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This paper examines the total costs of the war in Iraq and Syria, which are expected to exceed half a million human lives and $2.89 trillion. This budgetary figure includes costs to date, estimated at about $1.79 trillion, and the costs of veterans’ care through 2050. Since the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, between 550,000-580,000 people have been killed in Iraq and Syria — the current locations of the United States’ Operation Inherent Resolve — and several times as many may have died due to indirect causes such as preventable diseases. More than 7 million people from Iraq and Syria are currently refugees, and nearly 8 million people are internally displaced in the two countries.

This report also estimates that 98 to 122 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (MMTCO2e) were emitted from U.S. military operations between 2003 and 2021 in the war zone, calculated as 12 to 15 percent of the DOD’s total operational greenhouse gas emissions.

The U.S. war in Iraq began on March 19-20, 2003. Most allied and U.S. forces left Iraq in 2011, but the U.S. returned to significant military operations in Iraq and Syria in late 2014 in fighting that was undertaken to remove Islamic State from territory it had seized in those two countries. The war continues, with a nearly $400 million budget request from the Biden Administration this month to counter ISIS.

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One Year After the Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, Canada Must Hold Israeli Officials Accountable

May 12th, 2023 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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On the one-year anniversary of the killing of veteran Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is demanding that the Canadian government hold Israeli officials accountable for her death. Unfortunately, Canada has abandoned its initial calls for accountability and for an investigation into her death, despite overwhelming evidence indicating that Abu Akleh was deliberately killed by Israeli forces while visible as a member of the press. CJPME urges Canada to renew its call for accountability now that Israeli forces are unquestionably responsible for this crime, and to put its support behind an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“There is undeniable evidence proving that Israeli forces deliberately killed Shireen Abu Akleh, yet Canada seems to have lost all interest,” said Michael Bueckert, Vice President of CJPME. “One year has passed since the tragic incident and Canada has yet to condemn Israeli officials for this crime or take any action to hold them accountable,” added Bueckert.

Shortly following the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly tweeted:

“Canada calls for a thorough investigation into the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh. We must ensure that rights of journalists are upheld globally and that they are free and safe to bring their work to light.”

The following week, Parliamentary Secretary Rob Oliphant told Parliament that

“Canada has called for a thorough investigation into this killing, such that people will have confidence in its findings.”

Despite this, Canada has stopped talking about the issue and has not supported efforts by the International Federation of Journalists and Al-Jazeera to bring the case before the ICC. Similarly, at least 17 Canadian members of parliament had called for an investigation into the killing of Abu Akleh, but most have ignored the reports which found Israel responsible.

CJPME notes that multiple investigations by international human rights organizations, including a joint report by Forensic Architecture and Al-Haq, have concluded that Israeli soldiers targeted Abu Akleh “deliberately and explicitly,” and found that there were no Palestinian gunmen or crossfire in the area – completely debunking Israel’s claims that the killing could have been an accident. In addition, similar investigations by CNN, Bellingcat, the Washington Post and the Associated Press all indicated that Abu Akleh was targeted by Israeli forces on purpose. In fact, Israeli military officials have openly admitted that there was a “high probability” that Israeli soldiers targeted Abu Akleh yet declined to open a criminal investigation. Further, then-Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid reaffirmed that he would “not allow” any soldier to be prosecuted. Yesterday, the Committee to Protect Journalists released a report revealing that at least 20 journalists have been killed by Israeli forces in the last 22 years, and concluded that this pattern “constitutes a grave threat to press freedom.”


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Two High School students who had cardiac arrest sitting at their desk (left – Justus Danielli Mar.2023 (click here), right – Maddox McCubbin Feb.2023 (click here))

Santiago, Chile – 15 year old boy Santiago Avila Rubio had a heart attack on April 14, 2022 post 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine Sinovac, hospitalized for 13 months (click here)

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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Drugged-Up and Ready to Kill

May 12th, 2023 by Mike Whitney

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“Psychiatric treatment and psychiatric drugs are the common denominator of the growing number of shootings and other acts of violence, which are soaring right along with the soaring prescribing of psych drugs.” Killers on Psych Drugs

Here’s a question that every American should be able to answer: What percentage of the killers—that have carried out mass shootings across the United States—were on powerful psychiatric medications?

  • a—1%
  • b—25%
  • c—50%
  • d—75% or more

Why don’t we know the answer to this question? Doesn’t the United States have more mass shootings than any country in the world?

  • Yes, it does.

And aren’t these shootings the source of great suffering and anxiety?

  • Yes, they are.

And don’t most people genuinely want to know why these lone gunman feel compelled to kill innocent people?

  • Yes, they do.

Then, why don’t we know? Why—after more than two decades of these bloody incidents—do we still not have a definitive, thoroughly-researched answer to this one simple question: How many of these mentally-disturbed killers were on dangerous psychiatric medications?

Instead, the media pursues a line of inquiry that fails to reveal anything even remotely conclusive about the gunman’s actions. If “white supremacy” or “Nazi ideology” impacted the killer’s decision to go on a deadly shooting spree in Texas, then why didn’t he target a black community center or a Jewish synagogue? Wouldn’t that have been more consistent with his alleged ideology?

Yes, it would have been, which suggests that his alleged ideology is a symptom of his fragile mental condition not the primary factor driving his behavior. The reason these people go on crazed killing sprees is because they are ‘damaged goods’ not because they are ideologues. There’s a big difference.

So, why does the media keep harping on this silly the idea that the killer’s behavior was effected by his feelings about “white supremacy” or “Nazi ideology”? It’s ridiculous, after all, the killer was not white himself nor were his victims racially targeted. They were merely random passersby strolling through a shopping mall. In other words, there is no evidence to support the case that is being made by the media. But—here’s the thing—the media doesn’t care about evidence because their real goal is to advance a political agenda aimed at linking violent fanatical behavior to race-based uber-nationalism. What they are trying to do, is make a subliminal connection between the erratic behavior of a ruthless killer and the sincerely-felt patriotism of many Trump supporters. The media has been hammering away at this same theme for over six years culminating in the January 6 fraud. This is just the latest iteration of the same tedious political psy-ops.

If the journalists were serious about investigating this latest bloody incident, they’d try to find out whether the killer had been on the FBI’s radar before the onslaught took place. (as so many mass killers have been in the past.) Was he? Was Mauricio Garcia on the list of potential “domestic terrorists” compiled by the FBI?

We’ll probably never know, because that would expose the inner workings of the nation’s premier law enforcement agency which would undoubtedly cause considerable embarassment. So, the FBI is going to circle the wagons and make sure that never happens, which means that a good portion of the truth about this event will probably remain concealed forever. Even worse, we can expect that the media will continue to push their wacky theory that Garcia was a “non-white white supremacist” regardless of the fact that the claim makes no sense at all. Here’s how analyst Michael Tracey sarcastically summed it up:

If a non-white person is a “white supremacist,” does that mean he believes in his own innate racial inferiority? @mtracey

Leave it to Tracey to expose the imbecility of a meme that defies reason but to which the media clings like the Holy Grail. It’s actually shocking that anyone can take this type of verbal hucksterism seriously when, in fact, the whole “non-white white supremacist” thing is one of the most absurd concoctions of all time. It’s pure gibberish.

So, where should we look for answers? Where can we find rational explanations for these sporadic acts of violence?

There’s only one place we can look; at the mental state of the person who committed the crime. That’s where we have to start. If we want to understand what drives a man to kill random people in a school or shopping mall, we need to know something about the psychology of the perpetrator. Fortunately, volumes have been written on this subject by respected professionals who have researched the topic, studied the data, and drawn their own informed conclusions. Take a look:

Close to 17% of Americans are taking psychiatric drugs with side effects such as acting aggressively, being angry, or violent and acting on dangerous impulses...

Psychotropic drugs are hardly helping when their side-effects include worsening depression, new or worsening anxiety, agitation or restlessness, panic attacks, new or worsening irritability, acting aggressively, being angry, or violent, acting on dangerous impulses, an extreme increase in activity and talking (mania), and other unusual changes in behavior or mood.

“Rather than helping the individual, psychotropics alienate, and push them into more and more potentially dangerous behavior,” states the president of the Florida chapter of CCHR, Diane Stein.

This situation was so egregious that in 2004, the Federal Drug Administration issued a “black-box” label warning indicating that the use of certain antidepressants to treat major depressive disorder in adolescents may increase the risk of suicide, homicide, and other acts of violence.

A study entitled Prescription Drugs Associated with Reports of Violence Towards Others… declared … In the 69-month reporting period we identified 484 evaluable drugs that accounted for 780,169 serious adverse event reports of all kinds…. The violence cases included 387 reports of homicide, 404 physical assaults, 27 cases indicating physical abuse, 896 homicidal ideation reports, and 223 cases described as violence-related symptoms.” “Psychiatric Drugs and Side Effects – The Unseen Hand Behind Violence in America“, Citizens Commission on Human Rights

These are the victims of the Texas Mall Shooting

These are the victims of the Texas Mall Shooting

It all sounds very serious, doesn’t it? It sounds like something that policymakers should be aware of so they can tighten regulations on these potentially-lethal medications. It also sounds like something that pharmaceutical industry would try to keep out of the newspapers so people don’t see the connection between these drugs and the mayhem they produce. Simply put, the truth is being hidden for power and profits. What else is new? Here’s more background from another article:

A growing number of school shootings and other shooting rampages were committed by individuals under the influence of, or in withdrawal from, psychiatric drugs known to cause mania, psychosis, violence and even homicide. Consider this list of 13 massacres over the past decade or so, resulting in 54 dead and 105 wounded – and these are just the ones where the psychiatric drugs are known. In other cases, medical records were sealed or autopsy reports not made public or, in some cases, toxicology tests were either not done to test for psychiatric drugs or not disclosed to the public….

Given the growing list of shooters who were on psychiatric drugs, given the fact that 22 international drug regulatory agencies warn these drugs can cause violence, mania, psychosis, suicide and even homicide, and given the fact that a major study was just released confirming these drugs put people at greater risk of becoming violent, CCHR International asserts: “Any recommendation for more mental health ‘treatment,’ which [inevitably] means putting more people and more kids on these [psychiatric] drugs, is not only negligent, but considering the possible repercussions, criminal.” (“The Real Lesson of Columbine: Psychiatric Drugs Induce Violence

So, why aren’t we addressing the elephant in the room? Is there any doubt that the gunman at the Dallas-area shopping mall was mentally-unstable, probably had some history of counseling and treatment, and may have been on powerful psychiatric drugs? If you were a professional journalist, isn’t that where you would start your investigation rather than trying to cobble together some far-fetched theory based on photos of Nazi memorabilia on an isolated social media post?

We are told repeatedly by the media and the pundits on cable news that ‘guns are the problem’, but isn’t the case against powerful psychiatric meds equally compelling? It’s worth noting, that guns don’t fire themselves and that, typically, guns are not fired into crowds unless they are wielded by unstable, deranged people who—more often than not—have some traceable mental history in which they were diagnosed, counseled and treated. All we want to know is which medications they were prescribed so we can better monitor their use in order to protect the public. Unfortunately, the media is unwilling to provide this information due to a fundamental conflict of interest. They are paid by the drug companies. Here’s more from an article at the American Psychiatric Association:

A link between several types of psychotropic medications and violent behavior toward others has been documented in a recent study…

In a study published in the December 15, 2010… They found that during the study period, 780,169 serious adverse events of one kind or another had been reported for 484 drugs, and that of those serious adverse events, 1,937 had been acts of violence. They defined a violent event as any case report containing one or more of the following items: homicide, physical assault, physical abuse, homicidal ideation, or violence-related symptom….

“In addition, antidepressant drugs showed consistently elevated risk, even when compared with antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. . . .”

Paul Fink, M.D., an expert in the study of violent behavior and a past APA president, commented. “I can tell you that as a psychiatrist who has practiced for a long time, I was unaware that [varenicline and antidepressants] had been linked with violence toward others. . . . Psychiatrists and mental health professionals need to be aware of this association.” The study had no outside funding.” Several Medications Linked to Violent Acts

Keep in mind, normal, well-adjusted men who are happily married and gainfully employed, do not commit random acts of homicidal violence. These are people who have serious psychological problems, who may have sought professional help, and who have (oftentimes) been prescribed various psychiatric medications.

These medications—while beneficial to many—can result in excessive violence in a small percentage of users. The public needs to know about these drugs so they can balance their benefits against the risks to public safety. So far, there has been no admission that these risks even exist. Instead, all the blame has been placed on guns which has merely fueled greater distrust of both the media and the political establisment. In fact, most gun owners now believe that the politicians are not interested in public safety at all but merely use it as platform for promoting their own narrow interests. Ostensibly, those interests now include the repeal the second amendment followed by the disarming of the American people. That’s the goal and most gun owners know that’s the goal. Here’s one last clip from a letter to the editor titled Psychiatric Drugs are Behind the Violence by Doug Dale:

As Congress, surrounded by armed guards, metal detectors, chain link fence and paramilitary forces, debates infringing on the constitutional right to bear arms by private citizens, isn’t it time they actually address the root cause of these mass killings?

These events were unheard of until the FDA began approving more psychiatric drugs several decades ago. From 2004 to 2009, researchers accessing the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System revealed that 1,537 cases of violence were linked to 31 different types of psychiatric drugs.

Other professional studies concluded that patients didn’t have homicidal ideation until after taking these drugs. From 1992 thru 2017, 37 school shootings have been linked to these medications. In a report submitted to the Senate in 2014, it was estimated that 90% of school shooters were using antidepressants. Obviously, it’s not a person’s mental health, but the drugs that cause this violence.

The pharmaceutical lobby contributes hundreds of millions of dollars to congressional members that craft federal laws. Who will deny that these drugs are the root cause of the mass killings? Will it be uneducated political groupies drinking the gun-control elixir, politicians taking campaign contributions from the pharmaceutical lobby, the pharmaceutical industry and/or the doctors peddling this poison to the public, and if so, why?…

In 2001, a drug manufacturer removed a cholesterol drug from the market because it was linked to 31 deaths. We are way past that number in mass killings.

Congress needs to ban gun ownership from anyone being prescribed these drugs, then, at the least, make it a federal crime to write new prescriptions going forward. To do otherwise, one can only conclude that Congress could care less about how much collateral damage they cause.

If we want to stop the mass shootings, we need to strictly regulate the psychiatric medications that are causing them.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

All images in this article are from TUR

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The approval of President Joe Biden continues to plummet, mainly due to the economic crisis. According to a study published by the Washington Post—ABC News, only 36% of those surveyed indicated that they approved Biden, the lowest number since he began his term on January 20, 2021.

However, this is not the only cause for concern in the current administration since the preliminary electoral preferences, with a view to the 2024 elections, show an increase in popular support for the Republican Donald Trump, who, despite his legal problems, continues to emerge as a possible candidate.

Although Trump is experiencing a resurgence, Biden is also afraid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, nephew of President John F. Kennedy, who could threaten the re-election plans of the current US president and already has more than 21 points. The irruption of the candidacy of Kennedy Jr has destabilised the Democratic Party. He has also been critical of the so-called Deep State. Just as significantly, the Kennedy surname weighs heavily in American politics and the general population.

Based on the survey, the age of the current US president is also a point of contention, with 68% of respondents indicating that he is too old for a second term. If he retains the US presidency in 2024, Biden will finish the end of his second term at the age of 85.

There are also many indications that he no longer does anything or has the capacity. At that age, it is obviously best for him to retire and allow a new generation not raised during the Cold War to come to the fore. However, the Democrats do not let him retire because most US presidents are usually re-elected for a second term.

Another factor behind Biden’s low approval rating is the actions against former US President Donald Trump, who has already made history as the first ex-president to face charges against him. Despite the legal controversy facing the billionaire tycoon, which has had a boomerang effect on the Republicans, he is one of the two profiles with the potential to unseat the Democratic Party.

A question about voter preferences for the upcoming election showed that 44% would “definitely” or “probably” vote for Trump, a more robust result than the 38% of those who said they would do the same for Biden. Taking Trump’s candidacy as a scenario, the participants valued their physical health and mental acuity more highly. For them, in his time, the former president handled economic affairs better than Biden does now.

Meanwhile, Fox News host Sean Hannity reacted to the allegations that the CIA helped gather signatures for the infamous Hunter Biden laptop intel letter and got Joe Biden elected as president.

“It appears that the CIA was framing pro-Biden election disinformation to its former agents in order to fast track a letter discrediting the New York Post’s very real reporting about the very real Hunter Biden laptop from hell. Now, the question is, well, why now? That should be obvious, to give Joe Biden a lying talking point prior to a presidential debate later that week. Needless to say, the CIA is not supposed to interfere in US elections,” Hannity said on May 9.

Despite this major bombshell, most polled Americans said Trump should face criminal charges for his supposed efforts to overturn the 2020 election. If proven that the CIA projected Biden to power, it would vindicate his efforts to try and prevent Biden from entering the White House.

If elections were held now, Biden would trail the two leading Republican candidates and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Neither of the two candidates exceeded 45% in the poll, with many voters saying they were undecided or naming a different candidate. In a hypothetical Biden-Trump showdown, 44% of respondents said they would definitely or probably vote for Trump, and 38% for Biden, while in a Biden-DeSantis matchup, 42% said they would definitely or probably vote for DeSantis, and 37% for Biden.

The next US presidential election is scheduled for November 2024, and there are indications for now that the Republicans will prevail over the Democrats. However, the current situation can change, especially as all the candidates are yet to be officially announced.

Biden has been an unprecedented disaster for the US, with banks collapsing and decision-makers in Washington trying to break a deadlock over raising the $31.4 trillion US debt limit. This is especially crucial as a lengthy default could send the American economy into a deep recession with soaring unemployment and thus also destabilise the global financial system built on US bonds.

For her part, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on May 8 that a failure to raise the debt limit would hurt the US economy and weaken the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. 

These economic issues, coupled with the US unrelentingly wasting billions of dollars in Ukraine, has brought the Republican party back to the fore, especially as Trump has announced his confidence in finding a peaceful resolution between Moscow and Kiev, and restoring the American economy.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from Countercurrents

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On Sunday, the Serbians and the Chinese gathered at the site of the bombed former Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in Belgrade to mark the 24th anniversary of the killing of three Chinese journalists in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) aggression on Yugoslavia in 1999.

China’s Ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo, Serbian Minister of Sport Zoran Gajic, and dozens of officials and civilians laid wreaths and flowers at the memorial monument to honor the victims — Shao Yunhuan of Xinhua News Agency, and Xu Xinghu and his wife Zhu Ying of the Guangming Daily newspaper.

Gajic said that the Chinese Embassy bombing was a cowardly act conducted by the NATO aggressors, “in order to plant the seed of evil.”

“It is upon us to remember and recall and pray for all of those people who lost their lives, and also to pray for those who survived, and let them come to their senses, so we could pursue a brighter future, and become a happier humankind,” Gajic said.

Chen said that the martyrs of the bombing were “brutally killed,” but that 24 years later, a growing trend of peaceful development brings hope to humanity.

“Twenty-four years have passed, the international situation has undergone tremendous changes, and China and the world have also undergone earth-shaking changes. Although power politics and hegemonism are still the most profound root causes of today’s world turmoil, the forces committed to peaceful development are getting stronger,” she said.

“Now more and more countries and people agree on the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind. I firmly believe that more and more countries and people will unite and work together to build a world of lasting peace and common prosperity,” Chen said.

The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia started on March 24, 1999. Over the course of 78 days, 2,500 people were killed and thousands of people more were wounded, while 25,000 homes and a third of the country’s energy sector were destroyed — often by illegal weapons such as cluster bombs and depleted uranium warheads.

On May 7, 1999, U.S.-led NATO forces carried out a brutal missile attack on the former Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, which left three journalists working there dead, more than 20 people injured, and the embassy building severely damaged.

In the place of the ruined embassy building now stands a Chinese Cultural Centre, overlooking two memorial monuments that memorialize the tragedy that took place here 24 years ago.


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Featured image: People displaced as a result of the 1999 NATO bombing in Yugoslavia. | Photo: Twitter/ @KanekoaTheGreat

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US national security adviser Jake Sullivan‘s discussions in Riyadh with Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman coincided with the Arab League foreign ministers’ decision to end the 12-year suspension of Syria from the League. Since Syria’s return was mooted many months ago, US President Joe Biden and senior officials had repeatedly expressed rejection. Therefore, the move amounted to a slap in the face for his administration by Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, which sought to achieve this objective before the Arab summit in Riyadh on May 19.

While in Riyadh, Sullivan was meant to discuss Syrian normalisation along with peacemaking in Yemen and the conflict in Sudan. It seems Syria did not receive much attention. The White House brief issued on the talks mentioned the Saudi evacuation of US citizens from Sudan, the Yemen truce and the administration’s efforts to link Gulf Cooperation Council member states with India through a massive infrastructure project involving shipping and development of a network to promote trade between India and the Gulf. This effort is, of course, meant to challenge China’s well-established “Road and Belt” project designed to connect the countries which had been joined by the ancient “Silk Road” trade routes which lasted for 1,500 years and stretched from China to the Mediterranean and delivered goods, travellers, advanced eastern culture, technologies and ideas to Western Europe.

Before flying to Saudi Arabia, Sullivan paid obeisance to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the most powerful Israeli lobby organisation in the US, by delivering a major foreign policy speech to AIPAC’S research arm, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. In this address, Sullivan spoke of Biden’s efforts to seize “this moment to help set the rules, shape the strategic environment and advance the values and norms that will define the world we want to live in”.

He said that the administration intends to “engage from a position of strength” and that Biden’s commitment to the Middle East region is unshakable” despite pressures and violence. He bragged about US achievements, including the Lebanese-Israeli maritime border demarcation, killing “terrorists”, brokering reconciliation between estranged regional powers, and promoting Israel’s regional integration. Of course, he spoke of “US values” and the obligations of countries to abide by the UN Charter.

Sullivan’s words were bitterly ironic as the US has only once in this region operated in line with “values” since Washington shelved the 1919 report by the King-Crane commission which urged world powers to listen to the demands of Arab citizens and grant them independence in territories formerly ruled by the collapsed Ottoman empire. Instead, the US did nothing when France and Britain divided the Arab land into Syria, Lebanon, Jordan Iraq and Palestine. And, when the British handed Palestine over to Zionist colonists who occupied that country by war in 1948 and 1967. Israel has cut the land bridge between Egypt and the Levant and waged near constant warfare against the Arabs without US hinderance or objection.

The one time when the US displayed respect for values and the UN Charter was in 1956 when then President Dwight Eisenhower ordered Israel to withdraw from Egypt’s Sinai following the tripartite Israeli, British and French attack on Egypt.

Sullivan was accompanied during this visit to Riyadh by White House Regional Coordinator Brett McGurk and Energy Adviser Amos Hochstein (a dual US- Israeli citizen,) who promptly travelled to Israel to brief Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, demonstrating the Biden administration’s total commitment to Israel and disrespect for confidential briefings by the Saudis.

Therefore, it is about time for the Arabs to come together and rethink their strategic alliances with the aim of securing their interests rather than giving priority to the interests of Washington. These always coincide with Israel’s interests due to total bipartisan backing from US politicians whether in Congress or the White House.

Before becoming president, Biden pledged to reverse destructive policies carried out by the administration of Donald Trump. Biden promised to re-enter the 2015 agreement limiting Iran’s nuclear programme in exchange for lifting sanctions from which Trump withdrew.  Biden said he would restore US relations with the Palestinians and reopen the Palestinian mission in Washington and the US consulate in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem. He has reneged on all these pledges and has knuckled under to the Israeli diktat. In addition, he has pivoted East with the aim of countering China’s growing influence while ignoring strategic West Asia. Sullivan’s visit to Riyadh was meant to show that Biden remains interested in this region.

While maintaining loose ties to the US, leading Arab states have made the switch from US global hegemony to multi-polarity by courting Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (which form the BRICS grouping) and have become associated with the China-sponsored Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Arab countries which have become dialogue partners to the SCO are Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Washington’s oldest regional ally, Saudi Arabia has also expanded the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) by adding the US-rival Russia as a chief actor on the organised energy front (OPEC+). Last fall, OPEC+ cut oil exports in defiance of Biden’s pleas to increase supplies to lower US petrol prices to boost Biden’s standing ahead of that country’s mid-term Congressional election. This amounted to the first slap in the face for Biden, who promptly vowed to make Riyadh pay but soon changed his mind and tried to court the Saudis in order to warm relations with them.

This effort brought Sullivan’s visit, and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to take the road to Riyadh next month after the Arabs have welcomed Syria’s return to the Arab fold despite Biden’s strong objections. Leading Arab governments are prepared to work with the US on issues where it is Arab interests to do so, they have shown that they will give their national and, perhaps even, Arab interests priority. China, Russia and Third World countries can provide balance and freedom to choose.


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The Constitution, Congress and Government Debt

May 11th, 2023 by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

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What would you do if you were driving a vehicle and came upon a traffic light that had both red and green lights on? Most rational folks would stop. After all, the red means “stop and stay stopped until the red light goes off,” and the green means “you may proceed with caution.”

An analogous dilemma faces President Joe Biden today as he attempts to spend money that Congress has ordered to be spent, but which the government does not have, and in place of which it cannot legally borrow.

The big-government mentality that has been running Washington, D.C., since the days of Woodrow Wilson has mismanaged the government into $31.4 trillion in debt. This number is so vast that — with interest rates rising — the annual interest payments to the owners of that debt will soon consume more than half the revenue collected in taxes.

That will barely leave enough for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; and all other government expenditures — from defense to the courts to the post office — will need to be funded by higher taxes or debt.

What is Biden to do? Here is the backstory.

After the states won the Revolutionary War and ratified the Constitution, money in the U.S. consisted largely of gold and silver coins issued by the feds and promissory notes backed by gold and silver issued by banks. The Constitution — in order to prevent the type of government debt now confronting Biden and deter the central management of the American economy — conspicuously permits Congress and the states to coin only gold and silver as money, but not to issue paper.

As the Southern states were reentering the Union — forced as they were to ratify the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments as preconditions to Union reentry and the removal of federal troops from their streets — they soon found themselves extracting money from their residents to repay the lenders who helped the feds finance the war against them.

The congressional Republicans, who had stripped the Supreme Court of jurisdiction to hear appeals on Reconstruction, anticipated judicial resistance to this, so Congress crafted a clause in the 14th Amendment that prohibited anyone from challenging the federal debt that the states would soon collectively be assuming.

The clause reads, “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law … shall not be questioned.” Unpacking this clause, we see two underlying values.

Obviously the phrase “shall not be questioned” is not intended to curtail the freedom of speech of persons — as that is a natural right largely immune from governmental interference — but rather the official acts of the states and the judiciary. Stated differently, when the feds assessed the Southern states for their share of the interest on the federal debt, those states could not challenge that assessment in court because the debt they were paying was for a war that had been waged against them. A fair reading of the debates on the 14th Amendment in Congress and elsewhere clearly manifests this congressional concern.

The second underlying value from the clause is that the public debt of the federal government must be “authorized by law.”

Now back to Biden’s red light/green light dilemma.

Big-government types, corporations, banks, the military industrial complex — those who have enriched themselves on federal government largesse — as well as most folks in Congress, academics like Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe and Biden all read the 14th Amendment to embody a legal principal that permits endless debt without express authorization because it “shall not be questioned.”

Yet, such a reading is not only not countenanced by history; it is not even fairly derivable from the plain language of the amendment. In its plain English words, the amendment permits the federal government to incur debt — not to pay all invoices, not to keep the American economy afloat, not to permit politicians to keep campaign promises, not even for emergencies — but only when authorized, not by the president, but “by law.”

Congress — controlled as it has been by the big-government mentality for the past 100 years, still saddled with debt from World War I, congenitally incapable of living within its means, insidiously reckless enough to incur bills but not raise the money with which to pay them — nevertheless has not authorized by law any debt beyond what is currently on the books.

So, can the president incur debt that is not authorized by law? No. Can he choose which federal laws to enforce and which ones to ignore? No.

When two statutes conflict — thou shalt spend, thou shalt not borrow — can the president decide what the laws mean and how they should be applied? Of course not. He is only the president; he is not the judiciary. Since 1803, it has been the exclusive charge, duty and competence of the judicial branch to say what the laws and the Constitution mean — not Congress and not the president.

Whomever has an unpaid bill to the feds should simply sue them. This will force the courts to resolve the red light/green light dilemma. It might even embarrass Congress into fiscal sanity. But don’t hold your breath waiting for that.


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Russia Concludes Investigations on Donbass Genocide

May 11th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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After in-depth investigations, the number of civilian casualties in the Donbass genocide has finally been revealed. A Russian committee was for a long time in charge of ascertaining the precise number of dead and wounded civilians in the conflict, as well as the data of each of the identified victims. The outcome of this process exposes that thousands of civilians were murdered by the Kiev regime, thus confirming all previous reports by local sources.

The Investigative Committee of Russia showed in its final report that more than 5,000 ordinary citizens of Donbass have been killed by the Ukrainian armed forces and their allied neo-Nazi militias since the beginning of hostilities in 2014. In addition to data on the dead, the Committee also observed the number of non-lethal victims and distinguished the exact figure of affected minors among them.

The disclosure of the data was made by the head of the Committee, Aleksandr Bastrykin, during the International Youth Legal Forum, in Saint Petersburg, on May 10th. On the occasion, he also explained in detail the investigation methods used by the committee, saying that the group acted both remotely and on the field, collecting the greatest possible number of evidence and exposing the cases in detail.

“Between 2014 and late April of 2023, more than 5,000 people were killed, including 138 minors. As many as 9,528 civilians, including 444 minors, were wounded (…) First, [we did it] remotely, and then in the territories. We uncover the facts of mass civilian graves (…) They simply find pleasure in killing a civilian – a child, a woman”, the Committee’s head said during the event.

The numbers are really impressive, mainly considering the circumstances in which these civilians died. Although a civil war started in Ukraine in 2014, both parties to the conflict signed ceasefire agreements in Minsk later that year, promising to reach a peaceful resolution to the problem. This obviously never happened, but the intensity of the fighting decreased significantly from the beginning of 2015. From that period onwards, most of the hostilities were unilateral attacks by Kiev’s forces, with Donbass militias insisting on respecting the Minsk Accords and acting defensively.

In other words, Kiev murdered over 5,000 over the course of the years predominantly through one-sided terrorist-like attacks. The regime could not even argue in its favor that the civilian deaths are side effects of combat operations, as most of these deaths seem to have occurred during periods when Kiev attacked the Donbass alone, without real combat situations.

And this Ukrainian practice only intensified after the start of the Russian special military operation. It has been constant practice for the forces of the neo-Nazi regime to attack civilian and demilitarized areas of Donbass with missiles. Schools, hospitals, public markets and other civilian facilities without any military relevance are among the main targets of Ukrainian artillery, even in a situation of open conflict and with numerous Russian military to be targeted. Apparently, for Kiev killing civilians is a kind of “priority”.

There are two reasons for this, one “strategic” and another ideological. The “strategic” factor works in partnership with the mainstream media. Kiev bombs civilian areas in false flag operations, blaming the Russians for the attacks and thus seeking justifications in public opinion to receive more weapons from NATO and continue its war machine. On the other hand, the ideological factor is even stronger and more important: Kiev attacks civilian areas because the regime implemented in 2014 is deeply Russophobic, based on anti-Russian racism and in the Western-sponsored project of “de-Russification” of Ukraine.

Brutal practices such as mass murder, bombing of civilians and other violent attitudes coexist with attempts at cultural genocide. The ban on Russian language, literature and music is an example of how Kiev, encouraged by NATO, tries to remove the Russian element from Ukrainian history and culture. In the same vein is the religious persecution implemented against the Russian Orthodox Church. In fact, all Western-Ukrainian efforts seem to be aimed at absolutely eliminating Russia.

A point that also must be emphasized is that Kiev has throughout these nine years tried to exterminate the people of Donbass also by non-military means. Blocking roads and water, food and energy supply are clear evidence of this. For example, until today access to water, which is a basic right, has not been normalized in Donetsk – and probably will not be until Russian troops gain full control over the entire territory of the oblast. The Ukrainian strategy consists of encircling and “suffocating” the Russian people in every possible way.

Indeed, in addition to all these circumstances, the results of the Investigative Committee make even clearer what was already known: there is an attempt at ethnic cleansing and genocide against Russian citizens in the territory claimed by Ukraine.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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According to some reports, the German government had been holding secret talks with the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline operators (Nord Stream 2 AG) about using the spare pipes for a new floating liquified natural gas (LNG) import facility located at Lubmin, in northeastern Germany. According to a German Economy Ministry’s spokesperson, Berlin has acquired spare pipes meant for a LNG terminal off the German island Rügen – however, contracts have been classified as confidential. There have also been attempts to salvage an object spotted at a location close to Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which could be an explosive device. So far, it has been stated that the item is a maritime smoke buoy, used for visual marking.

Post-Nord Stream Germany aims to build a floating LNG terminal off the aforementioned Rügen island in the Baltic Sea to help secure the country’s gas supply, amid fears of further attacks on gas pipelines and energy infrastructure. It remains to be said who in fact Berlin fears would be attacking its infrastructure.

The Russian-German Nord Stream network consists of offshore natural gas pipelines running under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Lubmin (Germany). It includes two separate projects, Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, each of them in turn consisting of two pipes (total of four). Russia owns the majority (over 51%) of the project, while the rest is owned by German, French and Dutch stakeholders. The whole project was from the very start opposed by Poland and Ukraine and, more importantly, by Washington, who imposed sanctions on the companies involved – such sanctions were heavily criticized and denounced by major European leaders.

Olaf Scholz, then Germany’s vice chancellor and minister of finance, stated in December 2019 that the American sanctions were “a serious interference in the internal affairs of Germany and Europe and their sovereignty.” They also certainly played a role in Europe’s ongoing energy crisis which has served US interests so well. The tale of Washington’s pressure against Nord Stream is one of corruption and intrigue. As I’ve written, in this tale, which is also the tale of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict, American geopolitical goals (pertaining to Moscow’s containment and NATO’s expansion in defense of unipolarity) also intertwine with private interests, going all the way up to the Biden family itself.

Nord Stream was, for all purposes, completed in September 2021 and, even though two springs of the pipeline were filled with gas, in December 2021, its commercial operations never started. Because it turns out a shorter route (via Denmark) was approved, there is a spare pipeline remaining.

On 26 September 2022,  explosions broke at Nord Stream 1 and 2, rendering three of the four lines inoperable, while also releasing vast amounts of methane into the Baltic Sea. None of the four lines are currently operational, although one of them is operable, according to Moscow. Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has reported that the explosions were an US covert act of sabotage. Moreover, German lawmakers are demanding the blasts be properly investigated, while other voices within the American Establishing itself are echoing such demands. One should always keep in mind that, on February 7, US President Joe Biden himself, during a press briefing, promised: “If Russia invades (…) there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” When asked precisely how he would carry out such a threat, his reply, with a smile, was: “I promise we will be able to do it.” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was right next to him. This statement, astonishing in itself, echoed Undersecretary of State for Policy Victoria Nuland’s own remarks just two days before. It is no wonder then that so many analysts suspect there is some degree of American involvement in the still unexplained sabotage.

Lubmin’s two LNG terminals on the Baltic Sea were rushed into operation after Moscow launched its military campaign in Ukraine in February 2022, amid the global natural gas supply crisis. Russian-German Nord Stream pipelines had in fact long provided over 50% of Germany’s gas energy demands. In 2021 alone the European country received about 60 billion cubic meters of natural gas through the now-gone Nord Stream 1 pipeline. The Lubmin terminal, in contrast, is expected to supply Germany’ east with up to 5.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually.

According to Patrick Graichen, a German’s Ministry of Economy state secretary, including such spare pipelines is now being considered for the construction of floating storage and regasification units (FSRU) in Lubmin – regasification being the process of converting liquified gas back to natural gas. Berlin apparently wants to have six of such FSRUs deployed along the northern coast by the end of this year, and there is also a second government project at Lubmin under development – together with Norwegian company Stena Power and German energy company RWE.

Berlin currently backs five FSRUs, two of them already being in operation, at Brunsbuttel and Wilhelmshaven. Using existing Nord Stream’s pipes for the aforementioned Lubmin FSRU project is indeed much quicker an endeavor than manufacturing and sending new pipes to the location.

It remains to be seen however how successful and effective such projects will turn out to be, as well as how long it will be possible to carry them out while ignoring the elephant in the room, namely Washington’s warfare against Germany and its other European “allies” – a campaign which has materialized itself in the sanctions and sabotage against Nord Stream pipelines, as well as in the subsidy war the US currently wages against the European block. As German politician Tino Chrupalla has rhetorically asked, does the NATO alliance guarantees security in Europe or rather endangers it? This is the big question looming over Nord Stream’s spare pipes.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

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The Flight From the US Dollar

May 11th, 2023 by Ted Snider

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On March 20, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. In his article in the Russian media preceding the meeting, Xi enthused that “China-Russia trade exceeded 190 billion U.S. dollars last year, up by 116 percent from ten years ago.” Though it has reached 190 billion US dollars, it is no longer all being traded in US dollars. In his article in the Chinese media, Putin said that “the share of settlements in national currencies” of all that trade “is growing.” 65% of that massive China-Russia trade is now being conducting in their Russian and Chinese currencies.

Though the US sees Russia and China as the largest threats to its position in the world, it is not just America’s enemies that are fleeing the dollar. Its closest friends have hinted at it too. Following his meetings with Xi in China, French President Emmanuel Macron likely stunned and angered the US by calling for Europe to reduce its dependency on the “extraterritoriality of the US dollar.”

These calls for a flight from the US dollar are not merely economic, they are geopolitical. They are calls to reshape the world order by challenging US hegemony and advocating multipolarity. The monopoly of the dollar has not just assured US wealth: it has assured US power. Most international trade is conducted in dollars, and most foreign exchange reserves are held in dollars. That dollar dominance has often allowed the US to dictate ideological alignment or to impose economic and political structural adjustments on other countries. It has also allowed the US to become the only country in the world that can effectively sanction its opponents. Emancipation from the hegemony of the dollar is emancipation from US hegemony. The flight from the US dollar is a mechanism for replacing the US led unipolar world with a multipolar world.

As the US has recently demonstrated in Cuba, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iran and Russia, the monopoly of the dollar allows it to be very powerfully and quickly weaponized. Countries’ funds can be held hostage, and countries can be coerced and starved into falling in line by sanctions. Recent demonstrations of that power have awoken many countries to their own vulnerability.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently said that “There is a risk when we use financial sanctions that are linked to the role of the dollar that over time it could undermine the hegemony of the dollar.” She explained that “Of course, it does create a desire on the part of China, of Russia, of Iran to find an alternative.”

And that’s just what it’s done. But Yellen is still missing the larger effect of US dollar warfare. It is not just China, Russia and Iran that are now seeking to escape the pressure. America’s enemies, but also its friends and everything in between, are considering taking flight from the dollar.

China and Russia are doing it. NATO ally France is calling for it for Europe. Nonaligned countries are also either talking about it or already doing it.

India is a growing economic power. And, like China, India has massively increased its trade with Russia. India and Russia have now begun discussions on a free trade agreement between India and the Russian led Eurasian Economic Commission. The two countries are now engaged in “advanced negotiations” for a new bilateral investment treaty. Russia has expressed interest in using “national currencies and currencies of friendly countries” for trade. India, too, “has been keen on” moving toward leaving the dollar behind by “increasing the use of its rupee currency for trade with Russia.” And India has recently begun purchasing some Russian oil in Russian rubles.

US dollar hegemony has also been threatened right in America’s backyard. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has proposed escaping dollar control by “creat[ing] a Latin American currency.” While in China for meetings with XI, Lula asked, “Who decided the dollar would be the [world’s] currency?” He then answered his own question. In March, Brazil and China escaped the US dollar by each assigning one of its banks to conduct their bilateral trade in the Brazilian real and the Chinese yuan.

