike’s persistence may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms

Spike protein damage:

Out of all COVID-19 viral proteins, only the spike protein was detected in brain parenchyma.

suggesting that the spike protein could have a long lifetime in the body. This notion is supported by the observation that spike protein can be detected on patient immune cells more than a year after the infection – a recent preprint suggests spike protein’s persistence in plasma samples up to 12 months post-diagnosis”

“injection of spike protein induced a broad spectrum of proteome changes in the skull marrow, meninges, and brain, including proteins related to coronavirus disease, complement and coagulation cascades, neutrophil degranulation, NETs formation, and PI3K-AKT signaling pathway, demonstrating the immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the absence of other viral components.”

Brain inflammation 

“Our molecular analysis suggests activation of immune response in the skull-meninges-brain axis, potentially via recruiting and increasing the activity of neutrophils similar to what has been reported in the respiratory tract”

in the skull marrow…viral proteins act as an inflammatory stimulus that leads to the development of a significant immune response in the brain”

In the meninges, a significant consequence of the inflammatory state is an upregulation of proteins involved in neutrophil degranulation”

“Proteins related to the neurodegeneration pathway and damage to the blood-brain barrier were the most prominent dysregulated molecules in the brain.”

“viral spike protein leads to the activation of RHOA, which triggers the disruption of blood–brain barrier

Blood clots, mini-strokes, brain bleeds

“The dysregulation of the complement and coagulation pathways was detected in both the skull marrow and the brain. This might explain the observed propensity of COVID-19 patients to develop mini-infarcts in the brain parenchyma and our observation of an increased level of micro-bleedings in COVID-19 patients, potentially contributing to the observed brain damage in the COVID-19 patients in acute or chronic stages”

Spike protein and Neurological diseases 

“We identified several candidate proteins with no previous association with COVID-19, especially those earlier associated with neurological diseases…notably, their role has been associated with disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia

“To further pinpoint the consequences of spike protein-specific effects in the brain tissue beyond the acute inflammatory response…We identified several dysregulated proteins associated with neurodegeneration

significantly impairs mitochondrial function…a source of oxidative stress reported in…long-term symptoms such as chronic fatigue

How Spike protein gets into the brain 

“Our data may also suggest a mechanism for the virus’s entry into the central nervous system. In both mouse and COVID-19 human tissues, we find spike protein in the SMCs (skull-meninges connection), which the virus or virus components could use to travel from the skull marrow to the meninges and the brain parenchyma

“virus might take other routes to reach the brain in a not mutually exclusive way. For example, the virus could traverse the cerebrovasculature to reach the brain parenchyma or be carried there by immune cells (via neutrophils or phagocytic cells)”

“Brain invasion of virus-shed spike protein found in some COVID-19 cases has been linked to a compromised blood-brain barrier and trafficking along the olfactory nerve or vagus nerve. Here, we suggest an alternative scenario wherein SARS-CoV-2 spike protein reaches first the skull marrow and then the meninges before entering the brain.”

Spike-induced alterations in the skull-meninges-brain axis present diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities as both skull and meninges are easier to access than brain parenchyma”

My substacks on psychosis post COVID-19 vaccination: 

March 9, 2023 – Children who were injured by Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines – Hallucinations, self-harm, suicide attempts, permanent disability (click here)

March 8, 2023 – COVID-19 vaccine induced psychosis – 13 cases of post vaccine psychosis, mania & suicide attempts that will shock you…(click here)

My Take… 

This is an extremely important paper from Germany (we will never see this kind of research done in Canada).

This paper proves that the SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19 mRNA vaccine spike protein enter the skull marrow, meninges and the brain parenchyma.

The spike protein disrupts the blood brain barrier.

The spike protein alone causes cell death in the brain, it activates complement and coagulation pathways that lead to blood clots, mini infarcts and brain bleeds, it causes inflammation, and local changes associated with neurodegeneration (dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Diseases).

I believe that neurological injury is one of the biggest categories of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injury. These injuries are extremely common, and we have only begun to see the long term effects of spike protein accumulation in the brain.

Beyond the strokes, aneurysms and brain bleeds, the vision and audiovestibular problems, all kinds of paralysis and movement disorders, I believe that among the COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated, we will see a huge spike in neurodegenerative disorders, mental health disorders and an overall increased risk of suicide.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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How Long Have You Been Consuming Gene Therapied Pork?

April 11th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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For the last couple of years, I’ve recommended not eating pork due to its high linoleic acid (LA) content, but there’s an even bigger reason to avoid it now. Since 2018, pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds

The very first RNA-based livestock vaccine, a swine influenza (H3N2) RNA shot licensed in 2012, was developed by Harrisvaccines. The company followed up with an avian influenza mRNA shot in 2015. Harrisvaccines was acquired by Merck Animal Health later that year

CureVac developed an mRNA-based rabies shot for pigs in 2016

The swine vaccine platform Sequivity, introduced in 2018, was developed by Merck in partnership with Moderna. Sequivity can produce endlessly customized “vaccines,” none of which undergo safety testing

Americans have been eating pork treated with gene therapy for nearly five years already, and even more of our meat supply is about to get the same treatment. mRNA-lipid nanoparticle shots for avian influenza are in the works, as are mRNA shots for cows. Lobbyists for the Cattlemen’s Association recently confirmed they intend to use mRNA “vaccines” in cattle, which might affect both dairy and beef

Missouri House bill 1169 would require labeling of products that can alter your genes. It would also require companies to share information about the potential transmissibility of gene-altering interventions, and asserts that fully informed consent must be given for all vaccines, gene therapies and medical interventions


For the last couple of years, I’ve recommended not eating pork due to its high linoleic acid (LA) content, but there’s an even bigger reason to avoid it now. Since 2018,1 pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds, and this has slipped completely under the radar. I myself just found out about it. As described on Merck’s animal health website:2

“A revolutionary swine vaccine platform, SEQUIVITY harnesses RNA particle technology to create customized prescription vaccines against strains of influenza A virus in swine, porcine circovirus (PCV), rotavirus and beyond. It’s supported by a sophisticated dashboard filled with comprehensive data and insights …

Sequivity is a custom swine vaccine platform … Sequivity only targets swine pathogen gene sequences of interest. Doesn’t replicate or cause disease, delivering pathogen information to the immune system … There’s no need to transfer or handle live material like autogenous, killed or modified live vaccines …

Targets existing and evolving swine pathogens, including diseases not covered by conventional swine vaccines. Allows for the creation of multivalent formulations by blending RNA particles to target multiple swine pathogens in one shot.”

First RNA ‘Vaccine’ for Livestock Licensed in 2012

Merck was not alone in developing veterinary mRNA shots, however. They weren’t even first on the scene, although they later acquired the company that started it all.

The very first RNA-based livestock vaccine, a swine influenza (H3N2) RNA shot, was licensed over a decade ago in 2012, and was developed by Harrisvaccines.3,4 The company followed up with an avian influenza mRNA shot in 2015.5 Harrisvaccines was acquired by Merck Animal Health later that year.6,7

CureVac developed an mRNA-based rabies shot for pigs in 2016.8 (On a side note, they began conducting human rabies shot trials in 2020 in response to the World Health Organization’s goal to achieve “zero human rabies deaths by 2030.”9)

In 2016, Bayer also partnered with BioNTech to develop mRNA “vaccines” for both livestock and pets,10,11 but it doesn’t appear they ever launched anything. So, in retrospect, it appears Americans have been eating pork treated with gene therapy for the past five years, and even more of our meat supply is about to get contaminated with the same treatment.

In addition to the avian influenza RNA shot for chickens licensed in 2015, newer mRNA-lipid nanoparticle shots for avian influenza are also in the works.12 Iowa State University is also working on an mRNA shot for cows, and lobbyists for the Cattlemen’s Association recently confirmed they intend to use mRNA “vaccines” in cattle,13,14 which might affect both dairy and beef.

Merck and Moderna: Partners in mRNA Jab Race Since 2015

The same year Merck purchased Harrisvaccines (2015), it also entered into a partnership with Moderna to develop a number of undisclosed mRNA “vaccines.” It was slated to be a three-year collaboration, with a one-year optional extension, in which Merck would perform research and development and commercialization of five potential products using Moderna’s mRNA technology. As reported by Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News at the time:15

“Moderna has agreed to design and synthesize the mRNA product candidates directed against selected targets through its mRNA Therapeutics™ platform.

The platform builds on the discovery that modified mRNA can direct the body’s cellular machinery to produce nearly any protein of interest — ranging from native proteins to antibodies and other entirely novel protein constructs with therapeutic activity inside and outside of cells.”

Endless Customization, Zero Safety Testing

Sequivity, introduced in 2018, was one of the products that came out of that partnership. As explained by Merck (both on its website and in the video above), Sequivity is not so much a single vaccine as it is a platform that can be endlessly customized — all without additional safety analyses over and beyond the initial ridiculously inadequate testing. As noted by Zoetis, the largest producer of veterinary drugs and vaccines:16

“Sequivity has safety and efficacy studies based on the platform with a historical initial isolate, not likely the isolate that customers would be requesting in their product.”

Sequivity is customized as follows:17

  1. Pathogen is collected and sent to a diagnostic lab.
  2. The gene of interest is sequenced and sent electronically to Sequivity analysts.
  3. A synthetic version of the gene of interest is synthesized and inserted into the RNA production platform.
  4. The RNA particles released from incubated production cells are harvested and formulated into a customized “vaccine.”

Using this platform, a customized “vaccine” can be created in as little as eight weeks. Now, what could go wrong by not testing every new shot for safety?

In my view, there are any number of safety hazards, as every pathogen has distinct effects, and tricking the animal’s body to produce that pathogen (or a pathogenic portion of that pathogen, as done with SARS-CoV-2) can have wildly unexpected side effects.

We’ve clearly seen this with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in humans. Pfizer’s own documentation lists 158,000 recorded side effects, and many of these diseases and conditions have never before been reported in response to a vaccine.

I reviewed this evidence in “Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers” and “CDC Aware of Hundreds of Safety Signals for COVID Jab.” Yet despite the obvious risks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has gone ahead and authorized updated COVID shots to be released on an annual basis without additional safety testing, and apparently safety testing of mRNA shots used in animals was foregone nearly five years ago!

The risk of dangerous side effects is one of the reasons why not all conventional vaccines work out. Some simply cause too many problems. Now we’re to believe that the possibility for dangerous side effects doesn’t exist just because we’re forcing the body to produce the antigen internally? If anything, the possibility for problems is higher than ever, as exposure to the antigen is continuous for a long period of time, possibly for the life of the animal.

Even Organic Pork Producers Can Use mRNA Shots

Unfortunately, due to search engines now only providing a short list of curated and heavily censored content, it’s been impossible to determine how many pork producers in the U.S. use Sequivity.

Without that data, I recommend erring on the safe side and avoiding pork altogether, including organic pork, as organic standards do not have any rules on the use of vaccines, mRNA-based or otherwise.18

Seeing how the Sequivity platform has been around for nearly five years already, it seems reasonable to assume nearly all large-scale swine producers have made this transition.

What Do the Cells in mRNA-Treated Meat Contain?

The question now is, how do mRNA shots affect the meat? For now, this is speculative, as we do not know whether veterinary mRNA shots are substituting uridine with pseudouridine, as was done in the COVID shots. But if they do, then one of the obvious concerns would be that the mRNA might end up in the final meat product that you eat because this substitution makes it extremely difficult to destroy. As explained by Dr. Peter McCullough:19

“Natural RNA is made of two purines adenine and guanine and two pyrimidines cytosine and uracil.

The replacement of uracil with its ribose ring (uridine) with N-1-methyl-pseudouridine, a synthetic product makes the genetic code for the Wuhan Spike protein better stabilized on lipid nanoparticles, long-lasting, and very efficient in terms of evading cellular destruction and able to undergo repeat reading by ribosomes for continued protein synthesis.

Morais et al20 indicate that both Pfizer and Moderna chose development strategies replacing all uridine units with pseudouridine, making the entire strand completely ‘unnatural’ to the human body. Thus vaccine consultants, companies, and patients unfortunately gambled on how long mRNA would be active within the human body.

Fertig et al21 found lipid nanoparticles with mRNA were measurable in plasma for — 15 days. Recently, Castruita et al22 demonstrated mRNA in blood out to 28 days. Röltgen et al23have found mRNA in lymph nodes 60 days after injection.

None of these studies demonstrated complete clearance of mRNA from a group of patients.

This is worrisome since injections are recommended in some populations just a few months apart implying there will be stacking of long-lasting mRNA in the body without adequate opportunity for clearance and elimination.

We will look back for many years and ask: how could so many people readily accept injections of heavily modified synthetic genetic code giving the body instructions to manufacture a disease promoting and lethal protein engineered in a biosecurity lab in Wuhan, China?

Repeated administrations of mRNA studded with apparently indestructible pseudouridine may have changed the course of lives forever.”

If mRNA shots can cause significant disease in humans, how has it affected our pork supply for the last five years? And how will it affect beef and chicken in the future? Can consuming genetically manipulated meat affect your health? These are questions that currently do not have answers and must be thoroughly and comprehensively investigated.

Big Ag Didn’t Tell Us What They Were Doing

One of the most frustrating aspects of this is that the industry didn’t tell us they were using novel gene therapy to spin up customized “vaccines” in weeks without any safety testing. The only reason many of us became aware of this issue in recent weeks was because attorney Tom Renz started warning about it.

In an April 2, 2023, Substack article, he wrote:24

“I have been talking about gene therapy vaccines being introduced into the food supply without providing people informed consent on my Twitter account … as well as pushing Missouri HB1169 which is our best bet of stopping this happening.

This is a nightmare scenario whereby people’s genetics are potentially altered with ‘factory foods’ without them even knowing. Let me begin by putting to rest any questions as to whether this can happen. The idea of vaccines in food has been around for a long time …

Here is an article published in the NIH25 (you know — by our government) talking about foods ‘under application’ to be genetically modified to become edible vaccines — FROM 2013 … The fact that food can be altered to act as a vaccine is not disputable.

Which foods and in what ways is more of a question. It is claimed that beef, pork, etc. cannot transfer vaccination from the meat to the consumer of the meat. At initial glance that would make sense (cow DNA and people DNA is quite different and an mRNA designed for cows would probably not be able to transfer directly to people), but that is NOT the whole story.

You have to remember that the additives in the mRNA vaccines are by no means ‘proven safe’ and we don’t even actually know what all is in these shots … Ultimately the mRNA jabs still have not undergone long-term testing because long-term testing can take 10-20 years and they have not existed that long so any claims about the safety or efficacy of the stuff that’s in them are garbage at best.

What we do know about the mRNA vaccines is that they do not stop the spread of disease26… and really do not help in any way with anything. We also do know that these jabs were demonstrated, in vitro, to alter the genetic makeup of some cells and I would say it is incredibly likely that they do the outside the Petri dish.

Given that we are now talking about a new level of genetic engineering with unknown effects and no long-term studies, do the potential genetic changes the mRNA injections facilitate pose a long-term risk to humans that ingest the altered food? Before you say no, wouldn’t you prefer it be tested rather than being the subject of the experiment?”

Support Missouri House Bill 1169

As noted by Renz, Missouri House Bill 116927 would require labeling of products that can alter your genes. It also asserts that fully informed consent must be given for all vaccines, gene therapies and medical interventions, and would require companies to share information about the potential transmissibility of gene-altering interventions.

The pushback by industry against this bill has been enormous, which should tell you something. It doesn’t ban anything; it only requires transparency. That, apparently, is a serious threat to industry, and the most obvious reason for that is because they’d have to admit that all sorts of foods can have gene altering effects.

Not only might this destroy Big Ag, but it would also decimate any surreptitious attempts by Big Pharma to use the food supply as a tool to distribute vaccines unbeknownst to consumers. As noted by Renz, “Big pharma DOES NOT WANT people to know they are going to use food to alter their genetics.” Farmers are also being set up as the fall guys, and they need to be made aware of this.

“The lobbyists opposing this bill … are pushing to shut this bill down because factory mega-farmers like Bill Gates,28 the CCP, and others want to put vaccines in your food,” Renz continues.29 “These guys are supporting the big money but this will come at the expense of the family farmers.

The problem is that the major factory-farmers like Gates have legal teams that can set up defense shields against the torts that may come if the food supply starts poisoning people … 

Meanwhile, the small farmers will be at risk of being sued if it turns out that the food they are selling is unsafe despite the fact that most of them will not necessarily know what is happening.

If the corn growers, soybean, cattle, and pork associations actually cared about the farmers they would be demanding the seed companies and vaccine manufacturers indemnify the small farmers for these products rather than opposing a bill that would force them to tell the farmers what they are doing.

The corruption regarding this bill is amazing. Ultimately the labeling requirement would likely serve to protect farmers from being sued because the makers of seed and vaccines would have to make sure the farmers knew if they were putting potential gene therapies into their products. The opposition from the ag lobby is not to help the farmers, it is to help their own pockets.”

As noted by Renz, if this bill is passed in Missouri, it could help protect the food supply of the entire United States. In the meantime, I recommend avoiding all pork products, including organic ones, as they not only have high levels of the omega-6 fat, linoleic acid, because of the grains they are fed, but virtually all have been contaminated with the mRNA vaccines for the past five years.

