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She said in this conversation, “Yats is the guy!” And imagine that this was not a leaked conversation between Ms. Nuland and Mr. Pyatt, but that this was a conversation that was conducted in 2016 during the Trump-Clinton electoral contest…and in the course of that conversation, Mr Lavrov says, “Trump is the guy!” And then Trump becomes the President of the United States. Would anybody in Congress deny for one second that there had been a coup?” Dimitri Lascaris, from this week’s interview.


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In the last few days, we are hearing about the prospect of Russia blowing up the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant which they secured early in the war, similarly to the way they supposedly blew up the  Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine in mid-June. Russia, of course denies the charges and counters that the culprit in both instances is Ukraine itself. However, the narrative should the explosion happen by either side would cause radioactive damage to the surrounding area.

As writer Joachim Hagopian explains in a recent article:

“The westward wind could potentially carry the lethal radioactive fallout straight into NATO countries Poland, the Baltic States and Germany. At this point, Article 5 of NATO would then immediately go into effect, and Zelensky will have successfully pulled the trigger giving NATO/US/West excuse to enter a nuclear world war against Russia.” [1]

Even with the most significant nuclear scare in history off the table, the casualties are piling up, both Russian and Ukrainian.

But mainstream media seems to speak about the conflict, not in brutal and honest relayers of the war in all its contradictions and complexities, and more one-sided and up-lifting for “our” friends and allies on the ground fighting. Much like the coach in a movie where the boxer is losing and needs an uplifting speech by his coach (cue Rocky music!)

The readers of Global Research, and listeners of Global Research News Hour definitely want the truth in all its brutality ahead of comforting fictional narratives and we have done our best to bring some of those dissident thinkers to the attention of audiences around the world.

But what of the efforts by individuals who go the extra length to actually visit the Russian State and strike up dialogues in everyone’s common interest? This was indeed the task of sitting diplomats. Prime Minister Trudeau is suspiciously, to cite a saying frequently alleged to originating from Winston Churchill, too pre-occupied in shouting “War! War!” to engage in “Jaw! Jaw!”[2][3]

But alternative voices in Canada would take up the challenge of de-escalating tensions through such mechanisms, which is why today, we will be spending the entire hour listening to the latest individual seeking to see the conflict through the eyes of our “enemy.” His name is Dimitri Lascaris.

Dimitri Lascaris is a lawyer who has been practicing for about three decades. He is also a journalist and an activist. He felt obligated to do whatever he could to replace what he saw as known falsehoods in the mainstream media outlets with the more accurate depictions he came to after nearly a year of researching. What’s more, he would use his abilities to connect the people of Russia with the people in Canada and work toward preventing the battle in Ukraine to escalate into the long-dreaded nuclear extinction moment.

Dimitri toured Russia and Crimea for 4 weeks in April. He was completely self financed not having received a dime (or ruble) from the State coffers. When he returned to Canada, he went speaking across 12 cities in Canada to raise in awareness about what he saw and where the path to peace might lie. The Global Research News Hour was delighted to record his speech in Winnipeg, delivered on the 22nd of June.

He has become a bit of a target throughout the campaign, although in large part, he still managed to meet Canadians.

Dimitri Lascaris is a lawyer, a journalist and an activist. From 2004 to 2016 he was a member of Canada’s leading class action law firm Siskinds LLP. He now works pro-bono legal cases. In 2020, he ran for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada and placed second with  45.5% of the membership.


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  2. Allan Woods (Feb. 19, 2022), ‘Canada supports Ukraine, but why aren’t we talking to Russia?’, The Toronto Star;
  3. Richard Norton-Taylor (Sept 10, 2015), ‘Jaw-jaw is better than war-war’, The Guardian;

Artificial Intelligence: More US Coercive Diplomacy

July 6th, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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We already see 20% – 50% productivity growth from AI.

And we are still just 7 months after release of ChatGPT!

To develop, no country can be without AI.

Earlier this year, Mark Austin, the vice president of data science at AT&T, noticed that some of the company’s developers had started using the ChatGPT chatbot at work.

When the developers got stuck, they asked ChatGPT to explain, fix or hone their code.It seemed to be a game-changer, Mr. Austin said.

But since ChatGPT is a publicly available tool, he wondered if it was secure for businesses to use.So in January, AT&T tried a product from Microsoft called Azure OpenAI Services that lets businesses build their own A.I.-powered chatbots. AT&T used it to create a proprietary A.I. assistant, Ask AT&T, which helps its developers automate their coding process.

AT&T’s customer service representatives also began using the chatbot to help summarize their calls, among other tasks.“Once they realize what it can do, they love it,” Mr. Austin said. Forms that once took hours to complete needed only two minutes with Ask AT&T so employees could focus on more complicated tasks, he said, and developers who used the chatbot increased their productivity by 20 to 50 percent. See this.

Without AI, as I have said earlier, a country will become Stone Age. 

The US controls all the big AI models – other countries like India mostly build on US models.

The US controls the big data centers needed to run those models.

The US controls the advanced chips needed to build those big data centers.

This gives the US enormous opportunities for coercive diplomacy against ANY country which doesn’t jump when the US says “jump”.

We already see that start of US coercive diplomacy in AI and chips.

China was well underway with its AI model Wu-Dao 2.0 until the US sanctioned the advanced chips which China needs to build high-power data centers and develop its AI to an advanced state.

The US is also sanctioning China from buying the machinery needed to build its own advanced chips. And the US is of course also banning China from using US owned data centers to run its AI models.

China can still make “AI”, but only on a small scale for limited purposes. So we already have a whole chain of US coercive diplomacy working against China and – of course – Russia as well.

This is very important for the rest of the world, because with China out of the way (so to speak), the US creates a global monopoly for itself in AI and advanced computing.

Does your country trade “too much” with China? Do you trade with Russia or Iran at all? Do you not allow the US to send an “NGO” to criticize your government? Are you taking steps against US-backed “color revolution”? Do you not eagerly enough follow US orders?

Then the US may declare that your country is “a risk”.

Countries deemed a “risk” by the US may suddenly be restricted from the latest AI models – and even from using the most advanced US-owned data centers. And because the US has eliminated China from advanced AI and computing, your country cannot go elsewhere for your AI computing – you are controlled by the US.

This can have serious consequences for you. Already in two years, AI may be needed to manage your agriculture. Your companies will depend on AI for customer service, finance, and product development. Your government will depend on AI for tax collection, administration, and public services. And your military will depend on AI for intelligence and operations. This will all be ultimately controlled by the US.

You may think that your country is safe. After all, you are not at war with the US, are you?

But then look to what the US does to South Africa. What has South Africa ever done to the US?

Oh… that’s right. South Africa allowed Russia and China to participate in a naval exercise. How bad! South Africa is a member of BRICS too.

Such are the “crimes” of South Africa against the US. And South Africa is already being punished by the US for those “crimes”.

Because, incidentally South Africa depends on nuclear powerplants originally built by US companies, and South Africa needs US spare parts to keep running. And even without any official sanctions, the US “just stopped” giving export licenses for the sale of spare parts for South Africa’s nuclear power plants. There was no official American explanation for the embargo of US spare parts for nuclear power to South Africa – but it just “happened” to be at the same time at the US diplomacy heavily criticizes South Africa for its relations with China and Russia.

The result of this US coercion is that South African lives and the South African economy is being destroyed by black-outs in electricity supply from the nuclear power plants which the US has banned US companies from servicing.

Now, fortunately there are other countries which are clever in nuclear technology, so South Africa might find a solution with Russia about this. But AI is different. With China and Russia out of the way in AI, there will be none other than the US controlling AI.

Relying on US-controlled AI, your country can easily come into a predicament with US AI-restrictions over the next few years.

And it may be just as costly for your country – or even worse – than cuts in your electricity supply.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

The Fossil Fuel Proliferation Threat

July 6th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Climate change negotiations and debates are characterised by some curious features. For one, there are interminable stretches of discussion that never seem to feature the agents of cause. Chatter about horrendous fires, toxic smoke, and environmental degradation often skirts around the culprit of anthropogenic change, so ably aided by fossil fuels.

With the fossil fuel industries of so many countries buried in the treaty back cover and the subtext, their existence continues to thrive. Oil, coal and gas projects are being approved in an almost schizoid manner even as the trendily minded cosy up to the message of renewable energy. As the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative notes,

“While the Paris Agreement set a crucial global climate target, many governments – including self-proclaimed climate leaders – have continued to approve new coal, oil, and gas projects even though burning the world’s current fossil fuel reserves would result in seven times more emissions than what is compatible with keeping warming below 1.5°C.”

Emblematic of this are such projects as the expansion of Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline, which has seen government money poured into a project private investment simply would not back. In 2018, when the private company Kinder Morgan sought to cancel the initiative due to prohibitive costs, the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acquired the pipeline for C$4.5 billion.

Continued opposition from the indigenous Secwepemc and environmental activists has been rebuffed, even as Trudeau boasts of his green credentials on the world stage. To quote Angela V. Carter, a political scientist based at the University of Waterloo, “There’s two versions of reality here, and they’re not aligned.” In her view, “one of two things is going to happen. We’re either blowing well past 1.5 degrees or we’re aligning actions to meet [climate targets]. We can’t have it both ways.”

In a peculiar twist of policy, one deservedly seen as ironic, moronic and ghoulish, governments are aiding – dare one even say cuddling? – the fossil fuel industry through massive subsidies and funding. In this exercise of offering a pillow and tea-party for the environmental assassin, The Economist, not exactly a leftwing bomb thrower, came to a staggering figure: the industry, according to 2019 figures, was receiving annual subsidies to the tune of to $427 billion. In Australia alone, both state and federal governments underwrote fossil fuels to the value of A$11.6 billion in 2021/22.

Much like Canada, Australia faces the expansive power of a fossil fuel lobby which sees no interest in surrendering its influence. It is no exaggeration to say that this lobby has destroyed the careers of several prime ministers, with the hope of doing away with a few more.

The Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources 2022 report from the Office of the Chief Economist avoids mentioning climate change altogether. Emissions are only mentioned from the perspective of projected reductions, be they in terms of steel production or the iron ore supply chain. And in a curious twist, “new energy metals” such as nickel, cobalt and lithium are praised in the reduction effort, focused as they are on the production of battery cathode precursors and such conserving devices.

Despite the Albanese government being, on paper, a more ecologically sound one than its predecessor, little seems to have changed in the stunted Federal Environment portfolio. From that office, coal mine approvals or expansions have been issued like the enthusiastic emissions they will cause. The Australia Institute has found, much to its horror, that there are 26 additional proposals for new or expanded coal mines on the books pending federal government approval. To these can already be added two approvals since May 2022. “Approving 28 new coal mines,” warns the thinktank, “and the 12.6 billion tonnes of emissions they would cause, is incompatible with limiting dangerous climate change.”

In March, the Australia Institute’s chief economist, Richard Denniss, noted no fewer than 116 new coal, oil and gas projects awaiting in the approvals pipeline. Were these to go ahead, an extra 1.4 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases would make their way into the atmosphere on an annual basis by 2030. This would be almost three times Australia’s domestic emissions in 2021-2, which came to 490 million tonnes. “That’s the equivalent,” writes Denniss, “of starting up 215 new coal power stations, based on the average emissions of Australia’s current existing coal power stations.”

This is further complicated by the accounting regime for such production. The emissions framework as it stands tends to consider onshore emissions, not what happens at the export destination. Most of Australia’s oil, coal and gas will find their way into foreign markets, making something of a nonsense of the containment thesis on fossil fuels.

Any number of wise words issuing from such bodies as Australia’s Climate Change Council only serve to highlight the chasm between sagacious warnings and the ruthless continuation of the status quo. Initiatives such as free rooftop solar, pumped hydro, storage batteries and electric vehicle charging stations will mean little till the deep-seated influence of the fossil fuel lobby is wound back in the corridors of government power.

For any genuine change to take place, such initiatives as nailing down a non-proliferating fossil fuels regime, would have to take place. Till that happens, hope will have to rest in the hands of eager child litigants, the legal instincts of First Nations peoples, and an assortment of brief-wielding allies concerned about the genuine risks of harm that will arise from catastrophic climate change.  To the courts they have gone, as many others will go. But as this takes place, fossil fuel proliferation continues.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Greenpeace

Despite Warnings, IAEA Approves Japan Release Plan for Contaminated Fukushima Water

By Jon Queally, July 06, 2023

Despite years of protest and warnings from environmentalists, the United Nation’s nuclear watchdog on Tuesday approved a plan by Japan to release tens of millions of gallons of water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean.

Blood Clots: Major Problem with Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Some Are Lucky to Survive Like NFL Hall of Famer Deion Sanders

By Dr. William Makis, July 06, 2023

WHO’s VigiAccess database lists 5.1 million adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, including: 29751 Pulmonary Embolism, 20251 thrombosis, 20017 DVT, 18077 cerebrovascular accident, 9695 MI, 5308 Ischemic stroke, 4807 cerebral infarction, 3255 SVT, 2495 cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, 2204 venous thrombosis limb.

Circle the Wagons: The Government Is on the Warpath

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, July 06, 2023

Compare the following list of “don’ts” the government is prohibited from doing with the growing list of abuses to which “we the people” are subjected on a daily basis, and you will find that we have reached a state of crisis wherein the government is routinely breaking the law and violating its contractual obligations. 

Washington-based Think Tank: Russia Unlikely to Ever Run Out of Missiles

By Drago Bosnic, July 05, 2023

After Moscow’s long-range and tactical aviation, as well as naval and ground-based units, spent the entire special military operation (SMO) launching high-precision strikes by using advanced PGMs that quite literally nobody else has (the United States included), the mainstream propaganda machine simply had to admit something was seriously off with their assessment of Russia’s technological and industrial capacity.

Like Halliburton in Iraq, BlackRock to Rake in a Trillion, “Rebuilding the Destruction” Which They Financed in Ukraine

By Matt Agorist, July 05, 2023

In the midst of a brutal conflict in Ukraine, two of the world’s financial titans, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase, are seemingly leading the charge in an ostensible humanitarian effort. They are helping to establish the Ukraine Development Fund, a reconstruction bank designed to steer public seed capital into projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment.

Beyond Insanity: White House Wants to Block Sunlight to Save Planet From ‘Global Warming’

By Zero Hedge, July 05, 2023

Despite the European Commission’s recent warning that large-scale interventions such as solar engineering to reverse ‘climate change’ could have “unintended consequences,” the White House published a new report Friday indicating that the Biden administration wants to manipulate planetary systems to block the sunlight to save the planet.

Could China Strike First?

By Eric Margolis, July 05, 2023

Ellsberg revealed that in the event of war, the US government intended to hit all of China’s major cities and ports with nuclear weapons. This plan has particular resonance today as Communist China and the United States edge ever closer to a major war over Taiwan and the South China Sea.

‘The gravity of the situation cannot be understated’: An Eyewitness Account From the Israeli Assault on Jenin

By Mustafa Sheta, July 05, 2023

I stand before you to share my personal account of the events that unfolded in Jenin refugee camp early this morning. The Israeli military operation commenced with an aggressive assault on sites believed to be affiliated with the Palestinian resistance. They claimed these locations as their targets, launching three missiles that resulted in the loss of innocent lives and left many wounded.

Dangerous Crossroads: The Zaporozhiya Nuclear Plant, Zelenskiy’s Next Simulacra? Impending “False Flag”

By Dr. Gordon M. Hahn, July 05, 2023

It appears almost certain that Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskiy and his generals, rather than Russian President Vladimir Putin and his, are considering and preparing a false flag nuclear provocation at the Zaporozhiya nuclear power plant (ZNPP) set for July 7-9 to frame NATO summit and perhaps also to provide political cover for a Polish-Baltic republic move of forces into western Ukraine.

West Frustrated by Ukrainian Military Advancing Only “in Metres, Rather Than Kilometres”

By Ahmed Adel, July 05, 2023

Admiral Rob Bauer, head of the NATO Military Committee, said deliveries of F-16 fighter jets to Kiev were postponed until the counteroffensive was completed. This represents a major blow to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who has been pleading with NATO members to provide fighter jets, including F-16s, and all while his military advances, supposedly, in only metres instead of kilometres.

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Blood clots have been a major problem with all COVID-19 vaccines, including Pfizer and Moderna.

I have written several substack articles about those who have died from clots:

  • April 30, 2023 – Blood clots – pulmonary emboli in young women – 14 cases
  • April 11, 2023 – Strokes are skyrocketing in young people
  • March 6, 2023 – Blood clots – young people having amputations

Those who have survived blood clots after COVID-19 vaccines are lucky to be alive but most have had a very difficult course.

June 23, 2023 – 55 year old NFL Hall of Famer and Colorado Buffaloes head coach Deion Sanders has struggled with blood clots in legs that resulted in 2 toes amputated. He recently had surgery to remove clots and avoid further amputation (click here)

July 1, 2023 – 45 yo actor Tyler Labine is recovering from a stomach ache that “turns out to be a potentially fatal blood clot in your intestines and liver and you have to spend the next 3 days in the hospital trying not to die” (he was fully COVID-19 vaccinated)

June 6, 2023 – Elizabethton, Tennessee – Larry Bowers (works at James H. Quillen VA Medical Center) had clots removed from his leg. He is fully COVID-19 vaccinated and believes they were caused by COVID-19, not the vaccines.

May 25, 2023 – Hartford, CT – Kristen Ann Mallinson, a business major, had Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines with 3 boosters. She was hospitalized 11 days with blood clots in lungs and heart, with a 6” blood clot in the heart (picture below). She regrets getting vaccines (click here)

May 21, 2022 – Brisbane, Australia – 26 yo Dani Duchatel died suddenly in front of her family while playing cards after dinner. Doctors believe a blood clot from a recent operation on her leg travelled to her lung causing a pulmonary embolism. Nonsense. (click here)

Feb. 1, 2023 – Willington, UK – 20 year old footballer Levi Dewey went to hospital with flu symptoms, then suffered severe sepsis and had to have both legs amputated after suffering multiple organ failure (click here)

Jan. 1, 2023 – UK Piano Teacher Julianna Bransden suffered catastrophic injuries after COVID-19 vaccines (click here)

Julianna was fully COVID-19 vaccinated. On Dec. 23, 2022 she developed flu like symptoms and on Jan. 1, 2023 she had two cardiac arrests, went into septic shock, multiple systemic organ failure, needing full life support.

She was diagnosed with sepsis resulting from an aggressive form of pneumonia. After weeks of fighting, she had to undergo surgery to amputate both of her legs below the knee and will lose most of her fingers.

Oct. 24, 2022 – 29 year old Krystina Pacheco suffered toxic shock syndrome after giving birth to her daughter on Oct. 24, 2022, resulting in the amputation of her hands and feet days later.

Dec. 2021 – 40 year old Twitter user regrets getting COVID-19 vaccines (click here)

Nov. 2021 – Bryant, AR – Brandy Byrd-Brazeale, a 5th grade teacher took two Pfizer mRNA vaccines hesitantly and 2 months later developed DVT in her right leg which ultimately led to a pulmonary embolism in her right lung (click here)

April 2021 – Sherri Whiting is a licensed realtor. A friend of hers got a Moderna shot and 2 weeks later they thought she was having a stroke. It was a blood clot that went from her elbow to her shoulder (click here)

My Take…

All COVID-19 vaccines are thrombogenic (cause blood clots): Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J. The latter two were taken off the market for causing blood clots.

WHO’s VigiAccess database lists 5.1 million adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, including: 29751 Pulmonary Embolism, 20251 thrombosis, 20017 DVT, 18077 cerebrovascular accident, 9695 MI, 5308 Ischemic stroke, 4807 cerebral infarction, 3255 SVT, 2495 cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, 2204 venous thrombosis limb

That’s over 100,000 reported blood clot events in one adverse event reporting system. Apply an under-reporting factor of 10x or 100x and that means there are between 1 million and 10 million COVID-19 vaccinated people with blood clots.

Some of them fatal.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

Circle the Wagons: The Government Is on the Warpath

July 6th, 2023 by John W. Whitehead

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

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“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”Harry S. Truman

How many Americans have actually bothered to read the Constitution, let alone the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights (a quick read at 462 words)?

Take a few minutes and read those words for yourself—rather than having some court or politician translate them for you—and you will be under no illusion about where to draw the line when it comes to speaking your mind, criticizing your government, defending what is yours, doing whatever you want on your own property, and keeping the government’s nose out of your private affairs.

In an age of overcriminalization, where the average citizen unknowingly commits three crimes a day, and even the most mundane activities such as fishing and gardening are regulated, government officials are constantly telling Americans what not to do.

Yet it was not always this way.

It used to be “we the people” giving the orders, telling the government what it could and could not do. Indeed, the three words used most frequently throughout the Bill of Rights in regards to the government are “no,” “not” and “nor.”

Compare the following list of “don’ts” the government is prohibited from doing with the growing list of abuses to which “we the people” are subjected on a daily basis, and you will find that we have reached a state of crisis wherein the government is routinely breaking the law and violating its contractual obligations. 

For instance, the government is NOT allowed to restrict free speech, press, assembly or the citizenry’s ability to protest and correct government wrongdoing. Nevertheless, the government continues to prosecute whistleblowers, persecute journalists, criminalize expressive activities, crack down on large gatherings of citizens mobilizing to voice their discontent with government policies, and insulate itself and its agents from any charges of wrongdoing (or what the courts refer to as “qualified immunity”).

The government may NOT infringe on a citizen’s right to defend himself. Nevertheless, in many states, it’s against the law to carry a concealed weapon (gun, knife or even pepper spray), and the average citizen is permitted little self-defense against militarized police officers who shoot first and ask questions later.

The government may NOT enter or occupy a citizen’s house without his consent (the quartering of soldiers). Nevertheless, government soldiers (i.e., militarized police) carry out more than 80,000 no-knock raids on private homes every year, while maiming children, killing dogs and shooting citizens.

The government may NOT carry out unreasonable searches and seizures on the citizenry or their possessions, NOR can government officials issue warrants without some evidence of wrongdoing (probable cause). Unfortunately, what is unreasonable to the average American is completely reasonable to a government agent, for whom the ends justify the means. In such a climate, we have no protection against roadside strip searches, blood draws, DNA collection, SWAT team raids, surveillance or any other privacy-stripping indignity to which the government chooses to subject us.

The government is NOT to deprive anyone of life, liberty or property without due process. Nevertheless, the government continues to incarcerate tens of thousands of Americans whose greatest crime is being poor and not white. The same goes for those who are put to death, some erroneously, by a system weighted in favor of class and wealth.

The government may NOT take private property for public use without just compensation. Nevertheless, under the guise of the “greater public interest,” the government often hides behind eminent domain laws in order to allow megacorporations to tear down homes occupied by less prosperous citizens in order to build high-priced resorts and shopping malls.

Government agents may NOT force a citizen to testify against himself. Yet what is the government’s extensive surveillance network that spies on all of our communications but a thinly veiled attempt at using our own words against us?

The government is NOT permitted to claim any powers that are not expressly granted to them by the Constitution. This prohibition has become downright laughable as the government continues to claim for itself every authority that serves to swell its coffers, cement its dominion, and expand its reach.

Despite what some special interest groups have suggested to the contrary, the problems we’re experiencing today did not arise because the Constitution has outlived its usefulness or become irrelevant, nor will they be solved by a convention of states or a ratification of the Constitution.

No, the problem goes far deeper.

It can be traced back to the point at which “we the people” were overthrown as the center of the government. As a result, our supremacy has been undone, our authority undermined, and our experiment in democratic self-governance left in ruins.

No longer are we the rulers of this land. We have long since been deposed and dethroned, replaced by corporate figureheads with no regard for our sovereignty, no thought for our happiness, and no respect for our rights.

In other words, without our say-so and lacking any mandate, the point of view of the Constitution has been shifted from “we the people” to “we the government.” Our taxpayer-funded employees—our appointed servants—have stopped looking upon us as their superiors and started viewing as their inferiors.

Unfortunately, we’ve gotten so used to being dictated to by government agents, bureaucrats and militarized police alike that we’ve forgotten that WE are supposed to be the ones calling the shots and determining what is just, reasonable and necessary.

Then again, we’re not the only ones guilty of forgetting that the government was established to serve us as well as obey us. Every branch of government, from the Executive to the Judicial and Legislative, seems to be suffering this same form of amnesia. Certainly, when government programs are interpreted from the government’s point of view (i.e., the courts and legislatures), there is little the government CANNOT do in its quest for power and control.

We’ve been so brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing that the government is actually looking out for our best interests, when in fact the only compelling interesting driving government programs is maintain power and control by taking away our money and control. This vital truth, that the government exists for our benefit and operates at our behest, seems to have been lost in translation over two centuries dominated by government expansion, endless wars and centralized federal power.

Have you ever wondered why the Constitution begins with those three words “we the people”? It was intended to be a powerful reminder that everything flows from the citizenry. We the people are the center of the government and the source of its power. That “we” is crucial because it reminds us that there is power and safety in numbers, provided we stand united. We can accomplish nothing alone.

This is the underlying lesson of the Constitution, which outlines the duties and responsibilities of government. It was a mutual agreement formed by early Americans in order to ensure that when problems arose, they could address them together.

It’s like the wagon trains of the Old West, comprised of individual groups of pioneers. They rarely ventured out alone but instead traveled as convoys. And when faced with a threat, these early Americans formed their wagons into a tight circle in order to defend against invaders. In doing so, they presented a unified front and provided protection against an outside attack.

In much the same way, the Constitution was intended to work as an institutionalized version of the wagon circle, serving as a communal shield against those who would harm us.

Unfortunately, we have been ousted from that protected circle, left to fend for ourselves in the wilderness that is the American frontier today. Those who did the ousting—the courts, the politicians, and the corporations—have since replaced us with yes-men, shills who dance to the tune of an elite ruling class. In doing so, they have set themselves as the central source of power and the arbiters of what is just and reasonable.

Once again, we’re forced to navigate hostile terrain, unsure of how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from militarized police, weaponized drones, fusion centers, Stingray devices, SWAT team raids, the ongoing military drills on American soil, the government stockpiling of ammunition, the erection of mass detention centers across the country, and all other manner of abuses.

Read the smoke signals, and the warning is clear: the government is on the warpath.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, if we are to have any hope of surviving whatever is coming at us, it’s time to circle the wagons, folks.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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Introductory Note

Below is the Financial Times article which documents how BlackRock JPMorgan are “helping” Ukraine.

What is really at stake is the economic stranglehold of an entire country.

BlackRock, which is the World’s largest portfolio investment company together with JPMorgan have  come to the rescue of Ukraine. They are slated to set up the Ukraine Reconstruction Bank.

The stated objective is “to attract billions of dollars in private investment to assist rebuilding projects in a war-torn country”. (FT, June 19, 2023, see text below)

According to Colin Todhunter:

“… BlackRock, JP Morgan and private investors, aim to profit from the country’s reconstruction along with 400 global companies, including Citi, Sanofi and Philips. … JP Morgan’s Stefan Weiler sees a “tremendous opportunity” for private investors. (Colin Todhunter, Global Research June 28, 2023)

The Kiev Neo-Nazi regime is a partner in this endeavour. War is Good for Business. The greater the destruction, the greater the stranglehold on Ukraine by “private investors”. 

For a critical analysis see: 

How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis

By F. William Engdahl, July 02, 2023

The NeoCons’ Proxy War “Against Ukraine”: Nuclear War is On the Table. The Privatization of Ukraine

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 03, 2023

A Hard-Edged Rock: Waging Economic Warfare on Humanity

By Colin Todhunter, March 12, 2023

Like Halliburton in Iraq, BlackRock to Rake in a Trillion, “Rebuilding the Destruction” which They Financed in Ukraine

By Matt Agorist, July 03, 2023

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, July 5, 2023



BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase are helping the Ukrainian government set up a reconstruction bank to steer public seed capital into rebuilding projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment.

The Ukraine Development Fund remains in the planning stages and is not expected to fully launch until the end of hostilities with Russia. But investors will have a preview this week at a London conference co-hosted by the British and Ukrainian governments.

“So many of today’s long-term challenges are best addressed through blended finance and this is one. You need these vehicles to mobilise capital at scale,” said BlackRock vice-chair Philipp Hildebrand, who will be discussing the work on Wednesday.

The World Bank estimated in March(opens a new window) that Ukraine would need $411bn to rebuild after the war, and recent Russian attacks have driven that figure higher.

The Kyiv government engaged BlackRock’s consulting arm in November to determine how best to attract that kind of capital, and then added JPMorgan in February. Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced last month that the country was working with the two financial groups and consultants at McKinsey.

No formal fundraising target has been set but people familiar with the discussions say the fund is seeking to raise low-cost capital from governments, donors and international financial institutions and leverage it to attract between five and 10 times as much private investment.

BlackRock and JPMorgan are donating their services, although the work will give them an early look at possible investments in the country. The assignment also deepens JPMorgan’s relationship with a longstanding client. The bank has helped Ukraine raise more than $25bn in sovereign debt since 2010 and led the country’s $20bn debt restructuring last year.

Click here to read the full article.


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Astucias del Imperio del dólar

July 5th, 2023 by Jorge Majfud

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For approximately a year and a half, we have been listening to tall tales about Russia running out of munitions of various kinds due to its supposed “inability” to produce advanced weapons, particularly long-range missiles and other sorts of PGMs (precision-guided munitions). According to mainstream propaganda, Moscow is allegedly “so desperate” that it had to “arm” its soldiers with shovels and resort to the expropriation of washing machines, smartphones, laptops and other devices that contain microchips in order to maintain production. Such ludicrous claims would never be accepted by anyone remotely familiar with how advanced military technologies work.

However, they are an important segment of the rabidly Russophobic infowar that aims to present the Eurasian giant as supposedly “technologically backward”. And yet,  after Moscow’s long-range and tactical aviation, as well as naval and ground-based units, spent the entire special military operation (SMO) launching high-precision strikes by using advanced PGMs that quite literally nobody else has (the United States included), the mainstream propaganda machine simply had to admit something was seriously off with their assessment of Russia’s technological and industrial capacity. The latter should have been destroyed by Western sanctions close to a year and a half ago.

And yet, it’s still standing. The answer as to why this is the case was recently given by CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), a Washington DC-based think tank that is among the most prominent ones in the US. According to their assessment, Moscow is extremely unlikely to run out of PGMs and other long-range high-precision weapons, either for itself or its numerous export customers. Somewhat surprisingly, with no ambiguity or sugarcoating, Ian Williams, a Fellow of the International Security Program and Deputy Director of the Missile Defense Project at CSIS, has made it perfectly clear that it would be “unrealistic to expect Russia to ever run out of missiles”.

The author further notes that Moscow will be able to continue building long-range PGMs, which will enable it to sustain constant long-range strike capability, “despite sanctions and export restrictions”. And while the CSIS report parroted the usual propaganda narratives about Russia, such as that its military supposedly “regularly attacked a range of military and civilian targets throughout Ukraine with costly, long-range missiles”, its findings should certainly not be dismissed. It admitted that numerous weapons experts found conclusive evidence of recently manufactured Russian cruise missiles and other PGMs that have been used in the SMO.

Still, once again, the US think tank obviously didn’t want to let another opportunity to fight the infowar go to waste, so it claims that this supposedly “indicates that Russia’s arsenal has become so depleted that weapons are being used in the conflict just a few months after manufacturing”. And while most US and other Western high-ranking officials insisted that “rebuilding the Russian stockpile will be a lot harder” due to sanctions, particularly when it comes to acquiring microchips, the latest CSIS report disproves such claims, with the author complaining that export restrictions didn’t have the desired effect on Russian missile production.

“There is no one-off fix for this problem. At most, sanctions and export controls can limit the quantity and quality of strike assets Russia can acquire,” the report admits while simultaneously parroting the regular propaganda narrative. The author then continues with the mental gymnastics by trying to “rationalize” the said propaganda narrative in line with the actual situation on the battlefield, claiming that “it’s likely Russia swiftly used up the portion of the long-range missiles that it had originally designated for the SMO”. However, he admits that “despite this, Russia continued to launch missiles against Ukraine, perhaps by withdrawing munitions from other theaters of operation”, without specifying which ones.

The report concedes that Russia continued to produce missiles during the SMO and that the evidence suggests that the majority (or maybe even all) of cruise missiles in its current arsenal were made after the SMO started. Still, the author once again insists that the supposed “depletion” of pre-SMO stocks “has altered the composition of modern Russian strike salvos” and that “Russian missile attacks have shifted from high-end missile systems like cruise missiles towards less effective, less expensive low-end systems like ‘Shahed-136/Geranium 2’ kamikaze drones”.

However, the author fails to accept the fact that these systems are simply much more cost-effective, which is why they’re being used in the first place. The report admits that despite export restrictions, particularly on crucial microelectronic components, Russia has continued manufacturing advanced long-range missiles and PGMs. Still, the author insists this is because Russia is supposedly “acquiring these Western-produced components via friendly third parties”. According to the report, the result is that “Russia will continue having the capacity to build missiles and drones and will continue to use them” and that “this reality will not change until the war ends”.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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Kiev Attacks Russian Airport with Possible Western Help

July 5th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Kiev continues to promote terrorist maneuvers against civilian targets in the undisputed territory of the Russian Federation. On July 4, Moscow was the target of a new Ukrainian incursion with military drones hitting a major local airport. Russian forces were able to neutralize the terrorist threat in time to avoid disaster, however, there is evidence that Kiev received Western support to carry out the operation, which seriously increases the chances of escalation in the conflict.

On July 4, Ukraine launched an attack with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) against Vnukovo International Airport in Moscow. Five Ukrainian drones reached the area of the airport but were neutralized without causing damage. Four UAVs were shot down by Russian anti-aircraft defense and one was diverted by techniques of electronic warfare.

The airport’s activities were suspended for a few hours in the morning due to security restrictions, but they were quickly resumed after the destruction of enemy UAVs, having virtually no impact in the flights’ schedule. It was reported by the authorities that the downed drones would have dropped in the regions of Kubinka, Valuyevo and Krivosheevo.

The raid was considered a terrorist action by Russian officials. Spokesmen for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also pointed out that the complex nature of the operation makes clear the existence of Western aid. The US and other NATO members have not only provided Kiev with UAVs, but also extensive training in the use of these equipment, as well as intelligence information about the targets of the attacks and satellite images, which have facilitated the regime’s terrorist plans. For this reason, Russia considered NATO “complicit” in the July 4 attack.

Kiev, however, denied having any role in the incident. Indeed, denying responsibility in terrorist attacks has already become a common practice of the regime. Kiev’s modus operandi is to deny involvement immediately after cases and sometime later to make public statements that suggest responsibility. This was what happened, for example, in the case of the murder of Daria Dugina, in August 2022. At the time, Kiev denied involvement in the death, but months later the Ukrainian military intelligence chief General Kirill Budanov stated that his units would “keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of this world”, suggesting that Kiev was behind cases like the one of Daria.

This strategy of “postponing” and “suggesting without confirming” responsibility for the attacks helps the Kiev regime to maintain its image among Western public opinion. The mainstream media also play an important role in this game, as they work in strong disinformation campaigns, accusing Moscow of launching “false flags” to blame Ukraine. As citizens of western countries do not have access to Russian and pro-Russian media due to censorship, the tendency is for them to believe what is said by the big outlets, which leads them to endorse the support that their countries give to Ukraine.

However, the recent history of Kiev’s terrorist operations makes it very clear that there is Ukrainian responsibility for these assaults. The July 4 drones were just the latest in a huge wave of Ukrainian terrorist incursions into the undisputed territory of the Russian Federation. In recent months, neo-Nazi forces have launched several strikes against demilitarized civilian areas both in border oblasts and in the capital Moscow.

The most serious cases of these incursions in Moscow were the assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin in May, and the attack on residential buildings in the city later in the same month. Both incidents made clear the terrorist nature of the maneuvers that Kiev has been promoting in its alleged “counteroffensive”.

In fact, given their absolute inability to reverse the military scenario of the conflict, the Ukrainian forces have been betting on terrorism as a combat tool to keep active their propaganda that a “counteroffensive” is taking place. The regime has not enough strength to promote a large mobilization of troops on the ground and expel Russian soldiers from the liberated zones. Then, attacks are made against demilitarized areas and Russian civilian infrastructure.

Terrorism, from a technical point of view in military sciences, is the most primitive and poorest form of combat, used by armies in severe crisis and organizations without great military potential. Ukraine has become exactly that: an exhausted army, with no real fighting strength, but which is also forced to keep fighting in order to attend the interests of its Western sponsors. With no chance of victory in the regular war, it adopts terrorism as a combat method.

The Moscow airport attack shows how the so-called Ukrainian “counteroffensive” has been just a prolonged wave of terrorist attacks. This tends to lead to an escalation in the conflict, since the Russian State already has enough arguments to consider the Ukrainian State a terrorist organization and all NATO countries as state sponsors of terror.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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What are the English other than their excruciatingly worn class, kitted out with a code of manners revocable at an instant? A streak of traditional Englishness, as A. A. Gill wrote, stresses bullying. It made them great in the hope of making others small. A towering creature like Charles James Fox may well have added his worth to the abolition of slavery, but he was an inveterate, stinking bully. And there was much of this recently in the normally staid atmosphere at the so-called home of cricket, a game invented to preserve an Englishman’s sense of providence and eternity.

The occasion was the Second Test Match between the oldest of cricket rivals – England and Australia. As is customary, both teams make their way through what is known as the Long Room, an antiquated structure featuring portraits of the various flannel dressed figures that matter to the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC). Importantly, the teams doing combat go through the room, to be witnessed like dressed gladiators before battle. And close do these figures come to the members, who clap, encourage and tease as well as they might. Drinks, as usual, flow as the performance takes place.

But something happened on the field that was supposedly not to take place. In the final day’s session, with England making an ultimately doomed assault in an otherwise glorious run chase, Johnny Bairstow was stumped by Australia’s wicket keeper Alex Carey. The stumping did not breach any of the game’s rules; in truth, it was very much within them.

The English expressed lofty, even outraged disagreement. Bairstow, believing the ball dead and the over concluded (for those unfamiliar with this most eccentric, at sometimes soporific of games, an over is a phase of play featuring six deliveries). An opportunistic Carey thought otherwise, throwing the ball at the stumps. The regulation in question, Law 20.1.2, reads as follows: “The ball shall be considered to be dead when it is clear to the bowler’s end umpire that the fielding side and both batters at the wicket have ceased to regard it as in play.” (Read on reader, read on.)

The English team captain, Ben Stokes, every bit the Celtic, bat savaging berserker, whose own performance should be immortalised, got distracted. He moralised about what could only have been described as Bairstow’s lack of awareness, like a dodo caught off-guard: he would not have wanted to achieve victory “in that manner”. The English coach, Brendon McCullum, spoke on Bairstow’s befuddled behalf by insisting that, in his view, the umpires had declared the over finished. (They had not.) In the famed Long Room, the Australian team faced braying and baying and jostling from the gin-filled MCC members, leading to the suspension of a mere three members.

Far from the oxidised memories of these good members, who spend decades hoping to be admitted to the club, was the sharp, unforgiving conduct of England’s own hero, WG Grace, who ran out Australia’s Sammy Jones in the 1882 Oval Test match for straying from his crease. Like Bairstow, Jones had acted under a mistaken belief that the ball was dead. “I taught the lad a lesson,” Grace duly boasted. For these English, history happened to another version of themselves.

Things came to a pretty pass, however, when the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, a multimillionaire merchant banker with an even wealthier wife, a rule breaker himself when Chancellor of the Exchequer regarding pandemic regulations, and a keen proponent of turning back boats and repelling asylum seekers, weighed in. “The prime minister agrees with Ben Stokes,” stated his spokesman. “He said he simply wouldn’t want to win a game in the manner Australia did.”

Such magnificently discordant conduct did not pass unnoticed in The Guardian. Here was a man, Marina Hyde caustically chided, “whose wife’s tax affairs were for so long within the letter of the law, but certainly not the spirit of it”. Nor had Sunak bothered to turn up to a vote on the standards committee’s report on former Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Partygate deceptions on holding gatherings that breached both the spirit and the letter of pandemic restrictions. “Is true leadership having a view on a stumping but not on whether it’s actually bad to lie to parliament? It is now.”

The broader reaction to the Bairstow stumping, from the sozzled, liver cured MCC members to the opportunistic, politically beleaguered Sunak, was also astonishing given the England and Wales Cricket Board own savage report instancing cases of racism, sexism, elitism and class prejudices.

Hardly cricket, you might say, made even starker by the treatment offered Australia’s own Pakistan-born batsman, Usman Khawaja. For his part, Khawaja took to a stoic mode, one that would have made many a cricketing Oxbridge figure proud. “The [Lord’s] crowd is great,” he told the Nine channel, “particularly the members are great, (but) some of the stuff coming out of the members’ mouths was really disappointing.”

The Australian reaction should not have surprised, and some of it came from well cured terrain, encyclopedically trained to England’s cricketing deficiencies. “If there’s a certain percentage of yahoos around then there’s a certain percentage of yahoos at Lord’s,” growled former Australian cricket captain, Ian Chappell. “Have they forgotten this is the same mob who had a fight during my brother’s centenary Test at Lord’s?”