Pakistan is now also trading with China in its own currency. Iran and Russia have taken flight from the dollar and are now settling trade in rials and rubles. They recently announced that they have circumvented the US financial system by linking their banking systems as an alternative to SWIFT for trading with each other. Saudi Arabia has said that it sees “no issues” in trading oil in currencies other than the US dollar. Robert Rabil, Professor of political science at Florida Atlantic University, says that the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Israel have all made some movement away from the US dollar.

The Eurasian Economic Union has agreed on “a phased transition” from settling trade in “foreign currency” to “settlements in rubles.” 

Perhaps more surprisingly for the US was the decision at the March 30-31 meeting of the finance ministers and central bank governors of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to reduce reliance on the US dollar. ASEAN is made up of Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Brunei. The meeting produced a joint statement to “reinforce financial resilience . . . through the use of local currency.” But what must have been most unsettling for the US was the explanation given for the decision by Indonesian President Joko Widodo. Widodo said that the move is necessary to protect from “possible geopolitical repercussions.” What did he mean by that? “Be very careful,” he explained. “We must remember the sanctions imposed by the US on Russia.”

Yellen was right. Widodo said that US sanctions on Russia exposed just how vulnerable countries are if they rely on US dollars and US foreign payment systems. He said that using ASEAN’s Local Currency Transaction system to trade in local currencies would help address the need for Indonesia to prepare itself for the possibility that the US could similarly sanction it.

The EEU and ASEAN are not the only organizations mapping their flight from the US dollar. BRICS is a massive international organization whose primary purpose is to balance US hegemony in a new multipolar world. Comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, it represents 41% of the world’s population. BRICS, too, is talking about conducting trade in the currencies of its members or even in a new BRICS’ currency.

Lula recently suggested that “the BRICS bank have a currency to finance trade between Brazil and China, between Brazil and other BRICS countries” so that countries are not compelled “to chase after dollars to export, when they could be exporting in their own currencies.” Russian State Duma Deputy Chairman Alexander Babakov also recently said that BRICS is working on creating its own currency.

A BRICS currency could challenge the dollar beyond the borders of BRICS. “Because each member of the BRICS grouping is an economic heavyweight in its own region, countries around the world would likely be willing to do business” in the currency, suggested a report in the Financial Post.

One such region is Africa. In July, the Russia-Africa summit will be held in St. Petersburg. Olayinka Ajala, senior lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Leeds Beckett University and the author of “The Case for Neutrality: Understanding African Stances on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict,” told me in a recent correspondence that a “main focus of Russia and China at the moment is to get African countries to support the proposed BRICS currency.” He says that “this will be a major topic in the upcoming conference.” Ajala explains that “Africa is a consuming continent, meaning they import lots of goods and services.” He says that “with a population of over 1.2 billion, if Russia and China are able to convince African countries on the need to ditch the dollar, it will be a huge blow to the US.”

From Africa to Southeast Asia and Latin America, from Russia and China to India, Iran and Saudi Arabia, countries are mapping their course for a flight from the US dollar. As a mechanism for transition from US hegemony to a multipolar world, the economic effects would be great, but the geopolitical effects could be even greater.


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Ted Snider is a regular columnist on US foreign policy and history at and The Libertarian Institute. He is also a frequent contributor to Responsible Statecraft and The American Conservative as well as other outlets.

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“There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”—James Madison

How far would you really go to secure the nation’s borders in the so-called name of national security?

Would you give the government limitless amounts of money? Surround the entire country with concrete walls and barbed wire? Erect a high-tech, virtual wall of AI-powered surveillance cameras and drones that does a better job of imprisoning those within its boundaries than keeping intruders out? Empower border police to trample on the rights of anyone who crosses their path, including legal citizens?

Relinquish some of your freedoms in exchange for the elusive promise of non-porous borders? Submit to a national ID card that allows the government to target individuals and groups as it chooses in order to identify those who do not “belong”? Turn a blind eye to private prisons and detainment camps that profit off the forced labor of its detainees?

Would you turn your backs on every constitutional principle for which our founders fought and died in exchange for empty campaign promises of elusive safety by fast-talking politicians?

This is the devil’s bargain that the U.S. government demands of its people.

These devilish deals have been foisted upon “we the people” before.

Every decade or so, the government makes the case for expanding its wartime powers and curtailing the citizenry’s freedom—in the war on terrorism, war on drugs, war on communism, war on foreigners, war on extremism, war on dissidents, war on peace activists, war on anti-government speech, etc.—all for the sake of national security, of course, and as expected, the American people fall in line.

Increasingly, the government wants us to buy into the fiction that its war on illegal immigrants is so necessary for national security that we should be grateful when roving bands of border patrol agents, flexing their muscles far beyond the nation’s borders, exercise their right to disregard the Constitution at every turn.

Except these border patrol cops aren’t just disregarding the Constitution.

They’re trampling all over the Constitution, especially the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits the government from carrying out egregious warrantless searches and seizures without probable cause.

As part of the government’s so-called crackdown on illegal immigration, drugs and trafficking, border patrol cops are expanding their reach, roaming further afield and subjecting greater numbers of Americans to warrantless searches, ID checkpoints, transportation checks, and even surveillance on private property far beyond the boundaries of the borderlands.

That so-called border, once a thin borderline, is now an ever-thickening band spreading deeper and deeper inside the country.

Consequently, nearly 66% of Americans (2/3 of the U.S. population, or 197.4 million people) now live within a 100-mile-deep, Constitution-free zone.

As journalist Todd Miller explains, that expanding border region now extends “100 miles inland around the United States—along the 2,000-mile southern border, the 4,000-mile northern border and both coasts… This ‘border’ region now covers places where two-thirds of the US population (197.4 million people) live… The ‘border’ has by now devoured the full states of Maine and Florida and much of Michigan.”

So much for walking that golden ribbon of highway.

In this authoritarian reshaping of America, you’d better watch where you roam and ramble, because you could find yourself wandering into the government’s ever-expanding, Constitution-free zone where freedom is off-limits and government agents have all the power and “we the people” have none.

Miller continues:

“In these vast domains, Homeland Security authorities can institute roving patrols with broad, extra-constitutional powers backed by national security, immigration enforcement and drug interdiction mandates. There, the Border Patrol can set up traffic checkpoints and fly surveillance drones overhead with high-powered cameras and radar that can track your movements. Within twenty-five miles of the international boundary, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] agents can enter a person’s private property without a warrant.”

These are definitely not Mayberry cops.

The CBP, with its more than 60,000 Customs and Border Protection employees, supplemented by the National Guard and the U.S. military, is an arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a national police force imbued with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies.

Just about every nefarious deed, tactic or thuggish policy advanced by the government today can be traced back to the DHS, its police state mindset, and the billions of dollars it distributes to local police agencies in the form of grants to transform them into extensions of the military.

As Miller points out, the government has turned the nation’s expanding border regions into “a ripe place to experiment with tearing apart the Constitution, a place where not just undocumented border-crossers, but millions of borderland residents have become the targets of continual surveillance.”

In much the same way that police across the country have been schooled in the art of sidestepping the Constitution, border cops have also been drilled in the art of “anything goes” in the name of national security.

In fact, according to FOIA documents shared with The Intercept, border cops even have a checklist of “possible behaviors” that warrant overriding the Constitution and subjecting individuals—including American citizens—to stops, searches, seizures, interrogations and even arrests.

For instance, if you’re driving a vehicle that to a border cop looks unusual in some way, you can be stopped.

If your passengers look dirty or unusual, you can be stopped.

If you or your passengers avoid looking at a cop, you can be stopped.

If you or your passengers look too long at a cop, you can be stopped.

If you’re anywhere near a border (near being within 100 miles of a border, or in a city, or on a bus, or at an airport), you can be stopped and asked to prove you’re legally allowed to be in the country.

If you’re traveling on a public road that smugglers and other criminals may have traveled, you can be stopped.

If you’re not driving in the same direction as other cars, you can be stopped.

If you appear to be avoiding a police checkpoint, you can be stopped.

If your car appears to be weighed down, you can be stopped.

If your vehicle is from out of town, wherever that might be, you can be stopped.

If you’re driving a make of car that criminal-types have also driven, you can be stopped.

If your car appears to have been altered or modified, you can be stopped.

If the cargo area in your vehicle is covered, you can be stopped.

If you’re driving during a time of day or night that border cops find suspicious, you can be stopped.

If you’re driving when border cops are changing shifts, you can be stopped.

If you’re driving in a motorcade or with another vehicle, you can be stopped.

If your car appears dusty, you can be stopped.

If people with you are trying to avoid being seen, or exhibiting “unusual” behavior, you can be stopped.

If you slow down after seeing a cop, you can be stopped.

Are you starting to get the picture yet?

This isn’t about illegal immigrants and border crossings at all.

It’s a test to see how hard “we the people” will fight to hold onto what remains of our freedoms.

If this is a test, we’re failing abysmally.

Then again, we’ve been failing this particular test for a long time now.

Indeed, as journalist Hayes Brown concludes, the United States has a long, dubious history of putting national security before people’s freedoms.

Certainly, it took no time at all for us to forget Benjamin Franklin’s warning that “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

It was 1798 when Americans, their fears stoked by rumblings of a Quasi-War with France, chose safety over liberty when they failed to protest the Alien and Sedition Acts, which criminalized anti-government speech, empowered the government to deport “dangerous” non-citizens and made it harder for immigrants to vote.

During the Civil War, Americans went along when Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus(the right to a speedy trial) and authorized government officials to spy on Americans’ mail.

During World War I, Americans took it in stride when  President Woodrow Wilson and Congress adopted the Espionage and Sedition Acts, which made it a crime to interfere with the war effort and criminalized any speech critical of war.

By World War II, Americans were marching in lockstep with the government’s expanding war powers to imprison Japanese-American citizens in detainment camps, censor mail, and lay the groundwork for the future surveillance state.

Fast-forward to the Cold War’s Red Scares, the McCarthy era’s hearings on un-American activities, and the government’s surveillance of Civil Rights activists such as Martin Luther King Jr.—all done in the name of national security.

By the time 9/11 rolled around, all George W. Bush had to do was claim the country was being invaded by terrorists, and the government was given greater powers to spy, search, detain and arrest American citizens in order to keep America safe.

The terrorist invasion never really happened, but the government kept its newly acquired police powers made possible by the nefarious USA Patriot Act.

Barack Obama continued Bush’s trend of undermining the Constitution, going so far as to give the military the power to strip Americans of their constitutional rights, label them extremists, and detain them indefinitely without trial, all in the name of keeping America safe.

Despite the fact that the breadth of the military’s power to detain American citizens violates not only U.S. law and the Constitution but also international laws, the government has refused to relinquish its detention powers made possible by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Then Donald Trump claimed the only way to keep America safe from dangerous immigrants was to build an expensive border wall, expand the reach of border patrol, and empower the military to “assist” with border control.

Now you have Joe Biden sending thousands of active-duty troops to the southern border in order to deal with what they anticipate could be more than 10,000 illegal crossings per day.

It’s a state of affairs perfectly timed to stir up, divide and distract the populace, while expanding the reach of the police state under our noses.

Once the government acquires—and uses—additional powers (to spy on its citizens, to carry out surveillance, to transform its police forces into extensions of the police, to seize taxpayer funds, to wage endless wars, to censor and silence dissidents, to identify potential troublemakers, to detain citizens without due process), it does not voluntarily relinquish them.

It’s time “we the people” put our house in order.

Just look at the mess we’re in right now: political theatrics that keep the populace distracted while the police state clamps down, an economy that is disintegrating before our eyes, a surveillance state that is gearing up for total control, an aging national infrastructure that is falling apart, an appalling lack of leaders with moral backbones and civic knowledge, and a government that grows more authoritarian with every passing day.

The looming problem is not so much that the U.S. is being invaded by hostile forces at the border, but rather that the U.S. Constitution is under assault from within by a power-hungry cabal at the highest levels of power.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the government is now the greatest threat to our safety, and there’s no border wall big enough to protect us from these ruffians in our midst.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Bold Gambits on the West Asian Chessboard

May 11th, 2023 by Pepe Escobar

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West Asia is a region that is currently experiencing a great deal of geopolitical activity. Recent diplomatic efforts, initiated by Russia and overseen by China, secured a long-elusive Iranian and Saudi Arabian rapprochement, while Syria’s return to the Arab League has been welcomed with great fanfare. The diplomatic flurry signals a shift away from the Imperial “Divide and Rule” tactics that have been used for decades to create national, tribal, and sectarian rifts throughout this strategic region.

The proxy war in Syria, backed by the Empire and its terror outfits – including the occupation of resource-rich territories and mass theft of Syrian oil – continues to rage on despite Damascus having gained the upper hand. That advantage, weakened in recent years by a barrage of western economic killer sanctions, is now growing exponentially: the Syrian state was further bolstered by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s recent official visit – pledging to expand bilateral ties – on the eve of Syria’s return to the Arab League.

“Assad must go” – a meme straight out of collective western hubris – in the end, did not go. Imperial threats notwithstanding, those Arab states that had sought to isolate the Syrian president came back to praise him all over again, led by Moscow and Tehran.

Syria is extensively discussed in informed circles in Moscow. There’s a sort of consensus that Russia, now concentrated in the “all or nothing” proxy war against NATO, will not currently be able to impose a Syrian peace solution, but that doesn’t preclude the Saudis, Iranians, and Turks fronting a Russian-led deal.

Had it not been for the aggressive behavior of Straussian neo-cons in the Washington Beltway, a comprehensive multi-territorial peace could have been achieved, including everything from Syria’s sovereignty, to a demilitarized zone in the Russian western borderlands, stability in the Caucasus, and a degree of respect for international law.

However, such a deal is unlikely to materialize, and instead, the situation in West Asia is likely to worsen. This is due in part to the fact that the North Atlantic has already shifted its focus to the South China Sea.

An impossible ‘peace’

The collective west appears to lack a decisive leader, with the Hegemon currently being “led” by a senile president who is remote-controlled by a pack of polished-faced warmongers. The situation has devolved to the point where the much-hyped “Ukrainian counter-offensive” may actually be the prelude to a NATO humiliation that will make Afghanistan look like Disneyland in the Hindu Kush.

Arguably there may be some similarities between Russia-NATO now and Turkiye-Russia before March 2020: both sides are betting on some crucial military breakthrough on the battlefield before sitting at the negotiating table. The US is desperate for it: even the 20th century ‘Oracle’ Henry Kissinger is now saying that with China involved, there will be negotiations before the end of 2023.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Moscow does not appear to be in a hurry. Its key military strategy, as seen in Bakhmut/Artemyovsk, is to use a combination of the snail technique and the mincing machine. The ultimate goal is to demilitarize NATO as a whole rather than just Ukraine, and so far, it appears to be working brilliantly.

Russia is in it for the long haul, anticipating that one day the collective west will have an “Eureka!” moment and realize it is time to abandon the race.

Now let’s assume, by some divine intervention, that negotiations would start in a few months, with China involved. Moscow – and Beijing – both know they simply cannot trust anything the Hegemon says or signs.

Moreover, the crucial US tactical victory has already been conclusive: Russia sanctioned, demonized and separated from Europe, and the EU cemented as a de-industrialized, inconsequential lowly vassal.

Presupposing there is a negotiated peace, it will arguably resemble a Syria 2.0, with a massive “Idlib” equivalent right on Russia’s door, which is something entirely unacceptable to Moscow.

In practice, we will have Banderista terror outfits – the Slav version of ISIS – free to roam across the Russian Federation in car bombing and kamikaze drone sprees. The Hegemon will be able to switch the proxy war on and off at will, just as it continues to do in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan with its terror cells.

The Security Council in Moscow knows very well, based on the Minsk farce acknowledged even by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that this will be Minsk on steroids: the Kiev regime, or rather the post-Zelensky regime will continue to be weaponized to death with brand new NATO gimmicks.

But then the other option – where there is nothing to negotiate – is equally ominous: a Forever War.

Indivisibility of Security

The real deal to be negotiated is not “pawn in their game” Ukraine: it’s the indivisibility of security. Exactly what Moscow was sensibly trying to convince Washington via those letters sent in December 2021.

In practice, what Moscow is currently doing is realpolitik: pounding NATO on the battlefield until they are weakened enough to accept a Strategic Military Operation (SMO). The SMO would necessarily include a demilitarized zone between NATO and Russia, a neutral Ukraine, and no nuclear weapons stationed in Poland, the Baltics, or Finland.

However, given that the Hegemon is a declining superpower and “non-agreement capable,” it is uncertain whether any of this would hold, especially considering the Hegemon’s obsession with infinite NATO expansion. “Non-agreement capable” (недоговороспособны), incidentally, is a term Russian diplomats coined to describe their American counterparts’ inability to stick to any deal they sign – from Minsk to the Iran nuclear agreement.

This incandescent mix gets even more complex with the introduction of the Turkish vector.

Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu has already made it plain that if President Recep Tayyip Erdogan retains power in the 14 May presidential elections, Ankara will neither impose sanctions on Russia nor violate the Montreux Convention, which forbids the passage of warships to and from the Black Sea in wartime.

Risks of Ankara’s geopolitical shift

Erdogan’s chief security and foreign policy adviser, Ibrahim Kalyn, has aptly pointed out that there is no war between Russia and Ukraine; rather, it’s a war between Russia and the west with Ukraine serving as the proxy.

This is why the collective west is heavily invested in an “Erdogan must go” campaign, which is lavishly funded to propel an oddly-matched coalition into the presidential seat. In case the Turkish opposition wins – and their payment to the Hegemon begins – sanctions and violations of Montreux may be on the cards again.

Yet Washington may be in for a surprise. Turkish opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu has implied there will be a more or less continued balanced posturing of Ankara’s foreign policy tilt, while some observers believe that even if Erdogan is ousted, there will be limits to Turkiye’s pivot back to the west.

Erdogan, profiting from the state apparatus and his immense network of patronage, is going no-holds-barred to secure re-election. Only then might he shift from hedging his bets continuously toward making a move to become a real player in Eurasian integration.

Ankara under Erdogan, as it stands, is not pro-Russian; essentially, it tries to profit from both sides. The Turks sell Bayraktar drones to Kiev, have clinched military deals, and at the same time, under the “Turkic States” mantle, invest in separatist tendencies in Crimea and in Kherson.

At the same time, Erdogan badly needs Russian military and energy cooperation. There are no illusions in Moscow about “the Sultan,” or about where Turkiye is leading. If Ankara’s geopolitical turn is hostile, it’s the Turks that will end up losing prime seats in the Eurasian high-speed train – from BRICS+ to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and all spaces in between.


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Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Cradle

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Pakistan Goes to Anarchy and Self-Destruction

May 11th, 2023 by Mahboob A. Khawaja

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Truth has its own Language

The suspicious, paranoid and much hated illegitimate Sharifs, Bhuttos and the Generals are unleashing blind terror against the masses of Pakistan. The unprecedented abduction of Imran Khan, the former PM by the paratroopers from the High Court in Islamabad signals tragic tensions of missing logic and failed systems of political governance and accountability.

Since April 2022, Pakistan has been managed by the Generals whereas civilian Shabaz Sharif –previously indicted for money laundering is just a show piece of follies of shadows. The abduction of Imran Khan from a court of law without any legal justification explains the unimaginative action of egoistic power behind corrupt maniac minds. The Generals funded by foreign Masters are set to make Pakistan a satellite state to be used for all self-destructive purposes as has been the case since Afghanistan was invaded by the US in 2001.

The arrest of Khan will cause serious challenges from the masses and the Generals overwhelmed by their own obsessions of power could stab the body of Pakistan with another Martial Law (NO Law- Law of Jungle) as if Pakistanis were so dehumanized and uncivilized and could move the country closer to self- annihilation.

Pakistan is fast becoming a country governed by foreign dictates and its hired political leaders are well paid and the Generals well fed.

Khan is said to be arrested by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) that a year earlier had Nawaz Sharif, Zardari and Shabaz Sharif  and others (currently in the governance) appearing for murders and money laundering cases. Their legal cases were heard in a systematic manner and were granted bail and none were abducted or our common sense insulted. 

The Generals have not learned any lessons from the formative history of how they betrayed the nation in 1971 and surrendered to India at Dhaka. They lack the imagination and facts of time and history and are set to repeat the history unless some miracles happen to safeguard the freedom and security of the nation. America and India have strategic alliance, and its focal point is set on enlarging the scope of internal political disruption and moving — in to take control of the Pakistani nuclear arsenals – the end of Pakistan story.  Is this what the Generals are collaborating with Shabaz Sharif and the US?

The Generals and Sharif have no Political legitimacy and Credibility

Pakistan is said to be an Islamic Republic but its political rulers have no apparent relationship to Islam or the legitimate support of the people of Pakistan.  They are part of the problem, not the solution. The stern warning from God is self-explanatory:

Do no mischief on the Earth after it hath been set in order, but call on God with fear and longing in hearts,               

For the Mercy of God is always near to those who do good. (Chapter 7: 56: The Qur’an).

By forcibly abducting Imran Khan from his the Islamabad high court , the judiciary if it has any sense of legal. moral professionalism and accountability, must call into question the arbitrary actions of the political regime and hold them accountable. Unless this paradox of madness is reversed, We, the People of Pakistan could end-up losing our basic rights of peaceful political activism against the system of anarchy, loss of national freedom and a sustainable future.

It is fast becoming clear that the abduction of Imran Khan was aimed at either killing him or excluding his Pakistan Teherk-E-Insaf (PTI) from the upcoming national elections. They fear if Imran Khan is re-elected and his accusations and past experience could help to identify the in-house evil mongers and hold them accountable. Analyzing the videos of his arrest at the Islamabad high court premise, it was a well-planned act of abduction and political desperation to dehumanize Khan and his supporters.  While political cynicism is endemic, Pakistani masses view Imran Khan with great deal of optimism and integrity and hope for a new beginning, free of political corruption paving opportunities for sustainable change. We, the People of Pakistan ask the President and the Chief Justice of Pakistan to ensure that Imran Khan is alive and treated fairly and that he should be immediately set free to resume his political movement for change.  This author has shared specific remedial plan for the current problems: please view “Pakistan in Search of Freedom and Security”, Uncommon Thought Journal and Global Research: 10/20/22, and “Pakistan, Planned Political Chaos: Imran Khan a Victim of Hope for the Future”, Global Research: 11/06/2022.

Have the Generals Learned any Lessons from History?

Every beginning has its end. Those implying authoritarian power to deal with political issues firing at and arresting peaceful public outbursts and looking for military solutions –imposition of martial law are mindless figures. The few obsessed with invincible powers – the self-centered maniacs – all causing massive deaths and destruction to endanger life across the nation.  

We, the People of Pakistan, cannot imagine reliving the unthinkable horrors, bloodbaths and massacres of innocent civilians that happened during the Pakistan freedom movement and in 1971 in former East Pakistan-now Bangladesh. In their contemplative consciousness and souls, We, the People of Pakistan, are searching for logical and workable approaches to undo the violence and increasingly sectarian divides for the unity of nation. None of the Generals or their accomplice could think intelligently to understand this vital linkage for the survival and progress of the country. Under military Generals, nations are destroyed, humiliated and not developed for future-making. It is an irresistible necessity of time and truth that those in power must be cautious and listen to genuine voices of political necessity for change and truth for restraint and civilized behavior.

Tyranny of any kind is always powerless and transitory and it must end for the beleaguered masses of Pakistan.  At the moment, they are bent upon destroying public thoughts and vision for political change, reformation and organizing free and fair elections. If the Generals and their accomplice thugs and indicted criminals do not listen to the voices of Reason and continue to perpetuate classical military control and impose martial law over public minds and souls, they should be aware that sooner or later they could stand in public courts of law and justice for accountability and could end-up facing the unthinkable firing squads without any escape to their foreign Masters.


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Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Germany, 12/2019

Featured image is from IRF

Shaping the Future Agenda. The Digital World Brain

May 11th, 2023 by Jacob Nordangard

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I had the honor of giving the opening presentation at the Spotlight Conference in Stavanger April 15th. In my talk (21:00-1:02:00) I focused on the futuristic ideas to create a perfectly managed world system (with the use of digitization and anticipatory governance) and how this manifests in United Nations Our Common Agenda.

This can, as predicted by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970, result in a global technocratic dictatorship. The reactions and reporting about the conference from MSM clearly indicates this. No dissenting views is allowed in the futuristic sustainable “Utopia” and those who dare to speak out are labeled as conspiracy theorists and deniers of science. But I am convinced that truth will triumph in the end. I can also recommend to watch the other speakers (like Alexandra Latypova and Philipp Kruse).


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There Is No Escape From Telling. Edward Curtin

May 11th, 2023 by Edward Curtin

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By the lake’s lapping shore above the town and the railroad tracks, my wife and I stopped and marveled, struck stone silent by two dazzling Baltimore Orioles, clawed together as they tumbled, wrestling in the green morning breeze above our heads.  They perched upon a branch and sang a morning hymn, an ode to joy and the spring’s morning glory.  Their black and orange throats vibrated amid the green quaking aspen’s leaves as the lake’s low lapping sounds lent counterpoint.  They were sublime.

I too felt a quake, a shiver down my spine as associations tumbled through my mind.  Poems, songs, memories of other early morning walks in spring.  Intoxication, elation, the horripilation that accompanies spring’s rising, the sexual excitement.  Hope, and the loose feeling of being forever young.  No solution to anything, just reverence for existence.  Nothing changed, except a few years.

In quickly putting into words what I felt a half-hour ago, I drew on a vast store of personal and cultural memories that came to me with little thought as I was walking home.  Words strung together without thinking.  You have just read them.  I felt impelled to tell them.

Now as I sit and contemplate, I think about culture and what it might mean.  In my case, I was gifted by my parents and schools with the love of poetry and art from a young age.  I know well that everyone is not so lucky and that, in any case, culture has many meanings.  “Culture,” writes Raymond Williams, “is one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language.”  From its original verbal meaning to cultivate the land to high, low, and middlebrow culture onto so many other meanings and conflicts that are often tied up with social class issues. There are cultures and culture.

When I say cultural memories, I mean my memories, no one else’s.

I learned early on that the music of verse, the sound of birds in the trees, the rush of a creek murmuring over rocks, the lilt of words spoken passionately, the placement of a certain blue paint on a canvas, a singer’s voice flying with a tune of joy or sadness, and a instrument’s vibrations were all connected to the reverence I felt as an altar boy tolling the bells and repeating Latin responses, whose full meaning I couldn’t grasp amid the incense and candle smoke: Et introibo ad altare Dei: ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem mea – “And I go to the altar of God, to God who gives joy to my youth.”

It was the sound of the bells that entranced me, and that I was allowed to ring them.  To sound in, to participate in the ancient ritual that created a musical enclave from the beyond. I knew then, as I know now, that God has many altars, and that reverence before them and their mysteries is the right refrain.   Bob Dylan singing “Ring Those Bells” comes to mind:

Ring them bells, ye heathen
From the city that dreams
Ring them bells from the sanctuaries
’Cross the valleys and streams
For they’re deep and they’re wide
And the world’s on its side
And time is running backwards
And so is the bride

So while it is not necessary to draw on stored cultural memories to appreciate the birds in the trees on nature’s altar on a beautiful spring morning, for me it enriched the experience.  You may have heard echoes of Yeats, Van Morrison, and others in my words, but the reality of the world I described would be the same for those who never heard of these artists, who find their inspiration in the terrible beauty of nature and have other associations.

Are we really at home in our interpreted world, a poet once asked?  It is a good question.  This poet was Rilke, who wrote in the Duino Elegies :

For beauty is nothing/but the beginning of terror/which we are still just able to endure/and we are so awed because it serenely/disdains to annihilate us/Every angel is terrifying/And so I hold myself back and swallow the call note of my dark sobbing/Ah, whom can we ever turn to in our need?

Whom can we ever turn to in our need?

Everyone carries different associations that come to us when we are not thinking but are only immersed in our experiences.  Snatches of trace memories, images, words, sounds, smells, the look of light, etc. that usually occur slightly after the first encounter with natural phenomena.  One doesn’t have to know Shakespeare or William Wordsworth to experience nature’s beauty.  Nor its terrors. Yet I must admit I am partial to words like these from Wordsworth:

Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind.

But whatever our backgrounds, we are all interpreters of our world and words are our fundamental way of doing so.  Words and metaphors that lead us to myth and art, even when its expression is wordless sound or pictures.  Words that are often unacknowledged prayers to an unknown God.

For many years I taught what are called the liberal arts.  This was an extension of my own education in the classics, philosophy, theology, and sociology, disciplines divided in name only but married in reality to science, literature, history, languages, etc.  It is all one study when rightly understood.  But our schools and  universities have been abandoning this approach for the sterility of numbers and the cold dead hand of technology and digital dementia.  For specialization, where professors know nothing outside their limited disciplines.  For the study of the parts without any sense of the whole.

A new Dark Age is closing upon us, as Max Weber noted more than a century ago when he described the people who run our societies and educational institutions as specialists without spirit, sensualists without heart; this nullity imagines it has attained a level of civilization never before achieved.”

Students are being denied the rich heritage of words, images, and music that form the basis of Western culture.  Without such a repository of cultural wisdom, they are left to draw only on popular cultural sources to interpret the world and their lives.  More and more of these sources are anemic, if not degrading.  It is not that some are not extraordinarily rich and meaningful, as is evident from those I link to in this essay, but a quick look around should convince any fair-minded person that the pickings are quite slim.  We are drowning in cultural garbage that is being pumped out through digital media, primarily so-called smart phones, into young people’s minds and souls.  It is poison.  And the schools have devolved into protection rackets where students are protected from their own thoughts and ideas that might allow them to think and be thought.

To think, question, and debate have been replaced with censorship and the coddling of young minds.  Such censorship, of course, has its counterpart in society at large.  Call it propaganda, which is exactly what it is.

If Rilke is right, we will never be at home on this earth, our interpreted world.  As a poet and a man of words, he no doubt knew that there is no alternative to interpretation, to ask why, to use words to describe our experiences and to seek meaning as we travel through the mystery of time and existence.

I know, however, for those minutes I stood by the lake in rapt silence as the birds sang and the water lapped, I felt at home.

Home, of course, is a complicated word, for we are time-bound creatures always moving on, travelers who are home one minute and gone the next.  Even the word culture derives from an Indo-European root meaning to revolve, tied as it is, as are we, to the idea of a natural cycle, the turning of the seasons.  Doesn’t a contemporary artist, Joni Mitchell, tell this beautifully with The Circle Game.

To say we are wayfarers is accurate, always on the way, as my recently departed dear friend Graeme MacQueen, a Buddhist and 9/11 scholar told me, when he laughingly said to me right before he recently died, that the old folk and Christian gospel song, Wayfaring Stranger, was his story too.  He was a man of many talents who established the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University in Canada, wrote the important book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception, and much more, even a children’s book.

Graeme did all his work with the awareness that we are temporary sojourners on this earth, and that it is through stories and myths and their associations that come to us unbidden that we can connect life with death, the material and spiritual sides of our natures, in the search for peace.  He died at home. I imagine him singing along with the words of the song: “I am a poor wayfaring stranger. . . . I’m goin’ home to see my father/I’m goin’ home, no more to roam/I am just goin’ over Jordan/I am just goin’ over home

And then laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe, just as he did earlier when he told me his doctor’s name was Dr. Sender, as he prepared to hit the road.

There is no escape from telling.  Life is sublime.

From his album, On the Road, Van Morrison takes us out with “The Beauty of the Days Gone By”

Click here to view the video


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts.  He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

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“US Foreign Policy Has Collapsed.” RFK Jr. Pledges to Close 800 US Bases and Bring American Troops Home

Renee Parsons, May 3, 2023

High School “Died Suddenly”: 14-19 Year Olds Dying Suddenly

Dr. William Makis, May 8, 2023

As Russia Stumbles in Ukraine, Confusion Is Unveiled

Prof. Patrick Bond, May 8, 2023

Global Britain and King Charles’s Great Reset

Matthew Ehret-Kump, May 9, 2023

“A Guiding Light for 9/11 Truth.” A Tribute to Graeme MacQueen

Michael Welch, May 5, 2023

History: The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild

Dean Henderson, May 8, 2023

A Kingly Proposal: Letter from Julian Assange to King Charles III

Julian Assange, May 8, 2023

The War in Ukraine: Made in Washington Not Moscow

Mike Whitney, May 6, 2023

The Corona War. They’re Coming After Our Thoughts

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, May 10, 2023

It came to me after a conversation I had with an Australian colleague who has been studying psychoanalytic psychotherapy at an institution in the United States. She was appalled and deeply saddened by her experiences within this institution during the period of the Corona War, because her instructors – seasoned and long-experienced psychoanalysts – were so ‘captured’ by the pro-pandemic pro-jab pro-mask dictates that they brooked no disagreement. 

Palestine Is Boiling and Will Not Cool Down

By Steven Sahiounie, May 10, 2023

Khader Adnan, 45, of Jenin in the occupied West Bank, died while on a hunger strike in an Israeli prison. He started the hunger strike on February 5, when he was arrested and sentenced in an Israeli military court and placed into “administrative detention”, which means detention without charges in abhorrent prison conditions.

The US Silence on Israeli Nuclear Weapons and the Right-wing Israeli Government

By Victor Gilinsky, May 10, 2023

The Israeli protests against its new right-wing government have now touched on Israel’s nuclear weapons. To underline what is at stake, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak cast aside Israeli ambiguity over whether it possesses nuclear weapons to warn his compatriots that Western diplomats are worried that a Jewish messianic dictatorship could gain control over Israel’s nuclear weapons.

WHO Plans to Launch Global Digital Health Certificate

By Mac Slavo, May 10, 2023

The World Health Organization (WHO) is still going ahead with its global digital health certificate even as it claims the COVID-19 scamdemic is finally over. The medical tyranny being pushed on the public is still there and is only going to get worse.

Syria’s Return to Arab League Is a Big Deal

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, May 10, 2023

Syria’s return to the Arab League is seen as an Arab initiative, but it is quintessentially a project Riyadh steered through in close consultation and coordination with Damascus, ignoring some murmur by a clutch of Arab States  and patently in defiance of Washington’s trenchant opposition.

US Corporations Cash In on Ukraine’s Oil and Gas

By Ben Norton, May 10, 2023

As the war in Ukraine drags on, the government is selling off state assets in a big privatization spree. US fossil fuel corporations like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Halliburton are participating in discussions to take over the Eastern European nation’s oil and gas industry, as Kiev pushes to increase production to replace Russian energy exports.

Unmasking the Truth

By Michelle Ames, May 10, 2023

Many victims of traumatic events including domestic violence, not only cannot wear a face covering, but also get extremely distressed and invariably suffer an adverse medical event, if they cannot see the expressions of other peoples’ faces around them.

Sanctions Drive Chinese Firms to Build A.I. Technologies Which Do Not Rely on “Cutting Edge U.S. Semiconductors”

By Al Mayadeen, May 10, 2023

The US sanctions on Chinese tech businesses, the Wall Street Journal reported, on Sunday, have caused them to expand research to build artificial intelligence (AI) without relying on cutting-edge US semiconductors.

High School Students Who Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly After Taking COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Foreign Deaths in 2021

By Dr. William Makis, May 10, 2023

What you find in 2021 is that there were many deaths very soon after COVID-19 vaccination with Pfizer or Moderna. Most of these deaths cannot be found using Google and usual search terms. Google has censored almost all COVID-19 vaccine related deaths from its search engine. And some of the websites that reported these deaths are now offline.

A Certain Form of Thieving: The US Banksters Strike Again

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 10, 2023

It looks like 2008 all over again. Economic and financial mismanagement feature in scorching, consuming brilliance. The culpable, bungling banksters, have returned with their customary, venal incompetence. In the customary script, they habitually seek the role of the public purse to socialise their losses. Along the way, they will avoid richly deserved prison sentences, lie low, and return to repeat their sins.

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There have been various contours of discussions reported for the talks between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) which commenced in Jedda, Saudi Arabia on May 6.

Initial news stories stated that the terms of the talks centered around the declaration of a more sustainable ceasefire to allow humanitarian assistance and evacuations to occur from the country with a population of nearly 47 million.

However, in subsequent days there appears to be a recognition of broader discussions between the envoys of the SAF and RSF. Meanwhile thousands are being displaced while others are losing their lives on a daily basis.

Fighting inside Sudan erupted on April 15 after disagreements over the future role of the RSF in a transitional government. The SAF commander General Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan supports the notion of integrating the RSF into the national military structures. General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemeti), the commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has been reported to want a ten-year transitional period for his personnel to merge with the SAF.

What is striking about the negotiations are that they are taking place under the mediation efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States. Both of these states have a vested interest in the outcome of the current internal conflict. Washington does want to reset relations with Khartoum albeit on its own terms. Saudi Arabia, with its long-term relationship with Sudan which extends to both religious as well as geostrategic objectives, wants to maintain and extend its existing alliance with Khartoum.

Role of the Gulf Monarchies in Stifling the Sudanese Revolution

The response of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) during the unfolding political situation in the early months of 2019 when thousands were demonstrating in the streets daily, was to stabilize the military and prevent the emergence of a civilian government committed to genuine democratic reforms. Immediately after the forced removal of former President Omer Hassan al-Bashir in April 2019, the Saudis and the UAE announced substantial sums of direct financial assistance to the military regime.

Rather than allow the process of political transformation to continue under the civilian leadership of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC), the youth resistance committees and the numerous opposition parties, the military seized power in an effort to confuse the masses by suggesting that it was the people that removed al-Bashir.

According to an article published by Reuters press agency in April 2019:

“Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates said on Sunday (April 19) they had agreed to send Sudan $3 billion worth of aid, throwing a lifeline to the country’s new military leaders after protests led to the ousting of President Omar al-Bashir. The two Gulf Arab countries will deposit $500 million with the Sudanese central bank and send the rest in the form of food, medicine and petroleum products, their state news agencies said in parallel statements. The aid comes amid wrangling between the Transitional Military Council (TMC) and protesters and opposition groups who are demanding that civilians lead a two-year transitional period. The protesters who have kept up a sit-in outside the Defense Ministry since Bashir was removed on April 11. They have demonstrated in large numbers over the past three days, pressing for a rapid handover to civilian rule. TMC head Abdel Fattah al-Burhan told state TV that the formation of a joint military-civilian council – one of the activists’ demands – was being considered.” 

General al-Burhan claimed that the military coup of April 11, 2019 against President al-Bashir was in line with the revolutionary movement that the Sudanese people desired. The Sudanese Professional Association (SPA) in public statements rejected the assertion made by the Transitional Military Council (TMC) led by al-Burhan and insisted on continuing the resistance aimed at the removal of the armed forces from power.

When the mass organizations, professional associations and youth-led resistance committees in the neighborhoods continued to demonstrate and occupy the areas around the military headquarters in Khartoum, they were met with the brute force of the Sudanese state bolstered by the assistance from Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The days-long massacres of political activists in June 2019 should have sealed the fate of the security forces as legitimate participants in any transitional process.

Two years later in 2021, the same Reuters media organization noted:

“Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had jointly promised $3 billion in aid to Sudan and Sudanese officials previously indicated that $750 million of that aid had been delivered, including a $500 million deposit in the central bank. However, there was no news of further disbursements, and it was unclear whether the remainder of the aid would be delivered after civilian groups struck a power-sharing deal with the military in the summer of 2019. Some of the aid was expected to arrive in the form of badly needed supplies of wheat, medicine, fuel and other goods, and Yousif said joint committees would determine how the remaining $1.2 billion of the Saudi Arabian grant would be delivered.” 

Sudan’s military structures serving as the government are being subsidized in order to prevent any semblance of a revolutionary movement from coming to power in Khartoum. Another coup was staged by al-Burhan and Hemeti in October 2021 unseating interim Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and removing the first iteration of the Sudan Sovereign Council, an unholy alliance between the civilian and military leadership which could not stop the repressive policies of the security forces let alone send the army back to its barracks.

Washington and its Allies Continue to Subvert the Will of the People

After the eruption of the April 15 crisis, the government of the Republic of South Sudan headed by President Salva Kiir, offered to host talks between the two belligerents in Juba, the capital. Nonetheless, this neighboring state which is a part of the African Union (AU), the 55-member states continental organization, was not able to enact their proposal.

