The Ministry of Truth – Revisited

June 19th, 2023 by Jacob Nordangard

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The United Nations Policy Brief Information Integrity on Digital Platforms (a part of the Secretary-General’s vision for the future of global cooperation – Our Common Agenda) was released on June 12th. The report prescribes an Orwellian future with tight control of information to tackle the “existential threats” they label as Hate Speech and Disinformation.

Guterres refers to the problem that Internet is flooded with rubbish that is disguised as trustworthy sources.

One tactic, among others, has been to publish content to fake cloned versions of news sites to make articles seem like they are from legitimate sources

It can of course be argued that this is the case. A lot of ridiculous claims and theories are spreading like wildfire all over the Internet. But as it is a common strategy to highlight a problem in order to get public acceptance for the prescribed solution a legitimate question can be asked. Who is really behind all these bogus sites that manufacture outrageous stories?

Behind this rhetoric we find a much deeper agenda than just cleaning up smelly garbage from the information highway. Secretary-General António Guterres states that:

The present policy brief is focused on how threats to information integrity are having an impact on progress on global, national and local issues.

In the end this is a part of a war against the critical voices who dare to question United Nations Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Guterres calls for a restoration of trust in the official narrative and the global institutions.

He also mentions the importance and respect for human rights, but it is made clear that “freedom of opinion and expression” only apply as long as you follow the directives from these “high priests” and don’t question their dogma.

…disinformation can negatively impact the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Internet shall thus be more safe from the risk of being exposed for views differing from those expressed by the United Nations. According to the UN, it is a human right to be guarded from dangerous opinions that question their “global scientific consensus”. This especially applies to the two subjects that form the foundation for the UN agenda: health and climate. This is also reflected in their analysis on how mis- and disinformation affects the seventeen SDGs. Below are two examples.

Because the United Nations, according to Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications Melissa Fleming, “own the science” they “know” what is right and can distinguish right from wrong. The wrongdoings of the deniers that don’t take heed of the UN decrees have to be countered. This problem was discussed during the Nobel Prize Summit 2023 in Washington D.C. with Fleming as a speaker.

Fleming presented her opinion about the things she sees as problematic in her speech Healing our troubled information ecosystem. To communicate her message and gain sympathy for the cause, she told the story of when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and started to search the internet for information:

One of the most prominent findings or pages that popped up was a site called Truth About Cancer. And the truth about cancer gave the following advice: don’t treat your cancer with chemotherapy, there are natural remedies instead. If I had taken their advice I would not be standing here with you today.

And the reason I raise this is because that same group is still going strong on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms with the Truth About Vaccines. They are trying to convince people to refuse life saving vaccines and during the COVID-19 pandemic the Center for Countering Digital Hate found that the couple behind both of these pages were part of what they coined the disinformation dozen – just twelve accounts that were responsible for 65 % of the disinformation that were spreading across the world on social media. Affecting the minds of millions.

Why is this relevant to the UN? Well when we finally got the vaccines to other parts of the world, in Africa in particular, which had publics that were very vaccine positive we were finding people refusing to take them. They had been so affected by these conspiracies that they weren’t only refusing the COVID-19 vaccines but also childhood vaccines as well.

She also talked about attacks against climate scientists and activists.

As we have heard by many other speakers social media is also being harnessed to undermine, distort and abuse those who are promoting the science around climate change. The goal to silence the scientists and the activists.

Below is a video from Center for Countering Digital Hate that urges Facebook to act and label “climate misinformation”.

To combat all these “misdeeds” United Nations (with Fleming as a leading information warrior) want to give us “improved critical thinking skills” that “can make users more resilient against digital manipulation.”

In order to safeguard the “critical mind” against the emergence of wrong ideas and conclusions, UN bodies like The United Nations Verified Initiative has been launched in collaboration with Guterres, Fleming and WEF Young Global Leader Jeremy Heimans (from the social impact agency Purpose) to give warnings “about falsehoods” before the users encounter them.

UNs definition of “critical thinking” thus means that you only are allowed to be critical of topics that has their stamp of approval. Don’t ever think for yourself without the validation from the Digital Political Commissar!

But this brave new world also needs a set of guiding rules or principles. In order to battle the “darker side of the digital ecosystem” Guterres proposes a:

…code of conduct that will help to guide Member States and the digital platforms to make the digital space more inclusive and safe for all, while vigorously defending the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to access information.

The main objective is to create a United Nations Code of Conduct for Information Integrity.

This code does initially look promising with obligations to ensure that member state responses to disinformation and hate speech shall not “block any legitimate expression of views and opinions” as well as upholding a “free, viable and plural media landscape with strong protection for journalists and independent media”.

But this becomes totally shattered in the following Orwellian paragraphs. Suggestions include:

  1. Establish “independent” factchecking organisations.
  2. Identify and respond to mis- and disinformation and hate speech.
  3. Report the origins, spread and impact.
  4. Form broad coalitions between local organisations and tech companies.
  5. Ensure that advertising is free from disinformation.
  6. Invest in human and AI content moderation systems in all languages.

To oversee the implementation of the code Guterres writes about the possibility to create an “independent” observatory with “recognized experts” that can review the measures taken.

This opens up for censorship of everything that United Nations and their faithful servants Guterres and Fleming label as disinformation.

Welcome to the Ministry of Truth

vaccines work 2

Those who run the United Nations have no regard for people who raise concerns about serious side effects (even when reported by Pfizer themselves), restrictions and mask mandates, or those who dare question the climate alarmism. Such people are instead labeled “deniers” and “conspiracy theorists” and are seen as evil people spreading “disinformation” and “hate speech”.

To conclude, it seems that the UN “vigorously defends” primarily the interests of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the “trustees of the material universe for future generations” at the World Economic Forum, as well as their mega rich owners disguised as “benevolent philanthropists” caring for the wellbeing of humanity and the planet. It is obvious that the main purpose of the United Nations is to protect these powerful groups against all those who are finally waking up from their long fear-induced coma.

But it is ultimately a war the scaremongers cannot win. All they can do is try to buy some more time before the arrival of the inevitable moment when truth exposes their lies and corrupted machinations. Truth is the existential threat they really fear. It is like sunlight to a vampire.


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NATO Attacks Europe. Manlio Dinucci

June 19th, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

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A sabotage team used Poland, a European Union neighbor and NATO ally, as an operating base to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines built to transport Russian gas through the Baltic official German investigation has found”, reported by The Wall Street Journal. 

German investigators reconstructed the route in the Baltic Sea of the yacht Andromeda, from Poland, aboard which they found traces of HMX, a military explosive for demolishing underwater infrastructure. This adds another explosive chapter to U.S. journalist Seymour Hersh’s investigation “How America took down the Nord Stream pipeline.” Everything is now proven. 

In December 2021, a task force – composed of CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff and State Department officials – is convened at the White House to sabotage Nord Stream. In June 2022, during the NATO Baltops exercise, U.S. and Norwegian raiders, operating from the yacht Andromeda sent from Poland, place submarine charges. Three months later, on Sept. 26, 2022, a Norwegian Navy P8 aircraft drops a sonar buoy, whose signal sets off the charges.

The Wall Street Journal calls it “one of the largest acts of sabotage in Europe since World War II.” It is a war action carried out by three NATO members-the United States, Norway and Poland-against NATO member Germany to prevent Europe from importing cheap Russian gas. 

Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the Nord Stream blockade “a tremendous opportunity to eliminate Europe’s dependence on Russian energy once and for all, a huge strategic opportunity for years to come,” and pointed out that “the United States has become the leading supplier of liquefied natural gas to Europe.” LNG, of course, much more expensive than Russian gas. Now arriving to conquer the European energy market are Exxon, Chevron and other U.S. companies that “have made record profits thanks to soaring oil prices.”  

Because of rising energy prices, writes the Wall Street Journal, “the Eurozone is sliding into recession as inflation hurts consumption, and Europe is stuck with the economic equivalent of a long Covid.” In this Europe began “the largest multinational deployment of air forces in NATO history” with the “Air Defender” exercise taking place in Germany under U.S. command. 


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This article was originally published on byoblu in Italian.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from Future of Freedom Foundation

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Last month, global attention was drawn to the southern Irish State’s proposed ‘hate speech’ laws, owing to online commentary on the new bill from high-profile figures such as Elon Musk, Donald Trump Jr. and Jordan B Peterson.

Allowing for someone to be convicted for merely possessing ‘hateful’ material – which could be something as simple as an internet meme – without even distributing it, the new legislation, if passed, will effectively create thought crimes in what is a supposed democratic western state.

Domestic critics of the bill have expressed concern that it will stifle debate on the introduction of gender ideology to the school curriculum, citing the recent case of Enoch Burke as an example. Burke, a teacher at the prestigious Wilson’s Hospital boarding school in County Westmeath, was imprisoned for three months last year over his refusal to not attend the school following his suspension over a dispute relating to the use of ‘they/them’ pronouns on a student.

There have also been concerns expressed that the new legislation will be used to censor critics of the 26-County State’s immigration policy.

Since last November, using emotive coverage of the war in Ukraine as a cover, the southern Irish government has placed hundreds of male migrants into wildly unsuitable locations such as an inner city office block and children’s primary school, leading to protests by local residents over the lack of consultation with community representatives beforehand, the unsuitability of the chosen locations, and the lack of transparency on whether those placed in said locations had been vetted or not.

Protests, that in a similar vein to last year’s Canadian Freedom Convoy, have drawn widespread condemnation from the 26 County political establishment as being ‘organised by the far-right’, with Leo Varadkar, like Justin Trudeau, also being a WEF ‘Young Global leader’.

The spotlight was shone once again on the new legislation this week when Pauline O’Reilly, a Senator and chairwoman of the ruling coalition’s Green Party, announced, in dystopian fashion, that the purpose of the bill was to ‘restrict freedom for the common good’, her comments drawing attention from as far afield as Fox News and acclaimed US journalist Glenn Greenwald.

One facet of the new legislation that has been overlooked by most onlookers however, is the section related to the denial or condoning of ‘war crimes’, which with an increased push amongst the 26 County political establishment for the State to join NATO amidst the ongoing Russian operation in Ukraine, may soon become one of its most relevant.

Since the launch of the Russian intervention last February, the southern Irish State has, in lockstep with the rest of the collective west, condemned what it calls an ‘unprovoked invasion’.

What has been conveniently omitted from this description however, is the almost nine years of western provocations that preceded it, beginning with the November 2013 US and British-instigated Maidan coup, the use of anti-Russian extremist elements such as Right Sector and Azov Battalion to wage a bloody war on the predominantly ethnic Russian Donbass region, and the revelation that the US was producing bioweapons on Russia’s borders.

Key details related to the conflict that, under the new legislation, could soon be made illegal to publicly disclose in the 26 County State.

Indeed, this would tie in with Leinster House’s desire to join NATO, a view not shared by the majority of the Irish public. This has not hindered the 26 Counties anti-Russian policies however, with a number of Russian diplomats expelled in the weeks following Moscow’s intervention; a step noticeably never taken by the southern Irish state towards US Diplomats over Washington’s conflicts in Iraq and Syria, or indeed, British Diplomats over British Intelligence’s role in the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings.

Now, with the strong possibility that a Nord Stream-style false flag attack off the Irish coast is imminent, the criminalisation of facts related to Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, may soon be used to clear the path towards NATO membership for the south of Ireland.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Support him on Patreon.

Featured image is from TruePublica

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Forty minutes into the meeting between President Cyril Ramaphosa – along with six other African presidents and government leaders – and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the live feed broadcasting the talks was cut.

The African heads of state met with Putin on Saturday after meeting with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky in a delegation participating in the Africa Peace Initiative for peace talks.

The meeting, at the Marble Hall in Konstantinovsky Palace, St Petersburg, began with an address by the presidents, with Putin cutting in before he was set to speak at the end of the address.

Putin interjected after Ramaphosa had spoken, after which the live feed was cut.

News24 assistant editor for investigations Pieter du Toit noted that there were no independent South African journalists with the president, and it was thus impossible to accurately report the remarks by Ramaphosa and Putin of events as they unfolded.

Du Toit remarked: 

We are mostly reliant on information from the Presidency, which is not an ideal situation.

Du Toit was part of a contingent of journalists and security personnel left stranded at Warsaw’s Chopin Airport for more than 26 hours, while the president was in Ukraine.

The delegation was not able to get to Russia with the president either.

Along with Ramaphosa, the African peace delegation included Senegalese head of state Macky Sall, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema and Comorian President Azali Assoumani, as well as leaders from Uganda, Egypt and Congo-Brazzaville.

It is not yet known what happened after the feed cut off, but before it did, Ramaphosa, who was leading the delegation, outlined at least 10 points to help end the war.

These points were also delivered to Zelensky.

These included:
  • That the African delegation listens to and understands both the Russian and Ukrainian perspectives on the war;
  • The war must be settled and ended with negotiations;
  • A de-escalation of conflict on both sides;
  • That Africa recognises the countries’ sovereignty and believes all parties should work in terms of internationally recognised principles;
  • There need to be security guarantees;
  • Call for opening up of movement of grain shipments through the Black Sea and into Africa;
  • Grant humanitarian aid to all those suffering because of the conflict;
  • Free all prisoners of war on both sides;
  • Repatriate all children displaced by the war;
  • There should be post-war reconstruction, and
  • Further negotiations to end the war, with Africa contributing.

Ramaphosa said the war was negatively affecting countries in Africa and across the world because the price of commodities had increased.

He specifically mentioned grain, fertiliser and fuel.

After his address, Putin cut into the presentations before the other heads of state could address him.

He said he had some comments to make, including his claims that the crisis in Ukraine began in 2014 because of a coup d’état.

He said the Ukrainian people did not accept this coup and that Russia had to support these people.

Putin blamed the West for many of the issues in Ukraine, and said it was the West and not Russia that caused the sharp increase in food costs.

Lecturing the officials, Putin added that Russia was happy to negotiate with Ukraine, but that it was Ukraine that did not want to negotiate.

What Putin referred to as a “coup” was an uprising against the pro-Russian former president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, after a rigged election. A democratic election followed this, and a new Ukrainian president was elected.

According to a report by the European Union, Ukraine is a leading grain exporter, and the war has resulted in food security concerns for millions of people worldwide.


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First published on January 17, 2023


As this is a lengthy post, it is divided into the following sections. So, feel free to jump to your area of interest first or navigate around as you wish.

  • Introduction
  • 1. NATO’s expansion towards Russia’s borders
  • 2. The Maidan Coup & Victoria Nuland’s “Fuck the EU”
  • 3. Joe Biden bragging about how he got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating an energy firm that had Hunter Biden on its board
  • 4. Biological Weapons Production Facilities
  • 5. Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion
  • 6. Zelenskyy’s hidden fortune
  • 7. Human Rights abuses committed in Ukraine
  • 8. Zelenskyy changing laws to suppress Free Speech
  • 9. Suppression of the Church
  • 10. Ukraine’s Systemic Corruption Problem
  • Conclusion


There is no doubt, war is ugly. Atrocities are committed by all belligerents involved in conflict.

Propaganda is heightened and intensified not only by the major participants, but also by countries, governments, organisations, corporations, and individuals who aren’t directly involved in the conflict. Each has their own motivations, reasons, and self-serving interests for doing so.

Fog of war – a German expression Nebel des Krieges coined by Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz – is often used to describe the uncertainty in situational awareness experienced by participants in military operations.

The expression can also easily be used to describe the fog that occurs between people’s ears when they are bombarded with propaganda pushed by countless parties which most often completely distorts the true realities of the conflict or war in question.

War is emotional. And when emotions are high and people are gaslighted, reason and judgement are often easily thrown out the window.

The absence or omission of truthful information and picking sides also contribute to a lack of balanced reporting on such conflicts.

Too often, the very powerful mainstream press is incentivised to report a prevailing narrative that, more often than not, serves the vested interests of those to whom they are all too willing to oblige their allegiances to.

Journalists and independent or alternative media outlets that provide reporting that is counter to these prevailing narratives are often labelled as conspiracy theorists or other derogatory labels.

This is done so because those who are attacking them cannot counter the merits of their claims and reporting, and thus must resort to attacking their character instead.

Unfortunately, this is a logical fallacy that most of the general public fall for.

Now for the ugly, inconvenient, truths that the mainstream media refuse to present to their audiences with regards to the Ukraine and the Russia-Ukraine war.

1. NATO’s expansion towards Russia’s borders  

For those not entirely familiar with NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, here is a nice summary by Al Jazeera:

“The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was founded in 1949 by 12 member states – Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States – and was established to curb Soviet expansion and encourage political integration in Europe in the aftermath of World War II.

The 30-member alliance is meant to guarantee political and military protections, and allow European and North American nations to discuss security concerns.”

One of the main reasons for its existence was to “curb Soviet expansion”, as stated above. The rationale being that the West viewed the Soviet communist system as a grave threat after World War II.

Moreover, as the Soviet Union and the United States were embroiled in the Cold War from 1947 to 1991, the U.S. sought to expand its sphere of political and military influence, particularly in Europe.

After the Dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, 15 former Soviet Republics became sovereign states.

Fifteen post-Soviet states. Source: Wikipedia.

Though many of these states as well as their people have retained close ties with Russia, three of them acceded membership into NATO in 2004; namely, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.

Two of these countries, Estonia and Latvia share a border with Russia.

Recall that NATO originally had 12 members.

A CNBC article provides two maps showing the expansion of NATO since 1991 towards Russia. The first map shows Europe in 1990, the year after the Berlin wall fell:

Map of Europe in 1990 showing original NATO countries in blue. Source: Bryn Bache, CNBC.

Their second map, as of 2022, clearly shows the expansion of NATO membership over the past 32 years since the reunification of Germany:

Map of Europe in 2022 showing current NATO countries in blue. Source: Bryn Bache, CNBC.

From this second map above showing 2022 NATO countries in blue, we can also notice Sweden and Finland (in light blue) who are currently vying for NATO membership.

Since the early 1990s, Russia has been worried about NATO expanding closer to its borders.

While various agreements had been made between Russia and Europe not to expand NATO eastward, several of them were broken.

The main worry is that NATO members can have military bases that hold nuclear missiles for which member countries, such as the United States, have an ample supply of.

There is plenty of evidence that confirms that such military bases (particularly from the U.S. and NATO) exist and are located in Russia’s immediate neighbors of Estonia(see also here, here and here), Latvia (see also here, here, here, here, here, here, and here) , and Lithuania (see also here, here, here, here, and here).

U.S. and NATO military bases, personnel, and operations are not limited to these three countries, for there are many more in other NATO countries near Russia such as Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria.

In recent years, Russian President Vladimir Putin has sought guarantees from NATO and many of its European members that it would halt its eastward expansion and end military cooperation with Ukraine and Georgia, which are not members, observed Al Jazeera.

Both Georgia and the Ukraine share borders with Russia and the latter has a significantly long border with the biggest former member of the Soviet bloc.

It would thus come as no surprise that Russia and its current leader, Vladimir Putin, would consider it more than hostile should either of these two countries were to join NATO.

Many of sound mind would argue that having military bases, some with nuclear arsenals, within only several kilometers from your doorstep poses a significant threat to the safety, protection, and territorial integrity of a nation and its people.

Was this not the case when the Soviet Union had stationed nuclear missiles in Cuba, less than 100 miles away from the United States?

If that was not acceptable to President John F. Kennedy and the U.S. administration, then how is it different for Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia and his administration?

Should they not be granted the same right?

These questions must be considered and contemplated prior to outrightly accusing Putin of “aggression” and invasion against the Ukraine, or any other close neighbor, for that matter.

Also according to the Al Jazeera article, in February [of 2022], Putin said Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine was a means to stop NATO’s growth, which he perceives as an encroachment.

Only in recent weeks has Putin called the conflict with the Ukraine a war. Perhaps this is so because he had not anticipated the level and extent of Western support Kiev has received over the past year.

While some would argue that the invasion was nevertheless unjustified, ample evidence exists that show that prior promises and agreements to not allow the expansion of NATO eastward were broken by NATO members and NATO itself.

Here are but two of these broken promises which most everyone seems to forget about.

Early last year, a secret document from March 1991 titled QUADRIPARTITE MEETING OF POLITICAL DIRECTORS, BONN, 6, MARCH: SECURITY IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE showed a pledge to Moscow by the United States, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, that they would not extend NATO eastward and would not offer membership to Poland.

The document was found in the UK National Archives by Joshua Shifrinson, a political science professor at Boston University in the US and shared with Der Spiegel. It had been marked “Secret” but was declassified at some point.

Specifically, here is part of what was it stated:


As the reader may notice from the image above, the parties stated: “WE HAD MADE IT CLEAR DURING THE 2+4 NEGOTIATIONS THAT WE WOULD NOT EXTEND NATO BYOND THE ELBE (SIC).

The “2+4 negotiations” simply refers to the reunification of Germany (i.e., East Germany with West Germany) with NATO remaining an integral part of the reunified country.

In July 2014, NATO itself called the eastward expansion a “myth,” as per its published piece titled NATO enlargement and Russia: myths and realities. In that piece, a few questions were raised about the “enlargement conundrum” [emphasis added]:

“Does the absence of a promise not to enlarge NATO mean that the West never had any obligations vis-à-vis Russia? Did the enlargement policy of Western institutions therefore proceed without taking Russian interests into account? Again, the facts tell a different story.”

The only thing is, NATO was not counting on the QUADRIPARTITE MEETING OF POLITICAL DIRECTORS, BONN, 6, MARCH: SECURITY IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE secret document to be released to the public.

In black and white, it confirms that a promise, or agreement, by NATO not to expand did take place.

So, this myth, or “conspiracy theory” turned out to be conspiracy fact.

It is no wonder that Moscow and Putin hold a fervent distrust of NATO, the United States, and its other Western allies.

The secret 1991 document also revealed the following:

Verbatim [with emphasis added for the most salient points]:


As you can see, the promise was indeed made. The Soviet withdrawal did occur. Yet NATO expanded anyhow, including in Poland for which they had also explicitly stated they would not.

If NATO has lied about this broken promise, then how many others have they lied about and broken? And, more importantly, should they be trusted?

That is not the only promise NATO has broken with Russia.

The Minsk agreement of 2015

“The Minsk agreement, which the Russian government backed for diplomatic reasons, has served to allow Washington time to train, equip, and mobilize much stronger forces now preparing to resume the attack on Donetsk and Luhansk,” observed Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, former associate editor at The Wall Street Journal, and long time Russia connoisseur, back in 2015.

He was right.

What is the Minsk agreement?

Not to be confused with the 1991 agreement of the same name, the 2015 Minsk agreement was one that aimed to resolve the long-simmering conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The conflict was between pro-Russian separatists mostly from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions who were more ethnically Russian and the Ukrainian government.

Image source: Al Jazeera.

The following passage from Reuters describes the 2015 (Minsk II) agreement in a nutshell:

“Representatives of Russia, Ukraine, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the leaders of two pro-Russian separatist regions signed a 13-point agreement in February 2015 in Minsk. The leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine gathered there at the same time and issued a declaration of support for the deal.”

The agreement ultimately failed.

While which side is the blame is a contentious matter, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), who was in charge of monitoring the implementation of the ceasefire agreement, determined that the Ukrainian government had repeatedly violated the agreement and around 200 weekly violations in 2016-2020 and more than 1,000 since 2021 occurred, according to Novaya Gazeta.

Though NATO stressed that the Minsk agreements remained “the best chance to settle the conflict,” its actions proved otherwise.

Back in 2015, Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s Secretary General since 2014, indicated no less than an increase military support to the Ukraine during this so-called ceasefire period, stating “we have stepped up our support to Ukraine on command and control; logistics; cyber defence.”

And more specifically, in June of 2022, Stoltenberg affirmed NATO’s long-time push into Eastern Europe, stating:

“the reality is that we have also been preparing for this since 2014. Because that’s the reason why we have increased our presence in the eastern part of the Alliance, why NATO Allies have started to invest more in defence, and why we have increased the readiness.”

By “increase in the readiness”, Stoltenberg was referring to Russia. On the matter, Robert Bridge, an American writer and journalist for RT noted:

“What he neglected to mention, though, was the role Western powers played in the outbreak of civil violence in Kiev on February 24, 2014 that led to the Maidan coup and, ultimately, to the current situation. The US and its influence on the ground in Ukraine, channelled through “civil society” groups it bankrolled, was largely responsibility for that mess.”

A month before the Russian invasion in 2022, Ukraine’s own security chief, Oleksiy Danilov, warned the West against enforcing the Minsk II peace deal.

Danilov also denounced the Russian demands for NATO to bar Ukraine from ever joining the alliance.

Former opposition MP Ilya Kiva (who had to flee the Ukraine for his stark opposition to Zelenskyy)  blamed the Ukrainian President of supporting pro-NATO policies causing the war, allowing Nazism to permeate in the country, and enslaving his own people in the eastern part of the country.

In a March 2022 interview Kiva slammed the U.S. and NATO for “using Ukraine as bait to provoke Russia into a conflict.” He added that Washington and its allies had tricked Zelenskyy which has led to its current state of devastation.

In concluding this section, the Minsk agreements were practically doomed from the start since powerful forces influencing Kyiv, including NATO and many others mentioned in this exposition, really had no sincere interest in helping to establish peace in eastern Ukraine; but were more concerned with continuing their eastward expansion towards Russia’s borders.

2. The Maidan Coup & Victoria Nuland’s “F**k the EU”

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine became an independent country.

In the years 2013-2014, the Ukraine was at a real crossroads. Geographically-perched between Europe in the west and Russia in the east, alliances were split and there was a lot at stake – economically and geopolitically.

The West was calling for the young country to align itself with European and American interests.

But its President, democratically-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, was instead leaning  towards aligning the country’s interests with Russia and Putin.

This was absolutely unacceptable to Western powers and NATO.

Consequently, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in a violent coup on Feb. 21, 2014.

Violence during the Maidan coup in Ukraine, 2014. Source: Wikipedia.

This operation is more commonly known as the Maidan Coup in which demonstrators (against Yanukovych’s government) leadership were riddled with neo-Nazis.

A phone call (transcript here) was leaked to the news media on February 4th, 2014 between U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the then U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.

Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland with Geoffrey Pyatt, February 6, 2014. 

During the call, they discussed which puppets could be installed in their new government; keep in mind, this is a few weeks before the Maidan Coup had occurred.

Nuland and Pyatt schemed on how they would form the new government post-coup placing “Yats”, Arseniy Yatseniuk as a key plant for the new government.

Arseniy Yatseniuk became the new Prime Minister of Ukraine on February 27, 2014.

And in June of the same year, NATO- and Western-friendly Ukrainian oligarch Petro Poroshenko replaced Yanukovych as the new President of Ukraine in what was a very questionable election.

This phone call is also memorable for its “Fuck the EU” reference uttered by Victoria Nuland. This was in reference to her frustration about how members of the European Union were somewhat divided on relations with Russia and thus not aggressive enough against their Cold War rival.

3. Joe Biden bragging about how he got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating an energy firm that had Hunter Biden on its board

According to Consortium News, after the U.S.-led coup, Viktor Shokin, Ukraine’s prosecutor general, was investigating corruption allegations about Burisma holdings, a Ukrainian oil & gas giant for which Hunter Biden had been given a lucrative membership to sit on its board of directors.

Threatening to pull a U.S. billion-dollar aid package to the Ukraine, then Vice-President Joe Biden forced Ukrainian President Poroshenko to fire Shokin.

Screenshot of the Witness Statement (affidavit) from Viktor Shokin, who was investigating corruption at Burisma Holdings, confirming that Poroshenko fired him because of Joe Biden’s threat to pull the USD$1 billion package.

In January 2018, Biden openly bragged about this at the Council on Foreign Relations:

Alternative video link:

Hunter Biden was paid handsomely, to the tune of $80,000 per month, despite having no experience whatsoever in the energy sector. It was thus presumed that he was on the board mostly because of his name and political ties, particularly with his father who was President Obama’s Vice-President at the time.

Though the mainstream press has largely exonerated Hunter Biden regarding his role and actions with Burisma, the New York Post did provide evidence which shows that Hunter had indeed introduced one of its board members to his Vice-President father.

The fact that Joe Biden leveraged the power of his V.P. position to avoid having an investigation into the firm for which his son was a board member represents a clear abuse of power and conflict of interest. Who knows what additional facts might have been revealed should the investigation have proceeded. The next section, however and nonetheless, provides damning evidence in this regard.

What’s more, this incident exemplifies the power and influence the U.S. Administration had over the President of Ukraine post the Maidan coup.

4. Biological Weapons Production Facilities

The corporate media has also largely ignored claims alleging the existence of biological weapons laboratories across the Ukraine.

In the month after Russian forces launched their invasion of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, commander of the Russian radiological, chemical and biological defense force, claimed that as many as 30 biological laboratories had been established in Ukraine that are actively cooperating with the US military; and that the Ukrainian authorities have been urgently destroying pathogens studied at its laboratories linked to the US Department of Defense.

Map showing some biolabs in the Ukraine, image source: Polish Sputnik – Nowe doniesienia o amerykańskich projektach dotyczących broni biologicznej na Ukrainie (google translated: New reports on US bioweapons projects in Ukraine)

China also accused the U.S. military of operating such biolabs in the Ukraine which Bloomberg brushed off as a conspiracy theory.

On March 8, 2022, American ally Britain also downplayed the story alleging that they were fabricated to justify Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine.

Yet, hours later Victoria Nuland (the same mentioned above), acting as Undersecretary of State admitted that such facilities existed stating:

“Ukraine has biological research facilities which, in fact, we’re now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how we can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.”

And though the U.S. State Department two days later denied any involvement in their operations, evidence suggests otherwise.

On the subject Glenn Greenwald outlined the extent to which the legacy media were in full damage-control, labelling all those reporting on the matter as crazy conspiracy theorists and peddlers of misinformation. Greenwald began his piece with [original links included]:

“Self-anointed “fact-checkers” in the U.S. corporate press have spent two weeksmocking as disinformation and a false conspiracy theory the claim that Ukraine has biological weapons labs, either alone or with U.S. support. They never presented any evidence for their ruling — how could they possibly know? and how could they prove the negative? — but nonetheless they invoked their characteristically authoritative, above-it-all tone of self-assurance and self-arrogated right to decree the truth and label such claims false.”

Greenwald reiterated the fact that Nuland had indeed never denied the existence of the labs and, in fact, was quite worried about how their materials could “fall into the hands of Russian forces,” to which he posited some highly relevant questions [emphasis added]:

What is in those Ukrainian biological labs that make them so worrisome and dangerous? And has Ukraine, not exactly known for being a great power with advanced biological research, had the assistance of any other countries in developing those dangerous substances? Is American assistance confined to what Nuland described at the hearing — “working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces” — or did the U.S. assistance extend to the construction and development of the “biological research facilities” themselves?

Greenwald also points out how the U.S. State Department downplays its role with the biolabs in the Ukraine, stating that they are merely for research purposes and for reducing biological threats. Yet, fact sheets on their website demonstrate millions in funding and for the specific purpose of building facilities and providing training.

Ukraine Biolab Funding via Hunter Biden’s entities

A bombshell report by the U.K.’s DailyMail provides ample evidence that corporate entities related to Hunter Biden have funded biolabs in the Ukraine. And, in this respect, there is even a connection to the aforementioned Burisma Holdings.

As per the DailyMail’s March 25, 2022 article title ‘EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president’, we find a treasure trove of emails and documents that provide solid evidence of funding activities for these bioweapons lab in the Ukraine.

The article begins with a mention of a U.S. Department of Defence (DoD) contractor called Metabiota which specialises in researching pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons. Sound familiar?

So, it appears that the previously mentioned claims by the Russian General that biological laboratories had been established in Ukraine and are actively cooperating with the US military certainly appears to be founded in reality, rather than some tall conspiracy tale.

The Russian Commander also claimed that their funding arose from the current U.S. leadership; and, in particular, from the investment fund Rosemont Seneca which is headed by none other than Hunter Biden.

As per a November 14, 2019 ZeroHedge article, Rosemont Seneca is a corporation controlled by Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer. And Rosemont Capital is the parent company of Rosemont Seneca (also sometimes referred to as Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, or RSTP).

Amidst a U.S. Department of Justice investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings, even Wikipedia had to do damage control to memory-hole Hunter’s links to Rosemont Seneca.

Here is the Burisma link. Through the Biden emails, it was revealed that Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi had sent a thank you email to Hunter for having invited him to [Washington] DC to meet his father, Joe Biden. This corroborates the rationale that Hunter’s presence on Burisma’s board of directors was indeed for his family name and political connections.

Next, the DailyMail leak reveal an email from Vadym Pozharskyi to Devon Archer, Hunter’s business partner at Rosemont Seneca, on the subject of “Ukraine Science.” In the email letter, Pozharskyi expresses his concern about how Metabiota, the DoD subcontractor, seems to have pulled their financing for this “science” project, i.e., biolabs.

At prima facie, an inquiring mind would ponder the reason on why Burisma, a company involved in oil & gas, would be concerned with funding for biolab facilities; for, this would obviously not fall under the scope and nature of the principal activities of an energy company. Unless, of course, this was not the raison d’être for this company in the first place.

Perhaps funding was pulled due to closer scrutiny on these entities, along with the U.S. Department of Justice’s investigation.

Also according to the DailyMail leak, Hunter and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners and they raised several million dollars of funding for the company from investment giants including Goldman Sachs.

According to a ZeroHedge article about the same Hunter Biden email leaks, Metabiota was working under Black & Veatch – a US defense contractor tied to US intelligence, which built the Ukraine labs that analyzed bioweapons and deadly diseases.

Black & Veath does appear on some of the aforementioned fact sheets of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine website, namely: Kherson Diagnostic Laboratory, Ternopil Diagnostic Laboratory, Zakarpartska Diagnostic Laboratory, Lviv Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene, Lviv Diagnostic Laboratory, Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory, State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine Luhansk Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory, Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory, and Vinnytsia Diagnostic Laboratory.

It is also worth noting that, according to the Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory factsheet, a special permit for working with pathogens (i.e., potentially dangerous bioweapons) was issued and Kharkiv, where the Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory is located, is only 25 kilometers from the Russian border. This would definitely be cause for concern by the Russian forces, for fear of leak – intentional or not – emanating from this particular facility. The same can be said about the Black & Veath facility in Luhanskwhich sits dangerously close to the Russian border.

Also regarding Metabiota, the DailyMail article noted [emphasis added]:

Metabiota also has close ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), suspected to be the source of the COVID-19 outbreak.

WIV was a hotspot for controversial ‘gain of function’ research that can create super-strength viruses.

Chinese scientists performed gain of function research on coronaviruses at the WIV, working alongside a US-backed organization EcoHealth Alliance that has since drawn intense scrutiny over its coronavirus research since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Researchers from the Wuhan institute, Metabiota and EcoHealth Alliance published a study together in 2014 on infectious diseases from bats in China, which notes that tests were performed at the WIV.

Shi Zhengli, the WIV Director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases who became dubbed the ‘bat lady’ for her central role in bat coronavirus research at the lab, was a contributor to the paper.

Metabiota has been an official partner of EcoHealth Alliance since 2014, according to its website.”

As for the last claim from the above quote, a simple search on the matter corroborates linkages  between EcoHealth Alliance and Metabiota.

Moreover, it has been confirmed that EcoHealth Alliance has indeed been funded to do gain of function research (for deadly pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2).

As this author had noted in the ‘The origins of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19)’ section of a previous exposé, it is very possible, and even likely, that SARS-CoV-2 originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Accordingly, the potential threat of a new pathogen emerging from even one of these facilities in the Ukraine is undoubtedly of paramount concern to the Russians, as it would be with any country.

Finally, it remains unclear as to how the Ukraine benefits from having such biolab facilities, for it inherently poses risks such as accidental leaks as well as possible retaliatory actions by nervous neighbors.

5. Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion

The all-volunteer Azov Battalion is one of Ukraine’s paramilitary groups that was formed in response to the government’s struggle against pro-Russian separatists in the country’s east.

Many of the Azov Battalion members are, even by their own description, socialist ultra-right Ukrainian nationalists.

In terms of their ideology, they are aligned with the Social-National Assembly.

The battalion has adopted many symbols and slogans that are associated with Neo-Naziism.

The Nazi symbols used by Ukraine’s Azov Battalion. The first two images include the Wolfsangel hate symbol while the first and third the Sonnenrad (Black Sun) hate symbol. Source: Consortium News.

Picture of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi symbols on their helmets, including the swastika and the SS. Source: NBC News – German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers, Sept. 9, 2014.

When tensions erupted in April of 2014 in the eastern part of Ukraine – particularly in the Russian-backed regions of Donetsk and Luhansk – the group took on extreme forms of paramilitary tactics and started to receive funding and training from NATO-friendly partners such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada (see sub-section below), amongst others, which continues to this day.

In August of 2014, Tom Parfitt, a correspondent from The Telegraph noted:

“Kiev’s use of volunteer paramilitaries to stamp out the Russian-backed Donetsk and Luhansk ‘people’s republics’ should send a shiver down Europe’s spine.”

“Recently formed battalions such as Donbas, Dnipro and Azov, with several thousand men under their command, are officially under the control of the interior ministry but their financing is murky, their training inadequate and their ideology often alarming. The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites.”

And based on interviews with militia members, the Telegraph also reported that some of the fighters doubted the reality of the Holocaust, expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler, and acknowledged that they are indeed Nazis.

At the time, the commander of Azov Andriy Biletsky declared: “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival. A crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.” The German word Untermenschen means sub-human, a supremacist slur.

Back in September of 2014, The Guardian correspondent Shaun Walker reportedalongside Azov Battalion volunteers in Mariupol, the southeastern region of Ukraine. Walker observed [emphasis added]:

“But there is an increasing worry that while the Azov and other volunteer battalions might be Ukraine’s most potent and reliable force on the battlefield against the separatists, they also pose the most serious threat to the Ukrainian government, and perhaps even the state, when the conflict in the east is over. The Azov causes particular concern due to the far right, even neo-Nazi, leanings of many of its members.

Dmitry, an Azov volunteer he spoke to, “claimed not to be a Nazi, but waxed lyrical about Adolf Hitler as a military leader, and believes the Holocaust never happened.” But perhaps more surprisingly, it is the distaste for their own government that stood out:

“Not everyone in the Azov battalion thinks like Dmitry, but after speaking with dozens of its fighters and embedding on several missions during the past week in and around the strategic port city of Mariupol, the Guardian found many of them to have disturbing political views, and almost all to be intent on “bringing the fight to Kiev” when the war in the east is over.

There is perhaps no better or intimate way to get into the mindset of the average Azov volunteer than to be embedded with them in the heat of the battle.

Walker also notes that though the Azov Battalion represents a minority among Ukrainian forces, they are not anti-Russian. One of the reasons being that most of their members lingua franca is Russian and that much of what Azov members say about race and nationalism is strikingly similar to the views of the more radical Russian nationalists fighting with the separatist side. He also notes that Azov intends to bring violence to Kiev when the war in the east is over.

“President Petro Poroshenko will be killed in a matter of months,” Azov volunteer Dimitry stated, continuing “and a dictator will come to power.” “What are the police going to do? They could not do anything against the peaceful protesters on Maidan; they are hardly going to withstand armed fighting units,” he concluded.

Dimitry’s prediction turned out to be partly correct, for though Poroshenko was not assassinated, he did get ousted during the Maidan coup and had to flee the country. It remains to be determined whether Poroshenko’s successor, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is a dictator; but, what features later in this essay may suggest that this has turned out to be the case.

Serving as an internal police force and with the support of the Minister of the Interior, Arsen Avakov, the Azov Battalion played a significant role in the protests amidst the Maidan coup which led to the ousting of President Yanukovych.

Though supposedly a “minor” fringe group amongst paramilitary units in the Ukraine, units such as the Azov Battalion and the Waffen SS organization found widespread support among Ukrainian nationalists, even in Kiev and in the western part of the country.

Many praised Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian far-right leader who was, together with his followers, responsible for the massacres of Polish and Jewish civilians and has the dishonorable label of being a fascist Nazi collaborator during the periods preceding, during, and following World War II.

Torchlight march in honor of the anniversary of the birth of Stepan Bandera, Ukrainian wartime fascist leader, Kyiv, January 1, 2015. Photo source: Wikimedia Commons via Consortium News.

In late 2021, reporter Craig Murray from Consortium News made reference to an official report of the U.N. General Assembly plenary of Dec. 16, 2021 which stated [emphasis added]:

“By a recorded vote of 130 in favour to 2 against (Ukraine, United States), with 49 abstentions, the Assembly then adopted draft resolution I, ‘Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance’”

U.S. Senator John McCain addressing a crowd in Kiev on December 15, 2013. Photo source: Wikimedia Commons / U.S. Senate/Office of Chris Murphy via Consortium news.

Even though a 2018 bipartisan letter by 50 U.S. representatives condemned the Ukraine government for glorifying and backing the Nazi groups, the United States vote against the aforementioned UN resolution and has continued to support, and even train, such groups since at least 2013.

Canada’s support for these extreme ultra-nationalist groups

In the following CityNews report from Nov. 10, 2021, extremism researcher Brad Galloway, coordinator from the Centre on Hate Bias & Extremism, expressed concern that far-right Canadians may join the ranks of paramilitary groups such as Azov in the Ukraine.

The report also provides damning evidence about Canada’s diplomatic and military involvement in the training of the Azov Battalion, even though they knew they were a far-right fascist neo-Nazi group.

