The Uncensored History of AIDS

July 11th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Journalist Celia Farber is the author of “Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS.” In it, she highlights the work of virologist and retrobiologist Peter Duesberg, who since 1987 has insisted that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS

According to Duesberg, retroviruses such as HIV are harmless and do not cause disease. And, up until Dr. Robert Gallo claimed he’d discovered HIV in his laboratory in 1984, and determined that it caused AIDS, this was the scientific consensus

Duesberg was vehemently attacked by AIDS researchers and activists, and internationally discredited by media for not going along with the AIDS narrative promoted by the medical establishment, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci

As with COVID-19, one of the key tools used to promote the “HIV causes AIDS” narrative was the use of the PCR test. There are also other similarities to what happened with COVID, including the vilification and discrediting of scientists and therapies that could effectively address the disease

Bactrim was an inexpensive generic drug that effectively treated AIDS-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, which was frequently fatal. This drug, like ivermectin, was withheld. Instead, Fauci insisted AIDS patients be treated with AZT, a horrendously toxic and expensive cancer drug that was never proven to work, and which killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients, most of them gay men


In this video, I interview journalist Celia Farber about her recently republished book, “Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS.” As a young reporter working for SPIN magazine, Farber started questioning the official narrative around AIDS, and this book is the outgrowth of her decades-long investigation into and writing about this “hot potato” topic.

Long before censorship went mainstream, Farber was put through the wringer. In 2006, she published an article in Harper’s Magazine titled “Out of Control: AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science.” In it, she highlighted the work of virologist and retrobiologist Peter Duesberg, who insisted that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS.

In my view, Duesberg was brilliant, but like so many other brilliant scientists, he was widely discredited for not going along with the narrative promoted by the conventional medical establishment.

As a result of her reporting, Farber was vehemently attacked by leading AIDS researchers and activists,1 so much so, she ended up suing three of the attackers for defamation. The New York County Supreme Court dismissed2 her claim in 2011 and upheld the verdict in 2013. Still, she did not quit or back down, and kept searching for the truth.

‘The Passion of Duesberg’

As explained by Farber, Duesberg worked at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, one of the most well-respected scientific institutions in the world. After moving to the United States, he became a professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

In 1987, he published a paper in Cancer Research, proposing that retroviruses are not the cause of cancer, nor the cause of AIDS. According to his scientific biographer, this was the paper that “sealed his scientific doom forever after.” Farber notes:

“Duesberg mapped the genetic structure of retroviruses. So to him, yes, they were entities, but no, they didn’t do anything. They didn’t infect or kill cells. They were harmless. And he had phrases like, ‘HIV, that’s a pussycat. It’s not going to do anything. Saying that HIV is going to cause AIDS is like saying you’re going to conquer China by killing three soldiers a day.’

In other words, there’s no ‘there’ there. There was no cell death. And fascinatingly, or disturbingly, the HIV orthodoxy never contested that. So, I would say they had a supernatural belief in HIV. They would say, ‘We just know HIV causes AIDS,’ and anybody who doesn’t know that is dangerous, homophobic, murderous and so forth.”

Mid-Air Flip in the ‘Scientific Consensus’

As explained by Farber, up until Dr. Robert Gallo claimed he’d discovered HIV in his laboratory in 1984, and determined that it caused AIDS, the scientific consensus had been that retroviruses, as a class, were not pathogenic.

“So, there’s this very strange midair complete flip where everything changes overnight,”Farber says. “It’s like a revolutionary change, and the classical scientists of integrity were so thrown by this. They didn’t even attend the press conference.

They didn’t think there was any chance, as they said, that this would fly, this press conference where Robert Gallo announces that a so-called retrovirus is the cause of AIDS.

Back to Peter. What he does that’s so monumental in the history of American science, post 1980s, is that he, first of all, dissents. And he has no idea that he’s doing anything dangerous, never mind career annihilating. And he’s conducting himself as a scientist should. He’s innocent in what he’s doing, and it’s like a building just falls on him.

Next thing you know, his name becomes synonymous with ‘wrong, dangerous, homophobic, murderous.’ And then this culture kicks in where it becomes a sport and a career advancement to trash Duesberg if you have anything to do with AIDS research.

It was gladiatorial. They went out of their way to come up with lurid and hideous things to say about him. And it went all over the international press. So, he became this scapegoat for the errors and crimes of [Dr. Anthony] Fauci’s AIDS apparatus.

Meanwhile, over in AIDS land, everything they were predicting and terrorizing people with was not coming true at all, was not panning out, whereas Duesberg’s predictions and critiques were panning out exactly. And the more he was right and they were wrong, the more trashed he got.

So, in a sense, what I’ve covered is not just about the nitty-gritty of the science and who’s correct. It’s about this moment of where science becomes, under Tony Fauci, ‘woke.’ It wasn’t called woke then. It was then called political correctness.

So, in other words, ‘AIDS spreads like this or like that and is going to affect everybody,’ because that’s what we’re supposed to say politically, not because that’s true biologically or epidemiologically. So, we’re all stuck now in this brand new era where you get flogged for observing 2+2 = 4 …

The question fascinated me because I just couldn’t square the circle. How come these guys over here are all saying this, and then this top scientist is saying this, and then others rallied around him? Kary Mullis, who invented PCR, and was a staunch defender and friend of Duesberg, always said, ‘He’s absolutely right.’

So, the dissent movement was saying, ‘There must be proof in science.’ Gallo provided no proof that HIV was the cause of AIDS or a coherent pathogen. So, it just kept growing and growing, and with a few exceptions, I had the field to myself. Nobody wanted to interview these people because it was absolutely radioactive to your career, and I can certainly attest to that.

I actually didn’t realize it was dangerous. I was naïve. And I was already way too far out at sea when the bludgeoning began and I realized how dangerous it, in fact, was, and that the people we were up against were of a much more dangerous variety than I had realized.”

Fauci’s Legacy: A Lifelong Suppression of Science

Farber’s experience is proof positive that even four decades before Fauci sold us on his destructive COVID protocols, he had the power to destroy people and convince the entire country to support a fake narrative.

“Let me speak a little bit how he did that, having lived through it. Let’s say that an editor at a major magazine or newspaper became interested in a story and thought to get a reporter on it. Somehow, he had, I guess it was a surveillance network. He knew and went in there, and somehow the story dies. The reporter gets taken off it. The show gets canceled.

I had one friend who had a major local ABC show. It was a new talk show, and he had Duesberg on and myself. The next thing you know, the whole show is canceled, and he never worked again. It was GDR [German Democratic Republic] stuff and it was across the board. It was 100% consistent that anybody who touched it [was warned they’d be destroyed] … That was their word, ‘destroy.’

One top level AIDS researcher named John P. Moore sent out an open declaration of war [against AIDS] ‘denialists’ that said, ‘We will crush you. We crush all of you.’ So that was the climate of it. Now, after all these years, I’m realizing they were part of something much larger.

They were part of this new revolutionary, post-modern, 2+2 does not equal 4 science. ‘It is whatever we tell you it is.’ They created that empire of terror during AIDS, for sure.

It’s just that not that many people knew about it because it was still within the corridors of certain risk groups and some unfortunate journalists or scientists who got caught up in it. Then with COVID, they threw a much bigger net because … it was a little more difficult to get people into the trap.”

The PCR Scam and Suppression of Useful Drugs

As with COVID-19, one of the key tools used to promote the “HIV causes AIDS” narrative was the use of the PCR test, which the inventor, Mullis, was vehemently against.

The PCR was used to measure “viral load,” which was supposed to give you a sense of how sick or well you could expect to be. This kept HIV-positive patients going back to the doctor to get tested repeatedly. But it was nothing more than a numbers game, just as it was during COVID.

There are other similarities to what happened with COVID, including the vilification and discrediting of scientists and therapies that could effectively address the disease. Just like they vilified ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, even going out of their way to fund fraudulent studies to discredit these drugs, they did the same during the AIDS epidemic.

For example, bactrim was an inexpensive drug that effectively treated AIDS-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, which was frequently fatal. This drug, like ivermectin, was withheld. Instead, Fauci insisted AIDS patients be treated with AZT, a horrendously toxic and expensive cancer drug that was never proven to work, and which killed hundreds of thousands of AIDS patients.

“AZT is one of the darkest, most shocking chapters. AZT was a chemotherapy compound that was shelved in the early ’60s for being too toxic for human use. For reasons that cannot be fathomed, they pulled that compound out of the drawer, put it in capsule form and made it the first drug to treat AIDS, a condition of immune devastation …

The estimate I’ve heard is that upward of 300,000, mostly gay men, died from high-dose AZT in the early years. That’s 1,200 to 1,800 milligrams. All of a sudden, Fauci drops the dose to 500 mg and people start dying less, which incredibly he spun into that he was saving lives because they lowered the dose of what was killing people.

So, a lot of these dark tricks are exactly the same as COVID. AZT was a black swan event, I would say, in medicine. But what it achieved, that we’re still suffering from, was this demolition of the formerly conservative FDA drug approval process, which was turned into something bad, evil. ‘You only support [the FDA drug approval process] if you hate people and you want them to die. You want it to take 10 years to test a drug? That’s cruel’ …

So, a lot of what we’re in today, like these insane ways of medicating and treating people without any regard for safety or possibility of death, a lot of these concepts were put into place during the AIDS epidemic.”

AIDS Activists Played Into Fauci’s Hands

Farber also reviews how AIDS activists empowered Fauci to circumvent historical safety protocols to get experimental drugs to patients as quickly as possible. AIDS activists also acted as Fauci’s foot soldiers or henchmen in that they helped him quash the opposition. In many ways we saw this during COVID as well. People brainwashed into believing masks could block viruses, for example, acted as civilian enforcers of Fauci’s clearly unscientific recommendations.

“It’s a good question ‘Who was Fauci in the beginning there?’ How did he transform into somebody so ruthless, so unaccountable? And I’m being nice right now. As an historian of all of this, I place a lot of credence in the symbiosis between Fauci and the AIDS activists, because the AIDS activists were revolutionary, and they did have a revolutionary creed, which was, ‘By any means necessary, we demand what we demand.’

And [Fauci] was a bureaucrat. A trained Jesuit … I think he’s a perfect general in a much bigger war that seeks to destroy many things outside of science. That’s my take on it. I think this is the big international war that seeks domination over human beings, period. Full stop. And these spectral virus diseases are a good revolutionary tool to get us there.

We made the mistake of seeing them as genuine outbreaks of something … I don’t believe any of that anymore. I think this is all part and parcel of the great leap forward.”

Fauci Spent a Lifetime Undermining Health Wisdom

Farber continues:

“One thing Fauci really honed over so many years is that nothing [but drugs or vaccines] makes a difference. There’s no terrain. Nutrition doesn’t matter. No research went to that, and it was absolutely scorned, again, both by Fauci and by the AIDS activists and so forth.

So, it was a culture of ‘You’re a machine, you’ve got this bad bug in you.’ It’s the machine model of biology. The bad bug is eating up your T-cells on an algorithm that’s inevitable and unstoppable, and nothing will influence that. Getting out in the sun, swimming in the ocean, eating well, what you think, whether you meditate or pray, none of that’s going to affect it.

So, in that sense, he’s advocating for a complete inversion of everything we all know to be true about health. And that’s really his legacy. He spent 40, 50 years getting Americans to think about everything else but how to stay healthy.”

How We Can Undermine the Public Health Tyranny

In addition to that, Fauci has also played a central role in furthering the ideology of technocracy and transhumanism, which aims to implement a One World Government under the veil of global biodefense. What we’re facing now is public health tyranny, in the sense that food and medicine are being turned into tools to control and manipulate entire populations.

“With AIDS, there was still choice,” Farber says. “You were heavily brainwashed. But if you got tested and you tested HIV positive, you still had a choice to take the drugs or not. What they are going to do next is, of course, what we’re all worried about.

I think people are largely woken up, very much so. But does it matter how awake you are if they have seized control of the whole apparatus of functional life? That’s what we have to stop, and I want to talk about how. How is that done? I think, by and large, it’s done by keeping your body healthy, keeping your mind clear, keeping your soul clear, and then you can go from there.

We can’t necessarily control whatever they’re going to try to do. But the good news is, to my mind, how stupid they are, how sloppy they are, how many mistakes they’ve made, and how much people hate them right now.”


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1 Courthouse News February 27, 2013

2 Supreme Court Decision November 2, 2011

Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS: Farber, Celia, Miller, Mark Crispin: 9781645022077: BooksSerious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS

By Celia Farber

Publisher: ‎ Chelsea Green Publishing (March 23, 2023)



On April 23, 1984, in a packed press conference room in Washington, DC, the secretary of health and human services declared, “The probable cause of AIDS has been found.” By the next day, “probable” had fallen away, and the novel retrovirus later named HIV became forever lodged in global consciousness as “the AIDS virus.”

Celia Farber, then an intrepid young reporter for SPIN magazine, was the only journalist to question the official narrative and dig into the science of AIDS. She reported on the “evidence” that was being continually cited and repeated by health officials and the press, the deadliness of AZT, and Dr. Fauci’s trials on children, infants, and pregnant mothers. Throughout, Faber’s reportage was largely ignored. She was maligned, maliciously attacked, and ultimately canceled.

Now, forty years after her original reporting, Farber’s Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS is reissued with a new foreword by Mark Crispin Miller, shining much-needed light on her groundbreaking work once again. More relevant than ever, this book serves as an essential foundation to understanding its catastrophic sequel: COVID-19. Serious Adverse Events makes clear that the tactics employed at the height of HIV/AIDS―the fearmongering, cancel culture, and “woke” takeover of science, medicine, and journalism―persist today. The response to COVID-19 isn’t new: it is a well-trod and dangerous path in the social landscape.

Click here to purchase.

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A major scandal is unfolding internationally which is shaking the global medical establishment.

Click here to view the video

Our landmark paper with autopsy evidence (largest ever) showing 74% of sudden deaths post COVID-19 vaccination were caused by the vaccines, was censored within 24 hours by a top medical journal!

Click here to view the video

Latest update (I am a co-author and adjudicator): 

The paper is currently on the Zenodo server (Swiss server operated by CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research)

It currently has over 41,000 downloads and 52,000 views.

Summary of Findings 

This landmark paper reviewed the largest number of autopsy reports published to date relating to COVID-19 vaccination, injury and sudden death.

We identified 44 papers with 325 autopsy cases and three physicians (including myself) independently reviewed all deaths and found:

  • 74% of all deaths were either caused or contributed to by COVID vaccines
  • 53% of these deaths involved the cardiovascular system
  • 17% of these deaths involved the hematological system
  • 8% of these deaths involved the respiratory system
  • 7% of these deaths involved multiple organ systems
  • The mean number of days from vaccination to death was 14.3 days.

My Take… 

This is one of the most important papers of the entire COVID-19 era.

Even though it was censored by Lancet (parent company Elsevier) within 24 hours, when they saw that it was being downloaded hundreds of times per MINUTE, it is currently submitted for peer review and will get published.

This paper will lay the foundation upon which other papers will build as we collectively expose the toxicity of the COVID-19 vaccines.

I want to thank Dr.Peter McCullough for his leadership and his tireless efforts, and my colleagues at the Wellness Company for their support and hard work in helping bring this important paper forward.

The “died suddenly” phenomenon post COVID-19 vaccination is very real and devastating.

COVID-19 vaccines should be immediately taken off the market and the entire LNP/mRNA platform should be suspended and thoroughly investigated.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Removing Ukraine’s MAP Requirement for Joining NATO

July 11th, 2023 by Andrew Korybko

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This country will still have to make major reforms, despite having already brought its military up to the bloc’s average standards after serving as its anti-Russian proxy since February 2022, so the latest development is just symbolic. Even NATO itself doesn’t expect Ukraine to join anytime soon, which that’s why it’s being extended an “Israel-style umbrella” instead.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba tweeted on Monday that “NATO allies have reached consensus on removing MAP from Ukraine’s path to membership” ahead of this week’s summit. This isn’t as important as it seems, however, since his country has arguably fulfilled the typical military obligations of those who participate in Membership Action Plans (MAPs). The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trained and equipped by NATO for waging its proxy war against Russia, thus making it a de facto member of the bloc.

Even so, Biden told reporters last month that “we’re not going to make it easy” for Ukraine to join NATO. He then said over the weekend prior to setting off for Europe that “I don’t think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war.” National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan also informed reporters en route to the UK that Ukraine still needs to undertake far-reaching “democratic, security sector, and economic reforms” before joining.

The policy statements shared above discredit what Kuleba also wrote in his tweet about how removing Ukraine’s MAP requirement “shortens our path to NATO.” While it’s true that this former Soviet Republic is already a de facto member by dint of waging the bloc’s proxy war against Russia using their training, equipment, intelligence, logistics, and other forms of support, it can’t formalize this status with the guarantees that Article 5 is commonly thought to entail without completing other major reforms.

That being the case, while the military aspect of Ukraine’s MAP is arguably redundant as was explained, the other dimensions have yet to be fulfilled and might not be for quite some time until long after the hot phase of its conflict with Russia ends. In other words, Kuleba’s announcement mostly only serves to manipulate popular perceptions about Ukraine’s path towards formally joining NATO when the reality is that it’s still far very away from doing so.

This observation is also based on the other part of Sullivan’s press gaggle en route to the UK where he explained a bit more about what the US envisages regarding “Israel-style security assurances” to Ukraine. According to him, this will involve a series of bilateral commitments “to provide various forms of military assistance, intelligence and information sharing, cyber support and other forms of material support” for a presently undetermined period of time.

His team is obviously only considering this scenario as an alternative to formal NATO membership otherwise they’d be investing their time in discussing the details of Article 5 if they truly expected Ukraine to join the bloc anytime soon. Foreign Affairs recently wrote that there are some who believe that “the sort of weapons, training, and diplomatic support already being given to Kyiv are sufficient to meet NATO’s Article 5 mandate, meaning it is not necessary to also promise or deploy military forces.”

They have a valid point too since Article 5 doesn’t mandate the use of armed force but only “such action as [a member state] deems necessary” to assist those under attack, which does indeed mean that the bloc’s existing support to Ukraine satisfies this in principle. The US’ “Israel-style security assurances” would therefore formalize the support that’s already being provided, which importantly remains below the level of directly engaging Russian forces like many wrongly assume that Article 5 mandates.

From an American soft power perspective, it’s better for the public not to have any false expectations regarding their country’s security commitments to Ukraine such as those that they’d imagine that its formal membership in NATO would entail. That’s not to say that the US won’t resort to armed force in defense of existing members like the those along its eastern flank, which it would feel compelled to do in order to retain Western unity in that event, but just that the case of Ukraine is qualitatively different.

Not only does it remain in a state of hot conflict with Russia, which disqualifies it from membership until the conflict ends, but it also has to resolve all border disputes too. The first is much easier to do than the second, so Ukraine’s formal membership will either be indefinitely postponed or NATO would have to agree to grant it an exemption from this requirement. Since the latter is unlikely due to the risk that this could embroil them in war with Russia, they therefore settled on the “Israel-style” workaround instead.

Politico reported on Sunday that the US is working with the UK, France, and Germany to create a so-called “umbrella” under which they can multilaterally manage their military aid to Ukraine, with this potentially being the most significant outcome to emerge from this week’s summit. In essence, it would formalize the support that they’re already providing to Kiev without likely committing to employing armed force against Russia on its behalf in order to temper expectations.

It’s important not only to avoid getting Ukrainians’ and average Westerners’ hopes unrealistically high, which could completely discredit NATO if it fails to fulfill what’s popularly expected of it, but also to manage the bloc’s very dangerous security dilemma with Russia. If Moscow was convinced that its enemies will employ armed force against it on Kiev’s behalf, then it could be tempted to preempt this by carrying out a first-strike against NATO, hence why all efforts must be made for it not to think so.  

For that reason, it would be highly irresponsible from the US’ soft power and strategic perspectives to signal that it might directly engage Russian forces on behalf of Ukraine as part of the “Israel-like umbrella” that it’s planning as an alternative to that country’s formal NATO membership. No such commitments are therefore expected to be made, but on the off chance that they are, then it would signify that warmongers regained policymaking influence from their rapidly ascending pragmatic rivals.

The earlier cited statements from Biden and Sullivan don’t give any indication to think that the US will promise to employ armed force against Russia on Ukraine’s behalf, nor did NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenbeg’s press conference from Friday either. To the contrary, every signal that’s been sent from top officials until this point is that Ukraine won’t join NATO and thus shouldn’t expect armed force being employed in its support in accordance with the popular interpretation of Article 5.

Circling back to the lede, one can now better understand why removing Ukraine’s MAP requirement for joining NATO isn’t as important as it seems. This country will still have to make major reforms, despite having already brought its military up to the bloc’s average standards after serving as its anti-Russian proxy since February 2022, so the latest development is just symbolic. Even NATO itself doesn’t expect Ukraine to join anytime soon, which that’s why it’s being extended an “Israel-style umbrella” instead.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged the European Union on July 9 to open the doors for his country to join the bloc if they want to secure support for Sweden’s accession to NATO. His blackmailing of the EU, which ultimately produced results, comes only days after he controversially broke an agreement with Moscow by releasing neo-Nazi Azov Battalion members under Turkey’s custody to Ukraine.

“Turkey has been waiting at the door of the European Union for over 50 years now, and almost all of the NATO member countries are now members of the European Union. I am making this call to these countries that have kept Turkey waiting at the gates of the European Union for more than 50 years,” Erdogan said. “First, open the way to Turkey’s membership of the European Union, and then we will open it for Sweden, just as we had opened it for Finland.”

Turkey has been an EU member candidate since 1999. Since 2016, negotiations on a visa-free regime between Turkey and the EU have been on hold. The country’s bid for EU membership has been stalled due to democratic backsliding and an unrelenting occupation of the northern portion of EU-member Cyprus since 1974.

Ultimately, Erdogan backflipped just mere hours after issuing his blackmail.

“I’m glad to announce … that President Erdogan has agreed to forward the accession protocol for Sweden to the grand national assembly as soon as possible, and work closely with the assembly to ensure ratification,” said NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg on the eve of the alliance summit in Vilnius, which will be held on July 11-12.

Finland and Sweden applied to join the bloc in May 2022. Finland gained its membership on April 4, 2023, while the Swedes await approval from Hungary and Turkey. As Turkey will never surrender its occupation of northern Cyprus, its EU membership will be forever stalled, making Erdogan’s ultimatum either a desperate action or a calculated manoeuvre to advance other interests.

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström told public broadcaster SVT that he expects Turkey will eventually signal that it will let Sweden join the alliance, though he could not say whether that would happen at the NATO summit in the Lithuanian capital. Sweden’s top diplomat said he expects Hungary, which also has not ratified Sweden’s accession, to do so before Turkey.

Turkey and Hungary remain the only NATO members still standing in the way of Sweden becoming the 32nd member of the US-led bloc, with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban strongly signalling he will follow Erdogan’s lead and approve Sweden’s membership only if Turkey does the same.

Now that Erdogan has reportedly unblocked Sweden’s path, the question is what was offered to appease the Turkish leader. Presumably, Erdogan would have only unblocked the accession process with the promise of receiving F-16 fighter jets, advancing EU membership talks without altering domestic oppression and ethnic cleansing abroad, or securing Western funding as the Turkish economy continues to tank with Gulf money all dried up.

The NATO summit will be dominated by how the alliance will see its future relationship with Kiev amid endless efforts by President Volodymyr Zelensky for Ukraine to become a member and a signatory to the mutual defence pact. Evidently, though, Sweden’s situation will also be discussed since Turkey is the main hindrance to their accession.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, for his part, joined a chorus of other European leaders and officials who said Sweden’s NATO membership should not be tied to Ankara’s stalled EU membership bid.

“Sweden meets all the requirements for NATO membership. The other question is one that is not connected with it. And that is why I do not think it should be seen as a connected issue,” the German chancellor said.

Stoltenberg also expressed before announcing Erdogan’s unblocking that the two issues have nothing to do with one another, reminding that while he supports Ankara’s bid for EU membership, it was not one of the conditions in the agreement signed by Turkey, Sweden, and Finland in 2022 at the NATO summit in Madrid. 

Despite Erdogan initially adding another condition to Sweden’s accession, it is not a sign that Turkey has gone rogue within NATO, but rather it is the Turkish president blackmailing the alliance and EU to gain advantages for his country – what they are specifically since EU membership is not realistic, remains to be seen.

Erdogan broke a deal he had with Moscow by releasing on July 8, only days before the NATO summit, five Ukrainian Azov Battalion officers, who returned to Ukraine on a presidential plane. The Azov Battalion militants had been prisoners since the battle of Azovstal following the Russian liberation of the port city of Mariupol. Erdogan had no obvious reason for breaking the deal, meaning that he will now want something at the NATO summit for doing this.

Although it may appear that Erdogan has gone rogue by attaching an impossible condition for Sweden to become a NATO member, he is just leveraging to gain some advantage for Turkey. The release of the Azov Battalion members for seemingly no good reason demonstrates that Turkey is still firmly within the NATO bloc.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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“A riddle wrapped up in an enigma” is a shortened form of a quotation made in October 1939, just one month after the Second World War had begun, by Sir Winston Churchill in a radio broadcast to the British people. At the time, Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty. The full comment was “I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma…” Somehow that statement popped up into my head as I tried to decipher the meaning of the Yevgeny Prigozhin alleged coup attempt in Russia on Saturday June 24th, an unanticipated development that has energized the imaginations of pundits and government officials worldwide, generating a torrent of written articles as well as many hours’ worth of spoken commentary.

Predictably, the blather coming out of US Government officials like Secretary of State Antony Blinken is worthless propaganda-speak, replaying the standard line about evil Russia and the autocrat Vladimir Putin, who, per Blinken, is in serious trouble in a Russia that is in chaos over the continuing Ukraine war, which, he claims, the Kremlin is losing.

President Joe Biden also played his part in distancing the US from the Prigozhin affair by declaring emphatically that the US government was not behind the alleged coup attempt, though he also ladled it on thick last Wednesday by declaring, like Blinken, that Russia was losing the war in Ukraine and Putin has become “a bit of a pariah around the world.” Both those assertions could easily be challenged.

There was almost no bloodshed in the initial move by Wagner Group mercenary units to Rostov on Don, which houses the Army’s Southern Command. Afterwards, while on the road to Moscow, there was no resistance from regular army troops along the way, though there are reports that several Russian army helicopters and a surveillance aircraft shadowing the column were shot down. But surely beyond that something potentially game changing vis-à-vis Russia-Ukraine came close to happening even if we do not yet know with any certitude why or even how it all occurred. The central problem is that there are many explanations of what took place that are plausible but which cannot be confirmed based on the fact that no one directly involved in the event’s genesis or execution is likely to provide any honest answers to questions that might logically be raised.

Consider for a moment some of the elements in the drama. As it was occurring, Putin initially went on television to denounce the apparent march on Moscow by the Wagner group soldiers as an attempted coup d’etat which made participants traitors to the Russian government. Prigozhin, however, quickly rejected that characterization, claiming that he was making his move to confront the generals in Moscow who were failing in their duty to win the war against Kiev as expeditiously as possible, i.e. possibly because they were dragging their heels by avoiding any risk and making a war that could have been concluded seem interminable and possibly even unwinnable.

The march on Moscow should thus be seen as an “demonstration of dissent” according to Prigozhin. And to thicken the plot even further, two senior generals Valery Gerasimov and Sergei Surovikin have not been seen in public since Saturday and there are unconfirmed reports that one of them, Surovikin, a former commander of Russian forces in Ukraine, has been arrested. Gerasimov is Army chief of staff and the current commander of forces in Ukraine while Surovikin is now serving as his deputy. The handing over of Gerasimov was one of the demands allegedly made by Prigozhin.

US intelligence sources are also now claiming that Surovikin knew about the rebellion in advance, which suggests that CIA and the Pentagon also knew about it. And there is also a comment made by Ukraine’s head of defense intelligence, Major General Kyrylo Budanov, who said Kyiv knew both about Prigozhin’s plans and a separate plot by Russia’s intelligence agency the FSB to assassinate him. If any or all of that is true, that rather suggests that there might have been a real foreign intelligence agency driven plot against Putin or at least that the Kremlin is proceeding with caution to include the generals’ accounts of their activities being verified to make sure they were not complicit in any way with either the CIA or the Ukrainian government or Prigozhin himself.

So one has to ask whether Putin’s advisers and his intelligence resources were accurately portraying what Prigozhin was up to or was the speech about “treason” a cover story designed to hide a more complicated sequence of events. Did, for example, Putin’s intel chiefs really know in advance that the “coup” or what is possibly better described as an “armed protest” would be taking place? If that is so, did they let it start, assuming that it could not succeed, to attempt to rally the Russian people behind the government and the war? And an even deeper, darker possibility is that the entire episode was contrived by Prigozhin and Putin in support of some still undetermined agenda.

Prigozhin’s subsequent exile to Belarus in exchange for his ending the insurrection and the dropping of any-and-all charges against the alleged Wagner Group insurgents rather suggests that the business of what it was all about was not as straightforward as it seemed on day one. Whilst denouncing the “mutiny plotters” Putin carefully distinguished between those individuals and “the majority of Wagner Group soldiers and commanders” who “are also Russian patriots, loyal to their people and their state.” Indeed, Prigozhin’s role aside, the Wagner Group was founded and commanded by former military intelligence (GRU) officers and funded and provisioned by the Ministry of Defense. Beyond that, Wagner’s soldiers were heroes, the legendary victors of the “battle of Bakhmut.”

And then there is the possible US role denied by Biden. The Washington Post has confirmed that the claim that the CIA knew about what it referred to as the “rebellion,” i.e. the plan to march on Moscow, at least several days in advance. The Agency briefed the so-called Gang of Eight in Congress regarding what was expected to occur but it has not shared what it knew with the public. That might suggest to some that the United States and quite likely Britain were behind an actual coup attempt and may have even initiated it, possibly as some kind of false flag operation, a scenario suggested by Putin in his television address where he hinted darkly that

“They [the West and Ukraine] wanted Russian soldiers to kill each other, so that soldiers and civilians would die, so that in the end Russia would lose, and our society would break apart and choke on bloody civil strife (…) They rubbed their hands, dreaming of getting revenge for their failures at the front and during the so-called counter-offensive, but they miscalculated.”

That is a pretty direct accusation of presumed guilt and it has been suggested that Prigozhin may have met secretly with Ukrainian and NATO intelligence officers in Africa where Wagner has also been operating. If that is true, he might have been recruited by CIA or MI-6, or possibly even was allowed to cooperate with them after consulting with Putin, again in support of an as-of-yet undetermined objective, though seriously embarrassing the US and NATO might have been envisioned.

And it is important to remember that Prigozhin might have had what would be best described as a personal grievance against the generals in Moscow and also against Putin. Many of the commentators on his “rebellion” ignore the important fact that he is a businessman, not a soldier.

He is an oligarch who made his billions largely by catering to the military and government and he has sometimes been referred to as “Putin’s chef.” Given that, his primary interests center on protecting his investments and assets, of which the Wagner mercenary group is one. He has been dismayed at how his manpower has been getting exploited in desultory fighting that seems to go nowhere and has been loudly complaining for months about various issues relating to the progress of the war.

Concerning Wagner, Prigozhin was about to get demoted on July 1st when Wagner was supposed to sign a contract that would place it under the de facto control of the Russian Ministry of Defense, with at least a third of its active strength being transferred to Belarus for garrison duty against Polish threats, though subsequent reports indicate that the soldiers have not begun to move from their existing bases in Russia and Ukraine.

Interestingly, Prigozhin, who strongly opposed and actually refused to sign the contract, was reportedly in his exile in Belarus and was not seen for many days immediately after the coup attempt, though the Kremlin has now revealed that he actually met with Putin five days after the alleged mutiny during a three hour meeting to pledge his loyalty also attended by both Wagner and regular army officers.

There have, however, been subsequent reports of a possible brief trip by Prigozhin to his hometown St. Petersburg in Russia early last week. The visit had an intriguing angle to it as Prigozhin reportedly visited the Federal Security Service (FSB) office to pick up his small arsenal of personal weapons and a large quantity of cash and gold bars, which had been confiscated when his lavish principal residence and offices in and near the city were searched after he was detained. Multiple passports and a large number of theatrical type costumes were also obtained in the mansion together with a few sledgehammers – a tool the Wagner group allegedly used to murder defectors, numerous pictures of Prigozhin in various disguises as well as a stuffed alligator and “a framed photo which is purported to show the severed heads of [Prigozhin’s] enemies.”

In an impromptu interview last Thursday Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko told surprised reporters that Prigozhin has apparently remained in St. Petersburg in spite of brokered peace deal granting him exile status in Belarus that was guaranteed by Lukashenko himself, who opined that for all he knows Prigozhin might well be back in Moscow. There has also been some speculation that Prigozhin is back in Russia to somehow cooperate in the breakup of his business empire. If all of that is true, something very strange is going on.

Indeed, it is to be presumed that many of Prigozhin’s business interests and the Wagner Group are now being taken over by the Russian state. Indeed, one Russian Member of Parliament Andrey Kartapolov has suggested that the disputed contract was the initial principal reason for Prigozhin’s “mutiny.” There are also claims that the amnesty and changes in ownership of Prigozhin’s assets notwithstanding, there will be investigations of Wagner’s internal operations, to include its corrupt spending of Ministry of Defense money, which apparently benefited Prigozhin directly and possibly immensely. The personal grievance issue also opens the door to the possibility that Prigozhin was cleverly playing his own game in an attempt to maintain his status and benefits as director and head of the group, possibly making him in intelligence jargon a double or even a triple agent depending on how many levels and varieties of his numerous potential contacts he has been manipulating.

One point that Prigozhin made that most sources concede to have resonance is his claim that the Ukraine war should be pushed to a conclusion, with the implication that the Russian people are getting tired of it.

In effect, he was challenging why Russia went to war in the first place as well as the execution of it since that time. Colonel Douglas Macgregor opines that Putin will have to think hard over whether he can continue the relatively slow methodical destruction of the Ukrainian Army or speed things up, with a corresponding increase in deaths, to bring an end to the process and avoid unrest among the Russian public and also among the many grumbling rank-and-file soldiers over the issue of how the war is being fought. There are reports from Moscow that the Putin regime is indeed responding to possible unrest, with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) monitoring social media posts and internet inquiries by ordinary Russians to determine levels of public support. Ukrainian sources, admittedly unreliable, are claiming that 17 out of Russia’s 46 regions might have supported Prigozhin.

So what do I think? I believe that CIA has come to the conclusion that the “coup” as it played out was a “deception operation” carried out by Prigozhin and Putin inter alia to embarrass the western intelligence agencies which may have been able to contact Prigozhin and induce him somehow to march on Moscow.

Beyond that, whether Prigozhin as this played out may have changed his mind on how to perform due to exposure of the plan to Russian intelligence or because he never intended to comply with any agreement in the first place is unknowable at this point.

So, was there a real insurrection or coup? I honestly don’t know but rather suspect that Prigozhin seriously wanted to challenge the generals in Moscow over how the war was being fought.

Was there a western and NATO hand in what developed? Almost certainly, though exactly how that developed is unclear and may never be known. Ditto how the Russian side was playing the cards it was dealt though the dropping of charges against Prigozhin rather suggests that there was considerable maneuvering behind the scenes to produce an outcome that would not heighten the admittedly low-level threat of the march on Moscow turning into a removal of Putin’s government. The coup story still has considerable legs in the US and western media, which predictably are out to fry Vladimir Putin, and there is even considerable reporting and commentary coming from Russian sources. It will be very interesting to see what might surface in the next several weeks.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The U.S. seeks to transform India into a center for resupplying and maintenance of naval vessels in the South Asia region, where it has been stretched thin with such capabilities.

U.S. President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi agreed to comprehensive defense and economic partnerships when Modi visited the White House in late June for a summit with Biden.

“The U.S.-India Major Defense Partnership has emerged as a pillar of global peace and security,” the joint statement from the summit reads.

The U.S. will provide India with support to develop infrastructure that will be used to resupply, repair and maintain ships and aircraft.

“We’ll have much more to follow in the near future, but the aim here is to make India a logistics hub for the United States and other partners in the Indo-Pacific region,” said Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon press secretary, to reporters in late June.

As part of this effort, the U.S. Navy will sign ship repair agreements with Indian shipyards.

The navy has concluded a Master Ship Repair Agreement with the Larsen & Toubro shipyard near the Indian city of Chennai, according to the White House. The navy is close to finalizing separate deals with two other shipbuilders, based in Mumbai and Goa.

The U.S. military looks to build readiness for quickly handling resupply activities and repairs in the Indo-Pacific region. If the navy has access to more hubs in the region, then vessels and aircraft will waste less time pausing operations for both. The time savings can be allocated to joint exercises with other countries.

“There’s a big gap between the bases the United States sustains in the bilateral hub agreements they have in the Middle East and then the Western Pacific,” said Jeffrey Payne, assistant professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies. “So, India fulfills this.”

At present, Japan and Singapore serve as key naval hubs for the U.S. in Asia.

Harry Harris, former commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, hailed the initiative.

“Currently, we operate from Diego Garcia and Western Australia in the Indian Ocean,” he told Nikkei via email. “Securing a maintenance, repair, and logistics hub on the Subcontinent is significant as this would give us much-needed flexibility in the vast Indian Ocean region.”

The Chinese navy has about 355 ships and submarines, making it the world’s largest numerically, according to the 2021 edition of the Pentagon’s annual report on China. If American vessels cannot spend more time at sea, then the U.S. will risk falling behind China in terms of naval capabilities, weakening deterrence.

Because the Indo-Pacific is defined by large stretches of water, many believe that conducting supply activities in the region during emergencies will prove more difficult than similar activities in Europe, with its land routes.

“Are we ready today? Yes, we are,” Rear Adm. Mark Melson, commander of the U.S. Navy’s logistics group stationed in Singapore, told Nikkei in an interview in early June. “But I will never claim to be ready enough.”

“We are certainly trying to improve the amount of access into a number of places where we can conduct expeditionary resupply, expeditionary refuel [and] if required, expeditionary rearm,” Melson said.

The Biden administration plans to deepen the partnership with India beyond the Indian Ocean in the maritime space. Daniel Kritenbrink, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, attended an event hosted by a U.S. think tank at the end of June and touched on strengthening the collaboration with India in the South China Sea.

Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar met with Philippine Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo in New Delhi at the end of June. The two ministers released a joint statement that backed a 2016 arbitration ruling at The Hague rejecting Chinese claims to nearly all of the South China Sea.

This marked the first time that India expressed support for the Hague ruling, which is based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, according to Gregory Poling, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. It put India in line with Japan and major Western countries on the issue.

India, as a representative of the so-called Global South emerging and developing countries, is gaining a stronger role and voice in the international community.

On the security front, India appears to have shifted focus on relations to the West. Modi’s visit to Washington in June is evidence of this. India on Tuesday hosted the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, which was held in a virtual format out of consideration for the U.S.

But the basic theme of India’s diplomacy remains “strategic autonomy,” which entails working with other countries according to its own interests.

In recent years, the U.S. apparently threatened to impose sanctions on India when it sought to acquire air defense systems from Russia. In 1971, the U.S. sent an aircraft carrier to threaten India during the third Indo-Pakistani War. Whether today’s partnership between the U.S. and India will completely dispel the latent distrust of Washington remains to be seen.


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In yet another major escalation, on July 9, the Kiev regime fired several missiles at Bryansk and Rostov oblasts (regions) and at least one cruise missile at Russia’s strategically important Crimean Bridge. According to the governor of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov, the Russian military, specifically its 37th Air Defense Division, shot down the missile, preventing any possible damage to the bridge. There’s speculation that the missile could have been either a Soviet-era S-200 SAM (surface-to-air missile) system modified for ground attacks or the Anglo-French “Storm Shadow”, a relatively long-range, “stealthy”, subsonic, air-launched cruise missile. The intercept took place over the city of Kerch on the Crimean peninsula.

The Crimean Bridge has been a prized propaganda target for the Neo-Nazi junta forces for over a year and a half now. Drones have become a regular feature of attacks on key Russian regions, including Crimea. However, this marks the first time long-range missiles have been used in such strikes. And if the missile intercepted over Kerch was indeed “Storm Shadow”, it also marks the first time a NATO-sourced long-range missile was used in such attacks. According to local reports, the incident resulted in a temporary halt to all traffic over the immense bridge, although it was restored soon after Russian air defense systems and units made sure there were no any additional threats.

Elsewhere, the Rostov oblast authorities reported that another missile was also intercepted over this area in southern Russia. Governor Vasily Golubev reported that there were no casualties and that the debris only partially damaged the roofs of several buildings. In addition, Alexander Bogomaz, governor of the Bryansk oblast, stated that two missiles fired by the Kiev regime forces have been shot down in the area. There were no casualties, although a small sawmill had been destroyed in the village of Bitosh. Meanwhile, several Telegram channels posted footage of what appears to be a 5V28 missile of the S-200 SAM system hitting the rooftop of a civilian building in the village of Dyatkovo, marking the first filmed usage of this missile for ground attack purposes.

This sort of attacks have escalated significantly in recent months, although Russia’s second-to-none air defenses have prevented casualties in virtually all targeted Russian regions. Still, the Kremlin cannot ignore the immediate danger to its citizens and has accused the United States and its NATO vassals and satellite states of directly assisting in these attacks, as the Neo-Nazi junta is incapable of conducting long-range attacks without the support of Western ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) platforms. Russia has repeatedly warned that it could target the Kiev regime’s decision-making centers in response to these attacks and has actually done so in recent days, reportedly striking residences of General Valeriy Zaluzhny and GUR chief Kirill Budanov.

It should be noted that these attacks once again prove that Russian President Vladimir Putin was right in his assessments that NATO-sourced long-range weapons in the hands of the Neo-Nazi junta would be an existential threat to Russia and that Moscow would never allow any mass deployment of such missiles along its western borders. Putin has been warning about this prospect for years, at least since mid-2000s and has stated that Russia would develop advanced, next-generation long-range weapons to ensure its security. And indeed, Russia has developed a plethora of new weapons, particularly hypersonic platforms with virtually no analogues anywhere in the world in terms of capabilities and particularly not in terms of operational deployment.

Still, Moscow cannot ignore the danger of mass usage of long-range missiles against targets all across Russia, as it’s virtually impossible to defend the entire territory of the country. The simple reason is that it’s just too immense for such defenses to even be viable. For this reason, Moscow has revised its strategic posturing and military doctrine in a way to ensure the staging areas for such attacks are destroyed while air defenses would be tasked to intercept the initial wave of strikes, giving Russia the opportunity to respond accordingly. Unfortunately, the Kremlin is perfectly aware that it cannot count on any sort of agreement with the political West (much less with the Kiev regime), as the latter has so far unilaterally broken virtually every single one signed by the two sides.

In addition, the Neo-Nazi junta is getting desperate, as it’s now under extreme pressure to show results before the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius, scheduled to start this week. As its suicidal attacks against Russian forces have been a catastrophic failure, with horrendous losses in both manpower and equipment, these long-range attacks serve as the only propaganda tool that could be used to present the funds and resources sent by the political West as supposedly “worthwhile”. NATO itself is effectively taking part in such strikes, both by providing the necessary weapons, as well as by providing ISR information on the targets within Russia. For its part, Moscow has exercised extreme restraint by not targeting NATO assets directly for such blatant belligerence, but its patience is not endless.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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25 Truths About the Death of Young Nahel in France

July 11th, 2023 by Salim Lamrani

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A 17-year-old teenager was killed by a police officer during a traffic stop, sparking strong emotions in French society.

1. At 8 a.m. on June 27, 2023, in Nanterre, near Paris, two police officers stopped a car occupied by three people, all minors, following a refusal to stop. The driver was a 17-year-old teenager called Nahel. When the car started up again, one of the police officers fired at point-blank range, killing the youngster, the only child of a single-parent family. The video available on social networks clearly shows that the car posed no danger to the two police officers.

2. Unaware of the existence of the video, the two police officers stated that the car ran into them and that they had been obliged to use their firearms to protect their lives. This was clearly a lie. Alain Bauer, Professor of Criminology at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers and a recognized specialist in training police officers and gendarmes, insisted: “The false version, totally contradicted by the images, ruins the whole edifice. It’s a lie. The car didn’t run him over. The car didn’t run into him.” He also denounced “the few rotten, corrupt police officers and black sheep of the profession […] who cast opprobrium on all those who respect law and order and are defenders of freedoms”. Without the video, the police officers’ false version would have prevailed, and the person responsible for the teenager’s death would never have been brought to justice.

3. Relaying the false police version, the media were quick to portray the teenager as a dangerous, multi-recidivist delinquent. In reality, young Nahel had no criminal record. The Nanterre public prosecutor’s office even opened an investigation against the driver for “refusal to obey orders and attempted voluntary manslaughter of a public official”. This decision was greeted with general incomprehension, as the images formally refute the police version. What’s more, the death of the driver automatically puts an end to all legal proceedings. The public prosecutor’s office also opened an investigation against the police officer for “voluntary manslaughter by a public official”. He was brought before a judge and remanded in custody at the Santé prison.

4. The officer’s lawyer, Maître Laurent-Franck Liénard, emphasized the exceptional nature of the detention: “In my 31-year career of defending cases involving the use of weapons, I have never had a client taken into custody after being brought before a judge”. This statement illustrates the reality of police impunity, and reinforces the widespread feeling in French society that justice protects police officers who commit crimes. Maitre Jean-Pierre Mignard, a lawyer representing victims of police violence, is categorical on this point: “All professions have a genetic code: that of the police is impunity”.

5. Camille Chaize, spokeswoman for the French Ministry of the Interior, dismissed the controversy surrounding the victim’s alleged criminal record, which the police and the media put forward to justify the officer’s action. Asked about this, she replied: “That’s not the point of the debate, it doesn’t make sense to think that way, regardless of whether or not he was known to the police. […] But it’s true that some police sources […] put forward criminal records, or even entries in the handrail, which is infra-judicial, which is not the criminal record, but all that doesn’t make sense, doesn’t matter”.

6. The victim’s family lawyer, Maître Yassine Bouzrou, announced that he had filed a complaint against the two police officers, one for voluntary manslaughter and the other for complicity in voluntary manslaughter. He explained in the following terms: “There is no doubt about his intention to cause death, since it is clear from the soundtrack of the video that he announced before firing: ‘I’m going to put a bullet in your head’. The complaint will also target his colleague for complicity in voluntary manslaughter, who appears to be ordering his colleague to fire by saying ‘shoot him’ just before the shot is fired”.

7. The testimony of the passenger sitting next to Nahel is incriminatory. He recounted the facts in detail: “The first policeman asked Nahel to roll down his window, which Nahel did. He told him: ‘Turn off the engine or I’ll shoot you’. He gave him the first blow with his rifle butt. Then the second policeman came along and also hit him with the rifle butt, and positioned himself at windshield level opposite Nahel. From there, the first policeman, who was at window level, pointed a gun at him and said: ‘Don’t move or I’ll put a bullet in your head’. The second policeman said, ‘Shoot him’. The first policeman gives him another shot, with the butt of his gun. The car has an automatic gearbox. The car wasn’t in ‘park’. When he received the third rifle butt, his foot left the brake pedal and the car moved forward. And the second policeman, who was at windshield level, fired. Then his foot hit the gas pedal. I saw him in agony, shaking. We hit a barrier. I got scared and got out of the car. I ran away. I thought they might even shoot me. So, I ran”.

