Ukraine and the Balkans

April 27th, 2023 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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The long-term crisis in the relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine entered its final – war phase on February 24th, 2022. The official reactions to the latest dramatic events in East Europe, which come from the Westerners, including the most important overseas Western political address, are usually dominated by two phrases: “flagrant violation of international public law” and “violation of the territorial integrity of an internationally recognized state“. The perpetrator of the acts is, of course, Russia, and, as it is claimed, the innocent victim is neighboring Ukraine. However, the same Westerners do not want to see either flagrant violations by the Kiev regime of human rights in the Donbass Region since 2014 onward or flagrant violations of international public law and territorial integrity of the internationally recognized state in the case of the Balkans (Yugoslavia) in the 1990s.

From the author

The ignorant attitude towards the provisions of international public law relevant to the Balkan case resulted, therefore, in the break-up of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the long wars in its two former federal units (Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina) that took about 150,000 lives, produced more than two million displaced people and left behind a region to this day, almost three decades later, it has not politically stabilized and consolidated.

The West demonstrated an identical attitude towards the branch of law that it is ardently calling for these days concerning Ukraine, several years after the end of those wars, when it decided to actively engage in “protecting the endangered human rights of Kosovo Albanians” and “stopping the humanitarian catastrophe to which they were exposed”, as the official Western narrative was, explaining 78 days of the barbaric campaign of bombing Serbia and Montenegro in the spring of 1999. As we know, it ended with the complete physical destruction of the country and the de facto exclusion of Kosovo from its constitutional and legal framework of the Republic of Serbia.

The self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo in February 2008 was, as well as the aggression against Serbia and Montenegro in 1999 contrary to all relevant customs of international public law. However, Western countries that today are leading in condemning similar Russian acts in Ukraine, were among the first to recognize the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo. 

From the author

The policy of “double standards” in international relations and global politics used by great powers is not unknown and unrecorded in history. However, after the Cold War 1.0 (1949−1989) up today, the absence of any Western standards in the practice of generally accepted and binding rules of the international “game”, however, is one of the focal dimensions of the international relations in the world politics. The well-known dictum that sums up that insight – “The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they have to” – came from the pen of the famous ancient Greek historian and military leader from Athens – Thucydides (c. 460−c. 400 BC). Thus, almost two and a half millennia ago, the great historian taught that justice and rights, as its codified forms, exist in international relations and can only be among equals (inter pares). Major disagreements in this regard, which are the basis of what is happening today in Ukraine with potentially catastrophic consequences, occur when this “equal”, in this case, the great and powerful Russia, is not recognized as such and is not as such respected. Today, the Western policymakers made a crucial mistake with Russia as thinking this is the same state as it was in the 1990s during the wars of the Yugoslav succession. Unfortunately for them, today’s Russian Federation is not a Western puppet state from the Yeltzin’s period – it is today at least equal with the Western great powers including NATO as well. Those Western actors in global politics who would continue to overlook this “hard” fact concerning Russia and her role in the politics of the contemporary world, would lead the world to the dangerous edge of the abyss and push the world into it very quickly with their indolence and old policy of gangsterism in international relations.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Remembering Graeme MacQueen

April 27th, 2023 by Kevin Ryan

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In the summer of 2006, at the newly formed Journal of 9/11 Studies, we received a submission from a Canadian professor named Graeme MacQueen. The paper was entitled “118 Witnesses: The Firefighter’s Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers.” After peer-review comments were addressed, it was published and has become one of the most important articles in the 9/11 literature.

For the next seventeen years, Graeme went on to lead the 9/11 truth movement through his outstanding scholarship, his thoughtful approach, and his ability to instill trust in colleagues. Along with his remarkable intelligence and wide-ranging analytical skills, MacQueen’s dedication to peace and justice made him a force to be reckoned with. Although he became the leading expert on testimonies related to 9/11, including those from firefighters, first responders, and media sources, he contributed much more to the cause and his contributions will continue to light the way forward.

Our shared interests in 9/11 truth and Buddhism led us to become good friends. Graeme was an internationally recognized Buddhist scholar as I learned when reading random books on the subject at my local library. The text of a talk he gave at the University of Michigan in 1988, which he allowed me to publish on my blog years later, helped me to understand how he was different from other Buddhist leaders. He was the “unsmiling bodhisattva,” who did not act only with words—he put his whole life on the line for living beings.

In 2008, Graeme arrived in Bloomington, Indiana to give a presentation along with Canadian psychologist Laurie Manwell at the sold out Buskirk-Chumley Theater. His presentation, called “The Fictional Basis for the War on Terror,” was well-received and our discussions with Laurie in Bloomington initiated planning for a larger event to take place on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. That later event became the Toronto Hearings, which the three of us organized together with Adnan Zuberi and James Gourley.

Graeme and I went on to work together at other events to raise awareness, but also at the Journal of 9/11 Studies, where he authored several more groundbreaking papers including two focused on physical evidence. These were “The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis,” with engineer Tony Szamboti, and “Did the Earth Shake Before the South Tower Hit the Ground?

A few years later Graeme became my co-editor at the Journal and served in that capacity for about five years. The deep respect people had for Graeme’s scholarship and his collaborative personality led to the submission of numerous excellent articles on various subjects.  Due to his influence, we received submissions from esteemed philosopher John McMurtry, sociologist Edward Curtin, political scientist Peter Dale Scott, and attorney Stephen J. Looney, among others.  

Graeme became recognized as a leading expert on 9/11 and, during this time, he published his highly influential book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy. The book establishes through careful analysis that the anthrax attacks were crimes committed by a group of people associated with the U.S. executive branch who were linked to, or identical with, those who committed the 9/11 crimes.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Graeme, from my perspective, is that he worked for peace and justice until his dying day. As with David Ray Griffin, who thought very highly of Graeme, he was diligent and very productive throughout the illness that took his life. He authored yet another book, this time in free, digital format that pulls together many of his most compelling writings. He completed interviews for an upcoming film that brings to light his tremendous contributions and undying commitment to peace. And he helped found a new organization that will lead research into the 9/11 crimes for many years to come.   

Dr. Graeme MacQueen was a distinguished scholar and an exceptional human being long before I ever met him. Others who know more about his past will undoubtedly recount many remarkable aspects of his life. His founding of the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University is often cited as an accomplishment that represented his nature. I know that he authored or edited books on religion and non-violence and led peace initiatives in the war zones of Afghanistan, Croatia, Gaza, and Sri Lanka. He was also a dedicated husband and father and he often spoke of his wife and daughter.

Everyone who knew Graeme will miss him dearly. I’ll be forever grateful for his friendship and his leadership.


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Video: BlackRock – The Company That Owns the World?

By Investigate Europe, April 26, 2023

BlackRock — there’s a good chance you have never heard of them. In less than 30 years, this American financial firm has grown from nothing to becoming the world’s largest and most trusted manager of other people’s money. The assets left in their care are worth a staggering 6.3 trillion US dollars – a figure with 12 zeroes.

No More Foreign Interference in Haiti. The United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and the Core Group Do Not Represent Haitian People!

By Black Alliance for Peace, April 27, 2023

Today, the United Nations Security Council is holding consultations on the future of Haiti. No Haitian individuals or organizations will be present at the meeting. Instead, Haiti will be represented by its occupying entities: The Core Group and the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), the mandate of which is set to expire on July 23.

Sudan Crisis Risks Engulfing North Africa

By Uriel Araujo, April 27, 2023

Following intense negotiations since April 22, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a powerful paramilitary organization, and the  Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) have agreed to a 72 hours ceasefire which started April 24 at midnight.

Coming Soon — mRNA Cancer and Flu ‘Vaccines’

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 26, 2023

Even though the mRNA COVID jabs are the most dangerous medical products ever to hit the market, vaccine makers and U.S. health agencies are steamrolling ahead with a long list of mRNA-based shots, including combination shots to cover multiple viral infections at the same time.

Fox News Decision to Settle Dominion Lawsuit for More Than Three-quarters of a Billion Dollars Makes No Sense

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 26, 2023

A possible explanation is that Fox News, voluntarily or involuntarily, participated in an orchestration that established the precedent that reporting news different from the narrative, or news that is unfavorable to a person, company, or government institution, is defamation.

If the War in Yemen Stops, the US Will be the Loser: Interview with Hamid Rizk

By Hamid Rizk and Steven Sahiounie, April 26, 2023

China played the pivotal role in building the bridge of peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia.  Now, China is turning its efforts to negotiating an end to the war in Yemen, which has been a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

France Remains Tense After Pension Reform Bill Is Signed Into Law

By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 26, 2023

The rightward shift in domestic policy in France is reflective of the worsening economic conditions for workers within the European Union (EU) states. In many capitalist countries the living standards of the majority of people have declined precipitously in the last decade.

All Roads Are Leading Toward an International CBDC in a Cashless World

By Prof. Bill Willers, April 26, 2023

You might argue that physical money continues to be in great supply, so where is the danger of a global CBDC when society is awash with cash? Well, training a culture to use electronic money is requiring expanded time, even generations, for normalization to become established. However, cash can be made scarce — and then to dry up — relatively quickly.

International Banking “Crisis” – It’s Only the Beginning

By Peter Koenig and Michael Welch, April 26, 2023

Let me begin by saying everything is connected. And I don’t mean just banking collapses around the world, but COVID, energy shortages, food shortages, the Ukraine War, the economic suicide currently being committed by the European Union, also called wanton deindustrialization, the desperate attempt to introduce all controlling Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), and also the ongoing, just started orchestrated international banking collapse.

Against the War from the Left and the Right. London Peace Actions Week

By Konrad Rękas, April 26, 2023

London, the Euro-Atlantic capital of war and imperialism, has at least partly become one of the centres of the movement for peace, disarmament and a multipolar world based on respect for the right of nations to self-determination and their civilisational autonomy.

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Today, the United Nations Security Council is holding consultations on the future of Haiti. No Haitian individuals or organizations will be present at the meeting. Instead, Haiti will be represented by its occupying entities: The Core Group and the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), the mandate of which is set to expire on July 23.

The Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and BAP member organization in Haiti, MOLEGHAF (Mouvement National pour la Liberté et L’égalité des Haïtiens pour la Fraternité or National Movement for Liberty and Equality of Haitians for Fraternity), denounce the Core Group’s and BINUH’s continued occupation of Haiti as well as their ongoing actions to undermine Haiti’s democracy and sovereignty.

Over the past year, we have witnessed massive popular protests that have been part of a broader struggle for a Haiti free from suffocating foreign interference. That includes manufactured “gang violence” and the illegitimate government installed by the United States and the Core Group. Yet, those speaking on behalf of Haiti refuse to recognize the core demands of the people for democracy, sovereignty and a just life.

BINUH and the Core Group do not represent Haitian people. Haitian people consider these entities occupation forces. BAP and MOLEGHAF have consistently demanded the Core Group and the so-called “International Community” acknowledge and atone for their role in the continuing deterioration of the situation in Haiti today.

As we have continually stated, the “crisis” in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism, a crisis initiated in 2004 by the United States, France and Canada, and consecrated by the United Nations. No decision about Haiti should be made by those who not only do not represent the people, but have also consistently harmed them.

Once again, we demand the disbanding of the Core Group, the removal of the BINUH office from Haiti, respect for the sovereign rights of the Haitian people, and NO MORE FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN HAITI!


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Featured image copyright Juvenal Balán

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Sudan Crisis Risks Engulfing North Africa

April 27th, 2023 by Uriel Araujo

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Following intense negotiations since April 22, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a powerful paramilitary organization, and the  Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) have agreed to a 72 hours ceasefire which started April 24 at midnight.

Washington has announced it will assist in the creation of a committee to oversee talks. It remains to be seen whether the deal will be implemented, though. At least two other ceasefires were announced since the violence started on April 15 and none of them have been held. About 400 people have already died. Israel has also offered to host the warring parties for talks.  In February, Sudan joined a number of other states which have normalized their ties with the Jewish state – this being a divisive issue in the region. United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has warned that the violence in the Sahel country risks “engulfing” the whole region and beyond.

The UN has been implementing evacuation measures in Sudan and the German military this week flew over 300 people out of the country, mostly German citizens. Several other states, such as the US, China, Sweden and so on are carrying out similar operations.

Violent conflict between rival military factions fighting for the control of the country erupted in the capital city Khartoum this month. Forces loyal to army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan are facing those of the RSF, led by Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, who is al-Burhan’s former deputy. RSF personnel come mostly from the Janjaweed, that is, the militia groups which former leader Omar al-Bashir sent to the Darfur region, where these militiamen took part in the massacre of Darfuri ethnic groups. Their plight is known as the first genocide of the 21st century.

Going back in time, Omar al-Bashir was the head of state of Sudan from 1989 until 2019, when he was deposed in a  military coup d’état which has never brought back civil rule. He was accused of directing the aforementioned vicious campaign of mass killings in Darfur. Before the overthrow of al-Bashir, then US President Barack Obama, in one of his last acts in office, lifted a number of sanctions against the regime, supposedly due to progress in human rights issues. One of the key reasons for that policy shift was actually the CIA’s office in Khartoum, due to the regime’s cooperation with the Americans in fighting jihadist groups which were a problem to Washington. In September 2017 the US had already removed Sudan from a travel ban.

In the final years of al-Bashir, European leaders also saw him as a key ally in European struggles to restrict the number of Africans crossing the Mediterranean towards Europe. The “Khartoum Process” was part of such endeavors, as well as the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration. European authorities described it thusly: “the number of migrants arriving to the European Union is unprecedented, and this increased flow is likely to continue. The EU, together with the member states, is taking a wide range of measures to address the challenges (…) The Valletta Summit on Migration is part of this effort, bringing the EU and African countries together to work in a spirit of partnership and find common solutions.”

In that context,  the Regional Operational Centre (ROCK)  was established in Khartoum, aiming at halting refugee flows and human smuggling. It marked an advancement in European-Sudanese cooperation, including the latter’s feared secret police.

The RSF forces currently involved in the ongoing conflict are a legacy from the late al-Bashir years, when, before the coup, he enjoyed some international support even while the disgraceful Darfour situation went on and on.

Even after having lost much of its territory in 2011, to the new Republic of Southern Sudan, the Republic of Sudan is still the third largest African country, and due to its strategic location, plays an important role for stability in the whole Sahel and Horn of Africa. To its north, it is connected to neighboring Egypt, by border as well as by the Nile River, whose two tributaries merge at Khartoum. To its northeast, Sudan is at the Red Sea, thus linking the North African region to Europe. This is why many international actors have their eyes on the country.

Since the November 2021 coup, which appears to have been backed by the UAE, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, a military council of generals had been running the nation. The African Union back then suspended the country’s participation in all of its activities until civil-led authority was restored – which has never taken place. The World Bank in turn freezed the nation’s aid.

Tensions between Sudan and Ethiopia over water and the disputed land of al-Fashqa have also been high for over a year. The GERD project (the Great Renaissance Dam of Ethiopia) threatens agriculture in both Egypt and Sudan, according to authorities in these two countries – that makes both Ethiopia and Egypt interested parties in Sudan, although on opposing sides.

Morocco and Algeria are also hot issues in the region. Former US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Morocco’s claim over the Western Sahara region, which is in turn controlled by the Algerian-backed Polisario Front, was  a kind of “quid pro quo” after the Moroccan authorities normalized the country’s relations with American ally Israel. This US diplomatic decision however significantly increased tensions in the region, with potential bad outcomes for Europe, also, who has had its eyes in Morocco for energy and migration management reasons.

North Africa has been a ticking bomb for a while, engulfed, as it is, in a number of proxy conflicts. The current crisis in Sudan, which has the potential to greatly impact the continent and beyond,  also reflects the failures of Western foreign policies.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Brasil – El no alineamiento activo

April 26th, 2023 by Alejandro Marcó del Pont

La Amazonía, territorios de esperanza

April 26th, 2023 by Alberto Acosta

Coming Soon — mRNA Cancer and Flu ‘Vaccines’

April 26th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Even though the mRNA COVID jabs are the most dangerous medical products ever to hit the market, vaccine makers and U.S. health agencies are steamrolling right ahead with a long list of mRNA-based shots, including combination shots to cover multiple viral infections

If the COVID shots are the most dangerous injections we’ve ever seen, what makes them think mRNA shots for cancer, heart disease, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), HIV or any other condition will be any safer?

Moderna is planning to offer a personalized cancer shot by the end of 2028. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already designated it as a “breakthrough therapy,” which means the regulatory review will be expedited. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is also fast-tracking it under the European “priority medicines” (PRIME) scheme

mRNA-based influenza shots are also in the works. Pfizer and Moderna both launched mRNA flu jab trials in the fall of 2022

Moderna is also developing mRNA shots for shingles and genital herpes based on the same platform used for its COVID jab — a technology that doesn’t stop infection and can depress your immune function such that you become more prone to infections and chronic diseases of all kinds


Even though the mRNA COVID jabs are the most dangerous medical products ever to hit the market, vaccine makers and U.S. health agencies are steamrolling ahead with a long list of mRNA-based shots, including combination shots to cover multiple viral infections at the same time.

If the COVID shots are the most dangerous injections we’ve ever seen, what makes them think mRNA shots for cancer, heart disease, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), HIV or any other condition will be any safer?

It’s a science experiment gone completely off the rails. No one is safeguarding public health anymore. You could say our health agencies have sold out the public to the drug industry, allowing them to conduct wild population-wide genetic experimentation aimed at furthering the transhumanist agenda at breakneck speed.

Personalized Cancer Shot Is Being Fast-Tracked

As reported by The Guardian in early April 2023,1 Moderna, for example, is planning to offer a personalized cancer shot by the end of 2028. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already designated it as a “breakthrough therapy,” which means the regulatory review will be expedited.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is also fast-tracking it under the European “priority medicines” (PRIME) scheme.2 Here’s how Moderna’s personalized cancer gene therapy is said to work:3

  1. A biopsy of your cancerous tumor is collected
  2. Mutations in the genetic sequence of the tumor are identified
  3. A machine learning algorithm determines which of the identified mutations might be driving the cancer’s growth. Abnormal proteins produced by those mutations are also identified
  4. A synthetic mRNA molecule is created, containing instructions for your cells to make an antigen that your immune system will respond to
  5. Once injected, the mRNA is translated into proteins that are, supposedly, “identical” to those found in your tumor. When immune cells encounter cancer cells that carry these proteins, they destroy them

It sounds good in theory, but as we’ve seen with the COVID shots, any number of things can go wrong once your cells are turned into toxic protein factories. Contrary to transhumanist belief, your body is not a “hardware platform” and your immune system is not like a piece of software that can simply be “updated” with a new set of genetic instructions.

Not even close. It’s more like a spider’s web of interconnected systems and pathways. Pull on one string and the whole network responds with cascades of activity, much of which we still do not understand. It’s beyond foolish to think you can just insert a new genetic instruction on one of the strings and not disturb or impact the rest of the web.

mRNA Flu Jabs Coming Soon

mRNA-based influenza shots are also in the works. Pfizer and Moderna both launched mRNA flu jab trials in the fall of 2022.4 We now know the COVID shot doesn’t protect you against SARS-CoV-2 infection or transmission, so will the flu shot be any different? Are they tweaking it somehow to block infection? Or will it be a repeat of COVID — all risk and no benefit?

In my view, there’s cause for additional concern when it comes to mRNA flu shots, because they’ve already admitted that the viral strains targeted can and will be updated on the fly in the middle of the flu season, should it turn out that the flu strains selected in February are a mismatch to the circulating strains that following winter.5

The industry wants you to believe that changing the antigen has no bearing on the potential side effects, but they have no evidence to support that assertion. Whenever you change the antigen, you run the risk of new side effects, because not all antigens affect your immune system the same way.

For example, the reason why no coronavirus vaccine was ever brought to market despite 20 years of research and experimentation was because they kept causing worse infection. Many vaccines against other viruses don’t have this effect.

And, even though the mRNA platform is completely different from conventional vaccine manufacturing that uses live or attenuated coronaviruses, the effect on the immune system is still clearly an adverse one. So, changing the method didn’t eliminate the problem.

Since the mRNA platform allows for endless customization without additional safety testing to make sure the antigen chosen won’t cause unsuspected problems, it poses a unique threat to public health. Millions will likely be injected before a problem is identified.

Gene Therapies Don’t Work Like Vaccines Do

It’s important to remember that mRNA-based “vaccines” aren’t vaccines. They’re gene therapies. The only reason drug companies and health agencies now insist on calling them vaccines is because they changed the definition of the word so that a vaccine no longer has to protect you from the infection in question. All it must do is stimulate your body’s immune response against the disease.

But if a vaccine doesn’t prevent you from infection, what is the point of it? Natural infection also stimulates your immune response, but you develop immunity. So, all the shot is doing is stimulating — and possibly overstimulating and contributing to autoimmune diseases — your immune system without providing immunity.

mRNA Dosing Conundrum Has yet to be Solved

Originally, modified mRNA was thought to hold the key to a new source of embryonic stem cells that researchers planned to use to treat anything from Parkinson’s disease to spinal cord injuries. Using modified synthetic mRNA, they hoped to sidestep the controversy of using stem cells from aborted fetuses.

The promise hinged on safe dosing, but in animal studies scientists ran into a now-familiar problem with the mRNA doses. The therapy triggered dangerous immune reactions, yet the lower doses were too weak to show benefit.

There’s no compelling evidence that this dosing problem was ever solved. In fact, it appears sloppy COVID jab manufacturing has resulted in varying strengths of the shots, with some batches being associated with vastly higher rates of injury and death, as detailed on

Also, let’s not forget that the COVID shots appear to be massively accelerating cancer development, as “turbo-charged cancers” are now becoming more common. So, what can we expect from an improperly dosed mRNA cancer jab?

Will mRNA Shots for Herpes and Shingles Prevent Infection?

Moderna is also developing mRNA shots for shingles and genital herpes7 based on the same platform used for its COVID jab — a technology that doesn’t stop infection and can depress your immune function such that you become more prone to infections and chronic diseases of all kinds.

The mRNA COVID shots are also suspected of causing autoimmune conditions by way of molecular mimicry.8 This occurs when similarities between different antigens confuse your immune system.

So, will mRNA shots against herpes and shingles prevent infection? Or will they increase your risk, just like the COVID shots have done? We’ll have to wait and see, but I wouldn’t recommend lining up to test them.

mRNA Integrity Is Another Technical Difficulty

Another technical difficulty that is unlikely to have been solved is the mRNA integrity. As detailed in “Data Leaks Reveal Disturbing Facts About mRNA Instability,” hacked Pfizer COVID jab data show European regulators had significant concerns over the lack of intact mRNA in the commercial batches sampled.

Compared to the clinical batches, i.e., the shots used in the clinical trial, 55% to 78% of the commercial shots had “a significant difference in % RNA integrity/truncated species.”

This is important because intact mRNA is essential for efficacy. According to Daan Crommelin, a professor of biopharmaceutics, “Even a minor degradation reaction, anywhere along a mRNA strand, can severely slow or stop proper translation performance of that strand and thus result in the incomplete expression of the target antigen.”

For an effective product, mRNA integrity needs to be 100%. Considering how ineffective the jabs are, it seems fair to question whether lack of mRNA integrity might be to blame. We also do not know whether fragmented mRNA might be harmful, and to what degree.

While public health agencies claim fragmented RNA poses no health risk, just how do they know that? The leaked documents revealed they did not have an answer to that question. There’s also no evidence that manufacturing processes have been perfected to prevent the fragmentation of mRNA. Like so many other things, the ins and outs of the manufacturing process of mRNA injections are not disclosed or discussed.

The Transhumanist Race Toward Human 2.0

It’s hard to assess the recklessness with which drug companies and health agencies approach mRNA therapy as anything other than an attempt to fulfill a transhumanist dream in the quickest way possible. To perfect the genetic manipulation of human beings would under normal circumstances take many decades, perhaps close to a century, or more.

It would seem the globalist cabal driving the transhumanist agenda decided instead to launch population-wide experimentation to speed up the process. Large-scale studies are always required when you want to prove safety and effectiveness, and the global population has basically been turned into guinea pigs. They don’t care how many are injured or killed in the process. They’ve proven this much by ignoring the mounting death toll.

To the cabal, it’s probably a numbers game. Inject billions of people with gene therapies of various kinds in varying dosages, see what happens and tweak from there. Ultimately, the general population are not the intended beneficiaries of this large-scale experimentation. The globalists are. The guinea pigs are expendable.

The transhumanists cannot fulfill the dream of Humanity 2.0 without casualties, and what better victims than people whose future Social Security funds have already been looted and squandered?


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1, 3 The Guardian April 8, 2023

2 April 10, 2023

4, 5 Time September 14, 2022

6 How Bad Is My Batch

7 Newsmax Health February 18, 2022

8 Journal of Hepatology June 17, 2021; 75(5): 1250-1252

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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As the EV revolution picks up speed, electric car advocates like to emphasize that electric cars do not leave carbon dioxide emissions in their wake. Nor do they spew nitrogen oxide pollution or fine particulate matter from exhaust pipes. (Note: All tires shed some particulates as they wear and EVs, being somewhat heavier than equivalent conventional cars, may leave more tire bits behind, but the particulates most damaging to human health are the ones created when fossil fuels are burned. By definition, electric cars add none of those to the air we breathe.)

Yet as much as we welcome the EV revolution, we cannot ignore that manufacturing and the supply chains that make it possible all have environmental impacts that degrade the world we live in. In particular, mining — which gives us the raw materials we need to make aluminum, iron, copper, platinum, nickel, and manganese, among others — often involves excavating huge quantities of mineral deposits that are then processed to make the end products used in manufacturing.

Nickel & Hexavalent Chromium

We are all familiar with the reports of child labor abuse associated with mining cobalt in the DCR. Those reports are so serious that there is a major push to reduce or eliminate the use of cobalt in lithium-ion batteries. But one way to reduce the amount of cobalt is to increase the amount of nickel. Most EV drivers have no idea where the nickel in their batteries comes from. According to The Guardian, one principal source is tiny Obi Island, one of the 17,508 islands in Indonesia.

Getting there is not easy. It requires a 3 1/2 hour flight from Jakarta, followed by an overnight ferry trip, and finally a 2-hour journey by boat to arrive at Kawasi, a village of 4,000 people near one of the largest nickel mines in Indonesia. The $1 billion site where the mine is located is owned by the Indonesia-based Harita Group and China’s Lygend Mining. Chinese battery component producer GEM, which supplies battery components to many of the world’s leading battery  manufacturers, has signed an agreement to purchase nickel from the company, PT Halmahera Persada Lygend.

But people in Kawasi say they are afraid because of the pollution created by the mine. The Guardian reports there were 900 reported cases of acute respiratory infections in 2020 — half of them in children age 4 and younger. According to Indonesian health officials, the incidence of such infections in Kawasi was just under 20% in 2020, compared with a national average of 9%.

“The difference [since the mining started] is enormous. The beach was still clean, the sea was not muddy like this and not red yet. People still fished in front of their houses,” says a nurse who has lived in the village since 2009, before the mine started operating. “The trend of [higher] ARI cases began at the same time as [mining] exploration also began.” A woman who lives in the village says, “I keep thinking: is there any future for the children?”

The Guardian took water samples from the source of drinking water for the village and had it tested at a government certified laboratory. The results showed the level of hexavalent chromium — Cr6 — was 60 parts per billion. The Indonesian government has set the maximum allowable at 50 ppb. Cr6 can cause liver damage, reproductive problems and developmental harm when ingested or inhaled. Long-term exposure through drinking water has also been linked to stomach cancer. It is the same carcinogen that figured prominently in the Erin Brockovich lawsuit against PG&E that resulted in one of the largest legal settlements in US history in 1996.

The Company Responds

Not surprisingly, the mining company says its own tests show an acceptable level of Cr6 in the local drinking water. It claims the carcinogen is common in tropical areas and its operations have not contributed to its presence. It says it tested the spring water near Kawasi from 2013 to 2021. Those tests showed that it met the water quality standards set by the government, with Cr6 registering in the range of 5 to 40 ppb. It said its tests had showed there was no Cr6 discharge from its system or impact on the water quality of the Kawasi springs.

Halmahera Persada Lygend said that the positive and negative impacts of its projects had been assessed in an environmental impact analysis, which has been reviewed and approved by the government. It also said provincial and district environmental offices regularly conducted site inspections to review company operations and take samples for analysis if needed.

Booming nickel prices and a “battery arms race” have seen a rush to develop mines but there are fears that regulatory oversight has failed to keep up with the pace of development. “They [the Indonesian government] are trying to remove red tape to make the industry more attractive for investment, but without proper environmental assessments, it could be risky given the way the industry is heading,” says Indonesian nickel mining expert Steven Brown.

Matthew Baird, an environmental lawyer based in southeast Asia, tells The Guardian that holding mining companies and the supply chain accountable for pollution is difficult, especially when there could be multiple sources for the contamination. “These big mining operations are very much in areas that are very inaccessible and where they are operating as a de facto local government ‘company town’,” he says. “Mining companies may blame other problems and that all may be correct, but because they are there, there is a likelihood they are contributing to the problem.”

Many readers will recall how fracking companies like to point fingers in several different directions to deflect blame from themselves for earthquakes, polluted groundwater, and exploding tap water. It’s the same playbook invented by the tobacco industry. “You can’t prove which puff of smoke or which particular cigarette caused your lung cancer, so you can’t hold us responsible.” If no one is accountable, then anything goes. For those who may be swayed by such denials, take a moment to look at the photos of the rusty red river that flows near the mining operations featured in The Guardian article and ask yourself if you would drink it or allow your children to swim in it.

The EV Revolution

Manufacturers invest a lot of time and effort making sure the companies that are part of their supply chain adhere to their environmental standards. When contacted by The Guardian, Mercedes-Benz said it took the allegations seriously and was immediately contacting its direct supplier to clarify the issues raised, even though it does not buy nickel directly.

Manufacturing is a dirty business. Factories require land to be cleared, iron, steel, and concrete to be assembled, electrical power to make all the machinery function, and often thousands of miles of transportation emission to get raw materials to the factory and finished products on to consumers.

The message for the EV Revolution is this — if we seek to hold ourselves to a higher standard, we must hold all those involved to a higher standard as well. We often talk about untaxed externalities that allow fossil fuel companies to thrive. We must ensure we do not turn a blind eye to similar untaxed externalities when they occur in EV manufacturing.


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Steve Hanley writes about the interface between technology and sustainability from his home in Florida or anywhere else The Force may lead him. He is proud to be “woke” and doesn’t really give a damn why the glass broke. He believes passionately in what Socrates said 3000 years ago: “The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.”

Video: BlackRock – The Company That Owns the World?

April 26th, 2023 by Investigate Europe

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BlackRock — there’s a good chance you have never heard of them.

In less than 30 years, this American financial firm has grown from nothing to becoming the world’s largest and most trusted manager of other people’s money.

The assets left in their care are worth a staggering 6.3 trillion US dollars – a figure with 12 zeroes.


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Something fishy here.  

First, corporate executives don’t give away $787 million of shareholders’ money without a test of the claim in court.

Second, it is not defamation to report the news. Tucker Carlson reported the claims of experts. That is news reporting.  Dominion’s defamation lawsuit should have been filed against the experts.  It wasn’t, because the experts had the evidence.

Third, Experts supplied evidence that the Dominion voting machines could be programmed to count votes differently from how the votes were cast; experts supplied evidence that the machines could be hacked; experts supplied evidence that the voting machines were connected to the Internet. Fox News could have called these experts as expert witnesses. By agreeing to settle, Fox News refused the evidence its day in court.  Why?

A possible explanation is that Fox News, voluntarily or involuntarily, participated in an orchestration that established the precedent that reporting news different from the narrative, or news that is unfavorable to a person, company, or government institution, is defamation. Think about what this means. A prosecutor who charges a person with a crime has defamed the person. Truth becomes unreportable. Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh could be charged for defamation, and for being a Russian agent, for reporting that the US government destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline. 

When we see the few truth-tellers who are the stars of their organizations jettisoned–Tucker Carlson from Fox News, Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone, Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept, James O’Keefe from Project Veritas, President Trump charged under a non-existent law, and Wikileaks’ Julian Assange imprisoned for a decade without due process, we must face the fact that there is an organized conspiracy to suppress truth. We are experiencing the completion of The Matrix in which expressed doubt or even unspoken suspicion of official narratives are criminal offenses.  

Truth-tellers receive almost nonexistent support. The inescapable conclusion is that in the Western world truth has no future.

Tyranny is upon us.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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A new indictment from the Biden Justice Department is one of the most disturbing and extremist yet in the ongoing attempt by the U.S. government – under the guise of a domestic War on Terror – to criminalize any real dissidence and any real dissent.

In one sense, these charges are just yet another manifestation of the dreariest and most cliched Russiagate paranoia, seeing Russians under every bed. But if you look under the hood of these charges just a bit, as we’ll do along with you tonight, you’ll see that the framework being constructed is dangerous and extreme, nothing less than a tactic for empowering the federal government to transform its harshest critics into felons.

At its core, the indictment targets numerous American citizens, five of whom are part of radical black leftist groups. As such, they have very harsh words for Joe Biden and his administration, harbor contempt for U.S. foreign policy in the U.S. Security State, including the FBI, and are very vocal opponents of U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, even going so far as to argue that the provocations of the U.S. and NATO in Ukraine render the Russian invasion justifiable as a legal and ethical means for combating Western control over their border and violent anti-Russian extremism in the provinces in Eastern Ukraine. You may not agree with those views, but it’s certainly not a crime in any way to express them. 

Yet those charged today, in addition to those views, often denounce many of the same police brutality cases on which more mainstream liberal and Black Lives Matter activists, such as Michael Brown and George Floyd, but from a radical black lens.

So how does an American citizen, or five of them, end up criminally charged by the Justice Department for expressing these views?

Because prosecutors, in this case, can’t claim that they were acting on behalf of the Russian government by disseminating messaging designed to, “sow discord” among Americans, all because they received trivial amounts of funding that the DOJ claims emanated from the Russian government.

None of that is a crime either. You’re allowed to receive funding from other governments the way dissidents in those countries often receive funding from the United States government. So, the indictment really amounts to a claim that these Americans failed to file the proper paperwork notifying the government that they were agents of a foreign power, which means they now face ten years in prison for that offense and another five years in prison for allegedly inducing others to do the same without their knowledge. 

So why is this indictment so threatening? Because, as we will show you, the charges are so plainly motivated by the political dissent of these American citizens and not by concern that they failed to file the right forms, and much less so by the belief that these are somehow real Kremlin agents who are doing anything other than expressing the views they have long held.

Quite tellingly, the U.S. government and the media and think tank elite to serve it have frequently denounced every enemy state, starting with Russia, China and Iran, for doing exactly what the Biden administration’s Justice Department is doing in this case, namely using the laws that require, “foreign agents” to register to turn dissidents into criminals. 

We’ll go through the indictments and the implications of this case and then speak with Nick Cruse of the Revolutionary Blackout Network, who has been a frequent guest on System Update, about these groups that have been indicted or the individuals who have been indicted and why this indictment is so menacing to the right to dissent. 

As a reminder, System Update is available in podcast version. We post the shows 12 hours after they first appear, live, here on Rumble, they are on Spotify, Apple and every other major podcasting platform. 

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update starting right now. 

One of the issues on which I focused journalistically most in the first year of the Biden administration is the fact that a top priority for Joe Biden and his leading foreign policy and domestic advisers was to create a new War on Terror in the United States. Only this one, unlike the first one, would have as its primary focus, not foreign enemies, and al-Qaida or ISIS but, instead, domestic enemies right here at home. And in fact, this priority of the Biden administration was announced well before January 6. He emphasized it during the campaign and then, when he was declared the winner of the election, in the transition, before January 6 ever happened, The riot on January 6 obviously gave the Biden administration the pretext it needed to implement what has been a real new War on Terror. Only this time, the enemies are American citizens. And they’ve done that in multiple ways. 

I spent the first year of my reporting in the Biden administration probably focused on that issue more than any other. The official position of the U.S. Security State and of the Biden administration is that the greatest threat to American national security comes not from foreign terrorist groups like al-Qaida or ISIS, or from foreign adversaries like China or Iran, or Russia, but from violent domestic extremists here at home. The definition of what an extremist is is incredibly broad – it basically includes anybody who in any way is a real critic of establishment pieties.

If you’re somebody who supports the establishment wings of the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, if you’re somebody who stays within what President Obama once called “playing within the 40-yard lines,” meaning the establishment wings of all parties, about which President Obama rightly observed have far more in common with one another than differences with one another, then you have nothing to worry about. You’re not considered a dissident.

If you want to support Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Nikki Haley or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or people of that nature, you’re well within the guidelines set by the government and by their supporters of where people can safely reside without being regarded as an enemy. They don’t mind at all the power switches back and forth between those two wings because they know that the fundamental precepts will remain the same. What they really fear, especially now, is actual dissidents. And, as I said, this idea was in place long before January 6. January 6 became the pretext, just like neocons used the attack on September 11 to justify a war in Iraq, a regime-change war in Iraq, that if you go back and look before 9/11, they were long advocating war and craving. They used the 9/11 attacks as a tool for ushering in what they long had planned. That is the same with this new domestic War on Terror that the Biden administration has been craving for a long time and has successfully implemented.

This indictment today is an extension of it. It cannot be understood simply by looking at it in isolation. The context is critical. 

Just to take a look at that history, we have an article from The Wall Street Journal, the headline is “Biden Administration Urged to Take Fresh Look at Domestic Terrorism.” This is an article from The Wall Street Journal on November 13, 2020. So just a few days after the 2020 election, obviously two months or so before the riot on January 6. The Wall Street Journal reported about the Biden administration, what they were thinking two months before January 6:

The first-ever White House post and more funding to combat violent extremists floated by a working group that advised [president-elect team]. President-elect Joe Biden, who has said he plans to make a priority of passing a law against domestic terrorism, has also been urged to create a White House post overseeing the fight against ideologically inspired violent extremists, increasing funding to combat them, according to people who have advised his team. 

A proposal for the Biden presidency’s first 100 days, now with Mr. Biden’s transition team for consideration, also calls for passing more red flag laws, which allow authorities to temporarily take guns from people deemed dangerous, some of the people said. 