Think Globally, Act Locally

National vaccine policy recommendations in the U.S. are made at the federal level but vaccine laws are made at the state level. It is at the state level where your action to protect your vaccine choice rights can have the greatest impact.

It is critical for EVERYONE to get involved now in standing up for the legal right to make voluntary vaccine choices in America because those choices are being seriously threatened.

Not only are lobbyists representing drug companies, medical trade associations and public health officials trying to persuade legislators to strip all vaccine exemptions from public health laws, but global political operatives lobbying the United Nations and World Health Organization are determined to take away the human right to autonomy and protection of bodily integrity.

We must take action to defend our constitutional republic and civil liberties, including the right to autonomy, in America. That includes reforming oppressive mandatory vaccination laws and stopping the digital health ID that will make vaccine passports a reality for us, our children and grandchildren if we don’t take action today.

Signing up to use the free online Advocacy Portal sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center at gives you immediate, easy access to your own state and federal legislators on your smartphone or computer so you can make your voice heard.

NVIC will keep you up to date on the latest bills threatening to eliminate — or expand — your legal right to make vaccine choices and give you guidance about what you can do to support or oppose those bills. So, please, as your first step, sign up for the NVIC Advocacy Portal.

Share Your Story With Your Legislators and People You Know

If you or a family member has suffered a serious vaccine reaction, injury or death, please talk about it. If we don’t share information and experiences with one another, everybody feels alone and afraid to speak up.

If you want to protect your legal right to say “no” to vaccines you do not believe are safe or effective, make an appointment to personally talk with someone you have elected to office at the local, state and federal level or write a letter in your own words stating your concerns.

Attend school board and city council and town hall meetings in your community that will impact your right to know and freedom to make decisions about how you or your children will live and stay healthy. If you have a different perspective on a story about vaccination that appears in your local newspaper, write a letter to the editor.

I must be frank with you: You have to be brave because there is a lot of censorship of conversations that challenge “official” narratives about vaccination. You likely will be strongly criticized for daring to talk about the “other side” of the vaccine story and for defending your informed consent rights. Be prepared for it and have the courage to stand your ground.

Only by sharing our perspective and what we know to be true will the public conversation about vaccination open up so people are not afraid to talk about it.

While our rights are being threatened, the vaccine injured are being swept under the carpet and treated like nothing more than statistically acceptable “collateral damage” of one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination laws. Way too many people are being put at risk for injury and death and there is nothing scientific or moral about that. We should not be treating human beings like guinea pigs.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the four websites of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), at, a nonprofit charity that has been educating the public about the need to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths since 1982. The information you get on their websites is fully referenced and will help you become an effective vaccine choice advocate in your community:

  • — This website was established in 1995 and is the oldest and largest consumer operated website publishing information on diseases and vaccines on the internet. Learn about vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths and the history and current status of vaccine science, policy, law and ethics in the U.S. on more than 2,000 web pages.
  • — This communications and advocacy network, established in 2010, is your gateway to taking action to protect your right to make vaccine choices where you live.
  • — This weekly journal newspaper published by NVIC since 2015 is dedicated to encouraging an “enlightened conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy.”
  • — This is a user-friendly search engine for the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) established under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and sponsored by NVIC since 2006. Search for descriptions of vaccine injuries and deaths reported to VAERS on this popular website.

Find A Doctor Who Will Listen and Care

If your doctor or pediatrician refuses to provide medical care to you or your child unless you agree to get vaccines you don’t want, I strongly encourage you to have the courage to find another doctor. Harassment, coercion and refusal to provide medical care to someone declining one or more doses of government recommended vaccines is a violation of the informed consent ethic.

Unfortunately, it is becoming routine among members of the medical establishment to be reluctant to share vaccine decision-making power with patients and parents of minor children, especially during the aggressive push for all Americans to get COVID shots.

There are doctors out there who respect the precautionary and informed consent principles, so take the time to locate a doctor who treats you with compassion and is willing to listen and respect the health care choices you make for yourself or your child.


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1 YouTube Global Ag Media 2018

2, 17 Merck Animal Health, Sequivity

3 Watt Poultry October 2, 2012

4 RNA Swine Influenza Vaccine

5 Merck Animal Health September 21, 2015

6 Merck November 12, 2015

7 Merck March 15, 2016

8 PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases June 2016; 10(6): e0004746

9 Curevac January 7, 2020

10 Fulcrum 7 January 20, 2023

11 May 10, 2016

12 Vaccine Epub March 31, 2023

13 Twitter Tom Renz April 1, 2023

14 Agri-pulse June 22, 2022

15 January 13, 2015

16 Product Comparison Chart

18 USDA Organic 101: Allowed and Prohibited Substances October 27, 2020

19 Peter McCullough Substack March 17, 2023

20 Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology November 4, 2021; 9

21 Biomedicines July 2022; 10(7): 1538

22 APMIS January 17, 2023; 131(3): 128-132

23 Cell March 17, 2022; 185(6): 1025-1040.e14

24, 29 Tom Renz Substack April 2, 2023

25 Advances in Biotechnology October 22, 2013; 207-226

26 Cap Con October 14, 2022

27 Missouri House bill 1169

28 Missouri Farmers Union March 29, 2021

Featured image is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

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Fishing is older than humanity. Paleontologists have found evidence that our ancestors Homo habilis and Homo erectus caught lake and river fish in east Africa a million years ago. Large shell deposits show that our Neanderthal cousins in what is now Portugal were harvesting shellfish over a hundred thousand years ago, as were Homo sapiens in South Africa. Island dwellers have been fishing in the southwestern Pacific for at least thirty-five millennia.1

For most of our species’ existence, fish were caught to be eaten by the fishers themselves. “They may have traded dried or smoked fish to neighbors, but this trade was not commerce in any modern sense. People donated food to those who needed it, in the certain knowledge that the donors would someday need the same charity.”2

Fishing for sale rather than consumption developed along with the emergence of class-divided urban societies about five thousand years ago. Getting fish to towns and cities where people could not catch it themselves required organized systems for catching, cleaning, preserving, transporting, and marketing. This was particularly true in the Roman Empire, where serving fresh fish at meals was a status symbol for the rich, and fish preserved by salting was an essential source of protein for soldiers and the urban poor. In addition to boats, an extensive shore-based infrastructure was needed to provide fish for millions of citizens and enslaved people: “elaborate concrete vats and other remains of ancient fish-processing plants have been found all along the coasts of Sicily, North Africa, Spain, and even Brittany on the North Atlantic.”3

The first surviving account of fish depletion caused by overfishing was written in Rome, about 100 CE. The poet Juvenal described a feast at which the fish served to the wealthy host had been imported from Corsica or Sicily, because

…our waters are already
Quite fished-out, totally exhausted by raging gluttony;
The market-makers so continually raking the shallows
With their nets, that the fry are never allowed to mature.
So the provinces stock our kitchens.

Fish populations in rivers and coastal areas were also depleted by urban pollution. At the same meal, Juvenal says that a less-favored guest was served “a fish from the Tiber, covered with grey-green blotches…fed from the flowing sewer.”4

When the Roman Empire collapsed in Europe after 500 CE, commercial fishing contracted sharply: it was no longer safe or profitable to transport food large distances for sale. Fish was still on the menu everywhere, but for several centuries, “inland and coastal (shoreline) fisheries were common but local everywhere in medieval Europe.”5

“The First Mass-Produced Food Commodity”

Beginning in the eleventh century, increased political stability and renewed economic growth made possible what some historians call the “fish event horizon”—a rapid expansion of commercial fishing in the North and Baltic seas. Fishers in Norway and Iceland had two great advantages: proximity to waters that were home to more fish than all European rivers combined, and climates that were ideal for air drying cod. Hanging gutted fish on open-air racks for several months removed most of the water, leaving all the nutrients of fresh fish in hard sticks that could be eaten directly or soaked and cooked. The dried fish could be stored for years without spoiling.

Stockfish, as wind-dried cod and ling were called in medieval times, was the first mass-produced food commodity: a stable, light, and eminently transportable source of protein. From about 1100, Norway exported commercial quantities of stockfish to the European continent. By 1350, stockfish had become Iceland’s staple export commodity. English merchants, among others, brought grain, salt, and wine to trade for stockfish, but Icelandic fishermen could not keep up with European demand. Thus, after 1400, the English developed their own migratory fishery at Iceland, carried on at seasonal fishing stations.6

When Europe-wide trade reemerged, merchants found that air-dried cod from Norway and (later) salted herring from Holland commanded premium prices. Archeological evidence from across western Europe shows “a dramatic shift from local freshwater fish to air-dried cod from Norway from the eleventh century onwards.”7 For centuries to come, preserved fish from northern waters “fed the European need for a relatively cheap, long-lasting and transportable fish food.”8

The market for ocean fish in the late Middle Ages was driven, at least in part, by declining stocks of freshwater fish, caused by expanded agriculture and the growth of towns and cities. Deforestation, erosion caused by intensive plowing, and a doubling or tripling of the urban population combined to dump masses of silt and pollutants into rivers across Europe, while thousands of new watermills, built to grind grain and cut lumber, blocked rivers and streams where migratory species spawned.9 As a result, “even in wealthy Parisian households and prosperous Flemish monasteries, consumption of once-favored sturgeon, salmon, trout, and whitefish shrank to nothing by around 1500.”10

In The Ecological Rift, John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, and Richard York show how capital’s irresistible drive to expand “sets off a series of rifts and shifts, whereby metabolic rifts are continually created and addressed—typically only after reaching crisis proportions—by shifting the type of rift generated…[and subsequently] new crises spring up where old ones are supposedly cut down.”11 This happened with fish in the late Middle Ages, when capitalist industries first developed, in Henry Heller’s apt phrase, “within the pores of feudalism.”12 When intensive fishing and pollution undermined the natural processes and environments that had maintained freshwater fish populations for millennia, the fishing industry shifted geographically, moving in order to exploit different kinds of fish in different locations.

The shift from freshwater to ocean fish required much greater fishing effort and investment. Catching enough cod and herring for continental markets required ocean fishers to travel further and stay at sea longer, and processing the fish onshore required more time, equipment, and labor. By the 1200s, merchants from northern Germany were financing expanded fishing operations in Denmark and Norway, providing advance payments, salt, and other necessities.13 Over time, outside capital investment funded ever-larger fishing operations.

[In the 1200s] more than five hundred English, Flemish, and French vessels gathered off Great Yarmouth to supply unnumbered English and Flemish needs, while Paris had more than thirty million salt herring annually barged up the Seine and another twelve million plus were shipped to Gascony. At the same time along the southwestern coast of Danish Scania each year for a century and more, five to seven thousand small boats caught more than a hundred million fish and the merchants from northern Germany who ran the industry shipped 10,000 to 25,000 tonnes of product.14

Capitalist Fishing in the Low Countries

In the late 1500s, popular rebellions in the Low Countries triggered the world’s first bourgeois revolution, founding what Karl Marx called a “model capitalist nation.”15 In Capital, he identified fishing as key factor in Holland’s economic development.16

The area that now comprises the Netherlands and Belgium had been part of the Spain-based Hapsburg empire, a regime that rivaled Russia’s tsars in reactionary hostility to any form of economic or political change.17 The Dutch Revolt, as Marxist historian Pepijn Brandon writes, overthrew Hapsburg rule in the northern provinces, “left the state firmly under the control of the merchant-industrialists…[and] liberated one of Europe’s most developed regions from the constraints of an empire in which trade and industry were always subordinated to royal interest.” The new republic “became Europe’s dominant centre of capital accumulation.”18

An important factor in the rise of the Dutch merchant-industrialist class, scarcely mentioned in many accounts, was the absolute dominance of the Dutch fishing industry in the North Sea. For most of the late Middle Ages, Dutch fishers had to work close to shore because their principal catch was herring, a fatty fish that spoils in a few hours unless it is quickly preserved. Catches were limited by the need to return to shore, where the fish could be gutted and preserved by soaking in barrels of brine.

In about 1400, Dutch and Flemish fishers invented gibbing, a technique of rapidly gutting and salting herring. In 1415, another invention took full advantage of that technique—a Haringbuis(herring buss) was a large, broad-bottomed ship designed for high-volume fishing, with sufficient deck space for gibbing a full day’s catch and storage capacity for large volumes of salted fish. A crew of twelve to fourteen could work at sea for months in what was, as environmental historian John Richard writes, “essentially a floating factory.”19

Each year, hundreds of herring busses sailed from Dutch ports to the far north of Scotland and then, using mile-long driftnets, followed the vast shoals of herring that annually migrated south in the North Sea, east of England. Often, the fleet was supported by smaller boats that replenished their supply of food, barrels, and salt, and took full barrels of fish back to port. These floating factories gave Low Country shipowners a huge advantage over their English and French competitors in the North Sea. They could stay at sea longer, travel farther, catch more fish, and deliver a commodity that needed little on-shore processing. For the next three hundred years, the Dutch North Sea fishery was “the single most closely managed and technologically advanced fishery of the world.” In most years, Dutch ships captured twenty thousand to fifty thousand metric tons of fish in the North Sea, more than all other North Sea fishers combined. In one exceptional year, 1602, the Dutch fishers brought in seventy-nine thousand tons of fish.20

As economic historians Jan de Vries and Ad van der Woude point out, the economic impact of what was called the “great fishery” extended beyond the revenues derived directly from selling fish. This sector not only employed many workers but possessed strong forward and backward linkages to shipbuilding, ropeworks, net and sail makers, the timber trade and sawing mills, ships provisioning, salt refining, cooperage and packing, smoking houses, and long-distance trade and shipping. It is not altogether surprising that jealous foreigners saw the fisheries as the secret weapon of Dutch merchants and shipowners.21

Building and equipping herring busses required more capital than the small boats used by traditional coastal fishers. De Vries and van der Woude describe the industry’s evolution from early partnerships to truly capitalist organizations.

In its early stages, the ownership of the herring busses was in the hands of partnerships, the partenrederij prevalent also in ocean shipping, which usually included as partners the skippers of the vessels. Even the fishermen sometimes invested in the partnership, typically by supplying a portion of the nets, which their wives and children, or they themselves during the off-season, had made. However, already in the fifteenth century, many fishermen worked for wages…and over time wage labor so grew in importance that first the fishermen and later even the skipper disappeared as participants in the partnerships, leaving a partenrederij composed primarily of urban investors. In the mid-sixteenth century, when the herring buss fleet of Holland alone already numbered some 400 vessels and other economic activities were yet of a rather modest scope, these partenrederijen must have formed one of Holland’s most important fields of investment.22

The success of Dutch fishing gave an impetus to a substantial shipbuilding industry. As historian Richard Unger has documented, in the 1400s ships were built, one at a time, by independent shipwrights and their apprentices—but by 1600, shipbuilding was concentrated in a few large operations, and “the industry shifted from a medieval handicraft to something along the lines of modern factory organization.” Workers were paid daily wages at rates negotiated with local guilds, and were required to work fixed hours. The industry produced between three hundred and four hundred ships a year, each taking six or more months to complete. Dutch shipbuilders were widely seen as the best in Europe, so a considerable part of the industry’s revenue came from ships that were commissioned by merchants from other countries. The capitalist owners of Dutch shipyards were “among the wealthiest of businessmen in a country of wealthy men.”23 In 1578, Adriaen Coenan, a Dutch businessman who had spent his life in the fishing industry described herring as Holland’s “golden mountain.”24

In 1662, Pieter de la Court, a wealthy businessman and strong supporter of the republic, wrote a widely read and translated book—Interest van Holland (Holland’s True Interest)—to explain the Dutch Republic’s economic success. He particularly stressed the importance of fishing, claiming that it generated “ten times more profit” each year than the Dutch East India Company’s state-enforced monopoly. Fishing was economically important not just on its own, but for the impetus it gave to related industries. “More than the one half of our trading would decay, in case the trade of fish were destroyed.”

He identified fisheries, manufacturing, wholesale trading (traffick), and freight-shipping as “the four main pillars by which the welfare of the commonalty is supported, and on which the prosperity of all others depends.”25 Two centuries later, Marx offered a similar shortlist, identifying “the predominant role of fishing, manufacture and agriculture for Holland’s development.”26

The revolution that began in the North Sea in the 1400s—the conversion of immense quantities of ocean life into commodities for sale across Europe—expanded across the Atlantic in the 1500s.

The Gold Mines of Newfoundland

Accounts of transatlantic trade in the 1500s typically focus on what Perry Anderson calls “the most spectacular single act in the primitive accumulation of European capital during the Renaissance”—the plunder of precious metals by Spanish invaders in South and Central America.27 Year after year, well-guarded convoys carried gold and silver to Europe, simultaneously enriching Spain’s absolute monarchy and destabilizing Europe’s economy. Spain’s treasure fleets certainly played a big role in the long-term development of European capitalism, but they were not alone in creating a disruptive transatlantic economy. While Spanish ships carried silver and gold, a parallel trade involving far more ships and people developed far to the north. Historians of capitalism, including Marxists, have paid too little attention to what Francis Bacon called “the Gold Mines of the Newfoundland Fishery, of which there is none so rich.”28

Little is known about the Venetian navigator who led the first expedition from England to Newfoundland in 1497. His real name was Zuan Cabotto, but he was known as Juan Caboto in Spain and John Cabot in England. In 1496, Henry VII granted him letters patent “to find, discover and investigate whatsoever islands, countries, regions or provinces of heathens and infidels, in whatsoever part of the world placed, which before this time were unknown to all Christians.”29 With financial backing from Italian bankers and merchants from the west England port of Bristol, he sailed west on May 2, 1497, in a small ship with about eighteen crew members.30 Thirty-five days later, he “discovered” new territory on the far side of the Atlantic.