Chappell has always been one of the game’s great cutting distillers, filtering the clogging cloaca to give us that most glorious clear image about the sporting figures he admires or detests. “I understand where Jonny Bairstow is coming from and I applaud what he’s trying to do, he’s trying to live up to the etiquette of the game which is when the bowler is ready to bowl, you’ve got to be ready to face up.” On this occasion, silly Bairstow did not do things “sensibly”.

In Australia, the conduct of the MCC members, and the English supporters more broadly, became a source of interest for the government. Might this ignite the impetus for Australia to become a republic? Maybe. But for just that rarest of moments, the Australian men’s cricket team, not always famed for their sportsmanlike disposition, could gaze at England’s runny complaints from the summit, and chortle about having a better understanding of the laws set by, of all bodies, the MCC itself.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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In the midst of a brutal conflict in Ukraine, two of the world’s financial titans, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase, are seemingly leading the charge in an ostensible humanitarian effort. They are helping to establish the Ukraine Development Fund, a reconstruction bank designed to steer public seed capital into projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment. However, as those who are familiar with the words of Gen. Smedley Butler might ask, is this really an altruistic endeavor, or just another face of the long-standing war racket?

The echoes of Halliburton’s billion-dollar contracts during the Iraq war are deafening. These corporations, the backbone of the military-industrial complex, have found a golden opportunity in mass murder. The strategy is as lucrative as it is grotesque: profiteering from death, destruction, and then the subsequent taxpayer-funded reconstruction of the rubble they helped to create — all while maintaining a veneer of benevolence.

When we delve into the intricacies of the Ukraine Development Fund, the disturbing reality begins to surface. The World Bank estimates that Ukraine would need a whopping $411 billion to rebuild after the war. Here, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase see a bountiful harvest. The roles they will play in leveraging taxpayer funds provide them with the potential for astronomical profits that would easily dwarf any of their alleged “donated” services.

The chilling parallels between Ukraine and the Iraq war are impossible to ignore. Halliburton reaped billions from no-bid contracts to rebuild what had been shattered by war. Tens of thousands of lives were lost, and a nation grappled with the fallout of a foreign intervention, while Halliburton and others cashed in on the chaos.

The more the dust of devastation settles over Ukraine, the clearer the profit margins become for BlackRock and their ilk. War and its aftermath create an ideal breeding ground for opportunistic corporate parasites. The brutal dance of destruction and reconstruction is a double-edged sword, inflicting deep wounds on humanity while filling the coffers of these corporations.

The financial giants’ noble facade of assisting Ukraine overlooks the brutal truth: the longer the war rages, the more they stand to gain. This harsh reality epitomizes Butler’s assertion that “war is a racket,” with the likes of BlackRock, JPMorgan, and the broader military-industrial complex reaping significant profits from the suffering and despair of millions.

What we witness here is not just war profiteering but the transformation of war itself into a highly profitable venture for corporations. These entities have a vested interest in prolonging conflict. The more extensive the destruction, the higher the potential for profit during the reconstruction phase. This dynamic serves to reinforce a system that feeds off conflict, creating an environment that incentivizes the perpetuation of war, despite its catastrophic human cost.

This perverse reality reveals the essence of Butler’s statement that “war is a racket.” The very entities that profit from war also stand to gain from the peace that follows. Until we break this destructive cycle, the suffering, the loss, and the injustice will continue to proliferate under the guise of reconstruction and recovery.

It is crucial to scrutinize the underlying motives of those who claim to assist in rebuilding war-torn nations. Are they truly benevolent benefactors committed to helping countries rise from the ashes, or are they shrewd racketeers capitalizing on the chaos of war? The answer, as history has shown us time and time again, is as evident as the grim aftermath of any battlefield — and it will never be found under a Ukraine flag emoji in your Twitter profile.

War is indeed a racket, and it is one that BlackRock, JPMorgan, and the like play with chilling efficiency. As Ukraine braces for a period of rebuilding, it is not just the physical scars that need attention but the underlying, systemic rot that feeds off such conflict.


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“Apparently the White House does not realize that every plant, every tree, every living thing including human beings need the sun to survive.”Felicity Arbuthnot, Global Research, July 5, 2023


Despite the European Commission’s recent warning that large-scale interventions such as solar engineering to reverse ‘climate change’ could have “unintended consequences,” the White House published a new report Friday indicating that the Biden administration wants to manipulate planetary systems to block the sunlight to save the planet.

The congressionally mandated report released by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy shows the Biden administration is very eager to explore “geoengineering” methods to block sunlight because they allege the planet is burning and there’s an imminent climate crisis that will destroy the world.

“A program of research into the scientific and societal implications of solar radiation modification (SRM) would enable better-informed decisions about the potential risks and benefits of SRM as a component of climate policy, alongside the foundational elements of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and adaptation,” the White House report said. 

The report continued, “SRM offers the possibility of cooling the planet significantly on a timescale of a few years.”  

In a statement, the White House said, “There are no plans underway to establish a comprehensive research program focused on solar radiation modification.”

There is no official government policy that was attached to the report. The administration noted Congress ordered the report.

The report was released one day after the European Commission outlined the potential risks and “unintended consequences” of manipulating planetary systems to fight global warming.

The commission warned:

In the context of accelerated global warming, deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s natural systems (referred to as “geoengineering”), such as solar radiation modification, is attracting more attention. However, the risks, impacts and unintended consequences that these technologies pose are poorly understood, and necessary rules, procedures and institutions have not been developed. 

Some of these risks include:

These technologies introduce new risks to people and ecosystems, while they could also increase power imbalances between nations, spark conflicts and raises a myriad of ethical, legal, governance and political issues. 

Blocking the sun’s rays globally with artificial particles in the name of ‘climate change’ is gaining traction. However, there’s too much risk involved that could possibly harm biodiversity and agriculture on a global scale. The fact that this technology could alter global weather patterns and the Biden administration wants to explore it — is frightening.

… and Mr. Burns from the animated television series The Simpsons tried this.


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The Hague, the seat of the ruling class in the Netherlands, has declared a state of emergency to prevent farmers from driving their tractors into the city to protest the government’s mandatory fertilizer reduction targets. Farmers say that their rights and freedom are being trampled on by a totalitarian system of rule we all know as “democracy.”

Democracy worldwide is, even if run perfectly, nothing more than mob rule and nothing less than slavery. All freedom is an illusion as long as governments exist, people will be deluded into being their slaves.

The organizers of Thursday’s protest are the Farmers Defence Force. They said the state of emergency was a way to squash their democratic rights and freedom of assembly.  Of course, their government, like all governments, sees them only as slaves meant to obey, so they don’t care about rights or freedom. The rulers think they own their slaves. It would be like believing your cow has a right to vote to keep it from being eaten. The notion of government gets more absurd by the day and yet, slaves still hold the system that’s oppressing them up.

The Dutch farmers have decided to disobey and make their way to The Hague to protest regardless of the state of emergency. Although, if they intend to disobey the state of emergency, why not just disobey the unjust law they are protesting? Begging the master for longer chains never works, and if it does, it’s only temporary. The way to end it is to remove the system that’s putting chains on people.

“The Netherlands has for years missed its climate goals. Now it’s time for a great leap forward,” Jetten said, calling the package “ambitious.” He presented 120 different measures which he said would make sure CO2 emissions in the Netherlands will be 55 percent lower than in 1990 by 2030.

The Dutch government can reportedly spend 28 billion euros to reduce the temperature on Earth by 0.000036 degrees. This would mean that each resident would have to contribute about 1,647 euros and a family of four about 6,588 euros., News Facts reported. -The Daily Exposé

Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore explained how globalist rulers, including Klaus Schwab and the United Nations, are using the climate scam as an excuse to cut off fossil fuels and nitrogen fertilizer, to deliberately depopulate the planet.

In a broad-ranging discussion including whether the earth is headed for another ice age, the maximum number of people the globe can handle, what would happen if the population were to double in size, whether our masters care about the future or just their time lording power over others and the importance of sustainable energy, Dr. Moore said:

“Carbon dioxide [and] temperature [ ] are actually slightly negatively correlated in the long historical record. In other words, it is not a cause-effect relationship … There is no historical relationship between the level of CO2 in the atmosphere and the temperature of the earth … The climate has changed long before humans could have been any factor in it.  It’s been changing all through the history of the earth.”


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The Green Police Are Coming for New York Pizza

July 5th, 2023 by J.D. Tuccille

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When I lived in New York City my favorite pizzeria was Arturo’s, on Houston Street. Coal–fired ovens made for a charred crust you could use to sop up sauce from an order of mussels. But joints like that are at risk as the city’s environmental regulators propose mandatory 75 percent reductions in emissions by restaurants that use traditional fuels in their cooking and baking—a goal many restaurant owners consider unachievable. The rule isn’t finalized, and it contains caveats that savvy business owners could use as a lifeline. But it’s the latest sign that environmental activists expect us to modify our lifestyles to meet their green priorities.

“The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP or the Department) is promulgating rules that would establish requirements for control devices to reduce emissions from cook stoves at restaurants in existence prior to May 6, 2016,” reads the city regulatory agency’s announcement of a July 27 public hearing. “The proposed rule provides that the operators of cook stoves that were installed prior to May 6, 2016 must hire a professional engineer or registered architect to assess the feasibility of installing emission controls on the cook stove to achieve a 75% reduction in particulate emissions. If this assessment concludes that a reduction of 75% or more cannot be achieved, or that no emissions controls can be installed, the assessment must identify any emission controls that could provide a reduction of at least 25% or an explanation for why no emission controls can be installed.”

The rule also specifies that “Cook stove means any wood fired or anthracite coal fired appliance used [primarily for cooking food for onsite consumption at a food service establishment…] for the preparation of food intended for onsite consumption or retail purchase.”

War on Pizza

To most people, this sounds annoying and intrusive if very particular to old-school cookery. To New Yorkers in particular, though, it’s a declaration of war against pizza.

“If you fuck around with the temperature in the oven you change the taste. That pipe, that chimney, it’s that size to create the perfect updraft, keeps the temp perfect, it’s an art as much as a science. You take away the char, the thing that makes the pizza taste great, you kill it,” an anonymous restaurant owner who relies on a coal–fired oven told the New York Post.

The allowance in the proposed rule for feasibility assessments means that existing restaurants might escape enforcement. That’s a potential lifesaver, since $20,000 plus ongoing maintenance costs is the price tag for compliance cited by at least two restaurateurs. Businesses will have to shoulder all expenses for meeting the requirements of the proposed rule.

“You know how many pizzas I have to sell to pay for that $20,000 oven?” pizzeria owner Joe Calcagno complained to CBS News.

Ovens installed since 2016 are already subject to restrictive rules, meaning that you’re unlikely to see traditional fuels used in new installations. That means existing restaurants with wood– and coal–fired ovens will be it, dwindling in number as the years pass with inevitable attrition.

If this sounds familiar, that’s because demands that we all change the way we live our lives, our preferences be damned, have become increasingly common.

Your Gas Stove is Next

“In May, the Democrat-controlled New York State Legislature and Gov. Kathy Hochul inked a $229 billion state budget agreement that included a ban on residential gas stoves. By 2029, only electric ranges will be allowed in new residences,” Reason‘s Christian Britschgi reports in the August/September issue. “The policy is similar to bans imposed by local governments in places such as New York City and California. Advocates say those laws help curtail climate change by reducing natural gas consumption and protect people’s health by reducing in-home emissions.”

This comes after huffy initial denials that anybody wanted to ban popular gas stoves, which are preferred by many chefs as well as home cooks for their quick and reliable heat. Sixty-nine percent of respondents to a recent Harvard CAPS Harris poll opposed “governmental rules that would virtually eliminate gas stoves from kitchens.” Then there’s the bypassed discussion about the wisdom of eliminating alternatives to electric appliances and expanding reliance on a power grid that’s already overburdened and rickety.

“The U.S. power system is faltering just as millions of Americans are becoming more dependent on it—not just to light their homes, but increasingly to work remotely, charge their phones and cars, and cook their food—as more modern conveniences become electrified,” The Wall Street Journal warned last year.

But politicians pretty quickly went from denying that gas bans were in the works to embracing them and insisting that they’re a great idea.

“There are clean energy alternatives,” New York Governor Kathy Hochul said in May after her state banned natural gas in new buildings starting in 2026. “It’s going to take time and I want to make sure that New Yorkers don’t get hit hard for the costs, so we’re going to roll this out. But new buildings that are going up, they can go electric, they can do heat pumps.”

Take a Vacation While You Can

By the same token, travelers enjoying flights to tourist destinations after the disruptions of the pandemic might want to enjoy their trips while they can. “Sustainability” is the hot topic at this year’s Paris Air Show, which means non-stop discussions about reducing the environmental impact of travel. That means conversations about increased efficiency and new fuels, but that’s not enough for everybody.

“In the end, the decarbonisation of air travel will only happen through a reduction in air travel overall,” Jérôme Du Boucher, aviation specialist for the NGO Transport & Environment, told France24.

That’s not just the musings of a lone activist; it’s a serious proposal in certain circles and a recommendation by France’s Agency for Ecological Transition. That government body proposes hiking ticket prices with taxes or capping flights to reduce air travel. Never mind that “flying has gotten considerably cheaper, safer, faster and even greener, over the last 60 years,” according to a 2017 article by the University of Texas at Austin. “Today’s aircraft use roughly 80 percent less fuel per passenger-mile than the first jets of the 1950s.” Further innovation seems more promising than reserving air travel for the wealthy and well-connected, but that’s not the world in which we live.

No, the world in which we live is one in which governments polish their green credentials by banning decent stoves even as they close nuclear power plants that could really reduce emissions. It’s one in which choice and personal preferences matter less than top-down dictates. It’s one in which you should enjoy pizza made in a coal– or wood–fired oven now, because it may soon be a thing of the past.


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J.D. Tuccille is a contributing editor at Reason.

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Russia and Ukraine on Tuesday (4 July) accused each other of plotting to stage an attack on the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, long the subject of mutual recriminations and suspicions.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he told his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, about Russian “dangerous provocations” at the plant in southeastern Ukraine.

Russian troops seized the station, Europe’s largest nuclear facility with six reactors, in the days following the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Each side has since regularly accused the other of shelling around the plant and risking a major nuclear mishap.

Renat Karchaa, an adviser to the head of Rosenergoatom, which operates Russia’s nuclear network, said Ukraine planned to drop ammunition laced with nuclear waste transported from another of the country’s five nuclear stations on the plant.

“Under cover of darkness overnight on 5th July, the Ukrainian military will try to attack the Zaporizhzhia station using long-range precision equipment and kamikaze attack drones,” Russian news agencies quoted Karchaa as telling Russian television. He offered no evidence in support of his allegation.

Zelenskyy tweeted that he had told Macron in a telephone conversation that “the occupation troops are preparing dangerous provocations at the Zaporizhzhia (nuclear plant).”

He said he and Macron had “agreed keep the situation under maximum control together with the IAEA”, the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency.

A statement issued by the Ukrainian armed forces quoted “operational data” as saying that “explosive devices” had been placed on the roof of the station’s third and fourth reactors on Tuesday. An attack was possible “in the near future”.

“If detonated, they would not damage the reactors but would create an image of shelling from the Ukrainian side,” the statement on Telegram said. It said the Ukrainian army stood “ready to act under any circumstances”.

Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian military also provided no evidence for their assertions.

None of the reactors at the plant is producing electricity.

In his nightly video message, Zelenskyy said Russia was planning to “simulate an attack on the plant. Or they could have some other kind of scenario.

“But in any case, the world sees – and cannot fail to see – that the only source of danger to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is Russia. And no one else.”

IAEA wants plant demilitarised

The IAEA, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, has been trying for more than a year to clinch a deal to ensure the plant is demilitarised and reduce the risks of any nuclear accident.

IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi has visited the plant three times since the Russian takeover but failed to reach any agreement to keep the facility safe from shelling.

Zelenskyy adviser Mykhailo Podolyak told Ukrainian television that Grossi had proved ineffective in trying to uphold safety at the plant.

“Any disaster at Zaporizhzhia could have been prevented if (Grossi had been) clear straight away,” Podolyak said, accusing the IAEA of flipflopping in its approach to the problem.

“That is, instead of this clowning around that this man is doing. And when there is a disaster, he will say they had nothing to do with it and warned about the dangers.”


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Featured image: A picture taken during a visit to Enerhodar organised by the Russian Defence ministry shows a general view of the administrative building of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Enerhodar, southeastern Ukraine, 15 June 2023. [EPA-EFE/SERGEI ILNITSKY]

Why We Must Come Together. Ron Paul

July 5th, 2023 by Rep. Ron Paul

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One of the greatest influences on both my personal philosophy and the strategy of how to promote it was Leonard Read, the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). Read founded FEE in 1946, just as WWII was ending and the US government was about to embark upon a cold war with the Soviet Union. Read must have foreseen the expansion of government that was coming – both at home and overseas – and he started FEE to spread the message of non-interventionism and freedom. You could say that FEE was the first modern libertarian organization.

Leonard Read was so effective in his role as leader of FEE because of his demeanor. He was kind and gentle in his approach, but he never compromised the freedom message. People should be able to do whatever it is they want without any interference, he believed, as long as they weren’t hurting anybody else.

In our age where everybody is an “activist,” Leonard Read’s approach may seem unfamiliar or even quaint. Read believed that instead of trying to “save the world” it was important to first educate oneself. Read, study, understand the message so you can accurately and convincingly pass it on to others.

Perhaps one of the most important ways Leonard Read believed to convey the message of freedom was for like-minded people to get together. Getting together – especially at his legendary events at the FEE headquarters in Irvington, New York – was the best way to educate ourselves, educate others, and share ideas on how to spread the message. When we come together with like-minded people, we learn from the speakers but we also help each other perfect the message. And we also make important contacts that help us create our network.

When I founded my Institute for Peace and Prosperity ten years ago this year, I did my best to incorporate Leonard Read’s approach. In order to best promote civil liberties at home and non-interventionism overseas, we need to understand the issues to the best of our abilities, and one of the best ways to do that is to come together with others of like mind.

Our Institute started holding conferences in 2016, with our first big event in Washington, DC. to a sold-out audience. Since then we have expanded our conferences to include Houston, Charleston, SC, and even here in Lake Jackson! While it is true that we have a loyal core who attend many of our events, we were pleased that at our recent Houston conference a show of hands revealed that about half of the attendees were at their first Ron Paul Institute event!

We have featured important speakers like Julian Assange, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Col. Douglas Macgregor, and so many others. We have learned from their insights and experience. But just as importantly, we have developed and expanded the network of people who understand the message of peace and are ready to spread it further beyond our circles. That is what this is all about.

We will be holding our 7th annual Washington DC Conference on Sept. 2nd. As we increasingly face the possibility of a nuclear conflict with Russia the importance of getting together cannot be emphasized too much. These are critical times and I hope everyone will join us in DC in September. Go to for more details.


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On July 4th the Wall Street Journal headlined “My Plan to Preserve Peace Between China and Taiwan”, and Taiwan’s Presidential candidate from the leading Party, Taiwan’s current Vice President, Mr. Lai Ching-te, promised Taiwan’s voters that if they elect him President, he will beef up military spending to buy enough weapons from the U.S. so that if Taiwan declares independence from China, then China will be too afraid of Taiwans’ military to invade Taiwan and to take forceful control over that island province of China.

V.P. Lai presented China as being Taiwan’s enemy, and said

“President Xi Jinping has quashed dissent in Hong Kong, established ‘re-education’ centers in Xinjiang, fomented conflict in the South China Sea, and stepped up military adventurism across the Taiwan Strait.”

His plan to scare China’s Government to accept a breakaway of the Chinese province of Taiwan from the Chinese mainland is:

First, we must build up Taiwan’s deterrence. Defense is the bedrock of our national security. Under President Tsai Ing-wen, we have increased defense budgets, reformed conscription and the reserve system, and supported new practices and capabilities within our military. These measures reduce the risk of armed conflict by raising the stakes and costs for Beijing. I will also expedite our transition into an asymmetric fighting force, focusing on cost-effective and mobile capabilities. I will seek greater cooperation with partners and allies, particularly in training, force restructuring, civil defense and information sharing.

Second, economic security is national security. In the years since democratization, Taiwan has become a high-tech powerhouse. As a former mayor of Tainan, I am proud to see semiconductors made both in the city and around Taiwan driving the next generation of technology. As premier, I spearheaded efforts to increase salaries, cut taxes and attract new investment. …

The third pillar is based on forming partnerships with democracies around the world. This year Taiwan sent the first medical team from Asia to Ukraine, assisting war-wounded personnel and residents. Record numbers of parliamentarians, nongovernmental organizations, think tanks and official delegations have visited Taiwan, showing that despite Communist Party pressure, we do not stand alone.

China’s Government has consistently maintained that if Taiwan tries to break away from China and to become a separate and independent nation, then China will forcibly reverse that, and will try to do it without destroying Taiwan. However, if Taiwan arms itself sufficiently so as to become difficult to conquer militarily, then there will obviously be little left of Taiwan at the end of that conflict. No military analysts — not even in the U.S., which is trying to break Taiwan off from China so as to make it yet another U.S. ‘ally’ against China — doubts that, regardless of how much the U.S. arms Taiwan, China would win that war.

For China, this is simply an existential matter, and China has never wavered that Taiwan is and will remain a part of China, and that China won’t tolerate any breakaway of Taiwan from China.

Consequently, it the U.S. stooge candidate for Taiwan’s Presidency becomes elected, then there will be war between Taiwan’s self-proclaimed government versus China, regardless of whether or not that will also entail war between China and the United States. However, if it would be war between China and the United States, then that will likely be, or quickly become, a nuclear war.

In any case, Mr. Lai’s promise to Taiwan’s voters, that he is the ‘peace’ candidate in the election, might indicate that he despises the intelligence of Taiwan’s voters. In that sense, it might be something of a very practical intelligence-test of the residents of Taiwan. Consequently, its results will be interesting even to some people who might not otherwise be particularly interested in Taiwanese affairs.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Could China Strike First?

July 5th, 2023 by Eric Margolis

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The former Pentagon and Rand Corp official Daniel Ellsberg, who died earlier this month, created two big bombshells. Hated by the right, lauded by the left and libertarians, Ellsberg, in our view, was a genuine American hero.

The first bombshell was his revelation of a series of secret Pentagon studies of the Vietnam War that showed the 1970’s war was based on a farrago of lies and false premises and doomed to failure. I was in the US Army at the time and most of us knew the war was a giant screw-up propelled by billions of dollars and big-time lies.

The Pentagon papers pulled the rug out from under the Vietnam War and exposed its military and civilian backers as liars and fools. President Lyndon Johnson wisely decided not to run for a second term because of the Vietnam disaster.

Nuclear war planner Ellsberg did it again in his fascinating 2017 book ‘the Doomsday Machine.’ In this study of nuclear warfare, Ellsberg made his second bombshell revelation that was hardly noticed by the media and public.

Ellsberg revealed that in the event of war, the US government intended to hit all of China’s major cities and ports with nuclear weapons. This plan has particular resonance today as Communist China and the United States edge ever closer to a major war over Taiwan and the South China Sea.

According to Ellsberg, the Pentagon planned to first cripple Russia, then devastate its ally, China. Both would be bombed back to the Stone Age by massive nuclear attack.

Ellsberg also revealed the alarming fact that the White House had delegated senior military regional commanders to authorize the use of nuclear weapons without preliminary presidential approval.

Ellsberg’s courageous act was later mirrored by American patriots Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden, who exposed the war crimes and the administration’s lies about Afghanistan. Telling the truth about America’s addiction to wars and out of control militarism was deemed a major crime under the absurd 1917 Espionage Act of World War One era.

China, which is on the verge of accidental war with the US, has reacted to the targeting of Chinese cities by putting its nuclear weapons program into high gear. Chairman Mao used to jest that his nation could easily afford to lose 100 million in a nuclear exchange with the US and barely notice the loss. But now that most of China appears to be under US nuclear targeting the mood of levity in Beijing has been replaced by war fever and grim determination.

Such is not the case in the US where the powerful war party keeps beating the drums and pretending its 1945 all over again. In the event of war, it’s likely North Korea will also be involved. Such crazed behavior recalls the sheer idiocy of the days before World War I in which small groups of fanatics ignited the Great War that wrecked Europe and undid the British and Russian empires.

Now, extreme right-wing Democrats are driving the US into a potentially nuclear confrontation with Russia. They are so giddy with hubris over the thought of finishing off Putin’s Russia that they have no concept of the manifest dangers that a disintegrating Russia will bring.

China must be asking itself if it should launch nuclear attacks on the US before Washington decides to attack China. Germany faced the same dilemma in two world wars. In nuclear warfare, the side that strikes first wins. China knows it’s on the knives edge. Most Americans and Canadians, besotted by anti-Putin propaganda, do not.


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Today, Monday, July 3, 2023, I stand before you to share my personal account of the events that unfolded in Jenin refugee camp early this morning. The Israeli military operation commenced with an aggressive assault on sites believed to be affiliated with the Palestinian resistance. They claimed these locations as their targets, launching three missiles that resulted in the loss of innocent lives and left many wounded.

Soon after, a full-scale invasion ensued, with an overwhelming presence of military forces. Jeeps, armoured vehicles, and military bulldozers stormed into Jenin, asserting their dominance over the ground. The skies above were not spared either, as a multitude of drones hovered ominously.

During this tumultuous time, it was impossible for the inhabitants of Jenin to sleep, young and old alike. My daughter, Salma, was terrified by the blaring warning sirens that announced the army’s incursion, her tears flowing uncontrollably. Meanwhile, my son, Adam, displayed a mix of fear and curiosity, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Isra Awartani, The Freedom Theatre’s accountant, hastily created a safe space within her home to shield her three daughters from harm. Ahmed Tobasi, artistic director of The Freedom Theatre, found himself face-to-face with an armoured vehicle stationed right outside his house, its barrel aimed at his window. Rania Wasfi, TFT former colleague, frantically tried to reach her mother and sister after news that their house was bombed.

The morning brought news of a devastating attack on The Freedom Theatre, where a group of families sought refuge amidst the turmoil. The occupying forces callously targeted them with missiles, shattering their hopes for safety. Adnan, who lives next door to The Freedom Theatre, huddled together with his family in one room, struggling to find comfort in the midst of chaos. Adnan’s niece Sadeel, 14 was murdered by an Israeli sniper less than two weeks ago. Her family lives in the same neighbourhood.

The gravity of the situation cannot be understated. The occupation relentlessly tightens its grip on the refugee camp, decimating its infrastructure and obliterating the main roads in the camp. The message is crystal clear – punish the stronghold of popular resistance in Jenin, and project an image of invincibility to Israeli society regarding their military prowess.

What lies ahead? For me, the answer is nothing. The occupation’s attempts to eradicate the resistance in Jenin will not succeed, just as their predecessors failed in 2002. Buildings may crumble, cars may be reduced to wreckage, and countless individuals may be detained, wounded and even martyred. However, these actions will only serve to breed a new generation that will carry the torch of resistance passed down by those who came before them, as we do today, and as our children will do in the future. It is a relentless pursuit, driven by the aspiration to reclaim our land and restore the dignity of every human being.


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Mustafa Sheta is an ex-political prisoner and has been the General Manager of The Freedom Theatre in the Jenin refugee camp since 2016. He has extensive experience in the Palestinian civil sector as a researcher, journalist and coordinator. He has a BA degree in Journalism and Political Science from Birzeit University and an MA degree in Conflict Resolution and Development from the Arab American University in Jenin.

Featured image: An Israeli military bulldozer seen leveling roads and destroying the center of the Jenin refugee camp during a raid on the camp near the West Bank City of Jenin, july 3, 2023. (Photo: Nasser Ishtayeh/SOPA images via ZUMA Press Wire/APA Images)

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Admiral Rob Bauer, head of the NATO Military Committee, said deliveries of F-16 fighter jets to Kiev were postponed until the counteroffensive was completed. This represents a major blow to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who has been pleading with NATO members to provide fighter jets, including F-16s, and all while his military advances, supposedly, in only metres instead of kilometres.

“The discussion on the fighters is an important one, but it will not be solved in the short term for this counter-offensive,” explained Bauer in an interview with the LBC radio station. “Training those pilots, training the technicians, making sure there is a logistic organisation that can actually sustain these aircraft will not be available before this counter-offensive.”

“We shouldn’t mix the two discussions – I think it’s important and understandable that Ukraine asks for these fighter aircraft – but we should not mix it with the counter offensive discussion now,” he added.

In Bauer’s opinion, it is now difficult for Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines to advance. Several lines of defence, minefields and vehicle movement obstacles prevent the units’ redeployment.

For its part, Kiev expected to receive Western fighter jets last year, but the aircraft’s delivery will probably not occur before the beginning of next year.

Bauer’s statements come as US House of Representatives member Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced an amendment to ban any funding for Ukraine until a diplomatic solution to the current conflict is found.

“We should be pushing for peace, not funding war. I filed amendments to the NDAA that strip out all funding for Ukraine and prohibit providing them with F-16 fighter jets and long-range missiles. The death and destruction must stop, so in order to achieve peace, I also filed an amendment to prohibit any and all funding to Ukraine until a diplomatic solution to the war is reached,” Greene said on her Twitter page on June 30.

On the same day as her tweet, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley stated that he is unaware of any decision regarding deploying the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) to Ukraine but noted: “it’s a constant review process.”

It is recalled that Russia sent a note to NATO members on the supply of arms to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov noted that any cargo containing weapons for Ukraine would become a legitimate target for Russia, with F-16s and ATACMS being no exceptions. The Russian Foreign Ministry warned that NATO countries “are playing with fire” by supplying Ukraine with arms. 

Many US lawmakers are becoming increasingly desperate because the Ukrainian military is being obliterated. With F-16s unlikely in the short term, the new hope is to deliver ATACMS to Ukraine as soon as possible.

Earlier in June, a bipartisan group of lawmakers urged US President Joe Biden to send the weapons system. Representative Michael McCaul of Texas described it as “extremely disappointing” that the administration had not sent them yet.

As Bloomberg noted, “Part of that frustration centres around the fact that a Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russian forces has proceeded slowly and without major gains.”

According to Milley, Ukrainian forces were “advancing steadily,” even boasting about taking as little as 500 metres a day, if these reports are even to be believed to begin with.

However, this pace is not satisfactory, and CNN noted: “Ukraine’s Western allies are getting nervous about the fact that the progress of Kiev’s long-awaited counteroffensive is being measured in metres, rather than kilometres. Kiev’s allies are well aware that Ukraine cannot defeat Russia without their help. But the slower than expected pace of the counteroffensive means their support could become increasingly unsustainable if the conflict drags on.”

Milley can attempt to put a positive spin on the Ukrainian counteroffensive, alluding that progress is being made, but he himself knows, as do even the most casual military observers, that it has been a catastrophic failure. Rather than admit that Ukraine cannot win the war, he continues with a narrative that victory can be achieved after a “very long” and “very, very bloody” struggle.

“It’s going to be very long, and it’s going to be very, very bloody, and no one should have any illusions about any of that,” Milley said. “So yes, sure, it goes a little slow, but that is part of the nature of war.”

The reality is that neither F-16s, ATACMS or any other conventional means, despite bravado from Milley, will reverse the course of the war – the complete collapse of the Ukrainian military and further loss of life and territory – and all because the Kiev regime refuses to negotiate with Moscow.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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It appears almost certain that Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskiy and his generals, rather than Russian President Vladimir Putin and his, are considering and preparing a false flag nuclear provocation at the Zaporozhiya nuclear power plant (ZNPP) set for July 7-9 to frame NATO summit and perhaps also to provide political cover for a Polish-Baltic republic move of forces into western Ukraine. Such a nuclear event will not be on a scale even approaching the Chernobyl accident, but it will be sufficient so that it can be framed as grave ‘Russian crime against humanity’ and used by Kiev to gain certain advantages via the West.

The incident likely will occur as a result of a Ukrainian attempt to seize the Zaporozhiya NPP in response to which Russian troops will be accused of detonating explosives creating a dirty bomb effect on a small scale. Ukrainian troops will cross the dried-up Dnepr, seize the ZNPP, detonate explosives there themselves. This will allow Kiev and the West to accuse Moscow of ‘nuclear terrorism’.

The signs of an impending false flag operation have been flashing for weeks, with numerous Ukrainian commentaries to the effect that the Russians were planning a nuclear terrorist operation at the Energodar ZNPP. The most recent make things pretty clear. IAEA inspections have never endorsed Ukrainian claims – ongoing for over a year now – that it is Russian forces that fire on the ZNPP. Indeed, Russian forces have occupied all of Energodar and the ZNPP and have for well over a year, and IAEA has a team permanently stationed at the plant along with Russian RosAtom personnel, who now run the plant.

More recently, on June 23rd Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate chief Kyrylo Budanov reported that Russia had completed preparations for carrying out a nuclear terrorist attack at the ZPNN.

On June 29-30, Ukraine held nuclear accident civilian defense exercises in Zaporozhiya and the neighboring region of Kherson simulating the effects of an attack on the Zaporizhiya plant. Hazmat-clad troops spray fall-out victim stand-ins among other emergency simulations conducted, prompting fear in the local population and further reporting worldwide on the imminent Russian terrorist attack (see this). On July 1st, citing Ukrainian intelligence sources, Zelenskiy claimed alongside visiting Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez:

“There is a serious threat because Russia is technically ready to provoke a local explosion at the station, which could lead to a (radiation) release.”

He also noted:

“We know for sure that this was considered by the Russian Federation as one of the plans, so that later, when the station is handed over to us, to detonate it remotely for the release, and this is also very dangerous.”

IAEA inspector recently refuted Zelenskiy’s claims that Russia had moved explosives into the plant in preparation for its terrorist attack, noting “found “no visible indications of mines or other explosives” at the Zaporizhiya plant (see this). 

Zelenskiy then held a meeting of the military top command as well as nuclear power officials at northwest Ukraine’s Rivne (Rovne) nuclear power plant, one of Ukraine’s five nuclear plants. He explained the meeting’s purpose this way in his nightly video address to the Ukrainian people: “The key issues discussed were the security of our northern regions and our measures to strengthen them.” (See this). One wonders why this location was chosen and whether something else was being pursued.

On July 1st, Danilov expressed confidence Russia would undertake such a nuclear “terrorist attack” at the ZNPP, which Ukraine would regard as a nuclear attack (see this). The same a Ukrainian Telegram channel claimed its source inside the Office of the President of Ukraine reported that visiting former US VP Mike Pence conducted “negotiations” with Zelenskiy and told him that NATO would not introduce troops into Ukraine in response to any nuclear event at the ZNPP (see this).

Then, on July 2nd, Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces general Staff Viktor Zalyuzhnyi also visited the Rovne (Rivne) nuclear power plant far from the front and having nothing to do with a ground-based military offensive. This and the earlier Zelenskiy-high command meeting could have been information-gathering exercises aimed at understanding the layout of and key points at such plants, where and how much radiation leakage could ‘occur’ in an attack, and how such a radiation release could be minimized or maximized (see this). On the same day, the pro-Ukrainian Institute for the Study of War concluded it is unlikely that Russia would undertake such a nuclear gambit, casting doubt on Kiev’s propaganda campaign. At the same time, it warned that Russia would use the threat of such an attack in order to restrain Ukrainian counteroffensive operations and weaken Western support for military aid to Ukraine (see this). The latter is an odd assertion, since it is Ukraine that is playing up the threat. Moreover, could not a radiation release or media reports of one be used in the hope of freezing panicked Russian forces and cover a major Ukrainian attack across Dnepr on the Russian-held south of Zaporozhiya? (see this)

On July 4th, Moscow claimed that Ukraine cut off one source of electricity to the ZPNN (see this).

It must be kept firmly in mind that Ukraine is desperate. Desperate men do desperate things. Kiev badly needs additional arms supplies from the West, and it was hoped significant gains of territory in the first month of Kiev’s counteroffensive would be sufficient to market Ukraine’s military as worthy of greater support to the July 11 NATO summit, as Zelenskiy himself has acknowledged (see this). But such success has not materialized and could not have. Russian forces have overpowering advantages in air, artillery, drone, heavy ground equipment (tanks, APCs) and are attritting Western supplied Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles rapidly. Ukrainian forces are now increasingly implementing their counteroffensive without air cover, tanks, and artillery, suffering massive casualties for minimal gains in territory, which are most often quickly lost again. In a recent Washington Post interview Zalyuzhniy recently berated the West for its unrealistic expectations regarding the counteroffensive, particularly in light of Western failure to supply Kiev with F-16s and sufficient numbers of tanks, APCs, artillery, and ammunition. He pointed out that NATO and Russian military doctrine stipulates one should possess air superiority before launching ground-based, in-depth offensive operations: “And Ukraine, moving to offensive operations, should follow which doctrine?” “NATO’s? The Russian Federation’s? Or is that none of your business? ‘You have your own doctrine. You have tanks, you have some cannons, you have some [fighting vehicles]. You can do it.’ What is that?, he exclaimed.” “Without being fully supplied, these plans are not feasible at all.” (see this; see this also). That is putting things mildly. In fact, so far Ukraine’s counteroffensive has won back around 50 sq. km. at the cost of 15-20,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers, several times more wounded, hundreds of tanks, and hundreds of APCs and fighting vehicles including the greater part of the Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles furnished by the West. Ukrainian Defense and Security Council Chairman Oleksiy Danilov has just announced that the counteroffensive is switching from the goal of seizing territory to that of attritting Russian forces (see this). This is a direct consequence of the offensive’s failure to reach the first of three defense lines staggered in a depth of some 40 miles, despite the massive losses. It may be that the statements above and others indicate that both Zelenskiy and Zalyuzhniy now understand that its was a mistake to undertake the counteroffensive, perhaps best called ‘operation meat-grinder’ (see this). One Ukrainian Telegram channel claims a source it has in the Office of the President reports that Zalyuzhniy wants Zelenskiy to suspend the counteroffensive until the arrival of F-16s (see this and this). But, as Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has complained, the training for pilots did not begin in June as promised, meaning the schedule for delivery of over a year would remain (see this).

Kiev is approaching a time when having proven incapable of making any appreciable ground gains and having depleted its troops, it will be facing a major Russian counter-offensive timed at the precise moment when Ukrainian forces are most exhausted—a classic Russian military strategy of defensive attrition followed by a major counteroffensive. On this background, something must be done to prompt more Western supplies and/or push Western powers to intervene militarily directly under the NATO flag or not. Even without the nuclear provocation, Western powers such as Poland and the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia seem to be poised to send forces into western Ukraine. Poland recently reinforced its military presence in eastern Poland near both the Belarusian and Ukrainian borders ostensibly as a reponse to the deployment of what appears to be some 10,000 Wagner forces to Belarus.

It is important to remember that: the ZNPP located in Energodar is currently Russian-occupied territory, Moscow considers it to be part and parcel of the state territory of the Russian Federation, the local population consists of those Moscow considers Russian citizens and many ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers, and Russian troops are at and many more are closer to the plant and would be greater effected by radiation in the event of a release than the more distant Ukrainian troops. Indeed, one source reports that discussion of the possible nuclear incident was sowing panic among the Russian troops in and around Energodar (see this).

The Maidan regime and Zelenskiy have from the start been wedded to false flag operations. The Maidan regime was born in the blood of the 20 February 2014 terrorist snipers’ massacre in which more than a hundred demonstrators and police were killed. The West and the Maidan regime blamed its on an order from President Viktor Yanukovych, overthrown as a result of the rage sparked by the killings, but findings from the beginning have proven that the attack was carried out precisely as a false flag operation carried out by the radical ultra-nationalist and neo-fascist elements on the Maidan.[1] When he was a presidential candidate, Zelenskiy himself alluded to this fact (see this).

Since becoming president, however, Zelenskiy has become a serial ‘simulacran’, staging ‘Russian attacks and atrocities’ from Snake Island to Bucha to the Mariupol maternity ward to the Kakhovskii dam to, most recently, the Kramatorsk ‘pizzeria’ attack that killed tens of Ukrainian and Western officers, who were most certainly not eating pizza. The pizzeria victims were, but they also were located, unfortunately, next to a legitimate military target. Is Zelenskiy preparing another signature false flag? Although Zelenskiy has backed off some special operations in the past (recall the Wagner arrest op a few years ago), It looks like the answer this time may be ‘Yes’.


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Gordon M. Hahn, Ph.D., is an Expert Analyst at Corr Analytics, Websites: Russian and Eurasian Politics, and




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UN Security Council Resolution 2334 passed by a Vote of 14-0, including the UK, France & China in 2016

1. Reaffirms that the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the achievement of the two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace;

2. Reiterates its demand that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and that it fully respect all of its legal obligations in this regard;

3. Underlines that it will not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967 lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties through negotiations;

4. Stresses that the cessation of all Israeli settlement activities is essential for salvaging the two-State solution, and calls for affirmative steps to be taken immediately to reverse the negative trends on the ground that are imperilling the two-State solution;

5. Calls upon all States, bearing in mind paragraph 1 of this resolution, to distinguish, in their relevant dealings, between the territory of the State of Israel and the territories occupied since 1967;

6. Calls for immediate steps to prevent all acts of violence against civilians, including acts of terror, as well as all acts of provocation and destruction, calls for accountability in this regard, and calls for compliance with obligations under international law for the strengthening of ongoing efforts to combat terrorism, including through existing security coordination, and to clearly condemn all acts of terrorism;

7. Calls upon both parties to act on the basis of international law, including international humanitarian law, and their previous agreements and obligations, to observe calm and restraint, and to refrain from provocative actions, incitement and inflammatory rhetoric, with the aim, inter alia, of de-escalating the situation on the ground, rebuilding trust and confidence, demonstrating through policies and actions a genuine commitment to the two-State solution, and creating the conditions necessary for promoting peace.