While domestic terrorism spans extremist ideologies across the spectrum […]

I think that’s an important point. When they talk about domestic terrorism or domestic extremism, it usually ends up targeting the right, under the Biden administration. But it also sometimes, as this indictment today targets the left. The idea is to create a precedent or a framework to criminalize either upon any win. The Wall Street Journal says: 

[…] it has been predominantly a far-right phenomenon in recent decades, according to researchers, according to researchers, who also say attacks by anti-fascist and other leftist groups rose this year. 

Mr. Biden has said he decided to run for president after the 2017 Charlottesville, Va., rally, during which an avowed neo-Nazi killed a woman and injured scores of other people. According to a campaign website, Mr. Biden intends to work “for a domestic terrorism law that respects free speech and civil liberties, while making the same commitment to root out domestic terrorism as we have to stop international terrorism.”

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China played the pivotal role in building the bridge of peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia.  Now, China is turning its efforts to negotiating an end to the war in Yemen, which has been a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.  China’s new status as a peacebuilder has side-lined the US, which had been profiting from arms sales and wars in the Middle East for decades.  Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen have all been devastated by the US military and their allies since 2003, and the US military continues to occupy parts of Syria.

In Yemen, the US participated as a military partner with Saudi Arabia and made huge profits from selling arms to Riyadh. China’s efforts in peacemaking are set to effect the US arms business, and may leave the US as the big looser in Yemen’s peace. 

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Hamid Rizk, Director of political programs at the Al-Masirah channel to shed light on the ramifications of the ramifications of the Iran-Saudi peace on the war in Yemen.


Steven Sahiounie (SS): Saudi Arabia and Iran have restored all diplomatic relations between them after meet in Beijing.  How will the return of relations affect the crisis in Yemen?

Hamid Rizk (HR): We hope that the Iranian-Saudi rapprochement will be reflected positively on the Yemeni file through the commitment of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the serious and real terms of peace based on addressing the humanitarian consequences, foremost of which is lifting the blockade of ports, opening airports, paying salaries to employees, compensating the affected, rebuilding what was destroyed by the war and withdrawing Saudi troops and the rest of the foreign forces from Yemeni territory.

SS: There are ongoing negotiations in Yemen to stop the armed conflict in the country. What is the current status of these negotiations?

HR: There are positive signs and ongoing meetings, the latest of which is the visit of the Saudi envoy to Sana’a for six days, and there is agreement to continue meetings and consultations until reaching a vision and understanding for a fair and just solution that stops the war once and for all and restores the rights to its people.

SS: Yemen has been subjected to an armed conflict that has lasted for years. What is the humanitarian situation in the country there, and are people getting help?

HR: The humanitarian situation in Yemen is tragic, the suffering is great, the poverty is wide, the health and social situation suffers from the results of the war, which left millions of Yemenis living under the threat of poverty, the high rate of malnutrition among children, the decline in the level of basic services, the spread of diseases and epidemics and the destruction of economic life, all of which turned into a living and economic disaster suffered by the Yemeni people in general.

SS: From your point of view, how do you see the development of the political scene in the next stage in Yemen?

HR: We are looking forward in the coming stages to alleviate the suffering of Yemenis by lifting the blockade and opening ports for the flow of basic goods, medicines and oil derivatives that are essential to people’s lives. We are also looking forward to lifting the blockade of Sana’a airport, which contributes to the departure of many patients for treatment abroad. We are looking forward, God willing, to addressing the effects of the war and we are looking forward to serious steps in comprehensive peace by the Saudi-American coalition, leading to the complete and final closure of the war file.

SS: The United States has been involved in the conflict in Yemen. During the last stage, Washington reacted negatively to the development of Saudi-Iranian relations. How do you assess the role of the United States in Yemen?

HR: The role of the United States of America is negative and there are indications that America does not want Saudi Arabia to get out of the Yemeni war, because the war benefits the Americans financially through arms deals worth billions of dollars, in addition to the fear of the United States of America losing its influence and some of its illegitimate interests. Washington is also concerned about the consequences of any Iranian-Saudi rapprochement and its positive repercussions on bilateral relations between Arab and Islamic countries. America is taking advantage of the situation of conflict, wars and crises to consolidate its survival and control over Arab and Islamic peoples and countries.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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A Constitutional Council decision in Paris on April 14 upheld the legality of the pension reform legislation which has been the spark for a series of general strikes since the beginning of the year.

The highest court in France decided that the bill was in congruence with the constitution and therefore should be enacted.  

Millions of French workers and youth have taken to the streets while staying away from jobs and schools to protest the decision by President Emmanuel Macron to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 years. As a result of the reform, the social security act has changed the age of eligibility by two years.

Now, according to French law, employees will have to provide 43 years of service in order to collect full benefits during their retirement. This is taking place amid a rise in inflation not witnessed in the capitalist states since the early 1980s.

Immediately after the decision by the Constitutional Council and Macron’s signature on the legislation, people went into the streets to demonstrate against the government. Some of the protests turned violent as police utilized excessive force in efforts to clear crowds from the commercial areas of the cities.

The leading trade unions in the country made a final appeal to Macron urging him not to sign the bill since several clauses within the legislation had been rejected by the Constitutional Council. However, the president maintained the same position claiming that if the reforms were not instituted the entire retirement system would become insolvent.

In addition, to the upholding of the legislation by the Constitutional Council, the judicial body declined to authorize a national referendum on the question. Macron himself refused to allow a final vote within the National Assembly and imposed the law by decree.

However, workers are continuing to demand the abolition of the new pension reforms. There have been militant actions on a daily basis since April 14. Anger and dissatisfaction have reached unprecedented levels against Macron and his political party which is neo-liberal in its policy orientation. Despite the labor unrest in France, the Left parties in the National Assembly are divided and in a minority.

Even though the Left is relatively weak in the legislative apparatus of the state, Macron could not risk defeat. The president felt compelled to act in a dictatorial manner while the Constitutional Council and the security apparatus provided the legal and repressive mechanisms aimed at suppressing dissent.

One news agency said of the current mood among the workers that:

“Labor unions have called for a further nationwide strike day on April 28. As of April 21, the impact of the strike is not known. Based on recent nationwide industrial action, it is likely that the SNCF national rail network and the Paris region public transport operators will run between 50 and 75 percent of trains. If air traffic control (ATC) staff join the strike, flights will likely be reduced at Paris-Orly (ORY) and some other regional airports by around 20 percent. Government servants, teachers, and healthcare workers may also join the action. Some staff at private companies will likely participate in any such labor actions, resulting in business disruptions and closures.” 

Undoubtedly, the French police will be called upon to engage in brutal tactics to prevent the demonstrations from blocking streets and roads. The police have been accused of brutality since the beginning of the industrial actions in January.

Several human rights organizations including Amnesty International have criticized the law-enforcement agents for utilizing brute force. Similar police behavior was witnessed during the “Yellow Vest” protests in 2018-19 when people demonstrated for weeks over the rise in toll fees for the highways.

A report published by the Financial Times noted this phenomenon of state repression when they emphasized:

“Lawyers and human rights groups have criticized the methods used by law enforcement, such as preventive arrests to deter protesters and collect intelligence on activists and forceful crowd control methods. An official from the UN urged French police to avoid excessive force, and the EU’s human rights watchdog questioned the proportionality of the crackdown. In March alone, more than 2,100 arrests were made with only a fraction leading to charges, two people from the environmental protest at the Sainte-Soline reservoir remain in a coma, and 286 protesters have been injured, including one who lost an eye and another a thumb.” 

Therefore, it appears that the French government has nothing to offer workers and youth other than more austerity, legislative indifference and brutality by the security forces. Rather than impose higher taxes on the large financial institutions and energy corporations which are making huge profits from the people, the class contradictions inherent in a decaying capitalist system are being borne by the masses.  

Crisis Rooted in the Imperialist System

The rightward shift in domestic policy in France is reflective of the worsening economic conditions for workers within the European Union (EU) states. In many capitalist countries the living standards of the majority of people have declined precipitously in the last decade.

The war in Ukraine which was initiated by the United States and their NATO allies has disrupted the supply chains for energy resources causing tremendous difficulties for working families. Heating, electrical, transportation, housing and food costs have skyrocketed as the proxy war against Russia is requiring billions of dollars in taxpayer funds every month.

Macron in his desperation for energy resources and trade opportunities has travelled to Algeria and Nigeria seeking larger imports of natural gas from these African states. Recently, the French president spent three days in China holding talks with President Xi Jinping and other leading officials of the government. Even though the Chinese government opposes the war in Ukraine and is seeking a negotiated settlement to the conflict, Macron is being forced to act in ways which are contrary to Washington’s foreign policy imperatives in Asia.

In the United Kingdom, strikes within key industries and public services are ongoing as well. Unions have shut down rail lines, schools, medical services, passport offices, etc. These strike actions are scheduled to continue for the next several months.

Junior physicians have held strikes demanding an increase in pay and improved working conditions. Airport security employees are planning work stoppages along with maritime and coastguard agencies.

An Evening Standard report on the labor situation quoted Public and Commercial Services (PCS) General Secretary Mark Serwotka as saying:

“They seem to think, if they ignore our members, they’ll go away. But how can our members ignore the cost-of-living crisis when 40,000 civil servants are using food banks and 45,000 of them are claiming the benefits they administer themselves? It’s a national scandal and a stain on this Government’s reputation that so many of its own workforce are living in poverty.” 

PCS is planning for 133,000 of its members to strike on April 28. This will impact the maritime industry along with coastguard agencies. Amazon employees are also striking, saying that the meager wage increase offers made by management were insulting.

Britain’s Conservative Party government of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has no intentions of relenting in their draconian economic program. As working people in the UK fall deeper into impoverishment, the administration continues to prioritize ruling class interests.

These developments in the UK and EU states portend much for the working class in the U.S. which is battling inflation and a resurgence in layoffs in the high-tech and service industries. The administration of President Joe Biden and the previous Democratic Party dominated House and Senate failed to enact long term social spending legislation to reduce the rising levels of poverty.

There are the possibilities of strikes at UPS and within the automobile manufacturing industry this year. Racial tensions remain high also with the ongoing killings by police and vigilantes of African Americans.

The crisis of capitalism and imperialism must be addressed with a political program for social transformation. This will require the organization of the workers and oppressed peoples into independent political parties and formations so they can be equipped to meet the monumental challenges ahead.  


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: The protests continue across France. This in Paris on 6th April. Source: John Mullen

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London, the Euro-Atlantic capital of war and imperialism, has at least partly become one of the centres of the movement for peace, disarmament and a multipolar world based on respect for the right of nations to self-determination and their civilisational autonomy.

All thanks to a whole series of events, co-organized by No2NATO, International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity, Stop the War and Not Our War movements, with participation of activists and independent authorities, such as ex-London mayoral candidate Piers Corbyn and former ambassador Peter Ford, as well as by guests from abroad, headed by Irish MEP Clare Daly and Sevim Dağdelen, Member of the Bundestag representing Die Linke.

Against the War from the Left and the Right

Rallies, information stalls, conferences, as well as musical performances and cultural events promoting UK disengagement in the war in Ukraine are becoming more and more part of the landscape of the British capital. Despite the growing censorship and administrative difficulties, the penultimate week of April was full of anti-imperialist and anti-system actions. On Thursday, 20th April, the International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity committee organised a picket outside the premium office in Downing Street to protest against British depleted uranium ammunition being sent to Ukraine.

“More and more people in Great Britain realize what is really happening in Ukraine and how tragic the growing military involvement of NATO countries, unfortunately led by the UK, is for its inhabitants. Britain spends billions military aid for Kiev, supporting the illegal regime there since the coup in 2014, while the people of the UK struggle with increasingly difficult living conditions, high prices and inflation,” said Theo Russell of the IUAFS during an action actively supported by the movement No2NATO.

Massive demonstrations took place on Friday, 21st April and Saturday, 22nd April, respectively in front of the US Embassy in London and opposite to the British Ministry of Defence building on Whitehall.  

“We stand outside the US Embassy to testify to our understanding of the provocation we are being dragged into.  They want to push us into war with Russia!  Ukraine is just another in a long list of countries treated as an American military training ground, such as Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Lebanon, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Cambodia, Grenada, Libya, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria. Although this American dominance, built on military strength and the position of the dollar, is coming to an inevitable end. Unfortunately, people do not remember much about history, they are deceived by the media and politicians, while  all historical American interventions, attacks, Washington-sponsored coups d’état were based on propaganda lies. And exactly the same happened in 2014 and again in 2022 in Kiev.” — David Clews from Not Our War, a well-known activist of pro-BREXIT, unionist and right-wing movements has spoken.

UKrainian occupation?

London authorities tried to push the demonstrators out of Trafalgar Square where the meeting was primarily planned. Mayor Sadiq Khan censorship attempt was not surprisingly supported by allegedly anti-system climate organisation Extinction Rebellion, hastily registering their own competing demonstrations there. In turn, opposite several hundred demonstrators in front of the Ministry of Defence, a group equipped with loudspeakers and flags of Ukraine and the Belarusian pro-Western opposition set up their jamming point. Despite the police protection, the participants of the counter picket were unable to break through the spontaneous hails of support for the Russian liberation of Donbass.

Meanwhile, on the anti-war scene, Peter Ford, the former British ambassador to Syria and Bahrain, recalled the “five big lies behind Western involvement in Ukraine”.

“They tell us that Ukraine is ‘fighting for freedom’ and ‘against authoritarianism’. This lie is repeated by the same politicians who here, in our country, deny us freedom of speech, do not agree to freedom of assembly, who have abandoned the principles of democracy and the rule of law, also in international relations, replacing all of that with own brutal tyranny! said Mr Ford, renowned critic of the policies of his former Foreign Office colleagues.  

Ukraine is one of the most corrupt and authoritarian regimes in the World, depriving its inhabitants of linguistic, cultural and even religious rights. The authorities in Kiev have banned opposition political parties, trade unions, and recently even the Orthodox Church, and we are told that supporting these people is in the interest of freedom and democracy?!”

— Ambassador Ford

The legendary leader of the anti-system, Piers Corbyn, expressed his opposition to the pro-Kiev policy of the British government even more strongly:

“Look at those flags on the Government buildings!” he pointed out. “Out of three blue and yellow only one, shamefully, on the side with the Union Jack. We are under Ukrainian occupation! Occupied by lies and deceit to hide that this is not only the war of the West against Russia, but also the war of Western governments against their own citizens, also here in the UK!” explained Corbyn, assuring that he did not fully agree with the position of his brother, Jeremy (former leader of the Labour Party). 

“We cannot hold the view that the condition of peace in Ukraine would be the withdrawal of Russian troops, quite the opposite: if the Russians retreat, then Zelensky and his corrupt Nazi regime will win, i.e. the imperialists who support Kiev will really win. And then there will be genocide, the Kiev regime will have no qualms about murdering Russian-speaking civilians, as it has already proved more than once” Mr. Corbyn stressed.

“It is a complete misunderstanding to present the war in Ukraine as a defence of the Ukrainian right to self-determination, as while recognising the right of Ukrainians to have an independent state, how could the inhabitants of Donbass be denied the same opportunity? The UK Governments pursue a policy of hypocrisy, if they recognise, for example, the Scots’ right to at least express their independence views, why did they reject the assumptions of the Minsk Agreements and the subjectivity of the people’s republics in Donetsk and Luhansk?” pointed out Stuart Richardson from the Stop the War initiative.

Take Britain out of NATO

The entire rally took place in an atmosphere over any ideological divisions.

“We come here from all sides of the UK political scene.  We may have different views, for example, on the role of trade unions or immigration policy, but we are united by our opposition to the threat posed to all of us by further membership in NATO. That is why we formed a broad No2NATO coalition, and that is why our joint initiative is the Petition to the UK Government and Parliament about invoking of the Article 13 of the North Atlantic Treaty to withdraw the UK from NATO.  We are collecting signatures under that here today and at all similar rallies around the Britain.” — Laureen, No2NATO and Workers Party of Britain. Activist has informed.

“The UK was a founding member of NATO, which was established to address a perceived threat from the Soviet Union.  Although when hen the USSR dissolved in 1991 NATO’s initial reason to exist disappeared. Despite that, rather than winding up its operations NATO nearly doubled the number of member states. Since 1991, NATO, which claims to be a defensive military alliance, has been directly engaged in various offensive military operations. I believe that the membership of NATO is now endangering UK citizens.” — Chris Williamson, former Labour MP, and now one of the Socialist Labour Party leaders explains.

In accordance with the law, collecting 100,000 signatures on the petition will force a debate on it in the House of Commons, with a public hearing of the position of the initiative group and yet at 10,000 signatures the Government has to respond to this petition.

Bloody hands of NATO

Traditional pacifist movements’ main problem is their difficulty in understanding the dialectic nature of the war in Ukraine as a conflict between the imperialists who support the Kiev regime and the forces objectively allied to anti-imperialism and workers class struggle. The principle of the supposed “equal distance from Kiev and Moscow” expressed by some revisionist and Trotskyist parties, as well as equating “two imperialisms, from the West and from the East”, in fact only weakens efforts for peace and to overcome the last offensive of capitalism. Fortunately, the truth about the NATO-Russian war is getting more and more widely aware, so it can be welcomed that the Stop the War conference, coordinated with the pan-European Europe for Peace initiative, consisted almost entirely of speeches objectively and honestly assessing the situation in Ukraine.

The starting point of the conference was the unanimous criticism of the growing arms race and the accustoming of Western societies to the inevitability of confrontation. According to Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,

“The instant increase in the military budget is clearly at the expense of the rest of the economy, especially the social sphere. The depleted uranium ammunition, that took such a deadly toll in the former Yugoslavia, is now supplied to Ukraine, what will have tragic effects for generations. And if the war in Ukraine was not destabilising enough, the UK is already declaring its support for a US war with China. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has not only expressed his satisfaction with the escalation that the admission of Finland leads to, but also, in an open text, announces the acceptance of Ukraine membership, which can only conduct and spread this unnecessary, tragic war. This makes the clearer what a global disaster NATO is for all of us, a Pact with blood on its hands, which should be replaced as soon as possible with a new, consensual peace architecture, which moves away from militarisation and nuclear weapons,” said Ms. Hudson, announcing further anti-war protests during the Vilnius NATO summit in July 2023.

Under the military-industrial complex occupation

Lowkey, Britain’s leading musician, performer and activist, one of the first organisers of No2NATO, focused on interests of the Western military-industrial complex active in Ukraine and on a global scale. At the same time, Ukraine remains a laboratory for testing new types of weapons, while the Ukrainians themselves, often sent to the front after several hours of training, are not prepared to use such technologies safely, even for themselves, not to mention the Ukrainian civilian population. We will not hear about anything like this from the media or from mainstream politicians, financed by armaments corporations, such as Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the opposition. It is no coincidence that Boris Johnson, who involved the UK in this conflict, is today one of the candidates for the next NATO Secretary General. These people are paid by entities interested in continuing the war indefinitely, which is not only extremely dangerous, but also devastating for the Western economies, spending €3 billion monthly to maintain a bankrupt regime in Kiev. And yet these decisions are made by the same people, the same circles that once made solemn promises not to enlarge NATO to the East! Instead the British Army was supplying and training the Ukrainian Armed Forces in underwater terrorism just before the terrorist attack on NordStream. However Lowkey also noted that it is difficult to talk about the sovereignty of British policy in a situation where over 12,000 US Army soldiers are already stationed in the UK.

In the discussion, the artist also referred to the involvement of many people of art and culture in supporting the Kiev regime.  Ignorance and a desire to please the mainstream media must be distinguished from crossing the clear line of taking the side of Nazism and genocide, as is done in particular by numerous bands from Ukraine, often enthusiastically welcomed in the West as alleged “voices of freedom”. This was the case with the recent London concert of the openly Banderite band Okean Elzy, trying to organise a public fundraiser for the purchase of armaments for the Nazi-battalions, despite of the protest of the British anti-Nazi activists and independent artists.

783,000 Germans for peace

The voice from Germany was especially expected in the discussion, as it is no coincidence that over 783,000 people have already signed the Manifesto for Peace, initiated by Alice Schwarzer and Sahra Wagenknecht. Motives for such a significant involvement of German voters were explained by Sevim Dağdelen, MP. In her opinion, we are facing a fundamental issue for democratic sovereignty in Europe, its limitation and violation by the United States. We have witnessed an American attack on German infrastructure, NordStream, and instead of demanding an international investigation under the aegis of the United Nations, Chancellor Olaf Scholz helps to cover up this act of aggression! Meanwhile, in Germany we have a fall in real wages by 5%. per year, the largest since 1945, and we know perfectly well that the war with Russia and the economic war against our own citizens are two sides of the same coin – noted Ms Dağdelen.  As Lowkey rightly said, on the Western side, it is just a war of the rich for privilege, not any “defence of freedom and democracy”. On the contrary! Turkey has participated in attacks on Iraq and Syria, occupies Cyprus and persecutes its own citizens, and is accepted in NATO.  In the UK it should be well remembered when Iraq was attacked under false accusations of having banned weapons, and now London itself is sending internationally prohibited ammunition to Kiev! Julian Assange is still in prison for exposing the truth about the lies of the rulers leading to war and corruption on an international scale, while these are the Western warmongers who should be prosecuted and convicted!  Western countries and Poland, with their arms and equipment supplies for Kiev regime, are only sustaining this conflict, while the only solution is an early ceasefire and peace without preconditions on the Russian side, and an immediate suspension of supplies other than truly humanitarian ones. Unfortunately, such a program still lacks support among the economic and political elites, including the Greens, who have finally taken the position of the new neoconservative right. At the same time, however, according to Die Linke MP, there is still hope, because by referring to the classics, the USA, like Goethe’s Mephisto, seem to be “part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good”, that is, by increasing their pressure on peripheral countries, Americans also create conditions for their emancipation, the end of neo-colonialism and imperialism due to the collapse of the dollar and the exhaustion of Washington’s military potential.

Silent majority’s voice

A less optimistic assessment of the situation was presented by Irish MEP, Clare Daly (Independents 4 Change, No2NATO).  According to her, in fact,

“the current lies resemble those of Iraq, Libya and Syria, but they also occur at new levels of propaganda and persuasion. The situation of the anti-war movement is also different. At that time, 2002 discussions and dissents were allowed even in the mainstream media, and we were able to organise and attend massive public protests. Now these basic manifestations of democracy and freedom of speech are ruthlessly hindered and blocked. Strictly required unanimity applies.  Instead of a difference of opinion, we have censorship in the media and a lack of access to real news.  Officially it was supposed to be ‘a war for democracy and against authoritarianism’, but authoritarianism has shown itself to us in all its glory in our own countries,” Ms Daly pointed.

All is not lost, however, according to her, as very often she can hear voices of support, assurances of a community of views, which, however, cannot be openly proclaimed “Because you understand that we can’t…”.  Even MEPs from other groups after the votes on war or sanctions tell Ms Daly and her colleague, Mick Wallace, that they are right, in a way: “It’s good that you say what you say, we think the same, but because of our leaders and media in our country … you know how it is …”. 

“Of course, we hear even more words of support from people at meetings like this, because let’s face it: WE SPEAK ON BEHALF OF THE MAJORITY!” Ms. Daly emphasised. 

It is just that most people are muffled, hushed, scared. Albeit it is also the majority, which the rulers fear the most, perfectly understanding people’s power. This is why we must increase the pressure on our governments for peace, although understanding how difficult to do so, while jingoism and imperialism sell better. However, we have strong arguments. First of all, historically, because no one will deny that the current phase of the conflict is a straight consequence of 2014 and after, when 14,000 of civilians have been killed in Donbass by the Kiev offensives, and Russian-speaking population has been persecuted and terrorised. Secondly, simple logic is behind us, because if in fact the Russians were provoked by the Western arming of Ukraine and sanctions, how sending even more weapons and more sanctions would stop them? Ms Daly pointed, that in the European Parliament she often hears about understanding of Ukrainian defence needs “because they are fighting foreign occupation”, but the Irish also fought the occupation, and no one were urged to send arms to the IRA.

“I never hear them call on arming Palestinians to protect themselves!  So do not say it is about “fighting for freedom”, because that is just not true.  War can never be stopped by war it can only be stopped by peace was on the table a year ago. I think we should be highlighting,” pointed Ms Daly reminding that it was Boris Johnsons and Americans who prevented that to happened.

In her opinion Ukraine was and is one of  the most corrupt countries in Europe, deprived of elementary civil liberties. As a result of the conflict provoked and sustained by the West, under the present regime Ukraine has become even more corrupt, even more repressive, in addition has lost even more territory and population and is economically exploited by the West. In no way is the current policy helping the Ukrainians either. It is therefore necessary to support international peace initiatives, such as those of China, and to build civic coalitions for real peace and reconstruction, summed up MEP Daly, noting that it is no coincidence that the next step in international destabilisation may be to attack China, using the Taiwanese issue analogously to the Ukrainian one.

Take to the streets across Europe!

Lindsey German, Stop the War convenor has summarised discussion: “We live in the most dangerous time I have ever experienced in my life”.  This reminds the situation on the brink of the First World War, with series of regional conflicts, increasing destabilisation of the international order, formation of opposing pacts and alliances, and finally the escalation and global cataclysm. In historiography, the leaders who led to that catastrophe are sometimes called “Sleepwalkers”, but some of them consciously aimed at destruction, and to an even greater extent we are dealing with it today, perhaps at the beginning of WW3.  The proxi war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine continues. The arms race speeds up. We are experiencing a revival of modern McCarthyism, hunting the opponents of war, and armaments. At the same time, the economic crisis, the internal political crises of Western states, and the international crisis cannot be separated. It is not only a matter of the fact that if we do not believe domestic politicians when they talk about finance, health care or education, then why should we assume that they are telling us the truth when talking about foreign policy? In the UK, it is a disgrace to Labour and it is a shame to the Greens who have moved to pro-NATO positions, but it is also a wider problem.  

“Why do we have MPs here from other countries but none from the House of Commons?” asked Ms. German. 

“What happened to the British and Western European anti-war movement? Our great task is to rebuild it. We must form an international coalition against war and the deterioration of living conditions. In July 2023, at the NATO Summit in Vilnius, we will see the warmongers in all their glory, pushing to accept Ukraine membership and continue the current strategy. We must then take to the streets all over Europe, otherwise barbarism will triumph!” Ms. German called, referring to the well-known Rosa Luxemburg’s sentence.

Actions for peace were also organised in Bristol and Brighton. More centres from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are expected to join soon. European peace movement, active e.g. in Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Austria and Italy – becomes a fact.


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Konrad Rękas is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

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Fox News host Tucker Carlson gives his take on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s censorship for his views on COVID and the Ukraine war on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’


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“The masses are still oblivious to the machinations of their shadowy overlords” – Jim Quinn

The idea of government “of, by and for the people” has become a sick joke.

Federal/corporate power dominates a fearful public from which it has effectively separated itself. Elected representatives consort with lobbyists flush with cash.

A collective of unelected 3-letter agencies — IRS, SEC, CDC, FDA, DHS, DEA, FCC, FBI, CIA, EPA, etc., say “Obey!”, and a conditioned public goes along.

Above it all sits a shadowy body of globalists, aka “the Cabal”, and coming down the pike is the final piece of their game plan for total control of the human family: abolishment of physical money and establishment of a programmable electronic currency dubbed CBDC for Central Bank Digital Currency. 

  • Why CBDC entrapment would be absolute is clear — that one’s every buy/sell action, down to penny candy, would be recorded;
  • that CBDC is controllable as to where, when, and how it may spent; that “bail ins” (reductions in one’s account) could be done anytime government might wish;
  • that a time limit can force spending and make saving impossible; that should one have unwanted opinions, or refuse some governmental dictate, their CBDC account could be frozen, etc.

It would be as thorough as any high security prison. And what is most alarming is that an apparently unaware majority is being guided toward CBDC, stepwise in a process of normalization. Here is what’s going on now:

  • Item: NY City’s citizens will now have food purchases tracked through credit cards.
  • Item: Big box stores like CostCo now have automatic check out options, some “cash or card”, others “card only”. Card only options will doubtless become the norm. 
  • Item: The attack on cash started with large bills only, the rationale, as per Harvard’s Lawrence Summers, being that criminals use them. Harvard’s Kenneth Rogoff is open in that his problem with cash is that it’s “anonymous”, and that it “handcuffs” central banks. Rogoff even wrote a book, The Curse of Cash. 
  • Item: This issue isn’t just national, it’s global. Here is Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, threatening citizens making payments of over 1000 Euro in physical cash, with prison. 
  • Item: Google has a digital payment system called a “Google Pay Wallet” that allows users to “tap to pay anywhere Google Pay is accepted”. It’s being tested now in the airline industry as a price guarantee program for Google Flights. 
  • Item: For the past year, Amazon’s “palm reading payment technology” has been used at Whole Foods stores, where a wave of the hand gets the bill paid. Now, Panera is considering this “frictionless” method. Panera’s loyalty program includes 52 million customers. As increasing numbers of companies move to “frictionless” payment, the procedure becomes ever more seen as normal and fussing with cash or cards as passé. In time, all forms of electronic exchange could be organized, bit-by-bit if necessary, into a single, integrated, global system. 

Has a level of “normalization” within society been reached in order for the Establishment to move more aggressively?

Well, let’s see: On April 10, 2023, at a meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) [and who the hell gave them authority?] launched an International CBDC called the “Unicoin”, a “universal monetary unit [that] strengthens the monetary sovereignty of participating central banks”. And a mere 4 weeks earlier (March 6), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), aka “the Central Bank for central banks”, concluded a multi-country study, Project Icebreaker, regarding the use of cross-currency/cross-border financial transactions using CBDCs. Both, designed to protect the stability of central banks, are moves toward a single global electronic currency. 

You might argue that physical money continues to be in great supply, so where is the danger of a global CBDC when society is awash with cash? 

Well, training a culture to use electronic money is requiring expanded time, even generations, for normalization to become established. However, cash can be made scarce — and then to dry up — relatively quickly. And within the past two years, a senior fellow at no less an economics and policy research group than the Brookings Institute published an oped in the NY Times, “Cash will soon be obsolete. Will America be ready?”

Will we? One can estimate the inclination of the majority, and of society’s general direction, at the marketplace — Target, Walmart, a super market, whatever — by observing fellow citizens. Speed and convenience are clearly guiding decisions in a society in which “progress” is understood primarily in terms of technology and efficiency. While some observers claim people are now “waking up” to the perils inherent in where we are being herded, such people seem still to be a small minority. If the many unrelenting and diverse steps toward CBCDs are to be stopped and reversed, that minority needs to swell by an order of magnitude, and soon.


Economist George Gammon clarifies how the Biden Administration’s move to raise mortgage rates for those with good credit is yet another move to CBDCs. At the moment, individuals cannot have accounts with the Federal Reserve, so the little guy can’t benefit from discount windows enjoyed by big banks. “Not fair” declares the little guy, who now is inclined to advocate for Fed accounts for everybody, unaware of the implications. 

What this mortgage policy demonstrates is that credit can be issued by the Fed based not on merit but on what Gammon calls “narrative”. In this instance, the narrative is about social policy, but it could be about absolutely anything a government might want. Because the Fed creates credit out of nothing, it can offer rates all the way to zero. No bank can compete, and that favors the argument for Fed accounts for all, which, as Gammon makes clear, is a highway leading straight to the entrapment of CBDC. 


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Bill Willers is an emeritus professor of biology, University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh. He is founder of the Superior Wilderness Action Network and editor of Learning to Listen to the Land, and Unmanaged Landscapes, both from Island Press. He can be contacted at [email protected]

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Daily Sceptic

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When you are ready

And the day dawns

Remember how love

Wraps you in its arms

And the sweet sound

Of grace lifts you up

Lighter than a feather 

And places you onboard 

The silent ship that sails 

Calmly out to sea.

Listen To us calling,

“Bon Voyage, Let us know when you arrive”

– Edward Curtin


“Graeme was such a gentle soul – yet a legend in the 9/11 Truth Movement.

The vast body of solid scholarly 9/11 evidence that he developed for all of us has been deeply ingrained throughout all of my 9/11 presentations and interviews.

I always felt a sense of warmth, and awe, when I had occasion to speak with him or – even just to see him.” 

— Richard Gage, AIA, Architect


“What a wonderful friend and colleague he has been for many of us.

He was an exemplary truther, professor, scholar and person.

There is much to celebrate about his rich and meaningful life as well as his many contributions across many fields of endeavour including the quest for 9/11 truth.

We shall miss Graeme MacQueen greatly. He has left us with a very important and diverse legacy.

Thank you Graeme, RIP.”

— Tony Hall

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Died Suddenly: Military Cadets, Mandated to be Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated, Are Dying Suddenly Recently

By Dr. William Makis, April 26, 2023

There has been a tsunami of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths in the US military, but there hasn’t been much attention paid to the young military cadets from highly vaccinated countries who are dying suddenly and under mysterious circumstances.

Politicians and the Anzac Tradition: A Story of Manipulation and Mythology

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 26, 2023

Since then, Anzac has become a militaristic prop, a promotions exercise for arms manufacturers and the publicity for war. This was best exemplified by the decision to spend almost A$500 million over nine years to redevelop the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

Syria Comes in From the Cold. Scott Ritter

By Scott Ritter, April 26, 2023

The dramatic outbreak of diplomacy between Riyadh and Damascus is the by-product of Russia’s growing influence in Middle Eastern affairs and is one of the clearest signals yet of the declining role of the United States, whose military and diplomatic posture in the region has greatly diminished over the course of the past few years.

Video: RFK Jr. (And Others) Expose the CIA’s Involvement in the COVID Plandemic

By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and, April 25, 2023

In this video, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. implicates the CIA’s involvement in the COVID pandemic through Event 201, a coronavirus pandemic simulation in New York City hosted by Bill Gates and Avril Haines, former deputy director of the CIA. They were working on ways to use the coronavirus as a pretense for clamping down totalitarian controls globally. 

International COVID Summit III: Join or Support!

By Dr. Robert Malone, April 25, 2023

As the COVID crisis winds down and we all seek to make sense of what has been done to us, and how these atrocious “public health” policy decisions were made, we have the historic Third International COVID Summit, on invitation of members of the European Parliament, who are providing donations and support from their own personal budgets to help defray the travel expenses of those participants and speakers who have much to contribute but face financial hardship because they have spoken out against the narrative in their own countries.

We Citizens Should Endorse Humanism: People Are Social, Good and Capable of Living Together Without Weapons and Wars

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 25, 2023

Those who want to be informed in detail and truthfully about the rapid change in the political climate, about the rapprochement of formerly hostile states in the Middle East and Africa and the worldwide takeover of the WHO, and who want to know more about the decay of morals in the West and the legalisation of drugs, should turn to internationally accessible alternative media such as “Global Research”. He will be well advised to do so.

“Freedom of Religion” and Other Lies

By Philip Giraldi, April 25, 2023

The United States government, in its incessant bullying of foreign nations to get them to see the world the way that the cabal that runs Washington sees it, ironically often cites such fictions as the “rule of law” that guarantees such “rights” as “free speech” and “freedom of religion” to justify its illegal actions.

The War on Free Speech Is Really a War on the Right to Criticize the Government

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, April 25, 2023

Although the right to speak out against government wrongdoing is the quintessential freedom, every day in this country, those who dare to speak their truth to the powers-that-be find themselves censored, silenced or fired.

Our Heartless Medical System

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 25, 2023

A 41-year old mother of seven young children has been in effect condemned to death by Emory Healthcare Inc. of Atlanta, an affiliate of Emory University, for refusing to take the dangerous Covid-19 shot. The mother was approved for a kidney transplant but was removed from the list when she refused the death jab.

The Kursk Submarine Was Sunk by the Russian Navy by Accident

By Capt. Igor Kirillovich Kurdin and Dragan Vujicic, April 25, 2023

When asked what happened to the submarine Kursk on August 12, 2000, when it ended up at the bottom of the Barents Sea with 118 crew members, I will not answer “only” it sank! For twenty years I have worked on the research of this great accident that hit the Russian Navy, and I am obliged to give my expert opinion: I am deeply convinced that it is a “man-made disaster”.

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China’s Exports Shifting From West to Global South

April 26th, 2023 by David Goldman

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TSA Officers Nigel Allen and Trenard Collier were reportedly in the middle of their duties at the airport, on April 11, 2023, when an airline pilot suddenly collapsed from cardiac arrest. (click here)

“I looked over just as the pilot fell to the floor.” (click here)

The pilot reportedly approached a railing, staggered and fell down over his roller bags unconscious. The two TSA officers immediately came to the pilot’s aid and Allen began performing first aid.

Police and firefighters arrived to perform CPR, but despite their efforts to resuscitate the pilot, the pilot’s heart stopped, requiring “extended medical intervention,” according to the TSA. (click here)

Allen raced down the hall to grab an automated external defibrillator, which emergency responders were able to use to restart the pilot’s heart and help revive him.

The pilot, who has not been identified, is recovering, and his family has expressed their appreciation for Allen’s help.

Three recent pilot deaths 

Eight recent pilot incapacitations in-flight 

April 4, 2023 – United Airlines Flight 2102 landing in SFO – captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft. (click here)

March 25, 2023 – TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed (click here)

March 22, 2023 – Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot (click here)

March 18, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal (click here)

March 13, 2023 – Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off (click here)

March 11, 2023 – United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains (click here)

March 11, 2023? – British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot collapsed in Cairo hotel and died, was scheduled to fly Airbus A321 from Cairo to London (click here)

March, 3, 2023 – Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure. (click here)

Epoch Times articles on pilot incapacitations

I helped Epoch Times prepare two excellent articles on pilot incidents in-flight:


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Syria Comes in From the Cold. Scott Ritter

April 26th, 2023 by Scott Ritter

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While the world continues to come to grips with the reality — and consequences — of the Chinese-brokered rapprochement between Saudi Araba and Iran, another diplomatic coup is unfolding in the Middle East.

This one is orchestrated by the Russians. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan flew to Damascus last week, where he met Syrian President Bashar Assad. This visit followed that of Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad earlier this month to Riyadh.

The two countries severed diplomatic relations in 2012 at the beginning of a Syrian civil conflict that saw Saudi Arabia throwing its money behind anti-regime fighters seeking to remove Assad from power.

The startling diplomatic about face is part of a new Saudi Arabian foreign policy, embodied in its historic new relationship with Iran, which seeks to engender regional stability through conflict resolution instead of military-brokered containment.

As the Saudi Foreign Ministry noted on bin Farhan’s visit to Damascus, the Saudi goal is “to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis that would end all its repercussions and preserve Syria’s unity, security, stability, and Arab identity and restore it to its Arab surroundings.”