8. The rear passenger, aged 14, also gave evidence. He was on his way to college to pass the brevet middle-school exam and came across Nahel, who offered him a lift. “The police officers pointed their guns at Nahel” who took “about three” blows, tried to “protect his head”. One policeman claimed “he was going to put one in his head”. Nahel then “let go of the brake probably out of panic, trying to protect himself. The car drove off on its own. It was an automatic. And the policeman told his colleague to shoot. And the gun went off”.

9. French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the police officer’s action in a public statement: “I want to express the emotion of the entire nation, and tell his family of the nation’s affection […]. We have a teenager who has been killed, it’s inexplicable, inexcusable”. For his part, Gérarld Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, pointed to “extremely shocking images”.

10. February 2017, François Hollande’s Socialist government pushed through the Public Security Law authorizing police to use their firearms in cases of refusal to obey. Paragraph 4 stipulates that officers may use their weapons “when they are unable to immobilize, other than by the use of weapons, vehicles, boats or other means of transport, whose drivers do not obey the order to stop and whose occupants are likely to perpetrate, in their flight, harm to their lives or physical integrity or those of others”. The Human Rights League and numerous members of parliament denounced the law as a “license to kill”, calling for its repeal. Maître Liénard himself publicly opposed the law: “If we start telling police officers they can shoot at a fleeing car, we’ll have more shootings, more injuries and more police convictions”.

11. Since 2017, the number of people who have lost their lives as a result of refusal to yield has risen sharply. From 17 people between 2002 and 2017, an average of 0.88 people per year, it has risen to 13 people for the year 2022, some of whom were mere passengers. The victims have two main characteristics: they are mostly young, even very young, and racialized. By way of comparison, in Germany, there has been only one death as a result of a refusal to stop in ten years.

12. On June 30, 2023, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights denounced the structural racism present within France’s police and gendarmerie forces. Its spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani appealed to the authorities: “Now is the time for the country to seriously address the deep-rooted problems of racism and racial discrimination among law enforcement officers”. A few days later, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination denounced “the murder of Nahel M., 17, of North African origin, by a police officer in France” and expressed its “deep concern at the persistent practice of racial profiling, combined with the excessive use of force in law enforcement, in particular by the police, against members of minority groups, notably of African and Arab origin, which frequently results in recurrent killings, disproportionately, with virtual impunity”.

13. Questioned on this subject, Laurent Nuñez, Prefect of the Paris police, denied the reality of the situation: “There is no racism in the police”. Yet even the President of the Republic has acknowledged the existence of persistent discriminatory practices: “Today, when you have a skin color that is not white, you are much more controlled […]. You’re identified as a problem factor, and that’s unbearable”.

14. According to various studies, the majority of police and military personnel vote for the far right. For example, according to the Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences-Po (Cevipof), the Ipsos polling institute and the Fondation Jean Jaurès, 60% of police and military personnel voted for Marine Le Pen in 2022. In 2017, 67% of active police officers voted for the far-right candidate.

15. A study carried out in 2017 by Jacques Toubon, Defender of Rights and former Minister of Justice under Jacques Chirac, illustrates the racist prejudices present within the police force and the police mistreatment of young people from working-class neighborhoods. Individuals perceived as Black or Arab are “20 times more likely than others to be stopped” by the police. The Defender of Rights points out that 40% of these people claim to have been on a first-name basis, 21% insulted and 20% brutalized during their last stop. Another study by the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) points out that “the behavior of the French police […] can be likened to racial profiling”. Christian Vigouroux, deontologist at the French Ministry of the Interior, even submitted a 160-page report in 2021 on “combating discrimination within the security forces”, formulating 54 proposals that have gone unheeded.

16. According to international law, “racial discrimination is a particularly odious form of discrimination and, in view of its dangerous consequences, requires special vigilance and a vigorous reaction on the part of the authorities”. Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights stipulates that “all persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. In this respect, the law shall prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all persons equal and effective protection against discrimination on any ground such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status”.

17. According to Amnesty International (AI), “in France, the practice of identity checks is widespread, deeply embedded in police action, to the extent that it fosters systemic discrimination”. According to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, systemic discrimination “can be understood as a set of predominant legal rules, policies, practices or cultural attitudes in the public or private sector that create relative disadvantages for some groups, and privileges for others”. AI adds that “the practice of discriminatory identity checks is known and amply documented”, denounces its “scale” and stresses “its devastating effects on victims, including children sometimes as young as twelve”.

18. The French Supreme Court (Cour de cassation), the highest court in the French legal system, recognized the existence of this practice in a 2016 ruling, and stressed that “facial” identity checks constituted a serious misconduct for which the State is liable.

19. Jean Hossam Botros Messiha, far-right activist, born in Egypt and naturalized in France at the age of 20, still considered an immigrant by INSEE, spokesman for Éric Zemmour during the 2022 presidential campaign, proponent of the racist “grand remplacement” theory, who declares that immigration – from which he benefited at the age of 8 – today constitutes a “historic existential threat to France”, has opened an online kitty in support of the police officer under investigation for voluntary manslaughter. In the space of a few days, the “kitty of shame”, as it was dubbed by many observers, raised 1.6 million euros with more than 76,000 donors, making a millionaire of a man responsible for the death of a teenager, arousing the legitimate anger of the family and the indignation of public opinion. 

20. Nahel’s death triggered an explosion of anger across France, the political dimension of which was downplayed by the authorities, who preferred to see these urban revolts as nothing more than a destructive impulse. On the side of the rioters, the feeling reigns that only violence can make their voices heard. Numerous businesses and public buildings, mainly in working-class neighborhoods, were ransacked by young people, some as young as twelve. Nearly 12,000 cars were burned and 2,500 public buildings damaged, including over 250 police stations and more than 150 schools. The personal home of the mayor of La Häy-les-Roses was even attacked with a ram car while his family was inside.

21. The state’s response to social protest has been uniquely authoritarian and repressive, with the mobilization of 45,000 law enforcement officers, including elite corps such as the GIGN, RAID and BRI. In Marseille, a 27-year-old father lost his life following a “probable” flash-ball shot, according to the public prosecutor’s office. In Meurthe-et-Moselle, a young man in his twenties is in a coma after being shot in the head by police. According to the judicial authorities, there is no evidence to suggest that these two people were involved in the riots. Both are of North African origin. Nearly 3,500 people were arrested, and nearly 60% of them had no criminal record, according to Gérald Darmanin. According to the Minister of the Interior, 90% of those arrested were French. At his Senate hearing, Gérald Darmanin dismissed the identity-related explanation: “I looked around the police stations. Yes, there are people who apparently could be from an immigrant background. But there were a lot of Kevin’s and Mattéo’s”.

22. Justice, for its part, was swift and merciless. For example, a 28-year-old man was sentenced to 10 months’ imprisonment with a committal order for stealing a can of Red Bull worth 1.15 euros. His lawyer, Camille Bal, commented: “The main actors in the violence are the ones who were largely absent from yesterday’s hearings. Those who were picked up by the police were the ones who appeared after the crime, after the store had been targeted by the thugs. My client came into the Monoprix in the dark, took a can of Redbull, went out and was plucked like a rose”. For Maître Camille Vannier, who took part in the collective defense system, “justice is completely instrumentalized” by political power. She points out that the judges blindly follow the requisitions: “It’s very worrying from the point of view of the independence of the judiciary. Warrant of committal, warrant of committal, warrant of committal… for minor offences”. Maître Elsa Marcel also expresses her astonishment: “The sentences are extremely harsh, the procedures sloppy, there are many scenarios where people are not recognized, the arrest reports are extremely vague, it’s political justice”.

23. On June 30, 2023, the two main police unions, Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA Police, published a communiqué of rare violence, confirming all the accusations of racism levelled at the police force. Protesters from working-class neighborhoods are animalized and described as “savage hordes” and “pests” who must be fought, calling for “all means” to be used to this end. The press release also directly threatens the government with sedition in barely veiled terms, something unprecedented for a republican police force whose mission is to obey the executive and uphold the law: “For these reasons, Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA Police will assume their responsibilities and warn the government right now that, in the end, we will be in action, and without concrete measures for the legal protection of police officers, an appropriate penal response and the provision of substantial resources, police officers will judge the level of consideration shown. Today, police officers are in combat because we are at war. Tomorrow, we will be in resistance, and the government will have to realize this”. In another unprecedented move, UNSA Education publicly condemned the communiqué, denouncing the words as “disturbing and unbearable”. As for the government, it has taken no action against the authors of this statement.

24. Young Nahel’s death was the spark that ignited a social powder keg in neighborhoods abandoned by the Republic. In addition to the systemic racism suffered mainly by people of immigrant origin (47% of people from sub-Saharan Africa and 30% of people from the Maghreb are victims), disadvantaged populations are neglected by the public authorities. The figures speak for themselves: 7.5% of the French population (5.5 million inhabitants) live in the suburbs. Unemployment in these areas is twice the national average. Half of young people are unemployed. Nearly 40% of residents have no qualifications, compared with a national average of 20%. There are almost half as many libraries and three times fewer sports facilities in working-class neighborhoods as in the rest of the country. The poverty rate is three times higher than in the rest of the country (42% vs. 14.9%). As a reminder, there are 9 million poor people in France, including 3 million children. While the national average is 400 doctors per 100,000 inhabitants, there are only 250 in working-class neighborhoods. 40% of working-class neighborhoods have no crèches, while single-parent families are twice as numerous as in the rest of the country (20%). Contrary to popular belief, social transfers are lower in these areas: 6,100 euros per inhabitant per year, compared with the national average of 6,800 euros. What’s more, far from being on life support, these neighborhoods contribute more to the national effort than the rest of the country. For example, Seine-Saint-Denis is the third-poorest department in France (and the first in France) out of a total of 101 departments, and the one that receives the least social protection per inhabitant, despite being the eighth-largest contributor to the country’s public finances. For example, Seine-Saint-Denis has 1,100 hospital civil servants per 100,000 inhabitants, compared with an average of 1,800 for the rest of the country. Governments pay little heed to the plight of these impoverished populations, as they wield very little political or electoral power. In fact, 48% of people living in working-class neighborhoods either did not vote or abstained from voting in the last presidential elections.

25. Urgent action is needed by politicians in general and the government in particular:

  • The 2017 Public Safety Act must be suspended pending its repeal. This will protect both citizens and police officers by returning to the status quo ante, which sets a strict framework for the use of firearms.
  • It is imperative that the denial within the police force, government authorities and political leaders about the structural racism present in the police force cease.
  • It is essential that impunity for police officers guilty of crimes and misdemeanors be brought to an end, and that they be punished in an exemplary fashion, commensurate with the crime committed. Racist police officers, and more generally those who do not respect the ethics and code of conduct of the profession, must be excluded from the corps of peacekeepers.
  • Cases of police violence must be systematically dismissed to guarantee the serenity of the debates – a demand made by the Magistrate’s Union (Syndicat de la Magistrature) – given the close links between the public prosecutor’s office and the forces of law and order.
  • A “Justice and Truth” commission, made up of independent members, must be set up to analyze all cases of police violence and provide a response to victims and their families.
  • The General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), which has lost all credibility due to the scarcity of sanctions against officers responsible for crimes and offenses, needs to be reformed and staffed by independent individuals unconnected with the forces of law and order.
  • Police officers and gendarmes must be equipped with pedestrian cameras, which will provide guarantees for both officers and the public, and improve the quality of checks.
  • Peacekeepers should issue a receipt for each check to reduce discrimination.
  • The State must review its doctrine, practices and methods, with a return to a policy based on prevention rather than repression. For example, community policing, praised by all social players for its effectiveness and ability to forge links with young people, must be re-established, particularly in working-class neighborhoods.
  • It is essential to improve the salaries of police officers and offer them better working conditions, in order to facilitate their work and make the profession more attractive.
  • Candidates for the peacekeeper competitive examination must undergo a more rigorous selection process, to weed out those who are not suited to the profession. In the same way, the police must ensure the integration of immigrants into their ranks by offering them dignified working conditions, free from any form of discrimination.
  • The training process must also be thoroughly revised, improved and extended over a much longer period, as the profession has long been demanding (psychological tests, stress tolerance test, respect for the values of the republic, etc.).
  • The government must provide a political, economic and social response to the issue of poverty, social exclusion and discrimination, by implementing ambitious affirmative action in favor of people from working-class neighborhoods, whose suffering has been ignored by public authorities for far too long.


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Salim Lamrani holds a doctorate in Iberian and Latin American Studies from Sorbonne University, and is a lecturer at the Université de La Réunion, specializing in relations between Cuba and the United States.

Featured image: Cars burn in the aftermath of clashes between protesters and police following the death of Nahel, a 17-year-old teenager killed by a French police in Nanterre during a traffic stop, in Toulouse, France, June 28, 2023. (Source: TIMOTHEE FORGET/VIA REUTERS)


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On Monday, a group of lawyers from ten countries released a statement voicing their opposition to the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) proposed Pandemic Treaty, officially known as WHO CA+, and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHRs”). 

Over the weekend of 30 June to 2 July, the first international lawyers’ congress of Anwälte für Aufklärung e.V. (English translation Lawyers for Enlightenment e.V.) was held in Cologne, Germany. The congress focused on the IHRs and the Pandemic Treaty.

A strong alliance of lawyers from all over Europe, supported by lawyers worldwide, is forming against the WHO Pandemic Treaty. “We, the lawyers say: No to totalitarianism. Clear statements by the lawyers about the plans to make the WHO a kind of ‘health world government’: We say NO!,” tweeted Dr. Alexander Christ on Sunday.

Below is their press statement both the images tweeted as tweeted by Markus Haintz and the text as extracted from the images.

Further reading from Anwälte für Aufklärung e.V. (“AfA”):

Press release of the Lawyers for Enlightenment e.V. Cologne, July 3, 2023

Lawyers from ten countries addressed the issues of the WHO pandemic treaty and the planned amendment of the International Health Regulations at an international lawyers’ congress this weekend in Cologne. As hosts of the congress, we, the Anwalte fur Aufklarung e.V. (Lawyers for Enlightenment) from Germany invited to a press conference today, in which lawyers from Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, France, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Israel and Germany, among others, took part.

The main results of the meeting: We lawyers reject the plan to draft a pandemic treaty of the World Health Organization WHO and to amend the health regulations IHR. In particular, we call on the states of Europe not to participate in the plans to give the WHO far-reaching rights in the future to declare future pandemics as well as to establish regulations to combat such pandemics, which the member states would then have to comply with mandatorily and without any further possibility of national intervention or review.

In order to be able to react more effectively and more clearly in the future to violations of fundamental human rights and to restrictions of freedom and basic rights against populations by democratic states, the lawyers gathered in Cologne have joined together to form an International Lawyers Association, the International Association of Lawyers for Human Rights (IAL). 27 signatures of the first signatories are on the founding document of the lawyers’ association, which will grow decisively in the coming weeks. Behind the foundation are, among others, the Lawyers for Fundamental Rights/Attorneys for Enlightenment Austria, the Lawyers for Enlightenment e.V. Germany, members of the Lawyers Committee from Switzerland, lawyers from the Spanish association Units per la Veritat, to name just a few as examples.

The conference serves to expand the international cooperation of lawyers who have already critically addressed the illegality of state measures and the fragility of national rule of law during the Corona period. These undesirable developments are being raised to the level of supranational organisations such as, in particular, the World Health Organisation (WHO), which, with the help of the so-called Pandemic Treaty, is to be enabled to circumvent national as well as European sovereignty rights in the event of a future pandemic.

This is opposed by the lawyers gathered in Cologne, who, on the other hand, are committed to strict compliance with human rights, fundamental rights and freedoms. The core principle here is: human dignity is inviolable. The UN Charter, from which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights derives, the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic and Social Rights, and the European Convention on Human Rights all claim indispensable validity. Under no circumstances may these be actually or de facto invalidated by a WHO pandemic treaty, not even and especially not in times of pandemics or other health crises.

We lawyers stand for: the protection of fundamental principles of democratic rule of law, for a strict separation of powers in the sense of the principle of “checks and balances”, for the principle of legality, for the right of self-determination of peoples, for the principle according to which all power must emanate from the people, for freedom of information and above all for a comprehensive ban on censorship in all states.

All these principles are contradicted by the contents of the so-called “WHO Pandemic Treaty”, which is currently being drafted, and the expected changes to the International Health Regulations” (IHR), which are to be submitted for decision at the WHO General Assembly in 2024. According to the current state of knowledge, which can be found on the European Council’s website, among others, the pandemic treaty and amendments to the IHR are aimed at bringing the World Health Organisation into the role of a de facto “world health government” as a supranational and global super organisation. In the future, the WHO is to be charged with the following tasks, among others:

  • Early detection and prevention of pandemics, which required the establishment of a cause-free global early warning and surveillance system,
  • Establishment and strengthening of the WHO as the coordinating authority for global health issues, which would effectively disempower national and local health authorities and thus fundamentally contradict the principle of subsidiarity,
  • Strengthening international cooperation in areas such as surveillance, alerts, and response, which would be tantamount to establishing a global surveillance system of citizens by states, enforced by WHO; and
  • combating “misinformation” worldwide, which would be equivalent to the introduction of censorship.

From the point of view of us lawyers, all four goals would lead to a global surveillance and paternalism system of the WHO in an intolerable way that fundamentally contradicts the principles of the rule of law. Among the principles claiming unbreakable validity, the first to be mentioned is individual self-determination, which, especially in a crisis such as a real pandemic, must always be given priority over state or even supranational paternalism. Secondly, there is the principle of subsidiarity, according to which a higher state or social unit may only intervene to help and take over functions if the forces of the subordinate unit are not sufficient to perform the necessary function. Especially in a pandemic, priority must always be given to local decision-making on necessary measures.

In the past Corona pandemic, for example, the WHO showed through a global failure that it was at no time able to assess the situation correctly. The transfer of power to an anonymous, not democratically legitimated organisation with mafia-like structures, which is supplied from dubious sources of money and is close to the pharmaceutical lobby – to put it mildly – and which in the future is to be able to determine uncontrollably when a pandemic has broken out, when it is over and how people worldwide are then to behave, is to be decisively rejected.

We lawyers say: No to the WHO pandemic treaty and No to the amendment of the International Health Regulations!

Dr. Alexander Christ, Spokesman AnwSite fur Aufldarung e.V., Hohenzollerndamm 112, 14199 Berlin, 


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The Counter-Enlightenment: The Origin of Conservative Politics?

July 11th, 2023 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin

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The Counter-Enlightenment is the name given to the oppositional forces that formed during the Enlightenment that fought against the philosophes’ writings on democracy, republicanism and toleration. These forces were known as the anti-philosophes and sought to maintain the dominance of the monarchy and the church.

The philosophes (French for ‘philosophers’) were eighteenth century intellectuals who “applied reason to the study of many areas of learning, including philosophy, history, science, politics, economics and social issues.” Most importantly, they believed in progress and tolerance and in many different ways sought to highlight injustice and seek ways of changing society for the better.

The anti-philosophes rose up to defend ‘throne and altar’ and over time many of the ideals of the anti-philosophes were taken over by Romanticism in the nineteenth century, and the conservative politics of the twentieth century, for example, in Western culture, “depending on the particular nation, conservatives seek to promote a range of social institutions such as the nuclear family, organized religion, the military, property rights, and monarchy.”

The origins of right-wing politics in Europe are often attributed to Edmund Burke (1729–1797), the Irish philosopher, who is seen as the philosophical father of modern conservatism. His book, Reflections on the Revolution in France, is a criticism of the French Revolution, which itself was partly fueled by the writings of the philosophes, thus setting up the dividing lines between the supporters of radical republicanism and revolution, in opposition to the supporters of the older monarchy and church of the ancien régime.

The idea of the Counter-Enlightenment is itself controversial as some academics argue that an organised force against the Enlightenment was non-existent, or at the very least, a complex debate. For example, Jeremy L. Caradonna (‘There Was No Counter-Enlightenment’) and Robert E. Norton (‘The Myth of the Counter-Enlightenment’) both look at contradictory aspects of the individuals called anti-philosophes. As has been noted the thinkers of the Counter-Enlightenment “did not necessarily agree to a set of counter-doctrines but instead each challenged specific elements of Enlightenment thinking, such as the belief in progress, the rationality of all humans, liberal democracy, and the increasing secularisation of society.”

It was Isaiah Berlin (1909–1997), the Russian-British social and political theorist, philosopher, and historian of ideas who popularised the term in his essay ‘The Counter-Enlightenment’. Berlin was critical of the irrationalism of the early conservative figures from the 1700s such as Joseph de Maistre, Giambattista Vico, and J. G. Hamann. He also examined the German reaction to the French Enlightenment and Revolution as the main source of reaction to the Enlightenment in general and which eventually led to the Romanticist movement. Berlin noted that:

“Such influential writers such as Voltaire, d’Alembert and Condorcet believed that the development of the arts and sciences was the most powerful human weapon in attaining these ends [e.g. satisfaction of basic physical and biological needs, peace, happiness, justice etc] and the sharpest weapon in the fight against ignorance, superstition, fanaticism, oppression and barbarism, which crippled human effort and frustrated man’s search for truth and self-direction.” [1]

Writers like Darrin M. McMahon have looked at the early opponents of the Enlightenment in pre-Revolutionary France, while Graeme Garrard has shown in detail the conservative counter-Enlightenment ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a very different perspective on one of the heroes of the French Revolution.

In this essay I will look at the individuals and groups who took a stand against the philosophes through their movements, books, and journals in support of the church and monarchy.

Early opposition to the Enlightenment

Opposition to the philosophes of the Enlightenment did not start with the French Revolution. According to McMahon in his book Enemies of the Enlightenment:

“Only recently have scholars begun to acknowledge that conservative salons existed in the eighteenth century in which the philosophes‘ ideas were regarded with horror…” [2]

Many writers in France mocked the progressive ideas of the philosophes in “a host of satirical plays, libels, and novels published in the late 1750s, 1760s and early 1770s”. [3]  McMahon comments that: “It stands to reason that the reaction to the Enlightenment should also have occurred first in the place of its birth and been spearheaded by the very institution – the Catholic Church charged with maintaining the faith and morals of the realm”. [4]

This can be seen, for example, in the Frontispiece to the physician Claude-Marie Giraud’s Epistle from the Devil to M. Voltaire which chronicled Voltaire’s ‘traffic with Satan’, and was republished over thirty times between 1760 and the outbreak of the Revolution.

“Frontispiece to the physician Claude-Marie Giraud’s Epistle from the Devil to M. Voltaire. This brief work, chronicling Voltaire’s traffic with Satan, was republished over thirty times between 1760 and the outbreak of the Revolution.” (Image: Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Text: Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.20)

The adverse reaction to the ideas of the philosophes was evident in the hundreds of books, pamphlets, sermons, essays, and poems written against them, as well as becoming the raison d’être of journals such as the Anée littéraire, the Journal historique et littéraire, and the Journal ecclésiastique. [5] McMahon writes about how the enemies of ‘throne and altar’ and their ‘treasonous’ activities were perceived by the anti-philosophes:

“The anti-philosophes saw the philosophes as ‘enemies of the state’, ‘evil citizens’, ‘declared adversaries of throne and altar’, and unpatriotic subjects guilty of human and divine treason. […] Thus, the anti-philosophes frequently accused their opponents of spreading “republican” and “democratic” ideas. The philosophes, they claimed, preached the sovereignty of the people, advocated “perfect equality,” and spoke endlessly of “social contracts.” They lauded the political institutions of the United Kingdom, spreading a contagious “Anglomania” that held up Parliament and the limitations placed on the powers of the English crown as models to be emulated in France. And they talked ad nauseum of “liberty and equality,” natural rights and the “rights of the people” without ever mentioning duties and obligations.” [6]

They even appealed to the new dauphin [The distinctive title (originally Dauphin of Viennois) of the eldest son of the king of France, from 1349 till the revolution of 1830] to be wary of the new anti-religious attitude that was being spread by the philosophes: “From this anarchy of the physical and moral universe results, necessarily, the overthrow of thrones, the extinction of sovereigns, and the dissolution of all societies. Oh Kings! Oh Sovereigns! Will you be strong enough to stay on your thrones if this principle ever prevails?” [7]

“The 1757 frontispiece to the first volume of Jean Soret and Jean-Nicolas-Hubert Hayer’s anti-philosophe journal, La Religion vengée, ou Réfutation des auteurs impies. True philosophy, in possession of the keys to the church, presents a copy of the work to the dauphin, Louis Ferdinand, who looks on approvingly as religion and wisdom trample false philosophy under foot. The latter bears a sign which reads in Latin, “He said that there is no God.”” (Image: Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Text: Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.22)

The power of the philosophes‘ ideas could be seen in their influence on the French Revolution of 1789 and in particular on the human civil rights document, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (French: Déclaration des droits de l’Homme et du citoyen de 1789) which was adopted on the 26 of August 1789 by the National Constituent Assembly during the French Revolution.

Ultra-Royalist Reaction

However, the Ultra-Royalist reaction, the nobility of high society who strongly supported Roman Catholicism as the state and only legal religion of France, as well as the Bourbon monarchy, initiated what became known as the Second White Terror, a counter-revolution against the French Revolution.

It provided an opportunity for the counter-Enlightenment conservatives to get their revenge on the revolutionaries, taking the form of militant struggle that resulted in bloody consequences. For example:

“the Ultra-Royalist assembly returned after the upheaval of the Hundred Days, this conservative revolution set out to cleanse France of the men and spirits of 1789. Throughout the country, exceptional courts and special jurisdictions tried and punished revolutionary criminals. In the civil service and royal administration as many as fifty thousand to eighty thousand former officials were stripped of their positions, and in the church, the army, and the universities, similar purges were encouraged, although on a smaller scale. In the provinces, particularly in the Midi, marauding gangs took matters into their own hands, hunting down revolutionary collaborators and settling old scores in a great bloodletting known as the White Terror.” [8]

However, the Terror worried even the king himself as in 1816 Louis XVIII dissolved the chambre introuvable, to the great horror of the Catholic Right: “Louis feared its intransigent refusal to compromise with any vestige of the Revolution, its exaggerated religiosity, and its resolute efforts to exact retribution from the “criminals” who had sullied France.” Thus the conservative pro-monarchy forces had become even more royalist than the king himself. [9]

The Chambre introuvable (French for “Unobtainable Chamber”) was the first “Chamber of Deputies elected after the Second Bourbon Restoration in 1815. It was dominated by Ultra-royalists who completely refused to accept the results of the French Revolution.”

The conservative ideas of the Ultras, for example, “the weight of history, the primacy of the social whole, the centrality of the family, the necessity of religion, and the dangers of tolerance” found their way into many right-wing and conservative ideologies of Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. [10]

Rousseau’s Turn Against Reason and Science

Similarly, Jean Jacques conservative turn laid the groundwork for the future irrationalist Romanticist movement. Despite  Rousseau’s popularity as a philosopher of the French Revolution, Rousseau ultimately went against the rationalism and intellectualism of the eighteenth century and moved towards a philosophy based on emotion, imagination and religion.

“Flee, vile imposters, no longer sully this temple”, the frontispiece to Pierre-Victor-Jean Berthre de Bourniseaux, Le Charlatanisme dans tous les âges dévoilé (Paris, 1807). Angels of the Lord banish the philosophes from the Temple of Truth. In the foreground, Voltaire, Rousseau, La Mettrie, Plato,and other philosophes flee in despair. (Image: Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Text: Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) book cover).

According to Graham Garrard in Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment:

“Rousseau’s “unequivocal preference was for the “happy ignorance” of Sparta over Athens, that “fatherland of the Sciences and the Arts” the philosophes so much admired. He regarded virtue as much more important than knowledge or cognitive ability; a good heart is worth inestimable more than the possession of knowledge or a cultivated intellect, he thought” and concludes that “relying on reason – as philosophers do – “far from delivering me from my useless doubts, would only cause those which tormented me to multiply and would resolve none of them. Therefore, I took another guide, and I said to myself, ‘Let us consult the inner light'”.” [11]

Rousseau’s inward looking attitude and distrust of reason resulted in a very different kind of politics than the philosophes had imagined, as Garrard writes:

“Unlike the foundation of political society envisaged by Hobbes and Locke, [Rousseau] stresses the need for a legislator who relies principally on religion and myth rather than reason, self interest, or fear to “bind the citizens to the fatherland and to one another.” […] For Rousseau, religion substitutes for reason as the cement of society and the means of inducing respect for the laws. […] Rousseau’s legislator is a prophet and (perhaps) a poet, whose “magic” produces a nation, rather than a philosopher who appeals to reason.” [12]

For Rousseau the spread of knowledge was to be controlled and funnelled into localist communities and beliefs, away from modern conceptions of the nation state:

“Rousseau was opposed to the popularization of knowledge, not to knowledge per se. In his final reply to critics of his first Discourse, he clarifies position by stressing this distinction between knowledge and its dissemination. “[I]t is good for there to be Philosophers,”he writes, “provided that the People doesn’t get mixed up in being Philosophers”.” [13]

Leo Strauss’s sentiments exactly! Knowledge as a set of myths that would keep the masses happy but not the kind of universalist knowledge that might lead them to revolt:

“The key to Rousseau’s patriotic program is what he referred to as a “truly national education.” Unlike the “party of humanity,” he called for education to be put entirely in the service of particular national communities in order to prevent the corrosive spread of universal ideas and beliefs. He rejected the view put forth by the philosophes that the universal arts and sciences are an adequate basis for political community.” [14]

“The Despair of the philosophes. Frontispiece to the 1817 edition of the prolific anti-philosophe Élie Harel’s Voltaire: Particularités curieuses de sa vie et de sa mort, new ed. (Paris, 1817). Christ reigns supreme over a fallen medusa, who vomits up the Encyclopédie, Rousseau’s Émile, Voltaire’s Dictionnaire philosophique, and other key Enlightenment texts.”
(Text: Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.161)

Moreover, Rousseau advocated the use of catharsis and ‘bread and circuses’ to maintain loyalty to the patriotic fatherland (and thereby stymieing any type of burgeoning class consciousness):

“Rousseau also advised would-be legislators to establish “exclusive and national” religious ceremonies; games which “[keep] the Citizen frequently assembled;” exercises that increase their national “pride and self esteem;” and spectacles which, by reminding citizens of their glorious past, “stirred their hearts, fired them with a lively spirit of emulation, and strongly attached them to the fatherland with which they were being kept constantly occupied”.” [15]

Rousseau opens one of his most famous books, The Social Contract, with the words ‘Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains’ yet this was a far cry from Marx’s ‘You have nothing to lose but your chains’, as Rousseau refers to rising up against a tyrant, not rising up against one’s own slavery. Especially not the ‘respectable rights’ of ‘masters over their servants’:

“The Protestant, republican Rousseau bristled with indignation at the thought of his hardy, virtuous Genevans watching the cynical comedies of Moliere who, “for the sake of multiplying his jokes, shakes the whole order of society; how scandalously he overturns all the most sacred relations on which it is founded; how ridiculous he makes the respectable rights of fathers over their children, of husbands over their wives, of masters over their servants!”” [16]

Rousseau’s move away from enlightened humanism to authoritarianism can be seen in his attitude towards the state whereby any “attempt to liberate a prisoner, even if unjustly arrested, amounts to rebellion, which the state has a right to punish.” [17]

If we compare this to Voltaire’s involvement in L’affair Calas we see a very different attitude, as Voltaire fought in defence of a Huguenot merchant who was broken on the wheel for a crime that he had not committed. 

Furthermore, Rousseau believed that “The taste for letters, philosophy, and the fine arts softens bodies and souls. Work in the study renders men delicate, weakens their temperament, and the soul retains its vigour with difficulty when the body has lost its vigour. Study uses up the machine, consumes spirits, destroys strength, enervates courage. … Study corrupts his morals, impairs his health, destroys his temperament, and often spoils his reason.” [18]

The Enlightenment philosophes thought the opposite: “The less men reason, the more wicked they are,” wrote the Baron d’Holbach. “Savages, princes, nobles and the dregs of the people, are commonly the worst of men, because they reason the least.” [19]

The Counter-Enlightenment and Romanticist Ideas Today

The Enlightenment seems to get blamed for everything these days. In an article titled  ‘Enlightenment rationality is not enough: we need a new Romanticism’, the author Jim Kozubek writes:

“From the use of GMO seeds and aquaculture to assert control over the food chain to military strategies for gene-engineering bioweapons, power is asserted through patents and financial control over basic aspects of life. The French philosopher Michel Foucault in The Will to Knowledge (1976) referred to such advancements as ‘techniques for achieving the subjugation of bodies and the control of populations’.”

Foucault does at least remark on a basic aspect of the problem: subjugation and control.

Kozubek comments that “science is exploited into dystopian realities – such fraught areas as neo-eugenics through gene engineering and unequal access to drugs and medical care” but notes that “The biggest tug-of-war is not between science and religious institutional power, but rather between the primal connection to nature and scientific institutional power.”

Historically, the Enlightenment was a battle between the church and the new scientific approaches to knowledge in the 18th century. The philosophes wrote against the power of the church and the monarchies and developed progressive ideas about democracy and republicanism, torture and the death penalty, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.

In the frontispiece to Voltaire’s book on Newton’s philosophy, Émilie du Châtelet appears as Voltaire’s muse, reflecting Newton’s heavenly insights down to Voltaire.

However, this universalising philosophy and writing against injustice of the Enlightenment philosophes is missing from modern analyses of Romanticism, that by the 19th century those battles had developed into the Romanticist ‘primal connection to nature’ versus capitalist technocracy. Yet, what the Romanticists and the technocrats did have in common was that neither questioned slavery: whether it be the slavery of feudalism (which the Romanticists liked to hark back to), or the wage slavery of modern capitalism (which the technocrats prefer to ignore).

In fact, the Romanticists and the technocrats helped each other in a reactionary symbiotic relationship that perpetuated the status quo: the Romanticists had always used technology (to indulge their fantasies, for example, train technology brought them to gaze in awe at the ‘mystical’ Alps), while the technocrats used Romanticism to create diversion and escapism for the masses (thereby avoiding mass uprisings and revolution). This can be seen in the almost wholly Romanticist culture of fantasy, terror, horror, superheroes etc that dominates global modern culture today in the era of global monopoly capitalism.

The Enlightenment and its opposing counter-Enlightenment, represented the main ideological battles of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, but as people became less and less religious over the ensuing century, Romanticism took over from the irrationalism of the church as the main counter-progressive force in society.

This can be seen also in the ‘suspicion of reason’ contained in the definitions of the post-Romanticist ideologies of Modernism and Postmodernism, and the outright return to Romanticism of Metamodernism. Once the bourgeois revolutions of ‘liberté, égalité, fraternité‘  had been carried through, the universalist ideas of the philosophes were quietly dropped and the anti- (wage) slavery torch passed on to the revolutionary socialists.  

It seems that the role of Romanticist movements (including Modernism, Postmodernism, and Metamodernism) is to react to any burgeoning progressive movement, to suck the life blood out of it and while not necessarily killing it, to at least leave it extremely weakened and non-threatening.

Meanwhile, any obvious lack of consistency in Romanticist movements merely points to, and demonstrates its reactive nature. For example, Romanticist neo-Gothic is full of decoration, yet Romanticist (Modernist) Minimalism, in the form of Bauhaus, for example, is completely devoid of decoration.

McMahons description of the anti-philosophes confirms that reactive view:

“If the philosophes assailed religion, then the anti-philosophes must protect it. If the philosophes attacked the king, then his authority must be upheld. If thea philosophes vaunted the individual, then the social whole must be defended. If the philosophes corrupted the family, then its importance must be reaffirmed. And if the philosophes advocated change, then the anti-philosophes must prevent it”. [20]

While the Right may not be able to get away with arguments for the re-establishment of monarchies these days, their ideology is still rooted in organized religion and the social teachings of the church, (combined with the military, and property rights).

The philosophes were progressive thinkers who struggled for radical changes against the injustices of their time. Their universalist writings on liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state are just as important in the world today as they have ever been, especially in an era of increasing globalised poverty where one  billion people worldwide live in slums (and yet this figure is projected to grow to 2 billion by 2030) and which is exacerbated by rising inflation and the impacts of war. It is time now for new thinking that is not dominated by the selfish political and war agendas of the billionaire media machine.


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Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin is an Irish artist, lecturer and writer. His artwork consists of paintings based on contemporary geopolitical themes as well as Irish history and cityscapes of Dublin. His blog of critical writing based on cinema, art and politics along with research on a database of Realist and Social Realist art from around the world can be viewed country by country here. Caoimhghin has just published his new book – Against Romanticism: From Enlightenment to Enfrightenment and the Culture of Slavery, which looks at philosophy, politics and the history of 10 different art forms arguing that Romanticism is dominating modern culture to the detriment of Enlightenment ideals. It is available on Amazon ( and the info page is here.


[1] Isaiah Berlin,’The Counter-Enlightenment’, Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas (Pimlico, 1997) p.3

[2] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.24

[3] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.24

[4] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.9

[5] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.27 

[6] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.41/42

[7] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.43

[8] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.156

[9] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.157

[10] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.200

[11] Graeme Garrard, Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes, (SUNY, 2003) p.84

[12] Graeme Garrard, Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes, (SUNY, 2003) p.59

[13] Graeme Garrard, Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes, (SUNY, 2003) p.91

[14] Graeme Garrard, Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes, (SUNY, 2003) p.62

[15] Graeme Garrard, Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes, (SUNY, 2003) p.62

[16] Graeme Garrard, Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes, (SUNY, 2003) p.64

[17] Graeme Garrard, Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes, (SUNY, 2003) p.80

[18] Graeme Garrard, Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes, (SUNY, 2003) p.88

[19] Graeme Garrard, Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment: A Republican Critique of the Philosophes, (SUNY, 2003) p.88

[20] Darren McMahon, Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity (Oxford, 2002) p.53

Featured image: Caricature of the Third Estate carrying the First Estate (clergy) and the Second Estate (nobility) on its back
“You should hope that this game will be over soon.”

Stop Biden from Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine

July 11th, 2023 by Medea Benjamin

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President Biden may have crossed a new red line for the Democratic Party when he announced he would send banned cluster munitions to shore up Ukraine’s slow counter-offensive against Russian troops. 

On Friday, 19 House Democrats, led by Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (D-WA-7), signed a letter to Biden warning that his decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine “severely undermines our moral leadership.” 

This time it’s not just left-leaning activists in CODEPINK and the Peace in Ukraine Coalition who recoil in horror at Biden’s escalation in Ukraine, but congressional Democrats who previously stood by their President. These are the same Democrats who voted to approve over $100 billion in Ukraine spending, an estimated half for weapons and military assistance for which there is no accountability.

Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN-4),  ranking member of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, told Politico: 

“The decision by the Biden administration to transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine is unnecessary and a terrible mistake …The legacy of cluster bombs is misery, death and expensive cleanup generations after their use.”

On Sunday other prominent Democrats took to the airwaves, with Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), a former Vice Presidential candidate, telling Fox News he had “real qualms” about the President’s decision, and Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA-13), Chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations and US Senate candidate, telling CNN, “Cluster bombs should never be used. That’s crossing a line.” Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and former Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, who visited Vietnam following the US withdrawal, joined the chorus with a Washington Post OpEd explaining how they had witnessed firsthand the “devastating and long-lasting effects these weapons have had on civilians.” 

Even before the official White House cluster bomb announcement, House Democrats Sara Jacobs (D-San Diego) and Ilhan Omar (D-Mpls) introduced an amendment to the 2024 military budget to ban the issuance of export licenses for cluster munitions.  

Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), the ranking member of the House Rules Committee, was one of the first to co-sponsor the bill. McGovern told the New York Times that cluster munitions, “disperse hundreds of bomblets, which can travel far beyond military targets and injure, maim and kill civilians — often long after a conflict is over.”

The amendment, however, will need overwhelming bipartisan support to pass–as well as a President who will obey the law should the ayes have it.

In greenlighting cluster munitions, Biden thumbed his nose at 18 NATO partners that joined with over 100 other state parties to sign the 2008 UN Convention on Cluster Munitions. As Biden headed to Vilnius, Lithuania, for the NATO summit this week, Newsweek reported representatives of the UK, Canada, New Zealand and Spain were not on board for cluster bombs.

Biden also chooses to bypass current US law that restricts the use of cluster munitions to only those with a failure to detonate rate of less than one percent. In its last publicly available estimate, the Pentagon estimated a “dud rate” of 6%, meaning that at least four of the 72 submunitions from each shell failed to explode when unleashed. 

With a bow to hawkish Republicans, such as Alabama’s Tom Cotton on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Biden invokes the exception to the rule embedded in the statute against the use of cluster munitions. This exception allows for shipment of cluster munitions in the interest of vital national security.

Who controls eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region, the Russian army or the Ukrainian army, is hardly a US national security interest on par with mitigating the threat of climate catastrophe or providing clean water to those with lead in their pipes or investing in housing for the unsheltered living under freeway overpasses.

Nonetheless, the same President Biden who a year ago warned of the risk of nuclear Armageddon, has reversed himself yet again to up the ante. Biden first said no, then flip flopped on a host of weapons: Stinger missiles, HIMARS rocket launchers, advanced missile defense systems, M1 Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter jets. Each one of these has been a kind of Russian roulette, testing Putin’s “red lines.” 

With Biden’s latest decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine, anti-nuclear activists wonder if the President–whose Nuclear Posture Review approves of “first use”– might also cross the nuclear red line, even though it’s Putin who has issued veiled nuclear threats–and Biden and Putin in June of 2021 signed a statement that said, “Nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” 

The impetus for the 2008 landmark UN Convention on Cluster Munitions came precisely from the indiscriminate U.S. use of these weapons in Southeast Asia in the 1960s and 1970s. In Laos, the U.S. military blanketed the country with almost 300 million bomblets, many that failed to immediately detonate, only to later–after the US withdrew from Southeast Asia– maim adults and children who accidentally stepped on the cluster bombs or picked up the shiny balls thinking they were toys. 

Both Ukraine and Russia have already used cluster bombs in Ukraine, a development roundly condemned by human rights groups documenting the resulting  deaths and serious injuries of civilians. The hundreds of thousands of rounds that Biden is planning to send would significantly increase the use of these banned weapons. 

Biden’s appalling decision to send cluster bombs can be seen as a sign of desperation in the face of Ukraine’s failing counteroffensive in southern and eastern Ukraine. Biden told CNN it was a “difficult decision” but Ukraine is “running out of ammunition.” The truth is that adding this new indiscriminate weapon will not miraculously break the stalemate to achieve “military victory” but  guarantee the unexploded bombs eventually kill and wound Ukrainian civilians for years to come while encouraging other countries to also violate the cluster munitions ban.

In the next week or so, the House may consider Jacobs and Omar’s NDAA amendment as Congress tackles a $920 billion military budget. Now is a critical time for constituents to click on CODEPINK’s action alert requesting  House representatives co-sponsor the amendment to ban the export license for cluster munitions. While skeptics may question whether Biden would respect any law limiting his power to wage war, only loud and vigorous opposition can pull the political levers that control our destiny. 

Rather than escalating an arms race to risk nuclear war, the Biden administration should promote a ceasefire and negotiations without preconditions. Instead of breaking international law, the U.S. should break the military stalemate by joining the global call for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.


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Medea Benjamin is cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and author of several books, including Peace in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict. 

Marcy Winograd serves as the Co-Chair of the Peace in Ukraine Coalition and Coordinator of CODEPINK Congress.

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The top two public health agencies in the United States conducted a joint study showing that the risk of developing autoimmune heart disease among the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is a shocking 13,200 percent higher than it is among the unvaccinated.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discovered that compared to the background risk in the general population, the risk of myocarditis is 133 times greater in those who took the mRNA injections from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.

Researchers from several top universities and hospitals across America contributed to the study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Using data from the government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the CDC and the FDA identified 1,626 cases of myocarditis, which were cross-checked to ensure the results comply with the CDC’s official definition of myocarditis.

Based on this, researchers determined that the most high-risk mRNA jab is the one produced by Pfizer-BioNTech, meaning this one is the most dangerous in terms of potential health effects.

The Pfizer jabs, according to the data provided to VAERS, caused 105.9 cases of myocarditis per million doses after the second injection in the male 16- and 17-year-old age and sex demographic. In the 12-15 age group for males, there were 70.7 cases of myocarditis per million doses following the second shot.

The 18-24 male age group had the highest risk at 52.4 cases per million for Pfizer and 56.3 cases per million for Moderna. The median time to symptom onset was just two days for both jabs.

Since VAERS only captures around 1% of vaccine damage, what is the TRUE risk of autoimmune heart disease following covid injection?

As previous studies have found, the vast majority of covid jab-related heart problems, around 82 percent, occur in males. In the vast majority of cases, around 96 percent, those who became inflicted with myocarditis had to be hospitalized, and in most cases were treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

By the time of discharge, 87 percent of those hospitalized saw symptom resolution, at least initially. There is no telling what these people might suffer as the years go by, especially into older age.

Among the most commonly reported symptoms are:

  • chest pain, pressure, or discomfort (89 percent)
  • shortness of breath (30 percent)
  • abnormal ECG results (72 percent)
  • abnormal cardiac MRI findings (72 percent)

Recognizing the strong and undeniable link between covid jabs and heart disease, the CDC has commenced an active surveillance program for adolescents and young adults to monitor their progress following these post-injection heart-related incidents.

Since the jabs have only been out since late December 2020, and really only started to get into people’s bodies well into 2021, there is still no long-term data to evaluate concerning the long-term impact of covid jab-related heart disease.

The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) are both advising that people with myocarditis refrain from competitive sports for three to six months, otherwise they could die suddenly on the field.

Only after normal ECG and other test results start to appear should a person afflicted with covid jab-related heart disease even think about resuming strenuous exercise.

By the way, VAERS only captures as little as one percent of all vaccine-related injuries and deaths. So as shocking as these figures and percentages are, one must multiply them by a lot in order to gain a more accurate picture of the injury and death tolls from these injections.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The current population of Amish folks in America is quickly approaching 400,000, with the largest concentrations of 90,000 in Pennsylvania and 82,000 in Ohio. Amish have settled in as many as 32 US states, and have an average of 7 kids per family, so the population is growing rapidly. In a brand new, comprehensive study (as of June 2023), presented by Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate, it was calculated that for Amish children, who are strictly 100 percent not vaccinated (fully unvaccinated), typical chronic conditions barely exist, if any at all.

These chronic conditions, also called preventable diseases and disorders, that nearly many vaccinated children and swaths of Americans suffer from, include auto-immune disease, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, ADHD, arthritis, cancer, and of course… wait for it… autism (think ASD and Asperger’s Syndrome).

