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The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the Public Health™ authorities.

Per internal Pfizer documents forced into the public domain by court decree, we know now that the company knew way back in April 2021 of the risks its mRNA gene therapy posed to infants.

Via Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review:

“[Pfizer’s] safety database was searched for all BNT162b2 vaccine cases reporting any exposure to vaccine during pregnancy (mother and/or baby) or exposure to baby via lactation from all time through 28 February 2021. A search of the Pfizer safety database identified 673 case reports. …

Of the 673 case reports identified in the search, 458 involved BNT162b2 exposure during pregnancy (mother/fetus) and 215 involved exposure during breast-feeding

In 174 of the 215 reports, there was no AE reported other than ‘Exposure via breast milk/maternal exposure during breast feeding’. In the remaining 41 cases, AEs were reported in the infants following BNT162b2 exposure via lactation.”

Doing some quick math, this means that Pfizer documented adverse effects in no less than 19% of the babies – almost 1 in 5 — that it observed to be exposed to the spike proteins produced by their mRNA shot.

None of these findings, of course, were voluntarily disclosed by Pfizer, the Public Health™ authorities, or the corporate state media that the biomedical state effectively owns.

To this very day, as a matter of fact, the CDC recommends that all pregnant women get shot up, as does the legacy media.

“On Tuesday, the WHO issued an alert that there had been a rise in ‘severe myocarditis’ in newborns and infants between June 2022 and March 2023 in Wales and England,” per The Epoch Times.

Via World Health Organization:

“On 5 April 2023, the National IHR Focal Point for the United Kingdom informed WHO of an increase in severe myocarditis in neonates and infants associated with enterovirus infection in Wales compared with 2021. Between June 2022 and March 2023, 15 neonates and young infants presented with a picture consistent with neonatal sepsis in Wales and Southwest England. Enterovirus Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing of nine cases confirmed the presence of either coxsackie B3 or coxsackie B4. As of 20 April 2023, three patients were hospitalized, four patients were being managed as outpatients and two had died.”

Enterovirus, unlike mRNA manipulation for pregnant women, is nothing new. It is also not uncommon at all. Yet, in the same report, the WHO concedes that only one case of infant myocarditis in the same region was identified in the previous six years.

So, all of a sudden, apropos of nothing, infants magically develop a surge in myocarditis due to enterovirus?

That’s how The Science™ works.

WHO head warns of ‘even deadlier pandemic’ coming

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus appeared at the United Nations to issue a biomedical threat couched as a humanitarian warning:

“The end of COVID-19 as a global health emergency is not the end of COVID-19 as a global health threat.
The threat of another variant emerging that causes new surges of disease and death remains, and the threat of another pathogen emerging with even deadlier potential remains.”

What does this little weasel know that the public doesn’t? And why is he not under investigation by the International Criminal Court for making terroristic threats?

Does he know some inside baseball on the clandestine US biolabs scattered across the world, including in the active warzone of Ukraine?

First-Ever COVID vaxx injury lawsuits takes off

The COVID vaxx manufacturers Pfizer, Moderna, et al. are – illegitimately, in my view – immune from any liability for damages caused to people who took their experimental gene therapies.

But the government actors who collude with them are not immune from violating the First Amendment by censoring COVID “misinformation.”

Via the New Civil Liberties Alliance:

“[NCLA] filed a lawsuit challenging the federal government’s ongoing efforts to work in concert with social media companies and the Stanford Internet Observatory’s Virality Project to monitor and censor online support groups catering to those injured by Covid vaccines…

The Plaintiffs have all been heavily censored on social media for sharing their personal experiences, exchanging advice, medical research, and support with others who were medically harmed after taking the vaccine. For posting about their personal experiences and trying to connect with others in the vaccine-injured community, Plaintiffs’ speech has repeatedly been flagged as misinformation or removed entirely. Their social media accounts are at constant risk of being frozen or disabled just for engaging with other users in private support groups open only to vaccine-injured individuals and sharing perspectives the government deems misinformation.

Even if they were spreading false information, under the First Amendment the federal government plays no role in policing these Plaintiffs’ private speech or picking winners and losers in the marketplace of ideas. Nor may the government induce, encourage, or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish—that is, censor truthful speech about vaccine injuries. But that is just what the federal government has been doing as it chips away at the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech and replaces it with government-induced censorship.”

The named defendants include:

  • White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
  • Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra
  • White House Digital Director for the COVID-19 Response Team Clark Humphrey
  • Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas
  • Joseph Biden

Former Biden press secretary and current MSNBC news actor Jen Psaki wasn’t shy in her former position about directing the censorship campaign directly from the presidential podium. Their hubris demonstrates how far down the tyrannical rabbit hole we’ve fallen.

The unconstitutionality is patently obvious. Given that, the real question for those of us in favor of justice getting meted out good and hard have to wonder: why aren’t the feckless GOP pharma cucks in the Republican-majority House of Representatives pushing harder on this front?

Perhaps, the question answers itself.


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This article was originally published on The Daily Bell.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

Featured image is from TDB

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Centrality constitutes the foundation of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Charter. The concept guides the way for the bloc to play a proactive role as the main driving force for its relations and cooperation with non-members and encourages it to become the dominant regional platform to overcome challenges and engage with external partners.

The US President Joe Biden’s “Indo-Pacific Strategy” claims to endorse the ASEAN centrality and support its efforts to deliver sustainable solutions to the region’s most pressing challenges; it actually aimed to undercut the bloc’s core objective by building the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (the Quad) as a “premiere regional grouping” and bringing together Asia-Pacific allies through the AUKUS (Australia, the UK and the US), a trilateral security pact, which received a strong renunciation from Indonesia and Malaysia.

These institutional initiatives as well as the US Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) – which didn’t mention ASEAN centrality once – contradicted America’s commitment to ASEAN and its centrality. The exclusion of Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos from the IPEF further cast doubts within the alliance about Biden’s seriousness to the grouping’s unity.

Unsurprisingly, ASEAN’s response to the Quad, a hotbed of the US strategic rivalry with China, has been muted for its tendency to challenge the alliance’s centrality and securitize the region by creating an “Asian NATO.” The IPEF isn’t received well within the region either where people of the major economies hold negative views about the initiative or are uncertain the initiative will lend a positive impact on the region (Q15).

People in ASEAN countries remain “ambivalent” in cooperating with mini-lateral alliances such as the Quad. The institutional competition between the Quad and ASEAN is another factor that urges the regional states to draw closer to China in an attempt to hedge against the consequences of Washington’s strategic rivalry with Beijing.

As ASEAN centrality barricades the success of the Biden administration’s dangerous goals, it has been forcing regional states into taking sides with the US against China as it did to the neutralist countries, which nevertheless resisted the pressure and maintained their neutrality, during the Cold War. In order to prevail upon the political and economic union, America’s military presence is being promoted to gain its support for the US subversive activities such as a “free and open Indo-Pacific (FOIP).”

Some Quad diplomats are also striving to link the “ASEAN Framework of the Indo-Pacific (AOIP)” with the “FOIP.” But the use of the term “Indo-Pacific” by the bloc doesn’t mean the alliance is pursuing institutional bandwagoning with the Quad or supports its unruly vision. The AOIP rather responds to the four-nation alliance’s presence in the region and reaffirms ASEAN’s common interest to maintain peace, stability and prosperity in Southeast Asia and the wider region.

China’s endorsement of several key elements, including independence, openness, development and cooperation, has fostered an integrated approach to regional growth and stability in 2022. This concerted effort has propelled bilateral trade to nearly $1 trillion and with the launch of the third version of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (ACFTA 3.0), the cooperation is set to witness further advancements, benefitting the people across both regions.

Already 90% of the goods traded between China and ASEAN get zero tariff treatment. Since the ACFTA 3.0 will further reduce duties and enhance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, it is expected to add a strong impetus to high-quality regional development including in digital economy and green transformation and complements the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership for open and inclusive regional growth. The recent ASEAN summit has also appreciated the progress made on the ongoing ACFTA 3.0 Upgrade negotiations.

In a number of meetings held so far this year, China and ASEAN states have agreed to jointly uphold multilateralism, deepen economic engagement, support ASEAN neutrality and inclusiveness, and reject the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation. During these discussions, diplomats emphasized the regional countries didn’t want a conflict between China and the US and sought to maintain a strong economic relationship with Beijing and others.

Yet once the US failed to rally support from the region for its “Indo-Pacific strategy” and stingy IPEF that denies market access to Southeast Asia, it is endeavoring to jeopardize ASEAN centrality and foment divisions within the alliance. These sorts of coercive tactics and aggressive regional policies risk the stability of Asia-Pacific as well as have also led to a decline in the US influence and credibility in the region.

ASEAN strictly practices a policy of non-intervention. In its foundational document (the 1976 Bangkok Declaration), the alliance showed determination to safeguard regional stability and security from external interference. It was further solidified through Article 2 of the 1976 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation which embodied universal principles including mutual respect for independence and every country’s right to lead its existence free from external interference, subversion and coercion. It continues to manage its security from outside interference.

But NATO intrusion in Asia-Pacific, after the buildup of the Quad and the AUKUS, poses hard challenges to these fundamental tenets, putting ASEAN centrality in a chimera and undermining regional peace and prosperity. The opening of the so-called defensive alliance’s liaison office in Japan represents more intense threats NATO is bringing to the region with possible spillover effects in the entire continent.

The regional countries cannot be swindled by the US assurances that it isn’t trying to create NATO in Asia-Pacific and the AUKUS is just a technology-transferring arrangement, not a security alliance. The Southeast Asian countries had long realized the AUKUS was part of a much bigger dynamic, the Quad; they remain concerned about regional security as NATO edges closer to them and the US continues making efforts to militarize the region.


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Azhar Azam is a geopolitical analyst.

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I tell you, serving as a New York Times correspondent these days cannot be easy. You have to convey utter nonsense to your readers while maintaining a straight face and a serious demeanor. You have to suggest the Russians may have exploded a drone over the Kremlin, that they may have blown up their own gas pipeline, that their president is an out-of-touch psychotic, that their soldiers in Ukraine are drunkards using faulty equipment, that they attack with “human hordes” (Orientalism, anyone?) and on and on—all the while affecting the gravitas once associated with the traditional “Timesman.” You try it sometime.

I am reminded of that pithy passage in Daniel Boorstin’s regrettably overlooked book, The Image. “The reporter’s task,” Boorstin wrote in 1962, “is to find a way of weaving these threads of unreality into a fabric that the reader will not recognize as entirely unreal.”

Boorstin reflected on America’s resort to imagery, illusion, and distortion as Washington geared up its gruesome follies in Vietnam. The reporter’s task is a whole lot harder now, given how much farther we have wandered into illusion and distortion since Boorstin’s day.  

And now we have the case of Thomas Gibbons–Neff, a square-jawed former Marine covering the Ukraine war for The Times—strictly to the extent the Kyiv regime permits him to do so, as he explains with admirable honesty. This guy is serious times 10, he and his newspaper want us to know.  

Tom’s job this week is to persuade us that all those Ukrainian soldiers wearing Nazi insignia, idolizing Jew-murdering, Russophobic collaborators with the Third Reich, gathering ritually in Nazi-inspired cabals, marching through Kyiv in Klan-like torch parades are not what you think. Nah, our Tom tells us. They look like neo–Nazis, they act like neo–Nazis, they dress like neo–Nazis, they profess Fascist and neo–Nazi ideologies, they wage this war with the Wehrmacht’s visceral hatred of Russians—O.K., but whyever would you think they are neo–Nazis? 

They are just regular guys. They wear the Wolfsangel, the Schwarze sonne, the black sun, the Totenkopf, or Death’s Head—all Nazi symbols—because they are proud of themselves, and these are the kinds of things proud people wear. I was just wearing mine the other day. 

The slipping and sliding starts early in “Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History,” the piece Gibbons–Neff published in Monday’s editions. He begins with three photographs of neo–Nazi Ukrainian soldiers, SS insignia plainly visible, that the Kyiv regime has posted on social media, “then quietly deleted,” since the Russian intervention began last year. “The photographs, and their deletions,” Gibbons–Neff writes, “highlight the Ukrainian military’s complicated relationship with Nazi imagery, a relationship forged under both Soviet and German occupation during World War II.”

Complicated relationship with Nazi imagery? Stop right there, Mr. Semper fi.  Ukraine’s neo–Nazi problem is not about a few indiscreetly displayed images. Sorry. The Ukrainian army’s “complicated relationship” is with a century of ultra-right ideology drawn from Mussolini’s Fascism and then the German Reich. As is well-known and documented, the neo–Nazis who infest the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the AFU—among many other national institutions—have made idols of such figures as Stepan Bandera, the freakishly murderous nationalist who allied with the Nazi regime during the war.


This history is a matter of record, as briefly outlined here, but Gibbons–Neff alludes to none of it. It’s merely a matter of poor image-making, you see. In support of this offensive whitewash, Gibbons–Neff has the nerve to quote a source from none other than Bellingcat, which was long, long back exposed as a CIA and MI6 cutout and which is now supported by the Atlantic Council, the NATO–funded, spook-infested think tank based in Washington. 

“What worries me, in the Ukrainian context, is that people in Ukraine who are in leadership positions, either they don’t or they’re not willing to acknowledge and understand how these symbols are viewed outside of Ukraine,” a Bellingcat “researcher” named Michael Colborne tells Gibbons–Neff. “I think Ukrainians need to increasingly realize that these images undermine support for the country.”

Think about that. The presence of Nazi elements in the AFU is not a worry. The worry is merely whether clear signs of Nazi sympathies might cause some members of the Western alliance to decide they no longer want to support Nazi elements in the AFU. I am reminded of that Public Broadcasting news segment last year, wherein a provincial governor is featured with a portrait of Bandera behind him. PBS simply blurred the photograph and ran the interview with another of the courageous, admirable Ukrainians to which we are regularly treated.

I hardly need remind paying-attention readers that the neo–Nazis-who-are-not-neo–Nazis were for years well-reported as simply neo–Nazis in the years after the U.S.–cultivated coup in 2014. The Times, The Washington Post, PBS, CNN—the whole sorry lot—ran pieces on neo–Nazi elements in the AFU and elsewhere. In March 2018, Reuters published a commentary by Jeff Cohen under the headline “Ukraine’s Neo–Nazi Problem.” Three months later The Atlantic Council, for heaven’s sake, published a paper, also written by Cohen, titled, “Ukraine’s Got a Real Problem with Far–Right Violence (And no, RT Didn’t Write This Headline).” I recall, because it was so surprising coming from the council, that the original head on that paper was “Ukraine’s Got a Neo–Nazi Problem,” but that version now seems lost to the blur of stealth editing. 

Then came the Russian intervention, and Poof! There are no more neo–Nazis in Ukraine. There are only these errant images that are of no special account. And to assert there are neo–Nazis in Ukraine—to have some semblance of memory and a capacity to judge what is before one’s eyes—“plays into Russian propaganda,” Gibbons–Neff warns us. It is to “give fuel to his”—Vladimir Putin’s—“false claims that Ukraine must be de–Nazified.” For good measure Gibbons–Neff gets out the old Volodymyr-Zelensky-is-Jewish chestnut, as if this is proof of… of something or other.

My mind goes to that lovely Donovan lyric from the Scottish singer’s Zen enlightenment phase. Remember “There Is a Mountain?” The famous lines went, “First there is a mountain/ Then there is no mountain/ Then there is.” There were neo–Nazis in Ukraine, then there were no neo–Nazis, and now there are neo–Nazis but they aren’t neo–Nazis after all. 


There are a few things to think about as we consider Thomas Gibbons–Neff’s story, other than the fact that it is horse-droppings as a piece of journalism. For one thing, nowhere in it does he quote or reference any member of the AFU—no one wearing a uniform, no one sporting one of these troubling insignia. Various image-managing officials speak to him about the neo–Nazis who-are-not-neo–Nazis, but we never hear from any neo–Nazi-who-is-not-a-neo–Nazi to explain things as a primary source, so to say. I wager Gibbons–Neff never got within 20 miles of one: He wouldn’t dare, for then he would have to quote one of these insignia-sporting people saying that of course he was a neo–Nazi. Can’t you read, son? 

For another, Gibbons–Neff resolutely avoids dilating his lens such that the larger phenomenon comes into view. It all comes down to those three unfortunate insignia in those three deleted photographs. The parades, the corridors of neo–Nazi flags, the ever-present swastikas, the reenactments of all-night SS rituals, the glorification of Nazis and Nazi collaborators, the Russophobic blood lust: Sure, it can all be explained, except that our Timesman does not go anywhere near any of this.

Gibbons–Neff’s story follows by 10 days an even more contorted piece of pretzel-like rubbish published in The Kyiv Independent, a not-independent daily that has been supported by various Western governments. This is by one Illia Ponomarenko, a reporter much-lionized in the West, and appeared under the headline, “Why some Ukrainian soldiers use Nazi-related insignia.”

This is the kind of piece that is so bad it tips into fun. “No, Ukraine does not have ‘a Nazi problem,’” Ponomarenko states flatly, and this is the last flat sentence we get in this piece. “Just like in many places around the world, people with far-right and neo–Nazi views, driven by their ideology, are prone to joining the military and participating in conflicts,” he writes. And then this doozy, where begins a riot of irrationality:

It is, of course, true that, for instance, the Azov Battalion was originally founded by neo–Nazi and far-right groups (as well as many soccer ultra-fans), which brought along with it the typical aesthetics—not only neo–Nazi insignia but also things like Pagan rituals or names like “The Black Corps,” the official newspaper of Nazi Germany’s major paramilitary organization Schutzstaffel (SS).

But worry not, readers. It is merely an aesthetic, part of a harmless, misunderstood “subculture”: 

In the oversimplified memory of some around the world, particularly within various militaristic subcultures, symbols representing the Wehrmacht, Nazi Germany’s Armed Forces, and the SS are seen to reflect a super-effective war machine, not the perpetrators of one of the greatest crimes against humanity in human history.

But of course. SS insignia, Wehrmacht iconography: Seen it everywhere people admire super-effective war machines. Remember this logic next time some liberal flamer proposes to persecute a MAGA supporter who partakes of this “subculture.”

Has Tom Gibbons–Neff given us a rewrite job? Having been around the block for a good long time, I have seen this kind of thing often enough—correspondents scoring off the local dailies to look deep and penetrating back on the foreign desk. It is also possible, assuming for a moment Gibbons–Neff’s editors still read other newspapers, that they asked him for just such a piece after seeing Ponomarenko’s. Either way, we get this in Ponomarenko’s recognizably illogical style:

Questions over how to interpret such symbols are as divisive as they are persistent, and not just in Ukraine. In the American South, some have insisted that today, the Confederate flag symbolizes pride, not its history of racism and secession. The swastika was an important Hindu symbol before it was co-opted by the Nazis. 

If you are going to reach, Tom, may as well reach for the stars.

We have a New York Times correspondent quoting Ukraine’s Defense Ministry and Bellingcat, an intel cutout that is part of a NATO think tank, and then rather too closely, I would say, aping a Western-supported newspaper in Kyiv. Yes, Virginia, I believe we all got ourselves one of them there echo chambers, just the way the Deep State likes ’em.

Last March, Gibbons–Neff was interviewed by The New York Times. Yes, they do this sort of thing down there on Eighth Avenue, where they simply cannot get enough of themselves. It is enlightening. The unfortunate Times reporter assigned as the straight man asked, as our intrepid correspondent self-aggrandized, “What have been the biggest challenges in covering the war?” Gibbons–Neff’s reply is pricelessly revealing. 

“Wrestling with access and being allowed to go certain places to see things that you need the press officer for, or permission from the military unit,” the fearless ex–Marine explains. “Ukrainians know how to manage the press fairly well. So navigating those parameters and not rubbing anyone the wrong way has always been tough.”

Forget about bombs, missiles, gore, the fog of war, courageous sergeants, trench stench, grenades, or any of the other horrors of battle. Gibbons–Neff’s big problems as he pretends to cover the Ukraine war are maintaining access, getting the Kyiv gatekeepers’ permission to go someplace, and avoiding annoying the regime’s authorities. 

Does this tell you everything you want to know about our Timesman or what? 

It is always interesting to ask why a piece such as this appears when it does. Dead silence for months on the neo–Nazi question, and then suddenly a long explainer that does its best to avoid explaining anything. Always interesting to ask, never easy to answer. 

It could be that a lot of stuff on these awful people is sifting out from under the carpet. Or maybe something big is on the way and this piece is preemptive. Or maybe either Gibbons–Neff or his editors saw the Ponomarenko piece as an opportunity to dispose of one of the Kyiv regime’s most embarrassing features. 

Or maybe the larger context counts here. As mentioned in this space last week, The Times’s Steve Erlanger recently suggested from Brussels that NATO might do a postwar Germany job with Ukraine: Welcome the west of the country to the alliance and let the eastern provinces go for an indefinite period, unification the long-term objective. Late last week Foreign Affairs ran a fantastical piece by Andriy Zagorodnyuk, formerly a Ukrainian defense minister and now, yes indeedy, a distinguished fellow at the Atlantic Council. It appeared under the headline, “To Protect Europe, Let Ukraine Join NATO—Right Now.” 

Zagorodnyuk’s argument is as loopy as his subhead, “No Country Is Better at Stopping Russia.” But these kinds of assertions, dreamily hyperbolic as they may be, have a purpose. They serve to enlarge the field of acceptable discourse. They inch us closer to normalizing the thought that Ukraine must be accepted in the North Atlantic alliance for our sake, the sake of the West, no matter how provocative such a move will prove.

This suggest that Gibbons–Neff’s piece, along with the one he followed in the Kyiv paper, are by way of a cleanup job. The Western press, working closely with intelligence agencies, did its best to prettify the savage jihadists attempting to bring down the Assad government in Damascus, you will recall. Remember the “moderate rebels?” Maybe Gibbons–Neff is on an equally dishonorable errand. 

Semper fi, huh? Always faithful to what?


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Patrick Lawrence is a writer, commentator, longtime newspaper and magazine correspondent abroad. Writes often on Europe and Asia. Published five books.

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If nothing else the Covid era has shown us clearly who is and who is not on the side of human freedom. My liberal friends, to my great consternation, gleefully acquiesce to authoritative control for ‘the greater good’.

A Message of Hope from Archbishop Vigano

By Peter Koenig, June 08, 2023

The archbishop tells us that we are not alone, that this is an agenda that engulfs the entire world; that we need to look beyond our own community, our country, our own borders, that we need a worldwide solidarity, as this movement has compromised the entire world.

Pilot Incapacitation: Cessna Citation Plane N611VG Flying Tennessee to Long Island, NY, Crashed June 4, 2023

By Dr. William Makis, June 08, 2023

A business jet carrying 4 passengers, crashed after COVID-19 vaccinated pilot suffered “medical incapacitation”. The story is explained well in this video.

Video: Macron Faked Vax. French Politician of 20 Years Announces Vax Wrecked Heart and Government Fakery

By Tim Truth, June 08, 2023

Jean Lassalle, former member of the National Assembly of France, said that Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine almost killed him and had to undergo four heart operations in nine months after the shot. He also said that “Macron wasn’t vaccinated, and neither most members of the government.”

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NATO to Send Force to Ukraine

June 9th, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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When Ukraine breaks down, many of us are expecting a NATO expedition force led by Poland to invade Ukraine.

That point is approaching now.

Former NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen warns about a NATO force going into Ukraine – probably even to fight Russia directly.

Rasmussen said:

If Nato cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there is a clear possibility that some countries individually might take action. We know that Poland is very engaged in providing concrete assistance to Ukraine. And I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that Poland would engage even stronger in this context on a national basis and be followed by the Baltic states, maybe including the possibility of troops on the ground.

“I think the Poles would seriously consider going in and assemble a coalition of the willing if Ukraine doesn’t get anything in Vilnius. We shouldn’t underestimate the Polish feelings, the Poles feel that for too long western Europe did not listen to their warnings against the true Russian mentality.” See this.

The past days, Ukraine has suffered very heavy losses in exchange for no gains. Germany sent 14 Leopard tanks, and Ukraine already lost 8. According to Col. Douglas Macgregor, Ukraine in the past days lost 54 tanks, 210 armored personnel carriers (out of 1,200 from NATO), and 4,000 dead and wounded soldiers, but without any progress. Also today, Thursday, there are reports about very heavy Ukrainian losses and small or no gains. Kiev is in a desperate hurry, because Ukraine is running out of air defense and artillery ammunition.

Rasmussen’s remarks confirm the impression, that Ukraine could break down soon, if not supported by NATO troops.

Soon, an open Russia-NATO war is a reality.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Last year, law enforcement in Idaho scored a huge win against White Supremacy™ when it pulled over a UHaul truck packed full of domestic terrorists on their way to disrupt a sacred Pride™ event.

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

“Authorities have said they arrested 31 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front near an Idaho Pride event after they were found packed into the back of a U-Haul truck with riot gear.

The men were standing inside the truck wearing khakis, navy blue shirts and beige hats with white balaclavas covering their faces when Coeur d’Alene police stopped the U-Haul and began arresting them on the side of the road on Saturday.

“They came to riot downtown,” the Coeur d’Alene police chief, Lee White, said at a news conference.”

(As a basic rule of thumb, if the group costume features khaki pants, that’s a pretty solid indication that the feds are probably deeply involved. They don’t have a lot of fashion creativity.)

The media conveniently showed up, snapped a bunch of sensationalist photos of the domestic terrorists with their hands zip-tied on the grass, and just like that the media had a neat little bowtied story to showcase the White Supremacy™ threat that the Department of Homeland Security claims is the #1 national security threat in the whole country.

“The FBI is assisting local police in its investigation,” CBS News reported. What would seem like a local rioting issue at most had been successfully parlayed into a federal investigation.

The group’s manifesto, per the Anti-Defamation League, is a ridiculous hodgepodge of platitudes oddly reminiscent of a Kamala Harris speech with a weird Whitie Supremacy™ twist:

““When our pre-Columbian forefathers left their European homes…they found a common cause and a common identity as Americans. From the varied nations and cultures of Europe a new nation was forged in the flames of conquest.”

“To be an American is to be a descendant of conquerors, pioneers, visionaries, and explorers. This unique identity was given to us by our ancestors, and this national spirit remains firmly rooted in our blood.”

“Our mission is a hard reset on the nation we see today – a return to the traditions and virtues of our forefathers.”

“America needs a generation of brave men to fearlessly rise to face all threats to their collective interests. A generation steeled in their effort to realize their grand vision of a new nation. This gathering of the faithful – the true inheritors of America – will urge our people onward.””

It’s like the feds who probably wrote this nonsense have never actually met a normal person. No one writes or talks like that outside of DC speechwriters.

The Patriot Front membership is only reportedly comprised of about 200 members, most of whom are allegedly working-class, college-age males. Yet they somehow marshall the resources to regularly show up in full force all around the country, always managing to draw substantial media coverage of their paltry little performances.

It’s like the feds aren’t even trying to maintain the façade of a grassroots hate organization. Perhaps they’ve learned that, no matter how absurd the optics are, the corporate media will invariably cover their weird “protest” credulously with pearls clutched tight. 


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This article was originally published on Blacklisted News.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Blacklisted News

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As the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) marks its seventy-fifth anniversary, it has made conspicuous efforts to rebrand itself as a progressive force for scientific and technological change.

Facing the retirement of its notoriously “pale, male, and Yale” Baby Boomer cohort, it has awkwardly adopted the language of neurodiversity and intersectionality in an attempt to appeal to the relatively young and tech-savvy Silicon Valley set.1 Through its in-house venture capital fund In-Q-Tel, it has recently made well-publicized investments in CRISPR-based wooly mammoth resurrection research, information-collecting skin care products, and the synthetic biology firm—and alleged “colossal scam”—Ginkgo Bioworks.2

Under the leadership of Gina Haspel, it has also adopted a tech start-up model via its new “CIA Labs,” which entices would-be innovators with lucrative patent opportunities.3 At the same time, it has made well-publicized donations to makerspaces and science education organizations.4 Sympathetic press coverage has cast covert agents not as unaccountable interlopers into publicly funded research, but rather as “spies for planet earth.”The CIA has even started a podcast.6

A brief survey of the Agency’s history, however, suggests that it is one of the last organizations we should expect to provide us with either reliable information or socially beneficial technologies. Since its earliest days, the CIA and the “Intelligence Community” of which it is a part has repeatedly shown a willingness to pursue harmful, illegal, and intentionally misleading research. Indeed, “intelligence” is arguably a misnomer. As author and former CIA agent Ralph McGehee explains,

“the CIA is not an intelligence agency, it’s a covert action agency. . . . A part of covert action is disinformation, and the American people, in my estimation, are the primary target audience of the agency’s disinformation operation.”7

CIA’s Pre-History of Scientific Disinformation

False scientific claims were the US Intelligence Community’s stock-in-trade even before the CIA was officially founded. In 1944, Lieutenant Thomas J. McFadden, head of Morale Operations (MO) for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS, the CIA’s WWII-era precursor), requested funds to employ renowned tropical disease expert Dr. Morton Charles Kahn. Dr. Kahn, wrote McFadden, “has been employed by us to write a number of articles containing pseudoscientific material on tropical diseases.”8

That year, OSS agents prepared a barrage of forged medical documents reporting outbreaks of leprosy, food poisoning, and grisly deaths following blood transfusions contaminated with animal plasma.9 Like all MO undertakings, these were fabrications designed to attack enemy morale by causing panic and confusion.

The audience for this sort of “black propaganda” was not necessarily limited to enemy soldiers. In a subsequent progress report, the MO Branch Chief listed under the heading “Achievements and Commendations” high-profile instances of “comeback”—meaning the appearance of MO fabrications in reputable English-language news services such as the Associated Press.10 In contrast to the more familiar term “blowback,” used to refer to the unintended negative consequences of clandestine operations, “comeback” was seen as a positive metric—an indication that the government’s lie had been good enough for its own population to “buy” it.

Compared to the death and destruction of the Second World War (WWII), scientific disinformation operations of this sort seemed relatively harmless or even humane. In the wake of Japan’s surrender, however, as the WWII-era OSS evolved into the Cold War–era Central Intelligence Agency, the relation between American Intelligence and the scientific community has only become more pathological. Over the course of the Agency’s seventy-five-year existence, it has repeatedly enlisted experts not just to lie about scientific atrocities but to commit them.

Operation Paperclip

One of the earliest and most consequential CIA covert actions was its role in Operation Paperclip, a campaign to recruit and whitewash the reputations of over a thousand prominent Nazi scientists. In her authoritative book, Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, Annie Jacobsen details the CIA’s eagerness to take advantage of these

“men who had everything to lose and were, at the same time, uniquely focused on personal gain. In Operation Paperclip, the CIA found a perfect partner in its quest for scientific intelligence. And it was in the CIA that Operation Paperclip found its strongest supporting partner yet.”11


Kurt H. Debus, a former V-2 rocket scientist who became a NASA director, sitting between U.S. President John F. Kennedy and U.S. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnsonin 1962 at a briefing at Blockhouse 34, Cape Canaveral Missile Test Annex (Licensed under the Public Domain)

The CIA’s Nazi scientists included the chemist Walter Schieber, who specialized in sarin gas production; the similarly-named Walter Schreiber, former “surgeon general of the Third Reich,” who was hired to oversee torture of enemy prisoners of war at the original CIA black site, Camp King; and Friedrich “Fritz” Hoffman, a chemical weapons scientist for the Luftwaffe, whom the CIA sent around the world to scout for new and exotic poisons. It was at Camp King that the Agency made its first foray into high-tech torture and mind-control research, developing what Jacobsen describes as “‘extreme interrogation’ techniques and ‘behavior modification programs’ . . . [including] hypnosis, electric shock, chemicals, and illicit street drugs.”12

MK-ULTRA: Domestic and International Terror in the Name of Science

Hiring high-ranking Nazis to test new torture methods on prisoners was only the beginning, however. By 1953, CIA scientists like Schreiber and Sidney Gottlieb—the titular character of Stephen Kinzer’s book, Poisoner in Chief—had initiated a sprawling two-decade campaign of reckless human experimentation best known by the codename MK-ULTRA. A quixotic but well-funded hunt for truth serums, brainwashing drugs, and other mind control techniques, MK-ULTRA scientists subjected countless non-consenting and/or otherwise vulnerable people to powerful drugs and interrogation techniques.13 In spite of being subject to three separate government investigations, only a small fraction of the total program has been publicly disclosed since the CIA shredded nearly all relevant documents. What little we do know, however, is horrifying.14

With the help of OSS veteran and federal narcotics detective George Hunter White, Gottlieb maintained a network of domestic and international “safe houses” where he would administer LSD to unwitting and “expendable” subjects such as petty criminals and drug users.15 Sometimes, Gottlieb’s expendable subjects included other scientists, such as bacteriologist Frank Olson, who was dosed with LSD and allegedly murdered by CIA, supposedly because of fears that he would reveal America’s use of chemical and biological weapons (CBW).16 The Agency has had more than its share of CBW-use allegations beginning in this period, including the open-air testing of aerosolized biological agents in New York City and spreading whooping cough on the coast of Florida in 1955.17

MK-ULTRA research was also conducted at university laboratories, such as those of Harold Wolff and Louis Jolyon West at Cornell Medical College and the University of Oklahoma, or Donald Ewen Cameron at McGill University in Montreal.

Between 1957 and 1963, Cameron used CIA money to develop psychological “depatterning” techniques on approximately one hundred patients. These techniques included placing patients in extended drug-induced comas, LSD dosing for months at a time, electro-shock treatments, and forcing patients to listen to recorded messages such as “my mother hates me” played on a loop.18

A multi-million dollar class action lawsuit against McGill, the Canadian government, and the Royal Victoria Hospital on behalf of Cameron’s victims and their families is currently underway.19 MK-ULTRA later found a home in existing networks set up by scientific institutions and universities in the USA and Canada.

The Phoenix Program and Beyond

Years after Cameron finished his work, similar experimentation began to take place in Vietnam. In 1966, a team of CIA researchers conducted brutal and sometimes fatal psychological experiments on Viet so-called mental patients. In an attempt to coerce labor out of his supposedly communist-indoctrinated patients, Dr. Lloyd H. Cotter and his colleagues threatened them with electrical shocks.20 Female patients, who proved more resistant, were starved into submission.21

Image: Original unissued patch (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)


Following the shock of the 1968 Tet Offensive, when the US and its South Viet allies sustained heavy losses, the CIA launched the Phoenix Program, a systematic program of torture and assassination against suspected Viet Cong insurgents. Phoenix dwarfed Cotter’s experimentation in both scale and brutality. Between 1968 and 1972, more than eighty thousand “Viet Cong Infrastructure” (VCI)—the euphemism for Viet people accused of communist sympathies—were “neutralized”, meaning kidnapped and tortured. About one third were killed.22

According to author Douglas Valentine, who interviewed a number of CIA insiders about the program, Phoenix was seen as the “silver lining” to America’s defeat in Vietnam insofar as it forged a powerful new bureaucratic technology for administering population control through state violence.23 Along with Operation Igloo White, a sophisticated electronic warfare system consisting of networks of remote sensors on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Phoenix’s Viet Cong Infrastructure Information System (VCIIS) achieved a powerful synthesis of computer science and counterinsurgency. With a database of three thousand VCI names stored in an IBM 1401 mainframe, VCIIS inaugurated what Valentine terms our present “era of the computerized blacklist.”24

From the Cold War to the War On Terror

With the fall of the Soviet Union and the beginning of America’s invasions of the Middle East, the CIA further modernized its practices of “targeted killing”—a euphemism for assassination, which is still nominally illegal—with heavy investments in remote-controlled drone warfare. Beginning under George W. Bush, and peaking during the Obama administration, the role of drone operator or “targeter” became “the fastest career track in the agency, involving fully 20 percent of all CIA analysts,” according to journalist Andrew Cockburn.25 One of the Agency’s earliest targeted killings via drone was launched in Afghanistan in February 2002 against a “tall man” thought to be Osama Bin Laden. It ended up killing three innocent villagers who had been gathering scrap metal left by previous American air strikes.26

Nine years later, still in pursuit of Bin Laden, the CIA infamously staged a fake hepatitis vaccination program in Pakistan. What they were actually doing was collecting DNA samples without informed consent in an alleged attempt to track down Bin Laden’s family members.27 Parabon NanoLabs, a company co-founded by ex-CIA officer Steven Armentrout, used a similar genetic-genealogical method to locate the Golden State Killer in 2016. Parabon subsequently faced backlash from ethicists, privacy experts, and genealogists, who feared the abuse of genetic profiling, especially against vulnerable populations like immigrant detainees and asylum seekers whose genetic materials the US government has been collecting since 2019.28 Parabon has also claimed that their proprietary phenotyping technique, Snapshot, can generate virtual mugshots of suspects based on their DNA samples, in spite of “a storm of criticism” from geneticists.29

“I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole.” —Mike Pompeo

As with In-Q-Tel and CIA Labs, the case of Parabon illustrates the way in which CIA projects metastasize from covert state action to proprietary industrial applications, dodging democratic accountability at every step. As Valentine warns in his 2017 book, The CIA as Organized Crime:

Control of scientific information is a means of controlling our ideas and assumptions about things. Just as the CIA is at the forefront of propaganda on the Internet, its science and technology division is at the forefront of shaping the industries that run the world. The CIA is at the forefront of drone and weapons technology—any kind of technological advancements that only serve and enrich the ruling class. The CIA is at the forefront of that research and development, and that goes for the Internet, too.30

Disclosures from whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning, former CIA contractor Edward Snowden, and Wikileaks’s Julian Assange—whom the CIA reportedly plotted to assassinate in 2017—bear out such claims about the deep imbrication of capital and covert action into our modern information infrastructure. As Alan McLeod recently reported in the Monthly Review, Meta—formerly known as Facebook—relies on dozens of ostensibly “ex-CIA” employees to develop its content and data security policies.31 The same goes for Google.32 With these companies currently commanding a de facto monopoly over most people’s access to online information and social networking, not to mention—with the exception of the weapons industry—the job market for computer science and engineering, it is worth remembering that, in the words of Valentine, “science for the CIA means better ways to kill and control people.”33

How to Respond?

Recent polls found that around 52 percent of Americans think that the CIA is doing a good job. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration, by contrast, each scored around 36 percent.34 Whether this surprisingly positive public sentiment is due to widespread ignorance, indifference, or support for the CIA’s dubious history, it is crucial to spread awareness of the CIA’s malign influence, as well as the security-intelligence complex at large. It is equally important for scientists, engineers, and other would-be recruits of covert agencies to organize and build the political solidarity needed to avoid getting co-opted into ongoing projects of capital accumulation and imperial domination.

Perhaps as a symptom of America’s broader imperial decline, the CIA seems to be undergoing an identity crisis. Officers have given press interviews describing their struggles with mental health, which a more frank analysis might identify as a repressed but justified sense of guilt regarding their chosen profession.35 Bizarre sideshows like the recent panic over “Havana Syndrome”—wherein agents reported concussion-like symptoms supposedly caused by directed energy weapons—elicited journalistic coddling and pledges of government subsidy of victims’ medical bills, even as the agency’s own experts seem to have debunked the phenomenon altogether.36

While investigative journalists have done much of the work of exposing CIA crimes, the media has clearly been captured and/or outgunned for decades now. A docile and access-dependent press has bent over backwards to do the CIA’s public relations work for it. The New York Times, for example, reported uncritically about the CIA’s plan to share satellite data with climate scientists.37 As the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) subsequently complained, the CIA’s lack of transparency “calls into question the integrity of the [CIA] Center on Climate Change, if not the Agency as a whole.”38

Moments of resistance, such as from FAS, hint at the potential for politically conscious scientists to work towards the dismantling of the CIA, a goal articulated by people such as Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Bernie Sanders.39 Given their indispensable role in the technocratic power structure that “capital-I” Intelligence draws upon, scientists and engineers need to demand greater transparency and justice for CIA abuses, which largely remain unaddressed. A more modest goal would be to normalize the idea that it is bad to work for the CIA, or to cite their claims without a deep and historically informed skepticism. We need to take seriously the words of Mike Pompeo:

“I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole.”40

The CIA’s leadership clearly understands that they can’t be trusted; it’s time we did as well.


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  1. Julian Borger, “CIA Forges Unity in Diversity: Everybody Hates Their ‘Woke’ Recruitment Ad,” The Guardian, May 4, 2021,
  2. Daniel Boguslaw, “CIA Just Invested In Woolly Mammoth Resurrection Technology,” The Intercept, September 28, 2022,
  3. Patrick Howell O’Neill, “CIA’s New Tech Recruiting Pitch: More Patents, More Profits,” MIT Technology Review, September 21, 2020,
  4. “Mission Possible: Makerspace Nation,” Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, accessed October 7, 2022,
  5. William J. Broad, “Inside the C.I.A., She Became a Spy for Planet Earth,” New York Times, January 7, 2021,
  6. Greg Myre, “Marking 75 years, the CIA Opens a New Museum and Launches a Podcast,” NPR, September 26, 2022,
  7. “CIA Officer Ralph McGehee Reveals How the Agency Deceived the Country During the Vietnam War,” Witness to War, September 30, 2017, YouTube video,
  8. Thomas J. McFadden, Memorandum to Douglas M. Dimond, OSS Special Funds, 1944, OSS Archives, National Archives, College Park, MD.
  9. Japanese Troops: Uses of Animal Plasma, 1944, Office of Strategic Services, National Archives, College Park, MD.
  10. K. D. Mann, Morale Operations Washington Branch Progress Report, 1945, National Archives, College Park, MD.
  11. Annie Jacobsen, Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America (Boston: Little, Brown, 2014), 249.
  12. Jacobsen, Operation Paperclip, 276.
  13. Tim Weiner, “Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.” New York Times, March 10, 1999,
  14. Tom O’Neill et al., “Inside the Archive of an LSD Researcher With Ties to the CIA’s MKUltra Mind Control Project,” The Intercept, November 24, 2019,
  15. Stephen Kinzer, Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2019), 162.
  16. Frank Olson Project, accessed October 7, 2022,
  17. Bill Richards, “Report Suggests CIA Involvement In Fla. Illnesses,” The Washington Post, December 17, 1979,
  18. Alfred W. McCoy, “Science in Dachau’s Shadow: Hebb, Beecher, and the Development of CIA Psychological Torture and Modern Medical Ethics,” Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 43, no. 4 (October 2007): 408,
  19. “Class Action Suit by Families of Those Brainwashed in Montreal Medical Experiments Gets Go-Ahead,” CBC News, March 3, 2022,
  20. Gordon Thomas, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse (New York: Bantam Books, 1989), 258–9.
  21. Lloyd H. Cotter, “Operant Conditioning in a Vietnamese Mental Hospital,” American Journal of Psychiatry 24, no. 7 (July 1967): 23–8,
  22. Dale Andrade and James H. Willbanks, “CORDS/Phoenix: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Vietnam for the Future,” Military Review (March–April 2006): 20,
  23. Douglas Valentine, The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World (Atlanta: Clarity Press, 2017), 44.
  24. Valentine, 247.
  25. Andrew Cockburn, Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins (New York: Picador, 2016), 152.
  26. Clifford D. Conner, The Tragedy of American Science: From Truman to Trump (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2020), 190.
  27. “How the CIA’s Fake Vaccination Campaign Endangers Us All,” Scientific American, May 1, 2013,
  28. Carrie Arnold, “The Controversial Company Using DNA to Sketch the Faces of Criminals,” Nature, September 9, 2020,
  29. Sara Reardon, “Geneticists Pan Paper That Claims to Predict a Person’s Face from Their DNA,” Nature, September 14, 2017,
  30. Valentine, The CIA as Organized Crime, 163.
  31. Alan MacLeod, “Meet the Ex-CIA Agents Deciding Facebook’s Content Policy,” MR Online, July 14, 2022,
  32. Alan MacLeod, “National Security Search Engine: Google’s Ranks are Filled with CIA Agents,” MR Online, July 27, 2022,
  33. Valentine, The CIA as Organized Crime, 181.
  34. Jeffrey M. Jones, “Government Agency Ratings: CIA, FBI Up; Federal Reserve Down,” Gallup News, October 5, 2022,
  35. Sasha Ingber, “Former Senior CIA Officers Describe Their Mental Health Struggles,” Scripps News, September 14, 2022,
  36. Julian E. Barnes, “House Passes a Bill to Help Officials With ‘Havana Syndrome,’” New York Times, September 21, 2021,
  37. William J. Broad, “C.I.A. is Sharing Data with Climate Scientists,” New York Times, January 4, 2010,
  38. Steven Aftergood, “At CIA, Climate Change is a Secret,” Federation of American Scientists (blog), September 22, 2011,
  39. Jon Schwarz, “In 1974 Call to Abolish CIA, Sanders Followed in Footsteps of JFK, Truman,” The Intercept, February 22, 2016,
  40. Bethania Palma, “Did Mike Pompeo Say on Russian State TV that the CIA ‘Lied, Cheated, Stole’?”, December 31, 2019,

Featured image is from MROnline

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The German equipment used in Ukraine is not holding up too well, with reports on Thursday saying the Leopard tanks and the IRIS-T surface-to-air missile systems handed to Ukraine were hit by Russian fire, causing them to be badly damaged and even destroyed in the process.

The Russian armed forces, using loitering munitions, eliminated a radar station of an IRIS-T air defense system.

In the wake of the revelation, the Russian Defense Ministry published footage depicting the target being essentially wiped out.

“The UAV units of the Airborne Forces detected the position of an IRIS-T SLM air defense system after which a strike with loitering munitions was delivered on the multifunctional radar station. The radar station was eliminated with a strike by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV),” a commentary to the video said.

The first IRIS-Ts were handed to Ukraine back in October 2022. German newspaper Der Speigel reported at the time that Berlin planned to deliver four systems to Kiev. The handover was made near the Polish-Ukrainain border.

The delivery was made at a time when reports were saying for months the German military was running out of weapons that can be sent to Ukraine, with Kiev still projected to be dependent on defense assistance from Berlin.

Leopard 2s seen for the first time

According to Russian sources, drone footage taken yesterday during the Ukrainian offensive near the city of Orikhiv in the Zaporozhye region appears to show at least two German-made Leopard 2 tanks as well as several armored personnel carriers, including American M113s, that are under fire from Russian artillery.

Numerous pieces of equipment appear to have been destroyed.

These images represent the first visual confirmation that Ukrainian forces are employing Leopard 2 tanks in active combat.

It is still not possible to verify that the targets burning in the images are Leopard 2 tanks or that they have been damaged or destroyed, with the equipment struck by Russian artillery seeming to be Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) or Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs).

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius revealed in April that Germany and its allies have given dozens of Leopard tanks to Ukraine.

“Together with the Poles and other allies, we are supplying two battalions of Leopard 2, a little over 60 battle tanks. Up to four more battalions of Leopard 1 tanks will be added until next year. This is over 100 tanks. Our American and British allies will also hand over tanks,” Pistorius said. 

NATO countries do not have spare battle tanks awaiting shipment and that it is possible to cover Ukraine’s needs in the mid-term, he revealed.

Additionally, Germany pledged in May to send Kiev some $3 billion worth of military aid, with German media saying it was Berlin’s greatest military support package to Kiev.

The publication revealed that Berlin intends to supply Ukraine with 20 Marder infantry combat vehicles, 30 Leopard 1 tanks, up to 200 reconnaissance drones, Gepard anti-aircraft vehicles, extra IRIS-T anti-aircraft missiles, artillery rounds, and transporters. 

The Russian Defense Ministry also reported that using high-precision guided missiles, Moscow’s forces were able to engage uncovered self-propelled artillery positions and supporting armored vehicles, publishing footage showing the damage inflicted upon the Ukrainian side.

Heavy fighting in Zaparozhye

The Ukrainian military sustained huge casualties in its attempted night attacks in the Zaporozhye area towards Tokmak, Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the We Are Together with Russia movement, said Thursday.

“I can’t recall that such massive night attacks took place before. I believe that under their plans they thought that they could shield themselves from our aviation at night and that our aircraft would operate less efficiently. I have no other explanation,” Rogov told a live podcast on Komsomolskaya Pravda radio.

“They have sustained huge casualties on minefields, from air and artillery strikes and they simply show disregard for losses and throw troops into action wave after wave,” he added.

Moreover, the Ukrainian offensive was preceded by artillery strikes.

“Late in the evening, they began shelling our positions in the Tokmak area, south and southeast of the town of Orekhov, and then launched an attack but this attack was rebuffed and at about 3:00 a.m. Moscow time, they again retreated. Literally in an hour, by 4:00 a.m. Moscow time, they launched a new and far more massive attack,” he explained.

The aforementioned damage sustained by Kiev’s forces was dealt with in the aftermath of the offensive, which led Russia to go on an onslaught on its Western front.


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Featured image: Screengrab from drone video footage showing Ukrainian Leopard tanks getting hit by Russian artillery in the Zaparozhye direction (Social media / Telegram: ZA_FROHT)

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With the latest announcement that the European Commission and the World Health Organization are partnering on a Digital Vaccine Passport the Technocratic State is coming into view.

On Monday the European Commission  and the World Health Organization announced a “digital health” partnership to establish a new Digital Vaccine Passport system for the world.

The announcement by the EU and the WHO notes that the new digital identity scheme is building on the work of the EU Digital COVID Certificate which was enacted in June 2021 during the COVID-19 panic and is set to expire on June 30. According to the EU, more than 2.3 billion certificates were issued.

Thierry Breton, EU Commissioner on Internal Market, said he was “pleased that the WHO will build on the privacy-preserving principles and cutting-edge technology of the EU certificate to create a global tool against future pandemics.”

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus claimed the digital certificates will “help people everywhere receive quality health services quickly and more effectively”.

Ironically, the European Commission and WHO say the EU Vaccine Passport helped “facilitate safe free movement”. The reality is the passport program was one of several created by public-private partnerships between government and Non-Governmental Organizations and corporations which required individuals to show proof of vaccination to work, travel, or eat.

Now, the WHO wants to take the EU system and establish a global system that they claim will “help protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics”.

The press release also notes this latest partnership is part of an agreement signed in December 2022 by EU Commissioner Stella Kyriakides and WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to “enhance strategic cooperation on global health issues”. The organizations say this new partnership “bolsters a robust multilateral system with WHO at its core”.

These statements amount to an acknowledgement that these type of programs begin at the transnational level with globalist organizations like the WHO and the EU before they trickle down to national governments, state and provinces, and, eventually, local councils.

Global Digital Vaccine Passports Coming Soon

The WHO’s statement announcing the partnership describes it as the “first building block” of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will “develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all”. The WHO says the COVID-19 “pandemic response” taught them there is an “existing gap and continued need” for a mechanism to support verification of health documents for so-called ” pandemic preparedness and continuity of care”.

The WHO also said the GDHCN can be an “infrastructural building block” for future additional use cases, including digitization of existing vaccine certificates, verification of prescriptions across borders, and verification of vaccine certificates within and across international borders.

The WHO also emphasized that the GDHCN “builds upon the experience of regional networks for COVID-19 Certificates” and uses the infrastructure of the EU Digital COVID Certificate system. This system has been adopted by all EU member states and 51 non-EU countries.

In April 2021 — two months before the EU COVID Certificate was to be implemented — I reported on the evidence that the EU has been planning health passports since at least 2019. I wrote:

“While the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation coincidentally simulated a pandemic mere months before COVID-19 was the buzz of 2020, the European Union MEPs also seem to have a keen foresight and ability to predict the future. A document listed on the European Union’s website shows a 2019-2022 RoadMap on “Strengthening Cooperation Against Vaccine Preventable Diseases” which makes it clear that Europe’s highest legislative body had planned for years to develop some type of vaccine passport. The EU’s website details how the Road Map has been in development since December 2017.”


Click here for an enlarged view.

In the Road Map, under a section titled “Actions” it reads:

“Examine the feasibility of developing a common vaccination card/passport for EU citizens (that takes into account potentially different national vaccination schedules and), that is compatible with electronic immunisation information systems and recognised”

This document indicates that the EU was already working on plans to implement vaccination passports before most of the world had ever heard the term. As The Last American Vagabond has reported since July 2020, the push for vaccine passports is really a push for digital identity schemes which are part of the push for a “Great Reset” and the transformation of every industry on the planet.

The WEF and associates have been pushing the idea of immunity/vaccine passports since 2020 and the fact that these schemes are now reality is no coincidence. The fact that the European Commission, the executive branch of the EU, is partnered with the WEF is also no accident. In January 2021, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen spoke at the WEF’s annual Davos week that was specifically dedicated to the “Great Reset” vision.

“Vaccine Passports” Are a Gateway to Digital ID Hell

The push for vaccine passports or digital identities is not coming from the people. There is no genuine call for these policies rising up from the grassroots. It is coming from various organizations, such as the Better Identity Coalition, with ties to cybersecurity spooks with connections to the national security state, U.S. and Israeli intelligence, banks, and corporations.

These schemes are also being sold to the people of the world under the guise of building a more equitable, sustainable, and just world. The United Nations is promoting the idea that digital identity is a human right in an effort to persuade the Global South and developing nations to participate. This is a scam.

In fact, in June 2022, New York University’s (NYU) School of Law issued a 100-page report detailing the growing dangers of a reliance on digital identity around the world. The report, titled Paving a Digital Road to Hell?, examines the role of the World Bank and other international networks which have been promoting the use of digital ID in recent years.

The report notes that the World Bank has been “energetically promoting biometric and other digital ID systems that are increasingly linked to large-scale human rights violations, especially in the Global South”. The researchers warn that digital identity schemes “promoted in the name of development and inclusion, might be achieving neither”. Despite ostensible good intentions on the part of some promoting these systems, they “may well be paving a digital road to hell.”

The press release for the report notes (emphasis added):

“Governments around the world have been investing heavily in digital identification systems, often with biometric components (digital ID). The rapid proliferation of such systems is driven by a new development consensus, packaged and promoted by key global actors like the World Bank, but also by governments, foundations, vendors and consulting firms.

In 2014, the World Bank launched the Identification for Development (ID4D) program with the aim of solving the problem of a lack of identity for much of the so-called “developing world”. The World Bank is funding digital biometric ID programs in Mexico, pushing digital ID in poorer countries with the ostensible goal of providing legal identity to the 1.1 billion people who do not currently have one.

The fact that the EU and the WHO are announcing a new vision for COVID-19 digital vaccine certificates may yet be a sign that the “powers-that-wish-they-were” are not done playing the “pandemic” card. Consider the recent statement of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra while speaking to journalists in Geneva, Switzerland at the recent 76th meeting of the WHO’s World Health Assembly.

“I think we’ll get an accord in place if everyone realizes that our window before this next pandemic, this next health threat, is probably not far away.”

Whatever awaits humanity in the remainder of 2023 and 2024, we must unite all the people of the world who value bodily autonomy and individual liberty. We cannot thrive in the face of what is potentially on the horizon — whether plandemic or climate change lockdowns — if we are neutered by our petty arguments and divisive online debates. If we want liberty, we must stand together now, like never before.


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Derrick Broze, a staff writer for The Last American Vagabond, is a journalist, author, public speaker, and activist. He is the co-host of Free Thinker Radio on 90.1 Houston, as well as the founder of The Conscious Resistance Network & The Houston Free Thinkers.

Featured image is from TLAV

Western MSM Journalists Censored by the Kiev Regime

June 8th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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According to a recent report, Western journalists are being censored in Ukraine. Kiev’s aim is to prevent the truth about the conflict from reaching Western readers, which is why the regime imposes strict rules on journalists, allowing only information favorable to Ukraine to be published. The case shows how western public opinion is induced by the mainstream media to support Ukraine through lies, distortions, and censorship.

The information was published in an article on the Western website Semafor on June 5th. According to Ben Smith, founder of the newspaper, several journalists affiliated with groups such as NBC News, New York Times, CNN, and The New Yorker were severely  censored by the Ukrainian government, being allowed to show only what the local military wants to be shown. Journalists who break the rules and publish uncomfortable truths for the regime would be censored, with their work credentials removed.

For example, mention is made to the case of Thomas Gibbons-Neff, a journalist for the New York Times, who had his credentials revoked after denouncing that Ukrainian forces were using banned cluster munitions. Something similar happened to Magnum photographer Antoine d’Agata, who had his work censored after claiming that Ukrainian soldiers were suffering serious psychological consequences from the conflict. In the same vein, an entire NBC News team was reportedly prevented from returning to work in Ukraine after some of its journalists traveled to Crimea and interviewed civilians who said they support Russia.

In addition, there are many embarrassing situations to which these media professionals are subjected during their work. They are forced to sign documents committing to follow all the rules imposed by the government, thus being forced to comply with censorship. Interviews and field visits are only allowed with previously authorized personnel and in locations considered appropriate, with no freedom of work for the journalists. Furthermore, all reporters are obliged to “to take lie detector tests to prove they aren’t Russian agents”, which is absolutely uncomfortable.

Even Ukrainian journalists are reportedly being censored by the local government. The article mentions the case of Ukrainian photographer Maxim Dondyuk who allegedly denounced the interference of the authorities in his work in an Instagram post. Furious with the censorship, Dondyuk wrote on the social network: “The authorities only allow press tours with press officers, where they show off in front of the camera and are afraid to show the real situation”. He subsequently deleted the publication precisely for being threatened with losing his credentials, and then questioned his readers: “Are you ready to read only stupid propaganda?”

It is important to remember that the consequences for journalists who break Ukrainian rules can be much more serious than the loss of credentials. For example, NBC News correspondent Keir Simmons recently had his name added to the “Myrotvorets” website, which is a public kill-list linked to the Ukrainian government. The reason would be Simmons’ participation in a report on Crimea, where most of the population is pro-Russia.

Exposing his own opinion on the cases reported in the article, Ben Smith stated that the friction reflects a conflict of interests between Ukrainian propaganda and Western journalists. Despite writing for a pro-Ukrainian audience, Western journalists are interested in showing what really happens on the battlefield, but are blocked by a government that tries to hide facts such as low morale, excessive casualties and links to neo-Nazism.

“The journalistic tensions do reflect a deeper friction: American, French, or British journalists write for publics who are largely sympathetic to Ukraine — but whose interests aren’t identical. The subjects most likely to draw ire from Kyiv include morale, casualties, and the role of fighters with far right ties in the war effort (…)”, he said.

There is one fact that must be considered in this analysis, which is the direct influence of propaganda on the supply of arms to Kiev. Without the systematic sending of western weapons, the Ukrainian forces would already have been forced to surrender, therefore NATO’s help is an existential factor for Ukraine. On the other hand, this aid demands massive public expenditures, which need to be “explained” to western taxpayers.

In this sense, Western citizens need to believe that their money is really being used for a war “worth fighting”, for a “just cause” and against an unjust and cruel “invader”. Without this almost mythical narrative spread by the media, it is more likely that mass protests will arise to prevent aid to Ukraine, since no citizen wants to see their taxes used to arm a neo-Nazi dictatorship in an unwinnable war.

Not all Western journalists want to participate in this propaganda scheme, but they have to, otherwise they will lose their jobs or even receive death threats from the Kiev regime. And so the West and Ukraine use coercion to keep the propaganda and war machine active.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

The Covid Era: The Necessary Virtues of Debate

June 8th, 2023 by Dr. Emanuel Garcia

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I have always distrusted Philosophy insofar as philosophers attempted, in their armchairs, to circumscribe the entire universe with their systems. Life, as I know it, is a messy affair under virtually any circumstances, and anyone purporting to encapsulate the riddle of human existence into a nutshell of thought will be found wanting.

Nonetheless I have admired the ancient Greeks for their incessant curiosity and dialogues, and in Plato’s Socrates I believe we have enough to keep us cogitating forever. It was never the ‘system’ propounded by Plato, as, for example, in The Republic, but the ideal of free and open exchange as embodied by the Socrates he depicted, a Socrates, moreover who, as far as we know, wrote nothing.

Notwithstanding the fact that the Platonic Socrates always seemed to have a way of leading his auditors into the garden of his own conclusions, I admired the man for the irrepressible engagement of others and the catalysis of thought, of real, hard thinking.

Nowadays, in the face of disagreement, many are apt simply to rebuke those whose opinions differ and, all too often, to cut off further communication – what we call ‘cancel culture’. But I continue to have great hope in the civil and courteous presentation of ideas, however they may differ, as both a means to inform and a means to approximate a new resolution of opposing tendencies.

When we here in New Zealand, following upon the great Canadian trucker protest, gathered on the grounds of Parliament in February 2022 in objection to the inoculation mandates and other measures adopted by the government that violated basic human rights, we invited members of Parliament to meet with us, to talk, to debate, to listen and to engage. Not one governmental representative deigned to do what was right and good and civil. In the end the government of Jacinda Ardern decided to launch a violent invasion on the  territory of its people and proclaim a bizarre kind of victory over the malcontents – as we were described – whose distinguishing characteristics, according to their propaganda, were filth and violence.

Our pacific requests for courtesy and open debate had been shunned and now, over a year since that infamous event, Dame Ardern has taken it upon herself to ensure that free speech is purged of misinformation, even if one person’s misinformation may be another’s truth. Governments have, as a rule, been specialists in the arts of deceit, and the ludicrous claim of Ardern’s administration to be the ‘single source of truth’ for all things Covid, cannot be taken seriously – especially since that single source failed miserably in its duty to protect its citizens, although it succeeded with admirable efficiency in carrying out stringent measures of control and repression.

We should bear in mind that the ‘single source’ never supported Covid prevention and treatment, but did pursue a policy of coercive inoculation, in violation of its very own Bill of Rights. Lest anyone think that the lifted vaccine mandates have brought us back to normal, let me remind you that my colleagues in psychiatry who lost their jobs because they refused to be jabbed have lost their jobs forever: their former employers have not invited them back, despite a shortage of psychiatrists here in Wellington. I also note that job advertisements continue to stipulate Covid ‘vaccination’ as a prerequisite. So the government, not unlike Pontius Pilate, can wash its hands, revel in its virtuously magnanimous decision to restore our inalienable right to autonomy, all the while leaving employers to do the dirty work of imposing constraints upon hiring. No job unless fully jabbed.

To be fair I am uncertain how widespread these constraints are, but their mere existence is enough to disturb. Why, after all, should this same magnanimous government not forbid employers from insisting on the jab? Covid emergency legislation remains in place and this legislation would make it very easy for a policy of laissez faire to be enforced.

Fat chance. Fiat government seems only to go one way, against its people.

I wonder whether people understand how grievously profound the extirpation of debate is, and how appalling are any attempts to deny us our rights to speak freely, and to exercise our freedom of speech in open exchanges.

I happened to tune into a debate on a topic of interest – abiogenesis, to be precise, research into the origins and creation of life.  Nothing of practical consequence hung upon the debate, but the matter intrigued me. I had expected a gentlemanly to and fro, out of which I might achieve some impetus to enhance my own thinking.

What resulted, however, was very disappointing. One of the debaters started in with ad hominem arguments, snide interruptions and sarcastic attacks, and because the moderator had not insisted upon civility, the exchange eventually devolved into an unseemly chaos of discourtesy, from both sides.

For contrast, one may watch an excerpt of a debate between Richard Dawkins and Denis Noble on the importance of genes in evolution here, an exchange conducted with utmost courtesy despite clear differences of understanding.

Yet without the opportunity and ability to present to ourselves opposing ideas, what is left? Where do we go? What can we do?

The answer seems obvious: we take our guidance from Authority. How simple, and how convenient.

The suppression of genuine debate means nothing less than the suppression of independent thought.

It’s every totalitarian government’s dream.

If nothing else the Covid era has shown us clearly who is and who is not on the side of human freedom. My liberal friends, to my great consternation, gleefully acquiesce to authoritative control for ‘the greater good’. But they do so without once having had an opportunity to hear legitimate questions and criticisms, questions and criticism that I and others raised early in 2020 about the strange and irrational measures imposed upon the people.

On the occasions when I, as a psychiatrist, had to appear in mental health court, I remember thinking how precious was the opportunity to speak freely and at length, without interruption, and how rare an occasion it represented. I tended generally to say little, and the judge would ensure that every party had its say to its satisfaction. Strange as it may appear this was an oasis of frankness and civility, and an amicable resolution was reached in virtually every instance.

If civil and courteous and open debate, the fulcrum of any decent democratically-aspiring society, is to be forbidden, regulated by misinformation monitors, and censored by self-appointed guardians in social media and government, what then is left?

Tonight (8 June 2023) I was given a shot in the arm when asked to emcee a political event in Wellington, a presentation by an umbrella party, Freedoms New Zealand, that has gathered several independent parties together in pursuit of the common goals, their slogan being freedom/family/finances/future.

It was refreshing to see and hear five strong individual voices – and egos – who have agreed to unite on a basic platform to challenge the establishment Labour and National uniparty that has run New Zealand forever and that has been responsible not only for the divisive debacle of Covid management and vax apartheid, but for the sharp fall in standards of living.

I understand from the individual heads of these united parties that there have been impassioned discussions and cool resolutions worked out as a result. While the establishment government here has worked against its people, these forthright candidates, who have joined forces to gain a foothold in Parliament, have been able to set aside irrelevant differences for the sake of a united front, just as the various groups at the Parliament protest in 2021 did, thus demonstrating by example the virtues of discussion and debate.

May the forces of reason and unity be with them!


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Flickr

Queensland Labor Delegates Vote Against AUKUS

June 8th, 2023 by Alex Bainbridge

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The two hot wars of today’s world, the conflicts in Ukraine and Sudan, have stolen the limelight from what should otherwise have been a major news story and the trigger for a torrent of comment and debate.

This is the Arab League’s recognition that Syria’s 12-year war is over, dramatic evidence for which is the Arab leaders’ invitation to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to rejoin the club

The shift of policy has been gestating for more than a year and accelerated last month. It has wrong-footed the United States and western governments and given them a dilemma. 

Do they follow the Arab leaders in deciding that engagement with the Syrian government is the best way to help the country rebuild and create the conditions for millions of Syrian refugees to return home safely? Or do they try to prevent this?

So far the omens are not good. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken insists the US will pursue “no normalisation” with Syria. Reaction in the US Congress has been even worse. A bill has been introduced to extend the so-called Caesar sanctions on Syria from running out in 2025 and keep them until 2032. These penalise any investor from any country who helps in rebuilding Syria’s infrastructure.

Under the Donald Trump administration, the US accepted publicly what Barack Obama had already conceded privately –  that as a result of Russia’s military intervention in 2015, Assad would not fall.

Nevertheless, for motives that smack of utter cynicism, the US would maintain anti-Syrian sanctions and keep a contingent of some 900 troops in northeastern Syria in alliance with Syrian Kurdish forces. 

Major Saudi policy shifts

This negative US policy now has a Ukrainian dimension, according to William Roebuck, a US diplomat who was recently embedded with US forces in Syria.

“The US wants to stay in Syria and keep troops there in order to deprive Assad and Putin of any sort of win,” he told a Quincy Institute webinar last week.

Joshua Landis, a professor at the University of Oklahoma and a well-known expert on Syria, told the same webinar:

“The major thrust of American policy is not to allow Syria to rebuild. The Caesar sanctions are designed not to allow companies and outside foreign investment to rebuild the electricity grid, repair schools and rebuild the state, but to keep Assad weak and hurt the Russians and the Iranians.”

Ten years ago, Saudi Arabia was financing and helping to arm the opposition to Assad. Its U-turn is remarkable.

Re-engaging with Assad is the third major shift of policy that Mohammed bin Salman has launched in recent months. The first was the decision to observe a ceasefire in Yemen and talk to the Houthis. The second was to re-open relations with Iran. Now comes the new policy on Syria. Equally remarkable is that the Saudis are challenging US objectives and taking independent decisions.

While the Saudi shift was the main driver in the invitation to Assad to rejoin the Arab League, other Arab states, in particular Jordan and Lebanon, have good reasons to support the move.

Now that fighting has largely ended in Syria, they want to reduce the social and economic burden of the refugees they have been hosting and get them to go home. This will entail some sort of amnesty or guarantees from Assad that returnees will not be prosecuted or harassed.

Arab governments also want to use the prospect of reconstruction money as a bargaining chip to persuade Assad to end the production in Syria of the addictive Captagon pills, which are smuggled into Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.

King Abdullah of Jordan promoted his own peace plan on similar lines earlier this year.

Anger and despair

A big question is whether the new Arab League strategy is also adopted by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who used to be a hawk in calling for Assad’s departure.

His triumphant re-election for another five years ought to make it easier for him to dump the old policy and re-engage with Assad. The Russians have been pressing both men to reconcile.

This will require a deal in which Erdogan withdraws his troops from the border regions of northeastern Syria in return for the Syrian army to re-deploy there. The Turks came in originally to expel Syrian Kurdish forces.

If Assad wants to reduce tensions and see the Turks pull out, he will have to make a deal with the Syrian Kurds as well as with Erdogan. This may mean granting them substantial autonomy.

Rather than the US keeping forces in Syria on an open-ended basis, as it seems to be intending to do, Washington ought to be encouraging the Kurds to engage with Damascus as a prelude to a US withdrawal.

The Arab League’s U-turn on Assad is a game-changer of enormous proportions. For millions of Syrians, it will be a source of huge disappointment as well as anger and despair. They had hoped the protest movement which began 12 years ago was going to bring democratic reform, if not a complete change of regime.

When elements of the movement took up arms and foreign states began to support them, many Syrians wondered whether this was a strategic blunder. They feared that the militarisation of the uprising would play into Assad’s hands as well as make Syria a battleground for foreign states to conduct proxy wars with their own agendas. And so it proved.

Twelve years later, the balance sheet is grim. Six million Syrians are refugees. Another six million are homeless inside their own country. More than half a million have lost their lives. Towns and cities have been destroyed. Nothing positive has been achieved.

Yet there is now the faintest glimmer of hope. If the Arab League governments, with their immense oil and gas wealth, are really willing to help Syria rebuild and not just host Assad for summit meetings, the chance for a new beginning is at last in place.


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Jonathan Steele is a veteran foreign correspondent and author of widely acclaimed studies of international relations. He was the Guardian’s bureau chief in Washington in the late 1970s, and its Moscow bureau chief during the collapse of communism. He was educated at Cambridge and Yale universities, and has written books on Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, South Africa and Germany, including Defeat: Why America and Britain Lost Iraq (I.B.Tauris 2008) and Ghosts of Afghanistan: the Haunted Battleground (Portobello Books 2011).

Featured image is from Mideast Discourse

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What can you expect from a government headed by a comic actor named Zelensky? We see the answer to that question day by day in the way the Ukrainian armed forces are carrying out their much-anticipated spring counter-offensive: it is being stage managed by the Public Relations team with scant regard for their cannon fodder army.

Why do I say this? Because each of the latest military setbacks if not outright fiascos of military operations is being covered up by sensational side-shows intended to divert public attention at home and especially abroad from what is going on in the battlefield.

In the past couple of weeks, Zelensky was under enormous pressure from Washington to finally launch the much heralded counter-offensive. Notwithstanding his complaints that insufficient new military hardware had arrived to date and his demands on NATO countries to step up deliveries of tanks and F16 fighter jets, the Pentagon was insisting that the Ukrainians were now well equipped and should prove on the battlefield that this investment by the Americans and Europeans was justified, to prove that they can indeed push back the Russians and free all the occupied territory.

Yet, on the battlefield all that we saw was positional fighting and probing for weak spots in the Russian defense lines. There was no sign of a massive counter offensive until a day ago. What we saw instead were incursions of Ukrainian special forces, mostly said to be mercenaries from Poland and elsewhere, across the border from the Ukrainian held Kharkov oblast into the neighboring RF oblast of Belgorod. And then, about four days ago, we saw the start of a destructive artillery and rocket attack on the border town of Shebekino, where 400 or 600 strikes on residential neighborhoods have been recorded in 24 hour periods. As we now see daily on Russian television, the whole population on the Russian side of the border across from Kharkov city is being evacuated and media there are discussing why their government has not done more to protect the frontier and to hit back.

Of course, if the Kremlin were to do so it would fall into the trap of withdrawing forces from the front lines and weakening preparedness for whatever mass counter offensive may yet lie ahead. But it would be more appropriate to see in the border attacks on Belgorod not a military tactical purpose but a PR dimension, to capture the airwaves and divert attention from the still delayed massive offensive by providing some highly photogenic developments for the news crews.

Today’s number one item on Euronews is the destruction of part of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant in the southern region of Kherson to one side of the Dnepr river, with the consequence that water from the reservoir to feed the plant now is pouring out in uncontrolled fashion into the Dnepr. Let us remember that here the right (western) bank of the Dnepr, with the homonymous former capital town of the Kherson oblast, is held by the Ukrainians and the left (eastern) bank is held by the Russians. 

Threats to the large Kakhovka reservoir were discussed widely in local and global media more than eight months ago when the Russians abandoned Kherson city and withdrew all forces to the left bank of the Dnepr. At that time already, the Russians anticipated a possible breach of the dam with the consequence of dangerous, life threatening flooding downstream. They pulled back the local population from areas deemed to be most at danger. Moreover, as CNN reminds us, the shutdown of the hydroelectric power plant which ran on water from the reservoir might put at risk the not too distant Zaporozhie nuclear power plant, where critical equipment for its operation run on electricity generated by the Kakhovka plant. So the nuclear danger once again raises its ugly head.

Why was the functioning of the reservoir crippled now and who was responsible, the Russians or the Ukrainians? CNN this morning puts on a mien of objective journalism by saying that both sides are pointing the finger at the other, and perhaps we will never know who is the guilty party. However, that feigned objectivity is phony from the get-go.

To understand unfailingly who unleashed the Kakhovka reservoir to flood the nearby region you have to look further afield to other news of the day coming from the battlefield and that, in turn, directs us to the PR Department of the Ukrainian armed forces. The Kakhovka blow-out was surely meant to divert attention from the results of yesterday’s first Ukrainian attempt at massive attack on the battlefield in southern Donetsk.  According to Russian reports, their own Vostok units with assistance from air cover and artillery “destroyed” (the current euphemism for “slaughtered”)1500 Ukrainian “live personnel” (current euphemism for “troops”) and destroyed 17 tanks, including 7 German Leopards, as well as armored personnel carriers and other vehicles and field weapons. This was a scandalous defeat and loss of human life in a hopeless offensive being waged only for the purpose of shaking out more money and arms from the Western sponsors of the Kiev regime. As the stories of flooding near Kakhovka and further downstream are amplified by our media, there is the hope that no one will notice the military defeat.

And what are the practical consequences of a military campaign run by the PR Department? The answer is the shocking loss of Ukrainian men at arms. Yesterday Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who is campaigning against Joe Biden for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party in the 2024 U.S. elections publicly announced that approximately 350,000 Ukrainian combatants have died in the area of Russia’s Special Military Operation so far. Judging by yesterday’s massacre during the first big attack by the Ukrainians in the southern Donetsk oblast, the death toll will accelerate in the days ahead. Are any people of conscience listening in Europe or the USA?

Postscript, 7 June:

Today the Russian military report that the Ukainians resumed their “counter-offensive” in the very same south Donetsk area, losing another 750 soldiers killed.

The virtual world of PR and propaganda can only carry you so far. Finally there is a real world and it is in the battlefield of Donbas where the Ukrainian army is getting massacred like herrings being shot in a barrel. This is unsustainable however much Zelensky &Co. sing and dance to the Western press and NATO leaders. The Russians opened the SMO expecting the military command to overthrow the Nazi controlled government. The Russians misjudged: the radical nationalist control: the Azov battalion and other cutthroats integrated into the army were too strong. However, many of those radicals have been killed, starting in Mariupol and continuallly up to present. Meanwhile the professional military is being destroyed. I expect that one day soon we will awake to the news that they have settled scores with Zelensky who will be carried away feet first, and the military will negotiate a capitulation.


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Gilbert Doctorow is an independent political analyst based in Brussels.

Featured image is from Bumble Dee/Shutterstock

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Fifty-Six Years Ago, June 8, 1967

With a very few exceptions, it’s barely mentioned in the mainstream media whether it’s CNN, MSNBC, FOX news, The New York Times, or the Washington Post. It is never mentioned in public school history books and forget Hollywood, no movie would ever be produced on that tragic day since Zionists conspirators run the movie industry. And of course, the most treasonous people to their own country, the Israeli-controlled US political establishment would never dare mention what happened on June 8th, 1967 when America’s most treasured ally, the ‘Jewish State’ of Israel attacked the USS Liberty, a US Navy technical research ship which was basically a spy ship, killing 34 and injured over 171 crew members including marines, US Naval personal including officers, seamen and even a civilian employee from the National Security Agency (NSA).

The attack on the USS Liberty happened during the height of the Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab world that included Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and to an extent Iraq, however, the US had claimed ‘neutral status’ and was in international waters towards the north of the Sinai Peninsula before the war had even started.

Then the USS Liberty was ordered to sail towards the eastern Mediterranean Sea to collect intelligence close to the north coast of Sinai, Egypt. During their mission, the Israel Air Force (IAF) had flown over the USS Liberty supposedly searching for Egyptian submarines that was previously located near the coast. At around 2 pm, the IAF sent two Mirage III fighter jets to monitor the USS Liberty which the Israelis say had no “distinguishable markings” or any flag on the ship which was a lie and then the Mirage fighters opened fire on the USS Liberty.

Here is where it gets complicated, right before the attack, the Mirage fighter jets, codename Kursa had communicated with an Israeli command post weapons systems officer, air controllers and a chief air controller who reportedly questioned whether there was a US ship in the area, so at around 1:57 pm, the chief air controller, Lieutenant-Colonel Shmuel Kislev gave the orders to attack the USS Liberty.

The Israeli fighter jets unleashed 30-mm cannons, rockets, and napalm thus killing and injuring many of the US crew members. The Israelis even managed to jam-up the US communications systems right before the attack which means that the Israelis knew that it was an American Naval ship. On top of the Israeli fighter jets already attacking the USS Liberty, there were three additional Israeli torpedo boats who also launched an attack on the ship with cannons, mounted machine guns and torpedoes. One of the torpedo’s killed 25 crew members instantly. The Israeli torpedo boats also targeted life rafts as the crew tried to abandon the ship.

It was clear that Israel and the Lyndon B. Johnson regime wanted no witnesses who could have exposed Israel’s attack to the American public.

How do we know this?

At 3:15, two Israeli helicopters armed with IDF soldiers were most likely supposed to kill the remaining US naval survivors, for whatever reason, that did not happen. Meanwhile, the ship was still under an immense attack as the crew called for help through open lines of communications. Two US Naval ships, the USS Saratoga and the USS America received the message and ordered US fighter jets to rescue the ship from the attack, but in a rather strange move, the mission was called off by Washington.

Israel also knew that the US fighter jets were ordered to stop the attack from an intercepted transmission. So they immediately called off their attack and recalled their torpedo boats and helicopters. Then the Israeli government notified Washington that they “mistakenly” attacked an American ship and told them that they had ordered its fighter jets to return back to their airbase.

Call it what you want, but it is a legitimate conspiracy fact that US President Lyndon B. Johnson and his Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara halted a rescue mission to save the remaining survivors.

It seems that it was a false-flag operation to get the US to enter the conflict and support Israel at all costs against several Arab countries. A high-ranking official by the name of Admiral L. R. Geis, who was the commander of the Sixth Fleet carrier force told Lt. Commander, David Lewis of the USS Liberty that he challenged McNamara’s orders to cancel the rescue operation. It was reported that McNamara responded by saying that “President Johnson is not going to go to war or embarrass an American ally over a few sailors.” A communications officer, J.Q. “Tony” Hart from a U.S. Navy communications relay station in Morocco oversaw the entire transmission, also gave the same testimony.

There were multiple investigations on what happened to the USS Liberty, and of course, both the US and Israeli governments declared that it was a “mistake”, but crew members said it was deliberate. Who was right? The crew members of course, but no one knows about their experiences because these same politicians who claim they care about their military veterans never mention what happened on that day.

It’s an important day to remember. So, the question we must ask is why most people in the US don’t know what happened on June 8th, 1967? Every single politician, whether they are presidents, senators, the US congress, governors, etc., no one ever mentions the Israeli attack on the USS liberty. Do these same politicians and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) consider it “Anti-Semitic” to mention what happened on that day? I would have to say, yes.

The Chicago Tribune’s 2007 Article

On October 7th, 2007, The Chicago Tribune published a controversial story called New Revelations in Attack on American Spy ship, although there was nothing to suggest that it was a “new revelation” since the veterans or shall we call them victims of the USS liberty attack have been speaking out since the day it happened. However, the Chicago Tribune did report on the anger and betrayal felt by the USS Liberty veterans by their government on behalf of their most treasured ally, Israel “that it never intercepted the communications of the attacking Israeli pilots — communications, according to those who remember seeing them, that showed the Israelis knew they were attacking an American naval vessel.” Was there a joint cover-up by Washington and Tel Aviv? You decide, The documents also suggest that the U.S. government, anxious to spare Israel’s reputation and preserve its alliance with the U.S., closed the case with what even some of its participants now say was a hasty and seriously flawed investigation.” The National Security Agency (NSA) also made itself conveniently neutral on the matter:

In declassifying the most recent and largest batch of materials last June 8, the 40th anniversary of the attack, the NSA, this country’s chief U.S. electronic-intelligence-gatherer and code-breaker, acknowledged that the attack had “become the center of considerable controversy and debate.” It was not the agency’s intention, it said, “to prove or disprove any one set of conclusions, many of which can be drawn from a thorough review of this material,” available here.

One of the most absurd explanations on the USS Liberty attack was published in the Jewish Virtual Library by a New York born and former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren who published The USS Liberty Incident: “The USS Liberty: Case Closed. Of course, Oren’s claims that the media, journalists and even websites who exposed the attack on the USS Liberty are anti-Semitic hatemongers and Arab propagandists:

The claim that Israel’s attack on the Liberty was premeditated has also appeared persistently in the press.  In 1992, nationally syndicated columnists Roland Evans and Robert Novak dedicated a column, “Twenty-Five Years of Cover-Up,” to this charge. Similar accusations have been aired on television programs such as ABC’s 20/20 and Geraldo Rivera’s Now It Can Be Told.  The claim is particularly widespread on the Internet, where a search for the “USS Liberty” yields dozens of sites, from those of Arab propagandists (,, Palestine Forever) and anti-Semitic hate mongers (The Tangled Web, Jew Watch) to the award-winning USS Liberty Homepage, posted by Ennes and other veterans.  But while the tenor of these pages may differ – the veterans abjure any anti-Semitism, stressing that several of their crewmates were Jewish – their conclusions are indistinguishable: Israel wantonly attacked the Liberty with the intention of killing every man on board, and then thwarted attempts to investigate the crime.

Refuting this accusation was difficult if not impossible in the past when the official records on the Liberty were designated top-secret and closed to the general public. With the recent declassification of these documents in the United States and Israel, however, researchers have gained access to a wealth of primary sources – Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and U.S. military records, Israeli diplomatic correspondence, and memoranda from both the State Department and the White House. With the aid of these materials, the attack on the Liberty can now be reconstructed virtually minute-by-minute and with remarkable detail. The picture that emerges is not one of crime at all, nor even of criminal negligence, but of a string of failed communications, human errors, unfortunate coincidences, and equipment failures on both the American and Israeli sides – the kind of tragic, senseless mistake that is all too common in the thick of war

In Oren’s conclusion, he does blame Israel, but for numerous “errors” it had committed at the height of the attack. “The Israelis, too, committed their own share of fateful errors, as the Yerushalmi report points out: The erroneous reports of bombardment at El-Arish, the failure to replace the Liberty’s marker on the board after it had been cleared, the over-eagerness of naval commanders, and worst of all, Ensign Yifrah’s miscalculation of the ship’s speed.” Now that’s a lame excuse:

Though Yerushalmi’s report suggested reasons for these errors – inflexible naval procedures, the inaccuracy of speed-measuring devices – one is still left with a sense of poor organization and sloppy execution. Moreover, there were breakdowns in communications between the Israeli navy and air force stemming from inadequate command structure and the immense pressures of a multi-front war. To these factors must be added Israel’s general sensitivity about its coastal defenses, and the exhaustion of its pilots after four days of uninterrupted combat. Yet none of these amount to the kind of gross negligence of which the Israelis have been accused.

And then there were “bad breaks” that are unfortunately commonplace in war: The U.S. planes that were called back because of their nuclear payload (their mere presence might have warded off the torpedo boats); the Liberty’s inability to signal the approaching Israeli boats, and the machine gunner who fired on them; and the smoke that hid the identities of both the attackers and the attacked.

All of these elements combined to create a tragic “friendly fire” incident of the kind that claimed the lives of at least fifty Israeli soldiers in the Six Day War, and caused 5,373 American casualties in Vietnam in 1967 alone.53 Obviously, these findings can do little to lessen the suffering of those American servicemen who were wounded in the incident, nor can they be expected to offer comfort to the families of the dead. But they should at least permit us to bring to a close what has for a generation remained one of the most painful chapters in the history of America’s relationship with the State of Israel

Michael Oren says the attack was not a crime, but a timeline of failures that included failed communications to human errors as an unfortunate coincidence, in other words, he concludes that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was a “friendly fire” incident.

In an article from April 22nd, 2021, I mentioned an interesting research project published by the US Army War College called the Assault on the USS Liberty: Deliberate or Tragic Accident?by Colonel Peyton E. Smith. Colonel Smith concluded that the attack on the USS Liberty was a deliberate act, “The attack was most likely deliberate for reasons far too sensitive to be disclosed by the US (or) Israeli government and that the truth may never be known.” According to Smith, the US and Israeli governments need to release the data, “Based on the testimony of many eyewitnesses and the memoirs of senior government officials, the attack on the USS Liberty was most likely deliberate. Unfortunately, this issue may go to the grave unresolved unless the US government and the government of Israel release all data related to the incident” but as we all know, that won’t never happen.      

The truth is that Israel attacked the USS Liberty as a false-flag operation to get the US into the Six-Day War just like they did many years later with their relentless propaganda for the US to lead the war against Iraq. And as we all know, the big lie on the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had in his arsenal by the Israel-backed Bush regime led to the tragic war killing and injuring countless Iraqis. Israel has a plan to dominate the Middle East as it attempts to destroy another major country in the Middle East and that country is Iran, a major obstacle to its long-term plan to ultimately control the Arab world.

Make no mistake, Israel wants the US to continue to sacrifice its sons and daughters as cannon fodder in another Middle East conflict to defend and protect ‘God’s chosen people.

As we all know, the US political establishment is bought and paid for by the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and we must include the US Bible Belt fanatics who support Israel at all costs. But there is another unique problem for the former US president, Donald J. Trump who said that Israel does not control congress anymore and for 2024 GOP candidate, that’s a problem.

The US political establishment, both Democrats and Republicans and of course, the Zionist controlled mainstream media never talk about what happened on June 8th, 1967. No politicians from Lyndon B. Johnson to Joe Biden, none of them would ever dare to mention what happened on that day because all of them are financed and controlled, and that’s not a conspiracy theory.

Listen to the words of Ron Grantski, USS Liberty Survivor: ‘Attack on the USS Liberty Recalled’:


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from SCN

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A Message of Hope from Archbishop Vigano

June 8th, 2023 by Peter Koenig

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This message of hope by the Archbishop Vigano, although a year old, is timeless in its tenor and importance.

The archbishop tells us that we are not alone, that this is an agenda that engulfs the entire world; that we need to look beyond our own community, our country, our own borders, that we need a worldwide solidarity, as this movement has compromised the entire world.

Onlooking will not bring us freedom.

We must fight for our freedom, not only for not being vaxxed, or locked in, or being eventually condemned to a basic income with which – aided by artificial intelligence (AI) – we will own nothing but be happy, we MUST fight for more. We must fight for our full FREEDOM. Not just fractions of freedom. For our FULL FREE SPIRIT.

Klaus Schwab, the forever CEO of the World Economic Forum (WEF), tells us that after completion of the Great Reset, we will owe nothing but be happy; he also tells us with pride that the WEF has been educating most of our current world leaders, infiltrating them into governments around the world.

And we, in the West, are still made to believe that we live in a “democracy”. We may have never lived in a true democracy, but especially not now.

That is why the entire world, all 193 UN member nations follow the same script – a script of utmost betrayal of humanity.

We, the People, we Humanity, must join a worldwide chorus protesting the establishment of a One World Order – a treason of Nation States – as the Great Reset, designed by the World Economic Forum and by the United Nations under the name of Agenda 2030.

The entire United Nations and the powers behind the WEF are in the process of compromising humanity for their sick, psychopathic strive for endless grandeur and power – the domination by a few of all the world’s resources and the enslavement and transhumanization of the surviving human species.

Archbishop Vigano also refers to the “strange weather conditions” that make life difficult, and to the coming of smart cities in which we may be incarcerated, or enslaved, if we do not react – react in UNISON, in solidarity and in faith that We, the People, have the spiritual power to overcome this worst affliction that our civilization is facing.

The archbishop is praying and adding his spirituality to safe humanity.

They shall not succeed. Archbishop Vigano’s generosity inspires light and hope.

Watch the 6-min video below: 


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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June 4, 2023 – Virginia plane crash: US fighter jets saw pilot ‘slumped over’ during midair interception before deadly crash (click here) 

A business jet carrying 4 passengers, crashed after COVID-19 vaccinated pilot suffered “medical incapacitation”. The story is explained well in this video:

Click here to view the video

Recent Pilot deaths

4 Singapore Airlines pilots died suddenly in May 2023

10 other recent Pilot incapacitations in-flight 

May 11, 2023 – HiSKy Flight H4474 (DUB-KIV) Dublin to Chisinau (Moldova), 20 min after liftoff pilot became “unable to act”, plane diverted to Manchester (click here)

May 4, 2023 – British Charter TUI Airways Flight BY-1424 (NCL-LPA) Newcastle to Las Palmas Spain pilot became ill, plane diverted back to NCL. (click here)

April 4, 2023 – United Airlines Flight 2102 (BOI-SFO) – captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft. (click here)

March 25, 2023 – TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed (click here)

March 22, 2023 – Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot (click here)

March 18, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal (click here)

March 13, 2023 – Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off (click here)

March 11, 2023 – United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains (click here)

March 11, 2023? – British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot collapsed in Cairo hotel and died, was scheduled to fly Airbus A321 from Cairo to London (click here)

March, 3, 2023 – Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure. (click here)

Epoch Times articles on pilot incapacitations 

April 18, 2023 – IN-DEPTH: One Moment He Was in Command of a 150,000-Pound Plane, Next He Was Technically Dead

March 30, 2023 – Reports of ‘Incapacitated’ Airline Pilots Stoke Concerns, Calls for Investigations


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Jean Lassalle, former member of the National Assembly of France, said that Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine almost killed him and had to undergo four heart operations in nine months after the shot.

He also said that “Macron wasn’t vaccinated, and neither most members of the government.”

Watch the video below.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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“Directed Evolution”: In Lockstep Towards the Abyss

By Peter Koenig, June 08, 2023

This was one of the most blatant announcements of what was to come just 4 years later. Hardly anybody noticed at the time. Most people in Switzerland ignored it. They still ignore it today. The “Luciferian Event” was attended by high-level politicians and celebrities from all over Europe, and some from other parts of the world. 

How Empire Fabricates Atrocities

By Kim Petersen, June 08, 2023

Atrocities and the disinformation surrounding them is the subject of an important book by AB Abrams, Atrocity Fabrication and Its Consequences: How Fake News Shapes World Order (Clarity Press, 2023). It is an important book because it delivers an incisive account on how hegemony is systematically conducted by the US Empire.

Media Hypocrisy and History Regarding NATO Expansion

By Dr. Walter Block, June 08, 2023

Let us do a little bit of history here. During the Cold War, NATO and the Warsaw Pact contended with one another. Then, in 1991, the Soviet Union ended. What should have then happened, for a true peace, was both military alliances should have disbanded. Or perhaps, turned into an organization that comprised both of them. But the Warsaw Pact dissolved, and NATO remained.

Chile’s President Gabriel Boric, Venezuela and the Question of Human Rights

By Salim Lamrani, June 07, 2023

Since his inauguration as President of Brazil in January 2023, Lula da Silva has endeavored to relaunch the process of regional cooperation in a fragmented and divided continent. To this end, he organized the South American Summit, which brought together the zone’s presidents on May 29 and 30, 2023, to strengthen integration and dialogue between the various nations, including Venezuela.

America Is No Longer Exceptional

By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, June 07, 2023

We have moved well beyond the years when the myth of American exceptionalism should have been abandoned. Yet this myth persists despite the hysteria and chaos ripping the nation into unrecognizable shreds. America is spiritually bankrupt. “We suffer from a spiritual blackout,” writes American philosopher and public intellectual Cornel West.

The Insidious “State of Academia” in Support of “World Government” and the “Davos Crowd”

Prof. Bill Willers, June 07, 2023

The most visible facet of the power structure guiding humanity toward a one world government is the World Economic Forum (WEF), an NGO sometimes called “the Davos Crowd”. Globalization, as outlined by David Rockefeller and James Warburg (“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it.

Mainstream Propaganda Finally Admits Trying to Whitewash Openly Nazi Affiliation of Kiev Regime Forces

By Drago Bosnic, June 07, 2023

The unashamed glorification of Nazism has been the “new normal” in former Ukraine for nearly a decade now. And while even the mainstream propaganda machine has been reporting on it relatively regularly until early 2022, ever since, there’s been a disturbing trend of whitewashing amid attempts to portray the Neo-Nazi junta as some sort of “heroes of the free world”.

Resistance to the Occupation of Palestine Heats Up the Egyptian-Israeli Border

By Steven Sahiounie, June 07, 2023

Egypt and Israel are jointly covering up the true story of how three Israeli soldiers were killed near their shared border on June 3.  Just like their 1979 joint peace treaty, they are jointly spinning a media story to distract attention from the real issue behind the deaths: the brutal Israeli military occupation of Palestine.

The Great COVID Death Coverup

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 07, 2023

Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence; 76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%.

Rule by Decree: The Emergency State’s Plot to Override the Constitution

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, June 07, 2023

We have become a nation in a permanent state of emergency. Power-hungry and lawless, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expand its powers and justify all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security.

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How Empire Fabricates Atrocities

June 8th, 2023 by Kim Petersen

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Another atrocity. Yesterday, the dam holding back the waters for the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was destroyed releasing a massive flood surge, imperiling people and places below the dam on the Dnieper River. Both sides blamed each other. From the Russian standpoint, it makes no sense to blow up the dam. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, it was a desperate attempt to improve the defensive positions of Ukrainian forces. It is the latest atrocity in this war. On 26 September 2022, the Nord Stream pipelines were blown up. Ukraine and western monopoly media blamed Russia. Again, it makes no sense that Russia would blow up pipelines to deliver its gas. Reputable journalist Seymour Hersh made clear his case that the United States, aided by Norway, sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines. Russia is no longer blamed.