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Hans Stehling (a pen name) is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Israel has occupied the West Bank since 1967 [Nurphoto]

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30 yo Jo Lindner died suddenly on June 30, 2023, allegedly from a brain aneurysm (click here).

The German fitness guru had built an impressive Instagram following of 8.4 million by posting often about his gym workouts and training regimen.

He was on a podcast a couple of weeks ago on June 6, 2023 (video here – Bradley Martin’s Raw Talk) where he admitted that he was pressured into taking four COVID-19 vaccines and then had an abnormal D-dimer (indicating blood clots) and other abnormalities in the blood.

His girlfriend, Nicha, known as @immapeaches online, shared a bittersweet tribute to the late bodybuilder Saturday on Instagram, reporting an aneurysm caused his death.

Jo is believed to have died from a suspected brain aneurysm, however, this has not been officially confirmed. (click here)

Nicha, his partner wrote: “Yesterday he passed away by aneurysm .. I was there with him in the room.. he put on the necklace in my neck that he made for me ..”

What COVID-19 vaccine injury therapy was Jo Lindner talking about? 

In Bradley Martin’s Raw Talk podcast he did on June 6, 2023, he talked about doctors doing an experimental blood cleansing on him.

Jo lived in Thailand, so it is possible he would find doctors who were open minded and willing to try treatments on him.

What he describes is plasmapheresis, a procedure where plasma is removed from the blood, filtered and then returned. He claims he had this done and it removed “heavy metals” and “particles” from his blood.

He also claims his D-Dimer returned back to normal after doing this procedure, which is not available to people in the US or Canada.

I have not seen any evidence that plasmapheresis helps the COVID-19 vaccine injured.

How Do You Donate Plasma? A Look Into Plasmapheresis - Canadian Plasma Resources

Plasmapheresis - Ask Hematologist | Understand Hematology

California Instagram influencer 35 yo Jackie Miller James, 39 weeks pregnant, collapsed on May 18, 2023 with a ruptured brain aneurysm, was in 5 week coma (click here)

Pregnant Influencer Jackie Miller James In Coma After Aneurysm Ruptures -- A Week Before Due Date!

Jackie was found by her husband, Austin, on May 18, 2023, and was rushed to the emergency room and into an operation where they performed an emergency C-section and brain surgery simultaneously.

“Twelve days after this incident, Jackie remains in a medically induced coma and has undergone five separate brain procedures.”

She awoke from her 5-week coma on July 2, 2023:

Jackie is awake and was transferred to one of the best neurological rehabilitation hospitals in the country,” the post says.

The baby was hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit for 12 days and was doing well. (click here)

A GoFundMe campaign has raised $330,000 so far. “This GoFundMe campaign was started to provide a way for family and friends to help Jackie secure the highest level of care,” the campaign added. Her sisters shared that her medical costs will include speech and physical therapy and “home modifications” when she is eventually released.

May 24, 2023 – San Francisco, CA – Scott Coker Free is an actor living in SF (click here). He had a heart attack on May 24, 2023

Scott has admitted to being 4x COVID-19 vaccinated: “I didn’t get vaccinated 4 times to sit at home!” (Feb.24, 2022, Instagram)

He claims he had a cardiac infarction on May 24, 2023. “unfortunately, my hands were permanently affected, and now sadly must be removed. So I have to move forward in life without the use of my hands or feet.

A GoFundme goes on to describe he also had an aortic aneurysm: (click here)

“After an Aortic Aneurysm and a three week stint in the ICU, Scott has lost all functional use of his hands and feet, along with other complications.”

My Take…

I have written several related substacks on bodybuilders dying suddenly as well as on fatal aneurysms in the COVID-19 vaccinated:

Jo Lindner had four COVID-19 vaccines. He had abnormal blood work including an elevated D-dimer which indicates presence of blood clots.

He describes doing plasmapheresis to “filter his blood” and claims that his D-dimer levels returned to normal after the procedure. Such a procedure would not be available in the US or Canada.

He claimed there were “heavy metals” in his blood. Those who are concerned about heavy metals in the COVID-19 vaccine vials should consider EDTA therapy or NAC (N-acetyl cysteine).

In the end, he allegedly died of a ruptured brain aneurysm. It is possible the 4 COVID-19 vaccines he took damaged his blood vessels and caused an aneurysm.

Doing a plasmapheresis would have had no impact on blood vessels that were already damaged by the spike protein.


Jackie Miller James had a ruptured brain aneurysm in 39th week of pregnancy.

I have written about COVID-19 vaccine complications suffered by pregnant women:

  • May 25, 2023 – COVID-19 vaccinated pregnant women are dying suddenly
  • April 4, 2023 – Pregnant women having heart attacks, strokes, and dying

As a California Instagram influencer, she would almost certainly have been fully COVID-19 vaccinated.

It is possible COVID-19 vaccines damaged her brain blood vessels, caused her brain aneurysm which then ruptured when she was 39 weeks pregnant, resulting in a 5 month coma and probably life-long disability.


Scott Coker Free had an aortic aneurysm and cardiac arrest. It is very possible that his 4 COVID-19 vaccines damaged his blood vessels, creating the aortic aneurysm that caused all sorts of complications.

Qatar World Cup Journalist Grant Wahl also died of an aortic aneurysm at age 48, on Dec. 10, 2022, which ruptured during the Argentina-Netherlands game.


I have to note for the record that big pharma and the media have already come after me for exposing the link between COVID-19 vaccines and fatal aneurysms.

I was hit with a “fact check” from “Politifact”:

The CDC does not list brain aneurysms as a common side effect after COVID-19 vaccination in any age group.” I bet it doesn’t.

“The text in this Instagram post appears to have come from an April 21 Substack article by William Makis, a Canadian physician who has spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.”

“We rate this claim False.” (sponsored by Pfizer)

To be honest, I’m not going to lose any sleep over this “fact check”.

But whenever you see a fact check about COVID-19 vaccines, you can bet it is a topic that the COVID-19 big pharma cartel is very concerned about.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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¿Un nuevo tiempo en Brasil?

July 5th, 2023 by Eric Nepomuceno

Millions of Children Are Abducted and Trafficked Each Year. “The Sound of Freedom” Movie

By Dan Fournier, July 04, 2023

Recently, a lot is being written and said on the subject of human trafficking and modern-day slavery, particularly due to the upcoming release of the highly anticipated film The Sound of Freedom which is set to be officially released on July 4, Independence Day.

BRICS Will Almost Certainly Formalize a Relationship with Ethiopia During Its Next Summit

By Andrew Korybko, July 05, 2023

BRICS countries understand that formally expanding the number of equal members could change the dynamics of the entire organization, which is why it’s treading very carefully and considering pragmatic compromises between the zero-sum choice of membership or non-membership. For this reason, while Ethiopia likely won’t join as a formal member, it’ll almost certainly formalize a relationship via BRICS+.

Christianity’s Survival in Israel Is Under Attack

By Philip Giraldi, July 05, 2023

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Russia’s “Success”. US-NATO’s Unspoken Military Failures, “Western Stupidity Is Everywhere”

By Karsten Riise, July 04, 2023

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Post-American Society and the War on Human Sentience. “The Weaponization of Education”

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On Launching the New International War Crimes Tribunal

By Stephen Karganovic, July 04, 2023

Rudyard Kipling was basically right. That being said, as they complete their task, the countries which are setting up the urgently needed international Tribunal to look into the war crimes committed in the Ukraine and the environs by the Kiev neo-Nazi regime and its foreign sponsors should make sure not to prove Kipling right once again. In this case, that would work to the immense detriment of justice.

80 Years Ago: The 1943 Battle of Kursk: Largest Tank Battle in History

By Dr. Leon Tressell, July 04, 2023

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Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Harmful Effects of Glyphosate, the Most Common Agrochemical

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Happy July Fourth, Formally Known as Independence Day

By Emanuel Pastreich, July 04, 2023

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“Climate Crime” No End. Famines, Population Reduction, Lockdowns, Vaccines

By Peter Koenig, July 04, 2023

For those who haven’t heard yet or only read / listen to mainstream media, the climate crime – and there is no other term for it – has taken a new turn for the worse. On June 30, the Finnish Minister for Economic Affairs, Mr. Vilhelm Junnila, had to resign over his “climate abortion” speech.

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BRICS countries understand that formally expanding the number of equal members could change the dynamics of the entire organization, which is why it’s treading very carefully and considering pragmatic compromises between the zero-sum choice of membership or non-membership. For this reason, while Ethiopia likely won’t join as a formal member, it’ll almost certainly formalize a relationship via BRICS+.

Ethiopia is Africa’s second most populous country, it used to have one of the world’s highest growth rates prior to the pandemic, and is the continent’s historical cradle of Pan-Africanism, which is why the announcement last week that it wants to join BRICS generated so much media attention. This civilization-state and its envisaged organizational partners, especially that group’s Russia-India-China (RIC) core with whom it’s already very close, would mutually benefit by working together through that format.

The challenge is that formal membership is difficult for Ethiopia to obtain at present absent the bloc’s existing members fundamentally reconceptualizing their organization’s role due to the widespread devastation caused by that country’s two-year-long conflict. This means that Ethiopia cannot meaningfully contribute to accelerating financial multipolarity processes and could even become a burden just like Venezuela might be if it too is allowed to officially join during the next summit.

Valdai Club program director Timofei Bordachev responsibly tempered expectations about BRICS’ possible expansion in remarks that he shared with TASS on Monday. According to this widely respected expert,

“The issue of possible expansion is quite topical, since many countries across the globe are attracted by BRICS, viewing it as an alternative to Western institutions. But the countries of the organization take this matter very seriously and are in no hurry or a chase after records.”

With so many countries applying to join BRICS, many of which have economies that are similarly troubled but equally promising as Ethiopia’s and Venezuela’s, it also wouldn’t be wise for the bloc to reject their requests without formalizing a relationship for them to build upon in the future. Therein lies the importance of the BRICS+ model devised by Russian geo-economic guru Yaroslav Lissovolik, which represents a compromise between the zero-sum choice of membership or non-membership.

In brief, this envisages BRICS using its existing members as “anchors” for expanding within their respective regions through three levels of cooperation. At its most basic, the “anchor state” prioritizes the comprehensive expansion of economic-financial ties with a nearby country in order for them to indirectly reap the benefits of the first’s BRICS membership, while the next level involves BRICS as a whole doing the same with that said country.

The final level concerns the establishment of relations between BRICS and the “anchor state’s” respective regional integration organization or between BRICS and other related organizations that don’t yet formally fall within that group’s ambit. No formula has been agreed upon for deciding the criteria for each BRICS+ level, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to standardize this anyhow since the preceding possibilities are already flexible enough to account for every country that’s interested in joining.

As applied to Ethiopia in the order that each level was described, this could take the form of: 1) South Africa comprehensively strengthening the economic-financial dimension of their existing partnership; 2) BRICS – and especially its RICs core – doing the same; or 3) BRICS establishing relations with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) of which Ethiopia is a part. The first is too narrow given Ethiopia’s potential while the third is too broad and premature, hence why the second is likely.

After all, Ethiopia applied to join BRICS and already has strategic ties with its RICS core so settling for the comprehensive strengthening of economic-financial ties with that bloc’s South African member wouldn’t satisfy its interests, neither at present nor in the future. Furthermore, there exist deep economic differences between IGAD’s members as well as between the AU’s, which is why partnering with either right now might be more about show than substance since meaningful coordination would be difficult.

Formalizing Ethiopia’s bilateral relationship with BRICS is therefore the most pragmatic option. It expands the scope of cooperation beyond the first’s narrow focus on that group’s South African member while still keeping it concentrated enough on Ethiopia instead of prematurely broadening it to the regional or continental levels before other countries are ready to participate to the same extent. Additionally, this option positions Ethiopia as the regional “anchor state” for helping to bring IGAD to BRICS’ standards.  

As that regional organization’s largest member and the one with the most promising economic potential, Ethiopia is already informally leading that group as it is, so it therefore follows that the next natural step is for it to lead IGAD’s economic rise to the point where it can one day partner with BRICS too. The proposal of BRICS bilaterally partnering with “anchor states” in Africa’s most important regional organizations could thus speed up the AU’s rise as a whole by empowering local leaders to this end.

As Bordachev assessed, BRICS isn’t in a hurry to formally expand nor is it interested in breaking records. Its countries understand that formally expanding the number of equal members could change the dynamics of the entire organization, which is why it’s treading very carefully and considering pragmatic compromises between the zero-sum choice of membership or non-membership. For this reason, while Ethiopia likely won’t join as a formal member, it’ll almost certainly formalize a relationship via BRICS+.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Christianity’s Survival in Israel Is Under Attack

July 5th, 2023 by Philip Giraldi

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Israel’s new government is still taking shape, but some of the policy changes being promoted are so Jewish-centric that they will inevitably impact disproportionately on minority disadvantaged communities like the Palestinian Christians and Muslims. The government itself is already being described in the press as the “most extremist or right wing in Israel’s history,” though what exactly that means is left to the perception of the reader. Several government ministers have even at times been excoriated for some of their extreme views inclusive of encouraging homicidal genocide or even the complete removal of all non-Jews by force from the country and occupied territories.

The Joe Biden Administration, in which nearly half of all senior appointments are Jews, as well as nearly everyone who deals with foreign policy, is doing its part to comply with traditional White House submission to Israel’s perceived interests. Israel is in the driving seat, and Biden knows it, declaring himself to be personally a Zionist. Much has been made of the fact that Biden has not invited Netanyahu to the White House to congratulate him on his latest electoral victory over concerns relating to the proposed judiciary changes and increasing settlement expansion, but it is clear that Israel and America’s Jewish Lobby are fully in control of both the White House and Congress.

Israel has certainly morphed into a nice place if one likes to feel racially and morally superior while shooting Arab children. This move of the Israeli government rightwards is reflected in a shift in popular sentiment. A recent poll by Israel Democracy Institute revealed that a record-high 62% of Israeli Jews place themselves on the right wing of the political map. The shift is best appreciated by examining the profiles of several of Netanyahu’s new ministers. The one most often cited is Itamar Ben-Gvir of the Jewish Power party. Ben-Gvir, who calls for deporting Arabs, has been charged with crimes 50 times, and convicted on eight occasions, including once for involvement in a Jewish terrorist group. Ben-Gvir is notorious for his provocations directed against Palestinian Muslims and Christians, which have included marches of armed settlers flaunting Israeli flags through Arab quarters of cities and towns. To cap the irony, though he is a persistent law violator he has been since November 2022 been the National Security Minister, which gives him authority over the police. He is currently seeking to have the Knesset pass legislation explicitly conferring legal immunity on all Israeli soldiers for any and all killings of Palestinians and also pressed the parliament to institute a formal, judicially administered death penalty for “terrorists”, which would mean any Palestinian who physically resists the Israeli occupation.

Another extremist politician who has obtained a major ministry in the Netanyahu government is Bezalel Yoel Smotrich who has served as the Minister of Finance since 2022. He has recently completed a controversial trip to the United States where he met with American Zionist leaders. Smotrich is the leader of the Religious Zionist Party, and lives in an illegal settlement in a house within the Israeli occupied West Bank that was also built doubly illegally outside the settlement proper. Smotrich supports expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes any form of Palestinian statehood, and even denies the existence of the Palestinian people. He has now been granted authority over settlement development and support on the West Bank.

Though Israel’s internal enemies, such as they are, are frequently characterized as Muslims, the dwindling ancient Christian community in Israel and what remains of Palestine has also been under increasing pressure as Israel becomes less multi-cultural and more a state designed only to accommodate Jews. Increasing illegal settlement growth in largely Christian areas has also threatened the survival of many Christian villages and towns. Nevertheless, Israel remains a home to 185,000 Christian Palestinians, most of whom reside in Nazareth, Haifa and Jerusalem. Tens of thousands of people of partial or full Christian ancestry, some of whom are married to Jews, live in Israel as well. Beyond that, there are many Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches, institutions, holy places and cemeteries in Israel.

Several months ago, the head of the Roman Catholic church in Israel, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, said that Christians have faced difficult challenges since the formation of Netanyahu’s far right-wing government last December. According to Pizzaballa, his government has emboldened ultra-nationalist religious activists, many of whom are armed settlers, and some of whom have harassed male and female members of the clergy and vandalized religious property. Pizzaballa observed how “The frequency of these attacks, the aggressions, has become something new. These people feel they are protected …the cultural and political atmosphere can now justify, or tolerate, actions against Christians.” A colleague, Francesco Patton, the Custodian of the Holy Land, elaborated how “We are horrified and hurt in the wake of the many incidents of violence and hatred that have taken place recently against the Catholic community in Israel.” He described the desecration of a Lutheran cemetery, the vandalizing of a Maronite prayer room, urination on holy sites, destruction of sacred images and the spraying of “death to Christians” on church property, all taking place shortly after the new government was installed. He also noted “the responsibility of the leaders, of those who have power,” adding that the Israeli police routinely failed to investigate such incidents after the churches reported them.

To determine if the claims of increased violence and hate crimes directed against Christians were true, on June 26th the liberal leaning Israeli newspaper Haaretz sent one of its journalists dressed as a priest into downtown Jerusalem. Within five minutes, the journalist Yossi Eli “was derided and spat at, including by a child and a soldier… A bit later a man mocked [him] in Hebrew, saying, ‘Forgive me father for I have sinned.’ Then an 8-year-old spat at [him], as did [another] soldier when a group of troops passed by later.”

Given what is going on on-the-ground, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has called for an investigation into the role that Israeli-US dual national settlers are currently playing in the recent wave of violence directed against both Christian and Muslim Palestinian towns and villages. ADC Executive Director Abed Ayoub has said that “We have strong reason to believe that American citizens are among the key perpetrators of the most recent brutal and violent attacks.” Since June 21st, armed Israeli settler mobs have been terrorizing Palestinian villages in the West Bank on a nearly daily basis. They have destroyed homes, burned vehicles, and killed at least one Palestinian. For decades US Citizens have moved to Israeli settlements, which they use as bases for regularly engaging in violence against Palestinians, all with impunity, as the Israeli police and army provide the Arabs with no protection and instead often protect the settlers. Many of these US Citizens also take advantage of American charitable and non-profit tax laws to fund illegal settlements and initiate violence against Palestinians.

In another major incident, five weeks ago dozens of Israeli extremists, primarily Orthodox Jews, disrupted a Christian prayer event for pilgrims near the Western Wall. The deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Aryeh King and leading Rabbi Avi Thau led the protesters. Denouncing the Christians as “missionaries” trying to convert Jews, the extremists spat at and cursed the pilgrims, many of whom were ironically normally strongly pro-Israel evangelical Christians from the US. Deputy Mayor King said that Christians should enjoy freedom of worship “only inside their churches.”

According to Protecting Holy Land Christians, an organization established by Christian groups to raise awareness of threats their religion, 2022 was “one of the worst years for Christians in Jerusalem to date.” The organization reported spitting attacks, vandalism, and property theft as mechanisms of erasure. And there are other accounts of how Christians have been subjected to increasing persecution. A recent report details how Palestinians have been targeted what it calls settler-colonialism, which is a series of measures intended to destroy their communities and drive them from their land. It identifies seven policies that Israel uses against Palestinians throughout the whole of Mandatory Palestine (1948 Palestine, Gaza, the West Bank including East Jerusalem) and also to punish those in exile: “denial of residency; land confiscation and denial of use; discriminatory planning; denial of access to natural resources and services; imposition of a permit regime; fragmentation, segregation and isolation; denial of reparations; and suppression of resistance.” The report concludes “Whether these policies are considered separately or taken together, they amount to forced population transfer, a grave breach of international humanitarian law (IHL).”

To cite only one example of how it works, the venerable Armenian Christian community has been the victim of a controversial land sale in the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City Armenian Quarter that is being developed as a luxury resort which will effectively destroy a neighborhood that has existed for seven hundred years. The Australian-Israeli developer who obtained the land apparently did so through a shady deal with a bribed community official that circumvented local zoning and property sale regulations. The religious leadership of the Armenian community, which numbers less than 1,000, fears that the resort will force many families, already suffering under Israel’s rule, to depart.

Recently, these essentially genocidal measures have included the outright theft of their historic buildings and land by the government, and denial of other rights, including refusal to permit gatherings of the faithful at the existing churches on major holidays like Christmas and Easter. There have also been many physical attacks on individual Christians carried out by extremist Jews as well as desecration of Christian religious sites and destruction or defacement of Christian relics and statuary. A conference in Jerusalem held last Friday to address the issue of increased violence against Christians attracted a number of diplomats, scholars and representatives of religious groups, but it was boycotted by the Israeli Foreign Ministry. The US Embassy also did not send a representative or observer, indicating clearly that it was not interested in the plight of Christians in Israel, or rather that it did not even want to admit that there was a problem.

So there you have it. The new Israeli government is not very interested in human rights for anyone who is not a Conservative or Orthodox Jew. It is, in fact, essentially hostile to all Palestinians and foreigners, be they Muslim, Christian or even irreligious. They denigrate such people as what Germans in the 1930s would have referred to as “untermenschen” meaning subhumans, a word then used to describe Jews, ironically enough. That the United States ignores all of Israel’s war crimes and human rights violations is disgraceful, but par for the course as American Jews who are advocates for Israel have corrupted and taken firm control of the political process. And do not think for a second that Israel’s leaders give one damn about the United States and its people. Recall for a moment how former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon referred to Americans in a discussion with Foreign Minister Shimon Peres: “Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” And more recently Netanyahu said “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.” That is what they really think of us.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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As if the situation for the Kiev regime forces wasn’t bad already, the political West has now increased its already massive pressure on Kiev to “perform better” during the much-touted counteroffensive against the Russian military. Considering the disastrous losses and no actual gains, this will be a virtually impossible task for the already battered Neo-Nazi junta troops. The political “leadership” (aka NATO puppets) in Kiev, including its frontman Volodymyr Zelensky, are now publicly showing signs of desperation and pleading with the Kiev regime forces to “show results” mere days ahead of the major NATO summit that is due to start in Lithuania on July 11.

The pressure comes amid stepped-up blackmail by Washington DC which is now threatening that it will slow down or ever cut so-called “military aid” to the Neo-Nazi junta in case its forces don’t demonstrate they’re capable of advancing, taking and holding Russian position. Zelensky held talks with several journalists and mainstream propaganda machine outlets over the weekend in an attempt to “quell rumors about the failure of the counteroffensive”. Indeed, even Western propaganda couldn’t ignore the disastrous way these counteroffensive operations have been conducted, as ample evidence of horrendous losses on alternative platforms (particularly Telegram) simply cannot be ignored.

Still, Zelensky effectively accused the mainstream propaganda machine (the same one that has been lionizing him for about a year and a half now) of spreading “Russian disinformation” about the results of the counteroffensive. Yet, it’s not really clear where the supposed “disinformation” comes from, considering the actual state of the Kiev regime forces, particularly in the past several days. Indeed, numerous headlines in nearly all countries of the political West have relayed the increasingly gloomy prospects of the counteroffensive, with many now “suggesting it might be failing”. This is a major hurdle for the Neo-Nazi junta’s attempts to hide its massive losses.

As the political West’s favorite puppets are trying to keep their unsustainable narrative alive, Zelensky is doing anything he can to help with this increasingly futile effort. He now even claims that “torrential rains had slowed down some processes quite a bit”, but admits that “the reality still is that every kilometer of liberated territory and gains costs lives”. Despite close to $170 billion in so-called “aid”, Zelensky also urged NATO and the political West as a whole to send ever more weapons. He also blamed the losses specifically on the lack of or the late arrival of artillery systems and munitions, claiming that “the lost battles would have been won had there been more of both”.

“We stopped because we couldn’t advance. Advancing meant losing people and we had no artillery. We are very cautious in this aspect. Fast things are not always safe,” Zelensky complained in one of the press briefings. He then emphasized that “[he has] a duty to his troops” and to “not take risks that are unnecessary” (although that’s exactly what they’ve been doing for over a year now). “If they tell me that two months will pass and thousands of people will die, or three months and fewer people will die, of course, I will choose the latter. Between time and people, the most important thing is people,” Zelensky said with a straight face.

In regards to the growing urgency of constant (and, if possible, increased) flow of military supplies from NATO members, particularly the US, Zelensky specifically took aim at the Republican-dominated Congress, which lately had many calls for audits on the massive amount of funds earmarked for the Kiev regime. Worse yet, this comes amid “rumors and concerns over the waning enthusiasm for the war effort in Washington DC” and the political West as a whole that might be demonstrated more openly at the “sensitive moment” of NATO’s annual summit. In other words, the deeply corrupt Neo-Nazi junta henchmen are extremely concerned that the constant flow of billions of dollars will suddenly be cut.

While Kiev regime’s top generals parroted their usual complaints about the sore lack of air support for their counteroffensive operations, specifically mentioning the much-touted F-16 fighter jets that are now being delayed to late 2023 or even the next year, Zelensky didn’t miss the opportunity to criticize the “dangerous messages coming from some Republicans” (probably referring to the aforementioned audits). Still, he praised the sudden June 29th visit by former Trump administration Vice President Mike Pence, stressing that “maintaining bipartisan support is the most important thing for Ukraine, regardless of who wins the 2024 US presidential election”.

“Mike Pence has visited us, and he supports Ukraine. First of all, as an American, and then as a Republican. We have bipartisan support. However, there are different messages in their circles regarding support for Ukraine. There are messages coming from some Republicans, sometimes dangerous messages, that there may be less support,” Zelensky insisted.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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Author’s Update: Was Western Intelligence Involved?

While Yevgeny Prigozhin had flown from Rostov to Minsk in his Legacy 600 Embraer  Jet (in a deal allegedly negotiated between Putin and Belarus President Lukashenko), his whereabouts are currently unknown. Contradictory press reports point  to Prigozhin‘s intent to build a new Wagner mercenary base in Belarus for the 8,000 soldiers who accompanied him to Minsk. The evidence is scanty. 

Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin confirmed that the finances of Prigozhin’s mercenary company would be the object of an investigation. In all likelihood, the net proceeds of the $2 billion dollars received by Wagner from the Russian government have already been deposited in one or more offshore bank accounts.

The latest report states that “he vanished” eight days after the so-called “mutiny”. This is a nonsensical statement. Prigorzhin’s private jet has standard tracking codes. No doubt both Russian and Western Intelligence know where he is.

On Monday July 3, Prigozhin is reported to have made an online audio presentation from an unknown location. Has Prigozhin travelled in his private jet from Minsk to an unnamed foreign country? 

The Western media have intimated (with the usual innuendos) that Prigozhin had contacted Western intelligence: 

“It is evident that he tipped off US and British intelligence that he was about to pull Wagner fighters back from Ukraine into Russia. It was as if he wanted to know how the allies and Ukraine might react, and how it would change the war.” 

This suggests that the Wagner chief has good contacts in the West — though there is no sign that Western nations helped him. (Evening Standard, June 30, 2023, emphasis added)

Joe Biden: “The US is Not Involved with Wagner Revolt”

CIA Director William J. Burns was in touch by phone with Russia’s SVR intelligence counterpart Sergei Naryshkin  “to convey to Moscow that the U.S. had no role in the uprising”. 

President Biden had previously stated with hesitation (June 26, 2023) that the U.S. had taken this initiative to: 

“make sure we gave Putin no excuse – let me emphasize – we gave Putin no excuse to blame this on the West or to blame this on NATO.”  


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, July 4, 2023


There was a hype in propaganda and US political statements against President Putin. 

Putin knew about it before it happened. He was briefed by Russia’s Ministry of Defense and the SVR. 

US intel had advanced knowledge of Prigozhin’s intent.

“U.S. spy agencies had indications days earlier that Mr. Prigozhin was planning something and worked to refine that material into a finished assessment, officials said.” (NYT, June 24, 2023)

It is worth noting that on June 21 (2 days prior to Prigozhin’s “Mutiny”), US Intel. had already briefed senior military and government officials. 

There is no evidence, however, that it was a US intelligence op. 

There is Something very Fishy

The Wagner Group was founded in 2014. Wagner PMC soldiers had been fighting courageously on behalf of Luhansk and Donesk since 2014-2015, coming to the rescue of civilians. 

In his June 23 video, Prigozhin casually denied his commitment to the people of Donbass, emphatically stating that the “war in Ukraine had been unleashed under false pretenses”.

Who wrote his script? 

It is worth noting that the Wagner PMC  was founded in 2014 by a former Ukrainian-born GRU officer Dmitry Utkin together with Prigozhin. Allegedly, Utkin had Nazi leanings. The PMC mercenary group was named by Utkin in honor of German Composer Richard Wagner. 

Prigozhin is an oligarch. His net worth is in excess of 1 billion dollars (according to Forbes). Was he co-opted and bribed to trigger an alleged “coup” against president Putin? 

There Never Was A Plan to Carry Out a Coup d’Etat

Since June 22-23, I have reviewed countless articles from mainstream and independent media sources. Many Global Research authors are renowned military and intelligence experts familiar with the logic and parameters of regime change and coups d’état.

There is an issue which visibly no one has addressed, specifically the numerous pundits and “authoritative sources” who claim that it was an “attempted” or “failed” coup d’Etat”:


The Rostov-Moscow M-4 Highway 

Beneath the complexities of the crisis, there never was a real plan to wage a coup d’Etat, i.e. a so-called “Moscow Maidan”. Why? Use your common sense.

You do not plan and announce a coup d’Etat in Rostov on the Don which is at the tip of the Sea of Azov and then drive North on Russia’s busy M-4 highway with a clumsy convoy of Wagner tanks and armoured vehicles.

From Rostov to Moscow’s Red Square, it’s a tiring trip of more than 1000 kilometers.

The Answer should have been obvious from the start. Have a look at the map. (See below).

Russia’s state of the Art T-tanks can travel at a speed of 50-80 km an hour. In other words, it would take (with possible stop overs) 15 to 20 hours (not to mention traffic before reaching the Red Square).

(Jokingly, it’s like planning a military op. on Miami Beach, driving up from Florida on U.S. Interstate 95 to Washington DC, and waging a coup against the White House). 



Global Research has over the years published numerous articles and reports on the history and strategies of military coups and regime change in different regions of the World. We have never come across anything comparable to Prigozhin’s alleged “coup”. 

I look forward to watching Hollywood’s future movie on Prigozhin’s “failed coup d’Etat” against Putin. It will be a “blockbuster” (possibly funded by the Pentagon)? 

Geography, location, distance are key concepts –combined of course with an understanding of  the political, social and military dimensions of a coup d’Etat. 

Prigozhin is not ignorant. He had no intent on planning a coup d’état against Putin as perceived in chorus by the mainstream media. That was not his game. 

On a personal note, I gained an understanding of US sponsored military coups while teaching in Latin America. I lived the coup d’état in Santiago de Chile on September 11, 1973 which instated the Pinochet dictatorship. It destroyed democracy. It led to the impoverishment of an entire country. Kissinger was behind the military coup. 

Image Right: General Augusto Pinochet welcomes U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

A couple of years later, I was in Argentina at the outset of General Jorge Videla’s military rule (1976) which was supported by the Rockefellers.

It was “The Dirty War”, “La guerra sucia”. A history of  U.S. sponsored killings of civilians under “Operation Condor”.

Image Left: General Jorge Videla, the late David Rockefeller and Wall Street’s appointed Finance Minister Martinez de Hoz. 

A Moscow Coup d’Etat planned in Donbass? 

And then you travel up to Moscow to confront president Putin. This is nonsensical.

It was at best “an act of mutiny” led by Prigozhin. He is a billionaire. He’s interested in money. Was he paid to do it? This is a matter for further investigation. According to Scott Ritter (June 23):

“…a concerted effort between Wagner, the Ukrainian intelligence service, and their Western sponsors … Prigozhin is working on behalf of foreign intelligence Services carrying out their tasks. That task is to collapse the government of Vladimir Putin. I personally believe that he won’t succeed. But that’s what’s happening this morning”

There were Two Possible “Scenarios”

First Scenario: Had the Russian Airforce been instructed by the Kremlin, it could have destroyed the Wagner convoy on the Rostov-Moscow M-4 highway (“a piece of cake”) in a couple of hours. 

But that did not happen. Is that what US-NATO thought might have happened? 

The Second scenario was applied.

The Russian Government advised by the MOD and FSB took the decision not to intervene militarily. An agreement was reached with Prigorzhin. Wagner troops split up, most of them joining Russia’s regular Armed Forces.

There was no “real convoy” en route to Moscow. 


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Bill-278: An Act to prevent the imposition by the Trudeau government of imposing Covid vaccination mandates pertaining to employment and travel.

The initiative is intent upon Upholding Freedom and Civil Liberties in Canada:

“This enactment amends the Financial Administration Act to provide that the Treasury Board may not require as a condition of employment in the federal public administration that a person receive a vaccine against COVID-19. It also amends the Canada Labour Code to provide that regulations may not be made that require, as a term or condition of employment in or in connection with the operation of a federal work, undertaking or business, that a person receive a vaccine against COVID-19.

In addition, the enactment amends the Aeronautics Act, the Railway Safety Act and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 to provide that no regulation, order or other instrument made under any of those Acts to prevent the introduction or spread of COVID-19 may prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting a person from boarding an aircraft, a train or a vessel solely on the ground that they have not received a vaccine against that disease.

(Private Member’s Bill C-278, First Reading)




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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Recently, a lot is being written and said on the subject of human trafficking and modern-day slavery, particularly due to the upcoming release of the highly anticipated film The Sound of Freedom which is set to be officially released on July 4, Independence Day.

This article examines the subject, the film, and all the dark details that surround its foundations, claims, and worries.

It is arguably the most important topic that concerns us humans, for it has to do with our most precious of all, our children.

This article is structured as follows:

  1. What is Human & Child Trafficking?
  2. Human Trafficking and Forced Labour is a multi-billion-dollar business
  3. Child Sex Trafficking
  4. Children trafficked en masse at the U.S. Border; 85,000 kids go missing
  5. The Sound of Freedom movie, officially released on July 4, 2023, Independence Day
  6. Hollywood’s Darkest Corners
  7. The Corporate Media’s attack on claims made against Hollywood, Pedophiles and Adrenochrome
  8. The CYM Corporation Leaks
  9. Tim Ballard’s Operation Underground Railroad
  10. Don’t be part of the Problem, but rather part of the Solution

1. What is Human & Child Trafficking?

On a broader global scale, Human Trafficking Search (HTS) notes:

“Human trafficking, trafficking in persons, and modern-day slavery are umbrella terms – often used interchangeably – that refer to the exploitation of individuals through threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, and/or deception.”

HTS lists 6 main types of human trafficking:


The International Labour Organization estimates that there are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally (49.6 million people were living in modern slavery in 2021, of which 27.6 million were in forced labour and 22 million in forced marriage).

According to UNODC’s 2020 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons which is compiled using official figures from over 148 countries, one in every three victims detected is a child. Girls are mainly trafficked for sexual exploitation, while boys are used for forced labour [source].

According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline based in the United States,

Human trafficking occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will.

There are many myths about human trafficking such as it exclusively involves transporting victims across state/provincial or national borders – which is really human smuggling.

In reality, the crime of human trafficking does not necessarily require movement. Victims can be recruited and trafficked in their own home towns, or even their own homes.

Children are trafficked for various reasons.

According to Save the Children based in Connecticut, child trafficking refers to the exploitation of girls and boys, primarily for forced labor and sexual exploitation.

Children account for 27% of all the human trafficking victims worldwide, and two out of every three child victims are girls.

Children are often trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation or for labor, such as domestic servitude, agricultural work, factory work and mining, or they’re forced to fight in conflicts.

The most vulnerable children, particularly refugees and migrants, are often preyed upon and their hopes for an education, a better job or a better life in a new country. [source]

Save the Children provides a lot of valuable information on child trafficking    , including Myths vs Facts.

Apart from sexual exploitation, trafficked children are often used for forced marriages and for forced labour (modern day slavery) with India and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole being prime locations.

War zones such as the Ukraine, areas of conflict and natural disasters also represent places where children are particularly vulnerable to abduction, sexual abuse and trafficking.

Children are also often lured and deceived online via major social networking platforms such as Facebook or TikTok, or through gaming apps which contain chat platforms [source).

2. Human Trafficking and Forced Labour is a multi-billion-dollar business 

Based on research from the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), human trafficking is listed as the fastest growing criminal industry in the world today, surpassing in value the illegal arms industry and only second to the drug trade [source].

The International Labour Organization (ILO)’s estimates profits from forced labour at US$150 billion (annually) according to the latest 2021 figures.

Sex tourism, a worldwide illicit activity that is prevalent in Southeast Asia, accounts for about $35 billion per year.

And as reporter Clayton Morris from Redacted recently noted, child sex trafficking brings in $34 billion a year in revenue. Morris emphasised that as a frame of reference, for 2023 the entire airline industry is poised to make $22 billion in worldwide revenue.

3. Child Sex Trafficking 

“Sex trafficking is when an individual engages in a commercial sex act as a result of force, fraud, or coercion. If the individual is under the age of eighteen, any commercial sex act is considered trafficking even if there is no force, fraud, or coercion. Sexual exploitation occurs in various settings, including (but not limited to) brothels, strip clubs, massage parlors, on the street (sometimes coined “track”), or in private homes. Individuals can be trafficked domestically and across international borders. ” – Human Trafficking Search (HTS)

According to the ILO, 6.3 million individuals are exploited for sex.

HTS also notes that over half of all children in forced labour are in commercial sexual exploitation.

Women and children are the most common victims found to be trafficked for sex, but men and boys are also trafficked for sex. LGBT identifying individuals, especially transgender individuals, have increasingly been found to be victims of sexual exploitation.

4. Children trafficked en masse at the U.S. Border; 85,000 kids go missing

A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) whistleblower, Tara Lee Rodas told Congress’s House Judiciary Committee on Apr 26, 2023 (watch from around 01:26:13 to 01:32:00) that the United States federal government has become the “middleman” in a multi-billion dollar human trafficking operation targeting unaccompanied minors at the southern border.

Tara Lee Rodas testifying before the Congress’s House Judiciary Committee on Apr 26, 2023. Photo source: The Main Wire.

The damning testimony by Rodas who had volunteered to help with Operation Artemis, a plan by the Biden Administration to get control of the humanitarian disaster on the U.S.-Mexico border in 2021, provided some damaging statements about the outcomes for children in the border crisis mess.

Watch the five-minute 45-second clip from her testimony here (alternate video link here).

Migrant children from Central America take refuge from the rain in the back of a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle in Penitas, Texas, March 14, 2021, as they await to be transported after crossing the Rio Grande River into the United States. Photo source CNS photo/Adrees Latif, Reuters via

According to an Article from ZeroHedge, ‘Modern-Day Slave Traders’: Hawley Demands Probe Into 85,000 ‘Lost’ Migrant Children from last April, Mrs. Rodas said she had been deployed to help HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) reunite Unaccompanied Children (UACs) with adult sponsors in the United States, stating:

“I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes. Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with recruiting in home country, smuggling to the U.S. border, and ends when ORR delivers a child to a sponsor—some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of transnational criminal organizations, some sponsors view children as commodities and assets to be used for earning income.”

The article also noted that according to data from US Customs and Border Protection, approximately 345,000 minors have crossed into the United States unaccompanied since President Joe Biden took office, while a report from the NY Times suggests that the Department of Health and Human Services has lost contact with 85,000 of these minors. Hawley expounded [emphasis added]:

“The Biden Administration is morally responsible for their fate. The President lifted Title 42 restrictions on unaccompanied children in early 2021,” wrote Hawley in a Friday letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Reporting reveals that HHS loosened vetting processes for sponsors and retaliated against whistleblowers who raised these concerns. As a result, thousands of children have been handed over to modern-day slave traders.”

The article further noted that in some cases, Rodas says she witnessed adult sponsors who were allowed to take in “10, 20, 30 and 40 children” without any concerns from HHS.

5. The Sound of Freedom movie, officially released on July 4, 2023, Independence Day 

The Sound of Freedom is a movie based on the incredible true story of a former government agent, Tim Ballard, who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers.

It stars Jim Caviezel who is famous for his portrayal of Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson’s 2004 movie The Passion of the Christ. The film was directed by Alejandro Monteverde.

The Sound of Freedom is schedule for its official release on July 4 of this year, on the very fitting Independence Day.

The theatrical trailer for the film can be viewed hereunder:

“Not enough people know this problem exists.” – Jim Caviezel

Actor Jim Caviezel (left) who portrays Tim Ballard (right) in The Sound of Freedom speaking during an interview in Washington on June 21, 2023. Image source: Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times via ZeroHedge.