Dramatic Outbreak of Diplomacy

The dramatic outbreak of diplomacy between Riyadh and Damascus is the by-product of Russia’s growing influence in Middle Eastern affairs and is one of the clearest signals yet of the declining role of the United States, whose military and diplomatic posture in the region has greatly diminished over the course of the past few years.

Russia has long-standing ties with the Syrian government. In 2015, its intervention during Syria’s civil conflict upheld the Assad government, allowing it to regain the initiative against the U.S.-and Saudi-backed opposition.

Russia’s relationship with Saudi Arabia, however, was more complex, with the Saudis having strategically aligned themselves with U.S. foreign and national security objectives in the Middle East and in global energy policies.

But that dynamic changed after October 2018, when Saudi security agents, alleged to have been working under the direct orders of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, murdered Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Jamal Khashoggi, second from left, during a June 4, 2009, roundtable with U.S. President Barack Obama, at far left. (The White House, Wikimedia Commons)

The Saudis took umbrage at the U.S. outcry at the crime, especially when then-presidential candidate Joe Biden threatened the crown prince, popularly known as MbS, with isolation and punishment.

“We were going to in fact make them pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are,” Biden said during a televised debate in November 2019, adding that there is “very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia.”

Biden was later to regret those words when, in July 2022, he was compelled to fly to Saudi Arabia and ask MbS to increase oil production to lower energy costs that had skyrocketed because of the consequences of U.S.-led efforts to sanction Russian oil and gas in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

While MbS received Biden, the U.S. did not get the results it wanted from the meeting for reasons that went beyond poor personal chemistry between MbS and Biden. By then, both Saudi Arabia and Russia recognized that, as major oil producers, their interests were not well served by competing in a market dominated by U.S.-driven angst.

Russian state visit to Saudi Arabia, Oct. 14, 2019. (Kremlin)

This realization matured in the spring of 2020 in the aftermath of an “oil war” between the two nations which saw Saudi Arabia precipitously lower the price of oil by overproducing, only to be matched by Russia.

The Saudi-Russian oil war ended because of negotiations brokered by then-President Donald Trump and for a while the world was compelled to live in an environment where the top three oil producers — the U.S., Russia and Saudi Arabia — openly colluded on global production quotas.

But then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S.-led energy sanctions and the recognition by both Russia and Saudi Arabia that the U.S. was not a stable partner when it came to managing the most important economic resource of their nations — energy.

US-Saudi Relations Strained

As Russia-Saudi bonds grew stronger based upon shared goals and objectives, the strain between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. likewise grew, driven by the total disconnect that existed between the Biden administration and MbS over Middle East policy.

Saudi Arabia has embarked on an ambitious project, Vision 2030, which seeks to transition the oil-rich kingdom away from its current over-reliance on energy production to a more diversified economy based upon modern technologies and non-energy economic initiatives. 

A key prerequisite for this vision is for Saudi Arabia to become a force of connectivity in the region and the world — something that U.S.-driven policies promoting regional instability and war made impossible. The Biden administration had doubled down on a policy in which Saudi Arabia served as the keystone in confronting Iran along an arc of crisis stretching from Lebanon, through Syria and Iraq; and into Yemen.

Saudi Arabia confronted the reality that it could not win its war in Yemen (ongoing since 2014), and that the U.S.-led destabilization efforts in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq were floundering. With its own economic diversification goal in mind, it opted to work with Russia to engender the kind of stability needed for energy-driven economies to flourish.

Russia quietly organized talks with both Saudi and Syrian officials and diplomats, culminating with the March 2023 visit of President Assad to Moscow, where the issue of a rapprochement with Saudi Arabia was finalized.

Work remains to be done, however, as Saudi Arabia’s effort to bring Syria back into the ranks of the Arab League faces resistance from staunch U.S. allies Jordan, Kuwait and Qatar. But the fact is that, thanks to Russian and Chinese diplomacy, peace, not war, is breaking out all over in the Middle East. Bringing Syria in from the cold is simply the most recent manifestation of the phenomena.


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Scott Ritter is a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD. His most recent book is Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika, published by Clarity Press.

Featured image: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on March 15. (Vladimir Gerdo, TASS)

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Atlanta, GA – US Marine Corps recruit Noah Evans, age 21, died suddenly during training on April 19, 2023 – 4th young Marine death in 2 years (click here)

US Marine Cadet, age 18, Gabriel Puchalla died suddenly of an aortic rupture on March 10, 2023 while on base in Camp Lejeune North Carolina. (click here)

Colorado – US Air Force Academy Cadet, age 22, Cole Kilty died on March 6, 2023, cause of death not released – 2nd US Air Force cadet death in 2023 (click here)

Wellington, NZ – 18 year old cadet Sacha Piper died of a brain aneurysm while on an international Navy cadet exchange in India, Feb. 2, 2023 (click here)

Sacha Piper, 18, died of a brain aneurysm while on a trip to India with the New Zealand Navy Cadets.

Two Canadian Military Cadets died suddenly in Feb. 2023

(left) Kalan Alexander Mahoney (age 18, Brampton, Ontario) died suddenly on Feb. 1, 2023 (click here). Kalan was a cadet of the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps.

(right) Wyatt Adrian, age 18, of Airdrie, AB, died suddenly on February 5, 2023. (click here). Wyatt was a cadet of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets from 2017-2022.

US Air Force Academy Cadet, 21 year old Hunter Brown died suddenly on Jan. 9, 2023. He had blood clots in his lungs (click here)

Naples, Italy – 19 year old Greek female navy cadet Talia who was on board the Prometheus ship died 48hr after feeling unwell on Aug. 23, 2022 (click here)

Upon arrival in the Italian city, the cadet was taken to the hospital, where she developed a hemorrhagic rash, and then sepsis. The patient’s clinical picture worsened “right before our eyes”, as a result, she ended up in intensive care. Doctors from Greece also went to Italy, but the girl died on Aug.25, 2022.

US Marine Recruit Brandon Barnish, age 26, of Evans, Ga., was found dead at the base on Parris Island on Sept. 29, 2021. (click here)

Brandon Barnish

US Marines recruit, Anthony Muñoz, age 21, of Lawrence, Mass, died on Sep. 16, 2021 after falling from a balcony. MCRD Parris Island officials said his death appeared to be a suicide. (click here)

US Marines recruit, 19 year old Dalton Beals of Pennsville, N.J., died during the end of the “The Crucible,” a grueling 54-hour training exercise, on June 4, 2021 (click here)

NJ Marine recruit dies in final test of Parris Island training

My Take…

There has been a tsunami of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths in the US military, but there hasn’t been much attention paid to the young military cadets from highly vaccinated countries who are dying suddenly and under mysterious circumstances.

Each of these cadets were 18-22 years old (one was 26). Sudden deaths shouldn’t be happening in this age group and every death should be thoroughly investigated.

South Korea had a 22 year old military recruit collapse 5 days after taking his first Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. He was found unresponsive at 8am hunched beside the bed, was taken to ER, had ventricular fibrillation, CPR was performed for 2 hours and he died (click here).

A very thorough autopsy by the Korean military proved his death was caused by the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. The Korean CDC acknowledged this case as a post Pfizer vaccine myocarditis death.


Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.

Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image: Pfc. Shaniah Edwards, Medical Detachment, prepares to administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to soldiers and airmen at the Joint Force Headquarters, February 12, 2021. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Leona C. Hendrickson – Source.)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Total global military expenditure increased by 3.7 per cent in real terms in 2022, to reach a new high of $2240 billion. Military expenditure in Europe saw its steepest year-on-year increase in at least 30 years. The three largest spenders in 2022—the United States, China and Russia—accounted for 56 per cent of the world total, according to new data on global military spending published today by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Invasion of Ukraine and tensions in East Asia drive increased spending

World military spending grew for the eighth consecutive year in 2022 to an all-time high of $2240 billion. By far the sharpest rise in spending (+13 per cent) was seen in Europe and was largely accounted for by Russian and Ukrainian spending. However, military aid to Ukraine and concerns about a heightened threat from Russia strongly influenced many other states’ spending decisions, as did tensions in East Asia.

‘The continuous rise in global military expenditure in recent years is a sign that we are living in an increasingly insecure world,’ said Dr Nan Tian, Senior Researcher with SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. ‘States are bolstering military strength in response to a deteriorating security environment, which they do not foresee improving in the near future.’

Cold war levels of military expenditure return to Central and Western Europe

Military expenditure by states in Central and Western Europe totalled $345 billion in 2022. In real terms, spending by these states for the first time surpassed that in 1989, as the cold war was ending, and was 30 per cent higher than in 2013. Several states significantly increased their military spending following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, while others announced plans to raise spending levels over periods of up to a decade.

‘The invasion of Ukraine had an immediate impact on military spending decisions in Central and Western Europe. This included multi-year plans to boost spending from several governments,’ said Dr Diego Lopes da Silva, Senior Researcher with SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. ‘As a result, we can reasonably expect military expenditure in Central and Western Europe to keep rising in the years ahead.’

Some of the sharpest increases were seen in Finland (+36 per cent), Lithuania (+27 per cent), Sweden (+12 per cent) and Poland (+11 per cent).

‘While the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 certainly affected military spending decisions in 2022, concerns about Russian aggression have been building for much longer,’ said Lorenzo Scarazzato, Researcher with SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. ‘Many former Eastern bloc states have more than doubled their military spending since 2014, the year when Russia annexed Crimea.’

Russia and Ukraine raise military spending as war rages on

Russian military spending grew by an estimated 9.2 per cent in 2022, to around $86.4 billion. This was equivalent to 4.1 per cent of Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022, up from 3.7 per cent of GDP in 2021.

Figures released by Russia in late 2022 show that spending on national defence, the largest component of Russian military expenditure, was already 34 per cent higher, in nominal terms, than in budgetary plans drawn up in 2021.

‘The difference between Russia’s budgetary plans and its actual military spending in 2022 suggests the invasion of Ukraine has cost Russia far more than it anticipated,’ said Dr Lucie Béraud-Sudreau, Director of SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme.

Ukraine’s military spending reached $44.0 billion in 2022. At 640 per cent, this was the highest single-year increase in a country’s military expenditure ever recorded in SIPRI data. As a result of the increase and the war-related damage to Ukraine’s economy, the military burden (military spending as a share of GDP) shot up to 34 per cent of GDP in 2022, from 3.2 per cent in 2021.

US spending rises despite high inflation

The United States remains by far the world’s biggest military spender. US military spending reached $877 billion in 2022, which was 39 per cent of total global military spending and three times more than the amount spent by China, the world’s second largest spender. The 0.7 per cent real-terms increase in US spending in 2022 would have been even greater had it not been for the highest levels of inflation since 1981.

‘The increase in the USA’s military spending in 2022 was largely accounted for by the unprecedented level of financial military aid it provided to Ukraine,’ said Dr Nan Tian, SIPRI Senior Researcher. ‘Given the scale of US spending, even a minor increase in percentage terms has a significant impact on the level of global military expenditure.’

US financial military aid to Ukraine totalled $19.9 billion in 2022. Although this was the largest amount of military aid given by any country to a single beneficiary in any year since the cold war, it represented only 2.3 per cent of total US military spending. In 2022 the USA allocated $295 billion to military operations and maintenance, $264 billion to procurement and research and development, and $167 billion to military personnel.

China and Japan lead continued spending increase in Asia and Oceania

The combined military expenditure of countries in Asia and Oceania was $575 billion. This was 2.7 per cent more than in 2021 and 45 per cent more than in 2013, continuing an uninterrupted upward trend dating back to at least 1989.

China remained the world’s second largest military spender, allocating an estimated $292 billion in 2022. This was 4.2 per cent more than in 2021 and 63 per cent more than in 2013. China’s military expenditure has increased for 28 consecutive years.

Japan’s military spending increased by 5.9 per cent between 2021 and 2022, reaching $46.0 billion, or 1.1 per cent of GDP. This was the highest level of Japanese military spending since 1960. A new national security strategy published in 2022 sets out ambitious plans to increase Japan’s military capability over the coming decade in response to perceived growing threats from China, North Korea and Russia.

‘Japan is undergoing a profound shift in its military policy,’ said Xiao Liang, Researcher with SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. ‘The post-war restraints Japan imposed on its military spending and military capabilities seem to be loosening.’

Other notable developments

  • The real-terms increase in world military spending in 2022 was slowed by the effects of inflation, which in many countries soared to levels not seen for decades. In nominal terms (i.e. in current prices without adjusting for inflation), the global total increased by 6.5 per cent.
  • India’s military spending of $81.4 billion was the fourth highest in the world. It was 6.0 per cent more than in 2021.
  • In 2022 military spending by Saudi Arabia, the fifth biggest military spender, rose by 16 per cent to reach an estimated $75.0 billion, its first increase since 2018.
  • Nigeria’s military spending fell by 38 per cent to $3.1 billion, after a 56 per cent increase in spending in 2021.
  • Military spending by NATO members totalled $1232 billion in 2022, which was 0.9 per cent higher than in 2021.
  • The United Kingdom had the highest military spending in Central and Western Europe at $68.5 billion, of which an estimated $2.5 billion (3.6 per cent) was financial military aid to Ukraine.
  • In 2022 Türkiye’s military spending fell for the third year in a row, reaching $10.6 billion—a decrease of 26 per cent from 2021.
  • Ethiopia’s military spending rose by 88 per cent in 2022, to reach $1.0 billion. The increase coincided with a renewed government offensive against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front in the north of the country.


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On the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial, holocaust survivor Vera Sharav warned of the myriad parallels between our world today and the one she barely escaped. Here is our illustrated version of her historic speech.


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Featured image is a screenshot from the video

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech starts at 00:10 and ends at 02:21.


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Глобална Већина И Ми

April 25th, 2023 by Živadin Jovanović

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Београдски форум за свет равноправних основан је пре 23 године као добровољно, независно, непрофитно удружење грађана, као извор слободне, независне мисли о националним и државним интересима, унутрашњој и спољној политици и међународним односима.

Данас је то организација која баштини богато искуство у истраживачком раду, издаваштву, међународној сарадњи, медијском деловању, организовању националних и међународних конференција, јачању веза матице и расејања, хуманитарном раду и другим областима. Форум је издавач преко 150 књига и публикација објављених на српском и више страних језика. Анализе чланова Форума о регионалним, европским и глобалним кретањима прате се објављују у престижним међународним публикацијама и медијима.

На међународном плану Београдски форум сарађује са Светским саветом за мир са седиштем у Атини, Удружењем «Храброст за морал», из Швајцарске (Mut zur Ethic), Шилер Институтом, из Немачке, Шангајским форумом, Ренмин универзитетом, ЦНИЕ-ом и низом других тинк-танк организација из Кине, Русије, Индије, Бразила, Мексика, САД и других земаља.

Заједно са српским расејањем и више удружења, Форум је покренуо оснивање Српског дома у Београду као места свеобухватног сусретања матице и расејања; библиотеке српског расејања као јединствене културне институције; Документационог центра о агресији НАТО као тачке преокрета у светским односима; подизање Меморијала жртвама геноцида над српским народом у 20. веку; обнављање рада Фондације за стипендирање студената математике и техничких наука «Сања Миленковић» која је основана 1999. а чији је рад прекинут узурпацијом средстава 2000. године.

Београдски форум, Клуб генерала и адмирала Србије, СУБНОР Србије, Друштво српских домаћина и друга удружења су обновили иницијативу да се настви рад скупштинских и владиних тела за утврђивање последица употребе пројектила са осиромашеним уранијумом, да се до идуће 25. годишњице агресије НАТО утврди и објави листа цивилних жртава агресије и да се направи анализа како је теме агресије НАТО обрађена у уџбеницима за све нивое образовања.

Форум је засновн на идејама мира, равноправности, слободе, независности и поштовања међународног права, на вредностима које су дубоко усађене у историју, национални, културни и морални идентитет нашег народа. Вођен тиме, Форум је од оснивања недвосмислено осуђивао агресију НАТО као злочин против мира и човечности, акт експанзије на Исток и преседн за глобализацију интервенционизма. Истину и оцене о агресији НАТО засноване на чињеницама, морамо још одлучније  бранити и понављати, утолико упорније уколико носиоци агресије, хегемонизма и експанзије данас настоје  да поврате униполарност и спрече демократизацију међународних односа, да ултиматумима принуде Србију да призна распарчавање њене државне територије, да етнички очисти, раздроби и понизи српски народ до његове националне, културне и духовне непрепознатљивости.

Финансијска помоћ, инвестиције, обећања чланства и пропаганда ЕУ не би смели да нас заведу и удаље од истине: водеће силе Запада безиобзирно потцењују и понижавају српски народ, не признају његове животне интересе на Балкану. Оне Србију не третирају као равноправног партнера већ као монету за поткусуривање у својој геополитице ширења, доминације, конфронтације и припрема за геополитичку трговину. Било би упутно да се бар повремено присетимо, да је штета од западних санкција 90-их година прошлог века износила око 150 милијарди а ратна штета од агресије НАТО око 100 милијарди долара. Такође, само по основу продаје (!) финансијског тржишта, из Србије је «одливено» на Запад око 50 милијарди евра профита.

На делу су огољени притисци Запада да се Србија одрекне своје Покрајине Косово и Метохија, да се одрекне подршке Републици Српској, да прекине стратешко партнерство и сарадњу са Русијом и Кином, да уведе санкције Русији. То говори да Запад настоји да одвоји Србију од стратешких савезника, да је изолује и принуди да напусти војну неутралност и прикључи се НАТО-у.

Разуме се да питање статуса Косова и Метохије треба решавати мирним путем, дијалогом. Спорно је, међутим, што САД/ЕУ/НАТО, док су им препуна уста о обавези других да поштују право и правила, истовремено уцењују Србију да за Косово и Метохију прихвати решење уз кршење свих права и правила, укључујући Повељу УН,  резолуцију СБ УН 1244! Док не желе ни да чују за решење у складу са Уставом Србије, истовремено лицемерно бране назови устав сецесионистичке творевине и концепт ЗСО као добровољне НВО. Шта више, ЕУ крши мандат ГС УН о улози «олакшивача дијалога страна». Најпре, не обазирући се на мандат ГС УН, уводи САД у дијалог, а затим, без ичијег овлашћења, Србији уручује Шолц-Макронов ултиматум игноришући СБ УН и његове императивне одлуке.

Тзв. Основни споразум о путу нормализације и тзв. Имплементациони споразум нису резултат преговора, нису уравнотежени, нису засновани на Повељи УН и резолуцији СБ УН 1244 и нису потписани. У суштини то је ултиматум који ни једна независна и суверена земља која држи до своје слободе, независности и достојанства не би прихватила.

У тим условима, Србија треба да наступи принципијелно: остаје привржена дијалогу и мирном решењу, али недвосмислено захтева поштовање Повеље УН и резолуције СБ УН 1244 као трајно важеће основе и оквира за праведан компромис. На тој основи, треба да настави мобилисање најшире дипломатске подршке пријатељских земаља глобалне већине.

Србија има право и обавезу да постави недвосмислен захтев за слободан безбедан и достојанствен повратак 250.000 протераних Срба и других неалбанаца на своја имања и у своје домове у Покрајини. Треба изнети једнако јасан стаав да Заједница српских општина, када и ако се спроведе, неће нити може бити замена за права Србије као суверене државе, чланице ОУН и ОЕБС, на Косово и Метохију као своју аутономну покрајину.

Независно од свега, Србија треба да настави са активном дипломатијом, укључујући и активности на отпризнавању.  Није довољно рећи да се Србија не сложе, или да не подржава пријем тзв. «Републике Косово» УН. Ако бранимо суверенитет и територијални интегритет неопходан ја одлучан и доследан став да ће Србија свим дипломатским и политичким капацитетима спречавати учлањења илегалне творевине «Република Косово» у било коју међународну организацију, глобалног или регионалног карактера, укључујући ту и СЕ, НАТО, па чак и ОИК. Изјаве о томе да Србија нека учлањења не може спречити, да нека чланства не зависе од ње, да је неко, ту и тамо, већ осигурао већину у прилог сепаратиста и сличне, нису добре ни јасне поруке пријатељима, али зато годе противницима. Иточна Rека (УН) јесте најважнији део фронта дипломатске одбране, али његова чврстина и издржљивост у великој мери зависе од стабилности и стања на другим, условно речено, споредним фронтовима. Нигде не смемо дизати руке у вис!

Назови избори у општинама на Северу Покрајине (23. априла 2023.) представљају нови покушај понижавања Србије и српског народа и опасно поигравање Запада. Уместо да отклоне узроке угрожавања безбедности, систематског кршења основних права Срба у Покрајини и кршења раније постигнутих договора, водеће силе Запада користе Куртија да настави застрашивање и етничко чишкћење Срба, да изазива ескалацију напетости, милитаризацију Севера Покрајине са непредвидивим последицама.

Сви смо, углавном, сагласни да су глобални односи у процесу најдубље трансформације, да ништа није како је било, да се уместо униполарног, конституише нови мултипполарни светски поредак. И ту, углавном, застајемо, поготову, не улазимо у прогнозе и анализе како се све то одражава на Србију, на услове за ефикасну одбрану њених животних интереса, пре свега, њеног суверенитета и територијалног интегритета. Прогнозе су, разузме се, ризичне, поготову њихово изношење у јавност, али су неизбежне. Није ризик рећи да мултиполарност искључује глобалну доминацију и хегемонизам једног центра, или једне групације земаља. Није ризик да  искључимо, или бар проредимо, коришћење појма «међународна заједница» који је скривалица за ЕУ и НАТО. Време је за анализе у категоријама глобалне већине и мањине коју чине земље тзв. међународне заједнице. Глобална већина је већ клонституисана по важним параметрима – по броју земаља чланица УН (3/4), по броју становника, по учешћу у светској трговини, светском ГДП, расту ГДП, по природним ресурсима, отпору хегемонији, санкцијама, интервенционизму и многим другим критеријумима.

Глобална већина у себи обухвата већину оних чланица УН које подржавају суверенитет и територијални интегритет Србије, које не признају илегално отцепљење Приштине. Она је уједно извор и за многа нова отпризнавања. У истом смеру, убрзано се мењају и односи у модерним технологијама (Г5), финансијској и војној моћи. Мултиполаризација као незадржив процес отвара нове просторе за демократизацију међународних односа чија ширина и дубина нису унапред дати, већ зависе од тога колико ће се земље глобалне већине ангажовати у изградњи демократског светског поретка. Ово питање, разуме се, не заобилази ни Србију као војно неутралну земљу.

Форум се залаже за мирно решење сукоба у Украјини, уз елиминисање његових узрока и успостављање система недељиве, једнаке безбедности чему је посвећена и мировна иницијатива кинеског председника Си Ђинпинга.

Уравнотежена, војно неутрална спољна политика и сарадња са свим земљама које Србију прихватају као равноправног партнера и које недвосмислено подржавају њен суверенитет и територијални интегритет су једина исправна опција у новим глобалним престројавањима.  Национално јединство и консенсус су могући и реални уколико су стратешка опредељења принципијелна и јасна. 


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Живадин Йованович является президентом Белградского форума “За мир равных”. Он является постоянным автором Global Research.

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Die lateinische Redensart “O (was für) Zeiten, o (was für) Sitten!” beklagt auch heute noch den Wandel der Zeiten und den Verfall der Sitten. 

Derjenige, der über den rasanten Wandel der politischen Großwetterlage, über die Annäherung ehemals verfeindeter Staaten im Nahen Osten und in Afrika sowie die weltweite Machtübernahme der WHO ausführlich und wahrheitsgemäß aufgeklärt werden will und Näheres über den Verfall der Sitten im Westen und die Legalisierung von Drogen wissen möchte, der wende sich an international zugängliche alternative Medien wie „Global Research“. Er ist damit gut beraten. 

Deshalb sollen die folgenden Gedanken vor allem der Versuch sein, die Frage zu beantworten, welche Möglichkeiten wache Bürger (noch) haben, dieser beunruhigenden Entwicklung Einhalt zu gebieten und entschieden gegenzusteuern.

Eine Möglichkeit besteht meines Erachtens darin, dass wir Bürger den Humanismus erproben und den Beweis erbringen, dass die Menschheit sozial ist, gut und fähig, ohne Waffen und Kriege zusammenzuleben. 

Humanismus erproben

Der Humanismus geht als philosophische Strömung und menschliche Lebenspraxis von dem optimistischen Menschenbild aus, dass die Menschheit zu einer positiven Entwicklung und zur Verbesserung der menschlichen Existenz fähig ist. Wesentliche Bedingungen hierfür sind die Achtung der menschlichen Würde jedes Individuums, die Freiheit im Denken und Handeln, die freie Meinungsäußerung und die Abwesenheit von Gewalt und Zwang. Ein positives gesellschaftliches Umfeld und Bildung fördern das humanistische Ideal freier Persönlichkeitsentfaltung (1).

Obwohl die zivilisatorische Entwicklung der Menschheit über die Jahrtausende hinweg stetig fortgeschritten ist, scheinen wir uns hinsichtlich der Bändigung der Gewalt noch gänzlich an den Anfängen der Humanisierung zu befinden. Doch da die Gewalttätigkeit nicht Ausdruck der menschlichen Natur ist, sondern Produkt geschichtlicher und kultureller Bedingungen, ist es möglich, der Gewalt Herr zu werden und sie aus den Beziehungen der Einzelnen und der Gemeinschaften auszuschalten. 

Vor allem Kinder können sich unter Gewalt und Zwang nicht zu gesunden, aufrechten Persönlichkeiten entwickeln. Deshalb sollte die Erziehung in Elternhaus und Schule auf jegliche Gewaltanwendung und Angst auslösendes Autoritätsgebaren verzichten und sich mit wahrem Verständnis dem kindlichen Seelenleben zuwenden.

Das menschliche Gefühlsleben ist jedoch nicht allein als Ergebnis der Eltern-Kind-Beziehung zu verstehen. Entscheidend sind auch die in einer Kultur vorherrschenden Werte und die mit ihnen korrespondierenden Gefühle, als deren Vermittler Eltern, Lehrer und Erzieher täglich an das Kind herantreten. Ein positives gesellschaftliches Umfeld kann nur dann entstehen, wenn wir Bürger uns für eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie für eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden engagieren.

Von Bedeutung ist auch die Frage der Bildung. Sie sollte dem Menschen vorrangig vermitteln, wie er seine Probleme lösen soll und kann. Zu den wichtigsten Problemen zählen sein Lebensgefühl, seine Meinung über sich selbst, seinen Partner, seine Haltung gegenüber den Kindern, seine Meinung über den Nachbarn, die Gemeinde und den Staat. Wenn das gelingt, wird er eine realistischere Sichtweise über sich selbst und auch den Anderen bekommen (2). 

Beweis erbringen, dass Menschen sozial sind 

Der Begriff „sozial“ bedeutet umgangssprachlich die positive Beziehung einer Person zu einer anderen oder auch mehreren anderen Personen, was heißt, ein Gefühl für die Allgemeinheit, ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl zu besitzen. Das schließt die Fähigkeiten ein, sich für andere zu interessieren, sich in sie einzufühlen, ihnen zu helfen, den Schwächeren zu schützen und dabei eventuell eigene Interessen zurückzustellen (3).

Bereits vor über 100 Jahren schrieb der russische Politikwissenschaftler, Human-Geograph und Philosoph Fürst Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) in seinem Buch „Die gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt“, dass in Natur und Gesellschaft keineswegs nur ein Kampf ums Überleben, ein Kampf aller gegen alle (Sozialdarwinismus) stattfindet, sondern dass auch das Prinzip der „gegenseitigen Hilfe“ vorherrscht. Diejenigen Lebewesen, die dieses Prinzip umsetzen, würden erfolgreicher überleben. 

Kropotkin beobachtete sowohl die Natur als auch die Naturwesen und bezog seine Erkenntnisse auf den Menschen. Die naturwissenschaftliche Tiefen-Psychologie basiert auf diesen Erkenntnissen. Demnach ist der Mensch ein naturgegeben soziales Wesen, das auf die Gemeinschaft seiner Mitmenschen ausgerichtet ist und eine Neigung zum Guten besitzt (4).

Aus der Einsicht um das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl aller, die Menschenantlitz tragen, erwuchsen die Lehrern der sittlichen Führer der Menschheit, die Weisheit des Laotse, das Gebot der Nächstenliebe und die unzähligen Formen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens und Verhaltens. Die Mahnrufe des menschlichen Gemeinschaftsgefühls können nie ausgemerzt werden, denn das Geschenk der Evolution besteht im sittlichen Bewusstsein des Einzelnen, in der Einsicht in die Verantwortung aller gegenüber allen. 

Ein praktisches Beispiel aus der Schule soll die soziale Natur des Menschen bestätigen. Es wird Lehrer wie Eltern, die wegen der mangelhaften Unterrichtung und Betreuung ihrer Kinder seit langem mit dem gegenwärtigen Schulsystem hadern, gleichermaßen interessieren und bewegen.

Es ist die Geschichte eines Lehrer-Kollegen, dem es mit einem gut überlegten Handgriff gelang, sich mit einem irritierten Jungen, der im Unterricht sogar die Beine auf die Schulbank legte, zu versöhnen. Er schloss Frieden mit ihm und beendete den Kriegszustand, der die ganze Klasse beeinflusste.

Als er begann, selbst zu unterrichten, fühlte er sich eher als Dompteur einer unwilligen Horde als ein geachteter Pädagoge. Aber Druck und Gewalt – so sein Vorsatz – sollten im Unterricht nicht die Oberhand gewinnen und er wollte verstehen, warum er auf das störende Verhalten von Schülern so stark reagieren würde. In der Klasse saß nämlich ein lebendiges Bürschchen von 13 Jahren, der das Gespräch mit dem Nachbarn viel interessanter fand als den Unterricht. 

Da er sich mit seinen persönlichen Sorgen und Nöten von den Lehrern nicht verstanden fühlte, konnte er sich auch nicht auf den Unterricht konzentrieren. Die Eltern waren getrennt und der ältere Bruder besuchte im Gegensatz zu ihm das Gymnasium.

Wenn sich der Kollege ärgerte und Konsequenzen androhte, nahm das Störverhalten des Schülers zu. Nur allmählich ist dem Kollegen bewusst geworden, dass er vom Schüler in einen Machtkampf um die Oberhand in der Klasse hineingezogen worden ist. Deshalb begegnete er ihm mit Groll, Unwillen und beleidigter Mine. Der Schüler reagierte darauf mit neuen Provokationen und legte schließlich seine Beine auf die Schulbank. 

Obwohl der Kollege den starken Wunsch verspürte, seinen Willen durchzusetzen und ihn zum Gehorsam zu zwingen, ging er nach der Mittagspause klopfenden Herzens auf den Schüler zu und machte einen Versöhnungsversuch. Er sagte zu ihm: „Ich kann zwar dein Verhalten, das du in der letzten Stunde gezeigt hast, nicht akzeptieren, aber vielleicht liegt es auch ein wenig an mir. Ich hoffe, wir finden zusammen einen Weg, uns zu einigen.“

Diese Versöhnung war nur möglich, weil dem Kollegen die schwierige familiäre Situation des Schülers und der Kriegszustand in der Klasse bewusst geworden ist. Indem er sich gefühlsmäßig in die Situation des Schülers hineinversetzte, entschied er sich für einen anderen Weg als den der Gewalt. Er machte Frieden mit dem Kind und beendete den Kriegszustand.

Die Wirkung war unglaublich. Der Schüler folgte nun völlig erstaunt und aufmerksam dem Unterricht und verteidigte schließlich den Lehrer-Kollegen vor der gesamten Klasse, weil andere Schüler ihn kritisierten. Er kam in eine andere Stimmung, weil er sich vom Lehrer verstanden gefühlt hat. 

Die gesamte Episode beweist nicht nur, dass der Mensch sozial ist, sie weist für alle Erzieher auch den Weg zu einer friedlichen Welt.

Der Mensch ist gut, aber irritiert

Wenn wir uns in der Welt umsehen, stellen wir fest, dass die Menschen zwar gut sind, jedoch psychisch irritiert. Kein Mensch kann seine Probleme in der Ehe, mit den Kindern oder im gesellschaftlichen Leben lösen. Wir schlagen die Kinder und führen mörderische Kriege. Doch all dies ist auf eine unsachgemäße Erziehung zurückzuführen. Deshalb muss allen Menschen psychologisches Wissen vermittelt werden, damit sie ihre persönlichen Probleme lösen können und beginnen, die Welt in eine friedliche Bahn zu lenken.

Der Mensch ist nicht von vornherein bestimmt, Wolf oder Lamm zu sein. Seine Freiheit besteht darin, dass er sich selber zu dem machen kann, was er in Zukunft sein soll. Wenn der Mensch das Böse tut, so hat er sich zuvor dafür entschieden; er hat es zuvor gewollt. Der Ursprung des Bösen liegt nicht in der menschlichen Natur.

Beweis erbringen, dass Menschen fähig sind, ohne Waffen und Kriege zusammenzuleben.

Das verallgemeinerte „Bild“ vom „Kampf ums Dasein“ soll rechtfertigen, dass der Krieg in der Welt nicht überwunden ist – und nicht überwunden werden kann. Diese Auffassung vom „homo homini lupus“ (Der Mensch ist dem Menschen ein Wolf) ist aber grundfalsch. Sie beruht auf einer Oberflächlichkeit, die bei genauerem Hinsehen sofort offenkundig wird.

Eine unvoreingenommene Betrachtung historischer Kriege lehrt uns, dass die Willkür der herrschenden Klassen eine der ersten Kriegsursachen ist. Streitigkeiten unter Königen, Eroberungslust eines Herrschers oder seiner Kriegerkaste, das heißt, die Machtgier der Mächtigen hat die Völker in die Kriege geführt, in denen sie für die Interessen ihrer Potentaten verbluteten. Der Konkurrenzkampf zwischen den Religionen, von denen jede sich im Besitz der absoluten Wahrheit wähnte, gab weiteren Anlass zu kriegerischen Verwicklungen, in welchen die Menschen für die Macht ihrer Kirche starben.

Die Neuzeit, die den Vorrang der Wirtschaft gegenüber den anderen Bereichen des öffentlichen Lebens realisierte, schuf dann den Typus des Wirtschaftskrieges, in dem die Herren des Handels und der Industrie die Völker zu einem Ringen um Rohstoffquellen und Absatzmärkte antreten ließen. In fast allen Kriegen der letzten Jahrhunderte spielt der ökonomische Faktor eine dominierende Rolle, wenngleich er sich mitunter hinter anderen Motivationen verbirgt.

Die Ursachen der Kriege waren also mannigfaltig, aber jeder Krieg ist im Interesse einer kleinen Oberschicht geführt worden, der allein der Sieg und der damit verbundene Gewinn an Land und Reichtümern zugutekam. Die Völker selbst, die für ihre weltlichen oder geistlichen Herrscher in den Kampf zogen, durften nur wenig oder gar nicht an der Nutznießung ihrer Eroberung teilhaben. Sie sind nicht gefragt worden, ob sie in den Krieg ziehen wollen oder nicht; gezwungenermaßen nahmen sie die Waffe in die Hand.  

Es ist deshalb nicht recht, die „Völker“ für ihre Kriege verantwortlich zu machen; es waren immer nur ihre herrschenden Schichten, die sich befehdeten und versuchten, sich wechselseitig zu unterjochen. Darum ist es falsch, den Krieg auf die menschliche Natur zurückzuführen. Die Natur des Menschen ist friedlich. 

Ein Großteil der Menschen liebt es, seiner Arbeit nachzugehen, den Acker zu bestellen und mit den Nachbarn in Freundschaft zu leben. Der Gesichtskreis der meisten Menschen reicht nicht so weit, um nach anderen Ländern oder gar Kontinenten aufzubrechen und dorthin die verheerende Flamme des Krieges zu tragen. Nur die Machtgier derer, die innerhalb der Völker als Obrigkeit fungieren und durch ihre soziale Stellung vom Geist der Gewalt durchdrungen sind, treibt immer wieder zu kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen, in denen die Völker zugunsten ihrer Herren und Ausbeuter verbluten.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Schul-Rektor, Erziehungswissenschaftler und Diplom-Psychologe. Nach seinen Universitätsstudien wurde er wissenschaftlicher Lehrer in der Erwachsenenbildung. Als Pensionär arbeitete er als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Für seine Verdienste um Serbien bekam er 2021 von den Universitäten Belgrad und Novi Sad den Republik-Preis „Kapitän Misa Anastasijevic“ verliehen.

Er schreibt regelmäßig für Global Research.






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First published on April 15, 2023


As has been carefully documented, under cover of the ‘virus’/‘vaccine’ narrative, the Global Elite is implementing long-planned and profound changes to 200 areas of human life.

In essence, as documented elsewhere – see ‘We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s “Great Reset”: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?’ – this program will kill off a substantial proportion of humanity, imprison those left alive as transhuman slaves in their ‘smart cities’ subject to their fourth industrial revolution technologies (including 5G, digital ID, CBDCs, geofencing, AI policing & a robotized workforce), enclose the Commons forever and transfer all wealth to Elite hands.

Needless to say, with some people already resisting and more people likely to perceive the truth of what is happening and join the resistance with the passage of time, policing the imposition of this program will be a critical factor in ensuring its success.

As indicated then, just one area in which profound change will take place is policing.

Future policing will be done by a smaller number of militarily-equipped police, transhuman police and technocratic police supported by corporate private security technology.

In this article, I will briefly outline the key changes to policing, in these three distinct categories, and also explain why these changes must be resisted and how we can do this most effectively.

Fewer and Militarized Police

Reflecting a longer term trend, in 2019 the International Association of Chiefs of Police reported that ‘Law enforcement agencies across the United States are struggling to recruit and hire police officers.’ While police killings of innocent civilians – see ‘Mapping Police Violence’ and ‘Not just “a few bad apples”: U.S. police kill civilians at much higher rates than other countries’ – failed to rate a mention in the report, it did at least acknowledge ‘Scrutiny of the police, cellphone recordings of interactions between the police and public, media coverage, and popular entertainment portrayals of police have led many young people to view police differently than their parents may have.’ See ‘The State of Recruitment: A Crisis for Law Enforcement’.