A mediation effort by the AU or other regional organizations such as the Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the East Africa Community (EAC) or the Southern African Development Community (SADC), etc., would have been a continuation of the recent efforts to develop “African solutions to African problems.”  In Ethiopia, the headquarters of the AU, beginning in 2020 when fighting broke out between the central government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), would eventually reach a resolution during late 2022 through the work of the governments of the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Kenya where discussions were held that ended the conflict.

At present the ceasefire in northern Ethiopia seems to be holding between the TPLF and the Abiy administration in Addis Ababa. The Ethiopia peace agreement has been hailed as a success illustrating the potential for further successes under the diplomatic leadership of the AU.

The U.S. under the previous administration of President Donald Trump and the current government of President Joe Biden have played a destructive role in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia along with neighboring Republic of Sudan. The many visits to Khartoum by U.S. envoys have only served to further the instability in Sudan while strengthening the intransigence of the military.

Successive administrations in Washington have worked ceaselessly to undermine the genuine independence and sovereignty of Sudan. The country, which was once the largest geographic nation-state in Africa, was partitioned in 2011 after decades of civil war largely at the aegis of the U.S., Britain and Israel. Sudan and South Sudan today are suffering from the impact of the rupture of the once promising emergent oil-producing state.

On May 6, the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa issued the following statement:

“The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, is closely following the Saudi Arabia – United States facilitated talks between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which commenced today, in Jeddah. The Chairperson urges the parties to agree to a humanitarian ceasefire as a matter of urgency as a first step to allow for the immediate supply of relief materials to ease the suffering of Sudanese civilians, who have borne the brunt of this crisis. The Chairperson also calls on the SAF and RSF to promptly agree to open humanitarian corridors to ease the distribution of essential supplies and restoration of services. The Chairperson reiterates the imperative for the parties to comply with International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law and to permanently silence the guns in the supreme interest of the people of Sudan. The Chairperson stresses the urgent need for the international community to combine their efforts strongly and expeditiously in a collective action, to express solidarity with the Sudanese people for peace, democracy, and development.” 

Despite these words and the willingness of the AU to mediate a sustainable end to the fighting in Sudan, the role and status of the continental body are being constantly undermined. However, until there is an African solution adopted to the Sudanese political crisis, the country will continue to fail in the quest for peace, unity and security.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

La Pax Americana y el orden multipolar

May 10th, 2023 by Adrián Sotelo Valencia

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This article was originally published on Global Research in August 2020.

Eight decades ago in the late summer of 1940 the Wehrmacht’s generals, at Adolf Hitler’s behest, were beginning preparations for a massive invasion of the USSR. Morale within the German Army was very good indeed, for obvious reasons. Within six weeks Germany’s traditional nemesis France had been conquered at remarkable ease, along with the Low Countries of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, demonstrating that this second major European war was proving rather different to the bitter toil of its 1914-1918 predecessor.

During the Battle of France which officially concluded on 25 June 1940 the Germans, with their revolutionary blitzkrieg, provided definitive proof to the world of their considerable superiority over the outmoded French Army. Three months before this attack, Hitler had been informed of the Manstein Plan relating to the Western offensive’s strategy. The Manstein Plan called for a main thrust by the Wehrmacht through the famous Ardennes Forest, that would bypass an uncompleted Maginot Line, consisting of forts manned by half a million French soldiers – and thereafter lead to the trapping and annihilation of the French and British armies to the north; who were expecting, as in the Great War, the primary German assault to come via neutral Belgium.

The Manstein Plan, named after Major-General Erich von Manstein, was an unconventional, bold and risky venture. Von Manstein has often been credited alone for developing his above successful strategy, which may not be entirely true. Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, one of Hitler’s closest military advisers, wrote that the Nazi leader had already formulated through his own thinking, as early as October 1939, an identical proposal to that of von Manstein; and quite likely before the latter had come upon his idea.

Keitel wrote in September 1946 that,

“I will only go so far as to make it quite plain that it was Hitler himself who saw the armoured breakthrough at Sedan [in the Ardennes], striking up to the Atlantic coast at Abbeville, as the solution; we would then swing round northwards into the rear of the motorised Anglo-French army, which would most probably be advancing across the Franco-Belgian frontier into Belgium, and cut them off”. (1)

There is little reason to believe that, after the war, when Keitel was faced with the hangman’s noose at Nuremberg, he would have invented this assertion in his memoirs; and Keitel had condemned Hitler for shooting himself, leaving his soldiers “to bear the guilt” for the crimes of the Third Reich. On 17 February 1940, Hitler summoned von Manstein to Berlin at the new Reich Chancellery for discussions, where in attendance were other military men like Erwin Rommel and Alfred Jodl. According to Keitel, von Manstein’s dialogue with Hitler had simply confirmed the dictator’s personal views of what the Western offensive should entail – and “this had greatly pleased” Hitler, as von Manstein was “the only one of the Army’s generals to have had the same plan in view” (2). That very day Hitler gave his approval to the Manstein Plan, asking for its strategic thinking to be formally adopted. (3)

The German advance up to 21 May 1940 (Source: Public Domain)

The Germans were fortunate that the French leaders would prove so lacklustre and incompetent, regarding their preparations for another European war. France’s top brass dismissed the possibility of German troops passing through the 100 mile stretch of the “impenetrable” Ardennes, as it was deemed by vaunted figures like Marshal Philippe Pétain, the Victor of Verdun. Yet in 1938 French military exercises along the critical section of the Ardennes at the town of Sedan – led by General André-Gaston Prételat – provided proof that the region could, in fact, be navigated quite comfortably by tanks and armoured vehicles, let alone men and horses.

General Prételat conducted a scenario in the Ardennes, whereby he mimicked a concerted German attack that went into this area to Sedan. The result of the simulated operation was a successful navigation through the Ardennes for the invaders, and a complete defensive collapse along the Meuse river. Prételat passed on this vital report to the French high command; but it underwent suppression because it was felt morale would “be damaged” by its publication (4). Prételat estimated it would take the enemy, at most, 60 hours to reach the Meuse at Sedan. As it turned out, the Germans would arrive at the Meuse after 57 hours of marching through the Ardennes.

On 21 March 1940, France’s Commander-in-Chief Maurice Gamelin was forwarded information by a French politician, Pierre Taittinger, that the defences at Sedan “are rudimentary, not to say embryonic”. The 67-year-old General Gamelin, an intelligent but cautious and methodical man whose military thinking was rooted in the First World War, ignored the warning. Gamelin foresaw another long, drawn out encounter with the Germans. It was also the case that, by the 1930s and into 1940, many on the French side did not have the stomach for another conflict with Germany; the Wehrmacht hierarchy themselves sensed this. Field Marshal Keitel made the following observation, “the fact that the French had not exploited either the good weather, or the weakness of our Western defences earlier, could only lead us to conclude that they did not really want to fight”. (5)

On 11 April 1940, French General Charles Huntziger asked for four additional divisions to bolster the thinly guarded line at Sedan, but his request was refused (6). Due to intelligence accounts, the leaders in Paris were aware in the hours building up to 10 May 1940, that almost 50 Wehrmacht divisions were on the move and gathering ominously close to the Ardennes region. Over the preceding fortnight, the French military attaché in Switzerland had twice warned Paris that the German invasion would fall sometime between the 8th and 10th of May. He further relayed his opinion that the principal German manoeuvre would be towards Sedan. No action was again taken. During the evening of 8 May 1940, a French airman reported seeing German transport columns, 60 miles long, driving towards the border with their headlights on.

Image on the right: Belgian anti-aircraft gun, circa 1940 (CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

By May 9th, thousands of German vehicles and marching troops could actually be heard approaching the frontier. Before midnight on May 9th/10th, the French, Dutch and Belgian governments were all informed of large German troop concentrations close by. General Gamelin even learnt the correct date of the attack, May 10th, but still did nothing (7). As he said, they preferred “to await events”. Their waiting was almost over.

In idyllic spring weather, early on 10 May 1940 vast numbers of highly motivated German troops from XIX Panzer Corps – commanded by Heinz Guderian – were snaking their way through the thick and hilly land mass of the Ardennes, supported by considerable quantities of armoured vehicles and much larger numbers of horses. Guderian’s panzers swept aside the Belgian and French units and, come the evening of May 12th, had reached Sedan. The Germans quickly discovered that this village had been abandoned by its defenders, who retreated across the Meuse. The Wehrmacht’s position along the Meuse was for now precarious, as pontoon bridges were being prepared for the panzers to cross. A concerted French counter-attack could have wrought serious harm on the enemy. Though several counter-attacks were ordered, not one of them was carried out, a sign of the disgraceful collapse soon to come.

On the morning of May 13th Stuka dive bombers, with their mournful and piercing siren, arrived in 12 squadrons above Sedan (8). The Stuka was a poor military aircraft, with a flying distance of less than 400 miles and capable of holding only a light payload of bombs; but its siren had a devastating impact on the morale of French soldiers stationed along the Meuse, that was out of proportion to the damage imparted. With the stukas starting to dive, the French artillery fell silent as the gun crews took cover, cowering and demoralised in their bunkers (9). A mere 56 casualties were inflicted by the Luftwaffe bombardment, and none of the bunkers on the far side of the Meuse had been hit.

An abandoned Belgian T-13 tank destroyer is inspected by German soldiers. (Source: CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

It was not until mid-morning on this day, May 13th, that it finally dawned on the French high command, to their horror, that the bulk of the German attack was coming not through Belgium, but into the Ardennes, and successfully. Following the stukas’ departure from Sedan, shortly after 4pm German soldiers began crossing the Meuse in broad daylight, where they met little opposition except for sporadic machine gun fire. At dusk on May 13th, the German bridgehead at Sedan was four miles deep and four miles wide, strengthening all the while. By now, still on the fourth day of the offensive, France’s defeat in its war against Nazi Germany was assured.

The military historian Lt. Col. Donald J. Goodspeed, who at this time was based in England as a sergeant with the Canadian Army Overseas, could only look on at the unfolding catastrophe occurring across the English Channel. Goodspeed recalled later that the French soldiers at the Meuse “who should have held the line and counter-attacked now gave way to disgraceful panic, and fled from the battlefield before they were seriously engaged”. (10)

Late in the afternoon on May 13th one French commander, of B Group Heavy Artillery in X Corps, reported that he and his men were surrounded by German machine gunners and asked desperately for permission to retire. In reality, along his section of the front there was not a German soldier yet in sight. His panicky request to retreat was accepted, and thereupon all of the soldiers under his command relinquished their posts and weaponry. French units within the 55th and 71st divisions likewise fled in disarray, saying they were being encircled by panzers when none throughout May 13th had crossed the Meuse at Sedan. Nearly all of the French troops at Sedan were leaving their positions, fleeing westwards, allowing their armour to fall undamaged into German hands. French commanders who had fight in them, like the 49-year-old Colonel Charles de Gaulle, later ordered counter-attacks to be launched but, once more, not enough reliable troops could be found to effectively implement them. Unfortunately, the direction of the war had been out of De Gaulle’s hands.

Many of the deserters produced the utterly false claim that a panzer group had reached the village of Bulson, well behind the French line. A significant number of officers joined in the rout, as anxious to escape from the Germans as their men. Lt. Col. Goodspeed wrote,

“This type of excuse for cowardice later gave rise to completely untrue stories of German fifth columnists in French uniform… As far back as 30 miles south of Sedan, French units were swept by irrational and shameful fear”. (11)

At the headquarters of the 55th French division, General Pierre Lafontaine heard the sound of voices outside of the window. To his amazement he saw many hundreds of deserting French troops filing along the road, some having thrown their rifles away. Lafontaine ran outside to accost them but he was unable to stop the panic-stricken exodus. Lafontaine spotted French officers among this rabble, and demanded to know who had given the order to retreat. He received merely evasive replies and no definitive answer to his questions. The deserters continued on their way, leaving the panzers and Nazi infantrymen to move effortlessly into the heartland of France, a black mark on French history which has never fully been erased.

On 14 May 1940, a joyous Hitler ordered all available German motor divisions, within reasonable distance, to pour through the gaping holes punctured in the French defences along the Meuse. During May 14th the Germans therefore made another unmolested crossing of the Meuse at Givet, having easily captured that town, about 35 miles north of Sedan (12). The French 55th and 71st divisions commanded by General Huntziger had evaporated. Huntziger, furious and humiliated, moved his headquarters to Verdun more than 30 miles to the rear, and ordered the French artillery to fire on any surrendering troops. German panzer formations soon grew tired of taking prisoners, contemptuously ordering them to throw their weaponry on the ground where the panzers rolled over it. The unseemly panic spread to General André Corap’s 9th Army, and by last light on May 15th it had practically disintegrated. Moreover, the French 18th, 22nd, 53rd and 61st Infantry divisions melted away into the sunset too, some of their soldiers crying “Panzer!” and “We have been betrayed!”

By May 15th with his centre burst wide open, Commander-in-Chief Gamelin still did not order the French armies to return post haste from Belgium. His reaction was incredibly sluggish. On May 16th, the fleeing French soldiers began to reach Paris where they descended on the capital’s bars and cafes, concocting terrible tales to justify abandoning their posts. It came as no surprise when Gamelin was mercifully sacked on May 17th, one week into the German invasion. Only a miracle could save France now, and none was forthcoming. Over following hours, the best of the Allied divisions were being cut away from the rest of France to the north. Guderian’s XIX Panzer Corps, having led the way through the Ardennes and comfortably crossed the Meuse, on the afternoon of May 15th drove on with unfettered glee towards the Channel coast. (13)

To Guderian’s relief they previously found the bridges intact over the Bar river, which the French had not bothered to destroy. Ideal for the panzers to roll across and provide the long envisaged coup de grâce for the marooned Allies – hundreds of thousands of whom were left to contemplate a mass exit from the port of Dunkirk. British propaganda did its best to portray the ensuing Dunkirk evacuation as an heroic rescue mission, when it was the culmination of a disastrous campaign for both the French Army and, to a lesser extent, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). Not broadcast by Western propaganda were the nasty recriminations taking place in the background, between the French and British leaders.

In spite of the routine nature of this German victory, as in any large-scale war there were glaring risks involved that could have turned against the Nazis. At the offensive’s outset, advancing towards Luxembourg’s border further south, a column of German armour stretched unprotected for over 100 miles of open terrain. Had Allied warplanes been sent to this region in waves, they could have wreaked havoc on the Nazi war machine. French and British aircraft were instead directed northwards, to support the Allied armies moving into Belgium.

The Manstein Plan was also dependent upon the French political and military leadership committing an array of blunders, which they duly did. Had the warnings been heeded of a potential German advance through the Ardennes, and past errors rectified with a proper fortification of French divisions at Sedan and elsewhere, the German advance along the Meuse could have been halted or at least delayed. The arrival of superior quality French and British divisions, on the Meuse, might well have stiffened the resolve of those troops who withered away so shamefully when faced with determined German forces, who were bent on avenging Germany’s defeat to the Western democracies in the First World War.


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree. He is interested in writing primarily on foreign affairs, having been inspired by authors like Noam Chomsky. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


1 Wilhelm Keitel, The Memoirs of Field Marshal Keitel (William Kimber and Co. Limited; 1st edition, 1965) p. 103

2 Ibid.

3 John Simkin, “Manstein Plan”, Spartacus Educational, September 1997 (updated January 2020)

4 Martin Marix Evans, Invasion! Operation Sea Lion 1940 (Routledge; 1st edition 9 Sep. 2004) p. 37

5 Keitel, Memoirs, p. 99

6 Evans, Invasion! Operation Sea Lion 1940, p. 37

7 John Plowright, Causes, Course and Outcomes of World War Two (Palgrave; 2006 edition, 22 Nov. 2006) p. 47

8 Andrew Knighton, “The German breakthrough at Sedan, May 1940”, War History Online, 8 March 2019

9 Donald J. Goodspeed, The German Wars (Random House Value Publishing, 2nd edition, 3 April 1985) p. 359

10 Ibid.

11 Goodspeed, The German Wars, p. 360

12 Jason Mark, Island of Fire: The Battle for the Barrikady Gun Factory in Stalingrad (Stackpole Books; Illustrated edition, 1 May 2018) p. 490

13 John Brown, “Blitzkrieg 1940: From the Invasion of Holland to the Fall of France”, Warfare History Network, 30 December 2018

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The US sanctions on Chinese tech businesses, the Wall Street Journal reported, on Sunday, have caused them to expand research to build artificial intelligence (AI) without relying on cutting-edge US semiconductors.

According to the report, Chinese businesses searched for strategies that might enable them to employ fewer or less powerful chips to achieve high-level AI performance.

Moreover, the reports noted that Chinese tech firms also sought to research chip fusion aimed at reducing reliance on a single type of hardware; this included major firms such as telecom giant Huawei, e-commerce company Alibaba Group Holding, and Baidu tech company.

While overtaking leading US companies in AI development remains a major challenge, there have been some promising experiments that, if developed successfully, could allow Chinese firms to overcome limitations forced upon them by US sanctions and even become more resilient to any future sanctions.

From banned to homegrown parts, China’s Huawei defies US sanctions

Chinese technology giant Huawei replaced thousands of components used for their products banned by the United States with homegrown versions, according to a transcript of a recent speech released by a Shanghai university.

Huawei, a leading supplier of telecom gear, smartphones, and other advanced equipment, was often the target of Washington sanctions over alleged cybersecurity concerns over the past few years. 

Former US President Donald Trump effectively barred American companies from doing business with Huawei. Current US President Joe Biden imposed further sanctions, including the ban on sales of new Huawei equipment in the United States. 

These actions led the firm to search for a replacement to obtain semiconductors and other parts, as founder Ren Zhengfei reported that Huawei has replaced more than 13,000 components with domestic versions over the past three years, according to the transcript posted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University on March 17, 2023.


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Palestine Is Boiling and Will Not Cool Down

May 10th, 2023 by Steven Sahiounie

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Khader Adnan, 45, of Jenin in the occupied West Bank, died while on a hunger strike in an Israeli prison.

He started the hunger strike on February 5, when he was arrested and sentenced in an Israeli military court and placed into “administrative detention”, which means detention without charges in abhorrent prison conditions.

It was the Israeli common practice of administrative detention that prompted the hunger strike.

Held without charges or trial, this marked the third time Adnan had been on a hunger strike in an Israeli prison, having been arrested by Israel 12 times, spending around eight years in prison and mostly under administrative detention.

Adnan died in his prison cell without any medical treatment, even though Israeli officials were repeatedly urged to transfer Adnan to a hospital, but they refused. It appears, the Israeli prison system was waiting for him to die, while they make room for another prisoner to take his place.  It took only 87 days to stop him from his protest.

Adnan was a member of the Islamic Jihad, which is very powerful in Gaza, and they swore revenge for his killing.

“We demanded he is moved into a civilian hospital where he could be properly followed up (on). Unfortunately, such a demand was met by intransigence and rejection by the Israeli prison authorities,” said Adnan’s lawyer Jamil Al-Khatib.

UN experts declared yesterday in Geneva that Israel must be held accountable for the death of Khader Adnan, and deemed the administrative detention of Palestinians as “cruel” and “inhumane.”

“The death of Khader Adnan is a tragic testament to Israel’s cruel and inhumane detention policy and practices, as well as the international community’s failure to hold Israel accountable in the face of callous illegalities perpetrated against Palestinians,” the UN experts said.  

Israel holds approximately 4,900 Palestinians in its prisons, including 1,016 administrative detainees who are held for an indefinite period without trial or charge, representing the highest number since 2008, despite repeated condemnation from international human rights groups.

“We cannot separate Israel’s policies from the colonial nature of its occupation, intended to control and subjugate all Palestinians in the territory Israel wants to control,” the UN experts said. “The systematic practice of administrative detention is tantamount to a war crime of willfully depriving protected persons of the rights of fair and regular trial.”

The UN experts called on the international community to hold Israel accountable for war crimes against the Palestinian people who have suffered under a brutal military occupation since 1948.  However, we must all face the reality, that the international community, headed by the United States of America, is committed to defending Israel and its apartheid state, including its war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Israel attacks Gaza

Three rockets were launched from Gaza toward Israeli border communities, falling in open areas but setting off sirens that sent residents rushing to shelters. 

Hashel Mubarak, 58, was killed by an Israeli airstrike on Gaza Tuesday night, and five others were injured.

Mediators from Egypt, Qatar, and the UN brokered a cease-fire between Gaza and Israel on May 3.

West Bank conflict

Israeli forces destroyed three Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, including a home in Haris in Salfit City, a two-story home in Hajjah in the city of Qalqilya, and a six-story building in Anata, in East Jerusalem. 

The homes were destroyed in what Human Rights groups deem “collective punishment”, whereby innocent family members are made homeless because of an Israeli accusation against one member of the family.

The European Union has reported that Israeli authorities demolished 953 Palestinian structures in the occupied West Bank last year.

Three Palestinians were killed and four others wounded in Nablus today when Israeli forces attacked the northern city under occupation in the West Bank.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said four people were transferred to hospital and at least 150 people suffered tear gas inhalation, including schoolchildren, during the Israeli raid into Nablus. A general strike was called for today in Nablus in response to the attack.

At least 107 Palestinians, 20 of them were children, have been killed by Israeli forces or settlers so far in 2023, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.


Ahmad Faisal Muhamad, of Malaysia, was elected as the Vice-Chair and Rapporteur of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, under the auspices of the UN on May 3.

He gave a briefing on the guidelines for opinion case submissions to the International Court of Justice.

Muhamad stressed that the hardship and agony suffered by the Palestinian people have persisted for far too long.  He feels that the international community must exert all efforts to implement the Two-State solution, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and based on pre-1967 borders.

“You can count on Malaysia’s commitment and support towards the work of this Committee and the realization of the Palestinian people’s inalienable rights to self-determination, national independence, and sovereignty,” he said.

Riyad H. Mansour, Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine, spoke about the recent events going on in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, such as the desecration of holy sites, including Christian ones during Easter; the massive onslaught against Palestinian prisoners; and the aggression of extremist settler groups.  

UN resolutions have never been implemented by Israel, and this prevents the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, national independence, sovereignty, and return.

Al-Aqsa Mosque prayers

On April 24, Israeli forces prevented the calling to prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.

Has it come to this? The Israeli aggression against Palestinians has reached the point where they are not permitted to hear the call to prayer.

Last month, during the holy month of Ramadan, Israeli settlers caused a great deal of violence and tension.  The Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the three holiest sites in Islam and is under the custodianship of the King of Jordan, which is a historical arrangement recognized by the UN and the region.

During Ramadan, Israeli forces attacked the Al-Aqsa Mosque repeatedly, even going so far as to beat men, women, and children inside and outside the mosque.

Fanatical Jewish settlers, most of whom are American citizens who have come to Israel to displace Palestinians, have been coming to the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex for the sole purpose of aggression and confrontation.  They know the Israeli security forces will have to protect them, so they are emboldened by the fanatical political statements of Ithmar Ben-Gvir, who now is part of the Benjamin Netanyahu government.

The call to prayer, which is routine five times per day, was prevented by Israeli forces because Jewish settlers were also carrying out their celebrations after they stormed the complex earlier on April 24.

Is it not enough that the European and American Jews came to Palestine and displaced the Palestinians, who now live as landless people on their land without human rights, but now the Palestinian right to prayer is infringed on?


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Israeli protests against its new right-wing government have now touched on Israel’s nuclear weapons. To underline what is at stake, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak cast aside Israeli ambiguity over whether it possesses nuclear weapons to warn his compatriots that Western diplomats are worried that a Jewish messianic dictatorship could gain control over Israel’s nuclear weapons.

One thing we can be sure of is that the United States was not officially represented among those Western diplomats. American diplomats—in fact all US government employees—are forced to pretend they know nothing about Israeli nuclear weapons. Since everyone knows it’s not true, the pretense hobbles America’s policy on restraining the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Barak’s acknowledgment of Israel’s weapons, backhanded as it was, should free the United States from this outdated omerta.

The popular explanation of the US gag on Israeli nuclear weapons is that it is required by a September 1969 deal between Richard Nixon and Israel’s then-prime minister Golda Meir in which America would accept a nuclear-armed Israel and both would keep Israel’s nuclear weapons secret. US policy toward Israeli nuclear weapons was indeed eased after their meeting, but judging by Nixon’s memoirs, it was because he didn’t care much whether Israeli had them. His main interest was to gain Israeli support in the Cold War. 

They spoke alone, kept no notes, and told no one what they talked about. A memorandum days later to the president from Henry Kissinger, then his national security advisor, shows even he knew little about the conversation. As to maintaining secrecy, they didn’t need a formal agreement. Nixon and Meir both understood a declared Israeli nuclear arsenal would have led to pressure on Moscow to provide their Arab allies with nuclear weapons.

The US bureaucracy and academics later created a myth about a nuclear deal, turning a convenient accommodation into a perpetual obligation, and subsequent presidents fell in line. But an international deal of which there is no record is no deal at all.

Nevertheless, US presidents since Bill Clinton are said to have signed a secret letter that they will not interfere with Israel’s nuclear weapons, and Israel acted as if it was entitled to such a commitment from every incoming US president. It got the commitment. When President Obama took office in 2009, the first question at his first televised press conference, from veteran reporter Helen Thomas, was: “Do you know of any country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons?” The president’s slippery reply was: “I don’t want to speculate.” Helen Thomas got fired soon after, and while this was for her anti-Israeli remarks on a different occasion, no reporter has asked the question since. In February 2017 Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer managed to infuriate even the newly arrived Trump White House staff, sympathetic to Israel, with his heavy-handed demands the new president sign “the letter.” Still, it worked.

A change won’t come easily. A realistic US government assessment of Israel’s nuclear weapons will have to overcome not only Israeli intervention for its own reasons, but also State Department and White House resistance, in part because of the embarrassment of such an admission after years of denial, but also because such an admission could lead to complications under US law.

There is persuasive evidence that Israel detonated at least one test nuclear explosion on September 22, 1979, about a thousand miles south of South Africa. The signal, detected by a US Vela satellite, with corroborating evidence, was widely interpreted by the US intelligence community and most analysts as coming from an Israeli nuclear test explosion.

While the Carter White House publicly argued otherwise, months after the event Carter wrote in his diary: “We have a growing belief among our scientists that the Israelis did indeed conduct a nuclear test explosion in the ocean near the southern end of Africa.” Such an explosion was a violation of the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty, to which Israel was a party.

Confirmation of such a test would also trigger the 1977 Glenn Amendment to the Arms Export Control Act, which imposes tough economic and military sanctions on any state, other than the five nuclear powers authorized under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, that detonates a bomb post-1977. The president can waive the penalty, but not without political embarrassment.

While the US government tiptoes around the issue, Israel brags about its nuclear force. At the 2016 ceremony for the arrival of the fifth German-built submarine which Israel outfits with long range nuclear-tipped missiles, Netanyahu said: “Our submarine fleet is used first and foremost to deter our enemies who strive to extinguish us. They must know that Israel is capable of hitting back hard against anyone who seeks to hurt us …” No mention of “nuclear,” but the message was unmistakable.

Who would have imagined that, just as we have been worrying about Pakistani weapons falling into the hands of Islamic fanatics, we would come to the point where we have to fear Israel’s nuclear weapons falling into the hands of Israeli fanatics, who, as Ehud Barak explained, are “determined to attack Islam.” Our government cannot deal with these issues if it ignores the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons.

In his book on Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, Wolf Blitzer wrote there is “a widely held attitude among Israeli officials that Israel can get away with the most outrageous things. There is a notion among many Israelis that their American counterparts are not too bright, that they can be ‘handled’.” We should not any longer put up with that. The Cold War reasons for America to stay mum about Israeli nuclear weapons evaporated decades ago. What the Israeli government says about its nuclear weapons is its business—but what our government says about it is American business.


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Victor Gilinsky is a physicist and was a commissioner of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission during the Ford, Carter, and Reagan administrations.

Featured image: Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, US President Nixon, and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the Oval office on November 1, 1973. It is believed Nixon and Meir agreed in a 1969 private talk to keep Israel’s nuclear weapons secret, even from Kissinger. A decade later, Israel would conduct a nuclear test explosion off the South African coast, in violation of the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty. (Photo credit: White House Photo Office / National Archives, via Wikimedia Commons)

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The World Health Organization (WHO) is still going ahead with its global digital health certificate even as it claims the COVID-19 scamdemic is finally over. The medical tyranny being pushed on the public is still there and is only going to get worse.

The implementation of the digital health certificate is among the 307 amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) proposed by 94 member nations of the WHO, according to Natural News. The proposed amendments to the IHR are a completely different set of proposals to the “Pandemic Treaty.” Amendments to the IHR were adopted in 2022 without Senate/Parliament confirmation. These amendments could easily be adopted in the same manner.

The World Health Assembly (WHA) will hold a meeting from May 21-30. In preparation for the upcoming meeting, attendees have been uploading documents, including a progress report called “Report O.”

The report states that there are plans to implement a Global Digital Health certification network.

In an episode of Steve Bannon’s “War Room,” James Roguski warned that while the Global Digital Health Certificate is on “a voluntary basis,” the authorities are currently building the infrastructure necessary to “track and trace everybody on the planet.” –Natural News

As we know, nothing with the ruling class is ever “voluntary.” That’s why they use so much propaganda. No one would “voluntarily” agree to be a slave, yet when they lie and call it “freedom”, people line up like cattle.

If you’ve ever wondered who the real war is against, you shouldn’t have to anymore. It’s always been against us.

Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin also tried to sell the idea of a global surveillance system using the language of a warlike footing, while emphasizing potential business opportunities. Sadikin talked about the enemy which would be pathogens inside human beings that “need surveillance system like when you are being attacked by alien out of the country.”

He said all countries will likely link all radar systems to improve surveillance “if the enemy is coming from outside the planet.” Similarly to that, Sadikin said the world needs to “strengthen and link our radar systems for [a] pathogen.”

The only way these sociopaths can track a pathogen is by tracking human beings with the alleged pathogen. The illusion of freedom is about to crumble.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Germany (Hollfeld, Bavaria) – 15 year old girl had 2nd Pfizer mRNA on Nov.1, 2021, suffered a massive heart attack on Nov. 4, 2021 and died on Nov. 17, 2021

Brazil (Rondonia) – 13 year old boy Weverton Silva Had Pfizer mRNA on Aug. 25, 2021, died from heart attack on Oct. 8, 2021 (VIDEO click here)

Guyana (Kamwatta, Moruca) – 13 year old boy Joshua Henry died 2 hours after getting 2nd dose of Pfizer mRNA on Oct. 4, 2021 (click here) 

UK – 17 year old student Adam Ali died suddenly after Pfizer mRNA, autopsy results were “inconclusive”, CT showed blood in the lungs, died Sep. 19, 2021 (click here)


Lviv, Ukraine – 19 year old Volodymyr Salo received 1st Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA on Sep. 13, 2021 at 2:30pm, collapsed and had a seizure at 8:15pm and died by 9pm (click here)

Brazil – 16 year old Isabelli Borges Valentim, student at a private Christian school had 1st Pfizer mRNA on Aug. 25, 2021, developed blood clots and died 8 days later on Sep. 2, 2021 (click here)(click here)

Italy – 16 year old Camilla Canepa had AstraZeneca shot on May 25 2021, arrived in Hospital June 3, 2021, died shortly after. (click here)(click here)

California – 16 year old California boy (VAERS ID: 1466009) had 2nd Pfizer jab on April 3, 2021, died 27 days later on April 30, 2021 while taking his math class on Zoom (click here)(click here)

UK (Barnsley) – 18 year old paramedic student Kasey Turner received AstraZeneca vaccine on Feb. 11, 2021, was admitted to hospital Feb. 23, 2021 with severe headache and died on Feb. 27, 2021 from cerebral venous thrombosis (click here)

Vietnam: 5 children died after Pfizer mRNA vaccine

After Vietnam started vaccinating with Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines on Nov.23, 2021, within two weeks, 5 children were dead and 120 hospitalized (click here)

  • 17 yo girl (Trieu Phong, vaxxed Dec.2, died Dec.9, 2021) (click here)
  • 15 yo boy (Son La, vaxxed Dec.4, died Dec.6, 2021) (click here)
  • 12 yo boy (Binh Phuoc, vaxxed Nov.29, died Nov.30, 2021) (click here)
  • 16 yo boy (Bac Giang, vaxxed Nov.24, died Nov.28, 2021) (click here)
  • 14 yo girl (Hanoi, vaxxed Nov.27, died Nov.28, 2021) (click here)
  • Vietnam suspends Pfizer batch after 120 children hospitalized (click here)

South Korea (3 teenagers died) 

  • A 17 year old boy died in Incheon, near Seoul, on Oct.15, 2021 (click here)
  • A high school male student had COVID-19 vaccine on Aug.13, 2021 and died 75 days later on Oct.27, 2021. This was the first admitted teen death post vaccination in South Korea (click here)
  • 16 year old boy died after 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine on Dec.30, 2021 (click here)

Thailand (2 teenagers died) 

  • 16 year old girl (daughter of Thanphit Sakunmat, from Lampang) died as a result of blood clots in lungs a few days after 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab on Oct.27, 2021. (click here)
  • 15 year old Wuthidet Namo died at Samut Prakan Hospital on Nov.26, 2021, after receiving 2nd Pfizer jab 2 days earlier at school (click here)


  • 18 year old boy died on Oct.13, 2021, 75 days after his COVID-19 vaccine (click here)

My take…

What you find in 2021 is that there were many deaths very soon after COVID-19 vaccination with Pfizer or Moderna.

Most of these deaths cannot be found using Google and usual search terms.

Google has censored almost all COVID-19 vaccine related deaths from its search engine.

And some of the websites that reported these deaths are now offline.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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A Certain Form of Thieving: The US Banksters Strike Again

May 10th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It looks like 2008 all over again. Economic and financial mismanagement feature in scorching, consuming brilliance. The culpable, bungling banksters, have returned with their customary, venal incompetence. In the customary script, they habitually seek the role of the public purse to socialise their losses. Along the way, they will avoid richly deserved prison sentences, lie low, and return to repeat their sins.

A number of big ships in the banking industry have already sunk into oblivion, sold off and made footnotes in financial folklore. Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and most recently, First Republic Bank, have begotten their own tombstones. These big three held, in total, $532 billion. When adjusted for inflation, it edges out the total of $526 billion held by the 25 banks that collapsed in 2008.

First Republic Bank was particularly execrable in its practices, offering non-guaranteed mortgages at fixed rates for vast sums of money.  When chills started running down the spines of depositors in the first quarter of this year, bleeding withdrawals totalling $102 billion made.

The US Federal Reserve’s review of SVB’s collapse picked up on a number of issues specific to the bank’s actions, while also offering a mea culpa for not only its own failings, but for those of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporate and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. After all, what were these supposedly eagle-eyed supervisors, the stewards tasked with overseeing the system, doing during all this time?

As the Reserve found, there had been a conspicuous failure on the part of the board of directors and management to manage the risks at SVB. There is also an admission by the Federal Reserve that they “did not fully appreciate the extent of the vulnerabilities as Silicon Valley Bank grew in size and complexity.” Even when these were identified, insufficient steps were taken to ensure that the defects were corrected “quickly enough.”

SVB, it turns out, was something of a poster boy of bad behaviour. It was cited for not complying with a number of requirements: the Bank Secrecy Act, Current Expected Credit Losses measurements, stringent data protection, having a sufficient internal auditing framework, and the Volcker Rule. The latter’s aim is to prevent banks from dabbling in that most risky of ventures: securities and derivatives.  For the bankster, lessons are there to be unlearned.

Most telling of all was that great gremlin of the banking sector: deregulation. During the Trump administration, a number of checks and controls were wound back, notably regarding the middle ranking, smaller banks. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, which set $50 billion and above as the line which would demand greater regulation on capital and mergers, came in for particular punishment. The Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act of 2018 raised the asset threshold to $250 billion. Those below could engage in conduct becoming the most profligate wastrels.

As the Board found, the “tailoring approach in response to the Economic, Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act and a shift in the stance of supervisory policy impeded effective supervision by reducing standards, increasing complexity, and promoting a less assertive supervisory approach.”

The Federal Reserve’s Vice Chair for Supervision, Michael Barr, drew a number of conclusions that looked awfully like those reached in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. “[W]e must strengthen the Federal Reserve’s supervision and regulation based on what we have learned.” The SVB review represented “the first step in that process – a self-assessment that takes an unflinching look at the conditions that led to the bank’s failure, including the role of Federal Reserve supervision and regulation.”

These are fine admissions, but they all seem to have come a bit late. The US banking system is teetering, notably those in the middle rung. And they tend to have banksters of such cheek as former Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker, who will be testifying before the Senate Banking Committee on May 16.

Becker, it should not be forgotten, was thrilled by the Trump administration’s policy adjustments, realising his own efforts in 2015 to convince the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee to reduce safety standards. In his statement to the committee, Becker claimed that SVB did “not present systemic risks” and was adequately policed by an adequate number of “highly skilled risk professionals” and “a stand-alone, independent Risk Committee of our Board of Directors”. There were also a “range of different stress tests designed to measure and predict the risks associated” with the “business in different economic scenarios.” The proverbial pigs sought, at this point, to fly.

The sparring members of Congress are also not at one as to what brought on the rot. The Republicans, in characteristic fashion, refuse to accept deregulation as the culprit, preferring to focus on egregious human error and mismanagement. Rep. Andy Barr of Kentucky offers another thesis: that a flush of funds and government overspending, fuelling inflation, coupled with low interest rates, were the causal factors. Democrats such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and US Rep. Katie Porter of California underlined the winding back of regulations as the problem, requiring muscular legislative correction.

The Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet, suggests that US banking directors should put their heads on the metaphorical chopping block. At the very least, they “should suffer” some form of retribution, though what form this takes is not entirely clear. Not making them do so “teaches the lesson that if you run a bank and screw it up, you’re still a rich guy, the world goes on … That is not a good lesson to teach the people who are holding the behaviour of the economy in their hands.”

Charlie Munger, who also serves as vice-chairman of Buffet’s investment firm Berkshire Hathaway, does not disagree. “I don’t think having a bunch of bankers, all of whom are trying to get rich, leads to good things. I think bankers should be more like an engineer, avoiding trouble rather than trying to get rich … It’s a contradiction in values.”

Such a contradiction continues to exist with vengeance, fed by an unspoken conspiracy between the banking sector and government officials who regard regulation as unbecoming to the buccaneering spirit. A certain form of thieving is always to be encouraged, and it might even be subsidised too.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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It Appears that the US Government Is Totally Corrupt

May 10th, 2023 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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“It doesn’t make much sense to investigate the guy who brings you the allegation rather than the allegation.” — Former Federal Prosecutor Bud Cummins

On October 4, 2018, Bud Cummins brought evidence to the attention of US Attorney Geoff Berman of criminal behavior by Vice President Joe Biden. Instead of investigating Biden, Berman investigated Cummins. This is the Department of Justice today.  The DOJ is just as corrupt as the FBI, which is part of DOJ, the CIA, NSA, FDA, and all the rest. Try to find an honest federal agency or institution.

If you don’t believe the FBI is corrupt, consider the Hunter Biden laptop. The information on the laptop revealing clear criminal behavior has been known for years, and nothing has been done about it. The corrupt FBI even declared the laptop to be a Russian plant in an effort to influence a US election. Really.

The corrupt FBI refuses to release information, thus blocking the House Oversight Committee from oversight and revealing, yet again, the utter weakness of the legislature in holding the executive branch accountable. Basically, Congress is powerless. All the federal government needs to do is to utter the words “national security” and Congress collapses.

The FBI’s coverup of the Biden father-son crimes enables the corrupt Democrats and their media whores to allege that the reports of Biden family crimes are “anonymous innuendo.” But, of course, the information on the laptop is not anonymous and neither is former federal prosecutor Cummins. 

To protect Democrats from real crimes federal officials commit perjury, and to falsely accuse President Trump they commit perjury again. One wonders if Republicans understand the fight they are in.  