Though The Sound of Freedom film was completed nearly four years ago in 2019, it is only now being released, most likely due to the dark and pervasive nature of child abuse in the Hollywood movie industry.

Disney, who purchased and owns 20th Century Fox shelved the movie for two years, and both Netflix and Amazon passed on distributing it. The film is now distributed by Angel Studios.

Since filming Sound of Freedom, Jim Caviezel has become very outspoken and very involved in the cause of bringing light on the darkness of child sex trafficking.

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“The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any.” — Hannah Arendt (1966), The Origins of Totalitarianism

Everyone has had encounters with Americans who have advanced degrees and yet have a kindergartner’s understanding of politics and the world in which we live.

How did this happen? How did the United States become such a wasteland of mindlessness, irrationality, and intellectual bankruptcy?

The answer lies in understanding the role played by four foundational pillars that are integral to 21st century post-America society:

  • the mass media and its echo chambers,
  • the weaponization of education,
  • the cult of careerism; and
  • a cultural, political, and moral disorientation that is inextricably linked with the multicultural society.

As readers of both the left independent media and conservative independent media are well aware, the legacy media is a huge problem, and with Fox’s dismissal of Tucker Carlson a lone sentient voice has been expunged from the mass media whose minions increasingly march in lockstep on virtually every major issue. 

The mass media exists to spin false narratives and to terrify Americans with bogeymen while distracting them from the things they should really be concerned about.

So instead of worrying about the threat of programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which would irrevocably end democracy, student loan debt and medical bankruptcies, increasingly psychopathic and potentially omnicidal wars of aggression, the destruction of the middle class, the erosion of the rule of law, the dismantling of the informed consent ethic, and the collapse of public education, we should be concerned about Russians, Nazis (imaginary Nazis, that is, not the real Nazis Washington is giving billions of dollars to in Kiev), anti-vaxxers (people who believe in informed consent), conspiracy theorists (dissidents who exercise their First Amendment rights), sexism and “the patriarchy” (men who have concerns about Feminisis and the threat it poses to the presumption of innocence and due process), and racism in education (Americans who object to the burning of American letters and classics of Western civilization).

The neocon and neoliberal establishment media outlets seek to perpetuate the illusion that there are significant differences between them, when in actuality both insist that FDA, CDC, and the WHO must be obeyed unquestioningly; both are in thrall to the military industrial complex, the CIA, and the drug companies; and both institutions are equally enamored with unfettered capitalism. (For foreign readers that are skeptical of just how bad the inequality is in the US, you should visit the YouTube channel Hoods N Hollers). 

Granted, sometimes the arguments made to justify these policies differ: while the neoliberal media will argue in favor of uncontrolled immigration to cultivate “diversity,” the neocon media will support the same policy to depress wages and abet the looting of state assets by rapacious corporate entities. Neocons favor white oppressors while neoliberals prefer oppressors of color. In this way, white nationalism and anti-white jihad are perpetually pitted against one another in a macabre dance of anarchy, fear, and unrelenting violence.

The dubious claims regularly touted by the legacy media (and especially its neoliberal wing) are parroted ad nauseam by the presstitutes themselves, but also by social media, academia, the literary reviews, and the publishing of contemporary fiction and highly publicized memoirs. This traps malleable minds in a perverse maze of deceitful memes and shibboleths while giving millions of Americans a dangerously distorted sense of reality. Naturally, one of the mass media’s most important duties is to incessantly reiterate humanitarian intervention talking points so as to sell the latest bloodbath for the warmongers in Washington.

The belief that the legacy media zombies have in the inerrancy of the mass media is intertwined with the myth of the meritocracy. Indeed, if one is bewitched by this spell it can only result in blindly following the omniscient ones at The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The New Yorker Magazine, The Guardian, the BBC, etc.

The myth of the meritocracy has likewise played a huge role in the rise of the Branch Covidians, who believe with every fiber of their sullied souls that the legacy media, the three letter agencies, and the elite medical journals are irreproachable and free from corporate meddling.

The weaponization of education has likewise played a critical role in the rise of the nonsentient human, as American education presently exists to generate student loan debt, incite as much sectarianism and tribalism as possible, deny poor and working class Americans a humanities education, support the burgeoning health dictatorship, use international students to cultivate biochemical automation, foment overspecialization and servility, and facilitate the dismantling of the rule of law through the jettisoning of civics and constitutional history.

The most indoctrinated Americans are not the ones who defend the latest US foreign policy debacle or the latest biofascist atrocity because this was what they were told by the talking heads on television or read in The Washington Post or on Facebook. The most delusional, intransigent, hubristic and fanatical legacy media cultists are the ones who insist that the Ministry of Truth is correct because their professors said so. 

Ultimately, academia’s raison d’être is to generate Adolf Eichmanns who have lost the ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and the more prestigious the university the shorter the ideological leash the professoriate will be on. Consider all the physicians that still defend lockdowns, mask mandates, mRNA vaccine mandates, the demonization of the unvaccinated, and the demonization of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

That these policies have egregiously violated foundational principles of medical ethics, have been terribly murderous and destructive, were not science based, and were utterly devoid of any rational risk-benefit analysis fails to trigger even the faintest trace of skepticism amongst the vast majority of American physicians and biomedical researchers.

Like the military academy, medical schools demand absolute subservience and are designed to train their soldiers to conflate legality with morality and to blindly execute the dark machinations of the medical industrial complex. 

In what can be described as an intellectual battered wife syndrome, even the VAERS data, the World Council for Health’s pharmacovigilance report, the 750 scientific papers compiled by Doctors for Covid Ethics that warn of the dangers of the mRNA injections, and organizations that represent the Covid vaccine injured such as React 19 and Real Not Rare invariably fail to inculcate the majority of American doctors and biomedical academics with any misgivings regarding the lies they were fed by “the experts.” As Orwell presciently wrote in 1984, “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Should a pre-med student write a personal statement in conjunction with their medical school application denouncing the corporatization of medicine, the Church of Vaccinology, the Cult of Psychiatry, the Branch Covidians, or the trans cult their application would be met with instantaneous rejection. (In actuality, these biofascist cults are domestic humanitarian interventions. Instead of imposing democracy and freedom at gunpoint, health and “the science” are imposed at gunpoint). To get the coveted jobs that follow these degrees requires even more blind obedience; and to hold onto these jobs, yet more still. Indeed, the more subservience displayed by the ruthless careerist, the more they will be subsumed by a shroud of unscrupulousness and spiritual destruction. 

I’m not suggesting that everyone with an elite PhD, law degree, or medical degree is an unthinking automaton. I’m merely stating that the system is specifically designed to separate the wheat from the chaff and to jettison young Americans with critical thinking skills and a strong sense of morality. Like Pavlov’s dogs, American students are increasingly raised in a multiple choice world. This paves the way for the avaricious and ruthless to rise to the top. 

To contradict the official Ukraine narrative and state that the Ukrainian military is suffering catastrophic losses in men and materiel (see here, here, here and here) while employed as an officer in the military or as an agent in the intelligence services will bring about the immediate cessation of one’s career. To publicly question the Branch Covidian putsch as a physician will put the offender’s license at risk; and to do so as an academic will, provided the professor isn’t tenured, result in the academic’s termination for “promoting conspiracy theories” and “spreading misinformation.”

Overspecialization, the deplorable state of the humanities, relentless competition for increasingly scarce jobs that offer good wages and benefits, and the multicultural society which debases national consciousness and the collective memory all play a role in fomenting vocational tribalism and the Cult of Careerism. 

Hyper careerists seldom care about what is happening outside their field which inevitably leads to a disintegration of one’s moral compass.

For instance, an American classical musician, astronomer, or basketball player will often feel that they have more in common with foreigners that share their profession than they do with their fellow Americans. For those who have prestigious jobs, this may all seem well and good, but what are the socio-economic ramifications when what remains of the middle class is a gaggle of technocratic automatons who reside within the confines of their specialty and are largely indifferent to what happens outside of their field? In many ways, their occupation has become their country, and going from an orchestra in Stockholm to an orchestra in Copenhagen to an orchestra in Tel Aviv to an orchestra in Hong Kong can feel like moving from one city to another within the same country.

As transpired in ancient Rome multiculturalism has spawned an epidemic of unreason causing a vast swath of the population to become divorced from reality and to be enveloped by a pall of amorality. In addition to obliterating the middle class, following the end of the Cold War everything the American ruling establishment has done domestically has been geared towards creating the most ignorant, ghettoized, atomized, and dehumanized population; a population that is not only terribly ill- informed, but which is increasingly bereft of even a national identity. 

There is nothing wrong with being proud to have grown up in Bedford–Stuyvesant, South Central Los Angeles, Harlan County, or Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. And yet it can only bode ill when the children that grow up in these neighborhoods have an increasingly tenuous connection to the greater national identity and an even weaker connection to Western civilization itself.

The foundational basis of education is the humanities, and the erasure of American letters and British literature from most public school curricula has left a void which is being filled by specialized job training and the woke indoctrination as embodied by the multicultural curriculum and identity studies. Should this anti-humanities curriculum persist for many years and be coupled with uncontrolled immigration, the cultural fabric of society will inevitably begin to unravel. (American multiculturalism should not be confused with Russian multiculturalism where people that hail from different religions, languages, and ethnicities remain bound together through the Russian language and through a shared Russian history and Soviet heritage).

An education system that attempts to teach children to become literate and articulate in dozens of different languages so as to become “citizens of the world” is doomed to failure, decay, and decrepitude. No such education system has ever existed, and no such education system will ever exist. If Americans of color and immigrant youth are denied a proper grounding in the humanities – a policy zealously promoted by those who love to rant about “racism” – this can only pave the way for more illiteracy, fragmentation, and authoritarianism.

Americans cannot defend their rights if they don’t even know what those rights are, and increasingly the younger generation is taught nothing of the warnings and ideals of American and British literature, the role played by diplomacy in peacefully resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis, the sacrifice made by hundreds of thousands of white Union soldiers who gave their lives to defeat the Slave Power, the New Deal, the civil rights movement (antithetical to identity politics, as it promoted solidarity as opposed to segregation), the Great Depression, the Nuremberg Code, and the anti-war activists of the ‘60s who fought for a just and humane foreign policy. As Beatty, the chief book burner in Fahrenheit 451 says, “If you don’t want a house built, hide the nails and wood.”

Relentlessly berated, deracinated, and deliberately given an atrocious education, Americans increasingly know nothing of their own past. Consequently, they do not possess the intellectual tools needed to understand the biosecurity agenda, the war in Ukraine (along with the growing threat of a direct NATO-Russia clash); and the dangers of living in a Neronian chaos devoid of checks and balances. A younger generation that cannot place current events in their appropriate historical context and whose indoctrination (euphemistically referred to as “education”) revolves around a pathological contempt for bodily autonomy and all things Western and American is doomed to fall into a morass of nihilism and profound moral degradation. 

The demons that surround us are both manifold and formidable. And yet the biggest obstacles are ignorance, a dissolution of rational thought, and even a common language with which to discuss these things. Let us reflect on the opening stanzas of Blake’s immortal “London:”

“I wander thro’ each charter’d street,

Near where the charter’d Thames does flow. 

And mark in every face I meet

Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

In every cry of every Man,

In every Infants cry of fear,

In every voice: in every ban,

The mind-forg’d manacles I hear” 

Breaking up the corporate mass media monopolies, prohibiting the executive branch from using the tech companies to censor American speech, restoring the American canon and sound public education for all American children, ending institutionalized bribery and regulatory capture, and implementing policies designed to foster integration would all go a long way towards helping to restore reason, compassion, and American society itself. The alternative is to sit on our hands and wait, either for a third world war, or for things to degenerate to the point where all dissent is criminalized.


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David Penner’s articles on politics and health care have appeared in Dissident Voice, CounterPunch, Global Research, The Saker blog, OffGuardian and KevinMD; while his poetry has been published with Dissident Voice and Mad in America. Also a photographer, he is the author of three books of portraiture: Faces of The New Economy, Faces of Manhattan Island, and Manhattan Pairs. He can be reached at [email protected]

Featured image is from TruePublica

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On Launching the New International War Crimes Tribunal

July 4th, 2023 by Stephen Karganovic

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“The East is East, and the West is West, and never the twain shall meet.”

Rudyard Kipling was basically right. That being said, as they complete their task, the countries which are setting up the urgently needed international Tribunal to look into the war crimes committed in the Ukraine and the environs by the Kiev neo-Nazi regime and its foreign sponsors should make sure not to prove Kipling right once again. In this case, that would work to the immense detriment of justice.

These reflections are prompted by the urgency to analytically reconsider, once more, the modalities of the international criminal Tribunal that is in the process of being set up to cancel (yes, today that is a hip term but in the present case it also happens to be the most suitable) the bogus and corrupt “international justice” institutions created for its bullying purposes by the collective West.

That urgency is particularly salient in light of some new developments, such as the serious violations of international criminal and humanitarian norms resulting from the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam and Kiev regime’s openly telegraphed plan to conduct a similar false flag operation against the Zaporozhie Nuclear Power Plant, which could result in even more disastrous consequences. Legal instruments to fully deal with such situations, and others of similar type as they arise, must be thought out in advance and available for use.

That means that for the founders of the new international Tribunal “out of the box thinking” is not just a good option, but an imperative. To be precise, they must make an earnest intellectual effort to step out of their professional comfort zone and boldly venture outside. The criminal justice tools that they are familiar with and acculturated to use within their own legal systems will get them only so far in the completion of their tasks.

In essence, the problem is that the type of criminal prosecution that they are geared to handle is mostly for offences linking acts to specific individuals, such as “Azov battalion member X shot and killed civilian Y.” So we initiate criminal proceedings against X for murder and punish him appropriately. So far so good, but by following this model a multitude of more remote culprits and enablers are likely to evade punishment. If impunity is to be prevented, the Statute of the new Tribunal must be equipped with more effective and sophisticated legal tools to enable the Court to cast a very wide net.

The following situations illustrate why a more creative approach to effective criminal prosecution is required because conventional tools are deficient: destruction of the Kakhovka Dam and resulting civilian deaths (35 and counting) with malicious, intentional damage to civilian infrastructure; causing the reckless slaughter of tens of thousands of Ukrainian males by deliberately placing them in harms’ way contrary to every accepted tenet of military doctrine, based on the narrow political calculus of the governing elite and their foreign enablers; finally, the systematic and widespread bombardment of civilians in Eastern Ukraine, causing thousands of deaths and extensive property destruction.

Every one of these examples constitutes a serious war crime under one or more international conventions currently in effect. However, if it depended on identifying and trying the individuals directly responsible, it is unlikely that in most cases effective prosecution would be possible. 

Does the investigative committee hope to identify and apprehend every member of the Ukrainian armed forces and associated personnel who obeyed illegal orders and aimed and fired their artillery weapons at   civilians in the Donbass, or even most of them? The likelihood of that happening is minimal.

A similar problem arises with prosecuting and punishing the culprits for the destruction of the Dam. Is probative evidence of individual responsibility even at the operational level likely to ever be located and seized by investigators now or in the aftermath of the disintegration of Ukraine’s governing structures? Again, highly unlikely. For justice to be done, ultimate criminal liability must be imputed to political and military actors who issued the orders which resulted in the slaughter and mayhem of Ukrainian military personnel, which Scott Ritter, a likely expert witness in future proceedings, has aptly called “military malpractice.” 

Similar examples, where the impact of conventional criminal prosecution thinking would be extremely inadequate to achieve comprehensive justice, could be multiplied but these are sufficient to make the point.

To avoid this conundrum, it is unnecessary to reinvent the wheel. But if it is to fulfil its task credibly the new Tribunal must conceptually step out of its comfort zone.

The Tribunal obviously must first prepare the legal foundation for its activity. It should do that by declaring itself a court of universal jurisdiction. That would give it the capability to judge all internationally recognised crimes against humanity and violations of local criminal statutes occurring in the territory of the Russian Federation or the former Ukraine from 2014 to the present, regardless of whence they might have been conceived, instigated, or planned.

The assumption of such jurisdiction would enable the Tribunal to consider crimes committed both prior to the commencement of the Special Military Operation and since then, without spatial limitations. The clarification of the issue of territorial jurisdiction is important. Included under the Tribunal’s mandate would be areas that had been part of pre-SMO Russia as well as regions that voted subsequently to join the Russian Federation where civilians or civilian infrastructure had deliberately been targeted or other grave violations of international humanitarian law might have been committed. It is important to stress that assumption of universal jurisdiction is crucial for an additional reason. It would include under the Tribunal’s mandate not just venues within Ukraine where crimes falling under the Tribunal’s remit might have been planned or committed, but foreign centres and actors involved in the planning, enabling, and commission of those crimes as well.

In order to facilitate its task of meting out justice on the widest possible scale, the Tribunal should adopt within its practice two key modes of criminal liability utilised by ICTY and ICC, the Western-sponsored Tribunals ostensibly dealing with analogous issues: Joint Criminal Responsibility and Command Responsibility. There would be no need and moreover it would be inadvisable to uncritically copy the frequently abusive ways in which the aforementioned Western institutions  have interpreted and applied these legal institutes. Clearly, some of the more grotesque modalities of JCR as applied by the Hague Tribunal should be discarded. However, the sound core of both concepts, which provides for punishment based on forms of vicarious liability, should be retained, retooled, and placed at the Tribunal’s disposal.

The appropriate use of these legal instruments would empower the Tribunal to do what must be done if in this conflict justice is truly to be served. Integral justice cannot be achieved by apprehending and punishing mostly low-level implementers of overarching plans and directives emanating from superior levels. The planners and enablers must also be legally targeted and effectively called to account. They were not at the front lines, they usually do not pull triggers, nor do they load and fire artillery pieces causing the death of children and innocent civilians. Yet their role in generating the criminal outcome is essential. Without their contribution – the logistical preparations, ideological indoctrination, and directives issued to their underlings –  the low-level personnel (who of course must also be punished where appropriate for the crimes in which they had willingly taken part) in most cases would probably not have acted or have had the opportunity to act in a culpable manner.

The conceptual task which the Tribunal must urgently solve before beginning with its work and certainly before getting too deep into it is how to prosecute the superior levels, not just in Kiev but also in other international capitals and war-making and crime-generating centres. The legal tools to accomplish that are all there, having been developed by courts that the Tribunal is being called on to replace. With slight modification to bring them more closely in line with customary notions of justice, they should do the job superbly.

There would also be the additional advantage that the other side’s denunciations would largely be rendered mute. What is good for the goose certainly should also be good for the gander.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

The Incompetent Idiocracy COVID Origin Theory

July 4th, 2023 by Jordan Schachtel

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Humanity was never exposed to any evidence of a “super virus” or anything resembling a unique human modified viral agent. Yet we still have plenty of glaring evidence of panicked government officials attempting to perform a widespread mop up and smear operation.

How do we square that circle?

Communications and emails from the early days of the Covid Hysteria era reflect that U.S. Government Health officials truly believed their clandestine gain of function virus modification experiments had worked, and that there was a mistaken release of a super virus from a Wuhan lab, and this incident was about to cause unprecedented global chaos.

More and more reporting and evidence via emails and other records points to a clearly orchestrated cover up at the highest levels of Government Health institutions in the United States. That much is without a doubt. Longtime government bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and their allies took pains to smear dissidents from the regime’s most precious narrative: the insist upon a natural origin theory for Covid-19.

Surely, this must mean that there must have been a modified super virus leaked from a lab, either mistakenly or deliberately, right?

There’s just one small problem with this thesis..

The cover up is clear as day, but the “crime” [this specific alleged crime, not the horrific authoritarian destruction endorsed by the same network] remains unfounded.

Here’s what we know with statistical certainty about what people refer to as “the pandemic.”

First and foremost, there was no singular deadly coronavirus responsible for people getting sick since 2019, but a series of flu seasons rebranded as covid seasons, through the help of shoddy and overly broad diagnostic tools.

Moreover, there was no deadly covid strain.

Even from the earliest days of the hysteria, the Diamond Princess data shows us that the idea there was a deadly strain is nothing more than a myth.

Lastly, there was nothing about the last few years that meets the definition of a pandemic.

There was no pandemic, but just a series of run-of-the-mill respiratory seasons, weaponized and fueled by a continuous global hysteria, during which the advertised defensive measures and remedies were infinitely worse than the disease.

None of this supports the idea of a weaponized super virus, and it is why the gain of function lab leak fiasco doesn’t make a lot of sense to sober observers.

But perhaps we should consider the possibility that Fauci and his collaborators really believed they were complicit in the creation of a modified super virus. This would explain both the panicked communications between the bureaucrats and the evidence-free case for the “bioweapon” they supposedly unleashed.

Essentially, our Government Health apparatchiks observed the Wuhan Zombieland theatrics in China, and fooled themselves into believing they had unleashed a killer virus upon the world, knowing full well that they supported the research at the Wuhan lab.

Additionally, it’s worth assessing the probability of competing theories under the Occam’s razor principle.

Which is the more probably scenario?

That things were made up and proceeded to get way out of hand?


A man modified super virus bioweapon successfully appears for the first time in human history, but it is not at all unique and cannot differentiate itself from any other recent respiratory season.

The Incompetent Idiocracy covid origin theory explains both the manic initial behavior and the reality we face in being unable to notice any distinguishing characteristics for this supposed modified lab leak bioweapon virus.

In all likelihood, Fauci and the gang fooled themselves into believing the super virus thesis, worrying they could be implicated in a heinous crime, by being linked to the reckless and negligent release of a gain of function bioweapon into the world. But in all likelihood, there was no lab leak or anything of the sort. This explains both the cover up and the lack of evidence for a deadly virus.


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Featured image is from Zero Hedge

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Faced with possible jail time in an everlasting trial on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been accused of tailoring the Israeli political system to end his legal peril and to meet the territorial expansionist demands of his extreme right-wing settler coalition partners. They were the only factions prepared to join his sixth spell as prime minister.

Since Netanyahu’s legal jeopardy has plagued him for six and a half years, he has striven mightily to win elections and stay in the country’s top office to gain the immunity he believes the premiership accords him. Without his current partners, he could be incarcerated.

Israel’s police opened their investigations in December 2016, in November 2021 indictments were levelled against him, and in May 2020 his trial began in the Jerusalem district court with witness testimonies beginning in April 2021. This week, the chief witness in Case 1000, Israeli billionaire filmmaker Arnon Milchan testified that he provided Netanyahu and his wife with expensive cigars, champagne, clothing and jewellery worth $200,000 over two decades. In exchange, Netanyahu has been accused of using his influence to help Milchan to secure an extension for his US visa and pressing for Israeli legislation which would give Milchan major tax breaks.

The fact that code names were given to the gifts indicated that both sides understood that they were dodgy. Nevertheless, Milchan was quoted as saying he did not “think it was something that would lead to an investigation”.

Case 2000 involves 2008 and 2014 meetings between Netanyahu and Yediot Ahronoth publisher Arnon Mozes during which they discussed legislation which would curb circulation of rival newspaper Israel Hayom, hiring pro-Netanyahu journalists and positive coverage of Netanyahu. While Mozes plead guilty for considering the prospect of such a deal, he did not follow through. He was charged with bribery and Netanyahu with fraud and breach of trust.

In Case 4000 Netanyahu is charged with promising to make changes in regulations favourable to Saul Elovitch, owner of the communication conglomerate Bezeq, in exchange for positive coverage of Netanyahu and his family in the news website “Walla!”. Netanyahu faced the same charges as those in case 2000 while Elovitch was accused of bribery.

Fears of cconviction and imprisonment fuel Netahyahu’s nightmares. Likud colleague Ehud Olmert — who served as prime minister and cabinet minister — was convicted and jailed for accepting bribes and obstructing justice while mayor of Jerusalem. And, President Moshe Katsav, another Likiudnik, was sentenced to seven years in jail for rape and sexual harassment of an employee. Olmert completed two-thirds of his 27-month sentence and Katzav five of his sentence.

Yehuda Shaul, co-director of the Israeli Centre for Public Affairs, told Jonathan Guyer of that Netanyahu’s latest government is carrying out two revolutions. “One is inside Israel: Getting rid of any remains of checks and balances, independence of the judiciary, going full-blown illiberal democracy” comparable to the Hungarian system. If he succeeds in this effort, Netanyahu will eliminate the checks and balances which maintain Israel’s constitution-less democracy. Once this is completed, Netanyahu hopes his legal problems will disappear.

The other revolution is overt Israeli annexation of the occupied West Bank. On Monday, Netanyahu’s government approved plans to build 5,700 housing units in West Bank colonial settlements and approved settler squatting in three outposts which do not have approval. There are now nearly half-a-million Israelis living in the West Bank and another 220,000 in illegally occupied East Jerusalem in flagrant violation of international law which prohibits an occupying power from transferring its citizens into occupied territory. 

The first revolution has inspired months of mass anti-government protests over fears of the loss of Israel’s deteriorated democracy while the second has elicited increasingly violent Palestinian responses which have led to deadly Israeli raids on Palestinian towns and villages.

Both revolutions have unmasked Israel, too long the darling of the West, as an expansionist, colonial state and increased condemnation of its policies. As usual, however, this revelation has not translated into serious sanctions against Israel. The Biden administration responded to Monday’s land-grab provocation by saying it was “deeply troubled” by this action.

Instead of taking action, the US and Europe continue to bleat their pointless support for the “two-state solution” involving the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. This policy ignores the fact that through its colonisation of the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem and remote occupation of Gaza, Israel has created a “one-state” reality where Palestinians live under an apartheid system. In the directly occupied territories, Israeli settler colonists dwell separately under laws enacted for Israel “proper” and enjoy the benefits of superior infrastructure, tax breaks and privileged water and electricity supplies. Palestinians are ruled by a military-run Israeli civil administration, suffer land expropriations and home demolitions, receive few essential services and benefits enjoyed by Israeli settler colonists, and have no control over their daily lives and future. Since Palestinians form a slender majority in the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, Israel and its friends can no longer project the myth that Israel is a democracy.


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Countries across Europe are working to fulfill their commitment to shift to a climate-neutral economy. Under the European Green Deal, the climate neutrality objective becomes a legal commitment for the 27 agreeing countries to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55% by 2030. However, some countries are finding this goal might be harder to achieve than originally thought.

Recently, Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue told RTE Morning Ireland he has been looking into various ways to reduce methane emissions, including culling 200,000 cows over the next three years.

According to The Trumpet, the Irish government estimates the plan would cost the nation $640 million and assist the agricultural industry in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% over the next seven years. The Telegraph, the national British newspaper, goes on to report the Irish Department of Agriculture would initiate a cull of 65,000 cows a year for three years, effectively reducing the national dairy herd by 10%. The proposal reportedly would be offered as a voluntary option to aging farmers as a “retirement exit scheme.”

“We’re the one industry with a significant road map, and, to be quite honest with you, our herd isn’t any larger than it was 25 to 30 years ago,” Pat McCormack, president of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association, told The Telegraph. “Can the same be said for the transport industry, can the same be said for the aviation industry?”

Farmers, ag industry representatives and some politicians are in an uproar with one Irish politician describing the plan as “absolute madness,” according to MSN.

“Reports like this only serve to further fuel the view that the government is working behind the scenes to undermine our dairy and livestock sectors,” Tim Cullinan, president of the Irish Farmers’ Association, told The Telegraph. “While there may well be some farmers who wish to exit the sector, we should all be focusing on providing a pathway for the next generation to get into farming.”

The proposal’s announcement also caught the attention of Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO.

“This really needs to stop. Killing some cows doesn’t matter for climate change,” he wrote in a recent tweet.

In response to the backlash, the Irish Department of Agriculture has since said reports were referring to a “modeling document” included in a “deliberative process,” but no final plans have been agreed upon, according to Yahoo Finance.


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Kiev’s foreign patrons would have certainly been aware of their proxy clandestinely procuring drones from China via its volunteers’ purchases, yet they turned a blind eye out of military convenience while simultaneously pushing false claims about that country arming Russian forces and thus not being qualified to mediate.

The West has falsely claimed since around the start of this year that the Chinese state is secretly supplying Russia with military equipment, which thus disqualifies it from mediating a political resolution to the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine since it isn’t neutral. That allegation has now inadvertently been disproven by none other than Kiev, whose Deputy Defense Minister told local media that volunteers procure Chinese drones for their forces since they can’t do so directly due to US pressure.

This admission doesn’t mean that the Chinese state is arming Ukraine against Russia just like similar claims from the Mainstream Media over the past year about Russian volunteers procuring the same for their own country’s forces doesn’t mean that the Chinese state is arming Russia against Ukraine. What it shows is that private Chinese drone suppliers are selling their wares to similarly private buyers who in turn clandestinely pass them along to the most direct participants in this proxy war.

It’s not realistic to hold these companies responsible for whatever the ultimate end user does since they have no way of even know who they’ll be after processing any given transaction. As the world’s leaders in this industry, imposing sanctions against them would also be counterproductive from the West’s perspective since that de facto New Cold War bloc’s companies can’t fill the resultant void. For this reason, these drone channels remain in place, at least for the time being.

Kiev’s foreign patrons would have certainly been aware of their proxy’s clandestine drone procurement efforts from China, yet they turned a blind eye out of military convenience while simultaneously pushing false claims about that country arming Russian forces and thus not being qualified to mediate. Likewise, the Chinese state itself obviously knew that it wasn’t arming either of the direct participants in this proxy war, which is another reason why relations with the West plummeted earlier this year.

Objectively observers can now know beyond any reasonable doubt that Chinese officials were indeed telling the truth this entire time when they denied those claims from their Western counterparts, whose words have now turned out to have been bald-faced lies as advertently proven by Kiev’s own admission. No Western official or media will likely be held to account for their role in this months-long anti-Chinese disinformation campaign, but hopefully average Westerners will still hear about it and learn the truth.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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German Leopard tanks have been destroyed in Ukraine’s ongoing summer offensive in combat with Russia forces. There is a  sense of irony that this is happening on the 80th anniversary of the largest tank battle in history at Kursk in July 1943. Just as in 1943 these much hyped ‘wunderwaffe’ have failed to break Russian defences much to the chagrin of the collective West.

Following the calamitous defeat at Stalingrad in early February the German Wehrmacht faced a series of Red Army offensives which were designed to bring about the destruction of Army Group Centre and Army Group South as well as the lifting of the siege of Leningrad. These simultaneous assaults on all three German army groups, across a thousand mile front, envisaged the liberation of Ukraine, the second largest republic in the USSR.

These over ambitious attacks tore great holes in the German front lines as the Red Army advanced 150 miles westward. The German armies which had threatened Moscow during 1941-1942 had been driven westward removing the threat to the capital of the USSR. The offensives in the south led to the capture of major cities in Eastern Ukraine such as Kharkov, the fourth largest city in the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, in the north the southern shore of lake Ladoga was swept clean of German units and a land corridor was established between the starving inhabitants of Leningrad and the rest of the country.

As the Wehrmacht was being mauled all along the entire front Field Marshall Manstein, commander of Army Group South, observed how the Red Army had over extended itself with its over ambitious offensives and launched a series of counter attacks which led to the recapture of Kharkov. The Red Army’s attempt to liberate the Donbass and reach the Dneiper river had been frustrated. Once the spring thaw (Rasputitsa) had set in a large salient, about half the size of England, jutted into the German front. At the centre of this salient lay the city of Kursk.

Unable to move in the spring mud the Wehrmacht and Red Army set about refitting experienced units and training new formations for the battles to come that summer.

During this period the Hitler and Stalin together with their generals pondered their next moves.

German plans for summer offensive 1943

The Wehrmacht was in bad shape after its disastrous loss of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad and the loss of several Axis armies. All told it has lost nearly a million men while the Red Army kept growing in size. Besides the terrible loss in manpower the Luftwaffe had taken very heavy losses and the armoured forces of the Wehrmacht had also been savaged. The German army had been forced to retreat 435 miles across a 750 mile front.

Hitler and his general staff realised that the Wehrmacht did not have the strength to launch wide scale offensives like it had done in the summers of 1941 and 1942. The German army, which was a shadow of its former self, only had enough strength to launch an attack across a very limited front which greatly restricted Hitler’s options for the summer of 1943.

Manstein suggested to Hitler that the Wehrmacht withdraw to the Dnieper and then use its panzer forces to counter attack the expected Red Army thrust from Kharkov in the flank. According to historian John Erickson, ‘This backhand chop would slice up Soviet troops and pin them down for destruction on the sea of Azov.’ However, it was rejected by Hitler as being too defensive in nature.


German Panzer IV and Sd.Kfz. 251 halftrack (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

Apparently, General Heinz Guderian, newly appointed Inspector of Panzer forces, suggested that the Wehrmacht hold off any major offensive in 1943 using the time to rebuild its armoured forces for offensive action in 1944. Not surprisingly, such a course of action had no appeal to Hitler who was acutely aware of the possibility of a second front opening up in the West. He wanted to inflict a crushing defeat on the Red Army in the Kursk salient which also shorten the German front and buy the Wehrmacht some time before it had to deal with an Anglo-American second front in Western Europe.

The German summer offensive for 1943 was code named Zitadelle, Operation ‘Citadel’ and envisaged a two pronged pincer attack on the northern and southern shoulders of the Kursk salient. This salient presented opportunities for the Red Army to strike into the flanks of Army Group Centre and Army Group South. Concentric attacks would encircle and destroy the large number of Red Army armoured formations in the salient. Once Kursk was captured the German front would be considerably shorter and the Red Army would be forced to retreat back into the depths of Russia.

Soviet plans for summer 1943

In Moscow the Stavka debated military operations for the upcoming summer. Stalin in discussions with his generals expressed his natural instinct to launch a pre emptive attack against the build up of German formations near the Kursk salient. General Vatutin played a key role in persuading the Generalissimo that a Red Army offensive to spoil the German attack on Kursk would be pointless and dangerous. Vatutin’s operational thinking envisaged that the Central and Voronezh Fronts would strictly remain on the defensive and absorb the brunt of the German attack and grind the enemy down in attritional battles. Once the German assault had lost its momentum then a reserve Soviet army behind Kursk would launch a decisive counter attack against the Wehrmacht. This counter attack envisaged the liberation of Eastern Ukraine and the industrial region of the Donbass. At the same time further north, the Bryansk and Western Fronts would launch an offensive aimed at the capture of Orel and advance to the liberation of eastern Belorussia and in the process destroy Army Group Centre.


Soviet troops of the Voronezh Front counterattacking behind T-34 tanks at Prokhorovka, 12 July 1943 (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

During April extensive discussions between Stalin and his Front commanders led to the refinement of the plans for the defence of the Kursk salient. It was agreed that to give operational depth to the defensive action that a powerful reserve would be set east of Kursk. This became known as the Steppe Front consisting of five rifle armies, one tank army, an air army and six reserve corps.

Apparently, despite these plans Stalin, who had the disastrous defensive operations of 1942 still in mind,  held gloomy thoughts about the prospects of the Red Army fighting a defensive battle around Kursk.

Red Army prepares its defences

During late spring the Central and Voronezh Fronts completed their deployment for a defensive battle. Artillery poured into the Kursk salient. By June over 20,000 guns and mortars, 6,000 anti tank guns and 920 Katyushka rocket batteries were in position. This was supplemented by 9 anti aircraft artillery divisions and the building of 110 airfields which housed 3,500 aircraft of which 2,000 were fighters, 800 were ground attack aircraft and 700 were bombers. An additional 40 dummy airfields were built which were to spare the Red Army many losses in July. Red Army engineers put down 503,663 anti tank mines and 439,348 anti personnel mines mines to protect the more than 3,000 miles of trenches that had been dug.

Lloyd Clark in his account of the battle has observed that the Soviet defences presented a formidable obstacle for the upcoming German offensive. Their purpose was to, ‘… catch the German Blitzkrieg in a cobweb of defences, where it would tire and struggle before the Soviets attacked.’ 

On the ground during May both sides were frantically preparing for the battle to come while the war in the air became very intense. German bombing raids on the Soviet front lines together with extensive reconnaissance by the Luftwaffe stretched the 16th Air Army to the limit. The air battles involved upwards of 1,000 aircraft on both sides.

As the air war raged overhead Soviet authorities mobilized over 300,000 civilians to build the defence works, such as anti tank ditches, that were essential for the upcoming battle. Each rifle army built three defensive lines with a depth of up to ten miles. This defensive system was connected by communication trenches which were also fitted out with firing points. Anti tank defences comprised of five anti tank guns, five anti tank rifles every half mile along with a unit of sappers and a squad of tommy gunners supported by mobile anti tank blocking squads. Meanwhile, every kilometre of front had an average density of 5-7 tanks, many of them dug into the ground.

The traumatised civilian population in Kursk and the surrounding countryside was forbidden from leaving the Kursk salient and told to carry on with their daily lives while helping with digging latrines and burying signals cables for the Red Army. Lloyd Clark recalls the genocidal activities of German troops in Kursk, “In the 14 months that they had occupied Kursk, the Germans has plundered, raped and murdered their way into the nightmares of the remaining inhabitants.’’

The situation in the countryside was just as bad if not worse as German troops had engaged in a frenzy of murderous destruction. Catherine Merridale describes:

“The hardship in the countryside was indescribable … the areas of the occupation had been plundered, the people’s livestock slaughtered or driven away, their crops destroyed or looted, suspected partisans had been hanged, and then their neighbours-entire communities-had been punished for good measure. A total of nearly 40,000 houses, over half the region’s entire stock, had been burned to the ground. Many able-bodied adults had been dragged off to work for the Reich as forced labourers. There was no one left to rebuild the houses, dig the fields or gather what was left of last year’s crop.’’


Troops of Division Das Reich, Tiger I tank, in June 1943 before the battle (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

As the civilian population was engaged in building defences infantry and tanks formations were put through an extensive training programme which included instructions on how to deal with the new German ‘wunderwaffe’: Tiger tanks. It is worth noting that most of the rifle armies in the Kursk salient were veteran formations many of which had fought in Stalingrad. Each day Stalin carefully monitored the defensive preparations and organized the work of the General Staff on a 24 hour basis. He received twice daily reports on the progress at the Kursk salient after which he would dictate directives to the various armies.

As planning and preparations continued apace for the battle to come the battle of production was swinging decisively in favour of the Soviet Union. Stalin had made it clear to the Central Committee and Red Army leadership that, ‘The war will be won by industrial production’.The planned economy was undergoing a gigantic effort to massively increase the quantity and quality of  weaponry for the Red Army. Mass line output rapidly swelled the production of new bombers, escort fighters and anti tank ground attack aircraft. There was a big increase in the production of the new KV heavy tank and the newly improved T-34 tanks. For example, the Kirov tank factory had 64 production lines, and was producing the newly developed self propelled guns SU-122 and SU-152.

Infantrymen became walking arsenals heavily equipped for anti tank fighting. By June 1943 over 1,450,000 anti tank rifles and 21,000 small calibre anti tank weapons had been distributed to the infantry. The Red Army also benefited from a huge influx of US Lend Lease jeeps of whom around 183,00 had been received by mid 1943.

The Soviet armed forces underwent considerable revision. One example of this being the decision to abandon tank armies which were composed of armour and infantry. New tank armies were formed that were composed of tanks alone. On the eve of Kursk these new tank armies had a collective strength of 9,918 tanks. These were seen as an armoured spearhead designed to breakthrough enemy front lines and penetrate deep into the German rear. In volume 2 of his history of the Eastern Front John Erickson has observed that by mid 1943:

“… two armies were emerging in the Soviet establishment, the army of ‘quality’, the elite tank arm, the Guards and the crack formations, behind which the army of ‘quantity’ formed up in its solid ranks.’

On the eve of Kursk it was clear that both in terms of ‘quantity and quality’ the Wehrmacht was outmatched by the Red Army. The Red Amy’s leadership had learned from its painful defeats in 1941-42 and begun to master the art of combined arms warfare which it was to employ to great effect in the battles that consumed the Wehrmacht in the second half of 1943.

Richard Overy in his book Russia’s War has noted how the modernization of the Red Army and updating of its fighting methods meant that, “The gap in organisation and technology between the two sides was narrowed to the point where the Red Army was prepared to confront the German forces during the summer campaigning season in the sort of pitched battle of manoeuvre and firepower at which the German commanders had hitherto excelled.’’

German preparations for Zitadelle

On 16 June Hitler gave the order for Operation Citadel to go ahead in early July even though the impending battle made his ‘stomach turn over’ with anxiety about the high stakes of the offensive ahead. Many senior German commanders shared their Fuhrers anxiety over the gamble being taken to stake their armoured reserves on an operation in which the Wehrmacht had ‘little to gain’ but ‘much to lose’. General Mellenthin commented that the attacking German force of 770,00 men, 2451 tanks, (over 40% of the Wehrmacht’s entire armoured strength) and 7,417 guns was a formidable array of forces to risk on the upcoming offensive:

“From the strategic aspect Zitadelle was to be a veritable “death ride”  for the whole of the operation reserve was to be flung into this supreme offensive.’’

