Desecration of Yet Another Ahmadi Mosque in Pakistan

May 7th, 2023 by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

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The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) is shocked and saddened by the news of the desecration of yet another Ahmadi mosque in the Milpur Khas District of Pakistan on 4th May 2023.

It is alleged that about 150 people demolished four minarets of the mosque and attempted to damage its Mihrab. This is the third act of vandalism against an Ahmadi mosque in recent weeks. Over the years there have been other acts of violence against Ahmadi graveyards and properties.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan had in a landmark decision in 2014 decried the desecration of any place of worship. It called for the protection of all places of worship in accordance with Article 20 of the Constitution of Pakistan.

This concept of the protection of all places of worship is also a cardinal principle in the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights of the United Nations. All member states of the UN directly or indirectly subscribe to the ICCPR. It is part and parcel of accepted international law.

Indeed, all the world’s major religions exhort their followers to respect places of worship. In Islam for instance this respect is integral to religious freedom. The Noble Quran reminds us that ” if God had not enabled people to defend themselves against one another (all) monasteries and churches and  synagogues and mosques  — in ( all of ) which God’s name is abundantly exalted — would surely have been destroyed (ere now)” ( Surah 22, Al-Hajj; Ayat 40)

It is because of these principles and values that JUST conducted a global campaign from 2003 to 2006 urging governments and people everywhere to protect all places of worship. Leading personalities and organisations from all religious communities endorsed the campaign which elicited thousands of signatures.

JUST is of course aware that some Muslims are opposed to Ahmadis and certain aspects of their teachings which are incongruent with fundamental Islamic beliefs. But that does not give them a right to vandalise places of worship used by the Ahmadis.  Disputes of this sort should be resolved through peaceful means.

The Pakistani government should act firmly and decisively against vandalism and violence directed against a community and its place of worship. Other Muslim governments should also take a stand against violence of this sort. Governments in the West which enjoy close ties with the Pakistani government should speak out against violence and vandalism that undermines religious harmony. 

Silence on a matter like this is not an option.


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Dr Chandra Muzaffar is the president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST). He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: The Kalra Kalan mosque before and after the minarets were destroyed. All images and video courtesy of the International Human Rights Committee. (Source)

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Boardman, OH – 6 year old Anastasia Marie Weaver died suddenly in her sleep after two COVID-19 mRNA vaccines on Jan. 25, 2023 (her mother was a nurse) (click here

Philippines – 12 year old Alrence Qunitana living in Bohol Philippines had 1st Moderna vaccine on Feb. 21, 2022, 4 months later he was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor and died on Jan. 29, 2023 (click here)

Argentina – 8 year old Yasmina Antonella Guevara developed a “vasculitis” after COVID-19 vaccine and died on Jan. 11, 2023

Durham, NC – 6 year old Jackson Everett Ball, who was triple COVID-19 vaccinated by his dad, died after suffering a “catastrophic brain event” on Jan. 4, 2023 (click here)

Chesterland, OH – 7 year old Abriana Camino died suddenly from a cardiac incident on Dec. 3, 2022, coroner ruled cause of death as myocarditis, entire family was COVID-19 vaccinated (click here)(click here)

Alberta, Canada – 7 year old boy Slade Smith had COVID-19 vaccines to play hockey, he died suddenly on Nov. 29, 2022 after suffering “heart pain” (click here)

Alberta, Canada, 13 year old boy hockey player Eric Homersham who was mandated COVID-19 vaccination to play hockey, died suddenly on Nov. 9, 2022 by collapsing at school basketball tryouts (click here)

Mexico, Oaxaca – 8 year old boy died five days after receiving Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, on July 10, 2022 (click here)

The family of eight-year-old boy reported the child died after receiving COVID vaccine on July 5, resulting in symptoms such as a fever, that got progressively worse. Due to his deteriorating health, an ambulance was called, which took him to a nearby hospital, where hours later, his death was announced.

Family members claim that the child died as a result of the vaccine and the symptoms he had suffered. The death was confirmed by the Secretary of Health of the state of Oaxaca, Virginia Sanchez, and reported that “there is already an investigation to find out the causes of the child’s death”.

Brazil – 5 year old girl Helena DeMarco Lavalle had 1st dose of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on Feb. 18, 2022 and died 8 days later in her sleep

Germany, Cuxhaven: A 12 year old girl died shortly after Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in Oct. 2021 (click here)

The preliminary autopsy protocol suggested that the child’s death had occurred as a result of the vaccination.

Due to this temporal connection, the district health department commissioned the body to be autopsied, which was then carried out in the Hamburg University Hospital.

We are faced with a particularly tragic case here”, said the head of the health department, Kai Dehne.

Children reported to VAERS database, who died after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

VAERS ID: 2535782: 11 year old boy (non-US) had 3rd Pfizer dose on Dec.13, 2022, had a cardiac arrest 4 hours later and was found by family member with face immersed in bathtub, died the same day.

VAERS ID: 2396993: 7 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer 2nd dose on April 19, 2022 and died 3 months later on July 17, 2022

She presented 3 months after Pfizer jab on July 13, 2022 with fever, upper abdominal pain, rash, then had a seizure and died on July 17, 2022.

VAERS ID: 2395618: 10 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer jab, 8 days later presented with diarrhea, died on July 8, 2022.

VAERS ID: 2373124: 5 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer jab, next day developed nasopharyngitis, outcome was fatal, died on June 11, 2022 (one day after Pfizer jab)

VAERS ID: 2410237: 5 year old girl (non-US) had 1st Pfizer Jab, died 4 months later on June 5, 2022.

In the months after Pfizer jab she developed acute ITP (immune thrombocytopenic purpura), was hospitalized with life threatening thrombocytopenia for 18 days, suffered brain death and passed away.

VAERS ID: 2316094: 6 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer 2nd mRNA dose, 3 months later she developed abdominal pain, vomiting and died on May 28, 2022.

VAERS ID: 2334700: 10 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer mRNA jab, 24 days later she presented with fever and malaise and died on May 21, 2022.

VAERS ID: 2193609: 8 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer mRNA jab on Feb.18, 2022, and died on March 06, 2022, 16 days later.

She presented Mar.4, 2022 with fever and headache, on Mar.6, 2022 presented again with abdominal pain, vomited blood, had shortness of breath, was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest and died.

VAERS ID: 2152560: 7 year old boy from Washington died 13 days after 1st Pfizer mRNA jab, on Feb.16, 2022

He had fever for 24 hours, became lethargic, vomited on the way to Emergency, was listless on presentation. He proceeded to a shock state and had a cardiac arrest. He was not able to be resuscitated and died in the ED.

VAERS ID: 2109625: 8 year old previously healthy boy from Mississippi died 8 days after 2nd Pfizer mRNA dose on Feb.10, 2022

Mom called in 6 days after 2nd Pfizer jab complaining he had nausea and vomiting. Sometime during night of Feb.10, 2022, 8 days after his jab, his parents found him blue and lifeless in bed (cardiac arrest). Was taken to hospital, were able to get a pulse back several times, but lost him in the ICU.

VAERS ID: 2377304: 9 year old girl from California had 1st Pfizer mRNA jab on Dec.12, 2021, presented with 2-3 days of stomach ache, sore throat and chest pain, died 2 weeks after Pfizer jab on Dec.27, 2021

VAERS ID: 1975356: 7 year old girl from Minnesota died in her sleep 11 days after her 1st Pfizer mRNA jab, on Dec.10, 2021 (she had fever, mild cough & congestion the night before, mom found her at 9:15am not breathing)

VAERS ID: 1890705: 5 year old girl from Iowa with complex medical history died in her sleep 4 days after 1st Pfizer mRNA jab, on Nov.22, 2021

TGA (Australia) ID: 724023 – 9 year old girl died after Pfizer mRNA jab of Cardiac arrest (March 25, 2022)

TGA (Australia) ID: 719838 – 7 year old boy died after Pfizer mRNA jab (seizure, cardiac arrest) (Mar.11, 2022)

My Take…

Here are 25 children ages 5-12 who died after a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. One child death from these products is one death too many.

There are 0 healthy children ages 5-12 who died from COVID-19 infection in USA or Canada.

These COVID-19 mRNA vaccines should NEVER have been rolled out in children ages 5-12 (or any age for that matter).

Every parent should have these cases in their legal files.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from LifeSiteNews

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Unwarranted Influence, Twenty-First-Century-Style

May 7th, 2023 by William D. Hartung

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The military-industrial complex (MIC) that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned Americans about more than 60 years ago is still alive and well. In fact, it’s consuming many more tax dollars and feeding far larger weapons producers than when Ike raised the alarm about the “unwarranted influence” it wielded in his 1961 farewell address to the nation. 

The statistics are stunning. This year’s proposed budget for the Pentagon and nuclear weapons work at the Department of Energy is $886 billion — more than twice as much, adjusted for inflation, as at the time of Eisenhower’s speech. The Pentagon now consumes more than half the federal discretionary budget, leaving priorities like public health, environmental protection, job training, and education to compete for what remains. In 2020, Lockheed Martin received $75 billion in Pentagon contracts, more than the entire budget of the State Department and the Agency for International Development combined. 

This year’s spending just for that company’s overpriced, underperforming F-35 combat aircraft equals the full budget of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And as a new report from the National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies revealed recently, the average taxpayer spends $1,087 per year on weapons contractors compared to $270 for K-12 education and just $6 for renewable energy.

The list goes on — and on and on. President Eisenhower characterized such tradeoffs in a lesser known speech, “The Chance for Peace,” delivered in April 1953, early in his first term, this way: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children…”

How sadly of this moment that is.

New Rationales, New Weaponry

Now, don’t be fooled. The current war machine isn’t your grandfather’s MIC, not by a country mile. It receives far more money and offers far different rationales. It has far more sophisticated tools of influence and significantly different technological aspirations.

Perhaps the first and foremost difference between Eisenhower’s era and ours is the sheer size of the major weapons firms. Before the post-Cold War merger boom of the 1990s, there were dozens of significant defense contractors. Now, there are just five big (no, enormous!) players — Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon. With so few companies to produce aircraft, armored vehicles, missile systems, and nuclear weapons, the Pentagon has ever more limited leverage in keeping them from overcharging for products that don’t perform as advertised. The Big Five alone routinely split more than $150 billion in Pentagon contracts annually, or nearly 20% of the total Pentagon budget.  Altogether, more than half of the department’s annual spending goes to contractors large and small.

In Eisenhower’s day, the Soviet Union, then this country’s major adversary, was used to justify an ever larger, ever more permanent arms establishment. Today’s “pacing threat,” as the Pentagon calls it, is China, a country with a far larger population, a far more robust economy, and a far more developed technical sector than the Soviet Union ever had. But unlike the USSR, China’s primary challenge to the United States is economic, not military.

Yet, as Dan Grazier noted in a December 2022 report for the Project on Government Oversight, Washington’s ever more intense focus on China has been accompanied by significant military threat inflation. While China hawks in Washington wring their hands about that country having more naval vessels than America, Grazier points out that our Navy has far more firepower. Similarly, the active American nuclear weapons stockpile is roughly nine times as large as China’s and the Pentagon budget three times what Beijing spends on its military, according to the latest figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

But for Pentagon contractors, Washington’s ever more intense focus on the prospect of war with China has one overriding benefit: it’s fabulous for business. The threat of China’s military, real or imagined, continues to be used to justify significant increases in military spending, especially on the next generation of high-tech systems ranging from hypersonic missiles to robotic weapons and artificial intelligence.  The history of such potentially dysfunctional high-tech systems, from President Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” missile defense system to the F-35, does not bode well, however, for the cost or performance of emerging military technologies.

No matter, count on one thing: tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars will undoubtedly go into developing them anyway. And remember that they are dangerous and not just to any enemy. As Michael Klare pointed out in an Arms Control Association report: “AI-enabled systems may fail in unpredictable ways, causing unintended human slaughter or an uncontrolled escalation crisis.”

Arsenal of Influence

Despite a seemingly neverending list of overpriced, underperforming weapons systems developed for a Pentagon that’s the only federal agency never to pass an audit, the MIC has an arsenal of influence propelling it ever closer to a trillion-dollar annual budget. In short, it’s bilking more money from taxpayers than ever before and just about everyone — from lobbyists galore to countless political campaigns, think tanks beyond number to Hollywood — is in on it.

And keep in mind that the dominance of a handful of mega-firms in weapons production means that each of the top players has more money to spread around in lobbying and campaign contributions. They also have more facilities and employees to point to, often in politically key states, when persuading members of Congress to vote for — Yes!– even more money for their weaponry of choice.

The arms industry as a whole has donated more than $83 million to political candidates in the past two election cycles, with Lockheed Martin leading the pack with $9.1 million in contributions, followed by Raytheon at $8 million, and Northrop Grumman at $7.7 million. Those funds, you won’t be surprised to learn, are heavily concentrated among members of the House and Senate armed services committees and defense appropriations subcommittees. For example, as Taylor Giorno of OpenSecrets, a group that tracks campaign and lobbying expenditures, has found, “The 58 members of the House Armed Services Committee reported receiving an average of $79,588 from the defense sector during the 2022 election cycle, three times the average $26,213 other representatives reported through the same period.”

Lobbying expenditures by all the denizens of the MIC are even higher — more than $247 million in the last two election cycles.  Such funds are used to employ 820 lobbyists, or more than one for every member of Congress. And mind you, more than two-thirds of those lobbyists had swirled through Washington’s infamous revolving door from jobs at the Pentagon or in Congress to lobby for the arms industry. Their contacts in government and knowledge of arcane acquisition procedures help ensure that the money keeps flowing for more guns, tanks, ships and missiles. Just last month, the office of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reported that nearly 700 former high-ranking government officials, including former generals and admirals, now work for defense contractors. While a few of them are corporate board members or highly paid executives, 91% of them became Pentagon lobbyists, according to the report. 

And that feverishly spinning revolving door provides current members of Congress, their staff, and Pentagon personnel with a powerful incentive to play nice with those giant contractors while still in their government roles. After all, a lucrative lobbying career awaits once they leave government service.

Nor is it just K Street lobbying jobs those weapons-making corporations are offering. They’re also spreading jobs to nearly every Main Street in America. The poster child for such jobs as a selling point for an otherwise questionable weapons system is Lockheed Martin’s F-35. It may never be fully ready for combat thanks to countless design flaws, including more than 800 unresolved defects detected by the Pentagon’s independent testing office. But the company insists that its program produces no less than 298,000 jobs in 48 states, even if the actual total is less than half of that. 

In reality — though you’d never know this in today’s Washington — the weapons sector is a declining industry when it comes to job creation, even if it does absorb near-record levels of government funding.  According to statistics gathered by the National Defense Industrial Association, there are currently one million direct jobs in arms manufacturing compared to 3.2 million in the 1980s.

Outsourcing, automation, and the production of fewer units of more complex systems have skewed the workforce toward better-paying engineering jobs and away from production work, a shift that has come at a high price. The vacuuming up of engineering and scientific talent by weapons makers means fewer skilled people are available to address urgent problems like public health and the climate crisis. Meanwhile, it’s estimated that spending on education, green energy, health care, or infrastructure could produce 40% to 100% more jobs than Pentagon spending does.

Shaping the Elite Narrative: The Military-Industrial Complex and Think Tanks

One of the MIC’s most powerful tools is its ability to shape elite discussions on national security issues by funding foreign policy think tanks, along with affiliated analysts who are all too often the experts of choice when it comes to media coverage on issues of war and peace. A forthcoming Quincy Institute brief reveals that more than 75% of the top foreign-policy think tanks in the United States are at least partially funded by defense contractors. Some, like the Center for a New American Security and the Center for Strategic and International Studies, receive millions of dollars every year from such contractors and then publish articles and reports that are largely supportive of defense-industry funding.

Some such think tanks even offer support for weapons made by their funders without disclosing those glaring conflicts of interest. For example, an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) scholar’s critique of this year’s near-historically high Pentagon budget request, which, she claimed, was “well below inflation,” also included support for increased funding for a number of weapons systems like the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile, the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile, the B-21 bomber, and the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile.

What’s not mentioned in the piece? The companies that build those weapons, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, have been AEI funders. Although that institute is a “dark money” think tank that doesn’t publicly disclose its funders, at an event last year, a staffer let slip that the organization receives money from both of those contractors.

Unfortunately, mainstream media outlets disproportionately rely on commentary from experts at just such think tanks. That forthcoming Quincy Institute report, for example, found that they were more than four times as likely as those without MIC funding to be cited in New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journalarticles about the Ukraine War. In short, when you see a think-tank expert quoted on questions of war and peace, odds are his or her employer receives money from the war machine.

What’s more, such think tanks have their own version of a feverishly spinning revolving door, earning them the moniker “holding tanks” for future government officials. The Center for a New American Security, for example, receives millions of dollars from defense contractors and the Pentagon every year and has boasted that a number of its experts and alumni joined the Biden administration, including high-ranking political appointees at the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency.

Shaping the Public Narrative: The Military-Entertainment Complex

Top Gun: Maverick was a certified blockbuster, wowing audiences that ultimately gave that action film an astounding 99% score on Rotten Tomatoes — and such popular acclaim helped earn the movie a Best Picture Oscar nomination. It was also a resounding success for the Pentagon, which worked closely with the filmmakers and provided, “equipment — including jets and aircraft carriers — personnel and technical expertise,” and even had the opportunity to make script revisions, according to the Washington Post. Defense contractors were similarly a pivotal part of that movie’s success. In fact, the CEO of Lockheed Martin boasted that his firm “partnered with Top Gun’s producers to bring cutting-edge, future forward technology to the big screen.”

While Top Gun: Maverick might have been the most successful recent product of the military-entertainment complex, it’s just the latest installment in a long history of Hollywood spreading military propaganda. “The Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency have exercised direct editorial control over more than 2,500 films and television shows,” according to Professor Roger Stahl, who researches propaganda and state violence at the University of Georgia.

“The result is an entertainment culture rigged to produce relatively few antiwar movies and dozens of blockbusters that glorify the military,” explained journalist David Sirota, who has repeatedly called attention to the perils of the military-entertainment complex. “And save for filmmakers’ obligatory thank you to the Pentagon in the credits,” argued Sirota, “audiences are rarely aware that they may be watching government-subsidized propaganda.”

What Next for the MIC?

More than 60 years after Eisenhower identified the problem and gave it a name, the military-industrial complex continues to use its unprecedented influence to corrupt budget and policy processes, starve funding for non-military solutions to security problems, and ensure that war is the ever more likely “solution” to this country’s problems.  The question is: What can be done to reduce its power over our lives, our livelihoods, and ultimately, the future of the planet?

Countering the modern-day military-industrial complex would mean dislodging each of the major pillars undergirding its power and influence. That would involve campaign-finance reform; curbing the revolving door between the weapons industry and government; shedding more light on its funding of political campaigns, think tanks, and Hollywood; and prioritizing investments in the jobs of the future in green technology and public health instead of piling up ever more weapons systems. Most important of all, perhaps, a broad-based public education campaign is needed to promote more realistic views of the challenge posed by China and to counter the current climate of fear that serves the interests of the Pentagon and the giant weapons contractors at the expense of the safety and security of the rest of us.

That, of course, would be no small undertaking, but the alternative — an ever-spiraling arms race that could spark a world-ending conflict or prevent us from addressing existential threats like climate change and pandemics — is simply unacceptable.


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Ben Freeman, a TomDispatch regular, is a research fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and the author of a forthcoming report on Pentagon contractor funding of think tanks.

William D. Hartung, a TomDispatch regular, is a senior research fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and the author of Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex.

Featured image: Pentagon by Thomas Hawk is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 / Flickr

The puny double drone attack – a combined Anglo-Saxon neocon provocation – has offered Moscow the perfect gift: an unmistakable casus belli.

Yevgeny Prighozin, the maestro of private military company Wagner, is never shy of also performing as a master communicator / troller / psyop specialist.

So no wonder when he delivered a recent rhetorical missile – here, in Russian, on War Gonzo – quite a few eyebrows were raised.

In the heat of war, and on the eve of the incessantly mythologized Ukrainian “counter-offensive” – which may or may not happen in myriad suicidal forms – Prighozin went on the record absolutely destroying the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD), Minister Shoigu personally, and the Kremlin bureaucracy.

The bombshell revelations caused serial ripples among Russian experts yet not among the English-speaking crowd, which seems not to have grasped the enormity of it all, as Russian insiders who analyzed the whole interview in detail told me. Here is a noteworthy exception, focusing on the key bullet points.

Prighozin does flirt with a few absurdities, offered with no proof. Example: Russia didn’t win both Chechen wars; Putin paid Kadyrov’s father a bribe to wrap it all up. Or the assertion that the Debaltsevo Cauldron in Donbass did not exist; instead Poroshenko’s army simply made an orderly retreat intact.

Yet it’s the serious accusations that stand out. Among them: the SMO proved that the Russian Army is essentially unorganized, untrained, undisciplined and demoralized; there’s no real leadership; and the MoD lies, routinely, about what’s happening in the battlefield as well as about Wagner’s maneuvers.

Prighozin is adamant that it was Wagner that launched an operation to stabilize the front when the Russian army was retreating in chaos following a Ukrainian counterattack.

His main point is that Russia has all it takes to win, fast and decisively; but “the leadership” keeps the resources away from the actors who need it on purpose (presumably, Wagner).

And that ties up with the success in Bakhmut/Artemyovsk: the whole plan was masterminded by Wagner alongside “General Armageddon” Surovikin.

“Kill me, that would be better than lying”

Prigozhin is confident in his knowledge of where all the necessary military supplies are kept, enough to fight for another six months. Wagner needs a least 80,000 shells a day. Why they are not getting it amounts to “political sabotage”.

Because of Russian bureaucracy – from the MoD to the FSB, no one is spared – the Russian army “has been transformed from the world’s second-best army into one of the worst – Russia cannot even deal with Ukraine. Russia’s defenses won’t hold if supplies are not released to the soldiers.”

Prighozin ominously states in the interview that Wagner might have to retreat unless they get their supplies. He foresaw the Ukrainian counter-offensive as inevitable, setting a possible May 9 – Victory Day – as a starting point.

This Wednesday he doubled down: it has already started, in Artyomovsk, with “unlimited manpower and ammunition” and it’s threatening to overwhelm his undersupplied troops.

Prighozin proudly extols Wagner intel; his spooks and satellites tell him Kiev’s forces would even be able to reach Russian borders. He also fiercely debunks accusations of Fifth Columnism: emphasizing the need to cut through state propaganda, he says “the Russian people need to know because they will have to pay in blood for this. The bureaucrats will simply flee to the West. They are the ones afraid of the truth.”

That may be considered the money quote: “I don’t have the right to lie to the people who will have to live in this country in the future. Kill me if you want, that would be better than lying. I refuse to lie about this. Russia is on the brink of a catastrophe. If we don’t immediately tighten these loose bolts, this airplane will disintegrate in mid-air.”

And he makes a quite decent geoeconomic point as well: why should Russia continue to sell oil to the West through India? He says this is

“treachery. The elites in Russia are in secret negotiations with the Western elite.” That happens to be a key argument of Igor Strelkov.

The “Angry Patriots Club”

There’s no question: if Prighozin is essentially telling the truth, this is – literally – nuclear. Either Prighozin knows everything nearly everyone doesn’t, or this is a spectacular maskirovka.

Yet facts on the ground since February 2002 seem to support his main accusation: the Russian army can’t properly fight because of a completely corrupt bureaucratic gang right at the very top of the MoD, all the way to Shoigu, all of them only interested in making a financial killing.

And it gets worse: under a rigidly bureaucratized environment, commanders at the frontlines have no autonomy to take decisions and quickly adapt, and need to wait for orders from far away. That should be the main reason for the Kiev counter-offensive standing a chance of imposing dramatic upsets.

Prighozin is definitely not alone among Russian patriots in voicing his analysis. In fact there’s nothing new: he was just more forceful this time. Strelkov has been saying the exact same thing since the start of the war. That even coalesced into an “Angry Patriots Club” releasing an explosive video on April 19.

So here we have a small but very vocal group bearing impeccable patriotic credentials sounding a serious alarm bell: Russia runs the risk of losing this proxy war entirely unless dramatic changes take place right away.

Or, once again, this could be brilliant maskirovka – leaving the enemy totally misdirected.

If that’s the case, it’s working like a charm. Kiev propaganda outlets triumphantly adopted Strelkov’s accusations with headlines such as “Russia is on the brink of defeat, Strelkov threatens the Kremlin with a coup.”

Strelkov keeps doubling down, insisting that the Russian state really does not take this war seriously and is planning to make a deal without really fighting, even ceding territory in Ukraine.

His evidence: the “corrupt” (Prighozin) Russian army did not make any serious effort to prepare the economy, or public opinion, for an offensive – in terms of training and logistics. And that’s because the elites in the Kremlin and the army do not rally believe in this war, nor want it; they’d rather go back to the pre-war status quo.

So here we go again. Maskirovka? Or a sort of Revenge of the MoD against Wagner? It’s a fact that at the start of the SMO the Russian army didn’t exactly get its act together, they really needed Wagner on the ground. But now it’s a different ball game, and the MoD may be engaged in gradually reducing Wagner’s role so Prighozin’s men do not capture all the blazes of glory when Russia starts going for the jugular.

Droned down on the Kremlin floor

And then right in the middle of this incandescent confrontation, we have the irruption in the dead of night of a couple of puny kamikaze drones over the Kremlin.

This was no attempt to assassinate Putin: rather a cheap PR stunt. Russian intel must have pieced the whole story by now: the drones were probably launched from inside Moscow or its suburbs, by Ukrainian strike cells dressed in civilian clothing and sporting fake IDs.

There will be more such PR stunts – anything from car bombs and booby traps to improvised landmines. Russia will have to step up internal security towards a real war footing.

But what about the “response” to – in Kremlin terminology – a “terrorist attack”?

Elena Panini from has offered a priceless, non-hysterical appraisal:

“The purpose of the night strike, judging by the video footage, was not the Kremlin itself and not even the dome of the Senate Palace, but the flagpole on the dome with a duplicate of the standard of the President of the Russian Federation. The game of symbolism is already purely British stuff. A kind of ‘reminder’ from London on the eve of the coronation of Charles III that the conflict in Ukraine is still developing according to the Anglo-Saxon scenario and within the framework set by them.”

So yes: those neo-Nazi mutts in Kiev are just tools. The orders that matter always come from Washington and London – especially when it comes to breaching red lines.

Panini argues it’s time for the Kremlin to seize the definitive strategic initiative. That should include upgrading the SMO to the status of a real war; declare Ukraine as a terrorist state; and implement what is already being discussed in the Duma: the transition to the use of “weapons that are capable of stopping and destroying the Kiev terrorist regime.”

The puny double drone attack – a combined Anglo-Saxon neocon provocation – has offered Moscow the perfect gift: an unmistakable casus belli.

A Putin “assassination attempt” combined with a drive to sabotage the May 9 Victory Day parade? The Stupid-O-Meter rules that only neocons can come up with such brilliance. So from now on their messenger, the warmongering actor in a sweaty T-shirt – alongside his close oligarchic circle – are all dead men walking.

Yet even that ultimately is irelevant. Moscow could have designated Ukraine as a terrorist state right after the attack on the Kerch bridge, back in October 2022. But then NATO would have survived.

Perhaps Prigozhin’s Twilight of the Gods scenario may have forgotten that what the Kremlin really wants is to go after the head of the snake. Putin did provide a serious hint, over a year ago:

interference by the collective West would lead to “such consequences that you have never encountered in your history.”

And that explains NATO’s panic. Some in Washington with an IQ over room temperature may have seen through the fog: thus the provocations – Kremlin drone stunt included – to force Moscow to quickly wrap the SMO up.

Oh no, that’s not gonna happen. For Moscow the state of things is swell; non-stop sinking of NATO weapons and finances into an immeasurable black hole. Cue to the Kremlin casually asserting yes, we will respond, but when we deem it appropriate. Now that, Dear Comrade Prighozin, is the ultimate maskirovka.

First published by SCF

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First published on October 24, 2022


“Your people do not yet feel an impending sense of danger. That worries me. Can’t you see the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?

Meanwhile, people pretend that nothing is going on. I don’t know how to get through to you anymore.” Russian President Vladimir Putin, You Tube, 12 minute video


“The Russians have put their nuclear weapons on high-alert.This is a really significant development.. They are….sending us a very powerful signal as to how seriously they take this crisis. So, if we start winning, and the Russians start losing, you need to understand that what we’re talking about doing here, is backing a nuclear-armed great power –that sees what’s happening as an existential threat—into a corner. This is really dangerous.

Go back to the Cuban Missile Crisis. I don’t think that what happened in the Cuban Missile crisis was as threatening to us as this situation is to the Russians. But if you go back and look at what US decision-makers thought at the time, they were scared stiff.” (Mearsheimer: The risks of “backing Russia into a corner“, Twitter minute 1:19)

Putin does not want Washington’s nuclear missiles parked on his western border in the Ukraine. For security reasons, he cannot allow this. He has made this excruciatingly clear over and over again. As he said on December 21, 2021, more than a month before the war began:

“If US and NATO missile systems are deployed in Ukraine, their flight time to Moscow will be only 7–10 minutes, or even five minutes for hypersonic systems.”

No American president would allow a potential adversary to deploy their nuclear missiles to sites along the Mexican-American border. The risks to national security would be far-too great.

In fact, Washington would remove those missile sites through force-of-arms without batting an eye. We all know that. So, why isn’t that same standard applied to Russia? Why are policymakers siding with the US and NATO when all the parties involved know what is at stake and know that they have all signed treaties that promise “not to improve their own security at the expense of their neighbors”? These are not just meaningless ‘verbal commitments’ that were made in casual conversations over cocktails; these are promises that have been signed into treaties that the signatories are required to honor. (Note: The United States and every nation in NATO have signed treaties– Istanbul in 1999, and Astana in 2010– that stipulate they cannot improve their own security at the expense of others.) There’s no doubt that NATO expansion enhances the security of Ukraine while weakening the security of Russia. That much is indisputable. And it’s not just a violation of treaties, but a clear provocation tantamount to a declaration of war. Check out this short excerpt from an article by Ray McGovern which shines light on a few of the crucial details that have omitted by the western media:

“President Vladimir Putin has warned repeatedly of the existential threat he believes Russia faces from what Russia calls “offensive strike missiles” like the Tomahawk and, eventually, hypersonic missiles along its western border.

So-called “ABM sites” already emplaced in Romania and about to be completed in Poland can accommodate Tomahawks and hypersonic missiles overnight with the insertion of a computer disk… Putin himself made this crystal clear in an unusual presentation to a small group of Western journalists six years ago. (See the first 10-minutes in this video.)

On December 21, 2021, President Putin told his most senior military leaders:

“It is extremely alarming that elements of the US global defense system are being deployed near Russia. The Mk 41 launchers, which are located in Romania and are to be deployed in Poland, are adapted for launching the Tomahawk strike missiles. If this infrastructure continues to move forward, and if US and NATO missile systems are deployed in Ukraine, their flight time to Moscow will be only 7–10 minutes, or even five minutes for hypersonic systems. This is a huge challenge for us, for our security.”

On December 30, 2021, Biden and Putin talked by phone at Putin’s urgent request. The Kremlin readout stated:

“Joseph Biden emphasized that Russia and the US shared a special responsibility for ensuring stability in Europe and the whole world and that Washington had no intention of deploying offensive strike weapons in Ukraine.” Yuri Ushakov, a top foreign policy adviser to Putin, pointed out that this was also one of the goals Moscow hoped to achieve with its proposals for security guarantees to the US and NATO.

…On February 12, 2022, Ushakov briefed the media on the telephone conversation between Putin and Biden earlier that day.

“The call was as a follow-up of sorts to the … December 30 telephone conversation. … The Russian President made clear that President Biden’s proposals did not really address the central, key elements of Russia’s initiatives either with regards to non-expansion of NATO, or non-deployment of strike weapons systems on Ukrainian territory … To these items, we have received no meaningful response.”

On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. I can see why so many Americans believe the Big Lie that it was “unprovoked,” because they just don’t know.” (“Relentless: JFK on Cuba; Putin on Ukraine”, Ray McGovern,

What does this mean?

It means Biden backed-away from his original commitment. It means Washington refused to even consider Putin’s modest and legitimate security demandsprior to the Russian invasion. It means that Washington knew that the threat of NATO expansion –and particularly the threat of lethal missiles on Russia’s western border– would give Putin NO CHOICE but to respond militarily in order to establish his own security buffer. Putin summed it up like this:

“We are not threatening anyone.… We have made it clear that any further NATO movement to the east is unacceptable. There’s nothing unclear about this. We aren’t deploying our missiles to the border of the United States, but the United States IS deploying their missiles to the porch of our house. Are we asking too much? We’re just asking that they not deploy their attack-systems to our home…. What is so hard to understand about that?”(“Russia’s Putin, The US is parking missiles on the porch of our house”, YouTube, Start at :48 seconds)

Any reasonable person would conclude that Putin had a gun to his head and had to do ‘what any responsible leader would do’ in a similar situation.

But Putin did NOT do ‘what any responsible leader would do’. Instead, he waited. Yes, he delivered his “security demands” publicly and forcefully a number of times, but the threat of Ukrainian membership in NATO was not the tripwire that led to the invasion. What compelled Putin to invade was the bombardment of ethnic Russian civilians in an area of east Ukraine called the Donbas. As we noted in an earlier article,

What Really Happened?

On February 16—a full 8 days before the Russian invasion—the shelling of the Donbas increased dramatically and steadily intensified for the next week “to over 2,000 per day on February 22.” The vast majority of these blasts were logged in daily summaries by observers of the OSCE who were on the frontlines. In other words, the records were kept by trained professionals who collected documented evidence of the Ukrainian Army’s massive bombardment of areas inhabited by their own people. To date, we have not read even one analyst who has challenged this catalogue of documented evidence. Instead, the media simply pretends the proof doesn’t exist. They have simply vanished the shelling from their coverage altogether in order to shape a Washington-centric version of events that completely ignores the historical record.” (“Some of Us Don’t Think the Russian Invasion Was “Aggression”, Unz Review)

As we said, this was the tripwire that triggered the Russian invasion. The “Special Military Operation” was essentially a rescue mission that was closely linked to an urgent national security issue. All the same, the proximate cause of the war, was not NATO enlargement, but the shelling of civilian areas in the Donbas.

This week, a confidential audio recording of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was released on the internet confirming that our version of events leading up to the Russian invasion are, in fact, accurate. Take a look at this blurb on Maria Tadeo’s Twitter account:

Here’s more from an article at RT:

The former Italian PM reportedly blamed Kiev for inciting conflict with Russia….

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has reportedly claimed that Kiev triggered a conflict with Russia by reneging on a peace plan for eastern Ukraine (The Minsk Treaty), a tape provided to the media suggests…..Speaking to members of his Forza Italia party on Tuesday, Berlusconi reportedly offered a viewpoint about the origin of the Ukraine crisis that clashed with the NATO-favored narrative of unprovoked Russian aggression against its neighbor.

In the audio clip, Berlusconi can be heard accusing Kiev of failing for years to uphold a peace deal with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. When Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky came to power in 2019, he “tripled down” on attacking the regions, the politician stated

Donetsk and Lugansk asked for Moscow’s protection, he continued. Russian President Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine…” (“Berlusconi trashes NATO narrative on Ukraine – media“, RT)

Whatever one thinks of Berlusconi, his version of events fits perfectly with the report of intensified shelling produced by the observers of the Organization for the Security and Cooperation in Europe. (OSCE) One can only wonder why the media has failed to investigate these blatantly credible claims that cast considerable doubt on the official version of “Who actually started the war in Ukraine”?

In a recent interview on You Tube, Colonel Douglas MacGregor explained how Putin made every effort to ensure the security of the ethnic Russians living under siege in Ukraine by appealing to the US and EU to address the situation and settle on a way to stop the violence. Putin’s requests, however, fell on deaf ears. Here’s how MacGregor summed it up:

“Putin tried desperately to get the British, the French, the Germans and us to understand that his Russian citizens should be treated equally before the law just like Ukrainian citizens inside this large multi-ethnic state. (But) Zelensky and his friends said ‘No. Either you become what we are or you get out.’ And that resulted in this tragic (Russian) intervention.….

Russia had no interest in ‘conquering Ukraine’ or running into Kiev and ‘making peace at the point of a gun’. But, now, Zelensky has been intransigent and his handlers have been intransigent because we (The US) decided we were going to ‘bleed Russia’. We were going to sanction them and destroy their economy. We were going to kill hundreds of thousands of them and, ultimately, bend Russia to our will and force them to become subjects of the greater global American-dominated financial system.

That hasn’t worked. All of the sanctions have backfired. It is now our European allies who are in desperate trouble. We are in desperate trouble too, only it is not quite as acute as it is in Europe. And, on top of that, we haven’t succeeded in destroying the Russian military at all. It’s held together very, very well and– as I said– right now you have this economy-of-force operation down in the south where there’s a massive buildup of forces from Minsk all the way back into western Russia that will be launched eventually (I suppose) when the ground freezes because that is the best time to operate in that kind of terrain.

Earlier I told you what this is really about: There’s this attempt to destroy Russia. We’ve decided to made it this blood-enemy that has to be eliminated because it refuses to march down the path that Europe has.” (“Massive Buildup”,Colonel Douglas MacGregor”, You Tube, 3 minutes)

Truer words were never spoken: The US decided to make Russia its blood-enemy because it refuses to click-its-heels and do as it’s told. Russia refuses to be another sniveling flunky in the exalted “Rules-based System”.

So, now we’re in a full-blown ground war with Russia; a war that was concocted, instigated, funded, guided, and micromanaged by Washington. A war that—by any objective standard—is Washington’s war as much as Iraq and Afghanistan were Washington’s wars. The difference this time is that our enemy can not only defend himself, but has the wherewithal to reduce the continental United States to smoldering heap of rubble. We are reminded of a comment Putin made recently that seems to have slipped-by the media unnoticed. He said:

“We will defend our land with all the forces and resources we have, and we will do everything we can to ensure the safety of our people.”

We hope that someone on the Biden team is smart enough to figure out what that means.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from The Unz Review

Incisive and carefully documented analysis by the late Prof. Graeme MacQueen. His legacy will live 

First published by Global Research on March 15, 2017



On November 23, 1963, the day after John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Fidel Castro gave a talk on Cuban radio and television.[1] He pulled together, as well as he could in the amount of time available to him, the evidence he had gathered from news media and other sources, and he reflected on this evidence.

The questions he posed were well chosen: they could serve as a template for those confronting complex acts of political violence.  Were there contradictions and absurdities in the story being promoted in the U.S. media? Who benefitted from the assassination?

Were intelligence agencies claiming to know more than they could legitimately know? Was there evidence of foreknowledge of the murder? What was the main ideological clash in powerful U.S. circles and how did Kennedy fit in? Was there a faction that had the capacity and willingness to carry out such an act? And so on.

But beneath the questions lay a central, unspoken fact: Castro was able to imagine—as a real possibility and not as mere fantasy—that the story being promoted by the U.S. government and media was radically false. He was able to conceive of the possibility that the killing had not been carried out by a lone gunman on the left sympathetic to Cuba and the Soviet Union, but by powerful, ultra-right forces, including forces internal to the state, in the United States.

Because his conceptual framework did not exclude this hypothesis he was able to examine the evidence that favoured it. He was able to recognize the links between those wishing to overthrow the Cuban government and take more aggressive action toward the Soviet Union and those wishing to get Kennedy out of the way.

In the immediate wake of the assassination, and after the Warren Commission’s report appeared in 1964, few among the elite left leadership in the U.S. shared Castro’s imagination.  Vincent Salandria, one of key researchers and dissidents, said: “I have experienced from the beginning that the left was most unreceptive to my conception of the assassination.”[2]

I.F. Stone, a pillar of the American left leadership, praised the Warren Commission and consigned critics who accused the Commission of a cover-up to “the booby hatch.”[3] The contrast with Castro is sharp. Speaking well before the Warren Commission’s emergence, Castro mocked the narrative it would later endorse. Several other prominent left intellectuals agreed with I. F. Stone, and declined to criticize the Warren Commission’s report.[4]

Noam Chomsky, resisting serious efforts to get him to look at the evidence, said at various times that he knew little about the affair, had little interest in it, did not regard it as important, and found the idea of a “high-level conspiracy with policy significance” to be “implausible to a quite extraordinary degree.”[5] He would later say almost exactly the same thing about the 9/11 attacks, finding the thesis that the U.S. administration was involved in the crime “close to inconceivable,”[6] and expressing his disinterest in the entire issue.

Not everyone on the American left accepted the FBI and Warren Commission reports uncritically. Dave Dellinger and Staughton Lynd, for example, encouraged dissident researchers.[7] In fact, several of the leading dissident investigators, such as Vincent Salandria, Mark Lane and Sylvia Meagher, were themselves, at least by today’s standards, on the left of the political spectrum. But they were not among the elite left leadership in the country and they were, to a great extent, unsupported by that leadership during the most crucial period.

Chomsky’s use of the terms “implausible” and “inconceivable” has stimulated me to write the present article.  I have no new evidence to bring to the debate, which is decades old now, as to how his mind and the other great minds of the U.S. left leadership could have failed to see what was obvious to so many.

My approach will assume the good faith of these left leaders and will take as its point of departure Chomsky’s own words. I will explore the suggestion that these intellectuals were not able to conceive, were not able to imagine, that these attacks were operations engineered by intelligence agencies and the political right in the U.S.

Why would Castro have had less difficulty than the U.S. left leadership imagining that the assassination of Kennedy had been carried out by and for the American ultra-right and the intelligence community?

What we imagine to be true in the present will surely be influenced by what we have intimately experienced in the past. Castro’s imagination of what U.S. imperial powers might do was shaped by what he had witnessed them actually do, or attempt to do, to him and his country.

Castro referred in his November 23, 1962 talk not only to the economic warfare against Cuba, but to the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis.  But, of course, the CIA’s Operation Mongoose had been active in the interim between these two latter events, and he was familiar with its main lines. Perhaps he was not familiar with all its components. As far as I am aware, he did not know on November 23, 1963 of the 1962 Operation Northwoods plan, endorsed by the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to create a pretext for an invasion of Cuba through a multi-faceted false flag operation that included terrorist attacks in Miami and Washington, to be falsely blamed on Cuba.[8] Had he been familiar with this scheme he might have cited it on November 23 to bolster his case.


Castro was certainly familiar with many plans and attempts to assassinate him, which were eventually confirmed to the U.S. public by the Church Committee’s report, “Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders.”[9]But, to the best of my knowledge, he was not aware when he gave his November 23 talk of an assassination-planning meeting that had taken place the previous day.

On November 22, the day Kennedy was killed, while Castro was meeting with an intermediary who conveyed Kennedy’s hope that Cuba and the United States would soon be able to work out a mode of peaceful coexistence,[10] members of the CIA were meeting with a Cuban to plot Castro’s death. The would-be assassin was not only given poison to use in an assassination attempt; he was also promised support by the CIA for a shooting, such as was taking place at that very time in Dallas. He was assured that “CIA would give him everything he needed (telescopic sight, silencer, all the money he wanted).”[11]

Castro: questioned JFK and 9/11.

The Church committee used the term “ironic” to refer to the fact that the shooting of John Kennedy took place on the very day a Kennedy-Castro peace initiative was being countered by a CIA plan to kill Castro.[12] Why was there no discussion of the significance of the fact that the same people who were working for the overthrow of the Cuban government considered Kennedy and his peace initiatives serious obstacles to their plans?

Castro noted in his November 23, 1963 talk that Latin American rightwing forces might have been involved in the Kennedy killing. These forces, he said, had not only openly denounced Kennedy for his accommodation with Cuba but were pushing for an invasion of Cuba while simultaneously threatening a military coup in Brazil to prevent another Cuba. Castro could not know at the time what we now know, namely that the threatened coup in Brazil would indeed take place soon—on April 1, 1964. It would lead to a wave of authoritarianism and torture that would spread throughout Latin America.

If, therefore, we try to make the case that Castro’s critique of the mainstream account of Kennedy’s assassination was the result of paranoia, denial, and a delusional tendency to see conspiracies everywhere, we will have a hard row to hoe. Almost all the operations he mentioned in his talk, and several operations he did not mention, did involve conspiracies.  Cuba was at the center of a set of actual and interconnected conspiracies.

I am not suggesting that because Castro imagined a particular scenario—ultra-right forces killing John Kennedy—it must have been true. That is not the point. The point is that only when our imagination embraces a hypothesis as possible will we seriously study that hypothesis and put it to the test.

The evidence accumulated over many years has shown, in my view, that Castro’s view of who killed John Kennedy was correct. In fact, I think the evidence presented by the first wave of researchers fifty years ago settled the matter.[13] However, it is not my intention to try to prove this in the present article. My topic is the left imagination.

The silencing, by an elite American left, of both dissident researchers and those who have been targets of Western imperial power has reached an unprecedented level in the interpretation of the events of September 11, 2001. The inability of the Western left leadership to imagine that these events were fraudulent—that they involved, as Fidel Castro put it in 1963, people “playing a very strange role in a very strange play”—has blocked understanding not of only of 9/11 but of actual, existing imperialism and its formation and deformation of world politics.

9/11 and state officials facing imperial power

Talk about blaming the victim. Three days after 9/11 the eminent economist Celso Furtado suggested in one of Brazil’s most influential newspapers that there were two explanations for the attack. One possibility, Furtado implied, was that this savage assault on America was the work of foreign terrorists, as the Americans suspected. But a more plausible explanation, he asserted, was that this disaster was a provocation carried out by the American far right to justify a takeover. He compared the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon to the burning of the Reichstag in 1933 and the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany.[14]

Kenneth Maxwell wrote this paragraph in 2002. At the time he was the Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. The paragraph is from an article written for the Council entitled, “Anti-Americanism in Brazil.” In writing his article Maxwell clearly felt no need to give evidence or argument as he dismissed Furtado. He must have felt his readers would agree that the absurdity of Furtado’s remarks was self-evident. Furtado’s claim would be off their radar, beyond their imagination.

Celso Furtado compared the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon to the burning of the Reichstag.

