The Afghanistan Lithium Great Game

July 21st, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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While the United States, along with its allies, left Afghanistan in August 2021 in spectacularly humiliating circumstances, the departure was never entirely complete, nor bound to be permanent. Since then, Washington has led the charge in handicapping those who, with a fraction of the resources, defeated a superpower and prevailed in two decades of conflict.

In a fit of wounded pride, the United States has, in turn, sought to strangulate and asphyxiate the Taliban regime, citing human rights and security concerns. The Taliban’s Interim Foreign Minister, Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi, makes the not unreasonable point that “the ongoing crisis is the imposition of sanctions and banking restrictions by the United States.”

In May this year, Idaho Republican Senator Jim Risch, ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, led 18 of his righteous colleagues in introducing the Taliban Sanctions Act, promising more chastising. Ostensibly, the Act seeks to impose “sanctions with respect to terrorism, human rights abuses, and narcotics trafficking committed by the Taliban and others in Afghanistan.”

The brief for prosecuting an even more aggressive stance against the Taliban never ceases to bulk, be it to arrest the mistreatment of women and their inexorable marginalisation, or the claim that the country is now essentially a bandit state which is both a danger to itself and its neighbours. “Over a year into Taliban rule, breakdown of the state, bankruptcy of financial institutions, economic collapse and diplomatic isolation have pushed Afghan society to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe,” writes a former senior advisor to Afghanistan’s Foreign Minister, Arian Sharifi, currently an academic at Princeton University’s School of International Affairs.

Sharifi goes on to analyse the Taliban in what resembles a portrait of the ramshackle government he served. “The Taliban today is deeply divided, making it unable to pursue a unified course of action.” They also ruled a country with “more than 20 terrorist groups with a long-standing presence in Afghanistan.”

In typical good taste, Sharifi delicately ignores his role in having advised a corrupt government whose strings were firstly pulled, then abandoned, by Washington and its allies. His poisonous pen fails to acknowledge the attempt by his own past sponsors to systematically contribute to that very failure, bankruptcy and ruin. He can, however, take some hope in recent reports suggesting that Afghanistan will again become a playground for what British imperialists dubbed in the 19th century the Great Game, the Anglo-Russian competition for influence over Central Asia.

In recent months, Afghanistan has again piqued the interest of eager strategists drawing their salaries from the US government and assorted think-tanks. Such interest has nothing at all to do with the good citizenry of the Taliban-controlled state, be it the welfare of women or purported links to terrorist groups. They concern the presence of lithium reserves in the Chapa Dara district of Kunar province and, almost inevitably, a fear that the People’s Republic of China might muscle in.

In 2010, a US Department of Defense memorandum valued the extent of Afghanistan’s mineral wealth as between $1 trillion and $3 trillion. And that was before the skyrocketing value of specific minerals that are becoming critical in the global energy transition.

As the Washington Post reports, the eightfold rise in the mineral’s market price around the time of the Taliban takeover in August 2021 enticed “hundreds of Chinese mining entrepreneurs to Afghanistan.” The paper describes in tones of awe and alarm Chinese traders filing Kabul’s hotels, then making their way to the hinterlands to seek lithium reminiscent “of a 19th-century gold rush.”

Foreign Policy columnist Lynne O’Donnell also points an accusing finger at China for yet again “mucking about in Afghanistan’s mineral-rich playground.” Doing so is evidently the prerogative of Western states. She mocks the suggestion that this move in the energy transition stakes might “mean that billions of dollars will be pouring into securing a prosperous future for one of the world’s poorest countries. It probably won’t.” Remarkably, China is reproached for treating the country as a political, rather than economic matter.

The interest in such minerals is bound to only grow; the International Energy Agency, predicts that the growth in demand for lithium by 2040 will be by a factor 40 times, with graphite, cobalt and nickel in the order of 20-25 times.

The Post also seems troubled by another fact: that the Taliban have woken up to the value of lithium, and its vital role in the manufacture of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and battery storage. (How dare they?) “The tremendous promise of lithium […] could frustrate Western efforts to squeeze the Taliban into changing its extremist ways.” The absence of the United States also meant that Chinese companies could “aggressively” position themselves to exploit the resource, thereby tightening Beijing’s “grasp of much of the global supply chain for EV minerals.”

In April, the Taliban’s Ministry of Mine and Petroleum announced the interest of a Chinese company, Gochin, in investing $10 billion in the country’s lithium deposits. According to the Ministry, some 120,000 direct jobs would arise from the investment, with a million indirect jobs being created.

Whatever the merits of such extravagant announcements (China’s 2007 copper mining project valued at $3 billion failed to provide predicted returns), it was the sort of thing bound to make the Washington establishment livid. The object of the Biden administration has been to corner the rare minerals market and prize out China, best seen in efforts to classify Australia as a “domestic source” for US defence interests. Doing so would give unqualified access to the island continent’s own impressive lithium reserves. (53% of the world’s lithium supply is mined in Australia.)

A traditional, potentially violent rivalry over the resources of yet another country, is in the offing. Only this time, the narrative will be slightly different: the competitors, notably the United States, habitually prone to cant and hustling, will argue that the mission to secure such minerals will be less a case of manifest destiny than environmental duty. The cry will be: Save the Planet; Invade Afghanistan.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected] 

Featured image: Archeologists excavating Buddhist relics in 2011 before the Mes Aynak copper mine was due to open (Photo: Jerome Starkey / Creative Commons)

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US officials are concerned that Ukraine is not making enough progress in its much-heralded counteroffensive, The Washington Post reported on July 18, citing unnamed sources. According to the media outlet, the US is urging Kiev to commit to a decisive breakthrough as Ukrainian commanders are, supposedly, yet to employ the full-scale offensive tactics Western instructors taught them.

A US official explained on condition of anonymity to the newspaper that the West had trained Ukrainian forces in integrated offensive manoeuvres and provided them with mine clearance equipment. The source stressed that it was critical for Kiev’s troops to apply these capabilities to break through Russian defences quickly.

Western officials have reportedly criticised Ukraine’s armed forces for taking an attrition-based approach by firing artillery and missiles at command, transport, and logistics locations at the rear of Russian positions rather than using Western-style “combined arms” that involve large-scale attacks with tanks, armoured vehicles, infantry, artillery, and the air force.

Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War explained that Ukrainian commanders chose to adopt more discreet advances, involving groups of 15 to 50 soldiers to preserve the military contingent.

“Russian defensive operations in southern Ukraine follow a pattern in which one echelon of Russian forces slows and degrades attacking Ukrainian forces until a second echelon counterattacks from prepared defensive positions to roll back the Ukrainian advances,” the journal wrote.

In this way, Ukrainian forces are being methodically neutralised by the Russian military as they have turned the battlefield into a meatgrinder.

This situation will not improve for Ukraine, especially following the acknowledgment by the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff that Kiev will have a “long,” “difficult,” and “bloody” fight against Russian forces, even if he did go on to sell an illusion that Ukraine can still win the war and that the offensive had not failed.

“It is far from a failure… I think that it’s way too early to make that kind of call,” US General Mark Milley said on July 18. “I think there’s a lot of fighting left to go and I’ll stay with what we said before: This is going to be long. It’s going be hard. It’s going to be bloody.”

Although he sold Kiev, once again, an illusion, he did have to begrudgingly acknowledge that it would take years and billions of dollars for the Ukrainian Air Force to gain parity with their Russian competitors. 

 “Ten F-16s are $2 billion. So, the Russians have hundreds of fourth and fifth-generation airframes. If they [the Ukrainians] are going to try to match the Russians, one for one or even two to one, you are talking about a large number of aircraft,” Milley said during the press briefing.

“That’s going to take years to train the pilots, years to do the maintenance and sustainment, years to generate that degree of financial support to do that. You’re talking way more billions of dollars than has already been generated,” he added.

In this way, he contradicts himself since he believes Ukraine can still win the war even though this is impossible without air superiority, something he acknowledges will take years and much more resources than the West has already committed to. Ukraine and the European Union do not have the years needed because their economic crises are only deepening, while the former faces significant manpower and labour issues.

To overcome this issue, Milley suggests that instead of supplying Ukraine with expensive aircraft, there should be a focus on air defences and tackling sort of offensive combined arms manoeuvres, i.e., artillery and long- and short-range artillery. But this, again, is problematic since any air defence systems that Ukraine receives from the West are destroyed almost immediately by Russian strikes.

It is recalled that Lieutenant General Douglas Sims, operations director for the Pentagon’s joint staff, said on July 13, “Conditions right now for the employment of the F-16s… they’re probably not ideal.”

“The Russians still possess some air defence capability. They have [air-to-air] capability. The number of F-16s that would be provided may not be perfect for what’s going on right now,” he added.

The three-star general’s comment came the same week as the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, during which a so-called “fighter coalition” of 11 European countries met to discuss providing Kiev with the American-made fighter jet. There, the US-backed European coalition announced its plans to begin training Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16s in August, with Dutch and Danish aviators leading instruction, first in Denmark and later Romania.

Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive was an utter failure. All attempts to break through by the Ukrainian military have failed, resulting in heavy casualties. Even though the situation will not change, in fact, it will only worsen for Ukraine, Washington is still pushing the Kiev regime towards further conflict, which will only lead to the unnecessary death of thousands of more Slavs.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

The Covid Vaccine Causes Seizures in Young People

July 21st, 2023 by Dr. William Makis

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July 15, 2023 – 22 year old Youtube influencer Annabelle Ham died suddenly from a seizure (click here).

July 10, 2023 – 36 year old Shivani Sen Dar, an Indian media star and Miss South India runner-up, died suddenly from a seizure. She was fully vaccinated. (click here)

July 10, 2023 – Nashua, NH – 15 year old Jasmine Lutz died suddenly following a seizure (click here).

July 5, 2023 – Princeton, NJ – 10 year old Kelsey Morand, daughter of a J&J Vaccine Executive Mike Morand, died suddenly from a seizure. She began having seizures on July 1 and flatlined for 20 minutes, she was intubated, continued having seizures and died on July 5, 2023.

July 3, 2023 – Melbourne, Australia – 43 year old businessman Rajiv “Raj” Jayarajah was snorkelling with friends in Bali (June 27). On June 30, 2023, he suffered a seizure in his hotel room, causing him to collapse, hit his head and suffer a brain haemorrhage. He died a few days later. (click here)


May 30, 2023 – Johannesburg, South Africa – 44 year old Eusebius McKaiser, political analyst died suddenly from a seizure.

May 26, 2023 – Moreton, UK – 30 yo Melissa Kinsella (mom of 3) died suddenly on May 26, 2023 after suffering sudden seizure & collapsing at a Turkish airport on May 15, 2023.

May 5, 2023 – Italy – 21 yo Chiara Danieli was a strong athlete, European Karate champ. In Oct. 2022 she fell ill with new, strange epileptic seizures that forced her into an induced coma for 6 months, and when they tried to wake her, she died suddenly.

April 30, 2023 – Cleveland, OH – 46 year old film producer Brian Jeffery Bowers died suddenly on April 30, 2023. He had a seizure with no prior history, fell, dislocated his shoulder and had numerous complications from surgery.

April 30, 2023 – Kansas City, MO – 40 year old Tracy Mears died suddenly from a seizure that led to a cardiac arrest. She was COVID-19 vaccinated.

April 13, 2023 – Kensington, OH – 17 year old Zebediah “Zeb” Snyder died suddenly after suffering a seizure.

March 2023 – Casper, WY – 7 year old Dain McMurrough died in March 2023. His mother had him fully COVID-19 vaccinated as quickly as she could. He then developed an autoimmune condition and seizures.

Jan. 9, 2023 – Mt.Orab, OH – 17 year old Blaze Jacobs, junior at Western Brown High School had a seizure and cardiac arrest and died suddenly on Jan. 9, 2023 (click here).

Dec. 14, 2022 – Brazil – 16 year old aspiring model and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner Andressa Santos Monteiro died suddenly in her sleep on Dec. 14, 2022 from a sudden cardiac arrest. She had started suffering from seizures at school a few months prior to her death.

My Take… 

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause seizures, or worsen existing seizure disorders.

Analysis of VAERS reported in May 2022 found COVID-19 vaccines cause 35x (3500%) more seizures than influenza vaccines! (click here)

There are many studies coming out now in 2023 about COVID-19 mRNA vaccines causing seizures, or worsening seizure disorders. (click here)


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The link to the author’s 2013 article is:


Clearly there’s a growing array of people out there who recognize that some knowledge of the lies and crimes of 9/11 are important in developing understanding of most of the big things that have happened since Sept. 11 of 2001. True knowledge of 9/11 helps to explain the making of “the death cult” of mass illusion that is currently engulfing us. 

The death cult also draws energy from a treacherous smoke-and-mirrors operation currently swirling around a specious campaign of climate change alarmism. The so-called science behind this scam is as fraudulent and lethal in its own way as disguising the ongoing military-backed bioweapon attack aimed at us, as a benign treatment for a supposedly new kind of coronavirus contagion. 

I regard the 9/11 episode as the basis for one of the classic case studies available to those seeking insight into vital interactions between theory and conspiracy. 9/11 forms an ideal topic especially for thinking people who embrace the importance of honesty and integrity in the pursuit of knowledge.

Such people often eschew the quest for fame and fortune as culture producers in order to investigate forbidden truths about how power is actually transacted at the highest levels. Such truth seeking is often targeted for attack by those who have emerged triumphant in the struggle for wealth and power. The maintenance of wealth and power often depends on keeping secret the realities of how these most coveted of attainments were seized and augmented.

I fail to see how numerous prominent critics and independent authors can be taken as credible when their analysis of the geopolitics of the twenty-first century evades issues swirling around what really happened on 9/11.

Who did it?

Who benefited and why? We require understanding of the true nature of the villainy behind the 9/11 PSYOP if we are to understand the genesis of the bioweapon kill off done in the name of stopping COVID-19.

The study of the 9/11 and COVID hoaxes are necessary building blocks on the way to assessing the high-level crimes being done by those inciting a war on climate change.

The fraudsters pulling off this deception are preaching a false doctrine. They would have us believe the diversionary claim that all the world’s enormous problems can be transcended by conducting a crackdown on carbon emissions. We shouldn’t comply with the billionaires’ plan to impose a vow of poverty on the rest of us. Don’t believe their climate change hocus pocus that our compliance will materialize the mirage of a permanent state of net zero nirvana.

The 9/11 crime should be understood in terms of its antecedents and well as its outgrowths. As I argue in the essay that motivated me to write these reflections, the 9/11 crimes and their ongoing cover up were anticipated by manoeuvres to hide the real circumstances that led to the crash in 1997 of TWA Flight 800.

I am writing this commentary as a kind of introduction to an essay I wrote in 2013 that recently emerged from a digital archive at Veterans Today, currently VT.

Entitled TWA Flight 800 and 9/11, the essay is now available on the Internet and available here.

Many eye witnesses on the NY coastline witnessed the event that probably led to the crash of TWA Flight 800. They saw a missile emerge from the waters of the Atlantic to strike down the loaded passenger plane. A tremendous body of evidence was subsequently compiled by investigative journalists that demonstrates the US Navy remains the number one suspect in this crime.

One of those investigators is Kristina Borjesson. She began looking into the matter in 1997 as a producer of CBS’s hit public affairs show, 60 Minutes. Her insistence at getting to the bottom of the story led her to her termination of employment at 60 Minutes. One thing led to another and Kristina ended up making a major documentary film that I reviewed at some length in “TWA Flight 800 and 9/11.”

I wrote this essay in 2013 at a point in my career when I had attained the rank of Full Professor. I was tenured at the University of Lethbridge in 2003. As I look back now at the contents of this essay, the text encapsulates the sense of liberation I felt at the time.

I had jumped through all the professional academic hoops of tenure and promotion. I was at a moment when I felt fully empowered to write freely in whatever publishing venues that captured my fancy. I would henceforth expound on whatever topic I might choose. I would do so in ways I determined would have the best chance of bringing me closest to the truth.

Those who open the link above will find a number of funny and incisive cartoons created especially for this essay by my very talented friend, Catherine Abel. The opening illustration in one of these cartoons appears over the caption, “Arresting Truthers to Protect the Liars in Power.”

As indicated in the art work glancing backwards and forwards from its publication 2013, the specious response to 9/11 was certainly well exploited by the terms, “terror,” “terrorism” and “terrorist.”

The War on Terror set in motion a dubious trajectory of heavily-politicized languages that quickly found its way from media propaganda into law books and government policies.

The mere invocation of the term, terrorist, by some random official can freeze habeus corpus. The designated terrorist can be apprehended, jailed, tortured and killed, all without a trial. Innocent people are still being killed frequently because they happen to be in an area that someone in authority has decided might contain a person deemed deserving of drone attack.

Terror talk has been endlessly co-opted throughout the spectrum between trash talk and high-end academic tomes.

The terror words have been weaponized for political advantage by many governments. This weaponization has been deployed especially shamelessly by the Israeli government and by Israel First partisans that dominate many branches of the US government.

The irony of it all is stupendous. The world’s most pathological liars tend to be heavily protected while truth tellers dealing with really significant subjects face threats and recriminations at every turn. Similarly the world’s most ruthless terrorists run rapacious orgies of ruination while the many victims of their terror suffer and die needlessly.


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Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Venezuela: ¿Hacia la solución final?

July 20th, 2023 by Álvaro Verzi Rangel

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Global Research Editor’s Note 

There are some contradictory pro-forma statements in this report, specifically with regard to Russia’s special services.

What this report underscores is the insidious role of the FBI in seeking the support of  “the world’s largest social media platforms including Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, and Alphabet, the parent company of Google and YouTube”.

This censorship which also includes Twitter has not only become routine, it has extended Worldwide. In regards to Global Research, it started with Russiagate, following an ugly smear operation by Canada’s mainstream media, which was conducive to the outright exclusion of from the search engines. 

RussiaGate consisted in a Witch-hunt directed against the independent online media which were casually tagged as “Russian trolls”, “Russian bots”. In chorus, the Western media was involved in accusing Moscow of election meddling in both the U.S and Canada without a shred of evidence.



Executive Summary

“Such an array of crimes against the foundations of the state’s national security, and the links recorded between Ukrainian security forces and Russian special services raise very serious questions about their respective leaders.” [1] – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, July 17, 2022.

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is the bedrock of our political system and guarantees every American the right to speak his or her mind freely and without interference from the government. It is predicated on the understanding that no government official has a monopoly on the truth and that every American is capable of evaluating competing claims and deciding what to believe.

On February 15, 2023, as part of its investigation into the federal government’s role in censoring lawful speech on social media platforms, the Committee on the Judiciary issued a subpoena to Meta,[2] the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, and Alphabet,[3] the parent company of Google and YouTube. Documents obtained in response to those subpoenas revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), on behalf of a compromised Ukrainian intelligence entity, requested—and, in some cases, directed—the world’s largest social media platforms to censor Americans engaging in constitutionally protected speech online.

The Committee’s investigation has revealed that the FBI, the federal law enforcement agency responsible for disrupting foreign malign influence,[4] facilitated censorship requests to American social media companies on behalf of a Ukrainian intelligence agency infiltrated by Russian-aligned actors. In so doing, the FBI violated the First Amendment rights of Americans and potentially undermined our national security. In light of well-documented instances of the FBI’s civil liberties abuses, this new information raises grave concerns about the FBI’s credibility as the nation’s premier law enforcement organization.[5]

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU[6]) sought to identify and impair suspected Russian influence operations on social media.[7] The SBU enlisted the FBI in support of this effort, transmitting to the FBI lists of social media accounts that allegedly “spread Russian disinformation.”[8] The FBI, in turn, routinely relayed these lists to the relevant social media platforms, which distributed the information internally to their employees in charge of content moderation and enforcement.[9] The graphic above illustrates the FBI’s intermediary role in the SBU’s censorship operation; the graphic below illustrates the remarkable frequency with which requests were sent by the FBI and SBU to American social media platforms.

The Committee’s analysis of these “disinformation” registries revealed that the FBI, at the request of the SBU, flagged for social media companies the authentic accounts of Americans, including a verified U.S. State Department account and those belonging to American journalists. The FBI and SBU repeatedly requested the removal or suspension of authentic accounts expressing unambiguously pro-Ukrainian views, as well as those voicing opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin. At times, the FBI would even follow up with the relevant platform to ensure that “these accounts were taken down.”[10] Regardless of its intended purpose in endorsing the SBU’s requests, the FBI had no legal justification for facilitating the censorship of Americans’ protected speech on social media.

In July 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy fired the head of the SBU on account of Russian infiltration of the SBU.[11] Given that the SBU was compromised by a network of Russian collaborators, sympathizers, and double agents at the time of its interactions with the FBI,[12] the FBI’s uncritical cooperation with the SBU’s requests is deeply concerning. The inclusion of American accounts on the SBU’s lists indicates that the FBI either did not properly vet the SBU’s requests or was aware of their domestic nature, and nonetheless carried them out. These findings highlight the need for additional oversight and legislative reform to protect Americans’ free speech rights.

The Committee, through and with its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, is charged with investigating “violation[s] of the civil liberties of citizens of the United States.”[13] Pursuant to this authority and the Committee’s responsibility to conduct oversight of the FBI, this interim staff report fulfills the ongoing obligation to identify and report on the weaponization of the federal government against the American people. The Committee and Select Subcommittee will continue to investigate the FBI’s relevant interactions with the SBU and social media platforms in order to better inform the Committee’s legislative efforts to safeguard Americans’ civil liberties.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

Background ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

I. FBI components involved in the FBI-SBU censorship scheme………………………………………………5

A. Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF)………………………………………………………………………………..5

B. San Francisco Field Office……………………………………………………………………………………………..6

C. Legal Attachés (Legats)…………………………………………………………………………………………………6

II. Russian infiltration into the SBU……………………………………………………………………………………….7

A. The SBU’s historical ties to Russia, the KGB, and the FSB…………………………………………………7

B. President Zelenskyy purged the SBU of Russian collaborators after the SBU’s censorship

work with the FBI……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8

FBI Censorship Efforts on Behalf of and in Coordination with the SBU ………………………………….10

I. The FBI and SBU sent Meta massive spreadsheets containing thousands of accounts

to remove, including authentic American accounts………………………………………………………………10

II. The FBI offered Meta legal cover to remove the SBU’s flagged accounts …………………………..12

III. The FBI, on behalf of the SBU, requested the removal of a verified U.S.

State Department account and an American journalist………………………………………………………..13

IV. The FBI and SBU also sought the removal of Facebook and Instagram posts that

were supportive of Ukraine and critical of Russia, the invasion, and Vladimir Putin. ……………….15

V. Meta suggested establishing a “24/7 channel” to respond to the SBU’s requests………………..18

VI. The FBI facilitated the SBU’s censorship requests to Google and YouTube………………………19

VII. The FBI and SBU also tried to censor American journalists on Twitter ……………………………22

VIII. The FBI continued relaying the SBU’s requests even after the FBI was told it had

unconstitutionally flagged American accounts for removal …………………………………………………23

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25


Click here to read the full report.


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“Empire of Lies”. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

July 20th, 2023 by Mike Whitney

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“Of all the endangered species, Truth is the most endangered. I am watching it go out.” Paul Craig Roberts, September 4, 2019

What makes Paul Craig Roberts’ writing so powerful, is his ability to cut through false narratives and identify the elite agendas that are shaping events. This is the work of a truth-teller which is the designation that is typically applied to Roberts. The term refers to a person of deep moral convictions who devotes his life to exposing the lies and fabrications of the state and its corrupt allies. This is what Roberts has been doing for more than 40 years, and this is why thousands of people around the world flock to his website every day. They know his posts will be hard-hitting, well-researched and engrossing. More importantly, they know he will make every effort to bring them the unvarnished truth just as he has for more than four decades.

Roberts’ latest collection of essays, titled Empire Of Lies, is an assortment of articles that show the remarkable scope and depth of the author’s knowledge. Frequent visitors to his website will notice some familiar themes here while other topics may not have been as thoroughly explored. For example, there are many essays on the fragile US economy, the “experimental” Covid-19 vaccine, the war in Ukraine, the stolen presidential election and the January 6 fraud. At the same time, there are a number of other articles that one might not typically associate with Roberts. These include a short but riveting post on 9-11, ominous reflections on the year 2022, the manipulation of the bullion markets, and an astonishing piece titled “Germany did not Start World War 2”. Here’s a brief excerpt from the article:

“The aims of the National Socialist German Workers Party(was) to correct the unemployment caused by unjust reparations forced on Germany… following World War 1 and to put Germany… back together.

World War 2 began when the Churchill government and the French… declared war on Germany.……

The German leader, Adolf Hitler, had reacquired German territories given to Denmark, France and Czechoslovakia by the humiliating Versailles Treaty and had united with German Austria without war…. The British guarantee emboldened the Polish military dictatorship to refuse to negotiate the return of German territory…. All Hitler contributed was to force countries given German territory by the Versailles Treaty to release the lands and the Germans, who were heavily persecuted in Czechoslovakia and Poland. Hitler’s restoration of Germany’s national boundaries was misrepresented in the British and US press as ‘German aggression.’....

This fake news story of German aggression was used to to build the case that Germany, which was merely recovering its national territory, and rescuing German people from persecution in Czechoslovakia and Poland, was an aggressor with world conquest as its goal…

Hitler stated many times that he did not want, or intend, war with Britain and France and only intended to recover the lost German populations stolen from Germany by the unjust Versailles Treaty.” Empire Of Lies, Paul Craig Roberts, Korsgaard Publishing, page 280, 2023

In these few paragraphs, Roberts obliterates the foundation upon which our understanding of World War 2 rests. The author challenges the ideas that:

  1. That Hitler started the war
  2. And that Poland represented the first step in Hitler’s broader plan to conquer the world.

If neither of these is true, then we need to ask ourselves why Hitler’s invasion of Poland was used as a pretext for a full-blown world war instead of treated as a regional ‘border dispute’ as one would expect? Clearly, there was no need for France and England to declare war on Germany when Germany was simply gathering back the territories it had lost after Versailles. Had cooler heads prevailed, World War 2 could have been avoided. Here’s more from the text:

“During his political rise, Hitler had hardly concealed his attempt to dislodge Germany’s tiny Jewish population from the stranglehold they had gained over German media and finance, and instead run the country in the best interests of the 99% German majority, a proposal that provoked the bitter hostility of Jews everywhere. Indeed, immediately after he came into office, a major London newspaper had carried a memorable 1933 headline announcing that the Jews of the world had declared war on Germany, and were organizing an international boycott to starve the Germans into submission.” (Empire Of Lies, Paul Craig Roberts, Korsgaard Publishing, page 286, 2023)

This is another astonishing excerpt that conflicts with historical narratives propagated in the West. In the United States, students are told that Hitler’s treatment of the Jews was fueled by his insatiable antisemitism, but here the author suggests that there were social and economic reasons for his policies as well. That doesn’t diminish the gravity of Hitler’s depredations, but it does create a more plausible explanation for why events unfolded the way they did. At the very least, Roberts provides a thought-provoking analysis that veers from the oversimplified “Hitler was a homicidal maniac” narrative that is used to answer every question and to effectively blunt critical thinking. In contrast, Roberts’ treatment of the topic generates curiosity which points the reader in the direction of more research which is the author’s intention.

Roberts treatment of the Civil War is equally provocative. In a chapter titled How We Know The So-Called “Civil War” Was Not About Slavery, Roberts disputes the widely-held view that the war between the states was launched to free the slaves. Here’s an excerpt from the piece that helps to explain:

“Two days before Lincoln’s inauguration as the 16th president, Congress, consisting of only the northern states, passed overwhelmingly on March 2, 1861, the Corwin Amendment that gave constitutional protection to slavery. Lincoln endorsed the amendment in his inaugural address saying, “I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.”

Quite clearly, the North was not prepared to go to war to to end slavery when on the very eve of war the US Congress and incoming president were in the process of making it unconstitutional to abolish slavery.”

Here we have absolute total proof that the North wanted the South kept in the Union far more than the North wanted to abolish slavery.”....

The real issue between the North and South could not be reconciled on the basis of accommodating slavery. The real issue was economics as DiLorenzo, Charles Beard and other historians have documented. The North offered to preserve slavery irrevocably, but the North did not offer to give up the high tariffs and economic policies that the South saw as inimical to its interests.” (Empire Of Lies, page 221)

Later in the text, Roberts lifts a quote from Lincoln’s inaugural address that further supports his point of view. Lincoln says:

“I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”

Roberts presents his case rationally and persuasively, but Lincoln made other comments that appear to conflict with those above. He also said, “Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free,” and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction. Even so, the passing of the Corwin Amendment in 1861 strongly suggests that Congress was not planning to go to war to end slavery otherwise they wouldn’t have supported the bill. So, how is it that so many Americans cling to the idea that the Civil War was a struggle to end slavery?

Just as historians have tried to describe World War II as a “morally unambiguous” intervention, so too, historians have transformed the Civil War from a bloody dispute over tariffs into a righteous struggle against human bondage. Unfortunately, the propaganda does not align with the facts which suggests that more mundane factors were involved. Lincoln’s actions were not guided by some higher principle any more than FDR’s efforts to drag the country to the Second World War was aimed at “defeating fascism”. In both cases, the presidents pursued policies that were aimed at crushing their enemies while increasing the power of the state. It’s the job of the court historian to make these recurrent bloodbaths look like lofty moral crusades, but they are not, which is why we are fortunate to have researchers like Roberts to strip away the fakery and expose the self-serving machinations of raw political ambition.

In another chapter titled The Proof is In: The Election Was Stolen, Roberts contests the outcome of the 2020 presidential election not based on voting machine snafus or the mail-in ballot fiasco or any of the other technical glitches that beset the election. Instead, he presents a number of “common sense” observations that reveal the utter implausibility of a Biden victory. Take a look:

Consider that Joe Biden’s Twitter account has 20 million followers.
Trump’s Twitter account has 88.8 million followers.
Consider that Joe Biden’s Facebook has 7.8 million followers
Trump’s Facebook account has 34.72 million followers.

.How likely is it that a person with 4 or 5 times the following of his rival lost the election?
Consider that Trump’s campaign appearances were heavily attended but that Biden’s were avoided…..
Consider that despite Biden’s total failure to animate voters during the presidential campaign, he won 15 million more votes than Barack Obama did in his 2012 re-election.
Consider that Biden won despite under-performing Hillary Clinton’s 2016 vote in in every US urban country, but outperformed Clinton in Democrat-controlled Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Philadelphia the precise cities where the most obvious and blatant electoral fraud was committed.
Consider that Biden won despite Trump bettering his 2016 vote by ten million votes and Trump’s record support from minority voters.
Consider that Biden won despite losing the bell-weather counties that have always predicted the election outcome and the bell-weather states of Ohio and Florida.
Consider that Biden won in Georgia, a completely red state with a red governor and red legislature both House and Senate. Somehow a red state voted for a blue president.
Consider that Biden won despite the Democrats losing representation in the House.” (Empire Of Lies, Paul Craig Roberts, Korsgaard Publishing, page 324, 2023)

There are many more of these eye-opening observations in the book, but they all underscore the same dismal fact; that the election was stolen and that the wrong man now sits in the White House. It’s very clever of Roberts to avoid abstruse technical issues and to make his case based on the glaring inconsistencies that ordinary people can understand. The idea that Joe Biden, who was unable to draw enough supporters to fill a small gymnasium, got 15 million more votes than Barack Obama is laughable in the extreme. Roberts should be applauded for taking the time to create this compelling compilation that greatly reinforces his thesis that the election was rigged.

This is what we have come to expect from Roberts who always goes the extra mile to bring the truth to his readers. His latest contribution, Empire Of Lies, follows in that same tradition. The book is a varied digest of the author’s recent work covering a broad range of topics that include everything from Neo-Nazis in Ukraine to the manipulation of gold prices. It’s a fascinating read that moves quickly due to uniqueness of the subject-matter and Roberts blunt but explosive writing style. Simply put, there’s something here for everyone. I’ll finish with a quote from Harold Pinter’s Nobel acceptance speech which, in many ways, could have been a description of Paul Craig Roberts:

“A writer’s life is a highly vulnerable, almost naked activity. … You are out on your own, out on a limb. You find no shelter, no protection – unless you lie…

I believe that despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory.

If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us – the dignity of man.” Harold Pinter, Nobel Lecture, 2005

Repeat: “…unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination.”

Indeed, that is Roberts in a nutshell.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

Empire of Lies

by Paul Craig Roberts

Publisher:Korsgaard Publishing (March 11, 2023)



The Empire of Lies elucidates the major deceptions that have played a central role in shaping history in the 21st century. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, draws upon his experience as a Washington insider to reveal the truth about the manipulation of the gold market, 9/11, COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, and several other mass deceptions.

Click here to purchase.

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U.S. Army surgeon in tears: Top brass ordered silence on vaccine injuries 3/23/22

‘I am watching people get absolutely destroyed’

An Army flight surgeon testified in federal court that she was ordered by high-level command not to discuss the controversy over Department of Defense data indicating a massive spike in serious injuries and illnesses among military personnel when the vaccines were rolled out in 2021.

Dr. Theresa Long was testifying March 10 in the case of a Navy SEAL commander who refused to receive a COVID shot. She told Judge Steven Merryday of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida in Tampa that she was observing cases of the demyelination of the central nervous system in military personnel.

As WND reported, three Department of Defense whistleblowers have presented evidence from the Defense Military Epidemiological Database (DMED) that show a nearly 1,000% increase overall in diseases and injuries in 2021 compared to the previous five years.

Long, a senior flight surgeon at the U.S. Army Flight School at Fort Rucker, Alabama, testified along with two other military flight surgeons, Lt. Col. Peter Chambers, and Col. (Ret.) Stewart Tankersley.

Colonel Theresa Long Discusses National Security Concerns

Whistleblower Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long Speaks Out (see link for video) 11/2/21

In a meeting today set up by Senator Ron Johnson, Army Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long had this to report:

Over a month ago Lieutenant Colonel Long submitted a sworn affidavit in court warning the military of what was happening to army personnel.

“Numerous Soldiers and DOD civilians have told me of how they were sick, bed-ridden, debilitated, and unable to work for days to weeks after vaccination. I have also recently reviewed three flight crew members’ medical records, all of which presented with both significant and aggressive systemic health issues.

Today, I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination… The subject matter of this Motion for a Preliminary Injunction and its devastating effects on members of the military compel me to conclude and conduct accordingly as follows…”.

“That this Court should grant an immediate injunction to stop the further harm to all military personnel to protect the health and safety of our active duty, reservists, and National Guard troops.”

U.S. Army surgeon in tears: Top brass ordered silence on vaccine injuries 3/23/22

Attorney Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel, representing the Navy commander, followed up, asking Long why the data is relevant to the case. “I have so many soldiers being destroyed by this vaccine. Not a single member of my senior command has discussed my concerns with me,” she said amid tears. “I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking about it,” Long said. She added that she is willing to lose her career “because I am watching people get absolutely destroyed.”

She said she regularly has been contacted by military personnel who have been injured by the shots, and most are pilots, who “have to meet one of the highest fitness standards.” Amid the pressure to get vaccinated, Long described an atmosphere of low morale in which there have been at least two suicides.

‘Suppression of scientific dialogue’

The flight surgeon Chambers testified that he was ordered to make sure troops received the shots and was told that religious exemptions would be denied. He said that up to 80% of military personnel have contracted COVID-19 despite having had two shots. However, he said, among the unvaccinated, the infection rate was 15%. Chambers said he has had to delay his plan to retire in 2023 because he developed demyelination of his central nervous system after being vaccinated.

Tankersley, a recently retired flight surgeon, said he has witnessed during the pandemic an unprecedented “suppression of scientific dialogue.” He said the shots are neither safe nor effective, explaining the delivery mechanism of the mRNA vaccines bypasses the natural immune system and creates inflammation that can inhibit the body’s innate immunity. Tankersly said he has treated more than 200 COVID patients with no fatalities using treatments such as ivermectin. Meanwhile, the Defense Department insists that the only way to combat COVID is to force vaccination and get rid of personnel who won’t comply.


This EVIL is NOW in Light – Take them all down now we fight back!
Whistleblower: Army Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long MD
Alaska Medical Freedom Symposium AM Session 09/17/22 Palmer, AK

Staver said in a statement that he is “honored to serve the brave men and women of the military.” “I am dismayed by the abuse and propaganda forced upon them from the White House and the Department of Defense,” he said. “The truth will prevail, and freedom will win.”

Click here to view the video

This Evil Is Now In The Light

Colonel Long showed Slide 16 from an October 2020 FDA presentation which warned that the COVID shots would cause multiple serious health problems and death.

FDA Slide 16 & Table 2: Everything Being Reported to VAERS

These vaccine adverse event outcomes are being reported to VAERS in unprecedented numbers.

Colonel Long requested and received from the CDC the number and type of adverse vaccine events experienced by service members. There were 9,953 reports on service members – 10% of which were deadly, debilitating, or required hospitalization. There were 119 deaths after vaccination of service members in one year while there were only 93 deaths for all branches of the DOD for the COVID infection in two years.

Colonel Long pointed out that agencies Americans trusted to monitor the safety of the experimental COVID shots admitted to having given false information on COVID vaccine safety  monitoring. They were sound asleep at the wheel while whistleblower doctors across the country who dared to raise concerns were demonized, censored, silenced, reprimanded, and retaliated against.

Colonel Long asks, “But what about the Department of Defense?” Surely they would be diligent and vigilant in monitoring signals of harm from this drug. Yet, she reports that senior military officials are ignoring this “self-inflicted castration of our national defense”.

She explains that evidence shows that sars-COV-2 was a gain-of-function bioweapon and the COVID shots are bio-weapons that Americans were tricked or forced into accepting. She asks:

“Which of our enemies would not want to get a handful of key people in authority to mandate the injection of our entire fighting force with a drug that could compromise the short- and long-term health of our force and thereby disable our national defense? [applause].

Time has now proven that not only does this experimental drug not protect individuals against infection or prevent transmission, but it also poses an unacceptable level of risk and harm to patients. So why do senior military leaders committed to the health and readiness of our military continue to implement policies that will purge hundreds of thousands of servicemembers out of the armed forces for refusing to consent to being injected with an ineffective and dangerous drug?

Is it possible that the 97 million dollars a day the pharmaceutical companies are making is compromising our military? Under the guise of medical readiness, top leaders demanded execution of unlawful orders for service members to get vaccinated with a fully-FDA-approved vaccine – all the while knowing that not a single vial of the FDA-approved vaccine existed in the United States.

So, the law was subverted by convincing commanders that the EUA and fully-FDA-approved products were interchangeable – interchangeable! Tell that to my 24-year-old pilot with permanent cardiac heart damage who has no legal recourse for financial restitution from the same pharmaceutical companies making record-breaking profits off the product that destroyed his future.

The concept of interchangeability was a fraud perpetrated on service members. Are DOD policies protecting service members or are they only serving to protect the financial interests of pharmaceutical companies which the DOD has partnered with to ensure Big Pharm had a large enough captive patient population necessary to obtain their EUA and FDA vaccine approval?

There is a level of product safety that only comes when mega corporations like pharmaceutical companies can be held financially and legally accountable for the harm their products cause.

Covid Shots Threaten Aviation Safety

On December 15, 2021, US Freedom Flyers, Dr. [Peter] Chambers, and myself, along with 10 other experts sent a letter to the FAA and all major air carriers advising them that according to the FAA’s own “Do Not Issue” policy, a Flight Certificate cannot be issued to any pilot that has taken a drug that has not been FDA-approved for at least 12 months. Since there is no FDA-approved vaccine available in the United States, every pilot who received a vaccine is flying in violation of FAA policies. The FAA failed to safeguard aviation safety through adherence to and compliance with their own air medical policies.

Bruce McGray is a federal FAA investigator with ties to aviation in Alaska. With over 12 years of flying for Alaska Air Guard and Wien Airlines, recently investigated the FAA’s deviation from their own medical certification requirements. On July 18, 2022, he submitted the findings of his investigation to the FAA in which he concluded that the COVID vaccine complications present a real and imminent risk for aviation safety.

Dr. Chambers and I have worked on safety screening protocols to help ensure aviation safety through screening pilots for deadly post-vaccination complications like myocarditis. We have worked with US Freedom Flyer president Josh Yoder to provide a voice and unwavering support to vaccine-injured pilots and air crew by demanding that airlines do not compromise airline safety by implementing politically-motivated mandates.

Doctors, politicians, employers, military leaders, scientists, fellow Americans – if you have been on the wrong side of this, take the courageous action. Humble yourselves, hit it with a repentant heart and stop terrorizing your fellow Americans. Stop allowing fear to drive your actions and only move forward as a unified people. To those of you who have perpetrated this global crime against humanity, I say to you, “Whoa!” Whoa to you workers of iniquity for all you have done in darkness is and will be brought to light. [applause]

Americans – Will you sleep soundly in your beds warmed by the sounds of your republic burning around you? Will you bend your knee to tyranny today and offer up the arms of your children to evil tomorrow? Let our children never say we were cowards in the face of evil. Seek wisdom. Pursue truth and put your trust in the  Lord. HOLD THE LINE!

Lt. Col. Theresa Long Silenced by U.S. Army After Grounding Pilots Experiencing Adverse Reactions to Covid ‘Vaccines’ 11/2/21

Not only is the U.S. military forcing servicemembers to get jabbed, they’re also silencing doctors who note adverse reactions.

House Committee takes initial stab at protecting, reenlisting troops booted over COVID jab 6/21/23

The House Armed Services Committee approves amendments to minimize penalties and reinstate troops who refused the COVID-19 vaccine, providing a fair option for service members who were wrongly separated.

FDA ‘castigated’ for ‘misleading’ COVID-vaccine labels 7/5/23

A new report accuses the FDA of misleading the public by refusing to label potentially severe side effects and failure to disclose that mRNA COVID vaccines cannot stop transmission of the virus, citing higher incidence of vaccine-associated heart deaths and serious heart diseases in younger individuals.

CDC caught altering COVID shot death certificates 7/7/23

A new report reveals that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been concealing references to COVID-19 vaccines on death certificates in Minnesota, indicating data fraud and suppression of information about vaccine side effects.

RFK Jr. drops vaccine truth bombs on Fox News, hitting Fauci hard 7/11/23

Anthony Fauci, a former federal health official advising Joe Biden on COVID-19, now in a lucrative teaching job, ’caused a lot of injury” during that pandemic, according to Democrat presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says some damage to nation from COVID was ‘knowingly.’

Kennedy said of Fauci, “I think he caused a lot of injury. I think that he particularly by withholding early treatment from Americans we racked up the highest death count in the world. We only have 4.2% of the globe’s population but we had 16% of the COVID deaths in this country and that was from bad policy.” He pointed out that nations that allowed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine “had 1/200th of our death rate.”

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health is the 2021 book by RFK, Jr. At 450 pages, it is encyclopedic in its coverage. Yet, it ends with a QR-Code to allow people access to updates! The book has a 4.8 rating on Amazon with 23,713 reviews. Without much advertising and banned in several places, the book sold a million copies in the first year.

Despite Mass Censorship, RFK Jr.’s Book On Fauci’s Corruption Is #1 Best Seller On Amazon, NY Times, Wall St. Journal points out:

For anyone who doubts that the Covid-19 crisis is an intelligence-run operation controlled by spooks working with medical technocrats like Anthony Fauci, billionaires such as Bill Gates, the military, media, Big Pharma, the World Economic Forum, etc., a close reading of this book – with its 2,194 references – will disabuse one of that illusion.

The book is a best seller on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Amazon.

COVID Policies: Attack on America and Humanity

COVID Polices: Biggest Crime Against Humanity Since WWII shows how destructive the COVID policies have been. A foreign enemy could not have done more harm to America and Americans than the “health agencies” (HHS, NIH, CDC, FDA), and the Coronavirus Task Force supported by the corporate media, US presidents, and Big Tech did in 2020 and continuing now.

Yet, none of the destructive COVID polices were necessary because:

  1. The CDC stats showed in early 2020 that COVID posed little threat to anyone (see image below).
  2. Several inexpensive effective outpatient treatments were known in early 2020 including HCQ/zinc, ivermectin, budesonide, vitamin c, and vitamin D.
  3. The Emergency Use Authorizations for the COVID shots were illegal because several effective treatments were known in early 2020.
  4. Slide 16 in the October 2020 FDA slideshow warned that the COVID shots would cause multiple serious illnesses and deaths.

