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The US State Department said on Sunday that it was “deeply troubled” by Israeli moves aimed at expanding settlement construction in the occupied West Bank.

Washington branded the Israeli move to discuss 4,560 housing units across the occupied West Bank as an “obstacle to peace”.

Of those, 1,332 are up for approval, with the remainder going through the preliminary clearance process.

“As has been long-standing policy, the US opposes such unilateral actions that make a two-state solution more difficult to achieve and are an obstacle to peace,” the statement continued.

“We call on the government of Israel to fulfil the commitments it made in Aqaba, Jordan and Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, and return to dialogue aimed at de-escalation,” the State Department added.

In February, a meeting in Jordan’s Aqaba between Israel and the Palestinian Authority ended in a joint statement outlining an Israeli commitment to suspend discussions on new settlements in the occupied West Bank.

However, following that meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the building of illegal Jewish settlements will continue to go ahead.

The next month, Israeli and Palestinian representatives met alongside US, Jordanian and Egyptian delegations in Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh and committed to taking steps to reduce tensions.

Israel, in particular, agreed not to advance plans for new settlements for four months and not legalise new outposts for six months.

‘We will continue to develop settlements’

The majority of settlement units under discussion now would be located deep in the West Bank. The move would further diminish efforts to create a contiguous and viable Palestinian state.

Escalating the situation are the new powers bestowed by Netanyahu’s government on his far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich.

A new resolution gives practically all control over planning approval in the West Bank to Smotrich, who is himself a settler and a fierce proponent of settlement expansion.

The decision, which takes immediate effect, speeds up the process of expanding West Bank settlements and retroactively legalising settlements under Israeli law.

All Israeli settlements beyond the 1967 borders are illegal under international law.

“We will continue to develop the settlement of and strengthen the Israeli hold on the territory,” Smotrich said at the weekend.

According to the new resolution, which is based on a 1996 government decision, whereas before there were numerous stages of authorisation from the defence minister, now that has been whittled down to one approval.

A meeting at the defence ministry to discuss new construction works will come just as the four-month moratorium, agreed at the Aqaba and the Sharm el Sheikh meetings, expires.

Before the moratorium was introduced, Israel approved a record number of new settlement homes, at least 10,000, and proposed to legalise at least nine outposts.

Earlier this month, Israel shelved a plan to expand a settlement east of Jerusalem, which, if constructed, would divide the occupied West Bank in two.

The plans for the E1 settlement project, which would see 3,412 housing units built for Jewish settlers on occupied Palestinian lands, would connect the Kfar Adumim and Maale Adumim settlements with occupied East Jerusalem.

The United States and the European Union have long objected to the settlement plan, warning successive Israeli administrations not to move forward with the project.


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Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s keynote address on the “One World Order”  at 2015 international conference: The “New World Order”, A Recipe for War or Peace.


The world is at a dangerous crossroads. The notion of “humanitarian war” underpins the threats of military aggression by the US and its allies. 

Tun Dr. Mahathir’s address was followed by presentations by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Dr. Chandra Muzzafar and Yoichi Shimatsu,

Also invited to this event was a consultant to the Pentagon Dr. Thomas Barnett, a Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in Warfare Analysis who upheld America’s humanitarian warfare mandate, casually denying the dangers of US-NATO led military aggression. (Video below)






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The O’Keefe Media Group has published a new story focusing on perhaps James O’Keefe’s most powerful investigative subject to date, BlackRock Inc.

In the footage, a BlackRock Recruiter named Serge Varlay describes how BlackRock is able to ”run the world” in about 7 minutes of riveting undercover footage. The footage was captured over the course of several meetings in New York by one of OMG News’ rockstar undercover journalists.

BlackRock Inc is the world’s largest asset management company that’s gained more notoriety as of late due to its large acquisitions.

A video of James O’Keefe’s interview confrontation with Varlay is expected to be released soon.

As of the time of this writing. A press representative for BlackRock Inc has declined to comment on the story.

Click here to view the video

Varlay says it’s easier for BlackRock to do things when “people aren’t thinking about it” and the asset giant “doesn’t want to be anywhere on the radar.”

This story is a peek into why

Serge Varlay told our journalist that BlackRock manages $20 trillion dollars worldwide. According to him, “it’s incomprehensible numbers.”

BlackRock has over $9.5 trillion of assets under management, that’s larger than the GDP of all countries on the globe except the US and China.

“The senators…are f***ing cheap – you got 10 grand, you can buy a senator,

Varlay remarked in what is arguably the most unabashed description of corruption and bribery from their own company we’ve ever heard. The extended soundbite from Varlay is below:

You can take this big f*** ton of money and buy people, I work for a company called BlackRock…It’s not who is the president, it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president. You could buy your candidates. First, there is the senators these guys are fuckin cheap. Got 10 grand you can buy a senator I’ll give you 500k right now It doesn’t matter who wins they’re in my pocket.    

Varlay doesn’t stop there, he goes on to describe what those in his line of work think of the tragedy of war saying its “real f***ing good for business”. 

Ukraine is good for business, you know that right? Russia blows up Ukraine’s grain silos and the price of wheat is going to go mad up. The Ukrainian economy is the wheat market. The price of bread goes up, this is fantastic if you’re trading.  Volatility creates opportunity for profit…

Varlay added that its “exciting when s*** goes wrong.” 

Despite the fact that Varlay literally asked the OMG journalist if she was “undercover” based on the nature of her questioning, Varlay didn’t know he was being recorded when he was sharing his thoughts. He was skeptical of the reporter’s questioning because “normal people don’t give a s***” about these harsh realities. “It’s beyond them,” says Varlay. 


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The question of ever-increasing student debts has been increasingly discussed in many countries, perhaps the most in the USA. There is a wide diversity of literature available on various aspects of this issue, including impact on financial prospects of indebted persons, their health and family life, even on community life, on difference in impacts on various sections of students and hence on socio-economic inequalities.

However one aspect that does not appear to have received adequate attention is the impact of the burden of student debt on the ability and motivation of youth emerging from colleges to devote themselves to social change and mobilization.

Youth is the age of idealism, and of immense potential of utilizing the great energy of youth in idealist pursuits. In so many freedom movements as well as justice, peace and environment protection movements, youth have made very great contributions. Who can forget the great contribution made by student and youth activists in ending the Vietnam War?

However with the increase in student debt, students have come under increasing pressure to take up those jobs which can maximize their earnings immediately. So great is the pressure felt by them that they even ignore their interests and inclinations in terms of their academic pursuits so far, if they can earn more in some other line of work. Such high paying job opportunities are more likely to emerge in jobs with big corporations: so debt burdened students are likely to get more involved in these than in pursuing their true calling and motivation.

In particular it is more likely that debt burdened students will not remain keen about (generally lower paying) public interest careers with non-profits, even if they were earlier very interested in these. As far as the struggles of an activist with the lowest possibilities and potential of earning are concerned, any debt burdened student is most likely to avoid this path, even though in earlier days the same student may have thought very highly of such work.

Thus student debts have the impact of curbing or perhaps even killing idealism; youth may no longer be the age of idealism in the days of mounting student debts.

This is of course a big social loss as idealist youth also having a base of college education can contribute so much to very relevant and useful social change, to justice and equality, to peace and disarmament, to environment protection and true democracy. Yet ironically it is precisely because of this that unjust systems may actually welcome high levels of student debts and want them to continue forever.

Unjust systems (particularly imperialist and capitalist systems) are fearful of and hostile towards the potential that educated idealist youth have for social mobilization for bringing the kind of justice and peace based changes that are so urgently needed in these systems. Hence these systems may be actually very deeply interested in the forever continuation of these debts (that are helpful to them in keeping away students from justice-seeking activist roles), although this may never be openly stated for obvious reasons.

It is the context of this background and understanding that the recent debates on this subject should be seen. At present student debt in the USA amounting to a staggering 1800 billion dollars (higher than the GNP of several countries) affects about 45 million people, and the size of the average debt is about $30,000, with about 60 per cent of the students availing this to a lesser or greater extent.  The USA government had announced a partial debt cancellation in 2022 (to fulfill an election time promise by President Joe Biden, something that was considered essential for his re-election efforts) which would have led to about a fourth of the debt amounting to about 450 billion dollars being cancelled, bringing relief of generally up to $10,000 dollars to an indebted individual which in some cases could go up to $20,000.

So it is clear that this was only a partial cancellation.  What is more the system that creates high levels of student debt every year was left entirely undisturbed, so that even if the entire debt was cancelled, a serious debt problem would have emerged soon again in a few years.

However even this partial cancellation was challenged in courts, so that only a very small part of the promised relief could reach indebted persons and a decision by Supreme Court is expected soon to decide whether the bulk of the promised relief can reach indebted persons.

The biggest burden is on those who have the least wealth and so had to meet a much higher part of their college education expenses by incurring debt. The burden on African Americans and other disadvantaged minorities can be much higher; their difficulties can be much more, than the average indebted person.

The bigger issue is that as long as the big gulf between the very high expenses of education and what is affordable remains, it is only a matter of time before the debt figures start mounting again. Again, within a few years, students coming out of colleges will feel as burdened as before with the high debt burden, even if the existing debt is entirely cancelled.

The young should be able to start life on a note of freedom. They should be entirely free to act according to the voice from their heart regarding what is the most promising and satisfying work for them. They should be able to choose work where they feel they can contribute most to society.They should be free to walk the path less travelled, if this is what they really want to do in their life. This is good for them; this is also good for the entire society. If youth can work according to their true motivations and calling, society will progress a lot.

But this becomes very difficult if the young are burdened with huge debts right at the start of their life. Unfortunately this is precisely what has happened in some of the richest countries, denying important democratic choices to young people when they need this the most. In the USA student debt increased from 905 billion dollars in 2011 to nearly 1800 billion dollars in 2022.

Here at the time of leaving college, debt burden for blacks is about $7500 higher compared to whites, but due to their more difficult repayment situation, 4 years later this is likely to increase to a difference of around $25,000.

Problems for college-leaving youth increase due to the fact that payments for many of them as trainees in many places are all too low and sometimes even nil, while repayment obligations start all too soon. A survey of the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that 40% of interns in corporate units were unpaid.

To student debt should be added the burden of credit card debt. Serious delinquency has been reported to be at exceptionally high levels for 18-29 age group credit card debt in recent times. Not just mental tensions but physical illness once a month related to this has been reported from 20% of the indebted youth in surveys.

In UK, which has almost similar levels of average student debt as the USA, among indebted youth 81% have associated this with mental stress and 31% with more serious health problems.

This also has an adverse impact on family life. When young persons are starting a family, this is supposed to be the sweetest time in life but all too often now has to be spent under the shadow of debt. Many young college-educated couples are unable to afford satisfactory housing, or have to postpone having their first child for too long. 

While these health and family issues already captured in surveys are really important, these should not lead to the neglect of other, less tangible but nevertheless very important aspects of the life of young people.

If young persons are saddled with debt when they emerge from college, this means that they are already under a lot of pressure to start earning a certain amount of money immediately. This leaves them little time to wait till they can find a livelihood which is satisfying for them in a social and ethical sense as well, apart from meeting their essential economic needs in a satisfactory way.         

As the yearning of youthful hearts for living and working according to their ideals is not satisfied and as their deeper social-spiritual  aspirations are frustrated at an early stage of their life, this often leads to a drying up of flowers before  they can blossom and sometimes   leads to destructive tendencies such as substance abuse and family quarrels.

This is not just an individual loss but a social loss as young people can best contribute to creating a better society only when they are able to work in keeping with their social-ethical urges and related creativities.

While this is certainly a big social loss if the aim is to create a better society, it appears that the capitalist-imperialist system does not really mind this loss. From the point of view of this system, it is actually helpful that those freshly emerging with college education try (not having much of an option due to their debts) to get absorbed very quickly in the existing unjust system without raising too many questions or experimenting with genuine alternatives, or exploring less travelled paths.

This is perhaps the reason why solutions which can permanently end this heavy indebtedness of young people are not even on the radar of the authorities. A one-time debt cancellation will of course provide some relief, but as long as the system remains the same, after some time the debts will pile up once again.

Hence clearly more systemic change in higher education is needed to avoid student indebtedness and bring other desirable changes, but such far-reaching reform does not appear to be on the agenda at present. In fact it is also possible that sometimes various wings of an unjust system work in silent collaboration—one side may announce some relief to fulfill election-time promises while another wing ensures that the promised relief does not really reach the waiting people.

This also reminds us of the success of several socialist countries in making accessible more or less free or very low cost higher education to a very large number of students. A small country like Cuba which has often faced sanctions and other hostile actions from its powerful neighbor the USA has nevertheless been able to produce and nurture a very substantial number of well-qualified doctors who moreover are not controlled by the profit motive and are willing to accept a lot of hardships in order to serve people in the most difficult conditions in disaster and conflict zones of world. Clearly much can still be learnt from the socialist model for higher education.

However leading capitalist countries like the USA appear to prefer a system in which students do not really have the freedom to live according to their free ideals. What is really needed is that students who have become dedicated to peace, disarmament,  justice, equality and environment protection in the course of their education are able to lead  a life linked to the pursuit of these objectives, in the process also earning at least modest , sustained livelihoods. But it appears that the US authorities do not want this. They want their college-educated to serve their agenda of dominance, militarism and a society based on inequalities. It is helpful to quickly absorb the college-educated in such an agenda if they emerge debt-burdened and are very anxious to quickly get a high-income job. Hence debt-burdened students are likely to be preferred by the capitalist system.

This should be realized by social movements who should agitate not just for debt relief but for much wider reforms in which the young people feel free to choose and lead a life based on their beliefs, their ideology of peace, equality, justice and environment protection, as well as for wider conditions which are supportive of this choice and enable then to earn creative livelihoods based on such a choice (while also helping to create a better world). This involves important changes in educational systems but in addition this also involves wider social changes.

The present reality of support by unjust systems for persistent large-scale student debt may well be part of a wider social reality of deliberately encouraging indebtedness on the one hand and making it difficult to come out of indebtedness on the other hand, as indebted people tend to be more subservient and pliable. To give just one example, indebtedness of ordinary farmers may be encouraged and promoted by unjust systems in numerous ways including imposing unreasonably costly technologies and inputs on small farmers. Thus farmers may be squeezed so much that it becomes difficult for them to agitate for a genuinely just farming system.

Hence the social movement led by youth for ending student indebtedness also has the potential of gaining important insights for even wider social change which can be very helpful for almost the entire society.

The writer is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include A Day in 2071, Planet in Peril—People’s Response the Only Way Forward, Man over Machine, Protecting Earth for Children and Earth without Borders.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Protecting Earth for Children and A Day in 2071.

The Ever-Widening War

June 22nd, 2023 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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It was obvious from the beginning that the Kremlin’s “limited military operation” would result in an ever-widening war leading to a possible nuclear confrontation, and there is no doubt that the conflict has continued to widen.

The latest development brings us closer to the use of nuclear weapons. The F-16s, which Biden said would never be given to Ukraine, have now been given, as I said would happen. Moreover, they are being given in a recklessly gratuitous form. The first shipment of F-16s are aircraft that have modifications that allow them to be armed with nuclear weapons.

To understand how reckless this is, the Kremlin has no alternative to considering that the aircraft might be used to deliver tactical nuclear weapons on Russian troop concentrations. To ignore this possibility would be to risk disaster.

As I said would happen, this latest provocation is a substantial war-widener. The Kremlin is now considering attacks on the European air bases from which the F-16s will be operating. In other words, Putin is now being deprived of the pretense that the conflict is limited.

Gilbert Doctorow sees the situation as I do and regrets “our dismal progression on the way to Armageddon.”

I have been unable to come up with any intelligent reason for Putin to permit a war that should have ended quickly before the West could become involved to drag on for 16 months with no end in sight. It seems that Putin expects the West to come to its senses before it is too late. If so, it shows the success of American propaganda over the decades so that even today despite all the evidence Putin thinks that somewhere in the West there is a basic goodness that will assert itself in the West before the fatal step is taken.

The West’s lack of realization is even worse. During the 20th century Cold War the United States government and those of the NATO countries worked with the Soviet government to defuse tensions and to slow down and to halt the nuclear arms race.  The Cuban Missile Crisis, provoked by the positioning of US nuclear missiles in Turkey on Russia’s border and by the CIA/Joint Chiefs effort to overthrow Castro, brought realization to Washington and Moscow that Armageddon came near.  The deescalation process begun by Kennedy and Khrushchev was renewed under Nixon, for which the CIA punished him with “Watergate,” a hoax like “Russiagate,” and removed him from office.  But the process of deescalation continued.  Even the Committee on the Present Danger, of which I was a member, supported reduced tensions with the Soviets.  

In 1963 there was the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. The Outer Space Treaty that prevented the orbiting of nuclear weapons followed.  Then the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.  In the 1970s there were SALT 1 and SALT 2, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.  In the 1980s there was the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.  In 1991 the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks were concluded that limited conventional arms deployment in Europe.  And other agreements since.

Today these accomplishments, which reduced tensions and the likelihood of nuclear war, are abandoned ruins.  With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the neoconservatives saw a chance for hegemony and regarded the accomplishments that put a leash on Armageddon as hindrances to the exercise of American power. 

Washington’s insanity of unleashing nuclear war has brought NATO to Russia’s border, has resulted in the overthrow of governments of former Soviet territories and their use against Russia as in the case of Ukraine, and in a variety of provocative actions and war propaganda against Russia and her president.  The level of war propaganda against Russia today is as high as the propaganda against Germany and Japan during World War II.

Not satisfied with turning Russia into an enemy, Washington has done the same with China and Iran.  

This is madness.  It can only end in the destruction of civilization.  


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from The Cradle

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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On June 13, 1971, the New York Times published the first installment of a set of highly classified documents that changed the course of American history. Secretly copied by a military analyst named Daniel Ellsberg, they electrified readers with their revelations of how Washington had snookered Congress and the public into supporting the Vietnam War – with billions of dollars, and tens of thousands of lives. In the immediate aftermath Ellsberg was arrested and charged under the Espionage Act. Two years later, however, the government’s proceedings against him fell apart, and all charges were dismissed.

Fast forward a half-century, and the story of the Pentagon Papers, as they became known, is familiar to anyone who has sat through a high school history or civics class. As for the man at its center, he spent the next fifty years resisting the powers that be as an anti-war activist and public intellectual.

Diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer in February of this year, Ellsberg died on June 16. He was 92. Still, he was active as late as May, speaking with Politico about the dark history of American imperialism; the human cost of US military interventions abroad, the ever-present danger of nuclear warfare, and the insanity – not to mention immorality – of threatening mass murder in the name of democracy or national security.

In the spirit of Father’s Day, and in honor of a remarkable man who impacted not only his children but an entire nation, Plough’s Chris Zimmerman spoke with Daniel Ellsberg’s son Robert Ellsberg, author, editor, and publisher of Orbis Books.


Chris Zimmerman (CZ): Tell me about the last months.

Robert Ellsberg (RE): The first three months after he was diagnosed with inoperable cancer were actually a very happy time for him. As he said, just as he had always written better under a deadline, it turned out that he was able to “live better under a deadline” – with joy, gratitude, purpose. Perhaps there was a feeling of relief that the fate of the world no longer depended on his efforts. My brother actually said that he had never seen Dad so happy. He didn’t feel there was any tragedy attached to dying at the age of ninety-two. He was assured by home hospice care that he would be spared pain; he was deeply moved by the outpouring of love that followed news of his diagnosis; and he used his time very productively in conducting interviews and recording podcasts about his life and his deepest concerns. He hoped that the urgency of his situation might lend gravity to his warnings, particularly in the context of the war in Ukraine. Of course, gradually, he had to let go of many things. But even with his waning strength he kept telling us to remind people of their obligation to protect the world and its creatures.

CZ: Your father was always associated with a very public act – one that catapulted him onto the national stage. What was he like in private?

RE: Even when I was a child, my father tended to talk to me about “grown-up” things: his concerns about the Vietnam War, his discovery of Gandhian nonviolence, his thoughts on history, empire, the human capacities for evil and for changing the world, the meaning of truth, and the perils of nuclear war. In that way, I don’t suppose he was a typical father. At the same time, he could be very lighthearted. He loved performing magic tricks, he was a voracious viewer of movies, he loved nature, especially the ocean – lying on the beach or bodysurfing. He loved music, played the piano, had a photographic memory of all the poems he loved, and he could be wildly funny. He and I shared a similar sense of humor. He used to say I was the only person who found him funny. Later he revised that to say, “You are the only person with whom I am funny.” He had a deep desire to feel that I knew and understood him. Only much later did I feel that he made an effort to know me, but that phase of our relationship, which continued to grow and never really stopped, was very precious to me.

CZ: Did you see him much? You’re based in New York; and he’s in California.

RE: For most of my life my father and I did not live near one another. But we met regularly and spoke on the phone almost every week. During Covid we discovered the potential of Zoom, which he enjoyed because he could hear more easily. While I was working with him editing his two volumes of memoirs, Secrets and The Doomsday Machine, we spoke on the phone multiple times a day over a period of several years. Those were happy times for me.

CZ: What was it like to edit your father?

RE: My father was a fantastic writer. But he was famously challenged when it came to completing a project. In the case of Secrets, the first volume of his memoirs, on the Pentagon Papers, he came to a point of feeling completely blocked. Hitting “rock bottom,” he asked me if I would help. What ensued was two years of very close work. At the end of that process my half-brother Michael, who is also a skilled editor, stepped in and did some very judicious slashing, and we met the publisher’s deadline.

But my father felt that he still had another important mission – to share what he knew about the dangers of nuclear war. He had once seen a Pentagon document estimating the number of deaths that would occur in the Soviet Union and China if US plans for general nuclear war were implemented: six hundred million. That was actually a huge underestimate, since it left out the effects of fire and the fallout that would devastate most of our allies in Europe and East Asia, not to mention the then-unknown impact of a resulting nuclear winter. My father thought this was an evil document. From that time he was committed to preventing nuclear war and warning the world about its prospects and dangers.

He had a contract for the second volume of his memoirs, The Doomsday Machine, and he had written the first part of it. But even after working on it literally for decades, he could not bring it to conclusion. He said that if he didn’t finish this book he would feel that his life had been a failure. Not that he thought it would necessarily save the planet. But he couldn’t bear the thought that he had not done everything in his power to help.

He finally turned to me and asked if I would help. This was a very different project from Secrets. For one thing, he was now in his eighties. He had produced thousands of pages of drafts and notes but he didn’t know how to draw it together. In this project, which involved close work and conversation every day for two years, I was not just an editor, but a counselor, motivational coach, analyst, at times ghostwriter, and confessor. I remember that after the 2016 election of Donald Trump he was ready to quit. He said to me, “What’s the point?”

I said, “Dad, everywhere in the world people are waking up today and asking themselves, What can I do? You are incredibly lucky that you don’t have to ask that question – you have a task of unique importance, which only you can do! Now is not the time to give up.” Well, that seemed to motivate him and he got moving.

And he kept at it until we crossed the finish line together – having produced what I consider his masterpiece. As a son, there could not have been a more gratifying expression of my love for my father than to help him fulfill his mission. It was as if I was born and raised to do this. Beyond that, there was no doubt in my mind that helping him complete this work was the greatest contribution that I could make to the cause of peace.

CZ: Long before you edited your father, you helped him photocopy the Pentagon Papers. What was that like, being a partner in crime with him? Scary? Disorienting? Exhilarating?

RE: It was none of the above. I didn’t fully comprehend the implications. It was something my father asked me to do, and I admired him so much, I would have done anything he asked. Later in his life, he explained his motivations for involving me: feeling that he would soon go to prison, possibly for the rest of his life, he wanted to leave me with the example that there could come a time when one might be compelled to make a sacrifice or take personal risks for the sake of a greater good. My father did not teach me to ride a bike or catch a baseball. But he wanted to pass along that lesson.

CZ: How did your involvement come about?

RE: In October 1969 my father took me out for lunch and told me about his plans to copy what became known as the Pentagon Papers. His intention was to make them available to Congress, and he had some hopes that this might help end the war, though it would involve the risk of prison. He had been sharing with me books and writings by Gandhi, Thoreau, Martin Luther King, and other teachers of nonviolence, so I understood what he was talking about it. He asked if I would help him. So that afternoon I spent the day at a Xerox machine copying Top Secret documents. I was thirteen.

Two years later the Papers were published in the New York Times and other newspapers, and my father went underground while he completed the work of distributing the documents to various media. Then he was indicted – ultimately with twelve felony counts, and facing 115 years in prison. When I was fifteen I was subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury.

CZ: What was your family life like in the midst of all this?

RE: It was very difficult. Not a happy time. My parents were divorced. I grew up with my mother and sister in Los Angeles, where the trial was eventually held. My mother was very upset that my sister and I were involved in this public drama, and she was very eager to shield us from the media frenzy. Meanwhile I leapt at the chance to become an exchange student in England for my senior year in high school, and so was overseas for most of the trial, following the story in the newspapers.

It was a very stressful time for me, not just because I was worried that my dad would go to prison, but because of the real fear – in those crazy times – that he might be assassinated. Later we discovered that this fear was in fact not baseless. The White House had authorized a special team to “neutralize” my father, including a plan to physically attack him on the steps of the Capitol. Ultimately the charges against him were dismissed when it turned out that government agents had burglarized his psychiatrist’s office.

CZ: You yourself later joined the antiwar movement alongside the Berrigans, for instance, and the Catholic Worker. Any connection with your father there, and his activist stance?

RE: No doubt my father’s example inspired my feeling that I had to find my own way and live by my convictions – to find what my life was for. I had struggled for some years over how I would deal with the draft when my time came. As it happened, the draft had ended by the time I turned eighteen in 1973.

Nevertheless, I felt I was wrestling with questions I couldn’t find answers to in college. So I left [Harvard] after my sophomore year in 1975 and went to the Catholic Worker community in New York. I actually didn’t intend to spend more than a few months there, but then Dorothy Day asked me to become managing editor of the Catholic Worker newspaper, and I ended up staying for five years. I left in 1980, just before her death, and returned to college.

Those years in New York were a time of enormous learning – not just from books. It was definitely a time of activism. I was arrested a dozen times, several times with my father. In 1978 we were arrested together at Rocky Flats, a nuclear facility in Colorado, where we sat on the tracks leading into the factory that makes the nuclear triggers for hydrogen bombs. I spent sixteen days in solitary confinement, fasting the whole time.

But it was also a time of spiritual growth. I spent two years working as a hospice orderly in a home for terminal cancer patients run by an order of Dominican sisters. (Ironically, this provided me with bedside skills that I could employ while helping to care for my father.) It was during this time that I decided to become a Catholic. And that was a step that led me in the direction of studying theology, coming to work as editor-in-chief at Orbis Books, editing five volumes of writings by Dorothy Day, and writing many books about saints and holiness.

CZ: Henry Kissinger called your father “the most dangerous man in America.” To many people, though, he was a hero, at least in the 1970s. More recently the tide seems to have been changing. Two years ago, the New York Times published an opinion piece attacking your father and calling his actions an “assault on democracy.” What’s going on?

RE: People don’t often ask why Henry Kissinger called him “the most dangerous man in America.” They presume that the White House simply feared his influence and wanted to discredit him. As Nixon said, not trusting the courts, “we have to destroy him in the press.” But the reason he was so dangerous was their fear that he had allies in the National Security Council who were going to give him documents that would reveal the Nixon Administration’s secret plans for the escalation of the Vietnam War, including threats of nuclear war. My father’s knowledge of these plans was a prime motive for him to copy the Pentagon Papers. But he didn’t have the actual documents. If he had had them, he would have released them. But Kissinger didn’t know that, which is why he thought my father had to be stopped.

Robert Ellsberg and Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel and Robert Ellsberg on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, 1977.

Of course, opinions have always been sharply divided. Many regarded him, then and now, as a hero and a patriot; many others as a traitor. If anything, though, I think the tide has turned in my father’s favor. People recognize that he performed a public service; they admire him for being willing to face the consequences of his actions. He is seen as a kind of patriarch of whistleblowing. Unfortunately, that doesn’t necessarily translate into paying serious attention to his message. Nevertheless, with the news of his impending death, there was a great tide of media interest, and he was generally acclaimed as a national hero.

The piece you’re referring to, which was published in the Times around the fiftieth anniversary of the Pentagon Papers, is an outlier, but it reflects a real belief among some people that any kind of publication of government secrets is contrary to the principles of democracy. My father believed the opposite, at least in the case of secrecy being used as a means to subvert democracy. He took seriously his oath as a public official to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” He believed that far more harm was done to the country by keeping illegal and immoral actions secret than by revealing them.

CZ: Before he switched sides, so to speak, your father was the consummate Washington insider. He had high-level security clearances, and he was committed to the war; he even volunteered to go to Vietnam in 1965 to study pathways to military “success.” How did he move from there to questioning the war, and then becoming so bitterly opposed to it that he was ready throw away his career, his reputation, his safety, and that of his family?

RE: Interestingly, my father was never a “believer” in the Vietnam War. It seemed to him to be a losing proposition from the beginning. He also knew from the start that it was built on lies. His first day working in the Pentagon as a deputy assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense was the very day in 1964 of the so-called Tonkin Gulf Incident, which was used as a pretext for congressional authorization of military action in Vietnam. He saw from day one that everything said about the incident was a lie.

Nevertheless, he went to Vietnam to see firsthand what the prospects for success might be. To that end he traveled the country for two years, and even went out on patrols with Marine units under fire. He came to the conclusion that we had to get out of the war – it was a terrible mistake. A case of hepatitis sent him home in 1967. Then his work as part of the team compiling the Pentagon Papers changed his understanding of the origins of the war, convincing him that the war was not just a problem or a mistake – but actually a crime that must be resisted.

Incidentally, many people believe my father released the Pentagon Papers because he was offended merely by its chronicle of lies. The truth is, he was offended by the crimes that those lies were protecting – they were lies about murder.

Of course, his actions meant expulsion from the world of insiders. But he didn’t consider that a huge loss. In fact, he turned out to be one of the most fortunate of whistleblowers. True, he lost his job and prospects for any future government job and was on trial for a year. But most whistleblowers have faced far worse consequences. He didn’t go to jail. In fact, the people who tried to destroy him largely ended up going to prison themselves, or facing the judgment of history. In effect, his actions did help to end the war. And he lived on for another fifty years to continue to work for peace.

CZ: That’s one aspect of the story that especially fascinates me – the sheer power of a solitary individual to effectively face down an entire government. Certainly it is much easier to sit back and lob generalized criticisms at vague monsters like Big Government. Your father seems to have been guided by his conscience and impelled by a sense of personal responsibility.

RE: Yes, my father was one of those people who saw something that needed to be done, and did it, without regard for self-interest. The people who do that sort of thing often don’t think there is anything exceptional about their action. “Isn’t this what anyone would do?” But clearly it was exceptional.

I know that he was inspired by the example of young draft resisters who were willing to risk prison for their beliefs and in order to save lives. People like Randy Kehler, whom he met at a peace conference at Haverford, a Quaker college near Philadelphia, in 1969. That had a deep impact on him, just as his own example later inspired others. It certainly influenced my own choice to spend much of my life writing about “saints, prophets, and witnesses for our time” – the subtitle of my book All Saints. Courage, holiness, goodness are contagious; and the people who model them expand our moral imaginations – they open up new horizons and possibilities for humanity. Such figures have played that role in my own life. And they have fed my vocation as a writer in sharing their stories, spreading seeds of compassion and peace.

CZ: Your father’s doctoral dissertation popularized something known as the Ellsberg Paradox – the idea that people are so averse to taking incalculable risks, they would rather settle for a calculable one, even if the utility of the decision in question is less. And yet, look at his decision to publicize the Pentagon Papers: talk about taking an enormous and surely incalculable risk!

RE: His thesis, in a nutshell, was on decision-making under uncertainty. That turned out to equip him for what seemed like the most important question facing humanity – how to avoid a catastrophic nuclear war. Of course he came to believe that some of the premises of this planning were wildly insane – like the presumption that there were better or worse ways of using nuclear weapons. He came to believe that any system built on the threat and willingness to implement “Doomsday” was evil.

The uncertainty today rests to some degree on what can be done about it. Now the threat of nuclear war has been joined by the devastating consequences of climate change. It is very unclear whether humanity and our social structures as currently constituted are equipped to meet these threats. And yet the consequences of inaction are so catastrophic that they justify any effort to remedy them, even without certainty of success.

One of the lessons of the Pentagon Papers is that you just can’t know what the long-term consequences of your actions will be. It seemed at the time, despite all the publicity, that the release of the Papers had no immediate effect on ending the war. Nixon was reelected in a landslide. And yet it was Nixon’s reaction to my father’s actions that ultimately brought about his downfall.

As I said earlier, Nixon authorized the so-called White House plumbers to burglarize my father’s psychiatrist’s offices. And when the same people, working for his reelection committee, were arrested at the Watergate complex [for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters], he obstructed justice and authorized payoffs to keep them quiet about their actions against my father. This ultimately forced his resignation as president, and in turn brought the war to an end.

The lesson is that you just don’t know what can happen. If we do avoid catastrophe, it may similarly depend on very unlikely and seemingly accidental twists of fate. Which may be another word for grace.

CZ: Speaking of effectiveness, the world seems no better now than it was in the early 1970s. New conflicts and wars seem to be breaking out all the time. Did your father ever despair?

RE: My father devoted his life to opposing ongoing wars and preventing nuclear war. He wrote, gave interviews, lobbied, protested, and was arrested almost a hundred times. Yet in his last years he wondered whether any of it had made a difference. In the context of the war in Ukraine he felt the danger of nuclear war was greater than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Furthermore, he felt that the war had dealt a terrible blow to any renewed progress on arms control and non-proliferation. If partisan polarization in Congress makes it seemingly impossible to deal with even hugely popular policies, like commonsense gun control, where is the space to deal with the existential threats facing our planet? He also felt that a renewed Cold War with Russia made it difficult to consider any global response to climate change. So he was very discouraged. And yet, he never gave up hope. He said, “I hope that my expectations are incorrect.” To him, hope was not just optimism. It was a form of action, a way of life.

CZ: In a piece you wrote a dozen years ago, on the occasion of your father’s eightieth birthday, you wrote, “In the chronicle of conscientious actions, one candle lights another.” What candles did your father light in your own life?

RE: I’ve addressed his influence in inspiring my writing. But basically this all goes back to a lesson he passed on to me long ago. In a recent interview he said, “We all care about those in our circle, our group, our tribe. But who cares about the others? About those outside our group, our country? About other species? About future generations?” He also said, “I identify with those who care about the others. Those people are my tribe.”  In this, my father stands for me as an example of courage, integrity, unswerving commitment to the truth, and faithfulness to his inner voice. Having found his mission, he never “retired” – that is, he never stopped conveying his belief in the importance of peace and the protection of all life. 