Certainly, Furtado’s imagination had a wider scope than Maxwell’s. Could his personal experience have had something to do with this? Furtado was more than an “eminent economist;” he was an extremely distinguished intellectual who had held the position of Minister of Planning in the Goulart government when it was overthrown in the April 1, 1964 coup in Brazil. Furtado said in a 2003 interview:

The United States was afraid of the direction we had been taking; this phase ended and we entered—as someone put it—the peace of the cemeteries, it was the era of the dictatorship. Thirty years went by without real thinking, without being able to participate in movements, with the most provocative and courageous young people being hunted down.[15]

Did Celso Furtado have a wild imagination when he implied there was U.S. support for the coup? Not at all. The coup was not only hoped for, but prepared for and offered support at the highest level in the U.S. [16]

Furtado has not been the only sceptical voice on the Latin American left. On the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, himself a major target of U.S. imperial force, entered the public debate. The Associated Press reported on September 12, 2006:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Tuesday that it’s plausible that the U.S. government was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Chavez did not specifically accuse the U.S. government of having a hand in the Sept. 11 attacks, but rather suggested that theories of U.S. involvement bear examination.

The Venezuelan leader, an outspoken critic of U.S. President George W. Bush, was reacting to a television report investigating a theory the Twin Towers were brought down with explosives after hijacked airplanes crashed into them in 2001.

“The hypothesis is not absurd … that those towers could have been dynamited,” Chavez said in a speech to supporters. “A building never collapses like that, unless it’s with an implosion.”

“The hypothesis that is gaining strength … is that it was the same U.S. imperial power that planned and carried out this terrible terrorist attack or act against its own people and against citizens of all over the world,” Chavez said. “Why? To justify the aggressions that immediately were unleashed on Afghanistan, on Iraq.”[17]

Actually, scepticism in Venezuela about the 9/11 attacks was not new. In March of 2006, for example, well known survivor and eyewitness of the September 11, 2001 attacks, William Rodriguez, had spent time with high-ranking Venezuelan officials, including Chavez, and had given talks on television and in universities in that country.[18]

The culmination of this Venezuelan scepticism was a statement in a legislative resolution of the country’s National Assembly. The resolution, apparently passed unanimously in the fall of 2006, referred to the 9/11 attacks as “self-inflicted.”[19]

In a sneering attack on the Chavez government in the Miami Herald, journalist Phil Gunson felt no need to support, with evidence or reason, his claim that Chavez was merely engaging in “anti-imperialist rhetoric.”[20] Presumably he knew the imaginations of Floridians could be trusted to block out the possibility that the insane rhetoric about 9/11 might have some truth to it.

Chavez: “Those towers could have been dynamited.”

One year later, on the sixth anniversary of the attacks, Fidel Castro, at that point ill and retired from government but still keeping up with political events, made his own conclusions known. “That painful incident,” he said, “occurred six years ago today.” “Today,” he said, “we know that the public was deliberately misinformed.”

Castro listed several anomalies and omissions in the official reports. For example, he said:

“The calculations with respect to the steel structures, plane impacts, the black boxes recovered and what they revealed do not coincide with the opinions of mathematicians, seismologists…demolition experts and others.”

Referring to the attacks generally, and the attack on the Pentagon specifically, Castro said:

“We were deceived, as were the rest of the planet’s inhabitants.”[21]

This was a poignant admission by the man who had grasped the falsity of the Lee Harvey Oswald story one day after Kennedy’s assassination.

Reporting on Castro’s remarks in the Guardian, journalist Mark Tran said:

“Fidel Castro today joined the band of September 11 conspiracy theorists by accusing the US of spreading disinformation about the attacks that took place six years ago.”[22]

Tran seems to have worried that the dismissive “conspiracy theorist” term might not put an end to the matter for readers of the Guardian, so he added two brief factual claims, one having to do with DNA evidence at the Pentagon and one having to do with a 2007 video allegedly showing Bin Laden giving an address.

The contempt for Castro’s intelligence, however, was breathtaking. Tran implied that his “facts,” which could have been found in about fifteen minutes on the Internet and which were subsequently questioned even by typically uncritical mainstream journalists, were beyond the research capabilities of the former President of Cuba.[23]

Indeed, much of the Western left leadership and associated media not only trusted the FBI[24]while ignoring Furtado, Chavez, the Venezuelan National Assembly and Fidel Castro; they also, through silence and ridicule, worked to prevent serious public discussion of the 9/11 controversy.

Among the U.S. left media that kept the silence, partially or wholly, are:

Monthly Review
Common Dreams
Huffington Post
The Nation
The Real News
Democracy Now!
Z Magazine
The Progressive
Mother Jones

In the end, the most dramatic public challenge to the official account of 9/11 by a state leader did not come from the left. It came from a conservative leader who was, however, a target of U.S. imperial power. Speaking to the United Nations General Assembly on September 23, 2010, President Ahmadinejad of Iran outlined three possible hypotheses for the 9/11 attacks.[25] The first was the U.S. government’s hypothesis—”a very powerful and complex terrorist group, able to successfully cross all layers of the American intelligence and security, carried out the attack.”

The second was the hypothesis that “some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime.” The third was a somewhat weaker version of the second, namely that the assault “was carried out by a terrorist group but the American government supported and took advantage of the situation.”

Ahmadinejad implied, though he did not definitively claim, that he favoured the second hypothesis. He went on to suggest that even if waging war were an appropriate response to a terrorist attack—he did not think it was—a thorough and independent investigation should have preceded the assaults on Afghanistan and Iraq in which hundreds of thousands of people died.

He ended his discussion of 9/11 with a proposal that the UN set up an independent fact-finding group to look into the 9/11 events.

In reporting on this event, The New York Times noted that Ahmadinejad’s comments

“prompted at least 33 delegations to walk out, including the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Costa Rica, all 27 members of the European Union and the union’s representative.”[26]

The Times’ report was given to remarks that sidestepped the Iranian president’s assertions. Ahmadinejad’s remarks were made to endear himself to the world’s Muslim community, and especially to the Arab world. Ahmadinejad was playing the politician in Iran, where he had to contend with conservatives trying to “outflank him.” Ahmadinejad wanted to keep himself “at the center of global attention while deflecting attention away from his dismal domestic record.” Ahmadinejad “obviously delights in being provocative” and “seemed to go out of his way to sabotage any comments he made previously this week about Iran’s readiness for dialogue with the United States.”

Ahmadinejad proposed that the UN investigate 9/11.

The possibility that Ahmadinejad might have been sincere, or that there may have been an evidential basis for his views, was not mentioned.

Meanwhile, the reported response to Ahmadinejad’s talk by the United States Mission to the United Nations was harsh:

Rather than representing the aspirations and goodwill of the Iranian people, Mr. Ahmadinejad has yet again chosen to spout vile conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic slurs that are as abhorrent and delusional as they are predictable.

Where were these anti-Semitic slurs? In his talk the Iranian President condemned Israeli actions against Palestinians and included as one of the possible motives of a 9/11 inside job the saving of “the Zionist regime” by U.S. government insiders. But how is either of these an anti-Semitic slur? He said nothing in his speech, hateful or otherwise, about Jews. He did not identify Zionism, as an ideology or historical movement, with Jews as a collectivity. He did not identify the state of Israel with Jews as a collectivity. He did not say “the Jews” carried out the 9/11 attacks.

And what did the U.S. Mission mean when it said that Ahmadinejad did not represent the views of Iranians? His views on 9/11 were probably much closer to the views of Iranians than were the views of the U.S. Mission. As will be explained later, the great majority of the world’s Muslims reject the official account of 9/11.

In his address to the General Assembly the following year, Ahmadinejad briefly revisited this issue, saying that, after his 2010 proposal of an investigation into 9/11, Iran was put “under pressure and threat by the government of the United States.” Moreover, he said, instead of supporting a fact-finding team, the U.S. killed the alleged perpetrator of the attacks (Osama bin Laden) without bringing him to trial.[27]

In 2012 another leader in the Muslim world made his position on 9/11 known. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (left) had been Prime Minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003 and was still in 2012 a significant power in his country and a major figure in the global south. [He also served as Prime Minister from 2018-2020]

By then he had spent considerable time discussing 9/11 with several well-known members of the U.S. movement of dissent (including William Rodriguez and David Ray Griffin)[28] and had indicated that he questioned the official account. But on November 19, 2012 he left no doubt about his position. In a 20-minute public address introducing a day-long international conference on 9/11 in Kuala Lumpur, he noted:

The official explanation for the destruction of the Twin Towers is still about an attack by suicidal Muslim extremists, but even among Americans this explanation is beginning to wear thin and to be questioned. In fact, certain American groups have thoroughly analyzed various aspects of the attack and destruction of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon building, and the reported crash in Pennsylvania. And their investigations reveal many aspects of the attack which cannot be explained by attributing them to attacks by terrorists—Muslims or non-Muslims.

He went on to give details of the official narrative that he found especially unconvincing, and he concluded that the 9/11 attack:

…has divided the world into Muslim and non-Muslim and sowed the seeds of suspicion and hatred between them. It has undermined the security of nations everywhere, forcing them to spend trillions of dollars on security measures…Truly, 9/11 is the worst manmade disaster for the world since the end of the two world wars. For that reason alone it is important that we seek the truth because when truth is revealed then we can really prepare to protect and secure ourselves.[29]

There is no need to quote Western media coverage of Mahathir’s remarks because, as far as I can tell, there was none—an outcome Mahathir had predicted in his talk.

Now, of course, it is possible that these current and former state officials had not seriously studied 9/11 and were simply intoxicated by anti-imperial fervour. But the evidence suggests otherwise. Those who visited Venezuela well before the public pronouncements in that country in September of 2006 noted that officials had collected books and other materials on the subject of 9/11.[30] And Malaysia’s Mahathir had been meeting people to discuss the issue for years. There is no reason to doubt what he said in his 2012 talk: “I have thought a lot about 9/11.” The dismissal of these leaders by the Western left is puzzling, to say the least.

Educator Paulo Freire, himself a victim of the 1964 coup in Brazil, pointed out years ago that when members of an oppressor class join oppressed people in their struggle for justice they may, despite the best of intentions, bring prejudices with them, “which include a lack of confidence in the people’s ability to think…and to know.”[31] Is it possible that the left leadership in the U.S. has fallen into this trap?

The dismissal of 9/11 sceptics has been carried out through a silence punctuated by occasional outbursts. The late Alexander Cockburn of Counterpunch was given to outbursts. Not content to speak of the “fundamental idiocy of the 9/11 conspiracists” and to tie them to the decline of the American left, Cockburn even took the opportunity to go beyond 9/11 and pledge allegiance once more, as he had in previous years, to the Warren Commission’s Lee Harvey Oswald hypothesis[32]—a hypothesis that had, in my opinion, been shown to be absurd half a century ago.

In a January 2017 article entitled, “American Psychosis,” Chris Hedges continued the anti-dissent campaign. Crying out that, “We feel trapped in a hall of mirrors,” Hedges announced that:

The lies fly out of the White House like flocks of pigeons: Donald Trump’s election victory was a landslide. He had the largest inauguration crowds in American history… We don’t know “who really knocked down” the World Trade Center. Torture works. Mexico will pay for the wall. Conspiracy theories are fact. Scientific facts are conspiracies.[33]

The hall of mirrors is real enough but Hedges’ rant offers no escape. As far as I can discover, Hedges has made no serious study of what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11 and has, therefore, no idea who knocked down the buildings.[34] Moreover, he appears never to have seriously thought about what a “conspiracy theory” is and what he is denouncing when he denounces such theories. Does he really mean to suggest that the American ruling class, in pursuing its interests, never conspires?

And thus the U.S. left leadership sits in the left chamber of the hall of mirrors, complaining about conspiracy theories while closing its eyes to actual conspiracies crucial to contemporary imperialism.

9/11 and public opinion

If state leaders familiar with Western imperial power have questioned the official narrative of the September 11, 2001 attacks, what about “the people” beloved of the left?

Actually, sorting out what portion of the world’s population qualifies, according to ideological criteria, as “the people” is a difficult task—an almost metaphysical exercise. So let us ask an easier question: what, according to surveys undertaken, appears to be the level of belief and unbelief in the world with respect to the 9/11 narrative?

There have been many polls. Comparing and compiling the results is very difficult since the same questions are seldom asked, in precisely the same words, in different polls.  It is, however, possible to set forth grounded estimates.

In 2008, polled over 16,000 people in 17 countries. Of the total population of 2.5 billion people represented in the survey, only 39% said they thought that Al-Qaeda was behind the 9/11 attacks.[35]

The belief that Al-Qaeda carried out the attacks is, I suggest, an essential component of belief in the official narrative of 9/11. If only 39% is willing to name Al-Qaeda as responsible, then a maximum of 39% can be counted as believers of the official narrative.

This poll is, for the most part, supported by other polls, suggesting that the U.S. official narrative is, globally, a minority view.  If these figures are correct, of the current world population of 7.5 billion, roughly 2.9 billion people affirm the official view of 9/11 and 4.6 billion do not affirm it.

Now, of the 61% who do not affirm the official view of 9/11, a large percentage says it does not know who carried out the attacks (by implication, it does not know what the goals of the attackers were, and so on). But the number of those who think the U.S. government was behind the attacks is by no means trivial. The figure appears to be about 14% of the world’s population.[36] If this is correct, roughly 1 billion people think the U.S. government was behind the attacks. Of course, this figure includes children. But even when we exclude everyone under 18 years of age we have 700 million adults in the world who think the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks.

It is not clear if the Guardian’s “band of September 11 conspiracy theorists,” which Castro was said to have joined, consists of this 700 million people or if it consists of the entire group of 4.6 billion non-believers. Either way, we are talking about a pretty large “band.”

Do these poll results prove that the official narrative is false? No. Do they prove that blaming elements of the U.S. government is correct? No. But these figures suggest two things. First, the official story, despite its widespread dissemination, has failed to capture the imaginations of the majority of people on the planet. Second, the minds of 700 million adults have no trouble embracing the possibility that elements of the U.S. government were behind the attacks.

What can be said about the views of that segment of the world population that is most clearly targeted by Western imperialism today?

The so-called Global War on Terror, announced shortly after the 9/11 events, has mainly targeted countries with Muslim majorities.

The 2008 poll of people in 17 countries included five countries with majority Muslim populations. Of the total Muslim population represented in the survey (399.6 million people in 2008), only 21.2% assigned guilt to Al-Qaeda.[37]

In 2011 the Pew Research Group surveyed eight Muslim populations. Of the total Muslim population represented (588.2 million in 2011), only 17% assigned guilt to Arabs.[38]

The evidence suggests that scepticism toward the official account among Muslims has been growing. In December of 2016 a published poll of British Muslims indicated that only 4% of those polled believed that “Al-Qaeda/Muslim terrorists” were responsible for 9/11, whereas 31% held the American government responsible.[39]  This is remarkable given the unvarying, repetitive telling of the official story by British mainstream media and political parties.

Are British Muslims wallowing in feelings of victimhood, which have made them prey to extremists peddling “conspiracy theories?” As a matter of fact, the British think tank that sponsored the 2016 poll has drawn this conclusion. But the think tank in question, Policy Exchange, has a special relationship to the UK’s Conservative Party and appears to have carried out the poll precisely in order to put British Muslims under increased scrutiny and suspicion.[40]

Cannot the left, in its interpretation of the views of this targeted population, do better?

Most peculiar and disturbing is the tendency of left activists and leaders to join with state intelligence agencies in using the term “conspiracy theory” to dismiss those who raise questions about official state narratives.

There seems to be little awareness among these left critics of the history of the term.[41] They seem not to realize that they are employing a propaganda expression, the function of which is to discourage people from looking beneath the surface of political events, especially political events in which elements of their own government might have played a hidden and unsavoury role.

In the case of the 9/11 attacks it is important to remember, when the “conspiracy theory” accusation is made, that the lone wolf alternative, which was available for the John Kennedy assassination, is not available here. Everyone agrees that the attack was the result of multiple persons planning in secret to commit a crime. That is, the attack was the result of a conspiracy. The question is not, Was there a conspiracy? The question is, Who were the conspirators? Defamation cannot answer this question.


Suppose our imaginations can embrace the possibility that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by elements in the U.S. government. In that case what do we do next? There is no mystery. Once the imagination stops filtering out a hypothesis and allows it into the realm of the possible, it can be put to the test. Evidence and reason must now do the job.[42] Imagination cannot settle the question of truth or falsity any more than ideology, morality, or “common sense.”

I am not concerned in this article to demonstrate the truth of the “inside job” hypothesis of the 9/11 attacks. Ten years of research have led me to conclude that it is correct, but in the present paper I am concerned only with the preliminary, but vital, issue of imagination. Those who cannot imagine this hypothesis to be true will leave it unexamined, and, in the worst of worlds, will contribute to the silencing of dissenters.  The left, in this case, will betray the best of its tradition and abandon both the targets of imperial oppression and their spokespeople.

Fidel Castro sounded the warning in his November 23, 1963 speech:

Intellectuals and lovers of peace should understand the danger that maneuvers of this kind could mean to world peace, and what a conspiracy of this type, what a Machiavellian policy of this nature, could lead to.

(*l would like to thank Ed Curtin for his inspiration and advice.—GM)

Dr. Graeme MacQueen is the former Director of the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University in Canada. He was an organizer of the Toronto Hearings on 9/11, is a member of the Consensus 9/11 Panel, and is a former co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization CRG)


[1] Martin Schotz, History Will Not Absolve US: Orwellian Control, Public Denial, and the Murder of President Kennedy (Brookline, Massachusetts: Kurtz, Ulmer & DeLucia, 1996), Appendix II.

[2] Michael Morrissey, Correspondence with Vincent Salandria 1993-2000 (Michael D. Morrissey, 2007), 436.

[3] Schotz, History Will Not Absolve US: Orwellian Control, Public Denial, and the Murder of President Kennedy, 241.

[4] Schotz, History Will Not Absolve US: Orwellian Control, Public Denial, and the Murder of President Kennedy, 14ff., Appendices VII and VIII.

[5] Morrissey, Correspondence with Vincent Salandria 1993-2000 (Chomsky’s position is a continuing theme in the book); Schotz, History Will Not Absolve US: Orwellian Control, Public Denial, and the Murder of President Kennedy, Appendix VIII; Barrie Zwicker, Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11 (Canada: New Society Publishers, 2006), chap. 5, p. 206.

[6] Zwicker, Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11, 208 and throughout chapter 5.

[7] Morrissey, Correspondence with Vincent Salandria 1993-2000, 421.


[9] “Interim Report: Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders,” Church Committee Reports (Assassination Archives and Research Center, 1975),

[10] Mark Lane, Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK (Skyhorse Publishing, 2012), 275.

[11] “Interim Report: Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders.”

[12] Ibid.

[13] Examples of first wave researchers are Salandria, Lane, Meagher, and Weisberg.  Several important early articles by Salandria are found in Schotz, History Will Not Absolve US: Orwellian Control, Public Denial, and the Murder of President Kennedy, while Mark Lane’s first book was Rush to Judgment (New York, N.Y.: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 1992; originally 1966).  Sylvia Meagher’s early book was Accessories after the Fact: The Warren Commission, the Authorities & the Report (New York, N.Y.: Vintage Books, 1976; originally 1967), and Harold Weisberg’s first major work was Whitewash: The Report on the Warren Report (Skyhorse Publishing, 1965).

[14] Kenneth Maxwell, “Anti-Americanism in Brazil,” Council on Foreign Relations, 2002.

[15] “Developing Brazil Today: An Interview with Celso Furtado–’Start with the Social, Not the Economic’,” NACLA Report on the Americas 36, no. 5 (2003).

[16] “Brazil Marks 40th Anniversary of Military Coup: Declassified Documents Shed Light on U.S. Role” (The National Security Archives, The George Washington University, March 2004).

[17] “Chavez Says U.S. May Have Orchestrated 9/11: ‘Those Towers Could Have Been Dynamited,’ Says Venezuela’s President,” Associated Press, September 12, 2006.

[18] “Venezuelan Government to Launch International 9/11 Investigation: Truth Crusaders Walter and Rodriguez to Appear on Hugo Chavez’s Weekly TV Broadcast,” Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison, March 31, 2006.

[19] For this information I have depended on Phil Gunson, “Chávez Attacks Bush as `genocidal’ Leader,” Miami Herald, November 9, 2006.

[20] Ibid.

[21] “The Empire and Its Lies: Reflections by the Commander in Chief,” September 11, 2007, Discursos e intervenciones del Commandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, Presidente del Consejo. de Estado de la Republica de Cuba.

[22] Mark Tran, “Castro Says US Lied about 9/11 Attacks,” Guardian, September 12, 2007.

[23] Sue Reid, “Has Osama Bin Laden Been Dead for Seven Years – and Are the U.S. and Britain Covering It up to Continue War on Terror?” The Mail, September 11, 2009.

[24] The FBI was officially in charge of the investigation of the crimes of 9/11, and the Bureau bears ultimate responsibility for the official narrative of 9/11, which was adopted uncritically by other state agencies and commissions.

[25] Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, “Address by H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Before the 65th Session of the United Nations General Assembly” (United Nations General Assembly, New York, N.Y., September 23, 2010).

[26] Neil Macfarquhar, “Iran Leader Says U.S. Planned 9/11 Attacks,” The New York Times, September 24, 2010.

[27] Daniel Tovrov, “Ahmadinejad United Nations Speech: Full Text Transcript,” International Business Times, September 22, 2011.

[28] Richard Roepke, “Last Man Out on 9/11 Makes Shocking Disclosures,” COTO Report, August 10, 2011, The information about David Ray Griffin’s 30-60 minute discussion with Mahathir is from my personal correspondence with Dr. Griffin.

[29] Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, President of the Perdana Global Peace Foundation and Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Opens the “9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth” Conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012.

[30] Roepke, “Last Man Out on 9/11 Makes Shocking Disclosures.”

[31] Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, translated by Myra Bergman Ramos (New York, N.Y.: Seabury Press, 1970), 46.

[32] Alexander Cockburn, “The 9/11 Conspiracists and the Decline of the Anmerican Left,” Counterpunch, November 28, 2006. For a critique of Cockburn see Michael Keefer, “Into the Ring with Counterpunch on 9/11: How Alexander Cockburn, Otherwise So Bright, Blanks Out on 9/11 Evidence,”, December 4, 2006.

[33] Chris Hedges, “American Psychosis,” Truthdig, January 29, 2017.

[34] Those interested in the destruction of the buildings may consult the website of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. And see Ted Walter, BEYOND MISINFORMATION: What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7 (Berkeley, California: Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Inc., 2015); and Steven Jones et al., “15 Years Later: On the Physics of High-Rise Building Collapses,” Europhysics News 47, no. 4 (2016): 21–26

[35] “International Poll: No Consensus On Who Was Behind 9/11” (, September 10, 2008),

[36] Ibid.; “Why the 9/11 Conspiracies Have Changed,” BBC News Magazine, August 29, 2011.

[37] “International Poll: No Consensus On Who Was Behind 9/11.” The figures I give have been arrived at by using data from the poll in combination with country population data for 2008 from the Population Reference Bureau.

[38] “Muslim-Western Tensions Persist: Common Concerns About Islamic Extremism” (Pew Research Center, July 21, 2011), The figures I give have been arrived at by using data from the poll in combination with country population data for 2011 from the Population Reference Bureau.

[39] “Unsettled Belonging: A Survey of Britain’s Muslim Communities.” (London: Policy Exchange, December 2, 2016); “‘What Muslims Want:’ A Survey of British Muslims by ICM on Behalf of Policy Exchange.” (London: Policy Exchange, December 2, 2016).

[40] Graeme MacQueen, “9/11 Truth: British Muslims Overwhelmingly Reject the Official 9/11 Story,” Global Research, December 29, 2016.

[41] Lance deHaven-Smith, Conspiracy Theory in America (Austin, Texas: Univ. of Texas Press, 2013).

[42] Civil society researchers have, of course, already begun the job. Good books to begin with are: David Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11, Second edition (Northampton, Mass.: Interlink Publishing, 2004); David Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, The Cover-Up, and the  Exposé (Northampton, Mass.: Interlink Publishing, 2008); James Gourley, ed., The 9/11 Toronto Report: International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001 (International Center for 9/11 Studies, 2012). Additional sources include the websites of Consensus 9/11 and the Journal of 9/11 Studies.

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There is a German-Polish feud going on at the very heart of Europe, even while Poland hosts the most significant German military presence since World War II as part of NATO’s operations in its eastern flank, and correspondent Laura Pitel has recently written about it. Warsaw, meanwhile, has launched a legal campaign against Berlin for wartime reparations. Nasty rhetoric about the latter’s prominent role in the EU (described as a “Fourth Reich”) are part of this feud. The friction is about historic disagreements but also has profound geopolitical implications.

Much has been written about Poland being now a “rising power”. One could see, already in 2020, during the “Defender Europe 2020” military exercises for instance, how much Warsaw dreamed about becoming the main stronghold of the US military presence in Eastern Europe. Today’s conflict next door in Ukraine obviously suits such aspirations quite well. Moreover, as I wrote in September 2022, Washington seems to be glad to promote Warsaw’s ambitions pertaining to regional hegemony as mostly a means to counter Berlin.

Another evidence of such aspirations are the Ukrainian-Polish concrete advancements towards a confederation – they involve draft bills to parliament in both Poland and Ukraine mutually giving special status to citizens of the neighboring nation. Such ambitious Polish plans are to face enormous challenges, though, including Ukraine’s own anti-Polish far-right.

In any case, the emerging Polish-Ukrainian alliance could mean a shift to the East for the European bloc’s geopolitical center of gravity, currently based in France and Germany. This in turn would be a blow to European strategic autonomy, however. It is impossible to talk about the crisis in Eastern Europe today without addressing the geopolitical issue of NATOs expansion (part of Washington’s dangerous policy of dual containment) plus the matter of American geoeconomic interests pertaining to energy.

As I recently wrote, “non-alignmentism” has now made its appearance in European discourse and politics, lead by no less than France and potentially also Germany – the former being the only nuclear power in post-Brexit Europe and the latter being the largest economy in the continent.

One would do well to remember that as recently as 2021, the (now on standstill) Nord Stream 2 pipelines project was being completed. The whole Nord Stream network project, which, for the first time, bypassed Poland and Ukraine to deliver Russian gas directly to Western Europe, was opposed from the very start by the US, as is widely known – and also by Poland and Ukraine. And yet Berlin resisted American pressures all the way to almost completion – and then pipelines got blown up.

The point is that Germany and the main European powers never wanted to antagonize Russia too much among other things because Russian-European cooperation on energy was always a strategic matter. The (now conspicuously exploded) Nord Stream pipelines were the most visible materialization of that will.

In June 2021, the Foreign Ministers of Poland Zbigniew Rau and Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba were coordinating their positions on the matter of Nord Stream 2, opposed by them. They both described it as a “threat” to European energy security when in fact the tremendous energy price rises that have been impacting Europe since 2021 could have been avoided if the now gone Nord Stream 2 project had only been put into operation. From the very start, the European energy crisis has served American interests well.

The aforementioned energy issue plus US President Joe Biden’s subsidy war against Europe might have been a wake up call to many European leaders and thus have contributed to reboosting the now much discussed concept of “strategic autonomy”. Polish leaders however seem to see things in a different way.

Poland, having no gas distribution center of its own, has big plans for the Baltic Pipeline connecting its coast with Norway thus becoming a key European gas hub. On May 4, Poland approved draft legislation that would boost military protection of the Baltic energy infrastructure, by allowing its military to sink any enemy ship targeting the Baltic pipe. Having been cut off from Russian gas supplies, the country now relies on imports from Norway. The aforementioned pipeline, possessing in fact five times less capacity than Nord Stream 2, is not really an ideal alternative, in any case.

Political scientist and University of Chicago professor and political scientist John Mearsheimer, who is perhaps the most influential proponent of the “realist” school of thought in international relations, has talked and written a number of times on how the political elites of the main European powers were in fact not really willing to pursue Washington’s agenda of encircling and containing Moscow, as exemplified by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statements and actions. Mearsheimer has been making the case that the current conflict in Ukraine was mostly caused by NATO enlargement, and by the US “strategy to move Ukraine out of Russia’s orbit and integrate it into the West.”

While giving a lecture in June 2022, Mearsheimer, who is an American, was asked why the Europeans did not have their way then (if such was really the case), to which he famously replied that “the Europeans dance to our tune. We run NATO. This is a matter of power” and even ridiculed the notion of “joint decision-making” within the Atlantic organization, his reasoning being that Europe depends too much on the US for security to be able to have a voice – a situation that has only gotten worse since February 2022. European talks on rearmament are about addressing this inconvenient reality too. Warsaw’s quest for regional hegemony, however, relies heavily on American military presence and power.

A local actor such as Poland in fact can indeed make itself available to be used as an American proxy, while also increasing tensions in the continent. It remains to be seen what it may gain out of it. In any case, the US-led political West today is a house divided.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

Featured image from AdobeStock

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will have to choose between peace talks with Moscow or the continuation of the conflict and the loss of more territory, former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis wrote in an article.

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is loath to agree to any deal that leaves Ukrainian territory in Russian hands. The reality, however, is that he does not have what it takes to fully force Moscow off his territory. The most realistic choice he faces is between negotiating an end to the fighting that allows Ukraine to hold what it has, or to continue fighting and lose even more ground. That decision is Zelensky’s alone to make, but America also has agency and must look out for its own interests,” Davis wrote in 19FortyFive.

According to him, the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is unlikely to be successful since they do not have enough troops to cope with the Russian military given the superiority in the number of soldiers, weapons, and equipment.

The former lieutenant colonel also reflected on his own country’s policy regarding the armed conflict, lambasting the promise to continue giving Ukraine what it needs “for as long as it takes” because it is not a sustainable strategy and will almost certainly not produce a beneficial result for either the US or Ukraine. “A course correction is therefore required,” he stressed.

Davis added that many in Europe already recognise that Ukraine cannot win in a practical time frame at a reasonable cost.

In the end, the author states that, “as horrible as it would be for us to accept ending the war on undesirable terms, it would be even worse to ignore reality and continue pursuing an unattainable military objective. The cost for the former is unpleasant. The cost to the latter could be infinitely worse.”

In early April, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hinted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces might carry out an offensive in the coming weeks. For his part, the Ukrainian Defence Minister, Oleksii Reznikov, appealed to wait until the end of the mud season, known as Rasputitsa, so that the roads are useable.

Spokesman for the Russian Presidency, Dmitry Peskov, noted that any statements about the planned offensive by the Ukrainian military are being carefully monitored and considered in their own planning of the special military operation. In this way, Russia has had ample time to prepare for this Ukrainian offensive, and although gains might initially be made, it is expected that it will fizzle out and be followed by a major Russian counterattack.

The New York Times noted that if the Ukrainian military are not successful in pushing back Russian forces, Western support for Ukraine might weaken. This is especially the case since war weariness and economic crises are gripping the EU and USA.

None-the-less, the European Commission adopted on May 3 the Act in Support of Ammunition Production (ASAP) “to urgently deliver ammunition and missiles to Ukraine and to help Member States refill their stocks.”

“By introducing targeted measures including financing, the Act aims at ramping up the EU’s production capacity and addressing the current shortage of ammunition and missiles as well as their components. It will support the destocking from Member States and the joint procurement for ammunition,” the announcement added.

For her part, President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said:

“We stand by our promise to support Ukraine and its people, for as long as it takes. But Ukraine’s brave soldiers need sufficient military equipment to defend their country.”

However, for all the talk of supporting Ukraine “for as long as it takes,” it is doubtful that EU member states will continue draining their economies and resources in the long-term because Kiev refuses to negotiate. This will become especially apparent as elections begin creeping up in member states and people’s fury about the dire economic situation are expressed.

In the same light as Ursula von der Leyen, White House spokesman John Kirby revealed on May 3 that the US has already handed over almost 100% of the military aid that Kiev requested for its offensive but this will not prevent them from making further deliveries. 

There is evidently a clear divide between Western rulers and experts, especially when recalling that former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis is far from the only expert urging for negotiations since Ukraine does not have a chance of winning the war despite all the brave talk and propaganda.

Pumping resources to the Ukrainian military stems from the fact that if Kiev’s offensive is unsuccessful the West would have failed in its task to preserve Ukraine’s pre-war borders and halt Russia’s advances, in addition to wasting billions upon billions of dollars to their own immense detriment. But as said, for now, it is only Western experts, and not the rulers, who are willing to face this reality.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image: Former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis (Source: InfoBrics)

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First published on October 27, 2022

The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals expresses its deepest concern regarding the worsening of the global confrontation which is accompanied by a deep-seated economic and social crisis in Europe as well as worldwide. This crisis which is worsening on a daily basis, constitutes a threat to global life, peace and security.

This concern is of critical significance given the fact that no meaningful and honest initiatives advocate turning from the track of confrontation to essential dialogue, diplomacy and détente.

The lessons of history cannot be ignored. Such a state of inertia and lack of understanding of the unfolding dangers potentially affects the very foundation of humanity’s existence.

The conflict in Ukraine has to be resolved by addressing its historical roots. Peace efforts must not be obstructed, new iron curtains must be removed, unilateral sanctions have to be excluded from international practice.

Starting from Serbia’s historical experience, including those from the recent past as well as Europe, The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals makes an appeal to all peace associations, governments, as well as international organizations, specifically to the UN, to endorse dialogue, diplomacy and detente as the only possible path for preventing a global conflict which threatens the future of humanity.

We appeal for the immediate dialogue and diplomatic action at the highest levels between Washington, Moscow, Beijing and Brussels. The underlying focus can only be “peaceful coexistence” between sovereign nations determined to prevent further worsening of the conflict which could lead to a World War III scenario, with the distinct possibility of the use of nuclear weapons.

Recognition of equality, interdependence and partnership in preserving peace, security and development, as indivisible civilizational values, is the only way for the survival and secure future of humanity.


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First published on February 18,2023


The famous short story by Edgar Allen Poe, The Purloined Letter, is apt in describing the agenda of Klaus Schwab, founder some 50 years ago of what is today the globally influential Davos World Economic Forum (WEF)–Hidden in plain sight.

Schwab published a book in 2020 titled The Great Reset, which calls on world leaders to use the “opportunity” of the COVID-19 pandemic to fundamentally reorganize the global economy into a dystopian top-down version of the technocratic UN Agenda 2030.

For those willing to do patient research, Schwab’s WEF reveals an astonishing degree of the current globalist agenda for a technocratic totalitarianism. Even more he has been developing hand-picked cadre to implement this agenda over three decades, with a select global “cadre school” for “future global leaders.”

In effect it is what we might call the Davos Conspiracy, agents promoted around the world to infiltrate top policy circles and push the sinister Davos Reset agenda.

One of the most astonishing features of the COVID pandemic fear hysteria is the degree to which politicians worldwide have followed in lockstep, along with global media and key health figures, to embrace an unprecedented agenda of economic and human destruction in the name of fighting a virus.

It turns out that most all key players all have something in common. They are hand-picked graduates or “alumni” as he calls them, of Klaus Schwab’s Davos cadre school, his annual program called Young Global Leaders and pre-2004 called Global Leaders for Tomorrow.

Since the first group of Davos cadre were selected in 1993, more than 1,400 “future global leaders” have been trained in a highly secret process which is rarely ever mentioned in the bio of Davos graduates. With the patience of a spider weaving a vast web, Klaus Schwab and his wealthy backers at the World Economic Forum have created the most influential network of policy actors in modern history, or perhaps ever.

In a 2017 video with David Gergen at Harvard, Schwab boasts of being proud that, “we penetrate the cabinets” with Davos Young Global Leader cadre. Schwab states, “I have to say then I mention names like Mrs Merkel…and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now…”

Great Reset

The Great Reset, as explained by Schwab in his co-authored June 2020 book of the same title, and elaborated in full on the website of the World Economic Forum, is there for anyone curious to discover. It lays out a program to reorganize the global economy top-down, using the COVID disruptions to push among other things a green zero carbon agenda, elimination of meat protein and traditional agriculture, an elimination of fossil fuels, air travel contraction, eliminating cash for central bank digital currencies and a totalitarian medical system of mandatory vaccinations.

In the June 2020 virtual Davos summit of global leaders, aptly titled The Great Reset, Schwab declared,

“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism… There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19.”

The Great Reset, he continues, requires that,

“governments should implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes. Depending on the country, these may include changes to wealth taxes, the withdrawal of fossil-fuel subsidies… The second component of a Great Reset agenda would ensure that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability.”

What Schwab does not mention is that it has been his network of Davos “global leaders” who have been at the heart of advancing the COVID draconian agenda from unnecessary lockdowns to forced vaccinations to mandatory mask.

The pandemic has been the necessary first phase of the Great Reset. Without it he would not be able to talk about fundamental global changes.

Here Schwab’s agenda is global wealth redistribution for creating the infamous UN Agenda 2030 “sustainable” economy:

“The US, China, and Japan also have ambitious economic-stimulus plans. Rather than using these funds… to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means, for example, building “green” urban infrastructure and creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.”

He adds, “The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda is to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges.”

Purloined Letter

The 1844 short story by American author Edgar Allen Poe, The Purloined Letter, tells of a stolen letter of the French Queen being used to blackmail her by an unscrupulous minister. When Paris police search the house of the suspected thief meticulously without result, a friend of the chief inspector is able to find the purloined document by looking for it, “hidden in plain sight.”

So it is with what is without doubt the most brazen and criminal conspiracy of modern times, the Davos Great Reset.

Everything is there, open for anyone with patience to wade through the pages of WEF press releases and web pages.

Notable is that the global players, the Davos “cadre” carefully chosen over the past thirty years to be groomed for positions of power to implement the Great Reset agenda, are openly named on the Davos website, found with a little patient searching. Partial lists have appeared naming a small handful of the Davos “Young Global Leaders.” A more exhaustive search of some 1400 names in the annual cadre school classes since 1992 reveals an astonishing, detailed conspiracy. The WEF website states the global leaders are “trained to be aligned with the World Economic Forum’s mission,” to “drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest.”

The following is the result of reviewing every WEF class of future global leaders since 1993.

What is most striking is that key players linked to Schwab are involved in the decisive measures that have made the COVID-19 “pandemic” the economically and physically destructive process it is. WEF alumni are in the middle of everything covid.

Davos, Gates and mRNA Vaccines

At the heart of the COVID-19 agenda is clearly the “warp speed” rollout of untested experimental mRNA gene-edited concoctions, misnamed vaccines, by two pharma companies—Pfizer (with BioNTech of Germany) and Moderna of USA.

Bill Gates (WEF 1993) and his Gates Foundation are at the heart of the mRNA gene-edited jab rollout along with Tony Fauci of the US NIAID. Gates was selected by Schwab before he had even created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in 1993, for the first group of WEF cadre together with Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and others. Was Schwab influential in getting Gates to create the foundation?

Gates Foundation money, hundreds of millions, have in effect bought control of the corrupt UN World Health Organization, according to WHO whistleblower, Swiss epidemiologist, Astrid Stuckelberger, who in a recent interview stated,

“WHO has changed since I was there…There was a change in 2016…It was special: Non-governmental organizations – such as GAVI – Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization – led by Bill Gates – they joined the WHO in 2006 with a fund. Since then, the WHO has developed into a new type of international organization. GAVI gained more and more influence, and total immunity, more than the diplomats in the UN.“

Gates’ foundation, along with Schwab’s WEF created the global GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance in 2000.

Another infamous alumnus of the Gates WEF Global Leaders class, José Manuel Barroso (WEF 1993), –President of the European commission from 2004-2014, former head Goldman Sachs International, member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee–was named CEO of the Gates-financed GAVI vaccine alliance in January 2021, as the mRNA jabs were rolled out. Barroso now oversees global spending on the mRNA vaccines for Gates and WHO.

Albert Bourla chief executive officer of Pfizer, is a WEF Agenda Contributor. His Pfizer Vice President, Vasudha Vats (WEF 2021), is a WEF “global leader” recruit.

The other key mRNA jab maker is Moderna, whose CEO, Stéphane Bancel (WEF 2009) is another Davos alumnus. The very next year, 2010, Bancel was selected to be CEO of a new company, Moderna, in Massachusetts.

In 2016, with no successful mRNA product yet approved, Bancel’s Moderna signed a global health project framework agreement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to advance mRNA-based development projects for various infectious diseases. The same year Bancel signed a global health project framework agreement with Tony Fauci and the NIAID. In a January 2018 speech to the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, more than a year before the world heard of COVID-19 out of Wuhan China, Gates declared, “We are backing companies like CureVac and Moderna on mRNA approaches for vaccine and drug development…” Prescience?

Davos Politicians

The second key component for the Davos pandemic agenda has been an international collection of key politicians in the EU and North America especially, who have backed the most draconian lockdown and forced vaccination measures in history. Most all the key actors are Davos WEF Global Leaders.

In Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel led one of the most severe COVID lockdowns until she retired in December 2021. She was from the first 1993 WEF class. Her Health Minister, Jens Spahn (WEF 2012), was also a Davos alumnus. Spahn coerced mass mRNA jabs and pushed unnecessary lockdowns and masking. He was a former pharma lobbyist. Philipp Rösler, Minister of Health from 2009 until 2011, was appointed the WEF Managing Director by Schwab in 2014.

In December a new coalition under Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was invited to give a Special Address to the January 2022 Davos Meeting by Schwab. Germany’s new Foreign Minister, Green leader Annalena Baerbock (WEF 2020), was chosen to be a Global Leader just prior to her becoming Chancellor candidate. Baerbock’s controversial pick as State Secretary for climate change diplomacy, Greenpeace head, Jennifer Morgan, a US citizen, is a WEF Agenda Contributor and close friend of WEF Board member Al Gore. Former German Green Party head, Cem Özdemir (WEF 2002), is new Minister of Agriculture and Nutrition.

In France President Emmanuel Macron (WEF 2016) mysteriously rose from an obscure Cabinet Minister to become President of France in 2017 with no party, just a year after being selected to join the WEF Global Leaders program. As President, Macron has instituted some of the most draconian COVID measures in the world including internal passports and mandated vaccines.

Other EU politicians from the Davos club include Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis (WEF 2003), Prime Minister, Belgium Alexander De Croo, (WEF 2015). Both have imposed severe COVID measures. Sanna Marin (WEF 2020) Prime Minister of Finland invoked a state of emergency in Finland, with severe lockdowns and other drastic measures. In the UK former Labour Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, (WEF 1993) was named by WHO in April 2021 to promote a $60 billion program for COVID vaccination in “poor countries.” Brown became WHO Ambassador for Global Health Financing in September 2021.

In North America the Canadian government of Justin Trudeau, now subject to a massive popular revolt against his severe vaccine mandates and other measures, is riddled with Davos agents.

Trudeau himself is a Davos WEF Agenda Contributor and frequent speaker at Davos. Schwab introduced Trudeau in 2016 stating, “I couldn’t imagine anyone who could represent more the world that will come out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

The key COVID actor for Trudeau is Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland who is on the WEF Board of Trustees, and leads Trudeau’s COVID response. Other WEF agents in Ottawa are Foreign Minister, Mélanie Joly (WEF 2016), Family Minister Karina Gould (WEF 2020).

In the USA top Biden Administration appointees include Jeffrey Zients (WEF 2003), White House Coronavirus Coordinator. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (WEF 2019) who suddenly announced for President after being chosen by Davos is another. US deep state operative Samantha Power (WEF 2003) is Biden’s head of USAID, the major foreign aid agency closely tied to CIA activities abroad. Rebecca Weintraub (WEF 2014) a Harvard professor who works for total vaccination of everyone in the world with mandatory vaccines even for children, is adviser to the Department of Health and Human Services’ National Vaccine Advisory Committee.

California Governor Gavin Newsom (WEF 2005) imposed some of the nation’s most severe lockdowns and mask mandates as did Jared Polis (WEF 2013) Governor of Colorado, with a public health order that made Colorado one of the first states to require proof of full vaccination to be admitted into the large indoor events.

Australia and New Zealand have been two of the world’s most severe COVID tyranny regimes. In Australia, Health Minister Greg Hunt was WEF Director of Strategy in 2001 and WEF Global Leader in 2003. He controls the extreme government COVID-19 policies. In New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (WEF 2014) met with Bill Gates in New York in September 2019 as featured speaker at the Gates Foundation annual Sustainable Development Goals conference, just before the China COVID events and days before the October Event 201 “pandemic simulation” by World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As Prime Minister, Ardern has imposed waves of lockdowns, removing most civil rights and virtually banned international travel.

Key Think Tanks and Academics

This is far from the extent of the carefully-cultivated and promoted Davos global network behind orchestrating global COVID-19 pandemic measures. Instrumental roles are played by the Rockefeller Foundation whose President, Rajiv Shah (WEF 2007) was a leading figure for the Africa Green Revolution at the Gates Foundation, as well as vaccine programs. As head of the influential Rockefeller Foundation Shah plays a key role promoting the Davos Great Reset where he is WEF Agenda Contributor. Another highly influential US policy think tank, the New York Council on Foreign Relations, has deep engagement in the COVID-19 agenda.

Thomas Bollyky (WEF 2013) is Director of the CFR Global Health Program and is a former Gates Foundation as well as WHO consultant. He directed the CFR Task Force, Improving Pandemic Preparedness: Lessons from COVID-19 (2020).

Jeremy Howard (WEF 2013) is an Australian who at the start of the COVID-19 organized a worldwide campaign for mandatory face masks. Mustapha Mokass (WEF 2015) developed a vaccine passport system for the Schwab 4th Industrial Revolution agenda.

Goebbels Mainstream Media

The role of managed media has been at the heart of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic propaganda offensive. Davos and the WEF of Schwab are in the midst of this as well.

CNN is one of the most notorious propaganda outlets promoting fear and advocating the mRNA jabs while attacking any proven remedial treatment. CNN and Davos are well-connected.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta (WEF 2010), chief medical correspondent for CNN played a key role promoting the official narrative in the COVID-19 deep event. Dr. Leana Sheryle Wen (WEF 2018) is a columnist with The Washington Post and a CNN medical analyst. As a CNN ‘medical contributor’ Wen suggested that life needs to be “hard” for Americans who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine. Anderson Cooper (WEF 2008), a spooky former CIA “intern” is a major CNN host. Jeffrey Dean Zeleny (WEF 2013) is the Chief National Affairs Correspondent for CNN.

While CNN produces one-sided commentary on the mRNA jabs and COVID, highly-influential owners of social media corporations engage in unprecedented banning of any critical or contrary opinion in censorship that would make a Goebbels blush. Among them is Mark Zuckerberg (WEF 2009) the billionaire owner of CIA-backed Facebook, and Twitter board member Martha Lane Fox (WEF 2012), a member of the UK Joint Committee on National Security Strategy and on House of Lords COVID-19 Committee. Larry Page (WEF 2005) is a billionaire co-founder of Google, arguably the world’s most censored and most used search engine.