Of course, the large island that became known as Newfoundland had been discovered long before: there is archaeological evidence of human settlement on the island nine thousand years ago, and the Beothuk people had been there for 1,500 years when Cabot claimed it for the English king and the Catholic Church. Cabot was not even the first European—Viking explorers briefly settled in Newfoundland around 1000 CE, and a few Basque and Portuguese fishers may have sailed to the cod-rich waters earlier in the 1400s. Nevertheless, Cabot’s rediscovery of Newfoundland is important to the history of capitalism, because it alerted Europe’s growing merchant class to a major opportunity to profit by expropriating nature’s free gifts.

Like Columbus, Cabot was seeking a direct route to Asia—as historian Peter Pope writes, he “sought Japan, but his greatest discovery was cod.”31 Shortly after the Matthew returned to Bristol in August 1497, the Milanese ambassador in London wrote to the Duke of Milan:

They assert that the Sea there is swarming with fish which can be taken not only with the net but in baskets let down with a stone, so that it sinks in the water. I have heard this Messer Zoane [Cabot] state so much. These same English, his companions, say that they could bring so many fish that this Kingdom would have no further need of Iceland, from which there comes a very great quantity of the fish called stockfish.32

Within a decade of Cabot’s return, fishing “opened up in Newfoundland with the enthusiasm of a gold rush.”33 By 1510, dozens of ships from France, Spain, and Portugal were traveling to the land of cod every spring, and by mid-century there were hundreds. The Newfoundland fishery drove “a 15-fold increase in cod supplies…[and] tripled overall supplies of fish (herring and cod) protein to the European market.”34 By the late sixteenth century, cod, formerly a distant second to herring, comprised 60 percent of all fish eaten in Europe.35

The First Capitalist Factories

In 1776, in the first chapter of The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith famously attributed the “greatest improvements in the productive powers of labor” to “the effects of the division of labor,” in what he called manufactories. In some pin-making establishments, for example, “about eighteen distinct operations…are all performed by distinct hands.” By dividing up the tasks, pin factories produced many times more pins than would have been possible if each worker made them individually.36

Perhaps less famous is the particular emphasis that Marx placed on the importance of division of labor in manufacture, his term for “combining together different handicrafts under the command of a single capitalist” before the introduction of machinery in the Industrial Revolution.37 “The division of labor in the workshop, as practiced by manufacture, is an entirely specific creation of the capitalist mode of production.”38

A recent book claims that mass production by division of labor was invented in the 1460s on the short-lived Portuguese sugar plantations on the island of Madeira. The assignment of different activities to different groups of enslaved people, the authors say, was “a new system for producing and distributing food,” showing that “the plantation was the original factory.”39While that was an important development, it was not the first case of factory food production. Half a century earlier, Dutch merchants, shipbuilders, and fishworkers had developed a sophisticated division of labor to produce food in much greater volume—and not a luxury product like sugar, but a mass commodity, seafood. The Dutch herring busses of the early 1400s were the first mass-production food factories, and the industry they initiated played a major role in the development and growth of capitalism.

In Newfoundland, two distinct forms of factory fishing developed in the 1500s. Offshore fishers, mainly French, caught and preserved cod on the Grand Banks, a large, relatively shallow area that extends about three hundred kilometers (two hundred miles) south and east of Newfoundland, where cod gather to spawn. Inshore fishers used small open boats to catch cod within a few miles of land, and took them ashore every day for processing. Both offshore and inshore fisheries developed factory-like operations, with structured divisions of labor between workers skilled in the various tasks of catching and preparing fish.

Offshore fisheries caught and preserved fish on ships similar to Dutch herring busses, called bankers or bank ships. In each ship, up to twenty people worked in floating production lines. The cod were caught by fishers, each working several baited lines at once. Historian Laurier Turgeon describes a typical division of labor after the cod were hooked and hauled up:

All eviscerating or dressing operations were carried out on deck where activity had turned well and truly into assembly-line production. The ship’s boys grabbed the fish [from one of the fishers] and threw it onto the splitting-table. The “header” severed the head, gutted it, and in the very same movement, pushed it towards the “splitter” at the opposite end of the table. Two or three deft strokes of the knife sufficed to remove the backbone, after which the “dressed” filet dropped down the hatch into the ship’s hold. There, the salter laid it out between two thick layers of salt.

Work continued apace from dawn to dark, even overnight, when the catch was particularly good. Every bank ship was “a workshop for the preparation and curing of fish” and the workers’ activity “resembled 19th-century factory labor in many respects.”40 When the hold was full of what was called wet or green (actually pickled) cod, the ship returned to Europe. Some made two or three round trips each year. Inshore operations involved more ships and workers, but were more time-limited, since the best inshore fishing occurred from June to August, when millions of capelin (a small, smelt-like fish) spawn in shallow waters, attracting hungry cod.41

Each spring, cargo ships traveled from western Europe to bays and inlets along the Newfoundland coast. Each ship carried up to 150 workers, many barrels of salt, and a dozen or so open fishing boats that had been built in Europe, then disassembled for compact storage. Long beaches known for particularly good fishing attracted multiple ships, so some seasonal fishing camps may have housed thousands of workers at a time. The fish they caught and preserved, known as salt-cod or Poor John, was tastier than Norwegian stockfish, and largely replaced it as the leading mass-produced food commodity in England and southern Europe.

The inland cod fishery also involved an assembly line division of labor, in facilities built each year on Newfoundland’s stony beaches. A journal kept by ship’s surgeon James Yonge in the 1600s, summarized here by Pope, describes the factory-like operation of Newfoundland fishing stations, called fishing rooms by English fishworkers.

If fishing was good, the crews would head for their fishing rooms in late afternoon, each boat with as many as one thousand or twelve hundred fish, weighing altogether several tonnes.… The shore crews began the task of making fish right on the stage head, the combination wharf and processing plant where the fish was unloaded. A boy would lay the fish on a table for the header, who gutted and then decapitated the fish.… The cod livers were set aside and dumped into a train vat, where the oil rendered in the sun. The header pushed the gutted fish across the table to the splitter, who opened the fish and removed the spine.… Untrained boys moved the split fish in handbarrows and piled it up for an initial wet-salting. This salting required experience and judgment, as Yonge stressed: “A salter is a skillful officer, for too much salt burns the fish and makes it break, and wet, too little makes it redshanks, that is, look red when dried, and so is not merchantable.…”

After a few days in salt, the shore crews would rinse the fish in seawater and pile it on a platform of beach stones, called a horse, for a day or two before spreading it out to dry on a cobble beach or on flakes, rough wooden platforms covered with fir boughs or birch bark.… At night and in wet weather, the fish being processed had to be turned skin side up or collected in protected heaps. After four or five days of good weather, it was ready to be stored in carefully layered larger piles containing about fifteen hundred fish.42

The cod were so plentiful that frequently more were caught and dried than one ship could carry, so an intermediate trade developed in which Dutch merchants on sack ships purchased dried fish from Newfoundland beaches during the fishing season and resold it in Europe.

Some accounts of early modern fishing give the impression that Newfoundland cod were caught by brave, independent fishers who crossed the Atlantic in tiny boats. A few may have done that, but not enough to cause the immense leap in commodity fish production that historians have dubbed the North Atlantic Fish Revolution. That was accomplished by thousands of skilled fishworkers who crossed the ocean in large ships that were financed by merchant capitalists. As Pope writes, “This sophisticated division of labor, the large size of the production unit, together with the time discipline imposed by a limited fishing season gave the dry fishery some of the qualities of later manufacturing industries.”43 Transatlantic fishing was big business from the beginning. The sixteenth-century fishing rooms and bank ships were factories, long before the Industrial Revolution.

The World’s First Oil Boom

Inshore cod fishing was concentrated on Newfoundland’s east and south coasts. A different extractive industry, also using factory production, developed near the island’s northwest corner.

In the 1970s, Selma Huxley Barkham radically changed our understanding of the sixteenth-century fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador. With little institutional support—she taught English part-time to pay her bills—the Canadian archivist spent years in northern Spain, digging through libraries and archives in search of references to sixteenth-century Basque voyages to Terranova. Her discoveries rewrote the history of sixteenth-century Newfoundland: she found convincing evidence that in addition to the thousands who came for cod, up to two thousand Basque whalers spent each year in the area now known as the Strait of Belle Isle. Following her leads, archaeologists have found several sunken ships and the remains of over a dozen sixteenth-century whaling stations on the Labrador shore.

Basques from France and Spain dominated commercial whaling in Europe for centuries. Hunting in the Bay of Biscay, they primarily targeted bowhead and right whales, which were large, up to seventeen meters long, but much smaller than the animals that deep-sea whalers later hunted to near-extinction. Rights and bowheads are slower and remain afloat when killed—a major advantage to the rowers who had to tow them ashore.

Basque merchants sold salted whale meat, which could be eaten on holy days because the whales were thought to be fish, and baleen, a flexible cartilage that was used to make corsets, buggy whips, umbrellas, and so on. The big moneymaker, however, was whale oil, produced by slowly heating blubber in large cauldrons. Barrels of Basque-produced whale oil were used as far away as England and Germany for textile manufacturing, lighting, soap-making, and caulking ships.44

At some point, probably in the 1530s, Basque fishers discovered that in the summer and autumn bowhead whales migrated in large numbers through the narrow Strait of Belle Isle, where they could be caught relatively easily.45 Intensive whale hunts soon began, with hundreds of teams of Basque whalers traveling annually to the strait in “ships as large as anything afloat.… Some of them were capable of carrying up to two thousand barrels of whale oil, which weighed three hundred pounds each.”46 For four to six months each year the whalers lived and worked in whaling stations that were similar to the temporary cod fishing villages, with a major exception: instead of drying racks, they built tryworks—large stone ovens sheltered by tile roofs, where blubber was boiled down.

Whaling was dangerous work for the crews and, of course, brutal for the whales. When whales were sighted from shore, several teams set out in chalupas—eight-meter-long open boats—each crewed by a harpooner, a steerer, and four or five rowers. Archaeologist James Tuck describes the usual method of attack:

Whales were approached by rowing the boats to within as close as a meter, at which point the whale was harpooned with a barbed iron harpoon…[on a rope that was attached] to a “drogue” or drag which the whale towed through the water until it tired.… Often several harpoons were thrust into the same whale and even then the chase might have taken hours and covered miles before the whale could be approached safely and killed by repeated thrusts of a razor-sharp lance.… Once the whale was killed it was towed by several boats—often against tide and wind—to one of the shore stations for processing.”47

On shore, flensers (whale butchers) removed the whale’s blubber in long spiral strips and cut it into thin pieces. Tryers heated the blubber slowly in copper cauldrons, controlling the temperature to avoid burning, and periodically skimming off oil and moving it to cooling pots, a process that required days of constant attention and work. The cooled oil was stored in two-hundred-liter barrels that coopers assembled onsite.

Barkham’s research showed that whaling operations in the Strait of Belle Isle were “a resounding financial success from their inception.” She estimated that the Basque whalers produced upwards of fifteen thousand barrels of whale oil each year, and sold most of it on the way home, in Bristol, London, and Antwerp.48

But as so often happens when natural resources become mass commodities, the exploitation of whales in Newfoundland soon undermined the very basis of the industry. It is impossible to get exact numbers, but an authoritative study estimates that “as many as a third of the western Atlantic bowhead’s pre-hunt numbers were killed during the course of the 16th century.”49 Bowhead whales reproduce slowly—females take fifteen years to reach sexual maturity, and typically have only one calf every three or four years—so the removal of a third of the population in a few decades had devastating effects.50 By the early 1580s, overhunting had so reduced the bowhead population that some ships returned to Europe half-empty.

Over the next two decades, whalers shifted their hunts west to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and north to the Arctic. Intensive whaling in Newfoundland’s coastal waters ceased for nearly three hundred years.

England versus Spain

Declining catches undoubtedly motivated Spanish Basques to hunt elsewhere, but the geographic shift was made more urgent by conflicts on the far side of the Atlantic.

In 1575, a moderately successful Bristol merchant named Anthony Parkhurst purchased a mid-sized ship and began organizing annual cod fishing expeditions to Newfoundland. Unlike most of his peers, he travelled with the fishworkers; while they were catching and drying cod, he explored “the harbors, creekes and havens and also the land, much more than ever any Englishman hath done.” In 1578, he estimated that about 350 European ships were active in the Newfoundland cod fishery—150 French, 100 Spanish, 50 Portuguese, and 30 to 50 English—as well as 20 to 30 Basque whalers.51

In fact, there were many more ships in the Newfoundland fisheries than that. Sailing close to shore, Parkhurst apparently did not see the several hundred French ships that worked on the Grand Banks every year. Nevertheless, as Turgeon writes, his figures allow a comparison to the more famous treasure fleets that sailed from the Caribbean to Spain in the same period.

Even if one accepts Parkhurst’s simplistic figures, the Newfoundland fleet—comprising between 350 and 380 vessels crewed by 8,000-10,000 men—could have more than matched Spain’s transatlantic commerce with the Americas, which relied on 100 ships at most and 4,000-5,000 men in the 1570s—its best years in the sixteenth century.…

However approximate, these figures demonstrate that the Gulf of St. Lawrence was a pole of attraction for Europeans on a par with the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Far from being a fringe area worked by only a few fishermen, the northern part of the Americas was one of the great seafaring routes and one of the most profitable European business destinations in the New World.52

Despite the profits others made, Parkhurst observed that “the English are not there in such numbers as other countries.” A decade earlier, he would have found far fewer. And yet, by 1600, the number of English ships that traveled annually to the Newfoundland fishery had more than tripled, while Spanish ships had all but disappeared. To understand how and why that happened, we must take a brief detour into European geopolitics.

Cabot had claimed the new land for England in 1497, but the government did not follow up, and few English merchants and fishers were interested. England’s internal market for fish was well served by cod from Iceland and herring from the North Sea, and the wealthy London merchants who dominated England’s foreign trade were conservative and resistant to change. As John Smith later wrote of English merchants’ reluctance to invest in American colonies where fishing was the major industry, they chose not to risk their wealth on “a mean and a base commoditie” and the “contemptible trade in fish.”53

The few English expeditions to Newfoundland before 1570 were organized by shipowners and merchants who were not part of the London merchant elite: they sailed not from London or even Bristol, but from smaller ports in the West Country, the southwestern “toe” of England. As a result, English ships in Newfoundland were substantially outnumbered by ships from continental Europe for most of the 1500s. This reflected the imbalance of power in Europe, where England was a minor country on the periphery, while Spain controlled an immense empire. After Spain annexed Portugal in 1581, the total capacity of its merchant ships was close to three hundred thousand tons, compared to forty-two thousand for England. Spain claimed, and could enforce, exclusive access to “all the areas outside Europe which seemed at the time to offer any possibility of outside trading.”54

But England’s economy was expanding, and a growing number of English entrepreneurs and adventurers sought to break Spain’s economic power, especially its domination of transatlantic trade. Between 1570 and 1577, for example, at least thirteen English expeditions challenged Spain’s monopoly by trading enslaved people and other commodities in the Caribbean.55Throughout Elizabeth I’s reign (1558–1603), the organizers and supporters of such ventures lobbied hard for what Marxist historian A. L. Morton called “a constant if unformulated principle of English foreign policy—that the most dangerous commercial rival should also be the main political enemy.”56

Economic rivalry was reinforced by religious conflict. England was officially Protestant, while Spain was not only Catholic, but home to the feared and hated Inquisition. When a Protestant-led rebellion against Spanish rule in the Netherlands broke out in 1566, Dutch refugees were welcomed in England, English supporters raised money to buy arms for the rebels, and wealthy English Calvinists organized companies of English soldiers to join the fight. Spanish officials, in return, actively supported efforts to overthrow Elizabeth I and install a Catholic monarch. In 1570, Pope Pius V added to the conflict by excommunicating “the pretended Queen of England.” He ordered English Catholics not to obey Elizabeth, and declared that killing her would not be a sin. As the Marxist historian Christopher Hill wrote of conflicts in England in the next century, “whether we should describe the issues as religious or political or economic is an unanswerable question.”57

When Elizabeth came to the throne, Spain was the richest and most powerful country in Europe, and England was too weak to challenge it directly. Instead, Elizabeth surreptitiously supported a maritime guerrilla war against Spain’s merchant ships and colonies, a freelance war for profit conducted by government-licensed raiders who paid their own expenses and kept most of what they stole. Such legal pirates were later dubbed privateers—I will use that term to distinguish them from traditional pirates, although in practice, it was difficult to tell them apart.