See this and this.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

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Syria’s Return to Arab League Is a Big Deal

May 10th, 2023 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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When a mere subplot overnight assumes habitation and a name, it becomes more fascinating than the main plot itself. Syria’s return to the Arab League after its decade-long exclusion can be regarded as a sub-plot of the China-brokered rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran. But then, China and Iran are not per se party to the process. 

Syria’s return to the Arab League is seen as an Arab initiative, but it is quintessentially a project Riyadh steered through in close consultation and coordination with Damascus, ignoring some murmur by a clutch of Arab States  and patently in defiance of Washington’s trenchant opposition.

Against the backdrop of the epochal struggle for a new world order characterised by multipolarity and resistance to Western hegemony, Russia and China quietly encouraged Riyadh to move in such a direction. 

A riveting thing about the decision taken by the foreign ministers of the seven Arab League nations at the meeting in Cairo on Sunday is its sweet timing. For, this is the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Ba’ath Party in Damascus in 1943, which espoused an ideology of Arab nationalist and anti-imperialist interests that have lately re-appeared in the geopolitics of West Asia. 

Syria has a tradition of strategic autonomy. Through the past decade, it was preoccupied with fighting off the US-sponsored regime change project, with help from Russia and Iran. As it turns the corner and is stabilising, Syria’s strategic autonomy will be increasingly in evidence. This is one thing. 

However, the strategic relations with Russia and Iran will continue to remain special and there should be no misconceptions on that score. But Syria is capable of ingenuity and diplomatic acumen to create space for itself to manoeuvre, as geopolitics takes a back seat and  Assad prioritises stabilisation and reconstruction of the economy, which requires regional cooperation.

The recent visit by Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi to Syria testifies to Tehran’s “soft diplomacy,” exuding pragmatism that on the one hand made it clear that despite the recent rapprochement between Damascus and Arab countries, Syrian-Iranian ties are still strong and even highlighted Syria’s role in the resistance to Israel — with Raisi holding a meeting in Damascus with senior Palestinian officials, including leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad — while on the other hand, the negotiations with the Syrian leadership was largely about  economic cooperation. 

Raisi said Iran is ready to take an active part in the post-war reconstruction of Syria. Iran faces competition from Gulf countries that have deep pockets. Meanwhile, the warming of relations between Syria and Turkey is also on the agenda, which is sure to lead to increased trade and spur investment flow. 

To put matters in perspective, Iran’s exports to Syria currently amount to a paltry sum of $243 million. However, since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, Iran has been a key sponsor of the Syrian authorities. In January 2013, Tehran opened the first credit line of $1 billion for Damascus, which was under international sanctions, thanks to which the government was able to pay for imported food. This was followed by a loan of $3.6 billion for the purchase of petroleum products. The third loan of $1 billion was extended in 2015. Tehran also allocated funds to Damascus to pay salaries to civil servants, which helped preserve state institutions. In 2012, a free trade agreement began to operate between the countries. Iran is also spending billions to finance Shiite militias in Syria and supply them with weapons. Naturally, Tehran would like to recoup some of these investments. 

Syria is assessing, rightly so, that normalisation with the Arab neighbours and Turkey will be a game changer. But, while everyone is talking about Syria’s “readmission to the Arab family” as a concession, Damascus reacted to the Arab League decision in a measured way.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry statement said on Sunday, “Syria has been following the positive trends and interactions that are currently taking place in the Arab region, and believes that these benefit all Arab countries and favour the stability, security and well-being of their peoples.

“Syria has received with interest the decision issued by the meeting of the Council of the League of Arab States.” The statement went on to stress the importance of dialogue and joint action to confront the challenges facing the Arab countries. It recalled that Syria is a founding member of the Arab League and always had a strong position in favour of strengthening joint Arab action. 

Most important, the statement concluded by reaffirming that the next stage requires “an effective and constructive Arab approach on the bilateral and collective levels on the basis of dialogue, mutual respect, and the common interests of the Arab nation.”

From all appearance, the Arab League statement itself was a “consensus statement” drafted with great sensitivity by Saudi Arabia. 

In an interview with Al-Mayadeen, Raisi said prior to his departure for Damascus that “Syria has always been on the axis of resistance… We unequivocally support all fronts of the axis of resistance, and my visit to Syria is within the framework of this support, and we are working to strengthen the resistance front, and we will not hesitate in this.” In fact, Raisi’s arrival in Syria coincided with increased Israeli attacks by Israel on Iranian military facilities, including on Aleppo airport. 

Without doubt, Iran remains Syria’s main ally and Iranian influence in Damascus is still strong. Iran views Syria as its strategic territory through which Tehran can establish ties with Lebanon and confront Israel. 

What works to Syria’s advantage here is that the Saudi-Iranian detente is based on a common view in Riyadh and Tehran that they have to coexist in one form or another, since their enmity and regional rivalry turned out to be a “lose-lose” proposition that didn’t improve their regional standing. Suffice to say, their national interest resulting from their rapprochement overrides past rivalries. Syria will be a testing ground where each other’s true intentions as well as conduct will come under close scrutiny.

The good part is that the Saudis have concluded that President Assad is firmly in the saddle, having weathered the most devastating war since World War 2, and mending relations with Damascus can be a “win-win” for Riyadh.   

That said, Syria is a strategic hinge where Riyadh will need to balance its strategic ties with the US and its tacit ties with Israel. But then, Saudi Arabia’s new strategic calculus also includes China and Russia. When it comes to Syria, Russia is an anchor sheet for Assad,  while China has been all along on the right side of history. 

The Biden Administration is driven into frenzy by the winds of change sweeping the region — the conclusive death to the neocon agenda of Arab Spring in Syria; the groundswell of Arab nationalism and the growing resistance to western hegemony that create new requirements of pan-Arabism; the hidden charms of multipolarity; the rise of China; the existential crisis in Israel; the dialectics of tradition and modernity in the regional states amidst the aspirations of youthful societies and so on. Paradoxically, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Assad would have common interests today on many of these fronts.

Biden who is like a beached whale on West Asia’s political landscape, has deputed his National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to rush to Saudi Arabia, holding the hands of his Indian and Emirati counterparts for company to save face and salvage the wreck of the US’ regional strategies!

Wisdom lies in Washington using Saudis (and Emiratis and Indians) to open a line to Damascus. However, Assad will set the very same non-negotiable condition to Washington for normalisation that he insisted with Turkey — vacation of US occupation. Beyond that lies, of course, Israel’s annexation of Golan Heights. 


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Featured image: Emergency meeting of Arab League foreign ministers agreed to readmit Syria, Cairo, May 7, 2023 (Source: Indian Punchline)

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Photographs of the new US embassy compound under construction in Lebanon shared on Twitter on Friday have sparked questions, conspiracies, and some jeers as a result of its massive size.

As of Monday, the photographs, posted by the US embassy in Beirut with the caption, “things are progressing at our new compounds”, had gotten 2.1 million views by the time of publication. 

The US embassy under construction in Beirut

The US embassy under construction in Beirut (Twitter/US embassy Lebanon)

The US announced plans to build the new embassy in 2017 and the compound has been under construction ever since.

Many have questioned why the US needs to build what will be the world’s second-largest embassy in the world after the American embassy in Baghdad, given that the Mediterranean country is home to only six million people and is currently facing a financial crisis.

“This is bigger than the Pentagon,” one Twitter user said. “ What’s planned for this compound other than issuing visas???”

“Room for hundreds of spies and infiltrators? A weapon factory too? another Twitter user asked.

“Any secret bio labs tucked away in that military complex-like building?” asked another.

The embassy is expected to cost $1bn and will occupy 43 acres once completed. The price tag has also raised eyebrows because it comes as Lebanon is facing an economic implosion.

The US investment comes after Washington’s top Middle East diplomat warned last year that Lebanon faced the potential of a complete “unravelling” of the state and “disintegration”.

Lebanon has been without a functioning government since Former President Michel Aoun’s term ended in October without a replacement. The country’s squabbling politicians have shown little appetite to deal with what the World Bank says is one of the world’s worst economic crises in the past 150 years.

“Thanks for destroying all those trees for a massive military base no real Lebanese wants in their country. Hooray for the Yanks…” said a third.

The US is the largest donor of humanitarian and military assistance to Lebanon, but its sway in the country has been checked by Iran and its proxy Hezbollah.

Washington’s embassies in Lebanon were previously targeted by armed groups. 

The US’s embassy in mainly Muslim West Beirut was decimated in a 1983 bombing that killed eight CIA agents. It then moved to predominantly Christian East Beirut, but that building was hit in 1984 by a truck bombing that killed 241 US Marines and 58 French soldiers. 


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The Corona War. They’re Coming After Our Thoughts

May 10th, 2023 by Dr. Emanuel Garcia

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There is an old joke that goes something like this:

“Why do Baptists forbid fornication?”

“Because it might lead to dancing.”

It came to me after a conversation I had with an Australian colleague who has been studying psychoanalytic psychotherapy at an institution in the United States. She was appalled and deeply saddened by her experiences within this institution during the period of the Corona War, because her instructors – seasoned and long-experienced psychoanalysts – were so ‘captured’ by the pro-pandemic pro-jab pro-mask dictates that they brooked no disagreement. 

Bear in mind that psychoanalysis, at its inception during fin de siècle Vienna, when Freud dared to examine dreams in an entirely new way and also to introduce a talking therapy, was a revolutionary discipline. Its early adherents and practitioners and investigators – people like Ferenczi, Abraham, Pfister, Jones and others, preeminent among them being Freud of course – founded their efforts and energies on a quest to unearth what was hidden in the human psyche, to see beyond and below surface appearances, and to employ a method in their therapeutic practice that was as unique as it was breathtaking – and here I am referring to free association.

In essence, psychoanalysis had its foundation in freedom. It is scarcely imaginable even now how powerful the so-called fundamental rule of psychoanalytic technique had been: a person was instructed to say anything and everything that came to mind, regardless of how strange, repugnant, frightening or bizarre.  There is not now, nor has there ever been, such an extraordinary situation wherein one human being has complete and utter freedom to speak, within the protected environment of the therapeutic setting.

Naturally, this fundamental rule prescribed an ideal. In practice analytic patients invariably, and consciously, hide ideas and images from their analysts out of embarrassment, anxiety,  and mistrust. It takes quite a long while for a greater approximation of the ideal even after years of treatment. One may say, with ample justification, that it is virtually impossible for one person to express everything he or she thinks to another – or even to oneself. Allowing oneself to associate freely – to think whatever comes to mind – is not so very easy even in the privacy of one’s own solitary company. Try it sometime, and discover the roadblocks.

Without delving too technically into aspects of analytic practice and theory, and the large looming role of the unconscious, we may nonetheless rightly call attention to the notion of freedom as quintessential to psychoanalysis. And it is freedom of this kind – freedom to think, articulate, imagine, to play and to create within the mind – that is quintessential to humanity at its best.

That Baptist joke came to me because governments around the world are engulfing us with their plans to fight ‘disinformation’ and ‘misinformation’ as they make war upon freedom of speech. It’s really nothing new and nothing more than an attempt to censor voices they deem to be a threat to their own.


Because our thinking is itself dependent upon the sharing of ideas and opinions and the engagement with those whose opinions and ideas can differ. Freedom of speech leads to freedom of thought, and freedom of thought may lead to the kinds of actions that politicians and so-called elites find threatening to their monopoly on power.

My psychoanalytic colleague is saddened by the loss of friends who refuse not only to entertain a perspective that may differ from their views about covid, mandates, jab apartheid practices and the like, but even to allow a discussion or exchange of views with another.

The new normal is not to debate or discuss, but to disavow and disallow.  When I recently asked a friend whether he would consider a peer-reviewed article in an established journal which gave evidence of jab shortcomings – mind you, to me this was a meek beginning – I was told ‘no’. Plainly and simply, no, there was nothing I could show hhim that could change his mind and, furthermore, I was told that I was crazy and forbidden to bring the topic up again. He was, it seems, working very hard to remain willfully blind and obtuse.

Speaking of evidence, thanks to the brave efforts of a whistle-blower here in New Zealand some truth is leaking out about the actual consequences of ex-Prime Minister Ardern’s efficient campaign of inoculation: highly disturbing rises in serious medical conditions since the introduction of the jab, including a doubling of heart attacks.

She knew about the dangers of the Pfizer inoculation from the beginning, yet she proceeded to insist upon its so-called safety and efficacy, despite the data she had received and the warnings that she had been given by Medsafe in early 2021.

This disgraced ex-Prime Minister now has a new role as a ‘misinformation’ czar whose duty is to protect the citizenry from the dangers posed by wrong-headed souls who assume free speech to be an unalienable right. I guess it’s the perfect gig for someone accustomed to being a ‘single source of truth’.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

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Here is UK Media regulator Ofcom’s Orwellian announcement today, censuring Mark Steyn, GBNews and me, after its seven months’ long investigation into my comments on Mark Steyn’s show, in which I correctly presented harms to women and babies that are tabulated in Pfizer’s own internal documents. Ofcom’s conclusion is not that I was wrong — I was right — in warning women, via primary source evidence in Pfizer’s own documents, about damage to their babies, placentas and breast milk, but rather, Ofcom claims that my comments were “harmful” — even though I was telling the truth:


“An Ofcom investigation has today found the Mark Steyn programme, which first aired on GB News on 4 October 2022, in breach of our broadcasting rules.

The programme included an interview between presenter, Mark Steyn, and a guest, Dr Naomi Wolf. During the interview, Naomi Wolf made serious claims about the Covid-19 vaccine, including that its rollout amounted to a pre-meditated crime – “mass murder” – and was comparable to the actions of “doctors in pre-Nazi Germany”.  Ofcom received 422 complaints that alleged these comments were “dangerous” and included “misinformation” that went “unopposed”.

It is important to stress that in line with the right to freedom of expression – broadcasters are free to transmit programmes that include controversial and challenging views, including about Covid-19 vaccines or conspiracy theories. However, alongside this editorial freedom, the Broadcasting Code imposes a clear requirement that if such content has the potential to be harmful, the broadcaster must ensure that its audience is adequately protected.

Our investigation concluded that GB News fell short of this requirement by allowing Naomi Wolf to promote a serious conspiracy theory without challenge or context – for example through other contributions in the programme or by the presenter, who appeared to support many of her comments. There was also no scrutiny of the evidence she claimed to hold to support her claims.

We also took into account that the programme presented Naomi Wolf as a figure of authority, with particular knowledge and expertise in the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines. We consider this would have lent credibility to her unchallenged claims. Of particular concern was her significant and alarming claim that “mass murder” was taking place through the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccinations, which she repeated three times.

We found that the comments made by Naomi Wolf had the potential to impact viewers’ decisions about their health and were therefore potentially harmful. Given that GB News did not take adequate steps to protect viewers from this potentially harmful content, we have found the channel in breach of Rule 2.1 of the Broadcasting Code.

This is the second significant breach of the Code recorded against GB News. In light of this, we are requesting that GB News attends a meeting with Ofcom to discuss its approach to compliance.

You can read our decision in full (PDF, 409.1 KB).

Naomi Wolf also appeared on the Mark Steyn programme the following day, and made further claims about Covid-19 vaccines. Her comments were put into context by other views expressed during the programme, and a banner broadcast throughout the segment informed viewers that Naomi Wolf had “faced widespread criticism for Covid research”. Taking this into account, we will not be pursuing these complaints further.

COVID, compliance and freedom of expression

Since March 2020, Ofcom has received over 26,000 complaints about TV and radio coverage relating to the Covid-19 pandemic. Reflecting the weight we place on the right to freedom of expression, the vast majority of these complaints did not raise issues under our rules.

We have opened 11 formal investigations where the content raised serious concerns. Of these cases, we have found nine programmes in breach of our rules, one was found not in breach, while one investigation remains ongoing. Find out more about our broadcast standards work in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Complaints received about GB News to date total 4,560, representing 1.6% of all broadcast complaints made to us during this period. Of these 1,714 related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

After careful assessment, the vast majority of complaints made against GB News have not been pursued.

We have launched four investigations into the channel, and this is the second breach of our broadcasting rules recorded against GB News since it launched in June 2021.

An earlier episode of the Mark Steyn programme broke our rules by presenting a materially misleading interpretation of official data without sufficient challenge or context, risking harm to viewers. Our investigation into Talking Pints with Nigel Farage (23 August 2021) – relating to offensive language – concluded that the programme was not in breach of our rules.  We are currently investigating whether Saturday Morning with Esther and Philip broadcast on 11 March 2023 broke our rules requiring news and current affairs to be presented with due impartiality.” [See this]

Here is my statement in response:

“As a journalist, I am appalled that Ofcom censured me for primary source evidence directly from Pfizer’s own internal documents released under court order, presented in reports compiled by 3500 medical and scientific experts, including oncologists, radiologists, medical fraud investigators, RNs, biological scientists, and a range of other physicians and clinicians.

The documents contain 1223 fatalities in three months. In two of the reports compiled by our experts, using the Pfizer documents themselves, half of the adverse events, which included fatalities, occurred within 48 hours of the injection.

When it came to unborn babies, the deaths in Pfizer’s own documents include scores of fetuses, some of which Pfizer identified as suffering from ‘transplacental’ exposure to the vaccine.

A baby died after drinking its vaccinated mother’s breast milk; vaccinated mothers’ breast milk was found by Pfizer in its own review to be contaminated and injurious to babies.

Given that Pfizer knew by Feb 2021 the many ways in which its mrna vaccine was killing adults, babies and fetuses, with adverse events ranging from 3 to 1 to 8 to 1 ratios affecting women, and yet did not inform the public, but rather launched intensive campaigns to urge people, including pregnant women, to take this dangerous product, of course it is a mass murder event.

I speak as the granddaughter of a woman who lost nine siblings to the Holocaust.

We have an obligation to speak out against murder in our own communities.

Pfizer is under investigation by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for deceptive practices and for possibly falsifying data. Both of these crimes are abundantly documented in the 500 pages of reports from the Pfizer documents compiled by our experts.

Ofcom should not penalize reporters or news platforms for presenting the truth, especially if that truth is of grave public significance. If Ofcom continues to censor primary source evidence of harms to women and babies from mrna injections, it too has blood on its hands and is an accessory to mass murder.

Of course I will consult my attorney to take action against this damaging censorship and this baseless reputational attack, which is the second one from a national government (the first was from our own White House and CDC) in relation to this important story.

Mark Steyn is a hero for not backing down in bringing facts about harms to pregnancy, fertility, breastfeeding and babies, to women and men in Britain and the rest of the world. These are facts that the UK Government, linked to Ofcom itself, sought and seeks to this day, to keep hidden.

The exposure of danger to the public which Ofcom todays assails, is exactly what real journalism is supposed to do. I will continue to speak out with lifesaving information to help protect women and babies.”


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A Rhodes Scholar, former advisor to Clinton and Gore campaigns, and author of eight NYT nonfiction bestsellers, Dr. Naomi Wolf has been creating globally influential opinion for 28 years. She is CEO of DailyClout.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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As the war in Ukraine drags on, the government is selling off state assets in a big privatization spree.

US fossil fuel corporations like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Halliburton are participating in discussions to take over the Eastern European nation’s oil and gas industry, as Kiev pushes to increase production to replace Russian energy exports.

This comes soon after Ukraine’s Western-backed leader, Volodymyr Zelensky, sent a friendly video message to a US corporate lobby group, thanking companies like BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Starlink, and promising “big business” for others.

In September, Zelensky also symbolically opened the New York Stock Exchange, announcing that his country is “open for business”, offering more than $400 billion in “public-private partnerships, privatization, and private ventures” for US companies.

The Ukrainian government has used the war as an excuse to ram through some of the most aggressive anti-worker laws on Earth.

The director of the Kiev-based workers’ rights NGO Labor Initiatives warned of a “full-scale attack on Ukraine’s labour rights”, writing in a German government-funded journal that the “war cannot be used to justify stripping workers of their rights”.

In an attempt to bring an end to this war, China has taken the lead in advocating peace talks. Brazil’s President Lula da Silva has backed Beijing’s efforts.

The West, on the other hand, has vociferously opposed all attempts at diplomatic negotiations and instead pushed to escalate the NATO proxy war on Russia, sending fighter jets and tanks to Kiev.

Ukrainian officials, meanwhile, are treating their country as a for-profit company, frequently travelling to the United States in search of lucrative business opportunities.

Ukraine’s state energy company Naftogaz woos US corporations, like Iraq War profiteer Halliburton

The CEO of Ukraine’s state-owned energy company Naftogaz, Oleksiy Chernyshov, flew to Washington, DC this April to meet with US political and corporate officials.

The Financial Times reported that Chernyshov sat down with representatives from ExxonMobil and Halliburton, following a similar meeting with Chevron in January.

“The negotiations with big US fossil fuel players are part of a strategic push to increase natural gas production that Ukrainian officials believe could help replace Russian supply to Europe in the years ahead”, the newspaper wrote.

Halliburton is notorious for its involvement in corruption schemes, involving fat government contracts. In 2017, it was fined $29.2 million by the US Securities and Exchange Commission for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with highly profitable oilfield services contracts in Angola.

Halliburton is also the world’s biggest provider of fracking services, or hydraulic fracturing, a controversial form of gas extraction that is so environmentally destructive it was banned in the United Kingdom.

Responding to the Financial Times report, economist Yanis Varoufakis, who previously served as Greece’s minister of finance, tweeted: “And there you have it. EXXON, HALLIBURTON & CHEVRON, after Iraq, are now taking over the Ukrainian oil and gas fields. Planning to introduce large scale fracking – a clear and present threat to poison U’s agriculture”.

Chernyshov, the CEO of Ukraine’s state energy company Naftogaz, told the newspaper, “We want them [Halliburton] to expand [their presence] dramatically. We want them there seriously — boots on the ground”.

“We will welcome them”, he added. “We can do joint production on gas together, PSA agreement — production sharing agreement — they can have a licence and produce by themselves, we will welcome it”.

In November, the president of Halliburton in the eastern hemisphere, Joe Rainey, travelled to Ukraine to meet with Chernyshov.

Naftogaz published a press release on its website boasting that it “is strengthening its strategic cooperation with American’s Halliburton, one of the world’s largest oilfield services providers, to unlock the new potential of Ukraine’s fields”.

“Your support and visit to Kyiv is a powerful signal for the entire market and the world”, Chernyshov said. “I am grateful to the US government, the American people and you personally for your comprehensive support of Ukraine. We really appreciate it. Our cooperation is extremely important and we are doing our best to improve and expand it”.

Halliburton was a household name in the United States in the 2000s, and was practically synonymous with corruption.

Vice President Dick Cheney, who served under former President George W. Bush, had worked for years as chairman and CEO of Halliburton.

Cheney, a hardline neoconservative, was a key architect of the illegal US invasion of Iraq in 2003. That same year, Halliburton was given what NPR described as a “‘sweetheart’ deal in Iraq”.

NPR wrote:

Oil services company Halliburton has come under intense scrutiny over its multi-billion-dollar contracts with the U.S. military in Iraq. Congressional critics want to know if the company is engaging in gold-plating contractsinflating costs and pocketing the difference. Other critics charge that Halliburton has seemingly become another branch of the U.S. military, while the company’s former chief executive officer, Dick Cheney, is now the vice president.

In the first of a three-part series looking at the complex relationship between the defense contractor and the federal government, NPR’s John Burnett examines the scope of contracts in Iraq held by Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown & Root, better known as KBR.

America’s war on terrorism has created a windfall for KBR. Since Sept. 11, 2001, the company has constructed base camps at more than 60 locations throughout the Middle East and South Asia. Under its deal with the Pentagon — known as a “Logcap” contract — KBR is the go-to company to provide troops in Iraq with everything from portable toilets to Internet cafes.

A decade later, the International Business Times reported that Halliburton subsidiary KBR had received more Iraq-related contracts than any other private firm in the 10 years of the war.

The media outlet reported:

The company [KBR] was given $39.5 billion in Iraq-related contracts over the past decade, with many of the deals given without any bidding from competing firms, such as a $568-million contract renewal in 2010 to provide housing, meals, water and bathroom services to soldiers, a deal that led to a Justice Department lawsuit over alleged kickbacks.

Ukraine eyes natural gas deposits off Crimea

The Financial Times reported that the Ukrainian government specifically hopes to drill for offshore natural gas in the Black Sea, off of Crimea. Kiev is unable to access that gas, however.

Crimea was annexed by Russia in 2014, following a referendum with 83% turnout in which 97% of participants said they wanted to join the Russian Federation. Western governments cast doubt on the vote, but polling by mainstream US firm Pew Research found that 91% of Crimeans said the referendum was free and fairand 88% wanted Ukraine to recognize the results.

Despite Crimeans’ overwhelming support for integration with Russia, Ukraine and its NATO sponsors have insisted that they will retake the region – not only because of its valuable offshore gas reserves, but also due its deep geostrategic importance for Russia.

Russia only has one warm water naval base, the Sevastopol base in Crimea. This is the main base used by Russia’s Black Sea Fleet – and, without it, the sea would effectively become controlled by NATO.

For Moscow, this is genuinely a security concern, not one motivated by ulterior economic interests.

Even the US military-backed think tank the RAND Corporation conceded this, publishing a report in April 2022 titled “Russia Does Not Seem to Be After Ukraine’s Gas Reserves”.

RAND wrote:

Ukraine does indeed control Europe’s second-largest known reserves of natural gas, almost 80 percent of which are located east of the Dnipro River. However, these reserves amount to less than 3 percent of Russia’s total natural gas reserves.

And though Ukraine theoretically might have considerable shale gas reserves, they remain largely unproven, and Russia currently has no experience or technology for shale gas production.

Naftogaz CEO meets with US ambassador involved in 2014 coup

During his trip to Washington this April, Naftogaz CEO Chernyshov not only met with corporate executives; he also sat down with senior government officials, like former US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt.

Pyatt represented Washington in Kiev during a violent US-backed coup in 2014, which overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected, geopolitically neutral government and installed a pro-Western regime.

A notorious leaked phone call from top State Department official Victoria Nuland showed US officials deciding who would run the Ukrainian government after the coup. Joining Nuland on the call was none other than Pyatt.

Today, Pyatt serves as US assistant secretary of state for energy resources, and he also coordinates cooperation between the G7 and Ukraine.

In a press release on Chernyshov’s meeting with Pyatt, Naftogaz wrote with pride that it “is working to attract American companies – their technologies, expertise and investments – to increase production in Ukraine”.

“We discussed a number of issues. From Ukraine’s new role in Europe’s energy security system to the implementation of corporate governance reform”, Chernyshov said.

Naftogaz Ukraine Chernyshov Geoffrey Pyatt

Naftogaz participates in IMF structural adjustment program

On his trip to Washington, Naftogaz CEO Chernyshov also met with representatives from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the US-dominated financial institution that is infamous for imposing neoliberal economic policies on indebted nations.

This March, the IMF made the unprecedented decision of approving a $15.6 billion loan for Ukraine.

The IMF had never before provided financing to a country that is at war. A reporter at US state media outlet NPR admitted that the IMF had to implement a “rule change”, which “was obviously, you know, politically motivated”.

Naftogaz declared in a press release that “successful and consistent cooperation with the IMF is crucial for Ukraine’s resilience during the war”.

Using racist rhetoric that implied that Russia is “uncivilized”, Chernyshov stated:

Cooperation with the IMF is crucial for the stability of our country in times of war. The fact that we have a program is a signal to the civilized world that the country is moving in the right direction. Ukraine has made its civilizational choice. Naftogaz has fulfilled its part of the conditions for our country to receive the IMF program. This demonstrates that we are a reliable partner. Naftogaz will not let the country down.

Naftogaz Ukraine IMF

The Naftogaz statement did not clarify what these “conditions” were, but a February press release from the IMF made it clear that it includes neoliberal reforms.

The IMF reported that its discussions with Ukrainian authorities “covered the medium-term macroeconomic framework, fiscal policy, the financing mix, financial sector policies, and governance”.

The IMF’s conditions included, “In particular, reform initiatives to enhance productivity and competitiveness of the private sector need to be advanced to help lay the foundation for a robust post-war growth against a backdrop of progress toward EU accession”.

Reforms to “enhance productivity and competitiveness of the private sector” is a euphemistic way of saying that Ukraine must further privatize state-owned industries and sell off public assets.

In its statement, the IMF stressed, “The private sector is also expected to contribute to the reconstruction efforts”.

The Fund also wrote favorably of “draft tax laws aimed to increase revenues”, calling for “shoring up tax revenues” and “creating fiscal space for war-related repairs”.

“Efforts to expand issuance in the domestic bond market should continue to help ensure a stable financing mix and eliminate reliance on monetary financing”, it added.

In short, the IMF’s conditions for Ukraine are a typical reflection of the Washington Consensus: neoliberal austerity measures, which increase the burden on Ukrainian workers, whose living standards are declining and who have fewer and fewer rights, while US corporations are offered profitable opportunities to buy up public assets.


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Featured image: Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky meets with US President Joe Biden in Kiev on February 20, 2023

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It’s a lose-lose situation for Ukrainians. While they are dying to defend their land, financial institutions are insidiously supporting the consolidation of farmland by oligarchs and Western financial interests.  

So says Frédéric Mousseau, Policy Director of the Oakland Institute, an independent think tank.  

Depending on which sources to believe, between 100,000 and 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers (possibly more) have died during the conflict with Russia. That figure, of course, does not include civilian casualties.  

The mainstream narrative in the West is that Russia grabbed Crimea and then invaded Ukraine. Russia is portrayed as the outright aggressor which wants to restore its control over large swathes of Europe.   

However, this narrative is false and has been debunked by various commentators who explain in some depth how Ukraine has been used and manipulated as part of a geopolitical campaign formulated by neoconservatives in Washington to destabilise Russia.   

The expansion of NATO towards the east, the US-backed coup in 2014 – followed by eight years of the shelling of the ethnic Russian eastern parts of the country by the regime in Kyiv resulting in around 14,000 deaths – led up to the military intervention by Russia, which regards the expansionism and militarism as an existential threat.  

It is not the purpose of this article to explore these issues. Much has already been written on this elsewhere. But billions of dollars’ worth of military hardware has been sent to Ukraine by the NATO countries and hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainians have died.   

They died in the belief that they were protecting their nation – their land. A land that is among the most fertile in the world.  

Professor Olena Borodina of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine says:  

“Today, thousands of rural boys and girls, farmers, are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalised and advertised. This really threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives.”  

Borodina is quoted in the February 2023 report by the Oakland Institute War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land, which reveals how oligarchs and financial interests are expanding control over Ukraine’s agricultural land with help and financing from Western financial institutions.  

Aid provided to Ukraine in recent years has been tied to a drastic structural adjustment programme requiring the creation of a land market through a law that leads to greater concentration of land in the hands of powerful interests. The programme also includes austerity measures, cuts in social safety nets and the privatisation of key sectors of the economy.   

Frédéric Mousseau, co-author of the report, says:  

“Despite being at the centre of news cycle and international policy, little attention has gone to the core of the conflict — who controls the agricultural land in the country known as the breadbasket of Europe. [The] Answer to this question is paramount to understanding the major stakes in the war.”   

The report shows the total amount of land controlled by oligarchs, corrupt individuals and large agribusinesses is over nine million hectares — exceeding 28% of Ukraine’s arable land (the rest is used by over eight million Ukrainian farmers).   

The largest landholders are a mix of Ukrainian oligarchs and foreign interests — mostly European and North American as well as the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia. A number of large US pension funds, foundations and university endowments are also invested in Ukrainian land through NCH Capital – a US-based private equity fund, which is the fifth largest landholder in the country.   

President Zelenskyy put the land reform into law in 2020 against the will of the vast majority of the population who feared it would exacerbate corruption and reinforce control by powerful interests in the agricultural sector.   

The Oakland Institute notes that, while large landholders are securing massive financing from Western financial institutions, Ukrainian farmers — essential for ensuring domestic food supply — receive virtually no support. With the land market in place, amid high economic stress and war, this difference of treatment will lead to more land consolidation by large agribusinesses.  

All but one of the ten largest landholding firms are registered overseas, mainly in tax havens such as Cyprus or Luxembourg. The report identifies many prominent investors, including Vanguard Group, Kopernik Global Investors, BNP Asset Management Holding, Goldman Sachs-owned NN Investment Partners Holdings, and Norges Bank Investment Management, which manages Norway’s sovereign wealth fund.   

Most of the agribusiness firms are substantially indebted to Western financial institutions, in particular the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, and the International Finance Corporation – the private sector arm of the World Bank.   

Together, these institutions have been major lenders to Ukrainian agribusinesses, with close to US$1.7 billion lent to just six of Ukraine’s largest landholding firms in recent years. Other key lenders are a mix of mainly European and North American financial institutions, both public and private.   

The report notes that this gives creditors financial stakes in the operation of the agribusinesses and confers significant leverage over them. Meanwhile, Ukrainian farmers have had to operate with limited amounts of land and financing, and many are now on the verge of poverty.    

International financial institutions are in effect subsidising the concentration of land and a destructive industrial model of agriculture based on the intensive use of synthetic inputs, fossil fuels and large-scale monocropping.  

Much of what is happening in Ukraine is part of a wider trend: private equity funds being injected into agriculture throughout the world and used to lease or buy up farms on the cheap and aggregate them into large-scale, industrial grain and soybean concerns. These funds use pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowment funds and investments from governments, banks, insurance companies and high net worth individuals (see the 2020 report ‘Barbarians at the Barn‘ by  

Financialising agriculture this way shifts power to people with no connection to farming. In the words of BlackRock’s Larry Fink: “Go long agriculture and water and go to the beach.”  

Funds tend to invest for between 10 and 15 years, resulting in good returns for investors but can leave a trail of long-term environmental and social devastation and serve to undermine local and regional food insecurity.   

By contrast, according to the Oakland Institute, small-scale farmers in Ukraine demonstrate resilience and enormous potential for leading the expansion of a different production model based on agroecology and producing healthy food. Whereas large agribusinesses are geared towards export markets, it is Ukraine’s small and medium-sized farmers who guarantee the country’s food security.   

This is underlined by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine in its report ‘Main agricultural characteristics of households in rural areas in 2011’, which showed that smallholder farmers in Ukraine operate 16% of agricultural land, but provide 55% of agricultural output, including 97% of potatoes, 97% of honey, 88% of vegetables, 83% of fruits and berries and 80% of milk.  

In June 2020, the IMF approved an 18-month, strings-attached $5 billion loan programme with Ukraine. Also that year, the World Bank incorporated measures relating to the sale of public agricultural land as conditions in a $350 million Development Policy Loan (COVID ‘relief package’) to Ukraine. This included a required ‘prior action’ to “enable the sale of agricultural land and the use of land as collateral.”  

According to the Oakland Institute:  

“Ukraine is now the world’s third-largest debtor to the International Monetary Fund and its crippling debt burden will likely result in additional pressure from its creditors, bondholders and international financial institutions on how post-war reconstruction – estimated to cost US$750 billion – should happen.”  

Financial institutions are leveraging Ukraine’s crippling debt to drive further privatisation and liberalisation – backing the country into a corner to make it an offer it can’t refuse.   

Since the war began, the Ukrainian flag has been raised outside parliament buildings in the West and iconic landmarks have been lit up in its colours. An image bite used to conjure up feelings of solidarity and support for that nation while serving to distract from the harsh machinations of geopolitics and modern-day economic plunder that is unhindered by national borders and has scant regard for the plight of ordinary citizens.  


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Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

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Unmasking the Truth

May 10th, 2023 by Michelle Ames

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Many victims of traumatic events including domestic violence, not only cannot wear a face covering, but also get extremely distressed and invariably suffer an adverse medical event, if they cannot see the expressions of other peoples’ faces around them. In psychology, this is a recognised phenomenon called the polyvagal theory. Many lay people have no understanding of the psychological issues masks cause and it is impossible to explain when you are having a reaction. Read more about the polyvagal theory science here.

The psychological issues caused by masks can be found in the interview of Dr Gary Sidley, video below or click here (4 minutes into interview).

The reactions can be acute and last for hours after, due to release of fight or flight hormones.

If you browse the website, here you will see that there are many different reasons why covering expressions causes further trauma.

Anyone with empathy can feel the distress of these victims through their emotional descriptions of their terrible experiences with masks.

Perhaps the most tragic phenomenon of the authoritarian, psychological manipulation by governments during Covid, has been the destruction of empathy. Those who are now part of the collective, obeying without question the dictates on masks, persist in wearing masks despite the requirements being relaxed for the public in most places. Inexplicably they become enraged when they see people in distress at their covered faces, screaming obscenities at them. You can read more about the psychological harms of face covering here.

It is very frustrating, when it is clear to anyone with critical thinking skills that the mask measure is not about health. The Government admitted on a Freedom of Information Act request

“Maintaining the requirement for face coverings on public transport in Alert Level 1 provides wider benefits that support the overall response to the pandemic. For example, face coverings are a constant reminder of the ongoing threat posed by COVID-19 and will help prompt people to be more vigilant about other important behaviours, such as physical distancing, scanning and using the New Zealand COVID Tracer App, hand hygiene and coughing and sneezing etiquette.”

Strangely, the link above has been removed from the Government website here.

It can still be seen on the above Dr Gary Sidley video at 5.50 together with the  comments by the Chairman of the Tory 1922 Committee Sir Graham Brady, who confirms mask mandates were, in fact, a fear based social control mechanism.

Did you not find the Government mask requirements absurd and contradictory and therefore clearly not about health and transmission? An example of the ludicrous contradictions in the rules can be found here.

Either Covid is very clever, or this measure is not about health. Have you actually found any evidence based data on the Government website? Could it be that the mask mandates were not about health, but a way of control to invoke fear via the unaccountable “One Ministry of Truth “propaganda?

“The One Source of Truth”: Absolute Power without Accountability

To maintain a vibrant creative society, it is essential to have free speech and open debate and a large degree of scepticism.  This is required to be able to determine which ideas will be found to be wrong in the future.  History teaches us that most of our ideas will be modified in some way. Open debate and challenging data are also fundamental principles of the scientific method.

The scientific method involves a hypothesis. Data is collected to test the hypothesis. The scientific method requires a great deal of scepticism and questioning, to see if the hypothesis stands up to rigorous open debate.  The labelling of information as misinformation, disinformation is the antithesis of the scientific method and solipsistic.

How is objective truth to be uncovered when dissent is banned or labelled as “misinformation “without any supporting evidence as to why?

Censorship has never led to a good outcome in the regimes in which it operates. Open debate is the fundamental principle of a free society and the scientific method. If you have a good counter argument backed up by evidence, why would you need to censor?

The labelling of views from qualified health practitioners that does not adhere to the “Ministry of Truth” narrative as “misleading” and “misinformation” the use of ad hominem such as “conspiracy theorist” and gaslighting is a censorship tactic. It is an obfuscation technique to avoid discussing the questions raised.

Censorship and propaganda extinguish open debate and the quest for objective truth. In addition, censorship creates a non-accountable narrative.

The flagrant psychological fear propaganda during the last three years has resulted in a conviction in many, that only the Government narrative can be correct. They have succumbed to a “Mass Formation” a “group think,” engineered by governments globally.

Mass Formation, presents as, closed minds, the inability to understand the basics of critical thinking, not checking conflicts of interests in sources, ignoring the scientific method and more worryingly the manipulation of the masses into fanatical behaviour. Professor Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University explains Mass Formation here and here.

Mass Formation creates the fundamental environment for a totalitarian regime.

Totalitarian regimes are distinct from dictatorships in that they involve a diabolical pact between the Masses and their leaders. They result in monomaniacal, inhumane behaviour towards those who do not comply, previously considered unthinkable in a free society. A present day example involving masks is featured in the end of the Dr Gary Sidley interview here, where devotees of the mask ideology physically attack those not complying.

There have been numerous examples in history of Mass Formation and those challenging the science being persecuted.

In 1633, Galileo was found guilty by the inquisition for his conclusion that the earth rotated around the sun. He was kept under house arrest for the rest of his life. It took until 1992 for the Catholic Church to admit he was right all along! Yet here we are again in 2023.