The COVID “health” policies have harmed America and Americans in multiple ways, including:

  1. Violated our First Amendment rights of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Religion.
  2. Violated the Nuremberg Code which protects people from being forced to take experimental drugs.
  3. Closed millions of businesses without due process or just compensation.
  4. Destroyed our economy and the middle class while making many new billionaires and enriching existing ones.
  5. Blocked graduation ceremonies, weddings, funerals, holiday gatherings, beach outings, playground activities, etc.
  6. Closed schools and later forced kids to wear masks, social distance, and get COVID shots.
  7. Undermined reading and math scores.
  8. Undermined our health by denying Americans access to inexpensive proven, FDA-approved drugs for early outpatient treatment.
  9. Killed many Americans by forcing hospitalized patients (even those who didn’t have COVID) to take the expensive drug Remdesivir which was withdrawn from an Ebola trial because it killed so many people. See Documentary: How Hospitals Are Making A Killing.
  10. Killed and injured millions of Americans by forcing them to take rushed, poorly-tested, unnecessary, illegal COVID shots. Ed Dowd: COVID Shots Are Causing Youth Democideexplains that former Blackrock Portfolio Manager Edward Dowd said. “The millennial age group 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst ever excess mortality, I think, in history. There were 61,000 excess millennial deaths. Basically, millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.” (National Archives state 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the 10-year Vietnam War). “This generation just experienced a Vietnam Wa
  11. Undermined our military and our national defense – leaving America vulnerable to attack.
  12. Undermined our airline safety exposing millions of Americans to threats of crashes.
  13. Continue to Ignore and suppress warnings from top scientists and doctors including The Great Barrington Declaration which now has over 937,000 signatures including over 47,000 medical practitioners, and over 16,000 medical and public health scientists.
  14. Continue to ignore massive serious injuries and deaths caused by the COVID shots even as the government’s own VAERS database shows that the COVID shots have caused more serious illnesses and deaths than all other vaccines combined in 30 years.
  15. Continue to recommend and require the shots for students, pregnant women, and babies as young as six months old who have zero risk of COVID.

The fact that Event 201 foreshadowed many of these policies in October 2019 shows an orchestrated agenda. The Greatest History Never Told explains how long-planned this global coup was. We have indeed been at war with “an invisible enemy” – but it wasn’t COVID. It’s time for the perpetrators to be brought to justice now.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Lebanon remains in a state of financial, political, and social collapse. Lebanon is flying on autopilot without any President. In the south of Lebanon on the border with Israel there is increasing tension as Israel has attempted to steal more Lebanese land.

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Professor Hussein Gharbieh, Lebanese International Relations and Middle East Lecturer to talk about the latest developments and situation in Lebanon.

Steven Sahiounie (SS): The Lebanese economy is on the edge of collapse. However, the IMF has offered Lebanon $3 billion but this deal is not acceptable to all parties. In your opinion is there any other solution offered?  

Professor Hussein Gharbieh (PHG): We must admit that the Lebanese economy has collapsed. The infrastructure has come to a halt. No proper banking system available as the lost people’s trust. Even the service sector is unreliable and requires huge amendment to function properly. And finally, the public sector is under tremendous stress because of the huge gap between the monthly salaries and the actual exchange rate of the dollars in the black market. Therefore, the 3 billion dollars offered by IMF firstly is not to revitalise the Lebanese economy. Secondly, the Lebanese government has not provided a plan as how this amount of money would be used to improve the Lebanese economy. 

SS: The Lebanese parliament has failed in electing a president. In your opinion, will the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran have an effect on the election? 

PHG: Electing a Lebanese president has never been an internal issue. Since the establishment of the Lebanese republic, the president has always been a matter of compromise between conflicting regional players. The French and the British played a vital role in electing a certain president as it happened with President Emile Edde, bishara al Khuri and Kamil Chamoun. In the sixties the influence shifted towards the Americans and the Egyptians, while in the seventies the main player of choosing a president was Syria alone for many reasons.

The Iran-Saudi approach today might help to produce a Lebanese president. However, whether to happen we must wait and see. That is because of various reasons. Firstly, the Iran-Saudi approach has not completed fully to understand the magnitude they will exert to help elect a Lebanese president. Secondly, following the rapprochement of both Syria and Saudi could have an effect of the election as well. Still the picture is very unclear and bleak as there is no a near sight of electing one. Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia have more important issues to deal with. Lebanon does not have the same importance as before.

SS: Benjamin Netanyahu has severe domestic problems and has tried to deflect from his own problems by creating increase tension on the Lebanese/Palestinian border. In your view, will we see open conflict between Israel and Lebanese resistance forces?

PHG: I would say that an Israeli and Lebanese resistance open conflict is very unlikely to happen for various reasons. Firstly, an open war will cause a lot of damage to both sides but one more than the other. If it happens, the Lebanese will suffer to a great extent. While on the Israeli side, the damage would not be as alarming which they can deal with it quickly and efficiently, i.e., the damage will be minimal. On the other hand, Israel will not be able to uproot Hizballah. Therefore, I strongly believe that both sides understand this and are happy with the status quo. 

SS: Media reports have exposed Samir Geagea has having fed false information about Saad Hariri to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman? In your opinion, will this open the door for Saad Hariri return to Lebanon?

PHG: I don’t think the Saudis depended on Geaga to provide them with information about Hariri. When Hariri was summoned to Saudi Arabia, it was mainly because of an internal issue where Hariri was involved in. Bin Salman has had a new set of agenda where Hariri or for that matter Lebanon were not in his priorities. The fragmentation of the Sunni community in Lebanon today is a clear evidence that Lebanon is no longer worthy of attention.

SS: Some experts have suggested Suleiman Frangieh for president. In your view does he have the international support? 

PHG: The fragmentation of the Lebanese communities today makes it very difficult for anyone to be president. Although Frangieh has close ties with Syria and with President Assad in particular, yet the Lebanese opponents to the pro-Syria side will not accept him as a president.  As mentioned before, not of the regional players are interested in Lebanon now. 


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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This article was originally published in March 2022.

An Army flight surgeon testified in federal court that she was ordered by high-level command not to discuss the controversy over Department of Defense data indicating a massive spike in serious injuries and illnesses among military personnel when the vaccines were rolled out in 2021.

Dr. Theresa Long was testifying March 10 in the case of a Navy SEAL commander who refused to receive a COVID shot. She told Judge Steven Merryday of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida in Tampa that she was observing cases of the demyelination of the central nervous system in military personnel.

As WND reported, three Department of Defense whistleblowers have presented evidence from the Defense Military Epidemiological Database (DMED) that show a nearly 1,000% increase overall in diseases and injuries in 2021 compared to the previous five years.

Long, a senior flight surgeon at the U.S. Army Flight School at Fort Rucker, Alabama, testified along with two other military flight surgeons, Lt. Col. Peter Chambers and Col. (Ret.) Stewart Tankersley.

The non-profit Liberty Counsel, representing the commander, obtained a temporary restraining order from Judge Merryday blocking the Navy from punishing the commander because of his vaccination status. The commander asked for an exemption on religious conscience grounds, and Merryday ruled the Navy appears to be in conflict with the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The government was in court asking the judge to set aside the injunction while the case is on appeal.

Asked about the data in the Defense Military Epidemiological Database, Long said she had been “ordered not to answer that question.”

“Ordered by who?” Merryday asked.

Long replied that the order came from high-level command.

Attorney Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel, representing the Navy commander, followed up, asking Long why the data is relevant to the case.

“I have so many soldiers being destroyed by this vaccine. Not a single member of my senior command has discussed my concerns with me,” she said amid tears.

“I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking about it,” Long said.

She added that she is willing to lose her career “because I am watching people get absolutely destroyed.”

She said she regularly has been contacted by military personnel who have been injured by the shots, and most are pilots, who “have to meet one of the highest fitness standards.”

Amid the pressure to get vaccinated, Long described an atmosphere of low morale in which there have been at least two suicides.

‘Suppression of Scientific Dialogue’

The flight surgeon Chambers testified that he was ordered to make sure troops received the shots and was told that religious exemptions would be denied.

He said that up to 80% of military personnel have contracted COVID-19 despite having had two shots. However, he said, among the unvaccinated, the infection rate was 15%.

Chambers said he has had to delay his plan to retire in 2023 because he developed demyelination of his central nervous system after being vaccinated.

Tankersley, a recently retired flight surgeon, said he has witnessed during the pandemic an unprecedented “suppression of scientific dialogue.”

He said the shots are neither safe nor effective, explaining the delivery mechanism of the mRNA vaccines bypasses the natural immune system and creates inflammation that can inhibit the body’s innate immunity.

Tankersly said he has treated more than 200 COVID patients with no fatalities using treatments such as ivermectin. Meanwhile, the Defense Department insists that the only way to combat COVID is to force vaccination and get rid of personnel who won’t comply.

Staver said in a statement that he is “honored to serve the brave men and women of the military.”

“I am dismayed by the abuse and propaganda forced upon them from the White House and the Department of Defense,” he said. “The truth will prevail, and freedom will win.”


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Art Moore, co-author of the best-selling book “See Something, Say Nothing,” entered the media world as a PR assistant for the Seattle Mariners and a correspondent covering pro and college sports for Associated Press Radio. He reported for a Chicago-area daily newspaper and was senior news writer for Christianity Today magazine and an editor for Worldwide Newsroom before joining WND shortly after 9/11. He earned a master’s degree in communications from Wheaton College.

Featured image: Army Spc. Anthony Spalding prepares a vaccine for an Afghan evacuee at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, Dec. 8, 2021, as part of Operation Allies Welcome. Afghan children received their influenza vaccine, and those over the age of five were vaccinated against COVID-19. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Caitlin Wilkins)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Following a letter sent out July 7th, members of the Energy and Commerce Committee held a news conference last week on what they said was Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra’s failure to lawfully reappoint 14 National Institutes of Health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Following a bipartisan law passed in 2016, the 21st Century Cures Act, the Secretary of the HHS had to reappoint NIH Institute and Center Directors every five years, starting with those whose terms would expire in December 2021.

“There’s been a complete breakdown of accountability at the agency that has lost the trust of the American people, especially during COVID-19,” Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., said at the news conference. “14 NIH officials, including Dr. Fauci, held unlawful positions and exercised authority that they didn’t have, which included approving $26 billion in grants.”

Rodgers mentioned that the NIH had misled the committee for over a year throughout the investigation. She claimed that the request “has been a pretty simple one,” that being to provide documents proving Becerra reappointed the officials.

“No one is above the law. Americans need to know that their tax dollars are being spent responsibly, effectively, and lawfully and that the people making these decisions are lawfully authorized to make them,” Rodgers said.

Health Subcommittee Chair Brett Guthrie, R-Ky., said in the conference that every decision each official made after 2021 should be called into question. He specifically called out Fauci.

“It is unfair to the American people that, while he held this position unlawfully, he used his platform to be the voice of science and shame those with alternative point of views in addition to pushing for questionable public health guidance policies,” Guthrie said.

The committee also announced plans to hold a hearing for Becerra at the end of the month.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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Professional psychopath John Bolton has an article out with The Hill titled “America can’t permit Chinese military expansion in Cuba” which inadvertently spells out exactly what’s wrong with the way the US empire keeps amassing heavily armed proxy forces on the borders of its large Asiatic enemies.

Citing a Wall Street Journal report from last month in which anonymous US officials claim that Havana has entered negotiations with Beijing for a possible future joint military training facility in Cuba, Bolton argues that the US must use any amount of aggression necessary to prevent this facility’s construction, up to and including regime change interventionism.

“The potential of significant Chinese facilities in Cuba is a red-flag threat to America,” Bolton writes, arguing that such activities “could well camouflage offensive weapons, delivery systems or other threatening capabilities.”

“For example, hypersonic cruise missiles, already harder to detect, track, and destroy than ballistic missiles, are natural candidates for installation in Cuba, a prospect we cannot tolerate, along with many other risks, like a Chinese submarine base,” he adds.

All of which are arguments that could be made pretty much note-for-note by Russia and China about the ways the US has been threatening their security interests with war machinery in their immediate surroundings.

Arguing that the US is “bound by no commitment limiting our use of force,” Bolton advocates “Revoking diplomatic relations with Cuba; increased economic sanctions against both China and Cuba; and far stricter implementation of existing sanctions” as an immediate response to this reported development, advocating regime change interventionism as an ultimate solution to Cuba’s disobedient behavior.

“Had Presidents Eisenhower or Kennedy acted more forcefully and effectively against Castro, we might have avoided many perilous Cold War crises, sparing us decades of strategic concern, not to mention the repression of Cuba’s people,” Bolton writes, adding, “With Beijing’s threat rising, we should not miss today’s moment without seriously reconsidering how to return this geographically critical island to its own people’s friendlier hands.”

Bolton notes that Guantanamo Bay “remains fully available to us today” for any operations the US should choose to avail itself of to topple Havana.

This would be the same John Bolton who in 2002 falsely accused Cuba of having a biological weapons program in a bid to sweep the island up in the same post-9/11 war push he was helping the US construct against Iraq with extreme aggression.

Any time there’s the faintest whisper of a foreign power setting up a military presence in Washington’s neck of the woods, hawks immediately begin pounding the drums of war and exposing the hypocrisy of the US empire’s insistence on its right to form military alliances and amass proxy forces on the doorstep of its geopolitical rivals. Empire apologists always dismiss Russia and China’s claims that US military encroachments on their surroundings are an unacceptable security risk and say that no nation has a right to a “sphere of influence” which its enemies are forbidden to enter, yet we can plainly see that the US reserves a right to its own sphere of influence from its own doctrines and behaviors.

Earlier this year Senator Josh Hawley ominously asked an audience,

“Imagine a world where Chinese warships patrol Hawaiian waters, and Chinese submarines stalk the California coastline. A world where the People’s Liberation Army has military bases in Central and South America. A world where Chinese forces operate freely in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.”

Which is exactly what the US military has been doing to China.

The single dumbest thing the US-centralized empire asks us to believe is that the military encirclement of its top two geopolitical rivals is a defensive action, rather than an act of extreme aggression. The idea that the US militarily encircling Russia and China is an act of defense rather than aggression is so in-your-face transparently idiotic that anyone who thinks critically enough about it will immediately dismiss it for the foam-brained nonsense that it is, yet because of propaganda that is the mainstream narrative in the western world, and millions of people accept it as true.

The point of highlighting hypocrisy is not that being a hypocrite is some special crime in and of itself, it’s to show that the hypocrite is lying about their motives and behavior, and to dismantle their arguments defending their positions. If the US would interpret a Chinese military presence in Cuba as an incendiary provocation, then logically the far greater military presence the US has amassed on the borders of Russia and China is a vastly greater provocation by that same reasoning, and the US knows it. There exists no argument to the contrary that doesn’t rely on baseless “well it’s different when we do it” assertions.

Demanding that Russia and China tolerate behavior from the US that the US would never tolerate from Russia or China is just demanding that the world subjugate itself to the US empire. Those who argue that Russia should have tolerated Ukraine being made into a NATO asset or that China should just accept US military encirclement because something something freedom and democracy are really just saying the US should be allowed to rule every inch of this planet completely uncontested.

If what you really want is for the US to dominate every inch of this planet completely uncontested, don’t try and tell me that your actual concern is for the people of Ukraine or Taiwan or anywhere else. Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining. Just be honest about what you are and where you stand.


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New “Twitter Files” released today by investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker reveal new details about how nonprofit organizations and academic researchers colluded with social media platforms, media organizations and the White House to censor Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD’s chairman on leave, for spreading “disinformation.”

In “Twitter Files: Who Are the People Claiming RFK Jr. is ‘Disinformation?’” Thacker cited documents he found while examining Twitter’s archives. They show that groups such as the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) worked with Twitter to censor Kennedy and others who questioned the establishment’s COVID-19 narratives.

CCDH drafted a list of the so-called “Disinformation Dozen,” which included Kennedy, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ty and Charlene Bollinger, founders of The Truth About Vaccines and The Truth About Cancer websites. The list was used by the White House and Twitter, prior to its purchase by Elon Musk, to censor those individuals.

CCDH was able to exert such influence even though its funding sources are not public. Imran Ahmed, CEO of CCDH, previously was connected to the United Kingdom Labour Party, and other CCDH board members have ties to George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

CCDH also collaborates with online “fact-checking” firms like NewsGuard.

The latest installment of the “Twitter Files” also revealed documentation indicating an Indiana University computer science and informatics professor, Filippo Menczer, Ph.D., contacted Twitter to say that according to his website ranking system, CHD was the “top source” of alleged “disinformation.”

In the same email, Menczer told Twitter that The Associated Press (AP) had cited his website’s findings — and that CHD had misrepresented those same findings, a claim Thacker characterized as ironic.

“Menczer’s statement is itself misinformation,” Thacker said, noting that “In the op-ed Menczer links to in the email, Kennedy does NOT state that his organization is the ‘most trusted source of information about vaccines.’ Kennedy just repeats Menczer’s claims that his organization’s articles are widely shared.”

Thacker, citing recent data from Indiana University’s Observatory on Social Media, noted that “CHD’s website is shared on Twitter more often than those of the World Health Organization and CDC combined” and that its content “is more widely shared than that from Reuters, The Daily Mail, The Washington Post, Newsweek and CNN.”

Thacker told The Defender,

“I think that this stuff just shows how ridiculous this entire Big Disinformation infrastructure is. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s oftentimes just designed to police and censor information that is not liked by those in power. That’s what it’s about.”

“These examples fit into a broader narrative,” he added.

Twitter Took ‘Action’ Against Kennedy Tweet After ‘Disinformation Dozen’ Report

Thacker said the “first thing” he found when examining Twitter’s internal documents for information about CHD were documents showing “Twitter officials discussing action they were taking” on Kennedy, because of the CCDH’s “Disinformation Dozen” report.

“But was the report credible?” Thacker asked. He wanted to know: “Who are these people? Who funds them? How did they become ‘disinformation experts’?”

The March 24, 2021, report by CCDH claimed “Just twelve anti-vaxxers are responsible for almost two-thirds of anti‑vaccine content circulating on social media platforms,” and concluded that “platforms must act” against these individuals.

According to Thacker, Ahmed released the report just as the Biden administration rolled out its COVID-19 vaccine campaign and shortly before the House held hearings on disinformation at social media companies.

In one example, Thacker said, Twitter employees took action on several accounts after the “shady, dark money group” — CCDH — released its report alleging that just 12 accounts produced the majority of anti-vaccine disinformation on social media.

A March 31, 2021, email from Twitter employee Brian Clarke listed several tweets by Kennedy, Mercola and others included in the CCDH’s “Disinformation Dozen.” The email, sent to an internal Twitter list called “COVID19-misinfo-inform,” said:

“COVID-19 misinfo enforcement team is planning on taking action on a handful of accounts surfaced by the CCDH report.

“While none of the 12 accounts are eligible for permanent suspension under COVID-19 misinformation policy, we did find several violations of the COVID-19 Misinformation policy across multiple accounts.”

In the same email, Clarke requested, “If there are no objections after 30 minutes, can you please take action on the following Tweets based on the table below?”

Among the tweets listed was a March 17, 2021, tweet by Kennedy linking to a letter he sent to President Biden, “explaining how transparency, robust science and a functional surveillance system are the only ways to build public trust for the COVID vaccine.”

Clarke sent another email three hours later, saying, “Action has been taken on the aforementioned tweets.”

According to Thacker, Twitter placed a “Vaccine Safety” label on Kennedy’s tweet.

“What is wrong with sending the President a letter?” Thacker wrote. “How does this violate safety? It’s just odd.”

“Based on this discredited report, Twitter labeled [those] tweets,” Thacker wrote. “When Elon Musk took over Twitter, these labels were removed.”

In a March “Twitter Files” release, investigative journalist Matt Taibbi noted that Clarke, along with other former Twitter executives, coordinated with Stanford University’s Virality Project in 2021 to receive weekly reports on “anti-vax disinformation” that Taibbi said “contained numerous true stories.”

Described by Taibbi as “The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine,” the Virality Project, an initiative of the Stanford Internet Observatory, admitted it was flagging factual tweets as “misinformation” or “disinformation.” It also proposed the creation of a disinformation board just one day before the Biden administration launched its Disinformation Governance Board.

Thacker noted that Clarke’s March 31, 2021, email also mentioned the CCDH report “was released right before the House [of Representatives] held a hearing on disinformation,” during which Twitter’s then-CEO Jack Dorsey and other Big Tech CEOs testified.

“Note that Imran Ahmed released his report to coincide with Biden’s vaccine rollout and congressional hearings [with] Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey,” Thacker wrote. “Who is Ahmed working with?”

Clarke’s email also referred to tweets by several medical professionals who were outspoken about COVID-19 vaccines and countermeasures, including Mercola, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Christiane Northrup, chiropractor Ben Tapper and the recently deceased Dr. Rashid Buttar.

White House Used ‘Disinformation Dozen’ Report to Press for More Censorship

According to Thacker, “White House spokesperson Jen Psaki later cited the CCDH report during a July 2021 press briefing to bring greater pressure onto Facebook to censor accounts.”

In August 2021, Facebook rejected the findings of the “Disinformation Dozen” report and the White House’s concerns, saying “There isn’t any evidence” to support its claims and that the small sample used in CCDH’s analysis was “in no way representative of the hundreds of millions of posts that people have shared about COVID-19 vaccines.”

“There is no justification for [CCDH’s] claim that their data constitute a ‘representative sample’ of the content shared across our apps,” Facebook stated.

“Nonetheless, the report’s simplistic findings proved catnip to the White House and most media outlets,” Thacker wrote.

For instance, a May 13, 2021, NPR report repeated CCDH’s claims that “just 12 people are responsible for the bulk of the misleading claims and outright lies about COVID-19 vaccines that proliferate on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.”

In the same report, NPR quoted Ahmed, who said “The ‘Disinformation Dozen’ produce 65% of the shares of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms.”

“Like other outlets, NPR ignored Facebook’s later statement rejecting the findings of Ahmed’s group, and the reporter never bothered to ask Ahmed who funds his organization and how he acquired his expertise in disinformation,” Thacker wrote.

CCDH Does Not Disclose Funders, Board of Directors

Thacker tried but failed to discover who funds and supports CCDH.

“I emailed CCDH a few questions to try and understand who they are and who funds them” and also asked, “Have you ever done a fact check or report on misinformation by one of the pharmaceutical companies?” However, “CCDH did not respond to requests for comment.”

“Who runs Imran Ahmed and @CCDHate?” Thacker asked on Twitter. “Is it governments? Is it pharma interests? I asked. Imran Ahmed won’t respond.”

According to Thacker, “A few years before rebranding himself as a vaccine and disinformation expert,” Ahmed was a British Labour Party political operative best known for writing the book “New Serfdom,” which argued against free market ideology.

“New Serfdom” was published by the U.K.-based Fabian Society, which brands itself as “a left-leaning think tank dedicated to new public policy and political ideas” affiliated with Labour, and as “The future of the left since 1884.”

Its executive committee includes National Health Service vaccinator Zach Griffiths, while one of its vice presidents is London Mayor Sadiq Khan. The Fabian Society also lists recent “partnerships” with Google, the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry and the National Pharmaceutical Association.

Thacker told The Defender he believes CCDH is “a dark money group,” adding:

“They don’t tell you who is funding them and wouldn’t respond to questions about who funds them. I do not understand how some guy becomes a Labour Party political operative in London and then transforms himself across the Atlantic into an ‘expert’ on vaccine ‘disinformation’ and the D.C. media and political class. It’s just impossible … I’m convinced he’s a front for someone else.”

Thacker said he has “no clue” who funds CCDH. “It could be some government agency, it could be some of these big ‘disinformation’ funding groups, it could be corporate interests, or all of them combined.”

According to Thacker, CCDH “sprang out of nowhere in late 2017 or early 2018,” soon after Ahmed left his previous role within Labour. Ahmed also worked for Merrill Lynch. “How this background as a political operative prepared Ahmed to brand himself as an expert in disinformation is unclear,” Thacker wrote.

Ahmed’s LinkedIn account makes no mention of his work as a political operative in England, although his biography at CCDH states that he is an “authority on social and psychological malignancies on social media, such as identity-based hate, extremism, disinformation, and conspiracy theories,” Thacker wrote.

CCDH’s website does not list its board of directors. However, an archived version of its website from February 2022 lists Kirsty McNeill as a board member. She is also a member of the U.K. Council of the European Council of Foreign Relations, funded by such entities as the Open Society Foundations, the U.N. and the Gates Foundation.

McNeill has been the policy director of the Save the Children Fund since 2016, a period during which the Gates Foundation donated more than $40 million to the organization. The fund has also partnered with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Gavi maintains a core partnership with the World Health Organization and the World Bank.

Another CCDH board member as of February 2022, Simon Clark, was affiliated with the Center for American Progress, which proposed a “comprehensive COVID-19 vaccine plan,” including “a massive vaccination campaign” involving “medical experts, sports stars, celebrities, and community leaders,” aiming to change people’s opinions.

CCDH Leads a ‘Digital Counter-enlightenment’

Described by Mercola as “a progressive cancel-culture leader,” CCDH has “extensive ties to government and global think tanks that have labeled questioning the COVID-19 injection as ‘threats to national security.’”

CCDH, which says it leads a “digital counter-enlightenment,” has partnered with “fact-checking” firm NewsGuard — specifically, its HealthGuard product, described as “a vaccine against medical misinformation,” targeting the healthcare industry and global public health authorities.

CCDH also claims it has “forced social media companies to establish precedent and remove hateful or dangerous speech by holding them directly accountable for their tolerance of hateful content,” adding that its “solutions have proven effective against a number of different types of hate and misinformation,” including “health misinformation.”

Regarding COVID-19 vaccines, CCDH warned that the “anti-vaccine movement could undermine the roll-out of any future vaccine against COVID-19.”

According to an article by Off-Guardian, CCDH claimed the COVID-19 pandemic “will only be overcome by the most ambitious vaccination programme in human history” and those who question this program have fringe and extremist views, which should not be permitted and should indeed be banned. They have also advocated for the imprisonment of “anti-vaxxers.”

More on ‘Disinformation Expert’ Filippo Menczer

Menczer, the Indiana University professor who contacted Twitter with his “disinformation” rankings, has long been involved in the “misinformation” space, according to Thacker.

Menczer came under criticism for such endeavors as early as 2014, when Ajit Pai, then a member and later chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post warning that Menczer’s research and his “Truthy” platform “seems to have come straight out of a George Orwell novel.”

Following Pai’s op-ed, Menczer and Indiana University issued denials, claiming that such research was not being used “to track political misinformation in a way that would somehow limit free speech.” In remarks shared with the Columbia Journalism Review, Menczer accused his critics of misinformation.

Thacker told The Defender that such responses are par for the course for “misinformation” and “disinformation” experts, saying that they consider “any criticism or questioning of what they’re doing as prima facie evidence of disinformation.”

“These people have no identifiable credentials other than simply saying ‘I’m an expert on this and anyone who questions my expertise is evidence of the fact that I’m an expert.’ It’s totally self-confirming,” Thacker added.

“Fast forward several years and what is Menczer doing? Defining types of speech as hateful misinformation, tracking people’s social media, and creating an online database,” despite previous denials that he was doing this, Thacker wrote.

In January, Menczer published an essay on how “Science could help policymakers understand which regulations work and what their unintended consequences can be, whether they are internal platform policies or rules imposed by legislation.”

Thacker also noted that Menczer is the recipient of a $1.2 million U.S. Department of Defense grant to study misinformation, issued in 2017, while an online bio states that Menczer’s research has also been supported by the National Science Foundation.

Thacker told The Defender

“There’s so much money sloshing around and no one pays any attention to the disinformation put out by these ‘disinformation’ groups. They just swallow this stuff.”

“‘Disinformation’ is some sort of magic word signifying that everything coming after that is ‘true,’” Thacker said. “It’s something that didn’t even exist in any real substantive manner 6-7 years ago, but now, it’s like these people are gold-plated experts.”


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., based in Athens, Greece, is a senior reporter for The Defender and part of the rotation of hosts for CHD.TV’s “Good Morning CHD.”

Featured image is from CHD

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A United Nations panel has warned that brain chip technology being pioneered by Elon Musk could be abused for ‘neurosurveillance’ violating ‘mental privacy,’ or ‘even to implement forms of forced re-education,’ threatening human rights worldwide. 

The UN’s agency for science and culture (UNESCO) said neurotechnology like Musk’s Neuralink, if left unregulated, will lead to ‘new possibilities of monitoring and manipulating the human mind through neuroimaging’ and ‘personality-altering’ tech.

UNESCO is now strategizing on a worldwide ‘ethical framework’ to protect humanity from the potential abuses of the technology  — which they fear will be accelerated by advances in AI.

‘We are on a path to a world in which algorithms will enable us to decode people’s mental processes,’ said UNESCO’s assistant director-general for social and human sciences, Gabriela Ramos. 

The implications are ‘far-reaching and potentially harmful,’ Ramos said, given breakthroughs in neurotechnology that could ‘directly manipulate the brain mechanisms’ in humans, ‘underlying their intentions, emotions and decisions.’ 

The committee’s warnings come less than two months after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave Elon Musk’s brain-chip implant company Neuralink federal approval to conduct trials on humans.

Click here to read the full article on Daily Mail Online.


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Brushing, Flossing Could Help Protect Against Dementia

July 20th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Dental health is associated with hippocampal atrophy — shrinkage of the hippocampus brain region that serves as a marker for Alzheimer’s disease

People with mild gum disease and fewer teeth had a faster rate of shrinkage in the left hippocampus; having one less tooth increased brain shrinkage at a rate equivalent to nearly one year of brain aging

For those with severe gum disease, having more teeth was linked to a faster rate of brain shrinkage, with one more tooth akin to 1.3 years of brain aging

Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis), a pathogen involved in chronic periodontitis, has been identified in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease

Even in young, otherwise healthy, adults, episodic memory and learning rate is improved among those without good oral health compared to those with aggressive periodontal disease


Dementia has been added to the long list of health problems potentially associated with poor oral health. The finding, published in Neurology,1 suggests dental health is associated with hippocampal atrophy — shrinkage of the hippocampus brain region that serves as a marker for Alzheimer’s disease.2

In short, “Retaining more healthy teeth without periodontal disease may help to protect brain health,” study author Satoshi Yamaguchi, an associate professor at Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry in Sendai, Japan, explains.3

Since periodontal disease is also linked with systemic inflammation and bacteria in the bloodstream, leading to chronic disease, keeping your teeth, mouth and gums healthy is a key way to boost your overall health, as well.

Brain Shrinkage Linked to an Unhealthy Mouth

Without proper oral hygiene, gingivitis can develop. This is an inflammatory disease caused by an accumulation of plaque, or bacteria, on your teeth that often leads to bleeding gums. If left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis, which is a more serious infection that can lead to teeth loss.

Periodontitis, or gum disease, has been suggested as a potential risk factor for Alzheimer’s since at least 2015, when researchers with the University of Bristol noted “periodontal pathogens are possible contributors to neural inflammation and SLOAD [sporadic late onset Alzheimer’s disease].”4

The Neurology study involved 172 people aged 55 years and over who had no cognitive decline at the start of the study. The participants had dental exams and took memory tests, while brain scans were used to measure hippocampus volume at the start of the study and four years later.

Both gum disease and number of teeth were linked to brain changes. Those with mild gum disease and fewer teeth had a faster rate of shrinkage in the left hippocampus. Among this group, having one less tooth increased brain shrinkage at a rate equivalent to nearly one year of brain aging.5

For those with severe gum disease, having more teeth was linked to a faster rate of brain shrinkage, with one more tooth akin to 1.3 years of brain aging.6 Yamaguchi said in a news release:

“Tooth loss and gum disease, which is inflammation of the tissue around the teeth that can cause shrinkage of the gums and loosening of the teeth, are very common, so evaluating a potential link with dementia is incredibly important. Our study found that these conditions may play a role in the health of the brain area that controls thinking and memory, giving people another reason to take better care of their teeth.”

Gum Disease Bacteria Travel to Your Brain

In 2019, researchers with the University of Louisville identified Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis), a pathogen involved in chronic periodontitis, in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.7 Gingipains — toxic proteases from P. gingivalis — were also found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Levels of gingipains were associated with two markers of the disease, tau protein and another protein called ubiquitin.8

Further, in mice, oral infection with P. gingivalis resulted in brain colonization of the pathogen, along with increased production of Aβ1–42, which is found in amyloid plaques.9 In vivo and invitro studies also showed gingipains were neurotoxic and damaging to tau, which is needed for normal neuronal function.

Gingipain antigens were detected in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease as well as in those with Alzheimer’s pathology who had not yet been diagnosed. This “argues that brain infection with P. gingivalis is not a result of poor dental care following the onset of dementia or a consequence of late-stage disease, but is an early event that can explain the pathology found in middle-aged individuals before cognitive decline,” the researchers explained.10

It’s suggested the bacteria may access the brain from an infected oral cavity via infection of endothelial cells protecting the blood-brain barrier, spreading through cranial nerves or infection of monocytes — white blood cells — that travel to the brain.

“After entering the brain, we suggest that P. gingivalis may spread slowly over many years from neuron to neuron along anatomically connected pathways, similar to what has been demonstrated for vascular cell-to-cell transmission of P. gingivalis,” the team added.11

Periodontal Disease Linked to Alzheimer’s

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease often have poor oral health, which has commonly been attributed to declining self-care or neglect for oral health by caregivers. Past research has also revealed that periodontal disease may be a contributory factor in the disease’s development.12

For instance, a systematic review and meta-analysis that included 13 studies showed the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment in patients with periodontal disease was significantly higher than in those without periodontal disease.13 This was especially true in people with severe periodontal disease.

A separate study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, found that among people aged 65 and older, Alzheimer’s disease incidence and mortality were consistently associated with probing pocket depth, a measure of periodontal health, as well as Prevotella melaninogenica (P. melaninogenica) and Campylobacter rectus (C. rectus), bacterial markers of periodontitis.14

New Bacteria Linked to Cavities

Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) bacteria are usually blamed for causing cavities, but another species may also be involved, highlighting how much remains to be learned about the microbes in our mouths and how they influence disease processes. The bacteria, Selenomonas sputigena (S. sputigena), have previously been linked to gum disease.

Research published in Nature Communications15 revealed they also partner with S. mutans, enhancing their ability to cause cavities.16 Using plaque samples from 300 children aged 3 to 5 years, the researchers found that S. sputigena don’t cause cavities on their own.

However, they may become trapped by sticky deposits on the teeth called glucans, which are built by S. mutans. According to a University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine news release:17

“Once trapped, S. sputigena proliferates rapidly, using its own cells to make honeycomb-shaped “superstructures” that encapsulate and protect S. mutans. The result of this unexpected partnership, as the researchers showed using animal models, is a greatly increased and concentrated production of acid, which significantly worsens caries severity.”

It’s possible that using specific enzymes or tooth-brushing methods could better target S. sputigena superstructures to reduce cavity incidence. “This phenomenon in which a bacterium from one type of environment moves into a new environment and interacts with the bacteria living there, building these remarkable superstructures, should be of broad interest to microbiologists,” study author Hyun Koo noted.18

‘Gum Disease Is Often Silent’

Among adults aged 30 or over, 46% have signs of gum disease, while 9% of adults have severe gum disease.19 However, many aren’t aware they have it, as gum disease is often a “silent” condition, not showing signs and symptoms until more advanced stages.20

In the initial stage of gingivitis, you may notice that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, floss or eat hard food. Your gums may also be red or swollen. As the disease progresses, your gums may pull away from your teeth, making your teeth appear longer. Your teeth may also become loose, and there may sores in your mouth, bad breath and pus between your gums and teeth.21

In addition to cognitive decline, periodontitis has been linked to a number of systemic diseases, including:22

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory disease
  • Adverse pregnancy outcomes
  • Cancer
  • Nervous system diseases

Protecting Oral Health Early on Is Best

Since deposits of amyloid beta in the brain may start one to two decades before cognitive decline and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, and periodontal disease may also be persistent for about 10 years to initiate Alzheimer’s, positive oral health early on may help prevent the disease.23

This is important not just for older adults, but also middle-aged and younger adults, who may be able to protect their brain health by maintaining good oral health. Even in young, otherwise healthy, adults, episodic memory and learning rate is improved among those without good oral health compared to those with aggressive periodontal disease24 — suggesting damage to brain health may start early on.

Proper oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing and tongue scraping, and getting regular cleanings with a mercury-free biological dentist, will go a long way toward keeping your teeth and gums healthy. A lifestyle that includes a diet based on fresh, whole foods is also essential to a naturally clean mouth and good oral health.

Oil Pulling Works Wonders for Healthy Teeth and Gums

For extra care, try oil pulling using coconut oil. I’ve previously detailed how simple it is to incorporate oil pulling into your dental hygiene routine. Coconut oil is antibacterial and antiviral, and oil pulling has been found to reduce gingivitis and plaque, significantly lowering plaque index scores compared to a control group, while also reducing bacterial colony counts in saliva.25

Notably, researchers also found that coconut oil pulling worked as well as chemical (chlorhexidine) mouthwash for plaque score, gingival index score and bleeding-on-probing.26 The oil may also be effective against gingivitis. In a pilot study of 20 people with plaque-induced gingivitis, coconut oil was used as a mouthwash daily for 30 days.

A control group carried out normal daily oral health procedures but without coconut oil. Both plaque and bleeding decreased in the groups, but the coconut oil group had a more significant decline, showing promise for reducing plaque formation and gingivitis.27

To try it, take a small amount of the oil and swish it around your mouth, “pulling” it between your teeth and ensuring it moves around your entire mouth. After about 20 minutes, spit the oil out into the garbage. You can use oil pulling daily along with regular brushing and flossing.

More Ways to Protect Your Brain Health

Shortly after the draft of this article was written I serendipitously discovered Dr. Ellie Phillips, a dentist trained in the U.K., from a recommended YouTube video on how to regrow receding gums. I purchased her book “Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye” which outlines her complete program to eliminate tooth decay but removing the bacteria from your mouth. Her program is very inexpensive and highly counterintuitive, and, among other strategies, uses 10 grams of xylitol per day to alkalinize the saliva and kill dental bacteria..

I have been doing her program for the past week and notice a radical decrease in dental plaque which I have been plagued with my entire life. I hope to interview her later this year and give you an update at that time but thought it was important to give you a sneak preview now.

Beyond oral health, nourishing brain health is best done with a comprehensively healthy lifestyle, including healthy diet, which will also work to reduce your risk of gum disease. Your risk of cavities increases the more sugar you eat, for instance. One study found that, in order to minimize your risk of cavities, processed sugars should make up no more than 3% of your total energy intake (with 5% noted as a “pragmatic” or more realistic goal).28

Mineral deficiencies, like magnesium, can weaken bones and teeth,29 while B vitamins are also important. Research published in PLOS One compared brain atrophy in participants taking folic acid (0.8 milligrams (mg) per day), vitamin B12 (0.5 mg per day) and vitamin B6 (20 mg per day) for 24 months with that in patients taking a placebo.30

Those taking B vitamins had a lower rate of brain atrophy per year — 0.76% — than those not taking them, who had an atrophy rate of 1.08%. According to the researchers, “The accelerated rate of brain atrophy in elderly with mild cognitive impairment can be slowed by treatment with homocysteine-lowering B vitamins.”31

Vitamin B3 is found in grass fed beef, mushrooms and avocados,32 while vitamin B6 is plentiful in grass fed beef, potatoes, bananas and avocados.33 You can find folate, or vitamin B9, spinach, broccoli, avocado and asparagus.34

Vitamin B12-rich foods include grass fed beef liver, wild rainbow trout and wild sockeye salmon. Other important strategies to boost your brain health include exercise, ketogenic diet, time-restricted eating, optimizing vitamin D and other hormones, increasing sleep, meditation and detoxification and eliminating processed food.


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1 Neurology July 5, 2023

2 Neurology January 24, 2006; 66 (2)

3 July 6, 2023

4 Br Dent J. 2015 Jan;218(1):29-34. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.1137

5, 6 Science Daily July 5, 2023

7, 11 Science Advances January 23, 2019

8 Science Alert November 22, 2022

9 Alzheimer’s Research UK January 23, 2019

10 Science Advances January 23, 2019, Discussion

12, 24 Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021; 11: 766944, Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Dysfunction

13 Psychogeriatrics. 2021 Sep;21(5):813-825. doi: 10.1111/psyg.12743. Epub 2021 Jul 11

14 J Alzheimers Dis. 2020;75(1):157-172. doi: 10.3233/JAD-200064

15 Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 2919 (2023)

16, 17, 18 Penn Today June 9, 2023

19 U.S. CDC, Gum Disease

20, 21 American Academy of Periodontology, Gum Disease Information

22 Front. Aging Neurosci., 23 June 2022

23 Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2020 Nov;18(11):1063-1066. doi: 10.1080/14787210.2020.1792292. Epub 2020 Jul 14

25, 26 Heliyon August 2020, Volume 6, Issue 8, e04789, Into

27 Eur J Dent. 2020 Oct; 14(4): 558–565

28 BMC Public Health September 16, 2014

29 Weston Price Foundation September 23, 2010

30, 31 PLOS One September 8, 2010

32 My Food Data, Vitamin B3 September 26, 2022

33 My Food Data, Vitamin B6 September 26, 2022

34 My Food Data, Vitamin B9 September 26, 2022

Featured image is from Mercola

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For as much as the ruling African National Congress might sincerely want to host President Putin and accelerate financial multipolarity processes through close cooperation with Russia via BRICS, the “politically inconvenient” fact is that it ultimately chose to submit to Western pressure and not do so. Building upon this observation and the precedent established by the simple thought of sanctions enforcing compliance with foreign demands, BRICS clearly isn’t what many of its supporters assumed.

The office of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa just announced that “By mutual agreement, President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation will not attend the Summit but the Russian Federation will be represented by Foreign Minister, Mr Sergey Lavrov.” Last week, “South Africa’s Deputy President Spilled The Beans About His Country’s BRICS-ICC Dilemma”, which in hindsight was meant to precondition the public into sympathizing with its plight after coming under immense Western pressure.

As a signatory to the Rome Statute, Pretoria is obligated to comply with the ICC’s arrest warrant against President Putin. Even though it didn’t detain and extradite former Sudanese President Bashir several years back, his international stature was never comparable to the Russian leader’s, which is why the West declined to punish it at the time. Now, however, they have ever reason to remind South Africa of its disproportionate dependence on them in order to avoid being humiliated during next month’s summit.  

Bloomberg reported on an economist’s estimate in early June that “South Africa stands to lose as much as $32.4 billion in export revenue, almost a 10th of its gross domestic product, should some of its main trading partners retaliate against its unwillingness to take a stance against Russia’s war in Ukraine.” Although no Western country conveyed an intent to impose sanctions against South Africa if it doesn’t arrest President Putin, at least to the best of the public’s knowledge, the threat still remains in theory.

Accordingly, that BRICS country’s leadership decided to play it safe by not hosting the Russian leader instead of risking that worst-case scenario, even though there was always the chance that the West wouldn’t go through with that out of fear that China could eventually fill the void in their wake. What this goes to show is that multipolar rhetoric like that which is regularly espoused from some South African officials like Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor can sometimes disguise a lack of actual sovereignty.

For as much as the ruling African National Congress might sincerely want to host President Putin and accelerate financial multipolarity processes through close cooperation with Russia via BRICS, the “politically inconvenient” fact is that it ultimately chose to submit to Western pressure and not do so. Building upon this observation and the precedent established by the simple thought of sanctions enforcing compliance with foreign demands, BRICS clearly isn’t what many of its supporters assumed.

After all, a lot of the group’s supporters expected that its members would withstand whatever pressure the West puts on them due to what they were told by top influencers in the Alt-Media Community, who described BRICS as a collection of truly sovereign countries that’ll surely change the world. It was therefore wrongly assumed that each of them was so serious about this messianic goal that nothing could possibly prevent them from achieving it, not even the Damocles’ sword of maximum sanctions.

This false perception was the result of those aforesaid influencers indulging in wishful thinking after the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine broke out in early 2022. They appear to have subconsciously considered their misportrayal of BRICS as a means of counteracting Western “doom-and-gloom” propaganda claiming that the return of unipolarity was a fait accompli. Regardless of their intent, the outcome is that many among their audience were imbued with unrealistic expectations about the bloc.

No objective observer would ever have thought that Brazil and South Africa have the same level of actual sovereignty as BRICS’ Russia-India-China (RIC) core. The West had hitherto been reluctant to pressure those two since nothing that their group had done up to that point came close to crossing their red lines. It wasn’t until there was a real possibility of South Africa hosting President Putin in spite of his ICC arrest warrant, however, that this de facto New Cold War bloc decided to show Pretoria who’s boss.  

The likelihood of them imposing an unforgettable punishment on that country is extremely high in the event that South Africa defies the West on this issue since the latter would be globally humiliated if that happened. One of its most sensitive red lines would have been crossed, which Pretoria realized and thus explains why it preferred to sacrifice its reputation across the Global South and inflict harm on BRICS’ unity than risk the worst-case scenario of maximum sanctions crippling its already struggling economy.