Piracy had been endemic in England for centuries, especially on the southern coast; the pirates “were skilled sailors, organized in groups, and often protected by such influential landowning families as the Killigrews of Cornwall.… The risks of piracy were fairly low, the profits large.”58Many of the mariners who signed on as privateers in Elizabeth’s time had been pirates before, and would return to piracy when their privateering licenses expired. The successful ones were fêted at court, and the most successful received knighthoods. If they were captured by Spanish officials, they faced execution as common pirates, but in England privateering was a respectable profession, dominated by “west country families connected with the sea, for whom Protestantism, patriotism and plunder became virtually synonymous.”59

Promoters, usually shipowners, financed privateering ventures by selling shares to investors, who ranged from rich merchants and government officials to local tradespeople and shopkeepers. Of the loot, 10 or 15 percent went to the crown, and the remainder was split between investors, the promoter, and the captain and crew.

While people from all classes took part, most privateering voyages in Elizabeth’s time were organized and led by those outside of London’s merchant elite. Most came from the West Country, home territory not only for pirates, but for most of the English fishing expeditions to Newfoundland. A common theme in contemporary discussions of fishing was its importance as a training ground for the navy; the same was true of fishing and piracy. Historian Kenneth Andrews has shown that English merchant ships often engaged in both trading and raiding on the same voyages, so it would be surprising if some of the seafarers who carried fishers to Newfoundland did not also attack merchant ships, if only in the off-season.60

The most successful Elizabethan privateer was slave trader Sir Francis Drake. He is best-remembered for circumnavigating the globe, which he did not for the thrill of discovery, but to evade capture after he looted Spanish treasure ships on the coast of Peru. The booty he brought back earned his backers, including the Queen, an astonishing 4,600 percent profit on their investment.

If Spain’s plunder of gold and silver in Central and South America can be called original expropriation, then the English campaign of licensed piracy during Elizabeth’s reign was original expropriation once-removed—some great capitalist fortunes originated as pirate booty, stolen from the thieves who stole it from the Aztecs and Incas.61

Open war between England and Spain broke out in 1585, when Elizabeth publicly declared her support for the Dutch rebels and sent soldiers to aid them. When Spain’s King Philip II responded by prohibiting trade with England and seizing English merchant ships in Spanish ports, Elizabeth encouraged privateers to increase their attacks on Spanish shipping, and Philip began planning a direct attack on England.

On May 30, 1588, a fleet of 130 ships carrying 19,000 soldiers set out from Lisbon to invade England and overthrow Elizabeth. Two months later, the Great Armada was in disarray, battered by fierce storms and defeated by a smaller English force. Only 67 Spanish ships and fewer than 10,000 people survived. English propagandists attributed the victory to the grace of God and Drake’s command, but it was mostly a result of incompetent Spanish leadership—if ever a naval venture deserved to be called a total screw-up from beginning to end, it was Spain’s 1588 Armada.62 Although patriotic textbooks often describe England’s victory as a turning point in the war, Spain’s navy actually recovered quickly and inflicted an equally devastating defeat on Drake’s fleet in 1589. The war continued until 1604, when two new kings, James I of England and Phillip III of Spain, finally signed a peace treaty.

Some historians of the Anglo-Spanish War view it as an unreasonably protracted waste of effort, since neither side gained territory and the final treaty essentially restored the status quo. That is true if the war is viewed as a military fight to protect or expand territory, which it was for Spain’s feudal rulers. But for the merchants who were the primary promoters, financiers, and often warriors on the English side, it was an economic war—if they had read Carl von Clausewitz, they might have said that their war was business conducted by other means. They aimed to profit by capturing the enemy’s merchant ships, and by doing that on a large scale for eighteen years, they broke Spain’s monopoly on Atlantic commerce.

Seemingly an inconclusive, even at times half-hearted struggle, this war in fact marked a turning-point in the fortunes of both nations and above all in their oceanic fortunes.…

Commerce-raiding, it is true, could not win the war.… Yet the cumulative impact of continual shipping losses upon the Iberian marine was heavy. English sources suggest that the English captured well over a thousand Spanish and Portuguese prizes during the war, losses which must have contributed as much as any other factor to the catastrophic decline of Iberian shipping noted in 1608 by a Spanish shipbuilding expert. The system of the transatlantic flotas [treasure fleets] was of course maintained.… But the rest of Iberian trade was perforce abandoned very largely to foreign shipping.63

An important part of England’s economic war, disregarded by many historians, was a war for cod.

Cod War

For a decade before open warfare began, English officials had been discussing expulsion of Spain from the Newfoundland fishery as a possible strategic objective. The argument was strongly made in November 1577 by one of the Queen’s advisors, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, in A Discourse How Hir Majestie May Annoy the King of Spayne.64 ( “Annoy” had a stronger meaning then.)

The second son of a wealthy West Country landowner, Gilbert was a strong advocate of expansionist, pro-Protestant, and anti-Spanish policies. His leadership of the brutal suppression of the Desmond Rebellion in Ireland in 1569 won him a knighthood from the Queen and the fully deserved label “Elizabethan terrorist” from a twentieth-century historian of colonial conquest.65 In 1572, he led a force of 1,500 English volunteers against the Spanish army in the Netherlands.

His 1577 “Discourse” (today it would be called a memorandum or position paper) proposed a pre-emptive attack on Spanish and Portuguese—and possibly French—ships in Newfoundland, “eyther by open hostilytie, or by some colorable meanes; as by geving of lycence under lettres patentes to discover and inhabyte some strange place, with speciall proviso for their safetyes.” The latter course would allow the Queen to disavow attacks on foreign ships if necessary, and “pretend yt was done without your pryvitie [without your approval].”

Gilbert offered to personally finance, organize, and lead a fleet to Newfoundland in order to attack Spanish and Portuguese ships, seize their cargoes, and commandeer the best ships while burning others. This could be accomplished by a relatively small force, because the fishers worked from shore, leaving few, if any, people on the big ships, “so that there is as little doubt of the easye taking, and carrying of them away.” What is more, the expedition would pay for itself, because Newfoundland fish “is a principal and rich and everie where vendible merchaundise.”

Such an attack would not only deprive Spanish merchants of ships and the “great revenues” they obtained from fishing, it would prevent Newfoundland cod from reaching Spain, causing “great famine.” Beyond that, Humphrey suggested that a permanent settlement in Newfoundland could be a base for attacking Spanish ports and shipping in the Caribbean.

There is no record of Elizabeth’s reaction to this plan, but six months later she issued Letters Patent to “our trustie and welbeloved servaunt Sir Humphrey Gilbert,” incorporating something very like the “colorable meanes” he had suggested. In exchange for 20 percent of any gold or silver he might find, the Queen gave Gilbert a six-year license “to discover, finde, search out, and view such remote, heathen and barbarous lands, countreys and territories not actually possessed of any Christian prince or people.” He would personally own all land within two hundred leagues of any permanent settlements he established by 1583—an immense area—and could “take and surprise by all maner of meanes whatsoever…as of goode and lawful prize” any ship that entered that area without his permission.66

The Letters Patent included a pro forma instruction not to attack ships from friendly nations, but in practice, Gilbert now had a license to establish Newfoundland as England’s first overseas colony, expel foreign fishers, and use the island for privateering attacks.

He certainly tried, but as the Queen wrote, he was “a man noted of not good happ [luck] by sea.”67 His first voyage, in 1578, barely reached Ireland before desertions and storms forced him to turn back. That failure cost him most of his inheritance, and discouraged investors from supporting him again: it took four years to raise enough money for a second try.

In 1583, three of his five ships and most of his crew were lost to sickness, mutiny, and shipwreck, but he did reach Newfoundland, where he held a formal ceremony attended by the merchants and masters of the thirty-six English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese fishing ships then in St. John’s Harbour. He declared the island an English possession, and announced that all fishers would have to pay rent to him and taxes to the Queen—all of which was moot, since he and his ship were lost in a storm on the way back to England.

Gilbert failed to execute his plan, but the fact that such a plan existed, and was to some extent approved in the royal Letters Patent, shows that the Newfoundland fishery’s importance was recognized in England’s ruling circles. It is not, then, surprising that when open war broke out two years later, one of Elizabeth’s first actions was to order two privateer fleets to attack Spanish shipping—one in the Caribbean, and the other in Newfoundland. Bernard Drake (no relation to Francis) received the latter commission, “to proceed to Newfoundland to warn the English engaged in the fisheries there of the seizure of English ships in Spain, and to seize all ships in Newfoundland belonging to the king of Spain or any of his subjects, and to bring them into some of the western ports of England.”68

In July 1585, Drake left Plymouth with an investor-financed fleet of ten ships. After capturing a sugar-laden Portuguese ship on the way, the privateers traveled to the harbor at St. John’s, where they recruited several English fishing ships to join in attacking their Spanish competitors.69

As Gilbert had predicted, the well-armed privateers received little resistance from merchants’ fishing ships. In less than two months, they seized sixteen or seventeen ships in Newfoundland and took them to England with their cargoes of dried cod and over six hundred prisoners—fishworkers who probably were not even aware that open war had started. Many of the prisoners died when several ships sank during the crossing, and most of the rest died of hunger or typhus in English jails, as Drake did not pay for their food and care.

Drake’s Newfoundland expedition returned a 600 percent profit to the investors. He kept four of the most valuable ships, and in January 1586, he was knighted by the Queen. He died three months later in the same typhus epidemic that killed his prisoners.

The 1585 attack in Newfoundland cost Spanish investors not only a significant number of ships and skilled fishworkers, but most of that year’s fishing revenue. Those losses were multiplied over the next two years, when Philip II ordered all merchants ships to remain in their home ports so he could conscript the best of them for his planned attack on England. Fewer than half of the vessels that sailed in the 1588 Armada were purpose-built warships—the rest were merchant ships carrying soldiers. Few of those made it back to Spain, and many that did required major repairs.

The loss of so many ships and a three-year hiatus in fishing revenue was a major setback for Spanish participation in the Newfoundland fishery. The number of ships traveling from the Iberian Peninsula to Newfoundland dropped off radically in the following decade, and those that took the risk were under constant threat of privateer attacks. The surviving records are poor and incomplete, but we know for sure that there were twenty-seven fishing ships among the prizes brought to English ports in just three years, from 1589 to 1591—and undoubtedly there were more. It was not gold or sugar, and no one was knighted for stealing fish, but the cargo of a single fishing boat sold for up to £500, a respectable return for owners, investors, and crew.70

From the late 1590s on, ships from the Spanish empire were rarely seen in Newfoundland waters. Meanwhile the number of English ships increased substantially, though still outnumbered by French fishers. However, there was little conflict, as the French mainly fished offshore, producing the wet pickled cod that was popular in Northern Europe, while the English mainly fished inshore and produced dried salt cod for southern European and Mediterranean markets.71

After the 1604 treaty was signed, the English merchants took a few years to adjust, but by 1612, English ships were carrying salt cod directly from Newfoundland to Bilbao, formerly a major center for Spanish cod shipping. “The tide had begun to turn. In the Newfoundland fisheries, English and French interests had won out over Spanish and Portuguese ships by the early seventeenth century.”72

“An Immense Fishing Enterprise”

As mentioned, in the 1970s, Barkham documented the previously unknown large-scale Basque whaling operations in the Strait of Belle Isle.

More recently, Turgeon, of Laval University, has shown that the transatlantic cod fishing industry was much larger than previously thought. His work, based on archival records in French port cities, documents “an immense fishing enterprise that has been largely overlooked in the maritime history of the North Atlantic.” In the second half of the sixteenth century, “the French Newfoundland vessels represented one of the largest fleets in the Atlantic. These 500 or so ships had a combined loading capacity of some 40,000 tons burden [56,000 cubic meters], and they mobilized 12,000 fishermen-sailors each year.”

To those must be added annual crossings by some two hundred Spanish, Portuguese, and English ships.

The Newfoundland fleet surpassed by far the prestigious Spanish fleet that trafficked with the Americas, which had only half the loading capacity and half as many crew members.… The Gulf of the Saint Lawrence represented a site of European activity fully comparable to the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean. Far from being a marginal space visited by a few isolated fishermen, Newfoundland was one of the first great Atlantic routes and one of the first territories colonized in North America.73

Pope reaches a similar conclusion in his award-winning study of early English settlements in Newfoundland: “By the later sixteenth century, European commercial activity in Atlantic Canada exceeded, in volume and value, European trade with the Gulf of Mexico, which is usually treated as the American center of gravity of early transatlantic commerce.… The early modern fishery at Newfoundland was an enormous industry for its time, and even for our own.”74

In the same period, close to one thousand ships sailed annually to the North Sea from Holland, Zeeland, and Flanders. The Netherlands-based fishing industry was so important that Philip II used part of his American gold and silver to finance warships to protect the Dutch herring fleet from attacks by French and Scottish privateers.

In the 1400s, the Dutch fleet in the North Sea caught and processed huge volumes of fish, making herring the most widely consumed fish in northern Europe. In the 1500s, the North Sea herring catch remained stable while the Newfoundland fishery transformed the market—in 1580, Newfoundland fishers brought back two hundred thousand tonnes of cod, more than double the North Sea herring catch in its best year. By the end of the century, cod had replaced herring as the most important commodity fish in Europe by a large margin.

Intensive fishing was a major industry, and an important component of the revolutionary social and economic changes then underway across Europe.

“A Distinctly Capitalist Institution”

In Capital, Marx argued that merchant activity as such—buying cheap in one place and selling dear in another (or “profits upon expropriation”)—did not undermine the feudal mode of production, nor did craftspeople who made and sold their own products. It was the integrationof manufacture and trade that laid the basis for a new social order: “the production and circulation of commodities are the general perquisites of the capitalist mode of production.”75The actual transition to capitalism, he wrote, occurred in three ways: some merchants shifted into manufacturing; some merchants contracted with multiple independent craftspeople; some craftspeople expanded their operations to produce for the market themselves.76

But, as Maurice Dobb comments in Studies in the Development of Capitalism, the problem with schematic transition models, including those of Marx, is that the actual process was “a complex of various strands, and the pace and nature of the development differ widely in different countries.”77

For example, on the one hand, the Basque whaling expeditions to Labrador were organized and financed by what Barkham calls money-men: “men with a solid financial background, and a good deal of experience, both in money-raising and in the insurance industry.”78

In England, on the other hand, as Gillian Cell shows, the Newfoundland fishery was “run by men of limited capital.… [It] was primarily the preserve of the west-countrymen,” not London’s merchant grandees, and certainly not moneymen. The most expensive capital expense, the ship itself, was typically shared among several investors. “Most commonly a ship would be divided into thirty-two parts, any number of which might be owned by the same merchant, but on occasion there might be as many as sixty-four.” In other cases, investors reduced their cost and risk by leasing ships, with payment not due until they returned.79

The investors hired a captain who hired the sailors and fishers, and contracted with a victualer who provided fishing gear, boats, barrels, salt, and other essentials, including food and drink for a long voyage. One person might play multiple roles—the captain and victualer might also be investors, for example.

A capitalist enterprise requires capital; it also requires workers. The very existence of intensive fishing in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries shows that there were thousands of adults and children in England and western Europe whose livelihood depended on working in long-distance fishing factories. This was arduous and dangerous work that took them away from home for most of the year. Just traveling to and from Newfoundland took a month or more each way, in crowded wooden ships that might sink at any time. Maritime historian Samuel Elliot Morrison described the sixteenth-century Newfoundland fishery as “a graveyard of ships”—more merchant ships were lost at sea in the years 1530 to 1600 than in all of the Second World War.80 And yet, captains apparently had no difficulty in recruiting full crews of skilled and unskilled workers every year.

Little research has been done on the social origins of these workers, but it is surely significant that the rapid expansion of long-distance fishing in England in the 1500s coincided with a period of rural enclosures and farm consolidations in which “the traditional peasant community was undermined as layers of better-off peasants became wealthy yeoman farmers, some entering the ranks of the gentry, while others were pauperized and proletarianized—and on a massive scale.”81 In the long sixteenth century (roughly 1450 to 1640), “great masses of men [were] suddenly and forcibly torn from their means of subsistence, and hurled onto the labor-market as free, unprotected and rightless proletarians.”82

In the Netherlands in the mid-1500s, about 5 percent of the male population worked in the herring industry.83 There, as well as in England, France, and Spain, a growing number of people who had formerly supplemented their diet and income with occasional fishing now had to work for others—having lost their land, they turned to the sea full-time. Some may still have owned small plots of land and others may have worked as agricultural laborers between voyages, but all were part of a new maritime working class whose labor enriched a rising class of merchant-industrialists.

In contrast to the Dutch ships, where workers were usually paid fixed wages, the standard on English and French vessels was a three-way division of the gross proceeds from selling the catch—one-third to the investors, one-third to the victualer, and one-third to the captain and crew. The captain took the largest part of the crew’s share, while workers received different amounts depending on their skill and experience, with laborers and boys receiving the least. Share payment reduced the investors’ losses if the catch was small or lost. It was also a form of labor discipline: as an English merchant wrote, because the fishworkers’ income depended on the size of the catch, there was “lesse feare of negligence on their part.”84

Legally, the merchants, shipowners, victualers, and fishworkers on each expedition were part of a joint venture, but, as Daniel Vickers writes, that formality did not change the fundamental class relationship.

Relations between merchants and their men remained in substance those of capital and labor. Merchants still garnered the lion’s share of the profits (and bore most of the losses); they retained complete ownership of the vessel, provisions, and gear throughout the voyage; and they could do with their capital what they wished once the fish had been sold. By early modern standards of economic organization, this transatlantic fishery was a distinctively capitalist institution.85

Ecological Impact

In the early 1600s, a few English mariners sailed an additional nine hundred miles or so from Newfoundland to the area now known as New England. All were astonished by the abundance of fish—and especially by their size. As these mariners wrote at the time,

John Brereton, 1602: “Fish, namely Cods, which as we encline more unto the South, are more large and vendible for England and France than the Newland fish.”