However, in 2023 there is the added feature of the internet to add intensity to Mass Formation development. The nefarious, collusion between major technology companies with governments in censorship, as illustrated by the Twitter files in the USA and the New Zealand Government here has allowed the powerful forces of government and big technical companies, to command and control the creation of Mass Formation and deliver the conditions for totalitarianism in Western countries.

Anyone who has read George Orwell’s ‘1984’ will understand the tactics of double speak, two, and two making five.  The explanations from the Government on Covid measures, including masks consist of double speak.

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously and accepting both of them.”

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”

“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

— George Orwell

Those suffering from Mass Formation cannot see objective truth even if they are given legitimate evidence-based data.  They just comply.  They do not think for themselves. They would likely be very unaware of all the millions of people around the world protesting to save human rights and freedoms, or if they are aware, they tend to dehumanise and gaslight them, as instructed by the media.

The problem with the censorship by the Government silencing all scientists and Doctors who speak up about the propaganda is that it makes them utterly unaccountable and they can lie with impunity. Michel Baker is never challenged, as the media are now effectively state owned by the Labour party due to the journalism fund.

Only a few years ago, the public would have considered it ludicrous to not be allowed to ask questions in a free society and would be aghast at the new tactic of public servants, simply to ignore those asking questions. They would have demanded evidence and rebuttal evidence instead of censorship. Tragically, The Overton window has been effectively shifted by the use of fear. Once again, history repeats itself. Many of those vigorously  and violently enforcing masks would have never contemplated their behaviour being akin to the masses in the witch trials, or the population of Germany in the early 1930’s with the Nuremburg laws here, or their dehumanisation of those not complying with  the group think of vaccination coercion here, but here we are again. 

The Mask Up Don’t Mask Up Seesaw 

The Government and Michael Baker, spent months in 2020 telling us masks were useless.

Then an abrupt U-turn coincided with a change of heart at the World Health Organisation (WHO). It is notable that as discussed in the video below, the WHO admitted the change in mask policy was because of political lobbying.

It is evident that many New Zealanders are not aware that the WHO has private funding as we as funding from countries. Some of the largest funders include the Chinese Communist Party, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI the Vaccine Alliance, founded and co funded by Gates. Of course, no one elected these officials and they are unaccountable. They also are inextricably linked to to pharmaceutical industry interests and infiltration of the organisation by the use of staff within the WHO who come from these donors.

It is obvious that the Mass Formation strategy, implemented by governments, has been very effective with the public seemingly oblivious to the obvious fatal contradictions in the advice on masks.

Here is the timeline of the changing advice in a video titled “Masks Flip Flopping Official Advice,” here. As the advice, U-turn was 180 degrees it is unfathomable why the public did not demand the data to justify the paradoxical stances. Mass Formation is a formidable weapon.

Michael Baker in the video below is asked specifically; if he ever advocated masks do not work in respect of Covid 19 transmission. Despite the irrefutable video evidence, he continues to deny he ever said such a thing. This is clearly a blatant lie, however due to the censorship of dissenting scientific voices and the compliance of mainstream media he feels emboldened to engage in obvious doublespeak and gaslighting. Watch here.

The advice given by Michael Baker is contrasted against the actual evidence here.

Even schoolchildren featured; evaluate the actual evidence on mask efficiency and potential harms of wearing a mask, more proficiently than this so-called “expert” Michael Baker. The peer reviewed, randomised clinical trial study highlighted in the report published by the Journal of the Medical Association (JAMA) illustrates the dangerous levels of COgenerated when wearing a mask, especially for younger children.

The tragic consequences of the nonsensical mask mandates are horrific, as highlighted by the harrowing stories, including the resultant suicide of a teenager, following the imposition of this inhumane treatment of children. Perhaps most tragic is that to date, there has been no accountability, nor apologies.

The hypocrisy and doublespeak of, Michael Baker as a so-called, “expert” is eloquently illustrated here.

The harms of wearing a mask are also detailed from 22 minutes in. Note the obfuscation and lack of specific studies from Michael Baker, when answering questions. The video also reiterates the psychological engineering of social control being the reason for the forced mask wearing as discussed in the Dr Gary Sidley video above.

See here why Jacinda Adern’s claims there is a 53% reduction in transmission, by wearing a mask, were not substantiated by the study she referred to as supporting her policies on masks.

Dr Paul Alexander explains why the Bangladesh study often cited by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the United States government health agency, is flawed here.

Analysis of the studies, heralded by Governments as evidence masks work, can be found here, illustrating not only the manipulation of the data, but also the ad hominem attacks and gaslighting of any scientist daring to question the official narrative promulgated by governments. See here, analysis of purported positive effects of mask studies are detailed here, showing that there were flaws in the studies and why the narrative was perpetuated despite the evidence here.

A specialised expert in Health and Safety Control Measures is Stephen Petty, P. E, CIH. Giving evidence to the Senate USA here.  Critical viewing for an in-depth understanding of the mask issue in relation to health and safety. If only specialists such as Mr Petty had been consulted by governments at the beginning.

The Harms Caused By Masks

What are the individual risks, short term and long term of wearing a mask? Is there any peer-reviewed data to rebut the evidence-based data below?

There are numerous studies that detail the psychological, physical, and long term effects of mask wearing including, headaches, fatigue, hypoxia, confusion, disorientation, dizziness, impaired thinking, neurological diseases, triggering of epilepsy, breathing difficulties increased heart rate leading to long term heart problems, rashes, impaired field of vision, as well as psychological effects. See here, here and here. The pictures of the growing organisms inhabiting and multiplying on the face covering is difficult to unsee and not advisable viewing if you are eating. Also, see here concluding face masks should never be mandated by law and the dangers particularly for children, pregnant women and those who are already ill.

Quote from Smile “I got headaches after a two hour driving lesson every week. The mask was a serious irritant, so much so I feared for mine and other road users’ safety. Just a matter of time. “Anon.”

Don’t you find it incredulous, that in New Zealand, drivers were mandated to wear masks for their driving test? Bearing in mind the issues of dizziness, confusion and impaired thinking this was surely a dangerous mandate to both the drivers and other road users?

Masking children in school affects their health, their learning and their speech development. Causing such harm with no obvious justification could be perceived as evil. See here. 

The Dangers of Unchallenged Unaccountable Experts

Michael Baker’s lies are blatant. The question arises are his actions  potentially nefarious? He has terrified people into potentially harming themselves. He never provides any data based evidence to support his assertions. He has not treated a patient for years. He does not have expertise in masks as detailed by Stephen Petty above. If you research his influencers, it is easy to deduce his motivation.

Due to the New Zealand media now being effectively state funded and controlled, he receives blanket coverage. Yet, Michael Baker is never seriously challenged, or asked to provide evidence for his assertions.

If everyone turned off the New Zealand media and started asking questions and looking at applying the scientific method, and critical thinking principles to mask information the house of cards would fall in relation to what is evidently propaganda and control mechanisms.

Masks in the Future

Many readers may think that the mask issue has for the most part gone away.

However the WHO are, currently negotiating two complementary instruments of international law. These are International Health Regulations (2005) amendments and WHO pandemic treaty/accord. If passed, there will be a total loss of sovereignty of individual countries. Instead of being advisory, the WHO dictates would be mandatory. Potential measures include vaccine passports, quarantine, medical examinations, and control of all information-censorship and of course mask policy.

The deletion proposed in Article 3 would extinguish human rights, human dignity, and fundamental freedoms as guiding principles.

The WHO Chief Tedros Ghebreyseus would have ultimate power over the health of the world, whilst having no accountability. He would have a wide discretion to not only declare pandemics, but also wider powers in relation to health as detailed in the report here.

The WHO is an organisation that has demonstrated politically driven policies, corruption and a bias towards the Chinese communist approach to public health.

This is from an organisation with funders who have insurmountable conflicts of interests and have demonstrated over the last three years total incompetence and peddling what has proved to be, false information whilst silencing dissent.

The combining of corporate power with a one-world global government power in terms of health is the definition of economic fascism. See here.

History even as most recent as the last century with Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Ceausescu illustrate where a monopoly of power combined with censorship leads.

This, without any consultation with the New Zealand public. What could possibly go wrong?

Perhaps readers who value freedom may consider signing the petition here.

The contents of this document are provided for educational purposes only and do not constitute legal or medical advice.


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Michelle Ames, (LLB) Hons, grew up in Cheshire in the United Kingdom. She gained her law degree from Lancaster University and attended Chester Law School before becoming a solicitor. Much of her career in the UK was spent as a Crown Prosecutor. Within that role, she was a Trained Trainer. Michelle is also admitted as a lawyer in NSW Australia.

Immigrating to New Zealand in 2012 provided different opportunities, including tutoring at Waikato University and qualifying as a Personal Trainer.

As a freelance writer Michelle uses the critical thinking, evaluation of evidence, research analysis and trial experience including cross-examination skills acquired as a lawyer to highlight objective truth; standing up for freedom and the preservation of inalienable human rights.

Featured image is from howstuffworks

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In March 2022, South Koreans chose Yoon Suk-yeol as new president with a slim margin of 0.7% of the votes. It was their worst decision ever made. 

Within one year, Yoon has destroyed the economy, paralysed foreign trade, demolished public welfare system and threatened public safety.

However, the worst thing he has done through his pathologic diplomacy with Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan and Joe Biden, President of the United States was the creation of  grave danger of the shooting third world war, let alone total destruction of Korea as a sovereign nation.

It is obviously difficult to understand how come such a thing could happen. But, to understand Yoon’s stupid and destructive diplomacy, we have to know who and what he is. Then, we can discuss his diplomacy.

In this paper I am asking the following questions:

  • Who and what is Yoon Suk-yeol?
  • What has happened at the Yoon-Kishida summit?
  • What has happened at the Yoon-Biden summit?
  • What is the impact of Yoon’s diplomacy on regional and global security?


Who and What Is Yoon Suk-yeol?

Before we introduce Yoon Suk-yeol, we should know the unique political situation in South Korea. Many think that there is only one South Korea, but there are, de facto, two groups making up South Korea.

The first group is the closely knit pro-Japan conservative group led by the descendent of colonial collaborators who betrayed the Korean people during the 35-year Japanese colonial rule in Korea. This group is identified as the pro-Japan traitors (PJT) and it has ruled South Korea for 60 years through police, military and prosecutor dictatorship regimes supported by Washington and Tokyo.

The traitors have formed a closely integrated corrupted community and oppressed the people, violated human rights, abused power and enriched themselves through the embezzlement of tax payers’ money.

The second group consists of the rest of South Koreans who represent perhaps 80% of the South Korean population and they have been the victims of the traitors’ corruption and their abuse of power.

But, they fought back and punished all the six presidents representing the interests of the PJT. They were kicked out of their presidential office by impeachment, assassination or imprisonment.

Yoon Suk-yeol has been prosecutor all his adult life and, as the leader of the PJT, he has distinguished himself as the champion of the game of arresting and eliminating leaders and leaders to be of the opposition forces.

Yoon is not trained for political leadership. He is illiterate in politics, economics, national security or diplomacy. To make the matter worse, according to the expert of political leaders psychology, Kim Tae Hyung, Yoon is psychopathic and socio-pathetic. He dislikes the people; he is afraid of the people. He is not interested in promoting well being of the people. He does not care about his approval rate which remains at the critical of 30%.

The worst aspect of Yoon’s personality is his cowardice and toadyism. He worships the strong and he is cruel with the weak. He worships Japan and the U.S. because they are strong. He looks down on Koreans, because he thinks that they are weak. In fact, the PJT led by Yoon, who are the elite group of  South Korean society regard the rest of South Koreans as “pigs & dogs”.

Yoon’s diplomacy with Kishida and Biden reflects his perverse perception of ROK’s relations with Japan and the U.S. For him, Korea must side with Japan and the U.S. for they are strong and they can protect his government, his family and the PJT from South Koreans who are his enemies and North Koreans who are the most-anti-PJT.

Many may ask how come South Koreans voted for him and made him president. I have to write a book to explain why. But I may say that he was elected due to money, fear and ignorance.

Many voted for him, because they are paid to do so. Many selected him due to fear of losing illegal and immoral wealth which may be difficult to keep, if Lee Jae-myung is chosen. Lee represented the pro-People Democratic Party (DPK).

Many picked him, because they were made ignorant about Yoon’s lack of qualification of Yoon Suk-yeol as president due to the pro-Yoon propaganda put up by the PJT media, especially the Chosun-Ibo, Joong-ang Ilbo and Donga-Ilbo (Cho-Joong-Dong).

By the way, the Cho-Joong-Dong has played a crucial role for the defence of PJT’s dictatorship, the demonization of North Korea, the corruption of the PJT community and the vulnerability of the democracy in Korea.

As long as Cho-Jung-Dong flourish, it will be always difficult to have pro-People democracy and peaceful reunification of Korea.

What  Happened at the Yoon-Kishida Summit?

The Korea-Japan dispute is a century-old dispute between two views of Japanese colonialism.

On the one hand, there are those who argue that the Korea’s annexation to Japan of 1910 was legal and beneficial to Korea which was inferior, too backward and incapable of modernizing Korea without Japan’s intervention. Therefore, there is no need for Japan to apologise for its wrong doings against Korea and Korean people.

This is the position taken by Japan and pro-Japan conservative groups in South Korea represented by the pro-Japan civic movement called, the “New Right Movement” and the conservative government of Yoon Suk-yeol representing the People Power Party (PPP).

On the other hand, the rest of the South Korean population have an opposite view of Japanese colonialism. For them, the Korea’s annexation was illegal and Korea could modernize by itself in time.

The intensity of the Japan-Korea dispute has been growing ever since 1945. Under the pro-Japan conservative government which has ruled South Korea for 60 years since 1948, the Japan-Korea relations have been rather peaceful. But, under the nationalist democratic government which has governed South Korea for 15 years, the bilateral relations have been less peaceful.

Now, the peaceful and cooperative Japan-Korea relations have strategic importance for the American global hegemony, because the combined military forces of ROK and Japan are of vital importance in Biden’s plan to destroy China.

Therefore, Biden would have put pressure on Yoon, as the condition for being invited as state visitor, to accept Japans view of Japanese colonialism. And, Yoon has accepted Biden’s demand, because he has the same view of Japanese colonialism.

If Kishida and Yoon have the same view of Japanese colonialism and if they cooperate for the global hegemony of Washington, it would be one of Biden’s successful diplomatic accomplishments, which will give an edge in the coming presidential election.

But, Yoon is surely aware of the violent reaction of the majority of the South Korean population who have nationalistic views of Japanese colonialism. This does not seem to bother him much, because he thinks that he can silence the dissidents with prosecutors’ force.

The results of Yoon’s summit with Kishida have turned out to be what was expected. It made it clear that the Japanese colonialism was beneficial to the inferior Koreans. Yoon gave away everything which is dear to Koreans.

Yoon knows well that South Koreans will fight back. But, he does not care, because he thinks that he will be protected by Kishida and Biden, because he is riding on the wagon of China killing.

Yoon’s Gift to Kishida

The following is the list of what Japan wanted and what Yoon gave:

  • The justification of Japanese colonialism in Korea
  • The compensation payment for the labour slavery
  • The Global Security of Military Information Agreement
  • Comfort women
  • Trade sanction
  • Dokto/Takeshima Island
  • Fukushima Sea Foods


Yoon met with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan on 16 March 2023. (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Justification of Japanese Colonialism in Korea

Japan has been arguing that its colonialism in Korea was beneficial to Korea, because without Japanese colonialism, Korea could never modernize itself and develop its economy.

On August 15, 2022, at the annual commemoration day of Korea’s liberation from Japan, Yoon Suk-yeol justified, in his speech, Japan’s claim. This can be interpreted by Japan that Korea would welcome Japanese colonialism 2.0.

Compensation payment for labour slavery

During the 35-year of Japanese illegal occupation of Japan in Korea, Japan committed countless war crimes against humanity. One of these crimes was the conscription of almost one million Korean workers forced to work in Japanese mines and factories under sub-human living conditions.

The negotiation between the former slave masters (Japanese corporations) and the former slaves (Korean workers) for Japan’s sincere apology and compensation has lasted for decades.

At last, in 2018, the Supreme Court of Korea ordered two Japanese corporations- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and the Nippon Steel- to pay the compensations to the victims of the labour slavery. It was reported that these corporations were ready to pay the compensation, but the Japanese government told them not to do so.

You may not believe this. Since Japan refuses to pay the compensation to the victims, the Yoon’s government has decided to force the Korean corporation to pay the compensation. Then, Korea will ask the Japanese corporation to pay later. This is a ridiculous idea; the Japanese corporation will never pay.

Thus, the Korean corporations which have nothing to do with the labour slavery have to pay the victims of slavery imposed by Japanese corporations.

Moreover, Yoon violated the Korean constitution by disobeying the ruling of the country’s Supreme Court. This can be a reason for impeachment.

What is more shocking is this. A ranking Japanese cabinet minister says that the conscription of Korean workers never took place.

Yoon did not protest against such irresponsible declaration of a Japanese cabinet minister.

General Security of Military Information Agreement

Then, there was the issue of General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA). It is an agreement on the exchange of security related information. Under the agreement, partner countries must share security-related information after proper analysis of information.

During the Korea-Japan trade war of 2019, under the government of Moon Jse-in, Korea withdrew from the agreement, but, the agreement was restored informally.

But, this time, Yoon agreed formalized GSMIA and Korea must provide Japan with information on North Korean military activities which may be a threat to Japan and South Korea.

The agreement is a lopsided agreement, which is more beneficial to Japan.

What worries Koreans is that this agreement is likely lead to Japan-Korea military alliance which will allow the return of the Japanese military to the Korea soil. This will be never accepted by Koreans.

Comfort Women

Yoon went to Japan hoping that Japan would show remorse and apologise for raping more than 250,000 Korean girls during several years by Japanese soldiers. True, in the past, handful Japanese political leaders showed remorse:  Kono (1993), Murayama (1995), Obuchi-Kim joint declaration (1998), Koizumi (20005).

But in 2015, Shinzo Abe denied all these manifestation of apology or remorse.

Fumio Kishida, current prime minister of Japan, was asked if he would apologise for the sex slavery. He answer was that he would follow the position taken by his predecessors, but he did not say which predecessor. The predecessor was most likely Shinzo Abe. But Yoon did not protest.

So, the negotiation on the apology for sex slavery ended up with total victory of Japan. It is reported that even before the summit, Yoon sent someone to Kishida begging him to say a simple word of regret for the crime against the poor comfort girls. Kishida ignored such humiliating request.

In practical terms, Kishida was saying that the sex slavery never happened. Yoon did not protest.

Trade Sanctions

In 2019, Japan reacted violently against the Korean Supreme Court’s ruling ordering Japanese corporations who practiced labour slavery to pay the victims of labour slavery. And Japan imposed trade sanctions by restricting the exports to Korea of vital chemical product needed for the production of chips, smart phone and TVs.

Yoon announced before the summit that Japan would remove the trade sanction. But Japan said that it would consider the matter Yoon did not protest.

Dokto/Takeshima Island

There was the question of Dokto/Takeshima Island. The legal status of the Island has been the thorny issue ever since WWII. There are ample proofs that Tokto is a Korean territory. But Japan has been arguing that it is its territory usually before major elections.

For Koreans, Tokto Island is sacred. If Japan insists that it is its territory, Koreans are ready to go to war against Japan.

Thus, Tokto Island is a very delicate issue for Japan and Korea. In the past, when Japan mentions at bilateral meetings, Korean delegate reacted very strongly.

The Japanese media, including NHK reported that the issue of Dokto was discussed, but Yoon did not protest. The presidential office of Korea denies such discussion having taken place.

But, Koreans are nervous about the hidden agreement which might have been produced. When Japan put the Tokto issue on the table, the Korea delegation usually leave the meeting room. But Yoon was drinking whisky smiling with Kishida.

Japan went much further. Japan completely ignored the pride of Koreans by putting, in the school history text book, the statement that Dokto is a Japanese territory few days after the Yoon-Kishida summit. This episode is serious enough to impeach Yoon.

Fukushima Sea Foods

Japanese sources reported that Japan asked Yoon to remove the imports restriction of Fukushima’s contaminated (radioactive) marine products to Korea. Yoon is reported to have promised to consider the possibility.

In all the seven issues, Korea has gained nothing and gave everything to Japan. The summit was major victory to Japan and miserable defeat of Korea.

Kishida’s Gift to Yoo

Kishida gave nothing beneficial to Korea. What Kishida gave was the bilateral military alliance between Japan and Korea, although it was not declared.

It is by no means a gift beneficial to Korea. On the contrary, it means the possibility of forcing ROK armed forces to join the Japan-North Korea war and Sino-American war involving Taiwan.

It is not a gift given to Korea; it is a curse to Korea. Thus, Yoon got nothing form his summit with Kishida, but he gave everything to justify the Japanese colonialism and allowing Japan to consider re-colonizing Korea and Asia.

Yoon-Biden Summit

The Yoon-Kishida summit was the preparation session for the Yoon-Biden session. The outcome of this session was the undeclared Japan-ROK military alliance on the one hand, and, on the other, the integration of ROK into the Indo-Pacific Strategy of Tokyo-Washington.

This means, in more practical terms, the integration of ROK strategic high technology including chips, batteries, electric cars, and AI into the American value chain on the one hand and, on the other, the integration of ROK military forces in the U.S.-led military coalition deployed in the coming Sino-American war involving Taiwan.

In return, Yoon has asked Biden to protect his government and his family against angry South Korean people and the threat of North Korea.

The results of the Yoon-Biden summit may be measured in terms of Yoon’s gifts given to Biden on the one hand and, on the other, Biden’s gift given to Yoon.


US Secretary of State Blinken and Vice President Harris host a state dinner for Yoon, April 2023. (Licensed under the Public Domain)

Yoon’s Gift to Biden

The following is the list of Yoon’s gift to Biden:

  • Anti-Russia Behaviour
  • Anti China Statement
  • ROK Companies’ Investments in the U.S.
  • ROK Integration into Japan-U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS)
  • Japan-Korea-U.S. Military Alliance (JKUS)

Anti-Russia Behavior

Prior to Yoon’s departure, the U.S. CIA spied on the conversation among high-ranking presidential advisors of Yoon talking about the shipment of 330,000 155mm artillery munitions to Germany which will be eventually shipped to Ukraine leading to the prolongation of the war imposing heavy burden on Russia.

Vladimir Putin is quite upset, and he may take measure which will create several punitive measures taken by Russia including the violence against more than 100,000 Koreans living in Russia, expulsion of Korean firms, trade sanction against South Korea and even military threat by sending up-to date military arms to North Korea.

This decision of Yoon may please Biden, but it may cost a lot to ROK.

Anti-China Statements

Before he left for Washington, Yoon made two statements about Taiwan during the interview with the Reuters. These statements have greatly angered China.

Yoon said :”The issue of Taiwan is a global problem.” This statement implies that Yoon does not recognize the One-China policy, which the whole world including the U.S. recognizes.

He also made this statement:” The Status quo of Taiwan should not be changed by force.” This implies that China should not attack Taiwan, which is, in fact, the fixe aircraft carrier at the front door of China threatening China.

This surely pleased Biden, because China has one more enemy and the U.S. has one more anti-China friend. But, the cost which must be borne by ROK is terribly high. ROK has never had made deficit for decades. Now it has huge trade deficit mounting tens of billions of U.S. dollars due to undeclared Chinese trade sanctions against ROK.

Korean Companies’ Investments in the U.S.

Biden has adopted policies designed to promote strategic foreign investments in the territory of the U.S. These policies consist in preventing the inflow of these investments to China on the one hand, and on the other, encouraging or forcing the flow of these investments into the U.S.

Already, Korean firms have invested or will invest USD 100 billion including Hyundai’s investments in electric cars and Samsungs investments in semiconductors. American firms’ investments in Korea are no more than a few billions of USD invested by Netflix.

Despite such huge investments by Korean firms, to the dismay of Koreans, no Korean firms are qualified for tax incentives provided by virtue of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) or the CHIP & Science Act (CSA). Thus, as far as the strategic technology investments are concerned, the U.S. is a big winner and ROK is a poor loser.

Moreover, to the disappointment of Koreans, Washington forces the Koreans firms not to export semiconductors to China, while the American firms can. For instance, China forbids the U.S. firm, Micron Technology Inc. to sell their semiconductors in China, thus leading to the supply gap. Washington forbids Korean firms to fill the gap.

Here is what the Washington Declaration said about IAR and CSA:

“The two presidents committed to continue close consultation with a view to assuring these Acts (IRA and CSA) encouraging mutual beneficial corporate investments in the United States by creating predictable conditions for business activities.” (Washington Declaration)

The most amazing part of this bizarre statement is the fact that “mutual beneficial investments” are limited to the U.S., ROK is not mentioned. But, stupid Yoon signed it. Angry Koreans are asking if Yoon is really the president of South Korea.

ROK Integration into Japan-U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS)

Yoon and Biden signed a new international framework that strengthens U.S.-ROK development cooperation and “beyond.”  I presume that the “beyond” means ROK’s eventual participation in Washington’s self-proclaimed mission of destroying China.

What Biden has in mind is to bring ROK into a trilateral military alliance among Japan, Korea and the U.S. (JKUS).

The JKUS can be established through the bilateral military alliance between Japan and ROK. The military ROK-U.S. relation is not military alliance, but military partnership. On the other hand, Japan-U.S. military relation is alliance. Therefore, in this way, the JKUS military alliance becomes possible. 

Japan-Korea-U.S. Military Alliance (JKUS)

Although it is not included in the Washington Declaration (WD), the joining of ROK in the JKUS was Biden’s most rewarding fruit of the Yoon-Biden summit.

Biden knows that Quad or AUKUS forces are not strong enough for the destruction of China. ROK is 6th world military power so that the access to ROK forces is a valuable acquisition for Biden.

As for Japan, JKUS allows Japan to land on the Korean soil in case of conflict with North Korea and the imperialist Japanese conservatives may attempt to re-conquer Korea and realize its dream for the restoration of its second East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Thus, Kishida and Biden have well defined reasons for having the JKUS. But, it is tough to guess why Yoon wants to join the alliance.

Yoon should know that ROKs joining the trilateral alliance means Harakiri death of the unification of the Korea race, total destruction of its economy and, most likely the end of Korea as a nation.

Then, why? My answer is: “Because, the U.S. is God ” Yoon thinks that Whatever Washington does is good.

Biden’s Gift to Yoon

As we saw, Yoon has given a lot of goodies to Biden. These goodies are terribly expensive; indeed, it can destroy Korea as a nation. So, Biden should have given Yoon a nice and expensive gift which was asked by Yoon.

The gift asked by Yoon was JKUS which would protect his government, his family and his friends of pro-Japan corrupted conservatives from South Koreans and North Koreans.

Yoon has many reasons to be afraid of South Koreans. Since he became president, he applied the worst form of neo-liberalism giving billions of dollars worth of tax credits and grants to big corporations, deeply cutting budget for people’s welfare, killing 158 children in Itaewon, violating freedom of press, arresting innocent people and, above all, allowing his wife’s interference in governmental actions under the influence of “mudang” (fortune teller).

Imagine this. Now, people call Mrs. Yoon as president and Yoon as the president’s husband.

South Koreans have had enough with Yoon, his wife and his government.  Several millions of South Koreans have been going down to the streets and shout “Impeach Traitor Yoon!” “Put Lee Gun-hee to prison!” Lee Gun-hee is Yoon’s wife.

Under such circumstance, it is normal that he is seeking the political and even physical protection from the angry South Korean people. But, I am not sure how Kishida or Biden can protect Yoon.

However, the worst enemy for Yoon is North Korea. It is possible that the world thinks that all South Koreas are afraid of North Korea. On the country, most of South Koreans do not consider North Koreans as their enemies, because they are their brothers and sisters.

As pointed out above Yoon is the leader of the corrupted pro-Japan traitors, while North Korea’s society is composed of the descendents of patriots who fought against the Japanese rulers.

Koreans in the North and the South think that the unification of Koreas is difficult to realize due to the objection by the PJT, who were supposed to be punished after the Pacific War, but they were not punished due to the American military government in Korea (1945-1948).

If Koreas are unified, the PJT led by Yoon will be first target of punishment. This is why Yoon is afraid of North Korea. This is why he asks the protection by Japan and the U.S. by joining the JKUS.

In order to protect himself and his government, Yoon even thought of developing nuclear arms in South Korea, but South Korea has signed the NPT. Since South Korea cannot develop its own nuclear arms, Yoon asked strengthened American nuclear umbrella.

Biden offered two things: the deployment of strategic assets to the Korean peninsula such as nuclear submarines in case of North Korean nuclear attack and the creation of the Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG).

The NCG means that Seoul may be consulted for Washington’s nuclear programs. Korea being only a mere consultant will have no significant input to Washington’s nuclear war plan.

The deployment of the strategic assets will be done, if and when North Korea attacks South Korea with nuclear weapons. But, this has no practical value, because North Korea will not attack South Korea with nuclear weapons, unless provoked. Besides, if North Korea attacks, the half of South Korea will be destroyed before the arrival of the strategic assets.

Therefore, the best way of protecting Yoon’s government is to co-exist with North Korea through the peace process.

Indeed, in the Washington Declaration, Yoon and Biden point out the importance of the peace process, although they continued their demonization of North Korea. Every knows that what Yoon and Biden want is the regime change of North Korea.

To sum up, Yoon’s diplomacy with Kishida and Biden has ended up by giving everything and getting nothing. Yoon has given absolution to Japan for its crimes against Korea. Yoon did even worse. He admitted that Koreans are inferior to the Japanese so that Japan’s re-colonization of Korea is justified.

Yoon made Korean diplomacy dependent on Washington and accepted to become eventual proxy worrier for the power and the glory of Uncle Sam.

Yoon’s diplomacy has accelerated the destruction of the Korea economy by inviting angry reaction of China and Russia on the on hand and, on the other, by inducing foreign investments to leave  Korea due to the uncertainty and the instability of investment market created by Yoon’s dismal diplomacy.

Moreover, Yoon’s diplomacy has made the security of ROK more vulnerable and the integration of ROK’s into the Eurasian economy has become more difficult.

The Impact of Yoon’s Diplomacy

Yoon and his misguided advisors may think that the reward for Yoon’s diplomacy is the Japan-Korea-US (JKUS) military alliance.

Is the JKUS really a reward? If it is, whose reward is it? Surely, it is a big gains for the U.S. because it can send the mighty Korean army to the Sino-China war.

It is strategic reward for Kishida, because the JKUS allows the Japanese army to land on the Korean peninsula and even contemplate the re-colonization of Korea with the help of pro-Japan Koreans.

Now as for Korea, the JKUS is not a reward, on the contrary, it is a curse. It can induce Washington to launch shooting a Sino-American war with proxy soldiers from Japan and Korea.

The Korean War 2.0 and the Sino-American war could potentially lead to a third world war and the utter destruction of Korea.

Yoon’s pathologic diplomacy can even lead to the end of the world. Therefore, he must be removed from his presidential office and his irresponsible advisors should be severely punished.

Fortunately, the candle-light demonstration is getting strength and it is hoped that Yoon and his government will be taken down soon.


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Dr. Joseph H. Chung is economic professor at Quebec University in Montreal (UQAM), member of the Research Center of Integration and Globalization (CEIM-UQAM) He is Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Yoon takes the presidential oath of office outside the National Assembly, 10 May 2022 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

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Canada Must Condemn Israel’s Assassination of Palestinians and Their Families in Gaza

By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, May 10, 2023

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is calling on the Canadian government to condemn Israel’s unprovoked acts of aggression in the occupied Gaza Strip. Overnight, Israel unilaterally broke its ceasefire with Islamic Jihad to conduct extrajudicial killings of three of its leaders, deliberately targeting units in residential buildings and killing them with their families as they slept.

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Canada Must Condemn Israel’s Assassination of Palestinians and Their Families in Gaza

May 10th, 2023 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is calling on the Canadian government to condemn Israel’s unprovoked acts of aggression in the occupied Gaza Strip. Overnight, Israel unilaterally broke its ceasefire with Islamic Jihad to conduct extrajudicial killings of three of its leaders, deliberately targeting units in residential buildings and killing them with their families as they slept. 13 Palestinians were killed in the attack, including 4 children and 4 women, and another 18 were injured. Further casualties have been reported from renewed airstrikes today. In addition to a formal condemnation, CJPME urges Canada to immediately suspend all military trade with Israel, among other concrete measures to hold Israeli officials accountable for this massacre.

“Once again, Israel has recklessly and illegally assassinated several Palestinians in Gaza, deliberately targeting them alongside their families,” said Michael Bueckert, Vice President of CJPME. “These atrocities must be condemned by Canada in the strongest terms, and concrete action must be taken to discourage further Israeli aggression,” added Bueckert. CJPME notes that Israel’s extrajudicial killings and acts of violence targeting civilians blatantly violate international law.

Israel’s reckless attack on Gaza violates a week-old ceasefire and is likely to escalate into further violence against civilians. This echoes a similar chain of events in August of 2022 when Israel launched an unprovoked assault which lasted 3 days and killed 49 Palestinians, including 17 children. Israel has named the current assault “Operation Shield and Arrow,” and is evacuating hundreds of Israeli citizens away from the Gaza boundary in preparation for escalation. Meanwhile, Israel has closed all crossings to Gaza, in an act of collective punishment against the entire civilian population which is likely to have severe humanitarian consequences.

CJPME urges Canada to respond to Israeli aggression and violations of international law by implementing the following concrete solutions:

  • Canada should formally condemn Israel’s act of aggression to deter Israel from escalating violence against the people of Gaza;
  • Canada should suspend all military trade with Israel, and make sure that made-in-Canada weapons are not being used against civilians in Gaza;
  • Canada should demand an immediate and permanent end to Israel’s brutal and illegal 15-year blockade of Gaza;
  • Canada should fully support the investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into possible war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories, and urge the ICC to include Israel’s recent actions in its investigation.


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According to mainstream media, the Ukraine war is going well and Russia will be solidly defeated. We just need to give Ukraine the means they need to prevail. However, based on an enormous leak of secret documents, that’s false information

The documents reveal political leaders are lying about the state of Ukraine’s war effort and its potential for winning against Russia. It appears the two adversaries have reached a stalemate that neither side can break. As a result, the war is likely to become a protracted one

Documents also reveal NATO countries, including the U.K. and U.S., have sent 97 special forces to Ukraine. This is in addition to the CIA personnel, military trainers and Pentagon contractors sent previously, and the 20,000 troops from the 82nd and 101st Airborne Brigades already deployed to the border of Poland and Ukraine

In mid-April 2023, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a Privileged Resolution of Inquiry to force President Biden to disclose the number of U.S. military personnel in Ukraine and the full extent of the administration’s plans to assist Ukraine militarily

U.S. intelligence agencies are also reportedly confused about Biden’s plan. According to investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, U.S. intelligence sources claim a “total breakdown of trust” between the White House and elements of the U.S. intelligence community, as the administration continues to lie and withhold information about its plans. Sources also warn there’s “zero” leadership within the current administration


According to mainstream media, the Ukraine war is going well and Russia will be solidly defeated. We just have to give Ukraine the means they need to prevail. However, as reported by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies in an April 24, 2023, article in Salon magazine,1 based on an “enormous leak of secret documents,” “that now looks like disinformation.” Who is surprised?

“President Biden dismissed the leaks as revealing nothing of ‘great consequence,’”Benjamin and Davies write.2

“What these documents reveal, however, is that the war is going worse for Ukraine than our political leaders have admitted to us, while going badly for Russia too, so that neither side is likely to break the stalemate this year and this will likely lead to ‘a protracted war beyond 2023,’ as one of the documents says.

The publication of these assessments should lead to renewed calls for our government to level with the public about what it realistically hopes to achieve by prolonging the bloodshed, and why it continues to reject the resumption of the promising peace negotiations it blocked in April 2022.

We believe that blocking those talks was a dreadful mistake … and that current U.S. policy is compounding that mistake at the cost of tens of thousands more Ukrainian lives and the destruction of even more of their country.”

False Accounting on Both Sides

According to the leaked documents — allegedly obtained and published on social media by a 21-year-old National Guard member in a foolish attempt to impress friends — both the Russians and the Ukrainians have systematically exaggerated enemy casualties while lowballing their own. 

Not surprisingly, the U.S. has publicly promoted the idea that Russia has suffered greater casualties than Ukraine, “deliberately skewing public perceptions to support the notion that Ukraine can somehow win the war, as long as we just keep sending more weapons,” Salon reports.3

Some of the leaked war documents estimate the death toll on both sides of the conflict is upward of 100,000, and when you include the wounded, that number may be as high as 350,000.

The documents also predict Ukraine’s death toll may rise exponentially in May or June because, by then, Ukraine will have used up the air defense missiles provided by NATO, which make up 89% of its air defense. At that point, Ukraine will become vulnerable “to the full strength of the Russian air force,” Salon reports.

What’s more, according to one document,4 nine brigades that are being trained in Poland, Romania, and Slovenia for a “spring offensive” scheduled for July or August 2023 had only half the equipment needed and had received only 15% of the necessary battle training by the end of February.

A second document claimed the spring offensive was scheduled to begin at the end of April, which didn’t happen. Either way, if the offensive does get launched earlier rather than later, that would mean many of the troops might not be fully trained by the time they’re deployed. As reported by Benjamin and Davies:5

“The leaked documents conclude that ‘enduring Ukrainian deficiencies in training and munitions supplies probably will strain progress and exacerbate casualties during the offensive,’ and that the most likely outcome remains only modest territorial gains.”

That said, Russia still does not have 100% control over Bakhmut despite months of fighting, which suggests Russia is struggling with deficiencies of its own. Taken together, one of the leaked documents predicts the war is “likely heading toward a stalemate” as both sides are becoming locked into a “grinding campaign of attrition.”6 

Are We Headed for World War?

Another leaked document also reveals NATO countries, including the U.K. and U.S., have sent 97 special forces to Ukraine. This is in addition to the CIA personnel, military trainers and Pentagon contractors sent previously, and the 20,000 troops from the 82nd and 101st Airborne Brigades already deployed to the border of Poland and Ukraine.7,8

Some U.S. Congress members have expressed worry about the ramifications of continued U.S. involvement in the conflict. In mid-April 2023, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a Privileged Resolution of Inquiry9,10 to force President Biden to disclose the number of U.S. military personnel in Ukraine and the full extent of the administration’s plans to assist Ukraine militarily. As noted in a Congressional press release:11

“… the resolution directs Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to disclose the number of United States Armed Forces, including special operators, deployed to Ukraine without Congressional authority.

In order to comply with the resolution, the President and Secretary of Defense must send the requested documents to the House of Representatives within 14 days of its adoption …

‘The Biden Administration and other allied countries have been misleading the world on the state of the war in Ukraine. There must be total transparency from this administration to the American people when they are gambling war with a nuclear adversary by having special forces operating in Ukraine …

My Privileged Resolution of Inquiry will better inform the Congress and the country on the true state of our military’s involvement in the war,’ said Congressman Gaetz.”

Biden Displays Frighteningly Poor Leadership

Apparently, U.S. intelligence agencies are also confused about Biden’s plan, if there is one. According to a report by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, U.S. intelligence sources claim a “total breakdown of trust” between the White House and elements of the U.S. intelligence community:12

“The intelligence officials told me that ‘there is no evidence that any senior official in the White House really knows what’s going on in the 82nd and 101st. Are they there as part of a NATO exercise or to serve with NATO combat units if the West decides to engage Russians units inside Ukraine?

Are they there to train or to be a trigger? The rules of engagement say they can’t attack Russians unless our boys are getting attacked.’ ‘But the juniors are running the show here,’ the official added.

‘There’s no NSC coordination and the U.S. army is getting ready to go to war. There’s no idea whether the White House knows what’s going on. Has the president gone to the American people with an informative broadcast about what is going on? The only briefings the press and the public get today are from White House spokespeople. ‘This is not just bad leadership. There is none. Zero.’”

