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The top American diplomat in Hungary attacked Budapest for insufficient commitment to the NATO proxy war against Russia, with the ambassador claiming that support for a ceasefire in Ukraine was “cynical.”

US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman made the remarks during the opening of the Hungary-Ukraine Relations Panel on Wednesday.

“It is cynical to call for a ceasefire when it is not your country that is almost 20 percent occupied by a foreign invading army,” he said. “The United States wants peace, one that is just and lasting. And that is precisely why we are standing shoulder to shoulder with the victims, with Ukraine.”

In February, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban called for a truce.

“[Russia] cannot win because the entire Western world has lined up behind [Ukraine],” he tweeted, “At the same time, [Russia] is a nuclear power and a nuclear power cannot be cornered because they may trigger a nuclear war. We need a ceasefire and peace talks. The sooner the better.”

“[Ukraine] is fighting valiantly and they have our full sympathy. But the only thing that can save lives in the [Ukraine War] is a ceasefire,” the PM added.   

Pressman went on to accuse Budapest of hindering dialogue between the North Atlantic alliance and Kiev.

“Amidst a land war in Europe, consultations with our partner Ukraine are vitally important to our shared security as Allies, and Hungary’s policy of standing alone in an effort to block high-level meetings of the NATO-Ukraine Commission is untenable,” he said in his speech on Wednesday, adding that this “will no longer be accepted.”

Hungary has taken issue with Ukrainian language laws which impact the 150,000 Hungarians living in the country, even vowing to block Kiev’s bid to join NATO over the legislation. The NATO-Ukraine Commission has not met since 2019 because of Budapest’s objections.

Last month, NATO civilian head Jens Stoltenberg declared that the alliance would go through with another meeting despite Hungary’s protests.

This is an established framework. I have the mandate to convene it,” he said. “In respect for the issues that Hungary has raised I have not convened that for some time, but now I will continue to convene the meetings of the NATO-Ukraine Commission.”


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

Featured image: Ambassador David Pressman’s Introductory Remarks at the Hungary-Ukraine Relations Panel Discussion

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In the name of “protecting future generations from potentially devastating consequences,” a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday introduced legislation meant to prevent artificial intelligence from launching nuclear weapons without meaningful human control.

The Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Act—introduced by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), Don Beyer (D-Va.), and Ken Buck (R-Colo.)—asserts that “any decision to launch a nuclear weapon should not be made” by AI.

The proposed legislation acknowledges that the Pentagon’s 2022 Nuclear Posture Review states that current U.S. policy is to “maintain a human ‘in the loop’ for all actions critical to informing and executing decisions by the president to initiate and terminate nuclear weapon employment.”

The bill would codify that policy so that no federal funds could be used “to launch a nuclear weapon [or] select or engage targets for the purposes of launching” nukes.

“As we live in an increasingly digital age, we need to ensure that humans hold the power alone to command, control, and launch nuclear weapons—not robots,” Markey asserted in a statement. “We need to keep humans in the loop on making life-or-death decisions to use deadly force, especially for our most dangerous weapons.”

Buck argued that “while U.S. military use of AI can be appropriate for enhancing national security purposes, use of AI for deploying nuclear weapons without a human chain of command and control is reckless, dangerous, and should be prohibited.”

According to the 2023 AI Index Report—an annual assessment published earlier this month by the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence—36% of surveyed AI experts worry about the possibility that automated systems “could cause nuclear-level catastrophe.”

The report followed a February assessment by the Arms Control Association, an advocacy group, that AI and other emerging technologies including lethal autonomous weapons systems and hypersonic missiles pose a potentially existential threat that underscores the need for measures to slow the pace of weaponization.

“While we all try to grapple with the pace at which AI is accelerating, the future of AI and its role in society remains unclear,” Lieu said in a statement introducing the new bill.

“It is our job as members of Congress to have responsible foresight when it comes to protecting future generations from potentially devastating consequences,” he continued. “That’s why I’m pleased to introduce the bipartisan, bicameral Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous AI Act, which will ensure that no matter what happens in the future, a human being has control over the employment of a nuclear weapon—not a robot.”

“AI can never be a substitute for human judgment when it comes to launching nuclear weapons,” Lieu added.

While dozens of countries support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, none of the world’s nine nuclear powers, including the United States, have signed on, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reawakened fears of nuclear conflict that were largely dormant since the Cold War.

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Brett Wilkins is a staff writer for Common Dreams.

Featured image: U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jacob Puente of the 912th Aircraft Mainenance Squadron secures an AGM-183A air-launched rapid-response hypersonic air-to-ground missile to a B-52 Stratofortress bomber at Edwards Air Force Base in Kern County, California on August 6, 2020. (Photo: Giancarlo Casem/USAF)

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UK Covers Up Somaliland Massacre Report

April 28th, 2023 by Phil Miller

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UK diplomats will not declassify their assessment of who killed pro-Somalia activists at a demonstration in the bitterly contested city of Las Anod over the New Year.

The censorship decision was made in response to a freedom of information request by Declassified UK.

Las Anod, which is home to around a quarter of a million people, is claimed by both Somalia’s federal government and the breakaway northern administration of Somaliland.

Britain does not officially recognise Somaliland as an independent state but it has funded its security forces, including a unit suspected of carrying out the massacre.

The Foreign Office said last week that releasing its records from the incident “could potentially damage the relationships between the UK and Somaliland” and even jeopardise national security.

Around 20 people died from the shootings, according to a municipal doctor interviewed by Reuters.

The killings sparked months of open warfare, in which the local Dhulbahante clan – who generally favour union with Somalia – took up arms in a bid to stop Somaliland’s army controlling the city.

148 civilians have died in the ensuing conflict since February, research by the charity Action on Armed Violence has found.

Its executive director, Dr Iain Overton, told Declassified the Foreign Office’s censorship was “deeply concerning” and said British diplomats were withholding “vital information about the violence against civilian protesters in Las Anod”.

Overton added: “The refusal to engage undermines the transparency that is essential for public trust. As casualties continue to rise, it is crucial that all parties prioritise the protection of civilians and work towards a peaceful resolution.”

‘Soaked in blood’

Amnesty International said more than 600 people have been injured in the recent fighting, according to a new report released last week. Up to 200,000 others have fled.

The human rights group said international humanitarian law had been violated, claiming: “Somaliland security forces indiscriminately shelled the town, damaging hospitals, schools and mosques” by firing from military bases outside the city.

Amnesty added: “Among the civilians killed were women, children, older people with health conditions, and healthcare workers. They were mostly killed during indiscriminate attacks involving rockets, mortars, and other explosive weapons with wide area effects, which should never be used in populated areas.”

A seven-year-old girl was among the first to die in the fighting, when a shell hit her aunt’s house and shrapnel struck her head. Other casualties included a mother of seven children and a Red Crescent nurse. 

An eyewitness who lost a niece in the shelling said: “We were engulfed with dust and smoke; we could not see each other. I heard Saynab scream. When we cleared our eyes, I found Saynab soaked in blood. She was already dead.”

But Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, rubbished Amnesty’s report and suggested “perhaps…the United States and its European partners should arm Somaliland with more precise weaponry as it stands on the frontlines of a fight against insurgents and terrorists?”

Rapid Response Unit

The ongoing violence in Las Anod is a setback for UK policy in the region, which has seen Britain forge closer ties to Somaliland’s de facto authorities than most other Western powers.

In censoring the documents, UK diplomats controversially relied on an exemption in the freedom of information act that is meant to protect international relations between states – even though the British government does not officially recognise Somaliland as a state.

It comes as substantial UK aid has gone towards strengthening Somaliland’s security forces, including the Rapid Response Unit (RRU), an elite police team implicated in the Las Anod killings.

The RRU was funded by British taxpayers for almost a decade until 2020, despite long-running concerns over its human rights record. 

Overseas development minister Andrew Mitchell has said: “Exact figures for the amount of funding allocated to Somaliland’s police RRU are not available, as support was provided as part of wider projects.”

The UK now funds a police “Counter Terrorism Unit” instead of the RRU. Britain’s defence ministry has previously paid Adam Smith International, a security consultancy, to train Somaliland’s military intelligence.

Conservative backers

Somaliland has caught the attention of senior Conservatives. Mitchell, when he was a backbencher, supported calls for the UK to recognise its independence.

His colleague, Gavin Williamson MP, visited Somaliland in 2019 when he was defence secretary and met its top army general. He was accompanied by Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, the then head of the British army and former commander of UK special forces.

Williamson has since returned on a private visit – sponsored by Somaliland’s Chamber of Commerce – and holds honorary citizenship.

Another ex-defence secretary, Michael Fallon, has his eyes on Somaliland. Fallon is deputy chairman of Genel Energy, an Anglo-Turkish firm exploring for two billion barrels of oil in the breakaway region – against the wishes of Somalia’s government. 

Their hydro-carbon prospects lie close to the geo-strategic Gulf of Aden, a major international shipping lane. Liz Truss, when she was foreign secretary, ploughed up to £232m into Somaliland’s largest port, Berbera. The investment was made through British Investment International, the old Colonial Development Corporation.


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Phil Miller is Declassified UK’s chief reporter. He is the author of Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes. Follow him on Twitter at @pmillerinfo

Featured image: British Foreign Office Minister Henry Bellingham addressing the Somaliland Parliament, July 2011 (Licensed under OGL v1.0)

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In a breathtaking moment of unbridled honesty and defiance, activist Jose Vega confronted the mainstream media powerhouses for their warmongering narratives and blatant disregard for the truth. Vega attended a panel discussion at the Columbia Journalism Review, which featured editors from The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Reuters. The panel was titled “Fault Lines – a Panel on Building a Democratic Press,” but it quickly turned into a moment of reckoning for these media giants.

During the discussion, Vega seized the microphone and challenged the editors on their lack of coverage and misreporting on critical issues like the Nord Stream pipeline destruction. He called out their hypocrisy in trying to silence investigative journalist Seymour Hersh and questioned if their publications had any remaining credibility.

Vega’s impassioned speech highlighted the failures of these esteemed publications in the last two decades. He pointed out their inaccuracies in reporting on Iraq, Syria, and Russiagate, asking if they had managed to get anything right during that time. He urged the editors to at least acknowledge the leaked information that revealed Ukrainian President Zelensky’s plan to bomb Moscow on the anniversary of the war, which brought the world to the brink of World War Three.

As Vega continued to criticize the mainstream media for their incompetence and bias, he reminded everyone that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is still in prison for doing the job that these editors should have been doing – seeking and reporting the truth. This statement ultimately led to Vega’s forceful removal from the event by the police.

Vega’s confrontation is a sobering reminder that the mainstream media has strayed far from its once-honorable role as the watchdog of democracy. His words expose the double standards and deceitful practices of these powerful publications, as well as the need for courageous whistleblowers and independent journalists to stand up for truth and transparency.

The response from the panelists and the subsequent removal of Vega from the event only serve to underscore the lack of accountability and willingness to engage in constructive dialogue within the mainstream media. As the world grapples with complex challenges and the need for honest reporting has never been greater, it’s crucial that we support and amplify the voices of those who, like Vega, are unafraid to challenge the status quo and demand better from those who claim to represent the fourth estate.

“Is this the lecture hall with Seymour Hersh? I just I’m looking for the one with Seymour Hersh because it’s a policy and press hall event. So shouldn’t we be talking about the Nordstream since that’s the biggest story of the century? And you guys, I mean, you have the executive editor of The New York Times there who came out with a phony story to try and block Seymour Hersh. It’s just kind of funny how that happened, you know? I mean, did you even acknowledge Seymour Hersh? All of you are executive editors of papers that broke the Pentagon papers, My Lai, Watergate. Are these the same papers or not? I mean, is there anything you’ve gotten right in the last 20 years? Or am I mistaken about that? I mean, it’s just kind of funny because Iraq – wrong, Syria – wrong, Russiagate – really wrong. Okay? I mean, the list goes on and on. So the last thing you could do to try and actually fix your reputation is acknowledge that through leaks we had to find out that Zelensky was going to bomb Moscow on the anniversary of the war. I mean, if you’re so impartial, shouldn’t you at least say that Zelensky was going to bring us on the verge of World War Three?”


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Video: Ukraine War: The Battle for Bakhmut

April 28th, 2023 by South Front

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What is urgently required is a ceasefire to save lives coupled with a peace initiative.



While NATO is preparing the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the decisive offensive on the Donbass front, the Wagner PMC is grinding reserves of the Ukrainian army in Bakhmut, allowing the units of the Russian Defense Ministry to gain time and prepare for the upcoming escalation.

Wagner fighters have already secured their positions near the railway station and took control of the high-rise apartment buildings along Pushkin Street, as well as of the jail building. They continue their assault on the territorial military unit in the western part of the city.

Heavy battle is ongoing at entrance to the city on the south-western outskirts, where Wagner assault units are storming Ukrainian strongholds near the Mig-17 monument. Russians are close to take control of the crossroad on Yubileinaya and Chaikovskoho streets.

Wagner fighters are advancing along the streets of Pavel Novgoredtsev and Second Lesnaya. If they succeed, the Ukrainian garrison risks being surrounded.

The Ukrainian military is in control of only about 10 % of Bakhmut. At the same time, they continue to repel Russian attacks on the city outskirts. Russian servicemen are close to cut the main road used for supply of the Ukrainian grouping near Khromovo but no Russian success in the area has been confirmed so far.

Ukrainian forces can still send some military reinforcement to Bakhmut through the field roads on the south-western outskirts of the city. However, such maneuvers are complicated by bad weather and Russian artillery fire. As a result, Ukrainian losses are growing.

The Ukrainian military command explains that defending Bakhmut is necessary to prevent Russian forces from breaking to the flank and rear of the Ukrainian garrisons in the Lisichansk and Donetsk regions. Ukrainian retreat from Bakhmut would reportedly pose a great threat for the entire Ukrainian defense in the Donbass. Despite the fact that about 80 thousand Ukrainian servicemen are deployed in the Bakhmut region, ready to fight the exhausted Russian units.

Such claims cause no public surprise, since the Kiev regime is hiding the truth about the state of its garrison in the city. In fact, thousands of Ukrainian servicemen are dying in Bakhmut in order to cause at least some damage to the most professional Russian infantry, the Wagner PMC. The Ukrainian side is suffering more losses then well-trained Russian fighters despite the fact that the Russian Defense Ministry is yet to provide the PMC with necessary ammunition and descent support on the flanks.

The persistence of the Ukrainian military, pushed by its NATO patrons, allows Wagner fighters to destroy the Ukrainian reserves necessary for the upcoming offensive. On the other hand, Russian success is only possible if the Russian Army takes all necessary measures to repel the attacks, which is yet to happen.


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Last Monday, I attended an event at which the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, spoke on “Digital Authoritarianism: A Growing Threat”.[1] While bemoaning the infringements on press freedom by “authoritarian” regimes like the one in Russia, Ms. Haines reminded us how lucky we are to live in a country where our democratic institutions prevent the government from acting in such an authoritarian manner (With all the censorship taking place in this country—from persecuting nonconforming investigative journalists like Julian Assange to limiting our access to alternative points of view by, for instance, banning the Russian TV channel RT from our airwaves,[2] you can’t help but feel Ms. Haines needs to get out more).

Ironically, and contradictorily, Director Haines spoke on the same day we learned that Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson had been dumped by his employer. Different explanations have been offered as to why Carlson lost his job, but I had always been amazed that Carlson could say such critical things about our foreign policy and provide a platform for fellow critics you would never see on CNN (like ex-congresswomen Tulsi Gabbardi, Edward Snowden-collaborator Glen Greenwald, and The Gray Zone’s Anya Parampil) without being quashed by the Deep State.[3] I figured his days were numbered despite being Fox News’s most popular commentator, and, sure enough, they were.

One of the last guest’s Carlson had on his show was Matt Taibbi, the journalist to whom Elon Musk gave a bundle of internal emails he discovered consequent to his purchase of Twitter. Based on these, Taibbi used Musk’s platform to publicize what the emails revealed; namely, that operatives of US government agencies, including the FBI, had colluded with Twitter executives to thwart Donald Trump’s reelection bid in 2020.[4] Not surprisingly, Taibbi became a marked man, suddenly becoming subject of an IRS audit and being threatened with jail time, as  he revealed on Carlson’s show. In feigned bewilderment, Tucker asked why no self-declared defenders of press freedom had come to Taibbi’s defense. 


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[1] The event was hosted by the Carnegie Institute for International Peace, which, for an organization with a name like that, provides a platform for an unseemly number of apparatchiks working for “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today“ (MLK).

[2] Fearful of suffering the same fate as RT, the Chinese government channel, CGTN, has been as patriotic as CNN in cheering on the US side in the Ukraine conflict, its correspondents parading a constant stream of Ukrainian refuges before their cameras and often quoting the rabidly warmongering Institute for the Study of War on claimed Russian atrocities. If it weren’t so sad and disappointing, it would be comical.

[3] Thanks to DVR technology, I would tape Carlson’s show, then fast-forward over the segments that didn’t interest me (Biden-bashing, chaos at the border, LBGTQXYZ-phobia, etc.) and restrict my viewing to foreign policy-related pieces, on which I thought he did as good a job as most antiwar sites—or better, while reaching an audience the size of which alt sites could only dream.

[4] One of the government mucky-mucks pressuring Twitter was Antony Blinken, then a top advisor to the Biden campaign, now Secretary of State. You won’t want to miss the Reporters Without Borders’ release of their annual World Press Freedom Index on May 3rd, an event hosted by The Washington Post—that irrepressible darkener of any light shining on our democracy—which features Secretary Blinken (look forward to Blinken confessing about his checkered past… NOT).  

Featured image: A US government propaganda poster from the 1940s (Source: Multipolarista)

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It was never easy to question the election machines or the electronic systems that tally our votes, but now it has become much harder. Dominion Voting Machines has sued Fox News Network on the grounds that they were not sufficiently skeptical of Rudolph Giuliani and Sidney Powell when the latter claimed they had evidence that the 2020 election had been stolen from their client, Donald Trump. A judge handed down a partial summary judgment for the plaintiff, and Fox has settled for more than ¾ of a billion dollars — an amount far greater than the total dollar value of Dominion’s sales over its entire history. 

From this time forward, the derisive moniker “Trumpster” is attached to anyone who questions computerized voting, added to the time-worn moniker, “conspiracy theorist”. Worse, there is a risk of financial ruin to any mainstream outlet that publishes on the subject.

I first became involved in the Election Integrity movement in November, 2004. A handful of activists online exchanged evidence that the Presidential election had been rigged, in Ohio and elsewhere, for G. W. Bush over John Kerry. I was teaching a statistics course at the time, and proud to crunch numbers for the group. We all thought this was big news, and the New York Times would gobble it up.

The Times didn’t gobble. The Times didn’t ignore us. They created a hit piece and dismissed our concerns without ever talking to me (as statistician) or to the lawyers, scientists, and professors who spoke for our nascent movement.

Gradually, over the ensuing years, we came to realize that the press wouldn’t come near our issue, that the DNC didn’t want to talk to us, and the Democratic think tanks inside the Beltway were taking their cues from the party. We watched as one election after another showed surprising departures from exit polls, almost always Republicans doing better than expected.

2016 followed a pattern we knew well. It seemed that operators on behalf of Trump stole just enough votes to squeak by Hillary Clinton in the electoral college.

But 2020 was a surprise to all of us. We learned that Trump was not an ordinary Republican. He was not a team player, and the usual oligarchs and plutocrats couldn’t count on him to stay in line. They wanted him out.

Was the 2020 election stolen from Trump? Our movement doesn’t have an answer. Our forensic methods rely on exit polls, but exit polls were worthless in 2020 because more than half the voters voted by mail, and the election day voters were skewed toward Republicans, because Democrats tended to be more spooked by COVID, more likely to vote in advance. Telephone polls did not indicate a consistent disparity, but they are less reliable than exit polls. Also because of COVID, the tabulation process was even more hidden from public supervision than previously. Widespread use of mail-in ballots created new opportunities for corruption, while delayed scanning of mail-in ballots aroused suspicions.  

When elections were stolen from Gore (2000) and Kerry (2004), they sat down and kept their mouths shut. But shutting up was never Trump’s strong suit. So, after 2020, we had loud claims of a stolen election. During all those years when the Democrats had strong claims that they had been cheated, they chose silence, but with far weaker evidence, Trump was not shy about crying foul.

My movement — a few hundred people around the country who follow Election Integrity and make a study of it — my movement was deeply split over the 2020 election. I was with the minority, who welcomed the call from Giuliani and Powell to examine the election process more closely. We, the minority, feel that opening the black box is necessary if we are ever to have honest elections. We’re willing to take the short-term risk that Trump may benefit from the process in this case in order to have more transparency in the long term. The majority of our members are staying silent about the 2020 election, or even citing evidence to refute Giuliani and Powell. I think they believe that the weakness of Trump’s case creates a bad precedent if Giuliani argues for close scrutiny and then the scrutiny turns up no foul play. But some are also open about not wanting to offer their influence and reputations in a cause that might potentially benefit Trump. 

Dominion vs Fox

This is the context for Dominion’s defamation lawsuit against Fox News. In the weeks after the 2020 election, Fox gave Giuliani a platform to make his charges that he had evidence in his back pocket that would overturn the election. Some of his complaints were about the software company, Dominion. In March, 2021, Dominion sued Fox for defamation.

Dominion is a relatively new name in the field of voting machines. Perhaps you are familiar with the three giants from previous years, Diebold, Sequoia, and ES&S. Diebold and Sequoia were swallowed by Dominion, and ES&S remains an independent competitor, though Dominion acquired some of their intellectual property. Dominion was taken private in 2018. 

Defamation lawsuits are hard to win. The plaintiff has to prove (#1) that the defendant made false statements, (#2) that defendant knew they were false, and (#3) that plaintiff lost money because of defendant’s statements. 

The case against Fox was unusual in that almost all the objectionable statements were made not by Fox broadcasters but by Giuliani and Powell, who were interviewed on air. If you care about my opinion, my opinion is that a news network has a right, probably an obligation, to give the President’s lawyer an airing, whether or not the President’s lawyer is telling the truth. Sometimes the Fox interviewers challenged Giuliani and Powell to produce evidence, sometimes they seemed swept away by the audacity of their charges.

Dominion’s case against Fox is based largely on their claim that Fox “omitted a context for the content”, and thereby left viewers with the impression that Giuliani’s claims were more credible than they really were.

Personally, I find it mystifying that Giuliani and Powell puffed so boldly about all the affidavits and the physical evidence that they had in their back pocket. They folded their tent completely a few days later. Was it all bluff and bluster? Or did they actually have some evidence and they were reined in, one way or another, by the powers that really control our elections?

January 6, I think, is no parenthesis

In my opinion, the reporting on January 6 has been part of the propaganda campaign to discredit anyone who questions America’s election machinery. The word “insurrection” is absurdly inappropriate. People who were invited as speakers and journalists filming the event have been jailed and intimidated. Habeas corpus has been denied to hundreds of people who were guilty, at worst, of a misdemeanor.

I know people who were in the Capitol on January 6, and based on what I’ve heard and read, I believe that January 6 was a mostly peaceful demonstration, and the disorderly behavior was instigated by agents provocateurs from the FBI.

For years, my people in the Election Integrity movement have been asking, when will the public get out in the street and demand an honest vote count? On January 6, we got what we wished for, but most of my colleagues in Election Integrity wanted nothing to do with the protestors.

The summary judgment order

Before a trial begins, it is customary for both sides to ask the judge to rule in their favor — no trial necessary. This is called a “summary judgment motion” and the threshold for summary judgments is a high bar. The judge will rule summarily for the defendant if he finds that, even if everything the plaintiff claims is true, there is still no case that can be made against the defendant. Much more rarely, the judge will rule summarily for the plaintiff if he finds that there are no relevant facts in dispute and all the claims made in defendant’s pleadings are judged to be an insufficient defense.

The judge is not permitted to base his summary decision on disputed facts; if facts are in dispute, then the case must go to trial. Either side has a right to ask for a jury. 

In this case, the judge made a partial summary judgment ruling in favor of the plaintiff. He ruled that plaintiff’s burden of proof #1 had been satisfied — that Fox had indeed made false statements. How could he presume to know this? In the decision, he seems to have conflated #1 with #2. #1 means that the claims were false; #2 means that the defendant believed them to be false. The judge cites internal memos in which Fox expresses doubts about what Giuliani and Powell are saying. Logically, it is possible that the claims were true but that the defendant believed them to be false. The judge did not seem to consider this possibility. Nor did he account for the obvious: that reporters and different managers within Fox had different opinions about the veracity of Giuliani’s claims. I dare say that the decision to give Giuliani a platform was based on a combination of factors, including his inherent newsworthiness as the President’s lawyer and the red meat that draws viewers to Fox News. 

The settlement

Last week’s news was that Fox settled Dominion’s claim without a court hearing. I can understand that Fox was shy about going to trial after the judge’s Summary Judgment order signaled that he was sympathetic to the plaintiff’s case. But in court, Dominion’s first burden of proof would be that the election was not stolen — something I claim is impossible to know, given the lack of paper trails and statistical evidence. Dominion would also have to prove that Fox knew at the time that the election was not stolen. And then Dominion would have to establish the amount of their damages. 

How much revenue did Fox’s broadcasts cost Dominion? This is a question that a jury would be asked to decide. The amount of the settlement, $787 million, represents 45 times the revenue in their peak year. Dominion would have to prove not just lost revenue, but lost profit. Because Dominion is privately held, its profit figures are not public knowledge, but even if their profit margin is as high as 50%, it means that Dominion would have to prove that they lost 90 years’ worth of profit because of Fox’s broadcasts.

It doesn’t make sense to me that Fox was afraid that if they didn’t settle for $787 million, then a jury might find damages greater than this. Something else is going on. Does Fox have secrets that they did not want to come out in a court proceeding? Did they fear adverse publicity that would affect their ratings? Or were they being pressured by the same forces that have stifled the Election Integrity movement over the years?

This week, Fox News fired Tucker Carlson, who had attracted their biggest audiences, and was still growing in his reach. Carlson is quoted in the Summary Judgment Order as having broadcast on the subject of the putatively stolen election, but he was far less involved than Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo. Dobbs and Bartiromo were not fired. My guess is that Carlson has stepped out of the party line once too often, interviewing Democrats RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard, COVID dissidents Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Simone Gold, and Pfizer-slayer Ed Dowd.

The Future

My reading is that this is the final nail in the coffin of the Election Integrity movement. No matter how unexpected the results, no matter how opaque the vote tallying process, no one will ever again dare to question the reported results of an American election.


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Australian Amateur boxer, 28 year old Charlie James Bradley, died suddenly in Bali on April 16, 2023, he was found dead outside of a medical clinic in the middle of the road (click here).

British boxer – 19 year old 2-time National Champion boxer Jude Moore died suddenly from “unknown cause” on March 17, 2023 (click here).

Nottingham, UK – Amateur boxer and student from Abu Dhabi Jubal Reji Kurian died in Ultra White Collar Boxing Charity Event on March 25, 2023 (click here)

Teenage European Boxing Champion, 16 year old Vassilis Topalos of Greece, died suddenly on Dec. 16, 2022 after fainting and collapsing in bathroom of his gym (click here)

Vassilis Topalos

Medical examiner found very severe brain injury that led to brain necrosis. According to forensic sources, the injuries to the brain were so severe that they are similar injuries to found in traffic accidents after violent collisions.

Undefeated Colombian Boxer Luis Quinones, 25 years old, died after a knockout loss in the final round of a fight in Barranquilla, Colombia, on Sep. 30, 2022 (click here)

Undefeated Teenage Boxer, 18 years old Miracle Amaeze died during a sparring session in Lagos, Nigeria on July 24, 2022 (click here)

Miracle Amaeze.

Indian Kickboxer Nikhil Suresh died after being knocked out at a kickboxing event in Bangalore, India, on July 13, 2022 (click here)

Indian fighter Nikhil Suresh passes away following knockout at Kickboxing event

South African Boxer Simiso Buthelezi, 24 years old, collapsed during a fight on June 5, 2022 and died suddenly in the hospital due to a brain bleed (click here)

Simiso Buthelezi: A tragedy beyond words amidst the dangers of boxing

In this shocking video, he is seen disoriented and punching air:

Undefeated German boxer, 38 year old Musa Yamak collapsed and died of a heart attack in the third round of a fight on May 14, 2022 (click here)

Musa Yamak.

Mexican boxer, 18 year old Jeanette Zacarias Zapata died Sep. 4, 2021 following a boxing match in Montreal, Canada (click here)

Dead for $1,430: the fate of Mexican boxer Jeanette Zacarías | U.S. | EL PAÍS English

My Take…

More strange deaths among these high level athletes. Collapsed in the gym, in the street, heart attacks, brain bleeds.

Boxers ages 16, 18, 19 dying. Men and women.

Undefeated boxers dying. Boxers dying during a CHARITY EVENT (shouldn’t happen), boxers dying during SPARRING SESSIONS (shouldn’t happen).

Some of these incidents are very much consistent with COVID-19 vaccine injuries that are occurring in other athletes, and young people in general.

Until proven otherwise.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Doctors Were Bribed for COVID Vaccination Coercion

April 28th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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In late March 2020, the U.S. Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Within this $2 trillion stimulus package, $100 billion was earmarked for hospitals and local health centers that treated COVID patients

Hospitals were reimbursed an extra 20% for each Medicare patient hospitalized with COVID, and the only criteria to receive that bonus was a COVID-positive PCR test

The federal COVID-19 Treatments Add-On Payment program also paid hospitals bonuses for every COVID-19 patient treated with emergency-authorized COVID medications (Remdesivir, convalescent plasma, Baricitinib, Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir)

Hospitals also received a 300% upcharge for COVID patients placed on ventilators, even after it became apparent that this was a death sentence. Somewhere between 50% and 86% of all ventilated COVID patients died, yet government never dropped the incentive to use ventilators. Why?

Throughout 2020, evidence mounted showing the PCR test is incredibly unreliable above 35 cycles, and health agencies instructed labs to use 40 to 45 cycles. In essence, we had an epidemic of false positives, and financial incentives then drove hospitals to mistreat and kill countless patients, many of whom may not even have had COVID


As detailed in “How COVID Patients Died for Profit,” hospitals were financially incentivized to diagnose patients with COVID and treat them with protocols known to be lethal, in part to “protect” the staff from infection.

As if that weren’t bad enough, primary care providers across the U.S. were also bribed to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID shot. The following document was posted to Twitter in mid-April 2023 by Rep. Thomas Massie, an award-winning scientist and Republican Congressman for Kentucky.1

“Ethically, shouldn’t doctors disclose when they’re profiting by recommending a drug or treatment — especially a drug or treatment for which there is no medical malpractice liability?” Massie said.2

Doctors Were Incentivized to Jab Babies Too

Once the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the COVID shot for children, similar vaccination incentives were extended to them as well. As detailed in an Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid provider bulletin3 dated July 2022, doctors received $50 for each Medicaid patient aged 6 months and older, who got the experimental shot.

Hospitals Received at Least $100 Billion From Taxpayers 

In late March 2020, the U.S. Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.4 Within this $2 trillion stimulus package, $100 billion was earmarked for hospitals and local health centers that treated COVID patients.5

And, rather than simply agreeing to pay COVID patients’ bills, the government decided to pay hospitals extra — a lot extra — over and above the standard bill, provided they treated patients in a certain way. By the end of October 2020, $96 billion had already been disbursed.6

Ostensibly, the additional bonuses for COVID patients were supposed to help hospitals recoup revenue that was lost due to the cancelation of elective procedures. But hospitals were supposedly filled to the brim with COVID patients, so just how much revenue was lost?

The bonuses were also supposed to cover additional costs associated with caring for COVID patients, such as additional personal protective equipment (PPE) and sanitation, but that could have just as easily been covered as an extra line item, rather than a flat double-digit percentage over and above the actual cost of the treatment.

COVID-Positive Medicare Patients Worth 20% More

As reported by KGNS.TV, a local Nebraska news station, in late March 2022:7

“According to the state, since COVID hit Webb County in March of 2020, about 85,000 people have contracted the virus, with roughly half of them serious enough to be admitted into the hospital. Almost immediately, the federal government stepped in to help pay for their care with millions of dollars.

KGNS took a deeper look into this to answer the question, ‘Is there a difference in how much hospitals get paid back by the government when caring for a positive COVID patient versus a non-COVID patient?’ The answer to that is ‘yes.’ People on government programs, such as Medicare, are worth more.

According to section 3710 of the Cares Act, hospitals are reimbursed by the government an extra 20% for each hospitalized Medicare patient. The only criteria for that extra money? A positive COVID test.8,9,10

For instance, hospital Medicare patient with pneumonia — without COVID — is worth about $7,700 to the hospital. But with COVID, that reimbursement jumps to over $9,200.

A Medicare patient with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome requiring a ventilator? Without COVID, the bill is around $34,000. But with COVID, that Medicare patient now worth almost $40,000. And the list goes on.”

On top of those incentives, the federal COVID-19 Treatments Add-On Payment program also paid hospitals bonuses for every COVID-19 patient treated with emergency authorized COVID medications (Remdesivir, convalescent plasma, Baricitinib, Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir) and mechanical ventilation.11

It doesn’t seem like decisionmakers considered the possibility that incentivizing hospitals to diagnose patients as having COVID might impact patient care, outcomes and/or COVID statistics, but it most certainly did. To presume hospitals would think twice about treating patients with a particular drug or put them on a ventilator when they get reimbursed top dollar for it is naïve in the extreme. Especially when all they needed was a positive PCR test to justify it.

Throughout 2020, evidence mounted showing the PCR test is incredibly unreliable above 35 cycles, and health agencies instructed labs to use 40 to 45 cycles. In essence, we had an epidemic of false positives, and financial incentives then drove hospitals to mistreat and kill countless patients, many of whom may not even have had COVID.

