Big, Bigger AI

June 13th, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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People Astonished

Many people are astonished by the AI driven value-explosion in companies like NVIDIA.

Recently, NVIDIA’s stocks rose 25% from $ 800 million to nearly $ 1 trillion in market capitalization value (market cap). This currently means, that NVIDIA is valued at 123 times its current annual earnings, and some people question whether that is justified. But very few average people appreciate the enormous scope of AI. Even inside the tech industry, many were taken by surprise at the sudden boom in AI. Only the US government and the biggest US tech companies knew about it – and still, probably just the specialized financial traders and the big funds have found their way to know all about it.

The AI Industry Mirrors a Tsunami

The enormity of the coming impact of AI is difficult to measure. Because it is only beginning now. Because it will have a zillion influences. Because it will be everywhere. Because the AI systems and the industry are developing extremely fast. How do you measure such a thing? One sure way to fathom the enormity of the AI tsunami is to watch the industry – and follow the money.

How many people know that Microsoft alone is building 120 gigantic data centers all over the World this year alone? Yep. One new data center the size of three football fields filled with computers every 3 days.

I used AI to find out how much one such a data center might cost in investment. Using AI, you need to check concrete sources, references, which validate what you state. You need to find the right AI apps. Doing so, I found two concrete articles showing one data center costing $ 300 million and another data center costing $ 500 billion to build.

Knowing that Microsoft’s new data centers are gigantic, let’s use the $ 500 million as a proxy for what each of Microsoft’s 120 data centers will cost in total – and you come to $ 60 billion !! Quite some money. Just in one year. And believe me – out of these $ 60 billion, the concrete walls and the roof aren’t the costly items. The chips inside are ! Guess who makes most of those chips? According to Microsoft itself – it is NVIDIA.

Now, add to the above four more facts.

First – Microsoft is not done after building 120 gigantic AI data centers World-wide in 2023. How many more data centers are to come in 2024 and after, we don’t know. But just for getting a sense of it, let’s assume another 120 data centers to be erected by Microsoft. That’ll be another $ 60 billion on top of the first $ 60 billion, much of which will go to NVIDIA.

Second – Microsoft is also not the only company building gigantic data centers to run AI in the cloud for the whole World (minus Russia, of course). Google just announced that it too will run enormous cloud computing for AI. And recently, IBM did the same. I haven’t seen any statements from Google or IBM about their investments in building AI data centers, but AI requires petabytes of data (yes, that is more than a lot), and you simply need specialized enormous data centers if you want to be in that game where Microsoft, Google, and IBM play. Oh… by the way. I nearly forgot Amazon. Don’t believe Amazon earns its uncountable billions just on books on the internet. One of Amazon’s biggest businesses – perhaps Amazon’s biggest business – is cloud computing (incl. for the US government & security state).

Suddenly you have all of the usual suspects, Microsoft, Google, IBM, and Amazon all building countless of gigantic AI data centers – all needing the raw computing power that NVIDIA delivers.

Third – and here comes the best part for someone like NVIDIA. Chips get old, Fast. Well, they don’t age physically. But every 18 months (Moore’s law) chips get outdated by new chips with double their capabilities. That is, you not only have hundreds of gargantuan AI data centers to be filled with NVIDIA chips. These chips will every so often be thrown out and replaced with new and much better chips – also from NVIDIA.

FourthGovernment. The biggest business of all will want its own gigantic AI data centers. First, Government will use Microsoft AI data centers. But soon, Government wants its own – and bigger. And who else than the US security state Pentagon, CIA, FBI, and NSA will need this for analyzing and managing all the individuals they collect data about all over the World. Predictive policing – arrest or “stop and frisk” people before they do anything. Speak also of “social scoring” – that is not just a town in China. AI for Government will be BIG – even bigger than the gigantic JEDI data center project the US security state planned. Much bigger.

A Trillion Makes Sense

Suddeny, NVIDIA’s share value makes a lot more sense – even at a market cap of $ 1 trillion. And that is just NVIDIA.

There are special cable manufacturers who are the only ones capable of the high speed cables needed for AI data centers. There are memory chip manufacturers, like the Koreans. There are CPU manufacturers like AMD (also a giant). And there are lots of other hardware manufacturers and hardware designers, who will participate in the gold rush of AI data centers.

Then of course, additionally you have all the big software houses and upstart entrepreneurs in software building upon AI. They are going to get showered in gold too. IBM recently announced how EVERY company should not just use the AI of others (like of OpenAI) but build their own AI models with their own data set – of course using IBM’s AI-building tools and IBM’s AI computer centers. Enormous business. And of course KPMG, Cap Gemini, Deloitte, EY, SAP, ORACLE … you name it… will fill their pockets digging in the AI gold mine.

Wall Street is into AI too. AI trading will make big investors even richer.

No Stopping the Dynamic of AI

Even in a possible economic down-turn, the AI bonanza won’t stop. The US Government, like all governments, will always increase spending, even more in down-turns. Particularly on things the US can use to manage global citizens. And in a down-turn, many companies will double-down on their plans for AI in order to reduce costs, understand customer needs better, communicate better with customers and partners, expand sales, speed up product development, add unique AI-based customer services, optimize finances, and sell their ideas better to investors, in order to stay in business. Even Elon Musk wants to add AI to Twitter, and wants to found his own AI company X.AI drawing AI technology from self-driving Tesla cars over to Twitter. Meta wants something bigger than that, but just has problems to execute.

There is a whole new dynamic driven by AI coming up. This dynamic will have an enormous impact on EVERYTHING. Government. Financing. Manufacturing. Services. And it will drive its own set of AI industrial suppliers. Recently, a meeting of AI enthusiasts turned into a 5,000 people gathering in California, and they affectionately dubbed it the “Woodstock of AI”. Big companies. Small companies. Government. Start-ups. Everybody is going into AI. Everywhere, the AI opportunities will be like gold spread out on the street, just waiting to be picked up.

Only China and Russia are at a disadvantage. And that is by US design.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

Israeli Soldiers Shoot Dead Two-Year-Old Palestinian

June 13th, 2023 by Philip Giraldi

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There would appear to be no limit to Israeli bestiality towards the Palestinians and likewise no limit to how much that brutality has been enabled by the positions taken by successive US governments and the national media. Indeed, the self-defined Jewish state, which ironically claims to be a democracy, is perhaps the leading human rights violator in all the world due to its officially condoned genocide directed against the Palestinian people and its bombing and killing of neighboring Syrians and Lebanese without providing any convincing evidence that it is being threatened by them.

That apartheid Israel is essentially a criminal state that blithely goes about killing and stealing from the original inhabitants of the Middle East region might well be accepted as substantially true by most observers. But even given all of that, there is sometimes a story that emerges that is so shocking and disturbing that it becomes difficult to contemplate why the rest of the world has not risen-up and demanded an end to Israeli atrocities.

One such story is the recent murder by Israeli soldiers of a two-year-old boy Mohammad al-Tamimi. Unfortunately, heavily armed Israelis illegally occupying the West Bank and killing Palestinian children is not a rare occurrence. Fully 27 children have suffered that fate in the past six months, including some children being killed by Israeli bombing and rockets in Gaza. And the stories are often the same, with the Israeli government claiming that there were “terrorist threats,” often deliberately contrived provocations that rapidly develop into shooting ranges with the unarmed Palestinians as targets.

In this case, Mohammad al-Tamini was with his father, Haytam al-Tamimi, and had just been buckled into the back seat of the family car to go on a short trip to visit an uncle in a nearby village to celebrate an aunt’s birthday. The al-Tamimis live in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, located twelve miles northwest of Ramallah, which passes for the capital of what fragments of land the Palestinians have been able to preserve as a symbol of their national identity. The Israelis de facto are occupiers of nearly all of the West Bank and have military outposts scattered through the region to protect the armed and illegal Jewish settlers who are constantly harassing the remaining Palestinians and destroying their crops to force them to emigrate.

The remaining Palestinians in their villages and towns are constantly under siege and are subject to checkpoints, arbitrary arrests, and even murder at the hands of the Israel Defense Forces. One observer notes how the remaining Arab “communities are actually Palestinian enclaves that are prisons” with heavily armed 18 year old Israeli conscript soldiers free to run amok as they see fit. And when a Palestinian is killed, the Israeli soldiers know well that they will not in any way punished. An Israeli peace group has calculated that between 2017 and 2021 a soldier who murdered a civilian faced only a 0.87% probability that he would be investigated and indicted. There were only 11 such indictments in those years and the punishments eventually meted out were slaps on the wrist.

On June 1st, Mohammad was the victim of a band of Israeli soldiers, who later claimed to be chasing a car from which shots had allegedly been fired at a nearby illegal Jewish settlement Neveh Tzuf. The problem with the tale is that no one heard any shots until the Israeli soldiers blocked the village entrance before arriving in the center of Nabi Saleh in their jeeps and starting shooting in all directions. They then settled in for a few hours to engage in a bit of tormenting of the local residents by beating them and even firing at them at close range. Haytam Tamimi and his son Muhammad were among five Palestinians injured during the raid.

Seated in their vehicle, Mohammad was shot through the head and his father was wounded in the shoulder, apparently by fire from a sniper. Taken to a hospital, Mohammad lingered for four days before dying on Monday June 5th. His body was returned to his village for burial, which took place on the following day, but even then the Israelis chose not to avoid interfering in what was a tragic ceremony. Before and during the funeral, the Israeli military had surrounded the village and later that afternoon, while mourners were gathered at the al-Tamimi grandparents’ home, they entered into it for the third time since Mohammad was shot, beating and shooting villagers, injuring six people. One man sustained a gunshot wound in the pelvis, with the bullet entering his intestines. A woman was struck in her face with a rifle butt while another mourner was hit in the face with a rubber-coated steel bullet.

Ironically, on same day that Mohammad died the American Secretary of State Antony Blinken addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) at its annual policy summit in Washington. AIPAC, it might be observed, exists to promote Israeli interests, which should make it subject to registry under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) but no one in the White House seems interested in enforcing that particular law or any other existing legislation pertaining to secret nuclear arsenals when Israel is involved. The last president who tried to register AIPAC’s predecessor organization the American Zionist Council was John F. Kennedy, and consider what happened to him possibly as a result.

Click to view the video

Blinken, is himself a Jew and an avowed Zionist in an Administration awash with Jews and Zionists to include President Joe Biden, a supermarket Catholic, who calls himself a Zionist and effectively swears fealty to the Jewish state. Blinken is not really very good at blaming Israel for anything and when he is with a hardline Jewish gathering like the AIPAC Summit he is fully energized while he is making the audience feel good about its love for Israel. He enthused how the US-Israel partnership “touches on every aspect of our lives, from security to business, from energy to public health. And the depth and breadth of that partnership between our governments are matched only by the strength of the ties between our peoples. This partnership between the United States and Israel is indispensable.”

Blinken chose not to acknowledge that the “indispensable ties” between the US and the Jewish state is attributable to the large scale corruption of America’s political system by Israel and its Lobby to achieve such a status. And inevitably, Blinken made sure his friends in AIPAC understood that the Biden Administration sees the “blame” for the unrest in the Middle East just as does the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Iran and Palestinian “terrorists” are largely at fault and Israel is the perpetual victim. He recalled how “Over the past several years, we’ve seen a rising tide of horrific violence that’s tragically and senselessly resulted in the loss of life of scores of civilians on both sides. That violence must end; its perpetrators must face equal justice under the law. The recent acts of terrorism – including nearly 1,000 rocket attacks launched toward Israel over just three days, some of them targeting Jerusalem – demonstrate the daily threat under which Israelis are forced to live. The fatal event at the border with Egypt – which resulted in the deaths of three Israeli soldiers – is another tragic reminder of these daily dangers.”

Image: Shireen Abu Akleh (Source: Middle East Eye)

Blinken did not seem interested in the dead Palestinian children nor in the murder of Palestinian-American Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli soldiers back in May 2022. He is more enthusiastic when he is telling AIPAC how much US Treasury money and other goodies are flowing to a wealthy Israel from the American taxpayer, describing how “Now, we have to start from this. The US-Israel relationship is underwritten by the United States’ commitment to Israel’s security. [My emphasis] That commitment is non-negotiable; it is ironclad. We are – we are providing $3.3 billion in foreign military financing to Israel each year. On top of that, Israel receives $500 million in funding for missile defense. Tens of millions more for new counter-drone and anti-tunneling technologies. That is in keeping with the 2016 memorandum of understanding negotiated by the Obama-Biden administration – and it is more than at any point in the history of our relationship. We’re also delivering an additional $1 billion in funding to replenish supplies for Israel’s Iron Dome, the missile defense system that we developed together and that has saved countless lives. All of this – all of this has been secured in partnership with our Congress, with bipartisan support. We’re also expanding our joint military exercises that improve how our forces work together seamlessly. This year, we have more joint exercises scheduled than at any point in our history. We’re also conducting joint research and development on advanced military capabilities, working together on cutting-edge defense systems, including Israel’s new laser-focused Iron Beam. This robust support continues to be critical in [my emphasis] maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge, buttressing its ability to defend itself, and to advancing our national interests. America is more secure when Israel is strong.”

It is interesting how Blinken concludes his argument supporting throwing bushels of money to Israel based on serving an American “national interest” and making us “more secure,” which is a complete lie, similar to what is being promoted to explain why we are in Ukraine. Maybe the Administration might consider some new talking points as the lies are getting ever more preposterous and the deficit spending of trillions of dollars has reached the point of no return. Blinken also lies big time when he attempts to resurrect the totally dead two state solution to Israel-Palestine, saying “Israel was founded — our partnership was built — on democratic values which include equal access by all people to their rights. And a two-state solution is vital to preserving Israel’s identity as a Jewish and democratic state.”

Blinken should perhaps be someday reincarnated as a Palestinian who has just lost his livelihood and home to an “equal access” Jewish settler and who every day experiences the Israeli organized increasing state violence that is directed against him. That might provide a different perspective. And it is interesting to note that the threat to Blinken’s imaginary two-state solution is also framed as coming from the Palestinians rather than from Israel. He denounced in his speech to AIPAC “any actions taken by any party that undermine the prospects of a two-state solution. That includes acts of terrorism, payments to terrorists in prison, violence against civilians, incitement to violence.” Take note that bombing and shooting children is not included, which is an Israeli speciality.

And, by the way Mr. Blinken, Israel was not founded on “democratic values.” It engaged in a massive program of ethnic cleansing that defined its creation — the Nakba for Palestinians, which killed thousands and drove at least 650,000 civilians from their homes. For the first 19 years of Israel’s existence, its Arab “citizens” were ruled under martial law and since then Palestinians have been legally discriminated against with Jewish supremacy and entitlement serving as the defining characteristics of the state.

Interestingly, in contrast to Blinken and Biden, at least one US Senator appears to have a conscience regarding dead people and he is surprisingly enough a Democrat! Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is calling on the Joe Biden administration to “publicly release its findings” into the shooting death of Shireen Abu Akleh. Van Hollen believes that a report compiled by the US security coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority shortly after the fact provides important information about the “the conduct of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) unit involved in that operation as well as other IDF units operating in the West Bank.” He commented “I strongly believe that its public release is vital to ensuring transparency and accountability in the shooting death of American citizen and journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and to avoiding future preventable and wrongful deaths – goals we should all support.” Van Hollen has been denied access to the classified State Department report over the past eleven months, which has been attributed to Biden Administration desire to block any demands for accountability on the part of Israel.

Van Hollen obviously was not briefed on the fact that Israel has a White House approved license to kill Americans and just about anyone else due to its “chosen” status. He should check out what happened to the death by Israeli army bulldozer of Rachel Corrie in 2003 and to the 34 sailors murdered and another 172 wounded by an Israeli attack on the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967. When the Liberty was struggling to stay afloat President Lyndon Johnson ordered a cover-up which has led to Washington de facto taking orders from Tel Aviv and paying what amounts to an annual tribute to Israel as outlined in some detail by Blinken in his AIPAC speech. So, there you have it. We have on one hand a militarized ethno-religious state that rules over a suppressed minority with terror and killing that is being coddled by both US Republican and Democratic administrations because of Jewish power and, more to the point, the corruption obtainable by money and knowing how to use it for political advantage.

Killing a two-year-old little boy sitting in a car with his father is only the most recent of Israel’s war and human rights crimes, but it is particularly heinous and no one in the White House or State Department dares say squat. The murders in Palestine and the fantasy denial of Israeli culpability for anything by Blinken and Biden as well as by Donald Trump when he was in office speak for themselves. Who really rules the United States? What kind of monsters have we become under neocon/Zionist control? Is the bell that is tolling ringing for the demise of us as a nation? Ask about all those things now, because when Biden’s War on Antisemitism really goes into high gear one will likely be facing a jail sentence just for daring to pose those questions.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TUR

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There is much at stake for the ruling class and its law-enforcement surrogates in the mass campaign taking place in Dekalb County, Georgia to prevent the construction and operation of a training center which will cost tens of millions in tax dollars.

In a vote by the Atlanta City Council on June 5, the legislative approval of the project took place despite the objections of hundreds of people.

This training facility, if completed, would cost at least $90 million. The center would be the largest of its kind in the United States. With Atlanta being a majority African American Southern municipality, it would be against the interests of its population to fund or allow such a project.

Historically, African Americans have been disproportionately impacted by police violence within their communities. The police represent the entry point of millions into the criminal industrial complex, where again, African Americans are sent to prison in far greater numbers to their percentage within the U.S. Consequently, it should not be surprising that many African Americans and other oppressed peoples along with their supporters are calling for the defunding of police and the abolition of the prison systems.

Concerned people stood in line for hours in order to make statements against the building of the complex located in a rural forested area outside of Atlanta. However, despite the growing opposition to the project, the City Council revealed that their status largely depends upon a subservience to the ruling class and the police.  

Demonstrations surrounding the building of Cop City have resulted in the shooting death of one activist—Manuel Paez Teran (Tortuguita)–the arrests of hundreds and the now attempted framing of those who are organizing a defense campaign to provide legal assistance to people ensnared by the State of Georgia’s criminalization of protests. Many of those arrested in protest actions are being prosecuted on terrorism laws where if convicted could result in decades of imprisonment.

On May 31, agents of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) accompanied by local police agencies raided the offices of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, arresting three of its officials. The activists are being charged with money laundering and charity fraud under the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) laws. Statements from governmental officials in Georgia attempt to frame the activists opposing the construction of Cop City as terrorists with no legitimate right to exist in the state.

Micah Hersking, a key organizer in Atlanta noted that:

“This is a major escalation — they’re arresting those who defend the arrested. The implications of these arrests is that not only can you not protest, but you cannot defend those who are arrested for protesting. There is no first amendment in Atlanta.” 

Another important figure in the opposition to Cop City, Kamau Franklin of the Community Movement Builders, was quoted as saying:

“This is targeting of organizers and movements by the police and the state. Bail funds have been a part of organizing the Civil Rights movement and labor movement. We will continue to fight back against cop city and the political arrest of our friends and comrades.”

Opponents of Cop City have two months to collect 75,000 signatures of registered voters which is the minimum needed to place the question on the ballot in November. People living near the area where the law-enforcement training center is being constructed would not be eligible to vote since they do not reside in the city of Atlanta.

Obviously, the City of Atlanta and the State of Georgia wants to crush the movement to stop Cop City. The recalcitrance of the municipal and state officials is reflective of the commitment of the Democratic and Republican parties to maintain the funding of law-enforcement in the country. As class contradictions escalate during a period of declining standards of living among the workers and oppressed along with record profits for the energy and other sectors of the economy, the ruling interests which control the banks, multi-national corporations and the defense industry, fear that there will inevitably be a sustained rebellion against the status quo.

Police and Electoral Politics

The police are the first line of defense for the ruling class since its principal purpose is to defend private property and the state apparatus. This fact has become quite clear since the mass demonstrations and rebellions of 2020 in the aftermath of a series of racist police and vigilante killings of Ahmaud Arbery of Georgia, Breonna Taylor of Louisville and the most notable, George Floyd of Minneapolis.

Dozens of people lost their lives during the summer and fall of 2020 in pitched battles with the police and vigilantes. Thousands of others were injured and arrested as then President Donald Trump evoked the slave-era Insurrection Act of the early 1800s. Federal troops and other agents were deployed to urban areas to assess and contain the demonstrations and rebellions.

Trump’s response to the George Floyd rebellion and the COVID-19 pandemic set the stage for his defeat by then former Vice President and Senator Joe Biden in November 2020. Yet, Biden and the Democratic Party have failed to pass the reform legislation which could address the increasing poverty among growing segments of the U.S. population. Neither has the Biden administration effectively addressed the burgeoning problems of infrastructural decline in areas across the country.

The inability of the Biden administration to usher through the House of Representatives and Senate the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act speaks volumes about the role of law-enforcement within capitalist society. Biden and other high profile Democratic officials have continued to denounce the demands emanating from the mass struggles for the defunding of police. Instead, projects such as Cop City continue to be prioritized by both ruling class political parties and their elected officials on the local, statewide and federal levels.

Biden’s lack of political success on a domestic level along with the military defeat in Afghanistan in 2021 and the escalating proxy war against the Russian Federation, has contributed immensely to his decline in popularity. African Americans, Latin Americans and other people of color communities were instrumental in the electoral alliance that defeated Trump in 2020. It is highly unlikely that Biden can win the White House for a second term without the electoral support of the oppressed peoples and the proletariat as a whole.  

However, lessons from the last six decades indicate that it will take much more than the election of Democratic candidates to eradicate police brutality. The masses of the people, through the emergence of the movement in Atlanta to stop Cop City illustrates the incipient opposition to the further militarization of local and state police agencies.

Priorities Must be Redirected to Serve the Needs of the People

The proliferation of federal and private funding programs for law-enforcement agencies is only fueling the misconduct, brutality and murderous practices of the police. African Americans are still being gunned down by law-enforcement personnel, and in most cases, these officers are not arrested and prosecuted.

Resources need to be directed towards the social spending projects which have been abandoned by the Congress. There is a widespread need for services in the schools, communities and among people living with disabilities as well as senior population groups.

Infrastructural projects are desperate for federal, state and local funding. The recent problems with the railway industry where in East Palestine, Ohio a major accident has endangered the entire community. In Philadelphia, a fire sparked by a collision of a truck into an embankment led to the collapse of a bridge on the I-95 highway. A truck driver is known to be dead, while the searches of the wreckage may result in the discovery of even more bodies.  

The rapid rise in the cost of living for working people is largely the result of inflation and the actual decline in real wages. Every month the Biden administration praises the relatively low unemployment rate in the U.S. and claims that this is a direct result of the government’s efforts.

However, money spent on the hundreds of military bases and wars of conquest and occupation could be channeled towards rebuilding urban areas based upon the educational, social and environmental needs of the masses of people. At the same time, funding earmarked and allocated to meet the social and educational needs of working and oppressed people domestically are often siphoned away to provide further assistance to the police and the large corporations.

These are fundamental issues that face the workers and oppressed in the U.S. and around the globe. These exploited and oppressed people must organize independently in order to make sure that their issues gain top priority in the ongoing struggle to win freedom and social justice for all.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Atlanta Cop City banner at City Council meeting on June 5, 2023 (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

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Video: Fake Intelligence and the Destruction of Iraq

June 13th, 2023 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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This video features the layout of the case for war with Iraq in 2003, 20 years ago, based on the assertion of undiscovered weapons of mass destruction — nuclear, biological and chemical — that Saddam Hussein was concealing and might even deliver to a country, perhaps via Al Qaeda.

This analysis lays out how the intelligence was not only flawed but faked. 

Plagiarized quotations from the internet had been slipped into the official UK intelligence report presented by Secretary of State Colin Powell to the United Nations Security Council pertaining to Iraq’s alleged WMD.

This fake intel report was drafted by  PM Tony Blair’s Downing Street staff. 

Damning evidence refuting Colin Powell’s official intelligence report was revealed by Dr. Glen Rangwala, Newham College, Cambridge on  Britain’s Channel 4 TV on February 6, 2003, on the day following Secretary of State Colin Powell’s historic Iraq WMD presentation to the UN Security Council:

“I would call my colleagues’ attention to the fine paper that the United Kingdom distributed . . . which describes in exquisite detail Iraqi deception activities.” (Colin Powell, UN Security Council, February 5, 2003)

Powell was referring to “Iraq Its Infrastructure Of Concealment, Deception And Intimidation”, published on January 30, 2003.

The Iraq war was based on a Big Lie, which was known and documented MORE THAN A MONTH before the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003. Both the US and UK media remained mum. The US Congress and the House of Commons failed to act. 

According to Rangwala, the  British intelligence document was fake. It had not been prepared by British intelligence:

The Downing Street authors state they drew “upon a number of sources, including intelligence material” (p.1, first sentence). In fact, they copied material from at least three different authors and gave no credit to them. Indeed, they plagiarized, directly cutting and pasting or near quoting.

A close textual analysis suggests that the UK authors had little access to first-hand intelligence sources and instead based their work on academic papers, which they selectively distorted. Some of the papers used were considerably out of date. This leads the reader to wonder about the reliability and veracity of the Downing Street document.

It was a fake document prepared on the instructions of prime minister Blair with a view to building a “credible” justification to wage war on Iraq.

Rangwala’s analysis was more than a smoking gun. It revealed the Big Lie. It invalidated Colin’s Powell’s presentation to the UN Security Council. 

Plagiarism had become a means to justifying the war on Iraq.

The Rangwala revelation was the “unspoken truth”. With the exception of Channel 4 and The Guardian, it was not the object of mainstream media coverage both before as well as after the March invasion of Iraq. Rangwala’s revelation had to be suppressed. The invasion of Iraq had already been scheduled for March 2003.

Dr David Kelly, Britain’s foremost expert on biological weapons, with direct access to WMD intelligence on Iraq also played a key role in revealing the “fake” Bush-Blair” WMD narrative.

In the months leading up to his death, he had become increasingly skeptical regarding Iraq’s alleged WMDs. Dr. David Kelly was found dead on July 18th, 2003. The official story was that he had committed suicide as contained in the Lord Hutton report. 

Lord Hutton was confronted by Drs. Stephen Frost, Christopher Burns-Cox and  David Halpin, who courageously challenged the “official narrative” presented by Lord Hutton on behalf of Tony Blair’s government.

This video produced by Michael Welch is narrated by Professor Michel Chossudovsky.

For more details see: 

Colin Powell and the “The Sloppy Dossier”: Plagiarism and “Fake Intelligence” Used to Justify the 2003 War on Iraq: Copied and Pasted from the Internet into an “Official” British Intel Report

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Glen Rangwala, March 25, 2023

If you have any doubts, below is the text submitted by Dr. Rangwala to the House of Commons Select Committee on Foreign Affairs.

It was received as written evidence on 16 June 2003, published by The H. of C. on 3 July 2003 in the wake of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. And then it was forgotten. 


click Memorandum submitted by Glen Rangwala




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The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

Michel Chossudovsky

The “globalization of war” is a hegemonic project. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The U.S. military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

ISBN Number: 978-0-9879389-0-9

Year: 2015
Pages: 240 Pages

Price: $9.40

Click here to order.

Selected Articles: America’s Perpetual War: Six Questions

June 13th, 2023 by Global Research News

America’s Perpetual War: Six Questions

By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, June 12, 2023

Former American President Jimmy Carter said in 2018 that in America, there were 226 years of wars since its independence which took place 242 years ago thus leaving only 16 years of peace. Since WWII, there were 32 American military conflicts involving dozens of countries. Some of these military conflicts have lasted for over twenty years and some others are still continuing.

VAERS Is Cleverly Hiding 182 Child Deaths Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines. You’ll Never Find Them. These Are Some of the Most Shocking COVID-19 Vaccine Child Death Stories But They’re Hidden From Public!

By Dr. William Makis, June 13, 2023

There are at least 182 children who died from COVID-19 vaccines hidden in the VAERS database, that don’t show up when you search for child vaccine deaths.

WHO Launches Digital Health Partnership with Europe

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 13, 2023

June 5, 2023, the World Health Organization and the European Commission announced the launch of a digital health initiative in which the WHO will establish a global COVID-19 vaccination certification system based on the European Union’s (EU) already existing Digital COVID Certificate.

Eurasian Geopolitics Versus Imperialism

By Martin Martinelli, June 12, 2023

Since unipolarity, the United States led invasions in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, in addition to increasing the siege towards China and Russia. From 2001 to the present, the 2008 crisis is the watershed. The second decade of the current century witnessed Russia’s reincorporation into world decision-making power through its war machine and China’s resurgence through the scope of its economic potential.

The Hegemon Will Go Full Hybrid War Against BRICS+

By Pepe Escobar, June 12, 2023

U.S. Think Tank Land hacks are not exactly familiar with Montaigne: “On the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own bottom.” Hubris leads these specimens to presume their flaccid bottoms are placed high above anyone else’s. The result is that a trademark mix of arrogance and ignorance always ends up unmasking the predictability of their forecasts.

Kiev’s NATO-Backed Counteroffensive Is the West’s Most Important Military Campaign Since WWII

By Andrew Korybko, June 12, 2023

This is the first time since then that they’ve conventionally fought a military peer, albeit by proxy for now. Even so, the West is still receiving the large-scale data that they require in order to fine-tune their plans ahead of possibly waging a direct war against one.

How Does Technology Factor in for US Militarism Toward China?

By Wei Ling Chua and Kim Petersen, June 12, 2023

The United States is about militarism. Its economy is largely based on the military-industrial complex. It has hundreds upon hundreds of military bases in lands around the planet. Yet, despite a bloated military budget, the US fails to care for all its citizens, certainly not the millions of homeless, poor, and those unable to afford medical procedures because they are without medical insurance.

John F. Kennedy Broke the Rules of the Zero Sum Game. Will His Nephew Learn How This Was Done?

By Matthew Ehret-Kump, June 12, 2023

Recently, presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy Jr delivered an interview to Gateway Pundit where he called upon Joe Biden to follow through on the promise to declassify all reports relating to his uncle’s 1963 assassination which Biden himself had voted to support when the 1992 Kennedy Records Declassification Act was passed by Congress.

Blame Game Over the Bombing of the Nova Kakhovka Dam

By Kurt Nimmo, June 12, 2023

In post after post this morning, the corporate war propaganda media is attempting to blame Russia for the terrorist bombing of the Nova Kakhovka dam and hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper River. It is doing this by underscoring an accusation made by a documented serial liar, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and his coterie of Nazi-worshipping thugs, that Russia punched holes in the dam in order to flood the battlefield.

From Net Zero to Glyphosate: Agritech’s Greenwashed Corporate Power Grab

By Colin Todhunter, June 12, 2023

Today, in the mainstream narrative, there is much talk of a ‘food transition’. Big agribusiness and ‘philanthropic’ foundations position themselves as the saviours of humanity due to their much-promoted plans to ‘feed the world’ with ‘precision’ farming’, ‘data-driven’ agriculture and ‘sustainable’ production.  

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The New York Times continued its line of downplaying—or even celebrating—Nazis in Ukraine with a piece (6/5/23) that sought to explain away the frequency of Nazi symbols in photographs of the Ukrainian military. The Times commented that such imagery put “Western journalists” in a “difficult position,” noting that a Ukrainian press officer said journalists had asked Ukrainian soldiers to remove Nazi insignia before being photographed.

The headline read: “Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History.” The chief concern, per the Times subhead, was the worry that evidence of Nazism in Ukraine “risks fueling Russian propaganda.”

‘Complicated relationship’

At issue was “the Ukrainian military’s complicated relationship with Nazi imagery, a relationship forged under both Soviet and German occupation during World War II.” The relationship is “delicate,” the Times says, because of Putin’s stated war aims of de-Nazification.

Times reporter Thomas Gibbons-Neff dismisses the idea that Ukraine needed de-Nazification on the grounds that, despite its “acceptance” of Nazi symbols in many cases, current President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish. This weak argument is made weaker, given that, regardless of his heritage, it is well-documented that Zelenskyy sits at the center of a power structure in which far-right, neo-Nazi forces are a key constituency.

Igor Kolomoisky, one of Zelenskyy’s key supporters, was even a backer of the Azov Battalion—a group, once described by the Times (3/15/19) as a “neo-Nazi paramilitary organization,” that has been integrated into the Ukrainian military.

None of this justifies an illegal invasion. But it is clear that important facts have been deliberately suppressed or omitted within the US press (, 1/15/22), impairing readers’ understanding of the conflicts’ sources and possible resolutions.

The relentless threat of being labeled “Putin apologists” has created a chilling effect at even the highest liberal establishment organizations. Per the Times:

Even Jewish groups and anti-hate organizations that have traditionally called out hateful symbols have stayed largely silent. Privately, some leaders have worried about being seen as embracing Russian propaganda talking points.

The Times story acknowledged that journalists are worried about reporting reality, noting that at one point, according to a Ukrainian press officer, journalists from an unnamed outlet had soldiers remove Nazi symbols before they were photographed. This is a serious allegation of journalists knowingly distorting their portrayal of reality for explicitly political reasons.

Pioneering the Holocaust

The Times did find someone credentialed to legitimize running cover for Nazis:

Ihor Kozlovskyi, a Ukrainian historian and religious scholar, said that the symbols had meanings that were unique to Ukraine and should be interpreted by how Ukrainians viewed them, not by how they had been used elsewhere.

“The symbol can live in any community or any history independently of how it is used in other parts of Earth.”

The distinction drawn between how Nazi symbols were used in Ukraine as opposed to “other parts of Earth” suggests that Nazism in Ukraine was somehow more benign than in other places. To the contrary, Ukraine was where the mass slaughter of Jews was pioneered, with an estimated 1.5 million people killed there, or one in every four Jewish victims of the Holocaust. These killings were largely carried out by Ukrainian nationalist militias; survivors of these units that participated in the Holocaust were granted veteran status by Ukraine in 2019, making them eligible for government benefits (Kyiv Post, 3/26/19).

The CIA’s Nazis

As part of his defense, Kozlovskyi references the postwar anti-Soviet struggles of these Ukrainian nationalists:

Today, as a new generation fights against Russian occupation, many Ukrainians see the war as a continuation of the struggle for independence during and immediately after World War II.

Kozlovskyi and the Times omit the fascist character of this “struggle for independence.” Though it is rarely acknowledged today, the United States had a robust policy of training and equipping former Nazis in Western and Eastern Europe—by no means “unique to Ukraine”—to act as anti-Communist paramilitaries.

Ukraine saw former SS and Nazi intelligence units receive support from the CIA as part of the nationalist movement against Communism. The Nazis we see in Ukraine today are direct descendents of these networks and organizations.  Even if the Times refuses to reference this history, these symbols have their roots explicitly in US-backed Nazi movements, making their defense of the current Nazis all the more egregious.

Like many facts in this war, the Ukrainian Nazi problem and its origins have been relegated to the memory hole by US corporate media (, 2/23/22). What’s striking is just how common it was for establishment press to acknowledge Ukraine’s Nazi problem before the war began—with the issue even recognized by the US Congress.

However, as the Times reporting has reinforced, US journalists have decided that being on the right team in this war is more important than presenting an accurate picture of events to their audience. This latest Times piece underscores the role journalists play in manufacturing consent for US policy on this and many other fronts, even if it means rehabilitating Nazi paramilitaries.


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Bryce Greene is a writer based in Indiana.

Featured image: New York Times photograph of a Ukrainian soldier wearing a patch that incorporates the Nazi Totenkopf symbol.

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There are at least 182 children who died from COVID-19 vaccines hidden in the VAERS database, that don’t show up when you search for child vaccine deaths.

How is VAERS doing this? It’s creative and diabolical:

Some brilliant investigative work was done by TheEagle88 who publishes his work on his substack and who made this shocking discovery (click here).

VAERS is hiding child deaths by leaving the “Age” box empty, even though the age is known. That way, anyone who is searching the VAERS database for child deaths with any age parameters, never finds them.

EXAMPLE 1 (VAERS 1483486) – 13 year old boy died in his sleep 3 days after taking Pfizer mRNA vaccine:

Notice that even though the age is known, the Age box is deliberately left blank. The date of vaccination is also known but was also left blank. This boy died in his sleep 3 days after taking Pfizer vaccine. As a parent, I’d want to know about this.

EXAMPLE 2 (VAERS 1960896) – 17 year old boy committed suicide 2 days after 2nd Pfizer Dose. He got Pfizer vaccine on Oct.26, 2021, felt unwell the next day, and committed suicide during early hours of Oct.28, 2021.

Once again, the age box is left empty, although it is known the boy is 17 years old.

Imagine parents who are concerned whether COVID-19 vaccines will impact the mental health of their children. This tragic case could have affected their decision to vaccinate their child. But this death is hidden, it does not come up in any search.

EXAMPLE 3 (VAERS 1952747) – 12 year old boy had 1st Pfizer dose on Nov.27, 2021. Three days later he was found dead at 1am on Dec.1, 2021 without any prior symptoms of any kind

Once again, age is known but not entered where it should be. This was the saddest line in the report: “patient had been happy and playing computer games online with his friends until he went to bed at 23:00 on 30Nov2021. Found dead at 01 o’clock at night without prior symptoms of any kind”

This case was eventually altered and the description was removed entirely (click here).

EXAMPLE 4 (VAERS 1051160) – Mother took Pfizer vaccine, went into premature labor, delivered a live infant that died 6 days after jab

The baby was alive when it was born. The age of the infant is 0, but instead, it’s left blank. Safe for pregnancy? It seems that “premature labor and a dead baby” is not exactly the definition of “safe”.

EXAMPLE 5 (VAERS 1067791) – Woman in week 40 of pregnancy had Pfizer mRNA jab and the next day her fetus died.

Nothing says “safe in pregnancy” like a pregnant woman at 40 weeks taking a Pfizer mRNA jab and having her baby die the next day. No age entered for the stillborn baby. Even “fetal death” is spelled wrong to make sure this case doesn’t show up in any search.

EXAMPLE 6 (VAERS 1070770) – Texas woman had Pfizer mRNA jab on Feb.4, 2021, fetus stopped growing Feb.9, 2021 (8wk4d), fetus died Feb.22, 2021. Miscarriage.

There are several of these cases. Mother has a healthy baby at 7wk 5d on Feb.3, 2021. She takes a Pfizer mRNA jab on Feb.4, 2021. Her next ultrasound shows that the fetusstopped growing on Feb.9, 2021 and “no heartbeat detected”. Miscarriage occurred on Feb.22, 2021.

I can see why someone is illegally altering VAERS reports to hide these tragic deaths.

EXAMPLE 7 (VAERS 1957474) – 13 year old boy got 2nd Pfizer mRNA jab on Oct.17, 2021. 10 days later, on Oct.27, 2021 he presented with arm pain, fever, nose bleed, died on Oct.28, 2021, 11 days after his 2nd Pfizer dose.

This 13 year old boy died a horrific death only 11 days after his Pfizer jab: “Blood coming from his nose, frothing at the mouth, tongue was blocking his airway”.

The reported cause of death was “myocarditis”.

EXAMPLE 8 (VAERS 157296) – 5 year old boy had 2nd Pfizer mRNA jab and 3 weeks later he died from blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism)

This report involves the age group 5-11 years old. Age is intentionally left blank.

COVID-19 Vaccine pushers are doubling down on mRNA vaccinating children:

Dorit Reiss is a Professor of law at UCSF who specializes in “vaccines & law”. An unethical lawyer who supports big pharma. 

My Take…

In this article, I showed only a few cases of post COVID-19 vaccine child deaths to give an example of what’s being hidden within VAERS but there are at least 182 child deaths that everyone can look at and examine themselves at this location created by “TheEagle88”: (CLICK HERE)

Everything else aside, it is shocking that given so many children have died from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, that these products still haven’t been pulled off the market.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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WHO Launches Digital Health Partnership with Europe

June 13th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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June 5, 2023, the World Health Organization and the European Commission announced the launch of a digital health initiative in which the WHO will establish a global COVID-19 vaccination certification system based on the European Union’s (EU) already existing Digital COVID Certificate

This vaccine passport system will be expanded into a Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) run by the WHO that will include “a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.” The vaccine passport will also, in time, cover all recommended vaccinations

WHO members have approved a $6.83 billion budget for the next two years, which will require a 20% hike in mandatory member fees.

The budget increase is needed because the WHO is being set up as the sole decisionmaker over public health globally through the proposed pandemic treaty and International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments, each of which reinforces the WHO’s authority and power through different avenues while erasing national sovereignty and human rights.

Baked into the pandemic treaty we also have One Health, which perfectly dovetails with The Great Reset narrative. When you add the treaty, the IHR amendments and One Health together, it becomes clear that the WHO is being set up as the de facto power center of the deep state, and this One World Government will rule everything.


June 5, 2023, the World Health Organization and the European Commission announced the launch of a “landmark digital health initiative to strengthen global health security.”1,2

As explained in the press release,3 as of this month, the WHO will establish a global COVID-19 vaccination certification system based on the European Union’s (EU) already existing Digital COVID Certificate (EU DCC) to “help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from ongoing and future health threats.”

Eventually, this vaccine passport system will be expanded into a Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) run by the WHO that will include “a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.” The vaccine passport will also, in time, cover all recommended vaccinations, not just COVID-19.4 The press release continues:5

“This partnership will work to technically develop the WHO system with a staged approach to cover additional use cases, which may include, for example, the digitization of the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis. Expanding such digital solutions will be essential to deliver better health for citizens across the globe.

This cooperation is based on the shared values and principles of transparency and openness, inclusiveness, accountability, data protection and privacy, security, scalability at a global level, and equity. The European Commission and WHO will work together to encourage maximum global uptake and participation.”

Why Implement COVID Passport When Shots Don’t Work?

As reported by The Daily Sceptic, the announcement raises many questions:6

“Vaccine passports are controversial, even in the United Nations … June 30th 2021 … the UNESCO World Commission for the Ethics of Science and Technology and the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee released a joint statement warning that ‘any COVID-19 certificate … should account for scientific uncertainty regarding the degree of protection that specific vaccines, past infections and negative COVID-19 test results provide’ …

In light of these concerns, the UN agencies proposed that ‘a research program should be developed to assess their impact on society and public health, and the risks they might bring.’

The new press release from the WHO and EU makes no mention of the progress of this research program, or whether it has been established at all. Is it not necessary to ascertain the effectiveness and cost-benefit profile of an intervention before rolling it out globally and making it permanent?

Given how leaky COVID vaccines are, and how short-lived any protection offered by them might be — some studies even show the vaccinated suffering higher infection rates than the unvaccinated — it’s hard to imagine that vaccine passports delivered any real limitation of disease transmission.

But the WHO and EU don’t appear to regard this as a relevant question to ask. Is that because they blindly assume they are beneficial, or because they have other reasons for wanting to roll out this restrictive technology globally?”

The implementation of a vaccine passport system — which the WHO claimed it did not support when concerns were initially raised about it in 20217 — is a clear sign that the WHO fully expects to take the reins on global health, and that public health is not the primary incentive behind this power grab.

WHO Takeover Moves Full Speed Ahead

Already, WHO members have approved a $6.83 billion budget for the next two years (2024 through 2025), which will require a 20% hike in mandatory member fees.8,9 “Strategic priorities” that will receive large chunks of this funding include:10

  • Expanding universal health coverage to at least 1 billion people who do not currently have it
  • Ensuring 1 billion more people are “better protected from health emergencies”
  • Ensuring 1 billion more people can enjoy “better health and well-being”
  • Developing more effective and efficient WHO support to member countries
  • Eradicating polio (most likely through expanded vaccination programs)

That budget increase is also needed because the WHO is being set up as the sole decisionmaker over public health globally through the proposed pandemic treaty and International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments, each of which reinforces the WHO’s authority and power through different avenues while erasing national sovereignty and human rights.

If the WHO gets its way, it will no longer be a body that makes recommendations that countries can choose to follow. Rather, its “advice” will be akin to declarations of international law. Member states will be required to follow the WHO’s “recommendations” or face costly consequences.

Once the pandemic treaty and the IHR amendments are implemented, the WHO will have the authority to impose everything from climate lockdowns and border closures to mandatory vaccinations of all kinds. We’ve also warned that the WHO would implement a mandatory vaccine passport system for population control purposes, and with the announcement above, we can consider that a done deal.

The WHO will even have the authority to dictate what is truth and what is misinformation that must be censored. The WHO will essentially outlaw democracy worldwide because democracy cannot exist unless there is freedom of speech in public discourse.

Member states will have no choice but to censor what the WHO wants censored, because each country is also required to set up an enforcement agency to ensure the WHO’s edicts are followed nationwide, and that includes censorship activities.

For a further review of the WHO’s new Global Digital Health Certification Network, see John Campbell’s video review above.

It’s now beyond imperative that people understand where we’re headed, and that the COVID measures weren’t just responses to a given pandemic, but rather were the foundation for a totalitarian one world government where human rights and freedoms will no longer exist.

Indeed, the pandemic treaty redefines human rights as “health equity” and nothing else. The IHR amendments also eliminate individual rights and freedoms specifically.

IHR Article 3 is being amended as follows (strikethroughs in the text indicate that the text is to be deleted, and the additions or revisions are underlined in bold):

“The implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons based on the principles of equity, inclusivity, coherence and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities of the States Parties, taking into consideration their social and economic development.”

In other words, bodily autonomy and personal choice are being replaced by one-size-fits-all medicine that has no regard for human dignity, human rights or fundamental freedoms. The right to opinions that differ from the WHO’s is also being removed on the national level.

IHR Article 2 is also being amended in such a way that the WHO will have the authority to take action on ANYTHING that has the “potential to impact public health,” and this includes everything from climate and pollution to agricultural land use and the food industry, as specified under the One Health agenda,11,12 which is baked into the pandemic treaty.

To understand what’s at stake, please review the article-by-article compilation of the proposed IHR amendments,13 found here, and then compare that to the proposed treaty. A “Zero Draft” dated February 1, 2023, can be found here.14

As explained by the WHO back in 2021, the treaty is the “framework that recognizes the central role of the IHR.”15 So, these two instruments are designed and intended to work as a unit, with the treaty giving recognition to the IHR, and the IHR amendments stripping nations of their sovereignty.

But that’s not all. Baked into the pandemic treaty we also have One Health, which perfectly dovetails with The Great Reset narrative. When you add these three things together — the treaty, the IHR amendments and One Health — it becomes clear that the WHO is being set up as the de facto power center of the deep state, and this One World Government will rule everything.

Treaty Expands WHO’s Power Beyond Pandemics

As illustrated in the graphic16 below, the One Health agenda is based on the premise that a broad range of aspects of life and the environment have the potential to impact human health.

In addition to the life segments listed on this graph, the scope of One Health, according to a One Health Commission document,17 also includes communications, economics, civil society, global trade, commerce and security, public policy and regulation, research, noncommunicable diseases and much more.

One Health

Under the new treaty, the WHO will have unilateral power to make decisions about all of these areas, and its dictates will supersede and overrule any and all local, state and federal laws. In short, if the pandemic treaty is enacted, the WHO will not merely have the authority to dictate how countries prepare for and respond to pandemic threats: It will have the authority to dictate every aspect of our lives.

The WHO, in turn, is beholden to and does what its funders want, and the largest funder is Bill Gates (when you add together all his various donation sources). Gates, of course, is invested in all primary Great Reset necessities, including fake food, drugs, vaccines, surveillance and climate modification technologies.

One Health Is the Subversion of Holistic Health

As noted by David Bell, a senior scholar at Brownstone Institute, a public health physician and former medical officer and scientist at the WHO, the One Health agenda is really the subversion of the age-old holistic concept of health:18

“Ill health is a lever for fear, and death even more so, especially to those who believe that we are simply organic constructs that end in dust and decay. A cult feeding off these fears, holding that the entire biosphere is threatening us with diseases and death, would therefore have real potential for mass control.