Atrocities and the disinformation surrounding them is the subject of an important book by AB Abrams, Atrocity Fabrication and Its Consequences: How Fake News Shapes World Order (Clarity Press, 2023). It is an important book because it delivers an incisive account on how hegemony is systematically conducted by the US Empire. It cuts through the disinformation used to foment wars by the US, backed by its allies. What the US is engaged in is aggression, what the Nuremberg Tribunal deemed “the supreme international crime”; thus, it undermines the US Constitution. It also creates a pretext for the US to attempt an overthrow of governments it doesn’t like, killing and displacing people, destroying infrastructure and economies, and leaving devastated lands to rebuild (often with treasuries and resources looted by the US).

The table of contents is a lead-in to how Atrocity Fabrication reveals the systematic nature of hegemony: Cuba and Viet Nam, the US war in Korea, the disinformation about a massacre in Tiananmen Square, the first US war in the Gulf (i.e. war on Iraq), the US war on Yugoslavia, the second US war on Iraq, creating conflict with North Korea, the NATO-Libyan war, the western-backed insurgency in Syria, and the demonization of the rising economy of China.

In each of these ten chapters, Abrams adumbrates some historical background, and a pattern of what is inimical to Empire is spelled out: anti-communism, control of resources wherever they may be, and instilling and maintaining obedience to Empire.

Abrams makes clear what the rules-based order is: rules decided by the US for other countries; however, the US is above the law. The order is enforced by the US as it sees fit.

It was clear that Yugoslavia’s military had not been defeated, but attacks on civilian targets and its economy had terrorised it into submission. (p 241)

Yet, the US usually does not openly flout the laws. It will create pretexts, surround itself with supportive international actors, and call upon its stenographic media. This is one stage of atrocity fabrication. For instance, Saddam Hussein’s weapons-of-mass-destruction in Iraq and the purported genocide in Xinjiang. Abrams brings this sleazy tactic to the fore.

Western reports were notably frequently sympathetic towards the perpetrators of terror attacks in China, with commentaries published that would be unimaginable if Western or Western-aligned countries had been similarly targeted. (p 455)

Perhaps the worst of all fabrications is the false flag. This is when a massacre is perpetrated and the perpetrator lays the blame laid elsewhere, thereby creating a false casus belli. Such an atrocity fabrication may willfully sacrifice innocent people to attain a foreign policy objective. One example of this was the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government. The West seized upon this to vilify Syrian leader Bashar al Assad. Or the warmaker will use the fabrication to justify one’s own hand in mass killing by blaming the other side. This Madeleine Albright did when she infamously said the deaths of half a million Iraqi children was a price worth achieving US policy objectives.

Demonizing the leader of a country that the US identifies as an enemy state (i.e., a state that is not sufficiently obedient) is another important weapon in the arsenal of Empire. Thus Assad, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, Slobodan Miloševic, the Kims in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and Muammar Gaddafi are all caricatured along the lines of the WWII boogeyman, Adolf Hitler. Today, the US excoriates Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Nicolás Maduro, and anyone else who does not bend to Empire.

U.S. print media notably likened Hussein to Hitler 1,035 separate times. (p 163)

The French humanitarian NGO Medecins du Monde even spent $ 2 million on a publicity campaign promoting juxtaposed pictures of Hitler and President Milosevic, … (p 215)

In attaining its objectives, the US will stoop to whatever means it deems necessary. Atrocity Fabrication is replete with the most sordid acts of criminality: massacres, rapes and violent sexual indecencies, torture, burying people alive, brutalizing prisoners-of-war, using cluster bombs, napalm, depleted uranium. The book must be read to grasp the inhumanity and perversion of warmakers.

Whatever and whoever, thus, the US will ally with Islamic terrorist groups such as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), al Qaeda, and Islamic State (IS) — and even retract the designations of groups formerly held to be terrorist, such as the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) and Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK). In other words, the terrorist enemy of a US enemy is no longer a terrorist. Too often, it is those actors wielding the term terrorist that may be the biggest terrorist. As the noted linguist Noam Chomsky stated in the film Power and Terror (2002): “Everybody’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: stop participating in it.”

The US-aligned world has regularly resorted to propping up defectors and encouraging false narratives. Along with this is the often insidious role played by NGOs to bring down governments.


People need to inform themselves; Atrocity Fabrication arms the reader with information to ponder and to think past mind-numbing patriotism.

This is the third book that I have read by AB Abrams, so I am aware of the depth of research, the substantiated factuality, the logic, and the implicit morality that led to these books being written. Books by Abrams are critical reading.

It is clear that there is a rogue entity beholden to its oligarchic class and that this lawless class seeks full spectrum domination through whatever means. That Empire and hegemony persist in the 23rd century is condemnatory; enlightened and morally centered people must  relegate such criminality to an atavistic past.

Don’t be deceived by the warmaking demagogues. Refuse to be an accomplice to killing. Life is meant for all humans to live together in peace.


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Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He can be emailed at: kimohp at He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Media Hypocrisy and History Regarding NATO Expansion

June 8th, 2023 by Dr. Walter Block

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The Wall Street Journal of March 31, 2023 (page A20, if you must know) featured this headline: “Turkey’s Parliament Ratifies NATO bid.” Here is the first paragraph of this entry:

“The Turkish parliament ratified Finland’s entrance into the NATO on Thursday, removing the last obstacle to a historic expansion of the alliance in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” [Emphasis Added]

Wait a sec. If event B is a response to event A, A must necessarily come first in time, B only afterward. If B occurs first, this event can hardly be considered a response to A.

Let us do a little bit of history here. During the Cold War, NATO and the Warsaw Pact contended with one another. Then, in 1991, the Soviet Union ended. What should have then happened, for a true peace, was both military alliances should have disbanded. Or perhaps, turned into an organization that comprised both of them. But the Warsaw Pact dissolved, and NATO remained.

East and West Germany were combined in 1990. Promises were then made by NATO not to expand in an eastward direction. This agreement was broken upon numerous occasions.

And when, pray tell, did Russia invade Ukraine? Why, it was not until 2022, decades after NATO began its eastward move.

So what was a “response” to what? Obviously, the Russians responsively engaged in a war not so much against Ukraine; rather, in confrontation with all of the NATO countries. NATO instigated this war between Russia and Ukraine by expanding eastward. Russia, for many years, protested and warned against this aggressive activity, but to no avail. Finally, in 2022, this country took responsive action.

Robert D. Kaplan (also writing in The Wall Street Journal, titled “Putin’s Shakespearian Demons”) is having none of this. Suggests this worthy:

“Would Europe today be at peace with Mr. Putin’s Russia had NATO not expanded east after the cold war…? Certainly not.”

Does he give any reasons for this contention of his? Certainly not. Instead, he waxes eloquent about alternative history. He offers his thoughts on what he imagines would have occurred in the absence of the NATO eastward march.

To summarize: Putin’s Russia would have been a bully, controlling the areas between Germany and his country, and impoverishing them all.

One way to refute this is to consider Russia’s, well, the USSR’s westward march. You say there was no such westward march? You are mistaken. They “marched” into Cuba in 1962 and parked a few weapons of mass destruction there. (To contextualize that initiative, at that time the U.S. had located similar weaponry in several countries surrounding the USSR. Further, these countries had joined NATO; Greece and Turkey in 1952; West Germany in1955.)

How did the United States react to what it regarded as a serious provocation on its very borders? (Cuba is only 90 miles away from Florida.) Uncle Sam organized a naval blockade of the island nation.

But a blockade is an act of war! If Ukraine were an island, quite possibly Russia would not have physically invaded it. It might well have followed the example of the U.S. and blockaded that island of Ukraine. Hey, I can also do a bit of alternative history and alternative geography to boot! I have learned from the master of this sort of thing, Robert D. Kaplan.

In other words, the U.S. did in Cuba almost precisely what it is now blaming Russia for doing in Ukraine. There is a word for this sort of thing. Wait, I think I’ve got it…Yes, hypocrisy! Kaplan is also a master of that characteristic. Notice the level of patience between the two super powers. The U.S. waited only a matter of hours before the provocation of Russia to engage in an act of war. Russia? Decades.

Question: how many times in history has Russia invaded the United States? Answer, zero.

Question: how many times has the United States invaded Russia? Answer: one.

This occurred at the end of the first world war.

However, if we ask how many time has Russia been invaded by any and all countries in NATO, the answer is in the dozens.

Can we really blame them for being concerned with the possibility of western military equipment, up to and including weapons of mass destruction, being placed in a neighboring country, Ukraine, courtesy of NATO?

Imagine if we all lived in the land now occupied by Russia and they occupied the territory of the 50 states. Moscow and Leningrad are ours, they own New York City and Los Angeles and everything in between. All else remains the same: the history, the language, the culture, the people.

How would we feel about the eastward movement by NATO? (Russia now being the leader and most powerful member of that organization.)

Answer: we would not be happy campers. How is it possible that intelligent experts such as Kaplan cannot see matters through the eyes of the other guy? Answer: I don’t know.


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Dr. Walter Block is the Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Economics at Loyola University and a senior fellow at the Mises Institute.

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These quotations taken from the following video production, brilliantly reflect what is going on today: 

“Directed Evolution”, Final Days

Worldwide Premiere, Stew Peters, Nano-architectonics Explained, (Matthew Skow, Nick Stumphauzer – BitChute video 1:05:06 – 1 June 2023).
  • “The Power of Technology has already destroyed the Foundation of Civilization.”
  • “The Technological Cycle – is the progression from man to Machine.” 
  • “The ‘Demonic Intent’ is to weaken us on a civilizational level.”
  • “The ‘Demonic Intent’ – the fine print. The true motivation.”
  • “The ‘devil’ has the power to grant us material things, but only if we accept his pact.”
  • “Giving you some measure of material power is easy for the ‘devil’, because in the end he gets exactly what he wants.”
  • “Our soul cannot be stolen, unless we give it away.”
  • “Have you ever signed a Terms of Agreement without reading it? – Then it may already be too late.”
  • “There are always two sides to the ‘demonic pact’. The initial and beneficial effect, and the payment.”
  • “The full extent of this cost is hidden. You may find out when it is already too late.”
  • “We are destroying the planet along with our own minds and bodies.”
  • “It is the soul of the fool, who dares to ‘dance with the devil’.”


What better proof of “dancing with the devil” than true life examples.

“Hell is Empty, The Devils are All Here”, William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2

The Gothard Base Tunnel 

Watch this 6-min video clip of the Gotthard Base Tunnel Opening Ceremony, on 1 June 2016, in Switzerland prior to viewing “Directed Evolution”, Final Days. 

This was one of the most blatant announcements of what was to come just 4 years later. Hardly anybody noticed at the time. Most people in Switzerland ignored it. They still ignore it today. The “Luciferian Event” was attended by high-level politicians and celebrities from all over Europe, and some from other parts of the world. 

The event was sponsored by the Swiss Government at a cost of about CHF 8 million (US$ 8.3 million).

The entire Swiss Government, Federal Council and some Swiss Congress people were present at the Gotthard inauguration. 

Also present were Germany’s Angela Merkel, France’s François Hollande, Italy’s Matteo Renzi, and Austrian chancellor Christian Kern. The European Union was represented by Transport Commissioner, Violeta Bulc. Most likely other European and world politicians and celebrities were also participating. There were around 500 VIPs and “famous people” on the first train passing through the tunnel.

In addition, the event attracted a press pool of more than 300 journalists from all over the world, Europe, the US and as far away as China, Russia, Kuwait, Turkey, Japan, and more.

The presumed “Death Cult” cannot succeed, nor survive, without warning us all the time. This is a condition of their “underworld existence”. And warnings we have received many over the past hundred years, or so. We have ignored most of them. 

Granted, talking about “a dark diabolical Cult”, responsible for what humanity is going through since the beginning of 2020, calling The Great Reset, The UN Agenda 2030, and ultimately the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an evil-spirited and inspired plan, sounds for most like “conspiracy theory”.

It is not.

In fact, what is going on is an “evil conspiracy” of the most extreme and potentially final form, if We the People let it happen.

But, without We, the People, being aware of what is going on, we cannot stop it.

Despite all repeated warnings that the Cult must give us – see for example the Gotthard tunnel inauguration, video above – we have been too complacent, not paying attention, being diverted by material things, by little pleasures, like “catching-up” after the three years of covid restrictions, with spending money on consumerism, travel, “gourmand” wishes, in short: We deserve it. That is what we think.

Do we really deserve it?

Nothing comes from nothing.

Don’t you think this is part of the diabolical plan?

Giving us a retrieve after the Covid disaster? Diverting our attention with a trip to an exotic island; a perfect diversion from their final plan being prepared underground or behind black curtains?

To continue deserving a decent biological life, as we have known up to the designated “evil decade” 2020-2030, or the Great Reset – intimately linked to the 4th Industrial Revolution, we must work for it, for ourselves and foremost for our kids and their children. 

The transformations planned by the upper spheres of the financial establishment through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and synthetic biology, will not just rest within our generation. They are passed on to future generations with the deadly extermination effects, as we are being warned about NOW. See below.

All the while we are engulfed in pleasure-catching-up pastimes, the monstrous bulldozer of transforming the surviving humans into controllable and manipulable transhumans continues, RELENTLESSLY. Please, do not be fooled. Open your eyes.

The two principal participants in this mind-boggling presentation of “Final Days” – what may also be called “Directed Evolution” – are Dr. Karen Kingston, former Pfizer, employee and biotech analyst, talking about synthetic biology, and Dr. Ana Mihalcea, researcher into nanotechnology injected with the C19 “vaxxes” during the plandemic. She talks about blood clots discovered in living patients containing hydrogel. We are witnessing the merging of synthetic biology with human biology, she says.

Dr. Mihalcea is also the author of “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity” .

They are in the forefront explaining how covid injections were never just about Reducing Population, but much worse than their deadly side effects, they are about transhumanism.

Dr. Kingston also reveals that their plan was – and if we allow it, still is – a lifetime of injections, a lifetime of system’s upgrades, à la Microsoft. Do we remember, who if behind Microsoft?

This information apparently stems from the patent itself.

Dr. Kingston and Dr. Mihalcea also reveal that AI has already much more progressed than we thought, being already in control of people who were injected with Pfizer and Moderna potions containing carbon oxides which, once in your body, become highly magnetic, thus manipulable by 5G microwaves.

“Directed Evolution”, Final Days

Worldwide Premiere, Stew Peters, Nano-architectonics Explained, (Matthew Skow, Nick Stumphauzer – BitChute video 1:05:06 – 1 June 2023).

Towards Digital Tyranny

It might be revealing in this Final Days video contains a 2016 clip of an interview of Klaus Schwab, WEF, telling the Swiss French TV moderator that by 2025 we may be all chipped to become transhumans, being able to interface with the electronic world.

The TV reporter is stunned, has an embarrassed smile, no words. See the interview with Schwab  followed by Peter Koenig’s analysis below. 

Global Research Video:  Klaus Schwab interviewed by TV Suisse.

Comments and Analysis by Peter Koenig

Click here to link to bitchute version

Isn’t it a strange coincidence that this interview takes place around the same time as the “Luciferian” Gotthard inauguration? Another warning, we obviously ignored.

“Evil science” is at the verge of introducing technology that mimics biology with the intention of converting all biological lifeforms into technological life forms.

AI is aiming at exterminating humans through Synthetic Biology. That is their ultimate goal. The longer we close our eyes to this reality, the faster they advance with their deadly agenda.

What is synthetic biology? It is meat without cows and eggs without chicken, it is all lab-made food.

Similarly, in the human body it means, our natural biology is being transformed into synthetic biology, into nanotechnology that answers no longer to human emotions, but to electronic impulses from outside, i.e. 5G microwaves, soon to be complemented by 6G.

We may become manageable from outside, by the Masters-that-be, without even knowing it. Some of us most likely already are.

The Transhumanist Agenda 

These “vaxx” concoctions are genius, evil genius, but genius nonetheless, as they change the very essence about humanity, altering the human to merge it with the machine. Karen Kingston reveals that all covid injections approved by WHO had tracking and tracing capabilities inside the human being.

Dr. Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea also join Maria Zeee to expose their correlating findings that confirm the hypothesis regarding the transhumanist agenda.

Human beings are being replaced with synthetic biology, the strange clots being found inside people causing them to die suddenly is hydrogel (programmable matter), and AI may be far more advanced than we could have imagined, already in the process of exterminating humanity.

Their interview with Maria ZeeeZeee Media – is complementary to Final Days

Video: AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology


Nobody in his right mind can believe that reputed organizations like, the entire UN system, with its Secretary General, António Guterres; WHO, with its Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – both in office since 2017; GAVI, the Vaccination Alliance; the World Bank, the IMF, the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Geneva, the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) in Basle, the Club or Rome in Winterthur, strangely, all in Switzerland – plus a myriad of international and regional organizations are following a diabolical agenda to bring about the end of humanity as we know it, for power and control.

But, yes, that is the way it is. None of these organizations has an awakened human being at its helm, who dares defending the truth, defending humanity against these “diabolical monsters”, None. They may be threatened and/or rewarded for doing “the devil’s bidding”, aka. bribes and corruption. 

Nobody will believe that these “people” which oversea the World’s financial structures and institutions are non-people, that they are “envoys of an underworld”, intent upon destroying the planet’s civilization.

The driving force is “profit”, the destruction of sovereign nation states and the corporate acquisition and AI transformation of the global economy and the military industrial complex. There is a World Government Project behind the “Cult”, controlled by the upper spheres of the financial establishment. 

For most normal living beings, such assumptions are “conspiracy theories”.

What if they are true conspiracies? Not theories, but real conspiracies?

Think about it.

Their best weapon is making us believe that we are “conspiracy theorists”, that we are sick in our brains… as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the all domineering Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing out in full, ready to kill who ever rebels. 

As this video – “Directed Evolution” says, Our Soul cannot be stolen, unless we give it away.”

While watching the video, you will find many historic events that remind you of having seen them, experienced them, lived through them, before, but never connected the dots. Now is the time.

The Great Reset is in full swing. If we follow the UN Agenda 2030, it would tell us, we are not even halfway through. But that too is a lie.

We know from George Orwell’s “1984” – nothing is what it appears.

Everything is deceptions and lies.

Lie is truth, and War is Peace.

Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, we do not have until 2030 to stand up and defend our rights and our lives. The Great Reset, with covid as THE opportunity to Reset the World – in the name of the noble UN Agenda 2030, is precipitating upon us.

Covid is THE opportunity to reset the world — Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, and all those WEF scholars of Young Global Leaders (YGL), infiltrated in Governments around the world (Schwab’s words), in unison, is also beautifully reflected in the Final Days video.

We are flocking, ever more running, to an abyss – which with every day is moving closer.

Most of us, still have no clue.

Twenty-thirty is a Great Deception. The Great Reset is advancing in giant steps. We do not have six years left. We have zero time left.

It is now.

We MUST act NOW.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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June 7, 2023

Was the Kiev regime  behind the plot to blow-up the dam? “A war crime” against the Ukrainian people, instigated by the Zelensky government?  

The mainstream media in chorus blames Russia. (See our analysis of the MSM media coverage below). 

Ask yourself, why on earth would Russia flood its own positions within the territories under its control?

Our message to MSM journalists: It’s “elementary logic”. Use your common sense. Why would they do it?  A “Russian Roulette style ritual Hara-kiri” ordered by the Kremlin? 

The impacts on people’s lives are devastating in both Ukraine and Russia. 

The blow-up of the dam has had repercussions on the supply of water to Crimea, which visibly is to the detriment of  Russia. See map below. 



Was US-NATO complicit in the conduct of this criminal agenda?

See Moscow’s standpoint in the following text issued by the Russian Embassy in the UK:

“We took note of the fact that the unannounced visit to Kiev by #UK  Foreign Secretary @JamesCleverly  on 5-6 June occurred at the same time as the sharp increase in military activities by the AFU along with #Kievregime’s attempts to destabilise the situation in bordering Russian regions. 

These circumstances can hardly be considered a coincidence. A personal visit by a high-ranking British emissary and his encouraging public statements cannot be viewed by the Western-controlled Kiev regime as anything other than an endorsement to engage in further military adventures and acts of sabotage against the peaceful citizens of Russia – for instance, the intentional destruction of facilities of the #Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station which can lead to dramatic humanitarian consequences for the civilian population of the flooded territory.
London’s longstanding deliberate efforts to escalate the anti-Russian proxy conflict in #Ukraine, including by supplying Kiev with more lethal and long-range offensive weapons, leave no doubt that words of peace and value of Ukrainian lives mean nothing to London. In this context Mr Cleverly’s enthusiastic musings about the blooming of flowers and leaves in Kiev sound particularly cynical.”


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Update, June 7, 2023

Below is the detailed article published by Global Research on June 6, 2023


The Western media in chorus is blaming the Russians without acknowledging the fact that the issue of the Hydroelectric Kakhovskaya Dam had been brought to the attention of the United Nations Security Council back on October 21, 2022. 

The document was made available to all members of the UN Security Council. 

The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres was fully aware of the letter addressed to him by Russia’s UN Permanent Representative regarding Kiev’s plan to blow up the dam. 

What did he do? Nothing.The UNSC had the responsibility to open an investigation. 


Russian MFA Spox Maria #Zakharova: On October 21, 2022, Russia’s Ambassador to the UN sent a letter to the UN Secretary General regarding the Kiev regime’s plans to destroy the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam in Kherson province.

Here is a question for @antonioguterres: what has been done?

Here’s the letter:


Russia had warned of potential catastrophic flooding and loss of life (see October 21, 2022 advisory to UNSC). In recent months, Russia conducted the evacuation of people on the East side of the Dnieper.

And here is the coverage of the mainstream media, casually blaming Russia, without a shred of evidence:

“Everything is going to die here,’ a man named Serhiy living in Kherson said. ‘All the living creatures, and people will be flooded out.

‘People will suffer. There’s already no water coming out of taps – why not, no one knows.’

Other Kherson residents said the water level in some parts of the city had already reached 9ft high and they could see more water headed their way.

Ukrainian authorities have previously warned that the dam’s failure could unleash 18million cubic meters (4.8billion gallons) of water and flood Kherson and dozens of other towns and settlements, home to hundreds of thousands of people. 

The cause of the blasts is not yet clear, although Ukraine warned late last year that Russian forces had mined the dam as they retreated from Kherson and Ukraine’s state hydroelectric company said the Kakhova plant was destroyed by an explosion in the engine room – suggesting it was attacked from within rather than by external strikes.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday told a Vatican peace envoy that the destruction of the Kakhovka dam would have ‘dire consequences’ for people and nature.

‘This crime carries enormous threats and will have dire consequences for people’s lives and the environment,’ he told Italian cardinal Matteo Zuppi as the two met in Kyiv, according to a presidency statement.

As tens of thousands of Ukrainians flee their homes…

  • Ukraine’s state hydroelectric company said the Kakhovka plant was totally destroyed by an engine room blast
  • Ukrainian prime minister Denys Shmyhal said that up to 80 settlements are at risk of flooding
  • Kyiv officials alleged that Moscow destroyed the dam in order to slow down its long-awaited counteroffensive
  • Zelensky said that Russian forces must be ‘expelled from every corner’ of his nation for their ‘terrorist actions’
  • Moscow has blamed Kyiv’s forces for the strikes on the dam which is in Russian-held territory  (Daily Mail, June 6, 2023)

According the NBC (June 6,2023) quoting “authoritative” sources as well as US “intelligence” which need to be “declassified”:   

“The United States government has intelligence that is leaning toward Russia as the culprit of the attack on the dam in Ukraine, according to two U.S. officials and one Western official.

President Joe Biden’s administration was working to declassify some of the intelligence and share it as early as Tuesday afternoon.

The motive behind the explosion was still being assessed, but the collapse appears likely to make it more difficult for Ukrainian forces to conduct a river crossing and also presents a difficult humanitarian challenge, the Western official said. (NBC, June 6, 2023, emphasis added)

Why on earth would they blow up the Kakhovka dam, which is in territory under Russian control. 

According to independent geopolitical analyst Don Hank

The Russian Ministry of defense has been warning for over a year now that the Kiev regime is  likely to collapse the dam up river from Kherson and cause a catastrophe.

Well, sure enough, today [June 6, 2023] they did just that and the West is stupidly buying into the propaganda that the Russians are to blame.

Of course the Russians wouldn’t destroy their own dam, [In territory they control] but if the combined West admits that the Russians were right all along and that their “Nazi pals” burst the dam, that would be bad publicity for Washington.

In the case of the Nord Stream sabotage, they pretended to start an “investigation” that went nowhere, but this time, the unbiased UN chief just skipped that step and laid it right on Putin, exonerating the Nazis from the outset.” 

Informed and officially advised on October 21, 2022 (with distribution to all members of the UNSC)  here is UNSG’s Antonio Guterres’ response regarding the destruction of the dam. 

UN Secretary-General António Guterres pleaded ignorance: “he told reporters in New York outside the Security Council that the UN had no access to independent information to verify how the catastrophe had occurred.” That’s an outright lie. 


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Featured image: Kakhovka hydroelectric station, Nova Kakhovka, Kherson Oblast, Ukraine (Licensed under the Public Domain)

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At the meeting of South American presidents in Brasilia, the Chilean representative criticized the human rights situation in Venezuela.

Since his inauguration as President of Brazil in January 2023, Lula da Silva has endeavored to relaunch the process of regional cooperation in a fragmented and divided continent.[1] To this end, he organized the South American Summit, which brought together the zone’s presidents on May 29 and 30, 2023, to strengthen integration and dialogue between the various nations, including Venezuela. This country has been subject to extremely severe economic sanctions imposed by the United States for years, which seriously undermine the fundamental rights of Venezuelans.[2]

President Lula denounced the ostracism and the political, economic, diplomatic and media warfare against Venezuela, pointing to “the narrative that has been built up against Venezuela, of anti-democracy, of authoritarianism”, particularly for ideological reasons. He also criticized the double discourse of certain countries: “It is very strange [that]the demands of the democratic world vis-à-vis Venezuela are absent for Saudi Arabia”.[3]

Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou and Chilean President Gabriel Boric criticized Lula’s comments on Venezuela. While the conservative Uruguayan leader’s stance came as little surprise, that of the center-left Chilean leader aroused more incomprehension. The latter insisted on “the pain of hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who are today in our homeland”, without saying a word about the US economic sanctions that are suffocating the country and are the main cause of this exodus. “Human rights must always and everywhere be respected”, he concluded.[4]

Two realities call into question the sincerity of the Chilean leader’s concerns. Firstly, Amnesty International’s latest report on the human rights situation in Latin America is damning for many countries. Based on the factual reality of this study, it is not possible to point the finger specifically at Venezuela on this issue. Human rights violations are numerous and serious throughout the continent.[5]

Secondly, to set oneself up as a judge, it is essential to have the necessary moral authority. However, Amnesty International’s latest report on Chile in 2022/23 should have prompted Gabriel Boric to show more humility. Indeed, the institution denounced the impunity enjoyed by state agents responsible for “human rights violations”. AI also pointed out that the forces of law and order had been guilty of “crimes against humanity” and “torture and other ill-treatment” during the 2019 social crisis. Similarly, AI reported numerous “arbitrary arrests”: “Many [people] were acquitted for lack of evidence after spending long periods in pre-trial detention”. AI also reported cases of “torture and other ill-treatment” of patients at a psychiatric hospital and stressed that, far from prosecuting those responsible for these crimes, “the Valparaiso public prosecutor’s office has asked for the case to be dropped”.[6]

In front of the cameras, Gabriel Boric had expressed his compassion for Venezuelan migrants and refugees. In reality, however, this was an insincere posture for the press. Amnesty International has denounced violations of “the rights of refugees and migrants” in Chile. “The authorities have resumed immediate expulsions of foreigners without assessing their need for international protection”.[7] AI even sent an open letter to Gabriel Boric expressing its “grave concern about the situation of people in need of international protection at the border between Chile and Peru”, denouncing the “deployment of armed forces and the establishment of a state of emergency”, measures contrary to “Chile’s international obligations”.[8]

In view of all this, Gabriel Boric does not have the moral authority to comment on the human rights situation in Venezuela. His statements are motivated more by political considerations and the desire to curry favor with certain sectors than by genuine concern for Venezuela’s fate. If the Chilean President is concerned about the well-being of the Venezuelan people, he should condemn the US economic sanctions against Caracas and demand their immediate lifting.


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Salim Lamrani holds a doctorate in Iberian and Latin American Studies from Sorbonne University, and is a lecturer at the University de La Réunion, specializing in relations between Cuba and the United States. He is a regular contributor to and Global Research. 


[1] Voz of America, « Presidentes sudamericanos buscan mayor integracion en Brasil », 29 May 2023. (Accessed 1st June 2023).

[2] Ministério das Relaçãos Exteriores, « Consenso de Brasília », 30 May 2023. (Accessed 1st June 2023).

[3] BBC News Mundo, « ‘No es una construccion narrativa, es la realidad’ : las criticas de los presidentes de Chile y Uruguay a Lula por sus palabras sobre Venezuela », 31 May 2023. (Accessed 1st June 2023).

[4] Ibid.

[5] Amnesty International, « Rapport annuel 2022/23. La situation des droits humains dans le monde », 27 March 2023. (Accessed 1st June 2023).

[6] Amnesty International, « Rapport annuel. Chili 2022 », 27 March 2023. (Accessed 1st June 2023).

[7] Ibid.

[8] Amnesty International, « Chili et Pérou. Lettre ouverte à la présidente Dina Boluarte et au président Gabriel Boric », 4 May 2023. (Accessed 1st June 2023).

Featured image: Gabriel Boric during his inauguration ceremony, on 11 March 2022. (Licensed under CC BY 3.0 cl)

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America Is No Longer Exceptional

June 7th, 2023 by Dr. Gary Null

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We have moved well beyond the years when the myth of American exceptionalism should have been abandoned. Yet this myth persists despite the hysteria and chaos ripping the nation into unrecognizable shreds. America is spiritually bankrupt. “We suffer from a spiritual blackout,” writes American philosopher and public intellectual Cornel West.

According to West, the nation’s spiritual blackout “is characterized by a culture of superficiality, where appearance matters more than substance, and people are more concerned with image and spectacle than with cultivating genuine relationships and meaningful connections.”

We have become a nation obsessed with trivial beliefs about freedom and individualism at the expense of higher virtues.

We sit paralyzed on a precipice incapable of restoring sanity to a regime built upon ever-contradictory propaganda, lies, deception and media indoctrination.

The tyranny and derangement of the country’s collectivist ego has overthrown and usurped the democracy of the soul, a fear that did not go unnoticed by the Constitution’s drafters. The nation’s founders recognized the crucial dangers that the loss of ethical and tolerant virtues posed to the preservation of functioning democracy.

During his speech at the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin warned, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” And in a letter to the Massachusetts Militia in 1798, John Adams wrote, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

These voices should encourage us to pause and reflect for a moment on how the country has become unmoored and now drifts aimlessly in an ocean of social turbulence, uncertainty, and moral emptiness.

America had its moment of exceptionalism. That time has rapidly waned. For a growing number of developing nations, the old canards of John Winthrop’s “shining city upon a hill,”

Abraham Lincoln’s “hope of the world”, and FDR’s “beacon of democracy” are hollow banalities. “America is great because she is good,” wrote de Tocqueville, “If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

Nations, especially in Africa and Latin America no longer regard Washington’s foreign policy as a force for good. Last month, the number of countries that have applied for BRICS membership increased to thirty. As the US sends State Department and Pentagon officials to persuade African, Gulf states and Asian leaders to turn away from China and Russia, they now return home empty handed aside from harsh reprimands about American hypocrisy, electoral interference, militaristic bullying, sanctions as an economic weapon and unfair trade agreements and international bank loans. Within the new emerging multipolar world, the US, UK, EU and its few remaining allies seem guaranteed to be left in the cold if they continue with the nonsense of a US-based international order supported by the World Economic Forum’s dystopian aspirations.

But the US is not history’s first exceptional nation or empire. During the 208 year heyday of Pax Romana (27 BC to AD 180), Rome too was perceived as the world’s exceptional power. Similar to the US, Rome’s diversity allured foreigners throughout its empire – from Britannia, Hispania, Asia Minor, Dalmatia (modern Balkans) and beyond. People subservient to the harsher side of the Roman empire sought citizenship in order to gain access to civil rights, legal protections, social acceptance and greater opportunities for upward mobility.

Other citizenship perks included public education, healthcare, welfare services and grain security during times of food scarcity and famine. Yet the City of Seven Hills, the Urbs Aeterna or Eternal City’s, exceptionalism was short lasting. As several classical historians, notably Cullen Murphy and Mary Beard, have observed, the parallels between the demise of Rome and the US are striking. Military overextension and perverse war expenditures at the expense of domestic economic health, political instability due to corruption and power struggles, inflation and debt, erosion of civil institutions, and widespread moral decay in the pursuit of hedonic satisfaction rather than genuine well being and societal cohesion are all clear indicators that the US is following Rome’s trajectory to the dustbin of failed experiments in democratic governance.

Image: At the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. military to conduct a devastating aerial assault on Baghdad, known as “shock and awe.” (Source: Consortiumnews)

Surely, we witness these indicators of domestic and imperial decline plastered daily on our daily headlines and strangely exalted by mainstream media pundits. Continuing the façade of American military superiority as a means to bully nations into compliance with US interests is no longer justified. At one time or another during the past six decades, the US has supported every right wing dictatorship. Upon receiving the Nobel Prize in 2005, British playwright took the opportunity to rather brilliantly condemn US foreign policy:

“The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them… You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”

Actually, the United States has fared better than many of the nation’s founders expected. In his recent book, Fears of the Setting Sun, Syracuse University historian Dennis Rasmussen presents America’s founders’ disillusionment and pessimism about the Constitution and the Republic’s likely inability to preserve it. For Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton and John Adams the new constitutional experiment wouldn’t last beyond a generation.

However, rather than acknowledging the nation’s decline and taking progressive corrective measures, the decay and rot in the system is glossed over with an abnormal hubris of progress, manicured and fictitious statistics of economic growth. Our exceptionalism in the world is carried to the point of comic absurdity to convince us that we are all better off today than yesterday.

The recent debt ceiling crisis alone should awaken the public to Washington’s system malignancy. The federal government’s failures to lessen incurring national debt, now at $31.8 trillion with $188 trillion in unfunded liabilities, has led to a crisis of bankrupting the Treasury, which would spin the nation into a very long recession. Unsurprisingly the infinite lack of political wisdom in Washington has found ways to blame China and Putin for this financial crisis in order to deflect attention away from our elected leaders’ repulsive ineptitude.

Biden’s recent debt ceiling bill is simply a game of the duopoly parties exchanging bargaining chips. The bill only provides more time to cut the deficit a measly $1.5 trillion in a decade while increasing the defense budget to $886 billion in order to further feed Washington’s irrational obsessions to weaken Russia and plan for a confrontation with China. Within this madness, federal programs for poor working families and jobless individuals are downsized. The qualification age for food stamps, health coverage and income assistance within a “work-reporting” requirement has been increased; and this is coupled with slave labor restrictions that would pay qualified persons $3.51 per hour, approximately on par with the minimum wages of Cambodia and Myanmar.

The level of American illiteracy is astounding. The average American lives in an astral garbage heap of superstitions, legends, political clichés and meaningless slogans. This dark specter of media-controlled groupthink lingers over the heads of the misinformed. Following the warnings of social psychologist Leon Festinger in the 1950s, the American populace is being “deindividuated.”  

Deindividuation is a state whereby individuals lose their sense of self-awareness and their realistic and healthy personal identity in order to become part of a crowd that opposes other crowds. Normal moral restraints are cast aside and replaced by impulsive and deviant behavior.

The entire woke narrative giving way to antisocial behavior is a notable consequence of current deindividuation accelerating even into the halls of government and corporate boardrooms. Deindividuation may reinforce illiteracy and blatant stupidity. When Democrats brought Aimee Arrambide, an executive for an abortion rights organization, before the House Judiciary Committee to give testimony, she claimed men could get pregnant and have abortions.

One Biden judicial nominee didn’t know several articles to the Constitution that are prerequisites for every federal judge. Another nominee for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, refused to give her definition of a woman because she claimed she is not a biologist. Given the observable decline in the nation’s so-called intelligentsia, as the above examples show, it is reasonable to predict that few Americans likely know about the Bill of Rights and its two-year history of heated debates, contentions and numerous compromises and revisions between rival factions before the first ten amendments were ratified in 1791.

The Bill of Rights, a cornerstone of American democracy, was designed to safeguard individual liberties and limit government power. However, as society has evolved and now confronts unanticipated technological challenges in the 21st century, it becomes increasingly apparent that the Bill of Rights has serious shortcomings that undermine certain human rights and freedoms.

The challenges posed by digital technologies and more complex societal issues reveal the need for a nuanced and adaptive approach to protect individual rights and freedoms while preserving the nation’s fundamental principles. Without such reform, the Bill of Rights risks becoming an outdated fossil for safeguarding liberties.

With the arrival of the digital age, the First Amendment guaranteeing freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion is imperiled in ways the nation’s founders could never have predicted. Private tech corporations operating in collusion with federal intelligence agencies possess inordinate control over social media platforms and readily censor and suppress narratives contrary to their agendas of population control. This concentration of power, and the silencing of dissenting voices, highlights the limitations of the Bill of Rights to protect free speech in the 21st century.

The rapid development and infiltration of technology into every aspect of Americans’ lives has fundamentally altered the landscape of privacy rights. The Fourth Amendment, which was intended to protect against unwarranted searches and seizures, fails to sufficiently address the serious consequences of digital surveillance, mass data collection, and the invasive capabilities of modern technology. Without satisfactory and principled legal protections, widespread deployment of surveillance cameras, electronic monitoring, and the collection of personal information by both government and private corporations threaten the citizenry’s privacy.

Nor is the US’s most revered document, the US Constitution, as monolithic and everlasting in order to address the complexities of the modern world.  For example, the Electoral College outlined in the Constitution dismally fails to represent the will of the people in a population with 332 million citizens. The democratic principle of one person, one vote, is now completely undermined by the disproportionate allocation of electors that can override a majority vote. This discrepancy is clearly evident in recent elections, which has fuelled demands for an electoral reform to ensure elections more accurately reflects the vote of the people.

In addition, the absence of Congressional term limits horribly hinders the evolving needs of the nation at a time of increased acceleration of technology, climate change and shifting global economic partnerships. Without term limits, entrenched incumbents prioritize their personal and partisan interests over the welfare of their constituents. This has resulted in senior legislators being captured by corporate interests for decades. Consequently our political arena has become ineffectively stagnant with zero accountability and incapable of moving forward on critical reforms to stay abreast of domestic and international change.

Likewise, as the country grapples with 21st century complexities, the Constitution’s major points require careful ethical reevaluation by a new enlightened standard as a potential for reform. But sadly, no one in Washington reaches the caliber of integrity required to undertake such a moral assessment free from the three modern poisons of greed, power and influence.

In an effort to offer up a progressive platform to rekindle a flame for a democratic renaissance in the US, we proceed very cautiously. If history is any indicator of success, a progressive renaissance cannot rely solely on turning our gaze towards the past and what might have been. That too has its own audacity and fuels the illiteracy built into the fabric of the worst forms of nationalism. Again we are reminded of Jefferson’s words “Illiteracy is the enemy of progress and the ally of tyranny.”

Today, America qualifies as Nelson Mandela’s description of a “society in chains” — a citizenry now psychologically crippled for making informed decisions to participate thoughtfully in a democratic process. Consequently, a democratic renaissance can only proceed following a revitalization of moral and spiritual values that have universal appeal and can respect pluralist ideals both within and beyond our borders. This requires our elected leaders casting aside the pretentious vanity of exceptionalism that has caused a growing percent of the world’s population to despise us. To be worthy of participating in any viable possibility for a democracy in the 21st century, it is necessary to return to becoming John Adams’ “moral people.”

Progressive Action List

  • Create legislation to curtail the vulnerability of people’s savings accounts due to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.
  • Create a Marshall Plan to rebuild our forests to reduce the acceleration of climate change
  • Reverse Trump’s opening of public lands to private interests and implement a moratorium on private exploitation of national parks (eg, fossil fuels, mining, lumber)
  • Create a national food program to ensure that the 16 million hungry children in the US are fed.
  • Increase regulations on trading in those commodities that are essential to life such as food, crops, water privatization.
  • Moratorium on the Federal Reserve from giving no-interest loans to banks and corporations.
  • Declare a national moratorium on home foreclosures now that the US and Europe are on the verge of a new recession
  • Forgive student loan late fees and cap all interest on student loans at 1-2%.
  • Eliminate pay day loans and credit card interest rates, late or not, at 18% or more. Set maximum interest at approximately 10%
  • Support senior citizens with free community hospital service and food coops.
  • Eliminate all federal subsidies to fossil fuel industries of any kind.
  • Remove the influence of money from elections:
  1. Halt all corporate funding of candidates, PACs and political parties
  2. Forbid corporations to pubicly or privately endorse candidates or solicit endorsements or funding for candidates through the use of corporate resources; however, individual officers and employees of a corporation are free to endorse any candidate pubicly or privately .
  3. Forbid all sources of funding for a candidate except:
    1. Biological persons (including the candidate), with contributions capped at a maximum of $2,500 per person in order to prevent billionaires from buying the election with personal contributions
    2. A government election fund that gives money based on how much that candidate has received from individual contributions. (Contributions to a PAC or political party of a candidate will count against the $2,500 limit for that candidate, unless the party or PAC is running more than one candidate, in which case a person may contribute the maximum for each candidate backed by the party or PAC for each race, with the understanding that if a person is making multiple contributions for multiple candidates, the party or PAC must record each contribution and allot it to the candidacy of each candidate, the party or PAC cannot reallocate, combine or aggregate multiple contributions in a manner not intended by the individual who donated the funds.
  • Launch a federal review and audit of partisan astroturf groups (eg, ALEC, Americans for Prosperity, Center for American Progress, American Council on Science and Health, and support stronger laws to limit their influence on federal and state legislators
  • A congressional investigation into USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy to clean them of intelligence agency influence and/or interference so that they may serve their stated mission and cease serving as a vehicle of interference in or replacement of foreign governments.
  • Pardon all whistleblowers. Strengthen whistleblower protection laws and criminalize efforts to silence and threaten whistleblowers.
  • Campaign finance reform and return to manual balloting; cessation of gerrymandering — voting districts to be determined by independent, non partisan review based upon the specific needs of populations in the regions.
  • Normalize foreign relations with China and Russia and pivot from the unipolar agenda of the World Economic Forum and move closer towards a national recognition of the rapidly multipolar world that is dethroning the dollar’s hegemony.
  • Reduce military budget to a size no greater than needed to defend the nation from attack, while simultaneously converting our factories, manufacturing facilities, environmental resources, technology and labor from war making production to the production of consumer goods, infrastructure renewal, cultural enrichment and other socially beneficial ends – in effect, a reversal of WWII policies when peacetime factories, manufacturing facilities, environmental resources, technology and labor were converting from producing automobiles and other consumer goods to the production of military hardware and weapons. The government would use the no-longer exaggerated budget to smooth the conversion and retain the labor pool.
  • Begin closing the 800-plus foreign military bases that serve no defensive purpose while retraining and redeploying to civilian jobs the million-plus US service personnel currently deployed on military bases.
  • Cease conducting proactive and confrontational military exercises and war games near borers and territorial waters of Russia, China, Iran or any other nation that has not posed a direct threat to the US.
  • Ban interference or participation, overt or covert, in foreign domestic affairs or foreign military conflicts by US military or government personnel unless specifically authorized and funded by Congress for that specific circumstance.
  • Immediately cease current operations other than intelligence gathering by the 17 or more US intelligence agenices, and begin the process of defunding, destaffing and dismantling their capability to conduct such non-intelligence gathering operations..
  • Restore healthy relations with international institutions, especially the United Nations. As even the Democratic party propaganda mouthpiece, the Council on Foreign Relations, puts it: “Continuing to refuse to ratify the above treaties and countless others erodes US global leadership and sends a message to the rest of the world that the United States remains unwilling to commit to action on issues like human right and arms control. A stalwart commitment to narrow conception of national sovereignty and to the ideal of American exceptionalism undermine the United States’ ability to participate as a leader and partner on the international stage.”
  • Review and where advisable, reactivate, restore, ratify or sign international treaties and/or agreements that address word peace, defense, human rights and the environment, which virtually all nations have signed but which the US has either refused to sign, withdrawn from, terminated, or simply refused to honor. For example”
  1. Additional Protocols to the Geneva Convention that expanded the Geneva Convention to accommodate technological developments in international warfare after World War II.
  2. The Arms Trade Treaty intended to prevent and eradicate illicit trade and diversion of conventional arms by governing arms transfers.
  3. The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty that imposes a legally binding ban on nuclear explosive testing.
  4. Convention on Biological Diversity to establish an international framework for “conversation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources.
  5. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination that defines an international bill of rights for women to eliminate discrimination against women.
  6. The Landmine Ban Treaty (aka, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines).
  7. Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty adopted by the UN Assembly General in 1996 and ratified by 166 countries
  8. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
  9. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants and widely distributed toxic chemicals.
  10. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights that grants economic, social and cultural rights to non-self-governing and trust territories and individuals.
  11. UN Convention on the Law of the Sea that establishes a legal framework for all maritime activities.
  12. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which only the US and Somalia refused to ratify.
  13. International Labor Convention, which recognizes freedom of association and protection of the right to organize.
  14. Geneva Agreement of 1954 to end the Korean War and Vietnam War which the US refused to sign.
  15. Paris Climate Accord, which the Trump withdrew the US in 2017
  16. Convention on Torture
  17. Iran Nuclear Agreement.
  • Abandon the US-defined “rules based international order” in which the US has unilaterally arrogated to itelf the right to set those rules, as well as break or ignore them whenever it pleases or so desires.
  • Overall of the USDA and its ties to the agro-chemical and big food industries to strengthen scientific oversight on dangerous agricultural toxins damaging the environment and unhealthy food additives that impair health.
  • Federally mandate the labeling of foods containing GMO ingredients
  • Audit the Federal Reserve, the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, and the CIA, reducing their budgets to what is actually necessary for the nation’s security and defense, and make the budget public
  • Allow corporations that cannot be maintained to go through structured bankruptcy instead of a bailout.
  • Reject the ratification of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty
  • Universal healthcare under Medicare that includes some alternative medical therapies as in some other European nations
  • Create a national preventative health program.
  • Undertake an independent scientific review of the causes for our autism epidemic and support a concerted review of the role of the CDC’s vaccine schedule in the rise in childhood physical and mental illnesses.
  • Make efforts to revoke or substantially amend corporate privileges in Citizens United
  • Accelerate efforts to amend Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and expand the legal oversight to include large nonprofit internet organizations such as Wikipedia.
  • Regulation of the increasing use of Artifical Intelligence in areas where it may infringe on fundamental human rights
  • Initiate a proper, independent review and analysis of the short and long term implications of central bank digital currency replacing a cash society, social credit scores attached to block chain technologies, and vaccine passports.
  • Eliminate and/or set more strict rules on privatized prison systems; stop the growing practices of debtors prisons and bail for non-violent crimes.
  • Promote stronger prosecution of corporate and banking executives convicted of serious financial fraud and crimes
  • National program to have potential law enforcement officers undergo a psychological screening — many are former vets who have serious PTSD and other mental health issues


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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The most visible facet of the power structure guiding humanity toward a one world government is the World Economic Forum (WEF), an NGO sometimes called “the Davos Crowd”. Globalization, as outlined by David Rockefeller and James Warburg (“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”), is portrayed as unstoppable. WEF includes the world’s most powerful political and corporate players, and within it is the category of “co-curators” (i.e. organizers). 

Search WEF’s “Partners” and “Co-curators” and land here to find (scroll down) that among the 12 co-curators listed, are Harvard, Yale, MIT, Oxford and the Imperial College of London, all among the most influential universities in the world. The WEF itself is the result of a Harvard Project funded by the CIA, and The Imperial College was the source of the radically erroneous model used to justify the global economic lockdown.

The striking prevalence of both Harvard and Yale in influential blocs was described years earlier with regard to journalists at the NY Times and Washington Post, the two most powerful newspapers in the US. Ten of the most prominent at the Times had been students at Harvard or Yale (one at Oxford), and ten at the Post either Harvard or Yale (or both).

In addition, all members of the Supreme Court had been students at either Harvard or Yale, as had all presidents from 1989 to 2016 (Trump attended the University of Pennsylvania, also within the roster of Ivy League campuses). The CIA frankly favors Ivy Leaguers in its recruitment efforts, something Harvard students were complaining about in 1973 (Here too). Since 1973, 9 of the 18 CIA directors have attended Ivy League universities (Deutch attended MIT). As stated at Ivy CoachThe fact is, the Ivy League and the CIA remain intimately tied”. But the CIA is not alone, as Intel agencies generally infiltrate the academic world. 

Ivy League-trained journalists dominate in certain televised productions. As an example, consider the WGBH-TV ‘Frontline’ production “Putin’s Revenge”, allegedly “the inside story of how Vladimir Putin … decided to target an American election”. It aired in 2017, as Donald Trump had just astonished the world with his unexpected win of the US Presidency, and as claims of Trump-Russia collusion filled the air (Claims since refuted by the Durham Investigation). “Putin’s Revenge” was a classic “hit piece”, complete with sinister still shots of Putin. In this society that for 70 years has been largely managed militarily and economically, and coached socially, on the constantly reinforced image of Russia As Enemy, the following commentators, listed here with Ivy League links, were presenters in “Putin’s Revenge”:

  • Michael Crowley – Yale
  • Jake Sullivan – Yale (also Rhodes scholar)
  • Julia Ioffe – Princeton
  • Strobe Talbot – Yale
  • Thomas Graham – Yale
  • Evan Osnos – Harvard
  • Daniel Fried – Columbia
  • Stephen Hadley – Yale
  • Victoria Nuland – Brown (Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan, Harvard and Yale)
  • David Sanger – Harvard

Ivy League university outlook permeates the State Department, is found throughout federal agencies (e.g. DOJ’s Merrick Garland, Harvard; FBI’s Christopher Wray, Yale; ATF’s Steve Dettelbach, Harvard and Dartmouth) and the current Administration (e.g., Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Harvard and Columbia; Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Yale and Brown: Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, Harvard). Any intelligent neutral observer of the governmental-academic structure of the country would have to conclude that it is dominated by an establishment world view stemming from ruling class interests in league with intelligence and other governmental agencies, and that this is being funneled to a significant extent through universities of the Northeast Quadrant, particularly the eight of the Ivy League. 

Undergraduate students aiming for advance degrees are routinely advised to pursue graduate studies at universities other than the one at which they received their undergraduate degree. This is based on the logic that exposure to different faculties, with their distinctive perspectives, favors a broader outlook to a discipline. There is every reason to extend this reasoning to the academic world in general. Ivy League domination, with its uniformity of tradition and fidelity to official narrative, is a recipe for intellectual incest. 

Few have been more openly critical of this system than former Yale Professor William Deresiewicz, whose book, Excellent Sheep, describes Ivy students as trained into a “leadership” class protective of establishment values, which values they represent as they become influencers in government, law, media and higher education itself. And in an article he wrote“As two dozen years at Yale and Columbia have shown me, elite colleges relentlessly encourage their students to flatter themselves for being there, and for what being there can do for them”. 

The degree to which higher education is appreciated by students basically for what it can do in terms of career preparation and advancement has been a philosophic criticism for generations, as such an attitude counters all tendency toward idealism and the pursuit of knowledge and universal truth for its own sake. At the same time, as such a utilitarian frame of mind moves throughout the academic world, it smooths the way for planning to be carried out strictly on practical grounds unhindered by ethical judgment. 

Having spent 31 years on the faculty of a campus of the University of Wisconsin System, I have remained attentive to the System’s programs and was surprised to learn that the School of Journalism and Mass Communication (in Madison, the “flagship” campus) in 2021 had won a federal grant of $750,000 to (in the words of the title of the School’s own report) “combat misinformation about covid and the 2020 election”. The lead investigator is quoted: “This project will help determine what corrections of misinformation are effective and get that information to professional fact checkers, who can work in real time to correct misinformation circulating on social media”. The project, hence the School itself, in addressing specifically the two most controversial issues in the country, is assuming the government’s official accounts to be indisputable truth and is formulating strategy to attack, without due examination, conflicting accounts as “misinformation”.  

Now — and this may get to the heart of what “journalism” has become in America —  consider the name of the School since 1970. Question: Is there a suggestion of internal conflict in the name “School of Journalism and Mass Communication”? For me, yes there is. Journalism, theoretically, I understand to be based on objective reporting of “wherever the facts may lead” and built on the sanctity of the First Amendment. Mass Communication, based on evaluation of what I have seen, suggests agenda-driven propaganda aimed at influencing opinion within large populations. With the acceptance of $750,000, The School of Journalism and Mass Communication is openly reinforcing my understanding that what mainstream journalism has become is a sad and ugly truth. (Note: In May, 2023, I sent a request to the head of the School for information on the project. It has not been answered). 

Skip now to the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. The “and Public Health” was added in 2005, although public health, strictly speaking, is not about medicine but about policy*, and policy is driven not by science or straight logic but by raw political power, as the stupid and brutal Covid19 policy of the past three years has made obvious to anyone willing to look.

(See here courses, both core and elective, leading to the Masters in Public Health (MPH) at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, rated #1 in the US)

Wisconsin’s Chief Medical Officer, an MD on the faculty of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, has not only MPH from the Bloomberg School but also a PhD in public health from same. In August of 2020, five months into the contrived Covid19 Pandemic, he declared on Wisconsin state television that “Now the science is in. [Because of] recent studies with large numbers of patients in large numbers of countries….  we have hard evidence that risk of transmission goes down dramatically when people wear masks.” Requests sent to him for references went unanswered, because his claimed studies never existed. He lied, of course. In fact, all studies for decades had shown public masking has no measurable effect on transmission of respiratory viruses. But “public health experts” across the nation, like Wisconsin’s Chief Medical Officer, have been the leaders in the assault of Covid19 Policy. 

A doctor friend is heartbroken at the state of the medical profession, and I understand, because I feel likewise at what I have seen universities become. The American Academy at its most pompous and “prestigious” is a key element in the shameful corporate/governmental/academic system crushing society. All the rest of it, save for a minority of individuals here and there, seems to be little more than servant to power and hotbed of ‘going along to get along’.


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Bill Willers is an emeritus professor of biology, University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh. He is founder of the Superior Wilderness Action Network and editor of Learning to Listen to the Land, and Unmanaged Landscapes, both from Island Press. He can be contacted at [email protected]

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The unashamed glorification of Nazism has been the “new normal” in former Ukraine for nearly a decade now. And while even the mainstream propaganda machine has been reporting on it relatively regularly until early 2022, ever since, there’s been a disturbing trend of whitewashing amid attempts to portray the Neo-Nazi junta as some sort of “heroes of the free world”. Worse yet, it was Russia and its leadership that have been openly portrayed as the “new Nazi Germany”. Still, such analogies are quite laughable as it was the other side that has effectively institutionalized celebrating actual Nazis as “national heroes”.

Mainstream propaganda machine flagships such as The New York Times have recently been forced to admit their central role in whitewashing attempts that had long been obvious and known to virtually all independent analysts and media outlets. On June 5, NYT published a surprisingly honest report headlined “Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History.” This rather unexpected admission comes after years of countless people trying to point out the obvious adoration of Nazi insignia and symbolism among the Neo-Nazi junta forces, particularly the volunteer battalions that have been fighting the Donbass republics since 2014.

The sheer amount of footage, reports and other rather conclusive evidence about this makes anyone thinking otherwise willfully blind and/or ignorant. However, even in this case, the mainstream propaganda machine hadn’t engaged in honest reporting to try and expose (or at least criticize) the Kiev regime forces for what they are, but to complain about the fact that they’re not hiding this well enough. This obviously suggests that the real problem for the political West is the clear lack of PR optics from the Neo-Nazi junta. This is why numerous members of its armed forces are being asked to cover their openly Nazi symbols.

The NYT report expresses frustration over the PR effects of having so many Kiev regime soldiers displaying their Nazi symbols so proudly. However, even in this case, the mainstream propaganda machine is still trying to justify their favorite puppet regime by suggesting that countless photographs and videos of Neo-Nazi junta forces displaying their ideological forefathers’ insignia are merely “unfortunate” or even “misleading”. For instance, the report admits that “in each photograph, Ukrainians in uniform wore patches featuring symbols that were made notorious by Nazi Germany and have since become part of the iconography of far-right hate groups”.

Despite this admission, once again, we can see the obvious whitewashing attempt to imply that the Kiev regime forces have “inadvertently” adopted this from the aforementioned “far-right hate groups” instead from the Wehrmacht or their many European allies. The authors then begrudgingly admit that this has forced mainstream media editors and writers to delete footage of soldiers displaying Nazi insignia. However, even this admission is then wrapped into another layer of propaganda, as the report claims that “the photographs, and their deletions, highlight the Ukrainian military’s complicated relationship with Nazi imagery, a relationship forged under both Soviet and German occupation during World War II”.

Here we see yet another attempt to equate the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany while once again whitewashing the openly Neo-Nazi Kiev regime. Not to mention there’s nothing “complicated” about someone displaying the swastika or insignia of various SS units. Quite the contrary, it’s disturbingly simple to accurately assess the ideological affiliation of soldiers using such symbols. However, the NYT claims these are being displayed “only with some regularity”.

“In November, during a meeting with Times reporters near the front line, a Ukrainian press officer wore a Totenkopf variation made by a company called R3ICH (pronounced “Reich”). He said he did not believe the patch was affiliated with the Nazis. A second press officer present said other journalists had asked soldiers to remove the patch before taking photographs,” the NYT report states.

“But some members of these groups have been fighting Russia since the Kremlin illegally annexed part of the Crimea region of Ukraine in 2014 and are now part of the broader military structure. Some are regarded as national heroes, even as the far-right remains marginalized politically,” the whitewashing continues, with the authors further adding: “The iconography of these groups, including a skull-and-crossbones patch worn by concentration camp guards and a symbol known as the Black Sun, now appears with some regularity on the uniforms of soldiers fighting on the front line, including soldiers who say the imagery symbolizes Ukrainian sovereignty and pride, not Nazism.”

So, once again, unashamed glorification of Nazism is “not really Nazism” because it “symbolizes Ukrainian sovereignty and pride”. Such assertions are an obvious insult to millions of Ukrainians themselves who have been brutally murdered by the Wehrmacht, not to mention the numerous SS units that committed the most heinous war crimes in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, in addition to the rest of Europe. Still, it seems rabid Russophobia “justifies” such policies. The report then states:

“In April, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry posted a photograph on its Twitter account of a soldier wearing a patch featuring a skull and crossbones known as the Totenkopf, or Death’s Head. The specific symbol in the picture was made notorious by a Nazi unit that committed war crimes and guarded concentration camps during World War II… …The patch in the photograph sets the Totenkopf atop a Ukrainian flag with a small No. 6 below. That patch is the official merchandise of Death in June, a British neo-folk band that the Southern Poverty Law Center has said produces ‘hate speech’ that ‘exploits themes and images of fascism and Nazism’.”

Astonishingly (although unsurprisingly), the NYT somehow managed to find the “evil hand of Putin” behind all this with claims that “in the short term, that threatens to reinforce Putin’s propaganda and giving fuel to his false claims that Ukraine must be ‘de-Nazified’ — a position that ignores the fact that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish”. However, the fact that the Neo-Nazi junta frontman is of Jewish ancestry means nothing, as the infamous neoliberal billionaire George Soros, whose role has been instrumental in many Western-backed “color revolutions”, openly admitted that he was collaborating with the Nazis, leading to the deaths of his Jewish compatriots.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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The New York Times has been forced to very, very belatedly deal with something which had long been obvious and known to many independent analysts and media outlets, but which has been carefully shielded from the mainstream masses in the West for obvious reasons. 

The surprising Monday Times headline said that “Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History.” This acknowledgement comes after literally years of primarily indy journalists and geopolitical commentators pointing out that yes indeed… Ukraine’s military and paramilitary groups, especially those operating in the east since at least 2014, have a serious Nazi ideology problem. This has been exhaustively documented, again, going back years. But the report, which merely tries to downplay it as a “thorny issue” of Ukraine’s “unique” “History” – suggests that the real problem for Western PR is fundamentally that it’s being displayed so openly. Ukrainian troops are being asked to cover those Nazi symbols please!–as Matt Taibbi sarcastically quipped in commenting on the report.

The authors of the NYT report begin by expressing frustration over the optics of Nazi symbols being displayed so proudly on many Ukrainian soldiers’ uniforms. Suggesting that many journalistic photographs which have in some cases been featured in newspapers and media outlets worldwide (typically coupled with generally positive articles on Ukraine’s military) are merely ‘unfortunate’ or misleading, the NYT report says, “In each photograph, Ukrainians in uniform wore patches featuring symbols that were made notorious by Nazi Germany and have since become part of the iconography of far-right hate groups.”

The report admits this has led to controversy wherein news rooms actually must delete some photos of Ukrainian soldiers and militants. “The photographs, and their deletions, highlight the Ukrainian military’s complicated relationship with Nazi imagery, a relationship forged under both Soviet and German occupation during World War II,” continues the report. 

So it’s merely “thorny” and “complicated” we are told. Below is a small sampling of the kinds of patches that appear on Ukrainian military uniforms with “some regularity” – in the words of The New York Times:

NATO itself has in the recent past been forced to delete images on its official social media accounts due to Nazi imagery being present among Ukrainian troops during photo shoots.

The following line from the report says everything you need to know about the so-called “paper of record” and its one-sided and ultra-simplistic coverage of what many are finally waking up to realize is a war with a deeply complex reality (to say the least), and far from the MSM’s goodies vs. baddies Hollywoodesque narrative of Putler vs. the free world which is typical of networks from CNN to Fox to NBC…

From the NY Times: 

“In November, during a meeting with Times reporters near the front line, a Ukrainian press officer wore a Totenkopf variation made by a company called R3ICH (pronounced “Reich”). He said he did not believe the patch was affiliated with the Nazis. A second press officer present said other journalists had asked soldiers to remove the patch before taking photographs.”


And now we might expect some significant efforts at damage control, or even perhaps we’re witnessing the beginnings of evolving definitions and the moving of goalposts. More from NY Times [emphasis ZH]:

But some members of these groups have been fighting Russia since the Kremlin illegally annexed part of the Crimea region of Ukraine in 2014 and are now part of the broader military structure. Some are regarded as national heroes, even as the far-right remains marginalized politically.

The iconography of these groups, including a skull-and-crossbones patch worn by concentration camp guards and a symbol known as the Black Sun, now appears with some regularity on the uniforms of soldiers fighting on the front line, including soldiers who say the imagery symbolizes Ukrainian sovereignty and pride, not Nazism.

Some are writing more appropriate and apt headlines for the NYT story…

Only very recently Ukraine’s Defense Ministry and even President Zelensky’s office was caught in the act

In April, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry posted a photograph on its Twitter account of a soldier wearing a patch featuring a skull and crossbones known as the Totenkopf, or Death’s Head. The specific symbol in the picture was made notorious by a Nazi unit that committed war crimes and guarded concentration camps during World War II.

The patch in the photograph sets the Totenkopf atop a Ukrainian flag with a small No. 6 below. That patch is the official merchandise of Death in June, a British neo-folk band that the Southern Poverty Law Center has said produces “hate speech” that “exploits themes and images of fascism and Nazism.”

To be expected, the Times still tries to run cover while desperately seeking to ‘reassure’ its audience by writing that “In the short term, that threatens to reinforce Putin’s propaganda and giving fuel to his false claims that Ukraine must be ‘de-Nazified’ — a position that ignores the fact that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish.”

New levels of cope indeed…

But then still, the NYT concedes awkwardly, “More broadly, Ukraine’s ambivalence about these symbols, and sometimes even its acceptance of them, risks giving new, mainstream life to icons that the West has spent more than a half-century trying to eliminate.”


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Egypt and Israel are jointly covering up the true story of how three Israeli soldiers were killed near their shared border on June 3.  Just like their 1979 joint peace treaty, they are jointly spinning a media story to distract attention from the real issue behind the deaths: the brutal Israeli military occupation of Palestine.

The border between Egypt and Israel is usually safe. The last terrorist act was in 2011, and it was an organized group responsible, not an individual acting alone.

In this new incident, there is an Egyptian policeman who carried out the killings, and drug smuggling had nothing to do with it. The Israeli side immediately called the attack an act of terror. The Egyptian side said it was a drug smuggling case gone wrong, but the facts do not support that media spin.

Before I recount the facts in the case, let’s look at what this means for Israel and Egypt, who have tried to maintain an image of peace and calm amid constant pressures on Israel caused by 70 years of brutal military occupation of Palestine, and the refusal to grant even the most basic of human rights to Palestinians. The UN reported that Israel conforms to the definition of an Apartheid state.

Israel is now led by the most extremist leadership in its history. The rapid expansion of illegal settlements on Occupied Palestinian territory is one of the Benjamin Netanyahu administration’s main goals.  His second most important goal is to normalize ties with Saudi Arabia, which has always maintained support for the Palestinian people’s rights to a homeland and full human rights.

How can Netanyahu make friends with Arabs while the resistance to the Israeli occupation grows stronger? 

We have seen consistently growing tensions in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank. The various resistance groups have gotten stronger and have more support from their communities and international groups than ever before.  

Countries such as Qatar, Iran, and Syria have always maintained their support for resistance. While Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan have Israeli normalization agreements; Saudi Arabia and others have expressed their stance of holding out for a comprehensive Palestinian peace treaty first.  The Egyptian policemen may be a representative of the prevailing Arab support of resistance to occupation regardless of the peace treaties.

In the wee hours of June 3, Staff Sgt. Ori Yitzhak Iluz, 20, and Sgt. Lia Ben Nun, 19, were at their guard post on the Israeli-Egyptian border. At 2:30 am, Iluz and Ben Nun had foiled an attempt on the border to smuggle drugs. Commonly, a smuggler on the Egyptian side will throw a bag of drugs over the border security fence, and a person on the Israeli side would take the bag and leave. This situation occurred three kilometers (1.8 miles) north of their guard post. By 3 am the drug smuggling case was over with the drugs confiscated, and by 4:15 am the pair had radioed they were at their post as usual.

Mohamed Salah Ibrahim, 22, from Cairo, was an Egyptian policeman who left his post, walked five kilometers (3 miles) to an emergency border gate of Israel, used his knife to cut the zip-ties which held the gate shut, and entered into Israel.  He was alone, and then walked 150 meters to the Israeli guard post manned by Iluz and Ben Nun and shot and killed them both sometime between 6 am and 7 am.  The Israeli soldiers never fired their weapons, which indicates they were surprised by the attacker.  When superiors had radioed the pair at about 9 am and they did not respond, an officer went to the post and found them dead.

Shortly after 11 am, an Israeli army drone identified Ibrahim hiding behind a rock formation some 1.5 kilometers (1 mile) from the border. Ibrahim opened fire at the Israeli soldiers and killed Staff Sgt. Ohad Dahan, 20.  Just minutes later, another group of soldiers closed in on Ibrahim where he was killed, and one Israeli officer was wounded before noon.

When Ibrahim was examined, he was found to be carrying two combat knives, food, a Quran, and six magazines for his assault rifle, which may indicate he had a larger attack planned.

In a May 2021 Facebook post, Ibrahim wrote: “Allah stands with Palestine,” with a hashtag reading: “#GazaUnderAttack.”  Thousands of Palestinians and their international supporters around the globe had written similar sentiments on social media during the brutal Israeli air attacks on defenseless civilians in Gaza, who are the victims of collective punishment, which is a war crime.

The Israeli security border was easily cut on June 3.   The thin veil of a peace treaty does not ensure security while one side is brutalizing the Palestinian people and refuses to negotiate for an end to occupation and restoration of human rights to 6 million people who live in an open-air prison.

Media can be used to spin a scenario that looks like all is well between Egypt and Israel, but there is a constant boiling of emotions below the surface of the 109 million Egyptian citizens who have had to shoulder a peace treaty not all have embraced or seen any benefit from.  There is no defense of occupation. The wall must fall.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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In recent days, sound money champion Congressman Alex Mooney (R-WV) introduced H.R. 3712, the Digital Dollar Pilot Prevention Act – legislation that would block the Fed from unilaterally pursuing any form of central bank digital currency (CBDC) scheme.

“Congress cannot give an inch when it comes to CBDCs. CBDCs would threaten the liberties of law-abiding Americans and are being used by authoritarian countries right now to crack down on dissent,” said Rep. Mooney.

H.R. 3712 is the latest in a growing backlash to central planners’ designs to further centralize government control of currencies, including creating a greater ability to track all financial transactions, disallowing certain types of purchases, and even outright “turning off” a targeted individual’s access to money.

Rep. Mooney’s bill defines “central bank digital currency” as “a form of digital money or monetary value, denominated in the national unit of account, that is a direct liability of the Federal Reserve.”

The bill continues,

“Unless authorized by an Act of Congress enacted after the date of the enactment of this act, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks may not establish, carry out, or approve a program intended to test the practicability of issuing a central bank digital currency, including by partnering or coordinating with a private sector entity to carry out such a program.”

H.R. 3712 has already attracted support, with more than a dozen original cosponsors and several endorsements from pro-liberty groups.

“Spending time and taxpayer resources on research or pilot programs would be an end-around on Congressional intent, authorization, or jurisdiction. The Federal Reserve should be focused on fulfilling its formal mandate of taming Bidenflation, not mimicking China,” David McIntosh, President, Club for Growth.

Meanwhile, the opposition to central bank digital currencies is actually somewhat bipartisan.

Republican Presidential hopefuls Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy, along with Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr., have spoken out about the dangers of a centralized government-run digital currency.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) have also come out against CBDCs, with the latter claiming that Democrats quietly support anti-CBDC legislation as well.

Governor DeSantis recently signed legislation banning any involvement with a digital dollar as to the State of Florida, including any CBDC being viewed as money within the meaning of Florida’s Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Several other states are now considering similar measures to pump the brakes on a potential FedCoin.

Under a CBDC scheme, a time-stamped ledger of every single transaction by every single individual and/or firm would create existential threats to privacy. Centralizing the financial history of every U.S. citizen poses other dangers as well.

It’s easy to imagine how this level of data collection could be weaponized against individuals who step outside of government-favored opinions and activities.

Donate to a cause the political class has bashed as dangerous? There goes access to your life savings. Buy or sell a product not approved by the powers that be? Your assets are frozen with the click of a mouse.

CBDCs enable what amounts to a government-granted allowance.

Rep. Mooney said, “CBDCs are not about innovation – they are about control.”

By contrast, returning to a monetary standard based in gold would help restore the freedom and privacy of the individual. And gold has historically been a stable and trusted store of wealth, largely outside the clutches of central planners.

Sound money is subject to – and determined by – market forces, serves as a natural check against unrestrained currency creation, and protects purchasing power over time.

To be sure, the Federal Reserve note system is broken. But doubling down on this failed experiment in fiat currency by adding more government tracking and control will bring about even greater destruction.


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Jp Cortez is a graduate of Auburn University and a resident of Charlotte, North Carolina. He is the Policy Director of the Sound Money Defense League, an organization working to bring back gold and silver as America’s constitutional money. Follow him on Twitter @JpCortez27

Featured image is from Money Metals

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Like a third rate zombie movie on Netflix, delusions of nuclear fusion repeatedly rise from the dead.  The cover story in the June 2023 issue of Scientific American by Philip Ball, “Star Power: Does Fusion Have a Future After All?” recycles the corporate line which was broadcast on December 13, 2022.  The US Department of Energy (DOE) announced that the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory had reached a “breakthrough” in developing an alternative to fission.

As Joshua Frank described the hype over nuclear fusion …

“… there’s no toxic mining involved, nor do thousands of gallons of cold water have to be pumped in to cool overheated reactors, nor will there be radioactive waste byproducts lasting hundreds of thousands of years. And not a risk of a nuclear meltdown in sight! Fusion, so the cheery news went, is safe, effective, and efficient!”

After six months of the announcement’s being debunked, the Scientific American article admitted some of the inherent faults with fusion, repeated some of the original misstatements, and went on with detailed descriptions of technical tweaks necessary to make the technology viable in the second half of the century. Unfortunately,  most of those who criticized fusion missed one of its most serious dangers – that discovering a source of limitless cheap energy would doom humanity’s future rather than enhance it.

The Terror

In order to interpret the spin of the military-industrial-pseudo-scientific (MIPS) complex, we need to appreciate the primary obstacle to expanding nuclear power.  MIPS must overcome the intense terror of nukes.

The terror began with images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.  Photos of burnt bodies are burned into the minds of their viewers.  MIPS seeks to discount the images with the myth that Japan had to be nuked, even though it was ready to surrender.  The mythology continued with the “Atoms for Peace” false pretense that there could be a disconnect between nuclear power and nuclear bombs.

A few decades went by and on March 28, 1979 Three-Mile Island melted down.  A good part of its infamy stemmed from repeated government lies that the event was not so serious and would have few long-lasting effects.  Americans would never be convinced that nukes would only be dangerous if the Soviets or Japanese built them.

Then there was Chernobyl on April 26, 1986.  In 2009 the New York Academy of Science published a detailed analysis estimating the total death count to be around 900,000 and the MIPS spewed forth venomous claims that it was not actually so bad, but was merely the worst human-caused catastrophe in history.

This was followed on March 11, 2011 with the Fukushima Daiichi apocalypse when 3 of 6 nuclear reactors melted down, spreading radioactivity into the neighboring Pacific Ocean and poisoning unknown quantities of aquatic life.  So, each generation from World War II through today, has memories of horrendous nuclear events which MIPS has been totally unsuccessful at erasing.

But credit should be given where it is due, and there is an area where MIPS has done quite well in its plugola efforts.  Those efforts have been to keep everyday leakage of nuclear material and “smaller” catastrophes either out of or reduced to short paragraphs in the corporate press.  Few know that “100 significant accidents happened in world’s nuclear power plants from mid-1950s to 2010.”  The world’s press has given scant attention to how people were used as guinea pigs in testing sites such as the Marshall Islands.  Souma Dutta notes such events:

“… in the Soviet nuclear test sites of Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan, Novaya Zemlya and others, the French nuclear test sites of Reggane & Akker in Algeria and the Mururoa Atoll in the Pacific, the British test sites in the Australian territories of Monte Bello, Maralinga, Emu Field, and the Chinese test site of Lop Nur.”

Denial Non-Stop

The Scientific American article lets us know which dangers of nuclear fusion that MIPS continues to deny six months after the NIF “breakthrough.”  Despite a good amount of evidence to contrary the article claims that nuclear fusion would (a) produce “near zero carbon emissions” but (b) “without creating the dangerous radioactive waste.”

Though significant carbon emissions may not be produced during the immediate process of creating energy either through fission or fusion, considerable emissions are associated with producing and transporting the very large amount of equipment used in the life cycle of nukes.  Additionally, Stan carefully documents that, despite the myth that increases in solar, wind and nuclear power results in a decrease of fossil fuel use,

“History and research tell us that a buildup of new energy capacity won’t flush oil and fossil gas out of the system.”

That is hardly likely to change because solar power is nowhere close to “reproducing itself.”  According to T. Vijayendra …

“… the first ton of coal was extracted using human and animal muscle power. But soon, machines driven by coal energy were producing the capital equipment necessary to extract coal. This is not the case with solar energy. All the necessary equipment, including solar collectors, are produced through processes based on sources of energy other than the sun (coal, oil, uranium etc.).”

Please remember that the goal of corporations is profit.  That requires expanding production by increasing the amount of energy used to the maximum.  If fusion were added to the energy mix, there would continue be little to no decrease in fossil fuel use.

Equally fallacious is the claim that nuclear fusion would not result in deadly waste.  Essential for the fusion process is tritium, a radioactive form of hydrogen.  Its isotopes can permeate metals and pass through the tiniest spaces in enclosures.  Since tritium can enter virtually any part of the human body, it can lead to a variety of cancers.

Nuclear fusion would be even more inefficient at water use than would fission reactors.  Though not exactly a “waste product,” this wastage would seriously drain water suppliesat a time when they are increasingly being exhausted.

Dirty Little Secrets Creep into the Open

Philip Ball’s article slyly admits the accuracy of several of the most frequent criticisms of the December 2022 “breakthrough” announcement.  They appear as a hint to the MIPS complex that, in order to manufacture consent on the grandeur of nuclear fusion, its acolytes should modify some of their more outlandish claims if they are to be taken seriously.

First, nuclear fusion is far, far too expensive to provide energy “too cheap to meter” during upcoming decades.  Not only is tritium (costing $30,000 per gram) necessary to start the initial reaction, reactors must be lined with expensive lithium.  Equipment to make the tiny event happen is enormous, requiring space equal to three football fields.  The complexity of the system requires twice as many employees – 1000 for fusion vs. 500 for a fission reactor.  This helps explain why original cost projections of $6.3 billion mushroomed to DOE’s current estimate of $65 billion.

Second, closely linked to cost is the contrast between the minuscule amount of electricity squeezed out with the use of 192 lasers in December 2022 and the gargantuan amount that would be needed to feed the grid. According to Brian Tokar, the Livermore blast lasted for one ten-billionth of a second.  Nowhere close to powering a major city for a year, or a month or even an hour.

Third, the cost for such a frivolous amount of energy means that no one seriously suggests that fusion reactors will power homes in the foreseeable future.  Many proponents now openly admit that claiming that the technology will be used to improve people’s lives is a hoax.  Ball quotes an industry spokesperson bluntly stating that

“There is not today a single project underway to build a fusion power plant that will produce energy.”

Fourth, the real reason for the race to fusion is actually to allow the stockpiling of nuclear weapons that are even more dreadful than present ones.  Currently, a major difficulty in manufacturing nuclear bombs is “the need for highly enriched uranium or plutonium” to initiate the reaction.  Research with nuclear fusion could provide an alternative path to accomplish the ignition.

Dr. M.V Ramana explains the search for “neutrons with the very short pulse widths characteristic of low-yield nuclear intercepts that can be used to establish lethal criteriafor chemical/biological agents and nuclear warhead targets.”  Thus, if experimentation with nuclear fusion were to be successful, it could further shorten the Doomsday Clock, increasing the probability of human annihilation.

To Dream the Impossible Dream

Critiquing fusion on the basis that “It won’t work” has the subtle but ominous implication that, it might be okay if it did work.  This logic comes perilously close to Ball’s view that “The world is increasingly desperate for an abundant source of clean energy that can mitigate the climate crisis.”  The view that we must replace “bad” energy with “good” energy is omnipresent.  Placing limits on energy growth does not even fit into the corporate equation.

Let’s strip away the “bads” from nuclear fusion for a moment and ask “What would it be like to have alternative energy that was not excessively costly, did not damage the health of humans or other species, had zero carbon emissions throughout its production life cycle, could produce as much energy as we would ever want, and was not a con game for nuclear war?”

Such a quest for limitless energy is a journey into oblivion.  To dream the impossible energy dream is to hallucinate the most hideous nightmare.  Richard Heinberg warns of the dangers of ignoring limits, noting that if nuke fusion were to remove limits on energy production, corporations would expand production to endlessly deplete soil and destroy species habitat.

Searching for infinite energy other than fossil fuels would present dangers as ominous as nuclear war.  Christopher Ketcham summarizes:

“mainstream environmentalists have siloed climate change as a phenomenon apart from the broad human ecological footprint, separate from deforestation, overgrazing of livestock, megafauna kill-off, collapsing fisheries, desertification, depleted freshwater, soil degradation, oceanic garbage gyres, toxification of rainfall with microplastics, and on and on — the myriad biospheric effects of breakneck growth.”

The attitude that “nothing is as threatening as climate change” has lured many into the abyss of ignoring (or minimizing) the humongous dangers of “alternative” energy (AltE).  Stan explains how AltE contributes to ongoing threats, writing that the total quantity of “human-made mass” – which is everything made by people – has now exceeded the “the total weight of all living plant, animal, and microbial biomass on Earth.”  This material mass is doubling every 20 years, contributing to the “breakdown of of entire ecosystems” as well as climate change.

Just a few examples.  Each wind turbine requires more than 60 pounds of metal – and their numbers are growing exponentially.  Electric vehicles swallow “hundreds of millions of tons of lithium-ion batteries for power storage.”  If the world economy is to continue growing, while it converts to run fully on electricity from AltE sources later this century, the quantity of metals that will have to be extracted and processed during the next 15 years will exceed the amount produced for the last 5,000 years.  This will ignite an explosion in the number of mines and devastate entire ecosystems.  It is an open question of whether uncontrolled economic growth, climate change or nuclear war will trigger the demise of human civilization.  The quest for eternal energy is the basis of eternal growth which becomes the altar of eternal damnation.

The good news is that it does not have to be like this.  We now have the knowledge and ability to provide good lives for people throughout the world if we have the sense to distinguish what humanity needs vs. what corporations are greedy for.

Do we really need to build rocket ships to Mars?  Is the quality of our lives improved by having products that fall apart sooner and sooner?  Must there be a car for every adult on Earth instead of having communities where people get 80% of what they use by walking or cycling?

Are Americans really safer by having over 700 military bases and the ability to exterminate every human many times over.  Don’s book on Cuban Health Care documents how that country’s medical system produces less infant mortality and a longer life expectancy than the US while spending less than 10% of what the US spends per person annually.

Contrary to widespread propaganda, humanity does not desperately need more energy.  We desperately need to live better with less energy.


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Don Fitz ([email protected]) is on the Editorial Board of Green Social ThoughtHe was the 2016 candidate of the Missouri Green Party for Governor. His book, Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution, has been available since June 2020.

Stan Cox (@CoxStan) is the author of The Path to a Livable Future and The Green New Deal & Beyond, both published by City Lights Books. He is starting the second year of writing the ‘In Real Time’ series for City Lights.

The Great COVID Death Coverup

June 7th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence; 76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%

The recommendation to place COVID patients on mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came from the World Health Organization, which allegedly based its guidance on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China. But venting COVID patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival. It was to protect health care workers by isolating the virus inside the vent machine

Data suggest around 10,000 patients died with COVID in NYC hospitals after being put on ventilators in spring 2020. Other metropolitan areas also saw massive spikes in deaths among younger individuals who were at low risk of dying from COVID. It’s possible many of these deaths were the result of being placed on mechanical ventilation

The WHO must be held accountable for its unethical recommendation to sacrifice suspected COVID patients by using ventilation as an infection mitigation strategy — especially considering they’re now trying to get unilateral power and authority to make pandemic decisions without local input

Showing how the WHO’s recommendation to put patients on mechanical ventilation resulted in needless death among people who weren’t at great risk of dying from COVID is perhaps one of the most powerful talking points a country can use to argue for independence and rejection of the WHO’s pandemic treaty


Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence.1

By early April 2020, many doctors were already questioning their use, as data2 showed 76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was a whopping 97.2%.

If you were older than 65, you were 26 times more likely to survive if you were NOT placed on a vent.3 A small study from Wuhan, China, put the ratio of deaths at 86%,4 and in Texas, 84.9% of patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.5

In a widely-shared YouTube video6 (above) posted March 31, 2020, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, a critical care specialist at the Mount Sinai Health System in New York, warned that “we must change what we are doing if we want to save as many lives as possible.” Sidell was adamant that doctors were “treating the wrong disease” and that putting COVID patients on mechanical ventilation was all wrong.

“We are operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue,” Sidell said. “I fear that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very short time … This method being widely adopted at this very moment at every hospital in the country … is actually doing more harm than good.”

Why Were COVID Patients Put on Vents? 

The recommendation to place COVID patients on mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came from the World Health Organization,7 which in early March 2020 published a COVID-19 provider guidance8 document to health care workers, based on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China.

According to the WHO, treatment needed to be rapidly escalated to mechanical ventilation. Ideally, patients should be placed on it immediately.9 What escaped the public was the primary reason why. Venting COVID patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival; rather, it was to protect health care workers by isolating the virus inside the mechanical vent machine.

Using less invasive positive air pressure machines could result in the spread of infectious aerosols, the WHO warned. In other words, they put patients to death to “save” staff and other, presumably non-COVID, patients. That ventilation and sedation were used to protect hospital staff was highlighted by The Wall Street Journal in a December 20, 2020, article,10 which noted:

“Last spring, doctors put patients on ventilators partly to limit contagion at a time when it was less clear how the virus spread, when protective masks and gowns were in short supply.

Doctors could have employed other kinds of breathing support devices that don’t require risky sedation, but early reports suggested patients using them could spray dangerous amounts of virus into the air, said Theodore Iwashyna, a critical-care physician at University of Michigan and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals in Ann Arbor, Mich.

At the time, he said, doctors and nurses feared the virus would spread through hospitals. ‘We were intubating sick patients very early. Not for the patients’ benefit, but in order to control the epidemic and to save other patients,’ Dr. Iwashyna said. ‘That felt awful.’”

As dryly noted by James Lyons-Weiler in a January 23, 2023, Substack article,11 “euthanizing humans is illegal. Especially for the benefit of other patients. It should feel awful.”

Fauci Knew Vents Did More Harm Than Good

Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, in a mid-June 2022 lecture (above), admitted that placing patients on mechanical ventilation did more harm than good.

“We very, very readily would put people on mechanical ventilation, when we found out, through clinical experience, it might have been better just to make sure we positioned them properly in the prone or supine position, and not necessarily to intubate someone so readily, which might have actually caused more harm than good. We learned that as we got more experience.”

Yet government treatment guidelines, to this day, include invasive mechanical ventilation.12 If the White House Coronavirus Task Force knew in the summer of 2022 that venting patients caused more harm than good, why didn’t they instruct hospitals to stop using it? Or at bare minimum, strongly advise against it?

And why did the government continue to financially incentivize the use of mechanical ventilation after they’d realized how bad it was? While many hospitals did cut down on their use of mechanical ventilation toward the end of 2020 and beyond, it still hasn’t been entirely replaced with noninvasive strategies shown to be far more effective.13

Many ‘COVID Patients’ Didn’t Have COVID

The matter becomes even more perverse when you consider that many “COVID cases” were patients who merely tested positive using faulty PCR testing. They didn’t have COVID but were vented anyway, thanks to the baseless theory that you could have COVID-19 and be infectious without symptoms.

Hospitals also received massive financial incentives to diagnose patients with COVID — whether they had it or not — and to put them on a vent. They also received bonuses for using toxic remdesivir, and they were paid for each COVID death as well. The entire system was set up to reward hospitals for misdiagnosing, mistreating and ultimately killing patients.

China also benefited from the WHO’s misguided advice. While the U.S. clamored for more ventilators, Chinese hospitals started relying on them less and instead they were being exported in huge quantities.14

How Many COVID Patients Were Killed by WHO’s Bad Advice?

Just how many COVID-19 patients were killed by being placed on mechanical ventilation in the spring of 2020? That’s a question attorney and author Michael P. Senger tries to answer in his May 25, 2023, article “The Great COVID Ventilator Death Coverup.”15 He writes, in part:

“… the establishment is trying to argue that while ventilators were overused in spring 2020, doing more harm than good … the ventilators themselves did not kill anyone.16 An astonishing argument, even by the abysmal standards of the COVID era.

But, since everyone supporting this narrative is arguing that there were no ventilator deaths in spring 2020, all we have to do is prove there were a significant number of ventilator deaths and what’s left of the establishment’s credibility on the initial months of COVID falls apart.

In addition to the anecdotal evidence … several unsettling data points have long strongly suggested that there weren’t just some ventilator deaths in spring 2020, but rather a pretty frightening number of them …

The CDC reports17 that 18,679 patients died with COVID in New York City hospitals throughout spring 2020. And, according to the sample in JAMA,18 just over half of those who died with COVID in NYC hospitals were put on ventilators. Accordingly, around 10,000 patients died with COVID in NYC hospitals after being put on ventilators in spring 2020 …

Additionally, as Jessica Hockett has documented19 in meticulous detail through multiple methods, New York City experienced a sharp, breathtaking mortality event just after its lockdown and response to COVID began, which was unlike that experienced anywhere else or at any other time.

Given its singularity, this horrifying mortality event, quite simply, cannot be attributed to natural causes. Jumping off Hockett’s work, below is a chart of weekly all-cause hospital inpatient mortality from January 2018 through April 2023, split between patients ages 65+ (blue line) and patients under 65 (red line).

This spike in inpatient hospital mortality in New York City in spring 2020, especially among young people, is unparalleled in any other time period, even as COVID deaths supposedly began to climb again in 2021.”

Inpatient Mortality Around the US, 2020 Through Present

Senger goes on to show the same all-cause mortality graphs for hospital inpatients for each of the largest cities in the U.S.: Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. All show massive spikes in hospital deaths, especially among the elderly (65 and older), around the same time periods as NYC. He also produced charts for deaths on the state level, as follow:20

A Strawman Argument

Senger continues:21

“A couple of points on these charts. First, while the spike in mortality in the NYC area in spring 2020, especially among young people, is without parallel, it’s not the only one we see.

These spikes in mortality among young people are conspicuous because it’s long been known that COVID’s infection fatality rate (IFR) is extremely skewed toward the elderly. This, for example, is the most widely-cited data on COVID’s IFR by age:22

COVID’s IFR by age

Thus, these spikes in mortality among young people cannot be attributed to COVID. Most notably, a significant spike in mortality appears among all age groups in California at the end of 2020 …

One possibility is that, while the use of ventilators was generally scaled back, hospitals in California may have still been engaging in broad intubation or other iatrogenic practices by the end of 2020 …

Even more strangely, Texas experienced a surge in deaths among young people in summer 2021 that was not accompanied by a corresponding increase in mortality among the elderly; this, frankly, may have had nothing to do with COVID.

That said, the fact remains that the New York area experienced a uniquely sharp, awful mortality event in spring 2020 which is not adequately explained by any of these other factors.

And doctors were under significant pressure to put patients on ventilators in spring 2020, even if it was merely unconscious; politicians had purchased tens of thousands of ventilators at exorbitant prices, and hospitals did receive more funding if patients were placed on ventilators.

Coupled with the above anecdotes about patients being placed on ventilators for extended periods to protect staff — and the fact that over 10,000 patients in New York City died after being intubated — it’s clear that a horrifying number of patients were likely killed by mechanical ventilators.

Yet astonishingly, despite all these facts, the establishment is arguing that no patients were killed by ventilators in spring 2020. This, to me, is the kind of implausible, overly-defensive argument one makes when they’re panicked.

Across America, tens of thousands of patients were placed on ventilators in spring 2020; given the vast majority of those patients died, it simply begs credulity that none of them were killed by ventilators.

When a deadly procedure is applied to tens of thousands of patients, even a baseline level of human error would imply that the procedure was applied to at least some fraction of those patients by mistake.

The establishment has responded with subsequent studies23 claiming to show that ‘early intubation’ actually reduced the time patients spent on ventilators, and thus didn’t kill any of them. But this is a straw-man argument …

[T]he issue isn’t whether patients were intubated ‘early’ or ‘late’ relative to any symptoms they might have shown — the issue is whether patients were placed on ventilators who should have never been on them to begin with, or otherwise kept on them too long.”

A Morally Indefensible Coverup

Senger points out that, in speaking with other attorneys, most agree that hospitals face virtually no risk of litigation over ventilator deaths, for the simple reason that everyone perceived COVID to be a global emergency, and during emergencies, you just do the best you can with what you have and what you know.

“Regardless of how much harm was done, it’s simply too difficult to prove that the procedure violated the emergency standard of care given the information coming from China at the time,” he writes.

Even so, “the situation is morally inexcusable,” Senger says, adding that we do need to get to the bottom of how and why these patients died. I agree. While Senger wants the truth to understand what happened and to honor the diseased, I would add that we need the truth in order to avoid making the same mistake again, because there will be a next time.

The WHO Must Be Held to Account

The WHO must be held accountable for its unethical recommendation to sacrifice suspected COVID patients by using ventilation as an infection mitigation strategy — especially considering they’re now trying to get unilateral power and authority to make pandemic decisions without local input.

Showing how the WHO’s recommendation to put patients on mechanical ventilation resulted in needless death among people who weren’t at great risk of dying from COVID is perhaps one of the most powerful talking points a country can use to argue for independence and rejection of the WHO’s pandemic treaty.

They simply cannot be trusted to make sound medical decisions for the whole world. No one is. We need to allow local medical experts to make the calls in situations like this, and to collaborate and share information between themselves. The top-down one-size-fits-all medical paradigm that the WHO wants to implement is nothing short of disastrous, and the COVID pandemic response proves it.

Also, let’s not forget that the misuse of mechanical ventilation created the appearance that COVID was exceptionally deadly, regardless of your age, which in turn helped promote acceptance of the experimental COVID shots that are now a leading cause of frequent sickness, chronic disability and excess deaths. Of course, that’s also being covered up.

In the final analysis, the WHO’s handling of the COVID pandemic will undoubtedly go down as the worst in medical history. Can we really trust them to make better decisions in the future?

I think not, which is why we must do everything in our power to prevent the U.S. from signing the pandemic treaty. Better yet, we need to exit the WHO entirely. To that end, I urge you to contact your local House representatives and Senators and urge them to:

  1. Support the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act24,25,26,27,28
  2. Withhold funding for the WHO
  3. Support U.S. withdrawal from the WHO


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1 Medscape April 6, 2020

2 JAMA April 22, 2020; 323(20): 2052-2059 Outcomes for Patients Who Were Discharged or Died

3, 15, 20, 21 May 25, 2023

4 The Associated Press April 8, 2020

5 Citizens Journal December 20, 2021

6 YouTube Cameron Kyle-Sidell March 31, 2020

7 The Dossier Substack September 30, 2020

8 WHO Clinical Management of Severe COVID-19

9 WHO Infection Prevention and Control for COVID

10 Wall Street Journal December 20, 2020

11 Substack Popular Rationalism January 23, 2023

12 NIH Covid Treatment Guidelines Updated April 20, 2023

13 Newswise April 23, 2020

14 NBC News April 30, 2020

16 AP May 19, 2023

17 CDC MMWR November 20, 2020; 69(46): 1725-1729

18 JAMA April 22, 2020; 323(20): 2052-2059

19 Woodhouse Substack April 18, 2023

22 European Journal of Epidemiology 2020; 35: 1123-1138

23 Science Based Medicine September 19, 2021

24 March 7, 2023

25 No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act House Bill Full Text

26 S.4343 — No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

27 S.444 — No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

28 S.4343 — No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

Featured image is from Mercola

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and civil liberties just as hollow.”—Justice Neil Gorsuch

We have become a nation in a permanent state of emergency.

Power-hungry and lawless, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expand its powers and justify all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security.

COVID-19, for example, served as the driving force behind what Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch characterized as “the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country.”

