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Several federal government agencies have been hit in a global hacking campaign that exploited a vulnerability in widely used file-transfer software, the nation’s cyber watchdog agency said on Thursday.

The statement by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added to a growing list of entities in the US, UK and other countries whose systems were infiltrated through the MOVEit Transfer software. The hackers took advantage of a security flaw that its maker, Progress Software, discovered late last month.

“We are working urgently to understand impacts and ensure timely remediation,” Eric Goldstein, CISA’s executive assistant director for cybersecurity, said in a statement.

British energy giant Shell, the Johns Hopkins University, the Johns Hopkins Health System and the University System of Georgia were also hit, they said in separate statements.

Shell spokeswoman Anna Arata said MOVEit Transfer is used by “a small number” of Shell employees and customers.

“There is no evidence of impact to Shell’s core IT systems,” she said. “There are around 50 users of the tool, and we are urgently investigating what data may have been impacted.”

Johns Hopkins said it was “investigating a recent cybersecurity attack targeting a widely used software tool that affected our networks, as well as thousands of other large organizations around the world.”

The University System of Georgia, which groups about 26 public colleges, said it was “evaluating the scope and severity of this potential data exposure” from the MOVEit hack.

Large organizations including the UK’s telecom regulator, British Airways, the BBC and drugstore chain Boots emerged as victims last week.

The UK telecom regulator said hackers stole data from its systems, while the personal information of tens of thousands of employees of British Airways, Boots and the BBC was also exposed.

CISA did not immediately respond to requests seeking further comment. The FBI and National Security Agency also did not immediately respond to emails seeking details on the breaches.

The United States does not expect any “significant impact” from the breach, CISA Director Jen Easterly told MSNBC.

MOVEit is typically used by organizations to transfer files between their partners or customers. A MOVEit spokesperson said the company had “engaged with federal law enforcement” and was working with customers to help them apply fixes to their systems.

New Vulnerability Found

Progress Software’s shares ended down 6.1% on Thursday. The company disclosed another “critical vulnerability” it found in MOVEit Transfer on Thursday, although it was not clear whether it had been exploited by hackers.

The online extortion group Cl0p, which has claimed credit for the MOVEit hack, has previously said it would not exploit any data taken from government agencies.

“IF YOU ARE A GOVERNMENT, CITY OR POLICE SERVICE DO NOT WORRY, WE ERASED ALL YOUR DATA,” the group said in a statement on its website.

Cl0p did not immediately responded to a request for comment.

John Hammond, a security researcher at Huntress, said MOVEit is used to transfer sensitive information, such as by bank customers to upload their financial data for loan applications.

“There’s a whole lot of potential for what an adversary might be able to get into,” he said earlier this month.

The news adds to a growing tally of victims of a sprawling hacking campaign that began two weeks ago and has hit major US universities and state governments. The hacking spree mounts pressure on federal officials who have pledged to put a dent in the scourge of ransomware attacks that have hobbled schools, hospitals and local governments across the US.

Since late last month, the hackers have been exploiting a flaw in widely used software known as MOVEit that companies and agencies use to transfer data. Progress Software, the US firm that makes the software, told CNN Thursday that a new vulnerability in the software had been discovered “that could be exploited by a bad actor.”

“We have communicated with customers on the steps they need to take to further secure their environments and we have also taken MOVEit Cloud offline as we urgently work to patch the issue,” the company said in a statement.

Agencies were much quicker Thursday to deny they’d been affected by the hacking than to confirm they were. The Transportation Security Administration and the State Department said they were not victims of the hack.

The Department of Energy “took immediate steps” to mitigate the impact of the hack after learning that records from two department “entities” had been compromised, the department spokesperson said.

“The Department has notified Congress and is working with law enforcement, CISA, and the affected entities to investigate the incident and mitigate impacts from the breach,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the university’s renowned health system said in a statement this week that “sensitive personal and financial information,” including health billing records may have been stolen in the hack.


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Featured image is from Asian Lite

First published on May 20th, 2016

Laissez faire was planned, explained Karl Polanyi in The Great Transformation: The origins of the market system go back to the intentional project of institutional transformation initiated in England in the 19th century, establishing a free labor market, free trade and the gold standard. Institutions such as the unions, the industrial cartels and the Welfare State instead emerged subsequently as spontaneous counter-reactions to laissez faire. Kari Polanyi Levitt and Mario Seccareccia show, with a new periodization, how this dialectic interaction, or ‘double movement’ can still guide the understanding of today’s Neoliberalism.

Philip Mirowski has produced some truly exceptional works on the historical roots and intellectual history of what is described as the Neoliberal Thought Collective (NTC). These works have been rightly celebrated for deepening our understanding of the continued popularity and dominance of neoliberal policy ideas in the second decade of the twenty-first century (see, for, instance, Mirowski [2013] and Mirowski and Plehwe [2009]).

Neoliberalism, just like some other overworked buzzwords du jour (to use his expression) such as globalization and financialization, has slipped into the common lexicon, especially of political economists, over the last few decades. This expression is normally connected with the rise of the visible hand of the so-called “pro-market” minimalist state in seeking to remove all vestiges of the postwar Keynesian welfare state that had resulted from social struggles rejecting the old economic liberalism of the nineteenth century.

For this reason, it cannot be associated merely with the dominance of neoclassical economic ideas and methodology. As he correctly depicts in Figure 3 of his working paper (Mirowski 2014, p. 10), those are quite distinct in nature. An example of these divisions are the differences and tensions within the large NTC over such matters as how economic agents behave in processing information: the neo-Austrians reject outright models of perfect knowledge and point to the market as the only correct source of information, while the Chicago rational expectations tribe starts with the presupposition of quasi-perfect knowledge. Because of differing presuppositions, there ensue differences in how, for instance, the neoliberals view the state as an instrument to protect the “market” from the demands of the “people”, while the neoclassicals see it as an exogenous entity potentially generating market “imperfections”. Yet, as Mirowski (2014) rightly points out, there remains among most economists much skepticism as to the existence of neoliberalism as an intellectual movement itself. This is so despite the fact that neoliberalism has slowly achieved such a global political influence in government policy circles since its beginnings during the interwar era of the last century and in the immediate post-WWII years with the founding of the Mont Pèlerin Society in 1947.

We are in complete agreement with Philip Mirowski (2014) on the existence of an organized Neoliberal Political Project (NPP) — whose presence he tries to detect and measure by using various analytical tools of research. For instance, he provides an empirical review of the number of books and articles referring to neoliberalism, particularly since the 1980s, and he studies the proliferation of neoliberal think-tanks and other such lobby groups, often masquerading as research institutes that can hijack government policies at the local and national levels and end up almost as in camera advisors to elected representatives. A very good example of this is right here in Canada over the last decade. In this country, there has been much suspicion about the relationship between the previous Conservative government that was defeated recently in the October 2015 election and such neoliberal think-tanks as the Vancouver-based Fraser Institute, and lobby groups such as the Toronto-based National Citizens Coalition. The latter had actually once been headed by none other than our former Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, who is himself a political ideologue associated with the broad NPP.

However, this kind of capture of the state is hardly new. A similar takeover is discussed by Karl Polanyi in The Great Transformation, in reference to the emergence and development of what he dubbed the liberal creed in Ricardian and post-Ricardian England of the nineteenth century. His historical reconstruction focused precisely on the political strategies that were deployed by groups adhering to this creed to capture the state and redefine its role. Indeed, it is surprising that Karl Polanyi is not mentioned or cited once in Mirowski (2014).

This avoidance of Polanyi is somewhat surprising, since he had been the most solid opponent of many of the early twentieth-century neoliberal writers that Mirowski mentions. It was the case particularly with Ludwig von Mises already during the 1920s and early 1930s in Vienna, that is, much before the Keynes-Hayek debates that ensued in the late 1930s. But he also engaged debates with other liberal/neoliberal writers and eventual members of the Mont Pèlerin Society, such as Walter Lippmann (Polanyi 1944, p. 148). Indeed, while they did not actually know each other personally, Friedrich von Hayek and Karl Polanyi followed parallel paths from the two diametrically-opposed intellectual circles emerging in the Red Vienna of the 1920s, with each of them leaving for Britain in the early 1930s and then eventually to the United States (see, for more details, Polanyi Levitt 2012-13; 2013).

The Importance of Karl Polanyi’s Analysis to Understanding Current Neoliberalism

For Karl Polanyi, the liberal creed was the set of organizing principles that guided the nineteenth-century movement after the Great Reform Act of 1832, that had represented the political defeat of the British aristocracy by the then rising industrial class or bourgeoisie. Its purpose was to design and establish a self-regulating market system that would include the creation of markets for fictitious commodities, namely pseudo-markets for labor, land and money.

Until then, the principle of laissez-faire, as it had been embraced, for instance, by eighteenth-century French Physiocratic writers, had a much more limited focus. The goal of these earlylaissez-faire opponents of mercantilism was narrowly to free commodity markets from the yoke of mercantilist regulatory structures, especially as the latter impacted on agriculture. The nineteenth-century liberal creed was, instead, an all-encompassing principle for redesigning society as a ubiquitous and “self-regulating” market system. This wider social project required a threefold institutional transformation, consisting of separate acts of policy that had long been debated and planned by its proponents. The first of these was to establish “free labor”, towards whom an employer had no other obligation than to pay a market wage.

This necessitated the creation of a capitalistic/competitive labor market by, for instance, abolishing outdoor poor relief, such as those associated with the Speenhamland system in England, thereby largely dis-embedding the labor market from its larger societal base. The second wasfree trade of commodities by imposing and extending the rules of a “de-regulated” goods market on a world scale. Under Pax Britannica, free trade policy entailed a precise hegemonic power relation with Britain importing from cheap sources of raw materials while, in return, selling more processed manufactured goods both domestically and internationally. David Ricardo had envisaged this structure of “free trade” at the end of the Napoleonic wars in 1815 in his critique of the Corn Laws, so as to sustain industrial rates of profit and forestall what he believed to be their inevitable fall. Thirdly, there was the establishment of the gold standard in order to remove discretionary monetary intervention as had existed previously during the Napoleonic wars and to impose a supposedly automatic (non-discretionary) monetary order, which, among other things, relied especially on a key power relation between Britain and its fledgling colonies (see de Cecco 1984).

In the British context, these foundational changes took place within a decade or so of the Great Reform act with, respectively, the adoption of the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834, the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 and, in 1844, Sir Robert Peel’s Bank Charter Act, which established the Bank of England as a central bank. While the first largely eliminated the previous Poor Laws that allowed local parishes to distribute the relief to the indigent, and while the repeal of the corn law sacrificed domestic agriculture, making the country dependent on cheap imports, the purpose of the Bank Charter Act was to make capitalist enterprises and the haute finance believe that whatever they received in net revenues was as “real” as its equivalent in solid gold and to insure complete convertibility without monetary “debasement.” Karl Polanyi insisted that, in order for the so-called self-regulated market system to be established, those three conditions needed to be secured through political action, whose enactment served to “dis-embed” or institutionally to separate the “self-regulating market” from its broader social sphere.

Polanyi argued that, before 1832, changes were introduced by legislated actions of parliament dominated by the landed aristocracy. Changes usually took decades to unwind and be effective. Instead, many of the legislative changes of the following decade were introduced abruptly and, like in the case of the Poor Law, brutally. From that point onwards, further action required simply an administrative act. The buildup and enhancement of the administrative capacity of the state therefore aimed at introducing and preserving the emerging liberal order. In that connection, Polanyi cited Jeremy Bentham, who was a staunch believer in the efficiency of the administrative apparatus of the government, as illustrated by his famous inspection house project, the Panopticon, for the efficient supervision of penitentiaries, industrial establishments and schools (Polanyi 1944, p. 146). Centralized state bureaucracy became a decisive means of implementation and management of the changes to the Poor Laws; that is, to echo Michel Foucault, to establish and maintain the social order.

This had little to do with the laissez-faire demands of the anti-mercantilist critics of the previous era. Nor was the new order the outcome of some spontaneous developments. Instead, the new institutional structure of the so-called “self-regulating market” was itself the result of the concerted actions of the state to ensure compliance under the terms stipulated by the new order. In that sense, it was hardly a self-regulating system since, from the very beginning, it needed to be established and maintained by a strong bureaucracy and other elements of the state apparatus to enforce compliance. Indeed, as Polanyi affirmed, “laissez faire was planned” (Polanyi 1944, p. 147).

But what Polanyi also taught us is that if the market order was not natural, the reactions of the society were. A counter movement to the imposed laissez faire arose spontaneously from a great variety of sources. Those included struggles of the factory workers, that established their right to organize in trade unions, business claims for the “right” to establish cartels to protect themselves from cut-throat competition, states’ prerogative to shield their “infant industries” through tariff protection, and so on. These dialectic interactions generated a double movement that ultimately resolved into democratic reforms of the state, with the liberal institutions progressively sided by new structures, such as trade unions and mass socialist parties both on the European continent and, to a lesser extent, on the North American continent.

Following WWI and the Russian Revolution, the post-WWI struggles led to intellectual debates such as, for instance, Polanyi’s encounter with Ludwig von Mises, which occurred as early as 1922 in Vienna. In this latter case, the debate first arose over issues relating to the socialist municipal administration, with Mises praising for a return to the liberal era of the nineteenth-century belle époque. Interestingly, as Polanyi (1944) points out, the term “collectivism” had already been coined by such late nineteenth-century authors as Albert Dicey (1919), as a way to discredit the social responses to the liberal model. Following Dicey’s attack, Ludwig von Mises and his protégé, Friederich von Hayek, began to promote a startling image of the so called “collectivist state,” that supposedly stood in stark contrast to the principles of liberty typical of the liberal creed. It was from these repeated attacks on the Polanyian double movement, or what Mises and Hayek repeatedly described as the “state collectivist” movement, that the newly-emerging neoliberal creed was born.

The Neoliberal Era: What are the Differences?

At the core, the vocabulary of the neoliberal creed was not very different from the nineteenth century liberal rhetoric, preaching the virtues of competition and so forth. We could say that the former intellectual baggage served as source and inspiration for the latter (see Henry 2010), yet there was a substantive difference. In fact, by the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the liberal state had undergone considerable reforms. For instance, by the 1920s and 1930s, the British liberal movement came to be associated with important figures such as John Maynard Keynes and William Beveridge, who sought to save capitalism from its own destructive tendencies by means of what, in the early post-WWII era, came to be called the Keynesian welfare state. One has only to recall the title and content of Lord Beveridge’s famous 1944 book, Full Employment in a Free Society, to recognize the transformation that liberalism had undergone. Hence, as a result of the Polanyian double movement, liberalism had undergone a metamorphosis that was far more compatible with the current usage of the term in the United States and Canada, which reflects the welfare state policies of the New Deal era.

Neoliberalism, instead, developed already in the 1930s in opposition to this newly-reformed twentieth-century liberalist “synthesis,” or what some may also describe as the Galbraithian countervailing powers (see Galbraith 1952), which had arisen out of the Polanyi’s double movement. Once again, the goal of the neoliberal movement was to capture the state and impose a new order, while pretending to hark back to the ideals of nineteenth-century liberalism. As recognized by Polanyi, neoliberals like Walter Lippmann neither believed inlaissez faire nor in democratic governance. Actually, as Hayek explained in his book The Constitution of Liberty, they were aware that once the new neoliberal order were established, it would have to be protected against political interference of the mass democracy; that is, from the inevitable political pressures resulting from Polanyi’s double movement.

But what are the precise pillars of the neoliberal creed that emerged since the late 1930s and promoted by the members of the Mont Pèlerin Society and the allied organizations that flourished especially since the 1970s? Interestingly, also the neoliberal movement came to follow a three-pronged strategy somewhat analogous, in its rationale, to the earlier liberalism: First, their policy perspective in support of competition favored a restructuring of the labor market. They promoted policies that would weaken workers’ organizations, by arguing that workers should be let negotiate individually with their employers. But the argument for breaking the “monopoly” power of trade unions and supporting the “right to work” of working people did not apply to transnational business enterprises, with corresponding anti-trust laws. Similarly, they promoted austerity measures to starve the public sector for funds, in the name of combating waste and suppressing inflationary pressures. These policies have served the purpose of attacking the Keynesian welfare state and reducing state transfers to households, thereby weakening even more the position of labor. Much as it had happened under the Poor Laws reforms in the nineteenth century, this dis-embedded further the labor market, with some of the same consequences in terms of stagnant, if not declining, real wages.

The second pillar, free trade or what has been termed globalization, also further reinforced the effects on the labor market via the out-sourcing of jobs. However, modern free trade is even more rules-based than its nineteenth-century predecessor. These rules are promoted and administered by important supra-national institutions, such as the World Trade Organization. As a result, unrestricted flows of goods and capital, which had also existed in the nineteenth century, are now coupled with international accords, which seek to protect cross-border investment and offer legal privileges to corporations. A perfect example is the NAFTA agreement between Mexico, US and Canada (not to mention the current Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)), which clearly advantages big outsourcing firms in ways that would have been unthinkable in the nineteenth century.

Third, Neoliberals have promoted greater monetary integration and hierarchical currency structures not that dissimilar to the pound sterling-based power relations under the gold standard but even more asymmetrical. Although somewhat more fragmented than under Pax Britannica, the US dollar reigns as the supreme reserve currency, with trading countries accumulating dollar reserves, just like in the nineteenth century they held gold reserves. With the exception of core dominant industrialized countries that have floating exchange rates, there is a huge constellation of trading countries that are either completely or partly dollarized through a variety of fixed exchange rate regimes. But perhaps even more problematic is the monetary regime that a large number of countries on the European continent had embraced with the adoption of the Euro: they have gone even further than under the gold standard by giving up their national currencies altogether and choosing to accept a rules-based fiscal straitjacket (see Seccareccia and Correa, 2015). That surely would have surprised even Karl Polanyi, since, as he had recognized, countries did not really abide by such strict rules with the gold standard being often reduced to a “mere pretense” (Polanyi 1944, p. 204)! Indeed, many writers associate the Eurozone project to a neoliberal monetary architecture already concocted by Mont Pèlerin economists such as Hayek and Lionel Robbins as early as the late 1930s, as well as by writers associated with the Vichy regime during the Second World War (see Thomasberger 2015; and Parguez 2016).

In conclusion, from a Polanyian perspective we can identify an evolution in historical stages from the Liberal creed to current Neoliberalism, as described in Figure 1. Modern neoliberalism, just like its nineteenth century forerunner, is an integrated system that, as Mirowski (2014) says, dares not speak its own name as an ideological movement that bows to the temple of the almighty market. However, this market fundamentalism, as Block and Somers (2014) refer to it, is a much more virulent phenomenon than its predecessors. As Polanyi himself pointed out in the Great Transformation, and as discussed by Polanyi-Levitt (2013, Chapter 2), neoliberalism is a particularly effective ideology because of its methodological individualism. This peculiarity makes the double movement more difficult to trigger: In the last three Neoliberal decades, as Wolfgang Streeck (2014) argues, capitalism seems to have lost a capacity for collective action. Nowadays, Margaret Thatcher’s famous statement still weighs heavily on our fragmented society when she asserted that “… there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families.” It is this distorted and misleading individualistic ideology that modern counter movements have had such a difficult time opposing, and it is on that precise intellectual front that progressive/heterodox economists must do more to meet the challenge.

Kari Polanyi Levitt is Professor Emerita of Economics at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; and Mario Seccareccia is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Beveridge, William H. (1944), Full Employment in a Free Society, London: Allen & Unwin.

Block, Fred, and Margaret R. Somers (2014), The Power of Market Fundamentalism, Karl Polanyi’s Critique, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

De Cecco, Marcello (1984), Money and Empire: International Gold Standard, 1890-1914, (Second edition), New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Dicey, Albert Venn (1917), Lectures on the Relation between Law and Public Opinion in England during the Nineteenth Century, Liberty Fund edition available online at: .

Galbraith, John Kenneth (1952), American Capitalism, The Concept of Countervailing Power, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Hayek, Friedrich A. (1978), The Constitution of Liberty, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Henry, John F. (2010), “The Historic Roots of the Neoliberal Program”, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 44, no. 2 (June), pp. 543-50.

Mirowski, Philip (2013), Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste, New York: Verso.

Mirowski, Philip, and Dieter Plehwe, eds. (2009), The Road from Mont Pèlerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Mirowski, Philip (2014), “The Political Movement that Dared not Speak its Own Name: The Neoliberal Thought Collective under Erasure”, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Working Paper No. 23 (September); at:

Parguez, Alain (2016), “Economic Theories of Social Order and the Origins of the Euro”,International Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 45, no. 1 (Spring), pp. 2-16.

Polanyi, Karl (1944), The Great Transformation, The Political and Economic Origins of our Times, Boston: Beacon Press, 2001.

Polanyi Levitt, Kari (2012-13), “The Power of Ideas: Keynes, Hayek and Polanyi”, International Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 41, no. 4 (Winter), pp. 5-15.

Polanyi Levitt, Kari (2013 ), From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization, Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood Books, and London: Zed Books.

Seccareccia, Mario, and Eugenia Correa (2015), “Supra-National Money and the Euro Crisis: Lessons from Karl Polanyi”, Forum for Social Economics, Vol. 44, pp. 1-23; online at: .

Streeck, Wolfgang (2014), “How Will Capitalism End?”, New Left Review, No. 87 (May-June), pp. 35-64; available online at: .

Thatcher, Margaret (1987), “Epitaph for the eighties? ‘There Is No Such Thing as Society”: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, talking to Women’s Own magazine, (October 31 1987), The Sunday Times reprint at: .

Thomasberger, Claus (2015), “Europe at the Crossroads: Failed Ideas, Fictional Facts, and Fatal Consequences”, Forum for Social Economics, Vol. 44, no 2, pp. 179-200.

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It’s hardly breaking news that Russia has been fighting off a crawling invasion by NATO (aided by America’s global vassals and satellite states) for well over a year now. The Neo-Nazi junta would’ve lasted mere days had it only been a Moscow vs. Kiev scenario and this fact is not Russia’s claim, but one by Josep Borrell, the European Union’s top diplomat (although his skills in diplomacy are highly questionable at best).

It’s precisely this that makes Russia’s ability to withstand Western aggression all the more mind-boggling, particularly when considering the sheer discrepancy in population size, nominal military budgets, size of Russia’s economy in comparison to the combined financial and economic strength of the US-led political West (to say nothing of its geopolitical influence), etc.

It should be noted that the virtually direct involvement of the political West has resulted in a strategic stalemate with tactical back and forth, as both sides made gains somewhere or were forced to concede areas elsewhere. However, the notable difference is that Russia is doing that for strategic reasons, particularly in order to avoid heavy casualties (both civilian and military), while the complete opposite is true for the Kiev regime (Bakhmut/Artyomovsk being the case in point).

This is because the Neo-Nazi junta’s main goal is optics and keeping the narrative alive. And the narrative is that Russia is supposedly “weak” and “incapable” of defeating the US/NATO puppets in Kiev. However, the massive casualties suffered by the regime’s forces are a clear indicator of just how much of a reverie this narrative is.

Perhaps the best proof of this is the ongoing counteroffensive of the Neo-Nazi junta forces. Although experts have already predicted how it would go (and that’s precisely how it’s been going for approximately two weeks now), the Kiev regime is forced to keep up with it, because its puppet masters don’t really care about Ukrainian casualties as long as they can portray Russia as supposedly “weak” and “incapable of winning”.

The stakes are as high as they could possibly be, so the belligerent thalassocracy needs to ensure that the Neo-Nazi junta at least doesn’t lose the aforementioned narrative, as the prospect of actually defeating the Russian military is all but impossible. To accomplish this, the US-led political West is ready to engage in a sort of nuclear brinkmanship the world has never seen, including during the entirety of the (First) Cold War.

To this end, Washington DC is already resorting to what some experts call “nuclear blackmail”. To prevent a complete defeat of its favorite puppets after Russia eventually launches its own counteroffensive, the US has placed additional nuclear weapons in Europe in order to increase pressure on Moscow and keep most of its forces on standby in case the ongoing Cold War between Russia and NATO turns hot. Poland, one of Moscow’s archenemies, has been particularly insistent on having American nuclear weapons deployed in its territory.

Coupled with Warsaw’s ambitions to build probably the largest and most advanced land force in the European part of NATO, as well as station as many other NATO troops as possible, such aggressive actions have pushed Russia to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, as well as reinforce its Kaliningrad exclave.

Specific moves to ensure Russia’s safety include the expansion of its already massive military-industrial capacity, additional deployments of its state-of-the-art hypersonic weapons (which the entire political West lacks altogether) and the overall change in its deterrence policy, which now includes the aforementioned deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in allied territory, specifically Belarus.

However, Minsk will not merely house such weapons, but will also be able to use them in case the political West escalates its aggression against Belarus itself, which has been under a crawling attack for several years now. Worse yet, the belligerent thalassocracy has never given up on trying to conduct yet another color revolution in Minsk, as it still insists that President Alexander Lukashenko is supposedly “illegitimate” and that the opposition is the “actual government in exile”.

The Kremlin has correctly anticipated virtually all moves by the US and NATO and has revised its strategic posturing towards them, making it perfectly clear that it’s ready for any “unexpected” developments. And while Russia is certainly not the one that wants to be the first to use a nuclear weapon, the political West is doing everything in its power (short of direct war, for now at least) to push Moscow to do exactly that.

The latest warning by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that Washington DC is pushing the transfer of nuclear-capable F-16s to the Kiev regime illustrates this perfectly. And while the mainstream propaganda machine insists this is “Russian disinformation” and “baseless fearmongering”, Lavrov’s no-nonsense bearing and the sheer magnitude of his credibility in the diplomatic world say otherwise.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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On December 16, 1773, off the Boston coast, irate American colonists, fed up with paying excessive tax rates and getting political abuse from their colonial masters in return, flooded the sea with 342 chests of British East India Company tea.

It was a glorious symbolic act of defiance. War ensued, and eventually the patriots, once in the extreme minority among the total colonial population, were vindicated.

The rallying cry of the revolutionary movement was “no taxation without representation,” meaning that the colonists were subjected to taxation to fuel the British Empire’s expensive adventures across the globe, but did not enjoy any real political representation in British Parliament for it.

Does modern America suffer from the same phenomenon?

I have previously referenced a 2014 study published via Cambridge University Press that quantitatively debunks the “democracy” myth that American children are force-fed in public school:

“When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organised interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it… average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence [over US policy].”

In layman’s terms, the multinational Western technocratic state does not factor the peasants’ desires or values into its decision-making at all.

Furthermore, the government considers at least a third of its own population “domestic terrorists” for non-crimes as petty as parents not wanting their kids exposed to transgender indoctrination in public schools. It uses money collected from said alleged domestic terrorists through taxes to politically persecute them, and frequently requests more to facilitate its jihad.

Via New York Times, May 4, 2021:

“Attorney General Merrick B. Garland told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Justice Department needs more money for Biden administration priorities including combating domestic extremism.… Mr. Garland has prioritized efforts to fight domestic terrorism and protect civil rights over the department’s focus during the Trump administration on street crime and gangs…

The department is also seeking an additional $101 million to address the rising threat of domestic terrorism.”

Journalists who expose government abuses such as the ones enumerated above, instead of being lauded as heroes for their good work, are targeted for political persecution by the state.

There are literally thousands of examples of this, but the most prominent is Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who has been hounded to the ends of the Earth for a decade now for exposing US war crimes, Hillary Clinton’s personal corruption, and other factual information in the public interest.

The government selectively enforces the law against white people and conservatives while letting leftist agents of chaos run hog-wild on American streets in a phenomenon called “anarcho-tyranny” that I have written about previously at The Daily Bell.

Due process has been all but discarded as a relic of legacy America, in the before-times prior to the installment of the multinational technocracy. Alex Jones was not permitted, in his Sandy Hook defamation trial, to offer his innocence as a defense. His guilt had been pre-determined; the court proceedings were only to determine how much moneyJones owed the alleged victims.

Former president Donald Trump recently lost a civil rape case to a certifiable lunatic The Atlantic writer who offered no evidence of any kind except her own unhinged testimony. The alleged rape occurred in 1996 – 27 years ago. There were no witnesses in the busy department store where it allegedly went down. The jury awarded her millions of dollars anyway, and Rachel Maddow did a fawning interview to celebrate.

Trump maintained his innocence throughout. After the trial, when Trump again pled innocence at a CNN town hall, her attorney threatened another lawsuit for simply claiming his innocence as he has since the whole scandal erupted.

None of this is an endorsement – not even a tacit one – of political violence if it can be avoided. Kinetic warfare with the multinational corporate state is inadvisable for many reasons, not least of which is that the government’s capabilities dwarf those of any insurgency.

Rather, this is an acknowledgment of reality: a strong case can be made that the United States government is illegitimate. What we do with this assessment is up for debate.


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This article was originally published on The Daily Bell.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TDB

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At the end of April, two French neo-Nazis – Alan Vineron and Guillaume Andreoni – who had joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine as mercenaries, were arrested and convicted in their home country. Two months earlier, one of them had posted photos of three executed Russian prisoners on social media.

However, Vineron and Andreoni were detained not because of any war crimes, but for attempting to smuggle weapons and munitions back home, including rifle scopes and magazines for machine guns. After a brief trial, they were sentenced to 15 months in prison each, nine of them to be served conditionally. 

This incident is only the first sign of things to come. According to French media, about 400 French citizens are taking part in the armed conflict in Ukraine. Of these, about 100 are directly involved in the fighting, and about 30 are well-known far-right extremists. 

It’s not just Paris that will soon face the prospect of militant neo-Nazis returning home. Observers note that the number of volunteer foreign fighters in Ukraine has reached thousands. 

The French and their ‘adventures’ in Ukraine

According to the French media outlet Mediapart, France’s General Directorate for Internal Security had its eye on the suspects long before the incident. Despite this, they were detained only thanks to a random check at customs.

Vineron (also known as “Vivi”) is a retired fighter of the elite French Chasseurs Alpins (Alpine Hunters) unit. He was dismissed from the army after his neo-Nazi views came to light in the media. Shortly before returning home, he posted a photo on the “TrackANaziMerc” Telegram channel, showing three Russian soldiers shot in the head. The image shows that the soldiers were unarmed and killed at close range. After the photos of the execution began circulating online, Russia’s Investigative Committee announced that it would examine the crimes of French mercenaries against Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine.

Vineron’s accomplice, known as “Bones” by his military callsign, was also previously linked to a far-right neo-Nazi group which has long-standing ties with Ukrainian extremists.

The “Zouaves Paris” group – it ironically derives its name from the Berber tribe Zwawa, which in turn became known as the French army’s first “indigenous” regiment – supported Ukraine and established contact with local fighters from the neo-Nazi Azov regiment. In December 2019, the leader of the far-right group, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, traveled to the country to personally meet Azov fighters and visit their training camp.

In January 2022, a month before the start of Russia’s military operation, Zouaves Paris was banned in France. However, its ties with Ukrainian extremists had nothing to do with the ban – a month earlier, the group had attacked anti-racism demonstrators who tried to disrupt a far-right rally in support of presidential candidate Eric Zemmour.

The ban did not particularly affect the neo-Nazis. Zouaves Paris supporters from the “Ouest Casual” Telegram channel are still singing the praises of Ukrainian fighters and are using Nazi symbols and phrases alluding to various far-right movements in France and Germany. In their posts, they refer to Russian troops as “the Asian hordes of Soviet imperialism that have once again taken over Europe,” and to Chechen units as “Putin’s Muslim dogs.” They use similar duplicate channels to raise funds for the needs of militants and collaborate with neo-Nazis from other countries.

The group boasts of its presence in Ukraine, posting photos of its Ukrainian supporters and stickers of French right-wing organizations. It has also created backup platforms in case the main Telegram channel is blocked.

All roads lead to Ukraine

A little over a year ago, far-right terrorists from France killed the former Argentinian international rugby player Federico Martin Aramburu. One of the suspects, Loik Le Priol, was caught on the border between Hungary and Ukraine. According to official reports, the terrorist and former marine commando wanted to surrender to the Ukrainian authorities after committing the murder.

In November 2022, the Italian police announced the arrest of five members of local neo-Nazi group “Order of Hagal”. They had illegally stored weaponry, ammunition, tactical equipment, and a grenade launcher and further engaged in regular paramilitary training to prepare a terrorist attack in Naples.

Later, it became apparent that the group also maintained close ties with Ukraine’s Right Sector, Centuria, and Azov neo-Nazi units. One of its members was a fighter from the Azov. His accomplice, having “dangerously close ties with far-right Ukrainian nationalist groups,” planned to attack a police station in Naples, while the former Azov fighter himself was preparing a terrorist attack in a shopping mall. 

The Italian police first became aware of the neo-Nazis back in 2019. In an intercepted conversation from January 2021, one of the militants, Giampiero Testa, threatened that he would “make a massacre like in New Zealand,” obviously referring to the terrorist attack in Christchurch that resulted in the deaths of 51 people in 2019. Incidentally, in his manifesto, the New Zealand terrorist stated that he had trained in the Azov battalion in Ukraine, and wore neo-Nazi symbols.

These ties between the neo-Nazis are mutual. According to a 2020 investigation by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point, the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto became popular among Ukrainian paramilitary units. It was even translated into the Ukrainian language and sold as a book by a 22-year-old Kiev resident, becoming a kind of artifact. The center added that Ukraine “holds a particular attraction for white supremacists, activists and adventurers” largely due to the establishment and development of the Azov regiment and other state-supported paramilitary formations.

Over the years, Azov has encountered no impediment to growth and has become a powerful and extensive organization. The more it grew, the more support it received from the Ukrainian state. Azov’s ideological influence on Ukrainian society has helped to shape the country’s modern agenda. In the 2010s, the organization actively organized youth camps that taught basic military training and ideology. As noted in the Combating Terrorism Center report, the public declarations of Ukrainian far-right extremists attracted ultra-rightists from Europe, the United States, and other countries.

Far-right extremist puppet theater

In the same CTC report, Ukraine is dubbed the first country where the “overtly far-right white nationalist militia [is] publicly celebrated, openly organizing, and with friends in high places.”

As a result, Ukraine has become a meeting point for far-right extremists from all over the world. The foundation for this was laid long before the start of hostilities in February 2022.

Joachim Furholm was a foreign mercenary in Ukraine and later a recruiter of Western extremists. Furholm is a Norwegian fascist activist who was briefly imprisoned after an attempted bank robbery. He also became well-known for sympathizing with the terrorist Anders Breivik. In 2018, he joined the Foreign Legion in Ukraine and began recruiting American neo-Nazis to the Azov unit. 