US Taxpayers Bled Dry in Money Laundering Operation

Biden also appears to be completely unconcerned about the fact that the Ukrainian government is stealing from U.S. taxpayers. As reported by Hersh, the U.S. is paying for the diesel the Ukrainian army needs.

But, members of the Ukrainian government are skimming millions of dollars in the process by purchasing discounted fuel from Russia via front companies set up in Poland and Czechia. In 2022, CIA analysts estimated the amount of embezzled funds had already reached $400 million, if not more. Hersh writes:13

“The issue of corruption was directly raised with Zelensky in a meeting last January in Kiev with CIA director William Burns. His message to the Ukrainian president, I was told by an intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting, was out of a 1950s mob movie.

The senior generals and government officials in Kiev were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed … because ‘he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals.’”

In short, the Ukraine war is looking more and more like a money laundering operation in which U.S. tax dollars are being intentionally stolen for private enrichment.

‘Breakdown of Trust’ Between White House and US Intelligence

Biden’s lack of leadership and his blatant acceptance of the corruption in Ukraine aren’t the only things undermining trust among members of the U.S. intelligence community. According to Hersh’s sources, the lack of political skill shown by Secretary of State Tony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is also causing serious problems.

Biden, Blinken and Sullivan “live in different worlds than the experienced diplomats and military and intelligence officers assigned to the White House,” Hersh writes.14 According to one intelligence official:

“They have no experience, judgment and moral integrity. They just tell lies, make up stories. Diplomatic deniability is something else.”

Biden’s decision to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines without conferring with the intelligence community is another sticking point. “Destroying the Nord Stream pipelines was never discussed, or even known in advance, by the [intelligence] community,” Hersh’s source told him.

Biden clearly has no strategy for ending the Ukraine war. At the same time, intelligence officers warn Hersh that the National Intelligence Estimate process has also seized up, so the U.S. has no plan for how to respond if China invades Taiwan, for example.

The Power of Leaks

In an April 25, 2023, Washington Post article,15 Daniel Ellsberg, responsible for leaking the Pentagon Papers some 50 years ago, spoke to journalist Devlin Barrett about the latest disclosure of classified information.

Ellsberg, now 92 years old, is dying of pancreatic cancer. In 1971, while working at the Pentagon as a nuclear war planner,16 he leaked a large cache of secret government documents showing the U.S. administrations knew full well we were losing the Vietnam War and kept lying to the American public about the state of the war effort. He sees the same thing happening today. He told Barrett the war in Ukraine:

“… feels very similar to Vietnam. The war is stalemated, that seems so obvious now except for the fact that both sides totally deny it. What these new leaks show is what the Pentagon Papers showed, that the insiders all know that. They know that they are fighting a stalemate.”

A Conspiracy to Commit Omnicide

As reported by Counterpunch,17 in the five decades since Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, he’s been arrested more than 80 times for civil disobedience against war. In a recent podcast (video above), Ellsberg discussed how “nuclear war planners, of which I was one,” are conspiring to “commit omnicide, or near omnicide … the death of everyone.”

“When Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971, Henry Kissinger (then President Nixon’s national security advisor) called him ‘the most dangerous man in America.’ But those closely held secrets of the war in Vietnam were less explosive than the nuclear secrets that Ellsberg held in his safe,” Counterpunch writes.18

“Then a top strategist for the Defense Department, he had been party to plans for a nuclear holocaust. After being buried for safekeeping, those documents disappeared in a hurricane that literally blew away his secrets, but that didn’t dampen Ellsberg’s desire to share what he knew.

At 92, with mind sharp as ever, Ellsberg remains an undisputed expert on ‘national security.’ In this unusual illustrated podcast,19 he shares his unvarnished thoughts about the threat of nuclear annihilation and how it might be defused.

Can we simply ignore the reality of the world’s largest nuclear arsenals on hair-trigger alert — amid escalation of a new cold war with heightened nuclear dangers?

Indeed, the U.S. just enacted its biggest military budget in history, with unprecedented investment in weapons of mass destruction and their deployment. We ignore this impending disaster and its impassioned opponent, Daniel Ellsberg, at our own peril.”

Lies, Lies and More Lies

As previously detailed in “Lies Surrounding the Ukraine War” and “How This US Lie Will Likely Lead to War,” government lies, and the media’s complicity, are now threatening the lives of people around the world. According to the official narrative, the Ukraine war is the result of an unprovoked and unjustified invasion by Russia, but that’s simply not true.

The real trigger was NATO’s decision to allow Ukraine to join. Russia has long been very clear about the fact that it will not allow Ukraine to join NATO, for the simple fact that it would place a NATO military presence right on its border. Russia wants Ukraine to remain an independent “buffer zone” between itself and NATO countries.

Would the U.S. allow Mexico to form a military alliance with China and install Chinese military at our southern border? That’s highly unlikely, yet that’s what NATO is pursuing in Ukraine.

Since Russia’s entry into Ukraine, the U.S. has done nothing but push for the escalation of conflict, to the point that we’re now hearing predictions about nuclear war. Why would we take such risks? To take a stand for Ukraine’s “right” to join NATO? What about the existential threat that poses to Russia? Any diplomatic solution will have to take the interests of both parties into account. Since NATO is refusing to do so, what choice does Russia have, really?

What’s more, the U.S. has poured billions of tax dollars into Ukraine, ostensibly to help Ukraine “fight for freedom and preserve democracy,” yet Ukraine has long been deemed one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and no one knows where all this money is going. It’s no surprise then to find that hundreds of millions of dollars have simply been embezzled. Yet the White House keeps insisting we send more. To what end, exactly?

The White House also denied responsibility for blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline — which is nothing short of an attack on NATO allies — even after evidence of its culpability came out.

According to Hersh, the “why” behind Biden’s decision to blow up the pipelines was threefold. First, it would massively impact Russia’s economy. Second, eliminating Germany’s and Western Europe’s ability to buy low-cost gas from Russia would force them to buy U.S. gas. And third, he feared Europe would be reluctant to supply Ukraine with money and weapons if they were reliant on Russian gas.

World War — Part 2 of The Great Reset Plan

All in all, the Biden administration appears hell-bent on escalating the conflict in Ukraine. The question is why, when escalation would likely turn into a nuclear world war? Is that what they want? And if so, why?

Russia’s perspective is that it’s fighting an existential threat in Ukraine. Meanwhile, evidence suggests the basis for the United States’ interest in, and defense of, Ukraine is related to it being a valuable money laundering hub and, potentially, a secret biological weapons manufacturing ally.

Moreover, let’s not forget that Biden’s decision to send U.S. Armed Forces, including special forces, to Ukraine took place without Congressional oversight or authority.

As Americans, we cannot be naïve about any of this, seeing how it’s our lives that will be destroyed were Russia to send nuclear missiles our way. Europeans also need to search their souls to determine whether protecting Deep State interests is really worth the price.

As reviewed in a previous article, world war appears to be Phase 2 of The Great Reset plan, which includes the destruction of supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and workforce, to create dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy.

Putting an end to the Ukraine war could go a long way toward thwarting that plan. At bare minimum, it would drastically delay the final implementation of The Great Reset, giving us time to work out other solutions.


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1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Salon April 24, 2023

4 US Allied & Partner UAF Combat Power Build Document

7 Responsible State Craft April 18, 2023

8, 12, 13, 14 Seymour Hersh Substack April 12, 2023

9 Privileged Resolution of Inquiry

10, 11 Matt Gaetz April 17, 2023

15 Washington Post April 25, 2023 (Archived)

16, 17, 18 Counterpunch April 27, 2023

19 Defuse Nuclear War Podcast

Featured image is from Mercola

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The last three years and the forced bioweapon injections have been shocking and grotesque; but the perpetrators of these crimes and their meat puppets infesting governments and medical regulators are not new.

The last three years have also revealed who will fight for our rights and our children’s future. Ted Kuntz is top tier in that group.

Ted Kuntz is the president of Vaccine Choice Canada.

More than thirty years ago, Ted’s beautiful happy healthy son, suffered severe damage following a vaccine, and became very handicapped for the rest of his very difficult life. Ted nursed and loved his son for many years until his death.

Ted remains at the forefront of the fight to ensure informed consent is a reality. The need for  informed consent, implies the very necessary right of informed refusal.

As WEF pedophile infiltrated institutions make a mockery of human life , and profit while vandalizing our children, and virtually everything on Earth; Ted continues to stand his ground, and I, like many other admiring friends, stand with him.

Here is Ted’s testimony to the National Citizens Inquiry in Vancouver. His knowledge and wisdom  are invaluable, especially at this time.

Vaccine Choice Canada’s Ted Kuntz: The lack of safety, efficacy, and informed consent for childhood vaccines. | Vancouver Day 3 | NCI

In his presentation, Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada, discusses the lack of safety, efficacy, and informed consent for childhood vaccines dating back decades. Watch as he provides evidence and insights into this ongoing issue.

Global Child Alert from Dr Trozzi and the World Council For Health. Includes a concise exposing of 100 years of evidence against vaccines. 

There are more National Citizens Inquiry hearings happening across Canada in the weeks ahead. To learn more, get involved, watch recordings, register to attend live hearings, watch on line, donate to support the NCI, sign our petition and more, go to

National Citizen Inquiry Hearings Locations and Dates:

  • Toronto, Ontario. March 30 @ 9:00 am – April 1 @ 5:00 pm
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba. April 13 @ 9:00 am – April 15 @ 5:00 pm
  • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. April 20 @ 9:00 am – April 22 @ 5:00 pm
  • Red Deer, Alberta. April 26 @ 9:00 am – April 28 @ 5:00 pm
  • Vancouver, British Columbia. May 2 @ 9:00 am – May 5 @ 5:00 pm
  • Quebec. May 11 @ 9:00 am – May 13 @ 5:00 p
  • Ottawa, Ontario. May 17 @ 9:00 am – May 19 @ 5:00 pm


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Biden Nukes Korea, Builds Anti-China Alliances

May 10th, 2023 by Gary Wilson

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On April 26, in the “Washington Declaration,” the Biden administration announced that the U.S. would be docking nuclear-armed submarines in South Korea for the first time since the 1980s. The U.S. had withdrawn its open nuclear weapons from South Korea in 1992 with the “Joint Declaration of South and North Korea on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” treaty.

Although it was widely believed that the U.S. continued to secretly deploy nuclear weapons in Korea, this move by the Biden administration is a blatant violation of the denuclearization treaty.

The deployment of nuclear-armed submarines is an escalation bringing the Korean peninsula to the “brink of a nuclear war,” the Korean Central News Agency reported on May 1.

“So far, the U.S. has staged large-scale combined military exercises and all sorts of war drills against the DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea],” the Pyongyang daily Rodong Sinmun reported on May 1, referring to the mass flight of U.S. Air Force nuclear-capable B52 bombers over the Korean peninsula on April 5. Now, the U.S. is “deploying strategic nuclear bombers, nuclear carrier task forces and even strategic nuclear submarines near the territorial waters of the DPRK and makes it public.”

The U.S. has not attempted to conceal that the exercises were intended to simulate an attack on the DPRK.

Rodong Sinmun continues, “What is more serious is that U.S. President Biden dared to make frantic and reckless remarks about ‘the end of regime’ [of] the DPRK while becoming vociferous about a ‘swift, overwhelming and decisive response’ at a press conference after the talks.”

North Korean leader Kim Yo Jong said Biden’s threat should not be dismissed as simply a “nonsensical remark from the person in his dotage.”

She said, “When we consider that this expression was personally used by the president of the U.S., our most hostile adversary, it is threatening rhetoric for which he should be prepared for far too great an after-storm.”

The more the U.S. is “dead set on staging nuclear war exercises, and the more nuclear assets they deploy in the vicinity of the Korean peninsula, the stronger the exercise of our right to self-defense will become in direct proportion to them.”

Third-largest U.S. military occupation

According to data from the Pentagon, about 30,000 U.S. troops are stationed in South Korea, the third-largest military presence outside the country after Japan and Germany. In addition, U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) operates about 90 combat planes, 40 attack helicopters, 50 tanks, and some 60 Patriot missile launchers.

The “Washington Declaration” was part of a summit between President Biden and South Korea’s far-right President Yoon Suk Yeol.

“According to the New England Korea Peace Campaign, Boston Candlelight Action Committee, and Massachusetts Peace Action, which are preparing to hold a protest on Friday, April 28, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, during Yoon’s visit to Harvard, ‘Since entering office, Yoon’s right-wing administration has expanded costly and provocative U.S.-ROK military exercises, heightened tensions with North Korea, rolled back workers’ rights, threatened to abolish the ministry of gender equality, and has taken many other actions to undermine struggles for peace and justice in South Korea,’” Simone Chun reports

“Yoon’s state visit comes at a time when South Korea is experiencing unprecedented crises on the political, economic, and national security fronts as a consequence of the Biden administration’s unrelenting pressure on South Korea to join the U.S. anti-China bloc,” Chun adds.

The joint statement issued by Biden and Yoon Suk Yeol did not explicitly mention China, but it did make several references to the “free and open Indo-Pacific,” which is seen by many as a code phrase for “containing” China.

The statement also declared, “The Presidents reiterated the importance of preserving peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity in the region.”

Ending ‘One China’ policy

The U.S. is now targeting Taiwan, virtually ending the “One China” policy that recognizes that Taiwan is part of China. In recent years, the U.S. has increased arms sales to Taiwan, sent high-level officials and Congressional delegations, and conducted joint military exercises with Taiwan. In addition, the U.S. has quadrupled the number of U.S. troops on the island.

Washington is building a system of alliances throughout the Indo-Pacific as part of its war buildup against China. These alliances include the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) — Australia, India, Japan, and the U.S. — and the AUKUS pact made up of Australia, Britain, and the U.S.

On April 11, Al Jazeera reported that the U.S. and the Philippines began their largest-ever military drills, including a live-fire exercise on a ship in the South China Sea.

The drills, known as Balikatan, have about 12,200 U.S. troops, 5,400 Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) members, and representatives from other countries, including Australia. Balikatan means “shoulder to shoulder” in Tagalog.

The Philippines recently agreed to allow the U.S. access to more military bases under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). Nine EDCA bases are planned, with four directly facing Taiwan. The Philippines is also increasing military ties with Japan.

Biden has persisted in his aggressive rhetoric on Taiwan. He told CBS News last September that he would send U.S. troops to “defend” Taiwan. Then, in a significant break with the longstanding U.S. “One China” policy, he added: “Taiwan makes their own judgments about their independence… That’s their decision.” 

Of course, Taiwan is part of China and not “independent.” Any U.S. military invasion to “defend” Taiwan would be an act of war against China.

China is not an imperialist power

As Foreign Policy magazine noted recently, “China is not a superpower.” The report uses the term superpower to avoid the more direct and accurate phrase imperialist power, which the U.S. tries to deny. 

“The United States is undoubtedly a superpower, with a worldwide network of alliance agreements and overseas bases enabling it to deploy and move forces rapidly between various theaters,” FP reports. “China, however, is only a regional power. It wields global economic power and influence, but the geographic reach of its military is largely limited to the Asian and Indo-Pacific theaters.”

The United States has direct and unhindered access to the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans. China has limited access to the Pacific and is mostly hemmed in by major island chains it does not control.

Imperialist “gunboat diplomacy” requires boats, and airplanes need airfields to operate in far-flung regions. China has none of them, either.

China has only one overseas base — its naval facility in Djibouti, staffed with 400 Chinese marines.

While the U.S. Navy plows the world’s oceans daily, the Chinese navy conducts missions only in its own Indo-Pacific area.

A superpower means military and economic dominance over other countries, which China has never had. The U.S., in contrast, has hegemonic dominance over countries in every continent because no other state is in a position to challenge its dominance, FP concludes.


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Featured image: The U.S. is docking nuclear-armed submarines in South Korea for the first time since the 1980s. Photo: U.S. Navy

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The annual Victory Day remembrance was marred by an announcement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky today that his country intended to change the day that it celebrated the defeat of Nazi Germany.

The Soviet Union commemorated May 9 as Victory in Europe Day because, with time zone differences, that was the date the Nazi surrender was signed.

Russia has continued the tradition since the fall of the Soviet Union while western Europe marks the surrender on May 8.

The Soviet Union lost about 27 million troops and civilians during the war, by far the largest number of casualties of any nation in the conflict.

The attack by the Nazis in 1941 was the largest invasion in history and involved millions of troops.

The Red Army bore the brunt of vicious fighting in Europe for the next four years. After suffering severe hardship to the population, including the loss of more than half a million people at the brutal siege of Stalingrad, it managed to drive the Nazis back.

But Mr Zelensky said:

“Today I am submitting a Bill to the Verkhovna Rada [parliament] of Ukraine proposing that May 8 be the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in the Second World War of 1939-1945.”

Mr Zelensky said that Ukraine, like western European nations, would instead adopt May 9 as Europe Day, a celebration of “peace and unity in Europe.”

Russia’s Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova attacked the move. Ms Zakharova said:

“What could be worse than an enemy? A traitor. This is Zelensky. The new incarnation of Judas in the 21st century.

She said:

“By cancelling Victory Day on May 9, he betrayed his ancestors once and for all.”


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The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Solution

May 10th, 2023 by Dean Henderson

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First published on June 26, 2011.

Read Part I, II and III:

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

By Dean Henderson, May 06, 2023

History: The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild

By Dean Henderson, May 08, 2023

The Federal Reserve Cartel. The Roundtable and The Illuminati

By Dean Henderson, May 09, 2023

Thomas Jefferson opined of the Rothschild-led Eight Families central banking cartel which came to control the United States, “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but a series of oppressions begun at a distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery”.

Two centuries and a few decades later this same cabal of trillionaire money changers – mysteriously immune from their own calls for “broad sacrifice” – utilizes the debt lever to ring concessions from the people of Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and now the United States.

In their never-ending quest to subjugate the planet, the bankers’ IMF enforcer – chronic harasser of Third World governments – has turned its sites on the developed world. To further advance their dizzying concentration of economic power, the whining banksters take a giant wrecking ball to the global middle class as they prepare to eat their young.

No one can argue that the US deficit is not a problem. Much of it accrues paying interest on the $14 trillion debt. Stooped-over Congressional cartel shills with names like Cantor and Boehner argue for slashing entire government departments to satiate the bloodthirsty bond-holders. Liberals argue for higher taxes on the rich and massive Pentagon cuts.

I agree with these latter proposals. The super-rich paid 90% under Eisenhower and 72% under Nixon. Both were Republicans. They now pay 33%. Most corporations and many elites utilize offshore tax havens and pay nothing.

The argument for progressive taxation is that those who benefit more from government should pay more. Cartel apologists propagate the fiction that the poor soak up middle-class tax dollars, sowing division between the poor and middle class. Meanwhile, the Eight Families financial octopus feeds mightily at the public trough be it the SEC (rich investors), the FCC (Gulfstream jet fliers), the USDA (the richest farmers get the biggest checks), Medicaid (insurance fraud, Big Pharma gouging) or the Pentagon (Lockheed Martin, Halliburton, Blackwater).

Still, $14 trillion is an insurmountable debt. Increasing taxes on the super-rich combined with a global American military withdrawal from its current role as Hessianized mercenary force for the City of London banksters, while welcome, will not be enough to deal with this monster debt, what Jefferson termed, this “deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery”.

The belt-way dialogue on the deficit remains locked in a tiny intellectual box created by the corporate media and their Federal Reserve cartel owners. But there is another way.

It is a myth that most of that $14 trillion debt is owed to the Chinese or other “governments”. The vast majority – around $10 trillion – is owed to the Eight Families Federal Reserve crowd.

In a June 9, 2011 article for Marketwatch, Unicredit’s Chief US Economist Harm Bandholz stated that the Federal Reserve is the largest holder of US debt with around 14% of the total. This does not include debt held by Rothschild-controlled central banks of other nations – including China, Japan and the GCC oil fiefdoms.

Through the recent QE2 program, the Fed purchased another $600 billion in Treasury bonds. They claimed it was a last ditch attempt to save the global economy from deflation. Instead, the banksters who got the interest free taxpayer-backed money pushed us further towards deflation by refusing to lend their welfare bonanza to potential homeowners or small business.

Conversely and inherent in the printing of zero-interest money, they created inflation – speculating in oil, food and gold futures and rolling this increased US debt on the roulette tables at their various wholly-owned global stock exchanges. Is it any wonder the financial parasite class is now clamoring for QE3?

What follows is a ten-step proposal which President Obama and the Congress could enact to lift the $14 trillion debt from the backs of future generations of Americans. These should be done concurrently as part of a single sweeping financial reform bill. Modeled after last week’s release of strategic petroleum reserves by twenty-seven nations, this measure should be enacted in tandem with as many willing nations as possible. The same Rothschild-led cabal controls the central banks of most every nation and there is power in numbers. If these measures are enacted separately or by only one nation, the Eight Families cartel will use their financial clout to target and destroy the US:

1) Introduce a Treasury Department-administered infrastructure investment fund, which workers should be strongly encouraged to opt into using accrued funds from their private 401K plans. This is important because the banker’s stock market casino will crash due to the next nine steps and workers must be shielded from this event. This fund can be used to rebuild America’s infrastructure, with American workers acting as lenders and receiving a fair rate of interest in return.

2) The US needs to withdraw from the Bank of International Settlements, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the IMF and all Eight Families-controlled multilateral lending facilities. We would save billions funding these banker welfare schemes while freeing ourselves from rules which prevent our financial emancipation.

3) De-link the dollar from all currency baskets and IMF special drawing rights. Ban trade in dollars on all global exchanges. This will create a demand for dollars and strengthen our badly devalued currency. Impose currency controls by fixing the dollar at 1:1 euro, Chinese yuan, Canadian dollar and Swiss franc; 100:1 Japanese yen. During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad fixed the nation’s currency – the ringit. It was the only currency in the region that did not crash when Rothschild front-man George Soros took aim at the region.

4) Nationalize the Federal Reserve. According to a London barrister I have been in contact with, under the Federal Reserve Act there is a provision that allows for the US government to buy back the Fed’s charter for $4 billion. We should pay this fee, revoke the Fed charter and launch a new US dollar issued by the Treasury Department. With the dollar fixed, the vampires cannot crash it.

5) Cancel the $10 trillion debt to the Illuminati bankers. Debt obligations to foreign governments and small bond-holders should be honored at par.

6) Arrest the perpetrators. Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law all fraudulent transactions involving the Fed cartel. Send the FBI to the New York Fed. Seize all documents. Confiscate the world’s largest gold reserves which are stored there. These were stolen from various governments including from our own Ft. Knox reserves.

7) Forget just repealing the Bush tax cuts on the rich. The top tax rate on people who make more than $1 million/ year should be raised to 75%. People making more than $500,000/year should pay 50%. All tax brackets below $75,000/year should see tax cuts. If you get more from government you need to pay for it, instead of soaking the middle-class and blaming it on the poor.

8) Slash Pentagon spending. Shut down all US military bases on foreign soil, including those in Europe, Japan and South Korea. Withdraw ALL troops from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately. Use the savings to pay off government and small bond-holders.

9) Outlaw offshore banking by US citizens and corporations. Bring your money home and pay taxes on it or surrender your US passport/corporate charter. The dramatic increase in tax revenue would be enough to pay off the remaining debt to sovereign governments and small bond-holders, while keeping our obligations to the Social Security trust fund.

10) Introduce single-payer health care and price controls on prescription drugs. The current corporate for-profit health care bonanza depends upon sickness and ill health for its hefty profits. In 2006 Canada government spent $3,678 per person for free single-payer coverage for all its citizens. The US government spent $6,714 per person covering the insurance, pharmaceutical, hospital and AMA cartels. The savings attained from eliminating insurance/pharmaceutical/hospital chain/doctor-perpetrated Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security fraud will save the US Treasury billions. It is the only solution to skyrocketing and unsustainable health care costs.

Using this methodology the US could wipe out both its deficit and its debt within a year. These measures should be planned in secret and introduced swiftly and in rapid succession. Social security and Medicare will be saved. The middle class will see their tax rates go down, while their retirement fund finances the rebuilding of a 21st Century America. Manufacturing jobs will come home, since the Chinese yuan will have seen a dramatic appreciation. Our national security will be enhanced by withdrawing from the role of global policeman.

If we keep thinking inside the banker-manufactured beltway box, our children have no future. They will live in a Third World country which produces nothing, lorded over by debt-collector parasites known as the “financial services industry”.

The wealth-destroying Eight Families banker elite are the perpetrators of the US debt crime. Should a woman who is raped serve the sentence of her rapist? That’s absurd. Then why should Americans or any other nation pay a fraudulent debt foisted upon them by con-men? It is time for Obama and the Congress to get a backbone and force the criminal Federal Reserve cartel to make the “broad sacrifices”.


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Dean Henderson is the author of Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network and The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries. His Left Hook blog is at

Featured image: Federal Reserve Board, 1917 (Licensed under the Public Domain)

Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network: Henderson, Dean: 9781453757734: BooksBig Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network

by Dean Henderson

Publisher: ‎ CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 3rd edition (September 10, 2010)

Paperback: ‎ 480 pages

ISBN-10: ‎ 1453757732

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1453757734

Big Oil… pulls back the covers to expose a centuries-old cabal of global oligarchs, whose control over the global economy is based on hegemony over the planet’s three most valuable commodities: oil, guns and drugs- combined with ownership of the world’s central banks.Henderson implicates these oligarchs in the orchestration of a string of conspiracies from Pearl Harbor to the Kennedy Assassination to 911. He follows the trail of dirty money up the food chain to the interbred Eight Families who- from their City of London base- control the Four Horsemen of Oil, the global drug trade and the permanent war economy.”Big Oil… is an extraordinary expose of the powers and events that are exacting a heavy toll on us, the people”.- Nexus New Times Magazine. Australia.”Big Oil… is hair-raising and a masterpiece which deserves not less than the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism. This book should be a requisite for every American to study.”- Dr. Carlos J. Canggiano, M.D., Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico.

Click here to purchase.

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Broken Arrow, OK – 18 year old Trista Martin died suddenly on Nov. 9, 2022 after she took Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab in July and didn’t tell her parents (click here)

Dallas, TX – 18 year old Kayla Rose Lumpkins died suddenly in her sleep on Sep. 9, 2022, 7 months after her COVID-19 booster shot (click here)(click here)

Philippines (Quezon City) – 13 year old boy Biel Elioenai Cruz Tan had 2nd Pfizer dose on Jan. 26, 2022, died suddenly on June 20, 2022 (click here)

Chicago, IL – 17 year old Gwen Casten, daughter of Congressman Sean Casten, died suddenly in her sleep of sudden cardiac arrhythmia on June 13, 2022 (click here)

Brazil – 15 year old boy Danylo Zinneck Nombre had 2nd Pfizer on Oct. 19, 2021, 18 days later developed weakness in legs, blurred vision, diagnosed with Autoimmune Bickerstaff Brainstem Encephalitis (BBE) a rare neurological disease, was 2 months in ICU & died on March 3, 2022 (click here)

Brazil – 18 year old Isabelle Correia G. de Souza received 3rd COVID-19 vaccine dose on Jan.25, 2022, started feeling ill on Feb.2, 2022, was taken to ICU and died on Feb. 21, 2022 (click here)

Philippines – 17 year old boy Shan Costillas had 2nd Moderna dose on Jan.25, 2022, suffered seizures, stroke and died 4 days later on Jan. 29, 2022

Brazil – 16 year old Anite Vitoria Ribeiro Bentivoglio had 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on Oct.20, 2021, became ill, fatigue, vomiting, died Jan. 20, 2022 (click here)

Ararangua, Brazil – 13 year old Vanessa Martins Figueiredo had Pfizer vaccine on Nov. 9, 2021, symptoms started 5 days later with vomiting, paralysis, she died on Jan. 10, 2022 (click here)(click here)

Brazil – 18 year old model Valentina Boscardin developed clots and died suddenly after 2 doses of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab, on Jan. 9, 2022 (click here)

New Jersey – 13 year old boy had 2nd COVID-19 vaccine on June 6 2021, had a cardiac arrest on Dec. 31, 2021 and died on Jan. 4, 2022 (click here)

Japan – 19 year old had two Moderna jabs and Pfizer booster shot taken on July 29, 2022, found dead in bed 3 days later, cause of death: myocarditis

Uganda (Mpigi) – 14 year old boy Jonathan Luyinda was COVID-19 vaccinated with Pfizer without parent’s consent on Feb. 8, 2022, and he died in July 2022 from multiple organ failure, mother is suing govt (click here)


Japan (Author: Nushida) – 14 year old girl died 2 days after Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab, Dec. 2022 (click here)

USA (Author: Gill) – Two teenage boys died within week of 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab, both died of myocarditis (click here)

My take…

Parents of teenagers who were pressured into getting COVID-19 vaccinated should have this kind of documentation in their legal files.

Some of these cases are starting to disappear from the internet.

These are cases where the time from COVID-19 vaccination to death was relatively short. What we are seeing now in 2023, as my previous substack article detailed, is a tsunami of sudden deaths in COVID-19 vaccinated young people who weren’t recently vaccinated.

And that’s very troubling, because we are now seeing the longer term adverse effects of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination that were never studied.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from Dr. Rath Health Foundation

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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The Arkansas Army National Guard 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Task Force Bowie) has assumed command of a training group upskilling Ukrainian warfighters to defend against Russia’s invasion.

The Joint Multinational Training Group – Ukraine is a rotational mobilization effort under the authority of the US European Command, US Army Europe and Africa, and the 7th Army Training Command.

Their duties include preparing the Ukrainian Armed Forces in combined arms, joint maneuvers, and other capabilities issued through the US Presidential Drawdown Authority.

Ukrainian Military Training in Germany

The training is being held at Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, in partnership with other US defense units, allied militaries, and partner nations.

Task Force Bowie received the command from New York Army National Guard Task Force Orion, which has been in a leadership role since July 2022.

Task Force Orion trained Ukrainian soldiers in over 15 different systems and equipment over nine months.

The task force oversaw eight Ukrainian Armed Forces tactical groups for combined arms and joint maneuvers training.

Authority over the Joint Multinational Training Group — Ukraine mission is transferred from Task Force Orion, 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, New York Army National Guard, to Task Force Bowie, 39th IBCT, Arkansas Army National Guard, during a ceremony in Grafenwoehr, Germany, April 28, 2023. JMTG-U ensures the combat effectiveness of Armed Forces of Ukraine soldiers training on systems and equipment issued under the U.S.’ Presidential Drawdown Authority, and training in combined arms and joint maneuver. (Spc. Christian Carrillo)

Joint Multinational Training Group – Ukraine. Photo: Spc. Christian Carrillo/US National Guard

“The proof and the results are in the bravery and the actions of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are accomplishing them on the battlefield,” Task Force Orion Commander Col. William Murphy said.

With Orion’s aid, the number of Ukrainian warfighters upskilled in Germany increased to more than 9,600.

“We are excited…to increase the [Armed Forces of Ukraine’s] lethality and capability,” Task Force Bowie Commander Col. Olen Bridges stated.

“We’re eager to continue the legacy of the Joint Multinational Training Group – Ukraine mission. We know that there is a lot to do, and we’re here to do it.”


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Featured image: UK instructors train Ukrainian marines as part of Operation Orbital in Odessa, Ukraine in January 2019. Image: Ukrainian Naval Forces

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Photographs of the building site of a new US embassy compound in Lebanon shared on Twitter on Friday have gone viral, prompting questions and hundreds of comments regarding the size of the complex.

The images, shared by the US embassy in Beirut on its official Twitter page, garnered over two million views.

US embassy in Beirut

The US embassy in Beirut said in a tweet that “things are progressing at our new compounds” [Twitter – US embassy in Beirut]

The photographs show a massive multi-building compound – expected to cover a huge 43-acre site, according to an announcement by the US embassy in Beirut.

In the tweet, the US embassy in Beirut announced that “things are progressing at our new compounds”.

The tweet garnered hundreds of replies, with many questioning why such a huge complex was needed in one of the region’s smallest countries.

“Did the U.S. move to Lebanon??” one Twitter user asked.

“Is that an embassy or a military base?” another user wondered.

“The #USA is building the largest embassy in the Middle East in tiny #Lebanon. It’s a huge spy den used for information warfare & soft war,” a Twitter user said.

“We would like to know how many structures are there underneath the ground. Just out of curiosity. Also, how many trees were cut and replaced with all that cement,” another user said.

At the groundbreaking ceremony of the US embassy in Beirut in 2017, Ambassador Elizabeth Richard said:

“Breaking ground today on our New Embassy Compound is a strong message to the Lebanese people that we are with you for the long term.”

This is not the first time the US invests in an expansive embassy compound in the Middle East.

The US owns a massive compound in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, which sits on a whopping 104 acres and is described as the largest embassy in the world – nearly as large as the Vatican City.

The US’ newly established consulate in Erbil also occupies a vast area of approximately 50 acres, while its embassy in the Afghan capital Kabul – constructed before the Taliban takeover – sits on 36 acres of land.


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Following Wednesday’s drone attack on the official residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the US media sprang into action to promote the ridiculous claim that Russia staged the attacks.

Among the headlines that appeared Thursday were:

  • “Alleged Putin assassination is ‘false flag’ orchestrated to bolster Russia’s war effort, experts claim”—Fox News


  • “Kremlin Drone Attack ‘Likely’ Russia False Flag: US Think Tank”—Insider
  • “False flag? Analysts say Russia ‘likely staged’ Kremlin drone attack it blamed on Ukraine and the West”—CNBC

These articles appeared to be an effort on the part of the US media to walk back statements made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Wednesday, both of whom refused to distance themselves from the assassination attempt or even declare that the assassination of Putin would be illegitimate.

Asked what the position of the US was on “such attacks on leadership,” Blinken replied, “These are decisions for Ukraine to make about how it’s going to defend itself.”

The entire US media simply ignored these statements, rather promoting the claim that the attacks were not an assassination attempt, that Russia staged them, or both.

Many of the articles citing the claim of a “false flag” were based on declarations by the pro-war US think-tank the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which wrote Thursday that “Russia likely staged this attack in an attempt to bring the war home to a Russian domestic audience and set conditions for a wider societal mobilization.”

As evidence, the ISW cited the claim that Russia quickly asserted that drones carrying explosives over the residence of the Russian president were an assassination attempt, and that Russian air defenses would not have allowed the drones to fly so near the Kremlin.

It concluded, “The rapid and coherent presentation of an official Russian narrative around the strike suggests that Russia staged this incident in close proximity to the May 9th Victory Day holiday in order to frame the war as existential to its domestic audience.”

This amounts to the entire argument for the claim that Russia staged the attack.

By contrast, the reality that the attack on the Kremlin was carried out by Ukraine was bolstered by the fact that the Ukrainian Post Office issued a stamp depicting the burning Kremlin within hours after the operation.

Colonel Alexander Vindman, a leading figure in the run-up to the war, hailed the attack, declaring that it “demonstrates how vulnerable Russia really is.” He continued, “The most important thing about drone strikes on the Kremlin is the shear [sic] embarrassment for Putin. He looks terribly week [sic].”

The declarations that Russia was responsible for the attack on the Kremlin follow the pattern set after the September 26, 2022, bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines, after which the US media declared that Russia was responsible for an attack on its own pipelines.

Following the October 8, 2022, attack on the Kerch Bridge, the August 20, 2022, assassination of Darya Dugina and multiple bombings inside Russia, Ukrainian officials denied they were responsible, before accounts in the US press attributed responsibility to the Ukrainian secret service.

US officials were at pains Thursday to distance themselves from the attack on the Kremlin. Speaking to Morning Joe, White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said: “There was no involvement by the United States in [the Kremlin attack]. Whatever it was did not involve us… We had nothing to do with this.”

Kirby’s claim that the United States had no involvement in the planning of the attack is undermined by the content of leaked Pentagon documents made public earlier this year, showing that the United States possesses both advanced knowledge of and veto power over Ukrainian attacks inside Russia.

In an article published April 24, titled “At U.S. behest, Ukraine held off anniversary attacks on Russia,” the Washington Post wrote, “In February, with the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine days away, officials in Kyiv were busy making plans to attack Moscow.”

The article continued, “On Feb. 22, two days before the anniversary, the CIA circulated a new classified report: The HUR [Ukrainian intelligence directorate] ‘had agreed, at Washington’s request, to postpone strikes’ on Moscow.”

On Thursday, Russian officials made increasingly categorical declarations that the attack was directed by the United States.

“Attempts to disown this, both in Kyiv and in Washington, are, of course, absolutely ridiculous,” said Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. “We know very well that decisions about such actions, about such terrorist attacks, are made not in Kyiv but in Washington.”

Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov added, “How would Americans react if a drone hit the White House, the Capitol or the Pentagon. The answer is obvious to every politician, as well as to the average citizen: the punishment will be harsh and inevitable.”

Ukrainan President Zelensky continued to travel in NATO territory on Thursday, meeting with officials from the Baltic countries. Zelensky also visited the International Court of Justice in The Hague, in the Netherlands, after which he gave a speech denouncing Putin.

Finland joined NATO last month, doubling the military alliance’s border with Russia overnight. NATO is surging troops to Russia’s borders alongside the escalation of the Ukraine war. Critically, the leaked Pentagon documents released earlier this year showed that NATO sees its operations both inside Ukraine and in NATO members states as interoperable, and there are over 150 NATO troops deployed inside Ukraine.


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I gave in, and watched Charlie’s coronation. And I was surprised.

I am republican: I believe that heads of state should be elected, and aristocracy abolished. Being Irish, I particularly despise the British monarchy, for all the centuries of horrors committed in its name. And I loathe Anglicanism’s camp fusion of church and state.

So I was going to ignore it. But rain killed my plans for the day, so I decided to amuse myself with Janey Godley’s voiceover. But this time the wonderful Janey didn’t work for me, so I switched to the BBC. Know your enemy.

I expected high pomp and pageantry, executed with precision by a vast horde of absurdly-dressed flunkeys, sonorously narrated by a sombre BBC voice. A vast production to wow the viewers, and to bolster the myth of an eternally strong and magnificent monarchy.

At first, that’s roughly what I saw. An “Enchanted Glass”, as Tom Nairn called it.

Penny’s Sword of Truth

Brit Royalty has been doing grand ceremonies for centuries, so all the men in silly clothes did their silly walks in unison, and the horses were flawlessly synchronised. Inside Westminster Abbey, everything was perfectly choreographed, and the extravagant robes were immaculate. Huw Edwards provided the reverential commentary, following the standard BBC-Royal formula of subdued voice complete with plentiful long pauses, as if he was whispering to a slow learner at a funeral. His co-presenter was a gushing woman whose two tasks seemed to be to waffle about the supposed “excitement” of the crowds and to provide forgettable potted bios of some of the personnel.

All the usual ingredients of royal pageant were there, but the more I watched, the less believable it became.

The allegedly excited crowds were actually thin and subdued. The lists of Sir This and Lord That and Captain T’Other sounded well beyond their use-by-date.

The Lords and Commons Speakers’ processions looked like failed comedy skits, as four people in silly clothes carried a stick through the rain. The queue of former Prime Ministers looked tawdry: grey man, war criminal, brooding bully, toff, robot, liar and halfwit. Minor royals wandered in, recognisable only to readers of Hello magazine. Large chunks of the music were modern compositions, and like most modern choral works they were dire: lots of notes, huge vocal range, but no discernible tune and no emotion. Even the return to stonking tunes like Handel’s Zadok couldn’t restore the broken spell.

This was a grave error. The Anglican liturgy has a massive back catalogue of greatest hits, works which have stirred emotions for generations. The coronation needed to connect with a young generation who don’t go to church and are unfamiliar with its ritual. But instead, royalty’s most important gig in seventy years had a soundtrack peppered with obscure experimental dirges which should have remained as MIDI files in university music labs. It’s hard to imagine the thought processes behind these choices, but baffling people with passionless obscurity was hubristic.