Marc Benioff (WEF Board of Trustees) billionaire owner of Time magazine and Salesforce cloud computing, is also connected to Bill Gates’s The Giving Pledge. Dawood Azami (WEF 2011) is multi-media editor at the BBC World Service, the influential UK state-owned broadcaster. Jimmy Wales (WEF 2007) is founder of Wikipedia which notoriously alters content of COVID-related entries to promote the WHO and Davos agenda. Lynn Forester de Rothschild (WEF 1995) with her third husband, Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, owns The Economist magazine, which promotes the COVID Davos agenda along with the coming Green reset. She was introduced to Sir Evelyn by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Conference in Scotland.

Other figures among the Davos stable of global future leaders include Jamie Dimon (WEF 1996), CEO JP Morgan Chase, Nathaniel Rothschild (WEF 2005) son and heir apparent to Baron Jacob Nathaniel “Nat” Rothschild. David Mayer de Rothschild (WEF 2007), a British billionaire green agenda advocate with a fortune of estimated 10 billion dollars.

WEF Strategic corporate “partners” helping mentor the Davos Global Leaders include Barclays Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Deutsche Bank AG, General Motors Company, The Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Google Inc., HSBC Holdings Plc, McKinsey & Company and UBS AG and such.

Is this concentration of global power just coincidence or part of a genuine outright conspiracy?

A reading of the current World Economic Forum Board of Trustees might help to answer


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from NEO

Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation (PDF)

Author: F. William Engdahl

ISBN Number: 978-0-9879389-2-3

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

Price: $9.50

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First published on April 11, 2023


Law is not hard, unless you go to law school in Germany, where you learn nothing about real life and everything about the most complicated theoretical legal doctrine in the most boring classes you´ve ever seen.

Every legal case, however, always starts with the facts, which make up the story. If you don´t get the facts right, then your legal analysis is useless, or, in your worst case scenario: you put the wrong man on death row. In our case at hand I would suggest the following approach at telling the story:

1. We need to start with exposing the Covid plandemic (not global warming or the free masons – or worse, that comes later) in three steps:

  1. There was never a novel Corona virus, only the four endemic Corona viruses which have been endemic since, if I remember correctly, the 1960ies. That is why they (Mr. Global) chose this virus for rolling out the plandemic: It was everywhere anyway (in most flus and colds, for example), and if you set the PCR test for this virus only, plus misuse it grossly (45 cycles of amplification) you´re almost guaranteed to find it pretty much everywhere. Add to this pictures and videoclips of military trucks in Bergamo, Italy on streets littered with (probably mostly empty) caskets and white hospital tents in front of hospitals in Newy York plus the msm and politicians screaming: we´re all going to die, unless a vaccine is found, you have the start of the plandemic.

We know now, of course that up until the start of the “vaccination” campaign there were no excess deaths anywhere. The spikes in New York and Bergamo were the result of the panic and gross medical malpractise: 94% of the people who allegedly died of Covid in both cities, died of completely different causes. In Bergamo, patients in nursing homes had been vaccinated shortly before the “pandemic” (I forget if it was the flu shots or sth else) arrived, weakening their already weakened immune system further, then they transferred people who were probably suffering from the flu to the nursing homes to make room for all those poor victims of the plandemic.

In the nursing homes the flu killed many of those patients who´s immune system had been deliberately weakened. Similar story in Newy York: Many fled to the hospitals in panic who would otherwise (without the panic mongering) have stayed at home, or even in bed to recover.

There some ran into nosocomial infections, others died of the “Fauci protocol” which ordered the doctors to use remdesivir and put people on a respirator. Bottom line, however: No excess mortality up until the start of the “vaccination” campaign anywhere, just panic mongering.

Even then the WHO and Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford university found that the Infection Fatality Rate of this allegedly novel Corona virus was between .14 and .15%; in hindsight, however, according to a newer meta study, this virus plandemic- just like its precursor, the swine flu in 2009 (check the video “profiteers of fear” on youtube) – turned out to be no more dangerous than a mild flu. Some people experienced the loss of smell and taste, or felt that this was somewhat different from a regular flu. But the loss of smell and taste happens with the flu as well, and whatever made this feel different (chemtrails?, for example may have added to this):

There was no excess mortality until the start of the “vaccination” campaign. Plus: There have always been alternative methods of treatment available which have always worked for the flu: Vitamin C, D, zink, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc. But Fauci et al ordered not use them, which translates into purposeful withholding of – effective ! -treatment, for the sole purpose of making them take the “vaccine”, as the definition of herd immunity all of a sudden excluded natural immunity who´s protection should have taken center stage.

Add to this: The politicians who were trying to make us believe that panic was in order kept on partying and flying on airplanes without any masks on. Would they have done this if if there had been a dangerous novel Corona virus out there? The flu all of a sudden disappeared completely when Covid hit.

Doctors seem to have forgotten about differential diagnostics (which even the CDC advised in order to find out what really caused the symptoms) and since when was there such a thing as “asymptomatic infections”? Mr. Global has full control over the msm, so how come the fight over “gain of function” experiments entered the mainstream debate? Could it be that that, too, was designed to make people believe that we were dealing with a very dangerous (“it comes from a lab, and there, they work on making viruses more dangerous”) virus.

At any rate: The PCR test was never approved for diagnostic purposes, and it cannot tell us anything about infections, as its creator, nobel prize laureate Kary Mullis said over and over again – regardless of matter how it is applied.

Among other problems: it cannot distinguish between “dead” and “live” matter, and it never finds a whole virus, which is needed for an infection, as whatever is taken from the throat or the nose is destroyed or quashed before it goes into the machine.

The kicker, of course, is that the now infamous idiot Drosten from Charité Hospital in Berlin (at the behest of the totally corrupt WHO which went on to recommend his test as the gold standard for the detection of infections to the entire world) set his test to 45 cycles of amplification when the usefulness of the test ends at 24 cycles, and you end up with more than 90% false positives at 35.

The experts who have testified to this are – among others – Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Jay Couey, Dr. Sona Pekova (PCR) and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger and Dr. Silvia Behrend (who worked for and/or advised the WHO and have insider knowledge about the “cases” were created with the help of the misused PCR test,in order for the WHO to declare the (freely invented by them) public health emergency of international concern, which would then be the basis on which they (the WHO with no democratic authorization whatsoever) claim the use of untested new drugs was possible.

What this – the deliberate and premeditated creation of the plandemic – adds up to is, of course: intent.

Here’s a brilliant presentation by biologist Dr. Jay Couey from Pittsburgh that explains most of this scientifically. 

Experts: Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Jay Couey, Dr. Sona Pekova, and many others

  1. The “vaccines” were already known to Biontech/Pfizer as highly dangerous and potentially lethal (myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clotting) when they applied for a patent for them in Nov 2019 (!). This brilliant presentation by Italian research biochemist Dr. Gabriele Segalla proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt:

THE PANDORA’s VACCINE from Exterius on Vimeo.

Experts: For example Dr. Gabriele Segalla, Dr. Hedley Reese, Prof. Werner Bergholz and many others.

This shows intent on the part of the “vaccine makers” to cause deadly harm.

  1. So why was this not detected when this toxic cocktail went through the medical trials, why was it approved by the health care authorities in the US, Europe and everywhere else? Because no studies were conducted at all, because the health care authorities have long since been captured by those oligarchs behind the pharmaceutical industry, and because, as Brooke Jackson´s case against Pfizer showed: The government is not “our”, but “their” government, the same is true for “our” agencies. The power that was really in charge was the DoD (just like the military was – crucially – involved in this in Germany, and probably everywhere else, too): The “trials” where, as RFK, jr put it in an excellent interview with Sasha Latypova: Kabuki theater; they just pretended to do these trials to make the people believe that they had been tested and shown to be “safe and effective”. In reality, this (not the virus) is the bioweapon which the DoD used against its own people, the American populace – but also against everyone else. This excellent podcast interview by Robert F Kennedy, jr with Sasha Latypova shows it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Experts: Dr. Sasha Latypova, Brooke Jackson, Katharine Watt and many others.

This shows intent on the part of the “government” and its agencies, and: this leads right into part two of the “case” = the story to be exposed in a court of law: sdrn only a show was done, and in truth the DoD = the Deep State wanted to use bioweapons gg the own people, because in truth it’s not the own people, and not the own government, sdrn the worldwide Deep State, which goes after the whole mankind u only disguises itself as “own” government and “own” authorities with Katherine Watt u Sasha Latypova

2) Who is behind this and what is the purpose of all this?

  1. This could be dealt with next: The eugenics background, the freemasons, the Vatican, House of Windsor, British eugenics society founded in 1906, American eugenics society founded in 1926, UN and UNESCO, WHO, WEF (CIA creation, in 1971), Young Global Leaders program (1992, among the first to graduate: Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, later Tony Blair, Jose Aznar, etc., now: Jacinda Ardern, Ursula von der Leyen (president of the EU, another CIA creation in my view), Sebastian Kurz of Austria, and of course, Justin Trudeau). All that money (stolen from us, the people) poured into msm (their most important propaganda tools) and politics by those who are pulling the strings (Mr. Global) of their puppets, the above mentioned people and entities.
  2. Ultimate goal: population control by way of population reduction plus (for those who survive) setting up a one world government under the utterly corrupt UN and a one world digital currency, issued by their bank, of course. In order to get us to go along with this, permanent panic mode is necessary in their view, so these tools out of their tool box come in handy: global warming/climate change, food shortages, energy shortages, Ukraine war, possibly war in south east asia. According to their SPARS plan (of 2017, Johns Hopkins) all those politicians who are beginning to apologize ore even stepping down, and even the Swiss government now letting go of the “vaccines” and threatening to hold any doctor responsible if they continue with this, is just part of the agenda, maybe “limited hangout”, as they are now under much more pressure than expected; too many of us have woken up and are not playing along.

At this point we´re dealing with genocide.

  1. Spirituality will also need to be discussed, as this dimension appears to be crucial (not so much religion, as the churches, too, seem to have been infiltrated: Where have they been over the last 3 years? And: Look at the pope and the Dalai Lama pushing the “vaccines”,

We will need to organize this second part, but that can be done when we see how part one works out. We did this before, in our Model Grand Jury Investigation. See this.

And we are still in touch with those experts, many of whom have become friends.

What we were lacking is an independent judiciary that would give us a fair hearing, and hear our witnesses and look at our documentary evidence. That has changed, and now we are ready for the real thing.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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“Suppose our imaginations can embrace the possibility that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by elements in the U.S. government. In that case what do we do next? There is no mystery. Once the imagination stops filtering out a hypothesis and allows it into the realm of the possible, it can be put to the test. Evidence and reason must now do the job. Imagination cannot settle the question of truth or falsity any more than ideology, morality, or ‘common sense.’ ” Graeme MacQueen, 2017 [1]

“Along with his remarkable intelligence and wide-ranging analytical skills, MacQueen’s dedication to peace and justice made him a force to be reckoned with. Although he became the leading expert on testimonies related to 9/11, including those from firefighters, first responders, and media sources, he contributed much more to the cause and his contributions will continue to light the way forward.”
 Kevin Ryan, co-editor with Graham MacQueen of Journal of 9/11 Studies (April 26, 2023)[2]


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At a time on the world stage when multiple events seem to be happening simultaneously – a drone attack on the Russian Kremlin, additional bank stock collapses in the U.S., the restoration of Iran-Saudi diplomatic ties under the watch of China, the fighting between rival generals battling for control of resource-rich Sudan taking hundreds of lives and displacing hundreds of thousands more, and the ongoing general strikes and mass demonstrations in France in response to the French government’s pension reforms, it can seem difficult to decide which topic should be highlighted first. However, at a time when a prominent and profound voice in the 9/11 Truth movement has been silenced by the expiration of its mortal coil, at that time, it’s not hard at all for this show to make up its mind.

Graeme MacQueen, a Religious Studies Professor, and the founding Director of the Centre for Peace Studies, both at McMaster University, and also what would become a major brain developing the cogent arguments that the official narrative of the September 11 attacks, like the damaged buildings themselves, could no longer stand erect in the face of the flawless logic directed against them!

MacQueen, also the co-editor of Journal of 9/11 studies, the organizer of the Toronto Hearings on 9/11: Uncovering Ten Years of Deception, and author of The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy and the more recent ebook The Pentagon’s B-Movie. Looking Closely at the September 2001 Attacks has passed away on April 25, following a long trial with cancer.

Graeme MacQueen is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Archive of Graeme MacQueen’s GR articles.

Not only has he left behind his beloved wife, daughter, brother and sisters. He has left an enormous number of admirers and fans, sitting in disarray and knowing that they will never again hear his dulcet tones explaining to us carefully the details of a terrible attack on our nation apparently coming from those we expected to look after us.

As you will hear in this episode of the Global Research News Hour, we have assembled a number of people who welcomed the opportunity to express their thoughts about this remarkable man, and the impact he had on their own vision, not only on 9/11, but on peace, and the ways in which activism can spring us to another level of conscious commitment to a righteous path.

Our remarkable roster includes former journalist Barrie Zwicker, 9/11 activist and researcher Ted Walter, former AE911 Truth head Richard Gage AIA, James Corbett of the Corbett Report, Professor Emeritus Michael Keefer, sociology professor Edward Curtin, writer and tech researcher Dave Ratcliffe, and energy healer Kathleen Mackay.

We have attached their stories separately in the YouTubes below. We start though with a written contribution on Graeme’s legacy available from his widow, Sharon MacQueen.

Barrie Zwicker is a former journalist and media critic. He wrote for the Globe and Mail, Toronto StarVancouver ProvinceSudbury StarDetroit News, and Lansing State Journal. He is the author of the 2006 book, Towers of deception: The Media Coverup of 9/11.

Ted Walter was the director of strategy and development for AE911Truth from 2015 until early 2023. He is the author of AE911Truth’s 2015 publication Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7 and its 2016 publication World Trade Center Physics: Why Constant Acceleration Disproves Progressive Collapse and co-author of AE911Truth’s 2017 preliminary assessment of the Plasco Building collapse in Tehran. He holds a Master of Public Policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

Richard Gage, AIA is a 30-year San Francisco Bay Area architect and member of the American Institute of Architects. He is the founder and former  CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He now leads the charge for a new WTC investigation.His current site is

James Corbett started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. He is an award-winning investigative journalist and based in Japan.

Michael Keefer is an Emeritus Professor of Literary Studies from the University of Guelph. He has been researching and analyzing electoral interference in the 2011 Canadian Federal election. He has also been active investigating 9/11 Truth.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts.  He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Dave Ratcliffe is a technology buff active in preserving crucial historical materials on his website. He helped produce Graeme MacQueen’s latest ebook The Pentagon’s B-Movie. Looking Closely at the September 2001 Attacks.

Kathleen Mackay is an energy healer in Ontario.

Global Research News Hour Episode 390


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Statement by Sharon MacQueen, wife of Graeme MacQueen:

“One of the things that many people might not know about Graeme was his love of ancient languages. Even as a boy, he used to pore over his father’s Greek bibles, fascinated by the Greek language.  While he was studying Buddhism at Harvard, he loved learning Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan and Classical Chinese.  His PhD thesis actually included nine languages.

In celebration of the 40th anniversary​‌ of World Literacy of Canada, Graeme collaborated with Griffin Ondaatje and a number of well known Canadian authors to retell traditional tales from the East. At first Graeme’s role was to translate some of the stories from their original languages that would then be re-told. At some point, it was suggested that Graeme re-tell a couple of the stories he had translated, which he did.  The stories were anthologized and published by Harper Collins in 1995 :”The Monkey King and Other Stories”.  (I think it may have since been re-published under a different title).

A few years later, we were thrilled to learn that one of Graeme’s stories had been adapted by the Indian school curriculum and included in a Grade 6 Reader to be used by hundreds of thousands of Indian children to learn to read English.

As a result of Graeme’s love of languages which began when he was still a child, he brought an Indian story that had lain dormant for 2,500 years to Canada centuries later which was then given back to Indian children as part of their heritage.  I think this is a wonderful example of the interconnectedness of life and stories across time, space and culture.

And to brag a bit: some of the other stories in The Grade 6 Reader were written by literary greats such as Oscar Wilde, Louisa May Alcott, Guy de Maupassant, and Alexander Dumas. Graeme’s story sits between one by William Wordsworth and Alfred Lord Tennyson.”

Statement by Barrie Zwicker:

Statement by Ted Walter:

Statement by Richard Gage, AIA

Statement by James Corbett:

Statement by Michael Keefer:

Statement by Edward Curtin:


Statement by Dave Ratcliffe:

Statement by Kathleen Mackay:

The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  1. Graeme MacQueen (2023), ‘The Pentagon’s B-Movie: Looking Closely at the September Attacks’, published by;

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First published on May 3, Updated on May 4, 2023


The drone attack directed against the Kremlin (allegedly) with a view to killing President Putin is no trivial matter.

The Kremlin is the seat of the Russian government, comparable to the White House.

How would America have reacted in the case of a drone attack directed against the White House?

The media would have gone into high gear.

A UAV attack on behalf of a foreign power directed against the White House and America’s President would have immediately been categorized as an “Act of War” against the United States of America.

Sofar [May 3], both the Western and Russian media have downplayed the event.

Moscow has accused the Kiev regime. Did US-NATO have prior knowledge? Is there a hidden agenda?

Was the UAV attack intent upon disrupting the preparations of Russia’s Victory Day May 9 Celebration in commemoration of its victory in World War II against Nazi Germany. 

Russia’s Presidential Press Service issued the following message (May 3, 2023):  

“Last night, the Kiev regime attempted a drone strike against the residence of the President of the Russian Federation at the Kremlin.

Two unmanned aerial vehicles targeted the Kremlin. Timely action by the military and special services involving radar systems enabled them to disable the devices. They crashed in the Kremlin grounds, scattering fragments without causing any casualties or damage.

We view these actions as a planned terrorist attack and an assassination attempt targeting the President, carried out ahead of Victory Day and the May 9 Parade, where foreign guests are expected to be present, among others.

The President has not suffered in this terrorist attack. His working schedule remains unchanged and follows its ordinary course.

Russia reserves the right to take countermeasures wherever and whenever it deems appropriate.


Ukraine’s “Counteroffensive” 

In a bitter irony, the May 3, 2023 drone attack on the Kremlin coincides with the (announced) launching of Ukraine’s much awaited Spring “counteroffensive” against Russian forces.

According to the leaked Pentagon documents (including confirmed reports that Ukraine is Running “Out of Ammo”) Kiev’s “counteroffensive” would in all likelihood lead to a devastating military disaster, resulting in mass Ukrainian casualties.

In this regard, the failed drone attack on the Kremlin (allegedly) ordered by Zelensky in consultation with Washington, nonetheless tends to foreclose an urgent “diplomatic solution” involving negotiations regarding a cease fire and the holding of peace talks. Is the failed drone attack a Propaganda Ploy on behalf of Washington to obstruct the holding of peace talks? 

“We Did not Know Beforehand”

Was there coordination between Washington and Kiev in the planning of the UAV operation? U.S. officials claim they had no prior knowledge of the attack.

Source, MNBC, May 3, 2023

“In the aftermath of Blinken’s statement, there were attempts by Washington and Kiev to walk back their open involvement in the operation. “We didn’t attack Putin,” said Zelensky. But this claim was belied by the announcement by the Ukrainian Postal Service just hours after the attack that it would issue a stamp depicting the Kremlin in flames.

US officials likewise told the New York Times, Washington Post and other newspapers that the United States did not know about the attacks beforehand. Going a step further, James Nixey of the pro-imperialist Chatham House think tank declared the attack was a “false flag” by the Kremlin. (WSWS, May 4, 2023, emphasis added)

The strained channels of bilateral US-Russia diplomacy are increasingly in a straight jacket. On Thursday May 4, the Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated categorically that Ukraine had acted on U.S. orders. (See Reuters, May 5, 2023)

White House national security spokesman John Kirby retorted saying that “Peskov was “just lying”.(Reuters)

At a White House Press briefing (May 3, 2023): MS. JEAN-PIERRE [chair] confirmed with some hesitation that “the United States neither encouraged nor enabled Ukraine to strike outside its borders.” (See below)

Transcript: Selected Questions and (Confused) Answers. White House May 3, 2023 Press Briefing

Chaired by Ms. Karine Jean-Pierre

emphasis added

Q    Thank you.  Has the administration determined that there’s any validity to Russia’s claim that it’s thwarted an attempted drone strike on the Kremlin aimed at President Putin?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  So, we are aware of the reports but are unable to confirm the authenc- — authenticity of them at this time.  And so I don’t want to get into speculation from here about what happened.  But we are — we are indeed aware of the reports.

Go ahead, Mary.

Q    I understand that you can’t confirm the authenticity of this alleged drone attack.  But regardless of that, how concerned are you, as Ukrainian officials have suggested, that Russia could use this to launch some new kind of provocation?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  So, look, I — I want to be super mindful here.  Again, we’ve heard the reports.  Not something we want to — that we are able to confirm.  I want to be incredibly mindful here. 

It is really too early to tell, as you asked me about a false flag, essentially.  But, obviously, Russia has a history of doing things like this. 

But again, I don’t want to speculate; I don’t want to get into hypotheticals from here.  But we’re just unable to confirm at this time.

Go ahead, Nandita.

Q    Thanks, Karine. Just a quick question on Russia.  A senior aide to Zelenskyy called the acquisition from Russia a sign that the Kremlin was planning a major new attack.  I know you don’t want to speculate on the — the authenticity of the attack overnight, but do you — does the U.S. have any signs to believe that the Russians are planning a new major attack?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  So, you know, just not going to — not going to just get ahead — I’m not going to get ahead of — I know about the conversation or that reporting.  I just don’t — want to be really careful.  I just don’t want to — I’m not able to confirm anything from here, and so just don’t want to speak further on that.

Q    But just — just anything on false-flag operations and, you know, how — how they have evolved?  We’ve continued to sort of see the administration talk about it.  Any — any new details on that?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  I mean, just as I said moments ago to your colleague: Look, we — we know that Russia has a history of doing this.  They have a history of doing false flag.  It is not unusual.  It is incredibly common.  I just don’t want to speculate at this time.

What I can say, and we have said many times, is that we have been in discussion with our allies and partners about — about the situation.  I would have to just check back to see when is the last time they had a conversation with President Zelenskyy. [ Nonsense ] I just don’t have anything to share at this time. 

Q    Given the critical moment that the war is in and the fact that Ukraine is poised to potentially, sometime soon, launch its spring counteroffensive and now this incident that we started talking about at the top of the briefing with the drone, how concerned is the White House that those leaks could strain the U.S. relationship with Ukraine at this critical moment?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Look, we’ve been very clear.  I mean, we just — we’re about to announce another — another critical security assistance to — to Ukraine.  I think that shows our commitment. 

And we have been very clear that we will support Ukraine as they defend their country against Russia’s invasion, and they will — and that will continue.  That will not stop. 

And again, we’re announcing a security assistance.  I think that shows how — how much we are committed to them fighting for their freedom, fighting — the Ukrainian people fighting for their democracy. 

And so, we’ve been very clear in not just security assistance and humanitarian aid and economic aid.  And that will continue from here. 

2:31 P.M. EDT

Anthony Blinken’s  Response

May 3, 2023 Interview. “We simply Do not Know”. [ Nonsense ]

C-Span: …What is the United States’ position on such attacks on leadership during this war by Ukraine or other combatants?

Blinken: Well first, I’ve seen the reports, I can’t in any way validate them, we simply don’t know. … We’ll see what the facts are, and it’s really hard to speculate on this without knowing what the facts are.

Blinken: … we leave it to Ukraine to decide how it’s going to defend itself, and how it’s going to try to get back the territory that’s been seized from it illegally by Russia over the past fourteen months and going back to 2014, back to them.

C-Span So, to clarify, if Ukraine decided on its own to strike back in Russian territory, the United States would not criticise them.

A: Again, these are decisions for Ukraine to make, how it’s going to defend itself, how it’s going to get its territory back, how it’s going to restore its territorial integrity, and its sovereignty.


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Featured image: © Sergey Bobylev/TASS

Raíces nazis del conflicto mundial

May 5th, 2023 by Rodolfo Bueno

El racismo de Occidente es tan viejo como Matusalén, numerosos de sus pensadores intentaron demostrar que los anglosajones, los celtas y los teutones son de raza superior.

Rudyard Kipling, premio Nobel de literatura, escribió el poema “La carga del Hombre Blanco”, en el que hizo un llamamiento para que los blancos asuman el gobierno mundial, como un especial favor al no blanco, pese a que solo serían retribuidos con el odio malagradecido de los beneficiados. El conde de Gobineau, diplomático y filósofo francés, escribió sobre la desigualdad de las razas humanas y la superioridad de la raza aria. Houston Chamberlain, en su obra “Los Fundamentos del siglo XIX”, elogió el papel de los pueblos germánicos y nórdicos, auténticos representantes de la raza aria, superior a las demás razas. La Enciclopedia Británica sostuvo en 1911 que “el Negro es intelectualmente inferior al caucásico”.

Para tratar sobre la repartición y la ocupación colonial de África, el 15 de noviembre de 1884 se inauguró “La conferencia de Berlín”, a la que asistieron Estados Unidos, el Imperio Otomano y doce países europeos; fue organizada por el canciller alemán, Otto von Bismarck, y ningún Estado africano fue invitado.

La gran Guerra Patria, que se desarrolló a partir del 22 de junio de 1941 en el Frente Oriental y que Alemania Nazi llamó guerra entre los pueblos nórdicos arios y las razas bárbaras descendientes de Atila y Gengis Khan, fue en realidad una guerra de exterminio contra los pueblos de la URSS. La agresión alemana fue secundada por Italia, Finlandia, Hungría, Rumania, Bulgaria y fue apoyada por voluntarios de los Países Bajos, Francia, España, Bélgica, Checoslovaquia y Croacia.

El Lebensraum, o el espacio vital, englobó las políticas y las prácticas de expansión territorial y colonización que hubo en Alemania desde el siglo XIX. Este supuesto, que justificaba la expansión de Alemania hacia Rusia para controlar sus inmensos recursos y terminar con su propia escasez, fue copia de la ideología del Imperialismo británico, así como de la doctrina estadounidense del Destino Manifiesto, según la cual, Estados Unidos es una nación predestinada por Dios para crecer, multiplicarse y expandirse, aun a costa de incautar tierras del lejano Oeste y de los estados adyacentes, sojuzgando, aniquilando y explotando a las poblaciones de los pueblos indígenas extraños, por medio de guerras justas y evitando el mestizaje.

Luego del acenso de Hitler al poder, el espacio vital se convirtió en la base ideológica del nazismo y en el justificativo para la expansión de Alemania hacia el este de Europa, por el derecho natural de ser un pueblo de raza superior aria, lo que les permitía conquistar tierras eslavas y cumplir así la necesidad biológica de proteger la supremacía racial alemana a expensas de pueblos de raza inferior.

Para la realización de la doctrina del espacio vital, se creó El Plan General del Este. Su objetivo era conocido solo por la elite de la jerarquía nazi y consideraba indispensable realizar la limpieza étnica de judíos, gitanos y eslavos, mediante el exterminio físico, la esclavitud y la deportación de estas poblaciones a Siberia desde las zonas occidentales de Europa Oriental. En los territorios conquistados se asentarían colonos alemanes, que utilizarían como mano de obra esclava a los subhombres eslavos; los que no fueran necesarios para trabajar en las granjas serían desplazados más al este o se les dejaría morir de hambre.

El plan establecía generar hambrunas en esas poblaciones confiscando la producción agrícola para enviarla a Alemania, fomentando enfermedades y desnutrición a escala masiva, esterilizando a la juventud eslava, deportando civiles para trabajo forzado en Alemania… Los nazis consideraban que la reducción del tamaño de la población eslava aseguraría el suministro de alimentos a Alemania. A los colonos alemanes se unirían los eslavos germanizados, para laborar en condición de siervos.

Hubo también el Plan Hambre, cuyo objetivo era apropiarse de la producción de alimentos de la URSS para abastecer al ejército alemán y a la población de Alemania, lo que mataría de hambre a unos treinta millones de soviéticos. Se resolvería así el problema alimentario de Alemania, se derrotaría al comunismo y se crearía el espacio vital en el Este, que preveía constituir el Gran Imperio Alemán, que llegaría hasta los Urales. Luego de ser conquistadas, las ciudades soviéticas serían acordonadas para que sus poblaciones no recibieran ningún alimento. En enero de 1941, cuando ya se habían puesto en marcha los preparativos militares para la invasión alemana de la Unión Soviética, Heinrich Himmler dijo a los líderes de las SS reunidos en el castillo de Wewelsburg, que el objetivo de la guerra era reducir la población eslava en 30 millones de personas. A los tres millones de soldados soviéticos capturados hasta octubre de 1941, apenas les dieron de comer o beber; los guardias se divertían viendo cómo los prisioneros se peleaban entre ellos cuando les lanzaban algunas hogazas de pan. Solo en 1941 murieron de hambre más de dos millones de soldados prisioneros.

Muchos expertos consideran que el actual comportamiento de Washington se debe a que carece de ideas nuevas y se basa en el pensamiento primitivo de la Guerra Fría y que EEUU requiere de un cambio generacional. Por su parte, Fiódor Lukiánov, editor de la revista Russia in Global Affairs, señaló que la inestabilidad del mundo, como consecuencia de la pandemia, el conflicto ucraniano y la disputa entre Washington y Pekín, es un punto de inflexión que conduce al aumento de las desigualdades y plantea retos muy serios a todos los países. “No cabe duda de que en todo el mundo entre los mandatarios y las sociedades existe un agudo déficit de confianza. Los gobiernos demuestran incompetencia, a menudo mienten y crece la desconfianza. En lugar de resolver los problemas, tiran enormes cantidades de dinero en armamento y gastan mucha energía y tiempo en guerras inútiles. No está claro para qué dañar más la situación cuando ya es extremadamente peligrosa por razones objetivas”. Según Lukíanov, hay un paralelismo entre la situación actual y lo que sucedió hace un siglo.

No le falta razón y podría ser más radical y sostener que en Occidente han resucitado la teoría nazi del Espacio Vital, para imponer a Rusia la voluntad de los anglosajones. Eso explicaría el porqué a partir del ingreso de Joe Biden a la Casa Blanca, Victoria Nuland y los neocon, sector de ultraderecha estadounidense, controlen los resortes del poder de EEUU y mantengan una política igual a la de Hitler, para destruir a Rusia y apropiarse de sus recursos naturales. Por eso apoyan al régimen de Kiev, que es dirigido por los matones de Svoboda y Pravy Sektor, nacionalistas ucranianos que veneran a Hitler y que en febrero de 2014 derrocaron al Presidente Yanukóvich e iniciaron un verdadero genocidio contra el pueblo de Donbass.

Según Victoria Nuland, EEUU invirtió sobre los 5.000 millones de dólares para que en 1991 Ucrania se separara de Rusia; así ayudó a Ucrania a lograr ese y otros objetivos. ¡Más de 5.000 de millones de dólares para establecer un gobierno nazi en la frontera de Rusia e iniciar una guerra en su contra, con una coalición semejante a la que conformó Hitler, ahora comandada por EEUU!

Stepan Bandera, cuando era jefe supremo de la Organización de Nacionalistas Ucranianos, juró fidelidad a Hitler y ambos lucharon, hombro a hombro, con las tropas alemanas para exterminar a los pueblos de la URSS. En Lvov, los nacionalistas ucranianos independizaron Ucrania, para celebrar este acontecimiento, entre el 29 y el 30 de septiembre de 1941, los nacionalistas ‎ucranianos asesinaron a 33.771 ‎judíos en Babi Yar, un barranco situado en las afueras de Kiev.

Dimitro Dontsov fue un alto dirigente de los nacionalistas ucranianos que combatió bajo las órdenes de Reinhard Heydrich, Protector de Bohemia y Moravia y encargado de planificar la “Solución Final de las cuestiones judía y gitana”, posteriormente trabajó en el Instituto Reinhard Heydrich ‎de Praga, órgano del III Reich que se encargó de coordinar el exterminio de ambos ‎pueblos. En junio de 1942, Heydrich murió en un atentado, pero Dimitro Dontsov conservó sus funciones; en pocas palabras, fue uno de los promotores del mayor genocidio de la historia.

Son este tipo de nacionalistas ucranianos los que ocupan los más altos cargos en Ucrania, a partir del sangriento golpe de Estado de 2014, auspiciado por EEUU; esta parte de la verdad es ocultada por los patrocinadores del nazismo de Ucrania. Es que los anglosajones siguen las huellas de los nazis, combaten a Rusia, para destruirla, desintegrarla y repartir sus despojos. Por esa razón, el Presidente Putin declaró que la “desnazificación de Ucrania” es uno de los objetivos de la operación militar especial de Rusia, que se pudo evitar si Occidente aceptaba las garantías de seguridad propuestas por Moscú. No hay peor necio que el que no aprende de los errores ajenos, y, al agredir a Rusia, los anglosajones repiten el mismo error de Hitler.

Rodolfo Bueno

Estados Unidos – Y la guerra continúa

May 5th, 2023 by Ernesto López

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Fishers, IN – 10 year old girl Arianna developed CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) within 24 hours of COVID-19 booster shot in Jan. 2023 (click here)

Hong Kong – 11 year old girl Siu Yik-Tung developed myocarditis 3 weeks after 2nd Pfizer mRNA jab, spent a month in Children’s Hospital Intensive Care Unit, July 2022 (click here)(click here)

Her aunt said that Siu’s organs have recovered and are functioning again, but the nerves for her legs will take more time to recover and she will be wheelchair-bound until her muscles gain strength again. 

Thailand – 7 year old girl Pimpakarn Khotphakdi developed dark purple spots on her skin and began oozing blood from her eyes and skin 2 weeks after Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, April 2022 (click here)

7-Year-Old Girl Oozes Blood from Eye After Receiving mRNA Vaccine

Bongara, Peru – 8 year old boy Richard Jeferson Bustamante Bautista got Stevens-Johnson Syndrome after 2nd Pfizer mRNA dose on Feb. 21, 2022 (click here) 

Sao Paolo, Brazil – 10 year old Luisa Petenuci suffered cardiac arrest 12 hours after her 1st Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on Jan. 18, 2022 (click here)

Minnesota – 6 year old boy Milo Edberg developed myocarditis after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 10, 2021. He remained intubated for a month and a half (click here)

Pennsylvania – 8 year old Harper Gewin had a stroke and brain hemorrhaging 7 days following Pfizer mRNA jab (Nov. 2021) (click here)


Thailand – 12 year old girl developed “Toxic epidermal necrolysis” after 1st dose of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab, published November 2021 (click here)

San Diego, CA – 12 year old boy developed “Eosinophilic cellulitis” one day after 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab, Jan. 2022 (click here)

Florida – 10 year old girl developed Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis with autoimmune brain lesions after 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab, July 2022 (click here)

China – 11 year old girl developed MIS-C after inactivated COVID-19 vaccine, Feb. 2023 (click here)

Saudi Arabia – 12 year old boy developed multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) following 2 doses of Moderna mRNA vaccine, March 2022 (click here) 

South Korea – 12 year old boy developed acute kidney injury after 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, Jan. 2022 (click here) 

VAERS ID: 2187799 – 10 yo boy (New Jersey) (March 2022)

44 days after 1st dose of Pfizer, he starts having what has become an almost daily “episode” that would be described as a panic attack with hallucinations. He becomes very disoriented, stating that images appear and words sound very fast to him. After episode is over, he is able to articulate what he experienced. This is completely out of character for him, he is very social, good student and athlete.

VAERS ID: 2163473 – 8 yo girl (Virginia) (Feb 2022)

40 days after 1st Pfizer dose, girl changed mentally. Appears to have seizure but it’s not a seizure. She cannot respond during these episodes and began to see and hear things that aren’t there. Happens over and over, has 5 emergency visits.

A month later she is still undiagnosed and having memory loss, regression, delirium in waves. Unaware of age, year of birth, season, counting 1 to 10. Before 1st Pfizer dose, she had no neurological troubles, she was a straight A student who was bright and happy. She has lost memory and regressed. Woke up a different person who became unable to be touched or consoled. Permanently disabled.

VAERS ID: 2018697 – 9 yo boy (New Jersey) (Dec 2021) 

One day after 1st Pfizer dose, he had a severe headache for 2 days. Could barely speak, not really talking and not really responding. Had hallucinations and Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. Everything looked small. Has not recovered.

VAERS ID: 2014388 – 8 year old girl (Illinois) developed vaginal bleeding 9 days after Pfizer on Dec. 12, 2021 

VAERS ID: 2002198 – 11 year old boy (California) – developed persistent tremors in arms and legs after 1st Pfizer mRNA jab (Dec. 2021)

VAERS ID: 1976737 – 5 year old girl (Tennessee) 24 hr after 1st Pfizer mRNA jab developed seizures, behavior changes, motor tics (Dec. 2021)

Australia TGA 698578 – 8 year old girl had pericarditis after Pfizer mRNA jab (Jan. 21, 2022) 

Australia TGA 697752 – 10 year old boy had myocarditis and pericarditis after Pfizer mRNA jab (Jan. 20, 2022)

Australia TGA 697518 – 8 year old boy suffered swelling to: scrotum, face, lips, eyes, rash, chest pain (Jan. 20, 2022)

Australia TGA 755787 – 6 year old girl developed Pericarditis after Moderna vaccine (Oct. 21, 2022) 

Australia TGA 767774 – 5 year old girl developed vaginal hemorrhage after Pfizer vaccine (Feb. 28, 2023)

My Take… 

I hit the substack limit on how much I can fit into one article.

Every parent should have this information in their legal files.

These are COVID-19 vaccine side effects in children that should never have been given these toxic pharmaceutical products.

Not safe or effective.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from The Vaccine Reaction

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Ukrainian Banker Offers Cash for Drone Terror in Russia

May 5th, 2023 by Alexander Rubinstein

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Days before a failed drone assassination targeting Putin, Ukrainian banking baron Volodymyr Yatsenko offered a $500,000 bounty to any weapons maker able to land a drone in Red Square during Moscow’s upcoming Victory Day parade. 

On April 23, a Ukrainian drone laden with 30 Canadian-made C4 explosive blocks crashed near Rudnevo Industrial Park in Moscow. Ukraine-based operators deployed the 37 LB arsenal in a failed bid to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was scheduled to visit Rudnevo that day. 

The drone ultimately failed to hit its target, crashing roughly 12 miles from its intended destination. Russian media reported authorities discovered three similar unmanned aircrafts in the surrounding area. By the time the Canadian-manufactured bombs arrived in Moscow, the government in Ottawa had provided Kiev with nearly 6 billion dollars worth of aid to support Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s military. 

The Ukrainian UJ-22 drone’s flight originated in the country’s Kharkov region. Yuriy Romanenko, co-founder of a think tank with close ties to Kiev’s intelligence services, credited Ukraine’s Secret Service (SBU) with orchestrating the assassination attempt. Romanenko wrote on Twitter: “Last week, our intelligence officers received information about Putin’s trip to the industrial park in Rudnevo… Accordingly, ours launched a kamikaze drone, which flew through all the air defenses of the Russian Federation, and fell not far from the industrial park.”

“Putin, we are getting closer,” Romanenko warned.

The drone was carrying m112 explosive charges, which are used by several states including Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. According to Russian media, the explosives recovered from the botched attack were of Canadian origin.

The failed attempt on Putin’s life came amidst a wave of drone incursions into Russian airspace in recent months. A day after the unsuccessful April 23 offensive, the Russian outlet SHOT recorded 10 drone attacks in the Belgorod border region, some of which included French LU-213 fragmentation grenades and American-made Switchblade drones. The Switchblade has been used in previous air assaults on the region as well.

The uptick in drone attacks inside Russian territory followed Kiev’s July 2022 launch of an “Army of Drones” campaign, an official effort to raise funds, dubbed “dro-nations,” to assist Ukraine’s procurement of foreign-produced, unmanned aircrafts.

The fundraising push, which counts the Western-backed online troll farm, NAFO, and the Ukrainian World Congress as formal partners, has enlisted famed Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, as its top brand ambassador.

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill poses as the official face of Ukraine’s “Army of Drones” fundraiser

“Honored to be an Ambassador for the Army of Drones and to help President Zelenskyy and the people of Ukraine in any way possible,” Hamill tweeted in September 2022, attaching a photo of himself on a video call with Ukraine’s president.

The covert nature of Ukrainian drone attacks inside Russian territory makes them difficult to tally on an authoritative basis. A reporter for the British state-funded BBC pressed a Kiev official to provide such data to no avail while participating in a “a training session for Ukraine’s latest group of drone pilots in a secret location on the outskirts of Kyiv.” The BBC filed its dispatch from the heart of Ukraine’s “Army of Drones” on April 25, just two days after the alleged SBU-directed aerial assassination attempt on Russia’s president.

Leading Kiev’s “dro-nation” campaign is Ukraine’s Minister for Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, who “makes no attempt to hide the deadly nature of these drones designed to smash into targets like soldiers or tanks,” according to the BBC.

“But like the rest of his government,” the BBC continued, “he refuses to talk about recent drone strikes on Russian territory.”

Non-governmental actors, however, are not so tight-lipped. In fact, Ukrainian television kicked-off a private initiative to encourage future drone attacks on Russian territory just days before the April 23 aerial attempt on Putin’s life.

Accused Ukrainian embezzler offers bounty for drone terror inside Russia

On April 6, Ukrainian finance and weapon’s industry magnate, Volodymyr Yatsenko, appeared on the Kiev-based TSN network and offered a cash prize worth approximately $549,000 USD to any national weapons producer that manages to land a drone inside Moscow’s Red Square during Russia’s upcoming Victory Day celebration. 

Russia’s annual Victory Day commemoration marks the anniversary of Nazi Germany’s 1945 surrender to the Soviet Red Army. Each May 9, millions of Russian citizens participate in marches throughout the country to honor their nation’s triumph over fascism. In Moscow, citizens and government officials gather in Red Square to view musical performances by Russia’s national army band and a flamboyant parade of the country’s troops and military hardware. The ceremony typically features speeches from the Russian president and Commander of Russia’s Armed Forces as well.

Moscow announced the cancellation of Victory Day parades in its border region this April, following a surge of drone activity in the territory throughout the first months of this year.

On May 2, The Guardian downplayed threats of Ukrainian terrorist violence in Russia, statingthat while a “Ukrainian drone attack on Red Square during the Victory Day military parade would be humiliating for Putin,” his government was not calling off Victory Day marches “out of concern for public safety,” but due to a “paranoid obsession” that citizens may hijack the rallies to make statements about the current war.

The Guardian offered no evidence to support its portrayal of Putin as an irrational actor. What’s more, the center-left British paper neglected to mention Ukraine’s “Army of Drones” campaign, or the fact that Yatsenko, a powerful Ukrainian oligarch, is offering a cash prize for an aerial assault on the Red Square event.

Characterizing the upcoming  Red Square celebration as a “very legitimate” military target during his April 6 interview with TSN, Yatsenko revealed that his own weapons company, Dovbush, is already “warming up” for the event. He proceeded to credit Dovbush with operating a drone discovered near a railway in New Moscow on March 28.  At the time, Ukrainian media reported the drone was inscribed with Kiev’s Nazi-era battlecry, “Glory to Ukraine.”

Ukrainian finance and weapons mogul Volodymyr Yatsenko proudly claims credit for operating a drone discovered in New Moscow, Russia this March

Describing the March flight as trial run for Victory Day, Yatsenko insisted that if Dovbush successfully lands a drone in Red Square on May 9, “according to the law, I will not pay the prize to myself.”

Concerns that Yatsenko may not adhere to domestic financial regulations within “the most corrupt nation in Europe” were not unwarranted. The banking tycoon established his career working for Privatbank, a Ukrainian financial institution established in the aftermath of the Soviet Union’s 1991 collapse. Ukraine’s post-Maidan government nationalized the bank in 2016, after $5.5 billion mysteriously disappeared from its coffers. An investment banker later accused Yatsenko of orchestrating the withdrawal, telling the US-backed Radio Free Europe outlet he was “very important in matters related to the nationalization of Privatbank, as he headed the direction of corporate lending.” The source, Serhii Fursa, charged Yatsenko with funneling the cash to Privatbank’s owners, namely Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky: the infamous patron of both President Zelensky and the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.

“In the morning, ordinary Ukrainians brought money to Privatbank, and in the evening, Igor Kolomoisky used that same money to drink champagne in Geneva,” Fursa said. “Yatsenko was responsible for ensuring that this depositors’ money went to Kolomoisky.”

Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau later alleged that Yatensko withdrew “most of the funds from the bank on the eve of its nationalization” in 2016, which he then transferred to his wife and daughter. Among the assets transferred to his daughter, Hanna, were those belonging to an agricultural company that owned “23 real estate objects, 500 land plots and 17 cars.”  In February 2021, a charter flight carrying Yatsenko was “turned around and forced to land” over Ukraine while en route to Vienna. Ukrainian authorities promptly arrested Yatsenko on charges of embezzlement and misappropriation stemming from his role at Privatbank. The office of Ukraine’s anti-corruption prosecutor is scheduledto proceed with his case this September.

While announcing his competition for a drone attack on Moscow’s upcoming May 9 Victory Day parade, Yatsenko declared the winning aircraft must not only land in Red Square, but be recognizable as Ukrainian.

“It must have Ukrainian slogans like ‘Glory to Ukraine,’” the banking magnet insisted, invoking Kiev’s Nazi slogan.

“Let’s create a ‘holiday’ for them,” Yatsenko concluded, raising his hands to emphasize the word “holiday” with air quotes.

Oligarch Volodymyr Yatsenko uses air quotes to emphasize Ukrainian drone manufacturers should make a “holiday” for Russians during upcoming May 9 Victory Day celebrations

The Soviet victory in WWII, known as The Great Patriotic War in Russia, remains a source of national pride in the country to this day. The Western-backed government in Kiev, meanwhile, has incorporated neo-Nazi battalions into its military and venerated Ukraine’s WWII-era Nazi collaborators with official state honors.

As the prospects of Kiev’s victory against Moscow on the battlefield wanes, its elite are openly promoting a strategy of aerial terrorism inside the Russian Federation. A celebration marking the defeat of Nazi Germany is perhaps their most natural target.


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Alex Rubinstein is an independent reporter on Substack. You can subscribe to get free articles from him delivered to your inbox here. If you want to support his journalism, which is never put behind a paywall, you can give a one-time donation to him through PayPal here or sustain his reporting through Patreon here.