In late 2021, two years into policing the pandemic, US police reported a substantially increased rate of retirement and resignation among police officers, with more than five times as many police leaving the New York Police Department in 2021 as left in 2020. According to the report: ‘In the wake of a spasmodic year of protests and pandemic, plus an aftermath of violent crime, the profession may be fast approaching a generational and possibly historic reckoning.’ See ‘Law enforcement faces unprecedented challenges in hiring and keeping recruits’.

On the other side of the world, where the Victoria Police had suffered an image-battering following their violent policing of protests against Covid-19 lockdown measures – see ‘Australia: Harsh Police Response During Covid-19’ – the situation was the same: ‘Victoria Police is facing a staffing crisis with an extra 1500 frontline officers needed, secret modelling has warned.’ See ‘Secret Report Reveals Victoria Police Facing a Staffing Crisis’.

Of course other police forces around the world suffered image batterings in response to their violent response to those protesting ‘pandemic’ lockdowns and other restrictions. See, for example, ‘Serbia: Violent police crackdown against COVID-19 lockdown protesters must stop’.

But on top of long-standing issues in relation to police numbers exacerbated by political direction of policing behaviour while enforcing ‘pandemic’ lockdown measures, it is clear that the number of serving police has been reduced throughout the past three years by using two additional mechanisms: In many places, forcing those who resisted the ‘kill shot’ to resign from service – see, for example, ‘Victoria Police facing exodus due to draconian Covid rules’ – and, everywhere, by killing off a proportion of the police who were mandated to take the shot (which will continue to have impact in the years ahead).

Apart from this, the damaged reputation police suffered as a result of their role in enforcing the Elite program against those people willing to nonviolently protest the violation of their constitutional and human rights, has meant that the conscience-based resignation rate of police has risen – see, for example, ‘Conscientious Resignation of Police Officer in Australia’ – while recruitment has suffered in many places.

Separately from this, other resignations and retirements have probably occurred following official interference to thwart conscientious police officers asked or attempting to investigate deaths from Covid-19 injections – see one initiative by New Zealand doctors to have the issue investigated (‘Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination’) which ran into government obstruction (‘Jacinda Ardern Left Reeling As New Zealand Police Look at Investigating COVID Jab Deaths’) and a Canadian officer punished for conducting an investigation (‘Ottawa police officer charged for examining COVID-19 vaccine deaths’). Of course, any attempts to expose injection deaths among police colleagues have no doubt been ‘discouraged’ despite evidence of their occurrence.

In any case, two critical questions to ask are these: Were government policies that led to police violence during the pandemic designed to provoke public anger and induce police retirements and resignations as ways of reducing police numbers easily? And was official interference in police decisions about whether or not to investigate injection deaths partly designed to disenchant conscientious officers and induce further resignation/retirements?

Why would governments do this? Could it be part of a plan to facilitate the transformation of how policing is conducted? After all, the World Economic Forum has been clear about the Elite intention to robotize the workforce, with more than half of human workers projected to be replaced by robots within a few years.

See ‘Machines Will Do More Tasks Than Humans by 2025 but Robot Revolution Will Still Create 58 Million Net New Jobs in Next Five Years’.

So why should we expect police to be forced out of the workforce, one way or another, at a lesser rate than elsewhere?

Moreover, there is an additional problem: Any human police officer with a reasonably ‘normal’ psychological profile has a conscience. And these will not serve well in enforcing the coming technocratic order.

Separately from the numbers issue, the ongoing militarization of police forces around the world has been noted by many scholars. For a summary of some issues in relation to policing in the USA, see this article written in 2017: ‘Why are Police in the USA so Terrified?’

But it is clear that the trend to militarize policing has been accelerating for some years. In a recent article US constitutional attorney John Whitehead succinctly elaborates this trend as just one of the features to be expected from the US government in 2023:

‘Militarized police. Having transformed local law enforcement into extensions of the military, the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the FBI are moving into the next phase of the transformation, turning the nation’s police officers into techno-warriors, complete with iris scanners, body scanners, thermal imaging Doppler radar devices, facial recognition programs, license plate readers, cell phone extraction software, Stingray devices and so much more.’ See ‘What to Expect from the Government in 2023? More of the Same’ and ‘Stingray Tracking Devices: Who’s Got Them?’

So police numbers are being reduced and police are being militarized. But that is not all.

Transhuman Police

A critical component of the Elite program is to turn those not killed into transhuman slaves.

What is transhumanism?

In essence: Transhumanism is a set of beliefs based on the premise that human beings can be improved by genetic manipulation and/or implanting technologies into the brain and body to achieve enhanced capacities.

See ‘Beware the Transhumanists: How “Being Human” is being Re-engineered by the Elite’s Covid-19 Coup’.

While many people involved in this field are concerned with treating disabilities to improve the life experience of those afflicted, and some are engaged in ongoing discussions to consider the ethical issues this raises, it is clear that this is the sanitized version of a program that has far more hideous implications. For a sanitized version, watch this video of a World Economic Forum discussion held on 24 January 2020: ‘When Humans Become Cyborgs’.

But, for the Elite, there is little point deploying these technologies unless they can be controlled by Elite agents. After all, as the World Economic Forum made clear in 2016, by 2030 ‘You’ll Own Nothing. And You’ll Be Happy.’

See ‘8 predictions for the world in 2030’.

Obviously, if you are to own nothing and be happy about it, either you have reached some exalted state of human consciousness in which possessions no longer matter or someone is messing with your mind so that you believe what is not true.

And the best way to mess with someone’s mind is to implant a microchip into their body that enables control of that mind by someone else.

After all, altering what people think, feel, believe and do – through genetic manipulation and implanting technologies – is the very essence of transhumanism. So, to reiterate, transhumanists don’t want individuals with free will, they want individuals whose thoughts, feelings and behaviour can be controlled; that is, they want slaves. While this is explained at some length in the article ‘Beware the Transhumanists’ above, it is also made emphatically clear by World Economic Forum spokesperson, Professor Yuval Noah Harrari, in a 3-minute video which includes these words:

COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.

We now see mass surveillance systems established, even in democratic countries which previously rejected them, and we also see a change in the nature of surveillance. Previously, surveillance was mainly above the skin, now it’s going under the skin….

… free will: That’s over. Watch ‘Mr. Harari has just revealed the Reason for the Plandemic’.

You can also watch a video demonstration of Elon Musk’s neuralink chip illustrating how this will work. Watch ‘This Is How Elon Musk’s Neuralink Microchip Will Be Put In Your Brain’.

In summary then, the technology now available after decades of effort enables receiver nanochips to be sprayed, injected or otherwise implanted into human bodies. With the ongoing deployment of 5G (which includes extensive space and ground-based technologies: see ‘Deadly Rainbow: Will 5G Precipitate the Extinction of All Life on Earth?’), just one outcome of these combined technologies is that it will be possible to direct the individual behaviour of each person so implanted with directions from an external source.

You can watch a description of how the Covid-19 shots have been used to inject nanotechnology into the bodies of people which, under the direction of other individuals via EMF signals, can be assembled to establish a permanent communication and control link between the transhuman and those responsible for controlling it. Watch Maria Zeee’s interview of Dr. David Nixon who shows real time video footage of the nanotechnology inside the Covid-19 injections assembling robotic arms that guide the nanotechnology development:

‘World First: Robotic Arms Assembling Via Nanotech Inside COVID-19 “Vaccines” – Filmed in Real Time’.

There is another excellent video interview by Dr. Faiez Kirsten of Dr. Ana Mihalcea discussing the transhumanist agenda. This includes consideration of how geoengineering – by spraying metal particulates (such as aluminium, barium and strontium) and synthetic biology into the atmosphere – is being used to modify all life on this planet (‘to modify every cell, every microbe, to digitize it and then to fuse it in its natural state with synthetic biology’), the role of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) such as 5G in this scheme, and the purpose of nanotechnology ingredients in the injections. In essence, they conclude, besides killing vast numbers of people, they want to control the minds of those left alive. In summarizing, Mihalcea emphasised that her research demonstrates that the unvaccinated are not safe and they must take further action to defend their health from the synthetic biology attacks through atmospheric geoengineering and contaminated food.

‘We are running out of time as the human species and our planet is being destroyed via synthetic biology. If you want to survive and you want your children and grandchildren to have a chance of survival you must rise now and you must fight.’ Watch ‘A Discussion with Dr Ana Mihalcea on Transhumanism and EDTA Chelation’.

Moreover, given that the control technology of its transhuman slaves will be owned by corporate executives, this means that the Elite will be able to control everything from the launch of nuclear weapons (by using remote control to direct the chosen individual in a particular chain of command to order [or execute] the launch of one or more nuclear weapons at the target[s] nominated at the time[s] specified), deploy ‘cyborg soldiers’, ‘cyborg workers’ and ‘cyborg consumers’ to do as directed and, of course, ‘cyborg police’ to carry out the orders issued by those controlling the command technology.

In the case of transhuman police, this could range from duties resembling those now performed by police to any other task whatsoever to which they are assigned. And because the implanted chip will override free will, the transhuman individual will have no awareness of choice and will simply robotically perform the tasks delivered by an artificial intelligence program to the technological implants in its body and brain.

So whether programmed to issue a fine, kill a noncompliant individual, forcibly relocate one or more people from a rural area to the nearest ‘smart city’ or simply go home, the cyborg police officer will do as directed without thought or feeling of its own.

Technocratic Police and Corporate Private Security

In 2016, the World Bank published a report considering some of the consequences of robotization, including the problems that would be caused and how these might, theoretically, be addressed.

See ‘The rise of the machines: Economic and social consequences of robotization’ with a summary here: ‘The economic and social consequences of robotization’.

Despite one highly sanitized World Economic Forum account of robots leading to an increased workforce – see ‘Here’s why robots are actually going to increase human employment’ – another World Economic Forum report candidly noted that inequality would worsen as ‘robots will do half of all work tasks by 2025’. See

‘The Future of Jobs Report 2020’ and

‘WEF: Inequality likely to worsen as robots set to do half of work by 2025’.

And this is clearly evident in relation to police work where, beyond even the measures outlined above, a substantial range of new technologies will robotize policing, particularly in relation to primary functions: surveillance and control.

In essence, an increasing number of policing functions are being technologized to make policing more ruthlessly efficient. This involves use of a range of technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), the Internet of Bodies (IoB), the Internet of Places (IoP), artificial intelligence (AI), geofencing, digital identity, surveillance and facial recognition (3D) cameras, smart street poles and lights (which gather data via facial recognition cameras and environmental sensors, display digital signage and use speakers to instruct the immediate population how to behave), license plate readers and vehicle kill switches as well as autonomous and electromagnetic weapons.

But how these technologies are combined and deployed varies. To illustrate this, consider the Israeli private security company Gabriel Protects which offers a suite of surveillance and control services: ‘Preempt and contain physical threats in real time with smart technology. Billions are spent monitoring and recording security incidents. Gabriel detects and responds to them. Gabriel’s next generation security technology instantly detects and automates the response to violent threats, saving precious time and lives.’

As Whitney Webb explains: ‘much of the company’s future vision coincides with the vision of the intelligence agencies backing it – pre-crime, robotic policing and biometric surveillance.’ Hence, under the guise of stopping mass shootings ‘a surveillance system backed by top Mossad, CIA and FBI officials is being installed in schools, houses of worship, and other civilian locations’ throughout the USA. The Gabriel system includes the company’s ‘threat detection’ technology, which involves the use of ‘smart cameras’ that use AI as well as facial recognition and related technologies to detect weapons, ‘fights’ and ‘abnormal behavior’ in a particular area. The cameras throughout a facility, along with ‘smart shield’ panic buttons which can be activated both manually and remotely, are meant to act as ‘activation triggers’, with the triggering largely automated and managed by AI. When a trigger is set off, the Gabriel system enters the appropriate ‘alert mode’, which includes emergency, panic, silent panic and yellow (for minor incidents). Once activated, the panic button offers two-way communication, a live video feed and gunshot detection by acoustic means.

See ‘CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US’ and ‘Anonymous Philanthropist Gifts Israeli Life-Saving Tech to 500 US Synagogues and Schools’.

As one would expect, given the company is providing technologies that enable implementation of the Elite program to lock us all into their ‘smart cities’, Gabriel intends to expand far beyond schools and houses of worship to retail stores, warehouses, data centers and banks and is already heavily reliant on AI and machine learning while using drones and robots as security tools. Beyond this, it intends to develop predictive policing (‘pre-crime’) capabilities. See ‘Incident Response Solutions’ and ‘Disrupting Legacy Security’.

Of course, ‘pre-crime’ protocols are designed to ‘eliminate public dissent’. See ‘CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US’.

Gabriel is not the only corporation researching and providing technologies in these fields. Another prominent corporation is Palantir Technologies. There are others.

Needless to say, these corporations have close ties to the academy, the military and the intelligence community as well, all of which are also playing key roles in imposing the Elite program.

Obviously, these surveillance and control technologies are being widely deployed around the world with countries like China, Israel (including in Palestine) and the United States leading the way.

But to highlight precisely where this is headed, technocratic policing will include drones (used as aerial police) and robots equipped with electromagnetic weapons, such as those that tech guru Aman Jabbi calls ‘puke guns’ (to make the target individual vomit).

See ‘Digitizing Your Identity is the Fast-Track to Slavery: How Can You Defend Your Freedom?’

And if you would like a taste of where this might go, see ‘Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System’.

Beyond this, police robots are being used to deploy chemical weapons – see ‘Special delivery: Using police robots to deploy chemical agents’ – and fire tasers.

See ‘TASER-armed robots keep police out of harm’s way’.

But ‘explosive ordnance disposal robots’ have been used offensively since 1993 when a one-metre tall, 218-kilogram remote-controlled robot was sent into an apartment, used a television camera to locate a suspect hidden in a cupboard and then, under the remote-control direction of a technician, used a high-pressure water gun to knock the shotgun out of the suspected gunman’s hands, enabling the county police department’s version of a SWAT team to arrest him.

More dramatically, a police ‘killer robot’ has already been used to kill a suspected gunman. In 2016, police in Dallas in the USA crudely attached a bomb to a robot originally designed to investigate and safely discharge explosives and then deployed it near a suspect where it was detonated remotely.

See ‘How the Dallas Police Used an Improvised Killer Robot to Take Down the Gunman’.

Other police forces are considering using robots to kill suspects.

See, for example, ‘Oakland Cops Hope to Arm Robots with Lethal Shotguns’.

But the San Francisco Police Department has already developed a protocol for its use of robots to kill people: ‘Robots will only be used as a deadly force option when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers are imminent and outweigh any other force option available to SFPD.’

See ‘Law Enforcement Equipment Policy: Inventory Acquired Prior to January 2022’ and ‘SFPD authorized to kill suspects using robots in draft policy’.

The fundamental point is that human police officers are being replaced by a series of technologies guided by artificial intelligence and ending with the use of autonomous weapons systems (AWS).

And these technologies are already being widely deployed and used as part of the ongoing Elite program to build a technocratic state that will subvert human identity, privacy, dignity, volition and freedom.

How Can We Resist this Technocratic Policing Model Effectively?

A long-planned, vast range and parallel sequence of measures is being rapidly implemented to capture political, social, economic, medical and technological control of the human population. The intention is to kill off a substantial proportion of humanity and imprison those left alive as transhuman slaves in the Elite’s technocratic (surveillance and control) ‘smart’ cities, which will be policed by a range of current and emerging technologies.

And, as I have explained previously – see ‘We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?’ – because the Global Elite controls conventional political, economic, financial, technological, medical, educational, media and other important levers of society, the Elite has control of how events unfold while simultaneously giving it control of the narrative about what is taking place. As a result, the truth about the Elite plan is easily concealed. Consequently, effective resistance to this complex and sophisticated program requires a response based on a full understanding of the Elite’s deeper agenda and that is equally sophisticated.

This means that we cannot rely on any conventional channel, political, legal or otherwise.

Hence, the most effective defence against any aspect, including the technocratic policing model, of the full program that Elite agents in the World Economic Forum and elsewhere are imposing on us is to take action now that prevents foundational components of their program from being put into place.

Obviously, this requires us to clearly identify the foundations on which the Elite program is being built and to then mobilize as many people as possible, in as many countries as possible, to nonviolently noncooperate with the building of these foundations or, to the extent they exist already, to disrupt them so that they cannot function effectively.

And the time to do this is now.

If we do this effectively, the technologies – including 5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI), digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), geofencing, a plethora of ‘Smart’ devices, and the surveillance and facial recognition cameras – that will make the technocratic policing model possible will be stopped before they are fully deployed.

So if you are interested in being strategic in your resistance to the ‘Great Reset’ and its related agendas, you are welcome to participate in the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ campaign which identifies a list of 30 strategic goals for doing so.

One of these strategic goals reads as follows:

‘To cause the police and security personnel to resist the introduction and use of those surveillance and control technologies – including (among many others) 5G, 6G, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), geofencing, smart street poles and lights (which gather data via facial recognition cameras and environmental sensors, display digital signage and use speakers to instruct the immediate population how to behave), digital identity, surveillance and facial recognition cameras, license plate readers, vehicle kill switches, drones (used as aerial police), robots (including as a ‘deadly force option’), autonomous and electromagnetic weapons – that are being used to transform policing to collect your data and control your behaviour as part of the ongoing Elite program to build a technocratic prison that will subvert human identity, human dignity, human volition, human privacy and/or human freedom.’

So one vital role that you can play is to talk to individual police officers that you know personally, inform them of the role they are slated to play in the coming technocratic order, and invite them to consider the implications of this for them and their loved ones, and then listen to them as they talk about it.

And you can visit your local police station or write them a letter to raise awareness of what is happening and ask them to consider whether this is a future they wish for themselves or their family.

In addition, you can download the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ one-page flyer that identifies a short series of crucial nonviolent actions that anyone can take. This flyer, now available in 23 languages (Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Slovak and Turkish) with several more languages in the pipeline, can be downloaded from here: ‘One-page Flyer’.

Moreover, if this strategic resistance to the ‘Great Reset’ (and related agendas) appeals to you, consider joining the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ Telegram group (with a link accessible from the website).

And if you want to organize a mass mobilization, such as a rally, at least make sure that one or more of any team of organizers and/or speakers is responsible for inviting people to participate in this campaign and that some people at the event are designated to hand out the one-page flyer about the campaign.

Ideally, prior to any such event, a liaison team should visit the police responsible for policing the event to discuss it but also raise awareness of how police are being used by the Elite in this context. See ‘Nonviolent Activism and the Police’and ‘How To Do Police Liaison’.

At this point too, it is worth keeping in mind that in virtually all contexts, including when dealing with police, it is invaluable to listen, deeply. This should help you understand the other person better and might help open a door to greater awareness on their part in the future. In any case, it is a great gift, whatever its immediate outcome. See ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep Listening’.

If you like, you can also watch, share and/or organize to show, a short video about the campaign here: ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ video.

In parallel with our resistance, we must create the political, economic and social structures that serve our needs, not those of the Elite. That is why long-standing efforts to encourage and support people to grow their own biodynamic/organic food – see ‘23 Reasons You Should Start a Garden in 2023’ – participate in local trading schemes (involving the exchange of knowledge, skills, services and products with or without a local medium of exchange), such as Local Exchange Trading Systems and Community Exchange Systems, as well as develop structures for cooperation, governance, nonviolent defence and networking with other communities are so important.


To summarize very simply: human police officers are being militarily-equipped in the short term, to be rapidly replaced by transhuman police as well as ‘technocratic police’: artificial intelligence (AI) that will direct policing and involve transhuman police, drones, robots and autonomous & electromagnetic weapons systems (AWS). This is one small but vital part of the comprehensive Elite program to kill off most of us, enslave those left alive, enclose the Commons forever and capture all wealth.

Hence, one valuable function we can perform is to inform police of this and invite them to resist it.

Of course, it is not a message that will resonate with every police officer or every member of the community, for that matter. As you already know.

Many human beings, including police officers, are badly emotionally-damaged people. See ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.

But it is crucial that we keep telling the truth and giving people chances to perceive the deeper Elite program and what it portends for humanity. Because it is not a future any human being, including police officer, should want to embrace if they value human identity, privacy, dignity, volition and freedom for themselves or their children.

Hence, our persistence in presenting the information, while listening well when appropriate, is crucial to mobilizing the resistance we need to succeed.


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Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is [email protected] and his website is here. He is a regular contributor to ‘Global Research’.

Featured image is from Neon Nettle

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis,  Global Coup d’État Against Humanity 


Michel Chossudovsky

From the very outset in January 2020, people worldwide were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic. Media disinformation and the fear campaign were instrumental in sustaining the COVID-19 narrative. Scientific lies and falsehoods have been used to sustain the legitimacy of the COVID-19 policy mandates including lockdowns, the imposition of the face mask, social distancing and the suppression of fundamental human rights.

People worldwide were led to believe that Big Pharma’s COVID-19 vaccine injections were the “solution”.

A structure of  “Global Governance” dominated by powerful financial interests is unfolding which undermines democracy and the institutions of civil society.  More than 7 billion people worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis and the destructive mandates implemented by morally depraved national governments. The entire planet is in state of economic and social chaos.

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.  

My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


As a means to reaching out to millions of people worldwide whose lives have been affected by the corona crisis, we have decided in the course of the next few weeks to distribute the eBook for FREE.

Price: $11.50. FREE COPY Click here to download.

If you are unable to download the E-Book, contact Michel Chossudovsky at [email protected] and / or send a message to  [email protected] 

To support the eBook project, you can make a donation by accessing Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

We also invite you to become a member of Global Research.

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We will shortly be opening a readers’ comment page on the eBook.

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This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized, Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. -Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin


Reviewed in Japan 🇯🇵 on November 18, 2022

“It’s a great book that I want people all over Japan to read. When I read this book, the various events explained in chronological order all fall into place and context, and they came close with a sense of reality. It’s terrifying. My heart became pounding and painful as I read on. We must carefully determine the reverse side of the goodwill of the people who organized the COVID-19 pandemic. What can we do as a grassroots person? It’s a tough question.

… そのあとに本書を読むと、時系列に説明されている様々な出来事が、ことごとく腑に落ち、現実味をもって迫ってきました。恐ろしいです。読み進めるうちに胸がドキドキ苦しくなりました。コロナ禍を仕組んだ人びとの善意の裏の顔をしっかりと見極めなければなりません。私自身はワクチンを一度も打ちませんでしたが、だから良かったという単純な話ではありません。個人的には、打った仲のよい友達との話に断絶を感じていますし、多くの方々が不幸を味わっています。これこそ、コロナ禍を仕掛けた人々の狙いなのです。草の根の一人として、何ができるでしょうか?難しい問題です。


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International COVID Summit III: Join or Support!

April 25th, 2023 by Dr. Robert Malone

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After months of planning, the Third International COVID Summit will be starting soon.

The first of these summits was held in the Italian Senate in Rome Italy, at a time when there were lockdowns and mandates across Europe, Australia, Canada, the United States, and much of Latin America. That summit was the first time that physicians and medical scientists came together from across the world to share information about the early treatment treatment plans and repurposed drug strategies that they had developed and tested in their home countries and clinical practices.

We came together over three days to share information (and great Italian food!), and friendships, bonds, collaborations and alliances were forged which have lasted throughout the COVID crisis. This event was live-streamed and it reported that it reached almost 100 million people throughout the world! A personal highlight for me was traveling to the Vatican and discussing COVID policy, vaccines and early treatment with Cardinal Peter Turkson, then considered #2 in the Vatican.

However, we had one requirement which the authorities insisted we abide by – we were not allowed to discuss the vaccines in the public sessions! Despite adhering to the plan, Italian and international press attacked us for spreading mis- and dis-information, and labeled ten of us as “the dirty dozen” spreaders of vaccine and early treatment heresy.

Time passed, and the Second International COVID Summit was held in France at two locations – Massy (outside of Paris) and Marseilles. France was chosen for the second summit largely because it was planned around the anticipated attendance of Nobel Laureate Professor Luc Montagnier, who unfortunately passed away prior to the meeting. Personal highlights for me with that summit was the opportunity to speak in private with Professor Didier Raoult, who pioneered the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for treating COVID (among many other lifetime achievements), and learning about the role of his family in the French resistance to the Nazi occupation of France. The Massy rally was particularly powerful because of the participation of so many resistance leaders from across Europe, and in particular the many medical professionals who had lost their jobs and careers for not accepting the COVID vaccines.

And now, as the COVID crisis winds down and we all seek to make sense of what has been done to us, and how these atrocious “public health” policy decisions were made, we have the historic Third International COVID Summit, on invitation of members of the European Parliament, who are providing donations and support from their own personal budgets to help defray the travel expenses of those participants and speakers who have much to contribute but face financial hardship because they have spoken out against the narrative in their own countries.

This multi-day summit will begin to provide the professional and scientific analysis desperately needed to help create a new vision for public health in the future.

I hope you can join us, physically or virtually (the event will be streamed), and ask that you consider donating to the organizers who have worked so hard to make this happen, now for the third time.

Donations to support the travel costs of international speakers who otherwise cannot afford to participate, and to support venue costs, can be made at www.

Co-Hosting Members of the European Parliament: 

  • FRANCESCA DONATO, Non-attached Member of the European Parliament
  • IVAN VILIBOR SINČIĆ, Non-attached Member of the European Parliament
  • CHRISTINE ANDERSON, Identity and Democracy
  • MISLAV KOLAKUŠIĆ, Non-attached Member of the European Parliament
  • CRISTIAN TERHEȘ, European Conservatives and Reformists




The last three years took us all by surprise. We were separated from each other, isolated and afraid.

Now that that it seems to be coming to an end, we want to unite and combine all that we have learned from all over the world to start healing and make sure that this never happens again.

We are organizing an International COVID Summit in the European Parliament in Brussels on May 3, 2023.

This event is aimed to comprehensively and objectively look at important details surrounding COVID-19 and the pandemic.

We are planning to bring world renowned and highly revered professionals from all around the globe to Brussels in order to discuss the scientific, social, medical and legal statistics and findings of the last three years. By taking an in-depth look at this important information, these professionals can give comprehensive and positive strategies and suggestions to help us all move forward from this pandemic constructively, proactively and productively.


They have stripped us of our rights under the guise of emergencies. They have tried to coerce us into compliance and frighten us into submission. They have punished us for asking questions and censored us for speaking truth. They have terminated us, delicensed us, discredited us, banned us and segregated us. They have tried to divide and conquer us in hopes of weakening our union. They have tried everything in their power to break us. Yet, here we still stand. A little battered and bruised but still whole, strong and, above all, united in our fight for truth and freedom.

This is the sign of true warriors. No matter what they take from us, they can never take the freedom out of our soul. They could not intimidate us into compliance. They could not scare us into silence. They could not extinguish our spirit. No matter what they tried to do, we continued to tell our truth. We did not go away.

In the most challenging moments, all we had to do was look at the quality of people standing with us on this quest to know that we could not be defeated. Standing united with us are the best and strongest warriors who live their life with the highest level of integrity and who would do it all again, no matter what it cost them. This grit and tireless pursuit for truth and freedom has now paid off.

After successfully organizing the International COVID Summit I in the Senate in Rome, Italy and the International COVID Summit II in Massy, France, we are honored to announce that The ICS Group has been invited to organize the International COVID Summit III in Brussels, Belgium.

This will be a three-day event from May 2 – May 4, 2023:

  • May 2, 2023 will be a closed-door medical conference
  • May 3, 2023 will be a full day of testimony in the European Parliament
  • May 4, 2023 will be a public event

After years of being censored, we now have the opportunity to speak openly about true research and data on one of the biggest stages in the world. The same information that got us censored, de-platformed, delicensed, suspended and fired is now being sought. We finally have an incredible opportunity to share these facts and research as well as effective ways to move forward productively and positively. We finally have an opportunity to start healing.

​Unfortunately, in order to weaken the strongest warriors, they hit us hard by aiming at our financial stability. While the warriors in us are still strong and we are still ready to fight for truth and freedom, we need some help getting to that stage.

​We are asking for donations to help unite the best professionals from around the world in Brussels for this historical event. This three-day event will be focused on presenting true data and research, moving out of this pandemic stronger than before and implementing ways to make sure that this never happens again.

If you are in a position to help please donate.

All proceeds will go towards travel, venues and accommodations for these world-renowned professionals to participate in this historical event. If you are in Brussels, Belgium we welcome you to join us for the Public Event on May 4, 2023.

Click here to donate.

EU Parliament: Summit Agenda

European Parliament, Brussels, Room PHS1A2

8:30 – 9:00        REGISTRATION


  • MR. CRISTIAN TERHEȘ, European Conservatives and Reformists – ROMANIA
  • MR. IVAN VILIBOR SINČIĆ, Non-attached Member of the European Parliament – CROATIA        




  • DR. DAVID MARTIN – USA, the gathering storm – the cost of silenced questions
  • NICK HUDSON – SOUTH AFRICA, mandates and lockdowns without data or science
  • PROFESSOR CIRO ISIDORO – ITALY, COVID-19: a novel disease that resembles an old disease
  • PROFESSOR GIOVANNI MELEDANDRI – ITALY, interdisciplinary insights from the Sars-Cov-2 and COVID-19
  • DR. ANDREA STRAMEZZI – ITALY, early responses:  boots on the ground in Italy


  • DR. LOUIS FOUCHE – FRANCE, effects of mandates – masks and lockdowns
  • DR. PIERRE KORY – USA, ivermectin and suppression of early treatment
  • PROFESSOR DIDIER RAOULT – FRANCE, early treatment: hydroxychloroquine and the IHU
  • PROFESSOR PHILIPPE BROUQUI – FRANCE, early treatment: hydroxychloroquine and the IHU       
  • JASON CHRISTOFF – CANADA, media over medicine: the power of media


  • DR. BYRAM BRIDLE – CANADA, the COVID-19 Vaccine Trials
  • DR. HARVEY RISCH – USA, the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines


12:10 – 13:00    LUNCH AND NETWORKING


  • PROFESSOR GIUSEPPE TRITTO – ITALY, effects of vaccine on male fertility
  • DR. NATALIA PREGO – SPAIN, effects of vaccine on female fertility
  • PROFESSOR GIOVANNI FRAJESE-ITALY, effects of vaccine on pregnancy and reproduction


  • DR. KIRK MILHOAN – USA, effects of COVID-19 virus in children
  • DR. ALEJANDRO DIAZ VILLALOBO – MEXICO, effects of COVID-19 vaccine in children
  • EMMANUELLE DARLES – FRANCE, effects of mandates on children


  • PROFESSOR ARNE BURKHARTD – GERMANY, COVID-19 vaccine damage to heart and lungs
  • DR. RYAN COLE – USA, COVID-19 vaccine and cancer
  • DR. ROSANNA CHIFARI – ITALY, neurological damage of COVID-19 vaccine

14:50 – 15:00    Coffee Break


  • VINCENT PAVAN – FRANCE, statistics for all-cause mortality in France
  • PROFESSOR THEO SCHETTERS – NETHERLANDS, statistics for all-cause mortality in Netherlands
  • PROFESSOR HERVE SELIGMANN- GERMANY, statistics for all-cause mortality in Europe
  • DR. JESSICA ROSE – CANADA, vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS)


  • MARIA GUTSCHI – CANADA, what they did not tell us: approval process of the vaccines
  • DAVID WISEMAN – UK, what they did not tell us: approval process of the vaccines
  • EVA VLAARDINGERBROEK- NETHERLANDS, effects on land, food, energy and travel
  • DR. AMIN UMLIL – FRANCE, medical freedom
  • RENATE HOLZEISEN – ITALY, the legalities surrounding the pandemic
  • DR. MERYL NASS – USA, W.H.O., I.H.R. – treaty and the pandemic accord
  • DR. KATARINA LINDLEY – CROATIA, W.H.O., I.H.R. treaty and the pandemic accord




  • MR. IVAN VILIBOR SINČIĆ, Non-attached Member of the European Parliament – CROATIA
  • MRS. FRANCESCA DONATO, Non-attached Member of the European Parliament – ITALY
  • MR. MISLAV KOLAKUŠIĆ, Non-attached Member of the European Parliament – CROATIA
  • MRS. CHRISTINE ANDERSON, Identity and Democracy – GERMANY
  • MR. CRISTIAN TERHEȘ, European Conservatives and Reformists – ROMANIA

 A networking cocktail will start at 19:00, in SPAAK 12 venue.


The International COVID Summit team is made up of Medical Specialists and Lawyers from the following countries:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • Italy
  • Peru
  • Argentina
  • UK
  • France
  • Paraguay
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Mexico
  • Dominican Republic
  • Columbia
  • Bolivia
  • Poland
  • India
  • Slovenia
  • South Africa
  • Germany
  • Puerto Rico
  • Croatia
  • Spain
  • Greece
  • Portugal
  • Czech Republic
  • Australia
  • Bulgaria
  • Slovakia
  • Romania
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala


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Featured image is by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay

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The Latin saying “O (what) times, O (what) mores!” still laments the changing times and the decay of mores.

Those who want to be informed in detail and truthfully about the rapid change in the political climate, about the rapprochement of formerly hostile states in the Middle East and Africa and the worldwide takeover of the WHO, and who want to know more about the decay of morals in the West and the legalisation of drugs, should turn to internationally accessible alternative media such as “Global Research”. He will be well advised to do so.

Therefore, the following thoughts are primarily an attempt to answer the question of what possibilities awake citizens (still) have to put a stop to this disturbing development and to take decisive countermeasures. 

One possibility, in my opinion, is for us citizens to try out humanism and prove that humanity is social, good and capable of living together without weapons and wars.

Trying out humanism

Humanism, as a philosophical current and human life practice, is based on the optimistic image of mankind as capable of positive development and the improvement of human existence. Essential conditions for this are respect for the human dignity of each individual, freedom of thought and action, freedom of expression and the absence of violence and coercion. A positive social environment and education promote the humanistic ideal of free personality development (1). 

Although the civilisational development of humanity has progressed steadily over the millennia, we still seem to be entirely at the beginnings of humanisation in terms of taming violence. But since violence is not an expression of human nature but a product of historical and cultural conditions, it is possible to master violence and eliminate it from individual and community relations.

Children in particular cannot develop into healthy, upright personalities under violence and coercion. Therefore, education at home and school should refrain from any use of violence and fear-inducing authority and turn to the child’s soul life with true understanding. 

However, human emotional life is not to be understood solely as the result of the parent-child relationship. The values prevailing in a culture and the feelings corresponding to them, as whose mediators parents, teachers and educators approach the child on a daily basis, are also decisive. A positive social environment can only be created if we citizens are committed to a conscious ethical-moral values education and to an education for public spirit and peace. 

The question of education is also important. It should primarily teach people how they should and can solve their problems. Among the most important problems are his attitude towards life, his opinion about himself, his partner, his attitude towards children, his opinion about his neighbour, the community and the state. If he succeeds in this, he will get a more realistic view about himself and also the other person (2). 

Present evidence that people are social  

The term “social” colloquially means the positive relationship of one person to another or even several other persons, which means having a feeling for the community, a sense of community. This includes the abilities to take an interest in others, to empathise with them, to help them, to protect the weaker and possibly to put one’s own interests aside in the process (3). 

More than 100 years ago, the Russian political scientist, human geographer and philosopher Prince Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) wrote in his book “Mutual Aid in the Animal and Human World” that in nature and society there is by no means only a struggle for survival, a struggle of all against all (social Darwinism), but that the principle of “mutual aid” also prevails. Those living beings who implement this principle would survive more successfully. 

Kropotkin observed both nature and natural beings and related his findings to human beings. The natural scientific depth psychology is based on these findings. According to this, man is a naturally social being who is oriented towards the community of his fellow human beings and has a tendency towards good (4).

From this insight into the feeling of belonging together of all those who bear human traits, the teachers of the moral leaders of humanity, the wisdom of Lao Tzu, the commandment of love for one’s neighbour and the innumerable forms of social life and behaviour grew. The exhortations of the human sense of community can never be eradicated, for the gift of evolution consists in the moral consciousness of the individual, in the insight into the responsibility of all towards all. 

A practical example from school will confirm the social nature of man. It will interest and move teachers and parents alike, who have long been struggling with the present school system because of the inadequate teaching and care of their children. 

It is the story of a fellow teacher who, with a well-considered move, managed to reconcile with an irritated boy who even put his legs up on the school desk in class. He made peace with him and ended the state of war that was affecting the whole class.

When he began teaching himself, he felt more like a tamer of an unwilling horde than a respected educator. But pressure and violence – that was his resolution – were not to gain the upper hand in the classroom and he wanted to understand why he would react so strongly to the disruptive behaviour of pupils. After all, there was a lively little boy of 13 sitting in the class who found talking to his neighbour much more interesting than the lessons. 

Since he did not feel understood by the teachers with his personal worries and needs, he could not concentrate on the lessons either. His parents were separated and his older brother, unlike him, attended grammar school. 

When the colleague got angry and threatened consequences, the student’s disruptive behaviour increased. Only gradually did the colleague become aware that he had been drawn into a power struggle for the upper hand in the class by the pupil. Therefore, he met him with resentment, displeasure and an insulted expression. The pupil reacted to this with new provocations and finally put his legs on the school bench. 

Although the colleague felt a strong desire to impose his will and force him to obey, he approached the student after the lunch break with a beating heart and made an attempt at reconciliation. He said to him: “While I cannot accept the behaviour you have shown in the last lesson, maybe it is a little bit up to me. I hope we can find a way to reconcile together.” 

This reconciliation was only possible because the colleague became aware of the student’s difficult family situation and the state of war in the class. By putting himself emotionally in the pupil’s situation, he chose a different path from violence. He made peace with the child and ended the state of war.

The effect was incredible. The student now followed the lesson completely amazed and attentive and finally defended the teacher-colleague in front of the whole class because other students criticised him. He got into a different mood because he felt understood by the teacher. 

The whole episode not only proves that man is social, it also points the way to a peaceful world for all educators. 

Man is good, but irritated 

When we look around the world, we find that human beings are good but irritated psychologically. No human being can solve his problems in marriage, with children or in social life. We beat the children and wage murderous wars. But all this is due to improper education. Therefore, psychological knowledge must be imparted to all people so that they can solve their personal problems and begin to steer the world on a peaceful course.

Man is not destined from the outset to be a wolf or a lamb. His freedom consists in the fact that he can make himself what he is to be in the future. When man does evil, he has chosen it beforehand; he has willed it beforehand. The origin of evil does not lie in human nature. 

Present evidence that human beings are capable of living together without weapons and wars. 