ICC member South Africa consistently abstained from all antiRussian UNGA Resolutions, yet it still capitulated to the West’s implied demands not to host President Putin at the simple thought of sanctions, which suggests that Brazil will certainly do the same when it holds the 2025 BRICS Summit. After all, unlike South Africa, Brazil voted to condemn Russia three times at the UNGA and newly re-elected President Lula da Silva even condemned his BRICS partner in a joint statement with Biden.

With South Africa having proven its political unreliability to BRICS in the face of Western pressure, and there being no doubt that Brazil will also capitulate in two years’ time when it’s placed in the exact same position, the organization is revealed to mostly only be relevant right now with respect to RIC. Unlike Brazil, neither China nor India have ever voted in support of an anti-Russian UNGA Resolution, nor are they ICC members like that country and South Africa are.

Furthermore, each has already proven their resilience to Western pressure by refusing to distance themselves from Russia, which is all the more important in India’s case considering that its ties with the US are much better than China’s. The comprehensive improvement of those two’s strategic relations with Russia also continues unimpeded in spite of their trade with the West being much greater. All of this proves that their level of actual sovereignty is far greater than Brazil’s and South Africa’s.

Even though BRICS can therefore be reconceptualized as a financially focused form of RIC+, this insight doesn’t mean that those other two countries and whoever else these three partner with through this format in the future have no role to play in accelerating financial multipolarity processes. As was earlier explained, the West isn’t likely to threaten punishment against BRICS countries for everything that they do, but only whenever something crosses their red lines or could come close to doing so.  

For that reason, while the West might try to dissuade countries from participating in the BRICS+ framework, it probably won’t sanction anyone just for that or for gradually diversifying their trade away from the dollar. Only major moves of substantive and/or symbolic significance like ICC members flouting their obligation to arrest President Putin have any credible chance of being met with serious consequences, but even then, it can’t be known whether this will happen or might just be a bluff.

In any case, the point is that BRICS isn’t a collection of truly sovereign countries that have the shared messianic goal of changing the world like many of this group’s supporters wrongly assumed before Wednesday’s news, but just a platform for moderately accelerating financial multipolarity processes. As long as the group slowly pursues its goals without challenging or humiliating the West, then no punishment is likely, otherwise the weakest links will be shown who’s boss like South Africa just was.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris on the afternoon of July 14, 1789. The Bastille was a medieval armory, fortress, and political prison. It was the symbol of Royal Authority under the reign of King Louis XVI.

The French monarchy was obliged to accept the authority of the newly proclaimed National Assembly as well as endorse the fundamental rights contained in the “Declaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen” (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen), formulated in early August 1789.[1]

More than 230 years later, these fundamental rights (Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité) are now being contravened by corrupt governments around the world on behalf of a totalitarian and illusive financial establishment.

Storming of the Bastille (By Bibliothèque nationale de France, licensed under the Public Domain)

Bastille 2022

Bastille 2022 pertains not only to the restoration of these fundamental rights. It seeks to reverse and disable the criminal COVID-19 agenda which in the course of more than two and a half years has triggered economic, social and political chaos worldwide in 193 member states of the United Nations, coupled with bankruptcies, unemployment, mass poverty and despair. Famines have been reported in more than 25 countries.

Starting in November 2020, an experimental mRNA vaccine launched by our governments (allegedly with a view to combating the spread of the virus) has resulted in an ascending worldwide trend of vaccine-related deaths and injuries. It’s a killer vaccine. It’s a crime against humanity. Bastille 2022 is not a “protest” movement, narrowly defined.

We do not seek to negotiate with corrupt government officials. We question their legitimacy. They are liars.

Our intent is to confront the powerful actors behind this criminal endeavor which is literally destroying people’s lives worldwide, while creating divisions within society. The impacts on mental health on population groups worldwide are devastating.

The numerous lockdowns documented in previous chapters (stay at home of the workforce), fear campaigns, COVID-19 policy mandates imposed on approximately 193 member states of the United Nations have also contributed to undermining and destabilizing:

  • the very fabric of civil society and its institutions including education, culture and the arts, social gatherings, sports, entertainment, etc.
  • all public sector activities including physical and social infrastructure, social services, law enforcement, etc.
  • all major private sector activities which characterize national, regional and local economies including small, medium and large corporate enterprises, family farms, industry, wholesale and retail trade, the urban services economy, transport companies, airlines, hotel chains, etc.
  • the structures of the global economy including international commodity trade, investment, import and export relations between countries, etc. The entire landscape of the global economy has been shattered.

In turn, a process of enrichment by the elite billionaires together with widening social inequalities is unfolding (see Chapter V).

The massive debts incurred by the nation-states resulting from corruption as well fiscal collapse have skyrocketed. Increasingly national governments are in a straitjacket, under the brunt of powerful creditor institutions. Mounting debts at all levels of society are the driving force (see Chapter IV).

The Creation of a Mass Movement

What is at stake is the creation of a mass movement (nationally and worldwide) which questions the legitimacy and authority of the architects of this insidious project which broadly speaking emanates from Big Money, Big Pharma, the Information Technology Conglomerates, the Security Apparatus, Intelligence, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Energy, and the Corporate Media.

Ironically, the architects of the COVID-19 “pandemic” are now actively involved in formulating the “solution”. The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset consists in installing a worldwide totalitarian regime. What is contemplated is a system of “Global Governance” predicated on depopulation (see Chapters XII and XIII).

Approximately 193 UN member states are slated to be weakened and undermined. They are under the grip of the most serious debt crisis in world history. Under the Great Reset, the institutions of  parliamentary democracy and the welfare state are to be replaced by an unelected “publicprivate partnership” dominated by the upper echelons of the financial establishment.

Restoring Real Democracy

We will seek all avenues through peaceful means to disable and undermine this totalitarian project including dialogue with and within public and private institutions (students, teachers, law enforcement officials, members of the military and the judiciary, etc.)

What is required is to break down the structures of corruption, hierarchy and abusive authority, namely to pursue what might be described as: 

“the democratization of decision-making within our institutions”.

The Art of Deception

We must nonetheless understand the limitations of conducting effective judicial procedures against national governments. The judges are often pressured, threatened and corrupt, aligned with both dominant financial interests and politicians.

Moreover, inasmuch as this insidious project is enforced by national governments worldwide, the International Criminal Court (ICC) which is officially “independent” in regards to the UN Security Council, has a longstanding record of side-stepping US-NATO war crimes. The ICC is controlled by the same financial elites which control the governments.

We must also understand the complexities of this carefully designed and coordinated totalitarian project, namely the role of various fraudulent financial institutions, corporate advisory and lobby groups, consultants, “scientific advisors”, etc. acting as intermediaries on behalf of Big Pharma and the financial elites.

There is a hierarchy in the structures of authority. This complex and intricate decision-making process is used to co-opt, bribe and manipulate government officials. Almost identical policy mandates (emanating from higher authority) are implemented simultaneously in numerous countries, requiring active coordination. The same powerful lobby firms are acting at one and the same time in different countries (e.g. in North America and the European Union).

Large scale street protests will not prevail unless they are focused on effectively disabling this corrupt decision-making process.

Protesters gathered near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin in August 2020 to protest against COVID measures. Copyright: Reuters

Truckers Freedom Convoy in Canada in February 2022, a movement against COVID mandates. Copyright David Skripac, with permission to use

What Are Our Priorities? Counter-Propaganda

More than 7 billion people worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis. Several billion people have already been vaccinated by an “unapproved” experimental mRNA “vaccine”, which has resulted in a worldwide wave of mortality and morbidity.

While this tendency is confirmed by official figures pertaining to vaccine-related deaths and adverse events, the mainstream media and the governments are in a state of denial.

The devastating health impacts of the COVID-19 vaccine are rarely acknowledged. It’s the same catchphrase (which is an outright lie) repeated ad nauseam: “the virus is far more dangerous than the vaccine”:

“We actually have more safety data on the vaccine than the virus, and already see that the virus is far more dangerous than the vaccine. (Intercare)[2]

Dr. Alan Schroeder thinks it’s very natural for parents to worry, but said for teens, the virus is more dangerous than the vaccine. (NBC)[3]

Doctors are on the lookout for it in children, but the bottom line remains that the virus is far more dangerous than the vaccine.

“The mutations in the omicron variant make it [the virus] more prolific, dangerous, and elusive“.


This propaganda consensus must be broken. With regard to the vaccine, informing people across the land regarding the data on deaths and adverse events is the first step.

The COVID crisis initiated in January 2020 is unprecedented in world history. Propaganda under Nuremberg is a crime (see Chapter XI).

Dismantling the propaganda apparatus is crucial. Counter-propaganda plays a key role in revealing the lies used to justify the policy mandates. Without persistent media disinformation, the official COVID narrative falls flat.

First and foremost, we must forcefully challenge the mainstream media, without specifically targeting mainstream journalists who have been instructed to abide by the official narrative. We should in this regard favor dialogue with individual (independent) journalists.

We must ensure that people worldwide achieve an understanding of the history and devastating impacts of the COVID crisis supported by scientific concepts, analysis, testimonies and data. This endeavor will require a parallel process at the grassroots level, of sensitizing fellow citizens and establishing dialogue on the nature of the alleged pandemic, the mRNA vaccine, the RT-PCR test, as well as the devastating economic and social impacts of the lockdowns.

While we must put an end to the fear campaign, we must nonetheless inform our fellow citizens regarding the dangers of the mRNA vaccine as well as the engineered chaos of this totalitarian agenda of “Global Governance” on the very structures of civil society.

The “fear campaign” is to be replaced by “information, concepts, analysis and data” as well as “strategies” to confront Big Pharma, corrupt officials in high office as well as their Big Money sponsors.

We must also ensure the conduct of dialogue and debate at the grassroots of society.

Putting an End to the “Killer Vaccine”

Our first task is to immediately halt and cancel the so-called COVID-19 “vaccine” which has triggered a wave of mortality and morbidity worldwide.

According to Dr. Thomas Binder:

“The gene injections are unsafe. They can cause anaphylactic reactions, thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and myocarditis in the short term.[4]

There is possible immunosuppression and antibody-dependent enhancement, ADE, in the medium-term.

And in the long term there are possible autoimmune diseases, cancer and infertility, risks that have not been ruled out yet.”

According to Doctors for COVID Ethics, in the EU, UK and US, the data respectively tabulated by EudraVigilance, MHRA (UK) and VAERS (US):

“have now recorded many more deaths and injuries from the COVID-19 “vaccine” roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.” 

With regard to the mRNA “vaccine”, the catastrophic number of injection related deaths has NOT been reported by the mainstream media, despite the official figures being publicly available.

“The signal of harm is now indisputably overwhelming, and, in line with universally accepted ethical standards for clinical trials, we demand that the COVID-19 “vaccination” programme be halted immediately worldwide.

Continuation of the programme, in the full knowledge of ongoing serious harm and death to both adults and children, constitutes Crimes Against Humanity/Genocide, for which those found to be responsible or complicit will ultimately be held personally liable.”[5]

As outlined in Chapter VIII, Pfizer has a criminal record (2009) with the US Department of Justice on charges of “fraudulent marketing”.[6]

As part of the 2009 DoJ settlement, Pfizer was put on parole:

“Pfizer also has agreed to enter into an expansive corporate integrity agreement … [which] provides for procedures and reviews to be put in place to avoid and promptly detect conduct similar to that which gave rise to this matter.”[7]

But we are no longer dealing with “fraudulent marketing”:

“Killing is good for business”: The vaccine is a multi-billion dollar operation worldwide. It’s manslaughter.

Once the “vaccine” has been halted, the criminality of Big Pharma will be fully revealed and understood. In turn, the legitimacy of the official COVID narrative based on lies and fake science will inevitably be impaired. This is the first step towards breaking the “official” COVID narrative.

The truth is an important peaceful weapon. Without propaganda and media disinformation, the architects of this project do not have a leg to stand on.

Let us break the “official” COVID-19 consensus and the propaganda apparatus which provides “legitimacy” to a criminal agenda.

Once it collapses, it will open up the road towards reversing the broader process of economic, social and political chaos generated in the course of the last two and a half years.

The Geopolitical Dimension

What is unfolding is a new and destructive phase of US imperialism. It’s a totalitarian project of economic and social engineering.

The Biden administration has endorsed the COVID agenda, which has been used to destabilize and weaken national economies (ironically, including the United States as well as its allies and its “enemies”).

We cannot divorce our understanding of the COVID crisis from that of US foreign policy and America’s hegemonic agenda, e.g. the war in Ukraine, US-Russia relations, the enlargement and extension of NATO, the militarization of the South China Sea directed against China, Iran and the geopolitics of the Middle East, the ongoing sanctions regimes against Venezuela and Cuba, etc.

Integrating All Sectors of Society

It should be noted that organized opposition in many Western countries is weak. Why? Because “progressive forces” including left intellectuals, NGO leaders, trade union and labor leaders both in Western Europe and North America have from the outset endorsed the official COVID narrative. Many of these progressive movements are supported by corporate foundations.

The same billionaire foundations which are the unspoken architects of the “Great Reset” and “Global Governance” are also involved in (generously) financing various social movements. “They control the opposition”.

What this means is that grassroots activists are often misled and betrayed by their leaders who are routinely co-opted by their billionaire sponsors.

It is essential that these grassroots activists be integrated into the mainstay of the movement against the COVID-19 consensus.

The Road Ahead 

What is required is the development of a broad-based grassroots network which confronts both the architects of this crisis as well as all levels of government (i.e. national, states, provinces, municipalities, etc.) involved in imposing the vaccine as well carrying out the lockdown and closure of economic activity.

This network would be established (nationally and internationally) at all levels of society, in towns and villages, workplaces, parishes, trade unions, farmers organizations, professional associations, business associations, student unions, and veterans associations. Church groups would be called upon to integrate this movement.

“Spreading the word” through social media and independent online media outlets will be undertaken bearing in mind that Google as well as Facebook are instruments of censorship.

Legal procedures and protests are unfolding in all major regions of the world. As part of a worldwide network of initiatives, it is important to establish mechanisms of communication, dialogue and exchange within and between countries.

The creation of such a movement, which forcefully challenges the legitimacy of the financial elites, Big Pharma, et al., as well as the structures of political authority at the national level, is no easy task. It will require a degree of solidarity, unity and commitment unparalleled in world history.

What is required is the breaking down of political and ideological barriers within society (i.e. between political parties) while acting with a single voice towards building a worldwide consensus against tyranny.

Worldwide solidarity and human dignity is the driving force.


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1. Encyclopaedia Britannica, July 20, 1998. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

2. Intercare, n.d. Part 10: COVID-19 vaccines and long-term side effects.

3. Anoushah Rasta, May 5, 2021. FDA Expected to Approve Vaccinations for Kids, But Are Parents Ready to Move Forward?

4. Doctors for COVID Ethics, August 3, 2021. COVID Vaccine Necessity, Efficacy and Safety.

5. Doctors for COVID Ethics, October 22, 2021. J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” Are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve.

6. US Department of Justice, September 2, 2009. Pfizer Inc. “Fraudulent Marketing”: “Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History” (2009). US Department of Justice.

7. Ibid.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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United Nations affiliated humanitarian and development agencies are reporting that many countries across the African continent are experiencing food insecurity.

This phenomenon is related to at least three major factors: the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation led by the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU); an inflationary spiral triggered by the impact of the pandemic; along with the worsening aspects of climate change.

The Russian special military operation in Ukraine has prompted the western countries to attempt a complete economic blockade of Moscow. Having failed to cripple the Russian economy during the first few months after the intervention on February 24, 2022, the administration of President Joe Biden has been unable to articulate a clear path to victory in Ukraine.

Parallel efforts by the U.S. State Department center around exerting political and economic pressure on AU member-states. The continental organization subscribes to a Non-aligned foreign policy which has been developing since the Bandung Conference of 1955 through the founding of a formal organization in Belgrade, Yugoslavia during 1961.

Since the majority of African governments have not responded enthusiastically to the calls by Biden to condemn Russia and join in the sanctions-regime, the White House and Congress have threatened to tighten their grip over the national economies in Africa. The Republic of South Africa has been accused by the U.S. ambassador in Pretoria of shipping arms to Russia.

Meanwhile, the Black Sea grain deal which was suggested by the AU delegation that met Putin in Sochi during July 2022 and finalized with the assistance of Turkiye President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, provided the potential for the reopening of trade in agricultural commodities produced in Ukraine and Russia. Ukrainian and Russian exports of grain and other crops to several African countries contribute immensely to food supplies.

In addition to grain, maize and other staple foods, Russia is a major exporter of fertilizer and the agricultural inputs needed in large-scale farming. Consequently, the AU member-states have a vested interest in ending the war in Ukraine and the resumption of international trade with the Black Sea region.

An article in the journal African Business says of the present situation and its impact on the continent:

“The collapse of the deal is ‘really bad news for countries highly dependent on food imports,’ says Jacques Nel, head of Africa Macro at consulting firm Oxford Economics Africa. East Africa is only just beginning to recover from a long period of drought, while Nel warns that North Africa – a region highly dependent on food imports – is also vulnerable. Egypt has been the sixth-largest importer of Ukrainian grain over the past year. Nigeria is another one of the world’s largest wheat importers and receives a quarter of its imports from Ukraine and Russia, says Debo Akande, a senior specialist at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Akande warns that wheat prices are set to ‘increase astronomically’, which will have knock-on effects for the prices of other staple crops.” 

Food Emergency Declared

The Federal Republic of Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa containing its largest national economy, has issued a declaration of emergency related to food supplies. The newly inaugurated President Bola Tinubu made the announcement just weeks after he assumed office in the oil-rich West African state.

After the cancellation of fuel subsidies which have kept petroleum consumer costs low in Nigeria, prices have soared in various sectors of the economy. The declaration of an emergency does not automatically address the fundamental problems in the country.

Although most reports in the western press dwell on the security challenging in Nigeria, which are many, particularly involving Boko Haram and other insurgencies operating in the northern regions of the vast country, almost no attention is paid in the mainstream media sources to the strain placed on the government resulting from the war in Ukraine and the subsequent draconian sanctions led by Washington.

The Tinubu government has adopted a policy of making more land available for agricultural production by channeling funds saved by abolishing fuel subsidies to providing incentive for farmers. Yet this pivot to greater agricultural production domestically will not occur overnight leaving open the potential for serious food insecurity in the urban and rural areas.

According to the website that monitors wheat production and distribution internationally:

“Nigeria, which traditionally has procured a large portion of its wheat from the Black Sea region, is enduring severe repercussions from the Russia-Ukraine war, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. ‘Nigeria is spending more on wheat imports amid high global wheat prices brought on by the Russia-Ukraine war,’ the FAS said. ‘The situation has negatively impacted Nigeria’s wheat supply value chain. More importantly, official records showed a drastic reduction in durum wheat imports from Russia in 2022. Russia was one of the country’s primary sources of cheap wheat.’” 

A Global Crisis in Looming

The sharp rise in food prices is not just occurring in Nigeria. Many states across the continent and other geopolitical regions are facing similar problems. Even inside the most advanced capitalist states such as the U.S. and the U.K, price increases have created food insecurity as well.

Food pantries and soup kitchens are overwhelmed by the rapid increase in demand for assistance in cities and rural areas throughout the U.S. With the expiration of the expansion of Supplemental Nutrition Agricultural Program (SNAP) benefits, a lifeline has been taken away from millions of working class, oppressed and impoverished families.

This same website,, published a report during April 2022, less than two months after the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, which predicted that:

“As the war continues in Ukraine, the impact on global agriculture will have prolonged effects, including food inflation, limited fertilizer supplies, a European recession and fundamental changes in supply chains. ‘There’s a lot that we are not talking about in terms of the overall issues that can come from the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, particularly if it extends over a year, two or three,’ said Richard Kottmeyer with FTI Consulting, Inc., during a webinar April 14 hosted by the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA). The conflict adds another layer to existing pressure on the agriculture industry from the COVID-19 pandemic and the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy, which aims to reduce the environmental and climate impact of production. Food inflation is likely to hit levels not seen in 20 plus years, Kottmeyer said. ‘If the war ended today, we would have food inflation widely for three years,’ he said. ‘That’s significant. As the war continues, food inflation and the number of years continues to get worse.’… With the food inflation that currently exists and the likelihood it will get worse, there is severe pressure on fundamental stability in northern and west Africa, he said. ‘The Ukrainian conflict is likely to lead to other conflicts within the next 24 months,’ Kottmeyer said. ‘That could put severe pressure on any number of specialty commodities, and agriculture trade in general.’” 

The Biden administration is seeking to extend its tenure in office for another four years in the aftermath of the 2024 elections. Nonetheless, there are serious concerns on the part of the majority of the electorate in the U.S. over the handling of the war in Ukraine.

Polls indicate that the primary issue on the minds of voters is the economy. While the administration praises the less than 4% jobless rate, tens of millions are struggling to pay rents, mortgages, education bills, energy costs and food.

The effects of climate change can be seen daily in the U.S. and Canada where drought, excessive heat, dangerous air quality, tornados, floods and wildfires are creating hazardous conditions for public health and food production. However, the Biden administration appears to be solely focused on undermining and weakening the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China and other perceived adversaries of U.S. imperialism.

People in the U.S. can only hope for relief when the support by the government to carry on the war in Ukraine has halted. The much talked about spring and summer counteroffensive in Ukraine have been an abysmal failure.

Despite the allocation of approximately $115 billion in military and other assistance to Ukraine, much of the ammunition, tanks, armored vehicles and missile launchers have been destroyed by the Russian military forces. At present, the Russian army has begun offensive operations in several areas along the frontlines.

Ending the Ukraine war has implications far beyond the battlefields. Eliminating the Pentagon budget is a matter of the survival and sustainable development of humanity.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has wrapped up its two-day summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. While issues of NATO expansion (Turkey’s unexpected about-face which opened the door to increased NATO membership) and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine dominated the headlines, when it came to the one topic with inherent existential consequences – the request by Poland that it enter a nuclear-arms-sharing arrangement with the US that would see Washington’s B61 nuclear bombs deployed on Polish soil – NATO remained silent.

According to the request from the government of Prime Minister Mateus Morawiecki, these weapons would be turned over to specially trained Polish air-force crews for use in any future NATO conflict with Russia. Left unsaid is the reality that any conflict which had Poland delivering nuclear weapons against a Russian target would almost immediately escalate into a general nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia, inevitably resulting in the destruction of most if not all of humanity. The Polish request was prompted by the recent Russian decision to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, where they will be married up with SU-25 aircraft and Iskander-M missiles operated by specially trained Belarusian crews. The Russia-Belarus nuclear sharing arrangement is part of an overall reassessment by Russia of its nuclear posture in the face of a strategy embarked-on by the United States and NATO that seeks a strategic defeat of Russia in Ukraine. 

The Russia-Belarus nuclear sharing agreement closely parallels a similar arrangement between the US and NATO, where about a hundred B-61 nuclear bombs are stationed on the soil of four NATO nations, where they will be shared with the air forces of five NATO nations (Turkey, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Germany) in a time of war. The decision to deploy nuclear weapons on Belarusian soil, and to have Belarusian military assets prepared to employ them in a time a war, is indicative of the close relationship that has emerged between Moscow and Minsk in the aftermath of domestic unrest in Belarus following the 2020 Presidential election which saw the incumbent, Alexander Lukashenko, win a sixth term in office. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has only drawn the two nations closer.

Morawiecki’s request isn’t the first time the issue of US nuclear weapons on Polish soil has arisen. In 2020 Richard Grenell, then-US ambassador to Germany, and Georgette Mosbacher, then-US ambassador to Poland, engaged in a Twitter exchange prompted by German hesitancy to continue its participation in the NATO nuclear sharing arrangement that saw 20 B-61 bombs deployed on German soil. Berlin’s aging fleet of Tornado fighter bombers was due to retire in the coming years, and German parliamentarians were balking at the projected expense of replacing them with new US-manufactured fighters. Ultimately Germany agreed to purchase 35 of the F-35A aircraft, at a cost of $8.4 billion. Germany will begin training on the aircraft in 2026 with an eye on having the first F-35A fighters operational by 2028.

The issue of Poland joining NATO’s nuclear sharing arrangement resurfaced in October 2022 when Polish President Andrzej Duda, alarmed by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, publicly appealed for the US to station B-61 nuclear bombs on Polish soil. This request, however, failed to gain any traction in either the US or NATO. Duda’s request, however, was not beyond the pale. In April 2022 the director of the NATO nuclear policy directorate, Jessica Cox, announced that NATO military planners were updating the mechanics of NATO’s nuclear sharing program to take into account the acquisition by many NATO members of the F-35A fighter. 

Four of the five nations involved in this nuclear sharing arrangement (Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany) had agreed to transition to the F-35A (Turkey was supposed to but ran afoul of US sanctions over its purchase of Russian S-400 surface-to-air missiles.) Cox indicated that NATO planners were looking at the possibility of integrating F-35A aircraft scheduled to be purchased by Poland, Denmark, and Norway into the nuclear sharing mission (it is assumed that Finland, which recently joined NATO and is purchasing F-35A aircraft, would be part of this integration as well.) 

Cox’s plans did not call for the deployment of nuclear weapons onto the soil of these nations, but rather the use of their aircraft in a nuclear role. Morawiecki’s request was linked to Poland’s future acquisition of F-35A aircraft, leading to the possibility that a compromise could be agreed-to that would see US nuclear bombs remain on German soil but turned over to Polish aircrews in time of war. Poland recently inked a $6.5 billion deal with the US for the purchase of 32 of its F-35A fighters, the delivery of which is scheduled to begin in 2024. 

While the Polish request to enter the NATO nuclear sharing arrangement was not publicly addressed during the Vilnius Summit, the NATO communique issued at its conclusion hinted at what the future may look like for both Poland and the NATO nuclear deterrent. NATO, the communique noted,

“will take all necessary steps to ensure the credibility, effectiveness, safety and security of the nuclear deterrent mission.  This includes continuing to modernize NATO’s nuclear capability and updating planning to increase flexibility and adaptability of the Alliance’s nuclear forces, while exercising strong political control at all times. The Alliance reaffirms the imperative to ensure the broadest possible participation by Allies concerned in NATO’s nuclear burden-sharing arrangements to demonstrate Alliance unity and resolve.”

While it is unlikely that either the US or NATO will, in the future, accede to the Polish Prime Minister’s request to station US B-61 bombs on Polish soil, the NATO communique appears to pave the way for Poland’s F-35A fleet to be integrated into the pool of aircraft available to NATO to deliver those bombs if a nuclear conflict were to ever break out between NATO and Russia. While the alliance may view such an outcome as contributing to the viability of the NATO nuclear deterrent, the reality is all it does is guarantee that Russia will be compelled to view every F-35A in the NATO arsenal as a potential nuclear threat going forward and to adjust its own response accordingly. This puts NATO and Russia closer to the possibility of nuclear conflict, an outcome no rational actor could ever view as contributing to the collective peace and security of Europe. 


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Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of ‘Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union.’ He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector. 

Featured image is from Andrew Korybko

Cognitive Impairment in Adults – What Role Did COVID Vaccines Play?

By Igor Chudov, July 19, 2023

When the COVID-19 vaccines were brought to market, due to their design I expected them to have safety issues, and I expected over the long term, a variety of chronic issues would be linked to them. This was because there were a variety of reasons to suspect they would cause autoimmune disorders, fertility issues and cancers—but for some reason (as shown by the Pfizer EMA leaks), the vaccines had been exempted from being appropriately tested for any of these issues prior to being given to humans.

Impoverishing Ukraine: “Western Political and Business Interests Integrated Into the Ukrainian State”

By Andrea Peters, July 20, 2023

In addition to breaking up whatever was left of Soviet-era nationalized property and the social welfare state, austerity measures were aimed at disciplining Ukraine’s oligarchs. While their wealth was accumulated on the basis of the country’s integration into the world market, and thus made possible and sustained by the centers of global capital, investors from the West hesitated to descend directly into the dog-eat-dog world of Ukrainian big business, where bribe-taking, ever-changing economic laws, tax rates that on paper sometimes exceeded profits, and the use of bankruptcy for profiteering were rampant.

Is Climate Engineering Real?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 20, 2023

Intentional geoengineering — including solar dimming — has been going on for more than 70 years and has exponentially expanded in more recent years. A geoengineering map,5 created by the ETC Group and the Heinrich Boell Foundation, shows how geoengineering projects have expanded from some 300 in 2012, to more than 1,700 in 2023.

Ukraine’s Unrelenting Demographic Collapse. Towards a Failed State under Kiev Nazi Regime

By Drago Bosnic, July 19, 2023

Prior to the unfortunate dismantling of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was one of its most prominent republics, even rivaling Russia itself in numerous aspects. In many ways, it was a sort of “Soviet California”, as approximately 30% of the USSR’s massive industrial and scientific might was situated precisely in Ukraine.

The Asinine Insanity of the ‘Climate Change’/C02 Hoax: Kill the Cows to Save the Earth!

By Gary D. Barnett, July 19, 2023

I must preface my comments here with sane logic, so as to ward off the absurd idiots who have bought hook, line, and sinker, the madness of the mainstream media, the political class, the non-science ‘scientists,’ the fake environmental whackos, the evil UN, the illegitimate IPCC, and the staged marketing of the ever-pathetic rantings of the once teenage bimbo ignoramus, Greta Thunberg, about man’s normal activity destroying the ‘planet.’ It is just not so!

US Expected to Announce New $1.3 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine

By Dave DeCamp, July 19, 2023

The Biden administration is expected to announce a new $1.3 billion weapons package for Ukraine in the coming days, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing two unnamed US officials.

USAID Chief Samantha Power Announces Hundreds of Million in Aid to Ukraine

By Kyle Anzalone, July 19, 2023

USAID Head Samantha Power rolled out multiple aid packages totaling hundreds of millions of dollars during a multi-day trip to Ukraine. The civilian assistance was announced as the White House prepares a $1.3 billion tranche of weapons for Kiev. 

US Using Ukraine as Disposal Ground for Banned Cluster Bombs: Colonel

By Al Mayadeen, July 19, 2023

Former Pentagon analyst and Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Karen Kwiatkowski, has criticized the US decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine, stating that the Pentagon is eager to unload them due to their ban in many countries. Kwiatkowski believes that the Pentagon’s interest lies in clearing old inventory to make way for more profitable weapons.

Australia, Deserved Cancellations: Victoria Rejects the Commonwealth Games

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 19, 2023

Hosting sporting events has always been a government’s formula to distract their seducible subjects. It’s the secular version of smells and bells, the warbling of the church choir turned into flesh and performance. If such occasions are of sufficient scale, they might even be political promotions, body beautiful types paraded and performing before clapping and glorifying spectators.

China-US Tensions: Kissinger’s Surprise Trip to Beijing

By Andrew Korybko, July 19, 2023

To each side’s credit, neither leaked the news about Kissinger’s trip in advance, which suggests that they both feared that it could have been derailed had that happened. By successfully keeping this secret until after his planned talks with Defense Minister Shangfu finished, the Chinese and US leaderships showed one another that they sincerely wanted this informal dialogue to take place.

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This article was originally published in March 2022.

Read Part I:

Impoverishing Ukraine: What the US and the EU Have Been Doing to the Country for the Past 30 Years

By Andrea Peters, July 18, 2023

In addition to breaking up whatever was left of Soviet-era nationalized property and the social welfare state, austerity measures were aimed at disciplining Ukraine’s oligarchs. While their wealth was accumulated on the basis of the country’s integration into the world market, and thus made possible and sustained by the centers of global capital, investors from the West hesitated to descend directly into the dog-eat-dog world of Ukrainian big business, where bribe-taking, ever-changing economic laws, tax rates that on paper sometimes exceeded profits, and the use of bankruptcy for profiteering were rampant.

“[O]mnipresent lawlessness were damaging for foreign relations, political and trade. Western investors from the USA, the EU and particularly Germany (Ukraine’s strongest EU-isation backers) became ‘disenchanted with the country,’” notes Yurchenko. Still, they salivated at the prospect of getting access to tens of millions of consumers and wage-labor that was cheap and skilled. According to Yurchenko, “In a personal interview with the Corporate Europe Observatory think-tank, the former Secretary General of ERT, Keith Richardson, said that the demise of the USSR was as if they ‘have discovered a new South-East Asia on the [EU] doorstep.’”

Concerned not just about the loss of potential investment opportunities in Ukraine but also the geopolitical future of the country, the United States and Europe responded. First, a whole number of business associations and advisory groups—American Chamber of Commerce (ACC), Centre for US-Ukraine Relations (CUSUR), US-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), the European Business Association (EBA), and the Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)—were either created or mobilized for the purposes of, in the words of the EBA, “discussion and resolution of problems facing the private sector in Ukraine.”

These institutions were staffed with representatives from major Western corporations and Ukraine’s business elite, with many sitting on more than one board. By 2010, 105 of the world’s top 500 transnational corporations were active in them. They sought out, or even established, lobbying groups and advisory councils active in Ukraine’s government.

These include such bodies as the Investors Council under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Working Group of Justice (co-chaired by the European Business Association) under the Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice, the Working Group on Tax and Customs Policy (also co-chaired by the EBA) under the country’s Ministry of Finance, the Foreign Investment Advisory Council of Ukraine (FIAC) under the president of Ukraine, and the Public Councils that are within different ministries and state committees.

Over time, the lobbying groups and advisory councils, according to Yurchenko, collectively got their hands into all of the following areas of Ukrainian governance; the “reduction of state control over economic activity and marketisation alike”; the “simplification of import and export procedures, harmonisation of regulations with the EU in IT and electronics sector, revoking of medication advertising ban, creation of State Land Cadastre in preparation for land privatisation, simplification of market entry for pharmaceutical and insurance companies from the EU”; and “market reform; fiscal and tax policy; banking and non-banking financial institutions and capital market.”

Furthermore, being housed in government agencies, these groups did not just make suggestions as to how Ukraine ought to transform its economy, they were involved in the drafting of law and strategy documents laying out state policy. In short, there is not even one degree of separation between Ukrainian governance and Western corporations, financial interests, and state power.

Between 2006 and 2013 alone, Yurchenko found upwards of 50 instances of “successful lobbying” by just the European Business Association—in other words, the EBA’s suggested policies became Ukrainian law. The Americans have also had their direct means of leverage. The Centre for International Private Enterprise, one of the many lobbying organizations active in Kiev, “serves as a bridge agency between the US Congress and Ukraine’s authorities by proxy of ACC (American Chamber of Commerce). The Centre is run by the Chamber but is in fact one of the four programs of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) that is funded by the US Congress,” notes the scholar.

As Western political and business interests have increasingly been integrated into the Ukrainian state, the IMF, other foreign lenders, and the EU have used the ongoing crisis in the country’s economy to pile on the pressure. They have regularly held back on releasing loans or signing trade agreements because Kiev has not privatized and cut enough. When, in order to get the promised money, the government has pushed through the required measures, the outcome for the population has been devastating.

An April 2009 article in the New York Times devoted to Ukraine’s failure, yet again, to meet the requirements of foreign lenders noted that while tens of thousands of jobs had been axed in the country’s industrial towns in the east, bankers viewed it as still not enough.

In Donetsk, “unemployment has officially almost doubled, to 67,500, in the past two months, and the authorities suspect that up to one-third of the 1.2 million registered workers are toiling for a small fraction of their nominal salary,” wrote the newspaper, adding, “In Makeevka, with 400,000 residents, just outside Donetsk, the Kirov factory laid off nearly all its workers in December and January. Now, an average of four people vie for every job. In nearby towns, that ratio soars to 70 or 80 people for every available job, officials say.”

But, citing the comments of a bank analyst in Kiev, the Times observed that still more was expected. Another steel producer in Donetsk, the analyst said, “could easily cut 20,000 to 25,000 people and keep the same output.”

As part of the process of making Ukraine’s economy “more competitive,” the IMF and the EU have demanded the raising of the retirement age, the ending of fuel subsidies that enable households to afford to heat their homes and cook their meals, and the selling-off of the country’s highly profitable timber and agricultural lands. The latter in particular has been long sought, as Ukraine has 25 percent of the world’s “black earth,” some of the most naturally fertile soil in the world.

All of this and more have now been achieved. A 2017 study of Ukraine’s garment industry published in the Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Europe noted that the Kiev government has introduced the following measures in response to the demands of the international financial institutions and EU representatives over the last several years. It has:

  • Frozen the legal minimum wage and stopped adjusting it to the cost of living.
  • Reduced social welfare payments and pensions by ending cost of living indexing.
  • Changed the labor code to restrict union access to workplaces, make the disclosure of “commercial secrets” grounds for dismissal, require unionized workers to agree to overtime, end limits on the number of overtime hours workers must accept, permit factories to monitor workers using cameras and other technologies, and end the requirement that unions agree to a layoff.
  • Increased utility charges dramatically.
  • Placed a moratorium on inspections, including labor inspections, in small businesses. (This resulted in the growth of wage arrears from 1.3 million hryvnia in 2015 to 1.9 million in September 2016.)
  • Decreased employers’ mandatory social insurance contributions, thereby ensuring there is less money for social services and pensions.
  • Cut the number of public sector employees.
  • Canceled family payments for childbirth, childcare and schools.
  • Closed hundreds of hospitals.
  • Stripped higher education and cultural institutions of funding.

As the authors of this study note, all of this is extremely unpopular with ordinary people. Polls have found that 70 percent of citizens are upset about the growth of inequality, 58 percent about job loss, and 54 percent about “interference of western countries in the governance of Ukraine.”

But this continues unabated. The ongoing assault on Ukraine’s health care system has been particularly severe. Due to demands from the IMF and the terms of Ukraine’s EU Association Agreement, the country has been implementing health care reforms. On the grounds of increasing “efficiency,” it stopped paying medical institutions on the basis of their number of beds and instead on how many patients they treat. This has resulted in the layoff of an estimated 50,000 doctors and the shuttering of 332 hospitals, with rural areas being especially hard hit and left, for all intents and purposes, without medical services.

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Is Climate Engineering Real?

July 20th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently interviewed Dane Wigington, founder of, about climate engineering and its hidden role in climate change

The White House is considering a plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the earth in a bid to halt global warming, a process known as solar radiation modification (SRM)

A supercomputer called Derecho is analyzing the effects of solar geoengineering to help climate scientists decide whether SRM will be a good idea

According to Dane Wigington, founder of, geoengineering projects of various kinds are already having severe impacts on weather patterns, our ability to grow food, biodiversity and human health

Intentional geoengineering — including solar dimming — has been going on for more than 70 years


In the video above, U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews Dane Wigington, founder of, about climate engineering and its hidden role in climate change. Wigington also produced the documentary “The Dimming.”

While Wigington has tried to raise awareness about the reality of climate engineering for the last two decades, his work is now gaining traction after the White House announced it’s backing a plan to block sunlight in a climate engineering effort.

White House Considers Measure to Block Sunlight

As reported by the Daily Mail, July 1, 2023:1

“The White House has opened the door to an audacious plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the Earth in a bid to halt global warming.

Despite some scientists warning the effort could have untold side effects from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, President Joe Biden’s administration has admitted they’re open to the idea, which has never been attempted before.

In a report2 released Friday by the White House, officials suggested limiting sunlight to rapidly cool the planet, a process known as solar radiation modification (SRM) …

The report noted several ways authorities could look to achieve SRM, all of which come with potentially devastating consequences if they backfire … undertaking the mammoth task could have severe ramifications weather patterns and food supplies, which would in turn impact biodiversity, geopolitics, and health.”

Policymakers in the European Union recently called for an international assessment of geoengineering risks, noting that:3

“These technologies introduce new risks to people and ecosystems, while they could also increase power imbalances between nations, spark conflicts and raises a myriad of ethical, legal, governance and political issues.”

Supercomputer to Determine Effects

According to Scientific American, a supercomputer called Derecho will help climate scientists decide whether to block the sun:4

“A new supercomputer for climate research will help scientists study the effects of solar geoengineering, a controversial idea for cooling the planet by redirecting the sun’s rays.

The machine, named Derecho, began operating this month at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and will allow scientists to run more detailed weather models for research on solar geoengineering, said Kristen Rasmussen, a climate scientist at Colorado State University who is studying how human-made aerosols, which can be used to deflect sunlight, could affect rainfall patterns.

Because Derecho is three and a half times faster than the previous NCAR supercomputer, her team can run more detailed models to show how regional changes to rainfall can be caused by the release of aerosols, adding to scientists’ understanding of the risks from solar geoengineering … The machine will also be used to study other issues related to climate change.”

Geoengineering Is the Biggest Contributor to Climate Change

According to Wigington, there’s plenty of evidence showing that geoengineering projects of various kinds are already having severe impacts on weather patterns, our ability to grow food, biodiversity and human health.

Intentional geoengineering — including solar dimming — has been going on for more than 70 years and has exponentially expanded in more recent years. A geoengineering map,5 created by the ETC Group and the Heinrich Boell Foundation, shows how geoengineering projects have expanded from some 300 in 2012, to more than 1,700 in 2023.

This includes carbon capture/removal, solar radiation reduction and a variety of weather modification projects worldwide. Not surprisingly, Bill Gates has been funding geoengineering for a long time. Broadly, geoengineering programs were initially implemented after World War II, starting in the polar regions.

For years, anyone who said that geoengineering and weather modification was being used was labeled a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist. As it turns out, it was true all along, and with the White House report just released, mainstream naysayers are suddenly admitting it as well.

What they’re not readily admitting, however, is that a) geoengineering is as dangerous as climate change itself, and b) that geoengineering is responsible for the most catastrophic changes in our climate.

As noted by Wigington, the globalist power structures that now claim we need to use geoengineering to solve climate change were the ones responsible for creating that climate change in the first place with their geoengineering. According to Wigington, the state of our global climate is “even worse than we’re being told,” and climate engineering is “fueling that process.”

In other words, the globalist cabal is trying to convince us that the cause of the problem is the solution, all while pinning the blame for climate change on regular people who drive cars to work and eat meat.

Are Chemtrails Real?

One geoengineering technique used across the world involves the dispersion of chemicals and metals into the atmosphere, a practice colloquially referred to as chemtrailing.

A key difference between regular condensation trails from aircraft and particulate trails (chemtrails) is that condensation trails evaporate rather quickly. They will not block 80% to 90% of solar uptake and create global dimming like chemtrails do.

The persistent lines you see in the sky that very slowly disperse, creating a muddy, hazy “film” across the entire sky are NOT condensation trails. They are particulate trails, or “chemtrails.” The particles dispersed in the air column are further manipulated via radio frequency transmissions.

The Alaskan installation known as HAARP6 is but one facility involved. There are dozens of other large, ground-based facilities just like it around the globe. Smaller networks and NEXRAD radar stations located in urban areas around the world are also employed. All these networks are used to manipulate the particles dispersed via “chemtrails” in the atmosphere.

What Are They Spraying Into the Atmosphere?

One of the key ingredients in these particulate trails is nanosized aluminum, which is neurotoxic to animals and humans. Aluminum also kills the root systems of plants and trees, as well as the soil microbiome. It also alters soil pH, which makes it harder for some crops to grow. One of the reasons aluminum is used is because it has high reflectivity, so sunlight bounces off it.

According to Wigington, climate engineers have stated they’re depositing tens of millions of tons of aluminum nanoparticles into the atmosphere annually as part of ongoing solar radiation management programs — “with no consideration for the consequences whatsoever.”

Lab tests conducted by GeoengineeringWatch also shows the presence of barium, strontium, titanium, manganese, polymer fibers, surfactant chemicals, and graphene in these particulate trails, as well as in rain.

While all these ingredients are studied for their effectiveness in geoengineering, no research is being done to ascertain what the health effects might be on populations, vegetation and wildlife below.

Wigington also warns that these aerosol sprays can be used to disperse bioweapons and may have been used for this purpose already. He cites a Washington Post article that noted the U.S. Army conducted 239 open-air germ warfare tests on the U.S. population between 1949 and 1969 alone.7

Where Are the Whistleblowers?

According to Wigington, we have evidence that commercial airlines began to be used for particulate release operations in 2002, when restrictions on passenger luggage were implemented. That’s not to say that pilots or airline employees know what’s going on, but some airliners are equipped with nozzles and tanks for this purpose.

Kennedy points out that thousands of people must have been read into programs of this magnitude, so how come there are so few whistleblowers? According to Wigington, those in the know are all under gag order.8 This includes weathermen. Secrecy is also upheld through massive compartmentalization.

Still, we know weather modification and geoengineering is real. Not only can we see it in the sky and measure the toxic particles in the aerosol and on the ground, but we also have patents describing these processes.