James Rosier, 1605: Compared to Newfoundland cod, New England cod were “so much greater, better fed, and abundant with traine [oil]” and “all were generally very great, some they measured to be five foot long, and three foot about.”

Robert Davies, 1607: “Hear wee fysht three howers & tooke near to hundred of Codes very great & large fyshe bigger & larger fyshe then that which coms from the bancke of the new Foundland.”86

Newfoundland and New England cod are separated by geography, but they are the same species. The difference in size and abundance was caused by a century of intensive fishing. Marine biologist Callum Roberts explains:

By the time of these voyages, Newfoundland cod had been intensively exploited for a hundred years, and fishing there had evidently already had an impact on fish numbers and size. Catching fish reduces their average life span. Since fish like cod continue growing throughout their life span, fishing therefore reduces the average size of individuals in a population. The Newfoundland fishery had driven down the average size of cod, and the relatively unexploited stocks in New England became a reminder of the past.87

A recent study estimates that until the late 1800s, the annual catch was far below 10 percent of the total cod population—that, together with the fact that the catch increased year after year, seems to imply that the cod were multiplying faster than they could be caught. But that is misleading, because the total cod population was composed of distinct local populations. Since fishing operations tended to stay in areas where fish congregated, local cod populations could be, and were, diminished by intensive fishing.88

For example, by 1600, in the area of Newfoundland known as the English shore “fishers made, on average, only about 60 percent of the catch per boat that they had come to expect.”89 The total catch remained high because some fishers worked harder, using more boats and staying at sea longer, and others shifted geographically, targeting less depleted populations as far away as the aptly named Cape Cod in Massachusetts. “As human fishing removed larger, more mature fish from each substock, the chances of abrupt swings in the reproductive rate increased. In short, even at the seemingly ‘moderate’ levels of the 1600s and 1700s, fishing altered the age (and perhaps gender) structures, size, weight, and spawning and feeding habits, and the overall size of codfish stocks in the North Atlantic.”90

Cod are among the most prolific vertebrates on Earth. Mature females release three to nine million eggs a year: someone once calculated that if they all grew to maturity, in three years it would be possible to walk across the ocean on their backs. In reality, only a few hatch and fewer of those avoid being eaten as larvae, but under normal conditions (that is, before intensive fishing), enough survived to maintain a stable population in the trillions. Intensive fishing disrupted that metabolic and reproductive cycle, but the total number of cod was so great that it took nearly five centuries for the world’s largest fishery to collapse.

A Fishing Revolution

In 2018, a team of environmental historians led by Poul Holm proposed that the birth and rapid growth of intensive fishing in Newfoundland should be called the Fish Revolution. Careful study of the fishery’s size, its impact on European markets and diets, and its environmental effects led them to conclude that historians “have grossly underestimated the historical economic significance of the fish trade, which may have been equal to the much more famed rush to exploit the silver mines of the Incas.” The Fish Revolution was “a major event in the history of resource extraction and consumption…[which] permanently changed human and animal life in the North Atlantic region.” He adds that “the wider seafood market was transformed in the process, and the marine expansion of humans across the North Atlantic was conditioned by significant climatic and environmental parameters. The Fish Revolution is one of the clearest early examples of how humans can affect marine life on our planet and of how marine life can in return influence and become, in essence, a part of a globalizing human world.”91

That conclusion, which synthesizes a large body of recent research, is correct as far as it goes, but it needs to be supported by a deeper understanding of the social and economic drivers of change. In brief, the Fish Revolution was caused by a Fishing Revolution.

The success of the North Sea and Newfoundland fisheries depended on merchants who had capital to buy ships and other means of production, fishworkers who had to sell their labor power in order to live, and a production system based on a planned division of labor. None of those elements existed in the Middle Ages. The long-distance fishing operations of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were among the first examples, and very likely the largest examples, of what Marx called manufacture—mass production, without machinery, of commodities that were sold for profit—“a specifically capitalist form of the process of social production.”92

In the Fishing Revolution, capital in pursuit of profit organized human labor to turn living creatures into an immense accumulation of commodities. From 1600 on, up to 250,000 metric tons of cod a year were caught, processed, and preserved in Newfoundland and transported across the ocean for sale. That increased production supported a qualitative increase in the volume of fish consumed in Europe—and began the long-term depletion of ocean life that in our time has pushed cod and many other ocean species to the brink of extinction.

Many questions remain. How did the huge increase in fish from Newfoundland affect coastal and regional fisheries in Europe? Who were the workers who joined long-distance fishing fleets? Did the same people return year after year, or was it a temporary expedient for some? How did the merchants who financed the expeditions invest their profits? We know that merchants who invested in New World settlements tended to support Parliament when Civil War broke out in England the 1640s, but what about the West Country capitalists who organized transatlantic fishing? How were North Atlantic ecosystems affected by the large-scale removal of top predators?

More research is needed, but the existence of a large fishing industry during what Marx called the age of manufacture is beyond doubt. Despite that, Marxist historians debating the origin of capitalism rarely mention the industry that employed more working people than any field other than farming. I hope that this article contributes to a more rounded picture, and shows that no account of capitalism’s origins is complete if it omits the development and growth of intensive fishing in the centuries when capitalism was born.


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Ian Angus is editor of the online ecosocialist journal Climate & Capitalism and a founding member of the Global Ecosocialist Network. He is the author of Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System(Monthly Review Press, 2016); A Redder Shade of Green: Intersections of Science and Socialism (Monthly Review Press, 2017); Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis (with Simon Butler) (Haymarket Books, 2011). His next book, The War Against the Commons: Dispossession and Resistance in the Making of Capitalism, will be published this year by Monthly Review Press.


  1. Brian Fagan, Fishing: How the Sea Fed Civilization (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017) provides an excellent account of current knowledge about precapitalist fishing.
  2. Fagan, Fishing, 18.
  3. Geoffrey Kron, “Ancient Fishing and Fish Farming,” in The Oxford Handbook of Animals in Classical Thought and Life, ed. Gordon L. Campbell (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).
  4. Juvenal, The Satires, trans. A. S. Kline, 2011, Juvenal’s social criticism frequently exaggerated for comic effect, so his account may not have been literally true.
  5. Richard Hoffmann, “A Brief History of Aquatic Resource Use in Medieval Europe,” Helgoland Marine Research 59, no. 1 (2005), 23; Richard Hoffmann, “Medieval Fishing,” in Working With Water in Medieval Europe, ed. Paolo Squatriti (Boston: Brill, 2000), 331. Fish was on the medieval menu not only for nutrition, but because the Church banned meat (but allowed fish) on over 130 days a year—every Friday, every day in Advent and Lent, and on a variety of other holy days.
  6. Peter Pope, Fish into Wine: The Newfoundland Plantation in the Seventeenth Century (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012), 11.
  7. Tony J. Pitcher and Mimi E. Lam, “Fish Commoditization and the Historical Origins of Catching Fish for Profit,” Maritime Studies 14, no. 2 (2015).
  8. Hoffman, “Brief History of Aquatic Resource Use,” 28.
  9. At the end of the ninth century, there were two hundred watermills in all of England. Two hundred years later, the census known as the Domesday Book recorded 5,624. Richard Hoffmann, “Economic Development and Aquatic Ecosystems in Medieval Europe,” American Historical Review 101, no. 3 (1996): 640.
  10. Hoffmann, “Economic Development,” 650.
  11. John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, and Richard York, The Ecological Rift (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2010), 78.
  12. Henry Heller, The Birth of Capitalism (London: Pluto, 2011), 104.
  13. Hoffmann, “Medieval Fishing,” 342–43.
  14. Richard Hoffmann, “Frontier Foods for Late Medieval Consumers,” Environment and History7, no. 2 (2001): 148.
  15. Karl Marx, Capital, vol. 1, (London: Penguin, 1976), 916. For an overview of the Dutch revolution, see Pepijn Brandon, “The Dutch Revolt,” International Socialism 116 (2007): 139–64.
  16. Karl Marx, Capital, vol. 3 (London: Penguin Books, 1981), 450n.
  17. “No other major Absolutist State in Western Europe was to be so finally noble in character, or so inimical to bourgeois development.” Perry Anderson, Lineages of the Absolutist State(London: Verso, 1979), 61.
  18. Pepijn Brandon, “Marxism and the ‘Dutch Miracle’: The Dutch Republic and the Transition-Debate,” Historical Materialism 19, no. 3 (2011): 127–28.
  19. John F. Richards, The Unending Frontier: An Environmental History of the Early Modern World(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005), 51. In the off-season, a herring buss could carry other cargoes, so they were more profitable to operate than other fishing boats.
  20. Poul Holm et al., “The North Atlantic Fish Revolution (ca. AD 1500),” Quaternary Research, no. 108 (2019): 4. Those are small numbers by modern standards, but far greater than any other European fishery at the time.
  21. Jan de Vries and Ad van der Woude, The First Modern Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 235.
  22. De Vries and van der Woude, The First Modern Economy, 244.
  23. Richard W. Unger, “Technology and Industrial Organization: Dutch Shipbuilding to 1800,” Business History 17, no. 1 (1975).
  24. Adriaen Coenan, in Visboek (Fishbook), quoted in Louis Sicking and Darlene Abreu-Ferreira, eds., Beyond the Catch: Fisheries of the North Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic, 900–1850 (Leiden: Brill, 2009), 209.
  25. Pieter de la Court, The True Interest and Political Maxims, of the Republic of Holland (London: John Campbell, 1746), 31, 94, 160.
  26. Marx, Capital, vol. 3, 450n.
  27. Anderson, Lineages of the Absolutist State, 61.
  28. Quoted in D. W. Prouse, A History of Newfoundland from the English, Colonial and Foreign Records (London: MacMillan and Co., 1895), 54.
  29. First Letters Patent granted by Henry VII to John Cabot, 5 March 1496,” The Precursors of Jacques Cartier, 1497–1534, ed. Henry Percival Biggar (Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1911), 8–10.
  30. By comparison, five years earlier, Columbus had sailed from Spain with three ships and a crew of eighty-six.
  31. Peter Pope, The Many Landfalls of John Cabot (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997), 176.
  32. Quoted in Callum Roberts, The Unnatural History of the Sea (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2007), 33.
  33. Mark Kurlansky, Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World (New York: Walker, 1997), 51.
  34. Holm et al., “North Atlantic Fish Revolution,” 2.
  35. Kurlansky, Cod, 51.
  36. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (New York: Modern Library, 2000), 3–5.
  37. Marx, Capital, vol. 1, 57.
  38. Marx, Capital, vol. 1, 480.
  39. Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore, A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2017), 14–16.
  40. Laurier Turgeon, The Era of the Far-Distant Fisheries (St. John’s: Centre for Newfoundland Studies, 2005), 39–40.
  41. Although the cod are gone and capelin stocks are much reduced, the annual “capelin roll” still attracts large numbers of seabirds, whales, and tourists to beaches in Newfoundland and Labrador. The fish swim close to the beach, where they can be easily caught in small nets or even buckets.
  42. Pope, Fish into Wine, 25–28.
  43. Pope, Fish into Wine, 171–72.
  44. Brad Loewen, “Historical Data on the Impact of 16th-Century Basque Whaling on Right and Bowhead Whales in the Western North Atlantic,” Canadian Zooarchaeology, no. 26 (2009): 4.
  45. Until recently, historians believed that Basque whalers caught right whales in summer and bowhead whales in autumn, but DNA analysis of whalebones shows that bowheads made up almost the entire catch. B. A. McLeod et al., “Bowhead Whales, and Not Right Whales, Were the Primary Target of 16th- to 17th-century Basque Whalers in the Western North Atlantic,” Arctic61, no. 1 (2008): 61–75.
  46. Frederick W. Rowe, A History of Newfoundland and Labrador (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1980), 46.
  47. James A. Tuck, “The World’s First Oil Boom,” Archaeology 40, no. 1 (1987): 51.
  48. Selma Huxley Barkham, “The Basque Whaling Establishments in Labrador 1536–1632,” Arctic 37, no. 4 (1984): 518.
  49. Loewen, “Historical Data on the Impact of 16th-Century Basque Whaling,” 15.
  50. The population impact was increased by the common practice of targeting mother-calf pairs: the calf was easy to kill, and the mother could then be harpooned when she approached to save her child.
  51. Anthony Parkhurst to Richard Hakluyt, November 13, 1578, in The Original Writings and Correspondence of the Two Richard Hakluyts, ed. E. G. R. Taylor (London: Routledge, 2017), 127–34.
  52. Laurier Turgeon, “French Fishers, Fur Traders, and Amerindians during the Sixteenth Century,” The William and Mary Quarterly 55, no. 4 (1998), 592–93
  53. John Smith, “A Description of New England (1616),” Digital Commons, August 30, 2006, 26,
  54. Arthur L. Morton, A People’s History of England (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1976), 195.
  55. R. Andrews, Trade, Plunder and Settlement: Maritime Enterprise and the Genesis of the British Empire, 1480–1630 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), 129.
  56. Morton, People’s History of England, 191.
  57. Christopher Hill, Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution—Revisited (Oxford: Clarendon, 1997), 297.
  58. Penry Williams, The Tudor Regime (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991), 244, 247.
  59. R. Andrews, Elizabethan Privateering (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1964), 4.
  60. Andrews, Elizabethan Privateering, passim, especially chapter 7.
  61. Translators of Capital have rendered ursprüngliche Akkumulation as “primitive accumulation,” but Marx preferred the term “original expropriation.” See Ian Angus, “The Meaning of ‘So-called Primitive Accumulation,’” Climate & Capitalism, September 5, 2022.
  62. The inside story is told in chapter 17 of Geoffrey Parker, Imprudent King: A New Life of Philip II (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014).
  63. Andrews, Trade, Plunder and Settlement, 223, 248–49.
  64. The Voyages and Colonising Enterprises of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, vol. I, ed. David B. Quinn (Kraus Reprint, 1967), 170–80.
  65. Robert A. Williams, The American Indian in Western Legal Thought (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), 150.
  66. Letters Patent to Sir Humfrey Gylberte June 11, 1578,” Avalon Project, Yale Law School, Two hundred leagues was roughly 600 miles, or 945 kilometers.
  67. Andrews, Trade, Plunder and Settlement, 193.
  68. Calendar of State Papers, Queen Elizabeth—Volume 179: June 1585, British History Online,
  69. It is likely that some the ships attacked carried Portuguese or Basque crews, but all were subjects of Spain’s king and thus, enemies.
  70. Andrews, English Privateering, 131. For comparison, skilled laborers earned about £1 a month.
  71. This was not just a matter of consumer tastes. Wet cod did not keep well in the warmer climate of southern Europe, while dried salt cod kept indefinitely, even when transported by mule to inland cities in hot weather.
  72. Regina Grafe, Distant Tyranny: Markets, Power, and Backwardness in Spain, 1650–1800(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012), 59.
  73. Laurier Turgeon, “Codfish, Consumption, and Colonization,” in Bridging the Early Modern Atlantic World, ed. Caroline A. Williams (London and New York: Routledge, Taylor, and Francis, 2016), 37–38.
  74. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works, vol. 33 (New York: International Publishers, 1975), 14, 67; Pope, Fish into Wine, 13, 22.
  75. Marx, Capital, vol. 1, 473.
  76. Marx, Capital, vol. 3, 452–55.
  77. Maurice Dobb, Studies in the Development of Capitalism (New York: International Publishers, 1963), 126.
  78. Barkham, “The Basque Whaling Establishments in Labrador 1536—1632,” 517.
  79. Gillian T. Cell, English Enterprise in Newfoundland, 1577–1660, 1 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969).
  80. Samuel Eliot Morison, The European Discovery of America: The Northern Voyages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971), 268.
  81. David McNally, Against the Market (London: Verso, 1993), 10.
  82. Marx, Capital, vol. 1, 876.
  83. James D. Tracy, “Herring Wars: The Habsburg Netherlands and the Struggle for Control of the North Sea, ca. 1520–1560,” Sixteenth Century Journal 24, no. 2 (1993): 254.
  84. David Kirke in 1639, quoted in Pope, Fish into Wine, 161.
  85. Daniel Vickers, Farmers & Fishermen: Two Centuries of Work in Essex County, Massachusetts, 1630–1850 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994), 89–90.
  86. Quoted in Callum Roberts, The Unnatural History of the Sea, 37–38.
  87. Roberts, The Unnatural History of the Sea, 38.
  88. A. Rose, “Reconciling Overfishing and Climate Change with Stock Dynamics of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) over 500 Years,” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (2004): 1553–57.
  89. Peter Pope, “Assessment of Catches in the Newfoundland Cod Fishery, 1660–1690,” quoted in Richards, The Unending Frontier,
  90. Richards, The Unending Frontier, 569.
  91. Holm et al., “North Atlantic Fish Revolution,” 1–15.
  92. Marx, Capital, vol. 1, 486.

Featured image: Engraving of a Newfoundland fishery, 1738. From Mark Kurlansky, Salt (2003).