The lack of artillery firepower meant that the Wehrmacht relied very heavily on the Luftwaffe to smash Soviet defences and create a path forward for the advance of panzer units. The German high command supplied the upcoming offensive with 1,830 aircraft which represented 70% of the Luftwaffe’s entire strength on the Eastern Front. Luftwaffe engineer Ludwig Schein recalls, ‘ Our superiors told us that the skies held the key to success in Zitadelle, but that our success was not assured and to expect no end of hard work. We were told to expect a massive air battle.’  The Luftwaffe was also hampered by the shortage of fuel, oil and lubricants which affected its performance in the battle to come.


Luftwaffe Flakvierling unit (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

Eve of the battle

On the eve of battle both sides caught their breathe in anticipation of the very heavy fighting to come. John Erickson has observed:

“When it came, and as both sides reached their fighting peak, Kursk provided for many ghastly days the greatest clash of armour ever seen, a monstrous confrontation which consumed men and machines in one appalling, fiery nightmare. On the eve of it the Russians were under no illusions over what was about to hit them.’’

One Red Army tank veteran recalls watching his friend slowly spread fat over a slice of bread. His friend said, ‘Don’t rush me. I’m going to enjoy this. It’s the last meal I’ll eat in this world.’

After midnight on 5 July German troops were read out Hitler’s order of the day telling them, “Today you will launch a great attack, whose outcome will have decisive significance for the war. Your victory must strengthen the conviction of the entire world that resisting the German Wehrmacht is useless…’’ The waiting German troops had no idea that their offensive had been compromised and that 1.5 million Red Army soldiers were waiting for them behind large minefields and hidden in trenches, bunkers, fortified buildings.

Red Army journalist Vassily Grossman reached the front just before the start of the battle. He interviewed intelligence officers at the headquarters of Marshal Rokossovsky about the impending battle. In his notebook Grossman remarked on the obstinacy of the Germans in attacking the massively well defended sectors on the northern flank of the Kursk salient:

 “… although pilots kept telling them how strong our defence was. ) There’s no freedom of will. Mass dominates over brain.) Under estimation of the enemy, of the enemy’s strength. This is typical of Germans. It is due to their past success over the past few years.’’

During the night of 4 July the Red Army captured a German sapper who told them about the imminent offensive at 3.30 hours. In response it laid down a two hour artillery bombardment of German forward positions at 2.00 hours. One German soldier Bernard Roth recalls,’The shells came plunging out of the darkness without warning and we were caught in the open. We had not expected the enemy to catch us at such a time.’

The unexpected Soviet artillery attack forced the German offensive to be delayed by 40 minutes. It was time for the largest tank battle in history to begin.

An 80 minute artillery bombardment preceded the opening attack of the German Ninth Army in the north of the salient and the Fourth Panzer Army and Army Detachment Kempf in the south. The attacking ground formations were supported by Luftwaffe in the form of Ju-88 and He-111 bombers. Hundreds of Meschermitts were sent to intercept a massive Soviet raid on German artillery and attacking ground troops. On the first day of the battle the Luftwaffe gained air superiority destroying 176 Soviet aircraft. Thus began an intense and crucial air battle which was one of the largest of the war.

German Offensive in the north: Ninth Army Attacks

At 0530 hours General Model’s Ninth Army began its attack. A diversionary attack by XX111 Corps was halted 1.5 kilometres into the first defensive belt of the 13th and 48th Armies. The main attack by XXXXV111 Panzer and XXXX1 Panzer Corps had more success north-west of Ponyri. Panzer forces advanced five kilometres seizing the village of Bobri before being halted by intense fire from the 6th Guards Rifle Division. To the east, German infantry divisions supported by Tigers and self propelled guns had smashed through Soviet defences north-west of Ponyri. Further east, the 86th Infantry Division advanced towards Ponyri Station forcing several Red Army divisions to retreat.

Marshal Rokossovky responded to German advances by committing numerous armoured, antitank and artillery forces designed to blunt the German attack and deny it the operational freedom beyond the Soviet tactical defences. Glantz and House in their account of the battle have observed, ‘This was attritional war with a vengeance.’

As the ground fighting intensified a large air battle took place over the battlefield. Both sides lost over a hundred aircraft as Soviet fighters tried to prevent Luftwaffe bombing raids across the entire northern front.

Both German and Soviet troops were shaken by the ferocity of the fighting. One German observer noted:

“The Soviet infantry refused to panic in the face of the roaring Tiger and Ferdinand tanks. …Everything had been done to inoculate the troops against the notorious ‘’tank panic’’. The result was unmistakable.

The Russian infantrymen allowed the tanks to rumble past their well camouflaged foxholes and then came out to deal with the German grenadiers in their wake. Thus the battle continued to rage on in sectors that the forward tank commanders believed had already been won.

Tanks and assault guns had to be brought back relieve the grenadiers. Then they had to be sent forward again. And pulled back once more. By evening the grenadiers were exhausted, and the tanks and assault guns were out of fuel.

And another thing all commanders reported unanimously ” Nowhere has the enemy been taken by surprise. Nowhere has he been soft. He had clearly been expecting the attack, … That was a nasty surprise.’’

Vasily Grossman was with an anti tank brigade during the battle for Ponyri Station. He managed to get his editor to publish his account of the bloody nature of the fighting:

“At dawn German tanks started to attack. [Enemy] aircraft attacked at the same time and set the village on fire.

Battery commander Ketselman was wounded. He was dying in a puddle of black blood; the first artillery piece was broken. … Only the ammunition bearer, Davydov, was still on his feet. And Germans had already come very close. They were ‘seizing the barrels’, as artillerists say. Then the commander of the neighbouring gun, Mikhail Vasilev, took control. These were his words: ’Men, it isn’t a shame to die. Even cleverer heads than ours sometimes happen to die.’ And he ordered them to open fire at the German infantry with canister. Then, having run out of anti personnel rounds, they began to fire at the German sub-machine gunners at point blank range with armour piercing shells. That was a terrible sight.’’

At the end of the first day the German Ninth Army had created a wedge in the Soviet first line which was 15 kilometres wide and 8 kilometres deep. This modest progress had come at heavy cost. General Model had lost 200 tanks and assault guns due to mechanical failure and enemy fire.

On the second day of Ninth Armies attack the Central Front commander, Rokossovky ordered a counter attack. Rifle divisions from the second line of defence were brought forward to expel German forces from their positions in the first defensive belt. This counter attack was supported by 200 tanks from  the 2nd Tank Army and the 9th and 19th Tanks Corps. Several historians of the battle have observed that this Soviet counter attack was premature and many Red Army units were not properly prepared.

On 6th July an immense tank battle raged for four days along the ridges west of Ponyri Station. Glantz and House have commented:

“Between Ponyri and the small village of Saburovka, an armada of 1,000 tanks and self-propelled guns, accompanied by massed infantry and artillery firing over open sights, struggled mightily and bloodily for possession of the key fortress villages of Ol’khovatka, and nearby Hill 274. The ferocity of the fighting was unprecedented, and its potential consequences immense.’’

A German infantryman, who was a survivor of this fighting, recalls:

“It was Armageddon. Every second that passed I expected to be my last. Men were falling all around me but we just focused on our objective. Our officer was killed in an explosion, my section commander was shot through the neck shortly after … Soviet aircraft added to the hell as they appeared through the smoke without warning as we could not hear their engines over the noise of battle. They strafed us time after time, hour after hour … Death would have been a merciful release from that hell, but I came through. Those were the worst moments of my war, of my life. I am haunted by memories of it. Absolutely terrifying.’’

During the day Soviet armoured units lost scores of tanks as the advance of German forces ground to a halt on the outskirts of Ponyri. Committed in piecemeal fashion the tanks of the 2nd tank Army no longer remained a cohesive fighting force by the close of the day. The Red Air force committed hundreds of fighters into the fray forcing the Germans to take precious aircraft from the southern sector of the battle to barely maintain local air superiority.

At dawn on 7 July Ninth Army renewed its assault to break through the Soviets second defensive belt around the town of Ponyri. It dominated the road and rail approach into Kursk from the north. Both sides understood its significance. German participants in the battle later recalled: 

“Ponyri, a strung out village, and Hill 253,5 were the Stalingrad of the Kursk salient. The most fiercely contested points were the tractor station, the railway station, the school and the water tower. The railway embankment and the northern edge of the settlement had been captured on the first day of the attack. But after that a savage struggle in which the 18th and 9th Panzer Divisions, as well as the 865th Infantry Division participated.’’

During the day German units attacked the town five times only to be repulsed. By the end of the day at a heavy cost the Wehrmacht had captured half of the town. The Red Army threw reinforcements into the battle comprising a tank brigade and a tank corps along with an artillery regiment and anti tank brigade. 

As the battle for Ponyri raged Central Front commander Rokossovky sent further reinforcements to defend the critical chain of hills around Ol’khovatka. He understood as well as General Model, commander of the German Ninth Army, that these hills which overlooked Kursk, were critical to the success of the attack on the northern shoulder of the salient. Therefore on the evening of 6th July he sent two tank corps and the 3rd Destroyer Brigade to beef up the defence of Ol’khovatka. 

Headlong assaults by German panzer units suffered terrible casualties and made minimal gains. Glantz and House have observed, ‘Efforts to turn the flank of these [Soviet] defenders and to widen the penetration were halted by massed tank destroyers and artillery firing over open sights.’

The losses of Ninth Army greatly increased during the 7th July as the Red Air force sent large groups of fighter aircraft to achieve air superiority over the battlefield. This lasted for the remainder of the battle in this sector.

The 8th of July proved to be the turning point on this critical front as hundreds of German tanks attacked Soviet defences along the ridge of hills covering Ol’khovatka. A German military observer later described the ferocious nature of the fighting: 

“The grenadiers of 20th Panzer Division fought a … furious battle on 8th July near the village of Samodurovka under a scorching sun. Within an hour all the officers of 5th Company, 112thPanzer Grenadier Regiment, had been killed or wounded. Nevertheless, the grenadiers swept on through cornfields capturing trenches and encountering new ones. The battalions melted away. Companies became mere platoons. … Even Stalingrad , in spite of its more apocalyptic and tragic aura, does not stand comparison in terms of forces employed and the gigantic open-field battle of Kursk.’’ 

Red Army assessments of the days fighting recorded: 

“The fiercest battles took place on Hill 257.0 which was 17th Guards Rifle Corps’ key defensive sector. Three times, in groups of 60 to 100 tanks each, simultaneously from the north-east and north, the enemy attacked the hill; German infantry, despite fire from defending units, stubbornly attempted to advance behind the tanks to the hill. By 1700 the enemy had successfully occupied it. His further advance was stopped. The enemy was completely unsuccessful in the remaining front sectors of 17th Guards Rifle Corps.

Thus on 8 July, after fierce battles along this axis, German forces were unable to achieve significant success. The final attempt to penetrate Ol’khovatka failed.’’ 

The Soviet commander of the 2nd Destroyer Divisions 3rd Destroyer Brigade sent a report of that days defensive action. He noted the bloody nature of the Red Army’s resolute defence,’ The 1stand 7th Batteries have perished, but they have not withdrawn a step. Forty tanks have been destroyed. There have been 70 per cent losses in the first battalion of antitank rifles.’ 

During 8 July to the 10 July control for Ponyri see-sawed as each side threw large numbers of tanks, infantry and artillery into the battle. Glantz and House have commented on the outcome of this immense struggle: 

“Through Herculean efforts and at immense cost, the German finally gained possession of most, but not all, of Ponyri. The largely Pyrrhic victory left the victorious attackers exhausted and utterly incapable of further offensive action.

Clearly, Model had almost shot his bolt. After four days of high-intensity combat, the troops of Ninth Army, particularly the infantry and tankers, were worn down and out.’’ 

In six days the German Ninth Army had advanced a meagre 15 kilometres for the loss of 20,000 men and over 400 tanks. The failure of Ninth Army in its attack on the northern shoulder of the salient now meant that any hope of German success rested on the Hoth’s tank forces attacking in the south. They had to contend with Soviet armoured forces which were massing on its flanks. 

The failure of the German attack on the northern shoulder of the Kursk salient  encouraged Stalin to give the order for Operation Kutuzov to be launched during 11-12 July. This objective of this offensive was to destroy the German held Orel salient towards Briansk. It placed further pressure on the German Ninth Army as it would now be faced with Soviet forces to its rear. 

German Attack In The South 

At 0500 hours the Fourth Panzer Army and Army Detachment Kempf went into attack. After a 50 minute artillery bombardment, during which German guns fired more shells than in the French and Polish campaigns combined, medium bombers from the Luftwaffe attacked Soviet front lines. Hundreds of German fighter planes also went into the air to deal with over 400 Soviet warplanes heading for Wehrmacht staging areas. An intense battle for air superiority ensued which developed into one of the most costly of the war. In the first morning the Soviet air force took heavy losses amounting to 176 warplanes. 

In the south the German tanks of the elite Grossdeustchland Panzer Grenadier Division soon ran into a minefield and the attack paused, as sappers under heavy enemy fire worked tirelessly to clear the minefield. The divisions official history recalls: 

“It was enough to make one sick. Soldiers and officers alike feared that the entire affair was going to pot. The tanks were stuck fast, some bogged down to the tops of their tracks, and to make matters worse the enemy was firing at them with antitank rifles, antitank guns and artillery. Tremendous confusion breaks out. The Fusiliers advance without the tanks- what can they do? … [and] walked straight into ruin. Even the heavy company suffered 50 killed and wounded in a few hours. Pioneers were moved up immediately and they began clearing a path through the mine infested terrain. Ten more hours had to pass before the first tanks and self-propelled guns got through.’’ 

Tiger tanks to the right of Grossdeustchland had more success in their advance towards Cherkasskoe. Vasily Grossman recalls,’Stories about 45mm canons firing at [Tiger] tanks. Shells hit them, but bounced off like peas. There have been cases of artillerists going insane after seeing this.’

The Tigers were well supported by waves of Stukas whose 550lb fuselage bomb and two wing mounted 110lb bombs were devastatingly successful at destroying Soviet defences. This close air support enabled the German tanks and grenadiers to capture the village that afternoon after a short and brutal battle. 

In the south the II SS Corps made progress and smashed through the Soviet first line of defence by noon of the first day. By midday the three elite SS divisions: Totenkopf, Das Reich and Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH) that comprised the corps had reached the Soviet second line. The Tigers advance was described by a German war correspondent: 

“This is the hour of the tank. Unnoticed we assembled at the bottom of the balka, the Tigers flanked by medium and light companies. Our field glasses searched the horizon, groping in the smoke that covers the enemy bunkers like a curtain. …The heavy tanks roll into the battle zone. At 200 metres the first anti-tank fires at us. With a single round we blow it up.’’ 


German soldiers move along an anti-tank ditch, while combat engineers prepare charges to breach it. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

As the tanks advanced SS infantry used flame throwers to great effect in clearing Soviet trenches. Hans Huber who led a flame thrower team recalls: 

“It was a strange feeling to serve this destructive weapon and it was terrifying to see the flames eat their way forward and envelop the Russian defenders. … The enemy could not fight against these flame-throwers and so we made good progress taking many prisoners.’’ 

In the afternoon the Das Reich division had its first battle with a 40 strong group of Soviet T-34 tanks of the 1st Guards Army which lasted four hours. Lloyd Clark describes this intense encounter: 

“At 1300 hours Das Reich’s armour came under fire from two T-34s, and although they were quickly despatched, 40 more appeared over the horizon firing on the move. Several Tigers were hit but not damaged. Reacting quickly and taking up firing positions, the German armour selected targets and sent their armour piercing rounds hurtling towards the enemy. Red Army tanks burst into flames as the panzers moved to new locations, stopped and repeated the process. After an hour of fighting, the field was covered by blazing hulks.’’ 

The Red Army sought to negate the advantage of the more powerful gun and thicker armour of the Tigers by fighting at close quarters, aiming at the tracks of the German tanks to immobilize them. Soviet infantry used small groups of men as tank killers which came in between T-34 tanks. At close quarters they attached magnetic mines and sticky bombs on to German tanks often to great affect. Suffering heavy casualties the 1st Guards Army failed to stop the panzers advance but they did buy time for Soviet defences further back to bring up more anti tank guns and infantry.

Advancing German units were taken aback by the depth of Soviet defences. General Erhard Raus, commander of two German infantry divisions recalls:

“[T]he advancing infantry surprised them [the Soviets] and had no difficulty ferreting them out. But when the infantry reached the two to three mile deep zone of battle positions prepared in the preceding months, they had to make extensive use of hand grenades in order to mop up the maze of densely dug in trenches and bunkers, some of which were a dozen or more feet deep.’’

By the end of the first day Manstein’s forces had not achieved their objectives. Many units had barely breached the Soviet first line while some of the SS panzer divisions had broken through the first line and were approaching the Soviets second line of defence. It was clear that the German high command had underestimated the Red Army’s defences.

The slow pace of the German advance on the first day gave Red Army commanders time to prepare their second echelons for the renewed assault of the Wehrmacht. Several rifle divisions were moved forward to reinforce the 7th Guards Army and the 6th Guards Army. At the same time over 1,000 tanks were brought forward to support the rifle divisions. Clark has observed the strategic thinking behind Red Army deployments: 

“These deployments made [General] Vatutin’s priority extremely clear- the enemy would be denied the roads and communications hubs necessary to maintain his impetus, and reinforcements would be moved forward as needed to provide unremitting pressure on his main axes. Manstein’s offensive was to be robbed of all momentum, ground down and snuffed out.’’ 

Red Army commanders before the battle had expected the main German blow to come in the north. The events of the first day proved that assumption to be incorrect. The 27th Army which originally was to have been support for Rokossovky’s forces in the north was now given to Vatutin. Vatutin was aware of the danger to Prokhorovka and Oboyan from the Fourth Panzer Army. Much was expected from the Soviet tank forces, 1st Tank Army and 2nd and 5th Tank Corps,  brought up to support the second line of defence. Many of the tanks from these units were dug in with only their turrets showing. They would act as fire support for the infantry. 

General Katukov, commander of the 1st Tank Army,  later recalled the success of this reinforcement: ’[The enemy] did not suspect that our well-camouflaged tanks were waiting for him. As we later learned from captured prisoners we had managed to move our tanks forward into the combat formations of Sixth Guards Army.’’ 

At 0300 hours on 6th July the three divisions of the SS Panzer Corps resumed their attack supported by a heavy artillery bombardment and Luftwaffe bombers. The LAH and Das Reich assault was led by 120 tanks with the Tigers leading the advance towards the heavily mined defences of Yakovlevo and advance to the Pokrovka-Prokhorovka road. 


Vehicles of II SS-Panzer Corps advancing toward Prokhorovka on 11 July (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

Despite its reinforcement the Soviet second line was unable to contain the German attack. Red Army units launched numerous counter attacks especially against the flanks of the 11 SS Corps. 

By the end of the day the SS divisions were just seven miles west of Prokhorovka. Yet they had lost over two hundred tanks destroyed/damaged and over 10,000 dead. Meanwhile, the Luftwaffe was struggling to contain the Soviet air force whose ground attacks began to take their toll on German ground units. The German air force had too few planes and was woefully short of petrol and oil lubricants. This led the Luftwaffe to ration it services with priority going to ground support missions over containing Soviet air strikes. 

The right flank of 11 SS Panzer Corps was very exposed due to the failure of Army Detachment Kempf to make enough progress. Glantz and House estimate that 30% of Manstein’s armour was being used to protect the flanks and were engaged in battles which ‘were quietly assuming decisive importance.’ 

German forces had suffered ‘fearsome’ casualties due to the resolute defence of Soviet units protected by large minefields, trenches and anti tank strong points. This deprived the Wehrmacht of the momentum it needed to make faster progress. Peter Maschmann, a German sapper, later called how minefields kept stalling the attack: 

“Life expectancy was not high. In a battle such as this, it could be measured in days, but there were a few of us that got lucky. The [mine] belts before the Soviet line … were particularly dense and it was disappointing to be held up again after our excellent progress earlier in the day. But that was the enemy’s aim. To slow us down and grind us into those never-ending, god-forsaken and blood soaked fields.’’ 

The exasperation of many German commanders was expressed by Clemens Graf Kageneck, commander of the 503rd Heavy Tank Battalion, when he wrote: 

“Never before had a major German offensive had to master such a deeply echeloned and imaginatively organised defensive system. What Manstein and von Kluge had feared since May, that with every weeks delay the Russians would create a nearly impenetrable fortification, was what we now had to face.’’ 

By the end of the second day General Vatutin, commander of Soviet forces on the southern front of the salient was aware of a big hole in his defences. He requested and was given the 5th Guards Tank Army from the Steppe Front reserve with the stipulation from Moscow that Vatutin must continue ‘to exhaust the enemy at prepared positions and prevent his penetration until our active operations [counter attacks] begin.’ The 2nd Tank Corps and 5th Guards Army 10th Tank Corps were ordered immediately to Prokhorovka area to prevent a breakthrough of the 11 SS Panzer Corps and XLV111 Panzer Corps. 

The next day 11 SS Panzer Corps and XLV111 Panzer Corps attacked a cross a 30 mile front supported by 500 Luftwaffe aircraft. During the day the SS Corps, after several gruelling battles, captured Tetervino and Greznoye. Meanwhile, the 300 tanks of XLV111 Panzer Corps became embroiled in a savage battle west of Pokrovka. As usual the German attack faced very determined resistance as it navigated the minefields, bunkers, trenches and anti tank emplacements. By late afternoon German forces reached Syrtsevo where they were met by a Soviet counter attack of over 100 T-34s supported by hundreds of fighter aircraft. The panzer forces were held as Red Army reinforcements poured into Syrtsevo. Technical breakdowns of the Tigers and Panthers were just as costly as enemy anti tank fire. A Yak fighter pilot, Artyom Zeldovich later recalled his impressions of the battlefield on this day: 

“The ground gradually lit up with flaring tanks. … The sky filled with a dense black smoke. We managed to keep the enemy’s aircraft away for periods, but sometimes they broke through when we returned to base to refuel and rearm. When we returned, more tanks were burning and the battle had moved forward, several hundred metres…It was clear that the Germans were heading for Syrtsevo and we had orders to stop them at all costs. Flying over the sector it was easy to see why. The road system was opening up, Oboyan was close by with Kursk not so far beyond it. The battle was a battle of resources, but it was also a test of wills. Looking down at Syrtsevo an inferno  I wondered whose will would break first.’’ 


A German soldier inspects a knocked out T-34 during the Battle of Kursk at Pokrovka, 40 kilometres (25 mi) southwest of Prokhorovka. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

By the end of 7 July the battle in the south was finely poised. Red Army commanders were aware of the grave dangers facing Soviet forces as Manstein’s panzers attempted to breakthrough to Kursk. Nikita Khrushchev, Stalin’s representative at Vatutin’s headquarters, spelled out to the assembled commanders the gravity of the situation facing them: 

“The next two or three days will be terrible. Either we hold out or the Germans take Kursk. They are staking everything on this one card. For them it is a matter of life or death. We must see to it that they break their necks.’’ 

Vatutin moved up the 40th Army to help prevent the enemy breaking through to Oboyan. He gave orders for two counter attacks against Fourth Panzer Army to be delivered the next day along with diversionary attacks by the Southern and South-Western Fronts to ‘tie down enemy forces and forestall manoeuvre of his reserves.’ 

After three days of intense fighting soldiers on both sides were under immense strain and struggling to cope with the lack of rest and sleep. Felix Karelin, a Red Army infantryman later recalled:

“I hardly recall the first days of the battle. They were a blur, but I remember that we did not sleep. Some men were in worse shape than I. One man I tried to wake as we moved back to a new position but he was so tired that he decided to stay in his shell scrape and take his chances. The position was overrun an hour later … The lack of sleep made it difficult to understand basic orders and to carry out simple tasks. I was confused and we could barely operate as soldiers. However, we learned to take very, very brief naps which helped a little. I also found that enemy action was an excellent stimulant. I could be falling asleep on my rifle and shells falling around me, but as soon as I was in danger from tanks or enemy [infantry] I would suddenly become alert. But as the days passed, this became increasingly difficult. My energy was being sapped.’’ 

On 8 July the Soviet 7th Guards Army launched numerous counter-attacks against 111 Panzer Corps which largely prevented it from supporting the advance of Fourth Panzer Army. Despite this lack of support the 11 SS Panzer Corps and XLV111 Panzer Corps linked up at Yakovlevo and were able to fend off Soviet counter-attacks once the 167th Infantry Division took over flank duties from the Totenkopf SS Division. This reinforcement of the German attacking front led it to take several villages by noon of that day. Still the ferocious Soviet counter-attacks slowed down the German advance as revealed by the diary of one German gunner: 

“We are under extreme pressure and the guns have been in action since 0400 hours. By noon we had run out of ammunition and had to wait two hours for resupply. It arrived with Soviet aircraft …Enemy attacks have diluted our offensive …This is the most intensive fighting that I have experienced. We must break through soon or face the consequences.’’ 

By the end of the day 11 SS Panzer Corps had made limited progress as a series of Soviet counter-attacks had prevented it from breaking through Red Army defences. Vatutin used the same strategy of counter-attack and containment against XLV111 Panzer Corps. 

At dawn on 8 July Grossdeustchland led the attack of XLV111 Panzer Corps. It encountered a Soviet counter-attack of 40 T-34s at Syrstevo which initially forced it pull back. Undeterred it regrouped and launched a series of devastating blows which captured Syrtsevo early afternoon after some hand to hand fighting. Sasha Reznikova, a Red Army infantryman recalls the relentless nature of the German attackers,’ I have to say that the Germans were extremely tenacious-our equals in that regard. They did not give up and we knew they wouldn’t.’ 

In the afternoon Grossdeustchland fought a bloody battle against an unrelenting group of a large group of T-34s in the village of Gremutsch. Major Peter Frantz, commander of a group of German assault guns, described the battle: 

“The Soviet commanders attacked time and time again. Their wireless traffic showed that they had orders to break open the German line regardless of the cost. Seven times the Russians attacked. … After three hours, 35 wrecked tanks littered the battlefield, smouldering. Only five T-34s, all of them badly damaged, limped away from the smoking arena to seek shelter in a small wood.’’ 

By early evening the tanks of Grossdeustchland had reached Verkhopenye after fending off a series of Soviet counter-attacks on its flanks. It was unable to take its objective due to a resolute steadfast defence by the Soviet garrison as one eyewitness describes: 

“Ferocious, unparalleled tank battles ensued on the flats of the steppe, on hills, in gorges, gullies and ravines, and in settlements …The scope of the battle was beyond all imagination. Hundreds of panzers, field guns and planes were turned into scraps of metal. The sun could barely be seen through the haze of smog from thousands of shells and bombs that were exploding simultaneously.’’ 

The battle continued through the night as low flying Soviet bombers repeatedly bombed the exposed positions of German troops. 

General Vatutin, commander of the Voronezh Front, ordered the defenders of Verkhopenye to withdraw during the night of 8-9 July to prevent the unnecessary destruction of his remaining troops. They were ordered to establish new defences north of Oboyan. Vatutin feared that Fourth Panzer Army was close to a breakthrough and ordered several fresh tank brigades and anti tank regiments to support the 31st Tank Corps, remnants of the 3rd Mechanized Corps along with the 309th Rifle Division to hold the Germans long enough as the Red Army prepared a large armoured counter-attack around Prokhorovka. 

On the advice of Vatutin the Stavka ordered the 5th Guards Tank Army, with its 593 tanks, to positions west of Prokhorovka along the line of the Psel river. Meanwhile, the 5th Guards Army, with its 80,000 men, was ordered to take up positions along the Psel river from Oboyan to Prokhorovka. The picture was completed with 69th Army being directed to  take up the defence of the Prokhorovka-Lipovyi Donest river sector between the 7th Guards Army and 6th Guards Army. 

Vatutin also prepared forces, comprising several tank corps, which would launch counter attacks against the German flanks as they advanced towards Prokhorovka. 

Despite considerable losses and the slow pace of the advance Field Marshall Manstein remained optimistic that, ‘The prospects for a breakthrough remained good.’ However, General Hoth, the commander of the Fourth Panzer Army was becoming increasingly alarmed by reports of ‘considerable Soviet armoured forces’ being concentrated on both the right and left flanks of German forces. This led to a conference of the top German commanders on the evening of 8 July as to how to proceed.

The conference decided that 4th Panzer Army was to continue its advance towards Oboyan and Kursk with maximum air support pledged and later received. The advance would lose some of its combat strength as the Grossdeustchland, 3rd Panzer and 332d Infantry Division were diverted to protect the vulnerable left flank. 

On 9 July the remaining 283 tanks and assault guns of 11 SS Panzer Corps resumed their attack with intensive support from the Luftwaffe. The daily sortie rate increased to over 1,500 double that of the Soviet air force. The northern thrust of Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler and Totenkopf divisions along with 11th Panzer pushed Soviet forces back to Kochetovka and reached the Psel river. 

Meanwhile, Das Reich division renewed its assault along the Prokhorovka road making little progress in the face of attacks by the Soviet 2d Tank Corps and 5th Guards Corps. However, it was the lack of progress of 111 Panzer Corps in the south and XXXXV111 Panzer Corps north-west towards Novoselovka which led to a fundamental change in German plans. The lack of progress towards Oboyan led to the fateful decision to shift the focus of the main attacks towards Prokhorovka. 

Vatutin observing the lack of German progress towards Oboyan moved strong forces to his right flank which pinned down the Grossdeustchland, 3d Panzer and the 255th and 332d Infantry Divisions. This ensured they would no longer play a part in the German drive towards Kursk. 

He also understood the threat to his plans from an advance by 111 Panzer Corps in the south. On 9 July this corps had been ordered by Manstein to keep Hoth’s flank free by intercepting the Soviet 5thGuards Army and prevent it from linking up with Katukov’s 1st Tank Army. Its failure to do so would have dire consequences for the Wehrmacht at the battles for Prokhorovka. 

In light of the drive towards Oboyan being thwarted and the threats to his left and right flanks Hoth made fundamental changes to his plans. According to Glantz and House the commander of Fourth Panzer Army ‘fatally altered his plans’ by shifting the axis of attack north-eastward towards Prokhorovka. They contend that Hoth believed that the 11 SS Panzer Corps had sufficient combat strength to smash the Soviet tank forces gathered around Prokhorovka which would unlock the advance of 111 Panzer Corps in the south thus opening up a new if longer route to Kursk.

At this point in the battle Soviet generals were confident they had blunted the Nazi juggernaut. The German 9th Army had been completely contained in the northern shoulder of the salient. Within days the Soviet Western and Briansk Fronts would launch their counteroffensives towards the German controlled Orel salient. The Fourth Panzer Army’s advance towards Oboyan had been effectively halted. The Soviet 1st Tank Army had limited Hoth’s advance to a mere 25 kilometres and taken very heavy casualties in doing so. 

Now the focus of Operation Zitadelle would move to the east. The three elite divisions of the 11 SS Panzer Corps were moving towards a head on collision with the 5th Guards Tank Army. The scene was set for the largest tank battle in history at Prokhorovka. 

The tank battle at Prokhorovka 10-15 July 

Thousands of miles away developments in the Mediterranean cast a dark shadow over the German offensive as British and American forces landed on the southern coast of Sicily. Despite this news Hitler ordered Zitadelle to continue even though he knew that Germany lacked the reserves to fight on two fronts. Glantz and Hose have commented that, ‘… the Sicilian invasion ultimately helped doom Operation Citadel.’ 

As the Battle of Kursk reached its climax around 400 German tanks would do battle with 1,250 Soviet tanks along the long eastern flank of the salient. Meanwhile, about 572 tanks met in combat in the fields of Prokhorovka. Glantz and House have argued that the tank battles around Prokhorovka, which have assumed legendary status as single titanic struggle, should be seen as a: 

“… confused and confusing series of meeting engagements and hasty attacks, with each side committing its forces piecemeal.’’ 

Totenkopf with 103 tanks and assault guns would attack the town from the north while LAH and Das Reich with 77 and 95 tanks and assault guns respectively would advance from the south towards Prokhorovka. Both approaches to the town were defended by the 5th Guards Tank Army whose forces also sought to stop the advance of the 111 Panzer Corps from the Belgograd region. 

Just as important to the outcome of the overall battle was the struggle between XXXXV111 Panzer Corps on the left flank and the reinforced 1st Tank Army between 10-14 July. This almost forgotten struggle prevented XXXXV111 Panzer Corps from supporting the lunge towards Oboyan and the north-east strike towards Prokhorovka.

Advance on Prokhorovka 

On 10 July much of the battlefield was turned to mud due to torrential rains which left many German armoured vehicles stuck and easy targets for Soviet bombers. The Red Air force also focused its attention on bombing Luftwaffe airfields such as the one at Belgorod. 

Senior German commanders such as General Wisch of the LAH expected the 11 SS Panzer Corps to cover the nine miles to Prokhorovka and capture it within a day. However, many ordinary SS soldiers had more realistic views of the battle to come. Heinrich Huber later recalled, ‘We did not underestimate the defenders before Prokhorovka for they were as motivated as we were. I did not expect the battle to be anything other than frenzied – I was not disappointed.’ 

Totenkopf opened the attack and reached the Psel river and engaged in a  bout of hand to hand fighting with Soviet infantry. The Red Army put a fierce resistance as men from the 290th Guards Rifle Regiment retreated across the river. Soviet infantryman Anatoli Abalakov noted the intensity of the fighting which cost Totenkopf hundreds of casualties: 

“The scene along the banks of the Psel was carnage, sheer carnage. We had been told to stop the Germans from crossing the river at all costs and we threw everything we had at them … The bastards just kept coming at us. Our artillery gave some support and we fought them between the falling shells. German artillery opened up and then Stukas arrived. It was grim remorseless stuff. The sort of fighting that a soldier hopes he will never be involved in because survival is very unlikely … When we were eventually overwhelmed, I swam to the north bank [of the river Psel] I was exhausted … I scrambled up the muddy bank and headed for a position that I knew existed … Shells, mortar rounds and rounds were striking the ground all around me as I ran. How I was not hit I do not know. I was relieved to reach the position where I was pulled over some sandbags. Then, having fought with my bare hands against the SS monsters, swum a river and run the gauntlet through fire, an officer admonished me for withdrawing without permission and losing my rifle!’’ 

This battle delayed Totenkopf’s crossing of the Psel river and gave the Red Army time to prepare its defences along the northern bank of the river. It also had the effect of delaying the attack of LAH until late morning. 

By the end of the day Totenkopf had crossed the river after a ferocious bloody fight. As LAH and Das Reich advanced during the day they were subjected to numerous counter-attacks by Soviet tank forces. 

By evening LAH fallen short of its objective and was five miles away from Prokhorovka. Even worse for Manstein was the fact that the 111 Panzer Corps remained 22 miles away from Prokhorovka leaving the 11 SS Panzer Corps effectively alone in its attempts to take the town. 

In the evening of 10 July another conference of senior German commanders exposed deep pessimism amongst some as to the future of the offensive. General Kempf suggested that Zitadelle being brought to an end. Even Field Marshall Manstein raised the question of how wise it was to continue the attack considering heavy German casualties and the movement of large Soviet tank formations towards Prokhorovka. Apparently, Hoth commander of 4th Panzer Army, argued that the offensive should continue with the objective of destroying the enemy south of the Psel river. In the absence of any order from Hitler to stop the offensive the assembled commanders had no option but to proceed. 

According to Lloyd Clark it was clear to Manstein at this point that Zitadelle could not succeed and that his intention was to use his tank formations to defeat the 5th Guards Army thereby weakening the Red Army in the south.

On 11 July despite the pessimism of General Kempf his units, led by 6th Panzer Division, broke through Soviet defences north-east of Belgorod and were advancing full pelt towards Prokhorovka. On the same day on the left flank Grossdeustchland inflicted heavy casualties on the Soviet 1st Tank Army which was forced to retreat. This elite unit was then ordered to support the attack north towards Oboyan leaving the defence of the German left flank to the depleted 3rd Panzer Division. 

Aware of the vulnerability of the German left flank Vatutin gathered the 10th Tank Corps and several other fresh units with the objective of striking into Hoth’s left flank. One T-34 loader Lev Drachevsky of the 178th Tank Brigade recalls being told by his commander that the upcoming strike into the German left flank was,’… an attack which would bring an end to his offensive in this sector …’ 

During 11 July the 5th Guards Tank Army prepared its defensive positions around Prokhorovka as 11 SS Panzer Corps resumed its advance towards the town. As LAH advanced it encountered numerous counter attacks from companies of T-34s. Its advance was further slowed when it came up against a very deep and wide anti tank ditch which was defended by paratroopers from the elite 9th Guards Airborne Division with tanks from 5th Guards Army behind them. 

By midday the anti tank ditch had been bridged and LAH advanced towards the taking of Hill 252.2 after which it would only have two miles to reach Prokhorovka. By 1700 hours this hill and the Oktiabrskii State Farm had been taken. However, Das Reich and Totenkopf needed to move alongside the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler division before the frontal assault on Prokhorovka could begin. 

During the evening of 11 July General Hausser, commander of the 11 SS Panzer Corps, gave orders for the corps to take Prokhorovka the next day. The XLV111 Panzer Corps was also expected to resume its advance towards Oboyan. Field Marshall Manstein expected the Fourth Panzer Army to not only take Oboyan and Prokhorovka but also to inflict a resounding ‘defeat’ on Soviet armoured forces. 

German commanders were unaware that Vatutin had given orders for the 5th Guards Tank Army in cooperation with 5th Guards Army and 1st Tank Army to ‘destroy the enemy in the Kochetovka, Pokrovka and Greznoye regions’ and to not permit them ‘to withdraw in a southern direction’. 

The scene was set for the decisive encounter between German and Soviet armour as Hitler was becoming increasingly concerned by the Allied invasion of Sicily and the subsequent need to divert some panzer divisions west to contain this threat. Lloyd  Clark has observed, ‘A pivotal moment in the Second World War had arrived.’ 

As dawn broke on 12 July soldiers on both sides were aware that a decisive moment in the battle was upon them. Johannes Brauer, driver of an SS armoured troop carrier, recalls,’It wasn’t until dawn on 12 July that one could properly see the surrounding area and the mass of vehicles and troops being drawn up around us. One could only guess that something big was in the offing.’ 

The 294 tanks of 11 SS Panzer Corps were to advance into a Soviet counter-attack comprising the 616 Soviet tanks of the 5th Guards Tank Army. Soviet armoured units were vigorously supported by additional Katyusha and artillery regiments whose primary focus was on the centre of the battlefield where the 18th and 29th Tank Corps faced the SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler division. Soviet infantryman Mansur Abdulin later recalled the heavy concentration of Red Army artillery: 

“Neither before nor since had I seen so much artillery. The commanders of artillery units, with their guns of different calibres, had a hard time finding firing positions from which they could fire without disturbing their neighbours. There was not enough space for the gunners on the battlefield!’’ 

At dawn on 12 July General Rodmistrov, commander of the 5th Guards Tank Army, was on the verge of letting loose his tanks but his plan to seize the initiative was thwarted when the 11 SS Panzer Corps struck first. At 0600 hours German bombers attacked Red Army positions and the LAH tank regiment began it advance. Red Army infantryman Pavel Krylov, like so many others, was surprised by the intensity of the German attack: 

“I do not know what our trench was hit by, but just as we were about to attack we noticed Stukas preparing to attack. I did not see an aircraft dive towards us but moments after a warning was yelled, the ground in front of us levitated. It was like a giant had grabbed the battlefield and shaken it. I was knocked to the ground, but was dragged to my feet and the platoon was told to look to its front and stand firm…Shells continued to drop all around us and then I saw, to my absolute horror, a dense line of enemy tanks approaching like a tidal wave about to break on top of us.’’ 

Within hours of launching their attack all three SS divisions ran into a ‘cyclone of fire’ from Soviet artillery and then they ran into the Red Army’s counter attack. Wary of the 88mm guns on German Tiger tanks Soviet armour had been given orders to engage in close combat with enemy tanks to catch the Germans unawares and allow their 76mm guns to do damage to enemy armour. 

However, instead of a surprise attack German panzers spotted a great cloud of dust approaching them. Company tank commander of the 1st SS Panzer Regiment of the LAH division, Rudolf von Ribbentrop, son of Nazi Germany’s Foreign Minister Joachim Ribbentrop, later wrote of his encounter with the Soviet 29th Tank Corps: 

“A purple wall of smoke arose into the air, produced by smoke shells. It meant:’Tank warning!’ The same signals were to be seen all along the crest of the slope …

Everything became immediately clear: beyond the hill, still out of sight of those in the valley, a major Soviet armoured attack was underway …

The small valley extended to our left, and as we drove down the slope we spotted the first T-34s, which were apparently attempting to outflank from the left.

We halted on the slope and opened fire, hitting several of the enemy. A number of Russian tanks were left burning. For a good gunner 800 metres was a good range.

As we waited to see if further enemy tanks were going to appear, I looked around, as was my habit. What I saw left me speechless. From beyond the shallow rise about 150-200 metres in front of me appeared fifteen, then thirty, then forty tanks. Finally, there were too many to count. The T-34s were rolling towards us at high speed, carrying mounted infantry.’’