He was not what you would call a “person of faith.” He was happy to think of himself as a person of hope. Yet I feel he was preoccupied with what you might call deeply spiritual questions. To me, he was a prophet, calling on the world to turn around, to choose life, to avoid catastrophe. To himself, he was more like Cassandra. She was blessed with the gift of seeing the future, but also a curse: no one would believe her when she spoke about what she saw. This caused him intense pain. Still, he loved life, he loved the world and its creatures, and so he kept on reminding us of our responsibility to warn the world – to care about the planet and its inhabitants.


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Featured image: One last trip to the beach – father and son near Berkeley, California, April 2023. All photographs courtesy of Robert Ellsberg.

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Dementia Joe does it again. Less than 24 hours after Secretary of State Blinken genuflected before the Chinese, assuring them that the United States really, really, really is sincere in supporting the One China policy and eschews calling for Taiwan’s independence, Biden opened his yap and called Xi Jinping a dictator. While this garnered applause from the American financial donors, it destroyed Blinken’s credibility with the Chinese and confirmed their worst suspicions about U.S. intentions.

When it comes to the art of diplomacy, saying what you really think or believe is not an acceptable practice. While many Americans believe that China’s Xi is a dictator and are wondering what the fuss is surrounding Biden’s intemperate, off-the-cuff remark, saying this in public stiffens Chinese doubts about U.S. intentions and makes it virtually impossible for the United States to have any kind of productive working relationship with China going forward.

Just a day after Blinken’s weekend visit to China, U.S. President Joe Biden called Chinese President Xi Jinping in a move that has infuriated Beijing and left U.S. officials perplexed. Biden said the comments in front of donors at a California event.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning called the comments a “provocation” and “irresponsible.” U.S. officials have privately sought to inform the Chinese that this doesn’t represent a shift in tone or mood since the Blinken visit.

See this.

I suspect there were some of Xi Jinping’s foreign policy advisors who warned that receiving Blinken was a mistake and that the U.S. could not be trusted to live up to its promises. Guess what? They are serving up a big load of crow to those in the Chinese Government who advocated for the meeting with Blinken. Those advocates have lost face, big time. 

American political leaders, including those in the Biden Administration and Republicans, need to make a choice — cool the bombastic, threatening rhetorical comments or prepare for deteriorating relations with China that will inflict enormous damage on the U.S. economy for the foreseeable future. There is no middle ground.

Many of the so-called American China mavens advocate more deterrence (i.e., more cowbell). CSIS published the results of a China/America war game in January:

CSIS developed a wargame for a Chinese amphibious invasion of Taiwan and ran it 24 times. In most scenarios, the United States/Taiwan/Japan defeated a conventional amphibious invasion by China and maintained an autonomous Taiwan. However, this defense came at high cost. The United States and its allies lost dozens of ships, hundreds of aircraft, and tens of thousands of service members. Taiwan saw its economy devastated. Further, the high losses damaged the U.S. global position for many years. China also lost heavily, and failure to occupy Taiwan might destabilize Chinese Communist Party rule. Victory is therefore not enough. The United States needs to strengthen deterrence immediately.

The proposal to “strengthen U.S. deterrence”, which is academic jargon for building up U.S. military capability in the Pacific, is a non-starter. The U.S. already is bogged down in Ukraine, has depleted critical weapon supplies and lacks the industrial capability to rapidly replace weapons and build tanks, combat aircraft and ships required, in theory at least, to deter China.

China is likely to become more firm in defining its territorial waters and air space and will make normal commerce with Taiwan more difficult for the United States, but it sees war as a last resort. China has a number of other cards to play. The most important of these is the January 13, 2024 election in Taiwan where the party that wants a closer relationship with the mainland appears to have a chance to win the Presidency. If the Kuomintang prevails then the door is open for a peaceful reconciliation between the mainland and Taiwan. This will be a punch to the gut for the United States and will upend Western plans to foment a rift in the Communist Party.

You can be sure that Western and Chinese intelligence agencies will be actively interfering in this election to secure their respective interests. Hypocrisy alert — don’t be surprised that many of the American politicians who decried alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election will be enthusiastic supporters of the U.S. Government and its subsidiary agencies meddling aggressively in the Taiwan election. We can do it to you but don’t do it to us.

If you’re holding your breath in hopes of a peaceful resolution to this conflict you will pass out from lack of oxygen. I fear that the American political dynamics are so toxic and twisted that we are setting ourselves up for an inevitable war with China. I also worry that the Chinese leaders have reached this same conclusion and will ramp up their efforts to work more closely with Russia in building a new world order that will weaken American influence and will bolster its naval, air and hypersonic missile capabilities.


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Is Putin Bluffing on Redlines? Ask Putin.

June 22nd, 2023 by Ted Snider

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On June 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with war correspondents and military bloggers for a question and answer session at the Kremlin. One war correspondent asked Putin “a question about the notorious red lines.” Addressing Putin, he said,

“Clearly . . . we are at war not just with the Kiev regime, but with the so-called collective West as well. NATO countries are constantly moving and crossing our red lines. We express our concern and keep saying that this is unacceptable, but never come up with actual answers. Are we going to keep moving our red lines?”

That is a question top officials in the Biden administration have been asking as well. Less than two weeks earlier, The Washington Post reported that the risk calculation has begun to factor in that Putin “has not followed through on promises to punish the West for providing weapons to Ukraine.” The White House has concluded that Putin is “bluffing.”

A senior State Department official says that “Russia’s reluctance to retaliate has influenced the risk calculus of Secretary of State Antony Blinken,” who has pushed the Biden administration “to do more to support Ukraine.” A White House official told the Post that “national security adviser Jake Sullivan also has viewed the benefits of supplying more lethal weaponry to Ukraine as outweighing the risks of escalation,” leading him to work “extensively with European allies on providing F-16s to Ukraine.”

But the US may be misinterpreting Russian military decisions and not recognizing them as escalatory responses to the crossing of redlines.

Those who know Putin’s thinking best say he does not bluff. In his biography, Putin, Philip Short says that a formative lesson of Putin’s childhood was never bluff. Short says that the lesson Putin learned in the KGB had already been learned on the streets. In the KGB, Putin was taught not to “reach for a weapon unless you are prepared to use it.” As a child, Putin says, he had learned that “It was the same on the street. [There] relations were clarified with fists. You didn’t get involved unless you were prepared to see it through.”

“NATO countries are constantly . . . crossing our redlines,” the war correspondent said. “We express our concern and keep saying that this is unacceptable, but never come up with actual answers. Are we going to keep moving our red lines?” he asked.

We have responded to them crossing our redlines, Putin answered. He specifically identified three responses to the crossing of Russian redlines.

The “first and the most important,” Putin said was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the first place.

“[T]he brightest of all redlines” for Russia, as then ambassador to Russia and now director of the CIA William Burns called it, has always been “Ukrainian entry into NATO.” On December 17, 2021, Russia, once again, highlighted that redline for Washington. The key demands of the proposals on security guarantees were no NATO expansion into Ukraine and no deployment of weapons or troops to Ukraine. On December 26, the US rejected Russia’s essential demand for a written guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO. Putin noted “that fundamental Russian concerns were ignored,” and, on February 17, the official Russian response said that the US and NATO offered “no constructive answer” to Russia’s key demands. It then added that if the US and NATO continued to refuse to provide Russia with “legally binding guarantees” regarding its security concerns, Russia would respond with “military-technical means.”

That was not a bluff. Russia drew the redline. The US crossed the redline. Putin said Russia would respond with military means. One week later, they invaded Ukraine. “Is the special military operation itself not a response to them crossing these lines?” Putin responded to the war correspondent. “Is this not the answer to their crossing the red lines?”

The second Russian response to the West’s crossing of Russian redlines was the striking of Ukraine’s energy system. In the early days of the war, Russia seems not to have deliberately targeted civilian infrastructure. A senior analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency leaked to Newsweek that, in the first month of the war, “almost all of the long-range strikes have been aimed at military targets.” 

In September, 2022, Russia witnessed “US military personnel” being “directly involved . . . in critical line functions” in the recent Ukrainian counteroffensive. On September 10, the New York Times reported that the US was “provid[ing] better and more relevant information about Russian weaknesses” and that they had “stepped up feeds of intelligence about the position of Russian forces, highlighting weaknesses in the Russian lines.” CNN reported that the US was now engage in “war-gaming” with Ukraine.

Russia interpreted this escalated involvement in the war as indicating that the US was now “directly participating in the military actions against our country.” And that crossed the second redline. The Russian response was the first massive air strikes on electrical systems.

That the Ukrainian offensive “directly involved US military personnel in critical line functions . . . crossed what certainly may be seen by the Russian leadership as a red line announced at the very outset of the Russian action in Ukraine,” Asia Times reported on September 12.

“Are strikes on Ukraine’s energy system not an answer to them crossing the red lines?” Putin asked the war correspondent.

The third Russian response came after a series of Ukrainian drone strikes inside Russian territory, highlighted especially by the drones that Russia was forced to explode over the Kremlin, and a blunt admission of “plans to assassinate President Putin.” Russia responded with missile strikes that destroyed Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate just outside Kiev.

“And the destruction of the headquarters of the main intelligence directorate of the armed forces of Ukraine outside Kiev, almost within Kiev’s city limits, is it not the answer? It is,” Putin said to the question of answering the crossing of redlines.

You never know you have crossed a redline until you have already crossed it. That makes the choice of escalation over diplomacy very dangerous. But you also never know a country has answered the crossing of a redline unless you recognize their escalations as answers to the crossing of redlines. Putin publicly identified three Russian escalations as responses to the West crossing Russian redlines. He also suggested there may have been more escalations that might not have happened but for the crossing of redlines: “not everything may be covered by the media,” Putin said.


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Ted Snider is a regular columnist on US foreign policy and history at and The Libertarian Institute. He is also a frequent contributor to Responsible Statecraft and The American Conservative as well as other outlets.

Featured image is from The Cradle

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A fascinating video about the secret transfer of Ukrainian SS to Britain and Canada.


Not described is that the Ukrainian SS were not only selected based on physical fitness – they were also selected for adherence to Nazi ideology.

Sadly, the crimes of the Ukrainian SS and Stepan Bandera are not clearly described either.

But what is being described in the video is consistent with what I have studied on the subject.

It is correct, as the video describes, that many the Ukrainian SS were later used as infiltrators in the Soviet Union – by the USA.

What is only superficially hinted at in the video is, that the Ukrainian SS transferred to Canada built societies there. Many from the group of Ukrainian SS and their descendants settled in Canadian went into Canadian academia, where they whitewashed their own criminal history and Nazi role for Hitler’s Germany. When the Soviet Union dissolved, these academic descendants of Ukrainian SS brought their academically constructed lies about Ukraine’s and their own past back to Ukraine – where their lies became official “history”.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is a screenshot from the video

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The Palestinian solidarity movement must seek to disrupt the ‘school to apartheid promotion pipeline’. It’s past time to challenge private schools indoctrinating young minds into worshiping a violent faraway state that oppresses millions.

A recent visit to Canada by Israel’s minister for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism, Amichai Chikli, highlights a subject that requires far more critical attention. The Israeli Embassy Twitter account noted,

The purpose of Minister Chikli’s visit is to study unique examples of Jewish education in Canada and how this can be replicated across North America. Investment in Jewish education is an investment in the future of Israel — and the Jewish people.”

Last month Chikli launched an initiative to substantially increase Israel’s investment in North American Jewish schools. He announced $53 million in funding for the Aleph Bet project, which he said, “will be focused on schools in North America with a focus on training teachers for Jewish education and Israel studies as well as principles for Jewish day schools.”

During his trip Chikli visited Canada’s largest private school. TanenbaumCHAT says “Israel engagement pervades our curricular and extra-curricular programming and is a shared vision — part of the consciousness of all our teachers and educators.” The Toronto school even organizes “IDF days”. After being taught to support apartheid, many of the Torontonians join the Israeli military or move there. Many more TanenbaumCHAT alumni speak, vote, fundraise, etc. in a manner that reinforces Palestinian subjugation.

Other Toronto schools also promote Zionism. During his recent trip to Toronto former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spoke at Bnei Akiva. The school promotes the Israeli military in a slew of ways. Bnei Akiva honours alumni who served in the IDF and its LinkedIn profile notes, “upon graduation, students typically spend at least one or more years of study in Israel, and many serve in the IDF.”

An Israeli flag flies in front of Leo Baeck elementary school and its publicity says it “instills” a “love of Israel” and  “a deep and meaningful connection to … the State of Israel” among students. The school has an Israel Engagement Committee and in 2012 it received United Jewish Appeal Toronto’s inaugural Israel Engagement Community Award. That same year the Israeli Consul General in Toronto, DJ Schneiweiss, attended the launch of a new campus at Leo Baeck.

In Montréal a significant proportion of the crowd at the annual Israel Day consists of children bused in from the city’s Jewish schools. Montréal’s Hebrew Foundation School openly promotes the IDF and Israeli control of the West Bank. One post on the elementary school’s Facebook page included a big board with the emblem of the IDF and multiple photos of Israeli soldiers. Another post mentions students assisting a charity supporting injured Israeli soldiers while another notes, “Our students and staff were enthralled with Eli’s story as a soldier during the Yom Kippur war.” The grade-schoolers often sing Israel’s national anthem and participate in events put on by the explicitly racist Jewish National Fund, which has played an important role in the colonization of Palestine. A large map shown to the grade schoolers at a recent JNF Day included the illegally occupied West Bank as Israel.

In the paper “Good Jewish Citizens: Israel or Zionist education the key to saving North American Jewish Identity?” Bonnie K. Goodman holds up Montréal Jewish schooling as a successful model. “To combat the crisis,” Goodman writes, “American Jews might look up north to Montreal, Quebec. The second-largest Jewish community in Canada has the lowest intermarriage rates and the highest number of students attending day schools and summer camps. The city is also home to an Israel engagement program arming their high school graduating class with the tools necessary to confront the anti-Israel college world and advocate for Israel. The curriculum creates a Zionist education that fosters its graduates to not only be knowledgeable Jews but good citizens versed in one of the most critical elements of Civil Judaism support and ties to Israel.”

The just released film Israelism highlights the issue in the US. According to the summary of a documentary focused on two young people who go through a profound political transition, “in their Jewish day schools they are taught to unabashedly love and support Israel, and the Jewish state becomes central to their Jewish identity. They’re taught that Israel represents the strength and pride the Jewish people were denied for so long. Simone, Eitan and their classmates sing the Israeli national anthem, drape themselves in Israeli flags” and participate in various initiatives linked to the IDF. One of the two protagonists, Simone Zimmerman, says “10% of my Jewish high school joined the Israeli army”and that she was led to believe Palestinians were “people who want to kill Jews.”

It is imperative to disrupt the ‘school to apartheid promotion pipeline’. It is not okay that kids are being indoctrinated to promote apartheid.


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The Pentagon on Tuesday claimed that an “accounting error” has freed up an additional $6.2 billion to spend on military aid for Ukraine.

Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters that weapons sent to Ukraine from US military stockpiles using the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) were overvalued by using the cost to replace the arms rather than the depreciated value.

“In a significant number of cases, services used replacement costs rather than net book value, thereby overestimating the value of the equipment drawn down from US stocks and provided to Ukraine,” Singh said.

Reports first surfaced in May that said the Pentagon may have overvalued weapons it was sending to Ukraine. At the time, the estimate was that the error would account for at least $3 billion in new funds for Ukraine, which has more than doubled.

Singh said that for the 2023 fiscal year, the Pentagon overvalued weapons by $3.6 billion. In the 2022 fiscal year, it was $2.6 billion. “These valuation errors in no way limit or restricted the size of any of our PDAs or impacted the provision of support to Ukraine,” she said.

The additional funds mean that the White House might not need to ask Congress to authorize more spending on Ukraine before the end of the 2023 fiscal year, which is September 30 for the federal government.

Congress would likely approve any new Ukraine aid package as there is still strong bipartisan support for funding the proxy war. The debt ceiling deal reached between the White House and House Republicans put no limit on emergency spending packages, which is how Congress has authorized the $113 billion that has been approved for spending on the war so far.


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Rightly, there’s been an outpouring of tributes to Daniel Ellsberg following the announcement of his death last Friday, aged 92. His leaking of the Pentagon Papers in 1971 revealed that Washington officials had systematically lied for decades about US military conduct in Vietnam.

The disclosure of 7,000 pages of documents, and subsequent legal battles to stop further publication by the New York Times and Washington Post, helped to bring the war to a close a few years later.

As an adviser to US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara in the 1960s, Ellsberg had seen first-hand the Pentagon’s brutal military operations that caused mass civilian casualties. Entire villages had been burned, while captured Vietnamese were tortured or executed. Deceptively, the US referred to these as “pacification programmes“.

But most of those today loudly hailing Ellsberg as an “American hero” have been far more reluctant to champion the Ellsberg of our times: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

For years, Assange has been rotting in a London high-security prison while the Biden administration seeks his extradition on charges that ludicrously equate his publication of the Afghan and Iraq war logs – a modern Pentagon Papers – with “espionage”.

Like Ellsberg, Assange exposed the way western states had been systematically lying while they perpetrated war crimes. Like Ellsberg, he was fraudulently labelled a threat to national security and charged with espionage. Like Ellsberg, if found guilty, he faces more than 100 years in jail. Like Ellsberg, Assange has learned that the US Congress is unwilling to exercise its powers to curb governmental abuses.

But unlike Ellsberg’s case, the courts have consistently sided with Assange’s persecutors, not with him for shining a light on state criminality. And, in a further contrast, the western media have stayed largely silent as the noose has tightened around Assange’s neck.

The similarities in Assange’s and Ellsberg’s deeds – and the stark differences in outcomes – are hard to ignore. The very journalists and publications now extolling Ellsberg for his historic act of bravery have been enabling, if only through years of muteness, western capitals’ moves to demonise Assange for his contemporary act of heroism.

Docile lapdogs

The hypocrisy did not go unnoticed by Ellsberg. He was one of the noisiest defenders of Assange. So noisy, in fact, that most media outlets felt obliged in their obituaries to make reference to the fact, even if in passing.

Ellsberg testified on Assange’s behalf at an extradition hearing in London in 2020, observing that the pair’s actions were identical. That was not entirely right, however.

Assange published classified documents passed to WikiLeaks by Chelsea Manning, just as the New York Times published the secrets handed to them by Ellsberg. Given that media freedoms are protected by the US First Amendment, whereas whistleblowing by an official is not, Assange’s treatment is even more perverse and abusive than Ellsberg’s.

In contrast to his case, Ellsberg added, the WikiLeaks founder could never receive a fair hearing in the US. His trial has already been assigned to a court in the eastern district of Virginia, home to the US intelligence agencies.

Late last year, as Assange’s prospects of extradition to the US increased, Ellsberg admitted that he had been secretly given a backup copy of the leaked Afghan and Iraq war logs, in case WikiLeaks was prevented from making public the details of US and UK criminality.

Ellsberg pointed out that his possession of the documents made him equally culpable with Assange under the justice department’s draconian “espionage” charges. During a BBC interview, he demanded that he be indicted too.

If the praise being lavished on Ellsberg in death demonstrates anything, it is the degree to which the self-professed watchdogs of western state power have been tamed over subsequent decades into being the most docile of lapdogs.

In the Assange case, the courts and establishment media have clearly acted as adjuncts of power, not checks on it. And for that reason, if no other, western states are gaining greater and greater control over their citizenry in an age when mass digital surveillance is easier than ever.

Spied on day and night

For those reluctant to confer on Assange the praise being heaped on Ellsberg, it is worth remembering how similarly each was viewed by US officials in their respective eras.

Henry Kissinger, President Richard Nixon’s national security adviser and then secretary of state, called Ellsberg the “most dangerous man in America”.

Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump’s director of the Central Intelligence Agency, declared Assange and WikiLeaks a “non-state, hostile intelligence service”. Pompeo’s CIA also secretly plotted ways to kidnap or assassinate Assange in London. 

Both Ellsberg and Assange were illegally surveilled by government agencies.

In Ellsberg’s case, Nixon’s officials wiretapped his conversations and tried to dig up dirt by stealing files from his psychiatrist’s office. The same team carried out the Watergate break-in, famously exposed by the US media, that ultimately brought Nixon down.

In Assange’s case, the CIA spied on him day and night after he was given political asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, even violating his privileged conversations with his lawyers. Astonishingly, this law-breaking has barely been remarked on by the media, even though it should have been grounds alone for throwing out the extradition case against him.

Nixon officials tried to rig Ellsberg’s trial by offering the judge in his hearings the directorship of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

In Assange’s case, a series of judicial irregularities and apparent conflicts of interest have plagued the proceedings, again ignored by the establishment media.

Above the law

But if the modern White House is as hostile to transparency as its predecessors – and armed with more secret tools to surveil critics than ever before – the media and the courts are offering far less remedy than they did in Ellsberg’s time.

Even the Obama administration understood the dangers of targeting Assange. His relationship to Manning was no different from the New York Times’ to Ellsberg. Each publicised state wrongdoing after classified documents were divulged to them by a disenchanted official.

Prosecuting Assange was seen as setting a precedent that could ensnare any publisher or media outlet that made public state secrets, however egregious the crimes being exposed.

For that reason, Obama went full guns blazing against whistleblowers, locking up more of them than all his predecessors combined. Whistleblowers were denied any right to claim a public-interest defence. State secrecy was sacrosanct, even when it was being abused to shield evidence of criminality from public view.

Asked whether Obama would have pursued him through the courts, as Nixon did, Ellsberg answered: “I’m sure that President Obama would have sought a life sentence in my case.”

It took a reckless Trump administration to go further, casting aside the long-standing legal distinction between an official who leaks classified documents in violation of their employment contract, and a publisher-journalist who exposes those documents in accordance with their duty to hold the powerful to account.

Now Biden has chosen to follow Trump’s lead by continuing Assange’s show trial. The new presumption is that it is illegal for anyone – state official, media outlet, ordinary citizen – to disclose criminal activity by an all-powerful state.

In Assange’s case, the White House is openly manoeuvring to win recognition for itself as officially above the law.

Disappeared from view

In the circumstances, one might have assumed that the courts and media would be rallying to uphold basic democratic rights, such as a free press, and impose accountability on state officials shown to have broken the law.

In the 1970s, however imperfectly, the US media gradually unravelled the threads of the Watergate scandal till they exposed the unconstitutional behaviour of the Nixon administration. At the same time, the liberal press rallied behind Ellsberg, making common cause with him in a fight to hold the executive branch to account.

Nixon’s attorney general, John Mitchell, charged Ellsberg with espionage and accused the New York Times of the same. Claiming the paper had undermined national security, he threatened it with ruinous legal action. The Times ignored the threats and carried on publishing, forcing the justice department to obtain an injunction.

The courts, meanwhile, took the side of both Ellsberg and the media in their legal battles. In 1973, the federal court in Los Angeles threw out the case against Ellsberg before it could be put to a jury, accusing the government of gross misconduct and illegal evidence gathering against him.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court prioritised freedom of the press, denying the government prior restraint. Ultimately, these cases and others forced Nixon from office in disgrace.

The contrast with Assange’s treatment by the media and the courts could not be starker.

The media, even “liberal” outlets he worked with on the Afghan and Iraq logs, including the New York Times and the Guardian, have struggled to show even the most cursory kind of solidarity, preferring instead to distance themselves from him. They have largely conspired in US and UK efforts to suggest Assange is not a “proper journalist” and therefore does not deserve First Amendment protections.

These media outlets have effectively partnered with Washington in suggesting that their collaboration with Assange in no way implicates them in his supposed “crimes”.

As a result, the media has barely bothered to cover his hearings or explain how the courts have twisted themselves into knots by ignoring the most glaring legal obstacles to his extradition: such as the specific exclusion in the UK’s 2007 Extradition Treaty with the US of extraditions for political cases.

Unlike Ellsberg, who became a cause celebre, Assange has been disappeared from public view by the states he exposed and largely forgotten by the media that should be championing his cause.

Shortening odds

Ellsberg emerged from his court victory over the Pentagon Papers to argue: “The demystification and de-sanctification of the president has begun. It’s like the defrocking of the Wizard of Oz.”

In this assessment, time has proved him sadly wrong, as he came to recognise.

In recent months, Ellsberg had become an increasingly voluble critic of US conduct in the Ukraine war. He drew parallels with the lies told by four administrations – Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson – to hide the extent of Washington’s involvement in Vietnam before the US went public with its ground war.

Ellsberg warned that the US was waging a similarly undeclared war in Ukraine – a proxy one, using Ukrainians as cannon fodder – to “weaken the Russians“. As in Vietnam, the White House was gradually and secretly escalating US involvement.

And also as in Vietnam, western leaders were concealing the fact that the war had reached a stalemate, with the inevitable result that large numbers of Ukrainians and Russians were losing their lives in fruitless combat.

He called former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s hidden, early role in stymying peace talks between Russia and Ukraine “a crime against humanity”.

Referring to history repeating itself, he observed: “It’s an awakening that’s in many ways painful.”

Most of all, Ellsberg feared that the West’s war machine – addicted to Cold War belligerence, obscured under the supposedly “defensive” umbrella of Nato – wanted once again to confront China.  

In 2021, as the Biden administration intensified its hostile posturing towards Beijing, Ellsberg revealed that back in 1958 Eisenhower’s officials had drawn up secret plans to attack China with nuclear weapons. That was during an earlier crisis over the Taiwan Strait.

“At this point, I’m much more aware of… how little has changed in these critical aspects of the danger of nuclear war, and how limited the effectiveness has been to curtail what we’ve done,” he told an interviewer shortly before he died.

What Ellsberg understood most keenly was the desperate need – if humanity was to survive – both for more whistleblowers to come forward to expose their states’ crimes, and for a tenacious, watchdog media to give their full backing.

Watching the media abandon Assange to his persecutors, Ellsberg could draw only one possible conclusion: that humanity’s odds were shortening by the day.


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Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at

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In an interview released by the BBC on June 21, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky acknowledged that progress on the battlefield against Russian forces is “slower than desired” and said “some people believe this is a Hollywood movie and expect results now.” The Ukrainian president also reaffirmed that Kiev seeks to become a member of NATO and will not talk to anyone about ending the conflict while Russian troops are in what he considers Ukrainian territory.

Ukraine says its counter-offensive has captured eight villages in the southern Zaporozhye and Donetsk region. However, this has not been independently verified. Zelensky has stated that Ukrainian troops have not advanced further because “200,000 square kilometres of territory have been mined by Russian forces.”

The president reinforced the need for Kiev to receive security guarantees from NATO, adding that the ultimate goal is to become a military alliance member. Atlantic Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made it clear this week that no plans were on the table to extend an invitation to Kiev at next month’s summit in Lithuania.

“[Jens] Stoltenberg knows my position. We’ve told them numerous times: ‘Don’t knock the ground from under our feet,” Zelensky said.

He also reaffirmed that he would not sit down with Russian President Vladimir Putin or anyone else to negotiate an end to the conflict unless Russian troops leave Ukrainian territory.

“No matter how far we advance in our counter-offensive, we will not agree to a frozen conflict because that is war, a prospectless development for Ukraine,” he added.

In the same manner, Stoltenberg spoke out on June 18 against the freezing of the Ukrainian conflict, as well as against its conclusion on Russian terms.

“We all want this war to end. But for peace to be sustainable, it must be just. Peace cannot mean freezing the conflict and accepting a deal dictated by Russia,” Stoltenberg told the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag on June 18. “NATO is no party to the conflict. We stand by Ukraine in its right to self-defence, enshrined in the UN Charter.”

Stoltenberg’s claim of NATO not being a party to the conflict was quickly rejected by Sergey Lavrov, with the Russian foreign minister highlighting that alliance members admitted: “that without pumping the Ukrainian regime with weapons, without providing Kiev with intelligence data from satellites, the Ukrainian situation would have been over a long time ago, this is actually recognition of their direct involvement in the hybrid and even hot war declared against Russia.”

According to the NATO Secretary General, the alliance will continue to support Ukraine. This will prove difficult as senior officials in Western countries have repeatedly identified low inventories and production levels as impediments to further support for Kiev.

Besides, despite the bravado from Zelensky and Stoltenberg, Ukrainian Deputy Defence Minister Ganna Maliar said on social media that “the situation in the east is now difficult” as Russia has not given up on controlling all of Donbass. She, just like Zelensky did when delivering the news of a “slower than desired” offensive, tried to add a positive spin by saying that “[Ukraine does] not allow the enemy to advance.”

No matter how much Kiev tries to extol the successes of the Ukrainian army, its counteroffensive is slow, and there certainly cannot be any talk of a final victory. It is likely that the war, at some point, will grind out and freeze despite Zelensky’s and Stoltenberg’s promises that this will not eventuate.

In this situation, Ukraine will likely receive an empty promise of NATO membership so that Zelensky can make losing the war more palatable for Ukrainians. Such a promise is worth little because, according to the Washington Treaty, the decision to join NATO must be unanimous. Ukraine must also fulfil a series of conditions that it will probably not be able to do for a long time.

Ahead of the NATO summit on July 11 in Vilnius, Ukraine is doing its best to create the impression that it has launched a victorious offensive, which will inevitably lead to a final victory. Kiev is trying to convince its Western backers of the myth of an invincible Ukrainian army, but these so-called successes are very dubious.

Earlier, Zelensky said Ukraine hopes to receive a clear invitation to join the bloc at the NATO summit in Vilnius in July. Although the process usually takes years, Kiev points to an accelerated EU accession process and hopes to start accession negotiations as early as this year, but faces opposition from some members of the 27-nation bloc. And it is here where its NATO membership, just like the eventual course of the war, will freeze.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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The European Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet is about to create an “unprecedented” risk for Europeans in their online and offline life unless privacy and anti-discrimination safeguards are introduced, a group of civil society organizations, academics and research institutions are warning.

In an open letter published Tuesday, the group urged European officials to reconsider the current trajectory of the eIDAS 2.0 (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services), the legal framework for the adoption of a European Digital Identity system which aims to give every European citizen and business unique and verifiable credentials.

The letter has 24 signatories, including international digital rights groups such as Privacy International and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The main concern for the group is that eIDAS may spell the death of anonymity, leading to “over-identification” and a “real name internet.” The eIDAS regulation could also introduce a unique and persistent identifier for every citizen allowing Big Tech actors to track their behavior.

“In its current form, the European Digital Identity System would be a gift for Google and Facebook to undermine the privacy of EU citizens,” the letter notes. “This will impact everyone in the EU and put them at a lower privacy level than people in other world regions.”

The eIDAS 2.0, which will amend an existing 2014 regulation, has faced resistance from other organizations. In May. Mozilla, the nonprofit developer of the Firefox browser, issued similar calls to rethink the regulation.

The new letter highlights other issues, including intrusive functions, susceptibility to system failures and cyber attacks and lack of redress for those who are excluded from the system. It also called for the EUDI Wallet to remain voluntary for natural persons with no discrimination against those who decline to use the app.

“With proper safeguards the European Digital Identity Wallet has still the potential to become a very powerful, fundamental rights respecting and privacy-preserving ubiquitous platform for digital interactions. The success of this system will ultimately depend on the level of trust citizens put in it,” the letter concludes.

European Member states have promised to offer their citizens the EUDI Wallet by the end of 2023, allowing them to access services such as digital travel credentials, driver’s licenses, university diplomas as well as bank and medical records. As the deadline is approaching, however, countries are still facing a raft of challenges, including achieving full interoperability, setting technical standards and avoiding cybersecurity risks.


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Ukraine’s Long Road to Potential Admission to NATO

June 22nd, 2023 by Michael Jansen

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US President Joe Biden said he won’t make it easy for Ukraine to join NATO. Ukraine has to meet the requirements to be a member.

“So, I’m not going to make it easier,” Biden stated in convoluted prose. “I think they’ve done everything relating to demonstrating the ability to coordinate militarily, but,” he asked, “there’s a whole issue of is their system secure?  Is it non-corrupt?  Does it meet all the standards…every other nation in NATO does?”  He added, “I think they will. I think they can. But it’s not automatic.” 

He made these statements after he had, reportedly, said he could be ready to remove the Member Action Plan, which requires military and democratic reforms by nations seeking to join the alliance.

The leaders of other NATO member countries are not so keen as long as Ukraine is at war with Russia. According to the NATO treaty, an attack on one member “is considered an attack on them all”.  Countries like Poland, Moldova and the Czech Republic which have been keen to support Ukraine in this war, would not be prepared to be dragged into the war if Kyiv was given fast-track NATO membership.  Biden can talk-the-talk because the US is thousands of kilometres away from the theatre of war and runs few risks of becoming embroiled.

The circle of Western commentators prepared to brave the war claque to tell the truth and analyse the war is widening and gaining currency.  On June 16, The New York Times, which cheer-leaded the disastrous 2003 US war on Iraq, published an opinion article by Stephen Wertheim in which he begins, “Sometimes the stories we tell to win the war help us lose the peace.” He gives the example of Afghanistan where the US held the Taliban responsible for Al Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington, fought the Taliban for two decades, and then turned the country over to them. 

He continues,

“The story we are telling ourselves today about the war in Ukraine runs its own risk. Since Russia invaded Ukraine last year, the debate in Western capitals about the origins of the conflict settled on one leading cause: Russia took up arms exclusively out of aggressive and imperialistic drives, and Western policies, including the years-long expansion of NATO, were beside the point.” 

Exactly.  For Russia, “the years-long” expansion of NATO to its borders was not only “the point” but the casus belli. From the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian leaders warned NATO against expansion and NATO ignored these warnings.  Ukraine is now paying the price.  It is significant that the US president who gave the world the Iraq war, George W. Bush, was the first, in 2008, to call for Ukraine and Georgia to be recruited into NATO.  Biden backed Bush’s 2003 war but London Mayor Boris Johnson did not and slammed Tony Blair for joining Bush in this deadly, destructive campaign — for Iraqis and Iraq, not the US or Britain.

The Ukraine war and punitive sanctions will weaken Russia but only temporarily.  Russia is a vast country with huge resources which will recover.  Russia will have help from the Global South, developing countries which regard NATO rather than Russia as the guilty party in this war.  Selected African countries have already come together to send a mission to Moscow, which did not dismiss the call for peace talks, and Kyiv which  rejected African mediation.  

Wertheim states the obvious, “Ukraine’s best path to peace is to be well armed and supported outside NATO.”  He suggested that Ukraine could join the European Union (EU) as this is an option Russia could tolerate.  Perhaps.

Four months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the EU granted it formal candidate status.  So far, Ukraine has, reportedly, satisfied two — judicial reforms and media freedom — of the seven qualifications for candidacy.  The other criteria are combating corruption (which has been rampant in Ukraine), Constitutional Court reform, instituting the rule of law, carrying out anti-money laundering measures, and adoption of laws to rein in oligarchs, and safeguards for national minorities.

Of course, the EU has taken a positive line on Ukraine’s progress.  One official told Reuters, “On reforms..we would never adopt a negative tone towards Ukraine at the moment.” However, he wound up by saying, “Not all is satisfactory.” 