Convince followers that humans are the poison that made this world so destructive, and you will also have a means to stoke hate against non-believers whilst adding guilt to the tools for compliance.

A cult based on fear of the world and the people who poisoned it, dressed up in philanthropy and virtue, has risen amongst us. Co-opting One Health terminology, it is now funded by the spoils of COVID, and empowered by technology that can take this medieval witch-hunting sect global.

The environment, everywhere, should be managed and protected for human benefit — physical, mental, and social. The One Health concept, centered in such common sense, was once no more than this. It is a rational way to express an age-old principle … Sanitation and improved nutrition will save more lives than the next round of profiteering brought to us by Pfizer.

However … One Health has been hijacked by self-proclaimed philanthropists … One Health is being corrupted in two ways, but for the same ends and by much the same people. Understanding one tells us about the people we are dealing with, the other reveals their motives.”

The One Health Ideology Is Anti-Human

As explained by Bell, One Health is an ideology that places human life and welfare on par with all other life, including plants and animals. This means that your life, and the lives of your children, are no more important than the lives of polar bears, trees, waterways and soil.

If your actions cause ecological harm, and the polar bear doesn’t, then you are the one who must be eliminated from the equation. That’s really the crux of this ideology. It’s not pro-environment but, rather, anti-human at its core.

“Within this ‘equitable’ worldview, humans become a pollutant,” Bell writes.19 “Ever-growing human populations have driven other species to extinction through environmental change, from the megafauna of ancient Australasia to the plummeting insect populations of modern Europe.

Humans become a plague upon the earth, and their restriction, impoverishment and death may therefore be justified for a greater good.

It is difficult for people to grasp that this is a guiding ideology of public figures, as it runs counter to most human moral systems or Natural Law … We must understand the ideology driving this movement, as they intend for us to follow their dictates, and they intend to indoctrinate our children.”

Expose the Barren Ideology of One Health

One Health is also designed to control the masses through fear. We’re constantly bombarded with predictions of doom and told we must be protected for our own good.

“Expanding this approach from a single virus to any aspect of the biosphere impacting human well-being, such as climate, provides an opportunity to use this totalitarian tool of population control to reshape society to the model that the purveyors of fear desire,” Bell notes, adding:

“Through amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and a new ‘pandemic treaty,’ the WHO is coupling this broad definition of One Health with a definition of ‘emergency’ that simply requires recognition of a threat rather than actual harm.

When applied to the WHO’s broad definition of health, ‘physical, mental and social well-being,’ almost all aspects of normal life could be included in its scope. Addressed through a proscriptive public health paradigm that encompasses global mandates, restrictions and censorship, and those running this agenda have an opportunity for unprecedented power …

[In] 2019, the WHO stated in its recommendations for pandemic influenza that border closures, quarantine, and prolonged business closures should never be undertaken in response to a pandemic. These measures would drive inequality and disproportionately harm low-income people, destroying both economies and social capital.

In 2020, refocusing priorities on a new constituency, the WHO promoted these same inequitable policies. The evidence did not change, but the constituency did. Wealthy people and corporations had become significant directive funders of WHO programs. Those who benefit from improved nutrition and sanitation cannot fund the WHO’s growing staff, but those profiting from the largesse of the COVID response can …

Evil is not defeated by hiding from it. It is fought by exposing the ideology that drives it, the greed, the lies, and the deceit … In the end, mad ideologues collapse under the weight of their own deceit and the shallowness of their dogmas.

The earth-mother religion of a corrupted One Health and the feudalist ambitions of its priests will be no different. We should not fear public health or a holistic view of the world. They are ours and can be a force for good. Rather, we should expose the hollowness of the people who would subvert them, driven by their own greed and barren ideologies.”

We’re Running Out of Time

Importantly, as noted by comedian Jimmy Dore in the featured video above, the pandemic treaty is not something that member nations must opt into. It’s an opt-out proposition. If a nation fails to opt out before the deadline, they automatically accept the treaty.

Based on the current timeline, the World Health Assembly (WHA) will vote on the pandemic treaty in May 2024, and it will take force 30 days later. That gives us just under a year and a half to get the U.S. to either opt out, or better yet, exit the WHO altogether.

The IHR amendments will also be voted on in May 2024. The 10-month deadline for member states to reject the amendments will expire in March 2025, and the amendments will come into force for any nation that did not reject them in May 2025. For any member that rejects the amendments, the 2005 IHR will apply.

Strangely enough, some of the IHR amendments have been adopted already. As reported by author and researcher James Roguski,20 they were adopted during the 75th World Health Assembly, May 27, 2022, even though nothing was signed. This is yet another testament to the rampant lawlessness and subversive tactics we’re dealing with.

Disturbingly, many Americans aren’t even aware that the U.S. government is about to relinquish our national sovereignty and everyone’s personal bodily autonomy to the WHO21 because mainstream media aren’t talking about it.

So, please, share this and any other articles you find on this subject with everyone you know, and continue to educate yourself. By far, these are the greatest threats to freedom the world has ever seen, and the risks apply evenly to everyone, no matter where you live.

Fact Checkers Take Advantage of Confusion

Keep in mind that while the IHR amendments and treaty address different areas of the WHO’s new power structure, they will work together to massively empower the WHO once both come into force. Also be aware that since the global takeover is happening on several fronts at the same time, it’s easy to get confused on the details, and this confusion can easily become fodder for fact checkers. As reported by The Defender:22

“The AP recently ‘fact-checked’ claims that the pandemic treaty endangers national sovereignty. According to the AP, it ‘does not overrule any nation’s ability to pass individual pandemic-related policies’ and ‘does not overrule any nations’ individual health or domestic policies.’ There would be ‘effectively no legal consequences for signatories who fail to adhere to it or violate its terms.’

The AP ‘fact-check’ doesn’t mention the proposed IHR amendments. [Author and researcher James] Roguski cited this as an example of the frequent conflation of the pandemic treaty and the IHR amendments. He said language eroding national sovereignty is not found in the pandemic treaty — but is found in the IHR amendments.

‘Everyone’s paying attention to the treaty,’ Roguski said. ‘They’re completely and totally cross-pollinating the details that are in the amendments, attributing them to the treaty, and getting ‘fact-checked’ to high heaven.”

Call on Congress to Withdraw US From the WHO

While the U.S. House and Senate have introduced identical bills to thwart the WHO’s power grab through the proposed pandemic treaty, that still might not protect us, because the treaty is specifically written to circumvent the Senate-approval process.23

A far more effective strategy would be for Congress to withhold its annual contributions to the WHO, and then withdraw the U.S. from the WHO altogether. I believe it may be worth supporting all these strategies. So, please, contact your representatives and urge them to:

  • Support the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act24,25,26,27,28
  • Withhold funding for the WHO
  • Support U.S. withdrawal from the WHO

We also need to protect our nation against the IHR amendments. To that end, the World Council for Health has launched a global #StopTheWHO campaign. Here’s how you can get involved:29

  • Speak — Raise awareness on the ground and online. Use articles, posters, videos
  • Act — Campaign through rallies, political mobilization, legal notices and cases and similar campaigns
  • Collaborate with health freedom coalitions such as the World Council for Health
  • Explore activist toolboxes such as the World Council for Health Stop the Who Campaign and
  • Engage global indigenous leadership to take a united stand against the WHO’s IHR
  • Activate people’s parliaments, legislatures or referendums to oppose the amendments


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1, 4, 6 Daily Sceptic June 6, 2023

2 The Counter Signal June 5, 2023

3, 5 European Commission June 5, 2023

7 The Hill April 6, 2021

8, 10 WHO May 22, 2023

9 Fox News May 22, 2023

11 WHO One Health September 21, 2017

12 CDC One Health

13 WHO Article by Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the 2005 IHR

14 WHO Zero Draft of the WHO CA+ February 1, 2023

15 Potential Framework Convention for Pandemic Preparedness and Response March 18, 2021

16 Twitter Shiraz Akram BDS April 15, 2023

17 Stop Vax Passports Task Force webinar on One Health, 52:20

18, 19 Brownstone Institute June 4, 2023

20 James Roguski Substack March 9, 2023

21, 22 The Defender March 6, 2023

23 Epoch Times February 21, 2023

24 March 7, 2023

25 No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act House Bill Full Text

26 S.4343 — No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

27 S.444 — No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

28 S.4343 — No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

29 RW Malone Substack May 17, 2022

Featured image is from

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Spend 5-10 min. to listen to an update from the front.

This video is sympathetic to Ukraine’s lost cause, but the desperate report you hear is censored by Western media.

Ukraine is constantly beaten back already by Russia’s forward positions.

Ukraine cannot even reach Russia’s first defensive lines – see this earlier update.

Ukraine is weak — completely incompetent – and completely losing everything for nothing.

Ukraine’s ridiculous attacks are neither “probing” or “shaping” operations, nor a real big offensive.

Sending forces – losing them – sending more forces – losing them too.

This is just a rambling waste of Ukraine’s best forces – all the best NATO had to supply and train.

Ukraine will NEVER get such a force again, as the one it is wasting away right now.

Ukraine has probably in less than a week lost more than 80 tanks and 200 armored vehicles. At this rate, Ukraine will after 15 days more have wasted 60% of the heavy equipment they received, still gotten nowhere – and be too thin to resist a devastating Russian counterattack.

But what else could you expect?

Ukraine is running out of everything – even brainpower.

Ukraine is running out of air defense.

Ukraine is running out of artillery ammunition.

Ukraine is running out of its last aircraft and helicopters.

Russia has lots and lots of cheap drones, guided bombs, and precision missiles to send from outside the reach of Ukraine.

Ukraine’s ammunition and fuel depots are being blown up all the time by Russian air attacks.

As Ukrainian front-line troops are grinded to nothing, Ukraine’s rotations of troops to the frontline is being destroyed by Russian air attacks.

All over Ukraine, Ukrainian bunkers and command posts incl. their content of NATO officers are being destroyed by Russian air attacks.

Ukraine’s electrical power supply is being destroyed by Russian air attacks, and Ukraine’s logistics are breaking down as electrical trains are deprived of electricity.

We don’t even know if Ukraine’s top-general Zaluzhnyi is mentally capable of leading the forces after reportedly suffering an air attack.

Ukraine is running an inferior force in numbers and firepower up against Russian superiority in defensive positions, fire positions, trenches, and minefields, artillery and air support.

Russia has superiority in numbers. Russia has superiority in heavy weapons, tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery. Russia has a navy, Ukraine just lost its last war ship.

Russia has superiority in logistics. Ukraine is reduced to a total population of 18-20 million.

Russia has got 15 million soldiers which it could mobilize, if need be. Russia has even gained superiority over NATO in sustained industrial military production.

As we could expect, neocon ex-general & secretary of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen now speaks of a NATO force to prevent Ukraine from collapsing.

But even with Americans, Poles, and Danes, any NATO intervention force will be weaker than the Ukrainian army was.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Geopolitical Economy Report

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Los BRICS en espiral ascendente

June 12th, 2023 by Hedelberto López Blanch

Eurasian Geopolitics Versus Imperialism

June 12th, 2023 by Prof. Martin Martinelli

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The geopolitical shift since the 1990s was initiated by the implosion of the Soviet Union. It manifests itself in the dismantling of its area of ​​influence, as well as the advance of NATO to the Baltic and the Russian border. Productive internationalization intensified through global value chains.

Since unipolarity, the United States led invasions in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, in addition to increasing the siege towards China and Russia. From 2001 to the present, the 2008 crisis is the watershed. The second decade of the current century witnessed Russia’s reincorporation into world decision-making power through its war machine and China’s resurgence through the scope of its economic potential.

The new imperialism (2001) the interventions of 2001-2003, the geopolitical displacement from 2008, accentuated in 2013-2015, to reach the current moment. The rise of China and the recomposition lead to the US declaration of the “Asian pivot” towards China to encircle it. As a counterpart, it has promoted the “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) since 2013. The United States in part, Russia and China (tripolar order?) impose their economic and diplomatic presence. There, sub-imperialist powers such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran (as opposed to Washington) plus co-imperial Israel influence other non-hegemonic actors.

The West Asia region is an interstitial knot of the Eurasian axis, as the recent three decades have shown. The area holds around 65% of the world’s proven oil and gas reserves on the planet, and is essential due to its proximity to China and Russia. It nucleates central steps for international trade and its transport: the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez Canal and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, plus the Dardanelles and Bosphorus Straits. Likewise, its participation with one of the largest acquisitions of arms and military logistics stands out.

Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan, strategic countries of Eurasia, went from being subscribed to Western politics to being designated as enemies of it, in three consecutive decades, the first since 1979 (immediately followed by the 1980-88 Iraq-Iran War), the second 1991 (then since 2003) and the third 2001, both through direct invasion, these two surround the first.

One of the greatest current struggles unfolds in this effective dispute scenario, since at least the second half of the 20th and 21st centuries, that is, the political independence of these “new countries”. At the same time we see the decline of Atlanticism and the Anglosphere after four centuries – or even less – of Western rule.

Classic imperialism and the new imperialism

Imperialism goes hand in hand with the changes in the accumulation processes, altering the geopolitical hierarchy and the forms of world domination. The classical stage is characterized by the colonization of spaces, in the period between 1880-1914. The second stage begins with direct inter-imperialist confrontations, it could be periodized until the 1970s and the oil crisis. The stage of new imperialism is envisioned in the 1980s, it would begin after the dismemberment of the USSR and the direct invasions of the expanded Middle East.

This new domination is based on updating the classical conception of Lenin, who debates with Kautsky, a vision of rivalry with another of inter-imperial association. In the last four decades, a brief unipolar period has been traversed by two phenomena. A geopolitical shift gravitates to the resurgence of Eurasia, with Asia Pacific as the economic locomotive. An economic Asianization challenges the Triad (USA, Europe and Japan), due to the US industrial decline and hegemonic competition. In the Middle East, the devastation leaves various countries in a critical state, and then Eurasian geopolitics against imperialism develops.

The United States stands as the protective superpower of global capitalism. It exploits the MICIMAT complex: Military-Industrial-Counter-Intelligence-Media-Academy-Think Tank and the ideology of the “clash of civilizations”. The imperial action is recreated through warmongering and therein lies a crucial difference with the form of Chinese expansion. It is not only about the struggles for power, of individuals or countries, but of the tendencies of capitalist accumulation on a global scale. A current form of domination is instituted through military bases in spaces that are allied or occupied by the powers.

Neoimperialism  sums up five characteristics  :

  • one, the new monopoly of production and circulation;
  • two, the new monopoly of financial capital, economic financialization;
  • three, the monopoly of the US dollar and intellectual property, -which generates the unequal distribution of wealth-;
  • four, the new monopoly of the international oligarchic alliance –monetary policy and war threats–,
  • five, the economic essence and the general trend. In short, imperialism is a policy of domination carried out by the powerful of the planet through their states.

Recent geopolitical transitions

Since the 1980s and 1990s, capitalism has been restructured towards neoliberal policies and its neoimperialist phase. The recomposition of the new Russia and the exponential Chinese economic growth combined with the decline of the Franco-German European axis and Japan. The Sino-Russian alliance began in July 2001 with the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a comprehensive strategic partnership. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), four months later, occupied Afghanistan after September 11, 2001 with 300,000 soldiers.

The incursions sought to bring down countries not aligned with their policies, such as Iraq or Afghanistan. In addition to avoiding the strengthening of potential rivals such as China, a new center of capital accumulation and dependent on the supply of hydrocarbons, or Russia (Wolfowitz Doctrine, 1992). But the US got bogged down in Iraq, in a counterinsurgency war, declining its hegemony over the Middle East.

The roadmap indicated as targets the alleged “axes of evil” of “Western civilization.” They accused Syria, Iraq (two of the most consolidated secular nationalisms in the middle of the 20th century, with a Baathist ideology), Afghanistan, Libya and Iran, but also countries from other latitudes such as Venezuela, North Korea, the now ex-Yugoslavia and others. willing to develop some kind of autonomy.

The rebellions in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, in 2011, are marked by NATO invading Libya. In 2013/14, the Sino-Russian opposition prevented the impending US-NATO attack on Syria. This new world order maintained its confrontation scenario, due to its geostrategic and geoeconomic position, due to maritime and land routes, due to its proximity to  Heartland , and due to its energy pre-eminence.

The US uses the dollar as a currency and reserve of value, and to consolidate it, it deploys its army. Since 2001, “War on Terror”, then 2011, “Asian Pivot”, it approaches the “rivalry between the great powers”, so far in intermediate spaces in Ukraine, Taiwan, the Sahel or Iran.

In the systemic crisis, the internal US fissure between the globalism of the coasts and the Americanism of the interior hinders its external projection. It maintains its financial and technological primacy, in the face of its internal crisis. It is not an inexorable decline of US imperialism, which, as a world structure of domination, is hierarchical with sub-empires and appendages, but it is not world governance.

The Asian giant consolidates itself as the largest engine of global economic growth. The Belt and Road, a hegemonic geoeconomic bet with contradictions, opposes the actions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to reconfigure the Greater Middle East since 1991. By consolidating Beijing, it poses a challenge and generates all kinds of tensions for the American hegemony.

The New Silk Road (BRI) or the Eurasian Land Bridge

The world power map outlines the alliance between Russia, China (US goal never to join) and Iran. In 2013, Putin warned against the US attempt to rebuild a unipolar world. Obama reaffirmed the “American exceptionality” that would allow him to lead the world and thus defend world interests.

With ups and downs, the powers that remained with more regional or more global roles are Japan, Russia (and the USSR), the United States, France, Great Britain and Germany. In the last two centuries, China has been transformed from a semi-colonial, peripheral situation, through a constant improvement based on the 1949 Revolution, to rise to a central and hegemonic country, in an unprecedented case. The latest tectonic movements denote the importance of the Indian and the Pacific, compared to the previous preeminence of the Atlantic; if we notice, in the busiest ports in the world.

The majority of the world population interacts in the Eurasian territory, a scenario of multipolarity, resources, cultural and linguistic variety. China represents the rise of Asia Pacific, Russia the political-military, territorial power and immense natural resources. Europe is represented by its triad: British and Franco-German axis. However, the unprecedented geoeconomic irruption is China, whose eradication of poverty for the benefit of four hundred million people in the last half century exemplifies that potential, together with the overturning of its overproduction and surpluses to the rest of the world.

The third power in contention is Moscow, a geopolitical and military challenger, not so much economically. The immediate priority is naval harassment in the China Sea, a vital area of ​​world trade. The United States added the AUKUS to NATO, along with Australia, Great Britain and also reactivated the QUAD, a kind of “NATO of the Pacific” together with Japan, Australia and India. This would surround the “Necklace of Pearls” of the BRI maritime corridor on the outside. Meanwhile, China leads the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), among fifteen nations in the Asia-Pacific region – such as Japan, Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.

The US strategy is counteracted by the Russian-Chinese alliance, which partly joins Central Asia (post-Soviet space), and joins Iran (25-year treaty). In intermediate situations, it leans towards Pakistan (a traditional nuclear ally of the US), and Turkey (a member of NATO) according to the planning of the BRI (Tehran-Istanbul) with its geostrategic position, one of the economic corridors to reach to Europe.

The “One China” doctrine exercises its sovereignty over colonial holdovers like Hong Kong and Taiwan. His military apparatus is preparing while he proclaims his peaceful action. The “century of humiliation”, from the Opium War in 1841 to 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was founded. Since 2015, a technological roadmap was designed, “Made in China 2025”, aimed at narrowing its gap; by 2035, strengthen its position, and by 2045, lead global innovation.

The economic integration of the BRI with Russia and Europe, together with the intention of developing the interior of the country (such as Xinjiang) and ensuring energy from the center of Eurasia. In addition to restricting the US presence and building routes that the US military could not interrupt in the event of a higher level of confrontation.

The railway line – built and projected – together with the sea and land lines connect Eurasia. The route has commercial, industrial, transport, science and technology guidelines. The strategy is summed up in peace for its economy and its global status, stabilizing the global economic and political situation. To the extension of its sphere of influence, its competitors respond with geopolitical rivalry in the Indo-Pacific region.

Two centuries of maritime predominance, the successive British and North American hegemonies, are interspersed with this terrestrial resolution (it reduces time by a third of what is necessary by sea) – the thalassocratic powers against the tellurocratic ones. It transforms the geography of central Eurasia, after the US invasions, a “reordering” but on uneven terms. Russia, in 2015, with the tacit support of China, intervenes with its army. Russia and the United States differ in the geographical proximity or remoteness where they intervene and the North American deployment around the world with its military bases.

Sino-Russian alliance plus Iran, geopolitical opposition to the Anglo-Saxon axis

The Sino-Russian alliance together with Iran outlines a strategic triangle. Russia regained prominence on the global geopolitical tableau. Another part of the hegemonic and resource struggle unfolds in the post-Soviet space, where NATO advanced eastward.

China, after being a world and Asian power, went through a period of invasions and colonization attempts, first by the British and then by the Japanese. And although it has nuclear weapons and is part of the UN Security Council, it has not followed the policy of aggression of the other four. According to Chinese academics, “the Beijing consensus” develops a circumspect behavior, a geopolitical logic of sharp power ( sharp power ), a different type of interference from that of purely diplomatic forces ( soft power ), or American hard war responses ( hard power) . ) and political interference.

The policy of the American Asian pivot – and of NATO – seeks to stop the deployment of the BRI. The United States is imperialist, its position is one of aggression, the places where it directs its fleets are thousands of kilometers from its territory. The North American country with its insular geography was involved in wars except for nineteen years of its history.

This repositioning of Eurasia is represented, in part, by this tripartite axis, although the disconnection with Germany is another central issue. China assumes a defensive reaction, its long-term planning and demographic weight stand out. Shade is another form of multipolar power sharing. Whether and to what extent this benefits the rest of the world remains to be seen.

Sub-imperialist powers

Transformations in a major region for hegemonic competition reflect or precede global systemic variations. Global tensions have repercussions there through indirect confrontations, popular rebellions, and fluctuations in alliances. The peripheral gendarmes do not contradict the independence of action of those countries, but they do confirm the level of interventionism in the region. It is enough to observe the successive maps of the Middle East, its independences and its warfare (1916, 1948, 1967, 1973, 2001, 2021) to verify the atmosphere of confrontation.

The role of this region goes through global energy (production, transit), refugees, the security of the Persian Gulf, nuclear non-proliferation, political Islam, non-state actors (such as Hezbollah and Hamas), the Israeli-Palestinian question , civil wars such as in Syria, regional tensions (such as the Saudi-Iranian rivalry), the Chinese BRI, plus the independence of sub-empires, popular revolts, democratic battles and anti-imperialist resistance.

After the implosion of the Soviet Union, a symbolic and material reconfiguration of the map is outlined, which had repercussions on regional bellicosity, when the US invaded the countries it had supported in the previous decade of the 80s, Iraq ( against Iran) and Afghanistan (the “Vietnam” of the USSR). The purpose of world domination, in the 21st century, goes through energy, food, technology and security. This belligerence was covered by the characterization of the Muslim enemy as the adverse  per se  of the “West” instead of the “Red Bear”.

In the last two decades, 2001-2021, the United States begins its direct invasions of the area in Iraq (1991, 2003-2021), Afghanistan (2001-2021), the watershed, the capitalist crisis of 2008, Libya (2011), interference in Syria (2012) and in Yemen (2015). In addition, the unconditional support for Israel against the Palestinians and Hezbollah, the alliance with Saudi Arabia and the appearance of ISIS (2014), plus the nuclear agreement with Iran (2015). Those raids have stalled to this day, with devastated countries, thousands of refugees, and critical social consequences.

The sub-powers located in the Middle East, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel, compete for different areas of influence. Two are perceived as heirs to the Ottoman and Persian Empires; the peninsular, with respect to the Arab-Muslim expansions to North Africa and Europe; in the colonial, the “Greater Israel” does not agree with any empire. At one point, this equates to Russian and Chinese perceptions of themselves, and differs from Americans in being a colony-turned-empire.

The sub-imperial character of Turkey, a member of NATO and linked to the Pentagon, is verified in its intervention in regional conflicts, its repression of the Kurds or the controversies with Iran. However, it oscillates between the association and certain dissidences with respect to the United States. As a place of transit and connection, the difference with its neighbors is that it is not supported by natural gas and oil reserves, but by trade and tourism.

Iran dominates the Persian Gulf with its territory, a bridge between Central Asia or China to the Mediterranean. An ally of Russia and China, of India (it built a port in Iran, to avoid Pakistan) which, along with Russia, are its main suppliers of oil and gas. For China, the Persian country is transcendental in the BRI. For Russia, it is essential to neutralize the US Fifth Fleet, based in Qatar. In turn, the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon (with Hezbollah) and Palestine (with Hamas) axis constitute an opposition to Israel and the Americans in the region. Iran possesses the world’s second largest gas reserves and the third largest oil, a vast territory in a key area, the opposite of the staunch ally of the “Empire of Chaos”.

The interests, alliances and roles of sub-imperialist countries such as Turkey and Iran –with ambivalence–, and historical allies of the hegemon such as Israel (co-imperial) and Saudi Arabia. In turn, these countries settle their differences in third countries, but they do not confront each other directly, nor do the superpowers. The rivalry is observed in their areas of influence, with the Gulf countries whose prominence is increasing. A new paradigm opens from the recent reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Israel is a co-empire with a “qualitative military advantage” sponsored by its ally. It approaches Arab countries, located in key maritime straits Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sudan and Morocco in an open way, just as we could add Saudi Arabia in an underground way. In, the UAE approximates it to the opposite coast of Iran within the Persian Gulf. Israel suffocates and colonizes Palestine, bombards the Gaza Strip cyclically, blocks it by land, sea and air, an open-air prison.

Afghanistan, the “Vietnam of the USSR”, is a strategic country for NATO. It would provide a unique geopolitical advantage over China, Russia, India and Iran, being the platform to engage in Eurasia. NATO-induced wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria or Yemen have disrupted the existence of at least one hundred million people in this region in the last three decades.

The material reconfiguration transforms territorialities through direct or indirect intervention. The concept of sub-empire hierarchizes the capitalist powers in the state of war, latent or permanent. Local actors whose interests and interactions are ambivalent to the superpowers. Turkey, the opposition to Iran and a rapprochement with the nuclear treaty, and the alliance with Saudi Arabia.

Hegemonic decline and Chinese rise

After the world crisis of 2008, in the region of the “Arab world” they revolted since 2011, thus deposing monarchies or long-standing rulers. However, the repressive counterrevolution dealt several blows to that movement. The transformations of the 2010s exposed how the United States veered in its policy to redirect it towards China and Russia.

The war against Iraq would isolate Iran as a step prior to its destruction, there were two opposition regimes like the Libyan and the Syrian. In Syria are the only military bases that allowed Moscow to project its naval and air power over the Mediterranean. The offensive of the so-called Islamic State against the Syrian regime – supported by the US, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia – targeted Russia and Iran, which, from Syria, backed Hezbollah. Hence the Russian decision, backed by China, to get involved in September 2015.

In Syria the conflict devastated its population. While Libya was left in a situation of potential disintegration and state division into three regions. The land borders of Iran, which has suffered numerous economic sanctions, are fenced off by US military bases. It thus approaches the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, of Chinese interest.

The US in the Middle East is in a setback, due to its failure to comply with its plans, to convert five countries into fourteen or to balkanize several States. Although it destroyed several countries, the entry of China and Russia, as well as the influence of Iran, changed its roadmap. The attempt at imperial redesign is in tune with that applied by France and England at the beginning of the 20th century.

The destabilization of the region, misnamed the “Global War on Terror”, annihilated 900,000 people, caused 38 million refugees and internally displaced persons in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya and Syria, plus the issue Palestine. It damaged at least a hundred million lives. The external change has become evident because Russia and China, two powers in recomposition, have intervened in different ways in the region, and have had an impact in addition to popular rebellions and sub-imperial powers.

The Middle East and Eurasia are constituted as decisive spaces of the world system. The United States is betting on preserving its world hegemony. It tries to maintain the arms supremacy deployed throughout the world, in addition to a series of partner or follower sub-powers at key moments, and due to their characteristics. In Our America we will see if the confrontation between the United States-Europe blocs with the Russia-China strategic alliance generates new realignments. It remains to be seen whether the Monroe doctrine prevails. The reaction should be to ally and not divide, as they conceive it.


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Martin Martinelli, PhD (in Social Sciences) is Professor of History at the National University of Luján (Argentina) and Geohistorical Observatory. Coordinators of the Al-Zeytun / CLACSO Magazine Special Group “Palestine and Latin America” by the Institute of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (University of Buenos Aires). Author of the book “Palestine (and Israel). Between intifadas, revolutions and resistance.”

The Hegemon Will Go Full Hybrid War Against BRICS+

June 12th, 2023 by Pepe Escobar

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U.S. Think Tank Land hacks are not exactly familiar with Montaigne: “On the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own bottom.”

Hubris leads these specimens to presume their flaccid bottoms are placed high above anyone else’s. The result is that a trademark mix of arrogance and ignorance always ends up unmasking the predictability of their forecasts.

U.S. Think Tank Land – inebriated by their self-created aura of power – always telegraphs in advance what they’re up to. That was the case with Project 9/11 (“We need a new Pearl Harbor”). That was the case with the RAND report on over-extending and unbalancing Russia. And now that’s the case with the incoming

American War on BRICS as outlined by the chairman of the New York-based Eurasia Group.

It’s always painful to suffer through the intellectually shallow Think Thank Land wet dreams masquerading as “analyses” but in this particular case key Global South players need to be firmly aware of what awaits them.

Predictably, the whole “analysis” revolves around the imminent, devastating humiliation to the Hegemon and its vassals: what happens next in country 404, also known – for now – as Ukraine.

Brazil, India, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are dismissed as “four major fence-sitters” when it comes to the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia. It’s the same old “you’re with us or against us” trope.

But then we are presented with the six major Global South culprits: Brazil, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey.

In yet another crude, parochial remix of a catch phrase referring to the American elections, these are qualified as the key swing states the Hegemon will need to seduce, cajole, intimidate and threaten to assure its dominance of the “rules-based international order”.

Saudi Arabia and South Africa are added to a previous report focused on the “four major fence sitters”.

The swing state manifesto notes that all of them are G-20 members and “active in both geopolitics and geoeconomics” (Oh really? Now that’s some breaking news). What it does not say is that three of them are BRICS members (Brazil, India, South Africa) and the other three are serious candidates to join BRICS+: deliberations will be turbo-charged in the upcoming BRICS summit in South Africa in August.

So it’s clear what the swing state manifesto is all about: a call to arms for the American war against the BRICS.

So BRICS packs no punch

The swing state manifesto harbors wet dreams of near-shoring and friend-shoring moving away from China. Nonsense: enhanced intra-BRICS+ trade will be the order of the day from now on, especially with the expanded practice of trade in national currencies (see Brazil-China or within ASEAN), the first step towards widespread de-dollarization.

The swing states are characterized as “not a new incarnation” of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), or “other groupings dominated by the Global South, such as the G-77 and BRICS.”

Talk about exponential nonsense. This is all about BRICS+ – which now has the tools (including the NDB, the BRICS bank) to do what NAM could never accomplish during the Cold War: establish the framework of a new system bypassing Bretton Woods and the interlocking coercion mechanisms of the Hegemon.

As for stating that BRICS has not “packed much punch” that only reveals U.S. Think Tank Land’s cosmic ignorance of what BRICS + is all about.

The position of India is only considered in terms of being a Quad member – defined as a “U.S.-led effort to balance China”. Correction: contain China.

As for the “choice” of swing states of choosing between the U.S. and China on semiconductors, AI, quantum technology, 5G and biotechnology, that’s not about “choice”, but to what level they are able to sustain Hegemon pressure to demonize Chinese technology.

Pressure on Brazil, for instance, is much heavier than on Saudi Arabia or Indonesia.

In the end though, it all comes back to the Straussian neocon obsession: Ukraine. The swing states, in varying degrees, are guilty of opposing and/or undermining the sanctions dementia. Turkey, for instance, is accused of channeling “dual-use” items to Russia. Not a word on the U.S. financial system viciously forcing Turkish banks to stop accepting Russian MIR payment cards.

On the wishful thinking front, this pearl stands out among many: “The Kremlin seems to believe it can make a living by turning its trade south and east.”

Well, Russia is already making excellent living all across Eurasia and a vast expanse of the Global South.

The economy has re-started (drivers are domestic tourism, machine building and the metals industry); inflation is at only 2.5% (lower than anywhere in the EU); unemployment is at only 3.5%; and head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina said that by 2024 growth will be back to pre-SMO levels.

U.S. Think Tankland is congenitally incapable of understanding that even if BRICS+ nations may still have some serious trade credit issues to iron out, Moscow has already shown how even an implied hard backing of a currency can turn out to be an instant game changer. Russia is at the same time backing not only the ruble but also the yuan.

Meanwhile, the Global South de-dollarization caravan moves on relentlessly – as much as the proxy war hyenas may keep howling in the dark. When the full – staggering – scale of NATO’s humiliation in Ukraine unfolds, arguably by mid-summer, the de-dollarization high-speed train will be fully booked, non-stop.

“Offer you can’t refuse” rides again

If all of the above was not already silly enough, the swing state manifesto doubles down on the nuclear front, accusing them of “future (nuclear) proliferation risks”: especially – who else – Iran.

By the way, Russia is defined as a “middle power, but one in decline”. And “hyper-revisionist” to boot. Oh dear: with “experts” like this, the Americans don’t even need enemies.

And yes, by now you may be excused to roar with laughter: China is accused of attempting to direct and co-opt BRICS. The “suggestion” – or “offer you can’t refuse”, Mafia-style – to the swing states is that you cannot join a “Chinese-directed, Russian-assisted body actively opposing the United States.”

The message is unmistakable: “The threat of a Sino-Russian co-optation of an expanded BRICS—and through it, of the global south—is real, and it needs to be addressed.”

And here are the recipes to address it. Invite most swing states to the G-7 (that was a miserable failure). “More high-level visits by key U.S. diplomats” (welcome to cookie distributor Vicky Nuland). And last but not least, Mafia tactics, as in a “nimbler trade strategy that begins to crack the nut of access to the U.S. market.”

The swing state manifesto could not but let the Top Cat out of the bag, predicting, rather praying that “U.S.-China tensions rise dramatically and turn into a Cold War-style confrontation.” That’s already happening – unleashed by the Hegemon.

So what would be the follow-up? The much sought after and spun-to-death “decoupling”, forcing the swing states to “align more closely with one side or the other”. It’s “you’re with us or against us” all over again.

So there you go. Raw, in the flesh – with inbuilt veiled threats. The Hybrid War 2.0 against the Global South has not even started. Swing states, you have all been warned.


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This article was originally published on Strategic Culture Foundation.

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the Public Domain

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This is the first time since then that they’ve conventionally fought a military peer, albeit by proxy for now. Even so, the West is still receiving the large-scale data that they require in order to fine-tune their plans ahead of possibly waging a direct war against one.

More Than Meets the Eye

Kiev’s NATObacked counteroffensive has captivated the world’s attention as everyone watches to see whether it’ll push Russia out of the territory that Ukraine claims as its own. Progress on that direction would likely lead to continued Western support, while the failure to fulfill expectations might lead to the aforesaid being curtailed and ceasefire talks commencing. Either outcome is important, but what many observers have overlooked is the historical significance of this campaign.

The Unexpected Proxy War

It’s the first time since World War II that the West has conventionally fought a military peer, albeit indirectly in this case since they’re fighting Russia via their Ukrainian proxy. The US envisaged transforming that former Soviet Republic into a platform for threatening Russia through conventional, hybrid, and unconventional means with the aim of coercing it into never-ending concessions. The goal was to strategically neutralize then Balkanize it in order to facilitate doing the same to China afterwards.

While Ukraine was cooperating with NATO to this end prior to the start of Russia’s special operation, including through the secret hosting of that bloc’s bases as well as joint biological and nuclear weapons programs, everything was supposed to accelerate after its planned reconquest of Donbass in early 2022. President Putin narrowly preempted his opponents’ first move once he concluded that the West didn’t want to resolve their problems through peaceful means after they rejected Russia’s security requests.

Mutual Surprises Lead to a Stalemate

The fast-moving events that were set into motion caught both sides by surprise. The West didn’t really expect a large-scale intervention, predicting instead that Russia would likely concentrate its forces in Donbass in the unlikely scenario that it got involved, but they still secretly dispatched plenty of anti-air and -tank missiles to Ukraine ahead of time just in case. Likewise, Russia didn’t expect such formidable resistance from Ukraine, but the West was also surprised that Russia didn’t collapse due to sanctions.

Neither side has thus far been able to defeat the other as a result of the NATO-Russian “race of logistics”/“war of attrition” that Secretary-General Stoltenberg finally admitted in mid-February has been going on this whole time. His bloc continued pumping Ukraine full of increasingly higher quality arms and training more of its troops to NATO standards exactly as it planned to do had Donbass been reconquered, while Russia partially mobilized its trained reservists and ramped up its military-industrial production.

The New York Times Spills the Beans

Instead of settling for the present stalemate by seeking to freeze the Line of Contact via a Korean-like armistice, the West saw the opportunity to put its proxy war plans against Russia into action ahead of schedule. Had Donbass been reconquered by Ukraine last spring like NATO envisaged, then Kiev would have been armed to the teeth and extensively trained for years prior to provoking a crisis over Crimea, but the decision was made to test it now since it’s partially ready and the pretext already exists.

The New York Times (NYT) hinted at this motivation in their recent article titled “As Ukraine Launches Counteroffensive, Definitions of ‘Success’ Vary”, which revealed that “Essentially, the United States and its allies will be looking at the counteroffensive for evidence that their plan of remaking the Ukrainian army into a modern force that fights with NATO tactics, and that can use complex maneuvers and advanced equipment to allow a smaller force to defeat a larger one, is sound.”

The West’s Reality Check

The influx of over $165 billion worth of military support to Ukraine from NATO proved too tempting of an opportunity for the bloc’s most hawkish decisionmakers to pass up in terms of finally testing their arms and strategies against a peer competitor. Considering the likelihood of Russia entrenching itself even deeper into those territories that Ukraine claims as its own and recalling the neck-and-neck NATO-Russian “race of logistics”, the decision was made to test it now instead of face greater difficulties later.

The NYT reported that expectations are tempered as a result of this newfound context:

“Privately, U.S. and European officials concede that pushing all of Russia’s forces out of occupied Ukrainian land is highly unlikely. Still, two themes emerge as clear ideas of ‘success’: that the Ukrainian army retake and hold on to key swaths of territory previously occupied by the Russians, and that Kyiv deal the Russian military a debilitating blow that forces the Kremlin to question the future of its military options in Ukraine.”

The outlet then proceeded to indicate some tangible benchmarks for “success” such as “retaking some parts of the Donbas or pushing Russia out of agricultural and mining areas in southeastern Ukraine”, “Seizing the nuclear plant in Zaporizhzhia”, and/or “cut[ting] off, or at least squeez[ing], the so-called land bridge.” These moderate goals are a far cry from the maximalist one that’s officially being pursued by NATO and Ukraine, which shows what a reality check the past 15 months of fighting have been.

NATO’s Utter Humiliation by Russia

Even worse for them is that Russia didn’t just destroy a sizeable amount of their so-called “wunderwaffen” over the past few days, but even released videos proving its accomplishments, thus utterly humiliating NATO. The bloc’s most hawkish decisionmakers were so eager to receive large-scale battlefield data from their Ukrainian proxies’ fielding of NATO equipment against the West’s Russian peer competitor that they arrogantly overlooked all the signs that this risked tremendously backfiring.

It was wrongly thought after Russia’s pullbacks in Kharkov and Kherson Regions late last year that the entire front would collapse if it was pushed strongly enough by NATO-trained Ukrainians fielding some of that bloc’s most famous equipment during the planned counteroffensive over half a year later. This assessment ignored the particularities of those two situations and assumed that Russia was incapable of learning from its prior shortcomings, which directly led to the West’s disaster over the past few days.

That’s not to say that Ukraine’s counteroffensive might not achieve some success despite the enormous physical costs that this would certainly entail, but just that global perceptions about Western power have just been shattered after Russia shared videos of it destroying their “wunderwaffen”. If more sober-minded decisionmakers had the final say in whether the counteroffensive should go ahead, they might have calculated that it’s better to preserve the illusion of dominance than risk having it dispelled.

Great Power Competition

It might have been inevitable in hindsight that the greenlight would be given to Kiev’s NATO-backed counteroffensive, however, when remembering that the US has been planning to test its new proxy war model against a peer competitor since at least December 2017. The National Security Strategy that was released at the time declared that “great power competition has returned”, specifically identifying China and Russia as the two that the US must actively contain.

Despite Trump continuing to arm Ukraine and impose sanctions against Russia during his tenure, he appears to have sincerely wanted to strike a deal with the Kremlin in order to then focus entirely on containing China, but he was thwarted by his permanent bureaucracy. Upon Biden coming to power, the Democrats’ plot to have Kiev reconquer Donbass as part of their grand strategic plan to contain Russia before China was once again back in play, which would have happened earlier had Hillary won in 2016.

The Biden Administration’s Gamble

The West didn’t expect Russia to stop them, let alone intervene far beyond Donbass in the unlikely scenario that it got involved, and then they wrongly predicted that it would soon collapse under sanctions. They were wrong on all three counts, which led to them being pulled by rapidly accelerating mission creep into waging a proxy war against Russia a lot earlier than they planned. Instead of being satisfied with their test data and freezing the conflict, they want even more at a much larger scale.

The most hawkish decision-makers downplayed Russia’s proven military improvements since its pullback from Kherson last November and authorized the counteroffensive for this purpose since they were convinced that Ukraine’s NATO-trained and -armed forces would smash through the entire front. They couldn’t resist the chance to finally test their arms and strategies against a peer competitor at this scale after NATO poured over $165 billion worth of military aid into their proxy these past 15 months.

Concluding Thoughts

Awareness of these real motivations explains why the counteroffensive is the West’s most important military campaign since World War II, which was the last time that they conventionally fought a military peer. Even though they’re only doing so by proxy right now, they’re still receiving the large-scale data that they require in order to fine-tune their plans ahead of possibly waging a direct war against one. What the West has learned over the past few days, however, is that they shouldn’t take victory over Russia for granted.   


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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The long-awaited offensive from Ukraine has begun. So far the results have been mixed with both sides claiming victories per the normal flow of propaganda. None of that matters.

What is not up for discussion is the tragedy, aimed squarely at civilians, of the Nova Kakhovka hydroelectric dam, attacked last night releasing the Dnieper river into the valley in Kherson oblast.

This dam provided not only local electric power but also cooling water for the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.

The ZNPP has been the subject of numerous incidents since this war began with battles being fought over it, and accusations flying wildly from the West as to how irresponsible Russia was. None of that turned out to be true as ZNPP was set up to be the site of a massive false flag involving UN inspectors which failed.

It doesn’t matter who you back in this war or whose incentives you sympathize with. Acts like this serve many purposes, some of them military, some of them political.

And they follow a particular pattern.

Like the narrative from last year surrounding the attacks on the ZNPP, this attack on the dam begs very obvious questions.

Why would Russia attack a nuclear power plant in an area under its control?

Going back to Syria right after Donald Trump took office in early 2017, why would Assad gas civilians when he and Russia had the momentum and was clearly winning the war in Idlib province, invoking the wrath of the world?

Why would Russia blow up Nordstream 1 and 2 as they were initially accused of?

Why would Russia attack a dam in territory they control that provides local power to Kherson, cooling water to the ZNPP and fresh water to Crimea?

The answers to all of these questions is simply, “They wouldn’t.”

So now let’s do a little more historic digging into past behavior.

Before the war officially started who blew up power stations denying Crimea power in the fall of 2015, creating blackouts and real civilian hardship?

Who is on record saying that the Minsk Agreements were simply a time-buying exercise to arm Ukraine and freeze Russia for the war we have today?

Who staged a terrorist attack on the Kerch Strait Bridge?

Who has tested the waters on attacking the dam?

Whose leadership continues to go around the world desperately trying to convince rational people that this irrational ethnic war between tribes of Slavs is a fight for the future of western civilization?

Who intentionally helped stoke simmering hatred of all things Russian across the entirety of Eastern Europe to push the world to this moment?

In short, who armed Ukraine while never once acting with one ounce of humility or basic human decency to find a solution that didn’t involve thousands of dead Slavs?

The answer is the same people accusing Russia today of blowing up a dam that severely weakens their strategic position in southern Ukraine.

The first person out the gate was EU Council President Charles Michel:

The rest of the world will pile on for the next 72 hours or so until some footage or evidence makes its way into the information space. It’s the same pattern as Nordstream, the chemical attacks in Ghouta and Khan Sheykoun, MH-17 and a host of other attacks on civilians over the past decade since Putin helped thwart Obama’s “Coalition of the willing” to take out Assad in 2013 following Ghouta.

Right on schedule: Perfidious Albion weighs in.

Everything in Ukraine is downstream (all puns intended) of that. Everything. It’s all one big long policy decision after another. In this respect Ukraine has been a series of moves on a chess board leading to a particular outcome.

And that outcome will be a full-fledged war between NATO and Russia over Ukraine. It’s what everyone in power actually wants, even when they mouth words to the contrary. EU officials like Michel, EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and now presidential candidates in the US say the same thing.

There can be no victory for Russia in Ukraine. It would be the end of the West.

Waffle House Waitress Nikki Haley is out repeating the lie that Russia will take all of Poland and the Baltics if he wins on CNN. It doesn’t matter that she’ll get 1% of the primary vote, her job is to reinforce the narrative.

We’ve all been waiting for the next big ‘disaster’ to up the ante in Ukraine. It’s been too quiet for too long. Now with the fighting intensifying along multiple fronts, this move is it.

So, with it done what does it mean?

The most obvious is that this materially weakens Russia’s position in Kherson and then Crimea. It follows that this is just the prelude to the long-expected full on attack on Crimea.

It could be some weird statement by the Ukrainians that they are looking for an offramp by drawing an impassable barrier between their territory and Russia’s but I’ll need to see a lot more evidence of that before I can even contemplate it.

Because Occam’s razor reminds us of the intense need to take not only Ukraine to the next level but the entire Davos Great Reset agenda there as well.

For more than a year the West, primarily the US with a lot of British assistance, have tried to craft a humanitarian crisis narrative around Russia to justify a wider war.

This is just the latest example of their handiwork.
The Ukrainians want this to elicit sympathy from gaslit morons with Ukraine flags in the Twitter name.

The Brits need this because their centuries-long feud with Russia simply cannot end with a whimper in Ukraine.

The US thinks they need this because of the ridiculous Great Powers mind virus unleashed on us by our colonial “betters.”

Davos needs this because you can’t roll the world up into your total control if there are any great nations left.

When viewed through the lens of the power-mongers who unleashed this war I leave you with one last question.

What do you call a hundred thousand dead Slavs fighting over swampland?

A good start.


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Tom Luongo is publisher of the Gold Goats n Guns. Ruminations on Geopolitics, Markets and Goats.

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The United States is about militarism. Its economy is largely based on the military-industrial complex. It has hundreds upon hundreds of military bases in lands around the planet. Yet, despite a bloated military budget, the US fails to care for all its citizens, certainly not the millions of homeless, poor, and those unable to afford medical procedures because they are without medical insurance; however, the US does house and feed its soldiers, marines, and air-force personnel abroad. Yet, when it comes to its veterans there is often a price they must pay. Nonetheless, what must not be forgotten is the far greater price paid by the victims of US aggression.