Vasili Bryukhov, a T-34 commander in the 29th Tank Corps describes the chaotic nature of this armoured clash:

“The distance between the tanks was below 100 metres – it was impossible to manoeuvre a tank, one could just jerk it back and forth a bit. It wasn’t a battle it was a slaughterhouse. We crawled back and forth and fired. Everything was burning. An indescribable stench hung in the air over the battlefield. Everything was enveloped in smoke, dust and fire, so it looked as if it was twilight …Tanks were burning, trucks were burning.’’ 

Bryukhov’s tank was eventually hit but he survived the encounter: 

“My tank was hit. A round flew in from nowhere and hit the driving sprocket and the first road wheel. The tank stopped, turned to the side a bit. We immediately bailed out and sneaked into a shell crater. The situation didn’t favour the repair of the tank. That was Prokhorovka! … I got into another tank, but that was destroyed after a while. The round hit the engine, the tank caught fire, and we all bailed out. We hid in shell crater and fired at German infantry and the crews of their knocked out tanks.’’ 

As this battle unfolded to the left of 1st SS Panzer Regiment its 13th company ran into sixty T-34s and a bloody three hour battle ensued. The divisional history of the LAH captures the savagery of the fighting:

“They attacked us in the morning. They were around us, on top of us, and between us. We fought man to man, jumping out of our foxholes to lob our magnetic hollow charge grenades at the enemy tanks, leaping on our Schuetpanzerwagens to take on any enemy vehicle or man we spotted. It was hell! At 09.00 hours the battlefield was once again firmly in our hands. Our Panzers helped us mightily. My Kompanie alone had destroyed fifteen Russian tanks.’’ 

As Glantz and House have noted similar scenes of ferocious fighting took place all along the front of the 11 SS Panzer Corps but particularly in the sector of the LAH. It was repeatedly hit by waves of Red Army tanks and mounted infantry from the 9th Guards Airborne Division. 

As the battlefield descended into chaos and confusion there were hundreds of small conflicts between opposing groups of armour. T-34 driver Anatoly Volkov later recalled: 

“The noise, smoke and dust of battle were extremely trying. Despite wearing protectors my ears were extremely painful from the constant firing of the gun. … The atmosphere was choking. I was gasping for breath with perspiration running in streams down my face. It was a physically and mentally difficult business being in a tank battle. We expected to be killed at any second and so were surprised after a couple of hours of battle that we were still fighting – still breathing!’’ 

Panzer commander Ribbentrop has also described the difficult situation facing tank crews in such combat: 

“On the smoke and dust shrouded battlefield, looking into the sun, it would be impossible for our crews to distinguish us from a Russian tank. I repeatedly broadcast our code name, ‘All stations; This is Kunibert! We are in the middle of the Russian tanks! Don’t fire on us!’’ 

German tanks crews had the huge advantage in that they were all fitted with radios enabling a more flexible command whereas Soviet tanks faced the bewildering situation where only the command tank had a radio. As Clark has observed this enabled panzer crews, ‘to out-think and out-fight their more numerous enemy.’ 

In several places overwhelming numbers enabled Soviet armour to break through German positions. One German observer of the battle later recalled: 

“We found ourselves taking on seemingly inexhaustible masses of enemy armour – never have I received such an overwhelming impression of Russian strength and numbers as on that day … Soon many of the T-34s had broken past our [panzer] screen and were streaming like rats all over the battlefield.’’ 

German anti tank guns were expected to hold the line after Soviet armour broke through panzer positions. SS gunner Mutterlose has described his encounter with Soviet tanks: 

“We saw the turret of a very slow moving T-34 that was advancing out of a hollow. … I heard the bright clear command of our battery officer, SS-Untersturmfuhrer Protz: ‘Fire!’The first round thundered from our gun and then we heard the report of the neighbouring piece. But it looked like we had missed … At that point it was all over for our two guns. Before the gunners could reload, the barrels of the leading T-34s turned towards us and without even making a firing halt, they poured high-explosive shells into our firing positions. It seemed like every foxhole was individually shelled. …We saw horror struck, what had gone on around us. Death had reaped a rich harvest. Eight comrades lay there, all of them dead. Ghastly! Their bodies shredded! Two gunners were torn into unrecognizable fragments. All of those alive had been wounded.’’

Panzer grenadiers supported German guns as they fought off advancing waves of Soviet tanks: 

“SS-Unterscharfuhrer Erhard Knofel reported later: 

“We were singled out by a T-34 which rammed [our half track[. We put our hollow charges to use, some of which failed in the tumult. SS-Unterstrumfuhrer Wolff knocked out a tank in the melee. He lay shoulder to shoulder with us but the day was long yet. Then we became involved with Soviet mounted infantry…self propelled guns began ‘reaping’ with direct fire from the anti tank ditch. The Soviet attack began to falter. All hell broke loose; jets of flame and tank turrets flew through the air. But we took losses too … I was shot in the thigh while in the kneeling position tending to a wounded man. I removed my pistol belt and applied a dressing to the wound and then looked for cover. I found a hole nearby and was about to jump in, but what did I see? Two pairs of fear-filled eyes staring at me, the crew of a knocked out enemy tank, unarmed like me.’’ 

On 12 July in the fields west of Prokhorovka German and Red Amy infantry and tanks attacked and counter attacked each other through ruinous anti tank fire. Glantz and House have observed that although Soviet tank brigades failed to make any breakthroughs they could claim to have halted the German attack on Prokhorovka. This came at a calamitous price for certain formations such as the 29thTank Corps which lost well over a hundred tanks during the day. 

Lloyd Clark has observed that on 12 July in the central sector of the battle the Battle of Prokhorovka had come to reflect the wider Battle of Kursk, ‘It has become a slogging match but with a difference – rather than the Germans doing the attacking, it was the Soviets.’ 

The Luftwaffe on this day enjoyed air supremacy over the Prokhorovka battlefield inflicting heavy casualties on Soviet troop concentrations. Soviet air power was deployed in force on attacking the German flanks. Vatutin believed that by attacking the 111 Panzer Corps on the right and XVL111 Panzer Corps on the left then the 5th Guards Tank Army would be able to contain the direct assault of 11 SS Panzer Corps on Prokhorovka. 

As SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Division advanced on Prokhorovka its right flank was left exposed due to Soviet counter attacks against SS Das Reich Division. The vigorous offensive of the Soviet 2ndGuards Tank Corps prevented Das Reich from joining the eastward thrust of LAH. A series of tank and infantry attacks caused great frustration for commanders in Das Reich which had to deploy forces from other sectors to fend off Red Army attacks on its right flank. Das Reich was forced to deploy 50 T-34s, which had been captured from a tank factory in Kharkov, to fend off Red Army counter attacks. During the fighting German gunners focused on the command tank of Soviet tank formations as this was the only tank which had a radio receiver and transmitter. Once this command tank was knocked out it left the remaining tanks leaderless and vulnerable in battle. 

Comments from several German commanders, illustrate this growing frustration with Soviet counter attacks:

“Heavy fighting developed on the right flank of Das Reich Division. There the Soviet 11 Guards Tank Corps repeatedly attacked from the gap between Hauser’s [11 SS Panzer Corps] and Breith’s divisions [111 Panzer Corps]which had not yet arrived. That accursed gap!’’ 

Sylvester Stadler, who was a regimental commander in Das Reich, later recalled in exasperation, “The Russians attacks on our flanks are tying down our effectives and taking the steam out of our operation against the enemy at Prokhorovka.’’ 

The Soviet 11 Guards Tank Corps had to halt it counter attacks later in the day due to the advance of 111 Panzer Crops along the Northern Donets. The tank corps was forced to despatch one of it brigades to contain this new German threat in the south. 

During 12 July the 5th Guards Tank Army contained the direct thrust of the 11 SS Panzer Corps on Prokhorovka by LAH and Das Reich but to the north of these divisions the SS Totenkopf was advancing north-east of Prokhorovka. Totenkopf made progress against the 95th and 42nd Guards Rifle Divisions crossing the Psel river and forcing the 5th Guards Army onto the defensive when its mission was to destroy the advancing German division. Anatoli Abalakov of then 290th Guards Rifle Division described the fighting that day as ‘unrelenting and bloody’. He later recalled: 

“The enemy advanced with great fervour, desperate to take the high ground which we defended. Our orders were ‘To The Last Man’, never words that we wanted to hear as we knew that we were in for a terrible time … We managed to hold the assault for a while, but eventually we were forced back. Heavy artillery fire and dive-bombing by Stukas made the position untenable – but we had caused the Nazis casualties and did not collapse … That afternoon the Panzers moved forward, but our guns hit the bridgehead hard and caused many problems for the Germans trying to organise themselves.’’

The 24th Guards Tank and 10th Guards Mechanised Brigades of the 5th Guards Army were thrown into the attack and halted the advance of Totenkopf’s 3rd SS Panzer Regiment which was five and a half miles north east of Prokhorovka. General Rodmistrov of the 5th Guards Tank Army later wrote,’The decisive movement of these brigades … and the decisiveness of their meeting blow against the penetrating Hitlerite tanks stabilized the situation.’ 

By the end of the July 12  Totenkopf has lost half of its tanks (it had roughly 50 panzers left) and was faced by two brigades from the 5th Guards Tank Army comprising 200 tanks who had been tasked with its destruction the next day. This Soviet force was supplemented by the 6th Guards Airborne Division which marched overnight to join the attack on the 13 July. 

Lloyd Clark has commented that 12 July was the decisive day in the battle for Prokhorovka. The Red Army had used its superior resources in terms of men, artillery, planes and tanks in an attritional battle which negated the Germans greater tactical ability: 

“By the end of 12 July, Manstein’s offensive ambitions had been dealt a serious blow. As heavy rain turned the battlefields and rear areas into a quagmire, the German field Marshall was left ruminating on a day when his left flank crumbled and 11 SS Panzer Corps had been fought to a standstill.’’ 


Zhukov with Ivan Konev, commander of the Steppe Front, during the Battle of Kursk (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Concerned by the heavy losses of 5th Guards Tank Army Stalin despatched Zhukov to take charge of ‘coordinating the Steppe and Voronezh Fronts.’ These losses led to 5th Guards Tank Army being ordered to build new defensive positions west of Prokhorovka during the night of 12-13 July as sporadic fighting continued all evening. 

On 13 July LAH resumed its attack and found the ground hard going after heavy rain the day before. It mounted a two pronged attack with its remaining armour which comprised 50 tanks and 20 assault guns. Rotmistrov used his massed artillery to destroy these German advances which lasted an hour before grinding to a halt. SS-Oberschutze Rudi Bauermann later recalled how deeply echeloned Soviet defences supported by devastating artillery fire repelled the attack: 

“There seemed to have been little change in the state of play since 5th July. The enemy were well dug in and our attempts to engage him were foiled by minefields and well positioned anti tank guns … We panzer grenadiers tried to infiltrate the line, but came under heavy machine gun fire which pinned us down. A tank must have seen what was happening and came over to lend some fire support. Half of the platoon moved in behind it as there was so little ground cover, but were soon flooding back to our position when the tank rolled over a mine and shed a track … The crew bailed out and joined us in a shell crater. ‘That’s the fourth time that I’ve been hit by a mine since the start of’ [Zitadelle] the commander said to me, ‘but I’d rather be n a tank than out here with you lot!’ 

Totenkopf faced an even worse fate on 13 July as concerted counter attacks by the Soviet 33rd Guards Rifle Corps, 10th Guards Mechanized Brigade and 24th Guards Tank Brigade forced it to retreat back to Hill 226.6 to avoid encirclement and destruction. Soviet success came at a high cost in numbers of T-34s destroyed but they succeeded in removing Totenkopf from its tactically important position north-east of Prokhorovka.

German misery on July 13 was completed by the failure of 111 Panzer Corps to link up with Das Reich. Heavy air raids by the Soviet air force together with artillery stopped the advance of the corps which proved to be a massive disappointment for Manstein and Hitler. By this point in the battle the German 9th Army had already begun withdrawing units from the Kursk salient to counter the Soviet offensive on the Orel salient. Oboyan and Prokhorovka were still in Soviet hands. 

Worse still was the news that the western Allies had landed in Sicily on 12 July. Worried that Mussolini would be overthrown and that Italy would drop out of the war Hitler was forced to call off Zitadelle on 13 July and send German armour west to contain the expected invasion of the Italian mainland. At a meeting with Kluge and Manstein on 13 July Hitler said that he had to call off Zitadelle as he had not other forces with which to contain the Allied invasion of Italy. At the meeting Manstein forced a compromise on Hitler whereby Zitadelle would be closed down in the north while 11 SS Panzer Corps would continue until it had achieved ‘its aim of smashing the enemy’s armoured reserve’ in the form of the 5th Guards tank Army and the 1st Tank Army. Alongside this, a third of V111 Air Corps would be sent north to support the 2nd Panzer Army counter the Red Army attack on the German held Orel salient. 

Following this meeting Manstein ordered 11 SS Panzer Corps and the 111 Panzer Corps to renew their assault on 14 July with the aim of encircling Soviet forces in the Northern Donets.

On 14 July Das Reich made impressive gains as its advance ended they day just four miles south of Prokhorovka. Unperturbed, Zhukov remained firm in his belief that the Germans would be forced to withdraw as a result of the widening Soviet offensives across several fronts. He strategy was to tempt German forces to ‘burn themselves out.’ 

On the same day 111 Panzer Corps broke out of its bridgehead and advanced in the face of very determined resistance by Soviet forces. It was impressed upon Red Army units that they ‘must stop the panzers at all cost.’ They fought a fighting retreat in the face of the advance of 111 Panzer Crops which finally linked up with Das Reich on 15 July. However, by this time 111 Panzer Crops was exhausted by ten days of intense fighting and merciless bombardment by the Soviet air force. It faced five Soviet armoured and infantry corps and was unable to progress further. 

At this point, Manstein finally accepted that the German offensive in the south of the Kursk salient had failed. He was aware that the Red Army showed no signs of collapse, had many fresh divisions to call upon and had launched an offensive to the north against the German held Orel salient. By contrast German divisions were exhausted and had no reinforcements to call upon. 

After 15 July Army Group South was confined to making preparations for a withdrawal from the salient at the same time as having to hold off Soviet counter attacks. On 17 July 11 SS Panzer Corps was ordered to withdraw to assembly areas around Belgorod as the forces of the Soviet South-western and Southern Fronts launched an offensive along the Northern Donets river and along the Mius river. These offensives in the south would be accompanied by offensives against Army Group Centre further north. Collectively, these offensives would drive Army Group South out of the Donbass region and back across the Dnieper river and lead to the liberation of major cities such as Smolensk, Briansk, Belgorod, Kharkov and Kiev.

German retreat accompanied by genocidal crimes

During its retreat Army Group South carried out a deliberate scorched earth policy overseen by Manstein. This genocidal policy, which involved putting numerous towns and cities to the torch and the forced deportation of hundreds of thousands of civilians many of whom died from starvation, was declared in a Wehrmacht directive to German troops on 2 September 1943: 

“In all of the following activities it must be assumed that the entire Donetsk Basin east of the Cherepakha position must be evacuated and completely destroyed (…). In addition to the removal of machinery and valuables, attention should mainly be paid to the export of grain.

The cattle must be herded to the west (…). Food, consumer goods (scarce commodities) and fuel may not be distributed to the local population. Anything that cannot be taken out is to be destroyed (…). Destruction should not be done at the last moment, when the troops are already fighting or retreating, but in time, so that the teams allocated for destruction can be fully used.’’

On 7 September Himmler sent the following genocidal message to SS security units in the Donbass and ordered their cooperation with German infantry units in the area. Himmler directed that in order for his directive to be carried out: 

“not a human being, not a single head of cattle, not a hundredweight of cereals and not a railway line remain behind; that not a house remains standing, not a mine is available which is not destroyed for years to come, that there is not a well which is not poisoned. The enemy must really find completely burned and destroyed land”.

In September 1943 as the Red Army advanced in southern Russia General Vatutin, commander of the Vornezh Front, urged his men forward with the exhortation, “They are burning the bread, we must attack.’’

By October 1943 the Red Army had breached the Panther line defences of Army Group South leading to the isolation of the German 17th Army in Crimea. 


The German defeat at Kursk was the last major German offensive in the Soviet Union and marked the beginning of the Wehrmacht’s head long retreat across Ukraine and later Belorussia. 

In recent years a small group of revisionist historians (Germans Karl-Heinz Frieser and Roman Toppel) in the West have tried to rewrite the history of Kursk claiming that the Red Army did not win a victory at the Battle of Prokhorovka. Indeed they go further and argue that Prokhorovka was a ‘clear German victory’. 

These incredible assertions fly in the face of the failure of the German offensive to reach its operational goals. All of the senior German commanders involved in Zitadelle later acknowledged the decisive nature of the defeat at Kursk. 

General von Mellenthin, commander of the XXXXV111 Panzer Corps which fought at Kursk, later admitted that this battle was the “greatest armoured onslaught in the history of war’’ and that the German attack on the salient was a “veritable death ride for virtually the whole of the operational reserve was to be flung into this supreme offensive.’’ 

General Gottfried Heinrici, commander of the German 4th Army later admitted: 

“The troops and their leaders had made extreme efforts to see that the attack had a chance of succeeding. However, the strength of the three Russian fronts … and their defensive readiness insured that the attack must fail unless the Russian troop leadership or the morale of the Russian troops had completely collapsed.’’

 Field Marshall Manstein, commander of Army Group South, later lamented: 

“And so the last German offensive in the east ended in fiasco, even though the enemy opposite the two attacking armies of the Southern Army Group had suffered four times their losses in prisoners, dead and wounded.” 

On one level Manstein was correct. Soviet losses were far greater than those of the Germans. Lloyd Clark estimates that the Red Army suffered 177,847 casualties, around 1,600 armoured vehicles and 460 aircraft damaged/destroyed. Meanwhile, German losses were around 56,827 casualties and losses of 252 tanks and 159 aircraft. 

However, in the attritional war that was the Eastern Front the ability to replace losses was more important than the losses suffered. The Soviet planned economy had greatly outstripped its German counterpart in terms of productive capacity. The German historian Friesner has observed:

“It was not by tank duels that the Battle of Kursk – or even the Second World War – was won, but by the production battle in the factories … The German Reich had lost the production battle long before the first shot was fired at Kursk in July 1943.’’

Richard Overy in book Russia’s War has also noted the importance of the Soviet economy, despite the shortages of food, labour and destruction caused by the German occupier, ‘to out-produce its seemingly more prosperous enemy’ as a vital factor in the defeat of the Wehrmacht. 

German losses in manpower and materials during the Battle of Kursk rendered the Wehrmacht incapable of resisting the Soviet offensives which followed the battle. This impact on the German army was recognized by General Heinz Guderian, Inspector General of Armoured Troops for the Wehrmacht, who had helped create the armoured formations used in the German offensive. He later admitted that: ‘We had suffered a decisive defeat.’ 

It is important to see the Soviet victory at Kursk not just in terms of German failures of which there were many. These include over ambitious objectives for Zitadelle,  failures of German intelligence to reveal the massive accumulation of Soviet reserves east of Prokhorovka, an under appreciation of the depth of Red Army defences, too great a reliance on untried ‘wonder weaponry’ such as Tigers and Panthers, a lack of any appreciable reserves and finally a grave underestimation of Soviet fighting abilities. 

Anthony Beevor, author of the book Stalingrad, has noted that Kursk should be seen as notable success for the Red Army, ‘The Red Army had proved once again the dramatic improvement in the professionalism, the morale of its soldiers and the effective application of force.’ 

Glantz and House in their account of Kursk support Beevor’s analysis when they comment: 

“The elaborate, deeply echeloned defences around Kursk and artful Soviet deployment and commitment of mobile reserves had made the Soviets the first force to halt a blitzkrieg offensive. It is true that the Germans played into Soviet hands by attacking at such an obvious location, yet it still required remarkable self-confidence for Vatutin and Rokossovky, and the other Soviet commanders to wait calmly while the German juggernaut prepared to do its worst. When the worst came, Soviet numerical superiority, the stubborn tenacity of the Soviet soldier, the improved combat skill of his commanders and the Soviets ability to sustain staggering losses spelled doom for Citadel.’’ 

At Kursk the Red Army leadership displayed their skills at combined arms warfare where they out fought and out manoeuvred their enemy. 

The consequences of the German defeat at Kursk were to have far reaching consequences for the outcome of World War Two. Marshall Zhukov in his memoirs reflected, “The defeat of the main grouping of German troops in the Kursk area paved the way for the subsequent wide-scale offensive operations by Soviet forces to expel the Germans from our soil completely … and ultimately to crush Nazi Germany.’’ 

Winston Churchill, an instigator of the Cold War who had a pathological dislike of the Soviet Union, wrote in his history of World War Two that: 

“These immense battles of Kursk, Orel and Kharkov, all within the space of two months, marked the ruin of Germany on the Eastern Front. Everywhere they had been outfought and overwhelmed. … Stalingrad was the end of the beginning, but the Battle of Kursk was the beginning of the end.’’


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Dr. Leon Tressell is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Suggested Reading

Lloyd Clark, Kursk The Greatest Battle

John Erickson, The Road To Berlin

David Glantz and Jonathan House, The Battle of Kursk

David Glantz and Jonathan House, When Titans Clashed Hoiw The Red Army Stopped Hitlerite

Vasily Grossman, A Writer At War with the Red Army 1941-1945

Richard Overy, Russia’s War

Valeriy Zamulin and Stuart Britton, The Battle of Kursk: Controversial and Neglected Aspects

Featured image: A Raupenschlepper Ost, designed in response to the poor roads of Russia, moves materiel up shortly before the Kursk offensive. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

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We’re living in an age where it’s increasingly hard to avoid exposure to toxins. Some of the most ubiquitous are right on our food, on some of the most commonly eaten items in the American diet. It’s no wonder that illnesses related to toxicity, like cancer, infertility, and neurological diseases, are on the rise.

The most widely used pesticide in our food supply is glyphosate. It’s used all over the world on more than 70 different food crops, including corn, soy, and wheat and is linked to some serious health risks, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It’s terrifying to consider that a bowl of Cheerios has more glyphosate per serving than vitamins D and B12, both of which are added to try to boost nutritional value.

We need to change our food system if we want to change our health, and it’s issues like these that need our help.

I was so happy to sit down with my good friend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to dig into the topic of glyphosate and corruption in the agricultural industry.

Bobby Kennedy serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance, Chairman of the Board and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice. He was previously Chief Prosecuting Attorney for the Hudson Riverkeeper, Senior Attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, and a Clinical Professor and Supervising Attorney at Pace University School of Law’s Environmental Litigation Clinic.


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Featured image is from Sustainable Pulse

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Happy July Fourth, Formally Known as Independence Day

July 4th, 2023 by Emanuel Pastreich

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Today is a glorious day that will give you a chance to consume processed foods supplied by multinational corporations using GMO plants and animals that were shipped to supermarket chains owned by the House of Saud, or even directly by the House of Walton, by container ships controlled by monopolistic trade, supply chain, and logistic networks.

Of course, there will be plenty of alcohol, sugar, prescription anti-depressants and coffee—the very same stimulants that trade of which formed the backbone of the British Empire. And perhaps there will be time for some pornography using young girls reduced to slavery by international cartels, titillating music videos designed to dumb you down, foolish films about messiah figures battling a simplistic evil power, or on-line games and gambling for those who cannot take it anymore. 

One thing is for sure, the politicians making hay of this July fourth sure the hell do not want you reading the actual Declaration of Independence today, and they will send their private intelligence hacks from CACI and Booz Hamilton to harass you if you actually think about what it says.

The handful of signers of this simple declaration in 1776 were able to alter the course of human history by simply articulating a vision for freedom and self-determination that distilled in clear and accessible manner the core ideas of the Enlightment, mixed with bits of Iroquois wisdom (from the Great Law of 1722) and even Confucian ideas of rule by the wise.

The fact that they were all men, that many owned slaves, and some even supported continuing slavery (the most horrid institution of the last three hundred years that lingers on today), the fact that they were all upper middle class, or better, does not diminish from the window on a new form of governance that they opened up with this simple text.

I wince at the racist comments about native Americans in the text—but not enough to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Humans are depraved creatures by nature and must constantly strived for something better. We need texts like this to inspire us to appeal to our better angels. The fact that the messengers are often flawed men should never discourage us. We will also be judged at least as harshly by future generations.

The whole point of the Declaration of Independence was to break with the horrific British Empire, that vessel of imperialism, and create a republic of the people, by the people and for the people. The British Empire, serving a handful of the rich through corporations that overwhelmed democratic process, was the steel fist inside the velvet glove that pounded down opposition at home and abroad, promoting horrific cruelty around the world. It was best represented by the paramilitary intelligence and business development institution known as the British East India Company. 

The Declaration of Independence has much to say to us today as we struggle for independence from an invisible empire of global finance that has seized control of basically all governance in all countries. The structure has not altered that much, although the core of the empire has expanded from London to include Washington DC and Jerusalem, with outposts in most every capital in the world—whether in the form of NATO, WEF, or Russian and Chinese flavors of global finance.   

I call upon you to think about how you would update this text for the current moment, take out the racist parts, update it to be appropriate to the new invisible empire of finance and intelligence that we face. 

Let me rather just highlight the important parts.

The declaration makes a general statement about the nature of independence from a global empire of finance and trade and then lists the specific usurpations of the king of the British Empire.

I encourage you to think about what current crimes an updated Declaration of Independence would list.

Happy Independence Day to the citizens of the United States of America, and of the nations and peoples across the entire world. Rise up brothers, today, for verily the truth will set thee free and thou hast nothing to lose by thy chains.

Emanuel Pastreich, July 4, 2023


The Declaration of Independence

July 4, 1776

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. 

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. 

We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


Button Gwinnett

Lyman Hall

George Walton

North Carolina

William Hooper

Joseph Hewes

John Penn

South Carolina 

Edward Rutledge

Thomas Heyward, Jr.

Thomas Lynch, Jr.

Arthur Middleton


John Hancock


Samuel Chase

William Paca

Thomas Stone

Charles Carroll of Carrollton


George Wythe

Richard Henry Lee

Thomas Jefferson

Benjamin Harrison

Thomas Nelson, Jr.

Francis Lightfoot Lee

Carter Braxton


Robert Morris

Benjamin Rush

Benjamin Franklin

John Morton

George Clymer

James Smith

George Taylor

James Wilson

George Ross


Caesar Rodney

George Read

Thomas McKean

New York

William Floyd

Philip Livingston

Francis Lewis

Lewis Morris

New Jersey

Richard Stockton

John Witherspoon

Francis Hopkinson

John Hart

Abraham Clark

New Hampshire 

Josiah Bartlett

William Whipple


Samuel Adams

John Adams

Robert Treat Paine

Elbridge Gerry

Rhode Island

Stephen Hopkins

William Ellery


Roger Sherman

Samuel Huntington

William Williams

Oliver Wolcott

New Hampshire 

Matthew Thornton


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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For those who haven’t heard yet or only read / listen to mainstream media, the climate crime – and there is no other term for it – has taken a new turn for the worse. On June 30, the Finnish Minister for Economic Affairs, Mr. Vilhelm Junnila, had to resign over his “climate abortion” speech.

Some four years ago, as a Parliamentary Freshman, Mr. Junnila, recommended to the Finnish Parliament that his country sponsor “climate abortions” for African women in order to save the planet. Yes, you read correctly: climate abortions.

He complemented his quest by saying,

“It would be justified for Finland to shoulder its responsibility by promoting climate abortions,” and semi-jokingly added, “Climate abortion would be a small step for a person, but a giant leap for humanity.”

This 4-year-old speech surfaced as “eco-fascism” takes ever more extreme forms throughout Europe.

For full article, see this.

Since the publication of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset and its parallel UN Agenda 2030, it is no longer a secret that the Decade of the 2020-30 is not only called by WHO, “The Decade of Vaccination”, it is an unbelievably horrendous plan for humanity.

Among the prime targets it includes massive population reduction, by any means possible, including, coerced and WHO-mandated lethal “vaccinations”, forced sterilization, wars, manufactured famine – and a myriad of other human-killing means.

In addition, there is also WEF-invented technocratic “4th Industrial Revolution”. Unless you read Klaus Schwab’s, WEF CEO, book on the topic, you may not quite understand what it means. However, grasping its contents brings to the fore total digitization of everything, including transforming surviving humans into transhumans with the help of the deadly 5G ultra-microwaves, full digitization of money via a novel concept of programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which – you guessed it – by a digital process may be programmed to be turned on and off according to the controlling elite’s will.

CBDC would become the ultimate form of enslaving humanity: You behave or you don’t eat.

Depopulation can take many forms. One of the most cruel and criminal ones we have experienced during the last two and a half years, is coerced and often forced “vaccination” with a potentially deadly, poisonous jab.

The miraculous disease for which the killer vaxx was invented, started worldwide, at midnight on 31 December 2019, in the form of a so-called “deadly” viral outbreak, called “coronavirus”, later converted to SARS-COV-2, named after a similar outbreak in China in 2001 / 2002, strangely affecting then only the Chinese genome, suspiciously smelling like a test case.

To deviate from this inconvenient thought, WHO retitled the “viral outbreak” a few weeks later as “COVID-19”. The coronavirus, alias COVID-19, is scientifically tested about equivalent to the common flu virus, with a mortality rate of 0.07%.

We all remember, the first year they apparently were desperately looking for a “vaccine”. Eventually, an intentionally totally untested trial “vaccine” was rolled out in December 2020.

During this first year of Covid, people were kept in absolute fear, under lockdown, wearing dehumanizing, useless and oxygen-depriving face-masks, rules enforced by a corrupted media propaganda, which was paid hundreds of billions worldwide – if not more – to have 8 billion people around the globe comply with these absurd and utterly inhuman orders.

To sustain the fear level, almost every death – accidents, heart attacks, diabetes, you name it – were declared as Covid deaths, thereby rapidly and massively increasing worldwide statistics of Covid deaths, with a debilitating fear-level exponentially going through the roof.

This may have been one of the first indications that a diabolical cult led by Big Finance may be behind this civilization-altering, if not civilization-killing, Reset plan.

Then came the forced, coerced and blackmailed poisonous injections they told the scared-to-death population would save them from Covid death.

In the meantime, the fraud and crime of our civilization is being uncovered, the deadly substances in the so-called “vaxxes” are discovered. Of the about 5 billion worldwide “vaccinated” people, at least hundreds of millions if not in the billions, have already perished from the vaxes.

And that is just the beginning. According to Pfizer’s VP and Chief Scientist, Michael Yeadon, the real impact of the fake vaxxes, including massive dying, may begin only three to ten years after “vaccination”, and may then be difficult to trace back to the “vaxxes”. That is genocidal depopulation.

The Finnish Mr. Junnila’s proposal of forcefully aborting African women is just a minor contribution to this criminal agenda.

These are proven facts for genocide by “vaccination”. See this and this.


Back to the Finnish Minister of Economy who had to resign, especially after the Finnish President, Sauli Niinisto, described the situation as “very embarrassing.” The head of the Finnish People’s Party praised Junnila’s decision to step down.

Mr. Junnila himself never apologized.

Mr. Junnila was sworn in as Minister of Economy only on 27 June 2023. That is when Euronews reported immediately on the 2019 event which was dubbed, “who’s-who of neo-Nazis in Finland.”

What happens in Finland is, indeed, only the straw that points in the direction of a rapidly mounting racist and neo-Nazi movement in Europe, and by extension in the Western world.

What is more important though, is that different lie and fraud agendas are being used, always with the multi-billion-dollar false media propaganda, to reduce the world population and achieve the ultimate goals of the Great Reset cum UN Agenda 2030.

One of them is the fake climate agenda. It is ideal to bring about famine especially to the poor in the Global South, but the west or Global North will not be spared, as we can see with the Dutch Mark Rutte Government – which intends to eliminate one third of The Netherlands farms, the country’s lifeblood.

Not to forget, little Holland is the second largest agricultural produce and goods exporter in the world (just after the US); and Mark Rutte is a scholar of the WEF’s Academy for Young Global Leaders (YGL), of whom Klaus Schwab has repeatedly said, paraphrased, “We are proud having been able to infiltrate our YGL’s in governments around the world.”

In the European Union virtually all of the leaders of the 27 member countries are “graduates” of the WEF’s YGL program. Talk about “democratic elections”!

Madame Ursula Von der Leyen, the unelected President of the European Commission (EC), who literally calls the shots on all major decisions for the EU, is on the WEF’s Board of Trustees.

Creating artificial food shortages, or replacing natural food by “insect food”, as propagated by felonious Bill Gates – largest private landowner in the US – goes in the same direction. Maybe he expects that the 5G-mind-manipulated transhumans won’t notice the difference between an insect-steak and a beefsteak.

What former Minister of Economy, Mr. Junnila, advocated for African women to save the planet from “climate disaster” by having abortions, is just open bigotry, as compared to Bill Gates’s crimes. With the support of WHO, Gates has been vaccinating for years child-bearing age African women against “tetanus” with a concoction that brings about miscarriages, death and sterility in several African nations, as well as in India, Bangladesh and other Asian countries.

Finland, the newly approved NATO country, already uses coercion vis-à-vis African countries who support Russia in the Western-initiated Ukraine war. The Foreign Trade and Development Minister, Ville Tavio, threatened Africa to cut development aid to them if they support Russia in the Western-sponsored war. See this.

From here to threatening Africa with depriving them of Western foreign aid if they do not introduce women-sterilizing programs, it is but a small step. Of course, to save the climate. Because if Africa has less “useless eaters”, to use a familiar term often spewed out by WEF’s Israeli professor Harari, leaves more food for the One World Order (OWO) elite.

The Climate Crime no End, is an endlessly turning wheel towards decimating world population and achieving the diabolical goals of the wannabe OWO’s Great Reset and the corrupted UN’s Agenda 2030.

Only, We the People, can stop it, by waking up and seeing the Light, the all-encompassing and immeasurable Light of Peaceful Cohabitation.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

Featured image: Vilhelm Junnila in 2023 (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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CJPME Horrified by Israeli Airstrikes and Siege on Jenin Refugee Camp

July 4th, 2023 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is calling for urgent international action to stop Israel’s ongoing assault on the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, whose use of airstrikes represents a major escalation of Israeli violence. Since early this morning, Israeli airstrikes, snipers, and ground forces have killed at least 8 Palestinians, including civilians and 2 children, and injured more than 100. CJPME warns that the full scale of the devastation may not come to light until medical teams are finally given full access to the camp.

“The scale of today’s horrifying assault on the Jenin refugee camp is reminiscent of the massacre during the Second Intifada,” said Thomas Woodley, Vice President of CJPME. In 2002, Israel launched a brutal 10-day bombardment and massacre of the refugee camp, killing at least 52 Palestinians and destroying huge swathes of the camp. “Canada must dissuade Israel from going down this same violent path again. Canada must intervene to protect refugees from Israeli aggression,” added Woodley.

In the early morning of Monday, July 3, Israeli forces launched a major invasion of the Jenin refugee camp, which is densely inhabited by about 13,000 people. Israel deployed airstrikes against Palestinian homes and civilian facilities while ground forces blocked the entrances to the camp, preventing ambulances from reaching the wounded. Israeli military vehicles bulldozed roads into rubble, and the destruction of infrastructure has forced the shutdown of water, electricity, and internet services. Eyewitness accounts and video footage shows that Israeli forces deliberately fired at civilian targets including a hospital, Red Crescent medical teams, and a team of journalists as they were broadcasting from the scene. At least 500 families have been forcibly evacuated in anticipation of further bloodshed.

CJPME fears that Israel’s recent adoption of airstrikes in the occupied West Bank appears to indicate an intent to escalate its methods of violence against Palestinian communities. At least 153 Palestinians have already been killed in the occupied West Bank this year, making it the deadliest year in the West Bank since at least 2005. Only weeks ago, an Israeli military invasion of Jenin killed 7 people, including 2 children. On Friday, Canada joined the UK and Australia in a joint statement “deeply troubled by the continued violence and loss of life in Israel and in the West Bank,” but such milquetoast “both sides” statements whitewash the brutal realities of Israel’s 66-year-old occupation. Canada has not commented on the latest attack on the Jenin refugee camp.


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Featured image: Residents evacuate the Jenin refugee camp during an Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank on July 3, 2023. AFP

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The AUKUS pact (military initiative among Australia, the UK and U.S.) came out of nowhere in 2021 when Australia broke a $A90 billion contract to buy French submarines.

Instead, it signed up with the U.S and UK to form AUKUS, which will build eight nuclear-powered (but not nuclear-armed) submarines for Australia.

The first get-together of AUKUS leaders did not go well for Australia, when President Biden could not remember the name of its then-Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.

Morrison went behind the backs of the French in order to do a deal, instead, with the U.S. and UK. It led to the most extraordinary diplomatic bust up between those countries—France recalled its ambassadors from both Australia and the U.S. (it is America’s oldest ally, dating back to the American Revolution); President Macron called Morrison a “liar.” When Morrison was voted out a few months later, France’s outgoing foreign minister said: “I can’t stop myself from saying that the defeat of Morrison suits me very well.”

Nuclear-free New Zealand was not invited to join AUKUS (nor was fellow Five Eyes member, Canada) but the Ardern government had a FOMO (fear of missing out) reaction and said NZ would like to get involved with other aspects of AUKUS, such as artificial intelligence. AUKUS rapidly went about proving it is about much more than a few nuclear subs—in April 2022 it announced that its three members would work together to develop hypersonic missiles to counter Russia and China, which already have them.

In May 2022 Scott Morrison’s government was resoundingly voted out of office, but Anthony Albanese’s Labor government wholeheartedly carried on with his Tory predecessor’s foreign policy, including being committed to AUKUS. The last time that an Australian Labor government offered a markedly different foreign policy was the 1972-75 government led by Gough Whitlam, which was overthrown in a CIA-backed coup.[1]

Both Whitlam and Albanese had themselves sworn in as Prime Minister immediately after their respective election wins, but the contrast could not be starker. Whitlam wanted to get go forward with his radically different foreign policy; Albanese wanted to immediately scurry off to Tokyo to meet Joe Biden and reassure him of Australia’s continued loyalty as a good and obedient servant.

The Australian Labor Party has not questioned the American alliance since Whitlam.

The year 2022 came and went but two of the original three AUKUS leaders—Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson—were kicked out of office and AUKUS carried on, building up to its big launch in March 2023, which was hosted by President Biden, alongside Prime Ministers Sunak and Albanese, in front of a massive U.S. nuclear submarine at a San Diego Navy base. Australia will build eight nuclear-powered subs in Adelaide; they will have a British design but American technology.

Eye-watering Cost

The cost is truly eye-watering—anywhere between $A268 billion and $A368b, by 2055. Yes, that’s right—those eight subs will not be ready for more than 30 years.

The first of these eight subs is unlikely to be ready until the 2040s so, to fill that gap, Australia will buy three existing U.S. subs from the early 2030s, at a cost of up to $A58b, with an option to buy two more. There has been zero official discussion about the multitude of things that are likely to change over the next 30 years, militarily, let alone in the wider global society. Think about what has changed in the last 30 years. I would put money on these monstrosities being obsolete long before they are built.


But the politicians and military leaders who commissioned them will be long gone, leaving future taxpayers to shoulder the costs—and the highly likely adverse consequences of such a major push toward war with China. Because that is what AUKUS and its nuclear submarines, and all others, following military technology developments, are aimed at. It has nothing to do with defending Australia, and everything to do with projecting power far from home. That is the point of nuclear-powered subs—they do not need to return to home port to refuel.

“We Are Not at War, But Neither Are We at Peace”

New Zealanders may not have appreciated the degree of militarization in Australia, much more so than here. AUKUS should jolt us out of any complacency about what is going on with our nearest neighbor—it is preparing for war. Australian media commentary at the time of the AUKUS launch made that clear. “The monumental price tag of the AUKUS pact has made it clear. We are not at war, but neither are we at peace…”

“Almost $A400b, even over three decades, is not peacetime spending in anyone’s book—a fact Government ministers concede privately. Rather, we are navigating a dangerous and unpredictable new grey zone of superpower rivalry between China and the United States. It’s a contest in which we are poised to be a central player despite our geographical isolation and relatively small population.”

“Accepting such a role will require tough spending decisions the nation as a whole is not yet ready to confront. Already, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is flagging his willingness to support reduced spending on the National Disability Insurance Scheme to pay for the submarine programme. Other unsettling trade-offs will need to be discussed. Even in the short term, before the big bills start arriving, difficult calls will have to be made….This is because…it will cut $A3b from existing defence programmes…This is likely to anger other branches of the military, such as the Army, while the Navy is lavished with money.”[2]

Albanese tried to put a positive spin on it, saying that the “scale, complexity and economic significance of this investment is akin to the creation of the Australian automotive industry in the post-war period [ibid.].

This is disingenuous in the extreme—there is no comparison between creating an industry to enable the much touted “Aussie battlers” to buy a Holden and creating an industry to build nuclear submarines to join the U.S. (and its “special relationship” mate, the UK) in confronting China, trying to contain China and, quite possibly, fighting a war with China.

Criticism from Inside the Political Elite

Pleasingly, AUKUS was not unopposed among Australia’s political elite (or, at least, former leading members of it). Paul Keating, who was Labor Prime Minister from 1991 to 1996, really put the boot into the good submarine AUKUS and all who sail in her. He did so in a March 2023 speech, the day after the AUKUS announcement. “Former prime minister Paul Keating has launched an extraordinary attack on the Albanese government over its adoption of the AUKUS pact, accusing it of making the worst foreign policy decision by a Labor government since the attempted introduction of conscription in World War I.”