“It’s like a petri dish for fascism. It’s the perfect conditions,” Furholm said about Ukraine in an interview. Referring to the Azov unit, he said that “they do have serious intentions of helping the rest of Europe in retaking our rightful lands.” Later on the “Azov” podcast, Furholm urged listeners to get in touch with him on Instagram. When a young man from New Mexico reached out, the Norwegian urged him to join the fighting in Ukraine saying, “Come over here, boy. A rifle and beer are waiting for you.”

Surprisingly, after making an appearance on the far-right podcast, Furholm wasn’t ostracized by the media. After speaking at an Azov rally in 2018, he went on to give an interview to the US government-controlled RFE/RL.

The case of the American mercenary and former US Army veteran Craig Lang is even more striking. Lang made headlines when he attempted to blow up his pregnant wife with anti-personnel landmines. In 2015, after serving a prison sentence, he joined the Right Sector ultranationalist organization along with another army veteran, Alex Zwiefelhofere. BuzzFeed reported that Craig recruited dozens of Western militants to Ukrainian paramilitary units.

In 2016, Lang joined the Georgian National Legion, which fought on the side of Ukraine in eastern Donbass. Leaked documents revealed that he beat, tortured, and killed local civilians. According to the publishers of the leak, one of the videos shows Lang beating and drowning a girl after a fellow fighter injected her with adrenaline so that she would not lose consciousness while drowning. Lang and other militants committed these atrocities as members of the Right Sector unit. 

Despite the fact that Lang has been charged in a double murder case in the United States, his lawyer Dmytro Morhun told Politico that he had returned to the battlefield. In the summer of 2022, he was seen on social media “in a Ukrainian military uniform and brandishing an anti-tank weapon.” 

Paul Gray is another prominent example of the petri-dish effect. The Iraq war veteran and Purple Heart recipient was a well-known fascist activist in the United States before joining the pro-Ukrainian militants. Despite this, Gray made numerous media appearances, including on Fox News, where he was portrayed as a heroic soldier, his neo-Nazi views never surfacing. 

According to media reports, a document compiled by the US Customs and Border Protection Service, intelligence, and other domestic security services, shows that many American militants have traveled to Ukraine. The evidence in these cases being recorded interviews with the extremists themselves, conducted by the law enforcement agencies. 

Interestingly, one of the questions listed in the document was, “What kind of training are foreign fighters receiving in Ukraine that they could possibly proliferate in US based militia and white nationalist groups?”

In July 2022, Europol warned that “the proliferation of firearms and explosives in Ukraine could lead to an increase in firearms and munitions trafficked into the EU via established smuggling routes or online platforms” and “this threat might even be higher once the conflict has ended.”

This means that Ukraine isn’t just turning into a mecca for neo-Nazis, but also poses a threat for the West. A report by the UK’s Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament shows that British citizens who have traveled overseas for “Right-Wing Terrorism-related purposes” have been “further radicalized” and “developed connections” with others who share their violent ideology. At the same time, the report indicates that there is currently “no process” in place to monitor these people following their arrival home.


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Iain Muir is a Scottish/British Photojournalist, researcher, pilot (A&H), CAA-licensed drone operator, commentator, NUJ member, SCTS-registered.

All images in this article are from Scotland Today Online

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Questioning the Quad’s Rhetoric

June 16th, 2023 by Mark Valencia

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Pregnant women who took toxic, experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been suffering all kinds of complications including:

  • miscarriages (fetal death <= 20wk)
  • stillbirths (fetal death > 20wk)
  • sudden death of mom before, during or after delivery (click here)
  • pregnant women having heart attacks, strokes, dying in sleep (click here)
  • sudden deaths of infants shortly after delivery (click here)
  • injuries to infants such as myocarditis (click here)
  • injuries to infants from breastfeeding with mRNA in milk (click here)

In this article I will look deeper into some of the identified causes of miscarriages and stillbirths (after mom took COVID-19 mRNA vaccine) such as fetal growth restriction, fetal cardiac arrest, fetal pulmonary hemorrhage, blood clots at the placenta, placental failure, etc.

I will write a separate substack on congenital malformations.

I would like to thank Substack author “WelcomeTheEagle88” for his work on finding these VAERS reports, please check out his substack, he has done some incredible work (click here).

Fetus stopped growing after mRNA injection:

CASE 01 (VAERS 1070770) – Pregnant woman had 1st Pfizer jab on Feb.4, 2021 at 7wk5d pregnancy. Fetus stopped growing 6 days later (8wk4d), no heartbeat and she had miscarriage Feb.22, 2021 (18 days after Pfizer)

CASE 02 (VAERS 1340339) – 35 year old Pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer jab on April 18, 2021 at 5wk5d of pregnancy. Fetus stopped growing 5 days after Pfizer jab on April 23, 2021 and died. Miscarriage.

CASE 03 (VAERS 1394084) – Pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer dose at 5.5 weeks pregnancy and fetus stopped growing immediately after her Pfizer jab. Miscarriage.

CASE 04 (VAERS 2003811) – 34 year old pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer dose on Aug.5, 2021 at 2 weeks pregnancy and fetus stopped growing immediately, she suffered a miscarriage 3 weeks later on Aug.26, 2021.

CASE 05 (VAERS 2070928) – Pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer jab at 3wk of pregnancy and fetus stopped growing at 4.5 to 5 weeks pregnancy resulting in spontaneous abortion. 

CASE 06 (VAERS 2115408) – 29 year old pregnant woman had 3rd Pfizer jab at 8 weeks pregnancy and fetus stopped growing on same day as vaccination. 

CASE 07 (VAERS 2178577) – Pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer jab on Jul.30, 2021 and 18 days later, U/S showed intrauterine growth retardation. Medical termination of pregnancy Aug.26, 2021 (4 weeks after Pfizer jab)

CASE 08 (VAERS 2180550) – Pregnant woman had 3rd Pfizer jab on Dec.1, 2021 and within 2 months there was fetal growth restriction leading to fetal death on Feb.15, 2022 and medical termination of pregnancy. 

Fetus had cardiac arrest:

CASE 09 (VAERS 1964955) – 31 year old pregnant woman had 1st Pfizer jab at 18 weeks pregnancy and suffered fetal cardiac arrest and therapeutic abortion.

CASE 10 (VAERS 2009647) – Pregnant woman had 1st Pfizer dose at 4wk pregnancy on May 18, 2021 and her fetus had cardiac arrest 15 days later at 6wk3d resulting in miscarriage.

Fetus had pulmonary hemorrhage:

CASE 11 (VAERS 2230334) – Pregnant woman had 1st Moderna dose Jul.30, 2021 and 2nd Moderna dose on Aug. 27, 2021. Next day, fetus had pulmonary hemorrhage and peritoneal hemorrhage resulting in stillbirth on Aug. 28, 2021 at 38 weeks gestation.

Placenta problems 

CASE 12 (VAERS 2386294) – 34 year old Pregnant woman had 3rd Pfizer jab on Jan. 20, 2022. Then 20 days later fetus had pulmonary hemorrhage resulting in stillbirth at 34+3 weeks. Cause of death: PLACENTAL FAILURE.

CASE 13 (VAERS 2046121) – Pregnant woman had 2nd dose of Moderna on Oct.20, 2021 and 6 days later fetus died due to “clotting at the placenta” and fetal vascular malperfusion. Reported cause of death: clotting at the placenta.

CASE 14 (VAERS 2463841) – 30 year old pregnant woman had 3rd Pfizer jab on Dec. 18, 2021 and one month later on Jan. 21, 2022 ultrasound showed growth restriction, on Feb.20, 2022 fetus had no heartbeat. Stillbirth on Feb. 23, 2022. Cause of death: placental insufficiency caused by severe maternal vascular malperfusion.

My Take…

Every pregnant woman should have had these risks explained to her as part of informed consent. The risks of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to the fetus include:

  • fetus can stop growing and die immediately after taking the mRNA vaccine or up to several days, weeks or months later, resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth;
  • fetus can suffer cardiac arrest and die;
  • fetus can suffer pulmonary hemorrhage and die;
  • fetus can die from placental blood clots
  • fetus can die from placental insufficiency or placental failure
  • fetus can die from congenital malformations (next substack)

Please note that these COVID-19 mRNA vaccine related adverse events were known and recorded in VAERS in early 2021 so every doctor should have been advising their pregnant patients about these documented and known adverse events.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of doctors did not educate their pregnant patients about the risks of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, and should be held legally liable for failing to do so.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Amnesty International has accused Israel of “collective punishment against the civilian population” during last month’s fighting between Israel and Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip, and called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate.

The new report concluded that Israel conducted “apparently disproportionate” strikes against men, women and children in Gaza over a five-day period in May, killing 33 Palestinians, including six children.

One Israeli was also killed during the fighting.

During the attacks, the Israeli military damaged 2,943 housing units, including 103 homes which were completely destroyed. More than 1,244 Palestinians have also been displaced.

“Since the root cause of these recurrent unlawful attacks against civilians is Israel’s apartheid system against Palestinians, therefore Amnesty International is renewing its call on the ICC to consider the applicability of the crime against humanity of apartheid within its current formal investigation into the Situation in the State of Palestine,” said the report.

The fighting on 9 May began when the Israeli military killed 15 Palestinians, including three Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commanders along with their wives and children, in air strikes.

“Those who planned and authorised the attacks anticipated – and likely disregarded – the disproportionate harm to civilians,” said Amnesty, adding that “intentionally launching disproportionate attacks… is a war crime”.

The PIJ responded to the Israeli attack by firing rockets into Israel.

Amnesty International went on to say that indiscriminate rocket fire by the PIJ killed both Israeli and Palestinian civilians and should also be subject to investigation.

PIJ rockets are “inherently inaccurate and their use against areas populated with civilians is indiscriminate, violates international humanitarian law and should be investigated as possible war crimes”, the report added.

Israeli impunity

The most significant portions of the report, however, were reserved for Israel.

“Israel’s impunity for the war crimes it repeatedly commits against Palestinians, and for its cruel ongoing 16-year illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip, emboldens further violations and makes injustice chronic,” said Heba Morayef, the Middle East and North Africa regional director at Amnesty International.

“That we have been documenting the same patterns of unlawful killings and destruction over and over again is an indictment of the international community’s failure to hold Israel accountable.”

Speaking to AFP, the Israeli army responded to the report, saying that it “carried out attacks only after a real-time assessment before the attack that the expected collateral damage to civilians and civilian property will not be excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated”.

Amnesty International has rejected such claims, citing a “pattern of extensive destruction of property” as a result of Israeli strikes that “failed to meet the exceptions under which attacking homes and other civilian objects would be justified”.

During its investigation, Amnesty documented at least three cases of “neighbourhood-wide property destruction”.

In one recorded incident on 13 May, Israel targeted a three-storey building in the neighbourhood of Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

The building, home to 22 civilians, including 12 children, was completely destroyed and several other homes in the area were severely damaged. The bombing resulted in the internal displacement of at least 41 civilians.

Amnesty said that it found no evidence that there was a military objective in destroying the buildings or that any members of the family had any military involvement.

“In our investigation, we heard vivid accounts of bombs obliterating homes, of fathers digging their little girls out from under rubble, of a teenager fatally injured as she lay in bed holding a teddy bear. More frightening than any of this is the near certainty that, unless perpetrators are held to account, these horrifying scenes will be repeated,” said Morayef.

A spokesperson for PIJ said the group “welcomes” the report.

“We are doing our part to defend ourselves against the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people,” it added in a statement.


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Featured image: Mourners comfort each other before the burial of 13 Palestinians killed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza City, 9 May 2023 (MEE/Mohammed al-Hajjar)

First published on August 20, 2013 


From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization:

On Karl Polanyi and Other Essays

A new book by Kari Levitt, with Afterword by Samir Amin


From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization is published in Canada by Fernwood Publishing and in the United States and the rest of the world by Zed Books of London and New York. 


In Canada, Kari Levitt is known for her path-breaking study Silent Surrender (1970, 2002), which warned of the consequences of permitting industries to be dominated by multinational corporations. In the Caribbean the author is known for her work on the persistence of the Plantation Economy (2009), from slavery to the present.


In From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization, Kari Levitt draws on the insights of her father Karl Polanyi’s classic The Great Transformation to set the financial crisis of 2008 in the perspective of the predatory financialization of the Western heartlands of capitalism. The author traces the return of capitalism to its mercantilist origins in commerce and conquest, and the return of Asia to the stage of world history in the autumn of American empire. The most surprising aspect of the on-going multi-faceted global crisis has been the resilience of the South in resuming strong economic growth compared with the inability of Western governments to save the economic livelihoods of millions.


“…the continuities of scholarly approach and of substance shine through with a light that illuminates past, present and potential future.”

    —    Norman Girvan, University of the West Indies

“This extraordinary volume from Kari Polanyi Levitt is a must read and provides a unique window on the thinking of Karl Polanyi, demonstrating the relevance of his ideas to the challenges of the 21st Century.”

     —    James Putzel, London School of Economics 

“The author’s approach reveals the striking contrast between the power of the historical method and the sterility of conventional economic theory based on trans-historical rationality.”

—    Samir Amin, Third World Forum 

“Kari Polanyi Levitt has made an important contribution to the understanding of the role of emerging nations in moving toward a more equitable multipolar world.”

     —    José Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University

“Kari Polanyi Levitt demonstrates how Karl Polanyi… offers an alternative policy framework for our time— one steeped in humanism, social democracy, and environmental sustainability.”

    —    Roy Culpeper, Carleton University 

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Leak: EU Commission Wants Digital Euro Accessible to Everyone

June 15th, 2023 by János Allenbach-Ammann

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The European Commission wants to implement a digital euro that is accessible to all retail users for free, in an effort to strengthen financial inclusion and competition in digital payments, according to a leaked draft proposal seen by EURACTIV.

The proposal for a regulation to introduce a digital euro is expected to be presented on 28 June. It will then have to be approved by both the European Parliament and the member state governments in the EU Council.

While it was unclear in what form the digital euro should be introduced, the leaked document now suggests that the Commission wants to make it accessible not only to banks but primarily to the public at large as a retail payment option.

One of the motivations behind the proposal is the desire to “reduce the fragmentation of the European retail payments market, to promote competition,” and “to encourage industry initiatives to offer pan-European payment services,” according to the draft proposal.

Moreover, the digital euro is a reaction to technological developments.

The discussion around the digital euro first picked up speed when a consortium around Facebook (today Meta) started the Libra project with the aim of creating its own digital currency. While the Libra project was abandoned in the meantime, the fear of losing monetary control to private initiatives remained.

Accessible to everybody

“In the euro area, the establishment of a retail CBDC (central bank digital currency)  – the digital euro – is necessary to supplement cash and adapt the official forms of the currency to technological developments,” the explanatory statement of the draft proposal reads.

By going for a retail CBDC, the EU would take a different path than other jurisdictions. The Swiss National Bank, for example is mainly interested in a wholesale CBDC that could be used to facilitate interbank settlements.

The digital euro would be legal tender, meaning that economic operators will have to accept payment in digital euro, although there are exceptions, for example for microenterprises with fewer than 10 employees and less than €2 million in annual turnover.

The digital euro is backed by the European Central Bank (ECB), as physical cash is today. It would thus be more safe than bank deposits, which are only backed by the commercial banks and – up to a certain amount – by deposit insurance schemes.

Moreover, the digital euro should not only be available online, it should also be usable offline, via so-called proximity payments. However, offline use would only be allowed for low-value transactions.

Free account, free transactions

Just like cash, the digital euro should be available to users free of charge.

“All credit institutions providing payment account services would be required to provide basic digital euro payment services upon request of their clients,” the proposal reads. Moreover, the Commission wants to ensure that “basic digital euro services” are “offered for free to natural persons,” even if they are not consumers of credit institutions.

In addition, public institutions like postal offices or local and regional authorities would be able to distribute the digital euro, helping to make its use independent from banks.

Payment services providers would also have to offer the transactions free of charge for natural persons. They can, however, ask for a fee from merchants, but the fee cannot surpass the fees “requested for the most efficient comparable means of payment,” according to the proposal.

Holding limits

In the past, some banks have expressed the worry that too attractive a digital euro could lead savers to withdraw their money from bank deposits and store it in the safer digital euro accounts backed by the central bank. If such a move happened too quickly, this could pose a risk to financial stability.

This tradeoff is acknowledged in the draft proposal that, in its own words, seeks to balance the trade-offs between “ensuring wide usage while protecting financial stability and credit provision.”

The Commission wants to tackle that problem by limiting the use of the digital euro as a store of value. It tasks the ECB with “developing instruments to limit the use of the digital euro as a store of value”.

According to the draft proposal, this could mean that the ECB would institute limits to how much digital euros any individual can hold in order to safeguard financial stability.

While individuals would be allowed to use multiple digital euro accounts, the ECB-imposed holding limits would apply to the sum of digital euros held in all digital euro accounts of any single individual.

Data protection vs anti-money laundering

The enforcement of these holding limits, as well as the necessity to comply with anti-money laundering rules and EU sanctions, would force payment services providers to process personal data.

Especially regarding the enforcement of holding limits, the ECB would also have to process personal data, but may not directly identify the account holder.

For both the payment services providers and the ECB, the draft proposal mandates “appropriate technical and organisational measures including state-of-the-art security and privacy-preserving measures.”

In any case, the Commission wants to “ensure that the [ECB] and the national central banks cannot directly identify individual digital euro users.”

While the draft proposal’s explanatory statement does not go into detail as to how this tradeoff between protecting privacy and ensuring traceability should be resolved, it mentions “pseudonymisation or encryption” as two possible technological solutions.

In general, the tradeoff should be resolved by ensuring a high privacy for offline transactions of digital euros, similarly to cash transactions, while applying the anti-money laundering standards of today’s private digital payments to online transactions of digital euros.

Front-end services

The draft proposal also regulates the front-end services provided to users of the digital euro. For example, they should be “interoperable with or integrated in the European Digital Identity Wallets.” According to the draft proposal’s recitals, “it should be possible to use the European Digital Identity Wallets for the storage of digital euros.”

Moreover, the draft proposal also says that while payment services providers may develop their own front-end services, they also have to offer users access to the front-end services developed by the ECB.

However, the ECB would not be allowed to “provide for customer relationships”, nor to have access to personal data of the users.

The draft proposal also requires producers of mobile devices to allow providers of front end services and providers European Digital Identity Wallets “effective interoperability” and access to the hardware and software features “necessary for storing and transferring data to process online or offline digital euro transactions, on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms.


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Additional reporting by Luca Bertuzzi

Featured image is from the European Commission

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When it comes to data privacy in our present, hyper-connected age, many of your worst fears and biggest anxieties are probably correct.

Yes, smartphones and our manifold other devices collect an incredible array of information on our habits, choices, and movements at all times.

Yes, all of this information is compiled by companies to sell for profit.

Yes, the U.S. government is among the many clients buying up that data.

And yes, it represents a significant and persistent threat to your civil liberties and safety, as confirmed in a newly released report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)—the top dog among all of our nation’s spy agencies.

The declassified document, made public on Friday, was completed in January 2022, following 90 days of assessment by an advisory panel. It was commissioned by Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence in the Biden Administration, at the behest of Oregon Senator Ron Wyden. Haines agreed to look into the issue of how U.S. intelligence uses commercially available data during her confirmation hearing, and now the result of that inquiry is fully on display.

The newly released report affirms a mounting bevy of evidence that government agencies— from Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Pentagon—are compiling vast stores of for-sale data.

Taken altogether, the information that the government is easily able to purchase from data brokers rivals anything that’s been available to intelligence agencies in the past—even through warrants, wiretaps, and Fourth Amendment due process.

“Today, in a way that far fewer Americans seem to understand, and even fewer of them can avoid, [commercially available information] includes information on nearly everyone that is of a type and level of sensitivity that historically could have been obtained, if at all, only through targeted (and predicated) collection,” write the report authors. All that data “can reveal sensitive and intimate information about individuals,” the 48-page account emphasizes. “It could be used to cause harm to an individual’s reputation, emotional well-being, or physical safety.”

Though this data may be “anonymized” by brokers and sold in bulk, it does not stay anonymous in the hands of U.S. spy agencies. The government report affirmatively cites a 2019 New York Times investigation that found deanonymizing commercially available information (CAI) takes mere minutes.

“Information that previously did not exist in the public domain about US citizens now is widely available on the open market, raising privacy questions particularly when it comes to US government use of such data,” an ODNI official familiar with the matter told Gizmodo in a phone call.

  • Through location tracking, your phone knows where you sleep every night.
  • Via cookies, your web browser tracks the sites you visit.
  • Financial data confirms what you buy and when.

Health apps, smartwatches, and motion tracking can keep tabs on everything from when you’re physically active to how you’re feeling physically and mentally.

The government report states that religious practice, political views, travel, medical info, social associations, purchase history, “speech activities” and even sexual behavior are all things that can be inferred from CAI. It references widely publicized controversies like the outing of Catholic priests enabled via purchasable data from Grindr and the government’s buy-up of data from a Muslim prayer app.

“While each data broker source may provide only a few data elements about a consumer’s activities, data brokers can put all of these data elements together to form a more detailed composite of the consumer’s life,” notes the report. Though a simple commercial transaction, government agencies can access that same composite—and they do.

The Defense Intelligence Agency, for instance, amasses information on peoples’ social media activity.

The military spy org also maintains a global location tracking database, per the newly public document, though it claims that specific authorization is required to query that database and that it’s rarely accessed. The Department of Defense, Coast Guard, Navy, CIA, FBI, National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, and even the Treasury Department are among the other agencies noted as purchasing and using CAI.

Yet within and across each of these organizations, little of their CAI activities are tracked.

Intelligence agencies across the U.S. government don’t have a solid understanding of how they are collecting and using purchased data.

Because all of this data is considered publicly available, there are almost no standards or restrictions on how this info should be acquired, used, or kept secure.

None of the publicly available commercial data is currently classified as sensitive in an official capacity, though it undoubtedly is, according to the report.

The ODNI recommends that all of this needs to change, to protect peoples’ privacy, freedom, and welfare. “The intelligence community is working to develop additional standards and procedures for commercially available information,” the agency official emphasized on the phone.

But new standards and firm suggestions might not be enough. “Even subject to appropriate controls, CAI can increase the power of the government’s ability to peer into private lives to levels that may exceed our constitutional traditions or other social expectations,” the authors write.

Not to mention the risk such data poses when malicious actors or “adversarial foreign governments” decide to take advantage of it. CAI “can be purchased by anyone including our adversaries,” the ODNI official said. “Such information also raises counterintelligence risk for the intelligence community.”

U.S. intelligence agencies, companies, and anyone else willing to pay can reap untold information rewards from the data economy. It’s a system the government may have long dreamed of, but could never have built on its own. Through tacit acceptance of invasive tech into our daily lives, we did this to ourselves, the report implies.

“The government would never have been permitted to compel billions of people to carry location tracking devices on their persons at all times, to log and track most of their social interactions, or to keep flawless records of all their reading habits,” the ODNI writes, in the declassified document. “Yet smartphones, connected cars, web tracking technologies, the Internet of Things, and other innovations have had this effect without government participation.”

Though not everyone places the blame on consumers. “This review shows the government’s existing policies have failed to provide essential safeguards for Americans’ privacy, or oversight of how agencies buy and use personal data,” Senator Wyden wrote in a Monday statement. “If the government can buy its way around Fourth Amendment due-process, there will be few meaningful limits on government surveillance,” he said—urging executive and legislative action.

Wyden and other senators introduced an act in 2022 intended to ban data brokers from selling location, health, and other sensitive information. It has yet to progress


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Featured image is from Gabo_Arts (Shutterstock)

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In the fast-paced world of today, it’s easy for the average British citizen to become disconnected from events outside their cozy island nation. With a seemingly endless barrage of sensational news and trivial distractions, it’s no wonder that the vicious war raging in Ukraine feels like a distant nightmare rather than an imminent threat. However, this apathetic attitude is not only worrisome but also dangerously ignorant of the catastrophic dangers lurking on Europe’s doorstep.

As Ukraine’s war-torn landscape bears witness to shocking loss of life and the destruction of national infrastructure, the average British citizen remains blissfully insulated from such horrors. With our  own lives comparatively safe and secure, it is all too easy to forget that war knows no boundaries. The uncomfortable truth is that a conflict in Europe has the potential to escalate rapidly and even turn nuclear, unleashing a maelstrom of ionising radiation and toxic fallout that would threaten the very fabric of life.

While the British populace revels in the illusion of safety, Ukraine’s citizens endure the harsh reality of war. Families torn apart, homes reduced to rubble, and lives shattered beyond repair – these are the everyday struggles faced by Ukrainians, who live in the shadow of a brutal conflict that seems to know no end. Yet, as the situation worsens, the average Brit remains disengaged, seemingly unaware of the gathering storm just a few thousand miles away.

A war in Ukraine holds grave implications for the stability of Europe. The fragile peace that has defined the continent since the end of World War II could be shattered within a matter of days. In an interconnected world, events thousands of miles away have a way of seeping into our lives, disrupting the tranquil existence we often take for granted. The notion that Britain is somehow immune to the horrors unfolding elsewhere is nothing short of a fallacy, and one that must be shattered before it’s too late.

The spectre of nuclear escalation looms ominously over the conflict-ridden skies of Ukraine. With tensions running high and geopolitical interests at stake, the unthinkable becomes a distinct possibility. A single spark could ignite a chain reaction that plunges Europe into a nuclear nightmare. The resulting ionising radiation and its toxic effects on life would be devastating, sparing no one in its path.

It is high time for the average British citizen to awaken from our slumber of complacency. The disconnect between the war in Ukraine and their own lives is an illusion that must be shattered. The consequences of a conflict spiralling out of control are too grave to ignore. In an era defined by interconnectedness, the notion of distance is increasingly irrelevant. Ukraine’s plight should serve as a chilling reminder that our world is more fragile than we care to admit.

As the British citizenry revels in our safe existence, it is crucial to remember that danger often lurks where we least expect it. Ukraine’s war should not be brushed aside as a remote tragedy but should be recognised for what it truly is: a stark warning of the perils that lie just beyond our borders. Only through awareness and action can we hope to prevent the unthinkable and safeguard our shared future.

It’s time for the average Brit to shed our indifference, embrace our responsibility as global citizens, and demand a safer world for all. Ignorance may be bliss, but in the face of a potential catastrophe, it’s a luxury we can ill afford. The clock is ticking, and the disconnect must end before the horrors of Ukraine become an unwelcome reality, here in the United Kingdom.


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Hans Stehling (a pen name) is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Graffiti “Stop War” on Russia’s war in Ukraine in the Mauerpark in Berlin, Germany. Image taken on March 11, 2022. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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War is deadly, destructive, expensive and lucrative. While the Ukraine war has cost the lives of 9,655 Ukrainian civilians and 15,500-17,500 soldiers. The World Bank has estimated the expenditure on rebuilding will be more than $400 billion over ten years. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, most of the 30 NATO members have committed more than $80 billion worth of military, humanitarian and financial aid to Kyiv. Of this $65 billion has been military aid. The US, the largest single weapons donor, delivered $21.1 billion worth of arms from its stockpiles plus $17 billion financial and humanitarian aid. Europe Union has donated $32 billion, Britain $10.75 billion, Germany $7.5 billion and Japan $6 billion.

The Ukraine war has created a boom for Western arms manufacturers which are clearing stocks, upgrading and making more arms to meet demand while Russia, formerly the second largest arms exporter after the US, has held onto its supplies and seen sales decline. Increasing demand has, however, been accompanied by shortages in raw materials and components, creating bottlenecks that slow production and deliveries. In the future when the pressure eases, arms manufacturers expect more purchases by countries like Germany which intend to increase spending on weapons.

Pundits have predicted that the Ukraine war could continue as long as the flow of weapons continues to Ukraine since President Volodymyr Zelensky is determined to defeat Russia and claw back the territory which Russia holds, including Crimea. This is precisely what Western hawks and arms manufacturers want. Hawks wrongly see Russia as the West’s old foe, the Soviet Union, while arms makers are eager to rake in billions in profits.

In 1961, outgoing US president Dwight Eisenhower — who commanded Allied troops in Europe during World War II — admitted that to keep the peace the US was “compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions” but he warned that the large post-war military establishment and arms industry posed great dangers. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

This is exactly what has happened since World War II. New generations of US politicians and military men have planted 1,000 US military installations in 85 countries across the world. From the end of World War II to 2001, the US is responsible for 201 of the 248-armed conflicts which have taken place in in 153 territories. This amounts to more than 80 per cent of these conflicts. Since the attack on New York and Washington in 2001, additional US wars and military operations have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and displaced tens of millions of people. The military-industrial complex has played a large part in these wars and has wielded considerable power with the aim of promoting conflict where negotiations might have saved lives and prevented devastation wreaked by warfare.

International firms already in place in Ukraine and in line for its reconstruction effort are no less rapacious than the military-industrial complex and wield considerable clout with their home governments. Some companies have been involved in maintaining Ukraine’s power plants, railways, aircraft, and infrastructure while the war has raged. Governments have set aside millions of dollars to help finance reconstruction. 

The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce has called the country “the world’s largest construction site”. Patricia Cohen and Liz Alderman writing in The New York Times in February of this year made the point that Zelensky seeks to use reconstruction “to stitch Ukraine’s infrastructure seamlessly into the rest of Europe”, thereby decoupling Ukraine from its Russian neighbour. They added, “Ukraine, whose economy shrank 30 per cent last year, desperately needs funds just to keep going and to make emergency repairs. Long-term reconstruction aid will depend not only on the outcome of the war, but on how much money the European Union, the United States and other allies put up.”

Private investors are so far “not willing to risk committing money now” while the conflict continues. Although there have been multiple conferences on rebuilding, the majority of companies attending have been more interested in selling goods and services rather than investing, the article said.

Investors remain cautious not only because of the war but because Ukraine has a reputation of being one of the most corrupt countries on earth. Even while the conflict has been going on officials and politicians were found to be profiteering and there were reports that weapons Ukraine needs at its multiple war fronts have turned up in Africa. Ukraine will have to demonstrate that it is willing and ready to crack down on corruption and provide transparency in reconstruction dealings when the sixth annual Ukraine Recovery Conference convenes in London on June 21st-22nd. Unless Ukraine fails to show how accountability and transparency are to govern reconstruction, the country is unlikely to secure the massive funding needed.

Ukraine has to deliver on seven preconditions to be considered worthy of investment. These include reforming the Constitutional Court, the High Council of Justice and the High Qualification Commission of Judges. On corruption, reforms must be in place for prosecuting graft, combating money laundering and controlling the oligarchs who still hold considerable power. Ukraine must free media and adopt legislation to protect national minorities. These conditions have also been set for Ukraine’s qualification for applying for EU membership.

Ukraine is certain to face graft challenges when the time comes for reconstruction. Countries which have provided arms and aid for the war will demand preferential treatment when bids are made for projects. There will be no equal bidding field. Transparency and accountability will be ignored. The Marshall plan which invested $13.1 billion ($177 billion now) to help rebuild Western Europe following World War II has been seen as a grand humanitarian enterprise which benefitted Germans, French, Dutch, Italians, and others. A great deal of the investment in their countries came from US companies and the US economy enjoyed a spurt in growth thanks to the Marshall plan.


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In just an eight day period in May, the West authorized sending both long range Storm Shadow cruise missiles and F-16 fighter bombers to Ukraine, reversing a policy of not providing Ukraine with weapons that can strike inside Russia in place since the start of the war. That was one of the few sane policies of any party involved in the war for the very good reason that it could prevent the United States and NATO from being drawn into a a potentially nuclear war with Russia. White House spokesperson John Kirby has said that the foundation of the policy is Biden’s goal to “avoid World War III.”

On May 11, the United Kingdom revealed that long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles “are now going into or are in” Ukraine. Though the United States has maintained the cover of refusing to send long-range missiles of its own, the British decision to provide Ukraine with the long-range missiles was made with the knowledge of the Americans who were, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said, “incredibly supportive.” The Storm Shadow missile has a range in excess of 155 miles, sufficient to strike inside Russia’s internationally recognized borders.

Eight days later, the United States authorized supplying Ukraine with F-16 fighter-bombers, providing a second capacity to strike deep inside internationally recognized Russian territory.

The UK says it has received “assurances…that these missiles will be used only within Ukrainian sovereign territory and not inside Russia.” And U.S. President Joe Biden says he has received “flat assurances” from Zelensky that F-16’s won’t be used inside Russian territory. Ukraine has long promised “not to target Russian territory with weapons provided by the West.”

But with the coming Ukrainian counter-offensive, that leaves the hazardous question of Crimea. Senior officials in the Biden administration have affirmed that “Any target they choose to pursue on sovereign Ukrainian soil is by definition self defense,” and “Crimea is Ukraine.” In February, U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland publicly said that Washington supports Ukrainian attacks on military targets in Crimea.”

After a recent flurry of Ukrainian attacks inside Russia, some of which used U.S. armored vehicles and NATO supplied weapons, British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly maintained that Ukraine has “the right to project force beyond its borders.” He added that “legitimate military targets beyond its own border are part of Ukraine’s self-defence. And we should recognise that.” U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan clearly stated, “What we have said is that we will not enable Ukraine with U.S. systems, Western systems, to attack Russia. And we believe Crimea is Ukraine.”

Russia believes differently. And when it comes to the risk of an escalated response, or even a nuclear response, that’s what matters. Responding to Sullivan’s green light on attacks in Crimea, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov said that a Ukrainian attack on Crimea would be viewed by Moscow in the same way “as an attack on any other region of the Russian Federation.”

Moscow’s view is not limited to Putin. The view that Crimea is part of the Russian state is held across the Russian political spectrum. To any Russian leader, as well as to the majority of Russians and Crimeans, Crimea is Russian territory. No Russian leader could agree to surrender Crimea. That means that green lighting an attack on Crimea is crossing a Russian red line. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has acknowledged, “A Ukrainian attempt to retake Crimea would be a red line for Vladimir Putin that could lead to a wider Russian response.” That is the first big reason not to green light Ukrainian attacks on Crimea. It could lead to a wider Russian response and a dangerous escalation of the war. Russia would no longer be fighting a war in Ukraine or a war to stop NATO’s eastward expansion, it would be fighting a war for its own survival.

And that’s the second big reason not to green light an attack on Crimea. If Russia is fighting a war for its survival, the crossing of the Crimea red line could cross the nuclear red line. Putin has said, “In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us.” He has also said that Russia won’t use nuclear weapons because it won’t be necessary: “We see no need for that. There is no point in that, neither political, nor military.”

However, Russia’s Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence, says that Russia “hypothetically” could allow the use of nuclear weapons only if there is “aggression using conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened.”