The report cites an Ottawa Citizen article as well as documents obtained by the news outfit through an Access to Information law which validated the claim, stating [emphasis added]:

“A year before the meeting, Canada’s Joint Task Force Ukraine produced a briefing on the Azov Battalion, acknowledging its links to Nazi ideology. “Multiple members of Azov have described themselves as Nazis,” the Canadian officers warned in their 2017 briefing.””

As per the same article, “Jaime Kirzner-Roberts, policy director of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center [for Holocaust Studies], said Canada had to make it a priority that its military personnel have no involvement with far-right fascist militias in Ukraine under any circumstances, further stating:

It’s concerning that, for the second time in a month, we have seen evidence of Canadian military officials engaging with Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups.

Kirzner-Roberts also referred to a report titled ‘Far-Right Group, Made Its Home in Ukraine’s Major Western Military Training Hub’ from the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at George Washington University which revealed that Centuria, a far-right group made up of Ukrainian soldiers linked to the Azov movement, boasted they received training from Canada and other NATO countries. The researchers had tracked social media accounts of Centuria documenting its Ukrainian military members giving Nazi salutes, promoting white nationalism, and praising members of Nazi SS units.

The report also confirms Canada’s role, through its UNIFIER military operation, for providing training to Ukraine’s armed forces, as per a statement from Andrii Taran, the Minister of Defence of Ukraine:

“Our Canadian partners are constantly assisting to strengthen the institutional capabilities of Ukraine’s Defence Ministry. Modern principles of defence management and democratic civilian control undergo implementation, and leaders of the strategic and operational levels receive their training. Canada provides all opportunities to improve skills and field training of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine within the Operation UNIFIER. Therefore, Canada’s key role in training of Ukraine’s defence and security forces is unquestionable,”

Photo posted to the Canadian Armed Forces in Ukraine Facebook page which shows then Commanding Officer of Canada’s Operation UNIFIER Lieutenant-Colonel Ryan Stimpson speaking at the 2020 NAA graduation ceremony at the International Peacekeeping and Security Center in Yavoriv, Ukraine. Source: The Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at George Washington University’s ‘Far-Right Group, Made Its Home in Ukraine’s Major Western Military Training Hub’ report.

What is perhaps more troubling with regards to the Canadian military training Ukrainian forces lies with its official response to the mentions of training Ukrainian soldiers from these far-right extremist fascist groups and what their overall approach is [emphasis added]:

Canadian Forces spokeswoman Lt.-Cmdr. Julie McDonald said it was up to Ukraine to vet its own security forces. But, if Canadian military personnel saw first-hand evidence of extremist views, they could refuse to train those soldiers, she added. The Canadian Forces, however, does not proactively examine the backgrounds of those they train or look for signs of support for far-right causes.

Notice the word ‘could’ in her statement which would imply that refusing to train the soldiers would be optional and at the discretion of the Canadian military personnel.

This statement was not so different than that from the Canadian Defence Attaché in Ukraine Colonel Robert Foster who stated that when it comes to screening Ukrainian recipients of training for extremist views and ties, Canada trusted the Ukrainian government to select and identify the right candidates; specifically stating: “It is their responsibility.”

Such denialism was brought back to the forefront in April of last year when the Ottawa Citizen reported that Canada failed to properly monitor its own military training program. “Defence sources acknowledged the crest worn by the Ukrainian soldier in Canadian military photos is the insignia of Ukraine’s SS unit which fought for the Nazis,” asserted the report. And yet another Canadian Forces officer, Capt. Véronique Sabourin, affirmed that Ukraine is responsible for vetting its own personnel, shunning responsibility, rather than addressing the highly contentious matter.

The author of this article has contacted the Canadian Armed Forces for comment on the matter. They confirmed that the statement from Capt. Véronique Sabourin from above was accurate, adding “the Canadian Armed Forces are strongly opposed to the glorification of Nazism and all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, intolerance and extremism. In all of its international relationships,” stressing that all members “deployed on Operation UNIFIER were briefed to help them recognize patches and insignia associated with right-wing extremism.” Yet, they appeared consistent with their stance stating: “However, and ultimately, Ukraine is a sovereign country and was thus responsible for recruiting and vetting its own security forces.”

Even amidst the complexity involved in screening members of foreign forces for military training, for the Canadian Armed Forces to maintain such a stance whereby they are seemingly willing to turn a blind eye to such far-right extremist groups should put into question Canada’s role, financial, and military contributions regarding this external conflict.

6. Zelenskyy’s hidden fortune

While numerous reports online vary widely in terms of the actual net worth of Volodymyr Zelenskyy as well as the means by which he amassed his fortune, at least tens of millions of dollars worth are traceable.

Beginning with a report from Headlines & Global News (HNGN), Zelenskyy co-owned the television entertainment firm Kvartal 95 which he co-founded in 2003; and, according to Volodymyr Landa, deputy editor-in-chief of Forbes Ukraine, the company earns between $20 and $30 million per year, with Zelenskyy owning a 25% interest. Roughly speaking, that could amount to a conservative figure of $100 million or more for Zelenskyy’s stake since 2003, of course, depending on the net income of the firm.

“On the campaign trail, Zelenskiy pledged to clean up Ukraine’s oligarch-dominated ruling system. And he railed against politicians such as the wealthy incumbent Petro Poroshenko who hid his assets offshore,” noted an October 3, 2021 article from The Guardian which delved into the President Zelenskyy’s offshore connections.

The article references the Pandora papers which were leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and shared with the Guardian as part of a global investigation which suggests that Zelenskiy is “rather similar to his predecessors.”

It mentions that the files reveal Zelenskyy participated in a sprawling network of offshore companies, co-owned with his long-time friends and TV business partners, including Ivan Bakanov who was general director of the previously mentioned production studio, Kvartal 95.

And though Zelenskyy had declared some of his private assets before becoming President, including Film Heritage, the Pandora papers reveal he had other assets stored offshore.

Film Heritage had a 25% stake in Davegra, a Cyprus holding company which in turn owns Maltex Multicapital Corp, a previously unknown entity registered in the tax haven of the British Virgin Islands (BVI). Zelenskyy held a 25% stake in Maltex.

International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) – data from the OFFSHORE LEAKS DATABASE for the entity MALTEX MULTICAPITAL CORP.

According to the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) report titled Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle, though around the time of his 2019 election, Zelenskyy handed his shares in a key offshore company over to Serhiy Shefir (his former TV producer and First Assistant to his current Presidency), the two appear to have made an arrangement for Zelensky’s family to continue receiving money from the offshore entity. As per The Guardian article [emphasis added]:

“Roughly six weeks later, after Zelenskiy’s landslide victory, a lawyer acting for the Kvartal 95 group signed another document. It stipulated that Maltex would continue to pay dividends to Zelenskiy’s Film Heritage, even though it no longer owned any stake in the company. Its main revenue comes from activity in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, according to a Maltex client profile.”

Zelenskiy’s wife, Olena, is now the declared beneficial owner of Film Heritage, meaning any payments since 2019 would have flowed to her.

Notice from the above citation that Zelenskyy, or at least his wife Olena, is still receiving funds from Film Heritage’s operations, including in Russia, their stated bitter enemy.

The OCCRP report also states that offshore companies were used by Shefir and another business partner to buy three expensive London real estate properties, including a three-bedroom flat on Glentworth Street, bought for 1.58 million pounds ($2.28 million), and two-bedroom flat nearby in Baker Street’s Chalfont Court building, which was bought by Shefir for 2.2 million pounds (US$3.5 million).

According to an article from Euromaidan Press, a Ukraine-based English-language independent newspaper, which was largely sourced by a team of a team of independent investigative journalists from Slidstvо.Info, it was revealed that Zelenskyy had strong ties to the Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoiskyi, as per further examination of the Pandora papers. They discovered a network of interlinked offshore entities by Zelenskyy and his partners, specifically:

“Among the persons named in the documents of offshore registrars that became known thanks to Pandora Papers, journalists feature the names of Ukraine’s state leadership, such as Ivan Bakanov, Head of Security Service of Ukraine, Serhii Shefir, First Assistant to the President, and President Zelenskyy.”

Ivan Bakanov who is the Head of Security Service of Ukraine and a close friend to Zelenskyy, used his power to prevent the screening of the film Offshore 95 by Slidstvo.Info which showcased the extent of the corruption of Zelenskyy and his close friends and business partners, including Ihor Kolomoisky, the powerful Ukrainian banking oligarch.

Slidstvо.Info film “OFFSHORE 95” Secrets of the President Zelenskyy’s business, Oct. 3, 2021

The team of investigative journalists had also discovered that around a dozen persons in Zelenskyy’s inner circle have offshore companies, and that the offshore registrar Fidelity and Ukrainian lawyer Yurii Azarov helped create the network. What’s more, they also revealed that [emphasis added]:

“The Pandora Papers disclosed that since 2012, an offshore company affiliated to Kolomoiskyi’s 1+1 group at least once paid more than $1 billion to Zelenskyy’s offshore firm SVT from the British Virgin Islands, for the popular TV show “Make a Comedian Laugh” created by Kvartal 95. And Maltext owns half of SVT.”

Moreover, according to Slidstvo.Info’s data, Zelenskyy’s and Kolomoiskyi’s companies made a transaction worth $40 million in 2012. The team traced the origin of this money which led them to conclude that that the companies that gave these $40 million are suspected of laundering huge sums from Privatbank.

Though not entirely proven or knowingly, Zelenskyy’s company could have been implicated in an operation conducted via the Cyrpus branch of the Kolomoiskyi-owned Privatbank (to which funds were funnelled from Ukraine).

The OCCRP also investigated Kolomoiskyi’s Privatbank in which the oligarch, along with the oligarch co-owner of the bank, Hennadiy Boholiubov, appear to have stolen US$5.5 billion of the bank’s assets.

Quoting from the piece: “The former chairwoman of Ukraine’s central bank dubbed it one of the biggest financial scandals of the 21st century.”

PrivatBank was Ukraine’s largest commercial lender and had a whopping 33% of the population’s deposits. The state, depositors, and other stakeholders had to absorb the loss and the bank had to be nationalized.

The OCCRP investigation also mentions that, Kolomoisky’s 1+1 channel overwhelmingly favored Zelenskyy in its news coverage during the election period. And, though Zelenskyy denied he owed anything to Kolomoisky, he nonetheless affirmed “He is my business partner, not my boss,” in an interview.

The Biden administration has officially barred Ihor Kolomoisky from entering the United States, sanctioned, and accused him of looting the country’s largest bank and funneling the proceeds into investments into the U.S. and elsewhere.

According to yet another exposé by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) titled the FinCen Files, the Ukrainian oligarch has a lot to answer to regarding his shady business dealings, particularly those from his offshore entities in Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands.

Concluding this section, it is fair to say that Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been less than honest – even after he was elected, as per his own testimony in the Atlantic Council, a known mouthpiece for NATO. He has lied about his wealth and the facts provided above show that it can easily range in the hundreds of millions of dollars, if not a billion or more.

7. Human Rights abuses committed in Ukraine

What is controvertible about the broader sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States, Canada, and other “allies and partners” is that none of these partners seem to have reprimanded the Ukraine or its officials for its own illegal actions and human rights abuses.

A report produced by the U.S. State Department titled UKRAINE 2021 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT has outlined numerous such illegal activities in the form of human rights abuses committed by members of the Ukrainian government, including many towards its own people in the Donbas region of the country which is predominantly of Russian ethnicity.

As per the report these include, but are not limited to the following (verbatim):

  • unlawful or arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings by the government or its agents
  • torture and cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment of detainees by law enforcement personnel
  • harsh and life-threatening prison conditions
  • arbitrary arrest or detention
  • serious restrictions on free expression and media, including violence or threats of violence against journalists, unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists, and censorship
  • refoulement of refugees to a country where they would face a threat to their life or freedom
  • serious acts of government corruption
  • lack of investigation of and accountability for gender-based violence
  • crimes, violence, or threats of violence motivated by anti-Semitism
  • crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting persons with disabilities, members of ethnic minority groups, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex persons
  • the existence of the worst forms of child labor

Unlike with Russia, Global Affairs Canada has not created a sanction list against individual members of the Ukrainian government, nor its entities, despite such apparent illegal and unjustifiable human rights abuses. The same can be said for the other allies who support Ukraine.

This author has twice requested comment from the Media Relations Office of Global Affairs Canada about these human rights abuses committed by the Ukraine but has yet to receive their input.

8. Zelenskyy changing laws to suppress Free Speech

As per a January 2, 2023 article titled Zelensky Expands Crackdown on Ukrainian Media from the Libertarian Institute, President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed on December 29, 2022, a new bill into law which strengthens government control over public access to news in Ukraine.

The move was highly criticised and viewed as “authoritarian” by journalist groups, as observed by The Kyiv Independent.

The Libertarian Institute’s article also states that Zelenskyy signed a presidential decree which nationalized the country’s media under martial law powers invoked shortly after Russia’s invasion last year.

And though justification for the new law is said to be to fulfill a requirement to eventually gain membership in the European Union, the European Federation of Journalists urged the Ukrainian authorities to withdraw it, stating:

The coercive regulation envisaged by the bill and in the hands of a regulator totally controlled by the government is worthy of the worst authoritarian regimes.

Such legislation brings to mind China’s rigid, nearly exclusive, control over media whereby no dissenting voices are allowed.

The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine added that the law “threatens to restrict press freedom in the country and would move it away from European Union standards.”

Furthermore, according to Ukraine’s Institute of Mass Information, under the law, the media regulator is likely to be controlled by the incumbent authorities because its members are appointed by Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian parliament, where his party has an absolute majority.

As Zelenskyy’s political party holds an absolute majority coupled with the fact that his close friend, Ivan Bakanov, is the Head of Security Service of Ukraine, it would come as no surprise how easy it would be for them to crush any dissenting voices. This was the case with the investigative unit Slidstvo.Info which saw their corruption exposé film Offshore 95 about Zelenskyy’s offshore holdings banned and ultimately censored.

9. Suppression of the Church

As per a December 21, 2022, Christianity Today article, the Ukraine, a supposedly bastion of religious freedom, is moving to possibly outlaw a church:

President Volodymyr Zelensky began the month by endorsing a draft law to “make it impossible” for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), canonically linked to Moscow, to operate. His December 1 decree followed raids on several monasteries under the UOC’s jurisdiction.

Sounding either at least partially insane or utterly paranoid, Zelenskyy stated the following on the matter:

“We will ensure complete independence for our state. In particular, spiritual independence. We will never allow anyone to build an empire inside the Ukrainian soul.”

Such paranoia has been epitomized and is substantiated by no less than 350 buildings and 850 people being raided or investigated by Zelenskyy’s government.

In a video address, Zelenskyy said “We are doing everything to ensure that no strings are available to be pulled by the aggressor state that could make Ukrainian society suffer.”

Image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his address. Source: President of Ukraine office.

Furthermore, under an order issued by Ukraine’s Security Council, Zelenskyy seized assets from Church clergy.

The attacks seem focused on Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) churches. And this, despite Reverend Mykolay Danylevich, who has often served as a spokesperson for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, asserting that the UOC is not Russian.

Though some confusion may exist regarding which specific churches belong to the Russian or Ukrainian branches, these denominations were united at the unification council in Kyiv on December 15, 2018. In other words, they are equally recognised and classified as Eastern Orthodox Churches in the Ukraine and, in general.

It is worth noting that around two-thirds of Ukrainians identify as Eastern Orthodox Christians.

Religious freedoms are engrained in the Constitution of Ukraine.

Specifically, we find the following rights [emphasis added for clarity and relevance]:

  • Article 24: Citizens have equal constitutional rights and freedoms and are equal before the law. There shall be no privileges or restrictions based on race, colour of skin, political, religious and other beliefs, sex, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence, linguistic or other characteristics.
  • Article 35: Everyone has the right to freedom of personal philosophy and religion. This right includes the freedom to profess or not to profess any religion, to perform alone or collectively and without constraint religious rites and ceremonial rituals, and to conduct religious activity. The Church and religious organisations in Ukraine are separated from the State.

Accordingly, and with the attacks on numerous UOC churches, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is clearly infringing upon these religious institutions as well as upon rights of roughly two-thirds of his country’s citizens.

Apart from independent and religious news outlets, very few mainstream media outlets have reported on this matter. Equally, apart from the Russian government, very few countries and its leaders have condemned this religious persecution.

10. Ukraine’s Systemic Corruption Problem

“Welcome to Ukraine, the most corrupt nation in Europe,” reads a Guardian long read headline from February 2015, followed by the lede “While the conflict with Russia heats up in the east, life for most Ukrainians is marred by corruption so endemic that even hospitals appear to be infected. Can anyone clean the country up?”

What is also noteworthy about this long article is that it is not presented as an opinion or commentary, but rather as a news article.

While there would be way too many aspects to cover with regards to the systemic corruption that plagues Ukraine, this author will instead highlight but a few.

One such aspect of Ukrainian society that is central to corruption is that of the oligarchy that is running the nation.

Some of these oligarchs and their abuses have been outlined in this post. In this respect, The Guardian also noted:

“Ordinary Ukrainians have seen their living standards stagnate, while a handful of oligarchs have become billionaires.”

Two other Guardian articles have outlined such corruption with the latter specifically examining the country’s governance problems.

This second article titled IMF warns Ukraine it will halt $40bn bailout unless corruption stops from 2016, highlights how the International Monetary Fund (IMF) would halt its $40 billion bailout program to Ukraine unless the country takes immediate action to tackle corruption.

“I am concerned about Ukraine’s slow progress in improving governance and fighting corruption, and reducing the influence of vested interests in policymaking,” stated Christine Lagarde who was the IMF’s managing director at the time.

By “reducing the influence of vested interests in policymaking,” the IMF chief was obviously referring to the country’s bribery problems in which oligarchs basically dictate policymaking.

Perhaps what was a little bit ironic about this (and other) statements by Christine Lagarde, who is now the current head of the European Central Bank (ECB), is that she, herself, was criminally convicted for corruption in France. It takes a crook to know one.

A September 23, 2021, press release titled EU support for reforms in Ukraine ineffective in fighting grand corruption from the European Court of Auditors commenced with “Grand corruption and state capture are still widespread in Ukraine despite EU action.”

The release continued:

For more than 20 years, the EU has been supporting Ukraine in its reform agenda. Tackling corruption, which is a major obstacle to a country’s development and runs counter to EU values, is an integral part of that. Grand corruption and state capture are endemic in Ukraine; as well as hindering competition and growth, they also harm the democratic process. Tens of billions of euros are lost annually as a result of corruption.

For more than 20 years the EU, and more recently, the international community, has been funnelling billions in cash and weapons into this extremely corrupt country.

According to Ukraine’s own National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP)section on declarations by officials, the criminal, administrative, and disciplinary offenses are too numerous for any human being to fathom. Here is a statistical summary of what their own findings indicate (Google translated):

Statistics showing 13,730 instances of asset declaration-related criminal offenses, 28,690 administrative offenses, and 1,765 disciplinary offences committed by its officials. Source: Ukraine’s National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP)’s Unified State Register database (Google translated).

Where are all these billions going?

Sadly, as evidenced above, much of it has been pilfered by Ukraine’s ruling class, including its president.

Where are the weapons going?

This author could write another section solely devoted to examining this question. But suffice it to say that this exposition, at nearly 40 pages in length, has run long enough and has most likely worn the reader’s attention down the pits of desolate despair.

The final point to be made here comes from a Max Blumenthal tweet whereby he points out that Andrew Milburn, a retired U.S. Marine Colonel, who recently provided training for troops in the Ukraine referred to the country itself as a “corrupt, fucked-up society” run by “fucked-up people” (pardon my French).

This comes from one who is all too familiar with the inner-workings of the reality that is taking place on the ground near Russia’s borders. Having trained Ukrainian soldiers and having met many of their commanders, coupled with a deep understanding of the country’s history and culture, Milburn undoubtedly has a firm grasp about the mindset of those carrying out orders from the top.


While this author is no geopolitical expert or authority on the Ukraine, what has been presented above can nonetheless serve as a primer about the ugly realities that surround the country whom many deem as being on the right side of history.

Absolutely, there is no arguing that a tremendous number of Ukrainian citizens have perished, suffered, and been incredibly affected by this war with Russia, as have many Russian souls.

But it remains, nevertheless, necessary to present these inconvenient truths that have been repressed and omitted by the mainstream media, so as to offer a more complete picture of Ukraine’s own role in this conflict, along with those of NATO, the United States, Canada, and all other governments who support the former Soviet republic.

Also let this exposition serve as an exhibit for governments around the world, especially Canada, where this author resides and who believes that countless billions of our tax payer funds are carelessly being siphoned away to this corrupt Ukrainian regime rather than being put to better use for Canadians who are struggling.

Hoping this global collective madness comes to an end in 2023.


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Featured image: Graffiti “Stop War” on Russia’s war in Ukraine in the Mauerpark in Berlin, Germany. Image taken on March 11, 2022. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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First published on September 4, 2022

In May 2022, a confused former president accuses Putin of invading Iraq. Slip of the Tongue. This is not an isolated event. 




Slip of the Tongue: Invade Iraq or Invade Ukraine

See G. W. Bush Video Below where in his confusion, he accuses Vladimir Putin of “invasion of Iraq, I mean of Ukraine”.



This is not a slip of the tongue. In his subconscious mind he must have recalled his own “unjustified and brutal” decision as POTUS to invade Iraq in March 2003.

Below is a carefully researched review of Bush’s blunders by Professor Rodrigue Tremblay first published by Global Research in 2006


Here is a selection of  quotes from President George W. Bush with accompanying dates and sources:

#1: “International law? I better call my lawyer; he didn’t bring that up to me.” George W. Bush, December 12, 2003.

#2: “We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace.“/George W.Bush’s Address to the United Nations General Assembly, September 21, 2004.

#3: “...for a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times. From that alliance has come an era of peace in the Pacific.“/Remark made by President George W. Bush to the Diet, Tokyo, Japan. February 18, 2002, even though the U.S. and Japan have been openly at war with each other.

#4: One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief….My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it….If I have a chance to invade…, if I had that much capital, I’m not going to waste it./remarks made by  Bush to author and Houston Chronicle journalist Mickey Herskowitz, who met GWB many times in 1999, to write a biography.

#5: “These people are trying to shake the will of the Iraqi citizens, and they want us to leave…I think the world would be better off if we did leave…“/This was said by Bush during the presidential debate of September 20, 2004]

#6: “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.“/Bush’s remarks video clipped in Washington, D.C., as he signed the Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2005, on August 5, 2004.

#7: “Well, I think if you say you’re going to do something and don’t do it, that’s trustworthiness. [Bush’s remark during a CNN Online Chat, August 30, 2000]

#8: “I believe God wants me to be presidentis a Bush’s statement that came during a meeting with Rev. Richard land, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, in 1999.

#9: [I was] “chosen by the grace of God to lead at that moment”, is a Bush’s quotation reported by Michael Duffy in Time magazine immediately after 9/11.

#10: God told me to strike at al-Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them comes from a remark made by Bush to Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath, made to and reported by BBC News on Thursday, October 6 2005.

#11:“I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn’t do my jobis a Bush’s remark to a group of Amish people he met with privately on July 9, 2004, and as published by the Lancaster New Era, July 16, 2004.

#12: “The problem with the French is that they don’t have a word for ‘entrepreneur'” comes from a remark made by Bush during a discussion of the French economy during the 2002 G8 summit in Kananaskis, Alberta, as reported in The Times (London), July 9, 2002,

#13: ‘There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again. is taken from a video of Bush’s remarks in Nashville, Tennessee, September 17, 2002.

#14: “Ariel Sharon … is a man of courage and a man of peace” is a quote reported by Glenn Kessler, in the Washington Post of Tuesday, June 3, 2003.

#15: “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” comes from  remarks Bush made during a Social Security Conversation at the Athena Performing Arts Center in New York on May 24, 2005.

#16: “I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we’re really talking about peace”  is taken from a Bush’s speech at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C., June 18, 2002.

#17: “This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the tableis a widely known remark that Bush made during a press conference, after a meeting with EU leaders, on February 22, 2005.

#18: “Free nations don’t develop weapons of mass destruction” is taken from Bush’s speech at the Midwest Airlines Center, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on October 3, 2003.

#19: “The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find himwas recorded at a Bush’s White House press conference in Washington, D.C., on September 13, 2001.

#20: “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority” was recorded at George W. Bush’s White House press conference in the James S. Brady Briefing Room, Washington, D.C., on  March 13, 2002.

#21: “We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories…for those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong, we found them” is a statement Bush made in Washington, D.C., on May 29, 2003.

#22: “Oh, no, we’re not going to have any casualties [in Iraq]” is a statement made by Bush during a discussion in early 2003 about the Iraq war with Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson in Nashville, Tennessee, and as quoted by Robertson himself.

#23: “Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for them: If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you” comes from the transcript of a Bush’s speech made on March 17, 2003, days before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

#24: “Brownie (Michael Brown of FEMA), you’re doing a heck of a job” is still fresh in everybody’s memory; it is a public  statement made by Bush about Michael D. Brown, head of Fema, following Hurricane Katrina, at Mobile Regional Airport in Mobile, Alabama. on September 2, 2005.

#25: I’m also not very analytical. You know I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do thingswas recorded by journalists aboard Air Force One, on June 4, 2003.

#26: “If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator is taken from an audio clip of President-elect George W. Bush, at a photo-op with congressional leaders during his first trip to Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 2000; it was also reported on Online NewsHour, Washington, DC, December 18, 2000.

#27:“I’m the commander — see, I don’t need to explain — I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being president.” can be found in Bob Woodward’s book “Bush at War”.

#28: “I don’t have the foggiest idea about what I think about international, foreign policy” can be found in Bob Woodward’s book “State of Denial.”

#29: “It’s amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency”  is a comment made by George W. Bush, on June 14, 2001, to Göran Persson, unaware he was still on live TV.

#30: “It’s very important for folks to understand that when there’s more trade, there’s more commerce”  is a Bush’s remark made during a meeting of leades of the Americas, in Quebec City, Canada, April 21, 2001.

#31: “I would still invade Iraq even if Iraq never existed”

George W. Bush’s remark made to the Press-Telegram, Monday, August 21, 2006.

#32: “Like generations before us, we have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom.”

George W. Bush’s acceptance speech at the Republic National Convention, on September 2, 2004.

#33: Americans will speak of the battles like Fallujah. with the same awe and reverence that we now give to Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima.”

George W. Bush, November 10, 2006

#34: “We cannot rule this [an Israeli attack against Iran] out. And if it were to happen, I would understand it.”

George W. Bush, November 2, 2006  (in a conversation with French President Jacques Chirac]

#35: “You can’t distinguish between Al Qaeda and Saddam [Hussein] when you talk about the war on terror.”

George W. Bush, September 25, 2002

#36: “We’ve had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th attacks.”

George W. Bush, (remarks made after a meeting with members of the Congressional Conference Committee on Energy Legislation, September 17, 2003)

#37: When he [Saddam Hussein] chose to deny inspectors, when he chose not to disclose, then I had the difficult decision to make to remove him.”

George W. Bush, March 21, 2005, (N.B.:145 U.N. inspectors were in Iraq in December 2002 and in January 2003, just before the March 20, 2003 American –led invasion of Iraq)

#38: You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror.”

George W. Bush, September 6, 2006 (in an interview with CBS News Anchor Katie Couric)

#39: “I would say the best moment of all [in office] was when I caught a 7.5 pound perch in my lake.

George W. Bush, May 7, 2006 (while being interview by the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag)

#40: “You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn’t it? I mean, that is fantastic that you’re doing that.”

George W. Bush,  February  4, 2005 (comment made to a divorced mother of three, in Omaha, Nebraska)

#41: “We will make sure our troops have all that is necessary to complete their missions. That’s why I went to the Congress last September and proposed fundamental — supplemental funding, which is money for armor and body parts and ammunition and fuel.”

George W. Bush, September 4, 2004, (during a speech in Erie, Pa.)

#42: “It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. — More and more of our imports come from overseas.”

George W. Bush, comment made on September 25, 2000

#43: I hope you will join me to pay down $2 trillion in debt during the next 10 years. … We should approach our nation’s budget as any prudent family would.”

George W. Bush, statement made on February 27, 2001 (N.B.: From 2002 to 2006, the cumulative federal budget deficit has exceeded one and a half trillion (1.5 trillion) dollars)

#44: “Therefore, I, George W. Bush, Governor of Texas, do hereby proclaim June 10, 2000, “Jesus Day” in Texas and urge the appropriate recognition whereof, in official recognition whereof, I hereby affix my signature this 17th day of April 2000.”

George W. Bush, April 17, 2001 (Governor Bush’s “Jesus Day” 2000 Proclamation day of prayer)

#45: We feel our reliance on the Creator who made us. We place our sorrows and cares before Him, seeking God’s mercy. We ask forgiveness for our failures, seeking the renewal He can bring”.

George W. Bush, March 30, 2002, (in a radio broadcast)

#46:…But what if God has been holding his peace, waiting for the right man and the right nation and the right moment to act for Him and cleanse history of Evil?

George W. Bush, January 28, 2003, State of the Union address

#47: “The Columbia is lost. —The same Creator who names the stars also knows the names of the seven souls we mourn today. The crew of the shuttle Columbia did not return safely to Earth but we can pray they are safely home.”

George W. Bush, on February 1, 2003, (comment made after disaster struck the space shuttle Columbia)

#48: “The best way to fight evil is to do some good. Let me qualify that—the best way to fight evil at home is to do some good. The best way to fight them abroad is to unleash the military.”

George W. Bush, April 8, 2002, (in a speech in Knoxville, Tennessee)

#49: “We are going to correct the imbalances of the previous administration on the MidEast conflict”…”We are going to tilt it back toward Israel.”

George W. Bush, (comment made on January 30, 2001)

#50: “As a leader, you can never admit to a mistake; that is one of the keys to being a leader.”

George W. Bush, (comment to biographer Mickey Herskowitz, in 1999)


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First published on December 1, 2022


Over the past weeks a coordinated all-out assault on our agriculture—the ability to produce food for human existence—has begun. The recent G20 governmental meeting in Bali, the UN Agenda 2030 Cop27 meeting in Egypt, the Davos World Economic Forum and Bill Gates are all complicit. Typically, they are using dystopian linguistic framing to give the illusion they are up to good when they are actually advancing an agenda that will lead to famine and death for hundreds of millions not billions if allowed to proceed. It’s driven by a coalition of money.

From G20 to Cop27 to WEF

On November 13 the G20–representatives of the 20 most influential nations including the USA, the UK, the European Union (though it’s no nation), Germany, Italy, France, Japan, South Korea, and several developing countries including China, India, Indonesia and Brazil,– agreed on a final declaration.

The first major item is a “call for an accelerated transformation towards sustainable and resilient agriculture and food systems and supply chains.”

Further, “working together to sustainably produce and distribute food, ensure that food systems better contribute to adaptation and mitigation to climate change, and halting and reversing biodiversity loss, diversify food sources…”

In addition they called for “inclusive, predictable, and non-discriminatory, rules-based agricultural trade based on WTO rules.”

As well, “We are committed to supporting the adoption of innovative practices and technologies, including digital innovation in agriculture and food systems to enhance productivity and sustainability in harmony with nature…”

Then comes the revealing statement: “We reiterate our commitment to achieve global net zero greenhouse gas emissions/carbon neutrality by or around mid-century.” [i](emphasis mine)

“Sustainable agriculture” with “net zero greenhouse gas emissions” is Orwellian doublespeak. For an outsider to UN linguistics, the words sound too good. What in fact is being promoted is the most radical destruction of farming and agriculture globally under the name “sustainable agriculture.”

Following the Bali G20 confab by only days was the United Nations’ COP27 annual Green Agenda Climate Summit meeting in Egypt. There, the participants from most UN countries along with NGOs such as Greenpeace and hundreds of other green NGOs drafted a second call. COP27 launched something they revealingly call FAST– UN’s new Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) initiative. Fast, as in “to abstain from food…”

According to Forbes, FAST will promote a “shift towards sustainable, climate-resilient, healthy diets, would help reduce health and climate change costs by up to US$ 1.3 trillion while supporting food security in the face of climate change.” We are talking big numbers. $1.3 trillion by transition to “sustainable, climate-resilient, healthy diets” that would reduce cost of climate change by $1.3 trillion. [ii]  What’s really going on behind all these words?

Big Money Behind

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization speaking to Reuters during COP27, within a year the FAO will launch a “gold standard” blueprint for reduction of so-called Greenhouse gases from agriculture.

The impulse for this war on agriculture comes not surprisingly from big money, FAIRR Initiative, a UK-based coalition of international investment managers which focuses on “material ESG risks and opportunities caused by intensive livestock production.”

Their members include the most influential players in global finance including  BlackRock, JP Morgan Asset Management, Allianz AG of Germany, Swiss Re, HSBC Bank, Fidelity Investments, Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management, Credit Suisse, Rockefeller Asset Management, UBS Bank and numerous other banks and pension funds with total assets under management of $25 trillion.[iii]  They are now opening the war on agriculture much as they have on energy. The UN FAO Deputy Director for Climate Change policies,  Zitouni Ould-Dada said during the COP27 that, “There has never been this much attention to food and agriculture anytime before. This COP is definitely the one.” [iv]

The FAIRR claims, without proof,  that

“food production accounts for around a third of global greenhouse gas emissions and is the main threat to 86% of the world’s species at risk of extinction, while cattle ranching is responsible for three quarters of Amazon rainforest loss.” [v]

The FAO plans to propose drastic reduction in global livestock production, especially cattle, which FAIRR claims is responsible for

“nearly a third of the global methane emissions linked to human activity, released in the form of cattle burps, manure and the cultivation of feed crops.”

For them, the best way to stop cow burps and cow manure is to eliminate cattle. [vi]

Unsustainable Sustainable Agriculture

The fact that the UN FAO is about to release a roadmap to drastically reduce so-called greenhouse gases from global agriculture, under the false claim of “sustainable agriculture”  that is being driven by the world’s largest wealth managers including BlackRock, JP Morgan, AXA and such, tells volumes about the true agenda.  These are some of the most corrupt financial institutions on the planet. They never put a penny where they are not guaranteed huge profits. The  war on farming is their next target.

The term “sustainable” was created by David Rockefeller’s Malthusian Club of Rome. In their 1974 report, Mankind at the Turning Point, The Club of Rome argued:

Nations cannot be interdependent without each of them giving up some of, or at least acknowledging limits to, its own independence. Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system. [vii](emphasis mine)

That was the early formulation of the UN Agenda 21, Agenda2030 and the 2020 Davos Great Reset. In 2015 UN member nations adopted what is called the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs: 17 Goals to Transform our World​. Goal 2 is “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.”

But if we read in detail into proposals of COP27, G20 and Davos WEF of Klaus Schwab we find what is meant by these nice sounding words.  Now we are being inundated with claims, unverified, by numerous government and privately-funded think tank models that our agriculture systems are a major cause of, yes, global warming. Not only CO2 but methane and nitrogen. Yet the entire global greenhouse gas argument that our planet is on the brink of irreversible disaster if we do not radically change our emissions by 2030 is unverifiable nonsense from opaque computer models. Based on these models the UN IPCC insists that if we do not stop a global temperature rise of 1.5 C above the level of 1850, by 2050 the world will essentially end.

The War Is Just Beginning

The UN and Davos WEF teamed up in 2019 to jointly advance the SDG UN Agenda 2030. On the WEF website this is openly admitted to mean getting rid of meat protein sources, introducing promoting unproven fake meat, advocating alternative protein such as salted ants or ground crickets or worms to replace chicken or beef or lamb. At COP27, discussion was about “diets that can remain within planetary boundaries, including lowering meat consumption, developing alternatives, and spurring the shift towards more native plants, crops and grains (thus reducing the current reliance on wheat, maize, rice, potatoes).” [viii]

The WEF is promoting a shift from meat protein diets to vegan arguing it would be more “sustainable”. [ix] They also promote lab-grown or plant-based lab meat alternatives such as the Bill Gates-funded Impossible Burgers, whose own FDA tests indicate it is a likely carcinogen as it is produced with GMO soy and other products saturated with glyphosate. The CEO of Air Protein, another fake meat company, Lisa Lyons, is a special WEF adviser. WEF also promotes insect protein alternatives to meat. Note also Al Gore is a Trustee of WEF. [x]

The war on animal raising for meat is just getting deadly serious. The government of the Netherlands whose Prime Minister Mark Rutte, formerly of Unilever, is a WEF Agenda Contributor, has created a special Minister for the Environment and Nitrogen, Christianne van der Wal. Using a never-invoked and outdated EU Natura 2000 nature protection guidelines designed allegedly to “protect moss and clover,” and based on fraudulent test data, the Government just announced it will forcibly close 2,500 cattle farms across Holland. Their goal is to force fully 30% of cattle farms to close or face expropriation.

In Germany the German Meat Industry Association (VDF), says that within the next four to six months Germany will face a meat shortage, and prices will skyrocket. Hubert Kelliger, a VDF board member said, “In four, five, six months we will have gaps on the shelves.” Pork is expected to experience the worst shortages. The issues in meat supply are due to Berlin insisting on reducing the numbers of livestock by 50% to reduce global warming emissions. [xi] In Canada, the Trudeau government, another Davos WEF product, according to the Financial Post of July 27, plans to cut emissions from fertilizer 30 per cent by 2030 as part of a plan to get to net zero in the next three decades. But growers are saying that to achieve that, they may have to shrink grain output significantly.

When the autocratic President of Sri Lanka banned all import of nitrogen fertilizers in April 2021 in a brutal effort to return to a past of “sustainable” agriculture, harvests collapsed in seven months and famine and farmer ruin and mass protests forced him to flee the country. He ordered that the entire country would immediately switch to organic farming but provided farmers with no such training.

Combine all this with the catastrophic EU political decision to ban Russian natural gas used to make nitrogen-based fertilizers, forcing shutdowns of fertilizer plants across the EU, that will cause a global reduction in crop yields, and as well the fake Bird Flu wave that is falsely ordering farmers across North America and the EU to kill off tens of millions of chickens and turkeys to cite just a few more cases, and it becomes clear that our world faces a food crisis that is unprecedented. All for climate change?


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


[i] G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration,  Bali, Indonesia, 15-16 November 2022,

[ii] Kit Knightly, COP27 reignites the war on food,


[iv]  Sarah El Safty, Simon Jessop,  COP27: UN food agency plan on farming emissions to launch by next year after investor push, November 10, 2022,

[v] FAIRR Initiative, Where’s The Beef,

[vi] Simon Jessop,  Gloria Dickie,  Global investors write to U N to urge global plan on farming emissions, June 9, 2022,

[vii] Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point, 1974,

[viii] THE SHARM EL SHEIKH CLIMATE IMPLEMENTATION SUMMIT, 1, Round table on “Food Security” 7th November 2022,

[ix] Vegan, vegetarian or flexitarian? 3 ways to eat more sustainably, October 28, 2022,

[x] WEF, Have we reached the end of meat?,

[xi] J. Shaw,  Germany cutting back meat production to fight global warming, November 21, 2022,

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First published on January 7, 2022


For almost two years we have been experiencing the onslaughts of a brand new form of warring aggression. For all but a tiny percentage of the global population, we have become the targeted enemy. The we that is being attacked extends to most of the global population.

We are being culled in preparation for a new political economy characterized by an A.I. master-slave relation along with massive robotization. It is becoming increasingly clear that the transition to this scheme –which de facto implies depopulation– kicked into gear with the brutal economic and health impacts of the lockdowns and then with the deaths and injuries from the COVID injections.

“Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population”

According to the Wall Street Journal: “Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population”.

In May 2009, the Billionaire philanthropists met behind closed doors at the home of the president of The Rockefeller University in Manhattan.

This Secret Gathering was sponsored by Bill Gates. They called themselves “The Good Club”. 

The emphasis was not on population growth (i.e Planned Parenthood) but on “Depopulation”, i.e,. the reduction in the absolute size of the World’s population.

The scheme for population reduction is introducing a kind of deregulated free-for-all when it comes to further unrestricted medical experiments on human subjects. These subjects of medical experiments will be in no position to give or withhold informed consent.

According to Bill Gates in his TED presentation (February 2010) pertaining to vaccination:

“And if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [the world population] by 10 or 15 percent”.

According to Gates’ statement, this would represent  an absolute reduction of the World’s population (2010) of the order 680 million to 1.02 billion.

(See quotation on Video starting at 04.21. See also screenshot of Transcript of quotation)

TED Talk at 04:21:



A major aim of those planning and implementing these experiments is the creation of transhumans.

These transhuman beings will see their inherited biology combined with the engineering of digital and genetic modifications. The alterations to the human genome are to be supported by the insertion within transhumans of many forms of nanotechnology. Most of the altered mergers of natural and unnatural life will be placed under the governing control of Artificial Intelligence projects now rapidly coming online.

The WEF’s Klaus Schwab (2 min at outset of the video below ) confirmed that humans will become “transhumans” in  a 2016 interview with the French Swiss TV (RTS):

RTS: “When will that happen?

KS: “Certainly in the next ten years.

“We could imagine that we will implant theme [microchips] in our brain or in our skin”.

“And then we can imagine that there is direct communication between the [human] brain and the digital World”.

“What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital and biological World

“And first you have the personalized robots…”

Video: Towards Digital Tyranny with Peter Koenig

The strategic contest to determine the future overlords, designs, and uses of Artificial Intelligence forms a big aspect of the acrimony and negotiation currently taking place in the most covert venues of US-China relations.