Former CDC director Robert Redfield and Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, have both stated they believe financial incentives drove up the COVID-19 death rate in the U.S.12

Vented COVID Patients Earned Hospitals 300% Upcharge

I strongly suspect the reason why so many COVID patients died was because they were forced onto mechanical ventilation, and the reason for that was because hospitals received a 300% bonus for patients requiring ventilation! That’s no minor incentive. As reported by USA Today back in April 2020:13

“Sen. Scott Jensen, R-Minn., a physician in Minnesota, was interviewed by ‘The Ingraham Angle’ host Laura Ingraham on April 8 on Fox News and claimed hospitals get paid more if Medicare patients are listed as having COVID-19 and get three times as much money if they need a ventilator …

Jensen took it to his own Facebook page April 15, saying, in part ‘How can anyone not believe that increasing the number of COVID-19 deaths may create an avenue for states to receive a larger portion of federal dollars? Already some states are complaining that they are not getting enough of the CARES Act dollars because they are having significantly more proportional COVID-19 deaths.’

On April 19, he doubled down on his assertion via video on his Facebook page. Jensen said, ‘Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why?

Because if it’s a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for — if they’re Medicare — typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it’s COVID-19 pneumonia, then it’s $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000.’

Jensen clarified … that he doesn’t think physicians are ‘gaming the system’ so much as other ‘players,’ such as hospital administrators, who he said may pressure physicians to cite all diagnoses, including ‘probable’ COVID-19, on discharge papers or death certificates to get the higher Medicare allocation allowed under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act …

USA TODAY reached out to Marty Makary, a surgeon and professor of health policy and management at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, about the claim. Makary said in an email April 21 that ‘what Scott Jensen said sounds right to me.’”

Why Did Government Continue Paying for Deadly Protocol?

Why wasn’t the 300% bonus payment eliminated once it became apparent that putting COVID patients on ventilators was a death sentence? As early as April 9, 2020, Business Insider reported14that 80% of COVID-19 patients in New York City who were placed on ventilators died, which caused a number of doctors to question their use.

The Associated Press15 also publicized similar reports from China and the U.K. A U.K. report put the figure at 66%, while a small study from Wuhan, China, put the ratio of deaths at 86%. Data presented by attorney Thomas Renz in 2021 showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9% of patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.16

The lowest figure I’ve seen is 50%.17 So, somewhere between 50% and 86% of all ventilated COVID patients died, yet government never dropped the financial incentive to use ventilators. Why?

Incentives Put Nursing Home Patients at Risk Too

Nursing homes in some states also received incentive payments if they accepted hospital discharges. For example, in Wisconsin, the Department of Health Services (DHS) paid out $2,900 for every admission a nursing home received directly from a hospital.18

This, even though by then, it was well-known that more than 80% of deaths occurred in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and live-in rehab centers. More than 90% of residents of these centers have at least one chronic disease and more than 70% have two conditions, which in turn can weaken their immune systems.19

They also live in close quarters and share staff, which facilitates the spread of pathogens. But rather than protecting the elderly by NOT admitting potentially infected patients, the DHS paid these facilities to take them in.

Incompetence or Malice?

In the final analysis, it’s quite clear that the COVID pandemic was grossly mishandled. Either U.S. health agencies and political decisionmakers were inept and unqualified for the job at hand, or they acted with malice, and the outcomes of their financial incentivization of bad medicine were intended ones.

Either way, their strategies were ill-conceived and resulted in needless death and suffering. Adding insult to injury, billions of taxpayer dollars were used to pay for it all. Financially incentivizing doctors and pediatricians to inject an experimental gene therapy into babies is, in my view, completely unconscionable, and should never have happened, but the same can be said for the continued use of ventilators.

It seems medicine during the COVID pandemic became all about maximizing profits, without regard for health outcomes, and that is something that our health agencies must be held to account for.


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1, 2 Twitter Thomas Massie April 13, 2023

3 Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid Provider Bulletin July 2022

4 Revcycle Intelligence March 26, 2020

5 Fierce Health Care March 25, 2020

6 November 5, 2020

7, 11 KGNS.TV March 28, 2022

8 Healthcare Finance News August 18, 2020

9 HFMA April 21, 2020

10 Guidance for CARES Act Provisions April 16, 2020

12 Organic Lifestyle Magazine August 25, 2020

13 USA Today April 24, 2020, Updated April 27, 2020

14 Business Insider April 9, 2020

15 The Associated Press April 8, 2020

16 Citizens Journal December 20, 2021

17 Wall Street Journal December 20, 2020

18 WHA November 12, 2020

19 Newswise May 15, 2020

Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu below the author’s name or on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch.



“So the problem is that the 2009 crisis wasn’t a systemic crisis, but now, the rising interest rates have created a systemic crisis because the Federal Reserve, by saving the banks’ balance sheets by inflating the prices for capital assets, by saving the wealthiest 10% of the economy from losing any of their money — by solving that problem they’ve boxed themselves into a corner.

“They cannot let interest rates rise without making the entire economy look like Silicon Valley Bank. Because that’s the problem. The assets the banks hold are stuck.”

Michael Hudson (March 15, 2023) [1]


Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

As Silvergate Capital and Silicon Valley Bank were beginning to recede in the rear view mirror, the second shoe has finally dropped in the continuing financial bank crisis.

First Republican Bank has now seen its stock decline by 60% this past week following news that in the past month, depositors had withdrawn more than $100 billion. The bleed was shored up partially following the deposits of $30 billion in uninsured deposits by the big banks. [2]

The San Francisco banks intend to sell off unprofitable assets and has just laid of 25% of its workforce, roughly 7,200 employees by the end of the year. [3]

This is a signal that the failures that resulted in early March are not over. And that this latest catastrophe is probably not the last.

The banks typically have less money in their reserves than they lend out at any given time. This worked adequately except in the early thirties when financial times were so devastating that people began run-on-banks, quickly harvesting their own reserves before reserves were withdrawn by other depositors leaving the people behind penniless. Five thousand bank failures resulted then, persuading the Roosevelt administration to bring in the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 bringing in regulation to thwart the corruption and insider trading permitting such processes. [4][5]

Of course, Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999 under President Clinton, and other initiatives like Dodd-Frank have since been advanced leaving the board more or less back in 1930s shape again! [6]

But, what if there is more to this than ’30s style greed? What if this is setting the stage for continuing down the path of engineering the destruction of the financial systems in Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe to the benefit of the key players within Wall Street? What if it’s continuing even within the United States itself as part of the “phase two” of the pivotal “post-COVID” 2020-2023 Great Reset? These are some of the questions we will attempt to get answers to in the latest chapter of the Global Research News Hour. [7]

In the first half hour of the program, we talk with geopolitical activist Peter Koenig about his own review of the World Economic Forum (WEF), their plans to revise the entire world in over 200 different areas through the “Great Reset,” and of a WEF insider boasting about setting the bank failures in motion. He also mentions the “systemic bank” Credit Suisse in Switzerland and how it is linked with the American banks. This is followed by our second half hour featuring economic teacher and journalist Dr. Jack Rasmus providing the fundamentals behind what has happened to the major banks and what is bound to transgress in the months ahead.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Dr. Jack Rasmus is author of the books, ‘Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes’, Clarity Press, 2017 and ‘Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed’, Lexington Books, 2020. Follow his commentary on the emerging banking crisis on his blog,; on twitter daily @drjackrasmus; and his weekly radio show, Alternative Visions on the Progressive Radio Network every Friday at 2pm eastern and at

(Global Research News Hour Episode 389)


Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  2. Michelle Chapman (April 26, 2023), ‘First Republic shares sink again, down nearly 60% in week’, Associated Press;
  3. ibid;

Sri Lanka IMF Program Cannot Solve Internal Crisis

April 28th, 2023 by Abayomi Azikiwe

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Less than one year ago, the people of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka were up in arms over the worsening economic situation prompting hundreds of thousands of people to take to the streets demanding relief from the impending bankruptcy.

At present the parliament of the South Asian state located in the Indian Ocean is expected to accept an International Monetary Fund (IMF) package which would provide $3 Billion in much-needed liquidity to the national economy.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe inherited the crisis from his predecessor Gotabaya Rajapaksa and has now appealed to the parliament to immediately authorize the IMF package. He accepts that there have been 16 other IMF agreements involving the country, yet the president is attempting to present a positive spin on the economic projections for the future.

Since the crisis unfolded during the early months of 2022, there has been much speculation as to how the economy could be stabilized. Inflation rates were in excess of 70% while the incapacity to pay debts to foreign financial institutions and governments hampered the ability of Sri Lanka to conduct trade with other countries.

Consequently, shortages of consumer goods became a major social problem. Price hikes placed food, fuel and other services beyond the means of many people to purchase. A plan to introduce synthetic fertilizer as an import substitution failed resulting in a decline in the production of rice and tea, two main cash crops.

Mass demonstrations erupted which demanded that the then government resign. Later people would occupy the presidential palace and parliament leading to violent clashes with the security forces. Severe property damage was done to the residence of the president.

The Sri Lankan government responded with harsh measures declaring a state of emergency which suspended the right to assemble and banned social media. These repressive policies only further angered the people of the country.

Image: Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe in parliament

By July the Rajapaksa administration was in disarray. A cabinet reshuffle proved inadequate to calm the discontent. Later Rajapaksa fled the country eventually leading to the ascendancy of then Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe who was voted into the presidency by the parliament. Since the coming to power of Wickremesinghe he has sought to negotiate with the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank for assistance in reducing the foreign debt.

In his address before the Sri Lankan parliament on April 26, Wickremesinghe said that:

“Today, we received the financing assurance from foreign creditors, with the Paris Club and India working together to grant it. India was the first to publish it, and we are grateful for that. China is expected to deal with it separately, so we will discuss with the Paris Club and India on one hand and negotiate with China on the other. After these discussions, we will have talks with private creditors. This agreement will enable us to receive approximately $3 billion from the International Monetary Fund over the next four years, with the potential to obtain about $7 billion from other institutions. This money is crucial for us. Additionally, we have regained the trust of foreign banks and financial institutions, with economic stability already being established in the country. Social Security is receiving more funding, and investors are showing a keen interest in Sri Lanka…. One of the points to address is debt restructuring talks with our bilateral countries and private creditors. We want to restructure these loans, as failure to do so will result in a loss of liquidity. In order for the government to move forward, the restructuring must be done in rupees or dollars. The government wants to obtain funds for this service. Therefore, we must first negotiate with foreign creditors. We hope to initiate these discussions soon, with domestic debt restructuring also being considered. A final decision has not yet been made, but it is important to discuss this issue. Negotiations cannot be held with terms and conditions already in place. It is easier for us to join negotiations without conditions.” 

A Left Program is Needed to Counter the IMF and World Bank Policies

Yet this statement by President Wickremesinghe ignores the persistent draconian conditionalities which are imposed by the IMF and the World Bank in regard to developing states. There are more than five decades of examples of the socially destructive impact of the IMF and World Bank.

Both institutions are a by-product of the Bretton Woods monetary system which arose towards the conclusion of the Second World War. Initially these programs were designed for the economic and industrial reconstruction of Europe after the antifascist wars of the 1930s and 1940s. However, by the mid-1960s, the IMF and World Bank were being utilized by imperialism to stifle the emergence of genuine independent governments in the post-colonial period.

During the mass demonstrations and rebellions of 2022, the general thrust of the protests was anti-capitalist in their orientation. Although the actions largely led by youth were spontaneous, the organized Left did play an important role by drawing from the legacy of the movements which created the political atmosphere for national liberation from British colonialism in the aftermath of World War II. Sri Lanka gained its independence in 1948 and underwent significant political developments from the 1950s through the 1980s.

In an article written by Smruti S. Pattanaik of the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses in New Delhi, India, the author explains:

“In Sri Lanka, Left political organizations—the Janatha Vimukti Peramuna (JVP) and its breakaway faction, the Frontline Socialist Party (FSP), Peratugami Samajavadi Pakshaya in Sinhala—have been trying to carve a niche for themselves in the light of the socio-economic turmoil that the country has witnessed in the recent past. Youth fronts of the JVP—Socialist Youth Union and Socialist Students Union of JVP and FSP—Youth for Change and Revolutionary Students Union, were at the forefront motivating and mobilizing the masses to fight against the corrupt regime. These trade unions, students’ organizations and other Left-oriented artists, women organizations participated in large numbers in the protest movement.” 

Any neoliberal economic restructuring scheme cannot effectively address the problems of mounting poverty and underdevelopment in Sri Lanka along with other developing states of the Global South. Even if legislation by the Sri Lanka parliament to accept the IMF package is adopted, this approach cannot provide a sustainable path towards stability.

Left parties, coalitions and trade unions can continue to make a monumental contribution to the political education and mobilization of the workers, farmers and youth. Every encroachment upon the living standards of the masses could be addressed through opposition efforts within and outside of the legislative structures. Alternative proposals for the funding of social programs and the economic empowerment of the people will inevitably become fierce terrains for political and mass struggles.

The crisis in Sri Lanka is not taking place within a historical vacuum. In Africa, three states: Egypt, Ghana and Zambia are facing a similar plight as they seek to negotiate loans from the IMF and other western-based financial institutions. The tightening of credit by the banks is occurring in the aftermath of the economic shocks induced by the pandemic which emerged in the early months of 2020.

In addition, the Russian special military operation in Ukraine provided a rationale for the imperialist states to enact unprecedented sanctions against the Russian Federation. The war and the subsequent embargo of Moscow has created food and agricultural inputs shortages on an international scale. The lack of affordable food and energy resources has compounded the humanitarian crises in various geopolitical regions of the world.

Human Rights Watch addressed the potential for further repression in Egypt emphasizing:

“The International Monetary Fund’s new US$3 billion loan agreement with Egypt largely continues an economic approach that leaves the economic rights of millions unprotected, Human Rights Watch and Democracy in the Arab World Now (DAWN) said today. The agreement includes improved efforts to address deep-seated structural problems such as the opaque role of the military in the economy and inadequate social protection. But other provisions, such as austerity and the sale of state assets, risk harming rights. This is the fourth loan that Egypt has received from the IMF since 2016.” 

The Financial Times in a report published in September of 2022 documents that the number of states seeking financial assistance has reached levels never witnessed before:

“The IMF’s lending to economically troubled countries has hit a record high as the world’s lender of last resort battles simultaneous crises that have pushed at least five countries into default, with more expected to follow. The pandemic, Russia’s attack on Ukraine and a sharp rise in global interest rates have forced dozens of countries to seek IMF assistance. A Financial Times analysis of IMF data shows that at the end of August (2022) the volume of loans disbursed by the fund amounted to $140bn in 44 separate programs. The figure, which is expected to grow further in the coming months as borrowing costs soar, is already higher than the amount of credit outstanding at the end of 2020 and 2021, when levels reached record annual highs.” 

It has become apparent that the burgeoning international debt crisis cannot be resolved under the existing capitalist framework. A new monetary system is needed based upon socialist production and distribution of wealth.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump: The Left-Right Punch to Corporatist Fascism

By Rodney Atkinson, April 27, 2023

Corporatism, with its offspring Fascism and Nazism, is supported by totalitarians of the left and the right and its libertarian opponents also spring from the left and the right. On “the left” both “communists” and “welfare socialists” oppose corporatism and on “the right” democratic enterprise capitalists and small businesses fight corporatism.

Secret Team: The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Revisited

By Freddie Ponton, April 27, 2023

Following the very damning report entitled, “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline,” published on February 8th by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, the US authorities are still not budging from their official denial, and refuse to admit any form of involvement with the explosion which damaged the Nord Stream pipelines on Sept 26th of last year.

Possible Motives for the Daily Russian Missile Attacks in Ukraine

By Don Hank, April 27, 2023

Ever since the Russians started targeting Ukrainian sites with standoff missiles on October 10, 2022, I have been chronicling the strikes and sending the daily strike reports in translation, including the struck cities or oblasts, to my email group. I can confirm that the strikes have occurred daily, with no dates omitted, and have all been multiple.

Why Is a Large Dam Important for Ethiopia? Experiences from the Danube River

By Silabat Manaye, April 27, 2023

In the case of Ethiopia, about 90% of the available water is received mainly in three months. Hence, dams could effectively store water during heavy rain seasons between June to September and some extent during the short rainy seasons.

Facebook Censors Journalist Seymour Hersh’s Report on Nord Stream Pipeline Attack

By Ben Norton, April 27, 2023

Facebook has censored a report by the world’s most famous investigative journalist, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh, on the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines between Russia and Germany. While discouraging its users from posting Hersh’s article, Facebook instead recommends a website that is funded and partially owned by the government of NATO member Norway.

The World Is Changing, But Is Washington Finally Noticing?

By Ted Snider, April 27, 2023

On April 11, CIA Director William Burns spoke at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. In a somewhat stunning statement that has, perhaps, not been so clearly and publicly articulated before, Burns said that we are in one of “those times of transition that come along a couple of times a century. Today the United States still has a better hand to play than any of our rivals, but it is no longer the only big kid on the geopolitical bloc. And our position at the head of the table isn’t guaranteed.”

British Radioactive Weapons Arrive in Ukraine

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 27, 2023

Ignoring all Russian advises, the British government confirmed on April 26th that its depleted uranium weapons are already on Ukrainian soil. Moscow’s officials, anti-war activists and experts have repeatedly warned that such an escalation in the conflict should be avoided, but London has not observed the advice and has further violated a red line by sending radioactive weapons to the Kiev regime.

Video: Monopoly — Who Owns the World? The Great Reset. “The Ripple Effect of the COVID Crisis”

By Tim Gielen, April 27, 2023

This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments… That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying to impose the New World Order.

Ukraine Plans for World War III

By Bradley Devlin, April 27, 2023

Earlier revelations from the Discord leak suggested Ukraine is a cornered animal. The latest shows it might lash out like one. The Washington Post reported Monday that documents in the leak claimed that the United States had to force Ukraine to back down from a direct attack on Moscow.

Pivotal Moment in India-Russia Relations

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 27, 2023

Most relationships undergo transition with the passage of time from appreciation of each other to a “state of having,” a desire to possess or even to control the other. But the present pivotal moment in the Russian-Indian relationship shows that an equal relationship does not fall into that trap.

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Corporatism, with its offspring Fascism and Nazism, is supported by totalitarians of the left and the right and its libertarian opponents also spring from the left and the right. On “the left” both “communists” and “welfare socialists” oppose corporatism and on “the right” democratic enterprise capitalists and small businesses fight corporatism.

The almost total irrelevance of the notions of “left” and “right” I set out in my 1988 book The Emancipated Society, advocating in place of the “horizontal” left right paradigm the “vertical” authoritarian-libertarian axis.

We now have in the USA two Presidential candidates who cut across the corrupted party system which – in all so called “democratic” western countries – have combined in a corporatist conspiracy against their peoples, giving them a vote but no choice.

The US Presidential system gives the people a better chance of voting for a complete philosophical change – or at least openly challenge the status quo. And at last we now have on both the traditional “left” (Democrat Party) and the traditional “right” (the Republican Party) individuals who threaten the corporatist Establishment – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump.

In his recent presidential candidacy launch speech in Boston Kennedy lambasted:

  • the partnerships of corporations and governments to swindle and gaslight the public;
  • the reckless military adventurism-for-profit campaign that has bankrupted the USA, now culminating in the Ukraine fiasco;
  • the botched response to Covid-19 and the corporate chicanery that induced it;
  • the financial corruption that is driving America into inflation and bankruptcy.

He recognises the State corporate axis which is increasingly unchallengeable democratically and the politicised media which silence dissent and alternatives in policy, science, intellectual life and medicine.

Like Donald Trump, who was banned from Twitter, Kennedy was banned from Youtube and Instagram. Trump was a reluctant COVID “Lockdowner’ and Kennedy points to the terrible consequences for health – lockdowns were:

“a war on American children,” citing a Brown University study that found toddlers lost 22 IQ points. “Children all over the country have missed their milestones” because of the lockdowns. “What is the CDC’s response? The CDC five months ago revised its milestones so that now a child no longer is expected to walk at 1 year … they walk at 18 months. And a child now does not have to have 50 words in 24 months, it’s 30 months. So instead of fixing the problem, they are trying to cover it up.”

Just as Donald Trump has been the victim of provenly fallacious deep state and msm scams like the Steele dossier, the Russian interference lie and “the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation” lie (as Mike Morell a former CIA director has just admitted) so Kennedy is accused of being an “anti vaxxer” and peddler of “misinformation”.

Kennedy reminded his audience of his father’s and his uncle’s treatment by the Deep state which they both sought to oppose and bring under democratic control – and both paying with their lives. John F. Kennedy had threatened “to shred the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds”.

The hatred of some Establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, the disruptor on the “right”, mirrors Kennedy’s unpopularity among “the Left”.

Who said this?

“We are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.”

“For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.

“Washington flourished – but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered – but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.

While they celebrated in our nation’s Capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land”

Well those words could have been said by either Kennedy or Trump because they both identify the centralised, unchallengeable corporate State, run to the benefit of both left and right establishments as the enemy of the people in a country where democratic accountability has given way to corporatist fascism, both in domestic and international affairs. Both Trump and Kennedy oppose reckless foreign interventions and their enormous cost. Both would be peacemakers.

In fact the above words are from President Donald Trump’s Inauguration address.


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And Into The Fire_Rodney_atkinsonAnd Into The Fire

Fascist elements in post war Europe and the development of the European Union

By Rodney Atkinson

With contributions from William Dorich and Edward Spalton

Publisher: ‎ GM Books; 1st edition (July 25, 2013)
Publication date: ‎ July 25, 2013
Print length: ‎ 164 pages

Click here to view this and other titles by Rodney Atkinson.

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Following the very damning report entitled, “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline,” published on February 8th by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, the US authorities are still not budging from their official denial, and refuse to admit any form of involvement with the explosion which damaged the Nord Stream pipelines on Sept 26th of last year.

As a result, Nord Stream sabotage theories deepen as shreds of evidence and intelligence leaks surrounding the sabotage of the pipelines have provided more questions than answers, with the New York Times even admitting, “It may be in no one’s interest to reveal more.”

Contrary to the mainstream media consensus of the ‘unsolved mystery’ hinting towards the tenuous official conspiracy theory that Russia is somehow guilty of sabotaging its own pipeline project, we believe it’s very much in the public interest to expand on Hersh’s story by revealing more important details surrounding this top secret military operation carried out on the ocean floor of the Baltic Sea. 

Despite their proximity to the event question, and being a primary stakeholder in the Nord Stream pipeline project, the German government has done little if anything in terms of a serious investigation into the unprecedented attack, with the German officials serving us a remake of the 9/11 story, albeit with a James Bond feel to it, involving fake Bulgarian passports and some trace of explosives on a 50-foot pleasure craft called ‘The Andromeda’.

In his follow-up piece entitled, The Cover-up, published on March 22nd, Hersh maintains this was a desperate cover story conjured by US intelligence in order to deflect from his bombshell revelations.

According to the Germans, six men are believed to have planted C4 explosives on the seabed at a depth of 262 feet who, and when detonated, this triggered a blast registering 2.5 on the Richter scale. I am confident Hollywood will take full advantage of this compelling plot in combination with the even more spectacular claim from a US intelligence report suggesting that a ‘rogue’ pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines. A blockbuster in the making, for sure.

Moreover, when the issue was raised at the UN Security Council in late March by the representative of the Russian Federation, both the US and UK voted against an investigation into the Nordstream bombing.

It’s now time to fill-in the remaining gaps of Hersh’s bombshell story, and reveal the ‘secret team’ who carried out this historic attack on a vital piece of European energy infrastructure. In this article, we will show you which state actors had the means, the motive and the opportunity to carry out this crime. We will also show you the actual demolition diving team that participated in BALTOPS-22, a 13-day naval exercise which featured some 47 ships, 89 aircraft, and 7,000 personnel in the Baltic Sea, under the command of NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s (SACEUR). We will also break down some of the equipment – minisubs and multi-role support vessels – used by these elite deep sea divers, whilst also identifying the various factions involved in the planning and the execution of what was a well-rehearsed and successful CIA-backed covert operation.

Seymour Hersh has stated that under the cover of BALTOPS-22, C4 explosives were attached to the pipelines, which would later be triggered by a sonar buoy dropped by a military plane. Hersh explains what happened next:

“Once in place, the delayed timing devices attached to any of the four pipelines could be accidentally triggered by the complex mix of ocean background noises throughout the heavily trafficked Baltic Sea—from near and distant ships, underwater drilling, seismic events, waves and even sea creatures. To avoid this, the sonar buoy, once in place, would emit a sequence of unique low frequency tonal sounds—much like those emitted by a flute or a piano—that would be recognized by the timing device and, after a pre-set hours of delay, trigger the explosives.”

The explosions occurred on Sept 26th, and subsequent underwater gas leaks occurred which visibly bubbled to the ocean surface (image, below).

The initial story published by Seymour Hersh did open the door to a plausible explanation as to what had taken place in the Baltic Sea last autumn, but it has also left a number of unanswered questions as to the specifics of the operation. As per his confidential source, Hersh stated that US Navy divers, operating under the cover of the annual NATO exercise known as BALTOPS-22, had planted triggered explosives which were then detonated three months later, destroying three of the four pipelines in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 transit network which carries Russian natural gas to Germany.

His source also replayed how this operation planning was led by Biden’s National Security advisor, Jake Sullivan, receiving input from men and women from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, State and Treasury departments. The initial meetings took place in “a secure room on a top floor of the Old Executive Office Building, adjacent to the White House, that was also the home of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).”

Soon afterwards, “[CIA director] Burns quickly authorized an Agency working group whose ad hoc members included—by chance—someone who was familiar with the capabilities of the Navy’s deep-sea divers in Panama City. Over the next few weeks, members of the CIA’s working group began to craft a plan for a covert operation that would use deep-sea divers to trigger an explosion along the pipeline.” Regarding the special diving operation, Hersh states:

“The divers were Navy only, and not members of America’s Special Operations Command, whose covert operations must be reported to Congress and briefed in advance to the Senate and House leadership—the so-called Gang of Eight. The Biden Administration was doing everything possible to avoid leaks as the planning took place late in 2021 and into the first months of 2022.”

Hersh notes that the idea of a CIA-led special operations using US Navy divers to intervene with Russia infrastructure has solid pedigree. In 1971, Operation Ivy Bells was a joint US Navy and CIA covert mission, which successfully located and wire-tapped an undersea communications cable in 400 feet of water off the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula located some 2,300 km northeast of Vladivostok in the Russian far east region.

In terms of the political evidence, we have the admission by President Joe Biden on February 7, 2022 during a joint news conference with the newly crowned German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, with Biden issuing categorical threat:

“If Russia invades, that means tanks and troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2,” said Biden, before pausing. “We will bring an end to it.”

Prior to this in late January 2022, Biden’s Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, issued a similar threat stating, “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

Finally, just days after the attack, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the sabotage of Russian Nord Stream gas pipeline was seen in Washington as a “tremendous opportunity” to reduce European energy imports from Russia. Of course, that’s exactly what happened, with the US and NOrway moving in the control the gas import market into northern Europe. Later, in Part 2 of this series, we will also analyse the overarching geostrategic energy play which is now underway, as evidenced by Norway’s renewed interest in the Barents Sea Pipeline gas project as part of Europe’s new Green Deal industrial plan, with its multi-pronged strategy, including long-term ambitions to create a European Hydrogen Energy market, initially involving ‘blue hydrogen’ at first, followed by ‘green hydrogen’ in the long-run. Not surprisingly, the two main partners for this project are Norway and Germany.

The Mission: Nordstream Sabotage

We believe there is value in being more precise regarding the accusation of that US Navy deep sea divers were used from The Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC) which operates out of the Naval Support Activity base in Panama City (NSA Panama City), often referred to as one of the largest diving facility in the world. Our interest in the subject is not new and those who follow reports on the 21st Century Wire might recall our previous article, “QUI BONO? From 9/11 to Nord Stream – A New Geopolitical Game Changer.” Our curiosity took us to the heart of the US Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), and its U.S. Navy research and warfare centers (NSWC PCD) in Panama City, including its Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU).

This underwater demolition mission used NATO’s BALTOPS-22 as cover for this act of war, and rapidly our investigation’s attention turned towards the Norwegian Armed Forces and their close ties with NATO Joint Force Command in Norfolk Virginia (NATO JFC-NF), looking into the NATO Wargame Center there, and NATO’s Joint Logistics Support Group (JLSG) based out of Norway – to see if they too played a role in this logistically complex mission. Our findings are more than compelling.

We must first familiarise ourselves with the overarching command structures that this operation was conducted. Let us start with the NAVSEA, currently operates eight Surface Warfare Centers:

1. NSWC Carderock, Maryland.
2. NSWC Corona, California.
3. NSWC Crane, Indiana.
4. NSWC Dahlgren, Virginia.
5. NSWC Indian Head, Maryland.
6. NSWC Panama City, Florida.
7. NSWC Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
8. NSWC Port Hueneme, California.

NAVSEA has also seven affiliated Program Executive Offices (PEOs) including a PEO for Undersea Warfare Systems which enables the delivery of enhanced combat capability, with improved cybersecurity and resiliency, to all submarine platforms.

The primary mission of NSA Panama City is to provide, operate and maintain facilities, providing defence and physical security of critical infrastructures. Major tenants include Naval Surface Warfare Center-Panama City Division (NSWC PCD), Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC), Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU) and U.S. Coast Guard Station Panama City. In a few words, the Naval Surface Warfare Center-Panama City Division is the perfect location to assemble a highly skilled special force diving team and the equipment needed to plan and conduct an underwater high-risk covert military operation.

The NDSTC in Panama City is where the U.S. Navy trains some of its best deep-sea and saturation divers – regarded as among the elites in this category of specialised military operations. These ‘One Team Warfare Centers’ provide also training facilities for the Seabee underwater construction divers (Naval Construction Force – NCF) as well as for the joint service diving officers, including explosive ordnance disposal officers (EOD). It is truly a One Team Warfare Center.

More information of the Naval Surface Warfare Center- Panama City Division (NSWC PCD):

Click here to view the document.

NDSTC in Panama City houses 23 certified diver life support systems, which include 6 hyperbaric recompression chambers, 2 diving simulation facilities capable of 300 feet (91 m), an aquatics training facility which is the second-largest pool in the U.S., a submarine lock-out trunk and two 133 feet (41 m) Yard Diving Tenders (YDT) for open ocean diving support (with recompression chambers and mixed gas diving capabilities). The NDSTC reports to the Center for EOD and Diving (CENEODDIVE).

The Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC):

The Navy’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal Divers (EOD Units) train at the Center for Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving (CENEODDIVE), located at the Naval Support Activity (NSA) in Panama City, Florida. Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) and U.S. Fleet Forces (USFF) and Command Individual Augmentee (IA) global force management team are responsible for sustaining the Navy Expeditionary Combat Force (NECF) to execute combat, combat support, and combat service support missions across the full spectrum of naval, joint, and combined operations. It looks like we are at the right place.

EOD Units such as EODMU 6 have been reported to operate out of Panama City, this unit is assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two (EODGRU TWO), a critical part of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Force (NECF) that conducts “improvised explosive devices” (IED) operations, renders safe explosive hazards and disarms underwater explosives such as sea mines. EOD specialists can handle everything from chemical, biological and radiological threats and are the only military EOD force that can both, parachute from the air to reach distant targets or dive under the sea to disarm weapons. EOD’s Mobile Diving and Salvage Units clear harbours of navigation hazards, and engage in underwater search and recovery operations. EOD technicians handle foreign, domestic, and homemade explosives.

According to the U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 8 (EODMU 8) which works under the Navy Expeditionary Combat Task Force Europe-Africa/Task Force 68 (NECFEURAF/TF 68 or CTF 68), they are responsible for assembling demolition operations, providing explosive ordnance disposal operations, naval construction, expeditionary security and theatre security efforts to Naval Forces Europe-Africa and U.S. 6th Fleet (source).

EOD Mobile Unit 8 ( EODMU 8) and attached EOD platoons like EOD Units (EODMU6) provide critical and unique EOD, diving, mine countermeasures, and mobility capabilities that render safe conventional munitions, improvised explosive devices (IED), and weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Lt. j.g. Chris Bianchi, assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit EODMU 8, prepares mock explosives for a pier-side training event during exercise BALTOPS 22 (source)

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two (EODGRU TWO) routinely work with the U.S. Secret Service, CIA and the U.S. State Department, helping to protect the President, Vice President and other state and foreign officials and dignitaries. They support the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs Office, and the FBI as well as state and local police bomb squads. EOD technicians also assist in security at large international events. They are on-call and always at the ready for any mission.

It’s important to note that EOD Group Two is headquartered at Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek, Norfolk, Virginia around the corner (2.5 mil) from NATO Joint Force Allied Command Transformation (ACT), headquarters in Norfolk Virginia (JFC-NF), the very facility which also supervises and lead Trans Atlantic joint forces warfare centres and other NATO logistics hubs and missions in northern Europe and the Baltic/Arctic, which would include BALTOPS exercises.

Strangely (or not), the Commander of NATO’s Joint Warfare Centre in Europe is a two-star General, based in Stavanger, Norway, falling under the pillar of the three-star DCOS Joint Force Trainer based at Allied Command Transformation (ACT) in Virginia, Norfolk, United States.

The list of military special operation units harboring top experts divers with special training in underwater demolition is rather short, and therefore the only place left to look into is the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) which commands and controls the Special Mission Units (SMU) of U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). These units perform highly classified operations and accomplish high-risk, politically-sensitive missions with a low signature and small footprint. The Group for Specialized Tactics, also known as the “Ghosts” are an elite Special Mission Units within JSOC, with a chain of command stretching right up to the President of the United States.

Not all of these units are known to the public due to the classified nature of their missions, however, the SEAL Team Six from The United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG) previously known as DEVGRU, is a U.S. Navy component of Joint Special Operations Command and are known to be recruited for special operation for the CIA, including advanced underwater demolition missions and they would certainly qualify as relevant for a Nord Stream pipeline sabotage mission in the Baltic Sea. More on the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, SEAL Team 6 in this article by The Intercept.

JSOC has a close relationship with the CIA’s elite Special Activities Division (SAD) and the two forces often operate together. The SAD’s Special Operations Group often selects their recruits from the JSOC. This is important to note in conjunction with Seymour Hersh’s reporting that the Nord Stream sabotage was a CIA-led operation.

The joint statement made by General Richard D. Clarke commander of USSOCOM before the 117th Congress Senate Armed Services Committee on April 5, 2022, refers extensively to the Ukraine -Russian conflict. In his statement, General Clarke refers to his Special Operations Forces (SOF) as “The Problem-Solvers”. How prescient.

Furthermore, the U.S. Special Operations Command is very keen on bringing under its umbrella, the latest underwater technology and systems which they procure for their Navy SEAL teams. It is with this special class of equipment that the Nord Stream mission could be carried out with absolute precision.