Expert Panelists Testified How Healthy Amish Children Are Compared to Vaccinated American Children

Maybe scaring people off vaccines is a good thing, for all those pro-jab-fanatics who think every natural health advocate is a “conspiracy theorist” who spreads disease and disorder by talking about dirty vaccines, vaccine injuries and vaccine-induced deaths. During testimony, expert health advocates shared WHY there’s never been any reports published regarding the health of Amish children in general, saying “After decades of studying the Amish, there’s no report because the report would be devastating to the narrative. It would show that the CDC has been harming the public for decades and saying nothing and burying all the data.”

Dr. Peter McCullough, a top cardiologist in America, with mountains of peer-reviewed, published work, testified before the U.S. Senate and before legislatures throughout the U.S., regarding dangers of vaccines, including the COVID-19 gene-mutating jabs. Speaking of the pandemic, the Amish did NOT lock down, they did NOT put on bacteria-breeding masks, and they most certainly did NOT “vaccinate” for the Wuhan Lab Flu. They ignored every single CDC and Fauci-propagandized mandate and protocol, including the deadly clot shots (because they knew better than to get injected with millions of toxic, sticky spike proteins and graphite nanoparticles).

Guess what happened? The Amish had a survival rate of COVID 90 times higher than the rest of America. Nobody wants to talk about this, except natural health advocates. If you post anything about it on social media, you immediately get banned, blacklisted and labeled “misinformation” or “disinformation.”

Why is it so important to AVOID vaccines like the plague? Just take a look at all the insane ingredients used in vaccines, including preservatives, emulsifiers, adjuvants, genetically modified bacteria, mutated viruses and sterility-causing chemicals. This is all listed right out in the open. No human should ever have any of this injected into their blood and muscle tissue, bypassing the normal defensive shields of the body, including the skin, lungs and digestive tract.

These toxic, sometimes lethal ingredients include mercury (high doses in the multi-dose flu jab), human blood (albumin from abortions), deadly pig viruses called circovirus (in Rotateq Rotavirus jabs), eagle blood, dog blood, infected green monkey kidney cells, sucralose, monosodium glutamate (MSG), cow blood, chicken blood, eggs, dairy, antibiotics, peanut oil (yes, residuals remain, hence all the deathly peanut allergies), latex (from the stoppers on the needles and vials that the needles penetrate), aluminum and much more.

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections that lead directly to vascular clots, hypertension, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes and death.


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This week, starting on July 11, NATO leaders will meet for their annual summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. Besides Sweden’s pending accession to the organization (currently blocked by Turkey), clearing a membership path for Ukraine is sure to be one of the main topics. Nobody wants the Eastern European country to join the alliance just now as doing so would drag all other NATO countries into a direct confrontation with Russia (due to the security guarantees embedded in Article 5). US President Joe Biden himself has already described it as a “World War III scenario” – not to mention the fact that it would violate the organization’s own requirements that aspirant states have no unresolved border disputes.

In any case, French President Emmanuel Macron, for instance, has called for “a path toward membership” (after the current conflict ends, of course). Ukraine’s former defense minister Andriy Zagorodnyuk, in turn, wrote that Ukraine should be “ welcomed and embraced” into NATO. Things are not so simple, though.

Writing for Foreign Policy, John R. Denl, research professor at the  US Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, acknowledges that “it’s highly unlikely” Ukrainian troops will obtain military victory at any time and thus “a political agreement is the most likely path” to end the current Russian-Ukrainian confrontation. This is a rare but no less true admission. That being so, drawing Kiev towards future NATO’s accession would not do any good, considering such a goal. Offering Kiev any guarantee about a path to NATO would only further corner Moscow and prolong the conflict and Washington’s proxy attrition war in Ukraine can very well backfire.

Moreover, formally re-inviting Ukraine to the Alliance now would also be a quite blatant contradiction of NATO’s own self-professed Western democratic values. Denl admits the politically inconvenient truth that following President Volodymyr Zelensky’s election in 2019 Ukraine was “at best a country struggling to solidify its democratic foundations.”

This is to put it quite mildly, though. As I have written, the West has been covering up Kiev’s ugly record of human rights infringements for years, as well as far-right Ukrainian nationalism on the rise since the 2014 Maidan revolution and its neo-Nazism, best exemplified by the infamous Azov Brigade, part of the National Guard of Ukraine (which makes it the only country in the world to have an openly Fascist brigade as part of its forces) – not to mention Ukraine’s state terrorism and its chauvinist oppression against Russian-speaking Ukrainians, particularly in the Donbass region, since the Donbass civil war broke out in 2014.

It is not as if things had gotten any more “democratic” after Zelensky’s election, in any case. He has after all been waging a war against the Orthodox Church, and at least 11 political parties have been banned so far over their “pro-Russia” stances. Volodymyr Ishchenko, a research associate at the Institute of East European Studies (Freie Universität Berlin), has written that, since 2014, “pro-Russia” has been employed as a label to marginalize “anyone calling for Ukraine’s neutrality” as well as “state-developmentalist, anti-Western, illiberal, populist, left-wing, and many other discourses.”

In the aforementioned article, Denl goes on to also acknowledge Ukraine’s notorious “lack of judicial independence”, “lack of government transparency” and “endemic official corruption” (according to Freedom House’ reports) as other reasons why “drawing Ukraine further into NATO’s orbit now is premature” – and things have only gotten worse in terms of political rights and civil liberties.

There are however even more concrete reasons against having Ukraine join the Atlantic alliance. Justin Logan (a Cato Institute’s Director of Defense and Foreign Policy Studies) and Joshua Shifrinson (Associate Professor at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy) argue that “keeping Ukraine out of NATO” would reflect US interests, given the fact that Washington today faces “fiscal pressures at home, a grave challenge to its position in Asia, and the prospect of escalation and an erosion of credibility vis-à-vis Moscow.”

While the US military itself is short of recruits and Washington has consistently been sending tons of weapons, ammunition and lots of cash to Ukraine, Kiev’s accession would escalate costs to such a point that, Logan and Shifrinson argue, inviting Ukraine to join the alliance “would exacerbate the gap between the alliance’s commitments and its capabilities.”

This would hardly be the first time Washington betrays or abandons an ally in any case. To sum it up, when everything is said and done, Ukraine might not join NATO after all – the costs are just too high and outweigh the benefits, from the West’s point of view.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

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The Ukrainian military lacks tanks, armoured vehicles, and ammunition to dislodge Russian forces from their well-entrenched positions, demonstrating that over half a year of planning and training for the current counteroffensive has dissipated into complete failure. The situation for Ukraine is so bad that it was even forced to withdraw its German-made Leopard 2 tanks from the front lines so they could be preserved for the future. This revelation comes as the Biden administration announced on July 6 that it would send cluster munitions to Ukraine.

According to the Wall Street Journal,

“Ukraine is now attempting to dislodge an entrenched enemy, one of the most daunting operations any military can undertake. Russian troops have spent months building physical defences that include bunkers, tank traps and mine fields.”

The same outlet quoted Lt. Col. Oleksiy Telehin of Ukraine’s 108th Territorial Defence Brigade as saying that it was not only impossible to destroy well-prepared positions before advancing but that Ukrainian forces were suffering from a shortage of armoured vehicles, with infantry forced to advance on foot, which makes it vulnerable to flanking manoeuvres.

The Ukrainian military has only managed to capture a few villages in Zaporozhye and the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). A month of fighting has resulted in only the capture of some villages and failure to reach Russia’s first defensive line, and more disturbingly, at the cost of thousands of deaths and hundreds of destroyed tanks and armoured vehicles. 

Ukrainian personnel admit to horrific losses, with soldiers “presumably in Zaporozhye, saying they could have lost dozens of men” in a single attack. 

“We had to evacuate the evacuation team,” said a 19-year-old combat medical professional, according to the US outlet. The teenager also recalled a case where a mortar hit his vehicle during an evacuation of the wounded.

According to reports, Russian helicopters fly less than 8 kilometres from Ukrainian positions, which should ordinarily make them vulnerable to air defences, but as a platoon commander from the 108th Brigade said, “We don’t have proper air defence systems to deal with the threat. When we’re warned that an enemy plane has taken off, the only way to deal with it is to take cover.”

The Russian Defence Ministry reported on July 9 that since the beginning of the special military operation, their forces have destroyed from Ukraine 453 planes, 241 helicopters, 4,948 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 air defence missile systems, 10,604 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,137 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 5,396 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 11,547 special military motor vehicles.

In the face of these major losses, the US will supply Kiev with cluster bombs even though this will do nothing to change the balance of forces, mainly due to the Ukrainian military’s lack of training and adequate experience of its officers.

“I can confirm from personal experience that cluster munitions are indeed quite powerful, but also that by themselves they will not tilt the balance of power in the war towards Ukraine,” retired US lieutenant colonel Daniel Davis wrote in an article on 19FortyFive

According to Davis, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not be able to benefit from these munitions due to insufficient training, officers’ lack of experience and lack of time to create cohesive and equipped combined arms formations.

“Regardless of how much more lethal they are than standard 155 mm HE rounds, [cluster munitions] will not make a difference in the outcome of the current offensive. The cluster rounds will increase the lethality of Ukrainian gunners against the Russian enemies, but alone cannot change the course of the war. The same, sadly, will be true of F-16s and long-range missiles which may be provided later this year,” he added.

One of the Pentagon representatives, Patrick Ryder, claims that the enhanced conventional dual-purpose munitions (DPICM) that Washington will supply to Kiev have a non-detonation rate of less than 2.35%. The percentage of failure, non-detonation, means that they will remain active in the location and could explode after civilians, including children, pass through.

Due to the risk that these weapons pose to civilians, 123 countries adopted in 2008 a convention that prohibits the use of cluster munitions since it is estimated that more than half of the victims of these munitions are civilians. Yet, with the Ukrainian military lacking any weapon to push back Russian forces, the delivery of cluster munitions is just a signal of the desperate situation it finds itself in.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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According to the reports from the front, the Ukrainian military likely began another wave of massive offensive on the southern front lines.

The local authorities confirmed that on the evening of July 6, Ukrainian forces sharply increased their operations on a wide front of up to 30 kilometers in the Zaporozhie region. In the area of Orehov the Ukrainian Army launched attacks on Russian positions near Nesteryanka and Kopani to the south and Novofedorovka, Verbovoe to the southeast. The attacks are carried out by small assault groups of reserve units that were not previously involved in operations. All Ukrainian attacks thus far have resulted in no victories at the cost of heavy losses.

To the west, Ukrainian units continue constant attacks near the village of Pyatikhatki, where they have already lost dozens of units of military equipment while achieving no gains on the ground.

There, the Ukrainian command uses the same tactics of constant attacks by small assault groups in an attempt to exhaust the Russian defense.

According to local reports, up to five waves of attacks were launched from Pyatikhatki towards Zherebyanki over the past day. After intense artillery shelling, troops of the 128th mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian army went on the offensive. The first four waves were mainly stopped by Russian minefields and dispersed by artillery fire. By the evening, the fifth and largest assault began. It reportedly involved up to 200 fighters that were covered by Ukrainian artillery but were thrown into battle without almost any armored vehicles. Ukrainian assault groups were spotted in advance by Russian reconnaissance UAVs and destroyed by Russian fire.

In the Kherson region, the Ukrainian military has already reportedly lost several hundred fighters under the Antonovsky Bridge, where they have gained a stronghold but failed to develop their success and advance. The Ukrainian grouping on the eastern bank of the Dnieper River is constantly shelled by Russian artillery, as well as TOS-1 MLRS utilizing thermobaric warheads, FAB bombs, and even Iskander missiles.

Despite heavy losses, the Ukrainian military command is again preparing new forces to throw them on Russian positions. After a months of futile bloody offensive operations, Kiev urgently needs to show some victories on the battlefield to please its Western patrons. In recent weeks, the Ukrainian military has been pulling reserves up to the southern frontlines, transferring them closer to the front by small parts under the cover of night. These are units that did not take part in the first stage of the offensive, including the so-called “Offensive Guard”.

The recent assault operations were carried out by Ukrainian infantry without almost any armored vehicle support, which signals that despite large supplies from NATO, the Ukrainian Army already suffers from a lack of heavy military equipment and is saving it for the upcoming escalation. All of this while losses in manpower continue to grow.


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Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare auto-immune disease that triggers the immune system of the body to attack its own nervous system, specifically the peripheral nerves responsible for sensation and motor control.

GBS causes the demyelination of Schwann cells, which causes damage to peripheral nerves and affects the way signals are sent. As a result, GBS can cause weakness, tingling, changes in sensations and paralysis in individuals affected.

The first symptoms reported are often a feeling of altered sensation in the feet and hands, and a feeling of weakness in lower legs. The feeling of weakness may also progress through the arms, legs, chest and face. In most cases, this weakness will progress to become paralysis of the muscles in these areas.

If significant weakness or paralysis occurs in the chest, individuals will experience respiratory issues. This may result in patients needing more care, mechanical ventilation and suctioning from their healthcare team.

2022 April 13 – Rio Grande, Brazil – Juliana Soares’ 13 year old daughter got GBS after COVID-19 jab. She was placed in the ICU, became tetraplegic and needed mechanical ventilation. She is recovering (click here).

2022 March 22, Rosedale, NY – 25 year old Krystalle “Krystal” Perry” was diagnosed with GBS after 2nd dose of Pfizer mRNA and had to be intubated. (click here)

2022 Jan – 26 year old Actor and writer Cody Hively developed GBS which left him paralyzed for months. He is recovering (click here).

2022 Jan – Dallas, TX – Dionne Staten, a school nurse was diagnosed with GBS after her booster shot. She ended up on a ventilator.

2021 Dec.14 – Boeing employee Doug Picard developed GBS and became temporarily paralyzed. (click here)

2021 Nov – California Governor Gavin Newsom apparently developed GBS after he received Moderna COVID-19 booster shot on Oct. 27, 2021. (click here)

2021 Nov – Ashton Robertson is a young man who developed GBS with nerve damage throughout his body.

2021 Sep – Saint Martinville, LA – Ryan (brother of Dani Fuselier) took J&J COVID-19 vaccine and became almost paralyzed 4 months later. He was diagnosed with GBS.

2021 Sep – Arkadelphia, AR – Rachel Gierth was injured after 2nd COVID-19 vaccine, doctors told her she had GBS (GoFundme)(Facebook).

2021 May – Peterborough, ON – Kris McNeeley developed GBS after his COVID-19 vaccine which he had 10 days prior.

2021 May – 36 year old Drew is a US Army combat veteran disabled by 2 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, when he got GBS. He is now in a wheelchair (click here)(click here).

2021 March, Stoke-on-Trent, UK – Tony Shingler was left disabled with GBS after taking AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

My Take…

GBS is one of the more common neurological injuries caused by COVID-19 vaccines.

WHO’s VigiAccess Database (click here) has 7693 cases of GBS reported linked to COVID-19 vaccines. Here is a comparison to other neurological injuries:

  • 21,786 Seizures
  • 11,723 Bell’s Palsy
  • 7,693 Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • 5,650 brain fog
  • 5,413 paralysis
  • 2,180 multiple sclerosis
  • 1,300 transverse myelitis

Yu et al. reviewed the literature on GBS post COVID-19 vaccination, 60 cases and they conclude:

we proposed a possible association between the risk of GBS and the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccines, especially DNA vaccines

Reddy et al. analyzed 30 cases of GBS caused by mRNA vaccines and found:

  • Mean age 57 years old, 53% men, average 11 days post jab to get GBS
  • 79% had limb weakness
  • 77% had sensory symptoms
  • 53% had facial palsy
  • 25% had respiratory insufficiency
  • 24% had dysautonomia

Abolmaali et al. found 20% of post COVID jab GBS patients needed intubation.

CONCLUSION: GBS is a common and very serious neurological injury caused by all COVID-19 vaccines. Some recover, some remain permanently disabled.

Manage with spike protein elimination (3-day fasting, Nattokinase, Quercetin, Olive Leaf).


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.
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Actor Roger Moore, while filming one of his slew of James Bond movies, was reputedly asked by a reporter whether he did his own stunts, to which came the legendary reply: “I say my own lines.”

Well, unlike his uncle or his father, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. not only says his own lines, but he writes them as well. He has accomplished, particularly with his magisterial work on Fauci, what neither of his two more famous relatives ever did: to compose a complex and compelling work of tremendous scholarship, all the while leading an overbusy life as lawyer, health advocate and, now, as a politician.

I regard The Real Anthony Fauci as one of the holy trinity of truth-telling covid tomes, the other two being the books by the Breggins (Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey) and Michel Chossudovsky (The Worldwide Corona Crisis).

What Mr. Kennedy has done recently, however, while on his campaign tour, is astonishing. He has openly declared that the “Deep State” murdered John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., and that MKUltra exists.

So far as I know this is the first admission by a major public figure about JFK’s assassination, which is sending shock waves through the neoliberal globalist predator community masquerading as do-good lefties, because their attack dogs have been unleashed against him.

Kennedy Jr. has of course been famous for quite some time as an environmentalist and as indefatigable investigator of the pharmaceutical-vaccine industrial complex with its powerful tentacles througout government and its mission to leave no good person unjabbed, multiply, ad infinitum.  In his person Kennedy represents the shining nexus that reveals just how State-sponsored murder and harm are accomplished – whether by assassination of for-the-people peacemaking politicians, or inoculation of tricked, duped, comforted or mandated millions.

He has connected the dots, cogently and visibly, for us all. Which leads me to a general observation about those of us who have fought against the covidian deceptions and learned about the plethora of other large-scale deceptions along the way – lies about the deaths of the famous four who died trying (JFK, MLK, RFK and X), 9/11, the Iraq WMD, and the climate scam that has been shoved into our ears and eyes relentlessly for years.  And if one is industrious enough one can find many many more, because once the door is opened, once one has a glimpse into the horrendous callous indifference of the Ruling Powers, one cannot fail to see how we have all been played.

Yes, we have all been played, and as a consequences many people have suffered and died, whether it has been through military shock and awe campaigns or sanctified mass vaccination, wars small or large (Vietnam, anyone?) but always, it seems, endless.

But now the war has reached such proportions, is so massively global, so oppressively prosecuted upon us all – remember how the entire world was shut down in a matter of weeks in 2020? – that the stakes cannot be higher, as the intrepid Breggins, Chossudovskys and the Kennedys of our time are showing us.

For those of us, like myself, who grew up in post-World War II America with its economic engine and the flourishing of ideals derived from the founding documents of our complex country, the murder of JFK was a catastrophic apotheosis. It signalled the strong hand of the Occult Elite, the hard hand of the Deep State, culminating now in a transcendent exercise that has ensnared everyone.  However as long as their work was in the shadows they could work with impunity against our interests.  Many people have worked for many years to show us a glimpse into the murky machinations of Power, and RFK Jr. has now very publicly represents, as it were, the bow that ties the knots of deception together, nice and neat and for us all to see.

The fight will go on, and it will continue to be messy. They – governments and corporations and the Overlords of Finance and Terror – will censor, control, abuse, make a mockery of the courts they hold up as representing law, and persecute and harass those who raise their voices against such oppression.

But they no longer have the upper hand.

Their jig is up, the curtain has been pulled, the cat is out of the bag and every dog will have his day.

They will not win.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Bracing Views

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Former Advisor to Pentagon and CIA: “Under Biden’s new Executive Order, your God-given freedoms could be at severe risk. Do THIS today…”

Where were you on March 9, 2022…

…when President Biden signed the death warrant on American freedom?

On that day, in a hushed ceremony at the White House…

without the approval of Congress, the states, or the American people…

Biden signed into law Executive Order 14067.

Buried in his Order are a few paragraphs, titled Section 4

The language in Section 4 makes Order 14067…

…the most treacherous act by a sitting President in the history of our republic.

Because Section 4 sets the stage for…

Legal government surveillance of all US citizens

Total control over your bank accounts and purchases…

And the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.

In this new war on freedom, the Dems aren’t coming for your guns.

No, they’re thinking much bigger than that…

They’re coming for your money.

And it’s already started.

My name is Jim Rickards.

I’m a former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA, and the Department of Defense.

I’m also an attorney, investment banker…

…and author of 7 books on currencies and international economics.

When places like Fox, CNBC or Bloomberg want to know what’s about to shakeup the global economy, they call me.

Click here to view the video.


Most of all, like you, I’m a proud American patriot.

The disturbing predictions you’re about to see are based on my independent research and my contacts in the intelligence community.

I’ve never made this kind of public announcement before…

But it’s my duty to pull the alarm.

This is what I believe Section 4 of Biden’s Order means for all Americans… it is laying the groundwork for…

The US dollar being made obsolete.

Soon, your cash will be confiscatedor will simply be worthless paper.

The cash currency we have now will be replaced with a new, programmable digital tokens.

But the truth is, few outside the deep state recognize Biden’s move for what it really is.

If my predictions are correct, this so much more sinister than simply replacing the cash dollar with a new digitized version…

Friend, this new currency will allow for total control of all American citizens.

Because every “digital dollar” will be programmed by the government…

that means they will be able to “turn on or off” your money at will.

Not only that, but they’ll be able to TRACK and RECORD every purchase you make.

This is very different than “online banking”…

And it has nothing to do with crypto.

I’ll explain everything in a moment, but what you need to know now is…

AOC has already publicly declared her support for a government controlled “spyware” currency…

The digital dollar means Dems would be able to punish any contribution, purchase, or even social media comment they don’t like.

And this isn’t something years away…

It’s starting now.

Biden’s secret army has been hard at work, and…

US trials are already well underway.

In fact, our government is racing to catch up…

China and Russia have already launched pilot programs for their own digital currencies.

More than half the countries in the world and almost 90% of central banks are testing or exploring a digital currency right now.

In my opinion, it’s not a question of “Will the US implement a digital dollar?”

It’s just a question of “When”…

And the answer to that is…

It’s already happening.

Under Project Lithium and Project Hamilton, the new “spyware” currency has been quietly tested for several years.

There’s no stopping it.

I predict we’ll see a digital dollar hit circulation next year – or 2024 at the latest.

But I do have some good news for you.

It’s almost too late, but you can still protect your assets and your freedom

…if you know exactly what to do.

In the next 84 seconds, I’m going to show you everything.

You’ll see the ugly proof of their plan.

You’ll see what this could mean for you and your life savings.

I’m also going to show you the ONLY way I trust to protect your money and your freedom from Biden’s new surveillance machine.

I call it “Asset Emancipation” – and it’s easy to do and understand.

If you choose to take advantage of it…

Asset Emancipation is a way to legally secure – and even GROW – your wealth…

While hiding it safely away from Democrat surveillance and control.

It’s a loophole designed to outsmart a new spyware currency…

While potentially increasing your personal wealth.

But you must know exactly how to do it.

And that’s what I’m going to show you today.

I must warn you – some of this will be difficult to watch.

But if you care about your money and your freedom, please do not turn away.

Thanks to what you’ll witness here…

You’re about to be much more prepared for the coming storm than your neighbors…

…and that’s a very powerful position to be in.

Imagine if you were German in 1923 and able to somehow avoid the 29,500% hyperinflation that made their money worthless…

Or if you could have “opted out” of Roosevelt’s confiscation of all private gold in 1934…

That’s the power of Asset Emancipation.

And I’ll show you everything right now.

Thanks to Section 4 of Biden’s Order 14067 ordering urgent research into developing the digital dollarI believe the US dollar, the standard of the world since 1792…

…will be REPLACED by a new currency, the digital dollar.

These new electronic currencies are called CBDCs – or “central bank digital currencies”.

(I call the digital dollar “Biden Bucks” because I want him to take full credit for what I consider to be crimes.)

This is not like the money in your online bank account…

No, this is new and different.

Every digital dollar will be a programmable token, like bitcoin or other crypto currencies.

But there’s a big difference…

Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital currencies. Instead, if it plays out the way I see it…

Biden Bucks will have the full backing of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

They will REPLACE the cash (“fiat”) dollar we have now…

And will soon be the sole, MANDATORY currency of the United States.

When Biden Bucks are rolled out, many experts – myself included…

…believe they will begin an era of total government control and surveillance.

This is not hyperbole.

This would dramatically expand the power and influence of the federal government… essentially acting as a new type of “spyware”.

With Biden Bucks, the government will be able to force you to comply with its agenda.

Because if you don’t, they could turn off your money.

This won’t be like freezing a bank account, it will be so much easier.

Because Biden Bucks will be “digital tokens” programmed at the source

…they could be “turned on or off” at will, with just a keystroke.

And they could be reprogrammed at any time.

With Biden’s secret surveillance army running the show, the anti-freedom implications are almost limitless…

For example, Biden Bucks could be programmed to allow only certain kinds of purchases…

Imagine what this new world could look like…

You want to keep your internal combustion engine car?

Your digital dollars suddenly won’t pay for gas.

Instead, you can be forced to buy an electric vehicle…

That’s just the tip of the fascist iceberg…

They can force you to get vaccinated…

They can force you into solar…

They can force you to use less water or heat…

They can force you to eat fake, plant-based meat…

They can control where you are allowed to travel…

They can stop you purchasing certain items – like guns, ammo, or survival supplies.

They can control to which candidates you are allowed to donate.

And they’ll know every single place you ever spend money. Forever.

America would become a surveillance state like China or North Korea.

Every single aspect of your life could be controlled…

Because they’ll control your money.

In fact, I fully expect them to implement a “social credit rating” like in China.

Say the “wrong” thing on social media…

Buy the “wrong” thing…

Subscribe to the “wrong” news channel…

Give money to the “wrong” candidate…

And your rating drops…

Suddenly, your Biden Bucks are frozen or disappearing from your account

This is already happening in China.

There, a low social score gets you officially labeled “untrustworthy”.

They can take away your ability to travel…

…restrict your internet access…

…deny your family the best schools or jobs…

They may even take away your pets.

I’m not kidding.

All of this is going on today.

But that’s China… an oppressive, communist country.

Could this really happen in a democracy?

Just ask the truckers in Canada.

Because that’s exactly what happened to them.

Their Prime Minister Trudeau was granted “special emergency powers” during the peaceful trucker protests over his forced vaccination law…

He then ordered all banks to freeze the accounts of the protestors…

AND anyone who aided them in any way.

And it wasn’t just a threat…

That fascist froze the bank accounts of non-violent protestors.

He locked up over $6 million in private accounts for protesting a forced vaccination law the truckers believed violated their sovereign human rights.

Think about that…

They protested his policies…

So he took away their money.

Think our current government would love to do that?

Me too.

Under Biden Bucks, we’ll lose many of our God-given American rights.

They’ll be replaced by total government surveillance and control.

For almost all Americans, this will be the death of freedom. Forever. Almost all Americans…

Not you.

You won’t be a victim.

You can beat Biden’s surveillance army at its own game.

The key is what I call “Asset Emancipation”.

Asset Emancipation was created to help you maintain and even grow your personal wealth…

…regardless of what happens to the cash dollar.

Even better…

It’s designed to legally hide your assets away from government surveillance

And allow you to potentially profit from the turmoil.

For the record…

Asset Emancipation has nothing to do with giving up your passport or fleeing the country…

It also has nothing to do with offshore banks or foreign currency trading…

And you won’t hear about it from your financial advisor, because it’s almost certain…

he has no clue about this loophole for legally “opting out” of the Biden Bucks surveillance program.

I’ll reveal everything in a moment, but I want to expose how deep this new conspiracy runs…

Programmable currencies will soon replace ALL the cash currencies on earth.

More than HALF of countries and almost 90% of central banks are exploring or testing a digital currency right now.


This includes Japan, Germany, India, France, the UK, Russia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and China.

In fact, China’s new digital currency – the e-yuan – was used for millions of dollars’ worth of transactions at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The Economist has announced the rise of government-backed digital currencies, warning they will “shift power from individuals to the state”.

Even an institution as conservative as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) admits these new currencies are “The future of money”.

Make no mistake…

No matter the outcome of any future elections…

This is happening.

The storm is closing in.

If my research and predictions are correct…

Soon, there will be no more cash.

The dollar we know will be dead and buried.

Replaced by programmable Biden Bucks.

The secret surveillance army has been working on this for years…

U.S. Federal Reserver working with MIT

The U.S. Federal Reserve has been quietly partnering with scientists at MIT to develop a digital currency to replace the dollar.

They call this initiative Project Hamilton.

Then, this year, the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, the clearinghouse for US stocks, bonds, and other security trades…

…quietly launched Project Lithium.

Project Lithium

Project Lithium is testing how a digital dollar will work in the financial markets once the current dollar is dead.

Project Lithium is partnering with the Digital Dollar Project

…a joint effort started in 2020 between Accenture, US regulators, and tech leaders to create the digital dollar…

Then, on March 29, 2022, just days after Biden’s Order 14067 was signed…

Representative Stephen F. Lynch introduced H.R. 7231, the Electronic Currency and Secure Hardware Act.

This act, co-sponsored by 4 other Democrats…

ORDERS the Secretary of the Treasury to develop a digital dollar.

bill to develop digital dollar

I believe we’ll see the first rollout of the new digital dollar – Biden Bucks – in 2023 or 2024.

And it’s right on schedule.

You see, about every 40-50 years there’s a major disruption in US monetary policy…

…that increases government power at the expense of citizen rights.

The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 was the first currency quake.

Gold Reserve Act of 1934

In that shocking act of fascism…

Democrat President Roosevelt ordered all US citizens to hand in their gold.

Yes, privately owning gold was made illegal.

The government wanted it all.

If you failed to comply, you faced huge fines or were jailed.

Interesting how this fascist plot isn’t taught in our history classes, isn’t it?

Then came currency quake number 2…

…the Gold Standard Act of 1971, when the US abandoned the gold standard for good.

What happened then?

The dollar got destroyed, rampant inflation continued…

And the power of the Federal Reserve increased dramatically.

I predict The Death of the Dollar is the third and final currency quake.

But it will be more dangerous and far-reaching than any that came before.

If the US dollar is replaced by Biden Bucks spyware, I believe…

The government will be able to track, control, and limit your spending.

Soon, there will be no more privacy. Zero. Gone.

The government will know your whereabouts and habits at all times…

…because they will know exactly where all your money is spent.

This new state surveillance army will be everywhere.

In history, I don’t know of one example of a government with access to a citizen surveillance system that hasn’t used it.

Not one.

In fact, surveillance is the true driving force behind the new Chinese digital currency.

China already uses facial recognition software, mobile phone GPS, and the purchase of plane or train tickets to track their citizens.

They use this to detect “anti-state activities” and to arrest anyone who does not strictly follow the orders of Chairman Xi.

Now, can you imagine the Dems having this kind of total government control?

In fact, the coronavirus pandemic gave them a playbook for how to control a population.

They’ve been practicing for 2 years…

Now, thanks to Biden’s Order 14067…

I predict the US will soon be a surveillance state like China.

On March 26, 2022, Fox News sounded the alarm:

Biden's proposal for a new digital currency is an attack on liberty

“[Biden Order 14067] is a truly remarkable and deeply troubling development.”

“If a [digital dollar] were to be created, it would dramatically expand the power and influence of the federal government and Federal Reserve…

“…in ways most Americans won’t understand until it’s too late to roll it back.”

With Biden Bucks as our mandatory currency…

…it would be so easy for the government to confiscate assets and freeze accounts at will.

In fact, Biden Bucks could allow one party to hold on to power… forever.


Merrick Garland could say, “We have the voting records. We know if you voted for Trump.”

“And if you did, we’re going to disable your bank accounts.”

Does that sound like a stretch in this day and age?

I don’t think so either.

There’s more…

Your retirement savings could disappear.

They’ll do this through the introduction of a negative interest rate.

This is not far-fetched.

In fact, I believe it’s extremely likely.

Here’s why: It’s simple economics.

The government doesn’t want us holding on to cash.

They need us spending, spending, and spending some more to prop up their house of cards economy.

So, how do you stop people holding on to cash?

Step 1: You eliminate cash altogether – with the Biden Bucks digital currency.

Then, Step 2: You introduce a negative interest rate on all accounts.

After all, you can program a digital currency to do anything, at any time.

With the negative interest rate, if you don’t spend your money, it starts shrinking.

Think of it this way…

How do you slaughter cattle?

You need to get them into a chute first – otherwise they’ll all run away.

Biden Bucks are a digital cattle chute.

You cut off access to all other forms of currency…

You do away with everything except this programmable, trackable digital dollar…

And then you can march us all right to the slaughterhouse.

They’ll control how and where you spend your money.

And if you don’t spend it, they’ll make it disappear.

Friend, all of this is underway right now.

I believe we are at the dawn of the total surveillance state.

There’s no stopping it.

There’s no escaping it.


Unless you know how to legally “sidestep” Biden Bucks…

And protect your savings and your freedoms.

I call it Asset Emancipation.

And that’s what I’m going to show you now.

I hold a master’s degree in International Economics and another in Taxation.

I got my law degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Law.

I worked at the highest levels of Wall Street and international finance for 40 years.

I held senior positions at Citibank, Caxton Associates, and the hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management.

I’ve been inside the West Wing of the White House.

I helped negotiate the end of the Iranian crisis for the Reagan administration.

The Nixon administration asked me to help craft the Petrodollar Accord.

I’ve attended strategic sessions in the “vaults” – the secure meeting rooms inside the Pentagon.

Here’s a photo of me there. (This is all I’m allowed to show you of the inside.)

In fact, I hosted the first ever financial war games for the Pentagon.

I’ve been asked to the CIA Directors’ secure conference room on the seventh floor of Langley headquarters.

I’ve been inside the U.S. Treasury and spoke privately with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

I’ve been invited into the Federal Reserve and had conversations with Ben Bernanke.

Here’s a snapshot of our discussion…

I really don’t like to brag.

But my experience and connections give me a unique insight into the coming storm…

And when it comes to showing you how to protect your wealth and freedom, you want someone with my credentials.

Don’t trust anyone with less.

And I have good news today…

You can still protect yourself, your family, and your wealth.

Just like I have.

But there’s one thing:

You must act now.

There’s almost no time left.

They’re currently working on Biden Bucks…

Look, my eyes are wide open about the problems in America, but I love our country.

I refuse to stand back and let the fascists take control.

Not without a fight.

That’s why I’ve created something you won’t find anywhere else on earth.

A true gameplan for sidestepping Biden Bucks…

…for protecting your savings…

…for outsmarting Biden’s surveillance army…

And emerging stronger, safer, and potentially wealthier than before.

It’s called Asset Emancipation.

And it’s a financial survival plan for the coming storm.

Asset Emancipation allows you to legally hide your money from a Biden Bucks surveillance state…

And even better than that…

It was designed to help you PROFIT from the turmoil it will bring…

My background inside the US intelligence community, investment banks, and global currency markets…

…has shown me how smart investors could profit from the digital dollar disaster.

That’s exactly what Asset Emancipation was designed to do.

Now, of course, you don’t have to do this.

And you can sit back and trust our government if you like…

But by watching this full presentation…

I know you’re a lot smarter than the average Joe.

You see that America will soon be transformed into a total surveillance state…

And that you could be forced to comply with the Dem’s fascist agenda.

Unless you know exactly how to defeat them.

That’s why, today, I’m going to share my full Asset Emancipation system with you.

I feel it’s my responsibility as a patriot and sovereign citizen.

I’ve written up the full step-by-step gameplan in a new report called…

The Asset Emancipation System: Securing Your Sovereign Wealth and Freedom.

In a moment, I’m going to show you how to claim your own copy of The Asset Emancipation System report…

Inside, you’ll see step-by-step details on how to escape the coming surveillance state…

…including how to:

  1. Create an off-the-grid fortune: Secure $1.1 million in wealth inside a hollow “soda can” safe
  2. Save your God-given freedoms: Have liquidity and spendable wealth without using Biden Bucks
  3. Grow your personal wealth: You’ll get specific investment upside as events unfold
  4. Ensure you maintain your wealth — regardless of external conditions

And that’s just the start of what you’ll get…

The bottom line is this…

I believe having some of your assets secured — and “off the grid” — now

…will mean you’re able to prevent the government control that comes with a digital currency.

If that’s what you want to do…

My Asset Emancipation system was designed for you.

Not only that, but everything you’ll see is completely legal.

It might infuriate Biden, AOC, and the state surveillance army…

…but there’s nothing they can do about these survival “loopholes”.

Your wealth – and your freedom – will be secure.

And you’ll be the only one on your block who knows these secrets.

Feel free to share them with your most trusted friends and loved ones.

They’ll be so grateful – and you can relish saving them from the new surveillance state.

All you have to do is say “YES, Jim” to this special opportunity today…

And I’ll send you your own personal copy of my new report The Asset Emancipation SystemFREE.

That’s right.

I’m not asking you to pay one red penny for my new strategy…

…for securing, and even growing, YOUR personal wealth.

I’ve set aside one free copy for you.

And I’ll explain exactly how to claim it in a moment…

But I want to give you one more thing first.

Anyone who has followed my career knows I trust the strength of gold.

Gold is the most stable long-term form of money the world has ever known.

Throughout human history, there have been thousands of fiat currencies (or “paper money”).

And as far as I can tell, 100% of fiat currencies have eventually lost ALL value.

But gold?

Gold has been accepted as currency across the globe for more than 5,000 years.

And when digital currencies radically alter the world banking system…

I’d rather put my faith in 5,000 years of human history.

Gold has always increased in value over time…

…and, of course, it can’t be tracked.

That’s why I want to send you another FREE report today…

It’s called The Perfect Physical Gold Portfolio: Everything You Need to Know About Buying the Right Kind of Physical Gold.

It’s 35 pages long, answering everything you need to know, including…

Is gold safe to invest in?

How much should I invest in precious metals?

What kind of precious metals should I buy and in what quantities?

Which kinds of metals should I avoid?

Where are the best places to buy gold (and other precious metals)?

And what are the best — and safest — ways to store them to avoid theft or government confiscation?

Because of the imminent replacement of the dollar with a digital currency…

And to help you invest in gold before prices potentially skyrocket, and it’s too late

I’ve created a way for you to claim a free copy of this report today…

…so you can have all the information you need to invest in precious metals the RIGHT way.

That’s still not all I have for you…

You see, I’ve learned of another little-appreciated asset that’s a liquid form of wealth

It can’t be tracked or traced…

It’s completely legal and easy to find (if you know where to look)…

Over time, its value has steadily grown.

But very few people know anything about its investment potential…

You’re about to be one of the few.

I believe you must include this “secret” asset in any off-the-grid portfolio…

I tell you exactly what it is and how to get it in…

America’s Secret Currency: Get in on the Ultimate Off-the-Grid Asset.

If you want to keep your wealth hidden away from the government’s prying eyes…

…you’ll want to read this report first.

But that’s still not all I want to send you.

I just finished writing one more free report for you…

And this one could be the most valuable of all.

How would you like to profit FROM Biden Bucks…

to beat them at their own game?

The way I see it, this coming “currency quake” is going to be a national crisis…

But with turmoil comes opportunity.

Why not potentially GROW your current wealth…

…by investing in the handful of companies positioned to EXPLOIT the digital dollar?

Right now, there are certain digital payment processing companies…

…who are building out the infrastructure for the new programmable dollar.

They’re at the right place, at exactly the right time.

The digital dollar is poised to be a windfall for these firms.

And thanks to my global currency expertise…

I know exactly who they are.

I believe 3 companies in particular are going to generate significant gains over the next 24 months.

And if you get in now, you could ride the wave with them.

That’s why I’ve written a new report called How to Profit from Chaos: The 3 Companies Building Biden Bucks

In How to Profit from Chaos I reveal the 3 companies building out the digital dollar infrastructure

And I share my specific investment picks for profiting during this new “currency quake”…

Including my personal picks for when to buy in… and when to get out.

Friend, you could be one of the few who WINS during this coming storm.

When it hits your inbox, make sure you open your How to Profit from Chaos report right away…

…to be sure you don’t miss out.

When you get all 4 free reports…

  1. The Asset Emancipation System
  2. The Perfect Physical Gold Portfolio
  3. America’s Secret Currency
  4. How to Profit from Chaos

…you’ll be prepared to:

Create a liquid, legal “off-the-grid” $1.1M portfolio…

Shield your purchases and activities from government surveillance…

Invest in the 3 companies poised to profit from the digital dollar…

Hold the right amount of the right kind of gold…

Invest in America’s little-appreciated, untraceable, liquid asset…

Potentially increase your personal wealth with specific hard asset holdings…

Protect your family’s freedoms…

And be in a position of power compared to others who don’t have your knowledge…

Fact is…

You’re about to join an elite group of people

…who know the truth about this new war on our freedoms…

…and how to make it work to your personal advantage.

I predict the forced implementation of Biden Bucks will bring a new era of total government surveillance and control.

And it’s more important than ever that good Americans stand up for what’s right.

What you’ve learned today isn’t widely known.

The media has largely ignored the threat…

Or they simply don’t understand the danger.

The American public is being led to the slaughter.

But there are some who are prepared.

There are a few Americans whose freedoms are secured…

And who are ready to profit from the turmoil…

You see, everything you’ve seen today was first shared with a small, private circle of citizens.

Every month I take what I’ve learned from my contacts and connections in the intelligence and global finance communities…

And I write it all up in private issues of a newsletter I call Strategic Intelligence.

In Strategic Intelligence, I warn my readers of the coming threats to our economy and our freedoms.

In 2008, I predicted the US housing collapse.

No one believed me at the time.

Three weeks later, Lehman Brothers went belly up and markets crashed…

…devastating the retirement savings of millions of Americans.

Then, in 2016, the “experts” were shocked when I predicted Brexit

The media said it could never happen…

Until I was proved right.

Then, despite 99% of polls showing the opposite…

I stood outside Trump Tower the night before the 2016 election…

And declared Donald Trump would be our next President.

Then, in late 2021, several months before the first shots were fired in Ukraine…

I alerted my readers this war was an almost certainty.

It gets bigger.

I’m watching a global situation unfold right now could make all these events seem minor…

There’s a coming crisis that would bring devastating bank defaults across the world…

Including here in America.

There’s more.

I’m also hearing early whispers of another military conflict brewing…

And this time it’s much closer to home.

What will this do to the financial markets, your retirement savings…

And American global security?

Because of my contacts and experience…

I have access to certain information that even our own government doesn’t know…

And I share every detail with my private circle of Strategic Intelligence readers.

But even better than that…

I show them how to PROFIT from these events.

Of course, nothing is ever guaranteed in the markets, but I’ve developed a revolutionary way of looking at the financial system and stock markets.

It’s called Complexity Theory.

It’s unlike anything you’ve seen before.

I estimate less than 10 people in the world know how to apply it.

Complexity Theory gives me insight on exactly how the dollar’s replacement could play out…

…what stocks might fall…

…and what assets could rocket up in price.

It allows me to warn my Strategic Intelligence readers well in advance of the coming collapse.

I use my expertise to help show them how to build safe investment positions in stocks, bonds, cash, art, land, precious metals, and other hard assets.

Today, I want to extend a personal invitation to you.

I’d like you to join my private “inner circle” of Strategic Intelligence readers.

If you say “yes”, you’ll be privy to the similar secrets, predictions, and advice…

I usually reserve only for the US intelligence community and my private high net-worth clients.

My goal with Strategic Intelligence is to help you PROFIT while others flounder.

Every month, I’ll write directly to you…

…keeping you informed and armed on how the dollar’s collapse and replacement is unfolding.

I’ll warn you about the potential triggers that may set off an economic or social crisis.

And I’ll use Complexity Theory to give you specific investment recommendations and wealth protection strategies intended to…

…help you increase YOUR wealth even during the meltdown.

My Strategic Intelligence issues are unlike any other resource on the planet.

Only YOU will be prepared to survive and even thrive in the coming storm.

Only YOU will benefit from insights and advice from 40 years’ operating at the highest levels of government and financial institutions.

Each dossier is easy to read and follow, but I don’t pull any punches.

Strategic Intelligence is for Americans who appreciate the uncensored truth

…and who want to WIN while weaker thinkers struggle.

I believe you’re my kind of person.

I believe you’re poised to profit during the turmoil to come.

And I believe you’ll never sit back and abandon your freedoms.

So let’s do this.

Say YES to my invitation.

Join my private circle of monthly Strategic Intelligence readers…

I request a small fee to join.

It helps cover my time and the expense of mailing each monthly dossier.

It’s normally $99 a year, which is a bargain for the level of insight you’ll gain…

…and the potential profits you’ll enjoy.

After all, my speaking fee at events is typically $25,000.

And my clients don’t blink an eye.

They know their returns will far outpace that investment.

But $99 is not what I’m going to ask you to pay today.

The situation is urgent…

Biden and the Dems have set their sights on your freedom…

…and your life savings.

And I don’t want there to be any reason you won’t have access to the information you and your family need now.

So, effective immediately, I’m cutting the regular price in half.

Today, I’d like to offer you a full year (12 issues) subscription to my Strategic Intelligence newsletter for just $49.

That’s a 50% discount.

It means for the equivalent of just a few bucks a month, you’ll get…

…private insight into threats against our democracy and freedom

…and wealth-building opportunities most people will never hear about.

Plus, I guarantee today’s special price will never increase as long as you’re a subscriber.

Even if I’m forced to raise the price in future…

Your discounted price is locked in forever.

But it gets better…

Because, when you subscribe today, I’ll immediately send your 4 FREE bonus gifts

FREE Report #1: The Asset Emancipation System: Securing Your Sovereign Wealth and Freedom

Inside this new report, you’ll get step-by-step details on how to outsmart Biden Bucks and…

  1. Create an off-the-grid fortune: Secure $1.1 million in wealth inside a “soda can” safe
  2. Save your freedoms: Have liquidity and spendable wealth without using Biden Bucks
  3. Grow your personal wealth: You’ll get possible investment upside as events unfold
  4. Ensure you maintain your wealth — Regardless of external conditions

Building your own “off the grid” portfolio now will protect you from the coming government surveillance state.

Biden Bucks testing is underway.

The digital dollar could be rolled out soon.

Before it’s too late, protect yourself and your retirement savings.

You’ll find everything you need in your free report.

(Note: Please share it with your most trusted friends and loved ones.)

And you’ll also immediately get your…

FREE Report #2: The Perfect Physical Gold Portfolio: Everything You Need to Know About Buying the Right Kind of Physical Gold

5,000 years of history proves that gold outlasts every other currency.

But I believe Biden Bucks could cause the price of gold to skyrocket.

In your 2nd free report…

You’ll find everything you need to know about investing in gold before the price blasts through the ceiling, including…

Is gold safe to invest in?

How much should I invest in precious metals?

What metals should I buy – and what should I avoid?

Where are the best places to buy gold (and other precious metals)?

What are the safest ways to store gold to avoid theft or government confiscation?

And much more.

Plus, I’ll also send you…

FREE Report #3: America’s Secret Currency: Get in on the Ultimate Off-the-Grid Asset

Your new report exposes a little-appreciated asset that can’t be tracked or traced…

And has increased in value over time.

This “secret” asset should be a part of any off-the-grid portfolio…

And, in America’s Secret Currency, I show you everything you need to know.