For Ukraine to gain admission, Kyiv has to harmonise the country’s laws and adopt EU standards on climate change, labour practices, and other key areas which have taken years for candidate members to complete satisfactorily. For example, Cyprus, which joined with nine others in the fifth enlargement in 2004, was mentored by Ireland which gained membership in 1973 in the first enlargement with Denmark and Britain (which left). Poland and former Soviet satellite states — which eagerly backed Ukraine in the war — apparently back a fast track for Ukraine while founder members France and Germany do not.  Since all 27 members must accept a new candidate, this could take time and careful consideration as older and wiser members may not wish to alienate Russia permanently.

When this war has ended, Ukraine will face massive reconstruction and the return of millions of refugees. Russia will be weakened but, as long as damage is limited, Russia will be able to recoup its losses fairly quickly.  Russia is too big an exporter of vital products and metals, too big a political player on the world stage, and too big to ostracise and sanction for long. 


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The Paris Summit on new global financing pact offers some hope for Africa’s development within the context of the geopolitical changes and competition on the continent because extensive investments are needed across various sectors, especially in modernizing its agricultural sector to increase production and value chain.

Increasing agricultural production will help ensure food security and supply necessary raw materials for the industry. The regular collection of raw materials also adds the required value to commodities, thus making them ready for distribution across the continent. This will effectively support establishing a single continental market and promote intra-African trade.

With the rapid changes in the world today, global players are seriously turning their focus on Africa. The central issue is to gain economic influence and further control of the continent’s politics. As already known, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) spans all the states over the following years, and it has the potential to unite more than 1.3 billion people in a $2.5 trillion economic bloc.

It has the potential to generate a range of benefits through supporting trade creation, structural transformation, productive employment and poverty reduction. The AfCFTA opens up more opportunities for both local African and foreign investors from around the world. This is the latest core element or component in post-colonial Africa. It has become the most significant landmark in the history of Africa. We are indeed talking about the official start of this intra-African trading which, of course, signals the commencement of Africa’s journey to market integration.

Those of us in the academia monitoring, researching and analyzing Africa’s development, it beholds again to closely examine the two-day Paris summit, June 22 to 23, and determine the level of its significance and interconnection with this new global financing pact that will benefit Africa. There will be winners and losers; it is both sides of the same coin. African leaders with strategic eyes and brains will become the first and most brilliant beneficiaries; others with the old mindset will only sustain their status as observers and consequently gain nothing for their countries and citizens.

At this point, the summit primarily seeks to rally political leaders and representatives of global financial institutions. The new financing system will address inequality, debt crisis, climate change, international taxes, and special drawing rights. It will be more inclusive and fairer. Therefore, at least, there are solid grounds to rethink the contract between the countries in the Global North and the Global South.

Given geopolitical contradictions and complexities, one more critical point of focus is formulating new pacts and financial modalities to address the current global economic crisis and climate change.

I can only remind you of the global financial institutions. These include the IMF and the World Bank, civil society and the private sector. It will lay the foundation for creating a new global financing system. The new financing system will address inequality, debt crisis, climate change, international taxes, and special drawing rights. It will be more inclusive and fairer.

Most of their conditions are usually unfavourable to many creditors; however, much again depends on the crediting countries’ implementable policies, approaches and economic goals. At this point, we must ponder a few questions: How does the summit fit into a global context defined by the sweeping consequences of persistent economic, climate, health and energy crises, mainly in the most vulnerable countries? What do we expect from the summit, and what next after all these?

Objectives for the Paris Summit: Catherine Colonna, the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, in a statement on January 6, 2023, noted that the Paris Summit would focus on building a new pact with a Global North and a Global South. According to her, the new arrangement would facilitate vulnerable countries’ access to the necessary finance to address the effects of the current and future crises.

On the same day, the Secretary of State for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, and the Permanent Representative of France to the OECD, Amélie de Montchalin, took part in a webinar arranged by the Finance for Development Lab on the issues at stake at the Paris Summit 2023.

In November 2022, on the sidelines G20 Summit and the conclusion of a COP27 Summit with mixed results, French President Emmanuel Macron called for a global conference in Paris in June 2023. Macron announced that the Paris Summit would take stock “of all means and ways of increasing financial solidarity with the Global South.”

Emmanuel Macron’s announcement happened in a particular global context. The climate change crisis particularly threatens the Global South countries, including island states. Thus, the Barbados Prime Minister, Mia Mottley, has led an initiative to finance climate action since COP26. The “Bridge Initiative” focuses on facilitating access to global financing for the countries most vulnerable to climate change. The funding allows them to respond better to climate challenges.

Macron’s announcement aligns with the Bridgetown Initiative. However, the Paris Summit will deliberate on financing issues beyond the climate question, including the fight against poverty. The Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukrainian conflict, and the accompanying consequences have massively shrunk the budgetary and fiscal space for many countries, including Africa. This has affected their ability to finance citizens’ access to basic social needs and services. Consequently, the UNDP observed a human development decline in nine out of ten countries globally in 2022. The fall has mainly come from increased poverty levels and a drop in life expectancy.

AfDB president Dr Akinwumi Adesina will moderate a roundtable discussion about the Alliance for Green Infrastructure in Africa at the Summit for New Global Financing Pact. Seven heads of state will join Akinwumi Adesina. Islamic Development Bank Chairman Muhammad Al Jasser and the European Investment Bank President, Werner Hoyer, will also attend.

The Alliance represents a program by the African Union Commission, the AfDB, and Africa50 with other partners. The platform allows African nations to partner with the private sector to raise $500 million in early-stage combined finance capital. This will catalyze up to $10 billion in green and climate-resilient programs and projects. Its eventual goal is to hasten a transition to net-zero emissions by Africa and for Africa.

The event will promote AGIA as an influential platform. AGIA could accelerate and scale funding Africa’s transformational climate-resilient and greener infrastructure projects to attract new financiers and partners. It will also provide a progress update on the Alliance’s activities since its launch at COP27. The June 22-23 Summit for a New Global Financing Pact is one to anticipate. Many of the deliberations and expected outcomes will no doubt benefit the majority of African nations.

With six round tables, 30 branded events and 50 parallel events and deliberations, there will be a final declaration and communique. Leaders have registered their participation, including the President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, Prime Minister of Barbados, Olaf Scholz, Luis Inacio, the President of Brazil, Lula Da Silva, Germany Chancellor Mia Mottley, Chinese Premier Li Qiang, and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

Several representatives of international organizations, activists, and philanthropists will also attend. They include AfDB President Akinwumi Adesina, Word Bank President Ajay Banga, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, UN Goodwill Ambassador and activist Vanessa Nakate, co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and philanthropist Melinda French Gates, among others.

A high-level international steering committee composed of states and international organizations oversees the Paris Summit preparations. It includes France, South Africa, Senegal, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Barbados, Brazil, Japan, China, India, the United Nations Secretariat, the European Commission, the OECD, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Civil society campaigns: Ahead of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris and the confines of multilateral development bank reforms, the Pandemic Action Network and 19 institutions from around the globe have issued a rallying call for the inclusion of pandemic debt relief clauses in new country lending agreements.

In summary, we expect the summit formulates proposals for innovative financing sources, particularly those from the multilateral development banks. This will ultimately benefit developing countries, including those in Africa. Further, the international institution’s interventions will effectively address and reduce or minimize the vulnerability of economic shocks due to global instability from the pandemic and Russia-Ukraine crisis. We equally expect some reforms in the global financial infrastructure to create a just, sustainable and equitable world.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS) and InDepthNews, is now a regular contributor to Global Research. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

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“Turbo cancer” is a non-medical term that has arisen to describe very aggressive and rapidly progressive cancers following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and suppression of the immune system.

I have written 15 substacks about turbo cancers so far:

And today’s focus is on turbo gallbladder cancers.

Parma, OH – 61 yo Michael Jones was a United Airlines flight attendant who died on June 3, 2023 from turbo gallbladder cancer he battled for 3 months.

There are reports of turbo gallbladder cancers in VAERS

CASE 01 (VAERS 1391766) – 58 year old Minnesota woman had 1st Pfizer jab on April 7, 2021, 2nd Pfizer jab on May 12, 2021 and was hospitalized for gallbladder cancer on May 17, 2021

CASE 02 (VAERS 2101898) – 55 year old Washington woman had 1st Moderna dose on Jan. 6, 2021. About 11.5 months later, on Dec. 14, 2021, she was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer after having epigastric pain in Aug. 2021 

CASE 03 (VAERS 2192102) – 72 year old Kentucky woman had two Pfizer doses, 2nd on Feb. 10, 2021. Six months later on Aug. 27, 2021 she died with metastatic gallbladder cancer 

CASE 04 (VAERS 2540649) – 60 year Michigan woman had 2 doses of Pfizer, last dose April 7, 2021. 560 days later she died of metastatic gallbladder cancer and metastatic colon cancer on Nov. 4, 2022

CASE 05 (VAERS 2053415) – 82 year old woman had Pfizer jab in early 2021. In July 2021, she was diagnosed with “hepatic infiltration of gallbladder cancer” (metastatic) 

CASE 06 (VAERS 2539820) – 80 year old woman had 5 Pfizer jabs, with the 5th booster shot on Nov. 27, 2022. She was hospitalized two days later and diagnosed with “gallbladder cancer with infiltrations into the duodenum” 

Thousands have reported gallbladder problems following COVID-19 vaccination in the WHO Vigiaccess reporting system (click here)

  • gallstones – 755 cases
  • gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) – 428 cases
  • gallbladder pain (biliary colic) – 350 cases
  • cholestasis (reduced bile flow) – 278 cases
  • gallbladder disorder – 261 cases
  • cholangitis (acute inflammation of biliary duct system) – 125 cases

Gallbladder problems (non-cancer) 

There are over 800 of these in VAERS so I will only select a few:

CASE 07 (VAERS 918839) – 32 yo woman (Washington) had 1st Moderna jab and 8 days later had to have her gallbladder removed and had a life threatening sepsis.

CASE 08 (VAERS 932801) – 32 yo man (Illinois) had 1st Pfizer jab and 2 days later was hospitalized for epigastric pain and needed gallbladder surgery

CASE 09 (VAERS 962678) – 33 yo woman (Texas), 26wk5d pregnant, had 1st Moderna jab on Jan. 12, 2021. Within 12 hours, she developed gallbladder pain, required surgery next day which showed gangrenous cholecystitis and hydrops of gallbladder, with negative cultures. Hospitalized for 3 days. Baby survived. 

CASE 10 (VAERS 966379) – 51 yo woman (Texas) had 1st Moderna dose and next day she was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery, had to have her gallbladder removed which was 13cm big. 

CASE 11 (VAERS 997546) – 72 yo man (Florida) had 1st Moderna vaccine on Jan. 2, 2021. Next day he had severe pain and was hospitalized. He had gallbladder surgically removed on Jan. 28 and he died next day on Jan. 29, 2021.

CASE 12 (VAERS 1001005) – 42 yo woman (North Dakota) had 1st Moderna mRNA vaccine. 5 days later she was hospitalized for abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting and had to have gallbladder surgically removed. 

CASE 13 (VAERS 1030300) – 37 yo woman (Florida) had 1st Pfizer mRNA vaccine, the next day she had “extreme nausea”, a gallbladder attack and had to have emergency gallbladder removal 2 days after Pfizer jab.

CASE 14 (VAERS 1077228) – 53 yo woman (Massachusetts) had 2nd Moderna jab on Feb. 25, 2021 and had acute abdominal pain for 6 hours. 4 days later she had “worst abdominal pain ever”, rushed to ER, had inflamed gallbladder that had to be surgically removed. 

Twitter reports of Gallbladder problems

My Take…

Gallbladder problems following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination are quite common.

They usually present within one day of mRNA vaccination, with severe abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting. Some of these gallbladder attacks go away on their own, but many of them require emergency surgical removal.

Gallbladder attacks may not seem dangerous, but a few cases have resulted in sepsis and even death.

Most people who have to have their gallbladder removed after mRNA vaccination, end up having injuries and health problems in other organ systems (it’s a sign of a bad vaccine batch, perhaps?).

Turbo gallbladder cancer does appear to exist and is very aggressive, however, the only good news at this time is that it still seems to be quite rare.

Numerous studies show that Lipid Nanoparticles accumulate in the liver and end up in the hepatobiliary system including the gallbladder (click here) (click here) (click here)

I have several questions:

  1. Are lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), which are known to be very inflammatory, themselves causing severe gallbladder inflammation in such a short time, that many patients need emergency surgery right away to have these inflamed gallbladders removed?
  2. Do post COVID-19 vaccine inflamed gallbladders which have been surgically removed, show any spike protein expression within the gallbladder walls?
  3. Do turbo gallbladder cancers have spike protein expression within the tumor cells?

As always, none of these answers are forthcoming any time soon.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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World Refugee Day Marked by 108 Million Being Displaced

June 22nd, 2023 by Abayomi Azikiwe

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June 20th of every year is commemorated as World Refugee Day, an acknowledgment of those who have fled their countries of birth to seek relief from dangerous conditions which are human in origin as well as natural disasters.

During 2023, the number of refugees along with Internationally Displaced Persons (IDPs) reached unprecedented levels as 108.4 million are designated by the United Nations as falling into these two categories.

The number of displaced persons today is twice as high as those dislocated at the conclusion of World War II. Many of the refugees and IDPs are suffering as a direct result of the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) wars of regime change and occupation.

What is often not mentioned is the large numbers of refugees and IDPs from Ukraine which has been the focus of a proxy war waged by NATO against the Russian Federation over the last nine years. Since the beginning of the latest phase of the war on February 24, 2022, millions of Ukrainians and others living inside the country have escaped the fighting.

Figures given for the numbers of Ukrainian refugees exceed 8 million. Many have fled to neighboring Poland which is a military center for the NATO-backed war, providing a rear base for the training, arming and launching of Ukrainian troops into the battle against the Russian armed forces.

Other geopolitical regions impacted by the Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) destabilization programs are Syria, where Washington backed an insurgency against the government of President Bashar al-Assad beginning in 2011. Libya was the first full-scale project of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) which through the utilization of two United Nations Security Council resolutions, blanket bombed the oil-rich state while deploying rebels to seize control of strategic urban areas and ports during the early months of 2011.

The Pentagon-NATO war against Libya killed anywhere from 50,000-100,000 people and displaced more than two million. The assassination of former leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi and the overthrow of the Jamahiriya political system led to the widespread proliferation of arms which were funneled to rebel groups, many of whom have their origins within U.S. intelligence.

Since the destruction of Libya under Democratic President Barack Obama, the previously most prosperous state in Africa has become a source for instability, factionalism and human trafficking. The thousands of people, including infants and children, which are trafficked across Libya and other North African states, represent the human by-product of a policy of imperialist militarism aimed at perpetuating the hegemonic control of the West over a majority of the world’s population.

The June 13 Tragedy in the Mediterranean

There are approximately 500 people still missing after the capsizing of an unsafe vessel in the Mediterranean seeking to enter the European Union. 82 people have been confirmed dead while a small number of others were rescued by the Greek coastguard off the coast of Pylos.

Since the day of the disaster, there have been conflicting reports over the details of the tragic event. Spokespersons for the Greek Coastguard say that the vessel carrying an estimated 750 people refused assistance from their personnel.

This account has been disputed by refugee assistance groups and survivors of the mass drownings. Greek politicians and refugee advocacy agencies have condemned the role of the caretaker government of Prime Minister Ioannis Sarmas for not fulfilling their obligations under international maritime law to rescue vessels in distress.

There were reports of a rope being attached to the migrant’s vessel in an effort to stir them out of Greek waters towards Italy. Initially, the Greek coastguard denied that this occurred, continuing to repeat its claim that the migrants did not want assistance and were heading to Italian waters.

A report published by the BBC revealed:

“One organization which provides support for migrants at sea, Alarm Phone, sent an email on Tuesday (June 13) afternoon warning the coastguard and others that as many as 750 people were on board and that they were urgently asking for help. Two accounts from survivors have suggested that tying a rope to the fishing boat may have led to it going down. One has come from a local councilor in the port city of Kalamata who had earlier spoken to a 24-year-old Syrian. ’The coastguard boat tied them with some rope and tried to tow them to the left. For an unknown reason the boat veered to the right and suddenly sank,’ said Tasos Polychronopoulos. Another survivor gave a similar version to former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras during a visit to Kalamata on Thursday (June 15). ‘The Greek coastguard asked the vessel to follow them, but they couldn’t,’ a translator told Mr. Tsipras. ‘The coastguard then threw a rope but because they didn’t know how to pull the rope, the vessel started dangling right and left.’ ‘The coast guard boat was going too fast, but the vessel was already dangling to the left, and that’s how it sank.’

Nine people, including several Egyptians, have been arrested on suspicion of people trafficking, Greek TV is reporting.” 

Although the June 13-14 drowning of migrants was a profound example of the plight of those displaced by imperialist military as well as economic policies, such incidents have been taking place for nearly a decade. The U.S. and other EU-NATO states speak about the conditions of migrants and other displaced persons as if they have played no role in the crisis.

While in fact, the western industrialized nations are behind the growing instability across the Eurasian region and in Africa. In addition, the situation on the southern border between the U.S. and Mexico is prompted by the same imperialist policies of exploitation, destabilization and militarism.

Moreover, the existence of the migrant crisis caused by the Western states has provided a rationale for the ascendancy of ultra-right and neo-fascist groupings, political parties and governments in Europe, the United Kingdom and in North America. The influx of millions of non-white peoples into Europe and North America is fueling institutional racism and violence.

A Betrayal of the Refugee Convention and Protocol

In the aftermath of WWII, where tens of millions were killed in warfare and systematic genocide, the United Nations adopted the Refugee Convention in order to protect the people who have fled their countries, been displaced inside national borders or who remain stateless due to domestic and international injustices.

According to the United Nations statement in honor of World Refugee Day:

“Refugees are among the most vulnerable people in the world. The 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol help protect them. They are the only global legal instruments explicitly covering the most important aspects of a refugee’s life. According to their provisions, refugees deserve, as a minimum, the same standards of treatment enjoyed by other foreign nationals in a given country and, in many cases, the same treatment as nationals. The 1951 Convention contains a number of rights and also highlights the obligations of refugees towards their host country. The cornerstone of the 1951 Convention is the principle of non-refoulement. According to this principle, a refugee should not be returned to a country where he or she faces serious threats to his or her life or freedom. This protection may not be claimed by refugees who are reasonably regarded as a danger to the security of the country, or having been convicted of a particularly serious crime, are considered a danger to the community.” 

However, the failure to not only protect the rights of refugees but to regard them as a political tool to be manipulated by western states, clearly violates the letter and spirit of the Refugee Convention. There cannot be a reversal of this crisis without a concerted challenge to the military and economic policies of the imperialist states.

In reality, the more funding and arms sent to Ukraine will inevitably increase the number of refugees and IDPs. As long as the U.S. and other western states continue to support the State of Israel against the Palestinians and other neighboring countries, there will be people who flee the area in search of safety and security.

The rising presence of AFRICOM and the French former Operation Barkhane has not brought any assistance to African governments in their quest to enhance their internal security apparatuses. Contrastingly, the level of instability in various states on the continent has worsened due to imperialist interventions.

Therefore, in order to end the crises of migration and internal displacement, the UN, mass organizations and political parties must oppose imperialist destabilization and military occupations. A world must be created where everyone has a right to decent housing, food, water, economic security and the right to full equality and self-determination.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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Dimitri Lascaris will embark upon a Canada-wide speaking tour next week to report back to Canadians about his recent mission of peace to Russia. The title of the tour is “Making Peace With Russia, One Handshake At A Time.”

In April 2023, Dimitri Lascaris, Canadian lawyer, journalist and now citizen-diplomat, embarked on a self-financed trip to Russia where he lectured to students, presented at a think tank, gave interviews, met officials and peace activists, appeared on Russian media, wrote articles and tweeted daily about what he saw and heard.

The Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network (CWPJN) is sponsoring the pan-Canadian tour. It hopes that Dimitri’s tour will move the needle on Canadian public opinion in support of a negotiated end to the war in Ukraine and thus accelerate an end to the conflict. For the CWPJN position on the war in Ukraine, please see:

For his part, Dimitri agreed to embark on this Canada-wide speaking tour because of the extraordinary danger created by the war in Ukraine. As he explained:

“NATO is effectively at war with Russia. They possess enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world many times over. Meanwhile, the climate crisis is spinning out of control. Not only is the war itself a major source of emissions, but this conflict is an insurmountable obstacle to the international cooperation needed to manage the climate crisis responsibly. Never before was the cause of peace more important than it is today.”

Dimitri’s tour begins on June 19th in his hometown of London, ON. The tour schedule is as follows:

June 19th – London

June 20th – Hamilton ( Mohawk College, Fennell Campus, Room F118. 7pm)

June 21st – Toronto ( 31 Wellesley Street East. 7pm) (cancelled)

June 22nd – Winnipeg (Filipino Seniors Group of Winnipeg Cultural Education Centre. 49 Euclid Avenue (at Sutherland Avenue). 7:30 pm)

June 23 – Regina (4:30. Location TBA)

June 26 – Vancouver (for more information and to attend please email [email protected])

June 27th – Victoria (

June 29th – Montreal (

June 30th – Halifax (

July 2nd – Fredericton (TBA)

July 3rd – Ottawa (TBA)

July 4th – free Canada-wide webinar from Kingston, ON (8pm Free Webinar Canada-Wide –

Tickets will be sold at some venues while voluntary donations will be solicited at others. Dimitri has generously waived any speaking fees so that any funds raised will go to rental and staging costs. The tour will conclude with a free Canada-wide webinar broadcast from Kingston, Ontario, on Tuesday, July 4th at 8 pm ET:

For the most up-to-date info on the tour, people can go to the CWPJN website at or check out the poster above.

The tour is endorsed by Just Peace Advocates and the International Manifesto Group.

By Ken Stone,

Treasurer, Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War

Member, Steering Committee, CWPJN

[email protected] or 905-383-7693

Philippines: Knowing Who Your Friends Are

June 22nd, 2023 by Kim Petersen

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On 3 April 2023, deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh announced the United States expanding into four new military sites in the Philippines.

“In addition to the five existing sites, these new locations will strengthen the interoperability of the United States and Philippine armed forces and allow us to respond more seamlessly together to address a range of shared challenges in the Indo-Pacific region, including natural and humanitarian disasters,” said Singh.

A day later, 4 April, the US embassy in the Philippines announced a joint US-Philippines military exercise, Balikatan-2023, to be held from April 11 to 28. It was billed as the largest military manoeuvres in the history of the Philippines, with more than 5,000 Philippine troops and more than 12,000 US troops taking part.

To anyone familiar with the world map, it jumps out immediately that the Philippine’s geographical proximity to Taiwan and the South China Sea is exactly what the US is looking for in its Pivot to Asia (specifically China): a location where the US can try and impose containment on China.

This realization was clear to China, and China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Yi responded guardedly:

“China has sent a signal to the Philippines to not allow third parties to sabotage the friendly relations between the two countries.”

Helping Those in Need

More recently, on 16 June, the Philippines news website ran a piece on a request put out by Philippines president Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr to help his country procure affordable fertilizer.

Did the US step up?

China stepped up and donated 20,000 metric tons of urea fertilizer to the Philippines.

“This donation that came from China was a product of our request from all our friends around the world during the crisis when fertilizer — well, what we are still feeling now when fertilizer prices went up and the availability was also because of the supply chain problems that we are experiencing with our usual suppliers and China did not think twice and immediately came up,” said Marcos.

Relationships Based in Dialogue

China does not base its relationships with other countries through force of arms.

Regarding disputed territory in the South China Sea, China seeks to solve this through negotiation. One point of contention is a dispute over fishing in the South China Sea. China says the fishing ban from May to August is to sustain fish stocks and improve the marine ecology. The Philippines is opposed to this imposition.

Regarding this, Marcos said,

“We already have coordination with them (China) when there is a fishing ban so there won’t be a sudden fishing ban. At least we can have a plan. We are making some progress in that regard.”

A stark difference between the US and China vis-a-vis Philippines

Following the Spanish-American War, the US sought to recolonize hitherto Spanish colonies, one of which was the Philippines. The Philippines resisted US imperialism. So the US waged a bloody war against the Philippines from 1899 to 1902. The estimates of Filipino fatalities range from 200,000 to 3 million.

According to one researcher on the US genocide in the Philippines:

200,000 to 300,000 dead just can not be correct. A People’s History of the United States (1980) [by Howard Zinn, p. 308] cites 300,000 Filipinos killed in Batangas [a province in Luzon, south of Manila] alone, that alone proves the figures wrong, William Pomeroy’s American Neocolonialism (1970) cites 600,000 Filipinos dead in Luzon alone by 1902. This is backed up by General Bell himself, who said “we estimated that we killed one-sixth of the population of the main island of Luzon — some 600,000 people.”

How Was a Marcos Returned to Malacañang Palace?

In 2000, when I lived in the Philippines, a Filipino colleague who had worked at the US naval base in Subic Bay expressed good riddance to the US departure, citing the breakdown in cultural morale and rampant prostitution. Now US service personnel are returning to Subic Bay as a result of Marcos’s renewed ties with US militarism.

The election of Marcos is puzzling. His father, the dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr, had been toppled by a People Power Revolution. The kleptocratic family was sent into exile in Hawaii.

The current president, however, refuses to apologize for the sins of his father. Fair enough if he had no part in his father’s sins. But he could and should deplore the atrocities of his father’s regime. People of good conscience deplore atrocities regardless of who the perpetrator is. Bongbong doesn’t. Neither has the ill-gotten wealth of the Marcos family been returned to the Filipino people.

It is an electoral conundrum that speaks more to the psyche of the masses. When the masses are mired in poverty and hold illusions of better times under martial law, then logic often goes out the window. Unpropitiously, the admonition about people who don’t remember their history bodes ill for the poor masses.


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Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He can be emailed at: kimohp at He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Newly declassified British Foreign Office files have added disturbing details to the history of Operation Gladio. The covert operation was uncovered in 1990, when the public learned that the CIA, MI6 and NATO trained and directed an underground army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe, deploying its assets to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

Among them was a young Silvio Berlusconi, the media oligarch who served as Italian Prime Minister in four separate governments between 1994 and 2011. Listed as a member of the P2, the secret Cold War-era cabal of political elites devoted to Gladio’s aims, Berlusconi undoubtedly took some weighty secrets to the grave when he died this June 12th.

It is almost impossible to believe that inconvenient truths were not weeded from Britain’s documentary record on Operation Gladio prior to declassification. Nonetheless, the recently released material is highly illuminating. Covering a fraught twelve month period after the first public disclosure of Gladio’s existence, the papers illustrate how London’s foreign intelligence apparatus kept a keen eye on the continent as events unfolded.

The papers not only shed fresh light on the conspiracy, they underline Gladio’s relevance as British intelligence joins its America counterparts in contemporary plots involving secret partisan forces from Syria to Ukraine. 

Various passages dotted across the tranche strongly suggest the British knew much more than they publicly admitted about egregious criminal deeds, including the attempted overthrow of an allied Italian government and the kidnap and murder of its leader.

A ‘clandestine resistance network’ goes to work

Gladio consisted of a constellation of “stay behind” anti-communist partisan armies whose ostensible mission was to fend off the Red Army in the event of Soviet invasion. In reality, these forces committed countless violent and criminal acts as part of a “strategy of tension” designed to discredit the left and justify a security state clampdown.

As Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio operative jailed for life in 1984 for a car bombing in Italy that killed three police officers and injured two, explained:

“You were supposed to attack civilians, women, children, innocent people from outside the political arena. The reason was simple, force the public to turn to the state and ask for greater security…People would willingly trade their freedom for the security of being able to walk the streets, go on trains or enter a bank. This was the political logic behind the bombings. They remain unpunished because the state cannot condemn itself.”

The scandal triggered in Western capitals by the exposure of Gladio dominated mainstream headlines for months. The European parliament responded by passing a resolution condemning the existence of a “clandestine parallel intelligence and armed operations organization [which] escaped all democratic controls, may have interfered illegally in the internal political affairs of member states [and] have at their disposal independent arsenals and military resources…thereby jeopardizing the democratic structures of the countries in which they are operating.”

The resolution called for independent judicial and parliamentary investigations into Gladio in every European state. But aside from inquiries in Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland, nothing of substance materialized. What’s more, investigators heavily redacted their findings while avoiding having them translated them into English. This may help explain why the historic scandal has been largely forgotten.

In this context, the newly declassified documents may be one of the most valuable primary sources to date offering new insights into the origins and internal workings of NATO’s secret terror militias in Italy. 

Take for example an aide-mémoire (see it here) prepared by Francesco Fulci, Italy’s permanent representative to the UN, which was shared at a “super-restricted” November 6th 1990 meeting of the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s principal political decision-making body, then forwarded to senior British officials at home and abroad.

Based on a note provided by Rome’s then-premier Giulio Andreotti to “the Head of the Italian Parliamentary Commission investigating terrorist incidents,” the aide-mémoire begins by noting that following World War II, Western intelligence agencies devised “unconventional means of defence, by creating in their territories a hidden network of resistance aimed at operating, in case of enemy occupation, through information gathering, sabotage, propaganda and guerrilla warfare.”

According to the aide-mémoire, authorities in Rome began laying the foundations of such an organization in 1951. Four years later, Italian Military Intelligence (SIFAR) and “a corresponding allied service” – a reference to the CIA – then formally agreed on the organization and the activities of a “post-occupation clandestine network”:

“[Gladio] was; formed by agents active in the territory who, by virtue of their age, sex and activities, could reasonably avoid eventual deportation and-imprisonment by the foreign occupiers; easy to manage even from a command structure outside the occupied territory; at a top secret level and hence subdivided into ‘cells’ so as to minimize any possible damage caused by defections, accidents or network penetration.”

The “clandestine resistance network” was subdivided into separate branches, covering information operations, sabotage, propaganda, radio communications, cypher, reception and evacuation of people and equipment. Each of these structures was to operate autonomously, “with liaison and coordination ensured by an external base.” 

SIFAR established a dedicated, secret section to recruit and train Gladio operatives. Meanwhile, it maintained five “ready deployment guerrilla units in areas of special interest” across Italy which awaited activation on a continuous basis.

“Operational materials”, including a wide variety of explosives, weapons – such as mortars, hand grenades, guns and knives – and ammunition were stashed in 139 secret underground caches across the country. In April 1972, “to improve security,” these arsenals were exhumed, and moved to offices of the Carabinieri, Rome’s military police, near the original sites. 

Only 127 of the weapons storehouses were officially recovered. The aide-mémoir states that at least two “were very likely taken away by unknown persons” at the time they were buried, in October 1964. Who these operatives were and what they did with their stolen arms is left to the imagination.

British involvement in the coup effort

Fulci was eventually quizzed by attendees of the North Atlantic Council summit “as to whether Gladio had deviated from its proper objectives.” In other words, beyond operating strictly as a “stay behind” force, to be activated in the event of Soviet invasion. While “he could not add to what was in the aide-mémoire,” Fulci confirmed “weapons used in some terrorist incidents had come from stores established by Gladio.”

This may reflect the fact that political violence was one of Gladio’s “proper objectives.” A June 1959 SIFAR report unearthed by historian Daniele Ganser confirms guerrilla action against “domestic threats” was hardwired into the operation from its inception. In the Italian context, this entailed systematically terrorizing the left.

As the Italian Communist party surged in polls ahead of the country’s 1948 election, the CIA pumped money into the coffers of the Christian Democrats and an attendant anti-communist propaganda campaign. The cloak-and-dagger effort was so successful in preventing the outbreak of a left-wing government in Rome that Langley secretly intervened in every one of Rome’s elections for at least the next 24 years.

Yet the covert CIA operations were insufficient to prevent Italians from occasionally electing the wrong governments. The 1963 general election saw the Christian Democrats prevail again, this time under the leadership of left-leaning politician Aldo Moro, who sought to construct a coalition with the Socialists and Democratic Socialists. Over the next year, protracted disputes erupted between these parties over what form their administration would take.

In the meantime, SIFAR and CIA black ops specialists such as William Harvey, known as “America’s James Bond,” cooked up a plot to prevent that government from taking office. Known as “Piano Solo,” it dispatched Gladio operatives for a false flag assassination attempt on Moro that would deliberately fail. 

According to the plan, the kidnapper was expected to claim they were ordered to kill Moro by communists, thereby justifying the violent seizure of multiple political party and newspaper headquarters, along with the imprisonment of troublesome leftists at the Gladio chapter’s secret headquarters in Sardinia. The plan was ultimately aborted, though it remained on the table throughout 1964.

Moro became Prime Minister without incident and governed until June 1968. Piano Solo fell under official investigation four years later, yet the results were not published until the public first learned of Gladio’s existence. Though the findings omitted any reference to Britain’s role in the planned coup, the newly released documents strongly suggest London’s involvement. (Read them here).

Italy’s then-President Francesco Cossiga requested the ministry hand over “details of UK stay behind measures in 1964,” according to a detailed February 1991 Foreign Office memo on recent developments in the scandal.

Cossiga apparently made this enquiry as a result of a judge “whose investigations into unsolved terrorist attacks first brought Operation Gladio to light,” and who took the “unprecedented step” of demanding the president testify about the conspiracy under oath. By this point, Cossiga had admitted learning of the “stay behind” force while serving as a junior Defense Minister in 1966. 

His Foreign Office query strongly suggests British intelligence played a role in Piano Solo, and that the Italian President was well-aware of the plot.

Doomed Italian PM Aldo Moro’s photo while in captivity of the Red Brigades

“One or more of Moro’s kidnappers was secretly in touch with the security apparatus”

On March 16th 1978, a unit of the leftist militant Red Brigades kidnapped Moro. He was on his way to a high-level meeting where he planned to give his blessing there to a new coalition government that relied on communist support, when the kidnappers violently extracted him from his convoy. Five of Moro’s bodyguards were murdered in the process.

After almost two months in captivity, when it became clear the government would neither negotiate with the Red Brigades nor release any of its jailed members in return for Moro, the kidnappers executed the former Italian Prime Minister. His bullet-riddled corpse was left in a car trunk to rot, and for authorities to find.

Moro’s murder has inspired widespread and well-founded suspicions that Gladio operatives infiltrated the Red Brigades to push the group to commit excessively violent acts in order to foment popular demand for a right-wing law-and-order regime. More than perhaps any other incident, his killing fulfilled the objectives of the security state’s strategy of tension. 

Whether or not Moro was a casualty of Gladio, a declassified November 5th 1990 Foreign Office memo authored by Britain’s then-ambassador to Rome, John Ashton, makes it clear that London knew much more about the case than has ever been disclosed publicly by any official source. (Read the full Ashton note here).

“There is circumstantial evidence one or more of Moro’s kidnappers was secretly in touch with the security apparatus at the time; and that the latter deliberately neglected to follow up leads which might have led to the kidnappers and saved Moro’s life,” Ashton declared.

What’s more, according to the British diplomat, the presidential crisis committee responsible for attempting to rescue Moro was part of the notorious P2 – the “subversive Masonic lodge” composed of political elites loyal to Gladio. 

According to Ashton, P2 was just one of many “mysterious right wing forces” striving “by terrorism and street violence to provoke a repressive backlash against Italy’s democratic institutions” under the “strategy of tension.” And President Cossiga was completely unaware it had infiltrated his crisis committee.