All images in this article are from The Grayzone

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One of the ironic rhetorical events of President Trump’s presidency was how the term ‘Big Lie’ entered the popular lexicon. Deployed against Trump in December 2020 for his claim that the November election was stolen, the term belies its actual use against the American people. The fact that the Dems were now using language used by conspiracy theorists suggests, by way of projection, that Big Lies really do occur, Trump’s example only a clumsy attempt. There are numerous Big Lies that we live with in our political history. But we live with them silently, a taboo topic, induced by propaganda and mis and dis information, leading to cognitive dissonance. The nature of living with a lie is to be silent about it.

Fran Shur’s long essay, “Why do good people go silent – or worse – about 9/11?” explores the range of psychological reactions and responses an individual and a group go through in the face of a horrible event that is covered up with a false narrative. Shur explores why most of us slip into silence as a way to cope and avoid the crisis of consciousness, the pain of having to face the possibility of a harsh and uncomfortable truth. Her analysis focuses on the 9/11 events but applies equally to earlier crimes done in the 1960’s as well as the more recent Big Lie of the Federal Covid response.

Getting out in front of the Big Lies should be the goal of any sincere liberation movement; liberation must confront the problem of lies and deception perpetrated by the deep state, and make accountability for these crimes the fulcrum point against which we lever to transform society.

By appealing to indignation at Federal complicity in state crimes, and engaging in basic truth telling, showing the evidence, speaking to concrete facts, we can dispel the false narratives and conceivably mobilize a sufficient mass of the population to compel change. By shining the light of political truth, based on considerations of motive, benefit, we can show by a preponderance of evidence, even beyond a doubt, that state crimes have been and are being committed, that they are covered up with a false narrative, which becomes a crime on top of a crimes. The time has come to say enough is enough and justice be done.

We in the truth movement are naturally skeptical of government reports and resist Big Lies, but those who are trusting of the government are quickly caught up in the official narrative. When challenged to consider the lie, if they weren’t suspicious in the first place, most fall into the spell of cognitive dissonance. For example, when presented with evidence that deep state operators committed a crime, a common response is: “my government would never do that…” This is a familiar refrain that reflects cognitive dissonance. To which one may reply: “well, your government didn’t do that, but the deep state did, and government agencies enabled the cover up.”

Cognitive Dissonance Defined:

“Humans resort to denial to avoid the anxiety that accompanies cognitive dissonance — that uncomfortable, sometimes disturbing feeling of losing our emotional equilibrium when we are faced with new information that challenges our worldview or when we hold beliefs that contradict known facts. The discomfort motivates us to change our behavior, change our cognition, and/or justify our behavior by acquiring a secondary cognition. This dynamic is common to us all”. By Frantz Fanon

To us political truthers, we sensed, or smelled a rat, in the 9/11 events, and in Covid 19, and some old enough to remember, doubted the explanations for the 1960’s assassinations.

The purpose of a Big Lie is to cover up an actual crime whether caused by deep state or corporate actors. For example, the Warren Commission Report on JFK assassination is a Big Lie, as is the 9/11 Commission report. Lies were told by corporations about tobacco and Federal authorities lied about cannabis hemp to get it outlawed in 1938, and more recently lies have been told about the safety of chemicals. The list of lies is quite long. And most damaging, the Big Lies that covered up the 1960’s assassinations, in effect, robbed society of the historical possibilities each murdered leader would have provided were they to live a full life.

Origin of Big Lie

The idea of a “Big Lie” is traceable to Hitler and the chief military leaders in the German NAZI Party who bragged about being able to manipulate the masses by telling a Big Lie. The sheer preposterousness of the lie would dispel any consideration that it is a lie at all. Be sure to read Fran Shur’s chapter in its entirety as she provides a review of the story behind the Big Lie. By accepting the official narrative even though a lie, it enables one to avoid facing the horrible truth. The lie is advanced to conceal, but then is accepted by the victims as a way to avoid the reality that society was lied to.

When national leaders advance a Big Lie they in effect force a false narrative onto popular consciousness. Through a media blitz, wherein the deep state ‘floods the zone,’ the people are pressed into accepting mis and dis-information that they then navigate by going into cognitive dissonance; or they wade in on ‘group think’ where we go along to get along, and other forms of ‘manufactured consent’ conditioning that enable us to live with the lie.

Skeptics and the gullible alike must navigate the shoals of cognitive dissonance, which means among family and friends who accept the official narratives, we must decide to co-exist in silence or challenge the lie with truth.

Challenging cognitive dissonance

When a Big Lie is brought up for discussion / debate, it is common for those with cognitive dissonance to put up their hands, or roll their eye balls, and say we will never know the truth; the evidence doesn’t prove anything, they might say, or that the truth is too complicated, too disputed, there is no certainty about what happened, so forget about it. The crime and the Big Lie are water under the bridge, so don’t discuss the matter; it is a waste of time. These arguments against exploring the truth about Big Lies belie the anxiety and discomfort that is cognitive dissonance.

To counteract the lies, as many are doing, we must educate, speak out, normalize debate about the Big Lies. We must advance a justice movement that criticizes state crimes explicitly, and demand that key bad actors be held to account. By showing how fundamentally corrupt our system is, we make the case that the leaders within our ‘duopolistic’ two party system have lost the right to govern on account of not doing the duty of Congress to “protect the general welfare”. We are impelled to withdraw our consent to be governed, and by mass mobilization we can force change, theoretically.

Breaking the mental shackles of Big Lies is the business of the political truth movement. Understanding patterns of deception is central to the work of Daniel Broudy at Propaganda in Focus.

Aside from understanding how our collective mind is captured by propagandists, Green Liberty invites a liberation coalition as one of the next steps we the people can take to advance freedom against the emerging techno-totalitarianism. But first we must free our mind of cognitive dissonance.

September 11, 2001 Big Lie

The events of 9/11 were traumatic to the nation and the world. At 8:15am on the west coast, I watched on TV the North and South Towers collapse after an airplane hit each one.

The country was in a state of shock. Immediately, a false narrative to explain the inexplicable acted as an additional psychic trauma to what our common senses told us was going on: that we were being misled.

Fran Shur explains the trauma syndrome that conditions our thinking. Being forced to accept Big Lies is a form of violence. To face a lie, what Thomas Merton called the ‘unspeakable,’ is hard and it is understandable that one would go into cognitive dissonance as a natural protection against the reality of a horrible truth.

We the people are abused into accepting an explanation that violates common sense. Dare present an alternative narrative, and you are tarred with being a ‘conspiracy theorist’, or called another slur. So speaking truth to power, as it were, does require nerve, but it is a healthy response to a lie.

The initial reaction to the Towers’ collapse based on first hand accounts, and what one could see with one’s own eyes from the television images, was that the buildings imploded and collapsed into the building footprint. The complete implosion was triggered by initial successive explosions that initiated collapse of each tower into its footprint.

Against logic and common sense, the official reports on the Towers’ and Building 7 collapse denied first hand accounts of explosions, and evidence of thermite / thermate explosives was covered up, showing how a state crime is done. The official narrative holds that fire heated the steel girders and weakened the holdings and then the buildings collapsed; “pancaked,” said Dick Cheney and others. Right away, the official narrative emerged: hijackers crashed the planes and then the buildings “pancaked,” reported a parade of media lies that played out over the next 24 hours; Osama Bin Laden was quickly identified as master mind in the media, a team of Saudi Arabian hijackers were identified and printed on front page news. However, Bin Laden was never listed on the FBI most wanted list.

The 9/11 Commission, and the National Institute for Structure and Technology, provided an explanation for what happened, but it has been debunked as a false report beyond a doubt. There was not an actual criminal / forensic investigation of the Towers and Building 7. An engineering team from the University of Fairbanks Alaska determined after a 4 year study that fires did not cause the Building 7 collapse, finding the NIST report erroneous.

The Commission was precluded from considering events prior to 9/11, or many other pieces of evidence. The official reports do not consider explosions to explain the collapse.

Meanwhile, a preponderance of evidence shows the official explanations are false narratives, that the crime scenes were covered up, and that the official explanations qualify as a really Big Lies.

The public doesn’t buy the official narratives

The 9/11 Truth Movement was onto the lie from the beginning. By 2004 a full 45% of Americans didn’t accept the Federal explanation of the 9/11 events.

Today 75 – 80% of the American people, depending on the day you ask, do not accept the official narrative about the JFK assassination that poses a lone gunman anti-conspiracy criminal theory for the president’s murder. The majority of Americans do not accept the Warren Commission Report as the truth.

The official explanations for the 1960’s assassinations of JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy and Fred Hampton, have all been debunked as false narratives based on contradictory evidence, and cover up of the crimes implicate the FBI and state and local police agencies. The FBI does not deny its role in Hampton’s assassination.

There is a call for Congress to conduct investigations to get accountability for the assassinations.

Aside from Big Lies, there are also the endless small lies: the October Surprise that denied Jimmy Carter a second term. This involved Bush Senior negotiating with the Iranians while a candidate for vice – president (in violation of the Logan Act) to hold hostages until after Reagan was elected president. This later led to the Iran / Contra arms sales that engendered the Crack Cocaine epidemic, a story broken by Gary Webb. All this subterfuge is sustained over generations by what Peter Dale Scott calls Continuity of Government (COG) in which Dick Cheney has a long history of involvement including doing damage control around the Iran / Contra event.

The March 2003 decision to go to war against Iraq was based on false claims of weapons of mass destruction, and the weaponized Anthrax attack on Democratic Senators enabled quick passage of the Patriot Act, a 1000 page tome that was at the ready and passed within weeks of the 9/11 attacks.

And there are the daily state crimes conducted by police officers who fail to follow the law, and innocent people end up dead, or unnecessarily incarcerated by the overuse of police power and prosecutorial zeal.


At the end of January 2020, under cover of Covid, National Security protocols were put in place to make the SARS Cov2 operations opaque. In February a formal national health emergency was declared and by March, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic and this triggered the full blown Federal Covid Response: lockdowns, quarantines, and warp speed deployment of Covid countermeasures. The Covid lockdowns were intended to protect hospitals from being overwhelmed (remember flatten the curve), so we shut down society.

A host of lies were deployed: from the need for economic lockdowns; to the faulty PCR testing set to an excessively high threshold cycle; to the need for quarantine; to the denial of repurposed medicine to treat Covid infections; to the illegal application for Emergency Use for vaccines given efficacy of anti-viral drugs; and ultimately, a major false claim that the Covid vaccines are “safe and effective,” and by implication were manufactured according to Best Manufacturing Practices, which they weren’t.

Mainstream Media is guilty of colluding with the Federal authorities to censor speech that was critical of the Federal Covid Response. Robert Kennedy is suing President Biden for violating his free speech rights based on Biden asking Facebook to censor Kennedy.

We remain ensnared in the Covid lie evidenced by silence about SARS Coronavirus research and the evidence of patented genetic gain of function technology, some owned by the Department of Defense. The DOD was the behind-the-scenes actual authority behind the Federal Covid Response to produce vaccines at ‘warp speed.’, and mandate the vaccine countermeasure to an unsuspecting public. Watch this video with Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova explain the situation.

While a national campaign to ‘stop and recall’ the Covid vaccines should be in the news, mainstream media is silent about the real evidence of harm being caused. Meanwhile, the FDA / CDC continue to claim the vaccine is appropriate for children, and seniors and immune compromised. Heart injuries and blood clotting are dismissed as “rare” and “mild” and not a reason to discontinue the Covid vaccines. The blatantly brazen dissembling leaves one in a Twilight Zone of bent reality.

Conditioning the masses to accept a false narrative

Being pressed into accepting a big lie forces cognitive dissonance and this pressure event takes a toll on our consciousness, collectively and individually. The lie, as an insult to our senses, is a slap in the face of our intelligence. The lie is a hidden-transgression of mental media manipulation that turns us into victims of a form of Stockholm Syndrome; we identify sympathetically with our captors; we don’t want to upset them by questioning the logic of the lie.

So, as happens in ‘talk therapy,’ we the people living in a sea of Big Lies need to talk about state crimes to undo our collective cognitive dissonance, to be healed of the trauma of a false narrative. If we don’t do this, a liberation movement may not develop the strength of conviction and nerve, to restore democracy to our republic; otherwise, the country will remain captive to a deep state plutocracy that masterfully uses the media to make cognitive dissonance the escape valve from facing the fact that our leaders lie to us about so many things.


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This article was originally published on Green Liberty Caucus.

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May 3, 2023, will mark the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, which the United Nations established to remind governments about the need to respect their commitment to freedom of the press. But as the Biden administration proclaims the centrality of press freedom globally, its hypocrisy in pursuing journalist and publisher Julian Assange is stunning.

The Biden administration recently expressed outrage that Russia arrested journalist Evan Gershkovich of The Wall Street Journal, a United States citizen based in Moscow, for practicing journalism. Gershkovich is now incarcerated in Russia, facing espionage charges that could garner him 20 years in prison. His appeal to lift his pretrial detention was just denied and he was refused a consular visit.

Meanwhile, however, the Biden administration continues to demand the extradition of Australian national Assange for obtaining and publishing evidence of U.S. war crimes.

Both Gershkovich and Assange are journalists detained in a foreign country on espionage charges for doing what journalists do.

Assange has been locked up in a maximum-security prison in London for four years while President Joe Biden’s regime continues former President Donald Trump’s attempts to prosecute him under the Espionage Act. If extradited, tried and convicted, Assange could be sentenced to 175 years. He is the first publisher ever charged under the Espionage Act for revealing state secrets. His appeal is pending in the United Kingdom High Court.

“Journalism is Not a Crime”

On March 30, the Russian Federal Security Service announced it had detained Gershkovich, alleging that he “was acting on instructions from the American side to collect information about the activities of one of the enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex that constitutes a state secret.”

“We are deeply concerned” about Gershkovich’s detention, Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, said in a statement. “The targeting of American citizens by the Russian government is unacceptable. We condemn the detention of Mr. Gershkovich in the strongest terms.”

“Journalism is not a crime,” Biden declared at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Likewise, in a rare joint statement, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called on Russia to immediately release Gershkovich. “Journalism is not a crime,” they wrote.

“Publishing Is Not a Crime”

On November 28, 2022, The New York Times, The Guardian, El País, Le Monde and Der Spiegel signed a joint open letter urging the U.S. government to dismiss the Espionage Act charges against Assange for publishing classified diplomatic and military secrets.

“Publishing is not a crime,” the newspapers wrote. “The U.S. government should end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets.”

In 2010, those five media outlets collaborated with Assange’s WikiLeaks to publish “Cablegate,” consisting of 251,000 confidential U.S. State Department cables that “disclosed corruption, diplomatic scandals and spy affairs on an international scale.” According to The New York Times, the documents revealed “the unvarnished story of how the government makes its biggest decisions, the decisions that cost the country most heavily in lives and money.”

Assange’s indictment is also based on WikiLeaks’s revelation of the “Iraq War Logs,” which were 400,000 field reports chronicling 15,000 unreported deaths of Iraqi civilians, and the systematic rape, torture and murder after U.S. forces “handed over detainees to a notorious Iraqi torture squad.” The indictment stems as well from the release of the “Afghan War Diary,” consisting of 91,000 reports of a larger number of civilian casualties committed by coalition forces than the U.S. military had reported.

In addition, the 2007 “Collateral Murder” video depicts a U.S. Army Apache attack helicopter targeting and killing 11 unarmed civilians, including two Reuters news staff and a man who came to the rescue of the wounded, and the wounding of two children. This video contains evidence of three violations of the Geneva Conventions and the U.S. Army Field Manual.

Congressmembers Call for Dismissal of Charges Against Assange

On the fourth anniversary of Assange’s arrest, Democratic Representatives Rashida Tlaib (Michigan), Jamaal Bowman (New York), Cori Bush (Missouri), Greg Casar (Texas), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York), Ilhan Omar (Minnesota) and Ayanna Pressley (Massachusetts) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland. They urged the Department of Justice to affirm the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of the press by dropping the charges against Assange and withdrawing the U.S. request for extradition from the U.K.

“Press freedom, civil liberty, and human rights groups have been emphatic that the charges against Mr. Assange pose a grave and unprecedented threat to everyday, constitutionally protected journalistic activity, and that a conviction would represent a landmark setback for the First Amendment,” the seven legislators wrote.

They quoted a letter signed by the American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International, Reporters Without Borders, Human Rights Watch, Defending Rights and Dissent, and the Committee to Protect Journalists, who wrote: “The indictment of Mr. Assange threatens press freedom because much of the conduct described in the indictment is conduct that journalists engage in routinely — and that they must engage in in order to do the work the public needs them to do.”

That conduct includes regularly speaking with sources, requesting clarification or additional documentation, and receiving and publishing documents that the government considers secret. “Such a precedent in this case could effectively criminalize these common journalistic practices,” the human rights groups noted.

The representatives’ letter cited opposition to Assange’s prosecution from leaders around the world, including Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and Argentinian President Alberto Fernández, as well as former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer and Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović. The U.S. representatives also referenced similar letters from legislators in the U.K., Australia, Germany and Brazil.

The Biden administration has no standing to object to Russia’s arrest of Gershkovich. “As long as the case against Assange continues, it will be a thorn in the side of the U.S. government, and undermines U.S. efforts to defend media freedom globally,” said Rebecca Vincent, director of operations and campaigns at Reporters Sans Frontières (Reporters Without Borders).

On May 3, World Press Freedom Day, several events are planned around the country calling for the dismissal of charges against Assange and the withdrawal of the U.S. extradition request.


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Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and a member of the national advisory boards of Assange Defense and Veterans For Peace, and the bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. Her books include Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues. She is co-host of “Law and Disorder” radio.

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The potential outbreak of a civil war sparked by a factional fight within Sudan’s military government poses a destabilization threat beyond the nation’s borders – into Africa, West Asia, and the emerging multipolar order. This suits the west just fine.

The story of Sudan is one of contrasts and contradictions. It is a country with tremendous potential and resources, yet it is plagued by poverty, conflict, and exploitation. The forces currently pulling Sudan apart are complex and multifaceted, but one thing is certain: the future of this nation is inextricably linked to the broader geopolitical landscape.

In order to fully comprehend the dynamics of this growing conflict, it is essential to look beyond Sudan’s borders. Attention must be paid to the broader geopolitical chemistry at play in the Horn of Africa, the Persian Gulf, the wider West Asian region, and even Ukraine.

Once the largest African nation with a population of 46 million and the third largest landmass, Sudan underwent a seismic shift in 2011 with a western-championed Balkanization, which divided the country into a “Muslim north” and a “Christian/Animist south.”

Extremes of wealth and poverty  

The country is blessed with one of the most water-rich zones of the earth. The White and Blue Niles combine to form the Nile River, which flows northward into Egypt. Sudan’s water abundance is complemented by fertile soil and immense deposits of gold and oil.

The majority of these resources are located in the south, creating a convenient geological divide that western strategists have exploited for over a century to promote secession.

Despite its abundance of resources, Sudan is also one of the poorest nations in the world. Thirty-five percent of its population lives in extreme poverty, and a staggering 20 million people – or 50 percent of the population – suffer from food insecurity.

Although Sudan achieved political independence in 1956, like many other former colonies, it was never truly economically independent. The British utilized a strategy they had previously employed before leaving India in 1946 – divide and conquer – carving out “northern” and “southern” tribes, which led to civil wars that began months before Sudan’s independence in 1956.

General against General

After achieving independence in 2011, South Sudan was plunged into a brutal civil war that lasted for seven years. In the meantime, the north was hit by two coups; the first in 2019, which ousted President Omar al-Bashir, and the second in 2021, resulting in the current power-sharing military-led transitional government led by the president of the Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and his deputy, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo.

It is these two former allies-turned-rivals who now find themselves at the center of the conflict pulling Sudan in two opposing directions against the backdrop of the rapidly developing multipolar order.

Following the 2021 coup in Sudan, the two rival generals, Dagalo and Burhan, continued the momentum toward building large-scale projects. China funded a program to rehabilitate 4725 km of defunct colonial-era railways connecting the port of Sudan to Darfur and Chad.

A recent report by The Cradle suggests that if peace is maintained in the Horn of Africa and the new Iran-Saudi Arabia entente results in a durable peace process in Yemen, then the revival of the Bridge of the Horn of Africa project, which was last proposed in 2010, could become a reality.

Photo Credit: The Cradle

Global South benefits from China-Russia co-op

In the past decade, the strategic partnership between China and Russia has been rapidly gaining favor among countries in the Global South. With the five BRICS member states accounting for over 3.2 billion people and 31.5 percent of global GDP, China and Russia have been providing financial support for major infrastructure, water, and energy projects while also backing the military needs of nations facing destabilization.

This has set the stage for a new era of geo-economics based on mutually beneficial cooperation. The Horn of Africa, which includes North and South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Kenya, has been drawn into this positive dynamic of peace and development.

Ethiopia was able to end its 20-year conflict with neighboring Eritrea in 2018 and put down a potential civil war in November 2022. Furthermore, China’s diplomatic efforts facilitated a peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, while even Syria has seen a new hope emerge with the Arab League’s consensus that the US-led regime change doctrine against President Bashar al-Assad is over.

Sudan’s multipolar prospects

While the cause of the recent violence in Sudan remains uncertain, there are some things that are known. Prior to the recent outbreak of violence that claimed nearly 500 lives, Sudan was making significant strides toward consolidating its participation in the emerging multipolar alliance.

This included Sudan’s submission of a request to join the BRICS+ alliance along with 19 other nations, including resource-rich African states such as Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe. Sudan’s decision to grant Russia full use of the Port of Sudan and engage in large-scale economic development with China, Russia, Egypt, and Kuwait was viewed as a positive development by many but drew threats of “consequences” from the US Ambassador John Godfrey.

In April 2021, agreements were signed to build a 900 km Egypt-Sudan railway connecting Aswan to Sudan’s Wadi Halfa and Khartoum. In June 2022, a Joint Ethiopia-Sudan government commissioned feasibility study was finished outlining a 1522 km standard gauge railway connecting Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa to Khartoum and the Port of Sudan.

In January 2022, China pledged financial and technical support to extend Kenya’s 578 km Mombasa-Nairobi railway to Uganda, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as Ethiopia, where the Chinese-built Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway was completed in 2017. In this comprehensive project, extensions into Eritrea were included.

Railway lines in the African continent

The revival of the Jonglei Canal

Water and oil are both abundant resources in South Sudan, making the region’s security a top priority for Beijing’s African interests. Despite this abundance, the country’s infrastructure is poor, leaving it with no means to move these resources to market or use them for industrial purposes.

Water is just as geopolitically important as oil, if not more so. Thus, nearly forty years ago, the Jonglei Canal project was launched, which aimed to connect the White and Blue Nile in South Sudan, creating a 360 km canal that would divert water runoff from the Upper White Nile.

The canal would result in 25 million cubic meters of water per day being directed north into Egypt, while 17,000 square kilometers of swamp land would be transformed into agricultural land. The project would make the desert land bloom in Egypt and northern Sudan, turning the Sahel into the breadbasket of Africa. However, the project was stopped after 250 km had been dug by a German-made Bucketwheel 2300-ton, laser-guided digging machine.

The secessionist southern Sudanese Peoples’ Liberation Army (SPLA), led by western-educated John Garang De Mabior, launched a civil war in 1983 and kidnapped the machine’s operators, effectively halting the project. Notably, De Mabior’s 1981 doctoral dissertation in the US focused on the environmental damage that the Jonglei Canal would cause if not managed correctly.

Muddying the waters

Despite former President Omar al-Bashir’s attempts to restart this project since 1989 – until the 2011 partition of Sudan – constant destabilizations never permitted this project’s revival.

Things began turning around when, on February 28, 2022, South Sudan’s Vice President for Infrastructure, General Taban Deng Gai, called for the resumption of the Jonglei Canal, saying:

“We, the people in Bentiu and Fangak, have no place to stay. We may migrate to Eastern Nuer [eastern bank of the White Nile] because we have lost our land to flooding … People are asking who opened this huge volume of water because we never experienced this for decades. Of course, Uganda and Kenya opened the water, because Kampala was almost submerged because of the rising level of water from Lake Victoria. The digging of the Jonglei Canal that was stopped needs to be revised … For our land not to be submerged by flood, let’s allow this water to flow to those who need it in Egypt.”

General Taban referenced a UN Report detailing the 380,000 civilians displaced due to recent Sudd Wetland flooding and stated: “The solution lies in opening the waterways and resuming the drilling of the Jonglei Canal, based on the conditions and interest of South Sudan in the first place.”

General Taban had worked closely with South Sudan’s Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Manawa Gatkouth, who had been the first to revive this project since the 2011 partition, submitting a proposal to the South Sudan Transitional Council in December 2021.

This proposal grew directly out of agreements to build cooperative water projects that Gatkouth reached with the Egyptian government in September 2020.

At the time, the Egyptian minister of water resources stated that “Egypt would increase the number of development projects for collecting and storing rainwater, with the aim of serving the South Sudanese people.”

Boots on the ground: The west returns

Expectedly, the Sudanese crisis has drawn attention due to the involvement of Anglo-American military forces. On 23 April, US President Joe Biden announced a War Powers Resolution to deploy troops in Sudan, Djibouti, and Ethiopia.

Where all other nations quickly moved to remove their citizens and diplomatic staff out of harm’s way, 16,000 US civilians have been left without support, providing a convenient excuse to insert US military forces into the picture to “restore order.”

US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland’s surprise appearance in the region on 9 March is also worth noting. One of the key architects of Ukraine’s transformation into a confrontational state against Russia, Nuland bragged during her visit that she discussed a “democratic transition in Sudan,” along with her humanitarian concerns for Somalia and Ethiopia.

Sudan, incidentally, is dependent on wheat imports, 85 percent of which originate from Ukraine and Russia.

To date, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funds over 300 separate civil society organizations in Africa, and at least 13 in Sudan – all of which use the tried and tested tactic of weaponizing pro-west local liberals to destroy their own nations under the cover of “democracy building,” human rights, and “anti-corruption” actions.

Conversely, the Global South increasingly views the rising multipolar powers China, Russia, and their growing coterie of allies, as advancing a non-hypocritical approach to supporting vital infrastructure projects and genuine national interests.

These new actors on the international stage prioritize the completion of large-scale water, food, energy, and transportation networks, which not only benefit all the involved parties, but also positively impact regions beyond national borders.

These transformative projects, such as Beijing’s ambitious, multi-trillion dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), promote unity and progress by overcoming the tribalism, bigotry, poverty, and scarcity that the west has historically relied on to sow conflict. By increasing education levels and providing quality jobs across tribal and national boundaries, economic development ignites dignity and innovation that poses a threat to oligarchs with imperialistic tendencies.

While the causes of the Sudan crisis are not fully understood, it is clear that there are powerful forces at work seeking to shape the outcome for their own benefit. However, the answer to Sudan’s problems lies in a different approach – one that prioritizes infrastructure development and nation-building rather than narrow geopolitical interests and regime change.


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Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.

Featured image is from The Cradle

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NATO is planning to open a liaison office in Tokyo, the first of its kind in Asia, Nikkei Asia has learned.

The station will allow the military alliance to conduct periodic consultations with Japan and key partners in the region such as South Korea, Australia and New Zealand as China emerges as a new challenge, alongside its traditional focus on Russia.

NATO and Japan will also upgrade their cooperation, aiming to sign an Individually Tailored Partnership Programme (ITPP) before the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on July 11-12. The two sides will deepen collaboration in tackling cyber threats, coordinate stances on emerging and disruptive technologies, and exchange notes on fighting disinformation.

The plans were confirmed by both Japanese and NATO officials.

The idea of opening a liaison office was first discussed between Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg during the latter’s visit to Tokyo at the end of January. In mid-April, the alliance circulated a draft proposal among its 31 members, according to a person with knowledge of the proceedings.

The proposal is to open a one-person liaison office in Tokyo next year. Whether the Japanese side provides the office space or if NATO funds the station is still under negotiation. NATO has similar liaison offices at the United Nations in New York, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Vienna, as well as in Georgia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Kuwait.

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Am I the only American to travel overseas and feel embarrassed by the conduct of the diplomats Washington sends abroad to speak for our republic? It is pretty strange to find yourself, an ordinary citizen, apologizing for the intrusive, cajoling, bullying, badgering and otherwise crude utterances of this or that ambassador in this or that nation. But such is the state of things as the late-phase imperium fields its elbows-out undiplomats—a term I borrow from the Swiss, who suffer one as we speak.

Scott Miller, the Biden regime’s ambassador to Bern for a little more than a year, is indeed a doozy in this line. In his often-demonstrated view, he is in Switzerland to tell the Swiss what to do. At the moment, Miller is all over this nation for not signing on as a participant in Washington’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine—pressuring ministers, denigrating those who question the wisdom of the war, offending the Swiss in speeches and newspaper interviews. It is a one-man assault on Switzerland’s long, long tradition of neutrality, waged in the manner of an imperial proconsul disciplining an errant province. Swiss commentators question why the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the FDFA, has not expelled this tone-deaf ignoramus. 

We should pay attention to people such as Miller and what they get up to, even if they rarely make headlines in our corporate media. It is now nearly lost to history, but Europeans were effectively force-marched—and occasionally bribed at leadership level—into following the Americans as they instigated and waged Cold War I. This is exactly what the State Department is doing once again. It behooves us to watch this process in real time so the realities of Cold War II are not so easily obscured. 

According to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, in effect since 1961, diplomats are barred from intervening in the internal affairs of host countries. The State Department lately displays as much concern for this U.N.–sponsored accord as it does for international law altogether: Little to none, you find when you watch these men and women at close range. 

I do not know when these breaches of etiquette and indeed law started, but at this point illegal diplomatic interventions into the politics and policies of others are the U.S. Foreign Service’s anti–Convention convention. These coercions are key, let us not miss, to the Biden regime’s concerted campaign to divide the world once again into confrontational blocs and erase all traces of principled neutrality. The Finns have succumbed and just joined NATO. We can put the Swedes in the same file. Now it is the Swiss and their neutrality in international affairs who take the heat. This is the thing about the liberal imperialists: They cannot tolerate deviation from their illiberal orthodoxies. It was George W. Bush who famously told the world “You’re either with us or with the terrorists.” American liberals deployed as diplomats cannot get enough of the thought.  

If you want to talk about the decline of diplomacy into crudely asserted demands that host countries conform to the wishes of other powers, you have to start with Andriy Melnyk, the blunt instrument representing Ukraine in Berlin until mid–2022, when even the Zelensky regime, never short of adolescently offensive behavior, found him too much to take. Melnyk thought nothing of calling German ministers “fucking assholes” if they questioned the wisdom of arming Ukraine, and openly celebrating Stepan Bandera, the Russophobic murderer of Jews, who allied with the Third Reich before and during World War II. 

For sheer vulgarity Melnyk is nonpareil. I miss the guy, honestly. American diplomats effect a more polished veneer, but they are every bit Melnyk’s match if the metric is self-righteous presumption that what Washington wants others to do is what others should do. 

You saw what was coming when Mike Pompeo, Trump’s secretary of state, named Richard Grenell ambassador to Berlin in 2018. Among Grenell’s choicer acts was to threaten German companies with sanctions—publicly, we’re talking about—if they participated in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, which, as Seymour Hersh has thoroughly and persuasively reported, and whose reporting has not been substantively contradicted, the Biden regime destroyed in a covert operation last year. By then he had dressed down Angela Merkel for opening the Federal Republic’s door to Syrian refugees in 2015. His broader mission, Grenell declared, was to encourage rightist European leaders: Sebastian Kurz, the right-wing populist serving as Austria’s chancellor during Grenell’s time, was “a rock star” in the American ambassador’s book.

You can call this many things, but diplomacy is not among them. I call it a measure of Washington’s loss of interest in dialogue, negotiation, compromise—altogether an understanding of other countries and their interests. It is the diplomacy of no diplomacy, as I have remarked elsewhere. Diplomats are effectively the guardians of trust among nations: Proper statecraft requires they should be competent to talk even to, or most of all, adversaries. But the policy cliques in Washington now prove indifferent to trust, even among allies, in favor of supine obeisance. 

The world darkens in many ways. This collapse of traditional statecraft is a certain marker of our not-so-gradual descent into a barbarism that ought to worry all of us. 

 We come to the case of Ambassador Miller, who arrived in Bern as the Biden regime’s appointee in January 2022.

With increasing alacrity in recent months, he has taken it upon himself to cajole Switzerland to drop its policy of neutrality and begin sending Swiss-made arms to Ukraine while lifting a ban on other nations’ re-export of Swiss matériel to the Kyiv regime. 

It is a fool’s errand on the very face of it. I would say trying to persuade the Swiss to abandon their neutrality is the equivalent of telling Americans to put aside the Declaration of Independence, except that the neutrality principle goes much further back in Swiss history. The Congress of Vienna formally guaranteed neutral status for the Confoederatio Helvetica, the nation’s official name, when it fashioned a new European order in 1815. By then the Swiss had considered themselves neutral in international affairs since sometime in the late Middle Ages. 

But who cares about all that? Who cares that the Swiss pride themselves on what they have accomplished by way of their neutral role in world affairs—not least but not only during and after World War II? Who cares that Switzerland, because it is formally neutral, has represented American interests in Cuba since 1961 and in Iran since the 1979 revolution? Who cares that Geneva is a city that survives, apart from the watches, on its dedication to mediation, the site of too many negotiations to count? 

Not Ambassador Miller. 

Surely under orders from the Blinken State Department, Miller has been boisterously hammering the Swiss in speeches and public forums to lift their longstanding stipulation that countries purchasing Swiss-made arms cannot re-export them, along with its determination that it will not sell weaponry to countries at war. It is in part a measure of the Biden regime’s desperation that the Swiss, whose armaments industry’s exports come to all of $900 million yearly, is suddenly essential to saving Ukraine from defeat. 

The Swiss are nothing like essential. The thought is ridiculous. The larger point, in my view, is far more insidious. It is to eliminate all thought of neutrality among nations in the (undeclared but obvious) name of the Biden regime’s intent to get everyone on side for a nice, long, profitable new Cold War.

On his arrival, Miller was quick to berate Swiss officials who questioned the sense of the sanctions regime the U.S. and the European Union have imposed on Russia. The Swiss government, reluctantly and controversially, went along with the sanctions that followed the outbreak of hostilities last year, but Miller has been pressing Bern not merely to sequester more funds deposited by Russian oligarchs, but to confiscate them so that they can be sent to Kyiv to finance the eventual reconstruction of Ukraine. 

Confiscation of this kind is straight-out illegal—something that matters not at all to the U.S. but matters greatly to Switzerland. When two journalists from Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the big Zurich daily, asked him about this in an interview a few weeks ago, Miller retreated into the cotton-wool language Americans routinely get from public figures. “This requires international dialogue,” Miller replied. “We assume we will find a way.”

In other words: We insist you breach international law, and worry not. We do it all the time.

When the Neue Zürcher Zeitung correspondents pointed out that Swiss President Alain Berset had recently defended Swiss neutrality and called for early negotiations to end the war, Miller replied, “Anyone can call for negotiations.”

Nice. American diplomacy at its best. Or at its typical worst these days. 

It is a matter of record that Miller has imposed himself into ministerial deliberations on the sanctions and arms-sales questions, boasting at one point that senior FDFA officials “know what we expect.”  But it was a remark Miller made during the Neue Zürcher Zeitung interview that has landed Miller in seriously bad odor among the Swiss. “In a way, NATO is a donut,” he said with exquisite insensitivity, “and Switzerland is the hole in the middle.”

I loved the outrage that followed. He has called Switzerland “nothing in the middle of a greasy American confection,” Roger Kōppel, a populist member of the National Council, the lower house of the legislature, exclaimed. “Bern should have reprimanded him immediately.”

It should have but it didn’t. The only constituencies sympathetic to Miller’s obnoxious importunings are sectors of the business community who stand to profit were Switzerland to abandon its neutrality to please the Americans and the political factions allied with them. Miller will stay, but there is no way under the sun that the vast majority of Switzerland’s nine million people would accept so fundamental a change in policy—and, indeed, in national identity. 

This leads me to a larger point. Miller can bang on all he likes about his commitment to democracy, but his conduct since arriving in Bern is measure enough that he doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about Swiss democracy–an impressive direct democracy–when it impedes Washington’s imperial pursuits. Do not tell me you are shocked, please: American diplomats no longer represent Americans abroad. They represent American elites to other nations’ elites. 

Miller is 43 and arrived with his partner without one day’s experience in statecraft. Together they were and may remain major donors to the Democratic Party, giving the appearance that they bought the Bern appointment–a common practice since at least the Reagan years. Scott Miller is an example of the cost of such practices to our institutions in terms of competence. 

The war against neutrality—and effectively sovereignty and self-determination—goes on. Last week Le Temps, the leading Geneva daily, reported that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz accosted Berset during the latter’s visit to Berlin with the demand that the Swiss “take uncomfortable but correct decisions” on neutrality, arms sales, and the Ukraine question. “We hope certain things will get done,” Scholz added with all the subtlety of… Scott Miller. 

Certain things will not get done. The Americans are not going to win this one, no matter how many obsequious Olaf Scholzs prevail on the Swiss in their behalf. Berset wasted no time making this clear in Berlin. 

I loved the response of Benedict Neff, a commentator at Neue Zürcher Zeitung, after Miller’s hole-in-the-donut remark. Diplomats such as Miller “take a considerable risk,” he wrote. “When their public rebukes are too high-handed, they trigger irritated reactions. The undiplomats are therefore useful in prompting critical reflections on one’s policies and giving them a clearer direction.”

This is not as it always turns out with the Europeans—Scholz being proof enough of the point—but it is as it should be, and as one hopes it will come to be.


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Patrick Lawrence, a correspondent abroad for many years, chiefly for the International Herald Tribune, is a media critic, essayist, author and lecturer. His most recent book is Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century. His web site is Patrick Lawrence. Support his work via his Patreon site. His Twitter account, @thefloutist, has been permanently censored without explanation.

Featured image is by Marco Pregnolato on Unsplash

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Kiev appears frustrated with the White House over the leaks of highly classified documents. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he learned of the leak through the media and has not yet spoken with President Joe Biden regarding the trove of documents. 

“I did not receive information from the White House or the Pentagon beforehand,” Zelensky said. “We did not have that information. I personally did not. It’s definitely a bad story.” The Washington Post reports the highest-level conversation about the leaks to date was between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba

The documents, allegedly leaked by Massachusetts Air National Guardsman Jack Tiexiera, paint a bleak picture for the Ukrainian war effort. The documents show the expected counteroffensive may not succeed. Among other key revelations, the documents exposed that Russian forces were disabling American-made smart bombs, Kiev is running out of air defenses and the White House is spying on the Zelensky administration.

The Ukrainian leader said he was not free to speak his mind about the documents making their way into the public eye. “I cannot risk our state.” Zelensky continued, “Where I can speak frankly, I do it. But there are high risks… I would tell everyone what I think of them. But here the story is a little different. We are all responsible.” 

However, Zelensky was willing to express some complaints during his one-hour private interview with Washington Post reporters. “It is unprofitable for us… It is not beneficial to the reputation of the White House, and I believe it is not beneficial to the reputation of the United States,” he said. 

The leaks have created some fractures between Washington and Kiev. The Post spoke with unnamed Ukrainian officials who believe “Washington’s inability to protect sensitive information could lead to Kyiv sharing less intelligence with the United States.”

Zelensky refused to confirm the documents’ authenticity but claimed the leak benefited Russia. “For us, anything that informs our enemy in advance in one way or another is definitely a minus for us. I don’t see any advantages here,” Zelensky said.


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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The European Commission on May 2 approved a plan by the Dutch government that would compensate livestock farmers in certain areas if they agree to voluntarily close their farms as part of the Netherlands’ efforts to reduce nitrogen pollution.

Under the new “schemes,” dubbed LBV and LBV plus, farmers will need to agree to shut down their production capacity definitively and irreversibly and not start the same breeding activity elsewhere in the Netherlands—the second-largest agricultural exporter in the world—or anywhere else within the European Union.

The “schemes” will run until February 2028 and are open to small and medium-sized livestock farmers in “overburdened Natura 2000 areas” in the Netherlands, providing their current nitrogen deposition load exceeds certain minimum levels each year.

In addition, only farmers that can prove they have been constantly producing over the five years before voluntarily closing down production will be eligible for the schemes.

The two Dutch schemes have a total budget of roughly €1.47 billion ($1.62 billion) and are part of the government’s plans to reduce nitrogen deposition in nature conservation areas.

Under the €500 million ($551 million) LBV scheme, farmers will be compensated “up to 100 percent” of the losses they incur by closing down their dairy cattle, pig, and poultry breeding sites, in the form of direct grants, according to a statement from the European Commission.

Compensation, ‘Green Bonus’

That compensation will cover the loss of production capacity and production rights, according to the statement; funding, however, depends on the area in which the farm is located.

Under the €975 million ($1.77 billion) LBV-plus scheme, which will be open to “peak-load emitting breeding sites who emit a high level of nitrogen per year, fixed as a minimum level,” including farmers breeding dairy cattle, pigs, poultry, and veal calves, “up to 100 percent” of losses incurred by the farmers will be compensated via direct grants.

However, some farmers may also receive up to 120 percent in compensation due to the loss of production capacity under that scheme, according to officials.

The European Commission noted in its statement that if closures are done owing to environmental reasons, member states may grant the farmers an additional 20 percent “green bonus” on top of the compensation for the loss of the value of the assets.

Dutch agricultural exports were worth €122.3 billion last year, according to the national statistics office.

‘Necessary and Appropriate’

According to the European Commission, shutting down certain facilities producing high levels of nitrogen pollution is “necessary and appropriate” to “improve the environmental conditions of the targeted areas and to allow a high-quality, sustainable, and environmentally friendly production” as well as help meet the policy objectives such as those in the European Green Deal.

The commission also found that the compensation to farmers is “proportionate” because it is “limited to the minimum necessary” and that the compensation “brings about positive effects that outweigh any potential distortion of competition and trade in the European Union.”

“The €1.47 billion Dutch schemes we approved today will facilitate the voluntary closure of livestock farming sites with substantive nitrogen deposition on nature conservation areas,” Margrethe Vestager, executive vice-president in charge of competition policy at the European Commission, said in a statement.

“The schemes will improve the environment conditions in those areas and will promote a more sustainable and environmentally friendly production in the livestock sector, without unduly distorting competition,” Vestager added.

Tuesday’s news release did not state what will happen to farmers who do not agree to voluntarily give up their lands.

Image: Dutch dairy farmer Martin Neppelenbroek at his farm in Lemelerveld, The Netherlands, on July 7, 2022. (The Epoch Times)

Epoch Times Photo

Farmers Under Pressure

Protests erupted across the Netherlands last year when the government initially announced the plan to slash nitrogen emissions across the country, including from farms, by more than 50 percent by 2030, and Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s administration made it clear that “there is not a future for all” Dutch farmers under the government’s objectives.

One dairy farmer in the Netherlands interviewed by The Epoch Times last year explained that he would have to cut his livestock numbers by 95 percent in order to meet the government’s new environmental regulations.

Another stated that the government had forced him to get rid of 12 cows as part of its efforts to reduce phosphate, and expressed his concerns that he would have to close down his farm if he was forced to get rid of more.

According to Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek, the plan could see around 3,000 Dutch farmers bought out by the government.

“This is how they do it: they put a knife to the farmers’ throats. They make sure they don’t get their licenses renewed, they’re plaguing them with new rules and restrictions every day and then offer them a bride [sic], knowing many will take it out of pure desperation. It’s all so vile,” Vlaardingerbroek wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

Vlaardingerbroek also questioned the legality of prohibiting the farmers who agree to give up their lands from starting over again in other EU nations.

“The whole idea of the EU was supposed to be about freedom of movement and freedom of workers. This is some next-level USSR stuff,” Vlaardingerbroek added.


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Featured image: Dutch flag displayed in the window of a farm dwelling. Photo credit: Ewien van Bergeijk – Kwant

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A year ago, I was leading a normal, full, active life with no idea of the damage my mobile phone was doing to me. On July 1, 2022, I cancelled my mobile phone service (“cell phone” in the U.S) and turned off the wireless function on my computer as well as the modem. I made these changes at the request of my respected ally and colleague, Arthur Firstenberg. In order to work together I had to experience, first-hand, the shedding of wireless technology, and I had to be willing to “be the change”. It seemed extreme at the time, and as readers may recall, I even cried over the matter before making my final decision. But ten months into this experiment my life is different, and better.

When people ask me if I regret having given up my cell phone, my answer is unequivocally “No”. I don’t miss texting on a phone. I don’t miss GPS. I don’t miss reading news that some news aggregator selected for me. I don’t miss QR codes for this, that and everything else. I do not regret ridding myself of having a cell phone and I would not go back to having one.

I generally feel better… a lot better! Before the wireless purge I was waking up five-six times a night, walking to the bathroom only to urinate minimally and returning to bed; sometimes falling back to sleep, sometimes not. In the weaning off process, I began sleeping better and I now sleep deeply every night and wake up maybe once a night. I also had had chronic stomach aches in the early morning for ten years. Doctors ruled out acid reflux, ulcers, etc. The stomach aches are now gone, entirely. I had frequent nightmares, and I often had headaches upon waking. Those are all gone as well. I wake up happy now instead of lethargic and depressed. Who knew?

My energy level changed noticeably after giving up my phone. I went from long days surrounded by wireless technology which rendered me exhausted, to equally long workdays ending still healthy feeling and still energetic. Now I easily move from the end of the workday to getting on my bicycle or hiking boots and going, rather than languishing due to low energy. This is the primary reason I will not go back to wireless phone or wireless computer. My life, my living is that much better now. I haven’t needed acupuncture for several months. My prana is better. My chi is stronger.

Other things I have noticed: my hair is growing in healthier and I have noticed more new hair growth along my hairline. In my cell phone using days I lost a lot of hair. There was a one-year period, 2016-2017, when I engaged in a lot of high-stress work and carried two cell phones at the time. I lost about one third of the hair on my head during that period and my hair greyed at a rate faster than I had previously seen. At the time I believed that it was simply stress which caused my hair loss. Now, I see it differently. I believe it was the result of having two cellphones near me and in operation at nearly all times. Two cellphones in close proximity produce a tremendous amount of toxic, I call them “slow death”, microwaves, though in truth, for many people they are “fast death” microwaves; those causing cardiac events, for instance. My body reacted to all the radiation. My cells coped, but poorly. I am experiencing a recovery now. My weight has normalized, which would be expected if my cells are now functioning better.