The US claims full-spectrum dominance. US politicians make bellicose statements about which country the US will attack next. And when a pretext is required the US will fabricate one. (See AB Abrams’s excellent book Atrocity Fabrications and Its Consequences, 2023. Review)

I asked Wei Ling Chua, the author of 3 books including Democracy: What the west can learn from China and Tiananmen Square’s “Massacre”? The Power of Words vs Silent Evidence, how aggressive US posturing impacts China.


Kim Petersen: It is clear that the US is waging an economic war against China. However, based on the bombast of several American military and political figures, the US is also pining for a military confrontation. US Air Force four-star general Mike Minihan said his gut warns of a war with China in 2025.  The Chinese claim to most of the South China Sea has caused the US to assert the right to freedom of navigation by sailing its warships off the Chinese coast. But when has China ever denied any ships the right to freely traverse the South China Sea? And as for the disputed territoriality in the South China Sea, why does the US arrogate to itself a supposed right to meddle in the affairs of other countries even those thousands of kilometers from the US shoreline? The Brookings Institute informs that of potential threats worldwide, “China gets pride of place as security challenge number one — even though China has not employed large-scale military force against an adversary since its 1979 war [what even Wikipedia calls a “brief conflict”] with Vietnam.” Consider that the media organ of British capitalism,

The Economist, complains that “People’s Liberation Army (PLA) fighter jets keep staging recklessly close, high-speed passes to intimidate Western military aircraft in international airspace near China.” The magazine doesn’t blink at the risible scenario it has described: foreign fighter planes near China. Isn’t there sufficient airspace for American military jets in the US? Or sufficient coastline to practice freedom of navigation with its warships in US waters?

The US is so fixated on the economic rise of China that it even scuppered a multibillion-dollar deal its ally France had to sell submarines to Australia and replace it with nuclear submarines to be supplied by itself and the United Kingdom — AUKUS. The obvious target of the nuclear subs: China. China’s foreign minister Qin Gang has called on the US to put the brakes on to avoid confrontation and conflict. What does all the militaristic hoopla directed at China portend?

Nonetheless, reported on 24 March 2023 that China has developed a coating for its submarines — an “active” tile based on giant magnetostrictive material (GMM) technology — that “could turn the US active sonar technology against itself.”

Also, the Chinese navy has many more ships than the US (around 340 Chinese navy ships to the 300 US navy ships) and that gap is widening.

Given that the rise of China is not just economic, but that China has also developed a staunch defensive capability, what do the military experts say about China’s capability of defending itself against an American attack? Such an attack would also be insane because war between two nuclear-armed foes is a scenario in which there are no winners.

Wei Ling Chua: The US is the most warmongering country on the planet with every inch of its territory looted from others. Like former US President Jimmy Carter told Trump in a (2019) phone conversation: “US has only enjoyed 16 years of peace in its 242-year history.” The US is also the only nuclear power ever to use such a weapon of mass destruction, which it did on 2 populated civilian cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki). So, any military threat from the US cannot be taken lightly.

In addition, one should also note that the Chinese military grouped itself into 5 defense regions (Western defense region, Northern defense region, Central defense region, Southern defense region, and Eastern defense region), they are all within China and defensive in nature; whereas, the US military grouped itself into 6 command centers covering the entire world [Africa Command (AFRICOM), Southern Command (covering Latin America), European Command (covering Europe, part of the Middle East and Eurasia), Central Command (covering the Middle East), Indo-Pacific Command (covering the entire Asia Pacific Region, and half the Indian Ocean), and Northern Command (covering the US, Alaska, Canada, Mexico, and Bahamas)]. The US military is obviously imperialistic in nature.

However, the good news is that after WW2, the US-led military coalition never won any war in Asia. Their military coalition was badly beaten in the Korean War and Vietnam War (both of which involved China). The latest sudden and messy US withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years of brutal occupation demonstrates that the US military is not as powerful as perceived. It appears to be as Mao famously described: “A Paper Tiger.”

I believe that if the US regime is informed and rational, it will not dare to start a war with China on the Chinese doorstep. The reasons are quite obvious:

1) After the Korean and Vietnam wars, the US never dared to directly attack any well-armed country such as North Korea, Iran, USSR/Russia, etc. For example, in 2020, Iran fired 22 missiles at 2 US airbases in revenge for the cowardly US assassination of their minister (Qasem Soleimani) while he was on an official diplomatic visit inside Iraq. Despite the Pentagon’s initial playing down of the severity of the Iranian attacks, it was later admitted that 109 US troops had suffered brain injuries. The US did not dare take further military action against Iran.

My perception from this incident is that the US is too confident — that no one dares to take military action against their military bases across the world.So, they are complacent and failed to invest in underground shelters in those 2 airbases. So, it is reasonable to assume that such weaknesses are likely to be widespread across all the other US military bases across the world.

2) All the countries the US and NATO attacked after the Korean War and Vietnam War were developing countries. It was only after these countries had been weakened by years of economic sanctions and were without a decent air and sea defense system (e.g., Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc). One should note that the US invasion of Iraq was carried out only after over a decade of UN weapons inspection, disarmament, and economic sanctions. That is after the Iraqi economy and its advanced weaponry were destroyed. As a result, US fighter jets were able to take their own sweet time, flying low, flying slowly to identify targets and bombs. So, the US military weapons have yet to be tested in confrontation with a militarily powerful country, one armed with air and sea defense systems.

As for the perceived US military might and superior high-tech weaponry, I believe that the following examples will shed some light on whether the US is more militarily powerful or China:

Firstly, we should thank the United States for its ongoing military actions across the world, and its marketing tactics to promote its image as a superpower, with the intention to sell weapons and to scare the world into submission from its position of strength. Below is a series of US announcements of new weaponry that had frightened the Chinese; as a result, China commissioned her scientists to invent powerful weapons with ideas initiated by the Americans. E.g.,

Hypersonic Missiles

  • The US is the first country that commissioned a hypersonic bomber program capable of nuking any country worldwide within an hour in the early 2000s. Such an announcement scared the Chinese and Russians. Yet, whereas the US failed miserably and decided to shut down the program in early 2023, we have witnessed that Russia and China successfully developed hypersonic missile technology.  Ironically, given the US failure and China’s success in the technology, the Washington Post published a report titled “American technology boosts China’s hypersonic missile program” to attribute China’s hypersonic missile success to US technology. (When one comes by this type of baseless claim of US technological superiority over China, besides having a good laugh, I am really speechless at the unbelievably shameless nature of the American propaganda machine)

Laser Guns

  • The US is also the first country which commissioned a laser gun program. In 2014, the US announced that the weapon was installed on USS Ponce for field testing with success. However, in 2023, CBS News reported that the Pentagon spent $1b a year to develop these weapons and stated that  “Whether such weapons are worth the money is an open question, and the answer likely depends on whom you ask. For defense contractors, of course, a new generation of powerful military hardware could provide vast new revenue streams.” The irony is that in 2022, China had already exported its laser guns to Saudi Arabia and that country was reported to have successfully gunned down 13 incoming attack drones.

One ought to recall what happened to Saudi oil facilities in 2019 when drones attacked. The report at that time was: “US-made Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, the main air defense of Saudi Arabia that was so useless last Saturday, cost $3m apiece.” In addition, there is the recent bad news that the vaunted US Patriot missile system was put out of action by a Russian hypersonic missile in Kiev on the 16th of May 2023. The report’s title was “A Patriot Radar Station and five missile batteries destroyed in Russian hypersonic strikes”. Obviously, the mendacious US military-industrial complex was successfully ripping off a lot of its allies which paid super high prices for their inferior products.

F-35 “World Most Advanced” stealth fighter

  • The US is a country that loves to boast about its military capability even when the concept is still in an imaginary stage. E.g., introduced in 2006 as the world’s most advanced stealth fighter, the F-35 is also regarded as the US’s most expensive 5th-generation warplane. However, in the past 5 years alone, more than a dozen F-35s crashed across the world despite not operating in a war zone. In 2019, Japan confirmed that an F-35A jet had crashed, causing the remaining F-35s in Japan to be grounded. In 2021, two F-35s were damaged and grounded by a lightning strike in the sky over western Japan. Forbes magazine ran a report titled “Japan is about to waste its F35s shadowing Chinese plane” with this statement: “The stealth fighter is too expensive, too unreliable, and too valuable for other missions to waste it on boring up-and-down flights.” In 2020, The National Interest reported that “The F-35 Stealth Fighter still has hundreds of flaws.” And in 2021, Forbes magazine reported, “The US Air Force just admitted the F35 stealth fighter has failed.” In 2022, the Chinese [People’s Liberation Army] PLA detected an F-35 over the East China Sea and confronted it with their J20 fighter jet, and according to US Airforce General Kenneth Wilbach: “American Lockheed Martin F-35s had had at least one encounter with China’s J-20 stealth fighters recently in the East China Sea and that the US side was ‘impressed’.” These cases demonstrated that the US’s supposedly most advanced “stealth fighter” is visible to Chinese radar technology.

Space Technology/Rocket Engines

  • Despite the US’s stringent technology bans against China, including even attending international space conferences in the US, China is now the only country to have independently and successfully built its own space station. The International space station (ISS) was created by a number of countries with the Russian contribution being the most crucial part of putting the station and astronauts (with Russian rockets) in space. However, as usual, the American media likes to bullshit to save face. So, in 2020, when the American media reported the news that NASA paid the Russians $90m to send an astronaut to the ISS, the title was: “Despite SpaceX success, NASA will pay Russia $90m to take US astronaut to ISS”. The irony is that in 2022, the US imposed the strictest economic sanctions against Russia including confiscating Russian public and private assets in the West and banning Russia from the SWIFT payment system due to Russia’s military action in Ukraine to prevent NATO expansion. As a counter-US sanction measure, NASA was forced to pay Russia in rubles (2 billion) to take the American astronaut back to Earth. These two incidents should be enough evidence that SpaceX’s space technology is not as advanced as its public relations. The Russians and the Chinese appear more advanced than NASA/Elon Musk’s SpaceX in transporting astronauts to and from a space station.

Many people may not have noticed that, in 2015, the US ordered 20 rocket engines from Russia. So, in 2022, when Russia counters US-Ukraine war sanctions with a ban on selling their rocket engines to the US, TechCrunch+ reported the situation with an honest title in recognition of the reality: “Russia halts rocket engine sales to US, suggests flying to space on their ‘broomsticks’.”

GPS Vs Beidou Global Navigation/positioning systems

  • Global positioning technology is a vital part of many advanced weapon systems including land, sea, and air travel: In 1993, the US government falsely accused a Chinese commercial cargo ship with the registered name ‘Yinhe’ of transporting chemical weapon materials to Iran. The US government then cut off Yinhe’s GPS for 24 days to strand them in the Indian Ocean and forced them to allow US officials to board the cargo ship for inspection and nothing was found. Again, in 1996, the PLA conducted a series of missile tests in the Taiwan Strait, and the US again suddenly shut down the GPS used by the PLA. Both incidents led to the Chinese government’s investment in its own Global positioning technology.

In 2003, the cash-strapped EU invited China to participate in their Galileo navigation satellite project. However, after China transferred €200 million (US$270 million) to the project, in the name of security concerns, China was forced out of major decision-making by the EU in 2007. The irony is that China managed to develop its own Global positioning system (Beidou) faster than the EU’s Galileo project. As a “revenge” perhaps, on a “first-launched, first-served” international wavelength application rule, China successfully registered the use of transmit signals on the wavelength that the EU wanted to use for Galileo’s public regulated service. The New York Times reported the story with a title: ‘Chinese Square off with Europe in Space’.

One may notice that the US’s aging GPS satellite system has been having a lot of problems in the past years. Just do a web search under GPS breakdown, GPS jamming, GPS outages, GPS error, GPS problems, GPS malfunction, etc., to find out about the reliability of the GPS system.

Contrariwise, the Chinese Beidou navigation system is a Chinese owned technology with new functions and apparently more precision than the GPS. For example:

  • The Chinese Beidou can be used for text communication between users, while the GPS cannot. So, Huawei became the first company to add satellite texting to their phone device (Mate 50). The significance of such a new communication feature is that, during wartime, the PLA command center or between individual PLA soldiers will be able to communicate with each other with no blind spot. That will enable rapid battlefield intelligence gathering and transmission.
  • In addition, if one ever uses a Beidou navigation device while driving, one should notice that the device’s screen displays the position of the specific car on a specific lane. Should the driver change lanes, the screen will display the changes instantly. That is an indication that Beidou’s navigation system is far more accurate and advanced than the GPS in terms of positioning precision and processing speed. This may imply that the Chinese satellite-guided missiles will be more accurate than the US GPS-guided missiles.
  • A report by Japan Nikkei in 2020 headlined, “Chinese Beidou navigation system has surpassed American GPS in over 165 countries.” That indicates that the Beidou system is a tested, mature navigation technology.
  • A recently published report of a series of computer simulations run by a research team in China revealed that China needs only 24 hypersonic anti-ship missiles to destroy the newest US aircraft carrier and its accompanying warships.

I consider that China is superior in technology to the US. For example, a recent Australian Strategy Policy Institute report acknowledged, “China leads the world in 37 out of 44 critical technologies.”

Of course, unless the US regime is crazy enough to start a mutually destructive nuclear war, there is little reason to believe that the US would be able to win a war with non-nuclear weapons on China’s doorstep.

Winning a war is not just about weaponry: the Korean War, Vietnam War, and Afghanistan War have already demonstrated that a coalition of the most militarily powerful imperialistic nations can be defeated by the people of a lesser-armed nation fighting for their freedom. So, beyond the use of advanced weaponry, the factors that determine who will win a war include:

  • the unity of the citizens,
  • the fighting morale of the soldiers,
  • the logistical support,
  • the military strategies,
  • the ability to manufacture more weapons with speed to sustain a long war;
  • the manufacturing supply chains
  • the energy supply and reserve,
  • the food supply and reserve,
  • the money to sustain a war, and
  • the neighboring countries’ attitude toward the warring parties.

So, when one goes through the above list, one should easily come to the conclusion that the US is in a  disadvantageous position to travel across the Pacific Ocean to attack China on its doorstep.

Upcoming: What does US militarism augur in the context of Taiwan?


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Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. He can be emailed at: kimohp at

Wei Ling Chua is the author of 3 books including Democracy: What the west can learn from China and Tiananmen Square’s “Massacre”? The Power of Words vs Silent Evidence, how aggressive US posturing impacts China.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Democracy: What the West can learn from China (The Art of Media Disinformation is Hurting the World and Humanity): Chua, Wei Ling: 9781493546442: BooksDemocracy: What the West can learn from China (The Art of Media Disinformation is Hurting the World and Humanity)

by Wei Ling Chua

This book provides an in-depth evidence-based analysis on the issue of democracy and good governance, using hundreds of actual examples comparing the Chinese and Western political systems based on theories, structure, processes and performance. The current Chinese political system is designed for wide-based consultation with socialism as their core value whilst avoiding the flaws inherent in the design, process and structure of the Western political model. Despite the democratic nature of Chinese politics that persistently attracts a very high level of citizen satisfaction in each and every public opinion survey when compared to any Western democracy, the Western media has successfully brainwashed the world into believing that the Communist Government in China is an autocratic regime. In reality, Western democracies are in serious trouble, facing an unprecedented level of debt, unemployment, political corruption in the form of political donations, advertising and lobbying, and social dissatisfaction. It is the Western political system that requires urgent reform, or risks a revolution from the 99% — its people — in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is time to have a look at the merits of the Chinese model.

Publisher:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 19, 2013)

Paperback:222 pages



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“Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe.” President Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address

Recently, presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy Jr delivered an interview to Gateway Pundit where he called upon Joe Biden to follow through on the promise to declassify all reports relating to his uncle’s 1963 assassination which Biden himself had voted to support when the 1992 Kennedy Records Declassification Act was passed by Congress.

RFK Jr was referring to the 5000 documents pertaining to John F. Kennedy’s murder which remain illegally classified and many more have been so redacted that they are all but useless for anyone seeking the truth of the murder and coverup of the martyred president.

While it is very good that the aspiring president Kennedy wishes to shed light on the shadow creatures which took over the USA over the murders of his uncle and father, there are still many blind spots which the well-meaning RFK Jr suffers from which both his martyred family members would be disappointed with if they were alive.

As detailed in my recent interview with Space Commune’s Fox Green, these blind spots include an incompetence on the basics of energy science evidenced by RFK Jr’s support for Green New Deals and government-enforced global decarbonization schemes which unfortunately fall into the Great Reset Agenda. RFK Jr’s ideological commitment to end nuclear power on the earth, which remains the only viable energy source that emits no carbon while at the same time NOT forcing the reduction of the human population, is another fatal mental block.

And so while I sincerely hope that the last living Kennedy (potentially) qualified to become president makes an intellectual leap in understanding on this core issue, I thought it prudent to write the following evaluation of the presidency of John F Kennedy, the man, the world that shaped him, and how he chose, in turn to shape that world.

FDR’s Death and the Emergence of the New Rome

America didn’t become an imperial “dumb giant” after WWII without a major fight.

As I outlined in my recent TLAV report ‘The Anglo-American Hand Behind The Rise Of Fascism Then And Now’, with FDR’s untimely death, the USA began acting more and more like an empire abroad and a racist police state under McCarthyism within its own borders. During this time, those allies of FDR who were committed to Roosevelt’s anti-colonial post war vision, rallied around former Vice President Henry Wallace’s 1948 Presidential bid with the Progressive Party of America.

Before being fired from his post as Commerce Secretary in 1946 for giving a speech calling for US-Russia friendship, Wallace warned of the emergence of a new “American fascism”:

“Fascism in the postwar inevitably will push steadily for Anglo-Saxon imperialism and eventually for war with Russia. Already American fascists are talking and writing about this conflict and using it as an excuse for their internal hatreds and intolerances toward certain races, creeds and classes.”

In his 1946 Soviet Asia Mission, Wallace said,

“Before the blood of our boys is scarcely dry on the field of battle, these enemies of peace try to lay the foundation for World War III. These people must not succeed in their foul enterprise. We must offset their poison by following the policies of Roosevelt in cultivating the friendship of Russia in peace as well as in war.”

An America under a Wallace Presidency certainly would have taken a very different trajectory after WWII then the train wreck of dystopic evil that came online during the Cold War. But that was not to be.

When Wallace’s efforts failed, an outright police state took over and those same fascists who had sponsored WWII took control of the reins of power. With this takeover of US foreign and domestic policy under nests of British-directed Rhodes Scholars and Fabians, a new Anglo-American Special Relationship with the creation of the Five Eyes via the UKUSA Signals Agreement, 1947 creation of the CIA and Iron Curtain dividing the world into a new ‘great game’ of mutually assured destruction.

Those “economic royalists” who battled FDR over the course of 12 years now enjoyed full control as puppet President Harry S. Truman giggled as he dropped bombs on a defeated Japan and happily supported America’s new role as the re-conquistador of nations who sought independence after WWII.

Click here to view the video

A New Hope Emerges in 1961

It was no secret who the outgoing President was warning.

Three days after his address, a young John F. Kennedy was inaugurated 35th president of the United States to the great hope of many anti-fascists in America and abroad.

It is too often overlooked today, but Kennedy’s anti-colonial position was not a secret during his decade as a Senator and Congressman. Even though his family pedigree was stained with mafia and JP Morgan ties to his father “Papa Joe”, John Kennedy was made of sturdier stuff.

Touring Asia and the Middle East in the 1950s, a young Senator Kennedy expressed his sensitivity to the plight of the Arab world and problem of US imperialism when he said: 

“Our intervention in behalf of England’s oil investments in Iran, directed more at the preservation of interests outside Iran than at Iran’s own development…. Our failure to deal effectively after three years with the terrible human tragedy of the more than 700,000 Arab refugees [Palestinians], these are things that have failed to sit well with Arab desires and make empty the promises of the Voice of America….”

Later, speaking in a 1960 speech regarding ending colonialism in Africa, JFK expressed his understanding of Africa’s demand for genuine independence saying: 

“Call it nationalism, call it anti-colonialism, Africa is going through a revolution…. Africans want a higher standard of living. Seventy-five percent of the population now lives by subsistence agriculture. They want an opportunity to manage and benefit directly from the resources in, on, and under their land…. The African peoples believe that the science, technology, and education available in the modern world can overcome their struggle for existence, that their poverty, squalor, ignorance, and disease can be conquered…. [The] balance of power is shifting … into the hands of the two-thirds of the world’s people who want to share what the one-third has already taken for granted….”

JFK Battles the Deep State

Wall Street’s Dulles Brothers who together ran the CIA and the State Department had made several major efforts to sabotage Kennedy’s “new frontiers” initiative that gripped the imaginations of young and old alike. Kennedy’s program was driven by large scale infrastructure at home and advanced scientific and technological progress in the developing sector abroad.

Attempting to break that trajectory, Allen Dulles had prepared the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba months before Kennedy entered the scene which was a near disaster for the world. Just days before Kennedy’s inauguration, Allan Dulles ensured that a pro-Kennedy ally who had just recently gained power in the Congo named Patrice Lumumba was assassinated in cold blood knowing that JFK would be blamed, and every effort was made to back up the French fascists trying to stop the Algerian independence movement behind JFK’s back. Both the Cuban invasion and the assassination of Lumumba have been blamed on Kennedy to this day.

In response to this treachery, JFK made the bold move of firing CIA director Allan Dulles, and two Wall Street-connected CIA directors on November 29, 1961 saying that he would soon “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”

Recognizing the insanity of the zero sum Cold Warriors who could only look at the world through the perversity of a Hobbesian lens of “each against all”, JFK not only stood alone against the entire array of war-hungry Joint Chiefs calling for war with Russia during the infamous “13 day showdown”, but also took the advice of Generals MacArthur, and Charles de Gaulle who warned him to avoid all entrapments of a “land war in Vietnam”. On this point, Kennedy introduced NSAM 263 in October 1963 to begin a full withdrawal from Southeast Asia.

JFK’s June 10, 1963 speech What Kind of Peace Do We Seek? Showcased his resistance to the imperialists in America.

What was especially intolerable was that JFK began challenging closed rules of the Zero-Sum Cold War game itself when he announced a new mission outside of the closed parameters of geopolitics when he announced the mission to put a man on the moon “within the decade”. This would have been tolerable if the effort was kept within a geopolitical ideology of “competition against the evil commies”. But Kennedy knew better and called for a US-Russia partnership to jointly develop advanced technologies together making the space program a project for human peace.

Kennedy Breaks the Rules of the Zero-Sum Game

In his speech of September 20, 1963, Kennedy revisited a theme which he first unveiled on the day of his inaugural address in 1961: A joint U.S.-USSR space program to transform the rules of the Cold War and usher in a new creative age of reason, win-win cooperation and boundless discoveries.

Kennedy’s efforts to build bridges with Russia were of vital importance as his efforts resulted in the passage of the Test Ban Treaty on August 5, 1963, and hopes were awoken for an early end to the Cold War though the mutual development of the poorest parts of the world. This was an “International New Deal” strategy which patriots like Henry Wallace and Paul Robeson had fought for from 1946-1959.

Across Africa, Asia and other former colonies, JFK had worked hard to build relationships with Pan African leaders Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, as well as Egypt’s Gamal Nasser, India’s Jawaharlal Nehru, and South Vietnamese President Diem to provide American assistance for the construction of great infrastructure projects like the Akosombo Dam in Ghana, nuclear power in Egypt and Vietnam and steel industries in India. Today the Akosombo Dam stands with a plaque dedicated to the “martyred John F. Kennedy”.

As historian Anton Chaitkin proves in his incredible 2013 opus “JFK vs the Empire”[1], this didn’t happen without a major fight with the JP Morgan controlled steel barons who artificially raised the price of steel in order to make these projects financially impossible.

Charles de Gaulle as a Factor in the Great Game

JFK was not alone in this struggle at this time and worked closely with the great anti-fascist general Charles de Gaulle.

Charles de Gaulle was among a network of leaders who fought valiantly against the cancerous deep state that was re-asserting control across the trans-Atlantic nations after WWII.

While Franklin Roosevelt had to do battle with such pro-fascist organizations such as the Liberty League and Council on Foreign Relations from 1933-1945, President de Gaulle had to contend with the pro-Nazi Petain government whose agents immediately took over controls of France in the wake of WWII, and didn’t go away upon the General’s ascension to the Presidency during the near collapse of the 5th republic in 1959.

De Gaulle strategically fought tooth and nail against the pro-NATO fascists led by General Challe who carried out two coup attempts against de Gaulle in 1960 and 1961[2] and later worked with MI6 and the CIA using private contractors like Permindex to arrange over 30 assassination attempts from 1960-1969[3].

JFK and de Gaulle at the Champs Elysee in 1961 [photo:John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Boston]

De Gaulle was not only successful at taking France out of the NATO cage in 1966[4], but he had organized to ensure Algeria’s independence against the will of the entire deep state of France who often worked with Dulles’ State Department to preserve France’s colonial possessions.

De Gaulle also recognized the importance of breaking the bipolar rules of the Cold War by reaching out to Russia calling for a renewed Europe “from the Atlantic to the Urals”. He also sought an alliance with China with the intent of resolving the fires lit by western arsonists in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam whose independence he was committed to guaranteeing. De Gaulle wrote of his plan in his mémoires:

“My aim, then, was to disengage France, not from the Atlantic Alliance, which I intended to maintain by way of ultimate precaution, but from the integration carried out by NATO under American command; to establish relations with each of the states of the East bloc, first and foremost Russia, with the object of bringing about a détente, followed by understanding and cooperation; to do likewise, when the time was ripe, with China”

After arranging a treaty with China’s Prime Minister Zhou Enlai, India’s Prime Minister Nehru and the leadership of Cambodia in 1963 to create a China-led block to resolve the crisis in Southeast Asia with France’s help, de Gaulle became the first western head of state to recognize China and establish diplomatic relations with the Mainland on January 31, 1964. He saw that China’s growth would become a driving force of world development and believed friendship based on scientific and technological progress to be a source of France’s renewal.

Attacking the false dichotomy of “Free liberal capitalism” vs “totalitarian communism”, de Gaulle expressed the Colbertist traditions of “dirigisme” which have historically driven France’s progress since the 17th century when he said: “We are not going to commit ourselves to the empire of liberal capitalism, and nobody can believe that we are ever going to submit to the crushing totalitarianism of communism.”

The de Gaulle-Kennedy Alliance

De Gaulle had great hopes to find like-minded anti-colonialist leaders and collaborators who were fighting against the deep state in other countries. In America he was inspired by the fresh leadership of the young John F. Kennedy whom he first met in Paris in May 1961.

Of Kennedy he wrote 

“The new President was determined to devote himself to the cause of freedom, justice, and progress. It is true that, persuaded that it was the duty of the United States and himself to redress wrongs, he would be drawn into ill-advised interventions. But the experience of the statesman would no doubt have gradually restrained the impulsiveness of the idealist. John Kennedy had the ability, and had it not been for the crime which killed him, might have had the time to leave his mark on our age.”

De Gaulle’s advice to Kennedy was instrumental in the young President’s decision to stay out of a land war in Vietnam and led to Kennedy’s National Security Action Memorandum 263 to begin a phase out of American military from Vietnam on October 2, 1963. Kenney and de Gaulle both shared the view (alongside Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei with whom both collaborated) that Africa, Asia, and South America needed advanced scientific and technological progress, energy sovereignty, and sanitation in order to be fully liberated by the colonial structures of Europe. All three fought openly for this vision and all three fell in the line of battle (one to a plane crash in 1961, another to several shooters in Dallas in 1963, and the last to a staged “color revolution” in 1969.)

If de Gaulle, Kennedy, and Mattei were alive today, it is guaranteed they would recognize in the Belt and Road Initiative and broader Eurasian alliance, the only viable pathway to a future worth living in and the only means to save the souls of their own nations.

The Plot to Kill Kennedy

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison famously played by Kevin Costner in Oliver Stone’s 1992 film, did more than many people today realize in exposing the networks that ran Kennedy’s murder and subsequent cover-up.

Without going into detail of the multiple bullets that killed Kennedy from several directions (especially the lethal head shot which obviously struck him FROM THE FRONT as showcased in the Zapruder film), let us look at some lesser-known evidence discovered by Garrison.

In his 1991 book On the Trail of the Assassins[5], Garrison wrote of an international assassination bureau named Permindex and the World Trade Organization on whose boards sat CIA asset Clay Shaw. Garrison wrote: 

“The CIA- which apparently had been conducting its own foreign policy for some time- had begun a project in Italy as far back as the early 1950s. The organization, named the Centro Mondiale Commerciale had initially been formed in Montreal, then moved to Rome in 1961. Among the members of its board of directors, we learned, was one Clay Shaw from New Orleans”.

Garrison cited French researcher Paris Flammonde when he described it as “a shell of superficiality… composed of channels through which money flowed back and forth without anyone knowing the sources or the destination of these liquid assets.”

Garrison pointed out that Permindex had been kicked out of Italy, Switzerland, and France for good reasons: “As for Permindex… it had, among other things, secretly financed the opposition of the French Secret Army Organization (OAS) to President de Gaulle’s support for independence for Algeria, including its reputed assassination attempts on de Gaulle.”

After naming the other pro-fascist members — many of whom were connected to European royal families and banks — Garrison then pointed to the World Trade Center owner: “One of the major stockholders of the Centro was a Major Louis M. Bloomfield, a Montreal resident… and former agent with the Office of Strategic Services, out of which the United States had formed the CIA.”

Bloomfield as Minion of the Oligarchy

Since both the World Trade Center and Permindex were owned by Bloomfield, his role in this story cannot be overlooked and takes us straight to the heart of the agenda to kill Kennedy.

Not only did Bloomfield play a key role working alongside Rhodes Scholars in Canada such as Justice Minister Davie Fulton in order to stop continental water projects advocated by JFK[6] and Canadian pro-development leaders like Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, Quebec Premier Daniel Johnson, and British Columbia Premier WAC Bennett, but he also played a leading role as a founding member of the 1001 Nature Trust alongside other upper level managers of the oligarchy like Maurice Strong, Peter Munk (of Barrick Gold), and media Mogul Conrad Black[7].

For those who may not be aware, the 1001 Trust was a special organization set up under Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Prince Philip Mountbatten to finance the new ecology movement then blossoming under their guiding hand. Rather than preserving nature, this new movement was driven by a perverse new form of global imperialism today being pushed under the framework of COP 27 and a ‘Great Reset’.

Philip and Bernhard were not only co-founders of the World Wildlife Fund in 1961, but were supporters of the anti-technological growth Morges Manifesto which the WWF credits as the start of the modern green movement[8]. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield served as Vice President of the World Wildlife Fund while Prince Philip was President, and later gave the baton over to Maurice Strong who took the position of WWF VP in 1978.

The Morges Manifesto of 1961 was the first attempt to place the blame for humanity’s ills on the yearning for scientific and technological progress itself rather than the imperial traditions of inbred oligarchs.

A co-author of the Morges Manifesto and co-founder of the WWF was Sir Julian Huxley. Huxley was a leading eugenicist who laid out the intention for the new imperial movement that JFK rebelled valiantly against in his 1946 UNESCO founding manifesto[9] when he said:

“even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” 

The fact that dark skinned people are the most ruthlessly affected by de-carbonization schemes and “appropriate technologies” like expensively inefficient windmills and solar panels today is not a coincidence.

Open vs. Closed System Paradigms

So WHY would those founders of the ecology movement, which is today pushing a global green one world government, have wished to see President Kennedy murdered?

If I said it was because they want depopulation or world government, it would be too simple.

It were better said that Kennedy was self-consciously unleashing the innate powers of creative reason as a governing principle of political economy.

He believed in an anti-oligarchical view of humanity as made in the living image of God and said as much repeatedly.

He believed that the human mind could conquer all challenges that both nature, vice, and ignorance can throw at us. Kennedy didn’t see the world through a zero sum lens, nor did he believe in the Malthusian “limits to growth” paradigm which his killers promulgated after his death. In fact JFK argued against Malthusianism by name.

Speaking to the National Academy of Science on October 22, 1963, JFK said:

“Malthus argued a century and a half ago that man, by using up all his available resources, would forever press on the limits of subsistence, thus condemning humanity to an indefinite future of misery and poverty. We can now begin to hope and, I believe, know that Malthus was expressing not a law of nature, but merely the limitation then of scientific and social wisdom.”

Today, those Green New Dealing technocratic zombies pervasive across the western Deep State are horrified to witness the emergence of a new paradigm of cooperation, war avoidance, and infrastructure projects under the growing New Silk Road as well as ambitious space projects which are quickly bringing the Moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies into the sphere of our economic activity.

Kennedy’s revenge can best be achieved if those patriots living within the collapsing Trans-Atlantic Five Eyes cage do everything possible to support the fight against this Malthusian cancer and push for America’s participation in that new paradigm before an economic meltdown throws our world into a new Dark Age.


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This article was originally published on The Last American Vagabond.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[1] John F. Kennedy vs. the Empire by Anton Chaitkin, EIR, Aug. 20, 2013

[2] THE GENERALS’ PUTSCH: 21 APRIL 1961- When the Stay-Behind wanted to replace de Gaulle by Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 27 August 2001

[3] How Charles de Gaulle Survived Over Thirty Assassination Attempts, by Alex Ledsom, published in Culture Trip, June 26 2018

[4] When France Pulled the Plug on a Crucial Part of NATO by Erin Blakemore, History Channel, 2018

[5] On the Trail of the Assassins, by Jim Garrison, New York Warner Books, 1991

[6] The battle to halt the development of continental water management projects throughout the 1950s-1960s is outlined in volume 3 of the Untold History of Canada: Canada’s Forgotten Struggle for Progress, by this author, 2019.

[7] The 1001 Club: Bankers and Raw Materials Executives Striving for a Sustainable Future by Joel van der Reijden, Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics, August 14, 2004


[9] UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy, by Julian Huxley, UNESCO, 1946

Featured image is from TLAV

The Clash of the Two Americas

Vol. 1 & 2

by Matthew Ehret

In his new two volume series The Clash of the Two Americas, Matthew Ehret introduces a new analysis of American history from the vantage point that the globally-extended supranational shadow government that managed the British Empire was never fully defeated and has acted within the USA itself since 1776 as a continuous multi-generational fifth column managing every significant event and assassination of American presidents for the next 250 years.

Click here to order.

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According to doctors who have been pushing toxic, experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines cannot cause aggressive cancers, which have been called “turbo cancers”.

Yet, we continue to see COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated young people come down with extremely aggressive cancers that are resistant to conventional cancer treatments, and that are fatal within months, weeks, days and sometimes even hours.

The Tragic story of 44 year old Ohio High school teacher Jeff Clark 

Cincinnati, Ohio – Indian Hill High School’s choir and theater director Jeff Clark died Tuesday after a short battle with colon cancer. (click here)

The turn in Jeff Clark’s health began two months ago.

Clark had created a GoFundMe for his “unexpected healthcare needs,” stating his life had “taken a drastic turn” since late March 2023. He was on a Europe trip with choir students when he started experiencing digestive issues.

“Through numerous tests that included blood work, ultrasound, MRI, CT scans, and a colonoscopy, we learned the devastating news that I have colon cancer that has metastasized as 3 tumors in my liver

Biopsy and rapid progression: 

He discovered the primary tumor was colon cancer after a biopsy on May 19, 2023. His loved ones described the cancer as “extremely fast growing.” (click here)

Despite continued biopsies, treatments and therapies, Clark said his health continued to decline. (click here)

The district said Jeff Clark died Tuesday (June 6, 2023) after being transferred into hospice following a complicated surgery due to his advanced stage four colon cancer. (click here)

Indian Hill High School’s Principal Jeff Damadeo aggressively pushed COVID-19 vaccines in his school:

My Take… 

From diagnosis on May 19, 2023, to death on June 6, 2023, is only 3 weeks.

That is unheard of, for colon cancer. Even when you start counting from symptoms in late March, it would only be 2 months from onset of symptoms until death. I’ve never seen such rapid progression with colon cancer.

I’ve written several substacks on COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced turbo cancers which have been observed in:

But there has also been an explosion in rapidly progressive breast cancers, lung cancers, gallbladder cancers, pancreatic cancers, lymphomas and more, and I will be writing substack articles about these in the coming days.

One case does not make a pattern, so I always examine other possible cases.

Greensboro, NC – 49 year old pediatric Oncologist Dr.Gregory Howard Tatum died after 11 month battle with colon cancer (click here) 

Dr. Tatum was COVID-19 vaccinated, we know that for a fact. We don’t know how many booster shots he took. At 49 years of age, he died after an 11 month battle against colon cancer. The story itself is highly suspicious for a COVID-19 vaccine induced Turbo Colon Cancer.

Twitter Reports of Turbo Colon Cancer

What is the mechanism underlying Turbo Colon Cancer? 

The underlying mechanism of turbo cancer is most likely some type of COVID-19 vaccine induced immune system suppression that gives rise to rapidly growing and rapidly progressive cancers of the breast, lung, colon, gastric, gallbladder, pancreas, brain, lymphoma, leukemia and so on.

There are a number of theories in regards to what is causing COVID-19 vaccine induced immune system dysfunction: TLR suppression, T-cell dysfunction, IgG4 shift, DNA contamination of mRNA vials with plasmids containing SV40 promoter, p53 inhibition, PD-L1 elevation, NK cell exhaustion and many more.

Hopefully, one day we will figure out the specific mechanism causing these very aggressive cancers, which will then give us better ideas about treatment, because turbo cancers seem to be highly resistant to conventional cancer treatments.

But in the meantime, turbo colon cancers are killing people with a typical timeframe of two to four months from onset of symptoms until death.

Even the best oncologists in the world are not equipped to deal with something like this.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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The European Union’s Internal Market Commissioner, Thierry Breton, was apparently miffed that Elon Musk withdrew Twitter from the EU’s “voluntary code of practice against disinformation.” He was sufficiently put out by Twitter’s withdrawal from the “voluntary code” that he felt the need to publicly reprimand Twitter for not gratefully submitting to the European Union’s expert guidance: “You can run but you can’t hide…Beyond voluntary commitments, fighting disinformation will be legal obligation under Digital Services Act as of August 25th.”

The declared aim of the new Digital Service Act is “to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market for intermediary services by setting out harmonised rules for a safe, predictable and trusted online environment that facilitates innovation and in which fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter, including the principle of consumer protection, are effectively protected.”

Who can argue against a “safe, predictable and trusted online environment?” Who would argue against “consumer protection?” And who would argue against Mr Breton’s commitment to the fight against “disinformation?” I certainly would, because when a person or institution in a position of great power endorses values like “predictability,” rails against “disinformation,” and promises to keep us all “safe” on the internet, you can be sure that it will be “safety,” “predictability,” and “disinformation,” as viewed from their self-serving ideological and political perspective.

I am just as worried as Mr Breton about “disinformation,” but my chief concern is with disinformation coming from official sources, which can do an extraordinary amount of harm due to the extraordinary reach and prestige of official organisations. It is these same organisations that Mr Breton would like to put in charge of policing “disinformation:” organisations like national governments, that have been among the most frequent perpetrators of false and misleading information, on matters of no small moment, from the efficacy and safety of Covid vaccines, masks and lockdowns to the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the true standing of climate “science,” and the potential harms to the economy and food supply chain of aggressive climate interventions such as the expropriation of farmland. 

The Digital Services Act is an endless maze of complicated regulations worthy of a team of lawyers. Seeing as I don’t have a budget to hire a team of lawyers, I decided to skim through the Act for myself. It does not make for pleasant bedtime reading, not only because it is a morass of complicated legalese, but also, because what hides behind this legalese is an attempt by EU politicians to get social media platforms under their thumb, through

  • the obligation on the part of social media companies to periodically submit content moderation and “risk mitigation” reports to EU bureacrats
  • EU supervision of social media platforms’ policing of “harmful” information, which could potentially include health misinformation as well as “illegal hate speech” 
  • the creation of new emergency powers in the European Commission to “require” social media platforms to take actions to “prevent, eliminate or limit” any use of their services that might “contribute” to a “threat” to public security or public health

…and all backed up by crippling fines of up to 6 percent of a company’s worldwide turnover for non-compliance. Yes, you heard that right: up to six percent of a company’s worldwide turnover.

At bottom, the Digital Services Act is an attempt to ramp up the level of control that EU bureacrats have over the flow of information on social media platforms. You would have to have a very short historical memory to think that broad powers of censorship will generally be used to advance the cause of truth and justice. Whether Mr Thierry Breton and his colleagues will be successful in forcing social media companies to do their bidding, this much is clear: the Digital Services Act creates a European legal environment that is increasingly hostile to free speech. 


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In post after post this morning, the corporate war propaganda media is attempting to blame Russia for the terrorist bombing of the Nova Kakhovka dam and hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper River. It is doing this by underscoring an accusation made by a documented serial liar, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and his coterie of Nazi-worshipping thugs, that Russia punched holes in the dam in order to flood the battlefield.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres shifted the blame on Russia following the terrorist attack. Guterres said the incident at the Kakhovka dam is “another devastating consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

Mr. Guterres is either clueless or unable to process information contrary to the cynical and easily debunked lies and dissimulation of the USG and its corporate war propaganda media (long ago infiltrated by the CIA and converted into a “Mighty Wurlitzer” of disinformation, now ubiquitous).

Guterres is a well-trained circus animal that jumps through flaming hoops on command. He ignores that fact Russia’s SMO was launched not only to prevent NATO from pushing its war machines and troops up against the Russian border, but also to put an end to eight years of terror bombing of ethnic Russians in the Donbas by the indisputably neo-nazi military of a post-coup regime installed by the USG State Department in Kyiv.

Is it possible Guterres suffers from the onset of dementia? In 2005 the United Nations adopted R2P, the Responsibility to Protect, a document addressing genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity. Russia is following the R2P as it prevents genocide in the Donbas and other ethnic Russian areas of Ukraine.

Guterres, the USG, and its European satraps in Brussels, Berlin, and other European capitals, are pushing the narrative that Russia is an updated version of the Huns, raping and pillaging Ukraine with an evil eye on the rest of Europe. The terror attacks by avowed “nationalists” (wearing Nazi symbols and regalia) on women and children in the Donbas are ignored. The ethnic cleansing of Russians is not an issue for the USG-dominated United Nations.

The corporate war propaganda media is pairing genocide and the Geneva Conventions (that do not apply to the Zelenskyy regime) with a roundabout insinuation that Russia blew up the Kakhovka dam.

This is, on its face, absurd. What strategic value is there in flooding your own troop positions and terrorizing ethnic Russian and Ukrainian civilians downstream in Kherson and other communities on the Dnipro River?

Michael Tracey tweeted a Washington Post article from 2022 earlier today. “Washington Post article from December 2022 said Ukraine ‘conducted a test strike’ on the Nova Kakhovka dam in preparation for its offensive in Kherson.” The “test strike” focused on flooding Russian supply lines and preventing the replenishment of ammunition, according to the article.

In addition, The New York Times, also in 2022, reported “Ukraine intentionally flooded one of its villages when troops opened a nearby dam. This was ‘not an outlier,’ the article adds: ‘Ukraine has been swift and effective in wreaking havoc on its own territory, often by destroying infrastructure,’” Tracey writes.

In more sane times, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, would be called out as a liar and warmonger for casting blame on Russia for the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam, minus any evidence. “Shocked by the unprecedented attack of the Nova Kakhovka dam,” he tweets. “The destruction of civilian infrastructure clearly qualifies as a war crime—and we will hold Russia and its proxies accountable.”

One would think, as a globalist “leader,” Michel knows all the facts, including plans by the ultra-nationalist Zelenskyy regime to target the Nova Kakhovka dam in order to slow down the advance of the Russian army, a plan spread far and wide by The Washington Post and The New York Times. Short of this, we can dismiss Michel as a useful idiot and apologist for war crimes. In a more perfect world, he would be warming a seat at The Hague.

The breach at the dam will lower water levels and threaten the cooling systems of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest such facility in Europe. If the plant melts down or does a Chernobyl, the corrupt political classes in the USG and Europe, along with the corporate war propaganda media, will demand NATO attack Russia in defense of Europe in response to nuclear terrorism. An out-of-control nuclear crisis will add plenty of drama to the narrative Russia is a ruthless aggressor that must be confronted and defeated.

The Zelenskyy regime and its neo-nazi vanguard are war criminals. However, as we now live in an increasingly hermetically sealed world where truth is equated with “white supremacy” and prosecuted as terrorism, a contrived neoconized fantasy reality will likely prevail for the indeterminate future, at least until Ukraine and the USG confront defeat.

In the meantime, we should pay attention to the prospect of a direct conflict between the USG, NATO, and Russia—a conflict that will quickly go nuclear, and thus put an end to psychopathic neocons in addition to the rest of humanity.


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Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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A Historic First: Indictment of a U.S. President

June 12th, 2023 by Eric Zuesse

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As the Washington Post headlined on 24 November 2014, “federal grand juries indict 99.99 percent of the time”. Until now, no U.S. President even sought to indict a former U.S. President — much less one who is his chief political rival and who now is campaigning to replace Biden, but Biden has done it; and, since, as the adage goes, “A federal prosecutor can indict even a ham sandwich,” Biden fulfilled on that 99.9% probability, and he (through his agent, Merrick Garland, whom the President possesses the unchallengeable power and authority to fire at any time) won this indictment, against his chief competitor. This indictment shows how desperate Biden is to avoid there being another political contest between himself and Trump.

Perhaps Biden’s indictment of Trump will make Republican voters even more determined to vote for Trump in their primaries, and to show up yet again at the polls on Election Day, all in order to end Biden’s political career ASAP (regardless of what they think of Trump). But, in any case, this is the real “banana republic” that the U.S. Government has become. It’s happening not in Latin America, nor in Africa, nor in any other of the ordinary oligarchies, but in the rapidly declining (now plunging, and apparently desperate) still most powerful Government in the world: today’s America.

New York — a state not a country — had earlier indicted Trump for this, and that was the actual first-ever indictment, of any kind, against a sitting or former U.S. President. But this federal indictment is much more serious, because it’s an indictment by a political candidate against his chief competitor, and that is politics not merely in the gutter, but in the sewer.

As USA Today headlined on June 8th, “Donald Trump indicted for allegedly mishandling classified documents seized at Mar-a-Lago”; but, on June 9th, the New York Post bannered regarding another case, “Biden classified documents probe shows few signs of ending soon: report”; and, of course, Hillary Clinton wasn’t indicted when she did essentially the same thing as a Secretary of State, but I headlined about that on 5 July 2016, “In Clinton Case, Obama Administration Nullifies 6 Criminal Laws”, and listed there the six that she had clearly violated, and then I commented about that matter:

“Those laws are consequently null and void, by Executive action. When Congress (which is supposed to be the Legislative branch of the government) passed those laws, what were they describing, if not this? Of course, they did describe there what Clinton has, in fact, done. [And, it is also what both Biden and Trump are alleged to have done.]

If we are a nation “of laws, not of men” (as that old basic description of democracy phrased it), then Ms. Clinton will be prosecuted, at least through the grand jury stage, on (at least) those grounds. The decision regarding her innocence or guilt will be made by jurors (first by the grand jurors, of course, and if they find there to be a case, then by a trial jury), not by the broader public – and also not by the nation’s Executive: the President and his appointed Administration. That is what it means for a government to be a functioning democracy. Any government which violates this principle – that it is “of laws, not of men [including women]” – is not functioning as a democracy: it’s something else.

In addition to these criminal laws, there are also federal regulations against these matters, but violations merely of federal regulations (such as these) are far less serious than are actions that violate also federal criminal laws (such as the six laws that are listed above).