One of their most interesting recent acquisitions is the ‘S351 “Nemesis‘ designed by USSOCOM and MSUBS, a British company operating out of Plymouth, UK. MSUBS is wholly owned by Submergence Group LLC, a Texas-based company which provides the linkages into the United States DOD and is responsible for contract support, most notably operator training. The ‘Nemesis’ sub is a Dry Combat Submersible (DCS) with extraordinary capacities that can take a team of divers to a depth of 330 feet (100 Meters), transporting a crew made of a pilot and a co-pilot/navigator, and eight fully-equipped SEALs and/or other payloads items up to 1.1 tonnes in weight. The mission endurance of this unique DCS is greater than 24 hours, and likely more. Indeed, Lockheed Martin has partnered with Submergence Group to build, integrate and test three undersea transport vehicles from MSUBS for USSOCOM.

Because of the above-mentioned links, we strongly believe that the divers Seymour Hersh mentioned in his report could have been using the S351 Nemisis for their Mission off the coast of Denmark Bornholm island. See more info here.

USSOCOM Dry Combat Submersible S351 Nemisis, by the Submergence Group/MSUBS.

This is what the Special Forces Navy SEALs were using before Dry Combat Submersible came into play.

Underwater Infiltration: SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) video:

Undercover of BALTOPS: Nordstream Mission Support Ship

In the following PDF document, we resume some of the key details regarding the British Royal Navy’s involvement in BALTOPS-22 as well as the ‘Joint Viking‘ March 2023 large-scale land and sea exercise which took place in Norway. We have isolated two major contenders for sea vessels which tactically and technically qualify for the transportation of a Dry Combat Submersible for theNavy SEALS to carry out a covert underwater diving and demolition expedition in the Baltic Sea. Enter these two British Royal Navy multi-role ships:

Will also look into the Future Autonomous at Sea Technologies FAST Cluster run out of Plymouth, southwest of England, that could provide all the required facilities to train and test MSUBS DCSahead of BALTOPS-22.

The British Ministry of Defence has confirmed that the HMS Defender was present during BALTOPS-22 in June (see more details in the PDF below).

Click here to view the document.

Perfidious Albion?

Many have already forgotten UK former Prime Minister Liz Truss’s infamous “It’s Done” SMS to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken just minutes after the Nord Stream blasts, and yet, this very revealing SMS indicates a UK awareness and very likely co-involvement in what Hersh describes as a CIA covert operation that led to the Nord Stream Pipeline sabotage. As members of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, and as NATO members, British and the US, along with its foreign intelligence arms MI6 and CIA, are known to have been working together for years on numerous covert operations in the Middle East and numerous other locations, and so this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Despite the many calls for a UK government investigation on the matter, no official explanation was ever provided. This is unbelievable considering the international ramifications of this incident.

Diving Deep into the World of Manned or Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

It’s important to cover all of the likely participants in this kind of undersea operation. This also brings us to Huntington Ingalls Industries, a world leader in Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV), who in April 2016 announced that PROTEUS, the dual-mode undersea vehicle developed by the company’s subsidiary and Battelle, had successfully completed endurance testing that month.

The 30-day simulated unmanned mission was performed in a test tank at Undersea Solutions Group (USG) at the Panama City, Florida facility, to demonstrate the Unmanned Underwater Vehicle’s reliability and ability to perform long-duration missions with the US Navy’s future Dual-mode underwater vehicles (source). The mission capabilities of the PROTEUS underwater vehicle include inspection of undersea infrastructure, integration and testing of payload systems, installation of equipment on the ocean floor, autonomy development, and long-range and duration trials.

Proteus UUV tested with Divers in Panama City Florida (source)

HII’s technical solutions division and Battelle/Bluefin jointly developed PROTEUS.

PROTEUS Dual-mode underwater vehicle (DMUV) taken out for a test in Florida’s Saint Andrews Bay – USG Vice President Ross Lindman as the pilot is preparing to crew and drive the Proteus dual-mode underwater vehicle. Photo by Joe Colamaria/HII (source).

HII’s Pharos prototype platform being towed behind a small craft in the Pascagoula River while recovering HII’s Proteus LDUUV.

Again, we should note that the Undersea Solutions Group operating out of Panama City has developed the dual-mode undersea vehicle with US Department of Defense contractor Battelle-Bluefin.

The follow are Battelle’s technical specs for the PROTEUS:

Click here to view the document.

About Undersea Solutions Group

Undersea Solutions Group (USG) develops and builds specialised manned and unmanned undersea vehicles for military customers around the world. USG has built or converted specialised craft for a variety of purposes – including support of submersibles and submarines, special warfare, testing of mine warfare systems, torpedo countermeasures and more. Originally established in 1972, USG operates in Panama City Beach, Florida, and reports to HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division.


In March 2020, Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) announced they had closed on the acquisition ($80 million) of Hydroid Inc, a subsidiary of Kongsberg Maritime a division of the Kongsberg Gruppen, the famous Norwegian global defense contractor and provider of advanced marine robotics and systems to the defense and maritime markets.

Hydroid Inc Unmanned Underwater Vehicles REMUS.

In conjunction with the transaction, HII and Norwegian defense contractor Kongsberg Maritimehave established a strategic alliance to jointly market naval and maritime products and services to the U.S. and global market .

It’s important to highlight that during BALTOPS-22, current and future programs for mine-hunting UUVs such as the Navy Mk18 and Lionfish systems program where these UUVs have emerged from, were tested and used over 10 days of mine-hunting operations, collecting over 200 hours of undersea data.

HII UUV product lines and equipment include:

  • REMUS (Hydroid)
  • Seaglider
  • Proteus (USG)
  • UUV Auxiliary Equipment
  • Launch and Recovery Systems
  • Subsea Docking and Infrastructure

In Seymour Hersh’s report, we learned that divers would have had to dive as deep as 260 feet, possibly from a Norwegian Alta class mine hunter ship, placed just a few miles off Denmark’s Bornholm Island coast. The Alta are mine sweepers were, as far as we are aware, not officially listed as participants in BALTOPS-22, which opens the possibility that it might have been the Oksøy-Class mine hunter, or another NATO member multi-role support ship – both of which could invalidate Hersh’s source information, an important detail that still needs to be resolved.

Norwegian М314 Alta Class Minesweeper, Oslo (source), developed in the fifties in the United States under the US military assistance program to European partners in NATO.

Let us also take a brief look at some of the other NATO naval vessels active in the area, which will demonstrate the wide array of capabilities present during BALTOPS-22.

Oksøy-Class mine hunter Hinnøy who participated in BALTOPS-22 (source)

The nature of the Nord Stream mission implies that the divers chosen would have had to be experienced deep sea divers, or perhaps even saturation divers also known as “Sat Divers” who uses HeO2 (Heliox) mix. It also implies a decompression time averaging 3 hours. This could also mean that the United States Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU or NAVXDIVINGU), the primary source of diving and hyperbaric operational guidance for the US Navy, located within the Naval Support Activity Panama City in Panama City Beach, Bay County, Florida – could have been involved from a consulting if not from an operational support point of view too.

BALTOPS-22: Covert operations under the cover of research and testing new technology

Exercise Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) 22, is NATO’s ‘premier maritime-focused exercise in the Baltic region’ and it began on June 5, 2022, in the Baltic Sea. With a significant focus of BALTOPS every year being the demonstration of NATO mine-hunting capabilities, the U.S. Navy has traditionally use the exercise to field-test its new technology. In support of BALTOPS 22, the U.S. Navy Sixth Fleet and Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO) under the command of Royal British Navy Rear Adm. James Morley, partnered with U.S. Navy Research and Warfare Centers (NSWC) from Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) – whose center happens to be located in Panama City in Florida – exactly where according to Seymour Hersh, the divers  for the Nord Stream Pipelines sabotage were coming from.

Again, NAVSEA will use BALTOPS to showcase all the latest  advancements in Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) mine-hunting gear in the Baltic Sea and demonstrate the vehicle’s effectiveness in operational scenarios.

Note how NATO reported the Royal Norwegian Navy Skjold-Class Corvette HNoMS Glimt (P964) was sailing in formation in the Baltic Sea on June 6, 2022, during exercise BALTOPS-22, which confirms unequivocally that Norway was participating in BALTOPS-22.

Royal Norwegian Navy Skjold-Class Corvette HNoMS Glimt (P964)

Norway takes the lead on NATO logistics in the Nordic areas

Like in any military operation, logistics play a key role in the success of a mission with a predetermined point of entry and a well-thought exit strategy. Understanding Norway and NATO logistical partnership in relation to BALTOPS-22 is essential and the first step was for us to determine if any joint partnership agreements between these two organisations were put in place and signed.

NATO has several commands in Europe, including one in Brunssum in the Netherlands (NATO JFC Brunssum), but also one in Naples, Italy (NATO JLSG). Both of these commands have their own logistics management, the so-called Joint Logistics Support Group (JLSG), so it was important to understand if Norway, which already cooperates with both above-mentioned command’s establishment, was working with NATO JFC in Norfolk Virginia, USA, toward creating a Norwegian Joint Logistics Support Group – and indeed they were.

Interestingly enough, by digging a little bit further, we were able to confirm that since 2020, the Norwegian Armed Forces have been working together with NATO Joint Forces Command Norfolk (JFC NF, USA) towards establishing a Norwegian Joint Logistic Support Group which became known as “NOR JLSG.”

Chief of the Norwegian Armed Forces’ logistics organisation, Major General Lars Christian Aamodt (tv) signing the agreement with NATO JFC in Norfolk via video link. Right: project manager for NOR JLSG, Commander Remi Jakobsen (source)

Here is the NOR JLSG meeting with Joint Logistics Support Group Brunssum in the Netherlands:

NATO JFC Norfolk serves as NATO’s operational bridge between Europe and North America.

The Norwegian Armed Forces logistics organisation also known as NDLO started small before gradually building up its operation and competence skills to become both a National Logistics Operations Center (NLOGS) in Norway but also one of NATO Joint Logistics Support Group (JLSG) headquarters for NATO Joint Force Command Norfolk, USA (JFC NF). Four months prior to the BALTOPS-22 naval exercise, NATO Joint Force Command Norfolk (NATO JFC-NF Virginia, USA) signed a technical agreement (source) in February 2022 with the Norwegian Armed Forces’ logistics organisation (NDLO).

The signing of this Technical Agreement was all about solidifying NATO JFC Norfolk’s ambition to establish a Joint Logistic Support Network (JLSN) in Norway. Clearly, the NOR JLSG fusion operation was created to strengthen the logistics required to execute NATO activity in the High North. This Joint Logistic Support Network (JLSN) consist of but is not limited to points of debarkation, lines of communication, logistic bases, convoy support centres, staging areas and forward logistics sites. All of this is required to successfully execute the Nord Stream mission.

Furthermore, the Norwegian Armed Forces benefit from a state-of-the-art Joint Headquarters in Bodø, northern Norway, which operates 24–7 and has the overall command and control of all military activity in Norway. It also commands the Norwegian military personnel abroad. However, it would appear that communications during international live exercises such as BALTOPS-22, which would have involved the Norwegian Armed Forces participating in the NATO exercise, were coordinated not only via this Joint Headquarters, but by a smaller NATO NCI Agency CSU support unit in Stavanger, Norway where the NATO Joint Warfare Center (JWC) in Norway is located.

This CSU Support unit was created to ensure NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT), NATO headquarter in the United States remains connected to its oversea counterparts at all time, especially during large-scale exercises. NATO NCI Agency CSU support unit in Stavanger, Norway provides constant commutation during exercises including extensive support to the US Navy fleet during training and exercise such as BALTOPS-22 (source: P19).

NATO NCI Agency CSU support unit in Stavanger, Norway at NATO Joint Warfare Center (JWC) in Stavanger, Norway.

NATO Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) in Stavanger, Norway is also very much involved in the development and conceptualisation of wargame through various capability development initiatives as presented here below by Commander, Rear Admiral Jan C. Kaack, who was opening the execution phase for NATO Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) in Norway, new Wargame capability development initiative back in June 2020.

What these details reveal, is that Norway is now Washington’s key NATO partner in northern Europe, and would be intimately involved in a crucial operation such as the Nord Stream mission. However, it is also essential to establish if Norway could have supported an Under Water Demolition mission and for that, the obvious place to look to was the Norwegian DOD contractor and world leader in manned and unmanned UnderWater systems, Kongsberg Maritime.

Coincidentally, Kongsberg Maritime sold its Under Water vehicle division Hydroid Inc for USD $350 million to Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII), whilst forging an alliance to provide future solutions to the US Navy. For reference, Kongsberg Maritime was contracted to deliver four complete Hugin autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) systems to the Norwegian Armed Force through the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA) back in March 2017.

Norwegian Armed Forces testing their new Hugin Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) from Kongsberg Maritime (source). The Oksøy class M341 Karmøy below was reported to have been scrapped prior to 23 July 2022.

It seems many of those investigating the Norwegian Navy and their potential involvement in the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage operation have come to a dead end, and often arrive at a conclusion in direct contradiction with Seymour Hersh’s report. Why is that?

Although it would make sense to have the Norwegian Navy putting some sweat into this covert underwater operation, since together with their Polish counterparts, they have directly benefitted from this act of sabotage, and were not shy to announce the day after the Nord Stream blasts, on Sept. 27, 2022, the opening of their new Norway-Poland Baltic gas pipeline, a key move to cut energy dependency on Russia, or rather, corning the EU gas market along with the United States. Hence, it forces us to look at Norway as a stakeholder partner in this clandestine affair, and a key enabler – providing logistics support to the secret mission. Just as the entire western mainstream media and political class have played dumb in pointing the finger at the United States for this act of international terrorism, it would also be a mistake to ignore the motive, means and opportunity of Norway in this crime scene.


This ongoing investigation seems to lead us towards a joint covert operation between NATO allies the US, Norway and UK, and in Part 2 we will provide more details about the likely behind the scenes planning and execution of the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage.

The wider geopolitical and energy context is also important. In October 2022, in the wake of the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, EU President Ursula Von der Leyen presented her new 5-point plan for “resilient critical infrastructure”, known as the CER Guidelines which replaced the European Critical Infrastructure Directive of 2008. The key elements of these CER Guidelines were: ‘enhancing preparedness; working with Member States with a view to stress test their critical infrastructure, starting with the energy sector and then followed by other high-risk sectors; increasing the response capacity in particular, through the Union Civil Protection Mechanism; making good use of satellite capacity to detect potential threats; and strengthening cooperation with NATO and key partners on the resilience of critical infrastructure.’ These new rules are meant to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure against a range of threats, including natural hazards, terrorist attacks, insider threats, or sabotage. A total of 11 sectors will be covered: energy, transport, banking, financial market infrastructures, health, drinking water, wastewater, digital infrastructure, public administration, space and food. Member States will need to adopt a national strategy and carry out regular risk assessments to identify entities that are considered critical or vital for society and the economy. Member states have 21 months to transpose both directives into national law.

Is all of this, timed with the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, a coincidence?

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? Brussels certainly didn’t.

All they had to do was to plan a crisis with their NATO partners, blame the country who actually suffered from their actions, and later on offer the solution to the problem, all the while with Germany looking the other way, and with US/UK/Norway axis believing they actually got away with it.

NOTE: Keep your eyes peeled for Part 2 where we will demonstrate why Norway and Germany are staying silent about the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. We will also reveal more details about the military flight which dropped the sonar buoy triggering the detonation, and the at-sea presence of the various actors who covertly planned and executed this terrorist attack on one of Europe’s most vital pieces of infrastructure for energy stability.


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Featured image is from 21st Century Wire

US Hegemony Still Reigns!

April 27th, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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World Is Many Things – at the Same Time

The world is in a superposition of two states:

On the one hand, the World has become Multipolar.

At the same time, the World is also US dominated Unipolar.

My point is that this is not either or.

The World is both Multipolar and Unipolar at the same time. If you find this difficult to comprehend, just think about all the factors that point in one direction, and all the factors that point at the opposite direction. At the same time.

Measured in Purchase Power Parity, China has since long ago overtaken the US, and India has overtaken Germany, France, and Italy combined.

But measured in GDP and in US-dollar military expenditure, the US looks supreme.

Then back again, in spite of its heavy military expenditure, the US is losing its proxy-war in Ukraine and will lose any war on Taiwan, if it should break out.

On the other hand, even if the US Navy cannot save Taiwan, the US Navy dominates all the distant sea routes which China needs for transportation.

To continue this back and forth, the US has made NATO bigger than ever. On the other hand, BRICS with 19 official and unofficial applicants is also becoming bigger than ever.

Measured in votes at the UN General Assembly against Russia, the World follows the US. But counting abstentions and non-participation in sanctions into the picture, the World majority has abandoned “US leadership”.

You can go on like this for a long time, piling arguments up for Unipolarity, and other arguments for Multipolarity. It is contradictory, but contradictory facts and situations can still be true in some sense – in the world of physics, as well as in the ambiguous world of humans.

We see that both elements of Unipolarity and Multipolarity exist – at the same time.

I call this state of World affairs duality – inspired by quantum physics, which proves that two contradictory situations can exist simultaneously.

Foreign Affairs — Challenge

o the official seat of the US foreign policy élite, brings a very interesting article, “The Myth of Multipolarity”. In their article, Foreign Affairs argues very well as for the one side of the picture, as for Unipolarity dominated by the USA. And following my argument above, yes, Unipolarity still exists. But that is only half the picture. Multipolarity exists as well !

I do not agree with everything Foreign Affairs writes – far from. Foreign Affairs omits all the arguments for a Multipolar World. Foreign Affairs also politically chooses to believe that the West is winning in Ukraine, while Russia is actually beating Ukraine flat – something which is going to influence the World order profoundly. But Foreign Affairs makes so to speak the best argument possible for Unipolarity. And that is somehow also a kind of achievement, even if it is leading the USA itself into the woods of its own hubris and delusions.

Take the article by Foreign Affairs as a challenge.

US Hegemony still reigns ! – or does it ?


Dear Readers – I hope you will join this debate.

Is Foreign Affairs right to assert, that Unipolarity under the US still dominates the globe?

Or has Multipolarity overtaken the World order, and if so why? Or do you agree with my point, that Unipolarity or Multipolarity today exist at the same time.

And to bring this one point further: Where is the World heading? Even if Unipolarity still exists, is it sustainable for much longer? Or can Unipolarity even be reinforced by the USA?

Or referring again to quantum physics, will you say like I do, that the duality of the two simultaneous superpositions of Unipolarity and Multipolarity may collapse – and only one of the two states will remain.



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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Netivist

Ukraine Plans for World War III

April 27th, 2023 by Bradley Devlin

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The leak of classified documents on the gaming and chat platform Discord continues to be a treasure trove of information about America’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.

Earlier revelations from the Discord leak suggested Ukraine is a cornered animal. The latest shows it might lash out like one. The Washington Post reported Monday that documents in the leak claimed that the United States had to force Ukraine to back down from a direct attack on Moscow. Time and time again, the United States has had to rein in or express serious concern internally about Ukraine’s plans to fight Russia, not just in Ukraine or even within Russia’s borders, but in the Middle East and North Africa as well.  

A classified report from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) claimed that Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, who heads the Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) for Ukraine’s defense ministry, instructed one of his officers on February 13 “to get ready for mass strikes on 24 February.” Ukraine was to strike “with everything the HUR had.” The NSA report also said Ukrainian officials joked about using TNT to strike Novorossiysk, a Black Sea port city east of the Crimean Peninsula. The Post asserted such an operation would be “largely symbolic,” but “would nevertheless demonstrate Ukraine’s ability to hit deep inside enemy territory.”

Budanov has a reputation for being a loose cannon. Previously, he claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin was terminally ill and employed body doubles for public appearances. He is apparently convinced that Ukraine will overwhelm and repel the Russian invasion, including Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014, sometime this summer. Which is why it appears the U.S. intelligence apparatus has taken up monitoring Budanov’s moves and communications. And Budanov appears to know it. The Post added that, when it has interviewed Budanov on occasion since the outbreak of the war, reporters have heard white noise or music in the background of the major general’s office.

This time, however, it appears the United States prevented the loose cannon from going off. On February 22, the CIA internally circulated a classified report that the HUR “had agreed, at Washington’s request, to postpone strikes” on Moscow. Nevertheless, the CIA also said “there is no indication” that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) had “agreed to postpone its own plans to attack Moscow around the same date.”

The SBU also apparently held off any plans it may have had for striking deep into Russian territory on the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion. The United States’s efforts to discourage Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory only lasted so long, however. About a week after the anniversary of the Russian invasion, the Kremlin accused Ukrainian drones of striking infrastructure relatively close to Moscow.

Such drone attacks are par for the course in Ukraine’s recent military operations inside Russian territory. Last October, Russia accused Ukraine of drone strikes against its Black Sea fleet in Crimea. Though the authenticity has not been confirmed, video footage shows a drone heading towards a ship as what appears to be gunfire hits the water around the Russian vessel. The Kremlin claimed a minesweeper was damaged in the attack. Then in December, Ukrainian drones reportedly struck Engels-2, a military air-base about 400 miles inside Russian territory. Drones also struck two other military airfields and an oil facility in the Kursk province.

Ukraine appears to now be reaching further into Russian territory and is less ambiguous about its involvement in these attacks. Earlier on in the conflict, Ukraine often denied playing a role in attacks on Russian installations and infrastructure within its borders, such as the car-bombing incident in August 2022 that killed Daria Dugina, the daughter of Aleksandr Dugin, a Russian nationalist and staunch supporter of Russia’s invasion. Despite repeated Ukrainian denials, the U.S. intelligence community believes Ukraine was behind the attack.

In an interview with the Post in January, however, Budanov simultaneously denied Ukraine’s involvement in many of these attacks and claimed that they would continue. Such attacks “shattered their illusions of safety,” Budanov reportedly claimed.

“There are people who plant explosives. There are drones. Until the territorial integrity of Ukraine is restored, there will be problems inside Russia.”

Other revelations from the Discord-leaked documents: Ukraine wants to expand the scope of the conflict beyond that of continental Europe and take the Russians to task in the Middle East and North Africa. The NSA report claimed that Budanov’s HUR planned to attack the Wagner Group—a Russian military contractor with a reputation for brutality whose members have assisted in the Ukraine offensive—in the African country of Mali. The Wagner Group’s services are retained by the government of Mali for security and training their own military forces. 

The NSA document said, “It is unknown what stage the operations [in Mali] were currently in and whether the HUR has received approval to execute its plans,” according to the Post.

At the same time, the HUR was developing plans to strike Russian forces in Syria by partnering with the Kurds. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly put the kibosh on the special operations offensive in the Middle East, but at least one of the documents reviewed by the Post claimed that efforts to attack Russian assets in Syria that avoid Ukrainian culpability may still be on the table for the Ukrainian government.

Are these not plans for a world war? Would the United States not be responsible if the Ukrainian government, which both militarily and financially would be defunct without nearly $100 billion in U.S. aid, decided to go forward with such plans?

The Biden administration would deny any culpability in starting World War III, of course. It would point to the fact that the U.S. prohibits using the military aid it gives Ukraine to strike Russia. Thus, the United States retains much say over Ukraine’s battle plans and has successfully thwarted grand Ukrainian plans to strike Moscow and several other core Russian targets on separate occasions.

Ukrainian officials have admitted this in private, too. Oftentimes, if Ukraine wants to use a rocket system provided by the United States to strike a target, U.S. military personnel in Europe either have to confirm the coordinates or provide the coordinates themselves. 

The Biden administration and the foreign policy blob that supports the United States involvement in Ukraine might think this makes our involvement sound all the better. It doesn’t. It reveals who is really waging this war against Russia. Ukraine, which has been a money-laundering operation for the well-connected in the West for the last decade (see Hunter Biden), continues to be just that. Ukraine is the American liberal empire’s proxy in the truest sense.

The weapons systems, ammunition, and military equipment the United States provides Ukraine maintains a certain level of fungibility—and aid dollars more so than the physical equipment. Providing military aid, even with the current strings attached, expands Ukraine’s pool of resources, meaning they can devote what is “theirs” to operations and theaters that suit their fancy. 

Restraining Ukraine is becoming increasingly difficult, and funding Ukraine’s military efforts increasingly risky. That much is clear from America’s own assessment of Ukraine’s war plans revealed in the Discord leak. Heads should roll at the Pentagon, the State Department, and the White House for blindly walking into a conflict that Ukraine wants to go global.


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Bradley Devlin is a Staff Reporter for The American Conservative. Previously, he was an Analysis Reporter for the Daily Caller, and has been published in the Daily Wire and the Daily Signal, among other publications that don’t include the word “Daily.” He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a degree in Political Economy. You can follow Bradley on Twitter @bradleydevlin.

Featured image copyright Bumble Dee/Shutterstock

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Ever since the Russians started targeting Ukrainian sites with standoff missiles on October 10, 2022, I have been chronicling the strikes and sending the daily strike reports in translation, including the struck cities or oblasts, to my email group. I can confirm that the strikes have occurred daily, with no dates omitted, and have all been multiple. Part of my reason for doing this was to prove that the rash of media statements, starting in March of 2022, that Russia was “running out of missiles” was disinformation. 

Indeed, that makes almost 7 months of daily multiple strikes. Russia has never run out of missiles, not even close.

Strategic Targets

To make some sense out of the locations of Russian missile strikes on strategic targets, we can imagine several kinds of motives on the part of Russian forces.

First, a map of the Ukraine oblasts is shown below (the Ukrainian names are shown, which are very similar to the Russian names).

I will be referring to this article each time I post a report on Russian missiles strikes on this platform.

1—Russian commentators suggest that at some point, Russia will be attacking Kiev. As you examine the geographic pattern of the struck oblasts (large political divisions analogous to a US state or Canadian province, for example), you will see that many are located along hypothetical routes that could be taken in launching this offensive from Lugansk or Donetsk. The missile strikes targeting strategically important targets would of course weaken the Ukrainian forces and supply routes in these oblasts, making it safer for the Russian attackers to pass.

Assuming the Russian forces start at the Lugansk or Donetsk oblast, there are essentially two possible routes for a hypothetical offensive on Kiev, along the sequence of oblasts appearing below (BTW, the names of oblasts also generally coincide with the names of the capital cities of said oblasts, in analogy to New York City as the capital of New York State. Please remember this to avoid confusion).

A northern route along the following sequence of oblasts:

→ Kharkov → Sumy or Poltava → Chernigov → Kiev (here Kiev refers to the Kiev oblast, where the capital city of Kiev is located), and

A southern route along the following sequence of oblasts and along the right bank of the Dniepr:

→ Dniepropetrovsk → Kirovograd → Cherkasy → Kiev Oblast

Russian observers also widely maintain that Odessa will likely be another target for a Russian offensive. Therefore, when the oblast of Nikolaev is struck, one can imagine this is because this oblast is on the way to Odessa and must be softened up to protect Russian troops.

2—Kharkov, Sumy and Chernigov are located at the border with Russia, and saboteurs or official Ukrainian troops launch attacks from these oblasts, targeting Russian civilians. Thus retribution and deterrence would be likely motives for hitting these areas. Another likely motive would be weakening the military located there in preparation for a future invasion and subsequent occupation of any of these oblasts.

Note that the Russian Federation takes very seriously any and all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. In fact, the daily missile strikes since Oct 10, 2022 were initially intended as retribution for the terroristic attack on the Crimean (Kerch) bridge on Oct 8, 2022 and as a deterrent to further such attacks.

3—Some of the oblasts struck by Russian standoff missiles are or will be the sites of future ongoing hostilities between the forces of Ukraine and Russia.

In the case of the Kiev-controlled parts of Zaporozhye and Kharkov, there is active fighting going on in these oblasts as of today’s date (April 25, 2023) and one can imagine the Russians targeting military bases, munitions depots, supply routes and accumulations of weapons there. Russia once held Kharkov, for example, and is keen on getting it back (the people there are persecuted – eg, shelled, used as human shields, their homes and businesses damaged or destroyed – by Kiev for their Russian identity. It’s pure racism, which has long been a feature of US foreign policy. Zaporozhye is home to the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe, a juicy target for Ukraine, which shells the plant regularly in hopes of causing a false-flag disaster that can be blamed on Russia.

4—In the case of strikes in Western Ukraine, one can imagine 2 kinds of motives. Remember that weapons sent by NATO powers and the US often arrive first in countries that border Ukraine.

In the case of Poland, the border oblasts that might receive the weapons first are Volyn and Lvov.

In the case of Slovakia, the arms shipments could pass through Zakarpatia.

From Romania, they would first arrive in Zakarpatia, Ivano-Frankovsk or Chernovtsy.

From Moldova, they could pass through Chernovtsy, Vinnytsia or Odessa.

Actually, Russian missiles target these oblasts rather rarely but commentators have long been mentioning the possibility of striking railroad hubs and the electric grids that power them in these Western regions to prevent the transit of reinforcements, munitions, materiel and supplies to the front lines and also to stop the trains carrying weapons shipments from the West.

The other motive might be a strike on training camps or bunkers where NATO personnel, including top brass, would meet, as in the case of the reported attack by hypersonic Kinzhal missiles on an underground bunker near Lvov (Lviv in UKR) in Western Ukraine (NATO officials feel safer in Western Ukraine than in Kiev, which is struck relatively often by standoff missiles). I reported on this bunker attack to the aforementioned email group, initially calling it unconfirmed. Indeed, the corporate news is reporting it as a fake, but I have read enough about it at different sites (eg, see this) since then to now consider it 99% confirmed, especially since the Ministry of Defense now admits to having launched this attack.

Even CNN has admitted that there was a massive missile attack all over Ukraine that same night but, not surprisingly, they do not mention the attack on the underground bunker (of course, the West cannot admit to the public that Russia is so advanced that its missiles can bore 80 meters into the ground. After all, if the West knew the power of the Russian forces and their weapons, there would no longer be a war).

Finally, note that Russian reports on battlefield status and standoff missile strikes will contain a mixture of Ukrainian and Russian names, which are, however, quite similar.

Often a Russian place name will contain a g while its Ukrainian equivalent will contain an h instead, Example: Chernihiv in UKR and Chernigov in RU.

A name with an o in RU may be written with an i instead in UKR. Thus, Kharkov in Russian vs Kharkiv in UKR.

I try to stick to the Russian names in these reports, which in most cases were the original historic names changed later by the Russophobic nationalists under the influence of the US since 2014 when the US took over the reins of power in Kiev pursuant to the violent Maidan coup under Obama-Biden.


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In the case of Ethiopia, about 90% of the available water is received mainly in three months. Hence, dams could effectively store water during heavy rain seasons between June to September and some extent during the short rainy seasons.

Large water storages are therefore essential. In addition, we can expect the following advantages could be expected from building big dams in the Blue Nile basin: The flood waters are wasted unless large major dams are constructed, Large dams are eminently suited for carrying over storage and thus impart greater reliability and stability to the system, Large dams generate cheap and clean hydropower, Dams provide the most effective way of flood regulation and control.

Large dams are most reliable during drought periods as small storages are fast depleted and suffer excessive evaporation. In drought years, small dams are scarcely reliable. Longevity as large silt pockets, per unit areas stored with large dams, is much less as compared to small dams.

Diversion and transfer of surplus water to water-scarce basins can be an option only through big dams. Employment potential is higher in large dams throughout the year. In the case of small dams, there is little employment potential as seasonal rains affect only small local areas.

The imperatives for large water storage were supported by the former President of the World Water Forum Council who stated that “some 8,000,000 dams (of which 45 000 are major, higher than 15 meters in height) exist around the world delivering energy, flood protection and water for household, industrial and agricultural use”

He further stated that “despite the drawbacks, the world’s growing population and their need for greater economic development call for more water, in which demand will exceed availability. More and larger storage will be necessary to meet the challenges of development and socio-cultural fabric and make sure that those people affected by the development of dams will be better off than the alternative.

While giving special attention to the environmental and displacement aspects, Ethiopia should construct large-scale dams that: increase economic and social productivity and hence increase consumption of goods and services, irrigate 2.2 million hectares identified in the basin, distribute benefits to millions of inhabitants through employment in mechanized agriculture in the basin, provide better settlement, equipped with socially, economically and technically sound services in the basin for millions and change their life; producing complex hydroelectric power for trade with the trans-boundary countries.

Therefore, Ethiopia needs urgent action on matters concerning the building of major dam structures in the Abbay, Baro-Akobo, and Tekezze catchments and other River basin areas in accordance with some detailed studies and engineering designs.

Ethiopia has made many valuable studies and design works without much chance of putting them into action mainly because of lack of funds.  To date, Ethiopia is the most minor user of the Blue Nile run-off in the Eastern Nile Basin, compared to Sudan and Egypt. At the national level, economic and institutional capacities are also limited. Despite many hindrances, Ethiopia should concentrate on the modern agricultural development options, focused on the rivers so that these resources could be utilized to realize meaningful irrigation programs.


The Nile Basin (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

Climate Change should concern the Nile Nations

A holistic approach to conservation, protection and utilization of the Nile River basin was sparsely implemented. The long-standing dispute over the Nile River was primarily on the utilization of the waters. But without arriving at a comprehensive governance scheme to address the environmental problems posed against the basin an equitable and reasonable share of the Nile waters would not be secured.

The blame must go to the downstream countries for their reluctant approach to a basin-wide agreement to address the governance challenges including the climate change impacts. Benefit-sharing should come after sharing of burdens on the costs of conservation and protection of the Nile environment.

Climate change has become a global threat to the environment including watercourses. The globe has launched several international mechanisms to deal with climate change.

The 2015 Paris climate accord was the latest of all initiatives. There is a nationally determined emission reduction to withhold the global warming rate below 2 Degree Celsius. The Nile riparian states are duty-bound to mitigate the environmental problems threatening the water flows of the Nile River.

Their mitigation should be expressed through their cooperation in afforestation programs on the headwaters and tributaries of the Nile River.  Those headwaters are located in Ethiopian highlands. Ethiopia has embarked on the planting mission of twenty billion trees within a four-year period.

The downstream countries should participate in this green legacy mission and should cover the conservation and protection costs of the Nile basin. To that end, Ethiopia should offer a call for participation in the green legacy mission to the downstream nations.