“He said signing up to AUKUS had broken Labor’s long ‘winning streak’ on foreign policy over the past century and was a ‘deeply pathetic’ moment in the Party’s history. ‘Falling into a major mistake, Anthony Albanese, befuddled by his own small-target election strategy, emerges as prime minister with an American sword to rattle at the neighbourhood to impress upon it the United States’ esteemed view of its untrammelled destiny…’”

“‘Naturally, I should prefer to be singing the praises of the government in all matters, but these issues carry deadly consequences for Australia and I believe it is incumbent on any former prime minister, particularly now, a Labor one, to alert the country to the dangerous and unnecessary journey on which the Government is now embarking.’”

“‘This week, Anthony Albanese screwed into place the last shackle in the long chain the United States has laid out to contain China…I don’t think I suffer from relevance deprivation, but I do suffer concern for Australia as it most unwisely proceeds down this singular and dangerous path,’ he said.”

“Keating presented a largely benign view of China’s rise, saying it was ‘not the old Soviet Union’ and was ‘not seeking to propagate some competing international ideology’ to the United States. The fact is China is not an outrider,’ he said. ‘China is a world trading state—it is not about upending the international system,’”

“Keating said: ‘Every Labor Party branch member will wince when they realise that the party we all fight for is returning to our former colonial master, Britain, to find our security in Asia—236 years after Europeans first grabbed the continent from its Indigenous people. That of all things, a contemporary Labor government is shunning security in Asia for security in and within the Anglosphere’”[3]

Nor was Keating alone in his criticism from within the elite. “The Australian National University’s Hugh White, an emeritus professor of strategic studies, unleashed a quite extraordinary criticism of Australia’s nuclear submarine plan…Professor White, a former deputy secretary of the Defence Department, said Australia was not only going to ‘hand over some serious dollars’ to the US but also pay with ‘a promise’ to enter any future conflict with China.’”

“‘This is a very serious transformation of the nature of our alliance with the United States,’ White said in an interview recorded for the ANU’s politics podcast Democracy Sausage. ‘The US don’t really care about our submarine capability—they care deeply about tying Australia into their containment strategy against China.’”

“White said he couldn’t see why the US would sell its own submarines—of which they have fewer than they need—unless it was absolutely sure Australia’s submarines would be available to it in the event of a major conflict in Asia. He said a war between America and China over Taiwan would be ‘World War III’ and have a ‘very good chance’ of being a nuclear conflict.”

“‘Australia’s experience of war [is] shaped by the fact that we’ve tended to be on the winning side, but there is no reason to expect America to win in a war with China over Taiwan,’ he warned. He suggested there was also a high chance the AUKUS deal could fall over under [sic] a future American administration and a worsening strategic environment.”

“White said there were cheaper, quicker, less risky and less demanding ways for Australia to get the submarines it needed, labelling the AUKUS plan a waste of money that ‘doesn’t make sense. There’s going to be no actual net increase in the number of submarines available until well into the 2040s, even if it goes to plan—which it probably won’t,’ he said.”[4]

Breakneck Militarization

AUKUS is only part, albeit a very big part, of Australia’s breakneck militarization. “Flying under the radar of last week’s AUKUS submarine announcement was the revelation that the United States had agreed to sell Australia up to 220 Tomahawk cruise missiles.”

“This follows Australia’s purchase in January [2023] of ‘high mobility artillery rocket systems,’ known as HIMARS, which have been used by Ukraine on the battlefield in response to Russia’s invasion. And in 2020, the US approved the sale of up to 200 long-range anti-shipping missiles (LRASM) to Australia.”

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HIMARS live-fire training in Australia. [Source:]

“[The Tomahawks] will be deployed on three Australian warships, known as Hobart class destroyers. These ships are primarily designed to defend the navy from aerial threats such as aircraft and missiles, but adding Tomahawks would allow them to strike targets on land or sea. What’s more, the Virginia class nuclear-powered submarines Australia is purchasing from the US under the AUKUS agreement are also capable of launching Tomahawks.”

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HMAS Hobart [Source:]

“It’s safe to assume Australia’s future AUKUS class nuclear-powered submarines will also be able to deploy Tomahawks. This would provide Australia with a potent deterrent. It would mean Australia could conduct long-range precision strikes against potential adversaries, using a stealthy platform that would be extremely difficult to detect.”

“Australia’s purchase of long-range anti-shipping missiles (LRASM) is intended to increase the strike range of two types of Australia’s fighter jets. This would allow Australia to accurately strike hostile shipping at long range. They will replace Australia’s ageing Harpoon anti-shipping missile. They have a range of about 560km, which is approximately four times greater than the Harpoon. This capability is highly desirable given that, in the event of a regional conflict, the greatest threat to Australia is a blockade of its key trade routes.”

A picture containing sky, outdoor, weapon, missile Description automatically generated

LRASM. [Source:]

“In particular, the Tomahawks and LRASM allow aircraft and warships to launch the missiles further from potential danger. This is particularly important as countries such as China are heavily investing in military systems designed to prevent access and freedom of operation in contested waters such as the South China Sea, a strategy referred to as Anti-Access/Area Denial, or ‘A2AD.’”

“Crucially, these missiles (within the broader context of other defence procurements) offer Australia two things. Firstly, they provide an increased deterrent in an increasingly turbulent region. If Australia can hold key targets under threat, then a potential adversary is less likely to undertake a hostile action, or at the very least think more carefully before doing so. It also facilitates what’s called ‘interoperability’ with key allies such as the US, so Australian and US forces can operate more easily in a joint manner if need be.”

“Secondly, these platforms allow Australia to have our own ‘A2AD’ capabilities. While an invasion of Australia is extraordinarily unlikely, it’s possible an adversary may try to block shipping routes to prevent our people and/or goods from free navigation (a naval blockade). Or, they may attempt to close strategic chokepoints and navigation routes to Australia’s north, such as the Malacca Strait.”

“Having the ability to strike targets at long range holds those undertaking such actions under threat, increasing the difficulty in sustaining a blockade, or making it unappealing to attempt to do so due to high potential costs. Of course, these systems also come with significant costs. The purchase of approximately 220 Tomahawks will cost $A1.3 billion, while 20 HIMARS launchers and missiles attracts a bill of $A558 million. About 200 LRASMs costs a further $A1.47 billion.”[5]

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Tomahawk cruise missile after launch from U.S. Navy ship. [Source:]

Shortly after Albanese was elected as prime minister in May 2022, he initiated the Defence Strategic Review. It was classified but a redacted version was publicly released in April 2023. It was billed as Australia’s biggest defence overhaul since World War II. “Australia has said the acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines, long-range strike capabilities and its northern bases will be among the country’s six priority areas after a major review of its defence strategy found the armed forces were not ‘fully fit for purpose.’”

“Albanese said the government would adopt three other priorities recommended in the review for immediate action: Initiatives to improve the growth and retention of a highly skilled defence workforce, improving Australia’s capacity to rapidly translate new technologies into defence, and a deepening of defence and diplomatic partnerships with ‘key partners’ in the Indo-Pacific.”

“The report stressed the need for Australia to deepen its engagement and collaboration with countries from Southeast Asia to the Pacific, as well as with India and Japan.”[6]

Former New Zealand Prime Ministers from Rival Parties Dissent

When AUKUS was first announced in 2021, New Zealand, which was not invited to join, simply confined itself to saying that nuclear-powered submarines would not be allowed into New Zealand territorial waters, or ports, because of our nuclear-free law dating back to the 1980s. So, the issue flew below the radar (or sailed under the water, to put it more appropriately). However, once AUKUS really kicked off in March 2023, debate and disquiet started in New Zealand.

Helen Clark was the Labour Prime Minister (1999-2008) who has dined out for 20 years on having refused to let New Zealand join the U.S., UK and Australia in the illegal and disastrous 2003 invasion of Iraq (in all other aspects Clark was a very loyal servant of the U.S.). She came out quickly and said that New Zealand is better off outside AUKUS (the word she used was “entanglement”).

She was not alone as the only former New Zealand Prime Minister to criticize it. “…[F]ormer National prime minister Jim Bolger [1990-97] participated in a forum about New Zealand’s foreign policy in Wellington, in which he is reported by the Herald’s Audrey Young to have criticised the Australian submarine buy up as ‘beyond comprehension’ because of the cost and the damage to peace in the Pacific region.”

“Bolger said that New Zealand certainly doesn’t want any such submarines, and challenged proponents of the AUKUS deal to defend it: ‘If you can find any Australian official who can explain why they need nuclear-powered submarines, come and tell me. I’d like to know.’ And Young reported Bolger asking rhetorically, ‘How mad are we getting?’ She says ‘he spoke with despair about the near-daily threats of nuclear war, which had the potential to destroy the planet.’”[7]

Opposition Across the Political Spectrum

“As part of the AUKUS deal Western Australia will play host to US and UK nuclear submarines from 2027. With nuclear-capable American B52 bombers and thousands of American marines rotating through the Northern Territory, Australia is lining up as a loyal lieutenant to the United States in the Pacific and would be expected to fight should war break out.”

“Would New Zealanders fight in a war between the nuclear superpowers? While we aren’t required by treaty obligations to act if America or Taiwan are attacked we are if Australia is. It is not an exaggeration to say Australia could be a target in a future war and already the country has been threatened with missile attacks in that scenario.”

“The risks of New Zealand being dragged in are real. Unlike in Australia, the conversation in New Zealand has been much more muted with limited discussion on the likelihood of war. Why aren’t we talking about it? New Zealand is in a difficult situation contemplating conflict between our largest trading partner and traditional security partner.”

“We weren’t invited to join AUKUS and Australian nuclear submarines won’t be allowed to berth here under our nuclear-free legislation. That same legislation sees New Zealand as only a friend and not an ally of the United States, but we are increasingly acting like we are an ally. In the years since New Zealand’s principled decision not to join the invasion of Iraq we have become more enmeshed with the United States defence apparatus.”

“Our troops fought together in Afghanistan and later served together in Iraq. Rocket Lab launches US Air Force payloads, and we remain in the intelligence inner circle as a Five Eyes nation. New Zealand Navy vessels took part in exercises off Guam and Okinawa with carrier strike groups including participating in freedom of navigation exercises in the South China Sea.”

“New Zealand’s military spending as a percentage of GDP [gross domestic product] has increased significantly under the Labour Government and big new spends have been focused on interoperability.”

“This includes the purchase of four new P-8A Poseidon aircraft to replace the decades-old P3 Orions. At [$NZ]2.3b the Poseidon aircraft were much more expensive than alternatives that could have also undertaken search and rescue and fisheries patrol work because of their ability to work with partners and conduct anti-submarine warfare in a future conflict.”

“Former prime minister Jacinda Ardern even received an unprecedented invitation to attend a NATO Leaders Summit in Europe. Today, it’s almost as if the ANZUS split of the 1980s never happened….Just because New Zealand is more closely linked with the United States by history, culture and values doesn’t mean we have to blindly fall into line and follow whatever they do….”

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Jacinda Arden speaks at NATO summit. [Source:]

“New Zealanders need to talk more about the risks, our decision-makers need to explain why New Zealand is aligning more closely with the United States military and as a sovereign country we have to ask are we acting independently or as a cog in a machine? Our role could be focused on reducing tensions, finding solutions and building trust. War is never inevitable.”[8]

Former politicians across the spectrum have come out against AUKUS. For example, Richard Prebble, one-time Labour Cabinet Minister and later ACT Party founder and Leader.

Click here to read the full article.


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Murray Horton is organizer of the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) and an advocate of a range of progressive causes for the past four decades. He can be reached at: [email protected].

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Video: Crimes Against Syria

July 4th, 2023 by Messages from Syria

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Introductory Note by Michel Chossudovsky

Today, July 4th, 2023, our thoughts are with the people of Syria.

More than twelve years: At the outset of the US-NATO war on Syria in March 2011, so-called “progressives” supported the so-called “opposition”, which was largely made up of Al Qaeda affiliated mercenaries.  

A US-NATO led war of aggression was portrayed as a “civil war”.

President Bashar Al Assad was casually described as a dictator who is killing his own people. The millions of deaths resulting from US-NATO led wars are not an object of concern.

The anti-war movement died in the wake of the Iraq war (April 2003). Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and counterterrorism prevail.

The war on Syria started more than twelve years ago in Daraa  on the 17th of March 2011.

I was in Syria in early 2011. I left the country in early March barely two weeks before the outbreak in Daraa. 

Media reports have finally acknowledged that the so-called “protest movement” in Syria was instigated by Washington. This was known and documented from the very inception of the Syrian crisis in March 2011.

It was not a protest movement, it was an armed insurgency integrated by US-Israeli and allied supported “jihadist” death squads? 

From Day One, the Islamist “freedom fighters” were supported, trained and equipped by NATO and Turkey’s High Command. According to Israeli intelligence sources (Debka, August 14, 2011): 

NATO headquarters in Brussels and the Turkish high command are meanwhile drawing up plans for their first military step in Syria, which is to arm the rebels with weapons for combating the tanks and helicopters spearheading the Assad regime’s crackdown on dissent. … NATO strategists are thinking more in terms of pouring large quantities of anti-tank and anti-air rockets, mortars and heavy machine guns into the protest centers for beating back the government armored forces. (DEBKAfile, NATO to give rebels anti-tank weapons, August 14, 2011) 

This initiative, which was also supported by Saudi Arabia the UAE and Qatar, involved a process of organized recruitment of thousands of jihadist “freedom fighters”, reminiscent of  the enlistment of  Mujahideen to wage the CIA’s jihad (holy war) in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war: 

Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria. (Ibid, emphasis added)

These mercenaries were subsequently integrated into US and allied sponsored terrorist organizations including Al Nusrah and ISIS. 

The Daraa “protest movement” on March 17-18, 2011 had all the appearances of a staged event involving covert support to Islamic terrorists by Mossad and/or Western intelligence.

Government sources pointed to the role of radical Salafist groups (supported by Israel).

In chorus, the Western media described the events in Daraa as a protest movement against Bashar Al Assad.

The US-NATO-Israel agenda consisted in supporting an Al Qaeda affiliated insurgency integrated by death squads and professional snipers. President Bashar al Assad was then blamed for killing his own people. 

It is worth noting, that three years later, a similar “false flag” strategy of killing innocent civilians was used during the Ukraine Maidan “protest movement”.  On February 20th, 2014, professional snipers were shooting at both demonstrators and policemen with a view to accusing president Viktor Yanukovych of “mass murder.” This was a coup d’Etat sponsored by the U.S. 

The “humanitarian mandate” of the US and its allies is sustained by diabolical “false flag” attacks which consist in killing civilians with a view to breaking the legitimacy of governments which refuse to abide by the diktats of Washington and its allies.

In the Video production below, Independent journalists, witnesses, and Syrians tell the story mainstream media didn’t tell about the war on Syria.

Michel Chossudovsky, July 4, 2023




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Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

Special Offer: $5.00 

Click to order.


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COVID Vaccine Injury Treatment: Fasting for 48-72 Hours Creates Autophagy

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Mainstream Media Colludes with U.S. Government to Conceal Source of Syria’s Heartbreaking Humanitarian Crisis

By Jeremy Kuzmarov, July 04, 2023

Illegal U.S. bombing raids, brutal economic sanctions, and incredibly brazen theft by U.S. forces of 66,000 barrels of Syrian oil per day (80% of its total output) have visited a biblical-scale tragedy upon the Syrian people that has battered them virtually back to the stone age.

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Comparing Two U.S.-Government Catastrophes: Bush’s 2003 Invasion of Iraq, and Obama’s 2014 Coup in Ukraine

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Illegal U.S. bombing raids, brutal economic sanctions, and incredibly brazen theft by U.S. forces of 66,000 barrels of Syrian oil per day (80% of its total output) have visited a biblical-scale tragedy upon the Syrian people that has battered them virtually back to the stone age.

Following a devastating earthquake in February that displaced thousands of people and compounded the suffering of 13 years of war, UNICEF issued a warning that millions of children in Syria were at a heightened risk of malnutrition.

According to UNICEF, close to 13,000 children have been killed or injured in the Syrian conflict.

More than 609,000 children under the age of five are stunted from chronic undernutrition; 12 million Syrians do not have enough food to meet daily dietary needs; 6.9 million people are internally displaced, and 90% of Syrians are estimated to be living in poverty.

War amputee in tent city in Syria where the internally displaced live. [Source:]

The U.S. media blame the biblical-scale catastrophe on Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.

It claims that Assad started a war against his own people to preserve his family’s ruling dynasty, committed large-scale war crimes against his own people with Vladimir Putin’s support, and then stole relief aid following the earthquake and deprived people of needed medical assistance in order to punish those who did not support him.

In an April 60 Minutes segment, host Scott Pelley accused Assad of launching chemical-weapon and barrel-bomb attacks on his own people and reported that a hospital in a rebel-controlled area in northwest Syria had to be built underground so it could not be bombed by Assad.

Pelley interviewed a Chicago doctor who accused Assad of chemical-weapon attacks, and he interviewed members of the White Helmets, a humanitarian aid group exposed as an intelligence front, who claimed that Assad cruelly bombed rebel targets in the northwest just days after the earthquake.

Crimes Against Syria

60 Minutes’ narrative about Syria is contradicted by a new documentary, Crimes Against Syria, produced by Mark Taliano,[1] which draws more on Syrian perspectives.

See the documentary here.

Courtesy of Mark Taliano

The film begins with an encounter between a BBC reporter and a Syrian man who tells her that she is “not telling the truth about Syria” and that Syrians “love our President [Assad]” and “support [him].”

The film goes on to detail the suppressed history in the West about how the uprising that triggered the war was initiated by jihadist terrorists supported by the U.S., Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar who attacked Syrian security forces, many of whom were armed only with sticks, while burning shops and cars.

Their aim was to weaken and destabilize Syria, overthrow Assad, and trigger a full-scale U.S. military invasion.

Crimes Against Syria includes footage of an interview with General Wesley Clark, who talks about visiting with a high-ranking general after 9/11 who told him of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney’s plan to invade and overthrow seven Arab governments starting with Syria.[2]

This was the all-out US war plan for the entire Middle East

U.S. war plans for the Middle East after 9/11. [Source:]

The neo-conservatives picked Syria because Assad was a secular nationalist who stood up to the Israelis and U.S. regional designs. His popularity stemmed from the fact that his regime provided the Syrian people with free health care and education and protected Syria’s sovereignty.[3]

Independent journalists Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley are featured in the film, providing pictures of vast NATO weapon supplies that ISIS forces left behind in their headquarters after territory that they took was liberated by the Syrian Army.

NATO weapons left behind by ISIS in Syrian government-liberated territory in Daraa. [Source:]

The Obama administration had told the U.S. public that the U.S. was arming only “moderate [anti-Assad] rebels,” when there were no moderate rebels—they were all part of ISIS, al-Nusra and other al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria.

When an American living in Latakia saw a false report in the Los Angeles Times about how the Syrian uprising began, she contacted the journalist who wrote the story. The journalist admitted that she lived in Lebanon and based her report only on rumors supplied by anti-Assad forces.

The woman then tried to contact a Times editor whose information she had been provided, but the editor never emailed her back.

The media similarly misled Americans when it came to the chemical-weapon attack in eastern Ghoutta, Douma and other locations that were used as a pretext for the U.S. bombing of Syria.

A key source for the claims were the White Helmets—an al-Qaeda affiliate whose founder was a British intelligence agent.

White Helmets in action. Their humanitarian work, however, is a front for involvement in intelligence operations, including the spread of disinformation. [Source:]

A man interviewed in the film said that he lived in Douma where one of the chemical attacks was supposed to have taken place and never saw evidence of it; he thinks it was a play or show—a lie that never happened.

How was it possible, he asked, that people were walking around the area openly—without getting sick or killed when these chemicals were supposed to be deadly? And why would Assad use these weapons on his own people when he had liberated most of the country without them?


Two men collecting samples from the scene of an alleged chemical attack with almost no protection. If there really had been an attack, they would have instantly been killed without protection but were not. [Source: Photo provided to the author by Theodore Postol]

Other Syrians testified in the film to the widespread revulsion in the country for the foreign-backed jihadists who committed horrific atrocities, ranging from torture to beheadings to the seizing of medicine and food aid to the converting of hospitals into jails.

The Syrian Army—which included all ethnic groups in the country—was heralded for protecting the people from the terrorists and restoring law and order in areas they took back.

Russian troops were also looked upon favorably by Syrians for assisting Assad in freeing the country from foreign aggression.

The main pretext for the application of U.S. sanctions was the testimony of an alleged Syrian defector named “Caesar” who displayed images of tortured and mutilated Syrians, many of whom were actually Syrian Army soldiers.

When he appeared before Congress, Caesar wore a hood over his face to mask his identity and was brought there by his “case officer,” implying that he was working for the CIA.

“U.S. Sanctions Have Brought Syria Back to the Stone Age”

60 Minutes’ narrative about Syria was further debunked in March by the testimony of Syrian doctors before the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism, which aims to spotlight the pernicious impact of U.S. sanctions on countries around the world.

These doctors emphasized the cruelty of U.S. sanctions on Syria, which have deprived its people of needed medicines and crippled its already war-ravaged economy.

Comparison was made with Iraq in the 1990s, where sanctions that were applied following the bombing of Iraq’s infrastructure in the first Persian Gulf War resulted in the deaths of half a million Iraqi children, according to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

Counter to what 60 Minutes claimed, the doctors said that it was jihadist rebels who had shelled Syrian hospitals and murdered other doctors, and destroyed pharmaceutical factories—which is what has made the country ill-equipped to deal with the on-going humanitarian crisis.

Dr. Hizla al-Assad said that the U.S. war and sanctions had threatened to turn life in Syria back to the Stone Age.

Electricity in the country was now sporadic and basic social services—excellent before the war—were severely reduced. Living standards were miserable and social cohesion was coming undone.

People had to endure long food lines, public transport was lacking and students could not study because their schools had been destroyed. Goods can no longer get in because of restrictions on Syrian airplanes and imports and exports are way down.

Much of the country’s oil had also been stolen, taken to Iraq and Turkey.

This was all part of the U.S. plan of intentionally impoverishing a country that was part of an axis of resistance against Western imperialism.

According to Hizla al-Assad, the earthquake in Syria showed the inhumanity of the Americans who prevented the delivery of needed medical and humanitarian aid into the country.

That inhumanity was also evident in the behavior of American occupying troops in the northwest, who kidnapped Syrian youths and dragged them unconscious for the crime of possessing a picture of Bashar al-Assad.

Trying to Destroy a Proud Anti-Colonial Tradition

The first speaker at the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism, Patrick Higgins, a Ph.D. student at the University of Houston, emphasized Syria’s proud history as a center of Arab nationalist movements going back to the 19th century, when it provided a base of resistance for the overthrow of the Ottoman-Turkish Empire.

In 1948, Syria sent troops to confront the Zionist colonizers of Palestine and then, in the early 1950s, supported the Algerian struggle for independence against France, under the leadership of Shukri al-Quwatli, who was overthrown in a 1949 CIA-backed coup but won presidential elections in 1955 (the CIA then again tried to overthrow him but failed).

Bashar al-Assad’s father, Hafez, who ruled Syria from 1970 to 2000, supported many Arab and Third World liberationist movements and allied closely with the Soviet Union.

Bashar continued his father’s legacy by establishing Syria as a main conduit for Iran, Lebanese and Palestinian resistance movements fighting against Western imperialism and proxies like Israel.

In the 1950s, the U.S. and Israel developed the Johnston Plan—named after Special U.S. Ambassador Eric Johnston—which redirected water in Syria and Jordan to Israeli settlements and Israeli military development.

Syria resisted the plan and was attacked accordingly, with Israel stealing the Golan Heights during the closing stages of the 1967 Six-Day War.

That Israel is the foundation for U.S. imperial power in the Middle East, and Syria is in Israel’s crosshairs, helps account for the long U.S. subversion campaign.

The latter’s deadly consequences are childishly blamed by the U.S. ruling establishment and media on a leader who is respected in Syria as an heir to the country’s proud anti-colonial tradition which in part, and ironically, mirrors America’s own.


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. Taliano is a retired teacher from Ontario who previously authored the book Voices from Syria, while a Second Edition of Voices from Syria was co-authored with Syrian Basma Qaddour. 
  2. The other six were: Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. 
  3. The film acknowledges some grievances against Assad and that some of the original protesters were peaceful but emphasizes that the protest movement was hijacked by violent extremists backed by foreign interests bent on destroying Syria. 

Featured image: Among the small number of protesters in the U.S. demanding an end to the murderous U.S. policies in Syria. [Source:]

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

Special Offer: $5.00 

Click to order.

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Costly Amalgamations: The University Merger Mania

July 4th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Never trust the musings of university management, with their uplifting visions of sunlit glory, their honey-laced promises of healthy workplaces, staff and students. Being several steps removed from the trench, the field, the library, they are the last to be asked about anything of any consequence in the fields of teaching and research. But that never stops these servitors of the bottom line from imposing, dictating and ruining things for others actually keen on the pedagogical craft and acquiring knowledge.

When such musings are paired with those of politicians, an unhealthy compact emerges. In South Australia, the government and two universities have decided that a merger will go ahead. The land, in this regard, is a trodden one. Merger talks between South Australia’s universities have already failed twice – in 2012 and 2018.

For some reason or rather, the current Labor Premier Peter Malinauskas, when in opposition, resurrected the beast stillborn, proposing a University Merger Commission as part of his electoral platform. The policy said little about the value of teaching, focusing instead on one primary obsession: university rankings. Such a merger was needed to ensure that a South Australian university would cling to a top 100 placement in the rankings “in order to ensure the highest quality research is funded in this state to drive economic growth.”

Whatever the merits of university rankings – and they are to be taken as sleights of hand and conjurer’s tricks – such an assessment has been incorrect from the outset. In 2023, the University of Adelaide found itself at 88 in the Times Higher Education world university rankings.

To all this could also be added an important caveat. “Should the Independent Commission determine that a university merger is in the interests of the South Australian economy and the welfare of the people of the State, then a merger will be the first term priority for a Labor Government”.

On winning the state elections last year, Malinauskas immediately threw money at the merger project, allocating  A$1 million and three full-time staff in the state budget to advise the government on the project’s feasibility. But the promise of a University Merger Commission was abandoned with almost contemptuous casualness. The Premier had already determined what was best for the state, and he would be etched in its history.

On December 7, 2022, the state government announced that a “statement of cooperation” with the University of Adelaide and UniSA had been signed. Both universities revealed that, in the event that a deal could be reached, the new behemoth would be called Adelaide University, and assume work in January 2026.

At the time, jaw dropping declarations were made by the vice-chancellors that “net job losses” would not arise. It was an astonishing thing to say, an opinion of either blind wishful thinking or bog-standard mendacity. True to form, it took a mere few months to abandon the promise regarding job security. In its place is a watered down, flimsy guarantee that no forced redundancies or retrenchments would be made until 18 months into the life of the new body.

Then came the students, who only ever exist as spreadsheet returns and subsidised allocations for the managerial classes. As South Australian Greens MP Robert Simms observed at the time, the historical legacy from such amalgamation drives is hardly glorious. “The experience of mergers from interstate and overseas demonstrates that they inevitably result in job losses and a reduction in the quality of the student experience.”

The Malinauskas government was also doing its bit of crystal ball gazing, stating that there was “a demand for skilled labour in South Australia, unlike any other time in our history, and that demand is likely to grow as our economy becomes necessarily more complex.” Such words are hard to divorce from the military-defence complex that this new institution is bound to be feeding, given Australia’s still futuristic role in being a nuclear-submarine power.

As for prediction-prone vice-chancellors themselves, they believe that research earnings amounting to A$100 million will be coming into the kitty by 2034, another futuristic stab in the dark. University of Adelaide vice-chancellor Peter Hoj is even confident that A$50 million in annual research funds on research will be released.

On July 1, over the course of a weekend (by wary of university officials who deliberate on a Saturday), the governing councils of both universities voted to approve the amalgamation. Their meek compliance had the full, open-wallet endorsement of Premier Malinauskas, who announced the next day that A$115 million would be paid to the institutions in exchange for taking over surplus land, with A$30 million granted for the purpose of attracting international students. A fund to make the managers salivate is also being created via a A$300 million perpetual investment fund. The universities, in being told that they will have to work within these margins, promise to match the amounts.

Concrete details, as they always do on such matters, remain inscrutably patchy. The bill on the merger, which will include IT considerations, course syllabi changes and staff redundancies, is the stuff of speculation and secrecy. $A450 million is one calculation doing the rounds.

Nor is there any genuine assessment about the benefits of such a behemoth. A petition against the amalgamation, which has so far garnered 1,386 signatures, outlines their common defects, from the “loss of institutional identity” inherent to the specific institutions to the matters of decreased competition and a loss of local control.

The National Tertiary Education Union, long defanged in its wars against the corporate marauders and management buccaneers, is at least willing to offer some words of concern. Its SA division secretary, Andrew Miller, fears that the amalgamation “could be catastrophic”, feeling that an open and independent inquiry, be it through an independent commission or parliament, is a necessary precondition. But as we have seen, Malinauskas cares little for such procedural or intellectual decencies.

The power dynamics behind the merger should also be noted. The negotiators involved will be handsomely rewarded for their obeisance. The vice-chancellor of UniSA, David Lloyd, is considered the favourite for assuming the reins of the new combine, with Hoj set to get the chancellor’s spot.

Any such merger will require the approval of the Upper House of South Australia’s parliament, which the government does not, mercifully, control. The Greens have stated they will oppose the merger. They certainly should. Those who stand the most to lose in this institutional swindle – the toiling staff and the students treated as the perennial digits in a dying system – have been arrogantly ignored.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Labor Premier Peter Malinauskas (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Keeping up with the corruption of the Covid regime feels like drinking from a firehose. The volume of the fraud, the pace of new discoveries, and the breadth of the operations are overwhelming. This makes it imperative for groups like Brownstone Institute to digest the onslaught of information and communicate salient themes and dispositive facts, particularly given the dereliction of mainstream media.

On Monday, the House Judiciary Committee released a report on how the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) “colluded with Big Tech and ‘disinformation’ partners to censor Americans,” adding to the informational firehose we work to imbibe. 

The 36-page report raises three familiar issues: first, government actors worked with third parties to overturn the First Amendment; second, censors prioritized political narratives over truthfulness; and third, an unaccountable bureaucracy hijacked American society. 

1. CISA’s Collusion to Overturn the First Amendment

The House Report reveals that CISA, a branch of the Department of Homeland Security, worked with social media platforms to censor posts it considered dis-, mis-, or malinformation. Brian Scully, the head of CISA’s censorship team, conceded that this process, known as “switchboarding,” would “trigger content moderation.”

Additionally, CISA funded the nonprofit EI-ISAC in 2020 to bolster its censorship operations. EI-ISAC worked to report and track “misinformation across all channels and platforms.” In launching the nonprofit, the government boasted that it “leverage[d] DHS CISA’s relationship with social media organizations to ensure priority treatment of misinformation reports.” 

The switchboard programs directly contradict sworn testimony from CISA Director Jen Easterly. “We don’t censor anything… we don’t flag anything to social media organizations at all,” Esterly told Congress in March. “We don’t do any censorship.” Her statement was more than a lie; it omitted the institutionalization of the practice she denied. The agency’s initiatives relied on a collusive apparatus of private-public partnerships designed to suppress unapproved information. 

This should sound familiar.

Alex Berenson gained access to thousands of Twitter communications that uncovered concrete evidence that government actors – including White House Covid Advisor Andy Slavitt – worked to censor him for criticizing Biden’s Covid policies.

White House Director of Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty privately lobbied social media groups to remove a video of Tucker Carlson reporting the link between Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine and blood clots.

Facebook worked with the CDC to censor posts related to the Covid “lab-leak” hypothesis. Company employees later met with the Department of Health and Human Services to de-platform the “disinformation dozen,” a group including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

These were not cherry-picked examples – they were part of an institutional collusion to strip Americans of their First Amendment rights. Journalists Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi exposed the “Censorship Industrial Complex,” a collection of the world’s most powerful government agencies, NGOs, and private corporations that worked together to silence dissent. 

The Supreme Court has held that it is “axiomatic” that the government cannot “induce, encourage, or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish.” Yet, CISA has joined the disturbing tendency of public-private partnerships designed to impede Americans’ right to information and freedom of speech. 

2. Political Operatives

Second, these programs were not idealistic attempts to promote the truth; they were calculated programs designed to quash inconvenient but truthful narratives.

The report outlines how CISA censored “malinformation – truthful information that, according to the government, may carry the potential to mislead.” Journalist Lee Fang later wrote that the malinformation campaign “highlights not only the broad authority that the federal government has to shape the political content available to the public, but also the toolkit that it relies upon to limit scrutiny in the regulation of speech.” 

In this system, uncensored information has a tacit government approval, amounting to a system of widespread propaganda.

“State and local election officials used the CISA-funded EI-ISAC in an effort to silence criticism and political dissent,” the report notes. “For example, in August 2022, a Loudon County, Virginia, government official reported a Tweet featuring an unedited video of a county official ‘because it was posted as part of a larger campaign to discredit the word of’ that official. The Loudon County official’s remark that the account she flagged ‘is connected to Parents Against Critical Race Theory’ reveals that her ‘misinformation report’ was nothing more than a politically motivated censorship attempt.”

The officials supporting the operation remained unrepentant in their aim to advance political agendas. Dr. Kate Starbird, a member of CISA’s “Misinformation & Disinformation” subcommittee, lamented that many Americans seem to “accept malinformation as ‘speech’ and within democratic norms.” 

Of course, the program explicitly violated the Constitution. The First Amendment does not discriminate based on the veracity of a statement. “Some false statements are inevitable if there is to be an open and vigorous expression of views in public and private conversation,” the Supreme Court’s controlling opinion held in United States v. Alvarez. But CISA – led by zealots like Dr. Starbird – appointed themselves the arbiters of truth and worked with the most powerful information companies in the world to purge dissent. 

This was part of a larger political campaign. 

Hunter Biden’s laptop, natural immunity, the lab-leak theory, and side effects of the vaccine were all censored at the government’s behest. The truth of the reports were not at issue; instead, they presented inconvenient narratives for Washington’s political class, who then used the Orwellian label of “malinformation” to lend cover to eviscerating the First Amendment. 

3. The Terror of the Administrative State

Third, the report exposes the increasing power of the administrative state. Federal bureaucrats rely on anonymity and unaccountability. Private industry employees could never oversee a disaster like the Covid response and maintain their jobs. It’d be like if BP’s head of safety for the Gulf of Mexico received a promotion after the oil spill. 

But unelected officilals like CISA officials enjoy ever-increasing power over Americans’ lives without having to answer for their calamities. Suzanne Spaulding, a member of the Misinformation & Disinformation Subcommittee, warned that it was “only a matter of time before someone realizes we exist and starts asking about our work.” 

Spaulding’s comment reflects the power that CISA wields and the benefit it derives from its lack of public exposure. Most Americans have never heard of CISA despite its overwhelming influence over lockdowns. 

In March 2020, CISA divided the American workforce into categories of “essential” and “nonessential.” Within hours, California became the first state to issue a “stay at home” edict. This began a previously unimaginable assault on Americans’ civil liberties. 

The House Report indicates that CISA was a central actor in censoring criticism of the Covid regime in the ensuing months and years. The agency is representative of the cabal of censorial and unaccountable officials engaged in public-private partnerships designed to keep us in the dark.

Click here to read the full document.


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It may be a bit of a bitter pill to swallow for some, but as I outlined in my Missed Chance of 1867, and the True Story of the Alaska Purchase, the original founding of Canada on July 1st, 1867 was designed by British Geopoliticians for the explicit purpose of keeping Canada locked into the British Empire as a wedge separating the potential U.S./Russia alliance that had the power of breaking the system of empire forever.

I also recently unpacked this at some length with Tim Kirby which can be viewed here: Canada: The Bloody Wedge Between America and Russia PART 1 and 2.

During this 1863-1867 period, Canada’s pro-Lincoln statesmen under the influence of Les Rouges in Quebec (led by the networks of Louis Antoine Dessaulles) and Isaac Buchanan in Ontario had lost their grip on power and the nation lost a vital chance of becoming a participant in a new world of win-win cooperation, rail and industrial growth outside of systems of empire.

This failure of 1867 was not the first, but rather the third time in 90 years that Canada missed its chance to break free of the Empire and become a genuine nation state.

I would like to review the first of two pre-1867 “missed chances” which I think has especially important relevance since we have just recently passed the anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin himself and also because the American republic is itself now precariously on the cusp of disintegration. If citizens fail to learn the lessons of passed errors (the failure to accept Ben Franklin’s challenge in the case of Canada) or fail to appreciate the lessons of past victories, then those freedoms we take for granted now will not long endure while those we may not yet have may never in fact arise.

1774 and the Ben Franklin Challenge 

Many Canadians (and Americans) find themselves shocked when confronted with the fact that Canada’s first postal service and first newspaper were both created by… Benjamin Franklin!

Established in 1753 in Halifax as part of Franklin’s overhaul in communications infrastructure in the Americas, mail services were extended to Quebec City and Montreal after the French were defeated in the Seven Years’ War in 1763 as France’s colony north of Vermont fell to the British. Franklin had been made Post-Master General in 1753 (the same year his famous kite experiment made him an international sensation).

Montreal’s Gazette was founded by a French republican named Fleury Mesplat recruited by Franklin in order to help counteract the destructive effects the French feudal system had on the cognitive powers of the Quebec colonists whose rampant illiteracy dovetailed their non-existent appetites for representative government or freedom. In this feudal culture, blind obedience to authority (whether political or religious) was seen as preferable to thinking for oneself.

Although Franklin created these cultural milestones and was an active diplomat working to persuade the Quebecois of the importance of becoming a 14th member of the united colonies, his mission failed due to a series of bribes, acts of treason and short sighted thinking by men who should have known better. Ultimately, the Quebecois chose submission to Crown rather than risking their lives for freedom.

Before we say how and why this happened, some additional words on Franklin are necessary.

Getting to know the Real Benjamin Franklin

Despite the widespread mythology that the father of the American Revolution, Dr. Benjamin Franklin was merely a womanizing tinkerer and land speculator, the reality, upon closer inspection, is quite different.

Having become recognized as a world’s leading scientist during the 1750s for his discovery of the nature of electricity, Franklin became revered across Europe as the “Prometheus of America” (having stolen fire from Zeus to share with mankind, Prometheus was always seen as an anti-imperial figure by lovers of freedom since the time of Aeschylus). Franklin polarized the elite of the European nobility and strove to infuse a spirit of creative seeking and self improvement wherever he went by promoting industry, infrastructure and science.

His approach to indiscriminate acts of improvement were highly motivated by his early studies of a 1710 book by his mentor Cotton Mather called “Essays to Do Good” which Franklin described as “an influence on my conduct through life; for I have always set a greater value on the character of a doer of good, than on any other kind of reputation; and if I have been, as you seem to think, a useful citizen, the public owes the advantage of it to that book.”

For many years, Franklin was not in favor of a full revolution, but believed that it were possible to reform the British Empire (which had only recently been hijacked by the Venetian Party faction during the Glorious Revolution of 1688). During Franklin’s lifetime, the republican spirit of Thomas More, Erasmus and Shakespeare was still very much alive and it was this Promethean Christian spirit that he felt could be kindled to transform the Empire from a Satanic Hellfire Club operation into something viable and in harmony with humanity’s well-being[1].

This belief led Franklin to transform Britain itself through his creation of the British Lunar Society while acting representative to Britain in 1857. This group featured such scientists as Matthew Boulton, Josiah Wedgewood and Erasmus Darwin and uniquely drove the advancement of internal improvements (roads, canals, bridges, steam power, sewage etc), industrial growth and living standards in Britain. If you find this a tough pill to swallow, I invite you to listen to Anton Chaitkin’s groundbreaking lecture to Britain’s Lunar Society in 2021.

In the arts, Franklin’s close friend and fellow Pennsylvanian Benjamin West was sent to Italy and Britain where the great republican painter organized the creation of the Royal Academy of the Arts in the heart of the Empire in 1772 and remained its president until his death in 1830.

In the 13 colonies of America, Franklin created the first fire department (1736), public library (1731), and founded the University of Pennsylvania. As a leading printer and later post-master general, Franklin knew that the American population of the 1730s did not yet have the moral or cognitive fortitude to induce a revolutionary positive change for the world and as such he created the influential Poor Richards Almanac which wrapped moral lessons and insights into poetry, science, astronomy and philosophy lessons with every single issue. This popular journal probably did more than anything else as a form of mass cultural education which empowered Americans to eventually think on a level sufficient to understand why concepts like Freedom were worth dying for (taxation without representation was merely one of 27 points enumerated in the Declaration of Independence).

In preparing the foundations for a reform of the world political-economic system, Franklin studied Chinese culture and strove to model western reforms on the best principles of Confucianism and the Chinese constitution.