Threatening to capture Crimea is threatening the “territorial integrity” of Russia and “the very existence of the state.” Though Russia would likely not use a nuclear weapon if they lost on the battlefield, since that does not threaten the existence of the state, they could use a nuclear weapon if they lost Crimea, since that does threaten the existence of the state.

The third reason is that even if Ukraine launches a counteroffensive that successfully severs Russia’s land bridge to Crimea, that does not end the war. Following the Ukrainian counteroffensive, presumably, comes the Russian counteroffensive. Ukraine has already lost a horrifying number of soldiers in Bakhmut and cannibalized much of their air defense missiles and artillery. Military analyst and ret. U.S. Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis has pointed out that, even if Ukraine were to launch and win a counteroffensive, the rate of casualties and deaths would be so high, they would “have spent [their] last remaining force with which to conduct offensives” or future operations. It is that military that would then be hit by a Russian counteroffensive. Unless the Ukrainian counteroffensive is sufficiently successful to end the war by defeating Russia, a major push on Crimea could leave a Ukrainian military more vulnerable to defeat.

And the fourth reason, seldom considered in war, is the will of the people. The majority of Crimeans see themselves as part of Russia and do not want to be captured by Ukraine. Though Crimeans are most likely to identify themselves first as Crimeans, Nicolai Petro, Professor of Political Science at the University of Rhode Island and the author of The Tragedy of Ukraine, has said, “Crimea is the only region of Ukraine whose population identifies itself as primarily ethnically Russian.” Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, there is a long and consistent history of Crimeans expressing a desire to be independent of Ukraine or part of Russia, including several referendums, beginning with the 1991 referendum’s 93% vote for Crimea restoring its autonomy in the post Soviet Union Union Treaty. In 1994, Crimeans elected Yuri Meshkov President of Crimea on a platform of reuniting with Russia. He won 73% of the vote in the run-off. In a referendum that would have begun a process of reuniting with Russia, 78.4% supported increased autonomy for Crimea, and 82.2% supported dual citizenship with Russia.

Of thirty polls and referendums taken in Crimea between 1994 and 2016, twenty-five show pro-Russian results of 72.9% or higher. The remaining five were between 25.6% and 55%. United Nations polling between 2009 and 2011 reveal that the majority of Crimeans were in favor of reunification with Russia. Nicolai Petro reports that leading Crimean sociologist Natalia Kiselyova says that, from 1991-2014, the percentage of Crimeans who “yearned for Russia” was always greater than 50%.

On March 16, following the U.S. supported coup of 2014 that replaced Victor Yanukovych, with his eastern Ukrainian base, with a Western leaning president who was hand picked by Washington, the last in a line of Crimean referendums voted for reunification with Russia. With a voter turnout of 83%, 97% voted for joining Russia. Though the standards and accuracy of the referendum have been questioned, Richard Sakwa, Professor of Russian and European Politics at the University of Kent and author of Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands, says, “It is clear that the majority of the Crimean population favored unification with Russia.” He adds, “even in perfect conditions a majority in Crimea would have voted for union with Russia.”

Nicolai Petro has pointed out that an April Pew poll found that 91% of Crimeans thought the referendum was free and fair and a June 2014 Gallup poll found that nearly 83% of Crimeans though it reflected the view of the people. In 2017, 79% of Crimeans said they would vote the same way. Petro cites polls taken between 2014 and 2019 that continue to show “that the decision to join Russia remains popular among all ethnic groups in Crimea.”

The will of the people of Crimea to remain part of Russia; the crossing of Russian red lines, including potentially the nuclear red line; and the risk that a Ukrainian counteroffensive that could include a push for Crimea could leave Ukraine vulnerable to a devastating Russian counterattack are four big reasons not to green light attacks on Crimea. These reasons suggest that giving a green light to attacks on Crimea is contrary to the interests of Ukrainians, Crimeans, Russians, and Americans.


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Ted Snider is a regular columnist on U.S. foreign policy and history at and The Libertarian Institute. He is also a frequent contributor to Responsible Statecraft and The American Conservative as well as other outlets.

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The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program is now accepting applications around the topic of privacy-preserving digital credential wallets and verifiers.

The program looks to nurture an R&D environment for technologies with potential government use cases.

The government project is looking to assess solutions that “catalyze, develop, enhance, and operationalize a set of privacy-preserving building blocks that can support the needs of a privacy-preserving digital credentialing ecosystem.”

A ‘Digital Wallets Call Industry Day’ event will be held on August 18 to help vendors understand the requirements and how to apply.

In particular, the project is looking for “privacy preserving technical capabilities” that support and integrate with the three-party digital identity model (issuer, holder, verifier) enabled by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Verifiable Credential Data Model (VCDM), and W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs).

In addition, applications will need to be seen to meet the needs of the DHS Operational Components and Offices, including U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and the DHS Privacy Office (PRIV).

Applications must respond and must fit into the technical specifications of either a “Digital Wallet” or “Mobile Wallet” to be eligible.

In the case of digital wallets, the project is seeking applications that are “useful across contexts and jurisdictions, and can support credentials made possible with W3C VCDM/DID standards that include verified support for DHS-issued credentials.”

The project also specified that these should be “portable, highly secure, privacy-preserving, standards-based, interoperable, and multi-functional.”

In terms of mobile wallets, these applications must be able to be deployed on mobile devices, including iOS and Android-based devices.

In addition, these applications will need to support a broad range of credentials possible, including W3C VCDM/DID standards with verified support for DHS-issued credentials.

The above is not the only area of the biometrics ecosystem which the DHS is supporting.

In 2023, the DHS unveiled the “second track” of its small ID validation demo.

This will examine the applicants’ software capabilities when it comes to spotting imposters in selfies and in images of identification documents.

EU tackles trust services move to the cloud first

In Europe, the public sector is also looking to address the technical issues and nurture the ecosystem surrounding digital identity.

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has issued a report on moving trust services, such as those of the eIDAS digital identity project to the cloud. Although eIDAS 2.0 proposes the establishment of European digital identity wallets, the update is still in development, and ENISA therefore steers clear of the topic, along with the four new trust services proposed.

The report found that though some services, including “validation of signatures, registered delivery, time stamp or signature preservation” can be transitioned from on-premises implementations to the cloud quickly, others such as  “issuance of certificates and remote control over the signing device” require more nuanced analysis and preparation.

Data sovereignty issues were also touched on and the report found that the migrated data must stay in the data of the service provider and that some services may not be suitable for cloud migration.

ENISA recently hosted a workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands to discuss some of the challenges around moving national implementations of trust services to the cloud, and remote identity proofing with digital wallets.

Topics touched on included the potential for existing and emerging attacks as well as potential security measures for remote identity proofing in Europe.


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The Pentagon said today that a helicopter accident in northern Syria had hurt 22 of its soldiers.

The cause of the accident was under investigation and no enemy fire was involved, the US military added.

Over 900 US troops remain in Syria, supposedly to “advise and assist” the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which control regions in the north-west.

The US government says its forces are there to prevent any revival of the Islamic State terrorist group, which took over large parts of Syria and Iraq in 2014. Its presence is opposed by the Syrian government and illegal under international law.

Damascus says the real reason for maintaining a US troop presence is to steal Syrian oil, with oil production concentrated in areas that remain outside government control.

Last year, it said 83 per cent of Syrian oil production was being appropriated by the US or US-backed armed opposition groups, much of it taken in tanker convoys to US military bases in Iraq, with the oil ministry accusing the US of taking 66,000 barrels of Syrian oil every day in the first half of 2022.

Though the US denies that oil reserves influence its decision to stay in Syria, in 2020 US company Delta Crescent Energy secured an oil concession in the area with the approval of the SDF but not of the Syrian government.

In 2019, then-president Donald Trump declared that the US military was in Syria “only for the oil,” prompting frantic denials by administration officials.


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Featured image: US 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment troops conduct area reconnaissance in Syria, 18 February 202. Wikipedia

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Is CAFO Animal Waste the Dirty Secret of Organic Foods?

June 15th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Chicken feces, or chicken litter, and other animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is commonly used as fertilizer, including for organic crops

CAFO waste used as fertilizer is contaminated with pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant genes, growth hormones, heavy metals and pesticides

In the U.S., feces from broiler chickens were contaminated with antibiotic-resistant E. coli, with genes resistant to more than seven antibiotics, including amoxicillin, ceftiofur, tetracycline and sulfonamide

A meta-analysis concluded “direct land application of chicken litter could be harming animal, human and environmental health”

The overwhelming presence of CAFOs in the state of North Carolina prompted a civil rights complaint on behalf of residents in three counties


Farmers have used manure as a natural, nutrient-rich fertilizer for thousands of years. In fact, there’s evidence that early farmers used manure to fertilize cereal grains and pulse seeds up to 7,900 years ago. They likely noticed enhanced crop growth in areas where manure naturally accumulated, then tried the method in other areas.1

Today, many farmers still depend on manure to help their crops grow. This includes organic farmers2 and those using permaculture and regenerative methods.3 When chickens are raised on pasture, their manure is spread across the land and worked into the soil naturally via pecking and scratching.4

This beneficial practice that works in concert with nature bears little resemblance to the use of poultry litter — or chicken feces, sometimes mixed with urine, sawdust, feathers and other materials — and other animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) as fertilizer. Yet, this latter practice is common, even among some organic farms.5

Chicken Litter Contains Bacteria, Viruses and Other Pathogens

Chicken litter used as an organic fertilizer is considered “the cheapest and most environmentally safe method of disposing of the volume generated from the rapidly expanding poultry industry worldwide.”6

But a review, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, raises an important point — “little is known about the safety of chicken litter for land application and general release into the environment.”7

The research team, from Kyambogo and Makerere Universities in Uganda and the University of Florida, set out to remedy this. They conducted a meta-analysis of technical reports, conference proceedings, peer-reviewed journal articles and internet texts, noting that the available data was “scattered and disjointed” making it difficult to access and interpret.

They consolidated the data they did find, however, revealing that “direct land application of chicken litter could be harming animal, human, and environmental health.”8 The review revealed, for instance:9

Pesticide Residues, Antibiotics, Heavy Metals Also in Manure

The massive quantities of manure flowing from CAFOs amounts to a toxic sludge of contaminants, spread on fields used to grow even organic food.

“The key safety concerns of chicken litter are its contamination with pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, helminthes, parasitic protozoa, and viruses; antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant genes; growth hormones such as egg and meat boosters; heavy metals; and pesticides,” the researchers explained.10

Chicken litter contains a “vast array” of antibiotics and heavy metals, their meta-analysis showed, including “high concentrations” of cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury that “pose serious health risks to animals, plants and environmental health.”11

Pesticides, including dioxins, furans, polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, also contaminate chicken litter, as do growth and sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone. Growth hormones have a harmful effect on reproduction in fish and other aquatic organisms, and may persist in the environment for more than two years after they’re excreted in chicken litter.

“This persistence increases the potential of the hormones reaching surface water bodies through runoff,” according to the team.12 Further, they noted, “The chlorinated antibiotic and pesticide residues detected in chicken litter are worryingly high. These chemicals are persistent, carcinogenic, and release dioxin when contaminated litter is burnt.”13

Regarding antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides and tetracyclines were the classes most widely detected. While some antibiotics degrade in soil within about 30 days, others persist and may harm microorganisms and soil fertility. Some antibiotics can also be absorbed into food crops, like green onions, cabbage and corn, from the soil. The analysis noted:14

“The presence of antibiotics, especially those that kill pathogens in chicken litter and are broad spectrum, may distort major biological processes in soil upon application of the litter, including development of antibiotic resistance, which can affect humans, livestock, fish, and wildlife … Human consumption of antibiotics-contaminated foods can increase antibiotic resistance, leading to food poisoning or allergies.”

Despite this, they added, “There are no standards set specifically for chicken litter for most of its known contaminants. Even where standards exist for related products such as compost, there is wide variation across countries and bodies mandated to set standards for safe disposal of organic wastes.”15

Trying to Pass Off a Liability as an Asset

An article posted by Washington State University described using CAFO manure on small farms as a tool to turn a “liability to an asset.”16 But even putting the contamination issues aside, the amount of waste generated by CAFOs is massive. In the U.S., 1.37 billion tons of solid animal waste are produced every year. That’s 130 times more than the amount of human waste generated annually.17

Often, the waste is held in “lagoons” that are meant to be impenetrable. But even under the best circumstances, the lagoons may leak, seeping millions of gallons of waste a year into neighboring soil and groundwater.18 Waste may also be sprayed onto nearby “sprayfields,” creating more environmental destruction. Natural Resources Defense Council explained:19

“People living near factory farms are placed at risk. Hundreds of gases are emitted by lagoons and the irrigation pivots associated with sprayfields, including ammonia (a toxic form of nitrogen), hydrogen sulfide, and methane. The accumulation of gases formed in the process of breaking down animal waste is toxic, oxygen consuming, and potentially explosive, and farm workers’ exposure to lagoon gases has even caused deaths.

People living close to hog operations have reported headaches, runny noses, sore throats, excessive coughing, respiratory problems, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, burning eyes, depression, and fatigue. The pathogenic microbes in animal waste can also infect people.

Water contaminated by animal manure contributes to human diseases such as acute gastroenteritis, fever, kidney failure, and even death. Nitrates seeping from lagoons and sprayfields have contaminated groundwater used for human drinking water.”

In cases of natural disasters, such as Hurricane Florence, which hit the Carolinas in September 2018, even more devastation can result. During that tragic event alone, at least 132 CAFO lagoons released pig waste into the environment.20

The National Pork Council tried to downplay the damage, stating that solids are stored mostly at the bottom of lagoons while the liquids at the top are heavily diluted and therefore would minimize the environmental impact if they were to spill over.21

Yet, as noted by Sacoby Wilson, a professor of public health at the University of Maryland, to Vice News, “You basically have a toxic soup for people who live in close proximity to those lagoons … All of these contaminants that are in the hog lagoons, like salmonella, giardia, and E. coli, can get into the waterways and infect people trying to get out.”22

So, CAFO waste is nearly always a liability — one that shouldn’t be framed as an “asset” for neighboring small farms. In response to the Washington State University article, commenter Michaelyn Erickson said:23

“Hey CAFO, is that lipstick on your confined pig? As a Permaculturist and small farmer, this doesn’t sound like a solution at all. It sounds like an attempt by big agriculture to dump its waste off on unsuspecting small farms like me. I don’t want your hormone-filled tortured cow excrement … that is your responsibility to deal with not mine.”

CAFOs Violating Residents’ Civil Rights

The overwhelming presence of CAFOs in the state of North Carolina prompted a civil rights complaint from lawyers with the Environmental Justice Clinic at Vermont Law and Graduate School. The complaint was filed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for residents in three North Carolina counties.24

The residents described piles of chicken litter that are more than 8 feet tall, waiting to be spread on nearby fields. “They stand there and start fuming off. The odor is terrible,” resident Henry Brewer stated in the complaint. “Sometimes it feels like the flies are about to eat us alive — the dogs can’t even live in the yard.”25

Due to a loophole in state environmental regulations, chicken CAFOs have been set up without any permitting requirements in North Carolina, and they’re decimating low-income counties at a disproportionate rate. Civil Eats reported:26

“‘Under state law, DEQ [Department of Environmental Quality] has to take into account cumulative impacts that are happening in a particular location,’ said Fredrick Ole Ikayo, a legal fellow who worked on the complaint. ‘But they don’t even know where these poultry facilities are or anything about the way they are polluting the air and water.’”

In addition to violating residents’ civil rights, manure from industrial agriculture is a primary source of nitrogen and phosphorus in surface waterways and groundwater, according to the EPA.27 The resulting damage includes an excess of nutrients that lead to algae overgrowth, depleting the water of oxygen and killing fish and other marine life in expansive dead zones.

This, combined with the excess fertilizers applied to monocrops like corn and soy, sends a steady stream of nitrogen and phosphorus to both surface and groundwater, spreading potentially disease-causing organisms and unsustainable amounts of nutrients along the way.

Was Your Food Grown in Sewage Sludge?

Sewage sludge, a waste product that comes from wastewater treatment facilities, is also widely applied to agricultural fields as a fertilizer. Often used interchangeably with the term biosolids, the compound is just as unappealing as it sounds.

When wastewater and storm water enter wastewater treatment facilities, the solid and liquid waste are separated. The solids are “digested” using bacteria, treated, dried and then sent to landfills or used for agricultural purposes as “fertilizer.” In the U.S., 54% of sewage sludge biosolids are used for so-called “beneficial” purposes.

Most often this means they’re applied to agricultural sites, although small amounts are also applied to forestry sites, reclamation sites, including Superfund and Brownfield lands and urban areas, including park land. Broken down, it’s estimated that 36% of biosolids are used for agricultural purposes while 28% end up in landfills and 15% are incinerated.28

The fact is, just like animals, humans produce a healthy amount of waste. How to dispose of this biosolid sludge is a vexing problem worldwide, so, theoretically, turning the waste product into a beneficial product like fertilizer makes sense, assuming it could be thoroughly purified.

Therein lies the problem, however. The Guardian quoted former EPA scientist David Lewis, who opposed the use of sewage sludge on cropland. Lewis noted, “Spending billions of dollars to remove hazardous chemicals and biological wastes from water, only to spread them on soil everywhere we live, work and play defies common sense.”29

As of December 21, 2022, the EPA detected 739 chemicals in sewage sludge used in the U.S. as a soil amendment.30 Fortunately, unlike CAFO waste, sewage sludge is prohibited in organic farming.31

How to Find Toxin-Free Food

Foods grown on soil treated with CAFO waste or biosolids are not labeled as such, so your best bet for avoiding them is to support sustainable agriculture movements in your area. Make it a point to only buy food from a source you know and trust, one using safe, nontoxic growing methods.

Remember, small regenerative farmers commonly use rotational grazing of multiple species to mimic natural cycles. This keeps pastures — and the animals that live on them — healthy.

This method also depends on animal manure to fertilize the soil, but the manure is not contaminated like CAFO waste — and it exists on a manageable scale that supports the farm’s overall health instead of harming it. This is not the same as the industrially sourced CAFO waste that’s sprayed over farm fields.

Growing your own food is another way to ensure what you’re eating isn’t exposed to CAFO waste. But be careful when purchasing potting soil and compost, as companies do not have to disclose when biosolids are used. If you see “Milorganite” on the label, however, it contains biosolids from the city of Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District — a national distributor.32


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1 University of Nebraska-Lincoln March 15, 2016

2 Farm Progress February 11, 2010

3 Permaculture Research Institute

4 Pasture Bird, Why Chicken Poop is the Sh*t

5 National Center for Appropriate Technology, Tipsheet: Manure in Organic Production Systems

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., Abstract

11 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., 3.3 Heavy Metals

12 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., 3.4 Growth Hormones

13 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., Conclusions

14 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., 3.2 Antibiotics and Pesticides

16, 23 Washington State University January 18, 2017

17 Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production

18 NRDC, Cesspools of Shame July 2001

19 NRDC, Cesspools of Shame July 2001, Page 1

20 The New Yorker September 21, 2018

21 WRAL September 18, 2018

22 Vice September 18, 2018

24, 25, 26 Civil Eats May 3, 2023

27 U.S. EPA, Estimated Animal Agriculture Nitrogen and Phosphorus From Manure

28 University of Michigan, Center for Sustainable Systems, U.S. Wastewater Treatment Factsheet

29 The Guardian October 5, 2019

30 U.S. EPA, Chemicals in biosolids (2022)

31 USDA, Organic 101 December 16, 2011

32, What is Milorganite?

Featured image is from Mercola

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On January 24 2023, the Foreign Minister of Germany and author of Germany’s forthcoming National Security Strategy, Annalena Baerbock, said at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, “We are fighting a war against Russia.”

On 5 April 2023, Hervé Blejéan, Director General of the European Union Military Staff, said that henceforth, NATO would fully control the EU’s military decisions.

On 9 May 2023, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said “All NATO members agree that Ukraine will become a NATO member,” which means that the entire Alliance is unanimous that Russia will and must be defeated in Ukraine.

The next day, on 10 May 2023, the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said essentially the same thing, though in a far less succinct way.

Then, on 14 June 2023, Mr. Blejéan directly reversed what he had said on 5 April 2023, and said instead,

“To send ground troops to Ukraine is to be a party in a war, to be at war with Russia, and nobody wants that, neither the EU, nor NATO. We are not at war with Russia.”

Something extremely important had happened which reversed, cancelled, the EU’s, and also NATO’s, war against Russia. But no one was reporting what had caused the change — nor even that there was a change.

This was the first such statement from the EU that the war against Russia is over — won’t go all the way as a U.S-and-All-European war; but instead had been prematurely committed-to as-if it would be that.

However, Annalena Baerbock and the entire German Government are now even more committed to war against Russia than before, because, on 14 June 2023, Germany’s Government finally came forth with its war-promoting National Security Strategy. Deutsche Welle headlined “German government presents first national security strategy”, and Minister Baerbock said “All of us had to learn with the brutal war of aggression of Russia against Ukraine that freedom and peace do not fall from the sky.” The DW news-report said virtually nothing about what is in the National Security Strategy. Russia’s RT was more informative about that; it headlined the same day, “Germany names biggest threat to ‘peace and security’: Berlin has accused Moscow of jeopardizing strategic stability”, and it opened: “Russia has been declared the biggest security threat in a top German strategic policy paper. Presented on Wednesday, Germany’s first ever National Security Strategy describes Moscow as a force threatening both regional and global order.” Germany, which has 231 U.S. military bases on its territory and is being destroyed by the U.S.’s enforced economic sanctions, physical destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, and other U.S.-imposed economic burdens, would remain a U.S. slave-state or ‘ally’, regardless of what the rest of the ‘Alliance’ would do.

Going forward now, it is the U.S. regime and countries such as Germany that are still committed to U.S. President Joe Biden’s promise that, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” If America’s war against Russia will henceforth NOT be including some other European nations, then perhaps Russia will remove those other nations from being targeted by its thousands of nuclear weapons. The United States, in any event, certainly is providing international leadership of a certain sort: into WW III. But, by doing so, it might lose some of its ‘allies’.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image:  EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. (EU)

Why JFK Was Deemed a Threat to National Security

June 15th, 2023 by Jacob G. Hornberger

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Three days ago — June 10 — was the 60th anniversary of President Kennedy’s Peace Speech at American University. Reading or listening to the speech today, it is not difficult to see why the U.S. national-security establishment deemed Kennedy to be a grave threat to national security, just as it did with certain foreign leaders, such as Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran, Congo leader Patrice Lumumba, Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz and, later, President Salvador Allende of Chile. 

For some 150 years, the federal government had been a limited-government republic. After World War II, however, the federal government was converted to a national-security state. 

The difference was day and night.

With a limited-government republic, there was openness and transparency in governmental operations. Moreover, there was only a relatively small, basic military force. No Pentagon, no vast military-industrial complex, no CIA, no NSA, and no empire of foreign military bases. Governmental powers were limited and tightly constrained. No power to assassinate, kidnap, torture, or indefinitely detain people. No power to initiate coups or regime-change operations in foreign countries. No power of mass secret surveillance. 

With a national-security state, dark-side secrecy became everything. “National security” became the two most important words in the American political lexicon. A large, permanent military establishment, along with the CIA and the NSA, came into existence. This vast national-security establishment vested itself with omnipotent, totalitarian-like powers, including assassination, torture, coups, secret surveillance, kidnapping, and indefinite detention. It established a vast empire of military bases, both foreign and domestic, and initiated a program of regime change in foreign nations. Foreign wars in faraway lands, such as Korea and Vietnam, became the norm.

The Cold War was actually one great big racket, one that became a cash cow for the vast military-intelligence complex and its ever-growing army of “defense” contractors who loved feeding at the public trough. This enormous racket was justified under the rubric of keeping America safe from a supposed vast communist conspiracy that supposedly was based in Moscow, Russia. Yes, that Russia!

There was no possibility whatsoever of a peaceful resolution of the forever war between the United States and Russia, U.S. oficials said. There could never be peaceful coexistence, they maintained. The war against the Russian Reds, U.S. national-security officials held, was a war to the death. That was why the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended to Kennedy that the United States initiate a surprise nuclear attack against the Russians, a recommendation that Kennedy indignantly rejected.

Having achieved a “breakthrough” after the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy had decided that he was going to lead America in an entirely different direction from that of the national-security establishment. In his Peace Speech, Kennedy threw down the gauntlet against what had now become his enemy — the national-security establishment. Kennedy essentially declared an end to the Cold War racket and announced that henceforth Russia and the United States would live in peaceful coexistence. He declared an end to to the extreme anti-Russia hostility that the national-security establishment had inculcated in the American people, and he even praised the Soviet Union.

The very next night — June 11 — Kennedy delivered a nation-wide speech expressing support for the civil-rights movement, which the national-security establishment was convinced was controlled by the Russian Reds. That’s why the FBI wiretapped Martin Luther King and used blackmail with the aim of inducing him to commit suicide.

Kennedy then followed up his words with actions. Over the fierce opposition of the Pentagon and the CIA, he negotiated the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty with the Soviets. He also ordered a pull-out of troops from Vietnam. He proposed a joint trip to the moon with the Russians, which would have meant sharing U.S. rocket technology with the Reds. On the day he was killed, he had an emissary having lunch with Fidel Castro with an intent to normalize relations with Cuba, which was anathema to the national-security establishment. 

What would have happened if Kennedy had lived? The national-security establishment would have immediately become irrelevant and immaterial. They would have been left twiddling their thumbs, with nothing to do. Remember, after all, that the supposed threat from the Russian Reds was why the federal government was converted to a national-security state in the first place. Peaceful coexistence with the communist world would have meant no more justification for a national-security state. The Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA would have been dismantled and America’s founding system of a limited-government republic would have been restored.

Keep in mind something else. Kennedy would never have permitted the Pentagon and the CIA to go into the Middle East and begin killing people, as they did after the Cold War finally came to an end in 1989. That would have meant that there never would have been terrorist retaliation for U.S. interventionism and, therefore, there never would have been a “war on terrorism.”

In other words, if Kennedy had lived, we’d be living in a totally different society today, one characterized by a limited-government republic rather than a national-security state — one without the militarism, forever wars, conflicts, hostilities, crises, chaos, coups, assassinations, torture, and indefinite detention that have become regular and permanent features of American life.

For its part, the military-intelligence establishment considered Kennedy to be a weak leader — a coward — an appeaser — Neville Chamberlain —  a traitor — a president who was leading America to doom at the hands of the communists. Kennedy was deemed to be a grave threat to national-security. As far as it was concerned, the national-security establishment had no choice but to do what was necessary to save America.

Kennedy knew the danger that he faced in the war between him and the national-security establishment for the future direction of America. He had listened to President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, when Ike warned the American people of the dangers that the national-security state apparatus posed to the rights and liberties of the American people and to America’s democratic processes. 

The war between President Kennedy and the national-security establishment came to an end on November 22, 1963. And Americans have been paying the price for that “victory” ever since.


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Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. He was born and raised in Laredo, Texas, and received his B.A. in economics from Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. He was a trial attorney for twelve years in Texas. He also was an adjunct professor at the University of Dallas, where he taught law and economics. In 1987, Mr. Hornberger left the practice of law to become director of programs at the Foundation for Economic Education. He has advanced freedom and free markets on talk-radio stations all across the country as well as on Fox News’ Neil Cavuto and Greta van Susteren shows and he appeared as a regular commentator on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show Freedom Watch. View these interviews at and from Full Context. Send him email.

Featured image is from FFF

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“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”—H.L. Mencken

And so it continues.

This entire fiasco—indicting Donald Trump for allegedly violating both the Espionage Act and obstructing justice by improperly handling classified records—is merely the latest in a never-ending series of distractions, distortions, and political theater aimed at diverting the public’s attention from the sinister advances of the American Deep State.

Don’t allow yourselves to be distracted, diverted or mesmerized by the cheap theater tricks.

This indictment spectacle is Shakespearean in its scope: full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Nothing is the key word here.

Despite the wall-to-wall media coverage, this is all just smoke and mirrors.

Mark my words: the government is as corrupt and self-serving as ever, dominated by two political factions that pretend to be at odds with each other all the while moving in lockstep to maintain the status quo.

If you really want to talk about who’s guilty of treason, set your sights higher: indict the government for overstepping its authority, abusing its power, disregarding the rule of law, and betraying the American people.

When we refer to the “rule of law,” that’s constitutional shorthand for the idea that everyone is treated the same under the law, everyone is held equally accountable to abiding by the law, and no one is given a free pass based on their politics, their connections, their wealth, their status or any other bright line test used to confer special treatment on the elite.

When the government and its agents no longer respect the rule of law—the Constitution—or believe that it applies to them, then the very contract on which this relationship is based becomes invalid.

This abuse of power has been going on for so long that it has become the norm, the Constitution be damned.

There are hundreds—make that thousands—of government bureaucrats who are getting away with murder (in many cases, literally) simply because the legislatures, courts and the citizenry can’t be bothered to make them play by the rules of the Constitution.

Unless something changes in the way we deal with these ongoing, egregious abuses of power, the predators of the police state will continue to wreak havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives.

For too long now, the American people have played politics with their principles and turned a blind eye to all manner of wrongdoing when it was politically expedient, allowing the government to wreak havoc with their freedoms and act in violation of the rule of law.

“We the people” are paying the price for it now.

We are paying the price every day that we allow the government to continue to wage its war on the American People, a war that is being fought on many fronts: with bullets and tasers, with surveillance cameras and license readers, with intimidation and propaganda, with court rulings and legislation, with the collusion of every bureaucrat who dances to the tune of corporate handouts while on the government’s payroll, and most effectively of all, with the complicity of the American people, who continue to allow themselves to be easily manipulated by their politics, distracted by their pastimes, and acclimated to a world in which government corruption is the norm.

It’s the nature of the beast: power corrupts.

Worse, as 19th-century historian Lord Acton concluded, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We’ve been losing our freedoms so incrementally for so long—sold to us in the name of national security and global peace, maintained by way of martial law disguised as law and order, and enforced by a standing army of militarized police and a political elite determined to maintain their powers at all costs—that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it all started going downhill, but we’re certainly on that downward trajectory now, and things are moving fast.

The republic has fallen.

The Deep State’s plot to take over America has succeeded.

The American system of representative government has been overthrown by a profit-driven, militaristic, corporate oligarchy bent on total control and global domination through the imposition of martial law here at home and by fomenting wars abroad.

Even now, we are being pushed and prodded towards a civil war, not because the American people are so divided but because that’s how corrupt governments control a populace (i.e., divide and conquer).

These are dangerous times.

These are indeed dangerous times but not because of violent crime or terrorism or illegal immigration.

No, the real danger that we face comes from none other than the U.S. government and the powers it has granted to its standing armies to rob, steal, cheat, harass, detain, brutalize, terrorize, torture and kill American citizens with immunity.

The danger “we the people” face comes from masked invaders on the government payroll who crash through our doors in the dark of night, shoot our dogs, and terrorize our families.

This danger comes from militarized henchmen on the government payroll who demand absolute obedience, instill abject fear, and shoot first and ask questions later.

This danger comes from greedy, power-hungry bureaucrats on the government payroll who have little to no understanding of their constitutional limits.

This danger comes from greedy politicians and corporations for whom profit trumps principle.

Consider, if you will, all of the dastardly, devious, diabolical, dangerous, debilitating, deceitful, dehumanizing, demonic, depraved, dishonorable, disillusioning, discriminatory, dictatorial schemes inflicted on “we the people” by a bureaucratic, totalitarian regime that has long since ceased to be “a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”

  • Americans have no protection against police abuse.
  • Americans are little more than pocketbooks to fund the police state.
  • Americans are no longer innocent until proven guilty.
  • Americans no longer have a right to private property.
  • Americans no longer have a say about what their children are exposed to in school.
  • Americans are powerless in the face of militarized police.
  • Americans no longer have a right to bodily integrity.
  • Americans no longer have a right to the expectation of privacy.
  • Americans can no longer rely on the courts to mete out justice.
  • Americans no longer have a representative government.

I haven’t even touched on the corporate state, the military industrial complex, SWAT team raids, invasive surveillance technology, zero tolerance policies in the schools, overcriminalization, or privatized prisons, to name just a few, but what I have touched on should be enough to show that the landscape of our freedoms has already changed dramatically from what it once was and will no doubt continue to deteriorate unless Americans can find a way to wrest back control of their government and reclaim their freedoms.

Indictments, impeachments and elections will not save us.

History may show that from this point forward, we will have left behind any semblance of constitutional government and entered into a totalitarian state where all citizens are suspects and security trumps freedom.

Even with its constantly shifting terrain, this topsy-turvy travesty of law and government has become America’s new normal.

From Clinton to Bush, then Obama to Trump and now Biden, it’s as if we’re caught in a time loop, forced to re-live the same thing over and over again: the same assaults on our freedoms, the same disregard for the rule of law, the same subservience to the Deep State, and the same corrupt, self-serving government that exists only to amass power, enrich its shareholders and ensure its continued domination.

There can be no denying that the world is indeed a dangerous place, but it’s the government that poses the gravest threat to our freedoms and way of life, and no amount of politicking, parsing or pandering will change that.

It is easy to be diverted, distracted and amused by political circuses and entertainment spectacles.

What is far more difficult to face up to is the reality of life in America, where “we the people” are at a distinct disadvantage in the face of the government elite’s power grabs, greed and firepower.

The Constitution doesn’t stand a chance against a federalized, globalized standing army protected by legislative, judicial and executive branches that are all on the same side.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, no matter what political views they subscribe to: suffice it to say, they are not on our side or the side of freedom.

That is the real betrayal.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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“Turbo cancer” is a non-medical term that has arisen to describe very aggressive and rapidly progressive cancers following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and suppression of the immune system.

I have written 12 substacks about turbo cancers so far:

Today’s focus is on turbo gastric cancer.

UK – 49 year old army nurse Billie-Joe Graham (click here) 

Billie-Joe Graham served on the frontlines during the Gulf War. After leaving the Army, Billie-Joe became a midwife. She was working as a midwife for South Tyneside Healthcare Trust at the time of her death.

After suffering stomach pains, which she thought might be gallstones, she visited her doctor. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer on March 29, 2022 and passed away 12 days later on April 10, 2022.

She was due to start cancer treatment on April 11, 2022. She died before she could even start treatment.

UK – 37 year old father of two, Danny Johnston (click here)

Starting in November 2022, 37 year old Danny Johnston would regularly vomit blood. He thought he had a stomach ulcer. He had an endoscopy on Nov.30, 2022 but there was no evidence of cancer.

He was diagnosed with cancer on Jan.14, 2023 and died a month later on Feb.17, 2023.

He was about to start chemotherapy but he died before he could start treatment.