The generalised “image” of the “struggle for existence” is meant to justify that war in the world has not been overcome – and cannot be overcome. However, this view of “homo homini lupus” (man is a wolf to man) is fundamentally wrong. It is based on a superficiality that becomes immediately obvious on closer inspection.

An unbiased examination of historical wars teaches us that the arbitrariness of the ruling classes is one of the first causes of war. Disputes among kings, the lust for conquest of a ruler or his warrior caste, in other words, the lust for power of the powerful has led peoples into wars in which they bled to death for the interests of their potentates. The competition between the religions, each of which believed itself to be in possession of the absolute truth, gave further cause for warlike entanglements in which people died for the power of their church. 

The modern era, which realised the primacy of the economy over the other spheres of public life, then created the type of economic warfare in which the masters of commerce and industry engaged the peoples in a struggle for sources of raw materials and markets. In almost all wars of the last centuries, the economic factor plays a dominant role, although it is sometimes hidden behind other motivations. 

The causes of wars were thus manifold, but every war was fought in the interest of a small upper class, which alone benefited from victory and the associated gain in land and riches. The peoples themselves, who went into battle for their secular or ecclesiastical rulers, were allowed little or no share in the benefits of their conquest. They were not asked whether they wanted to go to war or not; they were forced to take up arms.  

It is therefore not right to hold the “peoples” responsible for their wars; it was always only their ruling classes that feuded and tried to subjugate each other. That is why it is wrong to attribute war to human nature. Human nature is peaceful. 

The majority of people love to go about their work, cultivate the fields and live in friendship with their neighbours. The range of vision of most people does not extend so far as to set out for other countries or even continents and carry there the devastating flame of war. Only the lust for power of those who function as authorities within the peoples and are imbued by their social position with the spirit of violence, drives time and again to warlike conflicts in which the peoples bleed to death for the benefit of their masters and exploiters.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a school rector, educational scientist and qualified psychologist. After his university studies, he became an academic teacher in adult education. As a retiree he worked as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and professional articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral education in values as well as an education for public spirit and peace. For his services to Serbia, he was awarded the Republic Prize “Captain Misa Anastasijevic” by the Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad in 2021. 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.






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Credit Suisse: The Continuing Saga

April 25th, 2023 by Peter Koenig

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The “case“ Credit Suisse (CS), referring to the Swiss Government’s forced merger of UBS and CS on 18/19 March 2023 the Dark Banking Weekend, has by no means reached an end, and much less a happy end.

According to Swissinfo, as of 3 April 2023, the takeover has been agreed but not yet carried out. Some hesitation and reservation may have grown within the Swiss Government, receiving top-expert-advice from many corners, but especially from within Switzerland, mostly regarding the legality of the deal.

Professor Arturo Bris, teaching finance at the IMD Business school in Lausanne, who has examined 1,000 deals between 2002 and 2022 says

“Mergers between established banks like UBS and CS, which are no longer growing rapidly and are less profitable than their competitors, almost never work.”

The CEO of the Swiss Julius Bär Bank, Philipp Rickenbacher, sees a long road ahead before the takeover can be deemed a success.

“An integration of that order of magnitude in Switzerland is going to take a lot of resources and effort, and a lot of complexity,” he told the Financial Times.

Julius Bär has seen inflows of client assets from both Credit Suisse and UBS in magnitudes of above CHF 60 billion in recent weeks. And the private banking group has been contacted by many Credit Suisse staff asking for job opportunities.

Both Professor Bris and CEO Rickenbacher believe that states should not have to intervene to save banks from collapsing. Rickenbacher adds, “My gut feeling and moral compass says that a private institution should be able to fail.” 

According to a recent poll, many Swiss economists found that the takeover of Credit Suisse is not the best solution and warned that the situation has dented Switzerland’s reputation as an international banking center.


This is the on-the-surface visible critique of the government-forced take-over. Underneath remains a myriad of questions, mostly of a legal nature, which are yet to be answered. A Big One is over the validity of the deal.

The government prompted takeover was carried out under a legally shady “emergency” measure. This emergency measure is being questioned by lawyers and legal experts in Switzerland and around the world.

It is also questioned by major shareholders of CS, as well as AT1 Bondholders. AT1 stands for Additional Tier 1 Bonds. They were created after the 2008 financial crisis, and are a type of hybrid debt issued by banks. They are a kind of quasi-capital and are supposed to protect a bank from tax-payer bailouts.

AT1 bonds can offer high returns, but they are riskier than regular bonds.

In the case of CS, neither the shareholders or the AT1 bondholders were consulted before the compulsory takeover. This is particularly problematic, because on Friday before the “emergency merger”, the Swiss Central Bank granted CS a “bail-out” line of credit of CHF 50 billion, which, according to CS inside and outside analysts, as well as FINMA, the Swiss Financial Market Regulator, would have been sufficient to bring back CS to normal banking within less than a year.

CS had apparently no serious liquidity problem. It had a trust problem growing out of rumors that the bank may fail. And rumors can be planted. A case in point is the Californian Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). Banking experts say, the trust issue could have been resolved with this Government bailout line of credit which would also have helped CS to get rid of old skeletons.

Under the emergency merger, CS shares dropped by more than 50% on Monday, 20 March, from what they were on Friday, 17 March, i.e. on March 15, they were CHF 1.76 and rose to CHF 2.05 on Friday, with the prospect of the bailout credit, dropping to CHF 0.91 on Monday, March 20.

Shareholders were not at all happy.

AT1 bondholders were even unhappier, not to say angry, when they learned on Monday, 20 March, that under the government-enforced deal, all AT1 bonds of CHF 16 billion ($17.24 billion) were written down to zero.

According to the Financial Times, the Swiss Tages-Anzeiger and the NZZ, three class-action suits by AT1 bondholders against the Swiss Government are being prepared by attorneys in the US and Singapore. It is likely that shareholders will either join them or launch their own class action suit.

Major shareholders include:

  • Saudi National Bank 10%
  • Olayan Group, Saudi Arabia 5%
  • Qatar Holding LLC 5%
  • Black Rock 5%

The Saudi National Bank has already announced they will sue the Swiss government. It is likely that the Saudi Olayan Group and Qatar Holding will join the lawsuit. That makes 20% of Arabian shareholders suing the Swiss government for its hardly justified emergency measure, that supposedly prevents the Swiss government from having to consult with shareholders. After all, the Swiss Central Bank had granted CS a CHF 50 billion “bail-out” line of credit, just on Friday 17 March, before the dark, “Black Box” weekend of 18/19 March.

See also this and this.

It is well possible that other shareholders may join the Class Action “club”. For example, the Pension Fund of the largest Swiss retailer, MIGROS, which lost CHF 100 million in the AT1 write-off, has told the Swiss Tages-Anzeiger they will join a Class Action suit.

Will these legal procedures be successful? Depends whom you ask. Standard & Poor’s predicts the law suits will unlikely succeed. On the other hand, Goldman Sachs believes these lawsuits may thrive to the point where GS is ready to purchasing CS AT1 bonds, to make money if the plaintiffs win their case, and the AT1 bonds have to be revalued.

The forced UBS / CS merger is far from finished for Switzerland. It is possible that it may cost the government or UBS another CHF 30 billion (about US$ 34 billion, at current exchange rates). That would be ten times more than UBS agreed to pay under this emergency action, namely only CHF 3 billion.

Among the four major shareholders listed above is BlackRock (5%). They have been watching from the sidelines. There are rumors that initially they advanced the possibility of taking over CS. But the rumors were quickly dispelled, as the Swiss government expressed concern that CS should stay in Switzerland.

The combined UBS / CS would have some US$ 5 trillion of managed assets.

The former head of the Swiss Central Bank, Philipp Hildebrand, joined BlackRock in 2012 as Vice-Chairman in charge of investments. He knows the ropes and wheeling and dealing of Switzerland inside-out.

It is quite possible that for now Hildebrand watches from the sidelines how this “CS case” evolves. If the plaintiffs win with a claim of say CHF 20 to CHF 30 billion against the Swiss Government, Switzerland could not simply absorb the debt with taxpayers money. So, they would pass it on to UBS. Yet, UBS was already reluctant to accept the take-over precisely because such mergers are complex and require lengthy processes before they may succeed, as per Philipp Rickenbacher, CEO of the Julius Bär Bank.

UBS would unlikely be able to absorb such a debt. In which case, a scenario where BlackRock jumps in from the sideline to help and take over UBS, is not to be excluded. That would add another US$ 5 trillion to BlackRock’s already at least US$ 10 trillion of managed assets and make the giant financial rock even more powerful.

Just a thought. Not to be discarded.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

“Freedom of Religion” and Other Lies

April 25th, 2023 by Philip Giraldi

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The United States government, in its incessant bullying of foreign nations to get them to see the world the way that the cabal that runs Washington sees it, ironically often cites such fictions as the “rule of law” that guarantees such “rights” as “free speech” and “freedom of religion” to justify its illegal actions. Right at the moment, the United States maintains garrisons illegally in both Iraq, where the country’s parliament has as it to depart, and also in neighboring Syria where the government is fighting an insurgency that seeks regime change and is supported by both the US and Israel.

The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 is analogous to what Russia has done in Ukraine though Moscow certainly had stronger compelling national security reasons for doing what it did while the United States had to construct a series of lies to provide as an excuse to topple Saddam Hussein, an objective strongly supported by Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who added his own fabrications to the exchanges.

One has to look to the media to discern the reasons why some developments are wrapped in “religious freedom” or “democracy promotion” while other actions are ignored or even covered-up. Currently the right-wing Jewish extremists who have gained control of Israel’s government are engaging in something like genocide directed against the Palestinian population, many of whom are actually Israeli citizens though possessing second class rights when they are enforced at all. Israel regards itself legally as a Jewish state, so what is the “rule of law” for those who are not Jews and how does it perceive “religious freedom?” Considerable government pressure is being exerted to force the “terrorists,” as the Arab residents are frequently called, to emigrate or face the consequences if they choose not to. It is directed most particularly against those Palestinians who are leaders in their community and it has therefore focused on the major Arab religious groups, both the Christians and the Muslims.

Ironically, though one can read in the US media almost daily accounts of alleged surging anti-semitism and the myth of perpetual Jewish victimhood, the ongoing brutality against the Palestinians, including their religious foundations and practices, is hardly noticed. That is the fundamental problem as the silence or perhaps the willful connivance of the American media and entertainment industry, firmly in the grip of the Jewish community and its “standards,” has shaped the narrative and limited any propagation of contrary opinion. It is a process that is similar to what has taken place with any discussion of the Ukraine war in the mainstream media, where there is also a heavy Jewish footprint.

There have been two major incidents involving Jewish assertion of its occupation of and control over all of Jerusalem that have recently impacted on the country’s religious minorities during their holy seasons, Easter and Ramadan. The first consisted of two consecutive middle-of- the-night attacks by Israeli police and soldiers in full riot gear armed with stun grenades and clubs on Palestinians spending the night at the al-Aqsa mosque on Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the third holiest site for Muslims. The Palestinian men were there in part to protect the building from Jewish settlers who have been threatening to destroy it. The Palestinians inside were beaten by police, who had broken into the mosque, and as many as 350 mostly young men were later arrested for resisting.

The second incident was an order by Israeli police limiting the regular Christian gathering on Holy Saturday, referred to as the “Holy Fire” celebration, at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which normally attracts 10,000 worshippers, to no more than 1,800 attendees. On the day of the ceremony, Israeli police reacted with heavy-handed tactics to block hundreds of Orthodox Christians from gathering at the church, which is at the center of the old Christian quarter of the city. Several Coptic Orthodox priests were particularly targeted in front of the church and beaten with batons. Israeli forces closed off access to the site with roadblocks and barriers at the gates of the Old City, permitting only small numbers of Christians and those with government permits to enter.

Both steps restricting freedom of religion were taken without any consultation with the respective communities and without any evidence that there would be disorder or violence without the police interventions. The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the Israeli action as a “blatant attack on the freedom of worship” and a “flagrant attack on the existing political, historical and legal status quo in occupied Jerusalem and on Israel’s obligations as an occupying regime in Jerusalem” that
“violate international law, international humanitarian law and signed agreements.” The Christian churches’ leadership also separately objected to no avail and responded to the threat by observing that Palestinian Christians are themselves under increasing pressure from the Israeli government to force them to emigrate. Christians constituted 20% of the Israeli population in 1947 but now are fewer than 2%.

Indeed, since the rise this year of Israel’s most far-right government in history, Palestinian Christians frequently experience Jewish Israeli discrimination at all levels. They directly observe how their 2,000-year-old community in the Holy Land has come under increasing attack. In March, two Israeli men assaulted and beat a priest in the church sited at the Tomb of the Virgin Mary. In February, a statue of Jesus was vandalized by an American Jewish tourist at the Church of the Condemnation, where Jesus was flogged and sentenced to death while a month earlier, dozens of Christian graves were desecrated by two Jewish teenagers at the Anglican cemetery on Mount Zion, where Jesus’s Last Supper took place. In November, two soldiers from the Israeli army’s Givati Brigade spit at the Armenian archbishop and other pilgrims during a procession in the Old City. Christian clerics living in Jerusalem claim that they are frequently physically assaulted and spat on by settlers and other Jewish Israelis when they are walking in the streets. The Israeli government has also been increasingly confiscating church properties for various projects that benefit only the Jewish community. When Christians seek redress from the Israeli courts they are almost always denied justice.

Now one would think that the United States, with its dedication to “rule of law” and religious freedom would at a minimum condemn the Israeli actions, particularly the unprovoked violent attack on peaceful Muslims during their high holy days at al-Aqsa. But no, and this is how a State Department spokesman Vedant Patel described it: “We are concerned by the scenes out of Jerusalem. And it is our viewpoint that it is absolutely vital that the sanctity of holy sites be preserved. We emphasize the importance of upholding the historic status quo at the holy sites in Jerusalem and any unilateral action that jeopardizes the status quo to us is unacceptable. We call for restraint, coordination and calm during the holiday season.”

So the State Department believes that Israel did not initiate the violence, which is, of course, false. And Patel felt compelled to add an additional comment on recent home-made rocket attacks coming from Lebanon in the wake of the police and army actions: “We condemn the launch of rockets from Lebanon and Gaza at Israel. Our commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad and we recognize that Israel has the legitimate right to defend itself against all forms of aggression.” Don’t you love the frequent assertion of the claim that Israel has a “right to defend itself?” Patel was in fact wrong about Gaza firing missiles – that was a fiction invented by the Israeli government to explain why it had responded with a bombardment of its own directed against the long-suffering Gazans. The hostile rockets, which did little damage and injured no one, actually came from a Palestinian group in Lebanon. Apparently, the Palestinians and Israel’s neighbors do not have the right to defend themselves or to respond to Jewish violence. Rule of law and religious freedom appear to depend on who is attempting to exercise those rights and under what circumstances.

Interestingly, the New York Times had its own bizarre description of what took place at al-Aqsa. Their correspondent wrote how the crisis started when Palestinians “barricaded themselves” overnight inside the building before being “cleared” by police from the mosque in the middle of the night, to “protect Jewish worshippers” who were reportedly observing the Passover holiday in the vicinity. In other words, the violence was initiated by the Israelis but it was to prevent any threat against Jews, even though there is no evidence that anything like that was intended and why Jews were present at close quarters to a Muslim holy site is not clear. By one report, extremist Jews may have been preparing to sacrifice a goat.

On April 14th, to honor International Holocaust Remembrance Day, President Joe Biden demonstrated the he is not as brain dead as is often claimed. He knows exactly who owns him and knows how to pile it on. His proclamation reads: “During Yom Hashoah and throughout these days of remembrance, we mourn the 6 million Jews who were murdered during the horror of the Holocaust—as well as the millions of Roma and Sinti, Slavs, disabled persons, LGBTQI+ individuals, and political dissidents who were murdered at the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators. Together with courageous survivors, descendants of victims and people around the world, we renew our solemn vow: ‘never again.’”

Clearly Joe had not gotten the message that in America every day is de facto holocaust remembrance day as measured by the frequent appearance of that expression in the media. But he makes sure of the trans gay vote by including the LGBTQI+ folks as victims of the Nazis. Perhaps Joe should pay some attention to the Americans murdered by the Israelis, to include the 34 crewmen of the USS Liberty killed by the Israeli military in 1967, activist Rachel Corrie crushed by a bulldozer in 2003 and most recently Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh killed by the Israeli army last May. Israel has not been held accountable for any of those deaths and it knows it can get away with anything, including targeting and killing US citizens.

Next week, the GOP will be doubling down on the message as Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy leads a delegation of twenty bipartisan fawning congress critters to Israel. He has carefully billed it as his first foreign trip as speaker, underlining what an important ally Israel is. He will address the Knesset on May 1st and there will no doubt be a lot of kissing and hugging with Bibi and many pledges of undying commitment to the Jewish state. The Israeli government is already describing it as “Speaker McCarthy’s speech in the Knesset will be a sign for the strong and unbreakable bond between Israel and the US.” And no doubt lots of money will appear in the pipeline so Israel can defend itself. Just don’t mention Israel’s recent premeditated murder of Shireen Abu Akleh back or “religious freedom.” And to hell with the Palestinian Christians. They have been hanging around for 2,000 years but are on their way out.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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27 year old Austrian pianist Sabine Wukovnig is permanently disabled after taking three COVID-19 vaccines (video source).

This is a sad story of a young woman whose life has been destroyed after she took her COVID-19 booster shot in early 2022.

Interestingly, in Europe she was diagnosed with a “Post-Vaccine Syndrome”.

She is suffering from multiple injuries: neurological injuries of central nervous system (spike protein in the brain – brain fog, ME), POTS (injury of autonomous nervous system) due to an autoimmune process involving spike protein, and MCAS which is like having a severe allergic syndrome.

UK Piano Teacher Julianna Bransden suffered catastrophic injuries starting Jan. 1, 2023 (click here) 

Julianna was a dedicated and popular teacher and musician. Since becoming a teacher 19 years ago in Aylesbury, Julianna devoted the last 10 years to the rural school of Llanmiloe in South Wales.

Julianna was fully COVID-19 vaccinated. On Dec. 23, 2022 she developed flu like symptoms and on Jan. 1, 2023 she had two cardiac arrests, went into septic shock, multiple systemic organ failure, needing full life support.

She was diagnosed with sepsis resulting from an aggressive form of pneumonia.

After weeks of fighting, she had to undergo surgery to amputate both of her legs below the knee and will lose most of her fingers.

“The pneumonia was caused by a combination of both invasive Strep A and Influenza, resulting in a level of sickness that several experienced ICU nurses said they had never seen anyone manage to recover from before.”

I have seen this situation before. I believe she experienced severe COVID-19 vaccine induced immune dysfunction and damage which predisposed her to catastrophic infections such as the Influenza/Strep A combination that has killed several COVID-19 vaccinated kids in Canada, and dozens around the world including 30+ kids in the UK. (click here)

Celine Dion Diagnosed with Neurological disease Dec. 15, 2022 

Singer Céline Dion revealed Dec. 15, 2022 in a tearful Instagram video that she’s been diagnosed with Stiff-Person Syndrome, sharing that the condition would force her to postpone and cancel a series of upcoming concert dates. (click here)

Stiff Person Syndrome is a rare and incurable neurological disease that affects the central nervous system, specifically the brain and spinal cord, causing symptoms like “hyper-rigidity, debilitating pain, chronic anxiety,” and muscle spasms “so violent they can dislocate joints and even break bones”.

Only one of every one million people have been diagnosed with the condition.

Justin Bieber reveals facial paralysis in June 2022

The 28-year-old said in an Instagram video that the condition is due to a diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt syndrome, when a shingles outbreak affects the facial nerve near someone’s ears, say medical experts. (click here)

Other stories of injured musicians:

Bogota, Colombia – 50 year old drummer for the Foo Fighters died suddenly on March 25, 2022 – he complained of chest pain before collapsing in his hotel room (click here)

Taylor Hawkins, Foo Fighters Drummer, Dies at 50 - WSJ

Shanghai – 43 year old violin teacher Patrick Sabberton at a British International school died of a hemorrhagic stroke Feb. 9, 2022 (click here)

1st UK COVID-19 vaccine damage compensation was awarded to dead rock musician Lord Zion’s wife (click here)

Vikki Spit and Zion

The 1st UK COVID-19 Vaccine damage compensation was awarded for the death of rock singer Lord Zion, who died of a brain hemorrhage 14 days after taking AstraZeneca, on May 19, 2021. His wife received government compensation of 120,000 pounds.

Jessica Sutta (Pussycat Dolls Singer/Dancer) & Eric Clapton 

I’ve previously written substacks on COVID-19 vaccine injuries in musicians who have come forward:

Mar. 24, 2023, Jessica Sutta had neurological injuries including peripheral neuropathy after Moderna mRNA vaccine. (click here)

Feb. 10, 2023, Eric Clapton had neurological injuries after AstraZeneca, mainly peripheral neuropathy (click here)

My Take… 

As a Royal Conservatory of Music trained musician myself, I feel deeply for these musicians who have suffered horrific COVID-19 vaccine injuries or have died following vaccination.

COVID-19 vaccine induced neurological injuries are catastrophic and usually career ending for any musician. Eric Clapton can’t play the guitar or piano anymore, Jessica Sutta can’t dance anymore.

Then there are the usual post COVID-19 vaccination cardiac arrests, strokes, and blood clots to contend with as well.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents. We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet.”— Justice William O. Douglas

Absolutely, there is a war on free speech.

To be more accurate, however, the war on free speech is really a war on the right to criticize the government.

Although the right to speak out against government wrongdoing is the quintessential freedom, every day in this country, those who dare to speak their truth to the powers-that-be find themselves censored, silenced or fired.

Indeed, those who run the government don’t take kindly to individuals who speak truth to power.

In fact, the government has become increasingly intolerant of speech that challenges its power, reveals its corruption, exposes its lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices.

This is nothing new, nor is it unique to any particular presidential administration.

For instance, as part of its campaign to eradicate so-called “disinformation,” the Biden Administration likened those who share “false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information” to terrorists. This government salvo against consumers and spreaders of “mis- dis- and mal-information” widens the net to potentially include anyone who is exposed to ideas that run counter to the official government narrative.

In his first few years in office, President Trump declared the media to be “the enemy of the people,” suggested that protesting should be illegal, and that NFL players who kneel in protest during the national anthem “shouldn’t be in the country.”

Then again, Trump was not alone in his presidential disregard for the rights of the citizenry, especially as it pertains to the right of the people to criticize those in power.

President Obama signed into law anti-protest legislation that makes it easier for the government to criminalize protest activities (10 years in prison for protesting anywhere in the vicinity of a Secret Service agent). The Obama Administration also waged a war on whistleblowers, which The Washington Post described as “the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration,” and “spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records.”

Part of the Patriot Act signed into law by President George W. Bush made it a crime for an American citizen to engage in peaceful, lawful activity on behalf of any group designated by the government as a terrorist organization. Under this provision, even filing an amicus brief on behalf of an organization the government has labeled as terrorist would constitute breaking the law.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the FBI to censor all news and control communications in and out of the country in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt also signed into law the Smith Act, which made it a crime to advocate by way of speech for the overthrow of the U.S. government by force or violence.

President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the Espionage and Sedition Acts, which made it illegal to criticize the government’s war efforts.

President Abraham Lincoln seized telegraph lines, censored mail and newspaper dispatches, and shut down members of the press who criticized his administration.

In 1798, during the presidency of John Adams, Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, which made it a crime to “write, print, utter or publish … any false, scandalous, and malicious” statements against the government, Congress or president of the United States.

Clearly, the government has been undermining our free speech rights for quite a while now.

Good, bad or ugly, it’s all free speech unless as defined by the government it falls into one of the following categories: obscenity, fighting words, defamation (including libel and slander), child pornography, perjury, blackmail, incitement to imminent lawless action, true threats, and solicitations to commit crimes.

This idea of “dangerous” speech, on the other hand, is peculiarly authoritarian in nature. What it amounts to is speech that the government fears could challenge its chokehold on power.

The kinds of speech the government considers dangerous enough to red flag and subject to censorship, surveillance, investigation, prosecution and outright elimination include: hate speech, bullying speech, intolerant speech, conspiratorial speech, treasonous speech, threatening speech, incendiary speech, inflammatory speech, radical speech, anti-government speech, right-wing speech, left-wing speech, extremist speech, politically incorrect speech, etc.

Conduct your own experiment into the government’s tolerance of speech that challenges its authority, and see for yourself.

Stand on a street corner—or in a courtroom, at a city council meeting or on a university campus—and recite some of the rhetoric used by the likes of Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, John Adams and Thomas Paine without referencing them as the authors.

For that matter, just try reciting the Declaration of Independence, which rejects tyranny, establishes Americans as sovereign beings, recognizes God (not the government) as the Supreme power, portrays the government as evil, and provides a detailed laundry list of abuses that are as relevant today as they were 240-plus years ago.

My guess is that you won’t last long before you get thrown out, shut up, threatened with arrest or at the very least accused of being a radical, a troublemaker, a sovereign citizen, a conspiratorialist or an extremist.

Try suggesting, as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin did, that Americans should not only take up arms but be prepared to shed blood in order to protect their liberties, and you might find yourself placed on a terrorist watch list and vulnerable to being rounded up by government agents.

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms,” declared Jefferson. He also concluded that “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Observed Franklin: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”

Better yet, try suggesting as Thomas Paine, Marquis De Lafayette, John Adams and Patrick Henry did that Americans should, if necessary, defend themselves against the government if it violates their rights, and you will be labeled a domestic extremist.

“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government,” insisted Paine. “When the government violates the people’s rights,” Lafayette warned, “insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties.” Adams cautioned, “A settled plan to deprive the people of all the benefits, blessings and ends of the contract, to subvert the fundamentals of the constitution, to deprive them of all share in making and executing laws, will justify a revolution.” And who could forget Patrick Henry with his ultimatum: “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Then again, perhaps you don’t need to test the limits of free speech for yourself.

One such test is playing out before our very eyes on the national stage led by those who seem to believe that only individuals who agree with the government are entitled to the protections of the First Amendment.

To the contrary, James Madison, the father of the Constitution, was very clear about the fact that the First Amendment was established to protect the minority against the majority.

I’ll take that one step further: the First Amendment was intended to protect the citizenry from the government’s tendency to censor, silence and control what people say and think.

Having lost our tolerance for free speech in its most provocative, irritating and offensive forms, the American people have become easy prey for a police state where only government speech is allowed.

You see, the powers-that-be understand that if the government can control speech, it controls thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry.

This is how freedom rises or falls.

Americans of all stripes would do well to remember that those who question the motives of government provide a necessary counterpoint to those who would blindly follow where politicians choose to lead.

We don’t have to agree with every criticism of the government, but we must defend the rights of allindividuals to speak freely without fear of punishment or threat of banishment.

Never forget: what the architects of the police state want are submissive, compliant, cooperative, obedient, meek citizens who don’t talk back, don’t challenge government authority, don’t speak out against government misconduct, and don’t step out of line.

What the First Amendment protects—and a healthy constitutional republic requires—are citizens who routinely exercise their right to speak truth to power.

Tolerance for dissent is vital if we are to survive as a free nation.

While there are all kinds of labels being put on so-called “unacceptable” speech today, the real message being conveyed by those in power is that Americans don’t have a right to express themselves if what they are saying is unpopular, controversial or at odds with what the government determines to be acceptable.

By suppressing free speech, the government is contributing to a growing underclass of Americans who are being told that they can’t take part in American public life unless they “fit in.”

Mind you, it won’t be long before anyone who believes in holding the government accountable to respecting our rights and abiding by the rule of law is labeled an “extremist,” is relegated to an underclass that doesn’t fit in, must be watched all the time, and is rounded up when the government deems it necessary.

It doesn’t matter how much money you make, what politics you subscribe to, or what God you worship: as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are all potential suspects, terrorists and lawbreakers in the eyes of the government.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from TruePublica

Learning Nothing from the Iraq War

April 25th, 2023 by Bill Astore

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What has America learned from the colossal failure of the Iraq War? Not what it should have learned, notes historian (and retired U.S. Army colonel) Greg Daddis at War on the Rocks. Daddis recently attended a 20-year retrospective symposium on the Iraq War, where he heard two distinctive narratives. As he put it:

Most, if not all, veterans of “Iraqi Freedom” told an inward-facing story focusing on tactical and operational “lessons” largely devoid of political context. Meanwhile, Iraqi scholars and civilians shared a vastly different tale of political and social upheaval that concentrated far more on the costs of war than on the supposed benefits of U.S. interventionism.

In short, the U.S. view of the Iraq War remains insular and narcissistic. The focus is on what U.S. troops may have gotten wrong, and how the military could perform better in the future. It’s about tactical and operational lessons. In this approach, Iraq and the Iraqi people remain a backdrop to American action on the grand stage. Put differently, the Iraqis are treated much like clay for Americans to mould or discard should they refuse to behave themselves under our hands.

So the “lessons” for America focus on how to become better, more skilled, manipulators of the “clay” at hand. Issues of right and wrong aren’t addressed. The morality or legality of war isn’t questioned. And Iraqis themselves, their suffering, their plight, even their say in determining their own futures within their country, is pretty much dismissed as irrelevant. And the same is largely true when considering the Vietnam War or the Afghan War; we matter, they don’t, even when we’re fighting in their country and spreading enormous destruction in undeclared and illegal wars.

As Mike Murry, a Vietnam veteran who comments frequently at this site, has said: you can’t do a wrong thing the right way. America’s Vietnam War was wrong; the Iraq War was wrong. There was no “right” way to do these wars. Yet, far too often, U.S. military officers and veterans, joined by far too many Americans who lack military experience, want to focus on how to wage a wrong war in a better, smarter, often more ruthless, way

Indeed, the narrative at times is reduced to “We lost because we weren’t ruthless enough, or we were about to win until the U.S. military was betrayed.” I wrote about this back in 2007 after I heard Senator John McCain speak on PBS.  Basically, his point was that if America lost the Iraq War (which we already had), it wouldn’t be the U.S. military’s fault.  It would be the fault of anyone who questioned the war. McCain, in other words, was spouting yet another exculpatory stab-in-the-back myth.

What can we learn from the Iraq War, then? Let’s start with these basic lessons: Don’t fight a war based on governmental lies and unfounded fears. Don’t fight illegal and immoral wars. Don’t fight undeclared wars. Don’t meddle in the societies of other people where you are seen as invaders and about which you are ignorant. Don’t wage war, period, unless the domestic security of the U.S. is truly threatened.

Those seem like the right lessons to me, not lessons about how to recognize insurgencies or how to respond more quickly to asymmetries like IEDs and ambushes.

In sum, learn this lesson: Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, were and are countries with rich pasts and proud peoples who were not about to submit to American invaders and agendas, no matter how well-intentioned those invaders believed or advertised themselves to be.


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Nationwide protests took place in Sweden to reject the country’s decision to host a large international military exercise – dubbed Aurora 2023 – and its aspirations to join NATO, China Daily reported on Sunday.

“NATO is nothing but the war machine of the United States,” Nellie Puig, a Swede protesting his country’s potential accession to the military coalition, told the newspaper.

“It is not a defensive alliance as they claim. It is an organization that runs the errands of the United States,” he added.

A number of organizations, political parties, and NGOs took part in the demonstrations, including the Arbitration Society, the Swedish Peace, No NATO, and No to Nuclear Weapons, the news outlet said.

Sweden’s capital Stockholm alone saw hundreds of anti-NATO protesters in its streets.

The demonstrators held banners saying: “No to NATO,” “NATO’s war will get our children killed for a dollar,” and “Stop Aurora 23,” as they marched the streets of the capital.

“Aurora 23 and similar previous exercises prove that Sweden has become increasingly integrated with NATO and Sweden also sells arms to NATO,” said Puig.

Earlier this month, Sweden launched Aurora-23, the largest military drill the country has witnessed in 25 years, involving 14 countries and around 26,000 servicemembers.

Members from the US, UK, Germany, France, Ukraine, Finland, Poland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, and Austria will take part in the training that ends on May 11.

“The purpose of Aurora 23 is to enhance the Swedish Armed Forces’ collected capability to counter an armed attack on Sweden, and also to exercise the entire chain of raised readiness to mobilisation to receive a third party for HNS, as well as a way to prepare us to be a member of Nato,” said Lieutenant Colonel Henrik Larsson, the planning director of the drills.

Last February, Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson said Stockholm aims to further integrate its military relations with NATO as the country’s accession into the coalition is facing obstacles after talks with Turkey have been put to a halt.

Last year, the start of the Ukraine war prompted Sweden and its neighbor Finland to drop decades of military non-alignment. Finland became the 31st member of NATO earlier this month, while Stockholm’s provocative actions toward Ankara – including rallies attacking the Turkish leadership in Stockholm and the burning of the holy Quran outside Turkey’s embassy – led the latter to block its accession to the coalition.


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Featured image: Swedish demonstrators protesting the country’s decision to submit a NATO bid in March 2022 (Swedish state TT)

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Israeli planes dropped warning leaflets on southern Syria on Monday hours after reportedly shelling pro-Iranian groups in the same region.

Flyers were dropped over the town of Hader in Quneitra province, close to a UN armistice line separating Syria from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

The leaflets warned the Syrian regime against cooperating with Lebanon’s powerful Iran-backed Shia Hezbollah militant group, which has a strong presence in Syria.

“We are closely monitoring and aware of the ongoing intelligence cooperation with Hezbollah within the Syrian army’s positions in the region, including near the Israeli border strip,” the text on the leaflets read.

“Your cooperation with Hezbollah has turned you into a sacrificial lamb and brought you more harm than good. Cooperation with Hezbollah leads to damage!”

The leaflets included images of what Israel said was the Syrian regime’s head of military intelligence, Maj Gen. Samer al-Dana, alongside commander of Hezbollah’s intelligence apparatus in Syria, Tareq Maher.

Early on Monday, Israeli ground forces bombarded a location on the outskirts of Quneitra where fighters from the Syrian Resistance to Liberate the Golan are located, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported.

Syrian state media did not report the bombardment and no casualties were reported, but two local media outlets close to the regime reported an “Israeli aggression” that targeted the outskirts of Quneitra, a city which was laregely abandoned in 1967, when Israel captured parts of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

The shelling came days after a similar attack on 18 April, when Israeli forces bombed positions in the Quneitra countryside targeting areas where Iran-linked groups are present.

The Syrian Resistance to Liberate the Golan – a Hezbollah-linked group – was formed to launch attacks in the Golan Heights, which Israeli seized during the Six Day war in 1967.

Israel has repeatedly warned against the growing number of Iran-backed militants along its frontier with Syria, saying it will not allow its arch-foe to extend its footprint in the war-torn country.

It has launched hundreds of airstrikes on Syria during the latter’s 12-year conflict, primarily targeting Iran-backed forces, Hezbollah fighters, and Syrian regime positions.

The Syrian regime has relied on Hezbollah and Iranian militias to battle Syrian rebels during the war.

Iran is believed to have flown thousands of fighters into Syria during the war, while Hezbollah has played a key role in regime offensives to regain rebel-controlled territories.


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Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., near the very beginning of his April 19 announcement to run for President in the Democratic Party spoke these words:

“Fifty-five years ago last month, I sat as a 14-year-old boy behind my father as he now announced in a Senate caucus room in Washington, DC, his campaign for President of the United States. And my father at time was in the same, in many ways, the same position that I’m in today. He was running against a President of his own party. He was running against a war. He was running against – he was running at a time of unprecedented polarization in our country.”

In this way the son tells us right away that he is “running against a war,” Joe Biden’s cruel US proxy war against Russia using Ukrainians as cannon fodder.

He reminded us that his father was given very little chance of winning and felt he would likely lose. But on the day of his assassination, RFK had won the California primary, an urban state, and South Dakota, a rural state. The son is telling us that his is a candidacy not to be written off lightly. RFKJr was polling at 14% among Biden voters even before he announced. And nearly 44% of Democrats want anybody but Biden, with only 25% wishing him to run in 2024.

A video of the entire two hour long speech, impressive in many ways, is to be found here and a transcript here. Kennedy did not read from a prepared text although the speech appeared to be carefully outlined. It had a refreshing air of informality. And it deserves a careful listen.

Many of the points in the speech are summed up in the section on “Peace” in RFKJr’s campaign website,, as follows:

“Annual defense-related spending is close to one trillion dollars. We maintain 800 military bases around the world. The peace dividend that was supposed to come after the Berlin Wall fell was never redeemed. Now we have another chance.

“As President, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will start the process of unwinding empire. We will bring the troops home. We will stop racking up unpayable debt to fight one war after another. The military will return to its proper role of defending our country. We will end the proxy wars, bombing campaigns, covert operations, coups, paramilitaries, and everything else that has become so normal most people don’t know it’s happening. But it is happening, a constant drain on our strength. It’s time to come home and restore this country.”

“When a warlike imperial nation disarms of its own accord, it sets a template for peace everywhere. It is not too late for us to voluntarily let go of empire and serve peace instead, as a strong and healthy nation.”

And on Ukraine:

“In Ukraine, the most important priority is to end the suffering of the Ukrainian people, victims of a brutal Russian invasion, and also victims of American geopolitical machinations going back at least to 2014. We must first get clear: Is our mission to help the brave Ukrainians defend their sovereignty? Or is it to use Ukraine as a pawn to weaken Russia? Robert F. Kennedy will choose the first. He will find a diplomatic solution that brings peace to Ukraine and brings our resources back where they belong. We will offer to withdraw our troops and nuclear-capable missiles from Russia’s borders. Russia will withdraw its troops from Ukraine and guarantee its freedom and independence. UN peacekeepers will guarantee peace to the Russian-speaking eastern regions. We will put an end to this war. We will put an end to the suffering of the Ukranian people. That will be the start of a broader program of demilitarization of all countries.

“We have to stop seeing the world in terms of enemies and adversaries. As John Quincy Adams wrote, ‘Americans go not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.’”

Those are strong words and realistic categories like “empire,” “proxy wars,” “coups,” “geopolitical machinations going back to 2014,” all ugly imperial facts alluded to euphemistically or not at all in the mainstream media.

This is a candidacy that cannot be ignored or reduced solely to the pros and cons of mRNA vaccines or Kennedy family squabbles over the candidacy as the mainstream media has done. For example, in its brief back page coverage, the New York Times, the foremost mouthpiece of the imperial Establishment, there is nary a mention of war with another nuclear power now hanging over our heads!