First published on December 16, 2020


In the publication entitled “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR” (Eurosurveillance 25(8) 2020) the authors present a diagnostic workflow and RT-qPCR protocol for detection and diagnostics of 2019-nCoV (now known as SARS-CoV-2), which they claim to be validated, as well as being a robust diagnostic methodology for use in public-health laboratory settings.

In light of all the consequences resulting from this very publication for societies worldwide, a group of independent researchers performed a point-by-point review of the aforesaid publication in which 1) all components of the presented test design were cross checked, 2) the RT-qPCR protocol-recommendations were assessed w.r.t. good laboratory practice, and 3) parameters examined against relevant scientific literature covering the field.

The published RT-qPCR protocol for detection and diagnostics of 2019-nCoV and the manuscript suffer from numerous technical and scientific errors, including insufficient primer design, a problematic and insufficient RT-qPCR protocol, and the absence of an accurate test validation. Neither the presented test nor the manuscript itself fulfils the requirements for an acceptable scientific publication. Further, serious conflicts of interest of the authors are not mentioned. Finally, the very short timescale between submission and acceptance of the publication (24 hours) signifies that a systematic peer review process was either not performed here, or of problematic poor quality.  We provide compelling evidence of several scientific inadequacies, errors and flaws.

Considering the scientific and methodological blemishes presented here, we are confident that the editorial board of Eurosurveillance has no other choice but to retract the publication.

Concise Review Report

This paper will show numerous serious flaws in the Corman-Drosten paper, the significance of which has led to worldwide misdiagnosis of infections attributed to SARS-CoV-2 and associated with the disease COVID-19. We are confronted with stringent lockdowns which have destroyed many people’s lives and livelihoods, limited access to education and these imposed restrictions by governments around the world are a direct attack on people’s basic rights and their personal freedoms, resulting in collateral damage for entire economies on a global scale.

There are ten fatal problems with the Corman-Drosten paper which we will outline and explain in greater detail in the following sections.

The first and major issue is that the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (in the publication named 2019-nCoV and in February 2020 named SARS-CoV-2 by an international consortium of virus experts) is based on in silico (theoretical) sequences, supplied by a laboratory in China [1], because at the time neither control material of infectious (“live”) or inactivated SARS-CoV-2 nor isolated genomic RNA of the virus was available to the authors. To date no validation has been performed by the authorship based on isolated SARS-CoV-2 viruses or full length RNA thereof. According to Corman et al.:

“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.” [1]

The focus here should be placed upon the two stated aims: a) development and b) deployment of a diagnostic test for use in public health laboratory settings. These aims are not achievable without having any actual virus material available (e.g. for determining the infectious viral load). In any case, only a protocol with maximal accuracy can be the mandatory and primary goal in any scenario-outcome of this magnitude. Critical viral load determination is mandatory information, and it is in Christian Drosten’s group responsibility to perform these experiments and provide the crucial data.

Nevertheless these in silico sequences were used to develop a RT-PCR test methodology to identify the aforesaid virus. This model was based on the assumption that the novel virus is very similar to SARS-CoV from 2003 as both are beta-coronaviruses.

The PCR test was therefore designed using the genomic sequence of SARS-CoV as a control material for the Sarbeco component; we know this from our personal email-communication with [2] one of the co-authors of the Corman-Drosten paper. This method to model SARS-CoV-2 was described in the Corman-Drosten paper as follows:

the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”

The Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) is an important biomolecular technology to rapidly detect rare RNA fragments, which are known in advance. In the first step, RNA molecules present in the sample are reverse transcribed to yield cDNA. The cDNA is then amplified in the polymerase chain reaction using a specific primer pair and a thermostable DNA polymerase enzyme. The technology is highly sensitive and its detection limit is theoretically 1 molecule of cDNA. The specificity of the PCR is highly influenced by biomolecular design errors.

What is important when designing an RT-PCR Test and the quantitative RT-qPCR test described in the Corman-Drosten publication?

To read complete article click here

Summary Catalogue of Errors Found in the Paper

The Corman-Drosten paper contains the following specific errors:

1. There exists no specified reason to use these extremely high concentrations of primers in this protocol. The described concentrations lead to increased nonspecific bindings and PCR product amplifications, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

2. Six unspecified wobbly positions will introduce an enormous variability in the real world laboratory implementations of this test; the confusing nonspecific description in the Corman-Drosten paper is not suitable as a Standard Operational Protocol making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

3. The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. Therefore, the test cannot be used as a diagnostic for intact (infectious) viruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus and make inferences about the presence of an infection.

4. A difference of 10° C with respect to the annealing temperature Tm for primer pair1 (RdRp_SARSr_F and RdRp_SARSr_R) also makes the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

5. A severe error is the omission of a Ct value at which a sample is considered positive and negative. This Ct value is also not found in follow-up submissions making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

6. The PCR products have not been validated at the molecular level. This fact makes the protocol useless as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

7. The PCR test contains neither a unique positive control to evaluate its specificity for SARS-CoV-2 nor a negative control to exclude the presence of other coronaviruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

8. The test design in the Corman-Drosten paper is so vague and flawed that one can go in dozens of different directions; nothing is standardized and there is no SOP. This highly questions the scientific validity of the test and makes it unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

9. Most likely, the Corman-Drosten paper was not peer-reviewed making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

10. We find severe conflicts of interest for at least four authors, in addition to the fact that two of the authors of the Corman-Drosten paper (Christian Drosten and Chantal Reusken) are members of the editorial board of Eurosurveillance. A conflict of interest was added on July 29 2020 (Olfert Landt is CEO of TIB-Molbiol; Marco Kaiser is senior researcher at GenExpress and serves as scientific advisor for TIB-Molbiol), that was not declared in the original version (and still is missing in the PubMed version); TIB-Molbiol is the company which was “the first” to produce PCR kits (Light Mix) based on the protocol published in the Corman-Drosten manuscript, and according to their own words, they distributed these PCR-test kits before the publication was even submitted [20]; further, Victor Corman & Christian Drosten failed to mention their second affiliation: the commercial test laboratory “Labor Berlin”. Both are responsible for the virus diagnostics there [21] and the company operates in the realm of real time PCR-testing.

In light of our re-examination of the test protocol to identify SARS-CoV-2 described in the Corman-Drosten paper we have identified concerning errors and inherent fallacies which render the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test useless.


The decision as to which test protocols are published and made widely available lies squarely in the hands of Eurosurveillance. A decision to recognise the errors apparent in the Corman-Drosten paper has the benefit to greatly minimise human cost and suffering going forward.

Is it not in the best interest of Eurosurveillance to retract this paper? Our conclusion is clear. In the face of all the tremendous PCR-protocol design flaws and errors described here, we conclude: There is not much of a choice left in the framework of scientific integrity and responsibility.

To read complete article click here


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1) Dr. Pieter Borger (MSc, PhD), Molecular Genetics, W+W Research Associate, Lörrach, Germany 

2) Rajesh Kumar Malhotra (Artist Alias: Bobby Rajesh Malhotra), Former 3D Artist / Scientific Visualizations at CeMM – Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2019-2020), University for Applied Arts – Department for Digital Arts Vienna, Austria

3) Dr. Michael Yeadon BSs(Hons) Biochem Tox U Surrey, PhD Pharmacology U Surrey. Managing Director, Yeadon Consulting Ltd, former Pfizer Chief Scientist, United Kingdom 

4) Dr. Clare Craig MA, (Cantab) BM, BCh (Oxon), FRCPath, United Kingdom

5) Kevin McKernan, BS Emory University, Chief Scientific Officer, founder Medical Genomics, engineered the sequencing pipeline at WIBR/MIT for the Human Genome Project, Invented and developed the SOLiD sequencer, awarded patents related to PCR, DNA Isolation and Sequencing, USA

6) Prof. Dr. Klaus Steger, Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Molecular Andrology, Biomedical Research Center of the Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany

7) Dr. Paul McSheehy (BSc, PhD), Biochemist & Industry Pharmacologist, Loerrach, Germany

8) Dr. Lidiya Angelova, MSc in Biology, PhD in Microbiology, Former researcher at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Maryland, USA

9) Dr. Fabio Franchi, Former Dirigente Medico (M.D) in an Infectious Disease Ward, specialized in “Infectious Diseases” and “Hygiene and Preventive Medicine”, Società Scientifica per il Principio di Precauzione (SSPP), Italy

10) Dr. med. Thomas Binder, Internist and Cardiologist (FMH), Switzerland

11) Prof. Dr. med. Henrik Ullrich, specialist Diagnostic Radiology, Chief Medical Doctor at the Center for Radiology of Collm Oschatz-Hospital, Germany

12) Prof. Dr. Makoto Ohashi, Professor emeritus, PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, Tokushima University, Japan

13) Dr. Stefano Scoglio, B.Sc. Ph.D., Microbiologist, Nutritionist, Italy

14) Dr. Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens (MSc, PhD), specialist in Laboratory Medicine (clinical chemistry), Maasziekenhuis Pantein, Beugen, The Netherlands

15) Dr. Dorothea Gilbert (MSc, PhD), PhD Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. DGI Consulting Services, Oslo, Norway

16) Dr. Rainer J. Klement, PhD. Department of Radiation Oncology, Leopoldina Hospital Schweinfurt, Germany

17) Dr. Ruth Schruefer, PhD, human genetics/ immunology, Munich, Germany, 

18) Dra. Berber W. Pieksma, General Practitioner, The Netherlands

19) Dr. med. Jan Bonte (GJ), Consultant Neurologist, The Netherlands

20) Dr. Bruno H. Dalle Carbonare (Molecular biologist), IP specialist, BDC Basel, Switzerland

21) Dr. Kevin P. Corbett, MSc Nursing (Kings College London) PhD (London South Bank) Social Sciences (Science & Technology Studies) London, England, United Kingdom

22) Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, specialist in Virology / Immunology / Human Biology / Cell Biology, University Hospital Würzburg, Germany


[1] Corman Victor M, Landt Olfert, Kaiser Marco, Molenkamp Richard, Meijer Adam, Chu Daniel KW, Bleicker Tobias, Brünink Sebastian, Schneider Julia, Schmidt Marie Luisa, Mulders Daphne GJC, Haagmans Bart L, van der Veer Bas, van den Brink Sharon, Wijsman Lisa, Goderski Gabriel, Romette Jean-Louis, Ellis Joanna, Zambon Maria, Peiris Malik, Goossens Herman, Reusken Chantal, Koopmans Marion PG, Drosten Christian. Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(3):pii=2000045.

[2] Email communication between Dr. Peter Borger & Dr. Adam Meijer: Supplementary Material

[3] Jafaar et al., Correlation Between 3790 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction–Positives Samples and Positive Cell Cultures, Including 1941 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Isolates.

[4] BBC, January 21st 2020:;

[5] Google Analytics – COVID19-deaths worldwide:

[6] Laboratory testing for COVID-19 Emergency Response Technical Centre, NIVD under
China CDC March 15th, 2020:

[7] Real-Time PCR Handbook Life Technologies:

Nolan T, Huggett J, Sanchez E.Good practice guide for the application of quantitative PCR (qPCR) First Edition 2013

[8] Trestan Pillonel et al, Letter to the editor: SARS-CoV-2 detection by real-time RT-PCR:

[9] Kurkela, Satu, and David WG Brown. “Molecular-diagnostic techniques.” Medicine 38.10
(2009): 535-540.

[10] Wolfel et al., Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019

[11] Thermofischer Primer Dimer Web Tool:

Supplementary Material

[12] Primer-BLAST, NCBI – National Center for Biotechnology Information:

[13] Marra MA, Steven JMJ, Caroline RA, Robert AH, Angela BW et al. (2003) Science. The
Genome sequence of the SARS-associated coronavirus. Science 300(5624): 1399-1404.

[14] Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete

[15] Borger P. A SARS-like Coronavirus was expected but nothing was done to be prepared. Am J Biomed Sci Res 2020.


[16] Eurosurveillance paper evaluation / review process:

[17] Official recommendation of the Corman-Drosten protocol & manuscript by the WHO,published on January 13th 2020 as version 1.0 of the document:
; archive:

[18] Official WHO-recommendation for the Corman / Drosten RT-qPCR-protocol, which
directly derives from the Eurosurveillance-publication, document-version 2-1, published on
17th January 2020:

[19] Eurosurveillance Editorial Board, 2020:


[20] Instructions For Use LightMix SarbecoV E-gene plus EAV Control, TIB-Molbiol & Roche
Molecular Solutions, January 11th 2020:
gene_V200204_09164154001 (1).pdf

Archive, timestamp – January 11th 2020:;

[21] Christian Drosten & Victor Corman, responsible for viral diagnostics at Labor Berlin:

[22] Tom Jefferson, Elizabeth Spencer, Jon Brassey, Carl Heneghan Viral cultures for COVID-
19 infectivity assessment. Systematic review. Systematic review doi:

[23] Kim et al.,The Architecture of SARS-CoV-2 Transcriptome:

[24] ECDC reply to Dr. Peter Borger, 18th November 2020:
Supplementary Material

[25] Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer & team, survey & Primer-BLAST table:
Supplementary Material

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No Hope for Ukraine: Losing Artillery = Losing the War

April 10th, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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Losing Artillery = Losing the War

Ukraine is running out of artillery shells and NATO cannot deliver. The Washington Post admits that Ukraine faces a critical ammunition shortage which has no solution. In desperation, Ukrainians silence their guns, collect dangerous unexploded ordinance, and try to make improvised artillery shells. This is ultimately an artillery war. See this.

Russia has locked Ukraine into static positions where the Ukrainians are being hammered by Russian artillery. More than 90% of casualties are inflicted by artillery. Ukraine losing the artillery due to lack of ammunition and guns simply means Ukrainians are dead and lose the war. That will in even the best case happen to Ukraine late-Summer 2023.

Everything Stacks Up Against Ukraine

Ukraine also has no chance of creating a mobile war. Ukraine is running out of tanks and after its partial mobilization, Russia has fortified its frontline and has got plenty of troops to hold every centimeter. Where Ukraine has difficulty to move troops from sector to sector because Russia has destroyed the power-supply for Ukraine’s electric trains, Russia for its part has developed rail-logistics, roads, and depots all the way around Ukraine.

Russia also keeps training reserves and hold them ready. Russia has doubled much of its defense production and is about to increase its standing army by an additional 500,000 soldiers. Russia is constantly moving these reserves around and holding drills all around Ukraine – never letting Ukraine know if, when, or where Russia starts a surprise attack. Within 24 hours, Russia can start an attack or counteroffensive and keep pouring in forces for days anywhere from Belarus down to Kherson. NATO has so far only delivered 57 heavy tanks – another 50 tanks have to wait and may come too late, if ever.

All talk about more Western tanks, especially weak old Leopard 1 and very few stronger US Abrams is for “later in 2023 or perhaps 2024”. Meanwhile, President Putin has announced that Russia’s tank production is now ramped up to 1,600 tanks per year. As a consequence of Russia’s mass attacks with drones, Ukraine is also running out of air defense missiles. Contrary to Ukraine, Russia for its part seems to have an endless supply of missiles and artillery ammunition. For more than a year since the beginning of 2022, US “experts” have told lies that that Russia is “running out” of missiles and ammunition, but Russia continues to fire them on an enormous scale.

Because Russia wins the artillery duels, Ukraine and even the USA is running out of anti-artillery radars to conduct artillery-duels. In addition to overwhelming artillery barrage, Russia has started using a range of mass-produced guided bombs up to 1.5 tons that can destroy fortified as well as moving targets with precision 40 km away by aircraft from 40,000 feet altitude, outside the range of Stinger missiles and Ukraine’s old-type BUK air defense. Ukrainians suffer “death from above” by the tens of thousands without ever seeing the Russians. All Western reports of Russia running out of men, equipment, ammunition, will to fight, or feeling an impact from sanctions are a lie. Ukraine and NATO have run out of Stinger anti-air missiles and Javelin anti-tank missiles to deploy in the war. The Washington Post has earlier admitted that Ukraine has lost nearly all its experienced soldiers, and even worse, Ukraine as suffered the irreparable loss of most of its experienced commanding officers and NCOs (sergeants etc.).

Strategic Losses for Ukraine

No matter how much US “experts” try to lie that the city Artemovsk (formerly known by its Ukrainian name Bakhmut) is of no importance, the fact is that the city is a key strategic point. Artemovsk is a strategic logistical center and has been a huge fortified position with underground bunkers and tunnels for Ukraine. In a week or so, it will be completely gone for Ukraine.

In Artemovsk, Russia has control of everything of the East and Center (incl. the city hall) all the way to the railway line and is breaking into the remaining western positions of Ukraine from the North and South. At the MiG statue in the South of Artemovsk, Russia is now overlooking the western fields and dirt tracks where Ukraine with great difficulty and heavy losses could haul a few supplies. Ukrainians are cut-off in Artemovsk, their forces are getting more and more cramped as they retreat into a smaller and smaller western area. The Ukrainians cannot evacuate their dead or wounded, cannot rotate forces, and cannot receive ammunition, food, water, or medical supplies. Even in the best case, Ukrainians occupy less than 15% of the city. See map.