In a statement attached to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Arizona v. Mayorkas, a case that challenged whether the government could continue to use it pandemic powers even after declaring the public health emergency over, Gorsuch provided a catalog of the many ways in which the government used COVID-19 to massively overreach its authority and suppress civil liberties:

Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. They shuttered businesses and schools, public and private. They closed churches even as they allowed casinos and other favored businesses to carry on. They threatened violators not just with civil penalties but with criminal sanctions too. They surveilled church parking lots, recorded license plates, and issued notices warning that attendance at even outdoor services satisfying all state social-distancing and hygiene requirements could amount to criminal conduct. They divided cities and neighborhoods into color-coded zones, forced individuals to fight for their freedoms in court on emergency timetables, and then changed their color-coded schemes when defeat in court seemed imminent.

“Federal executive officials entered the act too.  Not just with emergency immigration decrees. They deployed a public-health agency to regulate landlord-tenant relations nationwide. They used a workplace-safety agency to issue a vaccination mandate for most working Americans.  They threatened to fire noncompliant employees, and warned that service members who refused to vaccinate might face dishonorable discharge and confinement.  Along the way, it seems federal officials may have pressured social-media companies to suppress information about pandemic policies with which they disagreed.

“While executive officials issued new emergency decrees at a furious pace, state legislatures and Congress—the bodies normally responsible for adopting our laws—too often fell silent.  Courts bound to protect our liberties addressed a few—but hardly all—of the intrusions upon them. In some cases, like this one, courts even allowed themselves to be used to perpetuate emergency public-health decrees for collateral purposes, itself a form of emergency-lawmaking-by-litigation.”

Yet while the government’s (federal and state) handling of the COVID-19 pandemic delivered a knockout blow to our civil liberties, empowering the police state to flex its powers by way of a bevy of lockdowns, mandates, restrictions, contact tracing programs, heightened surveillance, censorship, overcriminalization, etc., it was merely one crisis in a long series of crises that the government has shamelessly exploited in order to justify its power grabs and acclimate the citizenry to a state of martial law disguised as emergency powers.

These attempts to use various crises to override the Constitution are still happening.

It doesn’t even matter what the nature of the crisis might be: civil unrest, the national emergencies, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters.”

They have all become fair game to a government that continues to quietly assemble, test and deploy emergency powers a long laundry list of terrifying powers that override the Constitution and can be activated at a moment’s notice.

We’re talking about lockdown powers (at both the federal and state level): the ability to suspend the Constitution, indefinitely detain American citizens, bypass the courts, quarantine whole communities or segments of the population, override the First Amendment by outlawing religious gatherings and assemblies of more than a few people, shut down entire industries and manipulate the economy, muzzle dissidents, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease,” reshape financial markets, create a digital currency (and thus further restrict the use of cash), determine who should live or die.

While these are powers the police state has been working to make permanent, they barely scratch the surface of the far-reaching powers the government has unilaterally claimed for itself without any pretense of being reined in or restricted in its power grabs by Congress, the courts or the citizenry.

As David C. Unger, observes in The Emergency State: America’s Pursuit of Absolute Security at All Costs:

“For seven decades we have been yielding our most basic liberties to a secretive, unaccountable emergency state – a vast but increasingly misdirected complex of national security institutions, reflexes, and beliefs that so define our present world that we forget that there was ever a different America. … Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventative wars of ideological containment, usually on terrain chosen by, and favorable to, our enemies. Limited government and constitutional accountability have been shouldered aside by the kind of imperial presidency our constitutional system was explicitly designed to prevent.”

This rise of an “emergency state” that justifies all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security is all happening according to schedule.

The civil unrest, the national emergencies, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters,” the government’s reliance on the armed forces to solve domestic political and social problems, the implicit declaration of martial law packaged as a well-meaning and overriding concern for the nation’s security: the powers-that-be have been planning and preparing for such a crisis for years now.

The seeds of this ongoing madness were sown several decades ago when George W. Bush stealthily issued two presidential directives that granted the president the power to unilaterally declare a national emergency, which is loosely defined as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.

Comprising the country’s Continuity of Government (COG) plan, these directives (National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20), which do not need congressional approval, provide a skeletal outline of the actions the president will take in the event of a “national emergency.”

Just what sort of actions the president will take once he declares a national emergency can barely be discerned from the barebones directives. However, one thing is clear: in the event of a national emergency, the COG directives give unchecked executive, legislative and judicial power to the president.

The country would then be subjected to martial law by default, and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights would be suspended.

Essentially, the president would become a dictator for life.

It has happened already.

As we have witnessed in recent years, that national emergency can take any form, can be manipulated for any purpose and can be used to justify any end goal—all on the say so of the president.

The emergency powers that we know about which presidents might claim during such states of emergency are vast, ranging from imposing martial law and suspending habeas corpus to shutting down all forms of communications, including implementing an internet kill switch, and restricting travel.

Yet according to documents obtained by the Brennan Center, there may be many more secret powers that presidents may institute in times of so-called crisis without oversight from Congress, the courts, or the public.

Remember, these powers do not expire at the end of a president’s term. They remain on the books, just waiting to be used or abused by the next political demagogue.

So, too, every action taken by the current occupant of the White House and his predecessors to weaken the system of checks and balances, sidestep the rule of law, and expand the power of the executive branch of government makes us that much more vulnerable to those who would abuse those powers in the future.

Although the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited powers, in recent years, American presidents (Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.) have claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill.

The Executive Branch’s willingness to circumvent the Constitution by leaning heavily on the president’s so-called emergency powers constitutes a gross perversion of what limited power the Constitution affords the president.

As law professor William P. Marshall explains, “every extraordinary use of power by one President expands the availability of executive branch power for use by future Presidents.” Moreover, it doesn’t even matter whether other presidents have chosen not to take advantage of any particular power, because “it is a President’s action in using power, rather than forsaking its use, that has the precedential significance.”

In other words, each successive president continues to add to his office’s list of extraordinary orders and directives, expanding the reach and power of the presidency and granting him- or herself near dictatorial powers.

All of the imperial powers amassed by Obama, Bush, Trump and now Biden—to kill American citizens without due process, to detain suspects (including American citizens) indefinitely, to strip Americans of their citizenship rights, to carry out mass surveillance on Americans without probable cause, to wage wars without congressional authorization, to suspend laws during wartime, to disregard laws with which he might disagree, to conduct secret wars and convene secret courts, to sanction torture, to sidestep the legislatures and courts with executive orders and signing statements, to direct the military to operate beyond the reach of the law, to establish a standing army on American soil, to operate a shadow government, to declare national emergencies for any manipulated reason, and to act as a dictator and a tyrant, above the law and beyond any real accountability—have become a permanent part of the president’s toolbox of terror.

These presidential powers—acquired through the use of executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements and which can be activated by any sitting president—enable past, president and future presidents to operate above the law and beyond the reach of the Constitution.

This is what you might call a stealthy, creeping, silent, slow-motion coup d’état.

As an investigative report by the Brennan Center explains:

“There are currently 41 declared national emergencies, most of which have been in place for more than a decade… Some of the emergency powers Congress has made available to the president are so breathtaking in their vastness that they would make an autocrat do a spit take. Presidents can use emergency declarations to shut down communications infrastructure, freeze private assets without judicial process, control domestic transportation, or even suspend the prohibition on government testing of chemical and biological agents on unwitting human subjects.”

If we continue down this road, there can be no surprise about what awaits us at the end.

We must recalibrate the balance of power.

For starters, Congress should put an end to the use of presidential executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements as a means of getting around Congress and the courts.

At a minimum, as The Washington Post suggests, “all emergency declarations [s]hould expire automatically after three or six months, whereupon Congress would need to vote upon any proposed extension. It is time for both parties to recognize that governing via endless crises — even when they are employed to implement broadly popular policies that win plaudits from key political constituencies — subverts our system of constitutional government.”

We’ve got to start making both the president and the police state play by the rules of the Constitution.

As Justice Gorsuch recognized:

“Fear and the desire for safety are powerful forces. They can lead to a clamor for action—almost any action—as long as someone does something to address a perceived threat. A leader or an expert who claims he can fix everything, if only we do exactly as he says, can prove an irresistible force. We do not need to confront a bayonet, we need only a nudge, before we willingly abandon the nicety of requiring laws to be adopted by our legislative representatives and accept rule by decree. Along the way, we will accede to the loss of many cherished civil liberties—the right to worship freely, to debate public policy without censorship, to gather with friends and family, or simply to leave our homes. We may even cheer on those who ask us to disregard our normal lawmaking processes and forfeit our personal freedoms. Of course, this is no new story. Even the ancients warned that democracies can degenerate toward autocracy in the face of fear.”

Unfortunately, the process of unseating a dictator and limiting the powers of the presidency is far from simple but at a minimum, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American Peopleand in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it must start with “we the people.”


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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The World Health Organization has called for a “simulation” of another global pandemic so it can be assured that the totalitarian control mechanisms built into its pandemic accord are effective against the slave class. This reeks of the Event 201 simulation that occurred on October 18th, 2019, oddly not long before COVID-19 became a pandemic.

According to a report by ZeroHedge, 194 nations continue to work through drafts of pandemic agreements that would grant more authority to the World Health Organization (WHO), the GPMB (Global Preparedness Monitoring Board), a body convened by the WHO. These self-declared masters have called for a worldwide pandemic simulation to be carried out by the end of this year to test the effectiveness of the new terms before member nations sign them in 2024.

“We feel very strongly that we cannot wait for the next emergency to find out how well the pandemic accord and the IHR amendments will work; we need to know now,” Joy Phumaphi, co-chair of the GPMB, stated on May 22. “We, therefore, suggest that Member States, together with other key stakeholders, carry out a simulation exercise based on the draft accord and draft IHR amendments later this year, before they are finalized and adopted.”

“A simulation exercise beforehand, and robust monitoring and accountability following their adoption, are two ways you can ensure these important instruments fulfill their potential and that we are ready for the next pandemic,” it reads.

This is a lot like the Event 201 coronavirus simulation the rulers ran before claiming COVID-19 was a “pandemic.”

Johns Hopkins University, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF) hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18th, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences. This is an example of corporatism, where the ruling class is both the government and corporations. Considering the United States itself is a corporation, this shouldn’t surprise anyone. The goal is total control and power over humanity.

The “large scale” economic and societal consequences were that the slaves willingly handed over power to their masters and obeyed commands for fear of getting a cold. They destroyed their livelihoods and proved what good lemmings they are and how easily it is to control humans en masse.

An earlier simulation, called Clade X, which was put on by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security saw “experts” and rulers meet in Washington D.C. to try to simulate the prevention of a pandemic. The rulers discussed roles in government with regard to Clade X, a virus with the potential to kill 900 million people.

The trajectory is about centralizing power over health emergencies,” David Bell, a public health physician, and former WHO staffer specializing in epidemic policy, told The Epoch Times. “It will centralize authority within the WHO, particularly in the director general, and it will broaden the scope to what they call One Health.”

Another simulation may give us an idea of what to watch out for in the future.


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Israeli authorities’ systematic denial of fair trial rights to Palestinian children detained by Israeli forces from the occupied West Bank and prosecuted in Israeli military courts constitutes arbitrary detention, Defense for Children International – Palestine said in a report released today.

The report, “Arbitrary by Default: Palestinian children in the Israeli military court system,” details and examines the systemic denial of fair trial rights inherent in Israeli forces’ practice of arrest, detention, interrogation, and prosecution of Palestinian children in the Israeli military courts. 

“Even a superficial review of the detention and prosecution of Palestinian children in the Israeli military court system suggests severe risks of arbitrary deprivation of liberty,” said Khaled Quzmar, General Director at DCIP. “A full view, through the experience of Palestinian child detainees, exposes an inherently unjust system of control where arbitrary detention is the default practice.”

DCIP collected affidavits from 766 West Bank Palestinian children detained by Israeli forces between 2016 and 2022 that show three-quarters of them endured some form of physical violence following arrest and 97 percent had no parent present during interrogation, and two thirds were not properly informed of their rights. All were subject to Israeli military law that denies basic and fundamental fair trial protections and guarantees and prosecuted in Israel’s military court system which is not independent or impartial. 

Most Palestinian children are arrested on suspicion, without arrest warrants. There is little to no independent oversight over arrests. None of the 766 Palestinian children reported that Israeli authorities provided them with an arrest warrant at the time they were arrested. Only 111 out of 766 (14.5 percent) Palestinian children reported being informed generally of the reason for arrest, meaning 85.5 percent of children had no information on why they were being detained at the moment of arrest.

Only 32 out of 766 (4.2 percent) Palestinian children reported that they received a summons by Israeli authorities for investigation and questioning. These summonses fall short of the threshold for constituting an arrest warrant because they do not include a reason for the suspicion or information on any charges.

The report concludes that in the overwhelming majority of cases Israeli authorities systematically fail to invoke any legal basis justifying the deprivation of liberty of Palestinian children arrested from the occupied West Bank which constitutes arbitrary detention in violation of international law. Israeli authorities systematically disregard and deny fundamental protections and guarantees concerning the right to a fair trial to Palestinian children to the extent that nearly any deprivation of liberty as part of the military court system is of an arbitrary character.

“Israeli military courts are not independent or impartial because they are composed of military personnel who are subject to military discipline and dependent on superiors for promotion,” said Brad Parker, Senior Adviser for Policy and Advocacy at DCIP. “From the widespread ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian children to the systematic denial of their due process rights emerges a system of control that masquerades as justice where arbitrary detention is the default policy.”

Key findings: 

  • Israeli military courts do not meet the standards of an independent and impartial tribunal for the purposes of considering matters involving civilians, including children. 
  • Palestinian children detained and prosecuted by Israeli forces in the Israeli military detention and court system are denied the right to a fair hearing by a competent, independent, and impartial tribunal.
  • Israeli authorities systematically arrest Palestinian children from the occupied West Bank without any attempt to issue arrest warrants that would establish a legal basis for the detentions. 
  • Israeli authorities overwhelmingly fail to explain or inform the Palestinian child or their family of the reasons for an arrest. 
  • Israeli forces and authorities’ systematically deny Palestinian children their right to prompt access to legal assistance and the presence of a family member during interrogation.
  • Israeli forces and authorities’ systemic non-observance of the obligatory and absolute prohibition against torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment constitutes arbitrary detention.

“Despite Israel’s ratification of many of the core international human rights treaties and its obligations to act in accordance with those treaties, Israeli authorities persistently disregard and fail to comply with international law,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish, Accountability Program director at DCIP. “The result is the systematic denial of the right to a fair trial for Palestinian children detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system.”

Each year the Israeli military detains and prosecutes between 500 to 700 Palestinian children in Israeli military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial. From the moment of arrest, Palestinian children encounter ill-treatment and torture at the hands of Israeli forces. Despite the fact that international norms reaffirm that civilians, including children, must never be brought before military courts, Israel persists in being the only country in the world to automatically and systematically prosecute children in military courts.

Regardless of the reason for the deprivation of liberty, any detained person is protected by several fundamental guarantees in international human rights law and international humanitarian law, including the right to life, the prohibition against the arbitrary deprivation of liberty, and the prohibition against torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

A deprivation of liberty is arbitrary when it is clearly impossible to invoke any legal basis justifying the deprivation of liberty or when the total or partial non-observance of the international norms relating to the right to a fair trial is of such gravity as to give the deprivation of liberty an arbitrary character.

Click here to download the full report.


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Featured image: A Palestinian child, Omar Alhadeede, the sole survivor of his family, looks at a photo of his brothers, killed by the recent Israeli bombing on Gaza. (Image tweeted by Aya Isleem)

The Mandate to End War in Ukraine

June 7th, 2023 by Michael Diamond

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The mandate to end war in Ukraine is written clearly and decisively in our founding document, the Constitution of the United States. Article IV, Section 4 requires that “The United States…shall protect each of them [the states and the people] against invasion.”

Fomenting war in Ukraine runs counter to that mandated obligation. In fact, fomenting war in Ukraine can bring about destruction in the United States from large numbers of nuclear missile strikes emanating from Russia.

Russia has huge stocks of nuclear weapons and long range missiles. In addition, Russians believe that the United States and the West pose an existential threat to their existence.

They vividly remember that World Wars I and II resulted in massive attacks on their territory by the western nations. Indeed, a dozen countries, led by the United States after World War I, fought on the Tsarist side in a bloody five-year civil war.

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U.S. troops in Vladivotock, 1918. [Source:]

Later, the United States cruelly lured the Soviets into a lengthy war in Afghanistan. And after the Soviet Union disbanded itself in 1991, the United States, contrary to promises made, ringed Russia with nations that were given membership in a collective security alliance known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Several members of NATO have nuclear weapons themselves, and membership requires all members to defend any member who is attacked.

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At present, the United States is encouraging and funding Ukraine in its war with Russia. A key demand being made by Ukraine is membership in NATO. Russia has clearly stated that giving Ukraine NATO membership will be a threat to its existence. Doing so, says the Russian leadership, will be the final step in the complete surrounding of its nation by a military alliance with obligations to protect fellow members using nuclear weapons should they choose.

In fact, before the Ukraine War, Russia posed no threat whatsoever to the United States. None. Only now, with that nation feeling pressed and pressured and understanding the West’s long proclivity for attacking it, has Russia become a threat. That threat exists only as a result of and in reaction to the steps now being taken on behalf of Ukraine in Ukraine’s war with Russia.

For that reason, the steps that American leaders have taken and are now taking in Ukraine are contrary to their mandatory Constitutional obligation, as set forth in Article IV, Section 4 to protect us from a potential invasion.

Under these circumstances, what would a Russian invasion of the United States look like? With history as a guide, we must assume that they have hundreds of nuclear bombs and hundreds of long range ballistic missiles that are already aimed at the large American centers of population, from New York City to Los Angeles and from Seattle to Houston. Those missiles would likely be launched en masse immediately after the very first strike against any Russian territory from any NATO country.

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The resulting devastation within the United States can only be glimpsed by picturing the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But that destruction would be intensified many times over because the weapons used against us by Russia will be hydrogen bombs, not just those first nuclear bombs used against the two Japanese cities at the end of World War II in August of 1945.

With that potential destruction clearly in mind, what steps need to be taken to make sure that our leaders stop their efforts at fomenting war in Ukraine? First, there needs to be an educational effort to teach citizens and students at all levels about the primary duty of our leaders to protect us against invasions. That Constitutional mandate is clearly stated and easily understood.

Next, political parties must be judged on whether they embrace or do not embrace the fact that the first obligation of elected leaders is to protect us from military invasions, not simply to use military conflicts in efforts to bring about regime changes.

At the same time, I would urge an immediate civil action against leaders of the executive and congressional branches of government in the federal district court for the District of Colombia. The basis of that suit would be to compel members of those branches to abide by their mandatory obligation to protect the people under Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States.

The federal courts are an equal branch of our government being part of the “United States,” the entity obligated to protect us from foreign invasions. Yes, in the past the courts might have been reluctant to get involved with political questions and matters involving foreign policy. However, we are now clearly on a destructive path, confronting a nuclear-capable adversary that’s being pushed to actions which can envelop us all too quickly. Our quiet judicial past must not be used to inform the courts concerning its current obligation. In addition, a nuclear attack that hits our major cities would, in fact, destroy the majority of federal court buildings, along with a good many of the judges, their support personnel, court clerks, and security teams.

And there is precedent for such an action to be taken by the courts. The case of Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803), stands for the proposition that the federal courts can and should require obedience by the other branches of government concerning clear mandates in the law. An order to show cause would be appropriate. It would ask those in the leadership of the executive and congressional branches how they justify putting the American states and populations at risk of nuclear attacks by Russia.


In view of the clear obligation of the United States to protect the people from invasion, as set forth in Article IV, Section 4 of our Constitution, I can think of no justification whatsoever for the manner in which we supported and continue to support war in Ukraine against Russia.


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This article was originally published on CovertAction Magazine.

Michael Diamond was the Chief Enforcement Officer for water pollution laws in the state of New Jersey and the Regulatory Officer in charge of legal affairs at the Division of Water Resources. His law practice included representing people affected by environmental harms. He has written and lectured widely on the topic. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Singapore Airlines COVID-19 vaccination policy history 

Jan. 2021Singapore Airlines hopes to be the world’s first fully-vaccinated airline.

Feb. 2021: Singapore Airlines says all three passenger airlines within the SIA Group – itself, SilkAir and Scoot – will operate flights “with a full complement of vaccinated pilots and cabin crew”.

Aug. 2021: Singapore-based staff at Jetstar Asia and Singapore Airlines (SIA) Group, have been given a deadline to get fully vaccinated. Only frontline staff like pilots and flight crew at SIA and Scoot will be affected by the new policy. SIA staff have till September 1st, to get their shots. To date, all ground staff at SIA Group have been vaccinated and about 99% of pilots and cabin crew have taken the shots.

Singapore’s COVID-19 vaccines were 95% mRNA 

My Take…

Singapore Airlines wanted to be the world’s first fully COVID-19 vaccinated airline and boasted a 99% vaccination rate for pilots and crew.

You’d expect such brain dead virtue signaling from places like Canada, Australia or New Zealand, you wouldn’t expect it from Singapore.

And yet, Singapore fell for the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine fraud just the same.

Even in Singapore, pilot deaths are difficult to hide, so it will be interesting to see if this trend of pilot sudden deaths continues.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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The United States had information on a detailed Ukrainian plan to attack the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines three months before it was bombed, the Washington Post reported on June 6, citing the leaked information published on Discord. The newspaper reported that the CIA learned via a European spy agency last June that a six-person Ukrainian special operations forces team intended to sabotage the Russia-to-Germany natural gas project.

The Russian gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2, responsible for exporting gas to Europe, were attacked on September 26, 2022. Germany, Denmark, and Sweden did not rule out the possibility of targeted sabotage at the time.

On February 8, US journalist Seymour Hersh released his version that the explosives in the gas pipelines were planted by US specialists, supported by Norwegian divers, under the cover of the BALTOPS 2022 exercise of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which took place in June 2022. He believes the operation was carried out under direct orders from the White House.

However, in May of this year, Spiegel magazine reported that investigators had found metadata linking Ukraine to the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines following the booking of the Andromeda yacht.

Now, the Washington Post is the latest media outlet to provide evidence of Ukrainian complicity in the Nord Stream attacks by citing a plan collected by a European intelligence service and shared with the CIA in June 2022. As the newspaper reported, the plans “provide some of the most specific evidence to date linking the government of Ukraine to the eventual attack in the Baltic Sea, which U.S. and Western officials have called a brazen and dangerous act of sabotage on Europe’s energy infrastructure.”

“The intelligence report was based on information obtained from an individual in Ukraine. The source’s information could not immediately be corroborated, but the CIA shared the report with Germany and other European countries last June, according to multiple officials familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence operations and diplomatic discussions,” the article continues.

The report shows that Germany had ample warning about the sabotage attack and makes a mockery of Washington’s accusation that Russia is responsible. It is recalled that US President Joe Biden called the Nord Stream attack “a deliberate act of sabotage” and promised to work with US allies “to get to the bottom of exactly what … happened.” Russia was also accused at the time of wanting to strangle the flow of energy with the winter approaching to “blackmail” European countries into withdrawing their financial and military support for Ukraine and not imposing further sanctions.

For these reasons, it is unsurprising that Ukrainian officials, the White House, and the CIA declined to comment on questions made by the media about the leaked document. For his part, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby dodged the question on June 6.

“I think you know there are three countries conducting an investigation of the Nord Stream sabotage — and we called it sabotage at the moment — Germany, Sweden, and Denmark. Those investigations are ongoing and again the last thing that we’re going to want to do from this podium is get ahead of those investigations,” Kirby said.

According to the Washington Post,

“Biden administration officials now privately concede there is no evidence that conclusively points to Moscow’s involvement. But publicly they have deflected questions about who might be responsible. European officials in several countries have quietly suggested that Ukraine was behind the attack but have resisted publicly saying so over fears that blaming Kyiv could fracture the alliance against Russia. At gatherings of European and NATO policymakers, officials have settled into a rhythm; as one senior European diplomat said recently, ‘Don’t talk about Nord Stream.’”

German investigators believe six individuals used fake passports, rented a sailing yacht in September, and embarked from Germany to plant explosives on the pipelines. Investigators matched explosive residue found on the pipeline to traces found inside the cabin of the Andromeda. The investigators have also linked Ukrainian individuals to Andromeda via a Polish front company.

This demonstrates that the US has successfully subdued Germany to serve its interests since the European country is now suffering from an immense economic and energy crisis. The European Commission announced in May that Germany would be among the eurozone’s slowest-growing economies in 2023 due to high energy costs and the EU’s carbon prices. However, despite this economic crisis, Germany remains undeterred in supporting Ukraine even though the war-torn country is directly responsible for sabotaging energy flows, security, and prices by attacking the Nord Stream pipelines.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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Rehearsed Lives and Planned History

June 7th, 2023 by Edward Curtin

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“The technical achievement of advanced industrial society, and the effective manipulation of mental and material productivity have brought about a shift in the locus of mystification. . . . the rational rather than the irrational becomes the most effective vehicle of mystification.”  

– Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man

“General, man is very uselful.
He can fly and he can kill.
But he has one defect:
He can think.”           

–  Bertolt Brecht, “From a German War Primer”

Langdon Winner opens his prescient book, The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology (1986), with an anecdote about John Glenn and his experience orbiting the earth in 1962 aboard Friendship 7. After long, rigorous training in simulators, Glenn found that when he looked at earth from orbit – only the third man after Soviet pilots Yuri Gagarin and Gherman Titov to do so – he felt as if he had seen it all before. Rather than a sense of awe, he felt that his training exercises had deprived him of true experience. Winner writes, “Synthetic conditions generated in the training center had begun to seem more ‘real’ than the actual experience.”

Glenn’s example might seem unusual for the early 1960s, but it is now commonplace, the rule rather than the exception. I think many people today sense, but can’t admit, that technology has usurped direct human experience while presumably enhancing it with so-called awe-inspiring, tech-enhanced products. Just as people walk around embalming time with their camera phones, there is something funereal about activities that have been rehearsed, reviewed, and planned on digital screens before they are undertaken. It’s as if the hearse doesn’t come rolling in soon enough.

I just checked the local weather forecast and “they” say there is a 37.235 % chance of showers on Saturday, six days away.  Should I start worrying today since I have planned a picnic for that day? Would I be wrong to wonder when on that future day, if it ever arrives and I am around to greet it, that the 37.235 % chance of showers applies? Day or night, morning or afternoon? The picnic is scheduled for 1-3 PM, so should I play it by the odds and assume those 8.33 % of the 24 hours have a decent chance of avoiding the 37.235 %? Should I live by numbers and computer simulations?

In The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis, a man not opposed to science, tells us:

There is something that unites magic and applied science while separating both from the ‘wisdom’ of earlier ages. For the wise men of old the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality, and the solution had been knowledge, self-discipline, and virtue. For magic and applied science alike the problem is how to subdue reality to the wishes of men: the solution is a technique. . .

Why was Glenn circling the earth anyway?

If the novelty of experience and the real objective value of the outside world have been crippled by the repetitive and predictive nature of technology, it is worth reminding ourselves of the simple truth that technology does not just happen; it is rooted in a philosophical premise of control, the inability to let the earth breathe and to stop trying to control life. This is a human choice.

It is possible to show reverence for nature and our part in it and to use technology for humane goals, not because we are adept at techniques, but because we understand that human beings are emphatically not machines but spiritual and moral beings. This has seldom been the case in modern times. To do so demands asking what are our first principles and what are the ends we are seeking. This requires subordinating science and technology to higher values. All technical decisions are political and all political decisions are moral.

Most new technologies of the past two hundred years have been touted as “revolutionary,” machines that will radically transform life for the better – i.e. leading to less labor, more equality, and the enrichment of human experience. Nowhere has this been truer than with the promotion of the computer and the digital “revolution” with its information superhighway – the  Internet – that has been sold as leading to more benefits than the mind can imagine. The result, however, has been the loss of our minds as the nonsense that “information is power” has become a mantra of those controlling the digital information flow, as they promote information as an elixir for democracy. Such a strange sort of democracy it is where more and more power has accrued to the power elites and diversions of data and digital dementia to regular people who have a hard time remembering and forgetting, seemingly an odd couple if ever there were one.

Currently you hear a lot of complaining about artificial intelligence (AI), as if its development is some great surprise. Much of this caviling has been coming from the very people who created AI and continue to develop it. Now these experts are warning that it could get out of control, so we must be careful and take action since we risk “extinction” from AI. Only an idiot wouldn’t laugh at such rhetoric. Who are the “we” who need to take action? The fear campaign never stops, while the controls tighten.

Thirty-seven years ago Winner wrote:

Some observers forecast that ‘the computer revolution’ will eventually be guided by new wonders in artificial intelligence. Its present course is influenced by something more familiar: the absent mind.

And malevolent hubris.

For AI has been the stuff of popular screen and book entertainment for a long time, dress rehearsed in the popular consciousness far in advance of opening night. Now that the hearse has appeared and the identity of its occupants has become cause for wonderment, much chatter has erupted on the Internet. Could we be dead? Where are our controls?

The process of creating dread has been rather smooth, so surprise is an odd reaction. We have been in the simulators far longer that John Glenn was in his, and we too have seen it all before. First they created millions of artificial people drip-by-drip by drugging them with the “magic” of technological devices that were “irresistible,” then, when most of “reality” had become unreal and people had downloaded their natural lives into the devices, they roll out the latest fraud about how the machines are taking over from humans, as if people don’t have hands and eyes and walk upon the earth; that they can’t see the birds in the trees or feel the breeze upon their heads. That they are not free to determine their own lives.

Be afraid, for “you have no freedom” has been the message for decades. This is the repetitious, implicit message of fear used to paralyze people. The AI experts who create the instruments of “control,” even as they continue to develop them, then warn of their dangers. Here is their recent one sentence warning:

Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other society-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.

Is that so? Our Dr. Frankensteins  are so kind to create these monsters only to warn us about them.

Have you heard it all before?

Have you seen it all before?

Is the same-old, same-old getting you down?

Does the news seem like déjà vu all over again?

Does your life seem rehearsed and official history produced in advance?

Has the Weirdness arrived?

I think it’s fair to say that wherever people travel these days, it’s as if they were already there before they even left. Or at least the pictures they have seen have taken the newness out of the places they are going to in today’s simulated life. Nearly a century ago in The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway had his protagonist Jake Barnes say to Robert Cohen, when Cohen asks Barnes to go to South America with him and Barnes won’t:

‘Cheer up,’ I said. ‘All countries look just like the moving pictures.’

Moving pictures – how quaint that sounds today when the moving pictures now move in the dinguses in people’s pockets wherever people move, on the go to nowhere new. John Glenn would probably understand.

In his concluding chapter, Winner write::

More and more, the whole language used to talk about technology and social policy – the language of ‘risks,’ ‘impacts,’ and ‘trade-offs’ – smacks of betrayal. The excruciating subtleties of measurement and modeling mask embarrassing shortcomings in human judgment. We have become careful with numbers, callous with everything else. Our methodological rigor is becoming spiritual rigor mortis. [my emphasis]

This leads me back to the Internet and all the verbal and pictorial information published there. This is where most people now get their “news” and analyses about the “outside” world, where they get much of their official history before it happens. Even when people have learned how to choose sites judiciously, it is still information overload that destroys their ability to think, to remember what is important and forget the inessential.

Paul Virilio, the French scholar of technology and speed (dromology), calls it the “information bomb” (added to the nuclear and genetic bombs), the glut of repetitive information that deranges regular people but is a boon to the elites who think they are in full control of people’s minds and the technology they promote. Virilio writes:

A black hole of Progress into which has now fallen this whole philanoia, this love of madness on the part of the sciences and technologies, which is now seeking to organize the self-extinction of a species that is too slow. . . . Not liberation, but global takeover of humanity by totalitarian multimedia powers, applying intensely to populations that age-old strategy which consists in sowing division everywhere – between peoples, regions, towns, countries, races, religions, sexes, generations, and even within families.

Like John Glenn’s loss of awe while in orbit because of his simulator experience, and like the rehearsal for travel and so much else people do through screens – “pre-planning,” as the redundant word usage reveals the truth – the Internet has become a place to lose your mind as fast as you can and to make sure your life is devoid of surprises.

And because Internet content is posted so rapidly and in such large quantities, the providers and their readers can’t move on from the past because they are repeating it in ways that let them hold onto it without understanding it. There is no “space” for new thoughts.  It is analogous to those individuals who have suffered some childhood trauma but because it was so overwhelming, keep unconsciously repeating it in disguised form, rather than facing its truth and creating a new future.

Some of the Internet repetition is unconscious and innocent blather, and much of it is the basic method of propaganda.  Repeat and repeat the lies so that those hearing them can’t imagine there could be another truth.  And then those hearing them can’t forget what they have heard so often because, as Thoreau once said, “It is so hard to forget what it is worse than useless to remember.” And of course they can’t remember what they never heard since it has been omitted.  Propaganda is two-faced.

There is a stuckness to so much on the Internet because the space is unlimited and sites keep posting at rapid-fire speed to keep up with each other. The Internet is like a clogged highway on a Friday evening with hoards fleeing to the same “isolated” getaway.  By the time they get there, they wonder why they ever left, or if they did.

If you stop reading or viewing the Internet for a week or more, and then return, you won’t miss much.

Take, for example, Russia-gate and the recently released Durham Report.  Patrick Lawrence has written an intriguing article about it: John Durham and the Burying of American History.

Special Counsel Durham’s four year investigation, “Report on Matters Related to Intelligence Activities and Investigations Arising Out of the 2016 Presidential Campaigns,” is, as Lawrence says, more a confirmation than a revelation.  It verifies in a tricky way what some have known for seven years and others continue to deny because the implications are so explosive: that in 2016, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party, and the FBI conspired to create the Russia-gate hoax to smear Donald Trump as a Russian proxy to help Clinton get elected president.  The CIA and FBI knew from the start that the claims of a Trump-Russia conspiracy were completely fraudulent.

Once Trump was surprisingly elected, however, the Russia-gate lies were repeated endlessly for years by the conspirators, the mainstream press, and some alternative media.  Such propaganda had the effect of fueling hatred for Russia and President Putin, NATO’s continuing expansion to Russia’s borders, Ukraine’s neo-Nazi ongoing attacks on the Donbass, the persecution of Julian Assange as Clinton regularly accused him and Trump of being in cahoots with the Russian government, and eventually, after enough U.S. provocations, led to the present U.S./NATO war against Russia in Ukraine and the growing danger of nuclear war.

The Durham Report lays out some of the conspiracy that led to them, but not these consequences.  It doesn’t call for criminal prosecutions and is very lacking in many ways; it excludes the central role of CIA Director John Brennan and the false and discredited Clinton claim that Russia interfered in the 2016 election by hacking Democratic party servers to help elect Trump by releasing the material through Wikileaks, etc.  No one hacked those emails, as Ray McGovern and Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) have shown time and again.

It is a limited-hangout, a report so late and lacking that most people will have forgotten what engendered it, and, if that isn’t enough, the mainstream media is burying it anyway.

I mention Lawrence’s article, not because I agree with all his points – i.e. his historical examples exclude the Covid hoax and he claims that “Watergate was at bottom one man’s scandal,” which it surely was not – nor to analyze the report, but to pick up on points he makes about the burying of history and our faculties of remembering and forgetting. He writes:

To value history, Nietzsche told us in very different circumstances, is ‘to understand the meaning of the phrase ‘it was.’ But the health of an individual, a people, or of a culture he also said, depended on forgetting, too: It is only when we can forget that we escape the bonds of the past and dare to begin again, to imagine and create, ‘to perceive as we have never perceived before.’ Having the certainty of a written history is what makes possible this desirable kind of forgetting.

I think understanding these ideas is necessary for understanding what has become of us in the era of digital simulacra, how we have lost our way while learning to imitate rather than live. Our reactions have become copies of copies. History has become a series of pseudo-debates with fewer and fewer matters factually settled so one can forget and move on. While the Internet provides us with massive amounts of information, some of it very important, its very nature or the method of its delivery of its content controverts its claim to seriousness. It is hard to remember or forget when one subjects oneself to a steady stream of electronic images that speed through one’s mind like flashing lights.

Forgetting is usually considered a bad attribute that happens to you, not something good that one can do. It has come to be associated with ailments such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. Rarely is it seen as a necessary art – Nietzsche’s “music of forgetting” – that one might practice in order to make “room” for the onrushing future. For we know that the significance of the past depends on its importance for the future and only once one takes a stance toward the past can one create a new future. This is true for individuals and society. Learning to remember the past so as to forget it for the future is central.

Lawrence uses the JFK assassination, which occurred 60 years ago, as an example. The Internet is full of articles that still debate the assassination, as if the facts were not clear long ago. These pseudo-debates encourage readers to forget the facts – that the CIA killed Kennedy – and that the evidence is readily available if one reads a few scholarly books with impeccable sources, such as James W. Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable; Why He Died and Why It Matters. (Books obviously differ significantly from the Internet.) How long such nonsense will continue is a guessing game, but because the truth is so unsettling, as is Russia-gate, I suspect it will continue for a long time. One is encouraged to remember incidentals, while the core is elided to keep the debate going.

It is true, as Lawrence says, that certain lies are too big to fail, for if they did and entered the official histories as truths, they would be preserved, not to be forgotten. Then society could deal with their implications. But as long as matters such as the facts in the Durham Report (and the report’s omissions), the JFK assassination, etc., are buried or endlessly debated, as they are being now, their continuing ramifications in Ukraine, U.S. politics, etc. will be more deadly history planned in advance and nothing will seem new or hopeful. Like John Glenn, we will have seen it all before in our simulated lives.

Only to repeat it as we fly in circles in a country of endless lies.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

Featured image: Astronaut John Glenn enters the Mercury spacecraft, Friendship 7, prior to the launch of Mercury-Atlas 6 (MA-6) on Feb. 20, 1962. The MA-6 mission was the first crewed orbital flight and Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth during the three-orbit, five-hour MA-6 mission. Image Credit: NASA

He is the author of Seeking the Truth in a Country of Lies

To order his book, click here or the cover page.

“Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies is a dazzling journey into the heart of many issues — political, philosophical, and personal — that should concern us all.  Ed Curtin has the touch of the poet and the eye of an eagle.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Edward Curtin puts our propaganda-stuffed heads in a guillotine, then in a flash takes us on a redemptive walk in the woods — from inferno to paradiso.  Walk with Ed and his friends — Daniel Berrigan, Albert Camus, George Orwell, and many others — through the darkest, most-firefly-filled woods on this earth.” James W. Douglass, author, JFK and the Unspeakable

“A powerful exposé of the CIA and our secret state… Curtin is a passionate long-time reform advocate; his stories will rouse your heart.” Oliver Stone, filmmaker, writer, and director

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The planning stages for Event 201, the notoriously timed pre-pandemic coronavirus simulation to prepare for “a similar pandemic in the future,” traces back to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual invite-only, ruling class convention in Davos, Switzerland.

The Gates Foundation and The World Economic Forum, among others, joined forces for the October 18, 2019 event — which occurred just weeks before the first reported coronavirus case in Wuhan — much earlier than previously understood. The planning stages for Event 201 first occurred on the sidelines January, 2019 World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, The Dossier has learned.

In relatively unnoticed social media posts, organizers discussed the formation of Event 201 from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum event.

On January 23, 2019, Tom Inglesby, the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, became the first person to publicly announce the formation of Event 201, in partnership with the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. Inglesby’s organization would later host the event in New York City.

The theme for the Davos event that year was “Globalization 4.0: Shaping A Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Why is Davos significant?

The World Economic Forum has become the go-to narrative and ideas shop for the global ruling class, weaponizing campaigns for their ideological agenda that are now advanced by the worlds most powerful individuals and organizations, through slogans and movements such as “The Great Reset” and “Build Back Better,” among others. The WEF and its backers seek to impose an extremely authoritarian agenda upon humanity, under the guise of healing the planet from climate change. WEF founder Klaus Schwab has elaborated on this movement for technocratic tyranny through his recent books, such as “Covid-19 The Great Reset” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

The first person to retweet the Event 201 announcement was none other than Ronald Klain, who is currently serving as the White House chief of staff under President Joe Biden.

Inglesby is now a senior adviser at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in addition to his role at Hopkins.

6 days later, Ryan Morhard, who at the time led the World Economic Forum’s work on “global health security,” became the second person to highlight the planned WEF-Gates coronavirus war-game in New York.

Event 201 would not again be discussed in public for another 7 months, when in August 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center launched a website dedicated to the coming simulation.

For more on Event 201, read The Dossier’s latest report on the infamous October, 2019 coronavirus simulation that warned of a coming “similar pandemic in the future.”

Previous investigative reporting on Event 201 had mistakenly considered the aforementioned August, 2019 date as the first mention of the infamous pre-pandemic coronavirus simulation. However, we now know that Event 201 was first devised at the infamous WEF Davos confab in January 2019.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Updated on June 7, 2023.

Previous title: 1350 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 919 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

Updated on September 21, 2022.

Previous title: 1,323 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 900 Dead, After COVID Injection


It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

Important Notes: The number of dead are included in the total number. There are also dozens of reports that are not included in the total number shown in the headline because they are not or may not be vaccine-related.

The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”

In response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021/2022 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening and ramping up after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Many of those die – more than 50%.

We also note that many posts in Facebook, Instagram, twitter, forums and news stories are being removed. So now we are receiving some messages saying there is no proof of the event or of vaccination status. That is partly because this information is being hidden.

More people are writing to tell us that in many cases, we didn’t mention a person’s vaccination status. There is a good reason for that. None of the clubs want to reveal this information. None of their sponsors want to reveal it. The players have been told not to reveal it. Most of their relatives will not mention it. None of the media are asking this question. So what should we do? Stop this now? No, we will collect as much information as we can, while it is still available, because eventually, more information will come out, and we will be here to put it together. Will it mean anything? We don’t know. What we do know is that there is a concerted world-wide effort to make this information go away, so that fact alone tells us it must be collected, investigated and saved so other researchers can look at it to see if there are any useful patterns.

We replaced about a dozen occurrences of the word “shot” with “injection” because translation into other languages is improved, on advice from a reader.

We really appreciate the athletes named in this list (or their families) who have confirmed what happened to them so the truth can be known. They care about their fellow athletes, even if the clubs, their sponsors, media, politicians and so-called health professionals do not.

Contained in the list are many professional athletes and high level amateur athletes. It would not be sensible to try to report the death of every person on the planet, so we have selected a category of person who should be fit enough to lead a long and healthy life. This means that provided a person is reasonably fit, healthy and does some athletic activity, rather than an unfit “couch potato,” then they can be included in this list. Needless to say, these are only the persons reported to us by readers or that we discovered during research.

There are many countries or states with large populations, that have almost no reports in our list. That probably means events are not being reported to us. The true death and injury numbers are likely to be very much higher than we list here.

Prior Year Data

The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. (NIH Document)

A study by Maron on sudden death in US athletes, from 1980 to 2006 in thirty-eight sports identified 1,866 deaths of athletes with cardiac disease, with a prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

2005 to 2006 averaged sixty-six (66) deaths per year, with 82% of those occurring during competition or training.

Thanks to investigator readers for discovering these reports, and this story in Spanish: Momento Deportivo.

In 2021 and 2022 so far, cardiac disease has not been mentioned. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was mentioned twice, but those two reports were listed in the “not vax related” list. “Enlarged heart” was only mentioned three times, but there was no indication this was a long-term or recent issue (possibly due to vaccine injury).

The above shows that in prior years, there were 66 deaths per year, but there have been 89 reported in January 2022, so far.

Athlete collapses and deaths chart from 1st January 2021 to 26th February 2023. Good Sciencing.

Athlete collapses and deaths chart from 1st January 2021 to 26th February 2023. Good Sciencing.

Growing Report

This story will grow over time, as new information is added. If you have proof of information that we don’t already have, or if you have a correction, please send it through our contact form, with as much information as possible. Useful information would be the person’s name, age, what happened to them, if they had the COVID vaccine(s), date of event or death, link to any news story.

Special thanks to readers who have provided corrections, found errors that we missed, or provided new information we didn’t know about. It is now a real team effort and we appreciate it.

Currently reviewing 1 report – jockey Alex Canchari, March 1st. Thanks to a French researcher, we added the ages of 5 people that were previously unknown.

New Note: The number of new cancers appears to be increasing. In some places, we have seen doctors reporting that there are 5 times more cancers than in 2020/21 and many of those go straight to stage 4. We leave it to others to draw conclusions from this, but there have been many newly-discovered cancer deaths around the world, often described as “died after a short illness.”

For the skeptics who believe this is normal, feel free to repeat the following 18 words, after reading each name in this list.

Repeat This After Reading Each Line

“The COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine. The COVID vaccine is safe. These injuries and deaths are normal.”

April 2023 – (Day/Month/Year)

  1. 29/04/2023 Spain Dead
    Josu García de Albeniz (25), Karate Fitness Gasteiz Karate exponent collapsed from a cardiac arrest at the entrance of a music festival. He died later in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  2. 29/04/2023 Michigan, USA Dead
    Alia Zuidema (21), former high school basketball player died suddenly after a “medical emergency.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  3. 27/04/2023 Arizona, USA
    Pyper Midkiff (12), Arizona Arsenal soccer player suffered a cardiac arrest during practice. She received immediate CPR from the mother of another player and was taken to hospital, where she is now recovering. Her heart stopped again in the ambulance, but it was restarted before she arrived at hospital. She has been playing soccer since she was 6 and had no previous health issues.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  4. 24/04/2023 Belgium Dead
    Laura Delava (18), female Poids et Haltères weightlifter died suddenly of a “severe infection,” less than a day after falling ill.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  5. 23/04/2023 England Dead
    Stephen Shanks (45), very experienced runner completed the 2023 London marathon in a good time. He was pictured smiling at the pub with a finishers medal, but on his way home, he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4 News Story5
  6. 17/04/2023 USA Dead
    Chris Smith (31), Seattle Sea Dragons American Football player in the XFL this season after 8 years in the NFL, died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  7. 15/04/2023 New South Wales, Australia
    Vicki Roycroft (69), Olympian Show Jumper suffered a “large tear in her aorta” (heart) while preparing to take part in a horse show jumping event in Sydney. “She did not breath for 10 minutes” and is “having an eight-hour operation for bypass surgery.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  8. 13/04/2023 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Kyle Limper (16), high school student who played basketball, American football and other sports. After a basketball game, he complained of a sore back. He was diagnosed with leukaemia, a type of cancer, then died 24 hours later.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  9. 12/04/2023 Queensland, Australia
    Sam Backo (62), former Canberra Raiders Rugby League player collapsed at home from a cardiac arrest labeled a “massive heart attack” but is said to be making a “remarkable recovery.”  News Story  News Story2
  10. 11/04/2023 Denmark Dead
    Tobias Kisum (37), Rungsted Ice Hockey star player who focused on his legal career since 2016 died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  11. 10/04/2023 Idaho, USA Dead
    Justin Smith (17), high school tennis player collapsed during practice. He was taken to the medical centre where he died.  News Story  News Story2
  12. 10/04/2023 Georgia, USA Dead
    Abdul Rasheed Babatunde Agbaje (21), aka Baba Agbaje, Mercer University Football player collapsed from a cardiac arrest during a football game. He was taken to hospital but died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  13. 10/04/2023 British Columbia, Canada Dead
    Raymond Sawada (38), former Dallas Stars Ice Hockey player and firefighter suffered a cardiac arrest and died while playing a recreational game.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  14. 10/04/2023 England Dead
    Mason Peddle (28), AFC Portchester Footballer died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4 News Story5
  15. 09/04/2023 Maharashtra, India Dead
    Sanjay More (56), Kabaddi player suffered a cardiac arrest during a game. He was taken to hospital, but declared DOA.  News Story
  16. 08/04/2023 Jammu and Kashmir, India Dead
    Mushtaq Ahmad Parrey (38), Cricket player in northern India suffered a cardiac arrest at home. The hospital declared him DOA.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  17. 07/04/2023 Spain Dead
    Diego Fumero (19), Juventud de Torremolinos Football player suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died. He was studying criminology in the south of Spain.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  18. 07/04/2023 Martinique
    Fred Senga (20), Club Franciscain Footballer collapsed from a cardiac arrest during training and received immediate treatment. He was taken to hospital and is recovering.  News Story  News Story2
  19. 04/04/2023 USA Dead
    Eli Wolff (46), former Paralympian football player, university lecturer and supporter of sports for people with disabilities died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

    March 2023

  20. 31/03/2023 Colorado, USA Dead
    Brady Hoos (17), Dakota Ridge HS Baseball player suffered an unexpected “seizure” and died.  News Story  News Story2
  21. 31/03/2023 Illinois, USA Dead
    Samuel Hackler (13), member of track athletics team as well as teams for American football and baseball suffered a “seizure” during track training and died in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  22. 30/03/2023 Victoria, Australia
    Jai Serong (20), Hawthorn Australian Rules Footballer diagnosed with pericarditis and out of action for months. Australian media are still saying this is a rare condition, but there are at least 27 others recorded in this list already.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  23. 29/03/2023 California, USA
    Matt Williams (57), former San Francisco Giants Baseball player who moved into management and coaching with San Diego Padres in California, USA. Now diagnosed with colon cancer and is to have an operation.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  24. 29/03/2023 England
    Ian Hutchinson (43), Motorcycle Racing champion and sixteen-time Isle of Man TT winner suffered a stroke while cycling.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  25. 28/03/2023 Brazil Dead
    Marcos Bala (42), former Penedense Footballer suffered a series of cardiac arrests that started while out walking. He was taken to hospital but died.  News Story
  26. 27/03/2023 Chile Dead
    Claudia Schuler (35), top-level female Chilean field hockey player. In late 2021, she was diagnosed with cancer in one eye. She thought the cancer was being controlled but then discovered it had reactivated. It then spread to other parts of her body and she died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  27. 26/03/2023 Philippines Dead
    Jerry Kasim (49), Triathlete and former competitive swimmer turned coach, suffered a cardiac arrest and died in the first leg of a triathlon while swimming.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  28. 26/03/2023 Spain
    Juanfran Moreno (34), professional footballer for Oviedo club was diagnosed with “severe renal failure in one of his kidneys and the appearance of several blood clots.” After treatment in hospital, he was released, but he might not be back to full fitness for a while.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  29. 25/03/2023 Spain
    Dragisa Gudelj (25), Serbian footballer playing in Spain for Cordoba suffered a cardiac arrest mid-match and was taken to hospital for treatment. The match was abandoned.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  30. 24/03/2023 Russia Dead
    Pavel Krotov (30), 2021 world freestyle skiing champion died overnight in Russia, after a “blood vessel burst” in his sleep.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4 News Story5
  31. 24/03/2023 Russia Dead
    Sergei Shaporenko (47), former professional FC Irtysh Omsk Dynamo Football player died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  32. 23/03/2023 Utah, USA
    Josh Davis (20), Utah State American Football player in his first year at Utah State University suffered a cardiac arrest in training. He was given CPR and taken to hospital, where he is recovering. He believes he will never play again.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  33. 22/03/2023 Italy Dead
    Roberto Baggiani (60), Footballer who played for many local teams over the years around Argentario, Italy, and then took up coaching youth players. He died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  34. 22/03/2023 Indiana, USA
    Will Schweitzer (20), Notre Dame University American Football player previously played for Los Gatos Wildcats. He “suffered a non-football related medical event” in September 2021. He says “I have made a full recovery” but is now retiring from playing.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  35. 22/03/2023 Brazil
    Zé Carlos (28), Ferroviário footballer collapsed on the pitch during a match, continued playing and then collapsed again on the bench after being substituted. He was taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  36. 21/03/2023 Greece Dead
    Tasos Balafas (43), Basketballer in the Greek Air Force collapsed after the annual Basketball match. He received first aid and was taken to the health centre but was unable to be saved.  News Story  News Story2
  37. 21/03/2023 Italy Dead
    Davide Licata (12), Basketball player collapsed in the school gym during basketball training after complaining of a head ache. An ambulance arrived but he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  38. 19/03/2023 Germany Dead
    Charlotte Vellar (16), talented female MSV Duisburg Footballer died suddenly. No further information available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  39. 17/03/2023 England Dead
    Jude Moore (19), very talented boxer who represented England died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  40. 17/03/2023 Wisconsin, USA
    Bryce Biba (19), Gymnast collapsed from a cardiac arrest while training in a gym. He was revived by fellow gym members using CPR. He now has an implanted defibrillator in case it happens again.  News Story  News Story2
  41. 16/03/2023 Malaysia Dead
    Gregory Emilio (52), Footballer and police officer collapsed during a friendly football match and was rushed to hospital where he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  42. 16/03/2023 France Dead
    Paul Piredda (73), cyclist for Verberie and multiple other clubs suffered a cardiac arrest during a training ride. Resuscitation attempts failed and he died. He no longer took part in competitions but he still did the training rides.  News Story  News Story2
  43. 15/03/2023 Italy Dead
    Claudio Rais (37), triathlete, champion swimmer and personal trainer reportedly took his own life by jumping from a bridge to escape the long period of adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  44. 14/03/2023 Georgia, USA Dead
    David Lauffer (Age), Dino’s Gym owner collapsed and died suddenly from a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  45. 13/03/2023 Northern Ireland Dead
    Daniel Donnan (21), Bangor Bowling Club Bowler felt unwell while in the gym. Diagnosed with cancer and died three days later.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  46. 13/03/2023 Oklahoma, USA
    Michelle Fick (47), half marathon runner and personal trainer developed a health issue which resulted in losing a huge amount of weight, could not sleep or work. Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease (inflammatory bowel disease) and immediately admitted to hospital for treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  47. 13/03/2023 Italy Dead
    Chris Cooper (44), an American baseball pitcher who played in Italy for the T & A San Marino Baseball club and for the Italian national team suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  48. 12/03/2023 Bolivia Dead
    Daniel Minguins de Araújo (39), Pitbull Etiquetas FC Futsal player suffered a cardiac arrest during a match and was treated in hospital. He left the hospital the same day, but had another cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  49. 11/03/2023 USA Dead
    Arthur Pinilla Polanco (28), fencing champion from Colombia, South America suffered a cardiac arrest and died suddenly while in the USA preparing to return to Colombia.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  50. 11/03/2023 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Evan Corson (10), Kings Ice Hockey player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  51. 09/03/2023 Texas, USA Dead
    Ben Siegfried (22), former Lebanon Valley College American Football player and then athletic trainer for other American football teams in the XFL league. He died unexpectedly at the team hotel in Texas.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  52. 09/03/2023 England Dead
    Jacob Baker (29), Flimby Social FC Footballer and captain since 2021 died suddenly. An inquest is being held, verdict on 14th September 2023.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  53. 08/03/2023 France Dead
    Cyrille de Castro (47), former Sporting Club Graulhétois Rugby Union player for 252 league matches over 20 years and now coach suffered a cardiac arrest overnight and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  54. 07/03/2023 South Africa Dead
    Siphamandla Mtolo (29), Richards Bay FC top division football captain collapsed during a training session, and was declared dead before arriving at the hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  55. 07/03/2023 Ohio, USA
    Ebonie Sherwood (18), high school senior student football and basketball player and track athlete suffered a cardiac arrest during track practice. She received immediate treatment and was revived. Now she has had a heart transplant.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  56. 05/03/2023 Gujarat, India Dead
    Nimesh Ahir (32), cricket player developed chest pain and breathing problems during a match. He was taken to hospital but was declared dead on arrival.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  57. 05/03/2023 North Carolina, USA
    Keianna Joe (17), cheerleader suffered a cardiac arrest during a warm-up routine. Received CPR assisted by an AED and was taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  58. 04/03/2023 Indiana, USA
    Isaiah Abels (21), Mixed Martial Arts fighter unexpectedly collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the ring during a contest. Doctors restarted his heart and he was taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  59. 02/03/2023 England Dead
    Kayla Ere (14), school gymnast suffered a cardiac arrest during a PE/gym class then died in hospital. She had no previous medical conditions.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  60. 01/03/2023 Philippines Dead
    Emmanuel “Boybits” Victoria (50), Filipino professional basketball player suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died. He was diagnosed in 2018 with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), a serious autoimmune disorder and his condition improved after treatment. A few years later, he proudly advertised having taken the covid vaccinations.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  61. 01/03/2023 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Alex Canchari (29), a very successful professional jockey died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4

    February 2023

  62. 28/02/2023 Telangana, India Dead
    Shyam Yadav (38), Badminton player collapsed from a Cardiac arrest during a game. He died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  63. 27/02/2023 England Dead
    Sammy Winston (44), former Tottenham Hotspur Football youth player who then played for smaller clubs as his career progressed. He stopped playing football seriously in 2009 and became a fire fighter. He died suddenly from a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  64. 26/02/2023 France
    Leo (29), AS Belle-Ile amateur Footballer collapsed with a cardiac arrest just before the end of a match. He received immediate attention and was airlifted to hospital, where he was treated.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  65. 25/02/2023 England Dead
    Michael Palmer (23), Crowland Town FC Footballer collapsed during a match. He was rushed to hospital, but never regained consciousness.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  66. 25/02/2023 Gujarat, India Dead
    Vasant Rathod (34), Cricket player and tax office employee collapsed to the ground with severe chest pain during a match. He was taken to hospital but died.  Indian media report that Rathod is the fifth death of a cricketer reported in the past 20 days.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  67. 24/02/2023 Ireland Dead
    Tom Tierney (46), former star rugby union star player for Ireland and for clubs including Leicester Tigers and then coach died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  68. 24/02/2023 Illinois, USA Dead
    Matt Pobereyko (31), American baseball player for Mexican team Saraperos de Saltillo was found unexpectedly dead in his apartment in Illinois. His brother said “I understand he would have gotten a clean bill of health if he had a pulse.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  69. 21/02/2023 Virgin Islands, USA Dead
    Jamie Cail (42), former late 1990s and early 2000s swimming champion was found dead at home.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  70. 20/02/2023 Nevada, USA Dead
    Ryan Keeler (20), UNLV American Football player was found dead unexpectedly after apparently feeling nauseous for several days.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4  News Story5
  71. 19/02/2023 Saskatchewan, Canada
    Devin Gerun (27), Hafford Hawks Ice Hockey felt unwell during a game, was taken to hospital where he had “a massive heart attack.” He is recovering.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  72. 16/02/2023 Brazil
    Philipe Sampaio (28), Botafogo Footballer collapsed 15 minutes into a game against Vasco da Gama. An ambulance took him to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  73. 15/02/2023 Mississippi, USA
    Kaseem Vauls (21), Jackson State University American Football player went to the medical centre Tuesday night suffering from stomach pains. Suffered a cardiac arrest the next morning.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  74. 15/02/2023 Massachusetts, USA Dead
    Peter Baddoo (29), Basketball and former member of the Senior England Men’s lacrosse squad died suddenly while playing basketball on campus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he taught mathematics.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  75. 11/02/2023 Belgium Dead
    Arne Espeel (25), Winkel Sport B football goalkeeper collapsed just after saving a penalty, when he felt unwell. He was revived and taken to hospital, but died soon after.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  76. 11/02/2023 Netherlands
    Adrie Poldervaart (52), former OHVV Oudenhorn Footballer and now manager of De Graafschap has developed Guillain-Barré disease and struggles to walk.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  77. 10/02/2023 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Elijah Jordan Brown-Garcia (12), American Football player collapsed during light football training. No-one around knew CPR so they waited for an ambulance, which was delayed. At the hospital, he was pronounced dead.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  78. 10/02/2023 Finland
    Venla Lehtonen (27), Biathlon competitor “froze” due to a cardiac arrhythmia on the last hill and stopped the women’s sprint race at the World Championships in Germany.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  79. 07/02/2023 Greece Dead
    Vassilis Christodoulou (21), Knights of Charilaou basketball player suffered a sudden cardiac arrest at home alone and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  80. 07/02/2023 Michigan, USA Dead
    Cartier Woods (18), Basketball player at Northwestern High School in Detroit, Michigan suffered a cardiac arrest during a basketball game against Fredrick Douglass Academy. He died in hospital one week later.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  81. 06/02/2023 Canada Dead
    William Caron-Cabrera (17), high school American football player in Canada died in his sleep due to a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  82. 05/02/2023 Spain Dead
    Ado Hadi (21), Nigerian CD Madridejos Football player collapsed in the middle of a match against SP Cabanillas. Resuscitation attempts failed and he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  83. 05/02/2023 Ivory Coast Dead
    Moustapha Sylla (21), Racing Club d’Abidjan Footballer collapsed from a cardiac arrest and died in the middle of a match.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  84. 05/02/2023 France
    Bernard Leydet (69), Runner who runs about 20 kilometres every day collapsed with a cardiac arrest while out running close to his home. Passers-by and rescue services revived him.  News Story
  85. 04/02/2023 Arizona, USA Dead
    Pierre Lipton (26), star performer academically and in sport collapsed after crossing the finish line of the Meza Marathon in Arizona, a personal best time. He received immediate attention from a paramedic but was unable to be saved.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  86. 01/02/2023 British Columbia, Canada Dead
    Evgeny Melnikov (32), Mixed Martial Arts fighter from Russia who lived in Canada died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  87. 01/02/2023 England
    Antonio Conte (53), Tottenham Hotspur Football coach who previously had a long professional football playing career in Italy suffered from severe abdominal pain early in 2023 and was advised to have his gall bladder removed. The diagnosis of “cholecystitis – inflammation on the gallbladder” is mentioned on the NIH website related to the Covid-19 vaccine.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4

    January 2023

  88. 31/01/2023 South Carolina, USA
    Kamari Williams (18), Basketballer collapsed with a cardiac arrest while playing for Southside Christian middle school against Brashier Middle College in South Carolina. He was given CPR and transferred to hospital where he is recovering.  News Story  News Story2
  89. 30/01/2023 Germany Dead
    Raphael Fickler (24), longtime TSV Pfaffenhausen Footballer and referee died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  90. 29/01/2023 Nevada, USA Dead
    Ryan Vannah (43), Tennis player and former national tennis champion who had played all his life and was very fit collapsed from a cardiac arrest during a tennis match at Red Rock Country Club, Nevada. After receiving first aid, he was transferred to hospital, but died later.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4  News Story5
  91. 28/01/2023 Brazil Dead
    Vander Mineiro (28), amateur runner suffered a cardiac arrest in a race in Brazil. Emergency services arrived but he did not survive.  News Story  News Story2
  92. 28/01/2023 Utah, USA
    Christian McConkie (13), Basketball player collapsed during a game. His father and others helped with CPR. A paramedic arrived with an AED and Christian survived. A subaortic membrane obstructed his blood flow, and received open-heart surgery.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  93. 27/01/2023 Arizona, USA Dead
    Ty Wells (23), Swimmer who was on the University of Arizona athletics program swim team for four years died suddenly. He is reported to have died from “natural causes” owing to a “bacterial infection.”   News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  94. 26/01/2023 Belgium Dead
    Omar Achadoud (33), Future Winterslag Footballer died in his sleep from a cardiac arrest the day after bringing his sick father to Belgium. His father died three days later.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  95. 26/01/2023 South Carolina, USA
    Brevin Galloway (25), Clemson Tigers Basketball player suffered a “below the belt” injury after weight training and a nap. His surprise injury meant that he need hospital surgery from which he is now recovering.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  96. 26/01/2023 Italy Dead
    Giuseppe Liotta (38), FC Valsessera Footballer died suddenly overnight.  News Story  News Story2
  97. 25/01/2023 Spain Dead
    Estrella Martin (14), Sporting Club de Huelva Footballer trained with the team on Tuesday, was found dead at home on Wednesday.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  98. 25/01/2023 Nevada, USA Dead
    Amy Richardson (49), female competitive bodybuilder became ill at a competition in Nevada and was hospitalised. She died days a few days after returning home.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  99. 25/01/2023 Maharashtra, India Dead
    Akash Watekar (32), Cricket player and law student collapsed from a cardiac arrest mid-match. He was rushed to hospital, but he was pronounced DOA.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  100. 24/01/2023 USA Dead
    Jessie Lemonier (25), former Detroit Lions NFL American Football player died unexpectedly. No further details available.   News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  101. 24/01/2023 Algeria Dead
    Ben Idir Mehenni (29), Union Sportive de Oued Amizour Footballer collapsed a few minutes after feeling unwell during a match against MC Rouiba. He was taken to hospital, but died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  102. 24/01/2023 Western Australia Dead
    Duncan Pugh (48), Bobsledder who represented Australia at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics suffered a brain aneurysm and died suddenly in his home town of Perth, WA. He was unable to be saved.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  103. 23/01/2023 Arizona, USA Dead
    Steven Spellman (18), Gymnast was in his first year at university studying Business Management. He suddenly collapsed while exercising in the gym. He received first aid on site then taken to hospital but died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  104. 23/01/2023 England Dead
    Luke Abrahams (20), Hunsbury Hawks FC amateur footballer who also played for Blisworth FC reportedly developed a “bacterial infection,” which led to doctors amputating his leg in order to try to save him, but he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  105. 23/01/2023 Netherlands Dead
    Inge van der Velden (30), Castricum Rugby Club Rugby Union and Dutch national women’s team player suddenly developed an aggressive form of cancer and died. She was studying to be a vet and “was a talented, fast and super fit player.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  106. 22/01/2023 Kuwait Dead
    Patrizio Billio (48), former Italian AC Milan Footballer died unexpectedly in Kuwait while playing padel (an indoor game, part squash and part tennis). In his football career, he played for clubs around Europe including AC Milan before pursuing a coaching career with AC Milan, but then based in Kuwait.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  107. 21/01/2023 New South Wales, Australia Dead
    Simon Dunn (35), Sydney Convicts Rugby Union player died suddenly and unexpectedly. He represented Australia in bobsledding.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  108. 21/01/2023 New Zealand Dead
    Chris Shapland (25), Wellington Squash and Racketball Club Squash player died suddenly. He was one of his club’s best players and also a playing member of Wiveliscombe Rugby Club in New Zealand.  News Story
  109. 21/01/2023 France Dead
    Unnamed male (35), Footballer suffered a cardiac arrest while mountain biking with friends in the Dordogne region of France. Emergency services arrived but were unable to save him.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  110. 20/01/2023 England Dead
    Arthur Lamb (31), Whitehaven Cricket Club Cricketer and Cumbria County Councillor died suddenly and unexpectedly. Cause of death not released.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  111. 20/01/2023 Connecticut, USA
    Chris Baker (35), former Washington American Football player nicknamed “Swaggy” suffered a stroke and was hospitalised for emergency surgery. He is recovering.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  112. 19/01/2023 Victoria, Australia
    Ons Jabeur (28), Tunisian tennis player was second seed at the Open Tennis championship in Victoria, Australia, went out early due to difficulty breathing, then collapsed in the tunnel from the court.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  113. 19/01/2023 Brazil Dead
    Anderson Costa (21), Barbearia do Vale Footballer collapsed during a game and was taken to hospital but died soon after.  News Story
  114. 19/01/2023 Texas, USA
    Sabine Barrett (11), Lonestar Soccer Club female Footballer collapsed with a cardiac arrest at school football practice. She received immediate attention and was taken to hospital. She is recovering.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  115. 18/01/2023 British Colombia, Canada Dead
    Kris Yip (47), top Canadian cyclist from British Columbia died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  116. 17/01/2023 England Dead
    Rachel Morgan (26), Gymnast and school teacher died suddenly. She was young and kept fit through the gym, jogging and yoga.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  117. 15/01/2023 Ukraine Dead
    Ruslan Otverchenko (33), former Bàsquet Manresa Basketball player for 11 years including for the national team and for Spanish team Bàsquet Manresa died in his sleep due to a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  118. 15/01/2023 Victoria, Australia
    Jasper Wickes (16), South End Spirit Basketball player collapsed due to a cardiac arrest during training, despite having no known medical conditions. He received immediate attention including CPR and was taken to hospital where he was treated and fitted with a pacemaker.  News Story
  119. 14/01/2023 France
    Unnamed (17), Jeunes Espoirs Montalbanais Footballer suffered a cardiac arrest mid-match. A defibrillator was used to restart his heart and he was taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  120. 13/01/2023 Saskatchewan, Canada Dead
    Presley Wilchuck (13), Regina Victorias girls American Football player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  121. 13/01/2023 Ohio, USA
    Brandon Miller (35), Ice Hockey player suffered two cardiac arrests, crashing to the ice twice while skating. Some of the other players were medical professionals, who immediately gave him CPR and used a defibrillator to revive him. He was taken to hospital and is now recovering.  News Story  News Story2
  122. 12/01/2023 Himachal Pradesh, India Dead
    Siddharth Sharma (28), Himachal Pradesh professional cricket player complained of breathing difficulties in December 2022. While on a trip to Gujarat for the Ranji Trophy match, he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  123. 11/01/2023 Florida, USA Dead
    Tony Spain (59) former successful boxer and then owner of a boxing gym and boxing coach died suddenly. “He was very health conscious and he always exercised and ate healthily to remain fit.” No further details are available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  124. 11/01/2023 England Dead
    Logan Holgate (18), Salford Rugby League rising star who also played rugby league England (U19). He died suddenly in England.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  125. 11/01/2023 Brazil
    Christian Bernardi (31), Argentinian Fortaleza Footballer who used to play for Cordoba, but transferred to Fortaleza in Brazil on 1st January 2023. He then discovered a heart condition which requires treatment, so now his employment is uncertain.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  126. 11/01/2023 France
    Unnamed man (21), Val de Gray Natation Swimmer suffered a cardiac arrest in a training session in the pool. He was revived and taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  127. 11/01/2023 California, USA Dead
    Oliviero Bozzi (39), personal trainer and owner of a fitness and bodybuilding business was found Dead on the sofa at home.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  128. 10/01/2023 France Dead
    Raphaël Vidot (30), Surfing champion from the French island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean suffered a cardiac arrest and died while visiting mainland France for a surfing competition.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  129. 09/01/2023 Colorado, USA Dead
    Hunter Brown (21), Air Force Falcons American Football player collapsed after suffering a “medical emergency” while walking to class. Emergency personnel attempted life-saving measures but were unsuccessful.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  130. 09/01/2023 Illinois, USA
    Liam Hendriks (33), Australian Chicago White Sox Baseball player diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer and is undergoing treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  131. 08/01/2023 Nevada, USA Dead
    Jordan Brister (18) high school student gymnast with an ambition to join the military to become a para rescue jumper to save others. He collapsed from a cardiac arrest after a gym class at school, and died 5 days later in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  132. 08/01/2023 France Dead
    Hervé Flamant (52), former Pont-Sainte-Maxence and then Les Ageux Footballer suffered a cardiac arrest and could not be revived after their match against AFC Compiègne.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  133. 08/01/2023 France
    Jean-Pierre Unknown (15), Essonne U16 Football suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in a match against Yerres-Crosne. He received immediate first aid on the pitch from an 18-year-old firefighter and was taken to hospital for emergency surgery and was visited by French footballing legend Didier Deschamps.  News Story
  134. 08/01/2023 Italy Dead
    Manlio Millo (56), Runner suffered a cardiac arrest 700 metres from the finish of a half-marathon. He received immediate attention and was taken to hospital, but died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  135. 07/01/2023 Germany
    Noussair Mazraoui (25), Bayern Munich Footballer now suffering from “inflammation of the pericardium” and cannot play.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  136. 07/01/2023 France Dead
    Modeste M’Bami (40), Paris-Saint-Germain and Cameroon footballer suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died in France where he lived. He won an Olympic gold medal against Brazil in 2000.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  137. 07/01/2023 Virginia, USA
    Imo Essien (20), Old Dominion University Basketball player collapsed clutching his chest a few minutes into a game.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  138. 07/01/2023 Texas, USA
    Sammy Berko (16), Rock Climber suffered a cardiac arrest while on a rock-climbing wall at a gym in Texas. After two hours of CPR he was suddenly and surprisingly revived and is now recovering.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4  News Story5
  139. 06/01/2023 Romania Dead
    Unnamed female (13), CSS Piatra Neamt Volleyball player at the “Elena Cuza” Secondary School in Piatra Neamt, Romania collapsed during training and despite a medical team attending, she died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  140. 06/01/2023 Slovenia Dead
    Eugen Grosu (42), Romanian gymnastics coach was working in Slovenia when he died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  141. 06/01/2023 Romania Dead
    Unnamed girl (13), Volleyballer collapsed while at Piatra Neamț School collapsed during low intensity training for volleyball. She was first resuscitated by the teacher, then by medical personnel. She died in hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  142. 06/01/2023 Italy Dead
    Anna Maione (15), Asd Pianeta Volleyball player and high school student died of a cerebral aneurysm two days after her last game, at home watching television. The hospital could not save her.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  143. 05/01/2023 The Bahamas Dead
    La’Bree Bonaby (18), Basketball player collapsed and died during a basketball game. “Police said the victim did not complain about feeling ill before she collapsed.” An autopsy was ordered to find out what exactly went wrong and why she collapsed.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  144. 05/01/2023 Portugal Dead
    Márcio Freire (47), legendary Brazilian surfer of big waves was surfing in Portugal, when he suffered cardio-respiratory arrest. Rescuers immediately started resuscitation on the sand. Several attempts failed and he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  145. 05/01/2023 Italy Dead
    Gianluca Vialli (58), Chelsea professional footballer playing for Sampdoria, Juventus, Chelsea and Italy. Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2017, his cancer was in remission by 2021, but after COVID vaccinations in 2021, his cancer came back rapidly and in December 2022 left a role with Italy’s national team to focus on his health.” (One of the links is from an oncology professor, who has just realised that cancer has been returning to people who have had the vaccines).   News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  146. 05/01/2023 Nevada, USA Dead
    Ashari Hughes (16), female Flag Football player collapsed after playing flag football at the school. Despite receiving immediate treatment, she died later in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  147. 05/01/2023 New York, USA
    Keyonna Garrison (16), junior Basketball player at Odessa-Montour school in New York had a stroke while at school and was taken to hospital for treatment. After several days she left hospital and is recovering.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  148. 05/01/2023 England
    George Garton (25), Sussex County CC Cricket player suffered a bloodclot in his lung after COVID vaccine and a playing trip to Australia where only vaccinated visitors were allowed entry. During the 2022 season he was unable to perform at his usual level and he contemplated retirement. All activity was an effort and he found himself far too easily breathless and with his heart pounding. An MRI scan and a 48-hour ESG found nothing and he was left with the diagnosis of “long covid.” A chance meeting with a professor of haematology advised that he probably had a blood clot on the lung and that typically, it requires a “six-month period before even a fit, young body clears a lung clot and you again begin to feel normal.”  News Story  News Story2
  149. 05/01/2023 France
    Unnamed male (17), Swimmer suffered a cardiac arrest at a swimming pool in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France. He received first aid from the lifeguards before being taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  150. 04/01/2023 Spain Dead
    Brian Ferguson (65), Scottish Boxer who later ran a boxing gym and took up coaching moved to Spain. He was said to be super-fit at 65, but suffered an unexpected cardiac arrest and died at his home in Spain.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  151. 03/01/2023 Spain Dead
    Agustín Navarro (44), Colloto Cycling world cycling champion known affectionately as “Guti” specialising in cyclocross died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  152. 03/01/2023 Quebec, Canada Dead
    Jeremy Riendeau (10), ice hockey player died suddenly a month after a 7-year-old player died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  153. 02/01/2023 Ohio, USA Dead
    Jack Madison (20), played tennis all his life, continuing on his college tennis team, but died suddenly in his sleep at home.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  154. 02/01/2023 New York, USA
    Martina Navratilova (66), winner of many tennis tournaments over a long career has been diagnosed with two forms of cancer and will shortly have hospital treatment in New York. She encouraged others to take the covid vaccine.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  155. 02/01/2023 Ohio, USA
    Damar Hamlin (24), Buffalo Bills American Football player collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the game against the Cincinnati Bengals. He was rushed to hospital, is now out, but “has a long recovery ahead.” “Damar still requires oxygen and is having his heart monitored regularly. He has visited with the team a few times but he still gets winded very easily.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4  News Story5
  156. 02/01/2023 Oman Dead
    Unnamed male (38), Badminton player of Indian origin working in Oman collapsed from a sudden cardiac arrest in a match. Video shows him playing enthusiastically and then collapsing. He was unable to be saved.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  157. 01/01/2023 Germany Dead
    Rosi Mittermaier (72), double Olympic ski champion. Gold in the downhill, gold in the slalom and silver in the giant slalom in 1976. She was diagnosed with cancer just 6 months before her death.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  158. 01/01/2023 Venezuela Dead
    Bryan Ruiz (20), Aragua FC footballer suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

    December 2022

  159. 31/12/2022 Mauritius Dead
    Barry Lane (62), Golfer who played for 26 years (from 1986 to 2011) on the European circuit was in Mauritius to present a golf trophy but died after a short illness. In Europe he recorded 693 starts and is fourth on the all-time appearance list.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  160. 31/12/2022 Tennessee, USA Dead
    Willie Taylor (42), former Virginia Commonwealth University Basketballer died unexpectedly at home.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  161. 31/12/2022 New Zealand Dead
    Jacob Gunnell (24), fitness team leader at a gym died unexpectedly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  162. 30/12/2022 Indiana, USA Dead
    Uche Nwaneri (38), former Jacksonville Jaguars American Football player was found unresponsive after a cardiac arrest. He was pro-vaccination, and often spoke about jailing anti-vaxxers. “OK so lets get these vaccine mandates and Vaccine passports up and running ASAP. We seeing children DIE from the unvaccinated selfishness. Pregnant women at risk too. PROTECT LIFE. MANDATE THE VACCINE. Jail anyone who refuses, to protect LIFE.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  163. 30/12/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Eric Thomas (49), Olympic 400m hurdler. He died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  164. 29/12/2022 Netherlands
    Marc Overmars (49), former Ajax, Arsenal and Barcelona footballer suffered a “mild stroke.” He has been admitted to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  165. 29/12/2022 Iowa, USA Dead
    Nathan Blodgett (37), independent wrestler who appeared for multiple wrestling organisations under the name “Jaysin Strife“. He is known to have fought as late as November 2021. Since then, he has been struggling with his health. He said he was suffering from “various infections and extremely advanced vasculitis.” He died at the end of 2022 at his parents’ home in Iowa, USA.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  166. 28/12/2022 Germany Dead
    Unnamed male (24), amateur footballer collapsed 8 minutes into a match after being substituted during a tournament in Lingen, Germany. Despite attempts to resuscitate him, he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  167. 27/12/2022 Israel Dead
    Pelag Gal (65), Peleg Gym “fitness and health guru” who founded his own gym died unexpectedly. No further information is available.  News Story  News Story2
  168. 26/12/2022 Kentucky, USA Dead
    Max Sorenson (17), high school basketball player suffered a “medical event at his home” and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  169. 26/12/2022 Netherlands Dead
    Koen Linders (21), VV Hegelsom Footballer died suddenly which was even more of a surprise for the club as his is the second sudden death of a member in a short period of time.  News Story
  170. 26/12/2022 Hawaii, USA Dead
    Victoria Lee (18), up-and-coming mixed martial arts exponent from Hawaii, USA died suddenly. No further information is available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  171. 25/12/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Cormick Scanlan (16), youth ice hockey player suffered a series of strokes and died on Christmas day.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  172. 24/12/2022 Uruguay Dead
    Fabian O’Neill (49), Juventus Football player with clubs in Uruguay and Italy. He died in hospital in Uruguay of liver disease.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  173. 24/12/2022 Russia Dead
    Vyacheslav Viktorovich Sychugov (55), Wrestling trainer-teacher in Greco-Roman wrestling in Russia and judge of the International category. He died suddenly.  News Story
  174. 24/12/2022 Germany
    Seline Ismaeli (17), top-level gymnast was vaccinated for a second time in September 2022 and within a few days adverse reactions began and now needs a wheelchair. In the video reports, a doctor explains that Seline has a “rare form of autoimmune disease.” “Communication between nerves and muscles no longer function.” “That leads to muscles no longer being resilient and patients simply become weak.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  175. 24/12/2022 Italy
    Unnamed male (23), was exercising in a gym in Italy when he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. He was revived with the help of a defibrillator and then taken to hospital where he is recovering.  News Story
  176. 24/12/2022 France
    Mehdi Boudaoud (37), Algerian national FC Déols Footballer who played for Algerian clubs before moving to France. He became FC Déols coach but was suddenly hospitalised and in intensive care. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2
  177. 23/12/2022 Nigeria Dead
    Ebuka Odenigbo (21), former Kano Pillars Footballer died suddenly due to an unspecified cause.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  178. 23/12/2022 North Carolina, USA Dead
    Louis Mcnair (54), Wrestling veteran died suddenly. Cause of death not available.  News Story
  179. 22/12/2022 Nevada, USA Dead
    Stephan Bonnar (45), Mixed Martial Arts legend died from “presumed heart complications at work.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  180. 22/12/2022 Brazil Dead
    Luiz Ribaldo (56), Footballer and physical education teacher in Brazil. For 20 years, he has dressed as Santa Claus to entertain children and while preparing to appeared to the children, he had a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  181. 22/12/2022 Louisiana, USA Dead
    Morgan Wilson (13), club and Impact Gold National 2K9 Softball player (winners of the Alliance 12U Nationals this past summer). He died suddenly and unexpectedly. Cause of death not available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  182. 21/12/2022 Nigeria Dead
    Chinedu Udechukwu (26), former Enyimba Football player suffered a headache before training, then collapsed and died some time later.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  183. 21/12/2022 Georgia, USA Dead
    Ronnie Hillman (31), former Denver Broncos American Football player died of cancer.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  184. 21/12/2022 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Franco Harris (72), former Pittsburgh Steelers American Football player died suddenly at home just hours after a radio “media scrum” On the radio programme he told listeners he was “in good shape.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  185. 21/12/2022 Portugal Dead
    Fabio Garrido (21), former Barreirense Footballer died unexpectedly. Cause of death not released.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  186. 21/12/2022 Italy Dead
    Giorgio Conte (15), Rugby San Donà under17 Rugby collapsed after suffering a sudden severe headache at 3am (possible cerebral thombosis). A CT scan at the hospital showed a negative result and he returned home despite non-normal blood tests. He collapsed the next day and was rushed to the hospital in Padua where he remained hospitalized until his death without regaining consciousness. Italy mandated a third dose of COVID vaccine to play rugby, but his parents will not say whether he had a third dose. His mother is a manager at the club.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  187. 21/12/2022 Kazakhstan Dead
    Pavel Tsukanov (52), former Barys Astana Ice Hockey player and then coach died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  188. 21/12/2022 New York, USA Dead
    Gregory Harder (20), Alvernia University American football player was studying for a masters in athletics training. He died suddenly and unexpectedly over Christmas while at home in New York.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  189. 20/12/2022 Italy Dead
    Roberto Plodari (46), Le Rondinelle Azzurre di Gambara Skeet Shooter suddenly collapsed and died at home.  News Story  News Story2
  190. 20/12/2022 Saskatchewan, Canada Dead
    Theo Gibbs (18), Regina White Sox baseball player went to the Martin Sports Academy and the Regina Red Sox Academy but died suddenly in his sleep at home in Saskatchewan, Canada.  News Story  News Story2
  191. 19/12/2022 Kentucky, USA Dead
    Tom Browning (62), former Cincinnati Reds legendary Baseball pitcher was found unresponsive at home in Kentucky. Cause of death is not available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  192. 18/12/2022 Poland Dead
    Damian Pawlewicz (19), Footballer collapsed during a match in a charity tournament. He was taken to hospital, but died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  193. 17/12/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Nik Mohd Faiz Nik Mohd Azmi (37), amateur runner and university lecturer collapsed just before the finish line of the Langkawi half marathon. He was resuscitated but died on the way to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  194. 17/12/2022 Portugal Dead
    Rui Picas (15), Óquei Clube de Barcelos Roller Hockey player died suddenly. He was healthy, having undergone medical exams two weeks earlier.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  195. 17/12/2022 Brazil Dead
    Marcelo Lemos (45), former Remo professional footballer in Brazil playing for various clubs. He died while playing in an amateur match. No further details are available.  News Story
  196. 17/12/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed male (59), Runner collapsed with a cardiac arrest 200 metres from the finish in the Trail du Facteur (Postman Trail) run in France.. He could not be resuscitated.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  197. 16/12/2022 California, USA Dead
    Orlando Sanchez (40), Jiu-Jitsu black belt and MMA died unexpectedly. Known as “The Cuban,” he was born in California, USA.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  198. 16/12/2022 Oman Dead
    Elia Alessandrini (25), Swiss Stade Lausanne Ouchy professional footballer had a cardiac arrest and died while swimming in the pool on holiday in Oman.  News Story  News Story2
  199. 16/12/2022 Switzerland Dead
    Robin Dowell (40), British rower who competed on the international stage then moved into coaching died suddenly during a training session while coaching in Switzerland.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  200. 15/12/2022 Brazil
    Lucas Leiva (35), Grêmio Footballer. A pre-season medical identified a heart problem. He was told to rest for a few months, before being re-assessed.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  201. 15/12/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Louis Orr (64), former New York Knicks Basketball player then coach died of cancer at his home in Ohio.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  202. 14/12/2022 England
    Oscar (14), Cyclist suffered a cardiac arrest while riding his mountain bike. He received rapid treatment and was taken to hospital, four days in an induced coma and will need open heart surgery. Doctors say it will then take another 6 months to recover.  News Story  News Story3
  203. 14/12/2022 Thailand
    Princess Bajrakitiyabha (44), of Thailand suddenly collapsed while jogging with her dogs. She was taken to hospital and treated for a heart problem.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  204. 12/12/2022 Bihar, India Dead
    Amarjit Kumar (25), Runner collapsed during an army running training. He was taken for medical treatment, but died.  News Story
  205. 11/12/2022 Mississippi, USA Dead
    Mike Leach (61), Mississippi State American Football head coach suffered a massive heart attack and brain damage and died in hospital. In October 2022, it was reported that “Mississippi State is mandating COVID vaccine.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  206. 11/12/2022 Romania Dead
    Unnamed male (49) table tennis player suddenly collapsed during a competition. A medical team treated him but he died.  News Story  News Story2
  207. 11/12/2022 Indonesia Dead
    Walter Beneteau (50), French professional cyclist who rode in the Tour De France was found Dead in Bali, Indonesia. The cause of death not available.  News Story  News Story2 News Story3
  208. 11/12/2022 France
    Christophe André (36), Céret Sportif Rugby Union player suffered a cardiac arrest on the ground warming up for a match against Grasse. He was treated at the ground and taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  209. 11/12/2022 England Dead
    Kirsty Cracknell (30), Hull Wyke RLFC Rugby League player died suddenly. She was a young mother who previously played for West Hull RLFC and represented the county of Yorkshire.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  210. 10/12/2022 Newfoundland, Canada Dead
    Gary Tiller (62), Curling player who represented Newfoundland province. He died after a “brief battle with cancer.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  211. 09/12/2022 West Bengal, India Dead
    Dipankar Das (18), promising teenage cricketer in West Bengal, India collapsed due to a cardiac arrest during practice and died.  News Story  News Story2
  212. 08/12/2022 New South Wales, Australia
    Leigh Holland-Keen (34), weightlifter suffered a cardiac arrest and had surgery to remove a 1kg tumour that was restricting her main heart artery. She survived and is back in training in the gym.  News Story  News Story2
  213. 08/12/2022 New York, USA
    Max Mitchell (23), New York Jets American Football player has “blood clots” in his right leg and is out for the rest of the 2022-23 season.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  214. 08/12/2022 Tennessee, USA
    Tamari Key (21), Tennessee Lady Volunteers Basketball player has “blood clots” in her lungs and is out for the rest of the 2022-23 season.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  215. 07/12/2022 Uttar Pradesh, India Dead
    Anuj (16), playing cricket with his friends in Uttar Pradesh, India, collapsed from a cardiac arrest while running in the middle of the game. He was taken to hospital but declared DoA.  News Story  News Story2
  216. 07/12/2022 Brazil Dead
    Gilmar Calonga (54), football player for the Operário and Comercial teams in Brazil between the 1990s and the early 2000s, and then coach. He collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  217. 06/12/2022 France Dead
    Laurent Fellon (61), French Moto3 (motorcycling) race winner, double Moto2 world champion and, from 2017, a MotoGP frontrunner. He had been suffering from cancer for a few months and has now died.  News Story  News Story2
  218. 06/12/2022 Chhattisgarh, India Dead
    Unnamed (12), girl at a school dancing class suddenly felt unwell, collapsed and was taken to hospital, where she died.  News Story  News Story2
  219. 06/12/2022 Connecticut, USA
    Richard Holliday (40), wrestler is suffering from Hodgkin’s lymphoma (a type of cancer) . He has not fought since June 2022.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  220. 06/12/2022 Massachusetts, USA Dead
    Jake Hescock (25), former University of Central Florida American Football player was running in a park in Boston, Massachusetts, USA when he suffered a cardiac arrest. He died later in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  221. 05/12/2022 Russia Dead
    Unamed (34), woman died in a gym in Russia due to “rupture of the aneurysm of the brain.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  222. 05/12/2022 South Carolina, USA Dead
    Brian Trail II (32), Gymnast and shift supervisor died suddenly. He was the son of the York police chief. No further details are available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  223. 05/12/2022 Samoa Dead
    Moroni Schwalger (46), Samoan boxer who lived in New Zealand, then retired back to Samoa died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  224. 04/12/2022 Kosovo Dead
    Erion Kaitazi (17), Trepça ’89 Footballer who also played for the Kosovo national team collapsed at half-time in a match due to a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  225. 04/12/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Sharen Manning (71), second-degree black belt Judoka and accomplished diver died at home in Ontario, Canada. Although the cause of death is not mentioned in the articles linked, they suggest donations to a cancer charity.  News Story  News Story2
  226. 03/12/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    John Heibein (69), Golfer, athletics and ice hockey died in Ontario after a “brief illness.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  227. 02/12/2022 Western Australia, Australia
    Ricky Ponting (47), former Australia cricket captain was “rushed to hospital after suffering heart complications” while commentating the Australia v West Indies match. He spent the night in hospital and returned to Channel 7 commentary before play on Day 4. He said he ‘gave himself a scare’ during the ordeal, experiencing multiple spasms. He thanked his former teammate Langer for acting quickly during the incident. Waiting 30 days for more information, may move this to another section.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  228. 02/12/2022 Georgia, USA
    Barry Windham (62), well-known former wrestler had a cardiac arrest at an airport in Georgia, USA, was taken to hospital and survived.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  229. 01/12/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (28), Surfer suffered a “cardiopulmonary arrest” whilst surfing in France. Rescuers were unable to revive him.  News Story  News Story2
  230. 01/12/2022 France Dead
    Franck Anne (47), trotter driver and owner, breeder trainer of trotters in France. He died in hospital having not survived an (unspecified) operation.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  231. 01/12/2022 England Dead
    Ryan Johnson (34), long-serving Penrith Rugby Club player in England died suddenly during training at the club.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  232. 01/12/2022 Massachusetts, USA
    Greg Kolodziey (57), Football coach at Ludlow High School in Massachusetts, USA for 30 years had a cardiac arrest, but has undergone procedures to enable him to recover.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  233. 01/12/2022 Mississippi, USA Dead
    Walker Montgomery (16), student American Football played died suddenly. Cause of death is not given.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  234. 01/12/2022 Mexico Dead
    Omar Trujillo (44), former professional Monarcas Morelia Footballer who also played for his country, Mexico collapsed due to a cardiac arrest after playing football with friends. He died.  News Story  News Story2

    November 2022 – (Day/Month/Year)