For the downstream nations, participating in the greening of Ethiopian highlands would be a mitigation strategy for the millennial damages caused to the Nile River. They have depleted the Nile surrounding area with over-exploitation and mismanagement of the river. With that said, long-term cooperation on the conservation and protection of the Nile River Basin should be governed through basin-wide legal and institutional frameworks. Such a basin-wide arrangement could establish a permanent river basin commission to administer and facilitate cooperation among the riparian nations in the fight against climate change and its adverse impacts on the Nile ecosystem.

Lessons on Governance for Nile Nations from the Danube River

The Danube River Basin Cooperation provides a laudable lesson and example to the nations of the Nile Basin, as there are striking similarities between the two basins. The anticipated lesson to be learned by the Nile Nations from the Danube River Basin Cooperation is the harmonization and integrated management that brought tangible results and ensured peaceful co-existence within that region. Some of the outstanding achievements of integrative development and management approach of the communities of the Danube River Basin and their experiences are summarized below to illustrate the power of harmony and spirit of the shared responsibilities of the ordinary inhabitants of large river basins to the Nile families.


The Danube basin (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

As mentioned in the study made by Oregan, Sullivan, and Bromley, the Danube is a large river that covers approximately 800,000 square kilometers in the territories of 18 states, with over 80 million inhabitants and 60 large and growing urban centers. The Danube is a slow-moving river with well-developed alluvial plains in its course. The Danube River covers an area of 675,000 ha and is internationally recognized as one of the most important watersheds in Europe.

The basin area covers all of Hungary, most of Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, and Montenegro; significant parts of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech and Moldovan republics, as well as a smaller area of Germany and Ukraine. Albania, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, and Switzerland also have small geographical areas within the basin. The Danube River Basin is spread across countries with very different levels of economic development and social and environmental diversities. Germany and Austria, highly developed nations, are located in the upper basin with longstanding membership of the European Union. In the middle basin Czech Republic, Slovakia and  Hungarian are experiencing an appreciable degree of economic growth. Further downstream Romania, Bulgaria, and Ukraine are less developed states in Europe but they are experiencing political and economic transition. Also, within the basin are the Former Yugoslav republics and northeast Moldova, the least developed country in Europe, heavily dependent on agriculture.

Institutional Framework Experience

The development of the Danube River Basin is coordinated through several institutions formed by all member states and policies directed by these bodies. The most important of the European-level policies is the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), which seeks to introduce comprehensive river basin management and environmental protection initiatives across Europe. The Danube River Protection Convention forms the overall legal instrument for cooperation on transboundary water management in the Danube River Basin. The Convention was signed on June 29, 1994, in Sofia (Bulgaria) and came into force in 1998. Based on this document, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), with 13 cooperating states and the European Union, was established in practice. The ICPDR makes recommendations for improving water quality, developing mechanisms for flood and industrial accident control, agreeing on standards for emissions, and ensuring that these measures are reflected in the cooperating states’ national legislations and applied in their policies.

To meet the needs of this single basin-wide management plan, each country is in the process of preparing national reports (roof reports) which give an overview of WFD issues such as the pressures on the surface and groundwater resources and related environmental impacts that will form the basis of the river basin management plan. In the 1990s, countries of the DRB took significant steps to improve the management of the Danube with recognition of the growing regional and transboundary character of water management issues and related environmental issues. In 1991, the Environmental Program for the Danube River Basin (EPDRB) was established in Sofia, Bulgaria by the countries of the DRB, together with international institutions and NGOs, to start an initiative to support and enhance actions required for the restoration and protection of the basin. This was followed by the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River Basins signed in June 1994. It was signed by 11 states and the European Union and provided the legal basis for the protection and use of water resources in the basin.

Water Use Practices

The Danube plays an important role in the development of the region, as its communities rely on it for water supply (domestic, agricultural and industrial), power generation, navigation, waste disposal, and recreation. The Danube waters have also been intensively harnessed for hydroelectricity (particularly in Austria and Germany) and irrigation schemes for agricultural developments (especially in the middle and lower basins).

The need for water storage in the face of seasonal variations and to generate hydropower have led to dam building across the basin. Between 1950 and 1980,69 dams with a total volume exceeding 7.3-billion-meter cube were constructed on the Danube River. Groundwater resources represent as much as 30 percent of the total internal renewable water resources of some DRB countries. Aquifers are the main resources of drinking water while some have permeable aquifers, which are highly vulnerable to pollution from point and nonpoint resources. The extent of hydro-morphological changes for navigation environmental has had a major impact on natural floodplains and their ecosystems. In many places along the river floodplains, meanders have been cut off from the river system. However, as a result, 80 percent of the historical floodplain of the larger rivers of the basin has been lost over the last 150 years. The loss of this area has led to a reduction of flood retention capacity and floodplain habitat. Some of the remaining areas have either received protection status under different national or European legislation or international conventions, while other areas remain vulnerable.

Civil societies and Private Institutions Environmental Experiences

The Regional Environmental For Central and Eastern Europe (REC), and the Danube Environmental Forum (DEF) represent nearly 200 NGOs across the region. The aim is to protect the Danube River and its tributaries, their biodiversity, and resources, through enhancing cooperation among governments, non-governmental organizations, local people, and all kinds of stakeholders towards sustainable use of natural ecosystems. Many of these institutions are participants in the annual Danube Day festivities marking the signing of the Danube Convention and celebrating the river, its ecology, and its people. Festive events, festivals, public meetings, and educational events take place along the river and Danube Day is described as a powerful tool for enhancing the “Danubian identity of people living in the basin, demonstrating that despite their different cultures and histories they have a shared responsibility to protect their precious resource.”


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Silabat Manaye is international relations professional based in Addis Ababa. His research interests include water politics, geopolitics in the Horn of Africa, and War Journalism. He authored two books on Nile geopolitics.

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Facebook has censored a report by the world’s most famous investigative journalist, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh, on the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines between Russia and Germany.

While discouraging its users from posting Hersh’s article, Facebook instead recommends a website that is funded and partially owned by the government of NATO member Norway.

Facebook has millions of dollars worth of contracts with the US government, including with the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security.

The Nord Stream system consisted of two sets of two pipelines each (known as Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2) that delivered natural gas from Russia, through the Baltic Sea, to Germany.

Nord Stream AG, the Switzerland-based international consortium that built and oversees the pipelines, is owned by five European companies. Russia’s state gas giant Gazprom has 51% of the shares, but the other 49% belong to two German companies, a Dutch firm, and a French company.

In September 2022, the Nord Stream pipelines were sabotaged in a suspicious explosion, in what amounted to a terror attack on the energy infrastructure of Europe.

Nord Stream pipeline sabotage map

World-renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported that the pipelines were blown up by the US government, in an operation overseen by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland.

All three officials are hard-line anti-Russia hawks. Nuland was a key architect of the violent coup d’etat that overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected, geopolitically neutral government in 2014 and installed a pro-Western regime.

Hersh published the bombshell story at his personal blog at the website Substack in February.

If a Facebook user posts a link to this report by Hersh, a notice pops up that says:

“Before you share this content, you might want to know there’s additional reporting from Faktisk. Pages and websites that repeatedly publish or share false news will see their overall distribution reduced and be restricted in other ways”.

The page Facebook links to, Faktisk, is a fact-checking website from Norway, which is funded and partially owned by the government of that NATO member state.

Faktisk discloses that one of its owners and main funders is NRK: the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, a state-owned media outlet.

NRK states clearly on its website, “NRK is Norway’s biggest media house. The broadcaster is state-owned and the Parliament (Stortinget) has given the mandate and the ownership role to the Ministry of Culture”. It notes that “NRK is publicly financed (97%) by a individual tax everybody in Norway has to pay”.

The editor-in-chief of Faktisk, Kristoffer Egeberg, discloses in his biography on the website that he served in the Norwegian Armed Forces as a soldier and officer, participating in NATO and UN operations in Lebanon, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

What this means it that Facebook is censoring a report by the world’s most famous investigative journalist and instead promoting a website partially owned and funded by a NATO member state, Norway, which is edited by a former Norwegian military officer who participated in NATO operations.

Despite attacks on Hersh, US government and media fail to provide alternative explanation

The US government publicly denied Hersh’s report on the Nord Stream attacks, but Washington has always rejected the investigative journalist’s stories, which have consistently proven to be true.

Hersh won his Pulitzer Prize for exposing the 1968 My Lai massacre in Vietnam, in which the US military killed hundreds of civilians. The US government had denied this massacre, although it was later proven to have happened.

Similarly, Washington initially denied Hersh’s blockbuster 2004 report exposing the US military’s use of torture at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, which was similarly proven to be correct.

In response to Hersh’s report on the Nord Stream attacks, anonymous US government officials used the New York Times to undermine the reporter, instead blaming an unidentified “pro-Ukrainian group”, which they claimed was not linked to the Ukrainian government or any other NATO member state.

Washington and its allies in the corporate media have been desperate to smear Hersh, nitpicking over very minor details he may have mistakenly reported, but they have utterly failed to provide any tangible evidence or compelling alternative explanation of how the Nord Stream pipelines were destroyed.

The massive pipelines were built out of steel, surrounded with thick concrete, and located 50 to 100 meters underwater.

It would be extremely difficult for a small ragtag “pro-Ukrainian group” to sabotage these pipelines. The attack clearly involved a lot of planning and resources, which suggests that a state was very likely involved.

Nord Stream pipeline worker

A worker testing part of the Nord Stream pipelines

Western governments censor Russian (and Iranian) media outlets

Facebook is by no means the only US social media giant that has censored dissident voices over the war in Ukraine.

YouTube, which is owned by Google, blocked the channels of Russia’s state media outlet RT everywhere on the planet.

Like Facebook, Google has millions of dollars of US government contracts, with the CIA, Pentagon, FBI, and various police departments.

Furthermore, the European Union banned RT and Sputnik, another Russian state media outlet.

rt withheld twitter europe

If someone in the EU tries to access the Twitter profiles of RT or Sputnik, a message appears stating, “Account Withheld”.

The US government even went so far as to seize the domain name of Iran’s state media outlet Press TV.

“The domain has been seized by the United States Government”, reads a notice on the website, published jointly by the Departments of Justice and Commerce.

presstvcom domain seized US government


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Ukraine War Offers Glimpse at “Modern Conscription”

April 27th, 2023 by Connor O'Keeffe

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January 27th of this year marked fifty years since the draft was officially suspended in the United States. And while young American men are still forced to register with the Selective Service, we have been fortunate to go without a draft for half a century, despite Washington’s hyper-aggressive foreign policy.

That amount of time can make things feel distant. And even though the program is all set to fire right back up with a word from the president, there’s a sense that the draft is an issue from a different era.

But the war in Ukraine offers a window into what conscription looks like in today’s day and age. Both sides have resorted to forcing a part of the population to put their lives on the line to serve the interests of the regimes in Kyiv and Moscow. And the lack of condemnation, or even interest, from our fellow Americans should concern all advocates of self-ownership.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, both Ukraine and Russia continued to require male citizens to serve time in the military, though the term was gradually reduced from two years to one.

In 2013, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych abolished conscription. Less than a year later, the new Western-backed Ukrainian government reinstated the draft and forced men to fight the people of eastern Ukraine who didn’t want to live under the new government in Kyiv.

After serving their time as active duty soldiers, Ukrainian conscripts remained in a reserve status, eligible to be recalled until the age of 55.

Within hours of the first Russian airstrikes that signaled the beginning of the February 2022 invasion, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared martial law, called up men in the reserves, conscripted new soldiers, and prohibited men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country.

Zelensky also authorized the “release” of convicts with combat experience to bolster Kyiv’s forces. At the same time, conscription appears to have been implemented as a new form of punishment. Men caught breaking curfew and getting into street fights have received conscription notices after being detained by police.

Russian conscription followed a similar trajectory to Ukraine’s after the fall of the USSR. The mandatory term of military service for Russian men was rolled back to one year in 2008. And as recently as 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin voiced support for abolishing conscription.

But, genuine or not, those sentiments disappeared as the region descended into war. Shortly after the February invasion, Russia held its spring draft and conscripted 134,500 people. 120,000 were conscripted last Fall. The Russian government has claimed conscripted soldiers are only being sent to replace volunteer soldiers in their posts, with the volunteer soldiers then sent to the front in Ukraine, but some have disputed this.

Today, over a year into the invasion, Ukraine is relying more on conscripts as their losses mount. Until recently, officials could only deliver draft notices to someone’s home address. Some found they could avoid the summons by staying away from their official addresses.

New rules allow officials to track down new conscripts wherever they may be. Men are being stopped in the street and questioned about their draft status. With few eligibility exceptions available and a brutal front line, the stricter rules have many Ukrainian men fearing for their safety. The conscripts have so far received worse equipment and inferior training than the volunteer forces before being sent into battle.

Russia has also had an issue tracking down new conscripts. The Kremlin’s approach has been to transition to a digital platform. All eligible men are required to register through an online government portal. Draft notices are sent out electronically and are considered “delivered” immediately, meaning the man is instantly on the clock for reporting to his local recruitment office.

In the enduring words of William Norman Grigg, “conscription indisputably rests on the assumption that each individual is the State’s property, to be sacrificed when those controlling the State deem it necessary for their protection.”

The draft may lie dormant in the U.S., but that assumption remains. The war in Ukraine serves as a reminder that conscription is not extinct. It remains a clear and present threat to liberty. 


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Pivotal Moment in India-Russia Relations

April 27th, 2023 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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Most relationships undergo transition with the passage of time from appreciation of each other to a “state of having,” a desire to possess or even to control the other. But the present pivotal moment in the Russian-Indian relationship shows that an equal relationship does not fall into that trap.

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar drew attention to this salience while addressing a Russian-Indian business forum last week in Delhi, when he called the relationship among the “steadiest” in global relations, and pointed out that the partnership is drawing so much attention today not because it has changed but because it has not.  

The “liberal internationalist” camp in the Indian media and think tank circuit and ill-informed sections of opinion who launched an assault on the Indian stance on Ukraine crisis are lately grasping the raison d’être of the government’s handling of the fraught situation that carried risks of a potential confrontation between the West and Russia.

All signs are that Washington, from where Indian lobbyists usually draw encouragement, too has decided to reconcile itself to the Modi Government’s unambiguous message to the West that India will pursue a relationship with Russia in its self-interest and will go in whichever directions its interests lie. 

Thus, a commentary by the Voice of America took note on Sunday against the backdrop of a 50-member Indian business delegation setting out for Russia in an initiative to deepen economic ties: “India and Russia are also in talks for a free trade deal… Moscow has become India’s largest supplier of crude oil… New Delhi has not joined U.S-led Western sanctions on Moscow or condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine outright but has been calling for a negotiated resolution of the conflict. It is also continuing to step up its economic engagement with Russia despite Western calls to gradually distance itself from Moscow. 

“Even though New Delhi has strengthened strategic partnerships with the United States and other Western countries in the last two decades, it maintains close ties with Moscow… While Western countries want India to decrease its reliance on Russian imports to isolate Moscow over the Ukraine war, New Delhi has remained firm in maintaining its economic engagement with Russia.” 

The above excerpts acknowledge that on its part, India is also signalling that this paradigm need not necessarily be construed as a zero-sum game and Washington is accepting, even if grudgingly, that it cannot bully India into submission. Arguably, President Biden’s invitation to Prime Minister Modi for a state visit to the White House in June and his subsequent decision to take part in the G20 Summit in New Delhi in September testify to the US’ creative response to the robustness of Indian diplomacy to sequester ties with Russia from predators. 

The real challenge facing the Biden administration, though, is to take the US-Indian relationship out of the rut of a quintessentially transactional relationship and create a genuine partnership of mutual benefit, which, from the Indian perspective, fits into Modi’s road map to “transform India into a developed country” though the coming quarter century, as he put it in a public speech in Kochi on Monday.

To be sure, the Indian expectations are riding high on development and Delhi will not be content with a mere subaltern role in the US’ global strategy. The US and its allies see India as a “balancer” in the Indo-Pacific, but quite obviously, New Delhi has bigger plans. 

The Russian proposal to make use of its vast export earnings out of oil sales to India by investing the funds in manufacturing industry in India for export to Russia; the deal on adopting the Russian financial messaging system for cross-border payments; the acceptance of Indian Ru-Pay cards and UPI in Russia and Russia’s MIR cards and Fast Payments System in India; the operationalisation of the Maritime Corridor connecting Vladivostok and Chennai — these testify to the keenness of both countries to put in place the necessary underpinnings for a massive expansion of the Russian-Indian trade and economic ties in the very near future.

Jaishankar’s speech at the business forum last week stressed the imperative need to boost India’s exports to Russia while his Russian counterpart in the inter-governmental joint economic commission Russian Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturev called for intensifying negotiations on a free trade agreement with India and working on an investment protection pact. 

Bilateral trade has crossed $45 billion — something unthinkable until Russia turned its back on the West and began pressing the pedal on alternative partnerships in Asia to replace the European partners. On its part, the Modi government has been quick to seize the new opportunity, especially at a time of post-pandemic recovery and the inflation-ridden European and US economies sliding into recession.

This is a golden opportunity for India to gain special privileged access to the vast mineral resources of Siberia and the Russian Far East and the contemporary El Dorado of the Russian Arctic. There is great complementarity here insofar as India with its growth trajectory, presents itself as a long-term market for Russia’s resource-based industry across the board. 

There are no contradictions really in the Russian-Indian relationship. Some Indian analysts keep parroting the US propaganda that Russia is becoming China’s “junior partner” and that is eroding the Russian-Indian mutual trust. This calumny stems out of either a flawed understanding or, more likely, a deliberate, contrived distortion that does not take into account the reality that Russia and China are “civilisation states,” each in its own right — and they are neighbours with a troubled history — which simply does not allow them to opt for a relationship in a hierarchical order that a formal alliance entails. 

The heart of the matter is that Indian ingenuity lies in creating synergy out of the dynamic Russian-Indian-Chinese [RIC] triangle that could create an optimal external environment for its foreign policies to operate regionally and globally. The entrenched narrative on Sino-Indian relationship, which successive Indian governments have fostered, poses an impediment. That said, it is not a legacy of the Modi government. 

Russia is well-placed to create verve in the RIC triangle as its bilateral ties expand and deepen with both China and India. Modi government pursues a “de-ideologised” foreign policy riveted on national interests. This is only to be expected as the world order changes, since India is looking to maximise its interests and embrace a larger strategic and security role for itself.

However, fundamentally, India remains a stakeholder in a democratised multipolar international order. Russia appreciates this nuance and has never been prescriptive.    


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Featured image: External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar (L) and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov at a Russian-Indian business forum organised jointly by the Ministry of External Affairs & Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, New Delhi, April 17, 2023 (Source: Indian Punchline)

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Thanks to Al Jazeera for bringing this important article to our attention.

Copyright Al Jazeera (April 2023)


UN officials have said that one side in the Sudan conflict has seized control of a national health lab in the capital of Khartoum that holds biological material, calling it an “extremely dangerous” development.

The announcement on Tuesday came as officials warned that more refugees could flee Sudan despite a ceasefire between rival forces.

The fighting has plunged Sudan into chaos, pushing the already heavily aid-dependent African nation to the brink of collapse. Before the clashes, the UN estimated that a third of Sudan’s population – or about 16 million people – needed assistance, a figure that is likely to increase.

Dr Nima Saeed Abid, the World Health Organization’s representative in Sudan, expressed concerns that “one of the fighting parties” – he did not identify which one – had seized control of the central public health laboratory in Khartoum and “kicked out all of the technicians”.

“That is extremely, extremely dangerous because we have polio isolates in the lab. We have measles isolates in the lab. We have cholera isolates in the lab,” he told a UN briefing in Geneva by video call from Port Sudan. “There is a huge biological risk associated with the occupation of the central public health lab in Khartoum by one of the fighting parties.”

The expulsion of technicians and power cuts in Khartoum mean that “it is not possible to properly manage the biological materials that are stored in the lab for medical purposes,” WHO said.

The lab is located in central Khartoum, close to flashpoints of the fighting that have pitted Sudan’s military against the Rapid Support Forces, a paramilitary group that grew out of the government-backed Popular Defence Forces – called “Janjaweed” by the rebels – implicated in atrocities in the Darfur conflict.

Dozens of hospitals have shuttered in Khartoum and elsewhere across the country due to the fighting and dwindling medical and fuel supplies, according to the Sudanese Doctors’ Syndicate.

“If the violence does not stop, there is a danger that the health system will collapse,” the UN agency warned Friday.

Drive-by video shows destruction in Sudan’s capital (Click here to view the video)


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Featured image: A staff member works at National Public Health Laboratory in Khartoum, Sudan in this undated image posted to social media on December 31, 2020. [File: National Public Health Laboratory – Sudan/Handout via Reuters]

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Recent statements by two Biden administration officials hint that the United States is finally noticing that the world around them is changing.

On April 11, CIA Director William Burns spoke at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. In a somewhat stunning statement that has, perhaps, not been so clearly and publicly articulated before, Burns said that we are in one of “those times of transition that come along a couple of times a century. Today the United States still has a better hand to play than any of our rivals, but it is no longer the only big kid on the geopolitical bloc. And our position at the head of the table isn’t guaranteed.”

Burns’s classifying the transition that is now taking place as a “transition that come along a couple of times a century” echoes Chinese President Xi Jinping’s comment to Russian President Vladimir Putin last month that, “Together, we should push forward these changes that have not happened for 100 years” and recognizes the significance of the tectonic geopolitical shift that is occurring. The unipolar world is extinct and has been replaced by an evolving multipolar world in which the United States “is no longer the only big kid on the geopolitical bloc.” China’s diplomatic role in brokering an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran demonstrated America’s “position at the head of the table isn’t guaranteed.”

The ever strengthening partnership between Russia and China has tilted the weight of the world toward a multipolar one. In March, Xi visited Putin in Moscow where they not only “reaffirm[ed] the special nature of the Russia-China partnership,” but “signed a statement on deepening the strategic partnership and bilateral ties which are entering a new era.”

But the Sino-Russian relationship in the new multipolar world isn’t just bilateral. Countries are lining up to join Chinese and Russian-led multipolar organizations like BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. From the call for multipolarity among the many African nations attending the Russia-Africa in a Multipolar World conference in Moscow in March, to Saudi Arabia’s assertion that “We do not believe in polarization or selecting between one partner and another,” to India’s continued diplomatic and economic cooperation with Russia and China, to Brazil’s promise to uphold and strengthen multilateralism, to France’s surprising call for Europe to become a “third pole,” countries around the world are leaving the U.S.-led unipolar world for neutrality in a multipolar world.

One of the mechanisms for multipolarity is emancipation from the monopoly of the U.S. dollar. Most international trade is conducted in dollars, and most foreign exchange reserves are held in dollars. As the United States has recently demonstrated in Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, and Russia, the position of the dollar allows it to be very powerfully and quickly weaponized.

Sanctions have not only accelerated the evolution of the multipolar world by creating a community of sanctioned countries that turn to each other, forming a second pole, but they have also weakened the U.S.-led unipolar world by weakening willingness to depend on the dollar.

In the second stunning statement by a U.S. official, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on April 16,

“There is a risk when we use financial sanctions that are linked to the role of the dollar that over time it could undermine the hegemony of the dollar.” She explained, “Of course, it does create a desire on the part of China, of Russia, of Iran to find an alternative.”

And find an alternative they have. Yellen’s statement suggests that the United States is beginning to recognize that escaping the monopoly of the U.S. dollar is gaining momentum as a mechanism for ending, not only the “hegemony of the dollar,” but of the United States itself.

Recent demonstrations of the American ability to cut off countries that challenge it has awoken opposition. Several countries and regions, including Russia, China, India, Iran, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, France, Latin America, BRICS, and the Eurasian Economic Union, have all expressed interest in and even made moves towards partially escaping the U.S. dollar.

Russia and China are now conducting 65% of their trade in their own currencies. China and Brazil are now conducting bilateral trade in their own currencies, as are China and Pakistan. Iran and Russia are now settling trade in rials and rubles instead of dollars and recently announced that they have circumvented the U.S. financial system by linking their banking systems as an alternative to SWIFT for trading with each other. Saudi Arabia has  said that it sees “no issues” in trading oil in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. The Eurasian Economic Union has agreed on “a phased transition” from settling trade in “foreign currency” to “settlements in rubles.” Robert Rabil, Professor of political science at Florida Atlantic University, says that the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Israel have all made some movement away from the U.S. dollar.

Brazil has raised the idea of a Latin American currency. And Brazilian President Lula da Silva recently asked, “Why should every country have to be tied to the dollar for trade? Who decided the dollar would be the [world’s] currency?” “Why,” he suggested, “can’t a bank like the BRICS bank have a currency to finance trade between…BRICS countries?” BRICS and the SCO are both considering abandoning the dollar in favor of trade in the currencies of member states.

While American activity suggests a foreign policy that drives on, unaware of the new terrain its entered, the recent statements by Burns and Yellen suggest that at least some in the Biden administration are beginning to notice that the world is changing. U.S. hegemony, its “position at the head of the table,” is no longer “guaranteed.”


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Ted Snider is a regular columnist on U.S. foreign policy and history at and The Libertarian Institute. He is also a frequent contributor to Responsible Statecraft and The American Conservative as well as other outlets.

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British Radioactive Weapons Arrive in Ukraine

April 27th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Ignoring all Russian advises, the British government confirmed on April 26th that its depleted uranium weapons are already on Ukrainian soil. Moscow’s officials, anti-war activists and experts have repeatedly warned that such an escalation in the conflict should be avoided, but London has not observed the advice and has further violated a red line by sending radioactive weapons to the Kiev regime. It remains to be seen what the consequences of this dangerous measure will be.

The confirmation of the delivery of weapons was made by the Minister of Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, James Heappey, during a speech to the British Parliament. According to Heappey, depleted uranium ammunitions were sent to Ukraine along with other projectiles suitable for use in Challenger 2 tanks. The minister also added that British officials will not try to track where these weapons will be used.

“We have sent thousands of rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition to Ukraine, including depleted uranium armour-piercing rounds (…) [These weapons] re now under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) (…) [UK’s Ministry of Defense] does not monitor the locations from where DU rounds are fired by the AFU in Ukraine”, the Minsiter said during the statement.

When asked by some parliamentarians about the health dangers posed by these weapons, Heappey claimed that this threat would be “low”. Interestingly, he even mentioned that the risk assessment is based on monitoring UK veterans who have already used them on the battlefield. In fact, the minister seems to completely ignore that a series of recent studies point to the opposite, showing serious health problems both in the soldiers who manipulated this equipment and in the victims of the ammunition. The problems include several risks commonly attributed to radioactive substances, such as cancer, fetal deformity, deficiency of fertility, among others.

Commenting on the case with journalists, Doug Weir, an expert linked to the Conflict and Environment Observatory, stated that when DU penetrators strike a target “they fragment and burn, generating chemically toxic and radioactive DU particulate that poses an inhalational risk to people”. Several other scientists have expressed similar views after analyzing the results of these munitions in Iraq and other countries where NATO troops have used them. However, London and Washington continue to deny evidence of these dangers.

It must be remembered that Moscow has repeatedly asked London to reconsider its plan to send these munitions to Kiev. In a recent statement, spokespersons for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia stated that the British measure would be an absolute “imprudence, irresponsibility”. Furthermore, in March, the Russian Ministry of Defense warned that the use of such projectiles could “cause irreparable harm” to the health of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians as well as inflict “tremendous economic damage to the agro-industrial complex” in the region, citing the weapon’s impact during the previous experience in Iraq.

However, despite the warnings, the shipment of these weapons was already expected. In March, US and British troops held a training program with Ukrainian soldiers to teach them how to properly handle depleted uranium munitions. The plan was very well prepared and echoes NATO’s interest in taking the proxy war with Russia to the most dangerous levels of military escalation, ignoring any humanitarian, environmental or social concerns.

Legally, depleted uranium weapons are a complex issue. There is no international convention banning them as there is no consensus among specialists on how to define these weapons. These munitions are really radioactive, which is why some experts believe they should be considered nuclear weapons under the legal principle of analogy. However, its radiation is lower than that of natural uranium, which leads other specialists to reject this classification.

Some other experts believe that a viable solution to the problem of these projectiles would be to consider them chemical weapons, since they contain toxic substances, regardless of the level of radioactivity. But this creates a problem for the western powers that have them, since the US and the UK are signatories to the Chemical Weapons Convention, which would oblige them to destroy their depleted uranium stocks. Not by chance, both countries reject any initiative in this sense and prefer that these weapons remain without specific legislation, so that they can continue using them with impunity.

Indeed, given the absence of specific regulation, Moscow could consider the use of depleted uranium against its troops as a true nuclear attack, which would allow the Russians to react with their arsenal of mass destruction. This is unlikely to happen, as Moscow has repeatedly shown its interest in seeking the most peaceful and humanitarian solutions possible to the conflict, sometimes even ignoring violations against red lines just to avoid escalation.

However, regardless of what the Russian response will be, it is certain that damage to Ukrainian soldiers and the civilian population in the combat zone are inevitable. And the responsibility for that lies with NATO.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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British Armed Forces Minister James Heappey has confirmed that Ukraine received controversial depleted uranium from the UK for use with British-made Challenger 2 tanks.

“We have sent thousands of rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition to Ukraine, including depleted uranium armor-piercing rounds,” Heappey said in response to a question from Scottish MP Kenny MacAskill.

MacAskill asked if the UK was keeping track of how many depleted uranium rounds Kyiv was using, but Heappey declined to say.

“For operational security reasons, we will not comment on Ukrainian usage rates for the rounds provided,” he said.

Heappey also said the depleted uranium rounds are now “under the control” of Ukraine’s armed forces and that the British Defense Ministry was not monitoring where the radioactive rounds were being used.

“The Ministry of Defence does not monitor the locations from where DU rounds are fired by the AFU in Ukraine,” he said.

Depleted uranium is typically created as a byproduct of producing enriched uranium and is extremely dense, making it an effective metal to pierce tank armor. Since the munitions are radioactive, they are linked to cancer and birth defects, especially in Iraq, where US forces used an enormous number of the controversial munitions during the Gulf War and the 2003 invasion.

Russia previously warned it would treat the use of depleted uranium in Ukraine the same as a dirty bomb. The UK ignored the Russian warning and first confirmed in March it was sending the munitions. In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced he would deploy tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus.

The US could have also sent depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine as The Bradley Fighting Vehicles the US provided Kyiv can be equipped with the munitions. But the White House has refused to say if the Bradleys that have arrived in Ukraine came with depleted uranium ammunition.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image: Challenger 2 battle tank

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This was first published on GR in December 2021.

This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all.

From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments… That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying to impose the New World Order.



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Anxiety as Socialism: A.I. Moratorium Fantasies

April 27th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Rumours and streaks of hysteria are running rife about what such artificial intelligence (AI) systems as ChatGPT are meant to do.  Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy recently showed himself to be ignorant with terror about the search bot created by OpenAI.  “ChatGPT taught itself to do advanced chemistry. It wasn’t built into the model. Nobody programmed it to learn complicated chemistry. It decided to teach itself, then made its knowledge available to anyone who asked. Something is coming. We aren’t ready.”

Melanie Mitchell, an academic who knows a thing or two about the field, was bemused and tweeted as much.  “Senator, I’m an AI researcher.  Your description of ChatGPT is dangerously misinformed.  Every sentence is incorrect.  I hope you will learn more about how this system actually works, how it was trained, and what its limitations are.”

Murphy retorted indignantly that he had not meant what he said. “Of course I know that AI doesn’t ‘learn’ or ‘teach itself’ like a human. I’m using shorthand.” Those criticisms, he argued, had the intention of bullying “policymakers away from regulating new technology by ridiculing us when we don’t use the terms the industry uses.”

Like birds of a feather, Murphy’s intervention came along with the Future of Life Institute’s own contribution in the form of an open letter (the Letter). The document makes a number of assertions expected from an institute that has warned about the risks of supremely intelligent AI systems. Literally thousands digitally flocked to lend their names to it, including tech luminaries such as Elon Musk (a warning there), and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. (Currently, the number of signatures lies at 27,567.)

The letter makes the plea that a six-month moratorium is necessary for humanity to take stock about the implications of AI.  “Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, obsolete and replace us? Should we risk loss of control of our civilization. Such decisions must not be delegated to unelected tech leaders.” Emphatically, it continues: “Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable.”

The Letter is unimpressive, clumsy, and clear in its effort to manufacture anxiety. While there is much to be said about having considered debates on the way AI is developing, one must ask where this plea is coming from. When billionaires demand a halt in technological practice, scepticism should start tickling the conscience. Suddenly, such voices demand transparency, accountability and openness, the very things they have shunned through their money-making endeavours. And who are the unelected tech leaders in any case?

As for the level of anxiety, the powerful and wealthy will always have bundles of it. If there is one commodity they truly want to share with the rest of us – call it anxiety as socialism – it’s their own fears writ large and disseminated as our fears. AI is that perfect conduit, a case of both promise and terror, therefore needing strict control. “The only things that can oppress US billionaires,” muses the Indian journalist and writer Manu Joseph, “are disease, insurrection, aliens and paranormal machines, the reason they tend to develop exaggeration [sic] notions of their dangers.”

For Mitchell, the authors and backers had embraced an all too gloomy predicament of humanity in the face of AI. “Humans,” she wrote earlier this month, “are continually at risk of over-anthropomorphizing over-trusting these systems, attributing agency to them when none is there.”

The useful premise for the unnerved fearmongers yields two corollaries: the attempt to try to halt the changing nature of such systems in the face of innovation; and the selling factor. “Public fear of AI is actually useful for the tech companies selling it, since the flip-side of the fear is the belief that these systems are truly powerful and big companies would be foolish not to adopt them.”

Moratoria in the field of technology tend to be doomed ventures. The human desire to invent even the most cataclysmically foolish of devices, is the stuff of Promethean legend. Consider, for instance, the debate on whether the US should develop a weapon even more destructive than the atomic bomb. The fear, then, was that the godless Soviets might acquire a superbomb, a muscular monster based on fusion, rather than fission.

In the seminal document received by US President Harry Truman on April 14, 1950, fears of such a discovery are rife. Written by Paul Nitze of the US State Department’s Policy Planning Office, it warned “that the probable fission bomb capability and the possible thermonuclear bomb capability of the Soviet Union have greatly intensified the Soviet threat to the security of the United States.” The result of such a fear became the hydrogen bomb.