She isn’t even being sanctioned for the violations the the State Department’s own regulations (or “rules”).

This is not a partisan issue. I was until recently an active Democrat, and I joined with millions of other Democrats who expressed condemnation when George W. Bush was allowed to get away with many severe crimes (such as this) while he was in office; and one of the reasons why I was trying to find someone to contest against President Obama in Democratic primaries for the 2012 Democratic Presidential nomination was that Obama had refused to prosecute his predecessor’s crimes against this nation. But now this same Obama is nullifying at least these six laws in order to win as his successor Hillary Clinton, who surely will not prosecute Obama for his many crimes (such as this and this) while he has been leading this nation and destroying our democracy.

I parted company from the Democratic Party when I gave up on both Parties in 2012 as they and the government they operate have been since at least 1980 — not at all democratic, but instead aristocratic: holding some persons to be above the law (that researcher there called the U.S. an “oligarchy,” which is simply another word for the same thing — rule by the top wealth-holders, not by the public: not a “democracy”).

There can be no excuse for Obama’s depriving the public, via a grand jury decision, of the right to determine whether a full court case should be pursued in order to determine in a jury trial whether Hillary Clinton’s email system constituted a crime (or several crimes) under U.S. laws. The Obama Administration’s ‘finding’ that “clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information” would need to have been proven, in order for her to have been prosecuted under any U.S. criminal law, is a flagrant lie: none of the above six U.S. criminal laws requires that, but the only way to determine whether even that description (“clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information”) also applies to Clinton would be to go through a grand jury (presenting the above-cited six laws) and then to a jury case (to try her on those plus possibly also the charge that there was “clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information”). But now, those six laws are effectively gone: anyone who in the future would be charged with violating any one of those six laws could reasonably cite the precedent that Ms. Clinton was not even charged, much less prosecuted, for actions which clearly fit the description provided in each one of those U.S. criminal laws. Anyone in the future who would be charged under any one of these six laws could prove discriminatory enforcement against himself or herself. (In the particular case discussed there, discriminatory enforcement was ruled not to have existed because the enforcement of the criminal law involved was judged to have been random enforcement, but this condition would certainly not apply in Clinton’s case, it was clearly “purposeful discrimination” in her favor, and therefore enforcement of the law against anyone else, where in Clinton’s case she wasn’t even charged — much less prosecuted — for that offense, would certainly constitute discriminatory enforcement.) So: that’s the end of these six criminal laws. The U.S. President effectively nullified those laws, which were duly passed by Congress and signed into law by prior Presidents

And that’s the end, the clear termination, of a government “of laws, not of men”.”

Obama didn’t seek an indictment of her [Clinton]. Unlike in Biden’s case against Trump, there was no issue there of one competitor seeking prosecution against another. It was simply Obama’s (and James Comey’s) decision that, henceforth, America’s is a Government of men, instead of a Government of laws. She was held to be above the law. It is purely selective prosecution. It is a dictatorship, by and for the dictators. And, now, America’s politics has finally come down to the lowest of the low, not only protecting the ones who are in power, but targeting for persecution-prosecution their top competitors: this is the sewer-level.

What makes this especially harmful is that this happens in the country that pretends to be leading ‘democracies’ against ‘autocracies’ — it is, instead, a government of liars, against not only foreign publics, but even against their own public. It is a government of the publics, by traitors, and for those traitors. In international matters, it should therefore stand aside, and stand down, in abject shame, not continue to pontificate, about ‘democracy’ — not add hypocrisy, to their shame. The sewer already smells bad enough, as it is.

In fact, Biden now is competing for the title: “worst President in all of U.S. history.” None has ever done anything like this.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Vaccinate to Vacate the Planet?

June 12th, 2023 by Dr. Rima E. Laibow

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This article was originally published in July 2009.

The World Health Organization (WHO) created a program way back in 1972 to “get rid of large numbers of people” through vaccination. Through their Task Force on Fertility Control they investigated both male and female infertility vaccines.

They ultimately perfected female sterility vaccines containing both adjuvants (immune system irritants) and a female hormone necessary for human pregnancies to carry to term (Human chorionic gonadatrophin, HCG). Injected into the body, women produce antibodies to HCG so they destroy that essential hormones during every subsequent pregnancy.

These vaccines were, according to the Philippine High Court, used by WHO to involuntarily sterilize more than 3 million women there. No one knows the real number.

Similar programs in 1985 under the guise of Smallpox vaccination for disease eradication were designed, according to WHO’s documents, to “eliminate 150 million excess sub-Saharan Africans”.

Pregnant woman who receive this vaccine promptly abort the baby they are carrying and are then sterile for the rest of their lives as the formerly pregnant women of the Hill Tribes in Thailand have discovered.

Apparently, the WHO task forces also discovered a 3-vaccine protocol which would be directly lethal, not merely generationally genocidal.

Was this the protocol referred to earlier this year when President Obama announced that Americans would be required to take 3 shots in the fall of 2009, 2 Swine Flu shots and 1 for Seasonal Flu? Is your faith in the government strong enough to find out with your body, your children’s bodies and the bodies of those you love?

Mine is not. Let me be quite clear: I distrust a government which permits dangerous, untested, uninsurable toxic vaccines and then urges them upon an entire population in a cover up of epic proportions.

I distrust a government which forbids the labeling of genetically modified foods because people would reject such foods if the were told what dangers they were setting on their tables.

I distrust a government which has experimented massivly upon its own people without their knowledge or consent (including providing poor mothers with baby cereal laced with plutonium and monitoring their infants to see how quickly they developed cancer!).

I distrust a government which has adopted a policy of population reduction “starting with the third world” and which is merging at warp speed with the corporate interests to create a corporostatism which has an older name: fascism.

I distrust a government which adopts the posture that citizens are suspected terrorists when they question the acts of the government or cite the foundational documents of this nation, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of These United States “too often”.

I distrust a government which permits drugs so dangerous that they are, in fact, the leading cause of death when used “properly” yet gags the free dissemination of health-related information for natural substances which might conflict with the profit picture of drug companies.

I distrust a vaccine manufacturer which contaminates seasonal flu vaccines for 18 countries with 72 kilograms (that’s 158.4 lbs) of deadly virus (which was supplied to them by the WHO, by the way) and does not fire a single person for laxity.

I distrust a vaccine manufacturer which has another contract to supply those 18 countries with its vaccine for the very disease with which its seasonal flu vaccine was contaminated, potentially creating an immediate, and highly profitable, “market” through intentional death and pandemic disaster.

I distrust a World Health Organization which ships a vial of allegedly lethal Swine Flu virus on a passenger train in Switzerland which explodes, disseminating the virus to the passengers of the train, apparently to “justify” the June 11 declaration of Level 6 Pandemic (such transport is illegal, by the way).

I distrust a World Health Organization and a Center for Disease Control which create fear for a non-existent threat and hype the “need” for control when the Swine flu is a medical non-event.

I distrust a vaccine manufacturer which claims a near miraculous “breakthrough” allowing it to ready its first commercial batches of “Swine Flu” vaccine in July when the seed stock was provided by the CDC in May and suspect that this has been in the works a lot longer than these few months.

I distrust a government which removes all liability from vaccine manufacturers and then approves dangerous, untested vaccineslike the Avian and Swine Flu ones, spending billions of your dollars for them in a windfall bailout of the drug companies so great that it is difficult to comprehend.

I distrust a vaccine company which claims to have just figured out how to produce the “Swine Flu” vaccine ahead of the rest of the pack, but filed its patent on this vaccine for the “Swine Flu” on August 28 2007.

See this.

I distrust a Secretary of Health and Human Services who is willing to sacrifice our young, saying that our children, pregnant women and the elderly will be the first experimental subjects for a vaccine whose short and long term dangers cannot be known before it is used on them and that we will “watch and see” to find out whether there are “too many” adverse events.

Lacking any confidence in these companies, agencies and individuals, I certainly do not want their “Pandemic Vaccine” in my body. To allow for my freedom to stay at home, NOT be forced into quarantine, should I refuse that dangerous Swine Flu jab, the Natural Solutions Foundation is urging you to make sure that you help activate your circle of influence to demand the right to make their own choices: vaccination if they want it, quarantine/isolation if they want that or, for everyone else, the right to self-shield at home during the “pandemic crisis”. And

If you distrust this agency, these companies and vaccines too, click here.


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“Does anyone believe American propaganda anymore?”

This is the question of investigative journalist Matthew Taibbi.

We can offer no answer of course. Yet we hazard the number of those who do dwindle daily.

You recall the dynamiting of the Nord Stream 2 energy pipeline. Through this underwater tube Russia funneled natural gas to Germany.

Last September it took the blasts. Who was to blame?

Official fingers pointed directly toward the Russian hellcat, Putin.

Why this fiend would wreck the thing… thus denying him vast quantities of lucrative energy sales… and impairing his nation’s economy… we have always found mysterious.

Yet we were told he was the one.

Earlier this year investigative reporter Seymour Hersh released whistleblown claims that the United States did the dynamiting.

The story received little notice in the press.

It Was a “Pro-Ukrainian Group” — No — It Was Ukraine Itself

Shortly thereafter information came trickling out that the United States was not responsible after all.

It was instead the deed of a vague “pro-Ukrainian group” who executed the feat from a rented sailing vessel.

Who precisely were these saboteurs? We were not informed. Yet the mystery has undergone an additional deepening…

We are presently informed that this bunch was not merely a “pro-Ukrainian group” — but the security forces of Ukraine itself.

We are further informed that Mr. Zelenskyy lacked all awareness of the caper. It was all dark to him.

Yet it evidently was not dark to the United States government.

We are now informed — by The Washington Post — that the American intelligence services were told about Ukraine’s impending rascality.

A Real-Life Conspiracy!

Reports Mr. Bezos’ organ of “information”:

Three months before saboteurs bombed the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline, the Biden administration learned from a close ally that the Ukrainian military had planned a covert attack on the undersea network, using a small team of divers who reported directly to the commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces.

Details about the plan, which have not been previously reported, were collected by a European intelligence service and shared with the CIA in June 2022. They provide some of the most specific evidence to date linking the government of Ukraine to the eventual attack in the Baltic Sea, which U.S. and Western officials have called a brazen and dangerous act of sabotage on Europe’s energy infrastructure…

The highly specific details, which include numbers of operatives and methods of attack, show that for nearly a year, Western allies have had a basis to suspect Kyiv in the sabotage. That assessment has only strengthened in recent months as German law enforcement investigators uncovered evidence about the bombing that bears striking similarities to what the European service said Ukraine was planning…


The European intelligence made clear that the would-be attackers were not rogue operatives. All those involved reported directly to Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s highest-ranking military officer, who was put in charge so that the nation’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, wouldn’t know about the operation, the intelligence report said.

Keeping Zelenskyy out of the loop would have given the Ukrainian leader a plausible way to deny involvement in an audacious attack on civilian infrastructure that could ignite public outrage and jeopardize Western support for Ukraine — particularly in Germany, which before the war got half its natural gas from Russia and had long championed the Nord Stream project in the face of opposition from other European allies.

Do you follow along?

It’s Hard to Keep up With the Changing Stories

The United States government has transitioned from “It was Russia!”… to “It was a pro-Ukrainian group”… to “It was the Ukrainian security forces — but not Zelenskyy himself.”

What will the next tale be?

We do not know. Yet we hazard we will be dealt one.

Is the business a clever ruse to discredit the theory of American responsibility?

Is the United States “throwing Ukraine under the bus,” as the phrase runs… thus beginning to distance itself from the Kyiv regime?

We do not know the answer. Yet our spooks are on the case.

We have yet to receive definitive word from them — though fascinating whispers begin to circulate.

What is a fellow to believe? Who is he to believe?

May we forgive him for clinging to “conspiracy theories”?

After all, he is knocked over the head with official tales that shift from day to day, from week to week, from month to month, from year to year.

Who Can You Trust?

Argues Mr. Taibbi:

Specialists in “anti-disinformation” insist a goal of foreign fake news artists is to assault the reasoning process itself, making populations distrust once-reliable sources, leaving them susceptible to conspiracy theories. If that’s true, how is it not provably the case that domestic officials are playing the same game, moving goalposts on everything from the origin of the coronavirus to vaccine efficacy to Nord Stream?

The Nord Stream narrative has now gone from “No one thinks anyone but Russia did it” to “It’s a mystery!” to “There’s no evidence Russia did it” to “Pro-Ukraine saboteurs may have done it” to “The U.S. and its allies have known for nearly a year Kyiv did it, but said otherwise the whole time.”

He concludes with the central question, the essential question:

What are we supposed to think next time officials make statements after a disaster? Are we supposed to forget all this background?

Indeed… what are we supposed to think?

Regardless of the answer, we invite you to reflect upon this cardinal fact:

The government of the United States either A: executed the pipeline blasting itself, or…

B: The government of the United States was complicit in the most enormous act of eco-terrorism ever perpetrated — that doubled as a war act against a principal NATO ally.

That is, either the government of the United States executed the dynamiting… or was informed of the plot… and chose to keep it dark… thus blessing a war act against a primary ally… perpetrated by the government it is supporting materially in war against Russia.

How do you like it?

Putin Did It, Putin Did It!!!

Meantime, the United States and its allies continue to blame Russia for every misfortune — even misfortune against Russia itself.

An armed drone recently impacted the Kremlin itself, working some slight damage. Who was responsible?

Naturally it was Russia, came the chorus cries. They yelled that it was a “false flag” operation ordered by the dictator Putin to rally his people to his side.

It would write the warrant for some form of retaliatory atrocity — a retaliatory atrocity that, weeks later, the Russian dictator has yet to execute.

Now, this week, the Nova Kakhovka hydroelectric dam in the Kherson region of southern Ukraine burst.

The resulting torrents have flooded vast tracts of land and wrought fantastic environmental damage.

Who was responsible for the cataclysm?

Once again old Vladimir is the culprit. Those who initially fingered him for the pipeline and who subsequently fingered him for the drone Kremlin attack… are now fingering him for the dam burst.

Yet a question surfaces: Why would the man wreck the dam?

A Head-Scratcher

The Russian armed forces have spent months and months erecting minefields, trenchworks and other defensive positions in the area.

The flooding undid all of these herculean efforts — and threatened to drown the men occupying the trenches.

Moreover, the dam burst threatens to derail water supplies that nourish vital Crimea.

Finally, the burst potentially imperils the safe operation of the nearby Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant presently under Russian control.

Wonders commentator Thomas Luongo:

Why would Russia attack a dam in territory they control that provides local power to Kherson, cooling water to the ZNPP and fresh water to Crimea?

Is There Anything Putin Won’t Do to Hurt Himself?

We must conclude that this Putin is a very, very self-detesting and sadomasochistic fellow.

First he blasts his own energy pipeline in a determined effort to wreck his nation’s economy.

Next he orders a strike against his very seat of power that humiliates himself by exposing Moscow’s vulnerability to air attack.

Finally he bursts a dam and works incalculable damage upon his own strategic interests — and potentially risks a nuclear meltdown.

Is there no atrocity this man will not inflict upon himself?

Next, we hazard, he will sit upon a nuclear bomb — and pull the pin — merely to spite himself

Would you put it past him?

In fairness — in fairness — we do not know who blasted open the Nova Kakhovka hydroelectric dam in the Kherson region of southern Ukraine.

We even admit the possibility that Vladimir himself executed the atrocity. Some have advanced theories chronicling his possible motivations.

Some such theories — by our lights — are even plausible.

Yet after the false pipeline accusations… and after (likely) false drone assault accusations…

Why should we trust the dam burst accusations?

“Does anyone believe American propaganda anymore?”


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Brian Maher is the Daily Reckoning’s Managing Editor. Before signing on to Agora Financial, he was an independent researcher and writer who covered economics, politics and international affairs. His work has appeared in the Asia Times and other news outlets around the world. He holds a Master’s degree in Defense & Strategic Studies.

Featured image is from Daily Reckoning

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We have been barraged by government agency statements and peer-reviewed publications from academic medical centers asserting that serious complications from COVID-19 vaccination are “rare.” Often, investigators take a number of spontaneously reported events from a data system, and in error, divide that number by the total injections given in a period of time. This is incorrect since not all individuals who took the vaccine were assessed for the outcome and we cannot assume they are OK.

Engler et al from Military Vaccine Agency-Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network (currently Defense Health Agency, Immunization Healthcare Branch), make this point with an analysis of myocarditis after smallpox and trivalent influenza vaccination. Both study cohorts were evaluated during a pre-immunization visit and up to 2 post-vaccine visits (day 5–8 and/or day 9–28).

Baseline data including age, race/ethnicity, sex, cardiac risk factors, atopic/medical history, and fitness assessments as measured by physical training abilities, were collected on the day of the SPX or TIV immunization. Clinical data including cardiac symptoms with visual analogue scale rating (0–10) of severity, 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECG), and troponin-T were collected at baseline and at between days 5 and 30.

Engler RJ, Nelson MR, Collins LC Jr, Spooner C, Hemann BA, Gibbs BT, Atwood JE, Howard RS, Chang AS, Cruser DL, Gates DG, Vernalis MN, Lengkeek MS, McClenathan BM, Jaffe AS, Cooper LT, Black S, Carlson C, Wilson C, Davis RL. A prospective study of the incidence of myocarditis/pericarditis and new onset cardiac symptoms following smallpox and influenza vaccination. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 20;10(3):e0118283. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118283. PMID: 25793705; PMCID: PMC4368609.

While there were no myopericarditis events with the influenza vaccine, there were 5 cases with the smallpox shot. Compared to historical rates of spontaneous reporting, there was a fourfold increased incidence of cardiac symptoms when assessed prospectively.

In vaccine safety research, we should not trust any assertions of “rarity” unless it is a prospective cohort study in which all recipients are checked. We should focus on the absolute number of serious adverse events which are the crude data. These numbers cannot be argued with our understanding that they indeed happened, but are likely to be a gross underestimate of reality.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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Despite the arrest of multiple arsonists, the mainstream media in Canada seems intent on attributing the nation’s recent wildfires to “climate change.”

As wildfires continue to spread across western, and now central and eastern Canada, burning forestland and homes, the mainstream media continues to imply that climate change is the main culprit, despite a growing number of reports showing that arsonists have been arrested for allegedly setting dozens of fires.

“Several arsonists have been arrested in the past weeks in different provinces for lighting forest fires,” People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier tweeted. “But the lying woke media and politicians keep repeating that global warming is the cause.” 

The severe nature of the wildfires has caused Canadians to wonder why they have spread so rapidly, especially as many of the affected areas are not typically impacted by wildfires of this degree or at this time of the year.

In the past months, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have arrested several arsonists who have been charged with lighting fires across several provinces including Nova Scotia, Yukon, British Columbia, and Alberta. The motive behind lighting the fires is unclear.  

One Albertan, John Cook, has been arrested and charged with 10 counts of arson after setting a string of wildfires in and around Cold Lake, a hamlet near Edmonton. 

In addition to damaging vehicles and structures, Cook was charged with setting aflame the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Cherry Grove, Alberta. 

A Vancouver man charged with arson has been released until his trial on October 9, with Cpl. Michael Gauthier asserting that he is not a risk to light further fires.

Despite the numerous arrests, mainstream media outlets continue to publish articles attributing the wildfires to climate change. 

“Rise in extreme wildfires linked directly to emissions from oil companies in new study,” the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported.  

“Canadian forest fires are the latest costly climate disaster that public accounts fail to capture,” another CBC headline read.  

“Climate change is increasing the risks of wildfires in the country, experts say,” Global News attested.  

Despite these claims, statistics from Canadian National Fire Database reveal that wildfires across Canada have decreased in recent years, having peaked in 1989. 

Graph from the Canadian National Fire Database showing wildfire prevalence in Canada from 1980 to 2021

Notably, the mainstream media outlets attributing the increase of wildfires to climate change have received funding from the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, which is actively pushing for increased bans on using natural resources in Canada to combat “climate change.”

About this potential conflict of interest, retired Canadian colonel David Redman recently testified that legacy media outlets are “ministries of propaganda,” with multiple former mainstream media employees also making similar comments about their past employers.


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Featured image: Smoke from wildfires hanging over Calgary, Alberta (Source: Shutterstock)

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Dr. Strangelove’s Biden, Blinken and their NATO henchmen and women either are correctly reading the pulse of the world’s current mental, emotional, political, ideological health, or they’re misreading, yet again, like the fascists who came before them in history, the decrepitude of the world body’s unending state of calamity and cataclysm that soon will break out in the madness of WWIII, just as did their predecessor WWI and WWII counterparts. Either human sanity in ukraine somehow, against all odds, will ultimately prevail, or the world will continue to massacre itself and potentially all the rest of us until the final end. Western leaders in international business, trade and commerce know exactly where their actions to endlessly militarily arm the ultra-nationalists, Neo-nazi elements in Ukraine unquestionably will lead.

See this and this.

The spark of the current war in Ukraine began in 2014, but actually began centuries further back in human history with a reoccurring world-wide fascist, Neo-Nazi-movement international commerce and trade that continues to be led and inspired by America’s Neo-Con ultra-nationalists and their allied affiliates in Ukraine and around the world.

The spark of war in Ukraine has turned into yet another of the world’s full-fledged blood baths with a mind all its own. One can feel the intensity and direction of the war slipping out of their control, in spite of the gross billions of taxpayer monies stolen from the American citizenry and the rest of the entire Western World’s citizenry; not to mention the massive amounts of military weaponry that have been willingly paid out by America and its Western allies to the heinous merchants of war for the stockpiles of weaponry, originally amassed for their own nation’s safety and protection; that instead continue to be shipped off to the Ukraine Armed Forces, as has previously been the case in other wars without any popular vote, plebiscite or referendum. It’s always the warmongering leaders of industry and capital who decide such matters.

America’s Washington Beltway seems as if forever lost in a Kafkaesque world of Biden and his merry band of Neocon Neo-Nazi’s, with the likes of Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Lloyd Austin, Victoria Nuland and casts of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions more of their followers and collaborators among the populace who, themselves, look as equally stupefied as their grim-faced, zombie leaders and angry young mad men or women followers remain indifferent to the long chain of all the chaos and mayhem they are the cause of in the world; going back to the birth of America and its long line of: Revolutionary Wars; American Indian Wars; American Civil War; Spanish-American War; WWI, WWII, Korean War; Vietnam War, and now, all the fighting  in Ukraine, that one might call The Final War of the World.

The majority of the American public and their NATO allies around the world, seem, as well, as if they’ve also drank all the brain-deadening war-laced-Koo-aid; with everyone asleep at the wheel, for all intents and purposes, unaware or indifferent to all their own hard-earned taxpayers monies, that the Americans and their allies need so desperately for their own infrastructure, that instead continue to be used to endlessly fund literally all the stockpiles of war, as well as the infrastructure of Ukrainian society itself; of which untold amounts of monies and weaponry never reach the people or armed combatants themselves because they all are continually being clandestinely siphoned off to war profiters, oligarchs, black-market dealers and politicians. The Corrupt Game of War continues to be played out, while everyone just shrugs their shoulders, shakes their heads and looks the other way, like helpless deer, frozen in the glare of the on-coming lights and the potential grizzly death that awaits them.

After over a year of raging, murderous brutal slaughter of men, women, children and the decimation of whole species of non-human life, the populace and politicians alike still remain ignorant and at sea as to what to do about it; or even if they did they already know their neo-con leaders and governments clearly never have had any exit strategy to end the war other than what they all hope will come with: the sudden assassination of Putin; total collapse of the Russian Empire; a total WWIII nuclear end game, and; whatever subsequent fascist rule in the West finally will take over the entire world. Which is why no real serious consideration has ever been given by Biden, the U.S. and NATO to ever: convene peace negotiations, or; sign a peace deal with Russia of any kind through civilized diplomatic negotiations.

Finally, in desperation, to try to save face, they attempted to float the ridiculous phony ploy of turning the war into a so-called frozen conflict; like the stalemate that put a hold on the Korean War that actually never really ended; with over 30,000 US military forces still occupying Camp Humphreys, the world’s largest overseas US military base, located near the South Korean capital of Seoul. The Russians summarily laughed that proposal right off of the table and into the trash can of history.

But now the combatants on both sides have begun to hunker down and resort to the ancient primitive strategies of brutal, no holds warfare by trying to assassinate the other’s sides leader, with the belief that if you cut off the head of the snake, you ultimately will kill the whole body. But that’s old school thinking. There already are too many crazed mad men and women now on both sides, equally prepared to ‘push the button of doom” quicker than the next guy.


Anne Applebaum, a Polish-American Pulitzer-winning historian, and staff writer for the Atlantic, is a neo-conservative radical like so many in the West who still cling to an old Cold War moral framework that believes all of Russia’s financial power and influence should be removed from all the world’s political systems. Applebaum has long called for a decisive military action by the West against Russia, and openly advocates for the spilling of Russian blood for what she deems “their murderous actions in Ukraine, and as the only civilized way for the West to show Russia the price they will have to be prepared to pay for hegemony in their part of the world.”

See this.

Dr. Strangelove Biden & Dr. Strangelove Blinken, if true to form, will continue to misread the ideological state of today’s America’s Neo-Con, Neo-Fascist war in Ukraine, in the same way as their predecessors in an earlier century similarly misread their own neo-fascist nazi conditions at the time that ultimately led to World War One, World War Two, the Korean War, Vietnam War, the Cuban Crisis of 1962,  and all the other wars since that have followed in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iran, South and Central America and Africa.

Biden with his dreams of re-election as America’s new lauded “War President”; and Blinken with his own fantasies of world power will continue to misread the same neo-fascist conditions in the same way as their predecessors; blind as before to the decrepitude of the human and planetary body’s unending state of calamity and cataclysm that, if not somehow radically changed for the better for all concerned, surely will erupt into the un-holy madness of yet a World War Three of such immense destruction as has never been seen or known before by the ignorant warmongering WWI & WWII predecessors of the past.

Biden and Putin remain locked in an existential moment of truth in the survival both their nations have formerly known in their places of power and hegemony in the world. Biden must reclaim something of America’s former unipolar economic, political and military position of greatness and hegemony in the Western World in the face of a rapidly evolving multi-polar reality that is here to stay and will never return America to its former favored position it once knew. While Putin, at all costs, must maintain and renew something of the power and glory of the remnants of yesteryear’s once vast Soviet Union empire. At all costs, America and its Western Allies in Ukraine somehow must prevail and completely surround Russia, so as to once and for all hamstring and neutralize its economic and military powers as much as possible.

However, this time the way the world’s chessboard has been set up it’s what some would call “A Mexican Standoff”, until one side or the other bends, breaks or makes a fatal false move. In which case, the standoff will quickly turn into a mutual “Lose, Lose” situation. Until then, the West only knows how to endlessly up the ante by providing Ukraine with more and more of its lethal fire power, while the world sits nervously on the sidelines and apprehensively watches Russia continue to devastate Ukraine’s armed forces and ability to function as a nation until  the final bitter end; or until the West’s ramping up of more and more lethal tanks, jet fighters, tactical nuclear weaponry and guided missiles inevitably sucks the whole world down the rabbit hole of yet another World War III, that this time will be a colossal nuclear one with no winners but merely a lot of sad and sorry losers. But Biden and Blinken already both know by their actions that continually escalate the crisis where the war invariably must lead; which is why the West has never had any other exit strategy.

A Closing Thought

Western leaders pay constant lip-service to the purpose of the war in Ukraine as being to protect and defend the principles of democracy. Yet that time-worn canard of a word, has been so flogged and overused to the point that it represents perhaps one of the biggest propaganda con-job ruses ever to be used as an excuse to kill people or trample over the rights of those one doesn’t like. The claim to protect and defend the principles of democracy becomes even more bizarre when used to explain and justify the war in Ukraine

Yet in that same spirit of democracy, peace and the saving of precious lives, for well over a year by now of brutal fighting and slaughter of young and old, Ukrainian and Russian alike, Biden and Blinken have never raised so much as a whimper to call for a ceasefire to at least talk about it all. Neither has Biden or Blinken proposed what exactly the intentions are of the United States and NATO’s declared exit strategy to finally end the war, For instance, if and when or ever, there remotely will be any peace negotiations, will consideration be given to revisit the previous Minsk 2 Accord, scuttled by the U.S., Ukraine and NATO? Or; perhaps would the U.S. Ukraine and NATO ever consider making the whole of Ukraine a neutral, non-NATO, non-nuclear buffer zone between Russia and the West? Or still other suggestions about what would be a mutually- acceptable first step exit strategy for both sides?

Up ‘til now, the Western strategy to provide Ukraine with bigger, more powerful and vicious killing weaponry represents nothing more than an admission by the U.S. and  its NATO allies that they are bankrupt of any other ideas to lessen the hostilities other than kill more Russians, and hopefully Putin himself in the process, until they finally have crushed the Russian will to continue. Translated, this means, “we will support Ukraine for as long as it takes, even to the last dead Ukrainian.”

Such a bankrupt primitive strategy has only meant pouring ever bigger, more deadly tanks, fighter jets, tactical nuclear weaponry into Ukraine’s war zone, that has but only one exit strategy: Nuclear World War III.

Once this part of the master plan is achieved, according to the ultra-right news media, if Dr. Strangelove Biden and Dr. Strangelove Blinken, and the Applebaum’s of the world can ever hope to reclaim America’s supreme role and rightful place in the world as the Chief hegemon of Planet Earth, they will then have to do the same thing to China and XI Ping.

This time around, given that Dr. Strangelove Biden and Dr. Strangelove Blinken seem dead set on going down that road. there just doesn’t seem to be any other alternative but to go through another World Three and hope against hope that enough of us will come out safe on the other end.

America’s Washington Beltway seems, as well, as if forever lost in the same Kafkaesque world of Biden, Blinken and their merry band of Neo Con’s, Neo Nazi’s, Dr. Strangeloves, and casts of tens, if not hundreds of thousands or even millions of their followers and collaborators among the populace who, themselves, look as equally stupefied and dumb-faced as all their leaders who remain indifferent to the endlessly-long chain of so much chaos and mayhem in the world that one can trace back to the birth of America and its Revolutionary War, American Indian Wars, Civil War, Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War and now, in Ukraine.

Who knows, like its WWI predecessor, who boldly yet naively declared its war would be THE WAR TO END ALL WARS, that this time around any future WWIII, in the near or distant future, won’t end up earning the far more grim accolade THE WAR THAT ENDED THE WORLD.


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The writer Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who originally was a Criminology student working in one of America’s local police departments. For decades, Irwin has sought to call world attention to problems of environmental degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (, a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that has led to numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says her government will hire arson investigators from outside the province following an unseasonably early and destructive wildfire season.

Fires in Alberta reached a crisis point in early May, just days into the provincial election campaign, and during a time when the provincial firefighters typically undergo firefighting training exercises.

As fires burned across the province’s north, some reports of arson emerged.

“I think you’re watching as I am the number of stories about arson,” Smith said on a podcast on Thursday. “I’m very concerned that there are arsonists, and there have been stories as well that we’re investigating, and we’re bringing in arson investigators from outside the province.”

“We have almost 175 fires with no known cause at the moment.”

Smith said fires are sometimes easy to trace, such as when caused by a railway accident, lightning, or campfires. But she said it’s “unusual” to have so many fires with no known cause.

Mounties are currently searching for a suspected arsonist following a fire in a Grande Prairie back alley. Officers said witnesses reported seeing a man wearing all black with a white shirt around his shoulder lighting the fire and walking away from the scene.

A May 3 post from the Parkland County Twitter account said the fire department had responded to four suspicious fires in the preceding five days on Highway 16, less than a 40-minute drive from the provincial capital of Edmonton.

“We are asking residents to report any suspicious behaviour to RCMP by calling 9-1-1,” the county wrote on Twitter.

Smith said the government must do a better job of building fire guards so forest fires can’t jump into residential areas and cities. She said the province did a good job of working with local communities and accelerating fire guard prevention.

“We’re going to have forest fires, it’s the nature of what we have in Alberta,” she said. “And it’s our job as government to make sure that we mitigate, that we manage, and that we have the resources available when they do erupt.”

Some 72 wildfires were still ongoing in the province as of Thursday, down from over 100 earlier in the year. Wildfires have now started up in Quebec and New Brunswick, and in the US with millions of Americans and Canadians subject to harmful smoke levels.

Forecasters say 2023 could be the country’s worst wildfire season on record. It has already seen 2,214 fires this year, which have burned an area roughly totalling the size of Belgium.


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Rachel is a seasoned political reporter who’s covered government institutions from a variety of levels. A Carleton University journalism graduate, she was a multimedia reporter for three local Niagara newspapers. Her work has been published in the Toronto Star. Rachel was the inaugural recipient of the Political Matters internship, placing her at The Globe and Mail’s parliamentary bureau. She spent three years covering the federal government for iPolitics. Rachel is the Alberta correspondent for True North based in Edmonton.

Featured image is from True North

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To protect oneself from the hazy skies resulting from the forest fires in Quebec, the CBC was advising people in Ontario that “It’s best to [stay inside] as possible, and if you can’t stay home, you might need to wear a well-fitting respirator type mask.”

Sound familiar? Same con, new fear tactics: Stay at home and wear a mask.

Think about this: Toronto schools are having indoor recess because of forest fires over 800km away. These are the same schools that clean their interiors with toxic chemicals… that give their kids water poisoned with chlorine and fluoride… that profit off sugary drinks and other junk food. These are the same indoctrination camps that forced kids to wear masks when study after study showed they did nothing to protect people from disease (whilst causing physical and psychological harm).

To put it in another perspective…

A hundred years ago, people hung out in pubs where the smoke from pipes, cigars and fires was so thick you couldn’t see the drunken sailor on the other side of the room. I’m not endorsing smoking, but just saying, how did we go from singing songs in smoked-filled pubs to being afraid to go outside because the sky’s hazy?

And as far as a breathing filter goes, we already have one: It’s our nasal passage. If the government was really concerned about people’s health they’d be telling them to breathe through their nose — where hairs, mucous and other natural functions prevent  particles reaching the lungs. Plus, breathing through the nose raises CO2 and nitric oxide, both blood vessel dilators, helping your liver remove any toxins that do make it to your bloodstream.

Every morning I go for a 7km run and workout, breathing exclusively through my nose (as you can see in this video). A hazy sky has made no difference to my routine. If anything, more pollutants in the air only motivates me to exercise more, not less.


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John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: Dystopian Love Story, which Patrick Corbett, former director/producer for W-5, Beachcombers and Dateline, calls ” a ripping story of courage, awakening and love.” Find out more at: He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Smoke from forest fires in Northern Ontario and in Quebec contribute to pink hazy sunset in the city from the Cherry Beach over Toronto on June 6, 2023. Photo by Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images

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Quebec Fires started simultaneously across entire province on June 2, 2023 (source)

Click here to view the video

Alberta fires started simultaneously on June 7, 2023:

Click here to view the video

Fires in Edson, Alberta:

Click here to view the video

Fires in British Columbia (Jun.8, 2023, New York Times)

Click here to view the video

Fires in Nova Scotia (May 28, 2023)

Click here to view the video

Smoke at George Washington Bridge running from Manhattan, New York to New Jersey (Jun.7, 2023)

Click here to view the video

Smoke in Times Square, New York (Jun.7, 2023)

Click here to view the video

Nova Scotia – Retired firefighter offered a team to help the provincial government fight fires and was rejected

Click here to view the video


June 8, 2023 – Alberta Premier Danielle Smith pledges arson investigation into 175 wildfires with no known cause 

June 8, 2023 – Satellite footage raises possibility that arson, not climate change theory, to blame for Quebec fires (Lifesitenews)

June 8, 2023 – There are Now 250 “Out-of-Control” Fires in Canada, Here’s Why Some Say It’s All ‘Planned’ (Kyle Becker) 

June 7, 2023 – Media blames ‘climate change’ for Canadian wildfires despite arrest of multiple arsonists 

June 5, 2023 – Police in NS say some fires deliberately set


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

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How the Censorship Industry Works, and How We Can Stop It

June 12th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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The internet was likely not intended to remain free forever. The intention for it to be used as a totalitarian tool was baked in from the start

Google started as a DARPA grant and was part of the CIA’s and NSA’s digital data program, the purpose of which was to conduct “birds of a feather” mapping online so that certain groups could be neutralized

All of the early internet freedom technologies of the ‘90s were funded by the Pentagon and the State Department. They were developed by the intelligence community as an insurgency tool — a means to help dissident groups in foreign countries to develop a pro-U.S. stance and evade state-controlled media. Now, these same technologies have been turned against the American public, and are used to control public discourse

In the past, censorship was a laborious task that could only be done after the fact. Artificial intelligence has radically altered the censorship industry. AI programs can now censor information en masse, based on the language used, and prevent it from being seen at all

One of the most effective strategies that would have immediate effect would be to strip the censorship industry of its government funding. The House controls the purse strings of the federal government, so the House Appropriations Committee has the power to end the funding of government-sponsored censorship


In this video, I interview Mike Benz, executive director for the Foundation for Freedom Online. Benz started off as a corporate lawyer representing tech and media companies before joining the Trump administration, where he worked as a speech writer for Dr. Ben Carson, the former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and President Trump.

He also advised on economic development policy. He then joined the State Department as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology. There, he ran the cyber desks at state, meaning all things having to do with the internet and foreign policy.

“This is toward the end of 2020, which was a really fascinating time to witness the merger, in many respects, of big government and big tech companies themselves,” he says. “I had grown up, I think, like many Americans, with a belief that the First Amendment protected you against government censorship.

The terms of engagement that we had enjoyed from 1991, when the worldwide web rolled out, until 2016, the election in the U.S. and Brexit in the U.K., which is, really, the first political event where the election was determined, in many respects, by momentum on the internet.

There was that 25-year golden period where the idea of being censored by a private sector company, let alone the government, was considered something, to me, very deeply anathema to the American experience.

What I witnessed at the State Department — because I was at the desk, basically, that Google and Facebook would call when they wanted favors abroad, when they wanted American protection or American policies to preserve their dominance in Europe, or in Asia or in Latin America.

And the U.S. government was doing favors for these tech companies while the tech companies were censoring the people who voted for the government. It was a complete betrayal of whatever social contract typically underlies the public-private partnership.”

The Internet Was Founded by the National Security State

Ostensibly, the rapid expansion of censorship started post-2016, but you can make a strong argument that the internet was never intended to remain free forever. Rather, the intention for it to be used as a totalitarian tool was likely baked in from the start when the national security state founded it in 1968.

The worldwide web, which is the user interface, was launched in 1991, and my suspicion is that the public internet was seeded and allowed to grow in order to capture and make the most of the population dependent upon it, knowing that it would be the most effective social engineering tool ever conceived. Benz comments:

“I totally agree … A lot of people, in trying to understand what’s happening with the net censorship, say ‘We had this free internet, and then suddenly there was this age of censorship and the national security state got involved at the censorship side.’

But when you retrace the history, internet freedom itself was actually a national security state imperative. The internet itself is a product of a counterinsurgency necessity by the Pentagon to manage information during the 1960s, particularly to aggregate social science data. And then, it was privatized.

Opening it up to all comers in the private sector, it was handed off from DARPA [the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] to the National Science Foundation, and then went through a series of universities on the infrastructure side.

And then, right out of the gate in 1991, you had the Cold War coming to an end, and then simultaneously, you had this profusion of Pentagon-funded internet freedom technologies. You had things like VPNs, encrypted chat, TOR.

All of the early internet freedom technologies of the ‘90s were funded by the Pentagon, the State Department, and developed by the intelligence community, primarily, as a way of using internet freedom as a means to help dissident groups in foreign countries be able to develop a pro-U.S. beachhead, because it was a way to evade state-controlled media.

This was, basically, an insurgency tool for the U.S. government, in the same way that Voice of America and Radio Free Liberty, and Radio Free Europe were tools of the CIA in the Cold War, to beam in, basically, pro-U.S. content to populations in foreign countries in order to sway them towards U.S. interests. It was a way of managing the world empire.

The internet served the same purpose, and it couldn’t be done if it was called a Pentagon operation, a State Department or CIA operation. But all of the tech companies themselves are products of that. Google started as a DARPA grant that was obtained at Stanford by Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

In 1995, they were part of the CIA and NSA’s [National Security Agency’s] massive digital data program. They had their monthly meetings with their CIA and NSA advisers for that program, where the express stated purpose was for the CIA and NSA to be able to map so-called ‘Birds of a feather’ online … so that they could be neutralized.”

How It All Began

As noted by Benz, the idea of having the intelligence community map political “Birds of a Feather” communities in order to either mobilize or neutralize them was (and still is) justified in the name of counterterrorism. Nowadays, as we’ve seen during the pandemic, it’s used to control public discourse, suppress truth, and promote propaganda angles.

The technology used to control public discourse is an artificial intelligence (AI) technique called natural language processing (NLP). It’s a way of aggregating everyone who believes a certain thing online into community databases based on the words they use, the hashtags, the slogans and images.

“Emerging narratives, all manner of metadata affiliations, all that can be aggregated to create a topographical network map of what you believe in and who you’re associated with, so that it can all be turned down in a fast, precise and comprehensive manner by content moderation teams, because they’re all birds of the same feather,” Benz explains.

“The fact that this grew out of the U.S. National Security state, which is running the show, essentially, today, to me says that there’s a continuation between the internet freedom and internet censorship. They simply switched from one side of the chess board to the other.”

What Is the National Security State?

For clarity, when Benz talks about the “National Security State,” what he’s referring to are the institutions that uphold the rules-based international order. Domestically, that includes the Pentagon, State Department, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), certain aspects of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the 17 intelligence agencies.

Of those, the Pentagon, State Department and the intelligence community (IC) are the three central ones that have managed the American world empire since the 1940s. None of them are supposed to be able to operate domestically, but in a sense their power has expanded so much that they essentially control domestic affairs.

As explained by Benz, the Pentagon, State Department and IC are not supposed to be able to operate domestically. “But in a sense, they really control domestic affairs, because their power has expanded so much that they’ve developed an extraordinary laundering apparatus to be able to fund international institutions that then boomerang back home and effectively control much of domestic political affairs, including discourse on the internet.”

As for the CIA, it was created in 1947 under the National Security Act. It was created as a cloak-and-dagger mechanism, to do things the State Department wanted done but couldn’t get caught doing due to the diplomatic repercussions — things like election rigging, assassinations, media control, bribery and other subversion tactics.

The Birth of Hybrid Warfare

Benz continues his explanation of how and why internet censorship emerged when it did:

“So, there’s the U.S. National Security State, and then there’s the transatlantic one involving NATO. The story of Western government involvement in internet censorship really started after the 2014 Crimea annexation, which was the biggest foreign policy humiliation of the Obama era.

Atlanta’s School of Foreign Policy was deeply inflamed by this event and blamed the fact that there were these breakaway Russia-supporting entities in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea on a failure to penetrate their media, and this idea that hearts and minds were being swung towards the Russian side because of pro-Russian content online.

NATO then declared this doctrine of so-called hybrid warfare — this idea that Russia had won Crimea not by a military annexation, but by winning, illicitly in a sense, the hearts and minds of Crimeans through the use of their propaganda. And the doctrine of hybrid warfare, born in 2014, was this idea that war was no longer a kinetic thing.

There hadn’t been a kinetic war in Europe since World War II. Instead, it had moved sub-kinetic into the hearts and minds of the people. In fact, NATO announced a doctrine after 2014 called ‘From tanks to tweets,’ where it shifted its focus, explicitly, from kinetic warfare to social media opinions online.

Brexit, which happened in June 2016 … was blamed on Russian influence as well. And so all of these institutions that argued for control over the internet in Eastern Europe said, ‘Well, it needs to come now. Now it’s an all-of-Europe thing.’

When Trump was then elected five months later, explicitly contemplating the breakup of NATO, all hell broke loose. This idea that we need to censor the internet went from being something that was touchy and novel, in the view of Pentagon brass and State Department folks, to something that was totally essential to saving the entire rules-based international order that came out of World War II.

At the time, the reasoning was, Brexit, in the U.K., was going to give rise to Frexit, in France, with Marine Le Pen and her movement there. Matteo Salvini was going to cause Italexit In Italy, there’d be Grexit in Greece, Spexit in Spain, and the entire European Union would come undone, just because these right-wing populist parties would naturally vote their way into political power.

They would vote for working-class, cheap energy policies that would make them more closely aligned with Russia naturally, because of the cheaper oil prices, or cheaper gas prices. Then, suddenly, you’ve got no EU, you’ve got no NATO, and then, you’ve got no Western military alliance.

So, from that moment, after Trump’s election, immediately, there was this diplomatic roadshow by U.S. State Department officials, who all thought they were getting promotions in November 2016. They thought they were going to get promoted from the State Department to the National Security Council. Turns out, they all got fired, because someone with a 5% chance of winning ended up winning that day.

So, they took their international connections, their international networks around the Atlanta Council, the Council on Foreign Relations, the entire think tank, quasi-intelligence, quasi-military, government-funded NGO soup, and they did this international roadshow, starting in January 2017, to convince European countries to start censoring their internet …

Out of that came NetzDG [Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz, the Network Enforcement Act] in Germany, which introduced a necessity of artificial intelligence-powered social media censorship.

All of that was, essentially, spearheaded by this network of State Department and Pentagon folks who then used their own internal folks in the government to procure government grants and contracts to these same entities. Eventually, they all rotated into those tech companies to set the policies as well.”

Threat From Within

So, to summarize, the infrastructure for worldwide internet censorship was largely established by IC veterans who were forced out by the Trump administration, and that infrastructure was then used to catalyze the international censorship response during COVID in late 2019, early 2020. Benz continues:

“Right. And those veterans were not alone. The full story is not just the shadow security state and exile. The fact is this. The Trump administration never had control of its own defense department, State Department or intelligence community.

It was the intelligence community that, essentially, drove his first impeachment, that drove a two-and-a-half year special prosecutor investigation that rolled up 12 to 20 of Trump’s closest associates. You had a chief of staff there who was hiding the military figures from the government. The careers at state threatened the political appointees from the inside. I experienced that myself.

This permanent aspect of Washington, with unfireable careers in high places, combined with a turf war in the GOP [Republican Party] between the populist right and the neo-conservative right, with the neo-conservative right having many well-placed Republicans in the Defense Department, State Department, in IC, to thwart the previous president’s agenda there, allowed this political network and exile, on the censorship side, to work with their allies within the government to create these censorship beach heads.

So, for example, that’s how they created the Department of Homeland Security’s … first permanent government censorship bureau in the form of this entity called CISA [the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, founded in November 2018], which is supposed to just be a cybersecurity entity.

It was done because of media and intelligence community laundering of a never-substantiated claim that Russia had potentially hacked the 2016 election, hacked the election machines or voting software, or might be able to do so in the future, and so we need a robust armed-to-the-teeth DHS unit to protect our cybersecurity from the Russians.

It’s the mission creep of the century. After the Mueller probe ended in June 2019, this unit, CISA, within DHS [Department of Homeland Security] — which had set up all of this, and which is only supposed to do cybersecurity — said ‘Well, if you squint and look at it, discourse online is a cybersecurity threat because if it undermines public faith or confidence in our elections, and it’s done using a cyber nexus, i.e., social media post, then that’s a form of cybersecurity threat, because democracy is essential to our security.’

And so you went from this cybersecurity mission to a cyber censorship bureau, because if you tweeted something about mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, that was deemed to be a cyber attack on critical infrastructure, i.e., elections.

When they got away with that in 2020, DHS then said, ‘Well, if you squint and look at it, public health is also critical infrastructure.’ So, now, DHS gets to direct social media companies to censor opinions about COVID-19.