  235. 30/11/2022 Pennsylvania, USA
    Kris Letang (35), Pittsburgh Penguins Ice Hockey player suffered a stroke and will be out of action for a while. He is also reported to have had a stroke in 2014.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  236. 30/11/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Jed Jurchenko (44), Runner and children’s pastor, marriage & family therapist, psychology professor, writing coach, and author. The avid runner participated in marathons and triathlons and enjoyed mountain biking, hiking, and paddle boarding. He died unexpectedly in Minnesota. The obit says “died unexpectedly due to natural causes,” which seems suspicious.  News Story  News Story2
  237. 29/11/2022 California, USA Dead
    William Henke (56), former Denver Broncos and New York Giants American Football player. More recently he had TV acting roles after moving to California. “Henke shared on Instagram last year that he had a serious blockage in an artery, and then received two stents in his heart.” He died in his sleep. No cause of death announced.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  238. 29/11/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Steve Jensen (67), former Los Angeles Kings Ice Hockey player from Minnesota, USA died suddenly. No details are available.  News Story
  239. 29/11/2022 Argentina Dead
    Andres Balanta (22), Columbian Atlético Tucumán Football player (in Argentina) collapsed due to a cardiac arrest during training. He died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  240. 29/11/2022 Ecuador Dead
    Betsy Ramirez (28), was gently working out in a gym in Ecuador, when she collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. She was pronounced DoA at hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  241. 29/11/2022 British Columbia, Canada Dead
    Ayla Loseth (9), Horse Rider, kayaker and snowboarder died from “sepsis from Strep A.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  242. 29/11/2022 Alberta, Canada Dead
    Slade Smith (7), ice hockey player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  243. 28/11/2022 Belgium
    Tommy Tonneau (23), Thumaide Footballer and realestate agent suffered a cardiac arrest at home and was taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story
  244. 27/11/2022 Vietnam Dead
    L.A.T. (17), unnamed student runner (initials L.A.T.) collapsed due to a stroke near the end of a 200m sprint at school in Vietnam. He was taken to hospital, but could not be saved.  News Story  News Story2
  245. 26/11/2022 British Columbia, Canada Dead
    Danielle Cabana (6), female Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Assoc Ice Hockey player felt ill and was taken to hospital where myocarditis was diagnosed. She underwent two heart procedures but then died after suffering a “massive stroke.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  246. 24/11/2022 Rhode Island, USA Dead
    Thomas Kloza (65), aka Tommy, popular owner of a long-standing gym in Rhode Island, USA died “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” in the gym car park.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  247. 24/11/2022 California, USA Dead
    Eric Fleishman (53), “celebrity gym trainer” with many well-known names amongst his clients died “unexpectedly.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  248. 23/11/2022 Greece Dead
    Antonis Mandalos (60), key Olympiakos Volos Football player for 18 years and then coach collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  249. 23/11/2022 Russia Dead
    Maxim Bankov (24), talented bobsleigh pilot and member of the Russian national bobsleigh team died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  250. 23/11/2022 England Dead
    Carla Heaton (22), Cirencester Town Ladies footballer died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  251. 22/11/2022 Denmark Dead
    Peter Glad (52), former Frederikshavn IK Ice Hockey youth player, then first team player, then coach, died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story
  252. 21/11/2022 England Dead
    Gareth Atkinson (43), former Hessle RUFC Rugby Union player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  253. 21/11/2022 Indiana, USA
    Jamal Meeks (Age), Ball State Basketball coach and former player suffered a heart attack due to arterial blood clots which were painful but not critical. The hospital said he “had a clogged artery, which caused a heart attack”. Some weeks after treatment, he was ready to start coaching again.  News Story  News Story2
  254. 21/11/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Jimmy Thomas (52), Littlefield Athletic American Football coach was suddenly taken to hospital “suffering bilateral blood clots in both lungs.” He died the next day.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  255. 21/11/2022 Portugal Dead
    Mark Doherty (63), Letterkenny Golf Club Golfer was on an annual golf trip to Portugal. He was playing a round when he “got into difficulty on the 8th hole. Despite heroic efforts to save him, he passed away in hospital.”  News Story  News Story2
  256. 21/11/2022 Argentina
    Oscar Garré (65), Argentina football player in World Cup-winning side of 1986 suffered a cardiac arrestHe just prior to traveling to Qatar to watch the 2022 World Cup.  News Story  News Story2
  257. 20/11/2022 Connecticut, USA
    Chris Dailey (63), Associate Head Coach of the University of Connecticut women’s basketball team collapsed during the match between UConn and NC State. She was taken out on a stretcher and then to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  258. 20/11/2022 France Dead
    Valentin Denizé (24), Vigilante Football Mayet Football player (since he was 5) collapsed during a match. Despite receiving medical attention from the emergency services, he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  259. 19/11/2022 Nigeria Dead
    Seyi Awogbemi Sodiq (18), a Nigerian professional basketball player with the Alba Fehérvár team in Hungary was diagnosed with “a serious illness” six months ago. He had lived in Hungary since he was 13. He returned to his native Nigeria to be treated with natural methods on the advice of his parents. He was working on getting fit for his return to basketball when he had a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  260. 19/11/2022 England Dead
    Mark Potter (47), British heavyweight boxer, MMA and cage fighter was diagnosed with stomach cancer in January 2022. He died ten months later.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  261. 19/11/2022 Iowa, USA Dead
    Patrick Torrey (22), St. Ambrose University Basketball player died “suddenly.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  262. 19/11/2022 Costa Rica
    Alexis Gamboa (23), Alajuelense Football player suffered from a heart problem. He underwent surgery for and the outcome is reported to be positive.  News Story
  263. 19/11/2022 Idaho, USA Dead
    Blake Thueson (18), Bull Rider. After 3 rides in a competition, he went home to Idaho where he had a checkup and doctors sent him for further tests. In hospital, his condition deteriorated and just a week after taking part in a world championship, he died of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). This can be caused by “a weak or diseased immune system or cancer.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  264. 18/11/2022 England Dead
    Francis Joseph (62), former professional footballer who played for Brentford FC, Wimbledon FC and lesser-known clubs, then Finland, Belgium and the USA. He died unexpectedly. Further details awaited.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  265. 18/11/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Dwight Garner (58), University of California i American Football player in the 1980’s died in Florida of prostate cancer.  News Story  News Story2
  266. 18/11/2022 Scotland Dead
    Ian Ford (20), Taekwondo champion died suddenly. No further details are available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  267. 17/11/2022 Italy Dead
    Benedetta Quadrozzi (18), Tennis player suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed. She received immediate attention from her coach, was revived thanks to a defibrillator and CPR, and taken to hospital in Rome, but she died four days later.  News Story  News Story2
  268. 17/11/2022 England Dead
    Tom Edwards (29), Selby and Wetherby Rugby Union player and club captain died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  269. 17/11/2022 Italy Dead
    Mouhssine Oussama (16), Arno Laterina Football player. He had a regular certificate of fitness for competitive sport, but complained of sudden dizziness during a training session and was taken to hospital, where he died.  News Story  News Story2
  270. 17/11/2022 Colorado, USA
    Markus Martinez (Age), high school American football player suffered a cardiac arrest. He has been told he needs a new heart. His father said “I couldn’t believe it was happening to someone so young and athletic.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  271. 17/11/2022 Italy Dead
    Riccardo Rambaud (68), founder of the Venezia Triathlon club in Italy, but his last trip was a training bike ride with a friend. He had a cardiac arrest, described as a “violent heart attack” miles from home and was unable to be saved.  News Story  News Story2
  272. 16/11/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Abdul Rahman Kifli (47), Marathon Runner was found unconscious after the 2022 Kuala Lumpur marathon and was taken to hospital and died 3 days later.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  273. 16/11/2022 France Dead
    Johan Hamel (42), top French football referee suffered a stroke in training and died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  274. 16/11/2022 Brazil Dead
    Isabel Salgado (62), volleyball player who played for the national team and was the first Brazilian woman to play professionally in Europe. She died in hospital “with pneumonia.” “Salgado died from acute respiratory distress syndrome in São Paulo on Wednesday (November 16), due to complications from pneumonia.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  275. 16/11/2022 Russia Dead
    Kirill Marvanov (20), former Arktika Ice Hockey player since the age of 5 suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  276. 15/11/2022 California, USA
    Alaric Jackson (24), Los Angeles Rams American Football player will miss the rest of the season due to blood clots after COVID injections.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  277. 15/11/2022 Spain Dead
    Ezquiel Gálvez (20), Málaga CF Football player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  278. 14/11/2022 South Australia, Australia Dead
    Heather Anderson (28), Adelaide Football Club Australian Rules Football player died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  279. 14/11/2022 Canada Dead
    Shera Athwal (Age), international kabaddi player for India, died suddenly in Canada where he lived.  News Story  News Story2
  280. 14/11/2022 New York, USA Dead
    Ben Fike (20), Buffalo Stampede Ice Hockeyplayer died unexpectedly. No details are available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  281. 14/11/2022 USA Dead
    Chuck Carr (55), former New York Mets Baseball player (8 years). He is reported to have died from cancer.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  282. 13/11/2022 Ireland Dead
    Jerry Holland (66), legend of rugby in Munster, Ireland, where “he excelled as a player, coach, team manager and administrator.” He died after “an illness.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  283. 13/11/2022 California, USA Dead
    Jatinder Singh (32), Wrestler who resigned from the police force in India and migrated to California, USA, 7 years ago. He died of a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  284. 13/11/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Anthony Johnson (38), Mixed Martial Arts fighter. He won his last fightin May 2021 and then retired. His health deteriorated and he died in November 2022 of “organ failure due to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (cancer) and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, a rare disorder of the immune system.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  285. 13/11/2022 Taiwan
    Unnamed (Age), Runner #1 became “comatose and paralyzed” during the Tanaka Marathon in Taiwan and was taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  286. 13/11/2022 Taiwan
    Unnamed (Age), Runner #2 became “comatose and paralyzed” during the Tanaka Marathon in Taiwan and was taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  287. 13/11/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Jamaal Brown (52), former Ohio State Basketball captain suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died at home.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  288. 13/11/2022 Kentucky, USA Dead
    Robbie Lucas (51), Somerset High School American Football coach for 14 years died after a “sudden illness.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  289. 13/11/2022 Wisconsin, USA Dead
    Brent Moss (50), professional University of Wisconsin American Football player “led Wisconsin to a Big Ten title in 1993 and a victory over UCLA in the 1994 Rose Bowl”. He died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  290. 13/11/2022 Spain Dead
    Herge Holmen (58), Norwegian Runner collapsed at the finish line of the Malaga half marathon in Spain with “cardiorespiratory arrest” and died before he could be taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  291. 13/11/2022 California, USA
    Greg Gonzales (67), Runner suffered a cardiac arrest during the Monterey Bay, California half-marathon. He was quickly given CPR then taken to hospital. He survived.  News Story  News Story2
  292. 13/11/2022 California, USA
    Michael Heilemann (56), Runner suffered a cardiac arrest at the finish line of the Monterey Bay, California half-marathon. He was quickly given CPR then taken to hospital. He survived.  News Story  News Story2
  293. 13/11/2022 Germany
    Gerhard Weng (57), football referee. Suddenly collapsed from a cardiac arrest near the end of one match. He received immediate CPR on the pitch before being taken to hospital. “An artery leading to the heart was blocked and because of the intensive cardiac massage from his first responders, he has broken several ribs that need to heal.”  News Story
  294. 12/11/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (27), Runner suffered a cardiac arrest near the end of the Cognac Marathon over a distance of 10km. Emergency services tried to resuscitate her but she was pronounced dead at the hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  295. 12/11/2022 North Carolina, USA
    Tylin McDowell (16), American Football player appeared fit and healthy after a game but was later found unconscious due to blood clots restricting blood flow to his brain, indicating that he was having a stroke.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  296. 11/11/2022 California, USA Dead
    Joseph Nunes (72), surfer was in the water with others waiting to catch a wave when he suffered a cardiac arrest and was suddenly noticed face-down in the water. He was pulled ashore but could not be revived.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  297. 11/11/2022 France Dead
    Benjamin Prat (45), Cassiop Rugby Union player suffered a cardiac arrest during a match and was taken to hospital, but he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  298. 10/11/2022 England Dead
    Keith Farmer (35), 4-time British motorcycle champion from Northern Ireland, who was based in England died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  299. 10/11/2022 Ireland Dead
    Andrey Averin (40), Runner and fitness instructor suffered a sudden and unexpected cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  300. 10/11/2022 Alberta, Canada Dead
    Louis Passfield (55), British Cyclist and academic sports scientist working in Alberta, Canada died suddenly in hospital. He recently appeared on the Global Cycling Network (GCN) channel looking fit and healthy.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  301. 10/11/2022 Uttar Pradesh, India Dead
    Khushi Talian (16), Kabaddi player collapsed and died due to a cardiac arrest while traveling to compete in the U19 National Competition in Uttar Pradesh.  News Story  News Story2
  302. 09/11/2022 Mississippi, USA Dead
    Geronimo Warner (21), Jackson State University Basketball player died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  303. 09/11/2022 Ireland Dead
    Grace Rush (16), Greystones RFC Rugby Union player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  304. 09/11/2022 Alberta, Canada Dead
    Eric Homersham (13), Ice Hockey player collapsed and died during a basketball try-out.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  305. 08/11/2022 Ireland Dead
    Rachel O’Connor (22), Carlow Camogie player and young mother died “unexpectedly after a sudden illness.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  306. 08/11/2022 Northern Ireland Dead
    Conor McCaughey (19), Trillick Macartans GAA Gaelic Football player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  307. 08/11/2022 USA Dead
    Adrian Dingle (45), San Diego Chargers professional American Football player died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  308. 08/11/2022 Mexico Dead
    Manolo Guevara (32), Mexican bull fighter for 9 years died suddenly of “respiratory arrest.”  News Story  News Story2
  309. 08/11/2022 England Dead
    Fin Bowen (18), Mickleover FC Footballer died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  310. 07/11/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Brady Zalar (19), Basketball player died unexpectedly at home.  News Story  News Story2
  311. 07/11/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Emma Sorensen (10), competitive gymnast and a talented swimmer suffered a ruptured blood vessel in her brain while at church. She died in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  312. 06/11/2022 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Samson Fluck (16), Honesdale Hornets American Football high school player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  313. 06/11/2022 New York, USA
    Daniel Do Nascimento (24), top Brazilian marathon runner was leading the 2022 New York Marathon by a good margin when he started to slow and then collapsed 5 miles from the end.  News Story  News Story2
  314. 06/11/2022 Northern Ireland Dead
    Gary Wardlow (42), Spa Golf Club Golf pro died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  315. 06/11/2022 Brazil Dead
    Esther Martins (15), Ferroviaria women’s Football u17 player had “a sudden illness” during a training session. She was taken to hospital, but died.  News Story  News Story2
  316. 05/11/2022 France
    Unnamed (60), marathon runner collapsed with a cardiac arrest during the Gruissan Poli Trail marathon in France and was taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story
  317. 05/11/2022 Illinois, USA Dead
    Ryan Plowman (17), high school Football player apparently died of “mononucleosis” (“kissing disease”).  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  318. 05/11/2022 Brazil Dead
    Felipe Albuquerque (19), Galvez Football goalkeeper for the U20 team suffered “a sudden illness while playing football” and died.  News Story  News Story2
  319. 05/11/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Major Parker (44), Florida Gators Basketball player (captain from 1999-2001). He apparently had a “weak heart” and “died of a heart-related issue.”  News Story  News Story2
  320. 04/11/2022 Germany
    Hubert Mbuyi-Muamba (19), Hoffeneim Footballer diagnosed with leukemia.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  321. 04/11/2022 Germany
    Hannah Stoll (24), Runner who was training for a marathon, running long distances every week. Hannah had covid vaccines in July and August 2021 which left her barely able to walk, with doctors denying it was related to the vaccines.  News Story
  322. 03/11/2022 France Dead
    Grégoire Boidoux (19), OMR Marcq Rugby Union player collapsed on the pitch during midweek training due to a cardiac arrest. He died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  323. 03/11/2022 Wales
    Jacob Crane (16), Vardre RFC Rugby Union was feeling tired when the new school year started in September 2022. Tests showed he had myeloid leukaemia and faces a long treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  324. 01/11/2022 Norway
    Sivert Bakken (24), Biathlon star now suffers from not-so-rare pericarditis since his COVID booster. “His problems began in May shortly after he received his third dose of the covid vaccine” and was unable to train for 5 months. After last season, he was vaccinated against the corona virus for the third time. “Something didn’t work in training, the body felt tired,” he told TV2. He went to see a doctor and stopped training but it got worse and worse with physical discomfort and pressure in his chest.  News Story  News Story2
  325. 01/11/2022 New Zealand Dead
    Sam Finnemore (19), student and competitive snowboarder mysteriously “crashed through a window” in the house he shared with other students. He was found unconscious and unable to be revived.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

    October 2022

  326. 31/10/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Adam Zimmer (38), former American football team Cincinnati Bengals coach was unexpectedly found Dead at home. His father, Mike Zimmer, encouraged others to get the vaccines.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  327. 30/10/2022 Florida, USA
    Cody Hudson (21), Runner used to run miles each day but now walks with a cane and diagnosed with a rare, catastrophic blood disorder, the result of a covid vaccination. “I am the mother of a 22-year-old son who nearly died after his mRNA vaccine.”  News Story  News Story2
  328. 29/10/2022 England Dead
    Chris Figgis (18), Canterbury Hockey Club Field Hockey player died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  329. 29/10/2022 Hawaii, USA Dead
    Loch Eggers (55), legendary Hawaiian canoe / paddleboarder suffered a cardiac arrest and died whilst hiking. His younger brother died suddenly in April 2022.  News Story  News Story2
  330. 26/10/2022 Montenegro
    Alpha Kaba (26), Budućnost Basketball player collapsed while queuing in a bank and was taken to hospital for treatment. He also collapsed earlier this month during training.  News Story  News Story2
  331. 26/10/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (16), Football player was playing football with friends. He collapsed with a cardiac arrest at the end of the match after feeling unwell. Help arrived quickly and he was taken to hospital but he died.  News Story
  332. 26/10/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Kendra Cooper (27), former standout Bethune–Cookman University Basketball player died in hospital from an unspecified cause.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  333. 24/10/2022 Australia Dead
    Cam Shaw (25), British boxing champion on holiday in Australia. He was a strong swimmer but died while snorkeling in the sea.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  334. 24/10/2022 New South Wales, Australia
    Billy Dib (37), top professional boxer was diagnosed with cancer and had an operation to remove a tumour, but was then diagnosed with an aggressive and rare form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma cancer.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  335. 23/10/2022 Arkansas, USA Dead
    Victoria Moody (18), senior cheerleader at North Little Rock High School died suddenly due to a pulmonary embolism. Her sister said she “was perfectly healthy” but she was taken to hospital because suddenly she was not feeling well.  News Story  News Story2
  336. 23/10/2022 Caracas, Venezuela
    Carl Herrera (55), former Cocodrilos de Caracas Basketball player and now coach felt discomfort due to blood pressure during a match against Trotamundos. He received treatment from paramedics.  News Story
  337. 23/10/2022 New Zealand Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Ruatoria City Rugby Union player died on the rugby field in a match between Ruatoria City’s 2022 squad and a Ruatoria Centennial XV.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  338. 23/10/2022 Ireland Dead
    Padraigh Griffin (47), Clonakilty GAA Gaelic Football “club legend” when they won the Cork SFC county title in 1996 died suddenly, but no details given.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  339. 22/10/2022 Kentucky, USA Dead
    Eric Ortiz (30), Louisville Cardinals Cheerleader and 10-time national champion died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2
  340. 22/10/2022 Spain
    Unnamed (17), student runner from San Patricio school, suffered a cardiac arrest during the yearly “La Nocturna de Toledo.” He was taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story
  341. 22/10/2022 England Dead
    Euan McNamara (15), student Rugby Union player collapsed at a restaurant with family and friends. He received immediate medical attention and was taken to hospital, but he died.  News Story  News Story2
  342. 22/10/2022 North Carolina, USA
    Henry Anderson (31), Carolina Panthers American Football player suffered a “minor stroke” with his arms and legs going numb and his speech slurred. In December 2022, he is recovering and preparing to play again.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  343. 21/10/2022 Bosnia & Herzegovina Dead
    Neira Odobasic (33), Bosnia & Herzegovina’s most successful triathlete died suddenly. She recently started her own IT company.  News Story  News Story2
  344. 21/10/2022 Washington, USA Dead
    DiShondra Goree (42), Columbia Basin College Volleyball coach died unexpectedly overnight.  News Story  News Story2
  345. 21/10/2022 Germany
    Philipp Demler (23), SC Westfalia Herne Footballer. On arrival at the match against Hordel, Demler was taken straight to hospital with heart problems.  News Story
  346. 21/10/2022 Ireland Dead
    Michael McNeela (48), Mayo Athletic Club Runner died suddenly at his home in Ireland.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  347. 21/10/2022 Japan Dead
    Masato Kudo (32), Japanese footballer who played for the national team as well as Canadian, Australian and Japanese clubs. He died in Japan following brain surgery.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  348. 20/10/2022 Germany Dead
    Andreas Frey (43), well-known bodybuilder died in his sleep.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  349. 20/10/2022 New York, USA
    Luis Vega (26), Spanish professional golfer was on holiday in New York. He woke in the night, paralysed from the waist down. In hospital he was diagnosed with spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SSEH) – “extremely rare with no known cause”. “We have no idea why it happened, other than really bad luck”. An immediate operation got him slowly moving again.  News Story  News Story2
  350. 20/10/2022 Italy Dead
    Davide Gavazzi (28), Montagna Pistoiese Football goalkeeper collapsed during the pre-game warm-up and died in hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  351. 13/10/2022 USA Dead
    Corey Phelan (20), Philadelphia Phillies minor league baseball player developed non-Hodgkins lymphoma cancer. He died 18 months after being diagnosed.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  352. 19/10/2022 Kuwait Dead
    Rui Guimarães (37), Al Tadhamon Club Futsal coach who worked in Kuwait for the Al Tadhamon Club. He attended a match as coach and on the sidelines he felt unwell and was taken to hospital, where he died from a ca–1409049.aspxno reportrdiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  353. 19/10/2022 Wales Dead
    Ceri Collins (39), Merthyr Town Footballer died. No cause of death announced.  News Story  News Story2
  354. 19/10/2022 Maine Dead
    Aaron Marston (47), former student Football play and now coach collapsed due to a sudden cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  355. 19/10/2022 Mississippi, USA Dead
    Sam Westmoreland (18), Mississippi State University American Football player was found dead in church. Cause unknown.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  356. 17/10/2022 Colorado, USA
    Jordan O’Connell (15), American Football player collapsed during a high school game. The trainer began CPR and he was taken to hospital and diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  News Story  News Story2
  357. 16/10/2022 Netherlands
    Unnamed (Age), Several unnamed runners in the Amsterdam Marathon are reported to have needed treatment “due to severe unwellness.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  358. 16/10/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Clif White (37), American Football coach at Midlothian High School in Texas, USA. He died from cancer 5 months after being diagnosed.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  359. 16/10/2022 Delhi, India Dead
    Rakesh Bhatia (Age), runner collapsed about mid-race in the Delhi half marathon 2022. He received immediate treatment but died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  360. 15/10/2022 Belarus
    Dmitry Dolya (42), football referee collapsed during the match between BATE Borisov and Dynamo Brest. He was taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  361. 15/10/2022 Belgium Dead
    Ibrahim (19), Stéphanois first team amateur football player collapsed due to a cardiac arrest while playing in the reserve team during the match against Ittre. He died. We have been advised that Ibrahim had a second covid injection in “Spring 2022.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  362. 15/10/2022 Georgia, USA
    Dikembe Mutombo (56), legendary basketball player from Congo who spent 18 seasons playing in the NBA. Now he is undergoing treatment for a brain tumour in Georgia, USA.  News Story  News Story2
  363. 15/10/2022 Portugal Dead
    Derrick Tee (36), experienced Singaporean triathlete needed medical attention in the first swimming leg of a triathlon in Portugal and died on the way to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  364. 14/10/2022 Italy Dead
    Simone Fauci (38), keen amateur footballer from Brescia in northern Italy, spending half his life playing for various local teams. He died suddenly.  News Story
  365. 13/10/2022 USA Dead
    Doug Brignole (63) well-known bodybuilder (Mr. America and Mr. Universe) and fitness author as well as prominent supporter of the vaccine died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  366. 13/10/2022 Victoria, Australia
    Todd Woodbridge (51), ten-time Wimbledon tennis doubles champion suffered “a mild heart attack” in his gym in Victoria, Australia. “If it can happen to me, it shows that it can happen to anybody.” Reports indicate that Woodbridge is keen for other tennis players to be vaccinated.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  367. 13/10/2022 Wales
    Nick Williams (38), former professional New Zealand rugby player who retired to Wales and was associated with Cardiff Rugby Union. He had a cardiac arrest in summer of 2022 and is now recovering following hospital treatment.  News Story  News Story2
  368. 13/10/2022 Italy Dead
    Gianfranco Minuti (51), football player involved in business, politics and sport promotion in northern Italy. He had a sudden cardiac arrest and died while playing football.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  369. 12/10/2022 Japan Dead
    Katsuya Kitamura (36), former New Japan Pro Wrestling star who retired in his early 30s died after feeling unwell and being rushed to hospital. Cause of death yet to be revealed.  News Story  News Story2
  370. 12/10/2022 Georgia, USA
    Unnamed (Age), Benedictine Military School American Footballer collapsed from a cardiac arrest during training with the team. He was resuscitated with the help of a defibrillator and taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story  News Story2
  371. 12/10/2022 Northern Ireland Dead
    Aaron O’Neill (36), St. Mary’s YCFC Football soccer and Gaelic football player died suddenly while out running.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  372. 10/10/2022 Malta Dead
    Justin Tabone (22), Footballer suffered a cardiac arrest while playing football with friends near home. 15 minutes of CPR failed to resuscitate him.  News Story  News Story2
  373. 10/10/2022 Indiana, USA
    Jalen Thomas (22), Butler Bulldogs Basketball player is out indefinitely due to a blood clot in the lungs.  News Story  News Story2
  374. 10/10/2022 England
    Enock Mwepu (24), Brighton & Hove Albion and Zambian national team footballer can no longer play due to a “hereditary heart condition.”  News Story  News Story2
  375. 09/10/2022 France Dead
    Benjamin Fourquier (29), RO Agde Rugby Union player died suddenly due to a ruptured aneurysm.  News Story  News Story2
  376. 08/10/2022 Michigan, USA
    Mike Hart (36), former Michigan Wolverines American Football player and now coach suffered a seizure and collapsed. He was taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  377. 08/10/2022 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Andrew Ruehlicke (21), College Football player and sports management student at York College of Pennsylvania, USA was found unresponsive in his room.  News Story  News Story2
  378. 08/10/2022 Illinois, USA Dead
    Andrew Johnson (26), Greenville University Volleyball player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  379. 08/10/2022 Brazil Dead
    Johana Colla (30), Argentinian bodybuilder travelled to Brazil for a competition taking second place, but the next day she was found Dead. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  380. 07/10/2022 China Dead
    Ryan Ding (53), Runner and vice-chairman of Huawei, the Chinese telecoms company suffered a cardiac arrest and died within hours of completing the Beijing marathon.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  381. 06/10/2022 Italy Dead
    Gian Piero Ventrone (61), Tottenham Hotspur Football (coach) was diagnosed with leukaemia just days before he died in hospital in Italy, his home country.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  382. 06/10/2022 Belgium Dead
    Brith Roelstraete (42), scuba diver and volunteer fireman suffered a stroke in the water while taking a test for a higher diving diploma. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story  News Story2
  383. 06/10/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Sara Lee Weston (30), former professional wrestler died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  384. 05/10/2022 France Dead
    El Bekkai Khaldi (51), FC Born Footballer died suddenly during training.  News Story
  385. 05/10/2022 South Carolina, USA Dead
    Davis Heller (22), North Greenville University Baseball player was found unresponsive at his home.  News Story  News Story2
  386. 04/10/2022 Belgium Dead
    Aldo Dumoulin (50), amateur footballer and triathlete felt pressure on his chest and died 2 hours later. The non-smoker was “very healthy.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  387. 03/10/2022 Massachusetts, USA Dead
    Josh Ciocco (38), former Merrimack Warriors Ice Hockey player and then assistant coach died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  388. 02/10/2022 England Dead
    Jules Bevis (56), Boxer suffered a cardiac arrest in the ring while taking part in a series of contests in Norwich, England, with 30 veteran boxers to raise funds to help local four-year-old girl Kayla Buttle, who has cancer.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  389. 02/10/2022 Belgium
    Martin Perin (19), Greenyard Maaseik Volleyball player collapsed with a cardiac arrest during a practice match. He was resuscitated and taken to hospital where he is recovering.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  390. 02/10/2022 Western Australia, Australia
    Ben Aldred (18), a promising English cricketer had not long arrived in Australia on a cricket scholarship suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while strolling a beach. He received fast attention and spent 3 days in a coma in hospital, but is now recovering.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  391. 02/10/2022 France Dead
    Gabin Boutet (28), Olympic Cuxac d’Aude amateur football player and club captain collapsed from a cardiac arrest and died in the dressing room after a match against Haut-Minervois.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  392. 02/10/2022 France Dead
    Oumar N’Diaye (28), Senegalese footballer who played in France for the US Chauny club. He played his last match against Ribemont and apparently played well, but in the evening died of a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  393. 02/10/2022 England Dead
    Unnamed (36), Runner collapsed 3 miles from the end of the London marathon, in England. He died later in hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  394. 02/10/2022 Victoria, Australia Dead
    Xavier O’Grady (20), Runner, rugby player and law student collapsed and died at the finish line during the Melbourne half marathon in Victoria. He was said to be “super fit” and the autopsy report avoided giving a cause – labeling it “unascertainable.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  395. 01/10/2022 New Hampshire, USA Dead
    Alan Brent Tancreti II (49), Ice Hockey coach for North Haven Varsity who later became a Newington police officer suffered an “unexpected medical emergency” at home and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  396. 01/10/2022 Belgium
    Martin Perin (19), Volleyball player collapsed with a cardiac arrest during a game. He was revived by the referee then taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

    September 2022

  397. 30/09/2022 Pakistan Dead
    Shehzad Rana (36), Islamabad Cricketer, a top-performing fast bowler, picking up 388 First Class wickets in 95 matches. He suffered a massive cardiac arrest at his home and died.  News Story  News Story2
  398. 30/09/2022 Germany Dead
    Unnamed (6), Höchster F-Juniors Footballer collapsed at football training, was taken to hospital and died.  News Story
  399. 30/09/2022 Germany
    Selin Islami (17), Gymnast who took part in 2021 national championships “has been suffering from an autoimmune disease since the corona vaccination” and is now wheelchair-bound.  News Story
  400. 30/09/2022 England
    Page Fuller (27), Horse Race Jockey suffered a mini-stroke and went suddenly blind in one eye, while riding a galloping horse and jumping the first fence. She managed to dismount safely and is now in recovery.  News Story  News Story2
  401. 30/09/2022 Delhi, India Dead
    Sagar Pandey (50), Gym and fitness enthusiast and body double for a famous Indian actor had a cardiac arrest in the gym. He was taken to hospital, and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  402. 30/09/2022 Ireland Dead
    Jean O’Loughlin (Age), former St. Anne’s Camogie Club and Ladies Gaelic Football Club player who had played for the club since 2016. She died suddenly after “a short illness.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  403. 29/09/2022 Italy Dead
    Ruben Ciarlanti (22), Footballer suddenly collapsed while playing football with friends in a park in northern Italy. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story  News Story2
  404. 29/09/2022 Hungary Dead
    Patrik (15), Footballer suddenly collapsed with no prior indication while playing football with friends in Budapest. He died before the ambulance arrived.  News Story  News Story2
  405. 29/09/2022 Portugal Dead
    Jack Pollock (14), Granton Amateur Boxing Club Boxer collapsed and died suddenly while on a family holiday in Portugal.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  406. 29/09/2022 Germany Dead
    Jan Christoph (43), was associated with football club VfB Hemeringen for many years, as a player, coach and in admin. He died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2
  407. 29/09/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Mark Fraser (45), Ice Hockey player and voluntary worker was standing for election to a school board in Ontario, Canada, but with his name already on the voting slips, he suffered a cardiac arrest whilst playing ice hockey with friends and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  408. 28/09/2022 England
    Genevieve Florence (24), British actress and former Olympic synchronised Swimmer became severely ill after the Pfizer covid vaccine. She speaks about her situation in the Oracle Films production “Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) at 28minutes 47 seconds in the link.  News Story  News Story2
  409. 28/09/2022 Arizona, USA
    JJ Watt (33), Arizona Cardinals American Footballer experienced atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat and had his heart shocked back into rhythm in order to play in a match a few days later. In December 2022, JJ Watt announced his retirement from NFL.  News Story  News Story2
  410. 28/09/2022 Quanzhou Fujian, China Dead
    Kosi (Age), Nigerian footballer in Quanzhou Fujian, China was playing football with friends when he suddenly collapsed and died.  News Story  News Story2
  411. 28/09/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Kyle Scholze (32), Hespeler Shamrocks Ice Hockey player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  412. 27/09/2022 New Zealand Dead
    Parveen Shankar (41), blind cricketer who played for New Zealand Blindcaps died suddenly overnight in bed. Aside from his blindness, Parveen was not ill and was still regularly playing cricket. News Story
  413. 26/09/2022 Germany Dead
    Jan Manner (40), former Karlsruher SC Footballer who played 115 games for Karlsruher SC died suddenly. No more details available.  News Story  News Story2
  414. 25/09/2022 Tamil Nadu, India Dead
    Senthil Kumar (35), Kabaddi player suffered a cardiac arrest while playing kabaddi. He was declared DOA at the hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  415. 24/09/2022 Egypt
    Jumana Yasser (19), female sgyptian Triathlon champion suffered a cardiac arrest during swimming training. Her coach pulled her out of the water and medical staff revived her while her heart was stopped for 22 minutes and she is now recovering.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  416. 24/09/2022 Nevada, USA
    Felix Reeves (20), Coronado basketball standout suffered a stroke and was taken to hospital. He was preparing to play for his new team College of Southern Nevada.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4  News Story5
  417. 23/09/2022 California, USA Dead
    Zack Estrin (51), Runner and writer-producer of various TV programmes was in good physical health, but suffered a cardiac arrest, collapsed and died while jogging on the beach.  News Story  News Story2
  418. 22/09/2022 Finland
    Santeri Virtanen (23), Tampereen Ilves Ice Hockey and Finnish team player. His career came to an abrupt halt after a series of heart issues from early in 2021.  News Story  News Story2
  419. 22/09/2022 Germany
    Jean-Paul Boetius (28), Hertha BSC professional footballer was diagnosed with testicular cancer, needing an operation in hospital. He will be out of action for a while. Others in the club have the same diagnosis.  News Story  News Story2
  420. 22/09/2022 Norway
    Marte Roeiseland (30), Norwegian superstar biathlete who after a covid infection struggled in training. Then she developed shingles which set back her training again.  News Story  News Story2
  421. 21/09/2022 Georgia, USA Dead
    Eitan Force (17), American Football player and high school student, captain of the school American football team suffered a “medical emergency” during a match. He was taken to hospital but resuscitated.  News Story  News Story2
  422. 21/09/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Brian Harlamert (51), Coldwater Cavaliers Baseball coach at Coldwater High School died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  423. 21/09/2022 Costa Rica Dead
    Jalen Hill (22), UCLA Bruins Basketball player took a break from playing in early 2021, went to Costa Rica and disappeared. It has now been announced that he has died. No details are available.  News Story  News Story2
  424. 20/09/2022 Romania Dead
    Alexandru Vagner (33), professional footballer who played for several clubs and most recently for the amateur club Inter Cristian. He collapsed from a cardiac arrest and despite rapid treatment and being taken to hospital, he died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  425. 18/09/2022 Maharashtra, India Dead
    Raj Kantilal Patel (32), Runner collapsed and died from a cardiac arrest 200 metres from the finish line of the Satara Hill half marathon in Maharashtra, India.  News Story  News Story2
  426. 18/09/2022 Italy
    Francesco Casagrande (53), former professional mountain-biker finished third in a race, but was immediately taken to hospital with heart problems.  News Story
  427. 18/09/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Trey Boddie (39), youth coach for baseball and other sports suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  428. 18/09/2022 Madhya Pradesh, India Dead
    Abhishek Tirkey (26), Basketball player suffered a cardiac arrest while warming up for a basketball game. He was taken to hospital, but died.  News Story
  429. 17/09/2022 Argentina Dead
    Eduardo Benedetti (55), Gym and judo teacher and a surgeon at the National University of Buenos Aires collapsed at a gym doing physical activity. Resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful.  News Story  News Story2
  430. 17/09/2022 Spain Dead
    Juan Miguel (61), Cuatro Santos Running Club runner in Cartagena collapsed after 3km of a 5km race and could not be resuscitated.  News Story  News Story2
  431. 15/09/2022 Wisconsin, USA Dead
    Charles Pyng (Age), Tennis coach and Monona Grove high school teacher collapsed and died suddenly while at a tennis match.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4  News Story5
  432. 14/09/2022 Equatorial Guinea Dead
    Mariano Ondo (23), Cano Sports Footballer collapsed while training with the national team of Equatorial Guinea. He was taken to hospital and died.  News Story  News Story2
  433. 13/09/2022 Indiana, USA Dead
    Treven Ball (10), Spring Valley Schools American Football player keen on many sporting activities. He was delighted to have played a game under lights for the first time, but just a few days after that he died from “a sudden illness.”  News Story  News Story2
  434. 13/09/2022 Massachusetts, USA Dead
    Anna Burns (16), cross country skier, and ultimate and cross country runner and high school student collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. Died in hospital 2 days later.  News Story  News Story2
  435. 12/09/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Tyler Erickson (17), student and golfer went to the golf course to practice but suffered a cardiac arrest. His parents found him slumped on the floorboard of a golf cart at the sixth hole, just two days before his 18th birthday. Autopsy requested.  News Story  News Story2
  436. 12/09/2022 Italy Dead
    Antonio Salerno (23), Footballer and architecture student collapsed while walking home after his regular 5-a-side football match in Ferrara, Italy. He died in the ambulance on the way to hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  437. 12/09/2022 Russia Dead
    Konstantin Moruga (48), Harmony amateur ice hockey player in the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast region of Russia. He suddenly collapsed during a match for against Kryogen. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story  News Story2
  438. 11/09/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Elias Theodorou (34), Mixed Martial Arts fighter died from liver cancer.  News Story  News Story2
  439. 11/09/2022 England Dead
    Jamie Harper (34), Footballer, pub chef, rugby fan, sometime footballer and father to be. While playing in a yearly charity football match, he collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died. “He was quite fit and healthy” … he “never complained of any health issue … other than sore feet from working on them all day” his girlfriend said. Autopsy requested.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  440. 11/09/2022 Quebec, Canada
    Robin Claveau (Age), Floor Hockey player suddenly collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest in the middle of the inaugural match in a school gym. A firefighter teammate was able to resuscitate him.  News Story
  441. 11/09/2022 France
    Audrey Cordon-Ragot (33), French cycling champion had a stroke. A heart operation was needed to rectify the situation. Two months later, she had recovered sufficiently to complete her first major ride since the stroke.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  442. 10/09/2022 Florida, USA
    Gabe Higginbottom (17), Bartlett High School cross country runner suffered a cardiac arrest during a race. Hospital doctors performed angioplasty to insert a balloon to open the artery. Later, in a 3-hour surgery, they inserted two stents and found two blood clots.  News Story  News Story2
  443. 10/09/2022 Quebec, Canada Dead
    Carl-Eric Gagné (56), medical doctor and accomplished athlete suffered a sudden cardiac arrest on a 65 mile bicycle ride. He died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  444. 10/09/2022 Mexico Dead
    Raul Reyes (45), amateur Chapus Perza Footballer collapsed mid-match in Mexico and was unable to be saved.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  445. 09/09/2022 Maryland, USA
    Greyson Lyons (Age), Winters Mill High School American Football player collapsed with heart issues during a game and was resuscitated. He was medevaced to Shock Trauma in Baltimore. A defibrillator was placed in his heart, which means the end of his football career.  News Story
  446. 09/09/2022 South Africa Dead
    Willie Los’e (55), former NZ Rugby Union player and later commentator who represented New Zealand under-21 and later captained Tonga at the 1995 Rugby World Cup died in South Africa where he was visiting to commentate the Rugby World Cup Sevens tournament.  News Story
  447. 09/09/2022 North Dakota, USA
    Ole Svangstu (17), American Footballer and high school student collapsed with a cardiac arrest during a game. He was taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  448. 08/09/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Ali Muhamad (17), Rahway High School American Football player died in his sleep.  News Story
  449. 08/09/2022 England
    Mark Watson (60), cyclist suffered a cardiac arrest while on a regular mid-week cycle ride with friends. He was saved by CPR and later had an operation for a blocked artery.  News Story
  450. 07/09/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (46), Futsal player from Puy-Sainte-Réparade in the south of France played futsal every Wednesday with friends and collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in the middle of the game. Resuscitation attempts failed, and he died.  News Story
  451. 07/09/2022 Italy Dead
    Unnamed boy (14), Polisportiva Verolavecchia Football player collapsed just after running onto the pitch to train with his club. He was revived and taken to hospital but died five days later.  News Story  News Story2
  452. 06/09/2022 Mayotte (France) Dead
    Unnamed (19), Runner from Dembéni in Mayotte (a French island off the coast of Mozambique) had just left home for a run then suddenly collapsed during his first strides, suffering a sudden cardiac arrest on the side of the national road between Hamouro and Hajangua. He died.  News Story
  453. 06/09/2022 France
    Virimi Vakatawa (30), Racing 92 Rugby Union player who also played for the French national team suffered “a heart condition,” forcing him to retire from rugby.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  454. 06/09/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Bill Wolfson Lianie (14), Field Hockey player in Malaysia and on a national development programme. He was very healthy, but suddenly collapsed and died from a brain haemorrhage.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  455. 06/09/2022 Maryland, USA Dead
    Unnamed boy (16), Randallstown High School American football player collapsed during football practice and died later in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  456. 05/09/2022 Spain Dead
    Carlos Torrell (54), professional dressage horse rider, trainer and clinician collapsed unexpectedly due to a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  457. 05/09/2022 Nevada, USA
    Mikael Hakkarainen (24), a Finnish Vegas Golden Knights Ice Hockey player was forced to retire from professional hockey due to “congenital heart disease” despite having no history of heart problems.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  458. 05/09/2022 Hawaii, USA Dead
    Gustavo Penilla (54), Long Beach Masters Swimmer suffered a cardiac arrest in the water during the annual Waikiki Roughwater Swim in Hawaii. He was rescued from the water but died later in hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  459. 04/09/2022 Arkansas, USA Dead
    Clark Yarbrough (21), Ouachita Baptist University American Footballer and business administration (sport management) student. He previously played football at high school in Arkansas. He died suddenly three days after his last match.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  460. 04/09/2022 Columbia Dead
    Jorge Andrei Valencia (34), Runner collapsed on the road due to a cardiac arrest during the Medellin Marathon in Columbia, S. America. He was taken to hospital where he died. “Despite efforts to revive him, nothing could be done.”  News Story
  461. 04/09/2022 Punjab, India Dead
    Navnish Singh (17), final year high school runner collapsed with a cardiac arrest after placing 3rd in an 800 metre race. He was taken to hospital, then suffered a “cardiac arrest and ultimately kidney failure” and died in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  462. 03/09/2022 Ohio, USA
    Kaden Clymer (Age), high school American Football player in Ohio, USA. His playing career seems to have come to an abrupt end since he was found to have a 6 feet long blood clot in his legs.  News Story   News Story2
  463. 03/09/2022 Italy Dead
    Mauro Brizzi (62), Asd Aris San Polo Football coach died unexpectedly, the “victim of a sudden illness.”  News Story
  464. 03/09/2022 Italy Dead
    Gary McMahon (56), Rugby League player with Leigh Miners Rangers in England. He was on tour in Italy with the England Community Lions Under-19s team when he died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  465. 03/09/2022 Columbia Dead
    Rodrigo de Jesús Villegas (Age), Seisa-Roberto Labrada Footballer in the Platinum Veterans Soccer League for 65 years and older suddenly began to feel bad. He was taken to hospital, but he died due to a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  466. 02/09/2022 Kashmir, India Dead
    Imtiyaz Ahmad Khan (22), youth Cricket player from Pulwama district of Kashmir collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died while playing cricket in Anantnag district of Kashmir. He was rushed to hospital but declared DoA.  News Story  News Story2
  467. 02/09/2022 Spain
    Cristhian Stuani (35), Uruguayan footballer who plays in Spain for Girona disgnosed with benign cardiac arrhythmia and is “resting for a month.”  News Story  News Story2
  468. 01/09/2022 Scotland Dead
    Mike Wilson (46), Triathlete and super-fit doctor suffered a cardiac arrest and died while swimming in a loch in Scotland, while training for a triathlon.  News Story

    August 2022

  469. ??/08/2022 Austria Dead
    Stephan Haider (22), Austrian international swimmer suffered such serious heart damage following the administration of the anti-Covid vaccine that prevented him from continuing his competitive activity that he committed suicide.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  470. ??/08/2022 Luxembourg Dead
    Dan Theis (55), former AS Jeunesse Esch and national team footballer. After he retired from football, he was out cycling, suffered a cardiac arrest and fell of his bicycle. after several months in a coma, he died on 31st December 2022.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  471. 31/08/2022 Texas, USA
    Zaidyn Ward (14), high school American football running back collapsed due to a cardiac arrest during a game after scoring a touchdown. Lacey Steel, a Monterey trainer resuscitated him. His heart actually stopped twice then he had a seizure and was rushed to the Fort Worth hospital. He is scheduled for open heart surgery.  News Story  News Story2
  472. 31/08/2022 Queensland, Australia
    Brett Heron (Age), had been cycling for 2 years and suffered a cardiac arrest then crashed at high speed while training in a velodrome in Queensland. A defibrillator was used to revive him.  News Story  News Story2
  473. 30/08/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Eli Palfreyman (20), Ayr Centennials Junior Ice Hockey captain collapsed and died during a pre-season tournament match.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  474. 30/08/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Kooper McCabe (17), high school student American Footballer and wrestler died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2
  475. 30/08/2022 England Dead
    Danielle Cubitt (20), Aylesford FC women’s Footballer died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  476. 28/08/2022 England Dead
    Ray McGloin (64), Tri-Rivington triathlete died suddenly. He has competed in 7 Ironman events, 20 half Ironman events, as well as ultra-distance swimming, running and cycling events, and started his own triathlon club to coach others.  News Story  News Story2
  477. 28/08/2022 Germany Dead
    Rolf Felber (67), Triathlete collapsed shortly after the start of the swim (1st leg of the event), in an Ironman triathlon in Germany. He was quickly resusciated and taken to hospital, but he died on the way.  News Story  News Story2
  478. 28/08/2022 Guatemala Dead
    Alejandro Hernandez Vasquez (51), Runner died during or after the 21k run in Guatemala. Few details available. Franco Archila (44) also died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  479. 28/08/2022 Guatemala Dead
    Franco Archila (44), Runner collapsed just after completing the 21k run in Guatemala. He was given immediate treatment and taken to hospital but was unable to be saved. Alejandro Hernandez Vasquez (51) also died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  480. 28/08/2022 Maharashtra, India Dead
    Jayesh Bhavsar (19), Swimmer suffered a cardiac arrest and died while swimming in a pool.  News Story
  481. 27/08/2022 New Hampshire, USA Dead
    Unnamed (46), Hiker from Quebec, Canada, hiking on Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, USA, collapsed as he reached the summit and died despite assistance from medical personnel on the spot.  News Story  News Story2
  482. 27/08/2022 England
    Potchu Calucane (24), a Spanish Hertford Town Football player collapsed during a match against AFC Dunstable. He was resuscitated with CPR and taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story  News Story2
  483. 26/08/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Kaila Chizer (26), basketball player and gym enthusiast. One evening, after gym, she “was found unresponsive inside her car with no signs of trauma” and pronounced dead at the scene.  News Story  News Story2
  484. 26/08/2022 New Mexico, USA Dead
    Abraham Romero (17), American Footballer and high school student collapsed during a match. In hospital he was put into a coma. Three weeks later, he died.  News Story  News Story2
  485. 25/08/2022 South Africa Dead
    Phakamile Ntshiza (47), Adventist Athletic Club Runner collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died around the half-way mark in the Comrades Marathon in South Africa. Mzameleni Mthembu also died. Of the 13,000+ runners, at least 74 other runners were hospitalized, 2 in ICU, a total of 341 received medical treatment at the Finish Venue Medical Facility at Moses Mabhida Stadium. In the previous 100 years of the race, only 6 people died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  486. 25/08/2022 South Africa Dead
    Mzameleni Mthembu (43), experienced ultra-marathon runner collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died 12km from the end of the 90km Comrades Marathon in South Africa. Hollywoodbets Athletics Club. Phakamile Ntshiza also died. Of the 13,000+ runners, at least 74 other runners were hospitalized, 2 in ICU, a total of 341 received medical treatment at the Finish Venue Medical Facility at Moses Mabhida Stadium. In the previous 100 years of the race, only 6 people died. News Story  News Story2
  487. 25/08/2022 Peru Dead
    Bernardino Soncco Hancco (40), Kenamari Football collapsed on the pitch due to a cardiac arrest and died in the “Copa Nuñoa” football tournament.  News Story
  488. 25/08/2022 California, USA Dead
    Carter Stone (15), American Footballer high school student went into hospital for a routine shoulder operation, but he died unexpectedly. Doctors revealed that Carter “had a tumour on his heart likely formed by undiagnosed T-cell leukaemia and the family was not aware of it.”  News Story  News Story2
  489. 25/08/2022 Massachusetts, USA Dead
    Kieron Smith (51), Wrestling coach at a high school in Massachusetts for over 20 years died suddenly.  News Story
  490. 23/08/2022 Scotland Dead
    Rab Wardell (37), cyclist who won the elite men’s title at the Scottish MTB XC Championships. Just a few days later, he died in his sleep of a “cardiac arrest.”  News Story  News Story2
  491. 23/08/2022 North Carolina, USA
    Grigor Dimitrov (31), Tennis player had been comfortably winning a match in the Winston-Salem Open tennis tournament but suddenly retired after he “experienced dizziness and shortness of breath.”  News Story  News Story2
  492. 23/08/2022 Spain Dead
    Dani Gómez (18), Peñas Huesca Basketball Club Baasketball player died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2
  493. 22/08/2022 Portugal Dead
    Mário Cunha (31), former C.D. Cerveira Footballer retired in 2020, died of “unknown causes.”  News Story
  494. 22/08/2022 England Dead
    Ben Benn (30), Halifax RUFC Rugby Union (and other clubs) player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  495. 22/08/2022 England
    Lewis Price (38), MK Dons player and former Wales international goalkeeper (football) who moved into coaching with English club MK Dons diagnosed with testicular cancer and is undergoing treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  496. 21/08/2022 Argentina
    Manuela Bugueno (30), female amateur Runner and Chilean doctor collapsed with a cardiac arrest close to the finish line of the Buenos Aires half-marathon in Argentina. She received immediate attention and was resuscitated, then transferred to hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  497. 20/08/2022 Switzerland Dead
    Unnamed (36), Cyclist collapsed and died whilst competing in the Grand Raid mountain bike race in Valais, Switzerland. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story  News Story2
  498. 20/08/2022 Norway Dead
    Audun Heimdal (25), World elite Orienteerer and ski orienteerer died with cancer.  News Story  News Story2
  499. 20/08/2022 New York, USA Dead
    Ria Vannoort (32), skilled Canadian horse rider and trainer, and also a paramedic. She suffered a “sudden medical incident” riding a jet ski on Lake Ontario, New York, and was found floating in the water. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  500. 19/08/2022 California, USA Dead
    Unnamed (19), Hiker was hiking in California with a large group, including his father. He went for a swim on his own in a lake and was found dead. When a helicopter arrived, the young man had already died.  News Story  News Story2
  501. 19/08/2022 Italy Dead
    Filippo Dalla Venezia (18), Mogliano Rugby Rugby Union U19 player was found lifeless at home. News Story
  502. 19/08/2022 Germany
    Malaika Mihambo (28), was Olympic long jump champion in Tokyo 2020. In August 2022, she competed in European Championships in Germany where she won silver, but now suffers from circulatory problems and shortness of breath.  News Story  News Story2
  503. 19/08/2022 Virginia, USA Dead
    Riddick Parker (49), former Seattle Seahawks, New England Patriots and Baltimore Ravens American Football player died unexpectedly while riding his bicycle.  News Story  News Story2
  504. 19/08/2022 England Dead
    Stewart Bondi (69), very keen runner from Devon, England and a founder of a tough marathon on the South West Coast Path. His nickname was “Rambo.” His body was found by the cliffs on the coast after an apparent fall.  News Story  News Story2
  505. 19/08/2022 Brazil Dead
    Pietra Medeiros (20), Taboao Magnus SP Futsal player died in hospital due to complications from autoimmune hepatitis.  News Story  News Story2
  506. 19/08/2022 Georgia, USA
    Yordan Alvarez (25), Houston Astros Baseballer was playing in Georgia against the Atlanta Braves when he was short of breath. He was taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story  News Story2
  507. 18/08/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Luke Knox (22), Florida International University American Football player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  508. 18/08/2022 Israel Dead
    Willie Sims (64), former Hapoel Tel Aviv Basketball star, born in the USA but played mostly in Israel where he played for Maccabi Haifa and Hapoel Tel Aviv. In August 2022, the fitness trainer suffered a heart attack and was rushed to hospital and died four months later, 23rd December 2022.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  509. 18/08/2022 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Quentin Watson (16), high school basketball player died unexpepctedly from “unknown medical causes.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  510. 17/08/2022 Germany Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Footballer collapsed and died after taking part in a friendly football match.  News Story  News Story2
  511. 17/08/2022 Missouri, USA
    Davis Dwight (17), Baseballer and high school student collapsed during baseball practice from cardiac arrest. Coaches revived him with CPR.  News Story  News Story2
  512. 17/08/2022 Peru Dead
    Michele Gironella (25), Italian Footballer was on holiday in Peru where he collapsed due to a cardiac arrest while playing in a local football match. He never recovered.  News Story  News Story2
  513. 17/08/2022 England Dead
    Martin Cleaver (43), was lifting weights in the gym with his brother and had a cardiac arrest. His brother and others took turns to apply CPR and he was then taken to hospital by paramedics but he died.  News Story  News Story2
  514. 17/08/2022 Benin Dead
    Jean-Baptiste Togbé (Age), Footballer collapsed during a match and died.  News Story
  515. 16/08/2022 Belgium Dead
    Kevin Revillod (26), Standario FC Onoz Footballer collapsed from a cardiac arrest and died during training despite resuscitation attempts.  News Story  News Story2
  516. 16/08/2022 Austria
    Katrin Beierl (29), very successful bobsleigh pilot who won the overall two-man bobsleigh World Cup rankings in 2020/21 season, the first Austrian ever, suffered a stroke while on holiday and spent time in hospital in Vienna, Austria.  News Story  News Story2
  517. 16/08/2022 Germany
    Tim Nowak (27), decathlete abandoned the 2022 European Championships in Germany due to serious circulatory problems. He was unable to compete in the fifth discipline over 400 meters. “Unfortunately, my competition ends in the hospital. After the high jump I collapsed for unknown reasons. I would have given anything to finish this competition.”  News Story
  518. 15/08/2022 Romania Dead
    Alessia Maria Raiciu (18), Agronomia Bucharest Basketball and national team player died suddenly on her 18th birthday.  News Story
  519. 15/08/2022 Michigan, USA Dead
    Tyler Edwards (27), high school basketball coach died unexpectedly of a suspected cardiac arrest.  News Story
  520. 15/08/2022 Portugal
    Carlos Secretário (52), former Real Madrid and Portuguese national team fotballer suffered a stroke and went to hospital for treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  521. 14/08/2022 Northern Ireland Dead
    Molly White (Age), St James’ Swifts Footballer died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  522. 14/08/2022 Italy Dead
    Giovanni Malvestio (48), Cyclist suffered a cardiac arrest while cycling, was seen staggering to the ground. Bystanders provided first aid, but he died before an ambulance arrived.  News Story
  523. 14/08/2022 Belgium
    Grégory Genet (39), RC Bergilers amateur footballer suffered a cardiac arrest during a match. The club president, a doctor resuscitated him.  News Story
  524. 13/08/2022 England
    Pablo Martinez (21), Chippenham Town FC Footballer collapsed on the pitch in a match against Chelmsford. His condition was later said to have stabilised. Match abandoned.  News Story  News Story2
  525. 13/08/2022 Virginia, USA Dead
    Efe Obrimah (18), high school graduate and star athlete. His body was found on the ground at a football stadium. No cause of death announced.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  526. 11/08/2022 French Guiana Dead
    Djouby Laura (20), USC de Roura Footballer had a cardiac arrest after a training session and could not be revived.  News Story
  527. 11/08/2022 Northern Ireland Dead
    Dominic Oscar (19), St Michael’s ABC Boxer died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  528. 11/08/2022 Ontaria, Canada Dead
    Cason King (32), Ice Hockey player who was both sporty and academic died suddenly. He obtained a PhD. in microbiology and immunology and encouraged others to take the covid vaccine.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4  News Story5
  529. 10/08/2022 Illinois, USA Dead
    Avery Gilbert (18), Trinity International University American Football freshman at Trinity International University had only been on campus for 3 days, when was found collapsed and died later in hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  530. 10/08/2022 Brazil Dead
    Maurice Miranda (40), former São Paulo Football player suffered a cardiac arrest at home. He was taken to hospital but died.  News Story  News Story2
  531. 10/08/2022 Maharashtra, India Dead
    Sameer Jivangikar (Age), Runner and real estate agent but also a keen runner collapsed and died due to a sudden cardiac arrest while driving home after a training session.  News Story  News Story2
  532. 10/08/2022 Argentina Dead
    Aleli (9), Pioneras FIF Football goalkeeper for a children’s football team in Argentina. She died suddenly.  News Story
  533. 10/08/2022 North Carolina, USA
    Sam Hartman (22), Wake Forest University Athletics American Footballwe will miss an ‘extended period of time’ due to a “mystery condition.”  News Story  News Story2
  534. 10/08/2022 Germany Dead
    Unnamed (28), Water Skier died while water skiing. “Police believe the cause of death was medical.”  News Story
  535. 10/08/2022 West Bengal, India Dead
    Rittika Das (19), Gym enthusiast and student suffered a cardiac arrest in the gym and died.  News Story  News Story2
  536. 09/08/2022 South Africa
    Rick Hendriks (12), Rugby Union player suffered a cardiac arrest on 9th August 2022, on a rugby field in Pretoria, South Africa. He was airlifted to hospital. Four days later, it was reported that he regained consciousness.  News Story
  537. 09/08/2022 Telangana, India Dead
    Thushar Aamra Bedwa (32), Cricket player and software employee in Hitec City, Telangana, India was playing cricket with friends in the evening when he complained of chest pain and collapsed. He was taken to hospital but he died. Doctors suspect a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  538. 09/08/2022 Virginia, USA Dead
    Caitlyn Gable (20), Bluefield University Rams Softball player died in her sleep.  News Story
  539. 09/08/2022 Belgium Dead
    Claude Gomez (53), former R. E. Virton Footballer in the 1980’s and 1990’s suffered a cardiac arrest on a bike ride with friends, and died.  News Story  News Story2
  540. 09/08/2022 Belgium
    Tim Wellens (31), Lotto Soudal professional cyclist has ended racing activities due to heart problems. “I felt disturbing palpitations. Not only in the race, but also in training and at rest. My cardiologist found this far from reassuring.”  News Story
  541. 08/08/2022 Belgium Dead
    Jurgen Groothaerd (44), KVV Zelzate Football youth coach suffered a cerebral thrombosis and died while cycling to work.  News Story
  542. 07/08/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Marc Marie (52), Hiker was on holiday in Malaysia and hiking with friends in the mountains, when he suddenly collapsed. A rescue team sent to the scene immediately performed CPR but he died. News Story
  543. 07/08/2022 California, USA Dead
    Braden Fahey (12), middle school American Footballer lost consciousness after football practice at Clayton Valley Charter High School in California. Recorded as a “severe medical emergency.” He was rushed to hospital on Friday evening and died on Sunday.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  544. 07/08/2022 California, USA Dead
    Brian Reynolds (50), Swimmer, golfer, and former American football youth team coach trained for months to be ready for a 1½ mile swimming event off the California coast. He was said to be in “great shape” for the swim, but during the event he “suffered an unknown medical incident” and died.  News Story
  545. 07/08/2022 France Dead
    Laura Domecq (21), French AS Monaco women’s footballer died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  546. 07/08/2022 Illinois, USA Dead
    Jeremiah Bergheger (44), baseball player for various teams before taking up coaching died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  547. 07/08/2022 Guatemala Dead
    Wilson Tello Aguilar (53), Runner and former footballer suffered a cardiac arrest during the Cobán International Half Marathon, and was pronounced dead at the local hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  548. 07/08/2022 Russia Dead
    Ilyas Malenkov (37), keen runner felt unwell near the end of the Yekaterinburg marathon day in Russia for which he was certified fit to take part. He was taken to hospital, but died.   News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  549. 06/08/2022 Chile Dead
    Cristian Cáceres (38), Union Cordillera Football goalkeeper. Suffered a cardiac arrest in the second half of a match and died on the way to hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  550. 06/08/2022 Connecticut, USA Dead
    Djemayley Vernet (16), American Football player died unexpectedly after a series of seizures.  News Story
  551. 06/08/2022 Ireland Dead
    Caylum Flynn (13), Carras GAA Gaelic football player and Claremorris AFC player died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  552. 06/08/2022 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Owen Cotty (16), high school Frisbee player, scout and student programmer collapsed while playing frisbee with his family. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story  News Story2
  553. 05/08/2022 Germany Dead
    Marco Memenga (38), FC Brookmerland Football player scored a goal and then died during the cup match with BW Filsum in Germany.  News Story
  554. 06/08/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Mason Fisher (27), Team Buckeye – Spin Doctors Peloton long-distance cyclist and medical student collapsed and died during the 102-mile Pelotonia bike ride in Ohio, USA, for cancer research. His family says he had a heart-related medical issue at mile 100 of his 102-mile ride.  News Story  News Story2
  555. 05/08/2022 Ireland Dead
    Dillon Quirke (24), Clonoulty Rossmore Hurling player collapsed in a match against Kilruane McDonaghs. He received instant medical attention on the pitch, then transferred by ambulance to hospital where he later died.  News Story  News Story2
  556. 05/08/2022 Kentucky, USA Dead
    Aaron Crawford (18), Knott County Central HS American Football player and wrestler. He had a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  557. 05/08/2022 Italy Dead
    Teun Elbers (19), Dutch SV TOP Footballer was on a family holiday in Italy, collapsed and died while on a walk. His body was found by a passer-by.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  558. 05/08/2022 West Bengal, India Dead
    Narendra Thapa (58), star footballer in the 1980’s in India died in West Bengal from a cardiac arrest in his sleep.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  559. 04/08/2022 New Zealand Dead
    Unnamed school girl (12), Runner “collapsed while running in an Auckland (New Zealand) park. She died in hospital the same evening.  News Story
  560. 03/08/2022 Botswana Dead
    Unnamed girl (15), Mexican Girls Football player collapsed during training and died at the hospital.  News Story
  561. 03/08/2022 France Dead
    Bamba Abdul Kharyme (53), SR Colmar Footballer from Ivory Coast who lived and played in France died of a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  562. 02/08/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Lars Tate (56), former Georgia Bulldogs American Football, and later for Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Chicago Bears. He had very recently been diagnosed with cancer and died suddenly before he was due to begin chemotherapy.  News Story  News Story2
  563. 02/08/2022 Ireland Dead
    Frank O’Dwyer (Age), Cyclist and accident & emergency (A&E) consultant at a hospital in Kilkenny, Ireland. During the Tour de Kilkenny. He had an “incident” during the event and died a few days later.  News Story  News Story2
  564. 02/08/2022 Arizona, USA Dead
    Cesar Vazquez (17), Peoria Centennial High School American Footballer died over night.  News Story  News Story2
  565. 02/08/2022 Georgia, USA Dead
    Tony Jones (Age), Lubbock Christian University Basketball player died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  566. 02/08/2022 Tenerife, Spain
    Kirian Rodriguez (26), UD Las Palmas Footballer has now been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which will keep him away from football for some time.  News Story  News Story2
  567. 02/08/2022 France
    Lola Gilbert-Jeanselme (18), Biathlete diagnosed with myocarditis sometime in Spring 2022. On 2nd August 2022, it was reported she looks forward to participating in a competition, having recovered.  News Story
  568. 01/08/2022 Germany Dead
    Mario Pirner (48), Esslingen Handball player died unexpectedly.  News Story
  569. 01/08/2022 Latvia Dead
    Andrejs Rubins (43), Crystal Palace professional footballer (and European clubs and the Latvian national team) died unexpectedly in Latvia.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  570. 01/08/2022 Mississippi, USA Dead
    Phillip Laster (17), American Footballer and high school student collapsed while working out with the football team, and died at the local hospital.  News Story

    July 2022

  571. 31/07/2022 Croatia Dead
    Mato Matić (20), HNK Mladost Football goalkeeper for. Played a match on Saturday and died on Sunday. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2
  572. 31/07/2022 Italy Dead
    Giuseppe Fortunato (44), Cyclist and master watchmaker who had a passion for cycling. Died suddenly in his sleep.  News Story  News Story2
  573. 31/07/2022 France Dead
    Anthony Janiec (37), Lion Truck Racing champion collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  574. 31/07/2022 Wyoming, USA Dead
    Jay Collins (41), former Idaho Stampede Basketballer who played for several clubs before moving into coaching. Died suddenly overnight. News Story  News Story2
  575. 31/07/2022 New York, New York Dead
    Param Dhaliwal (23), former West Kelowna Warriors Ice Hockey player was found dead in a hotel in New York.  News Story  News Story2
  576. 31/07/2022 Wales Dead
    Gareth Lewis (42), Rugby Union coach. He coached Caerphilly Rugby Club and at schools. He also served in various roles at the Welsh Rugby Union. He died “following a short illness.”  News Story
  577. 31/07/2022 Germany Dead
    Sabine Oberdieck (55), Dressage star was a lawyer who rode and trained dressage horses in Germany very successfully. She died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2
  578. 31/07/2022 France Dead
    Jean-Jacques Vigeant (54), former Cognac Sports Union Rugby Union played died after a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  579. 30/07/2022 Nova Scotia, Canada
    Satchel Tate (12), Hammonds Plains Baseballer was playing in an U-13 baseball tournament for his team Hammonds Plains, in Canada. During the match he suffered a stroke.  News Story  News Story2
  580. 29/07/2022 Victoria, Australia Dead
    Rohan Cosgriff (17), Waubra Football Netball Club Footballer. The student with a keen interest in playing football and looking after race horses died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  581. 28/07/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Candace Nayman (27), Triathleta and medical doctor collapsed during the swim section of a triathlon and died a few days later. She is the fifth doctor in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to die unexpectedly in July 2022.  News Story  News Story2
  582. 28/07/2022 Germany Dead
    Rok Kosir (46), successful judoka in his native Slovenia and in Germany where he took up coaching. He died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2
  583. 27/07/2022 Iowa, USA Dead
    Lily Ernst (20), UNI Panthers Swimmer and student died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  584. 27/07/2022 Croatia Dead
    Maro Perak (39), Mixed Martial Arts exponent, the “world heavyweight and light heavyweight champion.” He died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  585. 24/07/2022 Wisconsin, USA Dead
    Derek Gray (20), UW-Whitewater Basketballer and psychology student. collapsed due to a cardiac arrest during a training session and died suddenly. Suspected blood clot. No further information available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  586. 24/07/2022 Tamil Nadu, India Dead
    Vimalraj (22), Kabaddi player and zoology student collapsed from a cardiac arrest during a game. He was pronounced DOA in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  587. 23/07/2022 Italy Dead
    Andrea Musiu (20), Footballer was playing a football game with friends in his home town of Cagliari, Italy. He collapsed at the end of the game, received immediate attention from spectators and then ambulance staff, but died.  News Story  News Story2
  588. 22/07/2022 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Jerry Ward (46), well-known bodybuilder who also judged contests and ran his own training company.Died unexpectedly in bed after complaining of “rib pain.”  News Story  News Story2
  589. 21/07/2022 Australia Dead
    Justin Crawford (45), Hawthorn Australian Rules Footballer died suddenly. Further details awaited.  News Story
  590. 21/07/2022 South Carolina, USA Dead
    Phil Petty (43), former University of South Carolina American Footballer from 1998-2001. Died after a short illness.  News Story  News Story2
  591. 20/07/2022 Scotland
    Will Graham (23), Scottish footballer was playing for Hurlford United in a pre-season friendly when he collapsed. Two days later he was discharged from hospital after an operation for a ruptured brain aneurysm.  News Story  News Story2
  592. 18/07/2022 France
    Jonathan Castroviejo (35), Ineos Grenadiers Cyclist, one of five to quit the Tour de France due to breathing problems. Victor Lafay said “Castroviejo can’t breathe either.”  News Story
  593. 18/07/2022 France
    Pierre Rolland (35), B&B Hotels p/b KTM Cyclist, one of five to quit the Tour de France due to breathing problems. Victor Lafay said Rolland had “no strength, and then impossible to breathe.”  News Story
  594. 18/07/2022 France
    Oliver Naesen (31), AG2R Citroën Cyclist, one of five out of the Tour de France due to breathing problems. Victor Lafay reported Naesen had “no strength, and then impossible to breathe.”  News Story
  595. 18/07/2022 British Columbia, Canada
    Doug Eyolfson (59), Runner and emergency physician in Manitoba, Canada. Suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest while marathon training in the park while visiting Vancouver. On 20th July 2022 he confirmed on Twitter that he was booked for a heart by-pass operation. In a May 11th 2021 Twitter post he treated his covid vaccination light-heartedly, saying “I think the microchip is faulty. I’m only getting basic cable.” A CBC News article reported about the former MP: “Liberal Eyolfson and New Democrat Chung-Mowat support mandatory vaccines.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  596. 18/07/2022 Germany
    Sebastien Haller (28), Borussia Dortmund professional footballer diagnosed with testicular cancer and needing an operation in hospital. He is one of several announced around the same time.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  597. 17/07/2022 Wales
    Ryan Jones (41), Rugby Union captain of the Wales team. Diagnosed with early-onset dementia aged 41. News Story
  598. 17/07/2022 France
    Alexis Renard (23), Cofidis team Cyclist. Suffered sudden onset of a heart rhythm disorder at the Tour de France. One of five to pull out of the tour. Set to have surgery. “During exercise, I have a heart rate that increases like everyone else,” Renard said. “But when I stop cycling, the intensity is always the same.”  News Story
  599. 16/07/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Paul Hannam (50’s), Runner, medical doctor, Olympic sailor and marathon runner. Was Chief of Emergency Medicine and Program Medical Director at North York General Hospital (NYGH). Collapsed and died unexpectedly while out for a run.  News Story  News Story2
  600. 15/07/2022 France
    Victor Lafay (26), Cofidis Cyclist taking part in the Tour De France. One of five to pull out of the tour. “I’m having a very hard time breathing. I feel like I don’t have enough oxygen, pain everywhere…”  News Story  News Story2
  601. 15/07/2022 Russia Dead
    Aleksandr Kozlov (29), Footballer described as one of the top football talents of a generation. He played for the Russian youth national team and played his first Champions League game at the age of 17. Suffered a blood clot during a training session and died.  News Story
  602. 15/07/2022 Georgia, USA Dead
    Paul Duncan (35), Denver Broncos American Footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest after going for a run in his neighbourhood. He died.  News Story  News Story2
  603. 15/07/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Anthony Joseph Zeoli (16), Skateboarder & Snowboarder and high school student. Died unexpectedly.  News Story
  604. 15/07/2022 New South Wales, Australia Dead
    Carl Robinson (41), Surfer and realestate agent He suddenly collapsed in the sea during a morning surf. Surfers and paramedics performed CPR but were unable to save him.  News Story
  605. 14/07/2022 Western Australia, Australia Dead
    Unnamed (50’s), Wind Surfer had been wind surfing off the coast of Shoal water, Western Australia. Found dead in the sea.  News Story  News Story2
  606. 13/07/2022 Mississippi, USA Dead
    Rashard Anderson (45), former Carolina Panthers American Footballer was first-round pick in 2000, played in 27 games with nine starts over two seasons with the team. Died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  607. 13/07/2022 Argentina Dead
    Néstor Flores (37), amateur Footballer and police inspector in the town of Rivadavia. After the match, he went home, had a cardiac arrest, was taken to hospital, but died. His relatives said he had no history of heart conditions, he played sports and did not smoke or drink alcohol. Coincidentally, in a nearby city in Argentina, on the same night, a very similar story played out, (Ernesto Burgoa) with a similar result.  News Story
  608. 13/07/2022 Argentina Dead
    Ernesto Burgoa (35), Footballer and casual labourer who played amateur football in Argentina for a local team. After a match, he went home and felt ill, suffering a cardiac arrest. He was taken to hospital but was pronounced DOA. Coincidentally, in a nearby city in Argentina, on the same night, a very similar story played out, (Néstor Flores) with a similar result.  News Story
  609. 13/07/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Garrison Markins (20) former High School football and track and field athlete suffered a cardiac arrest.and died.  News Story  News Story2
  610. 13/07/2022 England Dead
    Abby Hills (30), Runner and young mother collapsed with a cardiac arrest while on an evening run, after sending the children to bed. She was taken to hospital but died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  611. 12/07/2022 Ireland
    Trevor Melly (44), Na Rossa Gaelic Footballer went to a training session for the first time in a few months. Suffered a cardiac arrest at the end of it. The early arrival of a doctor saved his life and he was taken to hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  612. 12/07/2022 Italy Dead
    Mattia Ghiraldi (22), C&B Racing Powerboat Racing. He died suddenly due to “an illness.”  News Story  News Story2
  613. 12/07/2022 Northern Territory, Australia Dead
    Willie Rioli Snr (50), former Hawthorn Australian Rules Football collapsed with a cardiac arrest and died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  614. 12/07/2022 Spain Dead
    Maribel Ortega (38), Club Hípico de Córdoba Show Jumper, pioneer in show jumping horses. More recently she was a riding teacher. Died suddenly.  News Story
  615. 12/07/2022 Germany
    Marco Richter (22), Hertha BSC professional footballer diagnosed with testicular cancer and needing an operation in hospital. He is one of several announced around the same time.  News Story
  616. 11/07/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Bryan Norton (24), Baseballer graduated from high school in New Jersey in 2016, where he played varsity baseball and football then studied sports management. Held a role related to Major League Baseball. Died suddenly.  News Story
  617. 10/07/2022 El Salvador Dead
    Kevin Alejandro Amaya (16), Footballer was playing in a local football match when he had a sudden cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful.  News Story
  618. 10/07/2022 Argentina
    David Rodríguez (Age), Football referee was refereeing a football match in Argentina between Ferro and Deportivo Argentino, when he suffered a cardiac arrest and was rushed to hospital.  News Story
  619. 10/07/2022 Mexico Dead
    Unnamed (60), Footballer in Guanajuato, Mexico, was goalkeeper in an amateur football match. Collapsed on the pitch with a cardiac arrest. Resuscitation failed.  News Story
  620. 10/07/2022 El Salvador Dead
    Unnamed (Age), young Footballer suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died while playing a football match in El Volcán canton in San Vicente, El Salvador.  News Story
  621. 09/07/2022 Scotland Dead
    Adam Strachan (35), former Partick Thistle professional footballer played for a few Scottish clubs. He died suddenly.  News Story
  622. 09/07/2022 Finland
    Karoliina Kujanpää (21), a Finnish sprinter. Early in 2022, training was going well until apparently contracting covid. A scan highlighted the after effects of myocarditis.  News Story
  623. 08/07/2022 Louisiana, USA Dead
    Jimmy Williams (43), San Francisco 49ers American Footballer played 80 games over a six-year NFL career. Died from an unknown cause.  News Story  News Story2
  624. 08/07/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Jesse Boyden (33), Wrestler, one of the best in the USA. Died suddenly.  News Story
  625. 07/07/2022 Sweden
    Robin Söderling (37), Tennis player “takes timeout as captain of the Swedish Davis Cup team in tennis” due to recurring “fatigue syndrome.”  News Story
  626. 06/07/2022 Queensland, Australia Dead
    Summer Jade Nicholls (18), Central Queensland Capras Rugby Union player. Died suddenly.  News Story
  627. 06/07/2022 Quebec, Canada Dead
    Bryan Marchment (53), Ice Hockey player over 17 NHL ice Hockey seasons for nine teams. Died unexpectedly.  News Story
  628. 05/07/2022 Cyprus Dead
    Ben Woods (21), amateur Leigh East Rugby League player was on a family holiday in Cyprus. He was pulled out of the hotel swimming pool, could not be revived and later died.  News Story
  629. 05/07/2022 Mexico
    Oscar Castellanos (54), former Halcones Rojos Veracruz Basketball player, known as “El Diablo,” hospitalized for alleged health complications.  News Story
  630. 04/07/2022 Italy Dead
    Alessia De Nadai (17), Volleyball player finished the school year playing volleyball with friends. Then in June 2022 she felt ill and was taken to hospital for urgent surgery. Despite further intervention, she died from encephalitis – inflammation of the brain.  News Story
  631. 03/07/2022 Alabama, USA Dead
    Awysum Harris (Age), Alabama State University American Footballer. Found dead in his dorm room at the Montgomery campus.  News Story
  632. 02/07/2022 Andhra Pradesh, India Dead
    Sudhakar Reddy (27), Cyclist, former serviceman, working as a software engineer in Bangalore, married for 3 months. Suffered a cardiac arrest while cycling in Andhra Pradesh, India, he never recovered.  News Story
  633. 02/07/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Justin Lore (31), Baseball player died suddenly at home. “He was an amazing baseball player from childhood and continued to play the sport teaching it to his sons.”  News Story
  634. 02/07/2022 Victoria, Australia Dead
    Mitch Cade Williams (34), former Football player, now physical education (PE) teacher and football coach, played for a local football club then later became their very successful coach. He collapsed and died at home.  News Story
  635. 01/07/2022 England
    Karl Newton (37), Blackburn Rovers Hiker was a scout who worked for various football clubs over the years, on the lookout for talented football players. Died suddenly while hiking in the Lake District of England.  News Story
  636. 01/07/2022 Croatia Dead
    Mario Švigir (48), Futsal (indoor football) player for his native Croatia. He died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  637. 01/07/2022 California, USA
    Vince Iwuchukwu (17), USC Basketball player suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed during an informal team practice. His condition is gradually improving.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  638. 01/07/2022 England Dead
    Gary Pearson (45), former Sheffield United professional footballer, previously played for Darlington and York. He recently became manager of Billingham Town FC. Suffered a cardiac arrest on the football pitch. After surgery, he was expected to make a full recovery, but he became ill again, collapsed and died.  News Story  News Story2.

    June 2022

  639. 30/06/2022 Germany Dead
    Oliver Häusler (47), former Starbulls Rosenheim Ice Hockey player and then coach. Died unexpectedly.  News Story
  640. 28/06/2022 Victoria, Australia
    Will Phillips (20), North Melbourne Australian Rules Footballer will be out of action for an indefinite period after developing glandular fever, which followed a COVID-19 diagnosis earlier in the season.  News Story
  641. 28/06/2022 Spain Dead
    Eduardo Mena (56), Gym trainer and many celebrities trained with him. However, he died suddenly after an aortic vein (heart) problem. News Story
  642. 28/06/2022 Canada
    Sam Forbes (Age), Baseballer aka ‘Slammin Sammy’ was a healthy and super fit star, who wanted to travel to his baseball games, so he accepted the covid injection. Then he suffered 9 strokes and his daughter’s life came to a crashing standstill, trying to nurse her famous dad back to health.  News Story
  643. 27/06/2022 Spain Dead
    Andrés Burgos (22), Molina Basket Basketballer and Environmental science student suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  644. 26/06/2022 Malta Dead
    Jack Schiavone (52), cyclist and national coach of Malta. He died suddenly of “undisclosed causes.”  News Story
  645. 25/06/2022 Jharkhand, India Dead
    Paplu Dixit (37), Gymnast was a regular gym-goer, but “while lifting weights in the gym, the young man collapsed due to a sudden cardiac arrest, and died immediately.”  News Story
  646. 25/06/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    William Harding, (27), Basketballer died suddenly and unexpectedly while playing basketball.  News Story  News Story2
  647. 25/06/2022 Italy Dead
    Maicol Orlandi (36), amateur football player died unexpectedly in bed.  News Story
  648. 25/06/2022 Washington, USA Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Cyclist was taking part in the Century Challenge cycle ride, suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  649. 25/06/2022 Guadeloupe (Caribbean) Dead
    Eric Francis (36), Jet Ski world champion. He disappeared during a race in the Caribbean. Was found dead off the coast of Guadeloupe.  News Story
  650. 23/06/2022 Switzerland Dead
    Alessandro Salzano (48), ex-Pro Patria Footballer died suddenly with a kidney infection.  News Story
  651. 23/06/2022 Hungary
    Anita Alvarez (25), artistic swimmer was competing in the World Aquatics Championships in Hungary. The two-time Olympic swimming champion suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in the pool and sank to the bottom of the pool. Her coach, a four-time Olympic sychronized swimming champion jumped into the pool and retrieved her body. Alvarez was resuscitated poolside before being carried away by stretcher.  News Story  News Story2
  652. 23/06/2022 Kentucky, USA
    Gareth Crouth (42), British scuba diving instructor was visiting a friend in the USA, he had a stroke and fell into a swimming pool and nearly drowned. He went to hospital with a fractured spine and unable to breathe properly. He has since had another stroke.  News Story
  653. 22/06/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Tony Siragusa (55), ex-Indianapolis Colts American Footballer for 13 years. He was found unresponsive at home.  News Story  News Story2
  654. 22/06/2022 England Dead
    Valentin Buliga (41), Cyclist was taking part in a 100 mile charity cycling event in England. He suffered a cardiac arrest around the half-way point and never recovered.  News Story
  655. 22/06/2022 Ireland Dead
    Enda Mulvihill (43), Garrycastle GAA Gaelic Footballer from the age of 10. He died after a “short illness.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  656. 22/06/2022 Hungary
    Caeleb Dressel (25), swimmer was taking part in the world swimming championships in Hungary. He pulled out of all remaining events after 5 of the 8 days on unspecified medical grounds.  News Story
  657. 21/06/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Stephanie Sim Shu Ming (19), competitive pistol shooter for Sarawak Sukma Pistol Shooting club, Malaysia. She had a stroke, went into a coma and died.  News Story
  658. 21/06/2022 Maryland, USA Dead
    Jaylon Ferguson (26), Baltimore Ravens Baseballer was unexpectedly found unconscious at home. There were no signs of trauma and foul play was not suspected. He did not recover.  News Story
  659. 21/06/2021 Hungary Dead
    Viktor Hegedüs (18), Andráshida SC Footballer collapsed during training and received immediate attention, but died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  660. 20/06/2022 Indiana, USA Dead
    Caleb Swanigan (25), Sacramento Kings Basketball player in the US died unexpectedly.  News Story
  661. 20/06/2022 Germany Dead
    Frank Klemmer (51), Wuppertaler SV Footballer with many German clubs including FC Remscheid, Alemannia Aachen, Fortuna Cologne and finally Wuppertaler SV. Died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story
  662. 20/06/2022 Germany
    Jan Raab (19), Triathlete and law student. Since he had the third BioNTech covid vaccination he can “go for a 10-15 minute walk, but afterwards I have to lie down again because I have absolute heart failure. In addition, I also have pain in my hands, I have difficulty breathing and tinnitus.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  663. 19/06/2022 Victoria, Australia Dead
    Chris Fowler (42), Gym owner and former police officer in Echuca, Australia. He died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  664. 18/06/2022 Philippines Dead
    Rafael D Sakkam (Age), Runner and police cadet suffered a cardiac arrest after a routine afternoon run and died.  News Story
  665. 18/06/2022 California, USA Dead
    Tyler Sanders (18), Water Sports, gymnast and successful actor called the police from home to say he was struggling to breathe. He was at home alone when the police arrived, but he was already dead.  News Story  News Story2
  666. 18/06/2022 England Dead
    John Holubjowsky (58), Cyclist was cycling from Land’s End to John O’ Groats in England. South-west of England to North-east Scotland. He suffered a fatal cardiac arrest 28 miles (45km) from the finish line.  News Story
  667. 18/06/2022 Germany Dead
    Mamadou Sylla (18), FC Brünninghausen Footballer died suddenly whilst visiting a lake near Cologne. His body was recovered from the water.  News Story
  668. 17/06/2022 Spain Dead
    Damian Casey (29), top class Tyrone GAA Hurling player went to Spain to attend a wedding. He died in a swimming pool “incident”. Awaiting further details …  News Story
  669. 17/06/2022 Ireland Dead
    Eoghan Moloney (Age), St Pats Gaelic Footballer died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  670. 17/06/2022 Ireland
    Bridget Hynes (10), Footballer and gaelic sports player and kayaker. Diagnosed with bone cancer after getting her sore knee checked.  News Story
  671. 16/06/2022 Algeria Dead
    Billel Ben Hamouda (24), USM Alger Footballer in the Algeria national team. He had played in an international match and scored in the 3-0 victory. He was on his way home by car but died in a single-vehicle accident. No other vehicle reported to be involved.  News Story  News Story2
  672. 15/06/2022 Greece Dead
    Georgia Solanaki (22), track and field athlete trained regularly at the University Stadium running track in Komotini, Greece. She suffered a sudden cardiac arrest on the mat after completing some of the classes, and was pronounced dead at hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  673. 15/06/2022 South Africa Dead
    Jessica Matthews (18), Stellenbosch University student in South Africa, passed away while representing Western Province in an under-18 practice hockey match. No further details available.  News Story
  674. 15/06/2022 Argentina Dead
    Fabricio Navarro (21), Atletico Tucuman Footballer died after suffering a cardiac arrest in his sleep.  News Story  News Story2
  675. 14/06/2022 Australia Dead
    Andrew Barry (35), fit and healthy footballer/cyclist and builder. While at home, he suddenly collapsed and died.  News Story
  676. 14/06/2022 Kenya Dead
    Marvel Simiyu (21), student and Trans Nzoia Falcons Footballer (Kenya’s Women’s Premier League). She died suddenly in hospital after complaining of stomach problems.  News Story
  677. 14/06/2022 England
    Bailey Durrant (21), Runner used to run 12.5 miles a day, but in July 2021 he had a cardiac arrest while in his mother’s car. He has had multiple cardiac arrests since then. He now has a monitor fitted inside his chest to send readings to hospital. “The hospital rings up and asks if someone is in the same room as Bailey and could we check on him after the monitor reveals his heart has stopped. Sometimes Bailey does not even know if his heart has stopped”. “It’s feeling like he is just waiting to die”.  News Story
  678. 14/06/2022 Lanzarote, Spain Dead
    Alejandro Candela (18), Nadamás Swimmer died suddenly and unexpectedly in his bed after going to rest after lunch.  News Story
  679. 14/06/2022 Michigan, USA
    Da’Marion Hicks (16), junior high school basketball player collapsed with a cardiac arrest while sitting on a bench after playing. He received immediate assistance and was taken to hospital where he responded to treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3 News Story4
  680. 13/06/2022 South Carolina, USA
    Ben Steele (Age), American footballer with the Citadel Bulldogs. Diagnosed with cancer for which he is receiving treatment.  News Story
  681. 13/06/2022 Italy Dead
    Akeem Omolade (39), former Torino professional footballer previously with various Italian clubs. He died suddenly after complaining of leg pain. He died in the car that was taking him to hospital.  News Story
  682. 13/06/2022 Ecuador Dead
    Franklin Anangono (47), CD Miguel Iturralde Football coach and previously an Ecuadorian international footballer. He died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  683. 13/06/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Mark Godale (51), top-flight ultrarunner suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  684. 12/06/2022 England Dead
    Unnamed (51), Triathlon competitor required immediate medical attention during the swim portion of the race. He was taken to hospital but died.
  News Story  News Story2
  685. 12/06/2022 Ireland Dead
    Daniel Burke (Age), Runner died unexpectedly while out running.  News Story  News Story2
  686. 12/06/2022 England Dead
    Andy Hey (51), Triathlete was taking part in the Ironman triathlon in Staffordshire, England when he became ill. The on-site medical team attended before transporting him to a nearby hospital where he died.  News Story  News Story2
  687. 11/06/2022 Milwaukee, USA
    Brandon Woodruff (29), professional baseball player for Milwaukee Brewers. He has not played for a few weeks and now he has been diagnosed with Raynaud’s Syndrome “that is limiting the blood flow to the index, middle and ring fingers on his right hand and causing numbness.”  News Story
  688. 11/06/2022 New York, New York
    John Sculli (Age), Basketball referee for 40 years was refereeing a match when he suddenly began to wobble and collapsed to the floor. He is now “scheduled to have heart surgery to fix a blockage that caused him to collapse.”  News Story  News Story2
  689. 10/06/2022 Iowa, USA Dead
    Frank Howell (52), 13-year Cedar Rapids Washington girls basketball coach died “of complications from glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer.”  News Story
  690. 09/06/2022 Croatia Dead
    Robert Fulir (44), famous football player and family man died suddenly. He played the Second Croatian National Football League with Koprivnica, and in the Third Croatian National League in the Youth Sloga from Heresin, he won great successes and titles in the lower leagues. He played for Osvit from Djelekovac, Pannonia from Peteranac, Dodgeball from Legrad. After retiring, he was one of the best players in the futsal KC league, and played several seasons for  News Story
  691. 09/06/2022 England Dead
    Kellum Thomas (13), Footballer collapsed and died after playing football with friends.  News Story
  692. 09/06/2022 Colorado, USA Dead
    Alex Cahoy (32), healthy and experienced hiker, was hiking the Continental Divide Trail in Colorado. Died suddenly and was found in his sleeping bag in his tent at a campsite.  News Story
  693. 08/06/2022 New York, New York Dead
    Unnamed (16), student and basketball player at Bayside High School in New York City collapsed and died during an ‘after-school conditioning’ training session.  News Story
  694. 08/06/2022 Missouri, USA
    AJ Wishne (15), Gymnast and student at Lee’s Summit high school in Kansas City, USA. In May 2022, he suffered a stroke in the gym, requiring brain surgery.  News Story
  695. 08/06/2022 Sweden
    Charlotta Fougberg (36), female runner last competed in the Stockholm marathon in October 2021.
    She reacted strongly to her first covid vaccine, with increased heart rate and night sweats for several weeks so decided to wait until after the Stockholm Marathon, to take the second dose. After the second dose, the problems returned. “My body is very tired. I can’t recover properly and I can’t fully recover. I also had other post-covid symptoms like dizziness and I had crystal disease twice. It was very uncomfortable. I lay in bed and threw up. I couldn’t go to the bathroom without my partner’s help.” She never tested positive for COVID.  News Story
  696. 08/06/2022 Virginia, USA Dead
    Unnamed (Age), student athlete died during “conditioning” at high school in Virginia, USA.  News Story  News Story2
  697. 07/06/2022 Indiana, USA Dead
    Owen Scheele (17), quarterback American footballer at Carroll High school died of cancer.  News Story
  698. 07/06/2022 Italy
    Gabriele Manganiello (27),Viadana Rugby Union player was forced to retire from playing owing to “heart problems.”  News Story

  699. 06/06/2022 Italy Dead
    Pietro Tusiano (26), Atletico Vieste Footballer had been suffering from leukaemia for a few months. Recently his condition worsened and he died.  News Story

  700. 06/06/2022 Wales Dead
    Ade Ajay (30), Hiker and trainee nurse with the rehabilitation team in Doncaster, England was hiking on Mount Snowdon in Wales when he died suddenly.  News Story
  701. 05/06/2022 South Africa Dead
    Simiso Buthelezi (24), boxer collapsed near the end of a match. He was taken to hospital, diagnosed with internal bleeding in the brain and he died two days later.  News Story
  702. 05/06/2022 Telangana, India Dead
    Mendu Srinivas (48), Cricket player and journalist was playing a friendly cricket match with friends. He complained of discomfort after playing 12 overs as opening batsman. “He left the ground for home, where he complained of more pain in the chest, and he was rushed to a local hospital where the doctors declared him brought dead.”  News Story

  703. 05/06/2022 Columbia Dead
    Antonio Velasco (61), Runner collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died, “known as sudden death,”  while running in the Half Marathon of the Sea in Cartagena, Columbia.  News Story

  704. 05/06/2022 Spain Dead
    Unnamed (Age), off-road motorcyclist died after feeling unwell while touring the Cordal de Peón, in Villaviciosa, Spain.  A helicopter was used to reach him, where his travelling companion was applying CPR. The medical rescue team were unable to revive him.  News Story

  705. 05/06/2022 Missouri, USA Dead
    Doug Whitten (Age), Cyclist and bicycle mechanic died suddenly from a cardiac arrest as reported by his fiancé on Facebook and repeated on a Telegram channel.  News Story  News Story2
  706. 05/06/2022 Kentucky, USA Dead
    Jason Blake Perry (16), American Footballer and Morgan Co. High School student died unexpectedly.  News Story
  707. 04/06/2022 Nevada, USA
    Danielle Kang (29), professional golfer. Diagnosed with a tumour on her spine.  News Story
  708. 04/06/2022 Tamil Nadu, India Dead
    Sri Vishnu (27), Gym member collapsed at the gym after completing a regular workout.  Fellow gym members rushed him to hospital, but doctors declared him DOA.  News Story

  709. 04/06/2022 Nigeria Dead
    Chris Edoghogho (Age), Nigerian Angels amateur footballer collapsed on-field within a few minutes of the match starting and died during a Federation Cup match. He was rushed to hospital but they were unable to save him.  News Story  News Story2
  710. 04/06/2022 Rhode Island, USA Dead
    Hayden Goodrick (38), international competitive sailor from New Zealand was competing in the Midtown Cup, In Newport, Rhode Island, USA. He complained of chest pains between races and became unconscious. He was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead.  News Story
  711. 04/06/2022 Germany
    Unnamed (Age), ESV Lok Seddin Footballer collapsed in the centre circle just before half-time. “He touched his heart and then lay partly motionless”. He was treated at the scene and then taken to hospital.  News Story
  712. 04/06/2022 Nevada, USA Dead
    Nate Miller (34), professional basketball player with various teams in the USA, Israel and South Korea died “after an asthma attack.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  713. 03/06/2022 Brazil
    Alex Rodrigo Dias da Costa (39), Santos Footballer also known as “Alex,” began his professional football career with Santos in his native Brazil, but he also played for Chelsea, PSV, PSG and AC Milan. He “suffered a heart attack while playing footvolley and had to undergo a process to unclog his veins.”  News Story
  714. 03/06/2022 Alaska, USA Dead
    Fernando Birman (48), Mountain Climber was scaling Mount Denali (aka Mount McKinley), in Alaska, USA.  He collapsed not far from the summit due to a sudden cardiac arrest. The National Park Service said his cause of death is unknown, but consistent with sudden cardiac arrest.  News Story

  715. 03/06/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Jayda Grant (20), Athlete and university engineering student who spent her spare time at university athletics.  She died suddenly, but cause of death was not announced.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

  716. 03/06/2022 England
    Adam Dodd (29), FC United of Manchester Footballer suffered a cardiac arrest in bed. His girlfriend performed CPR until the ambulance arrived 16 minutes later. A defibrilator was used to restart his heart and he was taken to Blackpool Hospital for 4 days, and placed in an artificial coma. He will be fitted with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. News Story
  717. 02/06/2022 Italy Dead
    Giacomo Gorenszach (25), Pradamano Footballer lived and worked in north eastern Italy and played football for the local club. He died suddenly at home.  News Story
  718. 02/06/2022 Scotland Dead
    Andy MacKintosh (31), captain of the very successful Newtonmore shinty club. Shinty is a Scottish game played with hockey-type sticks. He died suddenly.  News Story
  719. 02/06/2022 Brazil Dead
    Marilina Calazans (37), Americana Handball team player in Brazil collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. Her mother said “She was strong, healthy, never had a problem.”  News Story

  720. 02/06/2022 Arizona, USA Dead
    Melanie Goodine (41), Hiker was hiking in the Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA.  She was found in distress and attempts to resuscitate her were unsuccessful.  News Story

  721. 01/06/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Marion Barber (38), former Dallas Cowboys American Footballer was found dead in his apartment. Cause of death unknown.  News Story