This is not to say that we should accept all of RFKJr’s words at face value. But given the present enthusiasm for war in every corner of the Democratic Party’s political establishment and among much of its base, it is difficult to see RFKJr’s candidacy as opportunistic. His candidacy deserves to be treated skeptically like all candidacies but not cynically. The speech should be listened to carefully in that spirit.


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John V. Walsh, until recently a Professor of Physiology and Neuroscience at a Medical School in Massachusetts, has written on issues of peace and health care for the San Francisco Chronicle, EastBayTimes/San Jose Mercury News, Asia Times, LA Progressive,, Consortium News, CounterPunch and others.

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A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has revealed something absolutely amazing about the role of the Sun in human health: a deficiency of sunlight could be as harmful to human health as smoking cigarettes

The study titled, “Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort,” was conducted by Swedish researchers on a population of almost 30,000 women. They assessed the differences in sun exposure as a risk factor for all-cause mortality, within a prospective 20-year follow up of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden (MISS) cohort. The women were aged 25-64 years at the start of the study and recruited from 1990 to 1992. When their sun exposure habits were analyzed using modern survival statistics they discovered several things.


“Women with active sun exposure habits were mainly at a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and noncancer/non-CVD death as compared to those who avoided sun exposure.” 


“As a result of their increased survival, the relative contribution of cancer death increased in these women.”  

This finding may be a bit tricky to understand, so let’s look at it a little closer.

Because cancer risk increases along with biological age, the longer you live, the higher your cancer risk will be. Therefore, because increased sunlight exposure actually increases your longevity, it will also appear to increase your risk of cancer. But this does not necessarily mean that sunlight is intrinsically “carcinogenic,” which is commonly assumed. 

Because heart disease is #1 killer in the developed world, and since sunlight reduces this most common cause of premature death, even if it increases the risk of the #2 most common cause of death (cancer), the net effect of sunlight exposure is that you will still live longer, which helps to contextualize and neutralize the “increased cancer risk” often observed. Keep in mind, as well, that a huge number of cancers are overdiagnosed and overtreated, without sufficient acknowledgement by the medical establishment, whose culpability is rarely addressed. These “cancers” greatly inflate the statistics. With millions of so-called early stage cancers like these — especially breast, prostate, thyroid, lung, and ovarian — being wrongly diagnosed and treated, the complexity of the topic makes determining the role of sunlight exposure and cancer risk all the more difficult to ascertain. 

Moving on, the point about the longevity promoting properties of sunlight are driven home strongly by the third major observation: 

“Nonsmokers who avoided sun exposure had a life expectancy similar to smokers in the highest sun exposure group, indicating that avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for death of a similar magnitude as smoking.” 

This is a powerful finding with profound implications. To say that “avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for death of a similar magnitude as smoking,” is to point out that sunlight exposure, rather than being the constant lethal threat it is perceived to be, warranting the slathering on all over the body of synthetic sunscreens virtually guaranteed to cause harm from toxicant exposure, is essential to our health. In fact, according to the CDC, smoking is responsible for 6 million unnecessary deaths a year, and the “overall mortality among both male and female smokers in the United States is about three times higher than that among similar people who never smoked.” And so, sunlight exposure may be so powerful an essential and necessary ingredient in human health that it might be considered medically unethical not to provide access to it, or to advise more routine exposure to it.  

The fourth and final observation of the study was that: 

“Compared to the highest sun exposure group, life expectancy of avoiders of sun exposure was reduced by 0.6-2.1 years.” 

Sunlight Attains Its Former Status As An Indispensable Component of Health

While we can say that sunlight deficiency may contribute to lethal outcomes on par with smoking, we can rephrase the information positively by affirming that the Sun and its light may be as important to human health as is clean food or water. In fact, compelling research suggests that energy from the Sun drives the cellular bioenergetics of the biomachinery of our bodies through non-ATP dependent processes. Consider the work of Gerald Pollack, PhD, author of the “The 4th Phase of Water” (see video below), who explains how infrared energy of the Sun charges up the water molecules within our body (99% of the molecules in our bodies in number are water) like trillions of molecular batteries. 

When pertaining to cardiovascular health, sunlight energy in the form of infrared charged water molecules supports the heart’s job of pumping the blood throughout the blood vessels by producing a form of highly structured and energized water known as Exclusion Zone water, or EZ water, and which may actually provide over 99.9% of the biomechanical energy needed to push the 1.2-1.5 gallons of blood in the average adult body through the literally thousands of miles of blood vessels.  Provocative research also suggests the body contains a variety of photoacceptors/chromophores (e.g. cytochrome C oxidase) capable of accepting and utilizing sunlight to generate so-called “extra synthesis” of ATP. Additionally, melanin may absorb a wide range of the Sun’s electromagnetic spectrum, converting it into useful energy and perhaps also biologically important information, even perhaps taking harmful gamma radiation and turning it into biologically useful energy. Even something as commonplace in the human diet as chlorophyll has recently been found to act as a means to enhanced the light-harvesting properties of animal cells. In fact, we reported recently on a study that found enhanced ATP production (without the expected concomitant uptick in reactive oxygen species production) through intermediary of chlorophyll metabolites that end up in the mitochondria of our cells following microbiome-mediated digestive processes.

Natural health advocates have sung the praises of sunlight for health since time immemorial. While in modern times, sunlight-phobia is omnipresent, with parents of especially lighter skinned ethnicities forcing their children to don space-suit level all body protective gear, along with spraying or slathering them with extremely toxic petrochemical derivatives and nanoparticle metals with potentially cancer-promoting properties, there is a growing appreciation that we need the Sun as both a form of food, energy and information. 

It’s, of course, not all about vitamin D. To reduce the perceived health benefits of sunlight to this hormone like compound is as reductionistic as saying a orange’s health benefits are solely dependent on and reducible to the molecular scaffolding of atoms that comprise the chemical skeleton of the ascorbic acid molecule. We are beginning to learn that certain wavelengths of sunlight activate a wide range of ancient, hard-wired genetic and epigenetic programs, relevant to all of our body’s systems. The wavelengths of light that occur at sunset, for instance, may have been so important to our evolution as a species that our very hairlessness, and our massive brains may not have evolved without daily exposure to them, for hundreds of thousands and even millions of years. This phenomena, also known as biophotomodulation, opens up a radically new perspective on the role of the sun in human health and disease. If sunlight deficiency is really as deadly as actively smoking cigarettes, it could be said that those who do not experience regular natural light exposure are no longer truly human, or capable of experiencing the optimal expression of their biological, mental, and spiritual blueprint. A fundamental right, and health practice, would be daily outdoors exposure. How many of us have considered the state of office workers, institutionalized educational systems without windows, night shift work, and prisons? Sunlight depravation, in light of these new findings, could be considered a significant violation of human health rights. 

This study may pave the way for a deeper understanding of what humans need to be truly healthy, with sunlight deficiency being a prime example of what is most wrong about our modern incarnation as a primarily indoors focused creature, leading to our physical and psychospiritual degeneration. As new models of cellular bioenergetics emerge, taking into account the ability of the body to directly or indirectly harvest the various light wavelengths of the Sun, direct daily exposure to sunlight may be looked upon as at least as an important step as “taking your vitamins,” or exercising, for maintaining our health. Conversely, sunlight deficiency and/or depravation will be likely be viewed to be as dangerous or lethal as smoking.


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Sayer Ji is founder of, author of international best-seller REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience through the New Biology, co-founder of Stand for Health Freedom (501c4), and, a global, multi-media platform for conscious creators and their communities.

Featured image is from GreenMedInfo

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Did Biden Steal the Election?

April 25th, 2023 by Rep. Ron Paul

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Move over Watergate. On or around Oct. 17, 2020, then-senior Biden campaign official Antony Blinken called up former acting CIA director Mike Morell to ask a favor: he needed high-ranking former US intelligence community officials to lie to the American people to save Biden’s lagging campaign from a massive brewing scandal.

The problem was that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, had abandoned his laptop at a repair shop and the explosive contents of the computer were leaking out. The details of the Biden family’s apparent corruption and the debauchery of the former vice-president’s son were being reported by the New York Post, and with the election less than a month away, the Biden campaign needed to kill the story.

So, according to newly-released transcripts of Morell’s testimony before the House judiciary Committee, Blinken “triggered” Morell to put together a letter for some 50 senior intelligence officials to sign – using their high-level government titles – to claim that the laptop story “had all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

In short, at the Biden campaign’s direction Morell launched a covert operation against the American people to undermine the integrity of the 2020 election. A letter signed by dozens of the highest-ranking former CIA, DIA, and NSA officials would surely carry enough weight to bury the Biden laptop story. It worked. Social media outlets prevented any reporting on the laptop from being posted and the mainstream media could easily ignore the story as it was merely “Russian propaganda.”

Asked recently by Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) why he agreed to draft the false sign-on letter, Morell testified that he wanted to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election.” Morell also likely expected to be named by President Biden to head up the CIA when it came time to call in favors.

The Democrats and the mainstream media have relentlessly pushed the lie that the ruckus inside the US Capitol on Jan. 6th 2021 was a move by President Trump to overthrow the election results. Hundreds of “trespassers” were arrested and held in solitary confinement without trial to bolster the false narrative that a conspiracy to steal the election was taking place.

It turns out that there really was a conspiracy to steal the election, but it was opposite of what was reported. Just as the Steele Dossier was a Democratic Party covert action to plant the lie that the Russians were pulling strings for Trump, the “Russian disinformation campaign” letter was a lie to deflect scrutiny of the Biden family’s possible corruption in the final days of the campaign.

Did the Biden campaign’s disinformation campaign help rig the election in his favor? Polls suggest that Biden would not have been elected had the American electorate been informed about what was on Hunter Biden’s laptop. So yes, they cheated in the election.

The Democrats and the mainstream media are still at it, however. Now they are trying to kill the story of how they killed the story of the Biden laptop. This is a scandal that would once upon a time have ended in resignation, impeachment, and/or plenty of jail time. If they successfully bury this story, I hate to say it but there is no more rule of law in what has become the American banana republic.


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Those Scary and Dangerous Russkies

April 25th, 2023 by Jacob G. Hornberger

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It was always inevitable that the Pentagon’s and the CIA’s “war on terrorism” would begin fizzling out, especially as the number of foreigners they were killing significantly diminished. When U.S. forces got booted out of Afghanistan and began killing significantly less people in Iraq, the rage that motivates terrorists to strike began going down. 

That’s undoubtedly why the Pentagon hedged its bets and began expanding NATO eastward after the ostensible end of the Cold War, moving inexorably closer to Russia’s border. Pentagon officials figured that if their “war on terrorism” began fizzling out, they could still gin up their old Cold War racket, one that had proven to be highly lucrative for the national-security establishment and its army of voracious “defense” contractors who depend on feeding at the public trough.

With its interventionist antics, the Pentagon succeeded in provoking Russia into invading Ukraine, which has turned into an enormous bonanza for the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, one comparable to the one that came after the 9/11 attacks. The Pentagon’s interventionist strategy got a large number of Americans imbued with a ferocious anti-Russia mentality, one that has been supportive of whatever quantity of tax-funded largess that Congress has been willing to heap onto the national-security establishment.

An unintended consequence of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, however, has been the destruction of the Pentagon’s and CIA’s portrayal of the Russians as an all-powerful military nation that was coming to get us here in the United States. Prior to the invasion, Pentagon and CIA officials were saying that it was clear that Russia planned to reconstitute the Soviet Union, invade and conquer Eastern and Western Europe, cross the English Channel and take England, and then cross the Atlantic Ocean and conquer the United States. They were using that fear to justify the continuation and expansion of their tax-funded largess.

Really? Why, Russia hasn’t even been able to conquer Ukraine! If it can’t conquer Ukraine, how is it suppose to conquer the world? So much for that scary Russian boogeyman who was coming to get us.

It was really no different during the Cold War racket. At the end of World War II, U.S. officials imbued the American people with a deep fear that the commies were coming to get them. The notion was that there was an international communist conspiracy that was based in Moscow whose aim was to invade and conquer Europe, Latin America, the United States, and the rest of the world. 

The irony is that the Soviets had been America’s partner and ally during the war. But those who were advocating that the federal government be converted to a national-security state knew that America would need a new official enemy to justify the conversion. Enter the Reds. As someone told President Truman, who was the president who presided over the conversion, he needed to scare the hell out of the American people so that they wouldn’t object to the conversion.

Truman did that. “The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!” There was even an American movie with that title. Everyone was scared to death that the Reds were going to take control of America and teach Marxism in America’s public (i.e., government) schools.

The biggest fear-mongers were American conservatives. They lived in deep fear of the Reds during the entire 45 years of the Cold War racket. In fact, they were convinced that the communist invasion had already started. That’s why they went after Martin Luther King.They were convinced that he was a Red agent. The same holds true for leftists working in Hollywood. They went after them with a vengeance. Some right-wingers even believed that President Eisenhower was an agent of the Reds as well.

There was actually a humorous dimension to this deep right-wing fear. Throughout the Cold War, conservatives argued that socialism was doomed to fail. It was an inherently defective economic system, they pointed out. Socialism would inevitably impoverish countries that embraced this philosophy, such as Russia. Right-wingers would quote free-market economists like Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman to make their case.

Yet, despite that insight about socialism, conservatives continued to maintain that Russia was an all-powerful nation that was going to take down America. To this day, I don’t think right-wingers are able to recognize their internal contradiction.

The worst mistake America has ever made was to convert the federal government from a limited-government republic to a national-security state, which is a type of governmental system in which officials wield omnipotent powers. Genuine advocates of liberty fight communism and socialism with freedom and free markets, not with communism and socialism. With their deeply seated fear of the Reds, conservatives led our nation in a very bad direction, one that, for sure, has enriched and empowered the national-security establishment but, at the same time, has led to the destruction of our rights, liberties, security, and well-being here at home.


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Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. He was born and raised in Laredo, Texas, and received his B.A. in economics from Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. He was a trial attorney for twelve years in Texas. He also was an adjunct professor at the University of Dallas, where he taught law and economics. In 1987, Mr. Hornberger left the practice of law to become director of programs at the Foundation for Economic Education. He has advanced freedom and free markets on talk-radio stations all across the country as well as on Fox News’ Neil Cavuto and Greta van Susteren shows and he appeared as a regular commentator on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show Freedom Watch. View these interviews at and from Full Context. Send him email.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

Our Heartless Medical System

April 25th, 2023 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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A 41-year old mother of seven young children has been in effect condemned to death by Emory Healthcare Inc. of Atlanta, an affiliate of Emory University, for refusing to take the dangerous Covid-19 shot. The mother was approved for a kidney transplant but was removed from the list when she refused the death jab. The woman has had Covid and is protected by natural immunity.  Moreover, there are many medical scientists who believe the adverse effect of the Covid mRNA “vaccine” would attack her kidney and kill her.

Only about one-third of America’s transplant centers are still so medically ignorant of the mRNA “vaccine” danger, or corrupted by Big Pharma payments, as to continue to require patients to submit to Covid “vaccination” in order to receive health care. Emory Healthcare is in this minority that requires patients to take enormous risks in order to receive treatment.

It seems clear enough that Emory Healthcare is committing willful murder. But prosecutors are too busy putting Trump supporters in prison for attending a rally to pay attention to real crimes. Little doubt Emory graduates and the Robert W. Woodruff Foundation will continue to pour money into a heartless facility that has no qualms about murdering a mother of 7 kids.

This is America today, a place of Satanic evil.

See this


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from FiercePharma

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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Video: The Real Middle East Nuclear Threat. James Corbett

April 25th, 2023 by The Corbett Report

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FROM 2018: There is in fact a Middle Eastern nation that is in fact in control of a vast, undeclared stockpile of nuclear weapons. This nation does have the capability of deploying those weapons anywhere in the region. It is not a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and its arsenal has never been inspected by any international agency. But this nation is not Iran. It’s Israel.


DONALD TRUMP: I am announcing today that the United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. In a few moments, I will sign a presidential memorandum to begin reinstating US nuclear sanctions on the Iranian regime. We will be instituting the highest level of economic sanction.

SOURCE: President Trump Gives Remarks on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

When President Trump announced that the US was going to de-certify the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, better known as the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and reinstitute sanctions on that country, one of the reasons he cited for that move was the presentation of “new” evidence from Israeli intelligence showing that the Iranians had lied about its nuclear program during the negotiation of that deal.

TRUMP: Last week Israel published intelligence documents long concealed by Iran conclusively showing the Iranians regime and its history of pursuing nuclear weapons.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: A few weeks ago, in a great intelligence achievement, Israel obtained half a ton of the material inside these vaults. And here’s what we got: 55,000 pages; another 55,000 files on 183 CDs. Everything you’re about to see is an exact copy of the original Iranian material.

SOURCE: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives statement on Iran Nuclear Deal

Theatrical props and dramatic rhetoric aside, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent presentation on the “Iranian nuclear deal” in fact contained no new information.

That Iran had explored a nuclear weapons program prior to 2003 has been known and admitted for years. That they have an archive of this information is not a violation of the Iranian nuclear deal completed in 2015. In fact, if anything, Netanyahu’s presentation actually proved the exact opposite of what was intended: Namely, that Iran is abiding by the terms of that treaty and is not covertly pursuing any nuclear weapons activity. That’s why they had to go back to 15-year-old information and present it as if it was something new and revelatory.

But here’s the real head-scratcher in this new round of propaganda over the Iranian nuclear non-threat: There is in fact a Middle Eastern nation that is in fact in control of a vast, undeclared stockpile of nuclear weapons. This nation does have the capability of deploying those weapons anywhere in the region. It is not a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and its arsenal has never been inspected by any international agency. But this nation is not Iran. It’s Israel.

This is the story of the real Middle East Nuclear Threat. You’re watching The Corbett Report.

Hand-wringing over Iran’s nuclear program is nothing new. It became a mainstay of Western political discourse after an Iranian dissident revealed the Iranian government’s plans for a uranium enrichment facility in Natanz in August 2002. But the surprising fact for Americans and others around the world who get their information from the corporate mainstream media, is that Iran’s pre-2003 nuclear weapons program has long been known and admitted. Since 2003, when the program was scrapped, not a single piece of evidence has been presented (not even by Netanyahu or the Israeli government) that the Iranian government ever pursued anything other than what it said it was pursuing: a nuclear energy program.

Not that that fact has ever stopped Netanyahu from using any opportunity to use cartoon-level propaganda tactics to convince the world otherwise:

NETANYAHU: In the case of Iran’s nuclear plans to build a bomb, this bomb has to be filled with enough enriched uranium. And Iran has to go through three stages.

The first stage: They have to enrich enough of low enriched uranium. The second stage: They have to enrich enough medium enriched uranium. And the third stage and final stage: They have to enrich enough high enriched uranium for the first bomb.

Where’s Iran? Iran’s completed the first stage. It took them many years, but they completed it, and they’re 70% of the way there.

Now they are well into the second stage. By next spring, at most by next summer at current enrichment rates, they will have finished the medium enrichment and move on to the final stage. From there, it’s only a few months, possibly a few weeks, before they get enough enriched uranium for the first bomb.

Ladies and gentlemen, what I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on the public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

So if these are the facts, and they are, where should a red line be drawn?

A red line should be drawn right here. Before Iran completes the second stage of nuclear enrichment necessary to make a bomb. Before Iran gets to a point where it’s a few months away or a few weeks away from amassing enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon.

Now each day, that point is getting closer. That’s why I speak today with such a sense of urgency.

SOURCE: Israel PM Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu Address to United Nations Sept 27, 2012

Of course, Iran was not pursuing nuclear weapons, and Netanyahu’s Wile E. Coyote bomb and red-line warnings bore no greater semblance to reality than the cartoon propaganda surrounding Saddam’s “weapons of mass destruction.” Not only did the IAEA repeatedly confirm that Iran never diverted any nuclear material into any military program, but even the US intelligence community itself conceded that Iran was not trying to build a nuclear bomb. Most remarkable of all was Mossad’s own assessment that Iran was “not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons.”

As I detailed earlier this year in “We Need to Talk About the Iran Protests,” fearmongering over Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program was the basis for an extraordinary series of measures against the country in recent decades. These measures include “NITRO ZEUS,” a full-scale military cyberattack against Iran, the best-known element of which was Stuxnet, the military-grade cyberweapon co-developed by the United States and Israel that specifically targeted Iran’s nuclear enrichment facility at Natanz.

Iran’s non-existent nuclear program also provided the pretext for sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s economy, including the de-listing of Iranian banks from the Swift Network connecting the world’s financial institutions.

The fearmongers even went so far as to plant evidence of nuclear weapons involvement on Iran to further justify these attacks.

But the great irony is that there really is a nuclear armed nation in the Middle East. It is not a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. It does not allow inspections of its arsenal. It does not even officially acknowledge its stockpile of nuclear weapons. It has even resisted the push for an international treaty recognizing a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. And that country is Israel.

Sometimes ranked as the world’s sixth largest nuclear superpower, Israel actively pursued a nuclear program from the time of its inception as a state in 1948. By the late 1950s, they had begun building a reactor and reprocessing plant at Dimona with British and French aid. And by 1967, a classified CIA report estimated that Israel would be capable of producing a nuclear warhead in “six to eight weeks.” Shortly thereafter, it is believed, Israel began producing and stockpiling a nuclear arsenal.

OLENKA FRENKIEL: It was the young Shimon Peres, back in the ’50s who negotiated a secret deal with the French to buy a nuclear weapons reactor like theirs. But while Dimona was going up, intelligence reports reached Washington that Israel was building an atom bomb.

Despite claims that Dimona was for peaceful purposes only, Israel’s leader, Ben Gurion, was summoned to Washington. President Kennedy feared an arms race in the Middle East and demanded inspections. But when inspectors finally entered the plant in May 1961, they were tricked. They were shown a fake control room on the ground floor. They were unaware of the six floors below where the plutonium was made.

PETER HOUNAM, freelance journalist: Well, this was something of great pride and almost a legendary story in Dimona, according to Vanunu. When the Americans came they were completely hoodwinked. All the entrances, including the lift shafts, were bricked up and plastered over, so it was impossible for anyone to find their way down to the lower floors.

FRENKIEL: After Kennedy’s assassination, the pressure on Israel was off. His successor, Lyndon Johnson, turned a blind eye. Then, in 1969, Israel’s Golda Meir and President Richard Nixon struck a deal, renewed by every President to this day. Israel’s nuclear programme could continue as long as it was never made public. It’s called “nuclear ambiguity.”

The term “nuclear ambiguity,” in some ways it sounds very grand. But isn’t it just a euphemism for deception?

SHIMON PERES, former Prime Minister of Israel: If somebody wants to kill you, and you use a deception to save your life, it is not immoral. If we wouldn’t have enemies, we wouldn’t need deceptions. We wouldn’t need deterrent.

FRENKIEL: Was this the justification for concealing the floors of the plutonium reprocessing areas from the Americans, the inspectors, when they came?

PERES: You are having a dialogue with yourself, not with me.

FRENKIEL: But that’s been documented in a number of books.

PERES: Ask the question to yourself, not to me.

FRENKIEL: But, I mean, is it not true?

PERES: I don’t have to answer your questions, even. I don’t see any reason why.

FRENKIEL: Ambiguity is a luxury unique to Israel. Today the country’s an inspection-free zone, protected from scrutiny by America and her allies.

SOURCE: Israel’s Secret Weapon

Although estimates vary, it is now believed that Israel has somewhere between 75 and 400 nuclear warheads and that it possesses the capability to deliver these warheads to Iran.

The existence of this stockpile, while known to governments around the world for decades, was only revealed to the public in 1986, when The Sunday Times published photographic proof and a detailed account of Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program. That story was provided by Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at the Dimona facility, who spent decades behind bars for his part in revealing this truth to the world.

NARRATOR: On October the 5th, 1986, The Sunday Times announced they had evidence to prove that Israel had become the world’s sixth biggest nuclear power, having developed their arsenal beneath the Negev desert at Dimona. Photographs like this were given to The Sunday Times by a former technician at Dimona, Mordechai Vanunu.

[. . .]

Mordechai Vanunu’s family, Moroccan Jews, settled in the Negev in the early ’60s, inspired by the idea of being a part of Israel. Vanunu did national service in the army. Then, while he worked at Dimona, he began studying philosophy. He became active in student politics. He opposed Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. Vanunu came to believe that Israel’s nuclear development program was immoral. He left Dimona and, eventually, Israel itself.

Vanunu arrived in Sydney armed with photographs he’d taken inside Dimona. Here, he turned his back on Judaism and became a Christian. He met Oscar Guerrero, a Colombian journalist who urged him to sell his secrets to The Sunday Times. His evidence was processed at a local photo shop. Vanunu talked openly about what he’d done.

It’s said that by the time Vanunu arrived in London on September the 12th, 1986, Australian intelligence had already alerted MI6 and the CIA, and MossadIsraeli intelligencehad already begun questioning his family in Israel. The Sunday Times disguised their informant and moved him from place to place for protection. But in Leicester Square one day, Vanunu met a blonde who called herself “Cindy,” a beautician from Florida. Meanwhile, Oscar Guerrero, eager to profit from what he knew, turned to The Sunday Mirror. Vanunu’s photograph appeared on page one. Vanunu began to despair. At this point, Cindy was able to lure him to Rome to spend the weekend with her at her sister’s apartment. Not once did Vanunu suspect that Cindy was a Mossad agent and that this was the beginning of a plot to kidnap him.

In Rome, the tactics of the Mossad agents changed dramatically.

MEIR VANUNU: In the apartment, two Israeli agents attacked him and bit him and strangled him really hard. And then chained him, injected drugs [in]to his body. And later on he woke up in a small cell on a boat. The boat went to Israel for a few days and he arrived to Israel on the 7th of October, 1986.

NARRATOR: Vanunu was assumed dead until he turned up weeks later in Tel Aviv. Vanunu himself, on his way to court, gave the first clue of what had happened to him. Scrawled on his hand was the message “Vanunu was hijacked from Rome, Italy. 30.9.86. BA 504.”

SOURCE: Vanunu’s exposure of Israels nuclear program

But a key element of this story is missing from the handful of documentaries that do acknowledge Israel’s nuclear stockpile. Namely, that these weapons were not merely developed by Israeli scientists working in isolation, but with the aid of a nuclear smuggling ring that helped develop and advance Israel’s arsenal by stealing important nuclear technologies from their “ally,” the United States. These smuggling rings and their activities have been known about and even investigated by the FBI for decades, but largely kept secret from the public.

It has fallen to researchers like Grant F. Smith of, author of Divert!: NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the Diversion of US Weapons Grade Uranium into the Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program, to piece together the story from the documents that have been released. On The Corbett Report in 2012, Smith revealed the name of one of the high-powered Israeli officials who was at the heart of a plot in the 1970s to smuggle 800 nuclear triggers from the United States.

GRANT F. SMITH: In terms of the FBI uncovering a multi-node network, this one happened to be centered in California. MILCO was a company that was incorporated in 1972 by a man named Richard Kelly Smyth. He was discovered sending 800 krytrons, which are dual-use items that could be used to trigger nuclear weapons. When he was discovered doing that, he skipped bail in the mid-1980s and disappeared until he was picked up by Interpol in the early part of 2000.

And so the story is interesting and explosive, because after multiple attempts and denials, we had a document release in which the key contact, or one of the key contacts, that Smyth was meeting with to set up sales in Israel was none other than Benjamin Netanyahu. And so the documentwhich I’m kind of holding up right here for the people who are on videoactually names Benjamin Netanyahu as being an employee of Heli Trading Company, which was the node in Israel that would receive Ministry of Defense requisitions that they would pass on to MILCO.

And so the interesting thing about this, of course, is the high-profile nature of Benjamin Netanyahu [and] the fact that the smuggling ring ringleader has been identified as Arnon Milchan, a person any American knows for his movie productions, such as Pretty Woman and other favorites, who is running this and who a recent book has named as being a top economic espionage spy for LAKAM, who worked under Benjamin Bloomberg and Rafi Eitan. But the FBI document that we published on July 4 related to an story, which was really short and direct. And its core focus was on the fact that in a period when Netanyahu was building himself up as a leader in the terrorism industryhosting major conferences, having just returned from his studies in the United States, hosting major conferences in the Jonathan Netanyahu Terrorism Institute, named after his brother who was killed on the raid on Entebbe.

Here’s a person who was supposed to be working as a furniture company executive, and yet these documents, which are very credible because of what they were, which is testimony from Richard Kelly Smyth after he was returned from his exile overseas and finally forced serve a prison sentence. These were the statements he made to an FBI agent in a district attorney office when they debriefed and wanted to know what the extent of the nuclear technology smuggling network was, andboom!there’s Benjamin Netanyahu.

SOURCE: Corbett Report Radio 214 – Israel’s Nuclear Smuggling with Grant F. Smith

Benjamin Netanyahu. And now this unindicted nuclear smuggler is lecturing Iran about a 15-year-old, long-acknowledged nuclear weapons program that never produced a single nuclear weapon.

Even more worryingly, Israel’s nuclear knowledge has not only helped to arm its own nation, but actually helped to proliferate nuclear weapons to Pakistan through the so-called Khan network. One of the men who helped to transfer the nuclear triggers used in the construction of the Pakistani bomb was Asher Karni, an orthodox Jew living in South Africa who had been a major in the Israeli army prior to emigrating to Cape Town. Upon his arrival there in 1985, he began teaching the Torah at the local synagogue and educating Jewish youth, encouraging them to relocate to Israel.

In 2004, U.S. authorities arrested Karni for his role in supplying the nuclear triggers, and in 2005 he was sentenced to three years in prison. It has never been officially explained why this Israeli citizen and former Israeli military officer was interested in helping proliferate nuclear technologies to Pakistan.

But perhaps the greatest irony of all is that it is Iran who has been arguing for decades that the Middle East should be a nuclear-free zone. The idea was first floated by the Shah in 1969 and was first formally proposed by Iran in a joint UN General Assembly resolution, but the idea failed to garner any support. The idea was again raised by then-Iranian President Ahmedinejad in 2006 and yet again by then-Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki in 2008, but these calls to banish nuclear weapons from the Middle East have not even been acknowledged by the West, let alone seriously considered.

Now more than ever, the prospect of a nuclear-free Middle East seems the only way to prevent a nuclear conflagration that threatens to draw in the world’s superpowers, and yet this idea is being ignored by Israel and its staunchest ally, the United States.

Why does Israel refuse to declare its nuclear weapons stockpile?

Why do they refuse to sign on to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty?

Why do they refuse IAEA inspections of their nuclear facility?

Why did they kidnap and imprison Mordechai Vanunu for 18 years for providing the proof of this nuclear program?

And perhaps most importantly, why does the United States, the only country who could single-handedly force NPT compliance from Israel, still refuse to even admit the openly-acknowledged status of Israel as a nuclear power?

Don’t hold your breath waiting for these questions to be answered by the teleprompter readers on the nightly news.

Still, as even many in the mainstream are now admitting, Netanyahu’s presentation on Iran’s nuclear non-secrets is a cheap display of political theatrics. The only thing he ended up doing is underlining the point that Iran, unlike Israel, fully cooperated with the IAEA, lived up to its obligations as a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and, pointedly, has not violated the 2015 nuclear deal.

And now that the United States has allowed the Israeli tail to wag the American dog once again by de-certifying that Iranian deal without valid cause, negotiators in North Korea and elsewhere will be watching, reminded yet again that a promise from the American empire isn’t worth the signed agreement it’s written on.


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Featured image: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a speech on Iran’s nuclear programme at the defence ministry in Tel Aviv on 30 April 2018 (Source: MEE)

The Kursk Submarine Was Sunk by the Russian Navy by Accident

April 25th, 2023 by Capt. Igor Kirillovich Kurdin

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When asked what happened to the submarine Kursk on August 12, 2000, when it ended up at the bottom of the Barents Sea with 118 crew members, I will not answer “only” it sank! For twenty years I have worked on the research of this great accident that hit the Russian Navy, and I am obliged to give my expert opinion: I am deeply convinced that it is a “man-made disaster”.

This is the essence of the investigation and the book that was written on the basis of 20 years of work on the expert examination of the sinking of the pride of the Russian Navy by the Navy captain Igor Kirilovich Kurdin, a legend of Russian submarines.


 Dragan Vujicic (DV): Please explain?

Igor Kirilovich Kurdin (IKK): Things went bad one after another. It was a poorly made torpedo, and the preparation for firing was also bad. The crew had never handled this weapon before and it was the first time they had to launch a “whale” torpedo. During the preparation for firing, there was a combination/mixing of kerosene and hydrogen peroxide, which caused the explosion of one torpedo after another.


The elite Russian commander from the town of Polari is the son of submarine commander Kirill Borisovich Kurdin and Nadezhda Yevgenievna Kurdin (Kolesnikov), a participant in polar convoys in the Great Patriotic War. He served on nuclear submarines for 20 years and one day and was commander of three nuclear submarine cruisers K-241 “Murena”, K-84 “Yekaterinburg” and K-407 “Novomoskovsk”. He retired in 1995, and after the sinking of the Kursk in 2000, he agreed to investigate all aspects of the tragedy on behalf of the families of the injured colleagues. He also presented his findings in Belgrade to his colleagues from the Association of Submarines of Serbia, whose guest he was at the end of April.

Kurdin was genuinely shaken as he said: “The investigation into the sinking of the Kursk submarine was my most difficult and emotional professional and life task.” The Kursk submarine was the pride of Russian engineering. This underwater colossus is designated in NATO codification as Oscar 2 (or Project 949A Antej). When designed in the USSR, the submarine was intended to track NATO aircraft carrier groups and eventually destroy them. Antej submarines are designed to have a double hull divided into 10 different spaces. The vessel has a reinforced double hull designed to break through the Arctic ice cap. It is 154 meters long and eleven such buildings were built between 1985 and 1999, eight of which are still in use. Such underwater giants were considered unsinkable, and the tragedy in the Barents Sea in 2000 was the biggest blow to Russian military power. – Of course it was a big blow to the prestige of the Russian Fleet and that is why the investigation has been going on all these years, slowly, thoroughly and checking all possible aspects of the accident – explains Captain Kurdin at the beginning of the interview for newsmagazine “Seal”.

He adds: Everything that preceded the explosion was also investigated, how and when the explosion occurred. Hull and mechanism designers, admirals and lifeguards as well as weapons specialists were interviewed. Everyone told and wrote down what they knew, and I, as the commander of the submarine, just arranged the facts.


DV: There are two basic versions?

IKK: One is the one that I believe is a man-made disaster, as I have already explained. Another version is that the Kursk was sunk by an American or English submarine. And these facts were taken into account because they were really nearby in the Barents Sea!

DV: There are also versions that there was a collision with the Americans?

IKK: To say that the American submarine allegedly accidentally hit the Kursk, which activated one torpedo after another. But if that had happened, that submarine would have ended up at the bottom. She couldn’t just lie down on the bottom and crawl on it to hide somewhere. Submarines don’t go on the bottom! 

DV: What’s the weirdest version you’ve worked on during a submarine recovery and expertise?

IKK: That it was an accidental torpedo attack. Allegedly, “someone else’s” computer made a mistake, but that only happens in science fiction. According to the sound, you can hear the firing of a torpedo, and no one in the vicinity of Kursk has heard anything like that, and it was not recorded on hydro acoustic devices 

DV: It was also said that this powerful submarine was at the minimum depth when the accident happened.

IKK: According to the scenario of that exercise, the Kursk had a zone of influence, and it is true that the accident of the 154-meter ship occurred at a depth of 108 meters, which is really low for this type of submarine. But, it could only be a mitigating circumstance for the crew because at that depth they could have taken it out more easily. However, during that exercise in 2000, when 12 submarines went out to sea, the only rescue ship in the war port was not working and could not even set sail.

DV: So there was no salvation for them?

IKK: According to the navigation regulations of the Russian Navy, when an accident like this happens and in the next eight hours help does not come and let’s say the entire crew dies – no one is to blame but fate. When 23 people wait two days for help at the bottom and there is none, then there is professional responsibility for not providing help to the victims.

DV: Has anyone been held accountable for that?

IKK: Unfortunately no. After a year, 30 admirals and generals were dismissed from service with the explanation: Poor combat readiness. We all knew it was because of Kursk, but it was never emphasized.

DV: So part of the crew was waiting for rescuers?

IKK: It is believed that twenty-three (23) of them could have been helped with the devices from the rescue ship. After the explosion, they barricaded themselves in the compartment (space) of the submarine that was flooded no more than five by five meters and if they kept quiet they could clearly hear the ships going above them. I talked to the people who were the first to enter the sunken submarine and they testify that everything was ready for evacuation. They prepared life suits, buoys and other rescue equipment and waited in the dark for the rescuers. A submariner can really imagine what it’s like to be at the bottom of a wrecked submarine in the dark at a temperature around zero and the percentage of carbon dioxide is rising.

DV: These people still didn’t surrender for two days?

IKK: They could not leave the submarine themselves, but waited for help to come from the rescue ship. They had food and water. They also had special hand-held air purifiers because the central purification system was not working. They regularly removed the air regeneration panels that bind CO2 (carbon dioxide) and release oxygen for about two days from the moment of the accident. 

DV: What happened?

IKK: The autopsy findings of the doctor say that 20 of them were killed in section no. 9 suffocated with carbon dioxide and three were burned. A fire broke out in the space where they were grouped as a result of the chemical reaction of this regeneration system and water. In that darkness, water somehow broke into the regenerative cabinet/apparatus, the board came into contact with the water and burst into flames, so that the three female officers could hardly be recognized. 

DV: Explain that afterburner?

IKK: This is due to the sensitivity of those devices for air purification in submarines. It was invented by the Germans during the Second World War, and in the boxes of regenerative mass type V-64 there are air purification plates used by submariners when they dive for a long time. The handling of these plates must be extremely careful because they are aggressive on the human mucous membrane, and in contact with water, a violent reaction like an explosion and a fire occurs. It was simply not possible to be careful after two days at the bottom, in the cold and in the dark…

K-407 “Novomoskovsk” submarine

DV: The Kursk tragedy was the biggest blow to the Russian Navy?

IKK: It is true. Previously, Russian submariners were stunned by the decision of their commander-in-chief Boris Yeltsin to give up tactical nuclear warheads on their submarines as well. Let’s say that this class of Antej submarines was designed to deal with the biggest threat to Russia on the seas of the world, which during the Cold War were aircraft carriers primarily from the USA. The Antej submarines were intended to use a bouquet of small tactical nuclear bombs to put to sleep a group of aircraft carriers on the ocean and sink them or a series of explosions would cause a tsunami. However, our president decided that the Americans were not a threat to him, which was, as it turned out later, a big mistake.