In April 1981, magistrates in Milan raided the villa of Licio Gelli, an Italian financier and self-identified fascist who founded P2. There, they uncovered a list of 2,500 members which read like a “Who’s Who” of Italian politicians, bankers, spooks, financiers, industrialists, and senior law enforcement and military officials. Among the cabal’s most  prominent members was Silvio Berlusconi.

Future Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s P2 file

Moro’s “historic compromise,” under which the communists “made possible Andreotti’s government”, would be the party’s “final step before their own entry into government.” Ashton stated that this development “was anathema to P2,” which was “then in virtual control of [Italy’s] security apparatus,” and also to many non-P2 establishment politicians, and also to the US,” and sought to “eliminate once and for all any possibility that the Communist Party…might achieve national power.”

Ashton acknowledged “circumstantial evidence” of “US support for P2.” In reality, P2 founder Gelli was so well-connected to Washington’s national security and intelligence apparatus, the CIA’s Rome station had explicitly charged him with establishing an anti-communist parallel government in Rome.

Subsequent investigations showed how Henry Kissinger helped oversee the recruitment of 400 high-ranking Italian and NATO officers as P2 operatives in 1969. The US was so grateful for Gelli’s anti-communist purge that it made him a guest of honor at the inauguration ceremonies of US Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.

Ashton concluded his revealing note by noting the truth about Washington’s involvement in Rome’s bloodspattered “Years of Lead” would “probably never be known.” The full extent of Britain’s involvement in terrorist attacks, government overthrows, destabilization campaigns and other heinous skullduggery under the aegis of Operation Gladio, not merely in Italy but throughout Europe, will almost certainly remain a secret as well, and by design.

It was not until 1993 that the public learned how the US and British gifted munitions to Gladio operatives to foment bloody acts of terror across Italy. As Francesco Fulci told his NATO friends at the “super-restricted” meeting, Washington and London supplied the perpetrators of mass casualty attacks including the 1980 bombing of Bologna Centrale railway station, which killed 85 people and wounded over 200.

Those responsible for these hideous crimes have eluded justice in almost every case. Several of the Bologna massacre’s chief suspects, including committed fascist and confirmed MI6 asset Robert Fiore, escaped to London. Britain refused to extradite him and his co-conspirators despite their convictions in absentia for violent crimes.

The extensive experience British intelligence obtained in Operation Gladio raises questions about the lessons the MI6 has applied to current covert operations in theaters of conflict. As The Grayzone revealed in November 2022, British military and intelligence veterans have trained and sponsored a secret partisan terror army in eastern Ukraine to carry out acts of sabotage in Crimea and other majority-Russian areas. The plan called for the training of cells of ideologically dedicated Ukrainians to “shoot, move, communicate, survive.”


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Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions.

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Australian cricket legend Shane Warne died suddenly of a cardiac arrest at age 52 on March 4, 2022 in his hotel room in Thailand, a few days into his family vacation. 

After reviewing all the available information, I commented on the tragedy on Twitter right after it happened (click here).

My assessment has stood the test of time (I referred to “died suddenly” 8 months before the movie of the same name produced by Stew Peters was released and launched the viral #DiedSuddenly hashtag):

Little did I know that the next day, on March 5, 2022, my Twitter account would be suspended for 11 months for warning about the dangers of COVID-19 mRNA vaccinating kids 5-11 years old and it would take a $44 billion purchase of Twitter by the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, for me to regain my ability to speak freely on Twitter on Feb. 6, 2023:

Daily Sceptic Article: Shane Warne died from COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced heart damage: (click here)

It took almost 1.5 years for other doctors to join me in speaking out about Shane Warne’s death:

“Cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Dr. Chris Neil, who is President of the Australian Medical Professionals Society, have concluded that the Covid vaccine can cause a rapid acceleration of coronary disease especially in those that may already have undetected mild disease.”

“Dr. Malhotra has further concerns that the Covid mRNA vaccines may be masking angina by damaging heart nerves, resulting in patients not experiencing the chest pain that typically precedes a diagnosis of severe blockages in the heart arteries, leading to detection not occurring until it’s too late, with the first symptoms often presenting as a cardiac arrest.”

Shane Warne was found unresponsive in his hotel room in Thailand in March last year.

The doctors have called for the immediate suspension of Covid mRNA vaccines globally pending an investigation into serious side-effects, including late onset heart attack and sudden cardiac death.

Shane Warne’s best friend, the former international cricketer Dimitri Mascerenhas, has supported the calls, saying Shane himself “wouldn’t want others to be harmed”.

Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra says:

Shane didn’t have the healthiest lifestyle in recent years, being both overweight and a smoker. It’s likely that some mild underlying furring of his arteries…rapidly progressed in the months after he received two doses of the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine.”

Former International England and Indian Premier League cricketer Dimitri Mascarenhas says:

Shane was my best friend. I’m shocked and saddened to learn that his death was entirely preventable. If he’d not taken the Covid vaccine he’d likely still be alive today. He wouldn’t want others to be harmed so I fully support these doctors’ calls for an immediate suspension of these jabs in Australia and around the world.

My Take… 

Sometimes I wonder how many thousands of lives could have been saved if Twitter accounts of doctors and scientists like myself, who stood up to big pharma and the COVID-19 cartel, weren’t targeted for censorship and termination in 2022.

Twitter’s former management censored and shut down ~11,000 accounts due to “COVID-19 misinformation” (including mine) and I believe that Twitter heads Jack Dorsey, Parag Agrawal, Vijaya Gadde, Sean Edgett and others should face criminal investigations and very long prison sentences for the harm they intentionally caused.

Big pharma insiders like Dr.Peter Hotez (who was involved in gain-of-function research of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China) (click herewere allowed, by Twitter, to push toxic, experimental COVID-19 vaccines on healthy adults, pregnant women and children and give bad medical advice that led thousands to their premature and sudden deaths during 2021-2023.

I fully support Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s call for the immediate suspension of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines globally pending an investigation into serious side-effects, a suspension that should have taken place in January or February 2021, when the death toll was already rising rapidly.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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There are lots of follow-up issues concerning artificial intelligence (AI) – one of the big follow-ups is the concentration of unimaginable power in the deep-state, which AI will enable.

Few people are aware of the level of fog being disseminated from the US deep-state on AI.

Deep-state abuse of AI is the biggest danger of AI. And yet, nobody talks about it!

All the talk about “AI taking over the world” is misdirection. It’s deliberately pointing in the false direction.

The role of big tech is a concern, but the way it is presented is also misdirection – pointing attention away from the deep-state.

After all, big tech – like mainstream media – do what the deep-state orders them to do. That is not public – and may even go against the law !

The Washington Post gives a vivid example of the abysmal public discourse in its report today 21 June 2023 about law-making initiatives on AI – see link.

Read carefully.

It’s all about (A) the “threat of AI taking over” and (B) the scare of “big companies”.

That’s a good cocktail to scare a lot of tech-skeptic conservatives and tech-fearful liberals and make them yearn for whatever liberties law-makers want to write, not for the public, but for the deep-state and themselves against the public.

NOBODY in the political arena talks about the risk which AI poses in the hands of the deep-state – and how to deal with that.

Any sparse talk about the risk of state-use and abuse of AI is always pointed away from the US – usually to “China“. People shouldn’t be fooled.

A system of “social points” for each individual may already exist in the US, soon to be run by AI. It will just not be a thing known to the public. And inside the deep-state, it will be called something “good”, like “individual risk assessment” or whatever. Put this together with “predictive policing” run by AI, to target, harass, and destroy groups and individuals, and you have a very potent cocktail.

I’d like here to remind of the discussions which took place for decades about the internet, and the surveillance state. And be sure, whatever the US does, countries like Canada, Denmark, Sweden, and other pretentious “do-good” countries will support. Denmark broke its own laws to bent-over backwards for build a spy-station for the USA. And notice, that a predominance of the protagonists in the AI top are related to Toronto University in Canada.

Nobody fears that the internet takes over society. But we all know that the internet is used for surveillance and control. Control of US citizens and of everybody else outside the US. Nobody wants to abolish the internet because of that, because we all benefit so much from it. But except for a few who are chased now by the US deep-state, nobody takes the surveillance and control discussion seriously enough to do anything about it.

AI is heading in the same direction.

In the end, the World is better served being multi-polar; not concentrating all power – including all AI power – into the hands of one élite in one state.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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African Peace Initiative Seeks to End War in Eastern Europe

By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 21, 2023

African Union (AU) member-states have refused to remain silent on the crisis between the Russian Federation and Ukraine since the beginning of the special military operation in late February 2022.

China’s “Reciprocal Response” to US Aggression

By Drago Bosnic, June 21, 2023

For decades, much of the world was convinced that what today is (unjustly) called the Cuban Missile Crisis was initiated by Russia. And even nowadays, when we all know that it was started by the US and its 1961 deployment of the PGM-19 “Jupiter” nuclear-tipped missiles in Turkey and Italy, Washington DC still insists that Moscow was responsible for the crisis.

The Great Reset Is Almost Here – Are You Prepared?

By Brandon Smith, June 21, 2023

I want you to imagine, for a moment, a future world in which everything we now know about functioning and surviving within the economy is completely upended. This world has gone fully digital, meaning people live within a cashless society where physical monetary interactions are abandoned or prohibited, replaced by CBDCs. All transactions are tracked and traced, nothing is private any longer unless you are operating as a criminal within a black market.

Confidential Pfizer Document Shows the Company Observed 1.6 Million Adverse Events Covering Nearly Every Organ System

By Daniel Horowitz, June 21, 2023

You might not have heard it in the news, but in recent months, Pfizer’s pharmacovigilance documents requested by the European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, have been released. They show that Pfizer knew about a sickening level of injury early on.

Dystopian Nightmare: Ten Unbelievable Things that Will Happen Soon if We Don’t Stop the March of Tyranny and the Enslavement of Humanity

By Mike Adams, June 21, 2023

The march of tyranny is upon us. You see it every day in the Covid lockdowns, vaccine propaganda, government-sponsored censorship and banking / finance restrictions on what you’re allowed to do with your own money. The shocking truth, however, is that it’s going to get far, far worse if we don’t stop the march of tyranny that’s accelerating all around us.

The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism

By Chris Hedges, June 21, 2023

High Court Judge Jonathan Swift — who previously worked for a variety of British government agencies as a barrister and said his favorite clients are “security and intelligence agencies” — rejected two applications by Julian Assange’s lawyers to appeal his extradition last week. The extradition order was signed last June by Home Secretary Priti Patel.

Daniel Ellsberg’s Sacrifice

By Dr. John Day, June 21, 2023

Daniel Ellsberg died at the age 92 from pancreatic cancer on June 16, 2023. I’m chagrined that I did not know more about Ellsberg’s life at the heart of American military decision-making until his death brought those stories forward. Daniel Ellsberg was at the core of American nuclear-war strategic planning from the Eisenhower through Nixon administrations.

COVID mRNA Vaccines and Pregnancy: Stillbirths Right After Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination, When the Fetus “Dies Suddenly”

By Dr. William Makis, June 21, 2023

It is very difficult to get good data on stillbirths caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. However, live births are crashing in Australia, Germany, Sweden and other highly COVID-19 vaccinated countries. Doctors who have talked about stillbirths caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are heavily persecuted in the media and by the health authorities.

FBI Make-Work Entrapment Schemes: Creating Criminals in Order to Arrest Them

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, June 21, 2023

Whether the FBI is planting undercover agents in churches, synagogues and mosques; issuing fake emergency letters to gain access to Americans’ phone records; using intimidation tactics to silence Americans who are critical of the government, or persuading impressionable individuals to plot acts of terror and then entrapping them, the overall impression of the nation’s secret police force is that of a well-dressed thug, flexing its muscles and doing the boss’ dirty work.

Know-Nothing Burgers Are Ruining Our Lives

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, June 21, 2023

Yes, that’s what I call them, those who force-feed us their stupidity from above – the so-called intelligentsia, left, right or center, the ones who hold academic appointments at the most prestigious universities, colleges, academies, ‘think tanks’, global organizations with names that include ‘health’ and ‘democracy’, those who have received high accolades from establishment science, those who have been Rhodes Scholars or Fulbright Fellows – all of the reigning intellectual elite who have foisted upon the global population the Big Covidian Lie.

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Video: #Yes, It’s a “Killer Vaccine”: Michel Chossudovsky

June 22nd, 2023 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

First published by Global Research on September 8, 2021

We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred.

Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 “pandemic”.

The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair. 


Video: Michel Chossudovsky provides a broad picture of the ongoing crisis which is destroying people’s lives Worldwide. First recorded in September 2021. 


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis,  Global Coup d’État Against Humanity 


Michel Chossudovsky

From the very outset in January 2020, people worldwide were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic. Media disinformation and the fear campaign were instrumental in sustaining the COVID-19 narrative. Scientific lies and falsehoods have been used to sustain the legitimacy of the COVID-19 policy mandates including lockdowns, the imposition of the face mask, social distancing and the suppression of fundamental human rights.

People worldwide were led to believe that Big Pharma’s COVID-19 vaccine injections were the “solution”.

A structure of  “Global Governance” dominated by powerful financial interests is unfolding which undermines democracy and the institutions of civil society.  More than 7 billion people worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis and the destructive mandates implemented by morally depraved national governments. The entire planet is in state of economic and social chaos.

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.  

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people.

We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


As a means to reaching out to millions of people worldwide whose lives have been affected by the corona crisis, we have decided in the course of the next few weeks to distribute the eBook for FREE.

Price: $11.50. FREE COPY Click here to download.

If you are unable to download the E-Book, contact Michel Chossudovsky at [email protected] and / or send a message to  [email protected] 

To support the eBook project, you can make a donation by accessing Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

See also:

The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis 

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky


See Michel Chossudovsky, Biographical Note

Michel Chossudovsky’s Articles on Global Research



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When the Soviet Union placed its nuclear weapons in Cuba in 1962, the United States threatened to attack if the R-12 “Dvina” and R-14 “Chusovaya” nuclear-tipped missiles deployed on the Caribbean island country weren’t removed. After most of October that year was spent in strenuous talks and strategic military maneuvers that nearly escalated into full-scale confrontation barely 17 years after WW2, Washington DC and Moscow finally negotiated a mutually beneficial (albeit last-minute) agreement that moved the world away from the thermonuclear abyss that threatened to destroy it.

For decades, much of the world was convinced that what today is (unjustly) called the Cuban Missile Crisis was initiated by Russia.

And even nowadays, when we all know that it was started by the US and its 1961 deployment of the PGM-19 “Jupiter” nuclear-tipped missiles in Turkey and Italy, Washington DC still insists that Moscow was responsible for the crisis.

Something eerily similar is unfolding as we speak. However, instead of Russia, the other party involved in this case is China. Namely, according to the Wall Street Journal, Beijing is currently in talks with Havana to establish new military facilities in Cuba.

The report, published on June 20, states that the two socialist allies are working out the final arrangements of the deal that would reportedly secure a military base for the PLA (People Liberation Army) in northern Cuba.

The WSJ reports that this has “sparked fears among US officials that [Cuba] could eventually host a permanent Chinese troop presence”, prompting the troubled Biden administration to intervene with Cuban officials, seeking to block the establishment of permanent military installations. This will reportedly also include the expansion of ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) capabilities of the PLA’s existing military facility.

The claims about China’s supposed military bases in Cuba are based on anonymous sources from unnamed US intelligence services. However, the authors admit that the aforementioned services are not exactly certain about the possibility of a full-blown joint Chinese-Cuban military base, stating that

“the reference to the proposed new training facility in Cuba is contained in the highly classified new US intelligence, which State Department officials described as convincing but fragmentary”.

The report further adds that “it’s being interpreted with different levels of alarm among policy-makers and intelligence analysts”.

“Most worrying for the US: The planned facility is part of China’s ‘Project 141’, an initiative by the People’s Liberation Army to expand its global military base and logistical support network, one current and one former US official said. China and Cuba already jointly run four eavesdropping stations on the island, according to US officials. That network underwent a significant upgrade around 2019, when a single station expanded to a network of four sites that are operated jointly, and Chinese involvement deepened, according to the officials,” the WSJ authors detail.

It’s quite difficult to measure the sheer magnitude of Washington DC’s hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to this issue. Considering not only the outright hostile and oftentimes openly Sinophobic rhetoric, but also the numerous concrete moves aimed against China, could anyone honestly blame Beijing for anything except reciprocity? Apart from the trade war initiated under former president Donald Trump, the US has been conducting a comprehensive crawling aggression against China, openly seeking to contain the Asian giant with a massive network of military bases and other installations across Asia-Pacific.

Most alarmingly for Beijing, the US is aiming to push its military infrastructure ever closer to China’s shores, particularly by exerting greater control over the Asian giant’s breakaway island province of Taiwan.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg of resurgent Neo-McCarthyism in US foreign policy that involves the sending of entire delegations of Washington DC warhawks to Taipei, in addition to the massive shipments of weapons and equipment (that now includes F-16 Block 70/72 fighter jets and hundreds of anti-ship missiles), amounting to approximately $20 billion, albeit mostly backlogged due to US (over)focus on the Kiev regime.

Taking into account such unadulterated hostility, can anyone blame Beijing for wanting to strengthen its ties with Havana? Worse yet, Cuba is an independent country, while Taiwan is internationally recognized as part of China (including by the US itself), meaning that the expansion of America’s military infrastructure to the island directly threatens Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, in its endless hypocrisy and double standards, Washington DC wants to maintain the Monroe Doctrine by exerting additional pressure on Latin America while encroaching on other superpowers’ geopolitical backyards.

“Some intelligence officials say that Beijing sees its actions in Cuba as a geographical response to the US relationship with Taiwan: The US invests heavily in arming and training the self-governing island that sits off mainland China and that Beijing sees as its own,” the WSJ admitted begrudgingly, adding: “The Journal reported that the US has deployed more than 100 troops to Taiwan to train its defense forces.”

In addition, the WSJ authors also acknowledged that “Taiwan is roughly 100 miles from mainland China, about the same distance Cuba is from Florida”, effectively conceding that there’s strategic equivalency between the two.

“China has no combat forces in Latin America, according to US officials. Meanwhile, the US has dozens of military bases throughout the Pacific, where it stations more than 350,000 troops. Chinese officials have pointed this out when they push back on American efforts to counter their military expansion outside of the Indo-Pacific,” the WSJ report concludes.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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The chief of staff to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said,

“I don’t know what else is needed” for Israel to realise that it needs to send arms to Ukraine as it is supposedly clear they “have the same enemy” – Russia and Iran.

This rhetoric from Andriy Yermak demonstrates Kiev’s desperate attempt to coerce Israel into providing military aid to Ukraine.

Yermak, on June 20, expressed frustration with Israel’s continued refusal to provide his country with military assistance. He hoped to receive Israeli technology to combat Iranian drones deployed by Russian forces.

“Nobody but Israel can provide equipment to combat attacks by Iranian drones,” the chief of staff was quoted by The Times of Israel as saying.

Yermak also criticised Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s failure to openly support Ukraine and argued that an arms deal between Russia and “Israeli enemy Iran” should motivate Israel to join the fight.

“I cannot understand why we have so far had the pleasure of welcoming very many world leaders in Ukraine, but not the Israeli prime minister,” he said. “We can see the Kremlin dictator [Russian President Vladimir Putin] taking family photos with Iranian leaders and then this Iranian weaponry is being used against us and against you.”

Still, in an indignation tone, Yermak added,

“Our position is 100 percent principled. We never forget about the fact that our Israeli friends and brethren have the same enemy as we do — I do not know why Israeli politicians do not agree.”

However, as the Times of Israel editor noted, Yermak was actually “glossing over Israel’s complicated web of security considerations relating to Russia” during his lambasting of the Jewish State.

Criticisms of Yermak did not end there, though.

Zelensky’s chief of staff noted that his “father is Jewish” and that the rich history of Ukrainian Jewry makes it “natural” to “be friends and partners in our relations between Ukraine and Israel.” He also highlighted how two presidents and three prime ministers of Israel were born in Ukraine.

Responding to this, the Times of Israel editor pointed out:

“Yermak, like many Ukrainian leaders, glossed over Ukrainian antisemitism and a history of violence against Jewish communities that motivated many Ukrainian emigres to flee to Israel.”

Netanyahu has been consistently careful not to isolate Russia, which controls the airspace over Syria, allowing Israeli airstrikes against Iranian-backed forces and Hezbollah positions north of the Israeli border. For their part, former prime ministers Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, who were in office at the start of the Russian operation in Ukraine, were among the first to send humanitarian aid to Kiev. In fact, Lapid also condemned the Russian operation.

Meanwhile, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant is expected to speak to Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov soon for the first time since taking office more than five months ago. According to AXIOS, this meeting is only occurring because of US pressure.

The Ukrainian official said to AXIOS on June 17 that Kiev expects Israel to do much more than it is doing right now, and Reznikov expects to hear that from Gallant.

“If the Israelis don’t want to give us more assistance, there is no point of them coming to any international meeting about it in the future,” the Ukrainian official said.

In this way, we see Ukraine’s entitled attitude on full display once again, following on from their constant shaming of countries for not severing their ties with Russia, such as India, and their threats to not attend the upcoming NATO summit if a roadmap for their eventual membership into the alliance is not made.

As The Times of Israel editors demonstrated, Ukraine’s audacious behaviour and historical revisionism are being called out. For all the Kiev regime’s rhetoric of tolerance towards Jews, and even having Jewish figureheads like Zelensky and Yermak, its actions are anti-Semitic, such as the support and promotion of neo-Nazi militias like the Azov Battalion and renaming Moscow Avenue in Kiev to Bandera Avenue, named after Ukrainian World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image: Andriy Yermak (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Kiev Regime Highlights Its Need for Unlimited Arms Supply

June 21st, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Ukraine will not be satisfied with any specific number of Western weapons until victory against Russia is achieved. The statement was made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmitry Kuleba, on June 19, during an interview with Ukrainian television.

For him, the number of weapons and ammunition that the US and NATO countries supply Ukraine cannot be considered “enough” at the moment, and victory against the Russians must be achieved on the battlefield for such a positive assessment to be given. In the same vein, in case of Ukrainian defeat Kuleba claims that he will say that the country did not receive enough weapons.

On that occasion, he also commented on the current needs of the Ukrainian armed forces in the conflict. Considering the context of counteroffensive and escalating violence, he warned that what Ukrainian troops need most are artillery rounds and armored vehicles. Kuleba said that the Ukrainian fighters are receiving such supplies on a daily basis, but he highlighted that the regular supply must continue for the counteroffensive to be successful.

“When we win, I’ll say ‘there were enough weapons.’ But until then, nothing will be enough, however much they send, because if there is no victory, that means it was not enough (…) This [artillery rounds and armored vehicles,] is exactly what our forces need now for the counteroffensive, and they are getting these supplies every day”, he told journalists during the interview.

Kuleba assigns to the US and the West a kind of obligation to arm Ukraine. In fact, he does not seem to realize that, by doing this, he is practically admitting that his country is only in conflict by direct orders from the West, showing that there is no sovereignty in Kiev. Without this relationship of total subordination to the West, Kiev could never demand the supply of weapons from its partners, since, as a “sovereign state”, it would have the obligation to deal with its own defense costs, without dependence on other nations.

Kuleba seems to suggest what all analysts already know: Ukraine did not choose to be in this conflict in a sovereign way, but obeyed commands imposed by NATO, and now requires weapons so that these directives continue to be fulfilled. The problem is that the minister is wrong to consider a Ukrainian victory as the real objective of the combats, since, as admitted by the Ukrainian Minister of Defense Aleksey Reznikov, the condition imposed by the West for the sending of weapons was “to kill as many Russians as possible”, not to defeat Moscow – which is absolutely impossible for Ukraine.

In the same sense, from the military point of view, Kuleba is also extremely incorrect since there is no direct correlation between the quantity of weapons and the chances of victory in war studies. Every conflict presents a complex scenario where several factors simultaneously influence the chances of victory. The number of weapons is indeed one of these factors, but there are several others, such as number of troops, battlefield geography, combat experience, special forces, military technology, logistics, troops’ morale, and the ability to replace casualties – in addition, of course, to the quality and functionality of the weapons.

While Ukraine appears to have an “endless source” of weapons from its Western sponsors, it seems pretty clear that the Russian side has the superiority on all other factors. Using only a small portion of its military force on the battlefield, Moscow is gaining victory slowly and gradually, but also safely and with low levels of loss of human and material resources. For Ukraine, any possibility of reversing the scenario has already been lost, which seems to have become clear with the failure of the so-called “counteroffensive“.

Obviously, Western sponsors are aware of this and the only reason why they are still sending weapons is because they believe there is still a chance that Kiev will continue to kill Russians for some time to come. NATO does not expect any Ukrainian victory, but only an effort on the part of the proxy to generate attrition and damage to the great geopolitical enemy of the West. As soon as Ukrainian forces prove incapable of continuing to kill Russians, Western weapons will begin to be sent to other proxies in Eurasia that have such a capacity to damage Russia – with forecasts today that new flanks will emerge in Georgia, Moldavia, Artsakh and Kosovo.

When this scenario of total neutralization of Ukraine is achieved, Kuleba will say that Western weapons “were not enough”. But this is not true. Kiev receives enough weapons for its true purpose in the war, which is to kill Russians, not win. The Ukrainian authorities hide this truth from their people, but they consciously accepted an agreement with their sponsors to fight an unwinnable war.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

The Great Reset Is Almost Here – Are You Prepared?

June 21st, 2023 by Brandon Smith

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I want you to imagine, for a moment, a future world in which everything we now know about functioning and surviving within the economy is completely upended. This world has gone fully digital, meaning people live within a cashless society where physical monetary interactions are abandoned or prohibited, replaced by CBDCs. All transactions are tracked and traced, nothing is private any longer unless you are operating as a criminal within a black market.

Furthermore, government overtly suppresses and micromanages all forms of production. Small businesses are a thing of the past, and only a select group of major corporations working directly with government are allowed to operate.

It’s not just that cash is outlawed and that everyone must rely on a digital ledger, but that government owns the very data pathways and networks we use to transfer funds – the plumbing of the global financial system itself. Much like the SWIFT data network, the globalists have the ability to lock down individual or business accounts. Deny owners access to their funds completely.

In the meantime, AI-based monitoring systems sift through billions of transactions every minute, searching for “anomalies.” The algorithm is designed to identify anyone who wants to remain anonymous.

The internet still exists, but it is a shell of its former self. The population uses it regularly to complete assigned tasks and to access approved research databases. Data providers are severely censored. Cryptocurrencies are not an alternative to CBDCs because any attempt to buy or sell them immediately sets off red flags for the AI watchdog.

Only government approved websites are allowed to exist, with extensive rules limiting what they can do and what they can say. AI chatbots provide the public with most of their data, and the globalists control the parameters of the chatbots. People are only ever exposed to the information that the elites want them to hear. All contrary data is eliminated. It’s not so much banned; rather, it is simply omitted from the record until the people who remember it are gone.

A preview of the brave new world

It might sound like science fiction, but every element of this technology already exists and is currently in testing at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Not long ago, during the Covid pandemic panic, organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) began widely promoting a concept called the Great Reset. A new economic paradigm, a revolution in which AI runs everything, humanity is relegated to a limited number of government-issued “vital” jobs, and a new brand of technological socialism rules our lives.

Private property would be cast aside. Citizens would live day-to-day within a “shared economy” in which no one owns anything because everything is borrowed from the collective system on a daily basis. There’s no opportunity for most to acquire wealth, or to store it. There’s no provision for preparing for future needs or crises. The state plans for you, Citizen!

Human beings essentially cease to become active participants in their own lives. Instead, they’re managed en masse by technocratic overlords who live far away in high towers.

“You will own nothing” means “We will own everything

The Great Reset, or the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” as they sometimes call it, would be the start of a new terrifying age of feudalism. It’s a return to the oligarch and peasant model, a return to enslavement. The average person would only be allowed to work as a means to survive, never to accumulate wealth for the future.

The primary stepping-stone to this dystopian nightmare would be a global digital currency system. Without a cashless society, the globalists would have no power to enforce the other elements of their Reset.

But when and how will they implement this monstrosity, and why would anyone embrace it?

Globalists tend to operate in stages of incrementalism, but sometimes they exploit dramatic crisis events to frighten the population into compliance with policies that would have taken decades to institute otherwise. “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

We saw this clearly with the pandemic; most of the Reset concepts were openly admitted during this time, perhaps because the globalists thought they had it in the bag and there was nothing anyone could do to stop them. This included ample talk of cashless systems to prevent the spread of Covid on physical dollars.

You know, the same way germ-laden cash spread the Black Death across Europe in the 1400s. Or filthy greenbacks passed Spanish flu from shopper to cashier back in 1918… Of course, the only way to end those plagues was to burn all the money, right?

Nonsense. The Covid window slammed shut – the crisis was wasted.

Today, we must ask, when will they try again?

Fortunately, they’ve actually told us…

Most globalist organizations consistently mention the year 2030 as their timeline for finishing the numerous projects they have in place. Not just the “Great Reset” and numerous climate and carbon taxation goals. The WEF calls it a social contract to transform our world by 2030. The United Nations simply calls it Agenda 2030.

That’s not ominous at all, is it?

This tells us they want their control grid in place within seven years or less. That would be impossible without a bone rattling crisis of epic proportions. First, though, they’d have to introduce some of the elements of their master plan early, as a trial run. That way, when disaster does occur, the public will be aware of the “solutions” the elites already prepared with crisis in mind.

This process is under way right now.

In the case of digital currencies, crypto has already received wide exposure in popular media. Most people don’t own crypto and most who do don’t use it daily – but everyone has heard of it. CBDCs will be sold as a “safer and more stable” cryptocurrency, Uncle Sam’s bitcoin.

Right now, Australia is the test bed for fielding CBDCs to a national population. Their pilot programs are set to finish this summer and international transactions have been accomplished using the newly-invented “eAUD” currency. Now, of course they haven’t yet revealed a schedule to introduce the eAUD to foreign exchange markets or even to Australian citizens. The point is, the system exists, and can be copied and pasted by any other nation.

It really is that simple.

Even the most deluded globalist knows a few nations including America will never accept a cashless society without a complete collapse of both their currency and their economy. It’s just not going to happen otherwise.

I doubt many Americans would line up to accept such a dehumanizing and enslaving currency even after a total economic collapse.

In other words, only a full-spectrum crisis through the U.S. and the western world could possibly lead to a willing acceptance of CDBCs… A few years of “reconstruction,” a few dozen million homeless and starving in refugee camps would likely serve as the crisis needed. The globalist cashless “solutions” would follow.

If we take the globalist date of 2030 as a milestone, we can expect another crisis even more oppressive, pervasive and destructive of our liberties than the Covid pandemic — in the next 3-4 years. In order for the elites to get what they want, they need a 1-2-year crisis and a 1-2 year “reconstruction” and I’m certain “reeducation” period. After this, the change would be irreversible.

The longer the globalists wait, the more people become educated on their agenda and the less likely it will be to succeed.

Take steps now to insulate yourself and your family from the socialists’ end game. Make certain you have untrackable, uninflatable and totally anonymous stores of wealth (necessities like food and water for survival, barter goods for trade and physical gold and silver for everything else). When you depend on them for your very necessities, they have you right where they want you.


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Brandon Smith has been an alternative economic and geopolitical analyst since 2006 and is the founder of

Featured image: Original image by Birch Gold Group staff

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Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer!

You might not have heard it in the news, but in recent months, Pfizer’s pharmacovigilance documents requested by the European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, have been released. They show that Pfizer knew about a sickening level of injury early on. An August 2022 document shows that the company already had observed the following scope of vaccine injury:

  • 508,351 individual case reports of adverse events containing 1,597,673 events;
  • One-third of the AEs were classified as serious, well above the standard for safety signals usually pegged at 15%;
  • Women reported AEs at three times the rate of men;
  • 60% of cases were reported with either “outcome unknown” or “not recovered,” so many of the injuries were not transient;

Highest number of cases occurred in the 31-50 year age group, and 92% did not have any comorbidities, which makes it very likely it was the vaccine causing such widespread, sudden injury.

These numbers alone suggest that all COVID shots should be defunded and Congress must immediately remove liability protections from the manufacturers. But a more recent document released by the Europeans is even more devastating, because it breaks down the 1.6 million adverse events observed by Pfizer by category and subcategory of ailment and injury.

The 393-page confidential Pfizer document, dated Aug. 19, 2022, shows that Pfizer observed over 10,000 categories of diagnosis, many of them very severe and very rare. For example:

  • Pfizer was aware of 73,542 cases of 264 categories of vascular disorders from the shots. Many of them are rare conditions.
  • There were hundreds of categories of nervous system disorders, totaling 696,508 cases.
  • There were 61,518 AEs from well over 100 categories of eye disorders, which is unusual for a vaccine injury.
  • Likewise, there were over 47,000 ear disorders, including almost 16,000 cases of tinnitus, which even Mayo Clinic researchers observed as a common but often devastating side effect early on.
  • There were roughly 225,000 cases of skin and tissue disorders.
  • There were roughly 190,000 cases of respiratory disorders.
  • Disturbingly, there were over 178,000 cases of reproductive or breast disorders, including disorders you wouldn’t expect, such as 506 cases of erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Very disturbingly, there were over 77,000 psychiatric disorders observed following the shots, lending credence to Dr. Peter McCullough’s research observing case studies showing psychosis correlating with vaccination.
  • 3,711 cases of tumors – benign and malignant
  • Of course, there were almost 127,000 cardiac disorders, running the gamut of about 270 categories of heart damage, including many rare disorders, in addition to myocarditis.
  • There were over 100,000 blood and lymphatic disorders, for both of which there’s a wealth of literature linking them to the spike protein.

When reading what Pfizer knew early on juxtaposed to independent studies, it’s clear that nobody could have mistaken most of these AEs for mere incidental ailments. Here is a list of 3,129 case studies chronicling vaccine injury in every organ system observed in this Pfizer document.

What is so jarring is that there are hundreds of very rare neurological disorders that reflect something so systemically wrong with the shots, a reality that was clearly of no concern to the manufacturers and regulators alike. One of the infamous cases of vaccine injury was Maddie de Garay, an Ohio teen who became disabled for life immediately after participating in the Pfizer clinical trial. Her story is chronicled in chapter 16 of my book. I checked this confidential document and found that they knew of 68 cases of her rare diagnosis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.

The broad scope of injuries affecting every single organ system is simply extraordinary. Yet to this day, the FDA continues to criminally label the Pfizer shot as safe and effective. To this day, the label indicates the shot is a fully protective vaccine and also fails to mention all of these side effects, as required by law.

Recently, Peter Doshi, editor of the British Medical Journal, wrote a letter to the FDA requesting that the agency update its labeling to reflect the reality of what we’ve learned about the shots. Specifically, he asked that they include the following side effects on the label: multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, pulmonary embolism, sudden cardiac death, neuropathic and autonomic disorders, decreased sperm concentration, heavy menstrual bleeding, and detection of vaccine mRNA in breast milk. The causal relationship of all these AEs to the vaccine is backed by substantial research, surveys, and adverse event reporting systems.