    May 2022

  722. 30/05/2022 England Dead
    Craig Farrell (39), former Carlisle United professional footballer in England, with various clubs and also played for England U-16. He died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  723. 30/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Stefano Russo (34), Runner, was in the “Spartan” race in Italy. The race was 5km with obstacles to overcome on the way. He collapsed after less than 2km. He was taken to hospital but died 2 days later.  News Story
  724. 30/05/2022 Germany Dead
    Paul Poloczek (37), professional bodybuilder died suddenly, hours after competing in a championship.  News Story  News Story2
  725. 30/05/2022 Ontario, Canada
    Connor McGough (26), Calgary Stampeders American Footballer is now suffering from myocarditis after vaccination and unable to play. “Unfortunately, due to health reasons, I am retiring from football. It is very unfortunate but it’s important I take care of myself and get healthy” said McGough.  News Story
  726. 30/05/2022 Victoria, Australia
    Peter Matera (53), Australian Rules Football legend, he had a cardiac arrest while chopping wood at home. He is recovering in hospital.  News Story
  727. 30/05/2022 Massachusetts, USA Dead
    Aidan Kaminska (19), Lacrosse & American footballer and student who played lacrosse and American football. He died suddenly at his family home.  News Story
  728. 30/05/2022 New Jersey, USA
    Anthony Grell (5), was playing football in New Jersey, USA when he suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest. Fortunately, his mother, an emergency room nurse was watching, and performed CPR. He was taken to a children’s hospital.  News Story
  729. 30/05/2022 Portugal Dead
    Claudia Calcada (29), former Boavista footballer and runner was taking part in a half-marathon in Douro, Portugal on Sunday 30th May, suffered a cardiac arrest and died a few days later.  News Story
  730. 30/05/2022 North Carolina, USA Dead
    Eli Svonovec (11), middle school American Football player was soon to join the sixth grade team at Marvin Ridge Middle School, but he died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  731. 29/05/2022 Missouri, USA Dead
    Justin Hardy (22), basketball player at Washington University, USA. He died from stomach cancer.  News Story
  732. 29/05/2022 New South Wales, Australia
    Bobby Hill (22), Australian Rules Football for Greater Western Sydney. He played in every game so far this AFL season, but is now set for an indefinite period out of action. He is scheduled to have surgery after being diagnosed with testicular cancer.  News Story
  733. 29/05/2022 California, USA Dead
    Jay Goldberg (53), Hiker and medical doctor was hiking on the California coast when he died suddenly. News Story
  734. 28/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Michele Bortignon (51), Rally Driver was taking part in a rally (driving) with his 21-year-old daughter by his side as navigator, when he suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest. He managed to stop the car, but died.  News Story
  735. 28/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Gianmarco Verdi (21), Runner and student in Italy, who took part in the world cross country championships collapsed while having dinner with friends. He was taken to hospital, but died.  News Story
  736. 26/05/2022 Victoria, Australia
    Will Smith (24), a talented athlete, studying in the US in March 2020, he apparently “caught covid” and has since been unable to walk.   News Story
  737. 26/05/2022 France Dead
    Oliver Vaux (20), Canoe club captain and third year physics student in Scotland. While on a canoeing trip to France, he died suddenly in his sleep after spending the day out on a river.  News Story
  738. 26/05/2022 Zimbabwe Dead
    Aldiglade Bhamu (34), women’s football for for various clubs and for her home country – Zimbabwe. She collapsed at her family home in Harare on Wednesday and was taken to Parirenyatwa Central Hospital where she died on Thursday.  News Story  News Story2
  739. 26/05/2022 England Dead
    Osahon Osawe (31), Footballer had been training for a triathlon. He was fit and healthy, with no known underlying conditions, yet he suffered a cardiac arrest and died while playing football with friends.  News Story
  740. 25/05/2022 England Dead
    Helena Ashton (48), Gymnast died after a haemorrhage due to a vaccine-induced thrombosis (according to an inquest.) She had “no history of blood clots, never smoked, and was not on medication.” She was “keen on exercise” and “extremely fit.” She received her first AstraZeneca vaccine on 10th May 2022 and died two weeks later.  News Story
  741. 24/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Andrea Murtas (31), Volvera Rugby Rugby Union player died suddenly at home.  News Story
  742. 24/05/2022 Sweden
    Lukas Ahlgren (22), Wrestler won his first Swedish Championship wrestling gold at the end of November 2021. One month later, he developed myocarditis and woke up feeling that he was “going to die.”  News Story
  743. 23/05/2022 Indiana, USA Dead
    R’Mon Rowley (15), Runner and school student in first year high school in Indianapolis, USA. Rowley’s family says he was healthy and had no previous health conditions, yet during American football practice he suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  744. 23/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Franco Del C Pendant (58), Cyclist, collapsed due to a cardiac arrest while cycling part of a difficult mountain course. He was taken to hospital but could not be resuscitated.  News Story
  745. 23/05/2022 Argentina
    Augusto Roux (35), Runner & Cross-fit enthusiast and lawyer in Argentina who keeps fit by running and high intensity “cross-fit” routines. He got the covid vaccine as he thought it would help protect his mother who is unwell. However, he became unwell and, using his legal training, he obtained the medical records in which a doctor stated that his condition was due to the vaccine. The authorities wanted to keep that secret. The linked articles make interesting reading.  News Story  News Story2
  746. 23/05/2022 Arizona, USA Dead
    David Shaffer (59), Real Salt Lake Football coach, previously a professional football player in Europe and in the US and went on to be a football coach in Japan and back in the USA again. He was program director for the Real Salt Lake club in Mesa, Arizona and while driving home from there, he collapsed and died. “It was very sudden. It was a heart condition. It was not a car accident.”  News Story
  747. 23/05/2021 Washington, USA Dead
    Henry Foster (20), athletic English Rugby Union player suffered a cardiac arrest in the USA while on a University sports scholarship in Washington, USA where he made a big impact on the rugby field. He died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  748. 22/05/2022 England
    Harvey Stocker (19), exerciser and cyclist, a fit and healthy teenager who exercised regularly and had no prior health concerns, was rushed to hospital after complaining of chest pains, shortness of breath, numbness, pins and needles to the left side of his body and pain in his neck while at work. The hospital told him and his mother he was having a heart attack and that his heart was inflamed. They transferred him to Royal Papworth specialist heart and lung hospital in Cambridge as an emergency. His troponin levels (a protein present in the bloodstream during a heart attack) were “through the roof” and his heartbeat was “all over the place” and they X-rayed his heart. Diagnosed with Perimyocarditis/Myocarditis. He experienced cough and bad throat infections and the feeling of “constantly being run down” since his second COVID injection.  News Story  News Story2
  749. 22/05/2022 Germany Dead
    Unnamed (20), Runner collapsed due to a cardiac arrest near the end of the half-marathon in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story
  750. 21/05/2022 New York, USA Dead
    David Reichman (32), Runner and EMT doctor ran in the Brooklyn half-marathon. After passing the finish line at 13.1 miles, he collapsed and died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  751. 21/05/2022 Croatia Dead
    Dalibor Radonić (56), HAVK Mladost Water Polo player died suddenly while in the water.  News Story
  752. 20/05/2022 South Australia, Australia Dead
    Jason Januszke (43), Runner and personal trainer who owned a gym and was well-known among the Aussie rules football community. He went out for his regular training run, had a cardiac arrest and was unable to be revived.  News Story  News Story2
  753. 18/05/2022 Netherlands
    Pieter Bos (25), Cambuur Football goalkeeper is now struggling with heart problems, likely ending his career.  News Story
  754. 17/05/2022 England
    Chris Kamara (64), former footballer turned commentator, was advertised as “feeling great” after getting the covid jab in March 2021 and urged others to do likewise. In May 2022, things are different. He is suffering from Apraxia – a condition which affects an area of the brain that controls how we speak.  News Story  News Story2
  755. 17/05/2022 Greece
    Unnamed (16), Panaitolikos Footballer recently had a covid19 injection, and is now being treated for acute myocarditis at the Agios Andreas Hospital in Patras.  News Story
  756. 17/05/2022 Scotland Dead
    Ewan Hitchell (45), Runner was in training for a 100 mile run for charity, so he was quite fit, but before the start date Hitchell died suddenly at home  News Story  News Story2
  757. 17/05/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Rocco Sivolella (15), Wayne Valley High School American Footballer was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia – a type of cancer. Four months later he died.  News Story
  758. 16/05/2022 New Hampshire, USA Dead
    Bryan Caruso (42), Baseball coach, formerly player through high school and college, then moved into coaching. He died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  759. 16/05/2022 Germany Dead
    Musa Yamak (38), Boxer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest coming out for round 3 during a boxing match. He died.  News Story
  760. 16/05/2022 Germany Dead
    Ademola Okulaja (46), captain of the German national basketball team. He died unexpectedly.  News Story
  761. 16/05/2022 Georgia, USA Dead
    Brennan Johnson (Age), Runner and musician who enjoyed running near home in Georgia, USA. On a run on Sawnee Mountain, he collapsed suddenly and died.  News Story
  762. 15/05/2022 Mexico Dead
    David Gómez Flores (Age), Judo practitioner (judoka) and university student. He was taking part in a university judo tournament and suffered a cardiac arrest. He was taken to hospital where he died.  News Story
  763. 15/05/2022 Alabama, USA Dead
    Paddy Branagan (30), Graiguecullen GAA, talented hurler who played in Ireland, but while on a business trip to the USA he died suddenly.  News Story
  764. 15/05/2022 Wales Dead
    Mark Davies (49), former Swansea Footballer, featured in the European Cup Winners’ Cup in the early 1990s before moving into non-league and then veterans’ football. He was playing for Llanelli in Wales, against Penybont when he collapsed and died on the pitch.  News Story
  765. 15/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Gianluca Schettino (16), talented and promising football player but collapsed with a cardiac arrest while at home and died.  News Story
  766. 14/05/2022 Queensland, Australia Dead
    Andrew Symonds (46), Cricket player. He died in his own in his car. The car swerved across the road and rolled. No other cars were involved. A TV news image showed tyre marks swerved across the white centre line and into trees on the opposite side. “My partner tried to get (Symonds) out of the car, to put him on to his back. He was unconscious, not responsive and had no pulse. Waylon Townson tried to help Symonds but there was nothing he could do. “He was stuck in there, so I tried to pull him out,” he told Nine News. “(I) started doing CPR and checked his pulse but I didn’t get much response.” Possible cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  767. 14/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Unnamed (60), amateur cyclist, suddenly collapsed and died while out cycling with a friend. Assistance arrived but was unable to revive him.  News Story
  768. 14/05/2022 Finland Dead
    Harri Kumpulainen (Age), Järvenpään Kädenvääntäjät Arm Wrestler “passed away as a result of a sudden illness” in the middle of a competition.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  769. 13/05/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Alex Luzardo (41), Baseballer and police officer who played in a few amateur leagues. He died suddenly at home.  News Story
  770. 13/05/2022 England
    Leonard-Liddle (20), talented footballer who recently returned to England from a football scholarship at a university in the USA. This information is taken from Twitter posts by his mother. After two Moderna vaccines he developed a pulmonary embolism (blood clot) in his left lung. He was super fit and healthy but now suffers chronic fatigue and brain fog. The only treatment prescribed is rest.   News Story
  771. 12/05/2022 Russia Dead
    Alexey Zelenin (21), Orel State University Basketballer and Physical Culture and Sports student. He collapsed due to a cardiac arrest during a training session and died.  News Story
  772. 12/05/2022 Italy Dead
    FC (65), cyclist, initials FC was cycling with a group of friends where he lived. He said he had not felt well that morning, but decided to ride anyway. He collapsed due to a cardiac arrest during the ride. Help arrived but they were unable to revive him.  News Story
  773. 12/05/2022 Japan
    Ralf Seuntjens (33), Dutch footballer who transferred to Japanese club FC Imabari but was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer shortly after arriving in Japan. He returned to the Netherlands for treatment.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  774. 10/05/2022 England
    Graham Thorpe (52), a top class cricketer who moved into coaching. He developed a sudden illness which might be the result of a cardiac arrest. He is seriously ill in hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  775. 10/05/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Aman Basri Muhd Rohaizi (16), Runner and school student in Malaysia collapsed and died during cross-country training. His schoolmates attempted to resuscitate him then he was taken to hospital. Police classified the case as “sudden death.”  News Story
  776. 09/05/2022 Morocco Dead
    Ernesto Escolano (50), very keen cyclist who took part in many events. He was competing in a multi-day mountain bike event across the desert in Morocco. During day two, Ernesto needed medical treatment and he was transferred to hospital, where he died shortly afterwards.  News Story  News Story2
  777. 09/05/2022 Netherlands Dead
    Jody Lukoki (29), former Ajax professional footballer who started his senior career at Ajax in the Netherlands. He also represented DR Congo on the international stage. He died suddenly. He was involved in a fight the week before, but an autopsy proved the fight was not related to his death, which was due to a cardiac issue (but the actual cause of death was withheld).  News Story  News Story2
  778. 09/05/2022 Massachusetts, USA Dead
    Warner Ennes (38), Softballer and led an active life often in construction or landscaping. He died unexpectedly.  News Story
  779. 09/05/2022 Germany
    Timo Baumgartl (26), FC Union professional footballer in Berlin diagnosed with testicular cancer and needing a hospital operation. He is one of several German players announced around the same time.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  780. 09/05/2022 Pennsylvania, USA
    Milan Brown (52), former Howard University basketball player and now Pittsburgh Panthers Basketball coach suffered a cardiac arrest in the Petersen Events Center. He received CPR and AED treatment, was taken to hospital and survived to return to light duties.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  781. 08/05/2022 Portugal Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Dutch runner died after completing the Lisbon half marathon in Portugal.  News Story
  782. 08/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Gregorio Pagliucoli (44), former Montevarchi Calcio Footballer and current coach, died suddenly in his sleep.  News Story
  783. 08/05/2022 Portugal Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Triathlete collapsed in the water during the swimming section of the Lisbon Challenge triathlon. He was rescued, but died the next day in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  784. 07/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Dimitri Roveri (28), Quingentole Football team captain. He collapsed with cardiac arrest in the final minutes of a match against Casalpoglio and died in hospital. He recently announced that he was going to be a dad.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  785. 07/05/2022 England Dead
    Samuel Akwasi (13), FC Cavaliers U-13 Footballer in Nottinghamshire, England. During his last match against WBCY FC Rossoneri he collapsed with a cardiac arrest. He was taken to hospital within minutes  by ambulance but later died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  786. 07/05/2021 California, USA Dead
    NaTalia Johnson (37), well-known professional ballerina and teacher. She received a covid vaccine and died two weeks later.  News Story  News Story2
  787. 04/05/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Theodore “Teddy” Dowdle (22), Basketballer collapsed and died while playing basketball with his brother.  News Story  News Story2
  788. 01/05/2022 Italy Dead
    Giuseppe Costa (45), a diver who had been in the sea alone off the coast of southern Italy. He succumbed to a sudden illness and died.  News Story
  789. 01/05/2022 Germany
    Botic van de Zandschulp (26), Dutch tennis player who reached the final of the Munich Open, but retired mid-match owing to “chest pains” after calling for the doctor.  News Story

    April 2022

  790. 30/04/2022 England Dead
    Neil Campbell (45), professional footballer played for Barrow and several clubs over many years. He was unexpectedly taken ill and died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  791. 30/04/2022 Norway Dead
    Unnamed (30s), Marathon Runner was participating in the Bergen Marathon in Norway, collapsed shortly after passing the finish line. He was taken to hospital and pronounced dead.  News Story
  792. 30/04/2022 England Dead
    Richard Hill (24), Rugby Union player excelled in multiple sports. He had been to the annual Ashbourne Rugby Union Football Club and Ashbourne Cricket Club ball where he was presented with the Players’ Player of the Year Award. Before the evening was out, Richard became suddenly unwell. He was pronounced dead while still at the Ashbourne Recreation Ground.  News Story
  793. 30/04/2022 Italy Dead
    Andrea Sciarrini (40), Marotta Basket Basketballer had just played a league promotion match against Urbania Basketball. A couple of hours after the match he collapsed and could not be revived by the medics.  News Story  News Story2
  794. 30/04/2022 Georgia, USA Dead
    Barron Mann (Age), amateur boxer and student, died suddenly 5 days before his college graduation.  News Story
  795. 30/04/2022 Norway Dead
    Ulrik Vabø (33), Runner took part in the Bergen marathon in Norway. He finished the race but at the finish line he collapsed with a cardiac arrest. He was said to be a healthy and fit young man and never had symptoms of pain or discomfort in his chest or heart.  News Story
  796. 29/04/2022 New York, New York Dead
    Lazar LaPenna (10), Baseballer was playing in the first baseball match of the season. He had just reached first base after making contact with the ball, when he collapsed and went into a seizure. His father said his son suffered from epilepsy.  News Story  News Story2
  797. 29/04/2022 New Brunswick, Canada Dead
    Mary Frances Cronin (23), Footballer and university student in Canada and a keen football player. She died suddenly in hospital of a pulmonary embolism.  News Story
  798. 29/04/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (15), Footballer suffered and apparent cardiac arrest and died during football training in Contrexéville, France. He received treatment but could not be revived.  News Story
  799. 28/04/2022 England
    Zak Hardaker (30), Leeds Rhinos Rugby League player had only just signed for the team. He had a “suspected seizure” while out walking with his young son and needed the help of a paramedic who happened to be nearby. He was taken to hospital, where he underwent tests before being discharged.  News Story
  800. 28/04/2022 Tennessee, USA
    Linton Beck (16), Runner and school student. He was an athlete with no known medical conditions. While in school he suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest. He was taken to hospital and survived.  News Story  News Story2
  801. 28/04/2022 Italy Dead
    Rosario Poli (64), Cyclist lived in northern Italy but was competing in the Tour of Sardinia in the amateur category. He collapsed and died just a few kilometres from the end.  News Story  News Story2
  802. 28/04/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Sam Bruce (24), former Miami Hurricanes American Footballer. Suffered a cardiac arrest while driving his car, which then crashed. “The Broward County Medical Examiner report confirmed the former wide receiver’s death was “natural” and caused by coronary artery disease.”  News Story  News Story2
  803. 27/04/2022 Ireland Dead
    Aoibhe Byrne (14), Magheracloone Ladies Gaelic Footballer, Carrick Cruisers basketball player, and Carrick Rovers AFC football player. She died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story
  804. 26/04/2022 Virginia, USA Dead
    Lauren Bernett (20), James Madison University Dukes Softball player. She died suddenly. Cause of death was recorded as “suicide” according to the medical examiner’s office.  News Story  News Story2
  805. 26/04/2022 Mexico Dead
    Toro Bill Jr (35), wrestler collapsed due to a cardiac arrest, just hours after a wrestling match in his native Mexico. He died.  News Story
  806. 26/04/2022 Hawaii, USA Dead
    Hunter Eggers (51), well-known canoe / paddleboarder died unexpectedly during a canoe race in Hawaii.  News Story  News Story2
  807. 25/04/2022 Spain Dead
    Maria Garcia Alonso (43), former Club Atlètic Palafrugell Marathon Runner, one of the most outstanding Catalan athletes, champion of Catalonia. She died suddenly. No more information available.  News Story
  808. 25/04/2022 Tennessee, USA
    Kirk Herbstreit (52), former Ohio State Buckeyes American Footballer and now commentator. He became unwell while covering a game and was assisted by paramedics and then taken to hospital. Disagnosed with a blood clot. He posted a year ago that he had a second vaccine.  News Story  News Story2
  809. 24/04/2022 Denmark Dead
    Matthias Birkkjær Pedersen (19), played handball in Denmark for his club Bjerringbro-Silkeborg and for the national U20 team. He died suddenly.  News Story
  810. 24/04/2022 France
    Esteban Noriega (32), Argentinian rugby union player living and playing in France for Union Rugby Gascon in a match against Marsacq XV in the Aquitaine League. he collapsed in the 70th minute. Two off-duty nurses were able to get a defibrillator from a nearby community hall and performed life-saving CPR using the defibrillator.  News Story  News Story2
  811. 24/04/2022 India Dead
    Rajesh Verma (40), former Mumbai Cricket player and member of the Ranji Trophy-winning squad of 2006-07. He died after a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  812. 24/04/2022 England Dead
    Brazil Walsh (20), “fit and healthy” female black belt Judoka and horse rider who loved sport was out shopping in late April 2022 when she collapsed and went into a coma. She was diagnosed with encephalitis – inflammation of the brain. Several weeks later, on 3rd June, she died.  News Story
  813. 23/04/2022 England Dead
    Mattie Maher (Age), Gaelic Football referee, originally from Ireland but based in London. He was refereeing a Gaelic football match in when he became unwell. He was tended to by emergency services but died en route to hospital.  News Story
  814. 23/04/2022 Italy
    Stefano Tacconi (64), former Juventus Football goalkeeper. He attended an event on Friday and felt fine. On Sunday morning he felt unwell and was rushed to hospital. His condition rapidly deteriorated. It was reported that he might have suffered a brain aneurysm.  News Story  News Story2
  815. 23/04/2022 Bosnia & Herzegovina
    Rifet Kapić (26), Bosnian professional footballer who plays for Sarajevo. In the second half of the match against Tuzla City, Kapić collapsed. An ambulance took him to hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  816. 22/04/2022 Germany Dead
    Jörg Niebes (Age), SV Saar 05 Saarbrücken Footballer collapsed during a match in Köllerbach, and died.  News Story
  817. 22/04/2022 Germany Dead
    Martin Braun (71), football referee in Germany. He collapsed 35 minutes into a match, and died.  News Story
  818. 21/04/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Erik Volper (41), Runner & Footballer died while running on a treadmill from an “unknown heart issue.”  News Story
  819. 21/04/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Adam Windsor (41), Wrestler originally from England but lived and worked as a professional wrestler and coach in the USA. He died suddenly but was known to be “suffering from heart problems at the time of his death.”  News Story  News Story2
  820. 20/04/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Stacey Cummings (31), professional bodybuilder. She died suddenly.  News Story
  821. 19/04/2022 England
    Ryan Campbell (50), Australian coach of the Netherlands national cricket team. He is said to be triple-vaxxed but in a critical condition and in a coma after suffering massive cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  822. 19/04/2022 Ireland Dead
    Kate Moran (20), Athenry Camogie player (Camogie is an Irish game played by women. It is a variant of hurling, which is played by men). She collapsed while played in a match against Ardrahan. Emergency services treated her at the scene before she was taken to University Hospital Galway, where she was pronounced dead the next day.  News Story
  823. 18/04/2022 Germany
    Ricky Pinheiro (33), Homburg Footballer was playing in a football match in Germany for FC 08 Homburg, when he collapsed. He was taken to hospital.  News Story
  824. 17/04/2022 Austria
    Milos Jovanovic (33), FC Tribuswinkel Football player suddenly collapsed during a match. The club’s masseur reacted immediately and saved his life.  News Story  News Story2
  825. 17/04/2022 Turkey Dead
    Fatih Mumcu (43), Bodrum Municipality Masters Footballer. In the final match of the Aegean Region Masters Football Federation League, the veteran goalkeeper. collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. He died. News Story
  826. 17/04/2022 Punjab, India Dead
    Pranav Mahajan (40), former Jammu and Kashmir Cricketer who moved on to marathon running and cycling. He collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died an hour after finishing the Vaisakhi Marathon in Punjab, India.  News Story  News Story2
  827. 15/04/2022 Missouri, USA Dead
    Brian Wallace (26), former Arkansas Razorbacks American football players. He had a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  828. 15/04/2022 England
    Fran Kirby (28), Chelsea and England women football player suffering from fatigue after vaccination. Has not played since February 2022. Chelsea boss Emma Hayes said there is no “definitive reason” behind the fatigue and that more investigation is needed to reach a firm diagnosis. This latest setback puts her participation at Euro 2022 this summer in doubt.  News Story
  829. 15/04/2022 Japan Dead
    Steve Cumberland (57), former New Zealand Otago Rugby Union spent 14 years in Japan where he coached rugby. He died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  830. 15/04/2022 Philippines Dead
    Eric Suguitan (36), former Meralco Bolts professional basketball player in the Philippines. He died of a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  831. 15/04/2022 England Dead
    Liam Ratcliffe (29), Leigh Miners Rangers Rugby League player. He died unexpectedly  News Story  News Story2
  832. 15/04/2022 Ireland Dead
    Leah Farrelly (Age), Lurgan Ladies GFC Gaelic Football and basketball player suffered a cardiac arrest and died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  833. 14/04/2022 Australia
    Matthew Lloyd (43), former Essendon Football Club Australian Rules Football superstar, linked his recent Bell’s palsy to the COVID vaccinations. He said the instances of people getting the condition had increased since Covid vaccination were administered. ‘Heart issues and Bell’s palsy have gone through the roof since the boosters and Covid issues.’  News Story
  834. 14/04/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Ed Jasper (49), American Football player for 9 seasons in the NFL. He has died aged 49. No cause of death announced.  News Story
  835. 13/04/2022 Belgium
    Tomas Van Den Spiegel (43), former international basketball player. He was briefly in the Jan Palfijn hospital with blood clots, fluid in the lungs and an enlarged heart. He has now returned home.  News Story
  836. 13/04/2022 Georgia, USA Dead
    Jeff Klein (42), former Auburn American football player was diagnosed with cancer and died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  837. 13/04/2022 England Dead
    Dominyka Podziute (21), former Newcastle United women’s football team goalkeeper. She died suddenly.  News Story
  838. 13/04/2022 Wisconsin, USA Dead
    Sarah Shulze (21), a track and cross-country star at University of Wisconsin, USA died suddenly. Her family announced that it was a case of “suicide.”  News Story
  839. 13/04/2022 Russia Dead
    Igor Rogov (34), Don Falcons Basketball player collapsed and died almost instantly. Cause reported to be a blood clot.  News Story  News Story2
  840. 12/04/2022 South Carolina, USA Dead
    Cedric McMillan (44), Bodybuilder has been absent from the bodybuilding circuit over the past couple of seasons due to a number of injuries and health complications. He died after a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  841. 12/04/2022 Australian Capital Territory, Australia
    Paige Satchell (24), Sydney FC player was playing in the Australia v New Zealand football match. She was substituted early in the match against Australia with a breathing / heartbeat issue.  News Story  News Story2
  842. 12/04/2022 Spain Dead
    José Carlos Gozalbes (42), Real Murcia Football 11-a-side football coach and former AD Alquerías player died suddenly after being in hospital for a few days. One of his female friends died around February 18th, according to his facebook post, and his March 10th status update that may have given a clue to his hospitalization has been blocked from view. No more information available.  News Story
  843. 12/04/2022 Switzerland
    Thomas Rottmeier (45), ice hockey commentator in Switzerland. During the EVZ v ZSC match, he suffered a “medical emergency,” was treated by paramedics and was then taken to hospital where he is recovering.  News Story  News Story2
  844. 12/04/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (30), kite surfer from Strasbourg, France, drowned in Lacanau. He was rescued but he was already in cardiopulmonary arrest. Rescuers were unable to resuscitate him.  News Story
  845. 11/04/2022 Italy Dead
    Maria Sofia Paparo (27), former professional swimmer and part of the Speedo Master Team. She died suddenly after a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  846. 11/04/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Garrett Burnett (46), former Mighty Ducks of Anaheim NHL ice hockey player. He died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2
  847. 11/04/2022 Oregon, USA Dead
    Wayne Cooper (65), former Denver Nuggets Basketballer played 14 seasons in the NBA league, then spent some years coaching. He died suddenly. No further details are available.  News Story
  848. 10/04/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Desai Williams (62) Runner on Canada’s 4×100-metre relay that won bronze at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. He died. Cause of death not released.  News Story
  849. 10/04/2022 Romania
    Gabriela Ruse (24), tennis player (No. 55 in the world) announced that she suffered from inflammation of the heart as a result of pneumonia and later a positive diagnosis of COVID-19. Her vaccination status was not mentioned, but she played in Melbourne Australia and must have been at least double vaccinated.  News Story
  850. 10/04/2022 Portugal Dead
    Kalindi Souza (28), Brazilian Académica footballer who played in Portugal for seven years. Portuguese press reported he died due to a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  851. 10/04/2022 Cuba Dead
    Estela Rodrigue (54), multiple Olympic medal-winning judoka, Cuba’s first judo world champion died “due to conditions associated with the diabetes.”  News Story  News Story2
  852. 07/04/2022 South Australia, Australia
    Ollie Wines (27), Port Adelaide Football Club Australian Rules Footballer and reigning Brownlow Medallist felt nauseous and dizzy during the loss to Melbourne, went to hospital for an overnight stay. Diagnosed with irregular heartbeat. Was discharged after a heart irregularity “resolved itself.” Triple vaccinated. It was reported that the hospital ward where Wines stayed overnight was “full of patients with the same symptoms.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  853. 07/04/2022 Minnesota, USA
    Beau Boehne (16), Detroit Lakes Ice Hockey player was Detroit Lakes boys ice hockey senior captain, but he was unable to finish his final two seasons of high school hockey. He developed myocarditis after his first run-in with COVID-19 in his junior year; he caught COVID again in his senior year, and the risk was too great to continue playing, abruptly ending his high school hockey career. Neither Beau nor his family mentioned being vaccinated in the story.  News Story
  854. 07/04/2022 Switzerland
    René Achterberg (27), SC Zofingen Football goalkeeper suffered a cardiac arrest during the warm-up before the second division home game against FC Grenchen. He was resuscitated.  News Story
  855. 07/04/2022 USA
    Nike (24), Gymnast at the peak of her fitness was vaccinated with Pfizer 18th May 2021 and 24th June 2021.  A month later she was unable to continue her athletic activities due to a long list of side-effects, making it difficult to do simple tasks and to study. Her doctor blamed it on “long covid” despite never having had covid. Symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain, body aches, constant pain, constant dizziness, constant exhaustion, unexplained permanent fever, permanently inflamed mucous membranes, multiple infections, no periods, coordination problems, no functioning immune system. After 8 months of persevering with doctors who would not listen or ignored what she told them, she found a holistic doctor and her blood values are getting back to normal and inflammation values are coming down.  News Story
  856. 06/04/2022 Ivory Coast Dead
    Abraham Sié (23), Dakar University basketball player in Senegal, originally from Ivory Coast. Died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story
  857. 05/04/2022 Italy Dead
    Enrico Della Puppa (57), manager of Junior Basket Leoncino – a basketball team in the Venice region of Italy. He was driving his car when he had a cardiac arrest and the car went off the road and crashed. Enrico already died before the crash occurred.  News Story
  858. 05/04/2022 Italy Dead
    Davide Piglia (44), Cyclist was on his mountain bike with a friend to reconnoitre a course in advance of a race. When they reached the top of a hill, Davide collapsed and lost consciousness. He was taken to hospital but he never recovered.  News Story
  859. 04/04/2022 Sweden
    Emil Mattsson (19), AIK Floorball player has been missing matches owing to myocarditis.  News Story
  860. 04/04/2022 Columbia Dead
    Edier Armero (Age), footballer warmed up with his team before the start of the match but during that time he collapsed on the pitch. Symptoms:mt severe pain in his chest. An ambulance arrived but he died.  News Story
  861. 03/04/2022 Spain Dead
    Jorge Salmerón Mezcua (13), CF San José Obrero Footballer in Cadiz, Andalucia, Spain, who played football for his local club. He died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story
  862. 03/04/2022 Singapore Dead
    Unnamed (57), Football goalkeeper collapsed while playing football (in goal) at the Penampang Sports Complex in Singapore. He suddenly collapsed and fell unconscious after throwing the ball to his teammates. He died later while receiving treatment. The case has been classified as sudden death.  News Story
  863. 03/04/2022 Michigan, USA Dead
    Jayden Hill (19), Wildcat Athletics Track & Field team member at Northern Michigan University. She died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2
  864. 03/04/2022 Italy Dead
    Giovanni Tiberi (49), former Ternana Footballer, was struck by a sudden illness in the bar he had taken over in Ostia after he stopped playing. He died.  News Story
  865. 03/04/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (55), Cyclist was cycling with 3 friends near Deauville in Normandy, France when he became unwell. Despite assistance arriving, they were unable to save him.  News Story
  866. 02/04/2022 Ireland Dead
    Cora O’Grady (51), Hill Walker was walking from Kilbehenny to the top of Galtymore in Limerick, Ireland. On the way, she suddenly became ill. Emergency services were unable to resuscitate her.  News Story
  867. 02/04/2022 Germany
    Unnamed (Age) referee of the U12 football match between Weissenbach and Sollenau in Germany collapsed during the game due to a cardiac arrest. He was revived with the help of a defibrillator. The referee is described as athletic and physically fit.  News Story
  868. 01/04/2022 Ireland Dead
    Red Og Murphy (21), Curry GAA Irish player of Gaelic football who had played for North Melbourne in Australia and then returned to his homeland to play for his local club Curry GAA and county Sligo. Died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  869. 01/04/2022 England Dead
    Hannah Purvis (41), Wymondham Athletics Club (WAC) club runner who started running about 5 years ago and participated in Parkrun, 5k and 10k runs and completed half marathons. She loved being around like-minded individuals. She died unexpectedly.  News Story
  870. 01/04/2022 Italy
    Gianmarco Garofoli (20), Astana Qazaqstan Development Team semi-professional cyclist for the Astana team, told to rest for at least three months owing to myocarditis.  News Story
  871. 01/04/2022 Wales Dead
    Igor Jonczyk (18), Denbigh FC Football goalkeeper. His family moved to Wales from Poland when he was nine years of age. Goalkeeper for Denbigh Town’s development football team and then the reserves. He became unwell from a “heart condition” and died in hospital.  News Story

    March 2022

  872. 31/03/2022 Germany
    Philipp Sander (24), Kiel footballer. Apparently had covid and recovered, but now has myocarditis, and is unable to play.  News Story
  873. 30/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Jannik Sinner (20), Tennis player retired from his tennis match against Cerundolo, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  874. 30/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Paula Badosa Gibert (24), tennis player retired from her tennis match against Jessica Pegula, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  875. 30/03/2022 New York, USA Dead
    Luis Mazo (35), Footballer and director of coaching at DV7 football academy in New York. He died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story
  876. 30/03/2022 North Carolina, USA Dead
    Martin Hochertz (53), American football defensive end for the Atlanta Falcons, Washington Redskins and Miami Dolphins in the National Football League. He died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story
  877. 30/03/2022 France
    Unnamed (13), Footballer was playing football in Rennes, France when he had a cardiac arrest. He was unconscious and not breathing. Two general practitioners passing by, applied CPR until the emergency services arrived a few minutes later and the boy was taken to hospital.  News Story
  878. 30/03/2022 Switzerland Dead
    Darco Degrussa (59), Basketballer and Swiss journalist. He had a cardiac arrest whilst playing basketball and died.  News Story
  879. 29/03/2022 England Dead
    Lee Mallinson (51), Reading Swim Club coach. He was vaccinated and encourage others to get the vaccine. He died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2
  880. 29/03/2022 California, USA Dead
    Jackson Buresh (Age), Servite High School American football player. Died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story
  881. 29/03/2022 England Dead
    Cameron Milton (18), Rugby Union player and student at Bolton School in England, a keen rugby player who played for the school and Bolton Rugby Club. Died unexpectedly in his sleep.  News Story
  882. 29/03/2022 Germany Dead
    Armin Michels (56), was a JuJitsu martial arts expert in Germany and spent many years coaching. He died suddenly.  News Story
  883. 29/03/2022 Spain Dead
    José Gabriel Jiménez (Age), Runner and sports lover, practiced walking and exercised daily, his health condition was good, his family doesn’t understand why he died of a sudden cardiac arrest.  News Story
  884. 29/03/2022 Belgium
    Tom Van Asbroeck (31), Cyclist will miss the rest of the cycling classic races due to a blood clot in arm. News Story
  885. 28/03/2022 Massachusetts, USA
    Paul Michael Levesque (52), former professional wrestler using the stage name of Hunter Hearst Helmsley or “Triple H”. 15 April 2021 was his second COVID vaccination. Soon after had shortness of breath. Did not have COVID, but had inflamed lungs and “viral pneumonia,” with fluid in his lungs and around his heart.  He will never wrestle again. In September 2021, he had a procedure for heart failure. He now has a defibrillator in his chest.  News Story  News Story2
  886. 28/03/2022 Karnataka, India Dead
    Vinaya Vittal (35), Gym, was working out in a health club in Bengaluru, India, when she collapsed with suspected cardiac arrest. She rushed to hospital where she died.  News Story
  887. 28/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Anhelina Kalinina (25), tennis player retired from her tennis match against Jessica Pegula, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  888. 27/03/2022 England Dead
    Thomas Rankin (26) Redditch United midfield footballer had played there for 3 seasons and had previously played for nearby Bromsgrove Sporting. He died suddenly. Awaiting further details.  News Story
  889. 27/03/2022 Romania
    Ovidiu Hategan (41), international football referee. Shortly after the he finished his daily physical training, he had a cardiac arrest and was rushed to hospital, where he underwent immediate surgery.  News Story
  890. 27/03/2022 Germany
    Unnamed (23), FSV Bandelow Football player collapsed during the match with Potzlow. Emergency doctor, ambulance and helicopter were on the scene. Further details awaited.  News Story
  891. 27/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Katerina Siniakova (25), tennis player retired from her tennis match against Daria Saville, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  892. 27/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Victoria Azarenka (32), tennis player retired from her tennis match against Linda Fruhvirtova, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  893. 27/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Claudio Pagotto (55), Cyclist was out cycling with friends in norther Italy, when he was overcome by a “sudden illness” and died.  News Story
  894. 27/03/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (47), Skier collapsed due to a cardiac arrest whilst skiing at Font-Romeu in the French Pyrenees.  News Story
  895. 27/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Gianluca Nirchio (46), collapsed in the jujitsu academy he founded in Italy. Medical help arrived but were unable to prevent his death.  News Story
  896. 27/03/2022 Spain Dead
    Unnamed runner (49), participating in the Nocedo trail run, in Bueu, Spain, died after becoming ill. “Cardiopulmonary resuscitation” was performed but he died.  News Story
  897. 26/03/2022 Romania Dead
    Andrei Drăghici (23), Dinamo Bucharest Waterpolo player in Romania. He felt sudden chest pain during the second quarter. Other players helped him swim to the edge of the pool. Players and medical staff tried to resuscitate him for an hour but didn’t succeed.  News Story
  898. 26/03/2022 Portugal Dead
    Vitor Leitão (56), Football referee in Portugal for over 20 years. He was mid-way through a match when he collapsed on the pitch from a cardiac arrest and was unable to be revived.  News Story
  899. 26/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Fabio Suvieri (56), former footballer and now runner was preparing for the Milan marathon, but with just a week to go, he died suddenly from a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  900. 26/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Elisa Antonacci (16), gymnast died suddenly from a cause said to be leukemia, a type of cancer.  News Story
  901. 26/03/2022 Mexico Dead
    José Gabriel Jiménez (39), businessman and an amateur runner. While running in a marathon event expecting to cover 10,000 metres, fter 1,500 he suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  902. 26/03/2022 Mexico Dead
    Jorge Luis Aceves Durán (59), was a doctor and an amateur runner who died from a cardiac arrest part way through a marathon in Veracruz, Mexico.  News Story
  903. 26/03/2022 Ireland Dead
    Emmet Mayon (Age), Footballer and professional soldier in Ireland, who used to play football and to train youngsters. He died suddenly. No further details are available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  904. 25/03/2022 England
    Martin Dubravka (33), Newcastle United FC Football goalkeeper. Although he was due to play in international matches for his home country, Slovakia, he was dropped after being diagnosed with angina.  News Story
  905. 25/03/2022 England Dead
    Maddy Lawrence (20), Rugby Union player was a first year student at the University of the West of England and played in their rugby team. In the match against University of Bristol on March 7 2022 she was injured and needed hospital treatment. She died in hospital. Her family say she had contracted an infection and her rugby injury was not life-threatening.  News Story
  906. 25/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Dalma Galfi (23), tennis player retired from her tennis match against Veronika Kudermetova, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  907. 25/03/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Maggie McMahon (37), Riptide Swim Team Swimming coach in Minnesota, USA. She died suddenly of a “massive stroke.”   News Story
  908. 25/03/2022 California, USA Dead
    Dave Nichol (45), American Football coach at University of Southern California died suddenly. He had “a sudden battle with a number of health issues,” including cancer. No more information available.  News Story  News Story2
  909. 25/03/2022 British Columbia, Canada
    Connor Overson (18), Wenatchee Ice Hockey pleyer was in a match against the Smoke Eaters, when he collapsed on the ice. He was taken to hospital for tests.  News Story
  910. 24/03/2022 Victoria, Australia
    Hayden Crozier (28), Western Bulldogs Australian Rules Football player. At half-time in the match against Carlton, he collapsed, was hooked up to a heart monitor and reportedly given oxygen.  News Story  News Story2
  911. 24/03/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Wayne Mackie (62) American Football and basketball official. Honoured as head linesman for Super Bowl 50 in Santa Clara, California. Died unexpectedly in Florida.  News Story
  912. 24/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Jan-Lennard Struff (31), Tennis player retired from his tennis match against P.Martinez Portero, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  913. 24/03/2022 France Dead
    Adrien Guillonnet-Lopez (28), Footballer had just played football with friends on a local pitch near the south coast of France. He then climbed onto his motorbike for the journey home. Adrien did not arrive home. The next morning, a passing cyclist found his body.  News Story
  914. 24/03/2022 Ireland Dead
    Stephen Walsh (22), Westport GAA Hurling player suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died.   News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  915. 23/03/2022 Greece Dead
    Christos Fousekis (29), former Panachaiki basketball player until injury and studies drew him away from sport. Suddenly died. “His heart betrayed him.”  News Story
  916. 23/03/2022 Germany Dead
    Unnamed (63), Hang Glidier dies due to a cardiac arrest while paragliding in the Herz Mountains of Germany. The paraglider fell into the forest near Goslar. Further details awaited.  News Story
  917. 23/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Clara Tauson (19), tennis player retired from her tennis match against Shuai Zhang, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  918. 23/03/2022 France
    Mikkel Hansen (34), Paris Saint-Germain handball player will be absent four to six months after having being diagnosed with phlebitis and a pulmonary embolism.  News Story
  919. 23/03/2022 USA Dead
    Yennifer Ramírez (29), Volleyball player was part of the Dominican Republic national women’s volleyball team in the children’s and youth categories. She died of a cardiac arrest at home in the USA, where she had married. No more information available.  News Story
  920. 22/03/2022 Spain Dead
    Freddy Arturo Bueno Ardila (Age), Cyclist went out to cycle a 16km route from Bucaramanga to Pamplona in Spain. Almost at the end he collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. Other cyclists tried to help him, but he had another cardiac arrest and could not be resuscitated. A little over a month earlier, another cyclist collapsed on the road that crosses the El Rojo bridge that leads to Santísimo in Floridablanca – he fell into the river and died.  News Story
  921. 22/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Samuel Carletti (22), bodybuilder who went to the gym most days. One day he drove home from the gym and was found dead in the car next morning. He is thought to have had a cardiac arrest just as he arrived home.  News Story
  922. 22/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Andrea Dorno (26), Atletico San Lorenzo Basketball captain. On March 21st he trained as usual. The next day he was dead, having died in his bed.  News Story  News Story2
  923. 22/03/2022 England Dead
    Barrington Patterson (56), kickboxer and MMA fighter who more recently had been involved with community work amongst young people in Birmingham, England. He died of a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  924. 22/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Caroline Garcia (28), Tennis player retired from her tennis match against Anna Bondar, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  925. 22/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Maryna Zanevska (28), tennis player retired from her tennis match against Kaia Kanepi, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  926. 22/03/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (42), Kite Surfer suffered a cardiac arrest while kitesurfing along the beach of La Palue in Crozon, Finistère, France. Swimmers brought him back to shore and started resuscitation until paramedics arrived. A helicopter took him to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.  News Story  News Story2
  927. 22/03/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (57), Swimmer died while in a swimming pool in Moissy-Cramayel, Seine-et-Marne, France. Despite lifeguards being on site, the man could not be resuscitated.  News Story
  928. 21/03/2022 Spain
    Sonny Colbrelli (32), Cyclist finished second in the sprint at the end of the first stage of the Giro di Catalogna. He collapsed immediately after crossing the finish line. He was resuscitated and a helicopter took him to hospital. On 30/10/2022 he announced his retirement from cycling due to cardiac arrhythmia and an internal defibrillator, so is not allowed to compete.  News Story  News Story2
  929. 21/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Holger Rune (18), Tennis player retired from his tennis match against Shintaro Mochizuki, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  930. 21/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Mats Moraing (29), Tennis player retired from tennis match against Ulises Blanch, in the Miami Open. Fourteen other players also retired from the tournament.  News Story
  931. 21/03/2022 Spain Dead
    Tolo Quetglas (62), Mountaineer & Cyclist was in a group of Mallorcan mountaineers who climbed Everest in 2005. As a cyclist, he participated in countless races on the island of Majorca – local, national and international. He died suddenly.  News Story
  932. 21/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Andrea Iannetti (51), Swimmer. A doctor who had always been a swimmer and a senior athlete involved in competitions. By law and practice, he must have undergone periodic checks to ascertain his fitness for sport. He died of a sudden illness while training in a swimming pool. Death attributed to myocardiopathy.  News Story
  933. 20/03/2022 Uruguay Dead
    Michel Almanza (22), Footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest during a match between clubs Decano Carolino and Jamaica in Maldonado, Uruguay. He was convulsing on the pitch as other players tried to help him. An ambulance took him to the cardiac ICU, where he suffered another cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  934. 20/03/2022 California, USA Dead
    Trisha Paddock (46), Runner was a participant in the Charity Challenge Half Marathon in Los Angeles. At the finish line she had a cardiac arrest. She was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead.  News Story
  935. 20/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Tiziano Franchini (44), Rugby League player was a key figure in Italian rugby league and in spreading interest in the game across Europe. He died of a suspected cardiac arrest. His twin brother died of a heart issue in 2005. Looking for more information.  News Story
  936. 20/03/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (70), Cyclist suffered a cardiac arrest while on a cycle ride with his club in Louannec, France. Resuscitation attempts failed and he was pronounced dead at the scene.  News Story
  937. 20/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Leonardo Bianchi (66), Football sports manager and linesman. In a local derby match between Juvenilia CR and Tozzona Pedagna he was linesman for the day, and his son was on the pitch playing. At the end of the match, Leonardo collapsed with a cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts failed and he died.  News Story
  938. 20/03/2022 Paraguay Dead
    Unnamed (22), footballer collapsed from a cardiac arrest during a match between Jamaica and Decano Carolino in the Fernandina Amateur Soccer League in Paraguay. He was treated by another player, who happened to be a cardiologist. The victim was transferred to a health centre, but died.  News Story
  939. 20/03/2022 Ohio, USA
    Bruce Tronolone (63), Ice Hockey player collapsed due to cardiac arrest while playing in an amateur ice hockey game at Tam-O-Shanter, Ohio, USA. Quick action, CPR and a defibrillator brought Bruce back. He is recovering in hospital. No more information available.  News Story
  940. 20/03/2022 Kentucky, USA
    Dylan Gaskin (Age), Basketball player and school Health and Physical Education teacher suffered a medical emergency and collapsed while playing basketball. Disagnosed with a ruptured brain aneurysm. He was taken to the University of Kentucky Medical Center for treatment.  News Story  News Story2
  941. 21/03/2022 Spain Dead
    Nico Holguín (15), Ponferrada 6.25 Basketball player collapsed while playing in the park. He was initially revived, but died later in hospital.  News Story
  942. 19/03/2022 Scotland Dead
    Jordan Goodwin (18), Mill United Footballer from Hamilton, was swimming in the lake in Mugdock Country Park. Firemen rescued him from the lake but he could not be saved.  News Story  News Story2
  943. 19/03/2022 Ireland Dead
    David Hill (30), Rugby Union player was the head of office for Scottish Tory MSP and Holyrood justice spokesman Jamie Greene and a rugby enthusiast. He was playing for the cross-party Scottish Parliament team in an annual tournament in Ireland, when he died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  944. 19/03/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Vincent Doffont (37), a standout football player, wrestler, track runner and professional firefighter who collapsed in the shower a few hours after a training exercise. He was pronounced dead at the scene. He was a former police officer and U.S. Marine.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  945. 19/03/2022 West Bengal, India Dead
    Debajyoti Ghosh (25), Railway FC central midfield footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest while playing in the final match of a local football tournament in Belpukur, Nadia, West Bengal. He was taken to the local rural hospital and referred to the Nadia district hospital in Krishnagar, where he was declared dead.  News Story
  946. 19/03/2022 England Dead
    Dave Sims (52), former Gloucester Rugby Union player (12 years). Represented England at U21 in 1990 before gaining three senior caps on the 1998 tour of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Died suddenly of a suspected cardiac arrest.  News Story
  947. 19/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Luca Polvara (37), former Polisportiva San Vito Volley player then coach, had a cardiac arrest at home. He was rushed to hospital, but they were unable to save him.  News Story
  948. 19/03/2022 Nigeria Dead
    Elizabeth Johnson (Age), Sunshine Queens FC football goalkeeper in Akure, Nigeria had trained with the rest of the squad earlier that day. She said “she was feeling feverish and dizzy. She died on the way to hospital.  News Story
  949. 19/03/2022 Argentina Dead
    Fernando Parodi (45), Defensores de la Frontera footballer in the veterans league was playing against Villa Nueva when he collapsed. Despite assistance and being rushed to hospital, he died.  News Story
  950. 18/03/2022 Ireland Dead
    Tomás Walsh (43), Cyclist had a very active family who played hockey, but his passion was for cycling. Over the St Patrick’s weekend he suddenly died whilst out cycling. A post-mortem was ordered. He “became unwell, and was treated at the scene by emergency services before being pronounced dead at the scene.”  News Story  News Story2
  951. 18/03/2022 Spain
    Jaume Grau (24), Real Zaragoza footballer with in Spain, underwent an “electrophysiological study and catheter ablation to solve the paroxysmal atrial fibrillation that was detected during the match against Fuenlabrada.”  News Story
  952. 18/03/2022 New Zealand
    Shamilia Connell (29), West Indies women’s cricket player collapsed while playing in the World Cup in New Zealand. She was able to walk to the ambulance and her team-mate, Hayley Matthews, said “we believe she’ll be allright.”  News Story
  953. 18/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Romano Marchesini (59), former amateur racing cyclist, was out on a training ride from home in Italy, when he became unwell and collapsed. Despite the help of emergency services, he died of a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  954. 18/03/2022 France Dead
    Patrick Massar (67), Table Tennis legend from Liège, France, died on his 67th birthday, having devoted a large part of his life to the sport. No more information available.  News Story
  955. 17/03/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Brian Meeney (46), head American Football coach at St Thomas Aquinas school in New Jersey, USA, collapsed due to a cardiac arrest en route to school and died.  News Story
  956. 17/03/2022 Jamaica Dead
    Karuki Moncrieffe (12), Footballer had a hospital checkup because he was wheezing. He was asthmatic and the hospital gave him something for that. He was discharged in the afternoon after undergoing some heart tests and X-rays. The next day he played football. Sometime later he was found “unresponsive.” On arrival at the hospital he was pronounced dead.  News Story
  957. 17/03/2022 Spain Dead
    José Ramón Suárez Santos (44), Xiria y Camariñas handball player from Spain was found dead at his home in the Canary Islands.  News Story
  958. 17/03/2022 France Dead
    Jean-Luc Ribar (57), former Rennes Football midfielder at clubs Saint-Etienne and Rennes, died suddenly while training with the Greens where he started as a professional (1983-1988).  News Story
  959. 17/03/2022 Oklahoma, USA
    Jose Alas (Age), was a regular runner until he got the covid vaccine in March and April 2021. Now he has a long list of debilitating symptoms and is particularly concerned about caring for his young son.  News Story
  960. 16/03/2022 Germany
    Lean Bergmann (23), Ice Hockey player diagnosed with myocarditis. Will not play for Germany in the Ice Hockey World Cup.  News Story
  961. 15/03/2022 Majorca, Spain Dead
    Cedric Baekeland (28), amateur road racing cyclist from Belgium, went to Majorca to train with his team, but whilst there suffered an overnight cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  962. 15/03/022 Wales Dead
    Elgan Jones (16), Colwyn Bay FC Football under-16 academy goalkeeper. He is reported to have “suddenly passed away.”  News Story
  963. 15/03/2022 South Carolina, USA Dead
    Ellis Barry Ross Jr (20), competitive swimmer and was now at University of South Carolina, USA. His was recovered from the swimming pool. Pool staff Administered CPR at the scene but he was pronounced dead at the hospital. Cause of death unknown.  News Story  News Story2
  964. 15/03/2022 Germany
    Delano Burgzorg (23), FSV Mainz 05 football striker diagnosed with “mild heart inflammation (myocarditis) after his bout with the virus.”  News Story
  965. 15/03/2022 Germany Dead
    Frank Hartwig (55), SSV Bredenbek Football was a player then referee and also club chairman at SSV Bredenbek in Germany. He died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story
  966. 14/03/2022 California, USA Dead
    DeJon Packer (24), celebrated former SJSU football player and San Jose Police Department officer. He “passed away suddenly.”  News Story
  967. 14/03/2022 Spain
    Juan Lanz (20), El Gancho Footballer lost consciousness in the middle of a match. He was taken to hospital for observation but is said to be “stable and in good condition.”  News Story  News Story2
  968. 13/03/2022 Victoria, Australia
    Dean Wallis (52), former Essendon professional Aussie rules football player, suffered a cardiac arrest and is now recovering in hospital.  News Story
  969. 14/03/2022 Oregon, USA
    StartingDefense12 (Age), Triathlon competitor. He posted a photo of himself in his twitter account with the caption “This was me last summer with a personal best at Ironman Oregon 70.3, 1 month before Vax induced Long Haul. Now I can’t even manage carrying my 3 y/o daughter up the stairs.”   This account has been deleted from twitter, but many others reference it.  News Story
  970. 14/03/2022 Georgia, USA Dead
    Scott Hall (63), former world wrestling champion had a “series of heart attacks” due to blood clots, days after hip replacement surgery.  News Story  News Story2
  971. 13/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Nelly Korda (23), world No 2 woman golfer diagnosed with a blood clot in her arm. She is receiving treatment.  News Story
  972. 13/03/22 Zimbabwe Dead
    Cuthbert Kwangwari (63) KC Soccer Academy coach played football for Gaths Mine and most recently was a coach for KC Soccer Academy in Zimbabwe. He collapsed while conducting a training session and died.  News Story  News Story2
  973. 13/03/2022 Maryland, USA Dead
    Kobe Young (24), Towson Tigers American Football running back at Towson University. He died at home. Awaiting further details.  News Story
  974. 13/03/2022 Germany Dead
    Yavuz Ertürk (34), WBA Asia Championship and WBC Balkan Championship boxer. Won 28 of his 29 professional fights – 22 of them by knockout. Died of “heart failure.”  News Story  News Story2
  975. 13/03/2022 South Carolina, USA
    James Pitts (61), Trash Pandas Ice Hockey player collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the middle of a match. He received immediate attention from his team-mates who resuscitate him.  News Story
  976. 12/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Andreas Palla (32), SV Prato allo Stelvio former semi-professional ice hockey player in Italy, became ill while playing the final of an amateur tournament. He was taken to hospital but died during the night.  News Story
  977. 11/03/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Sha’Niya Clark (18), Volleyball player at Western Hills High School, a member of Mustang Athletics and the volleyball team. She died suddenly aged 18.  News Story  News Story2
  978. 11/03/2022 Utah, USA Dead
    Logan Gagnier (9), Basketball player was a normal, healthy 9-year-old boy from Eagle Mountain, Utah. He loved Oreo cookies, Doritos, Brigham Young University (BYU) football and Utah Jazz basketball. He played football and basketball. He died suddenly and unexpectedly in his sleep. His death was reported on KSL-TV. “KSL-TV is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (“Mormon Church”). The church publicly and vehemently forbids religious exemptions from the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. The Mormon Church also owns nearly $650 million in Johnson & Johnson stock, and $1 billion each of Google, Apple and Microsoft stock.”  News Story
  979. 10/03/2022 California, USA
    Hailey Bieber (nee Baldwin) (25), Gymnast model and wife of Justin Bieber suffered a mini stroke caused by a blood clot. Had heart surgery.  News Story  News Story2
  980. 10/03/2022 Dominican Republic Dead
    Odalis Pérez (44), former pitcher in MLB (baseball) in the USA. Died at his home in the Dominican Republic after suffering a cardiac arrest then falling down a flight of stairs.  News Story
  981. 10/03/2021 England
    Adrian Walker (47), semi-professional footballer and very fit football referee and marathon runner until he had the covid vaccine. He had an AstraZeneca injection in mid-February 2021. Three weeks later he was so severely ill that he barely survived. Now he needs a wheelchair and cannot look after himself. He tells his own story in the linked video.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  982. 09/03/2022 Mississippi, USA
    Deion Sanders (54), former American Footballer and Baseball player and more recently American Football head coach at Jackson State University, had two toes amputated, following blood clots.  News Story
  983. 09/03/2022 Nigeria Dead
    Justice Christopher (40), Footballer had played football for several clubs and for Nigeria in the World Cup. He retired from football in 2007 and he seemed “full of life and showed no sign of health challenge” the day before his sudden death.  News Story  News Story2
  984. 09/03/2022 Scotland Dead
    John Paul (28), Cyclist represented Scotland at the 2014 Commonwealth Games, won the world junior sprint crown in 2011. Died in his sleep. No further details available.  News Story
  985. 09/03/2022 Sweden
    Nina Koppang (20), IK Sävehof Handball player also played for the national team. Forced to pause handball indefinitely. What she thought was poor fitness turned out to be blood clots in the lungs.  News Story
  986. 08/03/2022 Australia
    Stewart McSweyn (25), Runner was unable to finish a 5,000 metres race in Melbourne, Australia 8th March 2022 due to breathing problems and will now be sent for respiratory and cardiac tests.“He’s fine at cruising pace, but when he goes at a really hard pace it’s different.” McSweyn recently had his COVID booster injection and entered the race in suburban Box Hill in an attempt to prove his fitness for the world indoor championships in Belgrade beginning on March 18 2022.  News Story
  987. 07/03/2022 Tennessee, USA Dead
    Eric Robertson (28) Basketballer played basketball at high school and college in the USA, as well as professionally in England. He was most recently a school teacher in Knoxville. He died unexpectedly while playing basketball.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  988. 07/03/2022 Morocco
    Badr Benoun (28) Al Ahly footballer out of action for two months, due to “severe complications from the coronavirus, despite testing negative.”  News Story
  989. 07/03/2022 Colorado, USA
    Louie Traub (41), Snowboarder now suffers from heart inflammation after a moderna vaccination. He gave the following news in a Twitter post … “I’m 41 and on now heart medication thanks to Moderna. I used to be healthy, teach snowboarding and climb Colorado’s 14,000-foot peaks. Now, it’s hard climbing up a flight of stairs thanks to vaccine side effects”  News Story
  990. 07/03/2022 France Dead
    Bruno Battistuta (60), Rugby Union player in south-west France for a few different teams over the years and became a successful coach. He died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2
  991. 07/03/2022 Michigan, USA Dead
    Mekbul Timmer (18), high school student and football-playing son of a Republican party activist in Michigan. He died unexpectedly.  News Story
  992. 06/03/2022 France Dead
    Jérôme Garens (39), Saint-Aubin Rugby Union player and coach had just played a match against Mézin. He had a cardiac arrest and died in the locker room.  News Story
  993. 06/03/2022 Mexico Dead
    Gustavo Ramírez (63), Zorros del Atlas football had a cardiac arrest at half-time in a match. Rescue services were unable to resuscitate him and confirmed had died.  News Story
  994. 06/03/2022 England
    Sarah Harmer (Age), Runner led a happy & healthy lifestyle until June 2021, running 3 marathons and 5 half marathons. After the second covid injection in August 2021 she started having seizures and struggled to walk.  News Story  News Story
  995. 05/03/2022 Iowa, USA Dead
    Gabbie Jonas (24) Drake University Softball player. He died unexpectedly at the age of 24. No further details are available.  News Story  News Story2
  996. 04/03/2022 Thailand Dead
    Shane Warne (52), Australian cricket captain spin-bowler and one-day international was found unresponsive in his villa, due to a suspected cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts failed. He was twice vaccinated, and was diagnosed with COVID in August 2021. He was triple vaccinated. That also means he got COVID after being vaccinated at least once. Readers are saying his twitter feed showed that he received a booster on January 14th, but there are now no tweets from that date, so if they did exist, someone must have removed them. The day he died, he commented on the loss of Rod Marsh, former Australian wicketkeeper.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  997. 04/03/2022 Australia
    Cam Bairstow (31), Adelaide 36ers Basketballer. Star player for basketball team Adelaide 36ers, was rushed to hospital mid-match after a heart scare – an irregular heartbeat. After a medical checkup, he was cleared to continue playing.  News Story
  998. 04/03/2022 Ireland Dead
    Paul Shefflin (40), former Ballyhale Shamrocks Hurling player, the younger brother of Shamrocks legend Henry Shefflin. Paul was out running when he suddenly collapsed and died.  News Story  News Story2
  999. 04/03/2022 Cuba Dead
    Ulfrido García (28), Santiago de Cuba baseball pitcher in Cuba although he had also played abroad. He died suddenly from a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  1000. 04/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Alessandro Grazioli (26), former Sizzano Footballer gave up playing amateur football to study at university. His career was cut short when he developed acute myeloid leukemia, an aggressive form of cancer, and died. This is a possible vaccine side effect.  News Story  News Story2
  1001. 04/03/2022 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Dylan Talley (32), former Nebraska Cornhuskers basketball player who later went to play professionally in Germany and the Czech Republic. After a string of family members died he also died. No further details available  News Story  News Story2
  1002. 03/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Matteo Pietrosanti (15), Footballer was at football training with his mother looking on, when he suddenly collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. Received heart massage for at least twenty minutes, but he died.  News Story
  1003. 03/03/2022 Arkansas, USA Dead
    Jesse Boshears (20), Perryville Mustangs American Football player signed up for the University of Central Arkansas. He became ill, had a stroke in hospital and died. School covid vaccination policy:  News Story  News Story2
  1004. 02/03/2022 England Dead
    Sam Polledri (24) Rugby Union playing brother of Italy international Jake, collapsed suddenly from a suspected cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  1005. 02/03/2022 Belgium
    Tim Declercq (32), road-racing cyclist, faces a battle back to full fitness after missing weeks of training, having been diagnosed with pericarditis.  News Story
  1006. 02/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Stefano Rea (66), Tennis player taught tennis for forty years and ran his own tennis school in Grossetto, Italy. Died on the way home from school and was found in his car near his house.  News Story
  1007. 02/03/2022 Singapore Dead
    Unnamed (25), Fitness enthusiast and operationally ready national serviceman (NSman) collapsed while participating in a Health Promotion Board (HPB) Quick HIIT session – “a form of metabolic circuit training which features short bursts of high-intensity exercises that builds strength, endurance and aerobic fitness over time.” Efforts to save him using a defibrillator failed and he died.  News Story
  1008. 02/03/2022 California, USA Dead
    Sydney Beneventise (22), Azusa Pacific University swimmer was found dead. No further details available.  News Story
  1009. 01/03/2022 Miami, Florida, USA Dead
    Diego Barrio (19), Cattolica footballer in Rimini, was found dead at home. Cause of death unknown.  News Story  News Story2
  1010. 01/03/2022 France Dead
    James Théodore (22), C’Chartres Rugby rugby union player in France, collapseddue to a cardiac arrest while training.  News Story
  1011. 01/03/2022 California, USA Dead
    Katie Myer (22), Stanford Footballer. Goalkeeper and captain for the Stanford women’s football team, was discovered dead in her dorm at Stanford University. No further explanation is given, other than she died “unexpectedly”. “All students coming to campus are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In addition, COVID booster injections are required.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

    February 2022

  1012. ??/02/2022 Chile Dead
    Juan Pablo Diaz Noemi (44) Freediver spent a lot of time diving in Thailand, but died in his sleep, at home in Chile.  News Story  News Story2
  1013. 28/02/2022 Bolivia Dead
    Fredy Antonio García Pérez (54), Zamba footballer, popularly known as “El Vara,” was the eternal coach and driving force of the Zamba football club. Died from a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1014. 27/02/2022 Mexico Dead
    Unnamed (60), softball player hit his last home run, collapsed due to a sudden cardiac arrest when he reached third base at Francisco Villa Field in Ciudad Madero, Mexico.  News Story
  1015. 27/02/2022 Spain
    Pelayo Avanzini (19), Atlético Bembibre footballer was playing a football match when he began to feel ill and sat down on the pitch. He later attended hospital for tests and was diagnosed with myopericarditis, advised to do no activity for the next few months.  News Story
  1016. 27/02/2022 Belgium Dead
    Grégory Boulanger (47), Mazy reserve player for Mazy football club, played a friendly match against Moustier. Died during the match. No further details given.  News Story
  1017. 27/02/2022 Wisconsin, USA Dead
    Bruce Larson (58), American Football coach at Somerset High School, Wisconsin, USA, led his teams to three state championships. He died suddenly.  News Story
  1018. 27/02/2022 France Dead
    Iago Victor dos Santos (26), Brazilian footballer who played for teams in several countries. He was in France looking for a new club. After playing a match, he felt ill and went home where he had a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  1019. 26/02/2022 France Dead
    Alain Schmitt (62), Skier was a doctor who went ski touring on his own. He was found after having a cardiac arrest and he died.  News Story
  1020. 25/02/2022 Mexico Dead
    Unnamed (16), Footballer was playing football in Morelia, Mexico, when he had a sudden cardiac arrest and collapsed. Paramedics arrived but resuscitation attempts failed. The boy died.  News Story
  1021. 25/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Nazareno Petesi (56), Wheelchair Tennis athlete who trained daily. He was playing tennis when he suddenly developed a pain in the chest. An ambulance arrived and he spoke to the doctors. They tried “heart massage, five defibrillation attempts, adrenaline, for an hour and a half, but he died.”  News Story
  1022. 25/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Guido Pagani (69), Skier left home to ski the area of Col Margherita. He never returned home. A rescue team found his body. No details are available other than the report that he was “taken ill.”  News Story
  1023. 24/02/2022 Queensland, Australia Dead
    Rod Marsh (74), former Australian cricket wicketkeeper collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in Queensland. He was transported to a hospital in Adelaide, where he died on 4th March.  News Story
  1024. 24/02/2022 NZ Dead
    Va’aiga Tuigamala (52), Rugby League & Union superstar, who played for Wigan, Samoa, New Zealand and Newcastle Falcons – a signing which saw him transfer for a world record £1million fee. He was known as “Inga the Winger.”  News Story  News Story
  1025. 23/02/2022 Belgium Dead
    Jeffrey Klumpkens (32), Lommel SK Footballer and youth trainer at Lommel SK football club in Belgium. He died “abruptly and unexpectedly.” Awaiting further details.  News Story
  1026. 23/02/2022 Singapore
    Ya Hui (33), female basketballer had received her “booster” injection. “I knew I shouldn’t engage in strenuous exercise for two weeks after that, so I just played a bit of basketball with my nephew.” “I never expected that I would experience such indescribable pain in my chest two days later.”  News Story
  1027. 23/02/2022 Ireland Dead
    Scott Murray MacDonald (27), media fitness coach and nutritionist in Ireland. He died suddenly of a cardiac arrest while at home making dinner.  News Story  News Story2
  1028. 22/02/2022 France
    Gael Monfils (35), Tennis player (quarter-finalist at Australian tennis Open) says he will not play in the Davis Cup after suffering health complications since his third Covid-19 booster.  News Story
  1029. 22/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Antonio Cuorvo (45), well known in the local amateur football scene but he died suddenly. No further details are available. News Story
  1030. 21/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Giuseppe Gallina (19) Footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in a football match. Resuscitation attempts failed and he died.  News Story
  1031. 21/02/2022 Honduras
    Percy Castro (26), Arsenal de Cantarranas Footballer collapsed mid-football match at Juan Ramón Brevé stadium against Juticalpa FC, unable to breathe properly. Doctors said it was caused by an “unfortunate” blow (perhaps they mean accidental blow) from an opponent.  News Story
  1032. 21/02/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Tobiloba Taiwo (18), Basketballer collapsed while playing basketball at the Minnesota University Recreation and Wellness Center with friends. He was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. The vaccine is required for all students.  News Story  News Story2
  1033. 21/02/2022 Massachusetts, USA
    Jack Smiley (23), Endicott College Ice Hockey player suffered a stroke which halted his playing career. He is trying to recover.  News Story  News Story2
  1034. 20/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Mauro Franceschini (39), youth football coach for many years. He died suddenly from a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1035. 20/02/2022 Illinois, USA Dead
    Stephen Spitzer (56), school football coach. He had started the girls’ team and was looking forward to the new season. He died unexpectedly of a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1036. 20/02/2022 England Dead
    Steve Black (64), Newcastle Falcons Rugby & Football coach had coaching and training roles with football and rugby teams in Newcastle, England, as well as international rugby union with New Zealand. He died. Awaiting further details.  News Story  News Story  News Story
  1037. 18/02/2022 Poland
    Artur Sobiech (31), Lech Poznań footballer felt ill at the winter training campand left early. Diagnosed with “heart problems” requiring a 2 month break from sport.  News Story
  1038. 18/02/2022 Belarus Dead
    Anna Kordelyuk (27), played women’s football in Belarus at club and international level. She collapsed and died. By profession, she was a doctor. “Immunisation remains a key component in the fight against the epidemic,” said Dmitry Pinevich, the Belarusian minister of health. “Medical staff, teachers, and those whose jobs involve contact with large numbers of people will be the first to get vaccinated. Vaccination will be entirely voluntary.”  News Story  News Story
  1039. 18/02/2022 Victoria, Australia
    Jed Anderson (28), North Melbourne Australian rules footballer had an adverse reaction to the first vaccination and did not want a second. He was coerced into having the second because AFL players are required to be double vaccinated or not play, and eventually Anderson got the second vaccination. His adverse reaction to the second put him in hospital with pericarditis, so he can’t play at all now.  News Story
  1040. 18/02/2022 Sweden
    Jonathan Person (29), SBBK Basketball player is suffering from pericarditis and forced to rest for at least a month. He now wants to see annual heart screening in Swedish basketball. Doctors suspect a link to covid-19.  News Story
  1041. 17/02/2022 Argentina Dead
    Mery Cárdenas (Age), female Rio Grande Rugby and Mami Hockey TDF Provincial League player suddenly died. Further details awaited.  News Story
  1042. 17/02/2022 Germany Dead
    Detlef Pietsch (59), SV Erlenbach women’s Basketball coach died unexpectedly two days before his 60th birthday.  News Story
  1043. 16/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Sergio Satriano (35), Real Battipaglia football player, Italy, passed away suddenly last night.  News Story
  1044. 16/02/2022 China
    Irene Cadurisch (30), Swiss biathlete competing in the biathlon relay in the winter olympics collapsed during the race. She was later reported to be recovering in the Olympic village after suffering from ‘circulatory problems.’ Everyone at the Olympics is vaccinated.  News Story
  1045. 15/02/2022 Canada Dead
    Kenny Ejim (27), Hamilton Honey Badgers professional basketball player was found lifeless in a hotel. Cause of death has yet to be released.  News Story
  1046. 15/02/2022 Spain
    Jasper Cillessen (32), Valencia Football goalkeeper for Spanish football team Valencia, “has undergone surgery to remove an unexplained blood clot from his calf, as the club admit they do not know where it came from.”  News Story
  1047. 15/02/2022 Ukraine Dead
    Kevin Gregory (31), former Liatroim Fontenoys GAA Gaelic Footballer was from Ireland but lived in Ukraine with his girlfriend from Tajikistan. He died in Kiev from a sudden cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1048. 15/02/2022 Victoria, Australia
    Romain Grenville (Age), Kingston Hawthorn cricketer and batsman collapsed to the ground in front of the umpire after completing a run in the match against Footscray. Further information awaited.  News Story
  1049. 14/02/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Football referee collapsed in the middle of the field after 19 minutes of play. Paramedics confirmed his death. A post-mortem classified it as “sudden death.” In Malaysia, 79% of the population is fully vaccinated and 81% have received at least one dose according to government figures.  News Story
  1050. 13/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Andrea Pelati (53), motocross rider and Regnano Moto Club director in Italy. On 13th February 2022, he went to the track with his 16 year old son to practice, but collapsed with a sudden cardiac arrest in the car park. All attempts to resuscitate him failed
  1051. 13/02/2022 China
    Ingrid Tandrevold (25), Norwegian star biathlete pulled out of the winter olympics after collapsing at the finish line of the women’s biathlon 10km pursuit. Tandrevold does have a history of heart issues, but that did not stop her making the Olympic team. She ultimately finished 14th after skiers continued to pass her, and had to be carried away by members of her coaching team. The next day she said she was feeling better and “I’m not allowed to compete more in these Olympics so I will go home to Norway,”  News Story
  1052. 13/02/2022 Spain Dead
    Ángel Rogelio Galán Brioso (41), Corme FC Footballer was in the starting line-up for his clubs’ veteran football team against SD Fisterra Veterans. At half time he felt unwell so stayed in the dressing room where he collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. Attempts to resuscitate him failed and paramedics pronounced him dead.  News Story  News Story
  1053. 12/02/2022 Italy
    Nicola Basile (39), Avis Capaci Futsal player in Sicily, collapsed to the ground possibly due to an aneurysm during a match and is now in serious condition. He underwent two head surgeries.  News Story
  1054. 12/02/2022 New Mexico, USA Dead
    Ishan White (21), former New Mexico State men’s basketball player died. The junior college transfer spent the summer and early fall of 2021 with the New Mexico State program, but never played for them. It is reported that he was “medically disqualified.”  News Story
  1055. 12/02/2022 Mexico Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Footballer was playing a football match in Polígono CTM park, Merida, Mexico, collapsed during half-time. Paramedics were unable to resuscitate him and he died.  News Story
  1056. 12/02/2022 England
    Judah Chandra (27), Kickboxer went from “kickboxing champion to couch potato.” That is how Judah Chandra describes how his life has changed since having the booster. Five days after the vaccination he was rushed to hospital with chest pains and breathing difficulties. He has since been diagnosed with pericarditis, a swelling and irritation of the thin, saclike tissue surrounding the heart.  News Story
  1057. 10/02/2022 Poland
    Tomasz Galas (22), Tarnovia Tarnów Footballer collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the match against Wisłoka Dębica. He crouched down, then collapsed by falling over backwards. After several resuscitation attempts on the pitch, and after a dozen or so minutes an ambulance took him to the hospital where his condition has stabilized.  News Story
  1058. 10/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Unnamed (68), cyclist was found unconscious. He was taken to hospital but died.  News Story
  1059. 09/02/2022 Poland
    Mateusz Mak (30), Stal Mielec Footballer out for months due to heart inflammation. He said … “Unfortunately, in the coming months I will not be able to help the team on the pitch. After the last match with Górnik Zabrze I felt bad and was hospitalized. After the tests, I was diagnosed with a slight inflammation of the heart muscle. I now have a rest and more research. Take care of yourself and do not underestimate any signs of illness. See you soon.”  News Story
  1060. 09/02/202 Poland Dead
    Michał Kapias (22), swimmer from Gliwice died. No further details are available.  News Story
  1061. 09/02/2022 England
    Connor Taylor (20) , Stoke City Football team defender withdrew from a match as he didn’t feel well. Symptoms: his heart was racing and beating irregularly. The same thing happened to him in December 2021. He may need heart surgery.  News Story
  1062. 09/02/2022 Nevada, USA Dead
    Tim Lane (49), Kickboxer had more than 40 years’ experience in martial arts. He was found dead at the top of a mountain near Las Vegas. Lane was widely considered an incredibly positive influence in the gym but in January revealed via Facebook that he had been suffering mentally behind the scenes. Looking for more information.  News Story
  1063. 09/02/2022 California, USA Dead
    Jeremy Giambi (47), played baseball for various teams including the Philadelphia Phillies and Boston Red Sox until 2003. In 510 career games, the left-handed-hitting Jeremy Giambi batted .263 with 52 home runs. Died suddenly at his parents’ home.  News Story
  1064. 08/02/2022 Illinois, USA Dead
    Cameran Wheatley (17), Senior basketball player collapsed due to a seizure during a basketball game at Chicago Agricultural High School. He was taken to hospital but died.  News Story
  1065. 08/02/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    DeVonte Mumphrey (15), Texas high school basketball player collapsed during the second quarter of a game against Mount Enterprise.  News Story  News Story2
  1066. 08/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Roberto Callegari (54) Mountain Biking carabiniere died on 8th February 2022, almost certainly of a cardiac arrest while cycling.  News Story
  1067. 08/02/2022 Peru Dead
    Johan Montero Villanueva (32) Gym, died very suddenly while performing an exercise routine in the Gym.  News Story
  1068. 08/02/2022 Mexico Dead
    Victor “N” (30), Footballer collapsed with a cardiac arrest whilst playing football in the Tres de Junio ​​neighbourhood, Pijijiapan, Mexico.  News Story
  1069. 08/02/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
    Harvey McDougle (37), former American Football running back for the University of Toledo, was found dead in his apartment, his family confirmed. No further information available.  News Story
  1070. 07/02/2022 Portugal Dead
    Nuno Moreira Faria (40), GCD Silva Escura Futsal goalkeeper, from Maia, Portugal, died after feeling unwell during training.  News Story
  1071. 07/02/2022 California, USA Dead
    Fernando Alaniz (49), high school teacher / basketball coach collapsed and died suddenly at school. It was during a prep session and no students were present at the time of the incident. School staff attempted to render aid until medical professionals arrived. He died a short time later.  News Story
  1072. 06/02/2022 California, USA Dead
    Kyle Mullen (24), former Yale and Monmouth American football player collapsed and died a few hours after completing the first phase of the Navy SEAL’s selection process. Another candidate was hospitalized following the training. Neither was engaged in active training when they were taken ill.  News Story  News Story2
  1073. 06/02/2022 Germany
    Unnamed (AGE), Football players. A district league football match between Dortmund and Schwerter was abandoned, after several players collapsed on the pitch from both sides, in the first half  More details awaited …  News Story
  1074. 06/02/2022 Ireland Dead
    Conall McGuinness (19) Glynn Barntown Gaelic footballer, student, Wexford, Ireland, died suddenly on Sunday. He was studying at Queens University, but used to play for GAA club Glynn Barntown.  News Story
  1075. 06/02/2022 France
    Maxime Fleury (29), Union Sportive Football collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in the middle of a football match near Bayeux, France. He is now in a coma in hospital.  News Story
  1076. 06/02/2022 Argentina Dead
    Dimitri Teslenko, (61), Russian Mountaineer suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest on Mount Aconcagua in Argentina at 6,100 metres above sea level, 10 days into an organized expedition. Members of the group performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), but he had no vital signs.  News Story
  1077. 05/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Assare Seare (30), Ghanaian Folgore Maiano midfield footballer playing in Italy collapsed with a cardiac arrest on the football pitch, just prior to the game starting. Help arrived but resuscitation attempts failed and he died. Autopsy ordered.  News Story
  1078. 05/02/2022 Massachusetts, USA Dead
    Preston Settles (15), basketball player. His parents went to watch their son play in a basketball game when he suddenly collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. People performed CPR until the emergency crew arrived. At the hospital, it was touch and go for a week, but eventually his heartbeat was stabilized, but he is still on life support and they say he has a long road ahead. All the kids in this league are fully vaxed, from dozens of schools, and many have recently been boosted. In some towns, 91% of all 5-11s are jabbed. Sadly, his family announced he died on Monday 28th February.  News Story
  1079. 05/02/2022 Germany
    Boubacar Barry (25), Türkgücü Munich right-back for German football team, will not be available for several weeks having been diagnosed with heart muscle inflammation. Two from the same club, on the same day.  News Story
  1080. 05/02/2022 Germany
    Mergim Mavraj (35), Türkgücü Munich central defender for German football team will not be available for several weeks having been diagnosed with heart muscle inflammation and impaired lung function.Two from the same club, on the same day.  News Story
  1081. 04/02/2022 England UK Dead
    Steve Finney (48), Ullswater United Football coach and former Carlisle United footballer died suddenly. No further details are available.  News Story
  1082. 04/02/2022 France
    Alix Jounay (18), FC Nantes U-19 Football goalkeeper collapsed during the match against Tours and was taken to hospital.  News Story
  1083. 04/02/2022 New Hampshire, USA Dead
    Unnamed (67), Ice Climber from Florida, USA was ice climbing in New Hampshire, USA when he suddenly collapsed. Attempts were made to revive him for an hour but were unsuccessful.  News Story
  1084. 03/02/2022 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Ron Frederick (40), American Football. A day after getting his dream coaching job at Southmoreland High School, Ron Frederick died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1085. 02/02/2022 Congo Dead
    Kasonga Augustin (Age), US Tshinkunku Footballer. US Tshinkunku announced the unexpected death of its striker Augustin Kasonga, who died on 2nd February 2022 following a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1086. 02/02/2022 Greece Dead
    Alexandros Lampis (22), Ilioupoli FC Footballer. Collapsed with cardiac arrest in the match against Ermionida. Staff did not have a defibrillator and the ambulance took 20 minutes to arrive. Resuscitation failed and he died. News Story  News Story2
  1087. 01/02/2022 Australia
    Ingi Doyle (AGE), triathlete, suffered multiple organ failure after 2 doses of Pfizer covid vaccine. “14 days after my second jab all hell broke loose.” It’s a long road to recovery, but at at least she can now walk again. Read the linked stories for more details.  News Story  News Story2
  1088. 01/02/2022 England
    Paul Smyth (24), Leyton Orient and Northern Ireland striker sustained a collapsed lung and spent a night in hospital. The manager confirmed “he won’t be with us for a little while.”  News Story