According to Wigington, the U.S. government owns many of the primary ones. Others are held by defense contractors like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, which also do all the weather modeling for the U.S. national weather service.9

He suggests the reason weathermen can predict an area will have partial sun seven days in advance is because we don’t have natural weather anymore. We have programmed weather. And the reason Raytheon and Lockheed oversee weather modeling is because they’re also neck-deep in weather modification and need to maintain control of the narrative.

We Face Abrupt Climate Collapse

According to Wigington, what we face is far worse than climate change. Due to the geoengineering already conducted, what we’re facing is an abrupt climate collapse,10,11 due to the many feedback mechanisms triggered. The particulates dispersed during these geoengineering events “shred” the ozone layer. As a result, UV-C rays are now hitting the surface of the planet.

Other ramifications of geoengineering that are currently observable also include global dimming (chemtrails reduce solar radiation by 80% to 90%), global stilling (reduced wind flow), a reduction in precipitation and protracted droughts, a 90% reduction in plankton, and toxic geoengineering elements being found on the ground and in rainwater.

Moreover, while global cooling is the stated aim of most of these geoengineering programs, as the planet warms, the laws of physics state you need more precipitation to cool it, not less, because the atmosphere carries more moisture as the temperature rises.

To cool the planet, you need to create more rain, but these programs have resulted in less rain, and the reason for the reduction in rainfall is due to the particulates in the atmosphere. In addition to deflecting heat from the outside, these particles also trap heat down below, making the overall heating of the planet massively worse.

Is combating global warming really the endgame, or is that just a convenient cover story for a far more reckless goal? And if so, what might that goal be?

One might be that they’re trying to hide the severity of the damage that their geoengineering has already done. Another might be to control populations and governments, using weather as a weapon. It might also be for communication enhancement purposes, as the atmosphere is being made more electrically conductive by these particles.

Signs and Symptoms of Geoengineering

At the end of the interview, Kennedy asks Wigington what kinds of things in everyday life that people should look for if they’re looking for evidence of geoengineering. One major one is the destruction of forests, as root systems die off due to aluminum loading.

Home gardeners, especially if you’ve been doing it for a decade or longer, may notice that fruits and vegetables don’t grow nearly as well as they used to. Not only are soil microbiomes being decimated and soil pH altered, but the air is also being altered.

The particles in the atmosphere create vapor pressure deficit (VPD), they lower the rH of the air, which is like the pH of soil. If there’s not enough humidity, trees and plants shut down their respiratory system (stomata).

Stomata are involved in the exchange of carbon dioxide and water between plants and the atmosphere. So, when VPD happens, the plants and trees stop taking up carbon dioxide and they no longer release oxygen.

As a result, forests cease being carbon sinks and become carbon sources. Eventually, without respiration, the plants and trees die off. Increased UV radiation also damages plants, causing leaf scorch.

Geoengineering Won’t Fix the Climate Crisis

At the end of March 2023, a new study came out debunking the idea that short-term solar dimming might be a viable way to for world governments to meet their climate targets. Scientific American reported on the study, noting:12

“A controversial idea for cooling the earth’s climate through artificial means would likely require a much longer global commitment than policymakers and the public understand, according to a recent study13 that raises new questions about the potential for using solar geoengineering.

If world leaders decide to use solar geoengineering to meet international climate goals, they could be locked into it for a century or more …

Geoengineering is ‘often communicated as temporary, a stopgap measure — so it implies being relatively short, and short in the sense of a couple of decades,’ said lead study author Susanne Baur, a doctoral candidate at the European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation in France.

‘And so when we started looking at these pathways, and we extrapolated them a bit longer, we saw that in many cases, it’s actually not that short.’

The public may not realize the scope of a commitment solar geoengineering — or its risks, including the need for long-term international cooperation. ‘If we have to keep up a system like this for such a long time, that just increases the possibility of something bad happening,’ Baur said.”

In a nutshell, the study argues that once you begin solar geoengineering, you can’t stop until or unless enough carbon has been eliminated from the atmosphere to lower the earth’s temperature below a certain threshold.

If there’s too much carbon left, then a sudden halt to the geoengineering could skyrocket, resulting in “termination shock,” a concept that describes a sudden, drastic elevation in global temperatures that life on earth doesn’t have time to adapt to. In other words, it could result in a global extinction event.


To learn more about weather modification and geoengineering, check out It has a wealth of information, shareable resources, patents and documents relating to geoengineering programs. Also check out Wigington’s full-length documentary, “The Dimming,” embedded above for your convenience.


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1 Daily Mail July 1, 2023

2 Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and an Initial Research Governance Framework Related to Solar Radiation Modification June 2023

3, 4 Scientific American July 7, 2023

5 Map.

6 Global Research January 18, 2015

7 YouTube Dane Wigington Interview 11:25

8 YouTube Dane Wigington Interview 10:41

9 YouTube Dane Wigington Interview 41:10

10 YouTube Dane Wigington Interview 11: 53

11 USA Watchdog March 6, 2019

12 Scientific American April 3, 2023

13 Earth Systems Dynamics March 28, 2023

Featured image: HAARP (Photo by Secoy, A/CC BY 4.0)

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A month ago, I mentioned evidence (provided by the Dutch Institute RIVM) of a dramatic increase in cognitive problems among adults, see here.

That post struck a nerve and prompted many readers to share their observations and feelings about cognitive changes they observed in themselves or their loved ones. As of today, the post garnered 1,263 comments!

A friend of this blog, a popular substacker A Midwestern Doctor, offered to share further thoughts and observations. As I consider this to be a supremely important topic, I hope that the below text, which I did not write, will promote further discussion and thinking about the cognitive changes we observe.

I know many vaccinated and many unvaccinated people. Many of them, thankfully, are fine. Some have issues while remaining good, promising, and valuable human beings. I hope the struggles of those with emergent difficulties with the executive function will prompt a search for solutions.

While the thoughts below concentrate on vaccine-related issues, I plan on exploring this topic in the future and looking into other factors that may also affect human intellectual functioning.

The text below was written by A Midwestern Doctor. I want to offer it as food for thought. As always, you are welcome to agree or disagree with anything; your opinions will not be censored. So comment away!


When the COVID-19 vaccines were brought to market, due to their design I expected them to have safety issues, and I expected over the long term, a variety of chronic issues would be linked to them. This was because there were a variety of reasons to suspect they would cause autoimmune disorders, fertility issues and cancers—but for some reason (as shown by the Pfizer EMA leaks), the vaccines had been exempted from being appropriately tested for any of these issues prior to being given to humans.

Since all new drugs are required to receive that testing, I interpreted it to be a tacit admission it was known major issues would emerge in these areas, and that a decision was made that it was better to just not officially test any of them so there would be no data to show Pfizer knew the problems would develop. Sadly, since the time the vaccines entered the market, those three issues (especially autoimmunity) have become some of the most common severe events associated with the vaccines.

At the start of the vaccine rollout, there were four red flags to me:

  • The early advertising campaigns for the vaccines mentioned that you would feel awful when you got the vaccine, but that was fine and a sign the vaccine was working. Even with vaccines that had a very high rate of adverse events (e.g., the HPV vaccine), I never saw this mentioned. This signified it was likely the adverse event rate with the spike protein vaccines would be much higher than normal.
  • Many of my colleagues who got the vaccine (since they were healthcare workers they were able to get it first) posted on social media about just how awful they felt after getting the vaccine. This was also something I had never seen with a previous vaccine. After some digging, I noticed those with the worse vaccine reactions typically had already had COVID and had their reaction was to the second shot rather than the first, signifying that some type of increased sensitization was occurring from repeated exposures to the spike protein. Likewise, the published clinical trial about Pfizer’s vaccine also showed adverse reactions were much higher with the second rather than first shot.
  • Once it became available to the general public, I immediately had patients start showing up with vaccine reactions, many of whom stated they received their flu shot each year and never had experienced something similar with a previous vaccination. One of the most concerning things were the pre-exacerbation of autoimmune diseases (e.g., spots in their body they previously would occasionally have arthritis in all felt like they were on fire). After I started looking into this I realized people were seeing between a 15-25% rate of new autoimmune disorders or exacerbations of existing autoimmune disorders developing after the vaccine (later shown in an Israeli survey), a massive increase I had never seen any previous vaccine cause.
  • About a month after the vaccines were available to the public, I started having friends and patients share that they’d known someone who had unexpectedly died suddenly after receiving the vaccine (typically from a heart attack, stroke, or a sudden aggressive case of COVID-19).

This was extremely concerning to me, because reactions to a toxin typically distribute on a bell curve, with the severe ones being much rarer than the moderate ones. This meant that if that many severe reactions were occurring, what I could already see was only the tip of the iceberg and far, far more less obvious reactions were going to be happening, to the point it was likely many people I knew would end up experiencing complications from the vaccine.

I tried to warn my colleagues about the dangers of this vaccine, but even when I pointed out Pfizer’s own trial admitted the vaccine was more likely to harm than help you, no one would listen to me. Not being sure what else to do, but not be willing to do nothing, I decided to start documenting all the severe reactions I came across so I could have some type of “proof” to show my colleagues.

This was something that was extremely important at the time since no one was willing to take on the personal risk of publishing that something went against the narrative (that vaccines were killing people) in the peer reviewed literature. Shortly after Steve Kirsch kindly helped launched my Substack, I decided to post the log I’d put together, and since there was a critical need for that information, the post went viral and created much of the initial reader base that made my substack possible.

It was immensely time consuming to do the project (especially the verification of the story that was reported to me), so I ended the project after a year. During that time, I came across 45 cases of either a death (these compromised the majority of the 45 cases), something I expected to be fatal later on (e.g., a metastatic cancer) or a permanent complete disability. Additionally, in line with the previously described bell curve, I also came across many more significant but not as severe injuries.

Patterns of Vaccine Injury

I’ve had a long term interest in studying pharmaceutical injuries because many of my friends and relatives have had bad reactions to pharmaceuticals. In most of these cases, ample data existed to show that reaction could happen (often to the degree it strongly argued against the pharmaceutical remaining on the market) and yet almost no one in the medical field was aware of those dangers, hence leading to my injured friends never being warned before they took the pharmaceutical or even while the injury was occurring.

My bell curve theory originally came about from examining all these cases. I thus was interested to know exactly how the distribution of adverse events from the spike protein vaccines would match what I had observed with previous dangerous pharmaceuticals and if what I saw personally did or did not match what everyone was reporting online.

One of the things that immediately jumped out at me were the cases of a friend’s parent in a nursing home receiving the vaccine, immediately undergoing a rapid cognitive decline which was “diagnosed” as Alzheimer’s disease and then dying not long after. At the time, I assumed these were most likely due to undiagnosed ischemic strokes as that was the most plausible mechanism to describe what I’d heard, but I was not certain as I could never examine any of these individuals for signs a stroke had indeed happened.

These cases were very concerning to me, as they signified (per the bell curve) that there was going to be a much larger portion of people who would develop less severe (but nonetheless impactful) cognitive decline following vaccination.

[Note: one of the most common types of injuries from pharmaceuticals are neurological injuries which both impair cognitive function and create psychiatric symptoms. This places patients in a difficult situation of being gaslighted by the medical system. This is because their doctors assume the psychiatric symptoms the patients are experiencing are the cause of their illness rather than a symptom of it, leading to the patient being told the illness is all in their head and continually referred for psychiatric help. One of the best examples with this occurred as a result of the abnormal heart rhythms (e.g., rapid anxiety provoking palpitations) caused by the vaccine damaging the heart which were consistently diagnosed as being a result of anxiety, even when a subsequent workup I requested showed heart damage was present.]

As I began seeing more and more signs of cognitive impairment following vaccination, I realized that what I observed mirrored what I previously seen with chronic inflammatory conditions such as mold toxicity, HPV vaccine injuries, and lyme disease. Some of the examples included:

  • Many people reported having a “COVID” brain where it was just harder for them to think and remember things. I saw this after more severe cases of COVID, after vaccination, and in patients who per the time line developed it from the vaccine but believed it had come from COVID.
  • These issues tended to be more likely to affect older adults, but younger ones were more likely to notice (and complain) about them. In the case of older adults, I typically learned about them from someone else who had observed the cognitive decline rather than directly from the individual.
  • I saw cases of vaccine injured individuals who had trouble remembering or recalling the word they knew expressed what they were trying to communicate (this is also a common mold toxicity symptom).
  • I knew a few people (e.g., friends and colleagues) who told me their brain just didn’t work the same since they’d received the vaccine.
  • I saw cases of coworkers demonstrating noticeable (and permanent) cognitive impairment after I’d assumed they’d received the vaccine. Their impairment was never mentioned or addressed (rather the physician kept on working, did not perform as well, and in some cases retired).
  • I met significantly injured vaccine injured patients who told me one of the primary symptoms was a loss of cognitive functioning they had taken for granted throughout their life. In many cases following treatment of their vaccine injury, their cognition also improved.
  • One of my friends (a very smart immunologist) developed complications from the first two vaccines and based on their symptoms was able to describe exactly which parts of their immune systems were becoming dysregulated. Against my advice, they took a booster and reported they suffered a significant cognitive impairment never experienced before in their lifetime. I feel this case was important to share as it illustrates how an exacerbation of a vaccine injury can also cause an exacerbation of cognitive symptoms.

[Note: I also saw significant cognitive impairment occur in individuals who were acutely ill from COVID-19.]

Evidence of Cognitive Impairment

At the same time I was observing these effects, many rumors (e.g., this one) were also swirling around online that the vaccines would cause cognitive impairment and that we would witness a zombie apocalypse from the vaccine injuries.

This never happened, but many observed a suspicion cognitive impairment was occurring. For example to quote Igor’s recent article:

I own a small business and deal with many people and other small businesses. Most provided reliable service, would remember appointments, followed up on issues, and so on. I noticed that lately, some people have become less capable cognitively. They forget essential appointments, cannot concentrate, make crazy-stupid mistakes, and so on.

In my own case, the most evident change I noticed was a worsening of drivers around me and had a few near misses from impaired driving.

The challenge with these situations is that it’s very hard to tell if something is actually happening or your perception is simply a product of confirmation bias. For this reason, while I was comfortable asserting my belief the COVID-19 vaccines were causing the severe injuries on either end of the bell curve, I avoided doing so for many of the less impactful injuries in the middle where it was much more ambiguous if what I was observing was “real” or simply my own biased perception of the events around me. Because of this, amongst other things, I never mentioned the changes in driving I observed.

Typically, when we have situations like this, large bodies of data or scientific studies are needed to tease out if a correlation is in fact occurring. Unfortunately, since there are political repercussions for dissenting from the dominant narrative, data which threatens tends not to be published. This creates the challenging situation where those who are looking for answers on a topic which challenges a vested interest have to look quite carefully for clues on the subject (e.g., by dissecting papers to see exactly what the data is actually showing).

Igor periodically finds those, and after I saw the most recent one he unearthed, I requested to write a guest post. To quote his discovery from the Netherlands:

Primary care data for January to March 2023 showed that adults visited their GP more frequently for a number of symptoms compared to the same period in 2019. Memory and concentration problems were significantly more common than last year and in the period before COVID-19. Where these symptoms are concerned, the difference compared to 2019 is growing steadily in each quarter.

In the first quarter of 2023, there was a 24% increase in GP [general practioner] visits related to memory and concentration problems among adults (age 25 years and older) compared to the same period in 2020. This is evidenced by the latest quarterly research update from the GOR Network. The increase in memory and concentration problems of adults seems to be a longer-term effect of the coronavirus measures as well as SARS-CoV-2 infections.

More specifically they found:

  • No increase was observed in adults under 25 years old.
  • A 31% increase was observed in those 24-44 years old.
  • A 40% increase was observed in those 45-74 years old.
  • A 18% increase was observed in those over 75 years old.

[Note: previous rounds of this survey, in addition to the cognitive issues described above, worsening mental health (e.g, anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts), sleep problems, tiredness, and cardiovascular issues (e.g., shortness of breath, dizziness or heart palpitation) were also observed to have significantly increased since 2019.]

Typically, patients, less than 75 years old are unlikely to visit their doctors for cognitive issues. Taken in context with this data, it means there is a stronger case that the (massive) increases in those under 75 were caused by something that happened after 2019. Additionally, since there were already a large number of visits for cognitive impairment in the elderly, the lower percentage increase is slightly misleading in quantifying the extent to which everyone was affected. For example to quote the previous report:

Primary care data showed that adults visited their GP somewhat more frequently for sleep problems in October–December 2022 than in the same period in 2019. This was particularly striking in the oldest age group (75 years and older).

All of this data put health officials in a bit of an awkward situation since publishing data demonstrating large scale cognitive impairment directly undermines the narrative they previous had committed themselves to. Nonetheless, the authors of the report were significantly more candid than many other before them:

The source of this increase in memory and concentration problems is unclear. A possible explanation could be that COVID-19 measures caused accelerated cognitive decline among people who were starting to have problems with memory and concentration (66 years on average).

COVID-19 was of course cited as a potential cause (which, as discussed above can sometimes cause long term cognitive impairment):

A supplementary explanation could be that some of these people have long-term symptoms after COVID-19. Various studies have shown that memory and concentration problems are common in post-COVID symptoms. Other infectious diseases, such as flu, can also cause these symptoms. However, recent studies have shown that long-term memory and concentration problems are much more common after COVID-19 than after flu. In addition, these symptoms are more common in older age groups. The figures provided by GPs are consistent with this expectation.

Fortunately, the authors acknowledged that long COVID could not be the primary explanation for what was occurring, and instead alluded to the elephant in the room—the vaccines.

[Note: on VAERS, in the 23 years VAERS has operated, 2352 of the 3071 (76.6%) reports of memory impairment following vaccination came from the COVID-19 vaccines.]

Why Are the Vaccines Causing Cognitive Impairment? 

My specific interest in studying spike protein vaccine toxicity arose because I suspected I would see many similarities to other pharmaceutical injuries I had observed previously and treatments that had developed for those injuries could be used to treat COVID-19 vaccine injuries. On Substack, I’ve tried to focus on explaining the areas that I believe are the most important to understanding this, zeta-potential, the cell danger response (CDR) and the treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Note: Each of these is interrelated with and often causes the others.

Zeta Potential: Zeta potential (explained in detail here) governs if fluid in the body clumps together (e.g., forming a clot) or remains dispersed and capable of freely flowing. Additionally, it also influences if proteins will stay in their correct formation or misfold and clump together. Many different issues (discussed here) emerge when fluid circulation (be it blood, lymph, interstitial fluid or cerebrospinal fluid) becomes impaired. Since the spike protein is uniquely suited for impairing zeta potential, we have found restoring zeta potential (discussed here) often is immensely helpful during COVID-19 infections and for treating COVID-19 vaccine injuries. Many of those approaches were initially developed from working with other vaccine injuries and cognitive decline in the elderly.

Cell Danger Response (CDR): When cells are exposed to a threat, their mitochondria shift from producing energy for the cell to a protective mode where the cell’s metabolism and internal growth shuts down, the mitochondria release reactive oxygen species to kill potential invaders, the cell warns other cells to enter the CDR and the cell seals off and disconnects itself from the body. The CDR (explained further here) is an essential process for cellular survival, but frequently in chronic illness, cells become stuck in it rather than allowing the healing response to complete.

Understanding the CDR is extremely important when working with complex illnesses because it explains why triggers from long ago can cause an inexplicable illness, and why many treatments that seem appropriate (specifically those that treat a symptom of the CDR rather than the cause of it) either don’t help or worsen the patient’s conditions. Many of the most challenging patients seen by integrative practitioners are those trapped within the CDR, but unfortunately, there is still very little knowledge of this phenomena.

My interest was drawn back to the CDR after I realized that one of the most effective treatments for long COVID and COVID-19 vaccine injuries was one that directly treated the CDR. Since many of the therapies that have been developed to revive nonfunctional tissue was developed by the regenerative medical field, I wrote an article describing how these approaches are applied to restore localized regions of dysfunctional tissue (which is sometimes needed to treat vaccine injuries) and another on the regenerative treatments that treat systemic CDRs (and are more frequently needed for vaccine injuries).

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): AD is one of the most devastating and costly conditions in existence (e.g., for the year of 2020 it was estimated to have cost America 305 billion dollars) and as a result, billions of dollars are spent each year in researching a cure for it. This research (which began in 1906) has gone nowhere and presently the FDA is working with the drug industry to push forward ineffective, quite dangerous but highly profitable treatments for AD.

However, effective treatments do exist for AD and my colleagues have developed a few different methods that have successfully treated the condition. Additionally, one neurologist, Dale Bresden developed a method for reversing AD that he proved worked in mulitiple publications (included a recent 2022 clinical trial).

All of these successful approaches utilize the following principles:

[Note: Bresden’s approach also emphasizes the importance of addressing chronically elevated blood sugar or insulin levels.]

One of the most important things to recognize about AD is that it is a slowly worsening disease which often progresses over decades. In the early stages of AD, minor cognitive changes occur, which (when possible to autopsy) correlate with tissue changes within the brain. In rare instances, individuals can instead have a rapidly progressing form of Alzheimer’s which strikes with a younger age and is often linked to the toxin exposure.

In the case of spike proteins illnesses, I have seen both the early signs of AD cognitive decline occurring in much younger patients, and exist in cases of AD rapidly progressing following vaccination.


Anytime you attempt to perceive the world around you, you are always biased by the pre-existing filters you have which prevent you from seeing much of the world around you (discussed further here). To some extent, these filters are a necessary evil as without them, the world would be overwhelmingly complicated. However, if you cannot be open to the possibility a biased filter this is clouding your perception of reality, you become blind to a great deal of important things around you. Misleading filters for example, explain why many of those committed to the narrative cannot see the overwhelming evidence of COVID-19 vaccine injuries around them.

One of the most commonly used filters is the “social proof,” which essentially says people will typically not act on something, believe it or even see it unless their peers (the herd) already are. This creates a problem, because frequently when you need to know something, the herd does not yet believe it, forcing you to either make a decision no one else supports (which can be quite terrifying) or to wait until there is safety in doing it because the herd has now moved in that direction (which is often too late).

As I’ve gotten to know those who challenged the COVID-19 narrative, I’ve noticed they all had a tendency they’d learned through life experience to not follow the crowd and be willing to act on their initial impression of what preliminary data suggested before the rest of the crowd caught on. For example, Ed Dowd was a highly successful stock trader (e.g., he made Blackrock a lot of money) and his method boiled down to spotting early trends before anyone else and acting on them.

Like many, from the start of the vaccination campaign, based on the preliminary data points that were available, I suspected it was going to cause long-term cognitive issues. Now that the data which supports that trend is beginning to appear, and concerningly the issue appears to be gradually worsening, something commonly observed over time with factors that give rise to dementia. This is an important issue and I want to extend my thanks to Igor for drawing attention to this very important dataset.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Prior to the unfortunate dismantling of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was one of its most prominent republics, even rivaling Russia itself in numerous aspects. In many ways, it was a sort of “Soviet California”, as approximately 30% of the USSR’s massive industrial and scientific might was situated precisely in Ukraine. Much of Soviet shipbuilding, advanced electronics, rocketry, chemical industry, metallurgy and numerous universities and scientific institutions were based all across the country. Moscow built an enormous and highly robust energy infrastructure that Ukraine uses to this very day and without which it would never have been a functioning country.

The “evil Moskaliv” held Ukraine in such high regard that several of the USSR’s top leaders were actually Ukrainians, including Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev, arguably two of the Soviet Union’s most prominent Cold War-era leaders. In 1954, Khrushchev even “gifted” Crimea, a Russian-populated peninsula, to Ukraine, with virtually no opposition from anyone in Russia. At the time, Ukrainians and ethnic Russians were seen as virtually the same people (which they have been for well over a thousand years at that point), so the move was seen as a trivial bureaucratic matter that made absolutely no difference on the ground. And indeed, nothing changed – until 2014.

That year, the infamous “Euromaidan”, an illegal NATO-orchestrated coup, brought the Neo-Nazi junta to power, pitting the two East Slavic peoples against each other. However, it should be noted that the stage for this disastrous conflict was set in 1991, when Ukraine gained its supposed “independence”. Since then, generations of Ukrainians were taught (or brainwashed, to be exact) that the “evil Moskaliv” have been doing nothing but “oppressing Ukrainians” and supposedly “preventing their development”. This initially crawling process was largely limited to Western Ukraine until 2014, when the then newly installed Kiev regime started forcing its rabidly Russophobic agenda everywhere.

As we all know, the result was the war in Donbass, a conflict that has taken close to 15,000 (mostly civilian) lives until early 2022. The mainstream propaganda machine routinely blames Russia for the outbreak of hostilities, as Moscow is regularly accused of supposed “imperialist revisionism”, despite the fact that it was precisely Kremlin that gave Ukraine independence in the first place and that it would make no sense for it to do such a thing only to then “attack Ukraine completely unprovoked” to regain control over it. And yet, precisely this is the official stance of both the political West and its vassals and satellite states, including its favorite puppets in Kiev.

So, what exactly has Ukraine “gained” since “independence”, but particularly since “freedom and democracy” clawed its way into the unfortunate country? Well, it should be noted that Ukraine had a population of 52 million in 1991, as well as the aforementioned industrial and scientific capacity that was rivaled by very few countries not just of its size, but also much larger. By 2015, the number of inhabitants fell to 42 million. And yet, that’s not nearly the end of Ukraine’s troubles. Namely, according to experts cited by Corriere della Sera, one of the longest-running Italian news media, only 28-31 million people still live in Ukraine, with a tendency of further reduction.

Citing local sources, official data and statistics, as well as other methods of collecting information, the Italian newspaper states that both urban and rural areas are essentially empty, while countless families have been divided (likely forever), particularly as wives of many soldiers forcibly deployed on the frontlines have gone abroad and never returned. Corriere della Sera insists that Ukraine is going through a catastrophic demographic crisis and that the population collapse will soon cause very serious economic and social problems in the country, as it has an estimated 15 million residents less than in early 2022.

“From 52 million to less than 30 in three decades. It’s a very serious loss for the country as it threatens our chances of reconstruction after the end of the war, prevents economic normalization and sinks the pension system,” Alexander Demenchuk, rector of the Faculty of Political Science in Kiev told Corriere della Sera, adding:

“Children are missing, therefore the future is missing. Young, upper-middle-class women with an excellent level of education left. And what is even more serious, more than half of them do not intend to return to Ukraine. Children study in German, Polish, Austrian, French or Dutch schools. The mothers found work immediately. The European welcome policy initially seemed to us a miracle of generosity, but now it turned out to be a curse.”

According to Ella Libanova, a distinguished demographer at the National Academy of Sciences, all this affects the fertility rate, which has fallen to 0.7%, one of the lowest in the world.

Families fall apart overnight as soldiers and officers increasingly complain that their wives leave them for other men in host countries. This is resulting in even higher divorce rates, exacerbating a problem that has already been quite common in previous years. There is virtually no public debate about these burning issues, the Italian newspaper warns, adding that no one in Ukraine is dealing with these problems because all efforts are supposedly directed toward the front.

It should be noted that the deeply corrupt Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev has effectively made sure Ukraine becomes a failed state.

After years of Western dominance and unrelenting theft of its natural resources and even gold reserves, Ukraine has been effectively carved up and its best land taken from it “in exchange” for an impossible $1 trillion “reconstruction plan”. And while deranged Russophobic propaganda is working towards cementing hatred, information on actual crimes against Ukrainians, particularly sex trafficking by Hunter Biden, is being silenced and/or suppressed everywhere.

On top of that, the Neo-Nazi junta unilaterally broke the March 2022 agreement that could’ve prevented not only the bloodshed, but also the further destruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure, as well as the aforementioned demographic and societal issues. Still, the political West had other plans and the Kiev regime followed suit. The result has been only the Ukrainian people’s continued suffering, as Moscow was left with no other option but to launch its counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe. This process will not stop as long as Russia is under threat of yet another “Barbarossa”.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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“Experts Agree: Not only is the sky falling but we’re all going to die from global warming. SUVs are a major culprit, and have been contributing to rising sea levels according to climate expert, Chicken Little. Colleague, Algore, speaking during a blizzard, agreed with Little.”

The Daily Alarmist

I must preface my comments here with sane logic, so as to ward off the absurd idiots who have bought hook, line, and sinker, the madness of the mainstream media, the political class, the non-science ‘scientists,’ the fake environmental whackos, the evil UN, the illegitimate IPCC, and the staged marketing of the ever-pathetic rantings of the once teenage bimbo ignoramus, Greta Thunberg, about man’s normal activity destroying the ‘planet.’ It is just not so!

Yes, the climate on earth changes on a regular basis. Yes, extreme weather conditions are seemingly present more often than not considering the near past. Yes, warming and cooling takes place over time, and has for millions, (or billions) of years. Yes, particular humans, (government, malevolent ‘scientists,’ NGOs, and the military, among many other nefarious individuals and organizations) can manipulate weather to harm us, but no; driving an SUV cannot kill us all. I present this as a purposeful affront to the evil liars, propagandists, depopulation monsters, eugenists, and technocrats, who desire to rule the earth at the great expense of all common men and nature.

The latest absurdity, not new or unique in any way, is the plan of the Irish government to cull (kill) 200,000 healthy cows, claiming “they contribute to ‘climate change’ due to ‘carbon’ emissions.” Anyone who takes this nonsense seriously, or accepts and/or ignores it, is opening the gates to voluntary human extermination. To not be able to understand that both cows and humans eat, live, and expel C02, and to not see that there are eight times more humans than cows globally, why would anyone not grasp that killing humans would be, according to these mad enviro-fools, even more effective in their efforts to ‘save the planet’ than killing cows? Why not kill every animal, including large numbers of humans, if ‘saving the planet’ from farts is the main goal?

Humans not only expel more C02 than cows, but they consume vast amounts of energy, they drive cars, they fly on planes, they build factories that pollute, they mine, they create incredible mountains of plastic and garbage, they perpetuate wars that destroy the earth at unheard of levels, and they continue to outpace cows in population growth by extreme margins. Cows only breath and fart, so why kill these innocent animals; why not just go ahead and cut to the chase, and kill large swaths of humans, (the real plan) saving the soon to be endangered Bos taurus — bovine? (cow) Are you beginning to see the absurdity of this bogus ‘climate change’ bullshite? The nonsense swallowed up and believed by most all these ‘climate change’ pushing scum, expands the bounds of absurdity to astronomical levels.

It gets much worse. This incredibly harmful and idiotic plan by the very imbecilic Irish Department of Agriculture, and the Irish Environmental Protection Agency, will pay 5,000 euros ($5,622) for each cow killed. Keep in mind, that 200,000 cows makes up 0.02% of the total number of cows on earth. Is anyone stupid enough to consider this a legitimate fight against the fraudulent notion of ‘climate change?’ At that price, it would cost $1.125 billion just to pay the farmers for killing their animals. (At this price, to kill all cows on earth, would cost $5.525 trillion). But what about the cost to dispose of these animals, the huge amount of energy and pollution used to do so, the loss of food and dairy products, the supply reduction and obvious extreme price increases certain to come? How will these losses be made up, and how much increased energy will be required to fill this void?

I do realize that most might consider this a minor subject matter, but that would be a grave mistake on your part. The powers that be are not planning on stopping with the killing of animals; they are intent on total control over every aspect of your life, including what food you eat, where you are allowed to go, how much energy you are allowed to use, how much heat you will be allowed in winter to keep warm, how you spend your allotted currency units, (CBDCs) how much medical care you may be allowed, where you may live, and even control whether you may procreate or not.

Why not get to the meat (pun intended?) of this problem, and dispose of the lies and propaganda that consume this now ignorant, pathetic, and indifferent population. The weather is being controlled, it is greatly harming humanity and nature, and is causing an incredible amount of damage not only to this earth, but to every living thing on it. This is not, and never has been, the result of normal human behavior, but is due to mass manipulation of the weather by the ruling class of claimed ‘elites’, who have chosen to use false climate narratives to create mass fear in order to control all. This is the ultimate fake ’emergency’ being used to take over humanity.

Many factors are likely present concerning climate extremes, including, but not limited to, weather geoengineering by the State, graphene rain, directed energy, climate modification assault, heating the ionosphere using HAARP technology, cloud seeding, spraying our skies with metals and poisons through stratospheric aerosol injection, (chemtrails) and most assuredly, artificially creating and enhancing the destructive  nature of hurricanes and earthquakes. Certainly, there are other devastating manipulations of weather going on as well that are unknown at this time, as the military’s full technological potential is hidden, and far ahead of what is believed by most. In addition, releases of toxic chemicals, bioweapons, and the continuous poisoning of the earth’s land and water by deadly substances such as glyphosate, is continuously ongoing. Weather is now a major weapon against mankind, and is being used to monopolize all agriculture and food production, or planned lack thereof.

It is not just cows that will be targeted by these evil ‘climate change’ monsters, it is the entire human race. So to believe that killing cows will save anyone or this earth, is not only completely ludicrous, but a sign that this is only the start of a much broader assault on all of the proletariat herd. They may attempt to begin with the cattle, but if that atrocity is allowed to happen, you and your family will likely be next.

Carbon Dioxide (C02) is absolutely vital to the existence of man. Without it, everything on earth would die. Through the process of photosynthesis, leaves on trees and plants use the great energy of the sun in order to convert this C02 to feed the plants, causing life-sustaining oxygen to be produced so that all things can live and breathe. It is said that one large tree can produce by using expelled C02, enough oxygen supply to provide what is necessary for a full day for several people. Plants also store carbon dioxide to clean the air and reduce negative effects to the environment. This process is imperative for life to survive, as without it, oxygen would cease to be available. If carbon dioxide were to be eliminated, (net zero is the stupid term used) everything would die. Keep this in mind the next time you hear some ranting ‘climate change’ dreg advocating the killing of all our animals (including humans) to ‘save the planet.’

All that is needed to save this planet and everything on it, is the elimination of all rulers and governments! Think about that the next time you perpetuate your own destruction by choosing to vote to ‘elect’ a master, any master, to rule over and control you. It is better to cull politicians and save the cows.

“Almost all of history is an unbroken trail of one conspiracy after another. Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.”


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Gary D. Barnett [send him mail] is a retired investment professional that has been writing about freedom and liberty matters, politics, and history for two decades. He is against all war and aggression, and against the state. He recently finished a collaboration with former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, and was a contributor to her new book, “When China Sneezes” From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Political-Economic Crisis.” Currently, he lives in Montana with his wife and son. Visit his website.

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Operating, upgrading and maintaining the systems the U.S. Department of Defense relies upon to monitor, ready and launch devastating nuclear weapons is expected to cost $117 billion over the coming decade, according to independent analysis of federal spending plans.

The price tag for nuclear command, control and communications, or NC3, in 2023-2032 marks a $23 billion increase in costs compared to a 10-year estimate made in 2021, the Congressional Budget Office said in a report published July 14. The office updates projections every other year at the direction of lawmakers.

The CBO attributed the increase to a ramping up of nuclear modernization — including the replacement of the E-4B National Airborne Operations Center and E-6B Take Charge and Move Out aircraft — as well as certain items appearing in budgets for the first time.

Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works and RTX, until recently known as Raytheon Technologies, in April announced they would collaborate on the so-called TACAMO, which provides airborne coordination for the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

The Biden administration promised to beef up NC3 and further protect the no-fail networks from cyber and electromagnetic attack. Newer nuclear arms are expected to enter the stockpile after 2030. With it comes the opportunity to embed contemporary information technology.

The Congressional Budget Office's projections for nuclear-weapons spending up to 2032.

The Congressional Budget Office’s projections for nuclear-weapons spending. It features both the Defense and Energy departments. (Screenshot/CBO)

About $756 billion would be spent on the nuclear arsenal between 2023 and 2032 if budget requests from the Defense and Energy departments are fully satisfied, the CBO said. Much of nuclear weapons infrastructure, including development labs and production sites, has deteriorated since the Cold War. Weapons, similarly, are undergoing complex refurbishment regimens, known as life-extension programs, to keep them ticking.

“Nuclear weapons have been an important component of U.S. national security since they were developed during World War II,” the CBO said in its report. “Over the coming years, the Congress will need to decide which nuclear forces the United States should field in the future and thus the extent to which the nation will continue to modernize those forces.”

Lawmakers are seeking a potentially clearer catalog of spending on nuclear command, a topic that is closely guarded. Members of the House strategic forces panel, which oversees nuclear safety, nonproliferation, missile defense and other topics, included in a draft of fiscal 2024 defense legislation a provision establishing a major force program for NC3.

Major force programs are featured in Pentagon budgets as groupings of related efforts and resources. They are one of several lenses through which national security investment can be studied or tracked. Existing collections include research and development and support of other nations.

The Biden administration opposes a budget filter for NC3, believing it to be administratively burdensome and disruptive of work already underway.


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Colin Demarest is a reporter at C4ISRNET, where he covers military networks, cyber and IT. Colin previously covered the Department of Energy and its National Nuclear Security Administration — namely Cold War cleanup and nuclear weapons development — for a daily newspaper in South Carolina. Colin is also an award-winning photographer.

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Baton Rouge, LA – 64 year old Radiologist Dr. Dwayne Anderson died suddenly on Feb. 17, 2023 after a “brief illness” and 3 months later his wife, Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Cynthia Boyer died suddenly on May 19, 2023. Both were experienced Marathon runners (click here)(click here).

July 16, 2023 – Ann Arbor, MI – 61 year old Dr. Michael Fetters died on July 16, 2023 after a year long battle with pancreatic cancer (turbo cancer?) (click here).

July 11, 2023 – Barreiras, Brazil – 25 year old medical student Dr. Maira Cavalcante Ayres Pedrosa Cardoso, daughter of mayor of Barreiras, died suddenly after suffering a cardiac arrest. (click here)

July 10, 2023 – Philippines – Dr. Snegugu Ntobeko Myeni, final year medical student, died at the airport as she was about to board a plane back to South Africa (click here).

June 29, 2023 – Fernandopolis, Brazil – 20 year old medical student Dr.Maria Fernanda Roldan died suddenly while having coffee with her parents on the morning of June 29, 2023, from a “massive heart attack.”

June 26, 2023 – 42 year old popular Mexican TV doctor and self-proclaimed “vaccination expert” Dr. Alfredo Victoria, died suddenly in his sleep.

June 26, 2023 – Syracuse, NY – Dr. Bradley Middleton MD, 34 year old Emergency doctor, collapsed at his home and was rushed to the SUNY Upstate Emergency Room, where he worked. His colleagues rushed to save him, but couldn’t. He had just graduated from med school in 2019. He leaves behind 2 small children and an expectant wife.

June 18, 2023 – Italy – 42 year old Italian doctor Dr. Paolo Cappare had a medical emergency while swimming off a beach and died suddenly on June 18, 2023. He graduated from medicine and surgery.

June 15, 2023 – Lubbock, TX – 56 year old Dr.Holly Sharon Stewart Hester was working in the Emergency Room when she died suddenly and unexpectedly. She leaves behind 10 year old twin orphans (click here).

June 15, 2023 – Teresina, Brazil – 43 year old Cardiologist Dr. Ismar Marques Filho died of a “massive heart attack”.

June 14, 2023 – Goianesia, Brazil – 22 year old medical student at University of Rio Verde, Dr. Samya Coelho Brito Bucar died suddenly. She was hospitalized since May 17 in the ICU where she had cardiac arrests and suffered from pulmonary embolism & lack of oxygen to her brain. 

June 3, 2023 – Philadelphia, PA – 41 year old Dr. Sam P. Wyche died suddenly on June 3, 2023 from cardiac arrest (click here).

May 18, 2023 – Fulbourn, UK – 46 year old leading UK surgeon, doctor Stephen Quinn died suddenly on May 18, 2023. He was an NHS Obstetrician & Gynecologist, specializing in recurrent miscarriages.

May 14, 2023 – Singapore – 37 yo UK (NHS) trained doctor Yee Vonne Liong was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer in Jul/Aug. 2021. It metastasized to her brain.

May 5, 2023 – Washington, DC – 60 year old cardiologist Dr. Ramin Oskoui MD, died suddenly on May 5, 2023 He was doing his cardiology rounds on May 5, when he collapsed during rounds and later died. He had been named Physician of the Year by Johns Hopkins Medicine (click here).

April 25, 2023 – Bethesda, MD – 54 year old Internal Medicine doctor Karen Ann Blackstone died after a “brief illness” on April 25, 2023. She was Director of Palliative Care at Washington DC Veterans Admin Medical Center She leaves behind three children. (click here)

April 18, 2023 – Hoboken, NJ – 28 year old doctor Dr.Ahntu Vu (family medicine resident) died 2 months after being diagnosed with Glioblastoma (turbo brain cancer). (click here)

My Take…

Here are 18 doctors who died suddenly, ages 20 to 64. Five were medical students or medical residents who didn’t finish their studies.

  • 9 cardiac arrests (2 at work – emerg, cardiology rounds, 1 swimming, 1 at airport, 2 at home, 1 having coffee)
  • 4 sudden deaths no info ( 2 with “brief illness”)
  • 1 died in sleep
  • 1 pulmonary embolism with cardiac arrests
  • 3 turbo cancers (brain – dead in 2 months, aggressive breast ca with brain mets, pancreas)

This pattern of causes of deaths is what would be expected from a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine mandated profession.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from America’s Frontline Doctors

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The Biden administration is expected to announce a new $1.3 billion weapons package for Ukraine in the coming days, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing two unnamed US officials.

The funds will be provided through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), which allows the US to purchase weapons for Ukraine as opposed to shipping them directly from US military stockpiles, which is the main way the US has been arming Kyiv.

The sources told Reuters that the new package will include an anti-drone air defense system, known as the VAMPIRE, Phoenix Ghost drones and Switchblade drones, which are both small loitering munitions, and another counter-drone system made by Australia’s DroneShield.

Because the weapons systems are being purchased, it could take months or years for them to be delivered. The report comes as US officials are warning the Pentagon is draining its stockpiles to dangerously low levels.

According to the State Department, the US has provided Ukraine with $10.8 billion in USAI funds so far in the 2023 fiscal year. In the 2022 fiscal year, which ended on September 30 for the federal government, the US announced $6.3 billion in USAI aid for Ukraine.

Funds for Ukraine are still being pulled from the $113 billion that Congress has authorized to spend on the war. The administration is expected to ask Congress to approve more soon.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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USAID Head Samantha Power rolled out multiple aid packages totaling hundreds of millions of dollars during a multi-day trip to Ukraine. The civilian assistance was announced as the White House prepares a $1.3 billion tranche of weapons for Kiev. 

Power arrived in Kiev on Monday, revealing a new $500 million humanitarian assistance package for Ukraine.

“I also would like to announce that the United States will provide more than $500 million in additional humanitarian assistance to our humanitarian partners to scale up their response on the frontlines,” she said. “This will support everything from shelter for those whose homes have been destroyed to trauma support for those who have been most affected by the war.” 

On Tuesday, Power arrived in Odessa and announced another $250 million aid package directed at Ukrainian farmers. “Through its Agriculture Resilience Initiative-Ukraine (AGRI-Ukraine), USAID is providing an additional $250 million to support Ukraine’s agriculture sector,” she stated. 

According to the Kiel Institute, Washington has sent over $70 billion in aid to Ukraine since Russia invaded. Most of the assistance has come in the form of military support, roughly $43 billion. The White House is expected to roll out a new $1.3 billion arms package for Kiev later this week. The US has additionally provided Ukraine with nearly $25 billion in financial assistance and $4 billion in humanitarian aid. 

The White House has pushed back against creating an inspector general’s office to oversee the billions in weapons and cash being transferred to Ukraine. The government in Kiev has a legacy of extreme corruption. The US inspector general for the Afghan War, John Sopko, has warned that Ukraine will be plagued with the same problems as Afghanistan if Washington does not develop appropriate oversight over the aid being sent to Kiev.


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

Featured image is from Libya360

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Former Pentagon analyst and Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Karen Kwiatkowski, has criticized the US decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine, stating that the Pentagon is eager to unload them due to their ban in many countries. Kwiatkowski believes that the Pentagon’s interest lies in clearing old inventory to make way for more profitable weapons.

“The Pentagon’s interest seems to be in getting rid of stockpiled munitions, and these cluster bombs are honestly difficult to get rid of for-profit as so many nations have banned them,” Kwiatkowski said.

Cluster bombs are seen as a tactic to freeze off land areas, disrupt transportation lines, and establish new borders in the later stages of traditional land battles. She expressed concerns about Ukraine’s track record of restraint and accountability with other weapons systems supplied by the US and its allies. Kwiatkowski also pointed out the double standards in Western media’s portrayal of cluster bomb usage.

“This US decision and NATO’s flaccid acceptance of it, contrary to the policies of many NATO member states, serves as the latest example of extreme hypocrisy, and it is being observed and understood for exactly that by all of Europe, as well as the rest of the world,” Kwiatkowski concluded.

A Flashback

The United States recently announced new military aid, including cluster munitions, to “assist Ukraine”, causing wide criticism from NGOs and embarrassment for some European nations.