Zelensky’s Empty Promises of Offensives

President Zelensky already in early March 2023 ordered his soldiers to sacrifice themselves in Artemovsk (Bakhmut), including with a false promise of a “de-blocking” offensive to rescue them. Zelensky even went to nearby town Chasov Yar around 22 March 2023 to give a pep-talk to his soldiers supposed to “liberate” Artemovsk. But nothing has happened from the Ukrainian side to “de-block” Artemovsk for over a month. On the contrary, Russia has fortified its grip on the city and is marching fast forward inside it (ref. map). Russia has even tightened its grip on another strategic and fortified city, Avdiivka, during the past month. This simply proves, that Ukraine is out of strength. Later, snowfall was said to hamper Ukrainian operations. Bogus. Snow didn’t hamper the Russians who even took advantage of the snowfall to advance. Ukraine is so weak that Russia just presses on everywhere on the front, including (with great Russian success) Artemovsk. Apart from also encircling Avdiivka, Russia also on a daily basis destroys hundreds of Ukrainians in Kremenna in the northern front and continues to press on Vuhledar in the South.

The End of Ukraine

Ukraine may start a “counteroffensive” – somewhere. The humiliating absence of Ukraine’s promised “de-blocking” of Artemovsk proves that Ukraine cannot. Cannot anything. Russia is starting to look forward to Ukraine’s attempt to start a “lemming-offensive” with inexperienced troops, lack of officers to lead, lack of air cover, lack of tanks, and lack of artillery or even ammunition.

In Kherson city, Russia in 2022 had the disadvantage of logistics across the Dnepr river. Not anymore. In Kharkov region, Russia in 2022 had the disadvantage of a low number of troops. Not anymore. This time, Ukrainians will be having the bad luck of attacking against plenty of well-trained Russians defending from several lines of prepared and well-supplied positions – everywhere. And for a considerable time, Ukraine will face the disadvantage of muddy ground impeding offensive mobility and logistics moving forward.

Through artillery, Russia destroys some 10 Ukrainian artillery pieces and 10 or even more Ukrainian armored vehicles plus often a couple of tanks on a daily basis. If Ukraine waits another month until the mud dries and they get a handful more NATO tanks, Russia will have destroyed 500-700 more Ukrainian armored vehicles and artillery pieces, even before Ukraine gets its act together. That’s a lot compared to Ukraine’s expected NATO delivery of 1,200 armored vehicles and less than 100 tanks. Ukraine even seems to contemplate an attack in Kherson region across the wide Dnepr river against prepared Russian positions on the opposite bank. Clearly a suicide operation. On top of this, Ukraine has all the other serious disadvantages mentioned above. Ukraine may try an attack on the Crimea bridge, but that will not give Ukraine’s weak army strength to take the South and cut other Russian logistics and depots. In an offensive, Ukraine will as the attacker take much heavier losses. A Ukrainian offensive will only accelerate Ukraine’s demise. It will be a Russian “shooting gallery”.

It is dawning upon the West, that any Ukrainian offensive will be Ukraine’s last.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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This latest development escalates the rhetoric between them because it’s no small matter that China just accused India of violating its territorial sovereignty.

Indian Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to the Delhi-controlled disputed Himalayan territory of Arunachal Pradesh, which China calls South Tibet, prompted a harsh condemnation from Beijing. Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin declared that

“Zangnan is China’s territory. The Indian official’s visit to Zangnan violates China’s territorial sovereignty, and is not conducive to the peace and tranquility of the border situation.”

This shortly follows China’s recent renaming of some Indian-controlled areas.

Over the past week, Sino-Indo ties continued to worsen as a result of the seemingly tit-for-tat visa issues with each other’s journalists, after which reports started circulating on Friday alleging that China planned to obtain intelligence about India from facilities in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. This latest development escalates the rhetoric between them because it’s no small matter that Beijing just accused Delhi of violating its territorial sovereignty.

The People’s Republic previously remained mum after India hosted a G20 meeting in this disputed territory late last month, which reports indicate China skipped and might in hindsight have influenced its decision to rename some of these Indian-controlled areas over a week later. It previously protested prior visits by Indian officials to that region, but the context in which their latest one was made suggests that ties are fated to proceed along their presently downward trajectory for the indefinite future.

Neither side is expected to back down from their respective claims to this Himalayan territory: China’s form an integral part of its national story related to reversing the Century of Humiliation while India’s are connected with its decades-long continued control over the region. This dynamic won’t just negatively affect their bilateral ties, but could also impede multilateral cooperation in BRICS and the SCO, especially concerning the first-mentioned’s new (and possibly digital) reserve currency plans.

Nevertheless, both claimants will likely do their utmost to responsibly manage the military dimension of their growing tensions so as to prevent the outbreak of a conflict by miscalculation that could subsequently be exploited by the US to divide-and-rule them. Russia could also play a positive role in the event that it’s requested to mediate by its fellow multipolar partners, though each of them would have to ask for this since Moscow won’t do so unilaterally if one of them hasn’t expressed interest in it.

It’s crucial that Sino-Indo tensions remain manageable in the near term at least since the speculative scenario of China skipping the upcoming Indian-hosted SCO and G20 Summits as a form of protest in the event that their ties seriously deteriorate before then would deal a heavy blow to multipolarity. To be absolutely clear so as not to have the preceding sentence misunderstood or the intention behind it spun by propagandists, it’s unlikely that China would do this, but it also can’t be ruled out either.

Rather, observers should remain cognizant of this scenario since it represents the worst-case one that could unfold across the next five months leading up to the G20 Summit in early September. More than likely, however, the Sino-Indo rivalry won’t escalate so dramatically before then that this becomes a viable possibility since it would be mutually disadvantageous if that happened. As long as there aren’t any serious clashes along their disputed frontier, then this scenario almost certainly won’t materialize.

That said, the takeaway from this latest update on the downward trend in Sino-Indo relations is that China’s rhetoric was significantly escalated in response to the Indian Home Minister’s visit to this disputed Himalayan territory. This is a concerning development that deserves to be closely monitored by interested observers because of the chances – however slim for now – that it could lead to much more significant military and/or political escalations by either side before September’s G20 Summit in Delhi.  


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Nazi Skeletons in Finland and Sweden’s Closets

April 10th, 2023 by Matthew Ehret-Kump

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Finland’s official induction into NATO has been celebrated across the trans Atlantic technocracy-sphere as a victory for democracy and freedom. Jens Stoltenberg gushed to his Finnish counterparts at the inaugural ceremony that:

“Finland is safer and NATO is stronger with Finland as an Ally. Your forces are substantial and highly capable, your resilience is second to none and for many years troops from Finland and NATO countries have worked side-by-side as partners. From today, we stand together as Allies.”

But how true are these statements?

While Finland likes to celebrate the fact that their 1941-1944 war with Russia had nothing to do with WWII, but was simply a defensive alliance with Germany against the evil Soviet Union, and while Sweden likes to celebrate the fact that it remained neutral during WWII, the facts tell a very different story.

Not only did both nations play aggressive roles in the war against the Soviet Union during Operation Barbarossa and beyond, but both nations also provided vast loans and other economic support from 1940 until 1945.

On a purely military level, “neutral” Sweden led by King Gustav V and Social Democrat Prime Minister Per Albin Hannson ensured that their territories were made available to the Nazis during the Battle of Narvik in 1940 that resulted in the fall of Norway. When Operation Barbarossa was launched a year later, Germany was permitted to use Swedish territory, rail and communication networks to invade the Soviet Union via Finland. German soldiers and battle equipment were carried from Oslo to Haparanda in Northern Sweden in preparation for assaults on Russia.

On the economic front, 37% of Swedish exports throughout the war went to Germany which included 10 million tons of iron ore per year, as well as the largest production of ball bearings vital for the Nazi war machine which were exported via harbors in Nazi-occupied Norway. The pro-fascist von Rosen family played one of the most instrumental roles in promoting Nazi ideology in Sweden with Eric von Rosen co-founding the National Socialist Party of Sweden and providing access to the upper crust of Swedish nobility to the German high command during the 1920s-1930s.

Additionally, Count Hugo von Rosen acted as director of the U.S. branch of the Swedish Enskilda Bank and SKF Bearing which managed the flow of funds and ball bearings (made in Philadelphia) to the Wehrmacht throughout the war.

Historian Douglas Macdonald wrote

“SKF’s ball bearings were absolutely essential to the Nazis. The Luftwaffe could not fly without ball bearings, and tanks and armored cars could not roll without them. Nazi guns, bombsights, generators and engines, ventilating systems, U-boats, railroads, mining machinery and communications devices could not work without ball bearings. In fact, the Nazis could not have fought the Second World War if Wallenberg’s SKF had not supplied them with all the ball bearings that they needed”.

Hugo was Goering’s second cousin by marriage and his cousin Eric will play an important role in this story shortly.

Finland’s Nazi Heritage Reviewed

Unlike Sweden, Finland never tried to feign neutrality, and in that sense can at least be applauded for avoiding the hypocrisy of their Swedish cousins. Sharing a 1340 km border with Russia which includes an area within 40 km of striking distance from today’s St Petersburg, Finland was a high value piece of real estate for the Nazis.

During the war, 8000 Finnish soldiers fought directly alongside the Nazis against the Russians, with many serving in Nazi SS Panzer divisions between 1941-1943. A scandalous 248 page report published by the Finnish government in 2019 revealed that no less than 1408 Finnish volunteers served directly in SS Panzer division carrying out mass atrocities including the extermination of Jews and other war crimes.

The cause of Finland’s alliance with the Nazis during the war is also much darker than sanitized history books let on.

Soviet leaders had been watching the buildup of the Nazi war machine heading towards Russia like a slow-motion train collision from the moment the 1938 Munich Agreement was reached that saw the destruction of Czechoslovakia and the growth of a Frankenstein Monster in the heart of Europe.

In his brilliant ‘The Shocking Truth About the 1938 Munich Agreement’, Alex Krainer demonstrates that British secret diplomacy ensured that from Hitler’s takeover of Austria to the invasion of Poland in September 1939, Britain’s appeasement policy merely feigned opposition to Nazism while actually facilitating its unrelenting growth as a Frankenstein monster in the heart of Europe.

The Race to Secure the Heartland and Finland’s Nazi Turn 

Knowing that an assault was inevitable, Russia signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in August 1939 to bide time while attempting to establish a buffer zone between the expansionist Nazi regime and herself.

During this small window, a race was on to consolidate spheres of interest with Russia acting defensively to secure her soft underbelly before the inevitable hot war was launched. Germany meanwhile raced to bring on the heat with military operations that spread the Reich across Europe.

Russia won several important strategic diplomatic victories by signing mutual assistance pacts with Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. However, Finland, under the control of Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Mannerheim and Prime Minister Risto Ryti rejected Russia’s offer.

In the aborted Russia-Finnish Mutual Security Treaty, Russia offered to cede South Karelia in the north in exchange for the Soviet border moving westward on the Karelian Isthmus and permission to station Russian bases in Finland. The pro-German government of Ryti and Mannerheim had publicly been cozying up to the Germans during the 1930s and much of Finland’s aristocracy had entertained delusional visions of expansionism along with their Swedish pro-Nazi counterparts believing that a major part of northwestern Russia called East Karelia apparently contained a “pure” Nordic people untainted by both Slavic and Scandinavian blood.

A World War 2 era map showcasing the most radical version of ‘Greater Finland’ ideology that saw much of North Russian territory rightfully belonging to Finland

Finland’s rejection of the cooperation agreement resulted in Russia’s November 1939 decision to invade resulting in the loss of 20,000 Finnish soldiers, 11% of her territory representing 1/3 of her economic potential and a burnt ego. This four month “Winter War” ended by March 1940 with a reduced and humiliated Finland aching for revenge.

Field Marshall Mannerheim and PM Ryti were devout believers in the ‘greater Finland’ myth with Mannerheim proclaiming loudly to his soldiers on the eve of Finland’s agreement to join hands with the Nazis that “in 1918 during the war of liberation [against Russia], I stated to the Finnish and Vienna Karelians that I would not set my sword in my scabbard before Finland and East Karelia would be free”. This speech made it difficult to maintain the notion that Finland’s alliance with the Nazis was simply ‘defensive’.

Although it is commonly claimed by revisionist historians that Herman Goring sent a personal messenger to Helsinki asking for permission to use Finland’s territory in exchange for weapons and support in August 1940, the 1945 deposition of SS Colonel Horst Kitschmann – who was privy to these exchanges, testified that it was Mannerheim himself who was the first to contact Goring suggesting this arrangement be made.

Documented in Henrik Lunde’s ‘Finland’s War of Choice’ Kitschmann testified:

“In the course of these conversations von Albedill [German major on the attaché staff who briefed Kitschmann] told me that as early as September, 1940, Major General Roessing, acting on an order of Hitler and of the German General Staff, had arranged the visit of Major General Talwel, the Plenipotentiary of Marshal Mannerheim, to the Führer’s headquarters in Berlin. During this visit an agreement was reached between the German and Finnish General Staffs for joint preparations for a war of aggression, and its execution, against the Soviet Union. In this connection General Talwel told me, during a conference at his staff headquarters in Aunosa in November, 1941, that he, acting on Marshal Mannerheim’s personal orders, had as far back as September, 1940—been one of the first to contact the German High Command with a view to joint preparation for a German and Finnish attack on the Soviet Union.”

In September 1940, a secret Finnish-German transit treaty was approved and the trainwreck that was Barbarossa was put into motion.

On June 16, 1941 Mannerheim called upon 16% of the Finnish population to fight alongside the Wehrmacht in preparation for this onslaught.

When Barbarossa was officially launched on June 22, 1941, there were 400,000 Finnish and German troops in Finland, as Finnish airfields were given over to Nazi bombers. Mannerheim’s pact with the devil resulted in early wins as his dream of a “Greater Finland” had finally come alive with vast territories from Murmansk to Lake Onegia falling to Finnish occupation throughout 1941-1944. During this time ethnic Russians and Jews in Finland were sent to forced labor camps where many were exterminated.

The 2019 Finnish report stated: 

“The subunits and men of SS division Wiking engaged during the march into the Soviet Union and the drive through Ukraine and the Caucasus were involved in numerous atrocities… The diaries and recollections by the Finnish volunteers show that practically everyone among them must, from the very beginning have been aware of the atrocities and massacres”.

As the Finnish SS Wiking Division advanced via west Ukraine between July-August 1941, over 10,000 civilians were killed in Lviv and Zhytomyr and over 600,000 more were killed in the region from the start of Barbarossa until March 1942.

The Strange Case of Finland’s Enduring Swastika

A word must now be said about Finland’s peculiar official air force logo created in 1919, and which lasted until 2020 when the logo was retired from planes, flags and uniforms (although still maintained on the walls of the air force academy).

Here, I am referring of course to the strange swastika that a post-1945 Finland did not think wise to remove from its military planes or uniforms despite the downfall of their Nazi allies.

Sanitized history books are quick to dispel this anomalous century-long fetish with the swastika as a total coincidence having nothing to do with the Nazis due to the fact that the Nazi party adopted the symbol a full year after the Finnish government. However, as most of our official historical narratives, this one also crumbles to pieces upon the slightest application of pressure.

As the story goes, Sweden’s Count Eric von Rosen of Sweden bequeathed to Finland’s White Army the gift of a Thulin Type D aircraft decorated with swastikas in 1918 which established the Finnish air force with the swastika becoming its official logo. Since von Rosen had already been using the swastika as his personal emblem since first seeing it on ancient runes while in high school, it is concluded that the Finnish military swastikas and their Nazi counterparts could have no connection what-so-ever.

This claim completely ignores the fact that both von Rosen brothers Eric and Clarence were leading nobles who proudly championed the Nazi cause, sponsored Swedish eugenics via the Swedish Institute of Racial biology at Uppsala University (c. 1922), lobbied for sterilization laws, and introduced Hitler to the upper crust of Sweden’s elite. In 1933, Eric von Rosen became a founding member of the Nationalsocialistiska Blocket (aka: “The National Socialist Party of Sweden”).

The vigorous support for the Nazis (which included the von Rosen’s influence over Sweden’s Enskilda Bank and SKF) also changes how we must interpret the close relationship which both Clarence, Eric and Hugo von Rosen enjoyed with their brother-in-law Hermann Goring who had worked as personal pilot for Eric von Rosen after WWI.

It was during an extended stay at von Rosen’s Rockelstad Castle in 1920 that Goring was first introduced to 1) von Rosen’s swastikas which decorated the castle and adjacent hunting lodge, 2) von Rosen’s passion for nature conservation which Goring shared, later becoming the first Nazi Reich minister of forestry and conservationism in the 1930s and 3) Eric von Rosen’s sister-in-law Carin von Kantzow who soon became Goring’s wife and dubbed by Hitler “First Lady of the Nazi Party”.

Picture of Birgitta, Mary, Hermann Göring and Eric von Rosen at Rockelstad in Sweden 1933

Eric and Clarence von Rosen had been followers of an occult sect called Ariosophism, led by a mystic rune-obsessed poet named Guido von List who simply took Madame Blavatsky’s theosophy and infused an Aryan racial superiority twist with a heightened focus on Wotan myths. In this sect, the swastika and other rune symbols like the Othala rune, Ehlaz/life rune, Sig runs (later used by SS), and wolfsangle were treated as sacred images endowed with magic power.

Guido von List had organized his sect into an inner and outer core with the “elect” learning a secret interpretation of the runes under an elite occult society called the High Armanen Order where von List himself served as Grand Master.