    January 2022

  1089. 31/01/2022 Romania Dead
    Valentin Gherebe (43), former hockey player was found unresponsive in his apartment after having a booster vaccine. Mother blames vaccine for killing her son. She said “My mother asked you not to get vaccinated for the third dose.” His decomposed body was found on 31st January 2022, but he had died some days earlier.  News Story
  1090. 30/01/2022 Liverpool, UK
    Kieran Prescot (17), Parkdale Sidac Celtic Under 18s footballer collapsed with suspected arrhythmia and cardiac arrest after training. Was resuscitated by staff doing CPR and taken to Whiston hospital, placed in an artificial coma for 24 hours before being brought around.  News Story
  1091. 31/01/2022 France
    Unnamed (14), Footballer at Saint-Vincent de Brissac college, near Angers (Maine-et-Loire), had a cardiac arrest on Monday, January 31, 1:30 p.m., on the soccer field. In cardiorespiratory arrest, he was quickly rescued by a nearby volunteer firefighter, assisted by a defibrillator. He was transported to Angers hospital.  News Story
  1092. 30/01/2022 Germany
    Keanu Staude (25), 1860 Munich Football midfielder is out for at least a month after a diagnosis of inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis). Symptoms: complained of feeling unwell after the match vs. Viktoria Köln on January 30th 2022. In November 2021, 1860 Munich club director Günther Gorenzel boasted about the team’s 100% vaccination rate.  News Story  News Story2
  1093. 30/01/2022 France Dead
    David Tong Tjouen (28), Cameroonian karateka, had a brilliant career, with multiple national team medals in juniors and seniors, plus several individual medals. He died suddenly.  News Story
  1094. 29/01/2022 Spain
    Rafa Marín (19), Real Madrid Castilla centre-back footballer collapsed with his hand on his chest, fell to the ground with obvious signs of suffocation and chest pain, and retired from the match.  News Story
  1095. 29/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Adriano (32), Footballer suffered a cardiac arrest on a football field, was taken to a Health Unit, but had already died. Family said he showed no signs of illness.  News Story
  1096. 29/01/2022 Australia
    Jakub Mensik (16), junior Tennis player at the Australian Open. “Worst attack of cramp ever” as he collapsed on court and was taken off in wheelchair.  News Story
  1097. 29/01/2022 Colorado, USA Dead
    Ashley Gearhart (37), Bodybuilder died in her sleep according to a statement posted online by her younger sister.  News Story
  1098. 29/01/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Sakri Ramli (54), keen cyclist, died in his sleep due to a cardiac arrest. He had “2 doses and a booster”. This was reported to us directly, along with a Facebook post.  News Story
  1099. 29/01/2022 Sweden
    Simon Gunnarsson (26), Borås Basketball Basketball player will miss the rest of the season after suffering from heart inflammation. “I got pressure over my chest after a workout last Tuesday and thought it would release but it lasted for half an hour,” Gunnarsson told Radio Sports.  News Story
  1100. 29/01/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Shane Allison (52), had a sporting background but in later years golf was his main athletic activity. He died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1101. 28/01/2022 Illinois, USA Dead
    Adam Holder (48), Basketball coach. Long time sports coach at Aquin School, died suddenly of a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1102. 28/01/2022 England UK
    Lee Burge (29), Sunderland Footballer ruled out of action for five weeks due to an ‘inflamed heart’. Sunderland team manager, Lee Johnson, suggested the Covid jab could be behind the heart problem.  News Story
  1103. 28/01/2022 France Dead
    Guy Laporte (69), former international rugby player suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  1104. 28/01/2022 Denmark Dead
    Michel Corbalan (23) Karate, collapsed and died “after a short illness.” He was European champion for U21 in 2018 and number seven at the senior World Cup, while in the same year he was nominated for the Politics Fund of the Year. Michel was a fantastic fighter, excellent athlete and a unique role model.  News Story
  1105. 28/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Ivo Santos (39) Futsal, suffered a cardiac arrest after playing futsal. He was taken to hospital but died. He used to play amateur football for various local teams.  News Story
  1106. 28/01/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Mohd Sobri (31), football referee, took a fitness test but collapsed due to cardiac arrest and died. Had his “second vaccination in Jun 2021 & received dose 3 a few weeks” before dying. This was reported to us directly, along with a Facebook post.  News Story
  1107. 28/01/2022 Russia Dead
    Alexandra Kashina (27), bodybuilding champion and mother of two suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  1108. 27/01/2022 Dubai, UAE Dead
    Alfie Nunn (35) footballer collapsed suddenly with a cardiac arrest during a football match in Dubai. He had played for several clubs in England but moved to Dubai several years ago.  News Story
  1109. 27/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Francesco Michalette (57) local club Cyclist kept himself fit as a regular club cyclist, but while cycling he collapsed and died.  News Story
  1110. 27/01/2022 Kansas, USA Dead
    Ted Anderson (53), successful high school Basketball coach over three decades died of a suspected cardiac arrest at home after he coached his team to a win earlier that night.  News Story
  1111. 27/01/2022 Dubai Dead
    Viggo Sorensen (17), Danish golfer suffered a severe medical event and cardiac arrest and entered a coma. Doctors said the coma was irreversible and Viggo died on Sunday evening.  News Story  News Story2
  1112. 27/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Luciano Tonello (70), Skiier and Entrepreneur Luciano Tonello, collapsed and died after a “sudden illness” on the ski slopes.  News Story
  1113. 26/01/2022 France Dead
    Alan Mellouët (26) Étoile Sportive de Pleyber-Christ Footballer suddenly collapsed on the pitch due to a cardiac arrest at the end of training and died despite rapid intervention.
  1114. 26/01/2022 Portugal Dead
    José Eduardo Santos (55), Cycling, a Trek Segafredo mechanic collapsed and died during a bike ride. He had worked with the team since 2011, one of those loyal mechanics the riders could rely on to keep their working tool in perfect condition.  News Story
  1115. 26/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Daniel Santos (36), Motorcycle Racer was found the next day, on the route between Ubajara (CE) and Luís Correia (PI), next to his motorcycle, which had no damage or accident marks. The cause of death will be investigated in an autopsy, but the first suspicions are of a sudden cardiac illness. The last day of the 2022 Cerapió Rally was cancelled.  News Story
  1116. 25/01/2022 Dominican Republic Dead
    Ediobal Agramonte (30), Basketballer suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in the middle of a basketball game with friends and died.  News Story
  1117. 25/01/2022 North Carolina, USA
    Unnamed (AGE), Basketball Player at Allen Jay Preparatory Academy were warming up for practice when a boy suffered a medical emergency. “As a coach, I’ve never experienced in 20 years a medical emergency of this magnitude,” said Scott Van Newkirk, a science teacher and basketball coach at the school. He called 911 and began chest compressions while Athletic Director Montrez Shaw ran to get the AED in the school’s main office. “I had to do CPR. The 911 operator talked me through it, counted with me, kept me calm, made sure I was focused doing it right,” Van Newkirk explained. In less than two minutes, Shaw returned with the device and applied the machine’s pads to the athlete’s chest. They were successful and the boy is recovering.  News Story
  1118. 25/01/2022 Ontario, Canada
    Erin Thomson (30), Marathon running school teacher. “All teachers and staff had to be “fully vaccinated” to return to the classroom in the fall. Non-vaxxed teachers required two negative COVID-19 tests every week.” After the vaccination, Erin was diagnosed with myocarditis and a string of other conditions. She could no longer stand on her own two feet without her heart rate and blood pressure increasing to worrisome levels. She was fired from her job in December because she could not and would not receive a second vaccine.  News Story
  1119. 25/01/2022 Missouri, USA Dead
    David Green (61), former St. Louis Cardinals Baseball player had two cardiac arrests on the way to hospital and did not survive.  News Story  News Story2
  1120. 24/01/2022 Hungary Dead
    Szilveszter Csollany (51), six-time medalist at the European gymnastics championships, Hungary’s “Sportsman of the Year” in 2000 and 2002. Was vaccinated, then hospitalized with COVID-19 since early December and spent several weeks on a ventilator, then died.  News Story  News Story1  News Story2  News Story3
  1121. 24/01/2022 Ireland Dead
    Cillian Boyle (Age), Cavan & Cootehill Hurling Hurling player died suddenly.  News Story
  1122. 23/01/2022 Oklahoma, USA Dead
    Nathan Rogalski (17), Deer Creek High School baseball pitcher for The Antlers, and Oklahoma State recruit, was sent to OU Medical Center to have a drain put in his head to clear the pressure, but died from a sudden illness. No other details given.  News Story  News Story2
  1123. 23/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Carlo Alberto Conte (12), runner was in a cross-country race in the Fiamme Oro of Padua in Vittorio Veneto, in the Treviso area, when he staggered then collapsed with a cardiac arrest. Resuscitated by the race staff and the ambulance doctors on the spot, for half an hour alternated in heart massage, until the heart started beating again. He was taken to Ca’ Foncello hospital in Treviso by helicopter for treatment, but he died. He had regularly passed sports fitness examinations for competition.  News Story  News Story2
  1124. 23/01/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (28), Freediver died while snorkelling around the rocks off Marseille, France. His diving partner raised the alarm but despite the rapid arrival of firefighters and sea rescuers, he could not be revived.  News Story
  1125. 23/01/2022 Spain
    Unnamed (31), Basketball was playing in a match between Xerixia Club Baloncesto de Jerez and AB Oliva in the Francisco José Rivera Montero pavilion in Jerez de los Caballeros. He was unwell and passed out after suffering a cardiac arrest. He was resuscitated and stabilized by a health team at the event and then taken to the ICU of the University Hospital of Badajoz for treatment.  News Story
  1126. 23/01/2022 Oman Dead
    Munther Al-Harassi (30), Al-Rustaq club footballer collapsed and died on the field due to a cardiac arrest, a month after Mukhaled Al-Raqadi, died during the warm-up before a match. Munther was the son of the former player Ali bin Saeed bin Masoud Al-Harassi.  News Story
  1127. 23/01/2022 Spain Dead
    Josep Maria Pijuan (42), veteran runner taking part in the Llanera Trail mountain race in Spain has died. It occurred after 12 kilometers.  News Story
  1128. 23/01/2022 Chile Dead
    Germán Eduardo Clop (30) retired professional football player (retired 2015) died in his sleep. He studied physical education teaching and continued as a physical trainer.  News Story
  1129. 22/01/2022 South Africa Dead
    Unnamed male (47), runner collapsed and died while running on the contour path just below Devil’s Peak on Table Mountain. The search and rescue service group suggested he suffered a heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest. Post Mortem ordered.  News Story
  1130. 22/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Francesco Paderni (49), Tennis player had a cardiac arrest after returning home from the “Tennis club” where he had played for two hours. When a doctor arrived, it was too late to save him.  News Story
  1131. 22/01/2022 Algeria
    Adam Ounas (25), Napoli Footballer can no longer play. A medical examination detected an anomaly in the heart, the coach said, but also “this does not mean that he has a problem”. It means he is not allowed to play football for Algeria and they blocked his return to competition.  News Story
  1132. 22/01/2022 Argentina Dead
    Fernando Morales Sequeira (48), Football collapsed with a cardiac arrest and died suddenly on the football field. No further details are available.  News Story
  1133. 22/01/2022 France
    Anthony Jullien (23), a member of the AG2R Citroën cycle racing team is not currently available until further notice due to a heart rhythm disorder which requires investigations by a cardiologist.  News Story
  1134. 22/01/2022 Brazil  Dead
    David Pucheta Heberle (19), former Grêmio Náutico União Swimmer suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  1135. 21/01/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Bud Jeffries (48), Weightlifter collapsed while doing light training outside the house. His wife attempted resuscitation until the ambulance arrived, but he died. Cause of death is not yet known, suspect pulmonary embolism (blood clot).  News Story
  1136. 21/01/2022 New York, USA Dead
    Clark Gillies (67), former New York Islanders Ice Hockey legend and four-time Stanley Cup champion died. He played 14 NHL seasons with the Islanders. No cause of death given.  News Story
  1137. 21/01/2022 Argentina Dead
    Cecilia Teri (42), Gym. Went to gym class, was not feeling quite right so she did some lighter exercises. She suddenly collapsed from cardiac arrest and died instantly. A coroner stated that the death occurred due to a sudden heart attack.  News Story   News Story2
  1138. 21/01/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Jim Forbes (69), Basketball coach, one of the greatest figures in the history of El Paso sports, died due to “complications from COVID-19.” Texas mandated vaccinations for all students in early August. Andress High School has been holding COVID vaccinations since 22/09/2021.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  1139. 21/01/2022 Austria
    Aleksandar B (23), Fitness trainer did not want to be vaccinated, but was coerced into it, so he could work, according to Austrian Prof. Missliwetz, who presented him as a “vaccination victim.” To continue working in sports facilities, he decided to get vaccinated after all. After the first covid19 injection, he constantly suffered from dizziness and nausea. Then he was hospitalized 12 hours after the second injection. The diagnosis: heart muscle inflammation and 48 percent heart failure. “Before that I was fit, everything was great.” He is now not allowed to do any sport for 6 months – a disaster for him as a fitness trainer.  News Story
  1140. 20/01/2022 Australia
    Richard Gasquet (35), Tennis player at the Australian Open. Won the first set then lost all games in the second and third. He abandoned the match and dropped out. Symptoms: generally tired and unable to compete, he preferred to stop and not take risks for the rest of his season.  News Story
  1141. 20/01/2022 Dominican Republic Dead
    Endy Vladimir Maldonado (27), basketballer suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest and died while playing basketball. No further details are available.  News Story
  1142. 20/01/2022 Spain Dead
    Alberto Torrecilla (Age), Deportivo Avance youth team footballer collapsed from a sudden cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  1143. 18/01/2022 France Dead
    Jordan Michallet (29), Rouen Rugby Union player died suddenly. There is a suggestion of suicide. No further details given.  News Story  News Story2
  1144. 18/01/2022 Switzerland
    Sarah Atcho (26), professional sprinter now suffering from pericarditis. First symptoms appeared after her Pfizer booster vaccination in December 2021. She said On December 27, I felt a tightness in my chest and I got dizzy when I went up the stairs. After a few more dizzy spells, a cardiologist diagnosed pericarditis. News Story
  1145. 18/01/2022 France
    Jade Hamaoui (21), female Montbrison Basketballer. Medical examinations revealed that she now has a heart condition that prevents her playing basketball at club level. Her career has ended.  News Story
  1146. 18/01/2022 England Dead
    Jamie Vincent (46), former footballer died suddenly due to cardiac arrest. played with Huddersfield Town, Portsmouth, Walsall, Derby County, Millwall and Yeovil Town, and Swindon Town, where he helped win promotion to League One in 2007. Former Crystal Palace player Grant Watts wrote: “Gutting to hear this morning that one of my old ex-Palace team-mates Jamie Vincent has passed away suddenly with a cardiac arrest. Thinking of his family at this very sad time.”  News Story
  1147. 18/01/2022 Argentina Dead
    Patricio Guaita (22), Comunidad Rural Footballer began pre-season training for his club when he began to feel unwell after physical exercises. He was helped by medical personnel, but died a few hours later.  News Story
  1148. 18/01/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Katie Novak (31), fitness trainer, died suddenly while taking a nap. Her family suspects heart-related issues. She was “fully vaccinated.”  News Story
  1149. 17/01/2022 Melbourne, Australia
    Unnamed (AGE) tennis ballgirl at the Australian Open collapsed on court during a match, with the two players involved racing to her aid. Some people said it was extreme heat, but it appeared to be only 28 degrees.  News Story  News Story2
  1150. 17/01/2022 Italy
    Marco Da Graca (21), Juventus striker diagnosed with heart problems after vaccination. Was also positive for covid at the end of the year. Needs heart operation. Juventus head coach Massimiliano Allegri confirmed on January 11th in a press conference that all players were vaccinated except goalkeeper Wojciech Szczęsny.  News Story  News Story2
  1151. 16/01/2022 Germany
    Unnamed (AGE), Austrian SV Lehen men’s curling player collapsed onto the ice and was resuscitated for a long time, then taken to hospital. No further details given.  News Story
  1152. 16/01/2022 Spain Dead
    Unnamed (38), cyclist was found lying on the Rota greenway at Hijuela de María, Spain after a cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts failed. He was identified as a nearby resident who played sports.  News Story
  1153. 16/01/2022 USA Dead
    Maurice Grooms (50), Strength & PE instructor, teacher and coach at Stewarts Creek High School was found dead of a cardiac arrest near his car in the school’s parking lot.  News Story
  1154. 16/01/2022 Greece
    Braian Angola (27), Colombian AEK Athens Basketball player underwent detailed scans after reporting feeling unwell, revealing myocarditis. He is out of the game indefinitely.  News Story
  1155. 16/01/2022 Germany Dead
    Kerim Arslan (†29), Cologne footballer collapsed at home from a cardiac arrest hours after training and died. Symptoms: pain in his arm and chest, then collapsed and died.  News Story
  1156. 16/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Ruben Michel (29), physical education teacher and personal trainer suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  1157. 16/01/2022 Greece Dead
    Ilias Brella (20), Karaiskakis Mavrommatiou amateur footballer collapsed 17 minutes into a match against Doxa Ambelou. He received first aid and was taken to hospital, but died. Myocardial ischemia was suggested as the cause of death (blocked arteries). News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  1158. 15/01/2022 Brazil
    Mateus Cavichioli (34), América Mineiro MG footballer. A routine club medical detected a heart problem, but previous medicals showed no problems. Diagnosed with artery obstructed by blood clots. Received his first covid-19 vaccination in September 2021.  News Story   News Story2
  1159. 15/01/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Lim Thian Meng (47), badminton player bent down to pick up a shuttlecock, passed it to a friend, and then collapsed on the court. Resuscitation failed and died there.  News Story
  1160. 15/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Lucas Dias de Novaes (18), Gym, collapsed suddenly while working out in the gym. He was taken to hospital, but died. News Story
  1161. 14/01/2022 Canada Dead
    Sean Rice (49), pair skater died unexpectedly at the age of 49. An autopsy was ordered to ascertain cause of death.  News Story
  1162. 14/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Mariana Merlo do Nascimento (27), award-winning Mountain biking cyclist from Espírito Santo felt ill in the afternoon and was referred to the Hospital Sílvio Avidos, where she died around 8 pm. Her body was taken to Victoria, where an autopsy will determine the cause of death.  News Story
  1163. 14/01/2022 Canada
    Alphonso Davies (21), Bayern Munich footballer. Canada Soccer says Davies has been ruled out of Canada’s three World Cup qualifiers in January and February 2022. Diagnosis myocarditis confirmed by Bayern manager Julian Nagelsmann. In November 2021, Bild revealed Bayern Munich had five unvaccinated players, Davies wasn’t one of them. A December report confirmed all Bayern Munich players were vaccinated.  News Story  News Story2  Received Booster
  1164. 14/01/2022 Gabon
    Axel Meye (26), Ittihad Tanger forward Axel Meye have been ruled out for heart lesions.  News Story
  1165. 14/01/2022 Gabon
    Mario Lemina (28), Nice (Ex-Southampton) midfielder ruled out for heart lesions.  News Story
  1166. 14/01/2022 Gabon
    Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (32), Arsenal striker missed Gabon’s Africa Cup of Nations draw with Ghana after scans revealed heart lesions following a bout of Covid.  News Story
  1167. 14/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Jader Cezario de Oliveira (21), footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died during a recreational football match with friends. They said he was healthy as far as they were aware.  News Story
  1168. 14/01/2022 Spain
    Rachel Weston (Age), Watersports, was a fit and active young woman until she received the second coronavirus vaccination. She collapsed at work and was rushed to hospital after 6 seizures. She left in a wheelchair, unable to walk unaided.  News Story
  1169. 13/01/2022 Sopore, Kashmir Dead
    Mohammad Rashid (28) Fitness / gym, a medical student, collapsed from a cardiac arrest and was taken to Srinagar hospital where he died. This is second such incident in Kashmir valley in the last 24 hours. A Kashmiri girl Batchelor of Medicine student from central Kashmir’s Budgam district collapsed and died of cardiac arrest in Bangladesh.  News Story
  1170. 13/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Lucio Meneghetti (53), key member of the Virgilian running group for some years. He had heart problems and passed away at the age of 53. His brother Marco died at the age of 57.  News Story
  1171. 13/01/2022 Italy
    Jean-Daniel Akpa Akpro (29), Vaccinated Lazio midfielder suffered from severe pneumonia. Breathing capacity reduced to 50%. All Lazio players were vaccinated at the request of the team’s president, Claudio Lotito. Carried out at the end of July in Auronzo di Cadore (Belluno), thanks to an agreement between Lotito and the Veneto Region. Venetian governor Zaia declared: “a duty of hospitality and pleasure,” reported by “La Repubblica”, Pfizer vaccinations took place in the PalaTre Cime gymnasium.  News Story
  1172. 13/01/2022 USA
    Greg Kowalewski (47), Ice Hockey player collapsed from a cardiac arrest during a match. A doctor (a fellow player) resuscitated him, assisted by a defibrilator.  News Story
  1173. 13/01/2022 Germany Dead
    Nico (14), dancer collapsed and died in Germany, without warning, the day before a dress rehearsal in his parents’ apartment.  News Story
  1174. 12/01/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Serbegeth “Shebby” Singh (61) Former Malaysian national footballer died unexpectedly due to a cardiac arrest while cycling. He received his booster injection five days before, on January 7.  News Story
  1175. 12/01/2022 France
    Robin Cann (19), UC Briochine National 3 Cyclist started suffering from cardiac arrhythmias that make him feel uncomfortable during exertion. Doctors advised him to have a heart operation. “It’s not a big deal, I hope to be able to start riding quietly this summer before resuming competition next season”  News Story
  1176. 12/01/2022 Chile
    Aaron Astudillo (21), Deportes Melipilla Footballer suffered chest pain and cardiac arrest symptoms during a friendly match. He received rapid emergency care and is said to be recovering.  News Story
  1177. 12/01/2022 USA Dead
    David Sadowski (58), Motor Racing, winner of the 1990 Daytona 200 and 1990 AMA 600cc Supersport National Champion, died from a cardiac arrest at his home in Austell, Georgia. His girlfriend Janet Godfrey said medical personnel told her they think he suffered a massive heart attack.  News Story
  1178. 12/01/2022 Romania Dead
    Mugurel Stancu (52), Footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest while playing football with friends. Ambulance arrived quickly, but resuscitation failed and he died.  News Story  News Story2
  1179. 11/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Amir Abou Aiana (18) footballer collapsed to the ground with a cardiac arrest on the football pitch. Resuscitation was attempted and an ambulance was called. He died shortly after arriving at hospital.  News Story
  1180. 11/01/2022 USA Dead
    Clint Arlis (34), Batavia All-Time great wrestler died, no details released.  News Story
  1181. 11/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Pedro Henrique Oliveira da Silva Souza (15), Revelation footballer collapsed following a football tournament, struggling for breath. He received hospital treatment but later on he suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  1182. 11/01/2022 Tenerife, Canary Islands Dead
    Mateo Hernandez (18), Dimurol Salesianos Tenerife Football goalkeeper died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story
  1183. 11/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Isaías (17), Flamengo de Piauí Footballer in Teresina told his teammates as they ran that he felt discomfort. He slowed down, then walked to the bench, where he collapsed. Medics tried to resuscitate him, but he died. It was his third time training with the team.  News Story   News Story2
  1184. 11/01/2022 Chile
    Luciano Aued (34), Universidad Católica football player in Chile complained of chest pain and will undergo a series of tests. Further details awaited.  News Story
  1185. 11/01/2022 Manitoba, Canada Dead
    Vince Fontaine (62), Canadian multi-award-winning First Nations musician and ice hockey player. He died unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  1186. 10/01/2022 Croatia Dead
    Filip Turk (22), FC Zaprešić Footballer. Another young Croatian football player died suddenly, he was only 22 years old: ‘Good luck up there, somewhere among the stars. We will meet again … “  News Story  News Story2
  1187. 10/01/2022 USA Dead
    Deon Lendore (29), Athlete (sprinter) was driving on a highway when he crossed over the center stripe and side swiped another vehicle. He continued driving, drifted across the center stripe again and crashed head-on with another car. Lendore died at the scene.  News Story  Vaccination Story
  1188. 10/01/2022 Dubai
    Nicolas Colsaerts (39) Belgian golfer was found to have swollen ankles, liquid in one of his lungs and blood clots. He posted on Facebook that he was diagnosed with primary membranous nephropathy, or kidney disease. “In fact, my body attacks my kidneys, which causes, among other things, a significant leak of proteins”.  News Story
  1189. 10/01/2022 England Dead
    Henry Best (21), Gym enthusiast and music student in Bristol, England who regularly kept fit in the gym. One evening in the gym he collapsed from a cardiac arrest and died “due to an undiagnosed heart condition.”  News Story  News Story2
  1190. 09/01/2022 France Dead
    Grégoire Garrouteigt (21), Anglet Olympic Rugby Union player died following a six-month battle with unspecified disease.  News Story
  1191. 09/01/2022 Spain Dead
    José Manuel Camano (48), Cyclist. Guardia Civil police officer collapsed and died suddenly just one kilometre from his home. He had been cycling and was found collapsed on the side of the road. The cause of his death has not yet been determined.  News Story
  1192. 09/01/2022 Chile Dead
    Renato Bastías (38), Triathlete suffered a cardiac arrest while in the water during the opening of the 2022 Ironman season in Chile (Ironman 70.3 Pucon). He received immediate medical treatment and was taken to a nearby hospital but died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1193. 09/01/2022 Northern Ireland Dead
    Jamie Hoye (23), Oxford Sunnyside FC footballer died at home unexpectedly on 9th January 2022. No further details given.  News Story
  1194. 09/01/2022 Victoria, Australia Dead
    Harley Balic (25), Australian rules footballer. Former Fremantle and Melbourne midfielder Harley Balic has died, aged 25. The death is not treated as suspicious. Note that in October 2021, it was announced that “All AFL and AFLW players will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by mid-February or they will be barred from playing and training.”  News Story  News Story2
  1195. 08/01/2022 Qatar
    Othman Coulibaly (32), Al-Wakrah Sport Club Football player suffered a cardiac arrest during a football match and is receiving medical care.  News Story  Youtube Video
  1196. 08/01/2022 Kansas, USA Dead
    Nathan Cunningham (17) American footballer & wrestler collapsed and died suddenly on at his home.  News Story
  1197. 07/01/2022 USA
    Steve Stricker (54), Golf – Winning Ryder Cup captain says he’s lucky to be alive after suffering a ‘mystery illness’ that put him in hospital for weeks, twice, and his immune system was down. He was vaccinated. Symptoms: bad cough, sore throat in mid-October then inflammation around the heart. His doctor prescribed amoxicillin – then his throat started to close up, lips, glands, and tongue got puffy. 103-degree temperature. He went to hospital two weeks before Thanksgiving and his liver numbers started getting worse, white blood cell count was high. I was fighting something, but they couldn’t find out what it was. My liver was going downhill. I got jaundice. I was yellow and peeing out Pepsi-colored pee. He tested negative for COVID, but his heart was jumping out of rhythm. He was in and out of the hospital twice. Months later, he can’t do activity, has inflammation around the heart, lost 25 pounds, lost muscle and his skin is saggy. He is still unable to eat solid food 3 months later. Move to mid-October.  News Story
  1198. 07/01/2022 Slovakia
    Miroslav Strbak (32), Mixed Martial Arts fighter collapsed with cardiac arrest in training. He had no health risks. He is said to be in a stable condition in hospital.  News Story
  1199. 07/01/2022 Switzerland
    Fabienne Schlumpf (31), Swiss marathon record holder and Olympic athlete diagnosed with myocarditis shortly after being vaccinated with the COVID-19 booster injection, by her own admission, no COVID infection. Schlumpf finished 12th in the marathon race at the recent Olympic Games in Tokyo, and is now unable to compete for the foreseeable future.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1200. 07/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Everton Brilhante (39), former São Carlos football player collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died. He played professionally and amateur in São Carlos.  News Story
  1201. 07/01/2022 Bangladesh Dead
    Tuku Zamil (50), Distance runner. At the Chattogram City Half Marathon, he collapsed due to a cardiac arrest at the finishing line. He touched the finish line after completing his 21-kilometer run and showed the victory sign, expressing his joy. All of a sudden, he complained of acute chest pain and collapsed on the ground.  News Story
  1202. 06/01/2022 Netherlands Dead
    Marcel Reinders (56), GP and club doctor of professional football club Telstar. Collapsed and died unexpectedly while jogging on sand dunes. News Story
  1203. 06/01/2022 Uganda Dead
    Herbert Afayo (21), Lugazi Footballer collapsed with a cardiac arrest on the pitch at the Geregere Safi Playground in Lugazi, Buikwe District. He was resuscitated and taken to the local hospital but died before reaching the hospital. A postmortem concluded the cause was cardiac arrest. He suffered a bout of malaria weeks before the match.  News Story
  1204. 06/01/2022 Luxembourg Dead
    Mathieu Léonard (44), Jogger / Footballer suffered a stroke while out jogging and died.  News Story
  1205. 06/01/2022 Scotland
    Kash Farooq (26), world-ranked former British bantamweight boxing champion, has retired from the ring suddenly at the age of 26 due to “unforeseen circumstances.”  News Story  News Story2
  1206. 06/01/2022 Belgium Dead
    Didier Ceulemans (37), FC Marbaisien footballer died suddenly just a month after learning he was sick. The cause was said to be cancer.  News Story
  1207. 06/01/2022 Serbia Dead
    Filip Samardzic (34), Former Red Star and Partizan volleyball player died suddenly. Diagnosis pneumonia.  News Story
  1208. 05/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Claudio Brighenti (47), Toscolano Maderno Sailing Club champion sailor and coach collapsed with cardiac arrest while conducting a debriefing session. He died in the arms of his brother.  News Story
  1209. 05/01/2022 Australia
    Nikoloz Basilashvili (29), Georgian tennis player (No. 22 in the world) began struggling to breathe early in his ATP Cup match in Sydney against Stefanos Tsitsipas, play was cancelled. Basilashivili was serving 4-1 down in the first set when play was suddenly halted. The Georgian tennis star was overheard saying: “Every injection I’m out of breath.” His hand gestures suggested he was feeling tightness in his chest. Australia’s vaccination rules mandate all ATP Cup players to be fully vaccinated.  News Story
  1210. 05/01/2022 Northern Ireland Dead
    Oisin Fields (30) Gaelic Footballer collapsed and died while playing football with his friends and his death has sent shockwaves across his local community.  News Story
  1211. 05/01/2022 Brazil
    Lucas Santana (18), São Bento football midfielder collapsed on the pitch in the 17th minute of the second half of the Copa São Paulo match against EC São Bernardo at Baetão stadium. Taken to hospital by ambulance. After head and spine tests, Lucas was released by doctors, told to avoid physical activity for 24 hours.  News Story
  1212. 05/01/2022 Spain Dead
    Manuel Sánchez (26), Footballer dedicated his time to football and worked at a football school in Spain. He died unexpectedly. No further details available.  News Story
  1213. 05/11/2022 Belarus Dead
    Alyaksandr Fedarovich (48), former BATE Borisov Belarusian professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper. No details of his death are available.  News Story
  1214. 04/01/2022 Australia Dead
    James Kondilios (23), Ultra-healthy world-class powerlifter, was fully-vaccinated with no underlying health conditions, according to the Department of Health, died suddenly.  News Story
  1215. 04/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Vincenzo Di Grande (40), Piacenza Water Polo coach collapsed and died suddenly in Piacenza. Mandatory vaccinations were ordered for water polo players starting January 2022.  News Story  News Story2
  1216. 04/01/2022 Uruguay Dead
    Marcelo De León (43) runner suffered a cardiac arrest whilst competing in the San Fernando 10km race. Resuscitated and transferred to hospital but died on Sunday 9th.  News Story
  1217. 04/01/2022 Tennessee, USA Dead
    Ross Browner (67), former Cincinnati Bengals American Football player died in Tennessee reportedly “from COVID-19 complications after fighting the illness for a month.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1218. 03/01/2022 Guatemala Dead
    Marcos Menaldo (25), Guatemalan Deportivo Marquense star centre back defender collapsed with a cardiac arrest in training at the Marquesa de la Ensenada Stadium in San Marcos on Monday shortly after complaining of breathing difficulties. He received CPR and was transferred to the Hospital de Especialidades where he died.  News Story2
  1219. 02/01/2022 Italy
    Antonio Cassano (39), former Real Madrid Footballer twice vaccinated, was taken to San Martino polyclinic in Genoa for a few days of treatment including Remdesivir antiviral and was sent home to continue treatment.  News Story
  1220. 02/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Leonardo Della Nave (46), Enduro motorcyclist from the hamlet of Osteria Nuova, in the municipality of Bagno a Ripoli was riding his motorcycle on a path in a wood with friends, when he suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story  News Story2
  1221. 02/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Monique Janaína Piske (32), MMA fighter suffered a cardiac arrest at home in Guaramirim, in the North of Santa Catarina, and was found dead by her parents.  News Story
  1222. 02/01/2022 Wyoming, USA Dead
    Beau Thomas (18), Cowboys American Football, former Kentucky Wesleyan College football player and 2021 Wyoming High School graduate. Cause of death not given. The school athletic director said “So many other schools have reached out which is very much appreciated in support, unfortunately because many of them have gone through the exact same things that we’re going through today.”  News Story
  1223. 02/01/2022 Puerto Rico Dead
    Miguel “Monchy” Torres (42), basketball coach and part of the Puerto Rico National Youth Men’s Program. Died suddenly.  News Story
  1224. 02/01/2022 Netherlands Dead
    Unnamed male (Age), Cyclist became ill and fell off his mountain bike in the woods. He was quickly discovered and taken to hospital, but he died. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  1225. 01/01/2022 England
    Agy Lena (38), Athletic competitor took part in many different sporting activities but after the COVID vaccine has very little energy to do simple activities. She blames the vaccine for destroying her life. First Dose of Pfizer 18 May, 1021 Lot #E4109. “This vaccine was supposed to protect me. It’s done the opposite…”  News Story  News Story2
  1226. 01/01/2022 Ireland Dead
    Niall Sammon (AGE), Caltra GAA Gaelic footballer died. Possibly soon after a booster vaccine. “Niall played football from an early age with Caltra and was a member of successful under-age League, Championship and Minor winning teams, captaining Caltra to a Minor B Championship in 2014.” The club advertised walk-in COVID 19 vaccine and booster clinics at the Ballybrit Racecourse, Ballybrit, Galway throughout the year, notably December and January. News Story

    December 2021

  1227. 31/12/2021 Sweden Dead
    Erik Karlsson (23), elite Högby IF team runner collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the final kilometre of the Sylvesterloppet race in Kalmar, Sweden. Taken to hospital by ambulance but died on Tuesday 4th January after they tried to wake him from a coma.  News Story  News Story2
  1228. 31/12/2021 Russia Dead
    Vadim Khamuttskikh (52), Volleyball three-time Olympic medallist, died new year’s eve. His Beijing teammate, Maxim Mikhailov spoke of unexpected and shocking news after recently seeing a healthy and happy-looking Khamuttskikh. News Story
  1229. 31/12/2021 Germany
    Lanny Gare (43), Selber Wölfe Ice Hockey player suffered a stroke a few hours after the match against Lausitzer Füchse.  News Story
  1230. 31/12/2021 Germany
    Jonas Dobler (30), Skier qualified for the 2022 winter olympics by racing in Oberstdorf, but in the middle of the competition he reported a “high pulse.” He then prematurely ended the mass start race. At the olympics, he pulled out of one race before the start.  News Story
  1231. 30/12/2021 New Mexico, USA
    Derek Martinez (18), St. Michael’s High School multi-sports star athlete, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in September. His college baseball ambitions ended.  News Story
  1232. 30/12/2021 Senegal Dead
    Alioune Badara Wade (28), Dakar University Club Football striker with Senegalese second division club Dakar University Club. He collapsed during training with cardiac arrest and could not be revived.  News Story
  1233. 30/12/2021 Split, Croatia Dead
    Robert Boljat (50), Workers’ Football Club youth football coach and fitness trainer of many years standing, collapsed with cardiac arrest while playing football with friends.  News Story
  1234. ??/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Michał Krowiak, (24) Ekoball Stal Sanok footballer died suddenly in December 2021. No explanation of the circumstances or date given. Funeral 4th January 2022.  News Story
  1235. 29/12/2021 Australia
    Matty John (Age unknown), Bodybuilder suffered stabbing heart pain two days after Pfizer vaccine, diagnosed with pericarditis. At least 79,000 Australians suffered severe adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines.  News Story  News Story2
  1236. 29/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Domenico De Siano (25), Basketballer and Forio Basket masseur, died yesterday after a month in the La Schiana Hospital in Pozzuoli, due to suffering a cerebral ischemia due to blood clots in the brain. The young man had a great passion for sport and was an athlete.  News Story
  1237. 29/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Michele Lo Conte (29), Footballer died in bed from a cardiac arrest. Vaccinated with his second COVID vaccine dose in July 2021 and prepared for a booster.  News Story
  1238. 29/12/2021 Iraq Dead
    Ahmed Daham (56), Al-Masafi Football coach collapsed and died of a cardiac arrest while giving a technical conference to the players of the Al-Masafi club, which he currently coaches.  News Story
  1239. 28/12/2021 Naples, Italy Dead
    Hugo Maradona (52), former professional footballer and coach collapsed suddenly with a cardiac arrest in Naples. Resuscitation attempts by 118 Emergency Medical Services failed and he died, a year after his brother Diego. Hugo hosted a training camp with Qormi FC for U9 to U15 in Malta a few weeks earlier in December. Hugo’s vaccination status is unknown, but considering that he traveled to Malta at a time the island was more than 83% vaccinated, it is likely he was vaccinated before travlling there.  News Story
  1240. 28/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Michal Gurajdowski (40), WL League Football Referee and parkrunner died suddenly and unexpectedly. No cause of death given. He was involved in games played by the Lech Faith Association for nearly 10 years as well as in other tournaments.  News Story
  1241. 27/12/2021 USA Dead
    Daniel ‘Crunch’ Broussard (53), Flag Football, Basketball, and Softball player and American Football referee served as an official for more than 30 years, died Monday at the age of 53 after showing signs of a stroke. A friend noticed his mouth was crooked, while they were talking, and called the ambulance.  News Story
  1242. 27/12/2021 Scotland, UK Dead
    Bryce Murray (21), Footballer / Bodybuilder suddenly died at the age of 21. The circumstances are not available.  News Story
  1243. 27/12/2021 Canada
    Gawain Harding (54), American Football coach’s heart stopped beating several times during the night of December 26-27 2021. “They had to use the defibrillator four times on me…. Each time, I came back alive and left.” Stents were inserted by doctors to keep open two arteries that were blocked.  News Story
  1244. 26/12/2021 Illinois ,USA Dead
    Zachary Icenogle (19), basketballer and volleyball player at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI, and previously a Plainfield Central High graduate. The vaccinated freshman died in his sleep – cause of death withheld. First responders attended, but he could not be revived. Carthage College required vaccinations for all students, faculty, and staff.  News Story College Mandate
  1245. 26/12/2021 Philippines Dead
    Lawrence Chongson (57), Former University of the East Red Warriors Basketball coach, passed away this Sunday, following a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1246. 25/12/2021 India Dead
    Thottiyanda Somanna (23), Thottiyanda Family Hockey player collapsed with a cardiac arrest during a hockey match in Kodagu. He was taken to hospital, but died on the way.  News Story
  1247. 25/12/2021 Algeria Dead
    Soufiane Lokar (30), Mouloudia Saida footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest during a match. Medical staff tried to resuscitate him but he died. Vaccinations in Algeria began in January 2021. He was married only one week.  News Story
  1248. 25/12/2021 France Dead
    Gillen Lusson (26), former captain of SCO Angers Handball died suddenly. No further details are available.  News Story
  1249. 25/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Filippo Allorio (15), Downhill Skier. The hypothesis so far, is that he had a cardiac arrest, falling off the skiable track, hitting violently against a pile of ice. Autopsy ordered. Covid “vaccination” statistics are in the url link.  News Story  News Story2
  1250. 25/12/2021 Ireland Dead
    Sarah Mullen (23), Oblate Basketball Club Basketball and Irish Camogie player, for various clubs. She died suddenly in hospital. “She was born on Christmas Day and passed on Christmas Day.”  News Story  News Story2
  1251. 24/12/2021 Australia Dead
    Terry Morrison (70), ex-Rugby Union. Morrison was a former All Black winger and New Zealand national 200m sprint champion, making him one of the fastest All Black players in history. He suffered a cardiac arrest whilst surfing on Christmas Eve and could not be resuscitated. News Story
  1252. 24/12/2021 Belgrade, Serbia Dead
    Nemanja Mirosavljević (25), former Grafičar player – and youth coach since summer 2021 – had a cardiac arrest. He died after 7 days in a coma. News Story
  1253. 24/12/2021 France Dead
    Jérémie Bilhac (28), ES Cœur Hérault Footballer. No details are available of the demise of Jérémie Bilhac but at his funeral the world of football was widely represented – young people with whom he trained or shared his passion, clubs, the president of the Hérault Football District and, of course, members of the ES Cœur d’Hérault, of which his father Jacques, is president.  News Story
  1254. 24/12/2021 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Melody Bauroth-Sherman (17), track and field, cross country. The High school student died suddenly. No further details are available.  News Story
  1255. 22/12/2021 UK Dead
    Ian Matos (32), Olympic diving star was vaccinated 4 August 2021 (posted his own picture on Instagram with the caption “Moment of pure joy!” In October, he was hospitalized with a throat infection. He spent two months in hospital and he died after a sudden deterioration in his health when the infection spread to his lungs and stomach.  News Story  News Story2
  1256. 22/12/2021 Egypt Dead
    Ahmed Amin (24), Rabat & Anwar footballer. After taking part in team training, Ahmed went to the locker room where he collapsed with a sudden cardiac arrest. The club medical team tried to save him and took him to the nearest hospital. As they arrived at the hospital, the doctors said the player had already passed away.  News Story
  1257. 22/12/2021 Turin Dead
    Adrien Sandjo (18), U19 Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta regional team footballer collapsed on the pitch with a cardiac arrest, declared brain dead after six hours of observation in Molinette hospital. His organs were removed for donation, as decided by the family. News Story  News Story2
  1258. 22/12/2021 Oman Dead
    Mukhaled Al-Raqadi (29), Muscat FC football player collapsed with cardiac arrest during the warm-up for a match. He was taken to hospital but they were unable to save him. News Story
  1259. 22/12/2021 Singapore Dead
    Poh Lip Meng (52), Singapore national pisol shooter collapsed during a jog. He was taken to hospital but was pronounced dead.  News Story
  1260. 22/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Marcin Bukowski (40), former Bronia Radom professional footballer in Poland. He died at the age of 40. No further details available.  News Story
  1261. 22/12/2021 North Carolina, USA Dead
    Michael James Penzel (64), Wrestler, US Army paratrooper and then WWF wrestler, fighting under the name ‘Corporal Kirchner.’ He collapsed due to a cardiac arrest at his home. His wide tried to resuscitte him, but he died. He was a professional wrestler for over 20 years with World Wrestling Federation (WWF), New Japan (where he was known as Super Leatherface) and Frontier Marshal Arts and Wrestling (FMW).  News Story  News Story2
  1262. 22/12/2021 Germany
    Alina Reh (24), one of Germany’s top distance runners, received a COVID vaccine booster and soon after was diagnosed with myocarditis. Prior to the booster, she was in excellent condition, achieving third place at the European Cross Country Championships after an impressive race to catch up. She was previously considered a medal candidate for the 2022 European Outdoor Championships in Germany.  News Story
  1263. 21/12/2021 Croatia Dead
    Marin Čačić (23), NK Nehaj Footballer suddenly collapsed with cardiac arrest during training. He was rushed to a hospital where heart failure was diagnosed. He was in a coma but died after two days in hospital.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1264. 21/12/2021 France
    Kévin Gourdon (31), La Rochelle Rugby Union player retired from playing rugby after the discovery of a heart problem. “This is brutal and sad news, but my health is a priority”  News Story
  1265. 21/12/2021 Netherlands Dead
    Kawa Leauma (32), Ordizia Rugby League player died from head injuries after falling from the terrace of a shopping centre in Amsterdam. Possible floor collapse, waiting for more details.  News Story
  1266. 21/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Żora (Heorhiy) Korolyov (34), outstanding dancer died suddenly. Official cause of death inflammation of the heart muscle.  News Story  News Story2
  1267. 21/12/2021 Pakistan
    Abid Ali (34), Central Punjab Cricketer, Pakistan opening batsman suffered from chest pain midway through a match and was taken to hospital and said to be in a stable condition. Diagnosed as Acute Coronary Syndrome, a term used to describe a range of conditions associated with sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart, one of which is a heart-attack.  News Story
  1268. 21/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Miroslav Copjak (58), Piast Cieszyn Football coach died suddenly at the age of 58. No further details are available.  News Story
  1269. 20/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Michal Rokicki (37), 200 and 400metre swimmer who represented Poland in the Olympics, died suddenly from a cause yet to be announced  News Story
  1270. 20/12/2021 Nebraska, US Dead
    Kimera Bartee (49), Detroit Tigers former player and current first base coach suddenly collapsed and died while visiting his father in Omaha, Nebraska. The club manager said they had 100% player participation in the COVID vaccine. In spring 2021, the club had incentives for staff and fans to get the vaccine. The club manager said “the faster we get vaccinated, the safer we are and the more likely we are to be able to play continuously throughout our schedule.” On 6th September, reliever Joe Jimenez and bench coach George Lombard tested positive for the virus and had symptoms, even though both were vaccinated and the manager was surprised! What was he told about the vaccinations and what did he tell his team about the risks?  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4  News Story5
  1271. 20/12/2021 Spain
    Jamie Doyle (18), Northern Ireland boxer is fighting for his life in Spain after collapsing due to a blood clot on the brain, while on holiday. He underwent two surgeries to help relieve the swelling. He is expected to remain in an induced coma for 4-6 weeks due to the severity of his condition.  News Story
  1272. 19/12/2021 Donegal, Ireland
    Unnamed Setanta (U21) Hurling payer collapsed on the pitch. The Donegal county U21 hurling final was abandoned at half time. News Story
  1273. 19/12/2021 Spain
    Oscar Cabrera (26), Cantbasket Basketball player during a match, Oscar took the ball but collapsed face-first before he could make a pass. He can be seen twitching in the video. He was transferred to hospital.  News Story  Video
  1274. 19/12/2021 Netherlands Dead
    Suliman Abdeselam Mohamed (35), Moroccan Mixed Martial Arts fighter based in the Netherlands, died suddenly at the age of 35. The cause of his premature death not given.  News Story
  1275. 19/12/2021 Croatia Dead
    Goran Sobin (58), Legendary former Yugoslav basketball player suffered a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  1276. 19/12/2021 Ohio, USA Dead
    Curtis Schwinnen (21), Basketball team captain and American football player died “suddenly and unexpectedly of an unknown illness.” He was studying business at university. He is from the same town as Brady Zalar, who died young in November 2022.  News Story
  1277. 18/12/2021 Florida, US Dead
    Jordan Young (27), Iowan mixed martial arts rising star, 6 foot 4 heavyweight with American Top Team MMA died, his boxing coach Derik Santos announced Saturday.  News Story
  1278. 18/12/2021 Caen, France Dead
    Damien Zemmouri (37), JS Fleury boxer died suddenly as a result of a “ruptured aneurysm.” A club manager said “I saw him four days before, and he was in great shape”  News Story
  1279. 18/12/2021 Philippines
    Joseph Uichico (59), Bataan Risers Basketball coach suffered a cardiac arrest following a workout. After an emergency angioplasty on Saturday evening he is now in stable condition.  News Story  News Story2
  1280. 18/12/2021 Spain
    Lucas Ocampos (27), Sevilla and Argentina national team striker collapsed with severe chest pain and respiratory problems in added time in Sevilla-Atletico Madrid game. Carried from the field on a stretcher.  News Story
  1281. 18/12/2021 Missouri, USA Dead
    Lauren Michele Way (37), Raymore-Peculiar School District coach for softball, basketball, soccer and track, and physical education teacher died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1282. 17/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Karol “Seta” Setniewski (14), Znicz Pruszków footballer, team captain, best in school, complained of a headache the day after a football match, so he was taken to the hospital. Surgery was unable to reduce the swelling of the brain and he did not wake up from the coma. Karol is one of two Znicz Pruszków footballers who died this year.  News Story
  1283. 17/12/2021 Zirl, Austria Dead
    Leo Forstenlechner (12), Gunners Ice Hockey player had a “respiratory arrest” at home and then spent a few days in hospital and died. Facebook (snapshot taken)
  1284. 17/12/2021 Los Angeles USA
    Donald Parham (24) Los Angeles Chargers (NFL) tight end player collapsed in mid-air while taking a flying touchdown catch. He had received two Covid-19 vaccines and a booster. His arms were shaking as he was wheeled off. It appears clear that his left arm locked up before his helmet hit the ground – that seems to be why he didn’t handle the recovery well. The Chargers report he suffered a concussion, but the video tells a different story, a fraction of a second before his helmet touched down and his head suddenly threw back. The key to seeing this is to watch the action from the sideline, one frame at a time.  News Story
  1285. 17/12/2021 England
    Abu Ogogo (32), Southend United Football midfielder diagnosed with pericarditis -inflammation around the heart muscle. Head coach Kevin Maher said “Abs initially had a dead leg and he got another knock on that, but since then he’s reported a few problems with his chest. He went for a check-up at hospital last week and he’s out for a period now, probably about a month or so.” The report also mentions that “A dead leg could also be the result of a widely reported adverse reaction from the vaccine where a blood clot impairs blood flow to a major limb.”  News Story
  1286. 17/12/2021 British Columbia, Canada Dead
    Unnamed (25) Ice Hockey goaltender suffered a cardiac arrest on the ice in a match at the city-run Richmond Ice Centre. Resuscitation attempts including with a defibrilator failed and he died.  News Story
  1287. 17/12/2021 Iran Dead
    Ali Arabzada (20), Afghan futsal player who played for Afghanistan’s national team for several years. He lived in Iran, but died unexpectedly. No further details available.  News Story
  1288. 16/12/2021 Spain Dead
    Izan Edward (7), Beniopa Sports Union footballer suffered a blackout a few minutes after finishing a training session at the Roís de Corella football field. Coaching staff tried to ressuscitate the boy with a defibrillator. An ambulance took him to hospital where he died. Spain has been rushing to vaccinate children 5-11.  News Story  Child Vaccination
  1289. 16/12/2021 Spain Dead
    Dani Chabrera (29), Lokomotiv Tashkent football goalkeeping coach in Uzbekistan. He returned to Spain but became ill and died. News Story
  1290. 16/12/2021 Murcia, Spain
    José Javier Ros (aka Monas) (22), UCAM Murcia footballer withdrew from the rest of the season after being diagnosed with pericarditis.  News Story News Story2
  1291. 16/12/2021 New Zealand Dead
    Taniela Moa (36), Section Paloise, former Tonga international rugby union player, who played mostly in New Zealand and France, died suddenly. No cause of death  News Story
  1292. 16/12/2021 Rhode Island, USA Dead
    Meaghan McGonagle (41), Cranston High School East boys and girls Volleyball coach and business teacher. Cranston Mayor Ken Hopkins said “This is a young woman, 41 years old, in good health, that had the early vaccinations” but she “had been hospitalized for about a week prior to her death.”  News Story  News Story2
  1293. 16/12/2021 Colorado, USA
    Miles Juneau (31), professional Mountain Bike Racer diagnosed with pericarditis. “2 days after the 2nd dose, I experienced heart pain at the onset of exercise that left me sitting on the ground holding my chest.”  News Story
  1294. 15/12/2021 Russia Dead
    Alexander Frolov (63), Sarmations Ice Hockey player was on the sidelines during a match in the Russian amateur Night Hockey League (NHL) when he suddenly fell ill and collapsed. Died on the way to intensive care unit, with an apparent heart problem.  News Story
  1295. 14/12/2021 Zinswiller, Alsace, France Dead
    Aurélie Hans (21), female football goalkeeper (since she was 12) suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died Tuesday, December 14. Daughter of Laurent Hans, player and then manager of various clubs in Northern Alsace.  News Story
  1296. 14/12/2021 Miami, Florida, USA Dead
    Andres Melendez (20), Cleveland Guardians minor league Baseball player died unexpectedly – no further details available  News Story
  1297. 14/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Gabriele Marletta (17), Gymnast and athlete felt ill whilst running during an Exercise Science class. His teacher had given him heart massage, then two doctors used a defibrillator. Gabriele was taken to hospital and put into intensive care, where he stayed for 6 weeks. Everyone hoped he would make it, but on 31/01/2022 Gabriele’s heart stopped beating. His father said “Gabriele has always played sports and underwent regular electrocardiograms, he has never had heart problems.”  News Story
  1298. 13/12/2021 England
    Maxwell Harrison (21), International ballroom dancer developed pericarditis (inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart muscle) five days after his second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, and was hospitalized. Top cardiologists said his heart condition was a result of the Pfizer vaccination.  News Story  News Story2
  1299. 12/12/2021 Reims, France
    An unnamed footballer (34), playing for Olympique FC de Reims suffered a cardiac arrest mid-match. He was resuscitated on the pitch and then taken to hospital by ambulance.  News Story
  1300. 12/12/2021 Australia Dead
    Kane van Diermen (35), Sydney Convicts RUFC Rugby Union. Circumstances of death not announced  News Story
  1301. 12/12/2021 France
    Martin Terrier (24), Rennes striker was substituted after chest pains in game against Nice.  News Story
  1302. 12/12/2021 Italy
    Piotr Zielinski (27), Napoli midfielder went to the sideline, 19 minutes into the game against Empoli, struggled to breathe, pointing to his neck and chest. Whole team received booster 18-19 December.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  1303. 12/12/2021 Águias do Moradal-Pedrógão, Portugal
    Edgar Marques (20), Pedrógão de São Pedro football player collapsed halfway through the second half of a match. Transported to the Amato Lusitano Hospital in Castelo Branco.  News Story  News Story2
  1304. 12/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Stefano Forgione (42), U.S. Balconevisi former amateur footballer, was struck by a sudden illness and died.  News Story
  1305. 12/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Andrea Navoni (48), Vespa Basket Basketballer was struck down by a sudden illness and could not be saved. No further details given.  News Story
  1306. 12/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Marco Bozza (43), Jogger loved to run every day, but collapsed from a cardiac arrest while running and died on Sunday.  News Story
  1307. 12/12/2021 Australia Dead
    Daniel Ferguson (33), Irish former Donaghadee FC player. After 10 years in Australia, Ferguson was to return to his home town, Donaghadee, in Northern Ireland, so must have been vaccinated to fly, but just days before his return, he died. No details given.  News Story
  1308. 12/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Maurizio Ruozi (51), cyclist and amateur sportsman was running a marathon, but suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest after 28 kilometres. He was taken to hospital, but died.  News Story
  1309. 12/12/2021 France
    Jonathan Coussautie (Age), Olympique FC de Reims Footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and was resuscitated.  News Story
  1310. 11/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Roberto Valastro (42), runner, a Siderno police officer was jogging on the beach in Locri when he collapsed and died of a cerebral aneurysm, the second death in the ranks of the Calabria State Police within a few days.  News Story
  1311. 11/12/2021 Brisbane, Australia Dead
    Sulamai Aukuso Lavea (48), NZ origin Rugby League player died of a cardiac arrest at the second level of the Springwood Stairs of Death during training  News Story  Stairs
  1312. 11/12/2021 California, PA, USA Dead
    Branson King (23), California University of Pennsylvania Ice Hockey player died suddenly. No cause of death  News Story
  1313. 11/12/2021 Norwich, England
    Victor Lindelof (27), Manchester United defender went down clutching his chest and pointing to his heart, complained of chest pain and racing pulse. His wife confirmed (many times) they were both vaccinated.  News Story
  1314. 11/12/2021 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Lauren Anderson (41), elite softball pitcher, one of the greatest softball players in New Jersey history, died. No cause of death given.  News Story
  1315. 10/12/2021 Serbia
    Ricardo Gomes (29) Cape Verde native footballer playing for Serbian club FK Partizan collapsed during training , 45 days after his COVID vaccination. Coach Stanojevic said “The situation is serious.” Gomes, the coach, Bojan Ostojic, and Quincy Menig were vaccinated on the same day.  News Story
  1316. 10/12/2021 England Dead
    Chloe Dawe (22), Rugby Union player in Cornwall developed Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer. Four months later she died at home.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1317. 09/12/2021 USA Dead
    Matt Scherer (38), former Oregon Ducks pro runner died, no cause of death so far  News Story
  1318. 08/12/2021 Panama Dead
    Franciskao El Diex (32), Footballer and musician preparing to present new material after a break from music. He was playing football with friends when he had a cardiac arrest. Franciskao was transferred to hospital but he was pronounced dead.  News Story
  1319. 07/12/2021 Croatia Dead
    Pavel Karpf (52), former Swiss football goalkeeper for FC Luzern was on his sailing boat in Croatia on Tuesday when he suddenly collapsed and died three days later in hospital.  News Story
  1320. 07/12/2021 Melbourne, Australia
    Jake Lever (25), Melbourne Demons star player (AFL) appeared weak as he dropped to the ground during his first training session in pre-season. He had 20 minutes of medical attention.  News Story
  1321. 07/12/2021 Illinois, USA Dead
    Jacob Look (17), Brimfield High School Basketball suffered a cardiac arrest n his parents’ hot tub and was found unconscious. Taken to hospital in a critical condition. All efforts to save him were in vain. An autopsy revealed the cause of death was cardiac arrest followed by drowning.  News Story
  1322. 07/12/2021 Panama Dead
    Francisco D’Meza (AGE), Footballer and urban music singer suddenly collapsed and died while playing football.  News Story
  1323. 07/12/2021 Tennessee, USA
    Mackenzie Dyson (21), star softball player. After receiving her second dose of covid vaccine, she had a very scary adverse reaction and lost control of her left leg. She then started having terrible migraines, dizziness, nausea, speech issues and extreme confusion. She then lost her ability to stand up because her leg was shaking uncontrollably and would give out on her. After countless visits to the doctor and multiple tests, doctors concluded this was a reaction to the vaccine. A month later she still cannot walk properly.  News Story  News Story2
  1324. 06/12/2021 France Dead
    Xavier Ziani (49), French professional volleyball player and coach at Charenton-le-Pont died with a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1325. 06/12/2021 Tamworth, England Dead
    Rob Woodward (36), Stonydelph Juliors FC U10 coach/manager. Double vaccinated. “It is with great sadness that the club announces that Rob Woodward our U10 Cougars manager passed away suddenly yesterday.”  Club Facebook
  1326. 05/12/2021 Birmingham, Alabama, USA Dead
    John Wolfe (20), 3-time state tennis champion in high school (Briarwood High School, Alabama) died. News Story
  1327. 05/12/2021 Tehran, Iran Dead
    Navid Khosh Hava (30), former Iran U23 football team defender died of cardiac arrest  News Story
  1328. 05/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Fabio Pedretti (24), from Gardone Valtrompia, collapsed and died while running the Uno di Monticelli, a night trail running event on the hills of Franciacorta in Monticelli Brusati. In the final km of the 20 km race he collapsed and could not be resuscitated.  News Story
  1329. 05/12/2021 Brazil Dead
    Diego Correia (31), amateur runner was running 10K in Santos, on the coast of São Paulo and suffered severe chest pain that radiated to the upper limbs when he was near the Barão de Paranapiacaba do Samu base, on Avenida Ana Costa. He went to seek help from the unit and was treated in an advanced life support ambulance, where an electrocardiogram was performed. Was resuscitated after being treated for cardiorespiratory arrest and then sent to hospital. At the hospital, after three hours of treatment, he progressed to a aquicardia, followed by cardiorespiratory arrest. Minutes before starting the race, Correia used his social networks to celebrate participating in the event. Rules of the event recommend a rigorous prior medical evaluation and the performance of exercise testing for all participants.  News Story
  1330. 05/12/2021 Spain Dead
    Carlos Daniel Monteverde (58), Runner (and Professor) collapsed with sudden cardiac arrest while running in the the Córdoba marathon’s 10,000 metres race. Not far from the start he collapsed and received medical assistance, but half an hour later he was dead. The weather was moderately cool. Although he had a history of high blood pressure and was on medication, he was an amateur rugby player and presented a physical fitness test and medical certificate, a mandatory requirement for all runners.  News Story  News Story2
  1331. 05/12/2021 Brazil Dead
    Diego Silvestre (31), Runner was taking part in a 10km race in Brazil. During the race he had a cardiac arrest and was taken to hospital. He died despite hours of treatment.  News Story
  1332. 04/12/2021 Carlisle, England
    Bobby Dixon (n/a), Carlisle City footballer collapsed in the early stages of a Cumberland County League game against Gosforth and was taken to the Cumberland Infirmary for tests  News Story
  1333. 04/12/2021 Beverwijk, North Holland Dead
    Wouter Betjes (14), student hockey player collapsed walking to the dugout after a catch-up game Bloemendaal JC3 against Overbos JC1. Club doctor tried to resuscitate him at the ground, continuing in the ambulance and at hospital in Amsterdam but they were not successful and he died.  News Story
  1334. 04/12/2021 USA
    CJ McCollum(30), Portland Trailblazers basketball Guard diagnosed with pneumothorax (collapsed lung), that can be caused by injury or disease. He may never play again. McCollum finished near the top of HoopsHype’s shooting guard rankings on August 31.  News Story
  1335. 04/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Roberto Tusi (38), Risorta San Martino Football coach of the local team, Risorta San Martino was on his way home after a match when he felt ill and collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in his car. He was taken to hospital, but died.  News Story
  1336. 04/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Dawid Akuła (21), Football and Academy of Physical Education student in Wrocław, Poland, studying physiotherapy. He collapsed and died playing a football match. Like fellow student, Joanna Krudys, who died the same day, Akuła was double vaccinated in order to study. This was confirmed by Dawid Akula’s parents in a message to Good Sciencing. We send our condolences for the loss of their son and thank them for confirming this, in the hope it will help save the lives of others..  News Story
  1337. 04/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Joanna Krudys (21), Academy of Physical Education student in Wrocław, Poland, studying occupational therapy died the same day as fellow student Dawid Akuła and had to be vaccinated in order to study. Her family confirmed that she was vaccinated, as did Akula’s parents, in a message to Good Sciencing.  News Story
  1338. 03/12/2021 Brazil Dead
    Vinicius Freitas (20) Macaé Esporte FC footballer. Miniguinho, as he was known at the club, defended Macaé in recent seasons, in the U-20 category and was the victim of a cardiac event  News Story
  1339. 03/12/2021 England
    Mark Simpson (AGE), Knaresborough Town West Riding County FA striker collapsed and had heart palpitations in the dressing room at half time. He felt better after sitting out the rest of the game, but when he went to drive home, it started happening again.  News Story
  1340. 03/12/2021 Germany
    Ugur Tezel (24), FC Carl Zeiss Jena player collapsed during their game against Berliner AK and was replaced. Same game as Kwabenaboye Schulz collapsed.  News Story
  1341. 03/12/2021 Germany
    Kwabenaboye Schulz (23), FC Carl Zeiss Jena player collapsed after the final whistle in their game against Berliner AK, the same game as Ugur Tezel. They had 4 games in 11 days after quarantine. Team appears to be blaming it on Coronavirua, not the vax.  News Story
  1342. 03/12/2021 Adelaide, Australia
    An unnamed Adelaide Crows football player went to hospital diagnosed with pericarditis (heart inflammation) two weeks after his first Pfizer. Percarditis destroys heart cells. The Adelaide Crows inexplicably did not release his name, citing “privacy” but it will soon be obvious because he will be out for at least 3 months.  News Story
  1343. 03/12/2021 Germany Dead
    Marcel Pielage (39), SC Grevener Bezirksliga football coach suffered a stroke. No further details are available.  News Story
  1344. 03/12/2021 Egypt Dead
    Adham Al-Selehdar (53), Al-Majd Al-Iskandari Football coach suffered a cardiac arrest after a late goal by his team. He effusively celebrated in the 93rd minute, but collapsed on the pitch. Resuscitation attempts on the field and immediate transfer to a hospital were not enough and he died before reaching the hospital.  News Story
  1345. 03/12/2021 Italy
    Ismaël Bennacer (24), AC Milan football player lost his balance, felt dizzy and was unable to walk normally. He received treatment and missed training. In February 2022, it was reported he is available to play again.  News Story  News Story2
  1346. 02/12/2021 Austria Dead
    Florian Hueter (33), Swarco Raiders Tirol American Footballer died. No cause of death given. Hueter began his football career in Carinthia with the Carinthian Black Lions and switched to the Tyrolean Swarco Raiders in 2007.  News Story
  1347. 02/12/2021 Egypt Dead
    Adham El-Selhadar (53), Egyptian football manager collapsed and died on the sideline of a match after his team scored a winning goal.  News Story
  1348. 02/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Romina De Angelis (43), female volleyball player who collapsed while playing padel (a racquet sport like tennis) with friends. Suspected aneurism. News Story
  1349. 01/12/2021 Melbourne Australia
    Ben Madgen (36), South East Melbourne Phoenix basketballer in hospital with pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer. Tweet
  1350. 01/12/2021 Belgium Dead
    Keanu Breurs (19) KVK Svelta Melsele U23 football player and youth coach died suddenly Wednesday morning. Cause of death not given  News Story
  1351. 01/12/2021 Russia Dead
    Arina Biktimirova (19), taekwondo champion died suddenly at home. Won a gold medal, as champion at the European Taekwon-Do ITF Championships in Crete, in November. Her coach said “We also fail to understand what may have happened to her health. Arina had no chronic diseases. Before each competition, the athletes are not only checked, but they do thorough examinations and analysis and Arina, when she was checked before going to the European championship, was completely healthy. And what happened is also a shock for us.”  News Story  News Story2
  1352. 01/12/2021 USA Dead
    CJ Hunter (52), died of unspecified causes.  News Story
  1353. 01/12/2021 Scotland Dead
    Siobhan Cattigan (26), female Scotland rugby international who won 19 caps for Scotland, died. Cause of death not given.  News Story

    November 2021

  1354. 30/11/2021 North Carolina, USA Dead
    Fatimah Shabazz (22), a key N.C. A&T volleyball player, died of complications from an aneurism. Was Cincinnati Northwest HS 2016 co-conference player of the year. Earned a degree in pre-physical therapy.  News Story
  1355. 30/11/2021 California, USA Dead
    Stan Kwan (54), American Football coach spent 30 years coaching, retired from San Francisco 49ers in 2020. De died in his sleep. Friend and former colleague Nick Ferguson shared with Twitter that Kwan “passed in his sleep due to a heart attack at age 54.”  News Story
  1356. 30/11/2021 Montenegro Dead
    Mirko Vlahović (48), Montenegrin former kickboxer and winner of medals at world and European championships, died at the 48th World Championships in Belgrade.  News Story
  1357. 30/11/2021 England Dead
    Andrew Parker (43), Football Referee took up refereeing at a very early age and held a lifelong passion for football. He was a keen supporter of Stevenage FC and Tottenham Hotspur. He had not been unwell, but suddenly died in his sleep.
  1358. 29/11/2021 Oklahoma, USA
    Connor Doyle (17), Mustang High School student baseballer collapsed from a cardiac arrest during a morning workout, resuscitated by coaches and first responders. News Story
  1359. 29/11/2021 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Darvin Henderson (31), former Ewing High school American football player, then coach and generous philanthropist died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2
  1360. 29/11/2021 Pakistan Dead
    Umair Siddiqui (45), Squash player suffered a cardiac arrest and died in the rest period whist practicing on court.  News Story
  1361. 29/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Daniele Sansone (35), former Calerno Calcio Football player and coach was very healthy, but he was found lifeless in bed.  News Story  News Story2
  1362. 29/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Giada Furlanut (14), female Volleyball player collapsed at school and was taken to hospital. She died on 4th December 2021, due to a pulmonary embolism. “The mother informed that the Giada was vaccinated … the second dose was taken in August.”  News Story
  1363. 29/11/2021 Quebec, Canada
    Charles Therrien-Thénière (19), Ice Hockey player suffered a cardiac arrest during a game. He received immediate CPR treatment and woke up two days later in hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  1364. 28/11/2021 Russia Dead
    Valentin Rodionov (16), Russian Dynamo Moscow ice hockey player collapsed on the sideline after colliding with a protective board at the side of the ice, but died a week later. The head coach said “he passed [a medical examination]. He was an absolutely healthy, strong guy, cheerful, full of strength and energy.”  News Story
  1365. 28/11/2021 Zimbabwe Dead
    Ronald Mudimu (33), Triangle United Football goal keeper and vice-captain of his team earned national caps at junior level, in U17 and U20 teams, suffered a stroke, was bed-ridden for a month and died in hospital. News Story
  1366. 28/11/2021 Belgium
    Arnaud Marlier (24), Mazy Footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest at the end of the match and could not breathe. Has since recovered.  News Story
  1367. 28/11/2021 Belgium
    Romain Colson (Age) AS Hermalle Football player collapsed during a match. At the end of January 2022, Romain was given the green light to restart training. No more information available yet.  News Story  News Story2
  1368. 28/11/2021 Germany
    Maik Wiggershaus (28), FC Wetter Football Captain collapsed during the match. He was taken to hospital and into intensive care. Waiting for updates.  News Story
  1369. 28/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Krzysztof Pańka (23), Ekoserwis Damy Rady Inowrocław beach handball player, where he won the Polish championship last year, and the Polish Cup in 2021. Also played for the Polish national beach handball team. He died. No further details available.  News Story
  1370. 27/11/2021 Prague, Czech Republic Dead
    Daire Ni Heldhin (29), Dundalk Young Ireland GAA female Gaelic footballer became unwell during a city break with pals in Czech Republic. Taken to hospital and died that morning  News Story
  1371. 26/11/2021 Mali Dead
    Guimbala Tounkara (34), AS Police and former midfielder for Djoliba and USC Kita, died after a cardiac arrest, shortly after an AS Police training session. He went home, and then to a friend’s shop, but collapsed with a cardiac arrest and died before reaching hospital.  News Story
  1372. 26/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Artur Walczak (46), Mixed Martial Arts fighter was hospitalized after a contest in Poland called “slapfighting”, in which opponents slap with the open hand. After one of the blows, “Waluś” fell to the floor. He was taken to hospital and was in a coma for over a month. The cause of death was “multi-organ failure resulting from irreversible damage to the central nervous system.”  News Story  News Story2
  1373. 24/11/2021 Victoria, Australia
    Paul Dimattina (47), Former Western Bulldogs (Australian Rules Football) midfielder in intensive care after adverse reaction to Pfizer Covid booster. And now he has COVID symptoms.  News Story
  1374. 24/11/2021 Philippines
    Roider Cabrera (30), Filipino professional basketball star (Terrafirma team) collapsed with cardiac arrest in the locker room after a tournament at Ynares Sports Arena, Pasig City (twin victories over Meralco and Barangay Ginebra San Miguel). Update: angioplasty 02/12/21 a day after cardiologist found a heart blockage. Remains unconscious, but has finger movements and trying to open his eyes.  News Story  News Story2
  1375. 24/11/2021 USA
    Charlie Wyke (28), Wigan striker collapsed in training the day after his 1st Pfizer. This story says he did not have a COVID vaccine, but that contradicts what he said. Sadly, he may have wiped his twitter account clean, which is where we think he admitted getting it (it may have been Fleck – still under investigation).   News Story
  1376. 24/11/2021 UK Dead
    Leon Taylor (36), Darlaston Town footballer suffered from “an illness” and died the next day. News Story
  1377. 24/11/2021 Spain
    Adama Traore (26), Sherrif Tiraspol winger collapsed on the pitch clutching his chest in game with Real Madrid  News Story
  1378. 24/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Unnamed cyclist (15) collapsed and died in his father’s arms  News Story
  1379. 24/11/2021 England Dead
    Ethan Bradley (28), Cyclist was a cycle courier in England. He died suddenly at his home. It is reported that he bumped his head in a cycling accident two weeks before his death, but his mother said “He hit his head but everything repaired OK. He had a sore shoulder for a while and then his flatmate came home and found him Dead on the bedroom floor. That is all we know.”  News Story  News Story2
  1380. 23/11/2021 Japan Dead
    Riuler de Oliveira Faustino (23), Brazilian footballer (J.FC Miyazaki, Shonan Bellmare), cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1381. 23/11/2021 UK
    John Fleck, (30), Sheffield United star footballer collapsed during the game with Reading, transported to hospital, released   News Story
  1382. 23/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Christian Sportolloni (41), Asd Cogliatese Calcio Football coach died suddenly from a cardiac arrest whilst driving his car. The car skidded and then hit the one coming in the opposite direction. The impact would not have been particularly violent, but Sportolloni was found by rescuers in cardiac arrest. Ambulance, medical car and helicopter arrived quickly and transferred him to hospital but he died.  News Story
  1383. 22/11/2021 USA
    Duggar Baucom (61), Citadel Basketball Coach collapsed on sideline vs. Duke. Transported to hospital.  News Story
  1384. 22/11/2021 France Dead
    René Richard (66), former CO Cléon Football player and president devoted almost half of his life to CO Cléon Football. He died suddenly of a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1385. 22/11/2021 Texas, USA Dead
    Doug Jones (64), played baseball pitcher for several teams. Died “of complications from COVID-19.”  News Story
  1386. 21/11/2021 Germany
    Lukas Greb (34), SV Mardorf footballer suddenly collapsed with ventricular fibrilation at half-time during a match with SV Schönstadt. Resuscitated by a nurse who happened to be there, followed by an ambulance with a defibrillator. He was in hospital for two and a half weeks, the first three days in an artificial coma. Doctors did many tests but found nothing. You are healthy. Have a healthy heart, a doctor told him. Still in rehab weeks later, there was no sign of a cause.  News Story
  1387. 21/11/2021 France Dead
    Bruno Macedo (22), FC Nueil-les-Aubiers reserve team player collapsed and died suddenly Sunday morning at his home.  News Story
  1388. 21/11/2021 France Dead
    Oscar Kuau Suta (37), Saint-Gilles Rugby player. “He was vaccinated, had his Health Pass, but his condition deteriorated rapidly, he had been in a coma for 11 days, on artificial respiration.” Oscar finally died in hospital on 21st November 2021.  News Story
  1389. 21/11/2021 Mauritius Dead
    France Jonas (56), international footballer for Mauritius, suffered a stroke and died.  News Story
  1390. 21/11/2021 Brazil Dead
    Rafael Alentejano (18), Farense Footballer and marketing student was found lifeless at home, a victim of sudden death.  News Story
  1391. 20/11/2021 USA Dead
    Aaron Vasquez (14), Basketballer finished practicing with his travel league team at Grant Elementary School, in Dumont NJ, and stayed to play ball with his younger brother, but suddenly collapsed. A coach (hospital medic) began CPR. Dumont Volunteer Ambulance Corps took Aaron to Hackensack University Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead.  News Story  News Story2
  1392. 20/11/2021 NSW, Australia
    Stephanie Gard (), Equestrian Athlete pericarditis, unable to feel her legs from the knees down, and unable to walk a few days after Pfizer COVID Vaccine News Story
  1393. 20/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Stefano Marconi (55), Fratta Todina karate instructor, collapsed and died suddenly whilst training.  News Story
  1394. 20/11/2021 Bolivia Dead
    Marlon Herrera (47), played professional football for various clubs and the Bolivian national side. He had played the first half in a local match when he suddenly collapsed. He was taken to a doctor who diagnosed a cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story
  1395. 19/11/2021 USA
    Cooper Teare (22), world class runner, collapsed during the 2021 NCAA Cross-Country Championships while competing for the University of Oregon. Covid booster two weeks earlier. He complained about problems with his heart and doctors worked to bring down his heart rate.  News Story
  1396. 19/11/2021 France
    Mathilde (16), Gymnast ‘can no longer walk’ after being vaccinated against Covid-19 so she could continue doing gymnastics. “My spine burns me constantly,” said Mathilde, adding that the doctors told her the cure could take two months or two years.  News Story
  1397. 18/11/2021 Dead
    Héctor Vilellas Soro (27), Aragonese athlete suffered cardiac arrest while contesting the Behobia-San Sebastian. He was immediately evacuated to the hospital in the capital of Gipuzkoa, where he died.  News Story
  1398. 18/11/2021 NY USA  Dead
    Carmyne Paschall Payton (15), a sophomore basketball player at Copiague High School, Long Island, New York, was running laps when he suddenly collapsed and did not get back up. First Responders tried to resuscitate him, but failed. Carmyne’s father, Arthur Payton, told NBC New York that his son had “no prior health issues,” sharing: “He made the first cut for the boys basketball team. This was the second day of tryouts.”  News Story  News Story
  1399. 18/11/2021 Finland Dead
    Kim Suominen (52), player and coach at Turku Ball Club, passed away unexpectedly.  News Story
  1400. 18/11/2021 France Dead
    Ouladzislau Chastakou (24), expert Swimmer had a sudden cardiac arrest and drowned in France, during a scheduled and supervised military training activity. Despite the intervention of the medical team present on the spot and the rescue services, he could not be resuscitated.  News Story
  1401. 18/11/2021 Russia Dead
    Denis Kovba (42), Samara professional footballer from Belarus who played for various clubs plus the Belorus national team. He is reported to be a victim of “covid-19.”  News Story
  1402. 18/11/2021 England
    Josh Emmanuel (24), English footballer who played for Hull City and Grimsby Town suffered from bloot clots that was originally reported as a “mystery illness.” He was finally cleared to play again in November 2022.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  1403. 17/11/2021 Serbia Dead
    Aleksandar Krsić (30), FK Radnicki football player from Ratkov collapsed with a cardiac arrest during training He died in the ambulance en route to Novi Sad Clinical Centre.  News Story
  1404. 17/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Michele De Vecchi (25), mountain runner was jogging with a friend in the Prosecco hills collapsed with a cardiac arrest and died on the trail. News Story
  1405. 17/11/2021 Panama Dead
    Adonis Villanueva (27), Panamanian Club Deportivo del Este midfielder may have hit his head in a game. (2 different stories) Later, after arriving at home, collapsed with a stroke. He died in hospital several days later on November 23. He woke up shortly before he died and a doctor asked him to move his hand, which he did. News Story  News Story2
  1406. 17/11/2021
    Sarah Gigante (21), Olympic road cyclist and reigning Australian time trial champion had a severe reaction to COVID-19 vaccine, severe chest pains in July after the Tokyo Olympics and repeated hospitalizations in August, in Girona, Spain. Diagnosed with myopericarditis  News Story  News Story2
  1407. 17/11/2021 Queensland, Australia Dead
    Caitlin Gotze (23), walked 20km per day with the horses that she looked after. Her employer mandated the vaccine. After the first vaccination, her health went downhill, and even more after the second covid19 injection, and she died.  News Story
  1408. 15/11/2021
    Julio Lugo (45) Dominican former Boston Red Sox shortstop died of a cardiac arrest in his sleep. No Vax status discovered yet. (Houston Astros, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Boston Red Sox), World Series champion (2007)  News Story  News Story2
  1409. 15/11/2021 France Dead
    Pascal Joly (62), Jockey collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the middle of a trotting race.  News Story
  1410. 15/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Marcin Pater (46), former Wisła Krakó Football player died suddenly. Looking for more information.  News Story
  1411. 15/11/2021 Ivory Coast Dead
    Doukouré Karamoko (28), Mouna FC footballer in Ivory Coast, collapsed suddenly due to a cardiac arrest in his first training session with his new club.  News Story
  1412. 15/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Zbigniew Korszun (48), former Lechia Zielona Góra professional footballer, died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story
  1413. 14/11/2021 France Dead
    Julie Le Galliard (31), French boxing champion in 2015. Suffered from an immune-suppressive blood disease after full vaccination. Media reported her death was a result of coronavirus.  News Story
  1414. 14/11/2021 Athens, Greece Dead
    Stevan Jelovac (32), Serbian basketballer, playing for AEK Athens, collapsed during individual practice. In hospital was diagnosed with a stroke and died on December 5th.  News Story
  1415. 14/11/2021 Australia
    Michelle Goszko (44), Aussie cricket great, in ICU after stroke at 44. She is fully vaccinated. News Story
  1416. 13/11/2021 Basel Switzerland
    Ömer Türkes (Age), FC Basel football U-14 coach collapsed with cardiac arrest on the sidelines of a match against Zurich and was resuscitated. The club confirmed was stable on Saturday evening. News Story
  1417. 13/11/2021 Uruguay
    Sabrina Soravilla (25), Uruguayan Nacional player diagnosed with a career-ending heart condition 7 months after receiving her first Sinovax COVID vaccine News Story
  1418. 13/11/2021 Connecticut, USA Dead
    Jarosław Pacoń (49), Polish footballer (Stal Stalowa Wola) last played for Olympia Stamford SC, in Stamford, Connecticut. He started his football career in Stal Gorzyce in the early 90s, played for Stal Stalowa Wola in 1993-96 and moved to the USA, where he lived for 20 years before he died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1419. 13/11/2021 Bulgaria Dead
    Ivo Georgiev, 49, Bulgarian footballer (Debrecen, Korabostroitel, national team), heart failure.  News Story
  1420. 13/11/2021, Denmark
    Luther Singh (24) FC Copenhagen footballer hospitalized with a ‘mysterious illness’  News Story
  1421. 13/11/2021 France
    Kenny Liveze (19) Judoka suffered a stroke and was taken to hospital for treatment. The young judoka from Guadeloupe, has already been European and World Cadet Champion in 2019 and bronze medalist at the European Juniors 2020. He is gradually resuming training.  News Story
  1422. 13/11/2021 Quebec, Canada Dead
    Jean-Arthur Tremblay (63), Canadian long distance runner runner suddenly collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died. He was a Raid team captain and an active member of the Ukatak Raid, between Charlevoix and Saguenay in five days, a 400-kilometre event combining mountain biking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and dog sledding.  News Story
  1423. 13/11/2021 Ireland Dead
    Zane Timpson (26), top skateboarder who worked with Bones Wheels team. He died unexpectedly. No further details available.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1424. 12/11/2021 USA  Dead
    Dejmi Dumervil-Jean (22), former (2018) Louisville football player died  News Story
  1425. 12/11/2021 France Dead
    Jean-Yves Artu (61), former jockey collapsed due to a sudden cardiac arrest. There were no warning signs.  News Story
  1426. 11/11/2021 Paraguay Dead
    Jony López (16), Sol del Este Club football player suddenly collapsed due to a cardiac arrest, in a training break, while drinking water. He was taken to a care center, but they could not resuscitate him. The Sol del Este Club is at Km 12 of Ciudad del Este (Eastern City), Paraguay. Vaccinations started in February 2021, but vaccination rates are low due to lack of supplies.   News Story
  1427. 11/11/2021, Germany  Dead
    Jörg Heinle (40) former striker and coach of Spvgg Detter-Weißenbach (Bavaria), an anesthesia nurse at the Franz von Prümmer-Klinik Bad Brückenau and family man died suddenly  News Story
  1428. 10/11/2021
    Murphy Jensen (53), Grand Slam Champion recovering after sudden cardiac arrest while playing tennis at a pro-celebrity charity event in Colorado. Hit his head in the collapse and has fractures at the base of his skull.  News Story
  1429. 10/11/2021 Brazil Dead
    Julio César Oliveira (49), martial arts master suffered a stroke due to an aneurysm and died after 15 days in hospital.  News Story
  1430. 10/11/2021 Minnesota, USA
    Dakota Dozier (30), Minnesota Vikings, American Football player. He was vaccinated, but was then hospitalized “because of COVID.”  News Story
  1431. 09/11/2021 New York, USA
    Keaton Parks (24), New York City FC, MLS player had surgery to remove a blood clot from his leg  News Story
  1432. 08/11/2021 Houston, TX USA Dead
    Willis Forko (37), Liberian-American former footballer (Real Salt Lake, Bodø/Glimt, national team) died suddenly.  News Story  Obituary
  1433. 08/11/2021, USA Dead
    Pedro Feliciano (45) New York Mets Pitcher died of a cardiac arrest in his sleep. No Vax status discovered yet.  News Story
  1434. 08/11/2021, Paraguay Dead
    Nelson Solano (21), March 1 F.C footballer from the Cándida Achucarro neighborhood of San Antonio, collapsed due to a cardiac arrest after the end of the match after playing all the first half and part of the second with no symptoms or strange behavior. Solano, son of the coach, watched the rest of the game from the bench and then entered the field to celebrate the victory with his teammates, when he collapsed on the grass. He was transferred in a patrol car to a hospital but he died. He was playing in a tournament of the Football Union of the Interior. Vaccinations started in February 2021, but vaccination rates are low due to lack of supplies.  News Story
  1435. 08/11/2021 UK Dead
    Tom Greenway (38), Champion jockey died News Story
  1436. 08/11/2021 USA  Dead
    Kim ‘Alarm’ Kyeong-Bo (20), a rising star in the Overwatch League playing flex support for the Philadelphia Fusion, died.  News Story
  1437. 08/11/2021 Houston, TX, USA  Dead
    Jamarcus Hall (16) Houston High School football player died on the same day the Hilltoppers football team was scheduled to play at Senatobia in the first round of the Class 4A playoffs News Story
  1438. 08/11/2021 Germany Dead
    Ludwig Schmidt (56),TSV Lauf Footballer and Tennis player was involved in football all his life, but collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died in Germany whilst playing tennis.  News Story
  1439. 08/11/2021 New Brunswick, Canada Dead
    Sohrab Lutchmedial (52), Ice Hockey coach and cardiologist who told the non-vaxxed “I won’t cry at your funeral.” Two weeks after a third mRNA injection, he died.  News Story  News Story2
  1440. 08/11/2021 Sweden
    Aksel Örn Ekblom (31), Bandy player (similar to ice hockey … but with a ball). He has been banned from training since receiving the vaccine as he now has heart problems.  News Story
  1441. 07/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Jajov Adenan (30), Macedonian footballer and lumberjack. Relatives said he experienced fatigue and nausea after the 2nd Pfizer vaccine. After playing soccer with friends, he felt sick, lost consciousness, and collapsed on a bench, between the first and second half, 3 days after the vaccine. Resuscitation failed. He was previously listed in “no information” due to his name being spelled “Jiob Adnan” from a Hebrew translation.  News Story
  1442. 07/11/2021 Utah, USA
    Eric Turner (41), fitness model and bodybuilder suffered a spontaneous coronary artery dissection. His second COVID vaccine was in mid-may, according to his own posts. Like Doctor Lutchmedial, he said nasty things about people who preferred Ivermectin over experimental vaccines. News Story  Thank you Heidi
  1443. 07/11/2021 Russia  Dead
    Aliya Khambikova, 21, Female Russian volleyball player. Died of unstated illness (not COVID) News Story
  1444. 07/11/2021 Norcross High School, Georgia, USA Dead
    Isaiah Banks, 16, Norcross High School football player died at home of a medical condition unrelated to football.   News Story
  1445. 07/11/2021, Germany
    Unnamed football player collapsed in Landesliga Staffel 2 NRW FC Arpe/Wormbach against BSV Menden (NRW) without opposing influence.  News Story
  1446. 07/11/2021, Germany
    Unnamed Referee collapsed in 20th minute of a women’s game in Thüringen.  News Story
  1447. 07/11/2021, Germany
    Unnamed vaccinated football player suffered a stroke during a district cup match, with one-side paralysis, transported to hospital by ambulance.  News Story
  1448. 07/11/2021 Denmark
    Benjamin Rud Jensen (25), Vordingborg Footballer collapsed on the field at the end of the FC Nakskov and Vordingborg IF match. Resuscitated and then taken to Nykøbing Falster hospital for further observation. Symptoms: chest pain, bad headaches and dizziness.  News Story
  1449. 06/11/2021 Galicia, Spain
    Ezequiel Martínez Canosa (20), Fisterra footballer collapsed during a match. He said heart problems run in the family, and that more tests were needed to know what really happened. Vaccination status unknown. News Story
  1450. 06/11/2021 Primorsky Territory, Russia Dead
    Victor Plakhuta (35), Powerlifter. Victor’s sister said he was generally fit and healthy. Cause of death given as bilateral pneumonia, but according to friends, Victor died two weeks after coronavirus vaccination.  News Story
  1451. 06/11/2021 Brazil  Dead
    Luíz Antônio dos Santos, 57, Brazilian Olympic long-distance runner (1996), cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1452. 06/11/2021, Scotland
    Jamie Hamilton (19) Hamilton Accies defender left the field with chest pains.  News Story
  1453. 06/11/2021 Dead
    Shawn Rhoden (46), Mr. Olympia 2018 bodybuilder, dead from cardiac arrest News Story
  1454. 05/11/2021 Argentina Dead
    Carlos Mario Brummich (60+), Yeti Gutiérrez basketballer collapsed during a tournament match and the hospital was unable to save him. News Story
  1455. 05/11/2021 Belarusia Dead
    Konstantin Wajgin (or Vaygin or Vaigin), 57, Belarusian biathlete and coach. News report only refers to death, not cause.  News Story
  1456. 05/11/2021 Italy
    Daouda Peeters (22), Belgian footballer, Juventus midfielder. Diagnosed with neuropathy, sensory disorders and motor difficulties.  News Story
  1457. 05/11/2021 Spain
    Caroline Graham Hansen (26), FC Barcelona women’s footballer from Norway. Complained of a rapid heartbeat and chest pains during a game and was replaced. Diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia. After more than a month out, she returned to playing.  News Story
  1458. 05/11/2021, USA Dead
    Dusan Pasek (36), @bratislavaCAPS CEO, 2 days after Boris Sádecký. We suspected all along that Pasek may have killed himself because he convinced his while team to get vaccinated, and the vaccine killed his friend and star player, Boris Sádecký.  News Story
  1459. 04/11/2021 Provo, Utah, US
    Richard Harward (26), Brigham Young Cougars basketball player (#42) will miss the rest of the season due to a “cardiovascular issue.” Harward was vaccinated 2 weeks prior.  News Story
  1460. 04/11/2021 France
    Gabriel (16) Basketballer from Haute-Garonne, France suffered severe chest pains at school, 2 days after his first dose of COVID vaccine on September 11 2021. He was told “it would pass.” “Two days later, still in high school, it started again. He said it was like his heart was being crushed. He was told to breathe, that it didn’t matter.” His health improved but, forty-eight hours later, he was in pain at home. He was bent and grabbed his chest. He has a cardiac arrest. Two days later, it happened ahain and was diagnosed with myocarditis. As he is very athletic, his basketball club required a health pass and he was banned from sport for a month. He was advised not to have more vaccinations. He is unable to leave France, even though he was to travel for sport.  News Story
  1461. 04/11/2021 Pennsylvania, USA
    Dick Dodds (62), longtime ice hockey coach, suffered a cardiac arrest while teaching a class for adults. He started to feel ill and left the ice to go into his office alone, but collapsed. He has since started cardiac rehabilitation, which entails performing some exercises while his heart is being monitored.  News Story
  1462. 04/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Adrianna Piller (42), Polish biathlete who won medals at the world championships. She died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1463. 03/11/2021, USA Dead
    Jordan Tucker (late 20s) former Longridge Town FC Captain died suddenly.
  1464. 03/11/2021, Austria Dead
    Boris Sádecký (24), vaccinated Slovakian @bratislavaCAPS ice hockey star died after collapsing on the ice during a match in Dornbirn, Austria. As of September 25, over 80 percent of the league’s players had received COVID injections.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1465. 03/11/2021 Latvia Dead
    Ingus Eiduks (61), Latvian skier and coach died. His daughter said her father was double vaccinated. He coached his children to be multiple Latvian champions.  News Story  News Story2
  1466. 02/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Robert Marcyś (44), former Żak Kielce jodoka, died while training with a group of judo veterans at the club. No further details given.  News Story
  1467. 02/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Andrea Cursio (42), former professional Pordenone footballer collapsed and died in the office where he worked. He had always been involved with football and continued coaching after his playing career ended.  News Story  News Story2
  1468. 02/11/2021 New York, USA Dead
    Christina Carpenito (28), former high school volleyball player, died suddenly at her home in Westchester, New York state.  News Story
  1469. 01/11/2021, Wales  Dead
    Logan Luker (17), rugby player Youth Captain at Penygraig RFC died suddenly News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1470. 01/11/2021 Montana, USA Dead
    Jedd Hoffman (15), Park City High School wide receiver and linebacker, collapsed with seizure-like actions. An assistant coach administered CPR and used a defibrillator. Hoffman was rushed to hospital at St. Vincent Healthcare in Billings, where he died a week later.  News Story
  1471. 01/11/2021, Sogndal, Norway
    Emil Palsson (28), Icelandic midfielder playing for Sogndal (Norwegian club), collapsed due to cardiac arrest during their game against Stjordals-Blink in the 12th minute, resuscitated, then flown to Haukeland Hospital for further examination and treatment.  News Story
  1472. 01/11/2021, Italy Dead
    Vittoria Campo Italian soccer player collapsed with cardiac arrest, died in hospital. Her brother Alessandro (25) died 1/9/2021.  News Story
  1473. ??/11/2021 Switzerland
    Lara Gut-Behrami (30), Swiss World Cup alpine ski racer had extreme difficulty breathing and suffered repeated seizures for several weeks since the vaccine in October. She only trained five times in November 2021. On 30 November she still had difficulty breathing. On 11 December, she won a race, but on 17th, a positive COVID PCR test will keep her out for four races.  News Story  News Story2

    October 2021

  1474. ??/10/2021, Tennesee, USA
    Shelby Grace Allen (17), Dyer County Bowling Team member in Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis, after developing Guillain-Barré Syndrome.  News Story
  1475. 31/10/2021 France
    Unnamed (42), Ourville-en-Caux footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest in the locker room after a match between Ourville-en-Caux and Yvetot. Resuscitated and airlifted to Rouen CHU hospital.  News Story
  1476. 31/10/2021 Minnesota, USA
    Unnamed (Age?) female Ice Hockey player, a high school senior student in Blaine, collapsed with cardiac arrest on the ice during a hockey match at the Super Rink. Resuscitated by a college student EMT on her second day in the job. Taken to Coon Rapids Mercy Hospital, released the next day.  News Story
  1477. 31/10/2021 Poland Dead
    Krystian Kozek (17), MKS Wisłok Strzyżów football goalkeeper and manager. “Today the whole Wisłok mourned. We lost a member of our soccer family. With great regret, we announce the tragic death of our Friend, Manager, Goalkeeper and the always smiling good man.” No details of the circumstances were available Krystian is one of three young Polish footballers who died this year. News Story
  1478. 31/10/2021, Spain
    Sergio Aguero (33), vaccinated Argentinian Barcelona star striker suffered chest pains and collapsed in match, now being treated for heart problems. Also known as Kun Agüero)  December 15 update – Sergio Aguero announced he was forced to retire by a “heart condition.” He now has an implant. 15 March 2023 update: suffered a heart arrhythmia during a live Twitch stream. He said “I don’t know the real cause of why I had to leave football. No one knows what happened. Maybe it was covid, maybe it was the vaccine. The reality is that I don’t know. It happened to me and now I have to take care of myself. It might have been an underlying condition that was triggered. I don’t know.”  News Story
  1479. 31/10/2021 Argentina Dead
    Jorge Casas (56) lifelong marathon runner participated in an event in Capilla del Monte collapsed and died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1480. 30/10/2021, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Blake Barklage (17), a tennis player at La Salle High School in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania. Collapsed and died with a sudden cardiac arrest, after his team’s victory in the PCL. La Salle Covid Policy: Vaccines encouraged, Magnus confirmation, No quarantine or contact tracing for vaccinated students, Unvaccinated strongly encouraged to wear a mask, No unvaccinated students may travel beyond local events (Maximum 2.0 hr radius), includes student athletes. Note: Blake’s name was misspelled Barkley in a news story.  News Story
  1481. 30/10/2021 Tunisia Dead
    Doudou Faye (35), Senegalese basketball player suffered cardiac arrest. The Tunisian basketball championship paid tribute to one of its eminent members. News Story
  1482. 30/10/2021, Germany
    Benedikt Kirsch, captain of SpVgg Bayreuth (Bavaria) collapsed on the pitch. Julian Pietsch from VfB Schloß Holte 2 resuscitated him.  News Story
  1483. 30/10/2021 New York, USA
    Monika Simkova (23), former University at Buffalo Volleyball player was perfectly healthy only days before being taken to hospital, where doctors realized an aggressive bacterial infection had taken over and her body turned septic. “They amputated both her legs … above the knees. They were beyond saving.”  News Story
    29/10/2021 India Dead
    Puneeth Rajkumar (46), Fitness and Powerstar actor had always been a strong advocate of health and fitness, regarded highly for his physique and fitness ethic. He encouraged others to get the covid vaccine and shared a photo of himself being injected. He was taken to the doctor, complaining of intense fatigue after visiting the gym. He was then rushed to hospital, where he later died.  News Story  News Story2
  1484. 28/10/2021, Balochistan Dead
    Mohammad Islam (30), Raziq football player collapsed mid game, pronounced dead at hospital  News Story
  1485. 28/10/2021, New Jersey USA, (New Zealand rugby player), (28)
    Tevita Bryce (28) Montclair Norsemen rugby player collapsed during game from 2 heart attacks and a stroke caused by a blood clot, heart stopped for 28 minutes  News Story  News Story
  1486. 28/10/2021, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Jayson Kidd (12) collapsed during basketball practice at school and later died.  News Story
  1487. 28/10/2021, Germany Dead
    Levent Selim (48), Hertha BSC co-trainer,  died suddenly and unexpectedly while on vacation.  Club URL  News Story  Twitter
  1488. 28/10/2021, Germany
    Unnamed football player suffered cardiac arrest (NRW) Dersum. Rescusitated by Josef Stefens and Jürgen Koop  News Story
  1489. 28/10/2021 Kansas, USA
    Chad Robert (15), American Football player collapsed from a cardiac arrest, while warming up for a high school game in Kansas, USA. He was given CPR and an AED was used to help revive him, before being taken to hospital. An internal defibrillator was implanted, enabling a return to athletic activities the following year.  15/10/2022 Portugal Dead
    Derrick Tee (36), experienced Singaporean triathlete participant needed medical attention in the first swimming leg of a triathlon in Portugal and died on the way to hospital. News Story News Story2 News Story3 News Story4
  1490. 27/10/2021 North Carolina, USA Dead
    Calvin T. Rockward III (38), physical fitness. A highly-trained special forces operative suffered “a sudden unexpected medical event during training” and died during a physical fitness training exercise at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, USA.  News Story
  1491. 27/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Mirco Adani (53), expert cyclist over many years of mountain biking in Italy. His body was found after suffering a cardiac arrest while out cycling.  News Story
  1492. 26/10/2021 Derbyshire, England Dead
    Jack Gallagher (20’s), Gresley Rovers footballer (United Counties Premier League North). Clubs across the area paid tribute to the young footballer. No cause of death.  News Story
  1493. 25/10/2021 Liège, Belgium Dead
    Michaël Englebert (37), Ortho footballer suffered a cardiac arrest in the locker room after playing a match. He was resuscitated, but died the next day in hospital. News Story
  1494. 25/10/2021
    Halil Elitok (25), SG Gahmen midfielder collapsed on pitch due to cardiac arrest  News Story
  1495. 24/10/2021 USA Dead
    Carl Madsen (71), NFL official died in his car, stalled in a lane on I-65, after working the Kansas City-Tennessee game  News Story
  1496. 24/10/2021, Germany
    Elly Böttcher (17) from Rostocker FC collapsed in away game in Hohen Neuendorf of the women’s Regionalliga Nordost without opposing influence   News Story
  1497. 24/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Mario Mingarelli (69), school PE teacher, footballer and coach of many football teams. On his last day, having been to two football matches, he returned to home, where he began to experience symptoms of illness and was rushed to hospital, where he died.  News Story
  1498. 24/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Bruno Taffarel (56) was hiking in the Italian Alps when he collapsed on an uphill stretch. Immediate resuscitation attempts failed and he died. News Story
  1499. 24/10/2021 South Korea Dead
    Something Min (33), Fitness trainer died 3 days after his 2nd Moderna vaccine. His sister said that her young brother was in good health, with no underlying disease and who used to exercise every day due to the nature of his work.  News Story
  1500. 24/10/2021 France Dead
    Unnamed (43), Montgasconnaise Sports Union Football goalkeeper collapsed at half-time in the locker room. Resuscitation attempts for more than an hour failed and he died.  News Story
  1501. 23/10/2021 Spain Dead
    José Sáenz Guerrero (53), runner from the Cantabrian municipality of Santoña. Was participating in the Bilbao half-marathon race but collapsed, suffering three cardiac arrests and died just after the run ended.  News Story
  1502. 23/10/2021 Italy
    Francesco Ossato (20), Skateboarder arrived at the skate park to skate with friends. He collapsed due to a sudden cardiac arrest before doing anything strenuous. He was taken to hospital. Further details awaited.  News Story
  1503. 23/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Remigio Bova (30), Serie C basketball referee, who worked as an instrumental nurse in Rome, Italy. He died unexpectedly in his sleep.  News Story
  1504. 22/10/2021 California, USA Dead
    Marco Benitez (13), football player suddenly collapsed while playing football at school. He was transported to hospital but later died. His mother said he was a healthy teenager. The coroner’s medical report, said he had an undetected heart condition.  News Story
  1505. 22/10/2021 California, USA Dead
    Marco Benitez (13), Footballer and middle school student collapsed while playing football at school. He was transported to the hospital where he later died. His mother said “Benitez was a healthy teenager.”  News Story  News Story2
  1506. 21/10/2021, UK
    Nathan Baker, Bristol city footballer, collapsed during the game. 2 fans were also treated for medical emergencies.  News Story
  1507. 21/10/2021, NSW Central Coast, Australia
    Cienna Knowles (19) Australian equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots. vomiting, fever, wet in sweat, heart palpitations, headache, sore muscles & joints like hell, blurry vision after Pfizer vaccine. News Storyand instagram
  1508. 20/10/2021, Germany  Dead
    Hans-Günter Kinnen (65), Weiler-Volkhoven tournament coordinator, youth manager, former player  News Story
  1509. 20/10/2021, Italy  Dead
    Ronald Biglione (26), Argentine Deportivo Club Independencia football player hospitalized with blood clots (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) after 2nd vaccine. Died 5 Nov News Story
  1510. 19/10/2021 Murcia, Spain
    Antonio López (32), Real Murcia football defender had cardiomyopathy, a heart condition that can lead to heart failure, forced him to retire from playing football. He will have an implanted defibrillator. News Story
  1511. 19/10/2021 USA
    Megan Roth (34), Marathoner, running trainer and sub-elite runner. Suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed During the Boston Marathon. Onlookers performed CPR on her and saved her life. News Story
  1512. 18/10/2021 Mexico
    Ronaldo Cisneros (24), Chivas footballer announced that his medical examination found a heart problem. News Story
  1513. 18/10/2021 New Zealand Dead
    Sean Wainui (25), Star NZ rugby player, died in a solo car crash into a tree, a week after getting vaccinated  News Story
  1514. 18/10/2021 USA Dead
    Lexi Riggles (16), a Hanover College senior and 2018 Danville High School graduate who played basketball for the Panthers and Warriors, died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1515. 18/10/2021 France
    Ansou Sen (27), Pluvigner football club defender suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed in the middle of the Brittany Cup match. He was airlifted to hospital.  News Story
  1516. 18/10/2021 Texas, USA
    Alvino Santana (56), Kickboxer was instructing a class when he went into sudden cardiac arrest in the gym. A defibrillator and CPR were used to resuscitate him and he is recovering.  News Story
  1517. 18/10/2021 England
    Dan Barden (20), Norwich City Footballer diagnosed with testicular cancer, for which he received treatment. 7 months later, he was back playing and also back in the Wales U21 squad.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  1518. 17/10/2021 USA Dead
    Brian Gassaway (49), former UFC MMA fighter. No cause of death.  News Story
  1519. 17/10/2021 Brazil Dead
    Adans João Santos Alencar (38), former Brazilian footballer for Bruski FC, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in Blumenau in the Santa Catarina Championship.  News Story
  1520. 17/10/2021, France Dead
    Badr Laksour (41), AS Rasteau midfield soccer player collapsed in the 43rd minute, at the Saint-Ruf stadium in Avignon. He held his chest and collapsed due to cardiac arrest. Players of the opposing team and a nurse tried to resuscitate him but he died.  News Story. News Story
  1521. 17/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Haitem Jabeur Fathallah (32), Tunisian basketball player for Italian team Fortutido Messina collapsed with a cardiac arrest in a match against Reggio Calabria. Resuscitation started on the floor, with several doctors attending. Died in hospital.  News Story
  1522. 17/10/2021 Michegan, USA
    Tommy Kornieck (26), Marathon Runner collapsed with a sudden cardiac arrest during the Detroit Marathon. He received treatment on the spot and was taken to hospital. Implanted with a cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).  News Story
  1523. 17/10/2021 Ohio, USA Dead
    Braden Markus (15), American Football student at Olentangy High School in Ohio, USA also played other sports. He died suddenly. No further details available.  News Story
  1524. 16/10/2021 Padua, Italy Dead
    Dr. Filippo Morando (37), soccer player in Padua, Italy. Collapsed with severe chest pain during a run. Resuscitated by others present, went to the hospital but was discharged. Died 5 days later.  News Story
  1525. 16/10/2021, France Dead
    Christophe Ramassamy (54) AH player and former referee collapsed and died of a cardiac arrest during a match.  News Story
  1526. 15/10/2021, Gold Coast, Australia
    Ava Azzopardi (14), female soccer player collapsed on the pitch kept in an artificial coma in hospital. Later recovered.  News Story
  1527. 15/10/2021 Alberta, Canada Dead
    Brandon Isaac (24), Lakeland Rustlers Basketball player died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  1528. 14/10/2021, Germany Dead
    Heinz Steinbach (76), referee collapsed and died during a game Kreisliga B match between SC Daisbach and FSV Taunusstein in Aarbergen (Hesse)  News Story   News Story2
  1529. 14/10/2021, Italy
    Unnamed AH footballer (53) suffered a cardiac arrest while training.
  1530. 14/10/2021, Italy
    Gianni Moscon (27), multiple cycling champion, to undergo an operation because of severe cardiac arrhythmia.  News Story
  1531. 14/10/2021 UK Dead
    David Jenkins (31), Olympic silver medalist diver and British diving coach unexpectedly died. News Story
  1532. 13/10/2021, Brazil
    Fellipe de Jesus Moreira (18) professional footballer suffered a double heart attack. Released from hospital 3rd November.  News Story
  1533. 13/10/2021, Mexico Dead
    Hector Manuel Mendoza (16) died of a cardiac arrest while training.  News Story
  1534. 13/10/2021 India Dead
    Kaizzad Capadia (49), fitness expert, vaccinated director of a fitness education company and celebrity trainer in India collapsed with a sudden illness and by the time he arrived at hospital, he was already dead. A rapid antigen test was done. “The test was positive for Covid-19 and the cause of death on the certificate was listed as due to coronavirus disease”. According to his relatives, Capadia had taken his first dose of Covid-19 vaccine.  News Story  News Story2
  1535. 13/10/2021 France Dead
    Andréa Lombard (21), national gendarmerie rugby union team player suffered a stroke and was placed in an artificial coma. Died five days later.  News Story  News Story2
  1536. 12/10/2021 Spain
    Ferran Duran (27), Maià footballer collapsed on the pitch then suffered multiple heart attacks before arriving at the hospital. An automatic defibrillator was implanted in his heart.  News Story  News Story2
  1537. 12/10/2021, Macedonia Dead
    Julija Portjanko (38), Ukrainian-born Macedonian handball player (Kometal Gjorče Petrov, Arvor 29, Macedonia national team). surprise death, in car with her husband, returning from Greece. News Story
  1538. 12/10/2021 Germany Dead
    Lukas Bommer (25), goalkeeper of HC TuRa Bergkamen, died suddenly and unexpectedly.  News Story
  1539. 12/10/2021 Scotland, UK
    Ewan Fraser (30), Glasgow field hockey player collapsed with cardiac arrest, during a match News Story
  1540. 11/10/2021 Russia Dead
    Igor Nikulin (61), Hammer thrower is the third Soviet Olympic hammer medallist to die in less than two months. This follows the deaths in September of double gold medallist Yuriy Sedykh and two-time bronze medallist Jüri Tamm. Vaccinated twice.  News Story
  1541. 11/10/2021 Norway
    Daniel Aakervik (17), one of Norway’s greatest cross-country skiing talents suspended his season after a severe reaction to COVID vaccination. News Story
  1542. 11/10/2021, Germany
    Marcel Herder, Guest coach,  collapsed on the edge of field Mühlwiese (Saxony) Resuscitated  News Story
  1543. 11/10/2021 North Macedonia Dead
    Julia Nikolic (38), Handball player for various clubs and 57 international matches for North Macedonia, died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1544. 10/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Alessandro Cabrio (59), Gaglianico 74 sports association Runner. He had covered about 17km of the planned circuit, only 4km from the end, when he collapsed with a cardiac arrest. News Story
  1545. 10/10/2021 Dead
    Simone Bedodi (40), Italian baseball player and coach of the Park Ranger baseball team. Died In his sleep.  News Story
  1546. 10/10/2021, Germany
    Unnamed female Fortuna Freudenberg player collapsed in the final minute of the match against Wacker Mecklenbeck in the Women’s Westphalia League. She collapsed without any opposing influence.  News Story
  1547. 10/10/2021, Italy Dead
    Unnamed (59) long-distance runner from Biella collapsed with cardiac arrest during the second Su-Per Veglio Trail race. Resuscitation with defibrilator failed and he died there.
  1548. 10/10/2021, France
    Unnamed Saint-James player (40) collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the change room, after warming up before the game with Avranches. Saved with defibrilator by a firefighter-medic on the opposing team.  News Story
  1549. 10/10/2021, Italy
    Pompeo Tretola (18), soccer player suddenly faints on the field, is revived by his teammate.  News Story
  1550. 10/10/2021 Sri Lanka Dead
    Gayan Shanaka (33), Sri Lanka Army Rugby Union frontline player in the Sri Lanka Army rugby team. Collapsed from a sudden cardiac arrest during training and died.  News Story
  1551. 10/10/2021 France
    Christophe Da Silva (Age), Saint Avé, Footballer was playing football with 35 minutes left in the match when he collapsed. The on-site defibrillator did not work, but fellow players managed to resuscitate him.  News Story
  1552. 09/10/2021, England
    Ryan Bowman (29) Shrewsbury professional striker was treated with a defibrillator after half an hour of play with extreme heart problems.  News Story
  1553. 09/10/2021, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico Dead
    Alberto Olguin, PGA golf caddy for Manuel Torres collapsed on the course during PGA Tour Latinoamerica event due to a cardiac arrest. It was the second PGA caddy death (19 June).  News Story
  1554. 09/10/2021 Germany
    Patrick Schaaf (32), SG Barockstadt Fulda-Lehnerz Footballer. After playing on October 9th 2021, Patrick Schaaf had stabbing pains in his lungs when he inhaled. Diagnosis: pneumonia and pericarditis. Schaaf had apparently ignored an earlier infection. The result: three months sports ban. In late January 2022, he had the green light to start training again.  News Story
  1555. 09/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Riccardo Firrarello (29), Football player from the Vercelli area of Italy, played for various local football teams died suddenly.  News Story
  1556. 09/10/2021 Ecuador
    Joao Paredes (25), Mushuc Runa Footballer, a new player for the club, but “unofficially it is said that Paredes did not pass the medical tests … he was diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia and fibrosis, for which he was recommended to retire.” On March 9th 2022, he is reported training with the reserves team.  News Story
  1557. 08/10/2021 Dead
    Dean Chiazari (31), canoe rower. Died of a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1558. 08/10/2021, France Dead
    Benoit Sabard (49), SC Massay player suffered a fatal cardiac arrest during the game. This is the third death of the year at SC Massay, after that of Jean-Philippe Roux (73?), former president of the club and deputy mayor of the town, and that of Franck Martin, former player and former vice-president.  News Story
  1559. 08/10/2021 Zimbabwe Dead
    Dean Chiazzari (31), Canoer had been to the Fish River Canoe Marathon in Zimbabwe. At some point, he had a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story  News Story2
  1560. 07/10/2021 Japan
    Kota Ibushi (39), Wrestler cancelled his participation in contests (July 2021) due to vaccine side-effects. Six months later, December 2021, he is still being monitored to determine when he can return to the ring.  News Story  News Story2
  1561. 07/10/2021, Italy
    Unnamed athlete from Colverde (17) collapsed with cardiac arrest while training.
  1562. 07/10/2021 France Dead
    Gaëtan Binet (27) Jogger collapsed due to a cardiac arrest whilst jogging. He was training to be a dog handler.  News Story
  1563. 07/10/2021 France
    Mickaël De Oliveira (31), Footballer developed pericarditis shortly after receiving the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine. Mickaël said that he had only taken vaccine because of the recent introduction of the health pass: “I play soccer and I do improv theater – to continue – I needed the pass. Likewise, to have a normal social life. I would’ve never taken the vaccine if it wasn’t for the health pass.”  News Story
  1564. 06/10/2021, Germany Dead
    Bern Bauer (61), Trainer DJK Concordia Ludwigshafen (Rheinland-Pfalz)  News Story
  1565. 06/10/2021
    Florian Dagoury: World’s Top Static Breath-Hold Freediver diagnosed with Myocarditis and Pericarditis 40 days after second Pfizer vaccine – Instagram  News Story
  1566. 06/10/2021 Dead
    George Peterson (37) AKA “Da Bull” Bodybuilder won the Classic Physique competition at 2019 Arnold Classic, died days before competing in a top bodybuilding competition. Suspected brain hemorrhage after receiving two doses of covid vaccine which was an Orlando Olympics requirement. Also reported: sudden cardiac dysrhythmia due to hypertensive cardiovascular disease.  News Story
  1567. 06/10/2021 Ohio, USA
    Elias Abou Nassif (44), Gymnast was working out in the gym when he collapsed from a cardiac arrest. Three doctors, also working out at the gym, performed CPR on him for seven minutes and then used the gym’s automated external defibrillator (AED) on him to bring back a heartbeat.  News Story
  1568. 04/10/2021, Germany Dead
    Alexander Siegfried (42) from VfB Moschendorf unexpectedly collapsed and died.  News Story
  1569. 04/10/2021 Dead
    Hayden Holman (22), Sugar City, Idaho marathon runner. Collapsed during St. George Marathon in Utah. Initially revived. Died in the hospital.  News Story
  1570. 04/10/2021 France Dead
    Evan surname unknown (17), gymnast attended the Autun military high school, but collapsed suddenly during a gym session.  News Story
  1571. 04/10/2021 Poland Dead
    Małgorzata Gembicka (36), Swimmer was for many years the leading swimmer in Poland, but she died suddenly aged only 36. No further details are available.  News Story
  1572. 03/10/2021 Dead
    Niels de Wolff (27), Belgian White Star Sombeke football club player, collapsed with cardiac arrest after a game with Warbrook team. Revived with CPR and defibrillator. Died in hospital three days later.  News Story
  1573. 03/10/2021, Germany
    Timucin Sen (Hesse) Football player collapsed on pitch 10 Minutes before the end of the game. Resuscitated  News Story
  1574. 03/10/2021, Austria Dead
    Ernst Scherr (64) ex-goalkeeper coach and talent scout unexpectedly died.
  1575. 03/10/2021 Canada
    Josh Archibald (28), Edmonton Oilers hockey forward  out indefinitely due to myocarditis News Story
  1576. 03/10/2021 Italy
    Öner Calik (35), Turkish origin football referee suffered a “medical emergency” during a match between VfB Waltrop II and Vinnum II, in the 20th minute. Symptoms: headaches and tingling in the arm. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance and the match was called off. No other information available.  News Story
  1577. 02/10/2021 Argentina Dead
    Jorge “Acero” Cali (49), former kickboxing world champion and boxing promoter, suffered a cardiac arrest at a hotel in La Pampa and died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1578. 02/10/2021 USA
    Trey Potts (20), Minnesota NCAAF sophomore running back in a game with Purdue, was taken to nearby hospital. He remained in two Indiana hospitals for a total of six nights, and missed the rest of the 2021 season. The team would not release details, other than it was a severe upper body injury, but there were no signs on the field that he had been hurt. Upper body could indicate a cardiac arrest. On 22 December, Potts predicted he would make a full recovery, but still did not disclose what happened, except that it was a very serious and scary injury.   News Story
  1579. 02/10/2021 France
    Martin Lefèvre (16), Agneaux FC Football player collapsed during a Gambardella Cup match against FC Saint-Lô Manche, shortly before the half-hour mark. He attends Curie-Corot high school in Saint-Lô. His father said that his son has no heart problems, it was an inflammation of an artery in the brain, like a stroke … The club president said “He was paralyzed all over the right side, had lost his speech but remained conscious.” He remained in hospital for four days and transferred to the Centre for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for Children and Adolescents (CMPR), in Flers (Orne)  News Story
  1580. 02/10/2021 Holland
    Ceylin del Carmen Alvarado (23),  Dutch, reigning European champion Cyclo-cross rider out of action due to ‘disturbed blood count’ News Story
  1581. 02/10/2021 Dead
    Jake Kazmarek (28) bodybuilder, Moderna vaccines 31st August & 28th September 2021 Died four days after vaccine  News Story
  1582. 02/10/2021 USA Dead
    Major Wingate (37), American basketball player and former Tennessee basketball captain (Springfield Armor, Shanxi Zhongyu, Tofas Bursa) died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1583. 02/10/2021 Argentina Dead
    Nicolás Martínez (65), football player from the Veterans League collapsed due to a sudden cardiac arrest and fell heavily to the ground while playing a match.  News Story
  1584. 01/10/2021 Nashville, Tennessee, USA
    Todd Richards (54), Nashville Predators Ice Hockey assistant coach, had a heart attack or cardiac arrest  News Story
  1585. 01/10/2021, Germany Dead
    Bruno Stein (15) goalkeeper from FC An der Fahner Höhe in Gräfentonna, Thuringia, died.  News Story
  1586. 01/10/2021 Canada  Dead
    Jacob Downey (18), Peterborough Petes hockey player in 2019-2020 season, passed away suddenly after medical emergency. Queens University requires all students be vaccinated. Jacob’s father says he doesn’t believe it had anything to do with his son’s death News Story