It is telling that most citizens are left well outside the loop of the decisions being made about how AI will be deployed to regulate our own lives.

Much secrecy prevails in this strategic AI realm, a realm of huge consequence in establishing future patterns in the lives and deaths of human beings. The precedent is already deeply embedded that we the people are to be kept outside the circle of informed consent when it comes to the subject of how new technologies are to be deployed in creating the conditions of human existence. Those decisions are currently being mostly monopolized by the closed club of multi-billionaires and their agents in the security agencies and media.

In 2022 the objectives of the escalating war on nature is putting special emphasis on the alteration of human nature and the civilizational inheritance that we were born into. The startling scale of the assault on both nature and on the political economy of our current civilization is quickly becoming increasingly apparent to more and more people.

The time has come for all of us to engage in some honest reckoning with the scope and depth of the hybrid war being waged against us. Its goal is to radically reconfigure our consciousness, our genetic attributes, our reproductive capacities and our societal interactions.

We are facing the prospect of unlimited conquest by a new variant of savage conquistadores. We are becoming the modern-day Indians standing in the way of the New World Order. We are reliving some of the experiences of those who once faced the incursions of the Columbian conquests whose protagonists started in 1492 an intergenerational war on Aboriginal America.

We are being subjected to severe assaults that maim our capacity to sustain our civil liberties, our health, our economic viability and even our very lives. Many more of us than usual have been meeting premature and unnecessary deaths. These deaths are coming in ways that can no longer be veiled by the perpetrators of this profoundly invasive operation, one that is altering the conditions of humanity on Planet Earth at Warp Speed.

Evidence of the acute nature of the attacks we are experiencing have been highlighted by many observers. The most keenly attentive among us can readily see that the wheels are coming off the lead bandwagon of the COVID Hoax Parade. Fast coming to light is the plethora of lies and deceptions that have energized the passage of this lewd COVID procession through even the most private and intimate passageways of our lives.

The growing exposure of the lurid tactics deployed by the saboteurs of personal and collective health is making them more frantic. The manufacturers of the engineered panic are starting to panic themselves. The culprits in media, in banking, and in government have much to fear given the number, the scale and the depth of the atrocities they are directing behind the failing veils of deception and fraud.

A Jolt of Truth From the Insurance Industry

In their desperation the culprits are raising the ante with a new round of rabid fear mongering aimed at igniting Omicron hysteria. A surprising revelation has come to light in the midst of the deceivers’ rush to come up with a new variant in order to persist with an otherwise tired and failing script. This revelation is illuminating the expanding numbers of the casualties that have already met their demise in this ongoing undeclared war.

On the first of January Scott Davison, the CEO of the Indiana-based OneAmerica Life Insurance Company, made a stunning announcement.  He explained that the death rate among his company’s working-age clients has gone up 40% since pre-pandemic times.

Davison declared, “what we are seeing right now is the highest death rates in the history of this business— not just at OneAmerica.” Davison explained further,

“the data is consistent across every player in that business….. What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.”

See this.

The high rate of death among working-age people has huge implications for those on both sides of the war aimed at reducing the global population and radically transforming the conditions of human life. Many of those who died were registered by their employers in the Indiana company’s group life insurance policies.

The sudden demise of this cohort of men and women while in their prime, took place during an arc of history when the grim reaper became unusually active. The period was marked by catastrophic lockdowns, suffocating masking, the systemic denial of non-injectable remedies to COVID, as well as the roll out of DNA-altering injections followed by the imposition of injection mandates.

Brian Shilhavy, Editor of Health Impact News, reported on the event. He offered up various forms of confirmation including hospital reports that prove the veracity of Mr. Davison’s account. Generalizing on the larger implications of the development, Shilhavy remarked,

“this is quite obviously a national catastrophe that is going to have significant impacts on the labor force now and well into the future.”

See this.

Dr. Robert Malone is another strategically-placed observer who was fast to highlight the news of the high death rate. The heavily censored Dr. Malone is one of the inventors of the mRNA technology integral to the COVID injections produced by Pfizer and Moderna.

Dr. Malone has emerged from within the vaccine industry to become a leading whistleblower. He does not hold back from exposing the incompetence and the high rates of criminal negligence permeating the actions of those responsible for manufacturing the COVID crisis.

In particular Dr. Malone points to the scandalous disregard by COVID Officialdom for even the most rudimentary rules of medical safety in the course of their feigned fight against a supposedly “new” coronavirus.  In the view of Dr. Malone, news from the CEO of the truth telling life insurance company exploded like “a nuclear truth bomb.”

Dr. Malone has been prominent among the large and growing group of professionals with ample evidence that injections have been doing much more harm than good. At this stage in the life of the truth bomb, it is becoming increasingly clear that the COVID injections are bioweapons. The kill shots’ main means of invasion is genetic manipulation to stimulate the proliferation of pathogenic spike proteins throughout all organs of the body beginning with human vascular systems.

Second only to the media’s unrelenting 24/7 campaign of psychological warfare to arouse reason-destroying hysteria, the COVID injections are the main weapons being launched against us thus far in this hybrid war.

The objectives of those waging this warfare include eliminating the genetic constitution inherited from generations of natural procreation within the human species. Such an objective threatens the very roots of humanity’s biological basis. This type of experimentation is already changing the human form. A crime far beyond genocide is thus already well advanced. We need a new Raphael Lemkin to describe and implement prohibitions on the crime in progress that may be far more lethal than any crime against life so far.

Dr. Malone sums up the implications of the news from Indiana as follows:

“one has to conclude that if this report holds and is confirmed by others in the dry world of life insurance actuaries, we have both a huge human tragedy and a profound public policy failure of the US Government and US HHS system to serve and protect the citizens that pay for this “service”.

IF this holds true, then the genetic vaccines so aggressively promoted have failed, and the clear federal campaign to prevent early treatment with lifesaving drugs has contributed to a massive, avoidable loss of life.

AT WORST, this report implies that the federal workplace vaccine mandates have driven what appears to be a true crime against humanity.  [The result is] massive loss of life in workers that have been forced to accept a toxic vaccine at higher frequency relative to the general population of Indiana.

FURTHERMORE, we have also been living through the most massive, globally coordinated propaganda and censorship campaign in the history of the human race.  All major mass media and the social media technology companies have coordinated to stifle and suppress any discussion of the risks of the genetic vaccines AND/OR alternative early treatments.  

See this.

Of course we can count on the mainstream media presstitutes to try to cover up, censor, deny, or “fact check” the nuclear truth bomb that exploded in the insurance industry. Under current circumstances, how can the insurance industry carry on its business of speculating any more on the timing of lives and deaths of their jabbed clients?


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Dr. Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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It is important to note how cleverly the US chip restrictions on China are thought out. 

The strict US chip rules from 7 October 2022 have three objectives: 

1. China is denied access to the most advanced technology.

2. US companies are able to profit from selling old technology to China and use the revenue for research and development.

3.  The provision of old US technology to China reduces China’s incentive for the development of Chinese alternatives.

See this. 

The US plans to boil China slowly.

By point 1, China is boiled. China will be kept several generations of technology behind, and China’s backwardness will increase as time passes. China will never be able to build the fast and enormous computer centers needed for AI.

By point 3, China is allowed some basic chips for “business as usual” so as to not feel panic.

China can continue having primitive chips for washing machines and hairdryers. As per point 2, China is even allowed some downgraded NVIDIA chips. In cooperation with the US government, NVIDIA did not export its top A100 chip, but instead created a downgraded “China version” of that chip called A800. Recently, NVIDIA replaced the A100 chip with the very much faster H100 chip. And tellingly, NVIDIA once again created a downgraded “China version” of the new H100 chip called H800. And here comes the catch.

The H100 for use in the USA is much faster than the A100. Therefore, H800 will be much more downgraded from the H100 than the A800 was from the A100. In other words, China is put further behind with every new chip-generation. The chip-to-chip data transfer rate of the “China version” H800 is only half of the US-version H100. There has also been talk about NVIDIA reducing the precision of calculations in its “China chips”. With the downgraded A800 chip, China, gets a little better chip than the previous one, but in reality, China is put one more step further behind the US level of capability. China will still buy a lot of the handicapped A800 and H800 chips, because China is so far behind in chips that China is not capable of making better chips itself than even US made third-grade chips.

NVIDIA earns lots of money, on China, but China can only build computer centers which are too slow to compete in AI. Note also, that NVIDIA earns so hugely now, that their share value reached $ 1 trillion. Soon, we can expect the US government to tell NVIDIA, that they don’t need to earn more on China at all – and forbid NVIDIA from even making downgraded “China versions” of their coming chip generations.

Killing China softly. China should feel as little pain as possible. This will make China react too slowly or not at all. China buys the bad “China chips”, feels satisfied enough, and keeps sleeping. China should years ago have recognized what way the chip race was going and started a huge tech program to catch up in chips. But even after the latest stringent US embargo from October 2022, Beijing has still not reacted with a big emergency tech program in chips. The China frog just sleeps comfortably in the warm water of the US kettle as it heats up.

China sees the danger on Taiwan, but not the imminent danger of falling too far back in tech to ever catch up. 

The US must be laughing at China day and night.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

Uneasy Locations: The Russian Embassy Site in Canberra

June 18th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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They think we are mugs – and it’s insulting. It’s all fine for politicians to be swimming, swerving and tossing about in the goo of paranoia that is surveillance, chatting to the ghost called foreign interference; but to expect the rest of the citizenry to be morons is rather poor form. But the formula has always been such: We terrify you; you vote us in, and we increase the budget of the national security state.

Regarding the business of the Russian embassy site in Canberra, this is all the more stunning. Australia’s parliamentarians rarely pass bills and motions at such speed, but the measure to ensure that the Russian embassy would not have a bit of real estate 500 metres from the people’s assembly was odd, at best. On June 15, legislation was whizzed through, effectively extinguishing Russia’s lease.

It was also prompted by a rather bruising matter: the Russians had already been triumphant in the Federal Court. They had been granted the lease for the Yarralumla site in December 2008 by the National Capital Authority. But the 99-year lease was cancelled by the same body on the basis that “ongoing unfinished works detract from the overall aesthetic, importance, and dignity of the area reserved for diplomatic missions.”

Russia duly challenged the cancellation and won. In May, the court found in its favour, negating the cancellation of the lease. This seemed to have a curiously unifying effect in Parliament: agents of the Kremlin would be a mere stone’s throw away from the elected chamber.

Members of the Albanese government were tediously, predictably, on message, claiming that their intelligence services were all cognisant of a threat no one else could possibly take seriously. According to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, the government had “received very clear security advice as to the risk presented by a Russian presence close to Parliament House.” The whole parliamentary measure had taken place “to ensure the lease site does not become a formal diplomatic presence.”

The cabinet’s most eager of beavers, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil, affirmed the Prime Minister’s concerns.

“The principal problem with the proposed second Russian embassy in Canberra is its location,” she suggested. “The government has received clear national security advice that this would be a threat to our national security and that is why the government is acting decisively to bring this longstanding matter to a close.”

This entire comic episode also led Albanese to anticipate Russian stroppiness and reference to precedents in international law. This prompted the remark that Russia was not “in a position to talk about international law, given their rejection of it so consistently and so brazenly with their invasion of Ukraine.”

Over stiffening, proud vodkas at the eventual Russian embassy site, Australian officials will be able to do a merry jig and say that they have been tearing strips off international law for decades. From race relations to illegal invasions, the good guys have been wondrously bad. Remember Iraq in 2003, when we deviously and cowardly subverted the United Nations Charter and aided the destruction of a sovereign country? (Oh, the laughter!) Or those negotiations with an impoverished East Timor over its access to natural resources? (We almost got away with bugging the negotiators – but for those insufferable whistleblowers well read in international law and principle!)

Such officials will also be able to recall the efforts of Australian intelligence agents to undermine international law during the Cold War, playing a starring role in overthrowing Chile’s democratically elected Allende government in the 1970s, at the very same time the Central Intelligence Agency was conferencing on how to get rid of that pesky Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam.  It was beautifully, if diabolically symmetrical.

Saliently stunning in this splutter of rage from Australia’s politicians is that any embassy position near Parliament House, notably from Russia, would make any difference at all. Two issues spring to mind.

The first is that Australia’s all commanding superior, the US government, tends to privilege technology to the point of childish obsession. For all their technological genius in specific, idiosyncratic areas, the Russians have tended towards the craft, cut and cultivation of human contacts in intelligence. The embassy’s proximity would not matter one jot.

The other aspect of the embassy debate is cringingly odd. Why bother listening to anything Australia’s Parliament has to say that might influence the events of the world? Vassal states are poor fare in the marketplace of intelligence and policy; their returns for any foreign power are junk food quality, limp cold chips and hardly worth bothering about. (Recently, the politicisation of sexual assault is all the rage – there is, what might be politely called in diplomatic channels, a woman problem in the great chambers of the capital.)

The true clearance stores for Australian intelligence lie in the bowels of the US State Department, the Pentagon and the National Security Agency. Yes, the fallback position is always that Australia is a “Five Eyes” member in the sacred Anglophone intelligence sharing agreement that makes it a target. But why go for the inferior imitation if you can get the original?


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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US Sanctions Are Drowning Syrians

June 18th, 2023 by Steven Sahiounie

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Hundreds of Syrian men, women and children have drowned early Wednesday in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Greece after the sinking of an Egyptian trawler headed for Italy. It is being called one of the deadliest migrant ship disasters in the Mediterranean Sea. As many as 750 persons were packed into the boat, with women and children under the deck, which may be why the 104 survivors were all young men. 78 bodies were recovered 75 kilometers offshore Kalamata, Greece.

Nine Egyptian human traffickers have been arrested in Greece and blamed as part of a smuggling network which advertised on Facebook. The ads promised a better life in Europe and charged between $5,000 to $6,000 per person. But, Greece is also being blamed for their part as they were monitoring the ship but never took steps to stop the ship and off-load passengers. The Greeks say they were communicating with the ship, and the ship requested to be allowed to continue sailing toward Italy. After the engine stopped, the passengers panicked, and their sudden movements caused the ship to roll over and sink.

The US and EU sanctions on Syria are to blame. There is no war in Syria. The battlefields are long silent across Syria, but there is no recovery or rebuilding allowed in Syria, because the US and EU sanctions prevent any rebuilding or foreign investments in rebuilding projects.

Infrastructure, hospitals, homes, schools, factories and businesses are all left waiting for the sanctions to be lifted to orders parts and supplies from abroad to begin the long process of recovery from the US-NATO attack on Syria for regime change, which ended in failure.

Western media lies when they repeatedly tell their western audiences that a violent civil war is raging in Syria, and people are leaving in fear for their lives, and this is the cause of the migrant crisis.  This is untrue.  From Aleppo, Damascus, Homs, and Latakia the roads are clear and open, the streets are free of soldiers and check points, and there are even tourists arriving to visit religious and historical sites. The western media must convince their audiences that the western foreign policies designed to create desperation in Syria are not to blame.  It is the western sanctions, put in place by democracies, who keep the Syrian unemployed and without any welfare safety net, people are forced to risk their lives to feed their families back home.

The tiny province of Idlib, an olive growing area in the northwest, is under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, an Al Qaeda terrorist group supported by UN, US, EU and western humanitarian aid, but there are only 3 million civilians there, while the rest of the country holds 15 million. The people who left Syria on the ships were not from Idlib, because they have all their needs met there, and even have business opportunities there because Turkey and the US and EU support that population. On Thursday, the EU hosted a donors conference for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. $2.1 Billion was pledged, but only those Syrians living in the terrorist enclave of Idlib, or those living in camps in neighboring countries will benefit.  The EU will not send 1 Euro to Damascus for the 15 million Syrians who are suffering from the sanctions, and are contemplating a journey which may end in drowning.

Syrians leaving on desperate and dangerous sea journeys toward Europe are economic migrants. They are fleeing from poverty imposed upon them by the US and EU. They are seeking an income, because their former jobs were taken from them by terrorists who entered from Turkey and dismantled the factories machinery and took it to Turkey where agents close to Turkish President Erdogan rebuilt the factories there, and have employed Syrian refugees there at wages far below the Turkish workers’ union limit.

The Syrian economy is collapsed and the currency devalued.  What used to cost 100 Syrian Lira (SL) in 2011, now costs 10,000.  $1 used to equate to 50 SL, and now fluctuates between 8,000 to 9,000 SL.  Syrian merchants are prevented from ordering even the most basic of items such as factory materials and building products because of the sanctions.  At one point, chemotherapy drugs were impossible to order due to foreign manufacturers in fear of US sanctions. Due to US and EU banking sanctions on Syria, merchants are prohibited from sending payments from Syria to firms abroad. The Port in Latakia sits idle instead of bustling with activity to rebuild lives.

The Astana Peace talks will soon convene in Kazakhstan on June 20-21.  Deputy Foreign Ministers from Syria, Iran, Russia and Turkey will discuss plans for a normalization between Turkey and Syria and also for a roadmap for a political solution for the Syrian crisis. However, Damascus insists normalization is not possible while Turkey is militarily occupying area along the northern border. On May 10, the Defense Ministers of all four countries met in Moscow and were tasked with developing a roadmap, which will be discussed at the upcoming meeting.

On June 14, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said the roadmap for normalizing relations between Ankara and Damascus is now ready to be discussed at Astana.

The Geneva Peace process for Syria has met numerous times, but has never achieved success.  Experts point to the fact that the Geneva meetings are dictated by Washington’s demands, which are keen to keep Syria destroyed and unrecovered by the US sanctions in place.  However, Geir Pedersen, UN special envoy for Syria, has expressed optimism in the Astana meeting, but the US may prevent him from implementing any progress that comes from Astana.  US President Joe Biden was part of the 2011 US attack on Syria engineered by President Obama, while Biden was Vice President. 

When Syria and Turkey were hit with a 7.8 earthquake on February 6, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was quick to rush with humanitarian aid deliveries to Damascus for victims in Latakia and Aleppo, the two hardest hit areas in Syria.  The US, EU and other western humanitarian groups chose to strictly send aid to the 3 million under terrorist control in Idlib, by passing the 15 million Syrian who never received even a loaf of bread from the US. 

On March 10, Saudi Arabia and Iran signed a normalization agreement brokered by China. This was a political earthquake felt throughout the Middle East, as the two former foes put their hands together to work toward peace and prosperity for the region. In the wake of the new found cooperation, Saudi Arabia reached out to Syria and meeting took place which saw the Syrian President back at the Arab League, and embassy functions between both countries established.

The Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has a Vision 2030 project which is built upon peace and stability in the region, and he has called for foreign interference and instigated proxy wars to cease. Saudi Arabia has firmly taken the lead to find a peaceful political solution for the Syrian crisis, and is willing to work with China, Russia and Iran to fulfil his goals.

The days of US dictating to the Arab world, and US engineered wars for regime change in the Middle East are over. Saudi Arabia is chartering a new course and they demand smooth sailing over calm waters.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The global infoscape is currently abuzz with alarmist predictions over the dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI). Billionaire entrepreneurs and their hirelings, who had once gushed over the emerging AI “technopia”, have suddenly turned apocalyptic. As the narrative du jour goes, a sentient AI may ultimately turn against its creators.

But are there any merits to this claim, apart from fictional cues from the Terminator franchise?

One way to answer that question would be to compare AI to an analogue that is already available and sentient, namely – the human brain. AI was designed not only to mimic the human mind but also to out-compute it in certain aspects. Apart from presenting a paradigm shift, AI’s utility is not entirely revolutionary. Rather, it is a continuation of innovations past and present – wheels, cranks, and windmills to surmount our limbic limitations; bows, arrows and missiles to counter remote threats; and the Internet to resolve space-time constraints in (global) communications.

According to a notable article in the Foglets, “it is postulated that the human brain operates at 1 exaFLOP, which is equivalent to a billion calculations per second”. Mind you, this is just a postulation – a guesstimate likely defined by computing metrics. At the time of writing, Frontier, the world’s fastest supercomputer, reportedly operates at a speed of 1.102 exaFLOP. The difference between the brain and the supercomputer, however, lies in nature and function: one thinks while the other analyses data.

We have invented supercomputers to crunch numbers, but our scientists remain baffled by the neural processing prowess of human calculators. Shakuntala Devi, who grew up in a circus environment, was one prime example. Our sophisticated machine-mediated models still cannot fully comprehend how these brains work, beyond the fact that there is an atypical increase in blood flow to particular cerebral lobes when computational tasks are performed. The rest is a plane of scattered studies, suppositions, and data that have yet to be reconciled into a comprehensible whole.

There are too many unknowns with regards to the human brain. This may be the reason why the scientific community casually divides its major functions into eight or 12 primary categories. Where sentience lies within these categories remains an open question. Maybe, it is the result of cumulative interactions between all of them. Or maybe, humans have a sentient soul that makes them innovate in a way inaccessible to other species? Maybe, unlike AI devices and algorithms, the brain is software and hardware rolled into one? Too much uncertainty remains.

If neuroscience is an inchoate field riddled with myriad questions and gaps, what of its simpler subset – artificial intelligence? Can an embryonic technology invented by humans suddenly spring to life and threaten mankind? If we cannot fully understand how the human brain works or even define sentience, why are we cutting and pasting plots from sci-fi flicks onto our reality?

There is a hypothetical chance that artificial intelligence does pose a real threat within a narrow spectrum. Poor software designs, rushed developmental processes and mismatched updates to algorithms, among others, can lead to various disaster scenarios. Those involve incidents at chemical or nuclear plants, on the stock market, or with experimental self-driving vehicles. But the prospect of an ominous, sentient AI is an imaginary proposition altogether.

The current fad in AI alarmism may actually be rooted in something more venal and down-to-earth. For it may not be machines that will ultimately revolt against its masters, but rather the hundreds of millions of workers – perhaps billions – who will be displaced by AI before this decade is out. This topic deserves a dedicated commentary on its own, and the human brain provides a reality check to the supposed existential threats posed by AI. 

Wonders of the human brain

The resource provides the following snippet on our thinking organ and its processing capabilities: A fragment of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses. The brain can generate about 23 watts of power – enough to power a light bulb. Information travels up to an impressive 268 miles per hour, while its storage capacity is considered virtually unlimited. Research suggests the human brain consists of about 86 billion neurons. Each neuron forms connections to other neurons, which could add up to 1 quadrillion (1,000 trillion) connections.

No wonder the Psalmist exulted in the fact that he was “fearfully and wonderfully made” in “his mother’s womb”. At any one second, the brain coordinates a bewildering variety of functions within itself and the human body in order to maintain organic harmony. It also rapidly compensates any deviation from the norm within the body in the event of a disruption i.e. shifting balance to one leg after another is impaired or activating hemostasis upon bleeding. The human body is therefore the ultimate complex adaptive system (CAS).

While the body’s CAS functions are too vast and technical to be enumerated here, there are some worldly examples on how the brain contrives to protect its host. When you have a “pain in the neck” in a vexatious social setting, that is your brain sending an instruction via your body to seek the nearest exit, thereby avoiding a more serious condition. When you are suffering from snowballing intellectual torpor or depression, that may be the brain’s way of warning you to avoid fake news and the fools who peddle them.

Traffic Test: Human brain vs AI

While the brain generates 23 watts of power, the Frontier supercomputer consumes a whopping 21 megawatts (MW). One megawatt is one million watts. The energy factor alone is a reason why scientists are betting on biological computing as the next great technological frontier. Until then, we need to put up with hardware and software that still cannot match the human brain in relatively simple situations.

I often use the following traffic example to demonstrate the contrasting capabilities of the human brain and AI. Two cars are approaching a narrow choke point in opposite directions. There is heavy rain and wind outside. Car A is traveling twice as fast as Car B, but the distance to the choke point is twice as long for the former. Both drivers realizethat, under normal conditions, Car B should speed up to exit the narrow strip. However, there is a large puddle of water in front of Car B, hinting at a risky pothole underneath. Both drivers instinctively realize that it is then better for Car A to exit the choke point first and thereby free up space in the adjoining lane for Car B to avoid the puddle. This is called situational awareness. The brain negotiates complexities like these without breaking the proverbial sweat – second after second!

Now, replace the drivers with autonomous driving systems and imagine the amount of energy and the scale of technological infrastructure needed to perform a similar task? The cars would need GPS navigation and weather updates, satellite and 5G connectivity, and a host of sensors. Satellite navigation may fail during a storm. So what should these ‘intelligent’ vehicles do? Stay put and halt traffic? Or seek a curb that is rapidly becoming muddy? Our human tactile senses would know when to accelerate out of a slippery situation, but self-driving cars would need a staggering array of hardware and algorithms to cope.

Now, imagine a billion cars operated by autonomous driving systems. How will the energy and computing power for this infrastructure be generated? Would a proverbial Death Star suffice, albeit for our collective benefit? 

Maybe, this is the conundrum that keeps AI alarmists awake at night? The AI technopia they envisage cannot support a global population of one billion, let alone the eight billion we have at present.

In fact, according to the celebrated techno-prophet Yuval Noah Harari, the “big political and economic question of the 21st century will be what do we need humans for, or at least what do we need so many humans for”?

Now, if that does not send an existential chill down your spine, I don’t know what will…


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This article was originally published on RT News.

Dr. Mathew Maavak is a Malaysian expert on risk foresight and governance. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The hypocrisy gets starker by the day. The same western media that strains to warn of the dangers of disinformation – at least when it comes to rivals on social media – barely bothers to conceal its own role in purveying disinformation in the Ukraine war.

In fact, the propaganda peddled by the media grows more audacious by the day – as two stories last week from the frontlines illustrate only too clearly.

Dominating headlines is the environmental catastrophe created by the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam under Russian control. Flood waters from the Dnipro river have ruined vast swathes of land downriver from the dam and forced many tens of thousands to flee their homes.

Rightly, the wrecking of the dam is being called an act of “ecological terrorism” – the second major one associated with the war, following last September’s blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines supplying Russian gas to Europe.

The costs associated with keeping this war going and avoiding peace talks so that Russia can be “weakened”, as Biden administration officials insist is the priority, have grown much steeper than most people could have imagined.

This is why a clear understanding of what is going on – and what interests are being served by fuelling the fighting rather than resolving the war – is so vitally important.

There have always been at least two narratives in Ukraine, even if western audiences are rarely exposed to the Russian one – outside of mocking commentary from western reporters.

In the immediate aftermath of the breaching of the Kakhovka dam, the BBC’s Moscow correspondent, Steve Rosenberg, visibly sneered as he reported that Russian media were insisting Ukrainian “terrorists” were behind the destruction. Russians, he suggested, were being brainwashed by their government and media.

He obviously failed to spot the irony that his own reporting, like that of colleagues, has served to reinforce the impression that the only plausible culprit in the dam’s ruin – despite a lack of evidence so far – is Moscow. Like the Russian media, Rosenberg has been hawking precisely the line his own government, and its Nato allies, want from him.

Pall of fog

The BBC recently launched its Verify service, ostensibly to root out disinformation. In similar vein, western media have started appending to any report of Russian assertions the warning: “This claim could not be verified.”

Like a nervous tic, the media added just such an alert to Russian statements that large numbers of Ukrainian soldiers had been killed in what looked like the first stages of Kyiv’s so-called “counter-offensive”.

But no such warnings have been attached to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s claims that Russia blew up the dam.

Instead, reporters have been quick to regurgitate, unverified, his self-serving assertions that Moscow caused the destruction, supposedly to ward off the imminent counter-offensive, and that only western help evicting Russia from the areas it has occupied can prevent further “terrorist” acts.

As has so often been the case in this war, a thick pall of fog is likely to shroud what happened at the Kakhovka dam for the foreseeable future.

Which means that, if the media is determined to recycle speculation, what it should be doing at this stage – apart from keeping an open mind and investigating for itself – is applying the principle of “Cui bono?” or “Who profits?”

And if it bothered to do that properly, it might be far more reluctant to pin responsibility on Russia.

Rallying support

As Scott Ritter, a former US marine and United Nations weapons inspector, has noted, the chief beneficiary of the attack has been Ukraine, both militarily and politically.

After all, the western media has been documenting a series of fortifications – from trenches and mines to concrete spikes – that the Russian army has constructed along its front lines during the long wait for the Ukrainian counter-offensive. As has often been pointed out, they are so extensive, they can easily be seen from space.

And yet if it did blow up the dam, Moscow just washed away all its carefully built defences in a key area that Ukraine has set its eyes on recapturing – and just at the time Kyiv is said to be preparing for a dramatic military offensive.

Further, the swollen river behind the dam was a significant obstacle to Ukrainian forces crossing the Dnipro river for many tens of miles. It will be much less of a barrier now its waters have receded as the river gushes into the Black Sea. The dam explosion punches a surprise hole in a key, natural part of Russia’s defensive line.

Another critical concern for the Kremlin will be that the explosion poses a direct threat to water supplies to the arid Crimean peninsula – the first piece of Ukrainian territory Russia annexed. After a US-backed overthrow of Ukraine’s government in 2014, Russia made a priority of securing Crimea, long the site of a strategic, warm-water naval base.

And to top it all, Russia’s control of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, upstream of the dam, has already come under renewed international scrutiny as questions are raised about Moscow’s ability to cope with a possible meltdown there as water supplies, needed for cooling, dramatically diminish.

There are political advantages in the dam’s destruction for Kyiv too. As Ritter observes: “There is a lot of ‘Ukraine fatigue’ right now. The world is just tired of Ukraine, of funding Ukraine… What Ukraine needs is a catastrophic event that rallies international support around Ukraine by blaming Russia for something big.”

The dam blast does just that. It thrusts the war back into the spotlight, it casts Moscow as a “terrorist” threat not just to Ukraine but to wider humanity, and it will prove a very effective tool to justify yet more weapons and aid to “weaken” Russia, even if Ukraine’s counter-offensive proves a damp squib.

Reckless ‘test’ strike

The western media has not only largely ignored these factors, it has also drawn a veil over its own recent reporting that might implicate Ukraine as chief culprit in blowing up the dam.

As the Washington Post reported back in December, the Ukrainian military had previously considered plans to destroy the Kakhovka – in other words, to carry out what is universally understood now as a major act of ecological terrorism. At the time, the plan barely raised an eyebrow in the West.

The preparations included what now looks like a reckless “test strike” with a HIMARS missile – supplied courtesy of the US – “making three holes in the metal [of the floodgates] to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages”.

“The test was a success,” the Post reported Maj Gen Andriy Kovalchuk, a Ukrainian commander, saying back in December. “But the step [of destroying the dam] remained a last resort.”

Might that “test” or a similar one – possibly in preparation for a Ukrainian offensive – have accidentally undermined the dam’s integrity, making it gradually crumble from the pressure of the water?

Or could the dam’s destruction have been intentional – part of Ukraine’s offensive – spreading chaos to areas under Russian control, either to force Moscow to redirect its energies away from countering a Ukrainian attack, or deflect western public attention away from any difficulties Kyiv may have launching a credible military operation?

And why, anyway, would Moscow decide to destroy the dam, forfeiting control over water flow, when it could have simply opened the gates to flood areas downstream at any time of its choosing, such as when faced with an attempt to cross the river by the Ukrainian military?

These questions aren’t even being posed, let alone answered.

James Bond mission

There has been an established pattern with the media during the Ukraine war, one that may serve as a guide in understanding how the story of the breaching of the dam will unfold.

The reticence of western outlets to ask basic questions, contextualise with relevant background, or pursue obvious lines of inquiry has been equally glaring in another act of ecological terrorism: the explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines back in September. They released enormous quantities of the prime global-warming gas methane.

Again, the media spoke as one. First, they echoed western officials in ascribing the explosions to Moscow, without a shred of evidence and even though the blasts were a huge blow to Russia.

The Kremlin lost the bountiful income stream that came from supplying Europe with natural gas. Meanwhile, diplomatically, it was stripped of its chief leverage over its biggest energy customer, Germany – leverage it might have used to induce Berlin to break with the West’s sanctions policy.

All of this was hard to obscure. Soon the western media simply dropped the Nord Stream story entirely.

Interest surfaced again only much later, in March, when the New York Times and a German publication, Die Zeit, published separate and quite preposterous accounts, based on unnamed intelligence sources.

According to these accounts, a group of six rogue Ukrainians chartered a yacht and blew up the pipelines off the coast of Denmark in a James Bond-style mission. The story was widely amplified by the western media, even though independent analysts ridiculed it as wildly implausible and technically unfeasible.

‘Ukraine did it’

The problem the media has faced is that a very much more plausible account of the Nord Stream blasts had already been produced by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh in February. His unnamed intelligence source offered a far more credible and detailed account, and one that blamed the US itself

The circumstantial evidence for US responsibility – or at least involvement – was already substantial, even if the media again ignored it. 

From Joe Biden downwards, US officials either expressed a determination beforehand to stop more Russian gas from reaching Europe through Nord Stream or celebrated the pipelines’ destruction after the fact.

The Biden administration also had a prime motive for blowing up Nord Stream: a desire to end Europe’s energy dependence on Russia, especially when Washington wanted to line up Moscow and Beijing as the new targets in its permanent “war on terror”.

Hersh’s source argued that the explosives were placed by special US Navy divers, with Norwegian assistance, during an annual naval exercise, Baltops, and remotely detonated three months later.

The media studiously ignored this version. When it was referenced on the odd occasion, the story was dismissed because it was attributed to a single unnamed source. None of the media, however, appeared to have similar reservations about the fantastical yacht version, also supplied by an unidentified intelligence source. 

Hersh’s account has refused to go away, gaining ever more traction on social media so long as no credible alternative emerged. 

And so – bingo! The fantastical claim that a group of amateurs was able to locate and blow up the pipelines deep on the ocean floor has been dropped.

Last week the Washington Post reported that an unnamed European intelligence service had warned the Biden administration of an impending attack on the Nord Stream pipelines three months before it took place. According to this account, a small crack team sent by the Ukrainian military carried out the “covert” operation – again acting, it was stressed, without Zelensky’s knowledge.

The Post reported that “officials in multiple countries” confirmed that the US had received advance warning.

White House lied?

The story raises all kinds of deeply troubling questions – none of which the media seem interested in addressing. 

Not least, if true, it means that the Biden administration has blatantly lied for months in promoting a fiction: that Russia carried out the attack. The White House and European capitals knowingly misled the western media and publics. 

If Biden officials have indeed conspired in maintaining a grand lie about such a momentous act of industrial terror – one that caused untold environmental damage and is contributing to a mounting recession in Europe – what other lies have they been telling? How can anything they claim about the Ukraine war, such as who is responsible for the Kakhovka dam’s destruction, be trusted?

And yet the western media – which, according to this new account, was deceived for months – seems completely unconcerned. 

Further, if Washington knew of the impending act of terror – which was directed at European energy sources as much as at a nuclear-armed Russia – why did it not intervene?

The media’s coverage of this new version largely frames the US as impotent, incapable of stopping the Ukrainians from blowing up the pipelines. 

But Washington is the world’s sole superpower. Ukraine is entirely dependent on its support – financially and militarily. If the US withdrew its backing, Ukraine would be forced to engage in peace talks with Russia. The idea that Washington could not have stopped the attack is no more credible than the claim a group of sailing enthusiasts blew up the pipelines.

If this latest account is true, Washington had the leverage to stop the attack on Europe’s energy infrastructure but failed to act. By any reasonable assessment, it should be considered to have willed the pipelines’ destruction, despite the devastating toll on Europe and the environment.

And thirdly, based on this account, Ukraine – or at least its military – has proven itself quite capable of committing the most heinous act of terrorism, even against its allies in Europe. Why should anyone, least of all the media, now be so dismissive of Russian claims of Ukrainian war crimes, including destroying the Kakhovka dam?

‘Good Nazis’

The truth, however, is that the western media are not concerned by the implications of this latest account, any more than they are by Hersh’s earlier one – not if it means turning the US and its allies into the bad guys. The story was reported cursorily, and will be filed away as another piece of a puzzle no one has any interest in solving. 

The western media’s role in foreign affairs is to prop up a narrative that turns our leaders into good people doing their best in a bad world, one that forces on them difficult, sometimes morally compromised choices. 

But what if Biden and Zelensky aren’t really heroes, or even good people? What if they are just as ignoble, just as callous and inhumane, as the foreign leaders we so readily dismiss as the “new Hitler”? It’s just that they receive far better public relations from our complicit media.

Coverage of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam and Nord Stream pipelines alludes to a double problem: that western leaders and their allies may be implicated in the most terrible crimes, but we can rarely be sure because our media are so determined not to find out. 

This week, the New York Times finally admitted on its pages something that it and the rest of the western media once openly acknowledged but have cast as a taboo since Russia’s invasion: that the Ukrainian military is awash with neo-Nazi symbols.

However, even as the paper of record admitted what it had previously condemned as “disinformation” whenever it appeared on social media, the New York Times insisted on an absurd distinction.

Yes, the paper agreed that Ukrainian soldiers are proud to decorate themselves in Nazi insignia. And yes, much of wider Ukrainian society commemorates notorious Nazi figures from the Second World War such as Stepan Bandera. But no, Ukraine’s prolific use of Nazi symbols does not translate into any attachment to Nazi ideology.  

This is the argument being made by a western publication that at the same time has taken seriously claims that a rock star, Roger Waters, is antisemitic for performing a track from his four-decade-old album The Wallsatirising a fascist dictator… dressed as a fascist dictator.

Waters’ real crime is that now Jeremy Corbyn has been ousted from the Labour Party, he is the most visible supporter of Palestinian rights in the western world.

If the New York Times and the rest of the western media are willing to give Ukrainian Nazis a makeover, making them look good, what are they doing for Biden, Zelensky and European leaders? 

One thing we know for sure: we cannot look to the western media for an answer.


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Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at

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Pfizer and Moderna didn’t do any studies in pregnant women (Dr. Tina Peers):

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What types of congenital malformations do Pfizer and Moderna cause?

We don’t hear much about this topic so I felt it would be interesting to take a deeper dive into the types of congenital malformations that have been documented with Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

I would like to thank Substack author “WelcomeTheEagle88” for his work on finding these VAERS reports, please check out his substack, he has done some incredible work (click here)

CASE 1 (VAERS 1829815) – 33-year-old pregnant woman took 1st Pfizer dose at 3wk6d of pregnancy, fetus developed congenital limb malformations 

Vaccinated on Jun. 28, 2021, abortion on Sep. 4, 2021 for severe limb malformations: hypoplastic upper extremities, bony agenesis of long bones, symmbrachydactyly – three fingers on each hand, radial zamba hand.

A similar case posted by Anthony Dionne on Twitter:

What is radial zamba hand?

CASE 2 (VAERS 1895184) – A pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer dose on Aug. 23, 2021 at 4wk, Oct. 23, 2021 U/S showed CNS malformations (missing brain tissue, hydrocephalus). The fetus died at an unknown date.

CASE 3 (VAERS 1969351) – 36 year old mother had 2nd Pfizer jab Jun. 17, 2021 at 1wk of pregnancy. U/S on Jul. 29, 2021 showed cardiac malformation, fetus died Aug. 6, 2021, patient had abortion.

CASE 4 (VAERS 2027338) – Pregnant woman had 1st Moderna dose at 2wk pregnancy, fetus developed cardiac malformations – transposition of great arteries and tricuspid valve incompetence, baby was born and died at 3 months old.

CASE 5 (VAERS 2003908) – A pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer dose at 10 days of pregnancy. Ultrasound at 21 weeks showed univentricular heart, aorta hypoplasia. Doctors decide “heart disease not accessible to full repair) – medical termination of pregnancy at 24 weeks.

CASE 6 (VAERS 2067674) – A pregnant woman had 1st Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on Aug. 15, 2021, at 3wk3d of pregnancy. Fetus developed malformations of the brain – agenesis of corpus callosum, asymmetrical and lack of brain structures, absence of septum pellucidum and fusion of the thalami, atresia of the 3rd ventricle.

CASE 7 (VAERS 2106393) – A 39 year old woman had 2nd Pfizer dose on Jul. 28, 2021 and became pregnant 2 months later in Oct. 2021. At 1st ultrasound, fetus had congenital heart malformation and she needed a medical termination of pregnancy in Dec. 2021.

CASE 8 (VAERS 2195334) – A pregnant woman had Pfizer jabs at 3wk4d and 6wk5d, and had medical termination of pregnancy at 26wk as fetus had congenital heart anomaly – congentical tricuspid valve atresia, ventricular septal defect, brachydactyly.

CASE 9 (VAERS 2195640) – Pregnant woman had Pfizer vaccines at 2wk (Aug. 11, 2021) and 4mo (Dec. 01, 2021) of pregnancy. Elective medical termination of pregnancy 16 days after 2nd Pfizer dose due to congenital CNS anomaly – corpus callosum agenesis.

CASE 10 (VAERS 2272573) – Pregnant woman had 1st Moderna dose on April 16, 2021, 7 months later fetus was diagnosed with congenital CNS anomaly – corpus callosum agenesis, and stillbirth on Nov. 2, 2021.

CASE 11 (VAERS 2259562) – Pregnant woman had 1st dose of Pfizer on Mar. 7, 2021 at 14wk of pregnancy and 2nd dose on Mar. 28, 2021. Fetus died in Jan. 2022 due to congenital defects – exomphalos (omphalocele with liver and intestines) and tricuspid regurgitation.

My Take…

Pregnant women who were exposed to Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in the first trimester, were at risk of their fetus developing congenital malformations:

  • of the brain (missing or abnormal structures, agenesis, atresia, etc)
  • of the heart (abnormal structures – valve atresia or insufficiency, transposition of vessels, univentricle, ventricular septal defect, aorta hypoplasia, etc)
  • of the abdominal wall (exomphalos)
  • of the limbs (hypoplasia, bony agenesis, missing fingers, radial zamba hand, etc)

Not “safe in pregnancy” by any measure.