Such atonal diversions might have been tenable if the core proposition was strong. When Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953, the British Empire had lost India and Ireland, but still ruled swathes of Africa, the Caribbean and Central America. The so-called “Old Commonwealth” — the white settler colonies of Canada, Australia and New Zealand — were solidly loyal to the imperial Crown, as was Britain itself. Elizabeth herself was an elegant young woman, a hugely popular celebrity with a well-managed backstory.

If Elizabeth had been crowned to the tune of Three Blind Mice, the magic would have been undimmed. That radiant young woman would have stolen any show.

But Charlie is not easy on the eye, and his backstory does him no favours. Opinion polls show little love for him, and he isn’t even hated. It’s worse than that: most Brits are apathetic.

So on his big day, Charlie needed to exceed expectations, to sparkle and exude stardom. But he didn’t. Instead, his glum face and flat voice sucked the remaining oxygen out of the proceedings. By the time he was handed the orb and sceptre, he looked miserable, and seemed to be holding back tears.

The cameras should have been showing a man filled with pride and confidence, a leader strengthened by an ancient ritual of anointment, inspiring faith in his followers. Instead they showed a broken old man who seemed to long to be anywhere else, and who was stonily unresponsive even to the ritualised kiss from his older son. I found myself thinking of The Crown’s portrayal of young Charles as a sensitive child abandoned by his mother as she toured the Commonwealth, and then consigned to misery in a macho boarding school.

Hardcore monarchists will find their faith undented. But this lavish ceremony needed to reach far beyond the faithful. Its strategic goal was to connect with the apathetic majority, and to wow them with magic. That was always a big ask, and it failed. The cameo roles for non-Anglican faiths has little meaning to Britain’s agnostic majority, and the belated inclusion of Celtic languages won’t dent the independence movements. The core production fell flat, and the Palace’s hope of ubiquitous coronation parties didn’t happen.

The Met and Pre-Crime

The Metropolitan Police’s ruthless crackdown on potential protesters went beyond heavy-handedness. Arresting peaceful protesters without giving a lawful reason was chilling, and arresting holders of rape alarms set a terrifying precedent, especially in the context of the Met’s appalling history of misogyny. But in the right-wing climate of England, concern is unlikely to extend beyond the marginalised left.

Similarly, the obscenity of the £250 million cost is unlikely to be a major controversy. No significant political or media voice objects, and in England there will be no major outrage at foodbanks losing funding while cash pours into regal ceremonies.

So the Saturday’s dramas leave no immediate fallout to trouble the Palace. But if there any wise heads remaining in the English establishment, they will recognise the coronation overreach, and choose their moment to propose scaling back future ceremonies, and the monarchy itself.

That planning should of course have happened decades ago, long before the Elizabeth’s reign began to fade. But there seems to be no political space in England to discuss this without being cancelled, so no mainstream politician will dare speak of it. The crown will continue to box beyond its weight, as Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland turn their backs.


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King Charles: Patron of a Disgraced Regiment

May 9th, 2023 by Anne Cadwallader

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As Charles accedes to the throne, his role as Colonel-in-Chief of the Parachute Regiment for 46 years is not forgotten in Northern Ireland where Paras have committed a shocking number of killings, some still being revealed in court.

As some people across Britain celebrate the accession of King Charles III – complete with a carefully-crafted image – his status as Colonel-in-Chief of the British army’s Parachute Regiment is not forgotten in Northern Ireland, despite the presence of Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill at the coronation.

O’Neill has made it clear she is attending Westminster Abbey in her role as First Minister designate of the suspended Stormont power-sharing executive – rather than as the deputy leader of her republican party.

Many of Sinn Fein’s followers, however, while understanding her rationale – that she must represent both communities in Northern Ireland – must be scratching their heads. A recent poll found 0% of her party’s supporters favour the monarchy.

It will not have passed them by that Charles continues to personify the Parachute Regiment whose record in Ireland includes an eye-watering number of criminal actions, some of which are still being revealed in court.

This is, after all, the regiment behind the shooting of 14 people in January 1972 on Bloody Sunday in Derry, labelled as “unjustified and unjustifiable” by former British prime minister David Cameron in his response to the findings of the Saville Tribunal.

It is also the regiment behind the shootings of a further 11 people in the “Ballymurphy massacre”, five months before Bloody Sunday. 

An inquest verdict in May 2021 found all the dead were innocent. Victims included a priest trying to help the wounded and a mother of eight who bled to death where she lay for hours, unattended.

The Coroner, Mrs Justice Keegan (now the Lady Chief Justice for Northern Ireland) concluded: “What is very clear, is that all of the deceased in the series of inquests were entirely innocent of any wrongdoing on the day in question”.

There have been no successful prosecutions in either case, despite the Parachute Regiment wrongfully killing at least 25 civilians in these two tragedies alone.


The regiment’s ever-growing record of carrying out particularly vicious attacks on members on both communities in Northern Ireland has not, it seems, instigated any sudden crisis of conscience in the royal breast.

Charles was appointed Colonel-in-Chief of the Parachute Regiment in 1977, just five years after Bloody Sunday. He went through their parachute jump course in 1978, so he could “look them in the eye” when wearing the infamous red beret.

Over the last 25 years, he held at least 75 meetings with the regiment, including trips to see them in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to the Court Circular – the monarchy’s official diary.

In July 2010, a few weeks after the Saville Report into Bloody Sunday was published, Charles received eight senior Parachute Regiment commanders at Clarence House, with prime minister David Cameron calling in later that day.

Since Lord Saville’s inquiry concluded, more damning evidence about the regiment has come to light. 

Just a month ago, the High Court in Belfast awarded a further £350,000 against the state for the waterboarding of a Belfast man, Liam Holden, at the hands of the Paras in a requisitioned school in the Shankill Road district of Belfast.

‘An enjoyable experience’

It was in the Shankill area, a strongly-protestant part of the city, that regiment members shot dead Ritchie McKinnie, a protestant father of five, and Robert Johnston, another protestant, in September 1972 – killings that made loyalist leader Ian Paisley so angry he withdrew from political talks with London demanding an inquiry.

One soldier described the two murders later, in evidence presented to the Saville Tribunal, as “an enjoyable experience and one which greatly enhanced my standing within the battalion”.

What is particularly galling for its victims, and their supporters, in Northern Ireland is this unabashed pleasure that members of the Parachute Regiment appeared to take in their actions.

“We had as much beer as we could take and we had all the women we could handle. It was absolutely brilliant. A soldier’s dream”, one Para boasted in a book written by BBC journalist, Peter Taylor.


Particularly horrific is the way the regiment’s members handled the body of trainee teacher, Patrick Magee, who was shot alongside a friend, Frank McGuinness, by members of the Royal Anglians as they sheltered in the grounds of a Belfast school in April 1972.

An ambulance driver has given witness evidence to the inquest, of how: “We were stopped at the front of the school and a casualty was dragged, feet first, by a member of the (Parachute) regiment from the side of the school, along the front, and down the steps, with his face banging on each step”.

This is corroborated by a second ambulance driver who told the inquest, “I saw soldiers drag the body of Mr. Patrick Magee down the steps of the school by the legs, his arms were outstretched, and his head bounced off each step.”

Both ambulance drivers told an inquest of how they were ordered, by a Para, to drive through a nearby strongly-loyalist area where hostile crowds gathered. 

Ambulance driver 2 told the inquest how a Para had held up two fingers to the crowd, indicating they were carrying two patients causing some “glee” in the crowd.

The Northern Ireland Office later admitted that both men were innocent and had been shot in error. It accepted “without reservation” that the two men were walking towards McGuinness’s home and had taken “shelter” when firing broke out.

‘Got a kill’

Sergeant Alan McVittie, a Para, shot and killed South Armagh man Harry Thornton (28) in August 1971, mistaking a van backfire for a gun-shot. 

Members of the Parachute Regiment subsequently used the dead man’s skull as an ash-tray, according to fellow Para Henry Gow (who, under the alias Harry McCallion wrote about his exploits in a 1995 book, Killing Zone).

During questioning at the inquest into the Ballymurphy massacre, Gow said the Paras in his unit would run a sweepstake to reward soldiers who “got a kill”. The winner, he told the inquest “got the pot” and would use the money to “go for a piss-up”.

Oisin McConville, a Gaelic football sporting star from the South Armagh village of Crossmaglen, summed up the nationalist experience of the Paras: “If they were in town you were afraid to go outside the door because they were the worst. They would literally batter you if they got you on your own. It was just constant to be honest”.

Yet another Para killing that lives long in the memory is that of 12-year-old Majella O’Hare, shot in the back on 14 August 1976 as she walked with other children in a South Armagh country lane. 

A neighbour and nurse, Alice Devlin, said Majella was thrown “like a piece of meat” into a helicopter, head first, and died on the way to hospital.

The ‘shot list’

The role of General Sir Michael Jackson in the aftermath of Bloody Sunday deserves special mention. At the time he was adjutant, with the rank of captain, of the Paras 1st Battalion.

Not satisfied with the men under his command killing 13 civilians (a 14th died later), Jackson personally drew up in his own handwriting, on the night after the massacre, what has since become known as the “shot list”.

This was a list, entirely untrue, attempting to justify the shooting of all the victims by labelling the dead as “nail-bombers”, pistol-firers” or “carrying rifles”. 

Jackson went on to become the highest ranking officer in the British Army, and would be photographed with Charles on numerous occasions.

Asked about the errors in the “shot list”, Jackson said he could not “provide an explanation. But I am sure that any errors or omissions are the result of oversight or some other proper and innocent reason.”

He added: “If it is to be suggested that there was attempt [sic] by anyone to sanitise … a true version of events, for whatever reason, I would emphatically reject such a suggestion.”

Either King Charles is not aware of the views of a significant number of those he claims as his subjects on the actions of the Parachute Regiment in Northern Ireland – in which case he is negligent.

Or he is aware and has decided that, despite the ignominy in which the regiment is held, that he will retain the “honour” of being its Colonel-in-Chief – in which case he dishonours himself.


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Anne Cadwallader has been a journalist in Ireland, North and South, for the last 40 years, working for the BBC, RTE, The Irish Press, and Reuters. She is an advocacy case worker at the Pat Finucane Centre, a non-party political, anti-sectarian human rights group advocating a non-violent resolution of the conflict in Ireland.

Featured image: Victims of the Parachute Regiment. (Photos: Declassified UK)

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NATO’s post-Cold War history is that of an organization far past its “sell-by” date. Desperate for a mission after the end of the Warsaw Pact, NATO in the late 1990s decided that it would become the muscle behind the militarization of “human rights” under the Clinton Administration.

Gone was the “threat of global communism” which was used to justify NATO’s 40-year run, so NATO re-imagined itself as a band of armed Atlanticist superheroes. Wherever there was an “injustice” (as defined by Washington’s neocons), NATO was ready with guns and bombs.

The US military-industrial complex could not have been happier. All the Beltway think tanks they lavishly fund finally hit on a sure winner to keep the money pipeline flowing. It was always about money, not security.

The test run for NATO as human rights superheroes was Yugoslavia in 1999. To everybody but NATO and its neocon handlers in DC and many European capitals, it was a horrific, unjustified disaster. Seventy-eight days of bombing a country that did not threaten NATO left many hundreds of civilians dead, the infrastructure destroyed, and a legacy of uranium-tipped ammunition to poison the landscape for generations to come.

Just last week tennis legend Novak Djokovic recalled what it felt like to flee his grandfather’s home in the middle of the night as NATO bombs fell and destroyed it. What a horror!

Then NATO got behind the overthrow of the Gaddafi government in Libya. The corporate press regurgitated the neocon lies that bombing the country, killing its people, and overthrowing its government would solve all of Libya’s human rights problems. As could be predicted, NATO bombs did not solve Libya’s problems but made everything worse. Chaos, civil war, terrorism, slave markets, crushing poverty – no wonder Hillary Clinton, Obama, and the neocons don’t want to talk about Libya these days.

After a series of failures longer than we have space for here, DC-controlled NATO in 2014 decided to go all-in and target Russia itself for “regime change.” First step was overthrowing the democratically elected Ukrainian government, which Victoria Nuland and the rest of the neocons took care of. Next was the eight years of massive NATO military assistance to Ukraine’s coup government with the intent of fighting Russia. Finally, it was the 2022 rejection of Russia’s request to negotiate a European security agreement that would prevent NATO armies circling its border.

Despite the mainstream media and US government propaganda, NATO has been about as successful in Ukraine as it was in Libya. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been flushed away, with massive corruption documented by journalists like Seymour Hersh and others.

The only difference this time is that NATO’s target – Russia – has nuclear weapons and views this proxy war as vital to its very existence.

So now despite its legacy of failure, NATO has decided to start a conflict with China, perhaps to take attention off its disaster in Ukraine. Last week NATO announced that it will open its first-ever Asia office in Japan. What next, NATO membership for Taiwan? Will Taiwan willingly serve as NATO’s newest “Ukraine” – sacrificing itself to China in the name of blundering NATO’s seemingly endless appetite for conflict?

We can only hope that America will elect a president in 2024 who will finally end NATO’s deadly world tour.


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Recent developments in Washington relating to Ukraine and the Middle East remind me that there is a big difference between maintaining secrecy when a situation warrants it and lying over issues where there is no compelling reason to do so beyond political expediency. Having spent more than twenty years in American intelligence agencies where secrecy was the operative norm, I would illustrate that difference as follows: a legitimate secret would be something like not revealing information that would place people or vital national interests in jeopardy, while a lie would be committing a crime and fabricating a narrative that would deny or obfuscate that anything dire had actually taken place. When it comes to lying, I am, of course, referring to the bizarre behavior by the United States government, most particularly ever since 9/11, to commit war crimes and then come up with reasons for its foreign and national security policies to have taken a singular aggressive and coercive turn not justified by reality or by any real threat. That shift in behavior has had a profoundly negative consequence, with much of the world now inclined to identify the United States as the most dangerous country globally speaking in terms of being the greatest threat to peace among nations.

One might reasonably award the gold medal for creative destruction in that light to the Administration of George W. Bush, which elevated lying to a level hitherto hardly imagined in Washington. Bush had a neocon dominated foreign policy team, concentrated in the Pentagon with Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Doug Feith and with Scooter Libby in the Vice President’s office, which did not hesitate to stovepipe fabricated information through the system to justify a totally fraudulent war against Iraq. The conspirators, most of whom were Jews who had close ties to the Israeli government, were supportive of the Jewish state’s desire to have the US attack Baghdad. They were joined in their drive to war by a hapless Secretary of State Colin Powell, a woefully ignorant National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and a ruthlessly ambitious George Tenet at CIA to go along for the ride. Within that context, what the president of the United States actually thought, if he was thinking at all, remains unknowable. The result was the catastrophe of Iraq, with hundreds of thousands of dead civilians over a totally invented threat of “weapons of mass destruction” in the hands of Saddam Hussein. Currently, twenty years after the event, Washington still has soldiers in Iraq even though the Iraqi parliament has repeatedly asked them to leave.

Interestingly, however, what played out under George Bush was child’s play compared to the contemporary political environment where the media has joined the Joe Biden Administration in lying about nearly everything. This has included an act of war committed against both a nuclear armed adversary and an ally in the form of the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, which was clearly carried out by the United States against Russia and Germany after Biden even incoherently warned publicly that he would do it. Since investigative journalist Seymour Hersh blew the lid off the story, the US and its captive media have responded by helping to float a completely implausible alternative tale of how it may have been accomplished by a handful of rogue Ukrainians operating off a fishing boat. Russian attempts to get the incident investigated by the United Nations and/or the International Criminal Court (ICC) have been successfully blocked by the US, which has in response supported a British jurist’s successful attempt to get the Russians themselves investigated for war crimes by the ICC.

In the latest edition of lies and more lies, the US is hanging out to dry a twenty-one year old Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira whom it is charging with stealing and making public on an internet chat room highly classified national security related information. The airman might indeed be guilty of having done just that though his motive continues to be elusive and his actual ability to access some of the material he obtained is questionable. More to the point, however, is the back story, which is that the documents reveal that the Ukrainians are clearly losing the war against Russia, prompting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to seek both NATO membership and newer longer-range weapons so he can hit Russia directly and hard enough to bring the US and NATO directly and fully into the conflict. The recent possible attempt to kill Vladimir Putin using a drone may be part of such planning and, if it had come closer to being successful, the Russian overwhelming response would likely have escalated the conflict to produce a disaster of possibly global proportions.

The leaked intelligence suggests that Ukraine will not be able to defend its airspace at all after this month and will also soon be running out of ammunition. These “facts” were known to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin when he testified several weeks ago that the Kiev was winning its war against Moscow. Biden, for his part re the conduct of the war, has continued to deny that US soldiers are “boots on the ground” engaged in Ukraine. The leaked documents demonstrate that he is also either lying or poorly informed about that. The only intelligence item that seems to reflect some measure of acknowledgeable truth is the information indicating that there is no intention on the part of Washington to take steps to initiate peace talks to put an end to the fighting in 2023. That is clearly what the White House wants going into the 2024 elections, where Joe Biden or whoever succeeds him will want to look like a “war president,” a vigilant defender of the United States to appeal to voters.

From the viewpoint of a tax paying American citizen, the fact that the US Treasury has given or promised well in excess of $100 billion to a hopelessly corrupt Ukrainian government to oppose a nuclear-armed Russia that did not threaten the United States in any way prior to the fighting breaking out last February should be significant. And what happened to the so-called War Powers Act requiring Congress to make a declaration of war? So where is the upside of all of this for the American people?

And there’s more. There is also the recent revelation, also from Sy Hersh, that Volodymyr Zelensky and his gang of crooks have stolen $400 million from the cash provided by the Biden Administration to buy diesel fuel for the Ukrainian Army. The fraud was discovered by the CIA, whose Director William Burns actually personally confronted Zelensky with the numbers and names of those involved in January. Zelensky and his profiteers carried out their project by obtaining the money from the United States Treasury at the US petrodollar rate per gallon plus shipping costs before turning around and buying the fuel from cheaper suppliers located regionally, including the Lukoil Neftohim Burgas refinery located in Bulgaria. The difference then disappeared into the pockets of Zelensky and his generals. And where did the less expensive fuel come from? Mostly from Russia and also from Iran!

To be sure there has been some pushback from a small group of mostly Republican congressmen. Matt Gaetz has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives requiring the White House to provide full information, to include “copies of any and all documents outlining plans for military assistance to Ukraine. Additionally, the resolution directs Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to disclose the number of United States Armed Forces, including special operators, deployed to Ukraine without Congressional authority. The Biden Administration and other allied countries have been misleading the world on the state of the war in Ukraine. There must be total transparency from this administration to the American people when they are gambling war with a nuclear adversary by having special forces operating in Ukraine.”

Maverick GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene also got into it with her GOP colleagues after she praised the alleged leaker of the Pentagon documents due to his exposure of the lies surrounding the Ukraine war. She said “Jack Teixeira is white, male, Christian, and antiwar. That makes him an enemy to the Biden regime. And he told the truth about troops being on the ground in Ukraine and a lot more. Ask yourself who is the real enemy?” Senator Lindsey Graham as well as the Republican Party leadership immediately jumped on Greene, denouncing her for being against the war. Graham, who recently advocated invading Mexico to solve America’s drug problem, in particular dubbed her response “one of the most irresponsible statements she could make,” adding that it would “destroy America’s ability to defend itself.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan also denounced Greene’s comments, declaring that “From my perspective, I think Marjorie Taylor Greene has demonstrated time and time again that she’s not fit to hold public office…” Recall for a moment that Brennan was himself one of the most disastrous CIA Directors to ever hold office. He advocated torture of “terrorists” by the Agency as well as “signature” drone strikes to kill suspects on the ground in the Middle East and Asia. He collaborated with efforts to derail the Donald Trump campaign and signed on to a letter in October 2020 claiming that Trump’s re-election campaign might well be benefitting from a Russian disinformation operation, an initiative that may have influenced the election outcome. On one occasion, after a Trump meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018, Brennan observed that “Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of ‘treasonous.’ Not only were Trump’s comments ‘imbecilic,’ he is wholly in the pocket of Putin.”

The exchanges with the GOP as well as from nearly all Democrats serve as one more indication that the problem with the United States government is systemic: going to war while also denigrating critics and then lying about it all to avoid a perceived problem is always the preferred option for both the White House and Congress. No matter who wins in 2024, with the possible exceptions of Robert Kennedy Jr. or Tulsi Gabbard, the outcome in terms of a fractured and incoherent foreign policy that actually itself threatens the United States at every level will be roughly the same.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TUR

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Global Britain and King Charles’s Great Reset

May 9th, 2023 by Matthew Ehret-Kump

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This week, the world was exposed to a disturbing, archaic and bizarre bit of pageantry not seen in over 70 years with the coronation of King Charles III as head of the Global British Commonwealth, head of the Anglican Church, and spokesman for a program dubbed Global Britain that was brought online as the official mandate of the Conservative party in 2021.

From managing a global empire of economic enslavement and having invaded nearly every nation on Earth at one time or another[2], Britain continues to exert vast control over the mining concessions of Africa with over $1 trillion of direct mining interests controlled by British and/or British Commonwealth-based corporations. According to the 2016 report produced by War on Want[3]: “101 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) — most of them British — have mining operations in 37 sub-Saharan African countries. They collectively control over $1 trillion worth of Africa’s most valuable resources. The UK government has used its power and influence to ensure that British mining companies have access to Africa’s raw materials. This was the case during the colonial period and is still the case today.”

The City

As outlined in my new book The Anglo Venetian Roots of the Deep State, the “square mile” dubbed The City of London (a separate legal entity from London itself) is the nerve center of world finance, with the Bank of England and Commonwealth offshore tax havens directing trillions of dollars of drug money laundering, terrorist financing and other corrupt practices globally. The City’s sovereignty beyond all national jurisdiction was enshrined in the oligarchist ‘Magna Carta’ of 1214 which established the financial hub as a supranational corporation capable of running its own police force and judicial system… which it continues maintain 800 years later.

During the 183 years between 1763 to 1946 which saw the greatest direct influence of British unipolar supremacy over the world, the impoverished nations of the world found themselves more impoverished, less capable of acquiring means of industrial production and more at war with themselves and their neighbors via divide-to-conquer tactics. Since this empire took the form of the Anglo-American “special relationship” after 1945, this trend was only exacerbated.

The Causal Hand of British Intelligence

From the standpoint of global intelligence operations, Britain is the creator and central command structure of the Five Eyes intelligence apparatus and has also been dubbed “Londonistan” for having provided safe havens for international terrorist groups who have found sanctuary under the liberal surface ideology of tolerant Britain[4].

British intelligence has also been found to have either helped create and/or continued to support terror groups internationally as outlined by EIR researcher Michael Billington in the 2020 reportBritish Creation and Control of Islamic Terror: Background to China’s Defeat of Terror in Xinjiang[5].

While nurturing global terrorism and radical Islam, British intelligence also lost no time cultivating the most rabid variants of political zionism, and crafted the state of Israel itself out of the Roundtable/Fabian program that came to be called ‘The Balfour Accords’. The story of Britain’s creation of political zionism and rapturist Christianity too is outlined in a 2021 episode of The Great Game here:

While China has provided large scale loans for transport corridors, new industrial zones, and coal, oil, natural gas, hydro and nuclear power investments to countries desperately in need of real development, Global Britain and her American/EU cohorts have spent decades only providing conditionality-laced loans with strings attached and “appropriate” green technologies that will forever prevent Africa or other poor nations from ever standing on their own two feet.

The idea of Global Britain has always had at its heart the concept of an integrated British Commonwealth with the Five Eyes at the head of intelligence, City of London at the head of finance and the hereditary structures of power centered around the Crown as the titular fount of all honors through which all branches of the international deep state derive their powers.

Crown Agents

Since 1833, Global Britain has been managed by a pseudo private system of Crown Agents today named Crown Agents for Overseas Government and Administration. This vast body exists as a semi-official status and describes itself as “an emanation of the crown” and is extremely active in Central and Eastern Europe with its greatest focus on Ukraine’s economic, energy and health management system. The agency is partnered with the World Bank, UN and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and acts as a giant holding company with one shareholder called the Crown Agents Foundation based in Southwark London.

Having been set up in the 1930s as the new face of the British Empire, today’s British Commonwealth occupies 12.2 million square miles of territory, holds 2.4 billion people and represents 21% of the world’s land area. For those who still believe in the myth that the British Empire disappeared after WW2, it is worth contrasting both Commonwealth and Empire maps.

The fact is that the British Empire continues to exert a vast top-down influence over world affairs. Despite having nominally disappeared after WWII, giving way for an “American Empire”, Global Britain is simply an attempt to make explicit what has always been true. Today’s strategists managing the Global Britain agenda “coming out party” are in a desperate attempt to position the Commonwealth as the center of a new post-reset age.

Being an institution organized entirely around hereditary institutions, the centrepiece for the continuity of this reform is hinged upon a ruling family occupying the position of official Prima inter pares around which the entire structure of controls can exert its influence.

In today’s age, this role has fallen onto a certain inbred creature by the name of Charles.

“Long Live the King”

“London Bridge is Down” were the code words delivered by the Queen’s Private Secretary Edward Young to high-ranking officials upon the death of Queen Elisabeth II.

This code was selected as part of a larger protocol dubbed strangely enough “operation Unicorn” for reasons beyond the wildest imagination of this author and which sets into motion a set of actions culminating in the anointing of Prince Charles as the new King of Britain and the Commonwealth.

For Canadians who had thought they would no longer be forced to endure watching their Prime Minister slavishly declare his oaths of fealty (and oaths of secrecy) to an inbred monarch sitting on the other side of the ocean as had occurred in 2017 they will be very disappointed.

Canada’s Parliamentary Oaths Act of 1866 demands that both houses of Parliament are required to take pledges of allegiance after the deaths of all sitting monarchs. That’s right, every single member of the supposedly “elected and democratic” government of Canada must declare their oaths of fealty not to the people or non-existent constitution, but to some inbred family bloodline on the other side of the world.

Similar oaths were read by elected officials across every other Commonwealth Five Eyes member state.

It is thus worth asking, is this institution of hereditary powers which Charles has inherited just a ceremonial gig with no real substance or influence behind it?

Although the majority of citizens including British subjects believe this to be the case, the facts point to a very different reality.

Prince Charles: World’s Largest Property Owner

This may surprise you, but the British Crown happens to be the world’s largest property owner clocking in possessions amounting to 6.6 billion acres across Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Canada, Great Britain and the Falkland Islands[6].

On top of the “Crown Lands” and “Crown Corporations” which are legally owned by the monarch of Britain, an organization called ‘The Crown Estate’ is one of the world’s largest property groups. Describing the institution which sends 25% of its earnings directly into the Monarch’s purse every year, Die Welt Business had this to say[7]:

“The Crown Estate owns property all across the UK, from castles and cottages to agricultural land and forests plus retail parks and shopping centers. It owns more than half the UK’s entire seashore, giving it hugely valuable auction rights for offshore commercial activity, such as wind farms.”

The Crown controls nearly the entire seabed (and half the seashore) around the UK with any business wishing to build offshore windmills as part of the Green New Deal forced to rent their sea beds from the Crown Estate. It was noted by Byline Times that the Crown will stand to become “the biggest beneficiary of UK’s Green Agenda” which recently unveiled a 10 point plan for a “green revolution” and full decarbonization by 2050. For anyone confused about the exploding prices of inefficient energy sources across England, they wouldn’t get far without appreciating the tax-payer subsidized boondoggle of windmill farms.

Prince Charles himself has demonstrated that he certainly doesn’t see the Crown as a symbolic entity and was accused of “incontinent lobbying” in 2013 when dozens of personal letters (dubbed the “Black Spider Memos”) to MPs and the Prime Minister were made public after an intense legal fight to keep them secret. Charles’ official biographer Jonathan Dimbleby even wrote in 2013 that upon Charles’ succession to the Crown that things would become much more hands on, and “that a quiet constitutional revolution is afoot.”[8]

Prerogative Powers Are Real

Although much effort goes into portraying the Crown’s prerogative powers as merely symbolic, they cover nearly every branch of governance and have occasionally been used… although those British spheres of influence where they most apply are usually so self-regulating that they require very little input from such external influence to keep them in line.

These powers were first revealed publicly in 2003 and in an article titled ‘Mystery Lifted on the Prerogative Powers’[9], the London Guardian noted that these powers include (but are not limited to):

“Domestic Affair, the appointment and dismissal of ministers, the summoning, prorogation and dissolution of Parliament, Royal assent to bills, the appointment and regulation of the civil service, the commissioning of officers in the armed forces, directing the disposition of the armed forces in the UK (and other Commonwealth nations), appointment of Queen’s Counsel, Issue and withdrawal of passports, Prerogative of mercy. (Used to apply in capital punishment cases. Still used, eg to remedy errors in sentence calculation), granting honours, creation of corporations by Charter, foreign Affairs, the making of treaties, declaration of war, deployment of armed forces overseas, recognition of foreign states, and accreditation and reception of diplomats.”

When a 2009 bill was introduced into parliament proposing that these powers be limited, a Privy Council-led Justice Ministry review concluded that such limitations would ‘”dangerously weaken” the state’s ability to respond to a crisis’ and the bill was promptly killed[10].

Acting on Provincial levels, we find Lieutenant Governors who (in Canada) happen to be members of the Freemasonic Knights of St John of Jerusalem.

King Charles and the Great Reset

Charles demonstrated this “more hands on” approach to governance on June 3, 2020 when he became the official patron of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and even officially launched the project Tweeting out #TheGreatReset. 

On his official website, the Prince launched the project saying “Today, through HRH’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, The Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset”.

Eco-Warrior King of a New Crusade

Charles has demonstrated the sort of enthusiasm for decarbonization of the world which one tends to only find in a religious fanatic setting himself up as the eco-warrior of monarchs, a Crusader King of a new religion, except instead of Muslims in the Holy Land, our new Davos-connected eco-crusaders have targeted carbon dioxide and the industrial civilization, farming and useless eaters who cause it, to be the poisonous threat that must be destroyed. Charles appears to see himself walking in the footsteps of his WWF-founding father as the new leading spokesman for a total transformation of society under a WEF-green governance priesthood.

July 2022 edition of Australia’s Spectator aptly characterized Charles’ misanthropic activism in the following terms:

“The environmentalism that the Prince has decided to occupy himself with while he awaits to ascend the throne is not a harmless sort of apolitical tree-planting or rainforest-saving activity. He’s not hugging pandas or funding wildlife sanctuaries. Instead, he has engaged himself in a hybrid business and political uprising that threatens the survival of the political system which he is meant to oversee. In addition to being a betrayal of the ordinary citizen, his actions represent a failure to his sole duty as future king – to protect the constitutional monarchy from rising climate fascism and globalism.”

Nazi Roots of House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

The role of the Crown in leading a revival of practices of global totalitarianism, population control and fascism is not unprecedented. An uncomfortable fact which has recently unveiled by the documentary Edward VIII: Britain’s traitor King on Britain’s Channel 4, this fascist heart of the Crown was alive during the darkest years before and during World War 2.

This film, based upon a soon-to-be released book by historian Andrew Lownie, uses recently declassified reports from the Royal Archives to tell the story of Britain’s Nazi King Edward VIII who not only desired a Nazi victory in WWII, but actively worked towards said goal from the moment he was forced to abdicate the throne in 1936 (allegedly to marry an American divorcée Wallis Simpson) throughout the darkest days of the war itself.

As this documentary proves, teaching his young niece Elizabeth II how to do a proper ‘sieg heil’ wasn’t his only dance with Nazism.

While in exile in Portugal where the royal hob knobbed with Germany’s elite, the documentary cites diplomatic cables sent by Edward to German officials demanding that the Nazis relentlessly bomb England into submission in 1940 encouraging the deaths of millions of innocent civilians.

The film also cites a little-known speech where Edward called for Britain’s surrender to the Nazis in 1939 which the BBC refused to air. Even after being sent to the Bahamas by imperial officials who had decided it more expedient to put down their Frankenstein monster than continue with their earlier plans for a fascist New World Order, the Nazi would-be king had cabled Hitler’s officials indicating his willingness to return to Europe when needed and retake his rightful seat on the throne as an Aryan king.

Beyond the case of Edward VIII, there are many other embarrassing Nazi connections to the house of Windsor (formerly Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) which the film failed to mention, some of which implicate the late Prince Consort Philip Mountbatten (aka: Duke of Edinburgh) directly.

Philip himself maintained the family tradition, when founding the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) with fellow one-time Nazi Party member Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a lifelong eugenicist and Bilderberg Group founder, in 1961. Philip and Bernhard were joined by Sir Julian Huxley (then president of the Eugenics Society of Britain) as WWF co-founder.

In an August 1988 interview with Deutsche Press Agentur, Prince Philip proclaimed his desire to return in the next life as a deadly virus to help “solve overpopulation”.

Prince Philip exuded cold misanthropic “musings” throughout his life as he contemplated the human zoo asserting:

“You cannot keep a bigger flock of sheep than you are capable of feeding. In other words conservation may involve culling in order to keep a balance between the relative numbers in each species within any particular habitat. I realize this is a very touchy subject, but the fact remains that mankind is part of the living world. Every new acre brought into cultivation means another acre denied to wild species.”

It should be noted King Charles continued his fathers’ legacy as president of the British World Wildlife Foundation which he has headed for over 30 years.

The Nazi pedigree of the royal family and its loyal managers raises the question: Why has their continuation of Nazi eugenics doctrine in the form of the euthanasia and zero-growth movements not become more widely known? What type of world do we live in, that such startling facts could not be general knowledge?

The true Empire has always been a financial oligarchy which is used by a vast network of power structures to advance the interests of the aristocracy of Europe; The current epicenter of power is the Anglo-Dutch monarchies.

It is this power that controls the Bilderberg Group, its junior appendage the World Economic Forum, and steers American policy through the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations (the American version of Chatham House).

It was to leading Chatham House member Lord Lothian in 1937 that Hitler laid out his concept for the Anglo-German New World Order saying: 

“Germany, England, France, Italy, America and Scandinavia… should arrive at some agreement whereby they would prevent their nationals from assisting in the industrializing of countries such as China, and India. It is suicidal to promote the establishment in the agricultural countries of Asia of manufacturing industries.” 

Any number of technocrats pushing a “Build Back Better for the World” scheme or “Global Green New Deal” could have said the same thing.

Today, the Canadian Institute for International Affairs has been renamed the Canadian International Council (CIC). The CIC is Chaired by Oxford-trained regime change specialist Ben Rowswell who worked closely with Privy Councillor Chrystia Freeland in attempting to overthrow the government of Maduro in favor of WEF-puppet Juan Guaido which continues to this day.

A key pillar in the control over colonies of Anglo-Dutch influence remains the Privy Council system, which is centered in Britain, but has secondary branches in select Commonwealth countries. It is under the Privy Council’s influence that lower-level operatives are instituted in the form of deputy ministers, the Treasury Board, Select Committees, and other appointed officials in the Civil Service. Other key nodes in the public and private sector manage the interests of the Crown. All cabinet members of government are made Privy Councillors and all Privy Councillors are sworn to an oath of secrecy and allegiance to the Queen including oaths to keep secret those things spoken of in privy council meetings.

The Crown as the Key to the Continuity of Empire

Of course, it would be silly to believe that Charles (or any previously reigning monarch) were their own person, while ignoring the armada of handlers, courtiers and deeper Byzantine grand strategists who revolve around the Crown as an institution sometimes dubbed “the Fount of All Honors”. The Fount of All Honors is an official term which denotes the legal idea that all authority for the public and private affairs emanates from the single source of the Crown and its unbroken bloodline.

Continuity is everything for empire, and the importance of maintaining institutions that transcend individual lifetimes has always been a point of high concern.

In a post-1776 world that began to get a taste for self-government, freedom and democracy as a new mode of self-organization, the “stability” of hereditary institutions came under grave threat.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the past 250 years has been shaped by the clash of these two opposing paradigms of organizing society. Where one paradigm assumes as self-evident the existence of inalienable rights of all people, the other system presumes that the only inalienable rights are those held by an oligarchical master class who wish to rule over subjects (aka: useless eaters) whose population levels must be periodically culled for easier management.

The supposition that rights cannot be granted or withheld by a superior bloodline is truly anathema to any system of oligarchism even if it masquerades behind the costume of a species of democracy designed to placate plebs but not allow them or their representatives the means of influencing anything truly meaningful about their reality.


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This article was originally published on The Canadian Patriot.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation


[2] There Are Only 22 Countries in the World That the British Haven’t Invaded By Matt Soniak, Mental Floss, Nov 7, 2012

[3] The New Colonialism: Britain’s Scramble for Africa’s Energy and Mineral Resources by Mark Curtis, published by War on Want, 2016

[4] The ’emirs of Londonistan’ and the alleged UK-jihadist collaboration

By Nawaf al-Tamimi, New Arab, Aug. 11, 2015

[5] British Creation and Control of Islamic Terror: Background to China’s Defeat of Terror in Xinjiang by Mike Billington, EIR, Jan. 10, 2020

[6] The World’s 15 Biggest Landowners Thornton McEnery, Business Insider, Mar 18, 2011

[7] The mysterious property empire behind the Queen

Arthur Sullivan. Die Welt, June 9, 2021

[8] Prince Charles at 65: a pensioner waits for the job of his life by Jonathan Dimbleby, The Guardian, Nov. 13, 2013

[9] Mystery lifted on Queen’s powers, Clare Dyer, The Guardian, Oct. 2003

[10] Royal powers review warns against further reform, by Alan Travis, The Guardian, October 2009

Featured image is from The Canadian Patriot

The Clash of the Two Americas

Vol. 1 & 2

by Matthew Ehret

In his new two volume series The Clash of the Two Americas, Matthew Ehret introduces a new analysis of American history from the vantage point that the globally-extended supranational shadow government that managed the British Empire was never fully defeated and has acted within the USA itself since 1776 as a continuous multi-generational fifth column managing every significant event and assassination of American presidents for the next 250 years.

Click here to order.

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Syria has been reinstated as a member of the Arab League, which will meet on May 19 in Riyadh. After a 12-year absence, Syria is in the midst of an Arab-led political path to normalization in the region. The regional powerhouse, Saudi Arabia, and the vision of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have taken center stage in diplomatic resolutions to persistent crises.

Foreign ministers from Arab League member states voted in Cairo on Sunday to return Syria to the brotherly diplomatic league.

Damascus has been the site of normalization efforts recently. Jordan has put forth an initiative to reach a peaceful political settlement to the conflict in Syria. Western-backed uprisings and conflicts have plagued the Middle East and continue. However, there are winds of change blowing across the desert sands, and the regional actors are rejecting the status quo.

The US-NATO attack on Syria for regime change involved Arab and Western nations as participants, but the plan failed. The armed conflict planned and executed by President Obama, and Vice President Biden killed thousands and displaced millions.

Following the February 6 earthquake in Syria and Turkey, restoration ties with Damascus began with a huge Arab humanitarian response, including the UAE and Saudi Arabia, which set up an air bridge for much-needed help for victims of the quake.

The Chinese-brokered re-establishment of ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran was a political earthquake in the region and gave the indication that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was looking to establish peace and prosperity in the region, and was veering away from Western interference which has been the source of unrest.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud visited Damascus on April 18 for the first time in more than a decade, with the two countries also restoring embassies and flights between them.

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad visited the Kingdom just days before Prince Faisal visited Damascus, on the first such trip since 2011.

Foreign Embassies in Damascus 

Damascus hosts 44 embassies, and in addition, there are 51 consulates.  Many had closed during the conflict as Western nations and their Arab allies aligned themselves against Syria in their failed effort to remove the secular government, and instead place a Muslim Brotherhood member as the US ally in Damascus.

Some European countries never closed their embassy doors in Damascus, such as Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Holy See, Romania, Serbia, and Sweden.

Several Arab embassies also are open in Damascus, such as UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Yemen, and Oman. Saudi Arabia and Tunisia have said they will open their embassies soon in Damascus.

Experts expect more embassies will dust off their desks and reopen as Damascus springs back to life after more than a decade of isolation.