Unfortunately, the FDA denied the causal relationship between any of these side effects and the COVID shots. Even with regard to the request that officials clarify on the label that the shots don’t stop transmission, the FDA replied, “We are not convinced that there is any widespread misconception about this.”

“Product labeling should be informative and accurate, not promotional. The law requires it, and following the law shouldn’t be optional,” bemoaned Doshi and the other authors in a piece at

The question is whether Republicans in the House will force the FDA to comply with the law by using the leverage of the appropriations bills for the FDA and HHS. So far, there has been no reckoning for their false marketing and the devastating human toll it has cost. Oh, and that is just the short-term human toll.


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Featured image:  A hand holding an mRNA vaccine vial. (Spencer Davis / Unsplash)

Annex: Periodic Safety Update Report # 3 for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162b2)

Click here to read the full document.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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During a presentation at a conference in Morocco, Kristalina Georgievahe the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that the global body is “working hard on the concept of a global CBDC platform.”

Georgieva declared that Central Bank Digital Currencies need to be interoperable between countries, noting “If we are to be successful, CBDCs could not be fragmented national propositions.”

“To have transactions more efficient and fairer, we need systems that connect countries,” Georgieva continued, adding “In other words, we need interoperability.”

The IMF MD argued that global digital currencies would “give more people access to financial services and bring the cost down,” adding that “CBDCs can provide for more resilient and efficient payment systems,” and “can be a cheaper way, and a quicker way, to do cross-border payments, to pass remittances… and also simplify other transfers.”


Some have warned that a digital global currency in the hands of globalist entities could usher in a hyper-centralized “techno-Communist dystopia” allowing all purchases to be tracked and even linked to a social credit score system.

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki recently cautioned that CBDCs would open the door for an unprecedented level of surveillance of Americans.

“By tracking every financial transaction, they will have access to every detail of our spending, the recipient of our money, and how we allocate our resources,” said Kiyosaki.

“In essence, it replicates George Orwell’s dystopian society depicted in 1984. Big Brother will be constantly monitoring our financial activity, and this is precisely the problem with central bank digital currency,” he added.

“As an individual, I become nervous at the thought of this. I do not want them to monitor my every transaction or be privy to my spending habits. It is a violation of my privacy, and they have no business knowing how I choose to allocate my resources,” the author warned.

Reflecting such concerns, Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) recently introduced a bill that would ban the Federal Reserve from introducing CBDCs, as well as forcing the Fed to remain transparent with Congress on its research into the issue.

CBDCs are being promoted on the basis that they will increase financial freedom, yet critics have asserted that the system would empower the state to place limits on spending and decide what people were allowed to buy.

The amount an individual could save could also be controlled via negative saving rates programmed into savings accounts.


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A police report and an interview with a former Zionist operative form the basis of Avi Shlaim’s claim that he has uncovered “undeniable proof” of Israeli involvement in bombings which drove Jews out of Iraq in the early 1950s, the British-Israeli historian told Middle East Eye.

Shlaim’s autobiography Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew, published earlier this month, details his childhood as an Iraqi Jew and subsequent exile to Israel.

It also includes research about a number of bombings in Iraq which prompted a mass exodus of Jews from the country between 1950 and 1951, most of whom, like he and his family, ended up in Israel.

On Sunday, Shlaim told Middle East Eye that he had uncovered “incontrovertible evidence of Zionist underground involvement in the bombs”. 

As part of the evidence, the historian cited an extensive interview he carried out with Yaakov Karkoukli, a former member of the Zionist underground in Baghdad in the 1950s. 

Karkoukli – who was aged 89 when he spoke to Shlaim for the book – was an associate of Yusef Basri, a Zionist intelligence operative in Iraq who was convicted by Iraqi authorities of having carried out bombings targeting Iraqi Jews. 

‘Terrorise and not kill’

The bombings at the time included attacks on a coffee shop, a car dealership and a synagogue, among other attacks on Jewish communities and businesses. 

Karkoukli said that Basri carried out three of those attacks on Jewish sites upon the orders of Meir Max Bineth, an Israeli intelligence officer who supplied Basri with grenades and TNT explosives.

As well as weapons, Bineth allegedly provided Basri with maps, intelligence and instructions, which included an order “to terrorise and not to kill”. 

Basri, along with another Zionist underground operative, Shalom Salih Shalom, were convicted and executed by Iraqi authorities over the bombings. 

A third underground operative, Yusef Khabaza, was also sentenced to death in absentia, but escaped Iraq.

Karkoukli insists that an attack on the Masuda Shemtov synagogue in Baghdad in January 1951 – the only bombing at the time to result in Jewish deaths – was not directly carried about by Zionist operatives, but by a Muslim Arab.

Bineth, who allegedly gave Basri orders, would later commit suicide after being arrested by Egyptian authorities over his suspected involvement in the Lavon Affair, a failed Israeli false flag operation to plant bombs in Egypt and blame them on the Muslim Brotherhood and leftists. 

Israeli officials have long rejected any Zionist underground or official Israeli involvement in attacks on Iraqi Jews, and instead blamed them on Iraqi nationalists. 

“This is not a second-hand but a first-hand testimony by a participant,” Shlaim told MEE, referring to his interview with Karkoukli.

“True, this is oral history and therefore not conclusive, though it is inconceivable that Karkoukli would have made up the whole story.” 

But the historian added that Karkoukli had provided more conclusive evidence than just his own testimony, in the form of a police report. 

Police report 

Shlaim received a copy of the Baghdad police report on the trial of Basri and his associates, which Karkoukli had obtained from a retired Iraqi police officer.

The report, a translation of which is included in the book and has been sent to MEE, includes details of confessions from both Shalom and Basri, where they admit to throwing bombs at Iraqi Jewish targets. Shalom also implicates Khabaza in his confession. 

“No one except the police investigators could have had all the details contained in this report,” Shlaim said. “This report is clearly not a fabrication but I took one more step to authenticate it.”

The historian explained that he confirmed the veracity of the police report through Iraqi journalist Shamil Abdul Qadir, who was in possession of a 258-page Baghdad police dossier on the interrogation of alleged Zionist agents. 

Abdul Qadir verified the police report, and said that it was based on the dossier he was in possesion of. An image of the cover page of the dossier was seen by MEE.

“The police report which I reprint in my book is thus incontrovertible evidence of Zionist underground involvement in the bombs,” Shlaim said. “If you wish, this is the smoking gun.”

Synagogue attack

The attack on the Masuda Shemtov synagogue, which killed four Jews, was carried out by a Muslim man of Syrian origin called Salih al-Haidari, according to Karkoukli. 

Karkoukli claimed to be “the only person in the world” who knew who had carried out that attack. 

He said that Haidari was put up to the attack by a corrupt Iraqi police officer who had received a bribe from the Zionist underground. Shlaim said there was no further corroborating evidence to back the claim up. 

Around 110,000 Jews fled Iraq following the bombings, most of them settling in the nascent state of Israel. 

Over 800,000 Jews either left or were expelled from countries in the Middle East and North Africa between 1948 and the early 1980s. 

As of 2005, 61 percent of Israeli Jews were of full or partial Mizrahi ancestry – the sociological term coined to refer to Jews from the region following the creation of Israel. 

The attacks on Iraqi Jews came less than two years after the ethnic cleansing that took place in what Palestinians call the Nakba (catastrophe), which led to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. 

Zionist forces killed 13,000 Palestinians, destroyed and depopulated around 530 villages and towns, committed at least 30 massacres, and expelled 750,000 people during the Nakba. 

More than 6,000 Israeli Jews, including 4,000 soldiers and 2,000 civilians, were killed, as well as around 2,000 troops from Arab countries. 

Shlaim states in the book that Iraqi Jews did not face antisemitism until the 1940s, when they were suspected of being complicit in the British invasion of Iraq in 1941 and in the Nakba.

He adds that the Zionist project led to Jews from all across Arab countries going from respected fellow citizens to akin to a fifth column allied with the new Jewish state. 


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Featured image: Displaced Iraqi Jews arrive in Israel in 1951 (Wikimedia/Public domain)

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High Court Judge Jonathan Swift — who previously worked for a variety of British government agencies as a barrister and said his favorite clients are “security and intelligence agencies” — rejected two applications by Julian Assange’s lawyers to appeal his extradition last week. The extradition order was signed last June by Home Secretary Priti Patel. Julian’s legal team have filed a final application for appeal, the last option available in the British courts. If accepted, the case could proceed to a public hearing in front of two new High Court judges. If rejected, Julian could be immediately extradited to the United States where he will stand trial for 18 counts of violating the Espionage Act, charges that could see him receive a 175-year sentence, as early as this week. 

The only chance to block an extradition, if the final appeal is rejected, as I expect it will be, would come from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The parliamentary arm of the Council of Europe, which created the ECtHR, along with their Commissioner for Human Rights, oppose Julian’s “detention, extradition and prosecution” because it represents “a dangerous precedent for journalists.” It is unclear if the British government would abide by the court’s decision — even though it is obligated to do so — if it ruled against extradition, or if the U.K. would extradite Julian before an appeal to the European court can be heard. Julian, once shipped to the U.S., would be put on trial in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia where most espionage cases have been won by the U.S. government. 

Judge Vanessa Baraitser at Westminster Magistrates’ Court refused to authorize the U.S. government’s extradition request in Jan. 2021 because of the severity of the conditions Julian would endure in the U.S. prison system. 

“Faced with the conditions of near total isolation without the protective factors which limited his risk at [Her Majesty’s Prison] Belmarsh, I am satisfied the procedures described by the U.S. will not prevent Mr. Assange from finding a way to commit suicide,” said Baraitser when handing down her 132-page ruling, “and for this reason I have decided extradition would be oppressive by reason of mental harm and I order his discharge.”

Baraitser’s decision was overturned after an appeal by U.S. authorities. The High Court accepted the conclusions of the lower court about increased risk of suicide and inhumane prison conditions. But it also accepted four assurances in U.S. Diplomatic Note no. 74, given to the court in Feb. 2021, which promised Julian would be well treated. The U.S. government claimed that its assurances “entirely answer the concerns which caused the judge [in the lower court] to discharge Mr. Assange.” The “assurances” state that Julian will not be subject to Special Administrative Measures (SAMs). They promise that Julian, an Australian citizen, can serve his sentence in Australia if the Australian government requests his extradition. They promise he will receive adequate clinical and psychological care. They promise that, pre-trial and post-trial, Julian will not be held in the Administrative Maximum Facility (ADX) in Florence, Colorado. No one is held pre-trial in ADX Florence. But it sounds reassuring. ADX Florence is not the only supermax prison in the U.S. Julian can be placed in one of our other Guantanamo-like facilities in a Communications Management Unit (CMU). CMUs are highly restrictive units that replicate the near total isolation imposed by SAMs.

None of these “assurances” are worth the paper they are written on. All come with escape clauses. None are legally binding. Should Julian do “something subsequent to the offering of these assurances that meets the tests for the imposition of SAMs or designation to ADX” he will, the court conceded, be subject to these harsher forms of control. 

If Australia does not request a transfer it “cannot be a cause for criticism of the USA, or a reason for regarding the assurances as inadequate to meet the judge’s concerns,” the ruling read. And even if that were not the case, it would take Julian 10 to 15 years to appeal his sentence up to the U.S. Supreme Court, which would be more than enough time to destroy him psychologically and physically. 

No doubt the plane waiting to take Julian to the U.S. will be well stocked with blindfolds, sedatives, shackles, enemas, diapers and jumpsuits used to facilitate “extraordinary renditions” conducted by the CIA.  

The extradition of Julian will be the next step in the slow-motion execution of the publisher and founder of WikiLeaks and one of the most important journalists of our generation. It will ensure that Julian spends the rest of his life in a U.S. prison. It will create legal precedents that will criminalize any investigation into the inner workings of power, even by citizens from another country. It will be a body blow to our anemic democracy, which is rapidly metamorphosing into corporate totalitarianism

I am as stunned by this full frontal assault on journalism as I am by the lack of public outrage, especially by the media. The very belated call from The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El País — all of whom published material provided by WikiLeaks — to drop the extradition charges is too little too late. All of the public protests I have attended in defense of Julian in the U.S. are sparsely attended. Our passivity makes us complicit in our own enslavement.

Julian’s case, from the start, has been a judicial farce.

Former Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno terminated Julian’s rights of asylum as a political refugee, in violation of international law. He then authorized London Metropolitan Police to enter the Ecuadorian Embassy — diplomatically sanctioned sovereign territory — to arrest a naturalized citizen of Ecuador. Moreno’s government, which revoked Julian’s citizenship, was granted a large loan by the International Monetary Fund for its assistance. Donald Trump, by demanding Julian’s extradition under the Espionage Act, criminalized journalism, in much the same way Woodrow Wilson did when he shut down socialist publications such as The Masses.

The hearings, some of which I attended in London and others of which I sat through online, mocked basic legal protocols. They included the decision to ignore the CIA’s surveillance and recording of meetings between Julian and his attorneys during his time as a political refugee in the embassy, eviscerating attorney-client-privilege. This alone should have seen the case thrown out of court. They included validating the decision to charge Julian, although he is not a U.S. citizen, under the Espionage Act. They included Kafkaesque contortions to convince the courts that Julian is not a journalist. They ignored Article 4 of the U.K.-U.S. extradition treaty that prohibits extradition for political offenses. I watched as the prosecutor James Lewis, representing the U.S., gave legal directives to Judge Baraitser, who promptly adopted them as her legal decision. 

The judicial lynching of Julian has far more in common with the dark days of Lubyanka than the ideals of British jurisprudence.

The debate over arcane legal nuances distracts us from the fact that Julian has not committed a crime in Britain, other than an old charge of breaching bail conditions when he sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy. Normally this would entail a fine. He was instead sentenced to a year in Belmarsh prison and has been held there since April 2019. 

The decision to seek Julian’s extradition, contemplated by Barack Obama’s administration, was pursued by the Trump administration following WikiLeaks’ publication of the documents known as Vault 7, which exposed the CIA’s cyberwarfare programs designed to monitor and take control of cars, smart TVs, web browsers and the operating systems of most smart phones, as well as Microsoft Windows, MacOS and Linux. 

Julian, as I noted in a column filed from London last year, is targeted because of the Iraq War Logs, released in Oct. 2010, which document numerous U.S. war crimes, including images seen in the Collateral Murder video, of the gunning down of two Reuters journalists and 10 other civilians and severely injuring two children.

He is targeted because he made public the killing of nearly 700 civilians who had approached too closely to U.S. convoys and checkpoints, including pregnant women, the blind and deaf, and at least 30 children

He is targeted because he exposed more than 15,000 unreported deaths of Iraqi civilians and the torture and abuse of some 800 men and boys, aged between 14 to 89, at Guantánamo Bay detention camp. 

He is targeted because he showed us that Hillary Clinton in 2009 ordered U.S. diplomats to spy on U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and other U.N. representatives from China, France, Russia, and the U.K., spying that included obtaining DNA, iris scans, fingerprints, and personal passwords, all part of the long pattern of illegal surveillance that included eavesdropping on U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan in the weeks before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. 

He is targeted because he exposed that Obama, Hillary Clinton and the CIA backed the June 2009 military coup in Honduras that overthrew the democratically-elected president Manuel Zelaya, replacing him with a murderous and corrupt military regime. 

He is targeted because he released documents that revealed the United States secretly launched missile, bomb and drone attacks on Yemen, killing scores of civilians. 

He is targeted because he made public the off-the-record talks Hillary Clinton gave to Goldman Sachs, talks for which she was paid $657,000, a sum so large it can only be considered a bribe, as well as her private assurances to Wall Street that she would do their bidding while promising the public financial regulation and reform. 

For revealing these truths alone he is guilty.

The U.S. court system is even more draconian than the British court system. It can use SAMs, anti-terrorism laws and the Espionage Act to block Julian from speaking to the public, being released on bail, or seeing the “secret” evidence used to convict him. 

The CIA was created to carry out assassinations, coups, torture, kidnapping, blackmail, character assassination and illegal spying. It has targeted U.S. citizens, in violation of its charter. These activities were exposed in 1975 by the Church Committee hearings in the Senate and the Pike Committee hearings in the House. 

Working with UC Global, the Spanish security firm in the embassy, the CIA put Julian under 24-hour video and digital surveillance. It discussed kidnapping and assassinating him while he was in the embassy, which included plans of a shoot-out on the streets with involvement by London Metropolitan Police. The U.S. allocates a secret black budget of $52 billion a year to hide multiple types of clandestine projects carried out by the National Security Agency, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies, usually beyond the scrutiny of Congress. All these clandestine activities, especially after the attacks of 9/11, have massively expanded.

Senator Frank Church, after examining the heavily redacted CIA documents released to his committee, defined the CIA’s covert activity as “a semantic disguise for murder, coercion, blackmail, bribery, the spreading of lies.” 

The CIA and intelligence agencies, along with the military, all of which operate without effective Congressional oversight, are the engines behind Julian’s extradition. Julian inflicted, by exposing their crimes and lies, a grievous wound. They demand vengeance. The control these forces seek abroad is the control they seek at home. 

Julian may soon be imprisoned for life in the U.S. for journalism, but he won’t be the only one.


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Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief for the paper. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He is the host of show The Chris Hedges Report.

Featured image: STOP THIS – by Mr. Fish

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The Irish Green Party followed many on the left around the world, including our own Democratic Party, this week and came out for censorship and speech controls. Indeed, the party went full Orwellian as its chairwoman Pauline O’Reilly called for “restricting freedom” to protect it.

O’Reilly’s comments are part of the introduction of the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022. We previously discussed this massive assault on free speech.

The legislation that would criminalize “incitement to violence or hatred against” people with “protected characteristics,” as well as “condoning, denying or grossly trivialising genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace.”

Limiting free speech has become an article of faith for many on the left. I have written about my distress (as someone who grew up in a liberal, politically active Democratic family in Chicago) in watching the abandonment of free speech values by the party. Democratic leaders now uniformly call for censorship and speech regulations. President Biden even charged that companies who refused to censor opposing views on social media were “killing people.” Others have denounced free speech as “a white man’s obsession.”

The anti-free speech movement has become openly Orwellian in claiming to protect freedom by limiting freedom.  It also employs using terms like disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation to obscure their effort to silence those with opposing views. Rather than use “censorship,” they refer to “content moderation.”

That effort was on full display this week in Ireland with this anti-free speech legislation.

Speaking before the Irish Senate (Seanad) this week, O’Reilly declared “when one thinks about it, all law and all legislation is about the restriction of freedom. This is exactly what we are doing here. We are restricting freedom but we are doing it for the common good.”

It is the same message of New York democrats calling for limiting speech as a way of protecting democracy. Indeed, former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich has declared free speech is “tyranny.”

O’Reilly assured citizens that giving up freedom was nothing new or threatening: “Throughout our Constitution one can see that while one has rights they are restricted for the common good. Everything needs to be balanced.”

What is particularly chilling is how low the threshold is for denying free speech, according to O’Reilly. It now appears that “deep discomfort” is enough:

“If a person’s views on other people’s identities make their lives unsafe and insecure, and cause them such deep discomfort that they cannot live in peace, our job as legislators is to restrict those freedoms for the common good.”

What is interesting is that O’Reilly admits that there is nothing new about hateful views but it is time to clear out such voices: “Social media has fuelled hatred but it has also put on display for all of us the dirty, filthy, underbelly of hatred in Irish society. That hatred has always existed.”  Of course, she and the majority will determine what views create “deep discomfort.”

The Irish legislation is likely to be replicated around the world if the free speech community cannot hold the line against the anti-free speech movement. It is part of an unrelenting movement in Europe, particularly by the European Union, to rollback Western free speech values that once defined countries.

We have been discussing efforts by figures like Hillary Clinton to enlist European countries to force Twitter to restore censorship rules. Unable to rely on corporate censorship or convince users to embrace censorship, Clinton and others are resorting to good old-fashioned state censorship, even asking other countries to censor the speech of American citizens.

Ireland now stands on the precipice of freedom. The embrace of such laws by the Irish is crushingly ironic. Frank Ryan, who fought against the treaty, spoke for many radicals in declaring “as long as we have fists and boots, there will be no free speech for traitors.” Those anti-Treaty forces rejected the views of free speech that long defined Western nations. Now, Ireland is declaring “no free speech for haters” and assumes the authority to define who are haters and who are not.


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Estados Unidos – ¿Hacia dónde apunta el porvenir?

June 21st, 2023 by Ernesto López

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“No amount of weapons or ammunition the US and its allies provide to Ukraine will be enough unless Kiev wins”, Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said on Monday [19 June 2023], during an interview with Ukrainian television.

“When we win, I’ll say ‘there were enough weapons.’ But until then, nothing will be enough, however much they send, because if there is no victory, that means it was not enough,” Kuleba said. See this.

The Zelensky team is setting the stage for “eternal war”, as the West seems to be committed to do whatever Zelensky says and wants. Zelensky has elevated himself to the Master of the Western world.

Hundreds of billions of Western people’s tax money go into weaponry and “budget support” to the most corrupt country of the planet to fight a war that is unwinnable – all under the pretext of weakening Russia and ultimately to achieving regime change, to steal and dominate Russia’s resources, Russia’s riches — and to get one step closer to a One World Oder.

It will not happen

Imagine, what Western nations could do for their ever-more impoverished people as they, western governments, are destroying, suicide-like, Western economies? It is part of UN Agenda 2030 and/or the Great Reset. They are religiously following the blueprint of these disastrous plans and carrying them out. The wanton destruction of Western economies is part of it. And people are miserably lied about it.

Western governments for years, for decades have not represented the people who “elected them” or more precisely, who believe they elected them, because, yes, they the people, do pay for their unworthy government’s wages and upper-echelon life style.

The world has reached an untenable situation

Totally unsustainable and this in the age of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), i.e., UN Agenda 2030, precisely the agenda that is aiming at “resetting” the world, into a fraction of the current population, converting the survivors to mind-manipulable transhumans via the deadly ultra-shortwaves 5G and soon to come 6G, and with remote directed Artificial Intelligence (AI), making them feel happy, as all their possessions have been stolen, eliminated, gone – by programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

And the tyranny goes on to total control mechanisms through digital certificates of everything from forced vaccination, to a fully loaded QR code-based ID that includes all personal data, from health, to eating habits, to carbon footprint, criminal records, to personal attitudes, compliance willingness – and especially an individual’s behavior towards “climate change” – which may go as far as 15-minute cities, or no cars for paupers, the regular people, no flying for the commons, nothing that could be said to infringe on the so-unbelievably falsified climate record.

A modern “lockdown” forever as soon as we are in digital prison. This may happen sooner than we think, if We, the People let it happen. And, with what we know today, it is literally irreversible. Once we are there, we are cooked. So, let us prevent the “being forced to go there.”

It seems most people still have not grasped this. They are happily looking forward to an all-digitized life with especially digitized money. So easy. No cash. Swipe a card, bingo.

Yes, bingo – and you are hand-cuffed and do not even notice it.

We are at this breaking point, where all comes together and could result in an immense explosion – or implosion, where things and events take over, without AI and without the possibility of human interference, the possibility of stopping a worldwide annihilation.

Let us look at the panorama and connect the dots:

  • For the last week or so, and ongoing, there is (yet to be confirmed) a military mobilization taking place in the US and Canada; no official explanation.
  • On Saturday, 17 June, Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State met with Chinese leader, Xi Jinping behind closed doors. Despite their default statement of “constructive discussions”, their body language, when meeting the press after their one-on-one conference, tells a different story. A key issue of their discussion may have been Taiwan. The West wants to dominate Taiwan for strategic and technological reasons.

That will not happen.

NATO’s largest ever air maneuver around Russia has been ongoing for over a week and is supposed to end on 23 June. Will it? Or may it convert into a hot war? A legit question with all the converging events that seem to be pushing to a political unmanageable climax.

Western debt, exacerbated by the billions soon trillions of money shoved down into a dark Ukraine hole, is at the verge of collapsing Western economies. The Western banking system is at the brink of bankruptcy – man-made bankruptcy – because it fits in well with the plan of eradicating national debt and introducing the all-controlling CBDC.

The unelected European Commission (EC) and the corrupted Rockefeller-Gates-Pharma-run World Health Organization (WHO) have just announced adopting a joined fully digitized vaxx certificate and ID – which would be the basis for every citizen to move around freely, or not so freely, depending on how well his/her QR coded-ID and vaxx certificates are kept up-to-date, according to mandated rules.

Remember, with the beginning of the 2020 decade, we have entered an era of lawlessness, no more international laws, but elite made “rules-based orders”. There will no longer be judges, whose verdicts are based on international law. They are banned, not allowed, or outright threatened.

On the dangers of the CBDC and the all-present QR code, see this and this.

The universal drive towards central bank digital currencies, emanates most likely from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the Central Bank of all central banks, controlling at least 90% of central banks around the globe, and the BIS, itself, being controlled by the Rothschild family.

As we see, all is in best-intended private hands, perfectly aligned with the fraudulently established 1913 Federal Reserve Act – that has allowed the US to create a US dollar hegemony around the world; first with the dollar replacing gold as key reserve asset, second, as all hydrocarbon had to be traded by OPEC in US dollars, a Washington imposition; and thirdly, all international trade, no matter between which countries, was to be carried out until recently in US dollars.

Most of this is faltering and stands now at a breaking point.

India may be a monetary precursor for the West.

What if the 2016 Indian government’s – a USAID-imposed project – abruptly wiping out the nation’s most important bank notes, the 500- and 1,000-rupee notes, representing 87% of the total cash in circulation, was just a trial for what might happen in the west?

See this.

A similar move is taking place now with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI, equivalent to India’s Central Bank), announcing in May 2023 the RBI will be withdrawing Rs 2,000 notes from circulation as part of the “clean note policy”, a pretext to reduce cash and convert India gradually into an all-digitized currency country.

During India’s 2016 abolishing of more than 80% of all cash, tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people, especially in the countryside, with no access to banks and cash, suddenly had no money, could not buy food; many perished.

What if, on behalf of Ukraine, always on behalf of Ukraine, NATO makes a wrong move before or after June 23, leading to a provoked counterattack by Russia, possibly nuclear – leading to a hot WWIII, causing “shortages” of everything, especially food and energy?

Simultaneously, the EC and possibly also the US FED may stop or reduce cash to a minimum and introduce and impose programmable CBDC on the Western population. Cash may be gone but the commercial system has not adapted yet to the new digital currency. Food is in short supply, and the little there is, cannot be bought, due to lack of money, same with energy.

A tremendous famine may ensue, on top of the war, with communications and transportation breakdown, due to lack of energy.

In addition, hacking and cyberattacks may become the order of the day – test runs have already happened and are happening as these lines are going to print; people may die like flies. All over the West.

This is a bleak picture – we must avoid it. And we can: waking up and thinking positive

The WEF’s Great Reset, WHO’s enslaving digitized vaxx certificate, and the UN’s Agenda 2030 might smile in satisfaction, having reached their objective way before the 2030 target date. This is indeed their intention, as they must beat the awakening masses of people.

This horror scenario shall not happen.

Because we the People, will not allow it. If we are awake, we may project our own future, spiritually shaping it – in our minds, disregarding the diabolical machinations. It is never too late, preparing our own sources of food, sources of energy – and our own civilization.

It is a challenge, but the human mind and spirit can master it. And WE WILL.

Away from tyranny.

However, first we must see and recognize the sword of tyranny hovering over our heads.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Daniel Ellsberg’s Sacrifice

June 21st, 2023 by Dr. John Day

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Daniel Ellsberg died at the age 92 from pancreatic cancer on June 16, 2023. I’m chagrined that I did not know more about Ellsberg’s life at the heart of American military decision-making until his death brought those stories forward. Daniel Ellsberg was at the core of American nuclear-war strategic planning from the Eisenhower through Nixon administrations.

Daniel’s mother had wanted him to be a concert pianist, which career he pursued until she was killed in a car accident when Daniel was 16. After her death he studied Economics at Harvard, graduating summa cum laude in 1952. That same year he married Carol Cummings, the daughter of a Marine Corps Brigadier General, then began further studies of Economics at King’s College, Cambridge under a Woodrow Wilson fellowship. Those studies were directed towards a Ph.D. upon his return to Harvard. However, in 1954, as the Korean war became fixed in an armistice, Ellsberg joined the US Marine Corps, earning an officer’s commission and serving until 1958, including responsibilities as a Company Commander. 

From 1958 through 1962 Ellsberg worked in Nuclear Strategy at the Rand Corporation, while completing his Economics Ph.D. at Harvard. His Ph.D. dissertation paper in the field of Decision Theory, “Risk, Ambiguity and Decision” was pertinent to economics and the prosecution of nuclear war. It describes what came to be known as the “Ellsberg Paradox”. This describes human aversion to uncertainty of risk. Given choices that are of basically equal risk, humans have a strong proclivity to choose the defined risk over the undefined risk, to choose the known evil over the unknown evil. This leads to “non-utilitarian” decisions in both economics and war and may reflect an underlying human assumption of deception risk whenever probabilities are not clearly defined.

What we know Daniel Ellsberg for is his principled decision to reveal the 7,000 pages of analysis he had done on the decision-making pertaining to the Vietnam War in 1967-1968, after he returned from two years in South Vietnam, where he worked for the US State Department. Ellsberg’s detailed analysis, showing pervasive irrationality, dishonesty and graft at all levels of decision making throughout the war, came to be known as “The Pentagon Papers”.

In early 1968 the American public was confronted directly with evidence that they had been lied to by the President and the military, and that the US was losing the Vietnam War, when the Tet Offensive broke out, and every major city in South Vietnam became embroiled in street fighting, some falling under Vietcong control. Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King were both assassinated while taking popular anti-war political stances. Ellsberg began attending peace gatherings, while still working for Rand, and was deeply influenced by Ghandian activists from India. 

While listening to a draft resister, Randy Kehler, speak in 1969, Ellsberg was feeling patriotic pride for him and for America, when Randy calmly stated that “he was very excited that he would soon be able to join his friends in prison”. His two year prison sentence was about to commence. Ellsberg experienced a sobbing epiphany from Randy’s profound altruistic action, which brought him to consider revealing his own detailed knowledge of the corruption, immorality and hopelessness of the Vietnam War.

By the end of 1969 Ellsberg and Rand colleague Anthony Russo had made multiple photocopies of the Pentagon Papers, and Ellsberg was visiting sympathetic Senators, urging them to enter the documents into the Senate record. When this was unsuccessful, he resolved to release the copies to newspapers and to temporarily go into hiding, both of which brought the Pentagon Papers very much to the attention of American voters. These Pentagon Papers, which Ellsberg had created through his research of classified DoD records, embarrassed the government by revealing presidential lies to the American people and also to Congress.

Following over two weeks of this publicity, with the ongoing release of records still blocked by the courts, Ellsberg surrendered himself, to potentially face 115 years in prison under the Espionage Act, while Russo faced 35 years. The Supreme Court decided that the New York Times could no longer be legally prevented from publishing the rest of the documents, and the Washington Post had also begun publishing them. Senator Mike Gravel entered over 4,000 pages of Pentagon Papers into the Senate record.

In court, the sword hung over Ellsberg’s head as he was prevented from explaining the moral reasons for his actions to the jury. In 1973, after revelations of the burglary of his psychiatrist’s office to read his files, and of other illegal government actions, including offering the judge the directorship of the FBI for convicting Ellsberg, all charges were dismissed by the court. See this.

Daniel Ellsberg was a holder of special secrets. Keeping special secrets induces the holder to discount information from those who do not know the secrets, and to lie and mislead them since sharing the secrets is not an option. He described this effect to Henry Kissinger in late 1968, as Kissinger sought information about the Vietnam War and was about to gain above-top-secret security clearances. See this.

Gandhian activism, which influenced Ellsberg, and was the philosophical ground for his epiphany, illustrates the morality of the practitioner, compared to the immorality of the overlord or colonial power. On a deeper, karmic level, the altruistic action of sacrificing one’s own well being or life for the good of others, while selfish power-actors unjustly harm and enslave fellow humans, might even be seen as a form of white-magic.

In recent years many of us have seen the government lies, this time, almost in lock-step across the world, compelling people to isolate, and preventing them from even learning about effective antiviral therapies for COVID, while preventing their physicians from prescribing effective treatments, or even knowing that they exist. The one path to freedom was promised to be provided by novel gene-therapy vaccines, so people waited patiently and received these injections with feelings of great relief.

Others of us in the practice of medicine had done independent research, followed clinical trial preprints when they became available, treated our patients with vitamin D, zinc, hydroxychloroquine, then ivermectin, and macrolide antibiotics to reduce both secondary bacterial infections and inflammation in the lungs. We did not have special top-secret knowledge but Pfizer, the FDA and Department of Defense did have it. See this.

There were leaks showing high rates of miscarriage which were covered up. Myocarditis in children became apparent in the spring of 2021 and it is now apparent that the “up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations” catch COVID at a higher rate than the “not up to date”. See this.

Some of us have lost our jobs or medical licenses for our treatment of our patients, or our stands for bodily autonomy against COVID vaccine mandates, even without researching Gandhian activism. 

It is enough to discern right from wrong, truth from lies, and to stand publicly for truth and to defend human rights.


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Stillbirth is defined as the tragic loss of a baby from 20 weeks gestation or 400g of body weight, if gestation is unknown.

Windsor, ON – 24 year old Canadian influencer Karlee Steel experienced an unexpected stillbirth on May 4, 2023

Karlee Steel, based in Windsor, Ontario, was induced into labour in early May after an ultrasound detected her baby had no heartbeat. (click here)

On May 5, Steel shared her devastating experience to Instagram, wanting to break the stigma around stillbirth. “Yesterday on May 4th, 22 weeks and 5 days, our first baby boy Luca was born sleeping

Stillbirth occurs in about 1 out of 200 pregnancies (in Canada) and according to Statistics Canada, more than 3,000 stillbirths were reported in 2021.

Kilkeel, UK – 37 year old long distance runner Laura Graham had an unexpected stillbirth on Feb. 19, 2023

Laura Graham and husband Thomas with their family all sitting down and smiling

Unfortunately on 19th February 2023 we suffered the heartbreaking loss, stillborn birth of our precious little boy Luca” (click here)

Laura recalls being in “complete shock” when told there was “no heartbeat”.

The whole pregnancy was going good until that horrifying moment when the consultant told us the heartbreaking words ‘I’m sorry there is no heartbeat’. Nothing could prepared us for that and what came next and I don’t think it ever will. No pain will ever amount to that day.”

There are many reports of sudden stillbirths after COVID-19 vaccination: 

CASE 01 (VAERS 1067791) – Pregnant woman at 40 weeks took a Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and the fetus died the next day. 

CASE 02 (VAERS 1067790) – Pregnant woman in week 20 or 24 of pregnancy took a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and the fetus died the next day.

CASE 03 (VAERS 1265529) – 21 year old woman had 2nd Pfizer dose. She presented at 39 weeks because her water broke, fetus was found without a pulse. Stillbirth.