The reality is that women were lied to by their family doctors and by their obstetricians/gynecologists and were not informed about the risks of congenital malformations that could be caused by Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

La Nato Attacca L’Europa | Grandangolo – Pangea

June 17th, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

“Una squadra di sabotatori ha usato la Polonia come base operativa per far saltare i gasdotti Nord Stream che trasportavano gas dalla Russia alla Germania attraverso il Mar Baltico”: lo ha appurato una indagine ufficiale tedesca, riportata da The Wall Street Journal. Gli investigatori tedeschi hanno ricostruito la rotta nel Mar Baltico dello yacht Andromeda, proveniente dalla Polonia, a bordo del quale hanno trovato tracce di HMX, esplosivo militare per la demolizione di infrastrutture sottomarine. Si aggiunge così un altro capitolo esplosivo all’inchiesta del giornalista statunitense Seymour Hersh “Come l’America ha fatto fuori il gasdotto Nord Stream”. Tutto ormai è provato. Nel dicembre 2021 viene convocata alla Casa Bianca una task force – composta da ufficiali della CIA, dello Stato Maggiore e del Dipartimento di Stato –  con il compito di sabotare il Nord Stream. Nel giugno 2022, durante l’esercitazione NATO Baltops, incursori statunitensi e norvegesi, operando dallo yacht Andromeda inviato dalla Polonia, piazzano le cariche sottomarine. Tre mesi dopo, il 26 settembre 2022, un aereo P8 della Marina norvegese sgancia una boa sonar, il cui segnale fa esplodere le cariche.

Il Wall Street Journal lo definisce “uno dei più grandi atti di sabotaggio in Europa dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale”. È una azione bellica compiuta da tre membri della NATO – Stati Uniti, Norvegia e Polonia – contro la Germania, membro della NATO, per impedire all’Europa di importare gas russo a basso costo. Il Segretario di Stato Antony Blinken  ha definito  il blocco del Nord Stream “un’opportunità straordinaria per eliminare una volta per tutte la dipendenza dell’Europa dall’energia russa, un’enorme opportunità strategica per gli anni avvenire” e ha sottolineato che “gli Stati Uniti sono divenuti il principale fornitore di gas naturale liquefatto  all’Europa”. GNL, ovviamente, molto più caro del gas russo. Ora arrivano alla conquista del mercato energetico europeo la Exxon, la Chevron e altre compagnie USA che “hanno  registrato profitti record grazie all’impennata dei prezzi del petrolio”.  A causa del crescente prezzo dell’energia – scrive il Wall Street Journal – “l’Eurozona scivola verso la recessione, perché l’inflazione danneggia i consumi, e l’Europa è bloccata dall’equivalente economico di un lungo Covid”. In questa Europa è iniziato “il più grande dispiegamento multinazionale di forze aeree nella storia della NATO” con l’esercitazione “Air Defender” che si svolge in Germania sotto comando USA.

Manlio Dinucci


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First published on October 25, 2022


At a conference for medical professionals in Sedona, Arizona this past weekend, several speakers–all physicians–commented on a disturbing trend: an increase in otherwise healthy people dying in their sleep.

Sudden unexplained age-inappropriate deaths seem to be happening more than usual, both in the United States, where these medical doctors practice, and in several other countries in the industrialized world.

Excess death “is a phenomenon all over the world at the moment,” said Dr. John Campbell, a nurse educator who has been meticulously following and commenting on the scientific data for his YouTube channel, which has 2.47 million subscribers.

The data shows that “deaths are 16 percent higher than we would expect,” Dr. Campbell said in a recent video, “and the vast majority of these are not COVID deaths.”

Statistics tell part of the story. Unusual deaths making headlines tell another part.

For example, South African actress, Franci Swanepoel, was found dead in her bed on Sunday morning, October 16. She was in the middle of filming a new project. Swanepoel was 50 years old. Her cause of death is not yet known, according to news reports.

Earlier this month, a young dad, Jack Grozier, was also found dead at his home in New Cumnock, Scotland. Just hours before, he had texted his girlfriend to say that he’d talk to her the next morning. Grozier was 23. He leaves behind a one-year-old son, according to the Irish Mirror.

Seventeen-year-old Gwen Casten, whose father is a lawmaker in the state of Illinois, also died in her sleep.

On October 7, 2022, Casten’s family issued a statement on Instagram explaining that their daughter, who had no known health or behavioral problems, died of a heart arrhythmia of an unknown cause.

“She had just come home from an evening with friends, went to bed and didn’t wake up,” the statement read.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist who is board-certified in internal medicine and cardiovascular disease, who presented at the conference, said that when people—especially young people—die in their sleep the underlying cause is often myocarditis.

Myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart, can lead to irregular heart rhythms that can be lethal without immediate treatment.

Dr. McCullough pointed to a “state-of-the-heart review” done by an international team of cardiologists published in the journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy this May. According to this study, many heart issues are being reported post-vaccination, with myocarditis being the most common. “While myocarditis is the highest reported cardiovascular ramification, other serious complications are also being increasingly reported,” the scientists wrote.

A Surge of Catecholamines

Though it may seem counterintuitive, Dr. McCullough said that sudden deaths that happen during sleep are biochemically similar to the sudden deaths during or just after vigorous exercise.

The reason people die seemingly inexplicably in their sleep, Dr. McCullough explained, is sometimes because of a surge in catecholamines during the end of the sleep cycle. This natural biochemical change is the body’s signal to wake up.

Catecholamines are hormones that are made by the adrenal glands. They are released into the body in response to physical exertion or emotional stress. But they are also released during sleep, just before waking, as a signal to the body and the brain that it is time to get up.

These catecholamines can increase our heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate, among other things.

In the body there are three catecholamines: dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. A surge in catecholamines, whether it happens during sleep or during exercise, can stress the heart and cause it to beat arrhythmically, Dr. McCullough said.

Dying Before Dawn

If a young person’s heart has been damaged, by an infection, vaccination, or for any other reason, the surge of catecholamines can be lethal. This is the reason, McCullough said, that people seem to die in their sleep. They’re really dying just before dawn.

After a careful review of the peer-reviewed scientific literature (to which he has also contributed several studies as a lead or co-author), Dr. McCullough said that the sudden and unexpected deaths we are seeing in young people are most likely from undiagnosed or asymptomatic vaccine-induced myocarditis.

“We have now learned that roughly half or more of cases [of myocarditis] are initially asymptomatic. That means the young people don’t know they have myocarditis,” McCullough explained. “So, a scar is being formed in the heart, but they have never been told not to exert themselves and many are involved in athletics and all different types of activities.”

During a catecholamine surge—whether a result of rigorous exercise or part of the normal wake-up process—this undetected vaccine-induced myocarditis can be fatal, Dr. McCullough said.

These were also the findings of an analysis published in the journal Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine earlier this year, which was led by a pathologist, Dr. James Gill, from Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut. The study’s team of three medical doctors autopsied two teenage boys who died just after getting the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

They found that the post-vaccine myocarditis had “features resembling a catecholamine-induced injury, not typical myocarditis pathology.” The same study cites other research that showed that myocarditis is rarely the cause of deaths due to COVID-19 infections.

“Understanding that these instances are different from typical myocarditis … may help guide screening and therapy,” the researchers concluded.

Increased Deaths Among Working-Age Adults

Excess deaths not explained by COVID-19 infection started to show up in death claims to insurance companies in 2021. 

Scott Davison, chief executive of OneAmerica, a major insurance company based in Indianapolis, told an online news conference on Dec. 30, 2021, that his company was seeing “the highest death rates [they] have seen in the history of [the] business.”

Davison said that death rates had climbed 40 percent and COVID-19 fatalities didn’t explain the bulk of the increase. The people dying were under 65, which was unusual, since COVID fatalities were heavily tilted towards those 65 and older.

“It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up in just huge, huge numbers,” he said.

According to Dr. McCullough, the most scientifically responsible assumption by our regulatory agencies must be that the unusually high number of excess deaths occurring in the United States and other countries since the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines are caused by the vaccinations themselves.

A link between these vaccines and the excess deaths should be the assumption unless a different cause is clearly identified and there is proof that the deceased was not vaccinated, Dr. McCullough said.

“That’s a safe regulatory stance,” he insisted.

“So, when we develop new products, when there is a death that occurs after the use of a new product, a safe stance is that it’s due to the new product, unless proven otherwise.”

Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis May Take Months to Appear

But heart issues caused by the COVID-19 vaccines may not become apparent for many weeks or months after vaccination.

In November of 2021, a team of scientists in the Department of Pediatrics at Seattle Children’s Hospital, which is affiliated with the University of Washington, published a study in the journal Pediatrics that showed a definitive link between mRNA vaccines and heart problems in adolescents, research which has since been confirmed by over half a dozen other studies and case reports.

The University of Washington team found that myocarditis and pericarditis emerged in patients aged 12 to 17 years of age who presented with chest pain within one week after the second dose of the mRNA vaccines.

These patients were found to have higher than normal levels of troponin in their blood. Troponin is a type of protein found in the heart muscles. When it is present in the bloodstream it can be a marker of heart failure.

The same team of scientists published a follow-up study in March of 2022, also in the Journal of Pediatrics. Their follow-up study examined a group of young people, ages 12 to 17, who had been diagnosed with heart inflammation after the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccines, they found that nearly 69 percent of the patients continued to have abnormal heart findings on their cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, even eight months following vaccination and in the absence of other clinical symptoms.

This finding, the scientists wrote in their discussion, “is an indicator of cardiac injury and fibrosis [scarring] and has been strongly associated with worse prognosis in patients with classical acute myocarditis.”

Dr. McCullough finds this March 25, 2022 study, which was led by Dr. Jenna Schauer at the University of Washington, deeply disturbing.

“But what we understand with myocarditis is that it may take several months for the scar to form, and the papers by Jenna Schauer show this,” Dr. McCullough said, adding that children can have a relatively “substantial scar.”

He went on: “So, I would conclude as a cardiologist that the abnormal rhythm could certainly go into effect four months, six months, eight months, twelve months after the scar is formed in the heart.”

The sudden death of a young person who is ostensibly healthy and dies unexpectedly in their sleep or during exercise, even up to eight months after being vaccinated, McCullough said, may actually be from undiagnosed myocarditis that happened as a result of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Parents, Please Come Forward

Dr. McCullough urged parents to be open about whether their children took the COVID-19 vaccine. The easiest way to prove a sudden and unexpected death, especially among young people, is not related to the injections, he said, “is for the families to come forward and say that they didn’t take the vaccine. Then that’s been ruled out.”

However, Dr. McCullough continued, “When families are quiet, and nothing is said, either they did or didn’t take the vaccine, I think it’s safe to assume they took the vaccine.”

Dr. Angelina Farella, a pediatrician in private practice in Webster, Texas who also spoke at the Sedona conference, explained that she began treating adults suffering from COVID-19 when her medical colleagues refused to help them.

Dr. Farella said that she is very concerned about the heart issues in young people she and her colleagues are seeing clinically and reading about in the scientific literature.

“As a pediatrician, we rarely send a child to a cardiologist [who] doesn’t have a congenital heart defect,” Dr. Farella said. “Very rarely do we send them to a cardiologist.”

These days, however, heart issues among children and young adults who have taken the COVID-19 vaccines are common enough that Dr. Farella said she will no longer sign routine sports physical forms without doing a full blood work-up on her patients to check for signs of cardiac decline.

This includes testing for troponin in the blood as well as D-dimer levels (a simple blood test used to rule out the presence of blood clots).

Though some families in her practice are upset by the extra step, Dr. Farella insisted that the extra testing is crucial to keeping children safe.

“I just want to reassure myself and that family that they have the safest and best possible life ahead of them,” Dr. Farella said.


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Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., is an award-winning journalist and author of “Your Baby, Your Way: Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenting Decisions for a Happier, Healthier Family.” A Fulbright awardee and mother of four, she has worked on a child survival campaign in West Africa, advocated for an end to child slavery in Pakistan on prime-time TV in France, and taught post-colonial literature to non-traditional students in inner-city Atlanta. Learn more about her at

Featured image:  Dr. Peter McCullough in New York on Dec. 24, 2021. (Jack Wang/The Epoch Times)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

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First published o February 20, 2023


One of the most critical economic partners of Russia amid the unprecedented Western economic sanctions from Washington and the EU over the Ukraine war has been the Indian government of BJP leader Narendra Modi.

In the past several years Modi, playing a delicate balancing act between alliances with Russia and also with the West, has emerged as a vital trade partner of Russia amid the sanctions. Despite repeated efforts by Biden Administration and UK officials, Modi has refused to join sanctions against Russian trade, above all oil trade. Now a series of suspiciously-timed and targeted events suggest that there is an Anglo-American destabilization being launched to topple Modi in the coming months.

India is a vital ally of Russia through its participation among other things in the so-named BRICS group of nations. The BRICS is the acronym for an informal group of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It is a loose gathering of five of the most dynamic states of the non-OECD nations, mostly of the South. After a Wall Street economist named four potential fast growth emerging economies in 2001, in 2009 the first BRIC summit was held, and after admitting South Africa in 2010, BRICS summits have been annual.

The five have an impressive 40% of the world population, over three billion people, and around 25% of global GDP, with China making up 70% of that, India around 13% and Russia and Brazil 7%. With increasing problems for international companies doing business in China, many major companies are looking to India, the world’s most populous country with a large skilled workforce, as the increasingly favored production alternative to China.

India and Modi

India under BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi has repeatedly refused to join Washington in condemning Russia’s Ukraine actions. It has defied US sanctions on Russian oil buying, despite repeated US threats of consequences. In addition to being a fellow BRICS member, India is also a major long-time buyer of Russian defense equipment.

Modi is facing a national election in Spring 2024, and important regional ones this year, that will determine his future. In January a clear Anglo-American assault on Modi and his key financial backer was launched. A shadowy Wall Street financial firm, Hindenburg  Research, supposedly does “forensic financial research” to look for corruption or fraud in listed companies, with which it then sells a company ”short” as their research is published. The mysterious company emerged in 2017 and is suspected of having ties with US Intelligence.

In January Hindenburg targeted an Indian billionaire, Gautam Adani, head of the Adani Group and at the time reportedly the richest man in Asia. Adani also happens to be the major financial backer of Modi. Adani’s fortune has multiplied hugely since Modi became Prime Minister, often on ventures tied to Modi’s economic agenda.

Since the January 24 Hindenburg report alleging improper use of offshore tax havens and stock manipulation, Adani Group companies have lost over $120 billion in market value. Adani Group is the second largest conglomerate in India. Opposition parties have made a point that Modi is tied to Adani. Both are long-term friends from Gujarat in the same part of India.

The Hindenburg report, which it claims is the result of 2 years research and visits to half a dozen countries– suggesting it was quite a costly investment gamble for a tiny Wall Street research firm– accused Adani companies among other things, “that the INR 17.8 trillion (U.S. $218 billion) Indian conglomerate Adani Group has engaged in a brazen stock manipulation and accounting fraud scheme over the course of decades…Our research involved speaking with dozens of individuals, including former senior executives of the Adani Group, reviewing thousands of documents, and conducting diligence site visits in almost half a dozen countries.” [i]

The details of the Hindenburg effort to discredit and short stocks of a company in remote India, spending clearly large sums to document, suggests they might have well-informed whistleblowers or intelligence sources helping them target a vulnerable group with close ties to Modi. Otherwise it would have been a very high-risk gamble for them. Or they are phenomenally lucky.

At the same month that the suspiciously-timed Hindenburg expose of Adani appeared, in January, 2023 the British government-owned BBC released a TV documentary alleging Modi’s role two decades ago in 2002 in religious riots in Gujarat when he was governor there. The BBC report, which has been banned in India, was based on unpublished intelligence given to BBC by the UK Foreign Office. Interesting. [ii]

The Modi government took extraordinary measures to censor “India: The Modi Question,” the BBC film in India. Indian authorities attacked the BBC for producing “propaganda,” raided BBC offices in India for alleged tax crimes, and invoked emergency powers to force social media companies to remove links to the BBC’s videos. The police detained student protesters who were organizing viewing parties on campuses across the country. [iii] The BBC with help of the UK Foreign Office hit a raw nerve.

India Russia Ties

Refusing to join NATO sanctions against Russia, and maintaining a strict principle of neutrality as it has done since the Cold War era, Modi has taken advantage of availability of Russian crude oil that the US and EU now refuse. Russia is now the biggest supplier of crude oil to India overtaking Iraq and Saudi Arabia. In December, India bought 1.2 million barrels of crude from Russia every day – a whopping  33 times more than a year earlier. Ironically, some of that Russian oil is being refined in India and re-exported to the EU, which just banned Russian oil. According to energy analysts, “India is buying record amounts of severely discounted Russian crude, running its refiners above nameplate capacity, and capturing the economic rent of sky-high crack spreads and exporting gasoline and diesel to Europe.” [iv]

Before the start of the Ukraine war, India bought only 1 percent of Russia’s crude. That figure went up to 28 percent in January. No other country has increased its consumption of Russian oil as much, not even China, which has also significantly increased its buying of Russian oil. If we add imports of Russian fertilizers and sunflower oil and other products, India’s imports from Russia climbed more than 400% in eight months to November from a year earlier.

Worth noting, when it comes to making a huge profit from buying deeply-discounted Russian oil, India’s biggest company by market value, Reliance Industries Ltd, has been a major private sector buyer of Russian crude. Reliance, which owns world’s largest refinery by capacity, in Jamnagar, got  27 percent of its oil from Russia in May, 2022 up from just 5 percent before April. That sum has likely risen since then. Notable, as the Chairman of Reliance, Mukesh Ambani,  is on the Board of the Davos World Economic Forum which is a major promoter of ending crude oil and gas for the UN 2030 Green Agenda. [v] Ideology is nice but huge profits apparently nicer.

Enter George Soros

As further indication that Washington and London seek regime change in India, George Soros, speaking on February 17 at the annual Munich Security Conference, declared, ominously, that, in effect, Modi’s days are numbered.

The 92-year old Soros stated, “India is an interesting case. It’s a democracy, but its leader Narendra Modi  is no democrat. “ That’s a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. Clearly referring to the recent BBC documentary,

Soros added, “Inciting violence against Muslims was an important factor in his meteoric rise.”

Soros detailed his indictment of the Indian leader: “Modi maintains close relations with both open and closed societies. India is a member of the Quad (which also includes Australia, the US, and Japan), but it buys a lot of Russian oil at a steep discount and makes a lot of money on it…” [vi]

Soros has been involved in every Color Revolution since the 1980’s including in Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Yeltsin’s 1990s rape of Russia, in Iran, against Orban’s Hungary, and countless other countries not playing by the free market “democracy” agenda of Washington. That is a matter of open record.

Soros suggested strongly that the Hindenburg Research exposé of Modi ally Adani  is no coincidence. He stated,

“Modi and business tycoon Adani are close allies; their fate is intertwined… Adani is accused of stock manipulation and his stock collapsed like a house of cards. Modi is silent on the subject, but he will have to answer questions from foreign investors and in parliament. This will significantly weaken Modi’s stranglehold on India’s federal government and open the door to push for much needed institutional reforms.” [vii]

He concluded,

“I may be naïve, but I expect a democratic revival in India.” [viii]

That’s Soros short-hand for regime change to someone more pliant to the NATO globalist agenda.

Billionaire hedge fund speculator George Soros has been accused of many things, but never of being naïve. Expect the coming months to signal a massive escalation of Western dirty trick operations to try to topple Modi and weaken the BRICS group of countries that are increasingly trying to oppose the dictates of Washington and Davos globalists.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.


[i] Hindenburg Research, Adani Group : How The World’s 3rd Richest Man Is Pulling The Largest Con In Corporate History, January 24, 2023,

[ii] BBC, BBC India offices searched by income tax officials, 14 February, 2023,

[iii] Ibid.

[iv] Conor Gallagher, Russia’s  Sanction Proof  Trade Corridor To India Frustrates The Neocons, February 1, 2023, Zero Hedge,

[v] Charu Sudan Kasturi, Why India Can’t Quit Russian Oil, July 13, 2022, Foreign Policy,

[vi] George Soros, Remarks Delivered at the 2023 Munich Security Conference, February 16, 2023,

[vii] Ibid.

[viii] Ibid.

Featured image: Prime Minister Narendra Modi (L) met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Samarkand, Uzbekistan, September 16, 2022 (Source: Indian Punchline)

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It’s been a bloodbath for the majority of companies that go overtly woke in the new era of American consumer rebellion, and the establishment is not happy. Corporations like Disney, Anheuser-Busch and Target are plunging in profits and losing billions in market cap after pledging fealty to the trans agenda. In particular, the public is setting out to make examples of institutions that support trans indoctrination of children. Simply put, a line in the sand has been crossed.

With conservative boycotts far more effective than leftist boycotts ever were, the movement makes evident that the political left is a paper tiger and that conservatives and independents have the real majority power in the US. In response, the media is claiming that this movement is a form of “economic terrorism.” That is to say, if you refuse to support the woke hive mind with your wallet, you should be considered domestic enemy.

It took long enough, but average Americans are finally engaging in a culture war which was started years ago, not so much by the political left, but by globalist institutions using leftist activists as enforcers and saboteurs. The key issue that very few people talk about is that activist groups would have NO POWER whatsoever if it weren’t for the unprecedented backing they receive from governments, non-profits, think-tanks and the corporate world. And, a lot of this support has been injected through ESG-style financing as well as DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) programs.

ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) is becoming a well known term and is, at bottom, a form of “impact investing” – Meaning, major lenders such as Blackrock or Carlyle Group, or think-tanks like the Ford Foundation, seek to control societal outcomes using lending as leverage. Watch the video HERE featuring the Ford Foundation’s head of “mission investments” to get a basic understanding of what ESG really is:  Social engineering.

In the past, lenders would base their financing standards on good credit scores and the likelihood of return on investment. If you had a business with a history of solid returns and worthy collateral then you would probably get whatever loans you needed. Today, however, lenders are trying to set political and ideological terms for companies seeking to obtain financing. You must signal your virtue to get access to money, and this includes supporting climate and carbon initiatives, reorganizing your labor based on diversity and inclusion rules, even promoting LGBT activism might be a big factor in your next infusion of cash.

The higher your ESG score, the more likely it is that you will qualify for access to debt. This is part of the reason why a large array of corporations are increasingly jumping on the “pride month” bandwagon. All they have to do is slap some rainbows on some products or commercials or publicly defend the trans grooming of children and suddenly they are golden for another year of subsidized funds.

But what happens in a world where consumer loyalty is no longer a guarantee and the public stops buying from chains that promote woke concepts? What happens when going woke also means going broke? Is ESG cash really worth losing half your customers or more?

Well, not right now it isn’t. As central banks raise interest rates and cut their balance sheets the easy money party that started back in 2008 is ending. After a decade of exponential growth ESG is now in steep decline, and this is directly tied to the policies of central banks like the Federal Reserve. In the past year it is no longer viable to dump money into mostly useless woke projects. Yet, the woke trend continues. Why?

Twenty years ago, the name of the game in the business world was “brand building.” If you could build your brand and gain market loyalty you could sustain your profit model for decades to come. Now, corporations are actually willing to destroy the very brands they spent so much time and money developing all in the name of political idolatry.

It seems like pure madness, but what if they know something we don’t?

What if they are riding out an engineered economic crisis so that they can be rewarded later with “too woke to fail” riches?

My theory is that while ESG lending appears to be dying today, tomorrow ESG lending will be the only way any company will be able to survive.

We need to start considering the future possibility of globally institutionalized ESG.  The frightening notion of central bank ESG financing has been circulating ever since the early days of the covid pandemic.

From the BIS to the Fed to the ECB, numerous programs began to surface with woke connotations. Most of them initially focused on climate change, with central banks suddenly taking an interest in “saving the planet” from a carbon threat that doesn’t exist. Now, there’s a rising chorus of DEI and social equity babble coming from central banks as well.

Maybe international banks are limited in how they engage in ESG lending, but what about central banks? What if they drop their facade of being “politically neutral” and come out full force in support of the woke mind virus? What if central banks become the foundation of ESG?  Wouldn’t woke lending then become perpetual?

I believe that this is exactly what is intended to happen, but it would have to be tied directly to an economic crisis as well as the introduction of digital currencies (CBDCs).  A debt crisis (along with stagflation) could force a majority of companies into a corner. With lack of funds, falling consumer spending and a tightening loan market, central banks and stimulus measures would once again become the only official mechanism for rebuilding the economy.

Governments would also be beholden to central banks as a means to stay afloat, and this means the bankers will have immense influence over how money is distributed (and how wealth is reallocated).

Unlike the crash of 2008, though, the next stimulus event will not be a fiat free-for-all. Instead, it will be RESET; a highly limited rescue plan with digital money being infused into select institutions. In other words, only a portion of the existing economy will be given a life boat, and guess who will qualify for a spot on the raft? That’s right, companies showing the most devotion to ESG.

This would explain why so many corporations are refusing to back away from woke marketing even though they’re losing millions of customers; they know what’s about to happen and they’re preparing in advance for the fallout as well as the inevitable digital bailouts.

Of course, some people will argue that this would require a level of organization and “conspiracy” that doesn’t exist. It would be “silly” to suggest that corporations are colluding to enact a plan to fundamentally upend the current economic paradigm, right? Wrong. At least in terms of coordination, the cabal has already openly announced its presence.

The collusion of corporations, think-tanks and governments to create an international woke monopoly is not theory, it’s reality. The only question left is when will central banks fully admit they’re a part of the scheme? I would suggest that the signs of banking crisis we witnessed at the beginning of this year are the tip of the iceberg.

As the Fed and others continue to raise interest rates into economic weakness stress on the system will expand, and eventually something integral will snap. Maybe it will be another Lehman moment, maybe it will be the US dollar losing reserve status or some other disaster. But it’s no coincidence that this invasion of far-left cultism in the business world is escalating at the same time that our economic foundations are struggling. One is related to the other, and it’s my view that the decay of the current system is meant to facilitate the creation of a new and perpetually woke economy.

The public would thus be trapped into participating in the cult by sheer necessity, unless, the population decentralizes using localized production and localized trade. Our entire way of life would have to change dramatically, drawing from self sufficient ideals that used to be a staple a hundred years ago.

ESG is not going away on its own. Woke ideology is not going away on its own. These structures will have to be destroyed, but you can’t rebel against a structure you rely on for your daily survival. You would first have to completely separate from it.


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“Turbo cancer” is a non-medical term that has arisen to describe very aggressive and rapidly progressive cancers following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and suppression of the immune system.

I have written 13 substacks about turbo cancers so far:

Today’s focus is on turbo lung cancers.

Clydebank, UK – 24 yo paramedic Meadhbh Cameron died on Mar. 11, 2023. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer in Sep. 2022, which was resistant to chemo and she died within 5 months of diagnosis (click here)

UK journalist, 45 year old Emily Morgan died after “short battle” (2 months?) with lung cancer (click here).

Emily Morgan passed away on May 26, 2023 after a short battle with lung cancer.

She had stopped Tweeting from her account @emilymorganitv on March 30, 2023.

Although more details are not available, it seems that her “short battle with lung cancer” lasted about 2 months.

Connecticut – 62 yo Abbe Brod Funk died on May 29, 2023 after a 6 month battle with Stage 4 small cell lung cancer

Swift Current, NL – Lorraine Andrews’ son had his lung cancer return

Tumwater, WA – Corrections Deputy Kenneth Richard Anderson died on June 2, 2023 after short battle with lung cancer (click here)

Portland, OR – 40s yo nurse Mara Kieval died suddenly on May 26, 2023 after a “severe health crisis” She had a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine booster on Nov. 27, 2021. She was diagnosed with lung cancer 1 month prior to death.

Twitter reports of Turbo lung cancer:

My Take… 

The underlying mechanism of turbo cancer is most likely some type of COVID-19 vaccine induced immune system suppression that gives rise to rapidly growing and rapidly progressive cancers of the breast, lung, colon, gastric, gallbladder, pancreas, brain, lymphoma, leukemia and so on.

There are a number of theories in regards to what is causing COVID-19 vaccine induced immune system dysfunction: TLR suppression, T-cell dysfunction, IgG4 shift, DNA contamination of mRNA vials with plasmids containing SV40 promoter, p53 inhibition, PD-L1 elevation, NK cell exhaustion and many more.

It is unclear at this time, what is the prevailing mechanism that causes turbo cancer.

The pattern emerging with turbo lung cancers is as follows:

  • presents usually very late at Stage 4 with distant metastases
  • survival from diagnosis to death in usually around 2 to 6 months, much shorter than the typical non-mRNA induced lung cancer
  • resistant to conventional treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • right now there is not enough data to determine whether these are mostly NSCLC non-small cell lung cancer or SCLC small cell lung cancer types (I have seen examples of both)
  • seems to be a problem with both Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

Turbo cancers are a new phenomenon in oncology and so far, oncologists are not recognizing that these turbo lung cancers, arising after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, are behaving very differently.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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A whistleblower from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which has itself a shady reputation mainly for its biased reporting, always in favor of the western wannabe empire and its vassals, has revealed the discovery of Ukrainian Nazi Groups harvesting children’s organs in underground laboratories. These labs were exposed after the buildings were destroyed in the war.

Already in the wake of the February 2014 (U.S Sponsored) Coup d’état, according to the Huffington Post (2015 report):

“… Poor and disabled children, locked away and out of sight from families and their communities, are sitting ducks for traffickers and pedophiles. And nefarious staff are often the beneficiaries of perverse transactions where captive children are the commodity.

The organization, Disability Rights International (DRI), recently released a report — “No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine’s Orphanages” — following a three year investigation of the plight of children living in institutional care.

DRI found that children are at risk of being trafficked for sex, labor, pornography and organs in a country [Ukraine] that is a known hub for human trafficking.

Some 82,000 children are said to live in these facilities, although no one seems to know for sure. Some Ukrainian activists put the number closer to 200,000.

Inside orphanages, DRI found rampant sexual violence, abuse and rape were commonplace. Children are often recruited directly from orphanages for sex and labor according anti-trafficking organizations in Ukraine.”

That was before the onset of the Ukraine War.

The 11-minute video of The People’s Voice is so brutal and cruel it is difficult to watch and listen to. 

The Ukrainian atrocities it describes is just at the limit of what a normal human being can take – and still believe in humanity. Lest, one begins to segregate humans from un-humans. Thoughts and concepts along this line are not new, especially since the beginning of the new era, as you may call what began with the self-inflicted 9/11 mass murder – and related lies, ongoing.

The thought of un-humans running the world was just drastically reinforced when Muammar Gaddafi, the then-leader of Libya was lynched on 20 October 2011 in the most vicious ways by NATO forces led by France and the United States, and when the then-President Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, celebrated with colleagues and journalists, laughing diabolically, “We came, we saw, he died.” The legitimate question, “Is this woman human?” was raised by many people and journalists.

Then came the beginning of the UN Agenda 2030 / The Great Reset – the fear-mongering and lies after lies after miserable lies about a virus which, rightfully may be asked, did it ever exist? — locking down people, preventing them from seeing their loved ones, elderly parents, dying relatives.

A lockdown, of which one key purpose was to start warp-speed building of countless, literally millions and millions of 5G antennas around the globe, with the objective of eventually helping kill people and transform the survivors into remote-controlled transhumans, executing the agenda of a sick elite. See this.

The fake plandemic was followed by two intense years of forced and coerced “vaccination”, of discriminating vaxxed against unvaxxed around the globe, no escape, with a mRNA concoction that was a trial injection – trial not to find out what works best against the flu-like invented Covid disease, but figure out which one kills best and in what ways.

The objective was and is to this day – not healing, but killing – a movement of massive depopulation of the world. That is where we stand today, with the disclosure of thousands and thousands of Pfizer documents. See this.

The population is flooded with media lies, government lies, scientific lies – all bought and corrupted to serve a diabolical elite agenda, an agenda debatably led by Un-People.

When it comes to this western / NATO-provoked Ukraine war, where the Ukrainian Nazi government kills its own people and destroys its own infrastructure just so it can blame Russia for it – see especially the blowing up of the Nova Kakhovka damthe corruption and child trafficking for elite pedophiles, as well as organ and adrenochrome harvesting, by the tens of thousands, come to the fore.

Just to add another barbarism, the purposeful devastated Nova Kakhovka dam is flooding some 80,000 people, destroying their livelihoods – all evidence indicating it was done by Ukraine but the west blames Russia – all the western mainstream media ape the same lies. See this.


The People’s Voice video describes in vivid style how Russian troops discovered carved-up bodies of children as young as 2 years to 6 and 7 years of age. Killed alive for their organs. Their pain-stressed blood was harvested for Adrenochrome – the “live-prolonging” remedy for the elite – traded for millions every year.

Child trafficking for sex and organ harvesting is the fastest growing business in the world, currently said to run in the tens of billions. No precise figures are available, and the all-controlling corrupt media make sure that no such figures enter the light of day, as this is the darkest of all dark businesses.

It is a worldwide business, but the center of it is arguably Ukraine.

The west knows it, while still supporting the also most unethical country in the world. President Biden must know about Ukraine’s corruption, as his son made millions in this lawless ambiance. The presstitute media mute such news.

Europe is fully aware.

But the European Commission’s priority is destroying Russia. Are the people at the head of the EC still humans? The west will, of course, never succeed with the Ukrainian war, no matter how many hundreds of billions-worth of weaponry they supply to the Zelensky government. They also know that 70% of this weaponry goes straight to the black-market. See this. 

They also know that Russia is far superior and never intended to dominate Ukraine, just protect the Russian population and their territories.

Yet, Europe follows the insane and inhuman mandate of her Washington masters.

Europe as well as Washington are well-aware of the child-trafficking and organ harvesting, another billions of dollar business. Yet, the support of Ukraine and the repugnant lying to the people around the world continues.

The legitimate question: are these humans or un-humans, those who run the world, those who run the institutions like the WEF, WHO, GAVI, Club of Rome and more? Look at their facial expression, the dark vibrations they emanate – and you keep wondering.

Then watch the video below. Same video as above

Indeed, the power of atrocity is hard to stomach.

And the answer to the question about humans or un-humans becomes obvious.

We, the People, must wake up to an uncomfortable reality, one that cannot be swept under the rug, but must be confronted to save our planet and our civilization from disappearing.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Virtually the entire world was able to see the absolute debacle of NATO’s much-touted heavy armor and other weapons recently, precisely as various independent experts predicted just days before the wanton counteroffensive began. Despite decades of close cooperation between the former Ukrainian military and NATO, as well as close to a decade of much more intensive joint training between the belligerent alliance and the (then newly installed) Neo-Nazi junta that focused on interoperability and the implementation of NATO standards, the Kiev regime forces’ performance against even the conscripted (although battle-hardened) Donbass militias within the Russian military has been embarrassingly poor.

The counteroffensive is still ongoing, resulting in largely insignificant gains (that are still firmly under Russian fire control), but has now largely stalled. The mainstream propaganda machine is trying to portray their favorite puppet regime’s “successes” as militarily significant, but the available information (ample footage included) indicates this is simply a coping mechanism and a desperate attempt to keep the laughable “Russia losing” narrative alive.

Even if the Neo-Nazi junta’s gains have been a hundred times greater (a virtually impossible scenario as evidenced by undeniable battlefield information), this would still not justify the massive casualties its forces have suffered so far and which are still far from being conclusive.

However, the political West is wholly unmoved by the deaths of tens of thousands of forcibly conscripted Ukrainians, as its only concern is “killing as many Russians as possible”, per their own unrepentant admission. Still, the humiliating losses of such a large quantity of top-of-the-line (on paper only, it would seem) NATO equipment and weapons has now exposed significant cracks within the political West, particularly the growing frustration and disdain Western Europeans have for the ever-hegemonic United States.

The delivery of Western-made weapons, munitions and other equipment has been spearheaded by countries such as the US, UK, Poland, etc.

London was the first to pledge heavy armor and long-range missiles, as well as banned depleted uranium munitions that can leave disastrous consequences. This was followed by Washington DC’s intention of delivering its M1 “Abrams” MBTs (main battle tanks) that are reportedly slated to be upgraded with some M1A2 systems and subsystems, increasing their overall performance and capabilities.

Afraid of potential losses (rightfully as we’ve learned recently), Germany was initially reluctant to provide its own MBTs (Battle Tanks), long considered the most advanced (and best overall) in NATO. This was met with cheap moralizing from the US, UK, Poland and many others, pushing Berlin to speed up its deliveries of heavy armor. However, now that its prized MBTs have not only been destroyed, but are “also on their way to Moscow” (including one of the latest A6 variants), Germany realized just how big of a mistake this has been (just like 80 years ago).

Interestingly, ever since the debacle, Washington DC and London have been strangely quiet about their previously boastful pledge to send the “Abrams” and “Challenger 2” MBTs. Especially now when all the German manufacturers of the “Leopard 2”, primarily Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (chassis producer) and Rheinmetall (main gun producer), are facing plummeting stocks (and extremely likely market share losses). We can only guess who will benefit the most from filling the market gap with their own equivalent equipment and weapons.

However, apart from irreparable damage to its reputation, Germans are also faced with the prospect of their heavy armor becoming nearly obsolete, “as some of it has been sent to Moscow“, where the Russian military will study it in detail. The mainstream propaganda machine insists this is because Russia supposedly “lacks such high technologies” and wants to reverse-engineer them, but this notion is quite laughable, as Moscow will simply study it to find easier ways to destroy NATO heavy armor (not that it has problems doing that already, though).

On June 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a live meeting with a number of prominent war bloggers and military journalists, where he detailed the results of the Russian military’s performance in previous days. Putin didn’t hide Russian losses and admitted there are certain problems in the armed forces and the country’s military industry, but also reiterated that these are being tackled as the authorities are working towards weeding out deficiencies. Still, he didn’t miss the opportunity to praise the overall performance of both.

And indeed, the Russian military-industrial capacity has been greatly expanded and proved virtually invulnerable to Western sanctions warfare, while the military demonstrated remarkable flexibility by rapidly adopting new tactics, an effort that resulted in its largely stellar performance when it comes to repelling the Kiev regime’s attacks. Putin specifically praised the T-90M MBT, as it has indeed proven to be the best in the world. This notion is further reinforced by the fact that it has suffered very few losses to enemy fire in well over a year of its use.

On the other hand, the number of German-built “Leopard 2” MBTs destroyed in mere days far exceeds the number of T-90Ms lost in approximately 16 months of the special military operation (SMO), despite the fact that the latter is also much more widely deployed. Worse yet for the Germans, even the less advanced T-72B3 proved to be much more survivable against both drones and ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles) than NATO’s latest and most advanced heavy armor. What’s more, the upgraded Soviet-era T-64BV in service with the Kiev regime forces also demonstrated greater survivability.

Apart from Russian Ground Forces and drones, attack helicopters such as the Ka-52 “Alligator” proved particularly deadly against hostile heavy armor. This fantastic machine’s primary ATGM is the 9M127-1 “Vikhr”, one of the world’s most advanced weapons of this class. Putin also praised its ground-based “cousin”, the no less capable 9K135 “Kornet” ATGM, which the Russian President also said will be produced in larger quantities. He also added that military experts expected no less than what we’ve seen in the last several days, adding that NATO weapons and equipment “burn nicely”. The same as that of their “Barbarossa” ideological (and literal) forefathers, we might add.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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China will always remain one of Russia’s top energy partners for economic, geographic, and political reasons, but Moscow doesn’t want to become dependent on exports to the People’s Republic, which is why it’s preemptively diversifying by betting big on South Asia in general and on India in particular.

Several interconnected developments this month prove that Russia’s energy industry is betting big on South Asia. In early June, Iran announced that it’ll form a gas hub together with Russia, Qatar, and Turkmenistan, which might see Moscow and Tehran swapping supplies to meet the needs of each other’s shared partners like India. This arrangement could also revive the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline if Islamabad has the political will or at least lead to an Iranian-Indian one with time.

On the topic of Pakistan, it just received its first-ever Russian oil tanker, which coincided with the first batch of LPG arriving overland from Afghanistan. Russia also hopes to eventually clinch a deal on the Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline that’s been effectively frozen since April 2022’s post-modern coup. In the meantime, it’s reportedly in favor of reviving the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline and playing a major role in it too, whether with regards to its construction and/or supply.

Even if neither of those two pipelines ever see the light of day, India in and of itself is important enough of an energy partner for Russia to make its big bet on South Asia worthwhile. Russia nowadays supplies a whopping 42% of India’s crude oil and has plans to scale up its supply of LNG too. It’ll soon resume exports from its Yamal plant that were temporarily suspended late last year due to an unrelated sanctions issue and recently invited India to play a larger role in its Sakhalin projects as well.

India is therefore the indisputable centerpiece of the Russian energy industry’s future plans for South Asia, which they envisage including a Pakistani component (if Islamabad can muster the political will) and a Bangladeshi one too. These three countries are either rapidly growing economies like India and Bangladesh or have large untapped potential like Pakistan, not to mention to being home to around a quarter of humanity, which means that their energy needs will continue rising for the foreseeable future.

China will always remain one of Russia’s top energy partners for economic, geographic, and political reasons, but Moscow doesn’t want to become dependent on exports to the People’s Republic, which is why it’s preemptively diversifying by betting big on South Asia in general and on India in particular. From the Kremlin’s perspective, Russia’s literal fueling of India’s rise is expected to keep the global systemic transition on track by midwifing tripolarity prior to complex multipolarity (“multiplexity”).