The more level headed pragmatists in the field acknowledge, as do the listed authors of Stochastic Parrots (they include Mitchell) published on the website of the DAIR Institute, that there are “real and present dangers” associated with harms arising from AI, but this is qualified by the “acts of people and corporations deploying automated systems. Regulatory efforts should focus on transparency, accountability and preventing exploitative labor practices.”

Perhaps, suggests Mitchell, we should aim for something akin to a “Manhattan Project of intense research” that would cover “AI’s abilities, limitations, trustworthiness, and interpretability, where the investigation and results are open to anyone.” A far from insensible suggestion, bar the fact that the original Manhattan Project, dedicated to creating the first atomic bomb during the Second World War, was itself a competition to ensure that Nazi Germany did not get there first.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Ukraine and the Balkans

April 27th, 2023 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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The long-term crisis in the relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine entered its final – war phase on February 24th, 2022. The official reactions to the latest dramatic events in East Europe, which come from the Westerners, including the most important overseas Western political address, are usually dominated by two phrases: “flagrant violation of international public law” and “violation of the territorial integrity of an internationally recognized state“. The perpetrator of the acts is, of course, Russia, and, as it is claimed, the innocent victim is neighboring Ukraine. However, the same Westerners do not want to see either flagrant violations by the Kiev regime of human rights in the Donbass Region since 2014 onward or flagrant violations of international public law and territorial integrity of the internationally recognized state in the case of the Balkans (Yugoslavia) in the 1990s.

From the author

The ignorant attitude towards the provisions of international public law relevant to the Balkan case resulted, therefore, in the break-up of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the long wars in its two former federal units (Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina) that took about 150,000 lives, produced more than two million displaced people and left behind a region to this day, almost three decades later, it has not politically stabilized and consolidated.

The West demonstrated an identical attitude towards the branch of law that it is ardently calling for these days concerning Ukraine, several years after the end of those wars, when it decided to actively engage in “protecting the endangered human rights of Kosovo Albanians” and “stopping the humanitarian catastrophe to which they were exposed”, as the official Western narrative was, explaining 78 days of the barbaric campaign of bombing Serbia and Montenegro in the spring of 1999. As we know, it ended with the complete physical destruction of the country and the de facto exclusion of Kosovo from its constitutional and legal framework of the Republic of Serbia.

The self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo in February 2008 was, as well as the aggression against Serbia and Montenegro in 1999 contrary to all relevant customs of international public law. However, Western countries that today are leading in condemning similar Russian acts in Ukraine, were among the first to recognize the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo. 

From the author

The policy of “double standards” in international relations and global politics used by great powers is not unknown and unrecorded in history. However, after the Cold War 1.0 (1949−1989) up today, the absence of any Western standards in the practice of generally accepted and binding rules of the international “game”, however, is one of the focal dimensions of the international relations in the world politics. The well-known dictum that sums up that insight – “The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they have to” – came from the pen of the famous ancient Greek historian and military leader from Athens – Thucydides (c. 460−c. 400 BC). Thus, almost two and a half millennia ago, the great historian taught that justice and rights, as its codified forms, exist in international relations and can only be among equals (inter pares). Major disagreements in this regard, which are the basis of what is happening today in Ukraine with potentially catastrophic consequences, occur when this “equal”, in this case, the great and powerful Russia, is not recognized as such and is not as such respected. Today, the Western policymakers made a crucial mistake with Russia as thinking this is the same state as it was in the 1990s during the wars of the Yugoslav succession. Unfortunately for them, today’s Russian Federation is not a Western puppet state from the Yeltzin’s period – it is today at least equal with the Western great powers including NATO as well. Those Western actors in global politics who would continue to overlook this “hard” fact concerning Russia and her role in the politics of the contemporary world, would lead the world to the dangerous edge of the abyss and push the world into it very quickly with their indolence and old policy of gangsterism in international relations.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Remembering Graeme MacQueen

April 27th, 2023 by Kevin Ryan

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In the summer of 2006, at the newly formed Journal of 9/11 Studies, we received a submission from a Canadian professor named Graeme MacQueen. The paper was entitled “118 Witnesses: The Firefighter’s Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers.” After peer-review comments were addressed, it was published and has become one of the most important articles in the 9/11 literature.

For the next seventeen years, Graeme went on to lead the 9/11 truth movement through his outstanding scholarship, his thoughtful approach, and his ability to instill trust in colleagues. Along with his remarkable intelligence and wide-ranging analytical skills, MacQueen’s dedication to peace and justice made him a force to be reckoned with. Although he became the leading expert on testimonies related to 9/11, including those from firefighters, first responders, and media sources, he contributed much more to the cause and his contributions will continue to light the way forward.

Our shared interests in 9/11 truth and Buddhism led us to become good friends. Graeme was an internationally recognized Buddhist scholar as I learned when reading random books on the subject at my local library. The text of a talk he gave at the University of Michigan in 1988, which he allowed me to publish on my blog years later, helped me to understand how he was different from other Buddhist leaders. He was the “unsmiling bodhisattva,” who did not act only with words—he put his whole life on the line for living beings.

In 2008, Graeme arrived in Bloomington, Indiana to give a presentation along with Canadian psychologist Laurie Manwell at the sold out Buskirk-Chumley Theater. His presentation, called “The Fictional Basis for the War on Terror,” was well-received and our discussions with Laurie in Bloomington initiated planning for a larger event to take place on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. That later event became the Toronto Hearings, which the three of us organized together with Adnan Zuberi and James Gourley.

Graeme and I went on to work together at other events to raise awareness, but also at the Journal of 9/11 Studies, where he authored several more groundbreaking papers including two focused on physical evidence. These were “The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis,” with engineer Tony Szamboti, and “Did the Earth Shake Before the South Tower Hit the Ground?

A few years later Graeme became my co-editor at the Journal and served in that capacity for about five years. The deep respect people had for Graeme’s scholarship and his collaborative personality led to the submission of numerous excellent articles on various subjects.  Due to his influence, we received submissions from esteemed philosopher John McMurtry, sociologist Edward Curtin, political scientist Peter Dale Scott, and attorney Stephen J. Looney, among others.  

Graeme became recognized as a leading expert on 9/11 and, during this time, he published his highly influential book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy. The book establishes through careful analysis that the anthrax attacks were crimes committed by a group of people associated with the U.S. executive branch who were linked to, or identical with, those who committed the 9/11 crimes.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Graeme, from my perspective, is that he worked for peace and justice until his dying day. As with David Ray Griffin, who thought very highly of Graeme, he was diligent and very productive throughout the illness that took his life. He authored yet another book, this time in free, digital format that pulls together many of his most compelling writings. He completed interviews for an upcoming film that brings to light his tremendous contributions and undying commitment to peace. And he helped found a new organization that will lead research into the 9/11 crimes for many years to come.   

Dr. Graeme MacQueen was a distinguished scholar and an exceptional human being long before I ever met him. Others who know more about his past will undoubtedly recount many remarkable aspects of his life. His founding of the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University is often cited as an accomplishment that represented his nature. I know that he authored or edited books on religion and non-violence and led peace initiatives in the war zones of Afghanistan, Croatia, Gaza, and Sri Lanka. He was also a dedicated husband and father and he often spoke of his wife and daughter.

Everyone who knew Graeme will miss him dearly. I’ll be forever grateful for his friendship and his leadership.


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Video: BlackRock – The Company That Owns the World?

By Investigate Europe, April 26, 2023

BlackRock — there’s a good chance you have never heard of them. In less than 30 years, this American financial firm has grown from nothing to becoming the world’s largest and most trusted manager of other people’s money. The assets left in their care are worth a staggering 6.3 trillion US dollars – a figure with 12 zeroes.

No More Foreign Interference in Haiti. The United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and the Core Group Do Not Represent Haitian People!

By Black Alliance for Peace, April 27, 2023

Today, the United Nations Security Council is holding consultations on the future of Haiti. No Haitian individuals or organizations will be present at the meeting. Instead, Haiti will be represented by its occupying entities: The Core Group and the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), the mandate of which is set to expire on July 23.

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Coming Soon — mRNA Cancer and Flu ‘Vaccines’

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Fox News Decision to Settle Dominion Lawsuit for More Than Three-quarters of a Billion Dollars Makes No Sense

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All Roads Are Leading Toward an International CBDC in a Cashless World

By Prof. Bill Willers, April 26, 2023

You might argue that physical money continues to be in great supply, so where is the danger of a global CBDC when society is awash with cash? Well, training a culture to use electronic money is requiring expanded time, even generations, for normalization to become established. However, cash can be made scarce — and then to dry up — relatively quickly.

International Banking “Crisis” – It’s Only the Beginning

By Peter Koenig and Michael Welch, April 26, 2023

Let me begin by saying everything is connected. And I don’t mean just banking collapses around the world, but COVID, energy shortages, food shortages, the Ukraine War, the economic suicide currently being committed by the European Union, also called wanton deindustrialization, the desperate attempt to introduce all controlling Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), and also the ongoing, just started orchestrated international banking collapse.

Against the War from the Left and the Right. London Peace Actions Week

By Konrad Rękas, April 26, 2023

London, the Euro-Atlantic capital of war and imperialism, has at least partly become one of the centres of the movement for peace, disarmament and a multipolar world based on respect for the right of nations to self-determination and their civilisational autonomy.

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Today, the United Nations Security Council is holding consultations on the future of Haiti. No Haitian individuals or organizations will be present at the meeting. Instead, Haiti will be represented by its occupying entities: The Core Group and the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), the mandate of which is set to expire on July 23.

The Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and BAP member organization in Haiti, MOLEGHAF (Mouvement National pour la Liberté et L’égalité des Haïtiens pour la Fraternité or National Movement for Liberty and Equality of Haitians for Fraternity), denounce the Core Group’s and BINUH’s continued occupation of Haiti as well as their ongoing actions to undermine Haiti’s democracy and sovereignty.

Over the past year, we have witnessed massive popular protests that have been part of a broader struggle for a Haiti free from suffocating foreign interference. That includes manufactured “gang violence” and the illegitimate government installed by the United States and the Core Group. Yet, those speaking on behalf of Haiti refuse to recognize the core demands of the people for democracy, sovereignty and a just life.

BINUH and the Core Group do not represent Haitian people. Haitian people consider these entities occupation forces. BAP and MOLEGHAF have consistently demanded the Core Group and the so-called “International Community” acknowledge and atone for their role in the continuing deterioration of the situation in Haiti today.

As we have continually stated, the “crisis” in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism, a crisis initiated in 2004 by the United States, France and Canada, and consecrated by the United Nations. No decision about Haiti should be made by those who not only do not represent the people, but have also consistently harmed them.

Once again, we demand the disbanding of the Core Group, the removal of the BINUH office from Haiti, respect for the sovereign rights of the Haitian people, and NO MORE FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN HAITI!


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Featured image copyright Juvenal Balán

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Sudan Crisis Risks Engulfing North Africa

April 27th, 2023 by Uriel Araujo

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Following intense negotiations since April 22, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a powerful paramilitary organization, and the  Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) have agreed to a 72 hours ceasefire which started April 24 at midnight.

Washington has announced it will assist in the creation of a committee to oversee talks. It remains to be seen whether the deal will be implemented, though. At least two other ceasefires were announced since the violence started on April 15 and none of them have been held. About 400 people have already died. Israel has also offered to host the warring parties for talks.  In February, Sudan joined a number of other states which have normalized their ties with the Jewish state – this being a divisive issue in the region. United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has warned that the violence in the Sahel country risks “engulfing” the whole region and beyond.

The UN has been implementing evacuation measures in Sudan and the German military this week flew over 300 people out of the country, mostly German citizens. Several other states, such as the US, China, Sweden and so on are carrying out similar operations.

Violent conflict between rival military factions fighting for the control of the country erupted in the capital city Khartoum this month. Forces loyal to army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan are facing those of the RSF, led by Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, who is al-Burhan’s former deputy. RSF personnel come mostly from the Janjaweed, that is, the militia groups which former leader Omar al-Bashir sent to the Darfur region, where these militiamen took part in the massacre of Darfuri ethnic groups. Their plight is known as the first genocide of the 21st century.

Going back in time, Omar al-Bashir was the head of state of Sudan from 1989 until 2019, when he was deposed in a  military coup d’état which has never brought back civil rule. He was accused of directing the aforementioned vicious campaign of mass killings in Darfur. Before the overthrow of al-Bashir, then US President Barack Obama, in one of his last acts in office, lifted a number of sanctions against the regime, supposedly due to progress in human rights issues. One of the key reasons for that policy shift was actually the CIA’s office in Khartoum, due to the regime’s cooperation with the Americans in fighting jihadist groups which were a problem to Washington. In September 2017 the US had already removed Sudan from a travel ban.

In the final years of al-Bashir, European leaders also saw him as a key ally in European struggles to restrict the number of Africans crossing the Mediterranean towards Europe. The “Khartoum Process” was part of such endeavors, as well as the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration. European authorities described it thusly: “the number of migrants arriving to the European Union is unprecedented, and this increased flow is likely to continue. The EU, together with the member states, is taking a wide range of measures to address the challenges (…) The Valletta Summit on Migration is part of this effort, bringing the EU and African countries together to work in a spirit of partnership and find common solutions.”

In that context,  the Regional Operational Centre (ROCK)  was established in Khartoum, aiming at halting refugee flows and human smuggling. It marked an advancement in European-Sudanese cooperation, including the latter’s feared secret police.

The RSF forces currently involved in the ongoing conflict are a legacy from the late al-Bashir years, when, before the coup, he enjoyed some international support even while the disgraceful Darfour situation went on and on.

Even after having lost much of its territory in 2011, to the new Republic of Southern Sudan, the Republic of Sudan is still the third largest African country, and due to its strategic location, plays an important role for stability in the whole Sahel and Horn of Africa. To its north, it is connected to neighboring Egypt, by border as well as by the Nile River, whose two tributaries merge at Khartoum. To its northeast, Sudan is at the Red Sea, thus linking the North African region to Europe. This is why many international actors have their eyes on the country.

Since the November 2021 coup, which appears to have been backed by the UAE, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, a military council of generals had been running the nation. The African Union back then suspended the country’s participation in all of its activities until civil-led authority was restored – which has never taken place. The World Bank in turn freezed the nation’s aid.

Tensions between Sudan and Ethiopia over water and the disputed land of al-Fashqa have also been high for over a year. The GERD project (the Great Renaissance Dam of Ethiopia) threatens agriculture in both Egypt and Sudan, according to authorities in these two countries – that makes both Ethiopia and Egypt interested parties in Sudan, although on opposing sides.

Morocco and Algeria are also hot issues in the region. Former US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Morocco’s claim over the Western Sahara region, which is in turn controlled by the Algerian-backed Polisario Front, was  a kind of “quid pro quo” after the Moroccan authorities normalized the country’s relations with American ally Israel. This US diplomatic decision however significantly increased tensions in the region, with potential bad outcomes for Europe, also, who has had its eyes in Morocco for energy and migration management reasons.

North Africa has been a ticking bomb for a while, engulfed, as it is, in a number of proxy conflicts. The current crisis in Sudan, which has the potential to greatly impact the continent and beyond,  also reflects the failures of Western foreign policies.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Brasil – El no alineamiento activo

April 26th, 2023 by Alejandro Marcó del Pont

La Amazonía, territorios de esperanza

April 26th, 2023 by Alberto Acosta

Coming Soon — mRNA Cancer and Flu ‘Vaccines’

April 26th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Even though the mRNA COVID jabs are the most dangerous medical products ever to hit the market, vaccine makers and U.S. health agencies are steamrolling right ahead with a long list of mRNA-based shots, including combination shots to cover multiple viral infections

If the COVID shots are the most dangerous injections we’ve ever seen, what makes them think mRNA shots for cancer, heart disease, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), HIV or any other condition will be any safer?

Moderna is planning to offer a personalized cancer shot by the end of 2028. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already designated it as a “breakthrough therapy,” which means the regulatory review will be expedited. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is also fast-tracking it under the European “priority medicines” (PRIME) scheme

mRNA-based influenza shots are also in the works. Pfizer and Moderna both launched mRNA flu jab trials in the fall of 2022

Moderna is also developing mRNA shots for shingles and genital herpes based on the same platform used for its COVID jab — a technology that doesn’t stop infection and can depress your immune function such that you become more prone to infections and chronic diseases of all kinds


Even though the mRNA COVID jabs are the most dangerous medical products ever to hit the market, vaccine makers and U.S. health agencies are steamrolling ahead with a long list of mRNA-based shots, including combination shots to cover multiple viral infections at the same time.

If the COVID shots are the most dangerous injections we’ve ever seen, what makes them think mRNA shots for cancer, heart disease, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), HIV or any other condition will be any safer?

It’s a science experiment gone completely off the rails. No one is safeguarding public health anymore. You could say our health agencies have sold out the public to the drug industry, allowing them to conduct wild population-wide genetic experimentation aimed at furthering the transhumanist agenda at breakneck speed.

Personalized Cancer Shot Is Being Fast-Tracked

As reported by The Guardian in early April 2023,1 Moderna, for example, is planning to offer a personalized cancer shot by the end of 2028. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already designated it as a “breakthrough therapy,” which means the regulatory review will be expedited.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is also fast-tracking it under the European “priority medicines” (PRIME) scheme.2 Here’s how Moderna’s personalized cancer gene therapy is said to work:3

  1. A biopsy of your cancerous tumor is collected
  2. Mutations in the genetic sequence of the tumor are identified
  3. A machine learning algorithm determines which of the identified mutations might be driving the cancer’s growth. Abnormal proteins produced by those mutations are also identified
  4. A synthetic mRNA molecule is created, containing instructions for your cells to make an antigen that your immune system will respond to
  5. Once injected, the mRNA is translated into proteins that are, supposedly, “identical” to those found in your tumor. When immune cells encounter cancer cells that carry these proteins, they destroy them

It sounds good in theory, but as we’ve seen with the COVID shots, any number of things can go wrong once your cells are turned into toxic protein factories. Contrary to transhumanist belief, your body is not a “hardware platform” and your immune system is not like a piece of software that can simply be “updated” with a new set of genetic instructions.

Not even close. It’s more like a spider’s web of interconnected systems and pathways. Pull on one string and the whole network responds with cascades of activity, much of which we still do not understand. It’s beyond foolish to think you can just insert a new genetic instruction on one of the strings and not disturb or impact the rest of the web.

mRNA Flu Jabs Coming Soon

mRNA-based influenza shots are also in the works. Pfizer and Moderna both launched mRNA flu jab trials in the fall of 2022.4 We now know the COVID shot doesn’t protect you against SARS-CoV-2 infection or transmission, so will the flu shot be any different? Are they tweaking it somehow to block infection? Or will it be a repeat of COVID — all risk and no benefit?

In my view, there’s cause for additional concern when it comes to mRNA flu shots, because they’ve already admitted that the viral strains targeted can and will be updated on the fly in the middle of the flu season, should it turn out that the flu strains selected in February are a mismatch to the circulating strains that following winter.5

The industry wants you to believe that changing the antigen has no bearing on the potential side effects, but they have no evidence to support that assertion. Whenever you change the antigen, you run the risk of new side effects, because not all antigens affect your immune system the same way.

For example, the reason why no coronavirus vaccine was ever brought to market despite 20 years of research and experimentation was because they kept causing worse infection. Many vaccines against other viruses don’t have this effect.

And, even though the mRNA platform is completely different from conventional vaccine manufacturing that uses live or attenuated coronaviruses, the effect on the immune system is still clearly an adverse one. So, changing the method didn’t eliminate the problem.

Since the mRNA platform allows for endless customization without additional safety testing to make sure the antigen chosen won’t cause unsuspected problems, it poses a unique threat to public health. Millions will likely be injected before a problem is identified.

Gene Therapies Don’t Work Like Vaccines Do

It’s important to remember that mRNA-based “vaccines” aren’t vaccines. They’re gene therapies. The only reason drug companies and health agencies now insist on calling them vaccines is because they changed the definition of the word so that a vaccine no longer has to protect you from the infection in question. All it must do is stimulate your body’s immune response against the disease.

But if a vaccine doesn’t prevent you from infection, what is the point of it? Natural infection also stimulates your immune response, but you develop immunity. So, all the shot is doing is stimulating — and possibly overstimulating and contributing to autoimmune diseases — your immune system without providing immunity.

mRNA Dosing Conundrum Has yet to be Solved

Originally, modified mRNA was thought to hold the key to a new source of embryonic stem cells that researchers planned to use to treat anything from Parkinson’s disease to spinal cord injuries. Using modified synthetic mRNA, they hoped to sidestep the controversy of using stem cells from aborted fetuses.

The promise hinged on safe dosing, but in animal studies scientists ran into a now-familiar problem with the mRNA doses. The therapy triggered dangerous immune reactions, yet the lower doses were too weak to show benefit.

There’s no compelling evidence that this dosing problem was ever solved. In fact, it appears sloppy COVID jab manufacturing has resulted in varying strengths of the shots, with some batches being associated with vastly higher rates of injury and death, as detailed on

Also, let’s not forget that the COVID shots appear to be massively accelerating cancer development, as “turbo-charged cancers” are now becoming more common. So, what can we expect from an improperly dosed mRNA cancer jab?

Will mRNA Shots for Herpes and Shingles Prevent Infection?

Moderna is also developing mRNA shots for shingles and genital herpes7 based on the same platform used for its COVID jab — a technology that doesn’t stop infection and can depress your immune function such that you become more prone to infections and chronic diseases of all kinds.

The mRNA COVID shots are also suspected of causing autoimmune conditions by way of molecular mimicry.8 This occurs when similarities between different antigens confuse your immune system.

So, will mRNA shots against herpes and shingles prevent infection? Or will they increase your risk, just like the COVID shots have done? We’ll have to wait and see, but I wouldn’t recommend lining up to test them.

mRNA Integrity Is Another Technical Difficulty

Another technical difficulty that is unlikely to have been solved is the mRNA integrity. As detailed in “Data Leaks Reveal Disturbing Facts About mRNA Instability,” hacked Pfizer COVID jab data show European regulators had significant concerns over the lack of intact mRNA in the commercial batches sampled.

Compared to the clinical batches, i.e., the shots used in the clinical trial, 55% to 78% of the commercial shots had “a significant difference in % RNA integrity/truncated species.”

This is important because intact mRNA is essential for efficacy. According to Daan Crommelin, a professor of biopharmaceutics, “Even a minor degradation reaction, anywhere along a mRNA strand, can severely slow or stop proper translation performance of that strand and thus result in the incomplete expression of the target antigen.”

For an effective product, mRNA integrity needs to be 100%. Considering how ineffective the jabs are, it seems fair to question whether lack of mRNA integrity might be to blame. We also do not know whether fragmented mRNA might be harmful, and to what degree.

While public health agencies claim fragmented RNA poses no health risk, just how do they know that? The leaked documents revealed they did not have an answer to that question. There’s also no evidence that manufacturing processes have been perfected to prevent the fragmentation of mRNA. Like so many other things, the ins and outs of the manufacturing process of mRNA injections are not disclosed or discussed.

The Transhumanist Race Toward Human 2.0

It’s hard to assess the recklessness with which drug companies and health agencies approach mRNA therapy as anything other than an attempt to fulfill a transhumanist dream in the quickest way possible. To perfect the genetic manipulation of human beings would under normal circumstances take many decades, perhaps close to a century, or more.

It would seem the globalist cabal driving the transhumanist agenda decided instead to launch population-wide experimentation to speed up the process. Large-scale studies are always required when you want to prove safety and effectiveness, and the global population has basically been turned into guinea pigs. They don’t care how many are injured or killed in the process. They’ve proven this much by ignoring the mounting death toll.

To the cabal, it’s probably a numbers game. Inject billions of people with gene therapies of various kinds in varying dosages, see what happens and tweak from there. Ultimately, the general population are not the intended beneficiaries of this large-scale experimentation. The globalists are. The guinea pigs are expendable.

The transhumanists cannot fulfill the dream of Humanity 2.0 without casualties, and what better victims than people whose future Social Security funds have already been looted and squandered?


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1, 3 The Guardian April 8, 2023

2 April 10, 2023

4, 5 Time September 14, 2022

6 How Bad Is My Batch

7 Newsmax Health February 18, 2022

8 Journal of Hepatology June 17, 2021; 75(5): 1250-1252

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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As the EV revolution picks up speed, electric car advocates like to emphasize that electric cars do not leave carbon dioxide emissions in their wake. Nor do they spew nitrogen oxide pollution or fine particulate matter from exhaust pipes. (Note: All tires shed some particulates as they wear and EVs, being somewhat heavier than equivalent conventional cars, may leave more tire bits behind, but the particulates most damaging to human health are the ones created when fossil fuels are burned. By definition, electric cars add none of those to the air we breathe.)

Yet as much as we welcome the EV revolution, we cannot ignore that manufacturing and the supply chains that make it possible all have environmental impacts that degrade the world we live in. In particular, mining — which gives us the raw materials we need to make aluminum, iron, copper, platinum, nickel, and manganese, among others — often involves excavating huge quantities of mineral deposits that are then processed to make the end products used in manufacturing.

Nickel & Hexavalent Chromium

We are all familiar with the reports of child labor abuse associated with mining cobalt in the DCR. Those reports are so serious that there is a major push to reduce or eliminate the use of cobalt in lithium-ion batteries. But one way to reduce the amount of cobalt is to increase the amount of nickel. Most EV drivers have no idea where the nickel in their batteries comes from. According to The Guardian, one principal source is tiny Obi Island, one of the 17,508 islands in Indonesia.

Getting there is not easy. It requires a 3 1/2 hour flight from Jakarta, followed by an overnight ferry trip, and finally a 2-hour journey by boat to arrive at Kawasi, a village of 4,000 people near one of the largest nickel mines in Indonesia. The $1 billion site where the mine is located is owned by the Indonesia-based Harita Group and China’s Lygend Mining. Chinese battery component producer GEM, which supplies battery components to many of the world’s leading battery  manufacturers, has signed an agreement to purchase nickel from the company, PT Halmahera Persada Lygend.

But people in Kawasi say they are afraid because of the pollution created by the mine. The Guardian reports there were 900 reported cases of acute respiratory infections in 2020 — half of them in children age 4 and younger. According to Indonesian health officials, the incidence of such infections in Kawasi was just under 20% in 2020, compared with a national average of 9%.

“The difference [since the mining started] is enormous. The beach was still clean, the sea was not muddy like this and not red yet. People still fished in front of their houses,” says a nurse who has lived in the village since 2009, before the mine started operating. “The trend of [higher] ARI cases began at the same time as [mining] exploration also began.” A woman who lives in the village says, “I keep thinking: is there any future for the children?”

The Guardian took water samples from the source of drinking water for the village and had it tested at a government certified laboratory. The results showed the level of hexavalent chromium — Cr6 — was 60 parts per billion. The Indonesian government has set the maximum allowable at 50 ppb. Cr6 can cause liver damage, reproductive problems and developmental harm when ingested or inhaled. Long-term exposure through drinking water has also been linked to stomach cancer. It is the same carcinogen that figured prominently in the Erin Brockovich lawsuit against PG&E that resulted in one of the largest legal settlements in US history in 1996.

The Company Responds

Not surprisingly, the mining company says its own tests show an acceptable level of Cr6 in the local drinking water. It claims the carcinogen is common in tropical areas and its operations have not contributed to its presence. It says it tested the spring water near Kawasi from 2013 to 2021. Those tests showed that it met the water quality standards set by the government, with Cr6 registering in the range of 5 to 40 ppb. It said its tests had showed there was no Cr6 discharge from its system or impact on the water quality of the Kawasi springs.

Halmahera Persada Lygend said that the positive and negative impacts of its projects had been assessed in an environmental impact analysis, which has been reviewed and approved by the government. It also said provincial and district environmental offices regularly conducted site inspections to review company operations and take samples for analysis if needed.

Booming nickel prices and a “battery arms race” have seen a rush to develop mines but there are fears that regulatory oversight has failed to keep up with the pace of development. “They [the Indonesian government] are trying to remove red tape to make the industry more attractive for investment, but without proper environmental assessments, it could be risky given the way the industry is heading,” says Indonesian nickel mining expert Steven Brown.

Matthew Baird, an environmental lawyer based in southeast Asia, tells The Guardian that holding mining companies and the supply chain accountable for pollution is difficult, especially when there could be multiple sources for the contamination. “These big mining operations are very much in areas that are very inaccessible and where they are operating as a de facto local government ‘company town’,” he says. “Mining companies may blame other problems and that all may be correct, but because they are there, there is a likelihood they are contributing to the problem.”

Many readers will recall how fracking companies like to point fingers in several different directions to deflect blame from themselves for earthquakes, polluted groundwater, and exploding tap water. It’s the same playbook invented by the tobacco industry. “You can’t prove which puff of smoke or which particular cigarette caused your lung cancer, so you can’t hold us responsible.” If no one is accountable, then anything goes. For those who may be swayed by such denials, take a moment to look at the photos of the rusty red river that flows near the mining operations featured in The Guardian article and ask yourself if you would drink it or allow your children to swim in it.

The EV Revolution

Manufacturers invest a lot of time and effort making sure the companies that are part of their supply chain adhere to their environmental standards. When contacted by The Guardian, Mercedes-Benz said it took the allegations seriously and was immediately contacting its direct supplier to clarify the issues raised, even though it does not buy nickel directly.

Manufacturing is a dirty business. Factories require land to be cleared, iron, steel, and concrete to be assembled, electrical power to make all the machinery function, and often thousands of miles of transportation emission to get raw materials to the factory and finished products on to consumers.

The message for the EV Revolution is this — if we seek to hold ourselves to a higher standard, we must hold all those involved to a higher standard as well. We often talk about untaxed externalities that allow fossil fuel companies to thrive. We must ensure we do not turn a blind eye to similar untaxed externalities when they occur in EV manufacturing.


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Steve Hanley writes about the interface between technology and sustainability from his home in Florida or anywhere else The Force may lead him. He is proud to be “woke” and doesn’t really give a damn why the glass broke. He believes passionately in what Socrates said 3000 years ago: “The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.”

Video: BlackRock – The Company That Owns the World?

April 26th, 2023 by Investigate Europe

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BlackRock — there’s a good chance you have never heard of them.

In less than 30 years, this American financial firm has grown from nothing to becoming the world’s largest and most trusted manager of other people’s money.

The assets left in their care are worth a staggering 6.3 trillion US dollars – a figure with 12 zeroes.


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Something fishy here.  

First, corporate executives don’t give away $787 million of shareholders’ money without a test of the claim in court.

Second, it is not defamation to report the news. Tucker Carlson reported the claims of experts. That is news reporting.  Dominion’s defamation lawsuit should have been filed against the experts.  It wasn’t, because the experts had the evidence.

Third, Experts supplied evidence that the Dominion voting machines could be programmed to count votes differently from how the votes were cast; experts supplied evidence that the machines could be hacked; experts supplied evidence that the voting machines were connected to the Internet. Fox News could have called these experts as expert witnesses. By agreeing to settle, Fox News refused the evidence its day in court.  Why?

A possible explanation is that Fox News, voluntarily or involuntarily, participated in an orchestration that established the precedent that reporting news different from the narrative, or news that is unfavorable to a person, company, or government institution, is defamation. Think about what this means. A prosecutor who charges a person with a crime has defamed the person. Truth becomes unreportable. Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh could be charged for defamation, and for being a Russian agent, for reporting that the US government destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline. 

When we see the few truth-tellers who are the stars of their organizations jettisoned–Tucker Carlson from Fox News, Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone, Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept, James O’Keefe from Project Veritas, President Trump charged under a non-existent law, and Wikileaks’ Julian Assange imprisoned for a decade without due process, we must face the fact that there is an organized conspiracy to suppress truth. We are experiencing the completion of The Matrix in which expressed doubt or even unspoken suspicion of official narratives are criminal offenses.  

Truth-tellers receive almost nonexistent support. The inescapable conclusion is that in the Western world truth has no future.

Tyranny is upon us.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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A new indictment from the Biden Justice Department is one of the most disturbing and extremist yet in the ongoing attempt by the U.S. government – under the guise of a domestic War on Terror – to criminalize any real dissidence and any real dissent.

In one sense, these charges are just yet another manifestation of the dreariest and most cliched Russiagate paranoia, seeing Russians under every bed. But if you look under the hood of these charges just a bit, as we’ll do along with you tonight, you’ll see that the framework being constructed is dangerous and extreme, nothing less than a tactic for empowering the federal government to transform its harshest critics into felons.

At its core, the indictment targets numerous American citizens, five of whom are part of radical black leftist groups. As such, they have very harsh words for Joe Biden and his administration, harbor contempt for U.S. foreign policy in the U.S. Security State, including the FBI, and are very vocal opponents of U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, even going so far as to argue that the provocations of the U.S. and NATO in Ukraine render the Russian invasion justifiable as a legal and ethical means for combating Western control over their border and violent anti-Russian extremism in the provinces in Eastern Ukraine. You may not agree with those views, but it’s certainly not a crime in any way to express them. 

Yet those charged today, in addition to those views, often denounce many of the same police brutality cases on which more mainstream liberal and Black Lives Matter activists, such as Michael Brown and George Floyd, but from a radical black lens.

So how does an American citizen, or five of them, end up criminally charged by the Justice Department for expressing these views?

Because prosecutors, in this case, can’t claim that they were acting on behalf of the Russian government by disseminating messaging designed to, “sow discord” among Americans, all because they received trivial amounts of funding that the DOJ claims emanated from the Russian government.

None of that is a crime either. You’re allowed to receive funding from other governments the way dissidents in those countries often receive funding from the United States government. So, the indictment really amounts to a claim that these Americans failed to file the proper paperwork notifying the government that they were agents of a foreign power, which means they now face ten years in prison for that offense and another five years in prison for allegedly inducing others to do the same without their knowledge. 

So why is this indictment so threatening? Because, as we will show you, the charges are so plainly motivated by the political dissent of these American citizens and not by concern that they failed to file the right forms, and much less so by the belief that these are somehow real Kremlin agents who are doing anything other than expressing the views they have long held.

Quite tellingly, the U.S. government and the media and think tank elite to serve it have frequently denounced every enemy state, starting with Russia, China and Iran, for doing exactly what the Biden administration’s Justice Department is doing in this case, namely using the laws that require, “foreign agents” to register to turn dissidents into criminals. 