    September 2021

  1587. 30/09/2021, Germany
    Unnamed (17) footballer collapsed during the A 2 regional league game between SV Hoßkirch and TSV Sigmaringendorf. He suffered cardiac arrest and was resuscitated.  News Story
  1588. 30/09/2021 Kostroma, Russia Dead
    Anna Kruglova (27), Russian national Taekwondo champion and a medallist in both European and World Taekwondo championships. No official cause of death, but it is reported that she suffered a heart attack then died, two days after covid-19 vaccine  News Story
  1589. 30/09/2021 England
    Rhema Lord-Mears (26), female Sheffield United Women’s Football defender was diagnosed with a blood clot in her lower leg and therefore unavailable for some time.  News Story
  1590. 29/09/2021, Germany Dead
    Dietmar Gladow (74), Team leader from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffered a fatal cardiac arrest before the game  News Story
  1591. 28/09/2021 USA Dead
    Antonio Elijah Hicks (16), American football at Citrus High School, Inverness, Florida collapsed with cardiac arrest while practicing with the school football team. He was rushed to Citrus Memorial Hospital, next door to the school, but later died.  News Story
  1592. 28/09/2021, USA Dead
    Unnamed twice vaccinated teenager (16) collapsed while playing soccer and died a little later.
  1593. 28/09/2021, Italy Dead
    Antonello Campus (53), football coach for a Sardinia youth team collapsed and died in Sicily during practice with team. Resuscitation attempts failed.  News Story
  1594. 28/09/2021, Germany
    Hoher Hagen (17), JSG soccer player collapsed during game and was revived in Hannoversch Munden  News Story
  1595. 28/09/2021 England Dead
    Jorja Halliday (15), female school student Kickboxer developed flu-like symptoms the weekend before she died. Her symptoms worsened, so she was admitted to hospital. Her heart rate was “double what it should have been.” Hospital staff tried to put Jorja on a ventilator so her body could recover, but her mother said her heart rate didn’t stabilise and “couldn’t take the strain.” Ms Halliday confirmed her daughter had no underlying health conditions.  News Story
  1596. 27/09/2021, Italy
    Unnamed rider (20) suffered a cardiac arrest at the end of a tournament.
  1597. 27/09/2021, Germany Dead
    Mr. Steidel, referee, suffered cardiac arrest in a game of Lauber SV (Bayern). Game abandoned.  News Story
  1598. 27/09/2021, Venezuela Dead
    Guillermo Arias (31), Camaguán FC, Guárico state in a game with La Villa FC. He collapsed and died on the field. News Story
  1599. 27/09/2021 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Sean Hartman (17), Ice Hockey player died with cardiac arrest two weeks after getting a covid19 injection – so he could play hockey. Symptoms: suffered multiple health problems immediately after the jab, including myocarditis.  News Story
  1600. 27/09/2021 Belgium Dead
    Maïssa (Age), female Gymnast and high school student at Virgo Plus school in Vilvoorde collapsed with a suspected cardiac arrest just a short time into a gym class. She died a few hours later.   News Story
  1601. 26/09/2021 USA Dead
    George Hall (60), Ironman Triathlon athlete from Martinez, was swimming in the Savannah River in the 1.2-mile first leg of the race when he had a cardiac arrest. Augusta Fire & EMA tweeted later in the day that a water rescue member on a personal watercraft assisted in pulling Hall out of the water and began performing life saving measures. Hall was sent to Augusta University Medical Center and pronounced dead there at 8:41am.  News Story
  1602. 26/09/2021 Italy
    Unnamed (20), female Show Jumper had just finished the exhibition at the European equestrian center equestrian center of Masotti when she collapsed with a cardiac arrest. She was resuscitated for half an hour by the doctor and a defibrillator and taken to Pistoia hospital. She had two doses of the COVID vaccine.  News Story
  1603. 26/09/2021, Germany Dead
    Benny Taft (33) football player and coach of SVU Unterferrieden (Bavaria) suffered cardiac arrest in an away game on 26th September. Was resuscitated, called the team to thank them for their fast action saving his life, but died on Sunday 27th  News Story
  1604. 25/09/2021 Greece
    George Vagiannidis (20), Panathinaikos footballer was paralyzed after receiving J&J COVID-19 vaccine, doctors have no answers.  News Story
  1605. 25/09/2021 Mexico Dead
    Leticia Rico Gonzalez (51), vaccinated triathlete. Collapsed and died of a cardiac arrest during Cozumel triathlon competition in Quintana Roo. Resuscitation attempts unsuccessful, pronounced dead at hospital.  News Story
  1606. 25/09/2021 California, USA Dead
    Estefania Arroyo (18) Water Polo team player and college student died suddenly. In December 2021, Santa Barbara County Coroner’s office said the investigation into the cause of death of Arroyo remained pending and refused comment. The college implemented a “vaccine” mandate … “Students and employees on campus must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing.”  News Story  News Story2
  1607. 24/09/2021 Philippines Dead
    Jerome Yenson (24), Baseballer, on national baseball team that won the gold in the 2019 Southeast Asian Games. He also led Adamson University to a UAAP baseball crown in 2018. He was found dead with no further details released.  News Story
  1608. 23/09/2021 India
    Sharad Kumar (29), Tokyo Paralympics bronze medal-winning high jumper, was diagnosed with heart inflammation.  News Story
  1609. 22/09/2021 Estonia Dead
    Jüri Tamm (64), Hammer thrower. Born in Parnu in 1957, when Estonia formed part of the Soviet Union, Tamm took up athletics in 1972. By the late 1970s he was among the top 20 in the world. Two of his Soviet-era hammer-throwing friends died within a period of two months. Vaccinated twice.  News Story
  1610. 22/09/2021 Israel Dead
    Arik Alfasi (49), Basketball coach, former Israeli national team assistant coach was twice vaccinated, then caught COVID – his condition worsened, was placed on life support and died. He had no co-morbidities and did not smoke.
  1611. 22/09/2021, Germany
    Nicky Dalibor (36), (Saxony-Anhalt) collapsed and was resuscitated on the pitch  News Story
  1612. 22/09/2021, Wisconsin USA
    Tom Felton (34), collapses during golf game  News Story
  1613. 21/09/2021
    Antoine Méchin (31), French triathlete suffered pulmonary embolism following Moderna vaccine  News Story
  1614. 21/09/2021, Germany
    Helen Edwards, At the women’s World Cup qualifier between Germany and Serbia in Chemnitz, the English linesman suffered heart problems and was carried off the pitch  News Story
  1615. 21/09/2021vv, Augsburg
    Unnamed assistant referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker, collapses with heart problems  News Story
  1616. 20/09/2021 Poland Dead
    Krzysztof Steliga (32), former MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ Ice Hockey player and former basketball player died in his sleep. No further information is available.  News Story
  1617. 19/09/2021 Serbia Dead
    D.J. (16), Footballer collapsed 30 seconds before the end of a match between the cadets of FK 011 and Rad Barajevo football clubs. fell to his knees, the coach a few meters away asked if he was okay, told him to leave the pitch. D.J. started to get up, took two steps and fell onto the grass. His pulse returned briefly during resuscitation but he died.  News Story
  1618. 19/09/2021, Germany Dead
    Dirk Splisteser volleyball trainer from SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines within one hour News Story
  1619. 19/09/2021, France
    Unnamed FC Nantes soccer player (19) suffered cardiac arrest during training
  1620. 18/09/2021, Canada Dead
    Francis Perron (25), University of Ottawa Gee-Gees defensive linebacker died suddenly after a game in Toronto. The University of Ottawa earlier launched its mandatory vaccination policy, “anyone who intends on coming to campus for any reason must be vaccinated.”  News Story
  1621. 18/09/2021, Germany Dead
    Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern Munich had a heart operation after an arrhythmia.  News Story
  1622. 17/09/2021 Visakhapatnam, India
    Murtaza Lodhgar (aka Murtu bhai) (45), Mizoram Colts Cricketer. On an after-dinner walk he suddenly felt enormous chest pain and fell on the road  News Story
  1623. 17/09/2021
    John Stokes (21), NCAA Tennessee State University golfer had myocarditis four days after his second Pfizer dose. Spoke out against vaccine mandates News Story
  1624. 16/09/2021 Greece
    Giannis Nakos (33), Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Greek martial art champion. He said My life was ruined after the Pfizer vaccine. Serious problems began seven days after the first vaccine. In the gym, he suddenly lost control of his legs, shaking all over, had bradycardia and a tendency to faint. He immediately contacted his cardiologist, who first asked him if he had been vaccinated. His condition does not allow him to play sports, nor to continue his life smoothly.  News Story
  1625. 16/09/2021 Austria
    Raul Marte (19), SC Austria Lustenau midfield footballer diagnosed with pericarditis, forced to take a break of several months, will not play for SC Austria Lustenau this calendar year.  News Story
  1626. 16/09/2021
    Imogen Allen (24), female equestrian, champion show jumper may never ride again. Hospitalized with a  severe reaction to Moderna Covid vaccine with two massive blood clots on her lungs two weeks after her first vaccination. News Story
  1627. 16/09/2021, India Dead
    Avi Barot (29), Saurashtra cricketer suffered cardiac arrest, died – News Story
  1628. 15/09/2021 Pennsylvania, USA
    Rick Henrick (66), Golfer and “active 66-year-old US trucking company sales director.” “Henrick started the day with a workout and a swim, then headed to the golf course for the tournament.”  He was not feeling well on the course, but persevered until eventually he collapsed.  He had a heart attack.  CPR was administered at the golf course and he was taken to hospital for treatment.  News Story

  1629. 14/09/2021 Russia Dead
    Yuriy Sedykh (66), Hammer thrower. The Russian track and field federation said Sedykh died early Tuesday after a heart attack. Vaccinated twice.  Story
  1630. 14/09/2021, USA Dead
    Parys Haralson (37) former star player at Justice at Madison Central, then Tennessee and in the NFL died suddenly and unexpectedly at home in Jan Jose, California. News Story
  1631. 14/09/2021 Wales Dead
    Paul Jones (49), Rugby Union player and former Wales B rugby union international, died suddenly. Paul also played in the second row for Llanelli, Newport, Caerphilly and Leeds.  News Story
  1632. 13/09/2021 France Dead
    Gilles Jakiela (54), Team Bousies Cycling semi-professional and manager died suddenly of a cardiac arrest. News Story
  1633. 13/09/2021 Minesota, US Dead
    Mike Elhard (39), Marathon runner went out training for the Chicago marathon but failed to return home. He collapsed and died a half mile east of his home, not long after going out.  News Story  News Story2  Hennepin Medical Examiner
  1634. 13/09/2021 Waseca, Minnesota, USA
    Brad Wendland (48), Waseca Bluejays high school football team head coach had a cardiac arrest on the sideline of Friday’s game against St. Peter  News Story
  1635. 13/09/2021, Germany
    Anil Usta, Turkish national playing for Vfb Schwelm (Ennepetal) collapsed on field with heart problems  News Story
  1636. 13/09/2021 Louisiana, USA Dead
    Kevione Tronasha Faulk (19), American Football coach and student staff member at Louisiana State University (LSU), collapsed and died suddenly. One link explains that whilst students can opt out of LSU’s COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate, the same option is not available to staff.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1637. 13/09/2021 France Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Motocross competitor in the Vire motocross championship suffered a cardiac arrest and died the next day.  News Story
  1638. 13/09/2021 Ukraine Dead
    Vladimir Salo (19), Table Tennis player and student died just six hours after receiving the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine. He got his injection around 14:30 pm and was playing table tennis with friends shortly afterwards. In the evening, his condition suddenly worsened and he began to convulse. Doctors were called and performed CPR for about an hour but it wasn’t enough to save him. He died at 20:30 pm.  News Story
  1639. 12/09/2021 Vienna, Austria Dead
    Unnamed (40), Runner (half-marathon) collapsed during the 38th Vienna City Marathon half marathon. Taken to the general hospital, died there Sunday afternoon.  News Story
  1640. 12/09/2021, France
    Dimitri Liénard (33), FC Strasbourg midfielder collapsed during game against Lyon. Symptoms: saw stars, was dizzy.   News Story  News Story2
  1641. 12/09/2021 Alabama, USA Dead
    Tyler Burkes Threadgill (36), was a star athlete at high school and played American football. He died “after battling COVID-19.”  News Story  News Story2
  1642. 11/09/2021, Netherlands Dead
    Sebastiaan Bos (19), Laren ice hockey player passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
  1643. 11/09/2021, Denmark
    Abou Ali (22) collapsed with cardiac arrest during a game in Denmark News Story
  1644. 11/09/2021, Italy Dead
    Andrea Astolfi (45), sporting director of Calcio Orsago (Italy) suffered a cardiac arrest after returning from training and died with no previous illness
  1645. 11/09/2021, France Dead
    Frédéric Lartillot (49) Ain / France: suffered cardiac arrest in the locker room after a friendly match  News Story
  1646. 10/09/2021, Germany
    Lucas Surek (24) from BFC Chemie Leipzig collapsed from myocarditis.  News Story
  1647. 09/09/2021, Italy Dead
    Christian Blandini (20), a University of Catania volleyball “rising star” died of a sudden cardiac arrest. A university statement described the industrial engineering student’s “sudden death.” Catania requires students to have a Covid-19 “Green Pass” showing vaccination.  News Story
  1648. 09/09/2021, Germany
    Unnamed player from Birati Club Münster suffered cardiac arrest in a regional league game against FC Nordkirchen II Eriksen. Game canceled  News Story
  1649. 08/09/2021 USA
    Oscar De La Hoya (48), boxer scheduled to fight in Las Vegas but withdrew after being diagnosed with Covid-19. Said he is getting better after three days of hospital treatment. Despite being fully vaccinated, I have contracted Covid and am not going to be able to fight next weekend, he said in a hospital video on Twitter in which he still had breathing difficulties.  News Story
  1650. 07/09/2021, Great Britain Dead
    Dylan Rich (17) soccer player collapsed on the field and died of a double heart attack during a game in England.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1651. 07/09/2021 Italy
    Emilio Marinaro (19), AC Mantova Football goalkeeper can no longer play due to a cardiac issue No more information available.  News Story
  1652. 07/09/2021 Pennsylvania, USA
    Tyler Stevens (30), Runner, was a high school cross country and track runner then moved on to senior racing. Over the summer he ran 500 miles by running almost every day. Then he was diagnosed with Pericarditis.  News Story
  1653. 06/09/2021 Germany
    Paul Zipser (27), Bayern Munich basketball forward complained of dizziness near the end of the German League semifinal series against MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg. Neurological exam revealed a brain haemorrhage. Emergency surgery was successful. Source reported he had J&J vaccine.  News Story
  1654. 06/09/2021 Austria
    Unnamed Austrian ASV Baden player collapsed on the field in the 8th minute of the game against SC Berndorf, and was resuscitated. Suspected cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  1655. 05/09/2021 PA, USA Dead
    Jalen Leavey, 19, former Philadelphia High School football player. Collapsed and died unexpectedly after a college game. News report says death due to natural causes, from a previous medical condition.  News Story
  1656. 05/09/2021
    Florian Ploner (22), handball player for SC Ferlach collapsed during game.  Symptoms pointed to a cardiac arrest or stroke.  News Story
  1657. 05/09/2021, Germany Dead
  1658. Unnamed Referee (29), collapsed during game. SC Neuburgweier – FV Ettlingenweier II (Baden-Württemberg)  News Story
  1659. 04/09/2021, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, UK  (29),
    Dave Hyde (29) Henley Football Club Rugby player collapsed and died after match, suffering two cardiac arrests  News Story
  1660. 04/09/2021 Dead
    Jens De Smet (27), footballer collapsed on field, died of cardiac arrest News Story
  1661. 04/09/2021, France
    Diego Ferchaud (16) from ASPTT Caen suffered a cardiac arrest in Saint-Lô  News Story
  1662. 03/09/2021 Italy
    Pietro (13), Janus Nova football player collapsed with cardiac arrest in the middle of training at the Viale dello Sport facility in Saccolongo (Padua). Resuscitated with a defibrillator.  News Story
  1663. 03/09/2021 Columbia SC, USA Dead
    David Patten (47), three-time Super Bowl champion with Patriots, died while riding his motorcycle – he suddenly “went left of center” and struck on an oncoming Chevrolet sedan.  News Story
  1664. 02/09/2021, Tokyo Paralympics
    Belgian wheelchair tennis player Joachim Gerard (32) collapsed with heart problems at Tokyo Olympics.  News Story
  1665. 02/09/2021, Belgium
    Greg Luyssen (22), Professional Cyclist ends cycling career after heart failure News Story  “I was in the chasing group during the Kortemark Race when I suddenly became unwell,” he says. “I felt a huge pressure in my chest and it was so bad that I had to leave the race. I was taken to hospital and diagnosed with heart failure. I already had fever a number of times for no apparent reason after my second Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine, but I had never thought about the relationship. Further tests have shown that my heart muscle is affected and that my body now reacts poorly to intensive activity.”
  1666. 01/09/2021 France
    Désirée Bakabadio (25), female USLG Cherbourg-en-Cotentin Basketball captain has heart inflammation and will be unavailable for the rest of the season. The team reports several “medical glitches.”  News Story  News Story2
  1667. 01/09/2021 France Dead
    Gérard Lambert (66), high-level basketball player and French youth teams physiotherapist, collapsed suddenly from a cardiac arrest and died. He was also a skier.  News Story
  1668. 01/09/2021
    Greg Van Avermaet (36) former Olympic road champ quits Cycling World Cup after COVID vaccine News Story  News Story2
  1669. 01/09/2021 Australia Dead
    Cameron Dale(29), Australian sailor, died after suffering a ‘catastrophic’ stroke. He was youngest solo sailor to circumnavigate the globe. News Story

    August 2021

  1670. 31/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Bogdan Kłosowicz (Age) Sanovia Lesko youth team football coach. He died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1671. 29/08/2021, Germany  (unknown age)
    Unnamed Germany C-League Dillenburg a player from Hirzenhain collapsed, game cancelled News Story
  1672. 29/08/2021, USA Dead
    Donadrian Robinson (Donnie) (17), Columbia High school footballer died  News Story
  1673. 25/08/2021 USA
    Luke Willson (31), Seahawks American Football tight end retired a day after signing with Seahawks. “This off-season I … spent numerous days in the hospital with a severe pericardial effusion.”  News Story
  1674. 25/08/2021 France Dead
    Unnamed (35) Czech ultramarathon runner died during a warm-up event ahead of the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc after a fatal fall on a high-altitude mountain path. He fell during the night after setting off with more than 1,000 other runners from the Italian ski resort of Courmayeur on Tuesday afternoon along the 145-kilometre course of the TDS race to Chamonix in France. The most common cause of death in mountain races is cardiac arrest, according to a study, but this was the first death in an Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc event since their start in 2003. A Sanitary Pass was mandatory after July for participants requiring one of: proof of full vaccination, a recent negative COVID-19 test or a certificate of COVID-19 recovery. No bib without a Sanitary Pass.  News Story  News Story2
  1675. 25/08/2021 New York, USA
    Vinny Curry (33), New York Jets defensive end will miss entire 2021 season. Diagnosed with a rare blood disorder in July and removal of his spleen, Twitter post. Planned to return mid-September but developed blood clots and started blood thinners – no physical contact for 3-6 months. News Story
  1676. 25/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Dawid Słowakiewicz (37), former ice hockey striker of Podhale Nowy Targ, TKH Toruń, Naprzodu Janów and KH Sanok in Poland. Hed died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1677. 25/08/2021 West Virginia, USA Dead
    Nevaeh Summers (15), Cheerleader passed a sports physical and had begun cheerleading practice a few weeks earlier without any problems. She was found unresponsive sleeping at a friend’s home. Nevaeh died after an 18-day battle in the hospital with a “heart infection.”  News Story
  1678. 24/08/2021, USA Dead
    Jack Alkhatib (18), Columbia High school footballer collapsed on the field and died  News Story
  1679. 24/08/2021, Luxembourg
    José dos Reis (29) collapsed on the field and was resuscitated  News Story
  1680. 24/08/2021 Brazil
    Harlei Patente (33), Footballer had always been healthy and played football often. After taking the Pfizer vaccine he immediately started going downhill. Two months later he could not feel his left leg. He did not lose the leg completely but had a lot of muscle from his leg. He has no movement in his left foot.  News Story
  1681. 24/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Tomasz Hajduk (32), Orzeł Milcza footballer. He had been struggling with heart problems recently, was hospitalized and in a coma and died.  News Story
  1682. 24/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Gniewomir Herbst (19), MKS Koyama, Polish kickboxing champion but he died unexpectedly.  News Story
  1683. 22/08/2021 Slovenia Dead
    Aidan Sharanovich (45) former Primorja striker also played in Slovenian league for Primoria. Suffered a severe cardiac arrest, resuscitated, died several days later.  News Story
  1684. 22/08/2021, Venezuela Dead
    Alexaida Guedez (30), Venezuelan National Marathon Champion collapsed and died in a 5k race  News Story
  1685. 22/08/2021, Italy
    Francesca Marcon (38), Italian volleyball player suffered pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer vaccine. shortness of breath and chest pains News Story
  1686. 22/08/2021, UK
    Pedro Obiang (29), ex-West Ham star suffered myocarditis 10 days post-vaccine News Story
  1687. 22/08/2021
    Fabrice N’Sakala (31), Besiktas defender collapsed on pitch during game News Story
  1688. 22/08/2021 Belgium
    Christophe Grzegorzewski (49), footballer suffered a cardiac arrest during the warm-up for a football match. By February 2022, it was reported he had recovered, but has not restarted playing yet.  News Story
  1689. 22/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Kacper Zabrzycki (18), Kamienna Brody Football died unexpectedly. No further details available other than a discussion in which it was alleged he had a vaccination on 13 August.  News Story
  1690. 22/08/2021 Bosnia and Herzegovina Dead
    Edin Saranović (45), ex-Pogoń Szczecin professional football player and manager suffered a sudden cardiac arrest then died after several days in a coma.  News Story
  1691. 21/08/2021 Denmark
    Ahmed Daghim (20), Kolding IF Footballer collapsed during his warm-up for a match in Frederiksberg. He was taken to Bispebjerg Hospital.  News Story
  1692. 21/08/2021 Neath Port Talbot, Wales Dead
    Alex Evans (31), Cwmllynfell RFC Rugby Union player felt unwell during the game and left the field, later collapsing. resuscitation attempts with defibrillator failed, and he died at the scene.  News Story
  1693. 20/08/2021 Dead
    Orlando Gallucci (49), Personal trainer, bodybuilder and athlete died of cardiac arrest after the 2021 NPC Worldwide European Championships News Story
  1694. 19/08/2021 Texas, USA
    Patrick Reed (31), vaccinated professional golfer was hospitalized for double pneumonia. He was very concerned for his future. By September 2021, he said he was “getting stronger every day” after playing his first full round of golf in a month. Reed said he was vaccinated but did not disclose when or how many times.  News Story
  1695. 19/08/2021 Indiana, USA Dead
    Devyn Williams (18), Volleyball playing student at Indiana University died unexpectedly. The cause of death “was found to be related to an asthma attack.” Devyn was vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine in April 2021.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1696. 18/08/2021 Kenya Dead
    Yvonne Jelagat Morwa (27), Volare Sports Running Club. Just a few days after Kenya lost youth Olympic champion Gilbert Soet Kwemoi, Morwa also died after a short illness.  News Story
  1697. 18/08/2021, Belgium
    Jente van Genechten (25), footballer collapsed on field due to cardiac arrest  News Story
  1698. 18/08/2021, Belgium
    Yarno Van Herck (vaccinated) suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
  1699. 18/08/2021, Belgium
    Xander Verhagen (vaccinated) from Geel had problems at training.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
  1700. 18/08/2021, Belgium
    Joppe Erpels (vaccinated) from Arendonk ended up in intensive care after a race.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
  1701. 17/08/2021 Brazil Dead
    Leandro Siqueira (34), amateur football player since childhood suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while training and died.  News Story
  1702. 16/08/2021, Germany (62)
    Manfred Lehner (62) SV Niederpöring (Bayern) goalkeeping coach suffered cardiac arrest after training  News Story
  1703. 16/08/2021, France  (24)
    Samuel Kalu (24) Bordeaux pro footballer suffered cardiac arrest during a game  News Story
  1704. 16/08/2021 France Dead
    Unnamed (47), male swimmer was swimming in the sea at Hyeres, France when he suffered a cardiac arrest and died. (A woman died the same day due to a cardiac arrest on the same stretch of coast).  News Story
  1705. 16/08/2021 France Dead
    Unnamed (42), female Swimmer was swimming in the sea at Hyeres, France when she suffered a cardiac arrest and died. (A man died due to a cardiac arrest the same day on the same stretch of coast).  News Story
  1706. 15/08/2021 Italy Dead
    Marco Tampwo (19), Atletico Fioghi footballer from Rome, died of a cardiac arrest. News Story
  1707. 15/08/2021 France
    Jeremy Chardy (34), Veteran French tennis player, Former World No. 25, suspended his season after “Violent, near paralyzing pain” after Covid-19 vaccine in mid-August. “I regret having the vaccine.”  News Story  News Story2
  1708. 15/08/2021, Spain Dead
    Alena Hatvani-Kosinová (46), Czech female bodybuilder died after being rushed to hospital in Alicante, Spain. News Story
  1709. 14/08/2021, Kenya Dead
    Gilbert Soet Kwemoi (23), Kenyan Olympic Champion (China) collapsed in his home (after a short illness) and claimed he had a headache. He died on the way to Mount Elgon Hospital.  News Story
  1710. 14/08/2021, USA Dead
    Dimitri McKee (17) Lee High School Football player passed out and died after practice, News stories attributed his death to heatstroke  News Story
  1711. 13/08/2021 Tennessee USA Dead
    Azorean Tatum (16), high school football player suddenly collapsed at school, August 13, phoned his mother, had difficulty breathing, unable to stand up or walk on his own. Paramedics took him to Baptist Children’s Hospital. After 2 days, receiving no tests other than COVID test, he was released. He did not improve and on August 20 was taken to Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, where he passed away on Saturday, August 21. News Story
  1712. 13/08/2021, UK, Dead
    Roy Butler (23), Irish footballer Waterford FC died with massive brain bleed four days after J&J vaccine. He suffered severe headaches and general malaise within one hour. By Saturday August 14, he was vomiting and having convulsions. His mother confirmed on facebook Roy only took the vaccine to go to Greece with friends. The tweet that reported this has been removed (we should have taken a snapshot!)  News Story
  1713. 13/08/2021, France Dead
    Franck Berrier (37) former French professional footballer collapsed of a cardiac arrest while playing tennis. He retired in 2019 due to heart problems.  News Story
  1714. 12/08/2021, New Zealand Dead
    Lee Moses (29) Palmerston North Marist football player died during training session  News Story
  1715. 10/08/2021 Australia
    Chris Cairns (51), New Zealand cricketer suffered a massive heart attack and a ruptured aorta. He underwent heart surgery and was taken to a Sydney hospital for further vascular surgery. Six months later, 05/02/2022 it is reported he now has bowel cancer as well.  News Story  News Story2
  1716. 10/08/2021 South Australia, Australia
    Tom Rockliff (31), Port Adelaide Australian Rules Footballer developed deep vein thrombosis. Then a series of blood clots on his lungs were discovered. Decided to retire after being told he could die if he is hit while still battling blood clots.  News Story
  1717. 10/08/2021 Sweden
    Jörgen Wallström (56), Gymnast went from “well-trained to pericarditis and myocarditis” after a second vaccine, which meant months off work due to being incapacitated.  News Story
  1718. 08/08/2021, Georgia, USA Dead
    Quandarius Wilburn (19), Football player collapsed during a Panthers conditioning practice and later died. He appeared to be in very good physical condition when he reported to his first college preseason camp.  News Story News Story2
  1719. 08/08/2021 Dead
    John Meadows (49) Bodybuilder AKA ‘Mountain Dog’ died of ‘blood clot’ News Story
  1720. 07/08/2021 England Dead
    Elexis Brown (13), golf prodigy aged 13 died as she slept just hours after her parents found her sleepwalking. She was about to go to Ireland to play World Amateur Championship on the Sunday that she died.  News Story
  1721. 07/08/2021, Belgium
    Rune Coghe (18), Belgian  KFC Eendracht Hooglede footballer suffered cardiac arrest on pitch News Story
  1722. 06/08/2021, Germany
    Unnamed SpVgg. Oelde II District league player collapsed on field revived by his opponent, Julian Pietsch from VfB Schloß Holte 2.  News Story
  1723. 04/08/2021, Kansas, USA Dead
    Tirrell Williams (19) Fort Scott freshman lineman died after collapsing with a stroke on field during practice  News Story  News Story2
  1724. 04/08/2021 Tennessee, USA Dead
    Bobby Eaton (62), legendary professional wrestler “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton died in his sleep, the National Wrestling Alliance announced Thursday. He was 62. The cause is unclear but he had been hospitalized a month earlier after a fall. He died only one month after his wife died.  News Story  News Story2
  1725. 04/08/2021 Ontario, Canada Dead
    Unnamed male (14), Basketball player collapsed while playing basketball with friends in Halton, Ontario, Canada. Life-saving measures were attempted, but proved unsuccessful. He was transported to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. No further details are available.  News Story
  1726. 02/08/2021, Detroit USA Dead
    Stephen Sylvester (15), Detroit Central Catholic High School football and track athlete collapsed during conditioning practice and died 5 days later.  News Story
  1727. 01/08/2021 Thailand Dead
    Abel Wasan (25), Basketball player, had the AstraZeneca covid vaccine on 31st July 2021. He suffered a high fever and shortness of breath immediately after being injected. He went to his room to rest. The next day he died suddenly of “acute heart failure.”  News Story

    July 2021

  1728. 31/07/2021 USA Dead
    Sofia Graham (27) bodybuilder prepared to compete at 2021 NPC North Americans and NPC USA’s. Died of cardiac arrest in her sleep  News Story
  1729. 31/07/2021 USA
    Daniel Brito (23), the Phillies minor-league infielder had been hospitalized since collapsing on the field with a stroke. News Story
  1730. 31/07/2021 South Korea Dead
    Lee Seul-hee (31), swimmer died four days after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on 29 July 2021. South Korean health authorities confirmed a causal relationship between her sudden death and the vaccine. She was vaccinated at the Suncheon University Vaccination Center. She suffered chest pains, dizziness and shortness of breath soon afterwards. Her symptoms gradually worsened until the 31st when she collapsed. She was rushed to a nearby hospital where she died on August 1st. The family confirmed her death and vaccination status.  News Story
  1731. 29/07/2021 Italy
    Riccardo Ladinetti (20), Cagliari Footballer diagnosed with cardiac irregularities requiring more tests. Suspended from professional activity including training for at least three months.  News Story
  1732. 28/07/2021, Georgia, USA Dead
    Joshua Ivory (15) Football player collapsed and died during game. Coroner’s report said cardiac dysrhythmia triggered sudden cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1733. 28/07/2021, Germany Dead
    Jascha Zey (16) U19 player of Eisbachtaler Sportfreunde (Rhineland-Palatinate) died suddenly and unexpectedly in hospital  News Story
  1734. 27/07/2021 Iowa USA
    Leah Taylor (22) Iowa doctoral student and fitness promoter / bodybuilder hospitalized with myocarditis after her coerced Pfizer vaccination. The second Pfizer injection was likely between July 27 and August 22, based on context clues from her now-deleted Instagram account. After doctors told her to keep her heart rate down for six months, she wrote “I was diagnosed with myocarditis as a result of getting the COVID vaccine.” On 31st August she wrote, “I understand the fear and danger on both sides. Clearly. I mean look what the vaccine has done to my previously healthy, 22-year-old heart. I was extremely hesitant and scared to get the vaccine. My doctoral program pushed for all students to get it, and vaccination mandates for healthcare workers came out in my area. That is why I had to get the vaccine.”
  1735. 26/07/2021 Netherlands Dead
    Whitnee Abriska (19), female handball professional passes away after cardiac arrest while on vacation. News Story
  1736. 25/07/2021 Charles City, Iowa USA
    Carly Stevenson Wartburg College shotput and discus athlete collapsed and was rushed to hospital with blood clots in her lungs and heart. She had trouble speaking and breathing and then her heart stopped. She was resuscitated three times. She lost her balance, head control, hand and arm movements, and communication skills. News Story
  1737. 25/07/2021 Italy Dead
    Christian Bottan (17) footballer collapsed and died whilst playing football. Resuscitation attempts failed. It was reported that he did have a heart condition but it did not prevent him playing football. He was recently vaccinated.  News Story
  1738. 24/07/2021, Little Rock, Arkansas Dead
    Devon DuHart (16) football player mysteriously died of a seizure in his sleep. He was not well after a recent practice.  News Story
  1739. 24/07/2021, Germany
    Unnamed   (unknown age) football player of TuS Hoberge-Uerentrup Bielefeld (NRW) collapsed on the pitch with cardiac arrest   News Story
  1740. 23/07/2021 Russia Dead
    Nikolai Chudaikin (36), Motorsport drifting driver. RDS Asia reported his death, on his birthday, was due to a well-known disease, that is, coronavirus.  News Story
  1741. 23/07/2021, Germany Dead
    Tim B. (27) SV Hamberge football player from (Schleswig-Holstein) collapsed after returning from a football tournament and died   News Story
  1742. 22/07/2021 Fethiye, Turkey Dead
    Michael Mitchell (65), former Mr. Universe bodybuilder and Bravehart actor died six days after a Pfizer booster on July 16th, having received 2 doses of Sinovac. The first experimental Sinovac Coronavac “inactivated virus” injection was February 22, and the second March 20. News Story with screenshots
  1743. 22/07/2021 New York Dead
    Braeden Westgate (15), suddenly collapsed with cardiac arrest on soccer field while playing soccer with the children at a local summer camp, 4 days after his 2nd Pfizer injection. (he was working as a camp monitor) Died the next day. VAERS ID 1498080.  News Story  News Story2
  1744. 21/07/2021, USA
    Kjeld Nuis (31) Two time Olympic Gold Medalist and World Record holder speed skater developed pericarditis after Pfizer vaccine News Story
  1745. 21/07/2021 Brazil Dead
    Brian Saes (15), Cyclist was out cycling with friends when he collapsed with a cardiac arrest. Died before reaching hospital.  News Story
  1746. 19/07/2021 Dubai
    Santo Giuliano (33) Italian professional dancer said he suffered cardiac arrest 4 days after 1st Pfizer vaccine on 15 July News Story
  1747. 19/07/2021 UK Dead
    Maqsood Anwar (44), British cricket athlete from Wales. Had a cardiac arrest and died. Paramedics tried to revive him for 45 minutes, unsuccessfully.  News Story
  1748. 19/07/2021 Germany Dead
    Tim Braun (27), SV Hamberge Football was playing in a football tournament and at the end of the semi-final he felt unwell, but still made his own way home. He decided to have an hour’s sleep, but he never woke up.  News Story
  1749. 18/07/2021 Portugal Dead
    Marilio Costa Leite (48), Portuguese professional long-distance runner. Died two days after receiving a Pfizer COVID vaccine. His body was found in a ravine.  News Story
  1750. 18/07/2021 France Dead
    Sébastien Houtteville (47), ES Torigni Cycling sports director. Around 1 p.m., during the pre-race meeting, he went into cardiac arrest after feeling unwell. A team from Smur attempted to resuscitate him, but he died.  News Story
  1751. 15/07/2021 Dead
    Arthur Zucolini (29), former basketballer. Died of cardiac arrest while sleeping. News Story
  1752. 14/07/2021 Italy Dead
    Davide Bristot (18), volleyball player died 27 days after first Pfizer vaccine on 17 June. On 10 July, debilitating headaches started, and on 13 July he vomited twice while out with friends. The local hospital started an IV drip but released him an hour later. The next morning, his mother found him dead at the foot of his bed. Some media misspelled his name Bistrot.  News Story  News Story2
  1753. 13/07/2021 California USA Dead
    Nathan Esparza (16), Castaic High School football player collapsed and died after a cardiac arrest at home 13 July. Reports on Twitter say he recently had a COVID vaccine.  News Story  News Story2
  1754. 13/07/2021, Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Andrew Roseman, Junior High School Baseball Pitcher died unexpectedly,  News Story
  1755. 13/07/2021 Dubai Dead
    Sebastian Eubank (29), boxer, son of famous boxer, Chris Eubank, died of cardiac arrest, his wife said.  News Story  News Story2
  1756. 13/07/2021, Philadelphia PA, USA Dead
    Ivan Hicks (16) Footballer died during scrimmage. Coroner found an enlarged heart and scarring, but no myocarditis or inflammation. Verdict cardiovascular disease. Tested positive for COVID.
  1757. 12/07/2021 Egypt Dead
    Imad Bayoumi, footballer from Egypt. Collapsed and died during a friendly match in Egypt, a tribute to his friend Ayman Handal who died earlier.  News Story
  1758. 12/07/2021 Jaroslaw, Poland Dead
    Vladimir Dorozhkin, 38 years old, coach and athlete. Died the same day as he got the COVID vaccine. “Vaccinated just after noon, died at midnight. Cardiomyopathy.  News Story
  1759. 11/07/2021 Russia Dead
    Ivan Kurenbin (36), Drift racer died in a car crash. Crash cause unknown, but police report states that the driver squeezed the accelerator pedal all the way and then something happened that prevented the car from stopping.  News Story
  1760. 11/07/2021 Russia Dead
    Tatiana Igushina (31) Motorcycle racer died in a car crash with Ivan Kurenbin. Crash cause unknown, but police report states that the driver squeezed the accelerator pedal all the way and then something happened that prevented the car from stopping.  News Story
  1761. 10/07/2021 Malaga, Spain Dead
    Juan Manuel Núñez Martín (17) , CAB Estepona Basketball collapsed and died.
  1762. 10/07/2021 New Zealand Dead
    Mike Salase (39), Northland rugby league player died while playing a game. CPR attempts failed News Story
  1763. 09/07/2021 Czech Republic Dead
    Clare Lipscombe (43), British Golfer collapsed with a cardiac arrest, taken to hospital where she died. Despite being treated at world-class hospital facilities in Brno, complications brought on by the heart attack were too severe.  News Story
  1764. 09/07/2021 Scotland Dead
    Steven Doherty (38), Footballer who played for local teams in Scotland. After weeks of headaches, he suddenly had “a stroke following a brain aneurysm.” He died in hospital.  News Story  News Story2
  1765. 08/07/2021 Turkey
    Khouma Babacar (28), Senegalese Alanyaspor Football striker who plays in Turkey, collapsed in training and he was immediately rushed to the hospital. Was found to have had a “heart spasm.”  News Story
  1766. 08/07/2021, Toronto, Canada  Dead
    Jenn Gouveia (31), Toronto mother, collapsed and died suddenly  on Sunday while out for a run in High Park News Story
  1767. 06/07/2021, Japan Dead
    Yusuke Kinoshita (27) Baseball player collapsed during practice. Died 03/08/2021, five weeks after COVID-19 vaccination
  1768. 06/07/2021 France Dead
    Dimitri Ilongo (30) C’Chartres Cyclisme Cyclist died suddenly on Wednesday July 6th 2021, two days after his birthday and two weeks after winning his first race of the season. No further details given.  News Story
  1769. 06/07/2021 USA
    Liam Berlinigieri (17) Soccer player had to get the vaccine in order to attend school and to play. Vaccinated June 15th. “Now the has a heart condition, he missed his prom and can’t do “all the things he loves to do, including playing soccer in the fall and surfing.”  News Story
  1770. 05/07/2022 England
    Emma Raducanu (18), British wildcard tennis player retired from her Wimbledon fourth-round match after suffering breathing difficulties and called on a trainer. She left the court to receive further treatment, but it was soon announced she would not be returning.  News Story
  1771. 04/07/2021 Nagoya, Japan
    Ryōsuke Hirata (33), Japanese baseball player. Diagnosed with “atypical angina”
  1772. 03/07/2021 Antigua, West Indies
    Chedean Nation (35) collapsed on field with teammate Chinelle Henry. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women!” News Story
  1773. 03/07/2021 Antigua, West Indies
    Chinelle Henry (26) collapsed on field with teammate Chedean Nation. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women!” News Story
  1774. 02/07/2021 France Dead
    Lise Vidal (43), former windsurfer who participated in the Sydney Olympics died after a brain hemorrhage. She is also a French Olympics coach.  News Story
  1775. 01/07/2021 Ireland Dead
    Catherine Keane (31), Gymnast and fit and healthy advertising executive in Dublin, Ireland, who went to the gym most days. She died suddenly in her sleep.  News Story  News Story2

    June 2021

  1776. 29/06/2021 England
    Gary Neville (46), former Manchester United and England footballer attended the England v Germany Euro 2020 match and he says he collapsed and “had a fit on the floor” after England scored a goal. He had a vaccine less than 2 weeks earlier.  News Story
  1777. 28/06/2021, (estimate) USA
    Kyle Warner: Professional mountain biker suffered from pericarditis after Pfizer vaccine, possible end of career (29) News Story
  1778. 28/06/2021, Las Vegas, Nevada Dead
    Chino Yelum Cajetan Nsofor (13) Football player collapsed and died during practice  News Story
  1779. 27/06/2021, Singapore
    Unnamed teenager (16) suffered cardiac arrest after weightlifting session 6 days after first Covid-19 injection. He was in critical condition in hospital.  News Story
  1780. 26/06/2021 Corsico, Milano, Italy
    Alexandre Joao Kisonga (37), professional basketballer, Congo-Angolese origin lived in Italy since age 4, had Astrazeneca viral vector vaccine 6th April 2021, suffered exhaustion and slight pain during inoculation. On June 22 for his second vaccination, Astrazeneca was banned. The doctor asked him to choose Moderna or Pfizer (mRNA vaccines) – how could he possibly know the consequences? The doctor recommended Moderna and he agreed. Four days later, he felt exhaustion, tiredness and pain in the neck on the morning of a training session. After training, headaches began and his body temperature rose excessively. Headache continued for several days and his temperature rose again. On medical advice, he took Tachipirina to lower fever. A week later, he was no better and tried a COVID swab which returned a negative result. A week later, symptoms continued and he went to the hospital in Milan, diagnosed with tachycardia. Doctors did not want to talk about the vaccines but eventually diagnosed acute perimyocarditis. Six months later, he still cannot play. UPDATE: Jo says he will undergo a stress test January 11 2022, to see if he can return to play basketball. He expects to have a scar on his heart for life and will take 2 tablets a day for the next year. It may affect his physical activity.
  1781. 26/06/2021 Russia Dead
    Maxim Dubrovolski, 17, collapsed and lost consciousness during a Football League game. Moscow. Died before the ambulance arrived on the scene.  News Story
  1782. 25/06/2021, USA
    Ethan Jovani Trejo (16), soccer player, collapsed on the field during training  News Story  News Story2
  1783. 23/06/2021 Georgia, USA Dead
    Michael Myles James (23), American Football attended the U.S. Naval Academy died suddenly and unexpectedly in his sleep.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1784. 21/01/2022 USA
    Debbie Rice (31), world and national champion inline skater, a prime athlete. Against her better intuition and judgement, decided to get the Johnson and Johnson injection. She immediately became sick and a couple weeks later had a mini-stroke. Her body and life have not been the same since she was injected. Symptoms: within 1 hour, felt faint, teeth felt numb, then cheeks numb, then arms tingling, headaches, eyeballs hurt, blurred vision, double vision, the skin on her arms felt extremely hot, like a bad sunburn. Then felt dizzy, chest pain, shortness of breath. One day, she started feeling weird, with tingling in her teeth, arms, legs, couldn’t talk or walk, lay down on the floor, She documented everything in video, but we don’t know where that documentation is.  News Story
  1785. 23/06/2021 Blairgowrie, Scotland
    Hamish Bell (20), Blairgowrie RFC Rugby Union player and Aberdeen University student, suffered a cardiac arrest during a training session. After 25 minutes of CPR using a defibrillator, he was taken to hospital for treatment  News Story  News Story2
  1786. 23/06/2021 France
    Christophe Lemaitre, French sprinter. Retired from French Championships and Tokyo Olympics. A coach said he failed a physical, after negative reactions to coronavirus vaccine.  News Story
  1787. 22/06/2021 USA Dead
    Brianna Aileen Barry (33), former professional volleyball player and now assistant volleyball coach at George Washington University, USA. She posted on 5th April 2021 that she had her first covid vaccine. Two months later she died unexpectedly.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1788. 21/06/2021 Hungary Dead
    Victor Marcel Hegedus (18), Hungarian soccer player. Collapsed and died during a training warm-up.  News Story
  1789. 20/06/2021 Brazil Dead
    Waldir Lucas Pereira (39), former professional football forward collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and spent four days in hospital. News report attributed his death to COVID, but there is no autopsy report yet.  News Story
  1790. 20/06/2021 California, USA Dead
    Aidan Price (19), Cyclist – and frisbee thrower, class of 2024, died suddenly in Berkeley, California after vaccination. His college made covid “vaccination” mandatory.  News Story  News Story2
  1791. 19/06/2021 Colombia Dead
    Jose Edgar Preciado, Colombian caddie suffered a fatal cardiac arrest at his hotel after the second round of the Holcim Colombia Classic in Bucaramanga, Colombia.  News Story
  1792. 18/06/2021 Honduras Dead
    Robert Lima (49), former Olympia footballer from Uruguay, Honduras. Collapsed and died of cardiac arrest while playing soccer with friends.  News Story
  1793. 17/06/2021 France
    Frédéric Loth (40), Salouël RC team in France, suffered cardiac arrest after a football training session in Salouel. Resuscitated by CPR and defibrillator.  News Story
  1794. 17/06/2021 Maryland, USA
    Heston Kjerstad (23), Baltimore Orioles Baseballer signed to play for the Orioles. In June 2021, when he still had not actually played a professional game, it was announced that Kjerstad experienced “reoccurring heart inflammation” due to myocarditis.  News Story
  1795. 16/06/2021 Italy Dead
    Lorenzo Scorteccia (24) Campitello football club goalkeeper, collapsed suddenly due to a cardiac arrest, ten days after his Pfizer vaccine. Resuscitation attempts failed and he died. His father Andrea said ” He was the portrait of health and he led a health-conscious life. I believe there are few of them (vaccine victims) at his age. No smoking, no alcohol and never in the disco.”  News Story  News Story2
  1796. 14/06/2021, Indonesia  Dead
    Marquis Kido (36), Indonesian Olympic gold medalist in double Badminton, died of cardiac arrest during game. News Story
  1797. 12/06/2021 Belarus Dead
    Igor Zhelezovski (57), Six-time world speed skating champion The Bear of Minsk died. It was reported he contracted Covid-19. No further details available.  News Story
  1798. 12/06/2021 Maryland USA Dead
    Sang Ho Baek (20), George Mason University baseball pitcher died after bloodclots following a vaccination and “Tommy John” elbow surgery 8 June. His father said “our family is devastated and we want answers to why our healthy son would die so suddenly after routine surgery.”  News Story  News Story2
  1799. 12/06/2021 Italy Dead
    Chloe Giani Gavazzi (12), Italian youth tennis player, member of Golarsa Academy in Milan. Died suddenly. Found dead In her bed by her mother.  News Story
  1800. 9/06/2021, Ontario Canada  Dead
    Kamila Label-Farrel (19), University Basketball star died unexpectedly – while on a morning jog she collapsed while stretching  News Story
  1801. 07/06/2021 Virginia USA Dead
    Joshua Johnson (16), standout football player for William Monroe High School in Stanardsville, Virginia died suddenly while fishing with his father. News Story
  1802. 07/06/2021, Germany,  Dead
    Michael Schneider (38), Table tennis professional from Germany,  died suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
  1803. 05/06/2021 Russia Dead
    Maxim Ishkeldin (30), world field hockey champion, Russian national team midfielder, died suddenly in Novosibirsk, as a result of a clotting event.  News Story
  1804. 04/06/2021 Italy Dead
    Giuseppe Perrino, 29, from Fujimarino, Italy. Collapsed and died during a tribute game for his dead brother, Rocco. Paramedics at the scene tried to resuscitate him, but were unsuccessful. Thank you Joanna.  News Story
  1805. 03/06/2021 Macedonia Dead
    Marko Bozinovski (20), RK Butel Handball player and Macedonian youth representative collapsed and died due to a heart condition, the Macedonian Handball Federation said. No cause of death given, but speculated that it is a heart problem. His death is only 6 days after Nikola Danilovski.  News Story
  1806. 02/06/2021 Kazakhstan Dead
    Stanislav Lunin (28), FC Kairat professional footballer in Kazakhstan. It was announced that the player had died. No further information available.  News Story  News Story2
  1807. 01/06/2021, Denmark
    Christian Eriksen(29), star Inter Milan footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest on the pitch 12 days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine on May 31st. Revived with defibrilator. Team doctor confirmed the team was vaccinated on May 18th – this may have meant all had received at least one covid19 injection, because another report mentions May 31st. In February 2022, BBC reports Eriksen will play for Brentford, a smaller Premier League team in West London on February 26th.  Followup Analysis  News Story  News Story2  Forum

    May 2021

  1808. 31/05/2021 Bristol, England Dead
    Adam Bounds (41), football player died 31/05/21 of a severe brain-bleed in Derriford Hospital 11 days after AstraZeneca vaccine  News Story
  1809. 30/05/2021 (exact date unknown, but prior to 01/06/21, when Christian Eriksen collapsed)
    Marvin Schumann, a Gifhorn amateur player suffered a cardiac arrest but was resuscitated.  News Story
  1810. 29/05/2021 Macedonia Dead
    Nikola Danilovski (24), Metalurg Skopje handball goalkeeper died, suspected drowning in Lake Ohrid after possible cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1811. 28/05/2021 Seattle, USA
    Stefan Frei (36), Seattle Sounders goalkeeper. Seattle Sounders announced in April the team is “fully vaccinated.” In May, it was reported that blood clots in his knee could keep him out for 3-6 months.  News Story  News Story2
  1812. 27/05/2021 Sweden
    Oscar Pettersson (21), Akropolis IF Footballer developed a very high fever earlier in the month. Spent 4 days in hospital. Diagnosed with heart muscle inflammation. Advised not to play Football for at least 6 months.  News Story
  1813. 25/05/2021 Sweden
    Viktor Larsson (31), Mountain Biker prepared to take part in the World Cup in mountain bike orienteering but was diagnosed with myocarditis.  News Story
  1814. 24/05/2021 Russia Dead
    Grigory Malyarenko (22), Track (Hurdles) and member of the Russian national athletics team died during a training session as a result of a blood clot.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1815. 18/05/2021 Switzerland
    Michaël Perrier (32), Stade Lausanne Ouchy football player. During a team outing, the Swiss footballer suddenly suffered a serious cardiac arrest. It was after his first dose (23/04/2021) of the Moderna vaccine. He received 5 shocks of a defibrillator, then stayed 3 days in an artificial coma. A defibrillator was implanted to prevent a future cardiac arrest, and stayed 2.5 weeks in hospital. After 5 months rest, some arrythmia and light inflammation was still present, so he was unable to return to high level football.  News Story
  1816. 14/05/2021, Malaysia  Dead
    Haziq Kamaruddin (27), Olympian archer died of coronary artery disease. Died 10 days after Pfizer injections on 13th April and 4th May 2021  News Story
  1817. 11/05/2021 Russia Dead
    Vladislav Yegin (32), Russian ice hockey defenceman with Avtomobilist Yekaterinburg. Reported to be complications related to the coronavirus, vaccination status unknown.  News Story
  1818. 11/05/2021 Germany
    Miroslav Klose, 42, former Germany striker and assistant coach at Bayern Munich. Suffering from blood clots in his leg. Had to stop coaching. Apparently ll clear by September after medication and special socks.  News Story
  1819. 10/05/2021 Chile Dead
    Cristopher Mansilla (30), Cyclist died after he had been hospitalised and put into a coma owing to “worsening pulmonary thrombosis” (blood clot).  News Story
  1820. 10/05/2021, Nottinghamshire, England  Dead
    Josh Downie, (24), cricketer  died after cardiac arrest at practice . His mother Helen said he had no known health problems. “It’s just completely out of the blue,” she said. “It doesn’t seem real at the moment. News Story
  1821. 09/05/2021 Shropshire, England
    Simon Walker (42) British soccer coach developed massive blood clots and permanent heart damage after his first AstraZeneca vaccination on 2nd May. Hospitalized with a resting heart rate of 188 on May 9th.  News Story  News Story2
  1822. 08/05/2021 Travis County TX
    Coach Pete (45), athletics coach collapsed 6 days after second Pfizer vaccine with a stroke. Was vaccinated 11/04/21 and 02/05/21  Video
  1823. 07/05/2021 USA
    Greyson Follmer (19), Ohio State University elite athlete first dose of Pfizer April 16, with minor side effects. Second Pfizer May 7th developed severe heart complications (myocarditis) within a very short time. Doctors say he could take years to recover. “My son feels like he’s having a heart attack 24/7,” his mother said. “He now has high blood pressure, severe chest pains, back pain, elevated kidney levels, hypothyroidism, inflamed lymph nodes in different areas of his body, and he can’t work or exercise.” He feels like he’s dying and has to sleep all the time. Follmer said no one told her about reporting her son’s adverse reaction to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). “If I hadn’t put it on Facebook and someone hadn’t told me to put it in VAERS, I would have never known to do it.” VAERS (ID1395886)  News Story
  1824. 7/05/2021 USA
    Everest Romney (17), a healthy 6’9″ high school sophomore hospitalized after experiencing severe migraines and swelling in his neck post-vaccination. Within 24 hours of getting the vaccine, Everest began experiencing an “exorbitant amount” of pain and swelling in his neck that originated on the same side he received the vaccine. Everest’s dad experienced a similar reaction following a Moderna injection. An x-ray revealed he had over 100 blood clots in his lungs. News Story  News Story2  Mother’s interview Video
  1825. ??/05/2021 Georgia USA
    Shawn Kuhn (21), sports science major and personal trainer diagnosed with COVID-19 in December 2020, suffered minor symptoms and recovered within days. Received his second Pfizer vaccination in May 2021 and was diagnosed with pneumonia in late August 2021. After losing blood for weeks (with no medical explanation) he died on October 11th at 2:59 am.  News Story
  1826. 02/05/2021 Arkansas, USA
    Isaiah Harris (18), American Footballer started chest pain within 48 hours of the second Pfizer dose and was taken to hospital, where he had a cardiac arrest and one of his lungs filled with fluid. He said he received his first dose of Pfizer on April 8 and second dose on April 30 2021.  News Story  News Story2
  1827. 01/05/2021,  USA
    Sage Canaday (35), ultra marathon runner had pneumonia and blood clots. Sage ran the Canyons 100k Ultra Marathon in California (April 24), flew back to Colorado (26th?) Then had the 2nd Pfizer vaccine and soon started having breathing problems and was in bed at least from May 1 to after May 6 when he said he had pneumonia. Went into hospital May 30 or 31, diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolism, blood clots. Sage was previously listed as died, due to mixed up reports that a) he was the Czech runner who collapsed and died on the Mont Blanc marathon and b) that he started having breathing problems after a flight. We apologize for the errors and are pleased he is still alive.
  1828. 01/05/2021 Florida, USA Dead
    Nikolas Lawrynas (17), high school American Football player died “suddenly” and “unexpectedly”, having been found “unresponsive” at home. “The autopsy report noted the death was natural and the cause was likely epilepsy.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4

    April 2021

  1829. 30/04/2021 Brazil Dead
    Ícaro da Silva (24) , Ação SAFC Footballer was in the evaluation period at the Brazilian football club. He died suddenly after a cardiac arrest.  News Story
  1830. 30/04/2021 Pennsylvania, USA
    Caleb Daniels (21) Villanova Wildcats Basketball player. He missed 5 months of play after he developed myocarditis.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1831. 28/04/2021, Atlanta, USA
    Brandon Goodwin (26), NBA player suffered blood clots shortly after COVID-19 vaccine, Possible end of career, still sidelined 7 months later.  News Story
  1832. 27/04/2021 Minnesota, USA
    Marco Rossi (19), Minnesota Wild Ice Hockey player has myocarditis. Team is reported to have been “fully vaccinated”  News Story  News Story2
  1833. 27/04/2021 Spain Dead
    Santxo Lamberto (30), CD Gares semi-professional footballer in Navarra, Spain. He collapsed during a training session due to a cardiac arrest and died.  News Story
  1834. 24/04/2021 Texas USA Dead
    Ernesto Ramirez Jr: 16-Year-Old Boy collapsed while playing basketball, and died with a double-size enlarged heart 5 days after his first Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine on 19 April.  News Story
  1835. 24/04/2021 Dead
    Luis Ojeda (20), Argentine football player died unexpectedly  News Story
  1836. 22/04/2021 Australia
    Craig Jones (29) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champion black belt is unable to train or fight after a COVID injection  Story
  1837. 20/04/2021 England Dead
    Jack Last (27), Canoer, canyoner and bungee jumper “died of a blood clot to the brain, as a direct result of his body’s reaction to the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccination” 3 weeks earlier.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1838. 18/04/2021 Jamaica Dead
    Tremaine Stewart (Tan Tan) (32), Jamaican footballer with FC Dunbeholden. Collapsed and died during the kickaround before a match.  News Story
  1839. 13/04/2021 Minnesota, USA
    Suzanna Newell (AGE), Triathlete received her second Pfizer covid vaccination on 13th April 2021. That marked the start of Suzanna’s health issues. Prior to the covid19 injections, she was a very health-conscious, fit triathlete with no pre-existing conditions. She described the horror of waking up just days after the second Pfizer injection with a swollen lump on her neck, extreme fatigue, excruciating pain in her leg which now prevents her from walking, terrible chest pain, blindness and vision problems in her right eye. Her body is tortured with continuous, debilitating pain ever since she got the second dose. News Story
  1840. 13/04/2021 Poland Dead
    Grzegorz Olech (37), MKS Radymno Footballer, former president, coach and player, died suddenly just 3 days after being “vaccinated on Saturday, April 10, 2021 with the Astra Zeneca vaccine”  News Story  News Story2
  1841. 12/04/2021 Dead
    Dejan Oršuš (24), Croation NK Otok player, collapsed from a heart attack and later died in the Čakovec County Hospital.  News Story
  1842. 11/04/2021 Morocco Dead
    Reda Saki (21), Étoile jeunesse sportive de Casablanca amateur footballer. He collapsed during a match and was taken to hospital but declared dead shortly after arrival.  News Story
  1843. 10/04/2021 Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
    Dave Mears (58), British former martial arts champion ( Taekwondo and Muay Thai) and current martial arts teacher had his left leg amputated after an infection caused by AstraZeneca vaccination 4 March  News Story
  1844. 09/04/2021 Maine, USA Dead
    Red Gendron (63), University of Maine Ice Hockey Coach died after a cardiac arrest while playing golf. His university colleague said he seemed fine earlier, when the team met to receive academic awards. Red was fully vaccinated against COVID-19.  News Story
  1845. 9/04/2021 USA
    Bert Smith (56) NCAA men’s basketball Referee collapsed due to a blood clot in his lung during a tournament  News Story
  1846. 05/04/2021 France Dead
    Peio Oyhamburu (17), RC Ustaritz Jatxou Rugby Union player died suddenly while out jogging.  News Story  News Story2
  1847. 06/04/2021, Callalen, Corpus Cristi Dead
    Moira Claire Arney (15) McAllen High School female Soccer player collapsed and died during practice  News Story

    March 2021

  1848. 31/03/2021 Norway
    Filip Ingebrigtsen (28) Norwegian runner had a tough 2021 after a reaction to the corona vaccine. Ingebrigtsen got the second vaccine dose just after the Olympics in Tokyo. His goal was “getting back to normal” but on October 17, he finished 10th in a race his brother won. News Story
  1849. 31/03/2021 USA
    Brett Smith, an NCAA college basketball referee, collapsed during a game. Hospitalized with a blood clot.
  1850. 30/03/2021, USA
    Alex Stalock (34), NHL Oilers goalie out for the season or more due to heart condition. Positive COVID Test in November 2020, diagnosed myocarditis in March 2021  News Story – The Athletic  News Story2
  1851. 30/03/2021, Ghana
    Charles Bulu Ghanaian referee collapsed during AFCON Match  News Story   Video
  1852. 29/03/2021 India Dead
    Devaraj Anchan (33) a State-level volleyball player collapsed, clutching his chest, while playing in a tournament and died on the way to hospital in Udupi.  News Story
  1853. 27/03/2021 Stewarton, Scotland Dead
    Laura Henderson (42), cardiac arrest while running, Died days later in hospital.  News Story
  1854. 23/03/2021 Spain
    Moussa Dembélé (25), Atlético Madrid striker collapsed in training and received medical attention.  News Story
  1855. 23/03/2021 France Dead
    Alain Anty (61), former SAC Rugby Union has been coaching rugby but died suddenly.  News Story  News Story2
  1856. 22/03/2021, Sacramento California, USA Dead
    Emmanuel Antwi (18) a Kennedy High footballer (Canadian) collapsed on the field in Sacramento. On-field CPR attempts failed and he died.  News Story  News Story2
  1857. 20/03/2021 Dead
    Andy Haman (54) Pro bodybuilder and actor Andy Haman has died of Pulmonary embolism News Story
  1858. 19/03/2021 Charleston SC, USA Dead
    Joe Bradshaw, 19, a football player at Charleston Southern University. Collapsed with cardiac arrest – shallow breathing
  1859. 19/03/2021, Milton Keynes, UK
    Raymond van Barneveld, darts player collapsed and received paramedic attention during PDC Championship  News Story
  1860. 18/03/2021 Poland
    Mieczysław Pasierbski (Age) Polish former weightlifting champion, got his first Pfizer vaccine on March 18, was unable to urinate for several days and developed a serious fever. Went to hospital by ambulance where his his right leg turned black and was amputated above the knee due to venous thrombosis (blood clot). Doctors later confirmed the amputation was a result of the Pfizer vaccination, but his case was not recorded by the Polish Health Department as they denied that his health problems were a result of vaccination. A link lists many people who had limbs amputated after the vaccine.  News Story  News Story2
  1861. 17/03/2021 Russia Dead
    Ivan Parshakov (26), Profit-Basket Basketball player collapsed near the end of a game and died.  News Story
  1862. 14/03/2021 Dominican Republic Dead
    Eulogio “Frankie” De La Cruz (37), Toros del Este professional baseball player collapsed and died from a cardiac arrest. He played for many teams in the US and other countries before returning to his home country and playing for Toros del Este.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1863. 04/12/2021 Germany
    Mara Sander (18), Wrestler has been in a wheelchair and unable to hold her head up or feed herself since a “second corona vaccination, which I received in December 2021.” Apparently, doctors are baffled. In February 2022, she went back to school, but could only stay for a few hours due to fatigue. On August 8, her health declined dramatically and she was unable to walk or stand. In October, she was infected with COVID for a second time. Now they are trying a multi-hour blood wash.  News Story
  1864. 14/03/2021 Florida, USA
    Tim O’Donnell (40), top class triathlete suffered a “major heart attack” while taking part in Challenge Miami, but still managed to finish the race. Just over a year later, after surgery, he was back competing.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1865. 13/03/2021 New Hampshire, USA Dead
    Marvin Hagler (66), Boxer was rushed to hospital with chest pains and trouble breathing before dying four hours later according to his son, James. Thomas “Hitman” Hearns, his former opponent and long-time friend posted on Instagram that Hagler was “in ICU fighting the after effects of the vaccine.”  News Story   News Story2
  1866. 11/03/2021 Christchurch New Zealand
    David Wakefield, (27) New Zealand cricketer. Collapsed during training with cardiac arrest. Brought back to life with defibrillator, hospitalized three weeks in intensive care, required extensive rehabilitation before he could walk and talk. Diagnosed with myocarditis.  News Story
  1867. 08/03/2021 Egypt Dead
    Abdel-Rahman Atef (23). Al-Rowad Club football player collapsed and died during his team’s Al game in the city of Sharqiya. Swallowed his tongue and resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful (no trained staff).   News Story
  1868. 03/03/2021, Wallkill Central School, New York, USA (17), Dead
    Miguel Antonio Lugo (17) high school football player collapsed and died during football practice.

    February 2021

  1869. ??/02/2021 Norway
    Sander Haugrud (24), Norwegian kickboxing champion in 2019. Two weeks after his second COVID vaccine, stabbing chest pain started, after no previous history of heart problems or any health issues. Diagnosed with pericarditis. Physician at the hospital confirmed it was due to the vaccine. Sander Haugrud: “A couple of weeks after the second dose, I got a sting in my chest that turned out to be heart bag inflammation. I was on surveillance for three days. I have competed nationally and internationally in kickboxing, since the age of 10 to now. But it’s a full stop at training and I don’t know if I can ever train like I did. Now I’m mostly in prison. This might have been avoided, if I had a corona instead, I guess I’d be well by now. It is scary to know that no one mentions anything, I had to dig myself to find information, then I found that there were many cases like mine. At the hospital, doctors had a hard time believing the inflammation was due to the vaccine, but in the end the superior admitted it and said to report it to the Drug Enforcement Administration.”  Videointerview in Norwegian: News Story  News Story2
  1870. ??/02/2021 Sweden
    Andreas Quist Svensson (21), Eskilsminne IF U21 Football forward player joined Eskils around 28th January 2021, but never played a single game before suffering from myocarditis/pericarditis and was not allowed to touch a ball or train for two months, but this turned into 7 months. He was reported to start training again in August 2021 and played for the first time on 25th September 2021. Need dates of injury and vaccination.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1871. 22/02/2021 Queensland, Australia Dead
    Dale Best (34), Maroochydore Swans Rugby League player collapsed during a match. Sports trainers performed CPR then paramedics attempted to stabilise the player. He was taken to hospital, where he later died.  News Story
  1872. 22/02/2021 Portugal Dead
    Alfredo Quintana (32), a Cuban handball goalie in Portugal. Collapsed after going into cardiac arrest during practice. Died four days later.  News Story
  1873. 21/02/2021 Croatia Dead
    Zlatko Saracevich, (59) (former Yugoslavia handball player and world handball champion), won Gold with Croatia at Atlanta Olympics, and recent handball coach. His team just won in a derby against RK Lokomotiva 32:29, and he collapsed with a cardiac arrest just after he gave a media statement. Resuscitation failed.   News Story
  1874. 18/02/2021 Maharashtra, India Dead
    Babu Nalawade (47), cricketer collapsed with a cardiac arrest while playing in a match. He died.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  1875. 11/02/2021 Serbia Dead
    Miloš Đorđević (32) played futsal for his country, Serbia. He died suddenly in his sleep “most likely” of a cardiac arrest.  News Story  News Story2
  1876. 06/02/2021 Philippines Dead
    Clement Lucchu (25), Cameroonian basketball player. Played in Manila, Philippines. Suffered a heart attack and died.  News Story

    January 2021

  1877. 30/01/2021, France
    Garissone Innocent (20), Caen Team football goalkeeper collapsed and blacked out in a game against Chambly. Tachycardia attack, unable to speak or breathe. News Story  News Story2
  1878. 30/01/2021 Indianapolis USA Dead
    Wayne Radford (64), NBA star and former Indianapolis team star, died at his home in Indianapolis of a ruptured aneurysm. News Story  News Story2
  1879. 25/01/2021 France Dead
    Jaoid Chiguer (35), boxer who won bronze at the 2008 Olympics and now boxing trainer died suddenly from a cardiac arrest in his own boxing club.  News Story  News Story2
  1880. 22/01/2021 USA  Dead
    Hank Aaron (86), former Pro Baseballer received his COVID vaccine on January 5th, 2021 to demonstrate the safety of the vaccine and encourage other black Americans to do the same.  Died two weeks later in his sleep – listed as natural causes. News Story
  1881. 22/01/2021 Poland Dead
    Kamil Pulczyński (28), former Speedway rider had a cardiac arrest during the night and was found dead. Since 2017, he had led an active lifestyle, and was involved in ice hockey, among other sports.  News Story
  1882. 12/01/2021 Denmark
    Lukas Olesen (20), Slagelse B&I Footballer from Bornholm had a sudden cardiac arrest during training. He was in a coma. He recovered and received an internal defibrillator. He was playing as goalkeeper in August when his heart stopped after kick           ing the ball up the field, but the defibrillator resuscitated him and he recovered, but the match was abandoned.  News Story  News Story2
  1883. 09/01/2021 USA
    Jordan Glenn, Wisconsin basketball player. Collapsed in a break at the start of the half. CPR with a defibrillator, transferred to hospital by Ambulance. Update: In April, had open heart surgery and now has a defibrillator inserted near his abdomen.  News Story
  1884. 03/01/2021 Portugal  Dead
    Alex Apolinario (24), Brazilian Alverca FC soccer player collapsed on pitch with cardiac arrest during match. Died four days later  News Story

NOTE: No reports below this point are included in the counts in the Headline

NOTE: No reports below this point are included in the Vaccine counts in the headline because of insufficient documentation or other causes are more likely.

No documentation found yet

Investigations in progress. No news media documentation found in this section so far. Some names may be spelled incorrectly. Dates may be wrong. We found correct details for more than 10 like this so far. Now we are adding them to this area of the list, but not counting them in the headline total, until documentation is found. Any assistance would be appreciated.

  1. 18/01/21 Turkey
    Ibrahim Khalil (49), a Turkey national athletics team coach. Died of a heart seizure.
  2. 22/08/21 Dead
    Milos Georgeevic, 31, died in his sleep, apparently from a heart condition.
  3. 13/10/21 Italy, Dead
    Ricky Pirrallo (29), soccer player from Cigliano, Italy. Died suddenly. This may refer to Rocco Perrino, possibly a translation error, as the original reference to this may have been in Hebrew.
  4. 10/11/21 Brescia, Italy
    Armano Ferrari (51), soccer coach in Brescia, Italy, died suddenly. No information found, even using different names. Possibly incorrectly reported.
  5. ??/11/21
    Andrea Corcio (42), Italian football coach. Died suddenly.

May Or May Not Be Vax Related

There is insufficient information to decide if any of these collapses or deaths are related to COVID vaccinations. More investigation is needed. Any help would be appreciated because keeping with the ongoing investigations isn’t easy. These are listed here because they appear in some lists as vax-caused, but we believe there is either currently insufficient information to decide or other explanations seem to overrule vax-caused, such as cancer.

Some of these people should be in the main list. We hope that eventually, their friends and relatives will provide us with more information about vaccination status, or what happened to them in the days weeks or months before they died.

  1. 21/12/2022 Russia Dead
    Victoria Vinogradova (17), WFC CSKA Football goalkeeper became ill and died while visiting a friend, who is in intensive care. Pravda says a packet of methodone was found near the bed where she died, and that her body was yellow.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3  News Story4
  2. 15/11/21, USA Dead
    Jason Plummer (52), Australian Olympic swimmer (1988). No cause given (seems suspicious)  News Story
  3. 17/09/2022 Costa Rica Dead
    Kalani David (24), Hawaiian surf and skate prodigy, collapsed and died of a “massive seizure” while surfing in Costa Rica. He had a congenital heart condition  Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome which had caused him seizure problems over many years.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  4. 22/07/2022 USA Dead
    Dwight Smith (58), former Atlanta Braves and Chicago Cubs Baseball player (8 seasons), died of “congestive heart failure.”  News Story
  5. 16/07/2022 Italy Dead
    Ricky Bibey (40), professional Rugby League player for Wigan Warriors, St Helens, Leigh and Wakefield Trinity. He died in a hotel room in Italy aged 40. Police suspect a seizure or heart attack. Items in the room suggest a sex game went wrong. It was later reported he suffered from mental issues and was viciously beating his long-time girlfriend when he suffered a “heart attack.” Forensic officers searched the hotel room, requested a post mortem examination and toxicology reports.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  6. 15/04/2022 Quebec, Canada Dead
    Mike Bossy (65), Canadian former New York Islanders Ice Hockey player who became “one of the NHL’s all-time greatest goal scorers” died of lung cancer.  News Story  News Story2
  7. 10/04/2022 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Gary Brown (52), former NFL New York Giants American Football player and then coach died of “liver and kidney failure after beating cancer twice.”  News Story  News Story2
  8. 08/01/2022 Kansas, USA Dead
    Matt Miller (49), former Kansas State Wildcats American Football and baseball player who later became the Wildcats’ coach. He died of cancer.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3
  9. 08/01/2021 Portugal Dead
    Paulo Diamantino (35), Mirandela Basquetebol Clube Basketballere. Suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while preparing for the second part of the match against Juventude Pacense. Resuscitation attempts over the next hour were unsuccessful.  News Story  News Story2
  10. 25/01/21 USA
    Jack Draper (19), Tennis player collapsed during a game against Kazakhstan’s Mikhail Kukushkin at Miami Open first set on a hot humid day. Possibly heat-humidity-related, but it was only the first set and only 80 degrees.  News Story
  11. 30/01/21 Indianapolis, USA  Dead
    Wayne Radford, 64, an NBA star and former Indianapolis team star, died at his home in Indianapolis. Possibly of cancer  News Story
  12. 04/04/21 Russia Dead
    Nikita Sidorov (18), youth team footballer for the Professional Football League (PFL). Died 5 minutes after coming onto the pitch as substitute, during a game at Torpedo Stadium. Resuscitation was unsuccessful. A doctor said he had a cerebral aneurism and internal bleeding. News reports talked about an autopsy and investigation, but no further information has been discovered.  News Story
  13. 18/04/21 USA Dead
    Antron Pippen (33), basketball player for Texas A&M and later World Basketball Association’s Heat Upstate team. Died unexpectedly, with no known health problem, accident or other causes of death. His father Scottie said Antron had chronic asthma, but would not reveal cause of death.  News Story
  14. 30/04/2021 India Dead
    Jagdish Lad (34), bodybuilder died in a hospital in Vadodara, Gujarat, having been on oxygen support in his final four days, possibly from lack of available treatment.  News Story
  15. 12/08/21, USA  (16), Dead
    Drake Geiger (16), 6′ 3″ 400-pound Nebraska Football player collapsed and died during a practice break, after only playing for 10 minutes. His father, Scott Hoffman said they were recently in Las Vegas, where it was hotter and he had no problems there. The autopsy apparently said his death was due to “hyperthermia, enlarged heart and heart problems,” but he had passed a physical exam a week before training. Sadly, there is no information on vax status, but it would be pertinent. Too many autopsies are hidden or contain scant information, as though they want to protect Big Pharma. All we want is the truth.  News Story
  16. 12/08/21, NZ  (24), Dead 
    Olivia Podmore (24) NZ Olympic Cyclist died suddenly and mysteriously in her room, Coroner investigating cause (possible suicide). A friend said, “I was the last person to see her alive. If you had seen her in the last 72 hours, you wouldn’t have thought this could happen.”  News Story
  17. 12/08/21, USA  (27), Dead
    Cameron Burell, Sprinter died mysteriously, ruled suicide by self-inflicted gunshot to the head. Was he vaxxed and if so, did he know his career was over?  News Story
  18. 19/08/21 Dead
    Phil Hernon (55), Bodybuilder died after ‘sudden recent decline,’ possibly dialysis related  News Story
  19. 23/08/21, USA  Dead
    Jimmy Hayes (31), former Bruins player unexpectedly died. He had Cocaine and Fentanyl in his system. How much was not disclosed. The state of his heart was not disclosed.  News Story
  20. 04/09/21 Lagos, Nigeria
    Kelechi Okafor (21), footballer died after apparently landing on his head after heading a ball while playing the day before he was to leave for Azerbaijan to advance his career. His relatives asked the police to close their investigation.  News Story
  21. 06/09/21 Bergamo, Italy
    Unnamed football player (16), in Bergamo, Italy suffered cardiac arrest at Villa d’Almè sports center. He was resuscitated and moved to ICU at Bergamo “Papa Giovanni XXIII” hospital. He had a similar problem a year prior.  News Story
  22. 08/09/21 Kokomo, Indiana, USA Dead
    Curtis Robert Pettigrew (49), known as Bobby or Big Bob, former Wildkats star, shotput champion and Kokomo High School assistant coach for 15 years and Howard County Sports Hall of Famer died in a car accident. No information discovered about the accident or if it was caused by cardiac arrest.  News Story
  23. 17/09/21 Kazakhstan Dead
    Albert Linder, 25, weightlifter from Kazakhstan. Death by suicide according to his brother, not helped by heartless trainer.  Brother Story
  24. 07/10/21 France Dead
    Unnamed cyclist (60+) went into cardiac arrest in Saint-Jean-de-Belleville, Savoie, between Le Villard and Les Deux Nants. Alerted by hikers, rescuers from CRS Alpes de Modane and firefighters intervened around 12:30 p.m. but could not resuscitate him.  News Story
  25. 12/10/21 Baltimore, USA, Dead
    Elisha Gorham (17), baltimore football player. Collapsed during a game. Suspected brain injury.  News Story
  26. 21/10/21, USA  Dead
    Jake Ehlinger (20), University of Texas linebacker found dead – ruled as accidental xanax/fentanyl overdose  News Story
  27. 21/10/21 USA Dead
    Ivan Douglas (41) won a national championship with the Buckeyes. Career cut short by blood clots that started around 2003. Apparently he contracted COVID in September 2021 and sent to hospital October 21 and died on the 24th. Vax status unknown.  News Story  News Story2
  28. 30/10/21 USA Dead
    Jason Aguilar (16), a sophomore accounting major and track athlete, died. He was found unresponsive in his room. This entry needs to be investigated, because the suicide may refer to a different man with the same name. Coles County Coroner Ed Schniers said cause of death unknown at the time but after autopsy gave a suicide verdict, according to some websites, but a coroner’s report is not available. News Story
  29. 04/11/21 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dead
    Amela Fetahović (35), Female Bosnian footballer (Sarajevo, Spartak Subotica, national team). Died in a car accident (did she have a cardiac arrest while driving?)  News Story
  30. 08/11/21 USA
    Chuck “Kali Muscle” Kirkendall (46), bodybuilder announced that he suffered a heart attack due to a clogged artery, in a video from his hospital bed. He had swelling in his legs and ankles for years, which he ignored. The event happened two days after Shawn Rhoden died.  News Story
  31. 08/11/2021 Paraguay Dead
    Dario Herrera (34) National champion indoor soccer player and champion of the Copa Libertadores de Futsal FIFA with Cerro Porteño in 2016. Diagnosed with multi-organ failure after endocarditis. He may have had previous heart problems.  News Story  News Story2
  32. 08/11/2021 England
    Mark Hobbs (46), Martial Arts fighter suffered a cardiac arrest while training and turned blue. His sparring partner and students used CPR for 20 minutes before medics arrived to restart his heart with a defibrilator. Doctors said he had blocked arteries and he had a quadruple bypass  News Story
  33. 09/11/21 Blagoveshchensk, Russia Dead
    Pyotr Shatokhin (54), aikido (coach). Pyotr had been involved with skiing and judo before taking up aikido and then coaching aikido. He was said to have covid-19 and relatives tried to find a donor with antibodies, unfortunately to no avail.  News Story
  34. 20/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Luciano De Lorenzo (15), cyclist fell off his bike whilst training in Gron Sospirolo. His final words before he fell were ‘I don’t see anything, it’s all black!’ His father Michele took him to the San Martino hospital in Belluno where he died Saturday afternoon. An autopsy was ordered. His father says he was not vaccinated.  News Story
  35. 21/11/21 Parcé-sur-Sarthe, France
    Unnamed female (50+), table tennis player collapsed with a cardiac arrest during a match. Saved by her opponents (volunteer firefighters) and a defibrillator.  News Story
  36. 25/11/21 Spain
    Pedro Acosta (17), Moto 3 World Champion collapsed while speaking at a podium after a race. Recovered a short time later, collapse may have been due to exhaustion and nerves. Twitter video
  37. 06/12/21 Lancaster, UK
    Cliff Trickett (age unknown), long-time referee died suddenly, cause of death unknown.
  38. 06/12/21 UK Dead
    Marvin Morgan (38), former Aldershot Town, Shrewsbury Town, Plymouth Argyle and Hartlepool United player and fashion brand designer. In 2018, he was diagnosed with a cavernoma, a cluster of abnormal blood vessels usually in the brain or spinal cord, that cause seizures, strokes and possibly premature death. Vax status unknown. Died while on business travel in Europe.  News Story
  39. 06/12/21 Anderson, Ohio, USA Dead
    Brock Vogel (15), high school senior on wrestling and football teams at Anderson High School, died Monday. No cause of death. Moved from the main list because of a reader report saying “no way” was he vaccinated” – but two other students at his school died in the same week, and two students at a British school died in the same week, so we place this report here, uncounted in the main list while we investigate.   News Story  News Story2
  40. 07/12/21 USA Dead
    Glenn Foster (31), former New Orleans Saints defensive lineman died on in Alabama after a high speed police chase and crash into a tree. He was bipolar. An autopsy is expected.  News Story
  41. 08/12/21 Roswell, Georgia, USA Dead
    Demaryius Thomas (33), Former NFL Denver Broncos Wide Receiver died alone at home, from a seizure or cardiac arrest in the shower. He had apparently been having seizures for a year. By the time police arrived rigor mortis had set in.  News Story  News Story2
  42. 08/12/21 Mexico Dead
    Alfredo ‘Chango’ Moreno (41), former América forward died after a short battle with cancer. There are conflicting reports of cancer in the pancreas and gall bladder. One story said he was in hospital November 30 for a gall bladder operation when intestinal cancer was discovered and a call went out to relatives for blood and platelets.
  43. 09/12/21 Brazil
    Pele (81), former soccer star was vaccinated March 2021, then diagnosed with colon cancer September 2021 and was admitted to hospital again December 2021. He had prostate surgery in 2015.  News Story
  44. 17/12/21 Spain Dead
    Unnamed (7) UD Beniopa junior team football player collapsed in training. Defibrillator and cardiopulmonary resuscitation manoeuvres were used and an ambulance took him to Gandia hospital but resuscitation failed and he died. Unknown vaccination status. News Story
  45. 22/12/2021 Georgia, USA Dead
    Robbie Roper (18), Roswell HS American Football star quarterback was admitted to a local hospital after suffering a serious shoulder injury. While undergoing shoulder surgery, he developed complications and died, possibly due to anaesthesia mismatch. News Story
  46. 31/12/2022 Sydney, Australia
    Frank Pritchard (38) former Rugby League international suffered a collapsed lung and breathing difficulties among other health issues and is fighting for his life in Sydney hospital. Media says he has COVID, and may suffer from asthma, no information about vax status.   News Story
  47. 11/01/2022 USA Dead
    Jean Ramirez (28), Tampa Bay Rays Baseball, The Rays did not announce Ramirez’s cause of death. Neander called it an unexpected and difficult loss. The club encouraged everyone, including spectators to be vaccinated. 2 days later, the Medical Examiner reported his death was suicide, but no reason given.  News Story  Vaccination Story2  Suicide Story
  48. 28/01/2022 Spain Dead
    Saúl Boza Gil (11), CD San ​​Roque and Juventus UVA football player died. No more details available. News Story  News Story2
  49. 12/02/2022 Australia
    Romain Grenville (31) Kingston Hawthorn batsman (cricket) collapsed to the ground in front of the umpire after completing a run in the match against Footscray.  News Story
  50. 16/07/2022 Italy Dead
    Ricky Bibey (40), professional Rugby League player for Wigan Warriors, St Helens, Leigh and Wakefield Trinity. He died in a hotel room in Italy aged 40. Police suspect a seizure or heart attack. Items in the room suggest a sex game went wrong. Forensic officers searched the hotel room, requested a post mortem examination and toxicology reports.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

Not Vax Related

These collapses or deaths are most likely unrelated to COVID vaccinations.

11/08/2022 Queensland, Australia Dead
Paul Green (49), former Cronulla Sharks Rugby League player and coach. It appears he committed suicide, but nobody knows why.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

03/05/2015 England Dead
Danny Jones (29), Keighley Cougars Rugby League half back and Welsh International collapsed with a cardiac arrest four minutes into a match. Treated by the match doctor and paramedics before being taken to the Royal Free Hospital where he died.  News Story

14/09/18 Poland Dead
Mateusz Jacak (14), Znicz Pruszków footballer, left the house in the morning to go to school. He did not arrive for lessons, and his mother found him unconscious in front of the apartment. He had a stroke and after 12 days in hospital, he died 16 September. Mateusz is one of two Znicz Pruszków footballers who died in 2018.  News Story

19/08/19 UK Dead
Archie Bruce (20), English rugby league player. Found dead in hotel room the morning after his pro rugby league debut.  News Story

14/01/2020 Australia
Dalila Jakupovic (28), Tennis player was forced to retire from her match at the 2020 Australian Open after having dropped to the ground due to bushfire smoke and very poor air quality. Many other players had breathing problems too. “I was really scared that I would collapse. That’s why I went onto the floor because I couldn’t walk anymore. I don’t have asthma and never had breathing problems. I actually like heat. The physio came again and I thought it would be better. But the points were a bit longer and I just couldn’t breathe anymore and I just fell on the floor.”  News Story

15/03/20 Malaga, Spain Dead
Francisco Garcia (21), Atletico Portada Alta Football youth team coach was rushed to a local hospital with severe COVID-19 symptoms. He died in the hospital. Doctors said he could have survived had he not been suffering from leukaemia. COVID-19 vaccinations in Spain started on 27 December 2020.  News Story

25/11/2020 Argentina Dead
Diego Maradona (60), football legend died of a heart attack two weeks after being released from a hospital in Buenos Aires following brain surgery. A long battle with drug addiction caused heart, weight and breathing problems.  News Story

09/12/20 France
Dimitri Linard, 33, Strasbourg FC footballer, collapsed during a game with Lyon. He has played at least 10 matches in 2021, after his collapse. It seems highly unlikely his 2020 collapse was related to vaccine.