In parallel with that, helping neighboring Pakistan meet its minimum energy requirements on the cheap can assist it in maintaining a level of socio-economic stability amidst that country’s potential bankruptcy and likely long-term recovery, which serves India’s national security interests. As for the Bangladeshi component of Russia’s regional energy strategy, it simply makes sense to supply this traditional partner with discounted resources too if tankers will already be transiting through the region to and from India.

The grand strategic trend is that Russia has wisely averted the scenario of becoming disproportionately dependent on China by preemptively diversifying its energy exports to South Asia, which also accomplishes the goal of literally fueling India’s rise in order to further accelerate multipolar processes. This newfound energy dimension of the Russian-Indian Strategic Partnership therefore has global implications, which thus imbues their bilateral ties with immense importance for shaping this century.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

In the Name of My Father. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!

June 16th, 2023 by Edward Curtin

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For thirty years I have taken my father’s name in the vain hope that some of his exquisite writing and character would be recognized through his son’s hand. When he died in 1993, I was devastated. I was the middle child squeezed between seven sisters.

As the only son, my father and I had a very special bond, heralded by my being named after him and sealed by an intimacy exclusive to the two males in the family. When he died, I became the oldest man in a vast extended family bearing the name Curtin. I felt older and more responsible.

Shortly after he died, I very consciously dropped the Jr. from my name to carry on his. This seemed like a way to keep him with me, as if we were one, and just as he once seeded me into life with my mother, I could give him continued life in me, for naming is numinous and in the beginning and end are the words.

From the start, he was my great supporter in all I wrote (and did). With him behind me, I have always felt filled with supreme confidence, as the word attests to its meaning as a shared faith. His in me and mine in him and both of us in something far larger than us: God, the Spirit that inspires us. I would send him my published writings and he would respond with wit and praise, sometimes disagreeing with some of the content of my work but always instilling in me the inner confidence that I was born to write. And as his letters were works of art themselves, I always felt he was blessing me, as if we were poetic souls together exchanging communion, as we often did when I was young and we would attend early morning Mass together, often stopping afterwards for his favorite corn muffins, a simple second act of breaking bread together.

As Irish-American Catholics educated by Jesuit priests, we both had the sensibilities of James Joyce when he said in a letter, “[A writer] is a priest of the eternal imagination, transmuting the daily bread of experience into the radiant body of everliving life.” Since we lived more than a hundred miles from each other, a life of letters between us ensued.

We both knew that daily life often left something to be desired and our task was how to find ways to fulfill that never-ending desire. In our ways we differed, at least on the surface, for those differences concealed a shared affinity for wit, literature, sports, and things spiritual, to name but four – his spirituality being of the conventional sort and mine more heterodox. When he read the English writer Edmund Gosse’s classic account of his Victorian childhood and his conflicted religious relationship with his father in Father and Son – subtitled “a study of two temperaments” he wrote to me to say it sounded like us; there was a sadness in his words tinged with a wise understanding that this was inevitable, for separate generations are affected differently by changes in society, and yet and yet, the fundamental things abide. Our deep love, most fundamentally.

My father was a lawyer who in his youth had been an excellent athlete. Since I adored him, at first I too became an athlete in his image, then I considered becoming a lawyer on his trail, and even briefly contemplated the priesthood in search of my father’s shadow. By a simple twist of romantic fate, however, I became a teacher, a wandering scholar, and antinomian of sorts, whose true calling was always writing. I spent many years fleeing my vocation down my nights and days, half committing but never fully. But the Call was insistent, and with my father’s implicit support, I finally said yes. Yes I said yes I will Yes. I think it was also his calling. But different social and personal situations led us down different paths, and he had little choice.

Being a child of the 1960s, I had more opportunities to spread my wings, much of it because of his support. I have been writing and publishing since my twenties, but once my father died and I assumed his name, my writing increased until it became a torrent of words that were unstoppable. I felt I was channeling him, not in some literal and weird sense, but that his death had opened a floodgate that I had kept closed for some reason. Some fear. Something. Yet I always felt I was writing for him.

Because he married young during the Great Depression and had four daughters by the age of twenty-eight and then five more children (one died at birth), he had little time for serious writing, so he channeled his writing into his letters, what he called epistles, which he tossed off on the go with the aplomb of a master. He left me with a large trove of these magical epistles that read like mini short stories. Erudite and deep, funny and self-deprecating, he left a legacy hard to match, not just with his words but with his life.  Here are a few excerpts:

  • I have a new case, Ed, in which I represent the fair wife Sally in a custody case involving three children. It seems the children phoned the father and told him that the mother said that reptiles, movie stars, and President Reagan were on the roof. I don’t think this helps my case unless I can show that Reagan was on the roof. What do you think? And what movie stars? I guess I should move for a bill of particulars as to which stars and what kind of reptiles.
  • This week I managed to keep pretty busy which is good, though somewhat depressing. Yesterday one of my clients was a blond Japanese guy with a seeing eye dog whose wife, also legally blind, snatched his cane and tried to push him in front of a car. The reason, however, that he is blind is that he killed his first wife a few years ago and shot himself in the head, causing the blindness. He has also threatened to kill this wife.
  • [Back from a doctor’s visit, he wrote:] The doctor said I have only two problems – from the waist down and from the waist up. But from the neck up I think I am okay. Cogito ergo sum.
  • Another of my clients was a 14 year-old Puerto Rican girl who with four others mugged an old cleaning woman on the subway at 4:45 A.M. My charmer is accused of threatening the victim with a gun. Talking to her in detention, I asked her why the gun bit and she said, ‘She was giving us a hard time.’ I asked her what she meant by that and she replied, ‘She wouldn’t give up her bag.’
  • Next case! ¿Quién sabe? [who knows?]
  • It’s a great big wonderful world but more than half the people in it are nuts.

I’m afraid he’s right, but he said it, not me.

He once wrote to me that when I was born the doctor told him “You hit the jackpot.” He assumed it meant multiple more girls to go with the four he already had. It turned out to be me. He asked me a good question, “Where had you been?”

After all these years, I still wonder. ¿Quién sabe?

But here I am now and my name is Edward J. Curtin, Jr., a very lucky son of a wonderful father with a saber wit and heart of gold.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad!


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

Featured image is from the author

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Incident: Canada BCS3 enroute on Jun 7th 2023, first officer incapacitated (click here) 

By Simon Hradecky, created Thursday, Jun 15th 2023

An Air Canada Bombardier C-Series CS-300, registration C-GJXY performing flight AC-692 from Toronto, ON to St. John’s, NL (Canada) with 125 passengers and 6 crew, was enroute when the first officer became incapacitated. A deadheading captain assumed the duties of the first officer, the aircraft continued to St. John’s for a safe landing about 90 minutes later.

The Canadian TSB reported: “During the flight, the First Officer became incapacitated. A deadheading Captain assumed the crew members duties and the aircraft landed without further incident. Emergency Medical Services met the aircraft at the gate upon arrival.” See this.

Recent pilot deaths 

Other recent pilot incapacitations in-flight 

Jun. 4, 2023 – Cessna Citation N611VG flying Tennessee to Long Island, fighter jets spotted pilot slumped over in cockpit unconscious, plane crashed and all onboard died (click here)

May 11, 2023 – HiSKy Flight H4474 (DUB-KIV) Dublin to Chisinau (Moldova), 20 min after liftoff pilot became “unable to act”, plane diverted to Manchester (click here)

May 4, 2023 – British Charter TUI Airways Flight BY-1424 (NCL-LPA) Newcastle to Las Palmas Spain pilot became ill, plane diverted back to NCL. (click here)

April 4, 2023 – United Airlines Flight 2102 (BOI-SFO) – captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft. (click here)

March 25, 2023 – TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed (click here)

March 22, 2023 – Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot (click here)

March 18, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal (click here)

March 13, 2023 – Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off (click here)

March 11, 2023 – United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains (click here)

March 11, 2023? – British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot collapsed in Cairo hotel and died, was scheduled to fly Airbus A321 from Cairo to London (click here)

March 3, 2023 – Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure. (click here)

Epoch Times articles on pilot incapacitations


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Biotech firm BioNTech is facing a lawsuit filed by a German woman over side effects she suffered after receiving its mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine. The woman, a healthcare worker whose identity remains private under German privacy laws, is claiming at least €150,000 ($164,000) in damages for bodily harm and compensation for material damage. She reports experiencing upper-body pain, swollen extremities, fatigue, and sleeping disorders after receiving the vaccine. The case, the first of potentially hundreds in Germany, is being heard by the regional court in Hamburg.

The woman’s lawyer says he intends to challenge the positive risk-benefit analysis given to the BioNTech injection by European Union (EU) regulators and German vaccine assessment bodies. Under German pharmaceutical law, vaccine manufacturers are only liable for damages if it can be shown that the shots cause disproportionate harm relative to their claimed benefits, or if labeling information is incorrect.

BioNTech, which developed its vaccine with Pfizer and holds the marketing authorization for the product in Germany, predictably claims that the woman’s case lacks merit. The position of the European Medicines Agency is that the BioNTech vaccine has a very low incidence of side effects. A recent study sharply contradicts this, however, confirming that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are associated with more serious harms than originally thought.

As some of the EU’s bulk purchase agreements with COVID-19 vaccine makers reportedly include liability waivers, the BioNTech lawsuit raises important questions regarding responsibility for legal costs and compensation. Observers suggest that in cases brought in EU countries, governments, and ultimately therefore taxpayers, could be forced to bear the payment of any damages.

A growing number of lawsuits

The German case is one of a growing number of COVID-19 vaccine lawsuits being filed around the world.

In the UK around 90 families are said to be pursuing legal action against vaccine maker AstraZeneca. Many of the plaintiffs say the firm’s COVID-19 vaccine caused them to develop vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a condition that can cause deadly blood clots. Others developed Guillan-Barre syndrome, which can result in paralysis. Some have even had limbs amputated.

The UK lawsuit currently involves over two dozen fatalities, some of whom were aged as young as 18-years-old. The compensation bill for British victims killed or maimed by the AstraZeneca vaccine could theoretically exceed £1 billion ($1.28 billion). But as the UK government’s contract with the firm included an indemnity clause, the final bill will end up being footed by taxpayers.

A COVID-19 vaccine injury lawsuit has also been filed in Australia. This case reportedly has 500 members and is seeking redress for citizens left injured or bereaved by COVID-19 vaccines. The Australian government, its drug regulatory agency and its department of health are all named as parties to the class action, as also are a number of senior public servants.

The lead claimants in the Australian case include a man who developed a severe heart condition after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, another who developed encephalomyelitis (inflammation in the brain and spinal cord) following the AstraZeneca vaccine, and a third who developed cognitive impairment and chronic fatigue after having the Moderna vaccine.

Additional countries in which cases have recently been filed include Italy, Canada, and the United States. Lawsuits in further countries are expected to follow.

With total worldwide revenue from COVID-19 vaccines reaching $64.4 billion in 2021 and $60.9 billion in 2022, the maximizing of corporate profits has resulted in widespread human suffering. With death and injury tolls continuing to mount, vaccine manufacturers and their stakeholders must be called to account.


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This article was originally published on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings. You can find Paul on Twitter at @paulanthtaylor

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from DRHF

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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April 16, 2020 [America in ‘lockdown’: Day 34.]

The CDC would never launch a fake epidemic; certainly not…

And meet our old friend, Dr. Anthony Fauci, in another context…

History matters.

So I take you back to the summer of 2009, when the CDC and the World Health Organization were hyping the “deadly H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic.”

They were, of course, also urging people to take the new Swine Flu vaccine. On that subject, here is an excerpt from Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense (3/27/20):

“For example, [Dr. Anthony] Fauci once shilled for the fast-tracked H1N1 influenza (‘swine flu’) vaccine on YouTube, reassuring viewers in 2009 that serious adverse events were ‘very, very, very rare.’ Shortly thereafter, the vaccine went on to wreak havoc in multiple countries, increasing miscarriage risks in pregnant women in the U.S., provoking a spike in adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and causing febrile convulsions in one in every 110 vaccinated children in Australia—prompting the latter to suspend its influenza vaccination program in under-fives.”

Thank you. Dr. Fauci. Explain to us why you haven’t been downgraded to pumping gas in Death Valley or sent to prison?

Back to the Swine Flu pandemic. In the summer of 2009, the CDC was claiming there were thousands of cases in the US. But behind these statistics lay an unnerving secret. A crime, considering the CDC’s mandate to report the truth to the American people:

Secretly, the CDC had stopped counting cases of Swine Flu.

What? Why?

CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, discovered the CDC secret; and she found out why.

The routine testing of tissue samples from the most likely Swine Flu patients was coming back, in the overwhelming percentage of cases, with: NO SIGN OF SWINE FLU OR ANY OTHER KIND OF FLU.

Attkisson wrote an article about this scandal, and it was published on the CBS News website. However, the next, bigger step—putting out the story on CBS television news—was waylaid. No deal. And CBS shut down any future investigation on the subject. Attkisson’s article died on the vine. No other major news outlet in the world picked up her article and ran with it deeper into the rabbit hole.

Here is what Attkisson told me when I interviewed her:

Rappoport: In 2009, you spearheaded coverage of the so-called Swine Flu pandemic. You discovered that, in the summer of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control, ignoring their federal mandate, [secretly] stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. Yet they continued to stir up fear about the “pandemic,” without having any real measure of its impact. Wasn’t that another investigation of yours that was shut down? Wasn’t there more to find out?

Attkisson: The implications of the story were even worse than that. We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all! The interest in the story from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was “the most original story” he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others pushed to stop it [after it was published on the CBS News website] and, in the end, no [CBS television news] broadcast wanted to touch it. We aired numerous stories pumping up the idea of an epidemic, but not the one that would shed original, new light on all the hype. It was fair, accurate, legally approved and a heck of a story. With the CDC keeping the true Swine Flu stats secret, it meant that many in the public took and gave their children an experimental vaccine that may not have been necessary.

—end of interview excerpt—

So…fake pandemic, CDC crimes, and a damaging vaccine.

But that wasn’t end of it. The CDC wanted to commit another crime. About three weeks after Attkisson’s findings were published on the CBS News website, the CDC, obviously in a panic, decided to double down. If one lie is exposed, tell an even bigger one. A much bigger one.

Here, from a November 12, 2009, WebMD article is the CDC’s response: “Shockingly, 14 million to 34 million U.S. residents — the CDC’s best guess is 22 million — came down with H1N1 swine flu by Oct. 17 [2009].” (“22 million cases of Swine Flu in US,” by Daniel J. DeNoon).

Are your eyeballs popping? They should be.

Fast forward to 2020. Who in his right mind, armed with a little history, would believe anything the CDC is saying about COVID-19? The case numbers, the accuracy of the diagnostic tests, the need for lockdowns and economic devastation, the safety and importance of a vaccine, the fear porn?

Only a fool.


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The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.


[1] Dr. Fauci and COVID-19 Priorities: Therapeutics Now or Vaccines Later?

[2] Press Briefing Transcripts, Weekly 2009 H1N1 Flu Media Briefing, October 09, 2009, 12:00 p.m.

[3] Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?

[4] 22 Million Cases of Swine Flu in U.S.

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Several federal government agencies have been hit in a global hacking campaign that exploited a vulnerability in widely used file-transfer software, the nation’s cyber watchdog agency said on Thursday.

The statement by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added to a growing list of entities in the US, UK and other countries whose systems were infiltrated through the MOVEit Transfer software. The hackers took advantage of a security flaw that its maker, Progress Software, discovered late last month.

“We are working urgently to understand impacts and ensure timely remediation,” Eric Goldstein, CISA’s executive assistant director for cybersecurity, said in a statement.

British energy giant Shell, the Johns Hopkins University, the Johns Hopkins Health System and the University System of Georgia were also hit, they said in separate statements.

Shell spokeswoman Anna Arata said MOVEit Transfer is used by “a small number” of Shell employees and customers.

“There is no evidence of impact to Shell’s core IT systems,” she said. “There are around 50 users of the tool, and we are urgently investigating what data may have been impacted.”

Johns Hopkins said it was “investigating a recent cybersecurity attack targeting a widely used software tool that affected our networks, as well as thousands of other large organizations around the world.”

The University System of Georgia, which groups about 26 public colleges, said it was “evaluating the scope and severity of this potential data exposure” from the MOVEit hack.

Large organizations including the UK’s telecom regulator, British Airways, the BBC and drugstore chain Boots emerged as victims last week.

The UK telecom regulator said hackers stole data from its systems, while the personal information of tens of thousands of employees of British Airways, Boots and the BBC was also exposed.

CISA did not immediately respond to requests seeking further comment. The FBI and National Security Agency also did not immediately respond to emails seeking details on the breaches.

The United States does not expect any “significant impact” from the breach, CISA Director Jen Easterly told MSNBC.

MOVEit is typically used by organizations to transfer files between their partners or customers. A MOVEit spokesperson said the company had “engaged with federal law enforcement” and was working with customers to help them apply fixes to their systems.

New Vulnerability Found

Progress Software’s shares ended down 6.1% on Thursday. The company disclosed another “critical vulnerability” it found in MOVEit Transfer on Thursday, although it was not clear whether it had been exploited by hackers.

The online extortion group Cl0p, which has claimed credit for the MOVEit hack, has previously said it would not exploit any data taken from government agencies.

“IF YOU ARE A GOVERNMENT, CITY OR POLICE SERVICE DO NOT WORRY, WE ERASED ALL YOUR DATA,” the group said in a statement on its website.

Cl0p did not immediately responded to a request for comment.

John Hammond, a security researcher at Huntress, said MOVEit is used to transfer sensitive information, such as by bank customers to upload their financial data for loan applications.

“There’s a whole lot of potential for what an adversary might be able to get into,” he said earlier this month.

The news adds to a growing tally of victims of a sprawling hacking campaign that began two weeks ago and has hit major US universities and state governments. The hacking spree mounts pressure on federal officials who have pledged to put a dent in the scourge of ransomware attacks that have hobbled schools, hospitals and local governments across the US.

Since late last month, the hackers have been exploiting a flaw in widely used software known as MOVEit that companies and agencies use to transfer data. Progress Software, the US firm that makes the software, told CNN Thursday that a new vulnerability in the software had been discovered “that could be exploited by a bad actor.”

“We have communicated with customers on the steps they need to take to further secure their environments and we have also taken MOVEit Cloud offline as we urgently work to patch the issue,” the company said in a statement.

Agencies were much quicker Thursday to deny they’d been affected by the hacking than to confirm they were. The Transportation Security Administration and the State Department said they were not victims of the hack.

The Department of Energy “took immediate steps” to mitigate the impact of the hack after learning that records from two department “entities” had been compromised, the department spokesperson said.

“The Department has notified Congress and is working with law enforcement, CISA, and the affected entities to investigate the incident and mitigate impacts from the breach,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the university’s renowned health system said in a statement this week that “sensitive personal and financial information,” including health billing records may have been stolen in the hack.


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Featured image is from Asian Lite

First published on May 20th, 2016

Laissez faire was planned, explained Karl Polanyi in The Great Transformation: The origins of the market system go back to the intentional project of institutional transformation initiated in England in the 19th century, establishing a free labor market, free trade and the gold standard. Institutions such as the unions, the industrial cartels and the Welfare State instead emerged subsequently as spontaneous counter-reactions to laissez faire. Kari Polanyi Levitt and Mario Seccareccia show, with a new periodization, how this dialectic interaction, or ‘double movement’ can still guide the understanding of today’s Neoliberalism.

Philip Mirowski has produced some truly exceptional works on the historical roots and intellectual history of what is described as the Neoliberal Thought Collective (NTC). These works have been rightly celebrated for deepening our understanding of the continued popularity and dominance of neoliberal policy ideas in the second decade of the twenty-first century (see, for, instance, Mirowski [2013] and Mirowski and Plehwe [2009]).

Neoliberalism, just like some other overworked buzzwords du jour (to use his expression) such as globalization and financialization, has slipped into the common lexicon, especially of political economists, over the last few decades. This expression is normally connected with the rise of the visible hand of the so-called “pro-market” minimalist state in seeking to remove all vestiges of the postwar Keynesian welfare state that had resulted from social struggles rejecting the old economic liberalism of the nineteenth century.

For this reason, it cannot be associated merely with the dominance of neoclassical economic ideas and methodology. As he correctly depicts in Figure 3 of his working paper (Mirowski 2014, p. 10), those are quite distinct in nature. An example of these divisions are the differences and tensions within the large NTC over such matters as how economic agents behave in processing information: the neo-Austrians reject outright models of perfect knowledge and point to the market as the only correct source of information, while the Chicago rational expectations tribe starts with the presupposition of quasi-perfect knowledge. Because of differing presuppositions, there ensue differences in how, for instance, the neoliberals view the state as an instrument to protect the “market” from the demands of the “people”, while the neoclassicals see it as an exogenous entity potentially generating market “imperfections”. Yet, as Mirowski (2014) rightly points out, there remains among most economists much skepticism as to the existence of neoliberalism as an intellectual movement itself. This is so despite the fact that neoliberalism has slowly achieved such a global political influence in government policy circles since its beginnings during the interwar era of the last century and in the immediate post-WWII years with the founding of the Mont Pèlerin Society in 1947.

We are in complete agreement with Philip Mirowski (2014) on the existence of an organized Neoliberal Political Project (NPP) — whose presence he tries to detect and measure by using various analytical tools of research. For instance, he provides an empirical review of the number of books and articles referring to neoliberalism, particularly since the 1980s, and he studies the proliferation of neoliberal think-tanks and other such lobby groups, often masquerading as research institutes that can hijack government policies at the local and national levels and end up almost as in camera advisors to elected representatives. A very good example of this is right here in Canada over the last decade. In this country, there has been much suspicion about the relationship between the previous Conservative government that was defeated recently in the October 2015 election and such neoliberal think-tanks as the Vancouver-based Fraser Institute, and lobby groups such as the Toronto-based National Citizens Coalition. The latter had actually once been headed by none other than our former Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, who is himself a political ideologue associated with the broad NPP.

However, this kind of capture of the state is hardly new. A similar takeover is discussed by Karl Polanyi in The Great Transformation, in reference to the emergence and development of what he dubbed the liberal creed in Ricardian and post-Ricardian England of the nineteenth century. His historical reconstruction focused precisely on the political strategies that were deployed by groups adhering to this creed to capture the state and redefine its role. Indeed, it is surprising that Karl Polanyi is not mentioned or cited once in Mirowski (2014).

This avoidance of Polanyi is somewhat surprising, since he had been the most solid opponent of many of the early twentieth-century neoliberal writers that Mirowski mentions. It was the case particularly with Ludwig von Mises already during the 1920s and early 1930s in Vienna, that is, much before the Keynes-Hayek debates that ensued in the late 1930s. But he also engaged debates with other liberal/neoliberal writers and eventual members of the Mont Pèlerin Society, such as Walter Lippmann (Polanyi 1944, p. 148). Indeed, while they did not actually know each other personally, Friedrich von Hayek and Karl Polanyi followed parallel paths from the two diametrically-opposed intellectual circles emerging in the Red Vienna of the 1920s, with each of them leaving for Britain in the early 1930s and then eventually to the United States (see, for more details, Polanyi Levitt 2012-13; 2013).

The Importance of Karl Polanyi’s Analysis to Understanding Current Neoliberalism

For Karl Polanyi, the liberal creed was the set of organizing principles that guided the nineteenth-century movement after the Great Reform Act of 1832, that had represented the political defeat of the British aristocracy by the then rising industrial class or bourgeoisie. Its purpose was to design and establish a self-regulating market system that would include the creation of markets for fictitious commodities, namely pseudo-markets for labor, land and money.

Until then, the principle of laissez-faire, as it had been embraced, for instance, by eighteenth-century French Physiocratic writers, had a much more limited focus. The goal of these earlylaissez-faire opponents of mercantilism was narrowly to free commodity markets from the yoke of mercantilist regulatory structures, especially as the latter impacted on agriculture. The nineteenth-century liberal creed was, instead, an all-encompassing principle for redesigning society as a ubiquitous and “self-regulating” market system. This wider social project required a threefold institutional transformation, consisting of separate acts of policy that had long been debated and planned by its proponents. The first of these was to establish “free labor”, towards whom an employer had no other obligation than to pay a market wage.

This necessitated the creation of a capitalistic/competitive labor market by, for instance, abolishing outdoor poor relief, such as those associated with the Speenhamland system in England, thereby largely dis-embedding the labor market from its larger societal base. The second wasfree trade of commodities by imposing and extending the rules of a “de-regulated” goods market on a world scale. Under Pax Britannica, free trade policy entailed a precise hegemonic power relation with Britain importing from cheap sources of raw materials while, in return, selling more processed manufactured goods both domestically and internationally. David Ricardo had envisaged this structure of “free trade” at the end of the Napoleonic wars in 1815 in his critique of the Corn Laws, so as to sustain industrial rates of profit and forestall what he believed to be their inevitable fall. Thirdly, there was the establishment of the gold standard in order to remove discretionary monetary intervention as had existed previously during the Napoleonic wars and to impose a supposedly automatic (non-discretionary) monetary order, which, among other things, relied especially on a key power relation between Britain and its fledgling colonies (see de Cecco 1984).

In the British context, these foundational changes took place within a decade or so of the Great Reform act with, respectively, the adoption of the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834, the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 and, in 1844, Sir Robert Peel’s Bank Charter Act, which established the Bank of England as a central bank. While the first largely eliminated the previous Poor Laws that allowed local parishes to distribute the relief to the indigent, and while the repeal of the corn law sacrificed domestic agriculture, making the country dependent on cheap imports, the purpose of the Bank Charter Act was to make capitalist enterprises and the haute finance believe that whatever they received in net revenues was as “real” as its equivalent in solid gold and to insure complete convertibility without monetary “debasement.” Karl Polanyi insisted that, in order for the so-called self-regulated market system to be established, those three conditions needed to be secured through political action, whose enactment served to “dis-embed” or institutionally to separate the “self-regulating market” from its broader social sphere.

Polanyi argued that, before 1832, changes were introduced by legislated actions of parliament dominated by the landed aristocracy. Changes usually took decades to unwind and be effective. Instead, many of the legislative changes of the following decade were introduced abruptly and, like in the case of the Poor Law, brutally. From that point onwards, further action required simply an administrative act. The buildup and enhancement of the administrative capacity of the state therefore aimed at introducing and preserving the emerging liberal order. In that connection, Polanyi cited Jeremy Bentham, who was a staunch believer in the efficiency of the administrative apparatus of the government, as illustrated by his famous inspection house project, the Panopticon, for the efficient supervision of penitentiaries, industrial establishments and schools (Polanyi 1944, p. 146). Centralized state bureaucracy became a decisive means of implementation and management of the changes to the Poor Laws; that is, to echo Michel Foucault, to establish and maintain the social order.

This had little to do with the laissez-faire demands of the anti-mercantilist critics of the previous era. Nor was the new order the outcome of some spontaneous developments. Instead, the new institutional structure of the so-called “self-regulating market” was itself the result of the concerted actions of the state to ensure compliance under the terms stipulated by the new order. In that sense, it was hardly a self-regulating system since, from the very beginning, it needed to be established and maintained by a strong bureaucracy and other elements of the state apparatus to enforce compliance. Indeed, as Polanyi affirmed, “laissez faire was planned” (Polanyi 1944, p. 147).

But what Polanyi also taught us is that if the market order was not natural, the reactions of the society were. A counter movement to the imposed laissez faire arose spontaneously from a great variety of sources. Those included struggles of the factory workers, that established their right to organize in trade unions, business claims for the “right” to establish cartels to protect themselves from cut-throat competition, states’ prerogative to shield their “infant industries” through tariff protection, and so on. These dialectic interactions generated a double movement that ultimately resolved into democratic reforms of the state, with the liberal institutions progressively sided by new structures, such as trade unions and mass socialist parties both on the European continent and, to a lesser extent, on the North American continent.

Following WWI and the Russian Revolution, the post-WWI struggles led to intellectual debates such as, for instance, Polanyi’s encounter with Ludwig von Mises, which occurred as early as 1922 in Vienna. In this latter case, the debate first arose over issues relating to the socialist municipal administration, with Mises praising for a return to the liberal era of the nineteenth-century belle époque. Interestingly, as Polanyi (1944) points out, the term “collectivism” had already been coined by such late nineteenth-century authors as Albert Dicey (1919), as a way to discredit the social responses to the liberal model. Following Dicey’s attack, Ludwig von Mises and his protégé, Friederich von Hayek, began to promote a startling image of the so called “collectivist state,” that supposedly stood in stark contrast to the principles of liberty typical of the liberal creed. It was from these repeated attacks on the Polanyian double movement, or what Mises and Hayek repeatedly described as the “state collectivist” movement, that the newly-emerging neoliberal creed was born.

The Neoliberal Era: What are the Differences?

At the core, the vocabulary of the neoliberal creed was not very different from the nineteenth century liberal rhetoric, preaching the virtues of competition and so forth. We could say that the former intellectual baggage served as source and inspiration for the latter (see Henry 2010), yet there was a substantive difference. In fact, by the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the liberal state had undergone considerable reforms. For instance, by the 1920s and 1930s, the British liberal movement came to be associated with important figures such as John Maynard Keynes and William Beveridge, who sought to save capitalism from its own destructive tendencies by means of what, in the early post-WWII era, came to be called the Keynesian welfare state. One has only to recall the title and content of Lord Beveridge’s famous 1944 book, Full Employment in a Free Society, to recognize the transformation that liberalism had undergone. Hence, as a result of the Polanyian double movement, liberalism had undergone a metamorphosis that was far more compatible with the current usage of the term in the United States and Canada, which reflects the welfare state policies of the New Deal era.

Neoliberalism, instead, developed already in the 1930s in opposition to this newly-reformed twentieth-century liberalist “synthesis,” or what some may also describe as the Galbraithian countervailing powers (see Galbraith 1952), which had arisen out of the Polanyi’s double movement. Once again, the goal of the neoliberal movement was to capture the state and impose a new order, while pretending to hark back to the ideals of nineteenth-century liberalism. As recognized by Polanyi, neoliberals like Walter Lippmann neither believed inlaissez faire nor in democratic governance. Actually, as Hayek explained in his book The Constitution of Liberty, they were aware that once the new neoliberal order were established, it would have to be protected against political interference of the mass democracy; that is, from the inevitable political pressures resulting from Polanyi’s double movement.

But what are the precise pillars of the neoliberal creed that emerged since the late 1930s and promoted by the members of the Mont Pèlerin Society and the allied organizations that flourished especially since the 1970s? Interestingly, also the neoliberal movement came to follow a three-pronged strategy somewhat analogous, in its rationale, to the earlier liberalism: First, their policy perspective in support of competition favored a restructuring of the labor market. They promoted policies that would weaken workers’ organizations, by arguing that workers should be let negotiate individually with their employers. But the argument for breaking the “monopoly” power of trade unions and supporting the “right to work” of working people did not apply to transnational business enterprises, with corresponding anti-trust laws. Similarly, they promoted austerity measures to starve the public sector for funds, in the name of combating waste and suppressing inflationary pressures. These policies have served the purpose of attacking the Keynesian welfare state and reducing state transfers to households, thereby weakening even more the position of labor. Much as it had happened under the Poor Laws reforms in the nineteenth century, this dis-embedded further the labor market, with some of the same consequences in terms of stagnant, if not declining, real wages.

The second pillar, free trade or what has been termed globalization, also further reinforced the effects on the labor market via the out-sourcing of jobs. However, modern free trade is even more rules-based than its nineteenth-century predecessor. These rules are promoted and administered by important supra-national institutions, such as the World Trade Organization. As a result, unrestricted flows of goods and capital, which had also existed in the nineteenth century, are now coupled with international accords, which seek to protect cross-border investment and offer legal privileges to corporations. A perfect example is the NAFTA agreement between Mexico, US and Canada (not to mention the current Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)), which clearly advantages big outsourcing firms in ways that would have been unthinkable in the nineteenth century.

Third, Neoliberals have promoted greater monetary integration and hierarchical currency structures not that dissimilar to the pound sterling-based power relations under the gold standard but even more asymmetrical. Although somewhat more fragmented than under Pax Britannica, the US dollar reigns as the supreme reserve currency, with trading countries accumulating dollar reserves, just like in the nineteenth century they held gold reserves. With the exception of core dominant industrialized countries that have floating exchange rates, there is a huge constellation of trading countries that are either completely or partly dollarized through a variety of fixed exchange rate regimes. But perhaps even more problematic is the monetary regime that a large number of countries on the European continent had embraced with the adoption of the Euro: they have gone even further than under the gold standard by giving up their national currencies altogether and choosing to accept a rules-based fiscal straitjacket (see Seccareccia and Correa, 2015). That surely would have surprised even Karl Polanyi, since, as he had recognized, countries did not really abide by such strict rules with the gold standard being often reduced to a “mere pretense” (Polanyi 1944, p. 204)! Indeed, many writers associate the Eurozone project to a neoliberal monetary architecture already concocted by Mont Pèlerin economists such as Hayek and Lionel Robbins as early as the late 1930s, as well as by writers associated with the Vichy regime during the Second World War (see Thomasberger 2015; and Parguez 2016).

In conclusion, from a Polanyian perspective we can identify an evolution in historical stages from the Liberal creed to current Neoliberalism, as described in Figure 1. Modern neoliberalism, just like its nineteenth century forerunner, is an integrated system that, as Mirowski (2014) says, dares not speak its own name as an ideological movement that bows to the temple of the almighty market. However, this market fundamentalism, as Block and Somers (2014) refer to it, is a much more virulent phenomenon than its predecessors. As Polanyi himself pointed out in the Great Transformation, and as discussed by Polanyi-Levitt (2013, Chapter 2), neoliberalism is a particularly effective ideology because of its methodological individualism. This peculiarity makes the double movement more difficult to trigger: In the last three Neoliberal decades, as Wolfgang Streeck (2014) argues, capitalism seems to have lost a capacity for collective action. Nowadays, Margaret Thatcher’s famous statement still weighs heavily on our fragmented society when she asserted that “… there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families.” It is this distorted and misleading individualistic ideology that modern counter movements have had such a difficult time opposing, and it is on that precise intellectual front that progressive/heterodox economists must do more to meet the challenge.

Kari Polanyi Levitt is Professor Emerita of Economics at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; and Mario Seccareccia is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Beveridge, William H. (1944), Full Employment in a Free Society, London: Allen & Unwin.

Block, Fred, and Margaret R. Somers (2014), The Power of Market Fundamentalism, Karl Polanyi’s Critique, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

De Cecco, Marcello (1984), Money and Empire: International Gold Standard, 1890-1914, (Second edition), New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Dicey, Albert Venn (1917), Lectures on the Relation between Law and Public Opinion in England during the Nineteenth Century, Liberty Fund edition available online at: .

Galbraith, John Kenneth (1952), American Capitalism, The Concept of Countervailing Power, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Hayek, Friedrich A. (1978), The Constitution of Liberty, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Henry, John F. (2010), “The Historic Roots of the Neoliberal Program”, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 44, no. 2 (June), pp. 543-50.

Mirowski, Philip (2013), Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste, New York: Verso.

Mirowski, Philip, and Dieter Plehwe, eds. (2009), The Road from Mont Pèlerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Mirowski, Philip (2014), “The Political Movement that Dared not Speak its Own Name: The Neoliberal Thought Collective under Erasure”, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Working Paper No. 23 (September); at:

Parguez, Alain (2016), “Economic Theories of Social Order and the Origins of the Euro”,International Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 45, no. 1 (Spring), pp. 2-16.

Polanyi, Karl (1944), The Great Transformation, The Political and Economic Origins of our Times, Boston: Beacon Press, 2001.

Polanyi Levitt, Kari (2012-13), “The Power of Ideas: Keynes, Hayek and Polanyi”, International Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 41, no. 4 (Winter), pp. 5-15.

Polanyi Levitt, Kari (2013 ), From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization, Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood Books, and London: Zed Books.

Seccareccia, Mario, and Eugenia Correa (2015), “Supra-National Money and the Euro Crisis: Lessons from Karl Polanyi”, Forum for Social Economics, Vol. 44, pp. 1-23; online at: .

Streeck, Wolfgang (2014), “How Will Capitalism End?”, New Left Review, No. 87 (May-June), pp. 35-64; available online at: .

Thatcher, Margaret (1987), “Epitaph for the eighties? ‘There Is No Such Thing as Society”: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, talking to Women’s Own magazine, (October 31 1987), The Sunday Times reprint at: .

Thomasberger, Claus (2015), “Europe at the Crossroads: Failed Ideas, Fictional Facts, and Fatal Consequences”, Forum for Social Economics, Vol. 44, no 2, pp. 179-200.

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It’s hardly breaking news that Russia has been fighting off a crawling invasion by NATO (aided by America’s global vassals and satellite states) for well over a year now. The Neo-Nazi junta would’ve lasted mere days had it only been a Moscow vs. Kiev scenario and this fact is not Russia’s claim, but one by Josep Borrell, the European Union’s top diplomat (although his skills in diplomacy are highly questionable at best).

It’s precisely this that makes Russia’s ability to withstand Western aggression all the more mind-boggling, particularly when considering the sheer discrepancy in population size, nominal military budgets, size of Russia’s economy in comparison to the combined financial and economic strength of the US-led political West (to say nothing of its geopolitical influence), etc.

It should be noted that the virtually direct involvement of the political West has resulted in a strategic stalemate with tactical back and forth, as both sides made gains somewhere or were forced to concede areas elsewhere. However, the notable difference is that Russia is doing that for strategic reasons, particularly in order to avoid heavy casualties (both civilian and military), while the complete opposite is true for the Kiev regime (Bakhmut/Artyomovsk being the case in point).

This is because the Neo-Nazi junta’s main goal is optics and keeping the narrative alive. And the narrative is that Russia is supposedly “weak” and “incapable” of defeating the US/NATO puppets in Kiev. However, the massive casualties suffered by the regime’s forces are a clear indicator of just how much of a reverie this narrative is.

Perhaps the best proof of this is the ongoing counteroffensive of the Neo-Nazi junta forces. Although experts have already predicted how it would go (and that’s precisely how it’s been going for approximately two weeks now), the Kiev regime is forced to keep up with it, because its puppet masters don’t really care about Ukrainian casualties as long as they can portray Russia as supposedly “weak” and “incapable of winning”.

The stakes are as high as they could possibly be, so the belligerent thalassocracy needs to ensure that the Neo-Nazi junta at least doesn’t lose the aforementioned narrative, as the prospect of actually defeating the Russian military is all but impossible. To accomplish this, the US-led political West is ready to engage in a sort of nuclear brinkmanship the world has never seen, including during the entirety of the (First) Cold War.

To this end, Washington DC is already resorting to what some experts call “nuclear blackmail”. To prevent a complete defeat of its favorite puppets after Russia eventually launches its own counteroffensive, the US has placed additional nuclear weapons in Europe in order to increase pressure on Moscow and keep most of its forces on standby in case the ongoing Cold War between Russia and NATO turns hot. Poland, one of Moscow’s archenemies, has been particularly insistent on having American nuclear weapons deployed in its territory.

Coupled with Warsaw’s ambitions to build probably the largest and most advanced land force in the European part of NATO, as well as station as many other NATO troops as possible, such aggressive actions have pushed Russia to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, as well as reinforce its Kaliningrad exclave.

Specific moves to ensure Russia’s safety include the expansion of its already massive military-industrial capacity, additional deployments of its state-of-the-art hypersonic weapons (which the entire political West lacks altogether) and the overall change in its deterrence policy, which now includes the aforementioned deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in allied territory, specifically Belarus.

However, Minsk will not merely house such weapons, but will also be able to use them in case the political West escalates its aggression against Belarus itself, which has been under a crawling attack for several years now. Worse yet, the belligerent thalassocracy has never given up on trying to conduct yet another color revolution in Minsk, as it still insists that President Alexander Lukashenko is supposedly “illegitimate” and that the opposition is the “actual government in exile”.

The Kremlin has correctly anticipated virtually all moves by the US and NATO and has revised its strategic posturing towards them, making it perfectly clear that it’s ready for any “unexpected” developments. And while Russia is certainly not the one that wants to be the first to use a nuclear weapon, the political West is doing everything in its power (short of direct war, for now at least) to push Moscow to do exactly that.

The latest warning by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that Washington DC is pushing the transfer of nuclear-capable F-16s to the Kiev regime illustrates this perfectly. And while the mainstream propaganda machine insists this is “Russian disinformation” and “baseless fearmongering”, Lavrov’s no-nonsense bearing and the sheer magnitude of his credibility in the diplomatic world say otherwise.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

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Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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On December 16, 1773, off the Boston coast, irate American colonists, fed up with paying excessive tax rates and getting political abuse from their colonial masters in return, flooded the sea with 342 chests of British East India Company tea.

It was a glorious symbolic act of defiance. War ensued, and eventually the patriots, once in the extreme minority among the total colonial population, were vindicated.

The rallying cry of the revolutionary movement was “no taxation without representation,” meaning that the colonists were subjected to taxation to fuel the British Empire’s expensive adventures across the globe, but did not enjoy any real political representation in British Parliament for it.

Does modern America suffer from the same phenomenon?

I have previously referenced a 2014 study published via Cambridge University Press that quantitatively debunks the “democracy” myth that American children are force-fed in public school:

“When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organised interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it… average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence [over US policy].”