We’ll go through the indictments and the implications of this case and then speak with Nick Cruse of the Revolutionary Blackout Network, who has been a frequent guest on System Update, about these groups that have been indicted or the individuals who have been indicted and why this indictment is so menacing to the right to dissent. 

As a reminder, System Update is available in podcast version. We post the shows 12 hours after they first appear, live, here on Rumble, they are on Spotify, Apple and every other major podcasting platform. 

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update starting right now. 

One of the issues on which I focused journalistically most in the first year of the Biden administration is the fact that a top priority for Joe Biden and his leading foreign policy and domestic advisers was to create a new War on Terror in the United States. Only this one, unlike the first one, would have as its primary focus, not foreign enemies, and al-Qaida or ISIS but, instead, domestic enemies right here at home. And in fact, this priority of the Biden administration was announced well before January 6. He emphasized it during the campaign and then, when he was declared the winner of the election, in the transition, before January 6 ever happened, The riot on January 6 obviously gave the Biden administration the pretext it needed to implement what has been a real new War on Terror. Only this time, the enemies are American citizens. And they’ve done that in multiple ways. 

I spent the first year of my reporting in the Biden administration probably focused on that issue more than any other. The official position of the U.S. Security State and of the Biden administration is that the greatest threat to American national security comes not from foreign terrorist groups like al-Qaida or ISIS, or from foreign adversaries like China or Iran, or Russia, but from violent domestic extremists here at home. The definition of what an extremist is is incredibly broad – it basically includes anybody who in any way is a real critic of establishment pieties.

If you’re somebody who supports the establishment wings of the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, if you’re somebody who stays within what President Obama once called “playing within the 40-yard lines,” meaning the establishment wings of all parties, about which President Obama rightly observed have far more in common with one another than differences with one another, then you have nothing to worry about. You’re not considered a dissident.

If you want to support Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Nikki Haley or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or people of that nature, you’re well within the guidelines set by the government and by their supporters of where people can safely reside without being regarded as an enemy. They don’t mind at all the power switches back and forth between those two wings because they know that the fundamental precepts will remain the same. What they really fear, especially now, is actual dissidents. And, as I said, this idea was in place long before January 6. January 6 became the pretext, just like neocons used the attack on September 11 to justify a war in Iraq, a regime-change war in Iraq, that if you go back and look before 9/11, they were long advocating war and craving. They used the 9/11 attacks as a tool for ushering in what they long had planned. That is the same with this new domestic War on Terror that the Biden administration has been craving for a long time and has successfully implemented.

This indictment today is an extension of it. It cannot be understood simply by looking at it in isolation. The context is critical. 

Just to take a look at that history, we have an article from The Wall Street Journal, the headline is “Biden Administration Urged to Take Fresh Look at Domestic Terrorism.” This is an article from The Wall Street Journal on November 13, 2020. So just a few days after the 2020 election, obviously two months or so before the riot on January 6. The Wall Street Journal reported about the Biden administration, what they were thinking two months before January 6:

The first-ever White House post and more funding to combat violent extremists floated by a working group that advised [president-elect team]. President-elect Joe Biden, who has said he plans to make a priority of passing a law against domestic terrorism, has also been urged to create a White House post overseeing the fight against ideologically inspired violent extremists, increasing funding to combat them, according to people who have advised his team. 

A proposal for the Biden presidency’s first 100 days, now with Mr. Biden’s transition team for consideration, also calls for passing more red flag laws, which allow authorities to temporarily take guns from people deemed dangerous, some of the people said. 

While domestic terrorism spans extremist ideologies across the spectrum […]

I think that’s an important point. When they talk about domestic terrorism or domestic extremism, it usually ends up targeting the right, under the Biden administration. But it also sometimes, as this indictment today targets the left. The idea is to create a precedent or a framework to criminalize either upon any win. The Wall Street Journal says: 

[…] it has been predominantly a far-right phenomenon in recent decades, according to researchers, according to researchers, who also say attacks by anti-fascist and other leftist groups rose this year. 

Mr. Biden has said he decided to run for president after the 2017 Charlottesville, Va., rally, during which an avowed neo-Nazi killed a woman and injured scores of other people. According to a campaign website, Mr. Biden intends to work “for a domestic terrorism law that respects free speech and civil liberties, while making the same commitment to root out domestic terrorism as we have to stop international terrorism.”

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China played the pivotal role in building the bridge of peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia.  Now, China is turning its efforts to negotiating an end to the war in Yemen, which has been a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.  China’s new status as a peacebuilder has side-lined the US, which had been profiting from arms sales and wars in the Middle East for decades.  Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen have all been devastated by the US military and their allies since 2003, and the US military continues to occupy parts of Syria.

In Yemen, the US participated as a military partner with Saudi Arabia and made huge profits from selling arms to Riyadh. China’s efforts in peacemaking are set to effect the US arms business, and may leave the US as the big looser in Yemen’s peace. 

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Hamid Rizk, Director of political programs at the Al-Masirah channel to shed light on the ramifications of the ramifications of the Iran-Saudi peace on the war in Yemen.


Steven Sahiounie (SS): Saudi Arabia and Iran have restored all diplomatic relations between them after meet in Beijing.  How will the return of relations affect the crisis in Yemen?

Hamid Rizk (HR): We hope that the Iranian-Saudi rapprochement will be reflected positively on the Yemeni file through the commitment of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the serious and real terms of peace based on addressing the humanitarian consequences, foremost of which is lifting the blockade of ports, opening airports, paying salaries to employees, compensating the affected, rebuilding what was destroyed by the war and withdrawing Saudi troops and the rest of the foreign forces from Yemeni territory.

SS: There are ongoing negotiations in Yemen to stop the armed conflict in the country. What is the current status of these negotiations?

HR: There are positive signs and ongoing meetings, the latest of which is the visit of the Saudi envoy to Sana’a for six days, and there is agreement to continue meetings and consultations until reaching a vision and understanding for a fair and just solution that stops the war once and for all and restores the rights to its people.

SS: Yemen has been subjected to an armed conflict that has lasted for years. What is the humanitarian situation in the country there, and are people getting help?

HR: The humanitarian situation in Yemen is tragic, the suffering is great, the poverty is wide, the health and social situation suffers from the results of the war, which left millions of Yemenis living under the threat of poverty, the high rate of malnutrition among children, the decline in the level of basic services, the spread of diseases and epidemics and the destruction of economic life, all of which turned into a living and economic disaster suffered by the Yemeni people in general.

SS: From your point of view, how do you see the development of the political scene in the next stage in Yemen?

HR: We are looking forward in the coming stages to alleviate the suffering of Yemenis by lifting the blockade and opening ports for the flow of basic goods, medicines and oil derivatives that are essential to people’s lives. We are also looking forward to lifting the blockade of Sana’a airport, which contributes to the departure of many patients for treatment abroad. We are looking forward, God willing, to addressing the effects of the war and we are looking forward to serious steps in comprehensive peace by the Saudi-American coalition, leading to the complete and final closure of the war file.

SS: The United States has been involved in the conflict in Yemen. During the last stage, Washington reacted negatively to the development of Saudi-Iranian relations. How do you assess the role of the United States in Yemen?

HR: The role of the United States of America is negative and there are indications that America does not want Saudi Arabia to get out of the Yemeni war, because the war benefits the Americans financially through arms deals worth billions of dollars, in addition to the fear of the United States of America losing its influence and some of its illegitimate interests. Washington is also concerned about the consequences of any Iranian-Saudi rapprochement and its positive repercussions on bilateral relations between Arab and Islamic countries. America is taking advantage of the situation of conflict, wars and crises to consolidate its survival and control over Arab and Islamic peoples and countries.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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A Constitutional Council decision in Paris on April 14 upheld the legality of the pension reform legislation which has been the spark for a series of general strikes since the beginning of the year.

The highest court in France decided that the bill was in congruence with the constitution and therefore should be enacted.  

Millions of French workers and youth have taken to the streets while staying away from jobs and schools to protest the decision by President Emmanuel Macron to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 years. As a result of the reform, the social security act has changed the age of eligibility by two years.

Now, according to French law, employees will have to provide 43 years of service in order to collect full benefits during their retirement. This is taking place amid a rise in inflation not witnessed in the capitalist states since the early 1980s.

Immediately after the decision by the Constitutional Council and Macron’s signature on the legislation, people went into the streets to demonstrate against the government. Some of the protests turned violent as police utilized excessive force in efforts to clear crowds from the commercial areas of the cities.

The leading trade unions in the country made a final appeal to Macron urging him not to sign the bill since several clauses within the legislation had been rejected by the Constitutional Council. However, the president maintained the same position claiming that if the reforms were not instituted the entire retirement system would become insolvent.

In addition, to the upholding of the legislation by the Constitutional Council, the judicial body declined to authorize a national referendum on the question. Macron himself refused to allow a final vote within the National Assembly and imposed the law by decree.

However, workers are continuing to demand the abolition of the new pension reforms. There have been militant actions on a daily basis since April 14. Anger and dissatisfaction have reached unprecedented levels against Macron and his political party which is neo-liberal in its policy orientation. Despite the labor unrest in France, the Left parties in the National Assembly are divided and in a minority.

Even though the Left is relatively weak in the legislative apparatus of the state, Macron could not risk defeat. The president felt compelled to act in a dictatorial manner while the Constitutional Council and the security apparatus provided the legal and repressive mechanisms aimed at suppressing dissent.

One news agency said of the current mood among the workers that:

“Labor unions have called for a further nationwide strike day on April 28. As of April 21, the impact of the strike is not known. Based on recent nationwide industrial action, it is likely that the SNCF national rail network and the Paris region public transport operators will run between 50 and 75 percent of trains. If air traffic control (ATC) staff join the strike, flights will likely be reduced at Paris-Orly (ORY) and some other regional airports by around 20 percent. Government servants, teachers, and healthcare workers may also join the action. Some staff at private companies will likely participate in any such labor actions, resulting in business disruptions and closures.” 

Undoubtedly, the French police will be called upon to engage in brutal tactics to prevent the demonstrations from blocking streets and roads. The police have been accused of brutality since the beginning of the industrial actions in January.

Several human rights organizations including Amnesty International have criticized the law-enforcement agents for utilizing brute force. Similar police behavior was witnessed during the “Yellow Vest” protests in 2018-19 when people demonstrated for weeks over the rise in toll fees for the highways.

A report published by the Financial Times noted this phenomenon of state repression when they emphasized:

“Lawyers and human rights groups have criticized the methods used by law enforcement, such as preventive arrests to deter protesters and collect intelligence on activists and forceful crowd control methods. An official from the UN urged French police to avoid excessive force, and the EU’s human rights watchdog questioned the proportionality of the crackdown. In March alone, more than 2,100 arrests were made with only a fraction leading to charges, two people from the environmental protest at the Sainte-Soline reservoir remain in a coma, and 286 protesters have been injured, including one who lost an eye and another a thumb.” 

Therefore, it appears that the French government has nothing to offer workers and youth other than more austerity, legislative indifference and brutality by the security forces. Rather than impose higher taxes on the large financial institutions and energy corporations which are making huge profits from the people, the class contradictions inherent in a decaying capitalist system are being borne by the masses.  

Crisis Rooted in the Imperialist System

The rightward shift in domestic policy in France is reflective of the worsening economic conditions for workers within the European Union (EU) states. In many capitalist countries the living standards of the majority of people have declined precipitously in the last decade.

The war in Ukraine which was initiated by the United States and their NATO allies has disrupted the supply chains for energy resources causing tremendous difficulties for working families. Heating, electrical, transportation, housing and food costs have skyrocketed as the proxy war against Russia is requiring billions of dollars in taxpayer funds every month.

Macron in his desperation for energy resources and trade opportunities has travelled to Algeria and Nigeria seeking larger imports of natural gas from these African states. Recently, the French president spent three days in China holding talks with President Xi Jinping and other leading officials of the government. Even though the Chinese government opposes the war in Ukraine and is seeking a negotiated settlement to the conflict, Macron is being forced to act in ways which are contrary to Washington’s foreign policy imperatives in Asia.

In the United Kingdom, strikes within key industries and public services are ongoing as well. Unions have shut down rail lines, schools, medical services, passport offices, etc. These strike actions are scheduled to continue for the next several months.

Junior physicians have held strikes demanding an increase in pay and improved working conditions. Airport security employees are planning work stoppages along with maritime and coastguard agencies.

An Evening Standard report on the labor situation quoted Public and Commercial Services (PCS) General Secretary Mark Serwotka as saying:

“They seem to think, if they ignore our members, they’ll go away. But how can our members ignore the cost-of-living crisis when 40,000 civil servants are using food banks and 45,000 of them are claiming the benefits they administer themselves? It’s a national scandal and a stain on this Government’s reputation that so many of its own workforce are living in poverty.” 

PCS is planning for 133,000 of its members to strike on April 28. This will impact the maritime industry along with coastguard agencies. Amazon employees are also striking, saying that the meager wage increase offers made by management were insulting.

Britain’s Conservative Party government of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has no intentions of relenting in their draconian economic program. As working people in the UK fall deeper into impoverishment, the administration continues to prioritize ruling class interests.

These developments in the UK and EU states portend much for the working class in the U.S. which is battling inflation and a resurgence in layoffs in the high-tech and service industries. The administration of President Joe Biden and the previous Democratic Party dominated House and Senate failed to enact long term social spending legislation to reduce the rising levels of poverty.

There are the possibilities of strikes at UPS and within the automobile manufacturing industry this year. Racial tensions remain high also with the ongoing killings by police and vigilantes of African Americans.

The crisis of capitalism and imperialism must be addressed with a political program for social transformation. This will require the organization of the workers and oppressed peoples into independent political parties and formations so they can be equipped to meet the monumental challenges ahead.  


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: The protests continue across France. This in Paris on 6th April. Source: John Mullen

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London, the Euro-Atlantic capital of war and imperialism, has at least partly become one of the centres of the movement for peace, disarmament and a multipolar world based on respect for the right of nations to self-determination and their civilisational autonomy.

All thanks to a whole series of events, co-organized by No2NATO, International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity, Stop the War and Not Our War movements, with participation of activists and independent authorities, such as ex-London mayoral candidate Piers Corbyn and former ambassador Peter Ford, as well as by guests from abroad, headed by Irish MEP Clare Daly and Sevim Dağdelen, Member of the Bundestag representing Die Linke.

Against the War from the Left and the Right

Rallies, information stalls, conferences, as well as musical performances and cultural events promoting UK disengagement in the war in Ukraine are becoming more and more part of the landscape of the British capital. Despite the growing censorship and administrative difficulties, the penultimate week of April was full of anti-imperialist and anti-system actions. On Thursday, 20th April, the International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity committee organised a picket outside the premium office in Downing Street to protest against British depleted uranium ammunition being sent to Ukraine.

“More and more people in Great Britain realize what is really happening in Ukraine and how tragic the growing military involvement of NATO countries, unfortunately led by the UK, is for its inhabitants. Britain spends billions military aid for Kiev, supporting the illegal regime there since the coup in 2014, while the people of the UK struggle with increasingly difficult living conditions, high prices and inflation,” said Theo Russell of the IUAFS during an action actively supported by the movement No2NATO.

Massive demonstrations took place on Friday, 21st April and Saturday, 22nd April, respectively in front of the US Embassy in London and opposite to the British Ministry of Defence building on Whitehall.  

“We stand outside the US Embassy to testify to our understanding of the provocation we are being dragged into.  They want to push us into war with Russia!  Ukraine is just another in a long list of countries treated as an American military training ground, such as Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Lebanon, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Cambodia, Grenada, Libya, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria. Although this American dominance, built on military strength and the position of the dollar, is coming to an inevitable end. Unfortunately, people do not remember much about history, they are deceived by the media and politicians, while  all historical American interventions, attacks, Washington-sponsored coups d’état were based on propaganda lies. And exactly the same happened in 2014 and again in 2022 in Kiev.” — David Clews from Not Our War, a well-known activist of pro-BREXIT, unionist and right-wing movements has spoken.

UKrainian occupation?

London authorities tried to push the demonstrators out of Trafalgar Square where the meeting was primarily planned. Mayor Sadiq Khan censorship attempt was not surprisingly supported by allegedly anti-system climate organisation Extinction Rebellion, hastily registering their own competing demonstrations there. In turn, opposite several hundred demonstrators in front of the Ministry of Defence, a group equipped with loudspeakers and flags of Ukraine and the Belarusian pro-Western opposition set up their jamming point. Despite the police protection, the participants of the counter picket were unable to break through the spontaneous hails of support for the Russian liberation of Donbass.

Meanwhile, on the anti-war scene, Peter Ford, the former British ambassador to Syria and Bahrain, recalled the “five big lies behind Western involvement in Ukraine”.

“They tell us that Ukraine is ‘fighting for freedom’ and ‘against authoritarianism’. This lie is repeated by the same politicians who here, in our country, deny us freedom of speech, do not agree to freedom of assembly, who have abandoned the principles of democracy and the rule of law, also in international relations, replacing all of that with own brutal tyranny! said Mr Ford, renowned critic of the policies of his former Foreign Office colleagues.  

Ukraine is one of the most corrupt and authoritarian regimes in the World, depriving its inhabitants of linguistic, cultural and even religious rights. The authorities in Kiev have banned opposition political parties, trade unions, and recently even the Orthodox Church, and we are told that supporting these people is in the interest of freedom and democracy?!”

— Ambassador Ford

The legendary leader of the anti-system, Piers Corbyn, expressed his opposition to the pro-Kiev policy of the British government even more strongly:

“Look at those flags on the Government buildings!” he pointed out. “Out of three blue and yellow only one, shamefully, on the side with the Union Jack. We are under Ukrainian occupation! Occupied by lies and deceit to hide that this is not only the war of the West against Russia, but also the war of Western governments against their own citizens, also here in the UK!” explained Corbyn, assuring that he did not fully agree with the position of his brother, Jeremy (former leader of the Labour Party). 

“We cannot hold the view that the condition of peace in Ukraine would be the withdrawal of Russian troops, quite the opposite: if the Russians retreat, then Zelensky and his corrupt Nazi regime will win, i.e. the imperialists who support Kiev will really win. And then there will be genocide, the Kiev regime will have no qualms about murdering Russian-speaking civilians, as it has already proved more than once” Mr. Corbyn stressed.

“It is a complete misunderstanding to present the war in Ukraine as a defence of the Ukrainian right to self-determination, as while recognising the right of Ukrainians to have an independent state, how could the inhabitants of Donbass be denied the same opportunity? The UK Governments pursue a policy of hypocrisy, if they recognise, for example, the Scots’ right to at least express their independence views, why did they reject the assumptions of the Minsk Agreements and the subjectivity of the people’s republics in Donetsk and Luhansk?” pointed out Stuart Richardson from the Stop the War initiative.

Take Britain out of NATO

The entire rally took place in an atmosphere over any ideological divisions.

“We come here from all sides of the UK political scene.  We may have different views, for example, on the role of trade unions or immigration policy, but we are united by our opposition to the threat posed to all of us by further membership in NATO. That is why we formed a broad No2NATO coalition, and that is why our joint initiative is the Petition to the UK Government and Parliament about invoking of the Article 13 of the North Atlantic Treaty to withdraw the UK from NATO.  We are collecting signatures under that here today and at all similar rallies around the Britain.” — Laureen, No2NATO and Workers Party of Britain. Activist has informed.

“The UK was a founding member of NATO, which was established to address a perceived threat from the Soviet Union.  Although when hen the USSR dissolved in 1991 NATO’s initial reason to exist disappeared. Despite that, rather than winding up its operations NATO nearly doubled the number of member states. Since 1991, NATO, which claims to be a defensive military alliance, has been directly engaged in various offensive military operations. I believe that the membership of NATO is now endangering UK citizens.” — Chris Williamson, former Labour MP, and now one of the Socialist Labour Party leaders explains.

In accordance with the law, collecting 100,000 signatures on the petition will force a debate on it in the House of Commons, with a public hearing of the position of the initiative group and yet at 10,000 signatures the Government has to respond to this petition.

Bloody hands of NATO

Traditional pacifist movements’ main problem is their difficulty in understanding the dialectic nature of the war in Ukraine as a conflict between the imperialists who support the Kiev regime and the forces objectively allied to anti-imperialism and workers class struggle. The principle of the supposed “equal distance from Kiev and Moscow” expressed by some revisionist and Trotskyist parties, as well as equating “two imperialisms, from the West and from the East”, in fact only weakens efforts for peace and to overcome the last offensive of capitalism. Fortunately, the truth about the NATO-Russian war is getting more and more widely aware, so it can be welcomed that the Stop the War conference, coordinated with the pan-European Europe for Peace initiative, consisted almost entirely of speeches objectively and honestly assessing the situation in Ukraine.

The starting point of the conference was the unanimous criticism of the growing arms race and the accustoming of Western societies to the inevitability of confrontation. According to Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,

“The instant increase in the military budget is clearly at the expense of the rest of the economy, especially the social sphere. The depleted uranium ammunition, that took such a deadly toll in the former Yugoslavia, is now supplied to Ukraine, what will have tragic effects for generations. And if the war in Ukraine was not destabilising enough, the UK is already declaring its support for a US war with China. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has not only expressed his satisfaction with the escalation that the admission of Finland leads to, but also, in an open text, announces the acceptance of Ukraine membership, which can only conduct and spread this unnecessary, tragic war. This makes the clearer what a global disaster NATO is for all of us, a Pact with blood on its hands, which should be replaced as soon as possible with a new, consensual peace architecture, which moves away from militarisation and nuclear weapons,” said Ms. Hudson, announcing further anti-war protests during the Vilnius NATO summit in July 2023.

Under the military-industrial complex occupation

Lowkey, Britain’s leading musician, performer and activist, one of the first organisers of No2NATO, focused on interests of the Western military-industrial complex active in Ukraine and on a global scale. At the same time, Ukraine remains a laboratory for testing new types of weapons, while the Ukrainians themselves, often sent to the front after several hours of training, are not prepared to use such technologies safely, even for themselves, not to mention the Ukrainian civilian population. We will not hear about anything like this from the media or from mainstream politicians, financed by armaments corporations, such as Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the opposition. It is no coincidence that Boris Johnson, who involved the UK in this conflict, is today one of the candidates for the next NATO Secretary General. These people are paid by entities interested in continuing the war indefinitely, which is not only extremely dangerous, but also devastating for the Western economies, spending €3 billion monthly to maintain a bankrupt regime in Kiev. And yet these decisions are made by the same people, the same circles that once made solemn promises not to enlarge NATO to the East! Instead the British Army was supplying and training the Ukrainian Armed Forces in underwater terrorism just before the terrorist attack on NordStream. However Lowkey also noted that it is difficult to talk about the sovereignty of British policy in a situation where over 12,000 US Army soldiers are already stationed in the UK.

In the discussion, the artist also referred to the involvement of many people of art and culture in supporting the Kiev regime.  Ignorance and a desire to please the mainstream media must be distinguished from crossing the clear line of taking the side of Nazism and genocide, as is done in particular by numerous bands from Ukraine, often enthusiastically welcomed in the West as alleged “voices of freedom”. This was the case with the recent London concert of the openly Banderite band Okean Elzy, trying to organise a public fundraiser for the purchase of armaments for the Nazi-battalions, despite of the protest of the British anti-Nazi activists and independent artists.

783,000 Germans for peace

The voice from Germany was especially expected in the discussion, as it is no coincidence that over 783,000 people have already signed the Manifesto for Peace, initiated by Alice Schwarzer and Sahra Wagenknecht. Motives for such a significant involvement of German voters were explained by Sevim Dağdelen, MP. In her opinion, we are facing a fundamental issue for democratic sovereignty in Europe, its limitation and violation by the United States. We have witnessed an American attack on German infrastructure, NordStream, and instead of demanding an international investigation under the aegis of the United Nations, Chancellor Olaf Scholz helps to cover up this act of aggression! Meanwhile, in Germany we have a fall in real wages by 5%. per year, the largest since 1945, and we know perfectly well that the war with Russia and the economic war against our own citizens are two sides of the same coin – noted Ms Dağdelen.  As Lowkey rightly said, on the Western side, it is just a war of the rich for privilege, not any “defence of freedom and democracy”. On the contrary! Turkey has participated in attacks on Iraq and Syria, occupies Cyprus and persecutes its own citizens, and is accepted in NATO.  In the UK it should be well remembered when Iraq was attacked under false accusations of having banned weapons, and now London itself is sending internationally prohibited ammunition to Kiev! Julian Assange is still in prison for exposing the truth about the lies of the rulers leading to war and corruption on an international scale, while these are the Western warmongers who should be prosecuted and convicted!  Western countries and Poland, with their arms and equipment supplies for Kiev regime, are only sustaining this conflict, while the only solution is an early ceasefire and peace without preconditions on the Russian side, and an immediate suspension of supplies other than truly humanitarian ones. Unfortunately, such a program still lacks support among the economic and political elites, including the Greens, who have finally taken the position of the new neoconservative right. At the same time, however, according to Die Linke MP, there is still hope, because by referring to the classics, the USA, like Goethe’s Mephisto, seem to be “part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good”, that is, by increasing their pressure on peripheral countries, Americans also create conditions for their emancipation, the end of neo-colonialism and imperialism due to the collapse of the dollar and the exhaustion of Washington’s military potential.

Silent majority’s voice

A less optimistic assessment of the situation was presented by Irish MEP, Clare Daly (Independents 4 Change, No2NATO).  According to her, in fact,

“the current lies resemble those of Iraq, Libya and Syria, but they also occur at new levels of propaganda and persuasion. The situation of the anti-war movement is also different. At that time, 2002 discussions and dissents were allowed even in the mainstream media, and we were able to organise and attend massive public protests. Now these basic manifestations of democracy and freedom of speech are ruthlessly hindered and blocked. Strictly required unanimity applies.  Instead of a difference of opinion, we have censorship in the media and a lack of access to real news.  Officially it was supposed to be ‘a war for democracy and against authoritarianism’, but authoritarianism has shown itself to us in all its glory in our own countries,” Ms Daly pointed.

All is not lost, however, according to her, as very often she can hear voices of support, assurances of a community of views, which, however, cannot be openly proclaimed “Because you understand that we can’t…”.  Even MEPs from other groups after the votes on war or sanctions tell Ms Daly and her colleague, Mick Wallace, that they are right, in a way: “It’s good that you say what you say, we think the same, but because of our leaders and media in our country … you know how it is …”. 

“Of course, we hear even more words of support from people at meetings like this, because let’s face it: WE SPEAK ON BEHALF OF THE MAJORITY!” Ms. Daly emphasised. 

It is just that most people are muffled, hushed, scared. Albeit it is also the majority, which the rulers fear the most, perfectly understanding people’s power. This is why we must increase the pressure on our governments for peace, although understanding how difficult to do so, while jingoism and imperialism sell better. However, we have strong arguments. First of all, historically, because no one will deny that the current phase of the conflict is a straight consequence of 2014 and after, when 14,000 of civilians have been killed in Donbass by the Kiev offensives, and Russian-speaking population has been persecuted and terrorised. Secondly, simple logic is behind us, because if in fact the Russians were provoked by the Western arming of Ukraine and sanctions, how sending even more weapons and more sanctions would stop them? Ms Daly pointed, that in the European Parliament she often hears about understanding of Ukrainian defence needs “because they are fighting foreign occupation”, but the Irish also fought the occupation, and no one were urged to send arms to the IRA.

“I never hear them call on arming Palestinians to protect themselves!  So do not say it is about “fighting for freedom”, because that is just not true.  War can never be stopped by war it can only be stopped by peace was on the table a year ago. I think we should be highlighting,” pointed Ms Daly reminding that it was Boris Johnsons and Americans who prevented that to happened.

In her opinion Ukraine was and is one of  the most corrupt countries in Europe, deprived of elementary civil liberties. As a result of the conflict provoked and sustained by the West, under the present regime Ukraine has become even more corrupt, even more repressive, in addition has lost even more territory and population and is economically exploited by the West. In no way is the current policy helping the Ukrainians either. It is therefore necessary to support international peace initiatives, such as those of China, and to build civic coalitions for real peace and reconstruction, summed up MEP Daly, noting that it is no coincidence that the next step in international destabilisation may be to attack China, using the Taiwanese issue analogously to the Ukrainian one.

Take to the streets across Europe!

Lindsey German, Stop the War convenor has summarised discussion: “We live in the most dangerous time I have ever experienced in my life”.  This reminds the situation on the brink of the First World War, with series of regional conflicts, increasing destabilisation of the international order, formation of opposing pacts and alliances, and finally the escalation and global cataclysm. In historiography, the leaders who led to that catastrophe are sometimes called “Sleepwalkers”, but some of them consciously aimed at destruction, and to an even greater extent we are dealing with it today, perhaps at the beginning of WW3.  The proxi war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine continues. The arms race speeds up. We are experiencing a revival of modern McCarthyism, hunting the opponents of war, and armaments. At the same time, the economic crisis, the internal political crises of Western states, and the international crisis cannot be separated. It is not only a matter of the fact that if we do not believe domestic politicians when they talk about finance, health care or education, then why should we assume that they are telling us the truth when talking about foreign policy? In the UK, it is a disgrace to Labour and it is a shame to the Greens who have moved to pro-NATO positions, but it is also a wider problem.  

“Why do we have MPs here from other countries but none from the House of Commons?” asked Ms. German. 

“What happened to the British and Western European anti-war movement? Our great task is to rebuild it. We must form an international coalition against war and the deterioration of living conditions. In July 2023, at the NATO Summit in Vilnius, we will see the warmongers in all their glory, pushing to accept Ukraine membership and continue the current strategy. We must then take to the streets all over Europe, otherwise barbarism will triumph!” Ms. German called, referring to the well-known Rosa Luxemburg’s sentence.

Actions for peace were also organised in Bristol and Brighton. More centres from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are expected to join soon. European peace movement, active e.g. in Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Austria and Italy – becomes a fact.


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Konrad Rękas is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

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Fox News host Tucker Carlson gives his take on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s censorship for his views on COVID and the Ukraine war on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’


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“The masses are still oblivious to the machinations of their shadowy overlords” – Jim Quinn

The idea of government “of, by and for the people” has become a sick joke.

Federal/corporate power dominates a fearful public from which it has effectively separated itself. Elected representatives consort with lobbyists flush with cash.

A collective of unelected 3-letter agencies — IRS, SEC, CDC, FDA, DHS, DEA, FCC, FBI, CIA, EPA, etc., say “Obey!”, and a conditioned public goes along.

Above it all sits a shadowy body of globalists, aka “the Cabal”, and coming down the pike is the final piece of their game plan for total control of the human family: abolishment of physical money and establishment of a programmable electronic currency dubbed CBDC for Central Bank Digital Currency. 

  • Why CBDC entrapment would be absolute is clear — that one’s every buy/sell action, down to penny candy, would be recorded;
  • that CBDC is controllable as to where, when, and how it may spent; that “bail ins” (reductions in one’s account) could be done anytime government might wish;
  • that a time limit can force spending and make saving impossible; that should one have unwanted opinions, or refuse some governmental dictate, their CBDC account could be frozen, etc.

It would be as thorough as any high security prison. And what is most alarming is that an apparently unaware majority is being guided toward CBDC, stepwise in a process of normalization. Here is what’s going on now:

  • Item: NY City’s citizens will now have food purchases tracked through credit cards.
  • Item: Big box stores like CostCo now have automatic check out options, some “cash or card”, others “card only”. Card only options will doubtless become the norm. 
  • Item: The attack on cash started with large bills only, the rationale, as per Harvard’s Lawrence Summers, being that criminals use them. Harvard’s Kenneth Rogoff is open in that his problem with cash is that it’s “anonymous”, and that it “handcuffs” central banks. Rogoff even wrote a book, The Curse of Cash. 
  • Item: This issue isn’t just national, it’s global. Here is Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, threatening citizens making payments of over 1000 Euro in physical cash, with prison. 
  • Item: Google has a digital payment system called a “Google Pay Wallet” that allows users to “tap to pay anywhere Google Pay is accepted”. It’s being tested now in the airline industry as a price guarantee program for Google Flights. 
  • Item: For the past year, Amazon’s “palm reading payment technology” has been used at Whole Foods stores, where a wave of the hand gets the bill paid. Now, Panera is considering this “frictionless” method. Panera’s loyalty program includes 52 million customers. As increasing numbers of companies move to “frictionless” payment, the procedure becomes ever more seen as normal and fussing with cash or cards as passé. In time, all forms of electronic exchange could be organized, bit-by-bit if necessary, into a single, integrated, global system. 

Has a level of “normalization” within society been reached in order for the Establishment to move more aggressively?

Well, let’s see: On April 10, 2023, at a meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) [and who the hell gave them authority?] launched an International CBDC called the “Unicoin”, a “universal monetary unit [that] strengthens the monetary sovereignty of participating central banks”. And a mere 4 weeks earlier (March 6), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), aka “the Central Bank for central banks”, concluded a multi-country study, Project Icebreaker, regarding the use of cross-currency/cross-border financial transactions using CBDCs. Both, designed to protect the stability of central banks, are moves toward a single global electronic currency. 

You might argue that physical money continues to be in great supply, so where is the danger of a global CBDC when society is awash with cash? 

Well, training a culture to use electronic money is requiring expanded time, even generations, for normalization to become established. However, cash can be made scarce — and then to dry up — relatively quickly. And within the past two years, a senior fellow at no less an economics and policy research group than the Brookings Institute published an oped in the NY Times, “Cash will soon be obsolete. Will America be ready?”

Will we? One can estimate the inclination of the majority, and of society’s general direction, at the marketplace — Target, Walmart, a super market, whatever — by observing fellow citizens. Speed and convenience are clearly guiding decisions in a society in which “progress” is understood primarily in terms of technology and efficiency. While some observers claim people are now “waking up” to the perils inherent in where we are being herded, such people seem still to be a small minority. If the many unrelenting and diverse steps toward CBCDs are to be stopped and reversed, that minority needs to swell by an order of magnitude, and soon.


Economist George Gammon clarifies how the Biden Administration’s move to raise mortgage rates for those with good credit is yet another move to CBDCs. At the moment, individuals cannot have accounts with the Federal Reserve, so the little guy can’t benefit from discount windows enjoyed by big banks. “Not fair” declares the little guy, who now is inclined to advocate for Fed accounts for everybody, unaware of the implications. 