Once I began weaning myself off the cellphone, prior to shutting off my service altogether, I only powered it on rarely. When I began that process, I noticed that when I looked at the screen while powering on the phone, I felt quick and sharp pains in my face. They were subtle, but obvious, something like invisible low-pain darts hitting my face. I had never before felt these pains. I only felt them when I used the phone and only very briefly. I took that as a warning and further reason to get rid of the phone. I have not felt those pains again since except when the Bluetooth was accidentally turned back on in my computer for a few weeks — a few weeks during which my vision deteriorated for no reason that I could fathom until I realized the Bluetooth was on. I turned it off immediately and make sure that it is off every morning when I boot up.

The immediate effects from wireless are not noticed by most of us who have become accustomed to the damage microwave radiation is doing to us. Decreased health and vitality — and increased diseases and demand for medications — is thought of as “normal”. When I was carrying two cell phones I did not “feel” the effects they were having on my body. I didn’t “feel” my mitochondria. I didn’t “feel” cell death. I didn’t relate the deterioration of my body to my use of devices. But that is what was happening. I was aging myself prematurely, unknowingly.

Before I cancelled my service, I spent two months deeply researching the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living beings. I read peer-reviewed studies, books, reports from scientists around the world, and more. I found references to thousands of such studies, both recent and dating back decades. I read Arthur’s book, The Invisible Rainbow, and the compelling history of the dangers of wireless technology as well as electricity, and their deadly effect on living organisms.

I am reminded in this moment that two of the most intelligent, and youthful “senior” (they don’t seem senior) people I know do not own a cellphone and swore them off years and years ago. This cannot be an accident. These are the only other two adults I personally know at the time of this writing who do not own a cell phone, aside from the many kind folks who have contacted me via the Cellular Phone Task Force. They are exceptionally “alive” people.

A few weeks ago I discovered that a dear friend was living in a home riddled with RF radiation. This friend and I watch out for each other. He is almost 80 years of age and was formerly enthusiastic about tech and a big consumer of it. I believed that he had checked his home thoroughly with an RF meter last year and that his home was relatively safe. Just to be sure, I thought I better check.

I was shocked to see my RF meter flashing red, meaning “evacuate the area at once”, in his bedroom and in his office where he spends roughly three quarters of his life. The source of the incredibly high levels of radiation? Three cordless phones distributed around the home, a printer with a built-in wireless/Bluetooth connection, a modem which was mistakenly believed to have had the wireless function turned off, a state-of-the-art desktop PC which even though plugged into the Ethernet with the WiFi turned off was emitting like crazy because the Bluetooth was on. He and his three cats were bathed in radiation in their own home, which reminds me to point out that radiation from home devices, and associated illnesses and extinctions, are becoming more insidious, not less, still.His wife died from complications (a fall) from advanced Parkinson’s disease. There was never an explanation given by any doctor for what caused the progressive Parkinson’s leading to her death. She was heavily irradiated in her home, which was the above scenario, plus two additional cell phones, and two additional PCs using wireless. She could not overcome the dense radiation in her home, where she also worked and taught piano. My friend, a man with obviously strong genes, was barely overcoming it; sleeping with a CPAP machine for sleep apnea while living in the midst of off-the-charts radiation. He was moving around his life in something of a zombie state. I witnessed it. This is when I met him. He often had trouble initiating walking, though he was perfectly able to walk. Often, I observe this semi-zombified state in people around me.

Even his indoor cats seemed neurotic, with patches of hair loss and various acting out of the norm. I look forward to seeing them improve now that the radiation is being brought to below “need to evacuate” levels after 20+ years of increasing radiation. They will all enjoy drastic improvements.

Another experience which reinforced my certainty about what wireless technology is doing to the world was my trip to the COP 27 in Egypt last November, where the entire grounds of the convention center were heavily irradiated at all times. My RF meter flashed red in every nook and cranny of the convention center where numerous cell towers lorded overhead disguised as palm trees. The out-of-doors was equally irradiated and essentially everywhere every person was on a cell phone at almost all times, partly because no conference information was made available on paper, not even maps of the intricate multi-facility conference grounds. It was estimated that over 40,000 people were present.

Sharm El-Sheikh is a modern tourist town where landlines are nowhere an option. The condominium complex where I stayed had wireless connections throughout and my housemates of course had their cell phones. Due to being heavily irradiated, I did not sleep for four nights upon my arrival and was subsequently placed in hospital, very depleted, where I required IV fluids and sedatives. Interestingly, the doctor’s four different sedatives did not work, which I can only attribute to the extremely high level of radiation at the hospital, because normally I am highly sensitive to medication. Again, the “evacuate at once” red flashing light on my RF meter. With some chagrin, when my legs began involuntarily spasming I left the hospital AMA (against medical advice), much to the physician’s displeasure. I did my best to smooth things over and finally slept on the fifth night at the condominium thanks to my kind housemate’s Melatonin and a space in the bedroom I identified with lower radiation.

There was a near total absence of birds at this the southernmost tip of the Sinai Peninsula, even though it was migration season. I saw a few flocks fly past out on the Red Sea, but not more than a dozen birds on shore and inland during the two weeks I was visiting. Birds simply are few there, despite plentiful palm trees and flowering shrubs. There was an unsettling quiet all around. Fortunately, a plentiful array of tropical fish still inhabit the sea there.

It was a tremendous relief to get back to the safety of my home where I resumed my journey to health and vitality again.

I gave up my cell phone and wireless service for a number of reasons, three of those being:

  • the preservation of my life and health, and that of my pets
  • the preservation of the creatures that keep this planet, my garden, and the refuges where I hike, lively, abundant and habitable
  • and concern for the survival of all species
Removing radiation in the home is like shaking off a debilitating disease. It has made for the restoration of a more beautiful and graceful life, one I thought I had simply lost. I am again feeling well and sleeping well. I am no longer damaging brain cells, destroying my blood brain barrier, or endangering my mitochondria; all things which compromise our wellbeing and what is needed for longevity and happiness.

In addition to being healthier, I am also freer now. My living is less interrupted by alerts and rings, many of which, in retrospect were superfluous. My friends and colleagues still matter to me every bit as much as they did before. Perhaps they matter more as my life has simplified. My time with them today is richer and feels better because I feel better. My social life improved qualitatively. I care for my friends and associates near and far and I sense they still care for me equally. Not carrying a cell phone has not changed that reality nor my ability to access life and love.Having detached from the news aggregator which I previously used frequently on my phone has also improved my life. The news aggregator was informative, yes, but heavily propagandized like most news today; essentially an echo chamber endlessly looping propaganda at me. I am glad to be free of that. I am no longer bombarded by upsetting and intrusive hyped news all day long. I pick up news here and there. I am less propagandized. I feel less propagandized, and freer.

Desperately, my colleagues and I want the extinction of species to stop. I am thrilled by the birds and insects that make this planet productive. I have already envisioned a planet with the numbers of birds and insects returned. It is suspected that radiation is responsible for “half or more” of the species lost in the Seventh Mass Extinction which is ongoing. My garden is visited by relatively few birds and even fewer butterflies; just a few moth species. I saw some juvenile praying mantises last spring but never saw a single adult. Even worms are few. Climate change, pesticides and deforestation are factors, but radiation is a larger, more destructive factor, not smaller. Most of the world is downplaying, ignoring and even suppressing the destructive role of radiation as regards extinction.

Thanks to insights from the researcher Diana Kordas on the Greek island of Samos, I have come to understand that while I make choices around my personal use of deadly wireless technology, beyond my little bubble are all the creatures who have no say in a matter which is about life and death. Quite possibly their entire species are being irradiated to extinction by man-made wireless technology. I have a choice; they do not. Like on Samos, there are distressingly few signs of living animal creatures in my local mountains. There are increasingly fewer places to which they can escape from cell towers, cell phones and the like, and in many instances, no place at all. Hence extinction.

Tonight is a cool spring night in the high desert of the southwest U.S. It is quiet outside. The city where I live is not a typical bustling wealthy American city and I suspect most people are at home, perhaps at rest. Home, generally the place to which we go for safety and warmth. I wonder, as we are nestled here in our respective retreats, “Is home a place of safety anymore? Has home become as dangerous or more than the streets of a high-crime city?”. Consider nearly every home and public place in developed countries and beyond has at least one modem emitting deadly EMFs day and night, and one or more cell phones. Add to that a smart meter (wireless utility meters affixed to homes), perhaps a baby monitor, and all other sorts of other wireless gadgets.

My house is a haven and I am safer here, as are my pets. I fear for their well-being but know that they are protected here, at least. Even my dear neighbor’s new cat has chosen my home, which measures as far safer than the home where he is meant to be living. At least I can provide a haven for these few and for myself. I am much relieved that my pets are more safe, not less in my home.

A month after my return from Egypt, the subject line for one of the world’s most circulated newspapers, a popular U.S. publication, read: “The Morning: a happier new year, develop stronger relationships in 2023”. The first paragraph: “For over 80 years, researchers at Harvard have studied what makes for a good life. They found one surefire, scientifically proven predictor of happiness: developing warmer relationships.” The publication went on to say, “What emerged is that a crucial element of happiness is relationships.” One might question, what about those of us who have highly developed, ongoing warm relationships and relative happiness? What would be the challenge for us in 2023?

I am a big fan of warm relationships. If I am going to fry I would prefer to do so in the arms of a beloved. But let’s be clear, in the current dire state of what we, the living beings on Earth, are faced with, love is not enough. Warm relationships cannot reverse utter cell destruction and death from radiation. We here at the Cellular Phone Task Force will be much more optimistic on January 1 of next year if a headline were to read, “The Morning: a happier new year, cell towers being removed worldwide in 2024 as cell phone ownership declines and world leaders declare microwave radiation destroying the health of all species”.

There is no lasting happiness without health, according to the ancient medical system of Ayurveda. And health is becoming more and more elusive on this planet as every day a web of deadly radiation more densely blankets our planet; our home, Earth. There are scientists studying the effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation who predict humanity will only survive two more years on the planet due to radiation. There are many more scientists flagrantly ignoring this possibility altogether.

It is not unreasonable to conclude that in this current world of destructive microwave radiation “safety” is no longer a reality anywhere. I have relatively low electromagnetic frequencies in my home because of the precautions I have taken and I have walls built of mud bricks, which helps. But my home is not entirely safe and won’t be as long as wireless technology dominates and destroys our planet. We at the Cellular Phone Task Force encourage you and your families to join us by “being the change”.

Here is a short list of our top reasons to ditch your cell phone and other wireless devices:

  1. Protect your health and happiness, including your brain, and minimize your need for medical intervention.
  2. Protect your children’s happiness and their development, especially their brains.
  3. Preserve your youth.
  4. Protect your pets.
  5. Protect your surroundings and gardens; pollinators, soils, plants, neighbors, wildlife.
  6. Preserve species from extinction.
  7. Preserve life on the planet.​


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Kathleen Burke is a colleague of Arthur Firstenberg, celebrated American scientist, anti-wireless activist, and author of the internationally acclaimed The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (AGB Press 2017; Chelsea Green Publishing 2020) 

Kathleen is a gardener, hiker, and practitioner of Ayurveda in the US desert Southwest where she resides. She holds a certificate in Ayurvedic Medicine from the Ayurvedic Institute, Dr. Vasant Lad, BAMS. For reasons of personal health and the environment, Kathleen permanently gave up her mobile phone and ended her use of wireless devices in June, 2022 and has never regretted it. She can be reached at [email protected].

Will Meat be Banned?

May 5th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Meat has been a celebrated food staple since the dawn of mankind. Never has anyone needed to justify the eating of animal protein — until now.

According to the global cabal that is working toward a complete monopoly of the food supply, the eating of meat is at the core of manmade climate change and has to stop.

In addition to calls for an outright ban on meat consumption, other coercive strategies have also been proposed, such as changing agricultural subsidies and trade laws, changing diets in hospitals and schools, adding warning labels, education (read, propaganda) and various taxes, including specific taxes on meat and more generalized carbon taxes.

According to researchers at Oxford University, meat and dairy production are responsible for 60% of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the agricultural sector. They also claim cattle use 83% of available farmland while delivering only 18% of calories and 37% of dietary protein.

But environmental concerns cannot be the only consideration. Human health must also be considered, and researchers warn we know virtually nothing about the long-term health effects of cultured and plant-based meat alternatives. One recent investigation discovered that plant-based meats contain high amounts of antinutrients that prevent your body’s absorption of minerals such as iron and zinc, which could result in problematic nutritional deficiencies


Meat has been a celebrated food staple since the dawn of mankind.1 Never has anyone needed to justify the eating of animal protein — until now. According to the globalist cabal that is working toward a complete monopoly of the food supply, the eating of meat is at the core of manmade climate change and must stop in order to “save the planet.”

Back in September 2019, a British barrister (trial attorney) went so far as to call for new laws to ban the eating of meat to protect the environment, and as time goes on, this kind of insanity will likely only intensify. As reported by The Guardian at the time:2

“The barrister Michael Mansfield has suggested that we should have new laws against ecocide — practices that destroy the planet — and that under them, meat could be targeted. ‘I think when we look at the damage eating meat is doing to the planet, it is not preposterous to think that one day it will become illegal,’ he said.”

Aside from an outright ban on meat consumption, a number of other coercive strategies have also been proposed, such as changing agricultural subsidies and trade laws, changing diets in hospitals and schools, adding warning labels, education (read, propaganda) and implementing various taxes, including specific taxes on meat and more generalized carbon taxes.3

Human Health To Be Sacrificed for the Environment

The Guardian cited research4,5,6 from Oxford University, published in the summer of 2018, which claimed meat and dairy production are responsible for 60% of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the agricultural sector, and that cattle use 83% of available farmland while delivering only 18% of calories and 37% of dietary protein.

But are environmental concerns the only valid factor in this equation? What about human health? Is it reasonable to intentionally doom all of humanity to poor health and low cognition just because a small power-hungry cabal claims food production has a detrimental climate impact?

Many of the activities pursued by these globalists have detrimental impacts on the environment, but you don’t see them addressing those. Instead, they’re going after food!

The most infuriating part of this debate is the fact that human and environmental health can be simultaneously optimized. If the global cabal really had good intentions, they’d incentivize farmers to transition to regenerative farming practices and holistic livestock management.

Problem solved. We’d have healthier, more nutrient-dense food and the environment would rapidly regenerate. Climate normalization would soon follow. To learn more, see “Regenerative Food and Farming: Survival and Revival.”

But no, regenerative farming is not even part of the discussion. It’s being intentionally ignored, and that’s how you know the globalists have no intention of solving an actual problem. Their intention is to control the food supply by making sure all foods are patentable and owned by them.

Study Warns: Meat Ban Would Harm Human Health

On the other side of this debate, we have research7 showing that removing meat and dairy from the human diet would result in significant harm to health. As reported by Nutrition Insight in mid-April 2023:8

“Among a growing body of research linking decreased meat consumption to various health benefits, a new study concludes that removing or reducing meat consumption from diets is risky as meat is a nutrient-dense food that ‘continues to have a key role in human health and development.’

The researchers explain that meat offers a source of high-quality protein and nutrients that are not always easily obtained with meat-free diets and are often suboptimal or deficient in global populations.

‘Animal-sourced foods are superior to plant-sourced foods at simultaneously supplying several bioavailable micronutrients and high-quality macronutrients critical for growth and cognitive development,’ notes co-author Dr. Adegbola Adesogan, director of the University of Florida’s Global Food Systems Institute. Dietary recommendations to eliminate animal-source foods from diets ignore their importance …”

Indeed, as noted in this paper,9 human anatomy, digestion and metabolism indicates that the human race is not only compatible with but also reliant upon relatively substantial meat intake, and disconnecting the entire population from our evolutionary dietary patterns raises rather than lowers the risk for nutrient deficiencies and chronic diseases.

Meat Is More Than the Sum of Individual Nutrients

We already know that the preponderance of processed food in the Western diet is responsible for our current disease burden and removing one of the few remaining whole foods — meat — will undoubtedly only worsen the situation.

Specific nutrients found in meat that are not easily obtained in meat-free diets include B vitamins, especially vitamin B12, retinol, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, iron and zinc in bioavailable forms, taurine, creatine and carnosine, all of which have important health functions. As noted by the authors:10

“As a food matrix, meat is more than the sum of its individual nutrients. Moreover, within the diet matrix, it can serve as a keystone food in food-based dietary interventions to improve nutritional status, especially in regions that rely heavily on cereal staples.

Efforts to lower global meat intake for environmental or other reasons beyond a critical threshold may hinder progress towards reducing undernutrition and the effects this has on both physical and cognitive outcomes, and thereby stifle economic development …

Leaving aside the degree of negative impact that meat may have on a variety of factors that relate to human and planetary health … the purpose of the present article is to summarize the positive nutritional aspects of meat consumption.

The outlining, understanding, and weighing of such parameters will be required to enable a proper cost-benefit analysis of any food system transformation, and particularly those that wish to strongly reduce or even eliminate meat intake.”

We Have a Manmade Problem Alright

We do have a manmade problem, but it’s not climate change per se. The problem is that food production has been bastardized. In an April 24, 2023, article in The Scotsman,11 columnist Philip Lymbery shares memories of a trip through Italy’s agricultural valley.

While touring “pretty villages,” “endless pastures and crop fields,” he quickly realized that something was missing: Livestock. Not once did he see a farm animal anywhere. The picturesque pastures were all empty.

“Where were the cows producing milk for world-famous Parmesan or Grana Padano? Or the pigs renowned for Parma ham? Or the chickens producing eggs for Carbonara? What I discovered is that farmers in Italy’s richest agricultural region had forgotten how to keep animals outside.

They simply had a blind spot. They couldn’t see why it wasn’t right to keep them cooped up indoors all day, every day. They couldn’t see the irony of grass being grown then mowed and packed into bales to feed incarcerated cows,” he writes.

“They had lost sight of the fact that cows, pigs, and chickens like to feel fresh air and sunshine as much as we do. It put me in mind of something else Locatelli once said: ‘It is better to have fantastic meat once a week than fill ourselves up every day with cheap, carelessly reared meat. We all have to get used to quality, not quantity.’”

Even foods advertised as being made from “grass fed” cows, such as Italy’s famous Parmigiano Reggiano Parmesan cheese, were raised indoors, Lymbery discovered. Instead of letting the cows graze freely on all those pastures, cut grass is shoveled into darkened factories where hundreds of cows are cramped together.

According to Lymbery, less than 1% of Italian farms that supply dairy for the production of Parmesan allowed cows to graze freely outdoors in 2016. (He asked the consortium that governs Parmesan manufacturing for updated 2023 statistics but received no reply.) Instead, “zero grazing” is the norm. This is where cows are permanently kept indoors.

Another fact Lymbery discovered during his travels through Italy was that crop fields are primarily dedicated to growing animal feed, not human food. These kinds of practices are what’s having a detrimental effect on the environment. It’s factory farming that is the problem, not farming or food production in general. As mentioned earlier, the solution is regenerative farming and holistic husbandry, Not more processed fake foods.

Fake Meats Are Not a Viable Replacement for Real Meat

As detailed in “Red Meat Is Not a Health Risk,” research has demonstrated that unprocessed red meat poses a very low risk for adverse health effects, if any. On the other hand, cultured meat operations are significant producers of CO2 emissions and plant-based meats have been shown to inhibit mineral absorption in humans.

Both of these meat alternatives are also ultraprocessed,12 and may therefore cause the same kind of health deterioration as other processed foods. Obesity,13 Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and depression are but a few examples of conditions known to be promoted and exacerbated by a processed food diet.14,15,16,17,18

In December 2022, Swedish researchers warned that plant-based meat alternatives have very high phytate levels — antinutrients that inhibit the absorption of minerals in the human body. As a result, while the meat substitute may appear to contain many of the necessary nutrients, such as iron, your body cannot absorb them. That plant-based meat alternatives may therefore result in health-robbing nutrient deficiencies is wholly predictable. As reported by Nutrition Insight:19

“The study, published in Nutrients, analyzed 44 meat substitutes sold in Swedish supermarkets, mainly made of soy and pea proteins. It also included fermented soy products of tempeh and mycoproteins — fungi.

‘All products were high in iron and zinc content but low in bioavailability (except the tempeh and mycoprotein-based products). This means that the minerals pass through the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed,’ Ann-Sofie Sandberg, co-author of the study and professor of food and nutrition science at Chalmers University, tells NutritionInsight.

Sandberg details that the mycoproteins did not contain iron but relatively high amounts of zinc. Zinc absorption might be negatively influenced by the fungi cell walls, although it’s yet unknown.

‘Among these products, we saw a wide variation in nutritional content and how sustainable they can be from a health perspective. In general, the estimated absorption of iron and zinc from the products was extremely low,’ says Cecilia Mayer Labba, lead author of the study …

Sandberg explains that the most available iron for absorption comes from meat and fish containing heme iron, which is very easily absorbed. ‘Meat and fish also contain what is called ‘the meat factor’ — muscle tissues or amino acids — which stimulate the absorption of nonheme iron in the whole meal. Thus, there are two reasons for animal protein being superior for iron absorption. Also, zinc absorption is stimulated by animal protein.’”

Executive Order Lays Foundation for Lab-Created Foods

Government leaders, however, appear wholly ignorant of the risks involved with a wholesale transition from real, whole food to processed and synthetic alternatives.

In September 2022, U.S. President Joe Biden signed an “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy,”20 which paves the way for biotechnology to take over food production.

In late March 2023, Biden further expanded on this premise in a “Bold Goals for U.S. Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing” report.21 According to this plan, the food industry is to be led by biotech, and the “improvements” we can look forward to are more lab-grown meats and bioengineered plant foods. A similar plan is also detailed in the U.K.’s Genetic Technology and Precision Breeding Act of 2023.22

Specific goals highlighted in Biden’s “Bold Goals” report23 include reducing methane emissions from agriculture by 30% by 2030, in part by reducing methane emissions from ruminant livestock.

While Bill Gates is investing to develop methane-capturing face masks for cattle,24 the easiest way to reduce emissions from livestock is to simply eliminate the animals altogether, and this, of course, means less real food.

Among the many problems with this plan is the fact that taxpayers will now be paying for government’s funding of private corporations involved in the fake food industry. The end result is highly predictable. What we’ll have is a repeat of what happened with farm subsidies.

Rather than subsidizing the most nutritious foods, government farm subsidies go almost exclusively to large monoculture farms growing genetically engineered corn, soy and other basic ingredients used in processed foods. As a result, the processed food industry has grown on our dime while public health has deteriorated.

The same thing will happen here. Instead of investing in regenerative agriculture, the government is backing a whole new industry of fake foods, from lab-grown meats to large-scale insect production. Meanwhile, safety data for plant-based meats, synthetic cultured meats and insect proteins are sorely lacking.

As just one example, a March 2023 Food Hazards Identification report25 by the British Food standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland stresses that there are “considerable gaps in knowledge” when it comes to cell-based meat production. There’s either little or no data at all on the toxicology, nutrition profiles, product stability, allergy risks, contamination risks and adverse effects of these products when consumed by humans.

Examples of Potential Hazards

Potential problem areas identified by the FSA include:26,27

As noted in the Food Hazards Identification report:28

“There are many stages of development for producing cultured meat … from taking a cell line from a small vial or biopsy and increasing the culture volume stepwise in stages (proliferation), until a commercial sized bioreactor can be seeded, to differentiating the cells to final desired cell type.

Then [they are] maturing them, usually on a scaffold, to increase the protein content, and then detaching/grinding the cells with/from their scaffold to produce a final product that can be used to make meat like cells. At each stage, different chemicals, biologics, media formulations, additives and supplements are used to ensure a successful culture.”

Contamination can occur at any of these steps. Each additive also poses potential risks, both known and unknown, as various byproducts are created in the process. In the video above, I review some of the many potential dangers associated with fake meats.

Considering the multistep processing cultivated meats undergo, it’s simply not possible for it to be as safe as conventional meat, where the primary contamination risks are limited to slaughter, processing, packaging, distribution and storage. With fake meats, hazardous contamination can occur at any point during manufacturing, in addition to these conventional “weak points.”

Ultraprocessed Foods Are Anything But ‘Green’

Ultraprocessed foods are also completely counterproductive to environmentally “green” and sustainable goals. For example, ultraprocessed foods already account for 17% to 39% of total diet-related energy use, 36% to 45% of total diet-related biodiversity loss and up to one-third of total diet-related greenhouse gas emissions.29

So, how is expanding the manufacturing and consumption of even more ultraprocessed foods going to lower greenhouse gas emissions? As noted in a September 2022 Journal of Cleaner Production paper:30

“Ultraprocessed foods are fundamentally unsustainable products; they have been associated with poor health and social outcomes and require finite environmental resources for their production … are responsible for significant diet-related energy, [and] greenhouse gas emissions.”

And, for all the lip service paid to “equity,” increasing consumption of processed foods will worsen economic inequalities, as it redirects money away from small farmers and independent homesteaders to transnational corporations that rely on underpaid workers.

Will Beef be Banned?

Crazy as it seems, there’s every reason to suspect that a meat ban will eventually become reality. Personally, I don’t think this will be done through laws banning the consumption of meat.

Rather, meat will simply be phased out as farmers are forced to limit herd sizes to comply with various restrictions on fertilizer use and limits on carbon emissions. Fake alternatives will then take their place, and over time, people will forget how to raise their own food. At that point, humanity will be wholly captured and enslaved.

Be Part of the Solution

Ultimately, if we want to be free, and if we want food safety and food security, we must focus our efforts on building a decentralized system that connects communities with farmers who grow real food in sustainable ways and distribute that food locally.

Strategies that can get us there were covered in the Children’s Health Defense’s March 4, 2023, Attack on Food symposium (video above). For example, Dr. John Day and Beverly Johannson shared tips on how to grow your own food and preserve the food you grow. Other helpful strategies include buying food from local farmers and farmers markets and creating independent food hubs that cut out the middlemen.

The final session of the symposium dealt with larger societal solutions to fight back against the war on food. U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie highlighted core vulnerabilities in the U.S. food supply, which fell apart during the pandemic when farmers had to euthanize animals because they couldn’t get them processed.

Four meatpackers control 85% of the meat that’s processed in the U.S. One of them is owned by China, one by Brazil and the other two are multinational corporations. Food prices are going up while farmers are going broke. In 2017, Massie introduced the Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption (PRIME) Act,31 but the bill hasn’t moved since its introduction in the House.

The PRIME Act would allow farmers to sell meat processed at smaller slaughtering facilities and allow states to set their own meat processing standards. Because small slaughterhouses do not have an inspector on staff — a requirement that only large facilities can easily fulfill — they’re banned from selling their meat. The PRIME Act would lift this regulation without sacrificing safety, as random USDA inspections could still occur.

“If a farmer wants to sell pork, beef or lamb to a consumer, as long as that consumer and that farmer and that processor are all in the same state, they’re not crossing state lines, they keep the federal government out of that transaction,” he said.

Massey has also introduced legislation to protect access to raw milk (HR 4835, the Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 202132).33 The bill was introduced at the end of July 2021, as an amendment to the 2018 Farm bill. Contact your representatives and urge them to support these bills.


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1, 7, 9, 10 Animal Frontiers April 15, 2023

2, 3 The Guardian September 23, 2019

4 Science June 1, 2018; 360: 987-992

5 Science Erratum February 22, 2019

6 The Guardian May 31, 2018

8 Nutrition Insight April 17, 2023

11 The Scotsman April 24, 2023

12 Friends of the Earth, From Lab to Fork, June 2018 (PDF)

13 Cell Metabolism, 2019; doi: 0.1016/j.cmet.2019.05.008

14 JAMA Internal Medicine February 11, 2019;179(4):490-498

15 BMJ February 14, 2018; 360

16 JAMA 2017;317(9):912-924

17 BMJ, 2019;365:I1451

18 BMJ, 2019;365:l1949

19 Nutrition Insight December 9, 2022

20 White House Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology September 12, 2022

21, 23 Bold Goals for US Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing March 2023

22 Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act 2023

24 Cowboy State Daily March 23, 2023

25, 26 Food standards Agency Hazards Identification Report November 2022

27 Food Safety News March 24, 2023

28 Food standards Agency Hazards Identification Report November 2022, Page 8

29, 30 Journal of Cleaner Production September 25, 2022; 368: 133155

31 HR 2657 PRIME Act

32 HR4835  Interstate Milk Freedom Act 2021

33 Thomas Massie Press Release July 30, 2021

Ukrainian War Crimes Reported, Zelensky Applauded in The Hague

May 5th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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More and more evidence of Ukrainian crimes is emerging from the testimonies of those who were on the frontlines. Recently, a German ex-volunteer who fought for the Kiev regime commented on how the Ukrainian armed forces commit all sorts of illegal and abusive acts against Russian prisoners of war. The soldier wrote a book reporting what he saw on the frontlines and expressing his regret for having fought for a long time to defend Ukraine. Ironically, at the same time, the leader of these criminal troops is received with an ovation at the International Court in The Hague.

Jonas Kratzenberg, a German citizen who has volunteered in the International Legion – the Kiev regime’s team of foreign fighters – has categorically stated that the Ukrainian armed forces are carrying out torture and summary executions of Russian prisoners. His accusations are not based on rumors, but on his own experiences on the battlefield, where he was able to personally witness several Ukrainian crimes being committed. Commenting on this issue, he called Ukrainian attitudes towards prisoners “dirty”.  

Kratzenberg had previously fought for NATO in Afghanistan, having been discharged from the German armed forces in February 2022, arriving in Ukraine the following month. The soldier participated in several battles and remained on the frontlines until December, when he was seriously injured during a Russian drone attack. He says, however, that he regrets not having left Ukraine sooner, as there were many problems with his service.

According to Kratzenberg, members of the International Legion are poorly paid and often have their salaries delayed. He also says that he has already seen a video in which a Ukrainian commander claims that foreign fighters would be “cannon fodder”, thus revealing the disdain with which volunteers are treated. In addition, an important factor is the connivance that they are forced to maintain with the crimes committed by Ukrainians. Kratzenberg says he has seen at least two actual cases of summary execution. In one of these cases the victims were three surrendered, unarmed Russian soldiers, while in the other a civilian was murdered by the Ukrainian agents.

It is important to emphasize that Kratzenberg remains a pro-Kiev and pro-Western militant who does not support Russia and who is therefore unsuspecting of any kind of “pro-Moscow propaganda”. He just reports what he actually saw happening on the battlefield, without changing his pro-Ukrainian principles. Something similar had already been done by some other foreign mercenaries on several recent occasions, such as the head of the “Mozart Group” agency, Andrew Milburn, who in an interview for an American podcast revealed several crimes and abuses committed by Ukrainians.

In fact, the words of the German soldier confirm a series of accusations made by other people and institutions, increasing the evidence that Kiev carries out summary executions of Russian citizens. In March, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine stated that it had evidence that extrajudicial killings and various types of torture were being committed by Ukrainian troops. Even so, Western countries ignore all these facts and continue to insist on sponsoring and arming the Kiev regime, becoming co-perpetrators of the crimes.

In parallel with these denunciations, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, head of the troops that commit all these war crimes, is applauded on his tour in Europe, having been received with ovation in the Court of The Hague, one of the most important centers of international law. On April 4, the neo-Nazi leader gave a speech at the International Criminal Court called “No Peace Without Justice for Ukraine”, in which he defended that Vladimir Putin and his officials be tried in The Hague and Russia held responsible for the conflict. As expected, nothing was said at any time about the Ukrainian crimes or about the genocide of Russians in Donbass carried out since 2014.

Zelensky’s visit also came just two days after the ninth anniversary of the Odessa massacre, when forty-eight anti-Maidan demonstrators were killed during a fire attack by Ukrainian nationalists at the Odessa Trade Union House. No Ukrainian agent has been held accountable for the crime to date. Instead of demanding answers from the Ukrainian state about what happened in Odessa and other cases of massacres against ethnic Russians and protesters, Western powers and international legal institutions simply ignore the crimes of the regime and even applaud Zelensky, who has been constantly increasing levels of domestic violence and persecution in Ukraine.

The hypocritical attitude of the western world and its institutions towards Ukraine shows how urgent measures are needed in order to reformulate the structures of the international system and adapt it to the new multipolar geopolitical order. Russia is considered responsible for the conflict simply because it is the official narrative of NATO, which exerts pressure on international organizations so that its interests are defended, instrumentalizing international law. It is necessary that measures be taken so that war crimes and human rights violations are judged in a neutral and impartial manner, condemning those who actually commit such acts and not those seen as enemies for opposing the unipolar system.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image: Jonas Kratzenberg, German citizen who fought in Ukrainian International Legion (Source: InfoBrics)

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Rudolf Steiner’s Threefold Social Order

May 5th, 2023 by Milan Telford

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Let no one be only concerned with his own interests: Let each one strive for the good of the other. – 1 Corinthians 10

It is given to each and every one to make the working of the Spirit apparent in his own way, always in a positive and furthering sense. – Corinthians 12

Let all that is done among you be done in love. – Corinthians 16

From the Letters of Saint Paul[1] 

Dr Rudolf Steiner (1861 -1925), a genius who gave us Waldorf (Steiner) education, new forms of architecture, Biodynamic farming, an extended 4 year course for medical practitioners in understanding medicine from a human perspective, renewal of Christian esoteric tradition et el, with over 6,500 lectures and over 40 books.

He promulgated the concept of the Three-fold social order, as a means for a devastated Europe, after World War 1, to develop a social form of governance that would not result in concentrated power and money in the hands of a few. When this could not be brought about in Germany or Russia, because of unfortunate incidents which stifled the attempt, Steiner resigned himself to commenting that only in 100 years time would it be possible to bring this about again. 

This essay is a cursory introduction from the many lectures, books and work, which Rudolf Steiner devoted to the subject.

After the First World War, Steiner, would work tirelessly to promote the concept, because this would have released the world from the inadequate thinking necessary to prevent that which subsequently emerged, under the power and control of those interests which today have begun their next steps in controlling humankind. 

The French Revolution[2] had as its catch cry the phrase, ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. The French revolution however did not fully succeed in realizing those aspirations, they are principles that relate to different human spheres of activity.

Steiner believed that the three spheres of human activity, are:


Political/Rights; and


The principles inherent in these three spheres are;

Freedom, in the Spiritual/Cultural sphere, (we should be free to pursue our spiritual, mind activity, without coercion from external parties);

Equality within the Political and Legal Rights sphere, (we are all equal before the law and in participating in democratic rights)

And importantly, within the Economic sphere, the true concept of Brotherhood, where we work for each other, as the ‘specialisation of labour’ proves, and where one doesn’t need lectures from a pulpit to bring about, a brotherhood of mankind. 

Each sphere to be autonomous, but as in a Venn diagram, intersecting with each other. Economic activity[3] would be based on Associative economics[4] a concept which works at a local level and where work places could be structured along the lines of a ‘Honeybee’ versus ‘Locust’ organisational model.[5]

Professor Avery[6], in researching the subject of organisational practice in Germany, USA and Australia, for more than 20 years, postulated that what she termed the honeybee style of organisation, [always looks after its suppliers and customers, in good times and bad, is people and not profit maximizing oriented] and this can extend to ‘participative style organisations’ where results and outcomes are shared with the work-force, participating in the entity. The Locust style organisations are a scourge on their environment, after maximizing profits, decimating the landscape, they then move on, having fed on and destroyed all about them, as in the example of Al Dunlop,[7] of Sunbeam fame. Avery contends that honey bee organisations do better overall than the locust style, in the longer term. 

The threefold social order, requires a complete rethink of the way society is structured.

When one looks around the world at examples of society, one will be able to see that in those societies where neither one sphere nor the other, dominates, then society as a whole functions best of all.

In the USA, unfortunately the economic sphere dominates, leading to the goal always of more gold, and leading to corruption and power control over political processes in society, for personal advantages by individuals and groups of individuals.

In the old communist Russia, (not the case under Putin’s leadership, being a modern leader of high caliber, contrary to the propaganda of the controlled media in the West), where the Political ideology dominated – 1920’s to 1981, we saw the perversion (and collapse) of the economic sphere and the brutal control of free thinking and religion (not so the case today).

In Iran for example, where a religion dominates, Society again does not function at its fullest potential. People need to be free to exercise expression of religion and thought and not be thought controlled be a myriad of rules. 

If people wish to hear more about the possibility of a three-fold social commonwealth, before it is all too late, and the control of the world is handed to the Globalist elite and the humanity of humankind is driven out through the institution of technocracy as espoused by the WEF and other dominant powerful groupings who seek to conquer the world in their own image, then there is much more that could be said, regarding the will and wishes of our true creators. 


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Milan Telford is from Australia. His first degree was from University of New England (UNE) – Armidale NSW, Bachelor Financial Administration. Then became a Certified Practicing Accountant, now a Fellow (FCPA). He also finished Chartered Secretaries exams, and also Post Grad Diploma in Applied Corporate Governance.


 1 Gary Lamb et el, ‘Associative Economics Spiritual Activity for the Common Good’. (2010) 7, ISBN: 978-1- 936367-10-8. 

2 French Revolution, began 1789 and ended 1799, Wkipedia. 

3 See Rudolf Steiner, ‘World Economy’ (1922); and Folkert Wilkins, ‘The Liberation of Capital’ (1982)  

4 Ibid (‘n1’). 

5 see Gayle Avery and Harald Bergsteiner, ‘Honey Bee and Locusts’, (2010) Allen & Unwin ISB978 1 74237 393 5. 

6 Professor Gayle Avery, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. 

7 Albert John Dunlop, known as Chainsaw Dunlop of Sunbeam fame 2001. Wikipedia.  

Featured image is licensed under the Public Domain

Annex: Chapter II of Gary Lamb’s book entitled Associative Economics: Spiritual Activity for the Common Good

Chapter II: Rudolf Steiner as Social Reformer and Activist

Although his public efforts as a social reformer and activist occurred mainly between 1917 and 1922, the roots of Rudolf Steiner’s activism are found in his early philosophical work, Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom, first published in German in 1894 when he was 33 years old. In it he addresses the question of free will: “Is a human being spiritually free, or subject to iron necessity of purely natural law?”5 According to Steiner, attaining free will is a moral process in which a person progresses toward higher and higher states of self-awareness, self-control, and selfdirected will. In Intuitive Thinking he describes this process as an inner path of development achieved through a rigorous training and refining of individual thinking. The aim of this striving for freedom he calls ethical individualism—an individualism that is permeated with social awareness and responsibility. Thus we can see early in Steiner’s work the importance he places on inner transformation and the development of higher-order faculties as a foundation for outer effort on behalf of social renewal.

From 1899 to 1904, Steiner taught at the Berlin Workers College, a school for men and women from the working class, started by Wilhelm Liebknecht, an associate of Karl Marx. Although not a supporter of Marxism, Steiner quickly became one of the most popular teachers at the college. He was eventually forced to leave by the leaders of the college against the wishes of the students. The main factor in his dismissal was his unremitting support of human freedom, which clashed with the school’s Marxist ideology.

In 1905 and 1906, Steiner began speaking and writing about the Fundamental Social Law.6 This law is the foundation of all of his later writings and lectures on economics. He describes it as an ancient spiritual tenet that has the same validity as the laws of nature.7 One way to characterize the Fundamental Social Law is as follows: The more a person works for the benefit of the community, and the more the community is structured to provide for the needs of each individual, the greater the well-being of the whole community will be.

A main corollary to this law is that human suffering caused by social institutions is a result of egoism, and the more people work out of self-interest or egoism, the more poverty, want, and suffering will be introduced into social life somewhere, sometime. This, of course, is in stark contradiction to a central principle of the modern capitalist market economy: The more people work out of self-interest, the more productive they will be and, consequently, the more prosperous society will be as a whole. It is important to note, however, that Steiner’s interpretation of the Fundamental Social Law is in no way comparable with traditional interpretations of socialism, as we will see. 

While not outwardly active as a social reformer from 1906 to 1917, he did engage in activities that were aimed at strengthening cultural life through the spiritual science he developed, known as Anthroposophy.8 He created new artistic methods for the visual and performing arts and for architecture. He also gave numerous lectures on a modern spiritual-scientific interpretation of Christianity.

Another important activity during this time period was his study of the human body as an expression of soul and spirit. This led to his insights into the threefold nature of the human organism and, in turn, to an understanding of the threefold nature of the social organism. He maintains that in striving to understand how the human organism consists of the dynamics and interrelations of the three primary systems—nerve-sense, rhythmic, and metabolic—we can develop thinking helpful for understanding the dynamics of social organism.9

In 1917, near the end of World War I, Rudolf Steiner was approached by a German diplomat, Otto von Lerchenfeld, who asked him what could be done after the war ended to prevent similar cataclysms in the future. Steiner responded with a description of the inherent threefold nature of social life and the appropriate function and jurisdiction of the three main sectors—economics, culture, and politics—and how they need to relate to each other if there is to be any hope for lasting peace in the world. A small but determined group of people quickly took up these suggestions as a real solution to human exploitation, civil strife, and political warfare. They helped distribute to leading officials in Germany and Austria memoranda written by Steiner describing the main features of a threefold social organism as the foundation for bringing about cultural and social renewal in Central Europe.10 Although some high ranking officials thought that these innovative ideas had merit, they were too entrenched in old ways of operating politically to take them up for systemic change.

The supporters of social threefolding worked with Steiner on many different fronts. In addition to their political efforts, they formed an association to promote threefold ideas to the public and industry. This operated like a think tank, publishing a journal and sponsoring trained speakers who were versed in social threefolding. Steiner himself gave hundreds of lectures on social threefolding in venues ranging from barrooms and factories to concert halls.11 He maintained that all three of the main spheres of social life—culture, law, and the economy—were of vital importance, and no one of them should dominate or control the others. One effort to reach the general public was his appeal, “To the German People and the Civilized World.” It was endorsed by well-known personalities at the time and inserted in leading newspapers in Germany in 1919. Also in 1919 he published a book on social threefolding, Towards Social Renewal, which became a best seller in Germany.12

In 1920 Steiner helped set up two corporations, Futurum Konzern AG in Switzerland and Der Kommende Tag (The Coming Day: A Shareholder Corporation for Furthering Economic and Spiritual Values) in Germany. They were meant to be organizational forms for generating revenue for cultural initiatives such as schools and research laboratories. 

By 1922 most efforts by Steiner and his colleagues ceased to publicly promote social threefolding. As the World War receded into the background, hyperinflation in Germany, misapprehension by labor union officials, and the tendency to revert to old thought habits all contributed to the relatively short-lived interest in Steiner’s social ideas outside the circle of people who valued his insights in other areas.

Nevertheless, there still exist today important initiatives founded during that time period as part of the threefold efforts. One example is the Waldorf school movement. In 1919, Emil Molt, an industrialist and enthusiastic supporter of Rudolf Steiner’s social ideas, asked Steiner to help him start a school for the children of the workers of the Waldorf Astoria cigarette factory in Stuttgart, Germany, which he managed. The School was part of the Coming Day experiment and received significant financial support through it. Molt envisaged the Waldorf School as an example of an independent cultural endeavor that would spearhead the elevation of cultural life and the liberation of education from state control. Molt’s and Steiner’s aim was to establish an independent school as free as possible from onerous state regulations, which was accessible to families regardless of their financial circumstances.13 There are now over a thousand Waldorf or Rudolf Steiner schools worldwide. Another important business that was part of the Futurum AG that still exists today is the Weleda AG, a private corporation based in Switzerland and global manufacturer of cosmetics and natural remedies with annual sales of over $300 million.

In 1922, within a few weeks of each other, Steiner made two other noteworthy efforts to expound his social ideas. The first was a series of 14 lectures given in Switzerland on the fundamentals of economics.14 Instead of addressing social issues from the macro social level of a threefold social organism, he focused on the economic sphere to an audience comprised mainly of economic students. In these lectures he expanded his thoughts on the Fundamental Social Law and social threefolding. He also characterized the economy as a self-enclosed world system; distinguished the differing natures of loan, purchase, and gift money; and elucidated the benefits of replacing an impersonal market with a market coordinated by producer, distributor, and consumer associations. We will look more closely at these themes in upcoming chapters. 

The other effort, in Britain, was a series of talks at a conference titled “Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life” at Manchester College, Oxford.15 In these he stated that his book Towards Social Renewal, which had been a best seller in Germany, was now almost forgotten because hyperinflation had thwarted most efforts to implement social threefolding ideas. Even so, he felt people in the Western world could benefit greatly from the implementation of social threefolding ideals. Interestingly, relatively soon afterward favorable reviews of the English translation of Towards Social Renewal began to appear in the United States and Britain. An economist in a 1923 New York Times book review praised it as “the most original contribution in a generation” to sociological literature. The reviewer went on to say:

The author … has addressed himself to social problems from an unusual point of view, producing the highly interesting conception of the Threefold Commonwealth. …Most of our books on social maladjustment and the future of civilization are based on either economic or psychological interpretation; Dr. Steiner has what may be called a spiritual interpretation and he would reorganize society in such a way as to bring it into conformity with spiritual realities.16

In the same year, a Christian theologian, W.F. Lofthouse, who attended Steiner’s lectures at Oxford, wrote a review of Steiner’s writings in The London Quarterly Review. Like the American economist just quoted, Lofthouse praised his spiritual perspective on social problems:

An outsider, strolling into the Oxford lecture room last August …might not have suspected that he was listening to the author of [Towards Social Renewal], perhaps the most widely-read of all books on politics appearing since the war …

He has offers and hopes for all sides of life. … Steiner has a definite system of ideas and an array of positive aims, clear, synthetic (as he would say) and spiritual. …

And yet he is interested, not in many things, but one. ‘Synthesis’ is his watchword. Every demand and, still more, every response is to be correlated with every other. A comprehensive view of the world and of man is what the times require, a principle to be applied to all personal and social activities. If this can be found, it will be possible to produce a definite social program, both political and religious.17

Steiner never relinquished his insistence on the importance of social threefolding even though it was not taken up in any significant way during his lifetime. Shortly before his death in 1925, he stated that all initiatives that are a part of the Anthroposophical Society, which fosters the spiritual-scientific worldview that he developed, should strive to promote social threefolding even if the rest of the world was rejecting it.18

All public efforts in the direction of a threefold social organism had to cease in Germany around 1935 and throughout World War II because the National Socialists considered it a threat to their nationalist views and aims. It wasn’t until the 1970s and 1980s that diverse alternative movements in various locations began to take up threefold ideas with significant albeit local impact.