Then they worked their way into saying the same thing about financial systems, financial services, about the Ukraine war, about immigration. It got to the point where, by late 2022, the head of CISA declared that cognitive infrastructure is critical infrastructure.”

Cracks only appeared after Republicans got a majority in the House of Representatives in November 2022 and Elon Musk acquired Twitter. Public support for government also dwindled as Musk’s release of the Twitter Files revealed the extent of government’s involvement in the censoring of Americans.

So far, though, public awareness hasn’t changed anything. The very entities that once stood for internet freedom, like the National Science Foundation, are still actively funding and furthering government censorship activities.

AI Gives Censors God-Like Powers

Benz first became “gripped by the stakes of what was happening on the internet” in August 2016, after reading a series of papers discussing the use of NLP to monitor, surveil and regulate the distribution of information on social media based on the words used.

“DARPA provided tens of millions of dollars of funding for this language processing, this language chunking capacity of AI in order, ostensibly, to stop ISIS recruiting on Facebook and Twitter,” Benz says.

“As part of the predicate for putting military boots on the ground in Syria, there was a lot of talk about ISIS coming to the U.S., and they were recruiting on Facebook and Twitter. And so the Pentagon, DARPA and the IC developed this language spyware capacity to map the dialectic of how ISIS sympathizers talk online, the words they use, the images they share, the prefixes, the suffixes, all the different community connections.

And then, I saw that this was being done for purposes of domestic political control instead of foreign counterterrorism, and the power that it has. It is what totally changed the internet forever. Before 2016, there was not the technological capacity to do mass social media censorship. That was the age of what censorship insiders like to call the whack-a-mole era. Censorship was reactive.

It was done by forum, by moderators, essentially. Everything had to be flagged manually before it could be taken down, which meant millions of people had already seen it, or it had already gone viral, it had already done its damage, so to speak, and you were just cutting off the backend with an act of censorship.

You could never have a permanent control apparatus in that setting, because there would always be a first mover advantage to whoever posted it. What AI censorship technology breakthroughs enabled after 2016 was a kind of nuclear weapon, if you will, on the censorship side, to be able to end the war immediately.

You don’t need a standing army of 100,000 people to censor COVID. You need one good developer, working with one manic social scientist who spends her entire life mapping what Dr. Mercola says online, and what he’s talking about this week, what his followers are saying, what they’re saying about this drug, or what they’re saying about this vaccine, or what they’re saying about this institution.

All of that can be cataloged into a lexicon of how you talk. And then, all of that talk can just be turned down to zero. At the same time, they can super amplify the language that they themselves are doing. So it gives a God-like control to a tiny, tiny, tiny minority of people who can then use that to control the discourse of the entire population.

What’s also so terrifying about the National Security State’s involvement in this is, when they discovered the power of this by mid-2018, they began to roll it out to every other country in the world for purposes of political control there — to the Ghana desk, to the Ecuador desk, to Southeast Asia, all over Europe.”

Can We Get Out of the Grip of Censorship?

At the time of this writing, we’re in a lull. The COVID pandemic has been declared over and aside from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, there are no major political crises going on that warrant heavy censorship. The networks and technologies for radical suppression are already in place, however, and can be turned up at a moment’s notice.

We’ve also recently seen just how easy it is for alternative media to be infiltrated and upended, so the fact that there are alternative platforms doesn’t guarantee that future censorship efforts will fail.

“There are so many threat vectors,” Benz says. “There are a lot of questions about what’s going on, for example, at Project Veritas, with how quickly it ousted James O’Keefe after releasing the most viral video ever, on Pfizer. It was about one week later — after their biggest accomplishment, perhaps, ever — that it was totally overthrown.

A similar thing has happened with Fox News with [the firing of] Tucker Carlson, the most popular cable TV host in the country — the guy who gets three times more concurrent viewership than CNN, in the opposing spot. Institutions can absolutely be penetrated and co-opted when enough pressure is applied.”

Transatlantic Flank Attack 2.0 Underway

As mentioned earlier, the U.S. censorship really began with NATO. Benz refers to this as the transatlantic flank attack. Basically, when U.S. intelligence want to impact the internet domestically, they first work with their European partners to enact regulatory changes in Europe first. This then ends up spilling into the U.S. market, and the IC appears to have had nothing to do with it.

The first transatlantic flank attack took place in early 2017 with the NetzDG. We’re now under transatlantic attack again, through the Digital Markets Act. This law, Benz says, will make it very difficult for Rumble and other free speech platforms to maintain that posture during the next pandemic. Once these platforms are forced to comply with the Digital Markets Act on the European side, the changes will be felt everywhere.

Cause for Cautious Optimism

While Benz remains hopeful that solutions to global censorship will present themselves, he still recognizes that the forces at play are enormous and the risks are high.

“It’s one of these things where the more you see what we’re up against, the more sobering it becomes. I think you need to maintain hope in order to maintain energy, to maintain momentum. With momentum, weird things can happen, even if you’re not supposed to win. Strange things break, or take a life of their own, or resurface.

All the little weaknesses of the system get tested, simply by a momentum here and there. For example, Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter is probably the reason that the GOP got over the hump in doing all of these congressional investigations into the government’s role in censorship.

They felt like they had an ally at Twitter, that they had billionaire backing. There was a waterfall, cascade impact. So, I am hopeful. DHS is on the run right now. They purged their website of all their domestic censorship operations that they listed and were loud and proud about for two whole years after the catastrophe of the disinformation governance board in April 2022.

They already had a Ministry of Truth at DHS. They just gave one hypothetical board the wrong name. They didn’t call it the CISA. They made the mistake of calling it by the right name, and that’s what ended the entire political support for the underlying apparatus.

So, the importance of an Orwellian name is essential for maintaining the political support. But I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m hopeful, and I’m honored to be a part of this rebel fleet of folks trying to take on the empire behind the censorship situation.

But having seen, in so many iterations the toolkit they use, it is a medieval torture toolkit that can do strange things. Pressure can do strange things, even to great people. And so I’m cautiously optimistic.”

Essential Internet Backbone Is Not Politically Neutral

In my view, internet decentralization is one key innovation that could break the grip of censorship. That said, other aspects, such as cybersecurity, must also be reinvented.

CloudFlare, for example, a content delivery and cloud cybersecurity service, basically controls the internet because they protect online businesses and platforms from hackers using Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. Without it, you cannot survive online if you’re a big business. Even with a decentralized internet, CloudFlare might still be able to exert control by leaving sites open to DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks.

Disturbingly, CloudFlare got political for the first time after 2016, when it decided to remove protection from a site called Kiwi Farms, which expressed anti-transgender views. As a result, the site had to move over to a Russian server to get back online.

Basically, U.S. citizens had to look for internet freedom in Russia because their architecture could not be supported in the U.S. — all because a government-integrated backbone of the internet made a political decision, likely at the behest of the IC.

“If there is another pandemic, for example, and there’s a push for certain medical interventions or countermeasures that certain sites don’t go along with, the CloudFlare, absolutely, could be a weapon in that respect,” Benz says.

“One of the things I found so troubling is that CISA, this DHS censorship agency, after the 2020 election set up a private sector liaison subcommittee for mis- and disinformation policies in the private sector. It was a seven-person subcommittee, with all of the top censorship experts at the University of Washington and Stanford.

Vijaya Gadde, the former head of censorship at Twitter, was a part of this board. I thought it was very troubling that the CEO of CloudFlare was also one of the seven people on the DHS censorship board.”

Major Challenges to a Decentralized Internet

Benz continues:

“To proceed to the various challenges to a decentralized internet, when you move up the stack of censorship … they can move up to cloud servers, to payment processors, and even to things like CloudFlare and your infrastructure protection.

In the early era of censorship, there was a rebuttal by censorship advocates that if you don’t like what private sector companies are doing, start your own social media companies. Build your own Google, build your own YouTube, build your own Facebook, build your own Twitter.

And then, what started to happen as censorship got completely insane, when it went from being troubling to disturbing, to saturating … you started to see these alternative social media platforms like Gab and Parler … that tried to escape the content moderation policies with Big Tech. But what started to happen is, those social media companies, like Parler, were completely destroyed.

Parler was de-platformed from, basically, the entire internet, when the president had just moved there, after being kicked off Twitter. That was a very instructive moment, and one that censorship insiders have reflected on, I should say, many, times as a moment of, ‘Should we have done that? We did it, but it costs us a lot of political capital.’

Parler was kicked off of Amazon Web Services. They were kicked off of all of the banks. They were banned from email providers. They could not hook to the internet, essentially, to even maintain the ability to post anything there. So, it went from build your own social media company to build your own bank.

Now you need to build your own bank and get a banking license for the payment processors. You need to build your own email distribution. You need to build your own cloud servers.

You need to build your own software service providers. And, eventually, are you going to need to lay your own subsea cables across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans? The social media companies didn’t invent the internet. They are superimposed on Pentagon infrastructure.”

The House Needs to Defund the Censorship Industry

Without doubt, there will be another crisis, whether it be another pandemic or war or something else, that will send the censorship machine into full gear yet again. Right now we’re in a lull, so this is the time to think ahead and get prepared. The question is, what can we do? How do we prepare and fight back?

According to Benz, one of the most effective strategies that would have immediate effect, and could be done right now, would be to strip the censorship industry of its government funding. He explains:

“Right now, there’s a Republican controlled House. The advantage of the House is that it controls appropriations, the purse strings of the federal government. If the House Appropriations Committee took seriously the government subsidization of censorship networks in the private sector, you could defund the speech police, even though, on the AI side, it only takes one good coder to be able to take out an entire political philosophy.

The fact is, they can only do that job because of an army of social science folks across 45 different U.S. colleges and universities who get paid. There are tens of thousands of them who are paid through the National Science Foundation, through DARPA grants and State Department grants, to map communities online as a matter of social science, and then provide that to the computer scientist to censor it.

My foundation, the Foundation for Freedom Online, has detailed $100 million, just in the past 18 months, that have gone from the federal government institutions directly into social media censorship insiders. Censorship is not an act anymore, it’s an industry, and you can cripple their capacity building.

When you pump it full of money, you go from having a couple of people do it, to tens of thousands of people doing it. The censorship capacity is built on an infrastructure of an industry that relies on government to pay for it, and it relies on government to spearhead their penetration into the institutions.

Right now, there are about eight different congressional committees trying to solve this problem from different aspects. I’ve personally briefed eight different congressional committees … But only a few of those committees are taking it seriously enough to pursue the issue deeply, and where that will shake out remains uncertain.

CISA worked with dozens of social media companies and private sector cutouts to launder censorship from the government into the private sector, but the institution I worked with more than anyone was the University of Stanford, the Stanford Internet Observatory in particular.

Jim Jordan’s Weaponization Subcommittee just subpoenaed Stanford for what I call the perfectly preserved First Amendment crime scene. Stanford meticulously kept logs of all of its censorship activities with government officials for the COVID-19 pandemic, and for two election cycles.

They detailed 66 narratives that they censored online, having to do with everything about vaccines, efficacy of masks, opposition to lockdown mandates. And then, they had a fourth category for conspiracy theories, basically anything that someone said about the World Economic Forum, or Bill Gates.

They’re now refusing to comply with that subpoena. But the stakes keep getting escalated, because who’s going to enforce that subpoena? Steve Bannon, regardless of your opinion of him, just got indicted for not complying with a subpoena, but is this Justice Department going to pursue criminal penalties against Stanford, for withholding congressional subpoena for their government?

This is for their government, because they were the formal partners. They had a formal partnership with the DHS. That stuff should be FOIA-able, first of all. You shouldn’t even need a subpoena for it. The only reason you can’t FOIA it is because they laundered it through Stanford. Standord holds the records rather than DHS.

I tried to FOIA that from DHS, and DHS says, ‘We don’t have it, even though they were our communications.’ So this is the way the CIA structures in an operation, through a web of cutouts and offshore banks, so you can never really get transparency. They’re now doing that for the censorship industry at home …

Whether they will continue to raise the stakes is now a terrifying open issue. And the fact that it’s the inside guys who are running the censorship situation means there may be other tactics that need to be pursued here, which is why I talked about, simply, going to the appropriations committee and zeroing it out, so you don’t even need to enforce subpoenas, necessarily.”

Building a Whole-of-Society Solution

As explained by Benz, the censorship industry was built as a so-called whole-of-society effort. According to the DHS, misinformation online is a whole-of-society problem that requires a whole-of-society solution. By that, they meant that four types of institutions had to fuse together as a seamless whole. Those four categories and key functions are:

  1. Government institutions, which provide funding and coordination
  2. Private sector institutions that do the censorship and dedicate funds to censorship through corporate-social responsibility programs
  3. Civil society institutions (universities, NGOs, academia, foundations, nonprofits and activists) that do the research, the spying and collecting of data that are then given to the private sector to censor
  4. News media/fact checking institutions, which put pressure on institutions, platforms and businesses to comply with the censorship demands

What the Foundation for Freedom Online is doing is educating people about this structure, and the ways in which legislatures and the government can be restructured, how civil society institutions can be established, and how news media can be created to support and promote freedom rather than censorship.

To learn more, be sure to check out You can also follow his very active Twitter account Benz on Twitter.


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There have recently been reports of the US establishing a “new military base” in Syria. This is correct but people should be aware there are already an estimated 24-28 existing bases in Syria clustered around the north-east and extending into central and eastern Syria.

The following is a brief report by Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian of Syriana Analysis:

Click here to view the video.

The smaller of these bases which are more like outposts are regularly repositioned depending on the Syrian or Russian military road maps in that area and any threats of Syrian allied Resistance attacks on US positions.

The new base is small, probably around 50-60 troops and will contain short range air-defence batteries, armoured vehicles and supplies. It has been located in the village of Swediyyah, 40km to the west of Raqqa, on the banks of the Euphrates close to the water pumping station and dam at Tabqa.

It has been reported by local sources that the Kurdish Separatist forces under control of the US and Israel ethnically cleansed the village of Swediyyah under the pretext of punishment for celebrating President Assad’s speech at the Arab League Summit in Jeddah.

This means the ‘SDF’ act as auxiliaries to the illegal US military occupation of the north-eastern territories of Syria just as the White Helmets have done for armed groups dominated by Al Qaeda in the north-west, Idlib. White Helmets were regularly sent ahead to force people out of their homes in order to provide accommodation for extremist armed gangs.

This is not the first time that the US has positioned forces in this area but with the recent Russian/Syrian troop build up near the city of Deir Ezzor and the reported arrival of Iranian weapons and equipment, it is clearly a strategic move by the US to defend its western flanks from attack.

The more sinister strategy is the potential for control over the water supply at the Tabqa dam which had already previously been controlled by ISIS and was bombed by the US as reported by the New York Times:

Near the height of the [alleged] war against the Islamic State in Syria, a sudden riot of explosions rocked the country’s largest dam, a towering, 18-story structure on the Euphrates River that held back a 25-mile-long reservoir above a valley where hundreds of thousands of people lived.

(..) members of a top secret U.S. Special Operations unit called Task Force 9 had struck the dam using some of the largest conventional bombs in the U.S. arsenal, including at least one BLU-109 bunker-buster bomb designed to destroy thick concrete structures, according to two former senior officials. And they had done it despite a military report warning not to bomb the dam, because the damage could cause a flood that might kill tens of thousands of civilians. [..]

Later, three workers who had rushed to the dam to prevent a disaster were killed in a different coalition airstrike, according to dam workers.

This war crime is particularly poignant as the US is currently crying “war crime” over the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam on the Dnieper River in Kherson Oblast, Ukraine on the 6th June 2023 – blamed on Russia without any evidence or investigation, of course. Many independent analysts have already pointed the finger of blame at Kiev following the ‘who benefits’ rule.

The following map shows the location of the new base in relation to the much larger US illegal military base at Al Tanf on the border with Jordan and Iraq. The grey shapes are potential ISIS cells embedded in the territory between the two bases – operating under control of the US and conducting regular attacks on civilians and Syrian military positions or equipment.

The gold circles in the north-east are the ISIS holding camps – basically a terrorist pool that the US dips into and maneuvers between Syria and Iraq to carry out isolated attacks on Iraqi and Syrian military and essential infrastructure. ( map is from Liveuamap which is known to be partisan towards the terrorist armed groups in Syria).

The US is clearly trying to position the new base in order to be able to receive supplies and weapons potentially from Al Tanf – there is a 55km exclusion zone established by the US around Al Tanf to provide protection for the armed groups, including ISIS, that are being trained in this zone.

It has been reported by Mid-East Discourse (and others) that HIMARS have been supplied to the armed groups under US control in the Syrian-free zone and live fire exercises are regularly conducted. I hope I don’t need to mention that this US base is illegally established on Syrian territory and the US is training a known terrorist entity to carry out attacks against Syrian civilians and military.

At least four HIMARS launchers are currently deployed at al-Tanf garrison. The system can fire GMLRS rockets, which have a range of 70 kilometers, as well as the MGM-140 ATACMS tactical ballistic missile that has a rage of up to 300 kilometers.

Around 200 US troops and some 300 MaT fighters are usually present at al-Tanf, which was established in 2016 to block a road linking the Syrian capital, Damascus, with the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

This means that the US military and the terrorist proxy forces have the capability to target Damascus from the Al Tanf-occupied Syrian territory. Recently there has been an uptick in Russian air-force activity around Al Tanf targeting terrorist bases and equipment, frustrating US operations in the area.

A SouthFront report in May alleges that sources in Iraq have informed them of US plans to extend the Ayn Al Assad airbase in Anbar, Iraq and to build a new military base in the same area.

‘The unnamed sources suggested that the U.S. wants to establish a presence in al-Anbar, which borders both Syria and Jordan, because it hosts some of Iraq’s richest oil and gas fields.’

However lets take a look at how this alleged new US base in Anbar might tie in with the new base in Syria:

So, with an expansion of the Ayn Al Assad airbase in Anbar, the establishment of a new Iraqi military base close to the already fortified Al Tanf base and the Rukban ‘refugee’ camp to the south of Al Tanf which is known to be a recruitment hub for terrorist armed groups and the road connections to the new Euphrates base we can see what the US is trying to achieve.

The US is well aware that Damascus’ and Russian patience is wearing thin with the US allied occupation of Syrian agricultural and energy resources. The recent Iran/Russia/Syria discussions with Turkiye’s President Erdogan and the potential of a deal being brokered to withdraw Turkish troops and terrorist proxies from Syrian territory does not bode well for an already isolated US military. Like Israel, the US military personnel are surrounded by hostile factions who are currently carrying out guerilla warfare against the US bases.

The recent Syrian/Russian military build-up signals an increase in pressure on the US occupation forces. With NATO forces (covert) and proxies sinking in the Ukraine quagmire does the US have the resolve to dig in further in Syria and to potentially confront Russia, Syria, Iran and allies on the ground and in the air? Does it even have the military hardware available to defend itself against attacks having poured weapons into Ukraine since February 2022.

Are US military personnel not aware they are not defending ‘national security’ as is so often the pretext for their illegal presence on sovereign nation territory? They know they are partnering with ISIS not fighting a “global war on terror” and they must know they are stealing Syrian resources including 80% of Syrian oil thus deepening the misery for millions of Syrians. If they endorse US foreign policy on this basis they are war criminals and it is entirely justified for Syrian allied forces to drive them out of Syrian territory by any means available.

UPDATE: According to recent reports the US military has carried out a live fire exercise in the vicinity of the US-occupied Conoco gas field near Deir Ezzor – involving helicopters and warplanes firing live ammunition and carrying out airstrikes while reinforcing this illegal base.

The following is my recent report for UK Column News on the emergence of the new US base near the Euphrates:


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War Spreads, Democracy Sinks

June 12th, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

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“Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History”, writes the New York Times. Many of the Ukrainian soldiers — trained by NATO and equipped with increasingly powerful weapons systems such as the German Leopard tank — wear Nazi emblems on their uniforms. “Ukrainian Troops’ use of patches bearing Nazi emblems – comments the NYT –  risks fueling Russian propaganda and spreading imagery that the West has spent a half-century trying to eliminate.

It is not just about images, however.

In Ukraine – where all political parties except the one in power have been outlawed and all media are under strict state control – a media group, owned by a neo-Nazi oligarch supporter of Zelensky, has launched a public poll on the topic “Which Russian journalist should be killed next?” It thus heralds the preparation of further assassinations after those of Daria Dughina and other journalists.  The media group – which cooperates with the BBC, Der Spiegel and other Western newspapers-publishes a list of Russian journalists to be assassinated, including the editor-in-chief of Russia Today and TV news anchors. At the same time the Ukrainian Security Service, in the hands of neo-Nazis, goes after “Internet agitators” who are arrested if they publish any criticism of the government.

The resurgent Nazism in Ukraine poses a threat to all of Europe, warns the US-based investigative journalism site Grayzone at the conclusion of a well-documented investigation.

The total number of foreign Nazi fighters in Ukraine is unknown, but it is probably very high. Returning to their countries, they will bring with them battlefield experience and, in many cases, elite Western military training. High-level weapons and ammunition will be available in abundance on the black market, thanks to massive arms shipments to Kiev over the course of the conflict. “It is hard to imagine,” Grayzone writes: “It is hard to imagine that Western intelligence officials are not aware that the powder keg they created in Kiev could erupt on their own soil. However, it also appears clear they have taken a vow of omerta on the issue”.


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This article was originally published on byoblu in Italian.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: U.S. allies in Ukraine, with NATO, Azov Battalion and neo-Nazi flags. Photo by

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Today, in the mainstream narrative, there is much talk of a ‘food transition’. Big agribusiness and ‘philanthropic’ foundations position themselves as the saviours of humanity due to their much-promoted plans to ‘feed the world’ with ‘precision’ farming’, ‘data-driven’ agriculture and ‘sustainable’ production.  

These are the very institutions responsible for the social, ecological and environmental degradation associated with the current food system. The same bodies responsible for spiralling rates of illness due to the toxic food they produce or promote.  

In this narrative, there is no space for any mention of the type of power relations that have shaped the prevailing food system and many of the current problems.    

Tony Weis from the University of Western Ontario provides useful insight:  

“World agriculture is marked by extreme imbalances that are among the most durable economic legacies of European imperialism. Many of the world’s poorest countries in the tropics are net food importers despite having large shares of their labor force engaged in agriculture and large amounts of their best arable land devoted to agro-export commodities.”  

He adds that this commodity dependence has deep roots in waves of dispossession, the establishment of plantations and the subjugation of peasantries to increasing competitive pressures at the same time as they were progressively marginalised.  

In the 2018 book The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions, Jason Hickel describes the processes involved in Europe’s wealth accumulation over a 150-year period of colonialism that resulted in tens of millions of deaths.  

By using other countries’ land, Britain effectively doubled the size of arable land in its control. This made it more practical to then reassign the rural population at home (by stripping people of their productive means) to industrial labour. This too was underpinned by massive violence (burning villages, destroying houses, razing crops).  

In more recent times, neoliberalism has further reinforced the power relations that underpin the system, cementing the control of agricultural production by global corporations and facilitated by the policies of the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.  

Corporate food transition  

The food transition is couched in the language of climate emergency and sustainability. It envisages a particular future for farming. It is not organic and relatively few farmers have a place in it.  

Post-1945, corporate agribusiness, largely backed by the US state, the Rockefeller Foundation and financial institutions, has been promoting and instituting a chemical-dependent system of industrial agriculture. Rural communities, ecological systems, the environment, human health and indigenous systems of food cultivation have been devastated in the process.    

Now, the likes of Bayer, Corteva and Syngenta are working with Microsoft, Google and the big-tech giants to facilitate farmerless farms driven by cloud and AI technology. A cartel of data owners and proprietary input suppliers are reinforcing their grip on the global food system while expanding their industrial model of crop cultivation.  

One way they are doing this is by driving the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, a contested commentary that has been carefully promoted (see the work of investigative journalist Cory Morningstar), and net-zero ideology and tying this to carbon offsetting and carbon credits.  

Many companies from various sectors are securing large areas of land in the Global South to establish tree plantations and claim carbon credits that they can sell on international carbon markets. In the meantime, by supposedly ‘offsetting’ their emissions, they can carry on polluting.  

In countries where industrial agriculture dominates, ‘carbon farming’ involves modifying existing practices to claim that carbon is being sequestered in the soil and to then sell carbon credits.  

This is explained in a recent presentation by Devlin Kuyek of the non-profit GRAIN who sets out the corporate agenda behind carbon farming.  

One of the first major digital agriculture platforms is called Climate FieldView, an app owned by Bayer. It collects data from satellites and sensors in fields and on tractors and then uses algorithms to advise farmers on their farming practices: when and what to plant, how much pesticide to spray, how much fertiliser to apply, etc. FieldView is already being used on farms in the US, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and Europe.  

To be part of Bayer’s Carbon Program, farmers have to be enrolled in Bayer’s FieldView digital agriculture platform. Bayer then uses the FieldView app to instruct farmers on the implementation of just two practices that are said to sequester carbon in the soils: reduced tillage or no-till farming and the planting of cover crops.   

Through the app, the company monitors these two practices and estimates the amount of carbon that the participating farmers have sequestered. Farmers are then supposed to be paid according to Bayer’s calculations, and Bayer uses that information to claim carbon credits and sell these in carbon markets.  

In August 2022, Bayer launched a new programme in the US called ForGround. Upstream companies can use the platform to advertise and offer discounts for tilling equipment, forage seeds and other inputs. But Bayer’s big target is the downstream food companies which can use the platform to claim emissions reductions in their supply chains.  

Places like India are also laying the groundwork for these types of platforms. In April 2021, the Indian government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft, allowing its local partner CropData to leverage a master database of farmers.  

Microsoft will ‘help’ farmers with post-harvest management solutions by building a collaborative platform and capturing agriculture datasets such as crop yields, weather data, market demand and prices. In turn, this would create a farmer interface for ‘smart’ agriculture, including post-harvest management and distribution.  

CropData will be granted access to a government database of 50 million farmers and their land records. As the database is developed, it will include farmers’ personal details –  

1) Profile of land held – cadastral maps, farm size, land titles, local climatic and geographical conditions.  

2) Production details – crops grown, production history, input history, quality of output, machinery in possession.  

3) Financial details – input costs, average return, credit history.  

The stated aim is to use digital technology to improve financing, inputs, cultivation and supply and distribution.  

However, this initiative also involves providing data on land holding deeds with the intention of implementing a land market so that investors can buy up land and amalgamate it – global equity funds regard agricultural land as a valuable asset, and global agritech/agribusiness companies prefer industrial-scale farms for rolling out highly mechanised ‘precision’ agriculture.    

‘Data-driven agriculture’ mines data to be exploited by the agribusiness/big tech giants who will know more about farmers than farmers know about themselves. The likes of Bayer and Microsoft will gain increasing control over farmers, dictating exactly how they farm and what inputs they use.  

And as GRAIN notes, getting more farmers to use reduced tillage or no-till is of huge benefit to Bayer.  The kind of reduced tillage or no-till promoted by Bayer requires dousing fields with its RoundUp (toxic glyphosate) herbicide and planting seeds of its genetically engineered (GE) Roundup resistant soybeans or hybrid maize.  

Bayer also intends to profit from the promotion of cover crops. It has taken majority ownership of a seed company developing a gene-edited cover crop, called CoverCress. Seeds of CoverCress will be sold to farmers who are enrolled in ForGround and the crop will be sold as a biofuel.  

GE has always been a solution in need of a problem. Along with its associated money-spinning toxic chemicals, it has failed to deliver on its promises (see GMO Myths and Truths, published by Open Earth Source) and has sometimes been disastrous when rolled out, not least for poor farmers in India.  

Whereas traditional breeding and on-farm practices have little or no need for GE technologies, under the guise of ‘climate emergency’, the data and agritech giants are commodifying knowledge and making farmers dependent on their platforms and inputs. The commodification of knowledge and compelling farmers to rely on proprietary inputs overseen by algorithms will define what farming is and how it is to be carried out.  

The introduction of technology into the sector can benefit farmers. But understanding who owns the technology and how it is being used is crucial for understanding underlying motivations, power dynamics and the quality of food we end up eating.  

Net-zero Ponzi scheme  

In its article From land grab to soil grab: the new business of carbon farming, GRAIN says control rather than sequestering carbon is at the heart of the matter. More than half of the soil organic matter in the world’s agricultural soils has already been lost. Yet, the main culprits behind this soil catastrophe are now recasting themselves as soil saviours.  

Under the guise of Green Revolution practices (application of chemicals, synthetic fertilisers, high water usage, hybrid seeds, intensive mono-cropping, increased mechanisation, etc), what we have seen is an exploitative form of agriculture which has depleted soil of its nutrients. It has also resulted in placing farmers on corporate seed and chemical treadmills.  

Similarly, carbon farming draws farmers into the digital platforms that agribusiness corporations and big tech companies are jointly developing to influence farmers on their choice of inputs and farming practices (big tech companies, like Microsoft and IBM, are major buyers of carbon credits). The companies intend to make their digital platforms one-stop shops for carbon credits, seeds, pesticides and fertilisers and agronomic advice, all supplied by the company, which gets the added benefit of control over the data harvested from the participating farms.  

Those best placed to benefit from these programmes are the equity funds and the wealthy who have been buying up large farmland areas. Financial managers can now use digital platforms to buy farms in Brazil, sign them up for carbon credits, and run their operations all from their offices on Wall Street.  

As for the carbon credit and carbon trading market, this appears to be another profitable Ponzi scheme from which traders will make a financial killing.   

Journalist Patrick Greenfield states that research into Verra, the world’s leading carbon standard for the rapidly growing $2bn (£1.6bn) voluntary offsets market, has found that more than 90% of their rainforest offset credits – among the most commonly used by companies – are likely to be ‘phantom credits’ and do not represent genuine carbon reductions.  

The analysis raises questions over the credits bought by a number of internationally renowned companies – some of them have labelled their products ‘carbon neutral’ or have told their consumers they can fly, buy new clothes or eat certain foods without making the ‘climate crisis’ worse.  

Washington-based Verra operates a number of leading environmental standards for climate action and sustainable development, including its verified carbon standard (VCS) that has issued more than a billion carbon credits. It approves three-quarters of all voluntary offsets. Its rainforest protection programme makes up 40% of the credits it approves.  

Although Verra disputes the findings, only a handful of Verra’s rainforest projects showed evidence of deforestation reductions – 94% of the credits had no benefit to the climate.  

The threat to forests had been overstated by about 400% on average for Verra projects, according to analysis of a 2022 University of Cambridge study.  

Barbara Haya, the director of the Berkeley Carbon Trading Project, has been researching carbon credits for 20 years, hoping to find a way to make the system function.  

She says that companies are using credits to make claims of reducing emissions when most of these credits don’t represent emissions reductions at all:  

“Rainforest protection credits are the most common type on the market at the moment. But these problems are not just limited to this credit type. These problems exist with nearly every kind of credit.”  

Genuine food transition  

The ‘food transition involves’ locking farmers further into an exploitative corporate-controlled agriculture that extracts wealth and serves the market needs of global corporations, carbon trading Ponzi schemes and private equity funds. Farmers will be reduced to corporate labourers or profit-extracting agents who bear all of the risks.  

The predatory commercialisation of the countryside is symptomatic of a modern-day colonialist mindset that cynically undermines indigenous farming practices and uses flawed premises and fear mongering to legitimise the roll-out of technologies and chemicals to supposedly deliver us all from climate breakdown and Malthusian catastrophe.  

A genuine food transition would involve transitioning away from the reductionist yield-output industrial paradigm to a more integrated low-input systems approach to food and agriculture that prioritises local food security, diverse cropping patterns and nutrition production per acre, water table stability, climate resilience, good soil structure and the ability to cope with evolving pests and disease pressures.   

It would involve localised, democratic food systems and a concept of food sovereignty based on self-sufficiency, agroecological principles and regenerative agriculture (there are numerous concrete examples of regenerative agriculture, many of which are described on the website of Food Tank).  

This would also involve facilitating the right to culturally appropriate food that is nutritionally dense and free from toxic chemicals and ensuring local (communal) ownership and stewardship of common resources, including land, water, soil and seeds.  

This is the basis of genuine food security and genuine environmentalism – based on short-line supply chains that keeps wealth within local communities rather than it being siphoned off by profit-seeking entities half a world away.  


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Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal.

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

La geopolítica euroasiática frente al imperialismo

June 12th, 2023 by Martín Martinelli

What’s Next to the Moon? An “Apex Body” and Digital ID to Rule Us All

By Jacob Nordangard, June 11, 2023

United Nations recently published three new Policy Briefs “to provide more detail on certain proposals contained in Our Common Agenda” – The UN Secretary-General’s vision for the future of global cooperation that will be decided at “The Summit of the Future” in September 2024.

Mission Impossible: Ukrainian Navy Allegedly Responsible for Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage

By Jordan Schachtel, June 11, 2023

The Washington Post has published a new report, citing anonymous transatlantic intelligence sources, doubling down on the idea that Ukraine pulled off the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage attack without coordinating with a global major power in the process.

Deconstructing Globalization, A Historical Perspective. Towards “The Privatization and Financialization of Everything”

By Mark Keenan, June 11, 2023

For centuries the ‘common land’ that was under shared ownership by the people worldwide for the welfare and sustenance of all. However, power hungry groups of early modern times instigated the destruction, and takeover, of the common land, in order to create a culture of dependence in which the masses depended on the schemes of the would-be controllers.

Africa Is Sharply Divided. Contradictory Relations with Russia

By Kester Kenn Klomegah, June 09, 2023

At this stage of Africa’s development, is it rather necessary to examine thoroughly how the geopolitical changes are influencing Africa’s unity and development, how it is impacting on African countries across the continent. In practical terms, the time has arrived to look at the development processes and review obstacles, control and monitor the participation of foreign players and think of the role in the emerging new world as well as the practical implications for Africa.

Military Escalation: Poland and Baltic Countries Could Send Troops to Ukraine – Former NATO Chief

By Ahmed Adel, June 09, 2023

Former NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen told The Guardian on June 7 that a group of countries in the Atlantic Alliance could take individual action and send troops to Ukraine in case member states fail to provide security assurances to Kiev at the NATO summit in Lithuania’s capital Vilnius in July.

“Vaccines Have Been Pulled for Much Less”: Dr. Aseem Malhotra Makes Waves in Australia Renewing Call for Withdrawal of COVID Shots

By Will Jones, June 09, 2023

British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra has called for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines to be suspended in Australia until the risk of heart complications is better understood, saying prior vaccines “have been pulled for much less”.

Diplomatic Recovery in the Middle East: Iranian Embassy in Riyadh Reopened

By Steven Sahiounie, June 09, 2023

The Iranian Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia was “officially reopened” on June 6 after the momentous signing of a Saudi Arabian-Iranian normalization deal brokered by China in March. The winds of change have been blowing from East to West, bringing fresh air to the Middle East and reconciling tensions that had been exacerbated by foreign meddling.

COVID Propaganda Roundup: Pfizer Knew mRNA Shots Sicken Infants in April 2021

By Ben Bartee, June 09, 2023

Per internal Pfizer documents forced into the public domain by court decree, we know now that the company knew way back in April 2021 of the risks its mRNA gene therapy posed to infants.

NATO Return to Asia Is a Threat to ASEAN and Continent

By Azhar Azam, June 09, 2023

Centrality constitutes the foundation of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Charter. The concept guides the way for the bloc to play a proactive role as the main driving force for its relations and cooperation with non-members and encourages it to become the dominant regional platform to overcome challenges and engage with external partners.

First There Were Neo-Nazis, Then There Were No Nazis, Then There Were

By Patrick Lawrence, June 09, 2023

I tell you, serving as a New York Times correspondent these days cannot be easy. You have to convey utter nonsense to your readers while maintaining a straight face and a serious demeanor.

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First published on June 8, 2023


The Washington Post has published a new report, citing anonymous transatlantic intelligence sources, doubling down on the idea that Ukraine pulled off the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage attack without coordinating with a global major power in the process.

I put together a map detailing the route that would be required for Ukraine’s navy to sail from the war-torn Port of Odesa to the areas where the Nord Stream pipeline was sabotaged. The roundtrip journey amounts to about ten thousand miles, which would be impossible to pull off undetected.

Since March, the corporate media has been assisting the U.S. intelligence community in making the case that the Biden Administration had nothing to do with the Nord Stream sabotage attack. The talking points first appeared in The New York Times, which claimed that an unnamed “pro-Ukrainian group” was said to be responsible for the September 2022 attack. The sources for this information remain nothing more than anonymous intelligence agents.

The transatlantic ruling classes are simply making a mockery of our ability to reason. Given the ramifications that would come from admitting to authorizing such an attack, we can safely assume that there will never be accountability from the Biden Administration for this operation, but there will be plenty of additional storytelling to come.


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Featured image: Gas emanating from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Baltic Sea, September 28, 2022. / Swedish Coast Guard.

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The privatization and financialization of everything

For centuries the ‘common land’ that was under shared ownership by the people worldwide for the welfare and sustenance of all. However, power hungry groups of early modern times instigated the destruction, and takeover, of the common land, in order to create a culture of dependence in which the masses depended on the schemes of the would-be controllers. Over a duration of around 300 years this group seeking to be the ruling class instigated the takeover of this land, thereby destroying community self suffiency. This was done via various political and legal mechanisms in order to create a culture of dependence on paper money and wages earned from labour.

The dispense of favour was then to be decided by paper money, and who controlled it. Community self-suffiency, shared ownership, mutual aid, and access to the common lands were to be destroyed. There were four significant requirements for the traditional arrangement to be changed: industrialization and markets for the goods produced, a pool of labourers, a paper money economy that could provide people with sustenance seemingly independent of the land, and the development of the modern government. These changes were accomplished by force. In England from the 16th through 19th centuries ‘enclosure laws’ were enacted to eliminate the use of village lands and the commons. These laws were specifically intended to eliminate their means of sustenance making the people dependent on paper money wages. 

It came to be that to live on the land, one now needed paper money to pay rent, acquire products, and pay taxes. The vast and bountiful resources of nature and produce of society could now only be acquired by acquiring pieces of paper known as money. Those that owned the creation and allocation of paper money began to control everything. Rather than having relative self-sufficiency from use and sensible stewardship of the commons land for agriculture, grazing animals, wood for building, herbs for medicines, and all other needed resources, people became slaves to the monetary system. It became the law of the (anonymous) market that required a man to work for starvation wages.

“Money is but a new form of slavery, distinguishable from the old (slavery) simply by the fact that it is impersonal – there is no human relation between master and slave.“ – Leo Tolstoy

In this way a thriving co-operative society of times past was gradually replaced by a competitive society in which each man was compelled to be for himself alone as he had to acquire paper money in order to survive, and to do this he had to work under the schemes of those who controlled the money supply, i.e. bankers and financialists. 

In the villages and towns of medieval Europe the agricultural system had been aimed toward local self-sufficiency. The advent of materialistic science and industry gradually replaced the traditional God-centered world view and the old ways of living all but disappeared. Between the years 1500 and 1700 the rapid depletion of European forest’s was but a symptom of these massive changes.

The financial powers had decided that this was going to become the ‘modern’ way of life. However, in reality the modern way of life has been a subtle form of money slavery, since every person has been required to be a part of this ‘rigged system’ to obtain paper money simply to survive. We have the impression that we are governed by democracy, but nothing could further from the truth. We are in fact governed by money, or more specifically, by those who control money.

In modern times regardless of whether the man or woman lives under a brutal communist dictatorship, or in the system of so-called democracy under capitalism; the real controllers have been the money masters that own and control the world private-banking system. A banking system that has funded both genocidal communist control and vast mega-corporate control, as evidenced in the above book. This is a more deceptive form of slavery as the man or woman thinking he or she is free may not have understanding of how the money system actually works, and thus may not realize he or she is a slave to it.

In contrast to the times when people had shared use of large tracts of land, in current modern times virtually everything has been privatized and nothing is available to, or owned by, the people.  Shared use of the resources of nature is no longer the case, and the even sky (the airwaves) has been privatized. Even life itself is being privatized, via the advent of patenting and bio-piracy of genes, foods, plants, animals, biodiversity and resources of nature, and life-forms – including pathogens, genetic markers, and viruses. In almost all cases, you will find it owned by corporations. In contrast, all basic resources used to be accessible to the people of the world without having to acquire paper money in a rigged financial economy, subject to inflation, banking usury (excessive interest), taxes, and the list goes on.

“The law doth punish man or woman, Who steals the goose from off the common, But lets the greater felon loose, Who steals the common from the goose.” —18th Century Anti-Enclosure saying

Industrialization and monetization spelled the end of millennia-old village economies because it took away from the individual and the people of the villages and towns the means of controlling their own livelihood. Nearly one hundred years after we can see the devastation of traditional lifestyles in every corner of the world – lifestyles that were organically in sync with nature and trod lightly on the earth.

Corporations prioritize profit above all else

Today, we see that decades of globalization and privatization, has brought about the demonic plunder of nature. By acting from behind the mask of corporations, the powers of privately-owned mega-banking have been freely roaming the world for every opportunity of profit at the expense of others. The corporations are actually illusions – they are legal fictions that enjoy privileges not available to an individual person. The corporations enjoy favourable tax structures, or pay no taxes at all; as well as the anonymity provided to both the owners, and managers who act not in their own name, but in the name of the ‘corporation’. Mega-corporations actually have no existence in reality – they are a fictional front that the so-called financial elites hide behind, free from liability. There is no Monsanto, but only the people who act in the name of Monsanto. The corporation itself is not inherently good or bad in character as it is only the persons that control the corporation that actually exist and are making good or bad decisions.

These legal entities are designed to enable the creation of profit, see Endnote [i], and have been central to the globalization hyper-growth paradigm.  Almost all corporations in all industries are designed to prioritize profit over all other priorities. The corporation can be utilized to implement actions for which any individual would be jailed, such as major environmental pollution, etc. Corporations have no national identity. For example, Monsanto is a huge bio-technology corporation with operations world-wide.  This worldwide corporate structure continually contributes to worldwide resource degradation and pollution in order to use resources to maximize corporate profits for the owners. Note that it is the world’s mega-banks that are amongst the top shareholders of virtually every single Fortune 500 corporation.

Corporate globalisation – a design for mega-corporate rule of the world’s resources

The paradigm of globalization emerged out of the Bretton Woods conference in 1944. The conference was attended by the world’s leading bankers, economists, politicians, and corporate figures. Out of these meetings, the institutions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were formed. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) came later and then the formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO). These instruments resulted in a power shift toward centralisation of power for corporations, bankers, and international bureaucracies. Globalization was sold as a solution for all problems, but, it has instead brought record disparities in income and wealth between rich and poor nations, destroyed local communities and local farming, and advanced the greatest environmental destruction in history. The only real beneficiaries are the world’s mega-banks and corporations and their owners, and the global bureaucracies they fund. 

The globalization model has features including the promotion of hypergrowth and unrestricted exploitation of environmental resources; privatization of everything; continual promotion of consumerism; corporate deregulation; and replacement of traditional powers by global corporate bureaucracy. In effect, the modern era of globalization has been a design for corporate rule of the world’s resources. Globalization also advances the false notion that we can grow our way out of real social and ecological problems through ever greater accumulation and trade. Note here that the UN narrative of man-made climate change is fake science – as evidenced in the above book it is a bogus issue that has been intentionally promoted by the UN / new world order crowd for other reasons entirely, and has distracted from real environmental problems.

For example, the mining of rare earth metals for the production of batteries for millions of electric cars causes real pollution to land, air, and water systems. Yet, marketing propaganda from motor corporations, governments, and the UN urges us to purchase electric cars to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to ‘save the environment from catastrophic climate change’. This is a narrative that has been proven to be complete nonsense, see the article 1500 Scientists Say “Climate Change Not Due to CO2.”

Furthermore, decoupling approaches as advocated by EU and UN policy for the past 30 years have not been sufficient to negate the real environmental impacts of globalization, i.e., the process of decoupling environmental impacts from rampant globalization has not worked.

In essence, the institutions of world banking and globalization, including the UN, aligned the world’s economies behind a plan that involved controlling countries via debt, deregulation of corporate activity, and corporate control of everything that had been a public resource for centuries. I note a book by John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, describes some of the social and environmental effects of corporate globalization:

“The serious exploitation of oil in the Ecuadorian Amazon basin… resulted in a buying spree in which the small club of families who ran Ecuador played into the hands of the international banks. They saddled their country with huge amounts of debt, backed by the promise of oil revenues… this tiny country had evolved into the quintessential victim of the corporatocracy. My contemporaries and I… had managed to bring it to virtual bankruptcy. We loaned it billions of dollars so it could hire our engineering and construction firms to build projects that would help its richest families. As a result, in those three decades, the official poverty level grew from 50 to 70 percent, under- or unemployment increased from 15 to 70 percent, public debt increased from $240 million to $16 billion, and the share of national resources allocated to the poorest citizens declined from 20 percent to 6 percent. Today, Ecuador must devote nearly 50 percent of its national budget simply to paying off its debts.” – John Perkins, Author

Aligned with the worldwide private banking cartel, a feature of globalization over the past decades has been this debt enslavement of entire countries. Typically, massive loans  are provided to a country under the promise of wealth from investment and when this does not materialize the country is forced to sell off assets, such as oil companies, water systems, land, or resources, usually cheaply under the conditionalities of the loan agreement.

”Because the loans have been arranged such that they can never be repaid, compounding interest only increases the debt. There is simply no way out. If the country defaults on the debt then they are cut off from all international funding.” – John Perkins, Author

The IMF, for example, via the process of structural adjustment, controls the economic activities of countries that have received IMF loans, often resulting in economic, social and cultural devastation. This process has been applied by the IMF in over 150 countries resulting in what Professor Michel Chossudovsky, President and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, calls the “globalization of poverty”.

Globalization also results in huge income disparities, for example, in 2005 a fulltime minimum wage worker in the US earned $10,500 per annum and the CEO of Exxon-Mobil was paid $13,700 an hour – more than 2,600 times what the minimum wage earner makes, see Endnote [ii]. Yet, when a corporation fails it is never the common people that benefit, as the world witnessed with the looting of Enron. Before it collapsed the company’s executives received more than $744 million in payments and bonuses. At bankruptcy however, Enron workers lost $800 million from their pension funds.

Local sustainability or local self-sufficiency have not been part of the remit for the public institutions that foster the paradigm of globalization. The process of politically-defined sustainable development has always also endorsed endless GDP hyper-growth, thus it has been aptly described by some authors as “globalization painted green”.

“Economic growth, in itself is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. It all depends on what is growing and what is being displaced or destroyed.” – E. F. Schumacher

A detailed deconstruction of the deceptive UN Sustainable Development Goals and policies and what they really mean is provided in the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability.

Another aspect of globalization is what some have called the ‘economics of destruction’. Author, Armin Risi, describes this as follows:

“Consumption has to be continually increased by the creation of new artificial needs, by new ways of propaganda, and by opening up new markets. If that is no longer possible, consumption has to be expanded by yet another method, namely by increasing destruction. As history has shown, the most effective means to this end are economic crises, financial crashes and wars. In such cases, the winners – those who secretly incited the destruction – can start to build things up again. Obviously, the power of the global players is based on a vicious circle: systematic destruction as a means to increase production.” – Armin Risi, Author

“ – the true nature of America’s ‘war on terrorism’… is that it is actually a pretext for a ‘New World Order’ – wars of conquest for the purpose of serving the moneyed interests: Wall Street, the US military-industrial complex, i.e., oil, corporate and other interests who profit in death and destruction. “ – Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Author

To address the detrimental effects of globalization numerous people have called for the removal of a corporation’s rights as an individual; and reform of the Bretton Woods institutions i.e., the World Bank, the IMF, and the World Trade Organization.