UK – 37 year old dad, Jamie Thompson, died weeks after going to emergency for stomach pain (click here)

37 year old Jamie Thompson visited emerg beginning of Nov.2022 complaining of stomach pain.

Tests revealed the 37-year-old from Middlesborough had cancer in his stomach, chest and lung.

A couple of weeks later his friends called an ambulance when he took a turn for the worse. He was sent for another scan and the mass on his stomach had grown significantly.

Jamie had a biopsy and suffered a cardiac arrest shortly after. He had also suffered a brain bleed and died on Nov. 22, 2022.

UK – 39 year old dad who complained of sore stomach on honeymoon died 2 months later of gastric cancer.

“We came back from our honeymoon in July, and a week later he went to hospital with pain in his stomach. He never left hospital again.

It was two months between diagnosis and him passing away.

UK – 39 year old UK man died 1 week after appointment for hernia (click here) 

A 39-year-old man died just a week after going to the hospital for a hernia in his groin.

It turned out he had advanced stomach cancer that had been spreading to several parts of his body.

There is another pattern of stomach cancers that are not as rapidly lethal, and usually take about a year to kill:

UK – 39 year old mom of 3 dies battling very rare stomach cancer for 14 months (click here)

Lisa’s oncologist reportedly told her she had more chance of being struck by lightning than getting this form of cancer.

“Even when she was battling this horrible disease alongside intense chemo, radiotherapy and suffering a blood clot on her lung, She never once complained.”

Cedar Hill, MO – 31 year old Northwest High School teacher Jessica Kozlen died after 16 month battle with stage 4 metastatic jejunal adenocarcinoma (click here)

On July 4, 2021 she called her brother and asked him what it felt like when he had appendicitis. He told her to go to emerg.

“They ran a lot of tests and they ended up doing a CT scan and it revealed that she hadlate stage cancer that had spread to her colon and liver and it had already spread significantly” he said.

Stephen said he was told Kozlen’s cancer basically has no symptoms until it is in an advanced stage.

“It’s a very rare form of cancer that is very hard to treat,” he said.

She started chemotherapy right away, had some success, but then it started to fail. She died on Nov.1, 2022.

Japan – 31 year old national volleyball player Naonobu Fuji died on March 10, 2023, after battling stage 4 gastric cancer for 12 months.

On Feb. 27, 2022 he announced publicly that he had stage 4 gastric cancer with brain metastases.

Washington Post editor, 35 year old Roshania Patel died on Oct. 25, 2022 from gastric cancer.

UK – 47 year old British heavyweight boxer Mark Potter died in Nov. 2022 after 11 month battle with gastric cancer (click here) 

Nicholas Lloyd Webber, composer and record producer and son of composer Andrew Lloyd Webber died at age 43 from gastric cancer after 18 month battle (click here)

Twitter Reports

My Take…

The underlying mechanism of turbo cancer is most likely some type of COVID-19 vaccine induced immune system suppression that gives rise to rapidly growing and rapidly progressive cancers of the breast, lung, colon, gastric, gallbladder, pancreas, brain, lymphoma, leukemia and so on.

There are a number of theories in regards to what is causing COVID-19 vaccine induced immune system dysfunction: TLR suppression, T-cell dysfunction, IgG4 shift, DNA contamination of mRNA vials with plasmids containing SV40 promoter, p53 inhibition, PD-L1 elevation, NK cell exhaustion and many more.

PD-L1 has been associated with gastric cancer (click here). PD-L1 is a protein called “the ligand of programmed cell death 1” and is found on immune cells. It binds PD-1 which is also found on immune cells (activated T-cells & others).

The interaction of PD-1 with its ligand PD-L1 induces a suppression of T-cell receptor signaling and results in a down regulation of the immune response, which enables cancer cells to escape immune destruction. (click here)

There are new cancer drugs that target PD-L1/PD-1 to restore cancer cell directed immune response and killing of cancer cells.

COVID-19 mRNA Spike protein upregulates PD-L1 and this is even more pronounced with Omicron spike than with original Wuhan spike. Although the authors of one study concluded that this promotes immune evasion of COVID-19 and causes severe disease, upregulation of PD-L1 will also allow cancers to evade the immune system. (click here)

Pfizer & Moderna mRNA vaccines may be upregulating PD-L1 which could be causing several types of aggressive “turbo” cancers, including gastric cancers.

Even more concerning, it is possible that bivalent Omicron COVID-19 mRNA boosters may be causing even higher PD-L1 levels than the original strains of COVID-19, which could mean that if the original COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are indeed carcinogenic (via upregulation of PD-L1), the Omicron COVID-19 boosters are even worse and more likely to cause aggressive cancers.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Senegal was the scene of demonstrations and widespread property damage in the wake of the conviction of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko who was tried by the courts in absentia in early June.

Sonko, a former tax inspector and co-founder of the African Patriots of Senegal (PASTEF) opposition party, had been charged with sexual assault, however, his conviction was for the corruption of a minor.

Supposedly the charges stemmed from Sonko’s interaction with a woman at a massage parlor, according to press reports. Even after the conviction and sentencing, Sonko has not been arrested by the authorities in Senegal. He was given 15 days to file an appeal in the courts to his conviction and sentence to two years in prison.

Image: Ousmane Sonko (Licensed under the Public Domain)

Ousmane Sonko 2023.jpg

The opposition leader’s supporters say that the charges against him are politically motivated in order to prevent Sonko from running for president in 2024. He contested in the 2019 elections and came in third after the incumbent President Macky Sall. The PASTEF party leads a coalition of opposition parties called Liberate the People which represents the second largest bloc in the National Assembly of Senegal.

Aggravating the social situation in Senegal is the controversy surrounding whether President Sall will seek re-election after serving two terms. The Senegalese constitution will have to be changed for Sall to run once again. Sonko, who is 48-years-old, has a strong following among the youth who represent the largest demographic inside the country. Due to the post-colonial crisis of many African states, unemployment and poverty among young people remains disproportionately high in many countries such as Senegal.

Reports from Senegal indicate that 16 people lost their lives during the demonstrations which began during early June. Extensive damage was done in the area around the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar.

Extensive damage was reportedly done at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar where thousands of student, faculty and administrative documents were damaged. The university is named after the eminent historian and anthropologist who challenged the European theories of African inferiority. His books “The Cultural Unity of Black Africa” (1959), the “African Origin of Civilization” (1974) and “Civilization or Barbarism” (1991) remain major sources in continental research.

Although President Macky Sall has not commented extensively on the unrest, several opposition leaders and international human rights organizations have criticized his administration for utilizing live ammunition in the efforts to halt the demonstrations. However, supporters of the ruling Alliance for the Republic party and other political forces have accused Sonko of deliberately fueling the violent activities. (See this)

Political Background to the Current Crisis

Senegal, a former French colony, gained its independence from France in 1960. The country from the time of its liberation maintained close relations with Paris as well as the United States.

Since 1960, the country has been relatively stable in comparison to several of the neighboring states in West Africa. There has never been a military coup in Senegal over the last 63 years of its independence. Over the last four decades there has been a multiparty political system. Only four people have served as president: Leopold Senghor, Abdou Diouf, Abdoulaye Wade and the current head-of-state Macky Sall.

Senegal is known for its keen interests in the preservation of African history and culture. The first President Leopold Senghor was a writer and theoretician who advanced his own ideas related to the role of post-colonial societies in Africa. He expressed the concept of “Negritude” which also held substantial influence leading up to the 1960s in other geopolitical regions such as the Caribbean and among African Americans in the U.S. His form of Negritude advanced a version of socialism which did not challenge the inherent exploitative conditions which resulted from colonial rule. During his tenure in office, Senegal remained within the French monetary zone where its currency remained pegged to the CFA Franc. He also relied on French advisors for governmental and military affairs.

In later years during the 1960s, Senghor’s theories were challenged by more revolutionary African leaders such as Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, President Ahmed Sekou Toure of Guinea, Amilcar Cabral of Guinea-Bissau, President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, among others. Alternative concepts such as the African Personality, African Democratic Revolution, Ujamaa, Pan-Africanism, Scientific Socialism, Marxism-Leninism, etc. supported the armed struggles to overthrow colonialism and imperialism along with the construction of a non-capitalist society.

The First Pan-African Cultural Festival held in Algeria during August 1969, in many ways represented a repudiation of the ideas espoused by Senghor and Martinique-born poet and political leader Aimee Cesaire. Senghor remained in power from 1960 to 1980. During his administration there was the removal and imprisonment of his prime minister, Mamadou Dia, in 1962, who was accused of attempting a coup against the president.

Since the early phase of the African independence movements of the 1950s and 1960s, there has been greater emphasis on political pluralism. The African Union (AU), which grew out of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) formed 60 years ago in 1963, took a stronger position against military interventions in political governance.

Nonetheless, in the last three years several countries in West Africa have experienced military coups. Mali, Guinea-Conakry, Burkina Faso and Chad underwent military seizures of power. These coups are reflections of the economic and security crises which have spread across the continent. Although the U.S. and France have escalated their military presence on the continent through the Pentagon’s Africa Command (AFRICOM) and Paris’ Operation Barkhane, the capacity of numerous AU member-states to stabilize their countries have drastically declined.

Senegal, Africa and the New Cold War

With President Sall having been Chairperson of the AU during the previous year, his international stature has brought media attention to the country. During 2022, Sall and the Commission Chair of the AU, Faki Moussa Mahamat, travelled to Russia and met with President Vladimir Putin in the city of Sochi.

The purpose of the trip was to seek a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine war which has caused agriculture shortages in various African states. Ukraine and Russia supply large amounts of grain and other staple food products to African countries. The plan for a corridor for the supply of food from Ukraine and Russia was first proposed at this meeting between the AU officials and Putin.

Since this time period, the AU has announced the formation of a delegation to travel on a peace mission to both Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The seven-member African delegation is scheduled to visit Russia and Ukraine in mid-June.

The position of the AU member-states has been a cause for much consternation by Washington and other NATO member-states. Despite political and economic pressures being exerted by the administration of President Joe Biden towards African governments to line up behind the NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, this delegation was committed to continuing with its mission.

In a report published by TASS news agency:

“The Brazzaville Foundation is pleased to announce that Vladimir Zelensky, President of Ukraine, will receive on Friday, June 16, 2023, in Kiev, and Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will receive on Saturday, June 17, 2023 in St. Petersburg the following Heads of State: Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa; Azali Assoumani, President of the African Union and President of the Union of Comoros; Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo; Yoweri Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda; Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal and Hakainde Hichilema, President of the Republic of Zambia,” the organization said in a communique distributed on Thursday in South Africa.

On May 16, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that Russian and Ukrainian authorities had agreed to host an African delegation to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Ramaphosa was speaking on behalf of a group of six African countries: Egypt, the Republic of the Congo, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia. Now the incumbent chair of the African Union, the Comoros, has been added to this list.” 

Undoubtedly, the Biden administration will continue its efforts to undermine any semblance of an independent foreign policy among African states as it relates to the Russian Federation as well as the People’s Republic of China. In specific reference to the Republic of South Africa, a bi-partisan group of Congressman and Senators have written a letter to President Biden demanding that he take economic measures against Pretoria for their supposed support for Moscow in its special military operation in Ukraine. The African National Congress (ANC) government has been accused of supplying weapons to Russia by the U.S. ambassador to South Africa. All of these accusations and threats are designed to destabilize the South African government and society.

Any opportunity created by imperialism to undermine the sovereignty and independence of African states will be utilized by Washington, London, Paris and Brussels. Irrespective of the outcome of the national elections in Senegal during 2024, the U.S. and its allies will continue to pursue their hegemonic designs aimed at maintaining neo-colonialism in Africa and other geopolitical regions of the world.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Selected Articles: Dumpling Wars

June 15th, 2023 by Global Research News

Dumpling Wars

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 14, 2023

The Ukrainian blonde had the smell of trouble. She had perched herself, along with her mute friend, in a restaurant across from the famed South Melbourne Market. On arriving at the modish, glorious bit of real estate known as Tipsy Village, a Polish establishment famed for accented French cuisine, she shrieked: “Why do you have Ruskie dumplings on your menu?”

“We Want Peace. The World Cries Out”. Henry Wallace

By Emanuel Pastreich, June 15, 2023

Although I do not fully agree with Henry Wallace’s arguments, I find his speeches inspiring and think they offer us great potential at this dangerous moment in history. There is also an argument to be made that another world was possible that did not include the Cold War of the 1950s, or the Cold War of 2023 (the second “cold war” works on the basic principle that “Cold Wars repeat: first as tragedy and again as farce”).

“The Ultimate Constraint on Freedom”: Ted Kaczynski, Technology and Trauma

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 15, 2023

Henry A. Murray has much to answer for. Between 1959 and 1961, the Harvard psychology academic, as the leader of a team of equally unprincipled academics, was responsible for conducting an CIA-funded experiment most unethical on 22 undergraduates.  The individuals in question were pseudonymised. One particularly youthful figure, named “Lawful”, was the mathematically gifted Theodore John Kaczynski.

Turkey’s Refugee Crisis

By Hasan Erel, June 15, 2023

Turkey has become the target point of a mass migration, which is rarely seen in the world. This essentially started with the Syrian war in 2011 and continues with Libya, Iraq, African countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russians and Ukrainians.

Only a Manipulated Human Inflicts Suffering on Members of the Same Species

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, June 15, 2023

As a psychologist and long-time psychotherapist, I am convinced that man is good, social and capable of living together without weapons and war. However, he is psychologically irritated due to his manipulation in family upbringing and by social institutions.

Prof. Kari Polyani Levitt: Regaining Canada’s Sovereignty: June 14, 2023 We Celebrate Kari’s 100th Birthday

By Kari Polanyi Levitt and Michael Welch, June 14, 2023

She constitutes a powerful voice in the understanding and analysis of  US hegemony and the global political economy. Her first book published in 1970 entitled,  Silent Surrender: The Multinational Corporation in Canada, predicted with foresight more than half a century ago, what is happening today.

Crown Prince of Saudi MbS Is Working Towards a “Political Solution for Syria”

By Steven Sahiounie, June 14, 2023

Dr. Faisal Mekdad, Syria’s Foreign Minister, is in Saudi Arabia for meetings held on June 11 and 12, which marks his third visit to the Kingdom in the last three months. In April, he made his initial visit and accompanied President Assad to Jeddah to attend the Council of the League of Arab States summit on May 19.

US Planning to Overhaul UN Security Council

By Kyle Anzalone, June 14, 2023

The White House is developing plans to expand the number of permanent members to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the Washington Post reported on Monday. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield is spearheading the effort to enlarge the body by adding six new members. 

The US Military Is Struggling to Account for Equipment Sent to Ukraine

By Jared Keller, June 14, 2023

The U.S. military did not properly maintain accountability for thousands of pieces of equipment transferred to the government of Ukraine as part of the former’s security assistance program in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion, according to a new government watchdog report.

States Invest in Nuclear Arsenals as Geopolitical Relations Deteriorate

By SIPRI, June 14, 2023

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) today launches its annual assessment of the state of armaments, disarmament and international security. A key finding of SIPRI Yearbook 2023 is that the number of operational nuclear weapons started to rise as countries’ long-term force modernization and expansion plans progressed.

“We Want Peace. The World Cries Out”. Henry Wallace

June 15th, 2023 by Emanuel Pastreich

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I want to thank Matt Ehret to pointing out the speeches by Henry Wallace, Franklin Roosevelt’s vice president and later Secretary of Commerce under Harry Truman, concerning Russia and the threat of a world war, and a cold war.

Although I do not fully agree with Henry Wallace’s arguments, I find his speeches inspiring and think they offer us great potential at this dangerous moment in history. There is also an argument to be made that another world was possible that did not include the Cold War of the 1950s, or the Cold War of 2023 (the second “cold war” works on the basic principle that “Cold Wars repeat: first as tragedy and again as farce”).

The first speech of 1946 was the one that led to President Truman demanding his resignation. The second speech of 1947 was made once he had positioned himself in explicit opposition to the Truman administration. Wallace suggests a “competition of ideas” for mutual benefit that has strong appeal for us today.


Henry Wallace, Secretary of Commerce

September 12, 1946, Madison Square Garden, New York

“He who trusts in the atom bomb will sooner or later perish by the atom bomb”

Tonight, I want to talk about peace—and how to get peace. Never have the common people of all lands so longed for peace. Yet, never in a time of comparative peace have they feared war so much. During the past year or so, the significance of peace has been increased immeasurably by the atomic bomb, guided missiles and airplanes which soon will travel as fast as sound. We cannot rest in the assurance that we invented the atom bomb—and therefore that this agent of destruction will work best for us. He who trusts in the atom bomb will sooner or later perish by the atom bomb—or something worse.

To achieve lasting peace, we must study in detail just how the Russian character was formed—by invasions of Tartars, Mongols, Germans, Poles, Swedes, and French; by the czarist rule based on ignorance, fear and force; by the intervention of the British, French and Americans in Russian affairs from 1919-1921; by the geography of the huge Russian land mass situated strategically between Europe and Asia; and by the vitality derived from the rich Russian soil and the strenuous Russian climate. Add to all this the tremendous emotional power which Marxism and Leninism gives to the Russian leaders—and then we can realize that we are reckoning with a force which cannot be handled successfully by a ‘Get tough with Russia’ policy. ‘Getting tough’ never brought anything real and lasting—whether for schoolyard bullies or businessmen or world powers. The tougher we get, the tougher the Russians will get.

We most earnestly want peace with Russia—but we want to be met half way. We want cooperation. And I believe that we can get cooperation once Russia understands that our primary objective is neither saving the British Empire nor purchasing oil in the Near East with the lives of American soldiers.

On our part we should recognize that we have no more business in the political affairs of Eastern Europe than Russia has in the political affairs of Latin America, Western Europe and the United States. The Russians have no more business in stirring up native communists to political activity in Western Europe, Latin America and the United States than we have in interfering in the politics of Eastern Europe and Russia. We know what Russia is up to in Eastern Europe, for example, and Russia knows what we are up to. We cannot permit the door to be closed against our trade in Eastern Europe any more than we can in China. But at the same time we have to recognize that the Balkans are closer to Russia than to us—and that Russia cannot permit either England or the United States to dominate the politics of that area.  

Russian ideas of social-economic justice are going to govern nearly a third of the world. Our ideas of free enterprise democracy will govern much of the rest. The two ideas will endeavor to prove which can deliver the most satisfaction to the common man in their respective areas of political dominance. Under friendly peaceful competition the Russian world and the American world will gradually become more alike. The Russians will be forced to grant more and more of the personal freedoms; and we shall become more and more absorbed with the problems of social-economic justice.


Henry Wallace

March 31, 1947, Madison Square Garden, New York

“Not for an American crusade in the name of hatred and fear of communism, but for a world crusade in the name of brotherhood of man”

We are here tonight because , not for an American crusade in the name of hatred and fear of communism, but for a world crusade in the name of brotherhood of man.

The name of crisis facts is withheld, time is denied, hysteria is whipped up, congress is asked to rush through a momentous decision, as if great armies were already on the march. I hear no armies marching. I hear a world crying out for peace. The truth is that the president and his republican backers are less concerned with the need of the free people, for food than with the need of the American navy for oil. The plan to contain communism is really secondary to the push for oil.

For every glamorous admiral, who boasts “it’s nobody’s damn business where we go”, there are 10 drab, but practical, procurement officers to add “and we’ll get there with the oil from the middle east.” If we took the matter to the United Nations, and the Russians exercised their veto, the moral burden would be on them. When we act independently, outside the framework of the United Nations, the moral burden is on us.

(Both speeches are redacted and I have not found the original texts yet)


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Henry A. Murray has much to answer for. Between 1959 and 1961, the Harvard psychology academic, as the leader of a team of equally unprincipled academics, was responsible for conducting an CIA-funded experiment most unethical on 22 undergraduates.  The individuals in question were pseudonymised. One particularly youthful figure, named “Lawful”, was the mathematically gifted Theodore John Kaczynski.

A central theme of the experiments was examining the effects of stress, characterised by what Murray called “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks. Ideals and beliefs were assailed; egos pulverised. For Murray, this came naturally. He had cut his teeth designing psychological screening tests for the forerunner to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services. It was perfect preparation for what came to be known as Multiform Assessments of Personality Development Among Gifted College Men.

Kaczynski was the less than grateful recipient of the higher end of the experiment. “I had been talked or pressured,” he told his attorney Michael Mello in August 1998, “into participating in the Murray study against my better judgment.” It is indisputable that he, along with other subjects, had been sufficiently deceived to be victims of a breach of experimental ethics known more commonly as the Nuremberg Code.

Drafted in the aftermath of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial of German concentration camp doctors, the code stressed the importance of informed consent. “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential,” declared the judges responsible for formulating the code. The subject should also be “so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress…”

Kaczynski can hardly be said to go on to better things, but they were certainly bigger. In terms of notoriety, his position in the technology obsessed undergrowth of the United States was assured by his murderous and maiming efforts. His favourite method: the package bomb, 16 of which were mailed to his intended victims. Three people died; 23 were injured.

A central tenet of Kaczynski’s thought was levelled at those complicit representatives of what he called the Industrial Society and its state manifestation. Far from being critical of power, its methods, and its wielding by bureaucrats and planners, its members were adjutants and prosecutors of a sinister agenda of behavioural control.

The profiles of the victims, actual and intended, constituted a true fruit salad, at times erratic and scattered: academics in engineering, psychology, genetics and computer science; the president of the California Forestry Association; a computer store owner; an advertising executive; American Airlines Flight 444 and the United Airlines President.

In its unifying theme, the manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future, opens its barrels on the role of technology. “The Industrial Revolution and its consequences,” goes the grave opening, “have been a disaster for the human race.” While it had “greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in ‘advanced’ countries”, society had been destabilised, life made “unfulfilling”. Humans had been subjected to “indignities” and “widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well)”. The “natural world” had also suffered.

James Ley, reflecting on Kaczynski’s writing, finds his understanding of technology to be “the ultimate constraint on freedom, beyond any specific laws or political arrangements that might obtain.” The conservatives are deluded for conniving in the destruction of their own ideals in embracing technology; leftists merely pursue goals of improvement without dealing with the elephant in the room: the properties of technological enslavement.

In an area of surveillance capitalism, inexorable data mining, and Mark Zuckerberg, there is something haunting about this. The manifesto may not be the sprightliest work of originality, but the vision is contemporary and relevant. The technological society systematically oppresses; it cannot be regulated. With that monstrous genie out of the bottle, it can only be, according to Kaczynski, destroyed.

Kaczynski defied the authorities and the technological state he so despised, eluding capture for almost two decades. Being incapable of summoning the forces to destroy technology, he eschewed it, becoming a rustic version of the Savage in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the man who “ate civilization”, and in so doing ate his own wickedness.

He lived in a cabin near Lincoln, Montana, a place in every sense off the grid: no electricity, no television, no telephone. He moved about with a bicycle. He took an interest in regeneration in nature. He even foraged. This was his way of romancing the notion of the “pre-industrial city”, as he termed it, where the “19th century frontiersman” could create “change himself, by his own choice.” Change for the “modern man”, in contrast, was “imposed”.

Despite isolation, his pride proved too powerful, the need for recognition, consuming. His efforts to get the New York Times and Washington Post to publish his 35,000-word manifesto undid him. His brother David, and sister-in-law, on realising he was the author, identified him. The FBI, furnished by letters and documents provided by David, joined the dots, arresting Kaczynski on April 3, 1996.

The stage was set for the Unabomber to become a figure of medical interest. At trial, fearing that his brother would receive the death sentence, David, and the defence, opted for psychopathological grounds. Did the Murray experiments tip him over? The lawyers ran with the argument that the Harvard experience had provided the bricks and mortar of paranoid schizophrenia. Their client begged, with tenacious fury, to differ. His terrorism had been principled, rational, his Weltanschauung outlined in his manifesto. To suggest medical illness and disturbance was to give into the pathologizing agenda, something that would render him mad and therefore illegitimate as a thinker.

Far from being mad, the dystopia of Kaczynski’s industrial society has found solid roots. And the forces behind it, be they the myriad of social networks, data hungry platforms and the increasingly agitated discussion about Artificial Intelligence and its generative properties, implicates us all.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from the Public Domain

Nur ein manipulierter Mensch fügt Artgenossen Leid zu

June 15th, 2023 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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Einführung in Thematik

Als Psychologe und langjähriger Psychotherapeut bin ich der Überzeugung, dass der Mensch gut, sozial und fähig ist, ohne Waffen und Krieg zusammenzuleben (1). Er ist jedoch psychisch irritiert, was auf seine Manipulation in der familiären Erziehung und durch die gesellschaftlichen Institutionen zurückzuführen ist.

Nur ein manipulierter Mensch ist in der Lage, seinen Artgenossen Leid zuzufügen: Kriege, Terroraktionen, Entführung von Kindern und Vermietung an Pädophile, Organhandel, Entvölkerungsprogramme, Vertreibung, Bevölkerungsaustausch, Geschichtsfälschung und so weiter und so fort.

Seinen Artgenossen Gewalt und Pein zuzufügen oder loszumarschieren und loszuschlagen, wenn der Staat zu den Waffen ruft, das ist nicht das Resultat eines freien Willens. Die Erziehung der Menschen hat bewirkt, dass sie den staatlichen Autoritäten gehorchen müssen. Ihr Gefühlsleben ist so geprägt, dass sie nicht „NEIN!“ sagen können. Dass er Vater und Mutter in der Kinderstube folgen musste, trägt der Erwachsene ein Leben lang mit – ohne dass ihm das bewusst ist.

Doch die Psychologie zeigt uns, dass man den Menschen helfen kann, sich ihrer teils unbewussten Gefühle und ihres Verhaltens bewusst zu werden. Sie können sich so umorientieren, dass sie den Artgenossen kein Leid mehr zufügen.

Dieser psychologische Erklärungsansatz des menschlichen Gefühlslebens und Verhaltens entspricht nicht nur der menschlichen Natur, er wirkt im Gegensatz zur moralischen Argumentation – der Frage nach Gut und Böse – auch versöhnlich.

Nur der manipulierte Mensch fügt seinen Artgenossen Leid zu

Einige Beispiele aus jüngster Zeit machen deutlich, was zwischen uns Menschen möglich ist:

So hat laut „anti-spiegel“ vom 6. Juni eine russische Menschenrechtsstiftung einen Fall von organisiertem Handel mit ukrainischen Kindern aufgedeckt, die über Zwischenstationen bis nach Südamerika gelangt sind, wo sie offenbar für Geld an Pädophile „vermietet“ werden.

Angesichts einer weiteren Pädophilie-Enthüllung auf „Instagram“ warnte Tucker Carlson, der ehemalige Star-Moderator von „Fox-News“ vor einer gewollten Zerstörung der westlichen Werte und glaubt, dass hinter dem Vormarsch des Nihilismus und der Verengung des Meinungskorridors System steckt. Es geht seiner Meinung nach darum, die Werte und die Moral in der Gesellschaft zu zerstören sowie zeitgleich jedes Aufbegehren dagegen zu kriminalisieren, um Angst und Schrecken für den Machterhalt zu verbreiten (2).

Beim Gipfeltreffen der „Europäischen Politischen Gemeinschaft“ am 1. Juni in Moldawien verkündete EU-Chefdiplomat Josef Borrell seine Vision von einer nochmals erweiterten EU inklusive Türkei und Aserbeidschan und sagte: “Dies werde der ‚Aufbruch in eine Welt ohne Russland‘“. So offen sprach noch kein westlicher Politiker über die wahren Pläne der Expansion (3).

Die weltbekannte Forscherin und Autorin Dr. Naomi Wolf deckte auf, dass Pfizers „Killerinjektionen“ (König) nicht entwickelt wurden, um die Menschheit vor einer Krankheit zu retten, sondern um sie zu dezimieren. Es handelt sich um einen Entvölkerungsplan, der aus den eigenen Dokumenten des riesigen US-amerikanischen Pharmaunternehmens hervorgeht.

Die Sprecherin des russischen Außenministeriums Marija Sacharowa nahm die sprachliche Entgleisung von US-Senator Lindsay Graham in Kiew zum Anlass („Russen sterben – das ist das Beste, wofür wir je Geld ausgegeben haben“), um an die umfangreichen Finanzhilfen und Investitionen der USA an Hitler-Deutschland zu erinnern, die bereits zum Zweiten Weltkrieg geführt haben (4).

Nach einer Meldung des Online-Medienportals „InfoBRICS“ stellte der ehemalige US-Kongressabgeordnete und Ex-Präsidentschaftskandidat Ron Paul fest, dass die Bedeutung des US-Dollars rasch abnimmt – und das erst der Anfang sei. Es sollte niemanden überraschen, dass andere Nationen „endlich versuchen“, dem US-Dollar Konkurrenz zu machen. Grund für die Schwächung der US-Währung sei die Müdigkeit anderer Länder gegenüber der US-amerikanischen Interventionspolitik.

Wörtlich meinte er:

„Wir sind eine interventionistische Regierung. Wir greifen in die persönliche Freiheit ein, wir greifen in die wirtschaftliche Freiheit ein. Wir mischen uns in die inneren Angelegenheiten aller anderen Nationen der Welt ein. Wir sagen ihnen, was sie zu tun haben, wir verhängen Sanktionen, um sie zu bestrafen, und dann wundern wir uns. (…).“ (5)

Abschließend ein Auszug aus der Kurzgeschichte „Die Klage des Zugvogels“ (6) des vor 15 Jahren in Nürnberg verstorbenen kirgisischen Schriftstellers Tschingis Aitmatow. im Antlitz klirrender Waffen und menschlicher Zerstörung warnt der tierische Beobachter die Menschen:

 „Behüt euch der Himmel vor Leid, das kein Mensch mehr erträgt, vor Feuersbrünsten, die keiner mehr löscht, vor blutigen Kriegen, die keiner aufhält, vor Taten, die keiner mehr gutmacht. Behüt euch der Himmel vor Leid, das kein Mensch mehr erträgt.“ (7)

Zeit der Vernunft?

Lange Zeit hat die Menschheit gefühlsmäßig im Mittelalter gelebt; es hat gegolten, was der Pfarrer gesagt hat. Neue Gedanken waren nicht erlaubt; sie sind geahndet worden. Doch im Laufe von Jahrhunderten hat sich die Menschheit aus dem Mittelalter herausentwickelt und sich Gedanken gemacht über die Welt, den lieben Gott und den Himmel. Viele Menschen haben es so weit gebracht, dass sie zweifeln, ob das stimmt, was ihnen der Pfarrer einst erzählt hat. Sie haben angefangen zu denken. Damit begann die Zeit der Vernunft. Doch wie sieht diese Zeit der Vernunft heute aus?

Zwar haben die Menschen in der Technik und auch sonst im Leben ungeheure Fortschritte gemacht, doch eines haben sie nicht erkannt: sich selbst. An sich selbst, ihre Psyche, sind sie nicht herangetreten. Obwohl sie angefangen haben, sich verantwortlich zu fühlen für das, was hier auf der Welt geschieht, haben sie sich selbst und den anderen Menschen nicht erkannt. Deshalb sind sie auch nicht vernünftig, wenn es darauf ankommt, sondern sie versagen. Und das trotz der zunehmenden Vernunft und obwohl sie sich die Natur in den Dienst gestellt haben und auf dem Mond gelandet sind.

Kein Mensch hat vor der Zeit der Vernunft über sich selbst, über seine Gefühle und sein Leben Bescheid gewusst, bis der Arzt Sigmund Freud (1856-1930) in Wien die Entdeckung gemacht hat, dass der Mensch ein Unbewusstes hat. Obwohl Freud Spekulationen angestellt hat, die heute verneint werden, war seine Entdeckung von großer Bedeutung.

Der Tiefenpsychologe Alfred Adler (1870-1937) erkannte dann, dass man dem Menschen helfen kann. Mit Unterstützung eines Psychotherapeuten kann er umorientiert werden, können seine Gefühle reformiert werden und er kann sich schließlich für die Vernunft entscheiden. Leider gibt es heute noch wenige Psychologen, die sich den Problemen der Menschen annehmen. Das Wissen des Menschen, der sich dem Studium der Psychologie zuwendet, fällt in der Regel auf den alten Boden. Er ist religiös, national, patriotisch, staatsgläubig. Er steht auf dem Standpunkt, das System zu erhalten.

Auch werden die Menschen bewusst irregeführt und irregeleitet, sodass sie nicht zur Vernunft kommen. Die Beurteilung des Stellvertreterkrieges der US-NATO gegen Russland zeigt dies in aller Deutlichkeit. Dass sich die Menschen diese Irreführung gefallen lassen, das ist auf die Erziehung zurückzuführen. Die Forschungsergebnisse der Psychologie lehren uns, dass die Erziehung so gestaltet ist, dass bereits das Kind in den ersten Lebensjahren nur folgen und nicht „NEIN“ sagen kann.

Die Manipulation beginnt in Elternhaus und Schule – und wird von Staat, Kirche und Konzernmedien mitgetragen

Bereits in der Kindheit werden die Menschen so manipuliert, dass sie dann auf alles eingehen, zu allem fähig sind. Es gibt kaum einen Menschen, der heil davongekommen ist.

Diese Manipulation wird vom Staat und der Kirche mit ihren verschiedenen Institutionen mitgetragen und weitergeführt. Er wird so manipuliert, dass er nicht fähig ist, sich klare Gedanken zu machen; im entscheidenden Moment fällt er um. Obwohl der Westen zum Beispiel mit allen erlaubten und unerlaubten Mitteln, die ihm zur Verfügung stehen, gegen den Osten kämpft, wird er von den meisten Bürgern der USA und Europas gefühlsmäßig und materiell unterstützt. Das machen wir als gute Christen. Während die Menschen in vielen Teilen der Welt hungern müssen, rüsten wir auf und erzeugen nicht das Lebensnotwendige. Damit bereiten wir den neuen Weltkrieg vor.

Vor allem die autoritäre Erziehung ergibt eine Tendenz in unserem Denken und Fühlen, dass wir keine andere Meinung kennen. Wir sind so manipuliert, dass wir auf die Lockrufe der Autoritäten hereinfallen und deshalb den wahnsinnigen Stellvertreterkrieg der US-NATO gegen Russland, in dem die ukrainische und russische Jugend verblutet, mit wenigen Ausnahmen voll unterstützen.

Die Konzern-Medien leisten zu diesem Übel einen bedeutenden Beitrag. Ihre käuflichen Journalisten tragen durch die Schaffung von Feindbildern, durch Kriegstreiberei, Manipulation und Propaganda ihren Teil zur Verdummung der Massen bei. Gefällige Journalisten bekommen dafür sogar ein millionenschweres Euro-Honorar von den Regierungen (8).