In layman’s terms, the multinational Western technocratic state does not factor the peasants’ desires or values into its decision-making at all.

Furthermore, the government considers at least a third of its own population “domestic terrorists” for non-crimes as petty as parents not wanting their kids exposed to transgender indoctrination in public schools. It uses money collected from said alleged domestic terrorists through taxes to politically persecute them, and frequently requests more to facilitate its jihad.

Via New York Times, May 4, 2021:

“Attorney General Merrick B. Garland told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Justice Department needs more money for Biden administration priorities including combating domestic extremism.… Mr. Garland has prioritized efforts to fight domestic terrorism and protect civil rights over the department’s focus during the Trump administration on street crime and gangs…

The department is also seeking an additional $101 million to address the rising threat of domestic terrorism.”

Journalists who expose government abuses such as the ones enumerated above, instead of being lauded as heroes for their good work, are targeted for political persecution by the state.

There are literally thousands of examples of this, but the most prominent is Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who has been hounded to the ends of the Earth for a decade now for exposing US war crimes, Hillary Clinton’s personal corruption, and other factual information in the public interest.

The government selectively enforces the law against white people and conservatives while letting leftist agents of chaos run hog-wild on American streets in a phenomenon called “anarcho-tyranny” that I have written about previously at The Daily Bell.

Due process has been all but discarded as a relic of legacy America, in the before-times prior to the installment of the multinational technocracy. Alex Jones was not permitted, in his Sandy Hook defamation trial, to offer his innocence as a defense. His guilt had been pre-determined; the court proceedings were only to determine how much moneyJones owed the alleged victims.

Former president Donald Trump recently lost a civil rape case to a certifiable lunatic The Atlantic writer who offered no evidence of any kind except her own unhinged testimony. The alleged rape occurred in 1996 – 27 years ago. There were no witnesses in the busy department store where it allegedly went down. The jury awarded her millions of dollars anyway, and Rachel Maddow did a fawning interview to celebrate.

Trump maintained his innocence throughout. After the trial, when Trump again pled innocence at a CNN town hall, her attorney threatened another lawsuit for simply claiming his innocence as he has since the whole scandal erupted.

None of this is an endorsement – not even a tacit one – of political violence if it can be avoided. Kinetic warfare with the multinational corporate state is inadvisable for many reasons, not least of which is that the government’s capabilities dwarf those of any insurgency.

Rather, this is an acknowledgment of reality: a strong case can be made that the United States government is illegitimate. What we do with this assessment is up for debate.


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This article was originally published on The Daily Bell.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TDB

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At the end of April, two French neo-Nazis – Alan Vineron and Guillaume Andreoni – who had joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine as mercenaries, were arrested and convicted in their home country. Two months earlier, one of them had posted photos of three executed Russian prisoners on social media.

However, Vineron and Andreoni were detained not because of any war crimes, but for attempting to smuggle weapons and munitions back home, including rifle scopes and magazines for machine guns. After a brief trial, they were sentenced to 15 months in prison each, nine of them to be served conditionally. 

This incident is only the first sign of things to come. According to French media, about 400 French citizens are taking part in the armed conflict in Ukraine. Of these, about 100 are directly involved in the fighting, and about 30 are well-known far-right extremists. 

It’s not just Paris that will soon face the prospect of militant neo-Nazis returning home. Observers note that the number of volunteer foreign fighters in Ukraine has reached thousands. 

The French and their ‘adventures’ in Ukraine

According to the French media outlet Mediapart, France’s General Directorate for Internal Security had its eye on the suspects long before the incident. Despite this, they were detained only thanks to a random check at customs.

Vineron (also known as “Vivi”) is a retired fighter of the elite French Chasseurs Alpins (Alpine Hunters) unit. He was dismissed from the army after his neo-Nazi views came to light in the media. Shortly before returning home, he posted a photo on the “TrackANaziMerc” Telegram channel, showing three Russian soldiers shot in the head. The image shows that the soldiers were unarmed and killed at close range. After the photos of the execution began circulating online, Russia’s Investigative Committee announced that it would examine the crimes of French mercenaries against Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine.

Vineron’s accomplice, known as “Bones” by his military callsign, was also previously linked to a far-right neo-Nazi group which has long-standing ties with Ukrainian extremists.

The “Zouaves Paris” group – it ironically derives its name from the Berber tribe Zwawa, which in turn became known as the French army’s first “indigenous” regiment – supported Ukraine and established contact with local fighters from the neo-Nazi Azov regiment. In December 2019, the leader of the far-right group, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, traveled to the country to personally meet Azov fighters and visit their training camp.

In January 2022, a month before the start of Russia’s military operation, Zouaves Paris was banned in France. However, its ties with Ukrainian extremists had nothing to do with the ban – a month earlier, the group had attacked anti-racism demonstrators who tried to disrupt a far-right rally in support of presidential candidate Eric Zemmour.

The ban did not particularly affect the neo-Nazis. Zouaves Paris supporters from the “Ouest Casual” Telegram channel are still singing the praises of Ukrainian fighters and are using Nazi symbols and phrases alluding to various far-right movements in France and Germany. In their posts, they refer to Russian troops as “the Asian hordes of Soviet imperialism that have once again taken over Europe,” and to Chechen units as “Putin’s Muslim dogs.” They use similar duplicate channels to raise funds for the needs of militants and collaborate with neo-Nazis from other countries.

The group boasts of its presence in Ukraine, posting photos of its Ukrainian supporters and stickers of French right-wing organizations. It has also created backup platforms in case the main Telegram channel is blocked.

All roads lead to Ukraine

A little over a year ago, far-right terrorists from France killed the former Argentinian international rugby player Federico Martin Aramburu. One of the suspects, Loik Le Priol, was caught on the border between Hungary and Ukraine. According to official reports, the terrorist and former marine commando wanted to surrender to the Ukrainian authorities after committing the murder.

In November 2022, the Italian police announced the arrest of five members of local neo-Nazi group “Order of Hagal”. They had illegally stored weaponry, ammunition, tactical equipment, and a grenade launcher and further engaged in regular paramilitary training to prepare a terrorist attack in Naples.

Later, it became apparent that the group also maintained close ties with Ukraine’s Right Sector, Centuria, and Azov neo-Nazi units. One of its members was a fighter from the Azov. His accomplice, having “dangerously close ties with far-right Ukrainian nationalist groups,” planned to attack a police station in Naples, while the former Azov fighter himself was preparing a terrorist attack in a shopping mall. 

The Italian police first became aware of the neo-Nazis back in 2019. In an intercepted conversation from January 2021, one of the militants, Giampiero Testa, threatened that he would “make a massacre like in New Zealand,” obviously referring to the terrorist attack in Christchurch that resulted in the deaths of 51 people in 2019. Incidentally, in his manifesto, the New Zealand terrorist stated that he had trained in the Azov battalion in Ukraine, and wore neo-Nazi symbols.

These ties between the neo-Nazis are mutual. According to a 2020 investigation by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point, the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto became popular among Ukrainian paramilitary units. It was even translated into the Ukrainian language and sold as a book by a 22-year-old Kiev resident, becoming a kind of artifact. The center added that Ukraine “holds a particular attraction for white supremacists, activists and adventurers” largely due to the establishment and development of the Azov regiment and other state-supported paramilitary formations.

Over the years, Azov has encountered no impediment to growth and has become a powerful and extensive organization. The more it grew, the more support it received from the Ukrainian state. Azov’s ideological influence on Ukrainian society has helped to shape the country’s modern agenda. In the 2010s, the organization actively organized youth camps that taught basic military training and ideology. As noted in the Combating Terrorism Center report, the public declarations of Ukrainian far-right extremists attracted ultra-rightists from Europe, the United States, and other countries.

Far-right extremist puppet theater

In the same CTC report, Ukraine is dubbed the first country where the “overtly far-right white nationalist militia [is] publicly celebrated, openly organizing, and with friends in high places.”

As a result, Ukraine has become a meeting point for far-right extremists from all over the world. The foundation for this was laid long before the start of hostilities in February 2022.

Joachim Furholm was a foreign mercenary in Ukraine and later a recruiter of Western extremists. Furholm is a Norwegian fascist activist who was briefly imprisoned after an attempted bank robbery. He also became well-known for sympathizing with the terrorist Anders Breivik. In 2018, he joined the Foreign Legion in Ukraine and began recruiting American neo-Nazis to the Azov unit. 

“It’s like a petri dish for fascism. It’s the perfect conditions,” Furholm said about Ukraine in an interview. Referring to the Azov unit, he said that “they do have serious intentions of helping the rest of Europe in retaking our rightful lands.” Later on the “Azov” podcast, Furholm urged listeners to get in touch with him on Instagram. When a young man from New Mexico reached out, the Norwegian urged him to join the fighting in Ukraine saying, “Come over here, boy. A rifle and beer are waiting for you.”

Surprisingly, after making an appearance on the far-right podcast, Furholm wasn’t ostracized by the media. After speaking at an Azov rally in 2018, he went on to give an interview to the US government-controlled RFE/RL.

The case of the American mercenary and former US Army veteran Craig Lang is even more striking. Lang made headlines when he attempted to blow up his pregnant wife with anti-personnel landmines. In 2015, after serving a prison sentence, he joined the Right Sector ultranationalist organization along with another army veteran, Alex Zwiefelhofere. BuzzFeed reported that Craig recruited dozens of Western militants to Ukrainian paramilitary units.

In 2016, Lang joined the Georgian National Legion, which fought on the side of Ukraine in eastern Donbass. Leaked documents revealed that he beat, tortured, and killed local civilians. According to the publishers of the leak, one of the videos shows Lang beating and drowning a girl after a fellow fighter injected her with adrenaline so that she would not lose consciousness while drowning. Lang and other militants committed these atrocities as members of the Right Sector unit. 

Despite the fact that Lang has been charged in a double murder case in the United States, his lawyer Dmytro Morhun told Politico that he had returned to the battlefield. In the summer of 2022, he was seen on social media “in a Ukrainian military uniform and brandishing an anti-tank weapon.” 

Paul Gray is another prominent example of the petri-dish effect. The Iraq war veteran and Purple Heart recipient was a well-known fascist activist in the United States before joining the pro-Ukrainian militants. Despite this, Gray made numerous media appearances, including on Fox News, where he was portrayed as a heroic soldier, his neo-Nazi views never surfacing. 

According to media reports, a document compiled by the US Customs and Border Protection Service, intelligence, and other domestic security services, shows that many American militants have traveled to Ukraine. The evidence in these cases being recorded interviews with the extremists themselves, conducted by the law enforcement agencies. 

Interestingly, one of the questions listed in the document was, “What kind of training are foreign fighters receiving in Ukraine that they could possibly proliferate in US based militia and white nationalist groups?”

In July 2022, Europol warned that “the proliferation of firearms and explosives in Ukraine could lead to an increase in firearms and munitions trafficked into the EU via established smuggling routes or online platforms” and “this threat might even be higher once the conflict has ended.”

This means that Ukraine isn’t just turning into a mecca for neo-Nazis, but also poses a threat for the West. A report by the UK’s Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament shows that British citizens who have traveled overseas for “Right-Wing Terrorism-related purposes” have been “further radicalized” and “developed connections” with others who share their violent ideology. At the same time, the report indicates that there is currently “no process” in place to monitor these people following their arrival home.


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Iain Muir is a Scottish/British Photojournalist, researcher, pilot (A&H), CAA-licensed drone operator, commentator, NUJ member, SCTS-registered.

All images in this article are from Scotland Today Online

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America’s Perpetual War: Six Questions

Prof. Joseph H. Chung, June 12, 2023

A Big Pharma/Globalist Fraud/Construct: Deadly Viral Pandemics Are Not Possible

Dr. C. Stephen Frost, June 10, 2023

Video: Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the COVID Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence Is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide

Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 5, 2023

The Military Situation in the Ukraine. Jacques Baud

Jacques Baud, June 10, 2023

Racehorses at Churchill Downs. Horses Fitted with Wireless Devices

Arthur Firstenberg, June 9, 2023

“Directed Evolution”: In Lockstep Towards the Abyss

Peter Koenig, June 8, 2023

The Hegemon Will Go Full Hybrid War Against BRICS+

Pepe Escobar, June 12, 2023

What’s Next to the Moon? An “Apex Body” and Digital ID to Rule Us All

Jacob Nordangard, June 11, 2023

Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun

F. William Engdahl, June 10, 2023

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario “Suggests”: Unvaccinated Patients Are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication

Jim Hoft, June 10, 2023

Canada’s “Chinagate”

Michael Welch, June 10, 2023

Climate Disruption: It’s Not Due to CO2

Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, June 10, 2023

Turbo Gastric Cancer: Diagnosis to Death in 12 Days, Tragic Story of a 49-year-old Army Nurse

By Dr. William Makis, June 15, 2023

“Turbo cancer” is a non-medical term that has arisen to describe very aggressive and rapidly progressive cancers following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and suppression of the immune system.

Asia-Pacific Is Where China-Russia “No Limits” Partnership Will be Put to Test

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 16, 2023

The power dynamic in Northeast Asia is undergoing a dramatic change against the backdrop of the “no limits” strategic partnership between China and Russia. The collapse of Kiev’s counteroffensive” and abject defeat in the war with Russia may compel Biden administration to put “boots on the ground” in western Ukraine, triggering a global confrontation, and, equally, the US-China relations are at their lowest point since their normalisation in the 1970s, while Taiwan issue may potentially turn into a casus belli of war.

Gaza: Amnesty Calls on ICC to Investigate Israel for War Crimes

By Middle East Eye, June 16, 2023

Amnesty International has accused Israel of “collective punishment against the civilian population” during last month’s fighting between Israel and Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip, and called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate.

Kari Polanyi Levitt 100th Birthday on June 14, 2023. From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization: On Karl Polanyi and Other Essays

By Kari Polanyi Levitt, June 15, 2023

In Canada, Kari Levitt is known for her path-breaking study Silent Surrender (1970, 2002), which warned of the consequences of permitting industries to be dominated by multinational corporations. In the Caribbean the author is known for her work on the persistence of the Plantation Economy (2009), from slavery to the present.

The Ignorance Illusion: A Wake-Up Call for Brits regarding Ukraine War. “The Spectre of Nuclear Escalation Looms”

By Hans Stehling, June 15, 2023

In the fast-paced world of today, it’s easy for the average British citizen to become disconnected from events outside their cozy island nation. With a seemingly endless barrage of sensational news and trivial distractions, it’s no wonder that the vicious war raging in Ukraine feels like a distant nightmare rather than an imminent threat.

Behind the Unrest in Senegal: Economic Distress and the Shifting Character of Global Politics

By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 15, 2023

Senegal was the scene of demonstrations and widespread property damage in the wake of the conviction of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko who was tried by the courts in absentia in early June. Sonko, a former tax inspector and co-founder of the African Patriots of Senegal (PASTEF) opposition party, had been charged with sexual assault, however, his conviction was for the corruption of a minor.

Is CAFO Animal Waste the Dirty Secret of Organic Foods?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 15, 2023

Chicken feces, or chicken litter, and other animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is commonly used as fertilizer, including for organic crops. CAFO waste used as fertilizer is contaminated with pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant genes, growth hormones, heavy metals and pesticides.

Europe Reverses Prior Statement: “We are at war against Russia”

By Eric Zuesse, June 15, 2023

On 9 May 2023, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said “All NATO members agree that Ukraine will become a NATO member,” which means that the entire Alliance is unanimous that Russia will and must be defeated in Ukraine. The next day, on 10 May 2023, the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said essentially the same thing, though in a far less succinct way.

Why JFK Was Deemed a Threat to National Security

By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 15, 2023

Three days ago — June 10 — was the 60th anniversary of President Kennedy’s Peace Speech at American University. Reading or listening to the speech today, it is not difficult to see why the U.S. national-security establishment deemed Kennedy to be a grave threat to national security, just as it did with certain foreign leaders, such as Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran, Congo leader Patrice Lumumba, Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz and, later, President Salvador Allende of Chile. 

Traitor to the Constitution: The U.S. Government Is the Real Criminal

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, June 15, 2023

This entire fiasco—indicting Donald Trump for allegedly violating both the Espionage Act and obstructing justice by improperly handling classified records—is merely the latest in a never-ending series of distractions, distortions, and political theater aimed at diverting the public’s attention from the sinister advances of the American Deep State.

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Pregnant women who took toxic, experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been suffering all kinds of complications including:

  • miscarriages (fetal death <= 20wk)
  • stillbirths (fetal death > 20wk)
  • sudden death of mom before, during or after delivery (click here)
  • pregnant women having heart attacks, strokes, dying in sleep (click here)
  • sudden deaths of infants shortly after delivery (click here)
  • injuries to infants such as myocarditis (click here)
  • injuries to infants from breastfeeding with mRNA in milk (click here)

In this article I will look deeper into some of the identified causes of miscarriages and stillbirths (after mom took COVID-19 mRNA vaccine) such as fetal growth restriction, fetal cardiac arrest, fetal pulmonary hemorrhage, blood clots at the placenta, placental failure, etc.

I will write a separate substack on congenital malformations.

I would like to thank Substack author “WelcomeTheEagle88” for his work on finding these VAERS reports, please check out his substack, he has done some incredible work (click here).

Fetus stopped growing after mRNA injection:

CASE 01 (VAERS 1070770) – Pregnant woman had 1st Pfizer jab on Feb.4, 2021 at 7wk5d pregnancy. Fetus stopped growing 6 days later (8wk4d), no heartbeat and she had miscarriage Feb.22, 2021 (18 days after Pfizer)

CASE 02 (VAERS 1340339) – 35 year old Pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer jab on April 18, 2021 at 5wk5d of pregnancy. Fetus stopped growing 5 days after Pfizer jab on April 23, 2021 and died. Miscarriage.

CASE 03 (VAERS 1394084) – Pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer dose at 5.5 weeks pregnancy and fetus stopped growing immediately after her Pfizer jab. Miscarriage.

CASE 04 (VAERS 2003811) – 34 year old pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer dose on Aug.5, 2021 at 2 weeks pregnancy and fetus stopped growing immediately, she suffered a miscarriage 3 weeks later on Aug.26, 2021.

CASE 05 (VAERS 2070928) – Pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer jab at 3wk of pregnancy and fetus stopped growing at 4.5 to 5 weeks pregnancy resulting in spontaneous abortion. 

CASE 06 (VAERS 2115408) – 29 year old pregnant woman had 3rd Pfizer jab at 8 weeks pregnancy and fetus stopped growing on same day as vaccination. 

CASE 07 (VAERS 2178577) – Pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer jab on Jul.30, 2021 and 18 days later, U/S showed intrauterine growth retardation. Medical termination of pregnancy Aug.26, 2021 (4 weeks after Pfizer jab)

CASE 08 (VAERS 2180550) – Pregnant woman had 3rd Pfizer jab on Dec.1, 2021 and within 2 months there was fetal growth restriction leading to fetal death on Feb.15, 2022 and medical termination of pregnancy. 

Fetus had cardiac arrest:

CASE 09 (VAERS 1964955) – 31 year old pregnant woman had 1st Pfizer jab at 18 weeks pregnancy and suffered fetal cardiac arrest and therapeutic abortion.

CASE 10 (VAERS 2009647) – Pregnant woman had 1st Pfizer dose at 4wk pregnancy on May 18, 2021 and her fetus had cardiac arrest 15 days later at 6wk3d resulting in miscarriage.

Fetus had pulmonary hemorrhage:

CASE 11 (VAERS 2230334) – Pregnant woman had 1st Moderna dose Jul.30, 2021 and 2nd Moderna dose on Aug. 27, 2021. Next day, fetus had pulmonary hemorrhage and peritoneal hemorrhage resulting in stillbirth on Aug. 28, 2021 at 38 weeks gestation.

Placenta problems 

CASE 12 (VAERS 2386294) – 34 year old Pregnant woman had 3rd Pfizer jab on Jan. 20, 2022. Then 20 days later fetus had pulmonary hemorrhage resulting in stillbirth at 34+3 weeks. Cause of death: PLACENTAL FAILURE.

CASE 13 (VAERS 2046121) – Pregnant woman had 2nd dose of Moderna on Oct.20, 2021 and 6 days later fetus died due to “clotting at the placenta” and fetal vascular malperfusion. Reported cause of death: clotting at the placenta.

CASE 14 (VAERS 2463841) – 30 year old pregnant woman had 3rd Pfizer jab on Dec. 18, 2021 and one month later on Jan. 21, 2022 ultrasound showed growth restriction, on Feb.20, 2022 fetus had no heartbeat. Stillbirth on Feb. 23, 2022. Cause of death: placental insufficiency caused by severe maternal vascular malperfusion.

My Take…

Every pregnant woman should have had these risks explained to her as part of informed consent. The risks of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to the fetus include:

  • fetus can stop growing and die immediately after taking the mRNA vaccine or up to several days, weeks or months later, resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth;
  • fetus can suffer cardiac arrest and die;
  • fetus can suffer pulmonary hemorrhage and die;
  • fetus can die from placental blood clots
  • fetus can die from placental insufficiency or placental failure
  • fetus can die from congenital malformations (next substack)

Please note that these COVID-19 mRNA vaccine related adverse events were known and recorded in VAERS in early 2021 so every doctor should have been advising their pregnant patients about these documented and known adverse events.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of doctors did not educate their pregnant patients about the risks of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, and should be held legally liable for failing to do so.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Amnesty International has accused Israel of “collective punishment against the civilian population” during last month’s fighting between Israel and Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip, and called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate.

The new report concluded that Israel conducted “apparently disproportionate” strikes against men, women and children in Gaza over a five-day period in May, killing 33 Palestinians, including six children.

One Israeli was also killed during the fighting.

During the attacks, the Israeli military damaged 2,943 housing units, including 103 homes which were completely destroyed. More than 1,244 Palestinians have also been displaced.

“Since the root cause of these recurrent unlawful attacks against civilians is Israel’s apartheid system against Palestinians, therefore Amnesty International is renewing its call on the ICC to consider the applicability of the crime against humanity of apartheid within its current formal investigation into the Situation in the State of Palestine,” said the report.

The fighting on 9 May began when the Israeli military killed 15 Palestinians, including three Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commanders along with their wives and children, in air strikes.

“Those who planned and authorised the attacks anticipated – and likely disregarded – the disproportionate harm to civilians,” said Amnesty, adding that “intentionally launching disproportionate attacks… is a war crime”.

The PIJ responded to the Israeli attack by firing rockets into Israel.

Amnesty International went on to say that indiscriminate rocket fire by the PIJ killed both Israeli and Palestinian civilians and should also be subject to investigation.

PIJ rockets are “inherently inaccurate and their use against areas populated with civilians is indiscriminate, violates international humanitarian law and should be investigated as possible war crimes”, the report added.

Israeli impunity

The most significant portions of the report, however, were reserved for Israel.

“Israel’s impunity for the war crimes it repeatedly commits against Palestinians, and for its cruel ongoing 16-year illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip, emboldens further violations and makes injustice chronic,” said Heba Morayef, the Middle East and North Africa regional director at Amnesty International.

“That we have been documenting the same patterns of unlawful killings and destruction over and over again is an indictment of the international community’s failure to hold Israel accountable.”

Speaking to AFP, the Israeli army responded to the report, saying that it “carried out attacks only after a real-time assessment before the attack that the expected collateral damage to civilians and civilian property will not be excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated”.

Amnesty International has rejected such claims, citing a “pattern of extensive destruction of property” as a result of Israeli strikes that “failed to meet the exceptions under which attacking homes and other civilian objects would be justified”.

During its investigation, Amnesty documented at least three cases of “neighbourhood-wide property destruction”.

In one recorded incident on 13 May, Israel targeted a three-storey building in the neighbourhood of Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

The building, home to 22 civilians, including 12 children, was completely destroyed and several other homes in the area were severely damaged. The bombing resulted in the internal displacement of at least 41 civilians.

Amnesty said that it found no evidence that there was a military objective in destroying the buildings or that any members of the family had any military involvement.

“In our investigation, we heard vivid accounts of bombs obliterating homes, of fathers digging their little girls out from under rubble, of a teenager fatally injured as she lay in bed holding a teddy bear. More frightening than any of this is the near certainty that, unless perpetrators are held to account, these horrifying scenes will be repeated,” said Morayef.

A spokesperson for PIJ said the group “welcomes” the report.

“We are doing our part to defend ourselves against the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people,” it added in a statement.


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Featured image: Mourners comfort each other before the burial of 13 Palestinians killed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza City, 9 May 2023 (MEE/Mohammed al-Hajjar)

First published on August 20, 2013 


From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization:

On Karl Polanyi and Other Essays

A new book by Kari Levitt, with Afterword by Samir Amin


From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization is published in Canada by Fernwood Publishing and in the United States and the rest of the world by Zed Books of London and New York. 


In Canada, Kari Levitt is known for her path-breaking study Silent Surrender (1970, 2002), which warned of the consequences of permitting industries to be dominated by multinational corporations. In the Caribbean the author is known for her work on the persistence of the Plantation Economy (2009), from slavery to the present.


In From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization, Kari Levitt draws on the insights of her father Karl Polanyi’s classic The Great Transformation to set the financial crisis of 2008 in the perspective of the predatory financialization of the Western heartlands of capitalism. The author traces the return of capitalism to its mercantilist origins in commerce and conquest, and the return of Asia to the stage of world history in the autumn of American empire. The most surprising aspect of the on-going multi-faceted global crisis has been the resilience of the South in resuming strong economic growth compared with the inability of Western governments to save the economic livelihoods of millions.


“…the continuities of scholarly approach and of substance shine through with a light that illuminates past, present and potential future.”

    —    Norman Girvan, University of the West Indies

“This extraordinary volume from Kari Polanyi Levitt is a must read and provides a unique window on the thinking of Karl Polanyi, demonstrating the relevance of his ideas to the challenges of the 21st Century.”

     —    James Putzel, London School of Economics 

“The author’s approach reveals the striking contrast between the power of the historical method and the sterility of conventional economic theory based on trans-historical rationality.”

—    Samir Amin, Third World Forum 

“Kari Polanyi Levitt has made an important contribution to the understanding of the role of emerging nations in moving toward a more equitable multipolar world.”

     —    José Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University

“Kari Polanyi Levitt demonstrates how Karl Polanyi… offers an alternative policy framework for our time— one steeped in humanism, social democracy, and environmental sustainability.”

    —    Roy Culpeper, Carleton University 

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Leak: EU Commission Wants Digital Euro Accessible to Everyone

June 15th, 2023 by János Allenbach-Ammann

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The European Commission wants to implement a digital euro that is accessible to all retail users for free, in an effort to strengthen financial inclusion and competition in digital payments, according to a leaked draft proposal seen by EURACTIV.

The proposal for a regulation to introduce a digital euro is expected to be presented on 28 June. It will then have to be approved by both the European Parliament and the member state governments in the EU Council.

While it was unclear in what form the digital euro should be introduced, the leaked document now suggests that the Commission wants to make it accessible not only to banks but primarily to the public at large as a retail payment option.

One of the motivations behind the proposal is the desire to “reduce the fragmentation of the European retail payments market, to promote competition,” and “to encourage industry initiatives to offer pan-European payment services,” according to the draft proposal.

Moreover, the digital euro is a reaction to technological developments.

The discussion around the digital euro first picked up speed when a consortium around Facebook (today Meta) started the Libra project with the aim of creating its own digital currency. While the Libra project was abandoned in the meantime, the fear of losing monetary control to private initiatives remained.

Accessible to everybody

“In the euro area, the establishment of a retail CBDC (central bank digital currency)  – the digital euro – is necessary to supplement cash and adapt the official forms of the currency to technological developments,” the explanatory statement of the draft proposal reads.

By going for a retail CBDC, the EU would take a different path than other jurisdictions. The Swiss National Bank, for example is mainly interested in a wholesale CBDC that could be used to facilitate interbank settlements.

The digital euro would be legal tender, meaning that economic operators will have to accept payment in digital euro, although there are exceptions, for example for microenterprises with fewer than 10 employees and less than €2 million in annual turnover.

The digital euro is backed by the European Central Bank (ECB), as physical cash is today. It would thus be more safe than bank deposits, which are only backed by the commercial banks and – up to a certain amount – by deposit insurance schemes.

Moreover, the digital euro should not only be available online, it should also be usable offline, via so-called proximity payments. However, offline use would only be allowed for low-value transactions.

Free account, free transactions

Just like cash, the digital euro should be available to users free of charge.

“All credit institutions providing payment account services would be required to provide basic digital euro payment services upon request of their clients,” the proposal reads. Moreover, the Commission wants to ensure that “basic digital euro services” are “offered for free to natural persons,” even if they are not consumers of credit institutions.

In addition, public institutions like postal offices or local and regional authorities would be able to distribute the digital euro, helping to make its use independent from banks.

Payment services providers would also have to offer the transactions free of charge for natural persons. They can, however, ask for a fee from merchants, but the fee cannot surpass the fees “requested for the most efficient comparable means of payment,” according to the proposal.

Holding limits

In the past, some banks have expressed the worry that too attractive a digital euro could lead savers to withdraw their money from bank deposits and store it in the safer digital euro accounts backed by the central bank. If such a move happened too quickly, this could pose a risk to financial stability.

This tradeoff is acknowledged in the draft proposal that, in its own words, seeks to balance the trade-offs between “ensuring wide usage while protecting financial stability and credit provision.”

The Commission wants to tackle that problem by limiting the use of the digital euro as a store of value. It tasks the ECB with “developing instruments to limit the use of the digital euro as a store of value”.

According to the draft proposal, this could mean that the ECB would institute limits to how much digital euros any individual can hold in order to safeguard financial stability.

While individuals would be allowed to use multiple digital euro accounts, the ECB-imposed holding limits would apply to the sum of digital euros held in all digital euro accounts of any single individual.

Data protection vs anti-money laundering

The enforcement of these holding limits, as well as the necessity to comply with anti-money laundering rules and EU sanctions, would force payment services providers to process personal data.

Especially regarding the enforcement of holding limits, the ECB would also have to process personal data, but may not directly identify the account holder.

For both the payment services providers and the ECB, the draft proposal mandates “appropriate technical and organisational measures including state-of-the-art security and privacy-preserving measures.”

In any case, the Commission wants to “ensure that the [ECB] and the national central banks cannot directly identify individual digital euro users.”

While the draft proposal’s explanatory statement does not go into detail as to how this tradeoff between protecting privacy and ensuring traceability should be resolved, it mentions “pseudonymisation or encryption” as two possible technological solutions.

In general, the tradeoff should be resolved by ensuring a high privacy for offline transactions of digital euros, similarly to cash transactions, while applying the anti-money laundering standards of today’s private digital payments to online transactions of digital euros.

Front-end services

The draft proposal also regulates the front-end services provided to users of the digital euro. For example, they should be “interoperable with or integrated in the European Digital Identity Wallets.” According to the draft proposal’s recitals, “it should be possible to use the European Digital Identity Wallets for the storage of digital euros.”

Moreover, the draft proposal also says that while payment services providers may develop their own front-end services, they also have to offer users access to the front-end services developed by the ECB.

However, the ECB would not be allowed to “provide for customer relationships”, nor to have access to personal data of the users.

The draft proposal also requires producers of mobile devices to allow providers of front end services and providers European Digital Identity Wallets “effective interoperability” and access to the hardware and software features “necessary for storing and transferring data to process online or offline digital euro transactions, on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms.


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Additional reporting by Luca Bertuzzi

Featured image is from the European Commission

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When it comes to data privacy in our present, hyper-connected age, many of your worst fears and biggest anxieties are probably correct.

Yes, smartphones and our manifold other devices collect an incredible array of information on our habits, choices, and movements at all times.

Yes, all of this information is compiled by companies to sell for profit.

Yes, the U.S. government is among the many clients buying up that data.

And yes, it represents a significant and persistent threat to your civil liberties and safety, as confirmed in a newly released report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)—the top dog among all of our nation’s spy agencies.

The declassified document, made public on Friday, was completed in January 2022, following 90 days of assessment by an advisory panel. It was commissioned by Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence in the Biden Administration, at the behest of Oregon Senator Ron Wyden. Haines agreed to look into the issue of how U.S. intelligence uses commercially available data during her confirmation hearing, and now the result of that inquiry is fully on display.

The newly released report affirms a mounting bevy of evidence that government agencies— from Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Pentagon—are compiling vast stores of for-sale data.

Taken altogether, the information that the government is easily able to purchase from data brokers rivals anything that’s been available to intelligence agencies in the past—even through warrants, wiretaps, and Fourth Amendment due process.

“Today, in a way that far fewer Americans seem to understand, and even fewer of them can avoid, [commercially available information] includes information on nearly everyone that is of a type and level of sensitivity that historically could have been obtained, if at all, only through targeted (and predicated) collection,” write the report authors. All that data “can reveal sensitive and intimate information about individuals,” the 48-page account emphasizes. “It could be used to cause harm to an individual’s reputation, emotional well-being, or physical safety.”

Though this data may be “anonymized” by brokers and sold in bulk, it does not stay anonymous in the hands of U.S. spy agencies. The government report affirmatively cites a 2019 New York Times investigation that found deanonymizing commercially available information (CAI) takes mere minutes.

“Information that previously did not exist in the public domain about US citizens now is widely available on the open market, raising privacy questions particularly when it comes to US government use of such data,” an ODNI official familiar with the matter told Gizmodo in a phone call.

  • Through location tracking, your phone knows where you sleep every night.
  • Via cookies, your web browser tracks the sites you visit.
  • Financial data confirms what you buy and when.

Health apps, smartwatches, and motion tracking can keep tabs on everything from when you’re physically active to how you’re feeling physically and mentally.

The government report states that religious practice, political views, travel, medical info, social associations, purchase history, “speech activities” and even sexual behavior are all things that can be inferred from CAI. It references widely publicized controversies like the outing of Catholic priests enabled via purchasable data from Grindr and the government’s buy-up of data from a Muslim prayer app.

“While each data broker source may provide only a few data elements about a consumer’s activities, data brokers can put all of these data elements together to form a more detailed composite of the consumer’s life,” notes the report. Though a simple commercial transaction, government agencies can access that same composite—and they do.

The Defense Intelligence Agency, for instance, amasses information on peoples’ social media activity.

The military spy org also maintains a global location tracking database, per the newly public document, though it claims that specific authorization is required to query that database and that it’s rarely accessed. The Department of Defense, Coast Guard, Navy, CIA, FBI, National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, and even the Treasury Department are among the other agencies noted as purchasing and using CAI.

Yet within and across each of these organizations, little of their CAI activities are tracked.

Intelligence agencies across the U.S. government don’t have a solid understanding of how they are collecting and using purchased data.

Because all of this data is considered publicly available, there are almost no standards or restrictions on how this info should be acquired, used, or kept secure.

None of the publicly available commercial data is currently classified as sensitive in an official capacity, though it undoubtedly is, according to the report.

The ODNI recommends that all of this needs to change, to protect peoples’ privacy, freedom, and welfare. “The intelligence community is working to develop additional standards and procedures for commercially available information,” the agency official emphasized on the phone.

But new standards and firm suggestions might not be enough. “Even subject to appropriate controls, CAI can increase the power of the government’s ability to peer into private lives to levels that may exceed our constitutional traditions or other social expectations,” the authors write.

Not to mention the risk such data poses when malicious actors or “adversarial foreign governments” decide to take advantage of it. CAI “can be purchased by anyone including our adversaries,” the ODNI official said. “Such information also raises counterintelligence risk for the intelligence community.”

U.S. intelligence agencies, companies, and anyone else willing to pay can reap untold information rewards from the data economy. It’s a system the government may have long dreamed of, but could never have built on its own. Through tacit acceptance of invasive tech into our daily lives, we did this to ourselves, the report implies.

“The government would never have been permitted to compel billions of people to carry location tracking devices on their persons at all times, to log and track most of their social interactions, or to keep flawless records of all their reading habits,” the ODNI writes, in the declassified document. “Yet smartphones, connected cars, web tracking technologies, the Internet of Things, and other innovations have had this effect without government participation.”

Though not everyone places the blame on consumers. “This review shows the government’s existing policies have failed to provide essential safeguards for Americans’ privacy, or oversight of how agencies buy and use personal data,” Senator Wyden wrote in a Monday statement. “If the government can buy its way around Fourth Amendment due-process, there will be few meaningful limits on government surveillance,” he said—urging executive and legislative action.

Wyden and other senators introduced an act in 2022 intended to ban data brokers from selling location, health, and other sensitive information. It has yet to progress


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In the fast-paced world of today, it’s easy for the average British citizen to become disconnected from events outside their cozy island nation. With a seemingly endless barrage of sensational news and trivial distractions, it’s no wonder that the vicious war raging in Ukraine feels like a distant nightmare rather than an imminent threat. However, this apathetic attitude is not only worrisome but also dangerously ignorant of the catastrophic dangers lurking on Europe’s doorstep.

As Ukraine’s war-torn landscape bears witness to shocking loss of life and the destruction of national infrastructure, the average British citizen remains blissfully insulated from such horrors. With our  own lives comparatively safe and secure, it is all too easy to forget that war knows no boundaries. The uncomfortable truth is that a conflict in Europe has the potential to escalate rapidly and even turn nuclear, unleashing a maelstrom of ionising radiation and toxic fallout that would threaten the very fabric of life.

While the British populace revels in the illusion of safety, Ukraine’s citizens endure the harsh reality of war. Families torn apart, homes reduced to rubble, and lives shattered beyond repair – these are the everyday struggles faced by Ukrainians, who live in the shadow of a brutal conflict that seems to know no end. Yet, as the situation worsens, the average Brit remains disengaged, seemingly unaware of the gathering storm just a few thousand miles away.

A war in Ukraine holds grave implications for the stability of Europe. The fragile peace that has defined the continent since the end of World War II could be shattered within a matter of days. In an interconnected world, events thousands of miles away have a way of seeping into our lives, disrupting the tranquil existence we often take for granted. The notion that Britain is somehow immune to the horrors unfolding elsewhere is nothing short of a fallacy, and one that must be shattered before it’s too late.

The spectre of nuclear escalation looms ominously over the conflict-ridden skies of Ukraine. With tensions running high and geopolitical interests at stake, the unthinkable becomes a distinct possibility. A single spark could ignite a chain reaction that plunges Europe into a nuclear nightmare. The resulting ionising radiation and its toxic effects on life would be devastating, sparing no one in its path.

It is high time for the average British citizen to awaken from our slumber of complacency. The disconnect between the war in Ukraine and their own lives is an illusion that must be shattered. The consequences of a conflict spiralling out of control are too grave to ignore. In an era defined by interconnectedness, the notion of distance is increasingly irrelevant. Ukraine’s plight should serve as a chilling reminder that our world is more fragile than we care to admit.

As the British citizenry revels in our safe existence, it is crucial to remember that danger often lurks where we least expect it. Ukraine’s war should not be brushed aside as a remote tragedy but should be recognised for what it truly is: a stark warning of the perils that lie just beyond our borders. Only through awareness and action can we hope to prevent the unthinkable and safeguard our shared future.

It’s time for the average Brit to shed our indifference, embrace our responsibility as global citizens, and demand a safer world for all. Ignorance may be bliss, but in the face of a potential catastrophe, it’s a luxury we can ill afford. The clock is ticking, and the disconnect must end before the horrors of Ukraine become an unwelcome reality, here in the United Kingdom.


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Hans Stehling (a pen name) is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Graffiti “Stop War” on Russia’s war in Ukraine in the Mauerpark in Berlin, Germany. Image taken on March 11, 2022. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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War is deadly, destructive, expensive and lucrative. While the Ukraine war has cost the lives of 9,655 Ukrainian civilians and 15,500-17,500 soldiers. The World Bank has estimated the expenditure on rebuilding will be more than $400 billion over ten years. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, most of the 30 NATO members have committed more than $80 billion worth of military, humanitarian and financial aid to Kyiv. Of this $65 billion has been military aid. The US, the largest single weapons donor, delivered $21.1 billion worth of arms from its stockpiles plus $17 billion financial and humanitarian aid. Europe Union has donated $32 billion, Britain $10.75 billion, Germany $7.5 billion and Japan $6 billion.

The Ukraine war has created a boom for Western arms manufacturers which are clearing stocks, upgrading and making more arms to meet demand while Russia, formerly the second largest arms exporter after the US, has held onto its supplies and seen sales decline. Increasing demand has, however, been accompanied by shortages in raw materials and components, creating bottlenecks that slow production and deliveries. In the future when the pressure eases, arms manufacturers expect more purchases by countries like Germany which intend to increase spending on weapons.

Pundits have predicted that the Ukraine war could continue as long as the flow of weapons continues to Ukraine since President Volodymyr Zelensky is determined to defeat Russia and claw back the territory which Russia holds, including Crimea. This is precisely what Western hawks and arms manufacturers want. Hawks wrongly see Russia as the West’s old foe, the Soviet Union, while arms makers are eager to rake in billions in profits.

In 1961, outgoing US president Dwight Eisenhower — who commanded Allied troops in Europe during World War II — admitted that to keep the peace the US was “compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions” but he warned that the large post-war military establishment and arms industry posed great dangers. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

This is exactly what has happened since World War II. New generations of US politicians and military men have planted 1,000 US military installations in 85 countries across the world. From the end of World War II to 2001, the US is responsible for 201 of the 248-armed conflicts which have taken place in in 153 territories. This amounts to more than 80 per cent of these conflicts. Since the attack on New York and Washington in 2001, additional US wars and military operations have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and displaced tens of millions of people. The military-industrial complex has played a large part in these wars and has wielded considerable power with the aim of promoting conflict where negotiations might have saved lives and prevented devastation wreaked by warfare.