The move by the Biden administration has been widely criticized by human rights activists and some US lawmakers, with Congressman Matt Gaetz planning to co-sponsor an amendment to ban the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine or any other country.

Cluster munitions, which disperse multiple small explosive charges, are banned by several countries, including European signatories of the 2008 Oslo Convention.

Russia already warned the US against sending the cluster munitions to Ukraine, and Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia argued it would count as a bigger step toward escalating the conflict.

Late last month, the US military said that despite it being banned by most countries, supplying Ukraine with cluster bombs could be useful against Russia.



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Hosting sporting events has always been a government’s formula to distract their seducible subjects. It’s the secular version of smells and bells, the warbling of the church choir turned into flesh and performance. If such occasions are of sufficient scale, they might even be political promotions, body beautiful types paraded and performing before clapping and glorifying spectators. Sponsors also have their share of exposure. Horrendous expenses can thereby be justified, raids on the treasury written off in the name of improving society’s spiritual being.

For all their heralded merits, mega sporting events usually have two clear outcomes: the budget blowout followed by the White Elephant syndrome. In that effort, other spending programs will be slashed or sacrificed altogether. But the propagandists will always shoot back: the sporting show is not merely the athlete on display but a form of renewal, a communal release. Why such renewal cannot happen without the building of sporting facilities with public funds is never made clear, though much is made of consumer spending, be it on food, drink and accommodation.

Such issues, and more beside, have been ignited with the cancellation of the 2026 Commonwealth Games by the Victorian state government. Premier Daniel Andrews, in announcing the matter on July 18, stated that the cost of hosting the Commonwealth Games in Victoria would exceed A$6 billion, “more than twice the estimated economic benefit the Games would bring our state.”

Andrews explains the “main reason” for originally agreeing to host the Games: “to deliver lasting benefits in housing, tourism and sporting infrastructure for regional Victoria.” It was flawed reasoning from the start, linking the hosting of a sporting event with a social, economic program. But even more critically, the decision to host an event no one else wanted was made even as the state’s debt was ballooning. Victoria faces deficits fed by the borrowing of A$31.5 billion worth in emergency funds to combat the COVID pandemic. The cynics had to venture the point that this whole affair was an indulgent political gambit, at least in part: to pitch for the Games would earn rewards at the November 2022 poll.

Given such money problems, the burgeoning costs came to be seen as something of a nightmare. This was hardly helped by the government’s own decision to essentially avoid the pre-existing facilities already available in Melbourne. The decision to spread the games across four regional hubs in Victoria was always going to swell the sum in any logistical sense.

In place of not hosting the games, the Andrews government is offering “a comprehensive A$2 billion package to ensure regional Victoria still receives all the benefits that would have been facilitated by the Games – and more.”

While Andrews insists that funding that would otherwise be spent on the Games would be channelled into, for instance, the building of 1,300 homes in country Victoria, such claims are undercut by the sheer scale of spending on sporting infrastructure in the regional areas, projected for 2026. These include funding to build or upgrade a number of facilities from football stadia to netball courts and pools.

Ballarat is promised a 5,000 permanent seater upgrade and a facility “including competition-grade oval and sports pavilion with carparking, amenities and changerooms.” Bendigo can expect a redeveloped Bowls Club, while Bendigo Stadium will receive four additional sports courts.

The result is an Andrews magic formula that, once the pudding is baked, is unlikely to be as nourishing, let alone wholesome, as thought. In it, all is expected to come together in unrealistic fashion: the sporting infrastructure to bribe the community; the tourism that will mysteriously make its way to regional Victoria; and a relief on the crushingly inaccessible housing market.

Sporting events are cancelled in Australia on pain of reputational battering. Reputations will be tarred and feathered, to forever wander through halls of infamy. That such a move might be wise and necessary is neither here nor there. Priorities, much like beauty, lie in the eye of the beholding punter. And so it is that the Australian Financial Review regards the cancellation as “a disaster for Victoria’s reputation as the host of major events and the supposed sporting capital of the world.” (Really? According to whom?)

The Commonwealth Games Australia (CGA) chief executive, Craig Philips, followed the script of reputational beating. “I would be very careful if I was an international sporting body coming and doing business in this state in the future.” Ditto John Coates of the International Olympic Committee, a famed crawler to the sporting industrial complex. “It must reflect on Australia when we’ve committed to host an event and thinking that we had the support of the state government and they’ve pulled the plug.”

Much bemoaning also focuses on the welfare of the athletes. Those poor, fit darlings, so eager to represent their country, deprived from competing in an antiquated event with all too modern costs. One athlete, Paralympian and Commonwealth Games gold medal winner, Rowan Crothers, even had the imaginative gall to say that the cancellation would “suck for the state of inclusion”. How, pray?

For all the clumsiness and sheer carelessness of the Andrews government, the merits of not hosting such a large sporting venture are hard to dismiss. Billions of dollars being injected into what Andrews called “a 12-day sporting event” is always a hard proposition to sustain. The benefits of cancellation in his case, however, have been blunted. Victoria need never have applied in the first place and now faces what may amount to a hefty damages bill.

The result of the cancellation has also sent deserved jitters through the resource sucking mega-event sporting fraternity. Australia is, after all, playing host to the FIFA Women’s World Cup while Brisbane is set to host the 2032 Summer Olympics. In all the fanfare and bluster, former Australian swimmer and CEO of the Australian Sports Commission, Kieren Perkins, had a more grounded observation to make: “Where large portions of the population don’t see that benefit [of hosting such events], it probably does ask questions of us of how exactly we are actually deploying the resources that we receive”. How, indeed.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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Study: 74% of Post-Jab Deaths Caused by the Shot

July 19th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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July 5, 2023, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, an expert clinical pathologist, and colleagues published a systematic review of autopsy findings in people who died after receiving a COVID shot on The Lancet journal’s preprint server

The autopsy review found that 62.5% to 73.9% of post-jab deaths were likely caused by the injection

Preprints with The Lancet pulled the study in less than 24 hours

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) also rejected the paper, as did the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The preprint server medRxiv and others also refused to post it

Belgian researchers report that two doses of the Pfizer mRNA COVID jab induced lethal “turbo cancers” in a mouse. Two days after receiving its second dose, one of the 14 injected mice (7%) died suddenly. No clinical signs of illness were present before its abrupt death. Upon post-mortem examination, the mouse was found to have lymphoma in several organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs


July 5, 2023, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, an expert clinical pathologist, and several other colleagues published a systematic review of autopsy findings in people who died after receiving a COVID shot on The Lancet journal’s preprint server.1

Disturbingly, but not surprisingly, they concluded that 62.5% to 73.9% of post-jab deaths were likely caused by the injection. Previous autopsy reviews have also concluded that the mRNA COVID jabs are a causative factor in sudden cardiac deaths.2

Nearly Three-Quarters of Post-Jab Deaths Caused by the Shot

As explained by the authors:3

“The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis … We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023.

We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.

The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases.

The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination …

Among adjudicators, there was complete independent agreement (all three physicians) of vaccination causing or contributing to death in 203 cases (62.5%). The one necropsy case was judged to be linked to vaccination with complete agreement …

The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms, and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases.”

The Lancet Censors Paper

As has so often been the case over these past three years, the journal didn’t waste time censoring the paper. Preprints with The Lancet pulled it within 24 hours,4 stating “the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.”5 In what way? They don’t say. As noted by McCullough, the methodology is as standard as it gets. Will Jones at the Daily Sceptic adds:6

“A number of the authors of the paper are at the top of their fields so it is hard to imagine that the methodology of their review was really so poor that it warranted removal at initial screening rather than being subject to full critical appraisal. It smacks instead of raw censorship of a paper that failed to toe the official line …

Dr. Clare Craig, a pathologist and co-Chair of the HART pandemic advisory group, says that in her view the approach taken in the study is sound. She told the Daily Sceptic:

‘The VAERS system … is designed to alert to potential harms without necessarily being the best way of measuring the extent of those harms. Quantifying the impact of deaths can be done by looking at overall mortality rates in a country.

However, this is imperfect as a deficit of deaths would be expected after a period of excess deaths, making the accuracy of any baseline dubious. An alternative approach of auditing such deaths through autopsy is sound.

There may be a bias [in the study] towards reporting the autopsies of deaths where there was evidence of causation and the likelihood of causation might be exaggerated by that bias. For example, 19 of the 325 deaths were due to vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) but these reports may be overrepresented because of the regulators’ willingness to acknowledge such deaths.

Nevertheless, it is important that attempts are made to quantify the risk of harm and censorship of these attempts, rather than open scientific critique, does nothing to help reassure people.”

Prior to this, The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) had also rejected the paper, as had the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). NEJM rejected it within a few days, and JAMA within about an hour of submission. The preprint server medRxiv and others also refused to post it.

In the video above, Naomi Wolf with Daily Clout interviewed McCullough about the censoring of his paper. According to McCullough, overnight, while the paper was still on the Preprint server, downloads of the paper were in the hundreds per minute, demonstrating there’s a clear demand for this information.

The paper is currently only available for download on the preprint server Zenodo.7 Ironically, by pulling the paper off the server, The Lancet magnified its existence, as news of the censorship went viral on social media.

Mechanisms of Action

In the featured Daily Clout interview, McCullough explains the jab’s mechanisms of action that appear to be responsible for a majority of post-jab heart-related deaths. The first is myocarditis (heart inflammation). The other is progression of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

In myocarditis, the electrical current can no longer conduct smoothly through the heart muscle, causing an abnormal heart rhythm. This abnormal heart rhythm can then lead to sudden cardiac death. This is one of the primary reasons behind many athletic deaths, where players have died on the field.

In a letter to the editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology published in late 2022,8,9McCullough compared the pre- and post-COVID jab cardiac death rates among athletes, finding that before the jab, there were an average of 29 cardiac-related deaths among pro athletes per year.

After the rollout of the jab, which was mandated on players, it shot up to 283 per year — a 10-fold increase. And, in many cases, players have no prior symptoms. Wolf points out that lipid nanoparticles have been found to damage electrical conduction in the myelin sheath, so why would it not also damage electrical conduction in the heart? It makes sense that it would.

McCullough adds that when lipid nanoparticles are taken up by human somatic cells — nonreproductive cells, found in the heart and other internal organs — it causes syncytia formation where cell membranes fuse together.

And, because the heart prefers lipids over glucose for fuel, it may preferentially take up lipid nanoparticles, more so than other tissues. On top of that, exercise increases blood flow, which draws more lipid nanoparticles to the heart.

He also cites research showing there are two primary periods of sudden cardiac death: during exercise and between 3 AM and 6 AM. The common factor between these two is adrenaline. Adrenaline surges during exercise and in the natural waking process. If you have myocarditis, this adrenaline surge can be enough to trigger sudden cardiac death.

Shining a Light on Possible Treatments

As noted by Wolf, by clearly identifying how the COVID jab is killing people, McCullough’s paper also helps shed light on potential treatments. The spike protein produced by your body in response to the mRNA shot is the primary culprit that needs to be degraded and eliminated.

The enzymes in your body that would normally do this job are unable to degrade the synthetic spike protein, but there are products that can get the job done. McCullough refers to Japanese research that found nattokinase can be very helpful in this regard. However, lumbrokinase is a much stronger fibrinolytic enzyme and would likely work better.

Bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple stems, also works, McCullough says, as does curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. We also know that both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin aid in the elimination of spike protein.

As noted by McCullough, it’s interesting that while the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the spike protein produced by the mRNA jab are synthetic and wholly unnatural, most of the best remedies are turning out to be all-natural compounds.

Reprehensible Medical Censorship

At the end of the interview, McCullough says that if the current censorship trend continues, medical history may well state that the COVID shots are perfectly safe, even though there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary — evidence that was never allowed to be seen.

In a three-part series for TrialSite News, published in 2021, investigative journalist Sonia Elijah reviewed how scientific journals were censoring the science on COVID. July 7, 2023, she published a follow-up based on the most recent censoring of McCullough’s paper:10

“This is just another example of a paper with findings, not fitting in with the ‘very good safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccines,’ being expelled from a prominent journal,” she writes. “Dr. McCullough commented exclusively for TrialSite about this highly concerning issue. This is what he said:

‘This act of medical censorship occurred after the paper met all the criteria for listing on the Lancet PrePrint Server and appears to be triggered by very heavy worldwide interest and rapid downloading of the paper.

This speaks to the importance of our findings as the largest summary of autopsies after COVID-19 vaccination. Elsevier and Lancet are trying to suppress critical scientific observations on COVID-19 vaccine safety. Their actions are reprehensible.’

My own research11 in analyzing the Periodic Safety Update Reports compiled by Pfizer for the European Medicines Agency revealed damning data. As of June 2022, 161 children have died shortly after taking the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

What is even more shocking is that an overwhelming majority of autopsies were not performed or followed up by the pharmaceutical behemoth … This is why McCullough et al.’s study is so key because there is an incredible lack of laboratory data and post-mortem information on these post-vaccine deaths …

This begs the all-important question — has this scarcity been carefully orchestrated to prevent sufficient evidence of a causal association of COVID-19 vaccines with the reported deaths?”

Case Report of mRNA Jab-Induced Turbo Cancers

In related news, Belgian researchers report that two doses of the Pfizer mRNA COVID jab induced lethal “turbo cancers” in a mouse. Two days after receiving its second dose, one of the 14 injected mice (7%) died suddenly. No clinical signs of illness were present before its abrupt death.

Upon post-mortem examination, the mouse was found to have lymphoma in several organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs. The case report, published in Frontiers in Oncology May 1, 2023, noted:12

“Two days following booster vaccination (i.e., 16 days after prime), at only 14 weeks of age, our animal suffered spontaneous death with marked organomegaly and diffuse malignant infiltration of multiple extranodal organs (heart, lung, liver, kidney, spleen) by lymphoid neoplasm.

Immunohistochemical examination revealed organ sections positive for CD19, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, and c-MYC, compatible with a B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma immunophenotyped …

Given the paucity of data on the long-term safety of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines, it is vital that clinicians and scientists report any adverse event to establish potential correlations.

Our case adds to previous clinical reports on malignant lymphoma development following novel SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination. Interestingly, we are the first to report a B-LBL subtype …

Although strong evidence proving or refuting a causal relationship between SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination and lymphoma development or progression is lacking, vigilance is required, with conscientious reporting of similar cases and a further investigation of the mechanisms of action that could explain the aforementioned association.”

Resources for Those Injured by the COVID Jab

Aside from autopsy assessments, case reports of harms and various other studies, things like job statistics, disability claims, life insurance claims and all-cause mortality statistics also tell us that the COVID jabs are having a devastating effect.13 All have skyrocketed since the introduction of these COVID jabs.

If you got one or more jabs and suffered an injury, first and foremost, never ever take another COVID booster, another mRNA gene therapy shot or regular vaccine. You need to end the assault on your body.

The same goes for anyone who has taken one or more COVID jabs and had the good fortune of not experiencing debilitating side effects. Your health may still be impacted long-term, so don’t take any more shots.

When it comes to treatment, it seems like many of the treatments that worked against severe COVID-19 infection also help ameliorate adverse effects from the jab. This makes sense, as the toxic, most damaging part of the virus is the spike protein, and that’s what your whole body is producing if you got the jab.

As mentioned earlier, eliminating the spike protein is a primary task to prevent and/or address post-jab injuries. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine bind to and facilitate the removal of spike protein. According to McCullough, nattokinase, bromelain and curcumin also help degrade the spike protein.

For a comprehensive treatment plan, see the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) I-RECOVER protocol. It’s continuously updated as more data become available, so be sure to download the latest version straight from the FLCCC website at


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1, 5 Lancet Preprints July 5, 2023

2 The Health Site January 10, 2023

3, 7 Zenodo July 6, 2023

4, 6 Daily Sceptic July 6, 2023

8 Scandinavian Journal of Immunology December 28, 2022: e13242

9 Twitter Peter McCullough

10 Trial Site News July 7, 2023

11 Sonia Elijah Substack June 24, 2023

12 Frontiers in Oncology May 1, 2023; 13: 1158124

13 June 12, 2023


Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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To each side’s credit, neither leaked the news about Kissinger’s trip in advance, which suggests that they both feared that it could have been derailed had that happened. By successfully keeping this secret until after his planned talks with Defense Minister Shangfu finished, the Chinese and US leaderships showed one another that they sincerely wanted this informal dialogue to take place.

Chinese-US tensions remain very serious as proven by Kissinger’s surprise trip to Beijing. Xinhua disclosed details about it afterwards, reporting that this grey cardinal called on both countries to “eliminate misunderstandings, coexist peacefully, and avoid confrontation” during his meeting with Defense Minister Li Shangfu, who’s sanctioned by the US for purchasing Russian arms. 100-year-old Kissinger wouldn’t have made this trip if he didn’t consider the situation between them to be critical.

Their interconnected trade and tech wars continue to escalate in parallel with the US rounding up regional allies via AUKUS+. That second-mentioned trend spikes the chances of an air and/or sea incident in the disputed East and South China Seas, which could spark a mutually destructive war by miscalculation. At the same time, the whole world now knows that the US’ stockpiles are depleted after Biden’s candid admission in early July, thus suggesting that it’s become a lot weaker since February 2022.

Anti-Chinese hardliners in the US’ policymaking bureaucracy might fear that Beijing could take advantage of that and their country’s focus on the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine to make a move against Taiwan, the scenario of which might appeal to anti-US hardliners in China’s policymaking bureaucracy. This observation isn’t intended to lend credence to such a sequence of events nor contradict Beijing’s official approach of peacefully reunifying with Taiwan, just to describe the possible policymaking context.

Against the backdrop laid out in the last two paragraphs, Kissinger arguably felt obligated to intervene in a private capacity in an attempt to de-escalate their tensions due to the leading role that he played in brokering their historic rapprochement half a century ago. After all, if he didn’t feel very strongly about this on a personal level, he wouldn’t risk his health by traveling across the Pacific to hold talks with the Chinese Defense Minister.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin lamented the lack of communication with his counterpart earlier this summer, which most observers attribute to Beijing having enough self-respect not to indulge Washington’s repeated requests until it lifts the sanctions that were imposed on its military chief. The optics of returning to “business as usual” without that happening could make some think that China has tacitly subordinated itself to becoming the US’ “junior partner”, hence why it’s unlikely to do this.

Nevertheless, both sides would benefit from some informal dialogue, even if it’s conducted via a mutually trusted mediator like Kissinger. They each have an interest in learning more about the other’s intentions in order to decrease the odds of a conventional conflict by miscalculation, to which end they need to manage the perceptions of their own and their rival’s hardliners. The failure to do so could lead to one or the other ascending in influence and resultantly pushing these two states towards war.

Without comparatively more clarity about what their rival aims to achieve and how they’d react in a crisis scenario, which is missing at present due to their earlier mentioned lack of communication at the highest military-to-military level, it’s easier for hardliners to sway other policymakers to their side. If this doesn’t soon change, then their already dangerous security dilemma might very well spiral into war by sometime later this decade, ergo the enormous importance of Kissinger’s latest trip to China.

The larger context in which it took place combined with Xinhua’s report about their talks enable one to reasonably speculate that he and Defense Minister Shangfu sought to convince one another that their respective leaderships truly don’t desire a hot war like the other’s hardliners might think is inevitable. Be that as it may, precisely because of the influence that this faction veritably exerts to some degree, it’s unlikely that either would have promised to make unilateral concessions as a “goodwill gesture”.

Cynics might conclude that the lack of any tangible outcome means that their talks failed to de-escalate tensions and were therefore useless, but that’s premature to claim since it remains to be seen whether each’s reassurance that they don’t desire war will influence the other’s policymaking dynamics. The whole reason why these surprise talks went ahead in the first place was because their respective leaderships wanted to manage the influence of their own and the other’s hardliners.  

To each side’s credit, neither leaked the news about Kissinger’s trip in advance, which suggests that they both feared that it could have been derailed had that happened. By successfully keeping this secret until after his planned talks with Defense Minister Shangfu finished, the Chinese and US leaderships showed one another that they sincerely wanted this informal dialogue to take place. They then agreed to inform the world afterwards in order to preempt the hardliners from spinning it in a conspiratorial way.

Since the purpose of these talks was to reassure the other that they don’t desire war and get a reading of whether their rival sincerely feels the same way, it therefore follows that the insight obtained from this trip would have filtered through their respective policymaking bureaucracies after some time. This would have made it impossible to keep the trip a secret indefinitely, hence why it was reported right after their talks ended, which also served to send an important signal to the international community.

The Chinese and US leaderships wanted the world to know that neither wants a hot conflict by miscalculation, yet they’re also concerned that the present trajectory of their tensions is fueling the rise of hardliners who could make a war by miscalculation inevitable if their influence isn’t counteracted. For this reason, it was agreed that Kissinger would make a secret trip to the People’s Republic with the intent of initiating an informal dialogue aimed at managing their dangerous security dilemma.

It’s too early to assess the success of his efforts one way or the other, with observers only being able to discern that there’s mutual interest in this at the highest levels by dint of these talks taking place and not being leaked ahead of time. A New Detente probably isn’t in the cards anymore after all that’s happened since February’s balloon incident, which is why the best that can be hoped for is that their hardliners are eventually sidelined in order to create space for pragmatists to explore realistic de-escalation scenarios.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

Video: “Definitive Proof the COVID-19 Vaccines Are Causing Death”. Kim Iversen Interviews Peter McCullough

By Dr. Peter McCullough, July 18, 2023

One way to tell if a journalist is doing a good job is to see the level of detail they give to news developments. I sat down with Kim Iversen from my clinic and she went over the figures of our recent manuscript on autopsies after COVID-19 vaccination. This interview is helpful in understanding the data.

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“There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is a dangerous activity.”—Hannah Arendt

Get ready for the next phase of the government’s war on thought crimes: mental health round-ups and involuntary detentions.

Under the guise of public health and safety, the government could use mental health care as a pretext for targeting and locking up dissidents, activists and anyone unfortunate enough to be placed on a government watch list.

If we don’t nip this in the bud, and soon, this will become yet another pretext by which government officials can violate the First and Fourth Amendments at will.

This is how it begins.

In communities across the nation, police are being empowered to forcibly detain individuals they believe might be mentally ill, based solely on their own judgment, even if those individuals pose no danger to others.

In New York City, for example, you could find yourself forcibly hospitalized for suspected mental illness if you carry “firmly held beliefs not congruent with cultural ideas,” exhibit a “willingness to engage in meaningful discussion,” have “excessive fears of specific stimuli,” or refuse “voluntary treatment recommendations.”

While these programs are ostensibly aimed at getting the homeless off the streets, when combined with advances in mass surveillance technologies, artificial intelligence-powered programs that can track people by their biometrics and behavior, mental health sensor data (tracked by wearable data and monitored by government agencies such as HARPA), threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, precrime initiatives, red flag gun laws, and mental health first-aid programs aimed at training gatekeepers to identify who might pose a threat to public safety, they could well signal a tipping point in the government’s efforts to penalize those engaging in so-called “thought crimes.”

As the AP reports, federal officials are already looking into how to add “‘identifiable patient data,’ such as mental health, substance use and behavioral health information from group homes, shelters, jails, detox facilities and schools,” to its surveillance toolkit.

Make no mistake: these are the building blocks for an American gulag no less sinister than that of the gulags of the Cold War-era Soviet Union.

The word “gulag” refers to a labor or concentration camp where prisoners (oftentimes political prisoners or so-called “enemies of the state,” real or imagined) were imprisoned as punishment for their crimes against the state.

The gulag, according to historian Anne Applebaum, used as a form of “administrative exile—which required no trial and no sentencing procedure—was an ideal punishment not only for troublemakers as such, but also for political opponents of the regime.”

Totalitarian regimes such as the Soviet Union also declared dissidents mentally ill and consigned political prisoners to prisons disguised as psychiatric hospitals, where they could be isolated from the rest of society, their ideas discredited, and subjected to electric shocks, drugs and various medical procedures to break them physically and mentally.

In addition to declaring political dissidents mentally unsound, government officials in the Cold War-era Soviet Union also made use of an administrative process for dealing with individuals who were considered a bad influence on others or troublemakers. Author George Kennan describes a process in which:

The obnoxious person may not be guilty of any crime . . . but if, in the opinion of the local authorities, his presence in a particular place is “prejudicial to public order” or “incompatible with public tranquility,” he may be arrested without warrant, may be held from two weeks to two years in prison, and may then be removed by force to any other place within the limits of the empire and there be put under police surveillance for a period of from one to ten years.

Warrantless seizures, surveillance, indefinite detention, isolation, exile… sound familiar?

It should.

The age-old practice by which despotic regimes eliminate their critics or potential adversaries by making them disappear—or forcing them to flee—or exiling them literally or figuratively or virtually from their fellow citizens—is happening with increasing frequency in America.

Now, through the use of red flag laws, behavioral threat assessments, and pre-crime policing prevention programs, the groundwork is being laid that would allow the government to weaponize the label of mental illness as a means of exiling those whistleblowers, dissidents and freedom fighters who refuse to march in lockstep with its dictates.

That the government is using the charge of mental illness as the means by which to immobilize (and disarm) its critics is diabolical. With one stroke of a magistrate’s pen, these individuals are declared mentally ill, locked away against their will, and stripped of their constitutional rights.

These developments are merely the realization of various U.S. government initiatives dating back to 2009, including one dubbed Operation Vigilant Eagle which calls for surveillance of military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, characterizing them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”

Coupled with the report on “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” issued by the Department of Homeland Security (curiously enough, a Soviet term), which broadly defines rightwing extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely,” these tactics bode ill for anyone seen as opposing the government.

Thus, what began as a blueprint under the Bush administration has since become an operation manual for exiling those who challenge the government’s authority.

An important point to consider, however, is that the government is not merely targeting individuals who are voicing their discontent so much as it is locking up individuals trained in military warfare who are voicing feelings of discontent.

Under the guise of mental health treatment and with the complicity of government psychiatrists and law enforcement officials, these veterans are increasingly being portrayed as ticking time bombs in need of intervention.

For instance, the Justice Department launched a pilot program aimed at training SWAT teams to deal with confrontations involving highly trained and often heavily armed combat veterans.

One tactic being used to deal with so-called “mentally ill suspects who also happen to be trained in modern warfare” is through the use of civil commitment laws, found in all states and employed throughout American history to not only silence but cause dissidents to disappear.

For example, NSA officials attempted to label former employee Russ Tice, who was willing to testify in Congress about the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program, as “mentally unbalanced” based upon two psychiatric evaluations ordered by his superiors.

NYPD Officer Adrian Schoolcraft had his home raided, and he was handcuffed to a gurney and taken into emergency custody for an alleged psychiatric episode. It was later discovered by way of an internal investigation that his superiors were retaliating against him for reporting police misconduct. Schoolcraft spent six days in the mental facility, and as a further indignity, was presented with a bill for $7,185 upon his release.

Marine Brandon Raub—a 9/11 truther—was arrested and detained in a psychiatric ward under Virginia’s civil commitment law based on posts he had made on his Facebook page that were critical of the government.

Each state has its own set of civil, or involuntary, commitment laws. These laws are extensions of two legal principles: parens patriae Parens patriae (Latin for “parent of the country”), which allows the government to intervene on behalf of citizens who cannot act in their own best interest, and police power, which requires a state to protect the interests of its citizens.

The fusion of these two principles, coupled with a shift towards a dangerousness standard, has resulted in a Nanny State mindset carried out with the militant force of the Police State.

The problem, of course, is that the diagnosis of mental illness, while a legitimate concern for some Americans, has over time become a convenient means by which the government and its corporate partners can penalize certain “unacceptable” social behaviors.

In fact, in recent years, we have witnessed the pathologizing of individuals who resist authority as suffering from oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), defined as “a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures.” Under such a definition, every activist of note throughout our history—from Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King Jr.—could be classified as suffering from an ODD mental disorder.

Of course, this is all part of a larger trend in American governance whereby dissent is criminalized and pathologized, and dissenters are censored, silenced, declared unfit for society, labelled dangerous or extremist, or turned into outcasts and exiled.

Red flag gun laws (which authorize government officials to seize guns from individuals viewed as a danger to themselves or others), are a perfect example of this mindset at work and the ramifications of where this could lead.

As The Washington Post reports, these red flag gun laws “allow a family member, roommate, beau, law enforcement officer or any type of medical professional to file a petition [with a court] asking that a person’s home be temporarily cleared of firearms. It doesn’t require a mental-health diagnosis or an arrest.

With these red flag gun laws, the stated intention is to disarm individuals who are potential threats.

While in theory it appears perfectly reasonable to want to disarm individuals who are clearly suicidal and/or pose an “immediate danger” to themselves or others, where the problem arises is when you put the power to determine who is a potential danger in the hands of government agencies, the courts and the police.

Remember, this is the same government that uses the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.

This is the same government whose agents are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports using automated eyes and ears, social media, behavior sensing software, and citizen spies to identify potential threats.

This is the same government that keeps re-upping the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows the military to detain American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a threat.

This is the same government that has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.

For instance, if you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you could be at the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.

Moreover, as a New York Times editorial warns, you may be an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police if you are afraid that the government is plotting to confiscate your firearms, if you believe the economy is about to collapse and the government will soon declare martial law, or if you display an unusual number of political and/or ideological bumper stickers on your car.

Let that sink in a moment.

Now consider the ramifications of giving police that kind of authority in order to preemptively neutralize a potential threat, and you’ll understand why some might view these mental health round-ups with trepidation.

No matter how well-meaning the politicians make these encroachments on our rights appear, in the right (or wrong) hands, benevolent plans can easily be put to malevolent purposes.

Even the most well-intentioned government law or program can be—and has been—perverted, corrupted and used to advance illegitimate purposes once profit and power are added to the equation.

The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, the war on COVID-19: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the government’s hands. For instance, the very same mass surveillance technologies that were supposedly so necessary to fight the spread of COVID-19 are now being used to stifle dissent, persecute activists, harass marginalized communities, and link people’s health information to other surveillance and law enforcement tools.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are moving fast down that slippery slope to an authoritarian society in which the only opinions, ideas and speech expressed are the ones permitted by the government and its corporate cohorts.

We stand at a crossroads.

As author Erich Fromm warned, “At this point in history, the capacity to doubt, to criticize and to disobey may be all that stands between a future for mankind and the end of civilization.”


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image: Brutal: A Minnesota police officer sprays protesters with pepper spray (Source: Morning Star)

Villainy in Vilnius

July 19th, 2023 by David Stockman

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America’s Brobdingnagian $1.3 trillion national security budget thrives on manufactured threats and falsely demonized foes. And nothing could be more demonstrative of that proposition than the utter villainy now emanating from the NATO summit in Vilnius.

For crying out loud. Since the Munich Security Conference in 2007, the man (Putin) has said over and over, and then over again, that Ukraine’s accession to NATO is an absolute red line. And anyone with their head screwed on right would have no trouble accepting that declaration by answering one simple question.

To wit, how would Washington react if Russia put missiles and nukes in Mexico, or Cuba, or Nicaragua, or Granada or Venezuela or even Tierra Del Fuego?

Of course, President John F. Kennedy resolved that matter 61 years ago. Yet the whole Vilnius confab amounts to a wink and nod pageant telling the world that exactly what JFK said could not stand on our own doorstep back then, in fact, must stand on Russia’s now. One day soon the Great Hegemon on the Potomac will plant US/NATO missiles 40 minutes from the Kremlin and the purported “aggressor” domiciled there needs to shut-up and eat his geopolitical spinach.

Holy moly. The very idea is an affront to rationality and is a reckless invitation to permanent friction between two nations holding upwards of 12,000 nukes between them. Yet the miscreants gathered in Vilnius left no room for doubt in their declaration:

Ukraine’s future is in NATO. We reaffirm the commitment we made at the 2008 Summit in Bucharest that Ukraine will become a member of NATO, and today we recognize that Ukraine’s path to full Euro-Atlantic integration has moved beyond the need for the Membership Action Plan. Ukraine has become increasingly interoperable and politically integrated with the Alliance, and has made substantial progress on its reform path.

So the question recurs. How in the whole fricking big wide world would adding the parts and pieces of Novorossiya, Poland, Lithuania, Rumania, the Cossack Hetmanates, the Crimean Khanate, the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria and many other historical footnotes that were slapped together by the Soviet Tyrants after 1920 to form the current unnatural borders of Ukraine contribute to the Homeland Security of America, way over here on the far sides of the Atlantic and Pacific moats?

The answer of course is that it contributes nothing, as in nichts, nada and nugatory. NATO isn’t about security, collective or otherwise, anyway. It’s an utterly vestigial relic of the Cold War that was stood-up to contain a totalitarian Soviet Empire which was armed to the teeth, but which has long since disappeared into the dustbin of history. So George Bush the Elder should have parachuted into the Ramstein Germany air base in 1991, declared victory and dismantled NATO then and there.

As it has transpired, however, the bloated now 31-nation NATO of today has actually become an enemy of peace and security. That’s because it exists mainly as a marketing forum for western arms manufacturers and a think tank for generating phony threats and scary stories designed to keep military budgets amply stocked with fiscal wherewithal and vastly oversized military establishments well provisioned with missions, mandates, war games and busy work.

So to repeat what we said in previously, there is no need for Washington’s gigantic military establishment or its extensions in NATO because there are no true threats to the liberty and security of the American homeland anywhere on the planet today that even remotely justify it.

The cold war style mega-threat ended with the Soviet Union. Today, Russia’s $1.8 trillion GDP is a veritable joke when arrayed against the $45 trillion of GDP resources embedded in the US and the balance of NATO; and its $85 billion defense budget amounts to not even 7% of the $1.25 trillion combined NATO defense budgets.

Stated differently, serious military threats in today’s world of advanced weaponry require either an overwhelming nuclear first strike checkmate capacity or the vast industrial might and $50 trillion of GDP that would be necessary to breach the great ocean moats and deliver an invasionary armada of massive conventional forces to the New Jersey shores – backed-up with vast air- and sea-lift capacity and gigantic logistics arrangements that have scarcely been imagined by even the most fervent writers of futuristic war fiction.

As it happens, of course, Russia has no nuclear checkmate capacity at all, and has now thoroughly demonstrated that it doesn’t have the industrial and conventional military capacity to conquer and occupy even what has been its own borderlands and vassals – lands with a pre-February 2022 GDP of, well, barely $200 billion.

So what is percolating out of Vilnius, therefore, is not a rational calculation about tangible security threats posed by Russia. Instead, what we have is a witches brew of the standard lies, rationalizations, excuses and hypocrisies which keep the Washington Hegemon busy on a 24/7 basis all around the planet. These groupthink bromides and ideological nostrums include such favorites as the Rule of Law, the Post-War International Order, the Sanctity of Borders, the Responsibility to Protect and Collective Security.

But all are just cover stories for what amounts to the Washington Imperium, and in the current case the alleged sanctity of borders and requirements for “collective security” are especially egregious.

In the first place, it was Washington which violated Ukraine’s borders when it encouraged, funded and recognized the illegal coup which overthrew the country’s duly elected President in February 2014. This CIA/State/AID/NED intervention essentially blew-up the unstable state of Ukraine, which had never been built to last absent the iron fist of communist rule and which had been at war with itself as between nationalist Ukrainians in the center and west and Russian-speaking populations of the Donbas and Black Sea rim ever since the first post-communist elections after 1991. The Maidan coup was simple the coup de grace, which quickly incited a civil war.

But rather than respect Jefferson’s own admonition from the Declaration of Independence and allow the two Donbas republics to secede from the new anti-Russian regime in Kiev, Washington funded a military buildup and brutal campaign to quash the revolt. At length, on the order of 15,000 civilians were killed by the relentless military attacks on the Donbas mounted by Kiev over 2014-2022 with Washington’s dollars and weapons.

It was that assault on Novorussiya (i.e. historical New Russia) and the drumbeat for Ukraine’s NATO membership that finally provoked Putin’s so-called invasion. Whether it was ultimately justified or not, the moralists can ascertain. But that it was provoked by Washington is not even remotely in doubt.

Indeed, two weeks after July 4th the irony of the actual cause of the Ukraine war could not be more stark: The triggering attack on the Donbas was surely a case of secession for we, but not for thee:

“….whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”

Likewise, in today’s world the ideological platitudes about “collective security” – the ostensible reason for all the tom-tom beating in Vilnius – do not hold water, either. The fact is, absent a massive totalitarian menace, collective security is a bad idea, not an instrument of peace and stability.

Automatic war clauses like article 5 of NATO, which thank heaven has not yet been extended to Ukraine, are as likely to encourage hard-line politicians in smaller countries to provoke their larger neighbors for reasons of electoral opportunism than to deter aggression by the latter. In any event, the run up to World War I tells you all you need to know about automatic war clauses.

The false underlying predicate behind obsolescent institutions like NATO, in fact, holds that the global community is everywhere and always crawling with would be totalitarian monsters like Hitler, Stalin or Mao; that peaceful democracies are always imperiled by weak leaders slouching toward bad appeasement deals and the next Munich; and that nations need to be bound together in defensive entanglements, therefore, in order to keep wanna be hegemons at bay.

Not at all. Today’s world is not crawling with would be hegemons, aside from the one astride the banks of the Potomac. Hitler, Stalin and the so-called Cold War were once-in-history aberrations that rose from the carnage of World War I, Woodrow Wilson’s folly in taking America into it in 1917 and the punitive “peace” of the victors at Versailles – the nurseries which actually gave birth to the unique totalitarian evils of the 20th century.

Indeed, America’s pointless entry with 4 million fresh doughboys is what actually prevented an early end to the war and a non-vindictive peace of the exhausted and bankrupt nation’s of old Europe. In that alternative history, Lenin’s coup would never have been possible and Hitler would have remained an obscure painter of run-of-the-mill water colors.

That is to say, the homes, schools, churches, stores and industry of the long-suffering peoples of Ukraine are being turned into an armaments Demolition Derby in the name of an obsolete collective security arrangement which should have been consigned to the dustbin of history along with the Soviet Union 32 years ago.

The Vilnius confab, of course, was the work of Washington neocons and NATO’s institutionalized warmongers. And what they produced was pure villainy because there is nothing relating to American homeland security at stake in the godforsaken nation whose name means “borderlands” in Russian.

Woodrow Wilson opened the gates of hell 106 years ago with an equally threadbare justification. So the Empire never should have been launched then, and the Vilnius Declaration is a reminder – if there ever was one – that the time to dismantle it is now long, long, long overdue.


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David Stockman was a two-term Congressman from Michigan. He was also the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White House, Stockman had a 20-year career on Wall Street. He’s the author of three books, The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America,TRUMPED! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin… And How to Bring It Back, and the recently released Great Money Bubble: Protect Yourself From The Coming Inflation Storm. He also is founder of David Stockman’s Contra Corner and David Stockman’s Bubble Finance Trader.

Featured image is from Orhan Cam and Gints Ivuskans via shutterstock

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Space is unimaginably vast, so you’d think there would be more than enough room for whatever you want to put into orbit. SpaceX and Starlink engineers would likely tell you it’s not that simple. An FCC report filed by the Elon Musk-led satellite internet provider on June 30 indicated the 4,000-plus Starlink satellites in low Earth orbit completed more than 25,000 collision avoidance maneuvers in the period between December 1, 2022, and May 31, 2023. Gizmodo explains what triggers such a movement, with SpaceX having explained that it would move its Starlink satellites if the chance of hitting space debris or another satellite exceeded 1 in 100,000.

As reports, the numbers contained in the FCC report work out to be an average 137 course adjustments a day, or one about every 10 minutes. And the problem isn’t going to improve over time. Astronautics professor Hugh Lewis says we’re seeing exponential growth in these maneuvers. “Every six months, the number of maneuvers that are being made doubles,” and “if you project that out, you’ll have 50,000 within the next six-month period, then 100,000 within the next, then 200,000, and so on.”

This means Starlink satellites will need to be increasingly more nimble, with Lewis projecting that within five years, “Starlink satellites will have to maneuver nearly a million times in a half-year to minimize the risk of orbital collisions.” Add to that SpaceX’s goal of ultimately launching a total of 42,000 satellites, per Gizmodo, and suddenly near-Earth orbit is a very crowded place to be. (Starlink’s internet satellites aren’t the only ones challenged by this overcrowding.)


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Featured image: SpaceX Starship SN9 prototype (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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The World Economic Forum (WEF) isn’t the only entity planning for a world where you “own nothing, have no privacy” and enjoy it — or else. WEF’s partner Arup Group released a 2019 report pontificating, “private car ownership needs to end.”

This was allegedly going to solve the fake “crisis” of climate change, which has supposedly been about to cause global apocalypse for 50 years now. But give up your car, you stupid peasant, and trust the experts.

Arup Group, which is listed as a partner by the insidious World Economic Forum, released a 2019 report demanding that consumption of clothing, cars, electronics, and food has to change — for everyone except the elites, presumably — or climate change will kill us all. The report touts “net zero” carbon goals, totally ignoring the fact that carbon is absolutely essential for life on Earth. Indeed, increased carbon actually helps plants — including food crops — thrive, and humans and animals need it too. But neither Arup nor WEF is interested in objective science, only in a narrative that impoverishes most citizens and gives the elites exponentially more control.

Data shows that the world has not in fact experienced global warming for the last eight years. Even more relevant to this Arup Group report, a recent study found that CO2 emissions from fossil fuels are too low to cause global warming. So private cars aren’t about to trigger climate catastrophe.

But Arup and its co-creators and funders of the report — University of Leeds, C40 Cities, and Citi Foundation — don’t care what the science is. (The data undermining global warming has been accumulating for eight years, meaning it was measurable well before the 2019 report came out.) They want to make most people totally dependent on the elites for travel. After all, WEF has proposed a digital ID/social credit score that would be required to do or buy almost anything, and laid out its plan for a world with no private ownership whatsoever. Again, all commodities would be dependent on government approval.

A key quote from the Arup 2019 report (emphasis added):

On construction, cities need to change what types of buildings and infrastructure are built as well as what materials are used. On transport, private car ownership needs to end and the shared vehicles that replace it have to use less materials and be longer lasting. Urban residents will also need to adopt a largely plant-based diet, mostly replace flying with less energy-intensive forms of long-distance transport, change how clothes and textiles are consumedand keep electronics and household appliances for longer.

No beef or nice clothes for you. You will have nothing and you will be grateful to your beneficent rulers, who totally plan to give up all their comforts too, right? Sort of like how they fly their private jets to exclusive locations to blather about emissions? Two other quotes from the report:

C40 cities need to meet their Deadline 2020 commitments so that production-based emissions peak by the early 2020s, before collectively halving by 2030, in order to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2050…this report recommends that C40 cities focus on reducing emissions within six consumption categories: buildings and infrastructure; food; private transport; clothing and textiles; aviation; and electronics and household appliances.

Eat bugs, live in tiny apartments, sacrifice your iPad, and give up all hope of moving up in life. Because otherwise, the global warming that isn’t happening will destroy us all. Just trust the globalists — what motivations would they have other than our best interests? And remember, Big Brother is always watching.


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Catherine Salgado is a contributor for PJ Media. She also writes for The Rogue Review, Media Research Center, and her Substack Pro Deo et Libertate. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review for her journalism.

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America’s proxy war with Russia over Ukraine is becoming increasingly unpopular on the home front, and more and more damaging to reputation of the D.C. Uniparty, and now it appears that the Biden Administration is seeking an exit from the conflict in the coming months ahead.

The talking points have seemingly gone out to the president to advance the idea that Moscow has already lost, to lay the groundwork that America has achieved its objectives (whatever they are) in Ukraine.

Earlier this month, the cognitively challenged American president declared that Putin “is clearly losing the war in Iraq,” meaning to say Ukraine. He then followed up Thursday by asserting that Putin “has already lost the war.”

This isn’t the infamous “Mission Accomplished” rhetoric we saw from Bush 43 at the beginning of the Iraq war, but it has the same political driver behind it.

President Bush had the country propagandized firmly in support of the war effort, and did not need to worry about waning commitment from Congress and the like. Nonetheless, he still wanted to maintain the appearance that all was going just swimmingly in Iraq.

The Biden Administration does not have the long leash to continue the war in perpetuity, but still needs to present the facade of a “mission accomplished” moment, in order to secure a political victory, or at least mitigate the damage done by the continuing Slava Slush Fund boondoggle.

The Biden Administration faces several challenges that hamper its ability to prosecute this proxy war to the extent that the Uniparty sees fit.