There have also been predictions over the past 15 years at least that the age of globalization is coming to an end – most obviously because the long supply lines of products being transported hither and thither around the world are highly vulnerable to increases in fuel prices and the availability of oil. Industrial agriculture as it is currently practiced is also very fossil fuel dependent. The availability of oil and contentious subject of peak oil has been central to these arguments. This subject and the timing of the infamous World Economic Forum Great Reset and the concurrent fake Covid-19 pandemic is further elucidated in the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability.

The World Bank and the IMF – impact on the developing world

For decades the World Bank and the IMF have been implementing Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) in developing countries. The SAPs require governments to cut public spending, privatize state enterprises, increase exports, and reduce barriers to trade and foreign investment. The narrative proffered is that these processes, as a consequence, reduce debt and poverty in the country in question. However, in reality, we find that the exact opposite has occurred. According to a 2002 report prepared by the Structural Adjustment Participatory Review International Network (SAPRIN), SAPs have been:

“expanding poverty, inequality and insecurity around the world. They have torn at the heart of economies and social fabric… Their effects, particularly on the poor are so profound and pervasive that no amount of targeted social investments can begin to address the social crises that they have engendered.” See Endnote [iii].

Furthermore, US political domination of the World Bank and the IMF ensured these organizations would become instruments of US foreign policy. This was epitomized by World Bank president, Robert McNamara, who had been US Secretary of Defense before being transferred to the World Bank by US President Johnson in 1968. By promoting “export-oriented growth”, McNamara accelerated the Third World’s integration into the corporate globalization, see Endnote [iv]. In the 1980s, the World Bank and the IMF imposed SAPs onto many developing economies that needed to borrow money to service their debts. By 1986, the IMF dictated the economic conditions of life to over 1.4 billion people in 75 countries, in effect subjugating these economies with disastrous consequences. Between 1984 and 1990, Third World countries under SAPs transferred $178 billion to Western commercial banks, leaving these countries in a state of spiraling poverty and hunger.

“The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean stated “the levels of [poverty] are still considerably higher than those observed in 1980… Under SAPs, Africa’s external debt has increased by more than 500% since 1980… African countries have paid their debt three times over yet they are three times as indebted as ten years ago… the World Bank and the IMF… are merely instruments for the imposition of US imperial design upon Africa and the rest of the Third World.” – Dr Sahadeva Dasa, Author

Corporate control of the food supply

The world’s food supply is also controlled by a mere handful of corporations. For example, 95% of all grain reserves worldwide are controlled by six agri-business mega-corporations. Corporate control has resulted in more processed foods, industrial factory farms, loss of family farms and rural communities, and more pesticide and GMO usage. Major pesticide and GMO mega-corporations include BASF, Bayer Dupont, Dow Chemical, Monsanto, and Syngenta. Monsanto was responsible for the introduction of GM crops and toxic chemicals, such as aspartame, DDT, Agent Orange, petroleum-based fertilizers, rGBH, glyphosate, and more. In addition, the godless corporate practice of patenting nature itself is carried out by such companies. It has displaced thousands of years of traditional agriculture and farmers’ rights. The World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) has facilitated the granting of patents to all genetic material, including seeds, plants, and animals.

“70% of patents on staple food crops are held by six multinational corporations who can set the market price for them and block competition for 20 years, thereby monopolizing the market…  patenting of life goes against the sharing of knowledge and the preservation of biodiversity and culture” – Dr Sahadeva das, Author

Consequently, farmers in developing countries are now not permitted to store seeds without paying corporations for the privilege. Who gave corporations this privilege? This issue is known as ‘bio-piracy’. In India, millions of farmers borrowed money to purchase corporate-produced GM seeds that were around 1,000 times more expensive than traditional seeds, but when the crops failed these farmers were left with huge debts. The situation was compounded by the fact that the GM seeds contain terminator technology, so that famers had to buy new seeds each year. This crisis is said to have resulted in over 250,000 farmers committing suicide in India between 1995 and 2009, see Endnote [v].

According to analyst Frederick Kaufmann, see Endnote [vi], the long-term world food inflation crisis has also been a result of the manipulations of Wall Street mega-bank Golden Sachs. In 1991, Golden Sachs came up with a new type of investment product called the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI). According to Kaufmann:

“since the deflationary impact of shorting a position simply wasn’t part of the GSCI, professional grain traders could make a killing by anticipating the market fluctuations these ‘rolls’ would inevitable cause”. As other banks entered the game, “the scene had been set for food inflation… that would send shockwaves throughout the world…. And so, from 2005 to 2008, the worldwide price of food rose 80% – and has kept rising… investment bankers have engineered an artificial upward pull on the price of grain futures… 250 million people joined the ranks of the hungry in 2008… all the while the index funds continue to prosper, the bankers pocket the profits, and the world’s poor teeter on the brink of starvation.” – Frederick Kaufmann, Author

Insane development policies cannot produce a sane society

E.F Schumacher (1911-1977) was a forefather of the real sustainability movement of the 1970s, a movement that was subsequently hijacked by the Rothschilds and the nefarious UN political process called Sustainable Development, see the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception for details.

“Insane work cannot produce a sane society… can we take it lightly that so many of them (teenagers) now refer to their participation in adult life as ‘joining the rat race’? There could hardly be a greater sign of human failure than this.” – E.F. Schumacher (1911-1977), Author

The people of the world have been living in a needlessly destructive globalization paradigm for decades. The imperative for endless GDP growth within the current debt-money paradigm is actually a deceptive trick because:

  • The real reason the governments of the world have prioritized GDP growth over the past decades is so that governments can collect sufficient tax revenues to continually pay billions of dollars in interest on the national debt to privately-owned mega-banks. Much of your tax monies goes directly to international banking institutions as interest on debt-money loans that were created out of thin air. These debt money loans were created from nothing by the international banking institutions. The GDP hyper-growth paradigm is only necessary to keep the worldwide usury/debt money banking system in operation – a system in which wealth has continually flowed upwards toward the privately owned mega-banks.
  • Most forms of GDP growth in the globalisation model cause increased environmental degradation, pollution, and resource use. GDP is often more of an indicator of Gross Domestic ‘Pollution’, rather than the actual well-being of a national population. There are many flaws in GDP accounting as an indicator of the well-being of society.
  • The hyper-growth paradigm has resulted in (orchestrated) boom-bust-bailout crises in countries that have taken on large debt-money loans, see also the book Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers
  • Beyond a certain point, GDP growth does not increase human wellbeing, it impoverishes it. Despite decades of GDP growth, the economic welfare of society, as estimated by the Genuine Progress Indicator, has decreased since 1978. It is, therefore, a myth that GDP growth and globalisation ‘floats all boats’.
  • An example of the serious flaw of using GDP growth as a measure of wellbeing of society is the Exxon Valdez oil disaster of 1991. This massive environmental disaster, bizarrely, actually increased Alaska’s GDP. The vast oil spill caused massive environmental damage contaminating 1,300 miles of coastline with 250,000 barrels or 11 million gallons of oil, decimating vast fish stocks, and polluting bio-physical systems. Notwithstanding this, GDP actually increased in Alaska due to the economic activity of the companies and organisations involved in the massive clean-up activities required. These activities raised the country’s GDP by $2 billion, thanks to intensive clean-up operations, but this doesn’t take into account the long-term environmental damage in Alaska, which can still be seen today, see Endnote [vii].

Contemporary economics accounts for humans as simply units of production and consumption that serve the globalization economy, and functions as an accounting tool of the banker-owned debt-money world economy.  Contemporary economics is a flawed ideology that should be ditched because it is not working for the welfare of the 99.9% of humanity. For example, the thought that a crisis of excess debt can be solved by creating more debt is delusion. For decades, contemporary economists have been clinging to their flawed mantras, continually repeating the GDP growth line – they are part of a flawed and unsustainable/failing economic ideology. Professor John McMurtry, describes it as a ‘fatally absurd economic box’:

“Contemporary Economics is a Pseudo-Science. None of this can be seen by ‘Economics’ because it is a pseudo-science. Its ruling categories are disconnected from reality…. whatever does not fit this a-priori life-blind construction is heretical in graduate schools supplying economic advisers to governments and corporations, and taboo in the corporate press and media to the extent of its contradiction… Life costs do not compute, and “economic growth” is consistent with destroying all life support systems. We find here, in fact, the underlying form of a fanatic religion… It rules as a totalitarian creed blind to all but its own growth free of any life value, standard or regulator… This mutant value system is malignant to the marrow with no consciousness of its derangement or ill consequences.” – Professor John McMurtry (Quoted with kind permission).

Sustainable development – a problem wrapped up as a solution

The underlying causes of the real problem of environmental degradation (which is not a climate crisis problem) are not addressed by the ‘political’ solution of sustainable development and over the past 30 years have not been highlighted in the institutional halls of power where globalization/hypergrowth and the ‘status quo’ of the debt-money system were never to be questioned. Thus, sustainable development in its political definition was never anything else but a ‘greenwash’ – a new term that simply endorsed in its political definition the ‘business as usual’ strategy of globalization.  Over the past 30 years the UN-promoted policy of decoupling environmental impacts from GDP growth/globalization has been a complete failure, as is detailed in the above book Transcending the Climate Change Deception, this policy was never going to work. Professor Stanley Temple of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has stated that the overuse of the word ‘sustainable’ has come to mean too much and nothing at the same time, and that sustainable development, as a concept, is too loosely defined to have any particular usefulness.

To understand what real sustainability involves (rather than the deceptive process of politically-defined UN sustainable development) we need to understand how the economic system of globalization itself is fundamentally flawed, in particular the processes of usury and debt-money banking that underpin its operations.

UN Agenda 2030 and the aligned 2020 WEF Reset are cleverly-written marketing tools for the plans of the mega-corporate Davos group, and involve new forms of technocratic control. However, real sustainability is not a product of the plans of privately-owned mega-banks or of power-hungry corporates. Real sustainability must prioritize local resilience, and is a product of living in the mode of goodness, cognizant that everything comes from God, the Creator.  


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This article is derived from the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability.

Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK; and at the United Nations Environment Division; and is the author of the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception – Toward Real Sustainability available on amazon.COM and on his website


[i] Source:

[ii] Source: Spiritual Economics Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita by Dhanesvara das.

[iii] This study was released by the Structural Adjustment Participatory Review International Network (SAPRIN). SAPRIN, The Policy Roots of Economic Crisis and Poverty: A Multi-Country Participatory Assessment of Structural Adjustment, April 2002, Executive Summary, p.21.

[iv] The book Food Fascism by Dr Sahadeva Dasa, Pg 87-98.

[v] The book Food Fascism by Dr Sahadeva Dasa, Pg 70

[vi] Source:, April 27th, 2011

[vii] Source:

Transcending the Climate Change Deception – Toward Real Sustainability

by Mark Christopher Keenan

Publisher‏: ‎Independently published (August 14, 2022)

Language: English

Paperback: 314 pages

ISBN-13: ‎979-8846528925

This book demolishes the fake climate change hysteria. The author, Mark Keenan, is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. Via their control of politics and the media, powerful special interests have tried to convince the world that Co2 is a climate changing toxin. The UN climate change narrative, that Co2 causes climate change, will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world. The money agenda, fake science and fraudulent computer modelling is exposed. Thousands of experienced and distinguished scientists assert and have proved that the UN narrative is a lie. The climate hoax has subverted and suppressed real environmentalism and real local sustainability, and is designed to propel humanity into UN Agenda 2030, which is a plan for total corporate control of the world’s resources. UN Agenda 2030 aims to move everyone off the land and into ‘smart cities’. This is smart for them, not smart for you. We are in a real physical and spiritual war for truth and freedom.

Click here to purchase.

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first published by Global Research on June 5, 2021


The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset has been long in the making.

Meetings behind closed doors coupled with important public statements: More than six years ago, at the outset of the Januar2014 World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, WEF chairman Klaus Schwab called for “Pushing the Reset Button” as a means to resolving a Worldwide crisis.

“What we want to do in Davos this year [2014] is to Push the Reset Button, The World is much too much caught in a crisis mode.”

Two years late in a 2016 interview with the Swiss French language TV network (RTS), Klaus Schwab talked about implanting microchips in human bodies, which in  essence is the basis of the “experimental” Covid mRNA vaccine. “What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital and biological world” said Klaus Schwab.

Schwab explained that human beings will soon receive a chip which will be implanted in their bodies in order to merge with the digital World.

RTS: “When will that happen?

KS: “Certainly in the next ten years.

“We could imagine that we will implant them in our brain or in our skin”.

“And then we can imagine that there is direct communication between the brain and the digital World”.

Ironically, the RTS TV statement by Klaus Schwab has been the object of “Youtube Censorship”.

The interview with RTS can be viewed below, followed by the analysis of Peter Koenig


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June 2020. The WEF announces the Great Reset

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future” — Klaus Schwab, WEF (June 2020)

Below is the WEF video (June 2020); a short public relations video ploy in favor of The Great Reset.

“Our World Has Changed.

Our Challenges are Greater. Fragilities Exposed.

What are the Challenges.

Our System Needs a Reset.

Everyone has a Role to Play.

The Great Reset.

Join Us”


Misleading Statements, Propaganda 

What the WEF wants you to believe is that “V the Virus” is the cause of corporate bankruptcies coupled with Worldwide unemployment, extreme poverty and despair.

The billionaire architects of chaos and disaster have enriched themselves in the course of the last 15 months. (see table below)

They will be picking up the pieces of bankrupt companies.

What they want you to believe is that the “architects of disaster”, namely the billionaire philanthropists have come to the rescue of the World’s 7.8 billion population.

What is at stake is a “Global Governance” scenario imposed on 193 members states of the United Nations.

The Great Reset constitutes a Worldwide agenda of social engineering and economic compliance.

In the words of David Rockefeller:

“…The world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” (quoted by Aspen Times, August 15, 2011, emphasis added)

The WEF’s Great Reset consists in scrapping existing forms of democratic government, while imposing a World Government controlled by the  “supranational sovereignty” of the financial establishment.

“Push to Reset the World” is a Crime against Humanity.


For further details see (Chapter XIII):

The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky


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La Guerra Dilaga La Democrazia Affonda

June 10th, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

“Simboli nazisti sul fronte ucraino evidenziano spinose questioni storiche” scrive il New York Times. Molti dei soldati ucraini – addestrati dalla NATO e dotati di sistemi d’arma sempre più potenti  come il carrarmato tedesco Leopard – portano sulle uniformi emblemi nazisti. “L’uso di emblemi nazisti da parte delle truppe ucraine – commenta il NYT – rischia di alimentare la propaganda russa e di diffondere immagini che l’Occidente ha passato mezzo secolo a cercare di eliminare”. Non si tratta però solo di immagini.

In Ucraina – dove sono stati messi fuorilegge tutti i partiti politici, salvo quello al potere, e tutti i media sono sotto ferreo controllo statale –  un  gruppo mediatico, appartenente a un oligarca neonazista sostenitore di Zelensky, ha lanciato un sondaggio pubblico sul tema: “Qual è il prossimo giornalista russo da uccidere?”. Preannuncia così la preparazione di ulteriori assassini dopo quelli di Daria Dughina e altri giornalisti.  Il gruppo mediatico – che collabora con la BBC, Der Spiegel e altre testate occidentali –  pubblica l’elenco dei giornalisti russi da assassinare, tra cui la caporedattrice di Russia Today e i conduttori di notiziari televisivi. Allo stesso tempo il Servizio di Sicurezza  ucraino, in mano a neonazisti, va a caccia di “agitatori di Internet” che vengono arrestati se pubblicano qualche critica al governo.

Il rinascente nazismo in Ucraina rappresenta una minaccia per l’intera Europa, avverte il sito di giornalismo investigativo statunitense Grayzone a conclusione di una documentata inchiesta… Il numero totale di combattenti nazisti stranieri in Ucraina non è noto, ma è probabilmente molto elevato. Rientrando nei loro paesi, porteranno con sé l’esperienza sul campo di battaglia e, in molti casi, un addestramento militare occidentale d’élite. Armi e munizioni di alto livello saranno disponibili in abbondanza sul mercato nero, grazie alle massicce spedizioni di armi a Kiev nel corso del conflitto. “È difficile pensare – scrive Grayzone – che i funzionari dei servizi segreti occidentali non siano consapevoli che la polveriera che hanno creato a Kiev potrebbe esplodere sul loro stesso territorio. Tuttavia, sembra anche chiaro che abbiano fatto voto di omertà sulla questione”.

Manlio Dinucci




Canada’s “Chinagate”

June 10th, 2023 by Michael Welch

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The syndrome of elections being stolen or altered by nefarious foreign governments is apparently contagious, as now up in Canada, the Trudeau Liberals and all four opposition parties in the House of Commons, are similarly convinced that evil interests abroad are trying to worm their way into the country’s national affairs! [1]

The news broke on February 17 of this year in an article written by senior Parliamentary reporters Robert Fife and Steven Chase which outlined how “both secret and top-secret Canadian Security Intelligence Service documents” leaked to them “illustrate how an orchestrated machine was operating in Canada with two primary aims: to ensure that a minority Liberal government was returned in 2021, and that certain Conservative candidates identified by China were defeated.” [2]

Importantly, the Chinese government would organize disinformation campaigns in proxies connected to Chinese connected organizations in districts with large Chinese-Canadian communities. [3]

While opinions may vary in terms of whether or not Prime Minister Trudeau acted responsibly, hardly anyone in mainstream media circles seems to question the claim that the Chinese intend to invest resources in a Canada where politicians range from hating them, to really, really hating them!

As it stands right now, a Chinese diplomat, Zhao Wei, was expelled from Canada on the grounds that an intelligence report accused him of trying to target and threaten a Conservative MP critical of China’s treatment of the Uyghur Muslim minority. Beijing retorted by expelling a Canadian diplomat.[4]

A high profile academic, author and statesman, and the former Governor General, David Johnston was tasked by Trudeau to act as the Special Rapporteur looking into reports of foreign interference in Canadian elections. But in a report he wrote in late May, he said that no public inquest would be called, pointing to information that would have to be kept secret. He also suggested among other things that much of the intelligence was misconstrued by media having seen the broader context. [5]

But opposition parties not only demanded a public inquiry, they are also calling for Johnston to step down in favour of a candidate with less of a supposed conflict of interest with the prime minister. [6]

This Chinagate scenario is clearly not going away. But is it actually, like Russiagate in the U.S., ultimately a red herring? This issue of a new breed of artificially generated discord with rival powers will be the focus of this week’s Global Research News Hour.

In our first half hour, we interview Yves Engler, prominent critic of Canadian Foreign Affairs, about the merits behind the accusations, as well as the view of other countries appearing to interfere in the country’s elections and the role, in fact of Canada doing to other countries what it would not tolerate being done to itself.

This interview is followed by an interview with Aidan Jonah, editor-in-chief of the recent investigative journalist site The Canada Files.


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Yves Engler is one of Canada’s foremost Canadian foreign policy critics and dissidents. He is the author of ten books on Canadian foreign policy including Stand on Guard for Whom?: A People’s History of the Canadian Military (2021) and House of Cards: Justin Trudeau’s Foreign Policy (2020). His articles have appeared at,,, and on his own site

Aidan Jonah is the Editor-in-Chief of The Canada Files, a socialist, anti-imperialist news site founded in 2019. He has written about Canadian imperialism, federal politics, and left-wing resistance to colonialism across the world. The site is

(Global Research News Hour episode 394)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

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  2.  Robert Fife and Steven Chase (Feb. 22, 2023), ‘CSIS documents reveal Chinese strategy to influence Canada’s 2021 election’, The Globe and Mail;
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First published on November 21, 2022


Doctors in Ontario are reportedly being advised to consider using psychiatric medicines on patients who refuse the vaccine.

During an interview at ‘Let Freedom Reign Tour,’ Physician and Cancer Researcher Dr. William Makis claimed that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario sent out a note to doctors implying that their unvaccinated patients may be suffering from a mental illness and should be prescribed psychiatric medicine.

“So this has come out recently out of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. The college sent out a letter or a memo to all the doctors in Ontario suggesting to them now, so far, they’re not mandating it, they’re just suggesting it, that any of their unvaccinated patients, that they should consider that they have a mental problem and that they should be put on psychiatric medication. So far, it’s just a suggestion,” Dr. Makis told Lynn Tyler Thompson.

“But the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario should not be making these kinds of suggestions. This is extremely unethical and this is a very, very slippery slope. If they’re suggesting that people who wish to have bodily autonomy and don’t want an experimental vaccine, that there may be something mentally wrong with them, that is a very, very dangerous, slippery slope that we’re on,” he continued.

You can watch the full interview here.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for comment.

This explosive expose comes after Dr. Makis spoke about the death of 93 doctors after the vaccine rollout.

It can be recalled, Dr. William Makis MD wrote a letter to the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), requesting that they look into the sudden rise in mortality among Canadian medical professionals after the implementation of mandated vaccinations for medical personnel.

On his Gettr account, Makis claimed that fact-checkers were caught lying about a Canadian doctor’s sudden death.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that three physicians at Canada’s Trillium Health Partners-Mississauga Hospital died unexpectedly in the same week.

According to the nurse who shared the information, the three doctors died after the hospital started mandating the fourth Covid shot for their employees.

“Three physicians at the Mississauga hospitals have died this week,” the nurse told Monique. “1st memo Monday, 2nd Tuesday, 3rd Thursday. [The] cause of death wasn’t shared in the memo, but how many times have 3 doctors died in 1 week, days after the hospital started administering the 4th shot to staff.”

The three physicians who died the same week were Dr. Lorne Segall (July 17), Dr. Stephen McKenzie (July 18), and Dr. Jakub Sawicki (July 21).

The hospital claimed that the social media rumor that their deaths were related to the COVID-19 vaccination is “simply not true.”

Dr. Makis claimed Dr. Lorne Segall died suddenly of a pulmonary embolism, blood clots in the lungs, not cancer, and that he was fully vaccinated when he died, according to his sources.


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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

Featured image is from The Gateway Pundit

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The leader of an anti-Putin militia has disturbing links to an extreme-right wing movement banned in Britain, Declassified has found.

Denis Kapustin, who also uses the names Denis Nikitin and ‘White Rex’, was an instructor at a far-right camp in Wales in 2014.

His presence was noted by a Sunday Mirror investigation that year.

More recently, the White Rex has been in the news for leading the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK).

They are a group of armed dissidents launching raids into Russia from their base in Ukraine since March.

At least two civilians and a child have been killed in their attacks so far, with another 13 wounded.

While the RDK’s far-right ideology was belatedly noted in media reports, the fact its leader spent time teaching neo-Nazis in Britain has so far been forgotten.

He taught at the Sigurd Culture Camp in the Brecon Beacons in August 2014, which was designed to “enthuse them with a sense of racial pride, and to awaken the ‘Spirit Warrior’ within”.

Camp organiser Craig Fraser wanted to recreate Hitler’s SS by drilling his men into shape – and even planned to show footage from ISIS training in Syria at the next session.

The Sunday Mirror said a “key trainer at the event…was Denis Nitikin [sic], the owner and organiser of White Rex, a Russian martial arts and cage fighting club.”

Yesterday immigration minister Robert Jenrick refused to tell parliament what information the Home Office holds on Kapustin’s visit to the UK in 2014 or whether he had since been banned from entering the country, claiming not to comment on individual cases.

‘Go kick some immigrants’

In Wales, Kapustin taught over 30 participants how to deal with “attackers armed with knives” in “gruelling full contact practice fighting from which participants often emerged bruised but undaunted”.

When not fighting, organisers “spoke at length about the virtues of…our Pagan spiritual heritage”.

Anti-fascist research group Hope Not Hate found the Sigurd camp was a front for National Action, a neo-Nazi group later banned in the UK under the Terrorism Act for praising the murder of MP Jo Cox.

Two National Action figures who attended the training camp, Christopher Lythgoe and Matthew Hankinson, were later jailed for a total of 14 years for their involvement with the group.

German authorities reportedly banned Kapustin from entering Europe in 2019. He once had a framed photo of Joseph Goebbels in his bedroom and has been heavily engaged in football hooliganism across the continent.

When living in Moscow, he enjoyed hosting forest fights between hooligans after which they would “go kick some immigrants”.

The enemy of my enemy…

Despite Kapustin’s links to a banned British neo-Nazi group and violent racism, he has obtained Western arms in Ukraine for his rebellion against Russia – and appears to receive support from Ukrainian military intelligence (the GUR).

A GUR spokesman called RDK members “one of those forces that will be shaping the future configuration of post-Putin Russia.”

Yet in one Telegram message from May, Kapustin called for Russians to support him by praising the: “Glory of the Great Russian Empire!”

Journalist Leonid Ragozin has said that after the RDK attacked Bryansk region of Russia in March, Kapustin mocked a Muslim boy wounded in the attack over his mixed Tajik/Tartar heritage.

He placed swastikas over photos of his family and wrote: “Russia will be Aryan or lifeless”.

Mark Galeotti, author of the book Putin’s Wars, told Declassified: “I imagine Ukraine will use any weapon at its disposal against Russia, and if this means arming and supporting a neo-Nazi well, so long as he proves a capable leader and can attract like-minded fighters to the cause of challenging the Putin regime, so be it. 

“Churchill’s famous quote that ‘If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons’ springs to mind. 

“This is, after all, only a very small element of the overall war effort and Ukrainian military intelligence, GUR – which seems largely behind these pro-Kyiv Russian forces – is trying to distract and torment the Kremlin, and neo-Nazis certainly fit that bill.”

Maxim Solopov, a journalist who has investigated Russian neo-Nazis, said on his Telegram channel that a White Rex social media account had almost 45,000 subscribers by 2020. 

He estimated that even if only 1% of them remained active, it would give Kapustin around 500 supporters – some of who could be in Moscow, where pro-RDK graffiti has recently appeared.

Western weaponry

Photos from Kapustin’s recent raid in the Belgorod region of Russia show US-made armoured vehicles in his group’s convoy.

Earlier footage posted on the RDK’s Telegram channel indicates they have operated US-made rocket launchers – known as High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) – which cost around $5m each.

For small arms, Kapustin’s men do not all have to rely on rusty kalashnikovs, with some wielding sophisticated Belgian-made FN SCAR assault rifles. This has triggered concern from Belgium’s prime minister, Alexander de Croo, as to how weapons meant for Ukraine have ended up in the group’s hands. 

Swedish Pansarskott rocket launchers are also in Kapustin’s arsenal. And some of his men can be seen wearing camouflage smocks embroidered with union jacks, suggesting their uniforms might come from British army stocks. 

The RDK’s activities have not been limited to cross-border raids. They were responsible in December for guarding Snake Island, Ukraine’s famous outpost in the Black Sea. When a CNN reporter met them there, he omitted to mention the group’s neo-Nazi associations.

Their maritime capabilities often feature in Telegram posts, with members showing off amphibious landings from inflatable boats. 

They even claim to have landed in Zaporizhzhia, where Russian troops are occupying Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. 

Russian friends

Kapustin moved to Ukraine in 2017 following an invitation from Sergei Korotkikh, who founded Russia’s National Socialist Society and is accused of beheading a migrant beneath a swastika flag.

Declassified has previously revealed how Korotkikh obtained five rocket launchers Britain supplied to Ukraine, on whose side he now fights.

Prominent Russian neo-Nazis flocking to join the RDK include Aleksey Levkin, from the band Hitler’s Hammer. He organised the annual National-Socialist Black Metal festival in Kyiv. 

He is heavily involved with the Wotanjugend Telegram channel, which promoted the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant, who murdered 51 Muslims at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

A few weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, Levkin posted a photo of a British-made NLAW rocket launcher with the caption “mastering NLAW”, suggesting he was learning to use the UK-supplied anti-tank weapon.

Freedom of Russia Legion

Another anti-Putin militia fighting alongside White Rex is the Freedom of Russia Legion, which also has far-right figures involved in its Ukraine-based leadership.

The Legion’s commander, Maximillian ‘Caesar’ Andronnikov, is a former member of the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM), which was designated as a global terrorist group by the US State Department in 2020.

The then Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said RIM “has provided paramilitary-style training to white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Europe”, linking their alumni to the bombing of refugee shelters in Sweden.

Vladimir Putin says his illegal invasion of Ukraine is needed to “de-nazify” the country, a claim which has been widely derided, partly owing to President Zelensky’s Jewish heritage.

Increasing evidence of the role played by neo-Nazis in attacking Russian soil from Ukraine will only fuel the Kremlin’s narrative.

This week the New York Times said some journalists asked Ukrainian soldiers to remove Nazi emblems on their uniforms before photographing them.

They expressed concern that the use of such patches “risks fueling Russian propaganda and spreading imagery that the West has spent a half-century trying to eliminate.”


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Phil Miller is Declassified UK’s chief reporter. He is the author of Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes. Follow him on Twitter at @pmillerinfo

Featured image: Denis Kapustin. (Photo: Russian Volunteer Corps / Telegram)

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Late last year, my name was added to a blacklist published online by the Ukraine Center for Countering Disinformation. I joined over ninety others deemed to be “speakers who promote narratives consonant with Russian propaganda.“

These included Manuel Pineda and Clare Daly, both leftist Members of the European Parliament (MEP); Also counted are people on the right, such as Doug Bandow of the Cato Institute, neocon and former IDF officer Edward Luttwak, a slew of rightist MEPs; Ex CIA officer, Ray McGovern; former military and intelligence figures such as Scott Ritter and Douglas McGregor, as well as academics such as John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs. Journalists on the list included Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson and Eva Bartlett, Roger Waters from Pink Floyd, and even actor Steven Seagal.

Девід Міллер, Журналіст = David Miller, Journalist -  in Ukrainian

Девід Міллер, Журналіст = David Miller, Journalist –  in Ukrainian

What was my crime? It said my “pro-Russian narrative” was claiming that “NATO’s proxy war with Russia is taking place in Ukraine”. Of course, a NATO proxy war is exactly what is happening there, as this article will only further confirm.

The listing helpfully provided a link with the evidence, an article I wrote for Mayadeen English called “How disinformation works: Western intelligence agencies global war on the left.” It contained a single, 176-word  paragraph on Ukraine titled “‘Russian Disinformation’ or Ukrainian lies?” It recounted several examples of Ukrainian misinformation and concluded that “Anyone who mentions any particular truth is derided for echoing Putin’s ‘talking points’.” In the event I was actually denounced as an “information terrorist” who might be guilty of “war crimes.”

Being added to the blacklist concentrates the mind wonderfully on the forces ranged against the possibility of truth and justice in the crisis-ridden West. When I was first accused, over a decade ago now, of antisemitism, my response was to intensify my research and writing activities on the organizations involved in defaming me. Since then I have produced a long catalog of work on the Zionist movement as well as on Western propaganda activities. Of course, the defamatory attacks encourage an atmosphere where social media threats can be made. But the issue of Nazism in Ukraine will be seen in retrospect as a defining issue of our era and it is important to remember that the reason I and many others are threatened by the Ukraine government and their NATO backers is because we in turn threaten to expose them for what they are: Nazi collaborators.

To read complete Mint Press article  click here


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Professor David Miller is a non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Islam and Global Affairs at Istanbul Zaim University and a former Professor of Political Sociology at the University of Bristol. He is a broadcaster, writer and investigative researcher; the producer of the weekly show Palestine Declassified on PressTV; and the co-director of Public Interest Investigations, of which and are projects. He tweets @Tracking_Power.

Feature image: Illustration by MintPress News

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This article was first published on October 11, 2022 in the week following the September 26, 2022 act of sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline, the specific details of which were later revealed by Seymour Hersh.

The article confirms unequivocally president Joe Biden’s intent in regards to the sabotage of Nord Stream at a White House Press Conference held on February 7, 2022.

Moreover, Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz was present at the Press Conference. Germany’s head of government Scholz confirmed his endorsement of Biden’s statement pertaining to Nord Stream: “There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2” said Joe Biden.  

This act of sabotage ordered by Joe Biden in early February 2022 was an Act of War against the European Union, which has led to devastating economic and social consequences. 

Due to media censorship directed against Global Research, the substance of  this article has not reached a broad readership.

See also Michel Chossudovsky’s Video interview at the foot of this article in full screen, or click below


Author’s Update

In recent developments, German Prosecutor General Peter Frank confirmed “there is no evidence to blame Russia for the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines”:

“It currently has not been proven (…) The investigation is ongoing (…) We are currently evaluating all this forensically. [The suspicion] that there had been a foreign sabotage act [in this case], has so far not been substantiated”, he said during the interview with Die Welt.

No evidence of foreign sabotage of an act which has created social havoc and hardship in the European Union, with rising energy prices? People are freezing, unable to pay their heating bills. The EU economy which relied on cheap energy from Russia is in shambles. 

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz refused to comment on the investigation.

If it wasn’t Russia, who was behind it?

Unequivocally, this act of sabotage had been ordered by the President of the United States. The following statement was made exactly one year ago:

“We will, I promise you, we will be able to do that”, says Joe Biden February 7, 2022

Olaf Scholz and Peter Frank are liars.

The sabotage was committed by a “foreign power”. This is confirmed by a recent declaration of Victoria Nuland at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“Senator Cruz, like you I am and I think the administration is very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.”

click Victoria Nuland: video of her statement.

F**k the EU again:  “A Hunk of Metal at the bottom of the Sea”

It’s an Act of war against the European People. And their leaders are complicit in this act of Sabotage
 VIDEO  click screen 
The US Continues Escalating in Ukraine
Victoria Nuland testifying at Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing January 26, 2023 (Image: C-Span)

Michel Chossudovsky, February 8, 2023


America is at War against Europe

by Michel Chossudovsky

October 11, 2022

The Nord Stream pipelines which were the object of the attack are located within the (maritime) territorial jurisdiction of four member states of the European Union. In international law, “Territorial Integrity” extends to “properties” located within the territorial waters of the Nation State. 

The deliberate destruction of said “properties” within a country’s territorial waters by or on behalf of a foreign state actor constitutes an act of war. 


Sabotage is the most likely cause of leaks in two Baltic Sea gas pipelines between Russia and Europe, European leaders have said, after seismologists reported explosions around the Nord Stream pipelines.”

According to European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen “the leaks” into the Baltic sea were due to “sabotage”: 

Any deliberate disruption of active European energy infrastructure is unacceptable and will lead to the strongest possible response,” she warned, and urged and investigation to get full clarity on the “events and why”.

Danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen described them as “deliberate acts”, adding: “We are not talking about an accident.”

Von Der Leyen did not elaborate as to who might have been behind these “deliberate acts” of sabotage. 


In a televised news February 7, 2022 interview the President of the United States acknowledged that the United States would act against Nord Stream if required. This statement was made 3 weeks prior to the Russian invasion:

President Joe Biden: “If Russia invades that means tanks and troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then

“There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2”

Reporter: “But how will you exactly do that, since the project is in Germany’s control?”

Biden:“We will, I promise you, we will be able to do that.”  (emphasis added)


Joe Biden: “There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2”

The evidence suggests that this terrorist attack had been contemplated by the Biden Adminstration prior to the Russian invasion. Was it carried out by the CIA?. “We will be able to do that” said Joe Biden.

U.S. Act of War against the European Union

Nord Stream which originates in Russia passes through the territorial waters of four EU member states including Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. Permission was provided and approved by the parliaments of those countries prior to construction.

Moreover, the Nord Stream pipelines also required the approval of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, which were part of the consultative process prior to construction.

Bombshell: From a legal standpoint (International Law: UN Charter, Law of the Sea) this was not a terrorist attack against Russia, it was a U.S. Act of War against the European Union.

The Nord Stream pipelines which were the object of the attack are located within the (maritime) territorial jurisdiction of four member states of the European Union. In international law, “Territorial Integrity” extends to “properties” located within the territorial waters of the Nation State.

The deliberate destruction of said “properties” within a country’s territorial waters by or on behalf of a foreign state actor constitutes an act of war. 


La Classe Politique“: High Treason

America is no longer “An Ally” of the EU. Quite the opposite. The insidious role of the US in carrying out acts of sabotage against the EU is amply documented. Beyond doubt.

Meanwhile corrupt EU politicians are not only blaming Russia, they  are setting the stage for the destruction of the European Union on behalf of Washington. 

They are “Sleeping with the Enemy” to the Detriment of  the People of Europe.

Treason constitutes an act of betrayal by European politicians in high office on behalf of a foreign power, which through various means is actively and deliberately triggering economic and social chaos in both Western and Eastern Europe.

The U.S. is not an ally of the EU. Quite the opposite. Washington is waging war against Europe, with the support of  corrupt government officials in high office. It’s an act of treason.

The media is also complicit i.e. in sustaining a flow of lies. The unspoken objective is to provide a human face to these acts of treason.

Treason at the highest levels of government. 

What is required is “Regime Change” throughout the European Union as well criminal prosecutions directed against corrupt politicians.



VIDEO: Interview of Caroline Mailloux with Michel Chossudovsky
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How the Super-Rich Destroy Our Minds

June 10th, 2023 by Emanuel Pastreich

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First published on February 6, 2023


Corporations, multinational investment banks, and the super-rich that hide behind them have launched the final stage this year of a ruthless war of a tiny few against the great majority of humanity.

Although they pay off their puppets in the media to float happy tales of some happy resolution to the dire situation of the moment, they already know that the die is cast, that they are committed to a strategy of distracting, seeding division, undermining rational thinking and using a combination of blatant intimidation with open bribery to slowly, systematically, overpower and reduce to slavery 99.98% of the Earth’s population.

They know already, according to the calculations of their supercomputers, what will happen if they are not successful in this plan. They also know that catastrophic climate change and biodiversity loss will make it impossible for them to monopolize the wealth and the resources for long.

There is literally no limit to how far they will go.

The tools they use to pursue this war against the citizens of the Earth are technology, propaganda and disinformation campaigns, threats against individuals who display leadership skills and massive bribes for the leaders who are allowed to be covered in the media to represent the conservative and the progressive causes.

They also employ as part of this strategy an intimate knowledge of certain key weaknesses in the brain, and the potential for exploiting the human inclination to determine truth based on a vague sense of the mood of the herd, rather than logic. That is to say they are investing billions in hidden money to systematically create social pressure that makes citizens conform with pointless mandates for masks or vaccines that are launched from diverse platforms as a means of inducing the population to police itself.

Without such a strategy, the super-rich could not possibly seize control of the entire Earth.

There has been extensive research by corporations, and by the CIA and Department of Defense (government organizations exploited to hide the true entities demanding such research) into how humans can be manipulated without their knowledge, and compelled through imperceptible persuasion to permit, or even aid, their own disenfranchisement without us even being aware of this silent and invisible takeover.

Such operations have been undertaken before, but never on this global scale. New developments in super-computing and the global integration of, and deregulation of, finance, has made such a master plan possible for the first time.

Recent developments are best viewed as the final acceleration of a process by which corporations bribed and lobbied all authority figures in government and academics to go along with a process of privatization, commercialization, and automation that now means that a tiny handful of people can control every aspect of human experience in an absolute sense while the vast majority of citizens cannot even conceive of what is taking place.

We have not reached that state yet, but Elon Musk, Bill Gates and others believe, based on the calculations of supercomputers, that it is now possible.

The super-rich has also invested wisely in the establishment of a panoply of sham activists, or toothless, “feel good, do nothing” NGOs.

These “movements” are allowed to appear in the corporate-controlled media, and they pretend to respond to corporate power, but they purposely discourage citizens from organizing themselves (they ask only for donations, or attendance at protests, but they pointedly do not empower people to form their own groups or achieve financial and ideological independence).

Such NGOs are silent about the mass manipulation of the media and of politics by global finance—even though that is the primary cause of the political problems we face.

If we follow the current trajectory, there will not be a single part of our lives that is completely controlled by a multinational corporation in the next few years.

We do not have that long to act.

The push for mandatory COVID-19 “vaccines” in the face of the overwhelming scientific evidence against them is not a matter of mistaken science or bad policy. It is rather a process of preparing government officials, doctors, reporters, and other media figures to follow orders from above that have no rational basis.

After this “softening-up process,” which is carefully calibrated on the basis of secret CIA torture programs designed to test the weaknesses of the human psyche, a rougher and more brutal form of the rule can be implemented.

The mask mandate was the first step in the implementation of this form of massive psychological warfare. It is, to use the technical term, a slow “rape of the mind.”

The enormous restructuring of governance and the economy described by the World Economic Forum as the “Great Reset” is not a secret and anyone who takes the time to read that book, and related documents, can figure out about 70% of what is their agenda is.

The citizen will be convinced that he or she operates within a functional country and that there is some process by which the politicians at the top take actions on their behalf. But the super-rich cares nothing for nation-states and their populations and they use politicians to deflect attention away from themselves. Every time a politician takes a fall, it is to distract you from the predations of the rich. Every attack on minorities is a trick to get you hooked on race and diversity and distracted from the concentration of wealth.

We are increasingly subject to the whims of unaccountable global powers, and the intentionally render us passive, open to persuasion, and therefore incapable of resistance, by the media that is controlled by those powers.

The super-rich relies on two approaches to psychological manipulation that go back to the 1930s and before but have been perfected by recent research.

The first technique is the use of traumatic events that are reported on in a sensationalist and unscientific manner in the media so as to induce a deep sense of shock, disorientation and confusion in the population as a whole. The mental trauma of such events, whether the 9.11 incident, or the hyped-up COVID-19 crisis, or the “armed insurrection” at the Capitol, is used to induce passivity and receptivity to profound institutional shifts that would otherwise be impossible.

Naomi Klein describes this approach as the “shock doctrine” and although she hesitates to delve too deeply into the degree to which it has become national policy, she accurately traces the approach back to the torture programs designed to test the limits of the human psyche.

Such trauma affects the reactive and emotional part of the human brain known as the amygdala, bringing on a “fight or flight” response in the psyche that overrides the rational, integrative, response to external events that would be carried out by the prefrontal cortex in normal conditions.

Because we as individuals, and as populations, are unaware of how the amygdala has taken over decision making from the prefrontal cortex because of these engineered shocks, we are unable to organize, or even conceive of, a response to the real threat.

Instead, we focus on the cooked-up threats offered to us by the commercial media like Islamic terrorism in the case of 9.11 or the spread of a dangerous virus in the case of the COVID-19 operation.

The second strategy is to induce a hypnotic state in the brain of the individual, and the population as a whole, through the constant repetition of certain themes and images through advertisements, commercials, images, and themes articulated in movies, TV shows, reporting, and even the packaging of products.


Click here to view the video.

The stimulation alternates between the intentionally boring and distracting images and direct appeals to the pleasure centers of the brain such as the desire for food, for sexual arousal, or for pleasant experiences.

The advertisements promoting the enjoyment of food and encouraging low-level sexual arousal are not only, or even primarily, aimed at selling products. They are intended to induce a state of passivity in the population.

The CIA explains the process,

“Hypnosis is basically a technique which permits acquisition of direct access to the sensory motor cortex and pleasure centers, and lower cerebral (emotional) portions of the right side of the brain following successful disengagement of the stimulus screening function of the left hemisphere of the brain.

The right hemisphere which functions as the noncritical, holistic, nonverbal and pattern-oriented component of the brain, appears to accept what the left hemisphere passes to it without question. Consequently, if the left hemisphere can be distracted either through boredom or through reduction to a soporific, semi-sleep state, external stimuli to include hypnotic suggestions are allowed to pass unchallenged into the right hemisphere where they are accepted and acted on directly.” (FOIA document “Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process” June 9, 1983 (US Army Intelligence and Security Command). (CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5).

The scale of this experiment in mass hypnosis to render the citizens of all the world passive, and unable to resist persuasion from authority figures is unprecedented. This process is being undertaken slowly, over months and years, following complex algorithms that are kept secret.

It is critical in this process that individuals be isolated from each other, unable to communicate except through mediums controlled by multinational corporations, and that they be offered only ineffective and superficial organizations to join organizations in which they will be incapable of participating in the decision-making process, or of effecting change. Quarantine, lockdowns, social distancing, and the promotion of a narcissistic consumption culture are critical to that process.

The result is that the citizens of the United States, and around the world, are being reduced to consumers of products supplied by multinational corporations who cannot even conceive of how the world has been radically transformed in this Great Reset.

They are being rendered passive and unresponsive so that the super-rich can quickly seize complete control of the systems by which countries are governed, by which money and finance are determined, the media by which information is distributed, the universities and research institutes by which authoritative perspectives backed by science are presented, the farms and distribution systems by which food is provided, the aquafers and irritation systems by which water is provided, and every other aspect of human experience.

When we awake from this slumber, if we ever do, we will discover that every aspect of our lives is controlled by unaccountable powers which we cannot understand, which we have no way to challenge and which will increase slowly and systematically the means by which we are made slaves, and, if necessary, destroyed.



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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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First published on November 29, 2022


Energy Crisis? Food crisis? Industrial collapse? Supply chains disruptions? Fractured Communications? Cyber-attacks? Black-outs? Hyper-inflation? Climate change? Wars, civil conflicts, and more plandemics, culminating in human misery…


It’s all manufactured.

It’s all part of the plan to destroy civilization as we know it, to replace it with the  4th Industrial Revolution robots and humanoids – acting on AI-generated electronic commands and surviving on programmable digital central bank currencies (DCBC).

If we keep sitting at the sideline, watching, instead of doing something to stop this insanity, this crime of biblical proportions, it indeed will happen. Humanity and what’s left of Mother Earth will be ready for the abyss.

Shortages create inflation – and if inflation doesn’t occur naturally, it is manufactured. Media propaganda talking full-time of inflation gives industrial and service conglomerates a free pass to increase prices. Nobody questions whether its justified. The media says there is inflation – so, price increases are indeed of the order.

Many of the crises are not even happening in reality; most of them just in the media. By 24/7 endless propaganda. And by Artificial Intelligence (AI)-induced appearances.

And soon to come Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) will be replacing our cash currencies. CBDCs will eventually be programmable. They can be turned on and off, and programmed to be used for certain purchases – goods or services, whether you want them or need them or not. Your behavior and obedience will be crucial. See this 7-min video-awakener, an excellent summary of what governments through CBDCs will be able to do with us, see blow or click here.

Right now, we are being primed for the abyss.

Many odd things are happening at the same time. For confusion. But also, for speed of implementation of the nefarious Agenda 2030 – the Great Reset — and, of course, the 4th Industrial Revolution, supposed to make of human survivors transhumans.

That’s not new.

Reputed researchers and analysts have said it before, have warned us, humanity, of the looming annihilation. It must be repeated until a societal mental breakthrough is achieved.

Hélas, so far to not much avail. Not giving up is the ruling Mantra.

We keep sitting on our sofas, watching the mainstream news – the eternal lie-machine. We are royally distracted by the War in Ukraine. The media even tells us day-in-day-out that Putin is the villain. That more weapons need to be supplied by NATO countries to Ukraine, and that more budget support must be given to President Zelenskyy. Putin is responsible for all the catastrophes descending upon us.

Zelensky’s Ukraine has already received close to 100 billion US-dollars equivalent in weapons and “budget support” mostly from the US and the EU. But Zelenskyy is not happy. He screams for more. While Putin is responsible for the endless misery.

Think about it.

There cannot be a balanced view. Unless you take your own life in your own hands and in your own mind and start on your own thinking and adding up the dots. Turn off the mainstream media, TV, radio, newspapers, and seek out alternative news.

The challenge is, we don’t want a balanced view. Because if we did, we would have to think on our own. We might wake up to an uncomfortable reality.

We don’t want to leave the realm of our silky-cushy comfort.

Focus on the war – is a distraction from what’s being prepared behind iron gates.