CASE 04 (VAERS 1739865) – A pregnant woman took 2nd dose of Moderna on Aug. 13, 2021. The next day, fetal movements decreased and stillbirth occurred 12 days later on Aug. 25, 2021.

CASE 05 (VAERS 1960749) – 30 year old pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer jab on Aug. 5, 2021 and had stillbirth (fetus not moving) 3 months later on Oct. 6, 2021 at 36wk2d.

CASE 06 (VAERS 2178578) – 33 year old pregnant woman had 2nd Pfizer jab on Sep. 4, 2021, a month and a half later on Oct. 19, 2021 she had a stillbirth at 39wk5d.

CASE 07 (VAERS 2294305) – Had 2nd Pfizer jab on Aug. 24, 2021. At 20 weeks pregnant, U/S showed fatal abnormalities of fetus resulting in stillbirth at 25 weeks.

Australian births are crashing in 2021 and 2022

Australian demographics experts from the Australian National University like Dr. Liz Allen tell us crashing live births are due to inflation and climate change.

However, it is clear that following a short lockdown “baby boom”, there has been a catastrophic crash in the number of babies born in Australian hospitals in 2021 and 2022, since the rollout of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Germany shows similar crash in live births (blue line):

Source: Professor Stefan Homburg (click here)

German Twitter user Pierre Andrews has produced a correlation between live birth crash in Germany and COVID-19 vaccination (click here)

In this graph, the COVID-19 vaccine administration (orange line) is adjusted by 9 months and lines up perfectly with the crash in live births (the graph shows what happens exactly 9 months after COVID-19 vaccination, which is a drop in live births).

Furthermore, the higher the number of COVID-19 vaccines administered, the steeper the drop in live births and when COVID-19 vaccination pauses, live births return to baseline, suggesting this is entirely an effect of COVID-19 vaccines causing miscarriages and stillbirths rather than a long term infertility problem.

Sweden birth rate drop in 2022

Source: El Gato Malo substack (click here)

Hungary: Highest vaccinated counties had the worst birth rate drop, up to -22.2%

Source: Igor Chudov substack (click here)

In the UK, too much sleeping can cause late stillbirth!

The COVID-19 propaganda machine is going strong in the UK, where doctors will be attributing all late stillbirths to mothers “sleeping too long”, or climate change.

My Take… 

It is very difficult to get good data on stillbirths caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

However, live births are crashing in Australia, Germany, Sweden and other highly COVID-19 vaccinated countries.

Doctors who have talked about stillbirths caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are heavily persecuted in the media and by the health authorities.

In November 2021, Dr. Daniel Nagase tried to expose some information about stillbirths occurring in British Columbia and he was attacked in the mainstream media (CBC) for it (click here).

“Health authorities say there’s no truth to social media rumours that suggest there were more than a dozen stillbirths in 24 hours at Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, B.C.”

Dr. Nagase is now being persecuted via a complaint process by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.

Nevertheless, there are many shocking cases of stillbirths associated with Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines recorded in VAERS, some of which I have included in this article.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are not safe in pregnancy and should not be given to pregnant women.

We need to see what the live births data looks like in Canada and the US, as I expect a similar crash in live births, as what is going on in Australia and Germany. We just need whistleblowers to leak good data to the public.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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The New York Times reported Monday that the US and its Western allies have shipped weapons to Ukraine that were broken and needed repair or were only useful for spare parts.

The report also said that Ukraine has not received weapons from contractors that it has paid for. As of the end of 2022, the Ukrainian government paid over $800 million for arms contracts that were completely or partly unfulfilled.

Sources told the Times that some of the unfulfilled weapons had been delivered or refunds were issued but said hundreds of millions of dollars were paid for weapons that never materialized. The report said the most valuable undelivered contracts were between the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and state-owned Ukrainian arms companies.

Ukraine has also had issues with contractors in other countries. According to Ukrainian government documents, Kyiv paid $19.8 million to the Ultra Defense Corporation, an American arms dealer based in Tampa, to repair 33 damaged howitzers provided by the Italian government.

The documents said that 13 of the howitzers were shipped to Ukraine but arrived not suitable for combat missions, although the CEO of Ultra Defense Corporation claimed each howitzer worked when they were delivered and blamed the Ukrainians for not maintaining them. Kyiv complained about the issue to the Pentagon’s inspector general, who is investigating the matter.

There are also multiple examples of military equipment being pulled from US military stockpiles that were not in good condition. A US Army unit based in Kuwait was ordered to send 29 Humvees to Ukraine, and the unit’s leader claimed all but one of the Humvees was ready for combat. But a Pentagon report said 26 were in need of repair.

After the Humvees were repaired, they were sent to Poland to be staged for Ukraine. But in Poland, it was discovered that 25 of the Humvees needed new tires. A Pentagon report said that finding replacement tires “delayed the shipment of other equipment to Ukraine and required significant labor and time.”

Besides the issues with damaged equipment, a recent Pentagon inspector general report found that US military personnel were not properly tracking arms arriving in Poland to be shipped to Ukraine.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

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“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.” — Friedrich Nietzsche


We’re not dealing with a government that exists to serve its people, protect their liberties and ensure their happiness.

Rather, we are the unfortunate victims of the diabolical machinations of a make-works program carried out on an epic scale whose only purpose is to keep the powers-that-be permanently (and profitably) employed.

Case in point: the FBI.

The government’s henchmen have become the embodiment of how power, once acquired, can be so easily corrupted and abused. Indeed, far from being tough on crime, FBI agents are also among the nation’s most notorious lawbreakers.

Whether the FBI is planting undercover agents in churches, synagogues and mosques; issuing fake emergency letters to gain access to Americans’ phone records; using intimidation tactics to silence Americans who are critical of the government, or persuading impressionable individuals to plot acts of terror and then entrapping them, the overall impression of the nation’s secret police force is that of a well-dressed thug, flexing its muscles and doing the boss’ dirty work.

Clearly, this is not a government agency that appears to understand, let alone respect, the limits of the Constitution.

Indeed, this same government agency has a pattern and practice of entrapment that involves targeting vulnerable individuals, feeding them with the propaganda, know-how and weapons intended to turn them into terrorists, and then arresting them as part of an elaborately orchestrated counterterrorism sting.

Basically, it works like this: in order to justify their crime-fighting superpowers, the FBI manufactures criminals by targeting vulnerable individuals and feeding them anti-government propaganda; then, undercover agents and informants equip the targeted individuals with the training and resources to challenge what they’ve been indoctrinated into believing is government corruption; and finally, the FBI arrests the targeted individuals for engaging in anti-government, terrorist activities.

This is what passes for the government’s perverse idea of being tough on crime.

For example, undercover FBI agents pretending to be associated with ISIS have been accused of seeking out online and befriending a 16-year-old with brain development issues, persuading him to secretly send them small cash donations in the form of gift cards, and then the moment Mateo Ventura, turned 18, arresting him for providing financial support to an Islamic terrorist group.

If convicted, the teenager could spend up to 10 years in prison.

Yet as The Intercept explains,

“the only ‘terrorist’ he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent who befriended him online as a 16-year-old… This law enforcement tactic has been criticized by national security researchers who have scrutinized the FBI’s role in manufacturing terrorism cases using vulnerable people who would have been unable to commit crimes without prolonged government assistance and encouragement… the Ventura case may indicate that authorities are still open to conjuring terrorists where none existed.”

In another incident, the FBI used an undercover agent/informant to seek out and groom an impressionable young man, cultivating his friendship, gaining his sympathy, stoking his outrage over injustices perpetrated by the U.S. government, then enlisting his help to blow up the Herald Square subway station. Despite the fact that Shahawar Matin Siraj ultimately refused to plant a bomb at the train station, he was arrested for conspiring to do so at the urging of his FBI informant and used to bolster the government’s track record in foiling terrorist plots. Of course, no mention was made of the part the government played in fabricating the plot, recruiting a would-be bomber, and setting him up to take the fall.

These are Machiavellian tactics with far-reaching consequences for every segment of the population, no matter what one’s political leanings, but it is especially dangerous for anyone whose views could in any way be characterized as anti-government.

As Rozina Ali writes for The New York Times Magazine, “The government’s approach to counterterrorism erodes constitutional protections for everyone, by blurring the lines between speech and action and by broadening the scope of who is classified as a threat.”

For instance, it was reported that the FBI had been secretly carrying out an entrapment scheme in which it used a front company, ANOM, to sell purportedly hack-proof phones to organized crime syndicates and then used those phones to spy on them as they planned illegal drug shipments, plotted robberies and put out contracts for killings using those boobytrapped phones.

All told, the FBI intercepted 27 million messages over the course of 18 months.

What this means is that the FBI was also illegally spying on individuals using those encrypted phones who may not have been involved in any criminal activity whatsoever.

Even reading a newspaper article is now enough to get you flagged for surveillance by the FBI. The agency served a subpoena on USA Today / Gannett to provide the internet addresses and mobile phone information for everyone who read a news story online on a particular day and time about the deadly shooting of FBI agents.

This is the danger of allowing the government to carry out widespread surveillance, sting and entrapment operations using dubious tactics that sidestep the rule of law: “we the people” become suspects and potential criminals, while government agents, empowered to fight crime using all means at their disposal, become indistinguishable from the corrupt forces they seek to vanquish.

To go after terrorists, they become terrorists.

To go after drug smugglers, they become drug smugglers.

To go after thieves, they become thieves.

For instance, when the FBI raided a California business that was suspected of letting drug dealers anonymously stash guns, drugs and cash in its private vaults, agents seized the contents of all the safety deposit boxes and filed forfeiture motions to keep the contents, which include millions of dollars’ worth of valuables owned by individuals not accused of any crime whatsoever.

It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves), a kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or if we’ve gone straight to an idiocracy.

This certainly isn’t a constitutional democracy, however.

Some days, it feels like the FBI is running its own crime syndicate complete with mob rule and mafia-style justice.

In addition to creating certain crimes in order to then “solve” them, the FBI also gives certain informants permission to break the law, “including everything from buying and selling illegal drugs to bribing government officials and plotting robberies,” in exchange for their cooperation on other fronts.

USA Today estimates that agents have authorized criminals to engage in as many as 15 crimes a day (5600 crimes a year). Some of these informants are getting paid astronomical sums: one particularly unsavory fellow, later arrested for attempting to run over a police officer, was actually paid $85,000 for his help laying the trap for an entrapment scheme.

In a stunning development reported by The Washington Post, a probe into misconduct by an FBI agent resulted in the release of at least a dozen convicted drug dealers from prison.

In addition to procedural misconduct, trespassing, enabling criminal activity, and damaging private property, the FBI’s laundry list of crimes against the American people includes surveillance, disinformation, blackmail, entrapment, intimidation tactics, and harassment.

For example, the Associated Press lodged a complaint with the Dept. of Justice after learning that FBI agents created a fake AP news story and emailed it, along with a clickable link, to a bomb threat suspect in order to implant tracking technology onto his computer and identify his location. Lambasting the agency, AP attorney Karen Kaiser railed, “The FBI may have intended this false story as a trap for only one person. However, the individual could easily have reposted this story to social networks, distributing to thousands of people, under our name, what was essentially a piece of government disinformation.”

Then again, to those familiar with COINTELPRO, an FBI program created to “disrupt, misdirect, discredit, and neutralize” groups and individuals the government considers politically objectionable, it should come as no surprise that the agency has mastered the art of government disinformation.

The FBI has been particularly criticized in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks for targeting vulnerable individuals and not only luring them into fake terror plots but actually equipping them with the organization, money, weapons and motivation to carry out the plots—entrapment—and then jailing them for their so-called terrorist plotting. This is what the FBI characterizes as “forward leaning—preventative—prosecutions.”

The FBI has also repeatedly sought to expand its invasive hacking powers to allow agents to hack into any computer, anywhere in the world.

Suffice it to say that when and if a true history of the FBI is ever written, it will not only track the rise of the American police state but it will also chart the decline of freedom in America: how a nation that once abided by the rule of law and held the government accountable for its actions has steadily devolved into a police state where justice is one-sided, a corporate elite runs the show, representative government is a mockery, police are extensions of the military, surveillance is rampant, privacy is extinct, and the law is little more than a tool for the government to browbeat the people into compliance.

This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.

The powers-that-be are not acting in our best interests.

Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the U.S. government against the citizenry—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a result of some threat manufactured in one way or another by our own government.

Think about it.

Cyberwarfare. Terrorism. Bio-chemical attacks. The nuclear arms race. Surveillance. The drug wars. Domestic extremism. The COVID-19 pandemic.

In almost every instance, the U.S. government (often spearheaded by the FBI) has in its typical Machiavellian fashion sown the seeds of terror domestically and internationally in order to expand its own totalitarian powers.

Consider that this very same government has taken every bit of technology sold to us as being in our best interests—GPS devices, surveillance, nonlethal weapons, etc.—and used it against us, to track, control and trap us.

Are you getting the picture yet?

The U.S. government isn’t protecting us from threats to our freedoms.

The U.S. government is creating the threats to our freedoms. It is, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the source of the threats to our freedoms.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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Video: The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS

June 21st, 2023 by FRW Production

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An industry forced into silence, is silent no more.

Once named heroes, fired and now forgotten, continue the fight to save lives in a shocking peek behind closed doors.What was already a fractured system is now being forced into collapse.

The Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine is a group of brave doctors and healthcare workers who have come together to stand against a government turned on its people.

Hear their heart wrenching stories and their plea for help.

British Columbians lives are at risk everyday we are without our healthcare workers.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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There Is One Major Problem with Robert F. Kennedy Jr…

June 21st, 2023 by Timothy Alexander Guzman

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There’s only one conclusion when it comes to Israel, in fact it’s almost like a tradition, it’s definitely a meal ticket to political power for all US presidents, senators, congresspeople, governors, mayors from the past to the present who pledge their unconditional support for Israel.

US President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat, was the first world leader to recognize Israel in only 11 minutes as a Jewish state on May 14, 1948. Truman declared “I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have faith in it now.”

Every US president since then has basically bent over forward for Israel. On September 10th, 1968, US President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ), another Democrat from Texas gave a speech at B’nai B’rith which is an organization that focuses on the security of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. They also fight antisemitism and other forms of discrimination. LBJ said the following:

Our society is illuminated by the spiritual insights of the Hebrew prophets. America and Israel have a common love of human freedom and they have a common faith in a democratic way of life … Most if not all of you have very deep ties with the land and with the people of Israel, as I do, for my Christian faith sprang from yours …. the Bible stories are woven into my childhood memories as the gallant struggle of modern Jews to be free of persecution is also woven into our souls

War criminal and former Republican President, George W. Bush Jr gave a speech to the Knesset on May 15th, 2008:

The alliance between our governments is unbreakable, yet the source of our friendship runs deeper than any treaty. It is grounded in the shared spirit of our people, the bonds of the Book, the ties of the soul … My country’s admiration for Israel does not end there. When Americans look at Israel, we see a pioneer spirit that worked an agricultural miracle and now leads a high-tech revolution. We see world-class universities and a global leader in business and innovation and the arts. We see a resource more valuable than oil or gold: the talent and determination of a free people who refuse to let any obstacle stand in the way of their destiny  

Another war criminal and the first half-African American to become a US President, Barack H. Obama gave a speech on the 61st Anniversary of Israel’s independence on April 28th, 2009:

The United States was the first country to recognize Israel in 1948, minutes after its declaration of independence, and the deep bonds of friendship between the U.S. and Israel remain as strong and unshakeable as ever

And of course, the former US president and GOP frontrunner, Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden also support Israel on every level.  Bottom line, it seems that you can’t be a US president if you don’t support Israel. The Israelis, including the most powerful Jewish lobby in Washington, the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) and Jewish oligarchs literally fund and own US politicians and major several industries including Hollywood and the mainstream media. 

Despite that fact, Donald Trump still thinks that Israel don’t control congress

“The biggest change I’ve seen in Congress is Israel literally owned Congress — you understand that — 10 years ago, 15 years ago. And it was so powerful. It was so powerful. And today it’s almost the opposite” he continued “You have between AOC (Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) and [Rep. Ilhan] Omar — and these people that hate Israel. They hate it with a passion, they’re controlling Congress, and Israel is not a force in Congress anymore. I mean, it’s just amazing. I’ve never seen such a change.” 

So, according to Trump, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who is known as AOC, Rep. Ilhan Omar, and other democrats in that circle control congress? That is pure nonsense, they don’t control anything, they are just political puppets that will do whatever they are told. Trump believes that Israel should have the power over the US congress, not the US voters,

“And we’re not talking about over a very long period of time, but I think you know exactly what I’m saying. They had such power, Israel had such power — and rightfully — over Congress, and now it doesn’t. It’s incredible, actually.” 

Most of the Democrats and Republicans who are running for the 2024 presidential election or other political offices in the future will support Israel, and that’s a fact that cannot be denied.  

Has Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Joined the Consensus?

Now we need to take a closer look at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who also threw in his hat for the 2024 Democrat nomination is great on a host of major issues including his opposition to war, Covid-19 vaccine mandates, and government censorship. One of the best websites that targets Big Pharma is the Children’s Health Defense which was founded by RFK Jr. 

However, RFK Jr. has joined the political establishment and sold his soul to that same old foreign power that has controlled Washington, DC since 1948. The Jewish News Syndicate ( published ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr. affirms: ‘I support Israel’ on an interview from an independent podcast co-host Craig Pasta Jardula who asked Kennedy a legitimate question,

“a couple tweets were put up in support of Roger Waters and then taken down. You want to give us a little explanation of why they were taken down and also your stance on Israel and Palestine?” 

RFK Jr replied

“I made the tweet applauding Roger Waters’ courage in opposing the Covid mandates and the Ukraine war. I was unaware of his position on Israel. And when I learned that I immediately took it down.”

What RFK Jr says next will allow you to conclude what his Middle East foreign policy would mean for the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world,

“I support Israel. My family has a long relationship with Israel and supporting its right to exist and its right to protect its security.” 

Jardula then asked,

“And the Palestinians?”

Kennedy replied:

“And a humane outcome and a recognition ultimately of the aspirations of the Palestinian people is important for everybody.”  

It all sounds too familiar, it’s like they are reading from a script.   

The US political establishment, no matter who comes to power whether Democrat or Republican, they must support Israel if they want to run for political office despite that fact that the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967, or their involvement in the September 11th attacks in New York City or any other crimes including espionage on US soil.  Israel has all of the politicians in Washington in their pockets, they own the mainstream media, and they also have a say in US foreign policy matters when it comes to the Middle East. 

RFK Jr is just another politician who will be subservient to the Zionist power structure in Washington and the Israeli government.  On October 3rd, 2001, former Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon said

“I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We the Jewish People control America, and the Americans Know it.” 

I must admit, that was one of the most honest statements made by an Israeli Prime Minister to this day. 


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

AI Will Help You Learn All

June 21st, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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A lot of countries don’t have enough teachers. Neither in primary education – nor at university level.

A lot of humans also need to upgrade their skills in order to stay employed and even upgrade the earning skills. Many will lose their jobs due to AI, but AI will also help them acquire new skills fast than ever, so that they can quickly get back and earn good money in all the new jobs which AI will create.

AI can help with all that. Even if you have classes of 100 students per teacher, each student can have his/her own personal teacher in AI. And the overburdened teacher will be assisted by AI as well. A personal tutor increases the student’s results enormously. It can make the average student a master student – it can make the below-average student an above-average student. See fig.1

Figure 1: Sal Khan TED presentation

A master-assistant will also improve the human teacher’s result – being a pedagogical tutor for the teacher, take over the burden of making lesson plans – assist to make the teacher’s review of students’ achievements faster and more pedagogical. Improve the amount and quality of “face time”.

That is precisely what Khan Academy is doing – working with OpenAI. They have created Khanmigo which is an AI assisted system for students and teachers.

Have a look the founder Sal Khan’s presentation here:

If interested, more info on Khanmigo here.

Sal Khan is a successful social entrepreneur of Bangladeshi background. His grandfather Abdul Wahab Khan was the third speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan.

But there are more exciting news. At the end of 2023, OpenAI will launch “OpenAI Academy”. It will be free, everybody can sign up and learn anything they want – when they want. Gone are the needs to provide a lot of papers to enroll in specific courses, even advanced courses. And the AI will adapt to your individual level, both as you enroll and as you progress. No longer are you limited to the courses available in your geographical area. Want to learn about Arabic music? There you have it, take an AI course in the Arab quarter-tone musical scale.

OpenAI Academy will provide an extensive selection of courses and subjects, encompassing disciplines such as mathematics, science, music, and art.

Users will have the opportunity to engage with GPT-5 as their instructor, tutor, mentor or companion.

The OpenAI Academy is set to launch in late 2023 and, in line with OpenAI’s mission to ensure the benefits of AI are accessible to all, it will be free for anyone who wants to use it, according to Sam Altman [CEO of OpeAI]. See this.

The courses mentioned are only the beginning. New courses will be added constantly. This will expand rapidly.

Say, I want to learn more about quantum physics. But I don’t want to take a master’s degree in mathematics and in physics to learn it. I have read about it, watched a range of deep teaching videos on both the math and the quantum physics – this has given me a good general understanding. But how to go deeper? And there are always some questions hanging, which a video or book cannot respond to. Soon, I can sign up to a course with exactly the modules in math and physics which I need. And with AI, I can even ask questions and receive answers outside a normal “curriculum”. I can take my learning in all directions which I want. The pace of my progress will depend on my time, interest, and effort. All questions I have will be answered. And I can concentrate my learning on precisely what interests me.

It can be anything. Maybe you want to learn to write novels. Have a personal AI tutor to help you get started.

And if you want a certificate that you have learned a new profession, AI will help you not only get precisely the courses you need, but also help you learn what you need to take those courses – and get your certificate. Imagine all those who had a hard time during the math lessons. They will need a refresher, and in a motivating way, just to get to the entry level of math required for a lot of interesting professions. AI will help individualize precisely what you need to learn to get to where you want to be in learning.

Soon, a fun, animated AI teacher can receive oral questions from children and speak to their understanding and motivation. Then, basically AI can teach children how to read and write.

We are living in exciting times.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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African Union (AU) member-states have refused to remain silent on the crisis between the Russian Federation and Ukraine since the beginning of the special military operation in late February 2022.

As founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) during the early 1960s, progressive African states such as the Republic of Ghana and the United Arab Republic (Egypt) sought to halt what appeared at the time to be the inevitability of another world war which could result in a nuclear weapons conflagration.

Ghana under President Kwame Nkrumah waged an international campaign to halt the testing by France of nuclear weapons in Algeria during the armed struggle being waged by the National Liberation Front (FLN). In later years, 1965-66, Nkrumah embarked upon an effort to halt the United States bombing of North Vietnam and to end the occupation of Southeast Asia. (See this)

Ghana as a state during this period was very active in the world peace movement along with its advocacy for and material assistance to liberation movements waging struggles against colonial hegemony. According to one source:

“Nor were African voices absent in international efforts to initiate state-level moves towards disarmament. In parallel with its commitments to the Non-Aligned Movement, the government of Ghana sponsored a series of anti-nuclear conferences in the early 1960s, culminating in the 1962 Accra Assembly on ‘The World Without the Bomb’. After the conference a small organization was established in Ghana headed by a government official, Frank Boaten, to continue its efforts at disarmament. Alongside these official initiatives, small nuclear disarmament campaigns were set up by activists in countries including Sierra Leone and South Africa.” 

Consequently, it is not surprising that the African Peace Initiative delegation headed by Republic of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has been calling for a diplomatic resolution to the war and the lifting of sanctions against the Russian Federation. The war and sanctions imposed by the U.S. and other North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) states and their allies has disrupted the supply of agricultural products and inputs to several African states.

These problems are aggravated by the financial impact of the western sanctions which have severely restricted the mechanism for financial payments involving global trade. At the same time, the U.S. Congress has advanced a bill which would further interfere with the capacity of AU member-states to conduct trade with the Russian Federation. See this.

Prior to the visit of the African leaders to Ukraine and Russia, a bipartisan group of Congressional members in the House and Senate sent a letter to President Joe Biden asking that the Republic of South Africa be punished economically for its alleged support to the Russian Federation in the war. The U.S. ambassador to South Africa has accused the African National Congress (ANC) government of providing arms to Moscow, a charge denied by President Ramaphosa.

Delegation Travels to Ukraine and then St. Petersburg

The Eastern European state of Poland has been the major rear base for NATO in their war against Russia in Ukraine. Many of the Ukrainian troops which are armed and trained by the Pentagon and NATO, are housed in Poland. See this.

On June 15 when President Ramaphosa and his delegation arrived in Poland, they were held up by the government at the airport under the guise that the South African security detail was not authorized to carry arms. Such an assertion could easily be viewed as a threat to the protection detail which accompanies a head-of-state.

Telesur described the situation as follows:

“Polish authorities prevented the South African delegation from getting off the plane on the grounds that the president’s security personnel did not have the proper permits to bring weapons into the country. According to Pieter du Toit, a journalist on the plane, the Polish authorities finally allowed the delegation to leave the plane after more than 24 hours on the tarmac in Warsaw. The delegation, consisting of more than 100 security personnel and some 20 journalists, arrived early Thursday (June 15) morning at the Polish airport. Major General Wally Rhoode, Ramaphosa’s security chief, denounced the Polish government’s act as racism and sabotage against the president’s security, preventing him from entering Kiev with proper security protection. Presidential spokesman Vincent Magwenya has said that the South African president’s security ‘has not been compromised.’ Ramaphosa has arrived at the Nemishaeve train station in Ukraine, the country’s presidency said…. The European Union has said that it will not support the African peace plan in Ukraine if it involves freezing the conflict.” 

These actions, which violate the most rudimentary decorum of international diplomacy, were a clear indication that Washington and its NATO allies do not want peace at this stage of the war in Eastern Europe. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky stated during the visit of the African Peace Initiative that his government was not interested in talks to end the war.

In contrast, the delegation was greeted enthusiastically by the Russian government at the 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The African delegation met with President Vladimir Putin and other high-ranking officials of the Russian Federation.

A ten-point program advanced by the AU delegation was listened to attentively by the Russian leadership. President Putin said that he was open to holding discussions with Ukraine over the current crisis between the two states.

In an article on the discussions, Tass news agencies reported that:

“The African peace initiative ideally could lead to dialogue and potentially a de-escalation, says Natalia Piskunova, associate professor at Moscow State University’s Department of World Politics. ‘The call for abandoning the armed conflict suggested by the African group also reflects the long-standing universal approach to settling conflicts under UN auspices,’ she says. So far, the African peace initiative appears to be the most well-thought-through and balanced as compared to those plans previously proposed, the expert thinks…. Since the Ukrainian crisis is a logical development of worsening relations between Russia and the West, beginning back in 2011, however, any peace plan, even the most thought-out, is doomed to fail, says Dmitry Ofitserov-Belsky, a researcher at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO RAS). The fighting will end only when Western countries, and the U.S. in particular, are disabused of the idea that their political goals can be attained by further stoking the conflict.” 

After the meetings with the Russian officials, the African leaders traveled back to their respective states. President Ramaphosa held a press briefing prior to leaving from St. Petersburg noting that the war must end.

NATO-backed “Counteroffensive” and Electoral Politics

At present, Ukraine with its re-trained and restaffed military personnel numbering 40-50 thousand troops, have declared the beginning of a counter-offensive against the Russian armed forces. Most of the media accounts in the West have acknowledged some of the losses suffered by the Ukrainian forces. The corporate and government-controlled news agencies, despite their biases, have admitted on numerous occasions that military equipment provided by the NATO countries is being destroyed by Russia.

Russian media reports on the counteroffensive indicate that it has been a complete failure so far in the present period. This message of a well-fortified Russian military apparatus based in the federated areas of eastern and southern Ukraine which has repelled several attempts by the NATO-trained forces to break through their defense lines, does not bode well for the Biden administration.

Tass, in a headline story on the Pentagon’s response to the lack of success in the Ukraine counteroffensive, quotes from a Defense Department spokesperson who said:

“The Ukrainian counter-offensive will be tough for the Kiev government’s forces and will entail casualties among their ranks, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh has said. ‘Our assessments have been pretty clear from the beginning. I think you know, we know as you continue to see the fights that have continued to move to the east, it’s become more of a <…> battle,’ she told reporters at a briefing on Tuesday (June 20). ‘We know this is going to be a hard fight. We know this is going to take time. And we are confident that the Ukrainians have what they need. We have accounted for losses. We know there are going to be losses on the battlefield. That’s the unfortunate part of this war,’ the spokesperson continued. In her words, the United States has provided Ukraine with the systems and the capabilities that its troops need. ‘We know this is going to be a tough fight. Of course, the Russians are going to adapt as they would have from the beginning of the war,’ Singh said. 

The foreign policy imperatives of the Biden White House are centered on the weakening of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, its principal strategic competitors. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Beijing during June 18-19 only highlighted the blunders of U.S. imperialism. Russia, China, Iran and the AU are working closer together in efforts to build a world system independent of the West. Chinese foreign ministry officials pointed out the relations between Beijing and Washington are at their lowest point in history.

This deterioration of relations with China has its counterpart in regard to the Russian Federation.

As Biden’s approval ratings have dropped even further with more than 50% of registered voters holding a negative view of his presidency, the prospect for regaining the White House is brought seriously into question. The handling of the economy by the administration is a major cause for concern among a majority of the electorate. See this.

Moreover, overall support for the U.S. funding and engineering of the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has declined significantly. Consequently, the White House in its Pentagon statement on June 20, appears to be preparing the people of the U.S. for the possibility of more defeats in Ukraine.  The only real alternative is for the reemergence of a peace movement in the U.S. which demands the withdrawal of all funding for the proxy war and the resumption of negotiations to end the fighting. See this.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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Trade and investment agreements with various important countries or groups of countries can have far-reaching impacts on the country’s farmers, workers and entrepreneurs (including women farmers, workers and entrepreneurs), on the economy and environment. Hence it is important that these agreements should be negotiated, concluded or dropped in conditions of transparency and inclusiveness so that the voices of various impacted parties can at least be heard adequately before any final decisions are taken or agreements are reached.

This is particularly true when developing countries, or countries of the Global South, are involved in negotiations with some of the richest and developed countries of the Global North, as it is widely recognized that trade and investment rules have been frequently rigged in favor of the Global North and against the Global South, emphasizing the need for caution.

India has been recently passing through such an important phase of trade and investment negotiations with some of its most important trading partners like the European Union and the USA. Unfortunately this phase has not been marked with the expected and anticipated levels of transparency and openness which are not just desirable but even essential for ensuring that any adverse impacts in the context of crucial concerns and vulnerable sections of population can be avoided.

This has recently led over 130 civil society organizations and activists to write an open letter to the government regarding the urgent need for transparency and inclusiveness relating to trade and investment negotiations. The signatories to this open letter include Annie Raja of the National Federation of Indian Women, Prafulla Samantara and Meera Sanghmitra of the National Alliance for People’s Movements, Medha Patkar of Save the Narmada Movement, Madhu Bhaduri (former ambassador to Portugal), Shailesh Gandhi (former Central Information Commissioner) Nikhil Dey (MKSS or Organization of Empowerment of Workers and Peasants),  Devaki Jain ( feminist economist) and Jawhar Sircar (Member of Parliament).   

This letter starts by expressing deep concern  and anguish at the “lack of transparency and non-inclusive consultation processes adopted by the Union Government in the negotiations with  several countries such as the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Israel and the European Union for entering into free trade, comprehensive economic partnership or investment related agreements.”

This letter notes that at a time when the European Commission (EC) is holding consultations and dialogues with civil society stakeholders in the EU member-states on the social impact assessment (SIA) of the proposed free trade agreement (FTA )with India “ we in India, are expected to be satisfied with an occasional tweet on the progress of the negotiations and brief press notes from the Commerce Ministry about the visit of high-level delegations. The rare statements made by the Commerce Minister or the Foreign Minister are aimed at captains of business and industry and the foreign media. The millions of farmers, workers, artisans, fisherfolk, small businesses, gig workers, home-based workers and others who will be affected by these FTAs are completely invisible in these communications.”

This open letter adds that in addition to its failure to proactively engage and share information with different stakeholders, the Union Government is also rejecting formal requests for even basic details about such matters. Providing an example, this statement informs that an application submitted under the Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act) seeking information about the agenda and the minutes of ministerial meetings with visiting EU delegations, representations received from business and trade representatives seeking to influence India’s position in the trade talks has been rejected by the Commerce Ministry on grounds of national security and trade secrets.

Pointing out the contrasting positions with respect to transparency, this letter says, “The Union Government’s rejection of even formal requests for information flies in the face of the mandate of the RTI Act for meaningful transparency in governance and stands in sharp contrast to the EC’s openness vis-a-vis its own stakeholders. Substantive reports of the four rounds of negotiations completed and the textual proposals submitted to the Government of India are all available on the website of the European Commission, for any person anywhere on the planet to access free of charge. What the EU is proposing for inclusion in the FTA on more than 20 topics such as trade in goods, services and investment, government procurement, intellectual property, sustainable food systems, small and medium-sized enterprises, digital trade, capital movements and state-owned enterprises are all publicly available on this website. The EU has even presented a textual proposal for both voluntary publication of information and responding to formal enquiries from persons about matters covered by the FTA. Unfortunately, there is no official intimation on this side of the Mediterranean about India’s response to the EU’s proposals or its own textual proposals about these matters. Maintaining opacity about India’s position on matters of immense public interest and importance can unfortunately give rise to serious suspicion as to whether the Government is being nose-led in the course of these talks.”

Drawing attention to an even more serious issue, this letter says,

“Of particular concern to us is also the absence of an obligation on the Union Government to consult with Parliament on FTA-related matters. The Constitutional scheme of division of powers grants the Union Government a monopoly over matters relating to bilateral and multi-lateral treaties, including FTAs. Parliamentary approval post facto is also not mandated by the Constitution because the power of ratification also vests with the Executive i.e., the Union Government. However, the FTAs could result in the amendment or even scrapping of several Central legislations that are firmly in the domain of Parliament. Parliament must therefore deliberate on the implications of the proposed legislative changes for the lives, livelihoods and well-being of all citizens, particularly the most vulnerable groups.”

Further this statement draws attention to yet another very significant shortcoming in the existing processes relating to these negotiations, “The Commerce Ministry’s reply to one of the RTI queries states that it is holding consultations only with Industry Associations and relevant Ministries and Departments. This does not inspire much confidence. It is a matter of grave concern that State governments have not been consulted, despite the fact that FTAs cover subjects under the State List and the Concurrent List. The Union Government has also not opened up the consultation process to farmers’ associations, labour unions, environmental rights and human rights groups, consumer associations and many others who are legitimate and critically important stakeholders.

“This non-consultative and exclusionary process signals a disregard for the questions of human rights, social justice and environmental impacts that wider stakeholder involvement would put on the table. We are concerned that ignoring these concerns at this stage will also undermine or short-circuit mandatory processes of environmental and social impact assessment.”

This open letter has demanded that the Government of India immediately take the following steps.