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Scandal in Tasmania: The Edifice Sports Complex Runs Amok

May 5th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Profligate, a betrayal of public service, a misspending of state goods, a fiscal barbarism. By any estimation, recent efforts regarding sport in the small Australian state of Tasmania, unmoored from the mainland, distant, and, in many ways, depressed, has become the unexpected centre of a debate: Why on earth should the public purse at both State and Federal level fork out hundreds of millions in dollar currency for a stadium for Australian Football’s newest recruit? There are, let’s face it, other handy alternatives. 

Historically, Australian sport has been bosom-tied to corrupt administrative and state management. Administrators of the myriad sporting codes are typically conceited in assuming they provide a service for an increasingly obese populace. The sports personalities turn up and play; spectators turn up in their colours, pies and beers; the sporting hierarchs can then claim they are doing society a service. The logical equation that follows from this is revenue raising for the facilities – as long as the sporting body is not the one doing it.

What is being proposed in Tasmania, a state suffering from chronic homelessness, chronic indigence and desperation on the health front, is a carbuncle stadium on a waterfront at Macquarie Point, a project that promises to cost $715 million. Those attending it will not be doing so for an aesthetic appreciation of the view: they will be in the enclosed stadium itself, watching the gladiatorial performance. All of this is deemed necessary for Tasmania’s imminent welcome into the fold of the Australian Football League (AFL). 

The jaundiced view from the Tasmanian Liberal government, led by Premier Jeremy Rockliff, is that having a spanking new stadium to accommodate a spanking new team at Macquarie Point is just the ticket. The suggested price tag of contribution from his government: $375 million.  

In an exercise of indulgent and shameless deception, Rockliff, as the AFL’s Manchurian Candidate, has dressed the entire enterprise up as an “urban renewable project like no other that has ever been seen here in Tasmania”. Entertainment, he dreams, will be coupled with the unlocking of “potential, where we can build a world-class multipurpose entertainment and sporting where all Tasmanians can enjoy”. 

From the Commonwealth, $240 million is promised in what Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is calling an “exciting project”, in addition to $65 million towards upgrading the UTAS Stadium in Launceston. Albanese has been busy fluffing up matters by claiming that this whole act of profligacy had less to do with football than a grand exercise in social redevelopment, an exercise of structural oxygenation that will produce (no modelling, evidence or otherwise is supplied) 4,200 jobs.  

Attempts have been made to smooth the scandalous offer of Commonwealth funds by suggesting possible remediation work and housing for low-paid workers, such as nurses, within the precinct. “It should be seen not as a site for a potential footy stadium, but as a site for urban redevelopment that will enhance the city of Hobart and make it even better in the future, that will enhance economic activities.” 

This frightful, pitiable nonsense is a persistent theme in sports propaganda, stretching back to the Olympics. Build monstrous stadia; host a tournament; and lay waste to whole stretches of the urban scape. Huge bills are justified by futuristic tallying and soothsaying accounting. 

Hence we have Albanese saying that “we need to look at housing we need to look at the way that the beautiful foreshore at the Derwent operates.” Sporting facilities do not build homes, ameliorate the condition of the poor, nor improve health, but the Australian prime minister is irritatingly game to suggest otherwise. 

The AFL is proving the most miserly in the whole show, offering a Scrooge-counted $15 million towards this edifice complex. And they are only doing so subject to blackmail. The sporting organisation’s outgoing boss, Gillon McLachlan, is doing every little bit to conceal the fact, stating on May 3 that the admission of Tasmania to the footy fraternity was “the result of nearly 150 years of football passion by Tasmania and their proud and passionate football community… and frankly decades of advocacy.” But do give us your wallets, please.  

The opposition has been formidable, rounded, and biting. They start with the Labor opposition in Tasmania itself, somewhat perplexed by the Federal government’s money throwing exercise. The federal Liberals are none too keen either. Then come the vocal Tasmanian independents, Andrew Wilkie and Jacqui Lambie.  

As Wilkie notes, two stadia of some quality – UTAS Stadium and Blundstone Arena – already exist. But most worrying to him were the 4,500 people on the housing waiting list in “the least affordable rental market in the country, a health and aged care system on the brink of collapse, chronic underfunding of education and crushing traffic congestion.” 

The literature on stadia being eventually self-financing, even profitable, is not positive. In the United States, a large school of sceptical thought on the positive returns of public investment in sport has developed. It has sought to upend the usual assumption: the role of subsidies, which supposedly can be offset by good revenues from ticket receipts. Then come other fictions, including the idea that other expenditures and returns that are meant to take place in the economy outside the stadium itself. 

Writing in the 1990s, Roger Noll and Andre Zimbalist did much to rain on the parade of the stadia building enthusiasts. Their analysis on the poor returns from public investment in sport stadia was pertinently devastating and, it followed, assiduously ignored. “A new sports facility has an extremely small (perhaps even negative) effect on overall economic activity and employment. No recent facility appears to have earned anything approaching a reasonable return on investment. No recent facility has been self-financing in terms of its impact on net tax revenues.” 

Sport is Australia’s social lubricant and diffuser, run by a thuggish fraternity (and sisterhood) keen on ensuring that they will have a guaranteed source of income at a moment’s sneeze. It serves to distract and soften. At the core of it is a complex of suited boardroom representatives keen to provoke, tease and scold the public and its elected representatives, all in the name of receiving the funds they should be raising from private sources.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Anthony Albanese (Source: Republic World)

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In broad terms, the national interest refers to the goals of foreign politics, objectives, or policy preferences that benefit a nation or society as a whole. That is the foreign policy equivalent of the public interest. However, the concept of national interest is practically vague and contested. The concept is most widely used by realist theorists, for whom it is defined by the structural implications of the anarchy in IR and, therefore, the concept of national interest is closely linked to national security, survival, and the pursuit of power.

Nonetheless, for those theorists dealing with the phenomenon of decision-making procedure, the national interest refers to the strategies and goals which are pushed by those politicians who are responsible for the conduct of national foreign policy. This may mean, however, that it degenerates into mere rhetoric. Alternatively, the concept of national interest may refer to the goals of foreign policy that have been endorsed by the democratic process. In many practical cases in modern history, ethnocentrism was directly linked with the concept of national interest even to the degree to be the synonym. Ethnocentrism is a policy in which the actions and/or intentions of its own or other national groups or individuals are evaluated by the application of cultural, political, or in general civilizational values and theories drawn from the observers’ own culture and experience.  

It was traditionally thought that national interest was a legitimate goal of the nation and other forms of states in their war practices. In other words, for centuries warfare was legitimized by proclaimed formal national interest, especially of national security. Historically, many of the European states have been regularly in warfare with each other especially the neighbors for the sake to get land, different dynastic claims, or, for instance, colonial gains. Nevertheless, in all of the such and similar cases, resorting to warfare was a generally accepted mechanism for keeping the balance of power or establishing a hegemony but under the moral and legitimate umbrella of the protection of national interest. 

The term and concept of balance of power are used in different ways. As a policy, the balance of power refers to a deliberate attempt to promote a power equilibrium, using diplomacy, or war, in order to prevent any state or political actor to achieve a predominant position. However, as a system, the balance of power refers to a condition in which no one state predominates over others, tending to create general equilibrium and prevent the hegemonic ambitions of all states. Nevertheless, neo-realists argue that the international system tends naturally towards equilibrium because states are particularly fearful that the other state would be a hegemon.  

Up to the late 19th century, in fact, it was no developed legal constraints of war when it was agreed on the general law on the war in order to limit the use of some of the nastier technological possibilities for both making and using weapons. 

The situation changed after 1918 as a consequence of the unexpected cost and carnage of the Great War (1914−1918) when some international mechanisms to prevent war were established including the institution of the League of Nations. The League of Nations was established at the end of WWI by those Great Powers who won the war meeting at the Paris Peace Conference with the strongest support by the personality of US President Woodrow Wilson. However, due to the post-WWI policy of isolation, the US Senate did not ratify the US membership in the League of Nations and, therefore, the post-war strongest nation-state became out of a new global security mechanism. Moreover, among all post-war Great Powers, only the UK and France became members of the League during its existence while other Great Powers of Germany, Italy, Japan, and the USSR either joined the organization late or resigned or even did both.  

Image: Abyssinian soldiers in 1936

The task of the League of Nations was to prevent military aggression in global politics by applying a system of collective security. Therefore, it was hoped that all potential aggressors are going to be either deterred or at least effectively punished by the collective international security body of the League or, more precisely, its leading nations – the UK and France. However, this great illusion became visible in the 1930s starting with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 when the Great Powers of the UK and France became unwilling and probably unable to impose effective sanctions on the aggressor.

The case of Manchuria was soon followed in 1935 by the Italian invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in whose political fate no other Great Power had some direct interest. Both cases became the decisive test of efficiency for the League of Nations which failed and, therefore, left the open room for the start of WWII. Neither the UK nor France got sufficient international support for the imposition of some serious and effective measures against the aggressor except partial economic sanctions which, however, had been lifted in 1936.

The Brits were happy not to risk the loss of even a small part of its fleet in the conflict with Italy when the British colonies in Asia-Pacific have been menaced by expansionist Japan and when the USA still followed the policy of isolation and neutrality. Similar to London, Paris held that the campaign against Italy for the colony in East Africa would be abortive at the time when all the French army was needed to prevent possible early conflict with Nazi Germany. Nevertheless, Abyssinia became consequently incorporated into the Italian colonial empire in 1936. In fact, as an imagined institution to resist the aggression and warfare in IR, the League of Nations effectively stopped to function and formally continued to exist in a phantom condition till 1945 when became officially replaced by the OUN.        

In essence, the collective security mechanism of the League of Nations failed to exterminate war from the practice of nation-states to protect their national interest. After 1945, a stronger international legal system and regime against war and the use of weapons has been created including the supranational institution of the Organization of the United Nations (the OUN) as well as based on an idea and the concept of collective security. Therefore, after WWII, formally, the war became illegal for almost all purposes except self-defense and collective security. At the same time, war became increasingly perceived as not moral practice in the IR. Nevertheless, practically, the national interest still is playing the focal role in contemporary wars as it was clearly stated, for instance, in US President Bill Clinton’s speech to the nation after the Kosovo War in mid-June 1999. The justification of wars in both Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 following the case of 9/11 in 2001 started to move the criteria of warfare to the direction of making pre-emptive and preventive attacks more publicly acceptable in the eyes of a nation.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

All images in this article are from the author

Was the Tucker “Take Down” a Deep-State Hit?

May 5th, 2023 by Mike Whitney

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“When honest people say what’s true … they become powerful…. That’s the iron-law of the universe, the truth prevails.” — Tucker Carlson

Can we stop pretending that Tucker Carlson was fired because of the Dominion lawsuit? That’s a bunch of baloney.

Carlson was fired because he used his prime-time platform to expose the crimes and illicit goings-on of the most powerful men, corporations and agencies in the world. That’s why he was fired, because he revealed the truth about big pharma’s toxic injections, Fauci’s deranged lockdowns, Brandon’s police-state surveillance, the expansive deep-state censorship program, CRT, BLM, ESG, George Floyd, drag-queen children’s hour, the oddball cult of trangenderism, Ukraine’s crummy dictator-president Zelensky and all the other pernicious inanities that are being used like a wrecking-ball on the nation’s moral and historical foundation. Tucker exposed them all.

That’s why he was fired. It had nothing to do lawsuits or disgruntled employees whining about a “toxic work environment”. Nor did it have anything to do with ratings or money. This was a carefully-calculated, narrowly-supported targeted assassination of the man—who more than any other—had become a problem for the reprobate Mafia that runs the country and who is determined to silence or annihilate anyone who speaks out against them.

So don’t be duped by articles in the MSM. They are there to misdirect and confuse, not to inform. Have confidence in what you’ve seen with your own eyes and know to be true. Tucker Carlson was a victim of a system that no longer tolerates free speech, even-handed criticism or any divergence from the official narrative. Who doesn’t know this already?

How many readers remember the night that Tucker ran a segment on the JFK assassination? Here’s a short recap from an excellent article by Lew Rockwell:

In a remarkable television broadcast on December 15, 2022, Tucker Carlson made an explosive charge. He pointed out that, contrary to law, the White House was refusing to release thousands of pages of documents about the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Carlson said that these documents proved CIA involvement in the assassination and that someone within the government who had looked at these documents made a direct statement to this effect.

…. We spoke to someone who had access to these still hidden CIA documents, a person who was deeply familiar with what they contained. We asked this person directly, ‘Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy, an American President?’ And here’s the reply we received verbatim. Quote, ‘The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was. It’s all fake.’ “Why Tucker Carlson had to be Purged”, Lew Rockwell

So, after 60 years, someone finally had the courage to tell the truth on national television. That’s shocking.

But how many people who saw that segment reacted the same way that I did? How many people said to themselves, “They’re not going to allow this to continue, they’re not going to let Carlson expose their crimes to the world. No way. Whatever it takes, they’re going to shut this guy up.”

And that’s what they’ve done, they’ve shut him up.

There are things you can’t say in America, and that is one of them. You cannot say the CIA killed John Kennedy even though the majority of people know that it’s true. Because it doesn’t matter if it’s true. Just like it doesn’t matter that it took place 60 years ago. You still can’t say it, because the people who own the media—and who sit on the boards of all the other global corporations—don’t like it when you criticize the organization that does their dirty work. They won’t allow that.

This is the lesson of Julian Assange, which is: Do not reveal the crimes of elites and—if you do—you’re going to be crushed. Assange violated that rule and now faces a lifetime in solitary confinement. They’ve not only ruined his life, they’ve also trotted him out in front of the world media to make an example of him. And the message they’re trying to send is this: “Mess with us and we will fu** you over.” That is the message.

Now it’s on to Tucker who is even more widely reviled for his nightly attacks on the same group of powerbrokers. What do you think they have in store for him?

It’s hard to say, but they’re not going to pull their punches, that much is certain.

It’s worth noting that, by some accounts, Carlson was not explicitly fired. Did you know that?

According to former Fox host Megyn Kelly, Carlson is not free to negotiate with other potential employers because he’s still technically under contract with Fox. Check out this blurb from Red State website:

There’s a report from 19FortyFive from John Rossamondo that Tucker Carlson texted them, “I’m still employed by Fox,” that he had not been fired. Now, we’re not seeing anyone else reporting on that, so we relate that report with that proviso. That report does, however, fit with what Kelly said. 19FortyFive also said Carlson did not explain the reasoning for the parting of ways, just as Kelly said.

If this is all true, then, as Kelly says, Fox needs to let Carlson out of the contract as soon as possible, so his voice is freed to get about doing his job. But for the moment, it’s concerning, if it means he’s stopped from pursuing other opportunities and is effectively silenced.” (“Megyn Kelly Drops Important Info About Tucker Departure, Blog Reports Text From Tucker”, Red State)

What Kelly seems to ignore is that “silencing” Carlson was the primary objective from the get-go. The fact that he is still under contract simply makes it easier for his enemies to control and censor him. Many readers have noticed that Carlson has not posted another video on his Twitter account since last week’s 2-minute blockbuster that raked in over 70 million views. That probably means that he’s been advised by his attorney that anything he produces will be construed as a violation of his contract with Fox. In other words, keeping Tucker on the payroll may be the most effective way to shut him up which is precisely what they want.

On an entirely different topic: There seems to be widespread agreement that Rupert Murdoch was directly involved in Carlson’s removal.

But—in my opinion—that seems very unlikely. Murdoch probably knew that the fallout from Carlson’s termination would be devastating for both ratings and the Fox brand. That’s why he (probably) avoided the decision for as long as possible. But try to imagine the enormous pressure he must have been under from his fellow oligarchs as well as the numerous deep-state agencies that have coalesced into—what Matt Taibbi calls—the “Censorship-Industrial Complex”.

The billionaire globalists and their government assets despise Carlson and see his rational, laser-sharp analysis as a grave threat to their broader societal project. That is why they descended on Murdoch like a barrage of heat-seeking missiles forcing the dithering mogul to eventually throw in the towel. Once again—this is just my opinion—but I think it is much more likely that Murdoch “caved in” rather than threw his threw his prime-time superstar under the bus.

There’s also another development that preceded the Tucker incident that might have had some bearing on the final outcome, that is, the giant private equity corporation Blackrock bought a sizable chunk of Fox just two months before Carlson was given his pink-slip. Here’s the scoop from an article at Nasdaq:

Fintel reports that BlackRock has filed a 13G/A form with the SEC disclosing ownership of 45.74MM shares of Fox Corporation, Class A (FOXA). This represents 15.1% of the company.

In their previous filing dated January 27, 2022 they reported 39.87MM shares and 12.40% of the company, an increase in shares of 14.75% and an increase in total ownership of 2.70% (calculated as current – previous percent ownership). BlackRock Increases Position in Fox Corporation, Nasdaq

Let me see if I got this straight: ‘Liberal-leaning’ PE goliath Blackrock buys a 15% share of uber-conservative Fox News in early February, and 3 months later the network’s brightest star is given his “walking papers”. Doesn’t that sound a bit suspicious?

Indeed, it does. Check out this short clip from an article by analyst Tom Loungo who helps to clarify what’s going on:

This is symptomatic of Blackrock’s use of proxy to get what they want. Larry Fink, BLK CEO, is notorious for his antics in forcing heads of state and CEO’s to do his bidding while hiding behind the smokescreen of ‘I’m just a guy investing your hard-earned capital on your behalf for the good of humanity.’

Now, this is some prime Grade AA Bullshit.

Blackrock is Davos’ main arm-twisting subsidiary in the C-Suites of the S&P 500 as well as the Euro STOXXX 50 (link will need translation from German). He may as well change his first name to Don but there are some ethnic issues with this outside of Queens.” “Tucker, Blackrock and the SIFI Two-Step”, Lew Rockwell)

I think Luongo is on to something here. Blackrock’s stake in Fox might have nothing to do Fox’s prospects for future profits. Instead, it might be a straightforward power-play aimed at eliminating America’s most persuasive critic of big pharma, corporate malfeasance and the tyrannical globalist agenda. At the very least, the proximity of Blackrock’s purchase should prompt a thorough investigation of the possible link between the giant Wall Street monoliths and outspoken critics of the system. But while an independent probe is certainly warranted, I’m not holding my breath.

It’s not possible to understand what happened to Tucker Carlson without having some knowledge of the way things actually work. Fortunately, journalist Matt Taibbi has explained much of what is going on now through his work on the Twitter Files which shows how the concentration of wealth and influence has spawned an expansive information matrix that threatens to quash free speech while strengthening the power of the billionaire elites. Here’s a short excerpt from a piece by Taibbi:

….the story of the #TwitterFiles…. is “really the story of the collapse of public trust in experts and institutions, and how those experts struck back, by trying to pool their remaining influence into a political monopoly.”….

#TwitterFiles reporters like Michael Shellenberger, and myself didn’t have much of a hint of what we were looking at until later in the project. That larger story was about a new type of political control mechanism that didn’t really exist ten years ago. In preparation for testimony before the House in March, Shellenberger gave it a name: the Censorship-Industrial Complex…..

We didn’t understand at the time, but the third, fourth, and fifth installments of the #TwitterFiles… served as an introduction for all of us to the major components of a vast new public-private speech bureaucracy, one that appeared to have been founded in the United States, but was clearly global in scope…. a censorship industrial complex that…

Combines established methods of psychological manipulation… with highly sophisticated tools from computer science, including artificial intelligence. The complex’s leaders are driven by the fear that the Internet and social media platforms empower populist, alternative, and fringe personalities and views, which they regard as destabilizing….

The core concept is too much democracy and freedom leads to mischief, and since the desire for these things can’t be stamped out all at once but instead must be squashed in every person over and over and endlessly, the job requires a massive investment, and a gigantic bureaucracy to match.” “Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex, Matt Taibbi, Racket News

Bottom line: The merging of public and private power has already taken place and is expressed in the removal of any and all critics of the newly-minted system. In short, Tucker was not fired by Fox News management but by the new speech-policing behemoth that descended on Murdoch like a swarm of hornets coercing him to make a choice that he probably would not have made otherwise.

A similar point is made by Patrick Lawrence in his recent review of Jacob Seigel’s A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century Here’s an excerpt from the author’s piece:

In his last days in office, President Barack Obama made the decision to set the country on a new course”…(In) 2016, he signed into law the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act, which used the language of defending the homeland to launch an open-ended, offensive information war.”.….

This was to be not merely a “whole-of-government” undertaking: It was “whole-of-society,” meaning all lines between the public and private sectors would be erased and control of the hearts and minds of every American was made the objective.

Now we can understand how easily our public institutions enlisted in this good cause. These included Big Tech and the national security apparatus, of course, as well as law enforcement — the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation—the think tanks, the universities, the NGOs, and media. “The American press,” (Jacob) Siegel writes, “was hollowed out to the point that it could be worn like a hand puppet by the U.S. security agencies and party operatives.”

There were also various self-proclaimed guardians of “internet freedom,” whose shared objective was to suppress all forms of dissent by making sure no such thing survived their efforts…..

“Something monstrous is taking shape in America,” Siegel writes….

“What is coming into being is a new form of government and social organization that is as different from mid-20th century liberal democracy as the early American republic was from the British monarchism that it grew out of and eventually supplanted. A state organized on the principle that it exists to protect the sovereign rights of individuals, is being replaced by a digital leviathan that wields power through opaque algorithms and the manipulation of digital swarms. It resembles the Chinese system of social credit and one-party state control, and yet that, too, misses the distinctively American and providential character of the control system.” The Most Powerful Demolition of Russiagate Yet”, Patrick Lawrence, Consortium News

How do these excerpts help us to understand what happened to Tucker Carlson?

If Carlson was fired by Murdoch for his alleged involvement in the Dominion settlement, that is entirely different then if he was the victim of an emerging speech-policing bureaucracy that is deeply entrenched in the government and which seeks to arbitrarily limit what opinions are permissible and not permissible. If the latter is true, then we can assume that Carlson’s termination has broader meaning for everyone living in the United States today. What it means is that a sprawling new system has been secretly assembled within the state that is explicitly designed to end free speech as we know it and extinguish the last glimmer of personal liberty in America.

That’s why we need to know what people or organizations were behind the firing of Tucker Carlson.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

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Ten Strategies to Stop a War in the Asia-Pacific

May 5th, 2023 by Dr. Reihana Mohideen

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The company’s own trial shows its shot caused 200 side effects (10 severe) for each RSV infection it stopped. You read that right: 200 to 1. RSV is a cold for most adults. Will regulators step up?

As demand for its mRNA Covid shot craters, Moderna is chasing approval for a new mRNA jab with similarly severe side effects – but against a virus even milder than Covid.

Winning approval for the jab, which reduces cases of respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is critical for Moderna’s future. The company has told investors RSV shots could make $10 billion a year.

The only problem: data from Moderna’s own pivotal clinical trial for its RSV shot. The trial showed the new jab causes hundreds of side effects – including 10 cases of severe side effects – for each RSV infection it prevents.

If RSV were very dangerous, that side-effect profile might make sense.

But it isn’t. The Centers for Disease Control reports that RSV usually causes “mild, cold-like symptoms.”

As it pursues approval, Moderna has vastly overestimated RSV’s lethality. A review of death certificates found that RSV kills about 35 American adults a year – about as many as die in lightning strikes, and one four-hundredth as many as Moderna has claimed. (Yes, you read that right; Moderna has overstated adult deaths from RSV by a factor of 400. Proof below.)

When Moderna applied for authorization for its Covid mRNA jab in 2020, the world was so desperate to beat the coronavirus that regulators ignored obvious red flags about side effects.

Three years later, will they make the same mistake twice?


To its credit (and likely at the FDA’s insistence), Moderna ran a large and carefully designed Phase 3 clinical trial for its RSV jab.

Like its Covid cousin, the RSV shot consists of a strand of mRNA inside a tiny ball of fat, or lipid nanoparticle. The mRNA hijacks our cells so they make a protein that is part of the virus. Our immune systems then recognize that protein as an invader, giving us a headstart in making antibodies to attack the real virus.

Moderna began its Phase 3 RSV trial in February 2022 and enrolled about 35,000 adults over age 60. Half received the jab and half a placebo shot that had no mRNA. (The RSV jab requires only a single dose for its initial regimen, unlike the Covid shot.)

Eleven months later, Moderna had great news!

“mRNA-1345 demonstrated vaccine efficacy of 83.7% against RSV lower respiratory tract disease, defined by 2 or more symptoms in older adults,” the company reported in a press release on Jan. 17, 2023. And the shot was “generally well-tolerated.”

Based on those results, the company said it would submit the jab for approval.


Moderna wasn’t lying. Exactly.

But here’s what the trial actually showed.

Nine people who received the shot got RSV. Fifty-five who received the placebo did. Thus the 17,500 shots prevented 46 cases of RSV.

What about side effects? Moderna didn’t break out those numbers in the initial press release.

But a month later, in a respiratory virus conference in Portugal, it did. For reasons that are not clear, the presentation is difficult to find online, but it is available here.

It shows people who received the jab instead of the placebo reported an extra 10,156 side effects such as headache or fatigue. Those side effects included an extra 455severe effects, rated as Grade 3 or worse.

Side effects are rated on a five-point scale, with Grade 5 being death and Grade 4 usually requiring immediate medical treatment and hospitalization. Grade 3 side effects are defined as “severe or medically significant.”

For example, a Grade 3 fever is usually defined as over about 102 degrees, while a Grade 4 is over 104.

In other words, a single Grade 3 side effect is likely to be considerably more severe than a case of RSV for most adults. Again, Moderna’s shot caused 10 of those side effects for every RSV infection it prevented.

(Whole lot of adverse reactions going on!)

Moderna also did not and has not broken out what are called “serious adverse events” in the trial.

Those are a separate category of side effect that can occur at any time in a clinical trial; regulators and investigators then judge whether they are related to the vaccine. In the trials for mRNA Covid shots, people who had received the shots had many more serious adverse events as well as immediate side effects; it is likely the RSV jabs followed the same pattern, though until Moderna discloses the data no one outside the company will know.

This terrible side effect profile might be slightly more palatable if adults needed only one RSV shot for permanent protection, but neither Moderna nor anyone else is even pretending that will be the case.

In its presentations to investors, Moderna groups the RSV shot with Covid and flu jabs, which are given annually (or more, in the case of the Covid shot). Further, both clinical trial and real-world experience with Covid shots suggests that the side effects will be the same or worse as the number of mRNA doses increases. In other words, the side effect profile Moderna disclosed in the Phase 3 trial is the best-case scenario – not the worst.


Two days before its presentation at the Portugal conference, Moderna tweeted an announcement about the conference, with a short video that included this factoid:

(The dead, piled like cordwood…)

As Moderna pursues approval for the RSV shot, it has repeatedly pointed to estimates that RSV causes 10,000 or more deaths in older adults.

But those figures are based – wait for it – on computer modeling that attempts to correlate changes in RSV infections with the number of deaths from pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses.

When researchers look at death certificates directly to see how physicians have codedthe cause of death, they find far, far fewer RSV deaths. In 2021, researchers examined every death certificate in the United States from 2005 to 2016 to see how many deaths had been attributed to RSV.

They found 405 deaths in adults over 50 over the twelve-year period.

That’s 35 a year. Not 14,000.

And only 148 of those cases – about 12 a year – were deaths where RSV was listed as a primary cause rather than a contributing factor.

That’s about one-sixth as many Americans as are killed by lawnmowers every year.

(Back to life, back to reality… See that “148” at the bottom of the blue highlighted column? That’s how many American adults over 50 actually died primarily from RSV. In TWELVE years.)

Still, Moderna is barreling ahead with its new shot.

On its 4th annual “vaccines day” three weeks ago, it told investors it expected to be able to charge “premium pricing compared to flu” – even though influenza is far more dangerous than RSV to adults and flu shots have far fewer side effects.

RSV shots for adults could be an $8 billion annual market, the company claimed.

Then again, Moderna managed to make $35 billion selling Covid jabs that in the long run actually appear to increase the risk of getting Covid. Why wouldn’t it think it can handle the FDA this time around too? It has told investors to expect “potential regulatory action… as early as 4Q2023.”

Given the side effect profile of the RSV shot, Moderna’s confidence is striking. The company may simply believe regulators will be afraid to stand up to it – knowing that doing so will inevitably raise questions about the Covid jab.

For drug companies, cynicism pays. Very well indeed.


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More Troubled Banks in America

May 4th, 2023 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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As I reported at the time, the banking crisis is not limited to Silicon Valley Bank. Silicon Valley Bank’s failure was followed by the failures of New York Signature Bank and First Republic Bank of San Francisco. Now three more banks have had their stock prices collapse–Western Alliance, PacWest Bankcorp, and Metropolitan Bank.

As I have emphasized, the Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates are the cause of the bank troubles. The decade of zero interest rates left banks with portfolios of low interest rate assets on their balance sheets. As the Federal Reserve raised rates, these assets declined in value.  Depositors saw that the banks were technically insolvent  and withdrew funds. Others withdrew funds because they can now get higher interest rates from money market funds.  

Banks losing deposits are subject to runs. Expecting the worse, shareholders sell their holdings of the banks’ stocks. As the banks lose market value, troubles increase.

The Federal Reserve is causing a banking crisis, because the Federal Reserve imagines that the inflation is a monetary inflation and not an inflation resulting from supply disruptions caused by Covid lockdowns and Russian sanctions. If the Federal Reserve succeeds in throttling the economy with higher interest rates, supply problems are aggravated by reductions in production. In other words, as usual, the Federal Reserve’s policy is counterproductive.

I have always been amazed that Americans look to government entities for solutions when incompetence is the main attribute of government.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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Update as of May 8, 2023 at 2:20 AM ET:

Added a Preface and changed the title.



The best of all ways for humanity to begin to heal the massive amounts of evil hatred, malevolent rage, unchecked violence, cancerous suspicions, and an all but total collapse of trust between the warring parties that the war in Ukraine has created and continues to foster, is to re-assert the supreme dominance of the human spirit through the higher plane and world of entertainment. To once more elevate the rich heritage and cultures of human existence through those gifted ones in the arts who have spent their entire lives developing and honing their God-given, or, if one prefers, their Creation-given, talents to showcase to the highest humanly levels possible the majesty of that rich heritage.

The supreme goal is to bring the war in Ukraine to some mutually-agreed upon conclusion before it further deteriorates into some dreaded nuclear or biological warfare conclusion. The answer isn’t for America and NATO to weaponize the arts and world of entertainment, as the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and Metropolitan Opera now has done by essentially blackballing the musical creations of the brilliant Russian composer Dimitri Shostakovich, his critically-important historic Leningrad Symphony, as well as the host of dedicated and highly-skilled Russian performers adversely affected by this blackballing, that has now allowed those same evil forces afoot in the world to continue to create so much hatred, rage, violence and suspicion by using the world of entertainment as an ideological bludgeon to punish whatever warring parties.


The latest unseemly chapter in the collective West’s ugly saga of military and cultural propaganda warfare in Ukraine, and the psychotic hysteria that continues to be waged upon the world’s populace against all things Russian has taken yet another ignorant, anti-intellectual, anti-humanist, cruel twist. As one critic noted, “It is but further evidence of the collective psychosis the entire world continues to suffer because of the West’s unflagging propaganda.”

It is particularly sad that the casus belli, of all things, should be Shostakovich’s LENINGRAD Symphony (No 10) that was composed during WWII in votive honor of the millions of civilians and brave Russian soldiers who died during the 900-day siege of Leningrad (Now Saint Petersburg).

The unending pressures levied by neo-conservative elements in the U.S., Canadian, Western European governments and corporate news conglomerates continues to attempt to erase from the public’s awareness anything to do about WWII history, especially the titanic struggles by the Russians on the Eastern Front and the heroic part they played in that struggle, and especially post WWII Cold War History; the story of which is embodied in the Siege of Leningrad. Their efforts reflect badly, as well, on the true story of modern-day Ukrainian Banderist neo-Nazi’s and other ultra-nationalists who still hold disproportionate influence in Ukraine and around the world in the perception of 21st century sentiments that continue to enflame neo-fascist sentiments.

Recently, to their absolute disgrace, the leaders of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and the Metropolitan Opera, entered into the propaganda war as cultural collaborators against anything to do with Russian involvement in the war, by banning and suppressing the formerly-scheduled upcoming May performance of Dimitri Shostakovich’s Leningrad Symphony; which the Philharmonic Orchestra and Metropolitan Opera attempt to spin, not as a collaboration with modern-day anti Russian Neo-Nazism but as a twisted expression of humanist sentiment. Their current suppression of the LENINGRAD Symphony borders upon psychotic hysteria; its related decision to also forgo the appearance of the world-renowned soprano Anna Netrebko, at face value, seems an additional twisted, perverse expression of such humanism.

Fred Mazelis, who ran for Mayor of New York in 1989, and was a 3rd Party candidate for Vice-President of the United States, with presidential running mates Helen Halyard in 1992 and Jerome White in 1996, representing the Socialist Equality Party, has in recent days called attention to the New York Philharmonic Orchestra’s quiet announcement of a complete change in the program for its May 10-12 performance at its newly-renovated Geffen Hall at New York’s Lincoln Center arts complex.

Russian conductor Tugan Sokhiev was originally scheduled to lead the famous Leningrad Symphony by Dmitri Shostakovich. But the New York Philharmonic Orchestra has now quietly cancelled the performance and Tugan Sokhiev will not be on the podium; to be replaced by James Gaffigan and a performance of a work instead by the Ukrainian composer Valentin Silvestrov, along with Prokofiev’s Third Symphony and Rachmaninoff’s Third Piano Concerto.

Fred Marzelis notes, “Yet, only a few months ago, the Philharmonic box office was still selling tickets for the May concerts that were clearly marked “Leningrad Symphony.” Marzelis goes on to say, “At some point this was changed, although not all ticket holders were even informed.

When asked about the change, the orchestra’s press office first cited “artistic decisions.” A day later, it was attributed to “scheduling conflicts.” A look at Sokhiev’s upcoming concert schedule reveals, in fact, that he is scheduled to be leading the Munich Philharmonic on those dates. But clearly more than a scheduling conflict is involved.”

Until last year, Sokhiev was the music director and principal conductor of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, which he had led since 2014, and also the music director of the Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse in France, a post he assumed in 2008. One year ago, he was scheduled to conduct a program of music by Russian composers in New York, an appearance that was suddenly cancelled about a month after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The orchestra issued a press release explaining that, “out of regard for the current global situation,” Sokhiev would not lead the program. The decision was said to be a mutual one, but, as the global news site World Socialist Web (WSWS) pointed out at the time, Sokhiev likely had little choice in the matter. At the same time, last year’s press release announced that the Philharmonic “very much looks forward to welcoming him [Sokhiev] next season.”

But, as the World Socialist Global Web site also now points out, “Well, next season is clearly here, and the “current global situation,” a euphemism for the US/NATO proxy war in Ukraine, is continuing, with various NATO members calling for its escalation. This is the likely reason for the “scheduling conflict” that has suddenly appeared.”

The WSWS last year called the cancellation of Sokhiev’s appearance “giving in to anti-Russian prejudice,” and the same would seem to apply one year later. This time the Philharmonic has not issued a press release, nor is it promising an appearance in the future. The page on the orchestra’s website devoted to Sokhiev simply states, “NO CONCERTS” both for the 2022-23 season (the second consecutive year his appearances have been cancelled) and for the 2023-24 season.”

The WSWS goes on to report, “Philharmonic chief executive Deborah Borda, while denying any ban on Russian music, was quoted last year as saying there could be “no blanket decisions about performances by Russian musicians with the orchestra”. Whatever the Philharmonic officials may say, their action on the Leningrad Symphony, and their failure to announce any future date for its performance, can only be taken as a continuation and ever-deepening, broader anti-Russian propaganda campaign.

Sokhiev joins a list of others who have either been openly banned or more quietly shelved in the music world and performing arts. Prominent artists like soprano Anna Netrebko, bass Ildar Abdrazakov and conductor Valery Gergiev have been blackballed. New York City’s Metropolitan Opera has led the way, banning Netrebko and Gergiev last year.

In recent days, further word has arrived of yet new cancellations. Belarusian mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Semenchuk, who was announced as part of the cast of next season’s new production of Verdi’s La Forza del Destino at the Met, has been removed, according to a report on the Opera Wire website. The website explains that Semenchuk recently performed several times at the Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg, and those appearances were apparently sufficient reason for the Met to change its plans. Semenchuk, like other Russian and Belarusian performers, still has dates in Europe. Semenchuk’s schedule includes appearances with the Bayerische Staatsopera in Munich and also at La Scala in Milan.

Another casualty of the anti-Russian campaign, declares the WSWS, is Russian-German soprano Anastasiya Taratorkina. The Queen Sonja Competition in Norway has eliminated her because she has both German and Russian passports, even though she has lived in Germany for many years.

Opera Wire reports on an email it received from the soprano. Quoting from a communication from the Competition, it explains, “This year’s regulations do not allow participants with Russian or Belarusian citizenship, which unfortunately means that you are disqualified even though you also have a German passport. We will of course reimburse your paid application fee and hope that the situation changes so we may welcome you to apply for the next competition.”

The more extremist among Ukrainian nationalists and their supporters have called not only for the banning of Russian performers, but also the music of Russian composers. Following a strong backlash on this issue, however, there have been US performances of Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and others. In fact, Sokhiev himself led the Philadelphia Orchestra in February in an all-Russian program, including works by Borodin and Prokofiev, in addition to Tchaikovsky.

The New York Philharmonic has not scheduled Sokhiev, however. The Philharmonic, as the World Socialist Web site pointed out last year, “may not be directly inspiring the anti-Russian campaign, but it is clearly transmitting it, and its acquiescence amounts to the same thing.” The orchestra management is very likely worried about the effect that Ukrainian protests would have on its public image. When the Osnabruck Music Festival in northwest Germany performed the violin concerto of Ukrainian Silvestrov alongside the towering Eighth Symphony of Shostakovich, like the Leningrad Symphony composed during the war, the then-Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany denounced the event.

Sokhiev made a further lengthy statement on Facebook last year. For the Ukrainian far right and fascistic elements, the fact that he is Russian is reason enough for many to oppose his work. In some circles, he could perhaps “atone” for this fact by lining up sufficiently behind the Ukrainian regime. However, as WSWS has reported, “Sokhiev expressed dismay at having “to make a choice and choose one of my musical family over the other. I am being asked to choose one cultural tradition over the other. I am being asked to choose one artist over the other. I am being asked to choose one singer over the other. I will be soon asked to choose between Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, Shostakovich and Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy. It is already happening in Poland, [a] European country, where Russian music is forbidden.”

The original presence of Shostakovich’s 7th Symphony on the Philharmonic Orchestra and Metropolitan Opera’s upcoming May 10-12 programs is of special importance within the context here of the ungoing unresolved war in Ukraine. They undoubtedly continue to infuriate the more frenzied advocates of the Ukrainian proxy war. Fred Mazelis and the World Socialist Web contend that perhaps no work in the symphonic repertory angers Ukrainian nationalists as much, even though The New York Philharmonic, under its conductor Jaap van Zweden, last conducted Shostakovich’s Leningrad Symphony in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Shostakovich’s Leningrad Symphony Played by a Starving Orchestra

The symphony was composed during the horrific German siege of Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), in which a million or more Soviet soldiers and civilians perished over a 28-month period that ended in January 1944. Shostakovich, who initially resisted orders to evacuate to the East for his own safety, completed the first three movements in Leningrad during the siege, which began in September 1941. The final movement was completed in Kuibyshev (now Samara), and the symphony was premiered in Moscow in March 1942. Most famously, it was performed in Leningrad during the siege, by an orchestra of 15 surviving, literally-starving, musicians, on August 9, 1942.

To know some of the details of this heroic performance it’s essential to read the BBC’s account of “Shostakovich’s Symphony Played by a Starving Orchestra”, and then try not to sob uncontrollably while attempting to fathom the cold, hard-heartedness that exists behind the Wars in Ukraine, and in America, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and Metropolitan Opera’s, that could audaciously ban the performances of this historic symphony held in the bold human defiance of the monstrosity of war and hate. See Shostakovich’s symphony played by a starving orchestra – BBC News.

The symphony was named for the city of its birth and almost immediately became a symbol of the struggles and sacrifices of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders. Twenty-seven million soldiers and civilians ultimately died in this struggle, the largest toll for any country in the Second World War. Many millions of Soviet workers distinguished between their defense of the remaining conquests of the October 1917 Revolution, and the much-hated Stalin regime.

Shostakovich’s career and even his life were threatened during the years of the Stalinist Great Terror of the late 1930s. The composer came under renewed attack even after the war, during their struggles to defend the Soviet Union, in which Shostakovich and many others found renewed strength and purpose.

Those who fought in that war, and in so many cases gave their lives, included both Jews and non-Jews, Russians and Ukrainians, and many other nationalities. It is this fact of united struggle against the Nazis and their allies, particularly the Ukrainians led by the notorious Stepan Bandera, that the Ukrainian regime, in the midst of the current war, and Banderist supporters continue to evade and lie about. They seek to avoid answering the questions, “What were the Ukrainian nationalists, Banderites and open fascists doing in WWII while the Leningraders were under siege? Were many of them, and the Bandera Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) in particular, directly assisting the Nazis or carrying out their own pogroms and murders of Ukrainian Jews? What were those pogroms?

Tellingly, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra’s executive Deborah Borda was quoted last year as saying there could be “no blanket decision” made about performances by Russian musicians with the orchestra”.

However, the decision they have made in this current instance on the Leningrad Symphony and their avoidance to announce any future date for its performance can only be interpretated as a further deepening in the future of a broader, ever more-concerted, anti-Russian propaganda campaign in the United States and abroad among others of it allies.

The actions by leaders of the New York Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera, who apparently seek to suppress the performance of Shostakovich’s LENINGRAD Symphony for whatever reasons, can only be perceived as the twisted, perverse expression that it is of the extent to how far the war in Ukraine has contaminated and stifled human thoughts though out the world – in the arts, music, literature, dance, theatre, intellectual debate that continues to pollute the minds and thoughts of the entire world.


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The writer Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who originally was a Criminology student working in one of America’s local police departments. For decades, Irwin has sought to call world attention to problems of environmental degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (, a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that has led to numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Can the U.S. Adjust Sensibly to a Multipolar World?

May 4th, 2023 by Medea Benjamin

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In his 1987 book The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, historian Paul Kennedy reassured Americans that the decline the United States was facing after a century of international dominance was “relative and not absolute, and is therefore perfectly natural; and that the only serious threat to the real interests of the United States can come from a failure to adjust sensibly to the newer world order.” 

Since Kennedy wrote those words, we have seen the end of the Cold War, the peaceful emergence of China as a leading world power, and the rise of a formidable Global South. But the United States has indeed failed to “adjust sensibly to the newer world order,” using military force and coercion in flagrant violation of the UN Charter in a failed quest for longer lasting global hegemony. 

Kennedy observed that military power follows economic power. Rising economic powers develop military power to consolidate and protect their expanding economic interests. But once a great power’s economic prowess is waning, the use of military force to try to prolong its day in the sun leads only to unwinnable conflicts, as European colonial powers quickly learned after the Second World War, and as Americans are learning today.

While U.S. leaders have been losing wars and trying to cling to international power, a new multipolar world has been emerging. Despite the recent tragedy of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the agony of yet another endless war, the tectonic plates of history are shifting into new alignments that offer hope for the future of humanity. Here are several developments worth watching:

De-dollarizing global trade 

For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies. But China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are taking steps to conduct more trade in their own currencies, or in Chinese yuan. 

Illegal, unilateral U.S. sanctions against dozens of countries around the world have raised fears that holding large dollar reserves leaves countries vulnerable to U.S. financial coercion. Many countries have already been gradually diversifying their foreign currency reserves, from 70% globally held in dollars in 1999 to 65% in 2016 to only 58% by 2022. 

Since no other country has the benefit of the “ecosystem” that has developed around the dollar over the past century, diversification is a slow process, but the war in Ukraine has helped speed the transition. On April 17, 2023, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that U.S. sanctions against Russia risk undermining the role of the dollar as the world’s global reserve currency. 

And in a Fox News interview, right-wing Republican Senator Marco Rubio lamented that, within five years, the United States may no longer be able to use the dollar to bully other countries because “there will be so many countries transacting in currencies other than the dollar that we won’t have the ability to sanction them.”

BRICS’s GDP leapfrogs G7’s  

When calculated based on Purchasing Power Parity, the GDP of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) is now higher than that of the G7 (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan). The BRICS countries, which account for over 40% of total world population, generate 31.5% of the world’s economic output, compared with 30.7% for the G7, and BRICS’s growing share of global output is expected to further outpace the G7’s in coming years.

Through the Belt and Road Initiative, China has invested some of its huge foreign exchange surplus in a new transport infrastructure across Eurasia to more quickly import raw materials and export manufactured goods, and to build growing trade relations with many countries.

Now the growth of the Global South will be boosted by the New Development Bank (NDB), also known as the BRICS Bank, under its new president Dilma Rousseff, the former president of Brazil. 

Rousseff helped to set up the BRICS Bank in 2015 as an alternative source of development funding, after the Western-led World Bank and IMF had trapped poor countries in recurring debt, austerity and privatization programs for decades. By contrast, the NDB is focused on eliminating poverty and building infrastructure to support “a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable future for the planet.” The NDB is well-capitalized, with $100 billion to fund its projects, more than the World Bank’s current $82 billion portfolio.

Movement towards “strategic autonomy” for Europe

On the surface, the Ukraine war has brought the United States and Europe geostrategically closer together than ever, but this may not be the case for long. After French President Macron’s recent visit to China, he told reporters on his plane that Europe should not let the United States drag it into war with China, that Europe is not a “vassal” of the United States, and that it must assert its “strategic autonomy” on the world stage. Cries of horror greeted Macron from both sides of the Atlantic when the interview was published. 

But European Council President Charles Michel, the former prime minister of Belgium, quickly came to Macron’s side,insisting that the European Union cannot “blindly, systematically follow the position of the United States.” Michel confirmed in an interview that Macron’s views reflect a growing point of view among EU leaders, and that “quite a few really think like Emmanuel Macron.” 

The rise of progressive governments in Latin America

This year marks the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, which has served as a cover for U.S. domination of Latin America and the Caribbean. But nowadays, countries of the region are refusing to march in lockstep with U.S. demands. The entire region rejects the U.S. embargo on Cuba, and Biden’s exclusion of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua from his 2022 Summit of the Americas persuaded many other leaders to stay away or only send junior officials, and largely doomed the gathering. 