What this mortgage policy demonstrates is that credit can be issued by the Fed based not on merit but on what Gammon calls “narrative”. In this instance, the narrative is about social policy, but it could be about absolutely anything a government might want. Because the Fed creates credit out of nothing, it can offer rates all the way to zero. No bank can compete, and that favors the argument for Fed accounts for all, which, as Gammon makes clear, is a highway leading straight to the entrapment of CBDC. 


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Bill Willers is an emeritus professor of biology, University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh. He is founder of the Superior Wilderness Action Network and editor of Learning to Listen to the Land, and Unmanaged Landscapes, both from Island Press. He can be contacted at [email protected]

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Daily Sceptic

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When you are ready

And the day dawns

Remember how love

Wraps you in its arms

And the sweet sound

Of grace lifts you up

Lighter than a feather 

And places you onboard 

The silent ship that sails 

Calmly out to sea.

Listen To us calling,

“Bon Voyage, Let us know when you arrive”

– Edward Curtin


“Graeme was such a gentle soul – yet a legend in the 9/11 Truth Movement.

The vast body of solid scholarly 9/11 evidence that he developed for all of us has been deeply ingrained throughout all of my 9/11 presentations and interviews.

I always felt a sense of warmth, and awe, when I had occasion to speak with him or – even just to see him.” 

— Richard Gage, AIA, Architect


“What a wonderful friend and colleague he has been for many of us.

He was an exemplary truther, professor, scholar and person.

There is much to celebrate about his rich and meaningful life as well as his many contributions across many fields of endeavour including the quest for 9/11 truth.

We shall miss Graeme MacQueen greatly. He has left us with a very important and diverse legacy.

Thank you Graeme, RIP.”

— Tony Hall

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Died Suddenly: Military Cadets, Mandated to be Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated, Are Dying Suddenly Recently

By Dr. William Makis, April 26, 2023

There has been a tsunami of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths in the US military, but there hasn’t been much attention paid to the young military cadets from highly vaccinated countries who are dying suddenly and under mysterious circumstances.

Politicians and the Anzac Tradition: A Story of Manipulation and Mythology

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 26, 2023

Since then, Anzac has become a militaristic prop, a promotions exercise for arms manufacturers and the publicity for war. This was best exemplified by the decision to spend almost A$500 million over nine years to redevelop the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

Syria Comes in From the Cold. Scott Ritter

By Scott Ritter, April 26, 2023

The dramatic outbreak of diplomacy between Riyadh and Damascus is the by-product of Russia’s growing influence in Middle Eastern affairs and is one of the clearest signals yet of the declining role of the United States, whose military and diplomatic posture in the region has greatly diminished over the course of the past few years.

Video: RFK Jr. (And Others) Expose the CIA’s Involvement in the COVID Plandemic

By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and, April 25, 2023

In this video, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. implicates the CIA’s involvement in the COVID pandemic through Event 201, a coronavirus pandemic simulation in New York City hosted by Bill Gates and Avril Haines, former deputy director of the CIA. They were working on ways to use the coronavirus as a pretense for clamping down totalitarian controls globally. 

International COVID Summit III: Join or Support!

By Dr. Robert Malone, April 25, 2023

As the COVID crisis winds down and we all seek to make sense of what has been done to us, and how these atrocious “public health” policy decisions were made, we have the historic Third International COVID Summit, on invitation of members of the European Parliament, who are providing donations and support from their own personal budgets to help defray the travel expenses of those participants and speakers who have much to contribute but face financial hardship because they have spoken out against the narrative in their own countries.

We Citizens Should Endorse Humanism: People Are Social, Good and Capable of Living Together Without Weapons and Wars

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 25, 2023

Those who want to be informed in detail and truthfully about the rapid change in the political climate, about the rapprochement of formerly hostile states in the Middle East and Africa and the worldwide takeover of the WHO, and who want to know more about the decay of morals in the West and the legalisation of drugs, should turn to internationally accessible alternative media such as “Global Research”. He will be well advised to do so.

“Freedom of Religion” and Other Lies

By Philip Giraldi, April 25, 2023

The United States government, in its incessant bullying of foreign nations to get them to see the world the way that the cabal that runs Washington sees it, ironically often cites such fictions as the “rule of law” that guarantees such “rights” as “free speech” and “freedom of religion” to justify its illegal actions.

The War on Free Speech Is Really a War on the Right to Criticize the Government

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, April 25, 2023

Although the right to speak out against government wrongdoing is the quintessential freedom, every day in this country, those who dare to speak their truth to the powers-that-be find themselves censored, silenced or fired.

Our Heartless Medical System

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 25, 2023

A 41-year old mother of seven young children has been in effect condemned to death by Emory Healthcare Inc. of Atlanta, an affiliate of Emory University, for refusing to take the dangerous Covid-19 shot. The mother was approved for a kidney transplant but was removed from the list when she refused the death jab.

The Kursk Submarine Was Sunk by the Russian Navy by Accident

By Capt. Igor Kirillovich Kurdin and Dragan Vujicic, April 25, 2023

When asked what happened to the submarine Kursk on August 12, 2000, when it ended up at the bottom of the Barents Sea with 118 crew members, I will not answer “only” it sank! For twenty years I have worked on the research of this great accident that hit the Russian Navy, and I am obliged to give my expert opinion: I am deeply convinced that it is a “man-made disaster”.

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China’s Exports Shifting From West to Global South

April 26th, 2023 by David Goldman

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TSA Officers Nigel Allen and Trenard Collier were reportedly in the middle of their duties at the airport, on April 11, 2023, when an airline pilot suddenly collapsed from cardiac arrest. (click here)

“I looked over just as the pilot fell to the floor.” (click here)

The pilot reportedly approached a railing, staggered and fell down over his roller bags unconscious. The two TSA officers immediately came to the pilot’s aid and Allen began performing first aid.

Police and firefighters arrived to perform CPR, but despite their efforts to resuscitate the pilot, the pilot’s heart stopped, requiring “extended medical intervention,” according to the TSA. (click here)

Allen raced down the hall to grab an automated external defibrillator, which emergency responders were able to use to restart the pilot’s heart and help revive him.

The pilot, who has not been identified, is recovering, and his family has expressed their appreciation for Allen’s help.

Three recent pilot deaths 

Eight recent pilot incapacitations in-flight 

April 4, 2023 – United Airlines Flight 2102 landing in SFO – captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft. (click here)

March 25, 2023 – TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed (click here)

March 22, 2023 – Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot (click here)

March 18, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal (click here)

March 13, 2023 – Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off (click here)

March 11, 2023 – United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains (click here)

March 11, 2023? – British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot collapsed in Cairo hotel and died, was scheduled to fly Airbus A321 from Cairo to London (click here)

March, 3, 2023 – Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure. (click here)

Epoch Times articles on pilot incapacitations

I helped Epoch Times prepare two excellent articles on pilot incidents in-flight:


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Syria Comes in From the Cold. Scott Ritter

April 26th, 2023 by Scott Ritter

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While the world continues to come to grips with the reality — and consequences — of the Chinese-brokered rapprochement between Saudi Araba and Iran, another diplomatic coup is unfolding in the Middle East.

This one is orchestrated by the Russians. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan flew to Damascus last week, where he met Syrian President Bashar Assad. This visit followed that of Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad earlier this month to Riyadh.

The two countries severed diplomatic relations in 2012 at the beginning of a Syrian civil conflict that saw Saudi Arabia throwing its money behind anti-regime fighters seeking to remove Assad from power.

The startling diplomatic about face is part of a new Saudi Arabian foreign policy, embodied in its historic new relationship with Iran, which seeks to engender regional stability through conflict resolution instead of military-brokered containment.

As the Saudi Foreign Ministry noted on bin Farhan’s visit to Damascus, the Saudi goal is “to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis that would end all its repercussions and preserve Syria’s unity, security, stability, and Arab identity and restore it to its Arab surroundings.”

Dramatic Outbreak of Diplomacy

The dramatic outbreak of diplomacy between Riyadh and Damascus is the by-product of Russia’s growing influence in Middle Eastern affairs and is one of the clearest signals yet of the declining role of the United States, whose military and diplomatic posture in the region has greatly diminished over the course of the past few years.

Russia has long-standing ties with the Syrian government. In 2015, its intervention during Syria’s civil conflict upheld the Assad government, allowing it to regain the initiative against the U.S.-and Saudi-backed opposition.

Russia’s relationship with Saudi Arabia, however, was more complex, with the Saudis having strategically aligned themselves with U.S. foreign and national security objectives in the Middle East and in global energy policies.

But that dynamic changed after October 2018, when Saudi security agents, alleged to have been working under the direct orders of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, murdered Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Jamal Khashoggi, second from left, during a June 4, 2009, roundtable with U.S. President Barack Obama, at far left. (The White House, Wikimedia Commons)

The Saudis took umbrage at the U.S. outcry at the crime, especially when then-presidential candidate Joe Biden threatened the crown prince, popularly known as MbS, with isolation and punishment.

“We were going to in fact make them pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are,” Biden said during a televised debate in November 2019, adding that there is “very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia.”

Biden was later to regret those words when, in July 2022, he was compelled to fly to Saudi Arabia and ask MbS to increase oil production to lower energy costs that had skyrocketed because of the consequences of U.S.-led efforts to sanction Russian oil and gas in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

While MbS received Biden, the U.S. did not get the results it wanted from the meeting for reasons that went beyond poor personal chemistry between MbS and Biden. By then, both Saudi Arabia and Russia recognized that, as major oil producers, their interests were not well served by competing in a market dominated by U.S.-driven angst.

Russian state visit to Saudi Arabia, Oct. 14, 2019. (Kremlin)

This realization matured in the spring of 2020 in the aftermath of an “oil war” between the two nations which saw Saudi Arabia precipitously lower the price of oil by overproducing, only to be matched by Russia.

The Saudi-Russian oil war ended because of negotiations brokered by then-President Donald Trump and for a while the world was compelled to live in an environment where the top three oil producers — the U.S., Russia and Saudi Arabia — openly colluded on global production quotas.

But then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S.-led energy sanctions and the recognition by both Russia and Saudi Arabia that the U.S. was not a stable partner when it came to managing the most important economic resource of their nations — energy.

US-Saudi Relations Strained

As Russia-Saudi bonds grew stronger based upon shared goals and objectives, the strain between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. likewise grew, driven by the total disconnect that existed between the Biden administration and MbS over Middle East policy.

Saudi Arabia has embarked on an ambitious project, Vision 2030, which seeks to transition the oil-rich kingdom away from its current over-reliance on energy production to a more diversified economy based upon modern technologies and non-energy economic initiatives. 

A key prerequisite for this vision is for Saudi Arabia to become a force of connectivity in the region and the world — something that U.S.-driven policies promoting regional instability and war made impossible. The Biden administration had doubled down on a policy in which Saudi Arabia served as the keystone in confronting Iran along an arc of crisis stretching from Lebanon, through Syria and Iraq; and into Yemen.

Saudi Arabia confronted the reality that it could not win its war in Yemen (ongoing since 2014), and that the U.S.-led destabilization efforts in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq were floundering. With its own economic diversification goal in mind, it opted to work with Russia to engender the kind of stability needed for energy-driven economies to flourish.

Russia quietly organized talks with both Saudi and Syrian officials and diplomats, culminating with the March 2023 visit of President Assad to Moscow, where the issue of a rapprochement with Saudi Arabia was finalized.

Work remains to be done, however, as Saudi Arabia’s effort to bring Syria back into the ranks of the Arab League faces resistance from staunch U.S. allies Jordan, Kuwait and Qatar. But the fact is that, thanks to Russian and Chinese diplomacy, peace, not war, is breaking out all over in the Middle East. Bringing Syria in from the cold is simply the most recent manifestation of the phenomena.


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Scott Ritter is a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD. His most recent book is Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika, published by Clarity Press.

Featured image: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on March 15. (Vladimir Gerdo, TASS)

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Atlanta, GA – US Marine Corps recruit Noah Evans, age 21, died suddenly during training on April 19, 2023 – 4th young Marine death in 2 years (click here)

US Marine Cadet, age 18, Gabriel Puchalla died suddenly of an aortic rupture on March 10, 2023 while on base in Camp Lejeune North Carolina. (click here)

Colorado – US Air Force Academy Cadet, age 22, Cole Kilty died on March 6, 2023, cause of death not released – 2nd US Air Force cadet death in 2023 (click here)

Wellington, NZ – 18 year old cadet Sacha Piper died of a brain aneurysm while on an international Navy cadet exchange in India, Feb. 2, 2023 (click here)

Sacha Piper, 18, died of a brain aneurysm while on a trip to India with the New Zealand Navy Cadets.

Two Canadian Military Cadets died suddenly in Feb. 2023

(left) Kalan Alexander Mahoney (age 18, Brampton, Ontario) died suddenly on Feb. 1, 2023 (click here). Kalan was a cadet of the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps.

(right) Wyatt Adrian, age 18, of Airdrie, AB, died suddenly on February 5, 2023. (click here). Wyatt was a cadet of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets from 2017-2022.

US Air Force Academy Cadet, 21 year old Hunter Brown died suddenly on Jan. 9, 2023. He had blood clots in his lungs (click here)

Naples, Italy – 19 year old Greek female navy cadet Talia who was on board the Prometheus ship died 48hr after feeling unwell on Aug. 23, 2022 (click here)

Upon arrival in the Italian city, the cadet was taken to the hospital, where she developed a hemorrhagic rash, and then sepsis. The patient’s clinical picture worsened “right before our eyes”, as a result, she ended up in intensive care. Doctors from Greece also went to Italy, but the girl died on Aug.25, 2022.

US Marine Recruit Brandon Barnish, age 26, of Evans, Ga., was found dead at the base on Parris Island on Sept. 29, 2021. (click here)

Brandon Barnish

US Marines recruit, Anthony Muñoz, age 21, of Lawrence, Mass, died on Sep. 16, 2021 after falling from a balcony. MCRD Parris Island officials said his death appeared to be a suicide. (click here)

US Marines recruit, 19 year old Dalton Beals of Pennsville, N.J., died during the end of the “The Crucible,” a grueling 54-hour training exercise, on June 4, 2021 (click here)

NJ Marine recruit dies in final test of Parris Island training

My Take…

There has been a tsunami of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths in the US military, but there hasn’t been much attention paid to the young military cadets from highly vaccinated countries who are dying suddenly and under mysterious circumstances.

Each of these cadets were 18-22 years old (one was 26). Sudden deaths shouldn’t be happening in this age group and every death should be thoroughly investigated.

South Korea had a 22 year old military recruit collapse 5 days after taking his first Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. He was found unresponsive at 8am hunched beside the bed, was taken to ER, had ventricular fibrillation, CPR was performed for 2 hours and he died (click here).

A very thorough autopsy by the Korean military proved his death was caused by the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. The Korean CDC acknowledged this case as a post Pfizer vaccine myocarditis death.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image: Pfc. Shaniah Edwards, Medical Detachment, prepares to administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to soldiers and airmen at the Joint Force Headquarters, February 12, 2021. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Leona C. Hendrickson – Source.)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Total global military expenditure increased by 3.7 per cent in real terms in 2022, to reach a new high of $2240 billion. Military expenditure in Europe saw its steepest year-on-year increase in at least 30 years. The three largest spenders in 2022—the United States, China and Russia—accounted for 56 per cent of the world total, according to new data on global military spending published today by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Invasion of Ukraine and tensions in East Asia drive increased spending

World military spending grew for the eighth consecutive year in 2022 to an all-time high of $2240 billion. By far the sharpest rise in spending (+13 per cent) was seen in Europe and was largely accounted for by Russian and Ukrainian spending. However, military aid to Ukraine and concerns about a heightened threat from Russia strongly influenced many other states’ spending decisions, as did tensions in East Asia.

‘The continuous rise in global military expenditure in recent years is a sign that we are living in an increasingly insecure world,’ said Dr Nan Tian, Senior Researcher with SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. ‘States are bolstering military strength in response to a deteriorating security environment, which they do not foresee improving in the near future.’

Cold war levels of military expenditure return to Central and Western Europe

Military expenditure by states in Central and Western Europe totalled $345 billion in 2022. In real terms, spending by these states for the first time surpassed that in 1989, as the cold war was ending, and was 30 per cent higher than in 2013. Several states significantly increased their military spending following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, while others announced plans to raise spending levels over periods of up to a decade.

‘The invasion of Ukraine had an immediate impact on military spending decisions in Central and Western Europe. This included multi-year plans to boost spending from several governments,’ said Dr Diego Lopes da Silva, Senior Researcher with SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. ‘As a result, we can reasonably expect military expenditure in Central and Western Europe to keep rising in the years ahead.’

Some of the sharpest increases were seen in Finland (+36 per cent), Lithuania (+27 per cent), Sweden (+12 per cent) and Poland (+11 per cent).

‘While the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 certainly affected military spending decisions in 2022, concerns about Russian aggression have been building for much longer,’ said Lorenzo Scarazzato, Researcher with SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. ‘Many former Eastern bloc states have more than doubled their military spending since 2014, the year when Russia annexed Crimea.’

Russia and Ukraine raise military spending as war rages on

Russian military spending grew by an estimated 9.2 per cent in 2022, to around $86.4 billion. This was equivalent to 4.1 per cent of Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022, up from 3.7 per cent of GDP in 2021.

Figures released by Russia in late 2022 show that spending on national defence, the largest component of Russian military expenditure, was already 34 per cent higher, in nominal terms, than in budgetary plans drawn up in 2021.

‘The difference between Russia’s budgetary plans and its actual military spending in 2022 suggests the invasion of Ukraine has cost Russia far more than it anticipated,’ said Dr Lucie Béraud-Sudreau, Director of SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme.

Ukraine’s military spending reached $44.0 billion in 2022. At 640 per cent, this was the highest single-year increase in a country’s military expenditure ever recorded in SIPRI data. As a result of the increase and the war-related damage to Ukraine’s economy, the military burden (military spending as a share of GDP) shot up to 34 per cent of GDP in 2022, from 3.2 per cent in 2021.

US spending rises despite high inflation

The United States remains by far the world’s biggest military spender. US military spending reached $877 billion in 2022, which was 39 per cent of total global military spending and three times more than the amount spent by China, the world’s second largest spender. The 0.7 per cent real-terms increase in US spending in 2022 would have been even greater had it not been for the highest levels of inflation since 1981.

‘The increase in the USA’s military spending in 2022 was largely accounted for by the unprecedented level of financial military aid it provided to Ukraine,’ said Dr Nan Tian, SIPRI Senior Researcher. ‘Given the scale of US spending, even a minor increase in percentage terms has a significant impact on the level of global military expenditure.’

US financial military aid to Ukraine totalled $19.9 billion in 2022. Although this was the largest amount of military aid given by any country to a single beneficiary in any year since the cold war, it represented only 2.3 per cent of total US military spending. In 2022 the USA allocated $295 billion to military operations and maintenance, $264 billion to procurement and research and development, and $167 billion to military personnel.

China and Japan lead continued spending increase in Asia and Oceania

The combined military expenditure of countries in Asia and Oceania was $575 billion. This was 2.7 per cent more than in 2021 and 45 per cent more than in 2013, continuing an uninterrupted upward trend dating back to at least 1989.

China remained the world’s second largest military spender, allocating an estimated $292 billion in 2022. This was 4.2 per cent more than in 2021 and 63 per cent more than in 2013. China’s military expenditure has increased for 28 consecutive years.

Japan’s military spending increased by 5.9 per cent between 2021 and 2022, reaching $46.0 billion, or 1.1 per cent of GDP. This was the highest level of Japanese military spending since 1960. A new national security strategy published in 2022 sets out ambitious plans to increase Japan’s military capability over the coming decade in response to perceived growing threats from China, North Korea and Russia.

‘Japan is undergoing a profound shift in its military policy,’ said Xiao Liang, Researcher with SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. ‘The post-war restraints Japan imposed on its military spending and military capabilities seem to be loosening.’

Other notable developments

  • The real-terms increase in world military spending in 2022 was slowed by the effects of inflation, which in many countries soared to levels not seen for decades. In nominal terms (i.e. in current prices without adjusting for inflation), the global total increased by 6.5 per cent.
  • India’s military spending of $81.4 billion was the fourth highest in the world. It was 6.0 per cent more than in 2021.
  • In 2022 military spending by Saudi Arabia, the fifth biggest military spender, rose by 16 per cent to reach an estimated $75.0 billion, its first increase since 2018.
  • Nigeria’s military spending fell by 38 per cent to $3.1 billion, after a 56 per cent increase in spending in 2021.
  • Military spending by NATO members totalled $1232 billion in 2022, which was 0.9 per cent higher than in 2021.
  • The United Kingdom had the highest military spending in Central and Western Europe at $68.5 billion, of which an estimated $2.5 billion (3.6 per cent) was financial military aid to Ukraine.
  • In 2022 Türkiye’s military spending fell for the third year in a row, reaching $10.6 billion—a decrease of 26 per cent from 2021.
  • Ethiopia’s military spending rose by 88 per cent in 2022, to reach $1.0 billion. The increase coincided with a renewed government offensive against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front in the north of the country.


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On the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial, holocaust survivor Vera Sharav warned of the myriad parallels between our world today and the one she barely escaped. Here is our illustrated version of her historic speech.


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech starts at 00:10 and ends at 02:21.


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Глобална Већина И Ми

April 25th, 2023 by Živadin Jovanović

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Београдски форум за свет равноправних основан је пре 23 године као добровољно, независно, непрофитно удружење грађана, као извор слободне, независне мисли о националним и државним интересима, унутрашњој и спољној политици и међународним односима.

Данас је то организација која баштини богато искуство у истраживачком раду, издаваштву, међународној сарадњи, медијском деловању, организовању националних и међународних конференција, јачању веза матице и расејања, хуманитарном раду и другим областима. Форум је издавач преко 150 књига и публикација објављених на српском и више страних језика. Анализе чланова Форума о регионалним, европским и глобалним кретањима прате се објављују у престижним међународним публикацијама и медијима.

На међународном плану Београдски форум сарађује са Светским саветом за мир са седиштем у Атини, Удружењем «Храброст за морал», из Швајцарске (Mut zur Ethic), Шилер Институтом, из Немачке, Шангајским форумом, Ренмин универзитетом, ЦНИЕ-ом и низом других тинк-танк организација из Кине, Русије, Индије, Бразила, Мексика, САД и других земаља.

Заједно са српским расејањем и више удружења, Форум је покренуо оснивање Српског дома у Београду као места свеобухватног сусретања матице и расејања; библиотеке српског расејања као јединствене културне институције; Документационог центра о агресији НАТО као тачке преокрета у светским односима; подизање Меморијала жртвама геноцида над српским народом у 20. веку; обнављање рада Фондације за стипендирање студената математике и техничких наука «Сања Миленковић» која је основана 1999. а чији је рад прекинут узурпацијом средстава 2000. године.

Београдски форум, Клуб генерала и адмирала Србије, СУБНОР Србије, Друштво српских домаћина и друга удружења су обновили иницијативу да се настви рад скупштинских и владиних тела за утврђивање последица употребе пројектила са осиромашеним уранијумом, да се до идуће 25. годишњице агресије НАТО утврди и објави листа цивилних жртава агресије и да се направи анализа како је теме агресије НАТО обрађена у уџбеницима за све нивое образовања.

Форум је засновн на идејама мира, равноправности, слободе, независности и поштовања међународног права, на вредностима које су дубоко усађене у историју, национални, културни и морални идентитет нашег народа. Вођен тиме, Форум је од оснивања недвосмислено осуђивао агресију НАТО као злочин против мира и човечности, акт експанзије на Исток и преседн за глобализацију интервенционизма. Истину и оцене о агресији НАТО засноване на чињеницама, морамо још одлучније  бранити и понављати, утолико упорније уколико носиоци агресије, хегемонизма и експанзије данас настоје  да поврате униполарност и спрече демократизацију међународних односа, да ултиматумима принуде Србију да призна распарчавање њене државне територије, да етнички очисти, раздроби и понизи српски народ до његове националне, културне и духовне непрепознатљивости.

Финансијска помоћ, инвестиције, обећања чланства и пропаганда ЕУ не би смели да нас заведу и удаље од истине: водеће силе Запада безиобзирно потцењују и понижавају српски народ, не признају његове животне интересе на Балкану. Оне Србију не третирају као равноправног партнера већ као монету за поткусуривање у својој геополитице ширења, доминације, конфронтације и припрема за геополитичку трговину. Било би упутно да се бар повремено присетимо, да је штета од западних санкција 90-их година прошлог века износила око 150 милијарди а ратна штета од агресије НАТО око 100 милијарди долара. Такође, само по основу продаје (!) финансијског тржишта, из Србије је «одливено» на Запад око 50 милијарди евра профита.

На делу су огољени притисци Запада да се Србија одрекне своје Покрајине Косово и Метохија, да се одрекне подршке Републици Српској, да прекине стратешко партнерство и сарадњу са Русијом и Кином, да уведе санкције Русији. То говори да Запад настоји да одвоји Србију од стратешких савезника, да је изолује и принуди да напусти војну неутралност и прикључи се НАТО-у.

Разуме се да питање статуса Косова и Метохије треба решавати мирним путем, дијалогом. Спорно је, међутим, што САД/ЕУ/НАТО, док су им препуна уста о обавези других да поштују право и правила, истовремено уцењују Србију да за Косово и Метохију прихвати решење уз кршење свих права и правила, укључујући Повељу УН,  резолуцију СБ УН 1244! Док не желе ни да чују за решење у складу са Уставом Србије, истовремено лицемерно бране назови устав сецесионистичке творевине и концепт ЗСО као добровољне НВО. Шта више, ЕУ крши мандат ГС УН о улози «олакшивача дијалога страна». Најпре, не обазирући се на мандат ГС УН, уводи САД у дијалог, а затим, без ичијег овлашћења, Србији уручује Шолц-Макронов ултиматум игноришући СБ УН и његове императивне одлуке.

Тзв. Основни споразум о путу нормализације и тзв. Имплементациони споразум нису резултат преговора, нису уравнотежени, нису засновани на Повељи УН и резолуцији СБ УН 1244 и нису потписани. У суштини то је ултиматум који ни једна независна и суверена земља која држи до своје слободе, независности и достојанства не би прихватила.

У тим условима, Србија треба да наступи принципијелно: остаје привржена дијалогу и мирном решењу, али недвосмислено захтева поштовање Повеље УН и резолуције СБ УН 1244 као трајно важеће основе и оквира за праведан компромис. На тој основи, треба да настави мобилисање најшире дипломатске подршке пријатељских земаља глобалне већине.

Србија има право и обавезу да постави недвосмислен захтев за слободан безбедан и достојанствен повратак 250.000 протераних Срба и других неалбанаца на своја имања и у своје домове у Покрајини. Треба изнети једнако јасан стаав да Заједница српских општина, када и ако се спроведе, неће нити може бити замена за права Србије као суверене државе, чланице ОУН и ОЕБС, на Косово и Метохију као своју аутономну покрајину.

Независно од свега, Србија треба да настави са активном дипломатијом, укључујући и активности на отпризнавању.  Није довољно рећи да се Србија не сложе, или да не подржава пријем тзв. «Републике Косово» УН. Ако бранимо суверенитет и територијални интегритет неопходан ја одлучан и доследан став да ће Србија свим дипломатским и политичким капацитетима спречавати учлањења илегалне творевине «Република Косово» у било коју међународну организацију, глобалног или регионалног карактера, укључујући ту и СЕ, НАТО, па чак и ОИК. Изјаве о томе да Србија нека учлањења не може спречити, да нека чланства не зависе од ње, да је неко, ту и тамо, већ осигурао већину у прилог сепаратиста и сличне, нису добре ни јасне поруке пријатељима, али зато годе противницима. Иточна Rека (УН) јесте најважнији део фронта дипломатске одбране, али његова чврстина и издржљивост у великој мери зависе од стабилности и стања на другим, условно речено, споредним фронтовима. Нигде не смемо дизати руке у вис!

Назови избори у општинама на Северу Покрајине (23. априла 2023.) представљају нови покушај понижавања Србије и српског народа и опасно поигравање Запада. Уместо да отклоне узроке угрожавања безбедности, систематског кршења основних права Срба у Покрајини и кршења раније постигнутих договора, водеће силе Запада користе Куртија да настави застрашивање и етничко чишкћење Срба, да изазива ескалацију напетости, милитаризацију Севера Покрајине са непредвидивим последицама.

Сви смо, углавном, сагласни да су глобални односи у процесу најдубље трансформације, да ништа није како је било, да се уместо униполарног, конституише нови мултипполарни светски поредак. И ту, углавном, застајемо, поготову, не улазимо у прогнозе и анализе како се све то одражава на Србију, на услове за ефикасну одбрану њених животних интереса, пре свега, њеног суверенитета и територијалног интегритета. Прогнозе су, разузме се, ризичне, поготову њихово изношење у јавност, али су неизбежне. Није ризик рећи да мултиполарност искључује глобалну доминацију и хегемонизам једног центра, или једне групације земаља. Није ризик да  искључимо, или бар проредимо, коришћење појма «међународна заједница» који је скривалица за ЕУ и НАТО. Време је за анализе у категоријама глобалне већине и мањине коју чине земље тзв. међународне заједнице. Глобална већина је већ клонституисана по важним параметрима – по броју земаља чланица УН (3/4), по броју становника, по учешћу у светској трговини, светском ГДП, расту ГДП, по природним ресурсима, отпору хегемонији, санкцијама, интервенционизму и многим другим критеријумима.

Глобална већина у себи обухвата већину оних чланица УН које подржавају суверенитет и територијални интегритет Србије, које не признају илегално отцепљење Приштине. Она је уједно извор и за многа нова отпризнавања. У истом смеру, убрзано се мењају и односи у модерним технологијама (Г5), финансијској и војној моћи. Мултиполаризација као незадржив процес отвара нове просторе за демократизацију међународних односа чија ширина и дубина нису унапред дати, већ зависе од тога колико ће се земље глобалне већине ангажовати у изградњи демократског светског поретка. Ово питање, разуме се, не заобилази ни Србију као војно неутралну земљу.

Форум се залаже за мирно решење сукоба у Украјини, уз елиминисање његових узрока и успостављање система недељиве, једнаке безбедности чему је посвећена и мировна иницијатива кинеског председника Си Ђинпинга.

Уравнотежена, војно неутрална спољна политика и сарадња са свим земљама које Србију прихватају као равноправног партнера и које недвосмислено подржавају њен суверенитет и територијални интегритет су једина исправна опција у новим глобалним престројавањима.  Национално јединство и консенсус су могући и реални уколико су стратешка опредељења принципијелна и јасна. 


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Die lateinische Redensart “O (was für) Zeiten, o (was für) Sitten!” beklagt auch heute noch den Wandel der Zeiten und den Verfall der Sitten. 

Derjenige, der über den rasanten Wandel der politischen Großwetterlage, über die Annäherung ehemals verfeindeter Staaten im Nahen Osten und in Afrika sowie die weltweite Machtübernahme der WHO ausführlich und wahrheitsgemäß aufgeklärt werden will und Näheres über den Verfall der Sitten im Westen und die Legalisierung von Drogen wissen möchte, der wende sich an international zugängliche alternative Medien wie „Global Research“. Er ist damit gut beraten. 

Deshalb sollen die folgenden Gedanken vor allem der Versuch sein, die Frage zu beantworten, welche Möglichkeiten wache Bürger (noch) haben, dieser beunruhigenden Entwicklung Einhalt zu gebieten und entschieden gegenzusteuern.

Eine Möglichkeit besteht meines Erachtens darin, dass wir Bürger den Humanismus erproben und den Beweis erbringen, dass die Menschheit sozial ist, gut und fähig, ohne Waffen und Kriege zusammenzuleben. 

Humanismus erproben

Der Humanismus geht als philosophische Strömung und menschliche Lebenspraxis von dem optimistischen Menschenbild aus, dass die Menschheit zu einer positiven Entwicklung und zur Verbesserung der menschlichen Existenz fähig ist. Wesentliche Bedingungen hierfür sind die Achtung der menschlichen Würde jedes Individuums, die Freiheit im Denken und Handeln, die freie Meinungsäußerung und die Abwesenheit von Gewalt und Zwang. Ein positives gesellschaftliches Umfeld und Bildung fördern das humanistische Ideal freier Persönlichkeitsentfaltung (1).

Obwohl die zivilisatorische Entwicklung der Menschheit über die Jahrtausende hinweg stetig fortgeschritten ist, scheinen wir uns hinsichtlich der Bändigung der Gewalt noch gänzlich an den Anfängen der Humanisierung zu befinden. Doch da die Gewalttätigkeit nicht Ausdruck der menschlichen Natur ist, sondern Produkt geschichtlicher und kultureller Bedingungen, ist es möglich, der Gewalt Herr zu werden und sie aus den Beziehungen der Einzelnen und der Gemeinschaften auszuschalten. 

Vor allem Kinder können sich unter Gewalt und Zwang nicht zu gesunden, aufrechten Persönlichkeiten entwickeln. Deshalb sollte die Erziehung in Elternhaus und Schule auf jegliche Gewaltanwendung und Angst auslösendes Autoritätsgebaren verzichten und sich mit wahrem Verständnis dem kindlichen Seelenleben zuwenden.

Das menschliche Gefühlsleben ist jedoch nicht allein als Ergebnis der Eltern-Kind-Beziehung zu verstehen. Entscheidend sind auch die in einer Kultur vorherrschenden Werte und die mit ihnen korrespondierenden Gefühle, als deren Vermittler Eltern, Lehrer und Erzieher täglich an das Kind herantreten. Ein positives gesellschaftliches Umfeld kann nur dann entstehen, wenn wir Bürger uns für eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie für eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden engagieren.

Von Bedeutung ist auch die Frage der Bildung. Sie sollte dem Menschen vorrangig vermitteln, wie er seine Probleme lösen soll und kann. Zu den wichtigsten Problemen zählen sein Lebensgefühl, seine Meinung über sich selbst, seinen Partner, seine Haltung gegenüber den Kindern, seine Meinung über den Nachbarn, die Gemeinde und den Staat. Wenn das gelingt, wird er eine realistischere Sichtweise über sich selbst und auch den Anderen bekommen (2). 