DV: Russian Navy – Black Sea Fleet had significant losses in this conflict as well?

IKK: The command ship “Moscow” was lost. What happened there? My personal opinion is that it was a reckless naval operation to leave the cruiser in range of the enemy’s missiles. Moscow was a great ship, it had excellent anti-aircraft protection but not the necessary protection of other ships of its Navy. I am sure that it was a bad calculation by our commanders.

DV: What hit Moscow?

IKK: Two rocket missiles, one of which exploded. The ship suffered such damage that it sank and 20 people died. It was a blow to our prestige in the Black Sea while the Ukrainians shouted: We sunk “Moscow”! Let’s face it, the loss of the landing ship “Saratov” is a blow, and we were also left without some smaller boats. 

DV: Have the Americans ever lost their nuclear submarines?

IKK: Yes, they sank the submarines “Thresher” (SSN-593) in 1963 and “Scorpion” (SSN-589) in 1968, and they probably had more such losses. They had the last incident in November 2021, when their submarine “Connecticut” hit a reef while diving in the South China Sea and was then towed to a base in Guam. As they reported themselves, the repair will cost them a whopping 650 million dollars.

DV: It has been in the history of the rivalry between the USA and Russia and the collision of underwater objects.

IKK: Yeah, right. I personally know Captain Igor Lokot, who with his nuclear submarine B-276 Kostroma had a collision with the American rival “Baton Rouge”. That contact is known among us sailors as an “Elbow” strike (after the captain’s last name). I also know the submarine commander Andrei Bulgakov who collided with the American submarine “Grayling”.  

DV: Were those collisions accidental or intentional?

IKK: There were no intentions. Submarines are not kamikazes, but in the game of hiding and tracking ships, anything happens, including the situation of colliding in the vast ocean. 

DV: Many submariners also testified about strange underwater unknown UFO-like objects?

IKK: There is no submarine commander in the world’s seas who has not witnessed the strangest events under water. I was commander of the submarine on one of the cruises when an unknown force gripped us and tilted the ship pushing us forward and to the bottom. We trimmed the submarine (corrected) but it was in vain. We measured the temperature of the water, the speed and direction of the sea current, but all the devices showed that everything was fine with us, but it wasn’t. Suddenly, that force disappeared and the submarine continued as normal. There are many such stories!

DV: They say that with the advent of hypersonic weapons, the era of aircraft carriers has ended?

IKK: The Americans are the strongest with 12 aircraft carriers and played a major role in the Cold War. Churchill interpreted that power: “The Navy exists and a lot of things don’t actually happen”!Even during the Cold War, we did not build carriers, and we had several smaller cruisers that had airplanes on board. A few years ago we started talking about it again, but although it is true that it is good, for one carrier you have to have three zones of security ships only in anti-submarine defense. Then a special system of basing and maintenance and general overhaul. All in all expensive and unnecessary.

DV: Yet the Chinese and Indians make their own carriers?

IKK: The Chinese are the smartest here. Let’s say they bought the old Soviet aircraft carrier “Varyag” from the Ukrainians as scrap metal to initially make it into a Cultural Center in the port. Then, when they studied it well, they turned that Cultural Center into a modern aircraft carrier, and it’s one of the three they have. Indians buy from us but also from the Americans, combining what they need. Russia has one carrier and our profession says that in the future war they will not be of much use.

DV: What is the standard of Russian naval officers today?

IKK: I will answer as my colleague today’s nuclear submarine commander answered me – I can’t tell you the salary because my wife will hear. Otherwise, during the service, they must get an apartment, a decent income and many other privileges. 

DV: Are you one of the most decorated Russian submariners?

IKK: I have 14 medals on my chest, and my favorite is the “Ruby” medal – for raising the sunken AK “KURSK”, which I received at the request of the relatives of the crew who died. Namely, when I finished the expertise on the sinking of the Kursk, I met the families of the victims with her. I also informed general constructor Admiral Mihail Kuznetsov, the commander of the submarine division to which Kursk belonged, Irina Zeljovna, the wife of the submarine’s commander. Nothing is hidden or hushed up.

DV: Have a legendary career?

IKK: Since I finished the Senior Officer Specialist Course “Submarine Commander” in 1983, and then the Higher Naval Academy of the USSR, I have not been on land or in any headquarters in Leningrad for a single day. I participated in 15 long-term (90 days) underwater cruises, five of which in the role of submarine commander. When we asked the famous Russian commander of nuclear submarines, Igor Kurdin, about the new Russian underwater weapon – unmanned underwater vessel “Poseidon”, which has become a “scarecrow” for NATO countries, he first answered “no comment” and then told a moral story:

In short, “Poseidon” is a Russian drone submarine that is capable of blowing up entire cities and creating tsunamis of enormous proportions, and it dates back to the fifties of the last century. The idea of doomsday weapons dates back to when the first Soviet atomic submarine was being constructed. –

When our designers constructed the first Soviet atomic submarine in the fifties, Academician Sakharov, the father of the Russian nuclear program, had the idea to put a 20-meter long super torpedo on the submarine, which would stand on the bow and occupy three sections of the submarine in length. That super torpedo with a thermo-nuclear warhead, according to the project, was supposed to have a range of several tens of kilometers, and the plan of use was for the submarine to reach the shores of America and launch, for example, in the direction of New York.The city would be destroyed, and the tsunami that would be created by the detonation, for example, in front of the city, would sweep away everything in its path. And when the designers, together with Sakharov, came to the Soviet admirals with the idea of such a weapon, they received the answer: We are not at war with civilians. The project was then abandoned – reveals Kurdin.

DV: So even in the most terrible time of the cold war, civilians were taken care of?

IKK: Of course. Now we see how politicians from the West are speculating that the use of tactical nuclear weapons could also be considered in the war in Ukraine. I, as the man who commanded the atomic missile submarines K-241 “Murena”, K-84 “Yekaterinburg” and K-407 “Novomoskovsk”, claim that after the first detonation, a second and then a third would occur and that would be the end of the world.

“Belgorod“ submarine

DV: Back to “Poseidon”?

IKK: I saw that underwater weapon only on “paper” and it is being installed in the “Belgorod” submarine project – the basis of which is the hull of the Kursk (that is, “Antej”). Right now, “Poseidon” are entering the fleet list as part of the “Belgorod” project. It is a doomsday weapon and Russia’s enemies must know that. 

DV: You called this vessel (submarine) – killer “Belgorod”. Does it have anything to do with the Serbian capital?

IKK: Maybe there is! (Smiled). 

DV: How do you rate today’s Russian Fleet?

IKK: It is heaven and earth as it was in the nineties and in the first decade of this century, when the Americans and the English ruled the world’s seas. Since the nineties, especially during Yeltsin’s time, we neither built nor designed new ships/submarines. The situation has now changed and parity with the Western strongest fleets has been achieved. The most famous Russian project is the atomic missile submarine cruiser “Borei” and another project is “Jasen”. The submarine “Jasen” is multi-purpose and is armed not only with torpedoes but also with missiles and has been used successfully in Syria. The submarine Borei with intercontinental missiles “Bulava” replaces my submarine and soon it will be the basic composition of the Strategic Naval Forces of Russia. 

DV: What can Russian submarines do that Western ones can’t?

IKK: We can launch from a dock, from the open sea or when we break through the ice crust in the Arctic or Antarctic. For example, compasses do not work at the poles, and the Russians are the only ones in the world who have target coordinates at the “poles”. We break through the ice, open the lids on the missile silos and shoot up to 12,000 kilometers away. 

DV: American submarines can’t do that?

IKK: They can break through the ice but not aim and shoot. 

DV: While you were in the service, what was that combat life like?

IKK: Since I finished the Senior Officer Specialist Course “Submarine Commander” in 1983, and then the Higher Naval Academy of the USSR in Leningrad, I have not been on land or in any headquarters for a single day. I participated in 15 long-term (90 days) underwater cruises, five of them in the role of submarine commander. One of my cruising areas was the mid-Atlantic because we had 2,500 kilometer missiles. What can I say – we didn’t know the goals, it was all encrypted and in the computer. Therefore, if there was a need, they would fire projectiles without knowing where they would end up.

DV: A 90-day underwater cruise is a very special experience?

IKK: Of course. There is a preparation before every cruise that is very serious and rigorous. Let’s say it is interesting that Russian sailors are entitled to 50 grams of vodka a day even under water.Admittedly, the principle was that the sailor gives up his portion to his colleague for six days, and then when it’s his turn and his 350 grams, he “has the right” to rest for 24 hours. We managed. Everything is there.

DV: How are submarines used in the Black Sea?

IKK: I can’t comment on that. Just 20 years ago, Russia had one old submarine in the Black Sea, while Turkey had 12 new German ones. Today, our fleet has six underwater objects marked 636.3.which we call Warsaw-women and which have proven to be ideal for conflicts in the regional seas.They are armed with “caliber” missiles and they “work” perfectly. Diesel electric submarines, it turns out, are indispensable for these kinds of conflicts. 

DV: You call her a Warsaw-woman?

IKK: Its name remains from the USSR, but of course it is now a completely different combat system.For example, the Americans gave up on diesel electrics and it turned out that they were wrong.The Poles, who had one such vessel, scrapped it as unnecessary, and then when they realized their mistake, they bought submarines from Norway and later complained to us that they had bought “debris” from submarines. The Ukrainians had one that they did not want to service in Russia, but bought the batteries from the French. It turned out that the batteries did not fit, and then they literally gave us that submarine.

DV: There is a lot of talk about some new Russian Shkval torpedo that moves through the water at enormous speeds?

IKK: It is not a completely new weapon, it is more than 20 years old. The bow part of this torpedo has its own generator that runs on a mixture of gas and is actually an underwater rocket. Around herself, while sailing, she produces a shell that allows her super speeds. The squall actually functions as a gun and cannot be guided due to its speed. The advantage is that a surface ship cannot escape it.

DV: They say that the advent of hypersonic weapons ended the era of aircraft carriers?

IKK: The Americans are the strongest with 12 aircraft carriers and played a major role in the Cold War. Churchill interpreted that power: “The Navy exists and a lot of things don’t actually happen”!Even during the Cold War, we did not build carriers, and we had several smaller cruisers that had airplanes on board. A few years ago we started talking about it again, but the truth is that it is good, but for one carrier you have to have three zones of anti-submarine defense only. Then a special system of basing and overhaul. All in all expensive and unnecessary.

DV: What was Russia’s strategy against carriers?

IKK: Let’s say stop them with a bouquet of tactical nuclear bombs and you don’t have to hit the ship – you will sink the whole fleet. With hypersonic, it’s even easier. 

DV: The five Pacific countries, led by the USA, created the AUKUS-Pacific NATO with a powerful fleet?

IKK: I have no information about what they are doing. Our surprise check of the Pacific Fleet, which is now being carried out by our submarines and ships, is an opportunity to show the Americans what we mean. It is certain that they would not perform the exercise if we had nothing to show them.

“Borei“ class submarine


The best person who knows what happened to the Kursk submarine Navy Captain Igor Kirillovich Kurdin was born in 1953 in the city of Polari, in the family of submarine commander Kirill Borisovich Kurdin and Nadezhda Yevgenievna Kurdin (Kolesnikov), a participant in polar convoys in the Great Patriotic War. In 1975, he graduated with honors from the Submarine Military Academy, majoring in “Submarine missile weapons”. He served on the strategic nuclear submarine missile cruisers of the Northern Fleet. He commanded and sailed for exactly 20 years and one day.

Today, he is the head of the association “St. Petersburg Club of submariners and Navy veterans”. He was awarded the Order “For Service to the Homeland and the Armed Forces of the USSR” and has 14 decorations on his chest. One is the “Rubin” commemorative medal – for raising the sunken APK KURSK – handed over at the request of the relatives of the fallen crew.


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By itself no human activity has – yet – altered or substantially affected the climate of the world as a whole.” – Sir Crispin Tickell, 1977 (1)

Sir Crispin Charles Cervantes Tickell, descendant of Thomas Huxley and of paleontologist Mary Anning, was born in 1930. Crispin’s father, Jarred Tickell, penned dozens of novels and screenplays; including bestsellers. Crispin’s mother also wrote professionally.

Crispin graduated atop the Class of ‘52, Christ Church, Oxford. Two years with the Cold Stream Guards readied him for a Foreign Office career traversing the British Antarctic Territories, The Hague, Mexico City, and Paris.

The Duchy of Lancaster’s selection of Crispin as Private Secretary lifted him to the Royal circle. (Elizabeth knighted Crispin as the two sailed aboard Britannia.) In 1977 he became Chef de Cabinet to the President of the European Community. From 1984 to 1987 he ran Britain’s Overseas Development Administration. From 1987 to 1990 he was Britain’s UN Ambassador; and, ex officio, Britain’s Security Council rep.

During ‘retirement’ Tickell served as:

  • Warden of Green College, Oxford, 1990-7
  • President of Royal Geographical Society, 1990-3
  • President of Marine Biological Society, 1990-2007
  • Chair of the UK Government’s Sustainable Development Panel, 1994-2000
  • Chancellor of Kent University, 1996-2006

A lifelong conservationist Tickell prompted PM Major to launch the Darwin Initiative – a state-funded quango missioned to protect wilderness in poor locales. Crispin presided over the African tree-planting NGO, Tree Aid.   

A population control hawk, Tickell patronized and publicized Optimum Population Trust (Population Matters). In 2007 he told the BBC he wanted Britain’s population slashed from 60 to 20 million.  

Tickell facilitated the Tory’s weaponizing of Climate Change in their war with coal-miners; a project culminating in a total coal phase-out. Tickell met privately with Thatcher in 1984 to discuss “global warming.” From that moment Thatcher became the climate campaign’s most effective agent. Tickell is oft described as her Climate Envoy.     

In 1986, alongside Republican Party supremo John Topping (and the American Gas Association), Tickell co-founded the Washington DC-based Climate Institute – the first NGO with “climate” in its name; and the first dedicated exclusively to Climate Change. Tickell chaired this NGO from 1990 to 2002, and from 2012 until his 2022 death. The seminal Climate Institute, now buried beneath the jungle it sowed, hosted a three-day “Preparing for Climate Change” confab in October 1987 that attracted 300 well-healed participants. A similarly themed March 1988 symposium drew reps from 40 embassies.


Tickell wrote Climatic Change and World Affairs while a Fellow at Harvard’s Center for International Affairs (1975-6). The Center (est. 1958) fostered analysis of the world system by worldly scholars and officials.

The first book written under Center auspices was Brzezinski’s Soviet Bloc (1960). Their second, Kissinger’s Necessity for Choice (1961), proved the first of several by that author. Morton Halperin, Seymour Lipset and Samuel Huntington also contributed. Harvard University Press published most of the Center’s oeuvre while some tomes bore Oxford, Princeton, Yale and Stanford imprints. These books became must-read university texts across the Anglosphere. Center interests encompassed: the Cold War, higher education (especially student rebellions), land reform and military governance (especially in Latin America). Around the time of Tickell’s Fellowship the Center issued:  

Big Business in the State (1974), Organizing the Transnational (1974), Multinational Corporations and the Politics of Dependence (1974), Politics of International Monetary Reform (1976), International Politics of Natural Resources (1976), Oil Crisis (1976), Raw Materials Investments and American Foreign Policy (1977), Bankers and Borders (1977), and Storm Over Multinationals (1977). (2)

Tickell’s manifesto was their 119th publication; their first on climate. Appearing simultaneously, albeit not under Center auspices, was the Central Intelligence Agency’s The Weather Conspiracy: the Coming of the New Ice Age. Tickell notes:

“Vulnerability to climatic change is increasingly recognized as a crucial element both in economic management within states and in relationships between them. In the United States the Central Intelligence Agency was one of the first to try and assess the political and economic implications for the shifting balance of world power.” (3)

Further evidence of a trend can be culled from Tickell’s Suggested Reading:

  • Inadvertent Climate Change (1971), MIT
  • Calder’s The Weather Machine (1974), BBC
  • Weather and Climate Change; Food Production and Interstate Conflict (1974), Rockefeller Foundation
  • Understanding Climate Change (1975) US National Academy of Sciences (4)

Said books were part and parcel of government-led initiatives involving the World Meteorological Organization and International Council for Scientific Unions. These entities created the Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP) to sponsor conferences on climate physics, climate modelling, and paleoclimatology. GARP’s US subsidiary found lodgings at MIT, NASA and Colorado’s National Center for Climate Research. Across the pond:

“In Britain the Climate Research Institute at the University of East Anglia and the Meteorological Office have done pioneer work across the whole field.” (5)


Weather warfare worries walked climatology to the fore. According to Tickell:

“Beginning in 1963 and continuing until 1972 the United States experimented with various means of environmental warfare…” (6)


  • …attempts over five years to intensify normal monsoon rainfall so as to wash out North Vietnamese supply trails.” (7)
  • “…the Central Intelligence Agency tried to dry out the Cuban sugar crop by seeding clouds which could otherwise have brought rain to Cuba.” (8)

Tickell brandishes: the creation of floods, droughts and hailstorms; inducing lightning strikes; and blowing holes in the ozone layer.

News of the existence of this Pandora’s Box of horrors focussed international attention on the need to keep the lid as tightly shut as possible.” (9)

In December 1974, the UN resolved to prohibit influencing climate for military purposes. In August 1975, Americans and Soviets co-proposed banning weather warfare to the Conference on Disarmament. As Tickell’s manuscript went to press, many rallied behind this proposal. (10)


Tickell’s “CALL FOR ACTION” chapter recommends consolidating climate and weather institutes (Tickell thought there were too many) into one omnibus “World Climate and Meteorological Organization” capable of cataloging climate research; convening climate conferences; and counselling governments. (11) The treaty chartering this organization must stipulate:

“…mandatory obligations in some parts of the agreement and voluntary adherence to a code of good behaviour.” (12)


“…develop a framework which could be strengthened and enlarged as circumstances later required.” (13)


“International acceptance of even a few mandatory obligations would only be a beginning.” (14)

“We can even imagine the institution of a kind of international thermostat for the management of the world’s climate.” (15)

Although utilizing UN imprimatur the organization shouldn’t be UN-controlled:

“However disagreeable it may sound, the countries or group of countries able to exercise leverage in this respect in the possible circumstances of the future are those who grow and export a surplus of foodstuffs, in particular grain. At present, this group includes Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, and could include members of the European Community. It would be much easier and more generally acceptable if they were to exercise leverage to support provisions of an international agreement than for motives which could be interpreted as selfish….” (16)

Tickell wrote as Anglospheric and European states withheld foreign aid from countries resisting birth control programs. Tickell advocated withholding grain from countries resisting the climate agenda.  

One ulterior motive was surveillance. Tickell envisioned regular “climatic censuses” to which all “governments should provide full and honest information” with data gaps filled by satellites and other meteorological instruments (balloons, buoys etc). There would be climate truants, namely:

“China, whose statistics are suspect, and the Soviet Union, for whom secrecy is a disease…” (17)

Efforts to woo Russians went unrequited.


Tickell’s list of activities this climate authority might suppress deviously mixes absurdly dangerous ideas with benign proposals only environmentalists oppose. In the first category, along with weather weapons, we find:

  • Hurricane dispersal
  • Towing Antarctic icebergs
  • Permanent diversion of ocean currents
  • Spraying sea ice with soot to warm the planet
  • Burning sulphur in the upper atmosphere to cool the planet

Amidst these wild cards Tickell shuffles:

  • Oil drilling in the Arctic
  • Diverting rivers for irrigation
  • Supersonic commercial air travel
  • Deforestation to expand farmland


Deemed the brightest mind available, Harvard tapped Tickell to survey the state of climate science. The saliant takeaway is Tickell’s acknowledgement of the uncertainty pervading the field. Passages reflecting humanities’ climate benightedness abound:

  • “…of all the aspects of the earth’s environment, the climate and its variations, natural and otherwise, remain one of the least understood. It is an area where vital information is still lacking, where scientists can both passionately and plausibly disagree…” (18)
  • What conclusions can be drawn from this summary description of the processes of climatic change? Perhaps the first is to underline the fragmentary nature of our knowledge and the immense difficulty in assigning causes to effects… there are many factors in this complex system of which we know little and there are probably others of which we know nothing.” (19)

Fast-forward 15 years and climate scientists, sans interim eurekas, express pathological confidence that CO2 emissions cause catastrophic global warming! 


Tickell equivocates between warmers and coolers; listing to the latter. He signs-off:

“The pleasantly warm moment we now enjoy… will not last forever.” (20)

He earlier warns those basking in clement weather:

in a time span of 500 years or longer, this warmth was distinctly abnormal. It was cooler before, and between 1945 and 1970 it became cooler again. Indeed the period between 1900 and 1945 may have been the warmest in a thousand years.” (21)

Tickell leans heavily on Nigel Calder, a scientist convinced “the trend is clearly towards glacial conditions.” (22). (Calder died a vociferous critic of anthropogenic global warming.) Nature, not humanity, causes cooling. Tickell thrice summons the Little Ice Age (1645-1715) when fairs adorned a frozen Thames; and he links this cooling to dips in solar radiance.

He presents the standard cooler case:

“…dust, which is rapidly blown high and wide, casts a veil over the atmosphere, and, depending on the size, color and shape of the particles, shuts out more solar radiation from outside than it shuts in terrestrial radiation from below.” (23)

Then adds: “most authorities doubt it…” (24)

Regarding “man-made aerosol particles” he opines:

“…here even the best authorities can arrive at opposite conclusions. One believes that aerosol particles should have recently cooled the northern hemisphere by about 0.5 C., thus counteracting the rise in temperature caused by carbon dioxide; while another does not rule out the possibility that they have recently had a warming effect at the surface in same area.” (25)

He pours ink on the long-abandoned hypothesis that “urban heat domes” warm the entire atmosphere. (Alarmists forsook this because it implies warming bias at weather stations engulfed by urban sprawl.)

Of human-induced warming culprits Tickell considers CO2 most significant, cautioning:

“How much the observed increase in carbon dioxide has in fact warmed the lower atmosphere is in dispute. Some calculations show it should have warmed it by 0.2 C. to 0.3 C., but if so, other factors must have been operating the other way. (26)


If men will breed like rabbits they must be allowed to die like rabbits.” (27)

Tickell approvingly relays this quip from A. V. Hill while deeming the “present dizzying expansion of human numbers” as “the biggest threat we face.” (28) Population phobia spawns many passages:

  • …maximum exploitation of land and other resources for the production of food can prove hazardous if not dangerous to present as well as future generations if it is based on the notion of a stable environment and ignores the climatic dimension…” (29)
  • What place should climate factors have in this depressing equation? Perhaps the single most important one is that overpopulation, with all that it implies, greatly diminishes our ability to respond to change.” (30)

Democracy and the insatiable mob undergird this crisis:

  • No responsible, still less, elected government could lightly sacrifice a short-term and direct advantage in terms of wealth and employment for its people to avoid a long-term, indirect and uncertain disadvantage for the human race of life as a whole.” (31)
  • “…as populations and demands on resources continue to increase, governments will be under mounting domestic pressure to put national requirements first to ensure their own survival….” (32)


Tickell disgorges stock Malthusian-conservationist tropes about: Nature’s balance; the frontier’s end; tipping points; and, precautionary principles. The Great Dread is population pressure prompting rushes to the hinterland that undermine land values within, and the political reach of, metropolitan states. Tickell wrote just after Ehrlich’sPopulation Bomb and the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth broke records for sales and impact. Pre-1980s policy wonks pitched restricting: population growth, land development and energy usage, without recourse to climate scares. Tickell’s favorite scientist, Stephen Schneider, coined “climatic limits to growth” so climatologists could join the fray.  

Prescient as he appears, the climate campaign isn’t what Tickell envisioned. The “Energy Transition” (hydrocarbon fuel phase-out) is now center and motor of climate politics. Tickell’s CO2 concerns were bycatch of his trawling for larger climatic pretexts that might enable the under-development agenda. Although eclipsed by geo-politically orientated energy independence aspirations, uber-green motivations remain explicit, important drivers of the climate crusade.  


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William Walter Kay is a regular contributor to Global Research.


  1. Tickell, Crispin. Climactic Change and World Affairs; Harvard University Press, 1977, p 26
  2. Ibid p 71-5
  3. Ibid p 11-2
  4. Ibid p 65
  5. Ibid p 51
  6. Ibid p 60
  7. Ibid p 60
  8. Ibid p 60
  9. Ibid p 60-1
  10. Ibid p 61
  11. Ibid p 57
  12. Ibid p 58
  13. Ibid p 54
  14. Ibid p 58
  15. Ibid p 43
  16. Ibid p 59
  17. Ibid p 52
  18. Ibid p 12
  19. Ibid p 35
  20. Ibid p 61
  21. Ibid p 13
  22. Ibid p 39
  23. Ibid p 40
  24. Ibid p 23
  25. Ibid p 29
  26. Ibid p 29
  27. Ibid p 36
  28. Ibid p 36
  29. Ibid p 44-5
  30. Ibid p 37
  31. Ibid p 37
  32. Ibid p 53

Featured image: Crispin Tickell in 2011. (Licensed under OGL v1.0)

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The ANZAC Myth, a Cult of Imperial Dependence

April 25th, 2023 by Prof. Tim Anderson

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In commemoration of ANZAC Day, first published by GR on April 25, 2015. 

The 25th of April 2015 will mark the centenary of an Australian and New Zealand attack on the Ottoman Empire at Gallipoli (present day Turkey), a failed operation carried out on behalf of the British Empire. The ‘ANZAC spirit’ has since been presented as a founding element of Australian national identity.

However the significance of the ANZAC myth lies not so much in its assertion of youthful sacrifice, bravery and mateship, as in a loyal and unthinking obedience to the military adventures of a great power. We have generated a sense of dependent obligation to participate in the next imperial war, seemingly blind to the slaughter and misery that brings other peoples.

It is no accident that, one hundred years after the disastrous Gallipoli operation, Australian troops are again being sent to the Middle East. While in 1915 the ‘First Australian Imperial Force’ was used by the British Empire to attack the Ottoman Empire, in 2015 the ‘Australian Defence Forces’ are being used as part of an extended North American operation to control the entire Middle East.

Australian armed forces have rarely been used to defend Australia, but frequently to assist imperial operations. There were not independent decisions to deploy the First and Second Australian Imperial Forces, during the great wars of the 20th Century. In 1939 Prime Minister Robert Menzies said:

‘Fellow Australians, it is my melancholy duty to inform you officially that … Great Britain has declared war upon [Germany], and that, as a result, Australia is also at war.’

That is, Great Britain made the decision and Australia followed.

In 1942, after Imperial Japan evicted Imperial Britain from Singapore, we exchanged the British dummy for a North American suppository. From this time on there was barely a single aggression by Washington which Australia did not celebrate if not directly support.

In the case of the terrible American war in Vietnam, which stole more than 2 million lives, Washington fabricated a pretext for escalation (the Gulf of Tonkin incident) and Menzies (again PM, 25 years later) wrote South Vietnam’s ‘invitation’ for Australia to participate.

Fragmentation of command was an enduring feature of a military that engaged almost exclusively in ‘joint’ operations. Only in the 1970s did Australia create a unified command of its own defence forces.

Every nation has its own creation myth, often some deft mixture of fact and fantasy. In the case of the USA an ‘empire of freedom’ was born in a republic which deployed the largest system of slavery in human history, with an economy dependent on human slavery. Washington, Jefferson and many other founders of that republic were slave owners to the day they died.

Australia’s own creation myth, using the ANZAC disaster, is a ‘White Australia’ construction, as Marilyn Lake and Henry Reynolds wrote in their 2010 book What’s wrong with ANZAC? It denies indigenous culture and affirms a cult of imperial dependence, celebrating nihilistic sacrifices for the great power.

The military traditions of many countries recognise sacrifices made in defence of independence nations. The ANZAC myth is something quite different.


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Black Lives Remain in Danger Throughout the United States

April 25th, 2023 by Abayomi Azikiwe

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Even after three years of mass demonstrations and urban rebellions in the United States, law-enforcement agencies and the entire legal system are still “justifying” the shooting deaths of African Americans and other oppressed peoples.

Jayland Walker, 25, was killed on June 27, 2022, after being chased outside his vehicle by the Akron, Ohio police. Walker was shot 46 times by eight different officers. All together the eight police officers fired 96 shots within 6.7 seconds. Walker had no criminal record and was employed as a delivery driver for DoorDash.

These police officers involved in the killing said they felt threatened by Walker who was running away after leaving his vehicle. The law-enforcement agents said that Walker had fired a shot at them during the chase.

At the time of his shooting death, Walker did not have any firearms on his person. A weapon was retrieved from his vehicle which he had abandoned in an effort to save his own life. It would take another ten months for a special grand jury to decide on April 17 that the killing of Walker did not warrant indictments against the officers.

The official story provided by the Akron police indicated that a state investigation collected evidence since the killing of Walker. The evidence from this state-directed inquiry was turned over to the grand jury appointed by Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost which voted not to charge the police with any crimes.

People have been demonstrating in Akron since last June. Several high-profile activists were arrested while protesting the conduct of the Akron police in the weeks following Walker’s death.

In the aftermath of the grand jury decision not to indict the police, there have been daily demonstrations in Akron. Hundreds took to the streets hours after the grand jury decision and the days that have followed.

Many drove their vehicles through the streets, stopping at strategic locations resulting in traffic being halted. Later on April 19, the Akron police and Summit County sheriff deputies fired pepper spray and tear gas in an attempt to disperse the crowds.

Nonetheless, activists regrouped and continued to protest in the city. The city administration has blocked off the area around the municipal headquarters downtown designating several blocks as a so-called protest zone.

In the immediate aftermath of the grand jury decision, the family of Walker announced that they would file a civil wrongful death lawsuit against the City of Akron. Community activists have made statements to the media saying that the culpability of the police officers in the killing of Walker was unquestionable.

In response to the firing of chemical irritants on the crowds demonstrating against the grand jury decision, one organization called the Akron Bail Fund announced it would file a civil lawsuit seeking a temporary restraining order against law-enforcement agencies preventing them from utilizing excessive force. Later in the week on April 21, the City of Akron announced that the police would refrain from using chemical irritants on peaceful protesters.

Akron police chief Steve Mylett was quoted by the Beacon Journal saying he would reserve judgment on his law-enforcement personnel until an investigation was carried out. Mylett emphasized that:

“I am waiting on video footage from a few of our partner law enforcement agencies to help clarify some confusion. Before I explain what happened, I need to be sure of the timeline of events. If information is released prematurely and without the facts, that misinformation could cause irrevocable damage. As soon as I can confidently determine the exact circumstances of how [Wednesday] evening unfolded, I will make that information available to the public. If we made mistakes, we would improve upon them, and if the officers’ actions were reasonable, we would share that information as well.” 

Some local elected officials criticized the police for the attacks against protesters on April 19. Ward 5 City Councilwoman Tara Mosley refuted the police version of events which declared the demonstration as an unlawful assembly.

Mosley issued a statement on April 20 saying:

“There are no reports of any injuries or property damage before the officers declared the assembly to be unlawful. What, then, was unlawful about this assembly? The city claims that the officers issued orders to disperse because ‘officers were having bottles thrown at them from marchers.’ But, from the available evidence — and there is much of it online — the protests were peaceful before the officers ordered the people to disperse. The people were calling for accountability. Nothing more, nothing less. The people were protesting the Jayland Walker decision. They were crying out for healing. They were standing up for their neighbors and community and families and children. This assembly was not unlawful; it was demanding to be heard.”

The officers involved in the killing of Walker remain on administrative leave. The police department is now saying that since the grand jury investigation has concluded they will conduct their own internal probe into the circumstances surrounding the death of Walker.

African American Youth Shot Outside Kansas City Home

Ralph Yarl, 16, an honor student and member of the Missouri State Band, was trying to pick up his twin younger brothers in north Kansas City, Missouri on April 13 when he walked up to the porch of a home which was the wrong address. After ringing the bell and waiting, an 84-year-old white man, Andrew D. Lester, fired a shot through the exterior door striking Yarl in the head.

After Yarl was already down, the assailant then shot the youth again in the shoulder. Yarl stumbled away from the house seeking assistance from the neighbors. His family members reported that the youth was turned away from three homes before someone brought a towel out of a house and called the emergency medical services and the police.

Miraculously, Yarl did not suffer fatal injuries. The bullet fragments from a .32 caliber handgun failed to lodge into the critical areas of his brain which could have caused sudden death. Yarl was released after several days in the hospital and is recovering at home.

The Yarl family are originally from the West African state of Liberia. They immigrated to the U.S. several years ago.

This recent act of racist violence further fueled mistrust and fear throughout African American communities across the U.S. Yarl’s family and their attorney demanded the arrest and indictment of the shooter.

Lester was initially brought to a police station on April 14 for questioning and was released without being charged in the shooting. Outrage over the incident, in all likelihood, prompted the filing of charges against Lester on April 18 although he has been released on $200,000 bond. It was not immediately clear if Lester was represented by an attorney.

The 16-year-old’s father, Paul Yarl, told the media that his son spent three days in the hospital and was able to walk out of the facility on April 16. The father, who lives in Indianapolis, after hearing of the shooting from Ralph’s mother, drove immediately to Kansas City.  

In an interview with CBS television on April 18, Cleo Nagbe, Ralph Yarl’s mother, discussed the traumatic impact of the shooting of her son. According to an Associated Press report:

“During an interview Tuesday (April 18) with ‘CBS Mornings,’ Yarl’s mother, Cleo Nagbe, said her son is in good spirits but that the trauma remains evident. She said he is ‘able to communicate mostly when he feels like it, but mostly he just sits there and stares, and the buckets of tears just roll down his eyes.’ ‘You can see that he is just replaying the situation over and over again, and that just doesn’t stop my tears either,’ she said.” 

The U.S. continues to be a place of danger for people of African descent. In fact, historically, the U.S. was built on the forced removal and genocide of the Indigenous peoples and the enslavement of Africans over a period of 250 years.

Consequently, in order for racism and national oppression to be eliminated, the entire system of oppression and exploitation must be transformed. Countless local, state and federal investigations of similar incidents involving law-enforcement and vigilantes have failed miserably to end the violence and create a peaceful atmosphere for African Americans and the oppressed peoples living in North America.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Blood, Golf and Saudi Arabia: The LIV Tournament in Adelaide

April 25th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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The recently concluded LIV Tournament in Adelaide was a matter of bread, circuses and golf.  It was something of a triumph for the chief sponsor: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and, more notably, the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Critics, and criticism about the regime and the blood spattered House of Saud, were generally forgotten. 

This vulgar display of denial and indulgence was typified by the face of Australian golf, Greg Norman. After three days of competition at The Grange, The Advertiser ran with the painful headline: “LIV-ing the dream: Golf’s boom weekend for SA.” The South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas, who scandalously threw his state’s money into a mix also funded by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (his government refuses to say how much), was also glowing. “To everyone who turned up and showed what Australia is about – thank you.”  

When questioned about the Riyadh connection and its blotchy human rights record, the insufferable South Australian Tourism Minister, Zoe Bettison, proved to be a well of useless information. “I’m aware of the issues that people have raised,” she stated.  “But each and every one of us here uses equipment [and] different businesses every day that the Saudis are invested in.”  Presumably she does not mean hacksaws, which, in Saudi hands, have a habit of finding their way onto the necks of critical journalists.  

Golfing professionals such as the unprincipled Mammon follower Dustin Johnson also expressed delight at the way the tournament had gone. “The support we’ve had from the fans and the city … awesome.  Obviously, the crowds were unbelievable this week, so it was a lot of fun.” 

Peter Uihlein dreamily speculated about future numbers, burgeoning in their promise: 90,000 attendees over three days in the 12th event would surely mean even greater numbers by the 40th or 50th?  “People lose sight of that a little bit. This is literally the 12th event. The sky is the limit.” 

There were efforts made by the organisers to mimic their PGA Tour rivals, who, to be fair, are also corrupt, but not in the capital punishment-killing journalists sense of the term.  A ticket to the “Cellar Door” Marquee back of the 12th green, Guardian Australia reports, was called the “Watering Hole”; the PGA equivalent would have been the “Party Hole” in Arizona. The price of admission: $1200. For that price, those attending the sports wash session could also be bored by Norman, Premier Malinauskas, and former Australian Treasurer and US ambassador Joe Hockey, talk about golf as “a force for good”. 

The Kingdom has made no secret of its use of sport in softening a cruel, barbaric image, rinsing it in the progressive tones of sporting improvement. Obscene amounts of cash have and are being put into sporting tournaments by Riyadh’s Public Investment Fund. And they have such charming ignoramuses as Norman to play the role of useful, distracting dolt, able to bring on board other dolts bedazzled by the dosh. 

In the first season of LIV Golf events, each regular-season event’s total value was counted at $25 million, split between $20 million for the individual event, and $5 million for the team competition. The winner’s earnings came in at $4 million, with the last-placed participant getting $120,000.

There have also been the individual mercenaries, the condottieri of the golf circuit. They have taken the manna from Norman, and encouraged to forget the bloodthirsty, vicious tendencies of the medieval House of Saud; focus, instead, on a more tangible hatred golfers can understand: the PGA tour organisers. It is those stuffed shirts Norman has never forgiven in undermining his previous efforts to run a tournament, and it is an animosity that he has bred from. 

In Adelaide, when asked about what the PGA boss Jay Monaghan might feel about the tournament, Johnson was instant in his reaction. “We don’t give a damn how he feels. We know how he feels about us, so it’s mutual.” 

Others, like Bruce Koepka, focused on the golf-as-golf theme: players on the LIV circuit and the PGA tour were playing the same game. At the recent Masters, he could “run into 15 (PGA) Tour guys if [he] wanted to in a day and nobody really had any negative feedback, any negative thing to say – and that would be the time to say it.”  

One can never accuse professional golfers of shaking the tree of knowledge, and 2020 US Open Winner and LIV participant Bryson DeChambeau proved that point. “We talked about that [Saudi sportswashing] last year, and we already kind of kicked that to the kerb.  It’s something that I truthfully believe is inaccurate.”  