This racist occult Aryanism with its Theosophical aim to infuse Hindu and Buddhist mysticism into a new post-Christian age became an extremely popular phenomenon among the noble families of Europe during this period. The aim was to use a perverse interpretation of eastern spiritualism devoid of substance and create a new order premised on an “Age of Aquarius” which would supersede the obsolete “Age of Pisces” that represented the obsolete of reason exemplified by the likes of Socrates, Plato and Christ.

Out of the High Armanen Order soon grew another secret occult organization called the Thule Society which saw Rudolf Hess, Hans Frank, Hermann Goring, Karl Haushofer and Hitler’s coach Dietrich Eckart as leading members.

An Uncomfortable Fact Must Now be Confronted

It is an uncomfortable fact of history that those same powers that gave rise to fascism were never punished at the Nuremburg Trials. Those Wall Street industrialists and financiers that supplied Germany with funding and supplies before and during the war were not punished… nor were the British financiers at the Bank of England who ensured that Nazi coffers would be replete with confiscated loot from Austria, Czechoslovakia or Poland.

The post-war age not only saw a vast re-organization of fascist killers in the form of the CIA/NATO managed Operation Gladio and we know that Allan Dulles directly oversaw the re-activation of Hitler’s intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen into the command structure of West German Intelligence along with his entire network. Ukrainian Nazis like Stefan Bandera and Mikola Lebed were promptly absorbed into this same apparatus with Bandera working with Gehlen from 1956 to his death in 1958 while Lebed was absorbed into American intelligence running a CIA front organization called Prolog.

As Cynthia Chung recently outlined in her Sleepwalking into Fascism that no less than ten high level former Nazis enjoyed vast power within NATO’s command structure during the dark years of Operation Gladio. Cynthia writes: “From 1957 to 1983, NATO had at least one if not several high ranking “former” Nazis in full command of multiple departments within NATO… The position of NATO Commander and Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe (CINCENT Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe – AFCENT) was a position that was filled SOLELY by “former” Nazis for 16 YEARS STRAIGHT, from 1967-1983.”

During these years, not only did Gladio ‘stay behinds’ arrange a stream of terrorism against the general population of Europe using nominally ‘Marxist’ front groups or carrying out hits of high value targets like Dag Hammarskjold, Enrico Mattei, Aldo Moro or Alfred Herrhausen when needed. Statesmen who did not play by the rules of the Great Game were sadly not long for this world.

NATO’s self-professed image as a harbinger of the ‘liberal rules based international order’ is more than a little superficial when considering the Nazi-riddled alliances which many NATO-philes at the Atlantic Council may wish be forgotten. This history also should cause us to re-evaluate the true causes for the 1949 creation of NATO in the first place which served as a nail in the coffin for Franklin Roosevelt’s vision of a U.S.-Russia-China alliance which he hoped would shape the post-WW2 age.

NATO’s growth around Russia’s perimeter since 1998, and the NATO-led mass atrocities of bombings in Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Libya should also be re-evaluated with this Nazi pedigree in mind.

Why did NATO post images of a Ukrainian soldier clearly brandishing a Thule-society black sun of the occult on her uniform in honor of ‘Women’s’ Day’ this year? Why are active Ukrainian Nazis serving in Azov, and Aidar battalions systemically glossed over by NATO propaganda outlets or mainstream media despite the proven cases of mass atrocities in East Donbass since 2014? Why are Nazi movements seeing a vast revival across East European space- especially within countries that have come under the influence of NATO since the Soviet Union’s collapse?

Is it possible that the war we thought the allies won in 1945 was merely a battle within a larger war for civilization whose outcome yet remains to be seen? Certainly patriots of Finland and Sweden should think very deeply about the dark traditions which risk being revived as they join into a new Operation Barbarossa in the 21st century.

The author recently delivered a presentation on this topic which can be viewed here.


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Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.

Featured image is from OneWorld

The Clash of the Two Americas

Vol. 1 & 2

by Matthew Ehret

In his new two volume series The Clash of the Two Americas, Matthew Ehret introduces a new analysis of American history from the vantage point that the globally-extended supranational shadow government that managed the British Empire was never fully defeated and has acted within the USA itself since 1776 as a continuous multi-generational fifth column managing every significant event and assassination of American presidents for the next 250 years.

Click here to order.

America’s Descent from Democracy to Oligarchy

April 10th, 2023 by Chaitanya Davé

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During the Great Depression of 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt became the President. In his first 100 days in office, he rolled out a program called the New Deal. He embraced Keynesian economic policies and fought to expand the role of the government in the nation’s economy. He implemented a series of programs called the New Deal to stabilize the economy and give jobs to millions of Americans who had lost their jobs. New federal agencies were created including the Social Security Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. He created the Tennessee Valley Authority that enabled the federal government to build dams and hydroelectric projects creating thousands of jobs. The Congress passed the Social Security Act which provided a safety Net for the elderly, the unemployed, and the disabled. A decent minimum wage was established. The Glass-Steagall Act was passed to protect people with their savings and deposits in the banks. He raised taxes on the rich to pay for all these programs.

During these difficult times, labor unions were a critical part of the New Deal. Both the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 and the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 included protections for unions and required corporations to negotiate with unions. Unions were decimated during the 1920s, but now they had started growing rapidly. Millions of workers joined the unions. Unions felt empowered to fight for better wages and hours with the government on their side. These were all democratic moves. Union membership was at its peak in the 1950s. It was at 35% in 1954. From then onwards, its decline started. By 2021, it had declined to just 10.3%. That means corporate power has drastically increased. Millions of workers in America have no power, no say. Today, big corporations have become so powerful in America that they control every aspect of our lives. They directly or indirectly control not only our politicians but also where we live, what we eat, what we buy, how much we earn, and what we read, see on TV, or listen to on radio and ultimately what we think.

During his term, President Clinton signed the Telecommunication Act of 1996 into law. The act dramatically reduced important Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations on cross ownership, and allowed giant corporations to gobble up thousands of media outlets across the country, increasing their monopoly on the flow of information in the United States and around the world. Thus, all of us across this country and around the world get the same news and the same narrative on the TV, radio and even main stream printed media networks. Using Noam Chomsky’s famous phrase, they ‘Manufacture the Consent’ across America and the world. “Never have so many been held incommunicado by so few”, said Eduardo Galeano, the Latin American journalist, in response to the act. In 1983, some 50 corporations owned 90 percent of the media. That number dwindled after this Communication Act just in few years and today, five mega corporations own and control 90 percent of the media in America. The same thing happened in the radio as well as in the printed media network. No wonder democracy’s decline in America has accelerated further ever since.

Today, what do we hear on the radio or watch on the TV news? Mainly Weather, murders, shooting, rapes etc. No issue of major importance for the citizens is discussed in these media. People are intentionally kept ignorant and ill informed. This is what these oligarchs want. They want –as per their thinking—’dumb millions’ to keep serving them. Because they know, if people are well informed about how corrupt our politicians are, they may unite, create a revolution and take away their power in this country. They also know that to keep Americans divided into democrats, republicans, independents, liberals, progressives, conservatives etc., they can never unite and threaten the powers of the oligarchs or threaten their tight grip on the economy and the government.

The greatest tragedy is that we Americans think that we are ‘free’. But, in reality, most of us are slaves of these giant corporations. America has descended from a democracy of 1950s to an oligarchy today.

For last fifty years and more, we Americans have been indoctrinated with the massive propaganda that America is ‘the greatest democracy’ in the world. This propaganda is carried out by the mainstream news-media which is controlled by a handful of mega-corporations which are in turn controlled by billionaire oligarchs…super rich individuals.

So, let’s find out how democratic America is. As we all know, genuine democracy means a majority rule. In a democracy, the government acts according to the will of the majority of its people. Hence, here are the numbers of what majority of Americans want:

  • Medicare for all: According to Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) poll of April 3, 2020, this hot button issue gets majority support at 56%.
  • Tuition Free State and Public College: As per Hill-HarrisX poll of September, 2019, majority of Americans support free college and wiping out the student debt.
  • Paid Maternity Leave-American Enterprise Institute and Brookings Institutionsurvey found that a majority of 84% want this. This also includes government funding for childcare.
  • Minimum Wage: According to Pew Research Center survey conducted between April 29, 2019, and May 13, 2019, 67% of Americans want minimum wage to be raised from $7.25 per hour—federal and little higher in private jobs–to $15 per hour.
  • Higher Taxes for the Wealthy: Survey after survey, majority of Americans support higher taxes for the wealthy. The concept has gained more support since the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 that has disproportionately benefited the richest Americans and the world’s biggest corporations. As per Reuters/Ipsos recent poll, two-thirds of Americans strongly agree that the very rich should pay higher taxes.
  • Wealth Tax: According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, 64%–77% Democrats and 53% Republicans– strongly agree that the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs. A 2019 CNBCpoll, some 60% of millionaires said that they would support an Elizabeth Warren-style wealth tax of 2% on assets over $50 million and 3% on assets over $1 billion.
  • Election of the President/Electoral College: A Pew Research survey found that as of 2020, 81% of Democrats and 32% of Republicans—so a majority of Americans want the president elected by a majority of votes. They want the Electoral College removed by amending the constitution.
  • Hate Speech: A majority of 51% want fines or jail time for hate speech. Nearly 60% of millennials support this. Some 60% of respondents support a crackdown on TV stations and Newspapers that publish content that is biased, inflammatory or false.
  • Capitalism vs Socialism: Half of Democrats (Democrats are in majority in America) and two-thirds of Progressives see socialism favorably while 23% of independents and 7% of Republicans viewed socialism favorably.
  • Gun-Control: Majority of us Americans—60%– want stricter gun-control according to the Pew Research. As per com, as of March 27, 2023, there have been four mass shootings this year. Compared to that, there was only one mass shooting in 1982, one in 2000 and 12 in 2022. As per ABV News, more than 9800 people were killed by gun violence so far in 2023. America today has become the 21st century ‘Wild Wild West’.
  • Foreign Wars: America goes to war every few years as its history confirms. As James Carden writes in the Nation Magazine of January 9, 2018,–according to Walling Opinion Research undertaken in November of 2017–that majority of Americans—78% of Democrats, 64.5% of Republicans and 68.8% of independents– supported restraining military actions overseas.

In the 1950s and early 1960s, the top marginal tax rate was 91%. Today, the highest income earners pay a 39.6% marginal tax rate. The rich mega corporations pay the tax rate of 21%. But many giant corporations pay 0$ taxes using various loopholes. Like Ralph Nader once said, “Average worker at General Electric Co., pays more taxes than General Electric”! Warren Buffett once said that his secretary pays more taxes than himself! What kind of a democracy is that? That means, in America, the rich are getting richer while the poor or the middle class remain poor. The rich are amassing so much wealth in America today—at the expense of the poor–that, as pointed out by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren not long ago, the top 0.1% of rich Americans have more wealth than bottom 90%. Is that democracy?

As per the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, 55 major corporations paid $0 in Federal Taxes on 2020 profits while netting $3.5 billion in aggregate tax rebates. For decades, the biggest and most profitable American corporations have found ways to avoid paying federal income taxes on their profits. Large US firms generally pay effective tax rates far below 21 percent. In June 2021, the nonprofit ProPublica pointed out that over a five-year period, the 25 richest Americans paid a combined $13.6 billion in federal income taxes though their profits were huge. This amounted to a true tax rate of only 3.4 percent! How do they do this? They use all the loopholes kept in place by our corrupt politicians. The wealthiest Americans may be avoiding $163 billion in income taxes every year according to a report from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. They hire top accountants and lawyers to achieve this. They spend millions–on accountants and lawyers–to save billions.

Thus, most of us Americans want above mentioned items but are we getting them? No. Because the American oligarchs, the billionaires, the superrich do not want them. And they control our politicians by their billions of dollars’ worth of political donations. As per Statista Research Department, in 2022, there were 12,098 lobbyists in the country bribing our elected politicians.  They spent $4.09 billion on lobbying. Our politicians’—from the President down to the Senators and the Congressmen—political careers depend on these donations or these legal bribes. For our politicians, their careers are more important than their country.

In a nationally syndicated radio show the Thom Hartmann Program on July 30, 2015, the former President Jimmy Carter said that the United States is now an “oligarchy” in which “unlimited political bribery” has created “a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.” Both Democrats and Republicans, Carter said, “look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves.”

An April 16, 2014 study (report) by Princeton and Northwestern Universities concluded that “The U.S. government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country’s citizens but is instead ruled by the rich and the powerful.”

As you can see from above, majority of Americans want these items passed by the U.S. Congress, for a long time. But are our Congressmen and Senators following the majority opinion? No. They are not obeying the ‘majority will’ because their paymasters, which are the billionaires and mega-corporations–through their lobbyists—do not want these laws to pass. In other words, most laws are passed or not passed for the benefits of these paymasters. Our Congressmen and Senators do the bidding of their paymasters. They are not working for their constituents…the American people.

Thus, it is obvious that after 1950s, American democracy has surreptitiously and systematically been replaced by an oligarchy. Simply put, the U.S. Government today is of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.


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Chaitanya Davé is a Chemist and a Chemical Engineer and a businessman. He has authored three books: CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: A Shocking Record of US Crimes since 1776-2007, COLLAPSE: Civilization on the Brink-2010, CAPITALISM’S MARCH OF DESTRUCTION: Replacing it with People and Nature-Friendly Economy-2020. Author of many articles on politics, history, and the environment. Founder/President of a non-profit charity foundation helping the poor villagers of India, Nepal, Haiti, USA-homeless and other poor countries. He can be contacted at [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

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One of the most vexing questions in the epidemiology of COVID-19 vaccine death is: why are some people fine and others develop fulminant fatal syndromes? This leads to the next logical question: who is the next to die after COVID-19 vaccination? This is a question that parents of a 14-year old Japanese girl wished they would have asked before she rolled up her sleeve for her third BNT1262b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine/Pfizer (Comirnaty®) which was not medically necessary nor clinically indicated. In other countries it would not be offered and even the WHO says healthy children don’t need to risk COVID-19 vaccination.

The case was published by Nushida et al who explains the teenager was healthy and may have had POTS from the first two shots. For each of the first two shots she felt sick and missed school—that was a tip off the parents should have noted. After the third shot her sister noticed she was having trouble breathing and the next day she died. The investigators did a detailed analysis to rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Nushida H, Ito A, Kurata H, Umemoto H, Tokunaga I, Iseki H, Nishimura A. A case of fatal multi-organ inflammation following COVID-19 vaccination. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2023 Mar 20;63:102244. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2023.102244. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36990036; PMCID: PMC10027302.

They found massive inflammation in virtually every organ examined consistent with multisystem inflammatory disorder. With each successive shot her body appeared be be progressively primed to react more vigorously to the Spike protein produced by the long-lasting Pfizer mRNA. Because this cannot be predicted ahead of time, each parent should understand that their child could be the next one for a fatal reaction.


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COVID vaccines are not needed for healthy kids and teens, says World Health Organization, Mar 29, 2023

Nushida H, Ito A, Kurata H, Umemoto H, Tokunaga I, Iseki H, Nishimura A. A case of fatal multi-organ inflammation following COVID-19 vaccination. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2023 Mar 20;63:102244. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2023.102244. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36990036; PMCID: PMC10027302.

Featured image is from Campus Reform

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of the Deep State

April 10th, 2023 by Edward Curtin

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A totally riveting conversation with Ed Curtin about how Allen Dulles, his brother John Foster Dulles aided Hitler and Nazi Germany in WWII and master mined Operation Paper Clip which brought hundreds of Nazis to the US, Canada, Argentina and elsewhere and put them in high ranking position like Verner Von Braun, a Nazi, as the head of NASA.

Allen Dulles masterminded the organization and structure of the CIA as a clandestine operating what now controls the US government and foreign policy.

Dulles was behind the Bay of Pigs, and the assassination of JFK in a highly public killing in Dallas, a message to every president since, not to mess with us. The same crowd did 9/11.

Dulles got himself appointed to the Warren Report, the official report on the JFK assassination…the same guy JFK fired!

We are controlled today by the same evil cabal, followers of Allen Dulles.


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Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts.  He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

Featured image is a screenshot from the video

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Most Germans used to be enthusiastic supporters of the country’s Energiewende (transition to renewable energies), especially in the early days when they were brazenly misled about the endeavor’s humungous costs and technical limitations.

Those days are gone.

“Catastrophic report”

As the government gears up to try to pass legislation that would force most homeowners to carry out extensive renovation to their homes and upgrades to their heating systems, the Energiewende is suddenly no longer looking like a bargain and is no longer welcome by the vast majority of Germans, according to a Forsa survey. The sun and wind don’t deliver energy for free after all.

Austrian alternative media AUF 1 reports via Telegram (emphasis added):

The current Forsa survey on the subject of the transition to green energies gives the German government a catastrophic report card. Almost 90 percent of Germans no longer believe in the so-called energy transition – a historically low figure. In a similar survey in 2011, almost 40 percent still hoped for its success. Among the few who are convinced is Chancellor Scholz. ‘We can and will succeed in the energy transition,’ he recently announced in Berlin.

German industry, on the other hand, is less confident, warning of a total exodus of the manufacturing sector due to the expected electricity shortage and enormous energy prices.”

AUF 1 reports here at its website that “only ten percent still believe that Germany’s energy needs can indeed be covered by sun and wind energy”.


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Featured image: Green energies no longer have the support of Germans due to high costs and technical limitations. Image: P. Gosselin.