11/11/20 Pennsylvania, USA
Journey Brown (21), Penn State star running back diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It can cause shortness of breath, chest pain or heart electrical system problems, life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) or sudden death.  News Story

012/12/20 Florida, USA
Keyontae Johnson (21), University of Florida basketball star. Hospitalized after collapsing face first four minutes into the game against Florida State. Released from hospital. Unlikely to be vaccine-related because it was December 2020, a time when he was unlikely to have been able to get the vaccine.  News Story

4/02/21 Colombia
Andres Felipe Roman (25), FALSE POSITIVE. Diagnosed with congenital hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in club testing, before playing. Later testing proved that his heart was strong and he resumed playing. He did not collapse.

15/02/21 USA Dead
Vincent Terrell Jackson (January 14, 1983 – February 15, 2021 died in a hotel room. Autopsy revealed CTE (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy), due to multiple head hits over his career, covered up by alcoholism.  News Story

16/03/21 Moscow, Russia
Timur Faizutdinov (19), was playing for Dynamo St. Petersburg junior team in a playoff game against Loko Yaroslavl when he was hit in the head by a puck. He collapsed and then died in hospital.  News Story

15/04/21 Preston, Australia
Goce “Colakot” Gruevski (47), former Macedonia national team and Preston Lions goalkeeper and current goalkeeper coach. No cause of death given.  Facebook

06/05/21 Oregon USA
Maggie Williams (15), Oregon high school track star collapsed due to lack of oxygen during the 800-meter event because a ridiculous state mandate forced her to wear a mask while running and she could not breathe properly.

14/05/2022 Tennessee, USA Dead
David West (57), former Philadelphia Phillies Baseball player died of brain cancer.  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

31/05/2022 Australia
Gabriel McKenna-Lieschke (29), keen gym-goer. After a hospital operation on his arm an infection took hold. He developed “necrotising fasciitis, which has been dubbed the flesh-eating bug.” The result was that his arm had to be amputated at the elbow.  News Story

07/08/2021 Queensland, Australia
Jess Allen (21), Frenchville Pioneers women’s Rugby Union, and “Oz Tag and Touch Footy” player. She suffered a sudden cardiac arrest on the sideline at a men’s rugby match on August 7th. She spent five days in hospital in a coma. It was reported she had a known heart condition, but it did not previously cause her a problem.  News Story

16/10/2021 England
Joe Plant (Age) Walker finished his 100 mile charity walk, despite cardiac arrest minutes from finish line. Half a mile from the end, his heart stopped beating but an internal defibrillator delivered 2 electric shocks to save his life. He’s raising money for the British Heart Foundation, who fund research into treatments for heart conditions. Vaccination status unknown currently.  News Story

27/10/21, Austria, 26 years old
Raphael Dwamena (26) Ghanaian forward. Fell down (possibly due to his defibrilator kicking in) with severe heart problems before the ÖFB Cup match between Linz Weiß-Blau FC and Hartberg TSV. Had a known heart condition since 2017. Aug 2017: failed Brighton medical after detection of heart condition. Oct 2019: Doctors recommend retirement Jan 2020: Continued playing with implanted cardioverter-defibrillator. Oct 2020: Heart issues detected before match. Oct 2021: Fell in cup game. “I received an electric shock from the defibrillator. It hurts and knocks you off your feet. But I didn’t collapse,” 4 December 2021: Club terminated contract.  News Story

03/12/21 Lancaster, UK
Kortney Hause (26), Aston Villa footballer crashed his Lamborghini into a school fence after losing control of the vehicle on a wet road. He was dazed but uninjured and nobody was hurt. He had a record of speeding and being late.

19/12/2021 Pogradec, Albania Dead
Spartak Elmazi (34) Pogradec midfield football player. Apparently was fighting an unspecified illness for three years before his death. Cause of death unstated.
“He suffered from a serious illness and for three years was fighting for his life.”  News Story

25/12/21 Argentina Dead
Diego Armando Montiel (25) former Atlético Rafaela midfielder (retired) died of meningitis. Did not play in the past two years.  News Story

03/01/2022 Ivory Coast Dead
Oussou Konan (32), Al-Bukiryah FC Football player was allegedly poisoned while on holiday in his homeland.  News Story

19/01/2022 Scotland, UK Dead
Devin Gordon (13), Bathgate Juniors U-14 footballer died. No other details given initially. UPDATE: Devin was hit by a train and he was on the tracks. News Story

12/01/2022 Ohio, USA Dead
Jude Michael Little (15), Unioto High School basketballer (Chillicothe Ohio) died due to Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome, according to his parents. They said he was not vaccinated.  News Story

23/01/2022 Spain
Jesus Sánchez López aka Chechu (29), Egabrense footballer collapsed during a football match after a collision with the goalkeeper. Chechu was unconscious and had breathing problems so was transferred to hospital. Recovered after time in hospital.

22/03/2022 USA
Rafael Nadal (36), Majorcan fully vaccinated star Australian Open champion tennis player is out for at least 6-8 weeks after his defeat by Taylor Fritz in Indian Wells, due to pain and breathing problems, reported as a rib stress crack. After a match, Nadal told reporters, “When I try to breathe, it’s painful … It feels like needles.” Nadal had previously mocked Djokovic for not being vaccinated.  News Story

21/05/2022 Tasmania, Australia
Tobi Mcinnes (Age), Burnie Dockers Football Club Australian Rules Footballer suffered a cardiac arrest during an off-the ball fight with an opposing player, Penguin, who slapped him in the face twice. He was taken to Launceston General Hospital. On Sunday evening, he was conscious and stable but was undergoing tests to determine his condition.  News Story  News Story2

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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The Subtle Art of Propaganda

June 7th, 2023 by Dr. Emanuel Garcia

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Propaganda comes in many forms, but perhaps no media outlet has perfected the subtlety of its art like the once-venerable – or, at least, once credible – New York Times.

Two examples appeared to me today and I believe they are eminently worthy of analysis, so that we can see how fine an art it is that this organ of propaganda practices.

First, a brief foreword.

I grew up reading the Times, looking forward to its massive Sunday edition in particular, and admiring the prose that graced its journalistic pages.

I began to become suspicious of their credibility when a series of articles by one Judith Miller appeared in the build-up to the illegal invasion of Iraq orchestrated by George Bush and Colin Powell. Nowadays I have relegated this “institution” to a worthless abyss. If and when they actually do publish something truthful, I regard the contribution as a sly way to seduce readers to the dross that fills the other pages.

They are not alone. Those “liberal” and “objective” and “wise” newspapers and magazines – The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The Atlantic and so on – join the ranks nowadays as examples of shallow, deceptive and ultimately untrustworthy mouthpieces. I once enjoyed their contributions, even while retaining a skeptical view of any publication that depended on advertising revenue. Now I conclude that these media are both irrelevant and dangerous.

I’d like to describe, however, their accomplished artistry when it comes to pushing their points of view.

The first example appears in this Times headline: “Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History.” 

The word “thorny” is priceless. The Times has been a propulsive advocate of war in the Ukraine, taking the side of Zelensky without reserve, it seems, and successfully suppressing virtually anything that gives credence to the Russian cause. Nonetheless, enough truth has begun to flow out, from other sources, that even the eminent Times must pay homage to – truth, for example, that pertains to the Nazi-affiliations of the Ukraine soldiery.

The fervor of the Deep State West to support the Ukraine cause against Russia would not permit such an inconvenient admission until the obvious could no longer be concealed. The result is “Nazi symbols” – not, mind you, Nazism – and “thorny issues.” “Thorny” in particular is a beautiful feint, suggesting a little glitch, a pebble in a shoe, a nagging but minor matter.

The horror of Nazism, the horror of Nazism embraced by a corrupt Ukrainian regime that has murdered its own citizens and now sends its conscripts to needless death, has been mitigated, reduced to a symbolic presence, a small pin-prick, as it were. The Times headline is a minor masterpiece of semi-truth-telling in the service of larger deceptive aims.

The second example occurs in a sentence, again from the Times, which itself is part of a flagrant hit-piece against Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: “Mr. Kennedy, who announced his 2024 presidential campaign in April, is himself a leading vaccine skeptic, and has promoted other conspiracy theories.”

Here I wish to call attention to the legerdemain that brings us to associate skepticism about vaccines – which there is plenty of evidence to justify – with the decades-old canard of conspiracy theory. Look at how the grammar and structure of the sentence is used to convey that to be a so-called vaccine skeptic means to promote a conspiracy theory, and in RFK Jr.’s case, according to the Times, a promoter of other conspiracy theories too, although the author feels no need to flesh these out.

In other words, questioning the safety and efficacy of vaccines, wishing to understand their consequences and the role of Big Pharma in their promotion, inquiring into the various ingredients of vaccines – all of this shows a kind of dreaded “skepticism,” which is then linked to “conspiracy theory.”

Actually, in addition to being a deviously good bit of propaganda, the offending sentence may also hint unintentionally at a real truth, which is this: anyone who dares to try to think independently, to engage in research, to criticize, doubt, wonder about or wish to look more deeply into an issue is anathema.

If I don’t trust the Warren Commission’s conclusions about JFK’s death, I’m a conspiracy theorist. If I query the official “narrative” – how I hate that overused word, by the way, for its implication that everything is spin and truth is relative – then I’m a conspiracy theorist. Worse yet, should I be audacious enough to challenge the gospel of vaccine salvation, I’m a conspiracy theorist – and poor RFK Jr., who has been a left wing Democrat all his life, is now miraculously transformed into a right wing misinformationist!

See how it works?

It’s all in the language, the extremely deft and subtle and artistic use of words in the service of a kind of propaganda that is so good it goes virtually undetected as one reads.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Why Do We Elect Politicians and Governments that Wage War on Sovereign States?

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, June 06, 2023

The people and their citizens are deprived of the management of their own affairs, the determination of their own actions and the care of their own welfare by such an election. Why should the people not be able to realise their own ideas and put their self-developed concepts of life into practice?

Doctors Who Poisoned Themselves and Their Families, Including Small Children, with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

By Dr. William Makis, June 07, 2023

Every day I hear stories about young doctors who are closing their practice and retiring because they had a heart attack or a stroke or a neurological injury and they can’t practice medicine anymore. Every other day a Canadian doctor dies suddenly.

France Is Reportedly Making a Principled Stand Against NATO’s Expansion to Asia

By Andrew Korybko, June 07, 2023

The Financial Times cited eight unnamed sources who revealed that France is reportedly preventing the planned opening of NATO’s liaison office in Japan. According to them, Macron believes that this move violates the alliance’s charter, which limits its geographic reach to the North Atlantic.

Israel to ‘Judaize’ Galilee and Expand West Bank Settlements?

By Khaled Mouammar, June 06, 2023

The Haaretz article (read here) shows that Israeli authorities are escalating their discrimination and segregation policies against Indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinian citizens.

Independent Nord Stream Expedition Discovers Clue Missed by Official Investigators

By Jeffrey Brodsky, June 06, 2023

The Grayzone participated in what appears to be the first independent expedition investigating the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. Near one of the blast sites, we discovered a diving boot used by US Navy divers. How did Swedish investigators miss this?

Listen to Dr. Naomi Wolf Talk About Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda

By Peter Koenig and Dr. Naomi Wolf, June 06, 2023

For those who still believe that Covid is a deadly disease and that the “vaccination” will be their salvation – or has been their salvation – this article and video account by world renown author and researcher Dr. Naomi Wolf may come as a cold shower – or at least as an overdue eye-opener.

Our “Abnormal New Normal”. Bored, Bludgeoned, and Tired: “When COVID Hit, the Iron Fist of the Ruling ‘Elites’ Came Down Hard”

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, June 06, 2023

We all knew the pre-covid world was careening, lustily so, towards a dark place in a way that could never be sustained: rampant greed, endless war, catastrophic debts run up by and for the banks that seemed to rule us all.

Is a Change of Course at State Department Coming?

By Philip Giraldi, June 06, 2023

There are a lot of anonymous bureaucrats that man the offices in the nation’s capital. If one were to mention the name Wendy Sherman at a Washington DC cocktail gathering it is likely that few in the room will have ever heard of her, but she has long been one of the most important players in Democratic Party administrations when it comes to foreign policy in key parts of the world. 

The Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy: Questions, Hints and Allegations

By Edward Curtin, June 06, 2023

While many people are aware that President John Kennedy was killed five years earlier in a conspiracy organized by U.S. intelligence operatives and that Lee Harvey Oswald was the “patsy” that he said he was, far fewer realize that Robert Kennedy was also killed as a result of a conspiracy and that the convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan did not kill RFK.

The Deadly Delusions of NATO and the Atlantic Council

By Kurt Nimmo, June 06, 2023

Prior to the Russian SMO to denazify Ukraine, the consensus in Europe was that Ukraine did not meet the criteria for membership. NATO “has never offered [Ukraine and Georgia] a formal action plan to join, a necessary step for them to do so,” The New York Times reported in January 2022, the month before Russia entered Ukraine. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe.

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Former Canadian Medical Association President Dr.Gigi Osler posted pictures of vaccinating herself and her teenage daughter with Moderna. “We believe in Moderna…my daughter got it. But did not get magnetized”

Every day I hear stories about young doctors who are closing their practice and retiring because they had a heart attack or a stroke or a neurological injury and they can’t practice medicine anymore. Every other day a Canadian doctor dies suddenly.

They were all COVID-19 vaccinated. And most of them convinced their family members to take COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and forced them on their children.

Why are doctors the most brainwashed group?

I often get this question: why are doctors the most brainwashed with COVID-19 propaganda?

Part of it is incompetence and arrogance. Doctors are put on a pedestal and praised, despite many doctors being grossly incompetent, dull, and not critical thinkers.

But another part is much darker. Doctors who fell for the propaganda also pushed COVID-19 vaccines on their family members and gave them to their children.

Now they can’t admit COVID-19 vaccines are toxic because they gave those toxic products to their loved ones.

Australia – 26 yo Caillin Atchison, daughter of a doctor and Australian Medical Association president Michelle Atchison, died suddenly in her sleep on May 11, 2022. (click here)

Just in case there are any questions about how big of an mRNA vaccine pusher her Australian physician mother Dr. Michelle Atchison was:

Marlinton, WV – 25 year old Allyson Cutlip developed pericarditis multiple times, as well as inflammation of the liver and spleen. “Why can’t I just be healthy?”

Allyson’s mother is a COVID-19 vaccinated doctor who just had breast cancer and mastectomy:

Allyson’s 3 year old boy has an autoimmune platelet disorder that was almost fatal:

Here is a family with three generations recently impacted by very serious health problems.

A COVID-19 vaccinated physician mother (in her late 40s/early 50s) would have ensured her daughter, with whom she has a great relationship, was also COVID-19 vaccinated. The mom doctor just developed breast cancer at a young age, the 25 yo daughter developed pericarditis, and inflammation of liver and spleen – very typical of post COVID-19 vaccination auto-immune issues.

The boy who is 3 years old had an auto-immune disease attacking his own platelets. Did Allyson get vaccinated while she was breastfeeding? Or is the boy COVID-19 vaccinated himself? These are important questions.

Imagine a family poisoned over 3 generations because of bad advice of one doctor in the family. I believe this is now the reality for many doctors’ families.

Saskatchewan Infectious diseases specialist Dr. Alexander Wong rushes to get his small kids COVID-19 vaccinated, then disappears (he has been missing for 14 months).

This has been one of the most shocking things for me to watch over the past year. Dr. Alexander Wong, a Saskatchewan Infectious Diseases specialist rushed to get his 5-year old boy COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated on Nov. 27, 2021.

He must have been one of the first children age 5 to get mRNA vaccinated in Canada.

On April 28, 2022, he wrote numerous Twitter posts about how excited he was to vaccinate his two young children under age 5 as soon as Moderna mRNA vaccine was approved:

Those were his last Twitter posts. He hasn’t posted in 14 months.

For someone who pushed propaganda regularly throughout the entire pandemic, it is not normal to then disappear for 14 months. I hope Dr. Wong and his family are ok, and I’m very concerned about his young children.

For his sake, I hope he didn’t vaccinate those two young children under age 5.

US doctor Dr. Bret Stetka age 43, director at Medscape/WebMD died suddenly on Aug. 6, 2022.

US Marine Ronald Hinton lost three relatives in 5 months in 2022, one doctor and two nurses.

Halifax, NS – Fully COVID-19 vaccinated Dr. Hesham Lakosha, a physician & ophthalmologist died on April 9, 2023, allegedly from ALS and his ex-wife Latifa Alabdy (age 68) died two weeks later on April 23, 2023.

St. Cloud Florida – Patrick Kelly (age 20) died April 18, 2022 and his mother, a nurse, Francesca Kelly (age 50) died Feb. 5, 2023. Mother believed her son died from the COVID-19 vaccine (click here)

My Take… 

One of the main reasons why most doctors are either not waking up or are refusing to wake up to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine fraud, is because they pushed these toxic products on their family members including their children, some of them very young.

Psychologically, it must be very difficult to face the possibility that, as a doctor, and as someone that your entire family trusted and counted on, you made a horrible mistake and ended up poisoning your entire family including your children.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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The Financial Times cited eight unnamed sources who revealed that France is reportedly preventing the planned opening of NATO’s liaison office in Japan. According to them, Macron believes that this move violates the alliance’s charter, which limits its geographic reach to the North Atlantic. He’s also supposedly against anything that can contribute to NATO-Chinese tensions. The spanner that the French leader unexpected threw into the bloc’s Asian expansion plans comes after his trip to China in early April.

He visited the People’s Republic along with European Commissioner Von Der Leyen around two weeks after President Xi traveled to Moscow. Upon returning home, Macron revived his prior rhetoric about Europe’s strategic autonomy in the New Cold War, specifically saying that the continent should resist American pressure to take its side over Taiwan. Later that month, China’s Ambassador to the EU said that his country’s cooperation with the continent is as unlimited as its cooperation with Russia.

This sequence of events suggests that Macron’s rhetoric was sincere despite many in the Alt-Media Community suspecting that he was just trying to strategically disarm Russia with his words. About that alleged end goal, Kremlin spokesman Peskov confirmed in early June that Moscow doesn’t regard Paris as a suitable mediator in the NATO-Russian proxy war due to its direct involvement in it. Nevertheless, there’s also no denying that France’s reported stand against NATO’s Asian expansion is commendable.

That said, Macron’s position isn’t driven by the desire to do any favors for President Xi, but is predicated on his assessment of France’s national interests. In his mind, the bloc’s growing involvement on the other side of Eurasia needlessly provokes the People’s Republic, which is the EU’s top trade partner. Moreover, it could also make it more difficult for NATO to contain Russia in Europe if its members end up dividing their focus between that front and the Asia-Pacific.

Simply put, France has yet to fully abandon the notion of national interests like most of its liberalglobalist European peers have already done, which explains Macron’s reported resistance to NATO’s plans. His country’s different approach to International Relations is likely attributable to its neo-colonial empire in Africa, which is crumbling as a result of Russia’s “Democratic Security” inroads there over the past few years but still exists in some form.  

No other NATO member has anything comparable, which is why the majority of them are predisposed to complying with the demands of this bloc’s US leader even at the expense of their own interests in pursuit of what Washington claims is the “greater good”. France might ultimately be pressured by the US and its vassals to such an extent that it’s forced to relent on its reported opposition to the bloc’s Asian expansion plans, but for now Macron is holding his ground in defense of his country’s national interests.

This observation proves that NATO’s internecine rifts are naturally occurring, just like the ones that the bloc has with Hungary and Turkiye, and not the result of foreign meddling like the Mainstream Media misleading implies is the case. While it’s true that the US exploited its proxy war with Russia to successfully reassert its unipolar hegemony over Europe, it failed to do so completely, and that’s why France still has a modicum of sovereignty left to resist NATO’s Asian expansion plans (at least for now).


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Something to consider; If the vaxxxed start dropping in winter, the symptoms would be very similar to the Marburg virus. You could very easily blame this wave of death on this rare, ebola-like virus, fooling people into not blaming the vaxxx itself.” Rosie’s Tactical Sandbag @DarnelSugarfoo

Marburg is a hemorrhagic fever that kills the majority of the people it infects. Fortunately, no one in the United States has ever died from Marburg nor has any American ever been infected by the disease. The reason for this is not hard to understand. The virus is native to Africa and is transmitted to humans via monkeys and bats that live in that area. In other words, there is no evidence that Americans are at risk of contracting or dying from Marburg. Nevertheless, in December 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a “Notice of Declaration” in which they stated the following:

The recurrent but unpredictable and variable nature of Marburg disease outbreaks and the transmission profile makes marburgviruses a threat to the public health security of the American people, requiring vigilance and a continuing need for development of medical countermeasures. Similar to determinations and experiences with Ebola virus outbreaks, marburgvirus has been determined to have the potential to be a threat to US public health security.Notice of Declaration

This is just wrong. There’s no evidence that Americans are at risk of contracting or dying from Marburg. There have been no outbreaks in the US and no proof there will be any in the future. So, why would HHS deceive the public on a matter of such importance? That’s the question?

In order to figure out why HHS issued its “Declaration”, we need to look at the declaration itself which is available at the Federal Register under the title “Notice of Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Countermeasures Against Marburgvirus and/or Marburg Disease.

The document is quite long and written in a type of legal language that many may find hard to read. Still, we think it is worth the time and effort. What you will discover is that HHS has created the legal and contractual infrastructure needed for the production of more experimental vaccines. That’s what this is all about. HHS has made unsupportable claims about Marburg in order to fabricate a public health crisis that will serve as a green-light for more vaccines. As always, the implementing of agenda-driven policies requires a fair-amount of fearmongering which is certainly the case here. Here’s more from the Notice of Declaration:

Marburg disease is a highly virulent disease that causes hemorrhagic fever, with a case fatality rate of approximately 88 percent. Humans can become infected with marburgviruses, but it is largely unknown how marburgvirus transmits from its animal host to humans…. After the initial crossover of the virus from host animal to humans, transmission can occur through person-to-person contact. This may happen in several ways: Direct contact to droplets of body fluids from infected persons, or contact with equipment and other objects contaminated with infectious blood or tissues. The virus can spread between humans in close environments and through direct contact.’ Notice of Declaration

On the issue of “transmission”: It would be interesting to know how many people believe that Marburg was transmitted from animal-to-humans (as stated above) or assume that these oddball pathogens actually originated at one of Uncle Sam’s 300-or-so bioweapons labs around the world? Here’s more from the Declaration:

Declaration for Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act Coverage for Countermeasures Against Marburgvirus and/or Marburg Disease

I have determined that Marburg disease and marburgviruses are a credible risk such that Marburg disease or marburgviruses may in the future constitute a public health emergency…..

I have considered the desirability of encouraging the design, development, clinical testing, or investigation, manufacture, labeling, distribution, formulation, packaging, marketing, promotion, sale, purchase, donation, dispensing, prescribing, administration, licensing, and use of the Covered Countermeasures.

I recommend, under the conditions stated in this Declaration, the manufacture, testing, development, distribution, administration, and use of the Covered Countermeasures”. Notice of Declaration

Can you see how wrong this is? so he can hand billions of dollars to his friends at big pharma. But the fact is, Marburg is not a credible public health threat at all, not even close. How can you announce a public health emergency when no one has contracted the disease? It’s ridiculous. So, why is the Secretary doing this? It’s obvious that government lawyers have spent a great deal of time and energy creating the legal and contractual framework for this operation, but why? What is the objective?

The objective is hidden in the above quote: “I have considered the desirability of encouraging the… development… of Covered Countermeasures.” Those “countermeasures” are in fact vaccines. The HHS Secretary is calling for another round of experimental vaccines to respond to a pandemic that has not yet materialized. And –given that three years have passed since HHS’s original declaration– we think it’s highly-probable that a Marburg vaccine has already been developed and stockpiled in some remote storage facility owned by big pharma. We can’t verify that but –judging from past experience– we think that is more than likely. Here another quote from the text that underscores the point we are trying to make:

Covered Countermeasures are any antiviral, any other drug, any biologic, any diagnostic, any other device, or any vaccine, used to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate Marburg disease...” Notice of Declaration

There it is in black and white: Vaccines. This has nothing to do with a fake Marburg pandemic. HHS is laying the groundwork for another round of injections. And, from the looks of it, they may be very close to achieving their goal. Check it out:

Marburg Vaccine Development

A newly published paper in The Lancet shows that an experimental vaccine against Marburg virus (MARV) was safe and induced an immune response in a small, first-in-human clinical trial.The vaccine, developed by researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, could someday be an important tool to respond to Marburg virus outbreaks….

The investigational vaccine appeared to induce strong, long-lasting immunity to the MARV glycoprotein: 95% of participants in the trial exhibited a robust antibody response after vaccination, and 70% maintained that response for more than 48 weeks.

…If additional data supports the promising results seen in the Phase 1 trial, the cAd3-Marburg virus vaccine could someday be used in emergency responses to MARV outbreaks.” Marburg vaccine shows promising results in first-in-human study“, National Institute of Health

Well, that didn’t take long, did it? A little tweaking here-and-there and– Presto– we have a new vaccine. Are you surprised?

You shouldn’t be. Unfortunately, any progress in R&D needs to be tempered with a healthy dose of reality, such as, any public health emergency would, once again, preclude proper testing, clinical trials and traditional regulatory oversight. We can be dead-certain of that. We can also be sure that any new regime of experimental vaccines will be forced on the public whether they want them or not. Also, the abuse of the Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) ensures that from-this-point-on the ingesting of new medications will be a crapshoot at best. Don’t expect any guarantees of safety, because there won’t be any.

Did you know that researchers have already invented a PCR test for Marburg? It’s true. This is from the CDC website updated on April 19, 2023:

“Antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and IgM-capture ELISA can be used to confirm a case of MVD within a few days of symptom onset…. The IgG-capture ELISA is appropriate for testing persons later in the course of disease or after recovery. In deceased patients, immunohistochemistry, virus isolation, or PCR of blood or tissue specimens may be used to diagnose MVD retrospectively.” (CDC Website)

So, a PCR test was developed at great expense for a disease that has only killed a handful of people globally and for which there is no immediate, pressing need. Does that make sense to you?

Did you know any of this? Did you know that HHS had designated a rare, hemorrhagic fever named Marburg, as a “public health emergency” requiring vast resources for the development of countermeasures? Did you know all these legal and operational conditions were put into place 3 years ago in 2020? Did you know HHS has provided blanket immunity to drug companies for the manufacturing of experimental vaccines for diseases that have not yet infected even one American? Did you know that vaccine development for the Marburg virus is well under way and that a PCR test has already been invented?

This is all very weird, and there’s more, too, like this bizarre response from Bill Gates about the prospect of another pandemic. Check it out:

Bill Gates: “We’ll have to prepare for the next one (pandemic). That, I’d say will get attention this time”

Why is Bill Gates so confident there’s going to be another pandemic, and why the smirk? Does Gates know something we don’t know?

And why –on April 22, 2021– did Gates’ GAVI Alliance post an article titled “The Next Pandemic: Marburg?”

Did Gates know that just four months after the article was published, a Marburg outbreak would take place in Equatorial Guinea (35 fatalities) followed shortly after by an outbreak in Tanzania? (6 fatalities) That’s quite a coincidence, don’t you think? Here’s the story from WHO Africa:

Health authorities in Guinea today confirmed a case of Marburg virus disease in the southern Gueckedou prefecture. This is the first time Marburg, a highly infectious disease that causes haemorrhagic fever, has been identified in the country, and in West Africa….

“We applaud the alertness and the quick investigative action by Guinea’s health workers. The potential for the Marburg virus to spread far and wide means we need to stop it in its tracks,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa…

An initial team of 10 WHO experts, including epidemiologists and socio-anthropologists is on the ground helping to investigate the case and supporting the national health authorities to swiftly step up emergency response, including risk assessment, disease surveillance, community mobilization, testing, clinical care, infection prevention as well as logistical support.

Cross-border surveillance is also being enhanced to quickly detect any cases, with neighboring countries on alert. West Africa’s first-ever case of Marburg virus disease confirmed in Guinea, WHO

“Highly infectious”? Marburg is not highly infectious. Most Marburg outbreaks involve less than 30 people. Why is the WHO lying about this? Here’s more from CNN:

Marburg is a rare but highly fatal viral fever that causes uncontrolled bleeding, similar to Ebola…. It can spread through contact with an infected person’s blood and other body fluids or through fluids from infected animals. It does not spread through the air like the virus that causes Covid-19…

Marburg virus is not contagious until symptoms appear. These can include fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal symptoms and unexplained bleeding..

In late March, the Ministry of Health of Tanzania announced an outbreak in the northwest part of the country. As of April 5, there have been eight lab-confirmed cases, and five of those people have died.

The CDC said there is no evidence to suggest that the two outbreaks are related. Most experts agree that these cases represent two independent animal-to-human spillover events…

avoid contact with fruit bats and primates in areas where there are outbreaks, since both animals are known to be carriers for the virus.” (“CDC warns doctors to watch for Marburg virus amid outbreaks in two African nations“, CNN

Let me get this straight: An extremely rare hemorrhagic fever breaks out in two separate locations just a month apart but we are assured that it jumped from a “fruit bat or a primate”?

Really? Isn’t it just as likely that the people may have been infected as part of a biological experiment conducted by governments who regularly engage in that type of activity? (Guess who?)

Some readers might be wondering whether there is an operational link between the Covid-19 pandemic and the Marburg phenom which is just getting off the ground.

We think there is, but before we make that connection, we want to provide some new information on ‘who was actually running the show’ during the Covid pandemic and how their involvement ensured that the vaccines would not be either safe or effective. Here’s an excerpt from an interview with former pharmaceutical executive and entrepreneur, Sasha Latypova:

SASHA LATYPOVA PhD: Operation Warp Speed is headed by the Department of Defense

I am researching adverse events and death due to the vaccine based on the manufacturer’s vaccine batch numbers (on the vial) And, that led me to see that these products are produced extremely badly and do not follow any quality standards. So, I tried to find out why that has happened around the world with no one in authority stopping it and recalling the product like they are supposed to. That is how I uncovered deep corruption at the FDA and other regulatory agencies around the world… So, now I am working with legal researchers to uncover corruption and find out how this is related to the Department of Defense ,,,and how they contracted for these products , and we are looking into laws that were passed by Congress to enable this deep corruption……

This is a much deeper and more evil corruption because–as you can see– it’s all over the world they are all following the same script …the same regulatory agencies are acting in the same way

We found that it started in the US. There are a set of US laws that were put in place long before Covid began, to enable secret purchasing of pharmaceutical products by the Department of Defense calling them prototypes and countermeasures; designating them in a whole legal category which is not regulated like pharmaceuticals but then pretending to the public– through media and orchestrated suppression of free speech– that this is a health event and that these are the pharmaceuticals in response to the health event. While, in reality, what was happening, is that the DoD was buying prototypes from a number of defense contractors and deploying them on the public.

“The documents I’ve read are actually quite open about it. Operation Warp Speed is headed by the Department of Defense.... So alot of the material I present to the public is from their own (DOD) material. They are telling the truth. You just have to read the words carefully.” Sasha Latypova Interview, Rumble

According to Latypova, it all starts with the DOD. The DOD oversaw the operation at HHS and the DOD provided “prototypes” to the drug companies to manufacture enough vaccines to inject everyone in the country. Bottom line: The vaccines are not really the creation of the big pharma as most people think. Big pharma is merely a contractor who produces millions of injections of a prototype that was created by Pentagon contractors. What this tells us is that the government and their allies at the drug companies were not responding to a public health emergency;they were acting as the catalyst for a vast military operation aimed at the American people.

Here’s more from a presentation Latypova made two months ago. This is from DOD contracts:

Use of EAU (Emergency Use Authorization) countermeasures is NOT a clinical investigation”…

The significance of this is, that if a countermeasure is not a clinical investigational product, then no pharmaceutical regulations apply to these products. So, this is the lie that our government told to our people and the world: They claimed that this was a health event, they claimed that they were producing pharmaceutical products to ‘good manufacturing standards’ when they knew that no pharmaceutical regulations applied to these countermeasures and countermeasures can mean anything….

In the US the government lied to us about this being a health event… They told us it was a global pandemic but they organized the response as if it was a war. In the US, the National Security Council was put in charge of Covid response. The NSC –which advises the president– has representatives from Intelligence and Defense, (but) no one from health care is on the NSC…. The chief operating officer (of the pandemic response) is the Secretary of Defense…. They are running the whole thing.The HHS is the Chief Science Advisor. …The whole top executive structure (organizational) consists of government, National Security Council, Dept of Defense, BARDA etc and they are doing everything that the pharmaceutical companies normally do, like safety monitoring, clinical trials etc But, here, the government is doing it for them… even hiring their own contractors to run their clinical trials. …They are interacting with Congress. They even have the office of General Counsel which is the Dept of Justice defending them. …You can see that the pharmaceutical companies are a third-level down. They are not in charge but the are getting a tremendous amount of money to shut up and follow orders. …But the entire operation is run by the Dept of Defense and the US Government. …

So, my question is: Who is really manufacturing these injections?

Well, again in the same presentation (about) Operation Warp Speed and BARDA were bragging about their ‘vaccine portfolio’. (Latypova shows list of vaccine manufacturers who work with the DOD on the screen. These are not names that are familiar to American people….. According to Latypova, Pfizer and Moderna only produce a “Demo” (demonstration) of the vaccine. The actual product is created as an unregulated “countermeasure” by shadowy contractors working for the DOD. Note: Latypova’s slides are all from government documents. Nothing here is “made up.” Latypova combed through over 400 DOD contracts to find this information.)

Also, according to DOD documents, the DOD did not order “vaccines” but “prototypes” (minute 19:35) identified in government contracts as “novel application of commercial technologies for defense purposes.” Sasha Latypova PhD. M.Sc. NSA Team Enigma: COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm, Rumble

Once again, the contractual requirement of the pharmaceutical companies is not to provide a thoroughly-tested, safe and effective vaccine that mitigates the risk of serious injury from Covid-19. No. What DOD contracts require is “Large-scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration” for the prototype they created. This is the money-quote from the contract:


“While preclinical, clinical and chemistry/manufacturing/controls activities are described in the Background section in the Statement of Work, the parties acknowledge and agree that such activities not related to the large-scale manufacturing demonstration are out-of-scope for this prototype project as Pfizer and BioNTech have and will continue to fund these activities, without the use of government funding.”

What this means is that clinical trials and other regulations are not required under the terms of the agreement with the DOD. The DOD did not order the countermeasures to be “regulation compliant”. They ordered large-scale manufacturing of a government-designed prototype.

The issue of “prototypes” really cuts to the heart of the matter, particularly regarding the contents of the vaccine which remain largely a mystery to this day. Did the DOD require that mRNA technology be used as the sole platform? Did they stipulate that the toxic spike protein must be encased in lipid nano-particles?

We still don’t know the answers to these questions and now we have one more: What is the link between the Covid-19 mass vaccination campaign and HHS’s “Notice of Declaration” for “Countermeasures Against… Marburg Disease”? Is there a connection? Is Marburg Phase 2 of the same military-led operation?

Rather than answer that question, let’s consider the motive behind these massive vaccination campaigns. What is the ultimate objective of injecting billions of people with experimental vaccines that have not undergone the same rigorous testing as previous vaccines?

Latypova thinks the goal is depopulation. Here’s a clip from a discussion she had with Steve Kirsch in May:

Steve Kirsch– Let’s get into motivation. Who is doing this and why?…. Do you think it is Bill Gates, the Department of Defense, the Chinese Communist Party….

Sacha Latypova– The masterminds behind this are private. It is not the government, it is the private interests that are driving this… It ultimately boils down to individuals and families who think of themselves as the owners of the world and they think we are using their resources and there should be fewer of us. By the way, this belief has never been secret and has been produced in various documents and public presentations by the UN and WEF (World Economic Forum) and other globalist organizations.

Steve Kirsch– So is Bill Gates one of them?

Sacha Latypova– Yes, Bill Gates is definitely one of them …He is deeply financially involved in all of this....

Steve Kirsch– I watched the Netflix documentary on Bill Gates and he devours information, he’s very smart and he knows alot about alot of topics. He is involved in a number of humanitarian projects around the world…So, why would a guy who is interested in developing better sanitation for disadvantaged countries want to kill people?

Sacha Latypova– He is deeply committed to depopulation... These people get involved because they want to be presented to the world as philanthropists or saviors. No one is going to go out and say, “I am going to try to kill everyone on the planet.” They hire PR firms to communicate an image to the public…. Bill and Melinda Gates are major investors in these vaccines through Moderna and BioNTech….

Steve Kirsch– By the way, he has never said, “Don’t get these vaccines, I was wrong.” He’s never said that.

Sacha Latypova– Exactly. So a guy who is brilliant cannot read the data? (sarcasm)

Steve Kirsch– Okay, so I am rendering an opinion here but, It’s just weird to me that someone who does so much good, could be interested in depopulating the world. And, here’s the thing, Bill’s a really really smart guy who has access to many many resources. There are easier ways to depopulate the world much faster than a vaccine that only kills one per thousand. This vaccine is very inefficient as far as its killing rate. So you have 13 billion doses worldwide, you’ve only killed 13 million people. That is a drop in the bucket if he really wants to depopulate. Why would he use a vaccine that works so slowly that he knows he will be caught and stopped…. If he wanted to depopulate he would do something much more aggressive that would kill masses of people so quickly you couldn’t defend against it. That’s what I’d do if I was this “evil” person behind this, so I am wondering: Does this make sense?

Sacha Latypova– So what would be the mechanism for killing people in larger numbers if you were to do it yourself?

Steve Kirsch– I don’t know, I’ve never looked into it.

Sacha Latypova– Well, that’s the problem…. Conventional weapons can kill more people faster, but there are no viruses that are both lethal and spreadable. That’s a science fiction myth. So that’s off the table. So, these people are eugenicists. Bill Gates is an avowed eugenicist, but there are many more in his club. They believe that they can control the population of the world, that is expressed in a whole bunch of UN documents to which the US is signatory. … So they think they can control the world population but they don’t want it to be overt and violent, because that creates immediate resistance and people won’t trust them. So they have developed this mechanism by which…. and this is just Round 1… They are not done with this. And they also use various vectors (food supply) So, this is the mechanism by which they turn public health against the people and weaponize it. … This is not a public health measure, it is a eugenics measure aimed at controlling the population. and to control and terrorize the survivors.

Now, killing by the vaccines, while the rate is not very large, it also sterilizes–reduces the birth rate– so you have a much larger effect over time that you would immediately visible. … Now they are transitioning mRNA technology to all traditional vaccines … Next round will be the flu shot, RSV, livestock …which will damaging microbiome of the entire ecosystem… These are numerous vectors that they have introduced because the whole objective was to put this evil toxic hugely dangerous mRNA technology platform on the market, and they have achieved that. So now the FDA can approve new versions without any data. Nothing can be FOIA because there will be no data.”Whose Military made Covid, Sasha Latypova and Steve Kirsch, Rumble

Latypova provides a rational explanation of the depopulation theory which is dismissed by most people as utter nonsense. But people who believe the theory, never claimed that millions of people would suddenly drop dead after they were injected. What they expected, is largely what we’ve seen, which is a gradual uptick in excess deaths that puts global population on a steadily declining trajectory. That is the objective and that is how the plan works. It’s clear that the delayed effects of the toxic spike protein as well as the damaging impact of lipid nano-particles on male and female fertility, will ensure that mortality will increase even while the birthrate continues to shrink. Depopulation is a triumph for the billionaire elites who think the human impact on climate and resources must be reversed. They see their actions as morally laudable and ultimately beneficial for humanity. The question we should be asking ourselves is whether Marburg, and particularly the prospective Marburg vaccine, will continue to advance this same agenda?

We think it will, and we think that Dr. Rashid A. Buttar –who unexpectedly died on May 18, 2023 — may have been onto something when he posted his controversial ‘Millions will be affected’ video which explains the way that Marburg is designed to work. Naturally, Buttar’s prognostications have been criticized as conspiracy theories, but judging by the millions of people who have flocked to his videos, it’s clear that a great many people trust what he has been saying. And, what he’s been saying, in simple terms, is that there is a hydro-gel within the Covid-19 vaccine that contains a time-released pathogen (Marburg) that will kill many of people who have been vaccinated.

Dr Rashid Buttar; Soothsayer or Crackpot?

This is the warning that Buttar delivered on his Rumble channel in the weeks preceding his death. According to the Doctor, the modified mRNA vaccines contain components that act like “sleeper cells” that lie dormant until a catalyst releases their toxic payload. Here’s a quote from a recent interview:

People ask me if there will be a second wave, and I say, “Of course, there will be a second wave, but it won’t be from the virus, it will be from the vaccine injury……

There are things within the vaccine that are designed to create a detrimental effect when they want it to create a detrimental effect… (It’s) like a ‘sleeper cell’ in your body… that can be triggered by a signal or chemical or (something else) that can activate the sleeper cell.

One of the three pathogens contained (in the sleeper cell) is Marburg that creates a hemorrhagic fever …which according to Google has an 88% mortality which means that 88 out of 100 people who get it will die…. Once the Marburg payload is released, millions of people will die…

I expect this will happen sometime this year. …There’s a payload of pathogens that have been introduced to the body like a sleeper cell waiting to be triggered by an electromagnetic pulse… that will cause the hydrogel to release the payload (carried by vaccinated people) that will mean certain death…Dr. Rashid Buttar, Millions will be Affected, Rumble

Dr. Buttar anticipates a global genocide more catastrophic than any event in history.

Unfortunately, I have no way of confirming whether he is right or wrong. So, I remain agnostic on Buttar’s conclusions, but I think they are worth considering all the same.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

All images in this article are from TUR

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The Haaretz article (read here) shows that Israeli authorities are escalating their discrimination and segregation policies against Indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinian citizens.

Israeli authorities have been enforcing discriminatory land practices since 1948 inside Israel against its nearly 2 million Christian and Muslim Palestinian citizens who represent 21 percent of the country’s population.

Christian and Muslim Palestinians citizens of Israel currently represent 53 percent of Galilee’s population and 25 percent of the Negev’s population. The Galilee and Negev regions comprise two-thirds of the land in Israel.

The Haaretz article states Israeli authorities are taking major steps to further ‘Judaize’ the Galilee and the Negev by intensifying discriminatory land practices and housing policy, mainly by expanding the Admissions Committee Law so that it applies to communities with up to 1,000 households..

The Israeli state directly controls 93 percent of the land in the country, including occupied East Jerusalem. A government agency, the Israel Land Authority (ILA), manages and allocates these state lands. Almost half the members of the governing body belong to the Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose explicit mandate is to develop and lease land for Jews and not any other segment of the population. The JNF owns 13 percent of Israel’s land, which the state is mandated to use “for the purpose of settling Jews.” them.

Currently, Israeli law permits towns in the Galilee and Negev  with up to 400 households to maintain admissions committees that can reject applicants from living there for being “not suitable for the social life of the community” or for incompatibility with the “social-cultural fabric.”

This authority effectively permits the exclusion of Christian and Muslim Palestinians from small Jewish towns, which Adalah, a human rights group based in Haifa, estimated in 2014 make up 43 percent of all towns in Israel, albeit a smaller percentage of the country’s population. In a 2015 study, Yosef Jabareen, a professor at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, found that there are more than 900 small Jewish towns, including kibbutzim, across Israel that can restrict who can live there and have no Christian and Muslim Palestinian citizens living in them. 

By expanding the Admissions Committee Law so that it applies to communities with up to 1,000 households, Israel would be preventing the 2 million indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinian citizens from residing in 900 communities that would be inhabited by around 3 million Jewish Israelis.

Canada must condemn these discriminatory and racist policies that violate the human rights of 2 million Christian and Muslim Palestinian citizens, and everything enshrined in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


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Khaled Mouammar is a Christian Palestinian Canadian who was forced to flee his hometown Nazareth in 1948. He is one of the founders of the Canadian Arab Federation and a former member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. He received the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Award from the Governor General of Canada in 1977.

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The Grayzone participated in what appears to be the first independent expedition investigating the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. Near one of the blast sites, we discovered a diving boot used by US Navy divers. How did Swedish investigators miss this?

Video above by Agnes Andersson, click here to view

On the evening of May 24, 2023, I stood aboard a small ship called the Baltic Explorer. With sun still high overhead in the Baltic Sea, our boat sat anchored thirty-one nautical miles from the coast of Denmark, and directly above the ruptured Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the exclusive economic zone of Sweden.

For several minutes, I stared at a live video feed from an underwater drone showing never-before-seen footage of the ruptures in the pipeline. Suddenly, a strange object appeared on the screen. It was a black and orange diver’s boot.

The Grayzone has identified a model which closely resembles this boot, and is used by both US Navy and commercial divers. Ukrainian Navy divers have also been seen wearing similar boots. 

We have also learned that the boot’s presence had been previously reported to investigators, yet they have not collected it or divulged its existence. 

Video of the boot filmed by drone from the Baltic Explorer, click here to view

A new clue on the Baltic Sea floor

What took place on September 26, 2022 shattered the placid atmosphere that usually prevails on the Baltic Sea. On that day, as the war in Ukraine deepened, four explosions ruptured the $23 billion Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines that carried natural gas from Russia to Europe. It was the most severe act of industrial sabotage in human history, severing the main artery for affordable energy from Russia to Germany – cheap energy that was critical to maintaining Germany’s industrial base.

Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 each consist of two pipes. Three of them were ruptured. One line of Nord Stream 2 remains intact.

Sweden, Denmark and Germany have conducted investigations, but with the exception of an early Swedish assessment that the explosions were probably caused by ​“gross sabotage,” their findings have yet to publicized.

Now, more than eight months later, a new clue has been revealed in one of the most urgent geopolitical mysteries of the century.

The boot spotted on our expedition bears a striking resemblance to those worn by US Navy divers.

Ukraine’s US-trained Navy divers have also been spotted using the same model, or one which is virtually identical. It should be noted, however, that boots of similar appearance appear to be commercially available as well.

Does this offer a clue about the identity of the perpetrators of the Nord Stream attack? Obviously, further investigation into the boot’s provenance is required, but its location and brand appear to be significant. 

In late May, Swedish engineer Erik Andersson obtained access to blast sites along both the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, in both the exclusive economic zones of Sweden and Denmark. In the course of our expedition to the blast sites, The Grayzone has obtained sonar images and underwater drone images and videos that have never been seen by the public before.

Swedish and Danish maritime authorities were notified about the expedition. As a precautionary measure, the organizer of the expedition filed an application with the Swedish Defense Authority for permission to publish the expedition’s never-before-seen high-resolution sonar images.

Fig. 1. The path of the Baltic Explorer, the expedition’s boat. The red symbols indicate the Nord Stream blast sites. Source: MarineTraffic.

The boot was spotted approximately five meters from the small leak site in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Swedish exclusive economic zone. It was a few minutes before 7:00 p.m on May 24, 2023 when our expedition’s underwater drone caught sight of it.

Fig. 2 The boot spotted by the expedition’s drone.

It is unknown for how long the boot had been exposed on the seafloor (as seen in Fig. 2). Andersson, the organizer of the expedition, believes it is possible the boot was previously covered by sediment or mud which may have been moved by underwater currents or the blasts. Otherwise, it is unclear how investigators could have missed it.

The boot closely resembles the Thor diver overboot produced by Northern Diver, a British company whose products are produced in China.

“This looks like a Thor overboot,” Neil Tordoff, the military and commercial sales director at Northern Diver, stated after viewing a photo of the boot sent by The Grayzone. “I can’t be 100% sure.”

Tordoff said Northern Diver no longer manufactures this boot due to disruptions in production brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“If it’s the Thor over boot, this was used and is still used in the oil and gas industry for divers. It’s part of a dry-diving suit that would normally be used in contaminated water to keep the diver safe,” Tordoff explained.

“This item is used worldwide,” he added.

The owner of the boot may have been a diver who lost it while planting the bombs. Alternatively, the boot may belong to a diver ordered back to the crime scene to retrieve the unexploded charge meant for the intact line of Nord Stream 2 – a theory proposed by Seymour Hersh. Or perhaps it belonged to a commercial diver. 

Fig. 3. A US Navy diver wearing the boots in a training exercise.

The organizer of the expedition, Andersson, contacted the Nord Stream 2 AG company (NS2 AG) to inquire about the boot. A representative of the company confirmed the presence of the object.

“I had a long conversation [with NS2 AG on May 30],” Andersson explained. They “clearly deny that there had ever been any diving for construction or pipe maintenance in the area.”

Andersson was also told by NS2 AG that the company had “discovered the boot in February and reported it to the Swedish investigators.” 

Fig. 4. A close-up of the US Navy diver boot (left) and the boot spotted on the expedition (right).

The HMS Belos, a submarine rescue and diving vessel of the Swedish navy, scoured the leak sites in October 2022. For more than eight hours, on two separate days, in early and then late October, the ship sat stationary over the location where the boot was spotted.

Why have the Swedish investigators neglected to collect the boot or even mention it in any of their public statements? At the time of publication, The Grayzone has received no response to an email requesting clarification from them.

A source in contact with The Grayzone spoke with a Belos diver who denied that the boot had been worn by any of their divers. The diver reportedly said it is possible that its wearer might not have noticed its absence.

Belos diver involved in the Swedish investigation and NS2 AG representatives maintain they played no role in the boot’s appearance. 

Who bombed Nord Stream?

This February, veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh cited a “a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning” of a covert operation conducted by the CIA in partnership with Norway, a key NATO partner state, to destroy the Nord Stream pipelines. A handful of self-described open-source intelligence (OSINT) researchers claimed to have “debunked” the revelations in Hersh’s report, but it’s since become apparent that some of the claims initially made by OSINT researchers may have been exaggerated.

Sweden’s Expressen reported in May 2023 that the relevance of the observed Russian vessels had been “dismissed,” and is “no longer considered interesting for the German investigators.” According to Expressen, the ships’ “positions have been mapped and the conclusion must be that they have not been in such a place that they could have carried out the deed.”

For now, German investigators seem to be focused on the Andromeda, a private yacht which they suspect was rented by a small team of pro-Ukrainian militants to transport explosives to the Nord Stream pipelines. 

Through our expedition to the sites of the Nord Stream pipelines attack, The Grayzone has obtained images and videos that have never been seen by the public. The sonar images and underwater drone videos and images may offer insight into the amount of explosives used in the sabotage and their placement. 

For now, we are left to wonder why Swedish investigators have yet to publicly demonstrate any interest in a boot found close to a Nord Stream blast site. It remains to be seen whether the item might offer a clue into the identity of the attack’s perpetrators.


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Jeffrey Brodsky’s writing has appeared in Jacobin, Discourse, In These Times, La Vanguardia (in Spanish and Catalan), El País and The Copperfield Review, among others. He can be found on Twitter @JeffreyBrodsky5.

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This article was originally published in May 2019.

Every Memorial Day, Americans pay their respects to soldiers who have died while fighting for the US military. Though the good intentions and courage of those who enlist in the armed forces are admirable, the best way to honor those individuals on this holiday—and every day—is to stop sending them to war.

This pro-peace sentiment is often conflated with disrespect for the troops: If you don’t support the government’s wars, you must not support the soldiers fighting in them. However, considering the great cost to human life inflicted by military conflicts—the immense suffering soldiers, their families, and civilians in battleground countries endure—scaling back the size and scope of military programs is not only the best way to respect the troops but also a necessary measure to preserve liberty and freedom.

Though America was founded on the principles of limited government and skepticism of the state, popular political discourse and the politicians who perpetuate it too often fail to apply this wise distrust to militarism, which is an extension of government. Indeed, Memorial Day was established following the Civil War, where as many as 750,000 Americans died fighting each other on behalf of their splintered governments.

According to one 2015 estimate by PBS, over 1.1 million Americans have died fighting in wars throughout US history. In recent decades, especially, these wars have been spurred by state corruption. As General and President Dwight D. Eisenhower cautioned when he left office in 1961, observing the build-up of the defense industry following World War II:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

In the subsequent years, an arms industry dependent upon government funds grew bigger and increasingly powerful, gobbling up taxpayer dollars in the form of deals with the Department of Defense. In September 2018 alone, Boeing received 20 contracts worth $13.7 billion. In November 2018, Lockheed Martin scored a nearly $23 billion contract for F-35 jets. As with all big government programs, inefficiency, waste, and corruption have plagued this state-subsidized industry.

From the military paying $300,000 for coffee mugs or a projected $1.5 trillion over 55 years for Lockheed’s notoriously faulty F-35s, there are hardly any better examples of the perils of intrusive government than the current military establishment. In one instance, the Pentagon could not account for over $21 trillion dollars in “unsupported journal voucher adjustments,” a term that “refers to improperly documented accounting adjustments that are made when different financial ledgers do not match,” as the New York Times explains.

Further, a 2018 analysis by Neta Crawford, a Boston University professor of political science, found that by the end of fiscal year 2019, the US government will have spent $4.9 trillion dollars on wars since 9/11. This is particularly tragic when considering that all of the economic investment and human energy and innovation that goes into waging wars and sowing destruction could be better and more productively applied to peaceful endeavors that increase prosperity.

As former Congressman Ron Paul has said,

War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures.

Unsurprisingly, following President Trump’s airstrikes in Syria in 2017, for example, defense stocks spiked. Any company that is dependent upon government handouts and favors for success is not fit for competition in a truly free market, and perpetuating this paradigm, which drives a manufactured demand for violent conflict, does a dishonor not only to our founding principles but also to the troops we are told have died for them.

The consequences of America’s addiction to militarism and interventionism are not just economic. Troops are shipped overseas on multiple tours, experiencing trauma that often stays with them for a lifetime. The rate of veteran suicides remains staggeringly high. Though current death tolls from ongoing wars in the Middle East (6,900 troops had died fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan by the end of 2018) may seem small in comparison to the 58,220 American soldiers who died during the Vietnam War or the staggering figures from the Civil War, most Americans who profess to support the troops would likely agree that even one death is one too many. This is to say nothing of the soldiers injured, often permanently, in wars or the high numbers of civilian deaths and displacements in the countries plagued by intervention.

The urgency of this quite literal life-or-death situation is further highlighted by the US government’s continual saber-rattling. Whether some political leaders are hinting at the possibility of military intervention in Venezuela or the Pentagon is suggesting sending 120,000 additional troops to the Middle East over sensationalized fears about the Iranian threat, war is always looming—and so is potential lost life. Ultimately, though politicians assure us these wars are for our safety or the good of mankind, they serve to expand government power, costing us dearly in life and treasure.

While honoring the troops on Memorial Day is a heartfelt and respectful endeavor, we must do so by protecting those who have not yet sacrificed their lives. And it seems they would appreciate our doing so: in the 2012 presidential election, Ron Paul—perhaps the most powerful voice for peace in a generation—received markedly more contributions from members of the military than any other candidate.

Honoring the troops in this way also honors our most cherished principles. As Paul, who often criticizes the unconstitutionality of modern wars, warned lawmakers just two weeks after 9/11:

How many American troops are we prepared to lose? How much money are we prepared to spend? How many innocent civilians, in our nation and others, are we willing to see killed? How many American civilians will we jeopardize? How much of our civil liberties are we prepared to give up? How much prosperity will we sacrifice?


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Carey Wedler is a video blogger and Senior Editor for Anti-Media.

Featured image: U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes [public domain]

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A deep fake video depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin declaring martial law and warning that he would order a general mobilization briefly dominated televisions and radios in some of the country’s border cities Monday.

The broadcast, which also claimed there was an ongoing Ukrainian incursion into Russia, was aired in Belgorod, Voronezh, and Rostov, cities in close proximity to Ukraine’s border.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov confirmed to state-affiliated news agency TASS that the deep fake video had aired, adding there was no state media address made by Putin on Monday.

“There was a hack in some regions. In particular, I know that there was a hack on Mir radio and in some networks,” Peskov said. The government has taken control of the affected networks, and are “sorting out” the situation, he added.

Those responsible for the hack have yet to be identified.


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For those who still believe that Covid is a deadly disease and that the “vaccination” will be their salvation – or has been their salvation – this article and video account by world renown author and researcher Dr. Naomi Wolf may come as a cold shower – or at least as an overdue eye-opener.

Pfizer and Moderna “vaccinations” – lets call them killer injections – have been designed to do exactly the contrary of what they were “lied to do”: not to save humanity from a disease, but to decimate humanity, to depopulate the earth.

That is actually the agenda of the Great Reset and the infamous UN Agenda 2030.

Please watch Dr. Naomi Wolf’s compelling video presentation – all based on facts, based on Pfizer documentation which presents openly the sterilizing and deadly “side effects”, actually the depopulation targets, infertility, affecting mostly female but also male reproductive systems, infertility, turbo-cancers, and more.

This Evil agenda is being executed – and continues to be executed, as long as we, the People, allow it, participate in it and let it happen.

Be fully aware that this has only been possible through close collaboration and decades if not at least a century of cooperative preparation by such “reputed” organizations like WHO, GAVI (the Vaxx Association, Big Pharma, and close ally of WHO), the UN System (fully on board), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Club of Rome, the Rockefellers, Gates, Soros et al — and by the enormous financial powers behind it all and not least, by the more than 190 world governments, betraying Us, We, the People. Because they all knew and lied to us. 

Never trust your government again.

Never trust your mainstream media again.

Please listen, watch it and distribute further to save lives.

Full video below.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Even though most Americans aren’t paying much attention at this point, the way that the war in Ukraine is evolving should greatly concern all of us.  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his generals very clearly understand that they are in very big trouble unless they can draw the U.S. and other NATO powers directly into the conflict. All of Bakhmut is now under Russian control, and the Ukrainians continue to lose troops at a staggering pace. They are holding a losing hand, but if Ukrainian leaders can find a way to get the Russians to use tactical nukes or other weapons of mass destruction, that would change everything.  Western powers would feel compelled to respond in kind, and then we really would have a truly apocalyptic conflict on our hands.

In recent days, there has been a tremendous amount of hype about the coming “counter-offensive” that the Ukrainians have supposedly been planning…

Kyiv renewed its plea for operational silence around the long-awaited counter-offensive against Russian forces with a clip of heavily-armed soldiers pressing their fingers to their lips.

The sleekly-produced footage features masked front-line troops gesturing for silence amid the distant rumble of artillery and gunfire.

It ends with images of soaring F-16 fighter jets – long coveted by Kyiv as it seeks to boost its air defence against Russian missiles and drones.

But instead of trying to retake Bakhmut or any of the other areas of Ukraine that the Russians have captured, the Ukrainians have been focusing their attacks on Russia itself.

Long-range drones have been hitting targets very deep inside Russia, and on one occasion that even included the Kremlin.

And Ukrainian artillery has been relentlessly pounding Russian territory.  The shelling has been particularly brutal in the Belgorod region

Ukrainian forces continued to shell Russia’s border region of Belgorod overnight into Sunday after two people were killed the previous night and hundreds of children were evacuated away from the border, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said.

“Overnight, it was quite restless,” Gladkov said on the Telegram channel, adding that the Shebekino and Volokonovsky districts had suffered “lots” of damage from the latest shelling.

Shelling civilian targets in Russian territory is going to do nothing to help the Ukrainians regain lost territory.

But it is putting enormous pressure on Russian leaders.

Just imagine how we would feel if U.S. territory was being shelled.  We would be calling on the White House to nuke the living daylights out of whoever was shelling us.

Well, that is exactly how millions upon millions of Russian citizens feel right now.

And what makes things even worse is that small “militia groups” have begun crossing the Russian border to conduct attacks on nearby cities

The New York Times wrote on Saturday that “Shebekino, a town of 40,000 six miles from the border, has effectively become a new part of the front line as Ukraine has intensified attacks inside Russia, including on residential areas near its own borders.” This is all upending the lives of residents in the border region, akin to what already happened long ago on the Ukrainian side of the border. “The spate of assaults, most recently by militia groups aligned against Moscow, has sparked the largest military evacuation effort in Russia in decades,” the report underscored. The past days have witnessed area residents move into temporary shelters, including the large Belgorod arena in the oblast capital.

The “militia groups” that are performing these raids are actually using equipment that has been provided by the U.S. and Poland

The Russian fighters aligned against Moscow who launched a cross-border raid from Ukraine into the Belgorod region of Russia last week used at least four tactical vehicles originally given to Ukraine by the United States and Poland, U.S. officials said, raising questions about the unintended use of NATO-provided equipment and Kyiv’s commitments to secure materiel supplied by its supporters.

Three of the Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, also known as MRAPs, taken into Russia by the fighters were provided by the United States and the fourth was from Poland, according to people familiar with the U.S. intelligence finding, which has not previously been reported. Those people spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue.

And it is being reported that Polish fighters are among those that have been going across the border during these raids…

The Polish Volunteer Corps has published pictures, confirming it participated in the first armed raid into the Belgorod region, Russia, together with the Russian Volunteer Corps

Russian soldiers claimed earlier they heard some of the enemies communicating in Polish

This war has reached such a dangerous stage.

The Russians aren’t stupid.  They know that foreign fighters now make up a very significant percentage of the forces that they are facing.

And if Russian cities continue to get shelled and raided, it is only a matter of time before Russian leaders lose their temper.

If the Russians decide to use tactical nukes, it really will be the beginning of the end.

So let us pray that cooler heads will prevail.

Meanwhile, things with China continue to get even more tense.

On Saturday, a Chinese warship and an American warship almost slammed directly into one another in the Taiwan Strait…

This is the astonishing moment a Chinese warship comes within 150 yards of an American destroyer in Taiwan Strait, just days after the Pentagon said it would not stand for ‘bullying’ by Beijing.

Footage obtained by Global News, shows a People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) warship cut across the bow of a U.S. guided-missile destroyer on Saturday while it was transiting the Taiwan Strait.

USS Chung Hoon and HMCS Montreal had also been transiting the strait on a rare joint mission when a PLAN warhsip cut across the bow of Chung-Hoon.

We really are living during a time of “wars and rumors of wars”, but most of us in the western world are focused on other things.

Even though our leaders have clearly demonstrated how incompetent they are over and over again, most of us just assume that they will be able to keep us out of a nuclear war.

Unfortunately, both sides just continue to escalate matters, and it appears that it is just a matter of time before someone crosses a line that will never be able to be uncrossed.


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Michael Snyder has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News which are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. 

It is finally here! Michael Snyder’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.

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Extensive government blacklists, revealed by the Twitter Files, are used to censor left-wing and right-wing critics. This censorship apparatus has been turned on the reporter who exposed them.

On Dec. 24, 2022 Matt Taibbi was in a room at the Parc 55 Hotel in San Francisco poring through reports sent to Twitter from an entity called the Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF). The FITF is an FBI-led interagency task force that forwards “moderation requests” from numerous government agencies, including Homeland Security, the CIA, the Pentagon and the State Department, to social media outlets. Taibbi was given access to the internal traffic by Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk. It revealed how the FBI and other government agencies routinely suppressed news and commentary. He published a Twitter thread that night, Christmas Eve, with the headline “Twitter and Other Government Agencies”.

“There would be a list of YouTube videos,” Taibbi said when I reached him by phone. “There would be a notation that would say ‘We assess that these are all created by the Internet Research Agency in Russia. We assess that they are promoting anti-Ukraine attitudes.’ I would see that all those videos were no longer on YouTube. You can make your own deduction from that, but that was the pattern. They would send Excel spreadsheets full of account names and either all or most of them would be gone.”

The content that was suppressed included right-wing and left-wing reports critical of the dominant narrative advanced by the Democratic Party and the old establishment wing of the Republican Party, which has been folded into the Democratic Party. Threads from the Yellow Vests movement, activists from the Occupy movement, Global Revolution Live, negative stories about Joe Biden, reports on the Ukrainian energy company Burisma that paid Hunter Biden about $1 million a year while his father was vice-president, positive stories about Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, reports about Ukrainian human rights abuses and details of the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop were part of the plethora of accounts that were flagged and disappeared. 

I was a victim of this censorship. The six-year archive of my show On Contact, broadcast on RT America, was erased from YouTube, although not one show was about Russia and none violated YouTube’s content guidelines. Episodes were later reposted on The Chris Hedges YouTube Channel. The show gave a voice to those targeted by the FITF — anti-imperialists, anti-capitalists, prison reform advocates, Black Lives Matter and Palestinian activists, anti-fracking activists and independent intellectuals, journalists and authors including David Harvey, Noam ChomskySami Al-ArianGlen FordAmira HassMumia Abu JamalRoxanne Dunbar-OrtizMedea BenjaminNils MelzerPankaj MishraGlenn GreenwaldMatt Taibbi and Cornel West.

The FBI, before the release of Taibbi’s Twitter thread on Dec. 24, had denounced the Twitter Files as the work of “conspiracy theorists” who fed the public “misinformation” and whose “sole purpose” was “discrediting the agency.” 

“They must think us unambitious, if our ‘sole aim’ is to discredit the FBI,” Taibbi responded. “After all, a whole range of government agencies discredit themselves in the Twitter Files. Why stop with one?”

Taibbi was acutely aware these Christmas Eve revelations, which for the first time revealed the role of the CIA, would further enrage the intelligence agencies.

“My understanding is that the FITF has a staff of at least 80,” Taibbi said. “It consists primarily of the FBI, but it also includes people from the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The FITF was the conduit for content moderation requests that went to the tech platforms. They had something called an industry meeting which was, at first monthly and then weekly, leading into the 2020 election. It included companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Wikimedia, a series of others, about two dozen of them. They would have a general briefing on trends. Individually, each of the companies were receiving notices. Some of them were receiving weekly notices from the FITF. Twitter was. We know that because there were very specific instructions about how it was done. Requests that came from the states went through the DHS. Requests that came from the Federal Government went through the FBI. They went through a program called Teleporter. That’s how we got those documents.”

In March, Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger were called to testify before the Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government. While Taibbi was testifying on March 9, an IRS agent visited his house in New Jersey.

Taibbi discovered that the IRS opened a case against him on the day he published his Christmas Eve Twitter thread from a letter House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan sent to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel inquiring about Taibbi’s case. It was a Saturday. It was Christmas Eve. Taibbi did not owe taxes. The case was four years old. All this suggests that the IRS case was politically motivated and the FBI was monitoring Taibbi.

“There’s probably little doubt that they were at least closely following all the Twitter Files reporters, but probably they were monitoring in other ways too,” Taibbi deduced.

“One of the reasons I agreed to testify before the weaponization of government committee — and I got a lot of grief from old lefty friends who w

ere upset that I was appearing before a Republican-led committee — was that the other mainstream news reporters weren’t picking up a lot of these stories that I thought really needed some attention. I needed other reporters to do some work on this. My thinking was, if I testified in Washington it might get some more attention, not just nationally but maybe globally.”

Taibbi ran into a buzzsaw of orchestrated character assassination. The Democratic members of the committee rarely let Taibbi speak. They delivered vicious and insulting diatribes. Here is a clip of Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, along with Sam Seder and other hosts at The Majority Report, attacking Taibbi.

“I expected there to be hostility in the questioning, but what happened in that hearing was amazing, even to be involved with as a spectator,” he said. “Rather than engage with the material of the Twitter Files reporting on any level, even negatively, it was pure character-assassination. The ranking member called us a direct threat to people who oppose us. We were ‘so-called journalists.’ We were the lapdogs and scribes of Elon Musk. We didn’t believe in Russian interference. We didn’t respect authority. I had a tin-foil hat I was told to take off by one member. It was one member after the other creating clips of video that were replayed on MSNBC and CNN later that night. That was how people got the news about that hearing.”

We grew up in an atmosphere where the Democrats were always the champions of free speech, more so than the Republicans,” Taibbi told me. “Through the 70s, 80s, 90s and even the early 2000s. Suddenly, on this issue, it was wall-to-wall hostility. There wasn’t a Dennis Kucinich or Bernie Sanders type who stands out from the crowd. There are no dissenters in the ranks of this party anymore.”

“The old school ACLU-like liberals, they’re just gone now,” he said. “There’s this new movement that doesn’t believe in countering bad speech with better speech. They believe in closing it off and shutting it down. That’s what the Twitter Files were about. That’s why there was so much hostility.”

Taibbi was informed there were problems with his 2018 tax return. The IRS said it had sent him letters about the issue, but Taibbi had not received any letters and the IRS refused to produce copies. He also had electronic confirmation from the IRS that his 2018 tax return had been received.

It was only when Congressman Jordan wrote to the IRS asking for clarification that Taibbi became aware of the files the IRS had amassed on him. These included information taken from search engines and commercial investigative software such as Anyhoo, Consumer Affairs and LexisNexis. They had his voter registration records, whether he possessed a hunting or fishing license, whether he had a concealed weapons permit, his telephone numbers, articles he had written and articles written about him.

“Why would an IRS agent need to know anything about my professional history or about controversies that I’ve been involved with or things that I had written about?” he asked. “That seems pretty dubious.”

“They’re not worried about the optics, about doing something like sending an IRS agent to the home of a journalist who has a big platform and a reputation for not being afraid to say something about it,” he said. “They’re not worried about how this looks. It is concerning for a number of reasons. It reminds you of things you would see in a third world country.”

Taibbi was interviewed by MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan. Hasan, or his researchers, had combed through Taibbi’s reports and found a couple of very minor errors, including a confused timeline and a misplaced acronym. Hasan argued that the errors were evidence that Taibbi intentionally lied to Congress. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seconded the accusation. The ranking committee member, Stacey Plaskett, sent Taibbi a letter accusing him of lying to Congress. Plaskett threatened Taibbi with a five-year prison sentence.

There are three steps to destroying a reporter who can’t be bought off or intimidated. The first is a campaign by the powerful, whose lies and crimes have been exposed, along with their obsequious courtiers in the press, to discredit the reporting. The second is a sustained campaign of character assassination. The third is persecution carried out once the reporter’s credibility has been weakened, his or her ability to publish or broadcast is degraded and public support has eroded.

This is what happened to Julian Assange. It happened before Assange to Don HollenbeckI.F. StoneGary WebbRay Bonner and many others. It is what is happening to Taibbi whose revelations of widespread censorship — by the FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security and other intelligence and government agencies — have enraged the ruling class.

I don’t know if they will win. Let us hope not. But the deafening silence by nearly all press outlets to what they are doing to Taibbi, as is true for Assange, is ominous and self-defeating. It sends a signal to those who attempt to report about the inner workings of power that no matter how well known you are or how high a profile you have, you too will be targeted. The concerted attacks on Taibbi are an example of how the walls are steadily closing in to impose an iron conformity, one more piece of our emergent corporate totalitarianism.

“Nobody wants to deal with a full-throated negative media campaign that you volunteer for when you do this kind of work,” he said. “It never goes away. That’s kind of a drag. We’ve seen it happen with you, with Glenn Greenwald after the Snowden business and it happened with him again during Russiagate. It’s not fun. People don’t want to go through it. It’s a disincentive to do counter-narrative work.”

“It’s funny, Chris, I thought a lot during this process about your book Death of The Liberal Class,” Taibbi said. “There have been so many different instances where the basic story we’re looking at with a lot of the Twitter Files reports was a breakdown in the system of checks and balances. Civil society organizations, the media, private industry and the government, they’re all supposed to have different interests. They have a check on each other. But what we’re seeing is, underneath the surface, they’re engaged in anti-competitive behavior…It’s basically media, these internet censors, the enforcement agencies and NGOs, all acting in concert against the population as opposed to checking each other. You were predicting this. When these institutions break down, when they don’t work anymore, this is what happens. It’s a pretty quick step to consolidation of authority. That’s the scary part. Once upon a time, if you were in media, even a small offense in this direction would’ve attracted solidarity amongst the ranks. Now there’s nothing.”

He decried the role major media organizations played in hunting down Jack Teixeira, a National Guard technology support staffer who posted classified documents online.

“Instead of reporting on the contents of big intelligence leaks, the Washington Post and The New York Times worked with Bellingcat to deliver this suspect to the authorities,” he said. “This is a new role for the media. It is a big shift in how the press thinks of itself. It doesn’t see itself as something separate from government or law enforcement. It sees itself as on the same side.”

“There were probably a lot of people who were frightened by the spectacle of the rise of Donald Trump,” he said. “They were told over and over again that this was a Christian nationalist neofascist movement. There are elements of that. There’s real truth to that. But in response to it they became exactly the thing they were telling everybody they were fighting against. By the time people wake up it might be a little bit too late, which is unfortunate.”

A discredited ruling class, which has disemboweled the nation for its corporate masters and whose primary mission is the perpetuation of permanent war, has no intention of carrying out reform. It will not permit an exchange of ideas or allow its critics a platform. It knows it is hated. It fears the rise of the neofascists its dysfunction and corruption have spawned. It seeks to perpetuate itself only through fear —— fear of what will replace it. That is all it has to offer a demoralized citizenry. Constitutional guarantees of free speech and the right to privacy are noisome impediments to its tenuous grip on power. These constitutional rights have been effectively abolished. What the Twitter Files revealed is massive government blacklists and the craven acquiescence of media platforms to marginalize and ban individuals and groups on these blacklists. Taibbi, not surprisingly, is being targeted by the totalitarian machinery he exposed.


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Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief for the paper. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He is the host of show The Chris Hedges Report.

Featured image: Redacted – by Mr. Fish

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We all knew the pre-covid world was careening, lustily so, towards a dark place in a way that could never be sustained: rampant greed, endless war, catastrophic debts run up by and for the banks that seemed to rule us all.

Travel was relatively cheap, the booming internet had created a global community like nothing before in history, and the ever-progressing digital landscape grew ever more precise and powerful. Giddy teens with phones whose computing power exponentially outstripped the highest technology of the Apollo moon missions were gaga over Facebook and Instagram and the like, and pornography became available to anyone with a mobile device or computer, no questions asked (except the porn sites’ requisite splashpage warning about age, which required nothing more than a click to dismiss).

We knew, I think, that something wasn’t right, and despite the mess there was still a sense that our autonomy prevailed. But when covid hit the clenched iron fist of the ruling ‘elites’ came down hard. All of our excesses, in a matter of weeks, were curtailed, and our unalienable rights were universally dismissed in the name of a pandemic whose lethality never surpassed that of a flu, but whose ‘cure’ – and here I am referring to the second punch in the combination, the jab – has managed to kill off, maim and injure far too many. If some accounts turn out to be true, it will also have rendered large swaths of the population infertile.

During this three year orgy of repression most people complied with their governments’ orders to stay home, stay apart and get inoculated upon pain of ostracism. Here in New Zealand the hapless former Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, after promising that our rights to bodily sovereignty would be preserved, coolly – I am tempted to say insouciantly – fashioned an apartheid society.

This is all old hat, so to speak, and now, in our abnormal new normal, the shadow of the World Health Organization looms large, warnings about inevitable future pandemics grow, and the emergency legislation that gives the government the right to lock us down again in New Zealand at the drop of a hat, no questions asked, remains in place.

We are still deluged with news and articles about covid, covid variants, covid remedies, spike proteins, mRNA, DNA, boosters, bivalent so-called vaccines, and the ever growing cascade of deaths and injuries in the wake of the so-called vaccine and its boosted reiterations, a medical intervention that was never needed and has proved indubitably to be dangerous.

I am, frankly, bored, and also tired.

I knew at the outset that the pandemic was a fraud not only by the nature of its propagandistic launch, but by the glaring absence of any institutional impetus to encourage treatment. Even today as I write, the Medical Council of New Zealand continues its persecution of doctors who did not abandon their duty to informed consent and who had the audacity to treat people with covid and to treat victims of the jabs. Insanely ridiculous riders have been attached to doctors licences requiring that they not use Ivermectin, for example – which undermines the right of a physician to prescribe and treat as befits an individual’s needs, using whatever pharmaceuticals are necessary.

After three years colleagues and friends who have sacrificed their jobs to preserve their integrity continue to be bludgeoned by the silence of medical practitioners who could have ended the madness in minutes had they not cowered in obeisance to what they knew was, flatly, wrong.

As flu season begins masks are making a comeback, people are lining up for vaccinations, and when I attempt to talk to those on the ‘other side’ I am told to move on and to stop living in the past.

The problem is, this ‘past’ is present still.

Those who have lost their incomes are scarred and wanting, those who have been injured from the inoculations are suffering, and those who have lost their lives are gone. Autopsies – which by any honest reckoning should be mandated for the departed – aren’t happening, and all the dying is chalked up to ‘excess mortality’ – an eerily empty phrase that is used to cover up real murder.

The predominant majority, who had neither the wit nor inclination to question authority, even when that authority was patently absurd, are still here. Few of them know anything about the WHO or central bank digital currencies, and fewer still even care. Few connect the rise in heart attacks and kidney ailments and cancers with the jab, or the increase in anxiety problems with the lockdowns, or the trampling of unalienable rights with tyranny.

When the next onslaught against us occurs, will this majority toe the line and take the broad gate leading to destruction once again?

This time the ball is in our court. Let’s see if we have what it takes.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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For over half a year, the mainstream propaganda machine has been reporting on the “upcoming Ukrainian counteroffensive”. The autumn offensive soon became a winter one, then a spring one and now it’s a “grand” summer offensive. Each was supposed to be “decisive” and “а turning point” that would result in “a complete defeat for Russia”. Credit should certainly be given to the endless self-confidence of those who truly believe that. However, unlike in regular civilian life, self-confidence in war gets people killed and, according to various sources and estimates, this has resulted in close to 200,000 KIA (killed in action) for the Kiev regime forces by now, with the figure for those wounded being not far from half a million.

Such disastrous numbers beg the obvious question – how could the Neo-Nazi junta ever hope to conduct a counteroffensive of any kind, much less a successful one? To answer this question in an unbiased and informed way, we have decided to interview KRN, a Belgrade-based military-focused think tank that includes experts from various fields, including missile technologies, military aviation, naval and land warfare, etc. One of their leading members, Captain Liner, is an expert in all of the aforementioned fields of military science and has graciously offered us his take on the ever-upcoming counteroffensive of the Kiev regime forces and how it might play out.


Drago Bosnic (DB): Captain, first and foremost, thank You for taking the time to conduct this interview and give us Your informed opinion on this hotly debated and largely controversial topic.

Captain Liner (CL): Thank You for the invitation. Right off the bat, I would like to point out that KRN has existed for years and we have been approached many times by various news outlets. However, our style of reporting and research isn’t very suitable for the largely sensationalist media, which is why we heavily scrutinize everyone before accepting such proposals. It’s very difficult to come across media that allows unbiased reporting and analyses. We all have our own biases and emotionally charged opinions. However, that does not prevent us from looking at things objectively and from multiple angles, regardless of whether anyone likes it or not.

DB: That’s precisely why we highly appreciate Your expertise. So let’s dive straight into our questions. Depending on varying estimates, the political West has provided upwards of $150 billion to the Kiev regime, which is well over double the nominal annual military budget of Russia. Still, the successes of the Kiev regime forces are sorely lacking. How so?

CL: Money being the decisive parameter of military power is one of the most common misconceptions that we see everywhere nowadays. As you said, estimates do vary significantly and if we were to believe them, we’d think that Russia is truly doomed in its geopolitical struggle with the West. I mean, how is it even possible for a country that has consistently been outspent by 20-25 times for over 30 years to even stand a chance against the unified might of NATO and its international partners? Well, the answer lies in the very idea that Russia is spending 20-25 times less. Nominally, it does. However, that says nothing of the actual state of its military.

Firstly, Russia inherited one of the largest and most advanced MICs (Military Industrial Complexes) in the world. The Soviet Union invested a massive portion of its economic output into its military and by the late 1980s, it had by far the largest and most powerful armed force in the history of man. Even the current collective strength of NATO pales in comparison to what the USSR had at the time. And when I say that Russia inherited it all, even that is a somewhat erroneous term, as the people and resources didn’t actually move anywhere, but largely stayed in the same place and continued extremely sensitive work for the country even during the troublesome 1990s, as evidenced by Russia’s massive advantage in fields such as hypersonic weapons.

In fact, spies from all over the world are trying to get that know-how, including those from some countries that are virtually allied to Russia. Countries that have massive economies and much larger pools of human resources than Russia itself. However, this accumulated knowledge cannot simply be bought with money. It requires much more than that. Additionally, the Russian economy is not based on abstract ideas such as those in the West, dominated by financial institutions and what I like to call “geoeconomic gambling”. This is why the Russian military hasn’t had shortages of weapons and ammunition due to production problems.

If there were any, they were largely a matter of logistics and/or bureaucratic constraints, problems which have been resolved by now, hopefully. On the other hand, the billions for Ukraine that you’re talking about are just digits on a computer screen somewhere in New York City. And even in the case all that phantom money existed in reality, it means literally nothing for the common soldier in the trenches. Rifles and howitzers don’t shoot dollars. Jets don’t run on them either. What you really need is metal for bullets and shells, chemical compounds for the explosive, jet fuel for aircraft, etc. That needs to come from somewhere and Ukraine hasn’t gotten nearly enough to meet its needs, particularly if they were to conduct a counteroffensive against a military such as that of Russia.

DB: On that note, many largely impartial analysts, particularly those from Asia, insist that the probability of a successful advance deep into Russian positions is extremely low and that the supply of the necessary weapons and ammunition for this kind of large-scale military operation may take more than two years. What is Your opinion on this matter?

CL: I largely agree with such assessments. What’s more, I think it’s not just that it may take longer than two years, but whether it’s even possible. Ukrainians simply don’t have the logistical capacity and sustainability for such an endeavor, even if the Russians were to suddenly stop all long-range strikes on the battered logistics that Ukraine already has. Russian kamikaze drones, glide bombs and long-range artillery and missiles have proven to be particularly effective in disrupting Ukrainian supply lines. Obviously, this doesn’t mean there won’t be any attacks [by Ukraine], but those can hardly be considered serious offensive operations. In simpler terms, a counteroffensive that would suppress the Russians on a wider front is unfeasible.

Ukrainians cannot support the dynamics of advancement either in width or in depth, they cannot logistically cover mass movements, but more importantly, they cannot establish a stable rear. In fact, for the counteroffensive to make sense at all, they would first have to disrupt both Russian logistics and the rear, as well as cut their lines of communication. But how can they achieve this? With what? Apart from the relatively regular reconnaissance-in-force (RIF) and occasional temporary salients, there’s nothing even remotely resembling offensive operations. Surely, long-range weapons supplied by the West can hit things here and there, but this cannot disrupt Russian logistics, let alone bog down the entire Russian military.

It seems to me that the Russian side understands this much better. For example, when they pulled back from the right bank of the Kherson oblast (region), this was precisely due to logistics and the danger of flooding due to Ukrainian attacks on the Kakhovka dam. The Russians were able to stabilize the frontline along a very defensible natural barrier. On the other hand, the Ukrainians couldn’t stabilize their own lines even when they were defending, where these lines of defense and rear were shortening, let alone now when they are planning to attack and where the aforementioned lines would be stretching and extending.

However, as I said already, this doesn’t mean that Ukrainian forces cannot advance anywhere. They could get deeper into some areas, but how will they hold them? This is why we’re seeing a lot of these incursions that simply end in virtually immediate withdrawal. Still, such attacks cannot be considered a true counteroffensive. A counteroffensive is a large-scale military operation that ideally results in permanent gains. However, for the sake of semantics, optics and propaganda, they could call it a “counteroffensive”.

A real large-scale operation involving tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of tanks can certainly be successful, as it’s exceptionally difficult to defend against such attacks. Still, the cost of such an operation, in terms of both manpower and resources, is what tells us how successful it truly is, as losing thousands of soldiers for several square kilometers of grassland or concrete rubble begs the obvious question – is it worth it? My impression is that much of what we’re seeing from Ukraine is made for the purposes of information warfare.

DB: Since You’ve mentioned the Kherson oblast, how likely is an offensive in that direction?

CL: In simplest possible terms, it can be said that it would literally be a suicide mission. When the right bank of the Dnieper River, along with the city of Kherson, was abandoned last year by General Surovikin’s decision, many saw that move as a shame and a defeat, but in fact, that secured Russian positions on the left bank and even the Crimean peninsula itself. The Dnieper River is over one kilometer wide in some places, which absolutely negates the possibility of setting up pontoon crossings, while sending small detachments in fast boats has already proved to be a suicide mission a couple of times. In addition, any idea that the Ukrainian Air Force can support such advances is not even worth discussing considering the power of Russian fighter jets and air defense systems.

DB: How about Zaporozhye and/or Donbass?

CL: The Zaporozhye direction might be the best option realistically speaking, because in case of a breakthrough, the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] could reach the Sea of Azov and thus threaten the Donetsk region from the south, as well as Crimea itself, which would lose its land connection with Russia. The left bank of the Dnieper would also be exposed in that case and, once again, the Crimean peninsula too, which would then be left with the Crimean Bridge as the only connection with Russia, putting it at considerable risk because we should not forget that the UK delivered “Storm Shadow” cruise missiles to Ukraine. However, anticipating all this, Russia built several lines of defense in the area [of Zaporozhye], making them virtually impossible to break through. Ukraine will certainly try, but the price of each attempt would be very, very costly.

As for the Donetsk direction, offensive operations in this area are the most likely scenario, especially through Avdeyevka and Maryinka. However, as Avdeyevka is in a semi-encirclement, it would be necessary to first break through that semi-encirclement and then threaten the city of Donetsk itself. Almost the same applies to Maryinka, although the situation is a bit different, as Ukrainians still hold about 15% of the settlement and are constantly sending in reinforcements. And while this direction may be the most suitable for a counteroffensive, since the fall of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), Russian aviation and artillery have been keeping Ukrainians at bay. Individual RIF and attempts to break through yield no results and any larger grouping of armored forces leads to the danger of repeating the same mistakes as in the Zaporozhye and Donetsk directions.

DB: What about the possibility of an all-out attack on regions such as Belgorod, Bryansk and/or Kursk?

CL: Apart from the headline-grabbing information warfare that I already mentioned, I find it extremely unlikely to see a large-scale offensive on regions in Russia proper. First of all, there’s no way to justify such a move and second, what would be the strategic goal of such an offensive, provided it would even be successful (which is effectively impossible)? Where would the Ukrainian military stop in the extremely improbable case they conquer all border areas? Not to mention that this would also enrage the Russian people and further rally them to support their government, the same one that has been warning them about the dangers of NATO expansionism for decades. Mind you, all this is without even taking into account Russia’s reaction, as Moscow certainly wouldn’t be sitting idly while its territories are under attack and/or occupation.

DB: How likely is the possibility of an uncontrollable escalation between NATO and Russia if the counteroffensive fails?

CL: This is perhaps the most complex and by far the most important question of all. What we’re seeing now is that certain global powers simply don’t want to find a way to defuse tensions and negotiate a reasonable, mutually beneficial settlement with their strategic adversaries. On the contrary, escalation seems to be the only vector of their geopolitical engagements. Perhaps most disturbingly, many in Washington and Brussels have directly linked their political fates to that of Kiev authorities, meaning that if Ukraine loses, this would also inevitably result in irreparable damage to their political careers and influence. Last year we saw a dramatic increase in political instability in the West, including the fall of several prominent governments in various major Western European countries.

DB: What can Moscow do to stop or at least severely hamper the political West’s ability to arm the Kiev regime?

CL: This is directly tied to the previous question. I don’t think there’s an easy answer, because if there was one, it would’ve been implemented by now. I’m sure the Russian military and intelligence services are perfectly aware of which Western weapons are entering Ukraine and where exactly they are stored. The reason why Russia is probably not targeting the logistics of this truly massive operation is the fact that Ukraine simply uses the civilian infrastructure for this purpose, meaning that Russia would need to destroy it. And even if it did, Ukraine would just switch to another one. However, this certainly doesn’t mean that Russia is letting the West arm Ukraine with impunity. Whenever there’s a larger concentration of munitions and other weapons, either Russian aviation or ground-based missiles rain down and destroy the facilities those are stored in.

DB: Captain, thank You for this truly informative and in-depth point of view. It was a pleasure.

CL: Thank You for the invitation.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Is a Change of Course at State Department Coming?

June 6th, 2023 by Philip Giraldi

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There are a lot of anonymous bureaucrats that man the offices in the nation’s capital. If one were to mention the name Wendy Sherman at a Washington DC cocktail gathering it is likely that few in the room will have ever heard of her, but she has long been one of the most important players in Democratic Party administrations when it comes to foreign policy in key parts of the world. Sherman, the Deputy Secretary of State, will be retiring this summer after more than thirty years with the Foreign Service. She has been a fixture in often controversial top level policy making since Bill Clinton was in the White House, where she served as a top adviser to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, also taking on the role of lead negotiator in the ultimately unsuccessful talks to stop North Korea’s ballistic missile program in the late 1990s. With a return to power of the Democrats in 2008, she served as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under Obama. To her credit, she was a lead negotiator with Iran on the 2015 nuclear agreement (JCPOA), which Donald Trump acting on bad advice subsequently withdrew from.

More recently, Sherman has been a key part of the Biden administration’s efforts to develop strategies to confront China in the Indo-Pacific and elsewhere whenever Beijing has sought to develop trade relationships with key suppliers of essential raw materials. This has included putting pressure on allies like Australia and New Zealand in the Pacific to reject Chinese commercial initiatives, elevating what began as competitive trade policies into a perception that China was becoming a threat to American national security. Sherman also played a significant role in encouraging international diplomatic and military support for Ukraine after Russia’s invasion.

Sherman’s current position as State Department number two was bestowed on her by President Joe Biden. Her comments relating to her retirement reveal something of her own philosophy as well as the views of the current administration. She said

“The arc of history will only bend toward justice if people of conscience steer it in the right direction. That it is our job to have courage, to collaborate with others and seek out common ground, to persist against the odds, to use our voice and our power for good—to keep faith with the promise of our democracy and to never, ever lose hope. Diplomacy is not for the faint of heart…”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken not surprisingly praised Sherman’s career, saying that

“President Biden asked Wendy to serve in this role because he knew he could count on her to help revitalize America’s alliances and partnerships and manage our complex relationships with competitors.”

Blinken described Sherman’s lengthy career as a diplomat in a statement after her resignation was announced, saying she has

“helped lead our engagement in the Indo-Pacific, the region where the history of the 21st century will be written. She has deepened our bonds with our friends around the world, especially with the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the European Union. She has overseen our efforts to strengthen the Department’s capabilities to manage our relationship with the People’s Republic of China, and built greater convergence with allies and partners… Her remarkable career – which spans more than three decades, three presidents, and five secretaries of state – addressed some of the toughest foreign policy challenges of our time. Our nation is safer and more secure, and our partnerships more robust, due to her leadership.”

One can expect kind words wrapped around positive government-speak both from Blinken and from Sherman herself after her admittedly long years of service, but there is something manifestly false about the euphoria over a US foreign policy that has during the Biden time in office eschewed diplomacy in favor of military threats and thousands of punitive Treasury Department sanctions. If anything, contradicting Blinken, the United States is in no way “safer and more secure” thanks to his and Wendy Sherman’s efforts, quite the contrary. It has, inter alia, converted major powers Russia and China, who were actively seeking normalized relations, into de facto enemies with all that implies, a result that, even if it does not turn into World War 3, might well mean the end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency as the world moves towards increased financial and banking system multipolarity.

If Sherman and Blinken, acting on behalf of Joe Biden, have had a success it would consist of getting the allegedly defensive alliance NATO on board the China-phobia train, with Beijing joining Russia as one of the two great autocratic “threats to democracy.” At the end of June 2022, Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO Secretary General, declared that China does represent “serious challenges” to the alliance, which, for the first time agreed to include “threats posed by Beijing” into plans for its “future strategy” concept (PDF), joining Russia as a threat to “NATO’s interests, security and values.” Stoltenberg explained how “We now face an era of strategic competition … China is substantially building up its forces, including in nuclear weapons, bullying its neighbors, including Taiwan. China is not [yet] our adversary but we must be clear-eyed about the serious challenges it represents.”

Antony Blinken also climbed on to the horse that Stoltenberg was riding, commenting in familiar terms how

“One of the things that [China’s] doing is seeking to undermine the rules-based international order that we adhere to, that we believe in, that we helped build. And if China’s challenging it in one way or another, we will stand up to that.”

That the rules-based order is little more than a contrivance to maintain political and military dominance by Washington and its friends is by now clear to everyone except the people sitting in and around the White House, most particularly to include Blinken and Sherman.

So what comes next as the featured act post Wendy Sherman? It should be noted that the State Department top level is completely staffed by Jewish Americans who are politically-speaking neocons with close ties to Israel who also believe that the maintenance of total military dominance by the United State is good both for them and good for the Jewish state. All of them are Russo-phobes for various reasons often related to the history of Jews in Russia. Sherman recently participated in discussions in Washington with her Israeli counterpart intended to “…further deepen and expand the US-Israel relationship.” Someone should tell her that it is already far deeper than it should be if one were to go by American interests.

The current third in line at State is the notorious Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland who started the problems in Eastern Europe when she worked with her colleagues to overthrow and replace the existing government in Ukraine in 2014. Nuland, who recently spilled the beans about direct US involvement in the Ukraine war, is married to leading neocon Robert Kagan. It has often been observed that neocon foreign policy, which originated with the Republican Party and is based on a maintaining a US government monopoly on forms of international violence, has now come to dominate both parties.

If Biden chooses to pull a rabbit out of his hat and comes up with a replacement for Wendy Sherman who is actually in favor of active diplomacy as a mechanism to avoid war, I and many others will be pleasantly surprised and even astonished. More likely it will be Nuland or a Nuland clone or possibly someone having all the Democratic Party boxes checked, i.e. black, Jewish and a transexual who uses the right pronouns and pretends to be a woman. The fundamental problem is that the United States government is no longer run by people capable of acting in rational self-interest, which would mean doing things for the good of the country. The system is in reality broken and it is now clear that something has gone terribly wrong. The sad truth is that the United States is in decline, wallowing in debt and corruption, and Joe Biden and company have lost control, lying and misrepresenting nearly everything. So good bye Wendy! It was great having you at State where you and your friends turned competitors into enemies. It will be interesting to see what happens next!


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: This is the official State Department photo for Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman, taken at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on April 26, 2021. [State Department Photo by Robert Stewart/ Public Domain]

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