Finally, you’ll get…

FREE Report #4: How to Profit from Chaos: The 3 Companies Building Biden Bucks

This brand-new report reveals the 3 companies currently building the infrastructure for the digital dollar…

And how YOU could profit from the Biden Bucks currency quake…

All 4 reports are my gifts to you simply for giving my Strategic Intelligence profit-building dossiers a try.

And, make no mistake, these 4 reports are truly a gift.

They’re always yours to keep, even if you end up canceling for a full refund.

Let me explain.

In a moment, you’ll have the opportunity to join my private inner circle of Strategic Intelligence readers…

When you do, I’ll send you all 4 free reports immediately

In fact, you should have them within minutes of subscribing today.

Then, I’ll also start sending off your exclusive monthly Strategic Intelligence dossiers the minute I write them…

When they arrive in your mailbox, I encourage you to read them right away…

…because some of the best investment opportunities are time sensitive.

But make sure the value FAR exceeds the subscription fee…

Make sure you’re enjoying real profits on the little-known investment opportunities I recommend to my private subscribers…

Make sure the markets and America are rocked by the threats I warn you about in advance every month…

And make sure you feel smarter, more secure, and more powerful than you did before you subscribed.

Take your time.

In fact, I want you to take up to a full 6 months of reading your Strategic Intelligence dossiers…

But, if during those 6 months, you feel that Strategic Intelligence isn’t worth at least 10X what you paid…

I want you to cancel for a full and complete refund.

And you keep your 4 free reports no matter what.

Let me repeat that…

When you subscribe today…

You’ll immediately receive your 4 free reports:

  1. The Asset Emancipation System: Securing Your Sovereign Wealth and Freedom
  2. The Perfect Physical Gold Portfolio: Everything You Need to Know About Buying the Right Kind of Physical Gold
  3. America’s Secret Currency: Get in on the Ultimate Off-the-Grid Asset
  4. How to Profit from Chaos: The 3 Companies Building Biden Bucks

And you’ll also get my private monthly newsletter Strategic Intelligence, where you’ll find…

My insights using Complexity Theory on exactly how the dollar’s replacement could play out…

…what stocks might fall, and what assets could rocket up in price.

And how to build investment positions in stocks, bonds, cash, art, land, precious metals, and other hard assets…

While outsmarting the coming Biden Bucks and his secret surveillance army…

And so much more…

Of course, if at any time during the first 6 months…

…you feel Strategic Intelligence is not worth many times what you paid…

Just request a full refund and I’ll be happy to oblige.

Plus, you keep all your issues and both free gifts, even if you refund.

No questions asked, no fine print.

Just honest, honorable business – the way things used to be done in our country.

It doesn’t get any fairer than that, does it?

I’m taking the risk…

…because it’s that important you prepare now to defeat Biden Bucks and the new American surveillance state.

And speaking of risk, that brings me to one more gift I have for you today…

I predict things are about to even uglier in our country…

This new era of total government control will bring unrest…

…in a way we haven’t seen in more than 50 years.

Or maybe ever.

When that happens, protecting your money won’t be enough.

You may need to save your family and property too.

That’s why I reached out to a colleague and friend, Jason Hanson.

Jason is a former CIA operative.

He won the CIA Exceptional Performance Award not once, but TWICE.

That’s about all I’m allowed to say about his past experience, if you catch my meaning.

These days, Jason teaches no-holds-barred defense techniques to celebrities, top business executives, and other high-profile targets.

He’s a mild-mannered, unassuming guy.

You’d like him.

But when the stuff hits the fan, Jason is positively lethal.

If you’re ever in a crisis, you want someone like him on your side.

That’s why I asked Jason if he would develop a personal survival guide for the storm that’s brewing…

And what he delivered exceeded all my expectations…

Jason created a full survival guide called How To Make Your Home Your Personal Fortress.

He held nothing back.

In this uncensored guide, you’ll discover pro defense techniques, like…

How to implement the CIA’s 4 Concentric Rings of Defense to make your home Hell on earth for an intruder…

How and why to safely hide a firearm on every level of your house.

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An Accident Waiting to Happen: NATO Looks to Asia

July 10th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Since the end of the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has distinctly strayed from its original purpose. It has become, almost shamelessly, the vessel and handmaiden of US power, while its burgeoning expansion eastwards has done wonders to upend the applecart of stability.

From that upending, the alliance started bungling. It engaged, without the authorisation of the UN Security Council, in a 78-day bombing campaign of Yugoslavia – at least what was left of it – ostensibly to protect the lives of Kosovar Albanians. Far from dampening the tinderbox, the Kosovo affair continues to be an explosion in the making.

Members of the alliance also expended material, money and personnel in Afghanistan over the course of two decades, propping up a deeply unpopular, corrupt regime in Kabul while failing to stifle the Taliban. As with previous imperial projects, the venture proved to be a catastrophic failure.

In 2011, NATO again was found wanting in its attack on the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. While it was intended to be an exemplar of the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine, the intervention served to eventually topple the doomed Colonel Gaddafi, precipitating the de-facto partitioning of Libya and endangering the very civilians the mission was meant to protect. A continent was thereby destabilised. The true beneficiaries of the intervention were the tapestry of warring rebel groups characterised by sectarian impulses and a voracious appetite for human rights abuses and war crimes.

The Ukraine War has been another crude lesson in the failings of the NATO project. The constant teasing and wooing of Kyiv as a potential future member never sat well with Moscow and while much can be made of the Russian invasion, no realistic assessment of the war’s origins can excise NATO from playing a deep, compromised role.

The alliance is also proving dissonant among its members. Not all are exactly jumping at the chance of admitting Ukraine. German diplomats have revealed that they will block any current moves to join the alliance. Even that old provoking power, the United States, is not entirely sure whether doors should be open to Kyiv. On CNN, President Joe Biden expressed the view that he did not “think it’s ready for membership of NATO.” To qualify, Ukraine would have to meet a number of “qualifications” from “democratisation to a whole range of other issues.” While hardly proving very alert during the interview (at one point, he confused Ukraine with Russia) he did draw the logical conclusion that bringing Kyiv into an alliance of obligatory collective defence during current hostilities would automatically put NATO at war with Moscow.

With such a spotty, blood speckled record marked by stumbles and bungles, any suggestions of further engagement by the alliance in other areas of the globe should be treated with abundant wariness. The latest talk of further Asian engagement should also be greeted with a sense of dread. According to a July 7 statement, “The Indo-Pacific is important for the Alliance, given that developments in that region can directly affect Euro-Atlantic security. Moreover, NATO and its partners in the region share a common goal of working together to strengthen the rules-based international order.” With these views, conflict lurks.

The form of that engagement is being suggested by such ideas as opening a liaison office in Japan, intended as the first outpost in Asia. It also promises to feature in the NATO summit to take place in Vilnius on July 11 and 12, which will again repeat the attendance format of the Madrid summit held in 2022. That new format – featuring the presence of Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea, or the AP4, should have induced much head scratching. But the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Washington’s beady eyes in Canberra, celebrated this “shift to taking a truly global approach to strategic competition”.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is also much in favour of such competition, warning member states of Beijing’s ambitions. “We should not make the same mistake with China and other authoritarian regimes,” he suggested, alluding to a dangerous and flawed comparison between Ukraine and Taiwan. “What is happening in Europe today could happen in Asia tomorrow.”

One of the prominent headscratchers at this erroneous reasoning is French President Emmanuel Macron. Taking issue with setting up the Japan liaison office, Macron has expressed opposition to such expansion by an alliance which, at least in terms of treaty obligations, has a strict geographical limit.  In the words of an Elysée Palace official, “As far as the office is concerned, the Japanese authorities themselves have told us that they are not extremely attached to it.” With a headmaster’s tone, the official went on to give journalists an elementary lesson. “NATO means North Atlantic Treaty Organization.” The centrality of Articles 5 and 6 of the alliance were “geographic” in nature.

In 2021, Macron made it clear that NATO’s increasingly obsessed approach with China as a dangerous belligerent entailed a confusion of goals. “NATO is a military organisation, the issue of our relationship with China isn’t just a military issue. NATO is an organisation that concerns the North Atlantic, China has little to do with the North Atlantic.”

Such views have also pleased former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating, whose waspish ire has also been trained on the NATO Secretary-General. In his latest statement, Stoltenberg was condemned as “the supreme fool” of “the international stage”. “Stoltenberg by instinct and policy, is simply an accident on its way to happen”. In thinking that “China should be superintended by the West and strategically circumscribed”, the NATO official had overlooked the obvious point that the country “represents twenty percent of humanity and now possesses the largest economy in the world … and has no record for attacking other states, unlike the United States, whose bidding Stoltenberg is happy to do”.

The record of this ceramic breaking bloc speaks for itself. In its post-Cold War visage, the alliance has undermined its own mission to foster stability, becoming Washington’s axe, spear and spade. Where NATO goes, war is most likely. Countries of the Indo-Pacific, take note.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from The Transnational

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NATO Unwittingly Defines the New European Order

July 10th, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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Until the Last Ukrainian

Ukraine just lost another 740 soldiers on the front lines yesterday. As usually, after more than a month of “counteroffensive”, without gain. It’s all for nothing – except a bloody show for NATO. The Ukrainian forces are now so weak that their pressure forward has nearly stopped everywhere on the long front. In Pryvilia in Zaporizhzhia region, the Ukrainians even retreated from a once feebly taken village because a whole brigade was annihilated. The Ukrainians now attack on foot without artillery support, through minefields against Russian defense positions and against Russian armor under heavy artillery and air attacks. Why? Because Russia has destroyed so many Ukrainian tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery, that Ukrainians have practically nothing but their boots and Kalashnikovs left. Around Vremivka, the Ukrainians are taking an ever longer “pause”. Attacks around Artemovsk (Bakhmut) have lost momentum too.

Russia is now destroying the third army Ukraine has built. The first one was destroyed in the first half of 2022. The second one was destroyed in Ukraine’s offensives in Kharkov and Kherson regions in Autumn 2022. Now the third Ukrainian army is being obliterated, and Ukraine has started a “total mobilization” to scrape together the last males who can still walk.

NATO is running out of stuff to give Ukraine. Biden admits that the dispatch of 155 mm artillery cluster shells is only a desperate second “solution” because the US and NATO are out of ordinary 155 mm artillery ammunition to send. The US will send another 30 Stryker armored vehicles, that is not more that Ukraine loses on any given day. There will come F16s for Ukraine, but it won’t change a thing.

There Will be No Ceasefire

The “Putin is weak” narrative of illusional collapse of Russia has replaced the horrible reality for NATO in the heads of the NATO leaders.

Send more Ukrainian cannon fodder to their certain death, and through magic, perhaps Russia will crumble by itself.

“This is the weakest Putin has been since taking power,” said Ian Bremmer.

“The president has been clear that we are going to support Ukraine for as long as it takes and provide them an exceptional quantity of arms and capabilities,” said national security adviser Jake Sullivan

… right now the priority is to hold the line on Ukraine for as long as possible,” said Rachel Rizzo, a fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center

See this.

NATO and Kiev will continue until Ukraine is no more.

This will define the postwar European order.

NATO Cannot Defend Lithuania

NATO is not capable of defending Lithuania. See this.

They also can’t defend Finland.

Even a Polish led NATO expedition force into Ukraine will be obliterated by Russia.

New NATO members are a stretch of obligations far beyond the means of NATO. Because NATO is simply not capable of fighting a large scale war in Europe. Just ask Col. Douglas Macgregor.

That will become horribly evident to everybody, once what remains of Ukraine is destroyed.

What Then?

After the war in Ukraine, Russia will be in a position to politely ask Finland and the Baltic countries to leave NATO. Or else …

Kaliningrad will become a hub – both for military, trade, and finance. Want bank secrecy? Want protection of your wealth? Forget Switzerland. Go to Kaliningrad.

This will completely change the dynamics in the Baltic Sea and all of Northern Europe.

Through control of all of Ukraine, incl. the western part, Russia will build a Eurasian Landbridge from Russia and China to Hungary and Serbia. This will connect to mega transport routes “Between Three Seas” already being built in eastern Europe by NATO-EU-US in the “Visegrad countries”. The existing part of the Eurasian Landbridge through Belarus and Poland will get a strong alternative. Slovakia may decide to grasp these opportunities too.

Hungary and Serbia will experience enormous economic and political advantages as a center of east-west business and security. China and Germany are already investing big in Hungary, and it will be much bigger. That will completely change the dynamics in Central Europe and the Balkans.

As a consequence of both the above, Russian influence both north and south of Poland, Poland will become much more isolated and vulnerable. Germany on its hand, will likely seek to reestablish the advantages of Russian and Chinese business.

France may suddenly “rediscover” strategic autonomy.

Britain? Are they Europe? They might then find that they are not.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Europe – Karsten Riise and Christian Lue, Unsplash CC0

The WHO’s Burgeoning Biomedical Police State: Who’s Going to Stop It?

By Ben Bartee, July 09, 2023

The organization atop the world Public Health™ hierarchy, the WHO, is now explicit in stating these aims out loud in public, apparently unafraid to flaunt its ill-gotten power to the people it is in the process of fully subjugating.

Joe Biden and His Warmongering Minions Seem Absolutely Determined to Drag America Into World War III

By Michael Snyder, July 10, 2023

When the nukes start falling, nobody will be able to say that they weren’t warned. Thanks to Joe Biden and his warmongering minions, we are steamrolling toward World War III, but most Americans don’t seem to care. Most of us just continue to party our lives away, but meanwhile our leaders seem absolutely determined to drag us into an apocalyptic conflict.

Shocking Real Reasons for COVID Shot! “The Pandemic of Lies”

By Neenah Payne, July 10, 2023

Vaxxed shows that Dr. William Thompson was a CDC whistleblower who came forward with documents and data that strongly indicate the CDC illegally manipulated data in the MMR study. Dr. Thompson alleged that during the study, highly significant increases in the risk of autism were found in several populations and the CDC did everything from kicking children off the study to throwing data out to cover it up.

The Weaponization of Mosquitos: WHO and Gates Inc Announce Plans to Flood Africa with Ultra Dangerous Malaria “Vaccines”

By Jordan Schachtel, July 10, 2023

During a Wednesday press conference, WHO director Tedros Adhanom declared that 12 African countries will be receiving 18 million doses of malaria vaccine in the coming months, declaring that climate change is largely responsible for the continuing disease burden in the continent.

Tensions in Ukraine Show Why ‘Nuclear Power Is the Most Dangerous Way to Boil Water’

By Jessica Corbett, July 10, 2023

With Ukrainian and Russian officials trading accusations about a possible looming attack on Europe’s largest nuclear power plant this week, global experts and campaigners are sharing fresh concerns about the facility and the energy source more broadly.

Those Committed to Helping Ukraine Must First Decide What Constitutes Real Help for the Country’s People

By Bharat Dogra, July 10, 2023

Are common people of Ukraine helped by ever-increasing supply of western/NATO weapons and military training (including increasingly dangerous ammunition having long-term highly hazardous impacts), or is this pushing them deeper into war and conflict?

More Weapons for Kiev Regime? NATO Chief Stoltenberg’s Confused and Contradictory Statements

By Andrew Korybko, July 09, 2023

To be absolutely clear in order for this analysis not to be misinterpreted or spun as meaning something that it doesn’t, there’s no guarantee that the US will cut off Kiev’s arms supply, peace talks will then resume, and the conflict will be successfully frozen.

The Syrian Refugees in Germany Face Danger

By Steven Sahiounie, July 09, 2023

Lebanese clans living in Germany, who are involved in drug trafficking, have caused death and mayhem. The German police responded to a massive brawl which broke out on June 16 in front of a restaurant in Essen that left a 23-year-old Syrian man dead, several German police officers injured, and 150 Lebanese arrested.

Lancet Study on COVID Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study Is Removed Within 24 Hours

By Will Jones, July 09, 2023

A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours. The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.

A Bankrupt Calculus: Sending Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 09, 2023

There is a certain desperation in the logic of those who argue that a depraved solution has merit because it’s only slightly less depraved than that of the opponent. Torture is bad but should still be used because your adversary feels free to resort to it. Only do so, however, via judicial warrant.

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US occupation forces positioned in al-Tanf region on the Syrian-Iraqi border handed missiles with warheads filled with poisonous substances to Daesh “ISIS” terrorist organization, with the aim of carrying out chemical provocations and accusing the Syrian government of them, said Sergei Naryshkin, Head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

Naryshkin’s comments came in a report on Monday quoted by Novosti news agency.

“Deputy Commander of the U.S Army Central Command, James Malloy, is leading the activities of Daesh “ISIS” terrorist organization in Syria, as he is delivering missiles with warheads filled with toxic materials in an area near the illegal US military base at al-Tanf,” Naryshkin added.

Naryshkin noted that the site surrounding al-Tanf base has become a launching pad for terrorist gangs, as a joint US-British intelligence committee was established, and it is in fact the main headquarters to direct the activities of the “ISIS” terrorist organization in the vicinity of Damascus and southern Syria.

According to Naryshkin

“The Anglo-Saxons, as they usually do, are preparing to support their machinations with a powerful media campaign, aimed at showing the countries of the Arab world that their choice of resuming dialogue and relations with Syria was a strategic mistake, and that those who do not agree with this approach are directly threatened with Western sanctions.”


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Nearly half of the country’s tap water could be contaminated with cancer-causing “forever chemicals,” according to a new study.

The study — released Wednesday by the U.S. Geological Survey — found that at least 45% of tap water in the United States is estimated to have one or more types of per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that PFAS, or per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, are a group of about 14,000 man-made chemicals that are “very persistent in the environment and in the human body – meaning they don’t break down and they can accumulate over time.”

PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals” by the NIH, can last for years without breaking down and are linked to cancer, fetal complications, liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid disease, fertility problems, autoimmune disorders and other serious health issues.

The USGS said the study is the first to test for PFAS in tap water from both private and public water supplies, testing 716 locations across the country between 2016 and 2021. Of the locations, both rural and urban areas, 447 rely on public water supplies and 269 rely on private wells.

Scientists estimate that there is about a 75% chance of PFAS being found in rural areas and about a 25% chance in urban areas. High exposure areas were reported in the Great Plains, Great Lakes, Eastern Seaboard, and Central/Southern California regions. 

“USGS scientists tested water collected directly from people’s kitchen sinks across the nation, providing the most comprehensive study to date on PFAS in tap water from both private wells and public supplies,” said USGS research hydrologist Kelly Smalling, the study’s lead author. “The study estimates that at least one type of PFAS – of those that were monitored – could be present in nearly half of the tap water in the U.S. Furthermore, PFAS concentrations were similar between public supplies and private wells.”  

The EPA regulates public water supplies while private water supplies are maintained, tested and treated by homeowners. Anyone interested in testing and treating private wells should contact their local and state officials for guidance as testing is the only way to confirm the presence of PFAS in wells. 

“If the average American is worried about the quality of their drinking water, they can use this and other studies to get informed, evaluate their own [personal] risk and reach out to their local health officials about testing or treatment,” Smalling told NPR.


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When the nukes start falling, nobody will be able to say that they weren’t warned.  Thanks to Joe Biden and his warmongering minions, we are steamrolling toward World War III, but most Americans don’t seem to care.  Most of us just continue to party our lives away, but meanwhile our leaders seem absolutely determined to drag us into an apocalyptic conflict.  The Biden administration is constantly provoking China and constantly escalating the war in Ukraine, and one of these days they could cross a line that will never be able to be uncrossed.  They are literally playing with fire, but they won’t be the only ones that get burned if they push things too far.

This week, we learned that the Biden administration has decided to give cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of a new $800 million military assistance package.

If you don’t know what cluster munitions are, here is a pretty good explanation from NBC News

The dual-purpose improved conventional munitions, or DPICMs, are surface-to-surface warheads that explode and disperse multiple small munitions or bombs over wide areas — bringing more widespread destruction than single rounds. The rounds can be charges that penetrate armored vehicles, or they can shatter or fragment to be more dangerous for people.

Some human rights groups oppose their use because of concerns that unexploded bomblets, or duds, could explode after battle, potentially injuring or killing innocent civilians.

These weapons are considered to be extremely dangerous to civilians, because many of them fail to go off initially and end up getting detonated by civilian activity much later

As the bomblets fall over a wide area, they can endanger non-combatants.

In addition, somewhere between 10% to 40% of the munitions fail, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross. The unexploded munitions can then be detonated by civilian activity years or even decades later.

The Cluster Munition Coalition, an activist group trying to get the weapons banned everywhere, says potentially deadly cluster submunitions still lie dormant in Laos and Vietnam 50 years after their use.

As you can see, there is a reason why so many countries have banned the use of such weapons.

In fact, at this point more than 120 nations have agreed to ban them…

A convention banning the use of cluster bombs has been joined by more than 120 countries who agreed not to use, produce, transfer or stockpile the weapons and to clear them after they’ve been used.

The United States, Russia and Ukraine are among the countries that have not signed on.

But even though there is such an international consensus, the Biden administration is sending them to Ukraine anyway

But White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the munitions were critical for Ukraine to sustain its military operations against the Russian invaders.

“We will not leave Ukraine defenseless at any point in this conflict, period,” he said.

Why aren’t more people talking about Jake Sullivan?

He is a warmongering nutjob, and Joe Biden does pretty much whatever Jake Sullivan tells him to do.

And so when Jake Sullivan suggests provoking China again, Joe Biden goes along with it.

Zero Hedge is reporting that the U.S. will now start providing Volcano Vehicle-Launched Scatterable Mine Systems to Taiwan…

Taiwan has finalized a new defense deal with the US worth $146 million to acquire Volcano Vehicle-Launched Scatterable Mine Systems, seen as crucial for defense of the self-ruled island in the event of a Chinese military invasion. This comes the same week the State Department announced approval for $440 million more in ammo and logistics deals for Taiwan.

The pending Volcano mine-laying systems deal had first been previewed by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency in December 2022. It additionally included M977A4 trucks, M87A1 anti-tank mines, as well as M88 and M89 training munitions.

Needless to say, this is yet another move that has greatly angered the Chinese.

And our trade war with China just went to another level.

In response to new restrictions imposed by the U.S., China has just implemented export controls on two absolutely critical raw materials

A trade war between China and the United States over the future of semiconductors is escalating.

Beijing hit back Monday by playing a trump card: It imposed export controls on two strategic raw materials, gallium and germanium, that are critical to the global chipmaking industry.

“We see this as China’s second, and much bigger, counter measure to the tech war, and likely a response to the potential US tightening of [its] AI chip ban,” said Jefferies analysts. Sanctioning one of America’s biggest memory chipmakers, Micron Technology (MU), in May was the first, they said.

Ever since Joe Biden entered the White House, our relations with China have gone into the dumpster.

And I think that there is a chance that the Chinese could actually choose to invade Taiwan before Joe Biden’s time in the White House is over.

If that happens, it would be a complete and utter catastrophe for the global economy

A military conflict over Taiwan would set the global economy back decades because of the crippling disruption to the supply chain of crucial semiconductors, according to the head of one of the island’s leading makers of microchips.

Taiwan, a self-ruling democracy about 100 miles off China, makes the world’s most advanced microchips — the brains inside every piece of technology from smartphones and modern cars to artificial intelligence and fighter jets.

We simply cannot afford for such a war to happen, because we must have access to those chips.

Without the chips that Taiwan produces, we would be in a world of hurt

The island is a microchip fabrication hotbed, producing 60% of the world’s semiconductors — and around 93% of the most advanced ones, according to a 2021 report from the Boston Consulting Group. The U.S., South Korea and China also produce semiconductors, but Taiwan dominates the market, which was worth almost $600 billion last year.

So why don’t we just start building more chips in the United States?

Well, a 40 billion dollar factory is going to be constructed in Arizona, but it is many years away from completion

The U.S., which produces about 10% of the world’s semiconductor chips and none of the most advanced ones, is also trying to boost domestic manufacturing, offering tax incentives for projects like the $40 billion factory being built in Arizona by the Taiwanese chip giant TSMC.

But building such a complex industry will take time, Wu said. “I would say 10 years,” he added.

If our leaders were smart, they would be trying to find a way to maintain peace.

But instead they just keep antagonizing both Russia and China, and that is just pushing them closer to one another

China said it wants closer ties with Russia’s military, a sign Moscow still has Beijing’s support after the aborted Wagner mutiny.

Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu said in a meeting Monday with Nikolai Yevmenov, commander-in-chief of Russia’s navy, that “with the joint efforts of both sides, the relations between the two militaries will continue to deepen and solidify, constantly make new progress and reach a new level.”

If we end up fighting Russia and China at the same time, it would be a nightmare.

And needless to say, such a conflict would inevitably go nuclear, and a full-blown nuclear war would have the potential to kill billions of people

So let us pray for peace.

Unfortunately, our leaders don’t seem interested in peace at all.

Joe Biden and his warmongering minions are playing a very dangerous game, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.


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Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

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Del Bigtree is the host of The Highwire which airs online Thursdays from 2-4 PM ET. He won an Emmy Award as one of the producers of The Doctors TV show. Bigtree was the producer of the 2016 film Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe which went viral.  The documentary alleges that the CDC — the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens — destroyed data on their 2004 study that allegedly showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

The film was directed by British MD Andrew Wakefield who was among the first to make a possible connection between the MMR shot and autism after many mothers consulted him about problems their kids had after getting the shot. Like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Wakefield was drawn into the vaccine controversy by mothers looking for solutions for kids whom they believe had been injured by vaccines.

Vaxxed shows that Dr. William Thompson was a CDC whistleblower who came forward with documents and data that strongly indicate the CDC illegally manipulated data in the MMR study. Dr. Thompson alleged that during the study, highly significant increases in the risk of autism were found in several populations and the CDC did everything from kicking children off the study to throwing data out to cover it up.

Del created the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) which works closely with attorney Aaron Siri, Managing Partner at Siri & Glimstad. Siri has been celebrated in the corporate media for his growing victories for ICAN over the last few years. Newly filed tax records show that ICAN, one of the country’s best-funded anti-vaccine organizations, saw a 60 percent jump in revenue in 2020. The Washington Post reported in 2021 about ICAN: Resistance to vaccine mandates is building. A powerful network is helping.

Del created The Highwire to report on the work ICAN is doing and other issues. His show began in a small studio with a few viewers. However, The Highwire now has a very sophisticated set and an audience of about 6 million in over 30 countries. Since the show is funded by viewers and Del accepts no corporate funding, he is free to cover whatever topics he chooses in whatever way he wants. Every Monday, Del sends people who subscribe to the show for free all the data on which that week’s show was based so they can come to their own conclusions.

Plan To Stop “Vaccine Hesitancy”

On July 6, Del’s team pointed out in his email to subscribers:

It’s an unprecedented time in the Vaccine Risk Awareness movement. The public is searching for facts about vaccines like never before. Advocates old and new are looking for resources to use in the fight to get the truth out to the masses. Earmark today’s episode, because it is one you will want to share.

Del Bigtree has been traveling the U.S. and the world since 2016, speaking to audiences about massive and devastating holes in vaccine safety science, holes that public health agency ‘watch dogs’ have continually refused to address publicly. Holes that millions of people are only just becoming aware of after massive overreaches that occurred during the COVID Pandemic.

Del recently gave a talk exposing the real pandemic, a pandemic of lies around vaccine safety and policy in the U.S. COVID may have opened your eyes,  but this talk, given in California and now being re-aired for you, will help you understand why COVID was just the tip of the vaccine safety iceberg. Bring a pad and paper, class is in session!

In the July 6 show below, Del explained one of the main reasons for the forced rollout of the COVID shots. It’s a shocking exposé of the failure of vaccines whose safety and efficacy the government and corporate media ridicule anyone for questioning.

Episode 327 “Pandemic of Lies”

Del recently gave a presentation exposing the real pandemic, a pandemic of lies surrounding vaccine safety and policy in the U.S. which The HighWire and ICAN have been investigating since its founding. COVID may have opened your eyes, but this talk, given in California at a fundraiser for the group PERK, and now being presented to you, will help you learn why COVID was just the tip of the vaccine safety iceberg.

Click here to view the video

Del pointed out that no vaccine on the Childhood Vaccine Schedule has ever been tested against a placebo to ensure that it is safe or effective!

Del explained that the WHO called a meeting in Switzerland on December 23, 2019 to discuss how to stop “vaccine hesitancy.” He pointed out that Episode 145 The Highwire “Who Is Lying To You?”which aired on 1/9/20 covered that meeting.

Click here to view the video

Unique Position In Human History

Del explained that Heidi Larson, MA PhD, Director of The Vaccine Confidence Project who is the lead psychologist for the WHO, admitted at that meeting that Big Pharma admitted its mistakes.

She said,

We are in a unique position in human history where we’ve shifted the human population to dependency on vaccine-induced immunity. That was on the great assumption that populations would cooperate… We’re in a very fragile state now. We have developed a world that is dependent on vaccinations. We don’t have a choice but to make that effort.

Disney Measles Outbreak

Del pointed out that measles is a trivial childhood illness that kills one in 500,000 and confers life-long immunity to any child who gets it. Del said measles is one of the most infectious viruses the world has ever seen. The problem with requiring kids to get a measles vaccine is that if it doesn’t irradicate the disease, it could ultimately make it more virulent and more dangerous. If so, we are going to have a serious problem on our hands.

Del explained:

Never once have they made a vaccine that does what your God-given immune system does every time you caught a virus. So, here’s what she’s saying. You Baby Boomers in the room are the last hope for herd immunity. You are the only ones who are still immune to measles (because they got the infection rather than the shot). Every adult, their vaccines have worn off.

The big Disneyland outbreak here in California, 50% of them were adults who had been previously vaccinated – 30% caught vaccine-strain measles! You were told it was about unvaccinated. It wasn’t!  It was about waning immunity – something we hear a lot about now with COVID. All the immunity from our childhood vaccines has worn off. They never achieved what they wanted which was herd immunity – natural immunity. So, the issue is no adults (other than Baby Boomers) are immune.

Del added:

Polio is coming back now. They have vaccine-strain polio sweeping all over the Middle East and now it’s in New York – and guess what. They’re thinking of going back to the oral polio vaccine which also can cause polio! Get ready, folks, because this about to get really stupid because these idiots have really messed up! All of their greatest fears are upon them.

Del showed the chart below which lists the 11 vaccines kids were required to get before 1986, the 54 vaccines required by 2017, and the 100s of vaccines for adults planned for the near future. He said,

You are all about to become human pin cushions for companies that are making billions. It will be trillions of dollars within years if we let them get away with this.

Del said the chart below shows the CDC schedule of mandatory vaccines for adults.

Del explains that vaccines did not eradicate disease.

The only thing they eradicated was herd immunity itself! When we lose this last generation of Baby Boomers, it’s over! There’s no herd immunity on this planet. We’re vulnerable to every virus that’s out there.

COVID Policies: Crime Against Humanity

Del pointed out that the childhood vaccine schedule introduced after 1986 erased humanity’s natural herd immunity. So, in December 2019, health officials convened to figure out how to introduce a mandatory adult vaccine schedule to force adults to get shots to protect against infectious diseases. He pointed out that adult vaccines are the cash cow now. Del told the audience, “You are the future of the pharmaceutical take-over of the world!”

The goal of the meeting was to figure out how to scare the entire planet into vaccine submission and avoid the dreaded “vaccine hesitancy”. Del said, “Then suddenly, we had the world’s deadliest cold – all of a sudden, out of nowhere!” Del pointed out that we were told the ONLY solution for COVID was a “warp-speed vaccine” although several inexpensive treatments were known in early 2020.

Del showed that the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for the COVID shots were illegal because EUAs can be issued ONLY if there NO available treatments. Yet, it was well known in early 2020 that HCQ/zinc and ivermectin were effective inexpensive early treatments. Del pointed out that President Trump wanted to get HCQ released to the public, but Tony Fauci opposed the use of HCQ for COVID. Del explained that HCQ could have saved half of the 1,130,662 Americans who died from COVID!

Del said that the same war was waged against ivermectin for the same reason. He described this as a crime against humanity. Del explained that we were all part of a Tuskegee Experiment during COVID. So, the health agencies believe that the solution to the problem caused by forcing people to follow the childhood vaccine schedule is to force people to follow a new adult vaccine schedule now!

The problem Big Pharma caused puts humanity at risk, but is a huge and permanent cash cow for the drug companies! The US health agencies allowed this to happen – with the collusion of the corporate media and Big Tech who silenced doctors and scientists who opposed this insanity.

“Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022

Del discussed the explosion of heart attacks and sudden deaths among young athletes.

Ed Dowd: COVID Shots Are Causing Youth Democide explains that when former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Edward Dowd appeared on Stephen Bannon’s War Room – Pandemic, he explained that his insurance industry expert dug into the CDC data and found shocking information related to excess mortality.  “The millennial age group 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst ever excess mortality, I think, in history,” Dowd stated.

Dowd noted how chart four depicts an increased acceleration of excess mortality into the Fall, around the time when mandates and boosters took effect. Putting the CDC’s data into perspective, Dowd said “starting in the summer and into the Fall, with the mandates and the boosters, there were 61,000 excess millennial deaths.”

Basically, millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.” 58,000 U.S. troops died in the Vietnam War according to Dowd (National Archives stated 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War). “This generation just experienced a Vietnam War.”

Dowd explains how he thinks this data is the smoking gun which shows the COVID-19 injections are causing excess mortality in all age groups. With this shocking data, Dowd labeled this “democide.” The definition of democide, per Wikipedia: “Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder”.So the government, through the  mandates, has killed people,” he stated.

Amazon Description

What is killing healthy young Americans? 2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails.

The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent.

And therein lies a story — a story that starts with obvious questions:

  • What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people?
  • What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

It isn’t COVID, of course, because we know that COVID is not a significant cause of death in young people. Various stakeholders opine about what could be causing this epidemic of unexpected sudden deaths, but “CAUSE UNKNOWN” doesn’t opine or speculate. The facts just are, and the math just is. The book begins with a close look at the actual human reality behind the statistics, and when you see the people who are represented by the dry term Excess Mortality, it’s difficult to accept so many unexpected sudden deaths of young athletes, known to be the healthiest among us.

Similarly, when lots of healthy teenagers and young adults die in their sleep without obvious reason, collapse and die on a family outing, or fall down dead while playing sports, that all by itself raises an immediate public health concern. Or at least it used to.  Ask yourself if you recall seeing these kinds of things occurring during your own life—in junior high? In high school? In college?

How many times in your life did you hear of a performer dropping dead on stage in mid-performance? Your own life experience and intuition will tell you that what you’re about to see is not normal.

Or at least it wasn’t normal before 2021.

See COVID Policies: Biggest Crime Against Humanity Since WWII.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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US President Joe Biden has so often reiterated a narrative that positions ‘democracy vs autocracy’ as the defining struggle of our time that many have identified this framing as core to the ‘Biden doctrine’. However, a string of observers have voiced concern about what they perceive as a disconnect between the foreign policy rhetoric of the Biden administration and its foreign policy practice. Although most other Western powers have not adopted such strong language regarding systemic competition, many have nonetheless participated in the Summits for Democracy that the White House held in 2022 and 2023 and signed the outcome statements.

Much of the criticism has come from the Global South. For instance, in a recent issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, Matias Spektor, Professor of International Relations at Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo, writes that ‘the developing world … sees hypocrisy in Washington’s framing of its competition with Beijing and Moscow as a battle between democracy and autocracy,’ particularly as ‘the United States continues to selectively back authoritarian governments’. He claims that many in the South ‘view the West’s pro-democracy rhetoric as motivated by self-interest rather than a genuine commitment to liberal values.’ Similarly, Nirupama Rao, a former foreign secretary of India, argues that while ‘the West … claims that its foreign policy is guided by human rights and democracy,’ it ‘routinely cut[s] deals with violent autocracies.’

One area in which commentators see this disconnect playing out most starkly is in Western countries’ arms exports. This blog explores what light SIPRI data on arms transfers can cast on the discussion. 

The top arms exporters and recipient states: A look at the data 

The SIPRI Arms Transfers database compiles data on imports and exports of major arms. According to the database, the USA, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, South Korea and Israel were the top eight arms-exporting democracies in 2018–22. Along with Russia (ranked second) and China (ranked fourth), they also comprise the top 10 exporters for the period.

None of the eight democracies under consideration has made any public commitment to condition arms exports based on the civil and political rights records of recipient states or on their political regime type. Rather, their export restrictions are oriented more towards preventing exports of arms that are likely to be used in ‘serious violations’ of international human rights law and violations of international humanitarian law. Thus, exporting arms to autocratic states does not, in itself, violate any explicit policy commitments, as weapons involved in transfers generally are assessed as unlikely to be used in serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. Nevertheless, in this regard the arms export practices of the USA and some of its major allies could be perceived as being misaligned with the idea that the Biden administration is engaged in a fight against autocracy.

Moving to actual export practice, of the 124 states that received arms from these eight democracies in 2018–22, only 48 are classified as ‘free’ by the independent US-based research institute Freedom House, based on a range of indicators broadly related to political rights and civil liberties (see figure 1). Another 40 are classified as ‘partly free’ and the other 36 as ‘not free’. That means that nearly a third of the states that the eight democracies exported arms to are ‘not free’. To look at it in another way, these eight democracies exported arms to around two-thirds of the 56 states that Freedom House classifies as ‘not free’ and more than two-thirds of the states classified either ‘not free’ or ‘partly free.’

Note: States in grey either received no imports of arms from the top 8 arms-exporting democracies, or there is no data available. SIPRI © Source: Freedom House, ‘Freedom in the World’, 2023; and SIPRI Arms Transfers Database, 2023.

There are inherent difficulties in classifying states based on political rights and civil liberties or on regime type. However, applying two other classification systems yields similar results. The top eight arms-exporting democracies exported arms to 36 ‘authoritarian’ states based on the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index; and to 18 ‘closed autocracies’ and another 38 ‘electoral autocracies’, according to the University of Gothenburg’s Varieties of Democracy report. A recent evaluation using arms sales data from the US government reached similar conclusions specifically about US arms transfers.

Interestingly, the breakdown of ‘free’, ‘partly free’ and ‘not free’ states among recipients of arms from the top eight arms-exporting democracies is very close to the breakdown among of all 195 states in the Freedom House ranking. This suggests that, despite potential concerns related to human rights and international humanitarian law, these democracies still see reasons to export arms to many ‘not free’ states. In contrast, Russia and China had disproportionately large numbers of ‘not free’ and ‘partly free’ states among their arms recipients.

SIPRI’s trend-indicator value (TIV) can be used to compare the volumes of major arms transferred between countries (also taking into account the relative capabilities of weapon systems). Figure 2 compares the shares of each of the top 10 arms exporters’ exports going to the different categories of recipient state in 2018–22. It clearly shows that the largest share of Russia’s arms exports went to ‘not free’ states, while the largest share of China’s exports went to ‘partly free’ states. However, it is also worth noting that the USA and all the European democracies in the top 10 exported more than a third of their arms to ‘not free’ states—Italy more than two-thirds.

Source: Freedom House, ‘Freedom in the World’, 2023; and SIPRI Arms Transfers Database, 2023.

Using this metric, it is also possible to see that the estimated volume of arms transferred by just the USA to ‘not free’ states in 2018–22 was greater than the combined value of arms transferred from Russia and China to ‘not free’ states during the same period (see figure 3). Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar together accounted for 30 per cent of US arms exports in the period. These exports alone were larger than all Russian and Chinese arms exports to ‘not free’ states. 

Given that the USA accounted for 40 per cent of all arms exports in the world in 2018–22 (compared to 16 per cent for Russia and 5.2 per cent for China), this is perhaps unsurprising. Nevertheless, this large volume of arms exports to ‘not free’ states as could be seen as providing some grounds for scepticism regarding President Biden’s narrative of systemic competition. 

Source: Freedom House, ‘Freedom in the World’, 2023; and SIPRI Arms Transfers Database, 2023.

Systemic competition: A discordant framing?

The Biden administration’s updated Conventional Arms Transfer (CAT) policy, released in late February this year, takes further steps towards addressing potential concerns about the recipients of US arms exports. The new policy guidelines depart from those of the Trump administration, for example, by putting more emphasis on the risk that the transfers will contribute to ‘instability, authoritarianism, or transnational repression’ or ‘undermine democratic governance or the rule of law’. However, although the new guidelines are in some respects stronger than those of previous US arms transfer policies, they are provisional and are not legally enforceable. The guidelines also state that arms exports remain ‘an important tool for achieving United States foreign policy and national security objectives’—meaning that arms export decisions remain a balancing act between such objectives and concerns about the political situation in the recipient state. 

In short, the data show that the USA and other leading democracies have transferred substantial volumes of arms to autocratic states in recent years. While assessing the effects of these exports, or whether they are justified, is beyond the ambit of this piece, President Biden’s claims that the USA and its allies are the defenders of democracy in a fundamental struggle about ‘the future and direction of our world’ still run up against reality: these same countries continue to arm a majority of the world’s autocracies.


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Kelsey Hartman is an intern in SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme.

Dr Lucie Béraud-Sudreau is Director of the Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme.

Featured image: US President Joe Biden greets elected officials on 31 May 2023, at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado. Photo credit: Whitehouse/Flickr.

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The inside of Bassem Tahayneh’s home in the Jenin refugee camp appears as though a tornado had blown through it.

The ceiling-high closets inside his daughter’s bedroom were brought down face-first on top of the beds; his four TV screens were pulled off the walls and smashed; the tiles on the floors were ripped off, and wires connecting the house to the power grid were cut.

Tahayneh, 41, is one of thousands of Palestinians in the camp who were forced to leave their homes during an Israeli army assault that began on Sunday, only to return days later and find the inside of their homes almost completely wrecked.

“Nothing in the house is fit for use. It’s a disaster,” the father-of-three told Al Jazeera the morning after the Israeli army withdrew from the camp, just over two days after the attack began.

“It will take me at least a month to repair everything, so that my family and I can live here again,” Tahayneh continued. “I couldn’t bring my wife and kids back to the house yet. I couldn’t let them see this wreckage.”

Jenin raid July 2023

Bassem Tahayneh, 41, said soldiers used his home as a military base to target Palestinian fighters [Zena Al Tahhan/Al Jazeera]

The attack on the Jenin refugee camp in the northern Israeli-occupied West Bank was the largest in two decades.

The Israeli army – for the first time since 2006 – launched a large-scale aerial attack, using unmanned, missile-loaded planes to shell parts of the camp, before soldiers raided on foot and remained there for approximately 48 hours. At least 1,000 soldiers and dozens of armoured vehicles participated in the assault.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health declared that 12 Palestinians, including three children, were killed in the attack, while at least 120 others were wounded, including 20 who remain in critical condition.

At least 3,000 people were forced to flee their homes in Jenin for fear of being killed, according to the Red Crescent.

Tahayneh was forced to leave with his family in the Hawasheen neighbourhood of the Jenin refugee camp on the first day of the assault.

“The army stood at the entrance to the neighbourhood and started shouting through the speakers: ‘All of the people in this neighbourhood, you have 10 minutes to leave your homes. We will shell all the homes,’” he recalled.

Jenin raid July 2023

After Israeli soldiers had taken over their home, Bassem Tahayneh and his family returned to find clothes tossed onto their kitchen floor [Zena Al Tahhan/Al Jazeera]

Homes as military bases

Like many homes inside the camp, Tahayneh’s house was not only wrecked; it was also used as a base for the military from which to target Palestinian fighters.

Sizeable holes were drilled into the outer walls of a large number of homes that soldiers used to position their snipers, while dozens of empty bullet casings lay strewn across their floors.

Food inside their homes was eaten and tossed everywhere, including the floor, while Israeli army medical and military equipment such as gauzes and wires were found left behind.

“When we came back, we found that they had blown our front doors open and that they took over our homes and used them as bases. There is a giant hole in the wall of my bedroom that they used for their snipers,” said Tahayneh, noting that the soldiers “ate our food and drank our water”.

Even the box of date cookies that his wife had made for the Eid al-Adha holiday that ended last week was opened and eaten out of.

Jenin raid July 2023

The Jenin refugee camp is the scene of re-emerging Palestinian armed resistance [Zena Al Tahhan/Al Jazeera]

The attack on Jenin comes as part of Israel’s efforts to crush re-emerging Palestinian resistance to decades-long Israeli military occupation.

The Jenin refugee camp is home to at least 23,600 Palestinians who were expelled from their original homes in 1948 during the Nakba, or catastrophe – the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Zionist militias to create the state of Israel.

Jenin has seen similar attacks in the past, most notably in 2002. In April of that year, during the second Intifada, or mass uprising, Israeli forces backed by fighter jets invaded the camp with more than 150 armoured tanks and bulldozers. A battle with resistance fighters ensued for more than 10 days, in which at least 52 Palestinian civilians and fighters, and 23 Israeli soldiers, were killed.

During that raid, the Israeli army destroyed more than 400 homes and severely damaged hundreds of others, displacing over a quarter of the population of the camp which was later rebuilt by the United Nations.

‘They were in our house for 36 hours’

In another corner of the camp, Najmat Abu Sirriyeh said that Israeli soldiers prevented her family of seven from leaving their home as they used it to gather detainees.

“They were in our house for at least 36 hours,” Abu Sirriyeh told Al Jazeera from her partially destroyed home in the camp.

Israeli armoured tractors demolished the entire wall around their house, the rubble of which fell onto the trees and plants they had grown in their garden. The army also dumped an entire car and a mountain of rubble into their backyard.

“They separated the men and the women. They handcuffed all the men and put them in a separate room. They would then arrest youth and even elderly men from the neighbourhood and bring them into our house. They would handcuff them, blindfold them and throw them onto the ground in one of the rooms, and beat them,” she recalled.

The mother of four said the soldiers slept in the living room of their house and forbade them from moving. “We did not sleep or eat. We even had to ask for their permission to use the bathroom!” she said.

Abu Sirriyeh also said that the army confiscated all their phones. “We were not allowed to contact anyone – not to even let our relatives know that we were okay.”

Jenin raid july 2023

The car and mountain of rubble dumped by the Israeli army into the backyard of Najmat Abu Sirriyeh’s home in the camp [Zena Al Tahhan/Al Jazeera]

While the destruction of infrastructure and roads during the latest attack was limited to certain neighbourhoods, many homes in the camp were raided and their contents were ruined to some degree – even those not used as bases.

Image: Lubna Fraihat’s husband was shot in the waist as he attempted to help an injured Palestinian fighter [Zena Al Tahhan/Al Jazeera]


Mother-of-six Lubna Fraihat was forced to leave her home on the second night of the attack. When she returned with her family, they found their home had been broken into and turned upside down. All their belongings were dispersed across the floor, while their closets were broken and their furniture flipped.

Fraihat, who works as a cleaner, had already suffered another calamity. She explained that her husband, 50-year-old Rabee, was shot by the Israeli army as he attempted to pull a fighter who was injured on the street outside their front door, in order to give him first aid and call an ambulance.

“My husband heard someone shouting, someone injured on the street. He was trying to pull the man into our house when suddenly they shot my husband in the side,” she said, her voice trembling.

Her husband’s blood still stains the floor of the yard at the entrance to her home. He remains hospitalised in the Rafidia hospital in Nablus in a critical condition.