German and Italian gas deposits are full to 94%, or more. This is the case throughout Europe. Definitely no energy crisis. And if for some reason there was to be an energy shortage, President Putin has repeatedly emphasized Russia would honor her contractual engagements with Europe and the world. And he certainly would – if NATO lets him.

So that this won’t happen, Washington instigated the destruction of Nord Stream 1 and 2.

Russia asserted, the pipelines could be fixed, but Washington / NATO won’t allow it. Madame von der Leyen, (unelected) President of the European Commission (EC) and her buddy, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz – both obedient scholars of Klaus Schwab’s (WEF) Academy for Young Global Leaders (YGL) – are hellbent not to repair the gas pipelines and to let Europe go down the drain.

European gas LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) storage tanks are filled to the brim, above the average of the last ten years. There is no space for more hydrocarbons in available deposits.

Hundreds if not thousands of fully loaded fossil fuel tankers are floating the oceans. They cannot unload their goods because, either they are not allowed to, mainly by the European and North American port authorities, who are following orders from the Dark Cult, or they cannot unload, because there is no space for storage, or they – the gas and petrol companies – don’t want to unload, because, of negative gas prices. See this map of tankers on high seas, unable to unload.

Natural gas futures in several European markets were negative. The first time in history. Of course, these are spot prices. They may fluctuate by the hour – but the sheer fact that they have fallen into the negative zone, indicates that energy shortages are manipulated.

See this map of tankers on high sea, unable to unload

CNN reports

“The price of benchmark European natural gas futures has dropped 20% since last Thursday, and by more than 70% since hitting a record high in late August 2022. On Monday [24 October], Dutch gas spot prices for delivery within an hour — which reflect real time European market conditions — dipped below €0, according to data from the Intercontinental

See this.

The United States, via the “digital, financial and military industrial complex”, the currently reigning Globalist Cult, of which the WEF occupies a prominent Director Seat, dictates to governments, especially European ones, they must reject energy shipments. That drives prices down, because the merchandise is floating on the High Seas, ready to be delivered – but can’t. That creates an oversupply. And certainly, no inflation.

This scenario shows how Washington is seeking to “deindustrialize” Europe and weaken its militarily, says Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (RT 30 October 2022).

A fake energy crisis must be manufactured. Because from it flow the other crises and calamities that will destroy humanity as we know it. It is a deception which is a giant step in the direction of absolute tyranny. See this.

Everything depends on energy – fertilizer and food production, communications, water supply, manufacturing of metals, supply chains and much more.

Europe, may slide ever faster into self-generated oblivion. Europe has no raw materials to speak of, and most of the energy sources of greater Europe comes from Russia, which is “sanction-banned” from delivering fossil fuels to Europe.

Today the world still depends to 84% of all energy sources, on fossil fuel. Never mind that so far 26 UN Climate Conferences of the Parties (COP) – UNFCCC – have proclaimed to reduce the use of fossil fuel. Its pure talk. The well-off industrialized world still buys SUVs and at 3 liter-plus engine cars (1 out of 3 in Europe and North America) – and corporate execs travel in their private jets.

COP27 will take place from 6-18 November 2022 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The world is holding its breath to find out what new “commitments” the political rulers will make.

An orchestrated wanton energy crisis, shutting down Europe’s industrial apparatus, means bankruptcies, job losses, poverty famine – outright misery. Once Europe is shuttered, reviving it may be next to impossible, or at best, a long and painful process.

Latest news – just in – the Netherlands is lifting her sanctions against Russia, to receive gas deliveries to alleviate the potential economic and human disasters of the coming winter. The Dutch may trigger a political awakening of other countries doing likewise. See video below or click here.

Food crises

Simultaneously, Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta (ChemChina) are pushing their genetically modified food (GMO = genetically modified organisms) upon developing country governments, of which contract terms are not open to the public. This, accompanied by global grain trade conglomerates like Cargill, Louis Dreyfus and others, will lead to food manipulation and consequential food tyranny.

The result is targeted famine, misery and famine-induced diseases and death; a convenient instrument of population reduction. The key Gates-Rockefeller input to the Great Reset. See this for more details.

Health Tyranny

Not to forget are the plandemics – Bill Gates predicts many very serious ones. He doesn’t say, but if they are coming, they are laboratory made and will of course be followed by coerced mRNA vaxx campaigns. The plandemics and deadly vaxxes will further intimidate and decimate the population.

The ever-reoccurring plandemics will help bestowing WHO with the powers to decide over the world populations health, above and beyond sovereign countries Constitutions. WHO, with its 194 member countries, is not a real UN agency, but being funded by at least 70% private funders (mostly pharma-trust funds), is at best a private-public partnership organization.

As such it follows the mandate of private donors, playing a double role, through global vaxx-mandates shuffling billions of dollars into pharmaceutical “profit treasuries” – and making sure there is never a shortage of plandemics.

At present WHO is in the midst of debating – mostly behind closed doors – the Global Health Pact and the so-called Pandemic Treaty. If this Treaty is passed in one way or another, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO’s Director-General, will have unprecedented power over all matters of health throughout the world.

On purpose, the media hardly talk about it. Don’t wake up a sleeping lion. In case the treaty passes, people will again be “stunned”, shocked and haplessly dumbfounded.

If not stopped by the member countries, and if the disastrous Covid management is any indication, WHO is hellbent to become the master of health tyranny, and as such, the ruler over life and death.


Climate Change

In parallel with crisis after crisis – comes the climate catastrophe – the so-called man-induced “climate change”.

Yes, climate change is man-induced, but not because of our civilization’s extreme thirst for fossil fuels and CO2 emissions, but because of highly sophisticated weather geoengineering. The exceedingly record-of-all-times hot and dry summer of the Global North, the extremely severe hurricanes and consequential floods, including extended disastrous monsoon rains in Pakistan – may be followed by a life-threatening northern cold winter.

Honoring the energy shortage narrative, indoor temps this winter must be kept at around 19 degrees C – or else. Transgressors are warned by many European governments of severe punishment.

Who controls the weather controls the people – said President Lyndon Johnson already in 1962. A recently released Pentagon paper aims at 2025 for total control of the weather, worldwide.

See this and this and this.

Severe weather phenomena – there are “indications” that we are living through weaponized geoengineering, the effects of which may be as deadly as nuclear war.


While all of this reads and sounds like a series of doomsday scenarios, there is a silver lining cyrcling the dark cloud. Mankind by nature is inventive. By becoming conscious of what is going on – in warp speed since the beginning of 2020 – men can stop the destruction. Men have always been ingenious, when forced to the extreme for survival. This is the moment.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from Dreamstime

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

As a means to reaching out to millions of people worldwide whose lives have been affected by the corona crisis, we have decided in the course of the next few weeks to distribute the eBook for FREE.

Price: $11.50. FREE COPY Click here to download.

You may also wish to make a donation in support of the book project at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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With geopolitical confrontation and tensions deepening, the key global players are swiftly turning their focus on Africa. In practical terms, African leaders are also making strategic choices based on their development paradigms. These leaders have to work on their election campaign promises, especially those relating to economic development and set comprehensive targets for improving performance. After the presidential terms it is necessary to show significant success and achievements as guarantee for holding their high-political positions to the electorate and the people.

Ultimately in the pursuit of the tasks, African leaders are exploring ways for effective external collaboration to transforming untapped resources, modernise agriculture, add value by industrialising and, of course, to create employment for the youth and the growing new generation. Following anti-Western slogans will definitely not guarantee the expected development. On the other side, African leaders themselves have to act with wisdom, with genuine external partners, in developing the African continent for its 1.3 billion population.

At this stage of Africa’s development, is it rather necessary to examine thoroughly how the geopolitical changes are influencing Africa’s unity and development, how it is impacting on African countries across the continent. In practical terms, the time has arrived to look at the development processes and review obstacles, control and monitor the participation of foreign players and think of the role in the emerging new world as well as the practical implications for Africa.

There are glaring indications that Africa is sharply divided, diverse conflicts are taking its heavy toll on developments there. Several years have elapsed after the United Nations declared Africa’s political independence. It is more 60 years, but Africa is still far away from attaining its economic status despite the huge natural and human resources. The resources are largely untapped, while about 60% of the population impoverished.

Some say leadership attitudes and approach are holding back development in Africa, others blame external factors including the opaque relations adopted by foreign players. In many cases, African leaders continue to have most extensive bilateral relationships with their former colonial powers. On the opposite direction, Russia and China are critical of Western and European connections to Africa. At least, China has given appreciably huge support in upgrading infrastructure. Russia has only embarked on fighting “neo-colonialism” which it considers a barrier on its way to regain part of Soviet-era influence in Africa.

Nevertheless, the South African Institute of International Affairs has released its latest policy report on Russia-African relations. This report noted aspects of the narratives about anti-colonialism and described how these sources of solidarity are transmitted by Russian elites to the African public.

For seeking long-term influence, Russian elites have oftentimes used elements of anti-colonialism as part of its current policy to control the perceptions of Africans and primarily as new tactics for power projection in Africa. While Russia has been struggling to make inroads into Africa these years, the only symbolic event was the first Russia-Africa summit held in Sochi, which fêted heads of state from 43 African countries and showcased Moscow’s great power ambitions.

“Russia is still a very small economic player in Africa. The size of trade  – about $17 bn in 2021 – is roughly the same as Turkey’s, half of the United States, and many times smaller than China and the European Union. There is room for growth, but sanctions make this more difficult,” according to Steven Gruzd, Head of African Governance and Diplomacy Programme, and Head of the Africa-Russia Research Project at the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

In addition, Steven Gruzd wrote in his emailed comment that “anti-Western slogans are still prevalent in Russian communication to Africa, which still clearly have some relevance and resonance. But, Africa needs trade and investment more than anti-Western slogans  and mere policy rhetoric to turn the economic fortunes of the continent around.”

The 2022 report indicates that “Russia’s growing assertiveness in Africa is a driver of instability and that its approach to governance encourages pernicious practices, such as kleptocracy and autocracy in Africa. Undeniably, Moscow is wooing African elites to serve its interests. In the context of a multipolar geopolitical order, Russia’s image of cooperation could be seen as highly enticing, but it is also based on illusions. Better still, Russia’s posture is a clash between illusions and reality. Russia, it appears, is a neo-colonial power dressed in anti-colonial clothes.

Moscow’s strategic incompetence and dominating opaque relations are adversely affecting sustainable developments in Africa. Thus far, Russia looks more like a ‘virtual great power’ than a genuine challenger to European, American and Chinese influence. The second Russia-Africa summit in July 2023 will provide an ideal opportunity to reflect on progress since the inaugural gathering in 2019, and attempt to separate bluster from the concrete facts on the ground.

Many academic researchers and policy experts have been discussing the growth of neo-colonial tendencies, the geopolitical developments and the scramble for resources by external countries in Africa. An African-American Researcher and Analyst, Lipton Matthews, discussed with me these questions in May. Matthews is associated with Merion West, The Federalist, American Thinker, Intellectual Takeout, Mises Institute, and Imaginative Conservative.

Matthews says generally economic engagement with a more sophisticated foreign power is always in the interests of developing African countries. But such arrangements are futile if there is no transfer of knowledge. Presently, Russia is a blacklisted state and is seen by many in the West as a crumbling empire. Russia would do better if the political system was more responsive to change and dissent.

Despite the respect some African leaders have for Russia, it is not a first-rated power. On the quality of life Index, Russia is at number 70 and in terms of innovation, it is at best a middling power, despite the intellectual quality of its population. That however, Africa countries must seize investment opportunities offered by Russia. Still from many perspectives, Russia is not a role model for aspirational African countries, according to Matthews.

Historically, Western foreign policy was driven by economic and geopolitical motives, but it has digressed to focus on flippant social issues or what some people call “identity politics”.  Western countries still boast some of the most dynamic universities and economies in the world. Western leaders these days are focusing on climate change. For example, economic growth in the West was driven by the accessibility of affordable and reliable energy sources, but today through the policy of eco-imperialism, they encourage African countries to invest in less efficient energy sources in the name of averting climate change.

With or without human intervention the climate will change, it has always changed and the effects are both positive and negative. In fact, according to a 2020 study by the Reviews of Geophysics climate pessimism is unjustified. So, obviously African leaders should rebuke the West for proposing insensible climate policies.

But on the other hand, free markets and business reforms promote growth, and Rwanda is experiencing a economic boom, due to economic freedom. Therefore, anti-Western sentiments predicated on anti-market rhetoric ought to be jettisoned.  African countries must invest in building human capital and improving the investment climate to secure Western investment.

Lipton Matthews was absolutely right when he said leaders should be unsentimental about doing business and the anti-Western sentiments of delusional activists. Bashing the West for colonialism and slavery can’t lift Africans out of poverty. Notwithstanding the condemnation, Africans should also remember that Africans themselves were responsible for procuring slaves for slaves for Europeans. Now if Russians are assertively fighting growing neo-colonial tendencies, what would African leaders do then?

In particular, Lipton Matthews believes that there is always rivalry in geopolitics. But Russia should assist Africa in transitioning to a knowledge-based economy by promoting technology transfer agreements. Russians must also invest in more R&D collaborations with their African partners. This agreement will revolutionize Africa’s economy and a richer Africa is a positive for Russian investors. If Africa is properly managed, then the continent would succeed. Though Russia’s investment in Africa is not on the scale of China, it appears that Russian players have to identify the opportunities offered by the continent.

There is the need also to acknowledge that colonialism is not a new phenomenon and neither is it unique to Europeans. History documents examples of Europeans colonizing predominantly white territories in Europe. On the other hand, we must disabuse ourselves of the notion that colonialism is inherently exploitative. Most people would prefer sovereignty to colonial rule, but the truth is that colonial status does not impede economic growth and some colonies in Africa experienced faster growth during the colonial era. We should give greater priority to good governance than national sovereignty. It is better to be under the rule of benevolent colonizers than to be the subject of a dictator.

As different global actors navigate the troubled geopolitical waters resulting from the attempted hegemonic shift in global power, it is important that neither the East, the West and its European allies nor Russia take Africa’s support for granted. Quite recently George Nyongesa, a Senior Associate at the Africa Policy Institute in Nairobi, Kenya, and a Tutorial Fellow and PhD candidate at University of Nairobi, observed that Russia’s ineffective policy strategies and challenges in implementing its policy goals are noticeable in many African countries.

Russia has long had cordial relations with many African countries thanks to ties established during the Soviet era. However, the nostalgia for the former Soviet Union is waning along with the generation of African leaders who benefited from it. This fact continues to undermine Russia’s relevance and perceived usefulness to Africa, especially among the new crop of leaders. Generally, the younger African generations, who make up a sizable portion of the continent’s population, grew up when Russia had only a semblance of the gravitas of the former Soviet Union.

Understandably, the invasion of Crimea (2014) and Ukraine (2022) has not done much to win Russia the respect of African countries. Besides, numerous new issues arose following the fall of the Soviet Union, and this seems to have overshadowed Russia’s strategic position to work with Africa. Since then, a lot has been lost and no doubt other key powers especially the Westerners, Europeans and Asians have jumped in to fill the void, according to Nyongesa.

In a nutshell, it is imperative that Russia takes its foreign economic policy initiatives seriously as it seeks an assertive posture on the global stage, even as it juggles with its efforts to regain influence in Africa. In the past, anti-western rhetoric worked easy magic in building alignment, but currently majority of the continent is largely focused on democratization and economic emancipation.

For this reason, the United States, the European Union, and even the Gulf States discuss Africa from various angles, but their main focus is on how to establish their economic presence on the continent. For instance, following their previous EU-AU summit, both parties reached consensus on a number of infrastructure and investment projects. In particular, the EU already has an investment program that they claim would create links, not dependencies, at cost €300 billion ($340 billion) to finance new investment initiatives that are similar to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

As competing global powers continue to court Africa, it is interesting to note that Russia rarely discusses the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The AfCFTA could, at the very least, provide a framework for economic diplomacy towards resetting commercial ties between Russia and Africa. As things currently stand, Russia’s geopolitical stake in the continent of Africa is barely noticeable. For instance, Russian direct investment into Africa is significantly less than that of Europe and North America, totaling less than 1%. Also, Russian direct assistance is scarce, largely symbolic and frequently takes the form of in-kind donations to humanitarian crises or forgiveness of debt. In addition, compared to Africa’s large trading partners like Europe and the United States, trade between Russia and Africa in 2020 totaled $14 billion, or about 2% of the continent’s overall trade.

In summary, it seems the strongest aspect of Russia’s relations with Africa should be robust economic cooperation. If Russia’s foreign economic agency paid attention to AfCFTA, which promises to create a single borderless market, they would find numerous potential opportunities for “win-win” cooperation. It is Chinese strategic style, which challenges Western and European powers even as it capitalizes on localization, production and marketing of consumer goods and services across Africa. In addition, Chinese have widely engaged in upgrading infrastructure across Africa. These are simply not Russians priority, not much with sustainable development directions.

Despite several suggestions for peaceful resolution, African leaders are consistently asked to support Russia against Ukraine. Since the symbolic October 2019 gathering in Sochi, extremely little has happened. The fact-files show that 92 agreements and contracts worth a total of $12.5 billion were signed, and before that pledges and promises still undelivered. For now, Russia continues its ‘special military operation’ in the former Soviet republic of Ukraine, works overwhelming against growing neo-colonial tendencies in Africa and intensifies efforts in strengthening its hyperbolic political dialogue with African leaders. In fact, African leaders have to understand that Russia is working towards attaining its global status and that is what matters most especially in the emerging multipolar world.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS) and InDepthNews, is now a regular contributor to Global Research. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

Featured image is from The Cradle

30% of Americans Have Fatty Liver Disease

June 9th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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In the U.S., an estimated 30% of adults have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the most common chronic liver disease.

In people with obesity, up to 90% have NAFLD, as do up to 75% of those who are overweight and 50% of people with diabetes.

Even 10% of U.S. children are suffering from NAFLD.

The high rates of NAFLD are likely related to the increased intake of toxic industrially processed seed oils and environmental pollutants like glyphosate and PFAS.

Lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise play important roles in exacerbating, as well as reducing, your chances of developing NAFLD.


In the U.S., an estimated 30% of adults have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the most common chronic liver disease.1 Globally, about 25% of adults are affected.2 These numbers only account for the buildup of excess fat in your liver that is not related to heavy alcohol use. If alcoholic liver disease were also factored in, the prevalence would be even higher.

Further, in people with obesity, up to 90% have NAFLD, as do up to 75% of those who are overweight3 and 50% of people with diabetes.4 Even 10% of U.S. children are suffering from NAFLD.5

Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, weight and smoking all play important roles in exacerbating (as well as reducing) your chances of developing some form of liver disease. Obesity and other signs of metabolic dysfunction, including high blood pressure, insulin resistance and elevated triglycerides, are also linked to NAFLD.6

Left unchecked, it’s estimated that 100 million people in the U.S. alone will develop NAFLD by 2030.7 There are many steps you can take to reduce your risk, however, so you don’t end up as one of them.

What Is NAFLD?

NAFLD describes excess fat buildup in your liver. Without proper treatment, NAFLD can lead to serious liver problems including nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which causes inflammation and fibrosis, or scarring of the liver. NASH may lead to cirrhosis, which increases the risk of liver cancer, and end-stage liver disease.8 

However, NAFLD also increases the risk of other health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, which is the No. 1 cause of death in people with NAFLD.9 NAFLD often has no symptoms, although it may cause fatigue, jaundice, swelling in the legs and abdomen, mental confusion and more.

Your liver, as the largest solid organ in your body, carries out more than 500 essential functions to your health.10 This includes the production of bile, which breaks down fats and carries away waste, converting excess glucose into glycogen, and regulating amino acids in the blood. It’s also important for detoxification, helping to clear your blood of toxins, and regulates blood clotting, among other functions.11

Fortunately, your liver, more than almost any other tissue in your body, has phenomenal regeneration capabilities. Even if 90% of it has been removed, it can regrow to its normal size.12Along these lines, NAFLD can often be reversed in its early stages via lifestyle changes, like healthy eating and exercising.

NAFLD’s Dietary Connections

The high rates of NAFLD are most likely related to the increased intake of toxic industrially processed seed oils, often referred to as “vegetable oils.” Examples of seed oils high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and safflower.13

Eating seed oils high in the omega-6 PUFA linoleic acid (LA) contributes to low-grade inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis.14 As researchers noted in the journal Nutrients, “In addition, a few studies suggested that omega-6 PUFA is related to chronic inflammatory diseases such as obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease.”15

In order to avoid LA, you’ll need to avoid eating processed foods, fast foods and most restaurant foods and focus on real food instead. Fatty liver can also be driven by excess sugar when, in addition to seed oils, you are consuming more than 35% of your calories as fat. This is likely why this condition is now found even in young children.

Choline’s Role in NAFLD

Choline, an essential nutrient, is also important for normal liver function and liver health. Choline plays a role in maintaining membrane integrity and managing cholesterol metabolism, including low density lipoproteins (LDL) and very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), helping to move fat out of your liver.16,17

By enhancing secretion of VLDL in your liver, required to safely transport fat out, choline may protect your liver health.18 Further, choline deficiency may lead to abnormal fat deposits in your liver, causing NAFLD.19

An estimated 90% of the U.S. population is deficient in choline.20 You can increase your intake by consuming more choline-rich foods, such as organic pastured egg yolks, grass fed beef liver, wild-caught Alaskan salmon and krill oil. Arugula is also an excellent source.

In fact, some experts believe NAFLD is largely the result of shunning choline-rich foods like liver and egg yolks, which is then worsened by consuming too much linoleic acid. As noted by Chris Masterjohn, who has a Ph.D. in nutritional science:21

“After studying the relevant literature and tracing it much further back in time than anyone else ever bothers to, I’ve come to the conclusion that neither fat nor sugar nor booze are the master criminals here. Rather, these mischievous dudes are just the lackeys of the head honcho, choline deficiency. That’s right, folks, it’s the disappearance of liver and egg yolks from the American diet that takes most of the blame.

More specifically, I currently believe that dietary fat, whether saturated or unsaturated, and anything that the liver likes to turn into fat, like fructose and ethanol, will promote the accumulation of fat as long as we don’t get enough choline. Once that fat accumulates, the critical factor igniting an inflammatory fire to this fat is the consumption of too much PUFA (polyunsaturated fat from vegetable and perhaps fish oils).”

Environmental Pollution Plays a Role

Exposure to pollutants that act as endocrine and metabolic disruptors is another contributing factor in rising rates of NAFLD. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), heavy metals, and micro- and nanoplastics have all been implicated in both the development and progression of NAFLD.22

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, is one particularly pernicious toxin to your liver. As more and more glyphosate has been sprayed on agricultural lands, parks and backyards, entering our food and water supplies, NAFLD rates have trended upward.23

Further, when researchers from the University of California (UC) San Diego School of Medicine analyzed urine samples from 93 patients who had been diagnosed with NAFLD, those with the more severe form, NASH, had significantly higher residues of glyphosate in their urine.24 This association held true regardless of other factors in liver health, such as body mass index, diabetes status, age or race.

In a UC San Diego news release, lead study author Paul J. Mills, Ph.D., explained “There have been a handful of studies, all of which we cited in our paper, where animals either were or weren’t fed Roundup or glyphosate directly, and they all point to the same thing: the development of liver pathology … The increasing levels [of glyphosate] in people’s urine very much correlates to the consumption of Roundup-treated crops into our diet.”25

Researchers from King’s College London also showed an “ultra-low dose” of glyphosate-based herbicides was damaging.26 After a two-year period, female rats showed signs of liver damage, specifically NAFLD and progression to NASH. The authors noted that glyphosate may bring about toxic effects via different mechanisms, depending on the level of exposure, including possibly mimicking estrogen and interfering with mitochondrial and enzyme function.

PFAS Linked to Fatty Liver

PFAS are endocrine-disrupting chemicals that accumulate in body tissues, such as the liver, and are also known to accelerate metabolic changes that lead to fatty liver. “This bioaccumulation,” researchers wrote in Environmental Health Perspectives, “coupled with the long half-lives of many PFAS, leads to concern about the potential for PFAS to disrupt liver homeostasis should they continue to accumulate in human tissue even if industrial use is abated.”27

The researchers, from the Keck School of Medicine of USC, conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis, yielding 85 rodent studies and 24 epidemiological studies. Four types of PFAS — PFOS, PFOA, perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) and perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) — accounted for most known human exposure.

The study compared PFAS exposure to indicators of liver injury including serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), NAFLD, NASH or steatosis, a buildup of fat in the liver. Meta-analysis from the human studies showed that higher ALT levels were associated with exposure to PFOA, PFOS and PFNA.

In addition to promoting liver inflammation and the accumulation of triglycerides, exposure to PFAS may also lead to reduced bioavailability of choline, triggering steatosis due to choline deficiency.28Grease-resistant to-go containers, papers and wrappers often contain PFAS; this includes fast food containers and wrappers, microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes and candy wrappers.

You can also be exposed to PFAS via contaminated drinking water and soil, as well as via exposure to consumer products that contain PFAS, including nonstick cookware, stain resistant clothing and upholstery, cleaning products and personal care products.

Tips for Liver Health

The single most important step to protecting your liver health is lowering your seed oil content as much as possible. Please review the comprehensive article and video on LA I posted earlier this year. Limiting alcohol and environmental pollutants like glyphosate and PFAS are also important, but be sure to add in choline-rich foods like pastured egg yolks, which are known to support liver health.

Vitamin B12 and folic acid may also be protective and have been found to decrease the progression of NASH.29 Niacinamide, also known as nicotinamide (NAM), is another option. It’s a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a vital signaling molecule that’s believed to play an important role in longevity. However, supplementation with NAM has also been found to decrease oxidative stress and prevent fatty liver.30

N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor needed for glutathione biosynthesis, is another liver-supportive agent to be aware of. NAC is used as an antidote for acetaminophen toxicity,31 which causes liver damage by depleting glutathione. Research published in Hepatitis Monthly has shown NAC supplementation helps improve liver function in patients with NAFLD.32 Adding 5 to 15 grams per day of the amino acid glycine would also be useful.

Another option is milk thistle, which contains silymarin and silybin, antioxidants that are known to help protect your liver from toxins and even help regenerate liver cells.33 Supplements should always be used in combination with living a healthy lifestyle, including eating right and exercising. If you’re overweight, losing 7% to 10% of your body weight can improve NAFLD, including lowering liver fat content, liver inflammation and fibrosis.34


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1, 4 PLOS One March 27, 2017

2 Nutrients. 2023 May; 15(10): 2323

3, 5, 9 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NAFLD, Definition & Facts

6, 7 The Washington Post May 22, 2023

8 Environmental Health Perspectives April 27, 2022, Intro

10, 11 Johns Hopkins. Liver: Anatomy and Functions

12 National Institutes of Health March 9, 2021

13 Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Feb; 21(3): 741

14 BMJ Open Heart 2018;5:e000946. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2018-000946

15 Nutrients 2020, 12(11), 3365; doi: 10.3390/nu12113365

16 The Choline Council, Facts About Choline and NAFLD

17 Fatty Liver Diet Guide 2012-2015

18 Veterinary Journal, 2008;176(1):10

19 Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute

20 Nutr Rev. 2009 Nov; 67(11):615-23

21 November 23, 2010

22 Nutrients. 2023 May; 15(10): 2335

23 World J Gastroenterol. 2017 Dec 21; 23(47): 8263–8276

24 Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Apr 4

25 UC San Diego Health May 14, 2019

26 Scientific Reports January 9, 2017

27, 28 Environmental Health Perspectives April 27, 2022

29 Journal of Hepatology, 2022; doi: 10.1016/j.hep.2022.06.033

30 The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry May 21, 2022

31 Front. Pharmacol., 10 August 2022

32 Hepatitis Monthly, 2010; 10(1):12

33 Indian J Biochem Biophys. 2006 Oct;43(5):306-11

34 Curr Obes Rep. 2019 Sep; 8(3): 220–228

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Former NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen told The Guardian on June 7 that a group of countries in the Atlantic Alliance could take individual action and send troops to Ukraine in case member states fail to provide security assurances to Kiev at the NATO summit in Lithuania’s capital Vilnius in July.

Rasmussen said:

“If Nato cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there is a clear possibility that some countries individually might take action. We know that Poland is very engaged in providing concrete assistance to Ukraine. And I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that Poland would engage even stronger in this context on a national basis and be followed by the Baltic states, maybe including the possibility of troops on the ground.

“I think the Poles would seriously consider going in and assemble a coalition of the willing if Ukraine doesn’t get anything in Vilnius. We shouldn’t underestimate the Polish feelings, the Poles feel that for too long western Europe did not listen to their warnings against the true Russian mentality.”

Rasmussen said security guarantees needed to cover intelligence sharing, Ukraine’s joint training, NATO interoperability, and improved munitions production and weapons supply.

The former NATO chief also noted that some NATO allies might favour security guarantees to avoid a real discussion about Ukraine’s membership aspirations, adding, “They hope that by providing security guarantees, they can avoid this question.”

“I don’t think that is possible. I think the Nato issue will be raised at the summit in Vilnius. I’ve spoken with several eastern European leaders, and there is a group of hardcore, eastern central European allies that want at least a clear path for Ukraine towards Nato membership,” he added.

Despite what Poland and the Baltic states (Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia) want, according to Rasmussen, Ukraine’s accession to the alliance is impossible. Even if Ukraine does not receive the invitation to the NATO summit, it could very well be extended for the summit in Washington next year because, as Rasmussen noted, “Anything less than that would be a disappointment to Ukraine.”

Earlier, the current NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, said that Ukraine’s security would be the first issue at the summit in Vilnius. The problem for Ukraine is that complete guarantees are provided only to full members of the bloc.

Ukraine’s application process to join the military bloc accelerated in September last year. However, as White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan later pointed out, such a procedure is ill-timed.

For his part, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stressed that Moscow is monitoring the situation and recalled that Ukraine’s persistence in wanting to join the Atlantic Alliance was one of the reasons for launching the special military operation.

According to Stoltenberg, NATO countries will agree on the intensification of aid to Ukraine and make a significant decision at the upcoming summit. He specified that the alliance members would increase aid to Ukraine with a comprehensive package that would enable the transfer of the armed forces of Ukraine to NATO standards and bring Ukraine closer to the Western military bloc.

Stoltenberg has stressed that Ukraine will not be admitted into the Western military alliance while the war continues, but NATO has prepared a consolation plan for Kiev. The first is the creation of the Ukraine-NATO Council, based on the one that exists with Israel, and the second concerns some steps that will be taken so that Ukraine has the false impression that it is on the cusp of becoming a NATO member.

Ukraine is asking to join the alliance hoping that Article 5, NATO’s mutual defence pact, will be activated immediately and force other countries to go to war with Russia. Obviously, the overwhelming majority of NATO countries, including the US, categorically refuse this. The main exceptions to this line of thinking are the countries Rasmussen believes “would seriously consider […] assembling a coalition of the willing” to fight Russia – Poland and the Baltic countries.

Stoltenberg claims that all allies agree that NATO’s “door remains open,” that Ukraine will become a member of the alliance, and that Russia has no right to veto it. However, the alliance only deceives Kiev by promising to sell its weapons and eventual membership. Therefore, the “open door” is just a false promise that Ukraine has fully believed.

Ukraine’s purpose for the US is to serve as a permanent threat and tension point against Russia. This is why Ukraine will not be accepted into NATO in the foreseeable future , even if Poland and the Baltic countries push for it, as the rest of the member states do not want Article 5 invoked for the sake of Ukraine. 


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra has called for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines to be suspended in Australia until the risk of heart complications is better understood, saying prior vaccines “have been pulled for much less”.

Dr. Malhotra, who is currently in the country on a speaking tour, said it was a “no-brainer” and accused the medicines regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), of ignoring the clear safety signal from its own reporting system once the rollout was well under way.

“People can be forgiving if new information comes in, we know people make mistakes — but once you get that information back, them not acting on it… the problem is the cover-up is worse than the crime,” he said. has more.

“Basically, all patients with unexpected heart attacks or cardiac arrests have to be seen as being caused by the vaccine until proven otherwise — even several months later, so even, I would say, up to two years since having the vax,” [Dr. Malhotra] said.

“As a cardiologist, it is unusual to see sudden cardiac death. We have a mechanism of action, it would be unscientific not to include it as a potential cause. What the vaccine does is it accelerates the progress of coronary artery disease, so someone who otherwise wouldn’t have is going to present several months or a year later.”

In recent months Dr. Malhotra has been on a “world tour of activism”, even making an appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience in April.

The description for his Australian tour says he will be “raising public awareness about vaccine injuries and providing a risk-benefit, evidence-based analysis of the Covid vaccines with special emphasis on cardiovascular complications and solutions”.

Despite speaking at a series of sold-out events in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth and the Gold Coast, Dr Malhotra’s Australian tour has been met with a virtual media blackout.

Save for an appearance on Sky News Australia and an article in the small local publication Canberra Weekly about his speech there, most media outlets have steered well clear.

Dr. Malhotra said it only highlighted the disconnect between the public and institutions including government, health and media.

“What’s really interesting is everyone comes up to me and is aware, and doctors are seeing stuff, but they are generally afraid to say anything,” he said, adding he was meeting many doctors at his talks.

“You could argue I’m speaking to an echo chamber … [but] the professionals are very supportive — they’re horrified, sad. When you speak to people on the ground, taxi drivers, shopkeepers, everyone is aware of someone they know, either a family member or friend, who suffered a serious adverse event.”

Dr. Malhotra said the “objective evidence to support the fact there is a disconnect between the public and the establishment is people are not turning up” to get boosters.

According to the most recent Health Department figures, 16.5 million Australians, or 82%, had their last Covid vaccine more than six months ago, making them “out of date” under the new definition.

Just under 3.1 million, or 15%, have had a vaccine within the last six months.

“There is a massive drop among people who are recommended to have boosters,” he said. “That [loss of trust] is not a good recipe — where does that lead us next?” …

“Historically, traditional vaccines have a serious adverse event rate of one in one million — other vaccines have been pulled for much less,” he said, citing the 1976 swine flu vaccine which carried a one in 100,000 risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and the 1999 rotavirus vaccine which was linked to bowel obstruction at a rate of one in 10,000.

In December, former AMA president Dr Kerryn Phelps broke her silence about the “devastating” vaccine injury she and her wife suffered after Pfizer.

In a bombshell submission to parliament’s Long Covid inquiry, the former federal MP revealed she had spoken with other doctors “who have themselves experienced a serious and persistent adverse event” but that “vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about”.

“Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s vaccine rollout’ or risk suspension or loss of their registration,” she said.

Last week, Dr. Phelps lent her tacit support to Dr. Malhotra’s visit, sharing the Canberra Weekly article on social media in which he called for an inquiry into mRNA vaccines.

She declined to comment, however, saying she had not attended his talk in person.

Another high-profile physician, 2020 Australian of the Year Dr. James Muecke, attended Dr Malhotra’s Adelaide talk over the weekend, happily posing for a photo afterwards.

But Dr Malhotra said there was a “culture of fear” with some people reluctant to even be seen attending his talks.

“All of this is suppression of free speech — Australians need to know their democracy is under attack,” he said.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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In December of 2019, COVID-19 made its world debut and took center stage as “the deadly contagion.” The strategy to build fear was the key that aligned world governments as one united force. For the first time in history, a virus became the trigger for the acceptance of a global vaccine.

Ironically, at that time, the coronavirus had not been isolated.

The Bluff

“Hegelian dialectic, or problem, reaction, solution. This method basically involves fabricating or intensify a problem, offering a draconian solution, then settling for a “compromise” that nevertheless furthers the intended goal.” ― Jim Marrs, author

To this day, Coronavirus (Cov-19), has not been isolated.

Buried in a PDF CDC document on page 41, the CDC admits that,

“no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available”, and used a genetically modified human lung alveolar adenocarcinoma cell culture to, “mimic clinical specimen.”

[See Global Research’s coverage of this issue published at the outset of the corona crisis in January February 2020, see Michel Chossudovsky’s E-book, Chapter III, pages 32-34] 

As it turns out, the only isolate is a lab-produced and patented SARS Cov-2, part of the experimental mRNA injections created as gene therapy.

Thus, is the COVID-19 strategy based on a lie?  A September 2020 letter to the editor in the British Medical Journal connects some dots and calls out the bluff:

Rapid Response:
Re: Covid-19: Where is the virus?

Dear Editor

We are told that the virus is everywhere – in the air, in our breath, on fomites, trapped in masks – yet public health authorities seem not to be in possession of any cultivable clinical samples of the offending pathogen.

In March 2020, the World Health Organisation instructed authorities not to look for a virus but to rely instead on a genome test, the RT-PCR, which is not specific for SARS-CoV-2 (1) (2).

However, RT-PCR does not distinguish between infectious and non-infectious virus. Propagating virus from clinical samples confirms the presence of infectious virus but is not widely available (and) requires biosafety level 3 facilities” (4).

It appears, therefore, that we have public health bodies without clinical samples, a test which is non-specific and does not distinguish between infectivity and non-infectivity, a requirement for biosafety level 3 facilities to even look for a virus, yet we are led to believe that it is up all our noses.

So, where is the virus?

The Set Up

When world governments synchronized to fight the “deadly coronavirus,” they unilaterally agreed to deploy experimental injections without any verifiable threat and only limited, short term data.  The medical narrative explained:

The drama of the pandemic has forced the scientific community to accelerate the development and commercialization of vaccines, thereby enhancing the phases of active surveillance.

In 2019. then-president Trump paved the way for the U.S. deployment of experimental vaccines on a trusting public via two Executive Orders, bypassing Congress and the legal process: a September 2019 Executive Order and a December 2020 Executive Order.

On March 20, 2020, during a White House briefing on COVID, Secretary Mike Pompeo disclosed COVID as a live exercise

We’re in a – we’re in a live exercise here – to get this right.  – Secretary Mike Pompeo

In February 2021, The U of Chicago Medicine warned people with autoimmunity about experimental vaccines on its website, but doctors did not get the memo: 

No data exists on the (COVID) vaccines’ effectiveness in immunocompromised patients because they weren’t included in the initial clinical trials. This is true of all vaccine trial studies.

In April 2023, buried in correspondence to vaccine makers, the FDA disclosed that it required years of additional safety studies on all mRNA vaccines thru 2027. Thus, the FDA only renewed Pfizer’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID-19 vaccine. The formal FDA approval was for BioNTech’s Comirnaty vaccine. which is used in Europe, not in the U.S. 

Throughout the live exercise, State governors declared illegal “emergency” mandates onto an unsuspecting public. People were ignorant of the consequences of a vaccine that had never been formally tested. Most people never knew they signed on as subjects of an ongoing governmental experiment.

In short order, fifteen COVID-19 injections were granted “emergency-use authorization.”They were not FDA-approved. The CDC and FDA rushed the injections to market before the completion of conventional phases of clinical trials. Never before had science been so propagandized, and health been so ignored.

Looking back, had a military operation been disguised as a Public Health threat? Did the people who perceived a threat know that vaccine makers came with criminal records and full immunity for any injuries or deaths resulting from their products?

Is this live exercise a crime against humanity? 

Tracking Collateral Damage

After the mRNA therapies were rolled out, The World Heath Organization (WHO), set up tracking for adverse events (AEs), using its VigiBase global database. Unfortunately, the VigiBase system is a passive system, dependent on national centers for the timeliness, completeness, and quality of reports. 

VigiBase is a global pharmacovigilance database established in 1978 and consists of over 20 million reports of suspected adverse events reported since its origin by its 130 member countries which represent 90% of the world population

Using the VigiBase, one 2022 study published in the Journal Cureus, analyzed neurological AEs between December 15, 2020 to January 24, 2021. The authors wrote: 

In this period, 103,954 adverse events were reported from 30,532 subjects who were administered the COVID-19 vaccine. Out of 103,954, 19,529 AEs were related to clinical events and investigations related to the neurological system.

The following AEs are only a few that are considered to be associated with the administration of the experimental mRN injections:

ageusia, allodynia, anesthesia, anosmia, aura, balance disorders, Bell’s palsy, burning sensation, cervicobrachial syndrome, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, cluster headache, dizziness, postural dizziness, dysgeusia, exertional headache, facial paralysis, facial paresis, facial spasm, febrile convulsion, head discomfort, headache, hemiparaesthesia, hemiparesis, hyperaesthesis, hypersomnia, hypoaesthesia, hypogeusia, hyperresponsive to stimuli, hyposomnia, ischemic stroke, lethargy, loss of consciousness, migraine, migraine with aura, monoparesis, neuralgia, paraesthesia, paresis, parosmia, petit mal epilepsy, poor sleep quality, presyncope, seizure, sensory disturbance, sensory loss, sinus headache, syncope, taste disorder, tension headache, transient global amnesia, transient ischemic attack, tremor, tunnel vision.

Frequently observed adverse events following vaccinations were headache, vertigo/dizziness, paresthesia, hypoesthesia, lethargy, and migraine.

The U.S. uses a similar, passive reporting system called the VAERS Reporting System, overseen by the CDC and FDA. However, only about 1% of injuries/deaths are ever reported. This means that 5000 reports of death translate to 500,000 deaths. 

History of Vaccine Injuries

With vaccination, we traded infectious disease for autoimmune disease. –  Anonymous

Since the introduction of vaccination, there has been a steady increase in the incidence of autoimmune diseases. Concomitantly, the incidence of most infectious diseases has declined. Some people call this dynamic The Hygiene Hypothesis.We are too clean for our own good. And it all began with the idea to kill off our microbes to prevent natural infections, which builds immunity.  

Unfortunately, the rise in vaccination has equaled a rise autoimmune disease. This has been known since 2000. Once called Vacinosis, the name later changed to The ASIA Syndrome. 

A.S.I.A. is “Autoimmune (Auto-inflammatory) Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants.” Hint: Adjuvants are integral to vaccines. The result is the body’s creation of autoantibodies, or antibodies that attack Self, also known as autoimmune disease.

Since A.S.I.A. was first noted in 2011, the connection has been ignored by medical professionals. Also ignored? Vaccines have also been associated with CNS demyelinating syndromes, which affect the nervous system. Again, this is not discussed in medical circles. 

Neurological Damage from mRNA

New vaccine studies on the experimental mRNA injections show damage to all biological systems  As expected, there is COVID-19-vaccine-induced autoimmunity. But people are now showing a dysregulation of the immune system and the production of myelin sheath antigens that target neurons and the nervous system.

Myelin sheath antigens contribute to demyelinating diseases and disorders, with hard-to-pronounce names and acronyms. These include: Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Acute Disseminated, Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), Balo’s Disease (Concentric Sclerosis), Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT), Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), HTLV-I Associated Myelopathy (HAM), Neuromyelitis Optica (Devic’s Disease), Acute Haemorrhagic Leucoencephalitis, Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD) 

Demyelinating Diseases:  any condition that causes damage to the protective covering (myelin sheath) that surrounds nerve fibers in your brain, the nerves leading to the eyes (optic nerves) and spinal cord. 

The most common symptoms of demyelinating disorders are:

  • Vision loss, double vision, blurred vision
  • Eyesight problems, eye pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Changes in how well your bladder and bowels work
  • Sensory changes
  • Vertigo, dizziness
  • Fever
  • Low energy
  • Headache, migraine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Uncontrolled hiccups
  • Confusion
  • Change in personality
  • Irritation
  • Trouble with coordination
  • Weakness in legs, ankles, feet/less feeling
  • Loss of muscle mass in legs, ankles 
  • Trouble talking or understanding information
  • Trouble moving face, speaking, or chewing
  • Trouble walking, running, or climbing stairs
  • Trouble raising legs
  • Tripping or falling/Coordination problems
  • Memory loss
  • Weight loss
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Low back pain
  • Tremors
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Bowel and bladder problems/constipation
  • Tingling in fingers, toes

The Studies

As expected, the list of vaccine-induced neurological damage from the medical literature continue to grow on every continent:

1.. Neurological Immune-Related Adverse Events After COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review J Clin Pharmacol. March 2022

The most common neurological event was facial nerve palsy (50% of all events). Other less frequently reported events included the reactivation of herpes zoster, Guillain-Barre syndrome, other demyelinating diseases, and neuropathy.

2. A rare presentation of undiagnosed multiple sclerosis after the COVID-19 vaccine Case Reports. J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. November 2021

We present a rare case of a 32-year-old patient who presented with symptoms and suggestive of MS a few days after receiving the COVID vaccine.

3. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss after COVID-19 vaccination  Case Reports. Int J Infect Dis., December 2021

Otolaryngologic adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination were reported, including several cases of sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL). We report three patients with SSNHL within three days after COVID-19 vaccination and consider an association between them.

4. Multiple Sclerosis Disease-: Implications on the Risk of Infection and Future Vaccination CNS Drugs. September 2020

When the future SARS-CoV-2 vaccine becomes available, patients with multiple sclerosis should be advised that certain therapies may interfere with mounting a protective immune response to the vaccine and that serological confirmation of a response may be required after vaccination. 

Also, Multiple sclerosis relapse after COVID-19 vaccination: A case report-based systematic review J Clin Neurosci. October 2022.

5. Covid-19 vaccination can induce multiple sclerosis via cross-reactive CD4+ T cells recognizing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and myelin peptides World Health Organization, 2022

Qiu et al. isolated spike protein-activated T-cells from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of the two patients with post-mRNA vaccine multiple sclerosis. They then screened such activated T-cells against a range of multiple sclerosis-related proteins. They found that such activated T-cells also reacted with myelin sheath proteins, namely: myelin basic protein (MBP), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein,  (MOG), and proteolipid protein (PLP).

6.  The pituitary gland in SARS-CoV-2 infections, vaccinations, and post-COVID syndrome Elsevier. December 2023

This review shows that the pituitary gland can be involved in SARS-CoV-2 infections and can be a target of side effects to SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations and of long-COVID.

7. A review of neurological side effects of COVID-19 vaccination, European Journal of Medical Research. February 2023

vaccination can have an adverse event, especially on nervous system. The most important and common complications are cerebrovascular disorders including cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, transient ischemic attack, intracerebral hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, and demyelinating disorders including transverse myelitis, first manifestation of MS, and neuromyelitis optica.

8. Acute Vertigo After COVID-19 Vaccination: Case Series and Literature Review, Front Med (Lausanne).  January 2022

 In the period from May to July 2021, we evaluated 33 patients (mean age 54.3 ± 14.1) with “acute vertigo” post COVID-19 vaccination. Symptoms included 16 patients (48.5%) with objective vertigo, 14 patients (42.4%) with subjective vertigo, and 3 patients (9.1%) with dizziness. 

9. Spectrum of neurological complications following COVID-19 vaccination. Neurological Sciences. October 2021

The most devastating neurological post-vaccination complication is cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Cerebral venous sinus is frequently reported in females of childbearing age, generally following adenovector-based vaccination. Another major neurological complication of concern is Bell’s palsy that was reported dominantly following mRNA vaccine administration. Acute transverse myelitis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, and acute demyelinating polyneuropathy are other unexpected neurological adverse events that occur as result of phenomenon of molecular mimicry.

10. Neurological complications after first dose of COVID-19 vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 infection Nature Medicine. October 2021

There was a substantially higher risk of all neurological outcomes in the 28 days after a positive SARS-CoV-2 test including Guillain–Barré syndrome (IRR, 5.25; 95% CI: 3.00–9.18).

11. Otologic Manifestations After COVID-19 Vaccination: The House Ear Clinic Experience Otol Neurotol. October 2021

Symptoms included 25 patients (83.3%) with hearing loss, 15 (50%) with tinnitus, eight (26.7%) with dizziness, and five (16.7%) with vertigo.