Beweis erbringen, dass Menschen sozial sind 

Der Begriff „sozial“ bedeutet umgangssprachlich die positive Beziehung einer Person zu einer anderen oder auch mehreren anderen Personen, was heißt, ein Gefühl für die Allgemeinheit, ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl zu besitzen. Das schließt die Fähigkeiten ein, sich für andere zu interessieren, sich in sie einzufühlen, ihnen zu helfen, den Schwächeren zu schützen und dabei eventuell eigene Interessen zurückzustellen (3).

Bereits vor über 100 Jahren schrieb der russische Politikwissenschaftler, Human-Geograph und Philosoph Fürst Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) in seinem Buch „Die gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt“, dass in Natur und Gesellschaft keineswegs nur ein Kampf ums Überleben, ein Kampf aller gegen alle (Sozialdarwinismus) stattfindet, sondern dass auch das Prinzip der „gegenseitigen Hilfe“ vorherrscht. Diejenigen Lebewesen, die dieses Prinzip umsetzen, würden erfolgreicher überleben. 

Kropotkin beobachtete sowohl die Natur als auch die Naturwesen und bezog seine Erkenntnisse auf den Menschen. Die naturwissenschaftliche Tiefen-Psychologie basiert auf diesen Erkenntnissen. Demnach ist der Mensch ein naturgegeben soziales Wesen, das auf die Gemeinschaft seiner Mitmenschen ausgerichtet ist und eine Neigung zum Guten besitzt (4).

Aus der Einsicht um das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl aller, die Menschenantlitz tragen, erwuchsen die Lehrern der sittlichen Führer der Menschheit, die Weisheit des Laotse, das Gebot der Nächstenliebe und die unzähligen Formen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens und Verhaltens. Die Mahnrufe des menschlichen Gemeinschaftsgefühls können nie ausgemerzt werden, denn das Geschenk der Evolution besteht im sittlichen Bewusstsein des Einzelnen, in der Einsicht in die Verantwortung aller gegenüber allen. 

Ein praktisches Beispiel aus der Schule soll die soziale Natur des Menschen bestätigen. Es wird Lehrer wie Eltern, die wegen der mangelhaften Unterrichtung und Betreuung ihrer Kinder seit langem mit dem gegenwärtigen Schulsystem hadern, gleichermaßen interessieren und bewegen.

Es ist die Geschichte eines Lehrer-Kollegen, dem es mit einem gut überlegten Handgriff gelang, sich mit einem irritierten Jungen, der im Unterricht sogar die Beine auf die Schulbank legte, zu versöhnen. Er schloss Frieden mit ihm und beendete den Kriegszustand, der die ganze Klasse beeinflusste.

Als er begann, selbst zu unterrichten, fühlte er sich eher als Dompteur einer unwilligen Horde als ein geachteter Pädagoge. Aber Druck und Gewalt – so sein Vorsatz – sollten im Unterricht nicht die Oberhand gewinnen und er wollte verstehen, warum er auf das störende Verhalten von Schülern so stark reagieren würde. In der Klasse saß nämlich ein lebendiges Bürschchen von 13 Jahren, der das Gespräch mit dem Nachbarn viel interessanter fand als den Unterricht. 

Da er sich mit seinen persönlichen Sorgen und Nöten von den Lehrern nicht verstanden fühlte, konnte er sich auch nicht auf den Unterricht konzentrieren. Die Eltern waren getrennt und der ältere Bruder besuchte im Gegensatz zu ihm das Gymnasium.

Wenn sich der Kollege ärgerte und Konsequenzen androhte, nahm das Störverhalten des Schülers zu. Nur allmählich ist dem Kollegen bewusst geworden, dass er vom Schüler in einen Machtkampf um die Oberhand in der Klasse hineingezogen worden ist. Deshalb begegnete er ihm mit Groll, Unwillen und beleidigter Mine. Der Schüler reagierte darauf mit neuen Provokationen und legte schließlich seine Beine auf die Schulbank. 

Obwohl der Kollege den starken Wunsch verspürte, seinen Willen durchzusetzen und ihn zum Gehorsam zu zwingen, ging er nach der Mittagspause klopfenden Herzens auf den Schüler zu und machte einen Versöhnungsversuch. Er sagte zu ihm: „Ich kann zwar dein Verhalten, das du in der letzten Stunde gezeigt hast, nicht akzeptieren, aber vielleicht liegt es auch ein wenig an mir. Ich hoffe, wir finden zusammen einen Weg, uns zu einigen.“

Diese Versöhnung war nur möglich, weil dem Kollegen die schwierige familiäre Situation des Schülers und der Kriegszustand in der Klasse bewusst geworden ist. Indem er sich gefühlsmäßig in die Situation des Schülers hineinversetzte, entschied er sich für einen anderen Weg als den der Gewalt. Er machte Frieden mit dem Kind und beendete den Kriegszustand.

Die Wirkung war unglaublich. Der Schüler folgte nun völlig erstaunt und aufmerksam dem Unterricht und verteidigte schließlich den Lehrer-Kollegen vor der gesamten Klasse, weil andere Schüler ihn kritisierten. Er kam in eine andere Stimmung, weil er sich vom Lehrer verstanden gefühlt hat. 

Die gesamte Episode beweist nicht nur, dass der Mensch sozial ist, sie weist für alle Erzieher auch den Weg zu einer friedlichen Welt.

Der Mensch ist gut, aber irritiert

Wenn wir uns in der Welt umsehen, stellen wir fest, dass die Menschen zwar gut sind, jedoch psychisch irritiert. Kein Mensch kann seine Probleme in der Ehe, mit den Kindern oder im gesellschaftlichen Leben lösen. Wir schlagen die Kinder und führen mörderische Kriege. Doch all dies ist auf eine unsachgemäße Erziehung zurückzuführen. Deshalb muss allen Menschen psychologisches Wissen vermittelt werden, damit sie ihre persönlichen Probleme lösen können und beginnen, die Welt in eine friedliche Bahn zu lenken.

Der Mensch ist nicht von vornherein bestimmt, Wolf oder Lamm zu sein. Seine Freiheit besteht darin, dass er sich selber zu dem machen kann, was er in Zukunft sein soll. Wenn der Mensch das Böse tut, so hat er sich zuvor dafür entschieden; er hat es zuvor gewollt. Der Ursprung des Bösen liegt nicht in der menschlichen Natur.

Beweis erbringen, dass Menschen fähig sind, ohne Waffen und Kriege zusammenzuleben.

Das verallgemeinerte „Bild“ vom „Kampf ums Dasein“ soll rechtfertigen, dass der Krieg in der Welt nicht überwunden ist – und nicht überwunden werden kann. Diese Auffassung vom „homo homini lupus“ (Der Mensch ist dem Menschen ein Wolf) ist aber grundfalsch. Sie beruht auf einer Oberflächlichkeit, die bei genauerem Hinsehen sofort offenkundig wird.

Eine unvoreingenommene Betrachtung historischer Kriege lehrt uns, dass die Willkür der herrschenden Klassen eine der ersten Kriegsursachen ist. Streitigkeiten unter Königen, Eroberungslust eines Herrschers oder seiner Kriegerkaste, das heißt, die Machtgier der Mächtigen hat die Völker in die Kriege geführt, in denen sie für die Interessen ihrer Potentaten verbluteten. Der Konkurrenzkampf zwischen den Religionen, von denen jede sich im Besitz der absoluten Wahrheit wähnte, gab weiteren Anlass zu kriegerischen Verwicklungen, in welchen die Menschen für die Macht ihrer Kirche starben.

Die Neuzeit, die den Vorrang der Wirtschaft gegenüber den anderen Bereichen des öffentlichen Lebens realisierte, schuf dann den Typus des Wirtschaftskrieges, in dem die Herren des Handels und der Industrie die Völker zu einem Ringen um Rohstoffquellen und Absatzmärkte antreten ließen. In fast allen Kriegen der letzten Jahrhunderte spielt der ökonomische Faktor eine dominierende Rolle, wenngleich er sich mitunter hinter anderen Motivationen verbirgt.

Die Ursachen der Kriege waren also mannigfaltig, aber jeder Krieg ist im Interesse einer kleinen Oberschicht geführt worden, der allein der Sieg und der damit verbundene Gewinn an Land und Reichtümern zugutekam. Die Völker selbst, die für ihre weltlichen oder geistlichen Herrscher in den Kampf zogen, durften nur wenig oder gar nicht an der Nutznießung ihrer Eroberung teilhaben. Sie sind nicht gefragt worden, ob sie in den Krieg ziehen wollen oder nicht; gezwungenermaßen nahmen sie die Waffe in die Hand.  

Es ist deshalb nicht recht, die „Völker“ für ihre Kriege verantwortlich zu machen; es waren immer nur ihre herrschenden Schichten, die sich befehdeten und versuchten, sich wechselseitig zu unterjochen. Darum ist es falsch, den Krieg auf die menschliche Natur zurückzuführen. Die Natur des Menschen ist friedlich. 

Ein Großteil der Menschen liebt es, seiner Arbeit nachzugehen, den Acker zu bestellen und mit den Nachbarn in Freundschaft zu leben. Der Gesichtskreis der meisten Menschen reicht nicht so weit, um nach anderen Ländern oder gar Kontinenten aufzubrechen und dorthin die verheerende Flamme des Krieges zu tragen. Nur die Machtgier derer, die innerhalb der Völker als Obrigkeit fungieren und durch ihre soziale Stellung vom Geist der Gewalt durchdrungen sind, treibt immer wieder zu kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen, in denen die Völker zugunsten ihrer Herren und Ausbeuter verbluten.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Schul-Rektor, Erziehungswissenschaftler und Diplom-Psychologe. Nach seinen Universitätsstudien wurde er wissenschaftlicher Lehrer in der Erwachsenenbildung. Als Pensionär arbeitete er als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Für seine Verdienste um Serbien bekam er 2021 von den Universitäten Belgrad und Novi Sad den Republik-Preis „Kapitän Misa Anastasijevic“ verliehen.

Er schreibt regelmäßig für Global Research.






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First published on April 15, 2023


As has been carefully documented, under cover of the ‘virus’/‘vaccine’ narrative, the Global Elite is implementing long-planned and profound changes to 200 areas of human life.

In essence, as documented elsewhere – see ‘We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s “Great Reset”: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?’ – this program will kill off a substantial proportion of humanity, imprison those left alive as transhuman slaves in their ‘smart cities’ subject to their fourth industrial revolution technologies (including 5G, digital ID, CBDCs, geofencing, AI policing & a robotized workforce), enclose the Commons forever and transfer all wealth to Elite hands.

Needless to say, with some people already resisting and more people likely to perceive the truth of what is happening and join the resistance with the passage of time, policing the imposition of this program will be a critical factor in ensuring its success.

As indicated then, just one area in which profound change will take place is policing.

Future policing will be done by a smaller number of militarily-equipped police, transhuman police and technocratic police supported by corporate private security technology.

In this article, I will briefly outline the key changes to policing, in these three distinct categories, and also explain why these changes must be resisted and how we can do this most effectively.

Fewer and Militarized Police

Reflecting a longer term trend, in 2019 the International Association of Chiefs of Police reported that ‘Law enforcement agencies across the United States are struggling to recruit and hire police officers.’ While police killings of innocent civilians – see ‘Mapping Police Violence’ and ‘Not just “a few bad apples”: U.S. police kill civilians at much higher rates than other countries’ – failed to rate a mention in the report, it did at least acknowledge ‘Scrutiny of the police, cellphone recordings of interactions between the police and public, media coverage, and popular entertainment portrayals of police have led many young people to view police differently than their parents may have.’ See ‘The State of Recruitment: A Crisis for Law Enforcement’.

In late 2021, two years into policing the pandemic, US police reported a substantially increased rate of retirement and resignation among police officers, with more than five times as many police leaving the New York Police Department in 2021 as left in 2020. According to the report: ‘In the wake of a spasmodic year of protests and pandemic, plus an aftermath of violent crime, the profession may be fast approaching a generational and possibly historic reckoning.’ See ‘Law enforcement faces unprecedented challenges in hiring and keeping recruits’.

On the other side of the world, where the Victoria Police had suffered an image-battering following their violent policing of protests against Covid-19 lockdown measures – see ‘Australia: Harsh Police Response During Covid-19’ – the situation was the same: ‘Victoria Police is facing a staffing crisis with an extra 1500 frontline officers needed, secret modelling has warned.’ See ‘Secret Report Reveals Victoria Police Facing a Staffing Crisis’.

Of course other police forces around the world suffered image batterings in response to their violent response to those protesting ‘pandemic’ lockdowns and other restrictions. See, for example, ‘Serbia: Violent police crackdown against COVID-19 lockdown protesters must stop’.

But on top of long-standing issues in relation to police numbers exacerbated by political direction of policing behaviour while enforcing ‘pandemic’ lockdown measures, it is clear that the number of serving police has been reduced throughout the past three years by using two additional mechanisms: In many places, forcing those who resisted the ‘kill shot’ to resign from service – see, for example, ‘Victoria Police facing exodus due to draconian Covid rules’ – and, everywhere, by killing off a proportion of the police who were mandated to take the shot (which will continue to have impact in the years ahead).

Apart from this, the damaged reputation police suffered as a result of their role in enforcing the Elite program against those people willing to nonviolently protest the violation of their constitutional and human rights, has meant that the conscience-based resignation rate of police has risen – see, for example, ‘Conscientious Resignation of Police Officer in Australia’ – while recruitment has suffered in many places.

Separately from this, other resignations and retirements have probably occurred following official interference to thwart conscientious police officers asked or attempting to investigate deaths from Covid-19 injections – see one initiative by New Zealand doctors to have the issue investigated (‘Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination’) which ran into government obstruction (‘Jacinda Ardern Left Reeling As New Zealand Police Look at Investigating COVID Jab Deaths’) and a Canadian officer punished for conducting an investigation (‘Ottawa police officer charged for examining COVID-19 vaccine deaths’). Of course, any attempts to expose injection deaths among police colleagues have no doubt been ‘discouraged’ despite evidence of their occurrence.

In any case, two critical questions to ask are these: Were government policies that led to police violence during the pandemic designed to provoke public anger and induce police retirements and resignations as ways of reducing police numbers easily? And was official interference in police decisions about whether or not to investigate injection deaths partly designed to disenchant conscientious officers and induce further resignation/retirements?

Why would governments do this? Could it be part of a plan to facilitate the transformation of how policing is conducted? After all, the World Economic Forum has been clear about the Elite intention to robotize the workforce, with more than half of human workers projected to be replaced by robots within a few years.

See ‘Machines Will Do More Tasks Than Humans by 2025 but Robot Revolution Will Still Create 58 Million Net New Jobs in Next Five Years’.

So why should we expect police to be forced out of the workforce, one way or another, at a lesser rate than elsewhere?

Moreover, there is an additional problem: Any human police officer with a reasonably ‘normal’ psychological profile has a conscience. And these will not serve well in enforcing the coming technocratic order.

Separately from the numbers issue, the ongoing militarization of police forces around the world has been noted by many scholars. For a summary of some issues in relation to policing in the USA, see this article written in 2017: ‘Why are Police in the USA so Terrified?’

But it is clear that the trend to militarize policing has been accelerating for some years. In a recent article US constitutional attorney John Whitehead succinctly elaborates this trend as just one of the features to be expected from the US government in 2023:

‘Militarized police. Having transformed local law enforcement into extensions of the military, the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the FBI are moving into the next phase of the transformation, turning the nation’s police officers into techno-warriors, complete with iris scanners, body scanners, thermal imaging Doppler radar devices, facial recognition programs, license plate readers, cell phone extraction software, Stingray devices and so much more.’ See ‘What to Expect from the Government in 2023? More of the Same’ and ‘Stingray Tracking Devices: Who’s Got Them?’

So police numbers are being reduced and police are being militarized. But that is not all.

Transhuman Police

A critical component of the Elite program is to turn those not killed into transhuman slaves.

What is transhumanism?

In essence: Transhumanism is a set of beliefs based on the premise that human beings can be improved by genetic manipulation and/or implanting technologies into the brain and body to achieve enhanced capacities.

See ‘Beware the Transhumanists: How “Being Human” is being Re-engineered by the Elite’s Covid-19 Coup’.

While many people involved in this field are concerned with treating disabilities to improve the life experience of those afflicted, and some are engaged in ongoing discussions to consider the ethical issues this raises, it is clear that this is the sanitized version of a program that has far more hideous implications. For a sanitized version, watch this video of a World Economic Forum discussion held on 24 January 2020: ‘When Humans Become Cyborgs’.

But, for the Elite, there is little point deploying these technologies unless they can be controlled by Elite agents. After all, as the World Economic Forum made clear in 2016, by 2030 ‘You’ll Own Nothing. And You’ll Be Happy.’

See ‘8 predictions for the world in 2030’.

Obviously, if you are to own nothing and be happy about it, either you have reached some exalted state of human consciousness in which possessions no longer matter or someone is messing with your mind so that you believe what is not true.

And the best way to mess with someone’s mind is to implant a microchip into their body that enables control of that mind by someone else.

After all, altering what people think, feel, believe and do – through genetic manipulation and implanting technologies – is the very essence of transhumanism. So, to reiterate, transhumanists don’t want individuals with free will, they want individuals whose thoughts, feelings and behaviour can be controlled; that is, they want slaves. While this is explained at some length in the article ‘Beware the Transhumanists’ above, it is also made emphatically clear by World Economic Forum spokesperson, Professor Yuval Noah Harrari, in a 3-minute video which includes these words:

COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.

We now see mass surveillance systems established, even in democratic countries which previously rejected them, and we also see a change in the nature of surveillance. Previously, surveillance was mainly above the skin, now it’s going under the skin….

… free will: That’s over. Watch ‘Mr. Harari has just revealed the Reason for the Plandemic’.

You can also watch a video demonstration of Elon Musk’s neuralink chip illustrating how this will work. Watch ‘This Is How Elon Musk’s Neuralink Microchip Will Be Put In Your Brain’.

In summary then, the technology now available after decades of effort enables receiver nanochips to be sprayed, injected or otherwise implanted into human bodies. With the ongoing deployment of 5G (which includes extensive space and ground-based technologies: see ‘Deadly Rainbow: Will 5G Precipitate the Extinction of All Life on Earth?’), just one outcome of these combined technologies is that it will be possible to direct the individual behaviour of each person so implanted with directions from an external source.

You can watch a description of how the Covid-19 shots have been used to inject nanotechnology into the bodies of people which, under the direction of other individuals via EMF signals, can be assembled to establish a permanent communication and control link between the transhuman and those responsible for controlling it. Watch Maria Zeee’s interview of Dr. David Nixon who shows real time video footage of the nanotechnology inside the Covid-19 injections assembling robotic arms that guide the nanotechnology development:

‘World First: Robotic Arms Assembling Via Nanotech Inside COVID-19 “Vaccines” – Filmed in Real Time’.

There is another excellent video interview by Dr. Faiez Kirsten of Dr. Ana Mihalcea discussing the transhumanist agenda. This includes consideration of how geoengineering – by spraying metal particulates (such as aluminium, barium and strontium) and synthetic biology into the atmosphere – is being used to modify all life on this planet (‘to modify every cell, every microbe, to digitize it and then to fuse it in its natural state with synthetic biology’), the role of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) such as 5G in this scheme, and the purpose of nanotechnology ingredients in the injections. In essence, they conclude, besides killing vast numbers of people, they want to control the minds of those left alive. In summarizing, Mihalcea emphasised that her research demonstrates that the unvaccinated are not safe and they must take further action to defend their health from the synthetic biology attacks through atmospheric geoengineering and contaminated food.

‘We are running out of time as the human species and our planet is being destroyed via synthetic biology. If you want to survive and you want your children and grandchildren to have a chance of survival you must rise now and you must fight.’ Watch ‘A Discussion with Dr Ana Mihalcea on Transhumanism and EDTA Chelation’.

Moreover, given that the control technology of its transhuman slaves will be owned by corporate executives, this means that the Elite will be able to control everything from the launch of nuclear weapons (by using remote control to direct the chosen individual in a particular chain of command to order [or execute] the launch of one or more nuclear weapons at the target[s] nominated at the time[s] specified), deploy ‘cyborg soldiers’, ‘cyborg workers’ and ‘cyborg consumers’ to do as directed and, of course, ‘cyborg police’ to carry out the orders issued by those controlling the command technology.

In the case of transhuman police, this could range from duties resembling those now performed by police to any other task whatsoever to which they are assigned. And because the implanted chip will override free will, the transhuman individual will have no awareness of choice and will simply robotically perform the tasks delivered by an artificial intelligence program to the technological implants in its body and brain.

So whether programmed to issue a fine, kill a noncompliant individual, forcibly relocate one or more people from a rural area to the nearest ‘smart city’ or simply go home, the cyborg police officer will do as directed without thought or feeling of its own.

Technocratic Police and Corporate Private Security

In 2016, the World Bank published a report considering some of the consequences of robotization, including the problems that would be caused and how these might, theoretically, be addressed.

See ‘The rise of the machines: Economic and social consequences of robotization’ with a summary here: ‘The economic and social consequences of robotization’.

Despite one highly sanitized World Economic Forum account of robots leading to an increased workforce – see ‘Here’s why robots are actually going to increase human employment’ – another World Economic Forum report candidly noted that inequality would worsen as ‘robots will do half of all work tasks by 2025’. See

‘The Future of Jobs Report 2020’ and

‘WEF: Inequality likely to worsen as robots set to do half of work by 2025’.

And this is clearly evident in relation to police work where, beyond even the measures outlined above, a substantial range of new technologies will robotize policing, particularly in relation to primary functions: surveillance and control.

In essence, an increasing number of policing functions are being technologized to make policing more ruthlessly efficient. This involves use of a range of technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), the Internet of Bodies (IoB), the Internet of Places (IoP), artificial intelligence (AI), geofencing, digital identity, surveillance and facial recognition (3D) cameras, smart street poles and lights (which gather data via facial recognition cameras and environmental sensors, display digital signage and use speakers to instruct the immediate population how to behave), license plate readers and vehicle kill switches as well as autonomous and electromagnetic weapons.

But how these technologies are combined and deployed varies. To illustrate this, consider the Israeli private security company Gabriel Protects which offers a suite of surveillance and control services: ‘Preempt and contain physical threats in real time with smart technology. Billions are spent monitoring and recording security incidents. Gabriel detects and responds to them. Gabriel’s next generation security technology instantly detects and automates the response to violent threats, saving precious time and lives.’

As Whitney Webb explains: ‘much of the company’s future vision coincides with the vision of the intelligence agencies backing it – pre-crime, robotic policing and biometric surveillance.’ Hence, under the guise of stopping mass shootings ‘a surveillance system backed by top Mossad, CIA and FBI officials is being installed in schools, houses of worship, and other civilian locations’ throughout the USA. The Gabriel system includes the company’s ‘threat detection’ technology, which involves the use of ‘smart cameras’ that use AI as well as facial recognition and related technologies to detect weapons, ‘fights’ and ‘abnormal behavior’ in a particular area. The cameras throughout a facility, along with ‘smart shield’ panic buttons which can be activated both manually and remotely, are meant to act as ‘activation triggers’, with the triggering largely automated and managed by AI. When a trigger is set off, the Gabriel system enters the appropriate ‘alert mode’, which includes emergency, panic, silent panic and yellow (for minor incidents). Once activated, the panic button offers two-way communication, a live video feed and gunshot detection by acoustic means.

See ‘CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US’ and ‘Anonymous Philanthropist Gifts Israeli Life-Saving Tech to 500 US Synagogues and Schools’.

As one would expect, given the company is providing technologies that enable implementation of the Elite program to lock us all into their ‘smart cities’, Gabriel intends to expand far beyond schools and houses of worship to retail stores, warehouses, data centers and banks and is already heavily reliant on AI and machine learning while using drones and robots as security tools. Beyond this, it intends to develop predictive policing (‘pre-crime’) capabilities. See ‘Incident Response Solutions’ and ‘Disrupting Legacy Security’.

Of course, ‘pre-crime’ protocols are designed to ‘eliminate public dissent’. See ‘CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US’.

Gabriel is not the only corporation researching and providing technologies in these fields. Another prominent corporation is Palantir Technologies. There are others.

Needless to say, these corporations have close ties to the academy, the military and the intelligence community as well, all of which are also playing key roles in imposing the Elite program.

Obviously, these surveillance and control technologies are being widely deployed around the world with countries like China, Israel (including in Palestine) and the United States leading the way.

But to highlight precisely where this is headed, technocratic policing will include drones (used as aerial police) and robots equipped with electromagnetic weapons, such as those that tech guru Aman Jabbi calls ‘puke guns’ (to make the target individual vomit).

See ‘Digitizing Your Identity is the Fast-Track to Slavery: How Can You Defend Your Freedom?’

And if you would like a taste of where this might go, see ‘Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System’.

Beyond this, police robots are being used to deploy chemical weapons – see ‘Special delivery: Using police robots to deploy chemical agents’ – and fire tasers.

See ‘TASER-armed robots keep police out of harm’s way’.

But ‘explosive ordnance disposal robots’ have been used offensively since 1993 when a one-metre tall, 218-kilogram remote-controlled robot was sent into an apartment, used a television camera to locate a suspect hidden in a cupboard and then, under the remote-control direction of a technician, used a high-pressure water gun to knock the shotgun out of the suspected gunman’s hands, enabling the county police department’s version of a SWAT team to arrest him.

More dramatically, a police ‘killer robot’ has already been used to kill a suspected gunman. In 2016, police in Dallas in the USA crudely attached a bomb to a robot originally designed to investigate and safely discharge explosives and then deployed it near a suspect where it was detonated remotely.

See ‘How the Dallas Police Used an Improvised Killer Robot to Take Down the Gunman’.

Other police forces are considering using robots to kill suspects.

See, for example, ‘Oakland Cops Hope to Arm Robots with Lethal Shotguns’.

But the San Francisco Police Department has already developed a protocol for its use of robots to kill people: ‘Robots will only be used as a deadly force option when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers are imminent and outweigh any other force option available to SFPD.’

See ‘Law Enforcement Equipment Policy: Inventory Acquired Prior to January 2022’ and ‘SFPD authorized to kill suspects using robots in draft policy’.

The fundamental point is that human police officers are being replaced by a series of technologies guided by artificial intelligence and ending with the use of autonomous weapons systems (AWS).

And these technologies are already being widely deployed and used as part of the ongoing Elite program to build a technocratic state that will subvert human identity, privacy, dignity, volition and freedom.

How Can We Resist this Technocratic Policing Model Effectively?

A long-planned, vast range and parallel sequence of measures is being rapidly implemented to capture political, social, economic, medical and technological control of the human population. The intention is to kill off a substantial proportion of humanity and imprison those left alive as transhuman slaves in the Elite’s technocratic (surveillance and control) ‘smart’ cities, which will be policed by a range of current and emerging technologies.

And, as I have explained previously – see ‘We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?’ – because the Global Elite controls conventional political, economic, financial, technological, medical, educational, media and other important levers of society, the Elite has control of how events unfold while simultaneously giving it control of the narrative about what is taking place. As a result, the truth about the Elite plan is easily concealed. Consequently, effective resistance to this complex and sophisticated program requires a response based on a full understanding of the Elite’s deeper agenda and that is equally sophisticated.

This means that we cannot rely on any conventional channel, political, legal or otherwise.

Hence, the most effective defence against any aspect, including the technocratic policing model, of the full program that Elite agents in the World Economic Forum and elsewhere are imposing on us is to take action now that prevents foundational components of their program from being put into place.

Obviously, this requires us to clearly identify the foundations on which the Elite program is being built and to then mobilize as many people as possible, in as many countries as possible, to nonviolently noncooperate with the building of these foundations or, to the extent they exist already, to disrupt them so that they cannot function effectively.

And the time to do this is now.

If we do this effectively, the technologies – including 5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI), digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), geofencing, a plethora of ‘Smart’ devices, and the surveillance and facial recognition cameras – that will make the technocratic policing model possible will be stopped before they are fully deployed.

So if you are interested in being strategic in your resistance to the ‘Great Reset’ and its related agendas, you are welcome to participate in the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ campaign which identifies a list of 30 strategic goals for doing so.

One of these strategic goals reads as follows:

‘To cause the police and security personnel to resist the introduction and use of those surveillance and control technologies – including (among many others) 5G, 6G, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), geofencing, smart street poles and lights (which gather data via facial recognition cameras and environmental sensors, display digital signage and use speakers to instruct the immediate population how to behave), digital identity, surveillance and facial recognition cameras, license plate readers, vehicle kill switches, drones (used as aerial police), robots (including as a ‘deadly force option’), autonomous and electromagnetic weapons – that are being used to transform policing to collect your data and control your behaviour as part of the ongoing Elite program to build a technocratic prison that will subvert human identity, human dignity, human volition, human privacy and/or human freedom.’

So one vital role that you can play is to talk to individual police officers that you know personally, inform them of the role they are slated to play in the coming technocratic order, and invite them to consider the implications of this for them and their loved ones, and then listen to them as they talk about it.

And you can visit your local police station or write them a letter to raise awareness of what is happening and ask them to consider whether this is a future they wish for themselves or their family.

In addition, you can download the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ one-page flyer that identifies a short series of crucial nonviolent actions that anyone can take. This flyer, now available in 23 languages (Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Slovak and Turkish) with several more languages in the pipeline, can be downloaded from here: ‘One-page Flyer’.

Moreover, if this strategic resistance to the ‘Great Reset’ (and related agendas) appeals to you, consider joining the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ Telegram group (with a link accessible from the website).

And if you want to organize a mass mobilization, such as a rally, at least make sure that one or more of any team of organizers and/or speakers is responsible for inviting people to participate in this campaign and that some people at the event are designated to hand out the one-page flyer about the campaign.

Ideally, prior to any such event, a liaison team should visit the police responsible for policing the event to discuss it but also raise awareness of how police are being used by the Elite in this context. See ‘Nonviolent Activism and the Police’and ‘How To Do Police Liaison’.

At this point too, it is worth keeping in mind that in virtually all contexts, including when dealing with police, it is invaluable to listen, deeply. This should help you understand the other person better and might help open a door to greater awareness on their part in the future. In any case, it is a great gift, whatever its immediate outcome. See ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep Listening’.

If you like, you can also watch, share and/or organize to show, a short video about the campaign here: ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ video.

In parallel with our resistance, we must create the political, economic and social structures that serve our needs, not those of the Elite. That is why long-standing efforts to encourage and support people to grow their own biodynamic/organic food – see ‘23 Reasons You Should Start a Garden in 2023’ – participate in local trading schemes (involving the exchange of knowledge, skills, services and products with or without a local medium of exchange), such as Local Exchange Trading Systems and Community Exchange Systems, as well as develop structures for cooperation, governance, nonviolent defence and networking with other communities are so important.


To summarize very simply: human police officers are being militarily-equipped in the short term, to be rapidly replaced by transhuman police as well as ‘technocratic police’: artificial intelligence (AI) that will direct policing and involve transhuman police, drones, robots and autonomous & electromagnetic weapons systems (AWS). This is one small but vital part of the comprehensive Elite program to kill off most of us, enslave those left alive, enclose the Commons forever and capture all wealth.

Hence, one valuable function we can perform is to inform police of this and invite them to resist it.

Of course, it is not a message that will resonate with every police officer or every member of the community, for that matter. As you already know.

Many human beings, including police officers, are badly emotionally-damaged people. See ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.

But it is crucial that we keep telling the truth and giving people chances to perceive the deeper Elite program and what it portends for humanity. Because it is not a future any human being, including police officer, should want to embrace if they value human identity, privacy, dignity, volition and freedom for themselves or their children.

Hence, our persistence in presenting the information, while listening well when appropriate, is crucial to mobilizing the resistance we need to succeed.


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Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is [email protected] and his website is here. He is a regular contributor to ‘Global Research’.

Featured image is from Neon Nettle

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Dear Readers,

Global Research Publishers  has launched the new PDF edition of Michel Chossudovsky’s eBook, consisting of 15 chapters.

Translations in several languages are envisaged.

The book is available in print form in Japanese. 仕組まれたコロナ危機:「世界の初期化」を目論む者たち

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis,  Global Coup d’État Against Humanity 


Michel Chossudovsky

From the very outset in January 2020, people worldwide were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic. Media disinformation and the fear campaign were instrumental in sustaining the COVID-19 narrative. Scientific lies and falsehoods have been used to sustain the legitimacy of the COVID-19 policy mandates including lockdowns, the imposition of the face mask, social distancing and the suppression of fundamental human rights.

People worldwide were led to believe that Big Pharma’s COVID-19 vaccine injections were the “solution”.

A structure of  “Global Governance” dominated by powerful financial interests is unfolding which undermines democracy and the institutions of civil society.  More than 7 billion people worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis and the destructive mandates implemented by morally depraved national governments. The entire planet is in state of economic and social chaos.

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.  

My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


As a means to reaching out to millions of people worldwide whose lives have been affected by the corona crisis, we have decided in the course of the next few weeks to distribute the eBook for FREE.

Price: $11.50. FREE COPY Click here to download.

If you are unable to download the E-Book, contact Michel Chossudovsky at [email protected] and / or send a message to  [email protected] 

To support the eBook project, you can make a donation by accessing Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

We also invite you to become a member of Global Research.

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We will shortly be opening a readers’ comment page on the eBook.

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This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized, Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. -Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin


Reviewed in Japan 🇯🇵 on November 18, 2022

“It’s a great book that I want people all over Japan to read. When I read this book, the various events explained in chronological order all fall into place and context, and they came close with a sense of reality. It’s terrifying. My heart became pounding and painful as I read on. We must carefully determine the reverse side of the goodwill of the people who organized the COVID-19 pandemic. What can we do as a grassroots person? It’s a tough question.

… そのあとに本書を読むと、時系列に説明されている様々な出来事が、ことごとく腑に落ち、現実味をもって迫ってきました。恐ろしいです。読み進めるうちに胸がドキドキ苦しくなりました。コロナ禍を仕組んだ人びとの善意の裏の顔をしっかりと見極めなければなりません。私自身はワクチンを一度も打ちませんでしたが、だから良かったという単純な話ではありません。個人的には、打った仲のよい友達との話に断絶を感じていますし、多くの方々が不幸を味わっています。これこそ、コロナ禍を仕掛けた人々の狙いなのです。草の根の一人として、何ができるでしょうか?難しい問題です。


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