Bereits im Jahr 1889 bezeichnete die Friedens-Nobelpreisträgerin Bertha von Suttner die Presse als „Werkzeug des Kriegsministeriums“, das „im Dienste der Massenverdummung, der Hetze und der Hasspropaganda“ steht (9). Dabei wären die Journalisten eigentlich dazu verpflichtet, den Menschen „Friedensstifter“ zu sein. Doch sie übernehmen keine Verantwortung für das Gemeinwohl der Menschheit.

Wir sind die Schweigenden!

Da wir Menschen das Produkt der Erlebnisse in unserer Kindheit sind, kommt es entscheidend darauf an, wie wir unsere Beziehungspersonen erlebt haben, wieviel Vertrauen und wie viel Mut wir mitbekommen und welche Stimmung wir erlebt haben. Wir müssen keine Schläge abbekommen haben. Oft sind es der Missmut, die Verneinung und die Ablehnung, die wir als Kind erfahren haben, die uns als unbewusste Gefühlsregungen im späteren Leben nicht froh werden lassen.

Dabei haben es die Eltern meist gut gemeint. In ihrer Unwissenheit waren sie streng oder haben uns verwöhnt. Jedenfalls waren sie nicht imstande, mit dem Kind richtig umzugehen. So kann zum Beispiel die erlernte Angst, die eigene Meinung zu äußern oder nichts Falsches zu sagen, auch noch beim Erwachsenen zum Schweigen führen. Er getraut sich nichts zu sagen, weil er vielleicht einen Fehler begehen könnte oder das nicht ganz stimmt, was er sagen will.

Das hat der Erwachsene schon als Kind abbekommen! In der Kindheit hat man ihm das vermittelt – diese Angst, genau zu sein, ganz genau! Viele Menschen werden dadurch zu Schweigenden.

Sich die Ergebnisse der psychologischen Forschung zu eigen machen!

Wenn sich die Menschen die Ergebnisse der psychologischen Forschung zu eigen machen und sich selbst und ihre Mitmenschen kennen lernen, dann wird sich ihre Sichtweise auf die staatlichen Gegebenheiten und die gesamte Gesellschaftsordnung entscheidend ändern und sie werden für sich und ihre Nachkommen ein menschenwürdiges Leben schaffen (10).

Die Veränderung der durch und durch gewalttätigen Welt muss aus ihnen selbst kommen.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Schul-Rektor, Erziehungswissenschaftler und Diplom-Psychologe. Nach seinen Universitätsstudien wurde er wissenschaftlicher Lehrer in der Erwachsenenbildung. Als Pensionär arbeitete er als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Für seine Verdienste um Serbien bekam er 2021 von den Universitäten Belgrad und Novi Sad den Republik-Preis „Kapitän Misa Anastasijevic“ verliehen.

Er schreibt regelmäßig für Global Research.


6 Tschingis Aitmatow. Klage des Zugvogels. Zürich 1990, S. 24

7 a. O.


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Turkey’s Refugee Crisis

June 15th, 2023 by Hasan Erel

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Turkey has become the target point of a mass migration, which is rarely seen in the world.

This essentially started with the Syrian war in 2011 and continues with Libya, Iraq, African countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russians and Ukrainians.

The largest part of the refugees is from Syria: according to official figures, they number more than 4 million, and according to unofficial figures, they exceed 7 million.

The ruling AKP government provides all kinds of opportunities to asylum seekers under temporary protection.

Even more than it provides to its own citizens; Syrians are officially the priority group in housing, food, education and health.

Migrants have trouble adapting wherever they go, revealing their violence-dominated feudal culture and arousing reactions from the local people.

There are many terorrists hiding among them also. 

After the Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan, Afghan military young men, who came to Turkey via Iran, are also engaged in arms and drug smuggling.

While they are concentrated in cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Adana, Mersin, Gaziantep, Sakarya, Kilis, and Urfa, the largest population is in Hatay, Turkey’s most strategic province.

When Hatay was destroyed by the last earthquake, the Turkish population here decreased and the Syrians increased.

Asylum seekers also played an important role in the last presidential election.

How Does?

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whose votes decreased among Turkish voters due to the high cost of living, found the solution by making Syrians citizens and voters.

According to official figures, more than 250,000 Syrians voted in the election.

This number is expected to increase further in the local elections in 2024.

Speaking of elections; Asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, who were not mentioned much in the first round of elections on May 14, played an important role in the second round of elections on May 28.

CHP Chairman and Presidential candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu turned the election into a referendum whether refugees should go or stay in the second round and met with Zafer Party, the critical party of the last period.

Kılıçdaroğlu and Özdağ agreed on the return of asylum seekers to their countries as soon as possible.

According to Victory Party Chairman Ümit Özdağ, there are at least 13 million asylum seekers and illegal immigrants in Turkey.

Özdağ describes this situation as “Demographical Occupation”.

In the nuclear world where hybrid wars prevail, migration is now a kind of war tool.

The winner of the election, in which the person who will rule Turkey until 2028 is determined, was the former President Erdoğan, who was elected by the votes of Turks abroad (mainly those who earn euros in Europe and benefiting from the economic crisis in the country) and citizens of asylum seekers.

When the result of the election became clear, the streets of Türkiye became the scene of the victory demonstrations of the refugees.

Some Syrian Arabs even said, “You infidels will go, this place will be ours as the Ottoman Empire,” addressing the secular Turks from the CHP.

Ozdag, the leader of the Victory Party, who made politics in line with Atatürk’s nationalist line, wrote the following words on his Twitter account regarding these scenes:

“Syrians celebrate the occupation. They hate the Victory Party, which resists the occupation. What are you AK Party members celebrating? 11 billion dollars a year we will spend on Syrians? Our soldiers who will be martyred in northern Syria? The pain of our girls who will be harassed on the streets? Selling drugs? Rents going up? Life getting expensive? The uncontrollable rise of the currency that will happen tomorrow or 3 days later? The sale of the last government institutions we have? What are you celebrating, brothers?”

Although those who give such reactions are easily accused of racism, it is becoming increasingly impossible even in the most liberal segments to remain indifferent as the world is experiencing an unprecedented foreign invasion.

The Erdogan government provides social benefits that even support Syrian refugees to have many children.

The source of water comes mainly from the EU.

They don’t want refugees from “forrest” come to their “garden”.

According to the immigration detention agreements with Turkey, billions of euros in aid are being given to Turkey.

One of those who want Syrians to stay in Turkey is the USA.

For the second Kurdish state (after Barzanistan) that it plans to establish in eastern Syria, the fact that the Arab population in that region is in Turkey is in the interest of Washington.

Erdogan’s scrambling to reach an agreement with Syrian President Assad is also based on this.

Assad has repeatedly called for Syrians in Turkey to return after the war, which actually ended in 2018, with amnesty dozens of times.

However, the Syrians who make a living on aid in Turkey are content with their lives, they only go to their homeland during the holidays.

As a result, a problem that will cause a headache for Turkey in the coming decades and may even threaten its territorial integrity is almost ignored in the world.

A tradesman from Hatay describes the extent of the demographic occupation with these words:

“The Syrian population in Hatay has increased so much that they come to us and say, ‘We have taken back Hatay, which Atatürk took from us.’ When we oppose them, 40-50 people can come and attack us. There is no Turkish population left in Kırıkhan district. They rob shops, they use their houses as markets.”

One final note; before the Syrian civil war, the mines on the Turkish border were cleared. Today, the mines on the Iranian border are being cleared. Afghans and Pakistanis come from this border every day and post their videos on tiktok.

What do we expect?


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Hasan Erel is a Turkish journalist-writer. He worked as a diplomacy and foreign news reporter and editor in TRT and other media for 30 years. He is a frequent commentator of Sputnik News radio and CRI Turk in Turkiye.    

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Introduction to the topic

As a psychologist and long-time psychotherapist, I am convinced that man is good, social and capable of living together without weapons and war (1). However, he is psychologically irritated due to his manipulation in family upbringing and by social institutions.

Only a manipulated human being is capable of inflicting suffering on his fellow human beings: Wars, terrorist actions, kidnapping of children and renting them to paedophiles, organ trafficking, depopulation programmes, displacement, population exchange, falsification of history and so on and so forth.

Inflicting violence and torment on one’s fellow human beings or marching off and striking when the state calls to arms is not the result of free will.

The education of the people has caused them to have to obey the state authorities. Their emotional life is shaped in such a way that they cannot say “NO!”. The fact that he had to follow his father and mother in the nursery is carried by the adult throughout his life – without him being aware of it.

But psychology shows us that people can be helped to become aware of their partly unconscious feelings and behaviour. They can reorient themselves in such a way that they no longer cause suffering to their fellow species.

This psychological approach to explaining human emotional life and behaviour not only corresponds to human nature, it also has a conciliatory effect in contrast to moral reasoning – the question of good and evil.

Only the manipulated human inflicts suffering on his fellow species

Some recent examples make clear what is possible between us humans:

For example, according to “anti-spiegel” of 6 June, a Russian human rights foundation has uncovered a case of organised trafficking of Ukrainian children who have reached South America via intermediate stops, where they are apparently “rented out” to paedophiles for money.

In the face of yet another paedophilia revelation on “Instagram”, Tucker Carlson, the former star anchor of “Fox News”, warned of a deliberate destruction of Western values and believes that there is a system behind the advance of nihilism and the narrowing of the corridor of opinion. In his opinion, it is about destroying values and morals in society and at the same time criminalising any rebellion against them in order to spread fear and terror for the sake of maintaining power (2).

At the summit meeting of the “European Political Community” in Moldova on 1 June, EU chief diplomat Josef Borrell announced his vision of a further enlarged EU including Turkey and Azerbaijan and said: “This will be the ‘dawn of a world without Russia'”. No Western politician has ever spoken so openly about the true plans of expansion (3).

World-renowned researcher and author Dr Naomi Wolf revealed that Pfizer’s “killer injections” (König) were not developed to save humanity from a disease, but to decimate it. It is a depopulation plan that emerges from the giant US pharmaceutical company’s own documents.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mariya Zakharova took the opportunity of US Senator Lindsay Graham’s linguistic gaffe in Kiev (“Russians dying – that’s the best thing we’ve ever spent money on”) to recall the extensive US financial aid and investment to Hitler’s Germany that had already led to World War II (4).

According to a report by the online media portal “InfoBRICS”, former US Congressman and ex-presidential candidate Ron Paul stated that the importance of the US dollar is rapidly declining – and that this is just the beginning. It should surprise no one that other nations are “finally trying” to compete with the US dollar. The reason for the weakening of the US currency, he said, is other countries’ fatigue with US interventionist policies.

Literally, he said:

“We are an interventionist government. We interfere with personal freedom, we interfere with economic freedom. We interfere in the internal affairs of every other nation in the world. We tell them what to do, we impose sanctions to punish them, and then we wonder. (…).” (5)

Finally, an excerpt from the short story “The Lament of the Migratory Bird” (6) by the Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov, who died 15 years ago in Nuremberg. in the face of clashing weapons and human destruction, the animal observer warns people:

“Heaven protect you from suffering that no human being can bear, from conflagrations that no one can extinguish, from bloody wars that no one can stop, from deeds that no one can make good. Heaven protect you from suffering that no one can bear any more.” (7)

Time of reason?

For a long time, humanity lived emotionally in the Middle Ages; what the priest said applied. New thoughts were not allowed; they were punished. But in the course of centuries, humanity has evolved out of the Middle Ages and thought about the world, God and heaven. Many people have come to the point where they doubt whether what the priest once told them is true. They began to think. This was the beginning of the age of reason. But what does this time of reason look like today?

Although people have made tremendous progress in technology and also in other areas of life, there is one thing they have not recognised: themselves. They have not approached themselves, their psyche. Although they have begun to feel responsible for what is happening here in the world, they have not recognised themselves and the other human being. That is why they are not reasonable when it comes down to it, but fail. And this in spite of their increasing reason and in spite of the fact that they have put nature at their service and landed on the moon.

No human being knew about himself, his feelings and his life before the age of reason, until the physician Sigmund Freud (1856-1930) made the discovery in Vienna that humans have an unconscious. Although Freud made speculations that are denied today, his discovery was of great importance.

The depth psychologist Alfred Adler (1870-1937) then realised that people could be helped. With the help of a psychotherapist, he can be reoriented, his feelings can be reformed and he can finally choose reason. Unfortunately, there are still few psychologists today who take care of people’s problems. The knowledge of the person who turns to the study of psychology usually falls on the old ground. He is religious, national, patriotic, believer in the state. He stands on the standpoint of preserving the system.

People are also deliberately misled and misled so that they do not come to their senses. The assessment of the US-NATO proxy war against Russia shows this very clearly. The fact that people put up with this misleading is due to their upbringing. The research results of psychology teach us that upbringing is designed in such a way that already in the first years of life the child can only follow and not say “NO”.

The manipulation begins in the parental home and school – and is supported by the state, the church and the corporate media.

Already in childhood, people are manipulated in such a way that they then respond to everything, are capable of everything. There is hardly a person who has escaped unscathed.

This manipulation is carried along and continued by the state and the church with its various institutions. He is manipulated in such a way that he is not capable of thinking clearly; at the decisive moment he falls down. For example, although the West is fighting the East with all the permissible and impermissible means at its disposal, it is supported emotionally and materially by most of the citizens of the USA and Europe. This is what we do as good Christians. While people in many parts of the world have to starve, we arm ourselves and do not produce the necessities of life. In doing so, we are preparing for the new world war.

Above all, authoritarian education results in a tendency in our thinking and feeling that we know no other opinion. We are so manipulated that we fall for the lure of the authorities and therefore, with few exceptions, fully support the insane proxy war of the US-NATO against Russia, in which Ukrainian and Russian youth are bleeding to death.

The corporate media contribute significantly to this evil. Their venal journalists contribute to the dumbing down of the masses by creating images of the enemy, by warmongering, manipulation and propaganda. Pleasing journalists even receive a multi-million euro fee from governments for this (8).

As early as 1889, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Bertha von Suttner described the press as a “tool of the war ministry” that is “in the service of mass stupefaction, agitation and hate propaganda” (9). Journalists would actually be obliged to be “peacemakers” for the people. But they do not take responsibility for the common good of humanity.

We are the silent ones!

Since we humans are the product of our childhood experiences, what matters is how we experienced our relationship persons, how much trust and how much courage we received and what kind of mood we experienced. We don’t have to have been beaten. Often it is the displeasure, the denial and the rejection that we experienced as a child that, as unconscious emotions, do not make us happy in later life.

Yet the parents usually meant well. In their ignorance they were strict or spoiled us. In any case, they were unable to deal with the child properly. For example, the learned fear of expressing one’s own opinion or of not saying the wrong thing can lead to silence even in the adult. He does not dare to say anything because he might make a mistake or what he wants to say is not quite right.

The adult already got that as a child! He was taught this in childhood – this fear of being precise, very precise! Many people become silencers as a result.

Embrace the results of psychological research!

If people make the results of psychological research their own and get to know themselves and their fellow human beings, then their view of state conditions and the entire social order will change decisively and they will create a humane life for themselves and their descendants (10).

The change in the thoroughly violent world must come from within themselves.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a school rector, educational scientist and qualified psychologist. After his university studies, he became an academic teacher in adult education. As a retiree he worked as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and professional articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral education in values as well as an education for public spirit and peace. For his services to Serbia, he was awarded the Republic Prize “Captain Misa Anastasijevic” by the Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad in 2021.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.







(6) Chingiz Aitmatov. Lament of the Migratory Bird. Zurich 1990, p. 24

(7) op. cit.




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This weekend,  friends and family will be meeting up in Montreal to celebrate Kari Polyani Levitt’s 100th birthday.

While Kari’s health is fragile, she remains firm in her incisive understanding and analysis of World events, committed to national sovereignty and fundamental human rights. 

She constitutes a powerful voice in the understanding and analysis of  US hegemony and the global political economy.

Her first book published in 1970 entitled,  Silent Surrender: The Multinational Corporation in Canada. predicted with foresight more than half a century ago, what is happening today.

“First published in 1970, Silent Surrender helped educate a generation of students about Canadian political economy. Kari Polyani Levitt details the historical background of foreign investments in Canada, their acceleration since World War II, and the nature of intrusions by multinational corporations into a sovereign state”.

More than fifty years later, this is her message to Canadians: 

“Well, yes, I think those of us who were concerned about the way in which Canadian business was selling themselves out to American multinationals, we were concerned that it would lead to a loss of sovereignty.

And I think it has. It has happened. We have less sovereignty than we had some time ago.” (Kari Polyani Levitt, June 30, 2021)

Long Live Kari Polyani Levitt


Below is the transcript of her July 2021 interview with Michael Welch on the Global Research News Hour.



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Kari Polanyi Levitt focused her attention on how Canada is losing its sovereignty and its independence on the world stage and on how we might be able to claim the soul of a proud nation once again.

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Transcript- Interview with Professor Polanyi Levitt, June 30, 2021

Global Research: Since you wrote your book 50 years ago to the present, there seems to have been more integration between our two countries, right?

Kari Polanyi Levitt: There has been, yes.

GR: I mean is it something that you may have foreseen way back when? Or is this more of a, I mean, from the time you wrote that book to today, is this pretty much the kind of result you would have expected?

KPL: Well, yes, I think those of us who were concerned about the way in which Canadian business was selling themselves out to American multinationals, we were concerned that it would lead to a loss of sovereignty. And I think it has. It has happened. We have less sovereignty than we had some time ago.

GR: The growth since that time, I mean, we’ve had their Free Trade Agreements, right? In the 1980s the Canada US Free Trade Agreement, the NAFTA, and we had military…our militaries became more and more tightly connected. Which strengthened continentalism even further. Where all of these separate decisions just added onto US investments to increase US control of Canada or was it part of the same pattern. First you increase investment then you try more and more integration— 


KPL: I would think, yes, part of the same pattern.

GR: Yeah, so are you saying that, what I’m asking is, how far back had the various stages of integration been planned? Is it kind of like a timeline where you say, now this, and then, and then we’re going to throw in a Free Trade Agreement when the time is right? Or did this idea of free trade and then other aspects of integration just sort of come along when the time was right?

KPL: Well, the Free Trade Agreement of the kind we’re talking about were a global phenomenon they were not unique to Canada. But we had what they like to call globalization which really meant they… the power of international capital, particularly the financial capital. What I would like us to talk about is that as we are approaching Canada Day and many people are questioning whether they should celebrate or rather concern themselves about the phenomenon of the residential schools and the young people in the unmarked graves. I like to talk about the present and what happened since I wrote that book. It is an important book. And it remains important.

GR: Well for certain, I mean, in 2021 we are recognizing now that the residential schools have definitely had a, have been a horrific part of our past. But have we really come to the point where…is something special happening now, or are we just seeing our whole, are we just seeing our whole… just finding a way of shifting our dependence on the residential schools to something else. Because it seems as if, for all the acco–… everything that the prime minister is saying, Indigenous peoples are still being subjected to brutal things like the higher-than-average representation in the jails for example. What is your take on that?

KPL: The fact is that the way that this country was built, it was built by, by people who saw the Indigenous people in a very negative way. And the residential schools would never have happened if it were not part of the culture of this country. And I think many people are seeing that this is regrettable and bad. And that something should be done to improve the relationship between the settler communities that constitute the Canadian population and the Indigenous people.

GR: Yeah, do you…do the signs show that we are going to be going in that direction?

KPL: I’m not sure. There are obviously an increasing number of Canadians who are only now learning about this, and they are concerned. But to tell you the truth, when you called me about discussing foreign policy, I thought that’s what we were going to do. And what I think is that Canada, in many ways, has a good name in the world but we are not acting on our own initiative. We are following in the wake of the United States in foreign policy. And I think that this is a very dangerous situation because no matter how much I consider the existence of challenges facing humanity, one of them is how to prevent ourselves from engaging in mutual destruction by the use of atomic weapons. And because we are a party to NATO, Canada is not following an independent foreign policy but his only going along with whatever is the current concern of the United States. I would like us to exert our independence, and that is one of the advantages of having nations.

GR: The military is…there’s no clear division between the militaries, but can you see the nation in any way…I mean are we so united that we can’t break loose even if we wanted to? I mean, when it comes to votes at the UN on nuclear missiles or anything like that, I mean do we even have the power any more to stand up against the United States?

KPL: We have as much or as little as we ever had before. We don’t have less. Although the scandal of the residential schools is a negative. It reduces the legitimacy with which Canada can play a role on the international stage. It’s a blot on our record. And for all kinds of good reasons, something has to be done. But I am thinking about is more, what could Canada do as a medium power in the world with a good reputation, and its sort of commitment to the United Nations. And I think that we should examine what has been our foreign policy.

GR: Is there a particular foreign policy where we could start expressing our independent way of thinking that we could distance ourselves from the United States?

KPL: Well, the obvious one is the field of diplomacy, I mean, we had developed a lot of independent economic and political relations with China, which is the up-and-coming power in the next century.

GR: What about in terms of military policy, getting out of any relationship with the United States on shooting down missiles, well basically what NORAD does, you know, is that something we could even break out of?

KPL: Well, maybe so, but I think more to the point, we should develop our independent relations with other countries. What is clear, is that in the world, that we have to have a… what do they call it again…a world order that is multinational. In other words, there are a number of legitimate political entities in this world who have to be included in a multi-polar world. And that multi-polar world would include China and the United States and Canada. But we should be included, not as a satellite of the United States, but on our own independence. And I think we have, we, the government of Canada made a big mistake in acceding to this demand by the Americans to arrest the lady representing the very important IT company. That was a…because what she was accused of was a violation of US sanctions again Iran, and this is not a criminal act in Canadian law, because Canada did not agree to sanctions against Iran. So that was a big mistake, and it was done entirely because our government said, under some compulsion to act in the way that it did. There was a compulsion to play a subsidiary role regarding relation with the US. And we have done huge damage to Canada’s relationship with China and there are individuals now, Canadian individuals in China who are paying the price.

GR: I know that…there’s an election coming up possibly this fall, I’m wondering if your views on Canada’s need to distinguish itself could possibly play any role in this election and who would you need more inclined to vote towards?

KPL: I don’t know…I couldn’t announce it. I know I would not vote for the Conservatives. I do not trust them. So, I don’t know yet who I’m going to vote for. But what I would like to see the Government of Canada do is to take some initiative in the matter of banning new nuclear weapons. And there was a motion introduced in the General Assembly of the UN some months ago to that effect. And Canada shamefully did not express an opinion in favour of what is clearly the popular view of the majority of member states of the UN.

GR: Kari Polanyi Levitt, I really appreciate everything you’ve had to say today, and I know that we’re kind of getting to the end of her time, but I just wanted to offer you the opportunity to close with any thoughts that you may have that you, that we as Canadians can be more alert to as we move forward toward and beyond the next election.

KPL: Well, I think that Canada should certainly consider its membership of NATO because, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and it is a military alliance and in recent years it has been involved in military conflicts in the regions of the Middle East which are having really nothing to do with the North Atlantic. And I don’t think that…. I think we have to, we should reconsider, and the reasons why it might be difficult for the Canadian government to take a position against nuclear weapons is precisely because North America is so closely integrated with the US, and the US would never never agree to that request. I think I will just leave it there.

GR: Professor Polanyi Levitt I think we’ve come to the end, and I wanted to know how, I feel extremely privileged to have this conversation with you, and I wish you all the best in your coming years.

KPL: That is very kind of you, thank you. And I really like the work that Global Research is doing. I disagree with them about some things, about global warming, but that’s it, a minor disagreement, in my opinion. And one other thing. In order as a Canadian I can again feel proud of, to be a national of this country, our government has to take some action, whether it’s in the area of international diplomacy or some other area, because I do not see it as accountable to be only ashamed of the Government of Canada for what they have done relationship with the Indigenous people. I would like to feel good about the country, which has a lot of good things going for it.

GR: Yeah, that’s a good way to close going into Canada Day. So that’s…Well, you take care and again thank you so much for this interview.

KPL: Thank you!

Kari Polanyi Levitt (born June 14, 1923 in Vienna,  is a Professor (Emerita) of Economics at McGill University, Montreal. 

Kari is an outstanding economist and geopolitical analysis, committed to economic sovereignty and the alleviation of poverty and social inequalities Worldwide. She is the daughter of Karl Polanyi.

First published in 1970, Silent Surrender helped educate a generation of students about Canadian political economy. Kari Levitt details the historical background of foreign investments in Canada, their acceleration since World War II, and the nature of intrusions by multinational corporations into a sovereign state.
Silent Surrender was prophetic in predicting that the ultimate consequence of relinquishing control of the Canadian economy to United States business interests would be political disintegration through the balkanization of the country and its eventual piecemeal absorption into the American imperial system. Republished with a new preface by noted scholar Mel Watkins and a postscript by the author, Silent Surrender’s basic argument and underlying economic analysis remain remarkably fresh, particularly the question of whether cultural integration into continental American life has proceeded to a point where Canada is no longer a meaningful national community.
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In a major setback to jailed WikiLeaks founder and journalist, Julian Assange, a UK High Court judge dismissed his appeal against his extradition to the US. In a 3-page decision handed down on Tuesday, June 6, Justice Jonathan Swift of the High Court of Justice in London rejected all eight grounds of appeal against the extradition order that was sanctioned by the UK Home Office around a year ago.

Despite the setback, Assange is expected to file a renewed application challenging Justice Swift’s decision. According to a statement released by lawyer and Assange’s wife Stella, the defense will be preparing a renewed application for appeal to be filed by Tuesday, June 13, challenging the decision before two different High Court judges in a public hearing. This appeal attempt is the last legal recourse for Assange who has been fighting against the US extradition attempt for over three years.

In her statement announcing the decision to appeal, Stella Assange said that they “remain optimistic that we will prevail and that Julian will not be extradited to the United States where he faces charges that could result in him spending the rest of his life in a maximum security prison for publishing true information that revealed war crimes committed by the U.S. government.”

Expressing the disappointment of the family and supporters, Assange’s father John Shipton said, “Julian’s family watch on, horrified, and all fair-minded people the world over watch with profound disquiet and alarm.” He added that his son’s grounds for appeal were “clear, firm and just.”

Years-long legal ordeal

The US extradition plea was initially rejected by a district court judge in London in January 2021 on grounds of Assange’s mental health and the risk of suicide and other bodily harm if he was extradited.

This decision was overturned by the High Court in London in December that year based on diplomatic assurances given by the US after the district court’s decision. In June 2022, the UK Home Office sanctioned the extradition based on the High Court’s decision.

Assange, who was arrested and dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy in April 2019, has spent four years without a charge or conviction throughout this litigation period in a high-security prison in Belmarsh in the outskirts of London.

Rights groups condemn verdict

The decision by Justice Swift has raised alarm among press freedom advocates around the world, with Reporters Without Borders (RSF) pointing out that Assange is now “dangerously close” to extradition.

“It is absurd that a single judge can issue a three-page decision that could land Julian Assange in prison for the rest of his life and permanently impact the climate for journalism around the world,” said Rebecca Vincent, director of campaigns at RSF, in a statement released in response to the judge’s decision.

If extradited, Assange will stand trial before a federal grand jury in the US on 18 charges that carry a combined prison sentence of 175 years. Of the 18 charges leveled against him, 17 are under the infamous US Espionage Act. The indictment against him, initiated under the Donald Trump administration and continued under President Joe Biden, is the first time ever a publisher has been charged under the Act.

“The historical weight of what happens next cannot be overstated; it is time to put a stop to this relentless targeting of Assange and act instead to protect journalism and press freedom,” Vincent added.

In their statement, the RSF reiterated their demand to President Biden to drop the charges against Assange, close the case against him, and allow for his release without further delay.

In the dismissed appeal, Assange’s defense team had raised several issues with the extradition sanctioned by former UK Home Secretary Priti Patel during the Boris Johnson-led Conservative government. Among the key grounds raised by the defense was that if extradited, Assange will face a politically-motivated trial in the US, in violation of the extradition treaty between the two countries.

The defense also raised matters like Assange’s deteriorating mental and physical health; the fact that he was being prosecuted for publishing what falls within the ambit of protected speech; unsafe prison conditions in the US; and also how the US has misrepresented several facts throughout the course of the extradition trial.

In the meanwhile, calls have been raised from Assange’s home country of Australia demanding the intervention of the Labor-led government of Anthony Albanese. Andrew Wilkie, an independent federal legislator who leads the Parliamentary Julian Assange group, has reiterated his stand against the extradition.

“Mr Assange is an Australian citizen and journalist, whose matter should not even be before a court, as the case has always been an intensely political matter,” Wilkie said in a statement responding to Justice Swift’s decision. “Enough is enough. The US must drop the extradition and discontinue these charges immediately. And the Australian Government must continue to speak up and push for an immediate end to this matter as Julian’s life is at stake.”

Similarly, Green Party senator Peter Whish-Wilson tweeted that the Australian prime minister “must pick up the phone today to call Joe Biden and intervene. Julian Assange must not be extradited to the US where press freedoms will die the minute they seal the door of his high-security gaol cell.”

Progressives and Assange supporters in Australia are also mobilizing to protest against the looming extradition. In Melbourne, a rally has been organized outside the UK consulate, with Gabriel Shipton, Assange’s brother, expected to address the protesters. Similar such mobilizations are expected in different parts of the country.

While the Albanese government has repeatedly expressed concerns about Assange’s case and has claimed that they are making use of diplomatic channels to secure his release, the closed-door nature of these diplomatic negotiations have raised concerns from progressives regarding the government’s dedication on the matter.


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Dr. Faisal Mekdad, Syria’s Foreign Minister, is in Saudi Arabia for meetings held on June 11 and 12, which marks his third visit to the Kingdom in the last three months. In April, he made his initial visit and accompanied President Assad to Jeddah to attend the Council of the League of Arab States summit on May 19.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, known as MbS, promoted the aid and recovery of Syria through his position as host of the Arab League Summit in May. MbS asked for an Arab decision to bring Syria back to the brotherly league of Arab nations, while the US voiced condemnation of the plan.

“This is a strong signal to America that ‘we’re reshaping and redrawing our relations without you’,” said Abdulaziz Al-Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Centre.

MbS took on his leadership role at the helm of the biggest oil exporter in the world while putting the interests of his nation first, and not bowing to pressure from the US Biden administration, who have used undiplomatic language to describe MbS and voiced open threats directed against Saudi Arabia.

The US demanded that Saudi Arabia participate in the Obama-Biden war on Syria for regime change beginning in 2011. The American plan utilized terrorists who raped, maimed, and murdered across Syria while being financed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The project failed, and the Syrian people fought back against the Muslim Brotherhood and Radical Islam to remain the only secular country in the Middle East.

In April, Mekdad and Prince Farhan, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, discussed a comprehensive political settlement to the Syrian crisis and restoring Syria’s role in the Arab world. 

Syria announced that Saudi Arabia has agreed to resume direct flights between Syria and Saudi airports and they are expected to begin at the end of June. A Saudi technical team arrived on May 28 in Syria to prepare for the reopening of the Saudi Arabian embassy in Damascus.

US Saudi relations

When US President Biden visited MbS last July, he came to demand an increase in oil production to lower the gas prices in the US, but he left empty-handed. On June 8, US Secretary of State Blinken sat with MbS and during the visit MbS announced he will cut oil production in July, raising the price of gasoline to US consumers.

Blinken has voiced the US condemnation of allowing Syria to return to the Arab League, and the US is actively planning revenge on the Kingdom and any other Arab countries who dare to participate in rebuilding the homes, infrastructure, and livelihood of the Syrian people. 

Instead of looking for a peaceful solution for the US-engineered conflict in Syria, Blinken is focused solely on coercing Saudi Arabia into normalization with Israel through the Abraham Accords, which according to Blinken is an American “priority”. 

Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan seemed unmoved by Blinken’s urging, and said that normalization with Israel would have “limited benefits” without “finding a pathway to peace for the Palestinian people.”

MbS has repeatedly called for the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, east Jerusalem, and Gaza, which would meet existing UN resolutions. However, such a move is impossible in Israel under the current Jewish extremist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu.  

MbS is in the midst of his Vision 2023 which calls for peace and prosperity for the Middle East. Blinken has no vision for the Middle East, and his priority is to maintain the status quo in Palestine by keeping 6 million people under a brutal military dictatorship. Blinken is oblivious to the suffering of the Syrian people and their neighbors the Palestinians.

During Blinken’s visit to Riyadh, he co-hosted a meeting of foreign ministers from the global coalition fighting the Islamic State (IS) and pledged nearly $150 million for efforts in Syria and Iraq. The coalition includes more than 80 countries and new funding for the program amounts to more than $600 million.  The money will flow through the US partner in Syria, the Kurdish communist administration in the northeast.

Mohammed bin Salman paves a new road

MbS isn’t to blame for the destruction in Syria, which was before his time. His vision 2030 is a plan for regional peace and prosperity, including Syria. He has emerged as a global player untethered from Washington. He has started massive economic and social reforms which span from tourism, sports, entertainment, education, commerce, and investments.

Repairing relations with neighbors in Yemen, Qatar, Iran, and Syria are cornerstones in his diplomatic efforts. Regardless of criticism from Washington, MbS insists on working toward a political solution in Syria that will be Arab-driven and seeks to use UN resolution 2254 as a roadmap. 

MbS held a phone call with Russian President Putin on Wednesday, and Venezuelan President Maduro visited MbS before Blinken arrived. The Crown Prince seeks cooperation and diplomacy with varied leaders and is not bound by Oval Office dictates, while pursuing Saudi Arabia’s national interests.

US sanctions, sanctions, and more sanctions

The US Congress is considering yet another round of sanctions on Syria, which prevent the Syrian people from rebuilding homes, schools, hospitals, and infrastructure that was destroyed or damaged by the US-sponsored terrorists.

The new bill is called the Syrian Anti-Normalization Act of 2023 and would be an addition to the already paralyzing Caesar Act of 2020. The new bill seeks to impose heavy fines on any country that would dare to help the Syrian people rebuild and recover.  Arab countries normalizing their relations with Syria would be prevented from helping in the rebuilding.

Experts point to the fact that sanctions only hurt the Syrian people and impede their recovery and prevent jobs and livelihoods from recovering. The law provides for financial penalties to be imposed any time a country made an investment, grant, contract, or donation worth more than $50,000 to parts of Syria held by Damascus, which hold the largest territory and includes all of the major cities of Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Hama, and Latakia. The US protects terrorists in Idlib, and the communist-administrated region in the northeast, but none of those areas have a large city.  The largest group of Syrian civilians live under the administration of the central government seated in Damascus.