When asked last week if he had ever had a conversation with bin Salman, the man US intelligence agencies are certain ordered the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, nothing was forthcoming. “No, I have not,” he replied

As to why such a meeting had never happened, the answer was childish, though far from endearingly so. “Because I’m the chairman and CEO of LIV Golf Investments, and that’s where I focus. I focus on golf.  I’ve been involved with golf … as a player, as well as golf course design. I’ve built golf courses in third-world countries. I’ve built golf courses in Communist countries.”  Here we have the Albert Speer of golf, dedicated to the building enterprises, riding high, and without fear. Speer, at the very least, faced a tribunal and received due punishment.

There have been a few indignant spoilsports. Human Rights Watch researcher Joey Shea made a few ripples in the ABC for noting that, “Saudi Arabia has experienced some of its worst periods for human rights in its modern history.” In March 2022, she reminds us, 81 people were executed in one day. 

Strangely enough for a state Liberal opposition leader, David Speirs had also detected some principle in the tangle of sporting sponsorship. Why take “dirty money” from a “despotic”, fundamentalist government while condemning Russia?  

Malinauskas had a reply for his sparring opponent: Speirs had supported the Harvest Rock Festival, run by Live Nation, yet another Public Investment Fund recipient. No matter, retorted Speirs. “We’re paying for print advertising, social media advertising … we’re normalising the Saudi regime.” That normalisation, at least at the State level in Australia, is nigh complete.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from LIV Golf

Prison Letters of Nelson Mandela Revisited

April 25th, 2023 by Barbara Nimri Aziz

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It was only when I started reading a collection of this remarkable African leader’s prison letters (records from 1962 to 1990) gathered in a judiciously edited 600-page book that I began to grasp the powerful character behind the freedom fighter, prisoner and South African president. 

Many of us have seen the films “Long Walk to Freedom” and “Mandela”; perhaps we’ve read one of his biographies, autobiographies, collections of essays, and consulted quotations and websites devoted to Nelson Mandela. So we understand a lot about this man’s political and ideological struggle before his incarceration and after his election as South Africa’s president in 1994. 

But this collection of 255 prison letters offers another layer of the man’s personality—one that reminds us of a community beyond his ANC comrades, namely, a family of individuals with whom he was intimately and regularly involved. He carried these people with him into captivity throughout their 27 years of separation. They live with him within his letters. 

Perhaps because of the editorial demands of translating some of the correspondence, locating documents from various sources, clarifying names, and arranging permissions The Prison Letters of Nelson Mandela was released only in 2018 (Liveright Publishing, NY). The volume’s interest to historians, civil rights activists and all who celebrate his achievements is clear. Yet within this chronicle, as I read letter after letter, I discover new dimensions of its author. I didn’t expect to learn so much more about Mandela. Not conditions of Robben Island, Pollsmoor and other jails where he was captive; I’m enjoying a deeper insight into the man’s personality and thereby into his ultimate triumph.

As illustrated in The Prison Letters

To start, from excerpts of just four items from the early years of Mandela’s imprisonment at Robben Island, here’s a hint of what this treasure offers.

To Commissioner of Prisons Pretoria (undated letter but possibly October, 1965; ed.)

I am grateful for the concession you made on 13th October, 1965 when you informed me that you had no objection to us exchanging study books among ourselves. This relief will considerably reduce the expenses for prescribed text books … …if the privilege to study us to be of any value, certain conditions are absolutely essential.

17 Feb 1966 Darling, (wife, Winnie Madkizela-MandeIa) 

I should be pleased if you would kindly instruct Mssrs. Hayman and Aronsohn not to proceed with the action against the prison authorities. On 8th February, I had an interview with the chief magistrate of Cape Town who came on the instruction of the Secretary for Justice…I have passed the Hoer Africaanse Taaleksamens and have now enrolled for Africaans-Nederlands Course I with the University of South Africa… my funds have run out…please do not pay from your account.

Tons and tons of love to you darling and a million kisses. Tell Thembi, Kgatho, Maki, Zeni and Zindzi that I miss them very much and send them my love, devotedly Dalibunga

31 Aug 1988 The American Journal of International Law

Dear Sir: I have not received the July 1966 issue of the American Journals of International Law. Presumably because my subscription has lapsed … … I am preparing to write an examination in public International Law shortly and should, therefore, be pleased if you can kindly advise me…

(see further passages below)

Perhaps in the latter part of this chronicle, I will find Mandela’s detailed ill treatment and conditions of imprisonment. Yet I’m not inclined to rush through the remaining 300 pages to search for that. I remain absorbed in each letter, and thereby in the routine but precious lives of his community: he spares no details in comforting and advising those outside how to overcome their daily struggles and ambitions; he offers concrete help to friends and relatives, including those abroad; he directs his attorneys and gathers financial support for his children’s education; he advises his wife through her trial and prison ordeal; he patiently writes prison authorities requesting attention to what he knows are his rights, even as a condemned man; he negotiates the completion of advanced law degrees and learning Africaans, the language if his oppressors. These letters overflow with respect and affection, detailing Mandela’s goodwill and, always, his expectation that he will meet them soon.

Wisely, this volume’s editor does not try to summarize the 27 years that Mandela’s epistolary record covers, but offers useful notes on the dozen or more collections from which these were drawn. In barely 20 pages of introductory remarks, we are given essential background: the stages of imprisonment, limitations on meetings with family, speculation regarding missing letters– those confiscated, never delivered, destroyed, or discovered years later. With this framework, the content of the letters in this volume becomes more remarkable. Mandela never knew if his letters would reach their destination, why others’ replies went missing, why a meeting was cancelled. Artfully, perhaps cunningly, he copied most of his letters before sending, and as evident in this collection, he refers his correspondents to earlier letters he’d sent and to whom. Tracking some of his undelivered materials was again a special contribution of this volume.

All the letters possess a remarkable intimacy, whether they’re recording Mandela’s feelings or relaying specifics about the lives of family and friends, or if they’re directed to officials. He knows of course that everything is censored. 

One might be tempted to fast forward to the more dramatic entries recording his mother’s and son’s death and his wife’s imprisonment. Still, each letter has its strength and genuineness. Each missive, even those about his law studies or his damaged glasses, is revealing. He is never the victim, and apparently never bitter. His long report to the Robben Island Commissioner in July 1976 about censored letters, irregular visits, and other conditions is a skillfully composed document. Comforting his daughter or reporting administrative defects of the prison, his exceptionality seeps out of every line. More than his oft-quoted words, this collection explains Mandela’s positivity and clarity of mind.

This is not a collection to be skimmed through. So, while perusing the final 300 pages, expecting to be equally captivated by every entry, here are a few more excerpts from some letters from Robben Island between 1964 and 1970. 

8 September 1966. The Commanding Officer, Robben Island

I have broken the lens of my reading glasses and I should be pleased if you would kindly arrange for the glasses to be sent for repair to …

2 November 1967,

Dear Cecil (former Golden City Post Editor). I need R150.00 for my studies. May I exploit you. During the last four years I parasited on Winnie. She has been out of employment since April ’65… I must burden you with another… my son Makgatho, was expelled from St Christopher’s Manzini, apparently after a student strike there. He now attends a local school. I fear that the sudden change may affect his progress. He may also feel lonely ad unhappy….I was happy to know of the rapid growth and expansion of the enterprise you have piloted so skillfully…looking forward to the day when I will again see you and enjoy the happy moments we have spent together in the past…. PS please inform Winnie that in arranging the next visit, she must give preference to Madiba or Makgatho…

16 November 1969,

Dade Wethu (Winnie Mandela) I believe that on Dec. 21, you and 21 others will appear in the Pretoria Supreme Court under the Sabotage Act…it would seem that you would require me to give evidence on your behalf….. unjust and contrary to the elementary principles of natural justice to force you to start a long and protracted trial on a serious charge without arrangements having first been made for us to meet… there will be those whose chief interest will be to seek to destroy the image we have built over the last decade. Attempts may be made to do now what they have repeatedly failed…

1 May 1970 (To Mandela’s youngest daughter, Makaziwe)

My darling: I am pleased to hear from Kgatho that you have passed your JC examinations and that you are now proceeding with matric. The good progress that you are making in your studies shows that you are a talented and keen student… I hope that in your next letter it will be possible to give me the symbols that you obtained in each subject… in your undated letter which reached me on the 15th November last year, you say that you no longer want to be a scientist because funds will not be available… I did hear that mom Winnie is in jail and I agree with you that it will be a longtime before she comes out. …I cannot give you a clear and straightforward answer as to who is taking care of the children. But you, Kgatho, Sisi Tellie, Makazi Niki, and our numerous friends are there to look after them.

8 June 1970

Our dear Ma, In July 1967 Major Kellerman, then Commanding Officer of this prison, gave permission for me to write you a special letter of condolence on behalf of all of us here on the occasion of the passing of the late Chief (Albert Luthuli, former president-general of the ANC) Under normal circumstances we would have certainly attended the funeral to pay homage directly to the memory of a great warrior as he passed from the stage into history…


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Barbara Nimri Aziz whose anthropological research has focused on the peoples of the Himalayas is the author of the newly published “Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”, available on Amazon

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

“Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”

By Barbara Nimri Aziz

A century ago Yogmaya and Durga Devi, two women champions of justice, emerged from a remote corner of rural Nepal to offer solutions to their nation’s social and political ills. Then they were forgotten.

Years after their demise, in 1980 veteran anthropologist Barbara Nimri Aziz first uncovered their suppressed histories in her comprehensive and accessible biographies. Revelations from her decade of research led to the resurrection of these women and their entry into contemporary Nepali consciousness.

This book captures the daring political campaigns of these rebel women; at the same time it asks us to acknowledge their impact on contemporary feminist thinking. Like many revolutionaries who were vilified in their lifetimes, we learn about the true nature of these leaders’ intelligence, sacrifices, and vision during an era of social and economic oppression in this part of Asia.

After Nepal moved from absolute monarchy to a fledgling democracy and history re-evaluated these pioneers, Dr. Aziz explores their legacies in this book.

Psychologically provocative and astonishingly moving, “Yogmaya and Durga Devi” is a seminal contribution to women’s history.

Click here to order.

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Andrew Bridgen, membro del Parlamento britannico, definisce il nuovo Regolamento Sanitario Internazionale (RSI) e il Trattato sulle Pandemie dell’OMS come un’inaudita presa di potere, che priva tutti i 194 paesi dell’OMS, i paesi membri e il mondo intero della loro sovranità sulle questioni sanitarie nazionali.

Il nuovo RSI e il Trattato sulle pandemie trasferirebbero al Direttore generale dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) l’autorità di decidere cosa sia una pandemia e cosa meriti lo status di Emergenza Sanitaria Pubblica di Preoccupazione Internazionale (PHEIC) e, letteralmente, come debba essere trattata qualsiasi questione di salute – un mandato illimitato di dettami.

Il Direttore generale dell’OMS può imporre un divieto assoluto e una punizione per l’uso di farmaci “vietati dall’OMS”, anche se di provata efficacia. Questo è esattamente ciò che è accaduto durante la COVID. I medici e le farmacie non potevano prescrivere, raccomandare e vendere farmaci efficaci contro la COVID, perché l’OMS li aveva vietati.

Questo potere dell’OMS verrebbe ampliato come legge internazionale, o meglio come ” Ordinamento basato su regole”, il nuovo termine tirannico scelto dall’élite, per aggirare letteralmente qualsiasi legge nazionale e internazionale.

Sia il RSI che il Trattato sulle pandemie saranno votati dalla prossima Assemblea Mondiale della Sanità, che si terrà dal 21 al 30 maggio 2023. La votazione è prevista per il 24 maggio 2023. Per l’approvazione è necessaria una maggioranza di due terzi da parte dei 194 delegati.

Guardate questo video di 20 minuti in cui Andrew Bridgen, membro del Parlamento britannico, spiega al Parlamento britannico perché il nuovo RSI dell’OMS e il Trattato sulle pandemie devono essere respinti.

Questa autorità universale sulle questioni sanitarie mondiali sarebbe nelle mani di un non medico, né scienziato della salute, il Direttore Generale dell’OMS impiantato da Bill Gates, il Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, che in precedenza era membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione di GAVI, l’Alleanza per le Vaccinazioni e stretto partner dell’OMS. GAVI è una creazione di Bill Gates e da lui finanziata.

L’OMS è registrata come agenzia delle Nazioni Unite, cosa che in realtà non è. L’OMS è stata creata nel 1948 per volere di David Rockefeller (1915 – 2017), noto eugenista e globalista, per controllare la “salute” – e la morte – della popolazione mondiale.

L’OMS gode di piena immunità dai procedimenti penali e i suoi dipendenti più anziani godono di uno status diplomatico e di esenzione fiscale in Svizzera.

L’OMS è finanziata per oltre l’80% da fonti private, soprattutto dall’industria farmaceutica, dalla Fondazione Gates e da altri sponsor privati. L’OMS lavora palesemente per gli interessi dei suoi donatori, per lo più l’industria farmaceutica e Bill Gates, anch’egli eugenista, e non per il popolo.Abbiamo visto come l’OMS abbia gestito male – o meglio, in modo criminale – il COVID dall’inizio del 2020, con blocchi mondiali, allontanamenti sociali, tremenda paura, distruggendo le economie, i mezzi di sostentamento delle persone, e causando la morte, non per il COVID ma per le malattie indotte dalla paura, la depressione e la miseria, per una malattia che nel peggiore dei casi è molto simile all’influenza annuale. E per un virus che a tutt’oggi non è MAI stato isolato.

E successivamente, nel dicembre 2020, imponendo e costringendo tutti i governi del mondo a obbligare i propri cittadini a farsi iniettare quello che hanno definito un vaccino, un vaxx di prova a modifica genetica di tipo mRNA, mai testato prima.

Le persone sono state minacciate e hanno perso il lavoro, sono state bandite dai luoghi pubblici – e molto di peggio – se non si fossero sottoposte a questi vaxx non testati, pericolosi e persino mortali.

Secondo gli ordini dell’OMS, il COVID ha colpito il mondo intero, tutti i suoi 194 Stati membri in un colpo solo, legittimando così la dichiarazione di lockdown generale in tutto il mondo il 16 marzo 2020. Si tratta di un’impossibilità assoluta. Anche se esistesse un virus – ripeto, il “virus” COVID non è MAI stato isolato – un virus non colpisce l’intero pianeta nello stesso momento.

A partire dal 16 marzo 2020, la Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (JHSPH) riporta 179.165 “casi COVID” confermati in 155 Paesi, con 7.081 decessi. La JHSPH è ampiamente finanziata dalla Fondazione Bill e Melinda Gates. Queste cifre, anche se fossero vere, sarebbero ben lontane da giustificare qualsiasi blocco globale.Già il 30 gennaio 2020 l’OMS aveva dichiarato il COVID un’emergenza sanitaria pubblica di rilevanza internazionale (PHEIC).

Per coincidenza, dal 21 al 24 gennaio 2020 si è svolto il famigerato incontro di Davos, il World Economic Forum (WEF). 

Il DG dell’OMS Tedros, Gates, gli intermediari del potere e la struttura del potere mondiale, Big Pharma, Big Finance, la maggior parte delle Nazioni Unite e altre organizzazioni internazionali erano presenti al WEF 2020, quando è stata decisa la pandemia, con chiusure globali, indossamento di mascherine e tutte le misure e i dettami sociali umilianti.

Queste “decisioni” sono state prese a seguito di una prima prova a tavolino, denominata Evento 201, che ha simulato un virus “corona”, alla quale erano presenti anche tutti gli attori chiave internazionali, finanziari e farmaceutici, il 18 ottobre 2019 a New York, appena tre mesi prima che si verificasse la famigerata e irreale “epidemia”.

I poteri dietro il WEF hanno incaricato l’OMS di commettere questo colossale e mai visto crimine contro l’umanità, un virus “corona”, in seguito chiamato dal DG dell’OMS Tedros COVID-19.

Questo retroscena sul crimine COVID dell’OMS contro l’umanità è solo un’anticipazione di ciò che potrebbe accadere se il nuovo Regolamento Sanitario Internazionale (RSI) e il Trattato sulle Pandemie, ad esso strettamente collegato, dovessero passare al voto dell’Assemblea Mondiale della Sanità il 24 maggio 2023. Per la ratifica sarebbe necessaria una maggioranza di due terzi.Se accettato, il nuovo RSI e il Trattato sulle pandemie diventerebbero legge da applicare in ogni Paese da parte dell’OMS nel 2024.

Se approvati, i membri dell’OMS approverebbero una “regola” che elimina un diritto umano fondamentale, il diritto delle persone a decidere del proprio corpo.

Non c’è molto tempo per fare pressione contro questo ” ordinamento basato su regole”. Fate tutto il possibile perché il vostro governo voti contro questa presa di potere tirannica, che porterebbe l’umanità in una prigione sanitaria mondiale a cielo aperto.

Se il nuovo IHR e il Trattato sulle Pandemie saranno approvati, noi, il Popolo, dovremo intraprendere le azioni necessarie e chiedere massicciamente, in modo organizzato e pacifico, ma implacabile e deciso, ai nostri governi di uscire dall’OMS, con effetto immediato.

Leggi la versione originale in inglese:

WHO’s Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History

By Peter Koenig, April 23, 2023

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Peter Koenig è un analista geopolitico ed ex economista senior della Banca Mondiale e dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS), dove ha lavorato per oltre 30 anni in tutto il mondo. Tiene conferenze presso università negli Stati Uniti, in Europa e in Sud America. Scrive regolarmente per riviste online ed è autore di Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; e co-autore del libro di Cynthia McKinney “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – 1 novembre 2020).

L’immagine in primo piano è di Stop World Control

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The EU Wants War with China

April 25th, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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This is devious.

The EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell asks European navies to patrol the Taiwan Strait. Everybody knows that a couple of EU naval ships in the Taiwan Strait will make no military difference what-so-ever. The unspoken objective is that these EU war ships could be confronted by China in a Taiwan-conflict incident. 

That would instantly put the EU in military conflict with China. That in turn, would break all trade between the EU and China during a Taiwan conflict. THAT is the purpose.

Beijing will foresee it and try to play soft with the EU. China might try to ignore the provocation of EU war-ships from Lithuania, Denmark, or Finland, because they will all be so small. But if the US gets involved in hostilities, the EU ships around Taiwan will join the fight too and get sunk anyway. Once a Taiwan conflict starts, what can Beijing do to save the EU ships if they join the US in a fight against China?

This is a US-EU Neocon attempt to put a stick into Beijing’s attempt to play soft with the EU, if or when a conflict breaks out on Taiwan. If a conflict breaks out, and China hits any of the EU war-ships, no matter if from Portugal or Denmark, the EU will be forced to break trade-ties with China. It will be like blowing up the Nord Stream. The Neocon deep-state prevented Germany from buying gas from Russia, even if the German people wanted to. This new plot involves setting the EU population up to get hurt again, this time in a conflict against China.

The EU fleet to Taiwan is a Neocon plot is directed against the EU’s own people. Lock the peoples of the EU into the US conflict with China knowing that they will get gravely hurt. The German auto-industry will lose China, its coming biggest market. The French will lose tourism, sale of Airbus aircraft, nuclear technology, fashion, wine, and food to China. This is Tony Blinken’s concept of “trade denial” from Blinken’s 1987 book “Ally vs. Ally”. US Secretary of State Blinken hasn’t changed since he wrote the following words back in 1987:

“For a number of influential policy makers, the time seems opportune to engage the Soviet Union in a round of economic warfare.

Regardless of the price that might have to be paid by the economies of Western Europe and the American business community, ensure that the pipeline [the trade] not be built because it is incompatible with the policy of trade denial which Washington sought to implement against the Soviet Union”

Break trade with China, even when it hurts your own people.

Germany is desperate to keep trading with China. France is eager too, as we just saw with Macron’s huge business delegation to Beijing. The US will never accept that. EU countries will not be allowed (sic) to play neutral in the escalating Taiwan conflict.

Trade with China is to be broken at all cost, just like the Nordstream. And Josep Borrell plays together with the US to break any chance of EU trade neutrality vis-a-vis China. And plenty of small US-directed EU countries like Lithuania and Finland will play along. Denmark too, as I know them.

Borrell wants to put the EU into a “war time mentality.”: 

“Your own people must bear even immense suffering to hurt the enemy”.

EU war ships to the Taiwan Strait is therefore an extremely important event.

You always use a fuze to ignite a bomb. The fuze in itself is just a tiny explosion, but it is used to set off a big explosion.

Like a fuze, a few small EU war ships from Portugal or Denmark in the Taiwan Strait can do little harm in themselves. But their destruction in conflict is meant to trigger a big explosion of EU hostility, unlimited EU war against China in trade, finance, sanctions, perhaps even distant blockade of traffic to China.

The US is moving Taiwan towards independence, and China will go to war to stop it. The EU wants to join a US war with China for the sake of Taiwan.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Small EU navies in battle for Taiwan – Karsten Riise and Amin Moshrefi, Unsplash CC0

Epidemic of 15-19 Year Olds Dropping Dead in Schools and Dorms Across USA and Canada in April 2023

By Dr. William Makis, April 24, 2023

Found dead in dorm or residence. Cardiac arrest and died while at school. Died after having migraine at school. Died in early morning hours. Died after “brief illness”. Died during tennis practice at school. None of this is normal. All these deaths must be investigated for the possibility of post COVID-19 mRNA vaccine sudden cardiac death or any role that the jabs may have played in these deaths.

Axes Powers of a New Global Cold War? China, Russia, India Versus US, EU, Japan

By Gilbert Mercier, April 24, 2023

Since 2014, which marked the first Russian intervention in Ukraine, a new global geopolitical dynamic has amplified under conflicting impulses. The areas of direct, or more often proxy conflicts, have been in many senses contained with some sort of cynical pressure-cooker mechanism.

Is Biden Taking the World Closer to Nuclear Armageddon?

By Don Hank, April 24, 2023

James Corbett, in his Corbett Report, ran a rather thorough review of the history of Israel’s nukes and how the US helped cover up their existence while all the while backing Netanyahu’s lies about a supposed Iranian nuke development program.

Twitter Files: Twitter Loves Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma “Marketing Strategy”

By Paul D Thacker, April 24, 2023

In a separate Twitter File, a senior Twitter attorney, who interfaced with the FBI on enforcement and removal of “disinformation,” praised Fauci to Twitter’s lawyers as America’s “leading trusted voice” on COVID-19.

The Tower for Twitter? UK Minister Calls for Jailing Social Media Bosses Who Do Not Censor Speech

By Jonathan Turley, April 24, 2023

Now, Technology and Science Secretary Michelle Donelan has announced plans to jail social media executives if they fail to censor so-called “harmful” content on their websites. The government, of course, will determine what is deemed too harmful for citizens to see or hear.

The Geopolitics of “Soft Power”

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, April 24, 2023

From the time after 1945, as consequences of the bloody result of WWII, international, transnational, and supranational multilateral institutions and organizations became valued by the international community more and more primarily as a certain mechanism of the rule of international law for the sake to preserve the stability and functioning of the international system in global policy and IR.

Video: Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize Winning Inventor of PCR “Test”. Died in August 2019

By Kary B. Mullis,, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 24, 2023

A brilliant scientist and inventor, Kary Mullis, died just before the outbreak of the Covid-19 HOAX. His PCR duplication / amplification process (intended as a research tool only), earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

9/11 Revelations – Is Washington Now Throwing Riyadh Under the Bus?

By Gavin OReilly, April 24, 2023

Recently released court filings outlining how two of the 9/11 hijackers had knowingly or unknowingly been recruited into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation, confirmed what was already open knowledge.

The White House and Billionaires Are Getting Serious About “Blocking Out the Sun”

By Arjun Walia, April 24, 2023

The unquestionable doomsday narrative has permeated mainstream culture for decades as absolute truth. This allows for drastic measures to be justified under the guise of goodwill. Geo-engineering, unfortunately, could be one of them.

US Hegemony No Longer Threatens the World

By Renee Parsons, April 24, 2023

While the world teeters on a potential WW III scenario in Ukraine with the Biden Administration as full time participants, the US government and its Congressional Uniparty continue to enflame its pro war passion with reckless talk of US military involvement against two of the most powerful nuclear nations on the planet – both at the same time.    

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We repost this article from 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark in commemoration of ANZAC Day.

Secular religions are hard to battle in terms of their misplaced assumptions.  In some ways, they are even harder to fight than those based on mythical gods and superstitious foundations, many drawn from desert religions and sandy practice.  ANZAC, the name of the Australian New Zealand Army Corps, hardly sounds promising as the basis of a religion.  But since the needless, bungled operation in the Dardanelles that led to the slaughter of Australian and New Zealand Troops in April 1915, along with Turkish, British and French soldiers, the acronym has become scented, meaningful and powerful.

At first, it all seems rather daft.  These troops, for the most part ignorant of geography and certainly of the myriad nature of European power relations, found themselves invading the Ottoman Empire in a chess move thought up by Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty.  If the Ottoman Empire could be defeated, Imperial Germany would lose a key ally and be exposed on its flank.  The mission failed in spectacular fashion and allowed Kemal Atatürk, future leader of secular Turkey, to distinguish himself.

During the First World War, Australia, with a population of 5 million, lost 62,000 men from 416,809 enlistees.  Of those, 156,000 were wounded or taken prisoner.  Over 3,000 men returned with tuberculosis and infected the population accordingly.  The debilities of unrecognised shellshock reigned.  This loss disfigured the country irreparably, dulling its optimism for reform.  Australian communities turned inward, solemnly pouring savings into the creation of memorials across the country.

In its modern sense, Anzac Day has become, over the years, a parade for amnesia rather than reckoning, a ritual that rejects peace makers and conciliators in favour of the war mongers and undertakers.  Disturbingly, the war mongers are allowed to skip merrily away from responsibility and celebrate character before the bullet and the shell.

Before Turkish fire, Australian soldiers were performed heroically and foolishly, adventurers in invasion meeting their demise before the ill-planned stratagems of their superiors.  They were material for the empire, dolts for the cause, and discharged their roles well.  They proved themselves suitably unthinking for the purpose of slaughter.  “These raw colonial troops,” wrote British war correspondent Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, “proved worthy to fight side by side with the heroes of Mons, the Aisne, Ypres and Neuve Chapelle.”

The geography, loyalty, and circumstances of the Anzac Myth have troubled a number of Australian historians over the years.  Marylyn Lake, in a public lecture given at Melbourne University’s free public series in 2009, was convinced that, “Australia’s identity shouldn’t be built on deaths in foreign fields.”

For Lake, the myth is an umbilical cord and retardant, a bar to the realisation of maturity.  “The myth will remain our creation story until the nation is reborn, until we have the courage to detach ourselves from the mother country, declare our independence, inaugurate a republic, draw up a constitution that recognises the first wars of dispossession fought against indigenous peoples.”

Anzac might have disappeared after seemingly running out of oxygen during the 1960s and 1970s.  The divisive Vietnam War, with its various opponents in Australia, did not help.  Then came the decades of revival, which also saw a scrubbing of complexity as to why Australians had ever volunteered in the first place for craven leaders guided by paranoia.

The Anzac myth became bound to notions of noble, stoic “mateship”, characterised by Peter Weir’s 1981 film Gallipoli.  There were cruel and mentally vacant officers, and strikingly brave foot soldiers going to their death with an unquestioning valour.  It was all about, as one implausible assessment goes, “brave soldiers keen to prove themselves as representatives of a fledgling  nation, albeit one with an ignominious convict past”.

After 1996, during the years of the conservative Howard government, commemorations and war time lessons (or mis-teachings), became the norm.  The Department of Veteran Affairs became a big fan of ahistorical instruction and hagiographical slurry.  In padding and developing the myth, it was important to exclude a number of things.  Anti-war movements vanished.  The records of criminally incompetent generals and politicians were nowhere to be seen.  The misogyny underlying the ideology could also be left alone.

Anzac traditions must, in their calling, resist self-examination and questioning.  They are grotesque sentiments about mangled bodies and foolish decisions, sparing of military leadership and dooming the bloodied soldier.  And if questions are asked, they often end up in the kind of execrable analysis that John Roskam of the Institute of Public Affairs offered in 2007.  “War is often necessary,” he wrote with faux meaning, “and Australians have answered the call.”  Even if the call is misguided or an incitement to unlawful conduct.

Roskam mentions the Iraq War, which began as an illegal invasion in 2003, and refuses to accept the awkward reality that Australian soldiers were inculpated by the operation.  He can only offer a dottily pathetic observation: “One of the things that Anzac Day represents is the willingness of Australians to stand up for what they believe in.”  How utterly noble.

Future unthinking Australian soldiers are likely to supply the raw material for more wars, including one in the Pacific.  It is bound to be a foolish encounter, most likely led by the United States, and likely to result in few returns.  Defence Minister Peter Dutton has been very happy to promise the laying down of Australian lives so that the US may feel secure, even if he is not entirely sure what the whole business about Taiwan is about.

The Australian Prime Minister of the day will be able, along with the cabinet, to say that it was all a job well done, presuming they survive such a conflict.  And any moral twinge of sadness will be remedied by ceremonial, tear-soaked largesse, in addition the $498 million pencilled in for converting Canberra’s Australian War Museum into a militarist wonderland.  The unaccountable will continue to send the unthinking into battle.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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The birth of a bipolar world order?

Since 2014, which marked the first Russian intervention in Ukraine, a new global geopolitical dynamic has amplified under conflicting impulses. The areas of direct, or more often proxy conflicts, have been in many senses contained with some sort of cynical pressure-cooker mechanism. If empires always seek hegemony, sane geopolitics imply balance to avoid slipping into World War scenarios. We have presently reached a Cold War-like balance between two blocs: the West and their satellites on one side, against BRICS nations and their affiliates on the other side. In the best case scenario, this new cold war could give birth to a lasting bipolar world order: curiously enough, following pretty closely Orwell’s cartography of Oceania & Eurasia.

The West is defined by the US empire and its vassals

The two axes of powers must be explained more precisely. On one side “the West” includes US, UK, EU, Canada, Japan, South Korea and Australia. The command headquarters of this imperial structure are of course located in the United States of America. The empire’s military muscle is NATO. As for the junior members such as the UK, European Union and Japan, they are, despite some claims of the contrary the vassals of big Uncle Sam.

One factor could be viewed as a miscalculation by Vladimir Putin. In many ways his decision last year to start a military operation in Ukraine had a paradoxical effect. The intervention was an attempt by Russia to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO & the EU, but this has failed as Western military gears as well as direct assistance have poured in. Just like in Afghanistan in the 1980’s Russia was effectively sucked into a West proxy war. Meanwhile, NATO has found a new raison d’etre with Finland now officially a member and Sweden soon also to become one. The general paranoia used in Western media to depict Putin as the ultimate bogeyman has worked wonders on Europe’s public opinion.

BRICS and Affiliates

On the other side it is more complex as China’s dominance is more subdued than that of the US. Besides the BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China & South-Africa, other nations are gravitating into the same geopolitical orbit: notably Iran, Venezuela and African countries such as Mali and Burkina Faso.

While China is clearly the biggest power within BRICS, the other two major players, which are Russia and India, also are heavyweights on an overall geopolitical and economic scale.

Russia holds vast reserves of energy products, such as gas and oil, and since the European sanctions has quickly worked on redirecting its energy production both towards China and India. India, which has become the most populous country on Earth, has just like China a considerable manufacturing power as well as a huge internal market for products and services. In other words, neither China nor India have to rely mainly on exports to sustain their respective economic growth.

Non-alignment is dead

The concept of non-alignment in a multipolar world, dear to the likes of Tito and de Gaulle, has unfortunately become a geopolitical faux pas at best, or a risky behavior for a small state wanting to stay independent at worst. Because of a lack of political will and leadership, the European Union has basically capitulated from asserting itself as a third block to become a provincial entity of the US empire. The notion of true non-alignment might have run its course in this new bipolar order.

As matter of fact, one of the Ukraine war’s major side effects has been to speed up the process of obedient realignment of the EU to the US.

European leaders with their respective media propaganda divisions (either state or corporate controlled) have managed to convince the bulk of their public opinion that the ogre Vladimir Putin and Russia had to be defeated in Ukraine as if the hordes from a memory of the Red Army were about to invade Europe.

The Ukraine war has been sold in Europe as a war of necessity to counter an existential threat that was never really there. Public opinion largely bought it, and the financial rewards are pouring into the coffers of the military-industrial complex, as well as US and Qatari energy businesses of natural gas liquefaction, to replace the well-organized Russian gas supply Europe used to get before the sanctions against Russia.

Ukraine war cannot be won on the battlefields

Despite what most people are lead to believe in the West, a military victory by Ukrainian forces, even with full logistic support from NATO in equipment and training is quasi impossible. After all, a lesson should be learned from Afghanistan where the Taliban managed to defeat the mighty alliance.

If the EU and the United States cared for the welfare of Ukrainians, they would come to the realization that only a diplomatic solution can resolve the crisis. A sine qua non condition of diplomacy is that it requires concessions on all sides.

For example, let’s take the case of Crimea. It has a complex history. During the 15th century Crimea was under control of the Ottoman Empire. In 1783, the Russian Empire of Tsarina Catherine the Great annexed Crimea after a conflict with Turkey. Lastly, under the authority of Nikita Khrushchev, the USSR gave Crimea to Ukraine in 1954. Therefore, Crimea was Russian for 171 years while it was Ukrainian for only 60 years. The weight of history, in this case, should tilt the balance in favor of Russia.

Military-industrial complex Uber Alles

Wars have always been capitalism‘s best friend. Ultimately they are seldom about the lofty notions of patriotism but systematically about profits. Ukraine’s Western proxy adventure is no exception. As matter of fact, it has been a gargantuan bonanza for the global military-industrial complex and its stockholder war profiteers. Case in point: since Russia started its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, the United States has spent $30 billion in military equipment which was shipped to Ukraine. This is according to the US Department of Defense.

For its part the European Union is planning a 74 billion Euros increase in military spending within three years. This trend of huge increase in military spending affects all the EU 27 members, as they are allocating bigger shares of their respective GDPs to this weapons race. In December 2022, the European Defense Agency proudly announced that EU defense spending had surpassed 200 billion Euros for the first time in the union’s history. What an accomplishment!

Needless to say, military-industrial consortium and their unscrupulous stockholders have collected huge dividends from the death and destruction business. Stocks in the so-called aerospace & defense area of the market have been incredibly profitable for investors and are therefore in high demand. On average, most defense-company stocks have seen their values increase by 25 to 30 percent since February 2022.

Naturally, in terms of military spending, the United States represents the lions’ share with a whopping 38 percent of the global military spending. It is an astronomical $800 billion a year or 3.1 percent of the US GDP. Unfortunately other major powers are catching up. In second place comes China with $293 billion or 1.7 percent of its GDP; then India with $76.6 billion; the UK with 68.4 billion; Russia with $65.9 billion or 3.1 percent of GDP; France and Germany with $56 billion each; and Japan with $54 billion. In France, despite a very concerning debt, the Macron administration has announced that 413 billion Euros will be spent on the military between 2024 and 2030.

Taiwan: the Ukraine of the far-east?

With Russia sucked into what can be called a military quagmire in Ukraine, one has to wonder if the Oceania empire, with its Washington nevralgic center, would not indeed want to take advantage or even provoke a Chinese move to take over Taiwan, in accordance to the One-China precept. This could create a Ukrainian-like situation for China in Taiwan. Instead of having the obedient EU to absorb part of the cost in the West, in the Pacific it could be US vassals such as Japan, South-Korea and Australia that could get involved into a proxy war with China, and therefore increase their military spending in US equipment. Trillions of dollars would be wasted in resources to allow the chess masters of geopolitics to keep playing their mindless criminal games. Everywhere, the brutal “Russian roulette” folly of capitalism, either state or corporate, would thrive while all populations suffer.


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This article was originally published on News Junkie Post.

Gilbert Mercier is the author of The Orwellian Empire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from NATO

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James Corbett, in his Corbett Report, ran a rather thorough review of the history of Israel’s nukes and how the US helped cover up their existence while all the while backing Netanyahu’s lies about a supposed Iranian nuke development program.

From this tell-all report it is clear that Iran is not a threat. Israel is the real threat.

A lot of people believe Biden is taking the world closer to nuclear Armageddon than it’s ever been before, and they are right. With his war in Ukraine, which started on the Maidan in 2014, he is dancing the danse macabre with a nuclear power. And he couldn’t care less.

But who supports this threat from Israel? The same Uniparty that supports the threat of nuclear war in Eastern Europe, namely, the US regime.

So will Trump drag us back from the brink and make the world a safer place?

Unfortunately, it was Trump who pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, without any plausible reason except the desire to dazzle his terminally gullible fanboys and pick up a few more votes. And Trump couldn’t  care less if the Middle East explodes, literally.

The IAEA repeatedly assured that Iran had no plans to build a bomb. The US officially agreed.

Yet Israel kept haranguing that Iran was building a bomb.

And all the while, Israel had hundreds of undeclared nukes!

Trump knew that when he pulled out of the Iran deal that Israel was the real threat, with its estimated hundreds of nukes and that pulling out made the Middle East and the world a powder keg – or might we say, plutonium keg?

But Trump knew much of the US grassroots were brain-dead enough to fall for his tall tales, the taller the better.

The US, on both sides of the aisle, is involved in this nuclear threat up to its eyeballs and if a nuke ever explodes in the Middle East, don’t ask how it happened. Look no further than the Shining City on a Hill aka the Indispensable Nation aka the Exceptional Nation aka the Uniparty.

Neither of the political parties in this lovely citadel will save you.

In a bitter irony, there may be one thing that saves the world from a nuclear Armageddon in the Middle East and that is the vast stockpile of Iran’s precision long-range missiles.

Because with these non-nuclear armed missiles –which constitute a “deterrence”– should Israel ever decide to unleash attacks on Iran, that country has the potential of taking out every single US base in the Middle East (along with Tel Aviv and Haifa, as outlined by Iranian Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari).

Remember: Trump had no answer to the retaliatory strike launched as payback for the cowardly murder of General Qassem Soleimani and his cohorts in Baghdad. A murder that was justified with a lie.

Washington knows that, likewise, it has no adequate face-saving answer to the annihilation of the US illegal presence in Iran’s backyard.

Tel Aviv also knows this and that is why it has so far not risked an attack on Iran.

But the US and Israel are pathocracies, and anything can happen.


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Featured image is from American Free Press

Golpes y más golpes al dólar

April 24th, 2023 by Hedelberto López Blanch