International firms already in place in Ukraine and in line for its reconstruction effort are no less rapacious than the military-industrial complex and wield considerable clout with their home governments. Some companies have been involved in maintaining Ukraine’s power plants, railways, aircraft, and infrastructure while the war has raged. Governments have set aside millions of dollars to help finance reconstruction. 

The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce has called the country “the world’s largest construction site”. Patricia Cohen and Liz Alderman writing in The New York Times in February of this year made the point that Zelensky seeks to use reconstruction “to stitch Ukraine’s infrastructure seamlessly into the rest of Europe”, thereby decoupling Ukraine from its Russian neighbour. They added, “Ukraine, whose economy shrank 30 per cent last year, desperately needs funds just to keep going and to make emergency repairs. Long-term reconstruction aid will depend not only on the outcome of the war, but on how much money the European Union, the United States and other allies put up.”

Private investors are so far “not willing to risk committing money now” while the conflict continues. Although there have been multiple conferences on rebuilding, the majority of companies attending have been more interested in selling goods and services rather than investing, the article said.

Investors remain cautious not only because of the war but because Ukraine has a reputation of being one of the most corrupt countries on earth. Even while the conflict has been going on officials and politicians were found to be profiteering and there were reports that weapons Ukraine needs at its multiple war fronts have turned up in Africa. Ukraine will have to demonstrate that it is willing and ready to crack down on corruption and provide transparency in reconstruction dealings when the sixth annual Ukraine Recovery Conference convenes in London on June 21st-22nd. Unless Ukraine fails to show how accountability and transparency are to govern reconstruction, the country is unlikely to secure the massive funding needed.

Ukraine has to deliver on seven preconditions to be considered worthy of investment. These include reforming the Constitutional Court, the High Council of Justice and the High Qualification Commission of Judges. On corruption, reforms must be in place for prosecuting graft, combating money laundering and controlling the oligarchs who still hold considerable power. Ukraine must free media and adopt legislation to protect national minorities. These conditions have also been set for Ukraine’s qualification for applying for EU membership.

Ukraine is certain to face graft challenges when the time comes for reconstruction. Countries which have provided arms and aid for the war will demand preferential treatment when bids are made for projects. There will be no equal bidding field. Transparency and accountability will be ignored. The Marshall plan which invested $13.1 billion ($177 billion now) to help rebuild Western Europe following World War II has been seen as a grand humanitarian enterprise which benefitted Germans, French, Dutch, Italians, and others. A great deal of the investment in their countries came from US companies and the US economy enjoyed a spurt in growth thanks to the Marshall plan.


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In just an eight day period in May, the West authorized sending both long range Storm Shadow cruise missiles and F-16 fighter bombers to Ukraine, reversing a policy of not providing Ukraine with weapons that can strike inside Russia in place since the start of the war. That was one of the few sane policies of any party involved in the war for the very good reason that it could prevent the United States and NATO from being drawn into a a potentially nuclear war with Russia. White House spokesperson John Kirby has said that the foundation of the policy is Biden’s goal to “avoid World War III.”

On May 11, the United Kingdom revealed that long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles “are now going into or are in” Ukraine. Though the United States has maintained the cover of refusing to send long-range missiles of its own, the British decision to provide Ukraine with the long-range missiles was made with the knowledge of the Americans who were, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said, “incredibly supportive.” The Storm Shadow missile has a range in excess of 155 miles, sufficient to strike inside Russia’s internationally recognized borders.

Eight days later, the United States authorized supplying Ukraine with F-16 fighter-bombers, providing a second capacity to strike deep inside internationally recognized Russian territory.

The UK says it has received “assurances…that these missiles will be used only within Ukrainian sovereign territory and not inside Russia.” And U.S. President Joe Biden says he has received “flat assurances” from Zelensky that F-16’s won’t be used inside Russian territory. Ukraine has long promised “not to target Russian territory with weapons provided by the West.”

But with the coming Ukrainian counter-offensive, that leaves the hazardous question of Crimea. Senior officials in the Biden administration have affirmed that “Any target they choose to pursue on sovereign Ukrainian soil is by definition self defense,” and “Crimea is Ukraine.” In February, U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland publicly said that Washington supports Ukrainian attacks on military targets in Crimea.”

After a recent flurry of Ukrainian attacks inside Russia, some of which used U.S. armored vehicles and NATO supplied weapons, British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly maintained that Ukraine has “the right to project force beyond its borders.” He added that “legitimate military targets beyond its own border are part of Ukraine’s self-defence. And we should recognise that.” U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan clearly stated, “What we have said is that we will not enable Ukraine with U.S. systems, Western systems, to attack Russia. And we believe Crimea is Ukraine.”

Russia believes differently. And when it comes to the risk of an escalated response, or even a nuclear response, that’s what matters. Responding to Sullivan’s green light on attacks in Crimea, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov said that a Ukrainian attack on Crimea would be viewed by Moscow in the same way “as an attack on any other region of the Russian Federation.”

Moscow’s view is not limited to Putin. The view that Crimea is part of the Russian state is held across the Russian political spectrum. To any Russian leader, as well as to the majority of Russians and Crimeans, Crimea is Russian territory. No Russian leader could agree to surrender Crimea. That means that green lighting an attack on Crimea is crossing a Russian red line. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has acknowledged, “A Ukrainian attempt to retake Crimea would be a red line for Vladimir Putin that could lead to a wider Russian response.” That is the first big reason not to green light Ukrainian attacks on Crimea. It could lead to a wider Russian response and a dangerous escalation of the war. Russia would no longer be fighting a war in Ukraine or a war to stop NATO’s eastward expansion, it would be fighting a war for its own survival.

And that’s the second big reason not to green light an attack on Crimea. If Russia is fighting a war for its survival, the crossing of the Crimea red line could cross the nuclear red line. Putin has said, “In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us.” He has also said that Russia won’t use nuclear weapons because it won’t be necessary: “We see no need for that. There is no point in that, neither political, nor military.”

However, Russia’s Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence, says that Russia “hypothetically” could allow the use of nuclear weapons only if there is “aggression using conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened.”

Threatening to capture Crimea is threatening the “territorial integrity” of Russia and “the very existence of the state.” Though Russia would likely not use a nuclear weapon if they lost on the battlefield, since that does not threaten the existence of the state, they could use a nuclear weapon if they lost Crimea, since that does threaten the existence of the state.

The third reason is that even if Ukraine launches a counteroffensive that successfully severs Russia’s land bridge to Crimea, that does not end the war. Following the Ukrainian counteroffensive, presumably, comes the Russian counteroffensive. Ukraine has already lost a horrifying number of soldiers in Bakhmut and cannibalized much of their air defense missiles and artillery. Military analyst and ret. U.S. Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis has pointed out that, even if Ukraine were to launch and win a counteroffensive, the rate of casualties and deaths would be so high, they would “have spent [their] last remaining force with which to conduct offensives” or future operations. It is that military that would then be hit by a Russian counteroffensive. Unless the Ukrainian counteroffensive is sufficiently successful to end the war by defeating Russia, a major push on Crimea could leave a Ukrainian military more vulnerable to defeat.

And the fourth reason, seldom considered in war, is the will of the people. The majority of Crimeans see themselves as part of Russia and do not want to be captured by Ukraine. Though Crimeans are most likely to identify themselves first as Crimeans, Nicolai Petro, Professor of Political Science at the University of Rhode Island and the author of The Tragedy of Ukraine, has said, “Crimea is the only region of Ukraine whose population identifies itself as primarily ethnically Russian.” Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, there is a long and consistent history of Crimeans expressing a desire to be independent of Ukraine or part of Russia, including several referendums, beginning with the 1991 referendum’s 93% vote for Crimea restoring its autonomy in the post Soviet Union Union Treaty. In 1994, Crimeans elected Yuri Meshkov President of Crimea on a platform of reuniting with Russia. He won 73% of the vote in the run-off. In a referendum that would have begun a process of reuniting with Russia, 78.4% supported increased autonomy for Crimea, and 82.2% supported dual citizenship with Russia.

Of thirty polls and referendums taken in Crimea between 1994 and 2016, twenty-five show pro-Russian results of 72.9% or higher. The remaining five were between 25.6% and 55%. United Nations polling between 2009 and 2011 reveal that the majority of Crimeans were in favor of reunification with Russia. Nicolai Petro reports that leading Crimean sociologist Natalia Kiselyova says that, from 1991-2014, the percentage of Crimeans who “yearned for Russia” was always greater than 50%.

On March 16, following the U.S. supported coup of 2014 that replaced Victor Yanukovych, with his eastern Ukrainian base, with a Western leaning president who was hand picked by Washington, the last in a line of Crimean referendums voted for reunification with Russia. With a voter turnout of 83%, 97% voted for joining Russia. Though the standards and accuracy of the referendum have been questioned, Richard Sakwa, Professor of Russian and European Politics at the University of Kent and author of Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands, says, “It is clear that the majority of the Crimean population favored unification with Russia.” He adds, “even in perfect conditions a majority in Crimea would have voted for union with Russia.”

Nicolai Petro has pointed out that an April Pew poll found that 91% of Crimeans thought the referendum was free and fair and a June 2014 Gallup poll found that nearly 83% of Crimeans though it reflected the view of the people. In 2017, 79% of Crimeans said they would vote the same way. Petro cites polls taken between 2014 and 2019 that continue to show “that the decision to join Russia remains popular among all ethnic groups in Crimea.”

The will of the people of Crimea to remain part of Russia; the crossing of Russian red lines, including potentially the nuclear red line; and the risk that a Ukrainian counteroffensive that could include a push for Crimea could leave Ukraine vulnerable to a devastating Russian counterattack are four big reasons not to green light attacks on Crimea. These reasons suggest that giving a green light to attacks on Crimea is contrary to the interests of Ukrainians, Crimeans, Russians, and Americans.


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Ted Snider is a regular columnist on U.S. foreign policy and history at and The Libertarian Institute. He is also a frequent contributor to Responsible Statecraft and The American Conservative as well as other outlets.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program is now accepting applications around the topic of privacy-preserving digital credential wallets and verifiers.

The program looks to nurture an R&D environment for technologies with potential government use cases.

The government project is looking to assess solutions that “catalyze, develop, enhance, and operationalize a set of privacy-preserving building blocks that can support the needs of a privacy-preserving digital credentialing ecosystem.”

A ‘Digital Wallets Call Industry Day’ event will be held on August 18 to help vendors understand the requirements and how to apply.

In particular, the project is looking for “privacy preserving technical capabilities” that support and integrate with the three-party digital identity model (issuer, holder, verifier) enabled by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Verifiable Credential Data Model (VCDM), and W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs).

In addition, applications will need to be seen to meet the needs of the DHS Operational Components and Offices, including U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and the DHS Privacy Office (PRIV).

Applications must respond and must fit into the technical specifications of either a “Digital Wallet” or “Mobile Wallet” to be eligible.

In the case of digital wallets, the project is seeking applications that are “useful across contexts and jurisdictions, and can support credentials made possible with W3C VCDM/DID standards that include verified support for DHS-issued credentials.”

The project also specified that these should be “portable, highly secure, privacy-preserving, standards-based, interoperable, and multi-functional.”

In terms of mobile wallets, these applications must be able to be deployed on mobile devices, including iOS and Android-based devices.

In addition, these applications will need to support a broad range of credentials possible, including W3C VCDM/DID standards with verified support for DHS-issued credentials.

The above is not the only area of the biometrics ecosystem which the DHS is supporting.

In 2023, the DHS unveiled the “second track” of its small ID validation demo.

This will examine the applicants’ software capabilities when it comes to spotting imposters in selfies and in images of identification documents.

EU tackles trust services move to the cloud first

In Europe, the public sector is also looking to address the technical issues and nurture the ecosystem surrounding digital identity.

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has issued a report on moving trust services, such as those of the eIDAS digital identity project to the cloud. Although eIDAS 2.0 proposes the establishment of European digital identity wallets, the update is still in development, and ENISA therefore steers clear of the topic, along with the four new trust services proposed.

The report found that though some services, including “validation of signatures, registered delivery, time stamp or signature preservation” can be transitioned from on-premises implementations to the cloud quickly, others such as  “issuance of certificates and remote control over the signing device” require more nuanced analysis and preparation.

Data sovereignty issues were also touched on and the report found that the migrated data must stay in the data of the service provider and that some services may not be suitable for cloud migration.

ENISA recently hosted a workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands to discuss some of the challenges around moving national implementations of trust services to the cloud, and remote identity proofing with digital wallets.

Topics touched on included the potential for existing and emerging attacks as well as potential security measures for remote identity proofing in Europe.


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The Pentagon said today that a helicopter accident in northern Syria had hurt 22 of its soldiers.

The cause of the accident was under investigation and no enemy fire was involved, the US military added.

Over 900 US troops remain in Syria, supposedly to “advise and assist” the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which control regions in the north-west.

The US government says its forces are there to prevent any revival of the Islamic State terrorist group, which took over large parts of Syria and Iraq in 2014. Its presence is opposed by the Syrian government and illegal under international law.

Damascus says the real reason for maintaining a US troop presence is to steal Syrian oil, with oil production concentrated in areas that remain outside government control.

Last year, it said 83 per cent of Syrian oil production was being appropriated by the US or US-backed armed opposition groups, much of it taken in tanker convoys to US military bases in Iraq, with the oil ministry accusing the US of taking 66,000 barrels of Syrian oil every day in the first half of 2022.

Though the US denies that oil reserves influence its decision to stay in Syria, in 2020 US company Delta Crescent Energy secured an oil concession in the area with the approval of the SDF but not of the Syrian government.

In 2019, then-president Donald Trump declared that the US military was in Syria “only for the oil,” prompting frantic denials by administration officials.


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Featured image: US 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment troops conduct area reconnaissance in Syria, 18 February 202. Wikipedia

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Is CAFO Animal Waste the Dirty Secret of Organic Foods?

June 15th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Chicken feces, or chicken litter, and other animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is commonly used as fertilizer, including for organic crops

CAFO waste used as fertilizer is contaminated with pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant genes, growth hormones, heavy metals and pesticides

In the U.S., feces from broiler chickens were contaminated with antibiotic-resistant E. coli, with genes resistant to more than seven antibiotics, including amoxicillin, ceftiofur, tetracycline and sulfonamide

A meta-analysis concluded “direct land application of chicken litter could be harming animal, human and environmental health”

The overwhelming presence of CAFOs in the state of North Carolina prompted a civil rights complaint on behalf of residents in three counties


Farmers have used manure as a natural, nutrient-rich fertilizer for thousands of years. In fact, there’s evidence that early farmers used manure to fertilize cereal grains and pulse seeds up to 7,900 years ago. They likely noticed enhanced crop growth in areas where manure naturally accumulated, then tried the method in other areas.1

Today, many farmers still depend on manure to help their crops grow. This includes organic farmers2 and those using permaculture and regenerative methods.3 When chickens are raised on pasture, their manure is spread across the land and worked into the soil naturally via pecking and scratching.4

This beneficial practice that works in concert with nature bears little resemblance to the use of poultry litter — or chicken feces, sometimes mixed with urine, sawdust, feathers and other materials — and other animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) as fertilizer. Yet, this latter practice is common, even among some organic farms.5

Chicken Litter Contains Bacteria, Viruses and Other Pathogens

Chicken litter used as an organic fertilizer is considered “the cheapest and most environmentally safe method of disposing of the volume generated from the rapidly expanding poultry industry worldwide.”6

But a review, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, raises an important point — “little is known about the safety of chicken litter for land application and general release into the environment.”7

The research team, from Kyambogo and Makerere Universities in Uganda and the University of Florida, set out to remedy this. They conducted a meta-analysis of technical reports, conference proceedings, peer-reviewed journal articles and internet texts, noting that the available data was “scattered and disjointed” making it difficult to access and interpret.

They consolidated the data they did find, however, revealing that “direct land application of chicken litter could be harming animal, human, and environmental health.”8 The review revealed, for instance:9

Pesticide Residues, Antibiotics, Heavy Metals Also in Manure

The massive quantities of manure flowing from CAFOs amounts to a toxic sludge of contaminants, spread on fields used to grow even organic food.

“The key safety concerns of chicken litter are its contamination with pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, helminthes, parasitic protozoa, and viruses; antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant genes; growth hormones such as egg and meat boosters; heavy metals; and pesticides,” the researchers explained.10

Chicken litter contains a “vast array” of antibiotics and heavy metals, their meta-analysis showed, including “high concentrations” of cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury that “pose serious health risks to animals, plants and environmental health.”11

Pesticides, including dioxins, furans, polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, also contaminate chicken litter, as do growth and sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone. Growth hormones have a harmful effect on reproduction in fish and other aquatic organisms, and may persist in the environment for more than two years after they’re excreted in chicken litter.

“This persistence increases the potential of the hormones reaching surface water bodies through runoff,” according to the team.12 Further, they noted, “The chlorinated antibiotic and pesticide residues detected in chicken litter are worryingly high. These chemicals are persistent, carcinogenic, and release dioxin when contaminated litter is burnt.”13

Regarding antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides and tetracyclines were the classes most widely detected. While some antibiotics degrade in soil within about 30 days, others persist and may harm microorganisms and soil fertility. Some antibiotics can also be absorbed into food crops, like green onions, cabbage and corn, from the soil. The analysis noted:14

“The presence of antibiotics, especially those that kill pathogens in chicken litter and are broad spectrum, may distort major biological processes in soil upon application of the litter, including development of antibiotic resistance, which can affect humans, livestock, fish, and wildlife … Human consumption of antibiotics-contaminated foods can increase antibiotic resistance, leading to food poisoning or allergies.”

Despite this, they added, “There are no standards set specifically for chicken litter for most of its known contaminants. Even where standards exist for related products such as compost, there is wide variation across countries and bodies mandated to set standards for safe disposal of organic wastes.”15

Trying to Pass Off a Liability as an Asset

An article posted by Washington State University described using CAFO manure on small farms as a tool to turn a “liability to an asset.”16 But even putting the contamination issues aside, the amount of waste generated by CAFOs is massive. In the U.S., 1.37 billion tons of solid animal waste are produced every year. That’s 130 times more than the amount of human waste generated annually.17

Often, the waste is held in “lagoons” that are meant to be impenetrable. But even under the best circumstances, the lagoons may leak, seeping millions of gallons of waste a year into neighboring soil and groundwater.18 Waste may also be sprayed onto nearby “sprayfields,” creating more environmental destruction. Natural Resources Defense Council explained:19

“People living near factory farms are placed at risk. Hundreds of gases are emitted by lagoons and the irrigation pivots associated with sprayfields, including ammonia (a toxic form of nitrogen), hydrogen sulfide, and methane. The accumulation of gases formed in the process of breaking down animal waste is toxic, oxygen consuming, and potentially explosive, and farm workers’ exposure to lagoon gases has even caused deaths.

People living close to hog operations have reported headaches, runny noses, sore throats, excessive coughing, respiratory problems, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, burning eyes, depression, and fatigue. The pathogenic microbes in animal waste can also infect people.

Water contaminated by animal manure contributes to human diseases such as acute gastroenteritis, fever, kidney failure, and even death. Nitrates seeping from lagoons and sprayfields have contaminated groundwater used for human drinking water.”

In cases of natural disasters, such as Hurricane Florence, which hit the Carolinas in September 2018, even more devastation can result. During that tragic event alone, at least 132 CAFO lagoons released pig waste into the environment.20

The National Pork Council tried to downplay the damage, stating that solids are stored mostly at the bottom of lagoons while the liquids at the top are heavily diluted and therefore would minimize the environmental impact if they were to spill over.21

Yet, as noted by Sacoby Wilson, a professor of public health at the University of Maryland, to Vice News, “You basically have a toxic soup for people who live in close proximity to those lagoons … All of these contaminants that are in the hog lagoons, like salmonella, giardia, and E. coli, can get into the waterways and infect people trying to get out.”22

So, CAFO waste is nearly always a liability — one that shouldn’t be framed as an “asset” for neighboring small farms. In response to the Washington State University article, commenter Michaelyn Erickson said:23

“Hey CAFO, is that lipstick on your confined pig? As a Permaculturist and small farmer, this doesn’t sound like a solution at all. It sounds like an attempt by big agriculture to dump its waste off on unsuspecting small farms like me. I don’t want your hormone-filled tortured cow excrement … that is your responsibility to deal with not mine.”

CAFOs Violating Residents’ Civil Rights

The overwhelming presence of CAFOs in the state of North Carolina prompted a civil rights complaint from lawyers with the Environmental Justice Clinic at Vermont Law and Graduate School. The complaint was filed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for residents in three North Carolina counties.24

The residents described piles of chicken litter that are more than 8 feet tall, waiting to be spread on nearby fields. “They stand there and start fuming off. The odor is terrible,” resident Henry Brewer stated in the complaint. “Sometimes it feels like the flies are about to eat us alive — the dogs can’t even live in the yard.”25

Due to a loophole in state environmental regulations, chicken CAFOs have been set up without any permitting requirements in North Carolina, and they’re decimating low-income counties at a disproportionate rate. Civil Eats reported:26

“‘Under state law, DEQ [Department of Environmental Quality] has to take into account cumulative impacts that are happening in a particular location,’ said Fredrick Ole Ikayo, a legal fellow who worked on the complaint. ‘But they don’t even know where these poultry facilities are or anything about the way they are polluting the air and water.’”

In addition to violating residents’ civil rights, manure from industrial agriculture is a primary source of nitrogen and phosphorus in surface waterways and groundwater, according to the EPA.27 The resulting damage includes an excess of nutrients that lead to algae overgrowth, depleting the water of oxygen and killing fish and other marine life in expansive dead zones.

This, combined with the excess fertilizers applied to monocrops like corn and soy, sends a steady stream of nitrogen and phosphorus to both surface and groundwater, spreading potentially disease-causing organisms and unsustainable amounts of nutrients along the way.

Was Your Food Grown in Sewage Sludge?

Sewage sludge, a waste product that comes from wastewater treatment facilities, is also widely applied to agricultural fields as a fertilizer. Often used interchangeably with the term biosolids, the compound is just as unappealing as it sounds.

When wastewater and storm water enter wastewater treatment facilities, the solid and liquid waste are separated. The solids are “digested” using bacteria, treated, dried and then sent to landfills or used for agricultural purposes as “fertilizer.” In the U.S., 54% of sewage sludge biosolids are used for so-called “beneficial” purposes.

Most often this means they’re applied to agricultural sites, although small amounts are also applied to forestry sites, reclamation sites, including Superfund and Brownfield lands and urban areas, including park land. Broken down, it’s estimated that 36% of biosolids are used for agricultural purposes while 28% end up in landfills and 15% are incinerated.28

The fact is, just like animals, humans produce a healthy amount of waste. How to dispose of this biosolid sludge is a vexing problem worldwide, so, theoretically, turning the waste product into a beneficial product like fertilizer makes sense, assuming it could be thoroughly purified.

Therein lies the problem, however. The Guardian quoted former EPA scientist David Lewis, who opposed the use of sewage sludge on cropland. Lewis noted, “Spending billions of dollars to remove hazardous chemicals and biological wastes from water, only to spread them on soil everywhere we live, work and play defies common sense.”29

As of December 21, 2022, the EPA detected 739 chemicals in sewage sludge used in the U.S. as a soil amendment.30 Fortunately, unlike CAFO waste, sewage sludge is prohibited in organic farming.31

How to Find Toxin-Free Food

Foods grown on soil treated with CAFO waste or biosolids are not labeled as such, so your best bet for avoiding them is to support sustainable agriculture movements in your area. Make it a point to only buy food from a source you know and trust, one using safe, nontoxic growing methods.

Remember, small regenerative farmers commonly use rotational grazing of multiple species to mimic natural cycles. This keeps pastures — and the animals that live on them — healthy.

This method also depends on animal manure to fertilize the soil, but the manure is not contaminated like CAFO waste — and it exists on a manageable scale that supports the farm’s overall health instead of harming it. This is not the same as the industrially sourced CAFO waste that’s sprayed over farm fields.

Growing your own food is another way to ensure what you’re eating isn’t exposed to CAFO waste. But be careful when purchasing potting soil and compost, as companies do not have to disclose when biosolids are used. If you see “Milorganite” on the label, however, it contains biosolids from the city of Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District — a national distributor.32


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1 University of Nebraska-Lincoln March 15, 2016

2 Farm Progress February 11, 2010

3 Permaculture Research Institute

4 Pasture Bird, Why Chicken Poop is the Sh*t

5 National Center for Appropriate Technology, Tipsheet: Manure in Organic Production Systems

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., Abstract

11 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., 3.3 Heavy Metals

12 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., 3.4 Growth Hormones

13 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., Conclusions

14 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct; 16(19): 3521., 3.2 Antibiotics and Pesticides

16, 23 Washington State University January 18, 2017

17 Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production

18 NRDC, Cesspools of Shame July 2001

19 NRDC, Cesspools of Shame July 2001, Page 1

20 The New Yorker September 21, 2018

21 WRAL September 18, 2018

22 Vice September 18, 2018

24, 25, 26 Civil Eats May 3, 2023

27 U.S. EPA, Estimated Animal Agriculture Nitrogen and Phosphorus From Manure

28 University of Michigan, Center for Sustainable Systems, U.S. Wastewater Treatment Factsheet

29 The Guardian October 5, 2019

30 U.S. EPA, Chemicals in biosolids (2022)

31 USDA, Organic 101 December 16, 2011

32, What is Milorganite?

Featured image is from Mercola

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On January 24 2023, the Foreign Minister of Germany and author of Germany’s forthcoming National Security Strategy, Annalena Baerbock, said at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, “We are fighting a war against Russia.”

On 5 April 2023, Hervé Blejéan, Director General of the European Union Military Staff, said that henceforth, NATO would fully control the EU’s military decisions.

On 9 May 2023, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said “All NATO members agree that Ukraine will become a NATO member,” which means that the entire Alliance is unanimous that Russia will and must be defeated in Ukraine.

The next day, on 10 May 2023, the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said essentially the same thing, though in a far less succinct way.

Then, on 14 June 2023, Mr. Blejéan directly reversed what he had said on 5 April 2023, and said instead,

“To send ground troops to Ukraine is to be a party in a war, to be at war with Russia, and nobody wants that, neither the EU, nor NATO. We are not at war with Russia.”

Something extremely important had happened which reversed, cancelled, the EU’s, and also NATO’s, war against Russia. But no one was reporting what had caused the change — nor even that there was a change.

This was the first such statement from the EU that the war against Russia is over — won’t go all the way as a U.S-and-All-European war; but instead had been prematurely committed-to as-if it would be that.

However, Annalena Baerbock and the entire German Government are now even more committed to war against Russia than before, because, on 14 June 2023, Germany’s Government finally came forth with its war-promoting National Security Strategy. Deutsche Welle headlined “German government presents first national security strategy”, and Minister Baerbock said “All of us had to learn with the brutal war of aggression of Russia against Ukraine that freedom and peace do not fall from the sky.” The DW news-report said virtually nothing about what is in the National Security Strategy. Russia’s RT was more informative about that; it headlined the same day, “Germany names biggest threat to ‘peace and security’: Berlin has accused Moscow of jeopardizing strategic stability”, and it opened: “Russia has been declared the biggest security threat in a top German strategic policy paper. Presented on Wednesday, Germany’s first ever National Security Strategy describes Moscow as a force threatening both regional and global order.” Germany, which has 231 U.S. military bases on its territory and is being destroyed by the U.S.’s enforced economic sanctions, physical destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, and other U.S.-imposed economic burdens, would remain a U.S. slave-state or ‘ally’, regardless of what the rest of the ‘Alliance’ would do.

Going forward now, it is the U.S. regime and countries such as Germany that are still committed to U.S. President Joe Biden’s promise that, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” If America’s war against Russia will henceforth NOT be including some other European nations, then perhaps Russia will remove those other nations from being targeted by its thousands of nuclear weapons. The United States, in any event, certainly is providing international leadership of a certain sort: into WW III. But, by doing so, it might lose some of its ‘allies’.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image:  EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. (EU)

Why JFK Was Deemed a Threat to National Security

June 15th, 2023 by Jacob G. Hornberger

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Three days ago — June 10 — was the 60th anniversary of President Kennedy’s Peace Speech at American University. Reading or listening to the speech today, it is not difficult to see why the U.S. national-security establishment deemed Kennedy to be a grave threat to national security, just as it did with certain foreign leaders, such as Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran, Congo leader Patrice Lumumba, Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz and, later, President Salvador Allende of Chile. 

For some 150 years, the federal government had been a limited-government republic. After World War II, however, the federal government was converted to a national-security state. 

The difference was day and night.

With a limited-government republic, there was openness and transparency in governmental operations. Moreover, there was only a relatively small, basic military force. No Pentagon, no vast military-industrial complex, no CIA, no NSA, and no empire of foreign military bases. Governmental powers were limited and tightly constrained. No power to assassinate, kidnap, torture, or indefinitely detain people. No power to initiate coups or regime-change operations in foreign countries. No power of mass secret surveillance. 

With a national-security state, dark-side secrecy became everything. “National security” became the two most important words in the American political lexicon. A large, permanent military establishment, along with the CIA and the NSA, came into existence. This vast national-security establishment vested itself with omnipotent, totalitarian-like powers, including assassination, torture, coups, secret surveillance, kidnapping, and indefinite detention. It established a vast empire of military bases, both foreign and domestic, and initiated a program of regime change in foreign nations. Foreign wars in faraway lands, such as Korea and Vietnam, became the norm.

The Cold War was actually one great big racket, one that became a cash cow for the vast military-intelligence complex and its ever-growing army of “defense” contractors who loved feeding at the public trough. This enormous racket was justified under the rubric of keeping America safe from a supposed vast communist conspiracy that supposedly was based in Moscow, Russia. Yes, that Russia!

There was no possibility whatsoever of a peaceful resolution of the forever war between the United States and Russia, U.S. oficials said. There could never be peaceful coexistence, they maintained. The war against the Russian Reds, U.S. national-security officials held, was a war to the death. That was why the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended to Kennedy that the United States initiate a surprise nuclear attack against the Russians, a recommendation that Kennedy indignantly rejected.

Having achieved a “breakthrough” after the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy had decided that he was going to lead America in an entirely different direction from that of the national-security establishment. In his Peace Speech, Kennedy threw down the gauntlet against what had now become his enemy — the national-security establishment. Kennedy essentially declared an end to the Cold War racket and announced that henceforth Russia and the United States would live in peaceful coexistence. He declared an end to to the extreme anti-Russia hostility that the national-security establishment had inculcated in the American people, and he even praised the Soviet Union.

The very next night — June 11 — Kennedy delivered a nation-wide speech expressing support for the civil-rights movement, which the national-security establishment was convinced was controlled by the Russian Reds. That’s why the FBI wiretapped Martin Luther King and used blackmail with the aim of inducing him to commit suicide.

Kennedy then followed up his words with actions. Over the fierce opposition of the Pentagon and the CIA, he negotiated the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty with the Soviets. He also ordered a pull-out of troops from Vietnam. He proposed a joint trip to the moon with the Russians, which would have meant sharing U.S. rocket technology with the Reds. On the day he was killed, he had an emissary having lunch with Fidel Castro with an intent to normalize relations with Cuba, which was anathema to the national-security establishment. 

What would have happened if Kennedy had lived? The national-security establishment would have immediately become irrelevant and immaterial. They would have been left twiddling their thumbs, with nothing to do. Remember, after all, that the supposed threat from the Russian Reds was why the federal government was converted to a national-security state in the first place. Peaceful coexistence with the communist world would have meant no more justification for a national-security state. The Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA would have been dismantled and America’s founding system of a limited-government republic would have been restored.

Keep in mind something else. Kennedy would never have permitted the Pentagon and the CIA to go into the Middle East and begin killing people, as they did after the Cold War finally came to an end in 1989. That would have meant that there never would have been terrorist retaliation for U.S. interventionism and, therefore, there never would have been a “war on terrorism.”

In other words, if Kennedy had lived, we’d be living in a totally different society today, one characterized by a limited-government republic rather than a national-security state — one without the militarism, forever wars, conflicts, hostilities, crises, chaos, coups, assassinations, torture, and indefinite detention that have become regular and permanent features of American life.

For its part, the military-intelligence establishment considered Kennedy to be a weak leader — a coward — an appeaser — Neville Chamberlain —  a traitor — a president who was leading America to doom at the hands of the communists. Kennedy was deemed to be a grave threat to national-security. As far as it was concerned, the national-security establishment had no choice but to do what was necessary to save America.

Kennedy knew the danger that he faced in the war between him and the national-security establishment for the future direction of America. He had listened to President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, when Ike warned the American people of the dangers that the national-security state apparatus posed to the rights and liberties of the American people and to America’s democratic processes. 

The war between President Kennedy and the national-security establishment came to an end on November 22, 1963. And Americans have been paying the price for that “victory” ever since.


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Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. He was born and raised in Laredo, Texas, and received his B.A. in economics from Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. He was a trial attorney for twelve years in Texas. He also was an adjunct professor at the University of Dallas, where he taught law and economics. In 1987, Mr. Hornberger left the practice of law to become director of programs at the Foundation for Economic Education. He has advanced freedom and free markets on talk-radio stations all across the country as well as on Fox News’ Neil Cavuto and Greta van Susteren shows and he appeared as a regular commentator on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show Freedom Watch. View these interviews at and from Full Context. Send him email.

Featured image is from FFF

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“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”—H.L. Mencken

And so it continues.

This entire fiasco—indicting Donald Trump for allegedly violating both the Espionage Act and obstructing justice by improperly handling classified records—is merely the latest in a never-ending series of distractions, distortions, and political theater aimed at diverting the public’s attention from the sinister advances of the American Deep State.

Don’t allow yourselves to be distracted, diverted or mesmerized by the cheap theater tricks.

This indictment spectacle is Shakespearean in its scope: full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Nothing is the key word here.

Despite the wall-to-wall media coverage, this is all just smoke and mirrors.

Mark my words: the government is as corrupt and self-serving as ever, dominated by two political factions that pretend to be at odds with each other all the while moving in lockstep to maintain the status quo.

If you really want to talk about who’s guilty of treason, set your sights higher: indict the government for overstepping its authority, abusing its power, disregarding the rule of law, and betraying the American people.

When we refer to the “rule of law,” that’s constitutional shorthand for the idea that everyone is treated the same under the law, everyone is held equally accountable to abiding by the law, and no one is given a free pass based on their politics, their connections, their wealth, their status or any other bright line test used to confer special treatment on the elite.

When the government and its agents no longer respect the rule of law—the Constitution—or believe that it applies to them, then the very contract on which this relationship is based becomes invalid.

This abuse of power has been going on for so long that it has become the norm, the Constitution be damned.

There are hundreds—make that thousands—of government bureaucrats who are getting away with murder (in many cases, literally) simply because the legislatures, courts and the citizenry can’t be bothered to make them play by the rules of the Constitution.

Unless something changes in the way we deal with these ongoing, egregious abuses of power, the predators of the police state will continue to wreak havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives.

For too long now, the American people have played politics with their principles and turned a blind eye to all manner of wrongdoing when it was politically expedient, allowing the government to wreak havoc with their freedoms and act in violation of the rule of law.

“We the people” are paying the price for it now.

We are paying the price every day that we allow the government to continue to wage its war on the American People, a war that is being fought on many fronts: with bullets and tasers, with surveillance cameras and license readers, with intimidation and propaganda, with court rulings and legislation, with the collusion of every bureaucrat who dances to the tune of corporate handouts while on the government’s payroll, and most effectively of all, with the complicity of the American people, who continue to allow themselves to be easily manipulated by their politics, distracted by their pastimes, and acclimated to a world in which government corruption is the norm.

It’s the nature of the beast: power corrupts.

Worse, as 19th-century historian Lord Acton concluded, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We’ve been losing our freedoms so incrementally for so long—sold to us in the name of national security and global peace, maintained by way of martial law disguised as law and order, and enforced by a standing army of militarized police and a political elite determined to maintain their powers at all costs—that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it all started going downhill, but we’re certainly on that downward trajectory now, and things are moving fast.

The republic has fallen.

The Deep State’s plot to take over America has succeeded.

The American system of representative government has been overthrown by a profit-driven, militaristic, corporate oligarchy bent on total control and global domination through the imposition of martial law here at home and by fomenting wars abroad.

Even now, we are being pushed and prodded towards a civil war, not because the American people are so divided but because that’s how corrupt governments control a populace (i.e., divide and conquer).

These are dangerous times.

These are indeed dangerous times but not because of violent crime or terrorism or illegal immigration.

No, the real danger that we face comes from none other than the U.S. government and the powers it has granted to its standing armies to rob, steal, cheat, harass, detain, brutalize, terrorize, torture and kill American citizens with immunity.

The danger “we the people” face comes from masked invaders on the government payroll who crash through our doors in the dark of night, shoot our dogs, and terrorize our families.

This danger comes from militarized henchmen on the government payroll who demand absolute obedience, instill abject fear, and shoot first and ask questions later.

This danger comes from greedy, power-hungry bureaucrats on the government payroll who have little to no understanding of their constitutional limits.

This danger comes from greedy politicians and corporations for whom profit trumps principle.

Consider, if you will, all of the dastardly, devious, diabolical, dangerous, debilitating, deceitful, dehumanizing, demonic, depraved, dishonorable, disillusioning, discriminatory, dictatorial schemes inflicted on “we the people” by a bureaucratic, totalitarian regime that has long since ceased to be “a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”

  • Americans have no protection against police abuse.
  • Americans are little more than pocketbooks to fund the police state.
  • Americans are no longer innocent until proven guilty.
  • Americans no longer have a right to private property.
  • Americans no longer have a say about what their children are exposed to in school.
  • Americans are powerless in the face of militarized police.
  • Americans no longer have a right to bodily integrity.
  • Americans no longer have a right to the expectation of privacy.
  • Americans can no longer rely on the courts to mete out justice.
  • Americans no longer have a representative government.

I haven’t even touched on the corporate state, the military industrial complex, SWAT team raids, invasive surveillance technology, zero tolerance policies in the schools, overcriminalization, or privatized prisons, to name just a few, but what I have touched on should be enough to show that the landscape of our freedoms has already changed dramatically from what it once was and will no doubt continue to deteriorate unless Americans can find a way to wrest back control of their government and reclaim their freedoms.

Indictments, impeachments and elections will not save us.

History may show that from this point forward, we will have left behind any semblance of constitutional government and entered into a totalitarian state where all citizens are suspects and security trumps freedom.

Even with its constantly shifting terrain, this topsy-turvy travesty of law and government has become America’s new normal.

From Clinton to Bush, then Obama to Trump and now Biden, it’s as if we’re caught in a time loop, forced to re-live the same thing over and over again: the same assaults on our freedoms, the same disregard for the rule of law, the same subservience to the Deep State, and the same corrupt, self-serving government that exists only to amass power, enrich its shareholders and ensure its continued domination.

There can be no denying that the world is indeed a dangerous place, but it’s the government that poses the gravest threat to our freedoms and way of life, and no amount of politicking, parsing or pandering will change that.

It is easy to be diverted, distracted and amused by political circuses and entertainment spectacles.

What is far more difficult to face up to is the reality of life in America, where “we the people” are at a distinct disadvantage in the face of the government elite’s power grabs, greed and firepower.

The Constitution doesn’t stand a chance against a federalized, globalized standing army protected by legislative, judicial and executive branches that are all on the same side.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, no matter what political views they subscribe to: suffice it to say, they are not on our side or the side of freedom.

That is the real betrayal.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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“Turbo cancer” is a non-medical term that has arisen to describe very aggressive and rapidly progressive cancers following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and suppression of the immune system.

I have written 12 substacks about turbo cancers so far:

Today’s focus is on turbo gastric cancer.

UK – 49 year old army nurse Billie-Joe Graham (click here) 

Billie-Joe Graham served on the frontlines during the Gulf War. After leaving the Army, Billie-Joe became a midwife. She was working as a midwife for South Tyneside Healthcare Trust at the time of her death.

After suffering stomach pains, which she thought might be gallstones, she visited her doctor. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer on March 29, 2022 and passed away 12 days later on April 10, 2022.

She was due to start cancer treatment on April 11, 2022. She died before she could even start treatment.

UK – 37 year old father of two, Danny Johnston (click here)

Starting in November 2022, 37 year old Danny Johnston would regularly vomit blood. He thought he had a stomach ulcer. He had an endoscopy on Nov.30, 2022 but there was no evidence of cancer.

He was diagnosed with cancer on Jan.14, 2023 and died a month later on Feb.17, 2023.

He was about to start chemotherapy but he died before he could start treatment.

UK – 37 year old dad, Jamie Thompson, died weeks after going to emergency for stomach pain (click here)

37 year old Jamie Thompson visited emerg beginning of Nov.2022 complaining of stomach pain.

Tests revealed the 37-year-old from Middlesborough had cancer in his stomach, chest and lung.

A couple of weeks later his friends called an ambulance when he took a turn for the worse. He was sent for another scan and the mass on his stomach had grown significantly.

Jamie had a biopsy and suffered a cardiac arrest shortly after. He had also suffered a brain bleed and died on Nov. 22, 2022.

UK – 39 year old dad who complained of sore stomach on honeymoon died 2 months later of gastric cancer.

“We came back from our honeymoon in July, and a week later he went to hospital with pain in his stomach. He never left hospital again.