Syria analyst Joshua Landis of the University of Oklahoma believes sanctions on Damascus will not bring justice to the Syrian people, but further impoverish them. Due to US sanctions, medical equipment sits idle in hospitals because sanctions prevent ordering replacement parts. Occasionally, chemotherapy drugs are unavailable in Syria because foreign manufacturers are afraid to face penalties for sending products to Damascus. Building houses in Syria starts with wooden frame, and Syria does not have hardwood forests, so wood must be imported. However, countries such as Canada, Sweden, and Norway will not sell wood to Syrian merchants for fear of penalties. 

EU summit

‘Supporting the future of Syria and the region’ will be held in Brussels on June 14 and 15. The meeting does not address or consider the needs of 15 million Syrians living under the central government, but exclusively focuses resources on the civilians held hostage by terrorists in Idlib, and the needs of foreign countries who are hosting Syrian refugees, such as Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon.

This meeting is the main pledging event of 2023 for donations for Syrians who do not live under the Damascus administration. However, the vast majority of Syrians will never be helped or see any improvement in their lives by this meeting. This demonstrates the priorities of the Western democracies: to support the terrorist leaders who hold 3 million in Idlib, and to make sure that Syrian refugees living in tents in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon are kept from starvation, but held as pawns which will prevent their return home to Syria.

The US and its allies in the European Union are not considering the lives of 15 million people living in Syria. They created the war, supported the terrorists who destroyed the country and divided it, but they refuse to participate in the recovery process for the Syrian people. 


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept, has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the “Influence and Perception Management Office” (IPMO), in March.

Its existence is not strictly secret, although there has been no official announcement of its launch, let alone an explanation from Department of Defense (DoD) officials as to its raison d’être or modus operandi. Its budget likewise remains a mystery but purportedly runs into the “multimillions.”

Pentagon financial documents from 2022 offer a laconic and largely impenetrable description of IPMO. The Office, it is said, “will serve as the senior advisor” to Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security, Ronald S. Moultrie, on “strategic and operational influence and perception management (reveal and conceal) matters”:

It will develop broad thematic influence guidance focused on key adversaries; promulgate competitive influence strategies focused on specific defense issues, which direct subordinate planning efforts for the conduct of influence-related activities; and fill existing gaps in policy, oversight, governance, and integration related to influence and perception management matters. [IPMO]…provides necessary support to National Defense Strategy…to address the current strategic environment of great power competition.”

Nonetheless, references to “reveal and conceal” and “influence and perception management” are tantalizing in the extreme. So too, is IPMO’s position within the U.S. national security structure and the Office’s acting director being intimately tied to the Pentagon’s spookiest operations.

Despite its low-key rollout, IPMO looks set to be a hugely influential new DoD agency in the future, waging ceaseless information warfare at home and abroad. What makes the new venture all the more sinister is that such capabilities are nothing new; the Pentagon has managed multiple similar, if not identical, operations in the past and continues to do so, despite significant controversy and public backlash.

Indeed, the DoD’s official dictionary has a dedicated definition of “perception management”, linking the practice to “psychological operations,” which are defined as actions intended to influence the “emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior” of target governments, organizations, groups, and individuals:

Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator’s objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.”

This, of course, begs the question of why a new incarnation of what came before and never went away is now being inaugurated by the U.S. defense establishment. As we shall see, no reassuring answers are forthcoming.

“Signature Reduction”

Despite the lack of a public paper trail, a memo outlining IPMO’s modus operandi was acquired by Klippenstein. It offers a hypothetical scenario in which the Pentagon “wants to influence Country A’s leaders to stop purchasing a weapon system from Country B” because it believes the sale “might jeopardize DoD’s military advantage, in some way, if the U.S. ever had to engage in armed conflict with Country A.”

“Assuming IPMO has worked to establish the desired behavior change, how might key influencers be identified that have sway over these leaders’ thought processes, beliefs, motives, reasoning, etc. (including ascertaining their typical modes and methods of communication)?” the memo reads. “Thereafter, assuming an influence strategy is developed, how might the DIE [Defense Intelligence Estimate] or IC [Intelligence Community] determine if DoD’s influence activities are working (aside from waiting and watching hopefully that Country A eventually stops purchasing the weapons system in question from Country B)?”

The document was signed by IPMO director James Holly, previously Director of Special Programs for the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). During this time, he ran espionage operations for an unnamed paramilitary organization in Iraq and was an intelligence officer for a Combined Joint Task Force in Afghanistan.

Precisely what these roles entailed is not certain. However, that he made the leap from JSOC to IPMO is striking, given the Command is the nucleus of all the Pentagon’s spookiest, most sensitive operations. The division very rarely makes the news, but when it does, the stories are invariably remarkable and disturbing. For example, in May 2021, Newsweek exposed how the Command operates “the largest undercover force the world has ever known” under a program named “Signature Reduction.” In all, 60,000 people – “more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA” – are part of this secret army, “many working under masked identities and in low profile.” Working both at home and overseas, its operatives carry out covert assignments using civilian cover “in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.”

“Dozens of little-known and secret government organizations support the program, doling out classified contracts and overseeing publicly unacknowledged operations. Altogether, the companies pull in over $900 million annually to service the clandestine force, doing everything from creating false documentation and paying the bills and taxes of individuals operating under assumed names to manufacturing disguises and other devices to thwart detection and identification, to building invisible devices to photograph and listen in on activity in the most remote corners of the Middle East and Africa.”

A series of photos from the Signature Reduction program provided to Newsweek by William Arkin. Editing by MintPress News

A series of photos from the Signature Reduction program provided to Newsweek by William Arkin | Editing by MintPress News

This cloak-and-dagger militia moves entirely in the shadows and may contravene U.S. laws, the Geneva Conventions, basic standards of accountability, and various codes of military conduct. Chief among the latter is the longstanding principle that the military does not conduct covert operations on American soil. Yet, JSOC has circumvented this restriction ever since its founding in December 1980, operating under a veil of almost total official secrecy, all the while often in tandem with the CIA.

In June 1984, The New York Times outlined how JSOC effectively acted as a law unto itself, quickly evolving far beyond its original remit to “collect intelligence to plan for special military operations” into “a nighttime operation, with its own weapons procurement and research, as well as communications.”

Two months earlier, a senior Pentagon official told elected lawmakers that the Command was not “an agency of interest to the intelligence oversight committee” and refused to answer questions about its activities.

Nonetheless, the Times offered a brief overview of what was known about JSOC’s activities over the prior four years. In addition to assisting the illegal invasion of Grenada, the Command had provided extensive assistance to CIA cloak-and-dagger operations in Central America. In particular, it supported the fascist Contras in Nicaragua, helping the Agency sidestep Congressional restrictions on its brutal efforts to topple the elected left-wing Sandinista government.

“Prohibited, Covert Propaganda”

JSOC’s involvement in that CIA dirty war is particularly notable given this period gave rise to the very concept of “perception management” as a legitimate form of psychological warfare to be waged by the CIA, Pentagon, and other government agencies against the domestic population.

The overriding objective of this Reagan administration push was to falsely paint the murderous Contras as heroic freedom fighters. In reality, the Contras, with CIA direction, funding and arms, deliberately targeted civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, slaughtered priests, nuns, labor activists, students, peasants and indigenous citizens.

In turn, the social democratic Sandinistas were transformed into viciously repressive autocrats, ruling Nicaragua with an iron fist and transforming their country into a “beachhead” for Soviet invasion of the U.S. Similar propaganda messaging has been employed in every American proxy war since, from Yugoslavia to Ukraine. All this activity, the full extent of which may never be known, represented egregious violations of the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act, which places strict restrictions on the domestic dissemination of state propaganda.

Take, for instance, the Office of Public Diplomacy, a dedicated pro-Contra propaganda unit run by Reagan’s top National Security Council aide Oliver North, who was simultaneously working with cocaine traffickers to arm the Nicaraguan “rebels.” The unit was found to have broken a welter of U.S. laws by separate official investigations into the Iran-Contra scandal. The U.S. Comptroller General, for example, concluded the Office engaged in “prohibited, covert propaganda…beyond the range of acceptable agency public information activities.”

Contra prop

An ad placed by the Young Republicans under the cognizance of the Office of Public Diplomacy, March 20, 1985. Credit | NSA Archive

Yet, despite such damning findings, the “perception management” techniques honed by these assorted units, and many of the formal and informal structures contemporaneously created to disseminate CIA, Pentagon, and White House propaganda, did not go anywhere.

Two decades later, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the Pentagon under Donald Rumsfeld’s leadership struck upon the bright idea of creating the Office of Strategic Influence to deliberately plant “misleading” black propaganda in the foreign media, which would then be picked up by the U.S. media.

In a perverse twist, precisely this strategy was used by British foreign intelligence service MI6 as far back as 1998 to lay the foundationsfor the Iraq War. Under “Operation Mass Appeal”, the agency circulated dubious or even fabricated “intelligence” to editors and journalists on its payroll the world over, influencing the output of leading international news outlets. The spooks sought to “shape public opinion about Iraq and the threat posed by WMD.”

The Office of Strategic Influence operated in secret from its launch in October 2001 until February of the next year, when the mainstream media caught wind of its existence. Due to intense outcry, just a week later, it was officially shuttered at Rumsfeld’s request. Yet, at a November 2002 press conference, the defense secretary made unguarded remarks starkly indicating it very much lived on thereafter:

The Office of Strategic Influence. You may recall that. And ‘oh my goodness gracious isn’t that terrible, Henny Penny, the sky is going to fall.’ I went down that next day and said fine, if you want to savage this thing, fine, I’ll give you the corpse. There’s the name. You can have the name, but I’m gonna keep doing every single thing that needs to be done. And I have.”

Of World War III and UFOs

The Klippenstein-secured memo suggests IPMO is involved in identical propaganda operations to those described here. It notes the Office “is tasked with the development of broad thematic messaging guidance and specific strategies for the execution of DoD activities designed to influence foreign defense-related decision-makers to behave in a manner beneficial to U.S. interests.”

Given that Washington is again heavily engaged in a Nicaragua-style proxy war in Ukraine, an accompanying propaganda unit would be of enormous use. After all, despite the Western media’s best efforts to whitewash the issue, Nazi sympathies of soldiers and military units remain stubbornly flagrant.

The phenomenon of Swastika tattoo and military patch-toting fighters is so profuse that, earlier this month, the New York Times was prompted to publish an article bemoaning how such National Socialist iconography leaves “diplomats, Western journalists and advocacy groups in a difficult position.” On the one hand, “calling attention to the iconography risks playing into Russian propaganda,” on the other, “saying nothing allows it to spread.” The wider question of why so many Ukrainian nationalists eagerly elect to exhibit such emblems was unexplored.

Fittingly too, in December 2022, independent journalist Jack Murphy published an investigation alleging the CIA was “using a European NATO ally’s spy service to conduct a covert sabotage campaign inside Russia under the agency’s direction,” in which JSOC was a key player. The Command purportedly supports these operations “with targeting information from intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms, such as drones, that can see and hear deep into Russia.”

Further clues as to the sudden push to formally codify what the Pentagon has been doing with total impunity for so long may likewise be provided by the online records of private security company Sancorp Consulting, which offers “counter-insider threat solutions, artificial intelligence and machine learning, IT solutions, identity and data activities, intelligence and counterintelligence solutions” to private sector and state clients.

An index of Sancorp’s “past performance” for customers lists providing “specialized and sensitive administrative, security, policy, operations, and analytic support services” to none other than IPMO. Since-deleted records from the company’s website indicate it also counts the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) as a client.

This DoD division is charged with investigating UFOs and other unexplained aerial phenomena. The Pentagon has of late exhibited a pronounced interest in flying saucers, just as it did during the Cold War. Then, the purpose was to bamboozle and bedevil the public while providing cover for experimental U.S. military innovations, aircraft, and testing. There is little cause to believe the DoD’s motives have changed in the present day.

Declassified documents show that for years, the Navy Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, known as N2N6, currently exercises complete control over the dissemination of UFO-related information to American audiences on behalf of the Pentagon. This extends to directing Pentagon divisions to respond to media inquiries and FOIA requests from journalists and the public and how.

Perhaps the Pentagon has decided to bring these responsibilities in-house. Coincidentally, on June 6, an Air Force veteran and former member of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency went public with claims that extraterrestrial craft are routinely recovered in secret by the U.S. government.

This shock exposé couldn’t have come at a better time. As the New Cold War ramps up, and ever-more threatening tech is inevitably road-tested in the skies above Area 51 and other shadowy military installations in the U.S. and elsewhere, it is necessary to misdirect public attention away from the known to the unknown and unknowable. Meanwhile, U.S. military chiefs regularly and openly talk about waging war on China in the very near future – which makes constructing a dedicated propaganda office in advance all the more expedient.


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Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist and MintPresss News contributor exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions. His work has previously appeared in The Cradle, Declassified UK, and Grayzone. Follow him on Twitter @KitKlarenberg.

Featured image is from MPN

US Planning to Overhaul UN Security Council

June 14th, 2023 by Kyle Anzalone

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The White House is developing plans to expand the number of permanent members to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the Washington Post reported on Monday. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield is spearheading the effort to enlarge the body by adding six new members. 

The UNSC is the organization’s most powerful body, wielding the power to impose binding resolutions. Known collectively as the “P5,“ the US, UK, France, China and Russia are currently permanent members on the council, which includes a total of ten rotating members. In September, President Joe Biden said the body should be expanded to include countries from Latin America and Africa. 

Under the proposal the Biden administration is developing, six new permanent members will be added to the UNSC. The White House has not put forward its plan, leaving it unclear what countries may be added to the council. Washington has previously advocated for Germany, Japan and India to receive spots on the UNSC. 

However, the new members will not have the veto power held by the core five members. UNSC rules allow for any of the five permanent members to kill any resolution unilaterally.  

Ukraine has called for Moscow to be removed from the Security Council, citing its ongoing invasion.

“Russia has turned the seat of a permanent member into a throne of impunity,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote in an op-ed published at the Hill. “Russia never legally acquired its status as a permanent UN Security Council member and must lose its seat in this esteemed chamber.”

Reforming the UNSC is expected to meet stiff resistance. An unnamed American official told the Post that Thomas-Greenfield is trying to “forge some consensus on a sensible, credible proposal that could actually succeed and achieve reform.” 

Barbara Woodward, the UK ambassador to the UN, argued that the proposed changes to the council could be used against Russia.

“We must respond to Russia’s egregious use of the veto to protect itself, and update the council’s membership to give a wider, more diverse range of countries a voice,” she said.

Some officials disagree and believe that such reforms could damage Western power.

“Any reform of the Security Council may well reduce the weight of the West. So this is a reality,” a UN  diplomat told the Post. “And the question is, are we really pushing for that now? Is it just nice rhetoric that we want to do this, or are we really serious when we say we want to do it now?”

The proposal is also likely to face opposition from states whose rivals may become permanent council members, risking major regional power shifts. For example, Pakistan objects to the expansion, anticipating that its longtime adversary India will get a seat.

“This is undemocratic; it is unequal; it is contrary to the principle of sovereign equality of states which is part of the [UN] charter,” said Munir Akram, Islamabad’s UN ambassador.

Any change to the UNSC would need to clear a series of hurdles, including formal approval from 128 states on the UN General Assembly as well as the sitting UN Security Council members. For the US, that means ratification by the Senate. 

Passing the legislature seems unlikely as a group of Republican senators oppose Russia remaining on the UNSC. After Russia invaded Ukraine last year, a large group of Republican Senators introduced a resolution urging the Biden administration to remove Moscow from the body. 

“It’s high time to remove Russia from the United Nations Security Council if for no other reason than the unwarranted and violent invasion of Ukraine,” Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) said, adding, “Vladimir Putin’s thuggery and aggression should have consequences at every level.” 

The Kremlin has vetoed a series of measures brought before the UNSC that condemned the Russian war in Ukraine. Washington has previously used the body to pass measures for cover for wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen. 


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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The U.S. military did not properly maintain accountability for thousands of pieces of equipment transferred to the government of Ukraine as part of the former’s security assistance program in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion, according to a new government watchdog report.

The assessment from the Defense Department’s inspector general published on Monday states that military personnel responsible for rapidly transferring material to Ukraine through an aerial port in Jasionka, Poland, “did not fully implement their standard operating procedures to account for defense items and could not confirm the quantities of defense items received against the quantity of items shipped” in three of five shipments examined by defense officials.

The inconsistent implementation of standard gear accountability procedures occurred primarily due to U.S. military personnel failing to fill out the necessary paperwork for defense material transferred to Ukrainian forces, according to the assessment, a problem compounded by a lack of logistics training for inexperienced personnel on the part of commanders.

In one case, a shipment containing “thousands of small arms, night vision optic devices, and various types of cold weather gear” turned up in Jasionka without a manifest, forcing U.S. military personnel to crack open shipping crates and count items by hand with no real frame of reference for how many items they were supposed to receive in the first place.

As a result of these issues, there was an “increased risk” that the U.S. military is providing “more or less equipment” than authorized and “may not be able to verify” the specific number of defense materials sent to Ukraine, according to the DOD IG report, which emphasized that “although we identified gaps in accountability that increase risk, we did not find any evidence of loss, theft, or diversion of defense items being provided to Ukraine during the course of our evaluation.”

The DoD IG report provides the first major snapshot of how the Pentagon has managed the approximately $31.7 billion in “defense items” transferred to the Ukrainian government since the start of Russia’s invasion. An October 2022 audit of the DoD’s broader accountability of equipment provided to Ukraine remains classified and subject to a Freedom of Information Act request. 

Concerns over accountability for U.S. military gear funneled into Ukraine — already pronounced following the seizure of military assistance provided to the now-defunct U.S.-backed government of Afghanistan by the Taliban — have dogged the U.S. military aid effort since the outset of Russia’s invasion despite repeated assurances from the State Department and Pentagon that the U.S. government takes oversight seriously.

Indeed, a September 2022 diplomatic cable from the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv reported by Politico described ongoing challenges facing U.S. military officials tasked with maintaining consistent oversight in an active war zone, so far that “kinetic activity and active combat between Ukrainian and Russian forces create an environment in which standard verification measures are sometimes impractical or impossible,” per the cable.

The Russian government has seized upon Western anxieties surrounding large defense material transfers to argue that a significant number of Western-supplied weapons “have already entered, or will soon enter, the black market” across Europe, as a spokesperson for Russia’s foreign ministry claimed in October 2022. Some pro-Russian media cite a since-retracted CBS News report that claimed just 30% of weapons sent to Ukraine actually made it to the front lines.

While Ukrainian and European authorities have dismissed Russia’s claims as propaganda, U.S. lawmakers introduced legislation as recently as this past February to establish a special inspector general explicitly to “ensure that any funding sent to Ukraine for military, economy, and humanitarian aid receives independent and objective oversight and audits,” As House Armed Services Committee vice chairman Rep. Rob Wittman said in a statement at the time. 

“Efforts by the United States and our European allies throughout the last year have clearly demonstrated to Putin his actions will not go without consequences, and I believe we should continue to take strong actions to hold Putin responsible,” Wittman said. “At the same time, we owe Americans peace of mind that their hardworking taxpayer dollars are being used in an efficient manner that prioritizes American interests.”

When asked about the effort, Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder emphasized that the U.S. takes accountability for U.S. military assistance to Ukraine “very seriously.”

“We have an active and proactive whole-of-government system, as you’ve highlighted, to prevent the illicit diversion of weapons into Eastern Europe,” Ryder told reporters at the time. “And to this date we have not seen any evidence of any type of widespread diversion of any of the assistance that we’ve provided.”


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Jared Keller is the managing editor of Task & Purpose. His writing has appeared in Aeon, the Los Angeles Review of Books, the New Republic, Pacific Standard, Smithsonian, and The Washington Post, among other publications. Contact the author here.

Featured image: An airman loads weapons cargo bound for Ukraine onto a C-17 Globemaster III during a security assistance mission at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, Sept. 14, 2022. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Marco A. Gomez).

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The Biden administration is expected to provide Ukraine with controversial depleted uranium ammunition for use with US-made Abrams tanks, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

Depleted uranium is a byproduct of enriched uranium and is extremely dense, making it a good material for penetrating armor. But depleted uranium is radioactive, and it’s been linked to cancer, birth defects, and environmental damage in areas it’s been used, including Iraq, where US forces frequently fired the toxic munitions and the impact is still being felt today.

According to the Journal report, there has been a debate within the White House over whether or not to provide Ukraine with depleted uranium rounds. Some officials have raised concerns about the criticism the US could face for providing weapons that might cause health and environmental damage.

The Pentagon has been pushing for the US to arm the Abrams tanks it sends to Ukraine with depleted uranium. The US is refurbishing old Abrams tanks that are expected to arrive in Ukraine by the fall.

US-made Bradley Fighting Vehicles can also be armed with depleted uranium, earning them the nickname “tank killer.” Earlier this year, the White House refused to say if it would provide Ukraine with Bradleys armed with the controversial ammunition.

The UK has sent depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine for use with the British-made Challenger 2 tanks. The British took the step despite Russian warnings that it would treat Ukraine’s use of the radioactive ammunition the same as a dirty bomb. Russian President Vladimir Putin said his decision to deploy nuclear weapons to Belarus was a response to the UK arming Ukraine with depleted uranium.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image: M1A2 SEP Abrams TUSK demonstrating Mounted Soldier System (Licensed under the Public Domain)

NATO Begins Largest Air Exercise in Its History

June 14th, 2023 by Joshua Askew

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NATO will begin its largest-ever air exercise on Monday. 

The series of aerial manoeuvres being coordinated by Germany is intended to show the strength and unity of the Western military alliance, set against the backdrop of the Ukraine war. 

The “Air Defender 23” exercise will run until 23 June, bringing together some 250 military aircraft from 25 NATO members and partner states, including Japan and Sweden.  

Up to 10,000 people will take part in the exercises, which are intended to strengthen interoperability and protection against drones and cruise missiles in the event of an attack on cities, airports or ports located on NATO territory.

The drill was designed in 2018, partly in response to Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, though it’s not specifically targeting “anyone”, said Army Chief General Ingo Gerhartz of the German Air Force. 

Message to Putin

NATO is determined to defend “every centimetre” of its territory, said Gerhartz. But he added it will not send any flight “in the direction of Kaliningrad”, the Russian enclave bordering NATO members Poland and Lithuania.

“We are a defensive alliance and that is how this exercise is planned,” insisted the general.

Yet the manoeuvres will also aim to send a message to Russia, according to the US Ambassador in Germany, Amy Gutmann.

“I would be very surprised if a world leader did not take note of what this shows in terms of the spirit of this alliance, what the strength of this alliance means, and that includes Mr Putin,” she told reporters. 

“By synchronising ourselves, we multiply our strength.”

Russia’s war against Ukraine has galvanised the US-led military alliance created nearly 75 years ago to confront the Soviet Union.

Finland and Sweden – traditionally officially neutral, though closely aligned with NATO – asked to join after Russia invaded Ukraine last year.  

German General Gerhartz noted many pilots would be working together for the first time.

“It’s about nurturing the old relationships we have, but also building new relationships,” he said. 

“It is about establishing what it means to face a great power in the context of a competition between great powers”.

Potential travel disruption

In an email seen by Euronews, Wizz Air warned customers flying from Latvia to Britain the exercise may impact multiple European airspaces.

It urged flyers to check their website before travelling to the airport. 

“Even though these circumstances are beyond our control, we apologise for any potential inconvenience caused and we will work hard to minimise any travel disruptions.” 

Asked about potential disruptions to civilian air travel during the exercise, General Gerhartz insisted planners would do “everything in their power” to limit flight delays or cancellations, with school holidays starting in parts of Germany.


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Back in late May, the United States government “finally gave in to pressure” and decided to greenlight the delivery of F-16s to the Kiev regime. As a result, NATO’s European members were given the legal basis to deliver these old fighter jets to the Neo-Nazi junta. The troubled Biden administration has been mulling the move for months, while Ukrainian pilots have been conducting training in several NATO countries, including the US itself. Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov issued a stark warning to the political West regarding the delivery of nuclear-capable US-made F-16 fighter jets to the Kiev regime.

“We can expect anything from the leaders of the United States and other Western countries whom Washington has brought to its heel. They are proving the truth of this statement now that following the supplies of modern long-range artillery and tanks, they are getting ready, in earnest, to supply the F-16 jets. Some say they will make two squadrons available, others say eight. They are gearing up to continue the escalation of the war against us,” Lavrov stated and then added a stark warning: “We must keep in mind that one version of the F-16 can carry nuclear weapons.”

The Russian Foreign Minister made these comments mere days after troops from NATO took part in incursions into Russia proper, accompanied by escalating drone strikes against targets as far as Moscow itself. However, the mainstream propaganda machine was quick to decry Lavrov’s warnings as supposed “disinformation” and “baseless fearmongering”. The Business Insider claims, citing Hans Kristensen, the director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, that “Lavrov’s comments were misinformation, perhaps even disinformation”.

“It’s misinformation because he’s saying things that are not real and using it in a way to, I assume, create public concern or fearmongering about Western intentions,” Kristensen told the Business Insider, adding that

“Lavrov is using the nominal capability of the F-16 aircraft to say that the ones that might be sent to Ukraine could also be converted to nuclear, but that’s not the case. The F-16s that Ukraine is going to get — if and when it gets them — they’re not from the units that have the nuclear mission. There’s no way at all that any nuclear state in the West would give nuclear weapons, or nuclear weapons capability, to Ukraine. It’s completely out of the question.”

The F-16 is designed to be capable of launching nuclear strikes, usually with B61 thermonuclear bombs. The units deployed by NATO members such as Belgium and the Netherlands operate F-16 fighter jets capable of delivering nuclear weapons, specifically as part of their nuclear sharing agreements with the US.

And it’s precisely these countries (in addition to Denmark and others) that still operate F-16s and could very well be the first to send them to the Kiev regime. On the other hand, members such as Poland and Romania are extremely unlikely to do so, as the move would undermine their own security. This further reinforces the idea that the jets destined for the Neo-Nazi junta will be capable of delivering nuclear weapons.

This alone makes Lavrov’s concerns all the more factual, rather than “disinformation” and “baseless fearmongering”. Russia has repeatedly warned that the Kiev regime could attempt to acquire nuclear weapons, or at the very least a so-called “dirty bomb”. Such plans were publicly announced by the Neo-Nazi junta’s top officials themselves, including its frontman Volodymyr Zelensky, which is another proof that Moscow’s warnings are not to be dismissed. In addition, Russian intelligence services have found crucial evidence pointing out that the US has been conducting experiments and deploying “sensitive nuclear technologies” in former Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPPs), such as the Zaporozhye NPP, possibly to even attempt a nuclear false flag operation.

Although the US is by far the largest operator of F-16 fighter jets, it still hasn’t announced plans to deliver them to the Neo-Nazi junta forces.

Washington DC’s propaganda machine insists that this is supposedly because “the US is reluctant to do so to avoid escalation with Moscow”. However, this is a moot point, as the belligerent thalassocracy has so far done everything in its power to antagonize Russia through a series of moves that have pushed the world dangerously close to a world-ending thermonuclear conflict. Still, this doesn’t seem to stop the US from going ahead with such plans, at the very least covertly. National Security Council coordinator John Kirby recently admitted this, stating that “the US has been forward-looking about future capabilities and needs”.

According to CNN, back in March, the US hosted two Ukrainian pilots at a military base in Tucson, Arizona, where USAF has been evaluating their skills to assess how much time they would need to learn to fly various American military aircraft, including the F-16. Still, while Washington DC is directly taking part in these efforts, it’s obvious they want to make it look like they’re not, which would explain why the US doesn’t want to send its own jets, but expects its overseas vassals and satellite states to do so.

And while the F-16’s capabilities against Russian jets such as the Su-35S or MiG-31BM are questionable at best (to say nothing of the Su-57), it’s not impossible that Washington DC is trying to give the Kiev regime a nuclear capability to deter a potential Russian counteroffensive that might ensue as the Neo-Nazi junta’s own offensive is failing miserably.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) today launches its annual assessment of the state of armaments, disarmament and international security. A key finding of SIPRI Yearbook 2023 is that the number of operational nuclear weapons started to rise as countries’ long-term force modernization and expansion plans progressed.

Read this press release in Catalan (PDF), French (PDF), Spanish (PDF) or Swedish (PDF).

Click here to download the sample chapter of SIPRI Yearbook 2023 on world nuclear forces.

Nuclear arsenals being fortified around the world

The nine nuclear-armed states—the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) and Israel—continue to modernize their nuclear arsenals and several deployed new nuclear-armed or nuclear-capable weapon systems in 2022.

Of the total global inventory of an estimated 12 512 warheads in January 2023, about 9576 were in military stockpiles for potential use—86 more than in January 2022 (see the table below). Of those, an estimated 3844 warheads were deployed with missiles and aircraft, and around 2000—nearly all of which belonged to Russia or the USA—were kept in a state of high operational alert, meaning that they were fitted to missiles or held at airbases hosting nuclear bombers.

Russia and the USA together possess almost 90 per cent of all nuclear weapons. The sizes of their respective nuclear arsenals (i.e. useable warheads) seem to have remained relatively stable in 2022, although transparency regarding nuclear forces declined in both countries in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

In addition to their useable nuclear weapons, Russia and the USA each hold more than 1000 warheads previously retired from military service, which they are gradually dismantling.

SIPRI’s estimate of the size of China’s nuclear arsenal increased from 350 warheads in January 2022 to 410 in January 2023, and it is expected to keep growing. Depending on how it decides to structure its forces, China could potentially have at least as many intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) as either the USA or Russia by the turn of the decade.

‘China has started a significant expansion of its nuclear arsenal,’ says Hans M. Kristensen, Associate Senior Fellow with SIPRI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Programme and Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). ‘It is increasingly difficult to square this trend with China’s declared aim of having only the minimum nuclear forces needed to maintain its national security.’

Although the UK is not thought to have increased its nuclear weapon arsenal in 2022, the warhead stockpile is expected to grow in the future as a result of the British government’s announcement in 2021 that it was raising its limit from 225 to 260 warheads. The government also said it would no longer publicly disclose its quantities of nuclear weapons, deployed warheads or deployed missiles.

In 2022 France continued its programmes to develop a third-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) and a new air-launched cruise missile, as well as to refurbish and upgrade existing systems.

Source: SIPRI Yearbook 2023.

India and Pakistan appear to be expanding their nuclear arsenals, and both countries introduced and continued to develop new types of nuclear delivery system in 2022. While Pakistan remains the main focus of India’s nuclear deterrent, India appears to be placing growing emphasis on longer-range weapons, including those capable of reaching targets across China.

North Korea continues to prioritize its military nuclear programme as a central element of its national security strategy. While North Korea conducted no nuclear test explosions in 2022, it conducted more than 90 tests of missiles. Some of these missiles, which include new ICBMs, may be capable of carrying nuclear warheads. SIPRI estimates that the country has now assembled around 30 warheads and possesses enough fissile material for a total of 50–70 warheads, both significant increases over the estimates for January 2022.

Israel—which does not publicly acknowledge possessing nuclear weapons—is also believed to be modernizing its nuclear arsenal.

‘Most of the nuclear-armed states are hardening their rhetoric about the importance of nuclear weapons, and some are even issuing explicit or implicit threats about potentially using them,’ said Matt Korda, Associate Researcher with SIPRI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Programme and Senior Research Associate with the FAS Nuclear Information Project. ‘This elevated nuclear competition has dramatically increased the risk that nuclear weapons might be used in anger for the first time since World War II.’

‘With billion-dollar programmes to modernize, and in some cases expand, nuclear arsenals, the five nuclear weapon states recognized by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty seem to be moving further and further from their commitment to disarmament under the treaty,’ said Wilfred Wan, Director of SIPRI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Programme.

Nuclear diplomacy dealt a further blow by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Nuclear arms control and disarmament diplomacy suffered major setbacks following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. In the wake of the invasion, the USA suspended its bilateral strategic stability dialogue with Russia. In February 2023 Russia announced it was suspending its participation in the 2010 Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (New START)—the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty limiting Russian and US strategic nuclear forces. Talks about a follow-on treaty to New START, which expires in 2026, were also suspended. Nevertheless, by SIPRI’s assessment, both countries’ deployed strategic nuclear forces remained within the New START limits as of January 2023.

Iran’s military support to Russian forces in Ukraine and the political situation in Iran also overshadowed talks on reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the 2015 agreement meant to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The JCPOA’s revival now seems increasingly unlikely.

The USA and the UK both declined to release information to the public concerning their nuclear forces in 2022, which they had done in previous years.

‘In this period of high geopolitical tension and mistrust, with communication channels between nuclear-armed rivals closed or barely functioning, the risks of miscalculation, misunderstanding or accident are unacceptably high,’ says Dan Smith, SIPRI Director. ‘There is an urgent need to restore nuclear diplomacy and strengthen international controls on nuclear arms.’

Global security and stability in increasing peril

The 54th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook reveals the continuing deterioration of global security over the past year. The impacts of the war in Ukraine are visible in almost every aspect of the issues connected to armaments, disarmament and international security examined in the Yearbook. Nevertheless, it was far from being the only major conflict being waged in 2022, and acute geopolitical tensions, mistrust and division had been growing long before Russia’s full-scale invasion of its neighbour.

‘We are drifting into one of the most dangerous periods in human history,’ says Dan Smith, SIPRI Director. ‘It is imperative that the world’s governments find ways to cooperate in order to calm geopolitical tensions, slow arms races and deal with the worsening consequences of environmental breakdown and rising world hunger.’

In addition to the usual detailed coverage of nuclear arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation issues, the SIPRI Yearbook presents data and analysis on developments in world military expenditure, international arms transfers, arms production, multilateral peace operations, armed conflicts and more. Special sections in SIPRI Yearbook 2023 explore the rise of private military and security companies such as the Wagner Group, and the related impact on peace and security; how the war in Ukraine has affected governance of space and cyberspace; the attacks on nuclear power plants during the fighting in Ukraine, and their implications; and the regulation of new technologies such as autonomous weapon systems.


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The Corrupt Indictment of Donald Trump. Judicial Watch

June 14th, 2023 by Judicial Watch

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Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the indictment of former President Donald Trump:

This day will go down in infamy. The unprecedented and corrupt indictment of President Trump is built on sand and is brazen election interference. It is an indictment about nothing. Biden’s further transforming of the FBI and Justice Department into political enforcers in order to jail his leading political opponent could lead to the end of our constitutional republic. The indictment has followed years of prosecutorial misconduct, harassment, and abuse victimizing Trump. Not only is Trump innocent but he is a crime victim. 

Joe Biden wants to distract from his own personal corruption and join the ranks of foreign dictators by trying to jail and turn Trump into a political prisoner. Congress should act immediately and do everything possible under the law to undo this attempt to wreck our republican form of government. Every candidate for public office should denounce this attack on our elections.