After her husband was evacuated in an ambulance, Fraihat and her four daughters locked themselves up in one of the rooms out of fear for an entire day with the sound of shelling and explosions outside.

“We all stayed in the children’s room because it’s the safest room, in the back of the house. Whenever we would leave the room or make noise, they would shoot live ammunition at the house,” she said.

Pointing to her bathroom, the floor of which is cluttered with glass, Fraihat said soldiers shot directly into her bathroom while she was inside, before she and her daughters decided to leave.

“My daughters said they couldn’t take it anymore – we felt that we were going to die.”


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Featured image: Israeli forces caused widespread wreckage to the insides of many Palestinian homes in the camp during a three-day assault that began on July 2 [Zena Al Tahhan/Al Jazeera]

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Today’s news is a sudden and unexpected plunge in birth rates in Australia.

Birth rates dropped 15% compared to 2021:

See this.

Australia’s News.Com.Au has an article about it, and they blame… climate change!

Australian National University demographer Dr Liz Allen said the drop in births was due to a combination of factors, both personal and external – in particular, concerns about housing, cost of living, and climate change. “Climate change has been cited by young people in Australia, and other similar countries, as a major concern and barrier to having children,” Dr Allen told

“The fear of uncertainty owing to growing weather and climate extremes means young people are calling it quits on children citing ethical concerns.”

I am unsure if Dr. Allen realizes or cares that “climate concerns” are anything but new. What is new is the “safe and effective” Covid vaccine forced on young Australian men and women in 2021 and 2022, but I digress.

The real ire of the article is directed at antivaxxers, who are cunningly trying to hijack this story and point out that Covid vaccine is to blame.

Antivaxxers, you see, are the real culprits here! These ignorant, conspiracy-minded, science-denying vaccine skeptics, the newspaper explains, falsely blame Covid vaccines and are saying, “We told you so.

Her expert analysis was hijacked by anti-vaxxers who falsely claimed Covid vaccines were the reason for the decline. Taking to Twitter, controversial Gold Coast entrepreneur Jamie McIntyre rejected Dr Allen’s analysis that concern for climate change had factored into family planning. McIntyre – a “self-help guru and motivational speaker” – claimed the “dramatic drop off in births” had come “since a certain not so safe, effective, or necessary vaccine was forced upon the elderly, pregnant mums, and even children”.

Australia is not alone – Look at Sweden.

Not many countries report births in a timely manner. Sweden does. Regrettably, Swedish birth rates are also down significantly. Not only are they down, but the 2023 births are much worse than the 2022 births, which were also depressed.

I tabulated this data for you so you can see the decline:

So, both Australia, as well as Sweden are experiencing similar birth declines.

Things have worsened since my last update on plummeting birth rates.

It must be climate change, right? I mean, what else could it be?


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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With Ukrainian and Russian officials trading accusations about a possible looming attack on Europe’s largest nuclear power plant this week, global experts and campaigners are sharing fresh concerns about the facility and the energy source more broadly.

Russian forces invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and took control of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) the following month. Since then, fighting near the facility—with six reactors that are currently shut down—has generated fears around the world and controversial references to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, the site of which is located in present-day Ukraine.

In recent days, an adviser to Russia’s nuclear agency has claimed Ukraine will imminently cause a nuclear disaster at the ZNPP while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has warned of a potential false flag operation, claiming that “the Russian military has placed objects resembling explosives on the roof of several power units.”

While International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts at the facility have so far not observed any visible indications of mines or explosives, the new accusations led the United Nations watchdog on Wednesday to request additional access—specifically to the rooftops of two reactors along with parts of the turbine halls and cooling system.

“With military tension and activities increasing in the region where this major nuclear power plant is located, our experts must be able to verify the facts on the ground,” said IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi. “Their independent and objective reporting would help clarify the current situation at the site, which is crucial at a time like this with unconfirmed allegations and counterallegations.”

“In a time of national crises in multiple countries, increasing natural disasters, and a worsening climate emergency, nuclear power is demonstrating that it is a liability rather than an asset.”

The U.S.-based group Beyond Nuclear noted in a lengthy statement Thursday that “Zaporizhzhia is in the news now almost every day. The propaganda may be deliberately alarmist, but the basis for the alarm is very real or it would not be the subject matter for headline-getting in the first place.”

“The reason is simple. Nuclear power is the most dangerous way to boil water. It is unnecessary, expensive, and an obstacle to renewable energy development,” the group argued. “It is time to see sense. Calling for a no-fire zone around Zaporizhzhia is not enough. We must call for no nuclear power at all.”

Highlighting that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is far from the only threat to the world’s nuclear facilities, the group added that “in a time of national crises in multiple countries, increasing natural disasters, and a worsening climate emergency, nuclear power is demonstrating that it is a liability rather than an asset.”

Beyond Nuclear also weighed in on the intense debate among activists, Ukrainian and Russian officials, reporters, scientists, and others regarding the dangers of a nuclear disaster at the ZNPP, offering a list of unanswered questions:

  • Has the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in fact been wired for detonation and whose interests would be served by blowing up the plant?
  • Why is there an exodus of both Russian and Ukrainian plant personnel?
  • Will the sabotage of the downstream Kakhovka dam that resulted in catastrophic flooding also lead to an equally catastrophic loss of available cooling water supplies for the reactors and fuel pools?
  • Will the backup diesel generators, frequently turned to for powering the essential cooling each time the plant has lost connection to the electricity grid, last through each crisis, given their fuel must also be replenished, potentially not possible under war conditions?

“None of these threats would make headlines if Zaporizhzhia was instead home to a wind farm or utility-scale solar array,” asserted Beyond Nuclear. “This perhaps explains the rush now to downplay the gravity of the situation, with claims in the press that a major attack on the plant would ‘not be as bad as Chernobyl’ and that radioactive releases would be minimal and barely travel beyond the fence line. This is an irresponsible dismissal of the real dangers.”

As the group detailed:

After the massive explosion at Chernobyl, the graphite moderator used in the reactor fueled the fire, with the smoke further lofting radioactive fallout far and wide. This has led to an assumption that major fires and explosions at Zaporizhzhia would result in less serious consequences since the reactor designs are not the same as Chernobyl’s.

However, if the uranium fuel in the Zaporizhzhia reactors or irradiated fuel storage pools overheats and ignites, it could then heat up the zirconium cladding around it, which would ignite and burn fiercely as a flare at temperatures too hot to extinguish with water. The resulting chemical reaction would also generate an explosive environment. The heat of the release and detonation(s) could breach concrete structures, then loft radioactive gas and fallout into the environment to travel on the weather.

Fallout could contaminate crucial agricultural land, potentially indefinitely, and would include Russia, should prevailing winds travel eastward at the time of the disaster.

Some have suggested that an attack on the plant would not seriously threaten surrounding communities. The American Nuclear Society, for example, said Wednesday that “our experts have carefully considered ‘worst-case scenarios,’ including bombardment and deliberate sabotage of the reactors and spent fuel storage canisters. They cannot foresee a situation that would result in radiation-related health consequences to the public.”

“ZNPP’s six reactors have been shut down for over 10 months and are no longer making enough heat to cause a prompt radiological release,” the society said. “ZNPP is designed to withstand natural and manmade hazards. Thick, steel-reinforced concrete containment buildings protect the reactor cores and are designed to keep any radioactive materials isolated from the environment.”

“In the unlikely event that containment structures were breached, any potential release of radiological material would be restricted to the immediate area surrounding the reactors. In this regard, any comparison between ZNPP and ‘Chernobyl’ or ‘Fukushima‘ is both inaccurate and misleading,” the group added, referencing the 2011 disaster in Japan.

Matthew Bunn, the James R. Schlesinger professor of the practice of energy, national security, and foreign policy at Harvard Kennedy School, made the case at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on Thursday that the biggest danger regarding the ZNPP is intentional sabotage.

“How serious is the risk of a major radioactive disaster?” Bunn wrote. “That depends on whether we’re talking about an intentional or inadvertent radioactive release. If the Russian forces that control the site want to cause a major radiation release—and are willing to use explosives to do it—they could contaminate a huge area. Although the reactors have been largely shut down and cooling for months, they still contain a huge amount of intensely radioactive material that explosives could disperse.”

He continued:

A couple of mines on the roof of a reactor would not be enough. Causing a big release would require some serious demolition with explosives. But that’s what was needed to destroy Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam—which it appears was done with explosives from within, while Russian forces controlled the site—so a similar operation at Zaporizhzhia can’t be ruled out.

No one can accurately evaluate how big an area might be affected; the extent of contamination would depend on how the disaster was caused, how hard the wind was blowing, whether rain brought the radioactive material back to the ground, and more. But one could easily imagine that Russia might hope that such a release would interfere with Ukraine’s counteroffensive, forcing some units to focus on evacuating people and cleaning up radioactive fallout rather than battling Russian forces.

By contrast, looking only at inadvertent damage, there are reasons to be optimistic. The Zaporizhzhia reactors are built with thick concrete containment structures, have been cooling for months, and have extra safety features installed after the Fukushima accident in Japan. It is very unlikely that a few stray shells from fighting in the area would cause any serious radioactive release.

Bunn concluded that “over the longer term, there’s a need to rethink nuclear safety and security in the context of the possibility that nuclear facilities can be exposed to war, mass civil unrest, or governmental collapse. And there’s a need for new agreements to reduce the chance that major civilian nuclear facilities under international inspection will again be targets of military assault.”

Meanwhile, Beyond Nuclear charged that “if Zaporizhzhia comes to harm, each side in the conflict will likely hold the other responsible. But ultimately, the responsibility we all share is to reject the continued use of a technology that has the potential to wreak such disastrous consequences on humanity.”

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Jessica Corbett is a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams.

Featured image is from New Scientist

Zaporizhzhia Dangers Should End Nuclear Power Pursuit

July 10th, 2023 by Beyond Nuclear

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In a press release today, Beyond Nuclear called for the alarms around potential detonations at Ukraine’s six-reactor Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to serve as a clear signal that it is time to end our use of nuclear power and pursuit of new reactors. The press release begins:

Amidst accusations from both the Russian and Ukrainian sides that the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine has been wired for detonation or could be deliberately attacked during the current war there, one absolute truth remains: nuclear power plants are inherently dangerous. 

In a time of national crises in multiple countries, increasing natural disasters and a worsening climate emergency, nuclear power is demonstrating that it is a liability rather than an asset.

Each nuclear reactor contains a lethal radioactive inventory, in the reactor core and also in the fuel pools into which the irradiated fuel is offloaded and, over time, densely packed. Casks also house nuclear waste offloaded from the fuel pools. Zaporizhzhia is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe with at least 2,204 tons of highly radioactive waste within the reactors and the irradiated fuel pools. 

Depending on the severity of what transpires, any or all of this radioactive fuel could be ignited.

Amidst the unpredictability caused by the “fog of war”, there remain many unanswered questions that have led to rumor and speculation:

Has the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in fact been wired for detonation and whose interests would be served by blowing up the plant? 

Why is there an exodus of both Russian and Ukrainian plant personnel? 

Will the sabotage of the downstream Kakhovka dam that resulted in catastrophic flooding, also lead to an equally catastrophic loss of available cooling water supplies for the reactors and fuel pools?

Will the backup diesel generators, frequently turned to for powering the essential cooling each time the plant has lost connection to the electricity grid, last through each crisis, given their fuel must also be replenished, potentially not possible under war conditions?

None of these threats would make headlines if Zaporizhzhia was instead home to a wind farm or utility scale solar array. This perhaps explains the rush now to downplay the gravity of the situation, with claims in the press that a major attack on the plant would “not be as bad as Chornobyl” and that radioactive releases would be minimal and barely travel beyond the fence line.

This is an irresponsible dismissal of the real dangers.


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The Robodebt Rogues Gallery

July 10th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Ukraine is a country where millions of people are in deep distress. Several million people have been displaced or face serious disruption of life. Hence certainly the people of Ukraine need help. The desire of anyone to extend unselfish, unconditional help to them is a very noble desire.

However all those persons in any part of the world who have a sincere desire to help the distressed people of Ukraine should exercise one very important caution—they should carefully ensure that the action they take with a motivation of help REALLY helps the people of Ukraine, and does not harm them.

It is necessary to voice this caution because a lot of what has been done in recent times in the name of ‘helping’ Ukraine by some self-proclaimed ‘friends’ of Ukraine shows all the signs of having actually had a very different impact on the prospects faced by the people of Ukraine.

There should be an open and unbiased debate on this. Are common people of Ukraine helped by ever-increasing supply of western/NATO weapons and military training (including increasingly dangerous ammunition having long-term highly hazardous impacts), or is this pushing them deeper into war and conflict? Is it in the best interests of war and conflict ravaged people to quickly move towards a ceasefire and negotiated peace, or is it to extend war and conflict forever? As a taxpayer in a western country who worries about how your money will be spent, should you advocate further weapon supply, or should you advocate a careful channelizing of your money so that it goes directly to help some Ukrainian family facing economic crisis as well as to help peace and ceasefire campaigns?

Even when decisions to send more weapons and ammunition are taken by politicians of western countries (motivated by lobbyists of arms manufactures), a question that needs to be raised is—exactly in whose hands the weapons are going and has it been ensured that these political and military leaders of Ukraine are committed to a future of peace, safety, democracy and socio-economic well-being of their own people?

This may need a bit of background too. Some highly relevant questions need to be explored in an entirely unbiased way by those who are really sincere about helping the people of Ukraine.

Is it true that a democratically elected President and his government in Ukraine were toppled in 2014 by a coup engineered largely by the USA and its close allies and with local extreme right wing, neo Nazi forces playing a lead role?

Is it true that subsequently the USA and close allies acquired a very influential role in Ukraine, and encouraged or allowed the extreme right, neo-Nazi forces to become stronger and heavily armed and then use this position to harm the Russian-language speaking citizens, killing many of them, thereby leading the country to civil war type conditions, although earlier the same people had been living peacefully together?

Isn’t it true that these forces, which became more powerful under a regime characterized by increasing US influence on Ukraine policy, are committed to, and have been supported precisely for this reason, to a policy of permanent hostility with Russia (by geography, history and culture the most important neighbor of Ukraine)? Doesn’t such a policy condemn Ukraine to conditions of permanent or very long-term conflict, with all the resulting problems and difficulties for the common people of Ukraine?

Isn’t it correct that while imposing such policies or strengthening such groups most likely to pursue them, the USA policy makers or handlers have been strongly guided by their own geo-strategic interests, as narrowly perceived by them, instead of the welfare of the people of Ukraine? Isn’t it true that such policies are actually the opposite of what will best serve the welfare interests of the people of Ukraine (for example a policy of pursuing friendship with all neighbors is likely to be best in keeping with the welfare of the people of Ukraine)?

Isn’t it true that since the coup of 2014, foreign and big business interests from the west or allied countries have moved in quickly to gain control over farmland and other resources and assets of Ukraine?

Isn’t it true that in the present ruling regime of Ukraine corruption levels are known to be extremely high, while transparency levels are very low?

Isn’t it true that whatever regimes are controlled or dominated by extreme right wing or neo-Nazi forces have been generally very aggressive, always harmful for the common people and undemocratic?

Isn’t it true that in recent times in Ukraine there has been a clampdown on many voices of democratic opposition, and several opposition groups and parties, including those closer to working class people and weaker sections, have not been allowed to function properly?

Let these questions be debated in an unbiased way among citizens of various countries, among youth, among students, among academics and scholars, among social activists, among political parties, among communities, but please do not allow this debate to be corrupted by money or by selfish narrow interests. Let this be free and unbiased, and if it is still possible let the media also take up the debate in free and unbiased ways, in particular avoiding any influence of the military industrial complex and its think-tanks (think tanks which exist to support those big companies who manufacture and supply real tanks).

If on the basis of such a free and unbiased debate the answer to the various questions raised above is ‘yes, this is correct (or by and large correct)’, then clearly the unending supply of weapons to Ukraine’s present regime cannot be justified.

So this would not be the right policy to follow for those persons of western countries or other countries who want to sincerely help the common people of Ukraine. If they truly want to pursue their noble desire to help the people of Ukraine then two ways can be suggested.

Firstly, they can find or establish such honest groups that can ensure that any help they give will directly be taken to help those Ukrainian persons or families, women and children, injured or displaced persons who really need this help. For example, a person in the USA or Germany keen to help a distressed Ukrainian family can transfer a certain amount of money to it by using the advice and services of such a group. Such groups can also be set up with the help of migrants from Ukraine so that their knowledge of local conditions can be properly utilized too.

Secondly, they can extend their help to those peace movements which are struggling for bringing early peace to Ukraine, perhaps starting with an immediate unconditional ceasefire to be followed by detailed (and if necessary prolonged) negotiations for peace.

Such a cautionary as well properly discussed and deliberated approach to helping the people of Ukraine is quite clearly a much better option than throwing in billions of dollars into weapons supply at regular intervals.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Man over Machine-A Path to Peace, Protecting Earth for Children and A Day in 2071. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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There was much discussion of a mental health crisis possibly existing in some of the richest western countries even before the pandemic, particularly in the context of the younger part of the population. This certainly increased during the pandemic and has remained generally at higher than pre-pandemic levels since then.

However there is considerable difference of opinion and much debate regarding the interpretation of the available data.

In fact the data tends to be presented by different scholars in various ways, depending on whether they want to draw attention to the seriousness of mental health problems, or whether their objective is to downplay some of the more disturbing statistics and studies. In the context of some countries, there is a big difference in the situation conveyed by the more routine official reporting, and some studies based on smaller samples which could investigate issues in greater detail or more closely.

However the issues involved are certainly much more important than a merely academic debate. While a proper understanding of the prevailing situation will certainly help to provide relief to a large number of people, reducing their stress and distress on the basis of an evidence-based rational approach, at the same time this can also lead us to a better understanding of society and important social trends. This understanding in turn has a much wider significance in the larger task of creating a safer and more peaceful world.

To give an example of this wider significance, if it can be shown in credible ways that some of the richest countries have abnormally high rates of mental stress and distress, then this can be an important point for mobilizing public attention on some important but neglected areas of social and even political reform. This is in itself an important step forward, for some establishment leaders do not even want to acknowledge several serious and persisting problems in their proper context.

Another aspect that should be highlighted relates to how the more sensitive minds of the society are affected by the prevailing serious problems and distortions of society. The sensitive minds and noble thinking of many people, particularly younger people, may not be able to adjust to these distortions or the injustices behind them, and hence may show signs of withdrawing from such a society, or getting overwhelmed by them.

One response of society may be to refer to these sensitive and noble persons as being affected by mental disorders, as they are unable to adjust to the dominant social trends. Hence those who are possibly most capable of reforming and leading society may instead be condemned to various long-term treatments, including placement in asylums, till they are believed to be cured of their maladjustment or lack of adjustment to dominant social norms. The possibility that it is not these sensitive minds that need treatment, but instead it is the dominant social norms which may be wrong and unjust, is not even explored.

Hence a proper analysis of the mental health situation has the potential for gaining a much better understanding of the kind of social reform that is most needed. Given the importance of western countries and particularly the USA at world level, anything that contributes to a more just and stable western society should be helpful for the entire world.

It is with this perspective that certain questions are explored here. Does a mental health crisis exist in western countries, particularly among the younger people? If this is a reality, then how is it to be understood in better ways that can also show the path forward for reducing the associated distress and stress as well as wider social reform?

One of the more obvious responses to increasing mental stress has been to ask for a higher budget for treatment facilities, so it may be stated at the outset that mental health problems have been rising despite a significant rise in budgets for this in several western countries. According to the available data on the expenditure on mental health services in the USA, for instance, this increased rapidly from 147 billion dollars in 2009 to 238 billion dollars in 2020. A recent White House document (Reducing the Economic Burden of Unmet Mental Health Needs, May 31, 2022, hereafter referred to as the White House document) noted—“The federal government covers some of the costs of treating mental health disorders. Around $280 billion were spent on mental health services in 2020, about a quarter of which came from the US Medicaid program.”

The Health Care Cost Institute’s 2018 Report disclosed that per person spending on mental health admissions in the USA increased by 33% between 2014-18 while spending on outpatient psychiatry increased by 43%. Between 2007 and 2017 the percentage of medical claims associated with behavioral health more than doubled.

According to a report of the National Center for Health Statistics, USA, in the age group over 12 years, from 1988-94 to 2005-08, the use of anti-depressants increased by an astonishing 400%, with nearly 10% Americans using these medicines and as many as 23% of women in their 40s and 50s using these medicines. This trend continued to increase. In 2018 13.2% of US population over 12 years of age said that they had taken anti-depressants during the previous month.

Despite all these important trends of increase of mental health expenditure and increasing use of mental health medicines, however, mental health problems and disorders were being reported on an increasing scale, with the result that on the one hand expenditure on mental health increased but number of people not able to access treatment for mental health orders also increased. In the USA for instance, among the persons who need treatment for mental health orders about half are unable to access/afford this, according to official data. A study of 36,000 people stated that 62% of people who suffered from mood disorders, 76% of people who suffered from anxiety disorders and 81% of people who suffered from substance use disorders were not accessing treatment.

The number of people suffering from mental health disorders has gone on increasing over the years despite there being more medicines, increasing number of hospitals and related infra-structure. This increase is perhaps the most marked for the younger age groups.

The latest official statistics of ‘Youth Risk Behavior Survey’ (YRBS), USA, 2011-2021 released recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) tell us that in year 2021 42% of US high school students “experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness”, up from 28% in 2011. In the case of female students, this percentage is even higher—in 2021 as many as 57% of female high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Further, as many as 22% high school students in the USA “seriously considered attempting suicide”. Here also we see an overall increasing trend from 16% in 2011 to 22% in 2021. In the case of female students this number was as high as 30% in year 2021. In other words, almost one-third of female high school students in the USA were so distressed as to “seriously consider attempting suicide” during this year.  

There have been several other indications of such disturbing trends, including the call given twice in recent times by top child health organizations in the country for declaring a mental health emergency for children, given the scale of these problems.

According to the White House document quoted above, “there are several indications that Americans were experiencing a mental health crisis prior to the pandemic”. Between 2008 and 2019, the percentage of adolescents ( age 12-17) that reported having experienced at least one major depressive episode in the past year increased by 90%, in the age-group 18-25 this increased by 81%. Suicide death rate in the age-group 10-24 increased by 47%. Disturbing trends have been starting very early in childhood. As the White House document tells us, approximately one in six US children aged as little as 2-8 years  have a diagnosed mental, behavioral and development disorder. What is more, this document informed, one half of all lifetime cases of mental disorders are estimated to start before age 14.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, USA, in 2021 in the age-group 18-25 years, 33.7 per cent of youth in the USA suffered from Any Mental Illness(AMI) while 11.4 per cent suffered from Serious Mental Illness (SMI), the latter being so defined as to include serious functional impairment of important life activities.

In Europe also there appears to be a somewhat similar trend of increase of mental health facilities and expenditure co-existing with increasing mental health problems, particularly in the context of the younger part of the population. A recent report on a new mental health initiative states that now nearly half of all young Europeans report poor mental health and depression has been increasing.  A draft WHO report on ‘ Mental Health, Social Inclusion and Young People aged 18-29 in the WHO European Region’ says  that as many as 64% of all young people are at risk of depression, and young people are between 30 to 80% more likely to report symptoms of depression or anxiety compared to adults. 71% of all suicides in Bulgaria are of young people, this report states.

This WHO report also tells us that in the pre-pandemic phase also the percentage of adolescents in 10-19 age group struggling with mental disorders was higher in Europe at 16.3% compared to 13.2% global average, and the situation worsened after this. The number of young women suffering from anxiety and depression is much higher than young men, while young men who commit suicide are many more than young women, this report says, while also informing us that mental health indicators for LGBTQ+ group are persistently and significantly worse, with as many as 13% attempting suicide in the previous year.

A very recent survey by Renew Europe found 59% of respondents stating that their mental health is ‘not great’ or is ‘bad’. 39% said their sleep experience is bad or very bad. According to statistics given in a report of UNICEF ‘On My Mind’, suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people in Europe and 3 adolescent lives are lost in Europe because of mental health problems every day. One in five European boys of 15-19 age group suffer from mental health disorders, as do 16% of girls. 9 million adolescents (age 10-19) are living with mental disorders in Europe, with anxiety and depression accounting for more than half of these, this report stated.

In UK a recent survey of mental health of children and young people found that in 2022 in England 18% of children in 7-16 age group and 22% of young people in 17-24 age group had a probable mental disorder. According to another survey 31% of women in the 16-24 years age-group showed evidence of depression and anxiety in 2017-18.

A survey of 14 year girls in UK revealed 37% of them to be considering themselves very unhappy, worthless or unable to concentrate. In 2017 newspapers reported a 68% increase in hospital admission of girls less than 17 years of age due to self-harm related injuries (26% among boys). In May 2022 newspapers reported that 400,000 children and young people are being treated for mental health problems over a month.

In Sweden increase of mental health problems among young people reported in several studies has been summarized in a report titled ‘Mental health among youth in Sweden, Who is responsible, what is being done’, prepared by the Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues. A study in 2006 found that the number of girls in age group 15-19 treated in hospital for depression increased by 8 times between 1980 and 2003. Another study in 2012 found that among 1000 students surveyed at school 7-8 level, 21% girls and 16% boys reported that they had harmed themselves more than five times in the previous six months. A study in 2013 found that hospitalization of self-harm and self-injury affected females was twice the number compared to males in 15-24 age group. In 2013 another study found that 32% of girls in 16-24 age group reported experiencing anxiety, worry and angst quite regularly, compared to 19% boys. Another study this year stated that 40% of young people had felt stressed several days a week or all days during the previous six months—51% among females and 29% among males.

High levels of alcohol and drug use were reported among youth. Europe has the highest per capita alcohol consumption in world, starting at a very young age. At the age of 16, 90 per cent have consumed alcohol while 23% indulge in binge drinking three times in a month. In the USA 80% of young people consume alcohol, while 50% of this number indulges in binge drinking. Alcohol use among youth results in over a million injuries in a year. 20% of youth meet the criteria of Alcohol Use Disorder. 4,777 youth in USA in a year die from illegal drug overdose. Young people show increasing trend of drinking hard liquor and getting drunk.

When mental health problems go on increasing even after years of substantially increasing treatment facilities, clearly we need to move from just individual diagnosis to also social diagnosis. Of course good mental health facilities and the invaluable help given by brilliant specialists should continue to increase, but in addition there should be social examination and remedial action based on this too.

To give an example of what may be at work, schizophrenia is a mental illness often defined in terms of big disconnect with reality, or very strange/abnormal interpretation of reality leading to strange behavior patterns. But then hasn’t USA policy , when it pursued relentless wars in the name of peace, or when it toppled democratic regimes and installed or supported dictatorial ones while chanting the mantra of democracy all the time, itself been repeatedly schizophrenic? Or even in domestic policies, while talking all the time of the welfare of ‘the American people’, have not policies actually led to decline of welfare of the genuinely needy sections by deliberately increasing inequalities and gifting big gains to the richest billionaires, again displaying a schizophrenic streak.

The social diagnosis should not fight shy of such difficult issues, and it should examine deeply the hypocrisy, the double-speak, the glaring difference between the stated ethical norms and reality. In terms of sincere remedial actions, it should suggest ethical values which should guide national life and policy. 

In particular, as pointed out earlier, we should look at the possibility that there is nothing wrong with several persons, particularly idealist youth, who under the prevailing system may exhibit withdrawal symptoms or may show signs of not being able to adjust to prevailing social norms. In many such cases it is not such individuals who are mentally ill, it is the social system that is very ill so that the more spiritually and ethically healthy citizens are finding it difficult to adjust with the diseased social system. It is the system that needs medicine, which may be wrongly administered many times to the more enlightened individuals.

Most western countries rightly talk about a justice and just rules based world order, about care and compassion for all poor and weak people, about protection of human rights, about worldwide promotion of democracy and protection of environment, about firm commitment to peace and disarmament, but the reality differs very much from this. The USA-led west moves more often in an opposite direction. In this, more often than not, Europe follows the USA, whether it is the invasion of Iraq or the proxy war of Ukraine. When it comes to exploiting most other countries in matters of trade or patents or investment or resources, again it is the same selfish reality traced back to colonial times, but repeatedly dressed up as aid and help. Such selfish, deceitful external policies invariably give dominant internal roles also to those elites, billionaires and politicians who by habit also use deceit with large numbers of their own people too, although taking care to try and win elections in some way or the other.

All this makes it very difficult, if not impossible to create a society based on ethics and truth, peace and stability. In fact USA led western alliances or forces have very frequently toppled or destroyed or harmed those efforts in several countries which tried to create societies based on equality and justice, whether in Nicaragua or Venezuela, or in Congo or Chile, or in Bolivia or Brazil, or in many other countries, while lending support to some of the worst and most cruel dictators and their regimes, while all the time speaking of promoting justice and democracy and human rights. A very strange situation has arisen, in which best-intentioned citizens who wish to serve their country as  soldiers or diplomats, or even as  trade or technology officials, are often pushed into roles which are exploitative and unjust towards the poor and weak people of world, something that can be confirmed from an unbiased study of wars and military interventions, trade and investment policies, export of hazardous technologies and products, violence and deceit used for  control of energy and mineral resources, relentless support provided by governments for corporations known for their plunder and exploitation.

This is the wider reality of western society which creates a base of hypocrisy and duplicity.  It is very difficult to create a society based on ethics and truth in such circumstances. Many individuals may desire this but they feel overwhelmed by more powerful forces.

When we look at the crisis of mental health within these wider realities, we realize that while the experts should of course continue to make their valuable contributions to reducing stress and distress, in addition much bigger changes in society are needed which can create a strong base of ethics and truth. Briefly, what is needed for western society is to be at peace with itself a well at peace with the rest of the world. Internal and external peace and stability are related much more closely than is generally realized, and this has been the missing dimension of several well-intentioned western efforts to reduce not just mental health problems but also several other social problems including substance abuse, racism, crime and violence including gun violence and gender violence. When injustice and violence are inflicted externally, this invariably leads also to internal violence and instability. In any acts of dominance and violence, victims suffer but perpetrators also suffer—directly or indirectly, sooner or later. So the west should aim to achieve a harmony of internal and external peace with justice, which can bring true happiness to its people while also paving its path for an enlightened leadership role. 

Note of caution–For anyone having depressive thoughts helplines and other help are available.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Protecting Earth for Children, Planet in Peril, Earth without Borders and A Day in 2071.    

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As you may have noticed if you diligently observe the Armageddon Prose ethos, one common thread in the canon is the burgeoning biomedical police state meant to serve as the basis for the technocratic surveillance state.

The organization atop the world Public Health™ hierarchy, the WHO, is now explicit in stating these aims out loud in public, apparently unafraid to flaunt its ill-gotten power to the people it is in the process of fully subjugating.

Via World Health Organization:

One Health’ is an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and the environment. It is particularly important to prevent, predict, detect, and respond to global health threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together. This way, new and better ideas are developed that address root causes and create long-term, sustainable solutions.

One Health involves the public health, veterinary, public health [sic] and environmental sectors. The One Health approach is particularly relevant for food and water safety, nutrition, the control of zoonoses (diseases that can spread between animals and humans, such as flu, rabies and Rift Valley fever), pollution management, and combatting antimicrobial resistance (the emergence of microbes that are resistant to antibiotic therapy).

Government officials, researchers and workers across sectors at the local, national, regional and global levels should implement joint responses to health threats. This includes developing shared databases and surveillance across different sectors, and identifying new solutions that address the root causes and links between risks and impacts. Community engagement is also critical to promote risk-reducing habits and attitudes, and to support early detection and containment of disease threats.

WHO formed a One Health Initiative to integrate work on human, animal and environmental health across the Organization. WHO is also working with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) as a One Health Quadripartite.”

Dovetailing with this One Health machination is the recent announcement by the WHO of its intentions to fight an “infodemic” of “misinformation” whether it is “factual or not” – in laymen’s terms, a censorship campaign to suppress information that counters their  narrative even if it is factual.

Via the Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) document:

“People have now access to an enormous amount of information (which increases during crisis) from many different sources, traditional or digital, including for instance online platform offering pre-print access to scientific articles. Health institutions are not anymore, the only provider of information. This new information ecosystem has generated a new “Health Threat” that accompanies epidemics and pandemics, called infodemic.

Infodemic is the overabundance of information –accurate or not– which makes it difficult for individuals to adopt behaviours that will protect their health and the health of their families and communities. The infodemic can directly impact health, hamper the implementation of public health countermeasures and undermine trust and social cohesiveness. Infodemic cannot be eliminated it can only be managed. This is why WHO and partners have developed the approach of infodemic management which encompasses Risk Communication and Community Engagement adding additional tools and approaches to manage it more efficiently in the 21st century.”

“Accurate or not”!

The truth used to be a universal defense in terms of public speech in Western civilization. No longer. WHO technocrats are not versed in the tradition of civil liberties because civil liberties are inconvenient to social control.

As I have argued elsewhere, this regime altogether represents the greatest effort in history by a single entity to simultaneously subvert national sovereignty of nations in a global coup – all without firing a shot.

The question becomes: what can be done to combat all of this by average people, alone or in cooperation with like-minded individuals? It came up in a recent interview I did with Alison Steinberg for her show In Focus on One America News Network to discuss the state of affairs.

Full-scale revolt is the answer. WHO acolytes must be ostracized from polite society. The funding through the federal government not just to WHO but to all such entities must be cut off. Nuremberg-style prosecutions, starting with COVID warlord Anthony Fauci himself, must commence so as to deter any future Faucis from picking up where he nominally left off (although he’s still very much active in the maintenance of the regime).

In the OAN interview, I note that Trump got the US out of the WHO –an achievement for which he deserves credit that he doesn’t tout enough on the campaign trail — only to have his decision reversed by the Brandon entity. No one, save for the most masochistic child-masking NPCs in DC suburbs, Brooklyn etc., wants the government to use their money to facilitate their own enslavement. In a similar vein, the GOP-controlled house recently proposed defunding the WHO as part of its proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

Unfortunately, what these moves lack is staying power and steely resolve. They are too tepid and half-measured to count for much. Entirely too many Republicans andDemocrats take entirely too much money from the pharmaceutical industry and related industries to feel properly incentivized to change anything fundamental about the iron grip these pernicious quasi-governmental and corporate forces have on American and global politics.

What we need is a real, visionary leader who understands fully the threat the WHO poses to human freedom and well-being.

Is that man RFK Jr.? I don’t know for sure, but I do know he’s the best we’ve got on this front.


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This article was originally published on Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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Transverse Myelitis (TM) is a rare neurological disorder of the spinal cord, caused by inflammation and occurring across one spinal segment, leading to severe motor, sensory and autonomic dysfunction.

The mechanism of injury is inflammation of the spinal cord causing damage to the myelin sheath of the nerves.

2023 June 23 – Calgary, AB – 14 year old Alexander McNeil, who is fully COVID-19 vaccinated (his 4 year old brother is the only unvaccinated family member), became paralyzed from belly button down on June 23, 2023 and was diagnosed with transverse myelitis and swelling throughout his entire spinal cord. (click here)

2023 June 4 – Richland, WA – Trena Kennedy is an Ultra Marathon Runner, Ultra-running Coach and Outdoor Enthusiast. She was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis. She is presumed COVID-19 vaccinated.

2023 May – Texas – Dr. Darrick Wells has been struck with a brain bleed and his wife is suffering from Transverse Myelitis. Both are presumed COVID-19 vaccinated.

2022 May – Denmark – Emina Blazevic was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis, was paralyzed from the neck down including her lung, and hospitalized for 10 months! (click here)

2022 March 15 – Mount Albert, ON – 36 year old Kayla Pollock had the Moderna COVID-19 mRNA booster shot and shortly after woke up paralyzed neck down. She was diagnosed with Acute Transverse Myelitis with a lesion on her spinal cord. (click here)

2021 Nov – Pittsburg, PA – 23 year old Jaclyn Lenhart woke up one day in Nov.2021 paralyzed. She was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis. She has been paralyzed for 20 months now and is in a wheelchair.

2021 June – Raymond Sharples served as a US Marine and then in the US Army. He was mandated to take COVID-19 vaccines. He got sick 2 weeks after the jab and started experiencing numbness. He was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis & discharged from military in 2022 with permanent nerve damage.

2021 April – Lori Lowe from Virginia, was diagnosed with Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced transverse myelitis. A few months after diagnosis she was told she has multiple sclerosis.

2020 Sep – A case of Transverse Myelitis in the UK shut down global AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Trials (click here).

My Take…

Acute Transverse Myelitis (ATM) used to be a rare neurological condition (1 case / million / year) (source).

ATM is an inflammatory disorder of the spinal cord that results in motor, sensory and autonomic dysfunction, with relatively severe disability in one third of patients (that’s why so many of the patients I’ve presented are now in a wheelchair).

Roman et al. published a paper in April 2021 implicating COVID-19 infection in causing transverse myelitis but also found 3 ATM patients who took AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Their conclusion is stunning for its time, and that it was even published: (click here).

The pathogenesis of ATM remains unknown but it is conceivable that SARS-CoV-2 antigens, perhaps also present in AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine may induce immune mechanisms leading to the myelitis.

What they are gently referring to is the COVID-19 SPIKE PROTEIN.

A review by Ostovan et al. identified 31 patients with post COVID-19 vaccination transverse myelitis, 17 women and 14 men: (click here)

  • 12/31 AstraZeneca
  • 8/31 Pfizer
  • 7/31 Moderna
  • 3/31 Sinopharm
  • 1/31 J&J

21/31 had good recovery, and 10/31 had poor recovery (those who remain paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair.

WHO’s VigiAccess Database (click here) has 1300 cases of transverse myelitis reported linked to COVID-19 vaccines. Here is a comparison to other neurological injuries:

  • 21,786 Seizures
  • 11,723 Bell’s Palsy
  • 7,693 Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • 5,650 brain fog
  • 5,413 paralysis
  • 2,180 multiple sclerosis
  • 1,300 transverse myelitis (linked to COVID-19 vaccines)

While not as common as some other post COVID-19 vaccine neurological injuries, transverse myelitis is a horrible, debilitating injury, often resulting in being confined to a wheelchair.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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To be absolutely clear in order for this analysis not to be misinterpreted or spun as meaning something that it doesn’t, there’s no guarantee that the US will cut off Kiev’s arms supply, peace talks will then resume, and the conflict will be successfully frozen. The present piece merely points out that Stoltenberg’s latest speech contains nothing new in terms of ties with Kiev while conspicuously omitting to promise continued arms supplies, which is intriguing to reflect upon.

All eyes are on NATO ahead of the bloc’s upcoming summit in Vilnius next week as observers wonder whether it’ll lead to any game-changing developments in the alliance’s ties with Ukraine. Secretary General Stoltenberg gave a preview of this event on Friday when sharing what he expects will be agreed to between its existing members and that aspiring one. It really doesn’t amount to anything new, however, as can be seen from his own words below as transcribed by the official NATO website:

“I expect Allied leaders will agree a package with three elements, to bring Ukraine closer to NATO.

First, we will agree a multi-year programme of assistance. To ensure full interoperability between the Ukrainian armed forces and NATO.

Second, we will upgrade our political ties. By establishing the NATO-Ukraine Council.

And third, I expect Allied leaders will reaffirm that Ukraine will become a member of NATO. And unite on how to bring Ukraine closer to its goal.”

The multi-year assistance plan has de facto been in effect for a while already so this part of his latest speech is just confirmation that it’ll remain in place for the indefinite future. Regarding the NATO-Ukraine Council, this is merely the institutionalization of their ties since the start of Russia’s special operation, thus making it nothing new either. And finally, the last part of the package that Stoltenberg predicts will be presented is simply a political – albeit provocative – statement.

All that being the case, this likely outcome will probably disappoint the Ukrainian leadership, which had unrealistically high hopes about there being some game-changing developments in its ties with NATO. They should have foreseen this, however, since there wasn’t ever any credible chance that consensus would be reached on their former Soviet Republic’s formal membership in that bloc. They might even become deeply concerned if they reread what Stoltenberg said and notice a very conspicuous omission.

Remaining committed to “full interoperability” between NATO and Ukraine, institutionalizing their newfound ties, and repeating a political – albeit provocative – statement about its future membership don’t guarantee that the pace, scale, and scope of the bloc’s armed aid to Kiev will continue. The failure of its NATObacked counteroffensive seemingly led to the alliance souring on the scenario of forever supporting their proxy at the expense of meeting their own minimum national security needs.

Had Ukraine already achieved impressive on-the-ground gains in the run-up to next week’s summit, then Stoltenberg would have unambiguously promised that the pace, scale, and scope of the bloc’s armed aid to Kiev will continue until the latter’s “ultimate victory” in order to keep up the momentum. Instead, that country’s leadership will now have to console itself with perfunctory political pledges and somehow spin this to their people as having supposedly made the past year’s sacrifices worth it.

Zelensky and his clique might also feel that NATO is indirectly signaling its willingness to focus more on the Asia-Pacific at the potential expense of Ukraine’s interests after Stoltenberg announced in the same speech that “we will be joined by the leaders of Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea.” Those members of AUKUS+ are poised to function as NATO’s de facto Asia-Pacific members in leading the bloc’s containment of China, which is planned to be prioritized once the proxy war with Russia wraps up.

About that last-mentioned scenario, President Putin, Foreign Minister Lavrov, and former President-turned -Security-Council-Deputy Medvedev all recently said that the NATO-Russian proxy war could end right away if the US cuts off Kiev’s arms supply. While it’s premature to predict that this will happen anytime soon in spite of Kiev’s NATO-backed counteroffensive failing, it’s worthwhile to note that Belarusian President Lukashenko predicted earlier this week that peace talks might resume in the fall.  

He’s sometimes said things that contradicted Russian policy and were thus publicly denied by Kremlin spokesman Peskov, such as when he said that spring 2022’s draft treaty included details about Moscow “leasing” Crimea from Kiev, but he more often than not tends to be pretty reliable. The NATO-Russian “race of logistics”/”war of attrition” that Stoltenberg acknowledged in mid-February seems to be taking a toll on the bloc as suggested by him declining to commit to keeping up its aid to Kiev in his latest speech.   

This explains why President Putin, Lavrov, and Medvedev all spoke about possibly freezing the conflict after the resumption of peace talks that could occur if the US cuts off Kiev’s arms supply, thus placing Stoltenberg’s conspicuous omission into context as well as Lukashenko’s prediction. The NATO chief’s announcement that the bloc’s de facto Asia-Pacific members will attend next week’s summit might also signal that it’s preparing to wrap up its proxy war with Russia in order to prioritize containing China.  

To be absolutely clear in order for this analysis not to be misinterpreted or spun as meaning something that it doesn’t, there’s no guarantee that the US will cut off Kiev’s arms supply, peace talks will then resume, and the conflict will be successfully frozen. The present piece merely points out that Stoltenberg’s latest speech contains nothing new in terms of ties with Kiev while conspicuously omitting to promise continued arms supplies and curiously inviting Asia-Pacific attendees to this summit.

Anything can always happen to offset the abovementioned trajectory of events, such as Kiev carrying out a false flag provocation against the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, but so far that does indeed appear to be the direction in which everything is moving for the reasons that were explained. Absent the aforesaid false flag scenario or something like it and taking for granted the continued failure of Kiev’s NATO-backed counteroffensive, there’s thus a real possibility that Lukashenko’s prediction might pan out.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

A Bankrupt Calculus: Sending Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

July 9th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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There is a certain desperation in the logic of those who argue that a depraved solution has merit because it’s only slightly less depraved than that of the opponent. Torture is bad but should still be used because your adversary feels free to resort to it. Only do so, however, via judicial warrant. Bombing hospitals is terrible, but when done, select those with military personnel. Before long, one’s moral compass does not so much adjust as vanish into a horizon of relativist horror.

Much of this is evident in the Ukraine War, notably regarding weapons supply and deployment. Ukraine, the Biden administration has announced, will receive cluster munitions, despite their appalling record as, in the words of a coalition of civil society organisations, “indiscriminate weapons that disproportionately harm civilians, both at the time of use and for years after a conflict has ended.” Some detail of this was provided in a July 7 White House press briefing by the National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan.

According to Sullivan, Washington based its “security assistance decision on Ukraine’s needs on the ground, and Ukraine needs artillery to sustain its offensive and defensive operations.” It all came down to the sustained use of artillery in the conflict. “Ukraine is firing thousands of rounds a day to defend against Russian efforts to advance and also to support its own efforts to retake its sovereign territory.”

Preference shown by Sullivan for the “they do it, so we can” argument, a vagabond’s reasoning. In an effort to minimise culpability, he reasons that the US has better cluster munitions than those of the Russian military. (Such a marvellous difference and bound to excite those keen on flimsy moral calculi.) First, Sullivan makes the claim that Russia had “been using cluster munitions since the start of this war to attack Ukraine.” No mention is made of claims by Human Rights Watch that Ukraine has already deployed cluster bombs, notably on Russian-controlled areas in and around Izium in 2022.

A point is also made that Russian forces had been using munitions with a failure rate of between 30 and 40 percent. “In this environment, Ukraine has been requesting cluster munitions in order to defend its own sovereign territory. The cluster munitions that we would provide have dud rates far below what Russia is doing – is providing – not higher than 2.5 percent.” The admission is telling, if only because US law and regulations prohibit the transfer of cluster munitions with “dud rates” higher than 1 percent.

Kyiv has also wooed Washington with an undertaking that it will de-mine the residual remains of the munitions in question.  Again, reasons Sullivan, such de-mining would have to take place in any case, given Russia’s own resort to their use.

Only briefly in such casuistry does Sullivan mention the contentious, hideous nature of the munitions. “We recognize,” he told the press briefing, “that cluster munitions create a risk of civilian harm from unexploded ordnance. This is why we’ve deferred – deferred the decision for as long as we could.” President Joe Biden reiterated the sentiment to CNN, claiming that it was “a very difficult decision on my part” to make. “I discussed this with our allies. I discussed this with our friends on the [Capitol] Hill.” But White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby was probably closer to the mark in deeming these weapons “innovative” in curbing Russia’s military efforts.

The Biden administration has done much to avoid the stern disapproval of the use of such munitions in international law, hiding behind notions of grave duty. The 2008 United Nations Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) outlines state party obligations to “never under any circumstances” use such munitions; develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer to anyone, directly or indirectly, those same munitions; and assist encourage or induce anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under the convention.

Article 3 also notes a State Party’s obligations to “destroy or ensure destruction of all cluster munitions […] as soon as possible but not later than eight years after the entry into force” of the CCM. Inability to do so can lead to the convening of state parties, a review conference for an extension of the deadline, or, in some exceptional cases, an extension of four years.

The number of parties to the convention, including a number of European states aiding Ukraine, has reached an impressive 123. That said, three relevant absentees from the list stand out: Washington, Moscow and Kyiv. While Biden claims to have had discussions with lawmakers on his decision, 19 members of the House of Representatives have demurred in a statement rebuking the transfer, reiterating the call for the US to “join global allies and sign on to that UN Convention”.