“1. Give wide publicity and provide open access to proposals submitted to the EU by Government of India, as well as the responses to the textual proposals tabled by the EU which are publicly available.

2. Give wide publicity and public access to the textual proposals received and responses submitted to other trading partners with whom FTA talks are going

3. Create forums and platforms for public stakeholders and experts including civil society, academia and media representatives to submit their views on ongoing FTA negotiations with the EU and other

4. Ensure effective public participation in the negotiations by providing timely and comprehensive information on the status and details of the negotiations and holding dialogues and consultations with public stakeholders in India at each stage so that the negotiations are informed by the views and aspirations of all.”

Here it may be noted that this statement has come on top of other reported recent serious shortcoming in the implementation of RTI. India was at one time considered a leader in terms of the effectiveness of its RTI law but this has suffered badly in recent times.

One hopes that the government does respond to this as well as several previous pleas for ensuring proper implementation of RTI law as well as for ensuring wider transparency in governance systems and public interest matters in keeping with the spirit of the RTI law.

The writer is a former Convener of the National Campaign for People’s Right to Information and has written several books and pamphlets on Right to Information.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Protecting Earth for Children and A Day in 2071.

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Daniel Ellsberg: The Establishment’s Whistleblower

June 21st, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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In 1972 Stanley K. Sheinbaum, chairman of the Pentagon Papers Fund, wrote with a hot pertinence that remains striking (at this time Julian Assange is facing grave prospects of being extradited to the United States) that both Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo had “struck a blow for us all when they gave the Pentagon Papers to the press and to the Senate: against the war in Vietnam and against new adventures in Cambodia, Laos, or elsewhere”. And more besides, including striking against government secrecy in both domestic and foreign policy and directing a blow “for freedom of the press, freedom of the American people to be informed of what crimes their government might be committing in their name.”

The Nixon administration was mustard keen to bang up Ellsberg for what would have been 115 years, and Russo for 35. The charges, absurd reading then as they are now, were for conspiracy, espionage, and larceny. Central to this particularly vicious effort on the part of President Richard Nixon and his inner circle was the release of the Pentagon Papers, a government document running into 7,000 pages that was much at odds with public statements made by respective presidential administrations on US involvement in the Indo-China War. Both men had been analysts and researchers at the RAND Corporation, with the former tasked with nuclear wargaming scenarios. Russo had aided Ellsberg in the mammoth task of copying the papers.

The treatment dished out by the US national security state was very much the blueprint for what is taking place against the WikiLeaks founder. Initial indictment, followed by further grand jury hearings, followed by another round of indictments. As Sheinbaum remarked, the absurdity of the charges was self-evident. “Conspiracy against whom?” he asked. “The American people to whom the documents belonged in the first place? The press to whom the Pentagon Papers were given – not sold – so that they could better inform the people on how a succession of administrations had deceived them and wasted this country’s lives, resources, and honor?”

The case, thankfully, collapsed. The presiding judge, William M. Byrne Jr., even before the jury’s verdict was in, dismissed the action in May 1973, citing serious government misconduct (the office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist had been burgled by the infamous “White House Plumbers”), not to mention illegal wiretapping. As part of that most Nixonian of sagas, the judge also revealed that he had been offered the role of FBI director by John Ehrlichman, the President’s assistant for domestic affairs.

Initially in agreement with policies in the Cold War rollback of communism, Ellsberg came to have trouble with the narrative of one’s country, right and wrong. In a sense, he became something of a model whistleblower: a figure initially besotted, a believer in the role of US power, only to then find evidence at odds with that belief.

While working at RAND, he visited Haverford College in August 1969, where his attendance at a conference of the War Resisters’ International proved turning. He had initially found the participants, as he recalls in his memoir Secrets, unduly simplistic, unnecessarily negative, dogmatic and extremist. It took a demonstration outside the trial of draft resister Bod Eaton to invest him with necessary confidence. “I had become free of the fear of being absurd, of looking foolish, for stepping out of line.”

Then came a moving talk by peace activist Randy Kehler. The impression left by Kehler, far from being banally corny and naff, helped complete the Damascene conversion: the RAND employee would commit to the task of ending a war effort he had been complicit in advancing. His establishment skin would be sloughed.

As Spencer Ackerman observes, the strength of Ellsberg’s whistleblowing was the locus of power; it came from a figure so highly placed in the national security apparatus he had the ear of presidential advisors. In the post-9/11 era, there has been no equivalent, no reputational shedding of skin. The leaks and disclosures have come from such individuals as Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Daniel Hale, all vitally important, yet all several steps removed from the centre of power. “The people of Ellsberg’s equivalent rank and early-career promise more typically chose to serve the War on Terror, not resist it, going along with atrocities abroad and democratic destabilization at home.”

Ellsberg’s tenacious advocacy for Assange, for whom he acted as witness in the extradition trial in September 2020, was fortifying. “My own actions in relation to the Pentagon Papers and the consequences of their publication have been acknowledged to have performed such a radical change of understanding,” he outlined in his statement to the court. “I view the WikiLeaks publications of 2010 and 2011 to be of comparable importance.”

He also warned about that most odious feature of the Espionage Act of 1917, upon which 17 of the 18 charges against Assange have been framed. Motivation, he recalled in his own 1973 trial, was dismissed by government lawyers as irrelevant: the offences imputed “strict liability”. As he told the Central Criminal Court in London, the Act effectively disallowed genuine whistleblowing to permit “you to say you were informing the polity. So I did not have a fair trial, no one since me had a fair trial on these charges and Julian Assange cannot remotely get a fair trial under those charges if he was tried.”

As he revealed in December 2022, Ellsberg had been the WikiLeaks “backup” for releasing the documents that were eventually published in 2010. Assange, he told the BBC Hardtalk program, “could rely on me to get it [the information] out.”

In any final reflections on what Ellsberg did, the conscientious duty of a figure to disclose evidence of government misconduct, to enlighten the citizenry more broadly as political agents rather than obedient subjects, shines. “From the point of view of a civilization and the survival of eight or nine billion people, when everything is at stake, can it be worth even a small chance of having a small effect?” he reflected in an interview with Politico. “The answer is: Of course.”


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon Papers figure, holds up a copy of a book entitled ?The Senate Watergate Report? as he appears as a panelist at a conference on the Central Intelligence Agency and covert activities on Friday, Sept. 13, 1974 in Washington. (AP Photo/Henry Griffin)

Know-Nothing Burgers Are Ruining Our Lives

June 21st, 2023 by Dr. Emanuel Garcia

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Yes, that’s what I call them, those who force-feed us their stupidity from above – the so-called intelligentsia, left, right or center, the ones who hold academic appointments at the most prestigious universities, colleges, academies, ‘think tanks’, global organizations with names that include ‘health’ and ‘democracy’, those who have received high accolades from establishment science, those who have been Rhodes Scholars or Fulbright Fellows – all of the reigning intellectual elite who have foisted upon the global population the Big Covidian Lie.

They are reputed to know a great deal of something in their specialized fields, but absolutely nothing when it comes to actual science and actual medical treatments and actual vaccines and real climate and weather and the oh-so-painstakingly obvious Agenda of the Few to enslave the Many.

I’ll give you two chilling examples.

The renowned Richard Dawkins, author of The Selfish Gene and other books on evolutionary biology, and author too of The God Delusion, was recently interviewed by Unherd’s Freddie Sayers, who asked Dawkins whether he thought that the Covid Era represented a moment of scientific glory or ‘something that was a little bit problematic’.

Dawkins responded, citing the development of vaccines with unprecedented speed, that it was ‘magnificent, and is a tribute to science and was a glory of science’. When Sayers, to his credit, countered and pressed him about the vaccines, about how they were overpromised, about how they failed to prevent transmission as they were initially billed, and how they were pushed via mandates and near-mandates, Dawkins replied that ‘it was difficult for people entrusted with authority to give advice’. Sayers is quite clearly surprised to hear this from the man who champions robust debate and the admission of scientific error, and Dawkins goes on to express his sympathy for the people in charge who had to make quick decisions. Sayers continues to press and displays one of Dawkins’ tweets wherein he avers that Covid vaccine-refusal endangers others, and then states unequivocally that those who do not take the measles vaccine are indeed a public peril. About lockdowns Dawkins claims not to have a position, although he admits that in the roil of the Covidian moment mistakes may have been made.

It is well-worth seven minutes of your time to listen to the excerpt, purely as an example of how a distinguished, celebrated and highly-honored scientist can display such an utter ignorance of basic medical concepts and medical treatment and pandemic-preparedness.

Surely he must have known that there was no real science behind the imposition of lockdowns, ‘social’ distancing, masks or a rush to a vaccine that had not and could not have had a test of time while promising treatments were being suppressed or forbidden?

My second example is from a video posted by The Institute of Art and Ideas, which includes a panel consisting of Denis Noble, Nessa Carey and Guy Brown, all renowned biologists. It is entitled ‘The Medicine Myth’ and I watched with great interest as I have come to appreciate Professor Noble’s books on evolutionary biology.

As I watched, however, Professor Carey, who is the International Director of PraxisUnico and a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London, and who sported a jumper with the word ‘GEEK’ across her chest and identified herself as a member of ‘team science’, took less than a minute to praise childhood vaccinations for halting early childhood death, and also statins. She did give credit to soap, however, I am happy to report, but as I followed the rest of her discourse on medicine, aging and societal health, I was left with the same kind of chill I feel when the Gates Foundation announces a new initiative.

My intention is not to detract from either Dawkins’ or Carey’s achievements in the fields of their specialties, but to draw attention to my proposition that such achievements do not translate into authority in other domains, and that scientists, like other people, are human and can be egregiously ignorant, obtuse and even dangerous when empowered.

We have been smothered by references and appeals to ‘science’ and ‘the science’ and the greatness of science in all things Covid, Mr. Fauci being a prime example, and yet here we find ourselves face to face with eminent scientists whose presumed intelligence should at the very least have led them to question the Pharma-driven employment of vaccinations in general and the promulgation of statins, medications which I for one would avoid as I would avoid poison.

The word ‘science’ is derived etymologically from a root meaning to cut, divide, split, separate – and this points to the scientific method of isolating variables so as to divine specific causality. Yet to practice science does not necessarily mean ‘to know’, since knowledge requires a synthesis that transcends the function of individual agents. This is, in fact, why I have been much taken by Denis Noble’s The Music of Life, and am inclined to regard less highly the reductionism of Dawkins’ selfish genes (can genes have personality traits, I ask?).

‘Intelligence’ is derived from the Latin ‘inter’ and ‘legere’, meaning to be able to pick out, choose, read, gather, and the like, implying a capability for discernment and apprehension. Not all highly educated, highly degreed or highly positioned scientific figures are intelligent, as Covid, the greatest litmus test of all, easily demonstrates.

I can tell you of at least half a dozen very highly educated people I personally know who have been jabbed and boostered to the hilt and who, when themselves the victims of a jab-related adverse reaction, or who have known an intimate who has been injured even to death, will dare not ask the simplest causal question. These same people unhesitatingly accepted the imprisonment of the healthy, distancing, useless and unhealthy masks, and went along with the notion that Covid itself was untreatable save by quarantine and vaccination.

There is another word that comes to mind, deriving from a root that means being stunned or struck, beaten into a ‘stupor’ – but I prefer to call these elevated personnel sitting atop the academic pyramid who have made our lives so miserable as ‘know-nothing burgers’. They literally knew nothing when knowing something really counted. These are the very same people who no doubt will push to eliminate cattle in their frenzy to battle ‘climate change’, being happy to deprive real people of real meat and substance.

I say, let them eat their cake and, more important, let them keep their dangerous nothingness to themselves. In fact, I’d advise them to take a leaf out of a real scientist’s book, one Richard Feynman, who said: ‘I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned’.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Richard Dawkins (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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Robert F Kennedy Jr. Runs for President

June 21st, 2023 by J. Michael Springmann

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The Beginning Was the End.  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. started strongly.  He made many dynamic speeches condemning the New World Order of Vaxx, Die, Cover-Up. 

He spoke in the United States and in Berlin, Germany.  Kennedy denounced the lies of various and sundry governments about the Covid-19 viruses and the regimes’ need to strip people of their freedoms. 

His book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Kennedy, Jr., Robert F. New York:  Skyhorse Publishing, 2021) exposes the untruths used to justify their criminal behavior.  To quote Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate and noted virologist,

“Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ‘A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand ties becomes the truth.’  Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions.  RFK, Jr. exposes the decades of lies.”

Another author, Ralph Pezzullo, in writing about Kennedy’s book, said: 

“…Your future, your family’s future, and the future of democracy are at stake.”

That’s the issue.  Democracy.  Kennedy, according to CNN June 1, 2023, spoke to the New Hampshire legislature:

“There’s so many Americans who believe that the system now is rigged, the economic system, but also the political system, that the elections are fixed,” he said in Concord. “And we ought to be, the Democratic Party particularly, ought to be making this election a template for democracy to our country and to the rest of the world.”

[As the British say, Kennedy was “spot on” regarding the rigged electoral system. And the need for reform. His remarks have sparked an all-out assault on him.]

Attack the Attacker.  Otherwise, people might believe the truth spoken.  On June 1, 2023, The Guardian, the suspect British “newspaper” wrote: 

“Robert F Kennedy Jr, the conspiracy theorist and vaccine skeptic challenging Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination, told an interviewer he had ‘conversations with dead people’ every day.”

In an undated Internet listing, the Washington Post, another questionable newspaper, stated: 

“A lawyer and environmental activist, Kennedy Jr. is also a prominent anti-vaccine activist, pushing disproven claims that childhood vaccines are linked to autism and spreading misinformation about coronavirus vaccines.”

Continuing, on June 5, 2023, the Post (where Democracy has died in the paper’s Darkness) printed

“Kennedy was arguing that a 2019 tabletop exercise about a mock pandemic, archived on YouTube, actually revealed a secret plan involving U.S. spymasters to enrich drug companies and suppress free speech. He then rattled off clinical data from a coronavirus vaccine trial that was not designed to measure mortality, falsely suggesting that vaccines killed more people than they saved.  He made no mention of the abundant science that has found that the vaccine prevented serious illness and saved lives.”

The End of the Beginning.  The Beginning of the End.  In a Substack article [(The Silencing of Kennedy’s Most Notable Critic (], journalist Sam Husseini noted June 5, 2023 apropos of comments by Jared Beck, Florida lawyer and supporter of politician Bernie Sanders: 

Beck: “As to RFK, Jr. – I am afraid he is playing the Bernie Sanders role this time around, to give a ‘voice’ to the disaffected, so that this ‘voice’ may be publicly gaslit and abused in the mainstream media, used as a tool to extract funds from the disaffected for the political party system, and then deployed to sheepdog the disaffected into supporting Joe Biden. That’s how U.S. ‘electoral’ politics rolls and has rolled since at least the time RFK Jr.’s uncle was publicly executed. I can’t imagine RFK Jr. is unaware of the role he is playing. But in order to play any substantial role in the family profession, it’s the only role he would ever be allowed to have. So perhaps understandable, but no less morally despicable.”

Haven’t We Seen this Before? Remember Ross Perot? Remember Ralph Nader?

Image: Ross Perot

Ross Perot dared to question the Establishment. Running for president in 1992 and 1996, he risked starting a new political party outside the existing one. Yes, ONE. (An African journalist once told me that the Great Malodorous American Behind had but two cheeks:  Democrat and Republican.) Perot also presumed to interpret himself directly to the American people—not through the Lamestream Media—which then turned on him and repeatedly attacked him as a destabilizing person of questionable sanity.

Ralph Nader tried to work within the traditional Democratic (?) Party but was blocked. He ran for president as a Green Party candidate in 2000 and on a compendium of 3rd party and independent ballot lines in 2004.

The Democrats (Dumbocraps?) claimed Nader cost them the election in 2000 because he pulled ballots away from their candidate, Al Gore. They seemed never to realize it was their message the voter wasn’t buying, not that Nader was a divisive force. As Nader’s former campaign manager Theresa Amato noted “…it is a myth that anyone can run — successfully — for president outside of the two parties.” 

So. Will the Dumbocraps permit Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to defeat Discombobulated Joe Biden as the party’s candidate for president? Or will they do a Bernie Sanders on him, permit him to gather delegates within the party and then take them away and give them to the aged idiot now running an illegal and unconstitutional war against the Russian Federation? And rig another election. Or, perhaps not. What nationally appealing candidate can the Rapeuglycans, the other cheek, hope to field?

But What Will Really End Kennedy’s Run?  His subservience to the Apartheid Entity that styles itself “Israel”.  (The illegitimate, terrorist organization that many believe murdered his uncle, President John F. Kennedy and his father, Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., also once a candidate for president.)

According to the Cleveland Jewish News on June 1, 2023 (which drew on the Jewish News Service Robert F. Kennedy Jr. affirms: ‘I support Israel’

Independent podcast co-host Craig Pasta Jardula asked Kennedy: “A couple tweets were put up in support of Roger Waters and then taken down. You want to give us a little explanation of why they were taken down and also your stance on Israel and Palestine?”

Kennedy responded: “I made the tweet applauding Roger Waters’ courage in opposing the Covid mandates and the Ukraine war. I was unaware of his position on Israel. And when I learned that I immediately took it down.” [N.B. Waters is a fierce critic of the very undemocratic Israel.]

Then discussing his stance on Israel more broadly, Kennedy said: “I support Israel. My family has a long relationship with Israel and supporting its right to exist and its right to protect its security.”

Jardula followed up: “And the Palestinians?”

Kennedy replied: “And a humane outcome and a recognition ultimately of the aspirations of the Palestinian people is important for everybody.”

[Sure, permit the Palestinians to live in a small bit of their country that the Zionists stole from them. That’s really humane.]

Did the Izzies that Robert now supports murder his family?

In a Tehran Times interview, Laurent Guyenot (French author and anthropologist) said:

TT: Your conclusion is that Israel orchestrated the killing of Kennedy. What was Israel’s motive? 

LG: I am walking in the footsteps of the late Michael Collins Piper, who was the first to blame Israeli networks for the assassination of John Kennedy, in his book Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy. To understand Israel’s motive, Piper relied on several studies that have revealed that Kennedy was determined to stop Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Global nuclear disarmament was Kennedy’s dearest project. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, he had initiated a promising dialogue with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev on this issue. So, when the CIA informed him of the nuclear program carried out by the Israelis in their Dimona laboratory, he engaged in a standoff with David Ben-Gurion, who was both prime minister and minister of defense of Israel. Ben-Gurion was convinced that by trying to prevent Israel from acquiring the bomb, Kennedy was endangering the very survival of the Jewish state, to which he had devoted his entire life.

Dimona was certainly Israel’s major reason for eliminating Kennedy and replacing him with Johnson. But there were others. The Kennedy brothers were at the origin of a procedure to reduce the influence of the American Zionist Council by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. In October 1963, Attorney General Robert Kennedy gave the AZC a 72-hour notice to register as a “foreign agent.” After John Kennedy’s assassination, the AZC escaped this procedure, and its lobbying division, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC), became the most powerful lobby in the United States, and an indispensable tool for the corruption and intimidation of American elected officials, and for the control of American foreign policy. A third likely motive for the Dallas coup was Kennedy’s support for the Palestinian cause and his sympathy for Egyptian President Abdel Nasser. As late as November 20, 1963, Kennedy’s representative at the United Nations demanded the implementation of Resolution 194 and the return of the 800,000 Palestinian refugees, causing strong protest in Israeli circles. After Kennedy’s death, American foreign policy in West Asia was radically reversed again, without the American public realizing it. Johnson cut economic aid to Egypt and increased military aid to Israel to 92 million in 1966, more than the total of all previous years combined.  Israel is behind serial assassinations of Kennedy brothers: Laurent Guyenot – Tehran Times

Former university professor Kevin Barrett, Ph.D. commented in a May 28, 2018 PressTV statement that:

“The assassinations of the Kennedy brothers were largely carried out on behalf of Israel,” Barrett told Press TV on Monday.

“John F. Kennedy was dedicated to shutting down Israel’s nuclear weapons program and was killed because the Israelis, specifically [former Israeli prime minister David] Ben-Gurion believed that this was an issue of survival for Israel” he added.

“Robert Kennedy’s convicted killer Sirhan Sirhan, the patsy who was chosen to be presented to the public as the supposed killer who was actually hypnotized and had no idea what he was doing there…was used for propaganda purposes by the Zionists who murdered both of the Kennedy brothers,” Barrett said.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the son of RFK, says he does not believe Sirhan had carried out the assassination and believes a second shooter did it. Kennedy brothers likely killed by CIA on behalf of Israel: Scholar (

For a deeper, more informative discussion of this, please see Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? – Kevin Barrett (

Comment. Robert F. Kennedy will be done down by: 

1. The Lamestream Media;

2.  The Establishment and The Established Party(ies?);

3. the Zionists;

4. His own self.

Two percent of the U.S. population are Jews. But they control (and brag about control) of the five or so corporations providing “news” in America. They also manage U.S. domestic and foreign policy and contribute vast sums of money to candidates who do their will. If Kennedy wants to play up to them for campaign contributions and voter support, he will have to follow their dictates. He will have to change his outlook and statements on Fauci, Gates, and Big Pharma (which has many Jews in powerful positions). 

He has already begun to change. Note his remarks on Roger Waters and supporting Israel. When I called and emailed Kennedy’s campaign headquarters, I asked for clarification of his statements about Waters and Israel. None has been forthcoming.

Given the foregoing, it’s my belief that the Zionists will only give lip service to Kennedy’s campaign for change, tricking him into a belief that, if he accepts their views, they will back his policies, meanwhile, they will continue to support their age-old home amongst the Democrats. This will leave Kennedy out on a limb which will either break or be cut off by an itinerant woodchopper.

So, I say to him, in advance, السلامة Ma’a salama; auf Wiedersehen; Au revoir; Arrivederci.


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J. Michael Springmann is an attorney, author, political commentator, and former diplomat, with postings to Germany, India, and Saudi Arabia. He previously authored, Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World: An Insider’s View, recounting how the U.S. created and used Islamic Terrorism. Additionally, he penned Goodbye, Europe? Hello, Chaos? Merkel’s Migrant Bomb, an analysis of the alien wave sweeping the Continent. He currently practices law in the Washington D.C. Area. He is a frequent commentator on Arab and Russian news programs.

He is also on the Ukraine’s “Enemies List”, having questioned, inter alia, the country’s refusal to honor the Minsk Accords and for stating that its government is Nazified.

All images in this article are from the author

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Putin’s Shocking Revelations Show There Can be No Negotiations with Kiev

By Drago Bosnic, June 19, 2023

On June 17, during a meeting with a number of African leaders and delegates who came to Moscow to offer a solution that would end the Ukrainian conflict, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a shocking revelation and even gave details of a March 2022 peace deal with the Kiev regime.

Not to Forget! 25 Years Since the Start of NATO Aggression Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

By Belgrade Forum, June 21, 2023

As acknowledged by both the USA and NATO, the aggression against the FRY constituted a precedent for the ensuing armed interventions. The US and NATO incursions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere followed suit in furthering unlawful use of force in international relations, paved the way for an arms race and ushered in a global instability, the repercussions of which have been suffered by Europe and the world to present day.

“Readouts” Point to Geopolitical Disjuncture and Divisions Between US and China

By Kim Petersen, June 20, 2023

During the economic crisis in 2008, the United States sought China’s aid. US treasury secretary Hank Paulson conferred with Chinese officials, and China agreed to increase the value of the RMB and to stop selling US T-bills which it had been doing at that time.

49 Truths About the Death of Two Cuban Dissidents

By Salim Lamrani, June 20, 2023

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has just published a report accusing the Cuban government of the deaths of two Cuban dissidents in 2012. But the report does not stand up to scrutiny. Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero were killed in a road accident due to the carelessness of Angel Carromero, the driver.

USA: Politics in a Banana Republic

By Donald Monaco, June 20, 2023

American political conflicts increasingly resemble the power struggles that are routinely visible in banana republics. The unprecedented indictments of Donald Trump in New York and Florida portend a future marred by lawfare as Democrats seek to use the justice system as a means of ensuring political supremacy and Republicans respond in kind. 

Alex Saab, Hostage of the Hybrid War Against Venezuela

By Francisco Dominguez, June 20, 2023

Because the brutality and cruelty of the US blockade was wreaking havoc on the economy and millions of the most vulnerable in Venezuela were being deliberately denied their human rights to the most basic necessities of daily life, President Nicolas Maduro tasked Saab with travelling around the world procuring food, medicines and fuel for his country.

It Has All Hit Home: Reflections on Memory and Fact in the Age of COVID

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, June 20, 2023

To a psychoanalyst memories are a stock in trade, common coin, the currency of every session, and we tend to regard every reported memory never as actual indubitable truth, but as an amalgam of wish, fantasy, fact and emotion, an amalgam that drew across the lifespan to result in the ‘remembered’ event, a phenomenon that could conceal other memories and also lead to new insights. In short, memories are the stuff of a kind of dream.

Seymour Hersh: My 50 Years with Daniel Ellsberg

By Seymour M. Hersh, June 20, 2023

In all of Dan’s many hours of tutoring, as I understood years later, he understood and empathized with my eagerness—even my need—to learn all that I could about his world of secrets and lies, things said out loud and hidden in top-secret documents. And so he happily became my tutor and taught me where and how to look inside the recessed corners of the American intelligence community.

The Silent Slaughter of the Flower of Ukraine’s Youth

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, June 20, 2023

As Ukraine prepared to launch its much heralded but long delayed counteroffensive, the media published a photograph of a Ukrainian soldier with his finger on his lips, symbolizing the need for secrecy to retain some element of surprise for this widely telegraphed operation.

The Hate Crime Purging of “Antisemites” Is Underway!

By Philip Giraldi, June 20, 2023

There have recently been a number of incidents that would be of interest if one has concerns about the sorry state of free speech in Europe and the United States, the so-called “democracies” who tend to boast about their freedoms and the rights of their citizens.

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US Republican Senator Chuck Grassley revealed on the Senate floor that, according to a largely unredacted version of the FBI’s FD-1023 confidential human source form, a “foreign national” who “bribed Joe and Hunter Biden” has 17 “audio recordings of his conversations with them.” The “foreign national” is allegedly none less than Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian oligarch owner of Burisma, one of the largest private natural gas producers in the country.

The company and its owner have long been the target of investigations and the Biden’s family connections to the Eastern European nation also go way back: in April 2014, Viktor Pshonka, then Ukraine’s prosecutor general, launched a probe into Zlochevsky, over accusations pertaining to tax evasion, and money laundering which was said to have taken place between 2010 and 2012. In April 2014, Burisma’s board of directors named Hunter Biden, son of then US Vice President (and today’s President) Joe Biden, to Burisma’s board as a director; he was said to have earned over $80,000 monthly. This is a very interesting timing, just a couple of months after game-changer events in that nation.

In February 2014, during the so-called Maidan Revolution, then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted and fled the country. This 2014 development is described by some experts as a US backed coup to overthrow a “pro-Russian” president.

Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs sees this as the beginning of the current Ukrainian crisis, even before the March 2014 Crimean referendum and the Donbass civil war, which started in April of the same year.

The roots of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis go even further back and can be traced to post-independence Kiev’s political elite attempt at “nation-building”, which increasingly took the shape of a rejection all things Russian, thus culminating in the 2014 Maidan, a ultranationalist revolution also backed by Washington. In an attempt to pull Ukraine away from “Russian influence”, the US and the Western powers funded and armed the most radical nationalist and russophobic militias in the nation, even neo-Nazi ones, which later came to be part of the country’s National Guard,  a problem which haunts Kiev (and the West) to this day.

Currently, any “pro-Russian” stance is marginalized or even banned in Ukraine (and now also in Poland and increasingly so even in Europe). However, in the Eastern Slavic nation, there had always been a political camp which called for closer cooperation and integration with neighboring Russia rather than with the West – which is hardly surprising, considering that this is a strongly bilingual nation, with a high degree of intermarriage, where at least 34% of the population speaks Russian.

Besides these local and regional frictions, there is a larger geopolitical game at play, pertaining to US-led NATO expansion goals and Washington’s policy of “encircling” and “countering Moscow, a process which has been described as the main cause of the Ukraine’s crisis 9 years ago, as well as today.

Much has been written about this geopolitical angle, but there is also a geoeconomic dimension to the United States role in its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine – one that is less talked about and that goes beyond the notorious profits American weapons manufacturers make.

Regarding Moscow, Washington has a geopolitical rivalry as well as geoeconomic and energy interests, which are often intertwined with private and shady businesses – this could be clearly seen, as I wrote before, in the US campaign to boycott (now gone) Nord Stream 2. Biden’s own special envoy (in 2021), Amos Hochstein, was a former member of Naftogaz’ supervisory board, this being the largest national oil and gas company in Ukraine, also involved in a number of scandals.

Back in August 2021, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament denounced a corruption ring within the aforementioned Naftogaz: his testimony included alleged leaked audio records of then Vice President Biden offering then Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko a billion dollars as part of a secret negotiation to dismiss the Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the business activities of his son in the country. These allegations now seem to be confirmed by the recent news about further FBI leaks.

I also wrote on the shady deals involving Ukrainian investment company Dragon Capital and American multinational investment company BlackRock, as well as the evidence implicating the Democrat Party and the Bidens. In many of these episodes, Hunter Biden plays a role: his sexual scandals, the biolabs allegations, and many other accusations have been gaining traction within the US media, and haunting the current American presidency.

Going back to 2014, when Burisma’s board of directors named Hunter Biden, one should keep in mind that during that time, after the deposal of Yanukovych, Washington was happy to work with the new pro-Western government, in whose rise to power it played a role. Other Western institutions such as the European Union, the World Bank, and the IMF were all also willing to work with the new government, although the blatant corruption which plagued the country was a major concern to all of them – and remains so to this day. While his son was acting as a director in Burisma, Joe Biden became Obama’s “point man” in Ukraine and a frequent visitor there, claiming to have flown to the nation at least a dozen times between 2014 and 2016.

Far from being a concern only to the police authorities and prosecutors in both Ukraine and the US (not to mention the tabloids everywhere), the “Ukrainian-American corruption factor” has deep geopolitical and geoeconomic implications. All of the context discussed above indicates that rather than being merely dismissed as “Russian propaganda” or as Republicans trying to “find dirt” on the Democrat rivals, such allegations about Burisma and the Bidens seem to fit a pattern and should be taken seriously.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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March 24, 2024, will see the 25th anniversary since the beginning of unlawful, criminal and illegitimate aggression that NATO launched against Yugoslavia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the FRY), thus propelling the first post-WWII war on European soil. In doing so, NATO trampled on the fundamental principles of international law, the United Nations Charter, the OSCE’s Helsinki Final Act (1975) and the UN Security Council’s role as the sole global body competent for making decisions in the matters of peace and security.

As of 2000, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals has been organizing its annual commemorative and analytical-scientific events, dedicated to the memory of the many lives this aggression took, and to elaborating its geopolitical goals and consequences in the Balkans, Europe, and beyond.

As acknowledged by both the USA and NATO, the aggression against the FRY constituted a precedent for the ensuing armed interventions. The US and NATO incursions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere followed suit in furthering unlawful use of force in international relations, paved the way for an arms race and ushered in a global instability, the repercussions of which have been suffered by Europe and the world to present day.

Kindly be informed that the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia, the Union of Associations of National Liberation Wars of Serbia (SUBNOR), the Diaspora Fund for Motherland, the Society of Serbian Hosts, together with many more independent, non-partisan associations, are going to mark the 25th anniversary since the beginning of NATO aggression, that will take place in Belgrade from March 22-24, 2024. The program of this manifestation will be of international character, and attended by our proven friends from abroad.

You will be kept regularly informed about preparations and details of the program.


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During the economic crisis in 2008, the United States sought China’s aid. US treasury secretary Hank Paulson conferred with Chinese officials, and China agreed to increase the value of the RMB and to stop selling US T-bills which it had been doing at that time.

Paulson said, “It is clear that China accepts its responsibility as a major world economy that will work with the United States and other partners to ensure global economic stability.” But the notion that China was acting in a selfless fashion was also dispelled by Paulson who stated China helps when it is in their own interest.

Paulson depicted the US position during the crisis as “dealing with Chinese from a position of strength…”

That same attitude was repeated by the US State Department in March 2021 during the first face-to-face meeting with president Joe Biden’s administration in Anchorage, Alaska: “America’s approach will be undergirded by confidence in our dealing with Beijing — which we are doing from a position of strength — even as we have the humility to know that we are a country eternally striving to become a more perfect union.” [emphasis added]

Given the baleful US shenanigans against China, Chinese high-ranking officials were ill-disposed to meet with their American counterparts. Chairman Xi Jinping was not interested in meeting with Biden after the US shot down a Chinese weather balloon. The Pentagon sought a meeting between defense secretary Lloyd Austin and China’s minister of national defense Li Shangfu, but the latter reportedly ghosted Austin in Singapore.

Finally, secretary of state Antony Blinken managed to secure a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Qin Gang in Beijing. The official readouts for each country, however, reveal a monstrous gap between them.

The Chinese readout noted that “China-U.S. relations are at their lowest point since the establishment of diplomatic ties…” Other excerpts read:

China has always maintained continuity and stability in its policies towards the United States, fundamentally adhering to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation proposed by President Xi Jinping. These principles should also be the shared spirit, bottom line, and goal that both sides uphold together.

Qin Gang pointed out that the Taiwan question is at the core of China’s core interests, it is the most significant issue in China-U.S. relations, and it is also the most prominent risk. China urges the U.S. side to adhere to the one-China principle and the three China-U.S. Joint Communiqués, and truly implement its commitment not to support “Taiwan independence”.

That the US and China were not on the same page was clear from the oft-heard banality in the American readout:

The Secretary made clear that the United States will always stand up for the interests and values of the American people and work with its allies and partners to advance our vision for a world that is free, open, and upholds the international rules-based order.

That the US side made no comment on China’s core interest was a glaring brush off. Instead the US side pushed its “international rules-based order,” which is about rules defined by the US for others to follow. In other words, China does not decide what rules apply to its province of Taiwan.

The readouts made crystal clear that China and the US view the world through different lenses.

China is about peaceful development and win-win trade relations. The US is about waging war, sanctions, bans on trading, and an immodest belief in its indispensability. Because of this, China and Russia with the Global South are each forging their own way, a way that respects each country’s sovereignty. In future, it will be increasingly difficult for the US to use loans to impoverish other nations and plunder their wealth through the IMF’s financial strictures. Sanctions, freezing assets, and blocking financial transactions through the SWIFT system have pushed countries away and toward de-dollarization, joining BRICS, taking part in the Belt and Road Initiative, and using other financial institutions such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank based in Beijing. Even companies in countries nominally aligned with the US are pulling back from the harms of adhering to US trading bans. The US pressure tactics have resulted in blowback, and there is sure to be growing apprehension within empire.

The US is a warmaker. It flattened Iraq, Libya, and would have done the same to Syria had not Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah intervened at the invitation of the Syrian government. Nevertheless, the US still illegally occupies an enormous chunk of Syria and plunders its oil, revealing its true nature to the world.