With the spectacular victories and popularity of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in Mexico, Gustavo Petro in Colombia, and Ignacio Lula da Silva in Brazil, progressive governments now have tremendous clout. They are strengthening the regional body CELAC (the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) as an alternative to the U.S.-dominated Organization of American States. 

To reduce reliance on the U.S. dollar, South America’s two largest economies, Argentina and Brazil, have announced plans to create a common currency that could later be adopted by other members of Mercosur — South America’s major trade bloc. While U.S. influence is waning, China’s is mushrooming, with trade increasing from $18 billion in 2002 to nearly $449 billion in 2021. China is now the top trading partner of Brazil, Chile, Peru and Uruguay, and Brazil has raised the possibility of a free-trade deal between China and Mercosur.

Peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia 

One of the false premises of U.S. foreign policy is that regional rivalries in areas like the Middle East are set in stone, and the United States must therefore form alliances with so-called “moderate” (pro-Western) forces against more “radical” (independent) ones. This has served as a pretext for America to jump into bed with dictators like the Shah of Iran, Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman and a succession of military governments in Egypt.

Now China, with help from Iraq, has achieved what the United States never even tried. Instead of driving Iran and Saudi Arabia to poison the whole region with wars fueled by bigotry and ethnic hatred, as the United States did, China and Iraq brought them together to restore diplomatic relations in the interest of peace and prosperity. 

Healing this divide has raised hopes for lasting peace in several countries where the two rivals have been involved, including Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and as far away as West Africa. It also puts China on the map as a mediator on the world stage, with Chinese officials now offering to mediate between Ukraine and Russia, as well as between Israel and Palestine.

Saudi Arabia and Syria have restored diplomatic relations, and the Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers have visitedeach others’ capitals for the first time since Saudi Arabia and its Western allies backed al-Qaeda-linked groups to try to overthrow President Assad in 2011. 

At a meeting in Jordan on May 1st, the foreign ministers of Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia agreed to help Syria restore its territorial integrity, and that Turkish and U.S. occupying forces must leave. Syria may also be invited to an Arab League summit on May 19th, for the first time since 2011.

Chinese diplomacy to restore relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia is credited with opening the door to these other diplomatic moves in the Middle East and the Arab world. Saudi Arabia helped evacuate Iranians from Sudan and, despite their past support for the military rulers who are destroying Sudan, the Saudis are helping to mediate peace talks, along with the UN, the Arab League, the African Union and other countries. 

Multipolar diplomatic alternatives to U.S. war-making

The proposal by President Lula of Brazil for a “peace club” of nations to help negotiate peace in Ukraine is an example of the new diplomacy emerging in the multipolar world. There is clearly a geostrategic element to these moves, to show the world that other nations can actually bring peace and prosperity to countries and regions where the United States has brought only war, chaos and instability.

While the United States rattles its saber around Taiwan and portrays China as a threat to the world, China and its friends are trying to show that they can provide a different kind of leadership. As a Global South country that has lifted its own people out of poverty, China offers its experience and partnership to help others do the same, a very different approach from the paternalistic and coercive neocolonial model of U.S. and Western power that has kept so many countries trapped in poverty and debt for decades.    

This is the fruition of the multipolar world that China and others have been calling for. China is responding astutely to what the world needs most, which is peace, and demonstrating practically how it can help. This will surely win China many friends, and make it more difficult for U.S. politicians to sell their view of China as a threat.

Now that the “newer world order” that Paul Kennedy referred to is taking shape, economist Jeffrey Sachs has grave misgivings about the U.S. ability to adjust. As he recently warned, “Unless U.S. foreign policy is changed to recognize the need for a multipolar world, it will lead to more wars, and possibly to World War III.” With countries across the globe building new networks of trade, development and diplomacy, independent of Washington and Wall Street, the United States may well have no choice but to finally “adjust sensibly” to the new order.


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher with CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies are the authors of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, published by OR Books in November 2022. They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image: copyright Jerzy Wasiukiewicz

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For well over a year, the mainstream propaganda machine has been trying to convince everyone that the Kiev regime forces are “massively overperforming” against Russia. However, behind all the Western disinformation clutter, NATO military commanders are extremely concerned with the fact that what would be the second most powerful military in NATO (if it were a member) is being quite literally wiped out, with the casualty ratio going as high as 10:1 or even 11:1, and not in its favor. Worse yet, the Neo-Nazi junta forces include tens of thousands of NATO mercenaries and radicalized volunteers, whose casualties are estimated to be well into five figures counting. General Rajmund Andrzejczak, Chief of General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, recently warned about this.

“War always was, is, and there is nothing to indicate otherwise – a matter of politics, and in its determinants has a substantial number of economic factors: finance, infrastructure issues, social issues, technology, food production and a whole set of problems that must be put into this box to understand this conflict… When I look at the conflict in Ukraine, I mainly see it through these political lenses, and unfortunately it does not look good,” Andrzejczak stated in the closing days of April, during a strategic debate at the National Security Bureau, adding: “I think that there is nothing that indicates Russia would be unable to sustain its war effort, and that Western economic warfare efforts had failed to prevent this.”

“Those financial instruments which it had before the conflict, the dynamics of spending, the effectiveness of sanctions, and the whole complex economic situation speak to the fact that Russia will have the money for this conflict,” Andrzejczak said and then warned that Kiev doesn’t have remotely similar capabilities: “We know how much the country needs per month. We know what American assistance amounts to, that of the entire collective West amounts to. We also know what Polish assistance is in this area, because we are the second-largest donor and should probably be a major inspiration for others. The speed of attrition in the financial area is, in my opinion, unfavorable, unfortunately.”

The Polish Chief of General Staff further added:

“There was little indication that millions of Ukrainians who had left the country would be ready or willing to return home to rebuild. Many Western leaders failed to realize how far Ukraine is from winning the war. The Western Bloc just doesn’t have the ammunition, industry is not ready not only to send equipment to Ukraine, but to replenish our own stocks, which are melting [away]. This awareness is not the same there as it is here on the Vistula River, and it must be communicated firmly, without an aesthetic, to everyone and in all forums, wherever possible, which is what I’m doing.”

The top Polish general’s concerns are hardly misplaced, especially considering the fact that he’s getting actual, unbiased military reports from Polish and other NATO services. Expectedly, such reports are extremely unlikely to ever be published by the mainstream propaganda machine, but General Andrzejczak’s words alone should be enough to indicate the actual state of the Kiev regime forces. Indeed, in recent days, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced that its forces have been able to neutralize nearly 600 enemy combatants and dozens of pieces of hardware in the Donetsk area alone, along with over 200 tons of various types of NATO-supplied munitions.

Battlefield reports for May 1 indicate that the Russian military used long-range weapons to destroy at least two air defense divisions composed of S-300 SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems in a strike on depots in Pavlograd, a city in the Dnepropetrovsk oblast (region). Apparently, these systems were defending a depot in which the Neo-Nazi junta’s “Grom-2” tactical ballistic missiles were housed, which were also destroyed in one of the subsequent strikes. A third strike destroyed an ammunition depot of the 127th Mechanized Brigade based in the Kharkov oblast. Only a day prior, an entire network of munitions manufacturing facilities was also destroyed.

Perhaps the most disappointing (for both Kiev and the political West) aspect of the grossly overhyped performance of the Kiev regime forces is the recent admission that the much-touted HIMARS is nowhere near its declared capabilities. While the mainstream propaganda machine extensively reported on the alleged successes of this system, in reality, it has shown less than limited performance, as Russian air defenses have been able to intercept most HIMARS rockets, while the Russian Aerospace Forces “took care” of most launchers sent by NATO. Modernized versions of the “Buk” SAM system, particularly the M3 “Viking” variant, have proven to be extremely effective in virtually nullifying this threat.

HIMARS was portrayed as one of the Neo-Nazi junta’s “wunderwaffen”, a supposedly “decisive weapon” that could “turn the tide” against Russia. However, just like many of the actual “wunderwaffen” deployed by Nazi Germany in the closing months of the Second World War, this is proving to be futile. Poland’s top general essentially confirms this by pointing out what virtually all military commanders in NATO are perfectly aware of, but can’t disclose publicly.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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Athens, GA – 21 year old University student Liza Burke had brain bleed on Mar. 10, 2023 while on vacation in Mexico, was diagnosed with a glioblastoma on her brainstem, and died 4 weeks later on April 28, 2023 (click here).

Boston, MA – Boston Celtics VP of Public Relations, Heather Walker, age 52 died from Glioblastoma on April 26, 2023 (she was initially diagnosed July 2021) (click here)

Beloved Boston Celtics Executive Heather Walker Dies of Rare Brain Cancer

Hoboken, NJ – 28 year old doctor Dr.Ahntu Vu (family medicine resident) died 2 months after being diagnosed with Glioblastoma, he died on April 18, 2023 (click here)

“While awaiting the start of his treatments, Anhtu’s symptoms worsened and new imaging has shown rapid progression of the tumor over the last month

19 year old hockey star Braydin Lewis died on April 15, 2023. In March 2022 he had a seizure, was diagnosed with a 2-inch brain cancer (glioblastoma) and had surgery. He died less than 11 months after diagnosis (click here)

Los Angeles, CA – 55 year old Toronto Film Festival Co-Director & Film Exec Noah Cowan died on Jan. 25, 2023, one year after diagnosis of Glioblastoma (click here)

Billingham, UK – 57 year old Mark Bellergy died 3 months after being diagnosed with Glioblastoma, died on Jan. 4, 2023 (click here)

Norwood, OH – 26 year old Emily McLean died on Oct. 22, 2022 after a 10 month battle with Glioblastoma (click here)

Maryland – 65 year old news anchor Wendy Rieger died on April 16, 2022 after 11 months of glioblastoma (click here)


UK – 26 year old Oliver Amess died from Glioblastoma only 20 days after diagnosis, on Jan. 28, 2022 (click here)

4 Canadian fully COVID-19 Vaccinated doctors who died of brain or spinal cancers within about a year or less

All 4 doctors developed brain or spinal cancers after two doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

UK – Teacher and musician, 40 year old James Lamerton died from Glioblastoma 3 months after being diagnosed, in Nov. 2021 (click here)

Twitter testimonials

My Take… 

In the post COVID-19 vaccine era, these brain cancer Glioblastomas seem much more aggressive and kill much more quickly. Usually patients would survive on average 1.5 to 2 years, but now they are dying in a matter of weeks or months.

I see a strong signal of COVID-19 Vaccine induced Turbo brain cancers here. These brain tumors behave differently.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from NaturalNews

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Syria is a land of mystery traffic jams. Despite the shortage and high price of petrol, vehicles fill the streets and avenues of Aleppo and Damascus.  No one knows how Syrians achieve these bumper-to-bumper events.

During Eid, thousands of cheerful Syrians left their electricity-less homes to drive or walk through Aleppo’s dark streets to the Citadel, the city’s protector and symbol, to celebrate. Families gathered at long tables erected in the plaza where the Citadel stands tall in its moat to drink tea and smoke water pipes. Children surrounded vendors selling popcorn, ice cream and pink spun-sugar or rushed from place to place to release energy in the chill air.  Cars blaring loud music swished by, motor bikes roared and raced. 

Throughout the country, Syrians celebrated eid after eid. They took two days for Western Easter and went back to work but Orthodox Easter stretched through the four days of Eid Al Fitr.  Government offices closed, shops remained shuttered or opened late. Since many people did not go to work, streets were deserted until afternoon when families visited relatives and friends. When night came, most streets and homes were dark due to the lack of fuel for electricity. Here and there a window emitted bright battery-powered white light which blazed in the darkness or the weak flicker of the soft light of a candle.

The direct 300 kilometre highway from Damascus to Aleppo passes through rich agricultural land and orchards of squat pistachio trees stretching as far as the eye can see. There are few cars and lorries on this stretch of road. For more than 100 kilometres villages on both sides are uninhabited, empty, their houses have been stripped of furnishings, doors and windows. The villagers were driven out by the war that consumed Syria for eight years before fighting wound down. Families were forced to flee elsewhere in Syrian or abroad, reducing the population from 24 to 18 million.  Six million took refuge in Europe, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, six million were displaced within Syria swelling the already overpopulated cities and towns where violent men and boys backed by external powers took up weapons against the government.

They have been largely defeated and contained and Damascus has extended its control over 70 per cent of Syria.  The US-backed Syrian Kurdish Protection Forces (YPD) hold 25 per cent of Syria’s territory in the northeast and east and have seized the oil fields which produce 80 per cent of Syria’s crude which used to provide enough petrol and fuel oil for domestic consumption as well as some for export. The Kurds sell some to the government and smuggle the rest to Iraq and Turkey, depriving Syrians who live in government-held areas of fuel for cars, lorries, factories, power stations and businesses.  Unemployment is rife. Ninety per cent of Syrians suffer in poverty.  

Turkey controls about 5 per cent consisting of the northern half of north-western Idlib province — where Al Qaeda’s Hay ’at Tahrir Al Sham rules — and several enclaves on the Syrian side of the Syria-Turkey border.

My friend Paul believes the refugees should stay where they are.  He says Syria has enough people to rebuild and restore its economy. Businessman Issa disagrees. He argues there is a shortage of labour and refugees must come home.  The government promotes the return of farmers who can reclaim their land and produce crops once again while urban refugees would increase demand for electricity, water, housing, and services which are already at critical levels in cities and towns.

If the refugee return were backed by the UN which would continue funding exiled families at current rates, their presence would inject hard currency into the economy. At present Syria is starved of foreign exchange and its currency has plunged from 48-30 to the dollar to 6,600-7,000 to the dollar. To buy anything Syrians need a wad of currency.  For large purchases, a thick brick of notes changes hands after a quick count.

Refugees could also provide urgently needed, well trained construction workers who could rebuild abandoned villages and finish thousands of built but unfinished apartment blocks which stand empty on the outskirts of Aleppo and other cities.  The flats in these buildings could house returning refugee families.

Unfortunately, Syria’s fate has for years depended to a large extent on the US, which dominates the UN, imposes punitive sanctions which amount to illegal collective punishment of the Syrian people, and controls international banking. Driven by a neoconservative agenda drawn up by influential figures promoting the 1997 “Project for the New American Century”, Washington wants to weaken and divide Syria. Since Syria occupies the geographic centre of the Eastern Arab world, this weakens Syria’’s neighbours, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq and the entire region.

Most Arabs understand the solution for Syria is its return to the Arab fold and development of bilateral economic relations with Arab governments so that traders, manufacturers and investors can safely flout US sanctions and provide Syria with the means to reconstruct and recover. Additionally, the Arabs need to exert pressure on Turkey to withdraw its troops and surrogate forces from Syrian territory in the north and on the Syrian Kurds to return the area they hold to government control and effect the exit of the 900 US troops based illegally in Syria.

The object of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Iraq, Algeria, Lebanon, and Jordan — which are working for reconciliation with Syria — is to extend Damascus’ sovereignty over all Syrian territory and ensure that the country’s borders are respected. 


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Whither Ukraine’s Counteroffensive?

May 4th, 2023 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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The month of May has arrived but without the long-awaited Ukrainian “counteroffensive”. The western media is speculating that it may come by late May. There is also the  spin that Kiev is judicious to “buy time.” 

The chances of Ukraine making some sort of  “breakthrough” in the 950-km long Russian frontline cannot be ruled out but a Russian counteroffensive is all but certain to follow. An open-ended war will not suit Western powers.

Last week, NATO’s top commander, US Army General Christopher Cavoli stated that the Russian army operating in Ukraine is larger than when the Kremlin launched its special military operation and the Ukrainians “have to be better than the Russian force they will face” and decide when and where they will strike.

Cavoli said Russia has strategic depth in manpower and has only lost one warship and about 80 fighters and tactical bombers in an air fleet numbering about 1,000 so far. The general gently contradicted Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chief of General Staff Gen. Mark Milley who have been propagating that Russia is on the brink of defeat.

Speaking at the House panel on Wednesday, Gen. Cavoli said, “This war is far from over.” On Thursday, he went further to tell the Senate, “I think [the Russians] can fight another year.” At the House hearing, Cavoli also said Russian submarine activity has only picked up in the North Atlantic since the beginning of the war and none of the Kremlin’s strategic nuclear forces have been affected by operations in Ukraine.

He said at one point in his written testimony,

“Russian air, maritime, space, cyber, and strategic forces have not suffered significant degradation in the current war. Moreover, Russia will likely rebuild its future Army into a sizeable and more capable land force… Russia retains a vast stockpile of deployed and non-deployed nuclear weapons, which present an existential threat to the US.” 

Clearly, the entire narrative of lies and obfuscation created by the neocons in the Biden Administration through the past year has unravelled. The balance sheet shows there is nothing to justify the massive amount of aid to Ukraine through the past one-year period — in excess of $100 billion dollars, which is pro rata vastly more than what the US had spent in the twenty years of war in Afghanistan. 

Gen. Cavoli’s testimony came soon after the leaked Pentagon documents recently, which has presented a grim picture of the state of Kiev’s military preparedness and the Biden Administration’s lack of confidence in the Zelensky regime.

The Pentagon documents echoed, in effect, a January study titled Avoiding a Long War by the RAND Corporation, which recommended that “the paramount US interest in minimising escalation risks should increase the US interest in avoiding a long war (in Ukraine).  In short, the consequences of a long war — ranging from persistent elevated risks to economic damage — far outweigh the possible benefits.” 

Indeed, it appears that there is a significant stream of dissenting opinion within the US security and defence establishment, which estimates that President Biden has taken the US on a disastrous policy trajectory that is fated to have a calamitous outcome — a humiliating defeat in Ukraine that may damage the NATO alliance, weaken the transatlantic system and erode the US’ credibility as a global power. 

Well-informed veterans of the US intelligence community regard the leaking of Pentagon documents itself as a mini-mutiny. The former CIA analyst Ray McGovern told China’s CGTN,

“I believe it could be that some senior policymakers in the Pentagon at the highest reaches of the Department of Defence have decided, ‘You know, it’s a fool’s errand in Ukraine. Maybe, we got to get out the truth. Maybe, we got to expose people like Joint Chief of Staff Milley and Secretary Austin for the lies they have told about Ukrainian progress and Russians being just pulverised. And, maybe, that will stop this widening of the war.’ ”

The well-known former CIA analyst Larry Johnson shares the same view. He wrote:

“This looks like a controlled, directed leak… the leaked material is not random intelligence material. It is designed to tell several stories. The most prominent is the deterioration of Ukrainian capabilities and the major obstacles confronting the United States and the rest of NATO in supplying badly needed air defence, artillery shells, artillery pieces and tanks. In other words, Ukraine is going to crash and burn.”

Johnson added,

“Let me suggest one possibility for this leak — create a predicate for forcing Joe Biden from office. The revelations in the classified documents are not fabrications designed to deceive the Russians. Nor are they the kind of material to rally more U.S. support for pouring more resources into the black hole of Ukraine. These leaks feed the meme that the Biden team is incompetent and endangering American interests overseas.”  

Make no mistake, such coup attempts by the Deep State are nothing new in US presidential history — Eisenhower was undercut when he sought détente with the Soviet Union; a whole corpus of materials available today suggests that CIA framed Nixon in the Watergate affair. Today, all this is happening against the backdrop of President Biden seeking a second term in the 2024 election.

As for Zelensky himself, he is acutely conscious that success or failure of his “counteroffensive” will be critical for continued western support. All things taken into account, a messy diplomatic scenario is looming ahead, one that would also open up divisions between western countries, and in which China could play a more important role. 

There is no guarantee that public support for Biden’s proxy war would hold through the 2024 election. Suffice to say, it is  increasingly doubtful whether Biden will sacrifice his presidency over the Ukraine war. These are of course early days. A large ship needs a big arc for turnaround. 

The Russians are taking their decisions on the basis of own assessments. There has been a perceptible scaling up of Russian strikes against Ukrainian military facilities. Massive strikes deep into Ukrainian military’s rear areas have been reported.

An attack on Sunday on railroad infrastructure and depots for ammunition and fuel in Pavlograd, a major communication hub near Ukraine’s fourth-largest city of Dnepropetrovsk, was particularly devastating. The Ukrainian troops had been accumulating in Pavlograd for an offensive toward Zaporozhye. Two S-300 missile divisions were destroyed.

In the weekend, former president Dmitry Medvedev wrote in Telegram channel that Russia should seek “mass destruction” of Ukrainian personnel and military equipment and deal a “maximum military defeat” on the Armed Forces of Ukraine; strive for “the complete defeat of the enemy and the final overthrow of the Nazi regime in Kiev with the complete demilitarisation of the entire territory of the former Ukraine”; and press ahead with reprisals against key figures of the Zelensky government, “regardless of their location, and without limits.”

Medvedev added, “Otherwise, they will not calm down… and the war will drag on for a long time. Our country doesn’t need that.” The mood has turned ugly and the conflict is set to take a vicious turn, as diplomacy has run aground completely.


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More than 5,000 tons of toxic chemicals are released from consumer products every year inside homes and workplaces, according to new research. The study reveals that people are exposed to multiple chemicals in everyday products, such as shampoos, body lotions, and mothballs, which can cause cancer or birth defects.

The study by researchers from Silent Spring Institute and UC Berkeley found that many products contain toxic volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. Exposure to these chemicals, whether through touch or inhalation as they travel in the air, can lead to various health problems. In California alone, over 5,000 tons of toxic chemicals were released from consumer products inside offices and homes in 2020, with nearly 300 tons coming just from mothballs.

“This study is the first to reveal the extent to which toxic VOCs are used in everyday products of all types that could lead to serious health problems,” says lead author Kristin Knox, a scientist at Silent Spring Institute. “Making this information public could incentivize manufacturers to reformulate their products and use safer ingredients.”

To reach their findings, the team examined data from the California Air Resources Board (CARB). For more than 30 years, CARB has tracked VOCs in consumer products to help reduce smog since VOCs react with other air pollutants in sunlight to form ozone, the main ingredient in smog.

The data included information on the concentration of VOCs in various types of products and the sales of each product type in California. Study authors analyzed the most recent data, focusing on 33 VOCs listed under California’s right-to-know law, Prop 65. This law is in place because these chemicals could cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive problems.

Prop 65 requires companies selling products in the state to warn users if their products could expose them to significant amounts of harmful chemicals. The team’s analysis found that more than 100 types of products contained these harmful VOCs. They identified 30 products, including a dozen different types of personal care products, that are especially harmful and may pose serious health risks.

Workplace products are of particular concern, as workers often use many different types of chemical-containing items throughout the day. For example, nail and hair salon workers use nail polishes and polish removers, artificial nail adhesives, hair straighteners, and other cosmetics. The study found that these types of products combined contain as many as nine different Prop 65 VOCs.

Janitors might use a combination of general cleaners, degreasers, detergents, and other maintenance products, potentially exposing them to more than 20 Prop 65 VOCs.

“The same thing goes for auto and construction workers. All these exposures add up and might cause serious harm,” says study co-author Meg Schwarzman, a physician and environmental health scientist at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, in a media release. “At the most basic level, workers deserve to know what they’re exposed to. But, ultimately, they deserve safer products, and this study should compel manufacturers to make significant changes to protect workers’ health.”

Out of the 33 VOCs listed under Prop 65, the researchers identified the top 11 chemicals that manufacturers should eliminate from products. Among the products used on the body, formaldehyde was the most common Prop 65 VOC — found in nail polish, shampoo, makeup, and other personal care items. For home products, general-purpose cleaners, art supplies, and laundry detergents contained the most. Adhesives had more than a dozen, indicating that workers can be exposed to many toxic chemicals just by using one product.

“Although Prop 65 has reduced the public’s exposure to toxic chemicals both through litigation and by incentivizing companies to reformulate their products, people continue to be exposed to many unsafe chemicals,” says co-author Claudia Polsky, Director of the Environmental Law Clinic at UC Berkeley School of Law. “This study shows how much work remains for product manufacturers and regulators nationwide because the products in CARB’s database are sold throughout the U.S.”

The authors suggest that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) consider regulating five additional chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). These chemicals are ethylene oxide, found in antifreeze and detergents; styrene, present in foods like fried chicken and nectarines; and 1,3-dichloropropene, used in pesticides. The final two are diethanolamine, which can be found in shampoos and perfumes, and cumene, used as a thinner in paint or found in the manufacture of rubber, iron, and steel.

Dozens of unknown ‘mystery chemicals’ discovered inside people

In 2021, researchers from the University of California-San Francisco uncovered over 100 different foreign chemicals inside of people. Even more unnerving, 55 of these substances have never been discovered in humans before.

“These chemicals have probably been in people for quite some time, but our technology is now helping us to identify more of them,” says Tracey J. Woodruff, PhD, a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at UCSF, in a university release.

Researchers say many of these chemicals come from common consumer products and industrial materials. However, the team called 42 of these substances “mystery chemicals” whose sources are unknown at this time.

Study authors made the discovery through an examination of pregnant women and their babies. The findings reveal these chemicals are not only in the blood of the expecting mothers, but also in their newborns. This suggests that many chemicals can travel through the mother’s placenta before birth.

“It is alarming that we keep seeing certain chemicals travel from pregnant women to their children, which means these chemicals can be with us for generations,” Woodruff adds.


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American government and media statements have led the public to believe that the Russian military has been shockingly ineffective and there should be confident optimism for a Ukrainian victory. Ukrainians have indeed fought courageously and performed above expectation. But there has been a vast gulf between private and public assessments. Recent leaks have confirmed what has long been suggested: there is a need to re-evaluate the performance of the Russian army and to recalibrate the optimistic expectations.

The ridiculing and mocking of the Russian military has been possible only because of a deliberate self-delusion that demanded turning away from two important admissions.

First, in the three quarters of a century since the United States became the world’s dominant power, it has seldom decisively won a war or fully achieved its explicit policy goal for going to war. Honestly evaluating Russia’s military performance requires comparing it to the exemplar of recent American wars. The United States has consistently failed to defeat armies far more ragtag than the modern Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Since Vietnam, the United States has failed to achieve its military and political goals in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Libya. After twenty years of fighting in Afghanistan, the U.S. was forced to withdraw. They were in disarray; the Taliban is back in power. The United States has twice withdrawn from Iraq because their government refused to capitulate to Status of Forces Agreements. The first withdrawal left Saddam Hussein in power; the second removed him and left Iran (not the U.S.) strengthened in Iraq. The war in Libya left a failed state to bleed weapons into extremist movements throughout North Africa. In none of these wars did the United States leave victorious nor with their foreign policy objectives achieved. Each of them left a government in power that was not pro-American. The war in Syria has also left Bashar al-Assad in power.

If the Russian military has fared badly against the modern Ukrainian army, it has fared no worse than the United States has against much less modern adversaries.

The second point is the reason why Russia is fighting such a modern Ukrainian army. Ukraine has become a de facto member of NATO. The United States and its NATO allies are providing everything but the bodies in the war against Russia, which is not only pulling off this level of performance against Ukraine: it is pulling off this level of performance against the combined resources of NATO. The United States and its NATO allies have provided and maintained the weapons, trained the Ukrainian soldiers to use them, and provided the intelligence on where to target them. The U.S. is providing “stepped up feeds of intelligence about the position of Russian forces, highlighting weaknesses in the Russian lines.” The U.S. has essentially assumed planning, conducting war-games, and “suggesting” which “avenues…were likely to be more successful.” In March, the U.S. hosted members of the Ukrainian military at an American military base in Germany for war games to strategize for the next phase of the war. In April, they “held tabletop exercises with Ukrainian military leaders to demonstrate how different offensive scenarios could play out” in the expected counter offensive, for which the U.S. has “worked” with Ukraine “in terms of their surprise,” according to General Christopher Cavoli.

But even though Russia is facing an enhanced Ukrainian military, recent leaks confirm what private assessments have long suggested: Ukraine’s losses have been understated while its prospects have been overstated, and Russia’s losses have been overstated while its achievements have been understated.

Long before the recent leaks revealed that many more Ukrainian soldiers than Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded on the battlefield, that Ukraine will be out of antiaircraft missiles by early May, that they are short of troops and ammunition and their counteroffensive will fall “well short” of its goals, attaining, at best, only “modest territorial gains,” U.S. generals and government officials had been quietly admitting as much.

In February, The Washington Post reported that privately the U.S. intelligence’s “sobering assessment” that retaking Crimea “is beyond the capability of Ukraine’s army” has been “reiterated to multiple committees on Capitol Hill over the last several weeks.” As early as November, 2022, U.S. officials shared that assessment with Ukraine, suggesting they “start thinking about [their] realistic demands and priorities for negotiations, including a reconsideration of its stated aim for Ukraine to regain Crimea.” That same month, western military analysts began to warn of an “inflection point” at which Ukraine’s battlefield gains were at an apex. And on January 21, 2023, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said publicly that Ukraine would not be able to retake all of its territory.

But it was not only that Ukraine’s ambitions had been inflated and their prospects overstated. Their losses had also been understated. Despite public claims of parity in losses or worse for Russia, the leaked reports of a much higher ratio of Ukrainian deaths and casualties to Russian deaths and casualties had been forecasted by military analysts who frequently put the ratio of soldiers killed at closer to 7:1 or 10:1 Ukrainian versus Russian losses. Der Spiegel has reported that German intelligence is “alarmed” by the “high losses suffered by the Ukrainian army” in the battle for Bakhmut. They told German politicians in a secret meeting that the loss of life for Ukrainian soldiers is in “three-digit number[s]” every day on that battleground alone. The Washington Post has reported that the most highly trained and experienced Ukrainian soldiers are “all dead or wounded.”

And it is not only Ukrainian losses that may have been understated. Russian losses, ineptitude, and material setbacks may have been just as overstated. After suffering high casualties at the beginning of the war, Alexander Hill, professor of military history at the University of Calgary, says Russia began to pursue a more methodical battlefield strategy and lowered their losses.

On April 26, General Cavoli, the commander of United States European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, gave a congressional audience of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee a report that is very different from what they’d been told just a month earlier. The public is constantly told that Putin is throwing his soldiers into a meatgrinder. General Mark Milley recently reported that Russian troops are “getting slaughtered.” He told the House Armed Services Committee in late March, “It’s a slaughter-fest for the Russians. They’re getting hammered in the vicinity of Bahkmut.”

But in April, General Cavoli told that same body,

“The Russian ground force has been degenerated somewhat by this conflict; although it is bigger today than it was at the beginning of the conflict.” And it is not only the ground force. Cavoli went on to report, “The air force has lost very little: they’ve lost eighty planes. They have another one thousand fighters and fighter bombers. The navy has lost one ship.”

And as for the larger Russian military, Cavoli said,

“Much of the Russian military has not been affected negatively by this conflict…despite all of the efforts they’ve undertaken inside Ukraine.”

Historian Geoffrey Roberts, an authority on Soviet military history, told me:

“Russia’s Armed Forces have made many mistakes and suffered severe setbacks during the course of its war with Ukraine and NATO, but overall it has performed very well. Like the Red Army during the Second World War, the Russian military has shown itself to be a resilient, adaptable, creative, and highly effective learning organization—a modern war-making machine whose lessons and experience—positive and negative—will be studied by General Staffs and military academies for generations to come.”

After initial territorial setbacks, the Ukrainian military countered with two shocking victories in Kharkiv and Kherson provinces. But in each of those cases, Russia seems to have either decided to leave or redeployed, offering little defense. Military analyst and ret. Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis has pointed out that in each situation where the Russian military “chose to stand and fight, Ukraine has not defeated them.” Russia has not lost a battle it has chosen to fight.

Since then, the Russian military has settled itself in Bakhmut where, like death’s maw, it has devoured everyone Kiev has sent in to displace it. A Ukrainian commander in Bakhmut has said that “the exchange rate of trading our lives for theirs favors the Russians. If this goes on like this, we could run out.” Daniel Davis has pointed out that, even if Ukraine were to launch and win a counteroffensive, the rate of casualties and deaths would be so high, they would “have spent [their] last remaining force with which to conduct offensives” or future operations. Military historian Geoffrey Roberts recently told an interviewer, “if the war continues for much longer, I am worried that Ukraine will collapse as a state.”

Professor Hill argued in November 2022 that “had Zelensky’s Ukrainian government been willing to negotiate back in April [2022] then the eventual outcome on the ground would probably have ended up being better for Ukraine than is likely to be the case today or in the future.” It’s a prognosis, he told me, that still stands.

The Ukrainian military may have performed above expectation, and the Russian military may have performed below expectation. But recent statements, both leaked and on the record, suggest the need for an updated, more sincere evaluation. Russia is not struggling only against the Ukrainian Armed Forces: they are struggling against a military seriously swollen by NATO resources, training, and planning. And even still, they are faring no worse than the U.S. military has fared against much less equipped, trained, and prepared forces over the past several decades. The dismissive mocking of the Russian military has been helped by underestimating Ukrainian losses, overestimating Ukrainian capabilities, and by overestimating Russian losses and degeneration and underestimating Russian capabilities and achievements.

Both senior U.S. military leadership and major western media must begin reassessing the Russian military and its capabilities for what they are, instead of how narratives wish them to be.


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Ted Snider is a regular columnist on U.S. foreign policy and history at and The Libertarian Institute. He is also a frequent contributor to Responsible Statecraft and The American Conservative as well as other outlets.

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On Wednesday, two drones exploded over the Kremlin in Moscow, the official residence of the president of the Russian Federation. Russia’s Foreign Ministry called the explosions an attempt by the Ukrainian government to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin. “We regard these actions as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the life of the President,” Moscow said.

The Ukrainian attack on the Kremlin and attempted assassination of Putin is a criminally reckless provocation, serving no other purpose than to provoke retaliation by Russia that would then be used to justify a massive escalation of NATO’s involvement in the war. 

Critically, the attack on the Kremlin took place just after Zelensky had left Ukraine for NATO territory, arriving in Finland just hours ahead of the bombings, in what was no doubt in an effort to shield him from retaliation in kind by Moscow.

The attack took place on the eve of the much-publicized Ukrainian offensive, which the Kiev regime believes is critical to the very viability of the war effort.

Leaked Pentagon documents indicate that Ukraine is in a far worse military position than the public has been led to believe, meaning that the success of the offensive is highly unlikely and could even end in catastrophe without the direct intervention of NATO forces.

The response of the United States, exemplified by the statements of Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, directly implicates the United States in the attack, and as such testifies to a staggering level of recklessness at the highest levels of the American state.

Shortly after the attacks, Blinken was asked by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius to comment on “the news overnight from the Kremlin accusing Ukraine of having tried to assassinate President Vladimir Putin with a drone strike. … What is the United States’ position on such attacks on leadership during this war by Ukraine?”

Far from separating the United States from responsibility, Blinken explicitly sanctioned the legitimacy of such attacks, declaring, “We leave it to Ukraine to decide how it’s going to defend itself.”

Ignatius asked him again: “If Ukraine decided on its own to strike back in Russian territory, the United States would not criticize them?” To this, Blinken again reiterated, “These are decisions for Ukraine to make about how it’s going to defend itself, how it’s going to get its territory back, how it’s going to restore its territorial integrity and its sovereignty.”

Later in the day, during a White House briefing, Jean-Pierre was asked a variant of the same question: “Does the administration see Putin as the commander-in-chief of Russian troops that have waged this war against Ukraine, as a lawful military target?”

She refused to condemn the potential assassination of Putin, declaring, “I’m just not going to speculate.”

These statements make clear that the aim of the United States in the conflict is regime-change, with Putin placed in the same category as previous leaders Washington has overthrown and murdered: Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein, both of whom were killed by US proxy forces, and Slobodan Milošević, who died while in custody.

It has long been recognized that the assassination of a political leader is a casus belli. George W. Bush, in justifying the 2003 invasion of Iraq, cited the false claim that Saddam Hussein had previously planned the assassination of his father. World War I was triggered by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.

Even though the bombing in Moscow did not succeed in killing Putin, it was an attack on the Kremlin, the seat of the Russian government.The United States gave as its primary reason for invading Afghanistan and as a significant reason for invading Iraq the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. In planning the attack on the Kremlin, Kiev knew full well that it would intensify pressure within Russia to escalate the war.

In the aftermath of Blinken’s statement, there were attempts by Washington and Kiev to walk back their open involvement in the operation. “We didn’t attack Putin,” said Zelensky. But this claim was belied by the announcement by the Ukrainian Postal Service just hours after the attack that it would issue a stamp depicting the Kremlin in flames.

US officials likewise told the New York Times, Washington Post and other newspapers that the United States did not know about the attacks beforehand. Going a step further, James Nixey of the pro-imperialist Chatham House think tank declared the attack was a “false flag” by the Kremlin.

These efforts to deny responsibility lack all credibility and have been contradicted by open gloating by US officials.

Colonel Alexander Vindman, a leading figure in the run-up to the war, hailed the attack, declaring that it “demonstrates how vulnerable Russia really is.” He continued, “The most important thing about drone strikes on the Kremlin is the shear [sic] embarrassment for Putin. He looks terribly week [sic].”

The denials by Ukrainian and US officials follow the pattern set by the October 8, 2022 attack on the Kerch Bridge, in which Washington and Kiev denied involvement. US media accounts later revealed that the attack was carried out by Ukrainian special forces.

The response of the White House to the bombing makes clear that it is giving the Ukrainian government what amounts to a blank check to escalate the war. This means that the world is effectively being held hostage to whatever criminal actions the Zelensky government may take.

As the war has progressed, everything that the Biden administration has declared it would not do in the war it has proceeded to do. The United States is intent on breaking every barrier to the escalation of the conflict as a means to achieve its military objectives.

The statements by US officials legitimizing a potential assassination of Putin expose the degree of recklessness, desperation and unhinged stupidity that now dominates in Washington and other NATO capitals. The war is expanding not just in intensity but in geographic scope, threatening to metastasize from Eastern Europe to the Pacific.

This war must be stopped. It is urgently necessary to build a mass international movement against the war, oriented to the growing struggles of the working class, and armed with a socialist program.


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Featured image: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin are seen during a meeting with Germany’s foreign minister in Moscow, Russia, March 23, 2016. (Credit: Kremlin)

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On the night of May 2, there were two unsuccessful drone strikes against Kremlin and Senate facilities in the Russian capital. The purpose of the operation was allegedly to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin. The reaction to the case has been serious, with members of the Russian parliament demanding that tough measures be taken to respond to the provocation on the battlefield.

The attacks were made with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), but Russian defense forces managed to disable the equipment using electronic warfare techniques. Several videos, some of which unverified, circulate on the internet showing the moment when the UAVs were neutralized near Russian state facilities.

There were no reports of damage caused by the attack, as the quick action of the Russian security forces was efficient in preventing the success of the terrorist operation. It is believed that the main objective would be to reach the residence of the President of the Russian Federation, assassinating him which anyway would not be possible since at that moment Vladimir Putin was not in the place.

The Russian government blamed the Kiev regime for the attacks, which was promptly rejected by the Ukrainian authorities. Without showing any evidence, spokespersons for the neo-Nazi regime accused Moscow of having carried out a false flag attack whose aim would be to legitimize escalations of violence on the frontlines. As expected, some western media outlets have adopted this narrative, accusing Moscow in an unsubstantiated way. However, a deeper analysis of the case shows that this interpretation seems absolutely wrong.

The attack on the Kremlin was not a one-off event, but part of a larger wave of Ukrainian air raids into Russia’s pacified or undisputed sovereign space. In recent days, the regime reportedly attacked, in addition to the Russian capital, the regions of Bryansk and Krasnodar, having hit oil facilities in the latter, which caused fires in the city. As well known, for months Kiev has been launching sequential irresponsible incursions against Russia in what appears to be a desperate attempt to provoke violent Russian responses, thus justifying that NATO sends more weapons.

In this sense, it seems illogical to claim that Moscow would be interested in performing a false flag operation against its own capital to justify escalations, when it is the Western-Ukrainian side that shows interest in escalating. If it were in Russia’s interest to increase the intensity of its attacks on Ukraine, there would be already enough reason to do so, as Kiev has carried out several provocations in recent months.

The main problem, however, is that Russian patience may be running out. After the attack on Moscow, many Russian officials reacted by demanding quick, strong and incisive actions to retaliate. There is strong pressure for orders to be given to the Russian armed forces to destroy the entire enemy firepower as quickly as possible. Some politicians even suggest that direct actions against Ukrainian officials should be taken.

The day after the Kremlin incident, heavy Russian attacks took place across Ukraine, mainly in Zaporozhye, Odessa and Kiev. The intensity of the attacks is expected to increase even more in the coming days. Some advisers are urging Zelensky, currently visiting Europe, to stay out of Ukrainian territory indefinitely. In the same vein, the American Embassy in Kiev asked American citizens to leave the country as soon as possible.

The Ukrainian side believes that with the intense Russian attacks, it will have greater arguments to ask the West for help with new military packages. However, this calculation may be wrong. If Moscow maintains a high intensity of attacks, the tendency is that Kiev may be neutralized even before the new Western weapons are eventually used on the battlefield. Russia has been using only a small portion of its military power in the special operation, while Ukraine is fighting with everything it has. Even if it receives more sophisticated weapons from the West, Kiev certainly will not have any chance of maintaining the conflict for long time if the Russians decide to increase their combat mobilization.

Indeed, Moscow has its right of retaliation in the face of such a provocation, but the situation is much more serious than that. There are arguments for the Ukrainian State itself to be considered a terrorist organization, against which Russian forces would be authorized to use all available means of combat. This would lead to a formal change in the nature of the special military operation, pushing the conflict to new levels. In this hypothetical scenario, NATO should be considered an organization sponsor of terrorism for insisting on arming Kiev despite the crimes committed by the regime.

There is still not enough information to know whether this step will be taken, but it is one of the possibilities given the current scenario. What is known, however, is that some serious retaliation is certainly on the way.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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The cycle of empires

It is not as if President Macron and his administration needed a new crisis to add to the turmoil of his second term in power. Unlike Mali or Burkina Faso, where French troops were bluntly asked to leave by military juntas, Mayotte is in effect a full-fledged French department. The reminiscence of a vast empire that has almost entirely vanished. All empires fade in their respective historical time frames.

Some finished abruptly, like the Ottoman empire in the immediate aftermath of World War I when the imperial victors (the United Kingdom and France) dismantled it through the Syke-Picot secretive 1916 treaty that determined their respective colonial spoils of war in the entire Middle-East. Some empires, like the British and French empires in more recent times, face a slow erosion following the flux of struggles for self determination and finally independence of indigenous populations from colonial powers.

Even in vanishing empires struggle against colonialism continues

In the giant geopolitical turmoils of post World War II some anti-imperialist leaders emerged. One of them was the Indonesian revolutionary figure Sukarno, who headed the struggle of Indonesia’s independence from the Dutch colonial power. In a statement that has a universal appeal, Sukarno wrote: “I hate imperialism. I detest colonialism. And I fear the consequences of their last bitter struggle for life. We are determined, that our nation, and the world as a whole, shall not be the plaything of one small corner of the world.”

Mayotte a mini-Algeria in the making for Macron?

First of all, some brief historical elements are necessary here. The two small islands of Mayotte are part of the Comoros Archipelago. The Comoros were first populated by migrants from East Africa, then invaded by Arabs during the 15th century. The Arabs brought Islam to the Comoros, and 600 years later Islam remains by far the dominant religion. The Mahorais in Mayotte are the local and legal population; a large majority are proud to be French, and many consider the illegally immigrated Comorans to be interlopers who should be kicked out, as they feel their standards of living is under assault.

In many ways, even though the two populations, Mahorais on one side and Comorans on the other, are racially and religiously quasi identical, it is as if the Mahorais are the privileged white colonists, which in Algeria were called Pieds Noirs, and the Comorans are Mayotte’s equivalent of the oppressed Arab population. This indicates that the economic gap between groups of people struggling for their rights to the same land matter more than cultural, racial, or religious divides.

In this case, it is a struggle between the poor, the Mahorais, and the destitute who are the freshly arrived illegal Comorans. There is nothing better than reducing the size of the pie to turn vicious the fights at the family table! Since the 1974 referendum, which kept Mayotte as a French territory, with two-thirds of Mahorais voting in favor, France has not done enough for its citizens in Mayotte. It has also neglected to provide financial assistance to the Comoros, which would have avoided the large illegal migrants flux. It has been pretty much 50 years of bad policies, but mostly neglect towards Mayotte from one Paris administration after another.

Forget Operation Wuambush (take back) instead fight poverty

Operation Wuambush is headed by France’s Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin. The name is highly symbolic as it implies a reconquest after an invasion. The muscle of the cleaning, or pacification, operation involves 2,000 Gendarmes and the French riot police, CRS. The ill-advised plan appears to be simple: it consists of the demolition of countless shantitowns, and the expulsion, manu militari, of the illegal migrants to the Comoros. But, there is a huge problem for the Macron administration and Mr. Darmanin.

According to a very official Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), if an official census of 2017 established the legal population of Mayotte at 256,500, in reality, considering that more than 50 percent are illegal migrants, and therefore not registered, the real number of Mayotte’s booming population could be as high as 500,000. The two communities, by and large, do not get along.

To grasp fully the explosive nature of the Mayotte situation, some key figures are needed. The birth rate in Mayotte is extremely high: in 2021 it was 4.6 children per woman. Furthermore, half of the population is below 18-years-old. Yet more disturbing official data from INSEE: in Mayotte, an astounding four in ten residences are precarious dwellings made of scavenged materials such as pieces of plywood and corrugated metal sheets; three out of ten habitations lack running water; in 2022 Mayotte’s unemployment rate was 34 percent; last but not least, in 2018, 77 percent of the population was living below France’s poverty level.

Darmanin’s naked ambitions?

One must wonder: why this repressive anti-migrant operation, and why now, while in France proper a deep political turmoil is at play in the aftermath of the extremely unpopular retirement reforms? Unless it is a diversion tactic, the timing of it seems completely off. Could the operation of pacification of Mayotte be a stepping stone for Mr Darmanin’s own political ambitions?

Many political insiders in France have said that the ambitious Interior Minister has his eyes on the job of current Prime Minister Elizabeth Borne. It might also be a sign of bigger goals for him down the line, and why not the presidency of France? Spearheading this policing operation could boost Darmanin’s appeal to the anti-immigration xenophobic electorate of Marine Le Pen’s party, which is substantial.

He has certainly established himself as a tough law-and-order proponent, modeling his persona to that of Nicolas Sarkozy who, by the way, started his political career as Jacques Chirac’s Minister of the Interior. As the Minister of the Interior, the advantage of heading France’s vast security apparatus is that you know where the skeletons are buried.