The signatories also note that “there is no such thing as a safe cluster bomb – and using or transferring them for use hurts the global effort to eradicate these dangerous munitions, taking us down the wrong path.” Past blemishes are also cited as a haunting reminder about what such weapons do. “The US history of using cluster munitions – particularly the legacy of long-term harm to civilians in Southeast Asia – should prevent us from repeating the mistakes of our past.” The difference now is that Ukraine has become the designated proxy for using such crude weaponry and is being given encouragement into the bargain.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: US personnel load a cluster bomb to a jet during the bombing of Yugoslavia. (Photo: Richard Rosser / US Navy)

The Syrian Refugees in Germany Face Danger

July 9th, 2023 by Steven Sahiounie

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Lebanese clans living in Germany, who are involved in drug trafficking, have caused death and mayhem. The German police responded to a massive brawl which broke out on June 16 in front of a restaurant in Essen that left a 23-year-old Syrian man dead, several German police officers injured, and 150 Lebanese arrested.

The Lebanese clans operate in Germany as a mafia while controlling drug smuggling and distribution. The police used water cannons and a helicopter to try to contain the violence.

A Syrian family became involved in a dispute with the Lebanese, and the fight began involving hundreds of people on both sides of the conflict, and spread to other areas.

Syrian refugees number 800,000 according to a March 2021 survey. It is the largest refugee community in Germany.

The largest influx of Syrian refugees arrived in Germany from walking on foot across Europe after taking Turkish smuggling boats to Greece in the summer of 2015 when about 350,000 arrived asking for asylum. From the outset, the illegal smuggling activity is what got them to Germany. They were rewarded for breaking European immigration laws.

The Syrians since then have continued to arrive. The fighting in Syria has been over since 2017, but the country was never allowed to rebuild because of US and EU sanctions which prevent any reconstruction or creation of new jobs.  The Syrians are economic migrants. They are not fleeing war, they are fleeing poverty and the sanctions which are designed to keep the Syrian people suffering.  The US and EU foreign policy on Syria is to keep the citizens so poverty stricken, that they will rise up and overthrow the Damascus government.  That was unable to be accomplished by the terrorists that the US and NATO employed since 2011, and it will not be possible now that the terrorists are gone.

The typical Syrian refugee in Germany, or anywhere, is an economic migrant who is firstly looking to obtain free benefits offered by the government, such as a monthly welfare check, free housing, food and medicine. Syrians are not there to put down roots, or become German.  They seek German citizenship only as a means of staying there, and being able to travel easily on vacations and family visits.

Syrians are typically learning the German language just enough to qualify for benefits, or to get a job.  Syrian women are not looking to work; they prefer to remain at home unemployed even if their children are grown. Even though working women are common inside Syria, the female Syrian refugee is not looking to contribute to the household income.

Syrian refugees in Germany are typically not interested in German politics, or political parties. Firstly, to join a party and vote a person must hold citizenship. Secondly, the name of the main political party is the Christian Democrat party, and almost all the Syrians are Muslim, which creates an immediate disassociation with the party.

Syrians don’t feel German, or that the country is their home.  It is just a place to live safely, and gain an income. They generally don’t have any German friends, other than saying hello to co-workers or neighbors.  Syrian women tend to only associate with other Syrian women, and only speak Arabic, further isolating them from German society. The children are very affected by their home life.

The German child protective services have been busy taking Syrian children away from their refugee parents. German neighbors are reporting parents who may spank or scream at their children. The Syrian customs of childrearing are not the same as European norms. Taking small children away from their own parents is a form of torture.

LGBTQ issues are understood and accepted in Europe, but are not accepted by countries in the Middle East, including Lebanon.  Syrian refugee families in Germany have been teaching their children that Islam does not approve of the LGBTQ lifestyle, although all German laws protecting that community are to be obeyed.  Syrians are asking their children to not participate in Gay Pride activities in school. This has led to German authorities issuing court decrees to remove young school aged children from their Muslim parents.

Syrian Christian families hold the same views on the issue of LGBTQ as the Syrian Muslim families. The Syrian culture is 10,000 years old, and the Christians in Syria were worshipping in churches when the German pagans were building bonfires and worshipping fire.

We have heard of the concept of the clash of civilizations, and east meets west in Germany, and the project of Syrian integration in Germany is a failed project.

Sweden is also taking school aged children away from their Syrian parents and placing them into a foster home, and the parents are prevented from even knowing where the child is at. The Swedish Social Services are teaching at the schools what is allowed and not allowed at home.  This encourages the children to then report on their parents, which results in the child being taken away permanently.

There are many Syrian who have left home to find their place abroad. They have become productive members of society around the world, and may remain abroad for all their life. There is even a Syrian refugee who became the Mayor of a small town in Germany.

The US-NATO regime change project engineered by US President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden is a failure.  It is time to allow Syria to be rebuilt and recover from an unjust war which left death and destruction in its path.  The US and EU sanctions should be lifted and foreign investment in rebuilding begun. Eventually, those Syrians who are not interested in remaining in Germany, or elsewhere forever, can plan to return home to work and live in their own culture and religion.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours.

The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.

However, less than 24 hours later, the study was removed and a note appeared stating: “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.” While the study had not undergone any part of the peer-review process, the note implies it fell foul of “screening criteria”.

The original study abstract can be found in the Internet Archive. It reads (with my emphasis added):

Background: The rapid development and widespread deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, have led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction and carcinogenicity. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis. 

Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.

Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%) and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Interpretation: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.

The full study does not appear to have been saved in the Internet Archive, but can be read here.

Without further detail from the Preprints with the Lancet staff who removed the paper it is hard to know what substance the claim that the conclusions are not supported by the methodology really has. A number of the authors of the paper are at the top of their fields so it is hard to imagine that the methodology of their review was really so poor that it warranted removal at initial screening rather than being subject to full critical appraisal. It smacks instead of raw censorship of a paper that failed to toe the official line. Keep in mind that the CDC has not yet acknowledged a single death being caused by the Covid mRNA vaccines. Autopsy evidence demonstrating otherwise is clearly not what the U.S. public health establishment wants to hear.

Dr. Clare Craig, a pathologist and co-Chair of the HART pandemic advisory group, says that in her view the approach taken in the study is sound. She told the Daily Sceptic:

The VAERS system [of vaccine adverse event reporting] is designed to alert to potential harms without necessarily being the best way of measuring the extent of those harms.

Quantifying the impact of deaths can be done by looking at overall mortality rates in a country.

However, this is imperfect as a deficit of deaths would be expected after a period of excess deaths, making the accuracy of any baseline dubious.

An alternative approach of auditing such deaths through autopsy is sound.

There may be a bias [in the study] towards reporting the autopsies of deaths where there was evidence of causation and the likelihood of causation might be exaggerated by that bias. For example, 19 of the 325 deaths were due to vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) but these reports may be overrepresented because of the regulators’ willingness to acknowledge such deaths.

Nevertheless, it is important that attempts are made to quantify the risk of harm and censorship of these attempts, rather than open scientific critique, does nothing to help reassure people.

Dr. Harvey Risch, one of the study’s authors, told the Daily Sceptic he deems it “pure Government-directed censorship, even after the Missouri v. Biden injunction”. 

“Meanwhile, my colleagues are studying what they call ‘Long Vax‘, which is vaccine-caused damage. But of course that is a rare, rare, rare outcome, except that they seem not to be having any problem finding such individuals to enroll in their study,” he added.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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First published on July 7, 2023


The Kakhovka dam was a massive two-mile-long structure that dammed the Dnieper River which bisects Ukraine. It was built by the Soviet Union in 1956 and raised the Dnieper by 16 meters (52 feet), creating the Kakhovka Reservoir. The dam was destroyed on 6 June 2023, resulting in massive flooding downstream on both sides of the river which created a social and environmental disaster. The city of Kherson, located near the river’s mouth with the Black Sea, was also flooded.

Both Ukraine and Russia deny blowing up the dam and blame the other. At this stage, all the evidence is circumstantial and conjectural, but a forensic assessment of that evidence overwhelmingly suggests Ukraine destroyed the dam. Despite that, US and Western European politicians and media have uniformly sought to implicate Russia as the perpetrator.

In multiple ways, the dam’s destruction echoes the 2022 destruction of the Russian-owned Nord Stream 2 pipeline. That pipeline was a piece of civilian infrastructure; was destroyed by an explosion; its destruction caused a massive environmental disaster; Ukraine denies any role; many European governments claimed Russia had blown up its own pipeline; and Western media either explicitly claimed Russia had done it (Time) or tendentiously sought to implicate Russia (New York Times, Guardian).

The evidence: a forensic assessment

The evidence regarding the dam’s destruction is circumstantial, conjectural, and multi-dimensional. The best starting point is motive.

(1) The main argument against Russia is it blew up the dam to disrupt Ukraine’s pre-announced counter-offensive and gain military advantage. That argument is easily dismissed.

The dam’s destruction flooded both sides of the Dnieper. Ukraine’s forces were stationed far in the rear, out of range of Russian artillery. In contrast, Russian forces were dug in on the east bank in anticipation of Ukraine’s offensive. The Guardian recently reported: “The explosion – which Kyiv and Western governments say Moscow carried out – washed away Russian frontline positions….. The hydroelectric dam explosion has made crossing the river easier after water levels receded leaving behind a sandy plain.” Indeed, Ukraine has now established a small bridgehead on the east bank of the river, near the destroyed Antonivskyi bridge.

Russia was undoubtedly aware that flooding would be militarily counter productive. Thus, The Moscow Times (which is highly critical of President Putin) reported back in November 2022 that: “(T)errain levels mean the flooding would likely be worse on the Russian-held left bank of the Dnipro, making a detonation of the explosives on the dam an unlikely move for Moscow. ‘[Destroying the dam] would mean Russia essentially blowing off its own foot’ military analyst Michael Kofman said on the War on the Rocks podcast last month. ‘(I)t would flood the Russian-controlled part of Kherson [region]… much more than the western part Ukrainians are likely to liberate’.”  

(2) Another reason why Russia would not destroy the dam (and Ukraine would) is Crimea’s water supply. The Kakhovka resevoir is a major source of water supply to the parched Crimea peninsula via the North Crimea canal. Ukraine cut off that supply in 2014. On capturing the Kakhovka dam in early 2022, Russia immediately restored supply, showing its high priority. Russia destroying the dam would be a self-inflicted wound. Ukraine destroying it would fit with Ukrainian aspirations to disrupt and recapture Crimea.

(3) Prior Ukrainian attacks on the dam show Ukraine’s willingness to destroy it. In November 2022, during its Kherson counter-offensive, Ukraine shelled and damaged the dam in an unsuccessful attempt to cut-off Russia’s retreat across road and rail lines on top of the dam. Moreover, President Zelinsky publicly warned that Russia had mined the dam’s generating room, so Ukraine was aware of that. In keeping with its practices, Ukraine denied those attacks — as if Russia were shelling its own troops, cutting-off its line of retreat, and risking flooding its positions in Kherson which were then on both sides of the river.

Even more damning, The Washington Post (December 29, 2022) reports Ukraine’s General Andriy Kovalchuk, commander of the southern front, acknowledged using high precision US-supplied HIMARS missiles to attack the dam in November 2022: “Kovalchuk considered flooding the river. The Ukrainians, he said, even conducted a test strike with a HIMARS launcher on one of the floodgates at the Nova Kakhovka dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages. The test was a success, Kovalchuk said….”

(4) The silence of US and UK military intelligence suggests Ukraine did it. The US and UK are deeply involved in the war and committed to discrediting and indicting Russia. Yet, neither country’s intelligence services have released official pronouncements that Russia blew up the dam. The reason is if they made such pronouncements, they would have to provide evidence which they either do not have or (more likely) shows Ukraine did it. Silence can be revealing, as in the Sherlock Holmes story in which the decisive clue is the dog that did not bark.

(5) The timing of the destruction makes no sense from a Russian standpoint. Russia has held the dam since early 2022. It did not destroy it when Russian forces were retreating from Kharkiv in September 2022, and nor did it destroy the dam when Russian forces withdrew from western Kherson in November 2022. Now, the tide of war has turned in Russia’s favor as evidenced by the capture of Bakhmut and the failing Ukrainian counter-offensive; Ukraine’s calls for both additional and more advanced weaponry; and calls by by former NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen to put Polish troops in Ukraine. Those circumstances speak to why Ukraine had a military incentive to blow the dam now, and not Russia.

(6) Lastly, Kherson is a heavily ethnically Russian region which would discourage Russia from flooding it and encourage Ukraine to do so. Throughout the conflict, demographic considerations have been almost entirely neglected by Western media. The war has been fought in the Donbas and Kherson regions which are almost exclusively ethnically Russian. Concern for the safety of ethnic Russians is a high priority for Moscow, which explains why Russia has evacuated locales in advance of conflict. In contrast, Ukraine is controlled by Azov/Bandera forces which are committed to extinguishing the ethnic Russian presence. That was evident in the battle for Mariupol in which occupying Azov forces used the civilian population as a human shield. It is also evident in Ukraine’s on-going purge of Russian culture, prohibition of the Russian language, and banning of political rights for ethnic Russians. Given those attitudes, the destruction of ethnically Russian centers suits Ukraine and helps explain its psychological willingness to commit a crime of such proportions.

How was the dam destroyed?

The above evidence points to Ukraine’s culpability. However, there remains the question of how the dam was destroyed. Two possibilities suggest themselves.

The first possibility is Ukraine again targeted the Kokhovka dam gates with HIMARS missiles, as it had done in November 2022. This time the dam gave way owing to accumulated structural weakness from lack of maintenance and abnormal operating procedures. That explanation would account for both the explosion signatures that were seismographically detected and the infra-red heat signatures that were detected by US spy satellites. It is also consistent with the structural collapse argument made by the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT), which is an anti-Putin organization that monitors Russia’s global military activity.

The second possibility is Ukraine fired HIMARS missiles at a detonator mechanism that was atop the dam. The dam was mined for miltary purposes, as would-be all bridges and crossings. Ukraine knew that and photos have surfaced showing a car packed with explosives and wired into the structure of the dam. That explanation would be consistent with an explosion from within the dam. It would also be consistent with the detected seismic and infra-red signatures, and the CIT explanation would also be relevant as the dam was vulnerable owing to inappropriate wear-and-tear.


There are important consequences to Ukraine’s probable destruction of the Kakhovka dam and the West’s complicitous concealment thereof.

First, President Zelensky and Western leaders have accused Russia of ecocide and a war crime. If it is now shown that Ukraine is responsible, that makes Ukraine guilty of those crimes. If HIMARS missiles were used in the attack, that would make the US an accessory, at least in spirit. If British Sorm Shadow missiles were used, the UK would be an accessory. The extent of US or British personnel involvement is an unknown.

Second, the West’s concealment of Ukraine’s probable attack renders it complicit and carries dangerous consequences. Letting Ukraine get away with it promises to further embolden Ukrainian recklessness. There have long been fears Ukraine would attack the Zaporizhzia nuclear plant and claim Russia had done so. The Kakhovka dam attack can be viewed as a trial run, and President Zelensky has already begun stepping up the Zaporizhzia nuclear rhetoric.

An attack on Zaporizhzia would be a catastrophe for all Eastern Europe, Central Europe, and even Western Europe. Beyond that is the risk Russia interprets such an attack as akin to a dirty bomb and responds in kind. Complicity has its consequences.

Third, the West’s concealment of the probable Ukrainian Kakhovka dam attack resonates with other coverage regarding the war, and it threatens Western democracy. Mendacity about foreign affairs does not stay outside. Instead, it bleeds inward and affects the domestic body politic.


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In my previous article ‘1500 scientists say ‘Climate Change Not Due to Co2’ – The real environment movement was hijacked’ I provided evidences and testimonies from renowned international climate scientists that contradict the UN assertions in relation to climate change being caused by Co2 emissions. I also referred to the conclusion of 1500 climate scientists and climate professionals at the Climate Intelligence Foundation that:

  • the climate changes naturally and slowly in its own cycle,
  • solar activity is the dominant factor in climate; and that CO2 emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the dominant factors in climate change.

In essence, therefore, the incessant UN, government, and corporate-media-produced climate hysteria in relation to CO2 emissions and methane from cows has no scientific basis.

I am an independent researcher and I have no commercial interest in stating that climate change is not caused by CO2, or by methane from livestock, such as cows.

Why is the UN not focusing on the real pollution of the air, land and water systems that has been occuring has been via the release of thousands of real pollutants by the corporations of industrial globalisation over the past decades?

Over decades, ‘Big Oil’ corporations have caused widespread pollution of land, air, and water systems worldwide. I support real environmentalism. However, man-made climate change caused by Co2 emissions is fake science and fake news. The CO2 agenda has detracted and distracted significantly from peoples understanding of what real environmentalism is and involves.

In truth I am against ‘real’ pollution, and the reality is that the CO2 component is not a pollutant. So why did the UN and the entire world banking and corporate matrix promote the agenda to reduce CO2 ? Recall the following words of Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a former Committee Chairman at the UN IPPC, and former head of the Paleo Geo-physics and Geo-dynamics department in Stockholm:

“The scientific truth is on the side of the sceptics… I have thousands of high ranked scientists all over the world who agree that NO, CO2 is not the driving mechanism and that everything is exaggerated…I suspect that behind-the-scenes promoters… have an ulterior motive… It’s a wonderful way of controlling taxation controlling people” – Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a former Committee Chairman at the UN IPPC, and former head of the Paleo Geo-physics and Geo-dynamics department in Stockholm

My previous article also provided evidences and testimony that:

  • The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) cherry picks data, uses flawed modelling and scenarios not remotely related to the real world
  • Financialization of the entire world economy is now based on a life-killing ‘net-zero’ greenhouse gas emissions strategy.
  • Central bankers hijacked the real environmental movement in 1992 creating the fake climate change agenda, and are entirely funding / controlling the advancement of the worldwide climate change ‘project’
  • Despite the deceptive and fake environmental facade, it has adopted, the vast institutional entity of the UN has fully endorsed environmentally destructive industrial globalisation for the past 70 years.

The world-wide political green economy/green growth strategy is in part just environmentally destructive globalisation painted green. International policies for ‘sustainable development’ incorrectly endorse globalisation and environmentally destructive forms of GDP growth. Furthermore, the UN does not focus on real root cause issues, such as the debt-money economy and world private-banking practice of usury. In addition, the UN avoids mentioning the almost complete failure over the past 30 years of the UN environmental policy of decoupling environmental impacts from GDP growth, but still promotes this bogus policy. These decoupling policies were never going to work as I have detailed in my book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainablilty.

Instead, the UN blames CO2 and population growth for environmental destruction (putting the blame on you) rather than addressing the systemic root causes involving the monetary, mega-corporate, mega-banking system, and the pseudo-science of contemporary economics.

Furthermore, there is the issue of pollution of the skies via geo-engineering. The official governmental rationale for geo-engineering appears to be that it is designed to combat global warming by introducing  cloud cover in the sky. Would you accept that explanation when you know that man-made climate change via CO2 is a hoax?

The climate (CO2) hoax required a single controlling world interest – is there a single group controlling the world’s mega-corporations and mega-banks?

For the worldwide ‘climate change is caused by CO2 emissions’ hoax to be successfully orchestrated worldwide there would need to have been a coordinated orchestrated plan involving big-media, big-banking, big-tech, big-pharma, and big-politics – basically “big everything”.  In addition, the Covid-19 fake pandemic would not have been possible unless there was a single controlling influence on the world’s mega-corporations; mega-banks; governments; and international organizations, such as the WHO, WEF, UN, EU, etc. On the face of it, this seems to be a preposterous proposition – the idea appears simply too incredibly big and outlandish to be true. However, just because something is big or complicated does not mean it is not true. After all, the world has experienced decades of corporate consolidation.

It was noted previously that it is the world’s central bankers that are behind this decision and are entirely funding and controlling the advancement of the worldwide climate-change ‘project’. In December 2015, the Bank for International Settlements created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), which represents $118 trillion of assets globally, see Endnote [i]. The TCFD includes key people from the world’s mega-banks and asset management companies, including JP Morgan Chase; BlackRock; Barclays Bank; HSBC; China’s ICBC bank; Tata Steel, ENI oil, Dow Chemical, and more. 

Could it be true that a single group has a controlling influence on the worlds mega-corporations and mega-banks? My book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability provides an analysis. To get to the root of the matter we first need to take a look at the asset management companies that have a controlling interest in the world’s mega-corporations.

Who owns the banks and asset management companies that own and control the world?

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” — Attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Banker

Unsurprisingly, the answer to who controls the major organisations and institutions of the modern world lies in ‘following the money’. Let’s take the example of BlackRock, one of the world’s largest asset management companies, which manages funds of over $27 trillion ($27,000 billion) and, in effect, owns most of the U.S. and large parts of the world.

BlackRock, the company that owns “a large part of the World” 

According to Ellen Brown, chairperson of the US Public Banking Institute, asset management companies, such as BlackRock, literally own much of the US and the world.  She states:

“BlackRock has a controlling interest in all the major corporations in the S&P 500, it professes not to “own” the funds. It just acts as a kind of “custodian” for its investors — or so it claims. But BlackRock and the other Big 3 ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) vote the corporations’ shares; so from the point of view of management, they are the owners. And as observed in a 2017 article from the University of Amsterdam titled “These Three Firms Own Corporate America, see Endnote [ii], ” they vote 90% of the time in favor of management.” – Ellen Brown, Chair of the US Public Banking Institute

The major shareholders of BlackRock are all mega-banks and financial corporations, such as Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citi Group, Wells Fargo and Company, Morgan Stanley, and other various other mega-banks, see Endnote [iii]. In this way, we can see that it is the mega-banks that own most of the world. Analysis shows that the major shareholders in the commercial banks are other banks, asset management companies, and trusts.

BlackRock also has major shareholdings in mega-banks, such as Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan Chase, as well as, various other banks and financial corporations, see Endnote [iv]. Yet those same banks and corporations have major shareholdings in BlackRock. The list of shareholders is diversified amongst various privately owned financial and asset management corporations. In essence, analysis shows that the various corporate entities are interlocked and own each other.

So, privately-owned commercial mega-banks own BlackRock and the other major asset management companies that own most of the world. In a 2018 review titled “Blackrock – The Company That Owns the World’, see Endnote [v], a multinational research group called, Investigate Europe, concluded that BlackRock “undermines competition through owning shares in competing companies”. In this way, it has a monopoly or single controlling influence.

Study proves one corporate ‘super-entity’ owns/dominates the world economy and resources

This ‘interlocking ownership’ is also very evident in a wider study that was conducted in 2018, see Endnote [vi], at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, on the relationships between 37 million companies and investors worldwide. This institute concluded there is a ‘super-entity’ of just 147 tightly-knit mega-corporations, and all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity. In essence, the worldwide privately-owned financial and corporate orthodoxy is one large self-reinforcing super-entity underneath the tentacles of many financial mega-corporations. This super-entity controls around 40 percent of the entire global economy, and most of their ownership is held by other members of the super-entity. According to James B. Glattfelder, one of the authors of the study: “In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network.” Most of the controlling corporations of this dominant monopoly are financial institutions and include Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.

The dominant players are the banking families that have been operating private banking for generations. Families that are widely documented to have controlling shares of the banking industry include the Rothschild banking dynasty, associated with US Trust and the Bank of America; the Rockefeller world business empire, associated with Citigroup; the Schiff’s; the Morgan’s, see Endnote [vii], associated with Morgan Stanley, etc.; and the Warburg’s.

Author Karen Hudes, who worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years, has cited the above Swiss study during an interview with the New American, see Endnote [viii]. She points, out that a small group of entities, mostly financial institutions and especially central banks, exert a massive amount of influence over the international economy from behind the scenes. According to Hudes: “What is really going on is that the world’s resources are being dominated by this group,” and that “corrupt power grabbers” have managed to dominate the media as well. According to Hudes, the power grabbers also dominate the organizations that control the creation and flow of money worldwide and control the finances of virtually every nation in the world.  These organizations include The World Bank, the IMF, and central banks – such as the Federal Reserve, all of which are unelected and unaccountable.

The private banking cartel owns and controls the corporate super-entity

The above study shows that the major shareholders in the commercial banks are other banks and asset management companies and trusts. A small number of mega-banks are among the top ten stock-holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation. Author Dean Henderson writes in an article, see Endnote [ix]:

“The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo)… According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation… One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley, see Endnote [x]” – Dean Henderson, Author.

In summary, one large self-reinforcing super-entity has a controlling influence over the world economy and tens of thousands of largest corporations of the world. This super-entity operates under the seemingly different tentacles of around 147 mega-corporations, but these mega-corporations are mostly owned by a very small number of mega-financial institutions/ privately-owned mega-banks. These mega-financial institutions/mega-banks are owned and controlled by private banking families. This is why less than 0.001 % of the world’s population, i.e., a small number of banking family elites and their networks, own the majority of the world’s assets and wealth.

Who owns the mega-banks that own and control the world?

So, we can conclude privately-owned commercial mega-banks own the FED, Blackrock and the other major asset management companies that own most of the world. The dominant players are the banking families that have been operating private banking for generations. As is described in my latest book these dynasties achieved this not by adding more value, but by usurping control of the source of the money creation process, the Federal Reserve, and the worldwide central banking system.

The central banking system exerts vast control over the world economy

Image: BIS main building in Basel, Switzerland (Licensed under FAL)


The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland is the central bank of central banks and is virtually immune to the laws of all national governments. Even Wikipedia admits that it is not accountable to any single national government, see Endnote [xi]. There are 58 global central banks belonging to the BIS, and it has far more power over the economies of the world economy than any politician does.  The central bankers of the world gather for meetings at BIS and make decisions that affect every person in the world, and yet none of us have any say in what goes on.  According to Author Michael Snyder:

“The Bank for International Settlements… operates for the benefit of the global elite, and it is intended to be one of the key cornerstones of the emerging one world economic system…. a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations… And that is exactly what we have today… all of us and our national governments are enslaved to debt.  This system is governed by the central banks and by the Bank for International Settlements, and it systematically transfers the wealth of the world out of our hands and into the hands of the global elite, see Endnote [xii].” – Michael Snyder, Author

My book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability also describes the following:

How a private banking cartel gained ownership of the world’s wealth and resources

Boom-bust-bailout cycles for nations that instigated by the intentional release and contraction of credit. These planned boom-bust-bailout cycles over decades forced many nations into further vast debt, and ensured wealth always flowed upwards to the international bankers. Author Bob Djurdjevic associates these cycles, which have been experienced by many countries, with what he calls the Wall Street dominated New World Order terrorists. In this regard, The creation of banker-influenced international institutional frameworks for globalisation and financial control, include the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the WEF, the WHO.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 – A private banking coup

The Federal Reserve is an independent, privately-owned corporation

The Federal Reserve central bank (known as simply “The FED”) is owned by private commercial banks, the largest of which are Citibank and JPMorgan Chase company. These two banks are part of the empires built by JPMorgan and John D. Rockefeller, who orchestrated the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The ‘Federal Reserve’ is actually an independent, privately owned corporation. It consists of twelve regional Federal Reserve banks owned by commercial member banks. Privately-owned banks own the shares of the Federal Reserve. This astounding fact that privately-owned banks own the shares of the Federal Reserve was proven, evidenced and upheld by a US federal circuit court in the case of Lewis v. United States in 1982, see Endnote [xiii], where the court said:

“Each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. The stock-holding commercial banks elect two thirds of each Bank’s nine-member board of directors.”

Bankers rule the world via debt. 1913 to 2019 – a private banking and corporate elite gained control of the world’s wealth/resources. 100 years of private banking leaves all nations in vast debt + bankers owning the world.

The end result is the system, or the ‘matrix’, we all live in and were born into. This system forces people to live in a debt cycle that never ends. The system incessantly promotes an addiction to materialism for the purpose of producing revenues so interest can be paid. Given that debt does not really exist and was created from nothing, the national debt of governments worldwide is a hoax perpetrated by the so-called ‘powers that be’. This astounding fact is also explained and evidenced in my book Demonic Economics.

The private central-banks and governments facilitate this worldwide con game, yet we allow these same people to control education, law, media, banking, medicine, etc.  We placed our trust in these so-called authorities, and most believe that we must ‘pay the piper’, and that any punishment or fine we sustain from these authorities is justified and deserved, as if we have no power or minds of our own. This scam or illusion is sometimes known as the ‘matrix’.  The perpetuation of this myth of corporate institutional authority is detrimental to our true spiritual nature and denies the reality that God is the only true authority.


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Mark Keenan, is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division, and author of the books: Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real SustainabilityDemonic EconomicsCovid-19 – The Great Deception.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[i] Source:

[ii] Source:,Bank%20of%20America%2C%20and%20Citigroup

[iii] Source:

[iv] Sources:

[v] Source:

[vi] The study is available at:

[vii] Source:

[viii] Source:

[ix] Sources:

[x] Source: 10K Filings of Fortune 500 Corporations to SEC. 3-91

[xi] Source:

[xii] Sources:

[xiii] See Lewis v United States, Federal Reporter, 2nd Series, Vol. 680, Pages 1239, 1241 (1982) in which a federal circuit court so held.

Featured image is from EcoWatch

Transcending the Climate Change Deception - Toward Real Sustainability by [Mark Keenan]Transcending the Climate Change Deception – Toward Real Sustainability

by Mark Keenan

Publisher‏: ‎Independently published (August 14, 2022)

Language: English

Paperback: 314 pages

ISBN-13: ‎979-8846528925


The author is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. Thousands of experienced and distinguished climate scientists dispute the UN climate narrative. The climate changes slowly and naturally in its own cycle and the dominant factor is solar activity and 1500 scientists have signed a declaration to this effect. This book demolishes the UN-promoted climate change hysteria and provides evidence and testimony from renowned and distinguished climate scientists that the climate does not change due to Co2 emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows. The UN climate change narrative that Co2 causes climate change will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world.

Via their control of politics and the media, powerful special interests have tried to convince the world that Co2 is a climate changing toxin. The money agenda, the connections between private banking and the climate change hoax, the fake science, and fraudulent computer modelling are detailed. The climate hoax has subverted and suppressed real environmentalism and real local sustainability, and is designed to propel humanity into UN Agenda 2030, which is a plan for total corporate control of the world’s resources.

The decision to drastically reduce Co2, one of the most essential compounds to sustain all life, is no co-incidence. The world’s central bankers are behind this decision and are entirely funding and controlling the advancement of the worldwide project of reducing Co2 emissions. In December 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), which represents $118 trillion of assets globally. In essence this means that the financialization of the entire world economy is based on meeting nonsensical aims such as “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions”. The world’s largest banks and corporations, including BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, the World Bank, the Bank of England and other central banks of the BIS, have all linked to push a vague, mathematically nonsensical ‘green’ economy as part of UN Agenda 2030. UN Agenda 2030 aims to move people off the land and into ‘smart cities’. This is smart for them, not smart for you.

Thus, the historical controlling power structure behind the curtain of the globalised matrix of private banking, monopoly capitalism, war, and genocidal communism is examined. Oil dependency, the flaws of globalisation, the psuedo-science of contemporary economics, and the subject of collapse are also analysed. The author maps a path toward an enlightened future based on real local sustainability, monetary reform, freedom from bonded surety, the importance of a God-conscious society, and knowledge from the ancient Vedic texts.

To subscribe to Mark’s newsletter email [email protected].

Available on Amazon (US) here

Available on (Europe) here

Available on (UK) here

Available on Kindle here

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After months of warning everyone about Ukraine’s military counter-offensive, it has finally started since Sunday 4 June. Even in Russia people seemed hyper-nervous. For a week now, that army has been pounding on the positions of the Russian army. They have received billions worth of toys from NATO to enable them to realize their wishes.

The best western war gear

“The best Western material has finally arrived on the battlefield,” declared The Economist somewhat triumphantly. The magazine therefore supports this war of NATO against Russia 200%. Like the rest without exception of the Western media. For them, Russia and Putin are simply the personification of evil.

No doubt they saw the Ukrainian army in their new combat vehicles, missile launchers and tanks advancing to the city of Melitopol and then Mariupol and then to Sevastopol in Crimea. After which President Putin resigned in Moscow and was handed over to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

It is undoubtedly the wet dream of Western governments and their lackeys at The Financial Times, De Standaard, Le Monde, NRC and the Washington Post. Because those Bradley fighting vehicles and German Leopard tanks are still superior to that Russian ‘junk’. But dreams, the saying goes, are deceptions. Also here.

Volodymyr Zelenski - Legeruniform

Volodimir Zelensky, for our governments and media a kind of saint. Recently, however, the Western security services made it appear that his government is probably responsible for blowing up the Nordstream 1 & 2 gas pipelines. Quarrel in the household? And are they already looking for a new place to live for this hero? As a neighbor of the Shah of Iran, Nguyen van Thieu from Vietnam and the Somozas of Nicaragua.

After all, after a week of heavy fighting with all that beautiful Western material and Western training, that major military offensive has so far turned out to be a major flop. Even De Morgen wrote it last Sunday; “There’s no point in trying to hide that this attack was a failure, but it wasn’t unexpected either.”

Defeat seems assured

Hanna Maljar, Deputy Minister of Defense in Kiev, also seemed to predict the coming defeat this weekend in De Standaard: “Our troops are encountering strong resistance and the enemy has more weapons and soldiers”.

In addition, there is no air force worthy of the name to support this offensive. And for an offensive, the classical military theory states that one needs three times more soldiers than the one that one attacks.

Incidentally, it is striking that among the masses of videos and photos about the current fighting, one sees practically only destroyed Ukrainian equipment and sees dead or captured Ukrainian soldiers. Russia uses a lot of helicopters here, but a story about a downed Russian helicopter is nowhere to be found on the internet or in the media.

In addition, the media talks about the major Ukrainian military offensive that is advancing several km², but it is quickly forgotten that the Russian army is making progress, albeit limited, in Novoprokovka and the town of Marinko near the provincial capital of Donetsk. And the latter is more important from a strategic point of view than conquering a settlement like Neskuchne.

It shows what direction this offensive is really going. Indeed, anyone who looks critically at the evolution of this war knew that. The Ukrainian army has essentially lost a 20% of its territory and only succeeded once in capturing the region south of Kharkov. But with the exception of the cities of Izium and Lyman, these were mainly villages without much strategic importance.

But not for our press, which speaks of a great success if the Ukrainian army manages to conquer a meadow, forest or hill somewhere. The Ukrainian army suffered a heavy defeat at Bachmut/Artyomovsk. How many thousands of soldiers died there on the Ukrainian side will never be known, but there were many. And Ukraine has far fewer soldiers than Russia.

Oekraïne - Front Juni 2023

The front in Ukraine. Green are areas recaptured from the Russians with Kherson on the left and parts of Kharkov province at the top. Pink are the areas held by Russia with from bottom to top: Crimea and parts of the provinces of Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Luhansk. The diamond-shaped particles concern Russian military units.

When this city had practically fallen and people were only fighting for a few crumbs on the outskirts, the Ukrainian army tried in vain to break through that siege. However, an attack on the northern and southern branches of the Russian flanks yielded NOTHING. After months of fierce fighting, Zelensky had to withdraw his men or leave them dead.

Laughable stories

Even then it appeared to any serious observer that the combat power of that army was very weak. After all, that army already used a lot of that new Western material during the battle for Bachmut/Artyomovsk and did not even manage to conquer a village and only a few fields.

They even tried to sell that in our media as a kind of victory. Laughable. “Russian army threatens to be trapped” it sounded at De Standaard, with Jorn De Cock talking about the “difficult situation” of the Russian army in that newspaper.

But that is also the same man who in 2012 already saw the head of Syrian President Bashar al Assad roll over the paving stones of Damascus. He is still walking around and is even present at the major international climate conference in Abu Dhabi this fall.

The texts of the Western media were teeming with words such as: if, if, would, possibly and probably. But if my cat were a dog, that cat could bark too. However, she doesn’t.

De Wolfsangel en de Europese vlag - De waarden van Europa

The wolf sangel proper to fascist groups and the flag of the EU here brotherly side by side. In defense of those so-called European values?

However, more than three weeks after the start of their offensive on the front line, the Ukrainian army appears to have captured four villages, including Blahodatne. Settlements where no more than a few hundred people lived before the fighting. A very small consolation after three weeks of undoubtedly heavy losses.

What is NATO doing in Vilnius?

How this fight will continue is still uncertain. On July 21, however, there will be an important meeting of NATO in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, where the course of this counter-offensive will undoubtedly be discussed. But there is no trace of any trace of optimism as there was just a few weeks ago.

It is typical that already at the start of this offensive Anders Rasmussen, former Danish Prime Minister, ex-Secretary General of NATO and now an adviser to Volodimir Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, stated that troops from Poland and the Baltic States will have to be sent.

While a Polish soldier made similar noises and spoke of the need for a flight ban imposed by NATO over Ukraine. So they apparently already knew that this offensive would fail and showed their reaction to this. But that’s World War III. They know that too.

It is not known how many armored vehicles and tanks the Ukrainian army lost here, but it must be many. When the town of Novodonetsk was captured, the Russian army immediately sent reinforcements and also a set of helicopters that destroyed many of those NATO-donated vehicles and recaptured the village.

Bradley pantserwagen - Zaporizja - 17 juni 2023

The US delivery of Bradley armored vehicles was viewed by NATO and the media as a serious escalation that would help the Ukrainian army win the war. On 4 June they went on the offensive. What happened next can be seen here. Dealers in scrap metal will make fortunes here.

At one point in the Western media it was written that Russian soldiers had to fight with spades because of a lack of ammunition. Here is proof of the quality of those spades and of the Russian soldiers who use them.

But don’t worry because the Western media wrote in unison last weekend that the best units still had to be sent into the battlefield. But how do they know that? And normally people don’t send bruises to conquer the first lines of defense. It’s military nonsense.

By the way, the most modern version of the Leopard tanks was sent into battle in the first attack wave. Which were then destroyed and could potentially provide a gold mine of very interesting information for the Russians. Should people cheer in Germany?

Former US colonel and dissident voice in the US Douglas Macgregor talks about three Ukrainian armies, two of which have already been destroyed. Now the third also seems to be on its way to the meat grinder and after that there is not much left, except for some third-rate material. Hence the statements of that Polish general and Anders Rasmussen?

What is Russia doing after this Ukrainian offensive?

Is it there that Russia is waiting to finally take action with its army. A matter of saving Russian lives? Will the cities of Zaporizhia, Kherson, Odessa and Kharkiv fall? It seems far-fetched, but as long as the West refuses to negotiate, this can certainly not be ruled out.

But our media doesn’t see that because they are mesmerized by an unstoppable stream of disinformation from the US and NATO. The once socially critical magazine Humo now deals in the most insane stories about that war. The same, by the way, with the Green Amsterdammer for whom insulting critics is a must these days.

For example, the weekly magazine Humo first published an interview with Zelensky and the following week with his wife. And last weekend a British ‘expert’ was presented online who compared Putin to Hitler and Stalin. Why not Attila the Hun?

How this defeat, or alternatively the third world war, will ultimately be sold to readers is still a mystery. But our press, as we know, doesn’t shy away from anything at all.

DNA - Genetisch onderzoek naar het zuivere ras in Kiev

Our media continues to deny that there is fascism in Ukraine. What they did write for 2014. The nationalistic madness goes very far as this announcement shows. Even churches are suffering in the country. And yet Zelensky is not only a great fraudster, but also a Jew and one who even spoke Russian before.

But yes, the country even buys oil from Lukoil, a Russian company, with money from the NATO countries in Bulgaria. Ukraine then places them in large oil tanks that are then shot to pieces by Russia. After which…. Bulgaria even received special permission from the EU for this.

A fascist regime

But there is no doubt that Ukraine supports a fascist regime. Fascism is a term often used as a term of abuse, but seems perfectly applicable here. The statement last year by the Ukrainian ambassador Petro Vrublevsky in Kazakhstan that all Russians should be killed is no coincidence at all.

Just like the burning alive of 45 Ukrainians in Odessa who nonviolently resisted that 2014 coup was also not a coincidence. The media conceals it or twists it in such a way that white becomes black or vice versa. For example, Knack recently wrote about the UPA, an armed fascist terrorist movement founded in 1943, that it fought against the Germans.

Nonsense. Its main activity during that period was the mass murder of Poles and Jews. Sometimes without the Waffen SS sometimes with the Germans. Essentially in the province of Eastern Galicia, the region around Lviv, and Volhynia with the city of Lutsk. But it was apparently just an attempt to whitewash the UPA and the Ukrainian government on the part of Knack.

Founder of the UPA, Roman Shukhevich was today a hero to the Kiev government. The man’s image tennis is nowadays even immortalized on a stamp. The UPA flag can also be seen everywhere in the country, even Chrystia Freeland, the Canadian Deputy Prime Minister, was already waving it in her country. Her grandfather, Michael Chomiak, was the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian collaboration press.

And if in the first week the village of Neskuchne is captured/liberated, this was done by the Azov Battalion eagerly waving the red/black flag of the UPA. That’s called liberating. Since 1943, the former Polish and previously Habsburg regions of Volhynia and Eastern Galicia have been the subject of the most heinous war crimes of WWII.


Up to 100,000 Poles were brutally murdered by the UPA on the explicit orders of its founder Roman Shukhevich, who wanted all Poles and Jews in the region killed or expelled. Where, over time, the Polish secret army also took action and killed up to 20,000 Ukrainians.

Roman Shukhevych - Postzegel Oekraïne

That people in Ukraine are not picky in choosing national heroes is shown by this stamp with the image of this racist and mass murderer Roman Shukhevich. Something for collectors.

It is never known how many people died and the massacres continued after 1945. From 1944, after the tank battle at Kursk won by Moscow, it was mainly aimed at the Russians, because Shukhevich then saw that the Soviet Union was going to win the war. It wasn’t until the early 1950s that the killing stopped.

The prose of ‘hero’ Roman Shukhevich, not intended for sensitive souls:

“(The) UPA commander (Shukhevich, ed.), stated in his order from 25 February 1944: “In view of the success of the Soviet forces it is necessary to speed up the liquidation of the Poles, they must be totally wiped out, their villages burned… only the Polish population must be destroyed” (Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia – Wikipedia)

Attacks on Poles during the massacres in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia were marked with extreme sadism and brutality. Rape, torture and mutilation were commonplace. Poles were burned alive, flayed, impaled, crucified, disemboweled, dismembered and beheaded. Women were gang raped and had their breasts sliced off, children were hacked to pieces with axes, babies were impaled on bayonets and pitchforks or bashed against trees.

They stated, “Do not hesitate to carry out the most dangerous deeds” and “Treat the enemies of your nation with hatred and ruthlessness”.

And what do Poland and Israel think about this? What is certain is that Ukrainian nationalism as we know it today is very extreme. Mykola Mikhnovskyi, together with Dmytro Dontsov, the spiritual father of this form of Ukrainian nationalism even stated that Ukrainians should not marry others, the enemy, such as Jews, Poles, Hungarians and Russians.

The Ukraine of Mikhnovskyi and then that of Bandera and the current government had to be racially pure. His theory was that real Ukrainians have a short head and the others have a long head. And woe to the Ukrainians who resisted that madness, they were killed if necessary. As soon as people had power in Kiev, the prohibition of Russian culture was politically logically the main theme.

When the German-Polish historian Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe (1) wanted to give lectures about his 637-page study on Ukrainian nationalism in the years before the 2014 coup, with the support of the German embassy, this was met with protests and even physical violence prevented by supporters of Bandera. Only a presentation near the German embassy in Kiev succeeded.

Any criticism of Ukraine’s “heroes” is also prohibited. Critical stories such as those about Volhynia are therefore practically taboo. Their nationalism is like a cancer that has now also affected their heads and as long as this continues to proliferate, there will never be a solution to the Ukrainian problem. It will just keep on rampant. And certainly if NATO continues to support this, this war will continue.

Original version

Oekraïne – Wie zijn wensen voor werkelijkheid neemt krijgt een nachtmerrie

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Before Covid, four types of pneumonia added together were the highest cause of death in the UK. In a newly implemented Medical Examiner System to certify deaths, the Medical Examiner was certifying all types of pneumonia deaths as Covid-19 deaths, a former Director of End-of-Life Care has said.

On Saturday, Sai, a former NHS Director of End-of-Life Care, wrote a Twitter thread which, amongst other things, gave a personal account of the changes to the system of reporting deaths implemented in the NHS:

“When four different diseases [are] grouped and now being called covid-19, you will inevitably see covid-19 with a huge death rate.  The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in covid-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.

“Patients being admitted and dying with very common conditions such as old age, myocardial infarctions, end-stage kidney failure, haemorrhages, strokes, COPD and cancer etc. were all now being certified as covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.

“Hospitals were switching to and from the Medical Examiner System and the pre-pandemic system as [and] when they pleased. When covid-19 deaths needed to be increased, the hospital would switch to the Medical Examiner System.”

In addition,

“hospitals were incentivised to report covid-19 deaths over normal deaths, as the government was paying hospitals additional money for every covid-19 death that was being reported,” Sai said. “I have no doubt in my mind, that the Government has planned the entire pandemic since 2016 when they first proposed the change to medical death certification.”

You can read Sai’s thread on Twitter HERE or Thread Reader App HERE.  In the event it is removed from Twitter we have copied the thread below. In the following, the number at the beginning of a paragraph relates to the number of the tweet within the thread.

1. The truth about the covid-19 pandemic from within the NHS (ex-Director of End-of-Life Care at one of the largest hospital trusts in the UK)

2. In 2016, the British government proposed and piloted a change to the process of how deaths were certified across all hospitals in the UK. I have attached a link to this Department of Health (“DoH”) document below:

Reforming death certification: Introducing scrutiny by Medical Examiners, Department of Health, May 2016

3 & 4. The DoH document proposed a switch to the “Medical Examiner” (“ME”) System and was sent to a number of different audiences for feedback and consultation. The ME System was already being piloted at two hospitals up north. The results of the consultation are below:

Introduction of Medical Examiners and Reforms to Death Certification in England and Wales: Government response to consultation, Department of Health & Social Care, June 2018

5. Prior to the covid-19 pandemic, the death certification process involved treating doctors of a patient to attend Bereavement Services/Patient Affairs to discuss the death and either: a) refer the death to the Coroner or b) write a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (“MCCD”).

6. The MCCD states the cause of death. Whereby a direct cause (1a) or contributing causes (1b) (1c) (1d) are stated along with co-morbidities (not directly causing the death) being written in (2) on the MCCD. The MCCD is only ever a probable cause of death, it is not definitive.

7. The only definitive way of determining an accurate and plausible cause of death is to refer the deceased patient to HM Coroner (if certain criteria are met), for HM Coroner to accept and take on the case, resulting in a Post Mortem (“PM”) being conducted by a Histopathologist.

8. When a death is seen as natural and there is nothing untoward, the MCCD is written by the treating doctor of a deceased patient. Usually, this is an F1, F2, SHO or Registrar that attends. It is rare for a treating Consultant to attend, but they will finalise the cause of death.