It was two months between diagnosis and him passing away.

UK – 39 year old UK man died 1 week after appointment for hernia (click here) 

A 39-year-old man died just a week after going to the hospital for a hernia in his groin.

It turned out he had advanced stomach cancer that had been spreading to several parts of his body.

There is another pattern of stomach cancers that are not as rapidly lethal, and usually take about a year to kill:

UK – 39 year old mom of 3 dies battling very rare stomach cancer for 14 months (click here)

Lisa’s oncologist reportedly told her she had more chance of being struck by lightning than getting this form of cancer.

“Even when she was battling this horrible disease alongside intense chemo, radiotherapy and suffering a blood clot on her lung, She never once complained.”

Cedar Hill, MO – 31 year old Northwest High School teacher Jessica Kozlen died after 16 month battle with stage 4 metastatic jejunal adenocarcinoma (click here)

On July 4, 2021 she called her brother and asked him what it felt like when he had appendicitis. He told her to go to emerg.

“They ran a lot of tests and they ended up doing a CT scan and it revealed that she hadlate stage cancer that had spread to her colon and liver and it had already spread significantly” he said.

Stephen said he was told Kozlen’s cancer basically has no symptoms until it is in an advanced stage.

“It’s a very rare form of cancer that is very hard to treat,” he said.

She started chemotherapy right away, had some success, but then it started to fail. She died on Nov.1, 2022.

Japan – 31 year old national volleyball player Naonobu Fuji died on March 10, 2023, after battling stage 4 gastric cancer for 12 months.

On Feb. 27, 2022 he announced publicly that he had stage 4 gastric cancer with brain metastases.

Washington Post editor, 35 year old Roshania Patel died on Oct. 25, 2022 from gastric cancer.

UK – 47 year old British heavyweight boxer Mark Potter died in Nov. 2022 after 11 month battle with gastric cancer (click here) 

Nicholas Lloyd Webber, composer and record producer and son of composer Andrew Lloyd Webber died at age 43 from gastric cancer after 18 month battle (click here)

Twitter Reports

My Take…

The underlying mechanism of turbo cancer is most likely some type of COVID-19 vaccine induced immune system suppression that gives rise to rapidly growing and rapidly progressive cancers of the breast, lung, colon, gastric, gallbladder, pancreas, brain, lymphoma, leukemia and so on.

There are a number of theories in regards to what is causing COVID-19 vaccine induced immune system dysfunction: TLR suppression, T-cell dysfunction, IgG4 shift, DNA contamination of mRNA vials with plasmids containing SV40 promoter, p53 inhibition, PD-L1 elevation, NK cell exhaustion and many more.

PD-L1 has been associated with gastric cancer (click here). PD-L1 is a protein called “the ligand of programmed cell death 1” and is found on immune cells. It binds PD-1 which is also found on immune cells (activated T-cells & others).

The interaction of PD-1 with its ligand PD-L1 induces a suppression of T-cell receptor signaling and results in a down regulation of the immune response, which enables cancer cells to escape immune destruction. (click here)

There are new cancer drugs that target PD-L1/PD-1 to restore cancer cell directed immune response and killing of cancer cells.

COVID-19 mRNA Spike protein upregulates PD-L1 and this is even more pronounced with Omicron spike than with original Wuhan spike. Although the authors of one study concluded that this promotes immune evasion of COVID-19 and causes severe disease, upregulation of PD-L1 will also allow cancers to evade the immune system. (click here)

Pfizer & Moderna mRNA vaccines may be upregulating PD-L1 which could be causing several types of aggressive “turbo” cancers, including gastric cancers.

Even more concerning, it is possible that bivalent Omicron COVID-19 mRNA boosters may be causing even higher PD-L1 levels than the original strains of COVID-19, which could mean that if the original COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are indeed carcinogenic (via upregulation of PD-L1), the Omicron COVID-19 boosters are even worse and more likely to cause aggressive cancers.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Senegal was the scene of demonstrations and widespread property damage in the wake of the conviction of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko who was tried by the courts in absentia in early June.

Sonko, a former tax inspector and co-founder of the African Patriots of Senegal (PASTEF) opposition party, had been charged with sexual assault, however, his conviction was for the corruption of a minor.

Supposedly the charges stemmed from Sonko’s interaction with a woman at a massage parlor, according to press reports. Even after the conviction and sentencing, Sonko has not been arrested by the authorities in Senegal. He was given 15 days to file an appeal in the courts to his conviction and sentence to two years in prison.

Image: Ousmane Sonko (Licensed under the Public Domain)

Ousmane Sonko 2023.jpg

The opposition leader’s supporters say that the charges against him are politically motivated in order to prevent Sonko from running for president in 2024. He contested in the 2019 elections and came in third after the incumbent President Macky Sall. The PASTEF party leads a coalition of opposition parties called Liberate the People which represents the second largest bloc in the National Assembly of Senegal.

Aggravating the social situation in Senegal is the controversy surrounding whether President Sall will seek re-election after serving two terms. The Senegalese constitution will have to be changed for Sall to run once again. Sonko, who is 48-years-old, has a strong following among the youth who represent the largest demographic inside the country. Due to the post-colonial crisis of many African states, unemployment and poverty among young people remains disproportionately high in many countries such as Senegal.

Reports from Senegal indicate that 16 people lost their lives during the demonstrations which began during early June. Extensive damage was done in the area around the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar.

Extensive damage was reportedly done at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar where thousands of student, faculty and administrative documents were damaged. The university is named after the eminent historian and anthropologist who challenged the European theories of African inferiority. His books “The Cultural Unity of Black Africa” (1959), the “African Origin of Civilization” (1974) and “Civilization or Barbarism” (1991) remain major sources in continental research.

Although President Macky Sall has not commented extensively on the unrest, several opposition leaders and international human rights organizations have criticized his administration for utilizing live ammunition in the efforts to halt the demonstrations. However, supporters of the ruling Alliance for the Republic party and other political forces have accused Sonko of deliberately fueling the violent activities. (See this)

Political Background to the Current Crisis

Senegal, a former French colony, gained its independence from France in 1960. The country from the time of its liberation maintained close relations with Paris as well as the United States.

Since 1960, the country has been relatively stable in comparison to several of the neighboring states in West Africa. There has never been a military coup in Senegal over the last 63 years of its independence. Over the last four decades there has been a multiparty political system. Only four people have served as president: Leopold Senghor, Abdou Diouf, Abdoulaye Wade and the current head-of-state Macky Sall.

Senegal is known for its keen interests in the preservation of African history and culture. The first President Leopold Senghor was a writer and theoretician who advanced his own ideas related to the role of post-colonial societies in Africa. He expressed the concept of “Negritude” which also held substantial influence leading up to the 1960s in other geopolitical regions such as the Caribbean and among African Americans in the U.S. His form of Negritude advanced a version of socialism which did not challenge the inherent exploitative conditions which resulted from colonial rule. During his tenure in office, Senegal remained within the French monetary zone where its currency remained pegged to the CFA Franc. He also relied on French advisors for governmental and military affairs.

In later years during the 1960s, Senghor’s theories were challenged by more revolutionary African leaders such as Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, President Ahmed Sekou Toure of Guinea, Amilcar Cabral of Guinea-Bissau, President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, among others. Alternative concepts such as the African Personality, African Democratic Revolution, Ujamaa, Pan-Africanism, Scientific Socialism, Marxism-Leninism, etc. supported the armed struggles to overthrow colonialism and imperialism along with the construction of a non-capitalist society.

The First Pan-African Cultural Festival held in Algeria during August 1969, in many ways represented a repudiation of the ideas espoused by Senghor and Martinique-born poet and political leader Aimee Cesaire. Senghor remained in power from 1960 to 1980. During his administration there was the removal and imprisonment of his prime minister, Mamadou Dia, in 1962, who was accused of attempting a coup against the president.

Since the early phase of the African independence movements of the 1950s and 1960s, there has been greater emphasis on political pluralism. The African Union (AU), which grew out of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) formed 60 years ago in 1963, took a stronger position against military interventions in political governance.

Nonetheless, in the last three years several countries in West Africa have experienced military coups. Mali, Guinea-Conakry, Burkina Faso and Chad underwent military seizures of power. These coups are reflections of the economic and security crises which have spread across the continent. Although the U.S. and France have escalated their military presence on the continent through the Pentagon’s Africa Command (AFRICOM) and Paris’ Operation Barkhane, the capacity of numerous AU member-states to stabilize their countries have drastically declined.

Senegal, Africa and the New Cold War

With President Sall having been Chairperson of the AU during the previous year, his international stature has brought media attention to the country. During 2022, Sall and the Commission Chair of the AU, Faki Moussa Mahamat, travelled to Russia and met with President Vladimir Putin in the city of Sochi.

The purpose of the trip was to seek a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine war which has caused agriculture shortages in various African states. Ukraine and Russia supply large amounts of grain and other staple food products to African countries. The plan for a corridor for the supply of food from Ukraine and Russia was first proposed at this meeting between the AU officials and Putin.

Since this time period, the AU has announced the formation of a delegation to travel on a peace mission to both Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The seven-member African delegation is scheduled to visit Russia and Ukraine in mid-June.

The position of the AU member-states has been a cause for much consternation by Washington and other NATO member-states. Despite political and economic pressures being exerted by the administration of President Joe Biden towards African governments to line up behind the NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, this delegation was committed to continuing with its mission.

In a report published by TASS news agency:

“The Brazzaville Foundation is pleased to announce that Vladimir Zelensky, President of Ukraine, will receive on Friday, June 16, 2023, in Kiev, and Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will receive on Saturday, June 17, 2023 in St. Petersburg the following Heads of State: Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa; Azali Assoumani, President of the African Union and President of the Union of Comoros; Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo; Yoweri Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda; Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal and Hakainde Hichilema, President of the Republic of Zambia,” the organization said in a communique distributed on Thursday in South Africa.

On May 16, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that Russian and Ukrainian authorities had agreed to host an African delegation to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Ramaphosa was speaking on behalf of a group of six African countries: Egypt, the Republic of the Congo, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia. Now the incumbent chair of the African Union, the Comoros, has been added to this list.” 

Undoubtedly, the Biden administration will continue its efforts to undermine any semblance of an independent foreign policy among African states as it relates to the Russian Federation as well as the People’s Republic of China. In specific reference to the Republic of South Africa, a bi-partisan group of Congressman and Senators have written a letter to President Biden demanding that he take economic measures against Pretoria for their supposed support for Moscow in its special military operation in Ukraine. The African National Congress (ANC) government has been accused of supplying weapons to Russia by the U.S. ambassador to South Africa. All of these accusations and threats are designed to destabilize the South African government and society.

Any opportunity created by imperialism to undermine the sovereignty and independence of African states will be utilized by Washington, London, Paris and Brussels. Irrespective of the outcome of the national elections in Senegal during 2024, the U.S. and its allies will continue to pursue their hegemonic designs aimed at maintaining neo-colonialism in Africa and other geopolitical regions of the world.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Selected Articles: Dumpling Wars

June 15th, 2023 by Global Research News

Dumpling Wars

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 14, 2023

The Ukrainian blonde had the smell of trouble. She had perched herself, along with her mute friend, in a restaurant across from the famed South Melbourne Market. On arriving at the modish, glorious bit of real estate known as Tipsy Village, a Polish establishment famed for accented French cuisine, she shrieked: “Why do you have Ruskie dumplings on your menu?”

“We Want Peace. The World Cries Out”. Henry Wallace

By Emanuel Pastreich, June 15, 2023

Although I do not fully agree with Henry Wallace’s arguments, I find his speeches inspiring and think they offer us great potential at this dangerous moment in history. There is also an argument to be made that another world was possible that did not include the Cold War of the 1950s, or the Cold War of 2023 (the second “cold war” works on the basic principle that “Cold Wars repeat: first as tragedy and again as farce”).

“The Ultimate Constraint on Freedom”: Ted Kaczynski, Technology and Trauma

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 15, 2023

Henry A. Murray has much to answer for. Between 1959 and 1961, the Harvard psychology academic, as the leader of a team of equally unprincipled academics, was responsible for conducting an CIA-funded experiment most unethical on 22 undergraduates.  The individuals in question were pseudonymised. One particularly youthful figure, named “Lawful”, was the mathematically gifted Theodore John Kaczynski.

Turkey’s Refugee Crisis

By Hasan Erel, June 15, 2023

Turkey has become the target point of a mass migration, which is rarely seen in the world. This essentially started with the Syrian war in 2011 and continues with Libya, Iraq, African countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russians and Ukrainians.

Only a Manipulated Human Inflicts Suffering on Members of the Same Species

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, June 15, 2023

As a psychologist and long-time psychotherapist, I am convinced that man is good, social and capable of living together without weapons and war. However, he is psychologically irritated due to his manipulation in family upbringing and by social institutions.

Prof. Kari Polyani Levitt: Regaining Canada’s Sovereignty: June 14, 2023 We Celebrate Kari’s 100th Birthday

By Kari Polanyi Levitt and Michael Welch, June 14, 2023

She constitutes a powerful voice in the understanding and analysis of  US hegemony and the global political economy. Her first book published in 1970 entitled,  Silent Surrender: The Multinational Corporation in Canada, predicted with foresight more than half a century ago, what is happening today.

Crown Prince of Saudi MbS Is Working Towards a “Political Solution for Syria”

By Steven Sahiounie, June 14, 2023

Dr. Faisal Mekdad, Syria’s Foreign Minister, is in Saudi Arabia for meetings held on June 11 and 12, which marks his third visit to the Kingdom in the last three months. In April, he made his initial visit and accompanied President Assad to Jeddah to attend the Council of the League of Arab States summit on May 19.

US Planning to Overhaul UN Security Council

By Kyle Anzalone, June 14, 2023

The White House is developing plans to expand the number of permanent members to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the Washington Post reported on Monday. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield is spearheading the effort to enlarge the body by adding six new members. 

The US Military Is Struggling to Account for Equipment Sent to Ukraine

By Jared Keller, June 14, 2023

The U.S. military did not properly maintain accountability for thousands of pieces of equipment transferred to the government of Ukraine as part of the former’s security assistance program in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion, according to a new government watchdog report.

States Invest in Nuclear Arsenals as Geopolitical Relations Deteriorate

By SIPRI, June 14, 2023

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) today launches its annual assessment of the state of armaments, disarmament and international security. A key finding of SIPRI Yearbook 2023 is that the number of operational nuclear weapons started to rise as countries’ long-term force modernization and expansion plans progressed.

“We Want Peace. The World Cries Out”. Henry Wallace

June 15th, 2023 by Emanuel Pastreich

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I want to thank Matt Ehret to pointing out the speeches by Henry Wallace, Franklin Roosevelt’s vice president and later Secretary of Commerce under Harry Truman, concerning Russia and the threat of a world war, and a cold war.

Although I do not fully agree with Henry Wallace’s arguments, I find his speeches inspiring and think they offer us great potential at this dangerous moment in history. There is also an argument to be made that another world was possible that did not include the Cold War of the 1950s, or the Cold War of 2023 (the second “cold war” works on the basic principle that “Cold Wars repeat: first as tragedy and again as farce”).

The first speech of 1946 was the one that led to President Truman demanding his resignation. The second speech of 1947 was made once he had positioned himself in explicit opposition to the Truman administration. Wallace suggests a “competition of ideas” for mutual benefit that has strong appeal for us today.


Henry Wallace, Secretary of Commerce

September 12, 1946, Madison Square Garden, New York

“He who trusts in the atom bomb will sooner or later perish by the atom bomb”

Tonight, I want to talk about peace—and how to get peace. Never have the common people of all lands so longed for peace. Yet, never in a time of comparative peace have they feared war so much. During the past year or so, the significance of peace has been increased immeasurably by the atomic bomb, guided missiles and airplanes which soon will travel as fast as sound. We cannot rest in the assurance that we invented the atom bomb—and therefore that this agent of destruction will work best for us. He who trusts in the atom bomb will sooner or later perish by the atom bomb—or something worse.

To achieve lasting peace, we must study in detail just how the Russian character was formed—by invasions of Tartars, Mongols, Germans, Poles, Swedes, and French; by the czarist rule based on ignorance, fear and force; by the intervention of the British, French and Americans in Russian affairs from 1919-1921; by the geography of the huge Russian land mass situated strategically between Europe and Asia; and by the vitality derived from the rich Russian soil and the strenuous Russian climate. Add to all this the tremendous emotional power which Marxism and Leninism gives to the Russian leaders—and then we can realize that we are reckoning with a force which cannot be handled successfully by a ‘Get tough with Russia’ policy. ‘Getting tough’ never brought anything real and lasting—whether for schoolyard bullies or businessmen or world powers. The tougher we get, the tougher the Russians will get.

We most earnestly want peace with Russia—but we want to be met half way. We want cooperation. And I believe that we can get cooperation once Russia understands that our primary objective is neither saving the British Empire nor purchasing oil in the Near East with the lives of American soldiers.

On our part we should recognize that we have no more business in the political affairs of Eastern Europe than Russia has in the political affairs of Latin America, Western Europe and the United States. The Russians have no more business in stirring up native communists to political activity in Western Europe, Latin America and the United States than we have in interfering in the politics of Eastern Europe and Russia. We know what Russia is up to in Eastern Europe, for example, and Russia knows what we are up to. We cannot permit the door to be closed against our trade in Eastern Europe any more than we can in China. But at the same time we have to recognize that the Balkans are closer to Russia than to us—and that Russia cannot permit either England or the United States to dominate the politics of that area.  

Russian ideas of social-economic justice are going to govern nearly a third of the world. Our ideas of free enterprise democracy will govern much of the rest. The two ideas will endeavor to prove which can deliver the most satisfaction to the common man in their respective areas of political dominance. Under friendly peaceful competition the Russian world and the American world will gradually become more alike. The Russians will be forced to grant more and more of the personal freedoms; and we shall become more and more absorbed with the problems of social-economic justice.


Henry Wallace

March 31, 1947, Madison Square Garden, New York

“Not for an American crusade in the name of hatred and fear of communism, but for a world crusade in the name of brotherhood of man”

We are here tonight because , not for an American crusade in the name of hatred and fear of communism, but for a world crusade in the name of brotherhood of man.

The name of crisis facts is withheld, time is denied, hysteria is whipped up, congress is asked to rush through a momentous decision, as if great armies were already on the march. I hear no armies marching. I hear a world crying out for peace. The truth is that the president and his republican backers are less concerned with the need of the free people, for food than with the need of the American navy for oil. The plan to contain communism is really secondary to the push for oil.

For every glamorous admiral, who boasts “it’s nobody’s damn business where we go”, there are 10 drab, but practical, procurement officers to add “and we’ll get there with the oil from the middle east.” If we took the matter to the United Nations, and the Russians exercised their veto, the moral burden would be on them. When we act independently, outside the framework of the United Nations, the moral burden is on us.

(Both speeches are redacted and I have not found the original texts yet)


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Henry A. Murray has much to answer for. Between 1959 and 1961, the Harvard psychology academic, as the leader of a team of equally unprincipled academics, was responsible for conducting an CIA-funded experiment most unethical on 22 undergraduates.  The individuals in question were pseudonymised. One particularly youthful figure, named “Lawful”, was the mathematically gifted Theodore John Kaczynski.

A central theme of the experiments was examining the effects of stress, characterised by what Murray called “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks. Ideals and beliefs were assailed; egos pulverised. For Murray, this came naturally. He had cut his teeth designing psychological screening tests for the forerunner to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services. It was perfect preparation for what came to be known as Multiform Assessments of Personality Development Among Gifted College Men.

Kaczynski was the less than grateful recipient of the higher end of the experiment. “I had been talked or pressured,” he told his attorney Michael Mello in August 1998, “into participating in the Murray study against my better judgment.” It is indisputable that he, along with other subjects, had been sufficiently deceived to be victims of a breach of experimental ethics known more commonly as the Nuremberg Code.

Drafted in the aftermath of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial of German concentration camp doctors, the code stressed the importance of informed consent. “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential,” declared the judges responsible for formulating the code. The subject should also be “so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress…”

Kaczynski can hardly be said to go on to better things, but they were certainly bigger. In terms of notoriety, his position in the technology obsessed undergrowth of the United States was assured by his murderous and maiming efforts. His favourite method: the package bomb, 16 of which were mailed to his intended victims. Three people died; 23 were injured.

A central tenet of Kaczynski’s thought was levelled at those complicit representatives of what he called the Industrial Society and its state manifestation. Far from being critical of power, its methods, and its wielding by bureaucrats and planners, its members were adjutants and prosecutors of a sinister agenda of behavioural control.

The profiles of the victims, actual and intended, constituted a true fruit salad, at times erratic and scattered: academics in engineering, psychology, genetics and computer science; the president of the California Forestry Association; a computer store owner; an advertising executive; American Airlines Flight 444 and the United Airlines President.

In its unifying theme, the manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future, opens its barrels on the role of technology. “The Industrial Revolution and its consequences,” goes the grave opening, “have been a disaster for the human race.” While it had “greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in ‘advanced’ countries”, society had been destabilised, life made “unfulfilling”. Humans had been subjected to “indignities” and “widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well)”. The “natural world” had also suffered.

James Ley, reflecting on Kaczynski’s writing, finds his understanding of technology to be “the ultimate constraint on freedom, beyond any specific laws or political arrangements that might obtain.” The conservatives are deluded for conniving in the destruction of their own ideals in embracing technology; leftists merely pursue goals of improvement without dealing with the elephant in the room: the properties of technological enslavement.

In an area of surveillance capitalism, inexorable data mining, and Mark Zuckerberg, there is something haunting about this. The manifesto may not be the sprightliest work of originality, but the vision is contemporary and relevant. The technological society systematically oppresses; it cannot be regulated. With that monstrous genie out of the bottle, it can only be, according to Kaczynski, destroyed.

Kaczynski defied the authorities and the technological state he so despised, eluding capture for almost two decades. Being incapable of summoning the forces to destroy technology, he eschewed it, becoming a rustic version of the Savage in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the man who “ate civilization”, and in so doing ate his own wickedness.

He lived in a cabin near Lincoln, Montana, a place in every sense off the grid: no electricity, no television, no telephone. He moved about with a bicycle. He took an interest in regeneration in nature. He even foraged. This was his way of romancing the notion of the “pre-industrial city”, as he termed it, where the “19th century frontiersman” could create “change himself, by his own choice.” Change for the “modern man”, in contrast, was “imposed”.

Despite isolation, his pride proved too powerful, the need for recognition, consuming. His efforts to get the New York Times and Washington Post to publish his 35,000-word manifesto undid him. His brother David, and sister-in-law, on realising he was the author, identified him. The FBI, furnished by letters and documents provided by David, joined the dots, arresting Kaczynski on April 3, 1996.

The stage was set for the Unabomber to become a figure of medical interest. At trial, fearing that his brother would receive the death sentence, David, and the defence, opted for psychopathological grounds. Did the Murray experiments tip him over? The lawyers ran with the argument that the Harvard experience had provided the bricks and mortar of paranoid schizophrenia. Their client begged, with tenacious fury, to differ. His terrorism had been principled, rational, his Weltanschauung outlined in his manifesto. To suggest medical illness and disturbance was to give into the pathologizing agenda, something that would render him mad and therefore illegitimate as a thinker.

Far from being mad, the dystopia of Kaczynski’s industrial society has found solid roots. And the forces behind it, be they the myriad of social networks, data hungry platforms and the increasingly agitated discussion about Artificial Intelligence and its generative properties, implicates us all.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from the Public Domain

Nur ein manipulierter Mensch fügt Artgenossen Leid zu

June 15th, 2023 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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Einführung in Thematik

Als Psychologe und langjähriger Psychotherapeut bin ich der Überzeugung, dass der Mensch gut, sozial und fähig ist, ohne Waffen und Krieg zusammenzuleben (1). Er ist jedoch psychisch irritiert, was auf seine Manipulation in der familiären Erziehung und durch die gesellschaftlichen Institutionen zurückzuführen ist.

Nur ein manipulierter Mensch ist in der Lage, seinen Artgenossen Leid zuzufügen: Kriege, Terroraktionen, Entführung von Kindern und Vermietung an Pädophile, Organhandel, Entvölkerungsprogramme, Vertreibung, Bevölkerungsaustausch, Geschichtsfälschung und so weiter und so fort.

Seinen Artgenossen Gewalt und Pein zuzufügen oder loszumarschieren und loszuschlagen, wenn der Staat zu den Waffen ruft, das ist nicht das Resultat eines freien Willens. Die Erziehung der Menschen hat bewirkt, dass sie den staatlichen Autoritäten gehorchen müssen. Ihr Gefühlsleben ist so geprägt, dass sie nicht „NEIN!“ sagen können. Dass er Vater und Mutter in der Kinderstube folgen musste, trägt der Erwachsene ein Leben lang mit – ohne dass ihm das bewusst ist.

Doch die Psychologie zeigt uns, dass man den Menschen helfen kann, sich ihrer teils unbewussten Gefühle und ihres Verhaltens bewusst zu werden. Sie können sich so umorientieren, dass sie den Artgenossen kein Leid mehr zufügen.

Dieser psychologische Erklärungsansatz des menschlichen Gefühlslebens und Verhaltens entspricht nicht nur der menschlichen Natur, er wirkt im Gegensatz zur moralischen Argumentation – der Frage nach Gut und Böse – auch versöhnlich.

Nur der manipulierte Mensch fügt seinen Artgenossen Leid zu

Einige Beispiele aus jüngster Zeit machen deutlich, was zwischen uns Menschen möglich ist:

So hat laut „anti-spiegel“ vom 6. Juni eine russische Menschenrechtsstiftung einen Fall von organisiertem Handel mit ukrainischen Kindern aufgedeckt, die über Zwischenstationen bis nach Südamerika gelangt sind, wo sie offenbar für Geld an Pädophile „vermietet“ werden.

Angesichts einer weiteren Pädophilie-Enthüllung auf „Instagram“ warnte Tucker Carlson, der ehemalige Star-Moderator von „Fox-News“ vor einer gewollten Zerstörung der westlichen Werte und glaubt, dass hinter dem Vormarsch des Nihilismus und der Verengung des Meinungskorridors System steckt. Es geht seiner Meinung nach darum, die Werte und die Moral in der Gesellschaft zu zerstören sowie zeitgleich jedes Aufbegehren dagegen zu kriminalisieren, um Angst und Schrecken für den Machterhalt zu verbreiten (2).

Beim Gipfeltreffen der „Europäischen Politischen Gemeinschaft“ am 1. Juni in Moldawien verkündete EU-Chefdiplomat Josef Borrell seine Vision von einer nochmals erweiterten EU inklusive Türkei und Aserbeidschan und sagte: “Dies werde der ‚Aufbruch in eine Welt ohne Russland‘“. So offen sprach noch kein westlicher Politiker über die wahren Pläne der Expansion (3).

Die weltbekannte Forscherin und Autorin Dr. Naomi Wolf deckte auf, dass Pfizers „Killerinjektionen“ (König) nicht entwickelt wurden, um die Menschheit vor einer Krankheit zu retten, sondern um sie zu dezimieren. Es handelt sich um einen Entvölkerungsplan, der aus den eigenen Dokumenten des riesigen US-amerikanischen Pharmaunternehmens hervorgeht.

Die Sprecherin des russischen Außenministeriums Marija Sacharowa nahm die sprachliche Entgleisung von US-Senator Lindsay Graham in Kiew zum Anlass („Russen sterben – das ist das Beste, wofür wir je Geld ausgegeben haben“), um an die umfangreichen Finanzhilfen und Investitionen der USA an Hitler-Deutschland zu erinnern, die bereits zum Zweiten Weltkrieg geführt haben (4).

Nach einer Meldung des Online-Medienportals „InfoBRICS“ stellte der ehemalige US-Kongressabgeordnete und Ex-Präsidentschaftskandidat Ron Paul fest, dass die Bedeutung des US-Dollars rasch abnimmt – und das erst der Anfang sei. Es sollte niemanden überraschen, dass andere Nationen „endlich versuchen“, dem US-Dollar Konkurrenz zu machen. Grund für die Schwächung der US-Währung sei die Müdigkeit anderer Länder gegenüber der US-amerikanischen Interventionspolitik.

Wörtlich meinte er:

„Wir sind eine interventionistische Regierung. Wir greifen in die persönliche Freiheit ein, wir greifen in die wirtschaftliche Freiheit ein. Wir mischen uns in die inneren Angelegenheiten aller anderen Nationen der Welt ein. Wir sagen ihnen, was sie zu tun haben, wir verhängen Sanktionen, um sie zu bestrafen, und dann wundern wir uns. (…).“ (5)

Abschließend ein Auszug aus der Kurzgeschichte „Die Klage des Zugvogels“ (6) des vor 15 Jahren in Nürnberg verstorbenen kirgisischen Schriftstellers Tschingis Aitmatow. im Antlitz klirrender Waffen und menschlicher Zerstörung warnt der tierische Beobachter die Menschen:

 „Behüt euch der Himmel vor Leid, das kein Mensch mehr erträgt, vor Feuersbrünsten, die keiner mehr löscht, vor blutigen Kriegen, die keiner aufhält, vor Taten, die keiner mehr gutmacht. Behüt euch der Himmel vor Leid, das kein Mensch mehr erträgt.“ (7)

Zeit der Vernunft?

Lange Zeit hat die Menschheit gefühlsmäßig im Mittelalter gelebt; es hat gegolten, was der Pfarrer gesagt hat. Neue Gedanken waren nicht erlaubt; sie sind geahndet worden. Doch im Laufe von Jahrhunderten hat sich die Menschheit aus dem Mittelalter herausentwickelt und sich Gedanken gemacht über die Welt, den lieben Gott und den Himmel. Viele Menschen haben es so weit gebracht, dass sie zweifeln, ob das stimmt, was ihnen der Pfarrer einst erzählt hat. Sie haben angefangen zu denken. Damit begann die Zeit der Vernunft. Doch wie sieht diese Zeit der Vernunft heute aus?

Zwar haben die Menschen in der Technik und auch sonst im Leben ungeheure Fortschritte gemacht, doch eines haben sie nicht erkannt: sich selbst. An sich selbst, ihre Psyche, sind sie nicht herangetreten. Obwohl sie angefangen haben, sich verantwortlich zu fühlen für das, was hier auf der Welt geschieht, haben sie sich selbst und den anderen Menschen nicht erkannt. Deshalb sind sie auch nicht vernünftig, wenn es darauf ankommt, sondern sie versagen. Und das trotz der zunehmenden Vernunft und obwohl sie sich die Natur in den Dienst gestellt haben und auf dem Mond gelandet sind.

Kein Mensch hat vor der Zeit der Vernunft über sich selbst, über seine Gefühle und sein Leben Bescheid gewusst, bis der Arzt Sigmund Freud (1856-1930) in Wien die Entdeckung gemacht hat, dass der Mensch ein Unbewusstes hat. Obwohl Freud Spekulationen angestellt hat, die heute verneint werden, war seine Entdeckung von großer Bedeutung.

Der Tiefenpsychologe Alfred Adler (1870-1937) erkannte dann, dass man dem Menschen helfen kann. Mit Unterstützung eines Psychotherapeuten kann er umorientiert werden, können seine Gefühle reformiert werden und er kann sich schließlich für die Vernunft entscheiden. Leider gibt es heute noch wenige Psychologen, die sich den Problemen der Menschen annehmen. Das Wissen des Menschen, der sich dem Studium der Psychologie zuwendet, fällt in der Regel auf den alten Boden. Er ist religiös, national, patriotisch, staatsgläubig. Er steht auf dem Standpunkt, das System zu erhalten.

Auch werden die Menschen bewusst irregeführt und irregeleitet, sodass sie nicht zur Vernunft kommen. Die Beurteilung des Stellvertreterkrieges der US-NATO gegen Russland zeigt dies in aller Deutlichkeit. Dass sich die Menschen diese Irreführung gefallen lassen, das ist auf die Erziehung zurückzuführen. Die Forschungsergebnisse der Psychologie lehren uns, dass die Erziehung so gestaltet ist, dass bereits das Kind in den ersten Lebensjahren nur folgen und nicht „NEIN“ sagen kann.

Die Manipulation beginnt in Elternhaus und Schule – und wird von Staat, Kirche und Konzernmedien mitgetragen

Bereits in der Kindheit werden die Menschen so manipuliert, dass sie dann auf alles eingehen, zu allem fähig sind. Es gibt kaum einen Menschen, der heil davongekommen ist.

Diese Manipulation wird vom Staat und der Kirche mit ihren verschiedenen Institutionen mitgetragen und weitergeführt. Er wird so manipuliert, dass er nicht fähig ist, sich klare Gedanken zu machen; im entscheidenden Moment fällt er um. Obwohl der Westen zum Beispiel mit allen erlaubten und unerlaubten Mitteln, die ihm zur Verfügung stehen, gegen den Osten kämpft, wird er von den meisten Bürgern der USA und Europas gefühlsmäßig und materiell unterstützt. Das machen wir als gute Christen. Während die Menschen in vielen Teilen der Welt hungern müssen, rüsten wir auf und erzeugen nicht das Lebensnotwendige. Damit bereiten wir den neuen Weltkrieg vor.

Vor allem die autoritäre Erziehung ergibt eine Tendenz in unserem Denken und Fühlen, dass wir keine andere Meinung kennen. Wir sind so manipuliert, dass wir auf die Lockrufe der Autoritäten hereinfallen und deshalb den wahnsinnigen Stellvertreterkrieg der US-NATO gegen Russland, in dem die ukrainische und russische Jugend verblutet, mit wenigen Ausnahmen voll unterstützen.

Die Konzern-Medien leisten zu diesem Übel einen bedeutenden Beitrag. Ihre käuflichen Journalisten tragen durch die Schaffung von Feindbildern, durch Kriegstreiberei, Manipulation und Propaganda ihren Teil zur Verdummung der Massen bei. Gefällige Journalisten bekommen dafür sogar ein millionenschweres Euro-Honorar von den Regierungen (8).

Bereits im Jahr 1889 bezeichnete die Friedens-Nobelpreisträgerin Bertha von Suttner die Presse als „Werkzeug des Kriegsministeriums“, das „im Dienste der Massenverdummung, der Hetze und der Hasspropaganda“ steht (9). Dabei wären die Journalisten eigentlich dazu verpflichtet, den Menschen „Friedensstifter“ zu sein. Doch sie übernehmen keine Verantwortung für das Gemeinwohl der Menschheit.

Wir sind die Schweigenden!

Da wir Menschen das Produkt der Erlebnisse in unserer Kindheit sind, kommt es entscheidend darauf an, wie wir unsere Beziehungspersonen erlebt haben, wieviel Vertrauen und wie viel Mut wir mitbekommen und welche Stimmung wir erlebt haben. Wir müssen keine Schläge abbekommen haben. Oft sind es der Missmut, die Verneinung und die Ablehnung, die wir als Kind erfahren haben, die uns als unbewusste Gefühlsregungen im späteren Leben nicht froh werden lassen.

Dabei haben es die Eltern meist gut gemeint. In ihrer Unwissenheit waren sie streng oder haben uns verwöhnt. Jedenfalls waren sie nicht imstande, mit dem Kind richtig umzugehen. So kann zum Beispiel die erlernte Angst, die eigene Meinung zu äußern oder nichts Falsches zu sagen, auch noch beim Erwachsenen zum Schweigen führen. Er getraut sich nichts zu sagen, weil er vielleicht einen Fehler begehen könnte oder das nicht ganz stimmt, was er sagen will.

Das hat der Erwachsene schon als Kind abbekommen! In der Kindheit hat man ihm das vermittelt – diese Angst, genau zu sein, ganz genau! Viele Menschen werden dadurch zu Schweigenden.

Sich die Ergebnisse der psychologischen Forschung zu eigen machen!

Wenn sich die Menschen die Ergebnisse der psychologischen Forschung zu eigen machen und sich selbst und ihre Mitmenschen kennen lernen, dann wird sich ihre Sichtweise auf die staatlichen Gegebenheiten und die gesamte Gesellschaftsordnung entscheidend ändern und sie werden für sich und ihre Nachkommen ein menschenwürdiges Leben schaffen (10).

Die Veränderung der durch und durch gewalttätigen Welt muss aus ihnen selbst kommen.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Schul-Rektor, Erziehungswissenschaftler und Diplom-Psychologe. Nach seinen Universitätsstudien wurde er wissenschaftlicher Lehrer in der Erwachsenenbildung. Als Pensionär arbeitete er als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Für seine Verdienste um Serbien bekam er 2021 von den Universitäten Belgrad und Novi Sad den Republik-Preis „Kapitän Misa Anastasijevic“ verliehen.

Er schreibt regelmäßig für Global Research.


6 Tschingis Aitmatow. Klage des Zugvogels. Zürich 1990, S. 24

7 a. O.


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Turkey’s Refugee Crisis

June 15th, 2023 by Hasan Erel

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Turkey has become the target point of a mass migration, which is rarely seen in the world.

This essentially started with the Syrian war in 2011 and continues with Libya, Iraq, African countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russians and Ukrainians.

The largest part of the refugees is from Syria: according to official figures, they number more than 4 million, and according to unofficial figures, they exceed 7 million.

The ruling AKP government provides all kinds of opportunities to asylum seekers under temporary protection.

Even more than it provides to its own citizens; Syrians are officially the priority group in housing, food, education and health.

Migrants have trouble adapting wherever they go, revealing their violence-dominated feudal culture and arousing reactions from the local people.

There are many terorrists hiding among them also. 

After the Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan, Afghan military young men, who came to Turkey via Iran, are also engaged in arms and drug smuggling.

While they are concentrated in cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Adana, Mersin, Gaziantep, Sakarya, Kilis, and Urfa, the largest population is in Hatay, Turkey’s most strategic province.

When Hatay was destroyed by the last earthquake, the Turkish population here decreased and the Syrians increased.

Asylum seekers also played an important role in the last presidential election.

How Does?

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whose votes decreased among Turkish voters due to the high cost of living, found the solution by making Syrians citizens and voters.

According to official figures, more than 250,000 Syrians voted in the election.

This number is expected to increase further in the local elections in 2024.

Speaking of elections; Asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, who were not mentioned much in the first round of elections on May 14, played an important role in the second round of elections on May 28.

CHP Chairman and Presidential candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu turned the election into a referendum whether refugees should go or stay in the second round and met with Zafer Party, the critical party of the last period.

Kılıçdaroğlu and Özdağ agreed on the return of asylum seekers to their countries as soon as possible.

According to Victory Party Chairman Ümit Özdağ, there are at least 13 million asylum seekers and illegal immigrants in Turkey.

Özdağ describes this situation as “Demographical Occupation”.

In the nuclear world where hybrid wars prevail, migration is now a kind of war tool.

The winner of the election, in which the person who will rule Turkey until 2028 is determined, was the former President Erdoğan, who was elected by the votes of Turks abroad (mainly those who earn euros in Europe and benefiting from the economic crisis in the country) and citizens of asylum seekers.

When the result of the election became clear, the streets of Türkiye became the scene of the victory demonstrations of the refugees.

Some Syrian Arabs even said, “You infidels will go, this place will be ours as the Ottoman Empire,” addressing the secular Turks from the CHP.

Ozdag, the leader of the Victory Party, who made politics in line with Atatürk’s nationalist line, wrote the following words on his Twitter account regarding these scenes:

“Syrians celebrate the occupation. They hate the Victory Party, which resists the occupation. What are you AK Party members celebrating? 11 billion dollars a year we will spend on Syrians? Our soldiers who will be martyred in northern Syria? The pain of our girls who will be harassed on the streets? Selling drugs? Rents going up? Life getting expensive? The uncontrollable rise of the currency that will happen tomorrow or 3 days later? The sale of the last government institutions we have? What are you celebrating, brothers?”

Although those who give such reactions are easily accused of racism, it is becoming increasingly impossible even in the most liberal segments to remain indifferent as the world is experiencing an unprecedented foreign invasion.

The Erdogan government provides social benefits that even support Syrian refugees to have many children.

The source of water comes mainly from the EU.

They don’t want refugees from “forrest” come to their “garden”.

According to the immigration detention agreements with Turkey, billions of euros in aid are being given to Turkey.

One of those who want Syrians to stay in Turkey is the USA.

For the second Kurdish state (after Barzanistan) that it plans to establish in eastern Syria, the fact that the Arab population in that region is in Turkey is in the interest of Washington.

Erdogan’s scrambling to reach an agreement with Syrian President Assad is also based on this.

Assad has repeatedly called for Syrians in Turkey to return after the war, which actually ended in 2018, with amnesty dozens of times.

However, the Syrians who make a living on aid in Turkey are content with their lives, they only go to their homeland during the holidays.

As a result, a problem that will cause a headache for Turkey in the coming decades and may even threaten its territorial integrity is almost ignored in the world.

A tradesman from Hatay describes the extent of the demographic occupation with these words:

“The Syrian population in Hatay has increased so much that they come to us and say, ‘We have taken back Hatay, which Atatürk took from us.’ When we oppose them, 40-50 people can come and attack us. There is no Turkish population left in Kırıkhan district. They rob shops, they use their houses as markets.”

One final note; before the Syrian civil war, the mines on the Turkish border were cleared. Today, the mines on the Iranian border are being cleared. Afghans and Pakistanis come from this border every day and post their videos on tiktok.

What do we expect?


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Hasan Erel is a Turkish journalist-writer. He worked as a diplomacy and foreign news reporter and editor in TRT and other media for 30 years. He is a frequent commentator of Sputnik News radio and CRI Turk in Turkiye.