  1. the Pentagon is witnessing an unprecedented recruiting crisis (the worst since the end of the draft era), forcing the Biden Administration to call up thousands of reserve and inactive soldiers to support logistics for the proxy war in Europe.
  1. The ammunition problem. Ukraine is firing around 7,000 rounds of 155mm artillery shells each day, and the use rate is far beyond the capacity of U.S. production. Ukrainian forces are burning about a month’s worth of production generated by the entire pro-Ukraine alliance in about three or four days time. There is simply no way to close this gap in short order. America can’t just flip a switch and turn on its industrial base. We’ve discussed this issue further here.
  2. Ukraine’s much hyped counteroffensive has become a complete failure, and is raising alarm bells with NATO countries, which won’t commit to sending any troops of their own into the proxy war. They know that Russian forces can push the Ukrainian lines even further back, while Ukraine’s forces are not capable of achieving any semblance of territorial reclaim on their own. And the NATO summit this week showed that allied nations have ZERO interest in having troops on the ground in Ukraine.
  3. The political capital problem. As mentioned above, the Biden Administration does not have a long leash with Congress. As much as the defense industry wants this war to continue forever, pushing the envelope will become increasingly risky from a political perspective.

There are already reports indicating that secret negotiations have begun between the D.C. and Moscow. Don’t be surprised to see this war end sooner than we may all project.


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First published on November 6 2022


The mafia in Washington, London, Brussels and Tel Aviv would do anything to keep their “Unipolar World Order” project in place, in fact, they are getting desperate to hold on to whatever remaining powers they have left even if it means collaborating with its worst enemies. There is a well-known ancient proverb “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” that rings true today especially since Washington, the CIA, the Military-Industrial Complex, along with Mossad and NATO have supported well-known terrorists including the Islamic State (ISIS), Al Qaeda, and other groups to overthrow governments they don’t approve of especially in the Middle East.

However, their support of terrorists who were their enemies at one time or another did not start with their regime change wars against Syria or Libya, the idea of supporting its enemies began during and after World War II when the US government recruited Ukrainian Nazis to counter their new enemy, the Soviet Union. What a strange turn of events knowing that the Soviets who fought the Nazis with their American and European allies during the war were seen as a new threat. Washington and the rest of their mafia cohorts used the Nazis back then as they are now using jihadi terrorists today in their war for world domination no matter what the costs are in the long-term.

So who were the Nazis and why was Washington interested in recruiting them in the first place? For starters, the Nazis had members involved in several scientific and technological disciplines that the US government was interested in and would later utilize them to produce all sorts of weapons of war and psychological operations for its future military operations, but we will get into further details shortly.

However, the Nazis did follow a far-right fascist ideology that was authoritarian that coincided with ultranationalist principals that rejected anarchy, communism, democracy, republicanism, socialism and other forms of government that was seen as a threat to their rising power. And as insane as this sounds, the Nazis also used scientific racism, or what we can call eugenics to manipulate human gene pools by separating certain groups of people between those who are considered inferior to advancing those who were deemed superior.  Then there is the element of antisemitism that was prevalent within the Third Reich. Nazism has led to genocide, torture, forced sterilizations, imprisonment of its opposition, deportations and other atrocities among those who did not fit the profile of being an ultra-nationalist especially if you did not have the racial qualities that they demanded for their movement.

If we look back into the history of fascism, its roots were based in Europe when Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte ‘aka’ Napoleon III ruled France with an iron fist from 1848 to 1852 had the elements of a fascist/Nazi state.

America’s Extermination of Red Savages was Adolf Hitler’s Inspiration 

Adolf Hitler, Germany’s appointed chancellor took the lead in imposing fascist policies in his country when he came to power on January 30th, 1933. Hitler’s allies also known as the Axis Alliance, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Hirohito of Imperial Japan had similar policies.

So, what inspired this sort of ideology?  Where did the Nazis get their inspiration from?

It’s a known fact that Adolf Hitler admired America’s ways of dealing with certain groups in their short history from the Jim Crow laws against African Americans to the indigenous populations who were sent to prison camps during the American Indian wars.

John Toland’s ‘Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography’ states that

“Hitler’s concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history,” and that “He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America’s extermination—by starvation and uneven combat—of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.” 

So, when did the idea of a ‘concentration camp’ came into effect? It was under US President and Democrat, Andrew Jackson who introduced “emigration depots” as part of his Indian Removal Act of 1830 where tens of thousands of Indigenous peoples were forced into what was called ‘prison camps’ and they included the Seminoles, Cherokee, Choctaw, Muscogee, and other tribal nations mainly in the Southern part of the United States and that included Alabama and Tennessee.

One other element of how the US model of governance that influenced Nazi Germany was the Jim Crow Laws.  James Q. Whitman, a legal scholar and author of ‘Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law’ wrote an introduction on how the Nazis viewed American race laws:

In the opening minutes, Justice Minister Gurtner presented a memo on American race law, which had been carefully prepared by officials of the ministry for purposes of the gathering; and the participants returned repeatedly to the American models of racist legislation in the course of their discussions.  It is particularly startling to discover that the most radical Nazis present were the most ardent champions of the lessons that American approaches held for Germany.  Not, as we shall see, in this transcript the only record of Nazi engagement with American race law.  In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s many Nazis, not least Hitler himself, took a serious in the racist legislation of the United States.  Indeed in Mein Kampf Hitler praised America as nothing less than “the one state” that had made progress toward the creation of a healthy racist order of the kind the Nuremberg Laws were intended to establish.

My purpose is to chronicle this neglected history of Nazi efforts to mine American race law for inspiration during the making of the Nuremberg Laws, and to ask what it tells us about Nazi Germany, about the modern history of racism, and especially about America

US-inspired race laws were imposed on German society with the establishment of the Nuremberg laws that was passed on September 15th, 1935.  The Nazis saw US race laws as a suitable policy that they can implement on various groups such as the Jews who eventually became non-citizens.  Native Americans, Filipinos, African Americans, and others were also considered non-citizens even if they lived in the US or its colonized territories.  But there was one aspect of US race laws that interested the Nazis and that was the anti-miscegenation laws that prohibited interracial marriages in about 30 US states where those who broke the law in the US received a severe criminal punishment.

Operation Paperclip: Why the US Government Recruited Nazis After WWII

The rumor of a nuclear war is more prevalent today more than ever before since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has taken place.  Ukraine’s actor, oh, excuse me, I meant President, Volodymyr Zelensky has called for “preventive strikes” to deter Russia from using nuclear weapons although he backtracked the claims shortly after, but he did call for for the West to hit Russia with nuclear weapons for preventative measures which was extremely dangerous rhetoric coming out of his mouth.  Speaking of nuclear weapons, do you know who originally proposed the idea of placing nuclear bombs on ballistic missiles in the first place?  It was an idea that was derived from Nazi rocket scientists who was hired by the US government during World War II.  The original program was called Uranprojekt or the “Uranium Project” for the purpose of developing nuclear technology to build weapons and reactors.

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In the last years of World War II, US intelligence agencies and the Military-Industrial Complex secretly transferred more than 1,600 Nazi scientists and their families from Germany who were experts in various fields that included rocket science, aerodynamics, chemical weapons, and medicine in what was called Operation Paperclip.  There were Nazis working for the US military who also prepared intelligence briefs creating fear and panic that the Soviets were going to take over the world which was over-exaggerated.  But what the US government feared most was that the Soviet Union under Operation Osoaviakhim with more than 2,500 former Nazi scientists and engineers who were recruited in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany (SBZ) and the Soviet sector of Berlin would be one step ahead of the US government in weapons development and other areas.

One important historical fact about America’s Nazi scientists was the recruitment of Wernher von Braun or known by his full name as Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun who was a member of the Nazi Party and the Allgemeine SS or the “General SS” which was a major branch of Nazi Germany’s paramilitary forces.  Wernher von Braun was also the head of developing rocket technology who is considered the pioneer of rocket and space technology in the US.  He was also the chief architect of the Saturn V super heavy-lift launch vehicle that allegedly helped launch the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon.  

Nazi scientists also helped the US government and the CIA develop chemical and biological weapons programs that included the use of sarin gas and other dangerous weapons of war including VX (nerve agent) and of course, the most used biological weapon during the Vietnam war, Agent Orange.  So, in other words, the US government hired Nazi scientists for their knowledge of creating weapons of mass destruction that has inflicted damage on various populations around the world since then.  During the Vietnam war, the US military unleashed Agent Orange on the Vietnamese population causing more than 3 million people to develop birth defects and other health related problems to this day.  The Nazi scientists were indeed evil geniuses when it came to developing advanced weapons of war and that was something that the US military and the intelligence community were solely interested in and that was and still is a scary thought.

America’s Frankenstein: The Neo-Nazis of Ukraine

As we know from the valuable lessons of history that the US government and the CIA had supported and trained Ukrainian Nazis since 1946.  The CIA had organized “Stay Behind” operations with the OUN-B (neo-Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) in Eastern Europe and other areas to assist Ukrainian nationalists who were sent to destabilize Soviet Ukraine with covert operations such as using commandos to assassinate Soviet officials, to sabotage infrastructure and to commit acts of terrorism.

The history of the US government and its CIA operatives shows that it supported Ukrainian war criminal Stephan Bandera to advance the Ukrainian underground movement to destabilize Soviet Ukraine, so the CIA and their Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) and the Office of Special Operations (OSO) planned covert operations with the OUN-B and provided support to the anti-Soviet Ukraine Insurgent Army (UPA) for psychological warfare within the Soviet sphere of influence.   

The CIA declassified their historical account of their association with Ukrainian Nationalists who collaborated with the Nazis during the Cold War in ‘Cold War Allies: The Origins of CIA’s Relationship with Ukrainian Nationalists’  by Kevin C Ruffner detailed how the “CIA reestablished and expanded its contacts with the Ukrainians and others for covert action against the Communists and as wartime assets to be used behind Red Army lines as guerrillas, saboteurs, and resistance leaders.”  The historical account went further and stated that “The sometimes brutal war record of many emigre groups became blurred as they became more critical to the CIA.”

Fast forward to November 2013 were there were large-scale protests which was known as the Euromaidan against the policies of President Victor Yanukovych who made the decision to have closer ties with Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union instead of proceeding with the idea of having a political and economic relationship with the European Union by rejecting their free-trade agreement.  Then in February 2014, what is known as the Maidan Revolution took place that ended up in violent clashes between the protesters and the government’s security forces in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv which led to a coup against the democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych.  Soon after, the Russo-Ukrainian war began and the birth of the Neo-Nazi inspired Azov Battalion was established as they became the resistance against anything Russian.

On January 22nd of this year, Yahoo News who is part of the mainstream media published an article titled CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades basically admitted that the CIA was secretly training Ukrainian forces since 2015:

While the covert program, run by paramilitaries working for the CIA’s Ground Branch — now officially known as Ground Department — was established by the Obama administration after Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014, and expanded under the Trump administration, the Biden administration has further augmented it, said a former senior intelligence official in touch with colleagues in government

According to Yahoo News, an unnamed former senior intelligence official said that “If the Russians invade, those [graduates of the CIA programs] are going to be your militia, your insurgent leaders,” and that “we’ve been training these guys now for eight years. They’re really good fighters. That’s where the agency’s program could have a serious impact.”  One must wonder how many were actually radicalized neo-Nazis.

In 2018, Reuters published a commentary by Josh Cohen ‘Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem’ that explains Ukraine’s problem with the Nazis filling the ranks of its National Militia.  Cohen said that in “a January 28 demonstration, in Kiev, by 600 members of the so-called “National Militia,” a newly-formed ultranationalist group that vows “to use force to establish order,” illustrates this threat.”  Cohen added that the National Militia has recruited members from the Nazi-affiliated Azov Battalion:

Many of the National Militia’s members come from the Azov movement, one of the 30-odd privately-funded “volunteer battalions” that, in the early days of the war, helped the regular army to defend Ukrainian territory against Russia’s separatist proxies. Although Azov uses Nazi-era symbolism and recruits neo-Nazis into its ranks, a recent article in Foreign Affairs downplayed any risks the group might pose, pointing out that, like other volunteer militias, Azov has been “reined in” through its integration into Ukraine’s armed forces. While it’s true that private militias no longer rule the battlefront, it’s the home front that Kiev needs to worry about now


Cohen obviously is following the mainstream media narrative when he said that Putin seized Crimea which in fact, it was the Russian-speaking Crimean people who voted in a referendum to reunite with the Russian federation.  But to his credit, Cohen does mention the fact that the Azov Battalion and the Right Sector are held in high-regards since they fought Russian-backed separatists.  Cohen also mentioned the Azov battalion’s children’s training camps:

When Russian President Vladimir Putin’s seizure of Crimea four years ago first exposed the decrepit condition of Ukraine’s armed forces, right-wing militias such as Azov and Right Sector stepped into the breach, fending off the Russian-backed separatists while Ukraine’s regular military regrouped. Though, as a result, many Ukrainians continue to regard the militias with gratitude and admiration, the more extreme among these groups promote an intolerant and illiberal ideology that will endanger Ukraine in the long term. Since the Crimean crisis, the militias have been formally integrated into Ukraine’s armed forces, but some have resisted full integration: Azov, for example, runs its own children’s training camp, and the careers section instructs recruits who wish to transfer to Azov from a regular military unit

Although Cohen’s claims expose Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis, he also follows the Western establishment and the mainstream media’s narrative that “the Kremlin’s claims that Ukraine is a hornets’ nest of fascists are false: far-right parties performed poorly in Ukraine’s last parliamentary elections, and Ukrainians reacted with alarm to the National Militia’s demonstration in Kiev” which are all lies.  Cohen’s statement is false, in fact, it’s a contradiction when he wrote at the beginning of his article that the “National Militia’s members were recruited from the Azov movement” but not to worry because “Azov has been “reined in” through its integration into Ukraine’s armed forces” at least according to Cohen who sourced his misinformation from Foreign Affairs magazine which is a publication owned by the Council of Foreign Relations, a favorite of of the US political establishment. 

So, does the US government, the Military-Industrial Complex, and the CIA support Ukrainian Neo-Nazis in their ongoing war efforts against Russia today?  Well, the answer to that question should be obvious by now.


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from SCN

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The extensive history of the pharmaceutical industry is filled with stories and deeds of adventures, misadventures, profit-making, profit-taking, fraud, bribery, false claims, messianic promises, and criminal conduct. 

Few companies in the history of medicine have received as much attention as Pfizer Inc. has received these last three years of the Corona Crisis.

Through the course of relentless media coverage and amidst all the sound and fury, Pfizer has managed to avoid scrutiny of its previous criminal conduct and is universally portrayed in the mainstream media as a benevolent enterprise whose mission is to nobly service humanity.

In an effort to set the record straight we embark upon a comprehensive historical examination of this company which sprouted from humble beginnings into one of the most influential corporate behemoths walking the earth today.


The story of Pfizer begins in New York City in 1849, when a pair of German immigrants, cousins Charles Pfizer and Charles F. Erhart, received a $2,500 loan from Charles Pfizer’s father to purchase a commercial building in Williamsburg, Brooklyn where they would embark upon a joint business venture in the nascent chemical manufacturing industry.

Charles Pfizer had been a pharmacist’s apprentice in Germany and possessed commercial training as a chemist. Charles Erhart was a confectioner.

Originally named Charles Pfizer and Company the business would initially focus on the production of chemical compounds. Their first product was a pharmaceutical called Santonin which was used to treat parasitic worms. 

Combining their talents the cousins housed their product within tasty confections such as candy lozenges and toffee-flavored sugar cream cones. This strategy proved to be a success, setting the stage for the company’s future development. 

The drug Santonin would be used as an anthelmintic up until the 1950’s, when it fell out of favor due to noted toxic effects which posed serious risks to patients. 

Pfizer would quickly expand into the realm of fine chemicals for commercial sale to wholesalers and retailers. 

In 1862, Pfizer would become the first U.S. company to domestically produce tartaric acid and cream of tartar.

With the outbreak of the American Civil War a massive need for painkillers and antiseptics erupted, creating an “opportunity” for the pharmaceutical industry. 

Pfizer quickly expanded its production of both, as well as of iodine, morphine, chloroform, camphor, and mercurials. By 1868, Pfizer revenues had doubled and its product line had increased substantially.

The big boon for the company would come in the 1880’s with its production of industrial grade citric acid, widely used in soft drinks like Coca-Cola and Dr. Pepper. This would become the company’s centerpiece and drive their growth for decades.

Another fortuitous change for the “small New York firm” would arrive in 1919, when its scientists would pioneer and develop a deep tank fermentation process, the principles of which would later be applied to the production of penicillin. 

This prowess in fermentation and large-scale pharmaceutical production would put Pfizer in a lead position in WW2, when the US government appealed to the pharma industry for support in producing penicillin for the war effort. 

Working with government scientists, Pfizer began pursuing mass production of penicillin utilizing its deep-tank fermentation technology and in 1944 became the first company to mass produce penicillin.

As penicillin prices and usage declined post-WW2, Pfizer began searching for more profitable antibiotics. The move into commercial production of antibiotics signaled a pivot in Pfizer’s business model. 

The company’s operations shifted from the manufacture of fine chemicals to research-based pharmaceuticals, giving birth to Pfizer’s new drug discovery program, which focused on vitro synthesis.

In 1950 Pfizer would develop its first proprietary pharmaceutical product, Terramycin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic. 

By 1951, Pfizer had established offices in Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, England, Mexico, Panama, and Puerto Rico. As its power and profits mushroomed, Pfizer would augment its portfolio through various acquisitions and entries into multiple areas of research and development, including an animal health division.

As the Pfizer pharmaceutical kingdom expanded, however, questions about salacious business practices began to surface.


Despite portraying itself as a righteous corporate citizen, Pfizer is no stranger to controversies and scandals. As early as 1958 it was one of six drug companies accused of price fixing by the Federal Trade Commission.  

In 1961 the Justice Department filed criminal antitrust charges against Pfizer, American Cyanamid, and Bristol-Myers, accusing top executives at each company of charging egregiously high prices and monopolizing the production and distribution of drugs dating back to 1953.

In 1963 the FTC ruled that the accused companies in its 1958 complaint did in fact rig antibiotic prices. The FTC also noted that “unclean hands and bad faith played a major role”in Pfizer being granted the tetracycline patent.

By the 1960s, Pfizer was at its most diversified point in history, with interests ranging from pills to perfume to petrochemicals to pet products.

The company’s shift toward bringing out new products culminated with the establishment of the Central Research Division in the early 1970s. A full 15% of Pfizer’s revenue was directed to this research department.

This focus on innovation brought about Pfizer’s development of blockbuster drugs, which are described as “drugs that generate at least $1 billion in revenue a year for the pharmaceutical companies that produce them.”

While these drugs can be extremely profitable for pharmaceutical companies, the blockbuster drug business model presents certain long-term problems. Beyond the time and money that goes into their development, there are the exigencies of patent issues. Pharma companies see the “patent window” of 20 years as a severe limitation, since it often takes them a full decade to bring a new drug to market, thus shortening both the time allowed to reclaim profits from development costs and the time allotted to reap maximum profits from their new product.

Due to patent laws, the success of blockbuster drugs is often short-lived. Also, reliance on blockbusters means that if a product fails, the consequences for the manufacturer can be catastrophic.

Using this business model, the need for pharmaceutical companies to constantly produce blockbuster drugs is difficult to overstate. Naturally, they go to great lengths to protect their golden goose.

Accompanying Pfizer’s string of blockbusters was a massive surge in the company’s fortunes in tandem with a procession of controversial products, felony offenses and multiple fines—including the largest criminal fine in US history. 

Take, for example, Pfizer’s first blockbuster drug, the anti-inflammatory Feldene, which would also become one of its initial contentious products. 

Pfizer submitted a new-drug application for Feldene to the FDA in March 1978 and again in May 1980. The applications were rejected due to poor testing protocols. In September 1981, Pfizer resubmitted an application to the FDA, using old data. 

Multiple questions surrounding Feldene, including the route taken toward its ultimate approval, would make it one of Project Censored’s top “Censored” news stories in 2015. 

In that story, Project Censored noted:

”Then, while the FDA was still considering the application, Pfizer sponsored a reception at the meeting of the American Rheumatism Association in Boston and showed a film promoting Feldene which the FDA said was illegal. Nevertheless, on April 6, 1982, the FDA approved Feldene for use in the U.S.” 

Even though Feldene would go on to become Pfizer’s most lucrative product, questions about the drug quickly surfaced. By 1986 the FDA was being petitioned to relabel the drug due to serious concerns about its long half-life and its tendency to accumulate in the blood.

The watchdog organization Public Citizen Health Research Group (PCHRG) would later charge that this widely prescribed arthritis drug created risks of gastrointestinal bleeding among the elderly. 

Citing reports of 2,621 adverse events and as many as 182 deaths among patients taking the drug, PCHRG requested that the FDA ban Feldene for patients 60 and over, “as an imminent hazard to the public health.”

Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of the PCHRG stated, “At least 1.75 million elderly American people now receiving this drug are at risk of developing life-threatening gastrointestinal reactions.”

Meanwhile, the National Council of Senior Citizens urged the FDA to take the drug completely off the market.

PCHRG’s Wolfe would later cite internal documents from Pfizer that voiced concerns about the drug. By 1995 he called for a complete ban on the drug for all ages.

This was just the beginning of a series of high-profile scandals and legal problems that would come to define Pfizer’s business-as-usual practices.

For instance, reports of serious issues surrounding a heart valve produced by Pfizer’s Shiley division began to plague the company. This problem would result in the cessation of production of all models of the faulty valves by 1986.

A 1991 FDA task force charged that Shiley withheld information about safety problems from regulators in order to get initial approval for its valves. A November 7, 1991, investigation in The Wall Street Journal asserted that Shiley had deliberately falsified manufacturing records relating to valve fractures.

These fractures resulted in catastrophic consequences for numerous patients. By 2012 it was reported that 663 individuals had died as a result of the defective valves.

Pfizer ultimately agreed to pay between $165 million and $215 million to settle lawsuits related to the The Björk-Shiley Convexo-Concave Heart Valve. 

It also agreed to pay $10.75 million to settle US Justice Department charges that it lied to regulators in seeking approval for the valves.

The parade of corrupt practices and legal problems that has come to define this pharmaceutical Leviathan was just getting underway. From then on, Pfizer was cited and prosecuted for a litany of illegal acts ranging from price fixing, product safety, bribery, advertising and marketing scandals all the way to environmental and human rights violations.

In 1999 Pfizer pled guilty to criminal antitrust charges and agreed to pay fines totaling $20 million. In that case, Pfizer was charged with “participating in a conspiracy to raise and fix prices and allocate market shares in the U.S. for a food preservative called sodium erythorbate, and to allocate customers and territories for a flavoring agent called maltol.”

In 2000 The Washington Post published a six-part exposé accusing Pfizer of testing a dangerous experimental antibiotic Trovafloxacin (trade name Trovan) on children in Nigeria without receiving proper consent from their parents.

Trovan was slated to become Pfizer’s next blockbuster drug, according to Wall Street analysts, one of whom claimed, “Pfizer might reap $1 billion a year if Trovan could gain approval for all its potential uses.” But when the company was unable to find enough patients in the United States, its researchers went in search of new patients in Kano, Nigeria.

This unapproved clinical trial on 200 Nigerian children resulted in the death of 11 children. It is alleged that many more children later suffered “serious side-effects ranging from organ failure to brain damage.”

In 2001 Pfizer was sued by 30 Nigerian families, who accused the company of using their children as “human guinea pigs.” The families contended that “Pfizer violated the Nuremberg Code as well as UN human rights standards and other ethical guidelines” and alleged that Pfizer exposed the children to “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.”

After years of legal battles, Pfizer agreed in 2009 to pay $75 million to settle some of the lawsuits that had been brought in Nigerian courts.

Trovan never became the blockbuster Pfizer had envisioned. The company admitted to stockholders it had “suffered a disappointment” with this experimental meningitis drug. Trovan was never approved for use by children in the United States, so production was halted. The European Union banned it in 1999.

Below is a chronology of still more Pfizer misadventures.

— In 2002 Pfizer agreed to pay $49 million to settle charges that one of its subsidiaries defrauded the federal Medicaid program by overcharging for its cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor.

— In 2003 Pfizer paid $6 million to settle with 19 states that accused it of using misleading ads to promote the antibiotic Zithromax (also called Z-Pak), used for children’s ear infections. The claim alleged that Pfizer “overstated the benefits and efficiency of Zithromax when compared to other comparable antibiotics.”

— In 2004 Pfizer agreed to a $60 million settlement in a class-action suit brought by users of a diabetic medication developed by Warner-Lambert, which Pfizer acquired in 2000. The drug Rezulin had been withdrawn from the market after numerous patients died from acute liver failure said to be caused by the drug. 

— In 2004 Pfizer agreed to halt ads for its painkiller Celebrex, and the following year it admitted that 1999 clinical trials found that elderly patients taking the drug were far more likely to incur risks of heart problems.

— 2004 also saw Pfizer plead guilty to two felonies and pay $430 million in penalties for fraudulently promoting the epilepsy blockbuster drug Neurontin for unapproved uses. Pfizer claimed it could also be used for “bipolar disorder, pain, migraine headaches, and drug and alcohol withdrawal.” 

Pfizer’s underhanded tactics involving Neurontin also included bribing doctors with luxury trips and monies to promote the drug and planting operatives at medical education events. 

Documents later came to light suggesting that Pfizer arranged for delays in the publication of scientific studies that undermined its claim for the other uses of Neurontin. In one of these documents, it was found that a Neurontin team leader at Pfizer said, “I think we can limit the potential downside of the 224 study by delaying publication for as long as possible.”

Finally, in 2010, a federal jury found that Pfizer committed racketeering fraud in its marketing of Neurontin; the judge in the case subsequently ordered the company to pay $142 million in damages.

— In 2005 Pfizer withdrew its painkiller Bextra from the market after the FDA cited “inadequate information on possible heart risks from long-term use of the drug as well as ‘life-threatening’ skin reactions, including deaths.”

— That same year the FDA approved a black box warning on Pfizer’s other blockbuster painkiller, Celebrex, citing elevated risks of “cardiovascular events and life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding.” 

— In 2007 Pfizer agreed to pay $34.7 million to settle federal charges relating to the marketing of its Genotropin human growth hormone. Pharmacia & Upjohn Co., a Pfizer subsidiary, agreed to pay $19.7 million for “offering a kickback to a pharmacy benefit manager to sell more of the drug,” while Pfizer agreed to pay another $15 million for “promotion of Genotropin for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.” 

— In 2008 Pfizer paid out a whopping $894 million fine to settle lawsuits “alleging that its withdrawn Bextra painkiller and widely used Celebrex arthritis drug harmed U.S. patients and defrauded consumers.” Of the total fine, $745 million was set aside to “resolve personal injury claims.”

— The very next year, 2009, Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion gaining the dubious distinction of being tagged with the largest health care settlement in history. GlaxoSmithKline would up the ante with a $3 billion settlement in 2012. 

The fine was a combination of civil and criminal settlements relating to Pfizer’s “allegedly illegal promotion of certain drugs, most notably Bextra.” Pfizer pled guilty to “misbranding the painkiller Bextra with the intent to defraud or mislead, promoting the drug to treat acute pain at dosages the FDA had previously deemed dangerously high.”

The Justice Department also noted Pfizer had “allegedly paid kickbacks to compliant doctors and promoted three other drugs illegally: the antipsychotic Geodon, an antibiotic Zyvox, and the antiepileptic drug Lyrica.”

When interviewed by The New York Times, former Pfizer sales representative John Kopchinski, who helped initiate the federal investigation, stated, “The whole culture of Pfizer is driven by sales, and if you didn’t sell drugs illegally, you were not seen as a team player.”

The criminal fine of $1.195 billion in that settlement still represents the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States for any matter.

Even after entering an expansive corporate integrity agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services as part of the 2009 settlement, Pfizer’s unprincipled and injurious behavior continued. The band played on.

In 2010 The New York Times reported on Pfizer’s admission that it had paid around “$20 million to 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals for consulting and speaking on its behalf in the last six months of 2009.”

The Times also mentioned that Pfizer had paid “$15.3 million to 250 academic medical centers and other research groups for clinical trials in the same period.”

In reference to the amounts disclosed by Pfizer, Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine and author of The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It, admitted that while she had no specific knowledge of the matter, she believed the publicly revealed amounts Pfizer disclosed “seemed low.” She added: “I can’t help but think something has escaped.”

In 2011 Pfizer agreed to pay $14.5 million to resolve False Claims Act accusations that it illegally marketed its bladder drug Detrol.

In 2012 the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it had reached a $45 million settlement with Pfizer to resolve charges that its subsidiaries had bribed overseas doctors and other healthcare professionals. 

The SEC alleged that “employees and agents of Pfizer’s subsidiaries in Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Serbia made improper payments to foreign officials to obtain regulatory and formulary approvals, sales, and increased prescriptions for the company’s pharmaceutical products.”

According to Kara Brockmeyer, Chief of the SEC Enforcement Division’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Unit, “Pfizer subsidiaries in several countries had bribery so entwined in their sales culture that they offered points and bonus programs to improperly reward foreign officials who proved to be their best customers.”

In 2012, Pfizer was hit with another massive fine—this time to settle claims that the side effects of its Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) drug Prempro cause breast cancer. Around 10,000 women filed a lawsuit against the company, alleging that the drug maker withheld information about the potential risks of breast cancer from HRTs. The $1.2 billion settlement came after six years of trials. 

In 2013, Pfizer agreed to a $288 million settlement for claims by 2,700 people that its smoking-cessation drug Chantix caused suicidal thoughts and severe psychological disorders. 

The FDA had placed a black box warning on Chantix, the highest safety-related warning assigned by the FDA, “to alert patients and doctors to the risk of psychiatric side effects” and had noted that the drug is “probably associated with a higher risk of a heart attack.”

Pharmaceutical companies make every effort to circumvent black box warnings. They generate bad publicity and negatively impact the marketability of the drug in question, which leads to adverse financial consequences for the company.

In 2016, after years of lobbying, Pfizer managed to get the FDA to lift the black box designation from Chantrix in a 10-9 vote, giving the controversial blockbuster drug a “new lease on life.”

In 2013 Pfizer reached a $35 million settlement relating to the alleged improper marketing and promotion of the immunosuppressive drug Rapamune. When New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced that he and 40 other state attorneys general had arrived at the settlement, he remarked, “There has to be one set of rules for everyone, no matter how rich or powerful, and that includes big pharmaceutical companies that make unapproved and unsubstantiated claims about products in order to boost profits.” 

While this article’s list of Pfizer’s corporate crimes is prodigious by any measure of shady business practices, it is far from exhaustive. In total, since 2000 Pfizer has accumulated $10,945,838,549 in penalties and incurred 96 violations covering a wide range of offenses.

A Company You Can Trust?

Pfizer’s portfolio of corporate crimes rivals that of the most corrupt companies in history. But that did not stop Pfizer from becoming a corporate celebrity with its COVID-19 vaccine. Indeed, the company has benefited handsomely from that product, whose $36.8 billion in 2021 sales made it the highest-selling pharmaceutical product in history.

When the pharma company’s 2022 revenues reached an all-time, single-year high of $100.3 billion, COVID-19 vaccine sales accounted for nearly 38 percent of those revenues. 

Yet, while Pfizer was basking in the glow of mainstream media cheerleading and record-setting profits, honest inquiries into its unremitting record of corruption were kept from public view. 

We were told we must “Trust in Pfizer” to vaccinate the world and save humanity from the so-called COVID crisis. 

Given Pfizer’s documented record of misdeeds, any reasonable person would ask:

“Is this a company that belongs behind the wheel of the most widespread mass vaccination campaign in history?”

“Is this a company we should trust with experimental medical technology?”

“Is this a company we want to be in control of the most radical mass medical experiment in human history?”

“How is it that a company that habitually engaged in such illegal practices was able to reinvent itself as the savior of humanity?”

In a June 12, 2008, ceremony, at the original Pfizer manufacturing site in Brooklyn, New York, the American Chemical Society designated Pfizer’s development of deep-tank fermentation as a National Historic Chemical Landmark. 

At that commemoration, then-president of Pfizer Global Manufacturing Natale Ricciardi told attendees, “We have always had a very noble mission.” Despite cryptically lamenting, “A lot of things have changed at Pfizer, and unfortunately, we had to make certain decisions,” Ricciardi went on to  assert, “But the nobility of what we do, the nobility of what has been done and continues to be done has never changed and will never change.”

All these years later—and despite Mr. Ricciardi’s insistence on Pfizer’s magnanimity—a thinking person might look through the company’s checkered catalog of crimes and fines and recognize that noble experiments are hardly the realm of “alleged” serial felons like Pfizer.


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African leaders plans for stopping Russia’s ‘special military operation’ and establishing peace in Ukraine is still intriguing. It is still intriguing as majority of the leaders are gearing for the second Russia-Africa summit on July 27 to 28 in St. Petersburg, the second largest city in the Russian Federation.

The African Peace Initiative group headed by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, are making efforts for global recognition as peace brokers. But the group’s collective excitement in dealing with these former Soviet republics, which within the international law must strictly adhere to territorial sovereignty, is tempered by a bit of reality.

Deputy Russian Security Council Chairman Dmitry Medvedev has issued several threats during the past few months. He has threatened to strike three Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPPs) and nuclear facilities in Eastern Europe if an alleged attempt by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to attack the Smolensk NPP in Russia with “NATO missiles” is confirmed.

“If the attempt to attack the Smolensk NPP in Desnogorsk, Russia with NATO missiles is confirmed, we should consider the scenario of a simultaneous Russian strike on the Pivdennoukrainsk, Rivne and Khmelnytsky NPPs, as well as on nuclear facilities in Eastern Europe. There is no reason to hold back.”

Last June the delegation from South Africa, Egypt, Senegal, Congo-Brazzaville, Comoros, Zambia, and Uganda put forward a 10-point proposal was presented in Kyiv and St. Petersburg. The key aim of the African peace mission primarily to propose “confidence-building measures” in order to facilitate peace between the two countries. It was to seek a peaceful settlement of the conflict which began late February 2022.

Several posts, including documents and speeches to the official website have confirmed this. Putin stated his claims of going to Ukraine, always pointing to the legitimacy within  international law and also the failure to implement the Minsk Agreement. Putin showed one document to African leaders in St. Petersburg.

The result was that Putin would continue studying other proposals, and would not consider Africa’s peace plan as ultimate sustainable solution for his invasion of Ukraine. Right at the beginning, Russia underlined the reason as – “to de-militarize and de-nazify” Ukraine. It simply did not coincide with Russia’s aims and goals to violate Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty, and engage in mass destruction of infrastructure and human lives.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, after the three-hour meeting, the Africans’ peace plan consisted of ten (10) elements, but “was not formulated on paper.” Similarly, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said

“The peace initiative proposed by African countries is very difficult to implement, difficult to compare positions.”

Quite recently Lavrov reiterated, setting Russia’s concrete position, while many foreign states have called for diplomacy as a mechanism for peaceful settlement of the conflict. But Sergey Lavrov said late June that “Russia can’t give up goals of special military operation in Ukraine.”

“It’s impossible to give them up – the goals that have been set,” Lavrov said on Channel One, and added that Russia cannot change its approaches to the conduct of the special operation as long as the West is purposefully creating threats to Russia’s security.

The geopolitical implications of the Russia-Ukraine crisis is quite enormous and very arguable. But at the same, there are a few questions pointing to the fact that Ramaphosa and his colleagues have never, not once, intervened to resolve conflicts in the continent, those in Cameroon, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Libya and Sudan. Africa has not completed finding resolutions to numerous conflicts in the continent. And yet they have the highest desire and keen interest in Europe. Least we forget, Africa is indeed starving from Russian and Ukrainian grains.

And yet Africa is consistently praised for its huge expanse of uncultivated land and the large population. The resources and the human capital. And gross inability to choose suitable agricultural technology. For economists, it presents incapability of designing import-substitution policies as part of the state development programs.

In the publication of Financial Times July 10, African leaders urge Putin to show “desire for peace” – it was an interview with Senegalese President Macky Sall.

Macky Sall has said African leaders urged Russian president Vladimir Putin to “show his desire to move forward with peace” before they gather in St. Petersburg for a Russia-Africa summit in late July. Significant to note here the quote from Sall:

“Before the next Russia-Africa summit, Putin must do some actions to show his desire to move forward with peace even in a humanitarian way.”

This demand was conveyed to Putin during the peace mission of African leaders to Kyiv and Moscow in June. Sall explained the necessity to install peace, and added:

“That’s why we continue to use the Russia-Africa summit to see how we can move forward on the negotiations we tried to implement between Russia and Ukraine.”

Asked if Putin had shown any inclination to pursue peace, Sall said:

“During this summit, maybe we can have another meeting and make some progress. That’s what we hope for.” At the same time, the President of Senegal said that “Ukraine has said Russia must leave its occupied territory before they can negotiate, and we understand that.”

In a tweet back in August 2022, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stated he was duty bound to stand by the resolution and be guided by its call for peace.

“The message of the General Assembly is loud and clear: End hostilities in Ukraine now. Silence the guns now. Open the door to dialogue and diplomacy now,” Guterres said, adding: “Looking ahead, I will continue to do everything in my power to contribute to an immediate cessation of hostilities and urgent negotiations for peace. People in Ukraine desperately need peace. And people around the world demand it.”

Background: On 16 June, a delegation from Africa arrived in Ukraine, including the presidents of the Republic of South Africa, the Comoros Islands, Senegal, Zambia and the Prime Minister of Egypt, as well as special representatives of the Congo and Uganda. They want to act as peacemakers between Russia and Ukraine, as well as agree on increasing the supply of grain and fertilisers from these two countries to their continent.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa named 10 main “components” of the African Union’s position on the Russian-Ukrainian war. After the meeting, Zelenskyy criticised the rhetoric of African leaders, who refer to Russia’s war against Ukraine as a “conflict” or “crisis”. Zelenskyy was also surprised that the African representatives emphasised their own grain and fertiliser crises while sidestepping the outcome of the war in Ukraine.

On 17 June, an African delegation met with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, and he said that his logic regarding the war against Ukraine was allegedly “flawless” from the point of view of international law and the UN Charter.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy claimed that during their visits in Ukraine and Russia, the delegation from the African countries had an opportunity to see it for themselves who actually was interested in peace.

In a July article, Institute for the Study of War (ISW) says Russia has not achieved a single goal in Ukraine in 500 days of war. Quote:

“Five hundred days ago Russia launched an unprovoked war of conquest against Ukraine. The Russian military intended to take Kyiv within three days but failed to accomplish any of its intended objectives in Ukraine. The Ukrainian forces have secured and retained the initiative and are conducting counteroffensive operations along most of the frontline with Russian forces focused almost entirely on trying to hold on to the Ukrainian lands they still occupy.”

The geopolitical realities may definitely turn the tides on Russia-African relations. Arguably taking cognizance of the Russia-Ukraine crisis and the emerging global reconfiguration will play roles in re-shaping relations, and this will reflect in the next joint declaration as well as Russia’s future engagement with Africa. That said however and as a reminder, African leaders have to implement their election campaign pledges, and steadfastly keep to the fact that Africa’s roadmap is the African Union Agenda 2063.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS) and InDepthNews, is now a regular contributor to Global Research. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports. 

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Recent developments raise the prospect that British intelligence agents could finally face justice for their little-known role in the CIA’s global torture program.

Britain’s foreign and domestic intelligence apparatus is facing scrutiny by a tribunal tasked with intelligence oversight. On May 26, London’s infamously opaque Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) unanimously issued a landmark ruling which means the complaints of two Saudis brutally tortured at CIA black sites and jailed for years in Guantanamo Bay can finally be heard, at least behind closed doors.

The British government insisted that the Tribunal, which explicitly examines wrongdoing by London’s security and intelligence agencies, did not have jurisdiction over the cases of Mustafa al-Hawsawi and Abd al-Rahim Nashiri. But the IPT disagreed.

Noting that “the underlying issues raised by this complaint are of the gravest possible kind,” the tribunal declared that “if the allegations are true, it is imperative that that should be established,” as “it would be in the public interest for these issues to be considered.”

The ruling means the Tribunal is likely to hear a complaint from Mustafa al-Hawsawi, who’s remained in US custody since American troops captured the man they claim is “a senior al-Qaida member” in 2003.

Al-Hawsawi bounced between CIA black sites for three years before being shipped to the US torture camp in illegally-occupied Guantanamo Bay in 2006. Along the way, he was subjected to brutal “enhanced interrogation” techniques, including rectal examinations conducted with “excessive force,” from which he was severely injured and reportedly suffers ongoing health problems to this day.

Lawyers for al-Hawsawi say they have proof that British intelligence agents illegally “aided, abetted, encouraged, facilitated, procured and/or conspired” with the US to torture and abuse their client.

Al-Hawsawi is one of just five remaining Guantanamo detainees to have been charged over alleged involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

According to the declassified summary of the US Senate report into CIA torture, al-Hawsawi was one of several prisoners held and abused “despite doubts and questions surrounding their knowledge of terrorist threats and the location of senior al-Qaeda leadership.”

His lawyers say there’s “credible evidence” that Britain’s MI5 and MI6 provided questions for his American torturers to ask, and were passed along information obtained during the so-called ‘enhanced interrogation’ sessions.

Nashiri was detained in the United Arab Emirates in October 2002, due to his alleged involvement in an al-Qaeda attack on the USS Cole in Yemen two years earlier. The US Senate’s report concluded Nashiri was repeatedly tortured and mistreated, despite his interrogators’ assessment that he was cooperative and that any “enhanced” techniques were therefore unnecessary.

Over the course of several sessions, they used a variety of bloodcurdling and officially unauthorized techniques, including “threatening to sexually abuse the prisoner’s mother, raising a pistol to his head, and holding a cordless drill to his body,” the UK’s Rendition Project noted.

Nashiri’s lawyers argue he was of “specific interest” to British intelligence. This may be why London reportedly encouraged the CIA to refuel at Luton Airport in December 2002 while he was being rendered from Thailand to Poland.

“There is an irresistible inference that the UK agencies participated in intelligence sharing in relation to [Nashiri] and were complicit in his torture and ill-treatment.”

Intelligence Committee ‘Unable to Produce a Credible Report’

Meanwhile, the British government is attempting to prevent Abu Zubaydah, Guantanamo’s “forever prisoner”, from taking legal action against MI5 and MI6 over providing the CIA with questions for him to be asked over enhanced interrogations in six separate countries. Authorities in London argue that domestic laws are not applicable to Zubaydah, and his claim should be brought against the countries where the torture took place instead.

Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times, locked in a tiny coffin-like box for hundreds of hours, with cockroaches – of which he had a lifelong fear – hung from hooks, denied sleep, and forced to remain in “stress positions” for extended periods. Having lost an eye as a result of this abuse, he now has permanent brain damage, suffers constant seizures, virtually perpetual headaches and an “excruciating sensitivity to sounds.”

A 2018 report by the UK Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) confirmed British intelligence had “direct awareness of extreme mistreatment” of Zubaydah at the hands of the CIA, and continued providing questions for his American torturers to ask him regardless. The report concluded that not long after Zubaydah’s capture in Pakistan in 2002, MI6 officials determined the techniques carried out on the detainee were so harsh that “98 percent of US Special Forces would have broken if subject to the same conditions.”

The ISC findings showed conclusively that London was playing a key supporting role in the CIA extraordinary rendition program. Under the terms of the dark deal, British intelligence and security services provided extensive logistical support to Langley, and outsourced torture of detainees to some of the world’s most brutal security and intelligence agencies.

Yet, this spectacularly barbaric chapter of recent British history has been almost entirely forgotten today. And the ISC admits its account of the scandalous arrangement is far from complete. The Committee openly stated the report it produced “is not, and must not be taken to be, a definitive account.”

Due to the “terms and conditions” applied to the investigation, the ISC was “unable to conduct an authoritative inquiry and produce a credible report,” it conceded.

Then-Prime Minister Theresa May imposed a number of onerous restrictions on the Committee, including denying access to officers, personnel, and key witnesses. Controls imposed on the ISC meant only four intelligence agency employees could be interviewed, and the few who were made available were blocked from commenting on specific cases.

In spite of these limitations, the ISC ultimately determined that British security services shared an “unprecedented” amount of intelligence with foreign liaison agencies “to facilitate the capture of detainees” — even when it suspected or knew the suspects would be subject to torture. In total, the report found at least 198 cases in which British spies received intelligence obtained from people “they knew or ought to have suspected” had been abused.

Between the years of 2002 – 2004, MI6 operatives actively participated in interrogations of detainees held by US authorities at locations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Guantanamo Bay, according to the report. The ISC identified 13 cases of British spies witnessing detainee torture first-hand, and 128 incidents of security and intelligence being informed by their foreign counterparts that prisoners had been mistreated. 

Rather than reacting to this troubling news by ending their participation, British intelligence instead offered financial inducements to foreign spying agencies to conduct extraordinary rendition operations. On at least 28 occasions, they suggested, planned or agreed to operations proposed by liaison services overseas, per the report.