9. A strict hospital hierarchy exists within the NHS for doctors. It is as follows – from lowest to highest rank: Foundation Year 1 (FY1), Foundation Year 2 (FY2), Senior House Officer (SHO), Registrar (Reg), Consultant, Clinical Lead, Medical Director.

10. Junior doctors will very rarely speak up or challenge their seniors. A senior decision is seen as final and it will be carried out and executed without any hesitance or questioning.

11. In my 5.5 years of experience in End-of-Life Care, I have only ever seen one junior doctor disagree with a proposed cause of death and challenge their consultant.

12. With the number of deaths that occur in a hospital, as you can imagine, there is a great deal of variation with regards to causes of death, as we have numerous different doctors writing an MCCD and coming up with various different potential diseases in different orders.

13. The proposed ME system would change this, as the government would now hire and pay one Medical Examiner, to sit in every hospital and write all MCCDs for all deceased patients. This would effectively eliminate any variation in causes of death.

14. In 2016, when I heard of this proposal, I worked as a Bereavement Officer at a hospital in Central London. My mentor/line manager at the time was a former Chief Nurse who managed Bereavement Services and all hospital deaths would be controlled by her and the department.

15. We essentially carried a huge amount of power with regard to decision-making, as we would go through all patient notes following the death of a patient, and essentially guide and advise doctors on what would need to be written with regards to an MCCD or Coroners Referral.

16. In my personal opinion, our role was to sit on the fence and act in the best interests of a deceased patient (and their families), but also protect the hospital and our doctors from any potential negligence.

17. As you can imagine many battles were fought over decisions about a cause of death of a patient or a referral to the coroner with a vast [number] of doctors over the years.

18. F2s and SHOs were particularly the worst with regards to carrying an arrogance of knowing what should be written on an MCCD or stating that a patient didn’t need to be referred to the Coroner (often stating that their Consultant had given them instructions).

19. It is worth noting that Consultants are also only human and can be incorrect at times too. We have to remember that they are succeeded in hierarchy by a Clinical Lead and beyond that a Medical Director. Who have far more experience and knowledge.

20. When I asked my mentor in 2016, how the ME system would change things, I was told that Bereavement Services/Patient Affairs would become purely administrative and that the clinical judgement would fall to the Medical Examiner.

21. The power and decision-making with regards to MCCD/Coroners Referrals was being taken away not only from treating doctors but also from Bereavement Services/Patient Affairs/Bereavement Officers/Bereavement Service Managers/Directors of End-of-Life Care.

22. This decision-making power was being handed solely to the Medical Examiner, who has not been involved in the treatment of a patient during an admission.

I took all this information in at the time and acquired as much knowledge as I could from my mentor/line manager.

23. In 2016, I also happened to make a move and take up an opportunity to manage my own Bereavement Services at one of the largest hospital trusts in the whole of the UK. On average, I would oversee MCCD/Coroner Referrals for approximately 1,750 deaths on an annual basis.

24. I developed a very close working relationship and friendship with one of the Medical Directors (a doctor with the highest ranking in a hospital).  This was especially helpful when having to challenge doctors with regard to MCCDs/Coroners Referrals.

25. Progressing to Director of End-of-Life Care, I became involved with the reporting of mortality rates, conducting mortality reviews and writing hospital policies. I had also developed an excellent working relationship with the HM Coroner who oversaw our Trust.

26. HM Coroner holds the power to investigate any hospital or trust with regard to a death or a number of deaths. A slight problem may arise, in that HM Coroner has an allegiance to the Crown and the Government.

27. When a death is reported to the Coroner, this was previously reported via [a] telephone call by the treating doctor. A discussion was had with the Coroner’s Office and a direct outcome and instruction would come from the Coroner’s Office, by way of HM Coroner (via a phone call).

28. There is a fundamental flaw [in] this system, as there is no documentation of the decision and instruction from the Coroner. It comes via word of mouth. There is always room for error without any electronic documentation.

29. Every Hospital/Trust and HM Coroner will have a different system of reporting deaths. I personally made a decision to safeguard my hospital and the Trust, by developing an electronic coroners referral form, which I proposed to our Coroner and developed after their agreement.

30. We now had documentation of every death being reported and every outcome.

When reporting a death, the Coroner will look at a proposed cause of death and accept it, or reject the cause of death and take on the case (death of the patient), leading to an Inquest or a PM.

31. In 2019, our Medical Director, came into my office one morning and stated that the Board of Directors at the Hospital had made a decision to switch to the Medical Examiner System.

Hearing the words “ME System” was a massive case of Déjà vu (conversation with my mentor in 2016)

32. I knew exactly what the ME System was, but I chose instead, to play the fool and enquire what exactly the ME System was and what it meant for our service, my staff and our roles. Everything the Medical Director mentioned to me that day was a carbon copy of what I already knew.

33. I knew that my time in End-of-Life Care had come to an end. I’d reached the top and there was no more progress for me. Losing all power and decision-making to any ME coming into the hospital did not appeal to me. I’d already made up my mind that I needed to leave.

34. Seeking a new challenge and experience, I made a move in 2019 to another major hospital in Central London, this time side-tracking into operational management.  I was in charge of the operational management of Nephrology, Rheumatology, Dermatology and Diabetes & Endocrinology.

35. In Jan 2020, I remember hearing about the first case of covid-19 at our hospital, with a patient arriving from China and walking into our A&E. A&E was shut down and steam cleaned that day, I recollect the moment I heard about this.

36. In my mind, I saw the reporting of covid-19 in the media as nothing more than Bird Flu or Ebola, which had caused panic but yet passed. I wasn’t worried in the slightest bit.

Things began to escalate around in Feb 2020, around the time I was going on holiday.

37. Due to the reporting by the media, I bought N95 masks as a precaution for my trip and to give to my parents and younger sister. I was blessed to have had an opportunity to spend a few days in Sri Lanka for a wedding and then nearly a whole month in Australia (March 2020).

38. I watched as the narrative of a deadly infectious disease continued to grow with every day that passed. I made a decision to cut my holiday short by a couple of days so that I could make sure I got back to my family and [did] not end up being stranded in Australia.

39. Upon returning to the UK in late March 2020. One of the immediate things that struck me was the lack of any temperature monitoring or questioning at Heathrow Airport. This seemed odd for a potentially deadly infectious disease that was spreading around the world.

40. This was especially odd, as Sri Lanka and Australia had questioned me/checked temperatures upon arrival, with even Singapore monitoring temperatures during transit.

41. My mother had just recovered from cancer, my father was over 70 and my younger sister was born with Down’s Syndrome alongside having multiple other conditions. I had three high risk individuals to covid-19 in my family and I was scared/fearful of giving them covid-19.

42. I asked my hospital to allow me to work from home. They refused. I wasn’t deemed high risk, although I lived with my parents at the time. I needed to help my mum and my sister. The hospital held no regard for the safety of its employees. They forced me to come into work.

43. I spent two months isolating in my bedroom, I barely came out of my room, for fear of spreading an infectious disease. Never once did I think about the situation or my prior experience or knowledge, I was just reacting to the media frenzy. I was full of panic and stress.

44. The first irregularity I noticed, was the government and media stating that covid-19 was an infectious disease. However just before the first lockdown was implemented, I noted that the government had downgraded the status of covid-19 stating it was no longer infectious.

45. This made no sense to me. Why would we need to isolate if they downgraded the status? My circle of friends contained many medics and dentists. They were all panicking at the time, saying they had inadequate surgical masks and that they needed N95 masks.

46. N95 masks were seen as the only way to prevent medical professionals from becoming infected with covid-19.

The public being asked to wear surgical masks made no sense to me. The virus would be able to go straight through. Something didn’t seem right.

47. I ended up meeting and dating an FY1 doctor (my ex-[girl friend]) around October 2020. We clicked because she was different from every other doctor I had previously spoken to about covid-19. She also had her suspicions and believed it wasn’t as infectious as it was made out to be.

48. We both started to slowly realise that covid-19 was a real disease (as it was showing up on X-rays in patients) but that it wasn’t infectious at all, despite all the reporting in the media.

49. I needed to experience working in a covid-19 hotspot and see all the action for myself. In March 2021, I quit my job at the hospital in Central London and took up an opportunity to manage A&E and AMU (Acute Medical Unit) at a hospital in South London.

50. The 6 months that I spent working in A&E/AMU confirmed all my suspicions and culminated in my decision to end my career in the NHS.

51. [For] the entire 6 months, I was not tested once with a PCR Test, despite walking into wards full of covid-19 positive patients on a daily basis. Yet we were required to test multiple times when visiting another country.

52. The PCR test that the NHS was using to test patients, is known to have false-positive results. This is shown in numerous studies which can be found online, an example of which is: Are you infectious if you have a positive PCR test result for COVID-19? – The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, 5 August 2020

53. If a patient tests positive for Covid-19 with a PCR Test, this doesn’t mean they are infected. If tested again, they may well turn out with a negative test. However, in the NHS, patients are only tested once and this stays on their record throughout their admission.

54. Hospital policies were changed alongside the implementation of the Medical Examiner System, to ensure that any patient who died within 30 days of a positive test, would have to have covid-19 as their primary cause of death. This was regulated by the Medical Examiner.

55. The highest cause of death at every hospital per annum pre covid-19 is Pneumonia. Pneumonia is a respiratory disease like covid-19.

56. Pneumonia can be broken down into 4 different causes of death: Bronchopneumonia, Aspiration Pneumonia, Community-Acquired Pneumonia and Hospital Acquired Pneumonia. These four causes when added together kill the largest number of people on an annual basis prior to the pandemic.

57. The Medical Examiner (one individual in each hospital), was certifying all these pneumonia deaths as covid-19 deaths. When four different diseases [are] grouped and now being called covid-19, you will inevitably see covid-19 with a huge death rate.

58. The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in covid-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.

59. Patients being admitted and dying with very common conditions such as old age, myocardial infarctions, end-stage kidney failure, haemorrhages, strokes, COPD and cancer etc. were all now being certified as covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.

60. Hospitals were switching to and from the Medical Examiner System and the pre-pandemic system as [and] when they pleased. When covid-19 deaths needed to be increased, the hospital would switch to the Medical Examiner System.

61. Doctors were one week being told they needed to complete an MCCD, to then be told the following week that they weren’t required to fill out an MCCD, as the Medical Examiner was handling this.

62. Hospitals were incentivised to report covid-19 deaths over normal deaths, as the government was paying hospitals additional money for every covid-19 death that was being reported. The Medical Examiner system ensured that covid-19 was being put down as the cause of death.

63. The government sends out the annual NHS budget to Primary Care Trusts. This is split to fund Hospitals and GP Surgeries. A clinical coding team at each hospital will assign codes to each treatment or death, so that money is paid out to the hospitals.

63. Any doctor who argued against covid-19 as a cause of death was bullied and vilified.  The General Medical Council (“GMC”) maintains a register of all doctors within the UK.  This ensures that there is a fear of being struck off for speaking out against an agenda.

64. The GMC effectively controls all doctors in the UK.

Even if a doctor realises what is going on and wants to speak out. They will think twice about talking, as they would be risking their entire career and everything that they’ve worked so hard for.

65. Doctors essentially have their hands tied, many have families, kids, mortgages and mouths to feed. If I was in their situation, I would think twice about speaking out, for fear of being struck off by the GMC and losing everything.

66. The NHS Track & Trace App, which was introduced to try and control the spread of the virus, did not apply to medical professionals. We were all asked to turn this off, as Doctors and staff isolating for 14 days disrupted patient flow, beds and the discharge of patients.

67. Any doctor that I spoke to regarding taking the covid-19 vaccine, were insistent that they were going to wait for a period of time, before taking it themselves, to ensure that it was safe.

How is it ethical to give a vaccine to your patients, but not want to take it yourself?

68. In my 12 years of NHS service, never has a doctor pushed or influenced the public to take a vaccine. Yet on social media, I was seeing close friends who were doctors, starting to post on social media that they have taken the vaccine and that the public should.

69. I wouldn’t be surprised if doctors were being forced to promote the vaccine by their superiors or if they were receiving monetary gain in doing so.

70. I have no doubt in my mind, that the Government has planned the entire pandemic since 2016 when they first proposed the change to medical death certification.

71. Stress leads to disease and illness. Panic leads to people following whatever orders and instructions that are given to them by authority, such as prolonged mask use, which leads to an increase in admissions in to the NHS system due to hypoxia and bacterial pneumonia.

72. The NHS treatment pathway involved patients being placed onto ventilators. There is a 50% chance of death from this clinical decision alone. How many innocent people have died from the clinical decision to place them on a ventilator.

73. During board rounds (where every admitted patient is discussed), we were seeing patients on a daily basis being admitted due to suffering from adverse effects of taking the vaccine. Patients were blacking out after taking the vaccine or suffering from clots or strokes.

74. The NHS is all about money and making money. The safety of a patient didn’t seem like the most important thing. It was more about: how do we make more beds available so that another patient can be treated?

75. Patients with no next of kin are discharged to nursing homes with care packages. I can’t comment on what happened to these patients in nursing homes, during the pandemic, as I have no experience of their inner workings.

76. Patients are seen as money, even upon death, hospitals receive money for each death. Is there an actual concern for patient health and safety? I know numerous doctors who are driven primarily by money and monetary gain.

77. The reason why I left the NHS in 2021

56-year-old male, admitted into A&E with end stage kidney failure, has a previous history of regular dialysis treatment for this. No respiratory symptoms on admission and no temperature. However, when tested with a PCR Test…

He, unfortunately, tests positive. This stays on his record throughout his admission. Our hospital is relatively small in comparison to others I have worked at, we have no dialysis machine as a result. We urgently need to transfer this patient to another hospital otherwise this patient will die. Our treating doctor calls up larger hospitals with a dialysis machine to organise his transfer. All doctors pick up the phone and request the covid-19 status of the patient. A transfer is declined due to a covid-19 infection protocol.  Our doctors again reiterate the point that this patient will die without dialysis. We are told there is nothing that can be done and that the patient cannot be accepted for transfer.

This gentleman ended up dying without dialysis. Now please tell me what goes on the MCCD … 1a) covid-19 2) End Stage Kidney Failure.

Not written by the treating doctor who disagreed with this cause of death but by a medical examiner, put in place by the government and the hospital.

When innocent people are being killed by a corrupt organisation and system, for pure monetary gain, I can’t stand by and be part of this anymore. My conscious was clear and I no longer wanted to be a part of this anymore.

78. I am very blessed and lucky that I was in a position to walk away. I’ve been able to speak out, because my hands are not tied and I am not regulated by any organisation or governing body. I believe in speaking the truth and in doing so, I am only just an instrument for God.

79. I joined the NHS, 12 years ago because I had the desire to help those in need but the moment I realised that I was not doing this anymore, was the time for me to walk away.

80. I apologise to you all if the above thread is confusing with regard to terminology or if you cannot understand its contents. I’m hoping that at the very least, it can be understood by my fellow medical professionals or by journalists who would like to report the truth.

81. Would be very grateful if you could help spread this truth and raise awareness of what really went on within the NHS by reposting and tagging any relevant individuals who you think may help with spreading the truth of this thread.

Sai is currently the Creative Director at Trillionaire Gents Squad, a streetwear and lifestyle clothing brand established in 2021. 


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Featured image: Call to protect UK doctors from prosecution over life-or-death Covid rationing, The Guardian, 17 November 2020

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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First published on May 24, 2023


Samuel Koslov, a leading personality of American Navy’s project Pandora and researcher at the John Hopkins University, in his closing speech at the conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1983, said that the conference had proven that the external electric fields can ”become a key to cellular control … The implications, social, economic, and even military are enormous… it may be more significant to the nation than the prospects that faced the physics community in 1939 when the long-time predicted fissionability of the nucleus was actually demonstrated“. People do not really know what he was talking about until today, since much of it is classified and used in weapons research.

The human body is full of electrical and electromagnetic events and therefore can be controlled by electromagnetic radiation, which can have benign as well as harmful effects on its states. It may control even such events as is cell division or activity of neurons, as well as synchronized activity of masses of neurons in the brain and in this way produce “artificial“ activity of the human nervous system.

In 2021 the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) of UNESCO wrote: „External tools that may interfere with our decisions can call into question, or even challenge, an individual’s free will, and consequently an individual’s responsibilities. In this way, neurotechnology could affect freedom of thought, decision-making and action. Taken together, these could have a profound impact on justice systems and social organizations” (pg. 36). At the end of the article IBC encourages its member states „to guarantee neurorights of their citizens” (pg.38).

The activity of human brains and bodies can be manipulated by electromagnetic waves, since electric currents are key factors of neural and muscle activity. As early as 1962 sounds were produced in human brains by microwaves pulsed in the frequencies of the nervous activity of the human auditory systems. In 2007, the Washington Post wrote about a declassified experiment:

“In October 1994 at the Air Force laboratory… scientists were able to transmit sentences into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility”.

In 2020, the American Academy of Sciences wrote in the report on attacks of American diplomats in Cuba and China, well known as the Havana syndrome, that the most likely cause of their problems was directed pulsed radio frequency waves. It is well known that these attacks are accompanied by artificially produced acoustic hallucinations. Those events suggest that pulsed microwaves are already being used as a weapon today. As a matter of fact, if human speech is converted into ultrasound and then into pulsed microwaves or extra- long electromagnetic waves, a human being will perceive them as his own thoughts, since it will not hear it.

On October 7, 2022, twenty three countries signed a document requiring “the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council (of the United Nations Organization) to prepare a study… on the impact, opportunities and challenges of neurotechnology with regard to the promotion and protection of all human rights”. They made that request:

Bearing in mind that neurotechnology allows the connecting of the human brain directly to digital networks through devices and procedures that may be used, among other things, to access, monitor and manipulate the neural system of the person”. 

In September 2021, the Chilean Parliament documented this danger by approving a law guaranteeing Chilean citizens the rights to personal identity, free will and mental privacy. Major world media did not report on this event, thus proving that technologies enabling remote control of human brains are still classified.

Evidently it is now an urgent task for the world governments to follow the Chilean example and prove that they are not planning to transform their states into totalitarian states where the elite turn citizens into bio-robots, controlled by supercomputers. There are thousands of people worldwide, who complain about being exposed to experiments, which test capability of neurotechnological devices to deprive people of their freedom of thought at distance and cause them pains by electromagnetic waves.

The current legislations protecting human rights must be updated to cover the new threats provided by advances in neurotechnology. They should secure the creation of teams capable of detecting electromagnetic or other types of attacks which produce electrical currents in the human brain or body, depriving people of their freedom of thought and privacy or injuring their bodies. Teams which governments should create, should also be able to find sources of harmful radiation and perpetrators of the neurotechnological attacks and should include representatives of human rights organizations, to ensure independence of those teams from powerful state agencies. Otherwise the future of mankind will have no respect for human rights and will be controlled by manipulators of human minds, emotions and bodily functions.

This manipulation could be executed by the secret services of foreign or home governments, using pulsed microwaves of cell phone transmissions. 

The radiation of the fifth generation of cell phone systems (5G), is planned to be omnipresent and distantly control the things (for example autonomous cars).

The sixth generation of cell phone telephony plans to connect human brains to the internet and the first sales of this technology are already planned in 9 years (do people want to be compared to autonomous cars?!). This can be implemented with the use of pulsed microwaves, connecting already today computers and cell phones to cell phone antennas. 

For manipulation of human brains, activities could be used as well electrical grids, if they are made to produce extra long electromagnetic waves in the frequencies of activity of neurons in human brains (1 to 100 Hz). Such waves, due to their length (from 300 thousand to 3 thousand kilometers), are capable of covering large areas of „brain space“. Such waves can even be produced by manipulating the ionosphere to produce extra-long electromagnetic waves in the brain frequencies. In 1999 the European parliament was investigating those abilities of the U.S. radar system HAARP (item 30) (operation of this facility was transferred from the United States Air Force to the University of Alaska in Fairbanks on Aug. 11, 2015). The Russian radar system SURA has similar abilities. China is actually building its own, more advanced, system after experimenting with the Russian system Sura (see this).

In 1994 the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College wrote:

”Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database.These were categorized as ”potential” or ”active”, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each” (pg. 24-25). 

If you want to help to convince the governments to protect yourself and your children against deprivation of privacy and freedom, come demonstrate on June 10 to Brussels to the Place du Luxembourg (in front of the European Parliament) at 12:00 noon. This international demonstration against threats to human health and democracy posed by electromagnetic radiation will take place there.

For more information on this subject see this: “Psychoelectronic threat to democracy“, (quoted by the European Parliament in the study Crowd Control Technologies, reference 354) . 


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Mojmir Babacek was born in 1947 in Prague, Czech Republic. Graduated in 1972 at Charles University in Prague in philosophy and political economy. In 1978 signed the document defending human rights in the communist Czechoslovakia „Charter 77“. Since 1981 until 1988 lived in emigration in the USA. Since 1996 he has published articles on different subjects mostly in the Czech and international alternative media.

In 2010, he published a book on 9/11 attacks in the Czech language. Since the 1990s he has been striving to help to achieve the international ban of remote control of the activity of the human nervous system and human minds with the use of neurotechnology.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  

Engineered collapse of agriculture. 

Hikes in the price of energy.

Collapse in production and consumption. 

Poverty and Famine in all major regions of the World

An outright war against all humanity: The Planet’s 8 billion people. 

First published on June 28, 2023


Video: Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux


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First published on July 4, 2023


It is astounding how stupidly (sorry) the West has expected that it could just “roll-over” Russia in the planned Ukrainian “biggest counteroffensive” in the south of Ukraine.

The Western stupidity (sorry) has been everywhere, from Biden to Stoltenberg, to US media, and down to every single Ukrainian foot soldier – as witnessed here by the New York Times.

They all believed that Ukraine could just punch through at least three layers of extremely well prepared Russian defenses and merely roll down to Melitopol or the coast of Crimea.

This reveals that hubris, self-affirmations of false beliefs, and incompetence reign deeply in the West. This is very dangerous for the World, because this substitution of realism for a false ideological delusional “view” of the entire World as inferior induces the West to overreach.

Having said that, I must concede that Russia has surprised even me with how high Russia’s capabilities are in the war.

I had expected Ukraine to be able to at least breach Russia’s first lines of defense and seriously press on the second lines. But Ukraine could not even do that. Russia has completely devastated Ukraine even before the first lines of defense, in what Russian doctrine calls the “flexible zone”. After about a month of “counteroffensive”, Ukraine has not even once broken Russia’s first line. Ukraine has only taken a handful of insignificant villages in the flexible zone, most of which were in fact fire bags and death traps prepared by Russia into which Russia sucked in the pressing Ukrainians by pretending “softness”.

Russia’s superiority is the summation of excellent Russian competence at all levels and domains.

Great morale, motivation, and excellent training and preparation of Russia’s fighting soldiers, as witnessed by the New York Times article.

Excellent Russian NCOs and officers in the field. You see great tactical Russian work, like how Russia has designed fire bags with minefields, lures the Ukrainians forward, destroys their columns, forces them into minefields, and turns them aroundafter which the Russians send rockets with mines that mine the returnroad which the Ukrainians had once demined, and destroy the rest of them.

Excellent Russian strategy, thinking, planning, operations, and execution in the Stavka (High Command with Kremlin).

The Russian excellence goes on. The industrial-military committee coordinating the war production has in record time not only ramped up the quantity to levels the West cannot match even over a couple of years – Russia has also lightning fast reacted to the needs for new weapons and made cheap, effective glide bomb systems for existing bombs, and longer range anti-ground missiles eg. for helicopters, keeping Russian helicopters and bombers safe from Ukrainian air defenses. Also, Russia has developed a swarm of cheap drones which overwhelm and deplete even the West’s advanced Patriot systems. And Russia does not only rely on technology, but on humans. For instance, Russia decided for a manual human targeting of some drones to reduce jamming countermeasures. Clever. Clever.

The war in Ukraine is very different today from when it started on 24 February 2022. Russia has intelligently adapted doctrine, leadership, strategy, procedures, weapons, training, motivation, industry, economics, everything to the war. NATO has not. See this.

All this is directed by a competent top, incl. Putin, Medvedev, Shoigu, Gerasimov, Patrushev, while Mishustin and Nabiulina help keep the economy safe and Lavrov builds friendships abroad.

Wagner has played only one role in the whole picture, the role defined by Putin, Shoigu, and Gerasimov. Wagner did that important role very well and took the heavy casualties associated with it, but Wagner has not been indispensable or even the main driver in Russia’s current success. Had it not been for Wagner, somebody else would have done it. Wagner simply solved the task in the most convenient and effective way as planned by the Stavka.

When you work with hazardous substances, always be prepared to contain and deal with any mishaps. Russia’s top showed that ability too, when some in Wagner tried to move in a wrong direction – it was defused before it could do any serious harm, and the events were even turned into advantage for Russia

Why is the rebellious part of the Wagner force allowed to assemble in Belarus?A good guess is that they have all been told to roll their dice again: Participate in a new offensive with 50% casualty-expectation where you can redeem yourself of your mistakes. If this assumption is right, we may once again see the Stavka solving tasks in the most effective and convenient way.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is by Karsten Riise

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Russia holds an African leaders’ gathering this late July 27-28 in St. Petersburg, the second largest city in the Russian Federation. The summit is the highest historical profile and the largest-scale diplomatic landmark event in Russia’s bilateral relations with Africa. In our assessment of the emerging multipolar world, majority of African states are swiftly aligning their policy orientation toward China and Russia.

Russian Ambassador-at-Large and Director of the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Oleg Ozerov, in an interview with Kommersant daily newspaper, explicitly explained that the summit as “envisioned by the Russian authorities, are intended to boost Moscow’s relations with African countries, contacts with which are currently deemed one of the most important aspects of Russia’s foreign policy.”

According to the diplomat, the summit will focus on general issues “concerning the formation of a multipolar world, a new fair architecture of relations based on the principles of sovereign equality of states, equal interaction based on their interests and international law, as opposed to the so-called ‘rules-based order’ promoted by Washington and its allies.”

Given that it is taking place during this tense global situation, it broadly aims at bringing about a fundamentally new level of beneficial partnership to meet the challenges of the 21st century. By this, Russia and Africa will open the second chapter, which defines the comprehensive cooperation between Russia and African nations across significant sectors ranging from politics, security, economic relations, science and technology to cultural and humanitarian spheres.

The first Russia-Africa summit was held in October 2019 under the Peace, Security and Development motto in Sochi. Russian President Vladimir Putin noted in an official statement:

“Today, African countries are well on their way towards social, economic, scientific and technological development, and are playing a significant role in international affairs. They are strengthening mutually beneficial integration processes within the African Union and other regional and sub-regional organizations across the continent.”

Even though Russia is currently undertaking a ‘special military operation’ in neighboring Ukraine, it still considers it necessary to invite African leaders to St. Petersburg. It is the original home of Vladimir Putin, and indeed wanted to welcome Africans for a homecoming-friendly meeting for deliberations. Russia and Africa are bonded by history from the political independence struggle. Both share this little history. As widely known, Putin always expresses the highest affection for changing the situation and commitment to improving conditions for Africa’s estimated 1.4 billion population.

With the highest respect, he consistently reminds us that Russian-African relations are based on long-standing traditions of friendship and solidarity, created when the Soviet Union supported the struggle of African peoples against colonialism, racism and apartheid, protected their independence and sovereignty, and helped establish statehood and build the foundations of national economies.

In the views of many policy experts, both local and foreign, African leaders, trade organizations and corporate business executives have an extraordinary opportunity to design a well-timed strategy to take advantage of the growing market and to boost trade as a way to reverse considerably trade imbalance that has existed from Soviet days between Russia and Africa.

Within the global changes, there are equally good business perspectives for Russia and Africa, for instance, with trade facilitation and support for business enterprises, either small or medium, to seek cooperation in areas of new trade opportunities both in Africa and in the Russian Federation. For example, external countries have been showing massive interest in taking advantage of its emerging opportunities since the inception of the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), which aims to create a single borderless market.

With steadily developing economic links, it’s a pleasure to underline that Russia and African states have a long history of relations. Therefore, importing coffee, cocoa, tea, citrus, sea products and many more from African countries could be important for Russia. Of course, it is necessary to recall from the first summit that both parties have mutually agreed to promote and raise export/import and to cooperate in investment spheres with Russian companies.

In light of Russia’s sanctions – the ban on imports of many types of European agricultural products – diversification of sources of such raw materials has become especially crucial, while import substitution in the country is only fledging. This presents an opportunity for strengthening trade with Asia and Africa. In the views of many, several African countries, such as Morocco, Kenya, and South Africa, have already started filling the niche; Russian market shelves are enjoying a surge in African vegetables and fruits, most of which used to be re-exported through the EU.

As far back as 2014, local African farmers and cooperatives expressed readiness to boost direct exports to Russia, bypassing European mediators. African countries can make a fortune by selling agricultural products to Russia. The overall trade volume between Africa and Russia has been deficient and highly skewed in favour of Russia. But interestingly, there are only a few African countries trading products in Russia’s market for multiple reasons, including inadequate knowledge of trade procedures, rules and regulations, and the changing market conditions. And there are many other obstacles hindering African trade with Russia that have been identified and discussed in many business conferences and seminars.

However, concrete measures to improve the situation must be thoughtfully implemented. There are existing key challenges from both sides. Russia and Africa have been experiencing a shortage of vital business information on doing business and the market environment, and this has, over the years, created a condition of uncertainty, misgivings and negative perceptions among prospective potential traders and investors.

As many have shown concern about these trends, one way is to create a mechanism for disseminating business and trade information that will enhance business interaction among African exporters and Russian importers.

In addition, African leaders have to cultivate business interest in organizing trade platforms and business missions to showcase their potential in the Russian Federation. Comparatively, Africa’s exports to the United States, European Union and even to India and China have been growing due to trade preferences, lower custom tariffs and other trade incentives made available to African exporters by these big-time players.

It is necessary to say that the United States offers various incentives through the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA). China has also adopted similar measures to attract African exporters to its regions. In June 2023, Hunan province held its 3rd annual China and Africa Trade Expo and Exhibition.

According to market research and studies conducted by Markol Consultancy, a business research and policy advisory firm, African exporters have keen interests in the Russian market but need help getting their goods delivered on time to consumers in Russia. They know that the market potential is vast in both ways and further understand that Asian countries have comparative advantage trading with Russia regarding distance, transportation of goods and other infrastructure, including logistics and warehousing.

In an effort to boost Russia-African trade, there should be policy interventions, initiate trade platforms for Russians and Africans to participate in practical discussions on making trade policies more effective and offer import and export credit support for corporate traders to achieve noticeable results.

One of the key AfCFTA initiatives focuses on improving SMEs’ access to finance and markets to encourage their growth and contribution to Africa’s socio-economic development. Russia’s institutions can also provide financial services in areas such as agro-processing, automotive, pharmaceuticals, and transport and logistics – to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in African countries.

Taking a glimpse at the trade volume between China and Africa, both regions have done so much for more than the past 20 years despite all the scepticism and criticism. It is commendable that African countries have made efforts to raise their trade volume dramatically to cut down the trade imbalance, given the Chinese government’s necessary trade incentives and lower customs duties.

As for ways to reverse the huge trade imbalance between Africa and Russia, I would like to make the following suggestion. Russian business people and investors could collaborate in infrastructure, manufacturing, strict quality control and packaging in Africa. China and India are doing these in Ethiopia, for example, and a few other countries.

Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov has repeatedly stated in his speech to African diplomats that Russia was prepared to consider new initiatives to improve trade between the two regions. In May 2014, Lavrov wrote in his article:

“We attach special significance to deepening trade and investment cooperation with the African States. Russia is ready to provide African countries with extensive preferences in trade.”

Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has posted an official report on its website that

“traditional products from least developed countries (including Africa) would be exempted from import tariffs. The legislation stipulates that the traditional goods are eligible for preferential customs and tariffs treatment.”

That is very understandable. Still, African trade has been minimal in the Russian Federation. And unbelievably, African trade figures with Russia are hard to find from both African and Russian sources. For trade relations between Russia and Africa to improve appreciably, granting trade preferences to African countries – for example, tax exceptions or reductions, among other measures. This can become a practical step to strengthen trade relations with Africa.

In addition, there should also be state support to bolster private African entrepreneurs’ efforts not only to raise their economic presence but also to facilitate making solid inroads into the Russian market. This can be beneficial to the entire Eurasian region. Russia is a member of the newly created Eurasian Economic Union (which constitutes a vast market and allows free movement of goods among member countries). The other members include Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

It is worth ending this article by mentioning the role of North-Eastern Federal University, which has educational partnerships and exchange programmes with a number of establishments in Asia and Africa, and the newly established Russian-African Club, a non-profit organization set up to support official efforts in building public opinion, as among the driving forces in the Russian policy of comprehensive partnership with Africa. Ultimately, there is a noticeably growing mutual cooperation between Africa and Russia.


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Professor Maurice Okoli is a fellow at the Institute for African Studies and the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences. He is also a fellow at the North-Eastern Federal University in Russia.

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Important article.

Bear in mind the UN Secretary General is a figurehead, invariably a proxy, who is acting on behalf of by powerful financial interests.

The UN system is in crisis. It is overshadowed by US foreign policy.

Amply documented, there is a US hegemonic agenda behind this proposal. The broader issue is the derogation of the national sovereignty of more than 190 UN member states. 

GR, July 8, 2023


In September 2024, less than two months before the next U.S. presidential election, the United Nations will host a landmark “Summit of the Future,” where member nations will adopt a Pact for the Future. The agreement will solidify numerous policy reforms offered by the U.N. over the past two years as part of its sweeping Our Common Agenda platform.

Although there are numerous radical proposals included in the agenda, perhaps none are more important than the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform,” a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as another worldwide pandemic.

Many of the details of the U.N. emergency platform were laid out in a March 2023 policy paper titled “Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks — An Emergency Platform.” In the paper, the U.N. secretary-general writes,

“I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”

Once triggered, the emergency platform would give the U.N. the ability to “actively promote and drive an international response that places the principles of equity and solidarity at the centre of its work.” The U.N. would bring together the “stakeholders” of the world, including academics, governments, private sector actors, and “international financial institutions” to ensure there is a unified, global response to the crisis.

The emergency platform would also give the United Nations the power to

“Ensure that all participating actors make commitments that can contribute meaningfully to the response and that they are held to account for delivery on those commitments.”

In other words, the United Nations would be given unprecedented authority over the public and private sectors of huge swaths of the world, all in the name of battling a yet unknown crisis.

It Gets Worse

As difficult as it might be to believe, the story gets even worse from here. Although the duration of the emergency platform would initially be set for a “finite period,” at “the end of that period, the Secretary-General could extend the work of an Emergency Platform if required,” according to the United Nations’ own policy proposal.

That means the secretary-general would have the authority to keep the emergency platform in place indefinitely, all without reauthorization from member nations.

What kind of “global shock” would trigger the emergency platform? The U.N. provides several possible examples in its formal proposal, including a “major climatic event,” “future pandemic risks,” a “global digital connectivity disruption,” “major event in outer space,” and, my personal favorite, “unforeseen risks, (‘black swan’ events).”

This isn’t to say that these incredibly broad categories would be the only potential justifications allowed to trigger the emergency platform. The proposal makes clear that it “would allow the convening role of the United Nations to be maximized in the face of crises with global reach and should be ‘agnostic as to the type of crisis,’ as we do not know what type of global shock we may face in the future.”

Further, “The Secretary-General would decide when to convene an Emergency Platform in response to a complex global shock.”

Or, put in simpler terms, a “global shock” is whatever the U.N.’s leadership says it is, triggered whenever the U.N. desires.

Biden Admin Supports the Proposal

The emergency platform proposal might be the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the United Nations, but as shocking as it is, it pales in comparison to the Biden administration’s treatment of this extremist proposal.

Rather than assert America’s independence and sovereignty, the White House has expressed its support for the emergency platform. U.S. Ambassador Chris Lu noted in at least two March 2022 speeches that the Biden administration backs the emergency platform, along with numerous other proposals included in “Our Common Agenda.”

The emergency platform would centralize an immense amount of power and influence, giving the United Nations greater control over the lives of Americans than it has ever had before. And rather than stand up for Americans’ rights, President Biden has already agreed to sell us out.

If the emergency platform is approved, the United States as we know it could cease to exist. That sounds dire, but it’s true. We either stand for freedom now or risk everything come September 2024.


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Justin Haskins ([email protected]) is the director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute and a New York Times bestselling author.

Featured image is from USAID U.S. Agency For International Development/Flickr/Cropped/CC BY 2.0

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First published on January 19, 2023


The ‘speaking plastic box’ in my living room has been trying to sell me an electric car so I can ‘save the planet’.

Yet, as a former scientist at the UK government, Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the UN, I know that climate change is a political scam, and that the production of electric cars causes a lot of ‘real’ pollution. Thousands of other diligent, honest scientists also know this. The climate has always been changing slowly and naturally in its own cycle – climate change is not caused by carbon emissions nor methane from livestock, such as cows.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction is the main focus of the UN-promoted climate-change-hysteria that has been rampant among the world’s population. However, the proclaimed climate crisis exists in computer models only. Real pollution exists, but the problem is not CO2. Industrial globalisation has produced many substances that are registered as pollutants, including thousands of new man-made chemical compounds, toxins, nano-particles and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are in violation of the scientific pre-cautionary principle. Despite the deceptive and fake environmental facade, it has adopted, the vast institutional entity of the UN has fully endorsed environmentally destructive industrial globalisation for the past 70 years. The UN climate change, sustainable development and green economy policies over the past 30 years are little more than worldwide marketing tricks that have tragically brainwashed two generations of young people who do not understand what the UN actually is really designed for, and who are the globalist robber barons that control it from the top down, just as they have controlled the world’s money creation and supply process.

The UN climate crisis predictions are not based on physical evidence, rather they are based on complex computer modelling. One has to decode and analyse the modelling process to ascertain whether or not the models are valid and accurate or whether they have obvious flaws. The vast majority of scientists, economists, politicians and the general public have simply assumed that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) models are accurate. Very few people have the time or skills to analyse these models, not to mention actually dispute them. Nonetheless, there were many senior and highly distinguished scientists that did exactly that – they claimed the UN narrative was incorrect and that there was no climate emergency. Their voices have been drowned out by a vast money-driven political and media establishment of the globalised ‘system’. The vitally important work of some of these renowned scientists is referenced in my book Transcending the Climate Change Deception, which is available on amazon.COM

For example, Professor Richard Lindzen, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences at MIT described that:

“deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that Co2 from human industry was a dangerous plant destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that Co2 the life of plants was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.”

This current globalised system involves the promotion of beliefs and fake science that claim to be unchallengeable truths, but are, in fact, ideologies in which evidence is manipulated, twisted, and distorted to prove the ‘governing idea’, and thus promote its worldwide dissemination. They start with the conclusion they want and then wrench and manipulate what scant evidence they can to fit that conclusion. Man-made climate change due to anthropogenic carbon emission is a major example of this. In the world of 2022, objective truth has been replaced to a very large extent by ideology. The bogus mantra is ‘my opinion is as valid as your opinion’, in the consequent vacuum of no objective truth, ideological power then is what has been dictating reality. The establishment of ‘what is real’ became a contest, in which those with all the money could easily win the battles. However, the game is not over, and truth has a way of surviving and winning the war in the end.

A group of elite interests own the world’s media corporations and literally control the corporate-media narrative. The masses are not supposed to think independently about the reality that is served to them by the current TV/corporate media culture. This is because the intellectual position of the people hypnotised by the corporate-controlled information ‘matrix’ is built on sand. This is the reason thousands of truth tellers are banned or suspended on corporate-owned Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, etc. 

The ‘educated’ masses, meanwhile, are misled by a smile and a charming personality – traits that are often wielded by the narcissist. Former President Obama smilingly told the US population they need to combat climate change – even while the evidence indicated otherwise. Obama later dropped more bombs in the middle-east than his fellow war monger George Bush.

Note that I have no commercial interest in stating that climate change is not caused by CO2. In truth I am against ‘real’ pollution, and the reality is that the CO2 component is not a pollutant. In 2022, many misinformed environmentalists are driving around in electric cars, the battery production for which has caused vast amounts of ‘real’ pollution via the industrial mining and processing of rare earth metals, and the consequent pollution to land, air and water systems. Note that the UN does not focus on the thousands of real pollutants that corporate industrial globalisation creates.

Institutions, including the UN, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the World Health Organisation (WHO), are privately-motivated unelected unaccountable organisations controlled by the source of debt-money creation, i.e., the world private-banking cartel; and are just clever marketing tools and political mechanisms for implementing and maintaining a corrupt worldwide system, under the clever guise of ‘fixing the problems of the world’.  The word “sustainable” was hijacked decades ago, and it is now deceptively used to advance the agendas of globalist mega-corporate interests. The aim is to catapult humanity into the arms of UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF ‘reset’ plan, which are clever marketing plans entirely designed by the so-called elite mega-corporate interests of the Davos group.

The world’s central bankers are fully funding the worldwide climate change ‘project’. The Bank for International Settlements created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure, which represents the world’s mega-banks and well over $100 trillion of assets globally. The truism ‘follow the money’ springs to mind – and by doing so, one quickly discovers who runs the corporate, political, and media world.

Many people are, thus, in a media-and-government-induced dysfunctional state of confusion, and, thus, blindly assume their pre-determined role in society under this ‘dictatorship of words’ without even being aware of it. For example, we now have millions of so-called climate change warriors blind to the fact that climate change is not actually caused by carbon emissions. This is all to scare people into accepting totalitarian authority and limitations to their freedom and personal wellbeing.

The unpalatable reality is that people’s access to energy and resources is being intentionally reduced via bogus climate change policies, high inflation, ongoing geo-political theatre and intentionally instigated war, in which both ‘sides’ are pawns for the wider agenda of the punch-and-judy show globalists.

We cannot understand how to create a truly resilient society unless we correctly perceive the current society we live in and how it came to exist. So, who are the architects of the current paradigm. This book is designed to help in that regard. Unless we face the ugly reality of the current paradigm, even if it is not ‘politically correct’ to do so, then we will not be able to make the correct adjustments to current society, or create a better society.

Topics detailed in the new book include:

  • Renowned scientists that have demolished the bogus UN claims
  • The UN IPPC cherry picks data and uses flawed modelling
  • The hijacking of the real environmental movement at the Earth Summit in 1992 by the banking sector to promote this climate change agenda
  • Desertification – UN incorrectly state that animal livestock is a cause
  • What is the UN really?
  • True objectives behind the UN 17 ‘New Sustainable Development Goals’
  • 1913 – 2023: Private banking control and the corporate super-entity
  • The climate change agenda is entirely funded by international bankers
  • Sustainable development is a problem wrapped up as a solution – what about the real sustainability challenge?
  • Globalisation – a destructive paradigm
  • Contemporary economics is a flawed ideology / pseudo-science
  • Systemic problems, oil dependency
  • Creating resilient local systems
  • Wisdom from ancient Vedic texts


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Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK; and at the United Nations Environment Division; and is the author of the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception – Toward Real Sustainability available on Amazon only.

Featured image is from Spiked

Transcending the Climate Change Deception – Toward Real Sustainability

by Mark Christopher Keenan

Publisher‏: ‎Independently published (August 14, 2022)

Language: English

Paperback: 314 pages

ISBN-13: ‎979-8846528925

This book demolishes the fake climate change hysteria. The author, Mark Keenan, is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. Via their control of politics and the media, powerful special interests have tried to convince the world that Co2 is a climate changing toxin. The UN climate change narrative, that Co2 causes climate change, will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world. The money agenda, fake science and fraudulent computer modelling is exposed. Thousands of experienced and distinguished scientists assert and have proved that the UN narrative is a lie. The climate hoax has subverted and suppressed real environmentalism and real local sustainability, and is designed to propel humanity into UN Agenda 2030, which is a plan for total corporate control of the world’s resources. UN Agenda 2030 aims to move everyone off the land and into ‘smart cities’. This is smart for them, not smart for you. We are in a real physical and spiritual war for truth and freedom.

Click here to purchase.

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The CIA’s Blind Spot About the Ukraine War

July 8th, 2023 by William M Arkin

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We bring to the attention of our readers this important article by William M. Arkin published by Newsweek. 

Our thanks to Newsweek 


One of the biggest secrets of the Ukraine war is how much the CIA doesn’t know. The Agency is as uncertain about Volodymyr Zelensky‘s thinking and intentions as it is about Vladimir Putin‘s. And as the Russian leader faces his biggest challenge in the aftermath of a failed mutiny, the Agency is straining to understand what the two sides will do—because President Joe Biden has determined that the United States (and Kyiv) will not undertake any actions that might threaten Russia itself or the survival of the Russian state, lest Putin escalate the conflict and engulf all of Europe in a new World War. In exchange, it expects that the Kremlin won’t escalate the war beyond Ukraine or resort to the use of nuclear weapons.

America’s stance is under threat because the near-mutiny by Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner Group, raises the question as to whether Moscow has run out of options.

“Putin’s back is really against the wall” a senior defense intelligence official tells Newsweek, warning that while the CIA fully grasps how much Russia is stuck in Ukraine, it is very much in the dark with regard to what Putin might do about it. With talk of Russian nuclear weapons possibly being deployed to Belarus, and in light of Prigozhin’s public exposure of the terrible costs of fighting, something that Moscow has suppressed, the official says that it is a particularly delicate moment. “What is happening off the battlefield is now most important,” says the official, who was granted anonymity in order to speak candidly. “Both sides pledge to limit their actions, but it falls to the United States to enforce those pledges. This all hinges on the quality of our intelligence.”

“There is a clandestine war, with clandestine rules, underlying all of what is going on in Ukraine,” says a Biden administration senior intelligence official who also spoke with Newsweek. The official, who is directly involved in Ukraine policy planning, requested anonymity to discuss highly classified matters. The official (and numerous other national security officials who spoke to Newsweek) say that Washington and Moscow have decades of experience crafting these clandestine rules, necessitating that the CIA play an outsize role: as primary spy, as negotiator, as supplier of intelligence, as logistician, as wrangler of a network of sensitive NATO relations and perhaps most important of all, as the agency trying to ensure the war does not further spin out of control.

“Don’t underestimate the Biden administration’s priority to keep Americans out of harm’s way and reassure Russia that it doesn’t need to escalate,” the senior intelligence officer says. “Is the CIA on the ground inside Ukraine?” he asks rhetorically. “Yes, but it’s also not nefarious.”

Newsweek has examined in depth the scale and scope of the CIA’s activities in Ukraine, especially in light of growing Congressional questions about the extent of U.S. aid and whether President Biden is keeping his pledge not to have “boots on the ground.” Neither the CIA nor the White House would give specific responses for confirmation, but they asked that Newsweek not reveal the specific locations of CIA operations inside Ukraine or Poland, that it not name other countries involved in the clandestine CIA efforts and that it not name the air service that is supporting the clandestine U.S. logistics effort. After repeated requests for an on-the-record comment, the CIA declined. Neither the Ukrainian nor Russian governments responded to requests for comment.