12. COVID-19 vaccination unveiling subclinical Sjögren’s syndrome Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. September 2021

We report the first case of subclinical SS to become clinically apparent  after severe immunethrombocytopenia (ITP) following administration of the first COVID-19 vaccine dose.  [Note a 2000 study in the journal Arthritis Rhum showed Sjogren’s syndrome occurring after Hep B vaccination].

13. Side effects of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine: A randomized, cross-sectional study with detailed self-reported symptoms from healthcare workers

Commonly reported symptoms (occurrence in descending order) were soreness, fatigue, myalgia, headache, chills, fever, joint pain, nausea, muscle spasm, sweating, dizziness, flushing, feelings of relief, brain fogging, anorexia, localized swelling, decreased sleep quality, itching, tingling, diarrhoea, nasal stuffiness and palpitations.

14. Vestibular neuritis after COVID-19 vaccination Case Reports. Hum Vaccin Immunother. December 2021

Vestibular neuritis (VN) is an acute vestibular syndrome that causes acute and spontaneous vertigo due to unilateral vestibular deafferentiation, leading to nausea or vomiting and unsteadiness that can last from days to weeks. Reactivation of latent type 1 herpes simplex virus, autoimmune disorders, and microvascular ischemia are hypothesized to be etiologies. 

15. Watch out for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder after inactivated virus vaccination for COVID-19 Neurol Sci. June 2021

We reported for the first time a case of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) that developed after the first dose of inactivated virus vaccine for COVID-19. The patient developed mild fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and cough after receiving the first dose of inactivated virus vaccine. Two months later, she experienced dizziness and unsteady walking. MRI scanning of the brain revealed lesions in area postrema and bilateral hypothalamus, typical for NMOSD. Serum antibodies for AQP4, ANA, SSA, SSB, Ro-52, and p-ANCA were positive. The patient was diagnosed as AQP4-positive NMOSD with coexisting systemic autoimmunity. 

16. Acute Vertigo After COVID-19 Vaccination: Case Series and Literature Review Front Med (Lausanne). January 2022

The 9 patients had an evoked nystagmus pathognomonic for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; in the remaining 17 cases, peripheral vestibular dysfunction could be excluded and central disorder may be suggested. Due to the prevalence of nystagmus of non-peripheral origin, a central nervous system involvement could not be excluded.

17. Neurological Immune-Related Adverse Events After COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review J Clin Pharmacol. March 2022

This review compiles clinical data from reports of diagnosed immune-related neurological events that have occurred after COVID-19 vaccine administration….The most common neurological event was facial nerve palsy (50% of all events). Other less frequently reported events included the reactivation of herpes zoster, Guillain-Barre syndrome, other demyelinating diseases, and neuropathy. The underlying mechanism was hypothesized to be related to vaccine-induced type 1 interferon production leading to decreased tolerance of the myelin sheath antigens.

Many other studies show evidence of damage to the cardiovascular system, In fact,  More studies coming to light show how the glands of the endocrine system, especially how the thyroid and pituitary (hyperpituitary) are affected, as well as the gonads, with evidence of premenstrual and menstrual changes from  endocrine disruption.  Additionally, skin manifestationsand oral anomalies are documented.

All In Your Head?

Some ‘experts’ claim that post-COVID symptoms are “all in your head,” due to “stress.”

While stress can, indeed, affect the severity of any imbalance in the body, it does not explain thousands of studies, evaluating hundreds of people who are experiencing direct effects, post-mRNA injection. Be aware of attitudes like this one, blaming the patient for “perceived side effects“: 

…if subjects are panicked, concerned, stressed or scared of the vaccination, their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine. This biological mechanism (the constriction of veins, arteries and vessels under mental stress) is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, loss of smell and taste that may have been experienced shortly after vaccine administration.

Additionally, C19 vaccinated individuals who are completely asymptomatic have the same blood clotting findings as the vaccine injured. Clotting is worsened upon exposure to 5G frequencies or Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF). [Read more about The SMART™ Evolution].

If symptoms are all in your head, then why are they being tracked and monitored through medical studies and databases?  Why are new sequelae of symptoms being christened with new names?  Why are new COVID treatments being publicized on TV?

Because, with the growth of SARS-Cov-2 vaccine-induced disorders, pharmaceutical drug companies see growth in their own bottom lines using new mRNA-based therapeutics!

Never let a good crisis go to waste. – Winston Churchill

Perhaps doctors will prescribe antidepressants, too. But, the onslaught of new ‘OVID’ drug ads, such as this 90-second commercial for PAXLOVID, is upon us. 

Why not do away with new neuro-medical diagnoses and call it what it is; Vacinosis

Could the world of science be creating a new normal?  Is Sick the new Healthy? Is the media weaponizing healthy people?

By design, science is set up to quantify and commodify all human life, so quality of life is ignored.

If  acceptable “adverse events” from medical products include personality changes, loss of sensitivity, loss of memory, loss of mobility, and loss of immunity, does that not equate to loss of identity, loss of freedom, and loss of humanity? 

Of Mice and Men

Most people know the book, “Of Mice and Men.” Fewer know that the book was based on a poem, titled, To A Mouse, On Turning her up in her Nest, with the Plough, November 1785. by Robert Burns.

In scientific and experimental terms, there are often two subjects; mice and men.

Mice are small, easily frightened, easily defeated.
Men in are huge, fearless, deadly.
Mice = quiet and passive.
Men = outspoken, aggressive.

Reflect before you inject.

It is important to investigate the existing databases and do your own research. Know that the numbers are likely the tip of the AE iceberg since many injuries are never reported.

  1. VAERS 
  2. PubMed
  3. Vaccine Injury Compensation Database
  4. Europe PMC

For humans to remain part of Humanity, they will first need to know they are not mice. 


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Rosanne Lindsay is a Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Writer, and Author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at Listen to her archived podcasts at Subscribe to receive blog posts via email using the form at the bottom of this page.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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Some sudden deaths were caused by COVID-19 vaccines, autopsies have confirmed.

Eight people who died suddenly after receiving a messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccine died due to a type of vaccine-induced heart inflammation called myocarditis, South Korean authorities said after reviewing the autopsies.

“Vaccine-related myocarditis was the only possible cause of death,” Dr. Kye Hun Kim of the Chonnam National University Hospital and other South Korean researchers said.

All of the sudden cardiac deaths (SCD) occurred in people aged 45 or younger, including a 33-year-old man who died just one day after receiving a second dose of Moderna’s vaccine and a 30-year-old woman who died three days after receiving a first dose of Pfizer’s shot.

Myocarditis wasn’t suspected as a clinical diagnosis or cause of death before the autopsies, researchers said.

Thirteen other deaths were recorded among those who experienced myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination but no autopsy results were detailed. Some of those who died had received AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine.

The results show the need for “careful monitoring or warning of SCD as a potentially fatal complication of COVID-19 vaccination, especially in individuals who are ages under 45 years with mRNA vaccination,” according to the researchers, who reported the findings in a study published by the European Heart Journal on June 2.

The study was funded by the South Korean government.

Dr. Andrew Bostom, a retired professor of medicine in the United States who wasn’t involved in the research, said the results emphasize why mandating and promoting vaccines for younger people was wrong.

“These are people who ostensibly did not need the vaccine,” Bostom told The Epoch Times after reviewing the paper. “That’s what adds insult to injury.”

Pfizer, Moderna, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Rare, but Severe in a Fifth of Cases

The overall occurrence of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination was rare, according to the study, though one of its limitations is that the true number could be higher.

Out of 44.2 million people who received at least one dose of the Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, or AstraZeneca vaccines between Feb. 26, 2021, to Dec. 31, 2021, 1,533 cases of suspected myocarditis were reported to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency. Out of those, an expert adjudication committee confirmed 480 cases of vaccine-induced myocarditis.

The cases primarily happened in males and people under 40. All but 18 were caused by an mRNA vaccine.

The overall rate was one case per 100,000 vaccinated persons. The highest rates were in 12- to 17-year-olds, with 3.7 cases per 100,000 and 5.2 cases per 100,000 males.

The numbers weren’t broken down by vaccine type and age, meaning the rates were diluted because they included non-mRNA vaccine recipients. Excluding non-mRNA shots has led to the estimation of higher rates in other places, such as 75.9 cases per one million second Pfizer doses in 16- and 17-year-old American males.

Both those numbers and the Korean figures are prone to underreporting. In Korea, authorities automatically excluded any cases involving myocarditis developed 43 days or more after vaccination as well as any cases that included a positive COVID-19 test, despite some experts asserting there’s stronger evidence for vaccine-caused myocarditis than COVID-19-induced heart inflammation.

“We have kids showing up, young adults showing up with chest pain, and most of them end up in the hospital for 24, 48, 72 hours and they go home. But are we missing people that are dying before they get to the hospital?” Dr. Anish Koka, an American cardiologist, told The Epoch Times after reviewing the study.

“Now, just because we live in the real world and we’re not seeing avalanches of kids dying, we know that it’s a rare signal, but how rare is it? Is it happening?” he added. “The new study clearly shows that it’s happening. No doubt we’ve had deaths happen in the U.S. post-vaccine that have just not been attributed correctly.”

Myocarditis is a known side effect of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and can cause death, according to previous research and medical examiners. Symptoms included chest pain, trouble sleeping, and fever. While many people who experience myocarditis after vaccination are discharged from the hospital within a day or two, they can still suffer from long-term problems.

The new study classified 1 in 5 vaccine-induced myocarditis cases as severe. Those cases involved one or more of the following: intensive care unit admission, fulminant myocarditis, usage of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, heart transplantation, and death.

“A fifth of the cases were determined to be serious,” Bostom said. “It’s disturbing.”

Reporting System

South Korea’s government established a reporting system for all adverse events following vaccination before COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, tying it to a national compensation system that pays for medical expenses related to the adverse events.

The system even provides compensation to people who cannot establish causality to a vaccine but provide evidence such as temporal association, or the event happening soon after vaccination. Authorities also grant money to people who suffer mild effects.

More than 20,000 people were compensated through the program as of August 2022.

In contrast, the system in the United States has compensated just four people as of May 1, and rejected a number whose doctors diagnosed them with vaccine injuries.

Both countries require health care workers to report certain events after vaccination, such as myocarditis, though not all cases have been reported, at least in the United States.

U.S. officials have reviewed autopsies done on people who died after receiving COVID-19 vaccines but have refused to release them. In an update in February, officials said they would provide some information from the autopsy reports but to date have not done so.

Correction: A previous version of this article inaccurately listed numbers for which vaccines were received by the deceased and how many myocarditis cases were caused by non-mRNA vaccines. Some of the deceased received AstraZeneca’s vaccine. Eighteen myocarditis cases were identified in recipients of non-mRNA vaccines. The Epoch Times regrets the errors.


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Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The Department of Homeland Security’s controversial social media censorship effort during the 2020 election was propped up by a partisan billionaire. 

Newly obtained documents, acquired through a public records request, confirm that Pierre Omidyar, the billionaire founder of eBay, financed a specialized portal maintained by the Center for Internet Security (CIS). This portal was used to facilitate the swift removal of predominantly conservative messages on Twitter and Facebook during the previous presidential election.

Omidyar, previously identified as one of the largest donors to campaign groups supporting Joe Biden’s presidential bid, donated $45 million to the “Sixteen Thirty Fund” in 2020. This dark money group mobilized Democratic voters and financed pro-Biden Super PACs. However, Omidyar’s direct involvement in the DHS partnership, which is now facing increased scrutiny, remained undisclosed until now.

The funding provided by Omidyar to CIS was used to establish a Misinformation Reporting Portal (MiRP). A team from CIS continuously monitored this portal 24/7 from September 28 to November 6, 2020, as revealed in a post-election report, “Election Infrastructure Misinformation Reporting.” The Democracy Fund, Omidyar’s foundation, supported the creation of the MiRP through a direct grant, according to the report.

The misinformation reporting portal served to rapidly identify and remove instances of alleged misinformation. CIS’s report acknowledged that the flagged content ranged from “intentional misinformation to honest mistakes.” Of the content reported by CIS, 61% “resulted in positive action,” which the group defined as content takedowns or labeling.

This MiRP system was used by a coalition of liberal-leaning research groups and overseen by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), a sub-agency of the DHS that has led the government’s push to censor social media. Despite government backing for the project, the effort was partisan – the Democratic National Committee was part of the consortium, but not the Republican National Committee, indicating a partisan bias.

“In addition to sharing all reports with CISA, some reports were shared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” the CIS report noted. The effort focused on “election narratives” deemed conspiratorial or inaccurate.

Tax records appear to confirm the Omidyar funding. The Democracy Fund’s 990 disclosure shows that it donated $130,000 to CIS in 2020. The grant, however, is listed as support for “election security best practices,” a vague description that belied the true function of the MiRP portal.

CIS did not respond to a request for comment. The Omidyar Network discussed this inquiry with me but stopped responding before publication.

Evidence of this MiRP system first emerged in emails I obtained from a visit to Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters in December. In an email thread dated October 1, 2020, Twitter attorney Stacia Cardille mentioned receiving outreach from DHS, forwarding a censorship demand from CISA, CIS official Aaron Wilson, and a representative from the Election Integrity Partnership, a coalition monitoring misinformation. 

The alleged misinformation mentioned in the October 1 thread revolved around conservative warnings regarding potential risks associated with mail-in voting—a concern voiced by partisans from both sides. Twitter, however, took action against conservative accounts but did not similarly act against Democrats who warned against mail-in ballots, as I’ve previously reported. For instance, former D.N.C. chairman Howard Dean tweeted during the election: “Do not vote by mail. Ok to vote now early and drop your ballot off in person at the proper office. Too late to trust trumps postmaster thug.” 

The Dean tweet was noted by Twitter’s content moderation team but no action was taken, while similar messages warning against mail-in voting from conservative accounts were censored.

The CIS report provides a comprehensive explanation of the public-private apparatus employed to influence content on social media. In doing so, the report also debunks recent myths. In April, MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan made a false claim that journalist Matt Taibbi deliberately misrepresented his case under oath during his congressional testimony on CISA’s role in shaping social media decisions. Hasan suggested that Taibbi had willfully conflated CISA with CIS during his testimony. This claim led Representative Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I) to accuse Taibbi of perjury in a letter.

The CIS report I obtained contradicts Hasan and Plaskett, clarifying that “CIS and CISA worked together to ensure the reports were sent to the social media platform within an hour of their receipt.” CIS also played a pivotal role in triaging the material while maintaining the government partnership with disinformation research think tanks.

In essence, CIS and CISA worked in close collaboration to exert pressure on platforms like Twitter, aiming to remove conservative political expression deemed untrustworthy. The project was a public-private venture, overseen by government agencies, and supported by a system financed entirely by a Democratic donor.

The report makes recommendations for future elections. It notes that misinformation reporting may require dedicated government funding, with a “transition to the operational side of CIS” under the CISA umbrella, as well as better operational support from social media platforms.

The CIS report is part of a batch of documents recently received from Kate Starbird, an advisory board member of CISA at the University of Washington, via a records request. As I reported on Tuesday, the Justice Department intervened last year to impede the release of records from Starbird’s team. Starbird has also accusedjournalists seeking these records of “harassment,” likening it to a cyber attack. 

Nevertheless, these inquiries are part of a broader public examination of government-backed censorship. As previously reported, Starbird’s advisory panel advocated for an expanded role for CISA, calling for an extension of its monitoring to include various platforms such as social media, mainstream media, cable news, hyper-partisan media, talk radio, and other online resources.

To support their argument for such a broad mandate, CISA advisors highlighted the detrimental effects of alleged misinformation on key democratic institutions like the courts, as well as other sectors such as the financial system and public health measures, suggesting that virtually any major public interest concern may be used as justification for broad censorship.


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When it comes to the political class, bad ideas can be contagious. That appears to be the case with censorship during the pandemic, which became a popular pastime among functionaries convinced they are the embodiment of science—or, at least, the arbiters of truth. As it turns out, that led to the collaboration between the state and social media companies to muzzle voices not just in the U.S., but also across the Atlantic in the U.K.

Muzzling Dissenting Voices

“A secretive government unit worked with social media companies in an attempt to curtail discussion of controversial lockdown policies during the pandemic,” The Telegraph reported June 2. “The Counter-Disinformation Unit (CDU) was set up by ministers to tackle supposed domestic ‘threats’, and was used to target those critical of lockdown and questioning the mass vaccination of children.”

The report added that “critics of lockdown had posts removed from social media. There is growing suspicion that social media firms used technology to stop the posts being promoted, circulated or widely shared after being flagged by the CDU or its counterpart in the Cabinet Office.”

Among those monitored and penalized were prominent epidemiologists and medical researchers who challenged official data and restrictive policies. Activists who opposed lockdowns were also targeted. The Telegraph, a prominent newspaper which has run articles skeptical of pandemic authoritarianism, was itself singled out.

Implicated in monitoring content and penalizing dissent at the behest of government officials were companies including Facebook, Google, Twitter (under the old management), and the BBC, the U.K.’s high-profile state broadcaster.

The story follows an earlier report (credited by The Telegraph) published in January 2023 by civil liberties group Big Brother Watch. That report, Ministry of Truth: the secretive government units spying on your speech, called out the Cabinet Office’s Rapid Response Unit, the Counter Disinformation Unit, the Foreign Office’s Government Information Cell, the Home Office’s Research, Intelligence and Communications Unit, and the British Army’s 77th Brigade. Together, they targeted what officials considered “disinformation” during the pandemic and then following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“The government has created opaque agencies which increasingly use social media companies as an extension of the state, using these online intermediaries to police online speech on their behalf,” the report says. “Though the speech in question may violate these online intermediaries’ terms of use, this itself is not a legitimate cause for state interference with free expression.”

Where Have I Heard That Before?

If that sounds familiar to you, it should. It’s essentially identical to what we’ve seen revealed in the United States. The Telegraph makes that point in its story, noting that “In America, Twitter has released similar information showing how the US government also introduced a secretive programme to curtail discussion of Covid lockdowns.”

As in Britain, U.S. officials leaned on multiple private firms to suppress messages the government didn’t like.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) played a direct role in policing permissible speech on social media throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” Reason‘s Robby Soave reported in January. “Confidential emails obtained by Reason show that Facebook moderators were in constant contact with the CDC, and routinely asked government health officials to vet claims relating to the virus, mitigation efforts such as masks, and vaccines.”

Censors Defending the Indefensible

Not only did government officials seek to muzzle people—often intelligent, well-informed people—who dared to disagree with them, they often did so to advance serious policy errors that might have been avoided if open and healthy debate had been allowed. Just this week, the UK’s Institute of Economic Affairs published a peer-reviewed analysis showing that during the COVID-19 pandemic, “harsher restrictions, like stay-at-home rules and school closures, generated very high costs but produced only negligible health benefits.”

“The science of lockdowns is clear; the data are in: the lives saved were a drop in the bucket compared to the staggering collateral costs imposed,” comments Johns Hopkins University’s Steve Hanke, who co-authored the analysis with Jonas Herby of Denmark’s Center for Political Studies and Lars Jonung of Sweden’s Lund University.

Among other costs, researchers find that restrictive pandemic policies took an enormous toll on people’s mental health.

“My colleagues and I conducted a review of all of the studies on mental health conducted during the first year of the pandemic,” social psychology professor Gery Karantzas of Australia’s Deakin University wrote last year. “We found that overall, social restrictions doubled people’s odds of experiencing mental health symptoms…. Those who experienced lockdowns were twice as likely to experience mental ill health than those who didn’t.”

Children took a particular hit from lockdowns implemented with no viable plan for keeping them educated and engaged.

“Children lost an average of one-third of a year of school during the coronavirus pandemic,” Reason‘s Emma Camp pointed out in February. “Researchers say the loss is largely due to the disruption and damage school closures—and the subsequent shift to distance learning—brought on children’s physical and mental health.”

Violating Rights and Pushing Bad Policy

Suppressing opposing opinions from physicians, journalists, activists, and anybody else who might have seen downsides to the policies preferred by those in power turns out to have been not just a violation of free speech rights (a big deal itself), but an excellent way of greasing the path to disaster. What officialdom called “disinformation” was actually the sort of healthy debate that raises valid concerns, differing values, and important considerations overlooked by thin-skinned authoritarians who prefer censorship over challenges to their egos.

The Telegraph quoted criticism from civil liberties advocates as well as lawmakers from the ruling Conservative Party that implemented Britain’s lockdowns and speech controls.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that many of the foundations of our democracy – such as free speech and parliamentary scrutiny – were completely disregarded during the pandemic,” commented Miriam Cates, a Conservative member of Parliament.

We could say much of the same here in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world. Unfortunately, despite their annoyance at being exposed, there’s little evidence that authoritarian officials have learned any lessons.


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J.D. Tuccille is a contributing editor at Reason.

Featured image is from Elnur |

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Tokyo Electric Power Company (better known as TEPCO) started releasing irradiated seawater from Monday afternoon into an underwater tunnel that has been built to release Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, Japan’s public broadcaster NHK said on Tuesday.

According to TEPCO, the tunnel will be filled with some 6,000 tons of seawater by around noon on Tuesday.

The process, according to China Daily, was carried out “secretly” on Monday because Japan’s unilateral decision of dumping more than 1.3 million metric tons of treated but still radioactive water into the ocean provoked consistent protests from neighboring countries, such as China, Pacific Island communities and civil society groups in the most affected prefectures such as Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi.

And instead of targeting what will be a tangible environmental catastrophe in just days, the hollow and hypocritical virtue signaling talking heads continue droning on about such meaningless drivel as ESG and global warming.

Also, oddly enough, there has not been a peep about this clear and present ocean disaster from either the original Greta, or her new and improved for mass-consumption replacement, Sophia Kianni, who lately appears to be more focused on building up her scantily-clad, environmentally-fighting image than, well, fighting for the environment…

Under Japan’s plan, once filled with seawater, the tunnel, which was completed this April, will guide contaminated water from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant to a point about 1 kilometer offshore. And now, the whole release system is almost complete, except for a reservoir that will store those contaminated water before its release. TEPCO said before that all construction work will be done by the end of this month.

If it’s done, the release would be sufficient to fill about 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools and the water has been used to cool highly radioactive damaged reactor cores as the massive earthquake and tsunami destroyed the Fukushima plant’s cooling systems, triggering the meltdown of three reactors and the release of large amounts of radiation.


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Featured image: Greenpeace activists protest outside the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) shareholder’s meeting held at The Prince Park Tower in Tokyo. They hold a banner which reads: “TEPCO: The worst Ever Polluting Company.”  TEPCO is the operator of the crisis-stricken Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant which has been emitting radion since it was struck by an earthquake and tsunami on March 2011. The activists also raised a banner reading “No more nuclear” in Japanese, asking TEPCO to disengage from the nuclear industry.

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The Iranian Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia was “officially reopened” on June 6 after the momentous signing of a Saudi Arabian-Iranian normalization deal brokered by China in March. The winds of change have been blowing from East to West, bringing fresh air to the Middle East and reconciling tensions that had been exacerbated by foreign meddling.

Next, we are waiting for the reopening of the embassy of Saudi Arabia in Tehran, and the exchange of ambassadors.

Saudi Arabia and Iran had been enemies, but now these two powerful nations in the region are committed to peaceful coexistence and recognize that there is strength in unity, and conflict only brings weakness, which has been used to the advantage of the U.S.

China has a reputation for seeking peace through diplomatic initiatives, which is vastly different from the U.S. approach that depends on proxy wars for regime change. China has been promoting investment and trade along with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Prosperity depends on peace and China is a peace broker between Iran and Saudi Arabia. This deal has already had a positive effect on bringing a ceasefire in the war in Yemen, and may ultimately end with a Yemeni peace deal.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud has a plan entitled Vision 2030 to build upon regional peace to increase prosperity. This vision requires a shift away from the former U.S. dictates, which needed Saudi Arabia to participate in regional conflicts engineered by Washington.

Repeated disrespectful and undiplomatic comments made by former U.S. President Donald Trump and current U.S. President Joe Biden toward Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and his son the Crown Prince have paved the way for a major shift in the Kingdom, opening up possibilities to strengthen ties in the East, reflecting the reality that the West is losing dominance in the Middle East.

The ramifications of this rapprochement will be felt throughout the region, as conflicts in Yemen and Syria are examined through fresh perspectives from the two sides. Meetings to find peaceful resolutions to both conflicts have already been taking place.

The new Saudi Arabian-Syrian rapprochement began picking up pace after the February 6 earthquake and humanitarian relief efforts, and continued to gain steam after the Riyadh-Tehran normalization deal in Beijing in March. The pieces began to fall into place as a new era was dawning across the Middle East. Now, Saudi Arabia and Iran can work together to help the Syrian people recover from over a decade of war.

In taking a look at another country in the region – Lebanon – both Saudi Arabia and Iran are able to contribute to the rehabilitation of the country, which has seen financial and social difficulties. The Lebanese hope to see a president elected by parliamentary vote, which could set the wheels in motion for recovery through legal reforms and directives.

The China-brokered deal has already seen positive results as the Saudi navy recently rescued foreigners from the conflict in Sudan, 65 of whom were Iranians.

The changes happening are not limited only to Saudi Arabia. Other Arab countries have recognized that they need to be independent of the American dictatorship that has devastated Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, and have brought political and social instability in Egypt and Tunisia where the U.S. has utilized the Muslim Brotherhood to destabilize and control the country.

Although there remain a few Arab countries that are content to be followers of Washington-designed plans, the number has been decreasing. America lost its premier position in the Middle East by engineering conflicts that have destroyed homes and lives, such as in Iraq, which still hasn’t recovered even in part from the devastation of occupation.


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This article is exclusively for CGTN and by journalist Steven Sahiounie.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist and political commentator and chief editor of MidEastDiscourse.

.Featured image is from Mideast Discourse

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The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the Public Health™ authorities.

Per internal Pfizer documents forced into the public domain by court decree, we know now that the company knew way back in April 2021 of the risks its mRNA gene therapy posed to infants.

Via Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review:

“[Pfizer’s] safety database was searched for all BNT162b2 vaccine cases reporting any exposure to vaccine during pregnancy (mother and/or baby) or exposure to baby via lactation from all time through 28 February 2021. A search of the Pfizer safety database identified 673 case reports. …

Of the 673 case reports identified in the search, 458 involved BNT162b2 exposure during pregnancy (mother/fetus) and 215 involved exposure during breast-feeding

In 174 of the 215 reports, there was no AE reported other than ‘Exposure via breast milk/maternal exposure during breast feeding’. In the remaining 41 cases, AEs were reported in the infants following BNT162b2 exposure via lactation.”

Doing some quick math, this means that Pfizer documented adverse effects in no less than 19% of the babies – almost 1 in 5 — that it observed to be exposed to the spike proteins produced by their mRNA shot.

None of these findings, of course, were voluntarily disclosed by Pfizer, the Public Health™ authorities, or the corporate state media that the biomedical state effectively owns.

To this very day, as a matter of fact, the CDC recommends that all pregnant women get shot up, as does the legacy media.

“On Tuesday, the WHO issued an alert that there had been a rise in ‘severe myocarditis’ in newborns and infants between June 2022 and March 2023 in Wales and England,” per The Epoch Times.

Via World Health Organization:

“On 5 April 2023, the National IHR Focal Point for the United Kingdom informed WHO of an increase in severe myocarditis in neonates and infants associated with enterovirus infection in Wales compared with 2021. Between June 2022 and March 2023, 15 neonates and young infants presented with a picture consistent with neonatal sepsis in Wales and Southwest England. Enterovirus Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing of nine cases confirmed the presence of either coxsackie B3 or coxsackie B4. As of 20 April 2023, three patients were hospitalized, four patients were being managed as outpatients and two had died.”

Enterovirus, unlike mRNA manipulation for pregnant women, is nothing new. It is also not uncommon at all. Yet, in the same report, the WHO concedes that only one case of infant myocarditis in the same region was identified in the previous six years.

So, all of a sudden, apropos of nothing, infants magically develop a surge in myocarditis due to enterovirus?

That’s how The Science™ works.

WHO head warns of ‘even deadlier pandemic’ coming

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus appeared at the United Nations to issue a biomedical threat couched as a humanitarian warning:

“The end of COVID-19 as a global health emergency is not the end of COVID-19 as a global health threat.
The threat of another variant emerging that causes new surges of disease and death remains, and the threat of another pathogen emerging with even deadlier potential remains.”

What does this little weasel know that the public doesn’t? And why is he not under investigation by the International Criminal Court for making terroristic threats?

Does he know some inside baseball on the clandestine US biolabs scattered across the world, including in the active warzone of Ukraine?

First-Ever COVID vaxx injury lawsuits takes off

The COVID vaxx manufacturers Pfizer, Moderna, et al. are – illegitimately, in my view – immune from any liability for damages caused to people who took their experimental gene therapies.

But the government actors who collude with them are not immune from violating the First Amendment by censoring COVID “misinformation.”

Via the New Civil Liberties Alliance:

“[NCLA] filed a lawsuit challenging the federal government’s ongoing efforts to work in concert with social media companies and the Stanford Internet Observatory’s Virality Project to monitor and censor online support groups catering to those injured by Covid vaccines…

The Plaintiffs have all been heavily censored on social media for sharing their personal experiences, exchanging advice, medical research, and support with others who were medically harmed after taking the vaccine. For posting about their personal experiences and trying to connect with others in the vaccine-injured community, Plaintiffs’ speech has repeatedly been flagged as misinformation or removed entirely. Their social media accounts are at constant risk of being frozen or disabled just for engaging with other users in private support groups open only to vaccine-injured individuals and sharing perspectives the government deems misinformation.

Even if they were spreading false information, under the First Amendment the federal government plays no role in policing these Plaintiffs’ private speech or picking winners and losers in the marketplace of ideas. Nor may the government induce, encourage, or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish—that is, censor truthful speech about vaccine injuries. But that is just what the federal government has been doing as it chips away at the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech and replaces it with government-induced censorship.”

The named defendants include:

  • White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
  • Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra
  • White House Digital Director for the COVID-19 Response Team Clark Humphrey
  • Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas
  • Joseph Biden

Former Biden press secretary and current MSNBC news actor Jen Psaki wasn’t shy in her former position about directing the censorship campaign directly from the presidential podium. Their hubris demonstrates how far down the tyrannical rabbit hole we’ve fallen.

The unconstitutionality is patently obvious. Given that, the real question for those of us in favor of justice getting meted out good and hard have to wonder: why aren’t the feckless GOP pharma cucks in the Republican-majority House of Representatives pushing harder on this front?

Perhaps, the question answers itself.


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This article was originally published on The Daily Bell.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

Featured image is from TDB

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Centrality constitutes the foundation of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Charter. The concept guides the way for the bloc to play a proactive role as the main driving force for its relations and cooperation with non-members and encourages it to become the dominant regional platform to overcome challenges and engage with external partners.

The US President Joe Biden’s “Indo-Pacific Strategy” claims to endorse the ASEAN centrality and support its efforts to deliver sustainable solutions to the region’s most pressing challenges; it actually aimed to undercut the bloc’s core objective by building the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (the Quad) as a “premiere regional grouping” and bringing together Asia-Pacific allies through the AUKUS (Australia, the UK and the US), a trilateral security pact, which received a strong renunciation from Indonesia and Malaysia.

These institutional initiatives as well as the US Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) – which didn’t mention ASEAN centrality once – contradicted America’s commitment to ASEAN and its centrality. The exclusion of Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos from the IPEF further cast doubts within the alliance about Biden’s seriousness to the grouping’s unity.

Unsurprisingly, ASEAN’s response to the Quad, a hotbed of the US strategic rivalry with China, has been muted for its tendency to challenge the alliance’s centrality and securitize the region by creating an “Asian NATO.” The IPEF isn’t received well within the region either where people of the major economies hold negative views about the initiative or are uncertain the initiative will lend a positive impact on the region (Q15).

People in ASEAN countries remain “ambivalent” in cooperating with mini-lateral alliances such as the Quad. The institutional competition between the Quad and ASEAN is another factor that urges the regional states to draw closer to China in an attempt to hedge against the consequences of Washington’s strategic rivalry with Beijing.

As ASEAN centrality barricades the success of the Biden administration’s dangerous goals, it has been forcing regional states into taking sides with the US against China as it did to the neutralist countries, which nevertheless resisted the pressure and maintained their neutrality, during the Cold War. In order to prevail upon the political and economic union, America’s military presence is being promoted to gain its support for the US subversive activities such as a “free and open Indo-Pacific (FOIP).”

Some Quad diplomats are also striving to link the “ASEAN Framework of the Indo-Pacific (AOIP)” with the “FOIP.” But the use of the term “Indo-Pacific” by the bloc doesn’t mean the alliance is pursuing institutional bandwagoning with the Quad or supports its unruly vision. The AOIP rather responds to the four-nation alliance’s presence in the region and reaffirms ASEAN’s common interest to maintain peace, stability and prosperity in Southeast Asia and the wider region.

China’s endorsement of several key elements, including independence, openness, development and cooperation, has fostered an integrated approach to regional growth and stability in 2022. This concerted effort has propelled bilateral trade to nearly $1 trillion and with the launch of the third version of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (ACFTA 3.0), the cooperation is set to witness further advancements, benefitting the people across both regions.

Already 90% of the goods traded between China and ASEAN get zero tariff treatment. Since the ACFTA 3.0 will further reduce duties and enhance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, it is expected to add a strong impetus to high-quality regional development including in digital economy and green transformation and complements the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership for open and inclusive regional growth. The recent ASEAN summit has also appreciated the progress made on the ongoing ACFTA 3.0 Upgrade negotiations.

In a number of meetings held so far this year, China and ASEAN states have agreed to jointly uphold multilateralism, deepen economic engagement, support ASEAN neutrality and inclusiveness, and reject the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation. During these discussions, diplomats emphasized the regional countries didn’t want a conflict between China and the US and sought to maintain a strong economic relationship with Beijing and others.

Yet once the US failed to rally support from the region for its “Indo-Pacific strategy” and stingy IPEF that denies market access to Southeast Asia, it is endeavoring to jeopardize ASEAN centrality and foment divisions within the alliance. These sorts of coercive tactics and aggressive regional policies risk the stability of Asia-Pacific as well as have also led to a decline in the US influence and credibility in the region.

ASEAN strictly practices a policy of non-intervention. In its foundational document (the 1976 Bangkok Declaration), the alliance showed determination to safeguard regional stability and security from external interference. It was further solidified through Article 2 of the 1976 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation which embodied universal principles including mutual respect for independence and every country’s right to lead its existence free from external interference, subversion and coercion. It continues to manage its security from outside interference.

But NATO intrusion in Asia-Pacific, after the buildup of the Quad and the AUKUS, poses hard challenges to these fundamental tenets, putting ASEAN centrality in a chimera and undermining regional peace and prosperity. The opening of the so-called defensive alliance’s liaison office in Japan represents more intense threats NATO is bringing to the region with possible spillover effects in the entire continent.

The regional countries cannot be swindled by the US assurances that it isn’t trying to create NATO in Asia-Pacific and the AUKUS is just a technology-transferring arrangement, not a security alliance. The Southeast Asian countries had long realized the AUKUS was part of a much bigger dynamic, the Quad; they remain concerned about regional security as NATO edges closer to them and the US continues making efforts to militarize the region.


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Azhar Azam is a geopolitical analyst.

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I tell you, serving as a New York Times correspondent these days cannot be easy. You have to convey utter nonsense to your readers while maintaining a straight face and a serious demeanor. You have to suggest the Russians may have exploded a drone over the Kremlin, that they may have blown up their own gas pipeline, that their president is an out-of-touch psychotic, that their soldiers in Ukraine are drunkards using faulty equipment, that they attack with “human hordes” (Orientalism, anyone?) and on and on—all the while affecting the gravitas once associated with the traditional “Timesman.” You try it sometime.

I am reminded of that pithy passage in Daniel Boorstin’s regrettably overlooked book, The Image. “The reporter’s task,” Boorstin wrote in 1962, “is to find a way of weaving these threads of unreality into a fabric that the reader will not recognize as entirely unreal.”

Boorstin reflected on America’s resort to imagery, illusion, and distortion as Washington geared up its gruesome follies in Vietnam. The reporter’s task is a whole lot harder now, given how much farther we have wandered into illusion and distortion since Boorstin’s day.  

And now we have the case of Thomas Gibbons–Neff, a square-jawed former Marine covering the Ukraine war for The Times—strictly to the extent the Kyiv regime permits him to do so, as he explains with admirable honesty. This guy is serious times 10, he and his newspaper want us to know.  

Tom’s job this week is to persuade us that all those Ukrainian soldiers wearing Nazi insignia, idolizing Jew-murdering, Russophobic collaborators with the Third Reich, gathering ritually in Nazi-inspired cabals, marching through Kyiv in Klan-like torch parades are not what you think. Nah, our Tom tells us. They look like neo–Nazis, they act like neo–Nazis, they dress like neo–Nazis, they profess Fascist and neo–Nazi ideologies, they wage this war with the Wehrmacht’s visceral hatred of Russians—O.K., but whyever would you think they are neo–Nazis? 

They are just regular guys. They wear the Wolfsangel, the Schwarze sonne, the black sun, the Totenkopf, or Death’s Head—all Nazi symbols—because they are proud of themselves, and these are the kinds of things proud people wear. I was just wearing mine the other day. 

The slipping and sliding starts early in “Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History,” the piece Gibbons–Neff published in Monday’s editions. He begins with three photographs of neo–Nazi Ukrainian soldiers, SS insignia plainly visible, that the Kyiv regime has posted on social media, “then quietly deleted,” since the Russian intervention began last year. “The photographs, and their deletions,” Gibbons–Neff writes, “highlight the Ukrainian military’s complicated relationship with Nazi imagery, a relationship forged under both Soviet and German occupation during World War II.”

Complicated relationship with Nazi imagery? Stop right there, Mr. Semper fi.  Ukraine’s neo–Nazi problem is not about a few indiscreetly displayed images. Sorry. The Ukrainian army’s “complicated relationship” is with a century of ultra-right ideology drawn from Mussolini’s Fascism and then the German Reich. As is well-known and documented, the neo–Nazis who infest the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the AFU—among many other national institutions—have made idols of such figures as Stepan Bandera, the freakishly murderous nationalist who allied with the Nazi regime during the war.


This history is a matter of record, as briefly outlined here, but Gibbons–Neff alludes to none of it. It’s merely a matter of poor image-making, you see. In support of this offensive whitewash, Gibbons–Neff has the nerve to quote a source from none other than Bellingcat, which was long, long back exposed as a CIA and MI6 cutout and which is now supported by the Atlantic Council, the NATO–funded, spook-infested think tank based in Washington. 

“What worries me, in the Ukrainian context, is that people in Ukraine who are in leadership positions, either they don’t or they’re not willing to acknowledge and understand how these symbols are viewed outside of Ukraine,” a Bellingcat “researcher” named Michael Colborne tells Gibbons–Neff. “I think Ukrainians need to increasingly realize that these images undermine support for the country.”

Think about that. The presence of Nazi elements in the AFU is not a worry. The worry is merely whether clear signs of Nazi sympathies might cause some members of the Western alliance to decide they no longer want to support Nazi elements in the AFU. I am reminded of that Public Broadcasting news segment last year, wherein a provincial governor is featured with a portrait of Bandera behind him. PBS simply blurred the photograph and ran the interview with another of the courageous, admirable Ukrainians to which we are regularly treated.

I hardly need remind paying-attention readers that the neo–Nazis-who-are-not-neo–Nazis were for years well-reported as simply neo–Nazis in the years after the U.S.–cultivated coup in 2014. The Times, The Washington Post, PBS, CNN—the whole sorry lot—ran pieces on neo–Nazi elements in the AFU and elsewhere. In March 2018, Reuters published a commentary by Jeff Cohen under the headline “Ukraine’s Neo–Nazi Problem.” Three months later The Atlantic Council, for heaven’s sake, published a paper, also written by Cohen, titled, “Ukraine’s Got a Real Problem with Far–Right Violence (And no, RT Didn’t Write This Headline).” I recall, because it was so surprising coming from the council, that the original head on that paper was “Ukraine’s Got a Neo–Nazi Problem,” but that version now seems lost to the blur of stealth editing. 

Then came the Russian intervention, and Poof! There are no more neo–Nazis in Ukraine. There are only these errant images that are of no special account. And to assert there are neo–Nazis in Ukraine—to have some semblance of memory and a capacity to judge what is before one’s eyes—“plays into Russian propaganda,” Gibbons–Neff warns us. It is to “give fuel to his”—Vladimir Putin’s—“false claims that Ukraine must be de–Nazified.” For good measure Gibbons–Neff gets out the old Volodymyr-Zelensky-is-Jewish chestnut, as if this is proof of… of something or other.

My mind goes to that lovely Donovan lyric from the Scottish singer’s Zen enlightenment phase. Remember “There Is a Mountain?” The famous lines went, “First there is a mountain/ Then there is no mountain/ Then there is.” There were neo–Nazis in Ukraine, then there were no neo–Nazis, and now there are neo–Nazis but they aren’t neo–Nazis after all. 


There are a few things to think about as we consider Thomas Gibbons–Neff’s story, other than the fact that it is horse-droppings as a piece of journalism. For one thing, nowhere in it does he quote or reference any member of the AFU—no one wearing a uniform, no one sporting one of these troubling insignia. Various image-managing officials speak to him about the neo–Nazis who-are-not-neo–Nazis, but we never hear from any neo–Nazi-who-is-not-a-neo–Nazi to explain things as a primary source, so to say. I wager Gibbons–Neff never got within 20 miles of one: He wouldn’t dare, for then he would have to quote one of these insignia-sporting people saying that of course he was a neo–Nazi. Can’t you read, son? 

For another, Gibbons–Neff resolutely avoids dilating his lens such that the larger phenomenon comes into view. It all comes down to those three unfortunate insignia in those three deleted photographs. The parades, the corridors of neo–Nazi flags, the ever-present swastikas, the reenactments of all-night SS rituals, the glorification of Nazis and Nazi collaborators, the Russophobic blood lust: Sure, it can all be explained, except that our Timesman does not go anywhere near any of this.

Gibbons–Neff’s story follows by 10 days an even more contorted piece of pretzel-like rubbish published in The Kyiv Independent, a not-independent daily that has been supported by various Western governments. This is by one Illia Ponomarenko, a reporter much-lionized in the West, and appeared under the headline, “Why some Ukrainian soldiers use Nazi-related insignia.”

This is the kind of piece that is so bad it tips into fun. “No, Ukraine does not have ‘a Nazi problem,’” Ponomarenko states flatly, and this is the last flat sentence we get in this piece. “Just like in many places around the world, people with far-right and neo–Nazi views, driven by their ideology, are prone to joining the military and participating in conflicts,” he writes. And then this doozy, where begins a riot of irrationality:

It is, of course, true that, for instance, the Azov Battalion was originally founded by neo–Nazi and far-right groups (as well as many soccer ultra-fans), which brought along with it the typical aesthetics—not only neo–Nazi insignia but also things like Pagan rituals or names like “The Black Corps,” the official newspaper of Nazi Germany’s major paramilitary organization Schutzstaffel (SS).

But worry not, readers. It is merely an aesthetic, part of a harmless, misunderstood “subculture”: 

In the oversimplified memory of some around the world, particularly within various militaristic subcultures, symbols representing the Wehrmacht, Nazi Germany’s Armed Forces, and the SS are seen to reflect a super-effective war machine, not the perpetrators of one of the greatest crimes against humanity in human history.

But of course. SS insignia, Wehrmacht iconography: Seen it everywhere people admire super-effective war machines. Remember this logic next time some liberal flamer proposes to persecute a MAGA supporter who partakes of this “subculture.”

Has Tom Gibbons–Neff given us a rewrite job? Having been around the block for a good long time, I have seen this kind of thing often enough—correspondents scoring off the local dailies to look deep and penetrating back on the foreign desk. It is also possible, assuming for a moment Gibbons–Neff’s editors still read other newspapers, that they asked him for just such a piece after seeing Ponomarenko’s. Either way, we get this in Ponomarenko’s recognizably illogical style:

Questions over how to interpret such symbols are as divisive as they are persistent, and not just in Ukraine. In the American South, some have insisted that today, the Confederate flag symbolizes pride, not its history of racism and secession. The swastika was an important Hindu symbol before it was co-opted by the Nazis. 

If you are going to reach, Tom, may as well reach for the stars.

We have a New York Times correspondent quoting Ukraine’s Defense Ministry and Bellingcat, an intel cutout that is part of a NATO think tank, and then rather too closely, I would say, aping a Western-supported newspaper in Kyiv. Yes, Virginia, I believe we all got ourselves one of them there echo chambers, just the way the Deep State likes ’em.

Last March, Gibbons–Neff was interviewed by The New York Times. Yes, they do this sort of thing down there on Eighth Avenue, where they simply cannot get enough of themselves. It is enlightening. The unfortunate Times reporter assigned as the straight man asked, as our intrepid correspondent self-aggrandized, “What have been the biggest challenges in covering the war?” Gibbons–Neff’s reply is pricelessly revealing. 

“Wrestling with access and being allowed to go certain places to see things that you need the press officer for, or permission from the military unit,” the fearless ex–Marine explains. “Ukrainians know how to manage the press fairly well. So navigating those parameters and not rubbing anyone the wrong way has always been tough.”

Forget about bombs, missiles, gore, the fog of war, courageous sergeants, trench stench, grenades, or any of the other horrors of battle. Gibbons–Neff’s big problems as he pretends to cover the Ukraine war are maintaining access, getting the Kyiv gatekeepers’ permission to go someplace, and avoiding annoying the regime’s authorities. 

Does this tell you everything you want to know about our Timesman or what? 

It is always interesting to ask why a piece such as this appears when it does. Dead silence for months on the neo–Nazi question, and then suddenly a long explainer that does its best to avoid explaining anything. Always interesting to ask, never easy to answer. 

It could be that a lot of stuff on these awful people is sifting out from under the carpet. Or maybe something big is on the way and this piece is preemptive. Or maybe either Gibbons–Neff or his editors saw the Ponomarenko piece as an opportunity to dispose of one of the Kyiv regime’s most embarrassing features. 

Or maybe the larger context counts here. As mentioned in this space last week, The Times’s Steve Erlanger recently suggested from Brussels that NATO might do a postwar Germany job with Ukraine: Welcome the west of the country to the alliance and let the eastern provinces go for an indefinite period, unification the long-term objective. Late last week Foreign Affairs ran a fantastical piece by Andriy Zagorodnyuk, formerly a Ukrainian defense minister and now, yes indeedy, a distinguished fellow at the Atlantic Council. It appeared under the headline, “To Protect Europe, Let Ukraine Join NATO—Right Now.” 

Zagorodnyuk’s argument is as loopy as his subhead, “No Country Is Better at Stopping Russia.” But these kinds of assertions, dreamily hyperbolic as they may be, have a purpose. They serve to enlarge the field of acceptable discourse. They inch us closer to normalizing the thought that Ukraine must be accepted in the North Atlantic alliance for our sake, the sake of the West, no matter how provocative such a move will prove.

This suggest that Gibbons–Neff’s piece, along with the one he followed in the Kyiv paper, are by way of a cleanup job. The Western press, working closely with intelligence agencies, did its best to prettify the savage jihadists attempting to bring down the Assad government in Damascus, you will recall. Remember the “moderate rebels?” Maybe Gibbons–Neff is on an equally dishonorable errand. 

Semper fi, huh? Always faithful to what?


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Patrick Lawrence is a writer, commentator, longtime newspaper and magazine correspondent abroad. Writes often on Europe and Asia. Published five books.

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