Fake Ricin Plot Justifies Iraq War

Outsourcing torture to foreign partners provided the Brits with a number of benefits. For one, MI5 and MI6 could avoid getting their hands dirty, and maintain the lie that they did not directly engage in such activity. The arrangement also meant British spies could not be held accountable if testimony acquired through torture turned out to be false — which, by design, it often did.

In September 2002, police investigating an alleged terror fundraising operation in London arrested Mohammed Meguerba, an Algerian émigré. Released without charge, he returned to his home country, where he was picked up upon arrival by local security services.

Meguerba eventually told his captors that he was part of a multi-conspirator plot to poison people using ricin. This information was passed on to British intelligence, although there was a major problem: the address which he claimed as the nucleus of the effort did not exist. After further interrogation, Meguerba supplied another location, a North London home.

In January 2003, police swooped in, making multiple arrests, conducting extensive tests, and sending seized material on to the UK’s main chemical weapons research facility at  Porton Down. Before those investigations were complete, senior counter-terror officials in conjunction with British health authorities hastily issued an urgent “bioterrorism alert,” warning “a small amount of the material recovered…has tested positive for the presence of ricin poison.” Panic erupted immediately, and doctors’ surgeries across the country published advice on the symptoms of ricin poisoning.

Then-Prime Minister Tony Blair appeared for a televised address hours later, zealously stoking public fears:

“I warn people it is only a matter of time before terrorists get hold of [Weapons of Mass Destruction]…the arrests made earlier today show this danger is present and real and with us now, and its potential is huge.”

A month later, then-US Secretary of State Colin Powell made a now notorious speech to the UN Security Council, to drum up support for the Iraq war. Brandishing an illustrative vial of ricin, Powell alleged Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was operating a secret global terror network and maintained a vast arsenal of chemical and biological weapons. Powell explicitly mentioned the recent raid in London, which he claimed proved the existence of Al Qaeda terror “cells” in the heart of Europe.

With the US invasion of Iraq well-underway, the purported “ricin” plot was dusted off once again on March 31, 2003, when Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Richard Myers boldly announced US forces had destroyed a “poison factory”, which he claimed was “probably where the ricin found in London came from.”

In reality, Porton Down had determined no ricin was found at the London address within 48 hours of the initial police raid. This inconvenient judgement was nonetheless concealed until eight people arrested in connection with the case were put on trial two years later and acquitted on all charges.

The prosecution crumbled when it became clear that Meguerba had concocted the claims under pressure from investigators. 

Following the verdict, even the BBC admitted that the “criminal investigations [were] shamelessly exploited for political purposes” by the UK and the US in order “to justify the invasion of Iraq or the introduction of new legislation to restrict civil liberties.”

Not long after, Meguerba appeared in court in Algeria, looking emaciated, frail, and missing several teeth. His fate today is unknown.

A Very British Coverup

In September 2005, then-MI5 Director General Eliza Manningham-Buller issued an extraordinary statement conceding that British intelligence officials were “often limited” in their ability to ascertain the means by which foreign partners secured intelligence. In part, Manningham-Buller claimed, this was because MI5 and MI6 “will generally not press to be told the source” of a particular piece of information, since asking too many questions might “damage future cooperation and the future flow of intelligence from the originating service.”

“Where the reporting is threat-related, the desire for context will usually be subservient to the need to take action to establish the facts,” she continued. Ultimately, therefore, “no inquiries were made of [the] Algerian liaison about the precise circumstances that attended their questioning of Meguerba.”

By that point, the ricin plot had been comprehensively exposed in court as a farcical story built on false testimony secured under torture. However, Manningham-Buller insisted the entire fraudulent narrative actually proved “detainee reporting can be accurate and may enable lives to be saved.”

Did the British feed their Algerian counterparts questions deliberately designed to concoct a bogus plot which, when busted, could be used to justify the impending Iraq invasion? While a smoking gun has yet to surface, confidential documents found in the ruins of Libyan security service offices following the violent overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi strongly suggest this was the case.

Papers recovered by a Western human rights organization revealed that in March 2004, then-MI6 counter-terror chief Mark Allen was in direct contact with authorities in Tripoli about the recent capture of Abdelhakim Belhaj, a founder of the Al Qaeda-aligned Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

“I congratulate you on the safe arrival of [Belhaj]. This was the least we could do for you and for Libya to demonstrate the remarkable relationship we have built over recent years,” Allen wrote.

“Amusingly, we got a request from the Americans to channel requests for information from [Belhaj] through [them]. I have no intention of doing any such thing. The intelligence about [Belhaj] was British… I feel I have the right to deal with you direct on this.”

Belhaj was arrested with his pregnant wife earlier that year in Malaysia, then spent seven years in Libyan prisons, where he reportedly suffered serious abuse. Libyan authorities released his wife after a brief detention, but not before torturing her as well. Barely two weeks after their abduction, the MI6’s Allen turned up in Libya, while Tony Blair met with Gaddafi.

Belhaj was ultimately freed from prison in 2008 as part of a wider amnesty for former Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) negotiated by Qatar, a key backer of the group. Three years later, he was back in Tripoli, serving as a commander of armed insurgents against Gaddafi’s forces – and with no shortage of British and American assistance. With NATO aircover, Belhaj’s forces participated in the barbaric murder of Qaddafi in the leader’s hometown of Sirte. 

John McCain Libyan Islamic Fighting Group LIFG

US Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham with Libyan Islamic Fighting Group leader Abdelhakim Belhaj during NATO’s regime change war on Libya. To Belhaj’s left is the slain US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens.

In a perverse irony, other LIFG fighters involved in the Western-backed regime change war were freed due to an intervention from Quilliam Foundation, a self-styled “counter-extremism” think tank covertly constructed by British intelligence.

The discovery of the incriminating 2004 correspondence between Allen and Libya’s government prompted London’s High Court to introduce legal proceedings against the former MI6 counter-terror chief in June 2012. Two years later, Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) inexplicably declined to prosecute him despite London’s Metropolitan Police compiling 28,000 pages of evidence.

In June 2016, the CPS again announced it would not prosecute Allen, a decision which reportedly angered senior investigating officers. The Service noted there was “sufficient evidence to support the contention that [Allen]…had been in communication with individuals from foreign countries responsible for the detention” of Belhaj and his wife, and “sought political authority for some of his actions.”

As such, the IPT’s decision to hear the complaints of al-Hawsawi and Nashiri arguably represents the best — and perhaps final — opportunity for the public to hear the truth about the role played by MI5 and MI6’m in extraordinary rendition. 

For now, circumstantial evidence strongly suggests British intelligence intentionally sought false testimony, with which it could achieve particular political outcomes, and justify the domestic and international excesses of the War on Terror.


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Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions.

Featured image is from The Grayzone 

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Hard hitting news anchor Grant Stinchfield called out the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) for unfair review procedures in the case of Dr. Mark Trozzi, an emergency physician with an excellent clinical track record. The College spent hours trying to discredit Dr. McCullough in the witness chair and would not put a single substantive question to Dr. McCullough about Dr. Trozzi’s clinical practice or care of COVID-19 patients.

The CPSO closed out their last day of of the trial while Trozzi has been suspended from practice for 6 months. The College has intentionally delayed proceedings to cause huge fines, greater loss of income, and destroy Dr. Trozzi’s ability to keep his career on track. This investigation should have taken a few days at the first instance of an issue raised by CPSO.

Please watch this 10-minute interview where Stinchfield has Dr. McCullough give some key updates on autopsies of COVID-19 vaccine victims and much more.

Click here to view the video


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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That Sour Tonic Known as Truth

July 18th, 2023 by Emanuel Pastreich

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Our hearts go out to those who were forced to engage in unnatural and unfair activities in a desperate attempt to preserve their sanity and to save their families. But we have to admit now that although what we did made sense to us at the time, it was wrong and it must end.

Playing along with the COVID-19 narrative was immoral and it was illegal.

The repetition of the bland phrase “during the pandemic” has to end too.

We need to make sure that the words we speak correspond with the reality that we see around us. Otherwise, we will be sucked into what Rudolf Steiner called “the karma of untruthfulness.” When we adhere to horrific lies that act will make easier, precisely because so many people cling to those lies, the propagation of even more horrific lies in the future.

Accepting lies as truths makes abominations thinkable, makes genocide reasonable. No wonder that nuclear war with Russia now seems plausible for policy makers. No wonder that the destruction of our soil and oceans sounds like a good business opportunity for Wall Street.


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The first step we must take is to end this pattern, to interrupt the fiction that keeps on circulating, the evil that keeps on giving. We must recognize that when we say people died of “COVID-19” we are acting as knowing accomplices to a crime. Lots of people died of different causes, including some who died because of the use bioweapons whose nature remains unclear even today.

But there was never any “Covid 19.” That was the whole point of the operation. If there had been a real pandemic, it would not have served to accustom citizens to embracing hypocrisy, to accepting lies as truths in daily life.

They could easily have created a real pandemic, one that killed millions with real lethal viruses—but they chose not do so because the goal was to undermine the authority of institutions, and to weaken the foundations of civil society.

Killing people with a virus was not the point. Killing people with a vaccine however, was quite effective.  

That was the same script for the 9.11 incident. A real terrorist attack that made sense could have been easily carried out. But they chose to add in buildings collapsing in on themselves in blatant defiance of the laws of physics.

That was no accident. No, that was the whole point: Degrade the public’s ability to think and compromise all intellectuals (except a tiny handful who sacrificed themselves and were then completely ignored).

That left us without anyone to trust and institutions that are dishonest by nature. Call them Harvard or the New York Times if you want; the criminality cannot be hidden by using fancy names.

And so here we are, in the age of monsters.

And what is the solution?

There is only one solution. There is only one medicine in the cabinet that has a chance of curing this gangrene of the soul. It is that bitter purgative that we are loath to drink, that sour tonic known as truth.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Back in 1984, Wendy’s (an American fast-food chain) released an advertisement starring an elderly actress named Clara Peller. The premise of the ad had Peller ordering a hamburger from an unnamed competitor, only to receive a very large bun containing a very small beef patty on the inside.

Upon examining the burger, Peller looks up in exasperation, and proclaims “Where’s the beef?”

In the aftermath of the Vilnius-hosted NATO Summit, a two-day affair spanning July 11-12, one cannot help but feel that the spirit of Clara Peller was channeled into the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, as he pored over the results of the event, and contrasted them with the expectations that existed going into the summit.

I don’t know how to say “Where’s the beef” in Ukrainian, but something like that phrase had to be coursing through the mind of the Ukrainian President as he examined the big “nothing burger” that NATO had delivered up for him.

The Vilnius Summit was intended to showcase the alliance’s unity and resolve in the face of the challenges presented by Russia and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. There had been a great deal of discussion prior to the summit about the prospects of Ukrainian membership in NATO. It was understood by all parties that, while the conflict between Ukraine and Russia remained in an active phase, Ukrainian membership was impossible, if for no other reason that, under Article 5 of the NATO charter, NATO would immediately find itself in a war with Russia which had a good chance of going nuclear.

The working premise going into the Vilnius Summit was that NATO would empower Ukraine to carry out a massive counteroffensive designed to break through the Russian defenses and drive to the Sea of Azov, thereby severing the land bridge between Crimea and Russia, forcing Russia to negotiate an end to the conflict. At that juncture, having “frozen” the conflict on terms that would be unfavorable to Russia, NATO would extend an invitation to Ukraine for membership, thereby shrouding Ukraine’s gains with Article 5 protections while effectively checking any future Russian offensive operations.

In the weeks leading up to the summit, Ukraine was desperately trying to do its part, throwing its newly constituted NATO-trained and equipped assault brigades at prepared Russian defenses in actions which made the infamous “Charge of the Light Brigade” seem like the epitome of military planning and execution by comparison. With much of its NATO-provided weaponry, including the much-touted Leopard tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, destroyed or damaged without ever reaching the main Russian defensive positions, and some 20,000 Ukrainian casualties, the Ukrainian counteroffensive fizzled out. Instead of presenting his NATO partners with a decisive Ukrainian victory, Zelensky confronted his erstwhile allies with the harsh reality that not only would the conflict with Russia not be ending any time soon, but also the growing realization that, when it did end, it would be as a decisive Russian military victory.

Confronted with this reality, NATO sought to soften expectations about Ukrainian membership. Rather than provide Ukraine with a concrete road map to membership, NATO declared that it would extend an invitation to Ukraine when “conditions are met”, one of which is that the conflict with Russia must be over. NATO offered up as a consolation prize the establishment of a NATO-Ukraine Council “to advance political dialogue, engagement, cooperation, and Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO,” and promised to “continue our support for as long as it takes.”

For Zelensky, these words ring hollow in the face of a deteriorating situation on a battlefield largely defined by the previous support of NATO. And the harsh reality of the battlefield looms large as Zelensky departs Vilnius with little more than assurances that NATO will continue to support Ukraine along the lines of what it has done to date. But all that this support has done is condemn hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers to death, while stripping bare both the armories and coffers of Ukraine’s NATO partners.

Zelensky must likewise reflect on the words of President Joe Biden who, in an interview with CNN, noted that Ukraine was “not ready for membership in NATO,” adding that any such dialogue was “premature” while Ukraine was in the middle of a conflict. Biden also stated that he did not “think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, and that the process could take place only after a peace agreement with Russia was in place.”

But to achieve a peace that created the conditions favorable to Ukraine joining NATO meant that Ukraine must first defeat the Russian army on the field of battle. To do that, Ukraine would need NATO to radically alter the formulation upon which current levels of military assistance were being calculated, if for no other reason that the current formulations were, simply put, not working. But NATO is neither inclined nor capable of changing this formulation. Its goal has never been to defend Ukraine, but rather defeat Russia, a cause it is willing to pursue to the last Ukrainian.

Zelensky came to Vilnius like customers flock to fast food restaurants, full of expectations about the delicious burger they are going to order and consume, only to find himself cast in the role of Clara Peller, shouting out in exasperation, “Where’s the beef?”

It’s not the role Zelensky wanted or expected rolling into the Vilnius Summit. For more than 500 days he had been cast as the modern-day incarnation of Winston Churchill, a heroic figure standing firm against the forces of evil. But Zelensky operates in the theater of the absurd, where perception trumps reality until which time reality hits hard, and the script changes. The narrative has flipped, with Ukraine transformed from the leading character into part of the supporting cast. Zelensky the politician must be disappointed by this turn of events. But Zelensky the actor simply looks down at the words put before him, written by others, takes his cue, and reads aloud.

“Where’s The Beef?”

The answer doesn’t matter. There is no beef. It’s just a script. And Zelensky is just an actor, playing out his role in the tragic opera that has become the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, watching helplessly as his nation and people are being sacrificed on behalf of a dysfunctional NATO alliance that proclaims its mission as peace, but whose only product is war.


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Featured image: NATO–Ukraine Council (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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Things are getting awkward and coming to a head as BRICS countries are now just weeks away from the Aug. 22-24 major summit in Johannesburg, South Africa – and Russian President Vladimir Putin is still committed to attending in person.

South Africa had even mulled requesting that Moscow opt for Zoom instead, which would have without doubt been taken as an insult by the Russian side. 

“President Putin will be asked by South Africa to attend a key summit via Zoom and not in person after Pretoria sought legal advice about its obligations to arrest the Russian leader, who has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court [ICC],” the Sunday Times reported in May.

Most recently, the South African government has simply politely asked Putin not to come, something which the Kremlin swiftly rejected.

The host country for the BRICS summit is under pressure as a signatory of the Rome Statute that governs the ICC. Given the arrest warrant outstanding against Putin, South African authorities are expected by the West to act.

South Africa’s deputy president Paul Mashatile said in a recent statement

“We understand we are bound by the Rome Statute but we can’t invite someone and then you arrest them. You can understand our dilemma.”

“We would be happy if he [Putin] doesn’t come,” he followed with. A suggestion to hold the entire summit virtually has been rejected by some of the largest BRICS countries, including India and Brazil. 

The Kremlin has stuck by its position that South Africa has clear obligations and has even given Putin personal assurances:

A Kremlin-linked official told The Moscow Times that South Africa provided “security guarantees” for Putin during Ramaphosa’s visit to St. Petersburg in June.

The schedule and logistics are still being worked out, according to reports, but South Africa’s president has been consistent in saying it will be face to face and that Putin hasn’t wavered on his intent to attend.

“There were rumors that this too could become an online summit – no. It is going to be face to face, eyeball to eyeball,” Ramaphosa said.

While Ramaphosa has been seen as sympathetic to Putin, it has been South Africa’s leading opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), which has pressured the government to arrest the Russian leader if he arrives for the summit.


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Featured image is from Kurt Nimmo

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One way to tell if a journalist is doing a good job is to see the level of detail they give to news developments. I sat down with Kim Iversen from my clinic and she went over the figures of our recent manuscript on autopsies after COVID-19 vaccination. This interview is helpful in understanding the data.

Our paper is attracting massive attention on the European Commission Zenodo pre-print server with >150k (as of July 18, 2023), downloads and views compared to other papers on COVID-19 vaccines at ~50.

Please listen to the whole interview ~10 min to get updated.

Click here to view the video


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Nicolas Hulscher, BS, Paul E. Alexander, PhD, Richard Amerling, MD, Heather Gessling, MD, Roger Hodkinson, MD, William Makis, MD, Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD, Mark Trozzi, MD, & Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH. (2023). A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF AUTOPSY FINDINGS IN DEATHS AFTER COVID-19 VACCINATION. Zenodo.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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There is growing speculation about how the Russia-Ukraine war might eventually end. Three competing scenarios are strong possibilities. The most likely outcome is a definitive Russian victory after a grinding, bloody struggle lasting several more years. As time drags on, Russia’s larger population and military will confer greater and greater advantages in the fighting, despite the lumbering, inefficient nature of the Kremlin’s forces.

The second most likely outcome is a frozen conflict roughly along the current battle lines. Fighting would end with an armistice rather than a formal peace treaty and reflect exhaustion on the part of both Ukraine and Russia. Such frozen conflicts already exist in places such as Kashmir, Cyprus, and most notably, Korea.

The least likely outcome would be a definitive victory by Ukraine, given Russia’s long-term logistical advantages. Unfortunately, both Washington and NATO have embraced that unrealistic objective, pledging continued Western military support and encouraging Kiev to stay the course, regardless of the mounting costs in blood and treasure to the Ukrainian people.

No matter how the war finally ends, the Biden administration and its NATO partners appear to have given surprisingly little consideration to what the West’s postwar relationship with Moscow will—or should—look like. Robert E. Hunter, a former U.S. Ambassador to NATO, touched on one important aspect in his recent article in Responsible Statecraft. He contended that there are more important issues than Ukraine’s NATO membership aspirations that need to be discussed at the 2023 NATO summit. “More consequential for the long term is an issue that won’t arise at Vilnius: what role Russia can play in European security after the war is over.”

Hunter points out the crucial reality that “unless Russia disintegrates, at some point in the future it will have to be dealt with as a revived great power, which under any leader will pursue what Russia considers to be its legitimate interests. (Already, a weakened Russia is challenging Western interests in the Middle East and elsewhere.) Russia’s European interests include not having a rival military alliance on its doorstep.” Unfortunately, “a consensus is rapidly forming in the United States, apparently shared in the Biden administration, that a new cold war confrontation with Russia is inevitable, whatever the risks, dangers, and longevity.”

Despite occasional conciliatory rhetoric, the United States has pursued a policy to constrain and humiliate Russia since the early years of Bill Clinton’s administration. The decision to expand NATO into Eastern Europe—with the ultimate objective of incorporating Ukraine into the alliance, despite Russia’s vehement objections and warnings that the West was crossing bright red lines threatening their core security interests—was the most provocative policy. But there were others. NATO’s military intervention in the Balkans against Russia’s longstanding ally, Serbia, was another. Terminating arms control agreements important to Moscow, especially the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and the Open Skies Agreement, were other gestures of hostility and contempt toward Russia.

The extent of U.S. and NATO animosity surged in 2014 after Moscow’s seizure of Crimea in retaliation for the West’s meddling in Ukraine to help oust the country’s elected, pro-Russia president. Washington and its European allies imposed an array of economic sanctions against Russia. New, far more onerous, sanctions were imposed after Russia’s larger invasion in February 2022.

A full-fledged new cold war now exists between the West and Russia, with no end in sight. Early in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin admitted that Washington’s objective was to weaken Russia permanently. Other Biden administration officials, including the president himself, have indicated that there cannot be even a limited rapprochement as long as Vladimir Putin remains in power.

However, there is little indication that either the United States or the rabidly anti-Russia governments in NATO’s East European members would relent even if new political leadership emerged in the Kremlin. Instead, as Hunter notes, a hardline, uncompromising posture toward Russia seems to be increasingly entrenched. It is difficult to find even hints, much less explicit statements, coming from NATO capitals about which sanctions would be lifted and when, if a peace accord ending the Russia-Ukraine war was signed. A frozen conflict makes a substantial, prompt lifting of sanctions even less likely.

Even if the Biden administration wanted to change course and adopt a more conciliatory strategy toward Moscow, it is doubtful that hardliners in Congress or in several NATO countries would accept such a move. Instead, they seem inclined to push Washington to adopt a course more akin to the policies U.S. leaders have pursued for decades toward such rogue states as North Korea, Cuba, and Iran.

But trying to isolate Russia in such a fashion would be even more futile and potentially disastrous. North Korea and Cuba are small, impoverished countries. Even Iran is a mid-sized power with limited clout. Russia, however, is a major global economic player and possesses the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. NATO’s attempt to enlist the rest of the world to isolate Russia and aid Ukraine has faltered badly. Seeking global unity for such a hostile approach once the Ukraine war ends would be greeted with derision throughout the “Global South.”

Robert Hunter is correct that Russia is an essential player in any stable European security system and must be re-integrated once the war ends. However, Russia’s importance is even greater than what Hunter describes. The country is a crucial factor in the global economic and security systems. Pursuing an extended cold war against Moscow is impractical and potentially disastrous. The Biden administration needs to make a major course adjustment for a post-Ukraine war era.


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Ted Galen Carpenter is a senior fellow at the Libertarian Institute and a senior fellow at the Randolph Bourne Institute. Dr. Carpenter also served in various policy positions during a 37-year career at the Cato Institute. He is the author of thirteen books and more than 1,200 articles on international affairs and the threat that the U.S. national security state poses to peace and civil liberties at home and around the world. Dr. Carpenter’s latest book is “Unreliable Watchdog: The News Media and U.S. Foreign Policy” (2022).

Featured image: USA and Russian flags are cut with scissors. Confrontation and the Cold War. Stock vector illustration.

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As a rule, US war reporting since Vietnam has been mostly mainstream media cheerleading the mission rather than digging beyond government war propaganda. After all, it was images of American boys coming home in body bags shown on the six o’clock news across America that finally galvanized mainstream opposition to that war.

The Pentagon learned its lesson by the first Gulf War, and it severely restricted up-close media coverage. Only “trusted” journalists were able to report from the front lines. Most of the press corps wrote up stories based on US military press releases from luxury hotels in Baghdad.

By the time of Gulf War II the Pentagon came up with the concept of “embedding” select journalists with the troops. This allowed the story to be framed by the Pentagon with the false impression that actual journalism was taking place. It felt authentic, because the journalist was with the troops and close to the action, but the story presented what the Pentagon wanted to be presented.

This is perhaps a long way of pointing out that US mainstream media coverage of the war in Ukraine leaves a lot to be desired. Yes, sometimes the truth does slip out in publications like the New York Times, which reported last week that in just the first weeks of Ukraine’s “counter-offensive” at least 20 percent of the weaponry and equipment donated by the US and NATO has been destroyed.

However, usually what the mainstream media serves up are Pentagon and neocon talking points. Russia is losing, they report. Russia has already lost, as Biden said recently. Most Americans don’t go out of their way to listen to actual experts like Col. Doug Macgregor, who from the beginning has been telling a very different story. Thus Americans continue to be fed propaganda.

There is a funny thing about propaganda, though. Sometimes it comes face-to-face with contradictory reality and is shown to be nothing but a pack of lies.

Take for example last week’s shocking report that President Biden has signed an order to mobilize 3,000 US military reservists for deployment to Europe in support of the 2014 “Operation Atlantic Resolve.” What is Atlantic Resolve? It was launched in the aftermath of the US-backed coup in Ukraine and the ensuing unrest under the US-installed puppet government.

So, if Russia is losing – or has already lost, as Biden said last week – why has it suddenly become necessary to call up US reserve forces? Well, in the midst of one of the most serious US military recruiting crises ever, it seems Washington does not have sufficient troops for its anti-Russia mission in Ukraine. So what is the mission and why does it seem to be creeping toward sending more Americans close to the battle zone? No one in the Administration seems interested in explaining it and no one in the US media or Congress seems interested in asking.

We are on a very slippery slope, with Biden’s neocons continuing to escalate in the face of massive Ukrainian losses and an apparent shortage of US troops. Make no mistake, if the US/NATO proxy war with Russia is not halted the next step will be to look at the US Selective Service. That means they are coming for your kids. How long before America wakes up and says “NO”?


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Capitalism’s Failed Paradigm

July 18th, 2023 by Megan Sherman

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The solution to global development has seemed to lie in the application of free markets. If serious social disorder arises, the reasoning goes, it must be centred on an absence of economic liberalism — and, the reasoning further assumes, the most successful solution lies in interventionism to staunch the transformative power of the free market. Or does it?

This article argues that the most successful solution for social dysfunction is enhanced political democracy, which is mutually exclusive from free market fundamentalism, and challenges centrism’s assumption that laissez-faire economics is a magic bullet policy that should be replicated on a global scale.

I argue for political interventions that are based on staunching the institutions of social democracy in a setting that augments a strong relationship between citizens and representative institutions.

The experience of the global south in recent decades confirms the ‘Shock Doctrine’ theory of Naomi Klein, which explains how periphery states that diverge from western capitalist norms suffer tacit invasions intended to absorb them into the iron dictatorship of the free market.

So far as progressive, radical scholars like Klein can tell, outcomes for states suffering from these tacit invasions include severe social degradation and exponentially widening inequality that enriches transnational corporations at the expense of domestic economies. Poor countries without well resourced public services suffer more for marketisation than the advanced industrial states of the west. There is therefore little evidence that laissez-faire economics have a positive effect constituting true development, but the perception of the establishment is often different.

If there is one central political reality at the end of the twentieth century, it is that the free market fundamentalist approach to economics – which triumphed over its ideological adversaries, communism and third world liberation theology – has been a soaring success. 

In fact, the opposite is the case. Attempts to export neoliberalism to periphery states can be identified as part of a degenerate fascist agenda to enhance US totalitarianism and imperialist corporate power, with each subsequent subordination announced with enormous fanfare in the cartel media. Huge investments of ideological resources have been made to get western citizens to think that this agenda is moral and just, which indoctrinates a characteristic callousness towards the long suffering citizens of states that have been exposed to the negative effects of the shock doctrine.

Without exception, marketisation has failed to preempt political democracy in the global south. By way of contrast, marketisation has often required authoritarian coups backed by the intelligence agencies of the imperial core. In one of the largest psyops ever conducted, the public have been coerced to accept the flawed analysis that the US is in the business of exporting democracy. Dissenting analysis on the US mission finds no evidence that the empire is promoting democracy, only that it is enhancing its own resource acquisition and geostrategic hegemony. And dissidents have observed a direct correlation and causal relationship between capitalism and adversity. As they have told us, free market triumphalism is a humanitarian catastrophe. Beyond which, it is intellectually dishonest, presenting an ideology as objective fact.

The dissenting analysis is consistent with the testimonies of Russian citizens who have suffered a decline of living standards since the end of communism. Research has consistently shown that contemporary Russians have an increased risk of alcoholism and suicide than their Soviet predecessors. 

Separating fact from ideological fiction is hard in an environment where the market controls so much of the mainstream narrative, as is the task of stoking global civic solidarity as a countervailing force to corporate tyranny. An association between the political centre and neoliberalism has led to a monopoly on acceptable policy debate and served to malign rational agendas to plan the economy to serve peace and social democracy as dangerous extremism. 

Free market fundamentalists often downplay socialism’s relevance with a variety of argument. They reason that proletarian rule is offensive to freedom, that socialism constitutes theft, or that it violates the rights of citizens to autonomously own private property. They also dismiss Marx as an untrustworthy totalitarian. It is also said that state planning is an inefficient and irrational way to order an economy.

Research efforts to find the causes of political democracy have found that levels of citizen influence over policy making are more consequential than economic neoliberalism. The studies focus on the subjective experiences of innovations in democratic institutions both in the global south and the west, representing the efforts of academic research projects more earnest and objective than the doctrinaire policy prescriptions of neoliberal think tanks. The difference between neoliberalism and socialism is that the latter has less funding.

The same is true of advocacy; neoliberalism boasts an extreme advantage over socialism in lobbying power, having coopted all the major political parties. Despite this consensus, there is little evidence of important social advances as a consequence of neoliberalism. 

Recent studies of democratic innovations suggest that participatory democracy may be a better policy agenda for the west than neoliberalism in periphery states, although neoliberals have made the data seem otherwise by selectively reporting propaganda. The second generation centrists, praised in the media and yielding enormous benefits for corporate donors, have been bitterly disappointing for the hope of reform by democratic innovations, and there is no evidence they constitute a better form of governance than communism. 

The neoliberal obsession with profit has led to a climate where justice is neglected. If we are to improve democratic outcomes in periphery states we need to abandon the idea that the answers lie within the free market system. We need to develop a citizen-oriented approach which takes participation in policy seriously and devolves power from the cartel state to the public. 


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Megan Sherman is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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In late 2021 and early 2022, teachers were mandated to take COVID-19 vaccines. There have been so many sudden deaths of teachers, I’ve had to split them up. 

March 31, 2023 – Aubrey, TX – 43 year old Teacher & girls soccer coach at Braswell High School Jeff Miller died unexpectedly in his sleep early morning (click here).

March 27, 2023 – 51 year old Katherine Elizabeth Morrison, professor of Health and Wellness at Curry College in Milton, MA, died suddenly, fully COVID-19 vaccinated (allegedly from complications of diabetes).


March 26, 2023 – Davao City, Philippines – 49 year old swimming teacher Jerry Kasim, died suddenly from a cardiac arrest during swimming portion of Alveo Ironman 70.3 (click here).

March 25, 2023 – Mesick, MI – 46 year old Sarah Esper, math teacher at Mesick High School, had cardiac arrest watching high school basketball state finals. (click here)

March 24, 2023 – Udine, Italy – 40 year old computer engineer and teacher Philip Morocutti died suddenly in his sleep. His mother found him dead in bed. He taught Telecommunications and Aeronautics at universities in Udine and Trieste.

March 23, 2023 – Geneva, NY – 51 year old Lawrence “Larry” Guererri, football Coach of Geneva football team, died unexpectedly.

March 21, 2023 – Brentwood, TN – 32 year old 5th grade teacher at Pembroke Elementary School, Kelsey Holder, died suddenly with her stillborn baby.


March 21, 2023 – Weirsdale, FL – 31 year old John Gibb, English teacher at Lake Weir High School had a medical episode while driving, he crashed & died in the hospital.

March 17, 2023 – Sudbury, ON – 37 year old Sarah Mann, professor & writer at Laurentian University pursuing a PhD in Human Studies, died unexpectedly in her sleep.

March 15, 2023 – 52 year old Brent Emmart, Clarke County High School head boys’ basketball coach died suddenly due to a medical emergency. (click here)

March 10, 2023 – Waukegan, IL – 25 year old Kaitlin Schaumberger, 2nd grade teacher at Oakdale Elementary School died suddenly due to “complications of COVID and pneumonia” (click here).

March 7, 2023 – Sandy Springs, GA – 38 year old Kimberly Bonner, 7th grade special ed. teacher, died unexpectedly.

March 6, 2023 – UK – Steve Hutchinson, teacher at De La Salle School in Basildon, died after collapsing on school’s playground before school gate opened. (click here)

April 5, 2023 – Alto, MI – 56 year old Heidi Greer, Alto Elementary School 3rd grade teacher, died suddenly after a several month battle with myocarditis (click here).

My Take…

All COVID-19 mRNA vaccine mandated professions are now seeing 550% increase in disabilities and 40% excess mortality (Source: Ed Dowd)

Looking at these 14 tragic deaths of teachers, ages 25 to 56:

  • 3 died in their sleep
  • 4 collapsed with cardiac arrest (1 while driving, 1 while swimming in an Ironman, 1 while watching school basketball game, 1 on school playground)
  • 1 died of cardiac injury (myocarditis)
  • 3 sudden deaths (cause not specified)
  • 1 died with her stillborn baby
  • 1 died from complications of diabetes
  • 1 died from immune damage (COVID pneumonia)

This is an expected pattern of causes of death for a COVID-19 vaccinated population.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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July 16, 2023 – A small plane, 2006 Piper Meridian enroute from Westchester, NY crashed near runway at Martha’s Vineyard Airport around 3:15pm (click here).

Preliminary investigation indicates that the “79 year old male pilot suffered a medical emergency upon final approach”.

The passenger, a Connecticut woman, took control of the aircraft, a 2006 Piper Meridian, and attempted to land the plane but crashed outside the runway.

The aircraft’s left wing broke in half and the two people on board were taken to a local hospital.

Police said the pilot was flown by helicopter to a Boston hospital. He is in serious life-threatening condition. The passenger (a 68 year old woman) was not injured and was evaluated at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital before being released.

My Take…

This is an incredible story that has not gotten any media attention. Even though the pilot is in advanced age, there are several lessons here:

  1. In the COVID-19 vaccine era, no plane should fly with only 1 pilot, especially small planes.
  2. Passengers must be aware that they may be called upon to land a plane, given how frequent pilot incapacitations have become (due to COVID-19 vaccine injuries). Those who fly frequently may want to look into getting some flying lessons, just in case!
  3. The passenger managed to land the plane and saved both their lives. This miraculous story should be getting much more mainstream attention than it has.

Recent Pilot Deaths

Pilot death – May 2023 – 4 Singapore Airlines pilots died suddenly in May 2023

Pilot death – May 9, 2023 – United Airlines and US Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. Michael Fugett, age 46, died unexpectedly at his home

Pilot death – May 3, 2023 – Air Transat and Air Canada Pilot Eddy Vorperian, age 48, died suddenly during layover in Croatia

Pilot death – April 13, 2023 – Phil Thomas, graduate of Flight Training Pilot academy in Cadiz, Spain (FTEJerez) died suddenly.

Pilot death – March 17, 2023 – 39 year old Westjet Pilot Benjamin Paul Vige died suddenly in Calgary

Pilot death – March 11, 2023 – British Airways pilot died of heart attack in crew hotel in Cairo before a Cairo to London flight (name & age not released)

Other Recent Pilot Incapacitations In-flight 

Jun.7, 2023 – Air Canada Flight ACA692 (YYZ-YYT) Toronto to St. John’s, First Officer became incapacitated, deadheading Captain assumed duties

Jun.4, 2023 – Cessna Citation N611VG flying Tennessee to Long Island, fighter jets spotted pilot slumped over in cockpit unconscious, plane crashed and all onboard died

May 11, 2023 – HiSKy Flight H4474 (DUB-KIV) Dublin to Chisinau (Moldova), 20 min after liftoff pilot became “unable to act”, plane diverted to Manchester

May 4, 2023 – British Charter TUI Airways Flight BY-1424 (NCL-LPA) Newcastle to Las Palmas Spain pilot became ill, plane diverted back to NCL.

April 4, 2023 – United Airlines Flight 2102 (BOI-SFO) – captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft.

March 25, 2023 – TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed

March 22, 2023 – Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot

March 18, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal

March 13, 2023 Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off

March 11, 2023 United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains

March 11, 2023? – British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot collapsed in Cairo hotel and died, was scheduled to fly Airbus A321 from Cairo to London

March, 3, 2023 – Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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A Bit of Political Theater in Vilnius

July 18th, 2023 by Philip Giraldi

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It is a lucky break that the Screen Actors Guild has gone on strike as it will give Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky an opportunity to dust off his thespian credentials and look for a new job when the Russians eventually bring down his government. Hollywood and Las Vegas would undoubtedly compete for such a nice Jewish young man to revive his former comedy routine where he played a piano with his penis. To be sure, without disrobing, Zelensky was inevitably the star performer at the recently completed two day NATO Summit in Vilnius Lithuania on July 11th-12th which also featured as a speaker US President Joe Biden, who provided a certain type of context by declaring that “Russia could end this war tomorrow by…ceasing its inhumane attacks on Russia!”

Zelensky whined and strutted through the two days, complaining that instant fast-track admittance of Ukraine to the NATO alliance was his right to enable him to defeat the Russian invaders. When he was instead offered a collaborative process whereby Ukraine would be made “ready” for entry through necessary rebuilding of its military coupled with institutional reforms to combat corruption and strengthen democracy, Zelensky called the delay “absurd” and “weak” on the part of his hosts. And he did so on social media to make sure that he embarrassed everyone involved. Zelensky also did not help his cause by parading in his ratty green combat fatigues, to include his presence at the first night’s gala reception before a group photo where he was observed standing alone, being ignored by the well-dressed crowd of delegates and spouses nearby who had turned their backs on him both metaphorically and physically.

All of which did not mean that the Summit was not, at least rhetorically, a cheerleading event for the plucky Ukrainian defenders against the Russian hordes. The American delegation emphasized that Washington would be there with whatever it takes to support the Ukrainians until “the end” when the war was “won,” whatever that was intended to mean. This has been described by some in the US media as an “Israel Model” in which you supply your proteges with money and weapons before looking the other way when they actually use them “aggressively and unilaterally,” often contrary to your own interests. And NATO meanwhile was firm in its support of the demand that all Ukrainian land be returned to Kiev’s control, to include Crimea, which is a complete deal breaker if there is ever to be any possibility of a negotiated settlement of the conflict, so it seems that the war will go on.

Observers at the Summit opined that the consensus among participants at the meeting was to throw some scraps to Zelensky while also avoiding any commitments that would heighten the risk of escalation into a nuclear war. The decision not to jump into bed with a desperate Zelensky recognized in part that he was and is reckless and would do anything he could to provoke broadening of the war if given the ability to do so. Beyond that, most of the heads of state gathered in Vilnius recognized that, from a domestic political perspective, their respective fellow countrymen have become increasingly weary of the war as it grinds on and brings with it negative economic consequences. And there are elections coming up, not only in the United States, later this year and in 2024.

Nevertheless, Washington was certainly on top of the effort to make sure that Zelensky would have the tools and political support that he would need to start World War Three, even if it required a bit of dissimulation. Biden wrapped up his whirlwind visit to Europe in new NATO member Finland on Thursday, praising the strength of the NATO alliance and expressing his delusion that there is no possibility that Russia will win the war against Ukraine. He said, without stuttering, that “Putin’s already lost the war. Putin has a real problem. How does he move from here? What does he do?”

Many believe, in fact, that it is Russia that has already won the war and, putting the sage commentary from Biden aside, seems to know exactly what is at stake. The effort to rearm the largely destroyed Ukrainian air force with US-made nuclear capable F-16s was expedited by Summit members, an escalation that was particularly noted in Moscow where Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov commented in explicit terms how “Just one example of an extremely dangerous turn of events is the United States plans to transfer F-16 fighter jets to the Kiev regime. We have informed the nuclear powers, the United States, Britain and France, that Russia cannot ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons. No amount of assurances will help here. In the course of combat operations, our servicemen are not going to sort out whether each particular aircraft of this type is equipped to deliver nuclear weapons or not. We will regard the very fact that the Ukrainian armed forces have such systems as a threat from the West in the nuclear sphere. The United States and its NATO satellites are creating risks of a direct armed clash with Russia, and this is fraught with catastrophic consequences. The conditions for Russia’s use of nuclear weapons are clearly defined in our military doctrine. They are well known, and I will not repeat them once again.”

And then there are the cluster munitions, promised by Biden two weeks ago after what must have been consultations with his astrologer, with at least some weapons reportedly being delivered by last Thursday. Cluster munitions are banned by over 100 countries in the world, including most of NATO’s member nations and many consider their use to be a war crime. They are particularly lethal when used in civilian areas as they disperse multiple small explosive charges over a wide area that sometimes do not detonate and kill many years later when they are encountered by accident. They were used extensively during the Vietnam War and are still killing farmers in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam itself. Ironically, the United States accused Russia of using cluster bombs last year after it invaded Ukraine, calling them an illegal weapon, but now it is handing them to a psychopath who will undoubtedly seek to use them inside Russia to create a massive escalation that he expects to bring NATO fully into the war on his side. World War Three then inevitably evolves.

Washington’s aggressive moves to arm Ukraine follow on Britain’s in recently supplying Kiev with depleted uranium shells which contaminate surrounding areas with a radioactive dust during and after use. Evidence from areas such as Fallujah in Iraq, where the US and Britain fired large numbers of these shells, suggests the contamination can include a decades-long spike in cancer and birth defects.

And then there is the final Biden gesture to bring about peace on earth which took place through a White House order issued on the day after the NATO Summit ended. It states that: “I hereby determine that it is necessary to augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command’s area of responsibility… not to exceed 3,000 total members at any one time, of whom not more than 450 may be members of the Individual Ready Reserve, as they deem necessary, and to terminate the service of those units and members ordered to active duty.” While the numbers are not great and the language is governmentese, it is an order to send more soldiers to Europe to increase available resources for potential combat against the Russians. It may be the first of a number of such orders since NATO has reportedly assured Zelensky that the alliance would be increasing its so-called high readiness forces (ready to deploy in 30 days or less) to 300,000. Right now, the number of US troops in all of Europe is roughly 100,000 plus an estimated 100 CIA officers and some special ops personnel on the ground in Ukraine itself. One would not be surprised to learn that the first tranche of soldiers is bound for Poland, which borders Ukraine, Belarus and Russia and where there has already been a significant military build-up including troops from the 101st Airborne and 3rd Armored Division sent to the country for “training” last year.

There are also reports that the White House has moved B-52 bombers from their bases in the continental US to bases in Alaska closer to Russia to serve as a warning. One can only hope that somehow, some way this insanity will stop. We elect our leaders with the expectation that they will keep us safe, not engage in brinksmanship with nuclear weapons. If this is a pre-electoral ploy to re-elect Joe Biden next year by making him appear to be some kind of strong, wartime president, someone should pull the plug right now and tell Joe it is time to retire. Good going-going-gone to you Joe and whichever morons are advising you, most likely to be Antony, Jake and Victoria! You are well on the way to killing all of us for nothing!


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TUR

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What if his song of 1971 “Imagine” says it all?

Here are the song’s lyrics:

Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky

Imagine all the people
Livin’ for today

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Livin’ life in peace

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one


What if….

“Imagine there’s is no countries …
and the world will be as one”
, and

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man”

“Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…”

Is he the precursor and foundation of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, the key principles of the One World Order (OWO) philosophy, allegedly a world without borders – you will own nothing but will allegedly be happy, and everyone lives in a brotherhood of overall sharing – you will have a universal basic income (UBI) and allegedly will have all you need? It’s a pack of lies.

In contrast to The Great Reset, Lennon’s statement is a message of grassroots solidarity, democracy, peace and internationalism, precisely directed against the elites OWO…

The concepts raised by the OWO bear some similarity. While Lennon’s message emanates from the grassroots, the WEF’s proposal emanates from a “financial cabal” committed to impoverishment and depopulation. 


John Lennon was assassinated on the evening of 8 December 1980, in the archway of the Dakota, his residence in New York City.

While travelling in the car on the way back from The Record Studio, Lennon spoke to his wife Ono for the last time. “I said, ‘shall we go and have dinner before we go home?’” Ono recalled. “And John said, ‘No, let’s go home because I want to see Sean before he goes to sleep.’” Sean is their son.


What if we are living in a bubble of illusions – in a world that was planned hundred or more years ago? In a world that is now fed by lies after lies, propagated by controlled and highly paid media. And now, everything that departs the mainstream media narrative is censored.

All indications point in this direction. Bill Gates once said in an interview, paraphrased,

“… Even if I disappear tomorrow, all continues as planned for decades ahead…”

Of course, you will not find any source reference about this statement anywhere. Well-organized and well-paid “fact-checking” has eliminated all facts. Truth is poison for the evil monsters pretending running this globe.

What if the divided world – west versus east — was planned long ago, “divide to conquer”, when in truth they (almost) all pull on the same globalist string?

What if Ukraine was sacrificed for the purpose of deviating peoples’ minds from the truth with the help of the mainstream media? Therefore, they – the west – jointly put a corrupted criminal joker like Zelensky in the position of “President” into one of the world’s resource-richest countries to help destroy it for the benefit of the elite – supposedly destined to eventually mandate and control the OWO?