Franklin applied the best techniques of satirist-republican Jonathan Swift and wrote countless hilarious essays under pen names like Silence Dogood, Martha Careful, Richard Saunders and Anthony Afterwit. He also followed Swift’s lead as he argued against British population control in his Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind.

As early as 1729, Franklin codified a system of banking tied not to the worship of money or markets but rather internal improvements which argued for the creation of colonial scrip (not controlled by private central bankers). These insights would derive from his studies of Colbertist Dirigism and preceded the later work by his protégé Alexander Hamilton who established the American system of Political economy in his 1790-91 reports.

Most importantly, Franklin worked to coordinate an international network of collaborators among the enlightened intelligentsias of Russia, France, Germany, Prussia, Spain, Italy and even India and Morocco! In this way, the scientist/poet/statesman walked in the footsteps of the great Gottfried Leibniz who had attempted a similar grand design when Franklin was still a boy.

Back to Canada…

When he was still of the view that Britain could be reformed, Franklin wrote his famous Canada Pamphlets of 1760 which made the case that even though monetarily speaking it was more profitable for Britain to take France’s possessions in Guadeloupe due to the high price of sugar and rum, it was infinitely preferable to take Canada instead where potential for growth and improvement was boundless. Franklin knew the evil corruption of London and the European imperial powers (which had vast possessions in the Americas), but always believed that a united colonial republican movement could become the spark plug for an international new renaissance movement forecasted by John Winthrop’s City on a Hill vision of 1630.

This was the belief that underlay Franklin’s 1769 message to Lord Kames which has confused so many modern scholars as Franklin says:

“No one can more sincerely rejoice than I do, on the reduction of Canada and this not merely as I am a Briton. I have long been of opinion that the foundations to the future grandeur and stability of the British Empire lie in America; And though like other foundations they are low and little now, they are nevertheless broad and strong enough to support the greatest political structure that human wisdom ever erected.”

When it became clear that the British aristocracy was intent on crushing Franklin’s dreams of emancipation by the early 1770s, Franklin began devoting all of his energy towards a full revolution from the “mother country” and French Canada was always a high prize. Since British abuses of the French population ran rampant, and sympathy for the republican cause was widespread among Quebec subjects (though not the feudal elite), Franklin and others believed that Quebec’s eventual participation would not be a difficult affair.

By 1774, the British Empire pre-empted the inevitable participation by passing the Quebec Act giving an unprecedented array of religious freedoms to Quebec’s population which were always fearful of losing their Catholic traditions. These freedoms came however, at the cost of unquestioned loyalty to the Crown, and to accept never having representative government (only Crown appointees).

The Jesuit-run clergy elite were overjoyed to keep their hold on the population, tithes and still enjoy revenue of the human cows on their lands. As an additional insurance, the Church under the control of Bishop Briand ensured that any subject who joined Washington’s rebellion would be excommunicated on the spot and thus burn in hellfire for eternity!

Ordering all parishes to accept the reign of King George, Bishop Briand stated:

“The God of armies…who extends or restricts at his pleasure the boundaries of empires, having by his eternal decrees put us under the domination of his Britannic Majesty, it is our duty, based on natural law, to be interested in all that concerns him. We order you to submit to the king and to all those who share his authority.”

A particularly dangerous part of the Quebec Act was the extension of Quebec’s Crown-controlled lands down into the Ohio River fully encircling the 13 colonies and making them subject to non-linear attacks by Jesuit-run natives. While the native population was highly wronged by all sides at different times during this conflict but the British and Jesuit collaborators used the most refined techniques of manipulation and have to the present day. The caging of the colonies onto the Pacific Coast was a far sighted maneuver to subvert the mandate of the “Continental” Congress whose name implied its larger goal.

On October 26, 1774 a Letter to the Inhabitants of Quebec was sent from the Continental Congress extolling the population to join in the declaration of independence and unite with the 13 colonies. While the whole letter should be read in full, it ended with this call:

“We only invite you to consult your own glory and welfare, and not to suffer yourselves to be inveigled or intimidated by infamous ministers so far as to become the instruments of their cruelty and despotism, but to unite with us in one social compact, formed on the generous principles of equal liberty and cemented by such an exchange of beneficial and endearing offices as to render it perpetual. In order to complete this highly desirable union, we submit it to your consideration whether it may not be expedient for you to meet together in your several towns and districts and elect Deputies, who afterwards meeting in a provincial Congress, may chose Delegates to represent your province in the continental Congress to be held at Philadelphia on the tenth day of May, 1775.”

The British and their French collaborators ensured that hardly any of these letters would be permitted into Quebec, and sadly for the hundreds that did arrive, the rate of illiteracy among the feudal population made it nearly impossible for most to read or understand it. Despite this problem, several hundred did risk perpetual hellfire and joined the revolutionary cause under the leadership of Clement Gosselin (later known as Washington’s French-Canadian Spy).

The Last Attempt: Franklin in Canada 

The last effort to convince Quebec to join came a year later, as a delegation led by an aging Ben Franklin made their way to Montreal where they stayed for two weeks from April 29- May 6, 1776. The Continental Congress gave Franklin the following instructions:

“Inform them that in our Judgment their Interest and ours are inseparably united. That it is impossible we can be reduced to a servile Submission to Great Britain without their sharing in our Fate; and on the other Hand, if we obtain, as we doubt not we shall, a full Establishment of our Rights, it depends wholly on their Choice, whether they will participate with us in those Blessings, or still remain subject to every Act of Tyranny, which British Ministers shall please to exercise over them. Urge all such Arguments as your Prudence shall suggest to enforce our Opinion concerning the mutual Interests of the two Countries and to convince them of the Impossibility of the War being concluded to the Disadvantage of the Colonies if we wisely and vigorously co-operate with each other.

“To convince them of the Uprightness of our Intentions towards them, you are to declare that it is our Inclination that the People of Canada may set up such a Form of Government, as will be most likely, in their Judgment, to produce their Happiness; and you are in the strongest Terms to assure them, that it is our earnest Desire to adopt them into our Union as a Sister Colony, and to secure the same general System of mild and equal Laws for them and for ourselves, with only such local Differences, as may be agreeable to each Colony respectively.”

A rampant smallpox outbreak among American soldiers in Montreal (via the British spread of germ-infested blankets), mass demoralization and news of an oncoming British counterattack to regain control of Montreal put an end to that effort and Franklin returned to America empty handed.

The rest they say is history.

How the International Revolution was Subverted

While the French feudal elite were soon joined by a new set of United Empire Loyalists who left America after the Revolutionary War to establish English-speaking Canada, some traitors remained behind in the United States where they passed themselves off outwardly as friends of the revolution but always maintained a secret allegiance to the City of London and the system of hereditary powers antagonistic to the Principles of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

These traitors fomented the growth of a perverse form of manifest destiny which abolitionists like Franklin, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, Gouvernor Morris, Robert Morris, etc… fought tirelessly against throughout their lives. These traitorous bigots made every effort to spread slavery, destroy native Americans while subverting the true heritage of the republican cause from within.

One notable early representative of this group killed Alexander Hamilton in 1804 and set up the Bank of Manhattan establishing Wall Street as a City of London tentacle within America itself where this proto-deep state remained in power for the next 250 years.

In France, Ben Franklin’s allies led by Marquis Lafayette and Jean-Sylvain Bailey found their noble republican efforts of 1789-90 sabotaged by a color revolution in the form of the Bloody Jacobin terror coordinated by London’s Foreign Office and which I outlined in a 2019 paper: The Jacobin Terror (Just Another Color Revolution?).

In Canada, the British Foreign Office instituted a form of government which gave some limited elected positions to the plebians in 1791 but ensured that all actual power remained firmly in the hands of appointees of the Crown.

During the post-1791 years, local oligarchies formed under the Family Compact of Upper Canada and the feudal elite of the Church in Lower Canada who collaborated closely in an unholy alliance.

Their efforts were always driven by the need to keep the nation “un-American” by ensuring that the lands remain under-developed, the economy remain cash cropping as “hewers of wood and drawers of water”, and the population docile, ignorant and malleable.

In spite this perversion of history, growing poverty and injustices did induce a movement of resistance which began to take the form of republican “patriot movements” under the leadership of William Lyon Mackenzie in Upper Canada and Louis-Joseph Papineau in Lower Canada- both of whom would come to a head in the Rebellions of 1837-38 (aka: the second missed chance).

[The author wrote a larger series of studies under the title “Origins of the Deep State in North America parts 1-3 and an even fuller picture of this story is told in The Untold History of Canada. Additionally, a lecture unpacking these ideas can be watched below.]


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Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[1] Franklin’s deployment as a counter-intelligence spy into the London Hellfire Clubs in the 1730s as part of Cotton Mathers’ battle against the empire is told in Graham Lowry’s How the Nation Was Won (1630-1754)

All images in this article are from the author

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What is the literature on fasting & COVID-19 vax injuries? 

The benefits of fasting on COVID-19 vaccine injuries, are now being looked at seriously in the scientific literature with a number of new papers coming out:

COVID-19 Spike protein damage: 

  • Spike protein creates blood clots, damages blood vessel walls and causes inflammation
  • Spike protein damages mitochondria (causes decreased energy production, accumulation of reactive oxygen species)
  • Spike protein blocks damaged mitochondria from being cleared by the body
  • Spike protein creates aggregates of abnormal proteins
  • spike protein fragments can produce amyloid proteins (click here)
  • spike protein destroys gut microbiome (click here)
  • spike protein causes severe immune system dysfunction, which can lead to autoimmune diseases and cancer (click here)


  • autophagy is the body’s way of removing abnormal proteins, damaged cellular components, damaged cells.
  • autophagy is stimulated by fasting, heat therapy (sauna), ozone therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • autophagy is also stimulated by: coffee, resveratrol, turmeric, metformin


There are two main categories of fasting:

  • prolonged fasting (lasting for at least 36 hours)
  • intermittent fasting (shorter fasting periods of 12 to 24 hours)

There are several goals of prolonged fasting:

  • remove as much spike protein from the body as possible via autophagy of cells that express the spike protein
  • remove spike protein aggregates, amyloid proteins, prions, other abnormal or misfolded proteins that can cause disease
  • reboot the immune system and produce new immune cells
  • improve gut microbiome
  • improve mitochondrial health and function, create new mitochondria
  • stimulate stem cell production

Benefits of Fasting over a 72 hour period explained step by step (Dr. Jin W. Sung):

72 hour fasting program – Questions & Answers

Dr. Sten Ekberg (former Olympic decathlon athlete) reviews fasting benefits over time (source) 

My Take…

The goal of this short article is to introduce the idea of prolonged fasting as a powerful means of getting rid of the toxic spike protein and spike protein damaged cells, in those who are either COVID-19 vaccinated or suffering from long COVID.

The key process to eliminating spike protein via fasting is: autophagy.

Autophagy only starts to get activated around 24 hours of fasting, with a maximum effect around 72 hours, a 3-day fast, beyond which there are diminishing returns.

I also believe that a dysfunctional immune system is the driving force behind most COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

Interestingly, a reboot of the immune system also requires a 72-hour fast.

Finally, stem cell production that occurs during a 72 hour fast can also contribute to repairing the damage done by the COVID-19 spike protein.

My goal is to try a 3-day fast in the coming weeks and write about my experiences.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations (CoA), a highly influential US Congressional body on US budget proposals, has advised cutting government funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) entirely, as part of its budget proposal for fiscal year 2024.

The CoA’s bill would also block funding to the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology, the EcoHealth Alliance, as well as gain-of-function research. In addition, the legislation would terminate US government involvement in the World Economic Forum (WEF).

This bombshell report was published a few days ago by RFK Jr’s Defender, based on extensive interviews with concerned US Congress people. See this full report by Michael Nevradikis, Ph.D, a regular contributor to the Children’s Health Defense Newsletter.

U.S. House Floats Bill to Defund WHO, WEF and ‘Misinformation’ Programs

By Michael Nevradakis, July 03, 2023

The proposal would enhance the US government’s attempt to ban “misinformation” and “disinformation” programs, and to retain – and even bring back – the US’s Constitutional sovereignty and citizen’s right to free speech and expression.

Cutting US funding to the WHO would amount to about US$ 700 million savings per year. With Big Pharma, Bill Gates and other interest groups funding more than 80% of WHO’s budget, the US$ 700 million – though by far the largest country contribution to the “health organization”, may not be a lot, but it has significant symbolic and political meaning.

Other nations look to the US, since many, especially from the Global South, are fed-up with WHO’s scandalous Covid imposition during the past three years, WHO’s impending health tyranny through the planned revised International Health Regulations (IHR) and the fully integrated so-called “Pandemic Treaty”. If the US dares take this drastic, but necessary step, others who feel likewise may follow suit.

The new IHR cum Pandemic Treaty would literally deprive each of the 194 WHO member countries of their Constitutional sovereignty over national health issues, amounting to a WHO dictatorship, the extent of which can hardly be envisioned, but in the current neoliberal globalist Big Finance directed worldwide lawlessness, may well become a tyranny humanity has not experience in recent history.


Individual Congress people such as Rep. Ralph Norman (Rep. S.C.), a particular opponent of WHO’s course towards dictatorial oppression of the worst kind, have voiced their strong opposition to WHO. In a special communication to House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, Norman lauded the speaker for supporting the WHO defunding bill. Norman also urged Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, “to conduct oversight and consider taking up legislation to address the United States’ involvement” in the WHO. This may be interpreted as suggesting exiting the pseudo-UN agency.

Norman, as well as other US Congress people, plus a number of medical doctors and scientists applauded the US move against the WHO’s “health” aggression of world freedom. Though they realize more was needed to push the bill through the full House and Senate procedural act.

For example, Dr. Kat Lindley, president of the Global Health Project and director of the Global Covid Summit, welcomed the US legislation, and so did Dr. Francis Boyle, PhD, professor of international law at the University of Illinois and a bioweapons expert, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.

They stressed the significance of such proposals coming from the appropriations committee. –

“This is the committee that counts in the House when it comes to funding everything,” Boyle said and added, “This is a good first step, but it is not sufficient.”

“Even if we do not pay our dues to the WHO and cut off the funding,” Boyle continued, “we will remain a contracting party to the WHO Constitution and bound by it. So, we have to terminate our participation in the WHO Constitution,” meaning – exiting WHO altogether.

“Congress has the Constitutional authority to do this”, Boyle stressed his point further.

Clearly, this US Congressional move, a Republican initiative, is a tremendous step in the right direction, sends signals to the rest of the world and needs now continuous vigilance, follow-up and vigorous support throughout the Congressional approval process.

It is a promising first step; but no victory yet. However, it is the legendary light that shines through the crack in the wall. Much more than what we have seen over the past several years.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

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The U.S. Government lied its way into invading and destroying Iraq in 2003, and the U.S. Government lied throughout and since its 2014 coup in and destruction of Ukraine in 2014.

Both operations are and were based upon lies that the U.S. Government, and its vassal-nations, (‘allies’) reiterate — or at least tolerate — even to this day.

Because the U.S. Government is the world’s most powerful, George W. Bush has not been executed for what he did to Iraq, and Barack Obama has not been executed for what he did to Ukraine. Neither of those two has even faced an international criminal tribunal for the horrors that he initiated against — and which conquered (one by outright invasion, and the other by subterfuge and coup) — a distant country which had posed no threat to the aggressor-nation, the United States. How can the world even pretend to care about international justice, in such a circumstance?

Many people now know that the U.S.-and-allied invasion of Iraq on 20 March 2003 was based only on lies (which now the participating Governments refer to instead as having been ‘intelligence errors’, which is yet another lie); but America’s coup which grabbed control over Ukraine’s Government and has worked with the EU to get Ukraine into America’s anti-Russia military alliance, NATO, is still ignored by Western ‘news’-media, so that Russia’s ultimate response to that coup, on 24 February 2022, by physically invading Ukraine to prevent Ukraine from hosting U.S. nuclear missiles on Ukraine’s border only 300 miles away from The Kremlin, is being lied-about by them, as having started the war in Ukraine — what America’s coup there had actually started.

Both victim-countries — Iraq and Ukraine — were destroyed by Washington’s grab.

On 29 September 2015, I headlined “GALLUP: ‘Iraqis Are the Saddest & One of the Angriest Populations in the World.’” Then, on 25 January 2020, I headlined “U.S. ‘News’-Media Hide Truths So U.S. Public Supports Invasions” and documented:

“Iraqis are furious that the U.S. continues its military occupation — a continuation of the 2003 U.S. invasion — of their country, after the U.S. was finally ordered out by Iraq’s Government on January 5th. U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media constantly lie about this and about anything else which reveals the ugly imperialist reality of U.S. foreign policy. Americans are deceived, and kept in the dark, by ‘our’ ‘news’-media.”

Even today, and despite unanimous votes by Iraq’s Parliament for the nation’s Government to eliminate all U.S. occupying forces from the country, they still are there.

On 21 March 2019, I headlined “Three Neo-Nazis Lead Ukraine’s Presidential Contest: Gallup Finds Ukrainians Despise All the Candidates”, and reported that, “Gallup headlined on March 21st, “Ukraine’s Election: Voters Disenchanted Ahead of Key Vote”, and “World-Low 9% of Ukrainians Confident in Government”.

Might the reason for both be that no candidate in the contest is respected by the Ukrainian public, and that only three — the candidates with the least-low public approval — are the only ones who have even a remote chance of winning, and that all three of those candidates are racist-fascists, or hold the ideology of nazism? This will be documented here.” This was the election that placed Volodmyr Zelensky into office, and he failed to fulfill on ANY of his campaign-promises — such as to reach a peaceful settlement with Russia. Obviously, he did nothing of the sort.

Even Ukraine’s gross population figures display the catastrophe that America’s control over Ukranie’s government has wrought:

The last time that Ukraine’s Government did a census — a head-count — was 2001, and Wikipedia’s article about it says that “The total permanent population recorded was 48,241,000 persons.”

But now, on 5 June 2023, an English-language Russian news site has reported that

“Currently, the approximate population of Ukraine is allegedly 29 million people. This figure was announced by the Ukrainian Institute of the Future. … By the way, Russian analysts give even smaller figures, estimating the country’s population at 23-25 million people.” So, it’s down by about half.

On 6 June 2023, a U.S.-and-allied news site, BTE Intellinews, headlined “Ukraine’s population crashes to 29mn”, and on June 9th another U.S.-allied site, an English-language Ukrainian news site, headlined “How the population of Ukraine decreased during the war: sociologists’ estimates” and presented estimates of Ukraine’s population by not only Ukraine’s Institute for the Future, but by the World Bank, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, the U.N. Refugee Agency, and the U.N. Population Fund. (For some reason, the BTE Intellinews report alleges that Ukraine’s ‘2000’ Census counted not 48.2mn. but 43.3mn. Ukrainians.)

These were major catastrophes in modern times, and each of the two was initiated and promoted and lied-about by a U.S. President, who was never prosecuted. Why the silence about those immense international crimes?

When the U.S. Government takes over in a country, the people who suffer the most are the public. And there’s no one to defend their interests. No one even to present their case.

A big error in the design of the U.N. is that the General Assembly wasn’t given the full authority over all international courts to judge all international cases, to the exclusion of any other legal body, and also to the exclusion of the Security Council. Until that reform is instituted, we still are in a primitive world, nothing that should be called “civilized.” It’s still only a might-makes-right world, not a civilized one.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

Eric Zuesse is a regular contributor to Global Research 

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There is a strong belief astir in the country that the “Deep State faction” (within the Democrats) pursuit of power includes the destruction of organized religion, especially those pesky Catholics, the annihilation of the American family, long a pillar of American life as well as aiming its perversions on American children; the desired effect of which is the ultimate abolition of a free American society.

With the exception of Senate Judiciary Republicans pushing back on Biden’s grossly unqualified judicial nominees, little attention has focused on the essential question of whether a country can stand as a Democratic Republic if its legal and judicial foundations are so unscrupulous as to be beyond redemption.

As the Biden crime family’s extensive foreign tentacles and financial affiliations continue to unravel, they remain protected by the Administration’s most senior legal bureaucracy at the FBI and DOJ. However, the American public is sufficiently awakened to expect the responsible Congressional Committees to be in hot pursuit;  issuing subpoenas as part of a well thought out legal and political strategy as it prepares to activate the full unrestrained authority of its Constitutional power. Until there are tangible meaningful results, the country struggles with no real leadership at the helm of government. 

Meanwhile, however, DOJ Attorney General Merrick Garland is the central figure in ongoing investigations and malicious doings that are crushing application of the Rule of Law; as Garland persists in refuting his Constitutional requirements to Congress and the American people,  he allows the DOJ to function as if it were  a fourth branch of the Federal government, and therefore above the law. 

Here is a unique Constitutional quirk for the history books: while at least three Congressional committees investigate Biden’s alleged malfeasance and law enforcement’s overreach into school boards, religion, et. al.; it is the DOJ and FBI which should be doing the investigating except both Federal agencies are already publicly identified as unreliable, corrupt and untrustworthy. 

One unresolved problem is whether US Attorney David Weiss was told to ‘stand down’ in pursuit of Hunter Biden or whether AG Garland did or did not give Weiss the authority to pursue or whether veteran IRS whistleblowers have spoken truthfully about the President of the US sitting in the room during Hunter’s negotiations with Mr. Z.  

Adding more fuel to Garland’s impeachment fire, the DOJ’s contempt for its own AG mandate as defined in the Judiciary Act of 1789 to “ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans became obvious with the recent House Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance hearing on “Examination of Clemency at the DOJ.” 

Subcommittee Chair Andy Biggs explained that “Under AG Merrick Garland, the DOJ has weaponized its power in unprecedented ways with new examples seemingly uncovered every week.” In what can only be seen as further erosion of the country’s once cherished top law enforcement institution, Biggs was referring to DOJ filing an unprecedented intention to re-litigate a clemency petition granted by then President Donald Trump just prior to leaving office.

Trump commuted the twenty year sentence of Philip Esformes who had been charged with health care fraud, money laundering and bribery, although it was reportedly the DOJ’s egregious prosecutorial misconduct of an attorney-client privilege violation that was significantly abusive to deserve clemency on its own. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft described the DOJ misconduct as among ‘the most abusive he had ever seen.”

While the jury found Esformes guilty on twenty counts, they deadlocked on six counts including the health care fraud charge. 

In a move that defied historical precedence, that did not stop the DOJ from insisting that the sentencing Judge factor the six ‘hung’ jury counts into Esformes’ sentence; thereby expanding his sentence from five to twenty years. Mostly unknown outside Federal court circles that would shock the author of Amendment V is that a Federal Judge has ‘liberal’ guidelines to sentence beyond a jury’s verdict.  Esformes served 4.5 years in prison, mostly in solitary confinement, prior to receiving clemency.    

However, early in the Biden Administration and without awaiting the results of a pending Eleventh Circuit appeal, Garland’s DOJ announced the Esformes re-prosecution in a “chilling’ decision that portends any defendant who may still be stuck in the Federal penal system can be re-prosecuted at any time by any future Administration, if allowed to stand. 

Three expert witnesses, all experienced and well informed on clemency issues, testified before the subcommittee in support of Esformes, raising grave concerns about DOJ’s political agenda as exemplified by its unreasonable dogged pursuit of Esformes.  They spoke with one voice citing clemency as a historic check on the federal government’s awesome power to punish its citizens which led to Amendment V’s broad power for Presidential reprieves and pardons including a prohibition on Double Jeopardy that “nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.. “

In its arrogance to re-adjudicate the Esformes “hung” jury counts, the Garland DOJ has validated the concept that clemency is a necessary safeguard as a restraint against tyranny and reinforcing double jeopardy as “a fundamental ideal in our Constitutional heritage” and that “neither liberty nor justice would exist if they were sacrificed [RP1] .”   

Ironically, it was the subcommittee Republicans who showed the most empathy and willingness to address shortcomings of the DOJ’s clemency process while Democratic members of the Subcommittee were more interested in adversarial haranguing about being tough on white collar crime and Donald Trump.  Ranking member Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) identified clemency’s  “unacceptable backlog” as the crux of the problem, pointing out that 17,000 inmates awaiting a clemency hearing are ‘qualified and credible candidates who meet the eligibility standards’ as the DOJ maintains a broken system blocking a humane clemency process. 

In a betrayal of the US judicial system, the bottom line is that the DOJ understands it is committing Double Jeopardy as it deliberately seeks to set a precedent in the Esformes sentence for future re-litigations.

In a March 9th letter to AG Garland, Sen. Mike Lee (Utah):

“I [am inquiring] as to how the United States Department of Justice could believe that any further prosecution of Mr. Esformes on charges for which he was already tried, sentenced and granted clemency by the President of the United States could possibly be constitutionally permitted, and in all events a proper use of United States government resources?” 

To date, Senator Lee has not received a response.

Clearly, the Dems are sitting tight, as Congressional investigators continue their fact-finding behind the scenes analysis, Biden, Garland and their cronies wait; as if daring the House Committees to bring the terror of injustice to an end.


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Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC. She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Biden administration is considering providing Ukraine with cluster bombs and may announce this decision in early July, NBC News reports.

“We have been thinking about DPICM for a long time,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Friday at the National Press Club. “Yes, of course, there’s a decision-making process ongoing.”

Dual-purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICMs) are surface-to-surface warheads that burst and disperse deadly multiple, smaller bomblets over a wide area. Many bomblets fail to explode on initial impact, leaving duds that can indiscriminately wound and kill, like landmines, for many years.

DPICMs can be fired from the U.S.’s howitzer artillery systems already provided to Ukraine. Ukraine has asked the U.S. for DPICMs since last year, but the idea has met resistance.

Over 120 countries, including 23 NATO countries, ban them under the Convention on Cluster Munitions treaty.

The Convention on Cluster Munitions prohibits cluster munitions’ use, production, acquisition, transfer, and stockpiling and requires the destruction of stockpiles.

The U.S., Ukraine, and Russia are not signatories to the treaty.

This week, in a letter obtained by POLITICO, 14 Senate Democrats wrote to Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan that “the humanitarian costs and damage to coalition unity of providing U.S. cluster munitions would outweigh the tactical benefits, and urge the president not to approve such a transfer.”

“They are indiscriminate, and they harm civilians,” said Washington director of Human Rights Watch, Sarah Yager told the Washington Post. “We are also talking about breaking a global norm against using cluster munitions, at least for countries that believe in humanity even in times of war.”

“These duds are dangerous because they are so easily triggered, making them a threat to everyone who enters an area where they have been fired,” said Brian Castner, a senior crisis adviser at Amnesty International. “It’s like scattering random booby traps across the battlefield.”

This is the text of a recent letter to President Biden:

U.S. Cluster Munition Coalition Letter to Biden

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Dear Mr. President,

We, the undersigned organizations, write with grave concerns over the potential transfer of United States cluster munitions to Ukraine. We sincerely appreciate your Administration’s firm stance in not transferring any U.S. cluster munitions to Ukraine to date. Despite recent calls from members of Congress and Ukrainian leaders for the United States to transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine, we strongly urge you to remain steadfast.

The U.S. Cluster Munition Coalition condemns in the strongest possible terms the use, production, transfer, or stockpiling of cluster munitions by any party. Cluster munitions are among the most harmful weapons to civilians, as they are designed to disperse indiscriminately across a wide area and often fail to explode on initial use, littering communities with unstable unexploded ordnance and causing devastating harm to civilians, and especially children, years after a conflict ends.

Cluster munitions have been used repeatedly by the Russian military since its full-scale invasion in February of 2022, with devastating impacts on civilians and civilian objects, including homes, hospitals, and schools, according to Human Rights Watch. The Ukrainian military has also used cluster munitions on multiple occasions.iii On April 8, 2022, a cluster munitions attack by Russia killed at least 58 civilians and injured over 100 others in the city of Kramatorsk—this is just one of the hundreds of documented, reported, or credibly alleged, cluster munition attacks in Ukraine since the 2022 invasion. The United States must not be complicit in the use of these indiscriminate weapons.

Any claims of potential tactical benefits of the transfer and subsequent use of cluster munitions by Ukraine in the defense of its territory, dismisses both the substantial danger that cluster munitions pose to civilians, and the international consensus on their prohibition.

Were the United States to transfer these prohibited weapons, it would run counter to the global consensus, embodied in the 123 countries who are signatories or states parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which bans the use, production, transfer, and stockpiling of these weapons. While neither the Russian Federation, Ukraine nor the United States are party to the Convention, 23 NATO members are among the state parties. Beyond making the United States a global outlier, acting in contradiction to partner nations’ and NATO allies’ express ban on the transfer and use of these weapons could hurt the U.S.’ ability to forge and maintain coalitions that have been so crucial to supporting Ukraine. It would also harm efforts to promote other arms control agreements.

Although the United States is regrettably not party to the Convention, a long-standing congressional mandate prohibits the transfer of any cluster munitions with a failure rate greater than 1%, which effectively forbids the transfer of any existing U.S. stockpiled cluster munitions.iv Additionally, twice in the past year,v members of Congress have written your Administration calling for the United States to “be leading the global effort to rid the world of these weapons, not continuing to stockpile them” and urged you to “promptly order a review of U.S. policy on cluster munitions with the goal of halting their use, production, export, and stockpiling and putting the United States on a path to join the Convention on Cluster Munitions.” We urge your Administration to continue to heed this congressional mandate and intent.

Cluster munitions are indiscriminate weapons that disproportionately harm civilians, both at the time of use and for years after a conflict has ended. We greatly appreciate your committed stance against transferring these weapons while supporting the Ukrainian people – and we urge you to remain resolute in resisting recent calls.


U.S. Cluster Munition Coalition (USCMC) Members:

American Friends Service Committee

Amnesty International USA

Arms Control Association

Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC)

Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN)

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Human Rights Watch

Humanity & Inclusion

Landmines Blow!

Legacies of War

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns

Mines Advisory Group (MAG) US

Nobel Women’s Initiative

Physicians for Human Rights

Presbyterian Church, (USA) Office of Public Witness

Proud Students Against Landmines and Cluster Bombs (PSALM)

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft


United Church of Christ, Justice and Local Church Ministries

West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions

Win Without War


18 Million Rising

Aurora Commons

Center for International Policy

Children of Vietnam

Church of the Brethren, Office of Peacebuilding and Policy

Foreign Policy for America

No Ethics in Big Tech

Nonviolent Peaceforce

Oxfam America

Pax Christi USA

Peace Action

Plan International USA


Shadow World Investigations

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Justice Team

Spirit of Soccer

cc: National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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For weeks before Russia launched its special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine, the United States insisted that Russia was planning this and that it would do it. After the SMO started, Washington DC used this to bolster its intelligence-gathering reputation by claiming its numerous ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) platforms and assets are second-to-none. However, despite its potent capabilities in this regard, the US had known how Russia would react years or even decades ago simply because its aggression against Moscow was designed to achieve precisely that – a Russian response that would ensure Ukraine never becomes part of NATO. And while Russia tried achieving this through negotiations, the political West made sure this doesn’t happen.

Now, Washington DC seems to be using this deceitfully acquired reputation to claim it knows everything weeks or even months before it happens, all in an attempt to reinforce its image of an “all-powerful” and “indispensable” global hegemon. Perhaps the best example of this is the recent abortive “rebellion” by the Russian “Wagner” PMC (private military company). Namely, US intelligence officials are claiming they knew that “Wagner” head Yevgeny Prigozhin was planning to “make his move” against Moscow days in advance. What’s more, American media are insisting that even Congress was also briefed by various US intelligence services about it. Allegedly, ISR observed “Wagner” forces and “found out” they were preparing to take action against the Russian military.

On June 24, The New York Times reported that American intelligence supposedly had “solid info” on Prigozhin’s plans and “worked to refine that material into a finished assessment”. Rather “strangely”, the said statement was released only after the controversial events took place. Quite expectedly, a US official claimed that “the information shows the US was aware of impending events in Russia, similar to how intelligence agencies had warned in late 2021 that Vladimir V. Putin was planning to invade Ukraine”. However, the troubled Biden administration supposedly “chose to stay silent ahead of the dramatic events in hopes that it would destabilize Russia and hamper its military operations in Ukraine“. And yet, these claims proved to be futile as the “rebellion” led to no frontline gains for the Kiev regime forces.

“U.S. officials felt that if they said anything, Mr. Putin could accuse them of orchestrating a coup. And they clearly had little interest in helping Mr. Putin avoid a major, embarrassing fracturing of his support. While it is not clear exactly when the United States first learned of the plot, intelligence officials conducted briefings on Wednesday with administration and defense officials. On Thursday, as additional confirmation of the plot came in, intelligence officials informed a narrow group of congressional leaders, according to officials familiar with the briefings who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly,” the NYT insists.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also claimed that the Wagner controversy allegedly “exposed real cracks in Putin’s government“, stating that “Prigozhin himself, in this entire incident, has raised profound questions about the very premises for Russian aggression against Ukraine in the first place, saying that Ukraine or NATO did not pose a threat to Russia, which is part of Putin’s narrative”. Needless to say, such claims are even more laughable than the idea the US supposedly “knew what Prigozhin would do”. NATO’s crawling Barbarossa 2.0 serves as a direct testament to the fact that the belligerent alliance is a direct, existential threat not only to Russia, but the entire world. The political West has proven this in its countless aggressions against the globe over the course of its brutal, half-a-millennium-long colonialism.

However, despite these tall tales coming from the very top of the US establishment, their reactions during and after the “rebellion” indicate something very different. Had Washington DC really known (especially days in advance) that such an event would take place, it wouldn’t have taken it so long to release a public statement, other than the immediate claim the US didn’t have anything to do with it. Still, as previously mentioned, the belligerent thalassocracy saw this as a perfect opportunity to once again bolster its reputation as an “all-seeing superpower” that is supposedly “always in the loop about everything that’s going on everywhere”. Such self-delusions can be extremely dangerous and might explain Washington DC’s tendency to act rashly, even against near-peer adversaries.

Apart from this, the US is also trying to present the recent controversy as alleged “proof” that the self-defeating sanctions against Russia are supposedly “working”. The mainstream propaganda machine is now aiming to convince everyone that the much-touted sanctions and restrictions have allegedly “resulted in a split in the Russian elites”, as well as the “weakening” of Moscow’s central authority, eventually leading to the abortive “rebellion”. However, the results have been quite the opposite. The Russian people overwhelmingly rallied around their president, realizing that any sort of internal destabilization would only benefit those that want harm to their country. Worse yet (for the political West), this has only strengthened Russia’s determination to accomplish all the goals of the SMO.

On a geopolitical level, the “rebellion” proved to be even more damaging to US interests, as the fast-growing multipolar world overwhelmingly sided with Moscow and its leadership. The “rebellion” itself was dealt with swiftly, proving that the Russian society and establishment are anything but “full of cracks” and that the Eurasian giant’s enemies can only hope to achieve success by fanning up its internal issues, as they’re powerless against Moscow in terms of external attacks. And yet, even attempts to escalate these divisions are failing miserably (and even backfiring). Meanwhile, the US and its “leadership” are once again embarrassing themselves precisely in front of one of the premier multipolar powers.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba stated that Ukraine was not invited to attend the Vilnius summit itself but was only invited to participate in the NATO-Ukraine Council, which will be held on the summit’s sidelines. With this move, NATO disappointed Kiev by not providing realistic prospects of becoming a full alliance member, even though the Eastern European country received huge amounts of financial and military aid during the conflict.

Kuleba also complained about the unambiguously negative attitude of NATO member countries regarding Ukraine’s membership, particularly that of Germany.

“Do not repeat the mistake Chancellor Merkel made in Bucharest in 2008 when she fiercely opposed any progress towards Ukraine’s NATO membership,” he said on July 1. “Because if Ukraine was accepted in NATO by 2014, there would not [have been] the illegal annexation of Crimea. It would not be war in Donbas, there would not be this large-scale invasion.”

According to a statement made by Kuleba at the end of June,

“All conditions are there to extend the invitation to Ukraine. If NATO fails to deliver, it means that, again, the logic of fear will prevail, and it means that Putin again benefit from it. And that’s what we’re fed up with.”

At the same time, it is not excluded that Kiev will not participate on the sideline of the NATO summit since Ukraine has been disappointed, even though it does not have candidate status. Despite not having candidate status, Ukraine still manages to be invited to many of the meetings in some capacity. Due to this, Kiev now thinks it can manipulate its way to NATO membership by threatening not to participate in summits. This is, of course, a ridiculous notion.

Kiev has probably not lived up to the expectations and hopes of many of the NATO members during the conflict with Russia, particularly the US, Poland, and Baltic states. It cannot be excluded that many bloc members will probably start to refuse to supply Ukraine with weapons because it no longer makes any sense since much money has been spent, and NATO countries have devastated their military arsenals to help Ukraine. Many NATO members believed that Ukraine was supposed to beat Russia in the so-called “Spring Offensive,” but Ukraine has not achieved any results after launching the offensive at the beginning of summer.

The summit in Vilnius, by all accounts, should show the unity of NATO and Ukraine. Since Ukraine did not achieve the desired results during its offensive against Russia, even though boisterous claims of impending success were made in the months leading up to it, some NATO members could now reconsider their position. NATO needed Ukraine to win this conflict, invested much money, and supplied weapons, including the Leopard tanks, the Patriot anti-aircraft defence systems, and much more. Ukraine has already lost in every respect.

With the reality that Ukraine has lost the war and will not achieve NATO membership, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has stated that he sees no reason to attend the Vilnius summit. Nonetheless, despite his tantrum, it is likely that he will somehow participate in the NATO summit, especially since the alliance wants Ukraine to continue exhausting its resources and manpower to weaken Russia as much as possible, if possible. Even more desperately, NATO wants Ukraine to regain control of the northern Black and Azov Seas.

At the same time, the Alliance would automatically enter a war with Russia if Ukraine was to become a member. The fifth article of the NATO treaty ensures mutual defence for every member. This is the source of Kiev’s obsession with becoming a NATO member.

At the same time, Kiev is becoming a big problem for the West because of its neo-Nazism. The alliance can be discredited in the future because having such a member will be hugely questionable to the majority of the world.

Furthermore, it is almost guaranteed that the NATO-Kiev relationship will not be the same as before, especially if Kiev does not achieve some meaningful results at the Vilnius summit. Of course, on the surface, the performance of never-ending support and solidarity will continue for a while. However, as economic crises deepen and domestic political pressure mounts, more and more European NATO members will be unwilling to support Ukraine materially and financially.

The NATO summit will be held in Vilnius on July 11-12. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said clearly on June 19 that at the meeting, the allies would not discuss Ukraine’s official invitation to NATO but would talk about what solutions will bring Kiev closer to joining the bloc. As said, this will unlikely satisfy Kiev, but it is the harsh reality it faces, and no amount of complaining from Zelensky, Kuleba or any other puppet head of the regime will change that reality.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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President Biden accidentally referred to Putin’s war in “Iraq” when answering questions from the press, a year after former president George W Bush made the same gaffe. Both men played crucial roles in the push to invade Iraq.

Asked on Wednesday whether the short-lived Prigozhin rebellion was a sign that Putin was weakening, Biden replied, “It’s hard to tell really. But he’s clearly losing the war in Iraq.”

During the 2020 presidential race, Current Affairs’ Nathan J Robinson wrote the following about Biden’s pivotal role in manufacturing support for the Iraq invasion:

In 2003, Biden was “a senator bullish about the push to war [in Iraq] who helped sell the Bush administration’s pitch to the American public,” who “voted for — and helped advance — the Bush agenda.” He was the war’s “most crucial” senate supporter. Biden repeated the myth that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, saying that “these weapons must be dislodged from Saddam Hussein, or Saddam Hussein must be dislodged from power.” The resulting war was one of the most deadly catastrophes in the history of U.S. foreign policy — the Iraqi death toll was in the hundreds of thousands or possibly even the millions, and 4,500 American troops died.

That Biden’s decomposing brain would find the word “Iraq” when reaching for the word which means “nation that has been illegally invaded by an evil government” is positively Freudian.

In May of last year during a speech in Dallas, George W Bush made a similar Freudian confession, saying, “The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia, and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean, of Ukraine.”

After correcting himself with a nervous chuckle, Bush broke the tension with the words, “Iraq too. Anyway.” He then quipped that he is 75 years old, leaning harder on his “Aw shucks gee willikers I’m such a goofball” persona than he ever has in his entire life.

I defy you to find me anything that is more quintessentially representative of the state of the US empire than these two clips. Two decaying empire managers fumbling around in their skulls for the name of nation that’s been invaded by murderous thugs, and coming up with the name of the nation they themselves invaded. It’s truly a thing of beauty.

It’s absolutely ridiculous that they’re trying to charge Putin with war crimes while these two mass murderers are walking free. As American law professor Dale Carpenter has said, “If citizens cannot trust that laws will be enforced in an evenhanded and honest fashion, they cannot be said to live under the rule of law. Instead, they live under the rule of men corrupted by the law.” This is all the more true of laws which would exist between nations.

It’s not a “whataboutism” to say it’s absurd to charge Putin with war crimes without charging men like Bush and Biden — it’s a completely devastating argument against the claim being made. If the law doesn’t apply to everyone, then it’s not the law, it’s just corruption. It’s a tool of the powerful.


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