China is a peacemaker; for example, the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement, the Syrian-Arab League reunion, a ceasefire between Yemen and Saudi Arabia, a proposal for peace between Russia and Ukraine that was rejected by the US, and currently China is playing an honest broker to try and solve the Israeli-Palestinian impasse, something the US has failed miserably at solving (not that it was ever interested in solving this besides, perhaps, a brief interregnum under Jimmy Carter).

China has stood steadfastly with Russia during its special military operation in Donbass and Ukraine. China knows that if the US-NATO would succeed in their proxy war, the plan is “regime change” and a carve up of Russia to exploit its resource wealth. This would pave the way for further “regime change” in China.

The Anthony Blinken Qin Gang meeting has been an abysmal failure in diplomacy. Communist China is ascendant, and the capitalist US is in economic decline, but it still believes that it can bully and fight its way to the top by keeping the others down.


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Kim Petersen is an independent writer and a regular contributor to Global Research. He can be emailed at: kimohp at

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49 Truths About the Death of Two Cuban Dissidents

June 20th, 2023 by Salim Lamrani

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The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has just published a report accusing the Cuban government of the deaths of two Cuban dissidents in 2012. But the report does not stand up to scrutiny. Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero were killed in a road accident due to the carelessness of Angel Carromero, the driver.

1. In July 2012, Angel Carromero, a Spanish citizen, deputy secretary general of the Nuevas Generaciones organization, a youth movement of the conservative Spanish Popular Party (PP), and a collaborator of the Community of Madrid, and Swedish citizen Jens Aron Modig, leader of the Christian Democratic Youth League (KDU), linked to the Swedish right, traveled to Cuba on tourist visas.

2. Their mission, entrusted by their respective political parties, was to meet and finance certain members of the internal dissidence and to set up action plans against the Cuban government.

3. This type of activity, which is illegal in Cuba as in most countries of the world, is heavily punished by the penal code.

4. Oswaldo Payá, leader of the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL), received the sum of 4,000 dollars according to Modig.

5. On July 22, Carromero and Modig were in a car with Cuban dissidents Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero Escalante of the MCL and were involved in a road accident near the town of Bayamo.

6. The two Cuban dissidents, who were in the back of the car without seatbelts, lost their lives.

7. The foreign nationals, who were in the front of the vehicle and wearing seatbelts, were unharmed.

8. Payá died on impact from head trauma, while Cepero expired some time later in hospital following respiratory failure.

9. During his deposition at the Bayamo hospital where he was being treated, Carromero stated that he had not seen the road sign indicating a work zone and that he had lost control of his vehicle, hitting a tree. The Spanish news agency EFEconfirms this version: “He did not see the slow-down sign and lost control of the vehicle”.

10. The testimonies of three people who were in the area at the time of the accident, José Antonio Duque de Estrada Pérez, Lázaro Miguel Parra Arjona and Wilber Rondón Barreroont, confirmed that the vehicle was speeding and had hit a tree after slipping on the road under construction.

11. The Swedish citizen, who escaped unhurt, returned to his country a few days later, after giving his statement.

12. Oswaldo Payá’s daughter, María Payá, who was in Havana, reported to the press that a car had collided several times with her father’s vehicle from behind, and accused the government of masterminding the assassination.

13. She stated that several people living in Sweden had received telephone text messages from Modig informing them that a vehicle had crashed into them.

14. However, the Payá family’s version of events is contradicted by compelling factual evidence and numerous witness statements. In fact, in addition to the statements made by those present at the scene, photos of the crashed vehicle show no trace of impact to the rear.

15. Modig refuted the Payá family’s version. According to him, no other vehicle was involved in the accident. Miami’s Nuevo Herald, a daily newspaper representing the point of view of the Cuban exile, confirms these statements in an article entitled “Swedish politician denies the presence of other vehicles in the accident that claimed Payá’s life”.

16. Modig also denied María Payá’s statements about the messages. According to him, he had not transmitted any messages to anyone in Sweden.

17. Carromero also denied the family version in an interview reported by Agencias and EFE: “No vehicle hit us from behind”.

18. He also denounced the Payá family’s conspiracy theories: “I ask the international community to focus on my repatriation and not to use a road accident, which could have happened to anyone, for political purposes”.

19. Similarly, the accusations do not stand up to analysis. Indeed, it is difficult to believe that the Cuban government would have taken the risk of attacking the life of a famous dissident when he was with several witnesses, including two foreign nationals, who remained alive and were later released.

20. In a statement to the Stockholm newspaper, Modig’s father, Lennart Myhr, explained that he had spoken to his son after the accident. At no time did he refer to another vehicle, or to persecution by Cuban intelligence services.

21. Dissident leader Elizardo Sánchez told Agence France-Presse that he did not believe in the conspiracy theory and that he thought it was an accident.

22. El Nuevo Herald published an article on the subject with the following headline: “Survivors reject the Payá family’s version”.

23. The Spanish daily El País, although unfavorable to the Cuban government, also cast doubt on the Payá family’s version: “The thesis of a murky conspiracy to kill Payá, which the family and part of the opposition initially suggested, fades away following the statements by Carromero and Modig, who confirm that it was all a fatal accident”.

24. After several days of investigation and questioning, Carromero was charged with manslaughter. Excessive speed was the main cause of the accident, according to the Cuban authorities.

25. According to the Cuban Ministry of the Interior, [Carromero’s] ‘lack of attention to vehicle control, excessive speed and erroneous decision to brake on a slippery surface were the causes of this tragic accident which cost the lives of two human beings”.

26. After braking, the vehicle rolled over a distance of 63 meters, confirming the extreme speed.

27. In reality, this was not Carromero’s first traffic offence. He is a dangerous repeat offender.

28. His driving license had been withdrawn in May 2012 for speeding. He was fined 520 euros and deducted six points, the heaviest penalty under the Spanish Highway Code, which is only applied when a vehicle exceeds the speed limit by more than double.

29. Carromero had therefore been driving illegally in Cuba.

30. Carromero had accumulated 45 fines for traffic offences since March 2011.

31. He had to pay a total of 3,700 euros.

32. After a trial lasting several weeks, the public prosecutor requested a seven-year prison sentence for manslaughter.

33. In October 2012, after deliberation, the Tribunal sentenced Carromero to four years’ imprisonment.

34. In December 2012, after four months in prison, Carromero was authorized to serve the remainder of his sentence in Spain, following an agreement between Madrid and Havana.

35. Due to his status as a political leader, his sentence was adjusted to avoid prison. He wore an electronic bracelet.

36. In March 2013, in an interview with the Washington Post, Carromero went back on his initial statements and claimed that a car belonging to the State had rear-ended them, causing a loss of control of the vehicle and the accident.

37. Nevertheless, photographs of the vehicle show no traces of impact at the rear, contradicting the new Carromero version.

38. Carromero also stresses that he was drugged and forced to sign a statement at the trial.

39. This version is contradicted by the Spanish Consulate General in Cuba, which described the trial as “impeccable from a procedural point of view”.

40. In August 2013, in an interview with the Spanish daily El Mundo, Carromero asserted that “the Cuban secret service murdered Oswaldo Payá”.

41. In the Washington Post interview, Carromero claimed to have lost consciousness during the accident and only woke up in the ambulance: “Neither Oswaldo, Harold nor Aron were there”.

42. On the other hand, in his interview with El Mundo, he states that he remembers that Payá “was still alive after the accident”, contradicting his own statements to the Washington Post.

43. Ofelia Acevedo, Payá’s widow, stated that “Spain has proof that her husband was murdered”.

44. Questioned on this subject, the European Union expressed its reservations, limiting itself to the following statement: “If Mr. Carromero has new evidence on the tragic death of Sakharov Prize winner Oswaldo Payá, he should present it before the competent courts”.

45. For its part, the Spanish government chose to ignore Carromero’s new statements. Questioned on the subject, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dismissed the controversy: “Our point of view on this matter has been over since the day Mr. Carromero returned to Spain”.

46. Embarrassed by Carromero’s statements, the Popular Party chose to remain silent and refused to make any statement, announcing that it would not communicate on the subject.

47. Asturias MP Gaspar Llamazares urged Carromero to take his case to court, while questioning the credibility of these new statements. According to him, “if he had any proof, he would have presented it to the courts immediately or on his return to Spain”.

48. Deputy Teófilo de Luis, a member of the Popular Party, rejected Carromero’s new statements: “My government is limited to what he [Carromero] explained in Havana. It limits itself to applying the extradition agreement, according to what was said at the time”.

49. In March 2013, following the Payá family’s visit to Spain, Mariano Rajoy’s government expressed its reservations and declared “that it will not support an investigation into the death of Oswaldo Payá”, thereby legitimizing the conclusions reached by Havana.


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Salim Lamrani holds a doctorate in Iberian and Latin American Studies from Sorbonne University, and is a lecturer at the University de La Réunion, specializing in relations between Cuba and the United States.

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Escalation? Poland Training Militants to Attack Belarus

June 20th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Once again, the evidence makes it clear that the West wants to involve Belarus in the current conflict. In a report published by The Times it was informed that exiled Belarusian militants are being trained in Polish territory in preparation for a future insurrection in their country.

According to the newspaper, the “Bypol” group, an extremist dissident militia that actively participated in the attempted color revolution in 2020, is based in the Polish city of Poznan, where an intense military training program is being conducted. Journalists went to the field to interview some of the militiamen and reported that the number of recruits is already “in the hundreds”.

The program would have started many months ago, bringing together “common Belarusians” who want to give a response to President Aleksandr Lukashenko’s “Stalinesque campaign of torture and detention [that] has all but silenced dissent” in Minsk. To add credibility to this narrative, the paper interviewed an exiled woman involved in the training nicknamed “Predator”. The 42-year-old dissident explained that she is the mother of a child who is unaware that she is currently in a military program. The option for combat would apparently have been motivated by the need to “fight for Belarus”.

“My daughter doesn’t know I am here. I told her I was going paintballing (…) []However] I came here today (…) to prepare for the fight for Belarus”, “Predator” told journalists during an interview.

This is a well-known media strategy, widely used by western outlets. The objective is to use an emotional rhetoric to show the supported side as a victim of oppression and an example of heroism and resilience. But for those who know what really happened in Belarus in 2020, this narrative is nothing more than a weak and meaningless fallacy.

The 2020 mass protests were the result of a Western plan to overthrow Lukashenko’s legitimate government and replace him with pro-Western opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. Belarusian security forces were incisive in neutralizing the Western-sponsored threat, and, as in cases of failed regime change operations, the US regarded Lukashenko’s electoral victory as illegitimate and fraudulent, pointing to Lithuania-based Tikhanovskaya as the real winner.

At the time, the Bypol group was created, formed by several dissident former employees of law enforcement agencies. Bypol engaged in active militia work, physically fighting the security forces. The group alleges the supposed “necessity” to face the government’s “state violence”, receiving financial and logistical support from the western powers for this.

As a result of Lukashenko’s victory, most Bypol’s members emigrated to neighboring countries hostile to Minsk, such as Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and the Czech Republic. This did not stop the group from operating sabotage and real combat missions on Belarusian soil, even carrying out a drone attack on a Russian A-50 radar at Machulishchy air base. However, Belarusian security forces closely monitor the militia’s activities and have been effective in preventing further damage from being caused.

In practice, Bypol is an ordinary terrorist organization, which acts like any other extremist group in the world, using terror as a political tool and causing harm to ordinary civilians during its illegal raids. But the West has been openly pro-terror in recent years, being publicly involved in financing and supporting terrorist and neo-Nazi groups such as the Ukraine’s Azov, Right Sector and Aidar, which makes it unsurprising that it gives same support for Bypol. In fact, if the terrorists’ targets are NATO’s geopolitical enemies, then the criminals have “carte blanche” for their maneuvers.

The problem is that amidst the current scenario of tensions, any miscalculated act could lead to a serious escalation. Belarus has been the target of repeated terrorist attacks since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Minsk is involved in a secondary way in the operation, only allowing Russian troops to use its territory to enter the enemy country, without sending soldiers and weapons directly. The Belarusian attitude is legitimate, considering that Belarus and Russia maintain a collective defense treaty within the Union State, and therefore military actions are absolutely integrated.

This means that western provocations against Russia’s ally are likely to be responded to by Moscow itself. And, in the same sense, considering that these are NATO countries that are training, supporting and infiltrating terrorists in Belarus, the eventual joint response of Minsk and Moscow could even be directed against NATO, which would involve the risk of nuclear escalation.

This only makes it even more legitimate for Minsk to receive Russian nuclear weapons on its territory. Minsk is taking pre-preventive action to dissuade hostile countries from realizing their war plans against the Belarusian people in order to avoid further escalation, as the consequences could be catastrophic.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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All-Cause Mortality Up After Mass COVID-19 Vaccination

June 20th, 2023 by Dr. Peter McCullough

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Governments around the globe put a huge amount of faith in COVID-19 vaccines as their only intervention to reduce mortality. Yet, no prospective randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial demonstrated a reduction in death with COVID-19 vaccines. On the contrary, every single data system around the globe has reported increased mortality coinciding the the roll-out of the vaccines.

Scherb and Hayashi used Japan and Germany for study of temporal trends in mortality. Both countries have excellent reporting systems.

For Japan (125.7 M) and Germany (83.2 M), the WHO indicates as of 18, June 2023, and 14 May 2023, a total of 392,346,325 and 193,232,623 vaccine doses, respectively have been administered.

This equates to 2-3 doses per person. They found a disturbing jump in mortality coinciding with the start of mass vaccination. At the end of a pandemic, since the frail and elderly have suffered disproportionate casualties, there is usually a culling effect and mortality should go down.

If the vaccines were effective, then certainly they should have dropped the death rate even more. The figures from Japan and Germany tell a different story.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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I have reviewed the reports on the UK High Court judgment against Assange (June 8, 2023). His lawyers are considering an Appeal to “the same court”, “amid growing fears he could spend the rest of his life in prison for publishing thousands of classified military and diplomatic documents” (Guardian, 9 June, 2023).

It would appear that Julian Assange’s Defense lawyers failed to request the Recusal of Judge Jonathan Swift on the grounds of “Conflict of Interest”. Why? The latter are carefully documented in Mark Curtis’ article. 

In England and Wales “A judge may recuse himself [herself] when a party applies to him to do so, e.g. Assange’s Defense lawyers. “A judge must step down in circumstances where there appears to be bias or ‘apparent bias’”.

And in this case there is bias: Judge Swift described as Downing Street’s “favourite barrister” is now  acting on behalf of the Home Office, which is conducting an indictment against Julian Assange. There is evidence of bias in Judge Swift’s cursory statements.   

” The test for determining apparent bias is this: if a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was a real possibility that the judge was biased, the judge must recuse himself (see Porter v Magill [2002] 2 AC 357 at [102]).

According to the “Guide to Judicial Conduct” in England and Wales (2018), Judge Swift should have recused himself. 

We recall that in 2019, Judge Emma Arbuthnot, who was also in conflict of interest had refused to recuse herself from the Assange extradition hearings.

Has Assange’s Legal Team raised the issue of Judge Swift’s Recusal??? Nobody asked him to step down. 

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 20,2023


Jonathan Swift, the High Court judge who has rejected Julian Assange’s appeal against extradition to the US, has a long history of working for the government departments that are now persecuting the WikiLeaks founder.

Swift, who ruled against Assange on 6 June, was formerly the government’s favourite barrister. 

He worked as ‘First Treasury Counsel’ – the government’s top lawyer – from 2006 to 2014, a position in which he advised and represented the government in major litigation. 

Swift acted for the Defence and Home Secretaries in at least nine cases, Declassified has found. He also acted for the Cabinet Office, Justice Secretary and the Treasury, during his time as First Treasury Counsel.

Swift also represented the Foreign Office in at least two legal cases, in 2011 and 2015.

While barristers are independent, those who regularly represent the government in the highest profile cases have to be “cleared” to do so, including via security vetting, Declassified understands.

When he stepped down as First Treasury Counsel in March 2014, the attorney general’s office “expressed their appreciation for Jonathan’s valuable support, advice and advocacy during his period as FTC.” 

It was reported in 2013 that Swift had been paid nearly a million pounds – £975,075 – over the previous three years for representing the government.

Swift now presides over Assange’s extradition case being fought by the Home Office for whom he previously worked.

As with previous judges who have ruled against Assange, the case raises serious concerns about institutional conflicts of interests at the heart of the UK legal system.

‘Favourite clients’

Swift was appointed a deputy high court judge in 2016 and a full judge in August 2018. A June 2018 interview with Swift in a legal publication noted that his “favourite clients were the security and intelligence agencies” referring to his time as First Treasury Counsel. 

“They take preparation and evidence-gathering seriously: a real commitment to getting things right”, he was quoted as saying.

The interview also mentioned Swift was undertaking work for “foreign governments” although Declassified has not been able to establish which governments these were. 

Swift took up his current post of judge in charge of the Administrative Court in 2020. A long standing QC with prominent law firm 11KBW, he was in 2018 also a legal adviser to a committee of the City of London Corporation. 

In June last year, Swift ruled that a deportation flight to Rwanda could go ahead, refusing to accept arguments to stop the flight by several asylum seekers facing offshoring to Rwanda.

National security cases

Several cases in which Swift acted for the government while First Treasury Counsel concerned national security, on which the judge is now expected to adopt an impartial approach. 

Swift represented the Treasury in the first case before the new Supreme Court in 2009, concerning international sanctions against terrorists.

In 2014 he acted for the defence secretary in a case against three former interpreters for UK forces in Afghanistan who won the right to bring their case to the High Court for alleged discrimination. The interpreters argued they were in danger and should be allowed to settle in Britain.

In an earlier case, in 2007, Swift also represented the UK Ministry of Defence in a case against a UK/Iraqi national who had been held by British troops at detention facilities in Iraq. The man argued his detention infringed his rights under the European Convention on Human Rights.

Much of the WikiLeaks disclosures for which the US seeks to prosecute Assange relate to Western military conduct in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Another of Swift’s cases as First Treasury Counsel concerned disclosure of information to the public. He acted for the attorney general in a long-running freedom of information case brought by the Guardian seeking to release the private correspondence between Prince Charles and government ministers.

In February 2014, attorney general Dominic Grieve blocked the publication of the letters, overruling an independent freedom of information tribunal that had ordered their release. 

Swift, acting for Grieve, told the court that the minister “was entitled to take a different view on matters of public interest from the tribunal”.


In his rejection of the appeal by Assange’s lawyers, Swift curtly dismissed all eight grounds to their arguments as “no more than an attempt to re-run the extensive arguments made to and rejected by the District Judge”, who previously ruled on the case.

Media freedom group Reporters Sans Frontieres said Swift’s ruling brought Assange “dangerously close to extradition”. 

It added it was “absurd that a single judge can issue a three-page decision that could land Julian Assange in prison for the rest of his life and permanently impact the climate for journalism around the world.”

The US government seeks to extradite Assange in order to try him in connection with WikiLeaks’ publication of leaked classified documents that informed public interest reporting around the world. 

Assange faces a possible 175 years in prison and would be the first publisher prosecuted under the US Espionage Act.


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Mark Curtis is the editor of Declassified UK, and the author of five books and many articles on UK foreign policy.

Featured image: Jonathan Swift. (Photo: Zoom)

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USA: Politics in a Banana Republic

June 20th, 2023 by Donald Monaco

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American political conflicts increasingly resemble the power struggles that are routinely visible in banana republics. The unprecedented indictments of Donald Trump in New York and Florida portend a future marred by lawfare as Democrats seek to use the justice system as a means of ensuring political supremacy and Republicans respond in kind. 

The Democrats want to permanently remove Trump from the political scene by locking him behind bars for the rest of his life.

In American politics, involvement in a sexual scandal was typically enough to remove a prominent politician from power, as in the cases of former Senator Al Franken, former members of Congress Blake Farenthold, John Conyers, Tim Murphy, and Anthony Weiner, and New York Governors Elliott Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo, to mention but a few.  

Not willing to let an opportunity pass, the Democrats tried to derail Trump’s first presidential campaign by enveloping him in a sex scandal involving lurid stories of relations with Moscow prostitutes gleaned from the discredited Steele dossier. The attempt failed. Trump went on to defeat the miserable warmonger Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, a crime for which he would never be forgiven. 

Next, supported uncritically by their friends at the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other corporate news outlets, the Democrats and operatives in the National Security Autocracy manufactured the Russiagate scandal to delegitimize the Trump presidency. Results of the Mueller investigation released on April 18, 2019, failed to establish evidence of electoral collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, imposing yet another failure upon the party whose symbol is a jackass. The report of Special Council John Durham, published in May 2023, demolishes the Russiagate fiction categorically.    

Undeterred, the Congressional Democrats mounted two attempts at impeachment, the first to remove him from office and the second to ensure he could never become president again. Both Senate trials ended in acquittals. 

Now, becoming increasingly desperate, they go to court. A Democratic District Attorney in Manhattan and a Special Counsel appointed by a Democratic U.S. Attorney General have leveled charges of violation of campaign finance (hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels) and unauthorized possession and conspiracy to withhold classified documents (stored at the Mar-a-Lago Palm Beach estate) against Trump. Indictments for election interference in the State of Georgia and incitement to insurrection in Washington, D.C., after the 2020 presidential election are almost sure to follow. 

Like self-righteous and narrow-minded Lilliputians, the Democrats hope to ensnare the ever-menacing Trump in so many legal ropes that he will be eliminated as a political opponent, one who is almost certain to defeat them in 2024.

The Democrats are no doubt aware that such strategies have proven wildly successful in the Global South. 

Brazil’s left-wing political leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was eliminated as a candidate for president by the country’s right-wing in 2017, one year before a 2018 election where he hoped to win another term in office, having previously served from 2003 through 2010. He was investigated, indicted, tried, and convicted in a corruption scandal. Lula was sentenced to 12 years in prison. He was later exonerated by the Brazilian Supreme Court and released from jail. He serves as Brazil’s current president, having won the election in 2022 against the Trump-supported Jair Bolsonaro, proving once again that history is replete with savage ironies.      

Lula’s successor as president in 2011 was Dilma Rousseff, who, not coincidentally, was removed from power through impeachment in 2016 as she sought to continue his policies of fighting poverty and social injustice. The charge against Rousseff was, once again, corruption. Rousseff’s successor, Michel Termer, paved the way for extreme-right President Bolsonaro, who implemented the neoliberal agenda with a vengeance, much to the delight of the Brazilian rich and their American counterparts.     

The removal of Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff from power constituted judicial coup d’états of working-class presidents. Both leaders were innocent of the corruption charges leveled against them. Both coups were fully approved in the United States.      

Christina Fernandez de Kirchner is another example of a left-wing political leader who, along with her husband Nestor, opposed the rape of their country by the International Monetary Fund by repudiating Argentina’s debt to the parasitical financial institution. President of Argentina from 2007 to 2015, then Vice-President in 2019, Christina Kirchner was convicted of corruption charges in December 2022, sentenced to 6 years in prison, and forbidden to hold public office by what she contended was a parallel state led by a judicial mafia. She was, in effect, removed from power in a judicial coup d’état after having survived an assassination attempt in March 2022.

The right-wing in America is getting a small taste of its own bitter imperial medicine as the political struggle for supremacy is rotting the core of power at the center of empire. It should not be forgotten that the Trump regime tried and failed to engineer a coup d’état in Venezuela by replacing leftist President Nicolas Maduro with a right-wing nonentity, Juan Guaido, in 2018. The chickens, as Malcolm X would say, are coming home to roost. 

In prosecuting Trump, the Democrats claim to be supporting democracy and the rule of law, neither of which they have done at home or abroad for over a century, dating back to World War I and the passage of the Espionage Act, the notorious piece of legislation used as a tool of political repression in the cases of Eugene Debts, Daniel Ellsberg, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden.   

The irony is that if the Democrats actually respected democracy and legality, Bernie Sanders would have been their party’s nominee in 2016 and 2020 and would have beaten Trump twice, as he spoke convincingly of the need to alleviate the economic misery of the American people. But Sanders’ support for a Keynesian New Deal in an era of neoliberal economics was not acceptable to the members of the party establishment, who serve the American ruling class no less so than their Republican counterparts. Hence, Bernie Sanders was reduced to the role of pied piper for the Democratic Party of American imperialism, an ignominious position he occupies today.

Having no substantive policy differences with mainstream Republicans on matters of concern to Wall Street and corporate America, the Democrats want to jail their leading political opponent, a routine practice in banana republics. Leaders of the Republican Party would be delighted to have Trump out of their way but would never say so for fear of alienating the party’s voting base.   

The plain fact is that Trump is not being indicted for the illegalities he should be indicted for, namely, his role in perpetrating the crimes of empire. Then again, how could he when his accusers are equally guilty of conspiring to commit the same crimes.  

What crimes? 

Trump’s support for the aforementioned coup attempt and associated economic sanctions in Venezuela, which have cost the lives of 40,000 of its citizens and driven thousands into exile as impoverished migrants, thereby constituting a form of collective punishment of the population. Biden has eased oil sanctions on Venezuela contingent upon the Maduro government’s acceptance of democracy, meaning, legitimization of the right-wing opposition.  

Trump’s missile strikes, bombing campaign, and military occupation of Syria, including the theft of its oil. The military interventions conducted under the pretext of fighting ISIS, which cost thousands of Syrian lives, amount to war crimes. Biden bombed Syria and currently supports the continuation of the military occupation.    

Trump’s relocation of the American embassy to Jerusalem and support for the Zionist State’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights and continued occupation and brutalization of Palestine constitute crimes against humanity. Biden has not reversed Trump’s policies toward Israel and vocally supports the apartheid state and its occupation of Palestine. 

Trump’s withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear agreement with Iran, the imposition of draconian sanctions, and the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani constitute crimes against peace and war crimes. Biden refuses to remove Trump’s classification of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a “terrorist organization,” lift Trump’s crippling sanctions, or reinstate Obama’s nuclear agreement.   

Trump’s delivery of lethal military aid to Ukraine and the expansion of economic sanctions on Russia are crimes against peace.  Biden has dramatically escalated Ukrainian aid and Russian sanctions into a full-blown proxy war with Russia.

Trump is an irrepressible con artist who stumbled into the presidency courtesy of a Democratic Party that abandoned its principal voting base: the American working class. Although he serves the ruling class faithfully, as all presidents do, his fake right-wing populist rhetoric and quirky behavior have destabilized plutocratic rule, opened large fissures in consensus politics, and polarized the electorate in a way not seen in modern times.  

For example, he violated political etiquette by exposing George W. Bush’s lies that led to the Iraq war in a televised primary debate with the imbecile’s brother, Jeb. He threatened to send Hillary Clinton to jail for the destruction of 33,000 emails held on a private server in her home during a nationally televised presidential debate. He routinely refers to the corporate media, particularly the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN, as fake news. He refused to acknowledge the results of the 2020 presidential election and did not attend Biden’s inauguration, repeating the contention that the election was stolen. Most recently and significantly, Trump has pledged to end the Ukraine proxy war and forge a diplomatic settlement with Russia, thus potentially averting a nuclear war, a prospect the fanatical Biden regime seems determined to provoke.   

Of course, what Trump says and what Trump does are two different things, but the salient point is that he says them and he names the names, like that of warmonger Victoria Nuland, and that is not allowed in a permanent war economy run by neoconservatives.   

Furthermore, Washington displays a spectacle of venal corruption.  Disgust with politicians, compounded by a loss of confidence in U.S. elections and the justice system, has created a tinderbox of smoldering discontent in a nation further divided by the Trump indictments.

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s justification for the federal indictment of Trump, to wit: “Adherence to the rule of law is a bedrock principle of the Department of Justice, and our nation’s commitment to the rule of law sets an example for the world.  We have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone,” is a farcical assertion given U.S. imperialism’s lawless conduct around the world, not to mention the unindicted corrupt behavior of Trump contemporaries, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and the “big guy’s” son, Hunter. Smith’s hypocritical proclamation is one that is sure to enrage followers of the orange icon as well as fair-minded citizens who oppose the dual system of justice that prevails in America.

The specter of a violent reaction to a Trump imprisonment involving political assassination or armed revolt is a real possibility in a country that hosts a sizeable and well-armed pro-Trump right-wing militia movement that includes many ex-military and police adherents. 

Conversely, a Trump legal victory in the courts does not preclude a violent resolution to the contradictions inherent in a right-wing political movement whose leader uses fake populist rhetoric to ensure his political ascendency in the face of establishment opposition.

The threat of political violence, perpetrated by the state or by an individual, is particularly grave in a country with an infamous history of attempted assassinations of its presidents as well as contenders for the nation’s highest office. Some were successful, some were not. Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, George Wallace, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan come immediately to the studious mind.

By indicting Trump, the Democrats are playing with fire. The result may be incendiary, thereby highlighting the need for progressive opposition to heightening political reaction and two-party plutocratic rule in the American banana republic.   


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Donald Monaco is a writer and political analyst who lives in Brooklyn, New York.  He received his Master’s Degree in Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1979 and was radicalized by the Vietnam War.  He writes from an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist perspective.  His most recent book is titled, The Politics of Empire, and is available at   

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on 15 June at the NATO summit in Brussels to discuss Iran and other important aspects of the US-Israel relationship, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Gallant discussed with his Austin claims that “Iran stimulates attacks against Israel using proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, and the West Bank, and reiterated Israel’s right to self-defense,” the Israeli paper said.

Before departing for Belgium, Gallant said he would discuss with Austin “the implementation of the joint commitment of both our countries to make sure Iran will never possess nuclear military capabilities.”

Israeli threats against Iran have intensified in recent months amid unconfirmed reports that Washington is close to reaching an interim or partial nuclear deal with Tehran through indirect talks in Oman.

Israel opposes a US nuclear deal with Iran, while Iranian officials have made clear they will only accept a full return to the nuclear deal signed with the Obama administration in 2015. The Trump administration withdrew from the deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), unilaterally in 2018. The JCPOA placed limits on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.

Despite US negotiations with Iran, the US military has expanded military cooperation with Israel this year and carried out exercises viewed as veiled threats against Iran, such as the Juniper Oak exercise in January.

The exercise involved 7,900 personnel, 142 combat aircraft, twelve warships, and activities across all domains (sea, air, land, space, and cyber). The main goals of the exercise were to improve interoperability and to demonstrate the ability to surge forces into the region in the event of war with Iran.

Reports emerged that the exercise simulated strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities, though US officials denied this.

In March, Austin met with Gallant in Israel. At the time, Austin said that although the Biden administration “continues to believe in diplomacy,” it would “not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon.”

Despite ongoing political differences between the Biden administration and the Israeli government regarding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposed legislation to overhaul the Israeli judiciary, the military alliance between the two remains strong.

Austin said he “wanted to be here to make something very clear: America’s commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad, and it’s going to stay that way. As President [Joe] Biden said in his visit to Israel last year, ‘The connection between the Israeli people and the American people is bone deep.’ Israel is a major strategic partner for the US.”


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Featured image: US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (L) and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant meet in Brussels on June 15, 2023. (Photo Credit Elad Malcha/Defense Ministry)

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Portuguese drone manufacturer Tekever has told Defense News it will provide some of its long-endurance systems to Kyiv to support land and maritime operations, a move bankrolled by the United Kingdom’s International Fund for Ukraine.

Earlier this month, the British Defence Ministry shared a video on social media showcasing military equipment being provided by the IFU account to Ukrainian troops. Launched last summer, the first IFU deliveries — funded by Denmark, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands and the U.K. — will begin to arrive in July.

Open-source intelligence analysts were quick to identify what appears to be Malloy T150 quadcopters manufactured by the British company Malloy Aeronautics, the DeltaQuad Pro VTOL drone produced by Dutch firm DeltaQuad, and the Astero ISR system from Denmark’s Nordic Wing. Two other unspecified drone models can be seen in the footage, with one shown taking off vertically and launched via catapult.

The British Defence Ministry declined to comment on specific platforms in the video.

Defense News can, however, confirm that one of the two unidentified drones is the Tekever AR3 Vertical Takeoff and Landing system, manufactured by the Lisbon-based firm Tekever.

“Yes, our Tekever AR3 system is depicted in the video produced by the UK MoD,” a company representative told Defense News. “It includes images of the drone being deployed with support of a catapult — which we can use for extended endurance operations up to 16 hours — and in an optional VTOL configuration. Each operator can easily choose which variant it wants to use for a specific mission.”

Tekever’s CEO and founder, Ricardo Mendes, added that the company is “very proud to support Ukraine and thankful to the UK MoD and IFU for allowing us to contribute to one of the most important causes of our lifetime.”

The AR3 is a small, long-endurance drone designed to provide wide-area surveillance for both land and maritime missions. It has a maximum payload capacity of 4 kilograms (9 pounds), can fly at a cruise speed of 75-90 kph (47-56 mph) and can also be recovered via parachute.

Some of the military operators of the AR3 include Portugal, the UK, and Nigeria. Hence, its label in the footage, NAF 167 (an acronym used for the Nigerian Air Force), raised the question as to where the drones were purchased from.

“I can confirm that Nigeria purchased a number of the Tekever AR3 platforms from Tekever Ltd. of Portugal. However, all the drones acquired are currently operating in Nigeria — none have been donated in any way or form to Ukraine or any other country,” Maj. MS Muhammad, deputy defense adviser to the Nigeria High Commission in the U.K., told Defense News.

He added that the drone shown in the video with the NAF 167 label, which does indeed stand for Nigerian Air Force, “must have been provided by the manufacturer, or the clip used in the said tweet might have come from the company’s promotional videos, as the model with that particular number is presently in use in Nigeria.”

It is important to note that the individual platforms showcased in the video are not necessarily the final ones that Ukraine will receive, but rather were provided by industry partners to display some capabilities provided as part of the first $212 million defense package announced in February.

The second IFU procurement, referred to as Urgent Bidding Round 2, launched on April 11. The first capability package resulting from that second round was announced earlier this week and will include a $188 million air defense package. Capabilities requested include sensors to detect and track cruise missiles, low-flying drones and/or ballistic missiles, air burst rounds for cannon-based air defense systems, and sensor-guided air defense cannons to defeat low-flying drones and cruise missiles.

Johan Hjelmstrand, a press officer for Sweden’s defense minister, noted much of the IFU account is unspent, and that some companies either do not go public with related contracts or that not all contracts are yet signed, but that “more packages are on the way.”

In terms of how the fund operates, Martynas Bendikas, a strategic adviser with the Lithuanian Defence Ministry’s public affairs team, explained that defense ministries contribute only with financial resources. Following this, an international public tender is organized for specific military equipment, and all seven countries’ companies can participate.

“However, so far, Lithuanian drones are being sent to Ukraine in other formats,” she said.


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Elisabeth Gosselin-Malo is a Europe correspondent for Defense News. She covers a wide range of topics related to military procurement and international security, and specializes in reporting on the aviation sector. She is based in Milan, Italy.

Featured image: A PT-8 Oceanwatch payload is seen integrated on the Tekever AR5 drone. (Courtesy of Tekever)

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