What if Ukraine was chosen – as it has historically been largely Europe’s bread basket — to capture one of the world’s most fertile agricultural lands, for privatization, for the benefit of a few, mainly a small but powerful financial elite? This is already happening. BlackRock is negotiating practically privatizing the country and setting up a reconstruction Trust Fund (TF), through which the financial behemoth could rake in billons if not trillions of profits, when the war ends.

The war ends when the perpetrators, the financial giants, decide to replace the mass destruction and mass killing by massive reconstruction, with the help of the TF, the usual villains such as the World Bank, IMF, regional development banks, multiple bilateral assistance, and, of course, the philanthro-capitalists.

What if the western-initiated and provoked conflict Ukraine vs. Russia – never winnable for Ukraine, clearly known to the perpetrators – was the result of longhand planning, potentially way back to at least WWI – or before – for the then emerging world hegemon to take control of this vast and resources rich territory?

What if the endeavor failed with two world wars, but the wannabe emperor has created NATO a war force with a total of 31 allied warrior countries which all agreed, including the corrupted Ukraine leadership, to embark on proxy-war sacrificing the Ukrainian population?

What if the steady onslaught of NATO provocation on Russia may trigger a nuclear WWIII?

What if the recent NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, was but a thinly veiled free-pass for launching a nuclear WWIII?

What if such a nuclear war was intent in causing a regime change, to submit Russia to western political and financial powers – à la Boris Yeltsin, after the fall of the Soviet Union — to finally exploit the riches of this enormous and wonderful country and at the same time reach a key objective of the newly to emerge OWO, a drastically reduced world population?

What if globalization is and has been dismantling basic food production, agriculture, at least since the 1980’s or before? In the 1990, the Rockefellers and World Bank imposed on India (and other countries around the globe) the Green Revolution with GMOs (genetically modified organisms). The resulting huge debt in India caused 400,000 Indian farmers to commit suicide and highly indebted India had to be helped with – again – WB granted so-called Structural Adjustment loans – more debt – debt that to this day enslaves India to the globalist agenda. “The new colonialism – expropriation of life”. See this by Vandana Shiva.

What if the 3,000 Dutch farms being eliminated, green-lighted by the European Union (EU), are to help bringing about a holocaust of famine and death? Similar to India and everywhere in the world – globalization commands the decimation of world population by any means, to leave the abundance of generous Mother Earth to a few globalist elites plus the corrupted world leaders and heads of those institutions cum instruments, playing along, the UN, World Bank, IMF, WHO, WEF and many more.

The people in the Netherlands are not even asked or considered. Holland is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world. In the name of guarding against “climate change,” this move towards more famine, more deaths by famine and misery, is an important step in the Gates / Rockefeller eugenist agenda. See this “EU has just okayed 3000 Dutch farms to be seized” (20 May 2023).

What if our minds are being impacted through a longstanding series of programs aimed at manipulating public opinion through intelligence agencies, think tanks, corporate media and a host of non-governmental organizations designed to engender fear, division, and uncertainty in the public. The Tavistock Institute for Social Manipulation is most certainly a key instrument for keeping most people on a track of lies – and comfortably happy.

What if unwittingly, China a socialist multi-polar proponent, offers western globalist powers that be – United Nations, World Economic Forum, and World Health Organization – a blueprint for the western cabal’s evil globalist plan? Bill Gates is often visiting China for discussions with high-level officials, and China has been hosting for the last 14 years a WEF Conference, they call the “Davos of China.”

What if the Big Plan towards OWO, where nobody owns anything but everybody is happy, has three major pillars which are right now being played out in full swing, with most people being propaganda-lie, alias “Tavistock-blinded”?

What if these three pillars could be described as

  • Fear for life through fake plandemics followed by coerced campaigns of killer vaxxes of different kinds – causing eventually hundreds of millions, if not billions of deaths?
  • Fake climate change narratives that rely on highly sophisticated ENMOD and HAARP technologies that can bring about extreme, crop destructive drought-inducing heatwaves in rapid interchange with enormous flash flood infrastructure and life annihilating tornados, thunderstorms and never-before-seen Monsoon rains? (ENMOD = Environmental Modification; HAARP = High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, linked to the US Air Force, alias Pentagon)?
  • Digitization and absolute control of everything, including the human brain – transformation of humans to transhumans, and digitally controlled money, where an individual’s behavior record would be linked to his bank account?

What if the entire universe, including our Blue Planet and its inhabitants, are run by unlimited amounts of energy? All sentient lives, and especially as humans, we are beings of spirit and energy, and as such our lives and evolution are dynamic.

Life is not material but dynamic. Therefore, digitization based on linearism applied to any form of life, one of the Death Cult’s goals – transhumanism, robotization, is against the laws of nature and will not work. We must not allow Artificial Intelligence (AI) to progress to a point where it destroys life on earth, and with it, our civilization.

Sounds alarmist? According to many now freely-speaking scientists in the matter, including Elon Musk, a pioneer of 5G, digitization and AI, we may be closer than we think – to the point of no return.


Summarizing, based on a German “apolut” publication of 14 July 2023.

What if gigantic corporatism, including Big Pharma and Big Finance run the world?

“The belief in deadly viruses alone possesses such power through mass panic-stricken people that such madness is possible and feasible at all? Philanthrocapitalism [Gates, Rockefeller, Soros et al] is a money printing machine and, thus, an enormous power potential. Many of these super-rich [philanthropists] use similar logistical constructs to assert themselves as global players in world power fantasies. And there will be more and more, should there not be an awakening to these rampant monster-makers.

“LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, (questioning), intersex, asexual, and (agender)) – is such a monster, gender has been converted into a monster, the proxy war in Ukraine is such a monster. To declare the inflation of minimal realities into a mass phenomenon is their skill. Fear mongering and religious delusion is their toolbox. The commodity they create for themselves is “us”, the mass human being. Each of these monster-makers wants to create their normality through us, so that their philanthrocapital grows.

“If we do not stop the realization of their ideas, no one will. Because those who could and even should, do not do it, because they pick up the crumbs that fall off. In the meantime, a whole political caste has emerged, worldwide, that can only think and act in such categories. This class thinks that what they do is perfectly normal politics. They have been selected and trained that way, by the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) academy for Young Global Leaders (YGL).

The WEF is the new fascism-maker. This time worldwide. The WEF is the fertile womb from which a flood of tyrants and bullies is crawling. One would like to quote Bert Brecht into today. Here the original: “That one (meaning Adolf Hitler) once almost ruled the world. The peoples became his masters. However, I did not want you to triumph already: The womb, from which this [Hitler and fascism] crawled, is still fertile;” wrote Brecht in his War Primer.”

“In recent times, this fertile womb has not given birth to a new Hitler. But what intends to crawl out of it in droves is, in today’s somewhat exaggerated sense, brown necromancy.”

See quote from “apolut“ 14 July 2023 in German, translated by DeepL. For full “apolut” video and text, see this (in German) .


What if the final escape from an ever-tightening grip around the world populace’s neck is exiting the entire UN system, especially the Big Finance-corrupted political UN body and its sub-tyrants, like WHO, as well as the European Union – Washington’s vassal organization – and create new social adherence organizations, for cohabitation in Peace and Harmony outside the tyrannical and deadly Matrix?

What if this were THE PROJECT for an ever more spiritually awakening population? The world currently counts with more than 200 countries and territories but only 193 are members of the UN so, exit must be possible. There is no international obligation, no international law to remain a UN member. Not even the rules-based order can reign over an unwilling population.

“Imagine all the people,
Livin’ life in peace” …

John Lennon’s vision is our vision, because, We the People, decide our own sovereign and peaceful destiny?

Video. “Imagine All the People”. Start Video at 5’40”


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

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This was originally published in March 2022.

A the March 2022 gathering of US congressmen to hear the words of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened the event by crying out, “Slava Ukraini”—“Glory to Ukraine”—no less than five times. This expression has become popular in Washington, London, and elsewhere as of late, with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also bellowing out the cry in a session of the House of Commons and on Twitter.

American President Joe Biden, while not yet tackling the two Ukrainian words, claims at every moment that the more than one billion dollars’ worth of armaments he has poured into Ukraine—enough for every citizen to kill every other multiple times over—is to defend the “freedom” and “dignity” of that nation.

The origins of the term “Slava Ukraini” reveal something about the real relationship of the US and NATO to Ukraine’s working masses of all ethnicities and linguistic groups—Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, Polish, etc. As biographer Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe explains in his book about Ukrainian fascist leader Stepan Bandera, “Slava Ukraini” was part of the salute delivered by members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and its military wing, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which were collectively responsible for the mass murder of tens of thousands of Soviets, Jews and Poles during World War II.

Neither the United States nor the EU nor any of their related institutions care now or have ever cared about the people of Ukraine, much less their liberty. Even as they have been using the country as a cat’s paw in their battle with Russia—as a result of which massive amounts of firepower are making their way into the hands of today’s Ukrainian fascists, and parts of the country are being blown to bits—the US and the EU have been economically strangling the Ukrainian people for decades.

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn (R) greets Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovich (L) at the IMF Headquarters April 12, 2010 in Washington, DC. [Photo: International Monetary Fund, Stephen Jaffe]

As measured by GDP per capita, Ukraine, with its 44.13 million inhabitants, is the poorest or second poorest country in Europe. It competes with Moldova, with about 2.6 million people, for these inauspicious titles.

The bottom 50 percent of Ukraine’s population gets just 22.6 percent of all the country’s income and 5.7 percent of its wealth. The top 10 percent own nearly 60 percent of Ukraine’s net personal assets, according to the World Inequality Database, a publication put out under the directorship of three of the globe’s leading specialists in inequality—Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman. In 2018, Ukrainian households’ average net savings stood at minus $245.

The median household income in Ukraine is around $4,400 a year, about on par with that of Iran, whose economy has been operating under crushing sanctions for years. The average wage in Ukraine is estimated to be just €330 a month, and the state-mandated minimum a worker can be paid is €144. According to the Ukrainian government, an individual ought to be able to survive on less than half that amount, as the subsistence minimum is €64. Retirees who are at the bottom rung of the pension scale take home €50 a month.

The country’s Institute of Sociology reports that the typical Ukrainian family spends 47 percent of its total income on food and another 32 percent on utility bills. In 2016, nearly 60 percent of people were poor according to government standards, including 60 percent of kids. That poverty rate dropped to “only” 37.8 percent in 2019. The UN Food and Agricultural Organization found that in 2020 15.9 percent of Ukrainian children under 5 were malnourished, and in 2019 17.7 percent of women of reproductive age were anemic, a condition caused by lack of iron in the diet. That number has been steadily rising since 2004. Twenty-four percent of the population is obese.

Between 2014 and 2019, the birthrate fell by 19.4 percent. Ukraine’s mortality rate is extremely high—14.7 per 1,000 people. It is well above that of many countries in Africa, the poorest continent on the globe. Its suicide rate, according to the World Bank, ranks 11th in the world. With deaths outstripping births by more than two to one and hundreds of thousands emigrating annually in search of anything better, the country’s population has shrunk every year since 1993. There are 8 million fewer Ukrainian citizens today than there were 30 years ago.

One could go on. Apart from the super-rich and a narrow layer of middle and upper-middle class people concentrated in the major cities, Ukraine is a sea of deprivation.

This is a direct outcome of economic policies imposed on the country by the very states that today parade around declaring their love for Ukraine. In an immediate sense, the current situation has its roots in the 2014 US-backed coup that brought to power a government in Kiev that immediately signed an association agreement with the EU requiring it to implement severe austerity measures. But it has even deeper roots.

The social and economic disaster in that country can be traced back to the Stalinist bureaucracy’s dissolution of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 and the restoration of capitalism in all of the newly independent nation states, which saw their full integration into global financial and trade networks. Through a series of policies collectively known as “shock therapy”—worked out in close collaboration with Western advisers—nationalized property was transferred to private hands. Former Communist Party officials and their children, economic managers and directors of major Soviet factories and sections of industry, as well as criminal elements active in the shadow economy, won out at the expense of the working masses, through a combination of outright theft and bargain basement fire sales of Soviet resources.

Out of this wrecking operation, competing factions of big business emerged in Ukraine that were centered in Donetsk in the east and Dnipropetrovsk to its west, with coal mining and processing, energy production and transit, and metallurgy being their main sources of wealth. Banking and media empires emerged, and new sources of profits were soon realized in consumer products and agriculture.

The ranks of Ukraine’s billionaires began to grow from this period forward—Victor Pinchuk ($1.9 billion), Renat Akhmetov ($7.6 billion), Igor Kolomoyskyy ($1.8 billion), Henadiy Boholyubov ($1.1 billion), Petro Poroshenko ($1.6 billion), Vadim Novinsky ($1.4 billion), and on. For decades, Ukrainian politics has been consumed by conflicts, alliances, splits in alliances, and warring among them, which have intersected with the question as to whether the country would be pulled into closer economic relations with Europe, maintain its strong ties with Russia, or somehow manage the two simultaneously. The warfare has unfolded as geopolitical tensions between Washington and Moscow have grown, with Ukraine understood as a key zone of competition.

During the 1990s, even as great sums were being accumulated at one end of the spectrum, Ukraine’s economy was in free-fall. With per capita GDP declining by 8.4 percent between 1993 and 1999, its economy was among the worst of any European country. Inflation was at times completely out of control, reaching an annual high of around 376 percent in 1995, thereby wiping out the savings and spending power of Ukrainian workers early in the process of market restoration.

“Many young people, who lacked alternatives in the early 1990s, joined gangs and were used as pawns in the process of accumulation by criminals,” observes political economist Yuliya Yurchenko in her 2018 book Ukraine and the Empire of Capital, with warfare between competing business clans producing at times bodies in the streets. A two-and-a-half fold increase in crime between 1988 and 1997 was largely driven by various forms of “theft, robbery, swindling, and extortion” and “bribe taking, counterfeiting, and trading in narcotics,” she notes.

During this time, Ukraine received 10 loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, in the start of what would be a near-constant process of borrowing from international financial institutions over the course of the 2000s and 2010s. The terms of the loans have centered around a 1994 “Memorandum on Questions of Economic Policy and Strategy” signed by Ukraine and the IMF that, in the words of Yurchenko, “effectively limited Ukraine’s government decision-making power.”

Agreements with other international financial institutions, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, drafted on the principle of cross-conditionality—i.e., creditors set terms that coincide and reinforce one another—established similar limits. The noose around the loan recipients’ neck tightens in multiple directions.

Lenders demanded that the government in Kiev end policies that created obstacles for foreign trade, eliminate price regulations, reduce the state budget deficit, cut subsidies to “unproductive” industries, make manufacturing outlets more competitive by modernizing their plants and laying off workers, privatize more state-owned property, cut budgetary expenditures by targeting social programs and pensions, and impose value-added taxes such that the collection of money from sales would fall more heavily on consumers as opposed to business.

While these processes have accelerated and/or slowed down at times depending on whether the administration in Kiev has been more US- or more Russian-allied, every Ukrainian government has been a partner in implementing the demands of global capital. Having emerged out of the ashes of the great barbeque that was the breakup of the Soviet Union, the ruling class of Ukraine is a comprador class in the most complete sense of the term.

In 1998, for instance, Ukraine’s parliament granted President Leonid Kuchma the authority to impose a 30 percent reduction in government expenditures. This was done because the IMF told the country to do so. “In addition to meeting fiscal and monetary targets, the government must pass legislation on privatisation, tax reform, energy and agricultural sector restructuring, and flushing out its massive ‘shadow economy,’” observed an August 1998 article in the Financial Times.

“The reforms,” writes Yurchenko, “created mutually reinforcing negative effect on the economy by opening up outdated industry for competition with foreign transnational corporations and by reducing financial state support for enterprises and citizenry thus making the latter poorer and the former even less competitive with expected negative aggregate consumption and potential revenue drop.”

Ukraine’s debt continued to balloon over the course of the coming years, increasing from $10 billion in the period from 1997-2002 to $100 billion in 2008-2009, the equivalent of more than 56 percent of the country’s GDP and more than double the total value of all its exports at that time. While it has fluctuated in recent years, it is basically at the same level today as it was a decade ago. As a result, Ukraine has ended up in a constant cycle of indebtedness, careening at times towards default due to broader crises in the world economy, such as the 2008-2009 crash.


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Eight decades ago it was not only in Russia and the Asia-Pacific areas, during the middle years of the Second World War (1942–43), that witnessed the decisive decline in the strength of the Axis powers, principally Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Italy.

By 1942 the struggle for supremacy in North Africa was entering its critical latter stages. German dictator Adolf Hitler believed that North Africa, by itself, was not of paramount importance in safeguarding Nazi Germany’s war objectives. All the same, Hitler felt it had been necessary to secure a German presence on the African continent in order to bolster the Italian troops already there, to increase Axis influence over the nearby Mediterranean Sea, and to protect the German and Italian flanks from the possibility of an Anglo-American landing.

Continued Axis military involvement in North Africa also tied down a number of Allied divisions. On 3 February 1941, Lieutenant-General Erwin Rommel was appointed by Hitler as the commander of German forces (Deutschland Afrika Korps) in North Africa.

The first Wehrmacht soldiers arrived in North Africa in mid-February 1941 where they landed in Libya. Rommel himself arrived in Libya on 12 February 1941, having flown in a Junkers Ju 52 transport airplane. According to Desmond Young, a British Army officer and writer, Rommel was “the perfect fighting animal: cold, cunning, ruthless, untiring, quick of decision and incredibly brave”.

Like many military commanders Rommel had naive political instincts, but he had been acquainted with Hitler for years having first met him in late September 1934. Rommel supported Hitler and welcomed the Nazi takeover of power in Germany, with the terrible consequences that followed. It is telling that Rommel experienced such good personal relations with Hitler.

At the end of 1941 the British authorities thought that Rommel was finished (Mitcham, p. 181). As a result, the British were building up their forces with the goal of taking the Libyan capital city, Tripoli, which was under Italian control. This belief of the British in late 1941 –that Rommel was on the way out – had been due to the Allied victory in their winter offensive, titled Operation Crusader, which began in mid-November 1941, with the fighting occurring in north-eastern Libya across the border into Egypt.

Rommel, along with his Italian partners under the command of their 65-year-old General Ettore Bastico, had between them 395 tanks. Out of the Axis total, 146 of the tanks were Italian vehicles. A considerable proportion of the Italian tanks were in some state of disrepair, partly because they had driven many more miles than the German panzers due to the longer Italian presence in Africa. The 395 Axis tanks were up against the 748 tanks of the British 8th Army (Lieutenant-General Neil Ritchie), assisted by their allies such as the Indians, South Africans, Australians, New Zealanders and Poles.

Author Samuel W. Mitcham, who largely focuses on the Nazi regime, wrote,

“Operation Crusader lasted from November 18 to December 7, 1941, and was one of the most confusing battles of the Second World War. The British 8th Army attacked Rommel with 5 motorized infantry divisions and an armored division, plus 3 armored and 2 motorized brigades… Rommel still managed to defeat the initial attacks, but lost the battle when he became too impressed with his local successes, and led a fruitless raid into Egypt with the Afrika Korps, giving the British time to recover. Allied losses were much heavier until this point, but the Siege of Tobruk was broken on December 5, after 242 days. Three days later Rommel retreated from Cyrenaica [eastern Libya], having lost all but 26 of his panzers”. (Mitcham, p. 181)

In early January 1942, a German naval convoy carrying dozens of panzers and large amounts of arms, ammunition and other military hardware, successfully sailed past British-controlled Malta off the south coast of Sicily, and reached Tripolitania on Libya’s Mediterranean coast.

The above operation was possible chiefly because of the actions of the Luftwaffe’s 2nd Air Fleet, overseen by Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, which was raining down bombs on Malta in an attempt to neutralise the strategically important island. By this point Malta was in disarray.

On 21 January 1942 Rommel ordered the Axis forces to advance across northern Libya, where they struck the unprepared Allied defenders in the British assembly areas. The Allied troops were caught by surprise and stretched too thinly, fighting at the end of a long communications line (Goodspeed, p. 424). The British 201st Guards Brigade was overrun by the Axis tanks, as was half of the British 1st Armoured Division.

These worrying developments persuaded the British 8th Army to relinquish Benghazi, Libya’s second largest city, and which rests on the Mediterranean. Benghazi was captured by the German and Italian soldiers on 29 January 1942.

The following day Rommel was promoted to Colonel-General by an appreciative Hitler, and the Afrika Korps was upgraded to become the Panzer Army Afrika. Rommel, who was earning the nickname “the Desert Fox” by friend and foe, maintained his pursuit of the enemy units, chasing them further east of Benghazi to the Gazala Line in far north-eastern Libya. Here the Axis troops had to halt because of a severe shortage of supplies. In the immediate ensuing months a lull came over the fighting in North Africa, as both the Axis and Allied soldiers amassed their military equipment for the next offensive.

Rommel was becoming pressed for time and, as usual, he would strike first. He now had 333 panzers, while Bastico possessed 228 tanks, for a combined Axis total of 561 tanks (Goodspeed, pp. 424-425). Bastico, with the title of Commander-in-Chief of all Axis forces in North Africa since 19 July 1941, was technically Rommel’s superior; but the German general enjoyed significantly more influence in North Africa than Bastico. In part this was because the German armoured presence had grown larger than its Italian ally.

The two men also did not get on well, and Rommel often undermined Bastico’s authority by ungraciously ignoring his orders, or completely bypassing him. Rommel and Bastico regularly disagreed on military topics; Rommel was a risk-taker, Bastico was a more cautious and pragmatic officer.

With the new Axis offensive about to start towards the end of May 1942, the 561 German and Italian tanks were in opposition to an Allied tank force of 900. Worse again for the Axis troops, the Allied divisions had 10 times more armoured cars than them, 37.5% more artillery and 8% more aircraft (Mitcham, p. 182). The odds clearly favoured the Allies, or anyway should have.

Rommel launched his assault on the Gazala Line on the night of 26 May 1942, when there was a full moon and clear skies, and so began the Battle of Gazala (26 May–21 June 1942). The main Axis thrust was directed towards the desert flank in the south, accompanied by a deception attack further north. General Claude Auchinleck, the British Commander-in-Chief Middle East, had anticipated the Axis move and he advised Neil Ritchie, commander of the British 8th Army, as to what method of attack Rommel would choose.

The 57-year-old Auchinleck informed Ritchie to keep his superior armoured forces concentrated together for a counterblow, rather than stretching them over a broad area. Ritchie, believing he knew better than the more senior ranked Auchinleck, disregarded the older man’s advice and dispersed his armour (Goodspeed, p. 425). Ritchie’s positioning of his forces must have pleased Rommel and Bastico a great deal.

Because of these weaknesses in the Allied defence the Axis armour, kept closely together, was able to smash through the Gazala Line, despite it being quite heavily mined, and they subsequently outfought the Allies. Regardless, Rommel had advanced to such a depth that he put his troops in danger of being cut off and encircled. Recognising the threat in time Rommel skilfully extricated his soldiers from a potential trap, by outmaneuvering the enemy and inflicting heavy losses on them.

Following this Rommel temporarily went on the defensive, gathering his panzers behind the Gazala Line in a formidable rearguard position. On 4 June 1942, Ritchie sent in a poorly co-ordinated attack against the Axis forces. The Allied attack failed terribly. By now American armoured units, equipped with M3 medium tanks, had entered the battle to strengthen the Allies; but the failure of Ritchie’s offensive allowed Rommel to regain the initiative.

A large-scale tank battle erupted around Knightsbridge, in the far north-east of Libya, on the 12th and 13th of June 1942. The Axis tanks won a decisive victory and Ritchie decided to pull out entirely from the Gazala Line on June 14th, as the Allies started to retreat further east towards the frontiers of Egypt.

Rommel continued with the offensive eastwards and he authorised a storming attack on Tobruk, the Libyan port city. Mitcham wrote, “Hardly allowing his exhausted men a pause, the Desert Fox pursued his defeated enemies to Tobruk, which he finally captured on June 21 [1942], with a bag of 32,000 prisoners. The next day a grateful Fuehrer promoted him to field marshal”. (Mitcham, p. 182)

Compounding the disaster for the Allies, the Axis troops captured a very large quantity of supplies at Tobruk, including many hundreds of motor vehicles and huge reserves of petrol. Very little of this should have been allowed to fall into Axis hands. Tobruk harbour was almost undamaged and the German and Italian divisions had a major port under their control.

Rommel celebrated victory in the Battle of Gazala by eating pineapples from a tin, and drinking whiskey with water. He wrote to his wife, “Hitler has made me a field marshal. I would much rather he had given me one more division”. At age 50, Rommel became the youngest field marshal in the Wehrmacht. Axis casualties amounted to 6,360 during the Battle of Gazala. Allied casualties were almost 8 times higher, the majority of their personnel losses those who surrendered at Tobruk.

Meanwhile, in Italy’s capital city Rome, having been following the Italian soldiers’ progress, Benito Mussolini became most enthusiastic about the prospect of taking Egypt. The Italian leader took a plane to northern Libya, close to the Egyptian border, and he managed to procure a fine white horse. Mussolini was planning to ride his white horse in triumph through the streets of Cairo, once the capital city was taken by the Axis forces.

Mussolini’s confidence did not seem so misplaced. With Axis troops at the boundaries of Egypt, the British Mediterranean Fleet left the port city of Alexandria in northern Egypt to seek safety in the Red Sea. There was panic in Egypt among pro-Allied factions in the country. During late June 1942, the Germans and Italians proceeded to attack Egypt and they swept the Allied forces out of Mersa Matruh, on the Mediterranean. Another 6,000 Allied troops were taken prisoner.

After capturing Tobruk on June 21st, Rommel had 55 panzers remaining and Bastico had 40 tanks. Following victory at Mersa Matruh on June 29th, the Axis troops were increasingly overextended and tired. Rommel should really have paused which is what Bastico favoured doing.

Rommel felt that if he could proceed further and strike hard and quickly enough, the Axis soldiers would be able to capture Alexandria and, 120 miles south-east of Alexandria, Cairo. He hoped that in doing so they would inflict a deadly blow on the Allies. Winston Churchill had previously highlighted the importance of Egypt to the British Empire, in a war cabinet directive of 28 April 1941. “The life and honour of Great Britain depend upon the successful defence of Egypt”, the British prime minister outlined. (Goodspeed, p. 381)

Seeing the mirage of victory, Rommel steamed on ahead with another advance through Egypt. The Germans and Italians got to within 70 miles of Alexandria at the coastal town of El Alamein. During what is known as the First Battle of El Alamein (1 July–27 July 1942), on July 1st Rommel attacked on the northern half of the front at the locality of Deir el Shein, but met with unexpectedly stiff resistance there by the British 8th Army. This force was now under the leadership of Auchinleck, who removed Ritchie on June 25th (Bernard Montgomery would assume command of the British 8th Army in mid-August 1942).

Auchinleck’s troops had taken up a position from El Alamein along a line south to Alam Nazil, and just north of the Qattara Depression, which consists of extensive salt marshes and sand dunes and was impassable for heavy vehicles. Auchinleck hastily implemented a flank running east, at right angles, astride the Alam el Halfa Ridge. In the 40 mile distance between the coast at El Alamein and the Qattara Depression, Auchinleck had constructed 4 defensive localities or “boxes” positioned for all round defence.

The Axis divisions resumed attacking on the afternoon of 2 July 1942 but had no success. Another German-Italian attack was launched on July 3rd and it gained some territory at least, but the Axis forces had nearly used up all of their ammunition for heavy artillery, such as the German 88mm guns. The medium artillery which they had consisted mainly of captured British guns and shells. Auchinleck then ordered a counterattack but it was too indecisive to succeed.

For the next 3 weeks until 27 July 1942, the opposing sides struck glancing blows at each other. Historian Donald J. Goodspeed wrote, “In that time the fighting was sporadic, though often heavy – on July 21 the British lost 118 tanks to Rommel’s 3 – but neither side could gain a conclusive advantage” (Goodspeed, p. 426). Presumably quite a number of these British tanks had failed due to mechanical trouble.

The First Battle of El Alamein officially ended in stalemate. British casualties in this battle totalled 13,500, while the Axis divisions saw more than 7,000 of their troops surrender, with 10,000 killed or wounded. The 10,000 men killed/injured were not all irretrievable losses, as some of the wounded German and Italian soldiers would recover from their ailments and rejoin their units.

The inability of the Axis powers, in the high summer of 1942, to drive the Allies out of North Africa would have serious repercussions for the Axis regimes. In the second half of August 1942, the Allies landed 500,000 tons of military supplies in North Africa, compared to just 13,000 tons of Axis military equipment in the same two week period.


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This article was originally published on Geopolitica.RU.

Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree and he writes primarily on foreign affairs and historical subjects. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


“[Lieutenant-General] Neil Ritchie”, History Learning

Samuel W. Mitcham Jr., Hitler’s field marshals and their Battles (Leo Cooper Ltd. edition, 1 February 1988)

“General Ettore Bastico (1876-1972)”, Comando Supremo, 12 February 2019

Donald J. Goodspeed, The German Wars (Random House Value Publishing, 2nd edition, 3 April 1985)

“M3 General Grant [tank]”, QRH Museum

“German 88mm Artillery”, Defense Media Network, 19 August 2013

“WW2 People’s War [Qattara Depression, Account of Scots Guards], BBC, 24 June 2004

Featured image is from Geopolitica.RU

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The Real History of the War in Ukraine

July 18th, 2023 by Jeffrey D. Sachs

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The American people urgently need to know the true history of the war in Ukraine and its current prospects. Unfortunately, the mainstream media ––The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, MSNBC, and CNN –– have become mere mouthpieces of the government, repeating US President Joe Biden’s lies and hiding history from the public. 

Biden is again denigrating Russian President Vladimir Putin, this time accusing Putin of a “craven lust for land and power,” after declaring last year that “For God’s sake, that man [Putin] cannot stay in power.” Yet Biden is the one who is trapping Ukraine in an open-ended war by continuing to push NATO enlargement to Ukraine. He is afraid to tell the truth to the American and Ukrainian people, rejecting diplomacy, and opting instead for perpetual war.

Expanding NATO to Ukraine, which Biden has long promoted, is a U.S. gambit that has failed. The neocons, including Biden, thought from the late 1990s onward that the US could expand NATO to Ukraine (and Georgia) despite Russia’s vociferous and long-standing opposition.  They didn’t believe that Putin would actually go to war over NATO expansion.

Yet for Russia, NATO enlargement to Ukraine (and Georgia) is viewed as an existential threat to Russia’s national security, notably given Russia’s 2,000-km border with Ukraine, and Georgia’s strategic position on the eastern edge of the Black Sea.  U.S. diplomats have explained this basic reality to U.S. politicians and generals for decades, but the politicians and generals have arrogantly and crudely persisted in pushing NATO enlargement nonetheless.  

At this point, Biden knows full well that NATO enlargement to Ukraine would trigger World War III. That’s why behind the scenes Biden put NATO enlargement into low gear at the Vilnius NATO Summit. Yet rather than admit the truth – that Ukraine will not be part of NATO – Biden prevaricates, promising Ukraine’s eventual membership. In reality, he is committing Ukraine to ongoing bloodletting for no reason other than U.S. domestic politics, specifically Biden’s fear of looking weak to his political foes. (A half-century ago, Presidents Johnson and Nixon sustained the Vietnam War for essentially the same pathetic reason, and with the same lying, as the late Daniel Ellsberg brilliantly explained.)  

Ukraine can’t win. Russia is more likely than not to prevail on the battlefield, as it seems now to be doing. Yet even if Ukraine were to break through with conventional forces and NATO weaponry, Russia would escalate to nuclear war if necessary to prevent NATO in Ukraine.

Throughout his entire career, Biden has served the military-industrial complex. He has relentlessly promoted NATO enlargement and supported America’s deeply destabilizing wars of choice in Afghanistan, Serbia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and now Ukraine. He defers to generals who want more war and more “surges,” and who predict imminent victory just ahead to keep the gullible public onside.   

Moreover, Biden and his team (Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Victoria Nuland) seem to have believed their own propaganda that Western sanctions would strangle the Russian economy, while miracle weapons such as HIMARS would defeat Russia.  And all the while, they have been telling Americans to pay no attention to Russia’s 6,000 nuclear weapons.

Ukrainian leaders have gone along with the US deception for reasons that are hard to fathom. Perhaps they believe the US, or are afraid of the US, or fear their own extremists, or simply are extremists, ready to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to death and injury in the naïve belief that Ukraine can defeat a nuclear superpower that regards the war as existential. Or possibly some of the Ukrainian leaders are making fortunes by skimming from the tens of billions of dollars of Western aid and arms.

The only way to save Ukraine is a negotiated peace. In a negotiated settlement, the US would agree that NATO will not enlarge to Ukraine while Russia would agree to withdraw its troops. Remaining issues – Crimea, the Donbas, US and European sanctions, the future of European security arrangements – would be handled politically, not by endless war.

Russia has repeatedly tried negotiations: to try to forestall the eastward enlargement of NATO; to try to find suitable security arrangements with the US and Europe; to try to settle inter-ethnic issues in Ukraine after 2014 (the Minsk I and Minsk II agreements); to try to sustain limits on anti-ballistic missiles; and to try to end the Ukraine war in 2022 via direct negotiations with Ukraine. In all cases, the US government disdained, ignored, or blocked these attempts, often putting forward the big lie that Russia rather than the US rejects negotiations. JFK said it exactly right in 1961: “Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.”  If only Biden would heed JFK’s enduring wisdom.

To help the public move beyond the simplistic narrative of Biden and the mainstream media, I offer a brief chronology of some key events leading to the ongoing war.

January 31, 1990. German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich-Genscher pledges to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that in the context of German reunification and disbanding of the Soviet Warsaw Pact military alliance, NATO will rule out an “expansion of its territory to the East, i.e., moving it closer to the Soviet borders.”

February 9, 1990. U.S. Secretary of State James Baker III agrees with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that “NATO expansion is unacceptable.”

June 29-July 2, 1990. NATO Secretary-General Manfred Woerner tells a high-level Russian delegation that “the NATO Council and he [Woerner] are against the expansion of NATO.”

July 1, 1990. Ukrainian Rada (parliament) adopts the Declaration of State Sovereignty, in which “The Ukrainian SSR solemnly declares its intention of becoming a permanently neutral state that does not participate in military blocs and adheres to three nuclear free principles: to accept, to produce and to purchase no nuclear weapons.”

August 24, 1991. Ukraine declares independence on the basis of the 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty, which includes the pledge of neutrality.  

Mid-1992. Bush Administration policymakers reach a secret internal consensus to expand NATO, contrary to commitments recently made to the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

July 8, 1997. At the Madrid NATO Summit, Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic are invited to begin NATO accession talks.

September-October, 1997. In Foreign Affairs (Sept/Oct, 1997) former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski details the timeline for NATO enlargement, with Ukraine’s negotiations provisionally to begin during 2005-2010.

March 24-June 10, 1999. NATO bombs Serbia.  Russia terms the NATO bombing “a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter.”

March 2000. Ukrainian President Kuchma declares that “there is no question of Ukraine joining NATO today since this issue is extremely complex and has many angles to it.”

June 13, 2002. The US unilaterally withdraws from the Anti-Ballistic Weapons Treaty, an action which the Vice-Chair of the Russian Duma Defense Committee characterizes as an “extremely negative event of historical scale.”

November-December 2004. The “Orange Revolution” occurs in Ukraine, events that the West characterizes as a democratic revolution and the Russian government characterizes as a Western-manufactured grab for power with overt and covert US support.   

February 10, 2007. Putin strongly criticizes the U.S. attempt to create a unipolar world, backed by NATO enlargement, in a speech to the Munich Security Conference, declaring:

“I think it is obvious that NATO expansion … represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact?”

February 1, 2008. US Ambassador to Russia William Burns sends a confidential cable to U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, entitled “Nyet means Nyet: Russia’s NATO Enlargement Redlines,” emphasizing that “Ukraine and Georgia’s NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region.”

February 18, 2008. The US recognizes Kosovo independence over heated Russian objections. The Russian Government declares that Kosovo independence violates “the sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia, the Charter of the United Nations, UNSCR 1244, the principles of the Helsinki Final Act, Kosovo’s Constitutional Framework and the high-level Contact Group accords.”

April 3, 2008. NATO declares that Ukraine and Georgia “will become members of NATO.” Russia declares that “Georgia’s and Ukraine’s membership in the alliance is a huge strategic mistake which would have most serious consequences for pan-European security.”

August 20, 2008. The US announces that it will deploy ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems in Poland, to be followed later by Romania.  Russia expresses strenuous opposition to the BMD systems.

January 28, 2014. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt plot regime change in Ukraine in a call that is intercepted and posted on YouTube on February 7, in which Nuland notes that “[Vice President] Biden’s willing” to help close the deal.

February 21, 2014. Governments of Ukraine, Poland, France, and Germany reach an Agreement on settlement of political crisis in Ukraine, calling for new elections later in the year. The far-right Right Sector and other armed groups instead demand Yanukovych’s immediate resignation, and take over government buildings. Yanukovych flees. The Parliament immediately strips the President of his powers without an impeachment process.   

February 22, 2014. The US immediately endorses the regime change.

March 16, 2014. Russia holds a referendum in Crimea that according to the Russian Government results in a large majority vote for Russian rule. On March 21, the Russian Duma votes to admit Crimea to the Russian Federation. The Russian Government draws the analogy to the Kosovo referendum. The US rejects the Crimea referendum as illegitimate.

March 18, 2014. President Putin characterizes the regime change as a coup, stating: “those who stood behind the latest events in Ukraine had a different agenda: they were preparing yet another government takeover; they wanted to seize power and would stop short of nothing. They resorted to terror, murder and riots.”

March 25, 2014. President Barack Obama mocks Russia “as a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors — not out of strength but out of weakness,”

February 12, 2015. Signing of Minsk II agreement. The agreement is unanimously backed by the UN Security Council Resolution 2202 on February 17, 2015. Former Chancellor Angela Merkel later acknowledges that the Minsk II agreement was designed to give time for Ukraine to strengthen its military. It was not implemented by Ukraine, and President Volodymyr Zelensky acknowledged that he had no intention to implement the agreement.

February 1, 2019.  The U.S. unilaterally withdraws from the Intermediate Nuclear Force (INF) Treaty. Russia harshly criticizes the INF withdrawal as a “destructive” act that stoked security risks.

June 14, 2021. At the 2021 NATO Summit in Brussels, NATO reconfirms NATO’s intention to enlarge and include Ukraine: “We reiterate the decision made at the 2008 Bucharest Summit that Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance.”

September 1, 2021. The US reiterates support for Ukraine’s NATO aspirations in the “Joint Statement on the U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership.” 

December 17, 2021. Putin puts forward a draft “Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Security Guarantees,” based on non-enlargement of NATO and limitations on the deployment of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles.

January 26, 2022. The U.S. formally replies to Russia that the US and NATO will not negotiate with Russia over issues of NATO enlargement, slamming the door on a negotiated path to avoid an expansion of the war in Ukraine. The U.S. invokes NATO policy that “Any decision to invite a country to join the Alliance is taken by the North Atlantic Council on the basis of consensus among all Allies. No third country has a say in such deliberations.” In short, the US asserts that NATO enlargement to Ukraine is none of Russia’s business.

February 21, 2022. At a meeting of the Russian Security Council, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov details the U.S. refusal to negotiate:

“We received their response in late January. The assessment of this response shows that our Western colleagues are not prepared to take up our major proposals, primarily those on NATO’s eastward non-expansion. This demand was rejected with reference to the bloc’s so-called open-door policy and the freedom of each state to choose its own way of ensuring security. Neither the United States, nor the North Atlantic Alliance proposed an alternative to this key provision.”

The United States is doing everything it can to avoid the principle of indivisibility of security that we consider of fundamental importance and to which we have made many references. Deriving from it the only element that suits them – the freedom to choose alliances – they completely ignore everything else, including the key condition that reads that nobody – either in choosing alliances or regardless of them – is allowed to enhance their security at the expense of the security of others.”

February 24, 2022. In an address to the nation, President Putin declares:

“It is a fact that over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we invariably faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine is moving and, as I said, is approaching our very border.”

March 16, 2022. Russia and Ukraine announce significant progress towards a peace agreement mediated by Turkey and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. As reported in the press, the basis of the agreement includes: “a ceasefire and Russian withdrawal if Kyiv declares neutrality and accepts limits on its armed forces.”

March 28, 2022. President Zelensky publicly declares that Ukraine is ready for neutrality combined with security guarantees as part of a peace agreement with Russia. “Security guarantees and neutrality, the non-nuclear status of our state — we’re ready to do that. That’s the most important point … they started the war because of it.”

April 7, 2022. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov accuses the West of trying to derail the peace talks, claiming that Ukraine had gone back on previously agreed proposals. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett later states (on February 5, 2023) that the U.S. had blocked the pending Russia-Ukraine peace agreement. When asked if the Western powers blocked the agreement, Bennett answered: “Basically, yes. They blocked it, and I thought they were wrong.” At some point, says Bennett, the West decided “to crush Putin rather than to negotiate.”

June 4, 2023. Ukraine launches a major counter-offensive, without achieving any major success as of mid-July 2023.

July 7, 2023. Biden acknowledges that Ukraine is “running out” of 155mm artillery shells, and that the US is “running low.”

July 11, 2023. At the NATO Summit in Vilnius, the final communique reaffirms Ukraine’s future in NATO: “We fully support Ukraine’s right to choose its own security arrangements.  Ukraine’s future is in NATO … Ukraine has become increasingly interoperable and politically integrated with the Alliance, and has made substantial progress on its reform path.”

July 13, 2023. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reiterates that Ukraine will “no doubt” join NATO when the war ends.

July 13, 2023. Putin reiterates that

“As for Ukraine’s NATO membership, as we have said many times, this obviously creates a threat to Russia’s security. In fact, the threat of Ukraine’s accession to NATO is the reason, or rather one of the reasons for the special military operation. I am certain that this would not enhance Ukraine’s security in any way either. In general, it will make the world much more vulnerable and lead to more tensions in the international arena.  So, I don’t see anything good in this. Our position is well known and has long been formulated.”


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Featured image is from Geopolitica.RU

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Record Speed on AI Implementation

July 18th, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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AI is not only technically developing at record speed. The speed of its implementation is set to break all records too. It “used” to take 10-15 years for business and society to absorb a new IT technology. It took that long with the PC. It took that long with the internet too. With AI, forget about how long time things “used” to take.

Companies and their employees are today more ready than ever to absorb a ground-breaking new technology like AI. An article in today’s Wall Street Journal (WSJ) highlights what I refer to. See this.

Everywhere, CEOs are fully aware of the revolutionary potential of AI, they are fast learning about AI and discussing it.

Forget about the days, when CEOs had no understanding of PCs or computing.

The leaders of US companies today know that AI is going to change their business, and they are eager to take advantage of this and not fall behind competitors who act quicker. And they are involving not only their IT departments, but also the employees in all their working departments. Because employees are all also familiar with computing, and because of the ease with which AI can be used, employees’ adaptation of AI will be fast and revolutionary.

ChatGPT was only released less than 8 months ago, end of November 2022, and a whole tsunami of activity has already started throughout the US business to implement AI in the best, fastest, and most effective way. This is a very good sign. Companies are not just trying one way, but are trying several methods of experimenting and working with AI. And it’s not just “top-down”. Companies are experimenting with promising mixtures of top-initiative, employee involvement, and IT support.

Just a month ago, I had the expectation that the implementation of AI would start in 2023, and that we would start to see the transformative effects of AI in 2024 and onwards. I thought that was pretty fast, actually. But not fast enough for AI.

Reality has already surpassed expectations. We are already seeing the implementation of AI on a vast scale here mid-2023 – and we are beginning to see the transformative effects now. Already at the end of 2023, will we see the first decisive impacts of AI, especially on US business.

The effects of AI on business will not “just” be limited to computing or data handling. It will be much bigger than that. As the WSJ article demonstrates, AI is about to change the whole way businesses are structured and work. AI will not only lead to a technical revolution in effectiveness – AI will become a cultural, social, and organizational revolution as well. And fast.

The laptop and smartphone have put unprecedented computing power in the hands of every single individual. The internete and wireless connected the computing power of every individual with the big wolrd of other individuals and amounts of data. AI will now enable every individual to handle immense amounts of data in new, fast, and creative ways. At the same time, the concepts are fully in place to make sure that data going into AI are still not in the hands of those who are not entitled to have them. This gives companies and organizations the room and confidence to let every person work with AI. A lot of empowerment can thus come to employees.

This is devastating for China and Russia.

All they have are disjointed AI models on modest scale. They have no access to the large-scale AI which is being rolled out across the USA.

And they don’t even have time until somewhere in 2024 (or later) to face a USA fiercely transformed by AI. Even worse, due to their disconnectedness from the big development now happening across the USA in AI, China and Russia will not even know what hits them, when the effect reaches them in a negative way.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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