At the last presidential election’s second round in 2022, Marine Le Pen obtained almost 60 percent of the vote in France’s overseas territories. This vote, considering that Le Pen’s party is rooted in a culture of nationalism and xenophobia, is sociologically highly disturbing as it is completely detached from history in places that have been so deeply marked by the memory and collective pain of slavery and colonialism.

More specifically, in Mayotte during the 2022 French presidential election, Marine Le Pen obtained 43 percent in the first round, against 24 percent for Jean-Luc Melenchon of the left party La France Insoumise, and 17 percent for Emanuel Macron. During the second round, which opposed Macron to Le Pen, Marine Le Pen garnered 59 percent of the vote versus 41 percent for Macron. Needless to say her edge and appeal to a majority of Mayotte’s electorate was based on her anti-immigration Trumpist-like nationalist and populist agenda.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, who fought in France’s colonial wars first in Indochina and then Algeria, was echoing and embracing the Algerie Francaise! battlecry of French colonists. By contrast to his daughter, Le Pen was less than welcome in the overseas territories when he was politically active. In fact he was banned from landing in Martinique by the local authorities.

Despite what Mr. Macron and Mr. Darmanin, or other people in their fancy offices in Paris, think and plot, the time of France-Afrique is long gone. Mahorais and Comorans are brothers and sisters. In faith, race and unfortunately poverty they must learn how to get along and manage their own conflicts without becoming the instruments of French politicians of various stripes. A comprehensive dialogue must open up between all the citizens of the Comoros archipelago which, like it or not, includes Mayotte.

While it is the most far-right anti-migrant Mahorais that have formed quasi vigilante groups to attack Comorans and torched their makeshift homes, the government of the Comoros is not blame free. Their refusal to take back their citizens who have migrated to Mayotte could also be a way to modify Mayotte’s demographics in the medium term. Migrants can be easily weaponized, like Qaddafi did in Libya, or Erdogan did in Turkey with Syrian refugees, to blackmail the European Union. Soon having (right now it is 50 percent) more Comorans on the island than Mahorais could validate their claim that the island, despite the 1974 referendum, belongs to the Comoros and not to France.

Mayotte is a case study not only in neocolonialism, but also in the global migration crisis, as it illustrates that the world at large will have to absorb and manage, in a non-repressive human way if at all possible, the flow and cost of massive migration due to the increasing catastrophic impact of climate collapse.


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This article was originally published on News Junkie Post.

Gilbert Mercier is the author of The Orwellian Empire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is by David Stanley

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In 1975, Philip Agee published his book Inside the Company: CIA Diary. In the introduction, he wrote:

“When I joined the CIA, I believed in the need for its existence. After twelve years with the agency I finally understood how much suffering it was causing, that millions of people all over the world had been killed or had their lives destroyed by the CIA and the institutions it supports. I couldn’t sit by and do nothing and so began work on this book.”

Enrique Prado’s book, Black Ops: The Life of a CIA Shadow Warrior (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2022), is written for the opposite purpose. Prado says,

“This book is my attempt to correct the misperceptions that make the Agency one of the least understood and most mistrusted institutions in America today. The reality we faced on the ground in places from Muslim Africa to East Asia, to our own streets here at home, is one of persistent threats that must be countered to keep our people safe.”

Prado’s memoir was approved for publication by the CIA. It is self-laudatory and highly critical of restraints on the CIA. It confirms that, while the ability to assassinate at will was temporarily restricted, CIA sabotage and paramilitary operations against other nations have continued non-stop.


Enrique (Ric) Prado’s father lost his business in the Cuban Revolution and Ric came to the U.S. as a youth in the early 1960s. He grew up in greater Miami. The Vietnam War was raging and his “dream was to go to Vietnam.”

After high school, Ric enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and received training in rescue operations including parachute jumping and scuba diving. Prado’s dream was dashed because the Vietnam War was winding down and the U.S. military downsizing.

Prado alludes to his involvement with Cuban-American gangs and some troubled years. Then, starting with contract work, Prado began to perform assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Prado and the Contras

Prado’s timing was late for Vietnam but just right for Central America. In 1979 the Sandinista Revolution overthrew the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua. As a Spanish-speaking Latino, Prado was not a typical Anglo-American. He was recruited as a CIA officer responsible for overseeing the development of the Contra army based in Honduras and conducting cross-border attacks on communities in Nicaragua.

He writes, “In these early days, there were only five CIA officers who interfaced directly with the Contras in Tegucigalpa; none were yet in the field.” There were “ten camps that lay scattered along the Honduran Nicaraguan border.” Ric Prado became the CIA officer responsible for going to the camps to coordinate support and conduct weapons training.

Prado admits the Contra leadership came from the corrupt Somoza regime: “Others who had been part of Somoza’s military…formed the core leadership of the Contras.” Initially, Washington subcontracted the job of mobilizing the Contras to Argentinian military officers who had experience from their own dirty war and death squads. Prado is extremely critical of the Argentinian military trainers, calling them a “den of snakes” and stating that, “to a man, I found them to be useless parasites.” The Argentinian military trainers were supplanted by CIA personnel, with Ric Prado playing a leading role overseeing Contra operations from Honduras and later in the “southern front” in Costa Rica.

The CIA is funded by Congress and acutely aware of its public image. Whether it is creating negative press for “enemies” such as Nicaragua, Cuba or Russia, or creating positive press for itself, manipulating the media is an important part of its work. Prado talks about the political benefits of recruiting Indigenous Miskitos to the Contras: “Miskitos were popular with several U.S. political sectors. Among Native Americans and some prominent liberals, the Miskitos were considered to be the oppressed, indigenous forces untainted by association with Somoza. That political viability back in the States with elements often hostile to the Agency helped us enormously.”

The unofficial war on Nicaragua included attacks on infrastructure which echo today with the U.S. sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Prado proudly documents the attack on the Puerto Cabezas pier and underwater gas pipeline: “The dock included an integrated fuel pipeline for faster transfer of oil from tankers. If we could destroy this…we’d make a big statement by blowing up the key link between the Sandinistas and their communist allies….We received exactly what we needed: a specialized underwater demolition charge that combined compactness with tremendous blast power….The charge exploded…the blast was so large it destroyed the fuel pipeline.”

Prado documents the failed attempt to blow up a bridge at Corinto on the Pacific coast. For unknown reasons, Prado was re-assigned and left Honduras in March 1984 after four years managing the Contras. He returned to the Contra campaign in the summer of 1986. They had safe houses and secret bases in ranches along the Nicaragua-Costa Rica border. It was more difficult because the Costa Rican government did not support the Contras as Honduras did.

Prado briefly describes the sensational events in October 1986 when a CIA plane dropping supplies and weapons to Contras was shot down. The pilot and two others on the flight died, but ex-Marine Eugene Hasenfus survived and was captured. Unmentioned in the book, this was a sensational news event at the time. Beyond the drama of an American plane being shot down over Nicaragua and an American captured and taken prisoner, it revealed the CIA was violating the congressional Boland Amendment prohibiting U.S. military support for overthrowing the Nicaragua government.

The Reagan administration denied responsibility. Elliott Abrams, the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, said:“The flight in which Mr. Hasenfus took part was a private initiative…It was not organized, directed or financed by the U.S. Government.” The counter-evidence was overwhelming and the CIA was caught red-handed violating the congressional resolution and then lying about it. This is unmentioned in the book. Instead, Prado criticizes Hasenfus for having personal identification papers in his possession.

Prado’s Pride

In 1990, after ten years of terrorist attacks by the Contras, combined with economic and political attacks from Washington, Nicaraguans cried “Uncle” and voted the Sandinistas out of power.

Prado says, “our Contra program was a definitively successful black op carried out solely by key personnel from the CIA.” Prado stated further that “that Cuban kid who lost his native country to revolutionaries now helped cut off some of the communist tentacles that threatened to engulf Latin America.”

Prado believes the use of a proxy army to fight against a perceived enemy was an important victory and re-established the credibility of the CIA. He says, “The Contras resuscitated the post-Vietnam decimated CIA back to relevance.”

Prado is annoyed at negative media portrayals of the CIA Contra program. The movie American Made, depicting the story of an American pilot taking guns to the Contras and bringing cocaine back into the U.S., is especially annoying to Prado. He ignores the fact that tens of thousands of Nicaraguans died and cocaine inundated some U.S. cities as a byproduct of the Contra program.


Prado believes that the CIA were the “good guys” in Nicaragua. The International Court of Justice thought otherwise.

In 1986 the court ruled that the U.S. attacks on Nicaragua were violations of international law. The Reagan administration and media largely ignored the ruling.

Later, journalist Gary Webb documented the catastrophic social damage inside the U.S. caused by the cheap cocaine flooding some U.S. cities. Webb was attacked by establishment media. However, in 1998, the CIA Inspector General acknowledged, “There are instances where C.I.A. did not, in an expeditious or consistent fashion, cut off relationships with individuals supporting the contra program who were alleged to have engaged in drug-trafficking activity, or take action to resolve the allegations.”

The 2014 movie Kill the Messenger, based on the true and tragic story of Gary Webb, was undoubtedly another movie that irritated Ric Prado.

Justifying Terrorism and Sabotage

Prado’s justification for CIA crimes against other countries is U.S. national security. He says, “The spread of communism through Central and South America became a direct threat to the security of the United States.” He compares the war against “communism” to the World War II fight against Nazi Germany. He says, “The Sandinistas quickly consolidated their power through Nazi-like pogrom and oppression.”Prado says that training the Contras was like “being an OSS officer trying to train and supply the French resistance to the Germans in WW2.”

The U.S. deployed Nicaraguans, Afghans and extremist Arab recruits in proxy wars across the globe. Prado assesses this a great success: The Mujahedin in Afghanistan and Contras in Nicaragua “played crucial roles in the Cold War’s final act.”

Prado does not mention the fact that the Sandinistas were voted back into power in Nicaragua in 2006 after 16 years of neo-liberal rule. The country was in very poor shape with privatized education, little health care, and terrible infrastructure. Since being voted back, the Sandinistas have won increasing levels of support because they have substantially improved the lives of most Nicaraguans. As in the 1980s, Nicaragua is back on the U.S. enemy list and Western media portrayals are universally negative.

Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas enjoy great popularity today despite the CIA efforts to destroy the revolution that they led in the 1980s. [Source:]

Prado in Other Countries

The “CIA shadow warrior” went on to conduct operations in Peru, the Philippines, South Korea and an unnamed African country, probably the Central African Republic. “We were the leadership cadre, spearheading America’s effort against global terrorism.”

Prado says, “Radical Islamic terrorism at the turn of the century morphed into a deadly new enemy.” With the attacks of 9/11, the U.S. homeland was suddenly the victim of a real attack. The timing was very convenient for war hawks and those who wanted a “new American Century.” From being a president who took office under highly contested circumstances, Bush became a “war President.” The 9/11 attack provided a Pearl Harbor moment justifying U.S. military aggression in the Middle East.

Prado describes the fervor and intensity with which the CIA responded: CIA agents worked long hours to identify, capture and sometimes kill those deemed to be “enemy combatants.” Some of these suspects were tortured in violation of the UN Convention Against Torture, to which the U.S. is a signatory. The “CIA shadow warrior” is dismissive of the critics. The “much maligned enhanced interrogations [were] sparingly performed on known terrorists.”

“Jungle of Criminality”

Prado views the world as “a jungle of criminality, corruption, betrayals, and atrocious human rights abuses we were determined to help eradicate.” There are numerous allusions to the “good guys” fighting the “bad guys.”

Prado does not attempt to argue with critics who say some CIA actions are violations of international law and human rights. It is estimated that 30,000 Nicaraguans died in the Contra War. This is ten times more than died in the attacks of 9/11 in a country that only had 3.3 million people at the time.

Prado’s claim that Sandinista Nicaragua posed a threat to U.S. “national security” stretches credulity. The CIA actions not only violated international law; they violated U.S. law.

Prado never questions why some people around the world hate the U.S. government. For him, they are simply the “bad guys.” This is much more convenient than looking at the real causes. Chalmers Johnson, in the introduction to his book Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire (Holt Books, 2001), put it succinctly: “The attacks of September 11 descend in a direct line from events in 1979, the year in which the CIA, with full presidential authority, began carrying out its largest ever clandestine operation—the secret arming of Afghan freedom fighters (mujaheddin) to wage a proxy war against the Soviet Union, which involved the recruitment and training of militants from all over the Islamic world.”

The results in Afghanistan were even more disastrous than in Nicaragua. They toppled a popular government, creating decades of chaos and extremism. With the Soviets gone, the U.S. dumped Afghanistan and moved on to attack Iraq and place troops in Saudi Arabia. As Johnson says, “The suicidal assassins of September 11, 2001, did not ‘attack America,’ as political leaders and news media in the United States have tried to maintain; they attacked American foreign policy.”

Intelligence Serving the War Machine

In the 1960s and 1970s, CIA officers Phil Agee and John Stockwell, author of In Search of Enemies, came to realize that U.S. foreign policy is not in the national interest. Performing coups, destabilizing foreign governments and promoting death squads (as is documented in the 2020 book, The Jakarta Method: Washington’s Anticommunist Crusade & The Mass Murder Program That Shaped Our World) is not only against international law and the UN Charter, it is against what the U.S. claims to be for. They spoke out courageously. Ric Prado is far from this realization.

No doubt there are many hard-working and dedicated analysts and officers at the CIA. No doubt they come up with real intelligence. But given the biases and delusions, they can also be wildly inaccurate. Prado writes,

“Threats America faced that summer came from many quarters, but two in particular were seen as significant threats. Hezbollah was considered among the most dangerous. They had carried out operations all over the world that had killed thousands of people…Danger lurks from seemingly innocuous sources. You’ll find Hezbollah sleeper cells in your own town…Terrorists lurking and lying in wait.”

Prado says that, when 9/11 happened, one CIA officer was certain that Hezbollah was behind it. This suggests they have poor analysis because Hezbollah is very different from al-Qaeda. Hezbollah is a Lebanese resistance movement, much demonized by Israel because they successfully expelled the Israelis from southern Lebanon. They are a substantial part of the Lebanese government and oppose extremist al-Qaeda ideology and actions.

Prado’s comments about President John F. Kennedy also indicate a poor analysis. He explains away the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961 to “betrayal and broken promises of the Kennedy Administration.” Looking back, it seems clear the invasion was doomed to failure. Vitriol against Kennedy may be widespread in the CIA. In recent years, important new evidence on the assassination has been revealed in several books, including JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters and The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, among others.

As a sign of the times, Ric Prado transitioned from the CIA to a private security company, Blackwater. The “revolution in military affairs” proposed by neo-cons in the 1990s has been realized as U.S. intelligence and “black ops” are increasingly performed by private contractors. There are clear advantages: They do not have the same constraints and accountability. Prado documents how he has recruited other CIA leaders for the infamous private company.

The CIA and U.S. Foreign Policy

Ric Prado is very proud of his work at the CIA and pours compliments on many of his CIA leaders and fellow officers. He is critical of constraints on the CIA.

“Our nation’s leadership often failed to measure up. When you have pit bulls ready and willing to go after America’s enemies, only to be chained in the yard by career-obsessed managers, you cannot win a war. It only gets prolonged.”

Prado admits: “Our job was to break the laws of other nations without getting caught to defend ours. It is dark and murky work.”

In a postscript Prado says “confronting China” is now one of the Agency’s primary tasks. He recommends,

“the CIA needs to be led by vigorous, aggressive, and fearless leaders willing to take the fight to the enemy on their turf, wherever that turf may be.”

Taking “the fight to the enemy” is clearly a recipe for new conflicts. Ric Prado has learned nothing from past failures and blowback. Judging by the positive reviews of his book, neither has the Washington foreign policy establishment.


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Rick Sterling is an investigative journalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is active with the Taskforce on the Americas and other organizations including Syrian Solidarity Movement and  the Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center. He can be contacted at [email protected]. He is a regular contributor to Global Research

Featured image: CIA officer Ric Prado with his new book lionizing the Agency. [Source:]

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Russian and African media representatives and practitioners marked the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day and the 32nd anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration on Promoting the Development of an Independent and Pluralistic African Press by establishing a new association.  

Both Russian and African media practitioners pledged to continue to uphold the highest standards of journalism – including accuracy, fairness and impartiality – and also embrace innovation to adapt to the fast-changing media landscape. 

This initiative is an important milestone in the long history of mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and Africa. The importance of interaction in the field of creating, exchanging and disseminating objective and reliable information is growing even more in the light of common goals and aspirations to build a fair and equitable system of international relations based on the principles of national identity and cultural diversity.

According to the document which was signed, it recognized the importance of international cooperation in the field of creation, exchange and dissemination of objective and reliable information, strengthening cooperation in the development of information and communication technologies.

It further plans to expand cooperation in the information sphere, including strengthening ties between national, regional and local media, information exchange, training (retraining) of journalists, contacts through relevant ministries and departments, as well as commercial structures and public organizations. 

The Memorandum on Information Cooperation between African and Russian Media affirmed the principles of fair cooperation between the continents in the field of information exchange. The establishment of the Association of Journalists of Russia and Africa becomes necessary in order to coordinate efforts to form and strengthen Russian-African relations in this area. 

In accordance with the initiatives and projects put forward on May 3, 1991 at the UNESCO seminar in Windhoek (Namibia) – to assist in the creation of a data bank for the independent African press, which would receive the news reports necessary for newspapers and other publications. 

In accordance with paragraph 10 of the Declaration of Windhoek, to assist in providing financial support for the development and creation of non-governmental newspapers, magazines and periodicals that would express public opinion in general and the various points of view existing in the communities for which these publications are intended.

Happy World Press Freedom Day!


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS) and InDepthNews, is now a regular contributor to Global Research. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

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Welcome the canons of pseudoscience. Open your arms to the dribbling, sponsored charlatans. According to a growing number of India’s top officialdom, teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to children in their ninth and 10th grades is simply not on.

Last month, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), a purportedly autonomous government organisation responsible for curricula content and textbook publishing for India’s 256 million primary and secondary students, continued its hostility against Darwin as part of its “content rationalisation” process. NCERT had taken the scrub to evolution during the COVID-19 pandemic, implausibly arguing that it was necessary to drop its teaching in moving classes online. (Darwin would have been most bemused.)

A closer look at the list of dropped and excluded subjects in the NCERT publication of “rationalised content in textbooks” from May last year is impressive in its philistinism. In addition to dropping teaching on Darwin, the origin of life on earth, evolution, fossils and molecular phylogeny, we also see the scrapping of such subjects as electricity, the magnetic effects of electric current and the “sustainable management of natural resources”.

Evolutionary biologist Amitabh Joshi of the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research was less than impressed, calling the measure “a travesty of the notion of a well-rounded secondary education”.

On April 20, the non-profit Breakthrough Science Society launched an open letter demanding a reversal of the decision.  “Knowledge and understanding of evolutionary biology is important not just to any subfield of biology, but is also key to understanding the world around us.” Though not evident at first glance, “the principles of natural selection help us understand how any pandemic progresses or why certain species go extinct, among many other critical issues.”

A sense of despondency reigns on whether NCERT will change course, even in the face of protest. In the view of biologist Satyajit Rath, “Given the recent trajectories of such decisions of the government of India, probably not, at least over the short term. Sustained progressive efforts will be required to influence the long-term outcomes.”

The anti-evolutionary streak in Indian politics, spearheaded by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has been present for some time, always threatening to spill over with acid implications into the education syllabus. In 2018, India’s then Minister for Higher Education, Satyapal Singh, urged the removal of evolution from school curricula, remarking that no one had ever seen “an ape turning into a human being.” Before a university gathering at a university in Assam, he claimed to “have a list of around 10 to 15 great scientists of the world who have said there is no evidence to prove that the theory of evolution is correct.” He even threw poor Albert Einstein into the mix to justify the stance, claiming that the physicist had thought the theory “unscientific”.

As ever with such characters, ignorance is garlanded with claims of expertise. Singh was speaking as a “man of science”. As a man of science, “Darwin’s theory is scientifically wrong”. Man, he claimed, “has always been a man.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tenure has been characterised by a coupling of mythologisation and anti-scientific inquiry, grouped under the notion of Hindutva – that India was, and is, the sacred homeland of Hindus, with all other religious groups foreign aberrations. By blending the two, outrageous claims purportedly scientific can be drawn from ancient folklore and texts. Myth is rendered victorious.

In 2014, Modi gave a most extravagant example of this exercise by claiming that “plastic surgery” and “genetic science” explained the creation of Lord Ganesh’s elephantine head and Karna’s birth respectively. Given that the latter, an epic figure of the Mahabharata, “was not born from his mother’s womb”, Modi could confidently state that “genetic science was present at that time.”

Such astonishing, crude literalism is tantamount to stubborn claims that Indians were the first to discover the means of flying, given Arjuna’s ride in a chariot piloted by Lord Krishna at the Battle of Kurukshetra. And sure enough, the 102nd session of the India Science Congress, hosted in January 2015, featured a panel led by a number of BJP government members claiming that Indians had pioneered aviation that could fly not only across planet Earth but between planets.

Other instances of this abound, some blatantly, and dangerously irresponsible. In April 2019, BJP parliamentary member Pragya Singh Thakur told the television network India Today that a heady “mixture of gau mutra” (cow urine), along with “other cow products”, including dung and milk, cured her breast cancer. Oncologists mocked the conclusions, but the damaging claim caught on.

With such instances far from infrequent, academics and researchers feel beleaguered in a landscape saturated by the credo of Hindutva. In 2016, number theorist Rajat Tandon observed that the Modi approach to knowledge was “really dangerous”. Along with more than 100 scientists, including many heads of institutions, he signed a statement protesting “the ways in which science and reason are being eroded in the country.”

A number trying to buck the trend, notably those numbered among rationalists and the anti-superstition activists, have been threatened and, in some cases, murdered. The scholar and writer M. M. Kalburgi paid with his life in North Karnataka in August 2015 for a remark made quoting Jnanpith awardee U. R. Ananthamurthy that urinating on idols was not a transgression that would necessarily attract divine retribution.

In September 2017, the progressive journalist and publisher Gauri Lankesh was gunned down returning to her home from work. She had become yet another victim of what the police in India euphemistically call “encounters”, drawing attention to herself for her stand against the Hindutva stampede and her sympathetic stance towards the Maoist Naxalites.

The recent bureaucratic assault on Darwin and the continued elevation of mythology above sceptical scientific inquiry, bode ill for India’s rationalists. But despite being browbeaten and threatened, many continue to do battle, defiantly and proudly.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Syria Takes Steady Steps on the Diplomatic Stage

May 4th, 2023 by Steven Sahiounie

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Jordan played host to the newest regional meeting on the road to the reinstatement of Syria as a member of the Arab world. Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi met privately with Syria’s Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad in Amman on May 1, before the larger group meeting which included foreign ministers of Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

Jordan has put forth an initiative to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis which began in 2011, and was a US-NATO attack on Syria for regime change.  The plan failed but was supported by many Arab countries that are US allies.

Almost all of the members of the Arab League have decided to reinstate Syria to its position at the round table which is set to meet May 19 in Riyadh; however, Qatar and Kuwait are hold-outs. Syria was suspended in 2011 following the conflict erupting. Two weeks ago, a meeting was held in Jeddah but failed to reach a consensus on whether Syria will be at the upcoming Arab League meeting.

The US is against any rapprochement with Damascus, and Qatar and Kuwait may be signaling their continued willingness to follow US directives from the State Department. 

The meeting covered refugees, water issues, and border security, including the fight against smuggling the highly-addictive amphetamine Captagon. Jordan is both a market for and a main transit route to the oil-rich Gulf countries for Captagon.

Progression toward reconciliation

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has participated in a flurry of visits in recent months on the road to resuming his legitimate position in the Middle East after 12 years of isolation dictated by Washington.  

Both the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia have led the way in repairing the broken relationship between Syria and the world.  President Assad and his wife visited the UAE, and last month Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud visited Assad in Damascus.

An outpouring of humanitarian aid was sent to Syria following the devastating February 6 earthquake which killed about 50, 000, including about 6,000 in Syria. On March 10, China brokered a reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  That was a political ‘earthquake’ felt throughout the Middle East, and further paved the road to reconciliation with Damascus.

Syria is hoping the wealthy Gulf monarchies will assist Syria in its reconstruction after 12 years of conflict.

Turkey killed ISIS

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan revealed that the Turkish intelligence agency, MIT, killed ISIS Chief Abu Hasan Al-Hashimi Al-Qurashi in Idlib province on Saturday. Turkey illegally occupies territory in northern Syria following a series of invasions to drive Kurdish groups away from the Turkish-Syrian border.

Abu Hussein Al-Qurayshi was named the chief of ISIS in October 2022 after its previous chief was killed.

This marks three ISIS chiefs all killed in Idlib province in Syria. Beginning with the 2019 killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was killed in a US military operation ordered by President Trump.

Next came his successor, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, who was killed in a similar raid in February 2022. 

This latest killing was in Jindires, in Idlib province, which is under the control of Turkish-backed terrorist groups following Radical Islam. Erdogan is a follower of the Muslim Brotherhood and his AKP party is also Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated.

The Syrian Democratic Forces, SDF, is a US-backed Kurdish paramilitary in northeast Syria, and Erdogan has invaded Syria intending to dismantle the SDF and their communist partner the YPG, which is linked to the outlawed terrorist group, the PKK, which has killed 30,000 people over three decades.

ISIS came to the world stage in 2014 when its leader Baghdadi declared an Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. In a combined victory, but fought separately by the Syrian Arab Army, Russian Army, Iranian forces, the SDF, YPG, and the US military, ISIS was defeated in March 2019 in their last remaining stronghold in Syria, on the Iraq border.

Who controls Idlib?

Abu Mohammad al-Julani is a Syrian who fought in Iraq with Al Qaeda, then became an associate of the first leader of ISIS, Baghdadi, then went to Syria and formed Jibhat al-Nusra, but when the US decided to outlaw al-Nusra, he re-branded himself as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham so he could continue to be supported by the White House and Congress. 

Julani is the man who receives all humanitarian aid in Idlib and distributes it to those he chooses while denying aid to his enemies, and the leftovers he sells to the civilians in Idlib out of his new multi-storied shopping Mall, Al Hamra.

Julani took off his terrorist uniform and headscarf, put on a tailored suit and tie, and gave an interview to the US media outlet NPR.  He was in the process of re-branding himself from head-chopping radical, to a modern statesman capable of working with the US government, his partner.

In 2020, the US Department of State’s Rewards for Justice program announced a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the identification or location of al-Julani. He is not hiding, every UN aid truck which comes into Idlib from Turkey is met by him.

Julani made some Western humanitarian groups upset when he and his terrorists stormed into their warehouses and seized valuable aid, and when he dictated that no charity program should be focused on women or women’s rights.  His administration of Idlib, which he calls the Salvation Government rules by strict Islamic law.  The punishment for theft is to have the accused’s hand chopped off.

Julani sees himself in a new position in the future Syrian government in Damascus. This might be the concession that Biden and Blinken demand to allow Assad to be recognized and the sanctions lifted. Julani has committed so many war crimes it would be a very hard sell for the Syrian people to accept him, and even harder among the 3 million human hostages, he rules in Idlib.

Turkish election May 14

Turkish voters will head to the polls on May 14, and the second round is scheduled for May 28. The incumbent president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu are battling for the support of the Turkish citizens who are living under hyper-inflation, devalued currency, and the aftermath of an earthquake deemed the ‘disaster of the century’.

Erdogan has publically stated his intent to repair relations with Assad, but Damascus prefers to wait out the election first, and then deal with the winner.

Regardless of who wins, Damascus and Moscow are demanding Ankara withdraw its occupation forces from Idlib, Afrin, Jarabulus, and the area between Tell Abyad and Ras al-Ain.

Both candidates promise if they win they will return all Syrian refugees to their homeland. Turkish citizens see the almost 4 million Syrian refugees in their midst as a source of instability and a financial drain. Lebanon is already deporting Syrian home forcibly, and many European countries will be waiting for the right time to institute their repatriation plans. 

Israel attacked Aleppo

The international airport in Aleppo has been a main channel of humanitarian aid to the earthquake-hit areas of northwest Syria. Israel bombed the airport and stopped all aid deliveries.

One Syrian soldier was killed by Israel, with five other soldiers injured, along with two civilians.

In March, Israel struck Aleppo’s airport on two different occasions and put it out of commission for several days.

Israel has carried out hundreds of attacks on Syria in recent years, and on Saturday Israeli air raids over Homs wounded three civilians, and a civilian gasoline station was burned up.  

Syria had been energy efficient before the US-NATO attack in 2011, but now the US occupation forces control the main oil fields, which prevents Syria from refining their petroleum into gasoline, which has caused a chronic gasoline shortage, with long lines sometimes for days to fill up a car.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

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Alain Badiou is undoubtedly among the greatest of living philosophers; one that may fairly be credited with rescuing philosophy from academic irrelevance, and the twin enemies of scientism and historicism. For Badiou, philosophy does not merely interpret the world (as Marx famously asserted in his “Theses on Feuerbach”). For an interpretation of the world, we would do better to look to myths, religions, and the various wisdom schools. Philosophy, presupposing mathematics, is a fundamentally rational and conceptual rather than hermeneutic undertaking, aimed at answering the question: does there exist anything with a universal value, and if so, how is this possible?  Badiou secured his place in the philosophical pantheon with three massive tomes, which together provide a rigorous account of Truths, or the production in time and space of things to which we may ascribe universal value: Being and Event (1988), Logics of Worlds (2006), and The Immanence of Truths (2018).

Images of the Present Time (Columbia University Press, 2023) contains a series of three seminars delivered between 2001 and 2004. The first section presents a sustained philosophical analysis of contemporary nihilism and is initially taken up with the question of identifying the ‘emblem,’ that is, the master signifier of the present time – and Badiou’s claim is that democracy is that emblem, a political system that “does not prohibit or restrain, or not excessively.” This raises the question of how democracy is correlated with freedom: given that fewer and fewer things are prohibited, what does that say for freedom under this regime? Ultimately, not so much: as Descartes already knew, indiscriminate freedom, or the freedom to do whatever you want, is at best ‘the lowest degree of freedom.’ “Thinking you’re a free Subject just because whatever you want to do or say is not prohibited is sheer nonsense.” It is true, for example, that almost nothing is prohibited in public speech, yet that does not mean that something significant has been “publicly pronounced… if nothing is prohibited and yet nothing, properly speaking, has been said, freedom does not exist.”

Badiou’s central thesis is that, at the present time, there is no world – in fact, there is no present, strictly speaking. Why isn’t the democratic world a world?

In brief, because it is a world “in which everything is assumed to be equivalent to everything else.” Endorsing Plato’s notion that such a condition “precludes the configuration of a world,” Badiou argues that the critique of a world where everything is assumed to be equivalent to everything else, can be easily transposed to modern democracy in terms of the monetary principle of exchange, the rule of exchange-value over use-value in capital. Modern democracy creates a “potential zone of equivalence of everything with everything else through its monetary presentation.”

Perhaps not since Socrates has a philosopher been so genuinely concerned with youth, with the young, as Badiou. This is perhaps not so surprising when we consider that Badiou puts himself squarely in the Socratic tradition by affirming that the task of the philosopher is precisely to “corrupt the youth” (one of the main charges brought against Socrates) – which means to show them that another life is possible, what he calls ‘the true life,’ which, as “something worth living for, far outstrips money, pleasure and power.” What youth under capitalism forgets is that “the substitutability of pleasures is only one particular form of freedom and by no means the definition of freedom as such.” True freedom means to live by an Idea, one that invariably includes the idea of a future, and that in turn will involve subjection or discipline, without which there can be no meaningful or genuinely creative project.

Under capitalism we must constantly be available to the encounter with commodities. Badiou refers to this as validation, “to be the eternal equivalent of a consumer, the customer body…” This is distinguished from but closely related to valuation, which is formally biologizing and translates into the requirement that we keep fit and have the requisite body. “Through validation and valuation, the democratic individual becomes identical to their body,” which is now a commodified body. Hence, Badiou’s insistence on the ‘democratization of prostitution.’ The prostitutional, that is, “the reduction of every norm to the commercial potentialities of bodies,” has become paradigmatic. It is worth noting that this is perfectly compatible with the suppression of prostitution as such. What Badiou is underscoring with the notion of the prostitutional is “the equating of everything with a space reduced to the exchange of bodies and money.”

It requires violence and ferocious power to reduce the person to a commodified body – but this is not a violence against bodies so much as “violence against the body’s capacity for ideas.” The imperative today is “Live without any ideas.” This injunction is propped up with familiar arguments, which generally turn on the good of animalistic contentment: the horrors of the twentieth century showed us what living with Ideas leads to, namely, violence against bodies, so, “Live by life; don’t live by Ideas! Live to live, or, in other words, to survive.” It is a mindset that “plunges us into a sort of commercial animality” – which is to say that capitalism is the animalization of the human beast, who no longer lives except in terms of its interests, and what it deems to be its due. The body without Ideas is a body that is prepared to submit “obediently to the encounter with commodities.”

The reigning ideology is, live without any purpose, without any universality because the alternative is totalitarianism. In other words, totalitarianism has become a kind of bogeyman used to legitimate the contemporary hegemonic system in which a “terrible unity” prevails, “supported by effective built-in material mechanisms.” We have not managed to banish disorder, but ours is a system which has indeed achieved the “absolute capacity to keep otherness out.” Nowhere is this more evident than in the incontestability of democracy, that is, in the untouchability of the democratic emblem. Fidelity to the democratic emblem comes at the cost of a constraint that involves the subject’s having to confront “the commercialized world as a consuming subjectivity.”

In the second series of lectures, entitled “The Logic of Exceptions,” Badiou examines what constitutes an exception to the emblem or the naked power that the emblem sustains. What would count as an exception to the imperative of commodity circulation? Badiou identifies four types of noncirculation, that is, four types of declaration that are heterogenous to commodity circulation. These are demonstration, the paradigm of which is a mathematical theorem; contemplation, which arises in relation to the work of art; action, or emancipatory politics; and passion, that is, love, the one that becomes two.

For Badiou, one of the great tasks of philosophy is to safeguard the various forms of truth (mathematical-scientific, artistic, political and amorous) from subservience of any kind, but especially to the imperative of circulation (commodification). Philosophy safeguards science by defending the radical independence of science from technology and the dominance of capital. Hence, Badiou’s privileging of mathematics, which by its very nature “works against the idea of usefulness.” For its part, art is fundamentally an instrument of combat against the imperative of democratic materialism that we live without any ideas. Affirmative art gives us a fictionalization, a semblance, or illusion of life under the Idea; and even the most pessimistic and painful art, still operates a fictional world that gives us an image what a world without pain or alienation might be like. Art is the “radiance of joy,” whatever its subject; and philosophy is the guardian of this vocation of art, against an overly critical view of art’s function. In fact, as Badiou observes, criticism has worn itself out: it is not criticism we need now as much as ‘heterogenous affirmation,’ an affirmation heterogenous to the market.

In the final series (interrupted after four sessions), Badiou takes up the age-old, or rather ‘time-worn’ philosophical question of “what it means to live.” Much of the material here is developed in Logics of Worlds, beginning with his critical appraisal of the ordinary metaphysics of our era, meaning the metaphysics that everyone shares, almost spontaneously as it were. It is the metaphysics that all of us will at times catch ourselves holding if we bother to examine what we think about what there is. Badiou refers to this ordinary metaphysics as democratic materialism, and its essential thesis is that there are only bodies and languages. So, it really is a metaphysics because it is a claim about what is real: namely, bodies seized to varying degrees by languages – which, of course, is not to be understood as limited to natural languages but includes all ‘language-games.’ to use Wittgenstein’s term, and all possible semiotics.

Democratic materialism is defined by three characteristics: First, it is a metaphysics without categories (unlike metaphysical systems from Aristotle to Hegel). To say there are only bodies and languages is to say that “there are no categories of logical universalism transversal to bodies or to languages.” There are no transversal categories by which the dissemination of languages across cultures can be understood – simply put, there are no universals that can be applied across cultures. The idea is that it is democratic not to have categories, because in the end they are totalitarian: a category “purports to subsume all the different bodies and languages.”

Second, democratic materialism is a metaphysics cleansed of truth. It is not simply that Truth is the name of a category and so must needs be banished or allowed to ‘fade away.’ That there is no truth, strictly speaking, means that “there is basically a relativism. You can move around the many different bodies and languages, but you can’t extract anything like a truth from them.” In the place of truth, we get relevancies, where a relevancy is a “certain type of temporary seizing of bodies by languages.” Yet a truth is nothing like a relevancy: truths cannot be dependent on the variations of language, the vicissitudes of perception or historical traits. What is true here is true everywhere, and what is postulated for one and all is cannot be grasped by the logic of cultural differences or relevancies.

The third negative feature of the reigning metaphysics is that there is no eternity, there is only time. The denial of eternity is ultimately a denial of the separability of the forms, as Plato understood: “If you want eternity, there has to be a minimum separability of the forms.” For democratic materialism there is only the relevancy of the forms; there are no ‘eternal truths.’ What does Badiou mean by an eternal truth? In fact, there is no shortage of examples. That there is an infinite number of prime numbers is an eternal truth: it did not descend from a heaven, Platonic or otherwise. All truths are immanent, they appear in time. In this case, it appeared when Greek mathematicians proved it. When that occurred, “something like a separability of the forms was created” – eternity means, in other words, that the truth is irreducible to language, or the specific historical context in which it emerged, separable from the relevancy in which it was constituted. For Badiou, it is correct to say that we are ‘Immortals’ – but this is not to propose an afterlife of the soul, or anything of that nature. It means that there are truths, or creations of universal value and insofar as we can participate in universality we are tapping into eternity.

Since Plato, the mark of a great philosopher has been that they aim to rescue the concept of truth, while understanding that it is necessary, with each rescue attempt, to modify the concept. For Badiou, truth is not to be understood as correspondence between a proposition and a state of affairs. Truths are immanent exceptions: they arise at a given time and place but are irreducible to their historical context. They represent the emergence of something new and unforeseen – something which from the standpoint of the given world was indeed unforeseeable. What makes Badiou such an important philosopher, an essential thinker of our time, is that he refuses to forfeit the great calling of philosophy, which is to safeguard truth, to safeguard that which makes us Immortal – which is to say, that philosophy bears witness to a new dawn that remains ever on the horizon.


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Sam Ben-Meir is an assistant adjunct professor of philosophy at City University of New York, College of Technology. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Ukraine Victory Resolution, which was introduced in the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate on April 25th, now appears likely to become passed in both houses of the Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden.

The Resolution says that,

“It is the policy of the United States to see Ukraine victorious against the invasion and restored to its internationally recognized 1991 borders,” which means that unless Russia will return to Ukraine all of the land that it now is controlling within what had been the 1991 borders of Ukraine (Crimea, Donbass, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia), America will declare war against Russia, supposedly to force Russia to yield those populations and lands back to Ukraine’s government as they had been prior to Obama’s 2014 coup’s having overthrown the democratically elected and neutralist President of Ukraine and replaced him with a rabidly anti-Russian and illegal U.S.-imposed government, which even Ukraine’s Presidents after that time have acknowledged to be illegitimate but which both of them led to invade the breakaway former Donbass region and threatening to invade the breakaway former Crimea region. All of the proposed Resolution’s congressional sponsors are shown here.

On May 2nd, Rome’s Catholic Church, which competes worldwide for members against Moscow’s Eastern Orthodox Church, headlined in its “Our Sunday Visitor” news service from Washington DC, “Helsinki Commission examines Russia’s attack on religious liberty in Ukraine”, and reported on a hearing at the Capitol, in which the two authors of this Resolution were instead described as

chairman and ranking member of the Helsinki Commission, respectively, expressed concern about the Putin regime’s use of the state-run Russian Orthodox Church in an effort to achieve its ends in the invasion of Ukraine.

Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, has backed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, equating it to a defense of the Orthodox faith, despite international condemnation.

Though the Helsinki Commission was described there as “an independent U.S. government agency,” the American Roman Catholic news-report says nothing about what the word “independent” means when applying it to an agency of the U.S. Government, especially since that Government is clearly against Russia’s Government. Nor does it explain how that Commission’s having its headquarters at the corner of 3rd and D Streets, SW, Washington, DC, in room 234 of the Ford House Office Building, fits with the “independence” of that Commission, which is also misleadingly named there as being the “Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe” and which Commission often refers to itself as the “CSCE”, in order to deceive the public into believing that it is related to the OSCE or Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe, which actually is in Europe, and does have at least a nominal independence from the U.S. Congress.

Anyway, this news-report, from the U.S. Roman Catholic Church against the Moscow Orthodox Church, went on to assert that:

In a hearing at the Capitol, Reps. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., and Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., chairman and ranking member of the Helsinki Commission, respectively, expressed concern about the Putin regime’s use of the state-run Russian Orthodox Church in an effort to achieve its ends in the invasion of Ukraine. …

Wilson said in a statement. “Ukrainian victory is good for U.S. national security and economic stability, denies Putin any reward for his invasion, and deters China and Iran. Ukraine’s existence depends on victory.”

Cohen said Ukrainian victory “is also critical for the United States.”

“Ukraine is preventing an incursion into NATO and demonstrating to autocrats that borders cannot be changed by force alone — a fundamental underpinning of the peaceful international system,” Cohen said in a statement. “The Ukrainian fight is our common fight. There is no alternative to victory.”

The resolution that they wrote and are leading through the Congress will, if it passes and becomes signed by the President, then be followed by the necessary U.S. Declaration of War against Russia in order to fulfill upon the commitment which that Resolution is promising, which commitment is victory against Russia in Ukraine. Russia’s determination to defend itself against the U.S.’s having grabbed Ukraine in order to place its missiles there only 317 miles away from The Kremlin would then be serving as the U.S. Government’s pretext for starting WW III.

The earlier history of the Ukraine war can be seen here.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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It’s hardly breaking news that the United States is meddling in the affairs of virtually every country on the planet. The simple fact that Washington DC is the only geopolitical player that operates under the doctrine of so-called “full spectrum dominance” is a testament to that. Perhaps the most obvious example of that is former Ukraine, a country that has been hijacked by a US-backed Neo-Nazi junta in 2014. However, it would seem the meddling isn’t always one-sided, at least according to the latest reports regarding the background of Tucker Carlson’s firing from the Fox News Channel (FNC).

All things considered, Carlson is the most popular news anchor in American history. His rational, highly informed, witty and mostly unbiased (with the notable exception being his views on China) analyses are extremely popular, both in the US and worldwide. However, as such, they are also an insurmountable obstacle for the warmongering propaganda machine. Years before the start of Russia’s counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe, Carlson had been warning against antagonizing Moscow. For this, the rabid Russophobes keep accusing him of supposed “pro-Russian bias”.

These attacks on Tucker Carlson and his family went on for years, but escalated dramatically after the start of the SMO (special military operation). Any attempt to actually analyze this new stage of the US-induced Ukrainian conflict is effectively considered “heresy”. Carlson dismissed this, convinced that his country is still a “bastion of freedom”. However, although the attacks from the establishment became more direct, he refused to back down and continued his reporting, at that point the only one in an American mass media outlet not going 100% with the official narrative.

According to Semafor, Fox Corporation Chair Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan spoke on the phone with the Kiev regime frontman Volodymyr Zelensky before Carlson was ousted on April 24. The report claims that “the elder Murdoch held a call with the Ukrainian leader in March where the two discussed the war in the Eastern European country as well as the anniversary of the deaths of two Fox News journalists outside of Kyiv in March 2022”, further adding that “a similar conversation took place between Zelensky and the younger Murdoch, Fox Corporation Executive Chairman, on March 15, which was noted in a national broadcast last month”.

If the reports are accurate, this would mean the phone calls took place just weeks before Carlson’s contract was officially terminated. Citing “a person familiar with the calls”, Semafor reports that “senior Ukrainian officials had raised their objections to Carlson’s coverage of the war to Fox Executives, but Zelensky did not address these objections [directly] during the calls”. While Zelensky may have skipped direct appeals to have Carlson fired, he certainly must have “strongly implied” that this would be “good for freedom and democracy” in the US and worldwide.

“Clearly, he spooked a lot of members into not being fully supportive of Ukraine,” an unnamed senior GOP congressional aide told Semafor, adding: “Carlson’s ouster probably reduces the loudest voice out there against US support.”

Fox Corporation is yet to reveal which of the numerous reports on the Ukrainian conflict, including exposing the lies about Russia’s long-debunkedbattlefield failures” and the staggering level of corruption associated with the Kiev regime, got Carlson fired. However, whichever it was, his ouster is certainly in the interest of Zelensky, whom Carlson even called a “dictator” on several occasions (although a “puppet” would be more suitable). It is also in the interest of numerous high-ranking US officials, particularly since Carlson’s investigative approach that revealed just how corrupt the Kiev regime frontman is could easily incriminate them as well.

This notion is further reinforced by the reactions of top-ranking officials like the Republican congressman from Texas, the infamous warmonger Michael McCaul, one of the most prominent GOP warhawks and an outspoken supporter of US meddling in Ukraine and Taiwan, who described Carlson’s reporting as “Russian disinformation”. Needless to say, without providing any evidence for such bold claims. Carlson (rightfully) slammed the attack as slander. Although some of his fellow journalists supported Carlson, the vast majority, particularly those working for the mainstream propaganda machine, almost uniformly applauded his ouster from the FNC.

One of the founders of The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, is among the former, as he criticized Carlson’s removal and the open suppression of his stances against the proxy war in Ukraine and the rapidly escalating confrontation with Russia. Greenwald also commented on the revelations about Zelensky’s involvement.

“This article strongly suggests that the Murdochs talked to Zelensky, and Tucker’s opposition to the US proxy war in Ukraine was a major factor in his firing. I’ll await confirmation, but one thing is for sure: his removal eliminated the most influential anti-war voice from TV,” Greenwald posted on Twitter.

“From the start of Biden’s war policy in Ukraine, the establishment wings of both parties were – as usual – in lockstep. Schumer and AOC have the same views as McConnell and Lindsey Graham,” Greenwald noted, adding: “The only DC opposition came from the populist right, and Tucker was its key media voice.”

Considering the fact that Zelensky officially leads an unashamedly Neo-Nazi regime that openly persecutes Ukrainian Orthodox Christians, essentially kidnaps regular Ukrainians and sends them to die as cannon fodder for a “NATO mission”, the American people should be terrified of the prospect that the same person is regulating what they can (or cannot) watch on TV.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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