Let’s hope the courts recognize this sham indictment for what it is and shut it down. In the meantime, Judicial Watch will continue to hold the Biden administration accountable for its role in the worst corruption scandal in American history – the effort to abuse and destroy President Trump!


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U.S. propaganda is powerful. Responding to an increase in U.S. attacks on China, a delegation was organized by the China / U.S. Solidarity Network, which then visited China from May 11 to May 31.

One focus of the trip was a visit to Xinjiang (pronounced Shinjaang) province to gather video footage and interviews that give a more realistic picture of this vast and quickly modernizing, multiethnic region. Footage for the documentary, currently named “Voice of Xinjiang,” focuses on an area with 4,000 years of history, which is at the center of the ancient Silk Road that today is a major hub in China’s ambitious Belt and Road trade program.

Sara Flounders and Arjae Red with Young Pioneers in Urumqi, May 2023.

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) is a vast arid, mountainous and high-desert region in China’s far northwest. Xinjiang has significant oil and mineral reserves and is currently China’s largest natural gas-producing region. The province — although the largest in geographic area, covering one-sixth of China’s total land mass — is sparsely populated, having only 2% of China’s 1.4 billion population. Of Xinjiang’s population of 25 million, 60% belong to 13 ethnic minorities.

The two major cities we visited — Urumqi and Kashgar — are over 1,000 miles from one another. The surrounding fully mechanized farms were part of our visit.

These cities are part of the “Silk Road,” the great historic trade route that connects Eastern Asia to Central and South Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Xinjiang has vital and strategic international importance. It borders eight countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, the Republic of Mongolia, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Within China, it shares borders with three autonomous province/regions: Gansu, Qinghai and Tibet.


Today the population is actively learning new high-tech skills, which play a pivotal role in Xinjiang’s industrial development and its expanded commercial networks of high-speed trains and communications, which reach countries throughout Asia and into Europe and Africa.

Vibrant communities, zero ‘slave labor’

Torrents of U.S. media reports had told us to expect cities under martial law, military forces of occupation and heavily armed police on every corner. The Indigenous population, especially the Uygur people, are described as an impoverished and isolated population, who are allegedly forced into slave labor and doing backbreaking work in the fields or being locked inside concentration camps.

Coming from the New York City area, I expected a police force of at least equal size. The New York City police force is the world’s eighth-largest armed body. On our return, reports of “Stop and Frisk” programs centered on Black and Brown youth dominated the media: “Too many people in New York City are stopped, searched and frisked illegally, federal monitor says.” (

What we saw in Xinjiang was vibrant cities — Kashgar and Urumqi — full of tens of thousands of tourists, along with the local population of many nationalities. Huge and colorful marketplaces and bazaars, almost all of them run by Uygur families, stretched for many blocks. Busy subway lines crossed the cities. Everywhere we saw food markets brimming with inexpensive produce. Restaurants, cafes and street food stalls were packed with local people. In the evenings, the streets were full — not silent and ominous.

Our observations are backed up by numerous international studies that are ignored in the Western media.

The illiteracy rate in Xinjiang has fallen to 2.66%, lower than the country’s impressive 2.85% national average. At the time of the 1949 Chinese Revolution, illiteracy was 80% throughout China and more than 90% in Tibet and Xinjiang. Today 97.51% of small children are in preschool programs. Some 98.82% of the youth are enrolled in senior high schools in Xinjiang. (

A useful study of the area’s health and education achievements, as of 2022, can be found on the website of the South Asia Journal at “Excellent Xinjiang Health, Growth & Education Outcomes Contradict Sinophobic U.S. Lies.” (, Jan. 22, 2022)

Drives through the countryside revealed fully mechanized agriculture with tractors, planters, drone sprayers, irrigation canals and acres of plastic-topped greenhouses. We did not see any fields with workers doing hand labor of hoeing, picking and trimming. This is confirmed in numerous reports and many photos. The mechanization of cotton production is at 90%. (

In Kashgar, the 15th-century Idkah Mosque can house up to 20,000 worshipers. It is only one of the numerous Islamic centers and mosques, which we saw while walking the city streets and in several villages. Tall, slender minarets and dome-shaped roofs seemed to be a part of every block.

The narrative that China is destroying mosques and Islamic centers is continually pushed in the U.S. and Western media. It is regularly countered, however, by representatives from Muslim countries.

Arab and Muslim countries don’t agree with U.S. coverage

On April 27, 2021, the China Global Television Network English-language program “The Point with Liu Xin” interviewed ambassadors from Pakistan, Palestine and Syria, after they had made extensive visits to Xinjiang. They accused Western media of intentionally overlooking “the economic, social and cultural rights that Muslim Uygurs and other ethnic minorities enjoy in the region.”

Palestinian ambassador to China, Fariz Mehdawi said: “You know, the average of mosques, if you have to calculate it all, it’s something like 2,000 inhabitants for one mosque. This ratio, we don’t have it in our country. It’s not available anywhere.” (

The ambassadors praised the setting up of industries and advanced agriculture, poverty alleviation programs, a focus on education and health, and people-centered policies throughout Xinjiang. Their commentary aligns with what we saw on our visit.

No Arab or Muslim countries have joined in the U.S. rewriting of history and its targeted attacks on China. This is because these countries know that the U.S. government is responsible for 30 years of massively disruptive wars, sanctions, drone attacks and targeted assassinations in a series of Muslim countries, including Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia and Afghanistan.

They know that more than 2.2 million people are incarcerated in the U.S., the largest prison population in the world, and the history of systematic genocide of Indigenous nations in the U.S. is well-known around the world. The U.S. claim that it is a protector of the Muslim population of China’s Xinjiang province reeks of racist hypocrisy.

Just before the COVID-19 shutdown of world travel in 2019, the Council of Foreign Ministers under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), with 57 member states one of the largest intergovernmental bodies in the world, had endorsed and commended China’s treatment of its Muslim citizens, following a fact-finding trip to the region. (, March 3, 2019)

A week after our trip to Xinjiang, a large delegation from the League of Arab States, including top official representatives from more than 16 Arab/Muslim countries, went to many of the same sites we had visited. Egypt, Bahrain, Algeria, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Oman, Comoros, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Palestine were represented, along with several departments of the Arab League and the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

Their June 1 press statement, released by the Embassy of China in Syria, described the top-level delegation’s findings. The statement said: “Through visits to Urumqi, Kashgar and other places, we saw social harmony, economic development, people of all ethnic groups living in harmony in Xinjiang and accelerated progress in various undertakings. We truly understood the truth about the development of Xinjiang and recognized the true purpose of some international forces to smear and even demonize Xinjiang.”

Charge of ‘genocide’ to justify U.S. sanctions 

The U.S. corporate media, U.S. major think tanks and strategists have labeled this modernization of Xinjiang “genocide.” The schools, universities and vocational training centers are labeled “concentration camps.” Based on these fabricated charges, intense new sanctions have been rammed through the U.S. Congress against all products and goods coming from the Xinjiang region. U.S. sanctions will impact all of China’s cotton exports.

China is the world’s largest exporter of cotton, and before the sanctions legislation, the U.S. was the largest importer of China’s cotton. All commodities using lithium, nickel manganese, beryllium, copper and gold mined in Xinjiang will also be impacted by U.S. sanctions. These include the manufacture of solar panels, electric vehicles made by auto companies and other products from chip makers, electronics and energy firms.

The only support for the wild, unsubstantiated charges used to justify new rounds of U.S. sanctions has come from the G7 imperialist countries and their allies.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, NPR, Radio Free Asia and other U.S.-funded “human rights” and news organizations unanimously claim that the government of China has carried out “massive and systematic abuse” against Muslims living in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Their reports of “forced labor” and religious and cultural suppression are uncritically and widely circulated by the Western corporate media. These reports were preparation for new rounds of harsher sanctions against Chinese exports.

Arjae Red, Sara Flounders and Lee Siu Hin, right, with fruit and nut vender, Nazar, in Urumqi, May 2023. 

First signed by President Joe Biden in December 2021, the “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act” took effect June 23, 2022. Under this latest anti-China measure, all goods made in Xinjiang province are banned, unless the importer can demonstrate the imports were produced “free of forced labor.” (New York Times, April 8, 2022)

This latest U.S. anti-China propaganda campaign is based on unsubstantiated claims that Uygur people have been forced to take up new jobs in industries recently relocated to Xinjiang.

Welcome changes for farmers and herders

We visited Toltay Farm, outside of Kashgar, the home of an extended family, who had for generations been forced to constantly migrate with their herds of cattle, sheep and camels to find forage in an arid land. They are now able to live stable lives, due to new animal husbandry and farming techniques and government subsidies for new equipment.

They now use the crushed fodder that is extracted from a wide variety of farm products. It is grown on irrigated land, crisscrossed with a network of government-built canals. There are acres of greenhouses topped with plastic. The family proudly showed us their herds, now fattening in pens. With the assistance of technology, local herders can watch over their herds and monitor their health by checking their smart phones. (

At a local primary school, teachers explained that classes were held in Uygur and Mandarin.

The state farm has been divided into lots, with some families choosing to farm cotton, vegetables or wheat, while others focus on raising animals. We visited families who leased out their land while they trained in construction or as mechanics and equipment operators. Other families were working in new industries but still living in the villages. Very few had left the region, because their lives were now prosperous and stable.

We visited the home of a young veterinarian from a herding family. He described his free education and his care of the small herds belonging to 400 families. At each home we were offered plates of melons, yogurt and fresh bread.

In Urumqi on the side of a road, we visited a Kazak family with a small dairy operation. They buy milk from surrounding families’ herds. The daughter, Sembat, who had just graduated from the agricultural university, ran the store. She insisted we try at least a taste of each of their milk, yogurt and cheese products from horses, camels, goats, sheep and cows. Each taste was sharply different.

Her father described the government program that had opened this new life for them. They invited us into their home, where a traditional yurt, which was erected on its side, was full of beautifully woven pillows and carpets. The yurt is now reserved for family gatherings.

As U.S. imperialism’s hostility to China increases — with military threats, new rounds of sanctions and increasing efforts to inflame hostility against China with wild fabrications — it is crucial to hear first-person reports from people in the region who are proud of the reality of their changed lives.


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This article was originally published on Workers World.

Sara Flounders is an American political writer active in progressive and anti-war organizing since the 1960s. She is a Contributing Editor of the Marxist Workers World newspaper as well as a principal leader of the International Action Center. Sara also works actively with the SanctionsKill Campaign and United National Antiwar CoalitionSara can be reached at [email protected].

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Some 90% of farming is mechanized in Xinjiang, May 2023.

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Maybe you may remember Michael Rubin. He worked with Douglas Feith’s Office of Special Plans (OSP), a neocon pro-war outfit set-up in the Pentagon by then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. The OSP’s objective was to create a series of false pretenses to invade Iraq in 2003.

According to Karen Kwiatkowski, a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel whose assignments included duties as a Pentagon desk officer, the Office of Special Plans represented a “subversion of constitutional limits on executive power and a co-option through deceit of a large segment of the Congress.”

Rumsfeld and vice president Dick Cheney used the OSP to publicize “hot garbage” from a cast of dubious characters produced by Ahmed Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress, including “Curveball” (Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, a German intelligence asset pretending to be an Iraqi chemical engineer).

The lies that killed over a million Iraqis were dismissed as “intelligence failures” and swept under the rug. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Feith, Rubin, and other neocons were never held responsible for the massive war crimes they perpetuated.

On June 9, Rubin, a “senior fellow” at the American Enterprise Institute (and former “fellow” at the Council on Foreign Relations), penned “Can Biden Deter a Russia Nuclear Attack on Ukraine? Yes, if He Gives Ukraine Tactical Nukes.

Rubin demands the nazified post-coup government of Ukraine receive nukes. Rubin believes the 1994 Budapest Memorandum (exchanging Soviet-era nukes deployed to Ukraine in exchange for sovereignty) was a monumental error. “The simple fact is this: United States maintains nuclear weapons because they are an effective deterrent against other nuclear states. Ukraine should have the same right,” Rubin writes.

Rubin and his neocon co-conspirators are not interested in “an effective deterrent” in Ukraine; they are interested in destroying the Russian state, the same as they destroyed the Iraqi state. However, Iraq, despite neocon lies, never had nuclear weapons (and the chemical weapons they did possess were supplied US corporations). Russia controls the largest arsenal of nukes in the world.

The non-proliferation mafia might howl with outrage, but the West must gear its nuclear policy toward reality, not wishful thinking or an empty façade of a treaty regimen by which revisionist states no longer abide.

Please read between the lines. According to this entitled “senior fellow,” the neocon “reality” envisions nuclear war as the most effective way to overthrow Putin and dismember the Russian Federation. Rubin, of course, does not call directly for nuclear war. However, his demand that Ukraine be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons will result in precisely that outcome. Imagine Ukraine’s Azov Battalion neo-nazis using nukes to target the Kremlin instead of hit-or-miss drones.

Rubin’s clarion call for nuclear destruction was crossposted on 19FortyFive, a “center-right” website that has produced neocon propaganda subsequently picked up by The New York Times, Newsweek, The Washington Post, The Hill, Reuters, and Voice of America (CIA propaganda), among others. It should be noted that 19FortyFive was until very recently a “regional defense publication.”

With the Ukrainian counter-offensive underway, the threat that Russia might use tactical nuclear weapons is increasingly a likelihood. It would be unfair to blame Kyiv. There is no moral equivalence. Russia invaded Ukraine; not the other way around. So long as Ukraine was on the verge of victory, Putin would arrive at this point of nuclear retaliation.

Nonsense. Zelenskyy’s “counter-offensive” has thus far failed miserably, a fact even the war propaganda media is obliged to admit. Thus, Russia does not need to use nuclear weapons. Rubin, however, is able to make his bogus claim thanks to the fiction of Russian desperation over defeat, a false narrative telegraphed daily by a mendacious and cynically fantasist corporate propaganda media.

As should be expected, Rubin completely ignores the fact Russia went into eastern Ukraine to prevent the ethnic cleansing and slaughter of ethnic Russians. For the neocons, responsible for massive war crimes in the Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Libya), human life is expendable. Disease, malnutrition, infant mortality, DU-produced cancer—these are the preferred tools for regime change and the destruction of targeted societies resistant to neoliberal serfdom.

Rubin believes the prospect of USG nukes handed over to Russian-hating neo-nazi ultranationalists in Ukraine will save the day and prevent military action “not only against Ukraine but also against Moldova and the Baltic States,” a claim that is utter BS.

Meanwhile, more rational Americans, while small in number, are increasingly concerned about the escalatory behavior of the USG, under the sway of vicious and murderous neocons, which will put an end to not only civilization but all life on planet Earth.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Paraquat is an herbicide and registered desiccant that has been used on American farms since 1964. A desiccant is a chemical that speeds up the ripening of the crop and dries it out, which facilitates harvesting and allows it to be harvested sooner than were the crop left to dry naturally

Fifty countries have banned paraquat due to its extreme toxicity and adverse effects on health. A single sip is lethal to a human. A considerable body of evidence also links paraquat to Parkinson’s disease

As of mid-March 2023, 2,998 lawsuits filed by farmers with Parkinson’s disease had been consolidated in Illinois federal court. The first bellwether trial is scheduled to begin in October 2023. Class actions have also been filed with state courts in California, Florida, Pennsylvania and Washington. The first state court trial is scheduled to begin in September 2023 in California

The discovery process has unearthed a trove of documents showing Syngenta knew as early as the 1960s that paraquat posed neurological risks and kept the evidence from regulators

Research shows paraquat becomes exponentially more hazardous in combination with plant lectins, as the lectins help shuttle paraquat into your brain, where it induces the neuronal degeneration seen in Parkinson’s disease. Many of the foods treated with paraquat are high-lectin foods, such as peas, beans and potatoes, so strive to buy organic whenever possible


Paraquat is an herbicide and registered desiccant that has been used on American farms since 1964. A desiccant is a chemical that speeds up the ripening of the crop and dries it out, which facilitates harvesting and allows it to be harvested sooner than were the crop left to dry naturally.

Desiccation is also used to improve profits, as farmers are penalized when the grain contains moisture. The greater the moisture content of the grain at sale, the lower the price they get.

While 50 countries have banned paraquat due to its extreme toxicity and adverse effects on health (a single sip is lethal to a human1), the chemical remains legal in the U.S., provided farmers receive training on its application. Proper application doesn’t ensure its safety, however, as recent lawsuits by thousands of farmers make clear.

Paraquat Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

A considerable body of evidence2 links paraquat to Parkinson’s disease and, as of mid-March 2023, 2,998 lawsuits filed by farmers with Parkinson’s disease had been consolidated in Illinois federal court. The first bellwether trial is scheduled to begin in October 2023.3

The farmers are suing Syngenta, the lead manufacturer, and Chevron, a key distributor, arguing the herbicide caused their disease, and that the manufacturer was aware of this risk and concealed it from the public.

The discovery process has unearthed a trove of documents4 showing Syngenta has indeed known that paraquat poses neurological risks and feared the possibility of lawsuits for decades. 

Most of the paraquat lawsuits are taking place in Illinois federal court, but class actions have also been filed with state courts in California, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Washington. The first state court trial is scheduled to begin in September 2023 in California.5 As reported by the Miller & Zois law firm, which is handling paraquat cases in all 50 U.S. states:6

“Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder of the brain that affects primarily the motor system, the part of the central nervous system that controls movement.

The characteristic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are its ‘primary’ motor symptoms: resting tremor; bradykinesia (slowness in voluntary movement and reflexes); rigidity; and postural instability. There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease.

Existing treatments do not slow or stop their progression; such treatments are capable only of temporarily and partially relieving motor symptoms. These treatments also have unwelcome side effects the longer they are used.

Paraquat is a toxic chemical that is a highly effective plant killer. Unfortunately, the same properties that make paraquat toxic to plant cells also make it highly damaging to human nerve cells and create a substantial risk to anyone who uses it.

Oxidative stress is a major factor in — if not the precipitating cause of — the degeneration and death of dopaminergic neurons which is the primary pathophysiological cause of Parkinson’s disease.

Paraquat is designed to injure and kill plants by creating oxidative stress, which causes or contributes to causing the degeneration and death of plant cells. Similarly, Paraquat injures and kills animals by creating oxidative stress, which causes the degeneration and death of animal cells.

The causal link between Paraquat and Parkinson’s disease is well established. Hundreds of animal studies involving various routes of exposure have found that paraquat creates oxidative stress that results in pathophysiology consistent with that seen in human Parkinson’s disease.

Many epidemiological studies have also found an association between Paraquat exposure and Parkinson’s disease, including multiple studies finding a two- to five-fold or greater increase in the risk of Parkinson’s disease in populations with occupational exposure to paraquat compared to populations without such exposure.”

Attorneys working on these cases have also highlighted recent research7 linking paraquat exposure to end stage renal disease,8 so it’s possible that the litigation effort against Syngenta might expand even further.

Syngenta Obfuscated the Evidence

In a June 2, 2023, article9 in The Guardian, journalist and author Carey Gillam reviews evidence from the paraquat lawsuits showing Syngenta has known about the chemical’s risk to human health for decades, and went out of its way to bury that evidence.

Some of the research10 out there suggests lifetime exposure to paraquat raises your risk of Parkinson’s by as much as 250% (odds ratio 2.5), primarily through oxidative stress. In the 2020 book, “Ending Parkinson’s Disease: A Prescription for Action,” four leading neurologists also cite paraquat as a causative factor for the condition.11

Not surprisingly, Syngenta relied on the same strategies developed and perfected by the tobacco industry in years past. While independent researchers kept linking paraquat to Parkinson’s disease, Syngenta sowed doubt by maintaining the evidence was “fragmentary” and “inconclusive,” even though it wasn’t.

Indeed, internal documents obtained during the discovery process reveals Syngenta knew that paraquat accumulated in the human brain and could permanently impair the central nervous system.12,13,14 As reported by Gillam:15

“Though it worked to publicize research that supported paraquat safety, Syngenta kept quiet about a series of in-house animal experiments that analyzed paraquat impacts in the brains of mice, according to company records and deposition testimony.

Scientists who study Parkinson’s disease have established that symptoms develop when dopamine-producing neurons in a specific area of the brain called the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) are lost or otherwise degenerate. Without sufficient dopamine production, the brain is not capable of transmitting signals between cells to control movement and balance.

The Syngenta scientist Louise Marks did a series of mouse studies between 2003 and 2007 that confirmed the same type of brain impacts from paraquat exposure that outside researchers had found. She concluded that paraquat injections in the laboratory mice resulted in a ‘statistically significant’ loss of dopamine levels in the substantia nigra pars compacta.”

Jeopardizing Human Health for Profit

The company withheld these and other internal research results from regulators and denounced the validity of independent science showing neurological effects.

Worse, when Syngenta met with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials in 2013 to update the agency on its internal research, the company claimed studies showed paraquat, even at high doses, did NOT reduce dopamine-producing neurons, directly contradicting Marks’ findings.16

Similarly, in a follow-up presentation to the EPA in 2017,17 Syngenta claimed that paraquat had “no effect” in the brain and that a “causal relationship between paraquat and Parkinson’s was not supported.”

During a recent deposition, Dana Dixon, lead for product safety operations at Syngenta, was asked point blank if the information presented to the EPA was a lie. Dixon claimed they were “not hiding” Marks’ results, but rather chose to “focus on other studies” that refuted it.18

Syngenta ‘Swat Team’ Beat Down Negative Reports

At one point, Syngenta also worked behind the scenes to keep a highly regarded scientist involved in the study of Parkinson’s off the EPA’s advisory panel, and internal documents show company officials wanted to make sure the effort could not be traced back to them.19

As reported by Gillam, Syngenta also had a special “swat team” tasked with the immediate rebuttal of any new reports of adverse effects:20

“… files reveal an array of tactics, including enlisting a prominent UK scientist and other outside researchers who authored scientific literature that did not disclose any involvement with Syngenta …

[M]isleading regulators about the existence of unfavorable research conducted by its own scientists; and engaging lawyers to review and suggest edits for scientific reports in ways that downplayed worrisome findings.

The files also show that Syngenta created what officials called a ‘Swat team’ to be ready to respond to new independent scientific reports that could interfere with Syngenta’s ‘freedom to sell’ paraquat.

The group, also referred to as ‘Paraquat Communications Management Team,’ was to convene ‘immediately on notification’ of the publication of a new study, ‘triage the situation’ and plan a response, including commissioning a ‘scientific critique.’

A key goal was to ‘create an international scientific consensus against the hypothesis that paraquat is a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease,’ the documents state.”

In internal company documents from 2003, Syngenta officials discussed the need for a “coherent strategy across all disciplines focusing on external influencing, that proactively diffuses the potential threats that we face,” including influencing the future work by external researchers.

They also hired external scientists to write papers in support of paraquat without disclosing their relationship with the company. Ghostwriting scientific studies was also a tactic employed by Monsanto, to hide known dangers associated with its Roundup herbicide.

Lawyers Played Central Role in Obfuscation of Evidence

As detailed by Gillam, corporate defense lawyer Jeffrey Wolff also appears to have played a central role in the obfuscation of evidence. He instructed Syngenta scientists on how to take notes and manage communications to ensure the company would be able to claim attorney-client privilege in the case of litigation.

For example, action notes taken were to be labeled “Work Product Doctrine Material Confidential” and carry an attorney-client privilege statement.21 Wolff also had an active role in editing various scientific statements, reports and presentations to hide or downplay negative internal findings.

For example, a 2009 internal presentation by a company scientist on paraquat and Parkinson’s disease was reviewed by Wolff, who objected to a statement that said a majority of cases were related to environmental causes. Instead, Wolff suggested the presentation state that the “great majority of PD cases are idiopathic or of unknown cause.”

In another case, Wolff recommended removing the written admission that paraquat caused loss of neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta from a scientific slide show, and instead only mention it verbally during the presentation. As reported by Gillam, the heavy involvement of lawyers is also straight out of the tobacco industry’s dirty playbook:22

“The involvement of lawyers with the scientists at Syngenta appears similar to highly criticized practices by the tobacco industry in the 1970s and ’80s that downplayed the dangers of smoking, said Thomas McGarity, former EPA legal adviser and co-author of the 2008 book titled ‘Bending Science: How Special Interests Corrupt Public Health Research.’

‘It looks like the paraquat maker has adopted nearly every strategy we outlined in our book about bending science,’ McGarity said. ‘Science matters. We have to be able to depend on science,’ he said.

‘When it is perverted, when it is manipulated, then we get bad results. And one result is that pesticides that cause terrible things like Parkinson’s remain on the market.’”

Lectins in Food Shuttle Paraquat Into the Brain

Disturbingly, animal research shows paraquat becomes exponentially more hazardous in combination with plant lectins. The cruel irony here is that paraquat is widely used as an herbicide and desiccant on lectin-rich crops in particular, including wheat, soybeans, potatoes, cereal grains and beans.

According to the study23 in question, published in the journal NPJ Parkinson’s Disease in 2018, plant lectins help shuttle paraquat into your brain, where it does the most damage. As reported by the authors:

“Increasing evidence suggests that environmental neurotoxicants or misfolded α-synuclein generated by such neurotoxicants are transported from the gastrointestinal tract to the central nervous system via the vagus nerve, triggering degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and causing Parkinson’s disease (PD).

We tested the hypothesis that gastric co-administration of subthreshold doses of lectins and paraquat can recreate the pathology and behavioral manifestations of PD in rats …

These data demonstrate that co-administration of subthreshold doses of paraquat and lectin induces progressive, L-dopa-responsive parkinsonism that is preceded by gastric dysmotility. This novel preclinical model of environmentally triggered PD provides functional support for Braak’s staging hypothesis of idiopathic PD.”

Here again, we see the central role of the substantia nigra pars compacta, the very area of the brain that Syngenta scientist Marks found to be adversely impacted by paraquat. What’s more, the combination of paraquat and lectins could well be the underlying mechanism behind “idiopathic” Parkinson’s, which Wolff wanted listed as the primary “cause.”

Paraquat in Food Supply Puts Your Health at Risk

This also means that farmers aren’t the only ones at risk. Direct exposure is only one way by which paraquat can cause harm. Ingestion through food is the other, and oftentimes, that food is also high in lectins, which multiplies the danger. Reporting on the 2018 findings, Medical News Today wrote:24

“[P]araquat, once in the stomach, causes alpha-synuclein to be misfolded and then helps it travel to the brain. Scientists believe that alpha-synuclein runs along the vagus nerve, which itself runs between the stomach and the brain.

In fact, recent studies have shown that the vagus nerve has a direct connection with the substantia nigra, making it a prime suspect in Parkinson’s disease. This direct link also helps explain why digestive problems often precede the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s by several years.

To investigate, the researchers fed rats small doses of paraquat for 7 days. They also fed them lectins … As expected, they identified Parkinson’s-related changes … As study co-author Prof. Thyagarajan Subramanian explains:

‘We were able to demonstrate that if you have oral paraquat exposure, even at very low levels, and you also consume lectins … then it could potentially trigger the formation of this protein — alpha-synuclein — in the gut. Once it’s formed, it can travel up the vagus nerve and to the part of the brain that triggers the onset of Parkinson’s disease.’

This series of experiments demonstrates how the interplay between two ingested compounds can conspire to create and then transport toxic protein structures from the gut to the brain.”

Take-Home Message

The take-home message here is that foods treated with paraquat may be just as hazardous as direct exposure on a farm. Paraquat is considered one of the “best” drying options for legumes in particular, which are also particularly high in lectins.

As a result, many foods that vegetarians and vegans rely on may pose significant health hazards — and in more ways than one, as lectins are also problematic in and of themselves. In February 2022, I posted an interview with Dr. Steven Gundry, author of “The Plant Paradox,” in which we reviewed the health hazards of lectins.

As explained by Gundry, plant lectins can wreak havoc on your health by attaching to your cell membranes, causing inflammation, damage to your nerves and cell death. Some can also interfere with gene expression and disrupt endocrine function.

So, while lectins can cause severe health problems in and of themselves, by spraying paraquat on lectin-rich crops, those crops are made exponentially more hazardous, as the lectins act as transport vehicles for the toxic herbicide.

You can reduce lectin concentration by pressure cooking, for example, but if you’re starting out with contaminated food, you’re dealing with extra-toxic kinds of lectins. To avoid or at least minimize these hazards, it’s important to buy organic beans, peas, potatoes and other high-lectin foods from a reputable source, ideally a local farmer you can trust.

The other take-home message from all this is that chemical companies are among the least trustworthy sources out there. Like Monsanto before them, Syngenta officials have spent decades hiding the dangers of paraquat, while untold numbers of people got sick, suffered and died.

As noted by Bruce Blumberg, professor of developmental and cell biology at the University of California, Irvine, in response to the revelations about Syngenta’s obfuscation of evidence:25

“It is highly unethical for a company not to reveal data they have that could indicate that their product is more toxic than had been believed. [These companies are] trying to maximize profits and they jeopardize public health, and it shouldn’t be allowed. That is the scandal.”


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1 EPA Paraquat Risk Message

2 NIH February 11, 2011

3, 5 Drug Watch April 18, 2023

4, 13 The New Lede Paraquat Papers Media Library

6, 8 Lawsuit Information Center Paraquat Lawsuit June 1, 2023

7 Environmental Health December 12, 2022; 21 Article number 127

9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 The Guardian June 2, 2023

10 Environmental Health Perspectives June 2011; 119(6): 866-872

14 The New Lede Paraquat Papers October 20, 2022

17 Paraquat Research Program Update February 6, 2017

19, 25 The Guardian October 20, 2022

23 NPJ Parkinsons Disease 2018; 4: 30

24 Medical News Today December 10, 2018

Featured image is from Mercola

Dumpling Wars

June 14th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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The Ukrainian blonde had the smell of trouble. She had perched herself, along with her mute friend, in a restaurant across from the famed South Melbourne Market. On arriving at the modish, glorious bit of real estate known as Tipsy Village, a Polish establishment famed for accented French cuisine, she shrieked: “Why do you have Ruskie dumplings on your menu?”

The Polish host, a man of butter mild manners and infinite tolerance, covered in stout glory, took it in his stride. “That is what they are called where I come from and that is what we serve,” Peter Barnatt stated with serene clarity. (Such wickedness! Such a radical disposition!) The blonde shrieking wonder continued to invest in the dumplings some satanic quality, as if each one had been a shell, soldier, a weapon massed and launched against her pristine homeland which she had, it seemed, abandoned. “We would just like coffees,” she demanded. His temper finally disturbed, the host insisted that, as the two were not intent on dining, might just as well leave.

In a luxurious huff, they exited. Such behaviour was fascinating for being irresolvable – no dining establishment worth its salt and cutlery should ever change that aspect of things. But for them, the issue had been decided, a prejudice firmed up and solid.

Names on the menu are a signature of a restaurant’s worth. Besides, dishes do not invade countries in tanks nor bomb cities. The episode was also strikingly, amusingly moronic. Food had been made out as somehow guilty, disgusting, revolting – all because of a name, an identity. The sin had moved in the dough, the mixture and the potatoes, dumplings with agency. The restaurateur was all the more guilty for hosting them.

Since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the gastro-culture war on serving dishes with a Russian name, be it with hint, flavour, or substance, has been total. Hatred of the Kremlin has become bigotry towards the dish. In Madrid, Sergiy Skorokhvatov, himself Ukrainian and an owner of a restaurant called Rasputin serving both Russian and Ukrainian cuisine, sensed trouble. He ventured into the thorny world of online discussions to clarify the nature of what he was serving, which was considered wise given what has happening to other restaurants serving Russian fare.

This method of insurance was not full proof. “I thought that changing things would help us, but then people started posting similar stuff about us – ‘Don’t go to Russian restaurants’ – and pictures of blown-up buildings in Ukraine.”

When politics ventures into the field of gastronomy, imbecility is sovereign, its crown heavy. The French restaurant chain Maison de la Poutine, specialising in the combination of chips, cheese curds and gravy (poutine, you might say), was harassed for having a name vaguely approximating to the Russian president. This was strikingly reminiscent of the semi-literate mob that vandalised the home of Dr Yvette Cloete, a specialist paediatrician who had been confused for being a paedophile.

All of this presents itself in rather darkly hilarious fashion. In Poland, the Ruskie pierogi have been given a battering and vanishing, reincarnated with new names, emerging from kitchens reborn and de-Russified. The idea of Ukrainian pierogi is all the rage. The cheese and potato-filled wonders have again come to commandeer such interest in the food wars. Those who buck the trend end up receiving tongue lashings from the virtuous. Never mind that the idea of ruskie has little to do with the modern state machine that is Russia than the geographic mash which featured Kievan Rus.

The mighty fine diplomats of the kitchen could point to other origins in a peaceful overture. The first dumplings of this sort were a Chinese invention, and Marco Polo was good enough to bring them across to Europe. In Poland, the Polish bishop Jacek Orodwąż is said to have been key in introducing the dumpling in the 13th century. Having had a snack of them in Kyiv, the taste was sufficiently delightful to convince him to bring the recipe back to the homeland. But it took till 1682 for the first known pierogi recipe to make its way into a cookbook – Poland’s oldest, in fact – known as the Compendium Ferculorum by Stanisław Czerniecki.

As with so many food varieties now celebrated in their various forms from the cheap mundane to the scandalously extortionate, the original pierogi came to be seen as a nourishing weapon against famine and starvation. It did what it had to. All else is refined exaggeration, with a sense, where needed, of aesthetic pleasure.

Unfortunately for those in the restaurant business, the patron can be an unpredictable sort. For many who enter the premises, the ego of the person who eventually sits down to the meal becomes sprightly, and bad behaviour comes to the fore. One acts as one would not at home. Bigotry sings darkly; prejudice hollers in a jarring register. “Care for another vodka?” the tolerant host can only say to such conduct. Then comes the priestly gobbet of wisdom: “It makes the fish you eat swim.”

The other side of this fraught equation is that the restaurant with fine service and conversational owners is a place of sheer pleasure, conciliation, understanding. Over food, bread broken, dessert consumed, the labels of hatred disappear into musings and mutterings, even if only momentary. Take the vodka; let the fish swim.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.   He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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I think it is generally accepted that the practice of medicine has changed radically over the past fifty or so years. The medicalization and corporatization of life have “progressed” simultaneously as most doctors have become obedient servants of the corporate state.

But wait, one may object, and with some justification.

The development of micro-surgical techniques has significantly improved the methods of many operations that were formally very invasive and posed a great risk to the elderly and chronically sick. Many people have had knee, hip, and heart  surgeries – to name a few – that would have been problematic or impossible in the past. Body part replacements are now common. Soon everyone will be half-mechanical on the way to full robotization with a bit of pig and cow thrown in for good measure. Whether this is good is debatable on many levels, but the “procedures” (a word that seems to have replaced the more gruesome sounding words “operations” or “surgeries”) have clearly become more efficient and less invasive. These micro-surgical techniques have surely saved lives and improved the quality of life for many.