Over the course of its three-month investigation, Newsweek spoke to over a dozen intelligence experts and officials. Newsweek also sought out contrary views. All of the credible experts and officials Newsweek spoke to agreed that the CIA has been successful in discreetly playing its part in dealing with Kyiv and Moscow, in moving mountains of information and materiel and in dealing with a diverse set of other countries, some of whom are quietly helping while also trying to stay out of Russia’s crosshairs. And they didn’t dispute that on the CIA’s main task—knowing what’s going on in the minds of the leaders of Russia and Ukraine—the Agency has had to struggle.

Intelligence experts say this war is unique in that the United States is aligned with Ukraine, yet the two countries are not allies. And though the United States is helping Ukraine against Russia, it is not formally at war with that country. Thus, much of what Washington does to aid Ukraine is kept secret–and much of what is normally in the realm of the U.S. military is being carried out by the Agency. Everything that is done, including work inside Ukraine itself, must comply with limits established by Biden.

Click here to read the full article on Newsweek.


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The relative peace and tranquility that we had been enjoying for several months has been shattered. All of a sudden, chaos is erupting all over the globe.

Rioters are setting fires in cities all over France,

The IDF just conducted the largest military operation in the West Bank since 2002,

and the Russians and the Ukrainians are both accusing one another of wanting to attack the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

If that facility is bombed, it could potentially cause a nuclear disaster far worse than the one that we witnessed at Chernobyl in 1986.

Unfortunately, I believe that global instability will be the norm throughout the remainder of 2023 and beyond. Much more civil unrest and war are ahead, and that has very serious implications for every man, woman and child on the entire planet.

Cars burn in the aftermath of clashes between protesters and police following the death of Nahel, a 17-year-old teenager killed by a French police in Nanterre during a traffic stop, in Toulouse, France, June 28, 2023. (TIMOTHEE FORGET/VIA REUTERS)

Personally, I have been absolutely stunned by the tremendous violence that has been taking place in France. It is being reported that 5,662 vehicles have been set on fire during the rioting so far…

Ministry of the Interior figures taking account of damage to people and property during the now six nights of riots triggered by the shooting death by a police officer of an Algerian heritage teenager in a Paris suburb at a traffic stop reveals there have been 5,662 vehicle fires so far, reports Le Parisien.

The widespread destruction of vehicles, which as images recorded in the areas of unrest in France attest, include not just private cars but also trucks and buses. Trams have also been targeted by vandals. In one widely-reported case, a large truck was stolen by looters to ram down the doors of a mall to gain access to the merchandise inside. There were 1,919 vehicle fires on Thursday night alone.

France has seen a lot of riots in recent years, but nothing quite like this.

At least 1,000 buildings have been torched during these riots, and that includes 254 police stations

Damage has not by any means been limited to burnt-out cars and buses, however. As the government figures attest, at least 1,000 buildings have been damaged in the riots. This includes attacks on 254 police stations, as well as dozens of town halls, schools, post offices, and private commercial properties targeted for burning or looting.

The rioters have already caused a billion dollars in damage, and this crisis still isn’t over.

But this isn’t the biggest global story right now.

An Israeli military bulldozer seen leveling roads and destroying the center of the Jenin refugee camp during a raid on the camp near the West Bank City of Jenin, july 3, 2023. (Photo: Nasser Ishtayeh/SOPA images via ZUMA Press Wire/APA Images)

Over the past few days, the Israeli military has been conducting the most extensive military operation that we have witnessed in the West Bank since 2002

Over 1,000 IDF troops were involved in the campaign, which appeared to be the largest in the West Bank in some 20 years.

Speaking alongside Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Jenin “in the past two years had become a factory for terror. In the past two days, this ended.”

“We cut off the weapons manufacturing process, captured thousands of bombs, destroyed dozens of production sites, workshops and explosives labs,” he said.

The IDF is beginning to wrap up this campaign, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that this was “not a one-time thing”

“At this moment we are completing the mission, and I can say our widescale action in Jenin is not a one-time thing,” Netanyahu said during a visit to the Salem checkpoint, some 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from Jenin.

“We will continue [to operate] as necessary to root out terrorism. We will not allow Jenin to go back to being a hotbed of terror,” he added.

Tensions in the region have reached a boiling point, and it is just a matter of time before a major war erupts in the Middle East.

But this conflict in the West Bank is not the biggest global story right now either.

To me, the most important global story at the moment is what is going on in Ukraine.

The Russians and the Ukrainians are both warning that an attack on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is imminent

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has claimed that Russia is plotting a potentially dangerous attack on Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, which Russian forces have occupied for more than a year. Russia has accused Ukraine, meanwhile, of plotting to attack the same sprawling Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Enerhodar, southern Ukraine, in the next two days.

It was a nerve-racking night for people across Ukraine amid the crossfire of accusations, but especially in the towns and cities near the Zaporizhzhia plant, including the city of Zaporizhzhia just a few miles away, which Russia never managed to capture.

I hope that there is no truth to any of this.

But where there is smoke, there is often fire.

I think that someone has been plotting something, and if an attack is carried out it could potentially create a disaster that is “not even comparable to Hiroshima or Nagasaki”

An explosion at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant ‘is not even comparable to Hiroshima or Nagasaki’, a Ukrainian opposition leader has told MailOnline.

Such a blast would be ‘a much more terrifying and massive nuclear accident that, in the conditions of such a war, can lead to unpredictable consequences,’ he said.

The good news is that the entire world is now watching the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant very closely due to all of the accusations that are going back and forth.

So it will be much harder for either side to pull something off.

Let us hope that an attack does not happen, because that could set off a chain of events that nobody would be able to control.

For example, if the Russians believed that the Ukrainians attacked the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, they may respond by using tactical nuclear weapons against Ukrainian military targets.

If that happens, the U.S. would likely respond by using tactical nuclear weapons against Russians military targets.

And then it would be just a matter of time before we get to a full-blown nuclear war.

Already, one prominent Russian leader is warning that the U.S. and the EU “will be responsible for the consequences” if the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is destroyed…

“The goal is monstrous: to use a nuclear terrorist attack to accuse Russia and force the collective West to get directly involved in the Ukrainian conflict,” Leonid Slutsky, chairman of the Russian State Duma’s International Affairs Committee, wrote on his Telegram channel.

Slutsky said tensions are growing around the Zaporizhzhia plant, as they are also “in European capitals.” And in a thinly veiled warning, added, “Brussels and Washington have every chance of being among the sponsors of nuclear terrorists and will be responsible for the consequences of blowing up” the plant.

This is incredibly serious.

But most Americans have absolutely no idea that any of this is going on.

Speaking of the United States, there have been 10 mass shootings in our nation over the past two days…

So far, there have been at least 10 mass shootings on July 4 and 5, according to GVA. Much of the information about each shooting is preliminary, and the details – about the number or nature of the injuries, for example – could change as police investigate.

Mass shootings have become so common that each one barely makes a blip in the news before the next one happens.

And it is just a matter of time before the rioting that we are witnessing in France erupts here too.

We are a nation that is in a very advanced state of decline, and most Americans are completely and utterly unprepared for what is coming.

The chaos that is currently being unleashed all over the world is just a small preview of the great storm that is ahead.

So I would encourage you to get things in order while you still can, because the pace of global change has accelerated to a speed that is absolutely breathtaking.


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Michael Snyder has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News which are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. 

It is finally here! Michael Snyder’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.

Featured image is from the author

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Biden Says Assad Must Go

July 7th, 2023 by Connor Freeman

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While on the campaign trail, President Joe Biden spoke with some “Syrian American activists” who favor increased sanctions on the country as well as regime change in Damascus, during a private fundraiser in Maryland last month. According to neoconservative columnist Josh Rogin – one of Bill Kristol’s protégés –  Biden told these regime change advocates that, among other things, Assad must go. Rogin says these activists “took advantage of their audience with Biden… to implore him to do more to oppose” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Alla Tello, a Syrian American from Massachusetts, said she declared to Biden that “Assad must go,” to which the president responded “I agree.” That rallying cry was first uttered in 2011, when the Barack Obama administration began launching its dirty war against Damascus, an ultimately failed but extremely bloody regime change effort.

Al-Qaeda affiliated militants and Islamic State fighters waged a war against the people of Syria and its government that is estimated to have resulted in the deaths of more than 500,000 people. The terrorist forces that carried out the failed regime change attempt were supported often by the CIA and its allies, including the British, the French, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar.

Consequently, Russia maintains a significant military presence in Syria, having intervened at the request of Assad in 2015 to help beat back ISIS and al Qaeda elements wreaking havoc. Iran and Hezbollah also came to the aid of Damascus. Tello demanded that that Washington do more to “help the Syrian people free themselves from the grip” of Assad, Tehran, and Moscow. “[Biden] said, ‘I can’t promise you, but I will do the best I can,’” she told Rogin.

“Encouragingly, these activists told me, Biden not only seemed to care deeply about the plight of Syrians but also seemed to want to do more about it,” Rogin writes. This rings hollow as for years, on a near-weekly basis, Tel Aviv has dropped bombs on Syria. Last year, the Wall Steet Journal reported that a large portion of these air raids are carried out with the US military’s coordination. The Israelis claim their constant airstrikes are meant to counter Iranian forces in the country, though they routinely target and kill Syrian soldiers as well as civilians, along with airports, and other civilian infrastructure. This year, following a devastating earthquake which killed thousands of Syrians, the Aleppo airport – which was a vital channel for aid – was bombed on three separate occasions and rendered inoperable by the Israeli Air Force.

During the last several decades, Biden has been known as apartheidIsrael’s man in Washington.” Since becoming president, he has said emphatically that US ties with Tel Aviv are “bone-deep,” including in the wake of the Israeli military’s murder of an American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh. In May, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant boasted that since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to power last December, the airstrikes in Syria have doubled. Reportedly, Israel has bombed Syria at least 19 times this year alone.

“We have to save Idlib,” Muhammad Bakr Ghbeis, Tello’s husband, told Biden. This northwestern province has been controlled by al Qaeda affiliates for years as a result of Washington’s policy. Even the hawkish Brett McGurk, the former anti-ISIS envoy under Obama and Trump, admitted in 2017 that “Idlib Province is the largest Al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11.” McGurk is now Biden’s top Middle East official on the National Security Council.

“Please save Idlib, Mr. President,” Ghbeis pleaded, to which Biden replied “I hear you, but I can’t send U.S. soldiers to Syria.” Washington currently has about 900 troops illegally deployed to eastern Syria, backing the Kurdish-led SDF, and occupying about a third of the country, where US forces control most of Syria’s oil and wheat resources. This is not the first time Biden has forgotten he has US forces engaged in combat in Syria and dropping bombs.

As Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, the commander of CENTCOM, has conceded, the American troops’ unwanted presence is becoming increasingly dangerous as there have been numerous close calls with Russian forces as well as aircraft and dozens of attacks by ostensibly Iranian backed groups. Nevertheless, Biden is not reducing troop levels, instead another base is being built in the northern province of Raqqa.

Ultimately, these so-called activists at the Maryland fundraiser were agitating for a more bellicose sanctions policy aimed at thwarting the regional realignment which has taken place this year, namely with Riyadh normalizing relations with Damascus and Syria being welcomed back into the Arab League. Syria’s neighbors including former adversaries have largely accepted that Assad is not going anywhere. However, Biden’s administration opposes these moves toward bringing Assad in from the cold and, following the Arab League’s decision, imposed more sanctions on Syria.

Rogin said these activists insisted “[the White House] publicly support a bipartisan bill called the Assad Regime AntiNormalization Act that would stiffen penalties on any entity that aids the Assad regime.”

After more than a decade of brutal war, rebuilding Syria will cost an estimated $250-400 billion. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, America’s top diplomat, has made clear that the administration is absolutely committed “to oppose the reconstruction of Syria” absent regime change. To that end, Washington has for years implemented a harsh sanctions regime on Syria using the bipartisan Caesar Act, a law which can target any person or entity of any nationality that attempts to do business with the war-torn country. These sanctions deliberately target the country’s engineering and construction sectors.

As a result, the civilian population has been devastated. According to Alena Douhan, a UN special rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures who visited Syria for twelve days last year, the sanctions “severely harm human rights and prevent any efforts for early recovery, rebuilding and reconstruction.” She added that “12 million Syrians grapple with food insecurity” and “90% of Syria’s population currently lives in poverty,” with limited access to food, shelter, water, electricity, healthcare, heating, cooking, fuel, and transportation.


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Connor Freeman is the assistant editor and a writer at the Libertarian Institute, primarily covering foreign policy. He is a co-host on Conflicts of Interest. His writing has been featured in media outlets such as and Counterpunch, as well as the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. He has also appeared on Liberty Weekly, Around the Empire, and Parallax Views. You can follow him on Twitter @FreemansMind96

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I have asserted in other essays that the single greatest moral and philosophical question of our time is what would occur if any further scientific and technological advance were impossible.

Would, in fact, our species’ much vaunted ingenuity be directed towards employing current technical means and prowess towards the establishment of a fairer world, a world marked by equal opportunity, relief from the ravages of hunger and privation, and preservation of human liberty?

After all, having harnessed the energies of the atomic nucleus and having mapped the human genetic code, having constructed scarcely believable edifices and a web of satellites that brings within its embrace a system of global intercommunication, what more is wanting to achieve a social fabric that would ensure human autonomy and protection from the perils of inequality?

Nothing, in my opinion, save a moral imperative.

Yet mankind, renowned for its unquenchable – and never-to-be-questioned – mission to ‘know’ and to discover, woven into the very fabric of its constitution, will undoubtedly continue on its quest and therefore to control even more; and just as assuredly will every scientific advance be appropriated by those in positions of power to enhance their power.

There is indeed an artistic form of knowing, represented by the great Greek tragedies and the works of Shakespeare and the many wonderful poets that have served to represent the other pillar of human achievement, but this kind of knowing has little, if any, practical value. It cannot be appropriated by politicians for uses of manipulation and conquest, not at its core; and if so appropriated it becomes not art but rank propaganda. I can think of no practical utility associated with having read a wonderful poem, or seen a magnificent play, or listened to a marvelous piece of music, save a sense of overarching communion with humanity and with those idealistic and transcendent forces that inspire our ideals.

To those whose talents lie in the acquisition and exercise of power, art is an irrelevance, while any new scientific advance is appropriated for its potential to subjugate. Even though art may represent a mastery of sorts, a mastery of emotional riddles and conflicts, it is a mastery that confers no material advantage. Creativity, and the freedom of thought and feeling that is essential to its function, is a distinctive characteristic of humankind, but its distinction pales in relation to that other pillar of human uniqueness, the wielding of power and the never-ending search for greater power under the guise of scientific inquiry.

It is no exaggeration to assert that in our here-and-now the condensation of power, spurred by remarkable advances in computation and so-called artificial intelligence, has never been more sublimely cogent, nor more global. The Few have, at their fingertips, far more than ever before, and the covid debacle showed to any with a sentient eye or ear how easily they might impose a world-encompassing agenda. It is worth recalling how swiftly and efficiently human activity was brought to a virtual stand-still in early 2020, thanks to a phoney pandemic engineered by a global mafia, a mafia that continues relentlessly to push for centralized control, censorship, ‘depopulation’ and the extirpation of human rights.

Nonetheless, we really do have a choice, but the ‘we’ I am referring to is the ‘we’ of governments and institutions who have seized the reins of power, but whose power can only be derived from the people they are meant to serve. And the choice is this: renounce the avid search for further technological advance in favor of concentrating on the creation of a just and equitable social order – or continue as is to violate the human genome and flirt with nuclear catastrophe until a catastrophe greater than Hiroshima and Nagasaki occurs.

The Amish community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, made a decision to draw a line at technological development. They eschew automobiles, for example, and maintain an intimacy with the natural world unknown to those of us who are ‘urbane’. In fact, they did exceedingly well throughout the covid wars, despite their rejection of masking, distancing and ‘vaccination’. They did so well that their success has been concealed by organized state-sponsored media. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is a paean to a similar pastoral ideal and a marked repudiation of industrialized terror.

But this ideal, or idyll, will never be realized, precisely because the prehensile talents that made humankind lords of the earth are the very same attributes that, having achieved so much, will result in its inevitable demise. The political lust for power, conducted in the guise of science, eclipses the desire for the creation of a just and good social order. And unless this drive is recognized and thwarted by those less desirous of control, by those of us whose priorities lie not in discovering unknown forces to be exploited for purposes of management and destruction by the Few, the species will become, inevitably, extinct.

A transhumanist ‘ideal’ has already gained a foothold while the devastation wrought by the gene-altering bioweapon masquerading as a life-sustaining vaccine will continue apace to reduce fertility, create disease and to kill.

Computational power will continue to grow exponentially, and our already digital world will be de-intelligized by machines until, in the absence of human autonomy, there really will be nothing left of a human soul.

Is this inevitability a calamity?

I suppose it all depends …

I am reminded of a brief but charming essay by Freud, entitled ‘On Transience’, the gist of which is that life is all the more precious the more transient and temporary it may be.

As that horizon of horizon nears we still have time and space to make a choice. It will necessitate a heroic and enlightened effort, an effort that goes against the grain of our constitutional predilection for grasping, an effort that breaks the stranglehold of the Elite and invigorates and inspires itself by a deliberate renunciation of power in favor of creativity, cooperation and selflessness.

Even if we do not, in the end, succeed – and the odds are against us – we will at least have filled our days, we who have chosen light over numbers, with honor, and with cheer.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Jordan Henderson

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The playbook the pimps of war use to lure us into one military fiasco after another, including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine, does not change. Freedom and democracy are threatened. Evil must be vanquished. Human rights must be protected. The fate of Europe and NATO, along with a “rules based international order” is at stake. Victory is assured.

The results are also the same. The justifications and narratives are exposed as lies. The cheery prognosis is false. Those on whose behalf we are supposedly fighting are as venal as those we are fighting against. 

The Russian invasion of Ukraine was a war crime, although one that was provoked by NATO expansion and by the United States backing of the 2014 “Maidan” coup which ousted the democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych wanted economic integration with the European Union, but not at the expense of economic and political ties with Russia. The war will only be solved through negotiations that allow ethnic Russians in Ukraine to have autonomy and Moscow’s protection, as well as Ukrainian neutrality, which means the country cannot join NATO. The longer these negotiations are delayed the more Ukrainians will suffer and die. Their cities and infrastructure will continue to be pounded into rubble.

But this proxy war in Ukraine is designed to serve U.S. interests. It enriches the weapons manufacturers, weakens the Russian military and isolates Russia from Europe. What happens to Ukraine is irrelevant. 

“First, equipping our friends on the front lines to defend themselves is a far cheaper way — in both dollars and American lives — to degrade Russia’s ability to threaten the United States,” admitted Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.

“Second, Ukraine’s effective defense of its territory is teaching us lessons about how to improve the defenses of partners who are threatened by China. It is no surprise that senior officials from Taiwan are so supportive of efforts to help Ukraine defeat Russia. Third, most of the money that’s been appropriated for Ukraine security assistance doesn’t actually go to Ukraine. It gets invested in American defense manufacturing. It funds new weapons and munitions for the U.S. armed forces to replace the older material we have provided to Ukraine. Let me be clear: this assistance means more jobs for American workers and newer weapons for American servicemembers.”

Once the truth about these endless wars seeps into public consciousness, the media, which slavishly promotes these conflicts, drastically reduces coverage. The military debacles, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, continue largely out of view. By the time the U.S. concedes defeat, most barely remember that these wars are being fought. 

The pimps of war who orchestrate these military fiascos migrate from administration to administration. Between posts they are ensconced in think tanks — Project for the New American Century, American Enterprise Institute, Foreign Policy Initiative, Institute for the Study of War, The Atlantic Council and The Brookings Institution — funded by corporations and the war industry. Once the Ukraine war comes to its inevitable conclusion, these Dr. Strangeloves will seek to ignite a war with China. The U.S. Navy and military are already menacing and encircling China. God help us if we don’t stop them.

These pimps of war con us into one conflict after another with flattering narratives that paint us as the world’s saviors. They don’t even have to be innovative. The rhetoric is lifted from the old playbook. We naively swallow the bait and embrace the flag — this time blue and yellow — to become unwitting agents in our self-immolation.

Since the end of the Second World War, the government has spent between 45 to 90 percent of the federal budget on past, current and future military operations. It is the largest sustained activity of the U.S. government. It has stopped mattering — at least to the pimps of war — whether these wars are rational or prudent. The war industry metastasizes within the bowels of the American empire to hollow it out from the inside. The U.S. is reviled abroad, drowning in debt, has an impoverished working class and is burdened with a decayed infrastructure as well as shoddy social services. 

Wasn’t the Russian military — because of poor moralepoor generalshipoutdated weaponsdesertions, a lack of ammunition that supposedly forced soldiers to fight with shovels, and severe supply shortages — supposed to collapse months ago? Wasn’t Putin supposed to be driven from power? Weren’t the sanctions supposed to plunge the ruble into a death spiral? Wasn’t the severing of the Russian banking system from SWIFT, the international money transfer system, supposed to cripple the Russian economy? How is it that inflation rates in Europe and the United States are higher than in Russia despite these attacks on the Russian economy? 

Wasn’t the nearly $150 billion in sophisticated military hardware, financial and humanitarian assistance pledged by the U.S., EU and 11 other countries supposed to have turned the tide of the war? How is it that perhaps a third of the tanks Germany and the U.S. provided were swiftly turned by Russian mines, artillery, anti-tank weapons, air strikes and missiles into charred hunks of metal at the start of the vaunted counter-offensive? Wasn’t this latest Ukrainian counter-offensive, which was originally known as the “spring offensive,” supposed to punch through Russia’s heavily fortified front lines and regain huge swathes of territory? How can we explain the tens of thousands of Ukrainian military casualties and the forced conscription by Ukraine’s military? Even our retired generals and former CIA, FBI, NSA and Homeland Security officials, who serve as analysts on networks such as CNN and MSNBC, can’t say the offensive has succeeded. 

And what of the Ukrainian democracy we are fighting to protect? Why did the Ukrainian parliament revoke the official use of minority languages, including Russian, three days after the 2014 coup? How do we rationalize the eight years of warfare against ethnic Russians in the Donbass region before the Russian invasion in Feb. 2022? How do we explain the killing of over 14,200 people and the 1.5 million people who were displaced, before Russia’s invasion took place last year?

How do we defend the decision by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to ban eleven opposition parties, including The Opposition Platform for Life, which had 10 percent of the seats in the Supreme Council, Ukraine’s unicameral parliament, along with the Shariy Party, Nashi, Opposition Bloc, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, State, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialists Party and Volodymyr Saldo Bloc? How can we accept the banning of these opposition parties — many of which are on the left — while Zelenskyy allows fascists from the Svoboda and Right Sector parties, as well as the Banderite Azov Battalion and other extremist militias, to flourish? 

How do we deal with the anti-Russian purges and arrests of supposed “fifth columnists”  sweeping through Ukraine, given that 30 percent of Ukraine’s inhabitants are Russian speakers? How do we respond to the neo-Nazi groups supported by Zelenskyy’s government that harass and attack the LGBT community, the Roma population, anti-fascist protests and threaten city council members, media outlets, artists and foreign students? How can we countenance the decision by the U.S and its Western allies to block negotiations with Russia to end the war, despite Kyiv and Moscow apparently being on the verge of negotiating a peace treaty? 

I reported from Eastern and Central Europe in 1989 during the breakup of the Soviet Union. NATO, we assumed, had become obsolete. President Mikhail Gorbachev proposed security and economic agreements with Washington and Europe. Secretary of State James Baker in Ronald Reagan’s administration, along with the West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscherassured Gorbachev that NATO would not be extended beyond the borders of a unified Germany. We naively thought the end of the Cold War meant that Russia, Europe and the U.S., would no longer have to divert massive resources to their militaries. 

The so-called “peace dividend,” however, was a chimera.

If Russia did not want to be the enemy, Russia would be forced to become the enemy. The pimps of war recruited former Soviet republics into NATO by painting Russia as a threat. Countries that joined NATO, which now include Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia, reconfigured their militaries, often through tens of millions in western loans, to become compatible with NATO military hardware. This made the weapons manufacturers billions in profits. 

It was universally understood in Eastern and Central Europe following the collapse of the Soviet Union that NATO expansion was unnecessary and a dangerous provocation. It made no geopolitical sense. But it made commercial sense. War is a business.

In a classified diplomatic cable — obtained and released by WikiLeaks — dated Feb. 1, 2008, written from Moscow, and addressed to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, NATO-European Union Cooperative, National Security Council, Russia Moscow Political Collective, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of State, there was an unequivocal understanding that expanding NATO risked conflict with Russia, especially over Ukraine.

“Not only does Russia perceive encirclement [by NATO], and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests,” the cable reads. “Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face. . . .”

“Dmitri Trenin, Deputy Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, expressed concern that Ukraine was, in the long-term, the most potentially destabilizing factor in U.S.-Russian relations, given the level of emotion and neuralgia triggered by its quest for NATO membership . . .” the cable reads.  “Because membership remained divisive in Ukrainian domestic politics, it created an opening for Russian intervention. Trenin expressed concern that elements within the Russian establishment would be encouraged to meddle, stimulating U.S. overt encouragement of opposing political forces, and leaving the U.S. and Russia in a classic confrontational posture.”

The Russian invasion of Ukraine would not have happened if the western alliance had honored its promises not to expand NATO beyond Germany’s borders and Ukraine had remained neutral. The pimps of war knew the potential consequences of NATO expansion. War, however, is their single minded vocation, even if it leads to a nuclear holocaust with Russia or China. 

The war industry, not Putin, is our most dangerous enemy.   


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Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief for the paper. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He is the host of show The Chris Hedges Report.

Featured image: Preying for Peace – by Mr. Fish

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Already in September 2022 the Pentagon was voicing concerns about ammunition and arsenal shortages while US President Joe Biden was announcing an extra $3 billion military aid to Ukraine. Things are not so good with its transatlantic allies: in March 2023, Europe’s military was described as being in an “appalling state” by a Foreign Affairs article – a situation which is hard to escape amid today’s deindustrialization.

Last month, the US was announcing it would spend yet another $325 million to replace tanks destroyed by Russia during Ukraine’s costly and failed counteroffensive. The hard economic costs and depletion or arsenals, however, should not be Washington’s only concern: since 2020, merely 23% of young Americans (aged 17-24) are “eligible for military service without a waiver” and most ineligible youth are disqualified “for multiple reasons”, such as overweight, poor medical health, and drug abuse.

In their Atlantic piece, Former US Army Officer Jason Dempsey (an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security) and former US Marine officer Gil Barndollar (a senior fellow at Defense Priorities) paint a very worrisome picture, from an American point of view. The 50-year old “all-volunteer force” (AVF), as the US military has come to be known after its last draftee in 1973, they write, has become “unsustainable”, facing threats in “three fronts” – namely cost, capacity, and, more importantly, “continued ability to find enough Americans willing and able to serve.”

Military pay and benefits have skyrocketed since 9/11, actually rising by more than 50 percent. Its high cost is one of the factors that make the US military small. When faced with medium-sized campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, it already found it challengefull to provide just enough troops. Thus, Dempsey and Barndollar argue it could be broken by any “major conflict”. For example, they write, just over the past year of confrontation, Russia and Ukraine both have had casualties that are equal to at least half the active-duty U.S. Army, and current US military doctrine says that a force is destroyed after taking 30 percent casualties. In other words, the US itself could not endure what its ally Ukraine does.

In any case, merely 9 percent of young US citizens would seriously consider military service, a figure which is near the all-time low since the so-called All-Volunteer Force began. To broaden the recruiting pool, service branches loosened their restrictions on things such as neck tattoos and other standards. In June last year, the US Army went so far as to briefly drop its requirement for a high school diploma. Even so, the US military simply can’t seem to find recruits and keeps falling short of its enlistment quotas.

The AVF crisis is part of a larger societal crisis, even civilizational. Consider this fact: US citizens are currently enduring its worst drug crisis ever, fueled by epidemic opioid abuse. According to Council on Foreign Relations deputy editor Claire Klobucista and expert Alejandra  Martinez, this state of affairs endangers the US “public health, economic output, and national security.” Opioid drugs (both legally manufactured medications and illicit narcotics) already are by far the leading cause of fatal overdoses in the country.

Or consider this: right now, the US Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services says that the Food and Drug Administration agency (FDA) is still dodging oversight and failing to provide answers regarding an ongoing baby formula shortage crisis. There is more: even though it is supposedly the world’s richest nation, the US healthcare system is collapsing, with hospitals closing down, overcrowded and understaffed facilities, and lack of items such as ICU beds. The country is also facing a mental health crisis, with 40% of parents reporting their children struggle with anxiety or depression, among other issues.

Given all these domestic and systemic issues, it is no wonder that most youth either do not qualify or do not want to be part of the military. Considering that many young people, due to so many factors, simply do not qualify for service, bringing back the draftee (with all the political costs) would simply not solve the issue. This is one of the reasons why the US increasingly needs to fight proxy wars.

In November 2022, while addressing the Naval Submarine League’s annual gathering in Arlington, Virginia, US Navy Admiral Charles Richard, then head of US Strategic Command had this to say about the Ukraine crisis: “this is just the warmup. The big one is coming.” He added: “It isn’t going to be very long before we’re going to get tested in ways that we haven’t been tested a long time.” At the time he urged policy makers and Pentagon chiefs to return to the 1950s and 1960s dynamism in order to face such challenges.

Those are bold and ambitious calls for a declining, overburdened and overextended superpower which is actively pursuing a dual containment policy targeting both Russia and China simultaneously. In addition, it aims to maintain its naval hegemony as a sea power while also engaging in land wars as part of a Mackinder-like struggle for the Heartland. Like the meme-famous pelican, it seems to want it all. However, appetite and capacity are not to be confused. It remains to be seen whether or not American society will continue to have what it takes for all that and just for how long. Right now, the prospect is not looking good.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

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The Capitalists Are Circling Over Ukraine

July 7th, 2023 by Thomas Fazi

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Two weeks ago, thousands of representatives from businesses and governments from across the world gathered in London to “support Ukraine’s recovery”. But was the gathering of all those Western corporate elites at the Ukraine Recovery Conference entirely altruistic? There are, after all, massive profit opportunities being created by the war. 

Last year, the Ukrainian government essentially outsourced the entire post-war “reconstruction” process to BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm. They signed an agreement to “provide advisory support for designing an investment framework, with a goal of creating opportunities for both public and private investors to participate in the future reconstruction and recovery of the Ukrainian economy”. In February, J.P. Morgan was brought on board as well.

The two banks will run the Ukraine Development Fund, which aims to raise private investment in projects potentially worth hundreds of billions of dollars across sectors including tech, natural resources, agriculture and health. BlackRock and J.P. Morgan are donating their services, but, as the Financial Times noted, “the work will give them an early look at possible investments in the country”. The opportunities are significant, particularly in the agricultural sector: Ukraine is home to a quarter of the world’s chernozem (“black earth”), an extraordinarily fertile soil, and before the war it was world’s top producer of sunflower meal, oil and seed, and one of the biggest exporters of corn and wheat. 

From certain perspectives, the war is clearly good for business: indeed, the greater the destruction, the greater the opportunities for reconstruction. At Davos this year, Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, said he hoped the initiative would turn the country into a “beacon of capitalism”. David Solomon, CEO of Goldman Sachs, also spoke cheerily of Ukraine’s post-war future. “There is no question,” he said, “that as you rebuild, there will be good economic incentives for real return and real investment.”

Seeing opportunity amid the tragedy, 500 global businesses from 42 countries have already signed the Ukraine Business Compact “to help realise its huge potential” — or secure their slice of the Ukrainian pie. “Most are standing on the sidelines for now, given the security threat,” the FT reported. “But there are already companies on the cusp of moving in — especially in the low-hanging-fruit industries of construction and materials, agricultural processing and logistics.”

Over the years, across a series of similar events, Western governments and corporate leaders have made no secret of their enthusiasm to use the post-Maidan regime — and now the war — to radically alter Ukraine’s political economy. The agenda: to open up the country and make it safe for Western capital by transforming it into a special economic zone. This neoliberal shock therapy should, in their view, include “strengthening the market economy”, “decentralisation, privatisation, reform of state-owned enterprises, land reform, state administration reform”, and “Euro-Atlantic integration”, as well as widespread “deregulation” and the slashing of “outdated labour legislation leading to complicated hiring and firing process, regulation of overtime, etc”. In short, the Washington Consensus on steroids.

This programme has, arguably, been underway since the mid-Nineties, when the West used IMF loans-cum-conditionalities to impose on Ukraine, just as it did on Russia, a series of radical free-market-minded reforms that crippled the economy. As the Indian economist Prabhat Patnaik has pointed out, the IMF played a key role in precipitating the 2014 crisis: Ukraine’s then-President, Viktor Yanukovych, refused to accept IMF demands that he cut wages, slash social spending and end gas subsidies in order to integrate with the EU, and turned instead to Russia for an alternative economic agreement. This was the backdrop for the Western-backed Euromaidan protests and, eventually, the 2014 regime change.

After 2014, the West’s economic agenda was stepped up once again. Western multinationals had long had their eyes on Ukraine’s vast agricultural wealth, but a 2001 moratorium on the sale of land to foreigners had always represented an obstacle to unrestrained privatisation. As post-Maidan governments turned again to the IMF for financing, aid was conditioned on a series of land reforms that would finally allow foreign corporations to acquire vast tracts of the country’s farmland. In the 2015 TV series, Servant of the People — which starred Zelenskyy as the fictional president, Goloborodko — the conditions required by the IMF for a new loan are rejected and the Western delegation is expelled. But in reality, things went rather differently. In 2020, Zelenskyy gave in to the IMF’s demands and finally repealed the moratorium.

“Agribusiness interests and oligarchs will be the primary beneficiaries of such reform,” said Olena Borodina of the Ukrainian Rural Development Network. “This will only further marginalise smallholder farmers and risks severing them from their most valuable resource.” But the World Bank could barely contain its excitement, gushing: “This is, without exaggeration, a historic event.” Even though the new law isn’t set to come into force until next year, US and Western European agrobusinesses have already bought up millions of hectares of Ukraine’s farmland — with 10 private companies reportedly controlling most of it.

As war has raged, the West’s calls for “structural reforms” in Ukraine have only intensified. In mid-2022, the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), an influential European think tank, published a report, Macroeconomic Policies for Wartime Ukraine, which argued that Ukraine’s aim should be “to pursue extensive radical deregulation of economic activity”. Even more troublingly, according to the Oakland Institute economic observatory, Western financial aid “is being used as a leverage by the financial institutions to drive post-war reconstruction towards further privatisation and liberalisation reforms”. The European Union, for example, made it clear that the bloc’s decision to suspend interest payments on Ukraine’s loans would only be activated if there were “compliance with political prerequisites” with regard to labour reforms, for example, and the privatisation of state assets.

It came as no surprise, then, when last year the Ukrainian government adopted wartime legislation to severely curtail the ability of trade unions to represent their members. It gave employers the right to unilaterally suspend collective agreements and effectively exempted the vast majority of employees from Ukrainian labour law — a dramatic rollback for workers but a boon for global capital. Western governments have silently consented to the reforms and, in fact, leaked documents from 2021 indicate that the UK, via its development aid arm, UK Aid, and its embassy in Kyiv, was funding consultants to assist the Ukrainian government in selling the labour market reforms to the people.

As the Ukrainian government has simplified and accelerated the privatisation of state-owned enterprises, Zelenskyy would seem to have gone out of his way to similarly express the country’s “openness” to Western capital. Last September, he virtually opened the New York Stock Exchange, symbolically ringing the bell via video stream. He used the occasion to present “Advantage Ukraine”, his government’s new investment initiative (which relies on another British firm, WPP, for its marketing side). Zelenskyy said that his country was “open for business” — that is, for foreign corporations to come and exploit its resources and cheap labour. “I committed my administration to creating a favourable environment for investment that would make Ukraine the greatest growth opportunity in Europe since the end of the Second World War,” he wrote in the Wall Street Journal. Predictably, the president of the NYSE Group, Lynn Martin, wholeheartedly welcomed Ukraine’s decision to offer “unfettered access to capital”.

In January this year, addressing the participants of the meeting of the National Association of State Chambers, Zelenskyy described American business as the “locomotive that will once again push forward global economic growth”. No one would blame Zelenskyy for choosing the lesser of two evils here: Western banks over Russian tanks. Yet, the grim fact remains that even if his nation succeeds in repealing the Russian invasion, the future in store for Ukraine is not necessarily one of sovereignty and self-determination but, most likely, one of Western economic tutelage.


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Thomas Fazi is an UnHerd columnist and translator. His latest book is The Covid Consensus, co-authored with Toby Green.

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In a 6-3 decision, the United States Supreme Court eradicated any legal basis for the targeted admission of African Americans and other national minorities in higher educational institutions.

The ruling, which is specifically related to the consideration of racial discrimination and the need for a multicultural social environment on university campuses, has far broader implications as it relates to the struggle to overcome the legacies of enslavement, forced removals, legalized and de facto segregation, and economic exploitation.

This case was brought by a group calling itself Students for Fair Admissions, Inc., which filed a lawsuit against the President and Fellows of Harvard College claiming their affirmative action policies were unjustified and violated the Constitution. All six of the Republican-appointed justices voted with the plaintiffs saying in essence that there is no longer a need for race-conscious admissions policies in colleges and universities.

A similar lawsuit involving the University of North Carolina was combined with the Harvard case in the ruling. North Carolina was one of the Confederate states which succeeded from the U.S. during the Civil War of 1861-65. The state has been a bastion of institutional racism against African Americans since the post-Reconstruction period during the late 19th century.

Conservatives have appropriated the notion of a “color blind” country in the aftermath of the reforms adopted between the 1950s and the 1970s which were a direct outcome of the mass and legal struggles against Jim Crow led by African Americans. It was the forces for civil rights which emphasized the necessity of overturning the judicial decisions made by the Supreme Court from the mid-1870s through the Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) case where the doctrine of “separate but equal” was enshrined in U.S. constitutional law.

While the racially separate part of the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling was faithfully upheld in law and practice, there was then, and even now, no compulsion towards equality for the African American people. Within the field of education from K-12 to colleges and universities, a system of inequality and exclusion prevailed.

It would be the historic Brown v. Topeka Board of Education ruling of 1954 which culminated a decades-long legal and political movement to end inequality in the U.S. The efforts aimed at achieving equality of access and admission in education paralleled the struggles to take down the “white only” signs on businesses and other forms of public accommodations.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, an African American woman appointed to the Supreme Court, in her dissent challenged the false claims of the U.S. being a “color blind” nation. Justice Jackson wrote:

“This contention blinks both history and reality in ways too numerous to count. But the response is simple: Our country has never been colorblind. Given the lengthy history of state-sponsored race-based preferences in America, to say that anyone is now victimized if a college considers whether that legacy of discrimination has unequally advantaged its applicants fails to acknowledge the well-documented ‘intergenerational transmission of inequality’ that still plagues our citizenry. It is that inequality that admissions programs such as UNC’s help to address to the benefit of us all. Because the majority’s judgment stunts that progress without any basis in law, history, logic, or justice, I dissent.” (file:///C:/Users/panaf/Downloads/Jackson-dissent.pdf)

To the extent that there is equality and self-determination for the oppressed in the U.S. is by far largely due to the mass struggles of the oppressed and their allies. As it was necessary for the U.S. to have a Civil War in order to end involuntary servitude, millions were then forced to demonstrate and rebel at the risk of social ostracism, imprisonment and death to secure any semblance of fundamental rights.

Affirmative Action and the Struggle for Freedom and Equality

Affirmative Action as a governmental policy was raised in an address by then President Lyndon B. Johnson during a graduation commencement at Howard University on June 4, 1965. Johnson would later that summer on August 6 sign into law the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Prior to the late 1960s, many efforts designed to integrate workforces, educational institutions and businesses were carried out on a token basis.

There were no timetables and specific goals established to break down the historical discrimination which characterized all aspects of U.S. society. There was the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, yet it would take more rigorous measures to ensure that employers actually hired and promoted African Americans, Latin Americans, women and other oppressed and marginalized groups.

Johnson in his speech at Howard, an historic Black University in Washington, D.C., noted that:

“But freedom is not enough. You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying now you are free to go where you want, and do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.

You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, ‘you are free to compete with all the others,’ and still justly believe that you have been completely fair.

Thus, it is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All our citizens must have the ability to walk through those gates.

This is the next and the more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity. We seek not just legal equity but human ability, not just equality as a right and a theory but equality as a fact and equality as a result.” 

However, the Johnson administration was not able to implement its civil rights agenda because the demands of the masses of African Americans had outstripped the willingness and capacity of the federal government to act. Just five days after the signing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the people of the Watts section of Los Angeles rose in rebellion for several days, representing the largest of such occurrences in U.S. history.

Urban rebellions became a major source of protest by African Americans between 1963-1970 as over 200 cities were hit by widespread property destruction, arson and armed confrontations with law-enforcement and military personnel. Although the official narratives related to civil rights and affirmative action disproportionately credit White House administrations, Congressional bills and local ordinances for the enactment of recruitment and hiring programs, it was the self-directed efforts of the African American people which won the right to enter many jobs categories and educational structures.

A Civil Rights Bill for 1966 failed in Congress in part due to the advent of the Black Power Movement and the urban rebellions. Under the guise of not wanting to reward “rioters”, the Congress and White House moved towards a period of “benign neglect”, where the problems of the African American people were considered beyond the scope of the federal government to effectively address.

The Counterrevolution Strikes Back

Since the 1970s, there have been a host of judicial rulings and legislation adopted which have eroded the gains granted as concessions during the early phases of the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements. The famous Bakke Decision of 1978 ostensibly preserved affirmative action notwithstanding the elimination of quotas. Without specific numerical goals such as quotas, there is no guarantee that full equality in education and labor can be realized.

Demonstration against Bakke v. Calif, 1978 (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

A decade ago in 2013, the Shelby County v. Holder ruling of the Supreme Court eviscerated the enforcement provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Since that time period, there have been continued attacks on the right to vote for oppressed peoples. Supporters of former President Donald Trump, who were encouraged by their leaders, campaigned after the 2020 elections to nullify tens of millions of ballots cast by African Americans and other People of Color Communities in order to secure another term for the Republican candidate.

A recent article published by the St. Louis American asked the question:

“Will this ruling extend outside the halls of academia and affect businesses and other institutions influenced by race-based policies? Already Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has announced that the Supreme Court decision should extend beyond college admissions saying that ‘Institutions subject to the U.S. Constitution or Title VI must immediately cease their practice of using race-based standards to make decisions about things like admissions, scholarships, programs, and employment.’”

These decisions made by the Supreme Court will only aggravate the existing inequalities between the races. African Americans may intensify their struggle to reclaim lost employment and educational guarantees.

At the same time, the further alienation of oppressed peoples and their allies could serve as a means for deeper analysis and political action against the entire capitalist system. Eventually, there has to be a clash of interests involving those seeking to reverse the progressive trends within the U.S. and the emerging majority of oppressed and working people committed to winning total freedom and social emancipation.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image: African Americans led demonstration in support of affirmative action (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

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In a significant development, a review article published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences is openly calling for anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to be reclassified as gene therapy products.

Noting their rapid development and approval in response to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the article argues that, now the pandemic has passed, it is time to properly consider the safety issues associated with their use. Despite their principle of action corresponding to regulatory definitions of gene therapies, the article explains, the injections are instead being treated as vaccines against infectious diseases. Government authorities have provided no scientific or ethical justification for this.

Pointing out that they represent a novel class of vaccine based on new technologies, the article proposes that anti-COVID-19 vaccines should be subject to more controls than conventional injections. Noting that manufacturers are planning to replace certain “classic” vaccines with mRNA versions, starting with influenza vaccines, and that mRNA cancer “vaccines” are also being announced, the article stresses that safety issues arising from the absence of sufficient regulatory controls should urgently now be addressed.

Vaccine manufacturers had expected their mRNA products to be regulated as gene therapies

The article strongly asserts that mRNA injections are not vaccines and that they should comply with gene therapy product regulations. Interestingly, therefore, it also describes how both Moderna and BioNTech had originally expected to have their mRNA products regulated as gene therapies.

Moderna acknowledged in a 2020 United States Securities and Exchange Commission filing that “currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.” Similarly, BioNTech founder, Ugur Sahin, in a 2014 article, stated that: “One would expect the classification of an mRNA drug to be a biologic, gene therapy, or somatic cell therapy.” In view of this neither company should have any cause for complaint should their mRNA products be reclassified.

Evidence suggests mRNA injections can cause or reactivate cancers

Discussing the types of studies that should have been carried out prior to the authorization of anti-COVID-19 mRNA injections, the article describes how Europe’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has noted that no data are available on vaccine placental transfer or excretion in breast milk. However, research carried out independently of the products’ manufacturers has demonstrated the passage of vaccine mRNA into breast milk in the first week following injection. According to a United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) report, adverse effects observed in breast-fed babies could be due to this. Moreover, nanoparticles, similar to those found in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, have been shown to be capable of crossing the placental barrier in mice. The article therefore argues that extensive preclinical and clinical studies should have explored these aspects.

Carcinogenicity, tumorigenicity, and immune suppression studies should also have been carried out, the article asserts, as studies have suggested mRNA vaccines may induce immunotolerance. Recommending that cancers developed by vaccinated individuals should be monitored over the long term, the article describes how cancers have been shown to develop following mRNA vaccinations or even be reactivated by them.

No long-term human safety data exists for mRNA injections

The article notes that gene therapy product regulations require very long-term monitoring of adverse effects. This will be difficult to achieve for mRNA vaccines, the article explains, as the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has only requested a 24-month follow-up of adverse events after vaccination, saying that a significant number of participants in the placebo group have now been vaccinated.

Moderna announced that “as of 13 April 2021 all placebo participants have been offered the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and 98% of those have received the vaccine.” As the British Medical Journal summarized the situation, “the trial is unblinded and the placebo group no longer exists.” This clearly makes proper safety follow-up very difficult.

Describing how the EMA’s latest date for pharmacovigilance follow-up for anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is 31 March 2024, the article further explains how this is well below the 30-year follow-up period that the agency requires for gene therapy products. In the United States, the FDA has a 5- to 15-year follow-up for such products.

In its conclusion, the article notes that the role of regulatory agencies is to ensure the safety and efficacy of medicines. Given however that the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically accelerated the timetable for the production and clinical use of mRNA vaccines, it will clearly not have been possible for all aspects of their safety to have been fully addressed. With billions of doses administered, the long-term effects of this are incalculable.

But with an effective, safe approach to improving immunity against COVID-19 now available in the form of a game-changing combination of natural micronutrients, the risks of submitting to experimental mRNA injections can no longer be justified. The only parties to suffer from this revolutionary scientific development, as well as from the reclassification of mRNA injections as gene therapies, will be the multibillion-dollar vaccine industry and its stakeholders.

Speaking at a World Health Summit conference in Berlin, Bayer executive Stefan Oelrich admitted that, in reality, anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are gene therapies.


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This article was originally published on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings. You can find Paul on Twitter at @paulanthtaylor

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from DRHF

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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