Syria and Saudi Arabia support the Palestinian cause

Restoring the rights, and land to the Palestinian people has long been a pillar of the Syrian position. Saudi Arabia also has stressed the rights of the Palestinians and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited on April 18 and met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss recent developments in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Saudi Arabia denounced the Israeli storming of the al-Aqsa mosque compound on April 5, and rejected actions “that undermine peace efforts and contradict international principles in respect of religious sanctities.”

Saudi-China relations

King Salman bin Abdulaziz approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that granted Saudi Arabia the status of a dialogue partner in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on March 28.

The SCO is a Eurasian political, economic, international security, and defense organization. Members include India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan, with Iran set to join soon.

Saudi Arabia has depended solely on the US for decades but now is opening their horizon to other partners as the Kingdom marches toward fulling its Vision 2030.

Saudi OPEC decisions

Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ oil producers announced voluntary cuts to their production on April 2. Riyadh said it would cut output by 500,000 barrels per day from May until the end of 2023.

When US President Joe Biden visited Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman he asked him to increase oil output, to drop the price of gasoline to American consumers. Instead, the decision was made to remain at the level decided upon previously by OPEC. This decision disappointed Biden, but after Biden had made seriously false accusations against Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the past, it came as no surprise. 

In the last two months, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince and top diplomats held high-level meetings with officials from the US, Iran, Netherlands, Egypt, and China. These meetings helped to mark the Kingdom’s diplomatic position in the Arab world and cement Riyadh’s position internationally as a powerhouse in the Middle East.

Looking forward while looking back at the Syrian conflict

In December 2012, the fourth conference for the “Friends of the Syrian People” opened in Morocco, with participation by more than a hundred government delegates, including from the US, France, Britain, and the Gulf countries.

The US-NATO attack on Syria beginning in March 2011 for regime change, created the “Syrian National Coalition” (SNC) which over the years has been hosted by Turkey, and Qatar at the direction of the US. The Syrian government in Damascus was deemed illegitimate, and the SNC was given full political recognition at the 2012 meeting in Morocco, as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

The SNC had an armed wing, also created by the US through their CIA program, Timber Sycamore, which trained, funded, and armed men following the Muslim Brotherhood ideology, to establish an Islamic State in Damascus, similar to the US project in Egypt which successfully installed Mohammed Mursi, before he was rejected by the Egyptian people.

The Free Syrian Army 

In 2012, Daniel Wagner wrote from Washington on HuffPost about the dark and evil side of the US-backed FSA. He explained how the US and Western media were glorifying the FSA as ‘freedom fighters’ while turning a blind eye to war crimes and atrocities they committed. The Western mainstream media played a huge role in brainwashing the American and European public.

Aleppo, the industrial capital of Syria, was finally turned into a war zone, and as Wagner explains, “The primary reason Aleppo was attacked by the FSA is that it was and remains supportive of the government. In response, the FSA has been acting more like a force opposed to the citizens of Syria than a force intended to secure their freedom. For example, it has in the recent past stolen wheat reserves intended for the residents of Aleppo and sold them to private Turkish grain traders, expropriated stocks of pharmaceuticals and forcibly resold them back to their owners, and ransacked schools. These are hardly the actions of a ‘liberation force.’”

Over the years, the FSA became extinct, and their partner Al Qaeda finally morphed into ISIS.  The US and NATO were left supporting outlawed terrorists, who they claimed they were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, but not in Syria.

Idlib remains the last terrorist-controlled province held by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly called Jibhat al-Nusra, formerly called Al Qaeda, led by Mohammad al-Julani, formerly of ISIS.  This is the man the US continues to support.

The US sidelined in the Middle East

Bill Burns, the head of the CIA, arrived in Saudi Arabia in April amid developments placing Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the driver’s seat of political developments in the Middle East.  No longer willing to be a passive actor taking cues from Washington, but instead sitting in the director’s chair.

The US has condemned the Arab League vote to reinstate Syria and has said they remain opposed to any rebuilding of homes in Syria and opposed to the Syrian people abroad returning to their own homes.

The US and NATO successfully removed Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi. He will be forever remembered while sitting at the Arab League round table, denouncing the directives each participant received from Washington, DC., and issuing a prophetic warning that one day the US would be attempting to remove each leader sitting at the table.  His speech was reacted to by laughter, but no one is laughing now.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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As the single major obstacle to peace, the Russians long ago declared that the US-sponsored NATO military presence on their border was an unacceptable Red Line just as the UK and US providing Ukraine with missiles or heavy weaponry would be equally intolerable. There is nothing new with either position as Russia identified  certain  Anglo Saxon“decision maker’ centres to be held responsible for providing those weapons; clearly the Russians regard the UK and US as its  Anglo Saxon adversaries.

There is no question, in the Russian experience, that NATO is considered an essential indirect accomplice to keeping Ukraine supplied with ‘lethal’ armaments while Biden officials altered their position to provide (MLRS) long range missiles as well as HIMARS (high  mobility artillery rocket systems) with sufficient range to reach Russia despite Ukraine “assurances” that “it will not launch US weapons into Russia” according to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

As perhaps an opening salvo for Ukraine’s much awaited spring offensive, the German news agency Bild reported that a recent western-made explosive-laden drone detonated in the vicinity of the Rudnevo Industrial park prior to an upcoming visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Bild described the drone as ’30 C4 explosive blocks with a total weight of 17 kilograms [more than 37 pounds] on board,” adding that M112 type explosives are commonly used by the U.S.

A week later, WW III tensions escalated with an early morning attack of two drones aimed at the Kremlin and presumably President Vladimir Putin’s official place of work who is known to spend late night-early morning hours in his office. A World Heritage Site, the Kremlin is a massive fortified complex dominating the heart of Moscow since the Thirteenth Century including the Russian Orthodox monument of St. Basil’s Basilica.  An attack on the Kremlin is considered an attack on the seat of power within Russia  as the White House or the US Capitol are not comparable in any way to its religious, historic or political significance.

Questions remain whether the drone attack was a failed mission of minimal proportions with faulty intelligence or with the intent of a casus belli to encourage an uncharacteristic Russian overreaction with the onus of starting WW III on the Russians.

In any case, Russia has reserved the right to a ‘retaliatory response” when and where they see fit.  Former Russian President and Deputy of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev elaborated that there would be ‘no choice’ but to strike outside of Ukraine as Medvedev pointed out that the US mistakenly claim they  are not in full control of ‘use only’ decisions which are allegedly “applied and adopted” only by Ukrainian authorities. Medvedev further indicated that “After today’s terrorist attack, there were no options left except for the physical elimination of Zelensky and his cabal” although one need not speculate about who qualifies as Zelensky’s ‘cabal’.

After accusing Ukraine of orchestrating the attack ‘under the dictate of Washington,” Ria Novosti transmitted Dmitry Peskov’s statement that Russian intelligence services received information about the participation of the United States in the attack on the Kremlin strike but have not yet disclosed the details. In a not-so-subtle warning, Peskov said that “Washington should clearly understand that Moscow is aware that they are behind the actions of Ukraine” as attempts by the US and Ukraine to “disown this is ridiculous.” The Russians appear certain they have solid proof that the US continues to call the military shots; including this latest drone attack on the Kremlin.

To digress briefly – here is the burning  Million Dollar Question: IF Russia activates a retaliatory response against a predetermined ‘decision maker” centre which presumably includes NATO as a major participant in escalating the war, will the Joint Force Command -Norfolk, once known as the US Norfolk Naval Station, be in Russia’s crosshairs?  It is within the context of Russia identifying those ‘decision makers’ when what might be an insignificant drone attack on Moscow becomes more of a gravely precarious matter that will not simply diminish over time as the Russians have reached the end of their patience.

At the same time, why would the innocence of Ukraine issue a commemorative postage stamp celebrating the drone Kremlin attack almost immediately before the smoke had cleared?

Meanwhile, Peskov stressed Moscow knows that Kyiv’s goals are determined by Washington and that Washington gives Kyiv the order with the understanding it will be accomplished. The US chooses the target and delivery method, as ”the decisive vote belongs to the US in the choice of means for the strike.”  Peskov continued that Russia identified the attack on the Presidential residence as a ‘terrorist’ attack and that we “know full well that decisions to carry out such terrorist actions are made not in Kiev, but in Washington

Sergei Rybakov, Russian Deputy Foreign Policy Minister pointed out that “The anger and hatred towards Russia with which Washington acts in a situation in which it frankly should think of their own safety is inexplicable.” Rybakov added that Russia and the US are on the “verge of open, armed conflict” after the Kremlin attack.

Russian Duma Chair, Vyacheslav Volodin endorsed the use of any weapons necessary to remove the Nazi regime in Kiev and that Western nations pumping Zelensky’s government with weapons are now direct accomplices to terrorist activities. Russia has repeatedly warned those ‘decision maker’ nations who provided the necessary weapons, funding and support network that allowed the war to escalate within Russia’s borders, would be held responsible.

The WH response has been a curiously twisted disavowal “we are unable to independently verify Ukraine’s denial of involvement in the bombing” as if they were completely unaware of what had occurred while US National Security Advisor John Kirby puzzled “we don’t know what happened.”

Not surprisingly, the Uniparty and its establishment media gathered the media wagons around as they piled on for a different response: it must have been a false flag attack according to former Trump National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien; Obviously it was Russia bombing its own capitol, right?  Who cannot see that?  It has all the ‘hallmarks’ of Russian disinformation or perhaps it was the country who most predominately uses drones to attack other countries – who might that be? Former CIA Director Leon Panetta agreed ‘it smells like a false flag operation, Putin is not out walking around and there is no rose garden at the Kremlin.”  None of these denials qualify as anything more than a clever ruse to deny any accusation and avoid international condemnation.

Meanwhile, the civilized world contemplates a potential Russian attack on the US at the now-NATO Naval Station, thereby hitting two birds with one stone.

It remains a puzzlement exactly who had the constitutional authority to acquiesce on American sovereignty or how a transfer of US military authority at the US Naval Station in Norfolk morphed into the Joint Force Command- Norfolk in 2018 with no formal public approval or verification process; exactly how and why did the United States relinquish its historic claim on the Norfolk Naval Station.? Did any Congressional Committee with appropriate jurisdiction ever debate the matter or hold a hearing?  If so, the American public would be interested in reading Committee minutes of those meetings.   Was President Trump ever informed or approved of NATO’s incorporation?

Chronologically speaking, in January, 2018, seemingly out of the blue, the city of Norfolk  adopted an ordinance to accept a ‘donation’ of three traffic signs that acknowledged Norfolk as Home to the North American NATO Headquarters as city documents revealed that Norfolk has been the unofficial ‘home’ to North Atlantic NATO since 1953.  By early 2018, NATO sought to ‘formalize’ the details with the sign donation and a letter of acceptance.

In May, 2018, prior to recognition of Ukraine as a military flash point, Navy officials announced that “amid heightened tensions with Russia, the US Navy announced re-establishment of the US Second Fleet (after having been disestablished in 2011) which will be responsible for Naval forces along the East Coast and in the northern Atlantic Ocean” as the “Defense Department also announced that the US has offered to host and lead NATO’s newly proposed Joint Force Command.”  Who gave the Navy permission to ‘host’ NATO at Norfolk?

In June, 2018 NATO’s North Atlantic Defense Ministers formally established a new Atlantic Command in Norfolk that would report directly to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe under the command of NATO.  

On September 17, 2020, six weeks before the 2020 Presidential election, a ribbon  cutting occurred to mark the  Initial Operational Capability ceremony at NATO’s New Norfolk Command Center.  Neither President Trump nor any representative from his Administration appeared to be in attendance.

On October 16, 2020, seventeen days before the 2020 election, the City of Norfolk unveiled a new sign at its arrival airport terminal which read “Welcome to Norfolk – NATO’s Home in North  America”. By that date, the US Navy’s base in Norfolk formally became home to both NATO-Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and the Joint Force Command Norfolk (JFC).   Hundreds of civilian and military personnel representing over 30 Member NATO countries had already relocated to Norfolk area.

On May 28, 2021, the North Atlantic Council approved the nomination of General Phillippe Lavigne, French Air and Space Force, as Supreme Allied Commander Transformation at the Norfolk base.

On June 4, 2021, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg called for more investment from members of the Alliance and adherence to NATO’s 2030 (UN) agenda issued in 2020 “making sure [that] NATO remains strong militarily, becomes even stronger politically and takes a ‘more global approach.”  On July, 2021, the Allied Joint Force Command at Norfolk declared ‘full operational capability’ with Gen. Mark Milley, Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff addressing the assembled dignitaries.

In other words, at what point might the Russians deliver on its pledge to hold  Anglo Saxondecision makers’ responsible for the expanded conflict; thereby enacting Articles 4 or 5 of the NATO Treaty which identifies ‘territorial integrity’ and guarantees a ‘collective defense’ in response to a heightened conflict in Ukraine.


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Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC.

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Morning Star

King Charles III: Policing the Republican Protests

May 9th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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In Britain, pageantry has always been a palliative and plaster for the dark and dismal. Be it in times of crisis, the chance to put on an extravagant show, usually at vast expense, is not something to forego. Central to this entertainment complex is the Royal family, that archaic vestige of an era that refuses to pass into history.

The Coronation of King Charles III was yet another instance of that complex in action. It was a spectacle, redolent of ancient ceremony, aged ritual, punctuated by the monarch’s statements of “I do”.

While this delighted a goodly number of punters, the whole affair also presented Republic and others of like mind to avail themselves of the chance to protest. Republic is one of the key groups attempting to stir the waters of change, running petitions, arranging protests and selling merchandise for the cause. On this occasion, the group was promising some of the biggest protests against the monarchy, with demonstrators sporting “Not my King” placards.

Unfortunately for the protesters, and for the right to assemble in general, the UK Parliament made sure to pass laws for that precise eventuality.  Nothing would be left to chance.  Security Minister, Tom Tugendhat, explained away the coincidental nature of the Public Order Act 2023 and it coming into effect just days before the Coronation. “We’re not just thinking of our own security but the security of heads of states, and we’re dealing with protest groups who have nothing to do with the UK but to do with foreign leaders visiting the UK.”

The 2023 statute builds on measures that were already used against anti-monarchy protests following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. As human rights legal academic David Mead noted at the time, the right to protest peacefully is protected in domestic law, while free expression is also protected by the European Convention on Human Rights via the Human Rights Act. But this did not prevent the police from making adventurous use of various countering provisions, though it was not clear what they were.  Attention was paid to the possible use of section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986, public nuisance, or arrest to prevent a breach of the peace.

Evidently, the Tory government did not feel these measures adequate in their severity. The 2023 Act specifically outlines such offences as “locking on” and “being equipped for locking on”, in addition to expanding stop and search powers. Police making use of such powers may, provided they are of or above the rank of inspector, authorise stop and search without the need for suspicion.

The locking on offence covers instances where a people “attach themselves to another person, to an object or to land”, do the same with other people, and “attach an object to another object or to land”. Such acts must also cause, or be capable of causing, serious disruption to two or more individuals or an organisation in a place other than a dwelling, and be accompanied with the requisite intent.

As for the offence of being equipped for locking on, a person is in breach “if they have an object with them in a place other than a dwelling with an intention that it may be used in the course of or in connection with the commission by any person of an offence under section 1(1) (offence of locking on).”

The government would have also delighted in the High Court’s decision to reverse a District Judge’s ruling to acquit a protester for allegedly breaching a police direction made under the Public Order Act 1986. In 2020, the protester in question sat down in Parliament Street, adjacent to Parliament Square. According to the police, the protest had stay within the confines of Parliament Square

The decision, handed down the same week the new Public Order Act received Royal assent, held that the judge applied the wrong test in assuming that a defendant’s conviction had to be proportionate relative with their rights to free expression and assembly.  It was a remarkable decision, and abysmal in the context of assembly and free expression.

In a statement from Commander Karen Findlay of the London Metropolitan Police, a fat finger of accusation was pointed at the Coronation protestors. There had “been a significant police operation after we received information protestors were determined to disrupt the Coronation procession.” It was “targeted at those we believed were intent on taking this action. It was not our intention to prevent protest”.

All in all, 64 arrests were made on May 6. Of these, 52 “related to concerns people were going to disrupt the event, and arrests included to prevent a breach of the peace and conspiracy to cause a public nuisance.” Eight arrests were also “made for other offences, including possession of an offensive weapon, drugs offences, and breaching a sexual harm prevention order.”

In the arrest count were six demonstrators from the Republic campaign group, suspected of having items among their placards that “could be used as lock on devices.” The Met investigation that followed proved otherwise. “Those arrested stated the items would be used to secure their placards, and the investigation has been unable to prove intent to use them to lock on and disrupt the event.” There was “regret that those six people arrested were unable to join the wider group of protesters in Trafalgar Square and elsewhere on the procession route.”

One of the arrestees, Republic head Graham Smith, subsequently revealed that three embarrassed officers, one with the rank of chief inspector, personally apologised to him and handed “the straps [for the placards] back to me.”

Such actions did little to douse the fire. “This,” fumed Smith, “has been a disgraceful episode and we will be speaking to lawyers about taking legal action. I also expect a full inquiry into why they repeatedly lied to us and who authorised the arrests.” The newly crowned King will be hoping that interest in the matter will die down quickly. But even the attractive glossiness of pageantry won’t last.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Sky News

The Royal Crowning of King Charles III and the WEF’s Great Reset

By Julian Rose, May 08, 2023

The Coronation of King Charles III will be remembered, if indeed it is remembered, for the pronouncement by the Archbishop of Canterbury a few days before the event, that people watching on television and on the streets should pay homage to the new King by shouting their pledge of support at the moment the King makes his Coronation Oath. 

As Russia Stumbles in Ukraine, Confusion Is Unveiled

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Opposing Russophobia with Learned Russophilia

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Ex-Iran Official Executed by Tehran Was Spy for MI6, Intel Officials Confirm

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Do You Know Why California Hasn’t Found Any Deaths Linked to the COVID Vaccines?

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High School “Died Suddenly”: 14-19 Year Olds Dying Suddenly

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75 Years of Nakba: A Stark Reminder of Israel’s Colonialism

By Ben Jamal, May 08, 2023

Next Saturday, May 13 2023, thousands will gather in London to attend a march organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign and partners, supported by 10 national trade unions. They will march to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, not as an historical moment of collective national trauma but as an ongoing process of colonisation, dispossession, and occupation.

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Multipolaridad, bancos y desdolarización

May 8th, 2023 by Alejandro Marcó del Pont

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Fats are the primary building block of your cell membranes. This is one of the reasons why eating the right types of fat is so important for your health and longevity.

While most nutritional experts blame the epidemic of chronic disease on the increase in sugar consumption, the role of sugar is relatively minor when compared to the impact of seed oils.

There are two basic types of fatty acids, based on how many of their carbon bonds are paired with hydrogen: saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are further subdivided into monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), depending on how many pairs of hydrogen atoms they are missing.

Because your tissues are made up mostly of saturated and monounsaturated fats, your body requires more of them than PUFAs.

The main dietary PUFAs are omega-3 and omega-6 fats, and while your body does need these, it needs them in relatively small quantities. The most pernicious toxin in the modern diet, and the fat you need to minimize consumption of, is the omega-6 fat linoleic acid (LA). LA makes up 60% to 80% of omega-6 fats and is the primary contributor to chronic disease.


Fats — which are water-insoluble biological molecules also known as lipids1 — are the primary building block of your cell membranes. This is one of the reasons why eating the right types of fat is so important for your health and longevity.

What distinguishes one fat from another is the specific combination of fatty acids it’s composed of, and the properties of fats and fatty acids depend on their hydrogen saturation and the length of their molecules, also referred to as “chain length.”

Fatty Acid Basics

There are two basic types of fatty acids, based on how many of their carbon bonds are paired with hydrogen:2

  • Saturated fats are fully loaded with hydrogen atoms forming straight chains, and are typically solid at room temperature (examples include butter and coconut oil)
  • Unsaturated fats have lost at least one of the pairs of hydrogen atoms from their carbon chain and come in two varieties:
  1. Monounsaturated fats, which are missing one pair of hydrogen atoms
  2. Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFAs), which are missing more than one pair of hydrogen atoms, hence the name “poly”

The loss of hydrogen results in molecules that kink or bend at each double bond. The more hydrogen pairs that are missing, the more bent the molecules, which causes the molecules to occupy more space. This is what makes the fat a liquid oil at room temperature.

In addition to varying levels of hydrogen saturation, fats also vary in the length of their carbon chains, leading to another classification scheme based on their number of carbon atoms:3

  • Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) — Two to four carbon atoms
  • Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) — Six to 10 carbon atoms
  • Long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) — 12 to 26 carbon atoms
  • Very-long-chain fatty acids4 (VLCFAs) — 26 to 30 carbon atoms

The chain length and hydrogen saturation level control a fat’s melting point. As chain length increases, melting point increases. Likewise, fats that are solid at room temperature (butter, coconut oil) have longer chain lengths than fats that are liquid at room temperature (fish oil, olive oil). With chain lengths being equal, the polyunsaturated fats found in seeds oils have lower melting points than saturated fats.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 Basics

PUFAs can also be subdivided into omega-3 and omega-6 fats. The end of the fatty acid chain that is opposite the acid end is the “omega end.” The location of the first double bond from the omega end dictates whether a fatty acid is an omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 (oleic acid) or another member of the omega family.

The most pernicious toxin in the modern diet, and the fat you need to minimize consumption of, is the omega-6 fat linoleic acid (LA). LA makes up 60% to 80% of omega-6 fats and is the primary contributor to chronic disease.

To be clear, it’s only toxic when consumed in excessive quantities, but the vast majority of people nowadays consuming far more than the ideal amounts. The history of how seed oils ended up replacing far healthier animal fats is detailed in the video above.

Many still believe that if you have a distorted omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, the solution is simply to consume more omega-3, but that’s a serious mistake. While you certainly need a certain amount of omega-3s for good health, adding excessive omega-3s is a prescription for disaster, as omega-3 is also a PUFA.

So, when consumed in excessive quantities, omega-3 will cause metabolic damage similar to that of LA, as it breaks down into dangerous metabolites known as ALEs (advanced lipoxidation end products).

Commonly Confused Fats

It is also important to highlight a primarily plant-based omega-3 fat called alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA should not be confused with LA, as they are quite different from a biological standpoint. LA is an omega-6 fat and ALA is an omega-3 fat.

Also, do not confuse LA with CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). Although CLA is an omega-6 fat and most think CLA and LA are interchangeable, they’re not. CLA has many potent health benefits and will not cause the problems that LA does.

The Problem With PUFAs

As a general rule, vegetable and seed oils are high in PUFAs and low in saturated fats while animal fats are the converse. Saturated and monounsaturated fats are more easily used by your body than PUFAs, hence animal fats are generally healthier than seed oils.

Because your tissues are made up mostly of saturated and monounsaturated fats, your body also requires more of them than PUFAs. The main dietary PUFAs are omega-3 and omega-6 fats, and while your body does need these, it needs them in relatively small quantities.

One significant problem with PUFAs is that they are chemically unstable, which makes them highly susceptible to being damaged by oxygen species generated from the energy production in your cells. This damage causes them to form ALEs, which in turn generate dangerous free radicals that damage your cell membranes, mitochondria, proteins and DNA.

What’s worse, PUFAs are integrated into your cell membranes and can remain so for five to seven years. The missing hydrogen atoms also make PUFAs highly susceptible to oxidation, which causes the fat to break down into harmful metabolites such as OXLAMs (oxidized LA metabolites), which have a profoundly negative impact on your health.

LA Is Not an ‘Essential’ Fat

“Essential fatty acids” (EFAs) is a term referring to the PUFAs that scientists believe are crucial for health and that your body cannot produce. Hence, you have to get them from your diet. Currently only two types of fats are considered “essential”:

  • Omega-3 (EPA, DHA, and ALA)
  • Omega-6 fat (LA)

The inclusion of LA is unfortunate, as excessive amounts of LA actually wreck your cellular and mitochondrial function. The reality is you need very small amounts of LA, and because it’s found in most foods, it’s virtually impossible to become deficient. Moreover, modern research has shown that up to 10 generations of animals can be raised without any LA in their diet whatsoever and remain perfectly healthy.

Research has also shown that when you have a large amount of LA in your diet, an enzyme called delta-desaturase — which converts the plant-based omega-3 fat, ALA, to the long-chain fats DHA and EPA — is inhibited. So, consuming high amounts of LA increases your dependence on sea food as a source of preformed EPA and DHA.

This is important, as DHA and EPA are indeed essential and provide a wide range of health benefits. One of the most important benefits of DHA is lowering inflammation, which is a factor in most chronic and degenerative diseases. EPA, meanwhile, is important for heart and cardiovascular health.5,6

The Evidence Why LA Is Not an ‘Essential’ Fat

However, the first demonstration of essential requirement for LA in animal diets was in 1929-30. Rats receiving the nearly unachievable outside of a lab, 0.5% of their total dietary calories as LA were 30% higher in body weight compared to total fat deficient rats and did not develop skin lesions and tail necrosis.7,8

This led to the establishment of the requirement of 1% of total daily calories being omega-6 fat which was later extended to 2% of the total daily calorie intake in humans to ensure sufficiency. This was confirmed by two studies where the physiological symptoms of omega-6 deficiency in human infants, as established by scaling of the skin, were abolished.9,10

But careful review of the data used to establish LA being essential to the diet finds that this conclusion was established using control diets that were not only deficient in omega-6 fatty acids, but also omega-3 fatty acids. This dual deficiency in the control diets seems to invalidate the establishment of an omega-6 fatty acid requirement.11

Subsequent studies have demonstrated that the dietary omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), is able to diminish the symptoms of LA deficiency.12 This strongly suggests that the absence of ALA in the original studies have probably heightened the significance of the physiological symptoms caused by LA deficiency.

It seems that at least for the rat model, the nutritional requirement for LA has probably been seriously overestimated. A more precise estimation of the LA requirement is likely closer to a 75% reduction or, 0.5% of the dietary energy rather than 2%.13

This calls into question how “essential” LA really is in the human diet, especially since, outside of a research lab or parenteral nutrition, it is virtually impossible to avoid getting enough LA to meet physiological needs. Currently, most adults are consuming far more than recommended amounts of LA.

According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the dietary guidelines for LA intake recommend an upper limit of 10%,14 which is much higher than the optimal level of 1-2%.15 Despite, the less-than-ideal IOM dietary guidelines, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that most adults are still consuming far above that limit.16

Seed Oils Are the Root of All Chronic Diseases

The video above reviews the health risks associated with vegetable oils and seed oils, which are found in most processed foods. It shows how chronic diseases such as heart disease began to skyrocket after the introduction of these oils to the market.

Before 1866, the Western world for the most part only consumed animal fats. Tallow, suet, lard and butter are examples of these fats. Eastern societies used cold-pressed fats like coconut and palm oil. Vegetable oils like we know them today simply did not exist.

The single-greatest change to the human diet in all of history was the introduction of industrially processed seed oils around 1866.17 At that time Procter & Gamble used a newly invented hydrogenation process to convert surplus unusable cotton seeds into a synthetic seed oil, sold to this day under the name Crisco.

Shortly after that, margarine, which is made from seed oils, was introduced. In recent years the company has largely converted to using palm, soy and canola oil for its Crisco, but cottonseed oil is still very much in use for cooking, especially in restaurants for their fryers.18

Historically, we can see that seed oil use increased from approximately 2 grams per day in 1865, to 5 grams per day in 1909, to 18 grams a day in 1999. As of 2008, the average consumption was 29 grams a day. In terms of percentages, seed oils accounted for approximately 1/100th of total calories in 1865 and increased to more than 1/4th of total calories by 2010 — a 25-fold increase!

Seed Oils Are Far Worse Than Sugar

While most nutritional experts blame the epidemic of chronic disease on the increase in sugar consumption, the role of sugar is relatively minor when compared to the impact of seed oils.

In 1822 the average U.S. sugar consumption was 6 pounds per person per year. This rose to a high of 108 pounds per person per year by 1999.19 This is a 17-fold increase, but seed oils went up 25-fold during that same time period.

In the 1960s and ’70s,20 cardiologist Dr. Robert Atkins was largely responsible for creating the interest in low-carb (low-sugar) diets that seemed to work for many. However, eliminating foods like french fries, potato chips, breads, pasta, pizza and donuts not only eliminates sugar-based carbs, but also seed oils. It is not intuitively obvious, but the carb-loaded foods his diet eliminated are also loaded with dangerous refined seed oils.

Processed foods typically contain about 21% sugar. However, up to 50% or more of the overall calories contained in most processed foods come from seed oils.21,22 The connection is further confirmed by looking at the U.S. carb consumption. It’s been declining since 1997, yet obesity and Type 2 diabetes have steadily increased. Interestingly, this continued rise coincides with the surge of seed oil consumption.

sugar and vegetable oils consumption vs. adult obesity

seed oils and sugar vs. diabetes and obesity

Another major reason why seed oils are exponentially more pernicious to your health than sugar is that they last much longer in your body. The half-life of LA is around 600 to 680 days, or approximately two years. This means it will take you about six years to replace 95% of the LA in your body with healthy fats. This is the primary reason for keeping your LA intake low as possible.

Meanwhile, your glycogen stores will be exhausted in about one to two days. So if you go on a sugar binge, that sugar doesn’t stick around for years destroying your health like the LA in seed oils does.

How Excess LA Consumption Can Wreck Your Health

The main reason why excess LA causes disease is that it prevents your mitochondria from working well. Mitochondria are subcellular organelles responsible for producing most of your cellular energy in the form of ATP, and without ATP, your cells cannot function and repair themselves normally.

As mentioned earlier, PUFAs such as LA are easily damaged by oxygen in a process called oxidation,23 which triggers the creation damaging free radicals.24 These, in turn, give rise to ALEs25and in the case of omega-6 fats, OXLAMs.26,27

These ALEs and OXLAMs then go on to cause mitochondrial dysfunction, which is a hallmark of most all chronic disease. In addition to oxidation, inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction, processed seed oils can also:

The Importance of Cardiolipin

The inhibition of cardiolipin in the inner membrane of your mitochondria explains much of the damage caused by LA. You have about 40 quadrillion to 100 quadrillion mitochondria throughout the cells of your body. The cristae of the inner membrane of the mitochondria contains a fat called cardiolipin,28 and its function is dependent on the type of fat you get from your diet.

Cardiolipin is important because it influences the structure of the cristae inside your mitochondria, which is the area where energy production occurs. If cardiolipin is damaged, then the complexes will not be close enough together to form supercomplexes and thus the mitochondrial energy production will be impaired.

Cardiolipin also works like a cellular alarm system that triggers apoptosis (cell death) by signaling caspase-3 when something goes wrong with the cell. If the cardiolipin is damaged from oxidative stress due to having too much LA, it cannot signal caspase-3, and hence apoptosis does not occur.

As a result, dysfunctional cells are allowed to continue to grow, which can turn into a cancerous cell. The type of dietary fat that promotes healthy cardiolipin is omega-3 fat, and the type that destroys it is omega-6, especially LA.

The image below illustrates a typical mitochondria on the left. Figure C shows how the folds cause cardiolipin to provide the curve in the mitochondrial cristae. The folding causes the super complexes in the electron transport chain to get closer together and more efficiently transfer electrons to produce ATP.


The good news is that dietary changes can improve the composition of fats in your cardiolipin in a matter of weeks, or even days. So, even though it will take years to lower your total body burden of LA, you will likely notice improvements well before then.

LA Contributes to Heart Disease and Cancer

Heart disease and cancer are two of the primary killers in the Western world, and LA is a significant contributor to both of these lethal conditions. One of the first things that happens in atherosclerosis, which is the precursor to heart disease, is that your macrophages (a type of white blood cell) turn into foam cells — essentially a macrophage stuffed with fat and cholesterol.

Atherosclerotic plaque is basically dead macrophages and other types of cells loaded with cholesterol and fat. This is why heart disease is blamed on saturated fat and cholesterol. However, researchers have found that for foam cells to form, the LDL (low density lipoprotein cholesterol) must be oxidized, and that is precisely what seed oils do.

Seed oils cause the LDL to oxidize, thereby forming foam cells. So, LDL in and of itself does not initiate atherosclerosis. LDL’s susceptibility to this oxidative process is controlled by the LA content of your diet. Excess PUFAs also make cell membranes more fragile, allowing them to be easily damaged by oxidation.29,30

Seed oils are also a major contributor to cancer. In fact, a surefire way to induce cancer in many animal models is to feed them seed oils. Animals typically develop cancer once the LA in their diet reaches 4% to 10% of their energy intake.

And, as mentioned, most Americans get approximately 25% of their total daily calories from seed oils, so we’re far over the safety threshold for these fats — at least based on the laboratory work in animals. Remember our ancestors typically got less than 2% of their calories in the form of omega-6.

There’s even evidence showing that eliminating seed oils from your diet will dramatically reduce your risk of sunburn and lower your risk of skin cancer,31,32,33 as susceptibility to UV radiation damage is controlled by how much LA is in your diet.34,35

What Foods to Avoid, and How

Primary sources of LA include seed oils used in cooking, processed foods and restaurant foods made with seed oils, condiments, seeds and nuts, most olive oils and avocado oils (due to the high prevalence of adulteration with cheaper seed oils), and animal foods raised on grains such as conventional chicken and pork.

Ideally, consider cutting LA down to below 7 grams per day, which is close to what our ancestors used to get. If you’re not sure how much you’re eating, enter your food intake into Cronometer — a free online nutrition tracker — and it will provide you with your total LA intake.

Cronometer will tell you how much omega-6 you’re getting from your food down to the 10th of a gram, and you can assume 90% of that is LA. Anything over 10 grams of LA is likely to cause problems. Healthy fat replacements include tallow, butter or ghee, all of which are excellent for cooking.

The table below provides a fairly comprehensive list of the most commonly consumed oils and their approximate LA content.36,37,38 In general, the lowest LA-containing fats — butter and beef tallow — would be the fats of choice. These excellent cooking fats would not only be the lowest in LA, but will also provide the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, and K2. Coconut oil is also very low in LA but doesn’t provide the important fat-soluble vitamins that tallow and butter contain.

cooking oils

Vast Majority of Olive Oil and Avocado Oil Are Adulterated

Most people introduced to the topic of omega-6 toxicity have questions about olive oil and avocado oil. Consumption of olive oil has increased more than 10-fold in the U.S. over the past 35 years.39Olives and olive oil are well-known for their many health benefits, especially for your heart, but using adulterated olive oil will not do your health any favors.

Tests have revealed that anywhere from 60% to 90% of the olive oils sold in American grocery stores and restaurants are adulterated with cheap, oxidized, omega-6 vegetable oils, such as sunflower oil or peanut oil, or nonhuman-grade olive oils, which are harmful to health in a number of ways.40

This is even true for “extra virgin” olive oil Cheap seed oils are added and will not be listed on the label, nor will most people be able to discern that their olive oil is not 100% pure. Chances are, you’ve been eating poor-quality olive oil so long — or you’ve never tasted a pure, high-quality olive oil to begin with — you don’t even realize there’s something wrong with it.

The same applies to avocado oil. Many believe avocado oil is as healthy as olive oil, but this is simply not the case. A 2020 study showed that 82% of avocado oil is adulterated, mislabeled or of poor quality.41

In general, people believe the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is policing and regulating food fraud, but that’s not the case. Its primary focuses are making sure the ingredient label is accurate and tracking food-related disease outbreaks.

The FDA does little in terms of preventing illegally adulterated foods from being sold. This makes discerning quality a difficult task, and unless you can somehow ensure you’re getting 100% pure, unadulterated olive oil and/or avocado oil, you’re better off avoiding them altogether.

Go Easy on the Nuts and Seeds

Most people who are interested in health believe that nuts and seeds are “heart healthy” staples.42However, as you can see in the table below, most nuts and seeds are exceedingly high in LA. For example, 50% of the fat in pecans is LA.43 The only exception is macadamia nuts.

So, while nuts and seeds are often unprocessed and are the best type of omega-6 fats to eat, they will still contribute to the LA content of your diet, and once you hit 5 grams of LA per day, the perishable double bonds will begin to oxidize and generate dangerous free radicals that lead to health problems.

So, nuts and seeds need to be significantly minimized or even eliminated if you want to lower your LA. As mentioned, the exception to this rule is macadamia. Since only 2% of their fat is LA, you can have 10 to 30 a day without significantly raising your LA level.

nuts and seeds

LA in Animal Foods

While seed oils are a primary source of LA, a number of animal foods you might not suspect are also loaded with this harmful fat. Ruminant animals such as cows, buffalo, sheep, lamb, goats, deer, elk and many other game animals have low LA content in their milk and meat, no matter what they eat, thanks to the fact that they have multiple stomachs with bacteria that can convert the high LA fat they eat into saturated and monounsaturated fats.

Animals with a single stomach, however, like chickens and pigs, cannot make this conversion. So, when they’re fed corn and soy, which are high in LA, their meat and eggs will also be high in LA.44Most chicken and pork have over 25% LA. Chicken eggs are acceptable, though, as each egg has less than 1 gram of LA, and that is assuming they are fed commercial feeds that are loaded with high LA.

Interestingly, the difference in LA in ruminants that are 100% grass-fed and those that are fed corn and soy is only about 0.5%, which is why, from an LA perspective, there isn’t much difference between conventional beef and grass fed-only beef. That said, grass fed beef is still preferred as it typically has less glyphosate and hormones.

So, in summary, your best option is to get most of your animal protein from ruminants and avoid or limit all chicken and pork. My favorite meats are bison and lamb, but any of the ones listed above will work. Ideally it should be organic and the animals should not be fed any food that is contaminated with glyphosate or other pesticides.

LA in Seafood

Ideally, you’d get your omega-3s from healthy seafood. However, not all seafoods contain omega-3s. Only fatty, cold-water fish do. Examples include wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel and herring.

Farmed fish, especially farmed salmon, is best avoided altogether due to the exaggerated potential for contamination. At first glance, farmed fish may seem like a good idea to help protect wild seafood populations from overfishing, but in reality, the industry is plagued with many of the same problems surrounding land-based concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), including pollution, disease, toxicity and inferior nutritional quality.

Most farmed fish are fed genetically engineered (GE) corn and soy, which are a completely unnatural diet for marine life and are loaded with hazardous omega-6 fats. Others are fed fishmeal, which is known to accumulate industrial chemicals like PCBs and dioxins.

From a nutritional perspective, farmed salmon also have the drawbacks of containing only half the omega-3 of wild salmon,45,46,47 and one-fourth the vitamin D,48 while having more than 5.5 times the amount of omega-6.49,50 Farmed salmon are also routinely exposed to antibiotics and pesticides.

Carnosine Can Help Reduce LA-Induced Oxidative Damage

While your body will slowly eliminate stored LA over time, provided you reduce your intake, a peptide supplement called carnosine can help reduce the oxidative damage caused by LA while your body is cleaning itself out.

Carnosine is a dipeptide your body makes and it consists of two amino acids, beta-alanine and histidine. It serves as a sacrificial sink for reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ALEs, meaning it lets these very damaging molecules destroy it rather than your mitochondria, DNA or proteins, as depicted in the image below.


Carnosine is found in meats, and eating animal protein is known to efficiently raise carnosine levels.51 It’s not found in any plant foods. Alternatively, you could use a supplement. In this case, beta-alanine is a superior choice, as it’s the rate limiting amino acid in the formation of carnosine and raises carnosine levels more efficiently. It’s also far less expensive than carnosine.


Do yourself and your family a favor and embark on a journey of eliminating all seed oils from your diet today to ward off virtually all chronic degenerative diseases. This means avoiding all seed oils, and even fruit oils like olive oil and avocado oils as they are frequently adulterated with cheap seed oils.

Cook with ghee, butter or beef tallow, and avoid all processed foods, as they are typically loaded with seed oils. Also avoid eating in restaurants, as nearly all use massive amounts of seed oils to cook with and put it in their sauces and dressings. Lastly, avoid chicken and pork, and stick to bison and lamb as your primary meat sources.


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51 Science Direct, Carnosine; Nutritional Supplements and Metabolic Syndrome

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