So much for the technology. I have a little medical tale to tell.

My best friend, an athletic man in his mid-seventies in excellent health and athletic shape, went to a new doctor at a medical practice since his doctor of thirty-five years had retired. The visit was for an annual physical that was required under the practice’s rules. He had previously met this doctor for a required brief meet-and-greet introduction and all seemed copacetic.

This time, he was ushered into the examination room where he sat and waited for the doctor. A nurse took his blood pressure and pulse and departed. The doctor soon arrived with an iPad and sat down next to him. He put the man’s records up on the screen.  He then proceeded to review a list of inoculations my friend did or didn’t have. My friend – let’s call him Joe – has always been a guy who took very little medicine and was rarely sick; at the most he would take an aspirin or a few ibuprofen after a vigorous workout.

“I see you had a tetanus shot,” said the doctor.

“Yes, after I cut my hand.”

“And at your age it’s good you had a pneumonia vaccine.”

“I did,” said Joe, “but I kind of regret it.”

“Oh no, at your age you are at great risk from dying from pneumonia,” replied the doctor. He added, “And you haven’t had your shingles vaccination, which I highly recommend. It’s covered by Medicare now. You don’t want to get shingles; it’s terrifying.”

Joe said nothing.

“And you are due for a flu vaccine.”

“I never had one and never will,” said Joe.

“At your age you can die from the flu. It’s very dangerous. I definitely recommend you get it.”

“No thanks.”

“You really should.”

His voice rising, the doctor said, “And I see you have not gotten any Covid vaccines. You are really risking your life by not doing so. You must get them.”

Joe then succinctly explained his deep knowledge about Covid, the “vaccines,” their lack of testing, the mRNA technique, the deaths and injuries, etc. – all the reasons he opposed them.

The doctor became agitated. He argued back; explained how he had gone to Yale and studied the mRNA process under Drs. F. Teufelmeister and A. E. Newman and that he knew the vaccines were very safe and effective blah blah blah.

Joe said, “It doesn’t matter that you went to Yale. I emphatically disagree.”

This incensed the doctor, who blurted out, “If it was allowed, I would hold you down and inject you right now.”

“Is that so?” said Joe, incredulous.

The annual physical ended soon thereafter.

The doctor never laid a hand on Joe to examine him. No stethoscope; no ear, throat or nose checks; no hands on any part of his body – the exam was exclusively about vaccinations, read off a screen. Technical in all regards. All about how Joe was so very vulnerable and could die without them. The doctor was Big Pharma’s mouthpiece. Death threats devoid of any human touch, cold and sterile, and a wish that he could hold Joe down and forcibly inject him, the touch of the fascist mind expressed in a wish.

When Joe told me this story, I, being a student of the sociology of medicine, was reminded of the history of eugenics and the sick minds of people who think they can cull the herd because of their power and prestige.

The sordid history that continues under euphemisms such as genetic research. Here was a doctor who dared to say what others no doubt think as well: “I would hold you down and inject you right now,” if only I could.

But since he can’t, the state must find other ways to coerce, such as compulsory medical requirements. Such are totalitarian dreams made of, when death has become a commodity used to sell the dreams of reason, and the healer’s art, once linked to working with nature, has become an adjunct of state propaganda.

When I later met Joe at the coffeeshop, I brought him my copy of Ivan Illich’s Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health, one of the great books of modern times.

Thumbing through it, Joe came to a page where I had underlined the following:

The ritualization of crisis, a general trait of a morbid society, does three things for the medical functionary. It provides him with a license that usually only the military can claim. Under the stress of crisis, the professional who is believed to be in command can easily presume immunity from the ordinary rules of decency and justice. He who is assigned control over death ceases to be an ordinary human. As with the director of a triage, his killing is covered by policy. More important, his entire performance takes place in an aura of crisis.

On my way home I stopped to pick up my sister’s mail. The AARP Bulletin was in the box with her letters. This is one of two publications of the AARP organization, a powerful lobbying group and medical insurance company with 38 million members for people fifty years-old and over. The AARP Bulletin and AARP The Magazine are the largest circulation publications in the United States with a combined distribution of approximately 67 million.

The cover story on The AARP Bulletin is:

How To Stay Safe This Summer

Extreme Weather   Covid Concerns   Tick-Borne Diseases   Bad Drivers   Food Poisoning   Home-Repair Rip-offs   Crazy Utility Bills

Is there anything not to fear in this morbid culture where crises are promoted faster than the therapeutic and hygienic “remedies” offered to deal with them? Create the diseases and all the bogeymen and then offer pseudo-solutions straight from the sorcerer’s playbook.

Build the fear and they will come, knocking at the sorcerers’ doors.

If it were allowed, I would lift you up with a simple truth.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

He is the author of Seeking the Truth in a Country of Lies

To order his book, click here or the cover page.

“Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies is a dazzling journey into the heart of many issues — political, philosophical, and personal — that should concern us all.  Ed Curtin has the touch of the poet and the eye of an eagle.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Edward Curtin puts our propaganda-stuffed heads in a guillotine, then in a flash takes us on a redemptive walk in the woods — from inferno to paradiso.  Walk with Ed and his friends — Daniel Berrigan, Albert Camus, George Orwell, and many others — through the darkest, most-firefly-filled woods on this earth.” James W. Douglass, author, JFK and the Unspeakable

“A powerful exposé of the CIA and our secret state… Curtin is a passionate long-time reform advocate; his stories will rouse your heart.” Oliver Stone, filmmaker, writer, and director

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Pregnant women who took toxic, experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been suffering all kinds of complications, from miscarriages, stillbirths to sudden deaths.

In this article, I will examine the sudden deaths of live-born infants of COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated mothers, who died shortly after birth.

CASE 1 – UK – Young mother Laura Barnes had fatal blood clots at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Her infant died at 2 months of age on July 30, 2022 of “unknown causes”.

Young UK mother Laura Barnes developed blood clots at 32 weeks pregnancy which led to an emergency caesarean section and the birth of her baby Dexter Khan-Barnes. She died from the blood clots during delivery in April, 2022. (click here)

Her prematurely born baby, Dexter, stayed in neonatal unit 6 weeks and was discharged home with dad.

Two months later, dad put baby down to sleep in bed next to his 14 month old brother. He woke up at 5am to find the baby’s arms limp and eyes discolored. Despite being rushed to the hospital, baby Dexter was pronounced dead on July 30, 2022.

Coroner Richard Taylor said a post-mortem found no evidence of prior illness or injuries that could have contributed to Dexter’s death, and no cause of death could be found. 

Summing up the evidence, Mr Taylor said: ‘In these circumstance, it is not possible to completely exclude accidental air obstruction as having caused to contributed to Dexter’s death. As such, the cause of death remains unascertained.

Key details:

  • The young mother, Laura Barnes was COVID-19 vaccinated (the media uses unvaccinated deaths as propaganda, so when vaccine status is not reported, the deceased person was always COVID-19 vaccinated).
  • Her mother told the court that Laura had “suffered a stroke in the months’ prior to her death” (click here) (possibly due to clotting issues from her COVID-19 vaccines)
  • Laura suffered fatal blood clots which forced an emergency caesarean at 32 weekspregnancy
  • Baby spent 6 weeks in neonatal unit before being sent home (which is normal)
  • Baby died 2 months later and no cause of death could be found. (click here)

CASE 2 (VAERS 1051160) – Pregnant mother had Pfizer dose on Feb.4, 2021 during 2nd trimester, and went into premature labor within 6 days. Live infant was delivered but died on Feb.10, 2021

CASE 3 (VAERS 2130285) – Pregnant mother had 1st Moderna dose on Jan.31, 2022, she went into premature labor 5 days later (at 20 weeks pregnancy) and baby died after delivery.

CASE 4 (VAERS 2212456) – A pregnant woman had 1st Moderna mRNA dose at 22wk. 11 days later she went into premature labor and live twins were born. Both infants died within hours of delivery.

CASE 5 (VAERS 2223076): A pregnant woman was vaccinated with Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine at 18wk and 22wk pregnancy. Her infant died of a rare heart tumor (LV rhabdomyoma). Forensic Pathologist requested VAERS reporting.

CASE 6 (VAERS 2156527) – 26 year old mother had 3rd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA booster vaccine on Jan.17, 2022. Two days later she delivered a live male infant, 620g, that died at minute 40.

CASE 7 (VAERS 2193296) – A 22wk pregnant woman had 1st Pfizer mRNA vaccine on July 6, 2021. 21 days later she had premature delivery by caesarean section at 25wk 3days of a live infant weighing 550 grams. At 13 days old, infant died on Aug.9, 2021 of “circulatory failure”.

CASE 8 (VAERS 2227334) – 32 year old pregnant woman in 2nd trimester took a 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Fetus stopped growing after Pfizer jab. She went into premature labor 40 days after vaccination, gave birth to a live infant which died at 3 days old.

My Take…

Were pregnant women warned about the risks of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines causing premature labor? NO.

Were pregnant women warned about the risks of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines causing infant deaths shortly after delivery? NO.

It is clear that both Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are causing premature labor. When the fetus is too premature (i.e. under 22 weeks), its chances of survival are low. By 24 weeks, chances of survival rise to 60-70%.

But what about infants of COVID-19 vaccinated mothers who die days, weeks or months after delivery?

Do these cases simply get buried as SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)?

One of the sudden infant death cases described above had a very rare heart tumor (caused by mother’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines?)

But what about the case of 2 month old baby Dexter Khan-Barnes? His mother had blood clots and died at 32 weeks pregnancy. Her baby then died at 2 months of age of “unknown causes”? Pathologist had no idea why baby died? That’s not acceptable.

I have written a substack about infants of COVID-19 vaccinated mothers coming down with myocarditis, two of them have died from it (click here).

mRNA vaccinated mothers deliver LNPs with COVID-19 spike protein mRNA to their unborn children through the placenta. The consequences of this were never studied by Pfizer or Moderna.

This trans-placental delivery of LNP/mRNA is causing miscarriages, stillbirths, premature labor and sudden deaths of newly born infants.

All of which are being ignored by the medical establishment.

Was baby Dexter producing COVID-19 mRNA vaccine spike protein? We will never know as the pathologist closed the case with the conclusion “cause of death unknown”.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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On Monday, the growing international influence of China was again rubberstamped, with the signing of a comprehensive bilateral cooperation deal between Beijing and Honduras, both countries having only established formal relations in the past two months.

Coming only three months after a Chinese-brokered deal established a rapprochement between former Gulf rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia, and a similar deal organised by Russia led to Riyadh restoring ties with Syria, Honduran President Xiomara Castro’s official visit to Beijing is yet another development in the emergence of the new multipolar world.

Going by historical trends related to Honduras and the wider Latin American region, it may also indicate that a Washington-organised coup attempt targeting the country, intended to maintain US hegemony, is on its way.

In 2009, husband of Xiomara Castro and then-President Manuel Zelaya was overthrown and exiled by the Honduran military in a dispute over proposed changes to the country’s constitution relating to the length of Presidential terms.

Investigative website WikiLeaks would later reveal that although the US Embassy in Honduras privately recognised Zelaya’s removal from power as a military coup d’etat, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to acknowledge it publicly, which would have resulted in the US being legally mandated to suspend all support for the new post-coup Honduran government of Roberto Michelleti; the reasoning for this being her view of Zelaya as a troublesome Hugo Chávez-style leader, one who wouldn’t comply easily with demands related to Washington’s interests in the region.

Indeed, Honduras had served as a strategic US military outpost during the 1980s, with thousands of US troops stationed in the country for the purpose of providing arms and training to Contra rebels, who were then sent on to wage war against the Sandinista government of neighbouring Nicaragua, previously under the leadership of US-backed Anastasio Somoza until his overthrow in 1979.

This would be part of a Cold War US policy in the region which involved the arming and training of anti-communist groups in order to prevent the Soviet Union gaining a foothold in Latin America; with perhaps the most notorious implementation of this policy being Operation Condor.

A covert CIA programme in the same vein as Operation Cyclone which would play out later in Afghanistan, Operation Condor saw the US throw its support behind numerous military juntas in Latin America in order to maintain regional hegemony, with the most well-known being the 1973 coup d’état which saw General Augusto Pinochet come to power in Chile.

In 1970, the election of Socialist candidate Salvador Allende as President of Chile, and his subsequent nationalisation of the lucrative copper mining and telecommunications industries, would lead to the multinational ITT placing pressure on Washington to oust the Chilean leader from power, with the communications giant holding a 70% stake in Chile’s telecom infrastructure.

In order to protect corporate interests and to maintain Washington’s influence in the region, a violent CIA-backed coup would be launched in Chile on the 11th of September 1973.

Involving the seizure of key sites around the country by the Chilean military, the coup would end with the bombing and seizure of the La Moneda Presidential Palace. Allende, who refused to flee in exile, would die amidst the chaos, his death initially reported as a suicide, though with foul play strongly suspected.

The post-coup junta of Pinochet would see the introduction of neoliberal market reforms which would allow US corporate interests to again take a foothold in Chile, and which endeared him to the subsequent British and US governments of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. His rule, which saw the state-sponsored executions of 3,000 political dissidents and the forcible exiling of 200,000 more, would last until 1990, with the Cold War coming to an end the following year.

The cessation of hostilities between western free market capitalism and eastern communism wouldn’t result in an end to US interference in Latin America however.

As recently as 2020, Operation Gideon, a Bay of Pigs-style coup attempt involving US mercenaries and likely given covert authorisation by the White House, took place in Venezuela in an attempt to remove the government of Nicolás Maduro – like his predecessor Hugo Chávez, a long-time target of the regime-change lobby owing to the pairs nationalisation policies in the oil-rich nation.

Now, with Honduras establishing diplomatic ties with China amidst the new multipolar world, it may only be a matter of time until Tegucigalpa is again subjected to something similar. 


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Support him on Patreon.

Featured image: National flags of China, Honduras Photo: CFP

Video: War in Ukraine and Media Lies. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, June 13, 2023

Was the Kiev regime  behind the plot to blow-up the Kakhovka dam? “A war crime” against the Ukrainian people, instigated by the Zelensky government? The mainstream media in chorus blames Russia. Ask yourself, why on earth would Russia flood its own positions within the territories under its control?

According to U.S.-and-Allied ‘News’ Media, It’s Always Been ‘Putin’s Last Stand’

By Eric Zuesse, June 13, 2023

Especially the assertion that the invasion of Ukraine (something that he had done everything he possibly could to AVOID having to do) “was meant to be his crowning achievement,” was the crowning lie, there. The U.S. Government trapped him into needing to do it.

Japan’s Drive for Military Greatness in the Lengthening Shadow of US-China Confrontation

By Gavan McCormack, June 14, 2023

The US, which had imposed Article 9 on an occupied Japan, came to regret its recrafting of Japan as a “peace state,” and began steadily exerting pressure on it to revive and expand its military. Thus, with US encouragement, Japan has, over time, indeed built formidable land, sea, and air forces, evading constitutional proscription by calling them “Self-Defence” forces (rather than Army, Navy, and so on). 

Shift in Geopolitical Relations: Russia’s Roadmap to Nigeria and Africa

By Prof. Maurice Okoli, June 13, 2023

The growing US-China rivalry and Russia-Western allies’ geopolitical tension have shaken the international peace and security system’s foundation and significantly shaped Russia’s diplomacy with Africa.

COVID Shots Associated with Increased Risk of Blindness

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 13, 2023

The broad range of reported side effects of the COVID jab is astounding. Effects involve just about every part, organ and system of the body, including a range of eye problems.

India and Pakistan: The Historic Divide Imposed by the British Empire. The Forbidden Truth of People and Cultures

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, June 13, 2023

While the politicians and extremists manufactured hatred and wickedness to further their own agendas for ages to keep the masses oppressed, common people on both sides continued to share feelings of open mindedness and friendship to restore the neglected geography and blocked history.

“Law Enforcement” Against African Americans: Atlanta Struggle to Stop “Cop City” Continues After Council Approval

By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 13, 2023

There is much at stake for the ruling class and its law-enforcement surrogates in the mass campaign taking place in Dekalb County, Georgia to prevent the construction and operation of a training center which will cost tens of millions in tax dollars.

Announcing the International Center for 9/11 Justice

By Ted Walter, James Gourley, and et al., June 13, 2023

The goal of the newly formed International Center for 9/11 Justice is to organize, preserve, and present the best 9/11 research of the past two decades, conduct groundbreaking new research, and provide renewed direction, energy, and unity to the worldwide pursuit of 9/11 justice as it moves into its third decade.

We Tried to Improve COVID Vaccine Labeling — The FDA Said ‘No Thanks’

By Dr. Peter Doshi, Prof. Linda Wastila, and Kim Witczak, June 13, 2023

Viral transmission is just one of multiple vaccine-related issues for which the FDA has not updated product labeling. In January, a group of us — current and former FDA advisers and academics from around the country — tried to fix this problem by asking the FDA to make critical changes to official product labels. But four months later, in a 33-page response letter, the agency denied almost every single request.

The Privatization of Nuclear War: US Spends $157,000 Per Minute on Nuclear Weapons in 2022: ICAN

By Jake Johnson, June 13, 2023

A new report published Monday by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons shows that the world’s nine nuclear-armed countries spent more than $157,000 per minute on their atomic weaponry last year, enriching private contractors at the risk of imperiling humankind.

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Brasil: Un Congreso manipulador

June 13th, 2023 by Eric Nepomuceno

Video: War in Ukraine and Media Lies. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

June 13th, 2023 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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Was the Kiev regime  behind the plot to blow-up the Kakhovka dam? “A war crime” against the Ukrainian people, instigated by the Zelensky government?  

The mainstream media in chorus blames Russia. 

Ask yourself, why on earth would Russia flood its own positions within the territories under its control?

Our message to MSM journalists: It’s “elementary logic”. Use your common sense.

Why would they do it?  A “Russian Roulette style ritual Hara-kiri” ordered by the Kremlin? 

Video Interview: Michel Chossudovsky

This video is also available on Youtube


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For further details see: 

Russia Forewarned UNSC and UN Secretary General of Kiev’s Plan to Destroy the Kakhovskaya Dam

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 07, 2023


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Video: Vaccine Passports?

June 13th, 2023 by Clown Planet

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The World Health Organization has recently announced the launch of a vaccine passport system which aims to “strengthen global health security.”

Watch the video below.


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Featured image is from The Freedom Articles

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To the 9/11 truth community and the world:

It is with great hope and a deep commitment to achieving truth and justice regarding the events of 9/11 that we are announcing the launch of the International Center for 9/11 Justice.

The Center is a new iteration of the former International Center for 9/11 Studies, founded in 2008 by attorney James Gourley. It is being relaunched in partnership with two other cornerstone organizations of the 9/11 truth movement: the Journal of 9/11 Studies and the 9/11 Consensus Panel.

The goal of the newly formed International Center for 9/11 Justice is to organize, preserve, and present the best 9/11 research of the past two decades, conduct groundbreaking new research, and provide renewed direction, energy, and unity to the worldwide pursuit of 9/11 justice as it moves into its third decade.

As we all know, 9/11 was a turning point in our history. Present-day developments — including perpetual war and colossal military spending, the continued curtailment of civil liberties, far-reaching digital surveillance, and an increasingly propagandistic news media — flow largely from that turning point, which makes getting to the bottom of what happened that day more urgent than ever.

In addition to conducting research and carrying out educational activities, the Center will spearhead all types of initiatives aimed at raising mass public awareness and sparking broad-based demand for justice for the millions of people affected by 9/11.

Chief among those initiatives right now is helping the family of British 9/11 victim Geoff Campbell open a new inquest into his death in the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The Campbell family submitted a petition for a new inquest to the UK attorney general in August 2021 and nearly two years later is still awaiting a determination. If the inquest goes forward, it will be the first ever real government investigation into the events of 9/11.

The Center’s other major initiative in the short term is producing the feature-length documentary Peace, War and 9/11, set for release in September 2023. The documentary features the late Dr. Graeme MacQueen — a widely beloved leader in the 9/11 truth movement who in his final months was instrumental in building the new Center — presenting his analysis of 9/11 and the related 2001 anthrax attacks.

We were moved to form this organization following the passing of eminent 9/11 scholar Dr. David Ray Griffin late last year. As we contemplated where the 9/11 truth movement stood, we had a shared sense that the best evidence of the movement needed to be consolidated, that more potentially game-changing research needed to be undertaken, and that new impetus needed to be instilled in order for the pursuit of 9/11 justice to continue forward.

We invite you to visit the Center’s website at, to subscribe to our email list, and to please make a generous donation or become a monthly giver today so that the Center can take flight. Your generosity will support the research, education, and action needed to catalyze a global 9/11 awakening.

Our dear friend Graeme MacQueen once said: “The story of 9/11 is not over yet. It’s up to us to construct a humane ending to this story — an ending which has justice and truth in it. That’s our job, and let’s do it.”


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Here is the front cover to the 16 June 2023 issue of America’s The Week magazine:

And here are headlines and some ’news’ reports from earlier times, going back more than ten years, and they’ve all consistently been false:

Prospect magazine, America, 20 March 2012

Macleans magazine, Canada, 6 February 2014

Forbes magazine, America, 19 March 2018

Meduza, Latvia, 4 March 2022

Colombo Telegraph, by exiled Sri Lankans in London, 16 October 2022

Foreign Affairs magazine, America, January 2023

Financial Review newspaper, Australia, 24 February 2023

Since the most influential of those is Foreign Affairs, I shall here present excerpts from that ‘news’-analysis and commentary:

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine was meant to be his crowning achievement, a demonstration of how far Russia had come since the collapse of the Soviet empire in 1991. Annexing Ukraine was supposed to be a first step in reconstructing a Russian empire. Putin intended to expose the United States as a paper tiger outside Western Europe and to demonstrate that Russia, along with China, was destined for a leadership role in a new, multipolar international order.

It hasn’t turned out that way. Kyiv held strong, and the Ukrainian military has been transformed into a juggernaut, thanks in part to a close partnership with the United States and Western allies. …

At this point, the Russian public has not risen up to oppose the war. …

The chances that a pro-Western democrat would become Russia’s next president are vanishingly small. Far more likely is an authoritarian leader in the Putinist mold. A leader from outside the power vertical could end the war and contemplate better relations with the West. …

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as a first step in refashioning a Russian empire has had the opposite effect. The war has diminished his ability to strong-arm Russia’s neighbors. …

Putin’s fall could translate into civil war and Russia’s disintegration. …

If Russia were to disintegrate and lose its influence in Eurasia, China would move in. …

Especially the assertion that the invasion of Ukraine (something that he had done everything he possibly could to AVOID having to do) “was meant to be his crowning achievement,” was the crowning lie, there. The U.S. Government trapped him into needing to do it.

Since they’ve been wrong now for over a decade, why do people still read such false ‘news’ media? Is it because these hate-mongering lies are all that the billionaires who control the media want them to say, and so it’s all that the audiences in these countries are being presented as ‘news’? So: how can those countries be ‘democracies’, if all that their publics get to see as ‘news’ is hate-mongering lies that constantly then become disconfirmed by subsequent events? It’s all “WMD in Iraq”. Only the personnel and names change; it’s the same ‘news’, but merely different people.


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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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The growing US-China rivalry and Russia-Western allies’ geopolitical tension have shaken the international peace and security system’s foundation and significantly shaped Russia’s diplomacy with Africa.

While that seems to be the general trend across the board, the Federal Republic of Nigeria is also getting highly renewed attention from Moscow. Historically Nigeria, like a number of African states, has had relations from the Soviet times and still maintains traditional relationships after the Soviet’s collapse in 1991. Nevertheless, it is interesting to explicitly note that a new wave of democratic change has also blown all over Africa. We can convincingly point to the fact that old ideological friends of the Soviet Union changed camps and transformed in favour of the capitalist-democratic model, in line with the changing political dynamics inside Africa and around the world. 

In practical terms, the Soviet Union offered enormous assistance during the decolonization process of African countries in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the Kremlin’s policy, at that period, for the newly liberated African countries included:

  • To gain a lasting presence in the African continent,
  • To have a voice in African affairs,
  • To undermine Western influence in the African continent by equating capitalism with imperialism, and
  • To keep communist China out of the African continent.

In pursuit of its foreign policy agenda, the Soviet Union maintained diplomatic relations between Nigeria and many on the continent. There were 48 diplomatic offices across Africa. Nigeria established diplomatic relations on November 25, 1960, after it had attained political independence from Britain. The mission was formally opened in 1961.

There are noticeable bits of historical landmarks between Nigeria and Russia. Olusegun Obasanjo visited Russia in 2001. That was followed by Muhammadu Buhari in 2019. However, in June 2009, Dmitry Medvedev, president of Russia, visited Nigeria for the first time and held topmost state-level talks on possible nuclear energy, oil exploration and military cooperation. There were talks also focusing on establishing a petrochemical plant in Nigeria. There was also a declaration on principles of friendly relations and partnership between Nigeria and the Russian Federation.

Russia’s second-largest oil company, and privately controlled Lukoil, has gone back and forth these several years with plans to expand its operations in Nigeria and several West African countries. There has been a long-dead silence after Gazprom, the Russian energy giant, signed an agreement with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) on the exploration and exploitation of gas reserves with a new joint venture company known as NiGaz Energy Company.

Despite the complexities and obstacles, Nigeria is still high on Russia’s agenda for reviving multifaceted business ties, at least to share the market and take up opportunities similar to external players such as the United States, Europe and China. We sincerely acknowledge efforts by Russians now gearing up to revamp the Ajaokuta Iron and Steel Complex, which was abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union three decades ago, and further take up energy, oil and gas projects in Nigeria, as well as facilitate trade between Nigeria and Russia.

Further to the above, there could be specific points of focus in the current relations: The strategic point of convergence between Moscow and Abuja is stability in the West African region, which is vital for both countries in their interests. It could best be achieved through ensuring security, boosting economic development, expanding tentacles in energy and infrastructure projects and raising cooperation with the regional bloc – the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). 

Suffice it to say that Russia’s passion for humanitarian cooperation is strongly recommended here. This will help sustain its traditional sphere of influence in the western region of Africa. The main reasons are that Nigeria is considered the economic powerhouse. Ghana now hosts the headquarters of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), spanning 54 states over the next years with the potential to unite more than 1.3 billion people in a $2.5 trillion economic bloc. It has the potential to generate a range of benefits through supporting trade creation, structural transformation, productive employment and poverty reduction. The AfCFTA opens up more opportunities for both local African and foreign investors from around the world.

Both African and foreign policy experts argue that African countries need to support meaningful dialogue and take steps toward addressing the economic dimensions in the continent and this must necessarily reflect in their relations with potential external partners while, at the same time, maintaining their territorial integrity and political independence. We strongly believe that African economic diplomacy and partnerships could be raised to appreciably new levels the Russia-Africa relations. This is where I shared my views with both foreign and our African experts that these measures will contribute tremendously, in pursuit of the economic integration of our continent, towards the attainment of the well-known vision: Agenda 2063, the Africa We Want.

Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa are the biggest economies on the continent, and Nigeria, for example, plays a major role in the West African region. The Nigerian economy is based on private enterprise, but the state participates in many ways. That is why Russia has to redirect its focus to the private sector to enhance its economic profile. In this case, Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and other countries have enormous potential to cooperate with Russia in the West African region. According to reports, on different occasions, former Vice President Yemi Osinbajo expressed keen interest in developing bilateral cooperation and spoke frankly about the need to increase the presence of Russian companies in Nigeria.

Three key factors are at work here for Russia to get a foothold in West Africa. First, Russia is seen as the provider of security, and Russia’s defence capabilities continue to play a crucial role in maintaining stability in the region. One more point here is the French-speaking Sahel-5 (Burkina et al.) is nearly under the control of Russia. Reports pointed out that cooperation among forces from the so-called G5 countries – Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger – remains difficult given the anti-French sentiments in the country, forcing under-equipped local armies to quickly step up their game against Islamist rebels in the volatile Sahel region. 

With high interest, Russians are consistently pushing for military-technical cooperation. For Nigeria, Russian military equipment supply could be a high-value addition to the fight against the notorious Boko Haram, which threatens West African states. Many experts say conflict resolution should be coordinated and undertaken within the framework of multilateralism, which, of course, falls within Russia’s interest in forging relations with respective Security Councils of ECOWAS, the African Union and the United Nations. 

Second, an opportunity to have market access to the West African region if potential Russian investors decide to locate some kind of production with the rules and regulations put in place under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Unlike Russia, United States investors look forward to exploring several opportunities in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), a policy signed by African countries to make the continent a single market. Russian investors could similarly pursue public-private partnerships that support Russian and African businesses, including women-owned and led Small- and Medium-Scale Enterprises (SMEs).

Third, to carefully look at optional ways of utilizing civil society and private sector organizations. If Russia wants to play a pivotal role in advancing its economic influence, it has to navigate, leverage or make inroads into the private sector. Understanding these factors is crucial in formulating policies and appropriate mechanisms for realizing them. Worth to say that efficiency and effectiveness must reflect in its policy implementation. On the other hand, the shifting geopolitical landscape dictates new refined strategies. It also implies the ability to choose the multi-alignment dimension of countries rather than just dealing with a few in the region.

Notwithstanding multiple challenges with pursuing general policy goals in Africa, I would also note here in this article that Russia has maintained a traditional friendship, particularly with Nigeria and broadly with West Africa, so it is important that some focus be given to issues raised here at the forthcoming Russia-Africa summit. The critical focus areas are agriculture, energy, oil and gas, telecommunications, healthcare, transport, financing, marine exploration, aerospace, and other areas where Russian technology can have a comparative advantage.

Many Russian companies such as Lukoil, Gazprom, Rosatom and Rosneft are some of Russia’s energy and power industries actively engaged in Nigeria, Egypt, Angola, Algeria and Ethiopia. It must be stressed that in 2018, “Nigerian oil and gas Exploration Company Oranto Petroleum announced that it would be cooperating with Russia’s largest oil producer, Rosneft, to develop 21 oil assets across 17 African countries.” Unfortunately, this has not materialized due to Rosneft’s lack of interest in doing business in Africa. Additionally, Russian Rosatom has signed nuclear energy agreements with 18 African countries, including Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia and Rwanda, to address the power needs of those countries.

The Russian strategic policy interest in Africa and given the strong limitation of its current capability, according to Paul Stronski, one-time Senior Analyst for Russian domestic politics for the U.S. State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research, “in many respects, Russia’s re-emergence in Africa, is an earnest attempt to resume relations where they were left when the Soviet Union departed the scene.” Paul Stronski further argues, “In sub-Saharan Africa, Russia’s priority is on exploiting new commercial opportunities and securing diplomatic support for its positions in multilateral institutions.” 

The trade volume between Russia and Africa was $ 14.5 billion annually in 2020. However, this figure pales insignificance when compared with China, whose trade with Africa has attained $ 165 billion per annum during the same period and $ 254 billion in 2021, even with its late-comer status in Africa. This is to say that the doubling of trade relations within the next five years between Africa and Russia, as stated by Vladimir Putin in 2019, Sochi is not only a vision in the right direction of growing Russia’s partnership with Africa but also a desirable imperative.

In this sense, a new partnership with Africa could be defined not in terms of ideology but by alternative economic and developmental options which give Africa competitive parity. There are two distinctive initiatives which are appreciated:

(i) President Vladimir Putin’s debt cancellation of twenty billion dollars ($20 billion) owed to Russia by African countries, which, in his very own word, “was not only a mark of generosity but also a manifestation of pragmatism.” 

(ii) The systematization of regular summits. The joint declaration says, “At the initiative of African participants, a new dialogue mechanism – the Russia-Africa partnership forum – has been created. Top-level meetings will occur within its framework once every three years, alternately in Russia and African states. And, the foreign ministers of Russia and three African countries – the current, future and previous chairpersons of the African Union – will meet for annual consultations.”

The two sides have set goals and tasks for further developing Russia-Africa cooperation. They moved from an “ad hoc approach” and often controversial decision-making modalities to “a more comprehensive structured long-term policy plan” dealing with relations.

Beyond the summit, it is necessary to follow up on the concrete decisions as these will give a new impetus to the wide-ranging and long-term multifaceted relations with the countries in West Africa. Ghana, Nigeria and a few countries are already traditional markets for foreign producers and investors, including the United States, Europe, China, India, and even the Gulf states. Ghana and Nigeria open wide windows and doors to the real African market, beginning with the formidable Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) regional market.

“Today, for instance, Nigeria offers Russia the advantage of that cheap and robust labour. Given Russia’s recent experience of sanctions by America and its Western allies, a new model of doing business with Africa through investment has become not only sustainable but also imperative.” This was argued by Professor Shehu Abdullai Yibaikwal, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, with concurrent accreditation to the Republic of Belarus. In his academic lecture at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Federation, perhaps one of the sectors where this model of doing business can be symbiotically harnessed is the field of agriculture and its value chain as a result of the steep rise in the large African market and the projected certainty of huge returns on investment in this sector.

Russia has expressed deep interest in Nigeria, highly pledging to build nuclear power plants, petroleum pipelines, railways and infrastructure. Unfortunately, these corporate plans have not been realized; Russia sees instability or neo-colonialism as factors impeding its investment. Then there are also the project financing and legal aspects that must be mutually resolved.

Our part is to ensure sustainability by making partnerships more reliable, workable and long-termed. We still have skyline hope and optimism for building back better relations between the two countries, and most importantly within the context of the Declaration “On the Principles of Friendly Relations and Partnership between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Nigeria” signed as far back in 2001, and the multilateral cooperation that was signed between Russia and Nigeria by both leaders at the first Russia-Africa Summit held in Sochi. The forthcoming second summit in July 2023 also signals Russia’s practical preparedness and commitment to work based on a single rule book for trade and investment and towards sustainable development growth across Africa.

To finalize this article, we should refer to the quote by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Chairperson of the African Union (AU) in 2019 and co-chair of the first Russia-Africa Summit: “Our declaration has reaffirmed the goals of Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We have approved a ministerial mechanism for promoting dialogue and partnership. We appreciate all these moves and believe they have created a solid foundation for further developing Russian-African relations.” Aware of this common responsibility, the Russian and African sides will continue coordinating their efforts to monitor the implementation of the documents adopted at the summit. This meets the desires and aspirations of African states and the Russian Federation.


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Professor Maurice Okoli is a fellow at the Institute for African Studies and the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences. He is also a fellow at the North-Eastern Federal University in Russia. 

Featured image is from TheCable